1 £• * ** vS&fa- % <& ^ ^ .vs /4 ? ++ \WV f \ ^ *b V - fc Jiri tfco 4 * <£ r* * o • • ^ **^-> THE BOOK OF PRAISE; OR, US**** FOR PUBLIC AND SOCIAL WORSHIP. PREPARED UNDER THF BAVOfflOH LA) 4UTHOUYT, AND^W-BBHALr OF TUE QENERA1 ASSOCIATION Of CuN.NH.IKTT. HARTFORD: HAMERSLEY A CO. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1869. V Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by W. T. Eustis, Jr., Edwin P. Parker, M. M. G. Dana, H. N. Dunnin and L. L. Paine, For the General Association of Connecticut, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Con- necticut. STEREOTYPED BY MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN, PHILADELPHIA. LliRAftV PREFACE TO THE HYMN AND TUNE BOOK. The General Association of Connecticut, constrained by a demand from many quarters for ■ moi tory book of praise, pawnd ■ resolution Distracting and authorizing a committee of five pastors — namely, \V. T. Eustis, Jr., E. P. Parker, II M. O. Dana. H. X. Dun- ning, and L L Paine -to pn p ire and publish, in their behalf, a new Hymn and Tune Book. Thus instructed and authorised, the Goinmittei rm tin- work . into their hands, striving to fulfil both the letter and the spirit of the not in their own wisdom merely, but relying on to of the Spirit of all wisdom and iggestioni and assistance 01 many of their brethren in the churches. This "Bookoi they now offer to the ( General Lation of Connecticut, and to all the chnn h Christ in the land, BS the fruit of tie ir long and arduous lab In the selection of hymns from rari the delicate work of deciding between different read- of wall-known hymns, and in tie n of a plan of arrangement, they have n< -1 without the most careni] research and deliberation. The division of the bo il distinct tions, each of which i- prefii mmmary ment of its oont ther with the ii ections which laces the first page of hymns, will, it i- believed, greatly assist the readers in h icoming Bpeedily familiar with the entire book, and also in readily finfling hymns Buited to anv riven topic. Here and there a hymn may be found which - to be arbitrarily Located. While a few such instances were unavoidable under the present plan of arrange- ment, they are quite unimportant as compared with it.s many and decided advantages. 3 4 Preface. In the selection of hymns, the chief aim has been to make the book, what its name imports, a Book of Praise. Hymns that throb with a warm spiritual life, — devotional rather than didactic, — that bear the soul upward toward God and Christ and heaven, " on devo- tion's lofty wing," and in which, as in the Psalms of David, the worshipping spirit delights to pour out and offer up the sacrifices of praise, have been chiefly sought. Watts and Charles Wesley are the principal contri- butors to this collection. While there are very few new hymns in this book (and these, for the most part, from the pen that wrote "My faith looks up to thee"), there are not a few of rare merit and beauty, which have never been published in any similar collection. With respect to the " alterations" of hymns, suffice it to say that ^he hymns in this book have been faith- fully compared with their original forms, so far as such comparisons were possible ; and the original read- ings have been faithfully adhered to, except where hymns have been manifestly improved by alterations which usage has sanctioned. That this rule of criti- cism is indefinite, and leaves the door still open to errors and abuses, the editors are well aware. If in the application of the rule their judgments have been some- times in fault, it will be to them less a matter of wonder than of regret. For some unusually sensible remarks upon this whole subject of hymn-mending, the reader is commended to a most delightful book by the Rev. S. W. Christophers (London : S. W. Partridge. New York : A. D. F. Randolph), entitled, " Hymn- Writers and their Hymns." With regard to the music of this collection, the editors have endeavored to select tunes which would render congregational singing practicable, profitable, and plea- sant, — avoiding the extremes of commonplace music on the one hand, and of too difficult music on the other. To Dr. Ray Palmer, for permission to use many of his valuable hymns, and for his kindness in contri- buting several new and beautiful compositions for this work, thanks are most cordially rendered. Many o^the tunes in this book are the property of American authors or publishers, and are herein used by their permission. Among those from whom, by special arrangement, valuable tunes and hymns have been obtained, may be named Messrs. Barnes & Burr, Messrs. Mason Bros., Mr. John Wiley, Mr. S. T. Gor- don, Dr. Thomas Hastings, Mr. Asa Hull, Mr. George Kingsley, Mr. George F. Root, and Oliver Ditson & Co. Preface, 5 To those who have contributed either hymns or music to these pages, and to all who, in any way, have assisted in the preparation of this work, — and more particularly to Rev. T. J. Holmes, Mr. E. P. H. Thomp- son, and Dudley Buck, organist of the Park Church in Hartford, — the editors tender their grateful acknow- ledgments. The rest of the Committee would express their own obligation to the Rev. E. P. Parker for the indefatigable zeal and energy which he has exhibited in the pre- paration and publication of this ki Book of Praise/' To him the churches are chiefly indebted fur the com- pleteness of this new aid to devotion. The editors would present their completed task to the General Association of Connecticut, and to the churches of our common faith throughout the land, in the hope and prayer that it may prove a meal spiritual peace and comfort to many bOoIb, a UM-ful and profitable manual of devotion in the services of the sanctuary, and so an acceptable offering unto the Lord. \Y. T. EU8TI8, -Ik.. j;i >\\ IN P. PARKER M. M. Q. DANA. II. N. DINNING, L. L PAINS. Hartford, April, 1868. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. In conformity with wishes frequently ex- pressed, an edition of the Hymns is here- with presented without the tunes alluded to in the Preface to the Hymn and Tune Book. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Section I. Page 0. SELECTIONS FOB I BANTING QB READING, FBOlf THE PSALMS, THE PBOPH1 AND THE m:w TESTAMENT. Al><>, tki "Gh I •■ 7'- Da m La*do- , and Section II. : 71. PUBLIC WORSHIP. The I CUmng of Worship. III. | 117. HOLT SCRIPTUB] - Section IV. Paoi 189. GOD THE FATHER, BON, AND HOLY GHOST. Birth, Passion, Resurrection, etc. of Christ. 8 Contents. Section V. Page 211. SALVATION BY CHRIST. Depravity. — Regeneration. — Atonement, — Gospel Call. — Repentance and Faith. Section VI. Page 293. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Hymns looking Godward. — Hymns looking unto Jesus. — Songs in the Night. — Songs by the Way. — Graces and Duties. — Prayer. Section VII. Page 475. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. The Foundation, Glory, and Edification of the Church. — Lord's Supper. — Baptism. — The Ministry. — Ordina- tion, Installation, Dedication Hymns. — The Spread of the Gospel. Section VIII. Page 537. MORTALITY AND IMMORTALITY. Brevity of Life. — Death. — Resurrection. — Judgment. — Eternity. — Heaven. — Funeral Hymns. Section IX. • Page 593. MISCELLANEOUS HYMNS. New Year. — Fasts. — Thanksgivings. — Seamen. — Temper- ance. — National Blessings. INDEXES. THE BOOK OF PRAISE. SECTION I. SELECTIONS FOR CHANTING. I Malt. <> : <>. 1 Our Father which art in heaven, hall | be Ui>/ ii< une; Thy kingdom <-<>m<\ thy will he done in | f/i at it is in 2 Givcfufl this day our | daily bread; And forgive us our debts a- u our debtors. 3 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver | us from t vtt; For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the J glory, fan w r, Ann n. 1 Oh, praise the Father, | praisi the Son, The | Lamb for sinners given^ 2 And Holy Ghoet, through whom alone Our I souls arc raised to heaven. 1 Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And | to the Holy . For the Lord knoweth the | way of the right- eon* : But the way of the un | god - ly shall perish. Psalm 8. 1 O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in | all the earth ! Who bast set thy j glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength be | cause of thine ' '" s t That thou mightest still the | ene - my and tie avengi r. S WTien 1 consider thy heavens, the | work of The moon and the stars | which thou hast Joined; Chants. 1 1 4 What is man, that thou art | mindful of him f And the son of man, | that thou visitest him f 5 For thou hast made him a little lower | than the angels, And hast crowned | him with glory and honor. 6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the | works of thy hands : Thou hast put all | things beneath his feet : 7 All | sheep and oxen, Yea, and the | beasts of the field: The fowl of the air, and the | fish of the sea, And whatsoever passeth | through the paths of the seas. [9 O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth !] Note. — Omit last verse in chanting, and close with the " Gloria Patri." 4 Psalm 19. 1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his | handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech , and night unto I night - sheiveth knowledge. 2 There is no speech nor language where their | voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their | words to the end of the world. 3 The law of the Lord is perfect, con | verting the soul: The testimony of the Lord is sure, | making wise the simple. 4 The statutes of the Lord are right, re | joicing the heart : The commandment of the Lord is pure, en | lightening the eyes. 5 The fear of the Lord is clean, en | during forever : The judgments of the Lord are true and | righteous altogether. 1 2 Chants. 6 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than | much fine gold; Sweeter also than | honey and the honey -comb. 7 Moreover, by th m is thy | servant warned; And in keeping of | them is great reward. 8 Who can under | stand his errors; Cleanse thou | me from secret faults. 9 Keep back thy servant also from presump- j tuous sins : let them not have do | minion over me ; Then shall I be upright, and I shall be inno- cent | from the great transgression. 10 Let the words of my mouth, and the medi- ! tation | of my heart , Be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my | strength and my redeemer. Psalm 23. 1 The Lord is my Shepherd, I | shall not want He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the | still - waters. 2 He restoreth my soul, he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his | name's - sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy | staff they comfort me. 3 Thou preparest a table before me in the pre- sence of mine enemies : thou anointest my head with oil : my | cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life : and I will dwell in the house of the | Lord forever. Amen. Psalm 24. 1 The earth is the Lord's, and the I fulness thereof; The world, and | they that dwell therein. Chants. 1 3 2 For he hath founded it up | on the seas, And established | it upon the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the | hill of the Lord? And who shall stand | in his holy place ? 4 He that hath clean hands and | a pure heart ; Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor | sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing j from the Lord; And righteousness from the | God of hi< saL ration. 6 Lift up your heads, | ye gaU And be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors ; and the King of glory shall eonu in. Who is this | King of glory t The Lord Btrong and mighty, the | Lord mighty in battle. 8 Lift up your heads, | O ye gaJU Even lift them up, ye everlasting doors ; and the King of | glory shall conn in. 9 Who is this | King of glory/ The Lord of hosts, he | is the King of glory* I rsnlni St. Unto thee, Lord, do I lift ?//> my soul; Shew me thy ways, () Lord, teach wu thy paths. Lead me in thy truth and | teach -me; For thou art the God of my >alvation ; on thee do j / wait all the day. 3 Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies, and j loci ay bind For they have been etH r of- old. 4 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor | my tran$gr( According to thy mercy remember thou me for thy | goodness 9 sake, O Lord. 14 Chants. 5 Good and upright | is the Lord : Therefore will he teach | sinners in the way. 6 The meek will he | guide in judgment: And the | meek will he teach his way. 7 All the paths of the Lord are | mercy an truth Unto such as keep his | covenant and his te% timonies. Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And | to the Holy Ghost : As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be, World | without end. Amen. Psalm 27. 1 The Lord is my light and my salvation whom | shall I fear f The Lord is the strength of my life, of | whom shall I be afraid t 2 Though an host should encamp about me, my heart | shall not fear ; Though war should rise against me, in this will | I be confident. 3 One thing have I desired | of the Lord; That | will I seek after; 4 That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behoM the beauty of the Lord, and | to inquire in his temple. 5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in | his pavilion ; In the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me : he shall | set me on a rock. 6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies | round about me; Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacri- fices of joy ; I will sing, yea, I will sing p raises to the Lord. Chants. 15 5J From Psalm 34. 1 Oh, magnify the | Lord with me, And let us ex | alt his name together. 2 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from | all my ft The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, | and deliver eth them. 3 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good J Blessed is the | man who trusts in him. 4 Oh, fear the Lord, | ye his saints, For there is do | want to them that fear him, 5 The young lions do lack and suffer hu But they tha the Lord Bhall not j want any good thing. 6 The Lord is nigh unto them thai arc <»i' a brokt n In art, And savetfa Buch as he | of a contrii 7 The righteous cry and the j Lord-l And deli vereth them outofalltfu ir trov ft The Lord redeemeth tin- j soul of his servants; And none of them that trust in him shall be 1(J From Psalm 4ft. 1 As (lie hart panteth after so panteth my bou! after I thee, God; Al v soul thirsteth lor God, for the living God: when shall I come and ap 2 My tears have been my meal ! day and night, While they continually say unto me, Where is thy G 3 Why art thou vn. O my soul? and why art thou disqui< Hope thou in God! for 1 shall ye! praise him for the | help -of his countenance. 1 6 Chants. 4 O my God, my soul is cast | down within me, All thy waves and thy billows | are gone over me, 5 Yet the Lord will command his loving-kind- ness | in the day - time f And in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the | God - of my life. 6 Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou disquiet | ed within me t Hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my | countenance, and my God. 11 Psalm 48. 1 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city | of our God, In the | mountain of his holiness. 2 Beautiful for | situation, The joy of the w 7 hole | earth is Mount- Zion. 3 We have thought of thy loving | kindness, God; In the I midst - of thy temple. 4 According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise unto the | ends of the earth ; Thy right hand is | full of righteousness. 5 Let Mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of | Judah be glad Be | cause - of thy judgments. 6 Walk about Zion, and go | round about her, | Tell the towers thereof 7 Mark ye well her bulwarks, con | sider her palaces, That ye may tell it to the gene | ration folr lowing. 8 For this God is our God for | ever and ever ; He will be our guide | even unto death. Chants, 1 7 Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And I to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be, World I without end. Amen. \L Psalm 46. 1 God is our | refuge and strength, A very | present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will we not fear though the | earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried in | to the midst of the sea. Though the waters thereof | roar and be troubled, Though the mountains | shake with the swell- ing thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the | diy of Ood, The holy place of the tain-mad.- | of the most- High. God is in the midst of her: Bhe -hall | not be moved ; God shall I hrlp hn\ and that right rnrhj. The heathen raged, the | kingdom* mere n\oved : He uttered his | voire, the earth - melted. Come, behold the | works of the Lord ,• What desolations he hath | mndr in oil the < trth; He maketh wars to cease unto the | tndi the earth, He breaketh the bow, and cuttoth the spear in sunder; he burnetii the | chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that | I am QodI I will be exalted among the heathen. I will be ex I alted in the earth. 2 j 8 Chants. 10 The Lord of | hosts is with us ; The God of | Jacob is oar refuge. 13 Psalm 36. 1 How excellent is thy loving | kindness, 0\ God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the | shadow of thy wings, 2 They shall be abundantly satisfied with the] fatness | of thy house; And thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasure. 3 For with thee is the | fountain of life ; In thy | light shall we see light. 4 Oh, continue thy loving-kindness unto | them that know thee, And thy righteousness to the | upright in heart. Amen. 14 Psalm 51. 1 PI ave mercy upon me, O God, according to thy | loving - kindness : According unto the multitude of thy tender mercies | blot out my transgressions. 2 Wash me thoroughly from | mine iniquity, And | cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I acknowledge | my transgressions, And my | sin is ever before me. 4 Hide thy face | from my sins, And blot out | all mine iniquities. 5 Create in me a clean | heart, God : And renew a right | spirit within me. 6 Cast me not away | from thy presence, And take not thy | Holy Spirit from me. 7 Restore unto me the joy of | thy salvation, And uphold me | with \hy free- Spirit. Chants. 19 8 Then will I teach trans | gressors thy ways, And sinners shall be con | verted unto thee. 9 Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou God of I my salvation ; And my tongue shall sing aloud | of thy righteousness. 10 O Lord, open | thou my lips; And my mouth | shall thru: forth thy prait l>> > In God is my Balvation | Trust in him at all times: ye people, | out your | h art bef God I is us. 20 . '//;. in oppression, Mid I nol | riches increase vri upon i 1 bes thai power be | ' i >l. !* AJso, onto tli- 1. !»«' ' longeth m to I 10 P»alm I >, thou art my I Jod : early j u Uu il tbirsteth for thee, my flesh lone for thee in a dry and thirsty land | m 2 To we thy ad thy glory, so as I have •I thee | in tin sanctuary. B ai le thy loving-kindness is better than 8 Thus will I bless thee whil I will lift uj> my | hands 'in thy nan 4 My -Mil shall be satisfied as with | mo 'Kltl f And my mouth shall | praise thee with jo ise then hasl fo >re in the shadow «»t' thy | wings will J and j to ' - 1 ■ // As il was in ginning, is dow, and thai World end. A Chants. 2 1 1 / Psalm 65. 1 Praise waiteth for thee, | God in Zion; And unto thee | shall the voiv be performed. 2 thou that hear est prayer, unto thee shall | all flesh come; As for our transgressions, thou shalt | purge - them away. 3 Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may | dwell in thy courts : We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even | of thy holy temple. 4 By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of | our salvation ; Who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar | off upon the sea: 5 Which by his strength setteth fast the moun- tains : being | girded with power ; Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the | tumult of thepeople. 6 They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid | at thy tokens : Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and | evening to rejoice. 7 Thou visitest the earth and waterest it : thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God which is | full of water : Thou preparest them corn when thou hast | so provided for it. 8 Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly ; thou settlest the | furrows thereof: Thou makest it soft with showers; thou blessest the | springing thereof. 18 ! 8 L I. • id, and u shall L 6 1 7 ( . I shall j b ' And all the ends of the | earth eh -him. Ic3 P*alui 7 1. thy - unto the pie wit! ous- 2 II shall come down like rain upon the | rih, all the ] /•/;'' ; < ; 4 He shall ! i from | r un | to / the \\ j'all <1 'un before him : all Vim. Chants. 23 6 His name shall be continued as | long as the sun; And men shall be blessed in him ; all | nations shall call him blessed. 7 Blessed be the Lord God, the | God of Israel, Who only | doeth ivondrous things. 8 And blessed be his glorious | name forever ; And let the whole earth be filled with his | glory. Amen. From Psalm 77. 20 1 In the day of my trouble I | sought the Lord: My soul refused | to be comforted. 2 Hath God forgotten to be gracious ? Hath he in anger shut up his | tender mercies f Is his mercy clean gone forever ? Doth his promise | fail for evermore f 3 And I said, This is my in | firmity ; I will remember the years of the right | hand of the Most High. 4 Thy way, O God, is | in the sanctuary; Who is so great a | God as our - God t 5 Thou art the God that | doest wonders: Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the | sons of Jacob and Joseph, 6 Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps | are not known; Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the | hand of Moses and Aaron. Li Psalm 80. 1 Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph | like a flock, Thou that dwellest between the | cherubims, shine forth. 2 a Chants. 2 Turn us again, O God, and cause thy | face to shine; | And we shall be saved. 3 O Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the | prayer of thy people t Thou feedest them with the bread of tears, and givest them | tears to drink in great measure. 4 Turn us again, O Lord of hosts, and cause thy | face to shine ; | And we shall be saved. 5 Return, we beseech thee, O | Lord of hosts; Look down from heaven, and be | hold and visit this vine ; 6 And the vineyard which thy right j hand hath planted, And the branch which thou | madest strong for thyself. 7 So will we not go | bach from thee ; Quicken us, and we will | call upon thy name. 8 Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, cause thy | face to shine ; | And we shall be saved. LL Psalm 84. 1 How amiable are thy tabernacles, O | Lord of hosts ! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord : my heart and my flesh crieth | out for the living God. 2 Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may | lay her young ; Even thine altars, O Lord of | hosts, my King and my God. 3 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house : they will be still | praising thee : Chants. 25 Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose | heart are the ways of them, 4 Who passing through the vale of tears, make it a well ; the rain also | filleth the pools. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion ap j peareth before God. 5 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer ; give ear, O | God of Jacob ; Behold, O God our Shield, and look upon the I face of thine anointed. 6 For a day in thy courts is butter (ham a thousand; I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the | lent* of wicked 1 1' UO From Ptu&lin H9. 1 God La greatly to be feared in tin- assembly I of (he sai/its, And to be had in reverence pf all j them thai Wre about hi in. 2 O Lord God ot* hosts, who ia a strong Lord like I unto t Or to thy faithfulness | round about -th* 3 Thou hast a | mighty arm ; Strong is thy hand, and | hir" 14 And let the beauty <>t' the Lord our , God be upon And establi :' our ha upon 11 iblish tho LO Psnlm 1 Oh, come, let us Aws un to the Lord: Lei VLB ni;i tO ill"' I Let us < : with thank* ng, And make a joyful | twito Unto o Por i!i>- Lord u And a great Ki \g 4 In his hand are the di- p pli 1 rtli ; The Btrength of tin- hilU u hii 5 The Bea ia his, ! and / And Ins hand 6 ( Mi, come, let u L 1 1 be | /' 7 Vov he ia I out And we are . and the I sheep - of I 8 Sc^ we thy people and Bheep of thy pasture will give thee j then r ; We will shew forth thy j prow to all gem 28 Chants. IfO From Psalm 96. 1 Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord | glory and strength ; Give unto the Lord the glory | due unto his name. 2 Oh, worship the Lord in the | beauty of holi- ness ; Fear be | fore him, all the earth. 3 Say among the heathen, | The Lord reigneth ; He shall | judge the people righteously. 4 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the | earth be glad ; Let the sea | roar, and the fulness thereof. 5 Let the field be joyful, and all that | is therein ; Then shall all the trees of the wood re | joice before the Lord. 6 For he cometh, for he cometh to | judge the earth ; With righteousness shall he judge the world, and the | people with his truth. L / Psalm 98. 1 Oh, sing unto the Lord a | new - song ; For he hath | done - marvellous things. 2 With his own right hand and with his | holy arm, Hath he gotten him | self the victory. 3 The Lord declared | his salvation ; His righteousness hath he openly shewed in the | sight - of the heathen. 4 He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the | house of Israel ; All the ends of the world have seen the sal | vation of our God. Chants. 2() 5 Show yourselves joyful unto the Lord, | all ye lands; Sing, re | joice, and give -thanks. 6 Praise the Lord up | on the harp ; Sing to the harp with a | psalm of thanks- giving, 7 With trumpets | also, and sh Oh, show yourselves joyful be | /ore the Lord, the King. 8 Let the sea make a noise, and all that | then in The round world, and they that dweUtheri in. 9 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful together be j / I For he | cometh tojudgettlu earth* 10 With righteousness shall he | judge the world; And the | people u Uk - CAJ Psalm loo. 1 ( >h, be joyful in the Lord, \ all y< Serve the Lord with gladness, and come before his | | //;/. 2 Be that tin- Lord he is Ood ; It is he that hath made US, and not we our- selves; we are his people, and the sheep* of his }) . 3 Oh, go your way into hi- L r at< - with thanks- giving, and into his j courts with pi'" Be thankful unto him, and | q d of his name, 4 For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is lasting ; And his truth endureth from gene ration to generation. oq Chants, Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And" | to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be, World | without end. Amen. 29 Psalm 103. 1 Bless the Lord, | my soul: And all that is within me | bless his holy name. 2 Bless the Lord, | my soul: And for | get not all his benefits. 3 Who forgiveth | all thy sin, And healeth | all thine infirmities. 4 Who redeemeth thy life | from destruction; And crowneth*thee with loving | kindness and tender mercies. 5 The Lord is merciful and gracious ; slow to anger, and | plenteous in mercy : He will not always chide, nor keep his | an - ger forever. 6 He hath not dealt with us | after our sins, Nor rewarded us ac | cording to our iniqui- ties. 7 For as the heaven is high a | bove the earth, So great is his [ mercy toward them that fear him. 8 As far as the east is | from the west, So far hath he removed | our transgressions from as. 9 Like as a father [ pitieth his children, So the Lord | pitieth them that fear him. 10 For he | knoweth our frame ; He remember I eth that we are dust. 11 Bless the Lord, ye his angels that ex | eel in strength ; Chants. 3 l That do his commandments, hearkening unto the | voice - of his word. 12 Bless the Lord, all | ye his hosts ; Ye ministers of | his that do his pleasure. 13 Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of | his dominion ; Bless the | Lord, my soul. 14 Bless the Lord, | O my soul, And all that is within me bless fus holy name. OU Psalm 115. 1 Not unto | us, O Lord, Not unto us, but unto thy i 2 For thy mercy, and for thy truth* Wherefore should th< heathen say, if iS nOW their Qod t 3 Israel, trust I thou in tiu L lie | is their help and th d. 4 () house of Aaron, trust ' thou i : , tfu Lord; He | is their help and their shu 6 Ye thai fear the Lord, trust | in th I. I te is their help and tin G The Lord hath been mindful of as; | he will bless us; He will blesa the house of [srael; he will I h/rss the house of .\oro,i. 7 He will bless them that fear the Lord, both | small and rid. 7 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they stall | prosper thai love tin i .' 8 Peace he within thy walls, and prosperity with | in thy palaa 9 For my brethren and oompanions 1 sak. i, I will now say, | P ; . 1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, | saith your (lo-thoU art mine : 4 When thou paesest through the waters, I | will he with thee; And through the rivers, they | shall not overflow thee, 5 For a small moment have I for | sdken thee; But with great meivies | will J gather /// 6 In a little wrath I hid my face from thee | for a moment ; But with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the | Lord -thy Re- deemer. 7 For the mountains shall depart, and the | hills be removed; 4<> Chants. But my kindness shall | not depart from 8 Neither shall the covenant of my \ peace Wi d; Baith the | Lord that hath mercy on thee. B ( I thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, not | comfort Behold, I will lav thy stones with fair colors, and thy foun [ da-tions with sapphire*; 10 And 1 will make thy | windows of agate*, And thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy | borders of pleasant stones. 00 Isaiah 53. 1 He is despised and rejected of men ; a man of sorrows, and ac | quainted with grief. And we hid as it were our faces from him ; he was despised, and we es | teemed him not. 2 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and | car- ried oar sorrows; Yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of | God, and afflicted. 3 But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our in | iquities: The chastisement of our peace was upon him ; and by his | stripes we are healed. 4 All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have turned every one to his | own -way; And the 1 *ord hath laid on him the iniquity is all. 5 He was oppressed, | and afflicted; Yet he opened | not his mouth. o' lf<- is brought as a | lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth | not his mouth. 7 He was taken from prison and from judg- ment : and who shall declare his j gene- ration? Chants. 47 For he was cut off out of the land of the living ; for the transgression of my people I was he stricken. 8 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the | rich in his death; Because he hath done no violence, neither was any deceit | in his mouth. 9 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; yea, he hath | put him to grief: When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall pro I long his days. 10 And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper I in his hands. He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be | satisfied. 11 By his knowledge shall my righteous ser- vant I justify many ; For he shall bear their in | iquities: 12 Therefore will I divide him a portion | with the great, And he shall divide the | spoil with the strong. 13 Because he hath poured out his | soul unto death : And he was numbered | with the trans- gressors ; L4 And he bare the | sin of many, And made intercession for | the transgressors. 34 Isaiahi 60. 1 Arise, shine, for thy | light is come, And the glory of the | Lord is risen upon thee. 2 For behold the darkness shall | cover the earth, And I gross darkness the people. 48 Chants. 9 But the Lord shall a | rise upon thee; And his dory I shall be seen upon thee; 4 And the Gentiles shall come | to thy light, And kings to the | brightness of thy rising. 5 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land; wasting and destruction with | in thy bora' But' thou shalt call thy walls salvation, and thy ga tes - p ra ise. 6 The sun shall be no more thy | light by day, Neither for brightness shall the j moon give light unto thee. 7 But the Lord God shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy | God thy glory; Thy sun shall no more go down, neither i shall thy | moon withdraw itself: 8 For the Lord shall be thine ever | lasting \ light, And the days of thy | mourning shall be\ ended. 9 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul j shall be joyful | in my God; For he hath clothed me with the garments j of salvation, he hath covered me with \ the I robe of righteousness : 10 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and I as the garden causeth the things that are] sown in it | to spring forth; So the Lord God will cause righteousness and j praise to spring | forth before all nations. ] 11 For Zion's sake I will not hold my peace,] and for Jerusalem's sake I | will not rest,\ Until the righteousness thereof go forth asl brightness, and her salvation | as a lamp\ that burnetii. 12 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteous-! ness, and all | kings thy glory; And thou shalt be called by a new T name] which the | mouth of the Lord. shall name.] Chants. 49 55 Lnkc 1: 68. 1 Blessed be the Lord | God of Israel; For he hath visited | and redeemed his people. 2 And hath raised up a horn of sal | ration for us; In the | house of his servant David. 3 As he spake by the mouth of his | holy prophets, Which have been | since the world began; 4 That we should be saved | from our enemies; And from the | hand of all that hate m. Glory be to the Father, and | to the San, And | to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be: AVorld | without end. Amen. 5b Luke 1: 46. 1 My soul doth magni ! fy the Lord, And my spirit hath re | joiced in God my Saviour; 2 For he hath regarded the low estate of | his handmaiden; For behold, from henceforth all getier | at inns shall call me blessed. 3 For he that is mighty hath done to | me great things; And | holy is his name. 4 And his mercy is on | them that far him, From gener | ation to generation. 5 He hath shewed | strength with his arm ; He hath scattered the proud in the imagi | nation of their hearts. 6 He hath put down the mighty | froth their seats ; And exalted | them of low degree. 7 He hath filled the hungry | with good things; And the rich he hath j sent empty an 4 ro Chants. 8 Ee hath holpen his servant Israel in remera- - brance | of his mercy; he spake to our lathers, to Abraham, and | to his seed forever. 5/ Matt. 5 : 3. J Bl£8B£D are the | poor in spirit; For theirs is the | king-dom of heaven. '2 Blessed are | they that mourn; For they | snail be comforted. 8 1 -> lessee! | flW€ Me meek; For | ft&ey *W/ inherit the earth. 4 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after | righteousness; For | they -shall be filled. 5 Blessed are the | merciful; For | they shall obtain- mercy. 6 Blessed are the | pure in heart; For | they shall see- God. 7 Blessed are the \ peace -makers; For they shall be called the | children of God.\ 8 Blessed are they which are persecuted for | righteousness 9 sake; For | theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And | to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever^ shall be; World | without end. Amen. 00 Isaiah 55 A Matt. 11. 1 Seek ye the Lord while he | may be found; Call ye upon him | while -he is near. 2 Let the wicked for- | sake his way, And the tin- | righteous man his thoughts; 3 And let him return un- | to the Lord, And he will have | mer-ey upon him: Chants. 5 1 4 And | to our God, For he will a- | bundantly - pardon. 1 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are | heavy laden, And | I will give you rest 2 Take my yoke upon you, and | learn of me; For I am meek and | lowly in heart: 3 And ye shall find rest un - \ to your souls; For my yoke is easy, and my | bur - den is light 59 1 €or. 5 & Rom. 6. 1 Christ our passover is | sacrificed for us; Therefore | let us keep the feast; Not with the old leaven, neither with the leaven of | malice and wickedness; But with the unleavened bread of sin | eerily and truth. 3 Christ being raised from the dead, | dieth no more; Death hath no more do | minion over him. 4 For in that he died, he died unto | sin- once; But in that he liveth, he | liveth unto God. 5 Likewise reckon ye yourselves to be dead indeed | unto sin; But alive unto God through | Jesus Christ our Lord. Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And | to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be; World | without end. Amen. 3U 1 Cor. 15. I Now is Christ risen | from the dead, And become the first - | fruits of them that slept j the n | l in u-t put on | i le shall have pot on j I thifl mortal shall have put on | im shall 1>»- br >ught to thai J lowed | uj> in D Rth, i thy Bting ( I . . ivetli us 01 S, Ircilons lor Haplism. 1 A i bildren, and 1 : '-' V I eon in | to ti :■> •» | It, Chants. 53 3 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this | Utile child; The same is greatest | in the kingdom of heaven. 4 Take heed that ye despise not one of these | little ones; For I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my | Pather which is in heaven. 62 1 And Jesus came, and spake | unto them, saying, All power is given unto | me in heaven and in earth. 2 Go ye therefore and | teach all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and | of the Holy Ghost. 63 1 The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon | them that fear him; And his righteousness | unto children's chil- dren. 2 To such as | keep his covenant; And to those that remember his com | mand- ments to do them. 3 The promise is unto you, and | unto your chil- dren; And to all that are afar off, even as many as the | Lord our God shall call. 4 He shall feed his flock | like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and | carry them in his bosom. Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And | to the Holy Ghost; As it w T as in the beginning, is now, and j ever shall be, "World I without end. Amen. 54 Chants. Dh The Allelulatlc Sequence. 1 The -train upraise of joy and praise, | Alleluia! To the glory of their King shall the ran- mea people sing | Alleluia! 2 And tin' choirs that dwell on high shall re- echo through the sky | Alleluia! They through the fields of Paradise that roam, the blessed ones, repeat through that bright home, | Alleluia! o The planets glittering on their | heavenly way, The shining constellations join, and say, | Alleluia I 4 Ye clouds that onward sweep, ye winds on | pinions light ; Ye thunders echoing loud and deep, Ye lightnings wildly bright, In sweet consent u j nite your Alleluia! 5 Ye floods and ocean billows, ye storms and | winter snoiv ; Ye days of cloudless beauty; hoar-frost and summer glow ; Ye groves that wave in spring, and glorious forests sing | Alleluia ! 6 First let the birds with painted plumage gay, Exalt their great Creator's praise, and say | Alleluia I Then let the beasts of earth, with varying .-train, join in creation's hymn, and cry again | Alleluia! 7 Here let the mountains thunder forth sono- rous | Alleluia! There let the valleys sing in gentler chorus | Alleluia ! S Thou jubilant abyss of ocean, cry | Alleluia! J e tracts of earth, and continents, reply I Alleluia! Chants. 55 9 This is the strain, the eternal strain, the Lord of | all things loves: This is the song, the heavenly song, that | Christ himself approves. 10 Wherefore we sing, both heart and voice awaking, | Alleluia ! And children's voices echo, answer mak- ing, | Alleluia! 11 Now from all men be outpoured, Alleluia | to the Lord! With Alleluia evermore, the Son and | Spirit we adore ! 12 Praise be done to the | Three in One ! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle | luia! Amen! UO Doxologies. 1 Worthy | is the Lamb, The | Lamb that once was slain, 2 To receive power and riches and | wisdom and strength And honor and | glory and - blessing. 3 Blessing and honor and | glory and power Be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the | Lamb, for ever and ever. 4 Unto him that | loved us, And washed us from our | sins in his own blood, 5 And hath made us kings and priests unto | God and his Father; To him be glory and dominion for ever and | ever. A- men. 6 Behold he | cometh with clouds; And j every eye shall see him. 7 And they | also that pierced him ; And ail kindreds of the earth shall | wail because of him. !* Chants. Oy Requiem. 1 r>i.ixi:i) are the dead who | die in the Lord, From hence- | forth; Yea, saith the Spirit; 2 For they | rest from their labors. And their | works do follow them. 3 And God shall wipe away all | tears from j their eyes : And there shall | be - no more death, 4 Neither sorrow nor crying nor | any more ] pain ; Fur the former | things are passed away. 67 Litany. 1 Saviour of the world, the | Son, Lord i Jesus, Stir up thy strength and help us, we | hum- bly beseech thee. 2 By thy cross and precious blood thou | had redeemed us ; Save us and help us, we | hum - bly beseech thee. 3 Thou didst save thy disciples when | ready to perish ; Hear us and save us, we | hum- bly beseech thee. 4 Let the pitifulness of | thy great mercy Loose us from our sins, we | hum - bly beseech thee. 5 Make it appear that thou art our Saviour and j mighty Deliverer; Oh, save us, that we may praise thee, we | hum -bly beseech thee. 6 Draw near, according to thy promise, from the j throne of thy glory; Look down, and hear our crying, we | km- bly beseech thee. Chants. 57 7 Come again, and dwell with us, O | Lord, Christ Jesus; Abide with us forever, we | hum - bly beseech thee. 8 And when thou shalt appear with | power and glory ; May we be made like unto thee | in thy glo- rious kingdom. Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son, And I to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be ; World I without end. Amen. 00 Te Deum I.auclainiis. 1 We praise thee, O God; we acknowledge thee to I be the Lord. All the earth dotli worship thee, the | Father everlasting. 2 To thee all angels cry aloud ; the heavens and all the povn rs therein. To thee cherubim and seraphim con- | tina- ally do cry, 3 Holy, holy, holy Lord | God of Sabaoth ; Heaven and earth are full of the | majesty of thy glory. i The glorious company of the apostles | pra/ite- thee! The goodly fellowship of the | praphetsprc thee! 5 The noble army of martyrs | praise- th- The holy church throughout all the world | doth acknowledge thee s 8 The Father, of an | infinite majesty: Thine adorable, true, and only ^011 : also the Holy I Ghost y the Comforter. 5 8 Chants. art the King of | glory, Christ; Thou art the everlasting | Son-of the Father. 8 When thou tookest upon thee to de- | man, Thou didst humble thyself to be | born- of a virgin. D Winn thou hadst overcome the | sharpnesi of cL '////, Thou didst open the kingdom of | heaven to all b< lit 10 Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the ry | of the Father. We believe that thou shalt | come to be our Ige. 11 We therefore pray thee help thy servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy \ pre- j blood : .Make them to be numbered with thy saints in | glory everlasting. 12 Lord, save thy people, and | bless thine heritage; Govern them and | lift them up forever. 13 Day by day we I magnify thee; And we worship thy name | ever world with- out end. 14 Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day | without sin. Lord, have mercy upon us; have | mercy upon U8. 15 Lord, let thy mercy be upon us, as our trust | is in thee. Lord, in thee have I trusted; let me | m ver be confounded. Oy Gloria in Excelsis. 1 Globy be to | God on high; And on earth | peace, good-will towards men. Chants. 59 2 We praise thee, we bless thee, we | worship thee, We glorify thee, we give thanks to | thee for thy great glory. 3 O Lord God, | Heavenly King ; God the I Father Al-mighty. 4 O Lord, the only begotten Son, | Jesus Christ ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, | Son of the Father. 5 That takest away the | sins of the world, Have I mercy upon us. 6 Thou that takest away the | sins of the world, Have I mercy upon us. 7 Thou that takest away the | sins of the world, Re- I ceive, receive our prayer. 8 Thou that sittest at the right hand of | God the Father, Have I mercy upon us. 9 For thou | only art holy; Thou I only art the Lord. 10 Thou only, O Christ, with the | Holy Ghost, Art most high in the | glory of God the Father. 70 1 Holy, holy, holy, Lord | God Almighty/ Early in the morning shall our | song arise to thee. 2 Holy, holy, holy! All the | saints adore thee, Casting down their golden crowns a- | round the glassy sea. 3 Cherubim and seraphim fall | down before thee, Who wast, and art, and | ever more shalt be. 6o ,,//y - .1 n,,|v, holy, boly I Though the | darkneA hide thi Though the eye of sinful man thy j (/lory thou art holy, there is | none inside Perfect in power, in | lone and purity. Holy, holy, holy, Lord | God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name, in | h, and sky, and % 71 1 Tnor Maker of my vital frame, unveil thy fact-, pro- I /i ounce thy name; Shine to my Bight, and let the ear which thou hast | formed, thy language hear: Divide, ye clouds, and let me see the Power that | gives me leave to be. 2 Where is thy residence? Oh, why dost thou avoid my | searching eye/ Mysterious Being! Great unknown! say, do the clouds conceal thy thronef Or art thou all diffused abroad, through boundless | space, a present Godf 3 Is there not some delightful art, to feel thy presence | in my heart t To lu-ar thy whispers, soft and kind, in holy silence of the mind ! Tie my thoughts; no longer roam in quest of | jon } for heaven's at home! 72 1 Prom the re less - of a lowly spirit My humble prayer ascends, — O | Father, h< ar U I Borne on the trembling wings of fear and meekne For- | give its weakness. Chants. 6 1 2 I know, I feel how mean, and how unworthy The lowly sacrifice I | pour before thee: What can I offer thee, O thou most holy, But | sin and folly f 3 Lord, in thy sight, who every bosom viewest, Cold in our warmest vows, and | vain our truest; Thoughts of a hurrying hour — our lips re- peat them — Our | hearts forget them. i We see thy hand ; it leads us ; it supports us; We hear thy voice ; it | counsels, and it courts us; And then we turn away ! and still thy kind- ness For- | gives our blindness. 5 Who can resist thy gentle call, appealing To every generous thought and | grateful feeling t Oh, w T ho can hear the accents of thy mercy, And | never love theef 8 Kind Benefactor ! plant within this bosom The | seeds of holiness; and let them blossom In fragrance, and in beauty bright and vernal, And | spring eternal. 7 Then place them in those everlasting gardens, Where angels walk, and | seraphs are the ivai'dens ; Where every flower, brought safe through death's dark portal, Be | comes immortal! 73 1 Lead, kindly Light, amid th' encircling gloom, lead j thou me on! The night is dark, and I am far from \Jwme; lead thou me on ! Chants. p thou inv feet ; I do Dot | ask to see i distant ; one | step's enough fori 2 I wbb lmt ever thus, nor prayed that thou I Bbonldst lead me on ; I loved to choose and sec my path; but | now, lead fit"" me on I I loved tin 4 garish day, and | spite of fears, Pride ruled my will: re- | member not pad year< / 80 long thy power hath blessed me, sure it I still will | lead me on ( >Vr moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, | till the night is gone, And with the morn those angel \ faces smile, I Which I have loved long | since, and lost a while. 74 1 " Thy will be done !" In devious way The hurrying stream of | life may run; Yet still our grateful hearts shall say, "Thy will be done!" 2 u Thy will be doner If o'er us shine A gladdening and a | prosperous sun ; This prayer will make it more divine, — "Thy will be doner 3 H Thy will be done!" Though shrouded o'er Our J path with gloom; one comfort, one Is ours, — to breathe, while we adore, "Thy ] will be done!" "Thy will be done!" 75 1 My God, is any hour so sweet, from blush j of I mnm till tv< ning star, A< that which calls me to thy feet, — the | hour of prayer — the hour of prayer? Chants. 63 2 Then is ray strength by thee renewed, then are my j sins by thee forgiven ; Then thou dost cheer my solitude with | hopes of heaven — with hopes of heaven, 3 No words can tell what sweet relief, there for my | every want I find; What strength for warfare, balm for grief, w T hat I peace of mind — what peace of mind. 4 Hushed is each doubt, gone every fear ; my spirit I seems in heaven to stay ; And ev'n the penitential tear is | wiped away — is wiped away. 5 Lord ! till I reach that blissful shore, no privi- I lege so dear shall be, As thus my inmost soul to pour in | prayer to thee — in prayer to thee. 76 1 When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean, And billows wild con- | tend with angry roar, 'Tis said, far down beneath the wild com- motion, That peaceful | stillness reigneth evermore. 2 Far, far beneath, the noise of tempests dieth, And silver waves chime | ever peacefully ; And no rude storm, how fierce soe'er it flieth, Disturbs the | Sabbath of that deeper sea. 3 So to the heart that knows thy love, O Purest ! There is a temple, | sacred evermore, And all the babble of life's angry voices Dies in hushed | stillness, at its peaceful door. 4 Far, far aw T ay, the roar of passion dieth, And loving thoughts rise | calm and peace- fully, / nmatulments. ••m, lmw fierce §» Vr ii lhai dux !&, Lord % in nal ! thy presence dwelleth I " 1 1 1 1 1 • — indfon \h r. THE TEH COMMANDMENTS. I \ *i I III I OBD I II V GOD, WHICH H Wi: A I OF THE i \M> OF EG1 I'l, 01 I OF i lii HOUSE OF BONDAGE. 1. u >li:ilt have do other fore me II. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven " any lik any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath! or thai lb in the water under the earth: thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor e >r I the Lord thy ( tod am a jealous the iniquity of the lathers upori l, unto the third and fourth gene- « of them that hate me; and §ho¥ J unt i thousands of them that love me, commandments. III. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord for the Lord will i - th his name in i The Ten Commandments. 65 IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy : six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. V. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Thou shalt not kill. VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against :hy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor bis man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his dx, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. 5 , r this, Thou -halt imt commit adultery, tli. .u >halt not kill, thou -halt net steal, thoii , ;u- false witness, thou shall anj other commandment, . comprehended in this saying j : -halt love thy neighbor a- thy] : \r worketh no ill t" I bbon love i- the fulfilling of the law." THE APOSTLES 1 CREED. lieve in < tod, the Father Almighty, Maker n and earth ; and in J< sue I Ihrist, his Bon, our Lord, who waa conceived by the Holy heaven, and sitteth on the right d, the Father Almighty: froni thence hi* >hall come to judge the quick and the dead, lieve in the Holy ( rhost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgivej the resurrection of the body, and lift everlasting. Amen. THE NICENE CREED. I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all th visible and tavfeiUe: And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only be- 8on of I • >tten of his Father i worlds; I tod of ( tod, Light of Light] I I of very ( rod, begotten, not made, with the Father; by Whoa all things were made; who, for US men, and for uur salvation, eame down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy (i host of the Lord's Prayer , and Benediction. 67 Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was cru- cified for us under Po itius Pilate. He suffered and was buried; and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures ; and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified ; who spake by the prophets. And I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the ^lory forever. Amen. THE APOSTOLIC BENEDICTION. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Grhost, be with you all. Amen. (,8 Doxo/ogies. DOXOLOGIES. 1 L. M. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host! Braise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! 2 L. M. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honor, praise, and glory given, By all on earth, and all in heaven! 3 L. M. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heaven adore, j Be glory as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore! 4 C. M. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, whom we adore, Be glory as it was, is now, And shall be evermore! 5 C. M. Let God the Father, and the Son, And Spirit be adored, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. Doxologies. 69 CM. The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, God's love in boundless store, The Holy Spirit's fellowship, Be with us evermore! S. M. The Father and the Son And Spirit we adore ; We praise, we bless, we worship thee, Both now and evermore ! S. M. To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be, As was, is now, and shall remain Through all eternity. S. M. The grace of Christ our Lord, God's love in boundless store, The Holy Spirit's fellowship, Be with us evermore! 7s. Sing we to our God above Praise eternal as his love ; Praise him, all ye heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! 7s. Praise the name of God most high; Praise him, all below the sky; Praise him, all ye heavenly host, — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! As through countless ages past, Evermore his praise shall last. 70 Doxologies. 8s & 7s. 12 13 Praise the God of our salvation, Praise the Father's boundless love; Praise the Lamb, our expiation ; Praise the Spirit from above; Praise the Fountain of salvation, Him by whom our spirits live; Undivided adoration To the one Jehovah give! 6s & 4s. To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, Three in One, All praise be given ! Crown him in every song; To him all hearts belong ; Let all his praise prolong, On earth, in heaven! SECTION II. PUBLIC WORSHIP. (a.) The Lord's Bay and House. (b.) Opening and Closing of Worship* (c.) Morning and Evening Hymns. "Praise the Lord in the sanctuary." 71 SECTION II. PUBLIC WORSHIP. The Sabbath. 7s A (*»• ODAY of rest and d a dn ess, O clay of joy and light, O balm of care and sadn Most beautiful, most bright! On thee, the high and lowly, Bending before the throne, Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, To the Great Three in One! 2 On thee, at the creation, The light Brat had itfl birth; On thee, for our salvation, Christ rose from depths of earth; On thee, our Lord, victorious, The Spirit sent from Heaven, And thud on thee, most glorioOS, A triple light was given, 3 To-day on weary nations The heavenly manna falls; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls, Where gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, And living water flowing With soul-refreshiiiL r streams. 4 New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest : 73 74 Public Worship. To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father and to Son ; The Church her voice upraises To thee, blest Three in One. Psalm 92. • L,. M tng, sing 2 1 GWEET is the work, my God, my King, £5 To praise thy name, give thanks, and sin] To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest ; No mortal care shall seize my breast ; Oh, may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound ! 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word ; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine ! How deep thy counsels! how divine! 4 Lord, I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil to cheer my head. 5 Then shall I see and hear and know All I desired or wished below, And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. U Psalm 84. I*. M. HOW pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are! With long desire my spirit faints To meet th' assemblies of thy saints. 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode ; My panting heart cries out for God. My God, my King, why should I be So far from all my joys and thee ! Public Worship. 75 3 Blest are the souls that find a place Within the temple of thy grace ; There they behold thy gentler rays, And seek thy face, and learn thy praise. A 4 Blest are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion'a gate ; God is their strength, and thro' the road They lean upon their helper, God. t 5 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall inert in heaven at length; Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there. 4 Joy In Worship. I,. WL LORD, how delightful 'tis to A whole assembly worship thee! At once tiny Biug, at once they pray ; Thev hear of heaven, and learn the way. 2 I have been there, and still would go; Tis like a little heaven below : Not all thai my Shall tempt in- to forget thifl day. 8 Oh, write upon my memory, Lord, The texts and doctrines of thy word! That I may break thy laws no more, Bui love thee better than b 4 With thoughts of Christ, and things divine, Fill up this foolish heart of mi] That, finding pardon through his Mood, I may lie down, and wake with (> cL 5 L. tt. npHINE earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love, JL But there's a nobler res! above; To that our longing souls aspire, With cheerful hope and strung desire. 76 Public Worship. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor death shall reach the place ; No groans shall mingle with the songs Which warble from immortal tongues. 3 No rude alarms of raging foes ; No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, — But sacred, high, eternal noon ! 4 O long-expected day, begin ! Dawn on these realms of woe and sin ; Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God. 6 i*.m FAR from my thoughts, vain world, begone ! Let my religious hours alone : Fain would mine eyes my Saviour see : I wait a visit, Lord, from thee. 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire : Come, my dear Jesus ! from above, And feed my soul with heavenly love. 3 Blest Saviour ! what delicious fare, How sweet thine entertainments are! Never did angels taste, above, Redeeming grace and dying love. 4 Hail, great Immanuel, all-divine ! In thee thy Father's glories shine : Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest One That eyes have seen, or angels known ! / Gen. 28 : 17. Ii. M. HOW sweet to leave the world awhile, And seek the presence of our Lord ! Dear Saviour ! on thy people smile, And come, according to thy word. Public Worship. 77 2 From busy scenes we now retreat, That we may here converse with thee : Ah ! Lord, behold us at thy feet ; — Let this the "gate of heaven" be. 3 " Chief of ten thousand !" now appear, That we by faith may see thy face : Oh ! speak, that we thy voice may hear, And let thy presence fill this place. O Psalm 118. L. n. LO ! what a glorious corner-stone The Jewish builders did refiise ; But God hath built his Church thereon, In spite of envy and the Jews. 2 Great God! the work is all divine, The joy and wonder of our eves; This is the day that proves it thine, The day that saw our Saviour rise. 3 Sinners, rejoice, and saints be glad'; Hosanna, let his name be blest ; A thousand honors on his head, With peace and light and glory 1 4 In God's own name he conies to bring Salvation to our dying race: Let the whole Church address their King With hearts of joy, and songs of praise. The Lord's Day. 7». SAFELY through another week God has brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day; Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 78 Public Worship. 2 While we pray for pard'ning grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciling face; Take away our sin and shame: From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee. 3 Here we come, thy name to praise ; Let us feci thy presence near; May thy glories meet our eyes, While we in thy house appear : Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints ; Make the fruits of grace abound ; Bring relief for all complaints : Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we rest in thee above. lU Psalm 84. 7s. PLEASANT are thy courts above, In the land of light and love ; Pleasant are thy courts below, In this land of sin and woe. Oh, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of thy saints ; For the brightness of thy face, King of glory, King of grace ! 2 Happy birds that sing and fly Round thy altars, O Most High ! Happier souls that find a rest In a heavenly Father's breast ! Happy souls ! their praises flow Even in this world of woe ; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies. 3 On they go from strength to strength, Till they reach thy throne at length; Opening of Worship. 79 At thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. Lord, be mine this prize to win ! Guide me through a world of sin, Keep me by thy saving grace, Give me, at thy side, a place ! 11 Psalm 5. GJL LORD, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eve : — 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone, To plead for all his saint-, Presenting at his Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God before whose sight The wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwfell at thy right hand. 4 But to thy house will 1 resort, To taste thy mercief there ; I will frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy Tear. 5 Oh, may thy Spirit guide my fi In ways of righteousness I Make every path of duty straight And plain before my face. \L l»Kalm lis. <\ n. THIS is the day the Lord hath made; He calls the hours his own : Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. 2 To-day he rose, and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints his triumph spread, And all his wonders tell. 80 Public Worship. 3 Hosanna to th' anointed King, To David's holy Son : Help us, O Lord! descend, and bring Salvation from thy throne. 4 Blest be the Lord who comes to men With messages of grace; Who comes, in God his Father's name, To save our sinful race. 5 Hosanna in the highest strains The Church on earth can raise ; The highest heavens, in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. 13 Psalm 63. c. M, T^ ARLY, my God ! without delay, J-^ I haste to seek thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. 2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. 3 I've seen thy glory and thy power Through all thy temple shine ; My God ! repeat that heavenly hour, That vision so divine. 4 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best passions move, Or raise so high my cheerful voice, As thy forgiving love. 5 Thus, till my last expiring day, 1 11 bless my God and King ; lhus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing. The Lord's House. 8 1 /± Providence. C M. WHILE thee I seek, protecting Power! Be my vain wishes stilled; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be filled! 2 Thy love the power of thought bestowed; To thee my thoughts would soar ; Thy mercy o'er my life has flowed ; That mercy I adore. 3 In each event of life, how char Thy ruling hand I - Kadi blessing to my soul more dear, Because conferred by th 4 In every joy that crown- my days, In every pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in prafa I )r seek relief in prayer. 5 When gladness wings my favored hour, Thy love my thoughts shall fill ; Resigned, when .-tonus of sorrow Ion My soul shall meet thy will. 6 My lifted eve, without a tear, The gathering storm shall BOO J My Steadfast heart shall know no fear; That heart will rest on thee. Psalm s i. i. yf. MY soul, how lovely is the place, To which thy God resorts! Tis heaven to see his smiling fac Though in his earthly court.-. 2 There the great Monarch of the skies His saving power display- ; And light breaks in upon our eyes, With kind and quickening raw-. 6 82 Public I For ship. 3 With his rich gifts, the heavenly Dove \ I ), roendfl and fills the place; While Christ reveals his wondrous love, And Bhedfl abroad his grace. A There, mighty God, thy words declare The secrets of thy will ; And -till ire seek thy merry there, And sing thy praises still. 10 P*alni SI. H. LORD of the worlds ahove, How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love, Thine earthly temples are! To thine abode my heart aspires, With warm desires (with warm desires) To see my God. 2 The sparrow for her young With pleasure seeks a nest ; And wandering swallows long To find their wonted rest: My spirit faints with equal zeal, To rise and dwell (to rise and dwell) Among thy saints. 3 Oh, happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear; ( >h, happy men that pay Their constant service there! They praise thee still ; and happy they That love the way (that love the way) To Zion'fl hill I 4 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears: Oh, glorious -eat, when God our King Shall thither bring shall thither bring) Our willing feel I 17 The Lord's Day and House. 83 Tlie liOrd's Bay. H. M. WELCOME, delightful morn, Thou day of sacred rest ! I hail thy kind return ; — Lord, make these moments blest : From the low train of mortal toys, I soar to reach (I soar to reach) Immortal joys. Now may the King descend And fill his throne of grace ; Thy sceptre, Lord, extend, While saints address thy face : Let sinners feel thy quickening word, And learn to know (and learn to know) And fear the Lord. Descend, celestial Dove, With all thy quickening powers ; Disclose a Saviour's love, And bless these sacred hours : Then shall my soul new life obtain, Nor Sabbaths be (nor Sabbaths be) Enjoyed in vain. [8 Psalm 122. S. P. M. HOW pleased and blest was I To hear the people cry, " Come, let us seek our God to-day !" Yes, with a cheerful zeal We haste to Zion's hill, And there our vows and honors pay. Zion, thrice happy place, Adorned with wondrous grace, And walls of strength embrace thee round! In thee our tribes appear To pray and praise, and hear The sacred gospel's joyful sound. 84 Public Worship. 3 May peace attend thy gate, And joy within thee wait To* bless the soul of every guest : The man who seeks thy peace, And wishes thine increase, A thousand blessings on him rest ! 4 My tongue repeats her vows, " Peace to this sacred house !" For here my friends and kindred dwell ; And since my glorious God Makes thee his blest abode, My soul shall ever love thee well. lC/ Gwl's Government. S. P. M THE Lord Jehovah reigns, And royal state maintains, His head with awful glories crowned ; Arrayed in robes of light, Begirt w r ith sovereign might, And rays of majesty around. 2 Upheld by thy commands, The world securely stands, And skies and stars obey thy word ; Thy throne was fixed on high Before the starry sky : Eternal is thy kingdom, Lord ! 3 Let floods and nations rage, And all their powers engage ; Let swelling tides assault the sky: The terrors of thy frown Shall beat their madness down : Thy throne forever stands on high. 4 Thy promises are true; Thy grace is ever new ; There fixed, thy church shall ne'er remove Thy saints, with holy fear, Shall in thy courts appear, And sing thine everlasting love. The Lord's Day. 85 JO Psalm 122. €. P. TK. THE festal morn, my God, is come, That calls me to thy sacred dome, Thy presence to adore : My feet the summons shall attend, With willing steps thy courts ascend, And tread the hallowed floor. 2 With holy joy I hail the day That warns my thirsting soul away To dwell among the blest ! For, lo ! my great Redeemer's power Unfolds the everlasting door, And leads me to his rest ! 3 Hither, from earth's remotest end, Lo ! the redeemed of God ascend, Their tribute hither bring: Here, crowned with everlasting joy, In hymns of praise their tongues employ, And hail th' immortal King. 1 The GlorioiiH Works of Owl. C P. II . THY mighty working, mighty Godl Wakes ill 1 my powers ; 1 look abroad, And can no longer rest ; I, too, must sing when all things sing, And from mv heart the praises ring The Highest loveth best. 2 If thou, in thy great love to us, Wilt scatter joy and beauty thus O'er this poor earth of ours : What nobler glories shall be given Hereafter in thy shining heaven, Set round with golden towers ! 3 What thrilling joy, when on our sight Christ's garden beams in cloudless light, 86 22 Public Worship. Whore all the air is sweet ; Still laden with th' unwearied hymn From all the thousand seraphim Who God's high praise repeat ! Oh, were I there ! oh that I now Before thy throne, my God, could bow, And bear my heavenly palm ! Then, like the angels, would I raise My voice, and sing thine endless praise In many a sweet-toned psalm. The Sanctuary. S. M HOW charming is the place Where my Redeemer, God, Unveils the beauties of his face, And sheds his love abroad ! 2 Not the fair palaces To which the great resort, Are once to be compared with this, Where Jesus holds his court. 3 Here on the mercy-seat, With radiant glory crowned, Our joyful eyes behold him sit, And smile on all around. 4 To him their prayers and cries Each humble soul presents ; He listens to their broken sighs, And grants them all their wants. 5 Give me, O Lord, a place Within thy bless'd abode, Among the children of thy grace, The servants of my God. 23 Psalm 92. S. M. SWEET is the work, O Lord, Thy glorious acts to sing, The Lord's Day and House. 87 To praise thy name, and hear thy word, And grateful offerings bring. 2 Sweet, at the dawning light, Thy boundless love to tell ; And when approach the shades of night, Still on the theme to dwell. 3 Sweet, on this day of rest, To join in heart and voice With those who love and serve thee best, And in thy name rejoice. 4 To songs of praise and joy Be every Sabbath given, That such may be our blest employ Eternally in heaven. Ht Call to Praise. S. M. STAND up and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice; Stand up and bless the Lord your God, With heart and soul and voice. 2 Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud, and m a gn ify? 3 Oh, for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our souls inspire, And wing to heaven our thought! 4 God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours: Then be his love in Christ proclaimed, With all our ransomed powers. 5 Stand up and bless the Lord ; The Lord your God adore ; Stand up and bless his glorious name, Henceforth, for evermore. 88 Public Worship. 25 Psalm 118. S. IW SEE what a living stone The builders did refuse ! Yet God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envious Jews. 2 The scribe and angry priest Reject thine only Son ; Yet on this rock shall Zion rest, As the chief corner-stone. 3 The work, O Lord, is thine, And wondrous in our eyes : This day declares it all divine; This day did Jesus rise. 4 This is the glorious day That our Redeemer made : Let us rejoice and sing and pray ; Let all the church be glad. 5 Hosanna to the King, Of David's royal blood ! Bless him, ye saints ! he comes to bring Salvation from your God. £U Psalm 48. S. M. GREAT is the Lord our God, And let his praise be great ; He makes his churches his abode, His most delightful seat. 2 These temples of his grace, How beautiful they stand ! The honors of our native place, And bulwarks of our land. 3 In Zion God is known A refuge in distress ; How bright has his salvation shone Through all her palaces ! The Lord's Day and House. 89 4 Oft have our fathers told, Our eyes have often seen, How well our God secures the fold Where his own sheep have been. 5 In every new distress We'll to his house repair, We'll think upon his wondrous grace, And seek deliverance there. i I Day of Rest. S. M. WELCOME, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise, Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes. 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day: Here we may sit, and see him here, And love and praise and pray. 3 One day, amid the place Where God, my God, hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand dayi Within the tents of sin. 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. O Invocation. i\ .11. AGAIN our earthly cares we leave, And to thy courts repair; Again with joyful feet we come, To meet our Saviour here. 2 Great Shepherd of thy people, hear! Thy presence now display ; We bow within thy house of prayer; Oh ! give us hearts to pray. 90 Public Worship. 3 The clouds which veil thee from our sight, In pity, Lord, remove; Dispose our minds to hear aright The message of thy love. 4 The feeling heart, the melting eye, The humble mind, bestow; And shine upon us from on high, To make our graces grow. 5 Show us some token of thy love, Our fainting hopes to raise ; And pour thy blessing from on high, To aid our feeble praise. 9Q £"J Psalm 65. CM. TDRAISE waits in Zion, Lord, for thee, J- There shall our vows be paid; Thou hast an ear when sinners pray ; All flesh shall seek thine aid. 2 Lord, our iniquities prevail, But pardoning grace is thine; And thou wilt grant us power and skill To conquer every sin. 3 Blest are the men whom thou wilt choose To bring them near thy face, Give them a dwelling in thy house, To feast upon thy grace. 4 In answering what thy church requests, Thy truth and terror shine; And works of dreadful righteousness Fulfil thy kind design. 5 Thus shall the wondering nations see The Lord is good and just; And distant islands fly to thee, And make thy name their trust. Opening of Worship. 9 1 30 Psalm S4. C. 31. HOW lovely are thy dwellings, Lord* From noise and trouble free! How beautiful the sweet accord Of souls that pray to thee! 2 Lord God of hosts, that reign'st on high! They are the truly blest, Who only will on thee rely, In thee alone will rest. 3 They pass refreshed the thirsty vale, The dry and barren ground, As through a fruitful, watery dale Where springs and showers abound. They journey on from Strength to Btre>h, With joy and gladsome ehei r, Till all before our God at length In /ion's court- appear. 31 Psalm st. I- llij GREAT God, attend, while Hon mi The joy that from thy presence spru To spend one day with thee on earth, Exce< da a thousand day- of mirth. 2 Might I enjoy the meanest pla Within thy house, <> God of grace, Not tent- >r thrones of power, Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 3 God is our sun— he makes our day ; God is our Bhield— he guards our way From all th' assaults of bell and >n\, From foes without and foes within. : O God, our Kin-, whose JU B * a y The glorious ho.>t of heaven ob< ; Display thy grace, exert thy power, Till all on earth thy name adore! 92 Public Worship. OCi John 4: 21-23. t. M. OTHOU to whom, in ancient time, The psalmist's sacred harp was strung, Whom kings adored in song sublime, And prophets praised with glowing tongue; 2 Not now on Zion's height alone, The favored worshipper may dwell; Nor where, at sultry noon, thy Son Sat, weary, by the patriarch's well. 3 From every place below the skies, ^ The grateful song, the fervent prayer, The incense of the heart may rise To heaven, and find acceptance there. 4 O Thou to whom, in ancient time, The holy prophet's harp was strung, To thee at last, in every clime, Shall temples rise, and praise be sung. vO Daily Mercies. i,. jf - "XTEW every morning is the love -^ Our wakening and uprising prove: Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Eestored to life and power and thought. 2 New mercies, each returning day, Hover around us while we pray; New perils past, new sins forgiven, New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. 3 Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be As more of heaven in each we see; Some softening gleam of love and prayer bnall dawn on every cross and care. 4 Only, O Lord, in thy dear love, Fit us for perfect rest above, And keep us this, and every day, To live more nearly as Ave pray. • Opening of Worship. 93 34 " God is in this place." JL. JL. LO, God is here! — let us adore, And own how dreadful is this place! Let all within us feel his power, And silent bow before his face! 2 Lo, God is here! — him day and night, United choirs of angels sing : To him, enthroned above all height, Let saints their humble worship bring. 3 Lord God of hosts! oh, may our praise Thy eourts with grateful incense fill! Still may we stand before thy face, Still hear and do thy sorereign will! oO Sabbath Morning 1 . C JI. BLEST morning, whose young dawning Beheld our rising God, [rays That saw him triumph o'er the dust, And leave his dark abode. 2 In the cold prison of the tomb The dead Redeemer lav, Till the revolving skies had brought The third, tlf appointed day. 3 Hell and the grave unite their force To hold our Lord, in vain; The Bleeping Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain. 4 To thy great name, almighty Lord, These sacred hours we pay. And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. 36 c. * . "TIREQUEXT the day of God returns, J- To shed its quickening beams; And yet how slow devotion burns! How languid are its Haines! C. M. 94 Public Worship. 2 Accept our faint attempts to love; Our follies, Lord, forgive; We would be like thy saints above, And praise thee while we live. 3 Increase, O Lord, our faith and hope, And fit us to ascend Where th' assembly ne'er breaks up, And Sabbaths never end. 37 QPIRIT of truth! on this thy day, ^ To thee for help we cry, To guide us through the dreary way Of dark mortality. 2 We ask not, Lord, the cloven flame, Or tongues of various tone; But long thy praises to proclaim With fervor in our own. 3 No heavenly harpings soothe our ear, JS T o mystic dreams we share; let hope to feel thy comfort near, And bless thee in our prayer. 4 When tongues shall cease, and power decay, And knowledge empty prove, Do thou thy trembling servants stay With faith and hope and love. ^O Closin- Hymn. c . M- rpHOU Holy Spirit, Lord of grace, J- Eternal fount of love, Inflame, we pray, our inmost hearts With fire from heaven above. 2 As thou in bond of love dost ioin The Father and the Son, So fill us all with mutual love, And knit our hearts in one.' i Opening of Worship. 95 3 All glory to the Father be, All glory to the Son, All glory to the Holy Ghost, While endless ages run. jy Opening of Worship. 7s. LORD, we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow; Oh, do not our suit disdain ! Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain? 2 Lord, on thee our souls depend, In compassion now descend; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 3 In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee ; here we stay ; Lord, we know not how to _ Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Comfort those who weep and mourn ; Let the time of joy return ; Those that are cast down lift up; Make them strong in faith and hope. 5 Grant that all may seek and find Thee a God supremely kind; Heal the sick, the captive tree; Let us all rejoice in thee. Opening of Worship. ?«#. TO thy temple we repair — Lord, we love to worship there, When within the veil we in- Thee upon the mercy-seat. 2 While thy glorious name is snug, Tune our lips — unloose our tongue; Then our joyful souls shall bless Thee, the Lord our Righteousness. 40 96 Public Worship. 3 While to thee our prayers ascend, Let thine ear in love attend; Hear us, for thy Spirit pleads,— Hear, for Jesus intercedes. 4 While thy word is heard with awe, While we tremble at thy law, Let thy gospel's wondrous love Every doubt and fear remove. 5 From thy house when we return, Let our hearts within us burn ; That at evening we may say, " We have walked with God to-day." tcI Close of Worship. 7 S# T^OR the mercies of the day, J- For this rest upon our way, Thanks to thee alone be given, Lord of earth and King of heaven ! 2 Cold our services have been, Mingled every prayer with sin ; But thou canst and wilt forgive; By thy grace alone we live. 3 While this thorny path we tread, May thy love our footsteps lead; When our journey here is past, May we rest with thee at last. 4 Let these earthly Sabbaths prove Foretastes of our joys above; While their steps thy children bend To the rest which knows no end. 42 Sabbath-Day. j^ jf m A NOTHER six days' work is done;' -£*- Another Sabbath is begun: Return, my soul, unto thy rest; Enjoy the day thy God hath blest. Sabbath Morning. 97 2 Oh, that our thoughts and thanks may rise As grateful incense to the skies! And draw from heaven that calm repose, Which none but he who feels it knows. 3 That heavenly calm within the breast! It is the pledge of that dear rest Which for the church of God remains, — The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties let the day, In holy pleasures, pass away. How ^weet a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end! * 4u "Return, O ul< repose, Where the Sabbath ne'er shall close. )7 Heb. 13: 20, 21. 7s. "VTOW mav He who from the dead ±S Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and Head, All our souls in safety keep. 2 May he teach us to fulfil What is pleasing in his sight ; Make us perfect in his will, And preserve us day and night ! 104 Public I For ship. To that great Redeemer's praise, Who tin 4 cov'nant sealed with blood, !.■ t our hearts and voiees raise Loud thanksgivings to our God. 58 Evening Twiiigrlit. c. M I LOVE to steal a while away From every cumbering care, And spend the hours of setting day In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love, in solitude, to shed The penitential tear ; And all his promises to plead, Where none but God can hear. 3 I love to think on mercies past And future good implore ; And all my cares and sorrows cast On Him whom I adore. 4 I love, by faith, to take a view Of brighter scenes in heaven ; The prospect doth my strength renew, While here by tempests driven. 5 Thus, when life's toilsome day is o'er, May its departing ray Be calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless day ! 59 Psalm 139 : 12. c. ] GOD of the sunlight hours, how sad Would evening's shadows be ; Or night, in deeper shadows clad, If aught were dark to thee ! How mournfully that golden gleam Would touch the thoughtful heart, If, with its soft, retiring beam, We saw thy light depart ! Sabbath Rest. 1 05 3 Enough, while these dull heavens may lower, If here thy presence be ; Then midnight shall be morning hour, And darkness light to me. 4 Through the deep gloom of mortal things, Thy light of love can throw That ray which gilds an angel's wings, To soothe a pilgrim's woe. 60 Sabbath Rest. C. M. WHEN the worn spirit wants repose, And sighs her God to seek, How sweet to hail the evening's close That ends the weary week. 2 How sweet to hail the early dawn That opens on the sight, When first that soul-reviving morn Beams its new rays of light. 3 Sweet day, thine hours too soon will cease ; Yet, while they gently roll, Breathe, heavenly Spirit, source of peace, A Sabbath o'er my soul. 4 When will my pilgrimage be done, The world's long week be o'er, That Sabbath dawn which needs no sun, That day which fades no more? Dl Vesper Hymn. C. M. THE sun is sinking in the west, The daylight swiftly flies; Arise, my soul, and haste to pay Thine evening sacrifice. 2 O Lord, into thy sacred charge, In whom all spirits live, My helpless soul, in humble faith, Herself would wholly give. 106 Public Worship. 3 Beneath thine ever-watchful eye, My soul would calmly rest, Without a wish, without a thought Abiding in the breast,— 4 Save that thy blessed will be done, Whatever may betide ; Dead to herself/and also dead In thee, to all beside. 5 Lord on the cross thine arms lo draw thy people nigh ; [stretchec Oh grant us then, that cross to love wer< 62 And m those arms to die. 1 Peter 5:7. c ^ rFHE twilight falls, the night is near ] -*- l told my work away, And kneel to Him who bends to hear -the story of the day. 2 The old old story! yet I kneel lo tell it at His call • And cares grow lighter as I feel -inat Jesus knows them all. 3 Yes all ! the morning and the night, Thejoy, the grief, the loss, Ihe roughened path, the sunbeam bright, 1 he hourly thorn and cross. 4 And Jesus loves me! all my heart VV ith answering l ove is stirred ; And every anguish, every smart, ■tinds healing in the Word. 5 So then I ] a y me down to rest, As nightly shadows fall ; And lean, confiding, on His breast, \\ lio knows and pities all. Evening Hymns. 107 Psalm 4. C. HL LORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray ; I am forever thine ; I fear before thee all the day, Nor would I dare to sin. 2 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and business free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed With my own heart and thee. • 3 I pay this evening sacrifice ; And when my work La done, Great God! my faith and hope relies Upon thy grace alone. [ Thus, with my thoughts composed to peace, I give mine eyes to sle >p ; Thy hand in safety keeps my days, And will my slumbers keep. )4 Luke 24: St. L.M. SUN of my soul ! thou Saviour dear, It is not night if thou be near: Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide thee from thy servant's ej 2 When soft the dews of kindly sleep My weary eyelid- gently s1 Be my last thought, — how sweet to rest Forever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without thee I dare not die. 4 Be near to bless me when I wake, Ere through the world my way I take ; Till in the ocean of thy love I lose myself in heaven above. I08 Public (For ship. 00 Lam. :*: 2*. Isa. 15:7. J^jA IMTTQod, how endless is thy love! iU Thy jjiftfl are every evening new; And morning mercies from above Gently distil like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, Great Guardian of my sleeping hours'; Thy sovereign WO rd restores the light, And quickens all my drowsy powers. 8 I yield my powers to thy command; 1<> thee 1 consecrate my days; Perpetual blessings from thine hand Demand perpetual songs of praise. W Sabbath Evening. j^ ^ r fijWEET is the light of Sabbath eve, £> An,, soft the sunbeams ling'ring there; *or these blest hours the world I leave N alted on wings of faith and prayer'. 2 Season of rest ! the tranquil soul Feels the sweet calm, and melts in love: And while these sacred moments roll, 1'aith sees a smiling heaven above.' 3 Nor will our days of toil be lon»- Our pilgrimage will soon be trod • An. we shall join the ceaseless song, lhe endless Sabbath of our God. fi7 M^nr 01 ^ V lh \" th - v courts ha ™ met;' Their") P ( I 13 '' bef ° re thee bowed : ineu taces Zionward were set Vows with their li ps to thee they vowed. 2 From easl to west, the sun surveyed, From north to south, adoring "throngs; Close of Worship. 109 And still, when evening stretched her shade, The stars came out to hear their songs. ] And not a prayer, a tear, a sigh, Hath failed this day some suit to gain ; To those in trouble thou wert nigh : Not one hath sought thy face in vain. I Yet one prayer more : — and be it one In which both heaven and earth accord, Fulfil thy promise to thy Son ; Let all that breathe call Jesus Lord ! DO "The Lord is my Light." L. M. 61. SWEET Saviour, bless us ere we go ; Thy word into our minds instil ; And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. Thro' life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our Light. Through the day, through the night, O gentle Jesus, be our Light. I The day is gone, its hours have run, And thou hast taken count of all, The scanty triumphs grace hath won, The broken vow, the frequent fall. Thro' life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our Light. Chorus. \ Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways True absolution and release ; And bless us, more than in past days, With purity and inward peace. Thro' life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our Light. Chorus. [ Do more than pardon ; give us joy, Sweet fear, and sober liberty, 1 10 Public Worship. And simple hearts without alloy- That only long to be like thee. Thro' life's long day and death's dark night O gentle Jesus, be our Light. Chorus. 5 Labor is sweet, for thou hast toiled ; And care is light, for thou hast cared ; Ah ! never let our works be soiled With strife, or by deceit ensnared. Thro' life's long clay and death's dark night O gentle Jesus, be our Light. Chorus. 6 For all we love, the poor, the sad, The sinful, unto thee we call ; Oh, let thy mercy make us glad : Thou art our Jesus, and our All. Thro' life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our Light. Chorus. OcJ Evening: Hymn. I,. M. rpHUS far the Lord has led me on ; J- Thus far his power prolongs my days ; And every evening shall make known Some fresh memorial of his grace. 2 Much of my time has run to waste, And I, perhaps, am near my home ; But he forgives my follies past, He gives me strength for days to come. 3 I lay my body down to sleep ; Peace is the pillow for my head ; While well-appointed angels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. 4 T1 \ u /' when the ni £ ht of death sha]I come > My flesh shall rest beneath the ground, And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb, With sweet salvation in the sound. Evening Hymns. 1 1 1 /U Cloae of Worship. Ii. 51. ERE to the world again we go, Its pleasures, cares, and idle show, Thy grace, once more, O God, we crave, From folly and from sin to save. 2 May the great truths we here have heard, The lessons of thy holy word, Dwell in our inmost bosoms d-^ep, And all our souls from error keep. 3 Oh, may the influence of this day Long as our memory with us stay, And as an angel guardian prov To guide us to our home aba /l Psalm 17: H. I.. JI. GLORY to thee, my God! this oight, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, oh, keep me, Bang of kings I (Jeneath thine own almighty wii 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have don< That with the world, myself, and th< I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that 1 may dread The grave as little a> my bed ; Teach me to die, that bo I may Rise glorious at the awful day. 4 Oh, let my soul on thee rep And may sweet sloop my eyelids close, — Bleep that shall me more vigorous make To servo my God, When I awake. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings tlow ; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host ! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 1 1 2 Public Worship, 72 Close of Worship. I*. M DISMISS us with thy blessing, Lord ! Help us to feed upon thy word ; All that has been amiss, forgive, And let thy truth within us live. 2 Though we are guilty, thou art good ; Wash all our works in Jesus' blood ; Give every burdened soul release, And bid us all depart in peace. rjn " Abide with us ; for it is toward / O evening." 8s & 7s TARRY with me, O ray Saviour ! For the day is passing by ; See ! the shades of evening gather, And the night is drawing nigh. 2 Deeper, deeper grow the shadows, Paler now the glowing west, Swift the night of death advances ; Shall it be the night of rest ? 3 Feeble, trembling, fainting, dying, Lord, I cast myself on thee ; Tarry with me through the darkness ; While I sleep, still watch by me. 4 Tarry with me, O my Saviour ! Lay my head upon thy breast Till the morning ; then awake me, — Morning of eternal rest ! / 4" The Evening Blessing. 8s A 7s. SAVIOUR, breathe an evening blessing, Ere repose our spirits seal : Sin and want we come confessing ; Thou canst save, and thou canst heal. 2 Though destruction w T alk around us, Though the arrow near us fly, Evening Hymns. 113 Angel guards from thee surround us ; We are safe, if thou art nigh. 3 Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from thee : Thou art he, who, never weary, Watcheth where thy people be. 4 Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb, May the morn in heaven awake us, Clad in light and deathless bloom ! / Holy Memories. 8s A 7«. SILENTLY the shades of evening Gather round my lowly door ; Silently they bring before me FacesI shall see DO more. 2 Oh! the lost, the unforgotten, Though the world be oft forgot; Oh ! the shrouded and the lonely, In our hearts they perifth not 3 Living in the silent hours, Where our spirits only blend, They, unlinked with earthly trouble, We, still hoping tor its end. 4 How such holy memories cluster. Like the stars when storms are pa>t ; Pointing up to that far heaven We may hope to gain at la>t. /O Parting Hymn. Ss A 7s. O, the day of rest deelineth, L ( Gather last the shades of night ; May the Sun whieh ever shineth Fill our souls with heavenly light! While, thine ear of love addressing, Thus our parting hymn we sing, Father, grant thine evening blessing, Fold us safe beneath thy wing ! 8 i 1 4 Public Worship, 77 Luke 24: 29. 10s, ABIDE with me ! Fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide ! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me ! 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all around I see ; Thou, who changest not, abide with me ! 3 I need thy presence every passing hour : What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who, like thyself, my guide and stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me ! 4 I fear no foe with thee at hand to bless : Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness : Where is death's sting? where, grave, thy victory ? 1 triumph still, if thou abide with me ! 5 Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes ; Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies ; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ! In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me ! ■ Closing Hymn. 8s «fc 7s. T OKD, dismiss us with thy blessing, -LJ Fill our hearts with joy and peace ; Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace : Oh, refresh us, Travelling through this wilderness. Opening Hymn, 115 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ; May thy presence With us evermore be found. 3 Then, whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away, Borne on angels' wings to heaven, Glad the summons to obey, May we ever Reign with Christ in endless day. y Opening Hymn. 8w A 7s. IN thy name, Lord | assembling, We thy people DOW draw near : Teach U8 to rejoice with trembling; Speak, and Jet thy servants hear; Hear with meekness, — Hear thy word with godly liar. 2 While our days on earth aiv lengthened, May we give them, Lord, to tie Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, May we run, nor weary be; Till thy glory Without cloud in heaven we see. 3 There, in worship purer, sweeter, All thy people shall adore ; Tasting of enjoyment great r Than they could conceive before; Full enjoyment, — Full, and pure, for evermore. U Parting Hymn. 8s A 7s. GOD of our salvation, hear us ; Bless, oh, bless us, ere we go ; When we join the world, be near us, Lest we cold and careless grow. 1 1 6 Public Worship. Saviour, keep us ; Keep us safe from every foe. 2 May we live in view of heaven, Where we hope to see thy face ; Save us from unhallowed leaven, All that might obscure thy grace ; Keep us walking Each in his appointed place. 3 As our steps are drawing nearer To the place we call our home, May our view of heaven grow clearer, Hope more bright of joys to come ; And, when dying, May thy presence cheer the gloom. 81 Benediction. 8s «& 7s, MAY the grace of Christ our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above ! Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in ^weet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. SECTION III. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. (a.) Delight in the Word ofOod. (J.) The Worda Lamp and Quide. (c.) The Gospel Oloi iaeting. "Thy stntutrs bare been my nog! In the house of my pilgrimage."— I'sai.m L19: M. 117 SECTION III. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. OZ Psalm 19. Wm n. rpiIK heavens declare thy L r l<>ry, Lord; A Jn every star thy wisdom shin But when our eyes behold thy' word, We read thy name in fairer lin< 2 The rolling sun, the changing 1 i lt 1 1 1 , And night and day thy power confi lint the blest volume thou hi Reveals thy justice and thj o Sun, moon, anun. 83 Mm ■. d i REAT Sun of Righteousness, arise! vJ Bios the dark world with heavenly Thy gospel makes the simple wise, [light: Thy laws are pure, thy judgmt nts right. 2 Thy noblest wonders here we view In souls renewed, and sins forgiven; Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew, And make thy word mv guide to heaven. US) 120 The Holy Scriptures. 84 The Gospel. 1L. B GOD, in the gospel of his Son, Makes his eternal counsels known : Here love in all its glory shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here sinners, of an humble frame, May taste his grace and learn his name; May read, in characters of blood, The wisdom, power, and grace of God. 3 Here faith reveals to mortal eyes A brighter world beyond the skies ; Here shines the light which guides our way From earth to realms of endless day. 4 Oh, grant us grace, almighty Lord ! To read, and mark thy holy word : Its truth with meekness to receive, And by its holy precepts live. Ov) The Bible Precious. I,. M. T LOVE the sacred book of God ! -i- No other can its place supply ; It points me to his own abode, It gives me wings, and bids me fly. 2 Sweet book ! in thee my eyes discern The very image of my Lord ; From thine instructive page I learn The joys his presence will afford. 3 In thee I read my title clear To mansions that will ne'er decay ; — Dear Lord, oh, when wilt thou appear, And bear thy prisoner away ! 4 While I am here, these leaves supply His place, and tell me of his love ; I read with faith's discerning eye, And gain a glimpse of joys above. The Holy Scriptures : Hymn of Praise, 1 21 5 I know in them the Spirit breathes To animate his people here ; Oh, may these truths prove life to all, Till in his presence we appear ! OU The Goffpel Glorious. L.. 31 . UPON the gospel's sacred page The gathered beams of ages shine ; And, as it hastens, every age But makes its brightness more divine. 2 On mightier wing, in loftier flight, From year to year does knowledge soar; And, as it soars, the gospel light B (COmefl effulgent more and more. 3 More glorious still, as centuries roll, New regions blest, new powera unfurled, Expanding with the expanding soul, It.*radian«pcl. I.. Jf. LETT everlasting glories crown Thy head, my Saviour and my Lord ! Thy hands have brought salvation down, And writ the blessings in thy Word. 2 In vain the trembling conscience seeks Some solid ground to rest upon ; With long despair the spirit breaks, Till we apply to Christ alone. 3 How well thy blessed truths agree! How wise and holy thy commands! Thy promises, how firm they be! How n'rni our hope and comfort stands ! 122 The Holy Scriptures. 4 Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treacherous art, I'd call them vanity and lies, And bind the gospel to my heart. Doxology. ^ j, T)R AISE God, from whom all blessings Aoa i Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. OO Psalm 19. i,. p. M [" LOVE the volume of thy word. - 1 - What light aiid joy those leaves afford To souls benighted and distressed ! Thy precepts guide my doubtful way, Thy fear forbids my feet to stray, Thy promise leads my heart to rest. 2 Thy threatenings wake mv slumbering eves, And warn me where my danger lies ; = But 'tis thy blessed gospel, Lord, That makes my guilty conscience clean, Converts my soul, subdues my sin, And gives a free, but large reward. 3 Who knows the errors of his thoughts? My God ! forgive my secret faults, And from presumptuous sins restrain : Accept my poor attempts of praise, lfaat I have read thy book of grace And book of nature not in vain. Psalm 148. j Au p. M- TLL praise my Maker with my breath ; -"-And when my voice is lost in death, 1 raise shall employ my nobler powers: wl-fe° f praise sha11 ne ' er be P^t, While hie and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. Hymn of Praise. 1 2-7 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God ; he made the sky And earth and seas, with all their train : His truth forever stands secure ; He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain. 3 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind; He sends the tabling conscience peace; lie helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants the pris'ner sweet rel< a 4 He loves hi> saints, he know- them well. But turns tin* wicked down to hell: Thy God, O Zion, ever n igna I Let every tongue, let every a In this exalted work i Praise him in everlasting -trains. 5 I'll praise him while he lends me breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise Bhall employ my nob rs : My days of praise shall ne'er be pastj While life and thought and being last, ( )r immortality endures. 90 The Kil.le. «'. ■. J AMP of our feet ! whereby we trace ^ Our path when wont to stray ; Stream from the fount of heavenly gra< Brook by the travelh r's way ! 2 Bread of our souls! whereon wc feed ; True manna from on high ! Our guide and chart ! wh< rein we read Of realms beyond the sky. 3 Pillar of fire through watches dark, And radiant cloud by day! When waves would whelm our tossing bark, Our anchor and our stay ! 1 24 The Holy Scriptures. 4 Word of the everlasting God ! Will of his glorious Son ! Without thee how could earth be trod, Or heaven itself be won ? 5 Lord ! grant us all aright to learn The wisdom it imparts, And to its heavenly teaching turn With simple, childlike hearts. vyl Psalm 119. CM HOW shall the young secure their hearts And guard their lives from sin ? Thy word the choicest rules imparts, To keep the conscience clean. 2 'Tis like the sun, a heavenly light, That guides us all the day ; And, through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way. 3 Thy precepts make me truly wise : I hate the sinner's road : I hate my own vain thoughts that rise, But love thy law, my God. 4 Thy word is everlasting truth, How pure is every page ! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. Kju Psalm 119. CM. /~\H, how I love thy holy law! ^ 'Tis daily my delight ; And thence my meditations draw Divine advice bv nio-ht 2 My waking eyes prevent the day, To meditate thy word ; My soul with longing melts away To hear thy gospel, Lord. Holy Scriptures. 125 3 How doth thy word my heart engage ! How well employ my tongue ! And, in my tiresome pilgrimage, Yields me a heavenly song. 4 When nature sinks, and spirits droop, Thy promises of grace Are pillars to support my hope ; And there I write thy praise; Doxolojjy. C. M. LET God the Father, and the Son, And Spirit, he adored, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. UO The Glorious 13— prl c. >i . GLORY gilds the sacred page, A Majestic, like the sun ; It gives a light t<> every a. It gives, hut borrows none. The hand that gave it still .-applies The gracious light and heal ; Its truths upon the nations rise, — They rise, but never Bet. 3 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of Him I love, Till glory breaks upon my view, In brighter worlds above. 94 Psalm S9. C. ■. BLEST are the souls that hear and know The gospel's joyful sound; Peace shall attend the path they go, And light their steps surround. 126 Thi Holy Scriptures. 2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up Through their Kedeerner's name; His righteousness exalts their hope, Nor Satan dares condemn. 3 The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and salvation gives ; Israel, thy King forever reigns, Thy God forever lives. 95 Psalm 119. CM] LOKD, I have made thy word my choice i My lasting heritage; There shall my noblest powers rejoice, My warmest thoughts engage. 2 I'll read the histories of thy love, And keep thy laws in sight ; While through the promises I rove, With ever fresh delight. 'Tis a broad land of wealth unknown, Where springs of life arise, Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden glory lies. The best relief that mourners have; It makes our sorrows blest; Our fairest hope beyond the grave, And our eternal rest. » Psalm 119 : 105. €. Iff. 96 HOW precious is the book divine, By inspiration given! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine To guide our souls to heaven. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light, and joy it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. Praise for the Gospel. 12J 3 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way; Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. 1/ JIatt. 13: S. C. WL ALMIGHTY God! thy word is cast Like seed into the ground ; Let now the dew of heaven descend, And righteous fruits abound. 2 Let not the foe of Christ and man This holy seed remove ; But give it root in every heart, To bring forth fruits of love. 3 Let not the world's deceitful tt The rising plant destroy; But let it yield, a hundred-fold, The fruits of peace and joy. 4 Oft as the precious Beed is sown, Thy quickening grace bestow, That all, whose souls the truth receive, Its saving power may know. O Praise for tlio Gospel. C. M. FATHER of mercies, in thy word What endless glory shines! Forever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here my Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 3 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light ! I2 8 The Holy Scriptures. 4 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be thou forever near; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. 99 Psalm 119. C. M H that the Lord would guide my way o To keep his statutes still! Oh that my God would grant me grace To know and do his will ! 2 Oh, send thy Spirit down, to write Thy law upon my heart ; Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liar's part. 3 Order my footsteps by thy word, And make my heart sincere ; Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 4 Make me to walk in thy commands, Tis a delightful road ; Nor let my head nor heart nor hands Offend against my God. Doxology. C. M, LET God the Father, and the Son, And Spirit, be adored, Where there are works to make him known Or saints to love the Lord. SECTION IV. GOD: THE FATHER, THE BON, AND THE HOLY GHOST. (a.) The Being, Attributes >, Works, Provi- dence, Government, and Glory of God. Adoration* (b.) TJir Incarnation: The Birth, Life, \\ 'orks, Passion, Resurrection, Ascension , and Exaltation of JeSUS Christ. (c.) The Holy Ghostand the Ever-BU \ Trinity. "Serve the Lord with gladness; oomc before his pre- sence with singing."— Psalm 100. 129 SECTION IV. GOD: THE FATHER, THE BON, AND I If I : HOLT GH06T. lUU Pmilm 17. L. ■. BK thou exalted, ( > my God! Aboye the heavens win re angels dwell; Thy power on earth be known a And land to land thy wond< rs tell. 2 My heart is fixed : mj Immortal h thy name ; Awake my toni and his prai My tongue, tne glory of my frai 3 High o'er the earth his m< rcy reigns, And reach( s to 1 he Hl8 truth to em •main-, When low< r wor and die. 4 Be thou exalt d, ( > mj ( ! >d! Aboye the hea^ i Thy power on ear h be knov n r And land to land thj wonders tell. 1U1 I*' aim <;s. L, Mm If [N6D0MS and thrones to God I v Grown him, ye natioi m song; His wondrous names and pow< rs n His honors shall enrich your vei 2 Proclaim him King, pronounce him ldest; He's your defence, your joy, your rest; When terrors rise, and nation- faint, God is the strength of every saint. 131 132 Perfections of God: Praise. 102 Te I>cnm. Ii. M. rPO Thee all angels cry aloud, 1 And ceaseless raise their songs on high Both cherubim and seraphim, The heavens and all the powers therein. 2 The apostles join the glorious throng; The prophets swell the immortal song; The martyrs' noble army raise Eternal anthems to thy praise. 3 Thee, holy, holy, holy King, Thee, O Lord God of Hosts! they sing; Thus earth below, and heaven above, Resound thy glory and thy love. 4 Thee we adore, Eternal Lord ; We praise thy name with one accord; Thy saints who here thy goodness see Through all the world do worship thee. iUo Psalni 117. Ii.M. FROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal truth attends thy word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more! 1 U4 The Glory of God. I,. M. /^lOME, O my soul! in sacred lays, ^ Attempt thy great Creator's praise: But, oh, what tongue can speak his fame! What mortal verse can reach the theme! 2 Enthroned amid the radiant spheres, He glory, like a garment, wears; Perfections of God: Praise. 133 To form a robe of light divine, Ten thousand suns around him shine. ► In all our Maker's grand designs, Almighty power, with wisdom, shines; His works through all this wondrous frame Declare the glory of his name. : Kaised on devotion's lofty w T ing, Do thou, my soul, his glories sing; And let his praise employ thy tongue, Till listening worlds shall join the song! 05 Psalm 46 : 10. L.M. WAIT, O my soul, thy Maker's will! Tumultuous passions, all be still ! Nor let a murmuring thought arise; His ways are just, his counsels wise. ! He in the thickest darkness dwells, Performs his work, the cause conceals; But, though his methods are unknown, Judgment and truth support his throne. \ In heaven and earth and air and seas, He executes his firm decrees; And by his saints it stands confessed, That what he does is ever best. [ Wait, then, my soul, submissive w r ait, Prostrate before his awful seat; And, 'mid the terrors of his rod, Trust in a wise and gracious God. UO Job 11: 7. Ii.H. GREAT God! in vain man's narrow r view Attempts to look thy nature through; Our laboring powers with reverence ow r n Thy glories never can be known. Not the high seraph's mighty thought, Who countless years his God has sought, 134 Perfections of God : Praise. Such wondrous height or depth can find, Or fully trace thy boundless mind. 3 Yet, Lord, thy kindness deigns to show Enough for mortal minds to know; While wisdom, goodness, power divine, Through all thy works and conduct shine. 4 Oh, may our souls with rapture trace Thy works of nature and of grace; Explore thy sacred name, and still Press on to know and do thy will ! Boxology. E,. si PRAISE God, from whom all blessing* flow, Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 1U/ Psaain 100. t.jf. ""VTE nations round the earth, rejoice -*- Before the Lord, your sovereign King ; Serve him with cheerful heart and voice, With all your tongues his glory sing. 2 The Lord is God ; 'tis he alone Doth life and breath and being give : We are his work, and not our own, The sheep that on his pastures live. 3 Enter his gates with songs of joy, With praises to his courts repair; And make it your divine employ To pay your thanks and honors there. 4 The Lord is good ; the Lord is kind ; Great is his grace, his mercy sure ; Andall the race of man shall find His truth from age to age endure. Perfections of God: Praise. 135 [08 Psalm 146. ■* Mm PRAISE ye the Lord ! my heart shall join In work so pleasant, so divine : My days of praise shall ne'er be passed, While 'life and thought and being last. jj Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God : he made the sky And earth and seas, with all their train ; And none shall find his promise vain. 5 His truth forever stands secure ; He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor, He helps the stranger in distr The widow and the father] [ Be loves his saints, he knows them well, But turns the wicked down to hell: Thy God, Zion, ever reigns i Praise him in ing strains! [09 I»*alm 1!3: ">. <>. IteHi UP to the Lord, who reigns on high, And views the nations from afar, Let everlasting praises fly, And tell how large his bounties are. God, who must stoop to view the ski- And bow to see what angels do, — Down to our earth he casts his e\ And bends his footsteps downward too. ] He overrules all mortal thin And manages our mean affairs; On humble souls, the King of ki: Bestows his counsels and his cares. I Our sorrows and our tears we pour Into the bosom of our God ; He hears us in the mournful hour, And helps to bear the heavy load. 136 Perfections of God: Praise, 5 Oh, could our thankful hearts devise A tribute equal to thy grace, To the third heaven our song should rise And teach the golden harps thy praise' 110 ll V Psalm 97. t ;a| npiT Almighty reigns, exalted hio-h J- O'er all the earth, o'er all the sky; Though clouds and darkness veil his feet, His dwelling is the mercy-seat. 2 O ye that love his holy name, Hate every work of sin and shame ■ He guards the souls of all his friends And from the snares of hell defends. ' 3 Immortal light and joys unknown, Are for the saints in darkness sown ■ Ihose glorious seeds shall spring and rise, And the bright harvest bless our eyes. 4 Rejoice, ye righteous, and record llie sacred honors of the Lord ■ ^one but the soul that feels his' grace Can triumph in his holiness. Ill * Psalm 97. t> 3, J E HOVAH reigns; his throne is high" „. - hL 1 ls robes are light and majesty: His glory shines with beams so bright -No mortal can sustain the sight. ' 2 His terrors keep the world in awe • His justice guards his holy law ; His love reveals a smiling face • His truth and promise seal the grace. 3 HeTjt^ J* J"? - what wisd °*i ^ines! He baffles Satan's deep designs; His power is sovereign to fulfil •me noblest counsels of his will GocTs Sovereign JVisdo?n. 137 And will this glorious Lord descend To be my Father and ray Friend ? Then let my songs with angels join ; Heaven is secure, if God is mine. lIIZj Rom. 1: 20. L.M. THERE'S nothing bright, above, below, From flowers that bloom to slurs that But in its light my soul can [glo w > Some features of the Deity. There's nothing dark, below, above, But in its gloom I trace thy love, And meekly wait the moment when Thv touch shall make all bright again. 3 The light, the dark, where'er I look. Shall Be one pure and shining 1> Where I may read, in words of flame, The glories of thy wondrous name. llvJ <«o\- What gloomy I'm - 1 Or what 6 In thy fair book of life an I May I but find my nai Recorded in some humbl pi Beneath my L >rd, the Lamb ! 1/ John 1: 21. O.E _()]) is a Spirit, just and wise; II mind : In vain to Heaven we raise our cries, And leave our hearts behin 1. G 2 Nothing but truth : - throne With honor can app The painted hypocrites are knows Through th< 3 Their lifted eyes salute the ski Their bending knees the ground; But God abhors the sacrifi* Where not the heart is found. HO God's Love. 4 Lord, search my thoughts, and try my And make my soul sincere ; [ways Then shall I stand before thy face, > And find acceptance there. -HO l«Iohai4:8. CM. A MID the splendors of thy state, -^ O God ! thy love appears, Soft as the radiance of the moon Among a thousand stars. 2 In all thy doctrines and commands, Thy counsels and designs, In every work thy hands have framed, Thy love supremely shines. 3 Sinai, in clouds and smoke and fire, Thunders thine awful name ! But Zion sings, in melting notes, The honors of the Lamb. 4 Angels and men the news proclaim Through earth and heaven above ; And all, with holy transport, sino- That God, the Lord, is love. 119 Psalm 139. c# M# ORD, where shall guilty souls retire, * forgotten and unknown? In hell they meet thy dreadful fire, In heaven thy glorious throne. 2 Should I suppress my vital breath, I escape the wrath divine, Ihy voice would break the bars of death, And make the grave resign. 3 If winged with beams of morning light, I fly beyond the west, Ihy hand, which must support my flight, Wouid soon betray my rest. God* s Omnipresence. 1 41 4 If o'er my sins I think to draw The curtains of the night, Those flaming eves that guard thy law Would turn the shades to light. 5 The beams of noon, the midnight hour, Are both alike to thee : Oh, may I ne'er provoke that power From which I cannot flee ! 1 1 1^0 Psalm 139. CM. N all my vast concerns with thee, In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, Lord, or flee The notice of thine 2 Thine all-surroundin{ surveys My rising and my r< My public walk-, my private ways, The Becreta of my breast 3 My thoughts lie Open to the Lord, Before they're formed within ; And ere my lips pronounce the word. He knows the sense 1 mean. 4 Oh, wondrous knowledge, deep and high! Where can a creature hide f Within thy circling arms 1 lie, Beset on every side. 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secured by sovereign love. \L\ Psalm 1S». CK JEHOVAH, God ! thy gracious power On every hand we see ; Oh, may the blessings of each hour Lead all our thoughts to thee! 1 42 God's Gracious Power, 2 If, on the wings of morn, we speed To earth's remotest bound, Thy hand will there our footsteps lead, Thy love our path surround. 3 Thy power is in the ocean deeps, And reaches to the skies ; Thine eye of mercy never sleeps, Thy goodness never dies. 4 From morn till noon, till latest eve, Thy hand, O God, we see ; And all the blessings we receive Proceed alone from thee. 5 In all the varying scenes of time, On thee our hopes depend ; Through every age, in every clime, Our Father, and our Friend. XLL Psalm 46. I*. M. GOD is the refuge of his saints, When storms of sharp distress invade; Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid. 2 Let mountains from their seats be hurled Down to the deep and buried there, Convulsions shake the solid world ; Our faith shall never yield to fear. 3 Loud may the troubled ocean roar ; In sacred peace our souls abide ; While every nation, every shore, Trembles and dreads the swelling tide. 4 There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the city of our God, Life, love, and joy, still gliding through, And watering our divine abode. 5 That sacred stream, thine holy word, Our grief allays, our fear controls ; God our Refuge: His "Various Praise" 143 Sweet peace thy promises afford, And give new strength to fainting souls. 6 Zion enjoys her Monarch's love, Secure against a threatening hour ; Nor can her firm foundations move, Built on his truth and armed with power. 12o Psalm 145. I,. M. MY God, my King, thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days ; Thy grace employ my humble tongue, Till death and glory raise the song. 2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear ; And every setting sun shall see New works of duty done for thee. 3 Let distant times and nations raise The long succession of thy praise ; And unborn ages make my song The joy and triumph of their tongue. 4 But who can speak thy wondrous deeds? Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds; Vast and unsearchable thy ways ! Vast and immortal be thy praise ! 124 Psalm 36. &.M. HIGH in the heavens, eternal God ! Thy goodness in full glory shines; Thy truth shall break through every cloud That veils and darkens thy designs. 2 Forever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep : Wise are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 3 My God, how excellent thy grace ! Whence all our hope and comfort springs ; 144 God : Creator and Judge. The Bona of Adam, in distress, Fly to the shadow of thy wings. 4 From the provisions of thy house We shall be fed with sweet repast; There mercy like a river flows, And brings salvation to our taste. 5 Life, like a fountain rich and free. Springs from the presence of my Lord ; And in thy light our souls shall see The glories promised in thy word. 1 £ Psalm 19. Ii. M THHE spacious firmament on high, J- With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. 2 Th' unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display; And publishes to every land The work of an almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale ; And nightly, to the listening earth, Repeats the story of her birth ; 4 While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs are found ; 6 In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, Forever singing as they shine — " The hand that made us is divine.'' God : Creator and Judge. 145 12b Psalin 7. JL- M. THE Lord is Judge : before his throne All nations shall his justice own : Oh, may my soul be found sincere, And stand approved, with courage there. 2 The Lord, in righteousness arrayed, Surveys the world his hands have made ; Pierces the heart, and tries the reins, And judgment from on high ordains. 3 My God. my shield ! around me place The shelter of the Saviour's grace ; Then, when thine arm the just shall save, My life shall triumph o'er the grave. \Ll Psalm 100. In M. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And when, like wandering sheep, we strayed, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We are his people, we his care, Our souls, and all our mortal frame ; What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to thy name! 1 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs ; High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. Wide as the world is thy command, Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. 10 146 Tbi Compassions of God. 128 Psalm 103. S. M THE pity of the Lord To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel : He knows our feeble frame. 2 He knows we are but dust, Scattered with every breath ; His anger, like a rising wind, Can send us swift to death. 3 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower ; If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. 4 But thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure ; And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. 129 Psalm 103. S. M. OH, bless the Lord, my soul ! His grace to thee proclaim ; And all that is within me join To bless his holy name. 2 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ! His mercies bear in mind ; Forget not all his benefits : The Lord to thee is kind. 3 He will not always chide ; He will with patience wait ; His wrath is ever slow to rise, And ready to abate. 4 He pardons all thy sins, Prolongs thy feeble breath ; He healeth thy infirmities, And ransoms thee from death. The Compassions of God. 147 njS He clothes thee with his love, Upholds thee with his truth : Then, like the eagle, he renews The vigor of thy youth. 3 Then bless His holy name, Whose grace hath made thee whole ; Whose loving-kindness crowns thy days : Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ! luU Psalm 103. 8. H. /^H, bless the Lord, my soul ! V_7 Let all within me join, And aid my tongue to blesa his name, Whose favors arc divine I Oh, bless the Lord, my sou] ! Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in un thankfulness, And without praises die, ] 'Tis lie forgives thy sins; Tis he relieves thy pain ; 'Tis he that heals thv Bickft - And makes thru young again. I He crowns thy life with love, When ransomed from the grave: He that redeemed my soul from hell Hath sovereign power to -ave. lo 1 Psalm M. S. ■. COME, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory Bing: Jehovah is the sovereign God, The universal King. He formed the deeps unknown ; He gave the seas their bound ; The watery worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. 148 The Compassions of God. 3 Come, worship at his throne, Come, bow before the Lord : We are his work, and not our own ; He formed us by his word. 4 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod ; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. lvjZ Psalm 8. S. 3 OLORD, our heavenly King, Thy name is all divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine. 2 When to thy works on high I raise my wondering eyes, And see the moon, complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies ; 3 When I survey the stars And all their shining forms, Lord, what is man, that worthless thing, Akin to dust and worms ? 4 Lord, what is worthless man, That thou shouldst love him so ? Next to thine angels is he placed, And lord of all below. 5 How rich thy bounties are ! How wondrous are thy ways ! Of meanest things thy power can frame A monument of praise. 6 Lord, our heavenly King, Thy name is all divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine. God: Creator and Benefactor. 149 100 God our Creator and Benefactor. S. M. MY Maker and my King ! To thee my all I owe; Thy sovereign bounty is the spring, Whence all my blessings flow. 2 The creature of thy hand, On thee alone I live ; My God, thy benefits demand More praise than life can give. 3 Lord, what can I impart, When all is thine before? Thy love demands a thankful heart; The gift, alas, how poor ! 4 Shall I withhold thy due? And shall my passions rov< Lord, form this wretched heart anew, And fill it with thv love. it ,Iu4 Psalm 2:5. En tt. 61. THE Lord my pasture -hall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's rare; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye; My noonday walks he .-hall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads, My weary, wandering steps he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape How. 3 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me still: Thy friendly rod shall g^ve me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade. !ro God in Nature. 4 Hough in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray; Thy bounty shall my wants beguile, The ban-en wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crowned And streams shall murmur all around. 135 Psalm 74: 16, 17. £,. M. 61 rnilOU art, O God, the life and light -JL Of all this wondrous world we see; Its glow by day, its smile by night, Are but reflections caught from thee; Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things fair and bright are thine. 2 When day, with farewell beam, delays Among the opening clouds of even, And we can almost think we gaze Through opening vistas into heaven, Those hues that mark the sun's decline, So soft, so radiant, Lord, are thine. 3 When night, with wings of starry gloom, O'ershadows all the earth and skies, Like some dark, beauteous bird, whose plume Is sparkling with unnumbered eyes, That sacred gloom, those fires divine, So grand, so countless, Lord, are thine. 4 When youthful spring around us breathes, Thy spirit ^varms her fragrant sigh ; And every flower that summer wreathes is born beneath thy kindling eye; Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things fair and bright are thine. lOU Psalm 89. €. >I. WITH reverence let the saints appear, And bow before the Lord; His high commands with reverence hear, And tremble at his word. God's Almighty Power. 15 1 2 Great God ! how high thy glories rise ; How bright thine armies shine! Where is the power with thee that vies, Or truth compared to thine! 3 The northern pole, and southern, rest On thy supporting hand ; Darkness and day, from east to west, Move round at thy command. 4 Thy words the raging winds control, And rule the boisterous deep; Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll, The rolling billows sleep. Psalm 77: 11-14. CM. 137 I SING th' almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. 2 I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day ; The moon shines full at his command, And all the stars obey. 3 I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food ; He formed the creatures with his word, And then pronounced them good. 4 Lord, how thy wonders are displayed, Where'er I turn mine eye; If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky ! 5 There's not a plant or flower below But makes thy glories known ; And clouds arise and tempests blow Bv order from thy throne. I j 52 Calls to Worship God. 6 Creatures that borrow life from thee Are subject to thy care: There's not a place where we can flee, But God is present there. loO The Power of God. CM. THE Lord, our God, is full of might, The winds obey his will ; He speaks, and in his heavenly height, The rolling sun stands still. 2 Rebel, ye waves, and o'er the land With threatening aspect roar; The Lord uplifts his awful hand, And chains you to the shore. 3 Howl, winds of night, your force combine; Without his high behest, Ye shall not, in the mountain-pine, Disturb the sparrow's nest. 4 His voice sublime is heard afar, In distant peals it dies ; He yokes the whirlwind to his car, And sweeps the howling skies. 5 Ye nations, bend, — in reverence bend ; Ye monarchs, wait his nod, And bid the choral song ascend To celebrate your God. iOO Call to Worship. 10s «fc lis. YE servants of God, your Master proclaim, And publish abroad his wonderful name ; The name all victorious of Jesus extol; His kingdom is glorious, he rules over all. 2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save; And still he is nigh, — his presence we have; The great congregation his triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation to Jesus our King. Call to Worship God. 1 53 3 Salvation to God, who sits on the throne, Let all cry aloud, and honor the Son; The prai.ses of Jesus the angels proclaim, Fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb. 4 Then let us adore, and give him his right, All glory and power, and wisdom and might; All honor and blessing, with angels above, And thanks never ceasing, and infinite love. 14U Call to Worship. IO* A 11*. OH, worship the King, all glorious above; Oh, gratefully sing his power and his love! Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. 2 Oh, tell of his might, oh, sing of his grace, Whose robe i> the light, whose eailopv, >j feCC I His chariots of wrath the deep thunder-elouds form, [storm. And dark is his path on the wings of the 3 Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite! It breathe- in the air, it shines in the light, It streams from the hills, it descends to t ho plains, And sweetly distils in the dew and the rains. 4 Frail children of dust, and !'*•• ble as {Vail, In thee do We trust, nor find thee to fail; Thy mercies how tender! how firm to the end! Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend. 141 Praise to Jcliovuli. 8* Sc 7s. PRAISE to thee, thou great Creator! Praise to thee from every tongue: Join, my soul, with every creature, Join the universal song. I Father, Source of all compassion, Pure, unbounded grace is thine: i 54 God's Love. Hail the God of our salvation! Praise him for his love divine. 3 For ton thousand blessings given, For the hope of future joy, Sound his praise through earth and heaven, Sound Jehovah's praise on high. 4 Joyfully on earth adore him, Till in heaven our song we raise; There, enraptured, fall before him, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. 142 The Grace of God. 8s «fc 7s. I LORD, with glowing heart I'd praise thee| For the bliss thy love bestows; For the pardoning grace that saves me, And the peace that from it flows. 2 Help, O God, my weak endeavor; This dull soul to rapture raise; Thou must light the flame, or never Can my love be warmed to praise. 3 Praise, my soul, the God that sought thee, Wretched wanderer, far astray ; Found thee lost, and kindly brought thee From the paths of death away. 4 Praise, with love's devoutest feeling, Him, who saw thy guilt-born fear, And, the light of hope revealing, Bade the blood-stained cross appear. 5 Lord, this bosom's ardent feeling Vainly would my lips express: Low before thy footstool kneeling, Deign thy suppliant's prayer to bless ; 6 Let thy grace, my soul's chief treasure, Love's pure flame within me raise; And, since words can never measure, Let my life show forth thy praise. God: His Wisdom and Love, 155 14o 1 Jolin 4:8. 8s «fe 7s, GOD is love; his mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss he wakes, and woe he lightens; God is wisdom, God is love. 2 Chance and change are busy ever; Man decays, and ages move: But his mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love. 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth Will his changeless goodness prove ; From the gloom his brightness streameth; God is wisdom, God is love. 4 He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above: Everywhere his glory shineth; God is wisdom, God is love. A L A 7s. Double. 144 Psalm 136. LET us with a joyful mind Praise the Lord, for he is kind, For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. Let us sound his name abroad, For of gods he is the God Who by wisdom did create Heaven's expanse and all its state ; 2 Did the solid earth ordain How to rise above the main ; Who, by his commanding might, Filled the new-made world with light ; Caused the golden-tressed sun All the clay his course to run : And the moon to shine by night, 'Mid her spangled sisters bright. 3 All his creatures God doth feed, His full hand supplies their need ; L ( 156 God our All in All Let us therefore warble forth His high majesty and worth. He his mansion hath on high, 'Bove the reach of mortal eye ; And his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 14:0 Psalm 73: 25. 7s. Doable. ORD of earth ! thy forming hand Well this beauteous frame hath planned, Woods that wave, and hills that tower, Ocean rolling in his power. Lord of heaven ! beyond our sight Rolls a world of purer light ; There in love's unclouded reign Parted hands shall clasp again. 2 Oh, that world is passing fair, Yet if thou wert absent there, What were all its joys to me ? Whom have I in heaven but thee ? Lord of earth and heaven ! my breast Seeks in thee its only rest ; I was lost ; thy accents mild Homeward lured thy wandering child. 3 I was blind ; thy healing ray Charmed the long eclipse away ; Source of every joy I know, Solace of my every woe ! Oh, if once thy smile divine Ceased upon my soul to shine, What were earth or heaven to me? Whom have I in each but thee ? 140 Hymn of Praise. 7b. SWEET the time, exceeding sweet ! When the saints together meet, When the Saviour is the theme, When they joy to sing of him. God : Praise and Prayer. 1 57 2 Sing we, then, eternal love, Such as did the Father move: He beheld the world undone, Loved the world, and gave his Son. 3 Sing the Son's amazing love ; How he left the realms above, Took our nature and our place, Lived and died to save our race. 4 Sing we, too, the Spirit's love ; With our stubborn hearts he strove, Filled our minds with grief and fear, Brought the precious Saviour near. 5 Sweet the place, exceeding >weet, Where the saints in glory m< Where the Saviour's still the theme, Where they see and >\\\[s of him. 14/ 1 (or. 3: I«. 7». COME, divine and peaceful Guest, Enter each devoted breast ; Holy Ghost, <>ur hearts inspire, Kindle there tie' gOSpd lire. 2 Bid our sin and sorrow Fill us with thy heavenly peace; Joy divine we then shall prove, Light of truth, and fire «>t" love. 14:0 Blessing Invoked. 7». TLTIGHTY Om\ before whose face -1VL Wisdom had her glorious seat, When the orbs that people space Sprang to birth beneath thy feet! 2 Source of truth, whose rays alone Light the mighty world of mind ! God of love, who from thy throne Kindly watchest all mankind ! 158 God's Omnipresence. 3 Shed on those who in thy name Teach the way of truth and right, Shed that love's undying flame, Shed that wisdom's guiding light. 149 1 Cor. 2: 4. 7s. FATHEK, bless thy word to all, Quick and powerful let it prove ; Oh, may sinners hear thy call, Let thy people grow in love. 2 Thine own gracious message bless, Follow it with power divine: Give the gospel great success, Thine the work, the glory thine. 3 Father, bid the world rejoice, Send, oh, send thy truth abroad ; Let the nations hear thy voice, Hear it and return to God. 4 Sing w r e to our God above Praise eternal as his love : Praise him, all ye heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 10U Omnipresence— Psalm 84 : 11. L,. M. LORD of all being, throned afar, Thy glory flames from sun and star ; Centre and soul of every sphere, Yet to each loving heart how near ! 2 Sun of our life, thy quickening ray Sheds on our path the glow of day ; Star of our hope, thy softened light Cheers the long watches of the night. 3 Our midnight is thy smile withdrawn ; Our noontide is thy gracious dawn ; Our rainbow arch thy mercy's. sign; All, save the clouds of sin, are. thine ! God's Omniscience. 159 Lord of all life, below, above, Whose light is truth, whose warmth is love, Before thy ever-blazing throne We ask no lustre of our own. Grant us thy truth, to make us free, And kindling hearts that burn for thee, Till all thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame ! 51 Psalm 103. !,.*!. BLESS, O my soul ! the living God : ( Jail home thy thoughts that rove abroad: Let all the powers within me join In work and worship SO divine ' Bless, my soul ! the God of grace: His favors claim thy highest praise; Why should the wonders he hath wrought Be lost in silence, and forgot J i 'Tis he, my soul, that Bent his Bon To die for crimes which thou hast done; I [e owns the ransom, and forgii The hourly follies of our li\ : Let every land his power confess f arth adore his grace : My heart and tongue with rapture join, In work and worship BO divine. OZ The nll-sooin- <;oing, 44 Glory to the new-born King! — Peace on earth, and mercy mild; (Jod and sinners reconciled!"' 170 Jesus Christ: Born in Bethlehem. 1fift Example of the "Wise Men from the 1UO East." 7a A S with gladness, men of old -£*- I)id the guiding star behold; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright; So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led by thee. 2 As with joyful step they sped To that lowly manger-bed; There to bend the knee before Him whom earth and heaven adore; So may we, with willing feet, Ever seek thy mercy-seat. 3 As they offered gifts most rare, At that manger rude and bare; So may we, with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's 'alloy, All our costliest treasures bring Unto thee, O Christ our King! 4 Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last, Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds thy glory hide. IRQ TTAEK! what mean those holy voices, ■*--*- bweetly sounding through the skies? Lo, th angelic host rejoices; Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Hear them tell the wondrous story, Hear them chant in hymns of joy: Glory in the highest, glory! Glory be to God most high! The Birth of Christ. 171 3 Peace on earth, good-will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeemed, and sins forgiven; Loud our golden harps shall sound. 4 Christ is born, the Great Anointed; Heaven and earth his praises sing; Oh, receive whom God appointed, For your Prophet, Priest, and King. 5 Haste, ye mortals, to adore him; Learn his Dame, and taste his joy j Till in heaven ye sing before him, " Glory be to God most high." /U Praise for a Saviour. Ss A' 7s. IET our >f praise ascendiu -^ Rise to thee, <> God most high; While before thee, humbly b mding, Glory to thy name we cry, 2 With the shepherds in the story, Let our hearts to Bethlehem Where the Lord of lit'*' and glory, In a manger lieth low. 3 With the angels, tilled with wonder, Let us praise him in the height! With the blessed Virgin ponder All love's mystery and might. 4 Age to age thy glory beareth On the stream of time abroad; Race to race thy name de lareth, Son of Mary! Son or' God! 5 Heaven exults and earth rejoices In the work that thou hast wrought; Lord, attune our trembling voices, Let us praise thee as we ought. 1 72 The Birth of Christ. 1/1 Lnlce 2. 8 s «ft 1 \ TTAIL the night, all hail the morn, -*-X When the Prince of peace was bon When, amid the wakeful fold, Tidings good the angels told. 2 Now our solemn chant we raise Duly to the Saviour's praise; Now with carol hymns we bless Christ the Lord, our Kighteousness. 3 While resounds the joyful cry, "Glory be to God on high, Peace on earth, good-will to men!" Gladly we respond, "Amen!" 4 Thus we greet this holy day, Pouring forth our festive lav ; Thus we tell, with saintly mirth, Of Immanuel's wondrous birth. 179 ki u Our Example. i,. jf # IVrY dear Redeemer, and my Lord, £*-*- I read my duty in thy word; But m thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, buch deference to thy Father's will, buch love, and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine. 3 Cold mountains and the midnight air Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer; ihe desert thy temptations knew, lny conflict and thy victory too. 4 Be thou my pattern; make me bear More of thy gracious image here; lhen God, the Judge, shall own my name Among the followers of the Lamb. 73 Christ's Glory and Goodness. 173 Psalm 45. L.. M. ^VTOW he my heart inspired to sing ±y The glories of my Saviour King: Jesus, the Lord, how heavenly fair J lis form! how bright his beauties are! 2 O'er till tl of human race He shines with a Love from hi- Lips divinely Sows, And blessings ail his state com] 3 Thy throne, () God, forever stands! ( rrace is the scepl re in thy hands: Thy laws and h just and right; Justice and grace are I by delight 4 God, thine own God, has richly shed I [is oil of gladness on thy head ; And with his Bacred Spirit b I [is first-born £ it IH Ttio Ilciiflirciicr of Christ. I., M. WHEN, like a Btranger on our sphere, The low ly Jesus wandered h< Where'er he went, affliction fled, And siekn; 1 her Bunting head. 2 The eye that rolled in irksome night Beheld his face, — for < rod is light ! The opening ear, the loosen* d tongue, His precepts heard, his praises Bung. 3 With bounding Bteps the halt and lame, To hail their great Deliverer came; O'er the eold grave he bowed hifl head. He spake the word, and raised the dead. 4 Despairing madness, dark and wild, In his inspiring presence smiled; The storm of h«>rror ceased to roll, And reason lightened through the soul. 0' 174 Praise of Christ. 5 Through paths of loving-kindness led, Where Jesus triumphed we would tread; To all, with willing hands, dispense The gifts of our benevolence. 1/0 Praise of Christ. C. 1 |H ! for a shout of sacred joy To God, the sovereign King ; Let every land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing. 2 Jesus, our God, ascends on high ; His heavenly guards around Attend him rising through the sky, With trumpets' joyful sound. 3 While angels shout and praise their King Let mortals learn their strains ; Let all the earth his honor sing ; — O'er all the earth he reigns. 4 Rehearse his praise with awe profound ; Let knowledge lead the song ; Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 5 In Israel stood his ancient throne : — He loved that chosen race ; But now he calls the world his own ; The heathen taste his grace. l/b Mark 10: 32. C. 51. THE Saviour ! — what a noble flame Was kindled in his breast, When, hasting to Jerusalem, He marched before the rest ! 2 Good-will to men, and zeal for God, His every thought engross ; He longs to be baptized with blood ; He pants to reach the cross. The Lamb of God, 1 75 3 With all his sufferings full in view, And woes to us unknown, Forth to the task his spirit flew : 'Twas love that urged him on. 4 Lord, we return thee what we can ; Our hearts shall sound abroad Salvation to the dying Man, And to the rising God ! 5 And while thy bleeding glories here Engage our wondering eyes, We learn our lighter cross to bear, And hasten to the skies. r ill Psalm 22. C. M. N deep distress our Saviour prayed With mighty cries and tears ; God heard him in that hour of dread, And chased away his fears. 2 Great was the victory of his death, His throne exalted high : And all the kindreds of the earth Shall worship, or shall die. 3 A numerous offspring must arise From his expiring groans ; They shall be reckoned in his eyes For daughters and for sons. 4 The meek and humble souls shall see His table richly spread ; And all that seek the Lord shall be With joys immortal fed. 178 P. SI. BEHOLD the Lamb of God ! O thou for sinners slain, Let it not be in vain That thou hast died : 176 Christ Crucified. Thee for my Saviour let me take, My only refuge let me make Thy pierced side. 2 Behold the Lamb of God ! Into the sacred flood Of thy most precious blood My soul I cast : Wash me, and make me clean within, And keep me pure from every sin, Till life be past. 3 Behold the Lamb of God ! All hail, incarnate Word, Thou everlasting Lord, Saviour most blest ! Fill us with love that never faints, Grant us, with all thy blessed saints, Eternal rest. 4 Behold the Lamb of God ! Now at the Father's side Is he, the Crucified, Who bore our pains. The glory of adoring throngs, The themeof all their ceaseless songs, The Saviour reigns ! 5 Behold the Lamb of God ! Worthy is he alone, That sitteth on the throne Of God above ; One with the Ancient of all days, One with the Comforter in praise, All light and love ! 1 7Q " Wounded for our Transgressions.*" ±IVJ 8sA7s. 61. 1\JOW, my soul, thy voice upraising, ±* Tell in sweet and mournful strain, How the Crucified, enduring Grief and wounds and dying pain, Christ our Sacrifice. 177 Freely of his love was offered, Sinless, was for sinners slain. 2 See ! his hands and feet are fastened ; So he makes his people free ! Not a wound whence blood is flowing But a fount of grace shall be: Yea, the very nails which nail him Nail us, also, to the tree ! 3 Through his heart the spear is piercing, Though his foes have seen him die ; Blood and water thence are streaming In a tide of mystery ; Water from our guilt to cleanse us, Blood to win us crowns on high. 4 Jesus, may those precious fountains Life to thirsting souls afford : Let them be our present healing, And at length our great reward : So a ransomed world shall ever Praise thee, its redeeming Lord. lOU " Redeemed by his Blood. ^ 8s A 7s. 6 1. E, who once in righteous vengeance Whelmed the world beneath the flood, Once again in mercy cleansed it With his own most precious blood ; Coming from his throne on high On the painful cross to die. 2 Oh, the wisdom of th' Eternal ! Oh, the depth of love divine ! Oh, the sweetness of that mercy Which in Jesus Christ did shine ! We were sinners doomed to die ; Jesus paid the penalty. 3 When before the Judge we tremble, Conscious of his broken laws, 12 H 1 1 78 Christ's Agony, May the blood of his atonement Cry aloud, and plead our cause, Bid our guilty terrors cease, Be our pardon and our peace. 4 Prince and author of salvation, Lord of majesty supreme, Jesus, praise to thee be given By the world thou didst redeem ; Glory to the Father be, And the Spirit, One with thee ! 101 Gal. 6:14. JL. Jtt. WHEN I survey the wondorus cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God ; All ^ vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. 3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down : Lid e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. lO^ Inke 22 : 43. ]L. M. THIS midnight ; and on Olive's brow ^ J- The star is dimmed that lately shone : Tis midnight ; in the garden now The suffering Saviour prays alone. 2 Tis midnight, and from all removed, The Saviour wrestles lone with fears ; Christ's Sacrifice. 179 E'en that disciple whom he loved Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. Tis midnight ; and for others' guilt The Man of sorrows weeps in blood ; Yet he that hath in anguish knelt Is not forsaken by his God. 4 'Tis midnight; and from ether-plains Is borne the BODg that angels know; Unheard by mortals are the .-trains That sweetly soothe the Saviour's woe. loO Isaiah r>:{: 1-6. LK JESUS, whom angel hostfl adore, Became a man 1 for me ; In love, though rich, becoming poor, That I through him enriched might be. 2 Though Lord of all, above, below, lb- wcm to ( Hivet for 1 There drank my cup of wrath and woe, when bleeding in Gethsemana 3 The ever-1 rod Weni up to ( lalvary for me ; There paid my debt, there bore my load, In his own body on the I 4 Jesus, whose dwelling is the Bki Went down into the grave lor me; There overcame my enemies, There won tin- glorious victory. 5 'Tis finished all : the veil is rent, The welcome sure, the access tree; Now then we leave our banishment, O Father, to return to thee! 184 John 19: 30. L. M. THIS finished ! so the Saviour cried, -L And meekly bowed his head and died. 180 Conte?nplation of Christ's Sacrifice. Tis finished ! yes, the race is run, The battle fought, the victory won. 2 Tis finished ! this thy dying groan Shall sins of every kind atone ; Millions shall be redeemed from death By this thy last expiring breath. 3 Tis finished ! Heaven is reconciled, And all the powers of darkness spoiled ; Peace, love, and happiness again Return, and dwell with sinful men. 4 Tis finished ! let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round : Tis finished ! let the echo fly Through heaven and hell, through earth and sky. lOb Christ's Dying' I^ove. t. M. LORD, w T hen my thoughts delighted rove Amid the wonders of thy love, Sweet hope revives my drooping heart, And bids intruding fears depart. 2 The Lord of life, the Saviour, dies For mortal crimes a sacrifice : What love, what mercy, how divine ! Jesus, and can I call thee mine ? 3 Be all my heart and all my days Devoted to my Saviour's praise ; And let my glad obedience prove How much I owe, how much I love. lOb 1 Jolin 2:1. I.. M. HE lives ! the great Redeemer lives ! What joy the blest assurance gives ! And now before his Father, God, Pleads the full merit of his blood. 2 Repeated crimes awake our fears, And justice armed with frowns appears ; Christ Risen and Victorious. 181 But in the Saviour's lovely face Sweet mercy smiles, and all is peace. 3 In every dark, distressful hour, When sin and Satan join their power, Let this dear hope repel the dart, That Jesus bears us on his heart. 4 Great Advocate, Almighty Friend ! On him our humble hopes depend ; Our cause can never, never fail, For Jesus pleads, and must prevail. 10/ TIjo Gtom. IteM. OH, the sweet wonder- of that CT Where my I i r loved and died! Her noblest life my spirit dn From his dear wounds and bleeding side. » 2 I would forever Bp tab bis name In sounds to mortal ears unknown ; With angels join to praise the Lamb, And worship at his Father's throne. PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him, all creatures lure b. -low- Praise him above, ye heavenly h<>-t, Praise Father, Sou, and Holy Gil lOO I'salni 2 1. OUB Lord i< risen from the dead ; Our Jesus is gone up on high ; The powers of hell are captive led, Dragged to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal chariot wait-. And angels chant the solemn lay : — "Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors, give way !" 1 82 Christ Risen and Victorious. 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold th' ethereal scene ; He claims these mansions as his right ; Receive the King of glory in. 4 Who is the King of glory, who ? The Lord that all his foes o'ercame ; That sin and death and hell o'erthrew ; And Jesus is the conqueror's name. 5 Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay : — " Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors, give way !" XOO Christ Victorious. HAIL to the Prince of life and peace, Who holds the keys of death and hell ! The spacious world unseen is his, And sovereign power becomes him well. 2 In shame and anguish once he died ; But now he lives for evermore : Bow down, ye saints around his seat, And, all ye angel bands, adore. 3 So live forever, glorious Lord, To crush thy foes, and guard thy friends ; While all thy chosen tribes rejoice That thy dominion never ends. 4 Forever reign, victorious King ! Wide through the earth thy name be known, And call my longing soul to sing Sublimer anthems near thy throne. Luke 24 : 26. r E dies ! the Friend of sinners dies ! Lo! Salem's daughters weep around: A solemn darkness veils the skies ; A sudden trembling shakes the ground. H 1 The Resurrection of Christ. 183 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree ; The Lord of glory dies for men ! But, lo ! what sudden joys Ave see, — Jesus the dead revives again ! 3 The rising God forsakes the tomb ; Up to his Father's court he flies ; Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. 4 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell How high our great Deliverer reigns; Sing how he spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the tyrant death in chains. 5 Say, "Live forever, glorious King, Born to redeem, and strong to >ave! Where now, () death, where is thy BtingT And where thy vict'ry, boasting ( Ira? 191 1 (or. 15: 20. 7s. CHRIST, the Lord, is risen to-day, Our triumphant holy day : lie endured the dross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. 2 Lo ! he rises, mighty King! Where, (> Death ! is now thy sting? Lo ! lie claims his native sky I Grave! where is thy victory? 3 Sinners, see your ransom paid, Peace with God forever made: With your risen Saviour rise; Claim with him the purchased skies. 4 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day, Our triumphant holy day ; Loud the song of victory raise ; Shout the great Redeemer's praise. 184 The Resurrectioyi of Christ. M< V3L Matt. 28: 6. 7s, "ORNLSTG breaks upon the tomb ; Jesus scatters all its gloom ; Day of triumph through the skies, See the glorious Saviour rise ! 2 Now, disciples, dry your tears, Banish unbelieving fears : Look on his deserted grave, Doubt no more his power to save. 3 Ye who are of death afraid, Triumph in the scattered shade : Drive your anxious cares away, See the place where Jesus lay. XOO JoI>38:7. 7s. < ONGS of praise the angels sang, s Heaven with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When he spake, and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of peace was born : Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise shall crown that day : God will make new heavens and earth ; Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 5 Borne upon their latest breath Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amid eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ. Christ glorified, bid present with us. 185 LkJ^t Hymn of the Resnrrection. 7s. JESUS Christ is risen today, — Our triumphant holy day, — Who did once, upon the cross, Suffer to redeem our loss. 2 Hymns of praise then let us sing Unto Christ, our heavenly King ; Who endured the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. IC/O John 14: 3. C. 31. THE golden gates are lifted up, The doors are opened wide, The King of glory is gone in Unto his Father's side 2 Thou art gone up before us, Lord, To make for us a place, That we may be where now thou art, And look upon God'fl face. 3 And ever on thine earthly path A gleam of glory lit A light still breaks behind the cloud That veils thee from our ey 4 Lift up our hearts, lift up our mind3, Let thy dear grace be given, That while we tarry here In low, Our treasure be in heaven ! 5 That where thou art, at God's right hand, Our hope, our love may be ; Dwell thou in us, that we may dwell For evermore in thee ! iyb A Present Christ. CM. ( H, say to all men, far and near, 0' That Christ is risen again ! 1 86 Christ risen and reigning. That Christ is with us, now and here, And ever shall remain. 2 Now let the mourner grieve no more, Though his beloved sleep ; A happier meeting shall restore Their light to eyes that weep. 3 The way of darkness that he trod, To heaven, at last, shall come ; And he who hearkens to Christ's word, Shall reach his Father's home. 4 Now every heart each noble deed With new resolve may dare ; A glorious harvest shall the seed, In happier regions, bear. la / Christ Risen and Reigning. C. M. YE humble souls that seek the Lord, Chase all your fears away ; And bow with reverence down, to see The place where Jesus lay. 2 Thus low the Lord of life w r as brought, Such wonders love can do ! Thus cold in death that bosom lay, Which throbbed and bled for you* 3 If ye have wept at yonder cross, And still your sorrows rise, Stoop down and view the vanquished grave, Then wipe your weeping eyes. 4 Then dry your tears, and tune your songs, The Saviour lives again ; Not all the bolts and bars of death The Conqueror could detain. 5 High o'er th' angelic band he rears His once dishonored head ; And through unnumbered years he reigns Who dwelt among the dead. The Risen Saviour. 1 87 lyO God a Sure Defence, CM. YE humble souls, approach your God With songs of sacred praise ; For he is good, supremely good, And kind are all his ways. 2 All nature owns his guardian care; In him we live and move ; But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. 3 He gave his well-beloved Son, To save our soul- from Bin : 'Tis here he makes his goodness known, And proves it all divine. 4 To this dear Refuge, Lord, we come, And here our hope reli A safe defence, a peaceful home, When storms of trouble rise, 5 Thine eye beholds, with kind regard, The souls who trust in thee; Their humble hope thou wilt reward With bliss divinely f 6 Great God! to thine almighty love What honors shall we raise? Not all the raptured songs above Can render equal praise. 199 The Risen Saviour. C. >I. TRIUMPHANT, Christ ascends on -L The glorious work complete ; [high, Sin, dea ill, and hell, low vanquished lie, Beneath his awful i'eet. 2 There, with eternal glory erowned, The Lord, the Conqueror, reigns ; His praise the heavenly choirs resound, In their immortal strains. I 1 88 The Suffering Saviour Exalted. 3 Amid the splendors of his throne, Unchanging love appears ; The names he purchased for his own, Still on his heart he bears. 4 Oh, the rich depths of love divine! Of bliss a boundless store : Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine ; I cannot wish for more. 5 On thee alone my hope relies ; Beneath thy cross I fall ; My Lord, my life, my sacrifice, My Saviour, and my all. lXj\J The Suffering Saviour exalted. C. M. HE, who on earth as man was known, And bore our sins and pains, Now, seated on th' eternal throne, The God of glory reigns. 2 His hands the wheels of nature guide With an unerring skill ; And countless worlds, extended wide, Obey his sovereign will. 3 While harps unnumbered sound his praise In yonder world above, His saints on earth admire his ways, And glory in his love. 4 When troubles, like a burning sun, Beat heavy on their head, To this almighty rock they run, And find a pleasing shade. 5 How glorious he, how happy they, In such a glorious friend ! Whose love secures them all the way, And crowns them at the end. Christ Risen. 189 lOl Rev. 5:6-10. CM. BEHOLD the glories of the Lamb Amid his Father's throne : Prepare new honors for his name, And songs before unknown. 2 Let elders worship at his feet, The Church adore around, With vials full of odors sweet, And harps of sweeter sound. 3 Now to the Lamb that once was slain Be endless Meetings paid; Salvation, glory, joy remain Forever on thy head. 4 Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood, Hast set the prisoners fir Hast made us kings and priests to God, And we shall reign with thee. 5 The worlds of nature and of grace Are put beneath thy power; Then shorten these delaying days, And bring the promised hour. )H0 "The Lord is risen iuuVori." u\JL Luke 2i: S4. H. M. "mHELord is risen indeed:" -L NoW is his work performed; Now is the mighty Captive freed, And death our foe disarmed. 2 "The Lord is risen indeed :" The grave has lost its prey ; With him is risen the ransomed seed To reign in endless day. 3 " The Lord is risen indeed :" He lives, to die no more ; He lives, the sinner's cause to plead, Whose curse and shame he bore. 190 Christ our Advocate and Saviour] 4 " The Lord is risen indeed :" Attending angels hear ; Up to the courts of heaven with speed, The joyful tidings bear. 5 Then take your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful chord ; Join all the bright celestial choirs, To sing our risen Lord ! A' 203 Rev. 15:3, 4. S.l WAKE, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake, every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of his dying love ; Sing of his rising power \ Sing how he intercedes above For those whose sins he bore. 3 Ye pilgrims on the road To Zion's city, sing ! Rejoice ye in the Lamb of God, — In Christ, th' eternal King. 4 Soon shall we hear him say, — " Ye blessed children, come ;" Soon will he call us hence away, And take his wand'rers home. 5 Then shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim, And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. 2U4 Jotin 3: 17. S. M, RAISE your triumphant songs To an immortal tune ; Wide let the earth resound the deeds Celestial grace has done. Christ Risen. 19 1 2 Sing how eternal love Its chief Beloved chose, And bade him raise our wretched race From their abyss of woes. 3 Twas mercy filled the throne, And wrath stood silent by, When Christ was sent with pardons down To rebels doomed to die. 4 Now, sinners, dry your tears ; Let hopeless sorrow cease : Bow to the sceptre of his love, And take the offered peace. ;05 Luke 24: 5. C. L. ■. HOW calm and beautiful the morn That gilds the sacred tomb, Where once the Crucified was borne, And veiled in midnight gloom! Oh, weep no more the Saviour slain ; The Lord is risen, he lives again. Ye mourning saints, dry every tear For your departed Lord, "Behold the place, he is not here!" The tomb is all unbarred : The gates of death were closed in vain, The Lord is risen, he lives again. Now cheerful to the house of prayer, Your early footsteps bend ; The Saviour will himself be there, Your Advocate and Friend : Once by the law your hopes were slain, But now, in Christ, ye live again. How tranquil now the rising day ! 'Tis Jesus still appears, A risen Lord, to chase away Your unbelieving fears ; 192 Christ in Getbsemane. Oh, weep no more your comforts slain, The Lord is risen, he lives again. 5 And when the shades of evening fall, When life's last hour draws nigh, If Jesus shines upon the soul, How blissful then to die! Since he hath risen that once was slain, Ye die in Christ to live again. 206 Matt. 26 : 36-46. C. I,. 31, HE knelt : the Saviour knelt and prayed, When but his Father's eye Looked thro' the lonely garden's shade, On that dread agony ; The Lord of all above, beneath, Was bowed with sorrow unto death. 2 He knew them all ; the doubt, the strife, The faint, perplexing dread ; The mists that hang o'er parting life, All darkened round his head ; And the Deliverer knelt to pray ; — Yet passed it not, that cup, away. 3 It passed not, though the stormy wave Had sunk beneath his tread ; It passed not, though to him the grave Had yielded up its dead : But there was sent him, from on high, A gift of strength for man to die. 4 And was his mortal hour beset With anguish and dismay ? How may we meet our conflict yet In the dark, narrow way ? How but thro' him, that path who trod ? Save, or we perish, Son of God ! 207 The Coronation. €. M« ALL hail ! the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall, Jesus Christ Crowned. 193 Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. 4 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall : Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. 5 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. !0o Heb. 2: 9. CM. THE head that once was crowned with Is crowned with glory now ; [thorns A royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords Is his by sovereign right ; The King of kings, and Lord of lords, He reigns in glory bright. 3 Jesus, the joy of all above ! The joy of all below, To whom he manifests his love, And grants his name to know. 4 To them the cross, with all its shame, With all its grace, is given ; Their name — an everlasting name, Their joy — the joy of heaven. 13 194 Jesus Christ Worshipped. 5 To them the cross is life and health, Though shame and death to him ; His people's hope, his people's wealth, Their everlasting theme. c ( 209 Rev. 5: O. €.M| 10ME let us join our cheerful songs j With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,] But all their joys are one. 2 Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus ; Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, For he was slain for us. 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine : And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. 4 The w r hole creation join in one To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. C\\ f\ The Voice from Calvary.— J ©fm 19 : 30. HARK ! the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary ; See! it rends the rocks asunder, Shakes the earth and veils the sky: "It is finished!" Hear the dying Saviour cry. 2 "It is finished!" — Oh, what pleasure Do these charming words afford ! Heavenly blessings without measure Flow to us from Christ, the Lord : "It is finished!" Saints, the dying words record. Adoration of Christ, 1 95 3 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs; Join to sing the pleasing theme: All on earth and all in heaven, Join to praise Immanuei's name: Hallelujah! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! /jll Adoration of Christ. 8s «fc 7s. CROWX his head with endless blessing, Who, in God the Father's name, With compassion never ceasing, Comes, salvation to proclaim, 2 Lo, Jehovah, we adore thee! Thee, our Saviour — thee, our God! From thy throne let beams of glory Shine through all the world abroad. 3 Jesus! thee our Saviour hailing, Thee our ( rod in praise we own ; Highest honors, never Failii Rise eternal round thy throne. 4 Now, ye Baints, his power confi ssing, In your grateful strains ado For his mercy never ceasing, Flows and flows for evermore. L\l Hob. 1: hall wail, While we rejoice to see the day: Come, Lord! nor let thy promise fail, Nor let thy chariot long delay. LL\ Rom. 5: o. C.M. COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove! With all thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 200 The Holy Ghost. 2 Look, how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys; Our souls can neither fly nor go To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate? Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, VV ith all thy quickening powers ; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. LLL John 16: 7. C . M . QUR blest Redeemer, ere he breathed Y ^ 1S tender, last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter bequeathed, With us on earth to dwell. 2 He came in tongues of living flame, lo teach, convince, subdue; All-powerful as the wind he came, And all as viewless too 3 And his that gentle voice we hear, feoft as the breath of even, That checks each fault, that calms each fear, And whispers us of heaven. 4 An A d 6 7 eiy virtue we Possess, And every virtue won, And every thought of holiness, Are his, and his alone. 5 Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness pitying see; The Holy Ghost. 201 Oh, make our hearts thy dwelling-place, Purer and worthier thee. IlO Rom. 8:14-16. Kph. 1: 13. C. M . WHY should the children of a King Go mourning all their day-? Great Comforter, descend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. 5 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heaven 1 When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show ii. yen? ) Assure my >f her part In the Redeem 1 ; And hear thy witness with my heart, That I am born of I 1 Thou art the earnesl of his The ]»1< d me; And thy soft wii 3tial I tove, Will saf y me hoi 6^4 Itom. S: 11. I,. M. COME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Do With light and (-..in l\r thou our guardian, thou our guide, O'er every thought and step preside. 2 The light of truth to us display, And make US know and cho «e thy way; Plant holy fear in every h< That we from God m 3 Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his precepts .-tray. 202 Invocation of the Spirit. ZZu Work of tSie Spirit. \ A . $i ETEKNAL Spirit ! we confess And sing the wonders of thy grace ; Thy power conveys our blessings down From God the Father and the Son. 2 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day ; Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger and our refuge too. 3 Thy power and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning sin ; Do our imperious lusts subdue, And form our wretched hearts anew. 4 The troubled conscience knows thy voice ; Thy cheering words awake our joys; Thy words allay the stormy wind, And calm the surges of the mind. UcJO Invocation of toe Spirit. I,. M. pKEATOE Spirit ! by whose aid V^ The world's foundations first were laid, Come, visit every waiting mind ; Come, pour thy joys on human-kind. 2 Thrice holy Fount, thrice holy Fire, Our hearts with heavenly love inspire ; Come, and thy sacred unction bring To sanctify us, while we sing. 3 Our frailties help, our wills control, ( Subdue the senses to the soul ; And when rebellious they are grown, Then lay thy hand, and hold them down. 4 Make us eternal truths receive, And practise all that we believe ; Give us thyself, that w T e may see The Father and the Son by thee. The Holy Ghost. 203 U / Invocation of the Spirit. L.. M. COME, Holy Spirit! calm my mind, And fit me to a d ; Remove each vain _lit, And lead me to thy blest ab< de. Hast thou imparted to my soul A living spark of h Oh ! kindle now the ea ne ; Make me to burn with pure desire. A brighter faith and hope impart, And let me now my Savi >ur se Oli! soothe and cheer my burd ued heart, And bid my spirit n 31 in I C\J Ancient Hymn to Use Holy i.Jiosl. 7s. Holy spirit : L Prom 1 1 jht, Thy pur< Come, i . Com-', with I ( oine, thou i that 1 1 2 Thou of all Visiting Dost refrei hinj >w ; Thou in toil art comfori Pleasant coolm ss in th Solace in th 3 Light imm Visit thou tl And our inmost being ii!l : It' thou take thy Nothing pure in man will stay; All his good is turned to ill. 4 Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour thy dew ; Wash the stains of guilt away : 204 The Gifts of the Spirit besought. Bend the stubborn heart and will ; Melt the frozen, warm the chill ; Guide the steps that go astray. 5 Thou, on those who evermore Thee confess, and thee adore, In thy sevenfold gifts, descend ; Give them comfort when they die ; Give them life with thee on high ;' Give them joys which never end. ^^5J 2 Cor. 1: 22. QRACIOUS Spirit, Love divine ! VJ Let thy light within me shine ; All my guilty fears remove, Fill me with thy heavenly love. 2 Speak thy pardoning grace to me, Set the burdened sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God, Wash me in his precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation on my heart ; Breathe thyself into my breast, Earnest of immortal rest. 4 Let me never from thee stray, Keep me in the narrow way ; Fill my soul with joy divine,' Keep me, Lord ! forever thine. LO J TUe Spirit Invoked. TTOLY Ghost, thou Source of light ! -*- A We invoke thy kindling ray: Dawn upon our spirits' night, Turn our darkness into day. 2 To the anxious soul impart Hope, all other hopes above ; w- h u dul1 and hard ened heart With a longing and a love. The Gifts of the Spirit besought. 205 3 Give the struggling peace for strife ; Give the doubting light for gloom; I Speed the living into life, Warn the dying of their doom. 4 Work in all, in all renew, Day by day, the life divine ; All our wills to thee All our hearts to thee incline. jl 2 Cor. 1 : 22. 7s. HOLY Ghost, with light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine; Chase the shades of night a Turn my darknes day. 2 Holy Ghost, witb power «li ( lleanse this guilty I Long hath ein, with rol, Held dominion o'er my soul. 3 Holy ( rhost, with joy divi Cheer this 8add n of mine ; Bid my many \ Heal my wound* d, art ! 4 Holy Spirit, all dh Dwell within tlii ( last down Reign Bupreme, and reign al jL " Bleat Comforter." S. .H. BLEST Comforter : ; - Lei rays ol h ave : ' Amid our gloom and dai nine, And guide our souls above. 2 Draw, with thy still, small From every sinful way ; And bid the mourning saint rejoice, Though cart hl\ joys de< 206 The Holy Spirit's Presence and Power. 3 By thine inspiring breath Make every cloud of care, And e'en the gloomy vale of death, A smile of glory wear. LOO Presence of tBie Spirit. S. THE Comforter has come ; We feel his presence here ; Our hearts would now no longer roam, But bow in filial fear. 2 This tenderness of love, This hush of solemn power, 'Tis heaven descending from above, To fill this favored hour. 3 Earth's darkness all has fled, Heaven's light serenely shines, And every heart divinely led, To holy thought inclines. 4 No more let sin deceive, Nor earthly cares betray ; Oh, let us never, never grieve The Comforter away ! Zo4 Invocation. S. M COME, Holy Spirit ! come ; Let thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us of our sin ; Then lead to Jesus' blood : And to our wondering view reveal The secret love of God. 3 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. Prayer for the Spirit. 20 J 4 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new-create the whole. 5 Dwell, Spirit ! in our hearts ; Our minds from bondage free ; Then shall we know and praise and love The Father, Son, and Thee. 235 Phil. 2: 13. S. M. ? miS God the Spirit leads J- In paths before unknown ; The work to be performed is ours, The strength is all his own. 2 Supported by his grace, We still pursue our way ; And hope at last to reach the prize, Secure in endless day. 3 'Tis he that works to will. 'Tis lie that works t" do; His is the power by which we act, His be the glory too. LOU Prayer for the IloJy Spirit. II. K. THOTJ that hearesl prayer! o Attend our humble cry, And let thy servants share Thy blessing from on high : We plead the promise of thy word, Grant us thy Holy Spirit, Lord ! 2 If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry; If they, with love sincere, Their children's wants supply; Much more wilt thou thy love display, And answer when thy children pray. 208 The Trinity. 3 Our heavenly Father thou, — We, children of thy grace, — Oh, let thy Spirit now Descend and till the place; That all may feel the heavenly flame, And all unite to praise thy name. 237 Trinity. u. jj. FTIO Him that chose us first, -J- Before the world began ; To Him that bore the curse To save rebellious man ; Is endless praise And glory due. To Him that formed Our hearts anew, 2 The Father's love shall run Through our immortal songs : We bring to God the Son Hosannas on our tongues ; With equal praise, And zeal the same. Our lips address The Spirit's name 3 Let every saint above, And angel round the throne, Forever bless and love The sacred Three in One : Thus, heaven shall raise His honors high, When earth and time Grow old and die. nop £00 The Bivine Perfections. H. M[ HPHE Lord Jehovah reigns : r *- His throne is built on high ; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty His glories shine With beams so bright Xo mortal eye Can bear the sight. 2 The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe ; His wrath and justice stand To guard his* holy law ; The Trinity. 209 His truth confirms And seals the grace. And where his love Kesolves to bless, Through all his ancient works Surprising wisdom shines, Confounds the powers of hell, And breaks their fell designs Strong is his arm, And shall fulfil His great decrees, His sovereign will. 7 The Trinity. 6s «fc 4s. COME, thou Almighty King ! Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise. Father all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of days. 2 Come, thou Incarnate Word ! Gird on thy mighty sword, Our prayer attend. Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success ; Spirit of holiness, On us descend. 3 Come, Holy Comforter ! Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour. Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power. 4 To the great One in Three The highest praises be, Hence evermore ! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity, Love and adore ! 14 210 Praise of Christ. 240 Rev. 5 : 12. 6s kili ; And on the wings of every hour We read thy patience still. 3 But when we view thy Btrange design To save rebellious worms. Where vengeance and compassion join In their divinest forms, — 213 214 Salvation by Christ. 4 Here the whole Deity is known ; Nor dares a creature guess Which of the glories brightest shine, The justice or the grace. 5 Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains ; Bright seraphs learn ImmanueFs name, And try their choicest strains. 6 Oh, may I bear some humble part In that immortal song! Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. 243 Gal. 2: 16. CM. ~N vain we seek for peace with God By methods of our own : Nothing, O Saviour ! but thy blood, Can bring us near the throne. 2 But thine illustrious sacrifice Hath answered all demands ; And peace and pardon from the skies Are offered by thy hands. 3 Tis by thy death we live, O Lord V 'Tis on thy cross w r e rest : Forever be thy love adored, Thy name forever blessed. Z44 Psalm 51. ;l. m. LOKD, I am vile, conceived in sin, And born unholy and unclean ; Sprung from the man w T hose guilty fall Corrupts the race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as w r e draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin grow up for death : Thy law demands a perfect heart ; But we're denied in every part. Depravity. End of the Wicked. 215 3 Great God! create my heart anew, And form my spirit pure and true ; No outward rites can make me clean, The leprosy lies deep within. No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop branch, nor sprinkling priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, Can wash the dismal stain away. Jesus, my God, thy blood alone Hath power sufficient to atom- ■ Thy blood can make me whi w; No Jewish types could cleanse me /l4b Matt. 7: 13,11. L. H. BROAD is the road thai leads to death, And thousands walk together there; But wisdom show- a narrow path, With here and there a traveller. " Deny thyself, and take thy cross," Is the Redeemer's great command : Nature must count her gold but dn It" she would L f :iin this heavenly land. :> The fearful bou! that tires and hint And walks the way- of God DO more, Is but esteemed almost a saint, And makes his own destruction sure. 4 Lord! let not all my hop< - be vain; ( Ireate my heart entirely new : Which hypocrite- could ne'er attain; Which false apostates never knew. 24b Psalm 7.5. I* ■• LORD, what a thoughtless wretch was I, To mourn and murmur and repine, To see the wicked, placed on high, Iu pride and robes of honor shine! 216 Salvation in Christ alone. 2 But oh, their end, their dreadful end! Thy sanctuary taught me so : On slippery rocks I see them stand, And fiery billows roll below. 3 Their fancied joys, how fast they flee ! Just like a dream w r hen man aw r akes ; Their songs of softest harmony Are but a prelude to their plagues. 4 Now I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood : Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my God ! I>oxology. PK AISE God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him, all creatures here below ; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 247 Jer. 8 : 22. !L. M. DEEP are the wounds which sin has made ; Where shall the sinner find a cure ? In vain, alas, is nature's aid ; The work exceeds all nature's power. 2 And can no sovereign balm be found? And is no kind physician nigh, To ease the pain and heal the w r ound, Ere life and hope forever fly ? 3 There is a great physician near, Look up, O fainting soul, and live ; See in his heavenly smiles appear Such ease as nature cannot give ! 4 See, in the Saviour's dying blood, Life, health, and bliss abundant flow! 'Tis only this dear sacred flood Can ease thy pain, and heal thy woe. Salvation in Christ alone. 217 248 Hope in Christ. !L. 31. LOOK up, my soul, with cheerful eve. See where the great Redeemer stands, The glorious Advocate on high, With precious incense in his hands ! 1 He sweetens every humble groan, He recommends each broken prayer; Recline thy hope on him alone Whose power and love fori) id despair. 5 Teach my weak heart, gracious Lord ! With stronger faith to call thee mine; Bid me pronounce the blissful word, My Father, God, with joy divine. i4y Horn. 1: 16. In W* WHAT shall the dying sinner do, That seeks relief for all his woe? Where shall the guilty conscience find Ease for the torment of the mind} 2 Tn vain we search, in vain we try, Till Jesus brings his gospel nigh ! 'Tis there the power and glory dwell, That save rebellious soula from hell. } This is the pillar of our hope, That bears our fainting spirits up; We read the grace, we trust the word, And find salvation in the Lord. 250 Phil. 2: 9. EfK. rnilERE is none other name than thine, J- Jehovah Jesus I Name divine I On which to rest for sins forgiven, — For peace with God, for hope of heaven. 2 There is none other name than thine, When cares and fears and griefs are mine, IT 21 8 Salvation by Grace. That, with a gracious power, can heal Each care and fear and grief I feel. 3 There is no other name than thine, When called my spirit to resign, To bear me through that latest strife, And ev'n in death to be my life. 4 Name above every name ! thy praise Shall fill the remnant of my days : Jehovah Jesus ! Xante divine ! Rock of salvation ! thou art mine. 1 Cor. 1 : 30. s. M TOW heavy is the night L That hangs upon our eyes, Till Christ, with his reviving light, Upon our souls arise ! 2 Our guilty spirits dread To meet the wrath of Heaven ; But in his righteousness arrayed, We see our sins forgiven. 3 Unholy and impure Are all our thoughts and ways : His hands infected nature cure, With sanctifying grace. 4 The powers of hell agree To hold our souls in vain ; He sets the sons of bondage free, And breaks th' accursed chain. 5 Lord, we adore thy ways, To bring us near to God,— Thy sovereign power, thy healing grace, And thine atoning blood. UOL Necessity of Pardon. S. Hf. CAN sinners hope for heaven, Who love this world so well ? Salvation by Grace. 219 Or dream of future happiness, While on the road to hell ? 2 Shall they hosannas sing, With an unhallowed tongue? Shall palms adorn the guilty hand Which does its n wrong? 3 Can sin's deceitful way Conduct to Zion's hill? Or those expect with God to reign Who disregard his will? 4 Thy grace, O God, alone, ( rood hope can e'er afford ! The pardoned and the pure shall see The glory of the Lord. 53 Epli. 2: 5. S. WL GRACE! sound, Harmoniou Heaven with tie and, And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first contrive da T<> save rebellious n And all the steps thai grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. 3 Grace led my wand To tread thr heavenly road ; And new suppli our 1 meet, While pressing on to ( rod, 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlas It lavs in heaven th >ne, And well d< praise. Doxoiogy. "Y^E angels round the Throne, J- And saints that dwell below, Worship the Father, praise the 6on, And bless the Spirit too. 220 The Blood of Christ. &0*i John 1: 29. s , ]^0T all the blood of beasts, -L ^ On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away,— A sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. 3 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine, While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens thou didst bear, When hanging on th' accursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice And sing his bleeding love. 255 John 10 : 11. s# m F IKE sheep we went astray, -^ And broke the fold of God ; Each wandering in a different way, But all the downward road. 2 How dreadful was the hour, a T^ n G ° d ° Ur wailderin gs laid, And did at once his vengeance pour Upon the Shepherd's head ! 3 How glorious was the grace, \\hen Christ sustained the stroke! -tlis life and blood the Shepherd pays, A ransom for the flock Necessity of Regeneration. 221 4 But God shall raise his head O'er all the sons of men, And make him see a numerous seed, To recompense his pain. 56 Job 9: 2. S. ^1. AH, how shall fallen man Be just before his God ? If he contend in righteousness, We fall beneath his rod. 2 If he our ways should mark, With strict inquiring eyes, Could we for one of thousand faults A just excuse devifl 3 All-seeing, powerful God! Who can with thee contend? Or who that tries th' unequal strife, Shall prosper in the end? 4 The mountain^ in thy wrath. Their ancient seats forsake ; The trembling earth deserts her place, Her rooted pillars shak 5 Ah, how shall guilty man Contend with Buch a God? None, none can meet him and escape, But through the Saviour's blood. 557 Rom. 7: <>. <*• K. LORD, how secure my conscience was, And felt no inward dread! I was alive without the law, And thought my sins were dead. 2 My hopes of heaven were firm and bright ; But since the precept came With such convincing power and light, I find how vile I am. 222 Necessity of Regeneration. 3 My guilt appeared but small before Till I with terror saw How perfect, holy, just, and pure Is thine eternal law. 4 Then felt my soul the heavy load ; My sins revived again : I had provoked a dreadful God, And all my hopes were slain.' 5 My God ! I cry with every breath, 1 or some kind power to save ; Un break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave. ^° Kom.8:8. e J T-T°W helpless guilty nature lies, ;*--*- Unconscious of its load ' The heart, unchanged, can never rise J-0 happiness and God. 2 Can aught beneath a power divine, lhe stubborn will subdue? lis thine, almighty Spirit! thine, lo lorm the heart anew. 3 'Tis thine the passions to recall, And upward bid them rise; lo make the scales of error fall Iran reason's darkened eyes;— 4 To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live • A beam ? f heaven, a vital' ray, -lis thine alone to give. 5 Oh, change these wretched hearts of ours And give them life divine; IwS T P l S l i0ns and our Powers, Almighty Lord, be thine. Salvation by Christ. 223 259 Jolin 1: 12, 13. CM. ^\TOT all the outward forms on earth, -l-i Nor rites that God has given, Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, Can raise a soul to heaven. 2 The sovereign will of God alone Creates us heirs of grace ; Born in the image of his Son, A new, peculiar race. 3 The Spirit, like some heavenly wind, Breathes on the sous of flesh, New-models all the carnal mind, And forms the man afresh. 4 Our quickened souls awake and rise From the long Bleep of death ; On heavenly things we fix our eyes, And praise employ- our breath. 260 CSal. 2: 20. C ■. GREAT God, when I approach thy throne, And all thy glory This is my stay, and this alone, That Jesus died for me. 2 How can a soul condemned to die Escape tin 4 jusl 1 Helpless and full of sin am I, But Jesus died for me. ■3 Burdened with sin's oppressive chain, Oh, how can I get free? No peace can all my efforts gain, But Jesus died for me. And, Lord, when I behold thy face, This must be all my plea ; Save me by thy almighty grace, For Jesus died for me. 224 Deceiifuhiess of Sin. Z01 Salvation. CM, SALVATION !-oh, the joyful sound! Tis to our ears ; i balm for every wound, or our fears. 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, hell's dark door we la}-; But we arise by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. 3 Salvation ! — let the echo fly The spacious earth around ; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. £UZ Psalm 40. CM. OLORD, how infinite thy love ! How wondrous are thy ways ! Let earth beneath, and heaven above, Combine to sing thy praise. 2 Man in immortal beauty shone, Thy noblest work below; Too soon by sin made heir alone To death and endless woe. 3 Then, " Lo! I come," the Saviour said : Oh, be his name adored, Who, with his blood, our ransom paid, And life and bliss restored ! 263 The Throne of Love. c M. i^OME, let us lift our joyful eyes ^ Up to the courts above, And smile to see our Father there, Upon a throne of love. Come, let us bow before his feet And venture near the Lord : No fiery cherubs guard his seat, Nor double-flaming sword. Precious Blood of Christ. Calvary. 225 3 The peaceful gates of heavenly bliss Are opened by the Son ; High let us raise our notes of praise, And reach th' almighty Throne. To thee ten thousand thanks we bring, Great Advocate on high, And glory to the eternal King, Who lays his anger by. 6U4 Zech. 13:1. CM. THERE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. 2bO The Love of Christ. C. M. THE Saviour ! Oh, what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound ! Its influence every fear disarms, And spreads sweet comfort round. 226 Calvary. 2 Wrapped in the gloom of dark despair, We helpless, hopeless lay ; But sovereign mercy reached us there, And smiled despair away. 3 Th' almighty Former of the skies Stooped to our vile abode ; While angels viewed with wondering eyes, And hailed th' incarnate God. 4 Here pardon, life, and joys divine, In rich effusion flow, For guilty rebels lost in sin, And doomed to endless woe. 5 Come, heavenly love, inspire my song With thy immortal flame, And teach my heart, and teach my tongue, The Saviour's lovely name. ZOO Calvary. C. M. CHRIST, our ever blessed Lord, For man's transgression slain, We thy redeeming love record In songs of thankful strain. 'to^ 2 We upward lift our longing eyes, And muse on Calvary ; On thy mysterious sacrifice, Thy shame and agony. 3 We all like erring sheep had strayed From God the Father's care ; The guilt of all on thee was laid ; Our burden thou didst bear. 4 O Christ, be thou our present joy, Our future great reward ; Our only glory may it be, To glory in the Lord ! Salvation by Christ. 227 Vol Christ's Pity and Love. C. M. LUXGED in a gulf of dark despair, p 1 We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and — oh, amazing love ! — He ran to our relief. } Down from the - above, With joyful haste he fled, Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 1 Oh, for this love let rocks and bills Their lasting bH ak ; And all harmonious human I The Saviour's pri Angels, assist our mi Strike all your harps oi But when you raise your highest d A s, His love can ie 2bo .loini it: (;. < . n. THOU art the Way: to thee alone Prom sin and death we I And he who would the Pather seek, Must Beek him, Lord, by thee. Thou art the Truth: thy word a! True wisdom can impa Thou only cansl instruct the mind, And purity the heart. Thou art the Life: the rending tomb Proclaims thy conquering arm; And those who put their trust in thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 228 Salvation by Christ. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life; Grant us to know that Way, That Truth to keep, that Life to win, Which leads to endless day. 269 Eph. 2:8. CM AMAZING grace! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, — Was blind, but now I see. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved : How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed ! 3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come ; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. L /(J Rom. 5:8. C. M. JESUS, — and didst thou leave the sky, To bear our griefs and woes ? And didst thou bleed and groan and die For thy rebellious foes ? 2 Well might the heavens with wonder view A love so strange as thine ! No thought of angels ever knew Compassion so divine ! 3 Is there a heart that will not bend To thy divine control? Descend, O sovereign Love, descend, And melt that stubborn soul ! Salvation by Christ. 229 4 Oh, may our willing hearts confess Thy sweet, thy gentle sway; Glad captives of thy matchless grace, Thy righteous rule obey. 2/1 ICor. 1: 23; 3: 6, 7. CM. C HEIST and his cross are all our theme ; The mysteries that we speak Are scandal in the Jews' esteem, And folly to the Greek. 2 But souls enlightened from above, With joy receive the word ; They see what wisdom, power, and love Shine in their dying Lord. 3 The vital savor of his name Restores their fainting breath ; But unbelief perverts the same To guilt, despair, and death. 4 Till God diffuse his graces down, Like showers of heavenly rain, In vain Apollos sows the ground, And Paul may plant in vain. 272 Acts 1: 11. H. M. COME, every pious heart, That loves the Saviour's name, Your noblest powers exert To celebrate his fame : Tell all above, And all below, The debt of love To him you owe. 2 He left his starry crown, And laid his robes aside ; On wings of love came down, And wept and bled and died : What he endured, No tongue can tell, To save our souls From death and hell. 230 The Sin-atoning Saviour. 3 From the dark grave lie rose, — The mansion of the dead, — And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up through the sky And reigns on high, The conqueror rode, The Saviour-God. 4 From thence he'll quickly come, — His chariot will not stay, — And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day: There shall we see His lovely face, Z / O The Sin-atoning Saviour. H. M THY works, not mine, O Christ ! Speak gladness to this heart : They tell me all is done ; They bid my fear depart : And ever be In his embrace. To whom, save thee, Who canst alone For sin atone, Lord, shall I flee? 2 Thy tears, not mine, O Christ, Have wept my guilt away, And turned this night of mine Into a blessed day; To whom, save thee, For sin atone, Who canst alone Lord, shall I flee? 3 Thy wounds, not mine, O Christ, Can heal my bruised soul ; Thy stripes, not mine, contain The balm that makes me whole : To whom, save thee, For sin atone, Who canst alone Lord, shall I flee? 4 Thy righteousness alone Can clothe and beautify ; I wrap it round my soul ; In this I'll live and die: To whom, save thee, Who canst alone For sin atone, Lord, shall I flee ? Tear of 'Jubilee. 231 274 Lnke4: 19. H. M. BLOW ye the trumpet, blow ! The gladly solemn sound, Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The Bin-atoning Lamb! Redemption by his blood, Through every land, proclaim : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed Binners, home. 3 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pardoning grace: Ye happy souls, draw near; Behold your Saviour's fa The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye railBomed sinners, home. 4 Jesus, our great High Priest, Has full atonement made ; g Ye weary spirits, fl Y< mourning souls, be glad The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. CIO Prophet, Priest. nn^ Rest for the weary soul ? Twere vain the ocean depths to sound, Or pierce to either pole. 2 The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh : 'Tis not the whole of life to live Nor all of death to die. The Saviour's Gracious Call, 249 3 Beyond this vale of tears, There is a life above, Unmeasured by the flight of years; And all that life is love. 4 There is a death whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath : Oh, what eternal horrors hang Around the second death ! 5 Lord God of truth and grace ! Teach us that death to slum ; Lest we be banished from thy lace, And evermore undone. oUy Matt. 11: 28-30. 7s. COME, said Jesus' sacred voice, Come, and make my paths your choice; I will guide you to your borne, Weary wanderer, hither come I 2 Thou who, homeless and forlorn. Long hast borne the proud world's scorn, Long hast roamed the barren waste, Weary wanderer, hither haste. 3 Ye who, tossed bn beds of pain, Seek for ease, hut Beek in vain; Ye, by fiercer anguish torn. In remorse for guilt who mourn: — 4 Hither come! for lure is found Balm that ilows for every wound, Peace that ever shall endure, Rest eternal, sacred, sure. 310 JIfttt. 11: 2S. 7s. COME, ye weary souls, oppressed, Answer to the Saviour's call ; "Come, and I will give you rest; Come, and I will save you all." 250 The Saviour's Gracious Call. 2 Jesus, full of truth and love, We thy kindest call obey, Faithful let thy mercies prove, Take our load of guilt away. 3 Weary of this war within, Weary of this endless strife, Weary of ourselves and sin, Weary of a wretched life ; 4 Burdened with a world of grief, Burdened with our sinful load Burdened with this unbelief, Burdened with the wrath of God ;- 5 Lo, we come to thee for ease, True and gracious as thou' art : -Now our weary souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart. 311 KJX1 Isaiah 53: 4. W E / R 7, sinner! kee P thi ne eyes y On th' atoning Sacrifice; View him bleeding on the tree, Touring out his life for thee. 2 Surely, Christ thy griefs hath borne: Weeping soul, no longer mourn : N°w by faith the Son embrace, r-lead his promise, trust his grace. 3 Cast thy guilty soul on him; -t ind him mighty to redeem : At his feet thy burden lay- -Look thy doubts and cares away. 4 ^ rd ' come th <>u with power to heal: Now thy mighty arm reveal: At thy foet myself I lay; lake, oh, take my sins away ! 7s. S 1 Expostulations. 25 1 Ezeli. 33: II. 7s. DINNERS, turn, why will ye die? God, your Maker, asks you, Why ? God, who did your being give, Made you with himself to live. 2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, your Saviour, asks you, Why? He who did your souls retrieve, Died himself that you might live. 3 Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, the Spirit, asks you. Why? He who all your lives hath strove, Urged you to embrace his h 4 Will ye not his grace receive? Will ye still r< fuse to In () ye dying sinners ! why, Why will ye forever die ? o\0 £ph. 5: 14. 7s. SINNER, rouse thee from thy sleep; Wake, and o'er thy folly weep; Raise thy spirit dark and dead; Jesus waits his light to shed. 2 Wake from sleep, arise from death ; See the bright and living path : Watchful tread that path — be wise; Leave thy folly, Beek th 3 Leave thy folly, cease from crime, From this hour r be time ; Life secure, without delay ; Evil is thy mortal day. 4 House thee, sinner, from thy sleep; Wake, and o'er thy folly weep ; Jesus calls from death and night, Wake, and he shall give thee light. 252 Expostulations. 314 1 Pet. 4: IS. 7s. WHEN thy mortal life is fled, When the death-shades o'er thee spread, When is finished thy career, Sinner, where wilt thou appear ? 2 When the Judge descends in light, Clothed in majesty and might, When the wicked quail with fear, Where, oh, where wilt thou appear ? 3 What shall soothe thy bursting heart, When the saints and thou must part ? When the good with joy are crowned, Sinner, where wilt thou be found ? 4 While the Holy Ghost is nigh, Quickly to the Saviour fly ; Then shall peace thy spirit cheer ; Then in heaven shalt thou appear. OlO Bangei* of I>elay. „ 7s. HASTEN, sinner ! to be wise, Stay not for the morrow's sun ; Wisdom, if you still despise, Harder is it to be w T on. 2 Hasten mercy to implore, Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy season should be o'er, Ere this evening's stage be run. 3 Hasten, sinner ! to be blest, Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest perdition thee arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. 316 Piov. 18 : 24. 8s With joy shall we stand, when escaped to the shore ; With harps in our hands, we will praise him the more; We'll range the sweet plains on the banks of the river, And sing of salvation for ever and ever ! Hallelujah to the Lamb, etc. John 11: 25. 12s. THOU art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb ; 260 Funeral Hymn. The Saviour hath passed through its portals before I h And the lampof his love is thy guide through the -loom. 2 Thou art gone to the grave; we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough paths of the world by thy side ; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope, for the Sinless hath died. 3 Thou art gone to the grave ; and, its man- sion forsaking, Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered long ; But the sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking, And the sound thou didst hear was the sera- phim's song. 330 Mel>. 3: 13-15. 6s «fc 4s, CHILD of sin and sorrow ! Filled with dismay, Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day. Heaven bids thee come ^ While yet there's room; Child of sin and sorrow ! Hear and obey. Child of sin and sorrow, Why wilt thou die ? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high : Grieve not that love Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow, Would bring thee nigh. 3; 331 'Jesus' Gentle Call. 26 1 Child of sin and sorrow, Thy moments glide, Like the flitting arrow, Or the rushing tide ; Ere time is o'er, Heaven's grace implore ; Child of sin and sorrow, In Christ confide. 6s & 4s. JESUS gently calls, Weary sinner, come ! Leave the land of sin and want, Hasten to thy happy home ! God thy Father comes to meet thee ; Saints and angels wait to greet thee; To thy Father and thy home, Weary sinner, come ! 2 Jesus gently calls ! We would fain obey : Low before thy feet we fall ; Cast us not from" thee away. By thy blood for sinners spilt, Cleanse us from our sin and guilt, Be our advocate and friend, Save us to the end. 3 C Jesus, thy sweet call Falls like evening dew On our weary, thirsty souls, Shedding life and strength anew. Though to-day be full of sorrow, Thy sweet smile can make to-morrow Bright and clear ; O Saviour dear, Let thy smile appear ! 332 Xaike 18 : 13. I,. M. WITH broken heart and contrite sigh, A trembling sinner, Lord, I cry ; 262 Repentance. Thy pardoning grace is rich and free : O God, be merciful to me ! 2 I smite upon my troubled breast, With deep and conscious guilt oppressed; Christ and his cross my only plea : O God, be merciful to me ! 3 Far off I stand with tearful eyes, Nor dare uplift them to the skies ; But thou dost all my anguish see : O God, be merciful to me ! 4 Nor alms, nor deeds that I have done, Can for a single sin atone ; To Calvary alone I flee : O God, be merciful to me ! 333 John 1: 29. t. M, JUST as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bid'st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! 2 Just as I am, and w T aiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within, and fears without, O Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! 4 Just as I am, — poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! 5 Just as I am, thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve ; Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! Prayer for Pardon. 263 6 Just as I am, thy love unknown Hath broken every barrier down ; Now, to be thine, yea, thine alone, Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! O04 Psalm 51. L. 31. A BROKEN heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring ; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 2 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just ; Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye, And save the soul condemned to die. 3 Then will I teach the world thy ways ; Sinners shall learn thy sovereign grace; I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they shall praise a pardoning God. 4 Oh, may thy love inspire my tongue! Salvation shall be all my song ; And all my powers shall join to bl< The Lord, my Strength and liighteousin OO Prayer for Pardon. I*. M. OH that my load of sin were gone! Oh that I could at last submit At Jesus' feet to lay it down, — To lay my soul at Jesus' feet I 2 Rest for my soul I long to find : Saviour of all, if mine thou art. Give me thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp thine image un my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free : 1 cannot rest till pure within, Till I am wholly lost in thee. 264 Prayers for Pardon. 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God ; Thy light and easy burden prove; The cross all stained with hallowed blood, The labor of thy dying love. 5 I would, but thou must give the power ; My heart from every sin release ; Bring near, bring near the joyful hour, And fill me with thy perfect peace ! OOO Psalm 51. I*. M . SHOW pity, Lord! O Lord, forgive! Let a repenting rebel live ; Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee ? 2 My crimes are great, but ne'er surpass The power and glory of thy grace : Great God ! thy nature hath no bound, So let thy pardoning love be found. 3 Oh, wash my soul from every sin, And make my guilty conscience clean ! Here on my heart the burden lies, And past offences pain mine eyes. 4 My lips with shame my sins confess, Against thy law, against thy grace ; Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, I am condemned, but thou art clear. 5 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord ! Whose hope, still hovering round thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. OO I Rom. 5:1. I*. ML rpHOU Prince of glory, slain for me, -*- Breathing forgiveness in thy prayer ; That loving, melting look I see, That bursting sigh, that tender tear. Prayers for Pardon. 265 2 Can I behold that closing eye, Still fixed on me, still beaming love ? And can I see my Saviour die, ISTor feel one holy passion move ? 3 Let me but hear thy dying voice Pronounce forgiveness in my breast ; My trembling spirit shall rejoice, And feel the calm of" heavenly rest. 4 Lord, thine atoning blood apply, And life or death is sweet to me ; In life's last hour, thy presence, nigh, From fear shall set my spirit free. OOO The Sinner reconciled to God. I*, JK. TREMBLING before thine awful throne, O Lord ! in dust my sins I own ; Justice and Mercy for my life Contend ; oh, smile and heal the strife. 2 The Saviour smiles! upon my soul New tides of hope tumultuous roll ; His voice proclaims my pardon found, Seraphic transport wings the sound. 3 Earth has a joy unknown in heaven, — ■ The new-born peace of sin forgiveD ! Tears of such pure and deep delight, Ye angels, never dimmed your sight. 4 Ye saw of old, on chaos rise The beauteous pillars of the skies : Ye know where morn exulting springs, And evening folds her drooping wings. 5 Bright heralds of th' eternal Will, Abroad his errands ye fulfil ; Or, throned in floods of beamy day, Symphonious, in his presence play. 6 But I amid your choirs shall shine, And all your knowledge will be mine : Ye on your harps must lean to hear A secret chord that mine will bear. 266 "Justification by Faith. w 339 Phil. 3: 7-9. T,. M. ~0 more, my God, I boast no more Of all the duties I have done; I quit the hopes I held before, To trust the merits of thy Son. 2 Now, for the love I bear his name, What was my gain, I count my loss ; My former pride I call my shame, And nail my glory to his cross. 3 Yes, and I must and will esteem All things but loss for Jesus' sake ; Oh, may my soul be found in him, And of his righteousness partake ! 4 The best obedience of my hands Dares not appear before thy throne ; But faith can answer thy demands, By pleading what my Lord has done. 340 Isaiah 61: 10. Ii. M. JESUS ! thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress ; 'Mid flaming worlds, in these arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 When from the dust of earth I rise To claim my mansion in the skies ; E'en then shall this be all my plea : " Jesus hath lived and died for me." 3 This spotless robe the same appears, When ruined nature sinks in years ; No age can change its glorious hue ; The robe of Christ is ever new. 4 Oh, let the dead now hear thy voice ; Now bid thy banished ones rejoice ; Their beauty this, their glorious dress, — • Jesus ! thy blood and righteousness ! l Choosing Christ. 267 341 Rom. 1 : 16. I<. M. THOUGH all the world my choice deride, Yet Jesus shall my portion be ; For I arn pleased with none beside ; The fairest of the fair is he. 2 Sweet is the vision of thy face, And kindness o'er thy lips is shed; Lovely art thou, and full of grace, And glory beams around thy head. 3 Thy sufferings I embrace with thee, Thy poverty and shameful cross; The pleasures of the world I fl< And deem its treasures only dross. 4 Be daily dearer to my heart, And ever let me feel thee near; Then willingly with all I'd part, Is or count it worthy of a tear. S' J 342 Psalm 51: 11. I,. M. [TAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay! Though I have done thee such despite, Cast not a sinner quite away, Nor take thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er thy grace received; Ten thousand time- thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved; 3 Yet, oh, the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High Priest ! Nor, in thy righteous anger, swear I shall not see thy people's rest. 343 The mood of Christ. C. M. FOREVER here my rest shall be, Close to thy bleeding side ; 268 Repentance. This all my hope and all my plea, — For me the Saviour died. 2 My dying Saviour, and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin, Sprinkle me ever with thy blood, And cleanse and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus thine own: Wash me, and mine thou art ; Wash me, but not my feet alone, — My hands, my head, my heart. 4 Th' atonement of thy blood apply, Till faith to sight improve ; Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love. 344 Jer. 3: 22. CM. HOW oft, alas ! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word ! 2 Yet sovereign mercy calls, " Keturn !" Dear Lord, and may I come ? My vile ingratitude I mourn : Oh, take the wanderer home ! 3 And canst thou, wilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove ? And shall a pardoned rebel live, To speak thy wondrous love ? 4 Almighty grace, thy healing power, How glorious, how divine ! That can to life and bliss restore A heart so vile as mine. 5 Thy pard'ning love, so free, so sweet, Dear Saviour, I adore ; Oh, keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more ! Coming to Jesus. 269 04b ILiifce 15 : 17-21. C. M- A STRANGER in a barren land, Weary and faint I roam ; Why did I scorn a Father's yoke, Or leave my happy home ? 2 I will arise, I will return And seek my Father's face; Tell him my sorrow, sin, and shame, And plead his pardoning grace. 3 O Father, thy poor, sinful child Returns, at length, to thee! Unworthy to be called thy son, Let me thy servant be ! 4 He meets me yet a great way off, And clasps me to his breast ; He takes me to his home again, And gives the wanderer rest. Doxolosy. LET God the Father, and the Son, And Spirit be adored, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. u40 The Voice of Jesus. €. M. I HEARD the voice of Jesus say, "Come unto me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon my breast. 19 I came to Jesus as I was, Weary and worn and sad ; I found in him a resting-place, And he has made me glad. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 11 Behold, I freely give The living water! thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live." 270 Prayer for Mercy, I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream : My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in him. 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am this dark world's light : Look unto me ; thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright." I looked to Jesus, and I found In him my Star, my Sun ; And in that light of life I'll walk Till all my journey's done. Psalni 51. C. M* 347 TURN not thy face aw r ay, O Lord ! From them that lowly lie, Lamenting sore their sinful life With tears and bitter cry. Thy mercy-gate stands open wide To them that mourn their sin ; Shut not that gate against us, Lord ! But let us enter in. 2 Thou knowest, Lord, what things be past, And all the things that be ; Thou knowest well what is to come ; There's nothing hid from thee. So press we to thy mercy-gate, Where mercy doth abound, Imploring pardon for our sin, To heal our deadly wound. 3 O Lord ! we need not to repeat What we do beg and crave ; For thou dost know, before we ask, The blessings we would have. Mercy, O Lord ! we mercy seek ; This is the height and sum ; For mercy, Lord, is all our prayer, Oh, let thy mercy come ! S ( Faith in God. 271 348 Psalm 27. C. M. OON as I heard my Father say, " Ye children, seek my grace," My heart replied without delay, " I'll seek my Father's face. 5 ' 2 Let not thy face be hid from me, Nor frown my soul away ; God of my life, I fly to thee, In each distressing day. 3 My fainting flesh had died with grief, Had not my soul believed Thy grace would soon provide relief; Nor was my hope deceived. 4 AVait on the Lord, ye trembling saints, And keep your courage up ; He'll raise your spirit when it faints, And far exceed your hope. u4y Prov. 2.J: 2(J. V. ■. Y God, accept my heart this day, And make it always thine ; That I from thee no more may Btcaj, No more from tint' decline. 2 Before the cross of Hi in who died, Behold, I prostrate tall ; Let every sin be crucified, Let Christ be all in all. 00 Ilosea 11: 1. €. ML OTHOU, whose tender mercy hears Contrition's humble sigh ; Whose hand indulgent wipes the tears From sorrow's weeping eye; — 2 See, Lord, before thy throne of grace, A wretched wanderer mourn ; Hast thou not bid me seek thy face ? Hast thou not said, "Return" ? w 272 Joys of the Penitent. 3 And shall my guilty fears prevail To drive me from thy feet? Oh, let not this dear refuge fail, This only safe retreat ! 4 Oh, shine on this benighted heart, With beams of mercy sjiine ! And let thy healing voice impart The sense of joy divine. 351 Lukelo: 7. CM. OH, how divine, how sweet the joy, When but one sinner turns, And with an humble, broken heart, His sins and errors mourns ! 2 Pleased with the news, the saints below In songs their tongues employ ; Beyond the skies the tidings go, And heaven is filled w T ith joy. 3 Well pleased the Father sees and hears The conscious sinner's moan ; Jesus receives him in his arms, And claims him for his own. 4 Nor angels can their joys contain, But kindle with new fire ; — "The sinner lost is found," they sing, And strike the sounding lyre. oOZ Penitence. CM. WE sinners, Lord, with earnest heart, With sighs and prayers and tears, To thee our inmost cares impart, Our burdens and our fears. 2 Thy sovereign grace can give relief, Thou Source of peace and light ! Dispel the gloomy cloud of grief, And make our darkness bright. Repentance and Self- Devotion, 273 3 Around thy Father's throne on high, All heaven thy glory sings ; And earth, for which thou cani'st to die, Loud with thy praises rings. 4 Dear Lord ! to thee our prayers ascend ; Our eyes thy face w T ould see : Oh ! let our weary wanderings end, Our spirits rest in thee ! 30O Matt. 27: 45. C M. ALAS! and did my Saviour bleed? And did my sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degn 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When God, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away ; 'Tis all that I can do. OO^i Repentance. C. M, EAR Saviour, when my thoughts recall The wonders of thy grace, Low at thy feet, ashamed, I fall, And hide this wretched face. 18 D ! 274 Prayer for Grace. 2 Shall love like thine be thus repaid ? Ah, vile, ungrateful heart ! By earth's low eares so oft betrayed From Jesus to depart. 3 But he, for his own mercy's sake, My wandering soul restores ; He bids the mourning heart partake The pardon it implores. 4 Oh, while I breathe to thee, my Lord, The deep, repentant sigh, Confirm the kind, forgiving word, With pity in thine eye ! 5 Then shall the mourner at thy feet Rejoice to seek thy face ; And grateful, own how kind, how sweet Thy condescending grace ! ODD "Grace to Help." S. 31. Double. THOU art gone up on high, To realms beyond the skies; And round thy throne unceasingly The songs of praise arise. But we are lingering here, With sin and care oppressed ; Lord, send thy promised Comforter, And lead us to thy rest. 2 Thou art gone up on high ; But thou didst first come down, Through earth's most bitter misery, To pass unto thy crown ; And girt with griefs and fears, Our onward course must be ; But only let this path of tears Lead us at last to thee. 3 Thou art gone up on high ; But thou shalt come again, With all the bright ones of the sky Attendant in thy train. The Lost Sheep Found. 275 Lord, by thy saving power, So make us live and die, That we may stand, in that dread hour, At thy right hand on high. 356 1 Pet. 2: 25. S. M. I WAS a wandering sheep ; I did not love the fold ; I did not love my Shepherd's voice ; I would not be controlled. 2 I was a w 7 ayward child ; I did not love my home ; I did not love my Father's voice ; I loved afar to roam. 3 The Shepherd sought his sheep ; The Father Bought his child ; They followed me o'er vale and hill, O'er deserts waste and wild. 4 They found me nigh to death, Famished and faint and lone; They bound me with the bands of love; They saved the wandering one. 5 Jesus my Shepherd is ; 'Twas he that 1ovne look, And thou shah read, as in a book, What well is worth thy learning. Look on his head, that bleeding head, With crown of thorns surrounded; Look on his sacred hand.- and feet Which piercing nails have wounded: See every limb with scourges rent! On him, the dust, the Innocent, What malice hath abounded! 292 Lesson of the Cross. 3 Tis not alone those limbs are racked, But friends, too, are forsaking ; And more than all, for thankless man That tender heart is aching. Oh, fearful was the pain and scorn By Jesus, Son of Mary, borne. Their peace for sinners making ! 4 None ever knew such pain before, Such infinite affliction ; None ever felt a grief like his In that dread crucifixion. For us he bare those bitter throes, For us those agonizing woes, In oft-renewed infliction. sinner, mark and ponder well Sin's awful condemnation ; Think what a sacrifice it cost To purchase thy salvation : Had Jesus never bled and died, Then what could thee and all betide, But uttermost damnation ! Lord, give us grace to flee from sin, And Satan's wiles ensnaring, And from those everlasting flames For evil ones preparing: Jesus, we thank thee, and entreat To rest forever at thy feet, Thy heavenly glory sharing. SECTION VI. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. i.) God our Refuge, Portion, Strength, and Joy. His Grace, Mercies, Counsels, Care, and Love. Trust- ing, Resting, and Rejoicing in God. ').) Looking unto Jesus. Friend of Sin- ners. Fount of Blessings. Glory- ing in Christ's Cross. His Blood and Righteousness. His Sym- pathy and Intercession. The Good Shepherd. Trusting and Resting in Christ. Love Divine. Light in Darkness. Always with us. Sweet Moments at his Cross. Longing to be with Jesus. Not ashamed of Jesus. Lamb of Cal- vary. Lover of my Soul. Rock of Ages. ?.) Songs in the Night. Trials, Sor- rows, Afflictions. i.) Songs by the Way. Christian Pil- grimage. Prayer 8 for Guidance. Encoiiragcmcii Is. Rejoicings. e.) Graces and Duties. Purity, Stead- fastness, Faith, Meekness, love, Christian Fellowship, Zeal, etc. f.) Prayer. What Prayer is. The Mercy - Seat. lord's Prayer. Power of Prayer. Calls to Prayer. Importunity. 41 By the grace of God I am what I am."— 1 Cor. 15: 10. 293 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. job Psalm 146. L. M. GOD of my life ! through all my days My grateful powers shall sound thy praise ; The song shall wake with opening light, And warble to the silent night. 2 When anxious care would break' my rest, And grief would tear my throbbing breast, Thy tuneful praises raised on high Shall check the murmur and the sigh. 3 When death o'er nature shall prevail, And all my powers of language fail, Joy through my swimming eves shall break, And mean the thanks I cannot speak. But, oh! when that last conflict's o'er, And I am chained to flesh no more, With what glad accents shall I rise To join the music of the skies ! OO/ Psalm 121. t. 31. UP to the hills I lift mine eyes, Th' eternal hills beyond the skies ; Thence all her help my soul derives; There my almighty Refuge lives. 2 He lives — the everlasting God That built the world, that spread the flood ; The heavens with all their hosts he made, And the dark regions of the dead. 3 He guides our feet, he guards our way ; His morning smiles bless all the day ; He spreads the evening veil, and keeps The silent hours, while Israel sleeps. 295 296 The Christian Life. OOO Psalm 31. Jj.m LORD, in thy great, thy glorious name, I place my hope, my only trust ; Save me from sorrow, guilt, and shame, Thou ever gracious, ever just. 2 Thou art my rock ! thy name alone The fortress where my hopes retreat ; Oh, make thy power and mercy known ; To safety guide my wandering feet. 3 Blest be the Lord, forever blest, Whose mercy bids my fears remove ; The sacred walls which guard my rest Are his almighty power and love. OQhJ Psalm 138. !L. M. WITH all my powers of heart and tongue, I'll praise my Maker in my song ; Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the praise. 2 To God I cried when troubles rose ; He heard me, and subdued my foes ; He did my rising fears control, And strength diffused through all my soul. 3 Amid a thousand snares, I stand Upheld and guarded by thy hand ; Thy words my fainting soul revive, And keep my dying faith alive. 4 I'll sing thy truth and mercy, Lord ; I'll sing the wonders of thy word ; Not all thy works and names below So much thy power and glory show. Oo U Renunciation of the World. I*. M. I SEND the joys of earth away; Away, ye tempters of the mind, The Christian Life. 297 False as the smooth, deceitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind ! t Your streams were floating me along, Down to the gulf of black despair ; And while I listened to your song, Your streams had e'en conveyed me there. Lord ! I adore thy matchless grace, Which warned me of that dark abyss, Which drew me from those treacherous seas, And bade me seek superior bliss. Now to the shining realms above I stretch my hands and glance my eyes; Oh for the pinions of a dove, To bear me to the upper sk: 5 There, from the bosom of my God, Oceans of endless pleasure roll ; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrow.- of my soul ! Oo 1 John 81 r»s. L.X. THOU only Sovereign of my heart, My Refuge, my almighty Friend, And can my soul from thee depart, On whom alone my hopes depend? 2 Whither, ah ! whither shall I go, A wretched wanderer from my Lord? Can this dark world of Bin and woe One glimpse of happiness afford J 3 Eternal life thy words impart ; On these my fainting spirit lives; Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart Than all the round of nature gives. 4 Let earth's alluring joys combine ; While Thou art near, in vain they call! One smile, one blissful smile of thine, My dearest Lord, outweighs them all. 298 God our Refuge and Strength. 5 Low at thy feet my soul would lie ; Here safety dwells, and peace divine ; Still let me live beneath thine eye, For life, eternal life, is thine. 392 Rom. 8: 35-39. i A MIGHTY fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing: Our Helper he, amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe ; His craft and power are great, And armed with equal hate, On earth is not his equal. 2 Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing; Were not the right man on our side, The man of God's own choosing. Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is he ; Lord Sabaoth is his name, From age to age the same, And he must win the battle. 3 And though this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us ; We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us. The Prince of darkness grim, — We tremble not for him ; His rage we can endure, For lo! his doom is sure, — One little word shall fell him ! 4 That word above all earthly powers- No thanks to them — abideth ; The Spirit and the gifts are ours Through him who with us sideth. God our Refuge and Strength. 299 Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also : The body they may kill : God's truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever. 393 REJOICE to-day with one accord, Sing out with exultation. Rejoice and praise our mighty Lord, Whose arm hath brought salvation. His works of love proclaim The greatness of his name; For he is God alone, Who hath his mercy shown ; — Let all his saints adore him! 2 When in distress to him we cried, He heard our sad complaining; Oh, trust in him, whate'er betide, His love is all-sustaining. Triumphant songs of praise To him our hearts shall raise: Now every voice shall say, "Oh, praise our God alway!'' Let all his saints adore him! 394 Rom. 13: 11. S. M. YOUR harps, ye trembling saints, Down from the willows take: Loud to the praise of love divine Bid ev'ry string awake. 2 Though in a foreign land, We are not far from home; And nearer to our house above ^Ye every moment come. 3 Jlis grace will to the end Stronger and brighter shine; 300 The Christian Life. Nor present things, nor things to come, Shall quench the spark divine. 4 When we in darkness walk, Nor feel the heavenly flame, Then is the time to trust our God, And rest upon his name. 5 Soon shall our doubts and fears Subside at his control; His loving-kindness shall break through The midnight of the soul. 6 Blest is the man, O Lord, Who stays himself on thee ; Who waits for thy salvation, Lord, Shall thy salvation see. \JOU 1 Cor. 10: 31. S. M. TEACH me, my God and King, In all things thee to see; And what I do in anything, To do it as for thee ! 2 To scorn the senses' sway, While still to thee I tend; In all I do, be thou the way, In all, be thou the end. 3 All may of thee partake; Nothing so small can be But draws, when acted for thy sake, Greatness and worth from thee. 4 If done beneath thy laws, E'en servile labors shine; Hallowed is toil, if this the cause; The meanest work, divine. 396 Psalm 23. S.M. THE Lord my Shepherd is ; I shall be well supplied : God's Wondrous Grace. 30 1 Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside? 2 He leads me to the place Where heavenly pasture grows ; Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows. 3 If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim; And guides me, in his own right way, For his most holy name. 4 While he affords his aid, I cannot yield to fear; [shade, Though I should walk through death's dark My Shepherd's with me there. 5 The bounties of thy love Shall crown my following days; Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise. Jy / 1 John ft: 1. ft. 8. M. BEHOLD, what wondrous grace The Father has bestowed On sinners of B mortal race. To call them Bona of ( tod ! 2 Nor doth it yet appear How great we must be made ; But when we see our Saviour here, We shall be like our Head. 3 A hope so much divine May trials well endure; May purify our souls from sin, As Christ, the Lord, is pure. 4 If in my Father's love I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To rest upon my heart. 302 Confidence in God's Love and Wisdom. 5 We would no longer lie Like slaves beneath the throne ; Our faith shall "Abba, Father," cry, And thou the kindred own. 398 Psalm 27 : 14. S. M. GIVE to the winds thy fears, Hope, and be undismayed ; God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. 2 Through waves, through clouds and storms, He gently clears thy way ; Wait thou his time ; so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. 3 Far, far above thy thought His counsel shall appear, When fully he the work hath wrought That caused thy needless fear. 4 What though thou rulest not ! Yet heaven and earth and hell Proclaim, God sitteth on the throne, And ruleth all things well ! dyy Psalm 55. S. M. LET sinners take their course, And choose the road to death, But in the worship of my God I'll spend my daily breath. 2 My thoughts address his throne, When morning brings the light ; I seek his blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. 3 Thou w T ilt regard my cries, O my eternal God ! While sinners perish in surprise, Beneath thine angry rod. Following Christ. 303 4 Because they dwell at ease, And no sad changes feel, They neither fear, nor trust thy name, Nor learn to do thy will. 5 But I, with all my cares, Will lean upon the Lord ; I'll cast my burdens on his arm, And rest upon his word. 400 "The Eternal God is thy Refuge." C. M. IMMORTAL Power, Eternal One, With thee what can compare ? Thy glory shines in heaven and earth, And fills the ambient air. All time, all space, by thee illumed, Grows bright and brighter still, Obedient to thy high behest, And to thy sovereign will. 2 To thee dominion sole belongs, And 'tis to thee alone, My Father, Saviour, living God, I make my sorrows known : Thy love, celestial and divine, Descends upon my heart, Inspiring courage, hope, and joy, And bidding grief depart. 3 Protected by thy power and love, My body sinks to rest ; My soul, within thy heavenly arms, Reposes, calm and blest. Lord of my life, in darkest night I sleep and have no fear, And in the early dawn of day I wake and find thee near. 401 Following Christ. C. M. THE Son of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain ; His blood-red banner streams afar ; — Who follows in his train ? 3°4 Divine Mercies. Who best can drink his cup of woe, Triumphant over pain ; Who patient bears his cross below, — He follows in his train. The martyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave ; Who saw his Master in the sky, And called on him to save. Like him, with pardon on his tongue In midst of mortal pain, He prayed for them that did the wrong ; — Who follows in his train? A glorious band, the chosen few On whom the Spirit came ; Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The lion's gory mane, They bowed their necks, the death to feel ; — Who follows in their train ? A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, Around the Saviour's throne rejoice, In robes of light arrayed. They climbed the steep ascent of heaven, Through peril, toil, and pain ; O God, to us may grace be given To follow in their train. 402 Divine Mercies. C. M. WHEX all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise ! Unnumbered comforts on my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. The Higher Life. 305 3 When, in the slippery paths of youth, With heedless step I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. 5 Through every period of my life Thy goodness Fll pursue ; And, after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. 40u Col. 3: 1-4. CM. H, happy soul, that lives on high, O 1 While men lie grovelling here ! His hopes are fixed above the sky, And faith forbids his fear. 2 His conscience knows no secret stings, While peace and joy combine To form a life, whose holy springs Are hidden and divine. 3 He waits in secret on his God ; His God in secret sees : Let earth be all in arms abroad ; He dwells in heavenly peace. 4 His pleasures rise from things unseen, Beyond this world of time, Where neither eyes nor ears have been, Nor thoughts of mortals climb. 5 He wants no pomp nor royal throne, To raise his honor here : Content and pleased to live unknown, Till Christ his life appear. 20 306 The Christian Life. 404 Psalm 116. C. M. LOVE the Lord ; he heard my cries, And pitied every groan : Long as I live, when troubles rise, I'll hasten to his throne. i 2 I love the Lord; he bowed his ear, And chased my grief away : Oh, let my heart no more despair, While I have breath to pray ! 3 The Lord beheld me sore distressed, He bade my pains remove : Return, my soul, to God, thy rest, For thou hast known his love ! 4 My God hath saved my soul from death, And dried my falling tears ; Now to his praise I'll spend my breath, And my remaining years. 4UO Psalm 73. C. M. OD, my supporter and my hope, My help forever near, Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet Through this dark wilderness ; Thy hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. 3 Were I in heaven without my God, 'Twould be no joy to me ; And while this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint ? God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. & God our Portion and Strength. 307 5 Then, to draw near to thee, my God, Shall be my sweet employ : My tongue shall sound thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy. 4UD Psalm 126. C. M. WHEN God revealed his gracious name, And changed my mournful state, My rapture seemed a pleasing dream, The grace appeared so great. 2 The world beheld the glorious change, And did thy hand confess : My tongue broke out in unknown strains, And sung surprising grace. 3 The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night ; Make drops of sacred sorrow rise To rivers of delight. 4 Let those who sow in sadness wait Till the fair harvest come : They shall confess their sheaves are great, And shout the blessings home. hSjI Psalm 115. CM* SWEET is the memory of thy grace, My God, my heavenly King; Let age to age thy righteousness In sounds of glory sing. 2 God reigns on high; but ne'er confines His goodness to the skies : Thro' the whole earth his bounty shines, And every want supplies. 3 With longing eyes thy creatures wait On thee for daily food ; Thy liberal hand provides their meat, And fills their mouth with good. 308 The Christian Life. 4 How kind are thy compassions, Lord ! How slow thine anger moves ! But soon he sends his pardoning word To cheer the souls he loves. 5 Sweet is the memory of thy grace, My God, my heavenly King ; Let age to age thy righteousness In sounds of glory sing. A AO "His tender mercies are over all his 4UO works." C. M. THY goodness, Lord, our souls confess; Thy goodness we adore: A spring, whose blessings never fail ; A sea without a shore. 2 Sun, moon, and stars, thy love attest In every golden ray; Love draws the curtains of the night, And love brings back the day. 3 Thy bounty every season crowns, With all the bliss it yields; "With joyful clusters loads the vines, With strengthening grain, the fields. 4 But chiefly thy compassion, Lord, Is in the gospel seen ; There, like a sun, thy mercy shines, Without a cloud between. 5 There pardon, peace, and holy joy, Through Jesus' name are given; He on the cross was lifted high, That we might reign in heaven. 4HJy God's Covenant Sure. C. M. I KNOW thy thoughts are peace toward Safe am I in thy hands; [me; Firmly I build my hope on thee, For sure thy counsel stands. Faith in God's Covenant. 309 2 Whate'er thy word hath promised, all Wilt thou full surely give ! Wherefore, from thee I will not fall; Thy word doth make me live. Though mountains crumble into dust, Thy cov'nant stand eth fast ; Who follows thee in pious trust, Shall reach the goal at last. 4 Though strange and winding seems the way, While yet on earth I dwell, In heaven my heart shall gladly say, Thou, God, dost all things well. 410 1 Cor. 3: 21-23. CM. IF God is mine, then present things And things to come are mine; Yea, Christ, his Word, and Spirit, too, And glory all divine. If he is mine, then from his love He every trouble Bends; All things arc working for my good, And bliss his rod attends. 3 If he is mine, let friends forsake, Let wealth and honor tlee ; Sure he who giveth pae himself Is more than these to me. 4 Oh, tell me, Lord, that thou art mine! What can I wish beside? My soul shall at the fountain live, When all the streams are dried. 411 G on. 28: 19-22. CM. OGOD of Bethel ! by whose hand Thy people still are fed ; Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led, — 910 The Christian Life. 2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before thy throne of grace; God of our lathers, be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life Our wand'ring footsteps guide; Give us, each day, our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. 4 Oh, spread thy covering wings around, Till all our wand'rings cease, And at our Father's loved abode, Our souls arrive in peace. 4 1 u Benevolence of €rO. 12: 7. CM. MY God, my Father, blissful name! Oh, may I call thee mine? May I with sweet assurance claim A portion so divine ? 2 Whate'er thy providence denies, I calmly would resign, For thou art good and just and wise : Oh, bend my will to thine ! 3 Whate'er thy sacred will ordains, Oh, give me strength to bear ! And let me know my Father reigns, And trust his tender care. 4 Thy sovereign ways are all unknown To my weak, erring sight ; Yet let my soul adoring own That all thy ways arc right. 4/lU Mark 9: 24. CM. LORD, I believe ; thy power I own, Thy word 1 would obey; I wander comfortless and lone, When from thy truth I stray. 2 Lord, I believe ; but gloomy fears Sometimes bedim my sight; I look to thee with prayers and tears, And cry for strength and light. 3 Yes ! I believe ; and only thou Canst give my soul relief: Lord! to thy truth my spirit bow; "Help thou mine unbelief!" fiZ^r God's Great 3Iercics. Jj. M. "OW do thy mercies close me round ! Forever be thy name adored ! I blush in all things to abound ; The servant is above his Lord. H< 316 The Christian Life. 2 Inured to poverty and pain, A suffering life my Master led ; The Son of God, the Son of man, He had not where to lay his head. 3 But lo ! a place he hath prepared For me, whom watchful angels keep ; Yea, he himself becomes my guard ; He smooths my bed, and gives me sleep. 4 Jesus protects ! My fears begone ! What can the Eock of Ages move ? Safe in thine arms I lay me down, — Thine everlasting arms of love. 1 11 Psalm 116. I4. M. 425 RETURN, my soul, and sweetly rest On thy almighty Father's breast ; The bounties of his grace adore, And count his w T ondrous mercies o'er. 2 Thy mercy, Lord, preserved my breath, And snatched my fainting soul from death ; Removed my sorrows, dried my tears, And saved me from surrounding snares. 3 What shall I render to the Lord ? Or how his wondrous grace record ? To him my grateful voice I'll raise, With just thanksgiving to his praise. 4 O Zion ! in thy sacred courts, Where glory dwells and joy resorts, To notes divine I'll tune the song, And praise shall flow from every tongue. 4^0 Jer. 10:23. Ii. M. WHITHER, oh, whither should I fly, But to my loving Father's breast ? Secure within thine arms to lie, And safe beneath thy wings to rest. Resting in God's Mercy and Providence. 317 2 In all my ways thy hand I own, Thy ruling providence I see ; Assist me still my course to run, And still direct my paths to thee. 3 I have no skill the snare to shun ; But thou, O God, my wisdom art ; I ever into ruin run ; But thou art greater than my heart. 4 Foolish and impotent and blind, Lead me a way I have not known, Bring me where I my heaven may find, The heaven of loving thee alone. 4^7 Psalm G2. L. 3f. MY spirit looks to God alone; My rock and refuge is his throne; In all my fears, in all my straits, My soul on his salvation waits. 2 Trust him, ye saints, in all your ways Pour out your hearts before his face; When helpers fail, and foes invade, God is our all-sufficient aid. 4zlO Psalm 7.$: M. CM. OLORD! I would delight in thee, And on thy care depend ; To thee in every trouble flee, My best, my only Friend. 2 When all created streams are dried, Thy fulness is the same : May I with this he satisfied, And glory in thy name ! 3 No good in creatures can be found, But may be found in thee ; I must have all things, and abound, While God is God to me. gjS The Christian Life. 4 O Lord ! I cast my care on thee ; I triumph and adore ; Henceforth my great concern shall be To love and please thee more. 429 Psalm 34. C. M. THROUGH all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 Of his deliverance I will boast, Till all who are distressed From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest. 3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt his name ! When in distress to him I called, He to my rescue came. 4 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Deliverance he affords to all Who on his succor trust. 5 Oh, make but trial of his love : Experience will decide How blest are they, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 6 Fear him, ye saints, and ye will then Have nothing else to fear ; Make ye his service your delight, He'll make your wants his care. 4oU Psalm 36: 9. C. M. ETERNAL Sun of righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glory of thy face Upon my heart to shine. Experience of God's Love. 3 in 2 Light, in thy light, oh, may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove, Revived and cheered and blest by thee, The God of pardoning love. 3 Lift up thy countenance serene, And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The Father reconciled. 4 On me thy promised peace bestow, The peace by Jesus given ; — The joys of holiness below, And then the joys of heaven. LO\ Things Visible and Invisible.— ■±0 1 Rom. 1 : 20. C. Jff . THERE is a book who runs may read, Which heavenly truth imparts, And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and Christian hearts. 2 The works of God above, below, Within us and around, Are pages in that book to show How God himself is found. 3 Two worlds are ours; 'tis only sin Forbids us to descry The mystic heaven and earth within, Plain as the sea and sky. 4 Thou who hast given me eyes to see And love this sight so fair, Give me a heart to find out thee, And read thee everywhere. 4:0 £ Titns 3: 5-7. CM. LORD, we confess our numerous faults, How great our guilt has been ; Foolish and vain were all our thoughts, And all our lives were sin. 320 The Christian Life. 2 But, my soul ! forever praise, Forever love his name, Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways Of folly, sin, and shame. 3 'Tis not by works of righteousness, Which our own hands have done ; But we are saved by sovereign grace, Abounding through his Son. 4 'Tis from the mercy of our God That all our hopes begin ; 'Tis by the water and the blood Our souls are washed from sin. r 433 Rom. 5 s3. CM. $ "S not the way to heavenly gain Through earthly grief and loss ? Best must be won by toil and pain, — The crown repays the cross. 2 In tears and trials thou must sow To reap in joy and love ; We cannot find our home below, And hope for one above. 3 As woods, when shaken by the breeze, Take deeper, firmer root ; As winter's frosts but make the trees Abound in summer fruit; 4 So every heaven-sent pang and throe That Christian firmness tries, But nerves us for our work below, And forms us for the skies. 434 The Covenant.— Heb. 13: 20. CM. MY God, the covenant of thy love Abides forever sure ; And in its matchless grace I feel My happiness secure. . "raise. 321 2 Since thou, the everlasting God, My Father art become, Jesus my Guardian and my Friend, And heaven my final home ; — 3 I welcome all thy sovereign will, For all that will is love ; And when I know not what thou dost, I wait the light above. 4 Thy covenant in the darkest gloom Shall heavenly rays impart, And when my eyelids close in death, Sustain my fainting heart. tOO Psalm 136. C. M. OH, praise the Lord ! for he is good ; In him we rest obtain, His mercy has througli ages stood, And ever shall remain. 2 Let all the people of the Lord His praises spread around ; Let them his grace and love record, Who have salvation found. 3 Now let the east in him rejoice, The west its tribute bring, The north and south lift up their voice In honor of their King. 4 Oh, praise the Lord ! for he is good; In him we rest obtain : His mercy has through ages stood, And ever shall remain. 4oO Psalm 4: 4. ¥,. M. RETURN, my roving heart, return, And life's vain shadows chase no more; Seek out some solitude to mourn, And thy forsaken God implore. 21 322 The Christian Life. 2 thou great God ! whose piercing eve Distinctly marks each deep retreat, In these sequestered hours draw nigh, And let me here thy presence meet. 3 Through all the windings of my heart, My search let heavenly wisdom guide, And still its beams unerring dart, Till all be known and purified. 4 Then let the visits of thy love, My inmost soul be made to share, Till every grace combine to prove That God has fixed his dwelling there. 437 « Rest in God," L. M, FATHER, beneath thy sheltering wing, In sw r eet security we rest ; And fear no evil earth can bring ; In life, in death, supremely blest. 2 For life is good whose tidal flow The motions of thy will obeys ; And death is good, that makes us know The Love Divine that all things sways. 3 And good it is to bear the cross, And so thy perfect peace to win; And naught is ill, nor brings us loss, Nor works us harm, save only sin ! 4 Redeemed from sin w r e ask no more, But trust the love that saves, to guide ; The grace that yields so rich a store Will grant us all we need beside. 4oO Isaiah 7: 14. I*. M. OH, sweetly breathe the lyres above, When angels touch the quivering string, And wake, to chant Immanuel's love, Such strains as angel-lips can sing ! Comfort in the Love of God. 323 ' And sweet, on earth, the choral swell, From mortal tongues, of gladsome lays ; When pardoned souls their raptures tell, And, grateful, hymn Immanuel's praise. Jesus, thy name our souls adore ; We own the bond that makes us thine ; And carnal joys that charmed before, For thy dear sake w r e now resign. Our hearts, by dying love subdued, Accept thiue offered grace to-day ; Beneath the cross, with blood bedewed, We bow, and give ourselves away. In thee we trust, — on thee rely ; Though we are feeble, thou art strong; Oh, keep us till our spirits fly To join the bright, immortal throng! I>ox«losy. P •RALSE God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise him, all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly host ! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost I Psalm 119: 151. EuM. i39 GLOVE divine! that stooped to share Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear, On thee we east each earth-born care, We smile at pain while thou art near. \ Though long the weary way we tread, And sorrow crown each lingering year, No path we shun, no darkness dread, Our hearts still whispering thou art near. \ When drooping pleasure turns to grief, And trembling faith is changed to fear, The murmuring wind, the quivering leaf, Shall softly tell us thou art near. 324 The Christian Life. 4 On thee we fling our burdening woe, O Love divine, forever dear ; Content to suffer while we know, Living or dying, thou art near! 44U Matt. 6: 10. L.ag MY God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home, on life's rough way, Oh, teach me from my heart to say, "Thy will be done!" 2 What though in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved no longer nigh ; Submissive still would I reply, "Thy will be done!" 3 If thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize, — it ne'er was mine ; I only yield thee what was thine: "Thy will be done!" 4 If but my fainting heart be blest With thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to thee I leave the rest; "Thy will be done!" 5 Renew my will from day to day ; Blend it with thine, and take away Whate'er now makes it hard to say, "Thy will be done!" >6 Then when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with tears before, I'll sing upon a happier shore, "Thy will be done!" 441 1 John 4: 8. Ii.M. I CANNOT always trace the way Where thou, Almighty one, dost move ; But I can always, always say, That God is love. Faith and *Joy. 325 When fear her chilling mantle throws O'er earth, my soul to heaven above, As to her native home, upsprings, For God is love. When mystery clouds my darkened path, I'll check my dread, my doubts reprove, In this my soul sweet comfort hath, That God is love. Yes, God is love; — a thought like this Can every gloomy thought remove, And turn all tears, all woes, to bliss, For God is love. t4^ John II: 19. I,. If. WHEX sins and fears prevailing rise, And fainting hope almost expires, Jesus, to thee 1 lift my ej To thee J breathe my soul's desires. If my immortal Saviour li Then my immortal life is sure; His word a linn foundation gives; Sere let me build and rest secure. \ Here let my faith unshaken dwell ; Immovable the promise stands; Not all the powers of earth or hell Can e'er dissolve the sacred hands. 4 Here, () my soul! thy trust repose: If Jesus is forever mine, Not death itself, that last of I [Shall break a union so divine. 44\J A «ood Conscience.— 1 Peter 3 : 16. L,. 31. SWEET peace of eonseience, heavenly guest, Come, fix thy mansion in my breast; Dispel my doubts, my fears control, And heal the anguish of my soul. 326 The Christian Life, 2 Come, smiling hope, and joy sincere, Come, make your constant dwelling here; Still let your presence cheer my heart, Nor sin compel you to depart. 3 O God of hope and peace divine ! Make thou these secret pleasures mine ; f! Forgive my sins, my fears remove, And fill my heart with joy and love. 444 Contentment.— Phil. 4 : 11. I*. M. OLORD, how full of sweet content Our years of pilgrimage are spent! Where'er w T e dwell, we dwell with thee, In heaven, in earth, or on the sea. 2 To us remains nor place nor time; Our country is in every clime: We can be calm and free from care On any shore, since God is there. 3 While place we seek, or place we shun, The soul finds happiness in none ; But with our God to guide our way, 'Tis equal joy to go or stay. 445 Psalm 63. Ii. M. OGOD, thou art my God alone: Early to thee my soul shall cry, — A pilgrim in a land unknown, A thirsty land where springs are dry. 2 Yet through this rough and thorny maze, I follow hard on thee, my God : Thy hand unseen upholds my ways ; I safely tread where thou hast trod. 3 Thee, in the watches of the night, When I remember on my bed, Thy presence makes the darkness light ; Thy guardian wings are round my head. Longing for God. 327 4 Better than life itself thy love, Dearer than all beside to me; For whom have I in heaven above, Or what on earth compared with thee? U /ifc "Ola, that I knew where I might find 440 Him!"— Job 23: 3, 4. €. M. OH that I knew the secret place Where I might find my God ! I'd spread my wants before his face, And pour my woes abroad. 2 I'd tell him how my sins arise, What sorrows I sustain ; How grace decays, and comfort dies, And leaves my heart in pain. 3 He knows what arguments I'd take To wrestle with my God : I'd plead for his own mercy's sake, — I'd plead my Saviour's blood. 4 My God will pity my complaints, And drive my foes away; He knows the meaning of his .-aims, When they in sorrow pray. 5 Arise, my soul ! from deep distress, And banish every fear ; He calls thee to his throne of grace, To spread thy sorrows there. ft A7 " Iiord. remember me."— Luke 23: 12. 44 / C. ■. THOU from whom all goodness flows, I lift my soul to thee ; . In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, O Lord, remember me ! When on my aching, burdened heart My sins lie heavily, Thy pardon grant, new peace impart ; Then, Lord, remember me ! 328 The Christian Life. 3 When trials sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee, Oh, let my strength be as my day; Dear Lord, remember me ! 4 When in the solemn hour of death I wait thy just decree; Be this the prayer of my last breath : Now, Lord, remember me ! 5 And when before thy throne I stand, And lift my soul to thee, Then with the saints at thy right hand, O Lord, remember me ! The Comforter. C. M. THOU who driest the mourner's tear ! How dark this world would be, If, when deceived and wounded here, We. could not fly to thee! 2 When joy no longer soothes or cheers, And e'en the hope that threw A moment's sparkle o'er our tears Is dimmed and vanished too ; — 3 Oh, who would bear life's stormy doom, Did not thy wing of love Come brightly wafting through the gloom Our peace-branch from above ? 4 Then sorrow touched by thee grows bright, With more than rapture's ray ; As darkness shows us worlds of light AVe never saw by day. Gen. 5:24. CM. ^H for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame, A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! O' , Thirsting for God. 329 [2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and his word? 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still ! But they have left an aching void The world can never fill.] 4 Return, O holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest ; I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. 450 PMta M. C.K. OH, help us, Lord ! — each hour of need Thy heavenly succor give ; Help us in thought and word and deed, Each hour on earth we live. 2 Oh, help us when our spirits bleed, With contrite anguish sore ; And when our hearts are cold and dead, Oh, help us, Lord, the more ! 3 Oh, help us, through the prayer of faith, More firmly to believe ! For still the more the servant hath, The more shall he receive. 330 The Christian Life. 4 Oh, help us, Jesus ! from on high ; We know no help but thee ; Oh, help us so to live and die, As thine in heaven to be! A f 451 Psalm 42. C. M. S pants the hart for cooling streams, When heated in the chase, So longs my soul, O God, for thee, And thy refreshing grace. 2 For thee, my God — the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine ; Oh, when shall I behold thy face, Thou Majesty divine ! 3 I sigh to think of happier days, When thou, O Lord ! wast nigh ; When every heart was tuned to praise, And none more blest than I. 4 Why restless, why cast down, my soul ? Hope still ; and thou shalt sing The praise of him who is thy God, Thy health's eternal spring. HtOu Communion with God. L. M. MY God, permit me not to be A stranger to myself and thee ; Amid a thousand thoughts I rove, Forgetful of my highest love. 2 Why should my passions mix with earth, And thus debase my heavenly birth ? Why should I cleave to things below, And let my God, my Saviour, go ? 3 Call me away from flesh and sense ; One sovereign word can draw me thence ; I would obey the voice divine, And all inferior joys resign. Joy in Sorrow, 331 4 Be earth, with all her scenes, withdrawn ; Let noise and vanity be gone ; In secret silence of the mind My heaven, and there my God, I find. O' 453 I And, when I close my eyes in death, When creature-helps all flee, Then, O my dear Redeemer-God ! I pray, remember me. D' 477 Matt. 10: 24. C. JI . jIDST thou, dear Jesus ! suffer shame, And bear the cross for me? And shall I fear to own thy name, Or thy disciple be ? Inspire my soul with life divine. And make me truly bold ; Let knowledge, faith, and meekness shine, Nor love, nor zeal, grow cold. Let mockers scoff, the world defame, And treat me with disdain ; Still may 1 glory ill thy name, And count reproach my gain. 4 To thee I cheerfully submit, And all my powers resign ; Let wisdom point out what is fit, And I'll no more repine. 478 The King: of Saints. C. K. COME, ye that love the Saviour's name, And joy to make it known : The sovereign of your hearts proclaim, And bow before his throne. 2 Behold your King, your Saviour, crowmed With glories all divine; And tell the wondering nations round How bright those glories shine. 346 The Christian Life. 3 When in his earthly courts we view The beauties of our King, We long to love as angels do, And with their voice to sing. 4 Oh for the day, the glorious day ! When heaven and earth shall raise, With all their powers, the raptured lay, To celebrate thy praise. D< 479 John 21: 15. CM. |0 not I love thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see ; And turn the dearest idol out That dares to rival thee. 2 Is not thy name melodious still To mine attentive ear ? Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound, My Saviour's voice to hear ? 3 Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock I would disdain to feed ? Hast thou a foe, before whose face I fear thy cause to plead ? 4 Would not my heart pour forth its blood In honor of thy name ? And challenge the cold hand of death To damp th' immortal flame ? 5 Thou knowest that I love thee, Lord ; But oh ! I long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys, And learn to love thee more. 40U Rom. 5:8. CM. TO our Redeemer's glorious name Awake the sacred song ; Oh, may his love — immortal flame! — Tune every heart and tongue. Hymns of Faith and jfoy. 347 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach ! What mortal tongue display ! Imagination's utmost stretch In wonder dies away. 3 Dear Lord, while we, adoring, pay Our humble thanks to thee, May every heart with rapture say, "The Saviour died for me !" 4 Oh, may the sweet, the blissful theme, Fill every heart and tongue ! Till strangers love thy charming name, And join the sacred song. 481 Psalm 71. C. M. MY Saviour ! my almighty Friend ! When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end, The numbers of thy grace ? 2 Thou art my everlasting trust; Thy goodness I adore : And since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road ; And march, with courage in thy strength, To see my Father, God. 4o£ Psalm 77: 19. 1 Cor. 1,1:12. S. M. THY way is in the sea ; Thy paths we cannot trace ; Nor solve, O Lord ! the mystery Of thy unbounded grace. 2 As through a glass we see The wonders of thy love ; How little do we know of thee, Or of the joys above ! 948 The Christian Life, 3 In part we know thy will, And bless thee for the sight ; Soon will thy love the rest reveal In glory's clearer light. 4 With joy shall we survey Thy providence and grace ; And spend an everlasting day In wonder, love, and praise. 400 1 Peter 1:8. S. M. "OT with our mortal eyes Have we beheld the Lord ; Yet we rejoice to hear his name, And love him in his word. N< On earth we want the sight Of our Redeemer's face; Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon thy grace. And when we taste thy love, Our joys divinely grow Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins below. 484 R Phil. 4: 4. S. M. EJOICE! the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore ! Ye ransomed saints, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore. 2 The mighty Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love ; When he himself had purged our stains, He took his seat above. 3 He sits at God's right hand, Till all his foes submit, And humbly bow at his command, And fall beneath his feet. Preciousness and Beauty of Christ. 349 4 Rejoice in glorious hope ! Jesus, the Judge, shall come, And take his waiting servants up To their eternal home. D' 4b 5 Lnke 19: 41. S. M. ,ID Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder see ! Be thou astonished, O my soul ; He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear; In heaven alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. j 1 4oO JIatt. 17: 8. CM. ESXJ8 ! the very thought of thee With sweetness fills my breast ; But sweeter far thy face to see, And in thy presence rest. No voice can sing, no heart can frame, Nor can the memory find, A sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind ! Oh, hope of every contrite heart, Oh, joy of all the meek : To those who fall, how kind thou art, How good to those who seek ! But what to those who find? ah! this Nor tongue nor pen can show : The love of Jesus, what it is, None but his loved ones know. 350 The Christian Life. 3 Thy lovely presence shines so clear Through every sense and way, That souls which once have seen thee near, See all things else decay. Come then, dear Lord, possess my heart, Chase thence the shades of night ; Bid all but perfect love depart Before thy shining light. 4 Jesus, our hope, when we repent, Sweet source of all our grace ; Sole comfort in our banishment ; Oh ! what, when face to face ! Jesus ! our only joy be thou, As thou our prize wilt be ; Jesus ! be thou our glory now, And in eternity. 4o7 Cant. 5: 10-16. C. M. MAJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Saviour's brow ; His head with radiant glories crowned, His lips with grace overflow. No mortal can with him compare, Among the sons of men ; Fairer is he than all the fair That fill the heavenly train. 2 He saw me plunged in deep distress, He flew to my relief; For me he bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. To him I owe my life and breath. And all the joys I have ; He makes me triumph over death, He saves me from the grave. 3 To heaven the place of his abode, He brings my weary feet ; Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joy complete. B 1 Jesus only. 35 1 Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord ! they should all be thine. " Only Thee." 7s. ►LESSED Saviour ! thee I love, All my other joys above; All my hopes in thee abide ; Thou my hope, and naught beside : Ever let my glory be Only, only, only thee. 2 Once again beside the cross, All my gain I count but loss ; Earthly pleasures fade away, Clouds they are that hide my day: Hence, vain shadows ! let me see Jesus crucified for me. 3 Blessed Saviour ! thine am I, Thine to live, and thine to die ; Height or depth or earthly power Ne'er shall hide my Saviour more : Ever shall my glory be Only, only, only thee ! 40y 2 Pet. Is 19. 7». CHRIST, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of righteousness ! arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night : Day-spring from on high, be near ; Day-star, in my heart appear ! 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn, If thy light is hid from me ; Joyless is the day's return, Till thy mercy's beams I see, — Till they inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. 352 The Christian Life. 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine; Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; Fill me, radiant Sun divine ! Scatter all my unbelief: More and more thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. 490 1 John 3 : 14. 7s. BLESSED are the sons of God ! They are bought with Jesus' blood ; They are ransomed from the grave ; Life eternal they shall have : With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity! 2 God did love them in his Son Long before the world begun ; All their sins are washed away ; They shall stand in God's great day : With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity! 8 They are harmless, meek, and mild, Holy, humble, undefiled ; They are by the Spirit sealed, They with love and peace are filled : With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity ! 4 They are lights upon the earth, Children of a heavenly birth ; One with God, with Jesus one, Glory is in them begun : With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity ! 491 Psalm 42. 7s. HEARKEN, Lord, to my complaints, For my soul within me faints ; Thee, far off, I call to mind, In the land I left behind, Abiding in Christ. 353 Where the streams of Jordan flow, Where the heights of Hermon glow, 2 Once the morning's earliest light Brought thy mercy to my sight, And my wakeful song was heard Later than the evening bird : Hast thou all my prayers forgot ? Dost thou scorn, or hear them not? w 1 Cor. 12:27. S. M. ,EAR Saviour! we are thine, By everlasting hands; Our hearts, our souls, we would resign Entirely to thy hands. 2 To thee we still would cleave With ever growing zeal ; If millions tempt us Christ to leave, Oh, let them nc\r prevail! 3 Thy Spirit shall unite ( )nr souls to thee, our Head ; Shall form in us thine image bright, And teach thy paths to tread. 4 Death may our souls divide From these abodes of clay; But love shall keep us near thy side, Through all the gloomy way. 5 Since Christ and we are one, Why should we doubt or tear? If he in heaven has iixed his throne, He'll iix his members there. 4uO Jude 24, as. S. M. TO God, the only wise, Our Saviour and our King ; Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring. 23 354 The Christian Life. 2 Tis his almighty love, His counsel and his care, Preserves us safe from sin and death, And every hurtful snare. 3 He will present our souls, Unblemished and complete, Before the glory of his face, With joys divinely great. 4 Then all the chosen seed Shall meet around the throne, Shall bless the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known. 5 To our Eedeemer, God, Wisdom and power belong, Immortal crowns of majesty, And everlasting song. 494 " Singing in tlie Ways of the Lord." S.M, COME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known ; Join in a song of sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 2 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God ; But children of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 3 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow. 4 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. yesus Precious. 355 5 Then let our song? abound, And every tear be dry ; We're marching thro' Immanuers ground To fairer worlds on high. 495 Cant. 2: 16. €. H. Y God ! the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights ! 2 In darkest shades, if lie appear, My dawning is begun : He is my soul's sweet morning star, And he my rising sun. 3 The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus show- his heart is mine, And whispers, 1 am his! 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word, Run up with joy the Bhining way, T' embrace my dear* st Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every The wings of love and arms of faith Should bear me conqu'ror through. 'c: 1 49b Matt. 1: 21. CM. JESUS! I love thy charming name, 'Tis music to mine ear ; Fain would I sound it out so loud That earth and heaven should hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust ; Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 056 The Christian Life. 3 All my capacious powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet ; Not to mine eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there;- — The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5 I'll speak the honors of thy name, With my last laboring breath ; Then, speechless, clasp thee in mine arms, The antidote of death. 497 Psalm 73. C. M WHOM have we, Lord, in heaven, bm And whom on earth beside ? [thee Where else for succor can we flee, Or in whose strength confide ? 2 Thou art our portion here below, Our promised bliss above ; Ne'er may our souls an object know So precious as thy love. 3 When heart and flesh, O Lord, shall fail, Thou wilt our spirit cheer, Support us through life's thorny vale, And calm each anxious fear. 4 Yes, thou shalt be our guide through life, And help and strength supply, Sustain us in death's fearful strife, And welcome us on high. x fe x TciyO Joy of Foi*giveness. C. M, Y Saviour, let me hear thy voice Jjfi Pronounce the word of peace, And all my warmest powers shall join To celebrate thy grace. yoys of Pardon. 357 2 With gentle smiles call me thy child, And speak my sins forgiven ; The accents mild shall charm my ear Like the sweet harps of heaven. 3 Cheerful, where'er thy hand shall lead, The darkest path I'll tread ; Cheerful I'll quit these mortal shores, And mingle with the dead. 4 When dreadful guilt is done away, No other fears we know; That hand which scatters pardons down Shall crowns of life bestow. 499 2 Tim. 1: 12. CE I'M not ashamed to own my Lord, Or to defend his cau Maintain the honor of his word, The glory of hi 2 Jesus, my God!— I know his name; His name is all my trusl : Nor will he put my bou] to shame, Nor let my hop;* be lost. 3 Firm as his throne his promise stands, And lie can well secure What I've committed to his hands Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he own my worthless, name Before hi-' Fath< And in the New Jerusalem Appoint my soul a pla OUU Joy and Comfort in Christ. C. M. rjlHOU lovely Source of true delight, -L Whom I unseen adore, Unveil thy beauties to my sight, That I may love thee more. 958 The Christian Life. 2 Thy glory o'er creation shines, But in thy sacred word I read, in fairer, brighter lines, My bleeding, dying Lord. 3 'Tis here, whene'er my comforts droop, And sins and sorrows rise, Thy love, with cheerful beams of hope, My fainting heart supplies. 4 Jesus ! my Lord, my life, my light, Oh, come with blissful ray, Break radiant through the shades of night, And chase my fears aw T ay. U 1 Jesus' Praise. C. M, |H for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise, — The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace ! 2 My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honors of thy name. 3 Jesus ! the name that calms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears ; 'Tis life and health and peace. 4 He breaks the power of reigning sin ; He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean ; His blood availed for me. OlM Isaiali54:S. CM. CHILDREN of God, who, faint and slow, Your pilgrim-path pursue, In strength and weakness, joy and woe, To God's high calling true ! — Self-Consecration to Christ. 359 2 Why move ye thus, with lingering tread, A doubting, mournful band ? Why faintly hangs the drooping head ? Why fails the feeble hand ? 3 Oh ! weak to know a Saviour's power, To feel a Father's care ; A moment's toil, a passing shower, Is all the grief ye share. 4 Then, Christian, dry the falling tear, The faithless doubt remove ; Redeemed at last from guilt and fear, Oh, wake thy heart to love. 503 Ever Thine, Only Thine. OLOYE! who, ere life's earliest dawn, On me thy choice bust gently laid ; O Love! who here as man wast born; And wholly like to OS wast made; O Love! I give myself to thee, Thine ever, only thine to be. Ever thine, only thine! O Love, I give myself to thee! 2 Love! who once in time wast slain, [woe; Pierced through and through with bitter O Love! who wrestling thus didst gain That we eternal joy might know; O Love! I give myself to thee, Thine ever, only thine to be. Chorus : 8 O Love ! who lovest me for aye, Who for my sonl dost ever plead ; O Love! who didst my ransom pay, Whose power suffioeth in my stead; O Love! I give myself to thee, . Thine ever, only thine to be. Chorus : 360 The Christian Life. 4 Love ! who once shalt bid me rise From out this dying life of ours ; O Love ! who once o'er yonder skies Shalt set me in the fadeless bowers ; O Love! I give myself to thee, Thine ever, only thine to be. Chorus : o 1 5 04 1 Peter 2 s 7. C. P. M, ^H, could I speak the matchless worth, Oh, could I sound the glories forth, Which in my Saviour shine ! I'd soar, and touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Gabriel while he sings In notes almost divine. 2 I'd sing the precious blood he spilt, My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of sin and wrath divine ! I'd sing his glorious righteousness, In which all-perfect heavenly dress My soul shall ever shine. 3 I'd sing the characters he bears, And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne : In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days Make all his glories known. 4 Well, the delightful day will come, When my dear Lord will bring me home, And I shall see his face : Then with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest eternity I'll spend, Triumphant in his grace. U b Luke 10 : 42. C. P. M. LOVE divine, how sweet thou art ! When shall I find my willing heart All taken up by thee ? Glorying in the Cross. 36 1 I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming love — The love of Christ to ine. God only knows the love of God ; Oh that it now were shed abroad In this poor stony heart ! For love I sigh, for love I pine This only portion, Lord, be mine, Be mine the better part ! Oh that I could, with favored John, Recline my weary head upon The dear Redeemer's breast ; From care and sin and sorrow free, Give me ! O Lord, to find in thee My everlasting rest ! 506 Gal. 6: 11. 8s & 7s. IN the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o'er take me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me : Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming, Adds new lustre to the day. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified ; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 362 The Christian Life. 507 1 €or. 15 : 10. 8s & 7s. COME, thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. 2 Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 3 Oh ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee. 4 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love ; Here's my heart — oh, take and seal it, — Seal it from thy courts above. OUO Psalm 91. 8s«fc7s. CALL Jehovah thy salvation, Rest beneath th' Almighty's shade ; In his secret habitation Dwell, and never be dismayed ! 2 There no tumult can alarm thee, Thou shalt dread no hidden snare ; Guile nor violence can harm thee, In eternal safeguard there. ^6 L 3 He shall charge his angel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep, Though thou walk through hostile regions, Though in desert wilds thou sleep. 4 Since, with firm and pure affection, Thou on God hast set thy love, With the wings of his protection He shall shield thee from above. Christ unseen but precious. 363 5 Thou shalt call on him in trouble, He Trill hearken, he will save ; Here, for grief reward thee double, Crown with life beyond the grave. 5(jy 1 Peter 1:8. €. M. JESUS, these eyes have never seen That radiant form of thine! The veil of sense hangs dark between Thy blessed face and mine ! 2 I see thee not, I hear thee not, Yet art thou oft with me ; And earth hath -pot, As where I meet with thee. 8 Like some bright dream that comes un- When slum! me r 11, [sought, Thrne image ever fills my thought, And charms my ml. 4 Yet though I hav 1, and still Must resl in faith alone ; I love thee, dearest Lord! — and will, Unseen, but not unknown. 5 When death these mortal eyes shall seal, And still this throbbing heart, The rending veil shall thee reveal, All glorious as thou art ! w Oil) 1 Peter 2: 7. C. K. OW sweet t] of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. 364 The Christian Life. 3 By thee, my prayers acceptance gain, Although with sin defiled ; Satan accuses me in vain, And I am owned a child. 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then I would thy love proclaim, With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. 11 " Can we Forget?" C. M, JESUS ! thy love shall we forget, And never bring to mind The grace that paid our hopeless debt, And bade us pardon find ? 2 Shall we thy life of grief forget, Thy fasting and thy prayer, Thy locks with mountain vapors wet, To save us from despair ? 3 Gethsemane can we forget, Thy struggling agony, When night lay dark on Olivet, And none to watch with thee ? 4 Our sorrows and our sins were laid On thee, alone on thee : Thy precious blood our ransom paid, — Thine all the glory be ! OIZ The Solid Roclt. !L. M. 61. MY hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. Trusting and Rejoicing in yesus. 365 On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness seems to veil his face, I rest on his unchanging grace ; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. 3 His oath, his covenant, and his blood, Support me in the whelming flood ; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. OlvJ Gen. 32: 24. I*. M. 61. COME, O thou traveller unknown, Whom still I hold but cannot see, My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee: With thee all night I mean to stay, And wrestle till the break of day. 2 I need not tell thee who I am ; My sin and misery declare ; Thyself hast called me by my name, Look on thy hands and read it there, But who, I ask thee, who art thou? Tell me thy name, and tell me now. 3 'TisLove! 'tis Love! thou died'st forme; I hear thy whisper in my heart ; The morning breaks, the shadows flee Pure, universal Love thou art : To me, to all, thy mercies move; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 4 My prayer hath power with God ; the grace Unspeakable I now receive : 966 The Christian Life. Through faith I see thee face to face ; I see thee face to face and live ! In vain I have not wept and strove; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 5 I know thee, Saviour, who thou art, — Jesus, the feeble sinner's Friend : Nor wilt thou with the night depart, But stay and love me to the end : Thy mercies never shall remove ; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 01 4 Sympathy of Christ.— Hel), 2 : 17. CM, WITH joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above ; His heart is made of tenderness, His bosom glows with love. 2 Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he hath felt the same. 3 He in the days of feeble flesh Poured out his cries and tears ; And in his measure feels afresh What every member bears. 4 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his power ; We shall obtain delivering grace, In each distressing hour. 1 Our High Priest.— Isaiah 49 : 16. C. M. HVTOW let our cheerful eyes survey -L ^ Our great High Priest above, And celebrate his constant care And sympathetic love. 2 Though raised to a superior throne, Where angels bow around, Our High Priest. 367 And high o'er all the shining train, With matchless honors crowned ; — 3 The names of all his saints he bears Engraven on his heart ; Nor shall a name once treasured there E'er from his care depart. 4 Those characters shall fair abide, Our everlasting trust, When gems and monuments and crowns Are mouldered down to dust. 5 So, gracious Saviour! on my breast, May thy dear name be worn, A sacred ornament and guard, To endless ages borne. 5 ID 1 Cor. 1 : 22-24. C. M. EAREST of all the names above, My Jesus and my God, Who can resist thy heavenly love, Or trifle with thy blood ? D ! 'Tis by the merits of thy death Thy Father smiles again ; 'Tis by thine interceding breath The Spirit dwells with men. Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find ; The holy, just, and sacred Three Are terrors to my mind. But if Immanuel's face appear, My hope, my joy, begin : His name forbids my slavish fear ; His grace removes my sin. While Jews on their own law rely, And Greeks of wisdom boast, I love th' incarnate Mystery, And there I fix my trust. 368 The Christian Life. 517 Heb.4:15. I*. M. 61. WHEN gathering clouds around I view. And days are dark and friends are few, On Him I lean, who, not in vain, Experienced every human pain ; He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures up my tears. 2 If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly wisdom's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the ill I would not do; Still He who felt temptation's power Will guard me in that dangerous hour. 3 When sorrowing o'er some stone I bend, Which covers all that was a friend, And from his hand, his voice, his smile, Divides me for a little while ; Thou, Saviour, seest the tears I shed, For thou didst weep o'er Lazarus dead. 4 And, oh ! when I have safely passed Through every conflict but the last, Still, still unchanging, watch beside My painful bed, for thou hast died ; Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear away! OlO The Returning Wanderer. Ii. 31. 61. WEARY of wandering from my God, And now made willing to return, I hear, and bow beneath the rod ; For thee, not without hope, I mourn : I have an Advocate above, A Friend before the throne of love. 2 O Jesus, full of truth and grace ! More full of grace than I of sin ; Praise of Christ's Grace. 369 Yet once again I seek thy face, Open thine arms and take me in ; And freely my backslidings heal, And love the faithless sinner still. Oiy Complete in Ciirist. I*. M. 61. JESUS ! thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; Oh, knit my thankful heart to thee, And reign without a rival there! Thine wholly, thine alone, I live : Thyself to me, my Saviour, give! What in thy love possess I not ? My star by night, my sun by day, My spring of life when parched with drought, My wine to cheer, my bread to stay ; My strength, my shield, my safe abode, My robe before the throne of God. 520 Isaiah IT: 14. 7s. SWEETER sounds than music knows Charm me in ImmanuePs name; All her hopes my spirit owes To his birth and cross and shame. 2 When he came, the angels sung, " Glory be to God on high [" Lord ! unloose my stammering tongue ; Who should louder sing than I ? 3 Did the Lord a man become That he might the law fulfil, Bleed and suffer in my room, And canst thou, my tongue, be still ? 4 No, I must my praises bring, Though they worthless are and weak ; For should I refuse to sing, Sure the very stones would speak. 24 370 The Christian Life. 5 O my Saviour, Shield, and Sun, Shepherd, Brother, Lord, and Friend, Every precious name in one ! I will love thee without end. 521 1 Cor. 15:10. 7s, BLESSED fountain, full of grace! Grace for sinners, grace for me ; To this source alone I trace What I am and hope to be. 2 What I am, as one redeemed, Saved and rescued by the Lord ; Hating what I once esteemed, Loving what I once abhorred. 3 What I hope to be ere long, When I take my place above, When I join the heavenly throng, When I see the God of love. 4 Then I hope like him to be, Who redeemed his saints from sin, Whom I now obscurely see, Through a veil that stands between. 5 Blessed fountain, full of grace ! Grace for sinners, grace for me ; To this source alone I trace What I am and hope to be. DZZ The Good Shepherd. 7s. JESUS, Shepherd of the sheep ; Powerful is thine arm to keep All thy flocks w 7 ith safest care, Fed in pastures large and fair. 2 Thee their guide and guard they own ; Thee they love, and thee alone ; Thee they follow day by day, Fearful lest their feet should stray. Guidance and Grace besought. 371 3 Lord, thy helpless sheep behold ; Gather all unto thy fold ; Gently lead the wanderers home ; Watch them, lest again they roam. 4 Bring thy sheep, now far astray, Lost in Satan's evil way ; Then, the fold and Shepherd one, We shall praise thee round the throne. OZu John 4: 16. 7s. SHEPHEKD, with thy tendered love, Guide me to thy fold above ; Let me hear thy gentle voice ; More and more in thee rejoice ; From thy fulness grace receive, Ever in thy Spirit live. 2 Filled by thee my cup o'erflows, For thy love no limit knowi Guardian angels, ever nigh, Lead and draw my sou] <>:i high; Constant to my latest end, Thou my footsteps wilt attend. 3 Jesus, with thy pi- Death is life, and labor r Guide me while I draw my breath, Guide me through the gate of death, And at last, oh, let me stand, With the sheep at thy right hand. A s 0Z4 Psnlm 42. 7s. S the hart, with eager looks, Panteth for the water-brooks, So my soul, athirst for thee, Pants the living God When, oh, when with filial fear, Lord, shall I to thee draw near? 272 The Christian Life. 2 Why art thou cast down, my soul? God, thy God, shall make thee whole; Why art thou disquieted ? God shall lift thy fallen head, And his countenance benign Be the saving health of thine. 525 The Oiilclli&e Heart. 7s. QUIET, Lord, my fro ward heart ; Make me teachable and mild, Upright, simple, free from art: Make me as a weaned child, From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleases thee. What thou shalt to-day provide, Let me as a child receive ; What to-morrow may betide, Calmly to thy wisdom leave : 'Tis enough that thou wilt care ; Why should I the burden bear? As a little child relies On a care beyond his own, Knows he's neither strong nor wise, Fears to stir a step alone ; Let me thus with thee abide, As my Father, Guard, and Guide. 526 Isaiah 40 : 11. 8s «& 7s. SAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need thy tender care; In thy pleasant pastures feed us; For our use thy folds prepare : Blessed Jesus! Thou hast bought us, thine we are. 2 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; Looking to Jesus. 373 Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse and power to free: Blessed Jesus! Let us early turn to thee. Early let us seek thy favor ; Early let us learn thy will; Do thou, Lord, our only Saviour, With thy love our bosoms fill: Blessed Jesus! Thou hast loved us, — love us still! Xiul "Rejoice Always." Ss A 7s. MY soul! what means this sadness? Wherefore art thou thus cast down? Let thy griefs be turned to <_rladness, Bid thy restless fears begone; Look to Jesus, And rejoice in his dear name. Though (list i v. attend thee, And thou tread's! the thorny road; His right hand Bhall still defend thee ; Soon he'll bring thee borne to (iod. Therefore praise him, Praise the great Redeemer's name. 3 Oh that I could now adore him Like the heavenly host above, Who forever how before him, And unceasing Bing his love! Happy bob When shall 1 your chorus join? rnn Prayer for In the hour of pain and anguish, In the hour when deal;! draw- near, Suffer not our hearts to languish, Suffer not our soul to fear. 1 And, when mortal life is ended, ]>id us on thy b Till, by angel-band I d, We awake among the bl Doxology* PRAISE the Father, earth and heaven, Praise the > ; >»:i. the Spirit praise, As it was, and i m Glory through eternal days. OOO Heb. 18: 8. I*M. SWEETER to Jesus when on earth, Than angel's praise, the prayers of men; And still thou arl th Lord, The same dear Christ that thou wert then. 2 We have no tears thou wilt not dry; We have no wounds thou wilt not heal ; 380 The Christian Life. No sorrows pierce our human hearts, That thou, dear Saviour, dost not feel. 3 Thy pity like the dew distils, And thy compassion, like the light, Our every morning overfills, And crowns with stars our every night. 4 Let not the world's rude conflict drown The charmed music of thy voice, That calls all weary souls to rest, And bids all mourning souls rejoice. OOu Jolm 19: 25. I<. M. DEAR Lord, amid the throng that pressed Around thee on the cursed tree, Some loyal, loving hearts were there, Some pitying eyes that wept for thee. 2 Like them, may we rejoice to own Our dying Lord, though crowned with thorn ; Like thee, thy blessed self, endure The cross with all its joy or scorn. 3 Thy cross, thy lonely path below, Show what thy brethren all should be, Pilgrims on earth, disowned by those Who see no beauty, Lord, in thee. u4U JTo2in 17: 24. L.M. LET me be with thee where thou art, My Saviour, my eternal Rest ; Then only will this longing heart Be fully and forever blest. 2 Let me be with thee where thou art, Thine unveiled glory to behold ; Then only will this wandering heart Cease to be false to thee and cold. Rest in Christ. 381 Let me be with thee where thou art, Where spotless saints thy name adore ; Then only will this sinful heart Be evil and defiled no more. I Let me be with thee where thou art, Where none can die, where none remove ; There neither death nor life will part Me from thy presence and thy love. 341 Rest in Christ . I<. M. MY only Saviour ! when I feel O'erwhelmed in spirit, faint, oppressed, Tis sweet to tell thee, while I kneel Low at thy feet, thou art my rest. 2 I'm weary of the strife within ; Strong powers against my soul contest ; Oh, let me turn from self and sin To thy dear cross, for there is rest ! Oh, sweet will be the welcome day, When from her toils and woes released, My parting soul in death shall Bay, " Now, Lord, I come to thee for rest." 54^ Mark S: 3S. !*.& JESUS! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee? — Ashamed of thee whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days. Ashamed of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star ; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No ; — when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 382 The Christian Life. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away ; No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 5 Till then— nor is my boasting vain — Till then I boast a Saviour slain! And oh, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me ! 04O Delight in Clarist. I>. HI . JESUS, thou joy of loving hearts ! Thou Fount of life ! thou Light of men ! From the best bliss that earth imparts, We turn unfilled to thee again. 2 Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood ; Thou saves t those that on thee call ; To them that seek thee thou art good, To them that find thee, All in all ! 3 We taste thee, O thou Living Bread, And long to feast upon thee still ; We drink of thee, the Fountain Head, And thirst our souls from thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast ; Glad, when thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold thee fast. 5 O Jesus, ever with us stay, Make all our moments calm and bright ; Chase the dark night of sin away, — - Shed o'er the world thy holy light ! 544 €ol. 1:19. Ii.M. FOUNTAIN of grace, rich, full, and free, What need I that is not in thee ? Full pardon, strength to meet the day, And peace which none can take away. "Jesus our Leader and Saviour. 383 2 Doth sickness fill the heart with fear? 'Tis sweet to know that thou art near ; Am I with dread of justice tried ? Tis sweet to feel that Christ hath died. 3 In life, thy promises of aid Forbid my heart to be afraid ; In death, peace gently veils the eyes ; Christ rose, and I shall surely rise. 4 O all-sufficient Saviour ! be This all-sufficiency to me ; Nor pain, nor sin, nor death can harm The weakest, shielded by thine arm. 545 liiiko 5: 11. 8s & 5s. JESUS, still lead on Till our rest be won ; And although the way be cheerless, We will follow, calm and i'eaiv Guide us by thy hand To our Fatherland ! If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faithless Tears o'ertake us, Let not faith and hope forsake us; For, through many a foe, To our home we go! When we seek relief From a long-felt grief; When temptations come alluring, Make ua patient and enduring: Show us that bright shore Where we weep no more! Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won ; Heavenly Leader, still direct us, Still support, console, protect us, Till we safely stand In our Fatherland ! 547 384 The Christian Life. 546 63&4S, Y faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine ! Now hear me while I pray ; Take all my guilt away ; Oh, let me, from this day, Be wholly thine ! May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart ; My zeal inspire ; As thou hast died for me, Oh ! may my love to thee Pure, warm, and changeless be — A living fire. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From thee aside. When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then, in love, Fear and distrust remove ; Oh, bear me safe above — A ransomed soul. " €> Saci-ed Head." 7s «& 6s SACKED Head, now wounded, With grief and shame weighed down ; Now scornfully surrounded With thorns, thy only crown ; yes us 9 Dying Sorrow and Love. 385 O sacred Head, what glory, What bliss till now was thine ! Yet though despised and gory, I joy to call thee mine. O noblest brow and dearest, In other days the world All feared when thou appearedst ; What shame on thee is hurled ; How art thou pale with anguish, With sore abuse and scorn ! How does that visage languish Which once was bright as morn! What language shall I borrow, To thank thee, dearest Friend, For this thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? Oh, make me thine forever, And should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never Outlive my love to thee. If I, a wretch, should leave thee, O Jesus, leave not me J In faith may 1 receive thee, When death shall set me free. When strength and comfort languish, And I must hence depart, Release me then from anguish, By thine own wounded heart. Be near when I am dying, Oh, show thy cross to me ! And for my succor flying, Come, Lord, to set me free. These eyes new faith receiving, From Jesus shall not move ; For he w T ho dies believing, Dies safely — through thy love. 25 386 The Christian Life. 548 549 Lotig-iiiR' to see Christ. 7s /0 Psalm 55. 7s. CAST thy burden on the Lord ; Lean thou only on his word : Ever will he be thy stay, Though the heavens shall melt away. 2 Ever in the raging storm, Thou shalt see his cheering form, Hear his pledge of coming aid : " It is I, be not afraid." 3 Cast thy burden at his feet ; Linger near his mercy-seat: He will lead thee by the hand Gently to the better land. 4 He will gird thee by his power, In thy weary, fainting hour; Lean, then, loving, on his word ; Cast thy burden on the Lord. )7b Kost in Christ. 7s. DOES the gospel word proclaim Rest for those that weary be? Then, my soul, advance thy claim, — Sure that promise speaks to thee! 2 Marks of grace I cannot show, All polluted is my best ; But I weary am, I know, And the weary long for rest. 3 Burdened with a load of sin, Harassed with tormenting doubt, Hourly conflicts from within, Hourly crosses from without ; — 26 402 The Christian Life. 4 All my little strength is gone, Sink I must without supply ; Sure upon the earth is none Can more weary be than I. 5 In the ark the weary dove Found a welcome resting-place ; Thus my spirit longs to prove Rest in Christ, the Ark of grace. 6 Tempest-tossed I long have been, And the flood increases fast ; Open, Lord, and take me in, Till the storm be overpast ! 0/7 John 21: 16. ARK, my soul ! it is the Lord ; H J Tis thy Saviour ; hear his word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee ; " Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ? 2 " Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. 3 " Thou shalt see my glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be : Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ?" 4 Lord ! it is my chief complaint That my love is cold and faint ; Yet I love thee, and adore : Oh for grace to love thee more ! / O The Arm of Strength. 7s. EVERLASTING arms of love Are beneath, around, above: He who left his throne of light, And unnumbered angels bright; Trials. Jesus' Sympathy. 403 2 He who on th' accursed tree Gave his precious life for me, — He it is that bears me on, His the arm I lean upon. 3 He who now enthroned above, Still retains his heart of love, Marking still each falling tear Of his burdened pilgrims here; 4 He who wields creation's rod, He my Brother, yet my God; Faithful he, whatever betide, Is my everlasting Guide! 5 Scenes will vary, fri< ads grow strange, But the changeless cannot change: Gladly will 1 journey on, With his arm to lean upon. Die) IIoF>. 12: (» 11. 7s. TTIIS my happiness below, A Not to live without the cross. But tip r to know, Sanctifying every 1 2 Trials must and will befall ; But, with humble faith to - Love inscribed upon them all — This is happiness to me. 3 Trials make the promise sweet; Trials give new life to prayer; Trials bring me to his fi Lay me low, and keep me there. OoU Jfomifl our Refuse. 7s« WHEN along life's thorny road, Faints the soul beneath the load, By its cares and sins oppressed, Finds on earth no peace or rest ; 404 The Christian Life. 2 When the wily tempter's near, Filling us with doubts and fear: Jesus, to thy feet we flee, Jesus, we will look to thee. 3 Thou, our Saviour, from the throne List'nest to thy people's moan ; Thou, the living Head, dost share Every pang thy members bear. 4 Full of tenderness thou art, Thou wilt heal the broken heart; Full of power, thine arm shall quell All the rage and might of hell. 5 Mighty to redeem and save, Thou hast overcome the grave ; Thou the bars of death hast riven, Opened w T ide the gate of heaven. 6 Soon in glory thou shalt come, Taking thy poor pilgrims home : Jesus, then we all shall be, Ever, ever, Lord, with thee! 5 Ol Son of alary. 7s. WHEN our heads are bowed with woe, When our bitter tears o'erflow; When we mourn the lost, the dear, Jesus, Son of Mary, hear ! 2 Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn, Thou our mortal griefs hast borne ; Thou hast shed the human tear; Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 3 When the heart is sad within, With the thought of all its sin : When the spirit shrinks w T ith fear, Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 4 Thou the shame, the grief hast known, Though the sins were not thine own ; Comfort and Peace. 405 Thou hast deigned their load to bear; Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 5 When the solemn death-bell tolls For our own departing souls ; When our final doom is near, Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 6 Thou hast bowed the dying head, Thou the blood of life hast shed ; Thou hast filled a mortal bier; Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 582 2 lor. 1:5. 78. IN the dark and cloudy day, When earth's riches flee away, And the last hope will not stay, O my Saviour, comfort me! 2 When the secret idol's gone, That my poor heart yearned upon, — Desolate, bereft, alone, O my Saviour, comfort me! 3 Thou who wast so sorely tried, In the darkness crucified, Bid me in thy love confide; my Saviour, comfort me! 4 Comfort me! I am east down; 'Tis my heavenly Father's frown; 1 deserve it all, I own ; O my Saviour, comfort me I 5 So, it shall be good lor me Much afflicted now to he, If thou wilt but tenderly, O my Saviour, comfort me! 583 J0I111 14: 27. 7s. ►RINCE of peace! control my will; Bid this struggling heart be still; 406 The Christian Life. Bid my fears and doubtings cease; Hush my spirit into peace. 2 Thou hast bought me with thy blood, Opened wide the gate to God ; Peace I ask, — but peace must be, Lord, in being one with thee. 3 May thy will, not mine, be done; May thy will and mine be one: Chase these doubtings from my heart; Now thy perfect peace impart. Matt. 11 : 28. lis «fc 10s. 584 COME unto me, when shadows darkly gather, When the sad heart is weary and distressed ; Seeking for comfort from your heavenly Father, Come unto me, and I will give you rest. 2 Large are the mansions in our Father's dwelling, Glad are those homes that sorrows never dim ; Sweet are the harps in holy music swelling, Soft are the tunes that raise the heavenly hymn. 3 There, like an Eden blossoming in gladness, Bloom the fair flowers by earth so rudely pressed ; Come unto him, all ye who droop in sadness, " Come unto me, and I will give you rest." UOO Pray er for -Strength, etc. lis «fc 10s. LORD, we have wandered forth through doubt and sorrow, And thou hast made each step an onward one; Prayer for Strength. 407 And we will ever trust each unknown mor- row, — Thou wilt sustain us till its work is done. 2 O Father, now in thy dear presence kneeling, Our spirits yearn to feel thy kindling love ; Now make us strong through thine own deep revealing Of trust and strength and calmness from above. Oob John 12: 21. lis & 10s. WE would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen Across this little landscape of our life ; We would see Jesus our weak faith to strengthen, For the last weariness, the final strife. We would see Jesus, the great Rock Founda- tion, Whereon our feet were set by sovereign grace ; Not life, nor death, with all their agitation, Can thence remove us, if we see his face. We would see Jesus ; other lights are fading, Which for long years we have rejoiced to see ; The blessings of our pilgrimage are failing, We would not mourn them, for we go to thee. 4 We would see Jesus ; this is all we're needing, Strength, joy, and willingness come with the sight ; We would see Jesus, dying, risen, pleading, Then welcome day, and farewell mortal night. OOl The Assaults of Temptation. I<. M. THE billows swell, the winds are high, Clouds overcast my wintry sky; ■ J 408 The Christian Life. Out of the depths to thee I call ; My fears are great, my strength is small. 2 O Lord, the pilot's part perform, And guide and guard me through the storm; I Defend me from each threatening ill, Control the waves ; say, " Peace be still !" 3 Amid the roaring of the sea, My soul still hangs her hope on thee ; Thy constant love, thy faithful care, Is all that saves me from despair. 4 Though tempest-tossed, and half a wreck, My Saviour through the floods I seek ; Let neither winds nor stormy may], Force back my shattered bark again. OOO littBte 10: 39. Ii.M. OH that I could forever dwell, Delighted at the Saviour's feet ; Behold the form I love so well, And all his tender words repeat ! 2 The world shut out from all my soul, And heaven brought in with all its bliss, Oh, is there aught, from pole to pole, One moment to compare with this ? 3 This is the hidden life I prize, A life of penitential love ; When most my follies I despise, And raise my highest thoughts above ; 4 When all I am I clearly see, And freely own, with deepest shame; When the Redeemer's love to me Kindles within a deathless flame. 5 Thus would I live till nature fail, And all my former sins forsake ; Then rise to God within the veil, And of eternal joys partake. Out of the Depths. 409 James 5: 13. L. 3f. 589 GOD of my life, to thee I call ! Afflicted, at thy feet I fall ; When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not my trembling heart to fail. 2 Friend of the friendless and the faint, Where should I lodge my deep complaint? Where, but with thee, whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor? 3 Did ever mourner plead with thee, And thou refuse that mourner's plea? Does not the word still fixed remain, That node shall seek thy face in vain ? 4 That were a grief I could not bear, Didst thou not hear and answer prayer; But a prayer-hearing, answering God Supports me under every load. 590 Submission. 6s. MY Jesus, as thou wilt! Oh, may thy will be mine! Into thy hand of love I would my all resign. Through sorrow or through joy, Conduct me as thine own, And help me still to say, My Lord, thy will be done! 2 My Jesus, as thou wilt! Though seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear. Thou, Lord, on earth along The thorny path hast gone; Then lead me after thee; — My Lord, thy will be done! 410 The Christian Life. 3 My Jesus, as thou wilt! When death itself draws nigh, To thy dear wounded side I would for refuge fly. Leaning on thee, to go Where thou before hast gone; The rest as thou shalt please; — My Lord, thy will be done! 4 My Jesus, as thou wilt! All shall be well with me: Each changing future scene I gladly trust with thee. Straight to my home above I travel calmly on ; And sing, in life and death, My Lord, thy will be done! 591 Prov. 3: 6. THY way, not mine, O Lord, However dark it be; Lead me by thine own hand, Choose out the path for me. The kingdom that I seek Is thine : so let the way That leads to it be thine, Else surely I must stray. 2 Take thou my cup, and it With joy or sorrow fill, As best to thee may seem ; Choose thou my good and ill. Not mine, not mine the choice In things or great or small ; Be thou my guide, my strength, My wisdom, and my all. \J\JCu tfhe Request. C. FATHER! whate'er of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies, Sickness and Affliction, 41 1 Accepted at thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise: — 2 "Give me a calm, a thankful heart, From every murmur free! The blessings of thy grace impart, And make me live to thee. 3 " Let the sweet hope that thou art mine, My life and death attend; Thy presence through my journey shine, And crown my journey's end." 593 "My Times arc in thy Hand." C. H. WHEN languor and disease invade This trembling house of clay, 'Tis sweet to look beyond our cage, And long to fly away; 2 Sweet to look inward and attend The whispers of his love; Sweet to look upward to the place Where Jesus pleads above; 3 Sweet to reflect how mace divine My sins on Jesus laid ; Sweet to remember that his blood My debt of Bufferings paid; 4 Sweet on his faithfulness to rest, Whose love can never end; Sweet on his covenant of grace For all things to depend; 5 Sweet in the confidence of faith To trust his firm decrees ; Sweet to lie passive in his hands, And know no will but his; 6 Sweet to rejoice in lively hope, That when my change shall come, Angels will hover round my bed, To waft my spirit home. 412 The Christian Life. 7 If such the sweetness of the stream, What must the fountain be, Where saints and angels draw their bliss Immediately from thee? 594 Hos. 5 : 15. C. M. ICAXXOT call affliction sweet, And vet 'twas good to bear ; Affliction brought me to thy feet, And I found comfort there. 2 My weaned soul was all resigned To thy most gracious will ; Oh, had I kept that better mind, Or been afflicted still ! 3 Where are the vows which then I vowed, The joys which then I knew? Those vanished like the morning cloud, These like the early dew. 4 Lord, grant me grace for every day, Whate'er my state may be, * Through life, in death, with truth to say, My God is all to me ! 595 " Tny Will be done." C. M. THY holy will, my God, be mine ; I yield my all to thee ; No more shall thought or wish repine, AYhate'er my lot shall be. Thy wisdom is a mighty deep, Beyond my thought thy grace, My soul shall lay her fears asleep, Secure in thine embrace. When clouds and darkness rule the hour, Thy bow on high I see ; And e'en the rending tempest's power Shall work but good for me. Trusting at all Times in the Lord. 413 At every step mine eyes shall turn To watch thy guiding hand ; My dearest wish shall be to learn And do thy good command. 3 On thee I rest my trusting soul ; Thou w T ilt not let me fall ; Though surging billows o'er me roll, I shall be safe through all. Grant me, my God, at last to hear, Well pleased, the call to die ; And 'mid the shades, with vision clear, To see my Saviour nigh. 390 Heb. 12: 11. CM. WE praise thee oft for hours of bliss, For days of quiet rest; But, ah, how seldom do we feel That pain and tears are best! We praise thee for the shining sun, For kind and gladsome ways; How shall we Irani, () Lord, to sing Through weary nights and days? 2 Teach thou our weak and wandering hearts Aright to read thy way; That thou, with loving hand, dost trace Our history every day. Then every thorny crown of care, Worn well in patience now, Shall grow a glorious diadem Upon the faithful brow. 3 Then every word of grief shall change, And wave a beauteous flower, And lift its face beneath our feet, To bless us every hour. Then sorrow's face shall be unveiled, And we, at last, shall see Her eyes are eyes of tenderness, Her speech but echoes thee ! 414 The Christian Life. 597 Heb. 12: 2. lis. OEYES that are weary, and hearts that are sore, Look off unto Jesus, now sorrow no more ; The light of his countenance shineth so bright, That here, as in heaven, there need be no night. 2 Looking off unto Jesus, my spirit is blest; In the world I have turmoil, in him I have rest ! The sea of this life all about me may roar, While looking to Jesus, I hear it no more. 3 While looking to Jesus, my heart cannot fear ; I tremble no more when I see Jesus near ; I know that his presence my safeguard will be, For, " Why are you troubled ?" he saith unto me. 4 Still looking to Jesus, oh, may I be found, When Jordan's dark waters encompass me round ; They bear me away in his presence to be ; I see him still nearer whom always I see. 5 Then, then shall I know the full beauty and grace Of Jesus, my Lord, when I stand face to face ; Shall know how his love went before me each day, And wonder that ever my eyes turned away. OUU Marie 4: 37-11. lis. OZION", afflicted w r ith w T ave upon wave; Whom no man can comfort, whom no man can save; With darkness surrounded, by terrors dis- mayed, In toiling and rowing thy strength is decayed. The Lord's Word a Firm Foundation. 415 !2 Loud roaring, the billows now nigh over- whelm, But skilful's the Pilot w T ho sits at the helm ; His wisdom conducts thee, his power defends; In safety and quiet thy warfare he ends. 3 " O fearful ! O faithless !" in mercy he cries; "My promise, my truth, are they light in thine eyes ? Still, still I am with thee, my promise shall stand ; Through tempest and tossing I'll bring thee to land." 599 Heb. 13:5. lis. HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord!. Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ! What more can he say than to you he hath said, — To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled ? 2 " Fear not, I am with thee ; oh, be not dis- mayed, For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid : I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand. 3 " When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee thy trials to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 4 "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply, The flame shall not hurt thee ; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 41 6 The Christian Life. 5 " E'en down to old age all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And then, when gray hairs shall their tem- ples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. 6 " The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for re- pose, I will not — I will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never — no, never — no, never forsake !" DUO John 14: 18. lis. COME, Jesus, Kedeemer, abide thou with me; Come, gladden my spirit that waiteth for thee ; Thy smile every shadow shall chase from my heart, And soothe every sorrow, though keen be the smart. 2 Without thee but weakness, with thee I am strong ; By day thou shalt lead me, by night be my song; Though dangers surround me, I still every fear, Since thou, the Most Mighty, my Helper, art near. 3 Thy love, oh, how faithful ! so tender, so pure ! Thy promise, faith's anchor, how steadfast and sure ! That love, like sweet sunshine, my cold heart can warm, That promise make steady my soul in the storm. Christ our All in ML 417 Breathe, breathe on my spirit, oft ruffled, thy peace ; From restless, vain wishes, bid thou my heart cease ; In thee all its longings henceforward shall end, Till, glad, to thy presence my soul shall ascend. » Oh, then, blessed Jesus, who once for me died, Made clean in the fountain that gushed from thy side, I shall see thy full glory, thy face shall be- hold, And praise thee with raptures forever un- told! 3U1 Psalm 23. lis. THE Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know; I feed in green pastures, safe folded I rest; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed. 2 Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, Since thou art my guardian, no evil I fear; Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay; No harm can befall, with my Comforter near. 3 Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God ! Still follow my steps till I meet thee above ; I seek — by the path which my forefathers trod, Through the land of their sojourn — thy kingdom of love. 4!& The Christian Life. OUZ .IiiJ And put your armor on, — Strong in the strength which God supplies Through his eternal Bon, — 2 Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in his mighty power: Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. 3 Stand, then, in his great might, With all his Btrength endued) But take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of ( rod : 4 That, having all things done, And all your conflicts past, Ye may o'ercome, through Christ alone, And stand entire at last. 01 "Wateh ye therefore.""— Matt. 25 : 13. S. M. "E servants of the Lord, Each in his office wait, Observant of his heavenly word, — And watchful at his gate. Y 428 The Christian Life. 2 Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame ; Gird up your loins as in his sight, For awful is his name. 3 Watch ! 'tis your Lord's command ; And while we speak, he's near: Mark the first signal of his hand, And ready all appear. 4 Oh, happy servant he In such a posture found ! He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honor crowned. I>oxolog:y. YE angels round the throne, And saints that dwell below, Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit, too. Dia Watchfulness.— Matt. 26: 41. S. M MY soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise; And hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw r thee from the skies. 2 Oh, watch and fight and pray! The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the victory won, Nor once at ease sit down ; Thy arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. 4 Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ! He'll take thee at thy parting breath, Up to his blest abode. Cheerfulness. 429 I 20 Joy .-Phil, i : 4. S. M. REJOICE inGodalway; When earth looks heavenly bright, When joy makes glad the livelong day, And peace shuts in the night. Rejoice when care and woe The fainting soul oppress ; When tears at wakeful midnight flow, And morn brings heaviness. 3 Rejoice in hope and fear; Rejoice in life and death ; Rejoice when threatening storms are near, And comfort languisheth, 4 When should not they rejoice, Whom Christ his brethren calls; Who hear and know his guiding voice, When on their hearts it falls? 5 So, though our path is steep, And many a tempest lowers, Shall his own peace our spirits keep, And Christ's dear love be ours. w Psalm 188: 5. s. n. OW let our voices join To form a sacred song; Ye pilgrims, in Jehovah's ways, With music pass along. 2 How straight the path appeals, How open and how fair I No lurking gins t' entrap our feet; No fierce destroyer there. 3 But flowers of paradise In rich profusion spring; The sun of glory gilds the path, And dear companions sing. 430 The Christian Life. 4 See Salem's golden spires In beauteous prospect rise ; And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Which sparkle through the skies. 5 All honor to his name, Who marks the shining way ; To him who leads the wanderers on To realms of endless day. uJjZ Zeal.— Jolisi 9 : 4. I,. M GO, labor on, while it is day; The world's dark night is hastening on ; Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away! It is not thus that souls are won. 2 Men die in darkness at your side, Without a hope to cheer the tomb : Take up the torch and wave it wide, — The torch that lights time's thickest gloom, 3 Toil on ; faint not ; keep watch and pray! Be wise the erring soul to . win ; Go forth into the world's highway ; Compel the wanderer to come in. 4 Go, labor on ; your hands are weak ; Your knees are faint, your soul cast down ; Yet falter not ; the prize you seek Is near, — a kingdom and a crown ! 5 Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; For toil comes rest, for exile, home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal, " Behold I come !" 0^0 Epls. 6: 14. I«.M. iTAND up, my soul ! shake off thy fears, s And gird the gospel armor on ! March to the gates of endless joy, Where Jesus thy great Captain's gone. Enthusiasm. 431 Hell and thy sins resist thy course ; But hell and sin are vanquished foes, Thy Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sung the triumph when he rose. \ Then let my soul march boldly on ; Press forward to the heavenly gate ; There peace and joy eternal reign, And glittering robes for conquerors wait. \ i Then shall I wear a starry crown, And triumph in almighty grace ; While all the armies of the skies Join in my glorious Leader's praise. 0^4 Isaiah 40: 28-31. I,. 3f . AWAKE our souls, away our fears, Let every trembling thought be gone ; Awake and run the heavenly race, And put a cheerful courage on. 2 True, 'tis a straight and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint; But they forget the mighty God That feeds the strength of every saint : — 3 The mighty God whose matchless power Is ever new and ever young, And firm endures while endless years Their everlasting circles run. 4 From thee, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a fresh supply, While such as trust their native strength Shall melt away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode ; On wings of love our souls shall fly, Nor tire amid the heavenly road. 432 The Christian Life. 625 Phil. 3: 14. CM. AWAKE, my soul ! stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 Tis God's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 4 Blest Saviour ! introduced by thee, Have I my race begun ; And, crowned with victory, at thy feet I'll lay my honors down. A ! 626 Activity. CM. Mia soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb, And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas ? 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood ? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. S 1 Encouragement. 433 5 Thy saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, though they die; They view the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thine armies shine In robes of victory through the skies, The glory shall be thine. \}Ll Isaiah 35: 8-10. CM. [ING, ye redeemed of the Lord, Your great Deliverer sing ; Pilgrims for Zion's city bound, Be joyful in your King. A hand divine shall lead you on Through all the blissful road, Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your smiling God. There garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom <>n every head ; While sorrow, sighing, and distress Like shadows all are fled. 4 March on in your Redeemer's strength, Pursue his footsteps still ; And let the prospect cheer your eye, While laboring up the hill. D2o Pnalm 15. I» 3f. WHO shall ascend thy heavenly place, Great God, and dwell before thy face? The man who minds religion now, And humbly walks with God below. 2 Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean ; Whose lips still speak the thing they mean ; No slanders dwell upon his tongue ; He hates to do his neighbor wrong. 28 434 The Christian Life. 3 He loves his enemies, and prays For those who curse him to his face ; And does to all men still the same That he would hope or wish from them. 4 Yet when his holiest works are done, His soul depends on grace alone : This is the man thy face shall see, And dwell forever, Lord, with thee. DZ9 Tit. 2 : 10-13. !L. If. [O let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; When his salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and envy, lust and pride ; While justice, temperance, truth, and love, Our inward piety approve. 4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, The bright appearance of the Lord, — And faith stands leaning on his word. DuU Bent. 34:1. I^JK. AS when the weary traveller gains The height of some o'erlooking hill, His heart revives, if, o'er the plains, He eyes his home, though distant still. 2 So when the Christian pilgrim views, By faith, his mansion in the skies ; The sight his fainting strength renews, And wings his speed to reach the prize. Graces and Virtues. 435 3 Tis there, he says, I am to dwell With Jesus in the realms of day ; Then I shall bid my cares farewell, And he will wipe my tears away. Psalm 1. L,. JK. 631 HAPPY the man whose cautious feet Shun the broad way that sinners go ; Who hates the place where atheists meet, And fears to talk as scoffers do. 2 He loves t' employ the morning light Among the statutes of the Lord, And spends the wakeful hours of night, With pleasure pondering o'er his word. 3 He, like a plant by gentle streams, Shall flourish in immortal green; And heaven will Bhine, with kindest beani3, On every work his hands begin. DOZ Consecration. 7s. JESUS, take me for thine own ; To thy will my spirit frame ; Thou shall reign, and thou alone, Over all I have and am. 2 Making thus the Lord my ehoice, I have nothing more to choose, But to listen to thy voice, And my will in thine to lose. 3 Then, whatever may betide, I shall sale and happy be; Still content and satisfied ; — Having all in haying thee. 633 w Psalm 15. 7s. HO, O Lord, when life is o'er, Shall to heaven's blest mansions soar? 436 The Christian Life. Who, an ever-welcome guest, In thy holy place shall rest ? 2 He whose heart thy love has warmed ; He whose will to thine conformed, Bids his life unsullied run ; He whose words and thoughts are one ; 3 He who shuns the sinner's road, Loving those who love their God ; Who, with hope and faith unfeigned, Treads the path by thee ordained ; — 4 He who trusts in Christ alone, Not in aught himself hath done ; — He, great God, shall be thy care, And thy choicest blessings share. UO^t Consecration.— liiilte 10: 42. 7». JESUS, all-atoning Lamb, Thine, and only thine I am : Take my body, spirit, soul ; Only thou possess the whole. 2 Thou my one thing needful be ; Let me ever cleave to thee ; Let me choose the better part ; Let me give thee all my heart. 3 Whom have I on earth below ? Thee, and only thee I know : Whom have I in heaven but thee? Thou art all in all to me. JbuO Simplicity. 7s. JESUS, cast a look on me ! Give me true simplicity ; Make me poor, and keep me low, Seeking only thee to know. 2 All that feeds my busy pride, Cast it evermore aside : Steadfastness, Cross-bearing. 437 Bid my will to thine submit ; Lay me humbly at thy feet ! 3 Make me like a little child, Simple, teachable, and mild ; Seeing only in thy light ; Walking only in thy might ! 4 Leaning on thy loving breast, "Where a weary soul may rest ; Feeling well the peace of God Flowing from thy precious blood ! Dob " Pressing towards the Mark." C. 2W. THE bird let loose in Eastern skies, Returning fondly home, Ne'er Btoopa to earth her wing, nor flies Where idle warblers roam. 2 But high Bhe shoots through air and light, Above all low delay, Where nothing earthly bounds her flight, Nor shadow dims her way. 3 So grant me, Lord, from every snare ( )f sinful passion fi Aloft through faith's Berener air, To hold my 0OUr8€ to th< 4 No sin to cloud, no lure to stay My soul, a> home she spring Thy Bunshine <>n her joyful way, Thy freedom in her wings. Do/ Lake 9* as. C. MUST Jesus hear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. This consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free, 438 The Christian Life. And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 3 Upon the crystal pavement, down At Jesus' pierced feet, Joyful I'll cast my golden crown, And his dear name repeat. 4 And palms shall wave, and harps shall ring, Beneath heaven's arches high ; The Lord that lives, the ransomed sing, That lives no more to die. 5 Oh, precious cross! oh, glorious crown! Oh, resurrection day! Ye angels, from the stars come dow T n, And bear my soul away. DUO Faith. CM. FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss, And saves me from its snares; Its aid, in every duty, brings, And softens all my cares. 2 The wounded conscience know T s its power The healing balm to give ; That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live. 3 Wide it unveils celestial w r orlds, Where deathless pleasures reign; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. 4 It shows the precious promise sealed With the Redeemer's blood ; And helps my feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful God. 5 There, there unshaken would I rest, Till this frail body dies: And then, on faith's triumphant wings, To endless glory rise. Faith. 40Q DoSJ Faith. t. ]*f. FAITH is a living power from heaven, That grasps the promise God hath given ; A trust that cannot be o'erthrown, Fixed heartily on God alone. 2 Faith finds in Christ whate'er we need To save, or- strengthen us indeed; Receives the grace he sendeth down, And makes us share his cross and crown. 3 Faith feels the Spirit's kindling breath, In love and hope that conquer death ; Faith worketh hourly joy in God, And trusts and blesses e'en his rod. 4 Faith in the conscience worketh peace, And bids the mourner's weeping cease; By faith the children's place we claim, And give all honor to One Name. 640 Faith.— Heb. 11: 8. Em M. THIS by the faith of joys to come, JL We walk through deserts dark as night; Till we arrive at heaven, our home, Faith is our guide, and faith our light. 2 The want of sight she well supplies; She makes the pearly gates appear; Far into distant worlds she pries, And brings eternal glories near. 3 Cheerful we tread the desert through, While faith inspires a heavenly ray; Though lions roar, and tempests blow, And rocks and dangers fill the way. 041 Self-Sacrifice in the Daily Life. I,. M. "TVTOT by the martyrs' death alone, [won; -L ^ The saints in heaven their crowns have 440 The Christian Life. There is a triumph robe on high, For bloodless fields of victory. 2 What though they were not called to feel The cross, the flame,, the torturing wheel? Yet daily to the world they died, And sinful passions crucified. 3 What though nor chains, nor scourges sore, Nor bloody beasts their members tore? Enough if faith and love arise To Christ, a daily sacrifice. 4 Lord, grant us so to thee to turn, That we to die through life may learn ; And when our earthly toils are o'er, Rejoice with thee for evermore. U^tZ Meeliiiess.— Matt. 5 : 5. L.. M. HAPPY the meek, whose gentle breast, Clear as the summer's evening ray, Calm as the regions of the blest, Enjoys on earth celestial day. 2 His heart no broken friendships sting, No storms his peaceful tent invade; He rests beneath th' Almighty's wing, Hostile to none, of none afraid. 3 Spirit of grace, all meek and mild ! Inspire our breasts, our souls possess : Repel each passion rude and wild, And bless us as we aim to bless. u4o Jesus All in All. S.M. THOU very present aid In suffering and distress; The mind which still on thee is stayed, Is kept in perfect peace. 2 The soul by faith reclined On the Redeemer's breast, Christian Conflict. 44 1 'Mid raging storms, exults to find An everlasting rest. 3 Sorrow and fear are gone Whene'er thy face appears ; It stills the sighing orphan's moan, And dries the widow's tears. 4 It hallows every cross ; It sweetly comforts me ; Makes me forget my every los3, And find my all in thee. 5 Jesus, to whom I fly, Doth all my wishes fill ; What though created streams are dry? I have the fountain still. b44 Rev. 21 : 3, 4. S. Jl. THE people of the Lord Are on their way to heaven ; There they obtain their great reward; The prize will there be given. 2 'Tis conflict here below; 'Tis triumph there, and peace: On earth we wrestle with the foe; In heaven our conflicts cease. 3 'Tis gloom and darkness here; 'Tis light and joy above; There all is pure, and all is clear; There all is peace and love. 4 There rest shall follow toil, And ease succeed to care : The victors there divide the spoil : They sing and triumph there. 5 Then let us joyful sing; The conflict is not long: We hope in heaven to praise our King In one eternal song. 442 The Christian Life. b4b Thanks for all Saints. S.M. FOR all thy saints, O God, Who strove in Christ to live, Who followed him, obeyed, adored, Our grateful hymn receive. 2 For all thy saints, O God, Accept our thankful cry, Who counted Christ their great reward And yearned for him to die. 3 They all, in life and death, With him, their Lord, in view, Learned from thy Holy Spirit's breath To suffer and to do. 4 For this thy name we bless, And humbly pray that we May follow them in holiness, And live and die in thee. U4b Prayer for Submission. C. M. ASK not now for gold to gild i An aching, weary frame ; The yearning of the mind is stilled, — I ask not now for fame. 2 But, bowed in lowliness of mind, I make my wishes known; I only ask a will resigned, O Father, to thine own. 3 In vain I task my aching brain, The sage's thoughts to scan ; I only feel how weak I am, How poor and blind is man. 4 And now my spirit sighs for home, And longs for light to see, And, like a weary child, would come, O Father! unto thee. Graces and Virtues, 443 )4 / Prayer for Parity. C. M. OLORD, our carnal mind control, And make us pure within; Purge more and more our inmost soul From wilful thoughts of sin. 2 Let not the world with spot or soil Our secret heart defile; Nor Satan round our spirit coil His chain of fraud and guile. r 3 Be ours the blessed lot of those Who every evil flee; Whose holy converse clearly shows Communion full with thee. 648 Ileb. 11: IS. C.3f. GLORY to God! whose witness-train — ■ Those heroes bold in faith — Could smile on poverty and pain, And triumph e'en in death. 2 Oh, may that faith our heart- sustain, Wherein they fearless stood, When, in the power of cruel men They poured their willing blood. 3 God, whom we serve, our God can save, Can damp the scorching flame, Can build an ark, can smooth a wave, For BUch as love his name. 4 Lord! if thine arm support us still With its eternal strength, We shall o'ercome the mightiest ill, And conquerors prove at length. The Pilgrimage. CMC. UR country is Immanuel's ground; We seek that promised soil ; O' 444 The Christian Life. The songs of Zion cheer our hearts, While strangers here we toil. 2 Oft do our eyes with joy o'erflow, And oft are bathed in tears ; Yet naught but heaven our hopes can raise, And naught but sin our fears. 3 The flow T ers that spring along the road We scarcely stoop to pluck ; We walk o'er beds of shining ore, Nor waste one wishful look. 650 Love.-l Cor. 13: 1. I«. M. HAD I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, And nobler speech than angels use, If love be absent, I am found Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. 2 Were I inspired to preach and tell All that is done in heaven and hell, Or could my faith the world remove, Still I am nothing without love. 3 Should I distribute all my store To feed the hungry, clothe the poor ; Or give my body to the flame, To gain a martyr's glorious name : 4 If love to God, and love to men Be absent, all my hopes are vain ; Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal, The work of love can e'er fulfil. £K4 Watchfulness and Prayer. DOl Psalm 141. !L.3!f. MY God, accept my early vows, Like morning incense in thy house ; And let my nightly worship rise Sweet as the evening sacrifice. 2 Watch o'er my lips, and guard them, Lord, From every rash and heedless word ; Christian Communion. 4.45 Nor let my feet incline to tread The guilty path where sinners lead. 5 Oh, may the righteous, when I stray, Smite and reprove my wandering way! Their gentle words, like ointment shed, Shall never bruise, but cheer my head. When I behold them pressed with grief, I'll cry to heaven for their relief; And by my warm petitions prove How much I prize their faithful love. 652 Social Worship. L.M. MAY He by whoso kind care we meet Send his good Spirit from above, Make our communications BWeet, And cause our hearts to burn with love. 2 Forgotten be each worldly theme, When Christian- see each other thus; We only wish to speak <>!' him Who lived and died and reigns for us. 3 We'll talk of all he did ami said, And Buffered for us here below; The path he marked for us t<> tread, And what he's doing tor us now. 4 Thus, as the moments pass away, We'll love and wonder ami adore, And hasten on the Lrl<>ri<>n< day. When we shall meet to part no more. DOO Epb. 4: SO-32. K.K. THE Spirit, like a peaceful Dove, Flies from the realms of noise and strife: Why should we vex and grieve his love Who seals our Bouls to heavenly life ! 2 Tender and kind be all our thoughts ; Through all our lives let mercy run : 446 The Christian Life. So God forgives our numerous faults, For the dear sake of Christ his Son. B? 654 Love.-l Cor. 13 : 13. C. M. APPY the heart where graces reign, Where love inspires the breast ; Love is the brightest of the train, And strengthens all the rest. 2 Knowledge — alas ! 'tis all in vain, And all in vain our fear; Our stubborn sins will fight and reign, If love be absent there. 3 This is the grace that lives and sings, When faith and hope shall cease ; 'Tis this shall strike our joyful strings, In the sweet realms of bliss. 4 Before we quite forsake our clay, Or leave this dark abode, The wings of love bear us away, To see our smiling God. 655 Epla. 3: 15. CM LET saints below in concert sing With those to glory gone ; For all the servants of our King In earth and heaven are one. 2 One family — we dwell in him, — One church above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. 3 One army of the living God, To his command we bow ; Part of the host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. 4 E'en now to their eternal home Some happy spirits fly; One Church, 447 And we are to the margin come, And soon expect to die. 5 E'en now, by faith, we join our hands With those that went before, And greet the ransomed blessed bands Upon th' eternal shore. 6 Lord Jesus ! be our constant guide ; And, when the word is given, Bid death's cold flood its waves divide, And land us safe in heaven. OCO Blessedness of the Communion of OOO Sainis. CM. HAPPY the souls to Jesus joined, And saved by grace alone ; Walking in all his ways, they find Their heaven on earth begun. 2 The church triumphant in thy love, — Their mighty joys we know : They siug the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below. 3 Thee, in thy glorious realm, they praise, And bow before thy throne: We in the kingdom of thy grace; — The kingdoms are but one. 4 The holy to the holiest leads ; From thence our spirits rise; And he that in thy statutes treads Shall meet thee in the skies. 00/ Fellowship.— Eph. 4: 5. 7s. FATHER, hear our humble claim; We are met in thy great name; In the midst do thou appear, Manifest thy presence here. 2 Lord, our fellowship increase; Knit us in the bond of peace ; 448 The Christian Life. Join our hearts, O Father! join Each to each, and all to thine. 3 Build us in one spirit up, Called in one high calling's hope, One the spirit, one the aim, One the pure baptismal flame; — 4 One the faith, and one the Lord, Whom by heaven and earth adored, We our God and Father call; O'er all, through all, with us all. bOO Fellowship. 7». JESUS, Lord, we look to thee; Let us in thy name agree; Show thyself the Prince of peace; Bid our jars forever cease. 2 By thy reconciling love, Every stumbling-block remove: Each to each unite, endear, Come and spread thy banner here. 3 Make us of one heart and mind, — Courteous, pitiful, and kind; Lowly, meek, in thought and word, — Altogether like our Lord. 4 Let us for each other care; Each the other's burden bear; To thy church the pattern give; Show how true believers live. 5 Free from anger and from pride, Let us thus in God abide: All the depths of love express, — All the heights of holiness. 6 Let us, then, with joy remove To the family above ; On the wings of angels fly ; Show how true believers die. Parting Hymn. 440 DOy Parting Hymn. 7s. FOR a season called to part, Let us now ourselves commend To the gracious eye and heart Of our ever-present Friend. 2 Jesus, hear our humble prayer : Tender Shepherd of thy sheep, Let thy mercy and thy care All our souls in safety keep. 3 In thy strength may Ave be strong; Sweeten every cross and pain ; Spare us, that we may, ere long, Meet and worship thee again. Doxology. SING we to our God above Praise eternal as his love; Praise him, all ye heavenly host, — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost POA Blessings of Christian I'nity.— DOU Psalm 1:1:1. S. WL BLEST are the sons of peace, Whose hearts and hopes are one; Whose kind designs to serve and please Through all their actions run. 2 Blest is the pious house Where zeal and friendship meet: Their songs of praise, their mingled vows Make their communion sweet. 3 From those celestial springs Such streams of pleasure flow, As no increase of riches brings, Nor honors can bestow. 4 Thus on the heavenly hills The saints are blest above, Where joy like morning dew distils, And all the air is love! 29 450 The Chrhtiaji Life. B 1 001 Christian Fellowship. S. M. >LEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; But w T e shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin, we shall be free, And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. 662 liiike 4: 18. S. II. SAVIOUR ! what gracious words Are ever, ever thine! Thy voice is music to the soul, And life and peace divine. 2 Good, everlasting good — Glad tidings full of joy, Flow from thy lips, the lips of truth, And flow without alloy. Kindness to the Distressed, 45 1 3 The broken heart, the poor, The bruised, the deaf, the blind, The dumb, the dead, the captive wretch, In thee compassion find. 4 Lord Jesus ! speed the day, — The promised day of grace, — To all the poor, the dumb, the deaf, The dead of Adam's race. UUO Kindness to the Afflicted. C. M. BRIGHT Source of everlasting love! To thee our souls we raise; And to thy sovereign bounty rear A monument of praise. 2 Thy mercy gilds the paths of life With every cheering ray ; Kindly restrains the rising tear, Or wipes that tear away. 3 What shall we render, bounteous Lord! For all the grace we see? Alas! the goodness we can yield Extendeth not to thee. 4 To tents of woe, to beds of pain, We cheerfully repair; And, with the gifts thy hand bestows, Relieve the mourners there. 5 Thus passing through the vale of tears, Our useful light shall shine; And others learn to glorify Our Father's name divine. 664 1 John 4 : 21. C. M. HOW sweet, how heavenly is the sight, When those who love the Lord In one another's peace delight, And so fulfil his word ! 452 The Christian Life. 2 When each can feel his brother's sigh, And with him bear a part ! When sorrow flows from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart! 3 When free from envy, scorn, and pride, Our wishes all above, Each can his brother's failings hide, And show a brother's love ! 4 Let love, in one delightful stream, Through every bosom flow, And union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action glow 7 . 5 Love is the golden chain that binds The happy souls above ; And he's an heir of heaven who finds His bosom glow with love. £ O. £ " For ye liave the Poor always ODD witiiyou." CM. LORD, lead the way the Saviour went, By lane and cell obscure, And let our treasures still be spent, Like his, upon the poor. 2 Like him, through scenes of deep distress, Who bore the world's sad weight, We, in their gloomy loneliness, Would seek the desolate. 3 For thou hast placed us side by side In this wide world of ill ; And that thy followers may be tried, The poor are with us still. 4 Small are the offerings we can make; Yet thou hast taught us, Lord, If given for the Saviour's sake, They lose not their reward. Christ-likeness. 453 bub " Blessed are tlie 3Jercifnl." €. M. BLEST is the man whose softening heart Feels all another's pain ; To whom the supplicating eye Was never raised in vain; — 2 "Whose breast expands with generous warmth, A stranger's woe to feel ; And bleeds in pity o'er the wound He wants the power to heal. 3 He spreads his kind, supporting arms To every child of grief; His secret bounty largely Hows, And brings unasked relief 4 To gentle office^ of 1" His feet arc never slow; He views, through mercy's melting eye, A brother in a 5 He hears the Saviour's cheering word, " My peace to him 1 gh And when he kneels before the throne, His trembling soul shall live. DD/ Likeness to RAYER is the soul's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. p 1 458 The Christian Life. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning from his ways ; While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry, " Behold he prays !" 5 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air, His watchword at the gates of death ; He enters heaven with prayer. 6 O thou by whom we come to God, The Life, the Truth, the Way! The path of prayer thyself hast trod ; Lord ! teach us how to pray. D/U Matt. 6. Luke 11. C. M. OUR Father, God, who art in heaven, All hallowed be thy name ! Thy kingdom come ; thy will be done, In earth and heaven the same ! 2 Give us this day our daily bread ; And, as we those forgive Who sin against us, so may we Forgiving grace receive. 3 Into temptation lead us not ; From evil set us free ; And thine the kingdom, thine the power And glory ever be. Prayer. 459 / / 1 Sam. 1 : 12, 13. C. M. PRAYEK is the breath of God in man, Returning whence it came; Love is the sacr%d fire within, And prayer the rising flame. 2 It gives the burdened spirit ease, And soothes the troubled breast ; Yields comfort to the mourning soul, And to the weary rest. 3 When God inclines the heart to pray, He hath an ear to hear; To him there's music in a sigh, And beauty in a tear. 4 The humble suppliant cannot fail To have his want- supplied, Since lie for sinners intercedes Who once for sinners died. D/O The Safe Retreat. CM. DEAB Father, to thy mercy-seat My soul lor shelter flies ; 'Tis here I find B - ivat When storms and tempests rise. 2 My cheerful hope can never die, If thou, my God, art near ; Thy grace can raise my comforts high, And banish every fear. 3 My great Protector and my Lord, Thy constant aid impart; Oh, let thy kind, thy gracious word Sustain my trembling heart! 4 Oh, never let my soul remove From this divine retreat! Still let me trust thy power and love, And dwell beneath thy feet. 460 The Christian Life. N ( U / v7 Blessedness of Prayer. C. M. 1 T), never shall my heart despond, Long as my lips can pray ; My latest breath, witfc effort fond, Shall pass in prayer away. 2 There is a heavenly mercy-seat To calm the sinner's fears ; There is a Saviour at whose feet The mourner dries his tears. 3 When friends depart, and hopes are riven, And gathering storms I see, My soul is but the sooner driven, Eternal Rock ! to thee. 4 Oh for a voice of sweeter sound, For every w T ind to bear, To teach the listening world around The blessedness of prayer ! DOU Secret Prayer. CM. SWEET is the prayer whose holy stream In earnest pleading flows ; Devotion dwells upon the theme, And warm and warmer glows. 2 Faith grasps the blessing she desires, Hope points the upward gaze, And love, untrembling love inspires The eloquence of praise. 3 But sweeter far the still small voice, Heard by no human ear, When God hath made the heart rejoice, And dried the bitter tear. 4 Nor accents flow, nor words ascend ; All utterance faileth there ; But listening spirits comprehend, And God accepts the prayer. Prayer. 46 1 031 "Teach us to pray." CM. LORD, teach us how to pray aright, With reverence and with fear : Though dust and ashes in thy sight, We may, we must draw near. 2 God of all grace, we come to thee, With broken, contrite hearts ; Give what thine eye delights to see,— Truth in the inward parts. 3 Give deep humility ; the sense Of godly sorrow give ; A strong desiring confidence To see thy face and live. 4 Patience to watch and wait and weep, Though mercy long delay; Courage, our fainting souls to keep, And trust thee, though thou slay. 5 Give these, and then thy will be done; Thus strengthened with all might, We, by thy Spirit and thy Son, Shall pray, and pray aright. 682 Luko 21 : 17. I* «• THOU, Saviour, from thy throne on high, Enrobed in light and girt with power, Dost note the thought, the prayer, the sigh, Of hearts that love the tranquil hour. 2 Oft thou thyself didst Bteal away At eventide, from labor done, In some still peaceful shade to pray Till morning watches were begun. 3 Thou hast not, dearest Lord, forgot The wrestlings on Judea's hills; And still thou lov'st the quiet spot Where praise the lowly spirit fills. 462 The Christian Life. 4 Now to our souls, withdrawn awhile From earth's rude noise, thy face reveal ; And as we worship, kindly smile, And for thine own our spirits seal. 5 To thee we bring each grief and care, To thee we fly while tempests lower ; Thou wilt the weary burdens bear Of hearts that love the tranquil hour. DOO Ttoe Power of Prayer. I*. M. WHAT various hindrances we meet In coming to a mercy-seat ! Yet who that knows the wqrth of prayer But wishes to be often there ? 2 Prayer makes the darkened clouds withdraw; Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings every blessing from above. 3 Restraining prayer, we cease to fight ; Prayer makes the Christian's armor bright ; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 4 Have you no words ? ah ! think again ; Words flow apace when you complain, And fill a fellow-creature's ear With the sad tale of all your care. 5 Were half the breath thus vainly spent, To heaven in supplication sent, Our cheerful song would oftener be, " Hear w T hat the Lord hath done for me !" Do4 Matt. 21: 22. li.H. AND dost thou say, " Ask what thou wilt" ? Lord, I would seize the golden hour : I pray to be released from guilt, And freed from sin and Satan's power. Prayer. 463 2 More of thy presence, Lord, impart ; More of thine image let me bear ; Erect thy throne within my heart, And reign without a rival there. 3 Give me to read my pardon sealed, And from thy joy to draw my strength : Oh, be thy boundless love revealed In all its height and breadth and length. 4 Grant these requests, — I ask no more, But to thy care the rest resign : Sick, or in health, or rich, or poor, All shall be well, if thou art mine. UOO Ileb. 4:16. Ex. 25:22. T,. M. FROM every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat ; Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads, — A place than all besides more >weet ; It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. 3 There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend ; Though sundered far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy-seat ! 4 There, there on eagle wings we soar, And sense and sin molest no more, And heaven comes down our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy-seat. OoO Hour of Prayer. Ii. M. BLEST hour when mortal man retires To hold communion with his God, To send to heaven his warm desires, And listen to the sacred word. 464 The Christian Life. 2 Blest hour when God himself draws nigh, Well pleased his people's voice to hear, To hush the penitential sigh, And wipe away the mourner's tear. 3 Blest hour, for where the Lord resorts, Foretastes of future bliss are given, And mortals find his earthly courts The house of God, the gate of heaven. DO/ The Mercy-Seat. Iu M, APPROACH, my soul, the mercy-seat, Where Jesus sits to answer prayer ; Thus humbly fall before his feet'; For none have ever perished there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea ; With this I humbly venture nigh ; Thou callest burdened souls to thee, And surely such, O Lord, am I. 3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan tempted, sorely pressed, By war without and fear within, I come to thee, my Lord, for rest. 4 Be thou my shield and hiding-place, That, safely sheltered near thy side, I may the fierce accuser face, And tell him, Jesus, thou hast died. DOO Matt. 11 : 28. Ii. M. HOW sweetly flowed the gospel sound, From lips of gentleness and grace, When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and gladness filled the place. 2 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven he led his followers' w T ay ; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. Prayer. 465 3 " Come, wanderers, to my Father's home ; Come, all ye weary ones, and rest ;" Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest ! OOy The Call to Prayer. S. M. COME at the morning hour, Come, let us kneel and pray ; Prayer is the Christian pilgrim's staff To walk with God all day. 2 At noon, beneath the Rock Of Ages, rest and pray ; Sweet is that shelter from the sun In the weary heat of day. 3 At evening, in thy home, Around its altar, pray ; And finding there the house of God, With heaven then close the day. w Delight in Worship. 8. M. OW sweet to bless the Lord, And in his praises join, With saints his goodness to record, And sing his power divine! 2 Thus may our joys increase, Our love more ardent grow, While rich supplies of Jesus' grace Refresh our souls below. 3 But, oh, the bliss sublime, When joy shall be complete, In that unclouded, glorious clime Where all thy servants meet ! 4 Then shall the ransomed throng The Saviour's love record, And shout in everlasting song, — " Salvation to the Lord !" 30 466 The Christian Life. 691 Call to Prayer. S. M. COME to the house of prayer, O thou afflicted, come ; The God of peace shall meet thee there ; He makes that house his home. 2 Come to the house of praise, Ye who are happy now ; In sweet accord your voices raise, In kindred homage bow. 3 Ye aged, hither come! For ye have felt his love ; Soon shall your trembling tongues be dumb, Your lips forget to move. 4 Ye young ! before his throne, Come, bow ; your voices raise ; Let not your hearts his praise disown, Who gives the power to praise. by L God our Strength. S. M. "AN'S w T isdom is to seek His strength in God alone; And e'en an angel would be weak Who trusted in his own. 2 Retreat beneath his wings, And in his grace confide ; This more exalts the King of kings Than all your works beside. 3 In Jesus is our store , Grace issues from his throne ; Whoever says, "I want no more/' Confesses he has none. 693 Luke 18: 1. S. M. JESUS, who knows full well The heart of every saint, M J Prayer, 467 Invites us all our griefs to tell, To pray, and never faint. 2 He bows his gracious ear ; We never plead in vain ; Yet we must wait till he appear, And pray, and pray again. 3 Jesus, the Lord, will hear His chosen when they cry; Yes, though he may a while forbear, He'll help them from on high. 4 Then let us earnest be, And never faint in prayer ; He loves our importunity, And makes our cause his care. 694 Hcb. 4: 16. S. M. BEHOLD the throne of grace! The promise calls mo near; TKere Jesus shows a smiling face, And waits to answer prayer. 2 That rich, atoning blood, Which sprinkled round I see, Provides for those who come to God An all-prevailing plea. 3 My soul! ask what thou wilt; Thou canst not be too bold ; Since his own blood for thee he spilt, What else can he withhold? 4 Thine image, Lord, bestow, Thy presence and thy love; I ask to serve thee here below, And reign with thee above. 5 Teach me to live by faith ; Conform my will to thine ; Let me victorious be in death, And then in glory shine. 468 The Christian Life. 695 Matt. 18 : 20. S. M. JESUS, we look to thee, Thy promised presence claim : Thou in the midst of us shalt be, Assembled in thy name. 2 Not in the name of pride Or selfishness we meet ; From nature's paths we turn aside, And worldly thoughts forget. 3 We meet, the grace to take Which thou hast freely given ; We meet on earth for thy dear sake, That we may meet in heaven. 4 Present we know thou art, But, oh, thyself reveal! Now, Lord, let every bounding heart Thy mighty comfort feel. 5 Oh, may thy quickening voice The death of sin remove; And bid our inmost souls rejoice In hope of perfect love. 09u Col. 4:2. 7s. "EAVENLY Father, sovereign Lord, Be thy glorious name adored ! Lord, thy mercies never fail ; Hail, celestial goodness, hail ! 2 Though unworthy, Lord, thine ear, Deign our humble songs to hear ; Purer praise we hope to bring, When around thy throne we sing. 3 While on earth ordained to stay, Guide our footsteps in thy way, Till we come to dwell with thee, Till we all thy glory see. H ] Prayer. 469 4 Then, with angel-harps again, We will wake a nobler strain ; There, in joyful songs of praise, Our triumphant voices raise. Dv7 / Isaiah 56 : 7. 7s. SOFT and holy is the place, Where the light that beams from heaven Shows the Saviour's smiling face, With the joy of sin forgiven. There, with one accord we meet, All the words of life to hear ; Bending low at Jesus' i Worshipping with godly fear, 3 Let the world and all it- cares Now retire from every breast ; Let the tempter and his snares Cease to hinder or molest. DaO A els 10: SS. 7S. STEALING from the world away, k5 We are come to Beek thy i'aee ; Kindly meet US, Lord, we pray, Grant us thy reviving grace, 2 Yonder Btars that gild the Bky Shine but with a borrowed light; We, unless thy light be nigh, Wander, wrapt in gloomy night. 3 Sun of righteousness! dispel All our darkness, doubts, and fears; May thy light within us dwell, Till eternal day appears. 4 Warm our hearts in prayer and praise, Lift our every thought above ; Hear the grateful songs we raise, Fill us with thy perfect love. 470 The Christian Life. H< t)yy Invocation. 78. ~OLY Lord, our hearts prepare For the solemn work of prayer; Grant that while we bend the knee, All our thoughts may turn to thee. 2 While we come around thy throne, Make thy power and glory known ; As thy children may we call On our Father, Lord of all. 3 Teach us, while we breathe our woes, On thy promise to repose ; All thy tender love to trace In the Saviour's work of grace. 700 Eph. 6: 18. 78. THEY who seek the throne of grace Find that throne in every place ; If we live a life of prayer, God is present everywhere. 2 In our sickness and our health, In our want, or in our wealth, If we look to God in prayer, God is present everywhere. 3 When our earthly comforts fail, When the foes of life prevail, 'Tis the time for earnest prayer ; God is present everywhere. 4 Then, my soul, in every strait, To thy Father come and wait; He will answer every prayer ; God is present everywhere. 701 Matt. 7 : 7. 7s. COME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer ; Prayer. 471 He himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. 2 With ray burden I begin ; — Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt 3 Lord ! I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast ; There thy sovereign right maintain. And, without a rival, reign. 4 While I am a pilgrim here, Let thy love my spirit cheer; Be my Guide, my Guard, ray Friend, Lead me to my journey's end l\jL Act* 16; IX 7a. HEAVENLY BpiritJ may each heart Through these sadred hours be thine; May we from the world depart, Breathing after things divine. 2 Lead us forth with joy and peace, To thy temple, in thy ways ; And when this sweet day shall cease, May its sun L r <> down with praise. /UvJ John 17: 9. 7a. TBINE forever I God of love, Hear as from thy throne above! Thine forever may we be. Here, and in eternity ! 2 Thine forever! oh, how blest They who find in thee their rest! Saviour, Guardian, heavenly Friend, Oh, defend us to the end ! 3 Thine forever ! Saviour, keep These thy frail and trembling sheep; 472 The Christian Life. Safe alone beneath thy care, Let us all thy goodness share. 4 Thine forever ! thou our Guide, — All our wants by thee supplied, — All our sins by thee forgiven, — Lead us, Lord, from earth to heaven ! 704 Matt. 6: 10; 26: 42. CM. HOW sweet to be allowed to pray To God, the Holy One ; With filial love and trust to say, " O God, thy will be done." 2 We in these sacred words can find A cure for every ill ; They calm and soothe the troubled mind, And bid all care be still. 3 Oh, let that will which gave me breath, And an immortal soul, In joy, in grief, in life or death, My every wish control. 4 Oh, could my heart thus ever pray, Thus imitate thy Son ! Teach me, O God, with truth to say, " Thy will, not mine, be done." /UO Coming to God. CM. I COME to thee, once more, my God, No longer will I roam, For I have sought the wide world through, And never found a home. 2 Oh, bright and many are the spots Where I have built a nest, Yet in the brightest still I pined For more abiding rest. 3 Thou, Lord, hast made this wondrous soul All for thyself alone ; Prayer. 47 3 Oh, send thy sweet, transforming grace To make it all thine own. 706 Job 1:21. CM. ONE prayer I have — all prayers in one, When I am wholly thine ; Thy will, my God, thy will be done, And let that will be mine. 2 All-wise, almighty, and all-good, In thee I firmly trust ; Thy ways, unknown or understood, Are merciful and just. 3 And though thy wisdom takes away, Shall I arraign thy will? No, let me bless thy name, and say, " The Lord is gracious still." 4 A pilgrim through the earth I roam, Of nothing long possessed ; And all must fail when I go home, For this is not my rest. /(J/ Pnaliii 1SS. CM. SPIRIT of peace, celestial Dove, How excellent thy praise! How rich the gift of Christian love Thy gracious power displays! Sweet as the dew on hill and flower, That silently distils, At evening's Boft and balmy hour, On Zion's fruitful hills. So, with mild influence from above, Shall promised grace descend ; Till universal peace and love O'er all the earth extend. S 1 SECTION VII. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. (a.) Church divinely founded. God's Dwelling -PI ace and Peculiar Care. Catholic and True. Christ its Corner-Stone. Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Churclis Pil- grimage. Love of the Church. Glorious Tilings spoken of her. (b.) The Lord's Supper. Hymns of Con- secration , of ('oven ant Love, of Christian Fellowship and Greet- ing. (c.) Baptism. Offering of Children. Pleading the Covenant Promises. (d.) The Christ iff a Ministry. Hymns for Ordination and Installation. Prayers for Pastors. The Death of Pastors* Dedication Hymns. (e.) Spread of the Gospel. Missionary Hymns. "As Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctity and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to him- self a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."— Epii. 5: 2<3-l7. 475 THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. ^HQ "Behold I lay in Sion a Chief / UO Corner-stone." 8s «fc 7s. CHRIST is made the sure Foundation, Christ the Head and Corner-Stone, Chosen of the Lord, and precious, Binding all the Church in one; Holy Sion's help forever, And her confidence alone. 2 All that dedicated City, Dearly loved of God on high, In exultant jubilation Pours perpetual melody; God the One in Three adoring In glad hymns eternally. 3 To this Temple, where we call thee, Come, Lord of Boats, to-day; With thy wonted loving-kindness, Hear thy servants as they pray; And thy fullest benediction Shed within its walls alway. /Ijy Xow Jerusalem. 8s A 7s. KLORIOUS city, heavenly Salem, Vision dear of peace and love, Who of living .-tones art builded In the height of heaven above, And with angel hosts encircled, As a bride to earth dost move; From celestial realms descending, Bridal glory round thee shed, Meet for Him whose love espoused thee, To thy Lord shalt thou be led: 477 G 1 478 The Church of Christ. All thy streets and all thy bulwarks Of pure gold are fashioned. 3 Bright thy gates of pearl are shining ; They are open evermore; And by virtue of his merits Thither faithful souls do soar, Who for Christ's dear name in this world Pain and tribulation bore. 710 Psalm 80. I..M. GREAT Shepherd of thine Israel, Who didst between the cherubs dwell, And lead the tribes, thy chosen sheep, Safe through the desert and the deep : 2 Thy Church is in the desert now : Shine from on high and guide us through ; Turn us to thee, thy love restore ; We shall be saved, and sigh no more. 3 Hast thou not planted with thy hand A lovely vine in this our land? Did not thy power defend it round, And heavenly dew enrich the ground ? 4 Return, Almighty God, return ! Nor let thy bleeding vineyard mourn: Turn us to thee, thy love restore; We shall be saved, and sigh no more. / 1 1 Christ's Indwelling- Besonglit. I«. M. COME, dearest Lord, descend and dw T ell By faith and love in every breast; Then shall we know and taste and feel The joys that cannot be expressed. 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength, Make our enlarged souls possess, And learn the height and breadth and length Of thine immeasurable grace. Encouragement. 479 3 Now to the God whose power can do More than our thoughts and wishes know, Be everlasting honors done By all the church, through Christ his Son! 712 Isaiah 52: 1. !L. M. TRIUMPHANT Zion, lift thy head From dust and darkness and the dead ; Though humbled long, awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength. 2 Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy various charms be known; The world thy glories shall confess, Decked in the robes of righteousness. 3 No more shall foes unclean invade, And fill thy hallowed walls with dread; No more shall hell's insulting host Their victory and thy sorrows boast. 4 God, from on high, thy groans will hear; His hand thy ruins shall repair; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To* guard thee in eternal peace. / lO "Brethren, pray for ns." Ia.M. FATHER of mercies, bow thine ear, Attentive to our earnest prayer; We plead for those who plead for thee : Successful pleaders may they be. 2 Clothe thou with energy divine Their words, and let those words be thine; Teach them immortal souls to gain, Nor let them labor, Lord, in vain. 3 Let thronging multitudes around Hear from their lips the joyful sound; And light through distant realms be spread, Till Zion rears her drooping head. 480 The Church of Christ. 714 Psalm 27. C. M. THE Lord of glory is my light, And my salvation, too ; God is my strength, nor will I fear What all my foes can do. 2 One privilege my heart desires, Oh, grant me an abode Among the churches of thy saints, The temples of my God. 3 There shall I offer my requests, And see thy beauty still ; Shall hear thy messages of love, And there inquire thy will. 4 When troubles rise, and storms appear, There may his children hide ; God has a strong pavilion, where He makes my soul abide. 5 Now shall my head be lifted high Above my foes around ; And songs of joy and victory Within thy temple sound. /lb Christ the Head of the Church. C. M. OUR Christ hath reached his heavenly seat, Through sorrows and through scars ; The golden lamps are at his feet, And in his hand the stars. 2 O Lord of life and truth and grace, Ere nature was begun ! Make welcome to our erring race Thy Spirit and thy Son. 3 We hail the Church, built high o'er all The heathen's rage and scoff; Thy Providence its fenced wall, " The Lamb the light thereof." God's Building. 48 J 4 Oh, may he walk among us here, With his rebuke and love, A brightness o'er this lower sphere, A ray from worlds above ! 7lD Psalm 132. C. M. ARISE, O King of grace, arise ! And enter to thy rest ; Lo ! thy church waits with longing eyes, Thus to be owned and blest. 2 Enter with all thy glorious train, Thy Spirit and thy word ; All that the ark did once contain Could no such grace afford. 3 Here, mighty God, accept our vows; Here let thy praise be spread ; Bless the provisions of thy house, And fill thy poor with bread. 4 Here let the Son of David reign, Let God's Anointed shine; Justice and truth his court maintain, With love and power divine. 5 Here let him hold a lasting throne, And as his kingdom grows, Fresh honors shall adorn his crown, And shame contound his foes. 71 / Ye are CJmT* Iliiilriiiiff. C. H. THE lovely form of God's own Church, It riseth in all lands ; On mountain sides, in wooded vales, And by the desert sands. 2 Though sects and factions rule the world, Peace is its heritage ; Unchanged, though empires by it pass, The same from age to age. 31 482 The Church of Christ. 3 The hallowed form our fathers built, That hallowed form build we ; Let not one stone from its own place Removed ever be. 4 Clear voices from above sound out Their blessing on the pile ; The dead beneath support our hands, And succor us the while. 5 Yea, when Ave climb the rising walls, Is peace and comfort given ; Because the work is not of earth, But hath its end in heaven. 71 Dan. 2: 44. C. M. OH, where are kings and empires now, Of old that went and came ? But, Lord, thy church is praying yet, A thousand years the same. 2 We mark her goodly battlements, And her foundations strong ; We hear w T ithin the solemn voice Of her unending song. 3 For not like kingdoms of the world, Thy holy church, O God ! [her, Though earthquake shocks are threatening And tempests are abroad ; — 4 Unshaken as eternal hills, Immovable she stands, — A mountain that shall fill the earth, A house not made by hands. /iy The Mouse of God. C. If. WE love the venerable house Our fathers built to God ; In heaven are kept their grateful vows, Their dust endears the sod. Honorable and Glorious. 483 2 Here holy thoughts a light have shed From many a radiant face ; And prayers of tender hope have spread A perfume through the place. 3 From humble tenements around Came up the pensive train ; And in the church a blessing found, Which filled their homes again. 4 They live with God, their homes are dust, But here their children pray, And in this fleeting lifetime trust To find the narrow way. 5 On him who by the altar stands, Lord, let thy blessing fall ! Speak through his lips thy pure commands, Thou Heart that Lovest all! 720 Psalm i:*7. S. M. LOVE thy kingdom, Lord,— 1 The house of thine abode, The Church our blest Redeemer saved With his own precious blood. 2 I love thy Church, God! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eve, And graven on thy hand. 3 For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers ascend : To her my cares and toils he Lriven, Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. 484 The Church of Christ. 5 Jesus, thou Friend divine, Our Saviour and our King, Thy hand from every snare and foe Shall great deliverance bring. 6 Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. / Zl The Pilgrim Church. S. M. ^AK down the ages now, F Much of her journey done, The pilgrim Church pursues her way, Until her crown be won. 2 No wider is the gate, No broader is the w T ay, No smoother is the ancient path, That leads to life and day. 3 No slacker grows the fight, No feebler is the foe, Nor less the need of armor tried, Of shield and spear and bow. 4 Still faithful to our God, And to our Captain true, We follow where he leads the way, The kingdom in our view. i LL Safety of the Church. S. M. HOW honored is the place Where we adoring stand ! Zion, the glory of the earth, And beauty of the land. 2 Bulwarks of grace defend The city where we dwell ; While walls of strong salvation made Defy th' assaults of hell. Honorable and Glorious. 485 3 Here taste unmingled joys, And live in perfect peace ; You that have known Jehovah's name, And ventured on his grace. 4 Trust in the Lord, ye saints, And banish all your fears ; Strength in the Lord Jehovah dwells, Eternal as his years. 7Q Q "Zion, City of our God."— / L\J Psalm 87. 8s«fc7s. GLORIOUS things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He whose w r ord can ne'er be broken Chose thee for his own abode. 2 Lord, thy Church is still thy dwelling, Still is precious in thy sight ; Judah's temple far excelling, Beaming with the gospel's light. 3 On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake her sure repose? With salvation's wall surrounded, She can smile at all her foes. 4 Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He whose word can ne'er be broken, Chose thee for his own abode. 724 Cant. 2:4. 8s A 7s. JESUS spreads his banner o'er us, Cheers our famished souls with food ; He the banquet spreads before us, Of his mystic flesh and blood. 2 Precious banquet, bread of heaven, Wine of gladness, flowing free ; May we taste it, kindly given, In remembrance, Lord, of thee ! 486 The Church of Christ. 3 In thy trial and rejection, In thy sufferings on the tree, In thy glorious resurrection, May we, Lord, remember thee. /ZO Psalm 127. 8s * 7s. VAINLY through night's weary hours, Keep we watch, lest foes alarm ; Vain our bulwarks and our tow T ers, But for God's protecting arm. 2 Vain w r ere all our toil and labor, Did not God that labor bless ; Vain, without his grace and favor, Every talent we possess. 3 Vainer still the hope of heaven, That on human strength relies ; But to him shall help be given, Who in humble faith applies. 4 Seek we, then, the Lord's Anointed ; He shall grant us peace and rest : Ne'er was suppliant disappointed, Who to Christ his prayer addressed. /ZD Communion. 8§ & 7s. WHILE in sweet communion feeding On this earthly bread and wine, Saviour, may we see thee bleeding On the cross, to make us thine. 2 Though unseen, now be thou near us, With the still small voice of love ; Whispering words of peace to cheer us, Every doubt and fear remove. 3 Bring before us all the story Of thy life and death of woe ; And, with hopes of endless glory, Wean our hearts from all below. The Lord's Supper. 487 727 1 Cor. 11: 26. 7s. 61. MANY centuries have fled Since our Saviour broke the bread, And this sacred feast ordained, Ever by his Church retained : Those his body who discern Thus shall meet till his return. Through the Church's long eclipse, When, from priest or pastor's lips, Truth divine was never heard, — 'Mid the famine of the word, Still these symbols witness gave To his love who died to save. All who bear the Saviour's name Here their common faith proclaim; Though diverse in tongue or rite, Here, one body to unite; Breaking thus one mystic bread, Members of one common Head. Come, the blessed emblems share, Which the Saviour's death declare; Come, on truth immortal feed; For his flesh is meat indeed: Saviour! witness with the sign That our ransomed souls are thine. 728 G' Psalm 67. 7s. 61. OD of mercy, God of grace ! Show the brightness of thy face: Shine upon us, Saviour! shine, Fill thy Church with light divine, And thy saving health extend To the earth's remotest end. 2 Let the people praise thee, Lord! Pe by all that live adored: Let the nations shout and sing, Glory to their Saviour King; 488 The Church of Christ. At thy feet their tribute pay And thy holy will obey. 3 Let the people praise thee, Lord ! Earth shall then her fruits afford ; God to man his blessing give; Man to God devoted live ; All below, and all above, One in joy and light and love. G ( I L3 Gethsemaue. 7s. 61. 10 to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power, Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with him one bitter hour: Turn not from his griefs away, Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. 2 Follow to the judgment-hall, View the Lord of life arraigned: Oh, the wormwood and the gall ! Oh, the pangs his soul sustained ! Shun not suffering, shame, or loss ; Learn of him to bear the cross. 3 Calv'ry's mournful mountain climb; There, adoring at his feet, Mark that miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete! " It is finished," hear him cry ; Learn of Jesus Christ to die. TO A "Meet, and remember Me!" lOKJ Luke 22: 19. CM. IF human kindness meets return, And owns the grateful tie ; If tender thoughts within us burn, To feel a friend is nigh ; — 2 Oh, shall not warmer accents tell The gratitude we owe The Lord's Supper. 489 To Him who died our fears to quell — Our more than orphan's woe? 3 While yet in anguish he surveyed Those pangs he would not flee, What love his latest words displayed: "Meet and remember me!" 4 Remember thee — thy death, thy shame! Our sinful hearts to share! O memory! leave no other name But his recorded there. 731 Lake 22: 19. CM. ACCORDING to thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember thee. Thy body, broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be; Thy testainental CUD J take, And thus remember thee. Gethsemane can I forget? Or there thy conflict Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember thee? When to the ere— I turn mine eyes, And rest on ( alvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice! I must remember thee; — Remember thee, and all thy pains, And all thy love to me; Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember thee. And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and memory flee, When thou shalt in thy kingdom come, Then, Lord, remember me! 490 The Church of Christ. 7u2 Jer. 31: 3. CM. HOW sweet and awful is the place, With Christ within the doors; While everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores ! 2 While all our hearts, and all our songs, Join to admire the feast, Each of us cries, with thankful tongues, "Lord, why was I a guest? 3 "Why was I made to hear thy voice, And enter while there's room, When thousands make a wretched choice, And rather starve than come?" 4 'Twas the same love that spread the feast That sweetly drew us in ; Else we had still refused to taste, And perished in our sin. iOO IiOrd's Table. CM. LORD ! at thy table I behold The wonders of thy grace ; But most of all admire that I Should find a welcome place. 2 What strange, surprising grace is this, That such a soul has room ! My Saviour takes me by the hand, My Jesus bids me come. 3 Ye saints below and hosts of heaven, Join all your praising powers ; No theme is like redeeming love, No Saviour is like ours. 4 Had I ten thousand hearts, dear Lord, I'd give them all to thee ; Had I ten thousand tongues, they all Should join the harmony. The Lord's Table. 401 HQ/t "A Good Profession before many / OHt \Mtn esses. "— 1 Tim. 6 : 12. C. M. WITNESS, ye men and angels, now Before the Lord we speak ; To him we make our solemn vow, — A vow we dare not break : — 2 That, long as life itself shall last, Ourselves to Christ we yield ; Nor from his cause will we depart, Or ever quit the field. 3 We trust not in our native strength, But on his grace rely, That with returning wants the Lord Will all our need supply. 4 Oh, guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep ua in thy way- ; And while we turn our vows to prayers, Turn thou our prayers to praise! /oO Preparation for Communion. C. Jf • PREPARE U8, L id, to view thy cross, Who all our griefs hasl borne : To look on thee whom we have pierced, To look on thee, and mourn. 2 While thus we mourn, we would rejoice, And, as thy cross we see, Let each exclaim in faith and hope, — 11 The Saviour died for me I" /OO Communion. CM* GOD, unseen yet ever near, Thy presence may we feel ; And, thus inspired with holy fear, Before thine altar kneel! 2 We come, obedient to thy word, To feast on heavenly food; Our meat, the body of the Lord, Our drink, his precious blood. 492 The Church of Christ, 3 Thus may we all thy words obey, For we, O God, are thine ; And go rejoicing on our way, Renewed with strength divine. 10 I Isaiah 49 : 15. C. 91. A MOTHER may forgetful be, For human love is frail ; But thy Creator's love to thee, O Zion, cannot fail. 2 No, thy dear name engraven stands, In characters of love, On thy almighty Father's hands, And never shall remove. 3 Before his ever- watchful eye Thy mournful state appears, And every groan, and every sigh, Divine compassion hears. 4 O Zion, learn to doubt no more, Be every fear suppressed ; Unchanging truth and love and power Dwell in thy Saviour's breast. o IdO Psalm 103: 17, 18. C. M. LORD, thy covenant is sure To all who fear thy name ; Thy mercies age on age endure, Eternally the same. 2 In thee our fathers put their trust ; Thy ways they humbly trod ; Honored and sacred is their dust, And still they live to God. 3 Heirs in their faith, their hope, their prayer, We the same path pursue ; Entail the blessing to our heirs ; Lord, show thy promise true. S 1 Love to Christ. 403 1 0\J ".Toy in the Atonement." 7s. 61. [ION'S daughter, weep no more, Though thy troubled heart be sore ; He of whom the Psalmist sung, He who woke the Prophet's tongue, — Christ, the Mediator blest, — Brings thee everlasting rest. 2 In a garden man became Heir of sin and death and shame ; Jesus in a garden wins Life and pardon for our sins ; Through his hour of agony, Praying in Gethsemane. 3 There for us he intercede- ; There with God the Father pleads ; Willing there for us to drain To the dregs the cup of pain, That, in everlasting day, He may wipe our tears away. 4 Therefore to his name be triven Glory, both in earth and heaven; To the Father, and the .Son, And the Spirit, three in One, Honor, praise, and glory be, Now, and through eternity. 74U Love to Christ, 7s. 61. RESTING from his work to-day In the tomb the Saviour lay; Still he slept, from head to feet, Shrouded in the winding-sheet, Lying in the rock alone, Hidden by the sealed stone. 2 Late at evening there was seen, Watching long, the Magdalene ! 494 The Church of Christ. Early, ere the break of day, Sorrowful she took her way To the holy garden glade Where her buried Lord was laid. 3 So, with thee, till life shall end, I would solemn vigil spend : Let me hew thee, Lord, a shrine In this rocky heart of mine, Where, in pure, embalmed cell, Thou, and thou alone shalt dwell. 4 Myrrh and spices will I bring, True affection's offering ; Close the door from sight and sound Of the busy world around ; And in patient watch remain Till my Lord appear again. /41 Bread of Heaven. 7s. BREAD of heaven ! on thee we feed, For thy flesh is meat indeed : Ever let our souls be fed With this true and living bread ! 2 Vine of heaven ! thy blood supplies This blest cup of sacrifice : Lord ! thy wounds our healing give, To thy cross we look and live. 3 Day by day with strength supplied, Through the life of him who died, Lord of life ! oh, let us be Rooted, grafted, built on thee ! 742 Ruth 1 : 16. 7s. PEOPLE of the living God, I have sought the world around, Paths of sin and sorrow 7 trod, Peace and comfort nowhere found. 'Joining the Church. 495 2 Now to you my spirit turns, — Turns, a fugitive unblest ; Brethren ! where your altar burns, Oh, receive me into rest ! 3 Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave : Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave. 4 Mine the God whom you adore, Your Redeemer shall be mine; Earth can fill my soul no more, Every idol I resign. /40 Joy in Praise. 7s. JOYFUL be the hours to-day ; .Joyful let the season be; Let us sing, for well we may: Jesus! we will sing of thee. 2 Should thy people silent be, Then the very -tones would sing: What a debt we owe to thee, Thee, our Saviour, thee our King! 3 Joyful are we now to own, Rapture thrills us as we trace All the deeds thy love hath done, All the riches of thy grace. 4 "Tis thy grace alone can save ; Every blessing comes from thee, All we have and hope to have, All we are and hope to be. 5 Thine the name to sinners dear! Thine the name all names before! Blessed here and everywhere ; Blessed now and evermore ! 496 The Church of Christ. 744 Matt. 5: 3. 7s. WHEN, my Saviour, shall I be Perfectly resigned to thee ? Poor and vile in mine own eyes, Only in thy wisdom wise ? 2 Fully in my life express All the heights of holiness ? Sweetly let my spirit prove All the depths of humble love. 745 2 Cor. 4: 10. 7s. MY Saviour crucified, Near thy cross may I abide, There to gaze with steadfast eye On thy dying agony. o 2 Jesus bruised and put to shame, Tells me all the Father's name ; God is love, I surely know By my Saviour's depths of woe. 3 In his sinless soul's distress, I behold my guiltiness ; Oh, how vile my low estate, Since my ransom was so great ! 4 Dwelling on Mount Calvary, Contrite shall my spirit be ; Rest and holiness shall find, Fashioned like my Saviour's mind. 746 Acts 2: 16. 7s. FOUNT of everlasting love ! Rich thy streams of mercy are ; Flowing purely from above, Beauty marks their course afar. Sacramental Hymns. 497 2 Lo ! thy Church, athirst and faint, Drinks the full, refreshing tide ; Thou hast heard her sad complaint, Floods of grace are sweeping wide ! 3 God of mercy, to thy throne Now our fervent thanks we bring; Thine the glory, thine alone, Joyous praise to thee we sing. 4 While we lift our grateful song, Let thy Spirit still descend; Koll the tide of grace along, Widening, deepening, to the end! 747 -Hoar my Cry." 7a. THOU who didst on Calvary bleed, Thou who dost for sinners plead, Help me in my time ni' need, Jesus, Saviour, hear my cry! 2 In my darkness and my grief, With my heart of unbelief I, who am of sinners chief, Jesus, lift to thee mine eye ! 3 Foes without and fears within, With no plea thy grace to win, But that thou canst Bave from sin, Jesus, to thy cross I fly! 4 There, on thee I cast my care, There, to thee I raise my prayer, Jesus, save me from despair, Save me, save me, or I die! 5 When the storms of trial lower, When I feel temptation's power, In the last and darkest hour, Jesus, Saviour, be thou nigh! 32 498 The Church of Christ. JHcU Communion. I,. M. O JESUS, bruised and wounded more Than bursted grape, or bread of wheat, The Life of life within our souls, The cup of our salvation sweet! 2 We come to show thy dying hour, Thy streaming vein, thy broken flesh ; And still that blood is warm to save, And still thy fragrant w r ounds are fresh. 3 Let nevermore our sinful souls The anguish of thy cross renew; Nor forge again the cruel nails That pierced thy victim body through. 4 Come, Bread of heaven, to feed our souls, And with thee, Jesus, enter in ! Come, Wine of God ! and as we drink His precious blood, wash out our sin ! / 4ty Communion. Ij. M. JESUS, thou everlasting King ! Accept the tribute which we bring ; Accept the well-deserved renown, And wear our praises as thy crown. 2 Let every act of worship be Like our espousals, Lord, to thee; Like the dear hour when from above We first received thy pledge of love. 3 The gladness of that happy day, Our hearts would wish it long to stay; Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold. 4 Each following minute, as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys, Till we are raised to sing thy name, At the great supper of the Lamb. Showing forth the Lord's Death. 499 / OU "This do in Remembrance of Me." I*. M. AT thy command, our clearest Lord, Here we attend thy dying feast; Thy blood, like wine, adorns thy board, And thine own flesh feeds every guest. 2 Our faith adores thy bleeding love, And trusts for life in One that died; We hope for heavenly crowns above, From a Redeemer crucified. 3 Let the vain world pronounce it shame, And fling their scandals on the cause; We come to boast our Saviour's name, And make our triumphs in his cross. 4 With joy we t<-ll the Bcoffing age, He that wae dead lias left his tomb; He lives above their utmost rage, And we arc waiting till hu come. /OJ Prayer for Purification. I*. M. T2 pray thee, wounded Lamb of God, W 1 Cleanse us in thine atoning blood; Grant us, by faith, to view thy cross, Then life or death is L r :iin to US. 2 Take our poor hearts, and let them be Forever closed to all hut thee; Seal thou our breasts, and let us wear That pledge of love forever there. IDA Malt. 26: 29. 10s. HERE, O my Lord, I see thee face to lace ; Here would I touch and handle things unseen ; Here grasp with firmer hand the eternal grace, And all my weariness upon thee lean. 500 The Church of Christ. 2 Here would I feed upon the bread of God ; Here drink with thee the royal wine of heaven ; Here would I lay aside each earthly load ; Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven. 3 Too soon we rise; the symbols disappear; The feast, though not the love, is passed and gone; The bread and wine remove, but thou art here, — Nearer than ever, — still my Shield and Sun. 4 Feast after feast thus comes and passes by ; Yet, passing, points to the glad feast above, Giving sweet foretaste of the festal joy, The Lamb's great bridal feast of bliss and love. /uu The Holy Catholic Church. 10s. THE Church of Christ, which he hath hal- lowed here To be his house, is scattered far and near; And yet in heaven above and earth abroad, The church is one in Jesus Christ her Lord. 2 O Spirit of the Lord! all life is thine! Come, fill thy Church with life and power divine ! Let all the sons of men be born of thee, And spread thy knowledge like the bound- less sea! / 04 I>ea!h of a Minister. 10s. GO to the grave in all thy glorious prime, In full activity of zeal and power ; Thou art not called away before thy time ; The Lord's appointment is the servant's hour. Consecration. 50 1 2 Go to the grave; at noon from labor cease; Rest on thy sheaves, thy harvest-task is done; Come from the heat of battle, and in peace, Soldier, go home; with thee the fight is won. 3 Go to the grave ; for there the Saviour lay In death's embraces ere he rose on high; And all the ransomed, by that narrow way, Pass to eternal life beyond the sky. /OO Hymn of Consecration. I.. >f . OH, happy day, that fixed my choice On thee, my Saviour, and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. 2 Oh, happy bond, that seals my vows To him who merits all my love I Let cheerful anthems till his house, While to that sacred Bhrine 1 move. 3 'Tis done, the great transaction's done; I am my Lord's and he is mine: He drew me, and 1 followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. 4 Now, rest, my long-divided heart! Fixed on this blissful centre, rest : With ashes who would grudge to part, When called on angel's bread to feast. 5 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear ; Till in life's latest hour 1 how/ And bless in death a bond so dear. /OD The Lord's Supper. L. X. >FTTWAS on that dark, that doleful night, -L When powers of earth and hell arose 502 The Church of Christ. Against the Son of God's delight, And friends betrayed him to his foes. 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and blessed and brake ; What love through all his actions ran ! What wondrous words of grace he spake ! 3 " This is my body broke for sin ; Receive and eat the living food ;" Then took the cup and blessed the wine ; " 'Tis the new covenant in my blood." 4 " Do this," he cried, " till time shall end, In mem'ry of your dying Friend ; Meet at my table and record The love of your departed Lord." 5 Jesus ! thy feast we celebrate ; We show thy death, we sing thy name, Till thou return, and we shall eat The marriage-supper of the Lamb. / / Welcome to Christian Fellowship. I*. M. COME in, thou blessed of our God, In Jesus' name we bid thee come ; No more thy feet shall roam abroad, Henceforth a brother, — welcome home. 2 Those joys which earth cannot afford, We'll seek in fellowship to prove, Joined in one spirit to our Lord, Together bound by mutual love. 3 And while we pass this vale of tears, We'll make our joys and sorrows known; We'll share each other's hopes and fears, And count a brother's cares our own. 4 Once more our welcome w r e repeat ; Receive assurance of our love ; Oh, may we all together meet Around the throne of God above. Communion, Baptism. 503 /OO Communion.- Mark 14: 24. S. M. BLEST feast of love divine ! Tis grace that makes us free To feed upon this bread and wine, In memory, Lord, of thee ! 2 That blood which flowed for sin, In symbol here we see, And feel the blessed pledge within, That we are loved of thee. 3 Oh, if this glimpse of love Be so divinely sweet, What will it be, Lord, above, Thy gladdening smile to meet? 4 To see thee face to face, Thy perfect likeness wear, And all thy ways of wondrous grace Through endless years declare! loo Baptism. S. M. I BEAT God, now condescend T To bless our rising race; Soon may their willing spirits bend, The subjects of thy grace. 2 Oh, what a pure delight Their happiness to see; Our wannest wishes all unite To lead their souls to thee. 3 Now bless, thou God of love, This Ordinance divine ; Send thy good Spirit from above, And make these children thine. G 1 760 Acls2:3i>. S. M. ^UR children thou dost claim, O Lord, our God, as thine : o* 504 The Church of Christ. Ten thousand blessings to thy name For goodness so divine ! 2 Thee let the fathers own, Thee let the sons adore ; Joined to the Lord in solemn vows, To be forgot no more. 3 How great thy mercies, Lord ! How plenteous is thy grace, Which, in the promise of thy love, Includes our rising race ! 4 Our offspring, still thy care, Shall own their fathers' God ! To latest times thy blessings share, And sound thy praise abroad. 7ul Matt. 19:14. S.M. THE Saviour kindly calls Our children to his breast ; He folds them in his gracious arms, Himself declares them blest. 2 " Let them approach," he cries, " Nor scorn their humble claim ; The heirs of heaven are such as these ; For such as these I came." 3 With joy we bring them, Lord, Devoting them to thee, Imploring that, as we are thine, Thine may our offspring be. / OZ Beauty of Early Piety. C. M. >Y cool Siloam's shady rill B How sweet the lily grows ; How sweet the breath beneath the hill Of Sharon's dewy rose! Lo ! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Baptism of Children. 505 Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. 3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away. 4 And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow's power, And stormy passions rage. 5 O thou who givest life and breath, We seek thy grace alone, In childhood, manhood, age, and death, To keep us still thine own. /DO Matt. 19:1-1. CM. 1EE Israel's gentle Shepherd stand s With all-engaging charms; Hark, how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms! 2 "Permit them to approach," he cries, "Nor scorn their humble name; For 'twas to bless such souls as these, The Lord of angels came." 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to thee; Joyful that we ourselves are thine, — Thine let our offspring be. /04 Prayer for Pastor. I*. M. WITH heavenly power, O Lord, defend Him whom we now to thee commend; Thy faithful messenger secure, And make him to the end endure. 506 The Church of Christ. 2 Gird him with all-sufficient grace; Direct his feet in paths of peace ; Thy truth and faithfulness fulfil, And arm him to obey thy will. 7u5 Gen. 17: 7; Rom. 15: 8. C. M. HOW large the promise, how divine, To Abra'm and his seed !- " I'll be a God to thee and thine, Supplying all their need." 2 The words of his extensive love From age to age endure; The angel of the cov'nant proves, And seals the blessing sure. 3 Jesus the ancient faith confirms, To our great fathers given; He takes young children to his arms, And calls them heirs of heaven. 4 Our God, how faithful are his ways! His love endures the same ; Nor from the promise of his grace, Blots out the children's name. /OU Consecration of Children. CM. OUR children, Lord, in faith and prayer, We now devote to thee: Let them thy covenant mercies share, And thy salvation see. 2 In early days their hearts secure From worldly snares, we pray; And let them to the end endure In every righteous way. 3 Grant us before them, Lord, to live In holy faith and fear; And then to heaven our souls remove, And bi'ing our children there. Gospel Ministry. 507 / D / Covenant Hymn. C. M. COME, let us join our souls to God, In everlasting bands ; And seize the blessings he bestows, With eager hearts and hands. 2 Come, let us seal without delay The cov'nant of his grace; Nor shall the years of distant life Its memory efface. 3 Thus may our rising offspring haste To Beek their fathers 1 God; Nor e'er forsake the happy path Their youthful feet have trod. L /DO >fa!t. «>: S8. S. M. OKI) of the harvest! hear 1-^ Thy needy e ervants cry ; Answer our faith's effectual prayer, And all our want.- supply. On thee we humbly wait ; Our wani- are in thy vi The harvest truly. Lord, is great, The laborers are few. 2 Convert and send forth more Into thy Church abroad : And let them speak thy word of power, A- workers with their ( rod. Give the pure < rospel-word, The word of general grace; Thee let them preach, the common Lord, The Saviour of OUT race. 3 Oh, let them spread thy name Their mission fully prove; Thy universal grace proclaim, Thy all-redeeming love. 508 The Church of Christ. On all mankind, forgiven, Empower them still to call, And tell each creature under heaven That thou hast died for all. H ( 769 Isaiah 52: 7. S. M. "OW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal! How charming is their voice! How sweet the tidings are! "Zion, behold thy Saviour, King; He reigns and triumphs here." 2 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound! Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found. How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light! Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. 3 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad; Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. / / U Dedication. 1*. M. ^H, bow thine ear, Eternal One ! On thee our heart adoring calls ; To thee the followers of thy Son Have raised, and now devote these walls. O' Ordination. 509 2 Here let thy holy da) r s be kept ; And be this place to worship given, Like that bright spot where Jacob slept, The house of God, the gate of heaven. 3 Here may thine honor dwell ; and here, As incense, let thy children's prayer, From contrite hearts and lips sincere, Rise on the still and holy air. 4 Here be thy praise devoutly sung; Here let thy truth beam forth to save, As when, of old, thy Spirit hung, On wings of light, o'er Jordan's wave. 5 And when the lips, that with thy name Are vocal now, to dost shall turn, On others may devotion's flame Be kindled here, and purely burn! Ill Ordination. I.. M. HEJBE, Lord of life and light, to thee Our pilgrim fathers bowed the knee; Thou heard'sl their prayer, and in this place They reared the temple of thy grace. L* Here thy own servants preached thy word, Safe from the prison and the sword; Nor preached in vain, each rolling year Gave witness that the Lord was here. 3 Here still thy word is preached, and still, As once on Zion's sacred hill. Thy grace descends like timely showers, For still our fathers' God is ours. 4 Amid our fathers' graves, to-day, To thee, our fathers' God, we pray: Here on thy Church, till time shall end, Let showers of heavenly grace descend. 510 The Church of Christ, G ( / / Z Dedication. €. M". [_0D of the universe, to thee This sacred fane we rear, And now, with songs and bended knee, Invoke thy presence here. 2 Long may this echoing dome resound The praises of thy name, These hallowed walls to all around The triune God proclaim. 3 Here let thy love, thy presence dwell ; Thy glory here make known ; Thy people's home, oh, come and fill, And seal it as thine own. 4 And when the last long Sabbath morn Upon the just shall rise, May all who own thee here be borne To mansions in the skies. I/O Dedication. C. Iff. OTHOU, whose own vast temple stands, Built over earth and sea, Accept the walls that human hands Have raised to worship thee ! 2 Lord, from thine inmost glory send, Within these courts to bide, The peace that dwelleth without end Serenely by thy side ! 3 May erring minds that worship here Be taught the better way ; And they who mourn, and they who fear, Be strengthened as they pray. 4 May faith grow firm, and love grow warm, And pure devotion rise, While round these hallowed walls the storm Of earth-born passion dies. A 1 Spread of the Gospel. 5 1 1 //4 Dedication. I,. M . ND will the great eternal God, On earth establish his abode? And will he from his radiant throne Accept our temples for his own ? 2 These w>alls we to thy honor raise ; Long may they echo with thy praise! And thou, descending, fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. 3 Here let the great Redeemer reign, With all the graces of his train ; While power divine his word attends, To conquer foes, and cheer his friends. 4 And in the great decisive day, When God the nations shall survey, May it before the world appear, That crowds were born to glory here. / /O JIntt. how Where, on the bosom of their God, They rest from human woe! 4 Jesus! our shadowy path illume, And teach the chastened mind To welcome all that's left of good, To all that's lost resigned. 040 "Treasures in Hoavcn." CM. NOTHEE hand is beckoning us, Another call is given, And glows once more with angel steps The path that leads to heaven. A 1 Unto our Father's will alone One thought hath reconciled : That He whose love exceedeth ours Hath taken home his child. 550 Here a?id Hereafter. 3 Fold her, O Father, in thine arms, And let her henceforth be A messenger of love between Our human hearts and thee. 4 Still let her mild rebuking stand Between us and the wrong, And her dear memory serve to make Our faith in goodness strong. OHii The Undiscovered Country. CM. THERE is a state unknown, unseen, Where parted souls must be ; And but a step doth lie between That world of souls and me. 2 I see no light, I hear no sound, When midnight shades are spread ; Yefc angels pitch their tents around And guard my quiet bed. 3 The things unseen, O God, reveal ; My spirit's vision clear, Till I shall feel and see and know That those I love are near. 4 Impart the faith that soars on high, Beyond this earthly strife ; That holds sweet converse with the sky, And lives eternal life. o4o 2 Sam. 12: 23. C. M. THRO' sorrow's night and danger's path, Amid the deepening gloom, We, followers of our suffering Lord, Are marching to the tomb. 2 There, when the turmoil is no more, And all our powers decay, Our cold remains in solitude Shall sleep the years away. Here and Hereafter. 551 3 Our labors done, securely laid In this our last retreat, Unheeded o'er our silent dust, The storms of earth shall beat. 4 Yet not thus buried or extinct The vital spark shall lie ; For o'er life's wreck that spark shall rise To seek its kindred sky. 5 These ashes, too, this little dust, Our Father's care shall keep, Till the last angel rise and break The long and dreary sleep. 6 Then love's soft dew o'er every eye Shall shed its mildest rays, And the long-silent voice awake With shouts of endless praise. 049 "To die la Gain." CM. DEAB as thou wert, and justly dear, We will not weep for thee; One thought shall check ihe starting tear; It is, that thou art free. 2 And thus shall faith's consoling power The tears of love restrain: Oh, who that saw thy parting hour Could wish thee back again. 3 Triumphant in thy closing eye The hope of glory shone; Joy breathed in thine expiring sigh, To think the fight was won. 4 Gently the passing spirit fled, Sustained by grace divine : Oh, may such grace on me be shed, And make my end like thine ! 552 Time and Eternity. Q£H "As a Flower of the Field, so lie OOU flourislieili." CM. LET others boast how strong they be, Nor death nor danger fear ; But we confess, O Lord ! to thee, What feeble things we are. 2 Fresh as the grass our bodies stand, And flourish bright and gay : A blasting wind sweeps o'er the land, And fades the grass away. 3 Our life contains a thousand springs, And dies if one be gone ; Strange that a harp of thousand strings Should keep in tune so long ! 4 But 'tis our God supports our frame, — The God who made us first ; Salvation to th' almighty name That reared us from the dust. OOl James 4: 13-15. S M. TO-MORROW, Lord, is thine, Lodged in thy sovereign hand, And if its sun arise and shine, It shines by thy command. 2 The present moment flies And bears our life away ; Oh, make thy servants truly wise, That they may live to-day. 3 Since on this winged hour Eternity is hung, Waken, by thine almighty power, The aged and the young. 4 One thing demands our care, Oh, be it still pursued ! Lest, slighted once, the season fair Should never be renewed. A 1 Time and Eternity. 553 5 To Jesus may we fly, Swift as the morning light, Lest life's young golden beams should die, In sudden, endless night. 352 Job 19: 25. S.M. ND must this body die? This mortal frame decay ? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay ? 2 God, my Redeemer, lives, And ever from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise. 3 Arrayed in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine, And every shape, and every face Look heavenly and divine. 4 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love; We would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. 5 Dear Lord ! accept the praise Of these our humbL Till tunes of nobler sound we raise With our immortal tongues. OOvJ lThess. 4: 17. S.K. FOREVER with the Lord ! Amen, so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. 2 Here, in the body pent, Absent from thee I roam ; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 554 The Rewards of Faithful Service. 3 My Father's house on high, Home of my soul ! how near At times to faith's foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear. 4 Ah ! then my spirit faints To reach the land I love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above. o ] qqZJ. a T5ie Recompense f Reward." S. M. ^H, what, if we are Christ's, Is earthly shame or loss ? Bright shall the crown of glory be, When we have borne the cross. 2 Keen was the trial once, Bitter the cup of woe, When martyred saints, baptized in blood, Christ's sufferings shared below. 3 Bright is their glory now, Boundless their joy above, Where, on the bosom of their God, They rest in perfect love. 4 Lord, may that grace be ours, Like them in faith to bear All that of sorrow, grief, or pain May be our portion here. 5 Enough if thou at last The word of blessing give, And let us rest beneath thy feet, Where saints and angels live. OCC " Well done, Good and Faithful Servant." SERVANT of God, well done! Best from thy loved employ : The battle fought, the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy. The Rewards of Faithful Service. 555 2 The voice at midnight came ; He started up to hear : A mortal arrow pierced his frame ; He fell, but felt no fear. 3 At midnight came the cry, "To meet thy God prepare!" He woke, and caught his Captain's eye; Then, strong in faith and prayer, 4 His spirit, with a hound, Left its encumbering clay: His tent, at Bunri3e, on the ground A darkened ruin lay. 5 The pains of death are past; Labor and sorrow cei And life's long warfare closed at last, Hia soul is found in peace. 6 Soldier of Christ, well done! Praise be thy new employ ; And, while eternal ages run, IJest in thy Saviour's joy. 856 Jcr. IS: 16. S. M. THE swift declining day, How fast its moments fly ! While evening's broad and gloomy shade Gains on the western sky. 2 Ye mortals, mark its pace, And use the hours of light ; And know its Maker can command At once eternal night. 3 Give glory to the Lord, Who rules the whirling sphere; Submissive at his footstool bow, And seek salvation there. 556 The Transient and the Eternal. 4 Then shall new lustre break Through death's impending gloom, And lead you to unchanging light, In your celestial home. OU / "Mother Earth." 8s «fc 7s. SHALL I fear, O Earth ! thy bosom, Shrink and faint to lay me there, Whence the fragrant, lovely blossom Springs to gladden earth and air ? 2 Whence the tree, the brook, the river, Soft clouds floating in the sky, All fair things come, whispering ever Of the love divine on high ? 3 Yea, whence One arose victorious O'er the darkness of the grave, His strong arm revealing, glorious In its might Divine to save ? 4 No, fair Earth ! a tender mother Thou hast been, and yet canst be : And through him, my Lord and Brother, Sweet shall be my rest in thee ! QUO Isaiah 64: 6. 8s «fc 7s. SEE the leaves around us falling, Dry and withered to the ground ; Thus to thoughtless mortals calling, In a sad and solemn sound : — 2 " Sons of Adam, once in Eden, When, like him, ye blighted fell, Hear the lesson we are reading, 'Tis, alas ! the truth we tell. 3 " Youth, on length of days presuming, Who the paths of pleasure tread, View us, late in beauty blooming, Numbered now x among the dead. To Die is Gain, 557 4 "Though as yet no losses grieve you, Gay with health and many a grace, Let no cloudless skies deceive you, Summer gives to autumn place. 5 "Yearly in our course appearing, Messengers of shortest stay, Thus we preach in mortal hearing — Ye, like us, shall pass away." 6 On the tre eternal, Oh, let all our id ! This alone, for* tal, Bean a leaf that .-hall not fade. QCQ "And thrrc shall bo no more I>entli/* OOcJ Ss«t7s. CEASE, j • mournei to languish < )'(i- 1 1 you love; Pain and d< at i. h\ and anguish Enter not the world above. 2 While o 1 i >nely,thr ig shade, are playing und ill-' rtian's head, 3 Light and ! riving From the bam I of i I high, In his glorl They .-hall i die. 4 Now, ye mourner to languish O'er th< ■ you love ; Far removed from pain and anguish, They are chanting hymns ah ve. ODU Job 7: 10. lis. IWOULDnol In : I ask not to stay Where storm after Btorm rises dark o'er the way ; 558 Sweet Home. The few lurid mornings that dawn on us hen Are enough for life's woes, full enough for its cheer. 2 I would not live alway ; no, welcome the tomb; Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom; There sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise To hail him in triumph descending the skies. 3 Who, who would live alway, away from his God, Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns? 4 Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet ; While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. 4 Sweet Home." lis. 861 '1\/riD scenes of confusion and creature -LfX complaints, How sweet to my soul is communion with saints ; To find at the banquet of mercy there's room, And feel in the presence of Jesus at home. 2 I sigh from this body of sin to be free, Which hinders my joy and communion with thee; Though now my temptation like billows may foam, All, all will be peace when I'm with thee at home. Translation of the Righteous. 559 3 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, Oh, give me submission and strength as my day ; In all my afflictions to thee would I come, Kejoicing in hope of my glorious home. 4 Whate'er thou deniest, oh, give me thy grace, The Spirit's sure witness, and smiles of thy face; Endue me with patience to wait at thy throne, And find, even now, a sweet foretaste of home. OU£ 1 Cor. 15: 19. S. H.M. FRIEND after friend departs; Who lias not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end : Were this frail world our only rest, Living or dying, none were blest 2 Beyond the flight of time, Beyond this vale of death, There surely is Borne blessed clime Where life is not a breath, Nor life's affections transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward and expire. 3 There is a world above Where parting is unknown; A whole eternity of love Formed for the good alone; And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that happier sphere. Thus star by star declines Till all are passed away, As morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day: Nor sink those stars in empty night; They hide themselves in heaven's own light. 560 Burial of the Dead. 863 1 Cor. 15: 36. S. H. THIS place is holy ground! World, with its cares, away ! A holy, solemn stillness, round This lifeless, mouldering clay: Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Can reach the peaceful sleeper here. Behold the bed of death, The pale and mortal clay! Heard ye the sob of parting breath ? Marked ye the eye's last ray? No ! life so sweetly ceased to be, It lapsed in immortality. Why mourn the pious dead? Why sorrows swell our eyes? Can sighs recall the spirit fled? Shall vain regrets arise? Though death has caused this altered mien, In heaven the ransomed soul is seen. Bury the dead, and weep In stillness o'er the loss : Bury the dead! in Christ they sleep Who bore on earth his cross; And from the grave their dust shall rise, In his own image to the skies. 864 Rev. 14: 13. 7s. ARK ! a voice divides the sky ! Happy are the faithful dead In the Lord who sweetly die! They from all their toils are freed. 2 Ready for their glorious crown, Sorrows past and sins forgiven, — Here they lay their burden down, Hallowed and made meet for heaven. Gathered Home. 56 1 3 Yes, the Christian's course is run! Ended is the glorious strife ; Fought the fight, the work is done; Death is swallowed up in life! 4 Lo! the pris'ner is released, — Lightened of his heavy load; Where the weary are at rest, He is gathered in to God ! 5 When from flesh the spirit freed, Hastens homeward to return, Mortals cry, " A man is dead!" Angels sing, " A child is born!" jDO Gathered Home. 7s. CHRIST will gather in his own To the place where he is gone, Where their heart and treasure lie, Where our life is hid on high. 2 Day by day the voice saith, "Come, Enter thine eternal h< »mt» ;" Asking not it' we can spare This dear soul it summons there. 3 Did te ask us, well we know, We should say, "Oh, spare this blow!" Yes, with streaming eyes should pray, "Lord, we love him, let him stay!" 4 Many a heart no longer here, Ah! was all too inly dear: Yet, O Love, 'tis thou dost call, Thou who art our all in all. OUO John 11: 23. 7s. BROTHER, though from yonder sky Cometh neither voice nor cry, Yet we know from thee, to-day, Every pain hath passed away. 36 562 Death. 2 Not for thee shall tears be given, Child of God, and heir of heaven; For he gave thee sweet release; Thine the Christian's death of peace. 3 Well we know thy living faith Had the power to conquer death; As a living rose may bloom By the border of the tomb. 4 Brother, in that solemn trust We commend thee, dust to dust! In that faith we wait, till, risen, Thou shalt meet us all in heaven. 5 While we weep as Jesus wept, Thou shalt sleep as Jesus slept; With thy Saviour thou shalt rest, Crowned and glorified and blest. 867 Matt. 24: 44. CM. THERE is an hour when I must part With all I hold most dear; And life, with its best hopes, will then As nothingness appear. 2 There is an hour when I must sink Beneath the stroke of death ! And yield to Him who gave it first, My struggling vital breath. 3 There is an hour when I must stand Before the judgment-seat ; And all my sins, and all my foes, In awful vision meet. 4 There is an hour when I must look On one eternity; And nameless woe, or blissful life, My endless portion be. Eternity. 563 5 O Saviour, then, in all my need Be near, be near to me : And let my soul, by steadfast faith, Find life and heaven in thee. OUO Matt. 25:41. CJ.lt. THAT awful day will surely come, The appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. 2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys, Thou Sovereign of my heart! How could J bear to hear thy voice Pronounce the sound, "Depart!" 3 Jesus, I throw my arms around, And hang upon thy breast : Without ious smile from thee 4 My spirit cannot r< 4 Oh, tell me that my worthless name raven on thy ha: Show me some promise in thy book* Where my salvation ,-tan only Son, Opens the gates of bliss, leads on To heaven, to life eternal. O/O Death Conquered. Ii. M. DEATH is no more among our foes, Since Christ, the mighty Conqu'ror rose; Both power and sting the Saviour broke; He died, and gave the finished stroke. 2 Saints die, and we should gently weep ; Sweetly in Jesus' arms they sleep; Far from this world of sin and woe, Nor sin, nor pain, nor grief they know. 568 The Coming of Christ. 3 Death is a sleep ; and oh, how sweet To souls prepared its stroke to meet ! Their dying beds, their graves are blest, For all to them is peace and rest. 4 Soon shall the earth's remotest bound Feel the archangel's trumpet sound ; Then shall the grave's dark caverns shake, And joyful all the saints shall wake. o7b 2 Tbess. 1 : 7. Ii. M . THE Lord shall come! the eajth shall quake ; The mountains to their centre shake ; And withering from the vault of night, The stars withdraw their feeble light. 2 The Lord shall come ! but not the same As once in lowly form he came, — A silent Lamb before his foes, A weary man and full of woes. 3 The Lord shall come ! a dreadful form, With wreath of flame, and robe of storm, On cherub-wings and wings of wind, Anointed Judge of human kind ! 4 While sinners in despair shall call, " Rocks, hide us ! mountains, on us fall !" The saints, ascending from the tomb, Shall sing for joy, "The Lord is come!" 0/7 2 Peter 3: 10. !L. M. THAT day of wrath ! that dreadful day, When heaven and earth shall pass away ! What power shall be the sinner's stay ? How shall he meet that dreadful day ? 2 When, shrivelling like a parched scroll, The flaming heavens together roll ; When louder yet, and yet more dread, Swells the high trump that wakes the dead ! The Day of Wrath. 569 B Oh. on that day, that wrathful day, "When man to judgment wakes from clay, Be thou the trembling sinner's stay, Though heaven and earth shall pass away! I O / O Fear of God's Wrath. !L. M. FATHER!— if I may call thee so — I tremble with my one desire : Lift up this heavy load of woe, Nor let me in my .-ins expire! I tremble lest the wrath divine, Which bruises now my sinful soul, Should bruise and break this soul of mine, Long as eternal ages roll. Thy wrath, I fear, thy wrath alone, This endless exile, Lord, from thee! Oh, save! oh, give me (<» thy Bon, Who trembled, wept, and hied for me! o/y Mmtt. 21: .10. 7a. DAY of anger! that dread day Shall the sign in leaven display, And the earth in ashes lay. Oh, what trembling -hall appear, When his coming -hall he near. Who shall all things strictly clear! When the trumpet .-hall command, Through the tomb- of every land, All before the throne to stand ! Death shall shrink and nature O0 The Judgment. 8s, 7s «fe 4s. LO ! He comes, with clouds descending, Once for flavored sinners slain ; Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of his train. Hallelujah ! God appears, on earth to reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold Him Robed in dreadful majesty; Those that set at naught and sold Him, Pierced and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see! 3 Yea, Amen! let all adore thee, High on thine ♦•tenia] throne; Saviour! take the power and glory, Claim the kingdom for thine own. Ob, conic quickly ! Everla iting ( rod ! come down. Oo4 Matt. r> 1 : 27. 8s, 7s s that he trod; His seal inspired their breast ; And, following their incarnate God, Possess the promised rest. 5 Our glorious L aims our praise For his own patl irn given, While the long cloud n[' witness - Show the Bame path to heaven. 900 I>cul. 81: 1. CM. TEERE is a land of pure delight, Where saint- immortal reign, Infinite day exclude- the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting soring abides, And never-withering flowers: Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 582 Great Cloud of Witnesses. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. 4 Oh, could we make our doubts remove, — These gloomy doubts that rise, — And see the Canaan that we love, With unbeclouded eyes : — 5 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, — Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. 901 Melb. 11. C. M. RISE, O my soul, pursue the path By ancient worthies trod ; Aspiring, view those holy men Who lived and walked with God. 2 Though dead, they speak in reason's ear, And in example live ; Their faith and hope and mighty deeds Still fresh instruction give. 3 'Twas through the Lamb's most precious blood They conquered every foe ; And to his power and matchless grace Their crowns of life they owe. 4 Lord ! may I ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given, And ne'er forsake the blessed road That led them safe to heaven. y(J2 Rev. 21:10. CM. MOTHEK dear, Jerusalem, When shall I come to thee ? When shall my sorrows have an end ? Thy joys when shall I see ? The City of God. 583 2 O happy harbor of God's saints ! O sweet and pleasant soil ! In thee no sorrow can be found, Nor grief, nor care, nor toil. 3 No dimly cloud o'ershadows thee, Nor gloom, nor darksome night ; But every soul shines as the sun, For God himself gives light. 4 Thy walls are made of precious stone, Thy bulwarks diamond-square, Thy gates are all of orient pearl, — God ! if I were there ! 303 K«*v. 21. €. M. JERUSALEM! my happy home! Name ever dear to me ! When shall my labors have an end, In joy and peace in thee? 2 Oli, when, thou city of my God, Shall 1 thy courts ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths have no end ? 3 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know; Blest seats I through rude and stormy scenes 1 onward press to you. 4 Why should 1 shrink at pain and woe? Or feel, at death, dismay? I've Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 5 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there, Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. 584 Death is Gain, 6 Jerusalem ! my happy home ! My soul still pants for thee ! Then shall my labors have an end, When I thy joys shall see. 904 I>eatli is Gain. C. M. WHEN musing sorrow weeps the past, And mourns the present pain, 'Tis sweet to think of peace at last, And feel that death is gain. / 2 ? Tis not that murmuring thoughts arise, And dread a Father's will ; 'Tis not that meek submission flies, And would not suffer still : 3 It is that heaven-born faith surveys The path that leads to light, And longs her eagle plumes to raise, And lose herself in sight. 4 Oh, let me wing my hallowed flight From earth-born woe and care, And soar above these clouds of night, My Saviour's bliss to share ! yUO Im Memoriam. rPIHEY are all gone into the w T orld of light -A- And I alone sit lingering here ! Their very memory is fair and bright, And my sad thoughts doth clear. 2 I see them walking in an air of glory, Whose light doth trample on my days ; My days, which are at best but dull and hoary, Mere glimmerings and decays. 3 Dear, beauteous death, the jewel of the just ; Shining nowhere but in the dark ; What mysteries do lie beyond thy dust, Could man outlook that mark ! Burial Hymn. 585 He that hath found some fledged bird's nest may know At first sight if the bird be flown ; But what fair dell or grove he sings in now, That is to him unknown. 5 And yet, as angels in some brighter dreams Call to the soul when man doth sleep ; So some strange thoughts transcend our wonted themes, And into glory peep. 6 If a star were confined into a tomb, Her captive flame must needs burn there ; But when the hand that locked her up gives room, She'll shine through all the sphere! 7 O Father of eternal life, and all Created glories under thee! Resume my spirit from this world of thrall Into true liberty ! 8 Either disperse these mists, which blot and fill My perspective still as they pass; Or else remove me hence unto that hill, Where I shall need no glass. 906 Ancient Burial Hymn. IN the midst of life we are in death : Of whom may we seek for succor But of thee, O Lord ? Who for our sins art justly displeased. 2 Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour, Deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. 586 77?^ Saints in Glory ; their Joys and Songs. 3 Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts ; Shut not thy merciful ears to our prayer; But spare us, Lord most holy, Spare us, Lord most holy. 4 O God most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, Thou most worthy Judge eternal, Suffer us not at our last hour, For any pains of death, to fall from thee. QH7 "Ood siiall wipe away all tears \J\J I from their eyes." 7s. HIGH in yonder realms of light, Dwell the raptured saints above ; Far beyond our feeble sight, Happy in Immanuel's love : Pilgrims in this vale of tears, Once they knew, like us below, Gloomy doubts, distressing fears, Torturing pain, and heavy woe. 2 But these days of weeping o'er, Passed this scene of toil and pain, They shall feel distress no more, — Never, never weep again: 'Mid the chorus of the skies, ? Mid th J angelic lyres above, Hark, their songs melodious rise, — Songs of praise to Jesus' love ! 3 All is tranquil and serene, Calm and undisturbed repose; There no cloud can intervene, There no angry tempest blows ; Every tear is wiped away, Sighs no more shall heave the breast, Night is lost in endless day, Sorrow, in eternal rest. Our Heavenly Home. 587 )08 Rev. 7:13. 7s. WHO are these in bright array, This innumerable throng, Round the altar night and day Hymning one triumphant song? — "Worthy is the Lamb, once slain, Blessing, honor, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain, New dominion every hour." 2 These through fiery trials trod ; These hi affliction came: Now, before the tbi led with his almighty name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor-pair ery hand, Through their dear Redeemer's might, More than c n [uei stand. 3 Hunger, thir unknown, On immortal fruits they B ed : Them the Lamb, amid the throne, Shall to In .tains lead: Joy and gl 11S *> i love dis a i And forever d shall wipe away the tears. 909 Home in Hon von. 6a. mHERE is a blessed home X Beyond this land of woe, Where trials n< Nor tears of sorrow flow; 2 Where faith is lost in si And patient hope is crowned, And everlasting light fa glory throws around. 588 Longing to be with yesus. 3 There is a land of peace; Good angels know it well ; Glad songs that never cease Within its portals swell. 4 Look up, ye saints of God ! Nor fear to tread below The path your Saviour trod Of daily toil and woe. 5 Wait but a little while In uncomplaining love; His own most gracious smile Shall welcome you above. U 1U " What must it toe to toe there V 9 8s, WE speak of the realms of the blest, That country so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories confessed ; But what must it be to be there! 2 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, From trials without and within ; But what must it be to be there ! 3 We speak of its service of love, The robes which the glorified wear, The Church of the first-born above; But w T hat must it be to be there! 4 Do thou, Lord, 'mid sorrow and woe, Still for heaven my spirit prepare, And shortly I also shall know, And feel, what it is to be there. 911 liOiiging to toe with Jesus. TO Jesus, the crown of my hope, My soul is in haste to be gone ; Oh, bear me, ye cherubim, up, And waft me away to his throne. The Native Country of our Souls. 589 2 My Saviour, whom, absent, I love; Whom, not having seen, I adore; Whose name is exalted above All glory, dominion, and power ; — 3 When that happy era begins, When arrayed in thy glories I shine, Nor grieve any more, by my sins, The bosom on which I recline, — 4 Oh, then shall the veil be removed! And round me thy brightness be poured; I shall meet him whom absent I loved, I shall see whom unseen I adored. 5 And then, never more shall the fears, The trials, temptations, and woes, Which darken this valley <>f tears, Intrude on my blissful repose. )\L Ancient Hymn or Zion. 7s «fc 6s. FOI! thee, < > dear, dear countiy, Mine eyes their vigils keep: For very love, beholding Thy happy name, they weep. Thou hast no shore, fair ocean ! Thou hast no time, bright day! Dear fountain of refreshment To pilgrims far away. 2 There is the throne of David; And there, from e:nv releasi I. The shout of them that triumph, The Bong of them that I And they who with their Leader Have conquered in the fight, Forever and tor Are clad in robes of white. 3 They stand, those halls of Sion, All jubilant with song; 590 The Glory of Heaven. And bright with many an angel, And all the martyr throng. O sweet and blessed country, Shall I e'er see thy face? sweet and blessed country, Shall I e'er win thy grace? 4 E'en now, by faith, I see thee ! E'en now thy walls discern ! To thee my thoughts are kindled, And strive and pant and yearn. Jerusalem ! exulting On that securest shore, 1 hope thee, wish thee, sing thee, And love thee evermore ! 913 Ancient Hymn of Zlon. 7s «fc 6s. BEIEF life is here our portion, Brief sorrow, short-lived care! The life that knows no ending, The tearless life is there ! And now w 7 e w 7 atch and struggle, And now we live in hope, And Sion, in her anguish, With Babylon must cope. 2 But He whom now we trust in Shall then be seen and known ; And they that know and see him Shall have him for their own. The morning shall awaken, The shadow shall decav, And each true-hearted servant Shall shine as doth the day. 3 There God, our King and portion, In fulness of his grace, Shall we behold forever, And worship face to face. Aspiration. 59 1 Then all the halls of Sion For aye shall be complete, And in the land of beauty, All things of beauty meet. Aspiration. 7s & 6s. RISE, my soul ! and stretch thy wings, Thy better portion trace ; Rise from transitory things, Toward heaven, thy native place. Sun and moon and stars decay ; Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise, my soul ! and haste away To seats prepared above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun; Both speed them to their source; So a soul, that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face, Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his cm brace. 3 Fly me, riches ! fly me, cares ! While I that coast explore ; Flattering world! with all thy snares, Solicit me no more : Pilgrims iix not lure their home; Strangers tarry but a night; When the last dear morn is come, They'll rise to joyful light. 4 Cease, ye pilgrims! cease to mourn, — ■ Press onward to the prize! Soon your Saviour will return Triumphant in the skies : Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be given, All your sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for heaven. 592 The Transient and Eternal. y 1 " The Transient and Eternal." 7s . €. M. *Y I AlS by thy strength the mountains stand, -L ( ;, u i of eternal power ! The sea grows calm at thy command, And tempests cease to roar. 2 Thy morning light and evening shade Successive comforts bring ; 598 The Seasons crowned with Goodness. Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad ; Thy flowers adorn the spring. 3 Seasons and times and moons and hours, Heaven, earth, and air are thine ; "When clouds distil in fruitful showers, The author is divine ! 4 Thy showers the thirsty furrows fill ; And ranks of corn appear ; Thy ways abound with blessings still, — Thy goodness crowns the year. y^l Psalm 147. CM. WITH songs and honors sounding loud, Address the Lord on high ; Over the heavens he spreads his cloud, And waters veil the sky. 2 He sends his showers of blessings down, To cheer the plains below ; He makes the grass the mountains crown, And corn in valleys grow. 3 His steady counsels change the face Of the declining year ; He bids the sun cut short his race, And wintry days appear. 4 His hoary frost, his fleecy snow, Descend and clothe the ground ; The liquid streams forbear to flow, In icy fetters bound. 5 He sends his word, and melts the snow, The fields no longer mourn ; He calls the warmer gales to blow, And bids the spring return. 6 The changing wind, the flying cloud, Obey his mighty word ; With songs and honors sounding loud, Praise ye the sovereign Lord. The Flight of Time. 599 uLL The Opening Year. CM. WHEN brighter suns and milder skies Proclaim the opening year, "What various sounds of joy arise ! What prospects bright appear ! 2 Earth and her thousand voices give Their thousand notes of praise ; And all that by his mercy live To God their offering raise. 3 Thus, like the morning, calm and clear, That saw the Saviour rise, The spring of heaven's eternal year Shall dawn on earth and skies. 4 No winter there, no shades of night, Obscure those mansions blest, Where, in the happy fields of light, The weary are at rest. \jZ3 The Plight of Time. CM. rpHEE we adore, Eternal Name! JL And humbly own to thee How feeble ia our mortal frame, What dying worms are we ! 2 The year rolls round, and steals away The breath that first it gave ; Whate'er we do, whate'er we be, We're travelling to the grave. 3 Great God ! on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things! Th' eternal state of all the dead Upon life's feeble strings ! 4 Infinite joy or endless woe Attends on every breath ; And yet, how unconcerned we go Upon the brink of death ! 600 Goodness of Providence. 5 Waken, O Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road ! And if our souls $re hurried hence, May they be found with God. \juQ Goodne§s of Providence. CM, GOD of our lives ! thy various praise Our voices shall resound ! Thy hand revolves our fleeting days, And brings the seasons round. 2 To thee shall daily incense rise, Our Father and our Friend ; While daily mercies from the skies In genial streams descend. 3 In every scene of life, thy care, In every age we see : And constant as thy favors are, So let our praises be. 4 Still may thy love, in every scene, In every age appear ; And let the same compassion deign To bless the opening year. 5 If mercy smile, let mercy bring Our wandering souls to God : And in affliction we shall sing, If thou wilt bless the rod. yZO The Xew Year. !L. M. GREAT God ! we sing that mighty hand By which supported still we stand ; The opening year thy mercy shows ; Let mercy crown it till it close. 2 By day, by night, at home, abroad, Still we are guarded by our God ; By his incessant bounty fed, By his unerring counsel led. Thanksgiving. 601 i With grateful hearts the past we own ; The future, all to us unknown, We to thy guardian care commit, And peaceful leave before thy feet. 1 In scenes exalted or depressed, Be thou our joy, and thou our rest; Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Adored through all our changing days. 5 When death shall interrupt our songs, And seal in silence mortal tongues, Our Helper, God, in whom we trust, In better worlds our souls shall boast. Thanksgiving. I,. M. 926 ETERNAL Source of every joy! Well may thy praise our lips employ, While in thy temple we appear, Whose goodness crowns the circling year. Wide as the wheels of nature roll, Thy hand supports and guides the whole; The sun is taught by thee to rise, And darkness when to veil the skies*. The flowery spring, at thy command, Embalms the air, and paints the land; The summer rays with vigor shine, To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 4 Thy hand in autumn richly pours Through all our coasts redundant stores ; And winters, softened by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 5 Seasons and months and weeks and days Demand successive songs of praise ; Still be the cheerful homage paid, With opening light and evening shade. 602 Thanksgiving. \5lil Thanksgiving. Ij.M* OUR Helper, God ! we bless thy name, The same thy power, thy grace the same; The tokens of thy loving care Open and crown and close the year. 2 Amid ten thousand snares we stand, Supported by thy guardian hand ; And see, when we survey our ways, Ten thousand monuments of praise. 3 Thus far thine arm hath led us on ; Thus far we make thy mercy known ; And while we tread this desert land, New mercies shall new songs demand. 4 Our grateful souls on Jordan's shore Shall raise one sacred pillar more ; Then bear, in thy bright courts above, Inscriptions of immortal love. \j UU Thanksgiving. PRAISE to God, immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days ! Bounteous source of every joy, Let thy praise our tongues employ ! 2 For the blessings of the field, For the stores the gardens yield, For the joy which harvests bring, Grateful praises now we sing. 3 Clouds that drop refreshing dews ; Suns that genial heat diffuse ; Flocks that whiten all the plain ; Yellow sheaves of ripened grain ; 4 All that Spring, with bounteous hand, Scatters o'er the smiling land ; All that liberal Autumn pours From her overflowing stores ; Thanksgiving and Fast- day Hymns. 603 5 These, great God, to thee we owe, Source whence all our blessings flow; And, for these, our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. U\J New Year. T^anlisg-iving*. 7s. FOR thy mercy and thy grace, Constant through another year, Hear our song of thankfulness; Jesus, our Redeemer! hear. 2 In our weakness and distr< Rock of Strength! be thou our stay ; In the pathless wilderm Be our true and living way. 3 AVI 10 of us death's awful road In the coming war shall tread, — With thy rod and Btaff, Lord! Comforl thou his dying-bed. 4 Make as faithful, make us pure! Keep us evermore thine own ; Help thy servants to endure ; Fit us for the promised crown. 5 Bo within thy palace-gate We shall praise, on golden strings, Thee, the only Potentaf V' . Lord of lords! and King of kings! yJU Fast.— Psalm 60. Ts. WHY, God! thy people spurn? Why permit thy wrath to burn? God of mercy ! turn once more, All our broken hearts restore. 2 Thou hast made our land to quake, Heal the sorrows thou dost make; Bitter is the cup we drink, Suffer not our souls to sink. 6 04 Thanksgiving. 3 Be thy banner now unfurled, Show thy truth to all the world ; Save us, Lord, we cry to thee, Lift thine arm, thy chosen free. 4 Give us now relief from pain, — Human aid is all in vain : We, through God, shall yet prevail, He will help, when foes assail. 931 Harvest-Hymn. 7s Double. COME, ye thankful people ! come, liaise the song of Harvest-Home ! All is safely gathered in Ere the winter storms begin ; God our Maker doth provide For our wants to be supplied ; Come to God's own temple, come ! Raise the song of Harvest-Home ! 2 We ourselves are God's own field, Fruit unto his praise we yield ; Wheat and tares together sown, Unto joy or sorrow grown, First the blade and then the ear, Then the full corn shall appear : Grant, O Harvest Lord, that we Wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 For the Lord our God shall come And shall take his harvest home ; From his field shall, in that day, All offences purge away ; Give his angels charge, at last, In the fire the tares to cast ; But the fruitful ears to store In his garner evermore. 4 Then, thou Church triumphant ! come, Raise the song of Harvest-Home ! All are safely gathered in, Free from sorrow, free from sin, The Nation. 605 There forever, purified, In God's garner to abide : Come, ten thousand angels, come, Raise the glorious Harvest-Home ! o )32 Tlie Hol y Nation. *" M * 61 - HAPPY nation ! where the Lord Reveals the treasures of his word, And builds his Church, hia earthly throne; His eye the heathen world surveys, He formed their hearts he knows their ways: But God, their Maker, is unknown, 5 The eye of thy compassion, Lord, D 0( . secure defenc ■ afford When death or dangers threatening stand; Thy watchful eye pr< the just Who make thy name their fear and trust, When wars or famine waste the land. i In sickness or the bl ly field, Thou our physician, thou our Bhield, Bend us Balvation from thy throne: We wail • shine; Let us rejoice in help divine, For all our bop I alone. 933 Thftiiksuiviim. I,. JI.6I. WITH grateful hearts, with joyful tong To God we raise united songs; His power and mercy we proclaim. Our Union bless, and make us own Jehovah here has fix< d his throne. And triumph in his mighty name. Long as the moon her course shall run, Or men behold the circling sun, Within our borders hold thy reign; 606 For Those on the Sea. Crown our just counsels with success, With truth and peace our nation bless, And all thy sacred rights maintain. U OHt For Those in Perils of Waters. T,. M. 61, ETERNAL Father ! strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep ; Oh, hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea! 2 O Christ! whose voice the waters heard, And hushed their raging at thy word, Who walkedst on the foaming deep, And calm amidst its rage didst sleep; Oh, hear us w T hen we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea ! 3 Most Holy Spirit ! who didst brood Upon the chaos dark and rude, And bid its angry tumult cease, And give, for wild confusion, peace ; Oh, hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea! 4 O Trinity of love and power! Our brethren shield in danger's hour; From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect them wheresoe'er they go. Thus evermore shall rise to thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. uOO Our Pilgrim Fathers. L.. 31. OGOD, beneath thy guiding hand, Our exiled fathers crossed the sea ; And when they trod the wintry strand, With prayer and psalm they worshipped thee. Historic and National. 607 Thou heard'st, well-pleased, the song, the prayer — Thy blessing came ; and still its power Shall onward, through all ages, bear The memory of that holy hour. Laws, freedom, truth, and faith in God Came with those exiles o'er the waves, And where their pilgrim feet have trod, The God they trusted guards their graves. [ And here thy name, O God of love, Their children's children shall adore, Till these eternal hills remove, And spring adorns the earth no more. jO\) Slavery and Oppression. L.. M. OHOLY Father! just and true Are all thy works and words and ways, And unto thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise! 2 As children of thy gracious care, We veil the eye, we bend the knee, With broken words of praise and prayer, Father and God, we come to thee. 3 For thou hast heard, O God of right! The sighing of the hapless slave ; And stretched for him the arm of might, Not shortened that it could not save. 4 Speed on thy work, Lord God of hosts! And when the bondsman's chain is riven, And swells from all our country's coasts The anthem of the free to heaven, 5 Oh, not to those whom thou hast led, As with thy cloud and fire before, But unto thee in fear and dread, Be praise and glory evermore. 608 National Blessings. vj O / Thanksgiving-. I*. GEE AT God of nations! now to thee Our hymn of gratitude we raise ; With humble heart and bending knee, We offer thee our song of praise. 2 Thy name we bless, Almighty God! For all the kindness thou hast shown To this fair land the pilgrims trod, — This land we fondly call our own. 3 Here Freedom spreads her banner wide, And casts her soft and hallowed ray: Here, thou our fathers' steps didst guide In safety, through their dangerous way. 4 We praise thee, that the gospel's light, Through all our land, its radiance sheds, Dispels the shades of error's night, And heavenly blessings round us spreads. UOO The Providence of God over Xations. Xi. M. GREAT God ! beneath whose piercing eye The earth's extended kingdoms lie ; Whose favoring smile upholds them all, W hose anger smites them, and they fall ; — 2 Thy kindness to our fathers shown, Their children's children long shall own ; To thee, with grateful hearts, shall raise The tribute of exulting praise. 3 Upheld by thine unfailing aid, Secure, the paths of life we tread ; And, freely as the vital air, Thy first and noblest bounties share. 4 Great God, our guardian, guide, and friend ! Oh, still thy sheltering arm extend ; Preserved by thee for ages past, For ages let thy kindness last I Prayer for Peace. bog l Ou Fasting and Prayer. L,. M. 1 TT7HILE o'er our guilty land, Lord, ▼ V We view the terrors of thy sword; Oh, whither shall the hopeless fly? To whom but thee direct their cry? On thee, our guardian God, we call, Before thy throne of grace we fall ; And is there no deliverance there ? And must we perish in despair? See, we repent, we weep, we mourn, To our forsaken God we turn ; Oh, spare our guilty country, spare The church, which thou hast planted here ! f^tU A Prayer against Public Enemies. T,. JK. OTHOU preserver of mankind, [God! Our hope, our shield, our strength, our Thou hast an ear to prayer inclined; Our cries have reached thy dread abode. Our cause thy justice will maintain, Avenge fch oppressed and guard the poor: Ne'er shall thy children ask in vain, And our proud 1'oes shall boast no more. Their banded hosts shall fly, or fall; A shaking leaf their thousands chase; Our Qod shall hear our nation's call ; We shall be saved, and sing his praise. U^tl Prayer for Peaee. Ii. M. THY footsteps, Lord, with joy we trace, And mark the conquest of thy grace ; Complete the work thou hast begun, And let thy will on earth be done. 2 Oh, show thyself the Prince of peace ; Command the din of war to cease Oh, bid contending nations rest, And let thy love rule every breast ! 39 6 10 Prayer for Seamen, 3 Then peace returns with balmy wing ; Glad plenty laughs, the valleys sing ; Reviving commerce lifts her head, And want and woe and hate have fled. 4 Thou good and wise and righteous Lord, All move subservient to thy word ; Oh, soon let every nation prove The perfect joy of Christian love! 942 Peace. T,. GREAT God, whom heaven and earth and sea, With all their countless hosts obey, Upheld by thee the nations stand, And empires fall at thy command. 2 Oh, show thyself the Prince of peace, Command the din of war to cease ; With sacred love the world inspire, And burn its chariots in the fire. 3 In sunder break each warlike spear, Let all the Saviour's ensigns wear ; The universal Sabbath prove, The perfect rest of Christian love ! U 4tO Prayer for Seamen, Ii. Mm WHILE o'er the deep thy servants sail, Send thou, O Lord, the prosperous gale; And on their hearts, where'er they go, Oh, let thy heavenly breezes blow. 2 If on the morning's wings they fly, They will not pass beyond thine eye ; The wanderer's prayer thou bend'st to hear, And faith exults to know thee near. 3 When tempests rock the groaning bark, Oh, hide them safe in Jesus' ark! When in the tempting port they ride, Oh, keep them safe at Jesus' side ! Our Native Land. 6 1 1 1/44: Prayer for our Xative Land. C. M. LORD ! while for all mankind we pray, Of every clime and coast, Oh, hear us for our native land, — ■ The land we love the most. 2 Our fathers' sepulchres are here, And here our kindred dwell ; Our children, too ; how should we love Another land so well ? 3 Oh, guard our shores from every foe, With peace our borders bless ; With prosperous times our cities crown, Our fields with plenteousness. 4 Unite us in the sacred love Of knowledge, truth, and Thee; And let our hills and valleys shout The songs of liberty. 5 Lord of the nations! thus to thee Our country we commend ; Be thou her Refuge and her Trust, Her everlasting Friend ! 945 Our Conntry. C. M. IN thee, Great God ! with songs of praise, Our favored States rejoice ; And, blest with thy salvation, raise To heaven their cheerful voice. 2 Thy sure defence through nations round Hath spread our rising name, And hath our weak beginnings crowned With freedom and with fame. 3 In deep distress our injured land Implored thy power to save ; For life we prayed ; thy bounteous hand The timely blessing gave. 6l2 Confession of Sin. 4 On thee, when perils rise again, Our hearts alone rely ; Our rights thy mercy will maintain, And all our wants supply. 5 Thus, Lord ! thy wondrous power declare, And still exalt thy fame ; While we glad songs of praise prepare For thine almighty name. y^D Fasting and Prayer. C. M. < EE, gracious God ! before thy throne s Thy mourning people bend ; 'Tis on thy sovereign grace alone Our humble hopes depend. 2 Dark, frowning judgments from thy hand Thy dreadful power display; Yet mercy spares this guilty land, And still we live to pray. 3 How changed, alas! are truths divine, For error, guilt, and shame ! What impious numbers, bold in sin, Disgrace the Christian name ! 4 Oh, turn us, turn us, mighty Lord, By thy resistless grace ; Then shall our hearts obey thy word, And humbly seek thy face. O A H " Our Fathers have told ns." t7 Hi I Psalm 44. C. M. OLORD, our fathers oft have told, In our attentive ears, Thy wonders in their days performed, And elder times than theirs. 2 For not their courage, nor their sword To them salvation gave ; Nor strength that from unequal force Their fainting troops could save. The God of Jacob. 613 3 But thy right hand and powerful arm, Whose succor they implored ; Thy presence with the chosen race, Who thy great name adored. 4 As thee, their God, our fathers owned, Thou art our sovereign King ; Oh, therefore, as thou didst to them, To us deliverance bring! 5 To thee the triumph we ascribe, From whom the conquest came ; In God we will rejoice all day, And ever bless thy name. 948 Psalm 114. C.M. WHEN forth from Egypt's trembling strand The tribes of Israel sped, And Jacob, in the stranger's land, Departing banners spread;— 2 Then One, amid their thick array, His kingly dwelling made, And all along the desert way Their guiding sceptre swayed. 3 The sea beheld, and struck with dread, Rolled all its billows back : And Jordan through his deepest bed, Revealed their destined track. 4 What ailed thee, thou mighty sea, And rolled thy waves 111 dread I What bade thy tide, O Jordan, nee, And bare its deepest bed ? 5 O earth, before the Lord, the God Of Jacob, tremble still ; Who makes the waste a watered sod, The flint a gushing rill. 6 14 Temperance. & c/4:y God of our Fatliers. C. M. i_OD of our fathers, to thy throne Our grateful songs we raise, Thou art our God, and thou alone, — - Accept our humble praise. 2 Unnumbered benefits from thee Are showered upon our land ; Behold ! through all our coasts we see The bounties of thy hand, 3 Here thou wert once the pilgrims' guide ; Thou gav'st them here a place, Where freedom spreads its blessings wide O'er all their favored race. 4 Here, Lord, thy gospel's holy light Is shed on all our hills ; And, like the rains and dews of night, Celestial grace distils. 5 Still teach us, Lord, thy name to fear, And still our guardian be ; Oh, let our children's children here Forever worship thee. yOU Temperance. S. M. MOURN for the thousands slain, The youthful and the strong ; Mourn for the wine-cup's fearful reign, And the deluded throng. 2 Mourn for the tarnished gem, For reason's light divine, Quenched from the soul's bright diadem, Where God had bid it shine. 3 Mourn for the ruined soul, — Eternal life and light Lost by the fiery, maddening bowl, And turned to helpless night. Our Country. 615 4 Mourn for the lost, — but call, Call to the strong, the free ; Rouse them to shun that dreadful fall, And to the refuge flee. 5 Mourn for the lost,— but pray, Pray to our God above, To break the fell destroyer's sway And show his saving love. « God Save tlie State P» 6s «fc 4su GOD bless our native land ! Firm may she ever stand, Through storm and night ; When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of winds and wave, Do thou our country save By thy great might. 2 For her our prayer shall rise To God above the skies ; On him we wait ; Thou who art ever nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To thee aloud we cry, God save the State )2 Tlic Voice of National Joy. 6s & 4s, MY country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing : Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring ! 2 My native country, thee, — Land of the noble free, — Thy name I love : 616 Family Worship. I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills ; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. 3 Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song ! Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, — The sound prolong ! 4 Our fathers' God! to thee, % Author of liberty, To thee we sing! Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King ! Doxology. TO the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore ; His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. kjDO Family Worship. !L. M. FATHER of men ! thy care we bless, Which crowns our families with peace. From thee they sprung, and by thy hand Their root and branches are sustained. 2 To God, most worthy to be praised, Be our domestic altars raised, Who, Lord of heaven, scorns not to dwell With saints in their obscurest cell. Family Worship. 617 To thee may each united house, Morning and night, present its vows; Our servants here and rising race Be taught thy precepts and thy grace. 1 Oh, may each future age proclaim The honors of thy glorious name ; While, pleased and thankful, we remove To join the family above. 954 AnEveniiiffHymii. 1*1*. GREAT God ! to thee my evening song With humble gratitude I raise; Oh, let thy mercy tune my tongue, And till my heart with lively praise. 2 My days unclouded as they pa And every gentle, rolling hour, Are monuments of wondrous grace, And witness to thy love and power. 3 And yet this thoughtless, wretched heart, Too oft regardless of thy love, Ungrateful, can from thee depart, And, fond of trifles, vainly rove. 4 Seal my forgiveness in the blood Of Jesus; his dear name alone ,1 plead for pardon, gracious God! And kind acceptance at thy throne. 5 Let this blest hope mine eyelids close, With sleep refresh my feeble irame ; Safe in thy care may 1 repose, And wake with praises to thy name. 955 Prayer for Children. &■ **• DEAR Saviour, if these lambs should stray , From thy secure enclosure s bound, 618 The Christian Home. And, lured by worldly joys away, Among the thoughtless 'crowd be found,— 2 Eemember still that they are thine, That thy dear sacred name they bear; Think that the seal of love divine, The sign of cov'nant grace they wear. 3 In all their erring, sinful years, Oh, let them ne'er forgotten be! Eemember all the prayers and tears Which made them consecrate to thee. 4 And when these lips no more can pray, These eyes can weep for them no more, I urn thou their feet from folly's way; The wanderers to thy fold restore. .Doxolog'y. T)RAISE God, from whom all blessings flow f- Praise him, all creatures here below; -Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. y O D The Happy Home. € . ^ TTAPPY the home, when God is there, -^ And love fills every breast; Where one their wish, and one their prayer And one their heavenly rest. 2 Happy the home where Jesus' name Is sweet to every ear ; Where children early lisp his fame, And parents hold him dear. 3 Happy the home where prayer is heard, And praise is wont to rise; Where parents love the sacred word, And live but for the skies. Early Piety. 619 Lord ! let us in our homes agree This blessed peace to gain ; Unite our hearts in love to thee, And love to all will reign. / Psalm 78. C. M. LET children hear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old, — Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. He bids us make bis glories known, His works of power and grace; And we'll convey his wonders down Through every rising race. 3 Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs, That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. 4 Thus they shall learn, in God alone Their hope securely stands, That they may ne'er forget his works, But practise his commands. JOO Early Piety. C. M. GRACE is a plant, where'er it grows, Of pure and heavenly root ; But fairest in the youngest shows, And yields tie l\ fruit 2 Ye careless ones, betimes obey The voice of sovereign love! Ye rove in lolly's dangerous way, But mercy reigns above. 3 For you the public prayer is made, Oh, join the public prayer! For you the secret tear is shed, Oh, shed yourselves a tear! 620 Children in Heaven. ybc/ Family Worship. CM. I ORD of all families below, To thee our prayers we send ; Do thou from danger, and from woe, Our dwelling-place defend. 2 Here let thy peace, O Father, rest, Here let thy love abide! Our every joy in thee more blest, Each sorrow sanctified. 3 Teach us, with hearts made one in love, To do thy pure commands ; And give us, in thy time, above, A house not made with hands. ybO "Suffer little Children." C. M. ABOUND the throne of God in heaven Thousands of children stand, — Children, whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band. 2 What brought them to that world above, That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace and joy and love? How came those children there? 3 Because the Saviour shed his blood To wash away their sin : Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean. 4 On earth they sought their Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his name : So now they see his blessed face, And stand before the Lamb. b/ 1 Family Evening Hymn. C. M. LORD of the world, who hast preserved Us safely through this day, Marriage. Now guard us in the silent night, Ana m all time, we pray ! 2 Be present, in thy peace, to those Who as thy suppliants wait ; Blot out the record of our sin ; Our gloom illuminate ! 3 Let not, amid our hours of sleep, Life's enemy steal in ; Let not a vision of the night Have power to whisper sin. 4 Guard every avenue from guile, When slumber seals our eyes; And guiltless as we laid us down, So guiltless let us rise. 621 962 Harrftage. S. M* YES, welcome was the call, And Bweet the festal lay, When Jesus deigned in (ana's hall To bless the marriage day. And happy was the bride, And glad the bridegroom's heart, For He who tarried at their side Bade grief and ill depart. () Lord of life and love, ( !ome thou again to-day ; And bring a blessing from above That ne'er shall pass away. Oh, bless, as erst of old, The bridegroom and the bride; Bless with the holier stream that flowed Forth from thy pierced side. Before thine altar-throne This mercy we implore; As thou dost knit them, Lord, in one, So bless them evermore. 622 Songs of Children. U UO Great Shepherd of the Sheep. GREAT Shepherd of the Sheep, Who all thy flock dost keep, Leading by waters calm ; Do thou my footsteps guide, To follow by thy side : — Make me thy little Lamb. 2 I fear I may be torn By many a sharp-set thorn, As far from thee I stray ; My weary feet may bleed, For rough are paths which lead Out of thy pleasant way. 3 But when the road is long, Thy tender arm, and strong, The weary one will bear ; And thou wilt wash me clean, And lead to pastures green, Where all the flow T ers are fair. 4 Till, from the soil of sin Cleansed and made pure within, Dear Saviour, whose I am, Thou bringest me in love, To thy sweet fold above, A little snow-white lamb. 964 Oentle Shepherd. ! GENTLE Shepherd, grant thy blessing On us now, While before thy throne we bow. Gentle Shepherd, we thy children Seek thy face: Give us now thy heavenly grace. Gentle Shepherd, bless the children Of this fold: Cleanse the hearts of young and old. Songs of Children. 623 4 Gentle Shepherd, when life's ended, Take us home, Never from thy side to roam. 965 A LL glory, laud, and honor, -£^- To thee, Redeemer, King ! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. Glory to Jesus, Our gracious King : Glory to Jesus ! We will ever sing. 2 The company of angels Are praising thee 00 high, And mortal men, and all things ( Ireated make reply. Chorus. 3 The people of the Hebrews, With psalms before thee went; Our praise and prayer and anthems Before thee we present. Chorus. 4 Thou didst accept their praises : Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. Chorus, 966 JESUS, tender Saviour ! Hast thou died for me ? Make me very thankful, In my heart, to thee. 2 When the sad, sad story Of thy grief I read, 624 Songs of Children. For my sins, oh, make me Penitent indeed. 3 Soon I hope, in glory, At thy side to stand ; Make me fit to meet thee, In that happy land. 967 7s. CHILDREN'S voices high in heaven Make sweet music round the throne ; Them the King of kings hath given Glory lasting as his own. Lord ! it was thy mercy free Suffered them to come to thee. We would think of them to-day, And their everlasting song ; We w T ould sing as blest as they, In the spirit-land, erelong ; Lord ! let us thy children be; Suffer us to come to thee. Now to come, with loving mind, Simple faith, and earnest prayer, Seeking thy dear cross, to find Full and free salvation there. Lamb of God ! our Saviour be ; Suffer us to come to thee. Lord, we come ! be thou our guide Through life's dark and troubled way ; And, when trained and sanctified, Raise us to the perfect day ; Then in heaven thy words shall be, " Suffer them to come to me." 968 ^NCE was heard the song of children By the Saviour when on earth ; O' Shall we gather at the River. 625 Joyful in the sacred temple Shouts of youthful praise had birth, And hosannas Loud to David's Son broke forth. ; 2 Palms of victory strewn around him, Garments spread beneath his feet, Prophet of the Lord they crowned him, In fair Salem's crowded street, While hosannas From the lips of children greet. 3 Blessed Saviour, now triumphant, Glorified and throned on high, Mortal lays, from man or infant, Vain to tell thy praise essay ; But hosannas Swell the chorus of the sky. 4 God o'er all in heaven reigning, We this day thy glory sing; Not with palms thy pathway strewing, We would loftier tribute bring, — Glad hosannas To our Prophet, Priest, and King. 69 SHALL we gather at the river, Where bright angel feet have trod, With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God ? Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river,-— Gather with the saints at the river, That flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy golden day. Chorus. 40 626 The Dark Valley before us. 3 Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a harp and crown. Chorus. y/U The Dar It Valley before us. BEFORE us lies a valley dim, Which soon our feet may tread ; And through it rolls a sullen stream, The river of the dead. We're almost down to the river-side, Soon shall our wand'rings cease ; If Jesus himself will be our guide, We shall walk thro' the valley in peace. 2 Though dark the vale and cold the stream, It cannot us affright ; For Christ hath passed through the valley To the home of joy and light. [dim, Chorus. 3 Though death's dark shades around may h$, My Shepherd still is near ; His rod and staff shall comfort me, No evil shall I fear. Chorus. 4 Baptized beneath death's chilling flood, In glory shall we rise, To meet the conquering Son of God, Descending from the skies. Chorus. 971 COME to me ! come to me ! All for sin oppressed ; All ye that toil, all ye that mourn, And I will give you rest. We come, we come, to taste thy grace. So full, so rich, so free ; Children's Prayer. 627 O Thou, the way, the truth, the life ! Behold, we come to thee. 2 Come to me ! come to me ! Seek my sheltering breast ; My yoke is sweet, my burden light, And I will give you rest. Chorus. 3 Come to me ! come to me ! And ye shall be blest ; For full of grace and truth am I, And I will give you rest. Chorus. 4 Come to me ! come to me ! Jesus cries to me ! O Saviour dear, thy voice I hear, And gladly come to thee. Chorus. m OHOLY Saviour, pray for me, While far from heaven and thee; I wander in a fragile hark, O'er life's tempestuous sea. Then, holy Saviour, from thy throne, So bright in bliss above, Protect thy child in virtue's path, With thy bright smile of love. O Saviour dear, remember me, And never cease thy care, Till in the realms above the sky, Thy love and bliss I share. When rude temptations try my heart, And pleasure spreads a snare; Thy loving aid shall heal the smart, And show a Shepherd's care. Vain should each earthly prospect prove, Still will I ne'er despair ; 628 Children's Prayer. But trust me to a Saviour's love, And feel a Saviour's care. Chorus. 973 |EAK Jesus, ever at my side, How loving thou must be, To leave thy home in heaven, to guard A little child like me. Thy Beautiful and shining face I see not, though so near ; The sweetness of thy soft low voice I am too deaf to hear. O Saviour dear, remember me, And never cease thy care, Till in the realms above the sky, Thy love and bliss I share. 2 I cannot feel thee touch my hand With pressure light and mild, To check me, as my mother did, When I was but a child. But I have felt thee in my thoughts, Fighting with sin for me ; And when my heart loves God, I know The sweetness is from thee. Chorus. 3 And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down, Morning and night, to prayer, Something there is within my heart Which tells me thou art there. Yes! when I pray, thou prayest too — Thy prayer is all for me ; But when I sleep, thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. Chorus. 974 Flee as a Bird. FLEE as a bird to your mountain, Thou who art weary of sin ; Christ the Sinner's Rest, 629 Go to the clear flowing fountain, Where you may wash and be clean. Fly, for th' avenger is near thee ; Call, and the Saviour will hear thee; He on his bosom will bear thee, — O thou who art weary of sin. 2 He will protect thee forever, Wipe ev tear, He will forsake the ■, oh, never, Cherished so tenderly there; Haste, then, th now are flying; Spend not the moments in sighing; ( lease from ; The Saviour will v, ar. 3 Come, then, to by Saviour, He will red >m sin ; Bless with a .Make thee all gl >rious within: Call, for the Saviour is q< ar th Waiting in mere And by his pr< r thee, O thou, who art w< in. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF HYMNS. A broken heart, my God, my King, Watts. A charge to keep I have, Wesley. A few more years shall roll, Bonar. A glory gilds the sacred page, Coicper. A mighty fortress is our God, Luther. A mother may forgetful be, Mrs. Steele. A stranger in a barren land, E. P. Parker. Abide with me; fast falls the eventide, Lute. According to thy gracious word, Montgomery. Again our earthly cares we leave, Anon. Ah! how shall fallen man, Watts. Alas, and did my Saviour bleed, Watts. Alas, what hourly dangers rise, Mrs. Steele. All glory, laud, and honor, Anon. All hail the power of Jesus' name, JDwieatt. All is dying, hearts arc breaking, Anon. All praise to thee, eternal Lord, Luther. Almighty God, thy word i> , Anon. Almighty Maker of my frame, Mrs. Along my earthly way, Edmetton, Always with us, always with us, 2lfi rin. Am I a soldier of the cross, Watts. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, A. Wton. Amid the splendors of Ihv state, Pratt's (oil. Amidst thy wrath remember love, Watts, And am I born to die, Luth. Coll. And dost thou sav, ask what thou wilt, Anon. And must this body die. Wafts. And will the great eternal God, Doddridge. And will the Judge descend, Dochlrirfrje. And wilt thou now forsake me, Lord, Anon. Another hand is beckoning us, Wki'firr. Another six days' work i.; done, Stcnnctt. Approach, my soul, the mercy seat, X< wton. Arise, my soul, arise. Arise, my soul, my .joyful powers, Watts. Arise, O King of grace, arise, Waits. 334 574 604 93 392 737 345 77 731 28 256 353 4G0 905 207 570 156 97 825 562 535 626 269 118 462 871 GM 852 774 872 470 846 42 687 276 418 716 632 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. Arise, ye saints, arise, Anon. 616 Around the Saviour's lofty throne, Kelly. 217 Around the throne of God in heaven, Anon. 900 As pants the hart for cooling streams, Anon. 451 As the hart with eager looks, Montgomery. 524 As when the weary traveller gains, Newton. 630 As with gladness men of old, Anon. 168 Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, Mrs. Maclcay. 828 At thy command, our dearest Lord, Watts. 750 Awake, and sing the song, Hammond. 203 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, Doddridge. G25 Awake, our souls, away our fears, Watts. G24 Awaked by Sinai's awful sound, Occum. 380 Awhile they rest within the tomb, Anon. 835 Be thou exalted, O my God I Watts. 100 Before Jehovah's awful throne, Watts. 127 Before us lies a valley dim, H. L. Hastings. 970 Behold a Stranger at the door, Gregg. 283 Behold the glories of the Lamb, Watts. 201 Behold the Lamb of God, Monk's Coll. 178 Behold the throne of grace, Keicton. 694 Behold the way to Zion's hill, Kelly. 789 Behold, what wondrous grace, Watts. 397 Bless, O my soul, the living God, Watts. 151 Blessed are the sons of God, Humphries. 490 Blessed fountain, full of grace, Kelly. 521 Blessed Saviour, thee I leve, Duffield. 488 Blest are the pure in heart, Anon. 567 Blest are the sons of peace, Watts. 660 Blest are the souls that hear and know, Watts. 94 Blest be the tie that binds, Fawcett. G61 Blest Comforter divine, Anon. 232 Blest feast of love divine, Anon. 758 Blest hour when mortal man retires, Baffles. 686 Blest is the man whose softening, L. Barbauld. 666 Blest morning whose young dawning rays, Watts. 35 Blow ye the trumpet, blow, Toplady. 274 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, Conder. 741 Brief life is here our portion, Dr. Neale. 913 Bright King of glory, dreadful God, Watts. 216 Bright source of everlasting love, Anon. 663 Brightest and best of the sons of the, Heber. 164 Broad is the road that leads to death, Watts. 245 Brother, though from yonder sky, Bancroft. 866 Burdened with guilt wouldst thou be blest, Anon. 323 By cool Siioam's shady rill, Heber. 762 Alphabetical Index of Hymns, 633 Call Jehovah thy salvation, Montgomery. 508 Calm on the Listening ear of night, Sears. 160 Can sinners hope for heaven, Anon. 252 Cast thy burden on the Lord, Anon. 575 Cease, cease, ye vain desponding fears, Bvight. 833 Cease, ye mourners, cease to languish, Collyer. 859 Child of sin and sorrow, Hastings. 330 Children of God, who, faint and slow, Bowdler. 502 Children of the heavenly King, Cennick. 611 Children's voices high in heaven. Anon, f 67 Christ and his cross are all our theme, Watts. 271 Christ is made the sure foundation, Anon. 708 Christ, of all my hopes the ground, Windham. 551 Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Cudworth. 101 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, TopJacly. 489 Christ will gather in his own, Moravian. 865 Christian brethren, ere we part, Anon. 55 Come at the morning hour, Briggs' Coil. 689 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell, Watts. 711 Come, divine and peaceful guest, Anon. 147 Come, every pious heart, Stinnett. 272 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, Browne. 224 Come, nappy souls, approach your God, Watts. 287 Come hither, all ye weary souls. Watts. 284 Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mind, Barrier. 221 Come, Holy Spirit, come, Hart. 234 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Watts. 221 Come in, thou blessed of our God, Montgomery. 757 Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou, Bay Palmer. COO Come, kingdom of our Qod, Johns. 775 Come, let us join our cheerful songs, Watts. 209 Come, let us join our souls to God, Doririririge. 767 Come, let us lift our joyful eves. Watts. 263 Come, let us sing the song ofsongs, Montgomery. 218 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, -V- irton . 701 Come,0 my soul, in sacred lays, Blaclioek. 104 Come, O thou traveller unknown, Wesley. 513 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice, B. Barbeiulri. 309 Come, sinner, to the gospel feast, Huntingdon. 29G Come, sound his praise abroad, Watts. 131 Come, thou Almighty King. Marian. 239 Come, thou desire of all thy saints, Mrs. Steele. 46 Come, thou fount of every blessing, Bobinson. 507 Come to me, come to me, E. P. Parker. 071 Come to the house of prayer, Taylor. 6UI Come to the land of peace, Anon. 306 Come, trembling sinner, in whose breast, Jones. 291 634 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. Come unto me when shadows darkly, Anon. 584 Come, wandering sheep, O come, Anon. 384 Come, weary souls, with sin distressed, Mrs. Steele. 281 Come, ye disconsolate, Moore. 326 Come, ye souls by sin afflicted, Swain. 320 Come, ye thankful people, come, Alford. 931 Come, ye that love the Lord, Watts. 494 Come, ye that love the Saviour's, Mrs. Steele. 478 Come, ye weary souls oppressed, Anon. 310 Creator, Spirit, by whose aid, Dryden's Trans. 226 Crown Ids head with endless blessing, Anon. 211 Daughter of Zion, from the dust, Montgomery. 799 Day of anger, that dread day, Celano, by Afford. 879 Day of judgment, day of wonders, Newton. 882 Dear as thou wert, and justly dear, Dale. 849 Dear Father, to thy mercy seat, • Mrs, Steele. 678 Dear Jesus, ever at my side, Faber. 973 Dear is the spot where Christians sleep, Anon. 837 Dear Lord, amid the throng that pressed, Anon. 539 Dear Refuge of my weary soul, Mrs. Steele. 674 Dear Saviour, if these Lambs should stray, Anon. 955 Dear Saviour, we are thine, Doddridge. 492 Dear Saviour, when my thoughts, Mrs. Steele. 354 Dearest of all the names above, Watts. 516 Death is no more among our foes, Medley. 875 Deep are the wounds which sin has, Mrs. Steele. 247 Depth of mercy, can there be, Wesley. 363 Did Christ o'er sinners weep, Beddome. 4?5 Didst thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame, Kirkham. 477 Dismiss us with thy blessing. Lord, Hart. 72 Do not I love thee, O my Lord, Doddridge. 479 Does the Gospel word proclaim, Newton. 576 Draw near, O Son of God, draw near, Wesley. 781 Early, my God, without delay, Watts. 13 Ere to the world again we go, Anon. 70 Eternal Father, strong to save, Anon. 934 Eternal Source of every joy, Doddridge. 926 Eternal Spirit, we confess, Watts. 225 Eternal Sun of righteousness, Wesley. 430 Everlasting arms of love, Macduff. 578 Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss, Watts. 638 Faith is a living power from heaven, Anon. 639 Far as thy name is known, Watts. 51 Far down the ages now, Bonar. 721 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. 635 Far from my heavenly home, Lyte. 564 Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone, Watts. 6 Far from the world, O Lord, I flee, Cowper. 464 Father, beneath thy sheltering wing, Anon. 437 Father, bless thy word to all, Kelly. 149 Falher, hear our humble claim, Wesleyan. 657 Father, how wide thy glory shines, Watts. 242 Father, I know that all my life, Mrs. Waring. 469 Father, if I may call thee so, Anon. 878 Father of eternal grace, Montgomery. 531 Father of men* thy care we 1 Doddridge. 953 Father of mercies, bow thin:- ear, Beddome. 713 Father of merries, condescend, ^fforell. 783 Father of mercies, in thy word, Mrs. Steele, 98 Father of mercies, send thy grace, Doddridge. 668 Father, whate'er of earthly I Mrs. Steele. 502 Flee as a bird to your mountain, Anon. 974 For a season called to part, Newton. 659 For all thy saints, God, Anon. 645 For me to live is Christ, Anon. 605 For the mercies of the day, Montgo me r y. 41 For thee, O dear. d< :ir. Bernard, by Dr. Neale. 912 For thy mercy and thy gi Anon. '.'20 Forever here my rest shall be, Wesley. 343 Forever with the Lord, Montgomery. 853 Fount of everlasting love, Hay Palmer. 746 Fountain of grace, rich, full, and free. Anon. 514 Frequent, the da; irns, Browne. 36 Friend after friend dep Montgomery. 662 From all that dwell below tin- skies, Watts. 103 From every earthly pleasure, Davis. f>09 From every stormy wind that blows, p ;/ . 685 From Greenland's Icy mountains, Ueber. 820 From the cross uplifre 1 high, Howes. 299 From the recesses of a lowly spirit, See Page 40 Gentle Shepherd, grant thy Messing, Anon. 9C4 Gently, gently lay the i Lyte. 306 Gently, Lord, O gently lea I us, Hastings, 537 Gently, my Saviour, let me down, Hill. 836 Give me the wings of faith to rise, Watts. s<)9 Give to the winds thy fears, Gcrhardt. 398 Glorious city ! Heavenly Salem, Anon. 709 Glorious things of thee are spoken, Newton. 723 Glory to God on high, Anon. 240 Glory to God whose witness train, Moravian. 648 Glory to thee, my C»od, this night, Kenn. 71 636 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. Go, labor on, while it is day, Bonar. 622 Go to dark Gethsemane, Montgomery. 729 Go to the grave, in ail thy glorious, Montgomery. 754 God bless our native land, J. S. Dwight. 951 God in the gospel of his Son, Beddome. 84 God is a spirit, just and wise, Watts. 117 God is love, his mercy brightens, Bow ring. 143 God is the refuge of his saints, Watts. 122 God moves in a mysterious way, Cowper. 1T;3 God, my supporter and my hope, Watts. 405 God of mercy, God of grace, Lytc. 728 God of my life, through all my days, Doddridge. 3S6 God of my life, to thee I call, Cowper. 5S9 God of my salvation, hear, Wesley. 36^ God of our fathers, to thy throne, L. Bacon. 949 God of our lives, thy various praise, Heginbotham. 924 God of our salvation, hear us, Anon. 80 God of the sunlight hours, how sad, Anon. 59 God of the universe, to thee, Anon. 772 God's glory is a wondrous thing, Faber. 4GS Grace is a plant where'er it grows, Cowper. 953 Grace, 'tis a charming sound, Doddridge. 253 Gracious spirit, love divine, Scocker. 220 Great God, attend, while Zion sings. Watts. 31 Great God, beneath whose piercing eye, Jioscoe. 938 Great God, how infinite art thou, Watts. 155 Great God, in vain man's narrow view, Kippis. 106 Great God, now condescend, Fellows. 759 Great God of nations, now to thee, Anon. 937 Great God, the nations of the earth, Gibbons. 807 Great God, to thee my evening song, Mrs. Steele. 954 Great God, we sing that mighty hand, Doddridge. 925 Great God, what do I see and hear, Luther. 873 Great God, when I approach thy throne, Anon. 2G0 Great God, whom heaven and earth, Anon. 912 Great is the Lord our God, Watts. 26 Great Shepherd of the sheep, Anon. 9G3 Great Shepherd of thine Israel, Watts. 710 Great Sun of righteousness, arise, Watts. 83 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Oliver. G06 Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, Watts. G50 Hail, mighty Jesus, how divine, Wall in. 809 Hail the nighc, all hull the morn, Anion. 171 Hail to the Lord's anointed, Montgomery. 823 Hail to the Prince of life and peace, Doddridge. 189 Hallelujah! best and sweetest, Breviary. COS Alphabetical Index of Hymns, 637 I Happy the .heart where graces reign, Watts. C->1 I Happy the home when God is I re, Anon. 953 I Happy the man whose cautious feet, Watts. C31 Happy the meek whose gentle breast, J. Scott. 6 ±2 Happy the souls to Jesus j i Wesley. G56 Hark! a voice divides the sky, Wesley. 86 i Hark, hark! the notes of jo v, Anon. 273 Hark! how the choral song of heaven, Anon. 889 Hark! my soul, it is the Lord, Cowp^r. 577 Hark! ten thousand 1; v ^ces, Kelly. 212 Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour, Doddridge. 161 Hark! the herald angels sing, /. 1C7 Hark! the song of jubilee, Montgomery. 801 Hark! the voice of love and mercy, Francis. 210 Hark! what celestial s : Anon. 165 Hark! what mean those holy voices, Cawood. 16 j Hasten, Lord, the glorious time, Lyte. 802 Hasten, sinner, to be '■ T. Scott. 315 Have we no ten- i him, Lyra CcUh, 280 He dies, the Friend of sinners dies, Watts. 100 He knelt, the Saviour knelt, Mrs. Hemans. 206 He lives, the great Redeemer lives, Mrs. Steele. ls6 He reigns, the Lord the Saviour reigns, Watts. 214 He that goeth forth with weeping, Hastings. 569 He, who on earth as man was known, Newton. 200 He who once in righteous vengeance, Anon. 180 Hear, O sinner, m you, Iked. 319 Hear the heralds sf i' Allen's Coil. 321 Hear what God the Lord ha b Bp >ken, Coioper. 534 Hearken, Lord, to my c >mplaints, Montgomery. 491 I leavenly Pa ther, Lord, Mon igomery. 696 Heavenly Spirit, may each I Edmeston. 702 Here, Lord of life and lighl to thee, L. Bacon. 771 Here, O my Lord. 1 see thee face to face, Bonar. 752 High in (he heavens, eternal God, Watts. 124 High in yonder realms of light, BaJJies. 907 Holy Father, hear my cry, Bonar. 375 Holy Ghost! thou source of light, Anon. 230 Holy Ghost! with light divine, Reed. 231 Holy Lord, our hearts prepare, Anon. 699 Holy Spirit ! Lord of, King Robert of France. 228 Hosanna to the Prince of light, Watts. 162 How beauteous are theii Watts. 769 How blest is he whose tranquil mind, Anon. 839 How blest the righteous when he, L. Barbauld. 829 How calm and beautiful the morn, Hastings. 205 How charming is the place, Stennett. 22 638 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. How deep and tranquil is the joy. Reed. 465 How do thy mercies close me round, Wesley. 424 How firm a foundation, ye saints, Kirkham. 599 How gentle God's commands, Doddridge. 302 How heavy is the night, H'atts. 251 How helpless guilty nature lies, Mrs. Steele. 258 How honored is the place, Wafts. 722 How large the promise, how divine, Watts. 765 How lovely are thy dwellings, Lord, Milton. 30 How oft, alas, this wretched heart, Mrs. Steele. 344 How pleasant, how divinely fair, Watts. 3 How pleased and blest was I, Waits. 18 How precious is the book divine, Faivcett. 96 How sad our state by nature is, Watts. 241 How shall the young secure their hearts, Watts. 91 How sweet and awful is the place, Watts. 732 How sweet, how calm, this Sabbath morn, Anon. 47 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, Swain. 664 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds, Newton. 510 How sweet to be allowed to pray, Follett. 704 How sweet to bless the Lord, Anon. 690 How sweet to leave the world awhile, Kelly. 7 How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound, Boicring. 688 How swift the torrent rolls, Doddridge. 842 How vain is all beneath the skies, Anon. 826 I ask not now for gold to gild, Wliitiler. 646 I bow my forehead to the dust, Whittier. 466 I cannot always trace the way, Anon. 441 I cannot call affliction sweet, Montgomery. 594 I come to thee once more, my God, Faber. 705 I hear thy word with love, Watts. 571 I heard the voice of Jesus say, Bonar. 346 "I know thy thoughts are peace toward me, Anon. 409 I lay my sins on Jesus, Bonar. 376 I love the Lord, he heard my cries, Watts. 404 I love the sacred book of God, Kelly. 85 I love the volume of thy word, Watts. 88 Hove the windows of thy grace, Watts. 457 I love thy kingdom, Lord, Dicight. 720 I love to steal awhile away, Mrs. Lroivn. 58 I send the joys of earth away, Watts. 390 I sing th' almighty power of God, Watts. 137 I thirst, but not as once I did, Cowpcr. 451 I was a wandering sheep, Bonar. 356 I would not live al way, I ask not, Muhlenhurg. FC0 If God is mine, then present things, Anon. 410 Iflmman kindness meets return, If through unruffled seas, I'll praise my Maker with ray breath, I'm but a stranger here, I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, Immortal power, eternal One, In all my vast concerns with thee, In deep distress our Saviour prayed In heavenly love abiding, In latter days the mount of God, In the cross of Christ I glory, In the dark and cloudy day, In the midst of life we are in death, In thee, great God, with BQngB of praise In thy name, O Lord, assembling, In vain we seek for peace with God, Indulgent Sovereign of the Bides, Is not the way to heavenly gain, Is this the kind return, It came upon the midnight clear, Jehovah God ! thy gracious power, Jehovah reigns, his throne is high, Jerusalem, my happy home, Jesus, all atoning Lamb, Jesus, and didst thou Leave the sky, I, and shall it ever be, Jesus, calls us o'er the tumult, Jesus, east a look on me, Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Jesus gently calls, Jesus, 1 love thy charming name, Jesus, I my cross have taken, Jesus, Immortal King ! arise, Jesus, let thy pitying eye, Jesus. Lord, we look to thee, Jesus, Lover of my soul, Jesus, most hole, pray I to thee, Jesus, only when the morning, Jesus, our Lord, how rich thy grace, Jesus, save my dying soul, Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus spreads his banner o'er us, Jesus, still lead on, Jesus, take me for thine own, Josus, tender Saviour, " Hymns. 639 Xoel. 730 Anon. 559 1, Waits. 89 T. n. Taylor. 55G Watts. 499 Mrs. Collins. 400 Watts. 120 Watts. 177 Mrs. Waring. CIO Logan. 798 Boicring. 50G Anon. 582 Noiker. 9CG use, Barlow. 945 Kelly. 79 Watts. 243 Doddridg . 7 92 Lj/te. 433 Watts. /:. //. 159 Th>>7n.*nn. 121 W<>t!.<. 111 , 634 Mrs. L'70 Gregg. :.4:: 318 Hi r Latin. 191 K. P. V 331 1 Idridge. rder. 808 ■ 1 L Anon. 381 373 Doddridge. Cm 2 Battings. 3f»4 Watts. 786 Anon. 52? Anon. 7-4 Zinzendorff. 545 Anon. C32 Anon. 9GG 640 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. Jesus, the very thought of thee, Bernard. 486 Jesus, these eyes have never seen, Bay Palmer. 503 Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend, Parkinson. 476 Jesus, t'hou everlasting King, Watts. 743 Jesus, thou joy of loving, Bernard, by Palmer. 543 Jesus, thy blood and, Wesley's Trans. 3±0 Jesus, thy boundless love to me, Anon. 513 Jesus, thy love shall we forget, Anon. 511 Jesus, we look to thee, Wesley. 695 Jesus, where'er thy people meet, Cowper, 45 Jesus, who knows full well, Newton. 603 Jesus, who on Calvary's mountain, Anon. 372 Jesus, whom angel hosts adore, Bonar. 183 Join all the glorious names, Watts. 275 Joy to the world, the Lord is come, Watts. 163 Joyful be the hours to-day, Kelly. 743 Just as I am without one plea, Charlotte Elliot. 333 Keep silence, all created things, Watts. 116 Keep us, Lord, oh, keep us ever, Anon. 607 Kingdoms and thrones to God belong, Watts. 101 Laboring and heavy laden, Rankin. 371 Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace, Barton. 90 Lead, kindly light, amid, Neivman, seepage 41 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, Anon. 528 Let children hear the mighty deeds, Watts. 957 Let everlasting glories crown, Watts. 87 Let me be with thee where thou art, Anon. 540 Let not your heart be faint, Anon. 572 Let others boast how strong they be, Watts. 850 Let our songs of praise ascending, Anon. 170 Let saints below in concert sing, Wesley. 655 Let sinners take their course, Watts. 399 Let us keep steadfast guard, Breviary. 566 Let us with a joyful mind, Milton. 144 Let worldly minds the world pursue, Newton. 414 Light of those whose dreary dwelling, Wesley. 533 Like sheep we went astray, Watts. 255 Lo! God is here, let us adore, J. Wesley. 34 Lo ! he comes with clouds descending, Oliver. 883 Lo ! on a narrow neck of land, Wesley. 8SI Lo! round the throne, a glorious band, Anon. 890 Lo ! the day of rest declineth, Bobbins. 76 Lo ! the mighty God appearing, W. Goode. 884 Lo ! what a glorious Corner-stone, Watts. 8 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. 641 Lo! what a glorious sight appears, TVatts. 796 Look up, my soul, with cheerful eye, Anon. 248 Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee, Anon. 667 Lord, at thy table I behold, Stennett. 733 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Burdtr. 78 Lord, how delightful 'tis to see, TVatts. 4 Lord, how secure my conscience was, Watts. 257 Lord, I am vile, conceived in sin, Watts. 244 Lord, I believe, thy power I own, Wreford. 423 Lord., I have made thv word my choice, Watts. 95 Lord, I hear that showers of blessing, Anon. 367 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear, Watts. 11 Lord, in the temples of thy grace, Anon. 43 Lord, in this, thy mercy's day, Anon. 3*2 Lord, in thy great, thy glorious name, Mrs. Steele. &8 Lord, it belongs not to my care, Baxter. 431 Lurd, lead the way the Saviour went, Crosicell. Ci'o Lord, my weak thought in vain, Ray Palnur. 114 Lord of all being, throned afar, O. W. Holmes. 150 Lord of all families below, Anon. 959 Lord of earth, thy forming hand, Grant. 145 Lord of the harvest, hear, W Lord, whan Mall guilt] - >uls retire, Watts. 119 Lord, White for all mankind wo pray, WJford. 941 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee, S. F, Key. 142 Love divine, all love excelling, J/\ Majestic sweetness sits enthroned, Stcnnitt. Man's wisdom is I I peek, Cou\ I 2 Many centuries have lied, Condor, 7u7 May he, by whose kind care we meet, Newton, 659 May the grace of Christ our Saviour, Newton, M Men of God, go take your stations, Ktlly. ■ 817 'Mid scenes of confusion and, Anon. 6»;i Mighty one ! before whose face, Bryant. 148 642 Alphabetical Index tf Hymns. Millions within thy courts have met, Montgomery. 67 Mine eyes and my desire, Watts. 501 Morning breaks upon the tomb, Colly er. 192 Mourn for the thousand slain, Anon. 950 Must Jesus bear the cross alone, Allen. 037 My country, 'tis of thee, S. F. Smith. 952 My dear Redeemer, and my Lord, Watts. 172 My faith looks up to thee, Bay Palmer. 54G My Father God ! how sweet the sound, Doddridge. 415 My God, accept my early vows, Watts. 051 My God, accept my heart this day, Lyra Cath. 340 My God, how endless is thy love, Watts. 05 My God, how wonderful thou art, Anon. 420 My God, is any hour so sweet, Seepage 42 My God, my Father, blissful name, Mrs. Steele. 422 My God, my Father, while I stray, Charlotte Elliot. 440 My God, my King, thy various praise, Watts. 123 My God, my portion, and my love, Watts. 417 My God, oh, could I make the claim, Mrs. Steele. 456 My God, permit me not to be, Watts. 452 My God, the covenant of thy love, Doddridge. 434 My God, the spring of all my joys, Watts. 495 My hope is built on nothing less, Anon. 512 My Jesus, as thou wilt, " Schmolk. 590 My Maker, and my King, r Mrs. Steele. 133 My only Saviour, when I feel, Anon. 441 My Saviour bids me come, Wesley. 357 My Saviour, let me hear thy voice, Doddridge. 4S8 My Saviour, my almighty Friend, Watts. 481 My soul, amid this stormy world, Chapman. 803 My soul, be on thy guard, Heath. 619 My soul, how lovely is the place, Watts, 15 My spirit looks to God alone, Anon, 427 My spirit on thy care, Lyte. 557 Nearer, my God, to thee, S. F, Adams, 555 New every morning is the love, Keble. 33 No more-, my God, I boast no more, Watts. 339 No, never shall my heart despond, Anon. 679 Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, Watts. 897 Not all the blood of beasts, Watts. 254 Not all the outward forms on earth, Watts. 259 Not by the martyr's death alone, Anon. 641 Not for the pious dead we weep, L, Barbauld. 845 Not with our mortal eyes, Watts. 483 Now be my heart inspired to sing, Watts. 173 Now begin the heavenly theme, Langfwd. 613 Now for a tune of lofty praise, Watts. 158 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. 643 Now is th' accepted time, Now let our cheerful eyes survey, Now let our souls on wings sublime, Now let our voices join, Now may lie who from the dead, Now, my soul, thy voice upraising, Now to the Lord, a noble song, Now to the Lord who makes us know, O bless the Lord, my soul, His, O bless the Lord, my soul, Let, O blessed souls are they, O bow thine ear, eternal One ! O cease, my wandering soul, O Christ ! I long to know thee, O Christ ! our ever-blessed Lord, O Christ ! with each returning morn, O could I find from day to day, O could I speak the matchless worth, O could our thoughts and wishes fly, O day of rest and glad 1 O deem not they are blest alone, O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are, O for a closer walk with God, O for a heart to praise niy God, O for a shout of sacred joy, O for a sight, a pleasing sight, O for a sweet, inspiring ray, O for a thousand tongues to sing, O for the death of those, O God ! beneath thy guiding hand, O God ! by whom the seed la given, O God of Bethel by whose hand, O God ! our God, thou shinest here, O God ! our help in ages past, O God ! thou art my God alone, O God ! unseen, yet ever near. O happy day, that fixed my choice, O happy nation, where the Lord, O happy saints, that dwell in light, O happy soul, that lives on high, O help us, Lord, each hour of need, Oholy Father ! just and true, O holy Saviour ! Friend unseen, O holy Saviour ! pray for me, O how divine, how sweet the joy, O how I love thy holy law, O Jesus I bruised and wounded more, Dobell. 305 Doddridge. 515 Gibbons. 886 Doddridge. 621 Neicton. 57 Anon. 179 mats. 473 ', Watts. 220 Montgomery. 129 Watts. ISO Watts. 358 Anon. 770 Muhlenburg . 304 Hay Palmer. 518 Anon. 2C6 Latin. 44 Anon. 458 Medley. 504 Mrs. Steele. 89G Wordsworth. 1 Bryant. 453 tare, Anon. 597 Cowper. 449 Wesley. 455 Watts. 175 Watts. 687 Mrs. Steele. 885 501 Anon. 841 L. ] la con. 935 JR be r. 49 Doddridge. 411 Gill. 794 Watts. 8C9 Montgomery. 415 Anon. 736 Doddridge. 755 Watts. 932 Anon. 888 Watts. 403 Milman. 450 WliittUr. 936 Anon. 324 Anon. 972 Keedham. 351 Watts. 92 , Anon. 748 644 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. O Lamb of God, still iveep me, Anon. 549 O Lord and Master of us all, Wliittier. 474 O Lord, how full of sweet content, Mad. Guion. 4 14 O Lord, how infinite thy love, Lyte. 262 O Lord, I would delight in thee, Ihjland. 423 O Lord, our carnal mind control, Anon. 017 O Lord, our fathers oft have told, Tate and Bratfy. '. ' -7 O Lord, our God, arise, Anon. 77G O Lord, our heavenly King, Watts. 132 O Lord, thy covenant is sure, Conder. 733 O Lord, thy work revive, Browne. 773 O love divine, how sweet thou art, Wesley. 505 O love divine, that stooped to share, O. W. Holmes. 433 O love, who e'er life's earliest dawn, Anon. 503 O mother dear, Jerusalem, Quarles. C02 O my Saviour ! crucified, Anon. 745 O my Saviour, guardian true, Anon. 54 O my soul, what means this sadness, Fawcett. 527 O praise the Lord, for he is good, Wrangham. 43^ O sacred Head, now wounded, Gerhardt. 547 O Saviour, who didst come, Anon. 5G0 O say to all men far and near, Kovalis. 193 O sinner, lift the eye of faith, Anon. 3S5 O sinners, come, and taste his love, Watts. 288 O Spirit of the living God, Montgomery, 7S5 O Sun of righteousness, arise, Anon. 790 O sweetly breathe the lyres above, Bay Palmer. 438 O that I could forever dwell, Reed. 588 O that I knew the secret place, Watts. 440 O that my load of sin were gone, Wesley. 335 O that the Lord would guide my ways, IVatts. 90 O the sweet wonders of that cross, Watts. 187 O thou, from whom all goodness flows, Anon. 447 O thou Preserver of mankind, Dwiglit. 940 O thou that hear est prayer, Anon. 23G O thou, the contrite shiner's Friend, C. Elliott. 325 O thou to whom in ancient time, Ware. 32 O thou who driest the mourner's tear, Moore. 448 O thou who hear'st the prayer of faith, Toplady. 379 O thou whom we adore, Wesley. 777 O thou whose own vast temple stands, Bryant. 773 O thou whose tender mercy hears, Mrs. Steele. 350 O what a lonely path were ours, Anon. 421 O what amazing words of grace, Medley. 2.°9 O what if we are Christ's, Anon. 854 O where are kings and empires now, A. C. Coxe. 718 O where shall rest be found, Montgomery. 308 Alphabetical hidex of Hymns. 645 O worship the king, all glorious above, Grant. 140 O Zion ! afflicted with wave upon wave, Anon. 598 O'er the gloomy hills of darkness, Williams. 816 O'er the realms of pagan darkness, Cotterell. 818 Oft in sorrow, oft in woe, H. K. White. 612 On the mountain's top appearing, Kelly. 813 Once I thought my mountain strong, Newton. 554 Once was heard the song of children, Anon. 968 One prayer I have, all prayers in one, Montgomery. 708 One sweetly solemn thought, Phozbe Carey. 840 One there is above all others, Newton. 316 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed, Lyte. 222 Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer, Anon. 766 Our children, thou dost claim, Anon. 760 Our Christ hath reached his, FrotMngham. 715 Our country is Immanuel's ground, L. Barbauld. 649 Our Father, God ! who art in heaven, Judson. 676 Our Father, through the coming year, Avon. 918 Our heavenly Father calls, Doddridge, 307 Our helper God, we bless thy name, Doddridge. 927 Our Lord is risen from the dead, Wesley. 188 People of the living God I Montr/ornery. 742 Pilgrims In this vale of sorrow, Hastings. 568 Pity, Lord, the child of clay, Anon. 553 Pleasant are thy courts above, Lyte. 10 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair, Watts. 201 Pour out thy Spirit from on high, Montgomery. 779 Praise to God, immortal praise, L. Barbauld. 928 Praise to thee, thou great Creator, 141 Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee, Wafts. 29 Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join, Watts. 1C8 Prayer is the breath ( f God in man, Anon. 677 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, Montgomery. 675 Prepare us, Lord, to view thy eross, Anon. 738 Prince of peace, control my will, Anon. 583 Quiet, Lord, my froward heart, Newton. 525 Paise your triumphant songs, Watts. 204 Rejoice in God alway, Moultrie. 620 Pejoice. rejoice, believers, Laurenti. 821 Pejoice, the Lord is King, Wesley. 484 Pejoice to-day, with one accord, Anon. 393 Rejoice, ye caints, rejoice and praise, Anon. 471 Remember thy Creator now, Anon. 292 Pest from thy labor, rest, Montgomery. 780 Resting from his work to-day, Anon. 740 646 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. Return, my roving heart, return, Return, my soul, and sweetly rest, Return, O wanderer, now return, Return, O wanderer, to thy home, Ride on, ride on, in majesty, Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Rise, O my soul, pursue the path, Rock of Ages ! cleft for me, Roll on, thou mighty ocean, Safely through another week, Salvation ! O the joyful sound, Saviour, breathe an evening blessing, Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us, Saviour, teach me day by day, Saviour, what gracious words, Saviour, when in dust to thee, Saw ye not the cloud arise, Say, sinner, hath a voice within, See, from Zion's sacred mountain, See, gracious God, before thy throne See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand, See the leaves around us falling, See what a living stone, Servant of God, well done, Shall I fear, O earth, thy bosom, Shall we gather at the river, Shepherd, with thy tenderest love, Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive, Silently the shades of evening, Since all the varying scenes of time, Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord, Sinner, rouse thee from thy sleep, Sinners, turn, why will ye die, Sion's daughter, weep no more, So fades the lovely blooming flower, So let our lips and lives express, Soft and holy is the place, Softly fades the twilight ray, Softly now the light of day, — Soldiers of Christ, arise, Songs of praise the angels sang, Sons of men, behold from far, Soon as I heard my Father say, Soon may the last glad song arise, Soul, then know thy full salvation, Sovereign of worlds, display thy power, Doddridge. 436 Latrobc. 425 Collyer. 297 Hastings. 200 Milman. 213 3, Cennick. 914 Needham. 901 Toplady. 552 Pratt's Coll. 811 Neicton. 9 Watts. 261 ', Ddmeston. 74 Anon. 526 Anon. 530 Anon. 662 Grant. 374 Wesley. 804 Hyde. 285 Kelly. 815 , Mrs. Steele. 946 Dodlridge. 783 Home. 858 Watts. 25 Montgomery. 855 Davis. 857 R. Dowry. 969 Anon. 523 Watts. 336 Anon. 75 Hervey. 412 Doddridge. 627 Anon. 313 Wesley. 312 Anon. 739 Mrs. Steele. 831 Watts. 629 Hastings. 697 S. F. Smith. 56 Doane. 53 Wesley. 617 Montgomery. 193 Wesley. 805 Watts. 348 Anon. 787 Lyte. 369 5r, Anon. 793 Alphabetical Index of Hymns. 647 Sow in the morn thy seed, Montgomery. 573 Spirit of peace ! celestial Dove, Lyte. 707 Spirit of power and might, behold, Montgomery. 797 Spirit of truth, on this thy day, Ileber. 37 Stand up, and bless the Lord, Montgomery. 24 Stand up, my soul, shake oft* thy fears, Watts. G23 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, IhijJicM. 810 Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay, Wesley. 342 Stealing from the world away, Bay Palmer. 098 Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear, Keble. 64 Sweet is the light of Sabbath eve, Edmeston. CG Sweet is the memory of thy grace, Watts. 407 Sweet is the prayer whose holy, II. Martinets*. CSO Sweet is the work, my God, my King, Watts. 2 Sweet is the work, O Lord, Lyte. 23 Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly, Hrginhotham. 443 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go, Monk's Coll. C8 Sweet the moments, rich In blessing, Anon. 530 Sweet the time, exceeding s Ilurdcr. 146 Sweet was the time when first I felt, X vtom. #89 Sweeter sounds than music knows, Jfi >/-'<-»:». Sweeter to Jesus when on earth, H. Kimball. 538 Take me, O my Father, take me, Ray Palmer. 317 Take my heart, O Father, take It, Anon. 370 Tarry with me, my Saviour, Anon. IS Teach me, my God and King, II nfc rt. The Almighty reigns, exalted high, Walt*. 110 That awful day will surely come, Watts, That day of wrath, that, Ctefa**, hy W. Scott. 877 The billows swell, the winds are high, OowptT. 587 The bird let loose in eastern si Moon The Church of Christ, which he hath, Spangenhurg. 7" I The. Comforter has come, Ana . The day is past and gone, Inland. B0 The festal morn, my Qod, has c 'inc. ii rrieb, 20 The Hoods, I/>rd, lift op their voice, £urg<>.3, 747. Charity. (See Love.) Children and youth, 91, 292, 762, 955, 981 Childlikeness, 525, 635, 646. Christ,— adoration of, 156, 158, 161, 162, 185, 167, 171, 173, 187, 190, 191, 193, 194, 202, 203, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216-220, 240, 272, 478, 480, 654 Index of Subjects. 493, 497, 504, 520, 53G, 603, 613, 743. ascension of, 190, 195. birth of, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163- 165, 167, 169, 171. character of, 172, 176, 665, 669, 671, 682. conflict and sufferings, 177-182, 206, 385, 511, 547, 603, 687, 747. crucifixion of, 181, 184, 190, 385, 745. (See Calvary and Geth- semane.) exaltation and glory, 158, 162, 163, 188, 189, 195, 197, 200. 201, 207, 208, 494, 500, 821. intercession of, 186, 276, 325. resurrection of, 35, 175, 188, 191, 192, 194, 196, 199, 202, 205. Christ, names of, — Advocate, 248, 276, 307, 476, 589. "All in All," 463, 519, 521, 543, 550, 586, 643. " Day-Star," 489. Fountain, 264, 521,343, 544, 551. "Friend of Sinners," 316, 513, 536, 542. High Priest, 514,515, Christ, names of, — Inimanuel, 516, 520. < Judge, 484, 880, 882-884. King, 195, 478, 484, 821. " Lamb of God," 254, 546, 549. " Light," 489, 533, 543. "Refuge," 550, 580, 599, 674, 679. " Rock," 512, 582, 586. Shepherd, 522, 523, 526, 529, 553, 601. Son of God, 158, 485. Son of Man, 182, 374, 514, 581. "Way, Truth, and Life," 268, 474. " Unseen but Precious," 483, 509. Christians, 490, 534, 631, 633, 671,703. Church, — divinely founded,708-710,718,723. catholic, 657, 717, 753. * glory of, 534, 716, 720, 722, 7! God's care of, 51, 598, 711, 813, 814. institutions of. (See Ministi love to, 714, 719, 720, 723. ordinances of. (See Baptism Lord's Supper.) Close of worship, 36, 38, 41, 52l 57, 60, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 78, 8i Close of year, 920, 927, 929. Comforter. (See Holy Ghost.) Coming to Christ, 291, 332-334, 361, 362, 371, 381, 438, 463, jf 543, 567, 687, 688, 701. Coming to God, 436, 578, 681, 705. Communion, — of saints, 51, 652, 655, 656. with God and Christ, 58, 307, 464, 465, 536, 593, 686. at Lord's table. (See Loi Supper.) Confession, 244, 254, 332, 333, 334, a 347, 352, 358, 362, 363, 364, 3| Confidence, 387, 396, 413, 466, 499, 529, 544, 545, 557, 558, 593, 597, 601, 602, 610. Conflict, 554, 587, 612, 619, Conscience, — peace of, 243, 250, 254, 443, 639, 640. Consecration, — of self, 185, 419, 449, 477, 492, 546, 503, 583, 634, 703, 1[ 742, 755. of children, 661, 759, 763, 766. Consolations and comfort, 279, 3*< 326, 439, 440, 441, 448, 453, 5:* 534, 535, 537, 538, 541, 562, 5( 582, 584, 585, 593, 745, 747, 81 848, 849, 859, 866, 892, 893, 904. \ Constancy, 463, 602, 636. inconstancy lamented, 492, 51 695. Contentment, 444, 525, 559, 591, 601 Conversion. (See Regeneration, R pentance.) ' ' ie 10. 9, 644, 72» e Index of Subjects. tlon. (See Repentance, Heart.)' Exhortations, — tn rPiT>ttIltanC 655 Ci -stone, 709. age, 387, 573, 612, 616, 622-626, ,nant, 409, 434, 599, 734, 738, 760, 765, 767. ss, at the, 180, 536, 745, 747. (See Lord's Supper.) bearing the, 208, 368, 539, 605, C37. glorying in, 181, 187, 271, 2<7, 339, 506, 539, 542. salvation by, 179, 180, 1*7, 243, 277, 438, 488, 516, 520, 547, 652, 739. ,th, 329, 824,830,831,836,867. a sleep, 830, 832, 835, 837, 848, 857, 875. blessedness of the dead hi Christ, 828, 829, 837, 843-845, 859, 802- 865. conquered, 875. is gain, 841, 904. of dear ones, 849. '.crees, 104, 105,114,412. ulication, 708, 709, 770, 772, 773, 774, to repentance, 274, 281, 283, 285, 286, 292, 297, 300, 301, 305, 310- 3is! 319, 321, 327, 330, 331, 851, 980. Faith. (See Confidence and Trust.) a grace, 639, G40. power of, 638, 639. living by, 559, 560, 895. Faithfulness, 409, 431. of God, 578, 599, 641. Family, 660, 953, 956, 957, 959, 961. Fasting, 930, 939, 946. Father, — ■ " Our Father," 422, 440, 531, 562, Fellowship, 057, 868, 600, 6S5, 753, 7." 7. Forgiveness,— atonement, the ground of, 1.9, 251, 615, 552, 5,351,368,486,6*. prayers tor, 810, - 336, 33T, 402, 51s, 628, 540, 552, 684, . 101, Frie nd of sinners, 390, 461, 476, 481, 513. 536, 642. ' 774 513, 536,542. *I»W, 405, 4.7, 4», ^l^jg^^SZ: 3lay, 312-315, 383, 980. (S- * pentance and Exhortations.) jpondence, 121, 271, 405,461, .599, 600, 601, 806,624,628,648. epravity, 241, 244, 251, 258, 265, 266, 267. •lection, 116, 237, 490, 732. jicouragements, 309, 535, 565, 569, 572, 597, 590, 602, 010, Oil, 012, 614',62l', 624, 62T, 630, W. Iternity, 155, 308, 869, 878, 881, 886. toning hymns, 50, 53, 54, 50, 58, 59, 61-60 69, 71, 73-76. , 444 ™ ' £ rnn ]I, ~ h 1>r " Holiness, :A3, 403, 531, 5C7, C28, 6 omniscience, no, 120, ir>2. providence. (Sec Providence.) sovereignty, i02, 105, 109-111, iig, i;;i. Gotl,— spirituality, 117. Wisdom, 105, 114, 11C, 143, 153, 396, 412, 426,437,403,501. works of nature and grace, 21 IOC, 125, 132, 135, 242, 431. Gt.sj.el. (See Holy Scriptures.) Grace,— growth in, 224, 231, 449, 458, 531, 532, 555, 673, 774. salvation by, 178-180, 241, 251- 25.1, 260, 261, 269, 273, 344, 35G, 473, 899. Grieving the Spirit£283, 315, 330, 342, 382, 530 Holy Ghost, — adoratioi Comfort- 233, 7 divine, 147 fruits and gifts of. . 1 707. office of, 222, 22 I prayers for, 1:: ! 228-23G, 4 10. Strivings of, 2S >3, 3 ai9. Holy Scriptures. 82-100. Hope, 451, 491, 524, 558, 601, C10, $'. m. Humility, 455, 4C9, 530, 5C7, K 741. Imitation of Christ, 172, 180, 53 GG5-6C9. Guulmu-,. :;„ 221, 411, 522, 526, 628, I^J^ 1TI , 201 . MC , , M . „ . ■•■ Immortality, 688, 84 Heart. — , _ " , , , . °1 Christ. : :, GOO. broke* and contrite, 304, 301, ofSplrtt/s ,234.' ' Ingratitude, 351 Change ,„, 3H 0.7, 009, 301, 370, ln8tallation . (Soe Millistr ,.., h» I | . ,,;. ,,:,. W, "S?" ° f ChriSt ' 1SG ' 2G3 ' "J BunuM.l,,- ;, 340, 370, toTltoaon , of the ^ , « J 583, 634, 684, 701. Heaven, — aspiration for, 540. 5C4, 604, G15] . B61, 894, 8rd's day, 1, 2, 9, 20, 24, 25, 27, 35- 37, 42, 47, 48, 60, Q6. )rd's house. (See Sanctuary.) Drd's Prayer, 676. Drd's Supper, 724, 726, 727, 729, 730- 736, 739, 741, 743, 748-752, 756, 758. ove, — a grace, 530, 650, 654, 664, 669, 707. of Christ, 267, 280, 316, 486, 503, 511, 513, 516, 519, 530, 532, 577, 600, 668. Love, — of God, 118, 143, 151, 198, 204, 28T, 420, 473, 737. to the brethren, 671-673. to Christ, 479, 488, 496, 509, 520, 543, 544, 546. to the church, 719, 720. to God, 404, 428, 445, 497. Marriage, 962. Meekness, 172, 525, 642, 667, 669. Mercy and grace of God, 144, 146, 151, 204, 242, 263, 287, 293, 299, 328, 381, 402, 404, 407, 425, 429, 473. Mercy-seat, 679, 685, 687, 694. Ministry, 754, 768, 769, 771, 779-783, 855. Miracles, 174. Missions, 775, 778, 784-806, 809, 811, 815-823. Morning hymns, 11, 13, 17, 27, 33, 35, 44, 46, 47, 65. Nation. (See Our Country.) Nature, 21, 112, 431. Nearing home, 840, 844, 853. New Year, 916, 918, 922, 923, 925, 926. Old age, 435, 470, 599, 839. Omnipotence, Omnipresence, etc (See God.) Opening of worship, 1-4, 9, 10, 20- 30, 35, 37, 39-46, 79. Ordination. (See Ministry.) Our country, 932-940, $44-949, 051, 952. Pardon. (See Forgiveness. ) Parting hymns, 52, 55-57, 68, 72-81, 659, 702. Patience,— a grace, 595, 596. of God, 344, 356, 359, 537. Peace, 229, 230, 467, 572, 583, 653. of conscience. (See Conscience.) Perseverance, 492, 568, 599, 602, 605, 610, 616, 623, 624, 626. Pilgrim-fathers, 935, 947, 949. Pilgrimage, 604-606, 609, 611, 621. 630, 649, 721, 914. .Prayer, 62, 63, 675-707. 6 5 8 Index of Subjects. . — .-ill l antir.ino-. 223, n~. •. 9, 14, US, B the ehureh, 710, 711, and thankful heart, 585, childlike q 530, C32, C35. Prajorn f>r var I, — children, Christ's intercession. Christ's remembrance, 447, 47G, 711. Christian unity, etc., G57. < cleansing grace, 229, 330. 7 "7. country, 938-942, 944, 94G, 951. delivering grace, 257, 532, 561, 587. evening blessing, 69, 71, 73-77. extension of Christ's kingdom, 74G, 775-777. 7K5, 790, 792, 793, 707, S02. 806-810. fruit fulness #f the word, 49, 70, 97. 119. 76*. forgiveness and acceptance, 335. ;. 319, 866, 861, 81 . 370, 372, 381, 462, 518 gilts of the Spirit, 224, 2_ 229, 231. grace in the hour of death, 73, 517. I >. B42, 847, I guidance, 411. ; 529. 53f, 515, 553. 564, 806. help in trouble, 5G3, 5b0, G74, G78, 717. help In sorrow. 517. M Holy Spirit, 221, 22S, 230, 231, 251. incnasc of faith. 423. . indwelling of Christ, 222, 489, i lling of the Holy Gh •tion, J liken 1, 7G8, 7-1. '.711. spiritual quickening, 221, 406, 458, 477. 711. Fid-mission, 440. 844, I lining grace, 585, 500. Preciousness of Chris! 48G, 495, 49G, 503, 510, 516, 520, 759. 710. Pressing onward, 002, 009, C12, 628-62 >. 019. Probation. j '.315, Procrastination. (See Delay.] n of religion, 734, 742, 757. Promises, 409, 442, 499, 534, 5390 599. Prophet. Priest, and Kin?. 109. .1 Provi , 407,1 delight In, 14, 421, 429, 4G9, J 601. deliv. 888, 40G, GC7 | trust in, I I 400,411. ! wisdom of. 288, 412. 122, 4G9.J Parity, 567, 647, Punishment (See Future Puil ni'-nt.) caption. (See Atonement, m 390, 471, 550, I 599, 602, G74, 8G9. Index of Subjects. 659 neration, — 4od's work, 234, 252, 258. 259. lecessity of, 241, 244, 247, 251, 252, 258, 359, 380. >rayers for, 244, 245, 258, 357, 359. nidation, — )f self, 339, 3G8, 438, 503, 541. >f the world, 389, 414, 452, 454, 825, 832. mtance, 214, 254, 257, 332-337 342-347, 350, 354, 356, 361-3G4 370, 372, 377, 381, 385, 436, 438, 462, 518, 553, 554, 576, 687, 695 gnation. (See Submission.) In Christ, 249, 343, 376, 424, 540, 541, 544, 576, 597, 643, 679. In God, 154, 304, 308, 425, 426, 437, 508, 595, 678, 705. in heaven. (See Heaven.) direction, 740, 832-835, 841, 848, 852, 854, 856, 873-875. ircment, 464, 465, 588, 682, 686, 698. ivals, 367, 449, 459, 491, 554, 804. hteousnes-s, — Lord our, 273, 340, 379, 504, 512. of faith, 339, 340, 379. robe of, 340, 379. ;k of Ages, 689. >bath. (See Lord's Day.) jraments. (See Baptism and Lord's Supper.) vation by Christ, 158, 179, 201, 243, 247, 249, 250, 251, 254, 260, 274, 362, 376, 507, 512, 516, 521, 526,536, 542,547,899, 901. actincation, 224, 523, 526, 531-533, 546, 549, 552, 571, 604, 673. actuary, 2-4, 9, 10, 15, 22, 23, 28- 31, 34, 40, 43, 46, 67, amen, 934, 943. asons, 917-924. •cret prayer, 464, 465, 680, 682. J*f-denial, 245, 629, 641. (See Con- secration. ) , ilf-examination, 117, 119, 120, 152, 1 436,479. Shepherd, — Christ a, 522, 523, 526, 529. God a, 134, 396, 601, 610. Sickness, 593. Sin. (See, also, Depravity.) conviction of, 244, 247, 251, 256, 257, 380. man's condition in, 241, 244, 251, 256, 258. punishment of, 108, 246, 334, 336, 631. Simplicity, 525, 632, 635. Social worship, 652, 690, 697, 698. Sovereignty of God, — in government, 105, 109, 110, 398. in providence, 153, 422, 482, 595, 596. in redemption, 116, 259, 482. Steadfastness, 602, 617. , Submission, 441), 531, 590-595, 646. Sufficiency of Christ, 264, 266, 474 512, 519, 523, 535, 543, 544, 546. Sun of righteousness, 489, 698. Surrender of self, 317, 322, 333, 353, 370, 438, 476, 507, 554. Sympathy, — of Christ, 439, 514, 515, 517, 538, 580. of Christians, 661, 666-669. Temperance, 950. Thanksgiving, 920-927. Throne of grace. (See Mercy-seat.) Time. (See Life.) Trials, 430, 460, 537, 562, 563, 579, 587, 594-597. Trinity, 1, 216, 237, 239, 375. Trust, — in Christ, 241, 250, 341, 362, 364, 376, 423, 442, 470, 474, 516, 536, 546, 547, 549, 550, 552, 557, 590, 591, 602, 745, 747, 840. in God, 166, 348, 390, 393, 394, 427, 439-441, 595, 597, 643, 674, 704, 706. Union, — among Christians, 657, 660, 661, 671. with Christ, 492, 06o Index of Subjects. with !t life, 835. Wafting ob God, 127, Worshi] delight in. 1-1. 10, 2.1, 30-31 < Watchfulness, GCC, . r ,71, 574. Wi. Wrath ol Way, Truth, and Lift, MS, 474 jtUng W iih God, 01*.' Way of salvation. (See Salvation by Ziuii, (."Sec Church.) Christ.) INDEX OF TEXTS. GENESIS. 25: 22 . 685 1: 2 . 797 33: 14 . 444 5: 24 . . 444, 449, 458 33: 22 ... 552 6: 3 . . 285 34: 6 408 8: 9 . . 304 17: 7 . . 765 LEVITICUS. 17: 19 . . 765 25: 8, 13 . 274 19: 7 . . 328 24: 31 . . 757 NUMBERS. 24: 63 , 464 10: 29 757 26: 24 . . 599 23: 10 . . 841 28: 10-22 . . 411, 555 24: 17 472 28: 16 . . 34 28: 17 # 7 DEUTERONOMY. 32: 24 . . 513 11: 19 . . .956 ,957 45: 5, 7 . . • 153 12: 9 • • - 308 EXO DUS. 26: 17,18 . . 734 ,755 31: 6 409 15: 2 . . • 24 32: 3 ... . 101 15: 11 . . • 482 34:1 . . . 900 15: 17 . . • 791 34: 1 . . . . 630 15: 18 . # .111 16: 23 . . 12, 17 l JOSHUA. 19: 18 . . 365 1:5. . . . 977 662 Index of Texts. 4:21,22 957 5:9 . . . . 508 10: 12, 13. 138 7: 16 . . . .860 7: 18 . . . 132 JUDGES. 9: 1-10 . . .256 8: 4 . 602 11: 7 . . . 106 13: 15 . . . 153,674 RUTH. 1 : 16, 17 . 742 19: 25,26 . 186,442,852 23: 3 . . . 446 29 : 2 . .449, 459, 554 1st SAMUEL. 1 : 22, 28 . 2:6-9. . . 109 3: 18 \ . 105 7: 12 . 763 ,392 ,590 507 33 : 13 . 105, 114, 116 33: 15 . . . .63 38:7. . . 193,797 38: 11 . . . . 138 PSALMS. 1 : J2, 13 . 677 1 .... 631 2d SAMUEL. 2:6. . . .484 3 .... 65 12: 23 848 4 63 22: 9-12 140 4: 4 . . . . 436 22: 47 100 5 11 5:3. . . . 44 1st KINGS. 6: 1, 2 . . . .366 8: 39 . . 18: 44 . 120 804 7 .... 126 8 . • . . .132 8 : 3, 4 . . 137, 420 1st CHRONICLES 4: 10 . 16: 12 . 29: 11-13 . . 19 78 151 136 10: 14 . ... 108 11 ... . 674 11: 4 . . . 119,120 15: 628 . . . 633 16: 11 . . . 444,853 2d CHRONICLES. 17 . . . . 832 17: 8 ... .71 17 : 15 . . . 540 18: 35 . . . 537 19 . . 82, 88, 125, 571 19: 8-11 .... 96 1: 10, 11 . . 6:2 . . ■ . 6:41. . 773,782 14: 11 . 646 716 779 450 NEHEMIAH. 20 . . . . 378 22 ... 177,450 9: 5 . 13: 19 . . 9, 17, T 13: 14-24 . 24 ',42 447 23 . 134,396,529,558,601 24 ... 188,195 25 . . . . 561 26: 8 . . 3,7, 16,31 ESTHER. 27 348,714 4: 16 . . 291, JOB. 1:21 . . . . 687 706 27 : 4, 5 . 3, 7, 16, 31 27: 9 ... 470 27: 14 . . . . 398 30 398, 453 Index of Texts. 66 3 31 • • . 388,557 66: 18 , • • 675 31: 3 537 67: 3,5 . . 24,103 31: 5 . . 874 68 . 101 31: 19 402 68 : 19, 123, 129, 130, 402, 928 21: 24 . . 398 G9 . 335 32 358 70 . 450 33: 5 . . 408 71 . 435,481 31 288, 429 71 : 15, 16 340, 379 34- 22 . 495 72 . 786, 823 25: 18 . 67 73 246, 405, 497 3d . 124 73: 25 . . 145, 417 37: 5 . . 442 74: 16 135 37: 28 . 429 77: 11-14 . . 137 38 . . 462 78 . 957 39 . 825 79 13, 134, 396 39: 12 . 556 80 . 710 40 • 2C2 80: 14-16 . . 221 41 . . 667 84 . 10, 15, 1G, 30, 31, 42 . 451, 491, 524 84: 11 150, 386, 429 42: 1 . . 454,458 85: 6. . 221, 354, 711 44 . 947 87 . 723 44: 21 . . 117, 119, 120 88 . . . 282 45 . 173, 494 89 . . 94, 136 40 . 122, 386, 603 89: 18 . . 198, 386 4G: 5 . 720, 723 90 . 155, 869 4G: 9 942 91 . . . 166, 392, 508 40: 10 . 105 92 . 2, 23 48 . . 26, 51 92: 12-14 . 628, 633 50: 15 . . 326 93 115, 238 51 . 244, 334, 336, 347, 554 94: 12 . . 453 51: 10 258 , 359, 370, 455, G47 95 . 131 52: 7. 24G 90: 4 . . 101, 238 5a : 6 . . 74G 96: 13 . . 873, 877, 882 54: G 685, 680 97 110, 111, 214 65 . 302, 399, 575 98 . . 163 55: 22 575 100 . 107, 127 50: 3 . . 394,39^ 100: 4 . . 8, 51, 720 57 100 101: 2 399 57: 1 . . 608, sor. 102 . 710 GO 930 103 . 12S , 129, 130, 151 GO: 4 . . 610 103: 15 . 826 Gl ffl 103: 16 . 831 Gl: 5 . . . 734, Top 103 : 17, 18 . . 738 G2 , , . 42T 104 . . , 21 63 , . 13, 445, 827 104: 13-15 . 135, 921, 922 65 , . 29, 675, 920 107: 43 . 118 , 392, 402, 493 6G: 8,9 . . . 426 108 • 123, 419 66 4 109: 3,4 110: 3 113: 5 114 . 116 117 . 118 119 . 119: 51 119: 105 121 . 122 . 125 126 . 127 . 128 . . 131 133 . , 134 136 . 137 138 . 139 . 141 . 143: 2 . 144: 12 145 146 . 147 . 148 . 149: 1 . Index of Texts. . 669 2: 16 . 259,359 5:10-15 . 109, 948; 404, 419, 425 1 : 2 . . . 103l:H • . 8, 12.25 7: I 4 91, 92, 95, 99 ' 9: 6 > 7 • . . 439 j 21 : 11 . . 96 25: 4 . 154, 166, 387 1 26 : 3 . 18, 20 1 28 : i6 • . 413. 814 29 : I 9 495 487 ISAIAH. 406, 565, 569 . 824, 827 956 . 479,632 660, 707 . 107, 131 144, 435 . 564, 720 389, 621 119, 120, 121, 152 651 . 256 . 955, 960 . 123, 407 . 89, 108, 386 . 921 141 . 193 PROVERBS. 1: 24,32 ... 282 3: 6 . . . . 591 4: 18 . . . 555,986 8: 17 . . . .295 18: 24 . . . . 3i 6 23:26 . . 317,370 ECCLESIASTES. 9: 10 . . . 282, 621 11: 1,2 11: 6 . 12: 1. 12: 7 . 665 573 292 830 CANTICLES. 2: 4 32: 2 33: 17 , 35: 8-10 40: 9 40: 11 . 40: 28 43: 1,2, 45: 7 . 49: 15 . 50: 10 51: 12,13 52: 1, 2 52: 7 53 53: 4-6 . 54: 8 . 55:1,2 , 55: 6 . 55: 7,8 56: 7 . 57: 15 57: 21 . 58 : 6, 7 , 58: 13,14 59: 1, 2 . 60: 2 . 60: 18 61: 10 64: 6 . 66: 8 359 . 117, 629 438, 520 . 165, 167, 169 800 . 166, 392, 550 . 392, 413 25, 496, 772 . 403, 602 ... 552 630 . 611, 627 . 813 . 526 624 . 281, 599 65 . 737 394, 398, 559 . 453,582 . 712 799 769 . 255, 273 183, 311 . 502 293 . 282.286,315 282, 297, 312 . 697 . 109, 334 . 246,257 628, 683 2,3,27, 30,42 459, 462 776 . 534 340 . 858 822 JEREMIAH. 1: 5 . 1: 29 2: 13 724 3; 22 767 . 333 244, 344, 459 . 344,350 Index of Texts. 665 8: 20 . 8: 22 10: 10 10: 23 12: 5 . 13: 16 14: 7,8 17 : 7, 8 22: 10 23: 6 . 29: 13 31: 3 . 302, 383 |4: 1-7 247 6: 6-8 155 1: 15 . 153, 426 . 383 856 43, 350, 456 3, 108, 413 844, 859 3: 2 344 3: 4 . 791 628, 633, 666, 66T NAHUM. 769, 815 HABAKKUK. 14 . . . 812, 823 . 462 104 291,331,£6 3:17-19 . 324,400,550 732 LAMENTATIONS. 1:4 . . • • ™ 3: 23 3: 24 3: 26 3: 33 ZECHARIAH. . 65 . .445 348, 525, 583, 674 466 1: 5 . 4: 6 9: 9 . 9: 12 13: 1 13: 6 14: 8 14: 9 2: 6,7 . 3: 18-27 18: 31 22: 14 . 33: if XZEKIEL. . 784 618,782, 784 jl . 286,312,381 3: 2 . 314, 383J3: 7 286, 312 3 : 10 3: 18 DANIEL. U: 2 2:44 • • - 718 7:13,14 • ■ ™> m 842 . 725 20T .241 264, 328 . 342, 363 "... 778 . 655,715,786,803 MALACHI. 786,823 . 868, 880 297,344 . 6 52 . . 246 . 816 9: 3-19 9:7 5: 15 . 6: 1 10: 12 14: 1 2: 12 2: 13 2: 17 4: 12 2: 10 946 342 HOSEA. . 440, 453, 594 JOEL. MATTHEW. i- a ... 49G 2 *2 . • 164 > 80 ° 2: 9 . • - ' 4T2 2:10 ... ^ 4: 19 . • • ' 3 ^ 344 4. 22 . • • 545 436 5. 3 . • • ' ~ iU 350 5:5. . - ■ 642 t. r 428, 445, 451 I' ft " . . 567 . 629 440, 770, 775 676 AMOS. MICAH. 344 5. 44.16 - 1" 6- 10 • 711,946 6 . 40-13 6: 19-21 314, 870 6: 25-34 644,838 16: 33 7: 7 470 . 432 694, 701 666 Index of Texts. 7: 8: 9: 9: 10: 10: 11: 11: 12: 12: 13: 15: 10: 16: 17: 18: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 24: 24: 24: 25: 25: 25: 25: 25: 26: 26: 26: 26: 26: 26: 27: 27: 28: 28: 13,14 24-26 24 . 38 24 25 . 19 28 . 19 . 48-50 8 . 25 . 24 26 . : 8 : 1-5 20 14 . 28 22 . 4. 279, 27 . 30 44 . 6 . 13 . 34 40 . 46 29 . 36-42 41 42 . 64 75 . 36 . 45 6 180,191 20 . 245, 628, 633 587 . 423 768 477 477, 539, C37 3*6, 362 284, 309, 310 371, 584, 688 . 660 310 • 49. 97 . 450 245, 477 246, 286, 399 373, 486 525, 635 695 761, 763 211 684, 694 293 . 884 879 867, 868 740, 821 618, 870 882 , 672, 868 | 880 . 752 J 179, 180, 206 J 619 ! 440, 591, 704 j . 876 ! 361 . 536 353 , 192, 197, 202 535, 616 38 . 24 14,15 28-30 32 8-10 33-37 7-9 24 26 . 32-42 . 46 . 15-20 . 477,499,543 423 . 464, 469, 525 635, 736, 765 . 368, 369, 832 176 . 213 574, 619 605 758 . 6oa 179, 182, 440, 591 180, 547 . 830 12, 191, 192, 197 - . 784 ^-XUKE. 17 . 35 37-41 46 . 37 34 . MARK. 333, 362 316 . 587,598,943 14,158,464 412 477, 626, 637 1: 46 . 108 1: 47 . . . 520 1 : 78 . 533, 805 2: 8-14 . 157 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, 272, 278 4: 18 . . 161, 174, 662 . . 244 5: 8 . 5: 11 545 5: 31-32 . 333, 362 6: 21 453 6: 36 . . 668 6: 38 666, 667 7: 34 . . 316 8: 5-15 49 8: 23-25 . 943 9: 23 368, 369, 637 9: 46-48 . 525,635 9: 57 634 10: 29-37 . • 668 10: 39 588 10: 42 . 286, 505, 634 11 : 2-4 . 676 12: 22-31 . 470 12: 32 610 12: 35-38 618, 619, 870 14: 17 299 14: 22 293, 294, 296 14: 26-33 . 245, 389, 832 15: 7 . . . . 351 Index of Texts. 667 15: 11-32 . 281, 297, 333, 344 9: 4 . 622 363, 518 9: 5 . 489, 533 15: 17-21 290, 345 10 . . 955 18: 1 . . 693 10: 11 255 18: 13 332, 333, 336 10: 14 . . 497 18: 16 . 763 10- 11-16 . 134, 396, 522 19: 10 161, 267 526, 529, 537, 558 19: 41 . . 485 11: 23 866 21: 1-5 665 11: 25 . . 329 21: 36 . . 460, 619, 682 12: 12-15 213 22: 19 730, 731 12: 21 . . 586 23: 33 . . 3C5 12: 32 185, 299 22: 42 178, 179, 440, 591 12: 35.36 . 489 646 13: 1 671 22: 43 1S2 13: 7 562 22: 02 . . 485 13: 9 . . 343 23: 34 361 14: 2 . 195, 909 23: 42 447, 476 14: 3 . . 195, 540 24: 1-7 35, 191, 202 14: 6 . 268, 543 24: 5 205 14: 18 . . 600 24: 26 . . 190 14: 19 442 24: 29 . C4, 77 14: 27 . . 572,583 24: 32 . 98, 652 15: 2 594 24: 34 202 15: 4 . . 570 24: 50 . . 78 15: 5. 324, 492 24: 53 . 30 15: 7 . . 684,694 15: 9 316 JOHN. 15: 16 . . 259, 273 1: 9 . 851 If: 7 222 1: 12 . . 397, 442. 490 16: 8-13 . 221, 224, 225, 234 1: 13 . . 16: 16 . . C04 1: 14 . . l: 17: 9 703 1: 29 . 254, 204, 274. 362 17: 16 . . 556,644 546,549, T31, 751 17: 17-19 83, 88, 91 3: 3 . 20 17: 21,22 . 654, 655, 715 3: 14,15 . 311, 546 17:23,24 492, 540, 887 3: 17 . 204, 287 19 . 180, 547 4: 16 . . 19: 25 . . 539 4: 21 . . . 82,45 19: * * 180, 184, 210, 536 4: 24 . . 117 20: 1-18 192, 197 5: 39 82, 83, 88, 95 20: 19.7, 22, 28, 45, 64, 652 6: 37 . . 328, 333 20: 21 572 6: 39 . 409, 599 20: 24-29 . 28, 423, 732 6: 44 . . 258, 259 21: 15-17 436, 479, 577 6: 68 . 377, 391, 463, 634 ACTS. 7: 37 . . 323,543 1: 7 . 114, 116, 153 8: 12. 489, 533 1: 11 . . . . 272 668 Index of Texts. 2: 16 . . 746 7:9. 257, 554 2: 39 760 ! 7; 24 . . 335 2: 44-46 . 664 8: 8 252, 256, 258 4: 12 243, 250 8: 14 221, 223, 224, 397 4: 32 . . 664 8: 15 415 5: 20 782, 784 8: 28 . . 153, 410 5: 41 . . 477, 542, 637 8: 31-37 368, 369 7: 38 . . 721 8: 35-39 . 392, 495 7: 60 . . . 828 9: 5 . 173, 211 10: 33 . . . 698 9: 15-18 . 114, 116 11: 23 324 10: 3 243, 259 .4: 17 . . 408,921 10: 4 . . 340,552 14: 25 315, 319 10: 5-10 333 15 . 746 10: 14 . . 782,784 16: 9. 820 10: 15 709 16: 13 . , 702 11: 33 . . 114 16: 28 245 12: 4,5 655, 715 17 : 25, 26 . 124,133 12: 10 . . 664 17: 28 . 121, 133, 152, 198 12: 12 494, 593 17: 31 . . 868,877 12: 15 . . 663,668 20: 28 618 13: 11, 12 . 394, 617. 630. 840 20: 35 . . 665 13: 14 172, 310 21: 14 440, 591 14: 7, 8 . . 395 ,24: 16 . . 403,443 15: 4 . . 88, 93, 96 l\\ 25 305, 327 15: 8 765 26: 22 . . 916 15: 30 . . 714,779 ROMANS. 1G: 25-27 52, 220 1: 16 249, 341, 477 1st CORINTHIANS. - 499, 542 1: 8, 9 409, 599 1: 20 . . 112, 132, 431 1: 10 . . 660,064 1: 21 359 1: 22-24 . 271, 516 1 : 22-32 . 241,244 1: 30 . 251, 340 2: 1 . 670 2: 2 . . 264, 277, 536 2: 4 . 35fl 2: 4 . 149 2: 7 . 622 3: 10-20 . 241,243,244 2: 9,10 . 886, 897 3: 21,22 242, 251, 254 2: 11-14 224, 234 3: 23 . . 241,244 3: 6, 7 . . 259, 271 3: 25 204, 263, 337 3: 16, 17 . 147, 532, 567 4: 5 . 254,340 3: 21-23 410, 557 4: 15 243, 257 6: 11 . 2G1, 269, 553, 732 5: 1 . 204,263,337 6: 19 532, 567 5: 3-5 433, 453 9: 24 . . 624 5: 5 221, 222, 224, 225 9: 25-27 626 5: 8 . 270,480 10: 4 . . 552 5: 10 516, 691 10: 31 . 395 5: 12 . . 241,244 11: 26 . . 727 Index of Texts. 669 11:28 . . • 43G 2 1G . . . 243,273 12: 27 . . • 402 2 20 187, 2G0, 330, 4S2, 546 13: 1-3 . . 050, 604 3 13 . . 254, 379, 552 13: 4 ... 670 3 28 . . . 656, CGI 13 : 12 . . . 457, 482 4 4, 5 . 156, 204, 287, 337 13: 13 . . 053, 054. 707 4 6 . . .397 14 : 20 . . • 525, 035 • r > 14 . . . 650, 054 1 - . "^i . '■'' 1 .... 070 15: 10 . 253, 209, 507,521 6 9 . . . 573, 022 15: 19. . . • 862 6 li . 181, 339, 414, 506 15: !9 . - . I*" 542,551 15 : 24, 25 . . 175, 200 0: 15 . . . . 259 15: 36 Id: 55-57 . . 190, 829 KPHESIAKS. 15: 58 . . 57 1:3-5 . 110, 204, 287 10: 2 . . . 003, 665 1:7 . . . 201,218 1G: 13. C12, 017,019, C_ 1 : 10 . . 055, 786, 821 I: 11 . . . 114, 11G 2<1 COKINTIIIAXS. 1 : 19-23 . 175, 189, 200 1:2. . . . 44.". 1:5 . 2: 4-8 . . 251, 253, 269 2: 12-14 . 362,385. 019 3: 15 655 1: 11 . . . 71- 4: 4-8 . 1: 12 . . . . 443 32 . 315,312, 1:2). r>: 14-16 . . . 313, 574 ] : . J . 2: 13, 16 . 6: 11-n . . or. 1 23 3 l . 700 4: 10 . . . .746 0: 18-20 ... 779 4: 14 . 5: 1 . . 1! PIIILIPPIANS. 5:7. . 416, 84 • 1:0. . 400, 470. 577 5: 10 . 1: 21 . 551, 606, [ 13, 904 5: 11 . . 187, 241 . 0:2. 1 6: 10 . . . 409, 410 . 156, 210. .M7 0: 18 . . . 387, 422 2: 9 . 7: 1 . 2: 10 . 173, - 8:9. . . . 183 777. 7-5 9: 6 . . & 2: 12 9: 15 . 1$ 2: 13 . • - ,-. - ~ '" --- 3:7-9 181, 339, 454, 4S8, 13: 14 . . . M _ 3: 13, 14 . . 610, 625 GALAllANs. 4;4 Mmm9e2X > 9 m 1:4. . . 207. 272 4:7. . . o8,572 670 Index of Texts. 4: 8 . " .629 2: 8 . ~ . . . 45 4: 11 444 3: 16 . . . .156 4: 13 . . 560 4: 16. . . 618,782 6: 12 . 623,624,626,734 # COLOSSIANS. 6: 17-19 . . 666,667 1: 14 181, 254, 264, 512 1: 15-17 . 211, 216 1: 8 . . 477,499,542 1: 18 753 1: 12 . . .470,499 1: 19 . . 544 2 : 3 . . 616, 617, 619 1: 20 277, 994 2: 19 . . .413,599 1: 21 . . 338, 356 2: 22 .... 91 15 .... 91 2: 9 . 265, 275, 520 3: 2: 10 . . 275 3: 15-17 . 83, 88, 93, 96 3: 1-4 389, 403, 551 4: 8. . . 614,630 3: 12 . . 666, 668, 744 4: 18 . 409, 413, 493 3: 14. 650, 654 3: 15 443, 467, 572, 583 TITUS. 3: 17. 395, 551 2: 6 .... 292 4: 2 619, 675, 677, 696 2: 10-13 ... 629 4: 3 . 714, 764, 779 2: 14 . . . .477 3: 5-7 . 273, 356, 743 1st THESSALONIANS. 4: 3 . 222,531 HEBREWS. 4: 14-18 828, 833, 873 876, 877, 879, 882 1: 3 158, 173, 175, 207, 493 4: 17 853 1: 6 . ... 212 5: 2 . . 979 1: 8, 9 173, 189, 199, 211 5: 6 . 460, 619 2: 3 252,315 5: 8 . 616, 617 2: 6, 7 ... 132 5: 10 339 2: 9 . . . .208 5: 16 . 471, 484, 620, 740 2: 17 514 5: 17 683 2: 18 . . '. 514,517 5: 19 . . 342 3: 13-15 . 305,315,327 5: 23,24 . 38, 409, 673 330, 383 5: 25 . . 764, 779 4: 1 . . . 297,436 4: 7 . . . 282.327 2d THESSALONIANS. 4 9 5, 42, 864, 892, 893 4 14-16 128, 514, 517, 5S1 1: 7-10 214, 873, 876, 877 4 16 . . 685, 687, 694 879, 882 5 7 .... 514 3: 13 . 573, 616, 622 6 12 . . 645, 899, 901 6 18 . . . 442,599 1st TIMOTHY. 6 19 398, 630 1: 15 . 267,333,363,376 6 20 . . . 195, 201 987 7 : 25 . 254, 264, 325, 376 1: 17 100, 103 7 26 475 2: 5,6 . . 183,372,511 9 : 12-14 ... 254, 475 Index of Texts. 671 9: 24. 186, 325 .5: 4 779, 784 9: 27 852, 868, 872, 879 J5: 7 . 14,58,62,575,674 9: 28 . 376, 796 2d PETER. 10: 19-22 . 687, 694 1: 10 11 638, 639, 756, 901 416 11: 8 640 1: 19 . 489 11: 13 . . 648 3: 3,4 399 11: 16 896 3: 7-12 . 877 11: 25 . . 389,832 3: 10 . 873, 877, 879 12: 1 . 625, 899 3: 13 . . 796 12: 2 . . 311, 546, 597 1st JOHN. 12: 3 . 172, 539, 669 1: 7 . 254, 264 12:6-11 422, 441, 579, 640 2: 1 . 186,518 12: 18-25 . 655, 6."0 2: 2 . 294, 552, 994 13: 5 599 2: 6 . 172, 669 13: 8 . . 5:;* 2: 8. 489, 533 13: 14 666, 838 2: 17 . . 82.-,, 826 13: 20,21 38, 57, 4.'M 3: 1,2 . 397, 422, 490 3: 2 . . 540, 832, 897 JAMES. 3: 14 . 490 1:5 99,236,646,684 3: 16 . . 18.-,. 363 1: 6 . . . . 423 3: 17 . 8K3, 868 1: 17 . . 133, 408 4 : 7 . . 1 : 27 . 666,667, 668 4: 8 . 118,143,441 2: 14-26 . 117, 629, 638 4:9. 204, 242, 2«7 4: 13,14 128, 826, 861, 888 4: 10 .242 915, 924 4: 16 . 118, 143, 441 5: 8 . . . . 840 4: in .530 5: 18 . . . . 888 4: » • . 884 5: 19-20 670 5: 4 495, 630 5: 10 . 222, 223 1st TETER. 1:5. 409, 418, 470 JUDE. 1: 7 . 594 14, 15 Bi7, n 1: 8 . 483, 486, 504, 608 21, . , . . 413 1: 19 243, 264, 386 24, 25 493 1 : 24 . 128, 825, 826 2: 6 . 25, 688 REVELATION. 2. 7 275 486, 487, 486, 504 1: 5-8 220, 876 510, 570 1: 18 . 186, 189 2: 9 . 201,21s 2:4. 449, 459 2. 24 183, 254, 255, 273, 3: 2,3 . 460, 619 376, 385, 547 3: 20 . 6,283,307 2: 25 . 255, 356, 526 \ 4: 8-11 201, 209, 218, 6H6 3: 16 . 443 , 5 201, 209, 215, 218, 240 3: 18 183, 254, 385, 994 5: 9 . 209 218,889 4: 17,18 314, 383, 868, 870 5: 12 . . 240 880, 6; H-X7 • • . 876 672 Index of Texts. 7: 9-12 . . 139,209,218 882 7: 11-17 . 899, 907, 908 21: 1-5 . 21,615,644,796, 11: 15 . 484, 786, 787, 801 843, 859, 862, 903, 906 14: 3 . . 201, 218 21: 10 ... 902 14: 13 829, 864 21: 23 . . .885,887 15: 3,4. . 203. 209 21: 27 . . 252,897 19: 3. 608 22: 3,4 . 885,887,910 19: 6 . . Ill, 801 22: 17. 296, 303, 306, 323, 20: 6 873 331 20: 12-15 . 868, 877, 879, , 22: 20 , 836, 876, 890 RD-17 . £ Deaeidified using the Bookkeeper process. ^ *«, <£> ur-, ^ Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: August 2005 ^ * • , i • ^* •- *> v s »?/£ PreservationTechnologies r /h « ^ i^ ♦V?3 a world leader in paper preservation v* 1 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township: PA 16066 {724)779-2111 4- v ►!« .7SX&-. V* Wft- W .vSH V«t <*>* > -A' v" r> FLA- ^^ *^»* V * V ^