rfiroitt 'S AND DREAM BOOK. CONTAINING The Great Oracle of Human Destiny. ALSO THE TRUE MEANING OF ALMOST ANY KIND OF DREAMS, TOGETHER WITH Charms, Ceremonies, and Curious Games of Cards, A COMPLETE BOOK, NEW YORK: FRANK TOUSEY, Publisher, 34 and 36 North Moore Street. "^- v 1 \fc \ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by FRANK TOUSEY, in the Office of. && Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. i NAPOLEON'S ORAGULUM AND iDRZELAJVL" BOOK. NAPOLEON'S ORACTJLUM; or, BOOK OF FATE THE ORACULUM IS GIFTED WITH EVERY REQUISITE VARIETY OF RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : 1. Shall I obtain my wish? 2. Shall I have success in my undertakings? 3. Shall I gain or lose in my cause? 4. Shall I have to live in for- eign parts? 5. Will the stranger return? 6. Shall I recover my prop- erty? 7. Will my friend be true? 8. Shall I have to travel? 9. Does the person love and regard me? 10. Will the marriage be pros- perous? 11. What sort of a wife or husband, shall I have? 12. Will she have a son or daughter? 13. Will the patient recover? 14. Will the prisoner be re- leased? 15. Shall I be lucky or un- lucky? 16. What does my dream signify? napoleon's oraculum. HOW TO WORK THE ORACULUM. Make marks in four lines, one under another, in the follow- ing manner, making more or less in each line, according to your fancy : Then reckon the number of marks in each line, and, if it be odd, mark down one dot; if even, two dots. If there be more than nine marks, reckon the surplus ones over that number only, viz. : The number of marks in the first line of the foregoing are odd; therefore make one mark, thus * In the second, even, so make two, thus ... * * In the third, odd again, make one mark only . •"..'* In the fourth, even again, two marks .... * £ TO OBTAIN THE ANSWER. You must refer to The Obaculum, at the top of which you will find a row of dots similar to those you have produced, and a column of figures corresponding with those prefixed to the questions ; guide your eye down the column at the top of which you find the dots resembling your own, till you come to the letter on a line with the number of the question you are tryjpg, then refer to the pag« having that letter at the top, and, on a line with the dots which are similar to your own, you will find your answer. The following are unlucky days, on which none of the ques- tions should be worked, or any enterprise undertaken : Jan. 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 20, 22 ; Feb. 6, 17, 28 ; March 24, 26 ; April 10, 27, 28 ; May 7, 8 ; June 27 ; July 17, 21 ; Aug. 20, 22 ; Sept. 5, 30 ; Oct 6 ; Nov. 3,29; Dec. 6, 10, 15. % l It is not right to try a question twice in one day. p O z; JO ft s ^ ft O ft h ft O ft w **£$ M 4 ft ^ i^ o ft o* -< ft O ft H ft o ft **** a M ft a ! ^ fc o ft ^ ****!<< ft icf a ft ft o'aU ft ft' 3 & o |ft 8 ® § a fl o ® 5 Sm CO Cfi Shall I have to live in foreign parts 1 ■ . Will the stranger return from abroad ? Shall I recover my property stolen ? Will my friend be true in his dealings? ShaU I have to travel? nn«R the nerson love and resrard me ? Will the marriage be prosperous ? What sort of wife or husb. shall l have ? Will she have a son or a daughter? WMl the patient recover from his illness? Will the prisoner be released ? Shall I be lucky or unlucky this day? What does my dream signify ? | 'gmuM ^