Class. Book . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Wll. McCAWUS & €0., 137 STATE STREET, DEALERS m ..•^^^''•i^'*'^^, m^^^ ^ iiiPiiiiiip HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF " CLOAKS & MANTILLAS, JACOB DEFOREST, 58 & 60 STATE S ESTABIilSHED 1829. A. BROWN & SON, Furniture & Coffin Warerooms, No. 67 State Street, JSOHSlVTEOTwA.ID'X', aST. "^T, JOHN VAN DeBOGERT, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN iOOTi i SHOES 135 State Street, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. ^^ Particular attention paid to Work Made to Order. .M^ ISO. 15» STATE STREET, (next to CANAL BRIDGE.) J. S. BURNS, Proprietor. CEO. C. MAXON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PRODUCE, FLOUR, SALT & FEED, Nos. 2, 4, 6 & 8 WALL ST. (CORNER OF LIBERTY STREtT,) A constant supply of GEXE3EE, WESTERN", CAXADIAN and BAKER'S FLOUR on band. 5 HOWl'VND S. BARNEY & CO., Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry Good CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Gilt Coriiices, VVindoiv Shades, «&c. eL@AKS; &UQ) MAM Vt tt, AS, No. 101 State Street. JI- !, ''st™' SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Family Grocery, Garden and James Walker, Field Seed, Ifafiety Stoie Agricultural Warehouse, Nos. 118 & 120 STATE ST , ^^"""^ SCHENECTADY, N. Y. James W. Maiks, - "W. E. Walker. CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE, 233 J55TATE ST., Cor. JAY, E. W. MOORE, Proprietor. BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, always ox hand. Also, FKESIl CANDIES, of every vaiicty. F-PLEIDEPtlOKl PLE^BER, mmi mmmi 167 STATE STREET, SCHE^^ECTADY 9 N. r.. Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of MEATS, in tboir season— such as Beef, Pork, Lamb, Mutton, Hams, &o, A. M. KETCHUM'S O-E ISTTS I \U State Street, SCHENECTADY, N.Y. We Sell all Styles and Sizes of Shirts, Neck Ties, Socks, Suspenders, Collars, Scarfs, Gloves, Night Caps, Cuffs, Stocks, Wrappers, Bosoms, Drawers, , Handkerchiefs, Traveling Bags. Gentlemen find much difficulty in procuring per- fect fitting Shirts. rafflAITII A III, IN ALL CASES, OR NO SALE. Family Sewing Machine. CENTRAL NEWS, BOOK & PERIODICAL DEPOT, leS STATE ST., ii doors above the Post Office, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. All the Latest Publications for Sale, Daily and Weekly Papers, MAGAZINES, NOVELS, STATIONERY, FanLCjr Goocls. &c», &c. EDWARD W. GROOT. No. 78 STATE STREET, - - SCHENECTADY, N.Y., Dealer ii^ Pakloe & Cookiistg Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. SCHENECTADY MAHBLE WORKS. H. EGLESTON & CO., No. 243 State Street, DEALERS IN ITALIAN AND AMERICAN CEMETERY POSTS, MANTLES & TABLE T0P3. All work Warranted, or no Charge. ifto-inglral) Pntital Jife WILLARD PHILLIPS, President. B. F. WILLARD PHILLIPS, CH.VRLE3 P. CURTIS, THOMAS A. DEXTER. DIRECTORS: M. P. WILDER, W. B. REY> SEWELL TAPPAN. GEORGE H. CHARLES HUBBARD, FRANCIS C. Cash. Assets, Last Cash. Return (no\\r being 40 PER CENT. PAID TO ALL. D This Company, established in Boston, ]\[ass.. in 1843. is the oh Life Insurance Company in the United States, and has been unifor large returns in cash to all the Policy-h:«lders. Last cash n paid, 40 per cent, amounting to $750,000, and leaving a largo surp It is strictly a benevolent institution for mutual protection ; i and tendencies, and is an excellent form of invest nient. By the last report of the Insurance Commissicaers, the surpli portionately greater than any Life Insurance Compmy in the Unit< " less" than any other Company. This Company^ being purely mutual, insures at the lowest p paid exceed the actual cost, the surplus is returned tn the parties ins Every fifth year, at the time of declaring the return tomemb< so that its actual position and solvency are ni ide manifest at divided pro rata among all the insured. This guards the assured agai on the part of the Company, and is a sure guaranty as regards the Insurance may be cffect^'d for the benefit of married women, " creditors. Creditors may in^ure tiie lives of debtors. Parties at a distance may insure from bhinUs, which will be su Printed Documents of an interesting chariictti , showing the I advantages generally of Life Insurance that tliis Company has tc free of expense, by addressing JOHN HOPPER, Agent & 110 BROADWAl' SCHENECTADY: YOUNG & GRAHAM, 111 STATE STREET. ,:iiti, .000. 0) W) ■i^ •i K •ss -P -P rt ch, (D O S'^ ►^ o ft s -d ft « m^ ^ ^ ? o >^^ ^ ^ o M ^^ 3 ^•^ S -^ ^S >» tfi C ■^ ri rt C >i si ! ^ -p (D W ;:i ^ u o <2 a 1 S ■H fi o ft ^ ^ >^ pi cS rt fis go 03 - S H ii C X T E N T S . Page Abbreviations, 49 Academies and Schools, 48 Ballston Spa Appendix, 44 Eallstou Spii Directory of Inhabitants, 130 Banks, 39, 47 Bible Society, 42 Business Directory, 151 Churches, 34, 41 County Officers, -o 30 Educational, - 31 Expresses, 37, 47 Fire Department, 29, 44 Gas Works, _ 40 Historical Sketch of the County, -- 21 Insurance Company, - 40 Masonic Societies, 41, 48 Mechanics' Protective Union, 43 Newspapers, 38, 48 New York State Government, *. 27 Odd Fellows, 42, 48 Poor House, _ 43 Post Office, 35, 47 Provost Marshal, .- 37 Railroads, 36 .Schenectady City Government, 28 Schenectady Directory of Inhabitants, 49 Schools,...* 31, 48 Stages, 37 Streets, Avenues, &c., - 26 Telegraphs, 36 Union College, 33 United States Government, .' 27 Yale Cemetery Association, 48 SPECIAL NOTICE IS CALLED TO THE FOLLOWING INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS OF ENTERPRISING BUSINESS FmMS, RESPECTFULLY IlECOMMENDEi) FOR PUBLIC PATRONAGE. Atwell D. A., insurance, 2. Barney II. S. & Co., dry goods, &c., 6. Beal & Van Brunt, flour, grain, &c., 53. Blood A. P., milliner, 15-4. Brown A. & Sou, furniture, 4. Burns, J. S., hotel, 5. Carley A. F. & G. C, grocers, &c., 50. Carley G. Q., insurance, 58. Clute Wm. H., hatter, 63. Davis & Gregory, Ev'g Star and Weekly Rep., 67. De Bois J., photographer, 68. De Forest J., cabinet maker, 4. Doty G. H., stoves, &c., 8. Egleston H. k Co., marble works, 8. Felthousen J. D., grocer, &c., 72. Gardiner W,, harness maker, 153. Gilmour John, books, .35. SCHENECTADY APPENDIX. 37 Rensselasr & Sai'atOga Eailroad— Schenectady Divimox. CuANGE OF Time. On and after Monday, June 13th, trains will run as foHows : Leave Schenectady — 8.05 A. M., and 2.45 P. M. Arrive at Saratoga — 8.58 A. M., and 4.00 P. M. Leave Saratoga— 9.30 A. M;, and 8.30 P. M. " Arrive at Schenectady — 10.30 A. M., and 9.50 P. M EXPRESSES. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. Wells, Butterfield & Co., Proprietors. Office — 50 Liberty street, north end Central R. R. Depot, William H. Morse, Agent. POWELL'S BANK EXPRESS. Office — Schenectady and Saratoga Railroad office. William H. Powell, Proprietor. STAG-ES. SCHENECTADY AND WEST CHARLTON. Leave Eagle Hotel, every day, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Provost Marshal's Office. Captain J , P . Butler, 193 State. 38 SCHENECTADY APPENDIX. ISTEWSPAPERS. SCfiEKECTAllY DHMEAT AP ItEFLECTCR. PiiLlisIicd every Thursday morning. Cyrus Thayer, EdlLor and Proprietor. f OFFICE, 134 STATE STREET. Terms — ^1.00 a year in advance, or $1.50 at end of tlie year. . Book and Job Printing executed with neatness and dispatch. m SCIIENECTADV DAiEY El'ENlNG STAR AP TIMES. Davis & Gregory, Proprietors. OFFICE, 170 STATE STREET. Terms— OwQ year, $6.00. SCflENECTAM WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. W. D. Davis, Proprietor. OFFICE, 170 STATE STREET. Terms — $1.00 a year in advance. Book and Job Printing of. every description. 170 STATE STREET. SCHMECTADY APPENDIX. 39 BANKS. MOHAWK B ANK. Capita], $100,000. George G. Maxon, President. John Ellis, Vice-President. Charles Thompson, Cashier. C. E. Angle, Teller. A. H. TiLLiNGHAST, Bookkeeper. directors: John Ellis, G. G. Maxon, John I. Fuller, Piatt Potter, C. C. Clute, W. N. Duane, Garnsey Kennedy, Abram Doty, T. M. Gilchrist, Thomas Mairs, Charles Thompson, James M. Barker, Election, second Tuesday in June. Open from 9 a. tti. to 3 p. m. SCHENECTADY BANK, Capital, $100,000. Simon C. Groot, President. Alonzo C. Paige, Vice-President. AViLLiAM L. Goodrich, Cashier* Horace Goodrich, Teller. S. L. R. Buchanan, Bookkeeper. directors: Simon C. Groot, G. M. Davison, A. C. Paige, A. McMullen, J. W. Cunningham, J. A. Sweetman, Abel Smith, C. Vibbard, W. L. F. Warren, Abram A. Van Vorst, N. I. Schermerhorn, Jay Cady. 40 SCHENECTADY APPENDIX. SCHENECTADY SAVINGS BANK. Jay Cady, President. Horace Goodrich, Secretary. Wm. L. Goodrich, Accountant. TRUSTEES. B. C. Smith, S. C. Groot, Martin De Forest, - G. Q. Carley, A. A. Van Vorst, H. N. Walton, A. C. Paige, Abel Smith, Jay Cady, " E. L. Freeman, George McQueen, A. McMullen, AVilliam L. Goodrich. INSURANCE CO. SCHENECTADY INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated, 1841. Capital, 1100,000. Wm. McCamus, President. G. T. Hanford, Secretary. QAS WORKS. SCHENECTADY GAS WOEKS. Centre, near Hamilton. scheJtectady appendix. 41 F. & A. M. MOHAWK ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER-No. 157. M. E., H. Goodrich, H. P. E., J. A. De Remer, K. E., T. B. Brown, S. P. J. Fredericks, Sec'y. E., J. Cady, Treas. H. H. Swart, C. H. C. H. Powell, P. S. Wilson Davis, R. A. C. Wm. H. Helmer, M. 3d V. S. K. Campbell, M. 2d V. Geo. J. SoLEY, M. 1st V. D. F. Wilds, Tyler. ST. GEORGE'S-No. 6. James Comstock, W. M. Robert Lent, S. W. George Gilbert, J. W. D. A. Atwell, Treas. A. M. Warner, Sec'y- J. A. Edwards, S. D. J. M. Wendell, J. D. Rev. R. L. ScHooNMAKER, Chap. A W. Hunter, Marshal. A. M. Vedder, Physician. C. E. Kingsbury, Organist. W. S. Van Vorst, S. M. of C. Walter McQueen, J. M. of C, A. O. Garlock, Steward. Rich'd Metcalf, " D. F. Wilds, Tyler. 42 SCHENECTADY APPENDIY. I, O. of O. P. Mohawk Valley Ijodge, No, 11. Meet every Monday evening. Abram Wemple, N. G. Charles F. Paige, V. G. George Hooke, R. C. Robert Lent, Treasurer. E. Hibbard, Secretary. St. Paul's Lodge, No. 14. Meet every Tuesday evening. Sidney Ellsworth, N. G. Ephraim Clowe, V. G. Jay Westinghouse, Secretary. William H. Helmer, Treasurer. COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. Hon. A. C. Paige, President. VICE presidents : Jacob r. Clute, Hon. a S. Conde, (Glenville,) Hon. Abraham Pearse, (Niskayuna,) Wm. Gifford, (Princetown.) Daniel Vedder, Secretary. Giles S. Barhydt, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE committee : A. S. Van Vranken, Casper F. Hoag, Plenry Ramsey^ S. A. Hull, Hon. Piatt Potter. SCHENECTADY APPENDIX. 43 VALE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. Hon. Peter Rowe, President. John W. Veeder, Vice President. Edward Rosa, Secretary and Treasurer. trustees: Hon. Peter Rowe, Peter Dorch, Chauncey Vibbard, William M. Holton, James E. Van iforne, Edward Rosa, Joseph Y. Van De Bogert, John W. Veeder, Robert Furman. MECHANICS' PROTECTIVE UNION SOCIETY. S. Morton, President. A. Fenwick, Secretary. Charles Riggs, Treasurer. J. H. TiLLiNGHAST, Agent. POOR HOUSE, Wm. Chism, Poor Master, Albany Street. BALLSTON SPA. (Incorporated March Qlst, 1807.) VILLAGE OFFICERS. . President, — John Wait. Trustees, — David Maxwell, Edwin H. Chapman, Benjamin Allen, Edward D. Babcock, Assessors, — Edward S. Warts, John B. McLane, Bernard Patchin. Treasurer, — Henry A. Mann, Village Clerh, — Bernard Patchin. Village Collector, — Perry Burnham. Village Constable, — Electus Dye. FIEE DEPAETMENT. Chief Engineer, — John J. Lee, Assistant Engineer, — Titus Sheldon. Eagle Engine Co., No. 1, — N. R. VanDenburgh, Foreman Owen Conner, Assistant Foreman. E. Denton, Secretary. Star Engine Co., No. 2, — Charles E. Jones, Foreman. S. D. Arnold, Assistant Foreman. George E. Knox, Secretary d- Treasurer. BAUSTON SPA APPENDIX. 45 TOWN OFFICERS-Baiiston. Supervisor — George G. Scott. Town Clerk — Alexander Sears. Justices of the Peace — Lewis H. Sears, Anson Seely, William Warner, Hermance H. Ferris, Post-office. (Burnt Hills.) (B. Spa. ) Line. ) (B. Spa. Assessors — (E. Line. ) William S. Curtis, (B. Spa. ) Jehit?! J. Miller, William S. Curti Daniel K. Smith, (S. Ballston.) Commissioners High Ways — Albert P. Wilson, (Jonesville. ) Gad Smith, (S. Ballston.) Obadiah P. Jennings, (Ballston C.) Overseers of the Poor — Talcott Moorehouse, Alexander D. Stewart. Inspectors of Election — Frederick Curtiss, William A. Clark. Samuel C. Beeman. Samuel C. Beeman, David R. Harlow, James F. Peckham, Samuel D. Brownell, Daniel D Post. Collector — Constables — 46 BALLSTON SPA APPENDIX. TOWN OFFICERS-Miiton. Supervisor — Edwin II. Chapman. Town Clerk — Charles E. Jones. Justices of the Peace — David Maxwell, Solomon A. Parks, David Morris, Seth Whalen, Police Justice — David Maxwell. Post-office. (Ballston Spa. ) ( " " ) (Rock City Falls.) (Ballston Spa. ) Collector — Hugh Whalen. Constables — William H. Wendell, John S. Burtles, Henry White, John H. Arnold, John Fonda. Inspectors of Election — 1st District— Charles D. Seely, David Maxwell, John H. Westcot. 2d District — Hiram Rowland, Isaac K. Grinnell, Hiram Wood. Overseers of the Poor — William Devlin, Ezckiel Smith, Commissioners of Highways — John A. Wakeman, William M. King, William J. An^le. (Ballston Spa. ) (East Milton. ) Assessors — Wheeler K. Booth. Hiram W. Wood, ' Hiram Rowland. SALLSTON SPA APPENDIX. 47 CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal Charch— Milton ave. Rev. J. M. Edgerton, Pastor. . First Presbyterian Church, Science, c High, Rev. David Tully, Pastor. Christ Church, {Episcopal), High St., Rev. George W. Dean, Pastor. First Baptist Church, Milton ave.. Rev. W. Holman, Pastor. Catholic Church, Ballston ave.. Rev. Daniel Coil, Pastor. POST OFFICE— Front Street. M. L. Williams, Postmaster. Joseph Lewis, Assist, do. EXPRESS COMPANY. National Express Company— Office: Bath St., n Front. Sanford Smith, Agent. BALLSTON SPA BANK. Front Street. Capital, 125,000. John M. Thompson, President. John J. Lee, Cashier. Robert C. I3ennett, Teller. directors: J. W. Thompson, J. S. Beach, G. G. Scott, S. H. Cook, A. Harris, J. M. Barker, Samuel Hines, Isaac Frink, George Thompson, Isaiah Blood. 48 BALLSTON SPA APPENDIX. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Ballston Spa Academy, for boys. Rev. James Gilmour, A. M., Principal. (See adv.) Ballston Spa Institute, C. D. Seeley, A. M., Principal, Sans Souci Seminary, Rev. D. W. Smith, Principal. Miss Frances Benton, Select School, Milton ave., n Wash. NEWSPAPER. THE BALLSTON 'JOURNAL,' Published every Tuesday, by H. L. OROSE & SONS. Office in Cook's Building, Bath street, between Main St. and the Railroad Depot. Terms of Subscription, 6zc. — $1.50 per year, delivered ' by the Carrier, to village subscribers ; $1.25 per year to village post office subscribers ; or to mail subscribers and those who take their papers from the publication office. I.O. OF O.F. Kayaderosseras Lodge No. 19, meets every Saturday evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Milton ave. Ezra Foster, N. G. Edwin Miller, V. G. A. E. Frisbie, Secretary. ChaSi H. Van Yalkenburg, permanent Sec'y & Treas. F. AND A. M. Warren Chapter — Meets second and fourth Thurs- days each month, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Milton ave. Franklin Lodge No. 90— Meets at their Hall, Mil- ton ave., the first and third Thursdays each month. P. G. Newcomb, Master. G. Pulver, S. W. S. Whalen, J. W. J. McKown, Treasurer. ■H. N. Hill, Secretary. SCHENECTADY BIEECTOKT, lSS4r-5. Abreviations.— ab., above ; al., alley ; ave., avenue ; b. or bds., boards bet., between ; c, corner ; dep., deputy ; dis., district ; E. East ; h,, house la., lane ; n., near ; N. Y. C. E. K„New York Central Eail Koad ; N., North opp., opposite ; pi., place ; r., rear ; reg't., regiment ; S., South ; eq., square ; vol., volunteer ; W., West. Abbott Elijah, fruit pedler, h 42 Jay Abbott Jessee C, variety store, 131 State, h 260 State Able John, vol., h 7 Amanda Abraham Isaac T., cooper, Dock, h 71 Center Abrams Solomon, switch-tender, S. & W. R. R., h 26 Clinton Aca August, laborer, h De Groff Agen Catharine Mrs., h 149 Centre Agen James, laborer, h 8 State Agen James, tailor, h 30 Union Ahreets Amos B., shoemaker, h 58 LaFayette Aker Margaret Mrs., widow Adam, h College Terrace, n Liberty 60 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Aley William, shoemaker) h 25 State Allen Daniel (Sweet c^ Allen), h 84 Liberty Allen David B., mason, h 9 i'ront Allen Leonard, boot maker, h 47 White Allen Lewis, grocer, 213 State, h 109 Liberty Allen Reuben S., engineer, h 1 Cottage row [Depot AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., N. Y. Central Railroad Anderson Eliza Mrs., h 2 Smith Anderson George, h 83 Ferry Andrews Charles, machinist, bds 197 State Andrus John, laborer, h Lydia Angle Charles E., teller Mohawk Bank, h 3 Union Anthony Ann Mrs., bds Anthony Hall Anthony Cornelius, blacksmith, h 10 Madison Anthony John, boiler maker, h 7 Liberty ANTHONY WILLIAM H., proprietor Anthony Hall, Ferry, c Liberty, h do Archer James C, ( Van Vranken c& Archer), 97 State Arnold Simon, farmer, h 19 Center Arthur Peter, engineer, h 70 Front Apps James, moulder, h 9 JeiETerson Apps Wm., machinist, h 23 Monroe AT WELL DANIEL A., life and fire insurance agent, 170 State, h 56 LaFayette, (see adv., inside front cover) Austin Eliza A. Mrs., h 19 Hamilton Austin Margaret Mrs., h 19 Sanford Austin Sanford, engineer, h 5 Liberty Babcock Aaron, mechanic, bds 90 Front Babcock Agnes, widow John, h 90 Front Babcock James, blacksmith, h Water Babcock John, vol., 91st regt., bds 90 Front Babcock Robert, h 38 Hamilton SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 51 Babcock Wm., painter, bds 48 LaFayette Backus Rev. J. T., D. D., pq^tor Presbyterian Church, h 6. Union Bailey Abraham, carpenter, bcls 55 Centre Bailey John, machinist, bds 35 Romeyn Bailey W. P., carpenter, 18 Yates, h 55 Centre Baker Adam, tailor, h 20 LaFayette Baker Frederick, laborer, h 34 Jefferson Baker K., shoemaker, h 34 Jefferson Baldwin Samuel, bookkeeper, h 16 Clinton Ball Charles E., laborer, h 34 College, c Green Ball Edward H., civil engineer, bds 7 Union Ballart Ferdinand, coppersmith, h 55 Romeyn Ballert Julius, boot and shoe maker, 237|- State, h do Bame John H., livery stable, 114 Centre, h 88 Liberty Banden Frederick, vol. 15th N. Y. Art., h 76 Ferry Bander Eliza Jane Mrs., h 10 Smith Banker Isaac, blacksmith, 48 Liberty, h 50 College Banker Isaac Jr., machinist, bds 50 College . Banker John, assessor, h 77 Liberty Banker John, clerk, bds 50 College Banker J. B., blacksmith, bds 50 College Banker Peter, bds 248 State Banker Wm. H., machinist, h 60 College Banks Henry, laborer, h Romeyn, n Nott Bannard William, h 17 Yates Banta Edward, student, bds 108 Union Banta John, h 108 Union Barhydt A., mason, h 87 LaFayette BARHYDT ABRAHAM J., groceries, dry goods, liquors, &c., 55 Green, h do Barhydt Ann, widow Nicholas, h 28 Jefferson Barhydt Benjamin F., blacksmith, h 15 Jay Barhydt Garrett, mason, h 19 Green Barhydt George D., bds 15 Ferry Barhydt Giles S., variety store and groceries, 158 State, h 192 do 52 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Barhydt Jacob T., ice dealer, 76 Front, h do Barhydt John C, grocer, 15 Smith, h 23 do Barhydt John S. M., laborer, h 15 Ferry Barhydt Lewis C, [Barhydt (& Greenhalgh,) h 36 Smith Barhydt Nicholas, h 214 State Barhydt Nicholas, moulder, h 24 Green Barhydt Peter, mason, h 16 Barrett Barhydt Sarah, widow Jerome, h 71 Green Bayhydt Spencer, machinist, bds 76 Front Barhydt &; Greenhalgh, iron railing and carriage spring manuf., 98 Centre Barhyte James H., {H. S. Edwards c& Co.,) h 44 Union Barker Cyrus M., broom maker, bds 29 North Barker Jonathan, brickmaker, h 72 Barrett Barker Lorenzo, laborer, h 61 Romeyn Barker Peter H., clerk, h 80 College Barker William, brickmaker, h 71 Jay [Liberty Barnard Everton, collector for Daily Evening Star, h 96 Barnard Rosetta widow, grocer, 112 Liberty, h do Barnard Walter W., miller, h 112 Liberty [c Ferry Barney Rowland S., (IT. S. Barney (& Co.,) h 35 Union, BARNEY ROWLAND S. & CO., dry goods, carpetings, window shades, &c., 101 State, (see adv.) Barnhart Betsey Mrs., h Albany Barrett Thomas, waiter, h 86 Centre Barringer Aaron, h 25 Union Barringer Harriet S., widow Daniel, h 53 Front Barringer Howard, student, bds 53 Front Barringer Jacob, tinsmith, bds 53 Front Barringer William, h 2 Union, c Washington ave Barry Mary, domestic, 15 Liberty Barry Sarah Mrs., widow Michael, h 10 Hamilton Bartlett Edward, fireman, h 44 Romeyn Beal W. H., Jr., student, bds 67 Liberty Beal W. H., {Beal d^ Van Brunt,) h 67 Liberty BEAL & VAN BRUNT, flour, grain and feed, 48 Liber- ty, (see adv.) SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 53 Beariip Amanda, domestic, 26 Front Bearup Solomon, h 50 Ferry [ave Beattie David C, {Mitchell & Beattie), h 47 Washington Beauregard Anthony, machinist, bds American Hotel Beaver John, laborer, h Liberty Becker Adam, tailor, 83 State, h 20 LaFayette Becker John P., h 54 Washington ave Beckley John P., merchant tailor, 98 State, h 62 Barrett Beebe George, {Beebe & Kelsey), h 22 Yates Beebe &; Kelsey, blacksmiths, 200 State Beeler Charles H., saloon, 53 Center, h do Bellows Melinda, widow Benjamin, bds 20 Yates Benedict Andrew, harnessmaker, h Veeder's ave. Benedict Ephraim Mrs., h 10 Liberty Benedict Ephraim W., h 10 Liberty Benedict Robert, harnessmaker, State, c R. R., h Veeder ave., opp Smith Benedict William F., iron dealer, h 118 Liberty Bensen R. V., grocer, 112 Union, h 110 do Bernadi John, laborer, h Myers' alley , n South ave Bettis Charlotte Miss, h 10 Front Beverly John, vol., 134th regt., h 12 Ferry Beyer David, bds 25 Yates Beyer Francenia, widow John, h 25 Yates BEAL & VAN BRUNT, DEALERS IN FLOUli, GIMIIi & FEED, No. 48 Liberty Street, SglSHIGTMI.I.I. 54 SCHENECTxVDY DIRECTORY. Bice Mary A., widow Benjamin, h 48 Lafayette Bigelow John A., clerk, bds Union, c Romeyn BIGELOW JOHN N., grocer. Union, c Romeyn, h do Bills Horace B., {Bills c& Van Buren,) h 247 State Bills & Van Buren, wool dealers, 245 State Bineg Philip, lalDorer, h Liberty Blake Rose A. Mrs., grocer, 9 Warren, h do Blaser Jacob, laborer, h White, n Franklin Bleser Robert, saloon, 54 Jay, c Franklin, h do Bliss Mary Mrs., h College Terrace Blum Frederick, stone cutter, h 27 Water Blunt James, laborer, h 43 Jay Boanes Robert, mason, h 11 Amanda Boardman Henry, laborer, h Veeder's ave Boem John, laborer, h 18 Railroad Bogart Anna Miss, h 41 Jay Bohannan Jacob Mrs., h 157 Front Boice Mary, domestic, 27 Liberty Bollacker Kord, tailor, h Veeder's ave Bond Michael, laborer, h 86 Romeyn Bond Richard, hotel, 59 State Booles Wm. F. Mrs., bds 10 Liberty Boombee Coonradt, h College Terrace, n Liberty Boss Henry,, blacksmith, 77 Romeyn, h do Boss Isaac S., bakery, 97^ Ferry, h 95 do Bouck James M., h 10 Clinton Bouck John, bds 73 Liberty Bowe Catharine, domestic, 75 Union Bowe Catharine Mrs., h E. Liberty, c Prospect Bowen Edward, hostler, h 83 Centre Bowen Joel, hostler, h 83 Centre Bowtell John H., western ticket agt., h 103 Liberty Boyd John H., h 29 Liberty Bradley Daniel, h 16 Jay Bradley James, laborer, h 4 Warren Bradshaw James H., h 12 Union Bradt Angelica, widow Harman, h 51 Front SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 55 Bradt B., bds 176 State Bradt Daniel, clerk, h 19 Liberty Bradt Gilbert, carpenter, h 112 Front Bradt Henry Y., printer, bds 68 LaFayette Bradt Hiram, bds 112 Front Bradt John, baggage master, bds Eagle Hotel Bradt John, city treasm^er, 172 State, h 37 Hamilton Bradt John, laborer, h Veeders ave. Bradt John Y., printer, h LaFayette Bradt Margaret E. Mrs., widow Francis R., h 27 Clinton Bradt William, Columbian Hotel, 155 and 157 Main Bradt William, machinist, bds 4 North Brady Barnard, vol., bds 43 Romeyn Brady John, laborer, h 43 Romeyn Brand Henry, moulder, h 17 Green Brandmahl John, wagonmaker, h 15 Washington ave Branthast Earnest^ laborer, h 12 LaFayette Brauer Frederick, fireman, N. Y. C. R. R., bds 7 Green Brehm Conrad, tailor, h 3 Railroad Brennan Ann, domestic, 37 Liberty Brennan Charles, laborer, h 68 Fonda Brewer Jacob, carman, h 68 Barrett Brewer James L., carpenter, h 32 Green Brickner Henry, shoemaker, shop 2 Green, h do Briggs Cynthia, widow^ Stephen, h 138 Front Brignall Thomas, mason, h 16 Barrett Brigner Andrew, laborer, h 43 Albany turnpike Brinton Ebenezer, {E. d' B. Brinton), h Eagle Hotel Brinton Emma J. Miss, bds Eagle Hotel Brinton Renssaeler {E. & B. Brinton), Eagle Hotel BRINTON E. &; R., proprietors Eagle Hotel, 207 and 209 State Britchard Richard, machinist, h Myers' alley, n Fonda Brockham John, laborer, h 26 Franklin Broderick John, exchange office, 27 State, h 18 State Bradshaw^ Anna M. Mrs., widow AVilliam, h 31 Hamilton Brogan Elizabeth, domestic, 60 Union 56 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Bronk Elias, laborer, bds 62 College Bronk James, blacksmith, bds 58 Ferry Bronk John, comptroller's office, Albany, h 28 Green Brooks Fanny Mrs., h 146 Union Brooks George A., fireman, h 92 Front Brooks Isabella Mrs., h 113 Union Broon James H., blacksmith, h 4 Cottage row^ Brower Margaret E., widow Harman, h IT Clinton Brown Albert, {A. Brown & Son), 67 State, h 33 Liberty Brown Amos, laborer, h 24 Railroad BROWN A. & SON, fiirniture dealers and undertakers, 67 State, (see adv.) Brown Charles, vol., 134 regt., h 59 Church Brown Clinton C, A. A. A. Gen. U. S. V., bds 33 Liberty Brown Eliza, widow, h 140 Liberty Brown Eliza, widow Thomas, h 10 Jefferson Brown John, shoemaker, 90 Ferry, h do Brown Peter G., mechanic, h 72 Front Brown Peter W., shoemaker, h 42 Jay [Liberty Brown Theodore B., {A. Brown & Son), 67 State, h 35 Brown William, machinist, h 49 Pine Brownell James, freight agent Saratoga and Whitehall R. R., h 146 Union Bryson Robert, h 24 Smith Buchanan James, machinist, bds 150 Front Buchanan S. L. R., clerk, h Washington ave., n Front Budd L. M., butcher, h 7 Yates Buell Charles, jeweler, bds 82 Barrett Bullock Jacob, constable, h 29 Rotterdam Bulmer Wm., blacksmith, bds 18 Ferry Burgdorf Conrad, barber, 3 Dock, h 15 Center Burghardt Charles H., vol., 4th heavy artillery, bds 119 Union [Union Burghardt Peter H., chaplain, 1st N. Y. Cavalry, h 119 Burk Ann, widow John, h 67 Green Burk James, laborer, h 79 Front Burkart Joseph W., tobacconist, 95 Ferry, h do SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 57 Burke Thomas, laborer, h 53 Fonda Burns John, hostler, h II Jay Burns John, laborer, h 77 Front adv) BURNS J. S., proprietor Sharratt House, 155 State, (see Burns Mary A. Mrs., h 57 Ferry Burns Patrick, 91st regt. N. Y. S. V., h 104 Liberty Burns Terrence, laborer, h 13 South ave. Burt Betsy, widow Daniel, h 113 Union Burt Daniel, clerk, bds 113 Union Burton Frazier, machinist, bds 4 North Butch John, tailor, h 54 Jay Butler Edward, vol., 162d regt. h 28 Yates Butler J. P., capt. proA^ost marshal, 18th dist., 193 State, bds Drullard's Hotel Butler Richard T. {Shaible c6 Butler), h 146 Centre O. Cadmus Eugene, telegraph operator, h 202 State Cady Jay, h 35 State Cahanay James, laborer, h 8 Jay CAIN ISAAC, proprietor Davis House, 188 State Cain Isaac, vol., 134th regt., bds 48 LaFayette Cain Lydia, widow Henry, h 48 LaFayette Cain Margaret, widow, h 18 Railroad Cain Mary, domestic, 68 Union Cain Mary, domestic, 5 Union Cain Michael, blacksmith, bds 21 John [53 do CAIN NICHOLAS, crockery and glassware, 55 State, h Cain Thomas, mason, h 21 John Cain Wm. H., vol., 134th regiment, bds 48 LaFayette Calo Francis, hackman, h 23 State Campbell Charles J., h 78 College Campbell D. D., office 33 Church, h 31 do [Union Campbell George H., conductor N. Y. C. R. R. h 169 3# 58 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Campbell James, machinist, h 50 Romeyn Campbell John, machinist, h 50 Romeyn Campbell John, laborer, h Deserving Campbell J. S., clerk, h 72 Church Campbell Maria E. Miss, h 97 Fonda Campbell Robert, laborer, bds 50 Romeyn Campbell Sarah, widow, Jacob, bds 78 College Campbell S. K., mechanic, h 46 Smith Canwright Maria, widow Hiram, h 82 Fonda Carey Martin, laborer, h 29 Albany turnpike Carley A. F. (A. F. and G. 0. Carley;) bds 145 Church CARLE Y A. F. & G. C, dealers in groceries, flour, liquors, &c. 14 and 16 Wall, and 26 State, c Church, (see adv.) Carley G. C. {A. F. and G. C. Carley,) bds 45 Church CARLEY G. Q., ins. agent, 26 State, c Church, h 45 Church (see adv) Carley Joseph G., [Swits c& Carley,) h 58 Union Carmody Timothy, brakeman, h 21 North Carner C. S., brakeman, h 45 College Carpenter Charles H., physician, 147 Union, h do Carpenter W. N., machinist, bds 61 Front Carr Daniel, moulder, h 70 Fonda Carr Henry, vol., 134th regt., bds 40 Veeder's ave STATE, COR, CHURCH {5IT- COJ^TIIVUED, CAPITAL. SL'EPLTJS. Albany Insurance Co $100^000 $40,000 National Fire Ins. Co., N. Y., 200,000 100,000 Commerce Ins. Co., Albany,-. 100,000 ^~ Eiska taken at uaual rates, and all losses paid promptly. lo f & ®o So EMMY, ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEES IN Family Groceries, WINES. BRANDIES, GINS, Bourbon, Monongahela& Magnolia Whiskys, Clover, Timothy and Field Seeds, GENESEE, OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN AND CANADA I Mess & Boneless Pork, by the Barrel, state, Corner Church Street Continued. Flour Store-Nos. 14&16 WaU Street, 60 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Carr John, laborer, h 77 Fonda Carr John, laborer, h 71 Romeyn Carr Michael, laborer, h 40 Veeder's ave. Carroll Benjamin, vol. 134th regt., bds 9 South ave. Carroll Bridget, widow Patrick, bds 55 Fonda Carroll Daniel, laborer, h 35 Centre Carroll John, blacksmith, h 71 Fonda Carroll John J., vol., I34th regt., bds 9 South ave. Carroll Lawrence, vol. 103d Ohio regt, bds 9 South ave Carroll Martin, laborer, h 55 Fonda Carroll Mary Miss, h 71 Romeyn Carroll Michael, laborer, h 9 South ave Carroll Samuel, machinist, h 5 Monroe Carroll Thomas, machinist, h Romeyn, n South ave Carry Dominic, brakeman, N. Y. C. R. R., bds Fuller's Hotel Carter James S., clerk, bds 94 Centre Carter Jonas, engine cleaner, h 16 Amanda Carter L. M., widow John, h 56 Romeyn Carter Mary Mrs., h 73 Barrett Carter Thomas, porter, Givens Hotel, h 94 Centre Cary Patrick, laborer, h 86 Fonda Case Ann Mrs., widow Benjamin, h head Union Case Levi, coppersmith, 12 Warren, h 188 Union Case W. H., student, h head Union Casey Catharine Mrs., bds 13 Warren Casey James, laborer, h 13 Warren Casey Michael, shoemaker, h 6 Jeflerson Casten Wm., carpenter, h 17 Green Castillo John, laborer, h 26 Monroe Castillo Patrick, laborer, h 67 Fonda Castle George T., butcher, 231 State, h 35 Smith Catlin George, student, bds 178 Union Cavert Sarah D., widow George, 61 Ferry Cawood John, machinist, h 10 College Cawood John Jr., machinist, bds 10 College CHADSEY D. M., lawyer, 84 State, h 55 Jay SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 61 Chamberlain Edwin B. bookkeeper, h 53 LaFayette Chamberlin J. G., carriage maker, h 7 John Chambers David, patternmaker, h 22 Barrett C'hampion Esther Mrs., h 129 Union Chandler Benjamin, painter, bds 176 State Chandler Joanna P., widow Obed, bds 69 Union Chandler Wm. J., mechanic, h 69 Union Chapman Alfred J, gunsmith, 99 Ferry, h Ferry, c Liberty Chapman A, J., saloon, Ferry, c Liberty, h do [State Charlton E. A., superintendent Union school, bds 361 Chase Edward L., engineer, N. Y. C. R. R., h 230 State Chase E. M., fireman, h 1 Clinton Chase Reuben J., carpenter, h 29 Yates Chegner Charles C, shoemaker, h 170 Union Chenney Maria Mrs., h 42 Romeyn Chevalier Mary Y. Mrs., widow Peter R., h 21 Barrett Chisem George, laborer, h 77 LaFayette Chrisler Isaac, clerk, bds 27 Washington ave . Chrisler Peter, canal collector's office, 12 Dock, h 17 Jay Chrisler William, grocer, 73 State, h 27 Washington ave Christiance Jacob, shoemaker, bds 9 Jefferson Christiance Jacob V., h 73 Front Christiance Maria, widow Isaac, bds 9 Jefferson Christancy Francis, shoemaker, h 4 Ferry Clancy John Rev,, h 92 Liberty Clapper John, police, h 64 Barrett Clapper Maria Mrs., h Centre, n Warren Clare George, news depot, 143 State, h 9 Liberty Clark Catharine Mrs., tailoress, h 138 Liberty Clark Catharine, widow Agustus, h 5 John Clark Charles A., clerk Mohawk Bank, bds 23 Franklin Clark George H., h 7 Union Clark Jane M., widow, h 137 Centre Clark John, laborer, h 24 Railroad Clark Molly Miss, tailoress, bds 48 White Clark Philo A., ( Clark db Hamlin) h 35 LaFayette Clark William H,, {Clarh <& Millard), h 23 Franklin - 62 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Clark & Hamlin, photographers, 166 and 168 State CLARK & MILLARD, dealers in groceries, &c., 140 State Clarke Ann, widow Thomas, h 93 Fonda Clarto Edward, h 28 Smith Clary John, laborer, h 73 Romeyn . Clary Michael, laborer, h 94 Romeyn Cleary Robert, h 20 LaFayette % Cleary Thomas, mason, h 20 LaFayette Cleary Thomas, restaurant and dining saloon, R. R., opp depot, h 81 Liberty [Hamilton Clement Robert, superintendent city gas works, h 16 Clogston Wm., carpenter, h 33-|- Front Clow Ephriam, blacksmith, h 40 Church Clute Abram O., h 31 LaFayette CLUTE BROTHERS, Schenectady iron works, 49 Liberty Clute Clara Mrs., ice cream saloon, 74 Barrett, h do Clute Cornelius, h 33 Barrett Clute Cornelius B., grocer, 263 State, h 87 Barrett Clute C. C, {Clute Brothers), h 52 Union Clute Cornelius P., grocer, 126 Liberty, h do Clute Eleazor, engineer, N. Y. C. R. R., h 22 Green Clute Elizabeth, tailoress, h 14 Green Clute Elizabeth, widow Peter, h 10 North Clute Frederick, clerk, h 18 Smith Clute F. W., meat market, 102 Romeyn, h do Clute Harrison, flour and feed, 16 Wall, h 240 State Clute Jacob H., brakeman, h 17 Smith [Ferry Clute James B., harness and saddlery, 32 State, h 24 Clute James W., machinist, h 20 Jay Clute Jethro W., {Clute Brothers), h 15 Liberty Clute John B., {Clute Brothers), h 31 Liberty' Clute John F., police justice, 202 State, h 105 Liberty Clute John J., machinist, h 31 Clinton Clute J. W., foundry. Liberty, h 15 Liberty Clute Napoleon, flour and feed, 10 Wall, h 105 Liberty Clute Peter I., ( Clute c& Reagles), h 31 Liberty Clute Philip M., h 27 Barrett SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 63 Clute Richard S. H., watchman, h 76 LaFayette Clute Seth, clerk, bds 105 State Clute Walter, carpenter, h 65 Barrett CLUTE WILLIAM H., dealer in hats, caps and furs, 96 State, h 100 Front, (see adv.) Clute & Reagles, wheelbarrow manuf., 83 Barrett Clutes John, laborer, h head Union Cobb Caroline Miss, h 123 Union CofFoy Michael, saloon, 8 Dock, h do Colbern W. M. Mrs., h 45 Front Cole Richard, laborer, h 34 College, c Green Coleman Patrick, laborer, h 82 Romeyn Colfals Joseph Mrs., h College terrace, n Liberty Collins Bryan, machinist, h 63 Fonda Colloby James, laborer, h head Union Colman Andrew, mason, h 28 Lafayette Combs Elizabeth, widow Thomas, hl7 Yates Comstock Ellen Miss, 17 State, bds Front Comstock James, accountant, h 234 State Conde Benjamin L., [Edwards c& Conde), h 20 Liberty Connors Mary Mrs., h 26 LaFayette Connors Timothy, laborer, h 10 State Conroy Patrick, laborer, h 96 Fonda Consaul Gansvoort D. Rev., h 42 Union Wm. H. CLUTE, No. 96 State Street, SCHENECTADY, N.Y. DEALER IX mi cips, HIS' fis. Buffalo & Fancy Eobes. Also, a good Stock of Straw and Snm- mer Goods, suitable for the season. 64 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Consaul Harman, clerk, h 60 Front [Union CONSAUL JOHN, boot and shoe dealer, 142 State, h 42 Cooper Stephen, laborer, h 4 North Cooper Stephen R., 169th regt., N. Y. S. V., h 134 Union Coracan Elinor Mrs., h 31 Romeyn Coran Dedreich, helper, h 86 Centre Corbitt Patrick, mason, h 18 Warren Corl James E., turner, h 11 Water, c Washington ave. Corl John, Clerk, h 66 Jay Corl William D., foreman public works, h 77 LaEayette Cornelius Peter H,, switchman, h 46 Romeyn Crosby George, overseer canal, h 73 Jay Coss John B., hotel, 261 State, c Barrett Costar Philip, shoemaker, h Lydia Coupman Frederick, laborer, bds 68 Front Coulter Thomas, h 14 Yates Coutts George, ( Wright c& Coutts), h 11 Rotterdam Cowper David, machinist, h 84 Fonda Cox Cornelia Mrs., widow George, h 21 Franklin Cox Maxwell, machinist, h 127 Liberty Cox Thomas, engineer, N. Y. C. R. R., h 36 Green Craft Henry, laborer, h 26 Railroad Crafts J. K., brushmaker, h 48 Romeyn Craig Archibald Mrs., h 21 Church, c Union Craig James R., h 11 Church Cramer Agustus, broommaker, h Rotterdam, n the Canal Cramer Maria, widow Wm., h 90 Front Cramer Peter W., vol 13th heavy artillery, h 84 Romeyn Crandall Green, h 62 Liberty [berty Crandall Mary Miss, millinery, 124 State, h Centre c Li- Crane Jonas H., [Millard <£' Crane,) h 24 Church Crantz Peter, tailor, h 102 Liberty Crawford Benjamin, brakesman, bds Davis House Crawford Charles, brakesman, bds Davis House Crawford James, laborer, h 77 Front Crawford James, laborer, h 147 Front Crawford Robert C, machinist, h 40 Clinton SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 65 Crawford Samuel, laborer, h 60 Barrett Crawl John, moulder, bds Davis House Cregier Sebastian I., grocer 227 State, h do Cregnier Henry, laborer, h 46 College Crensley John, laborer, h 21 Yates Crichton Alexander, vol., 4th heavy Artillery bds 30 Front Crichton David, machinist, 30 Front Cripps Richard, tailor, bds Fuller's Hotel Crouch Elizabeth Mrs., h 3 State Crouch Spencer, carpenter & sawfiler, h 135 Liberty Crouch Spencer Jr., carpenter, h 137 Liberty Crounse Philip C, h 182 Union Crumb Caleb B., lawyer, h 30 LaFayette Crumb D. Starks, student, bds 30 LaFayette Crumb George H., student, bds 30 LaFayette Cuberlidge James, machinist, h 7 Jefferson Cullen Bridget, domestic, I Washington ave Cumberlidge John, machinist, h 145 Front Cunn Mary, domestic, 13 Union Cunningham Barnard, mason, h Veeder's ave, n Smith Cunningham Elizabeth Mrs., widow Wm. h 18 Liberty Cumiingham Harvey, conductor N. Y. C. R. R., bds 142 Centre Cunningham James, laborer, h 4 Hamilton Cunningham Leonard, carpenter, h 45 Barrett Cunningham Patrick, laborer, h 82 Fonda Cunningham Robert Mrs., h 143 Union Curtis Agustus E., student, bds 123 State [House Cuttting A. Eugene, {Stevens d' Cutting) bds Sharatt Cuyler Vernor, dentist, 202 State, h do D. Daggett Stephen A., lawyer, 68 State, h 5 Front Dailey Daniel, h 12 Madison Dailey John S., agent N. Y. C. R. R., h 56 College 66 SCfiENECTADY BlHECTOHY. Daley John, mason, h 55 LaFayette Daly John, brakeman, N. Y. 0. R. R., bds Fuller's Hotel Daly John, laborer, h 18 Railroad Daly John, laborer, h 6 Clinton Damm Francis W ., freight dispatcher, h 22 Jay Dana Francis, barber, h 152 Union Darrow Cady, h 9 Smith Davis Ann M., widow John, bds 23 Centre Davis Augustus C, printer, h 23 Centre Davis D. G., clerk h 140 Centre Davis Harriet Mrs., bds 18 State Davis Jam_es H., laborer, h 31 White Davis Jonathan, slater, h 158 Union Davis Joshua, carpenter, bds 48 Barrett Davis Susan, widow John, h 46 College Davis Thomas, carpenter, h 48 Barrett Davis W. D. (Davis db Qregorij)^ editor and proprietor Evening Star and Weekly Republican, 170 State, h 61 Front Davis Wilson, merchant tailor, 103 State, h 140 Centre DAVIS & GREGORY, propr's Evening Star & Weekly Republican, 170 State, (see adv.) Davison Julius E., clothing, 174 State, h do Day Horace G. Rev., bds 79 Liberty Dealtry Jane, h 13 Jay Dealtry John ( WelUr & Dealtry) h 197 State Dealtry Thompson, clerk, h 13 Jay DE BOIS JOHN, photographer, 84 State, bds 46 La^ Fayette, (see adv., page 68) Decatur David, boatman, h Myers' alley, n South ave Decker Bernard, basketmaker, h 39 LaFayette De Clercq Isaac L., engineer, h 57 Front De Forest Frank, machinist, bds 80 Barrett DE FOREST JACOB, cabinetmaker and undertaker, 58 60 and 62 State, h 80 Barrett (see adv.) De Forest Martin, agt. D. D. Campbell, h 31 Church De Forest Sarah, widow Lansing O., h 80 Barrett DAILY EVENING STAR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, BY DAVIS & GREGORY, AT No. 170 State Street, Schenectady, N. Y. TERMS. One year, $6 00 One week, 12 Single copies, 8 Schenectady Weekly Republican, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. TER3IS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, OF ALL KINDS, NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ISAAC M. GREGOEY. W. D. DAVIS, 68 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. De Graff Catharine Miss, h 20 Liberty De Graff Edward, tinsmith, h 47 Front De Graff Eve H. Miss, bds 52 Union De Graff George, laborer, bds 14 South ave De Graff Jacob G., vol., 134th regt., bds 8 Ferry De Graff Joseph, vol., bds 8 Ferry De Graff Lawrence, laborer, h 8 Ferry De Graff Margaret, widow Daniel, bds 47 Front De Groff Abraham L., h 10 Water De Groff David, pedler, h Prospect De Groff Maria Mrs., widow Abram, h Prospect De Mour Madore, vol., h 30 State Dennick Frederick, fireman, h 80 Liberty De Pen Archibald, h 4 Cottage row De Wigne Ferdinand, brewery, 94 Union, h 46 do Deyo Abraham, patternmaker, h 52 LaFayette Deyo Samuel, patternmaker, h 39 College Diamond James, tinsmith, h 6 Smith Dickinson Aaron, blacksmith, 2 Rotterdam, h 15 Wash- ington ave [Franklin Dickinson Ellen Miss, teacher Union School, bds 12 J. DeBOIS, PHOIOGIiiiril & AMeilOTfrE GALLERV, 84 STATE STBEET, V ^ (over Freeman's Paint Store,) ■^SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Where the Cheapest and Best Work C__ /fv'^''*^^^ ^^^ ^® obtained in the City. SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 69 Dickson John, vol. 29 reg't, h 35 Barrett [Romeyn Dillenbeck Goshie L., {Dillenbeck d' Stoops,) bds 108 Dillenbeck Jennie Miss, bds 91 State Dillenbeck L., clothier. State, bds Union, c Romeyn Dillenbeck & Stoops, merchant tailors, 107 State Dodge Luke, bds Drullard's Hotel Doharty James, liquors, 2 Jefferson, h do Dollar John, painter, h 60 Jay Donnelly John, machinist, h 6 Pine Donnelly Michael, laborer, h 104 Liberty Dooney John, laborer, h Liberty, n LaFayette Dormady Thomas, engineer N. Y. C. R. li., h 19 Jay Dorn Robert C, harness and saddlery, 13 Dock, h 5 Smith Dorn W. S., laborer, h 20 Jefferson Dorsch Gideon, carpenter, h 26 North Dorsch Peter, h 11 Front Doty Abraham, millinery, 74 State, h 76 do DOTY GEORGE H., stoves, ranges, tin ware, &c., 78 State, bds 76 do, (see adv.) Doty Peter, fireman, bds 9 Jefferson Dougherty James, vol., 134th N. Y. V., h 24 Rail Road Dow Elisha B., h 210 State Dow Jerome B., conductor, h 238 State Dowley Andrew, soldier, h Albany Downs David D., mechanic, h 21 Washington ave Doxtater — , h Veeder's ave Draper Elizabeth, widow John, h 40 Smith Draper James H., bds 40 Smith Drukman Michael, laborer, h 25 North Drullard N., prop. Drullard's Hotel, 1 79 State Duane M. C, bds Eagle Hotel Duane Walton, bds 45 Union Duane Wm. N., physician, 39 and 41 Union, h 45 do Du Bois Anson Rev., pastor Second Reform Dutch Church, h 101 Liberty Duell J. C, dentist, 47 State 70 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Duffey Patsej, laborer, h 28 LaFayette Dunbar James, conductor N. Y. C. R. R., h 17 Hamilton Duncal John M., h 22 JeiFerson Dunham Sarah Mrs., widow, Walter, h 12 Franklin Dunlap Andrew, laborer, bds 58 Ferry Dunlap Eliza, widow Dr. Lunlap, h 22 Wall Dunlap William B., h 22 Wall Dunn Alexander, switchman, h 60 Romeyn Dunn Frederick, brushmaker, h 68 Front Dunn Hiram, machinist, h 143 Front Dunn Richard, moulder, h 45 Pine Dunn W^m. J., vol 134th regt., bds 143 Front [Clinton Duryee Isaac Rev., Chaplain 81st Regt. N. Y. S. V. h 12 Dutch Valentine, laborer, h 46 Romeyn Dwelley Benjamin B., brakesman, h 17 College E. Earing Absalom, h 79 LaFayette Early Lawrence, laborer, h 8 LaFayette Edmonds Charles, carpenter, 57 Smith, h do [Green Edmonds James, laborer, Clute's machine shop, h 14 Edwards Eliza G. Mrs., widow Samuel S., h 22 Barrett Edwards George, clerk, bds 3 Franklin Edwards Henry S., {H. S. Edwards d' Co.,) h 222 State Edwards Isaac G., painter, h 20 Barrett Edwards John A. plumber, 69 Centre, h 67 do Edwards Lewis B., [Edivards <& Conde,) h 44 Union Edwards Samuel, clerk, h 3 Franklin Edwards & Conde, hardware, stoves, &c., 69 State Edwards H. S. & Co., hardware, 169 State Egleston Horace, {R. Egleston d' Co.,) h 243 State Egleston Palmer, (H. Egleston d Co.,) h 249 State EGLESTON H. & CO., marble monuments, mantles, &;c., 243 State, (see adv) SCHENECTADY DmECTORY. 71 Ehlafaldt Agustus, shoemaker, h Fonda, n N. Y. C. R. R» Eisenhood Peter, laborer, h Veeder's ave Elliot O. F., agt. Steam bread Co., h 9 Church Ellis Charles, clerk, bds 37 Liberty Ellis Ed\Yard, clerk, bds 37 Liberty- Ellis George, machinist, h 64 Jay [37 Liberty Ellis John, Schenectady Locomotive Works, 29 Fonda, h Ellis John C, h 86 College [tre Ellis Robert, clothing, 159 & 163 State, h 1 Smith, c Cen* Ellsworth Sidney, moulder, h 12 Jefferson Ellwood Livingston, physician, 219 State, h do Elmicke John, laborer, h 40 Albany turnpike Ely Francis, laborer, h Warren, n Fonda Emerick Stephen, shoemaker, h 51 Pine Engle Martin Mrs., h Liberty Engieman Solomon, grocer, Nott, n Canal, h do Entres Peter, laborer, h 29 South ave Epple Francis, laborer, h 154 Front Ernest Henry, carpenter, h 23 North Ernest Lewis P., vol. 134th regt. bds 23 North Ertel Leonard, machinist, h 61 Union Evans Bridget, widow John, h 8 Pine Evans John W., artist, h 130 Centre Fabry John, laborer, h 30 Albany turnpike Fagen — , h 30 Union Fairchild Alonzo, mason, h 17 Amanda [Franklin Falvay Daniel P., pastor St. John's R. C. Church, h 9 Farey Mary, domestic, 36 Church Farrell Michael, blacksmith, bds 5 Warren Farrell Patrick, mason, h 59 Romeyn Farrell S., harnessmaker, 150 State, h do Farry Thomas, laborer, h 10 Pine [House Favers James, (^Feather stone, Near & Co.), bds Davis Fay Aaron D., farmer, h 36 South ave., up stairs 12 SCSENEOtADY DIRECTORY. Fay Benjamin F., carriagemaker, bds 36 South ave.j ilp stairs Fay George, brakeman, h Romeyn, n South ave Featherly Ann M. Miss, h 75 LaFayette Featherstone — , {Feather stone, Near d Co.), h 6 Greeii Featherstone John, (Featherstone, Near <& Co.), h 8 Green Featherstone, Near & Co., hollowware mannfacturers, Pine, c Fonda Feeley Johanna Mrs., h 4 State Fehr Uh*ich, shoemaker, 55 Liberty, h do Feldman Lewis, cutter, 83 State, h 23 Green Fell Benjamin, brakeman, h 5 Cottage row Felthouse Harmon B., coppersmith, h 66 Barrett Felthousen A. V., carman, h 70 Centre Felthousen Charles, coppersmith, h 99 Union FELTHOUSEN JAMES D., dealer in groceries, 196 State, h 26 Yates, (see adv.) Felthousen Eachael Mrs., widow Daniel, h 188 Union Feltman Lewis, tailor, h 23 Green J. D. FELTHOUSEN'S GROCmV tHD PROYiSIOH SIORf. 196 State, cor. Centre St., Schenectady, N. Y. A general assortment of Tea, Sugar, Mo- lasses and Syrup, Extra and Double Extra Flour, India Meal and Ilye Flour, Clear Pork, Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Chops, my own curing ; also. Smoked Beef, Lard, Butter and Cheese, and everything kept in a General Provision Store. of every variety, and Fruits of all kinds in their season* SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 73 J'enn W. L., land agent, h Albany Fenwick Alexander, machinist, h 155 Front Finch Joseph, moulder, h 1 South ave . Finck Marietta, widow Frederick, h 31 Washington avd; Fink Henry, chairmaker, h 21 Green Fink Jacob, vol., 91st regt., h 8 Warren Finn Nancy Miss, bds 50 Ferry Finnegan Margaret Mrs., boarding house, 32 State Finnegan Peter, switchman, h 136 Front Fisher George K., h head Union Fisher John, cigarmaker, h 10 Water Fisk Francis Mrs., h 187 Union Fitzgerald John, laborer, h 22 Railroad Fitzgerald John, saloon, 18 Dock, h do Fitzgerald Margaret A. Mrs., h 34 Fonda Fitzmorris Mary, domestic, 9 Union Flackmier Frederick, laborer, h 6 Rotterdam Flannagan — , laborer, h 18 Water Flannagan Patrick, laborer, h 16 Fonda Fling David, laborer, h 164 Front Fodder Alice, domestic, 70 Union Fodder Frederick, blacksmith, h 160 Union Fogerty Margaret, domestic, 50 Washington ave Fogerty Mary Mrs., widow John, h 149 Centre Folay Daniel, laborer, h 11 Nott Foley Catharine Mrs., h 102 Front Folts Joseph M., fireman N. Y. C. R. R., h 97 Centre Fonda Alexander G., h 13 Union •Fonda Cornelia Mrs., widow, h 23 LaFayette Fonda Gardner H., vol. 176 regt., bds 13 Union Fonda Lansing G., clerk, Sharratt House [Union Force Charles, baggageman N. Y. C. R. R., h New, n Ford Frank, mechanic, bds 65 Union [h 31 Smith FORD S. VAN R.,agt. Reus, and Saratoga R. R. depot,. Forrest David P., h 35 Front Forrest Sarah Miss, bds 33 LaFayette Fort D. S., clerk, Davis House 4 74 SCHENECTADY DlRHCTOIlir. Forward James, spinner, h 30 State Foster Henry W., painter, h 113 Front Fouly Mary, domestic, 13 Church Fowler George, carpenter, Smith, bds 34 do Fowler George, engineer Saratoga and Schenectady R. K., h 28 Clinton Fowler Joseph, machinist, h 57 Centre Fowler Sarah Miss, teacher Union School, bds Franklin Fox John, laborer, h 3 Pine Fraling Martin, laborer, h Rotterdam, n the Canal Franchot Kichard, h 19 Washington ave Francisco — , laborer, h 2 Green Frame Andrew, machinist, h 25 John Frame John, engineer, h 33 Green Frame John J., engineer N. Y. C. R. R., h 7 Barrett Frank Andrew, laborer, h 37 Albany turnpike Frank William B., cooper, 77 Washington, h do Frazier Charles, cigar manuf., bds Fuller's Hotel Frear W. G., carpenter, h 75 LaFayette [Wall FREEMAN AARON, prop. Givens' Hotel, 175 State, c Freeman Andrew Y., {^E. L. Freeman d' Co.,) h 8 Liberty Freeman Barney, h 37 Church Freeman Elisha, clerk, bds 108 Liberty FREEMAN E. L. paints, oils, &c., h 8 Liberty^ Freeman Elisha L., (E. L. Freeman cCr Co.,) h 75 Union Freeman Elizabeth, widow Alexander, bds 47 Pine Freeman Ethan B., confectionery, 86 State, h 75 Union Freeman E. P., h East Liberty, c Prospect Freeman Henry C, clerk, h 39 Front Freeman Henry Y., clerk Givens' Hotel [berty Freeman Jonathan R., {E. L. Freeman c& Co.,) h 78 Li- Freeman Malinda Mrs., h 15 Yates Freeman Robert G., engineer, h 64 Centre Freeman Wm., barber, h 47 Pine [State FREEMAN E. L. & CO., paints, oils, glasses, &c., 82 Freemyre Elizabeth Mrs., h 24 Church Friedrich Andrew, grocer, 76 Romeyn, h do SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 75 Friedrich Frederick, lager beer saloon, 52 Liberty, h do Frink Robert, laborer, h 70 Liberty Friiax Stephen, saloon, 124 Union, h 122 do Fullam Michael, fireman, h Veeder's ave Fuller Amelia Miss, h 2 Church Fuller Anthony, carpenter, h 128 Liberty Fuller Elizabeth Miss, h 2 Church FULLER JAMES lawyer, 150 State, h 49 LaFayette Fuller John I., mowing machine agt., h 55 Ferry Fuller Richard, bds 49 LaFayette Fuller R. M., student, bds 55 Ferry Fuller Robert, physician, 140 State, bds 2 Church Fuller Thomas, vol. 93d regt., bds 65 Centre Fuller Wm. Mrs., h 65 Centre vFuller Wm. W., vol. 134th regt., bds 65 Centre Fullerton Eliza Miss, h 83 Centre Furbeck James A., grocer, 97 Ferry, h 19 Liberty Furman Henry A., broom dealer, Washington, h 111 Union Furman Robert, dry goods, 79 State, h 51 Smith Fursman Wm. H., clerk, bds Mcintosh's Hotel G. Gallaher Michael, bds 75 Fonda GALLAHER PATRICK, grocer, 75 Fonda, h do Galling Jacob F., moulder, h 9 Amanda Galvin Catharine, domestic, 50 Washington ave. Galvin Mary, widow James, h 7 Warren Gamroe Lewis, blacksmith, h 87 Liberty Gannon Catharine, widow Daniel, h 139 Union Gardinier John, carpenter, h 48 White Gardiner Peter, hostler, Mcintosh's Hotel GARDINER WILLIAM, harness & saddlery, 80 State, h 49 College, (see adv) 76. SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Garding Court, laborer, h 6 Ferry Gardner Job F. Mrs., h 96 Ferry Gardner Moses, h 51 Green Garlick Frederick, tailor, h 69 Front Garlock Augustus O., barber, 168 State, h 24 Yates Garrett H. J., dentist, 45 State, bds 108 Liberty Garrity Catharine, widow, h 22 Railroad Garrity Francis, machinist, h 47 Romeyn Garrity James, machinist, h 84 Romeyn Garrity John, vol., 134th regt., bds G3 Smith Garrity Mary, widow Michael, h 63 Smith Garrity Michael, machinist, h 88 Romeyn ■Gates Joseph, druggist, h 295 State Gates Lewis, laborer, h 27 Franklin Gates Stephen D., carman, h 25 Franklin Gates William, machinist, h 6 Fonda Gaw David J., capt. 77th regt., h 62 Front Gaw James G., clerk, h 62 Front Gaylord Martin, brickmaker, h 58 LaFayette Gay William, boilermaker, h 49 Front George Mrs., widow, h 34 Union George Mathew, carpenter, h 197 State Gergen Peter, machinist, h 37 Front German Bruce, foreman, h 138 Front German De Witt, machinist, bds 9 Jefferson Germond Morgan, h 120 Front Getkow Louis, tailor, h 236 State [Hotel Getman Andrew, conductor, N. Y. C. R. R., bds Fuller's Gibson John, tailor, h 77 Front Gibson William, h 6 Cottage row Gifford George, farmer, h 35 LaFayette Gilbert George, h 54 College [26 Liberty Gilbert James, clerk, Hanford's insurance office. State, h Giles James J., carpenter, h. 55 Union Giles John, stationkeeper. Canal, h 62 Church Giles William, carpenter, h 134 Centre Gill Lawrence, laborer, bds 14 Hamilton SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 77 Gillespie Abraham, sheriff, 28 Union, h do GillesjDie George C, carpenter, h 212 State Gillespie William Mitchell, professor civil engineering, Union College, h 180 Union Gillick — , tailor, h 12 Jay GILMOUR JOHN, books and stationery, 93 State, h 6 Cottage row, (see adv.) Ginn James W., coach trimmer, bds Fuller's Hotel Girvin Edward, conductor, N. Y. C. R. R., bds Fuller's Hotel Givan Mathew, tailor, h 5 South ave, up stairs Givens Wm. 0., bds G7 Liberty Gleason Daniel, maltster, h 25 Dock . Gleason Margaret Mrs., h 79 Front Gleis Michael, shoemaker, h College Terrace Glenn George W., engineer, h 49 Green Glenn Henry, machinist, h 58 College Glenn Jacob S., moulder, h 44 College Goergen Jacob, laborer, h 297 State Goggins James, gasfitter, h 19 Hamilton Goluck Charles, chairmaker, h 154 Front Gombell Frederick, cabinetmaker, State, h 8 Green Goodfellow Elijah, h 72 Romeyn Goodrich Horace, teller Schenectady Bank, h 1 Union JOHN GILMOUR, DEALER IN te> BOOKS, STATIONERI AND PAPER HANGINGS, No. 93 State Street, SCHENECTADY. 2^° Books aud Mngaziues Bound to Order. 78 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Goodrich William L., cashier Schenectady Bank, h 13 State Gordon Philip 11., saloon, 21 Rotterdam, h do Gow Maria, widow Alexander, h 65 Front Gozzar Alfred, machinist, bds 73 Liberty Graham Deborah Miss, h 44 Washington ave Graham Joseph B., [Young <& Graham,) h 171 Union Grant James, laborer, h 12 Hamilton Grant Peter, engineer, h 118 Front Gray Elias P., restaurant and dining hall, 157 State, h do Gray John, blacksmith, h 1 Pine Gray Robert, shoemaker, 184 State, h do Green Walter C, wood dealer, h 47 State [Centre Greenhalgh William, [jBarhydt db Greenhalgh,) h 102 Gregory Isaac M., ed. Daily Star, 170 State, h 69 Centre Greig Anna Mrs., widow William, h 57 Smith Greig George, boilermaker, h 70 Jay Gridley Wm., bds 81 Liberty Griffin Ann Miss, h 31 Centre Griffis Mary Mrs., h 54 Barrett Griffith Whitney, h 176 Union Grimm Mary D., widow John, h 36 Albany turnpike Groat John, machinist, h 55 Barrett Groat Nelson, machinist, bds 50 Ferry Groff Gustavus, tailor, h 3 Rail Road GrofF Mary, domestic, Washington ave, n Front Groot C. S. Mrs., h 41 State GROOT EDWARD W., books, stationery and news rooms, 168 State, bds 55 Liberty, (see adv.) Groot Richard D., teamster, h 30 South ave Groot Simon C, (S. 0. Groot d Co.,) h 60 Union Groot S. C. & Co., dry goods, 43 State Grout Hammond V., machinist, h 55 Barrett Grow Mary Mrs., tailor ess, h 66 Jay Guadendorff Herman, druggist, 85 State, h 87 do Guernsey Solomon Mrs., h 11 LaFayette Guisler Julius, painter, h 7 Monroe Gunn Patrick, mason, h 15 Jay Gyer John, tailor, h 297 State SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY, 79 H. Hack Frederick, baker, h College terrace, n Liberty Haffran Daniel, laborer, h 20 South ave Hagadorii Ezekiel, carpenter, h 131 Union Hagan Margaret C, widow, h 11 Rotterdam Hagerman John, machinist, bds 4 North Haight James E., machinist, h 27 Jefferson Haley Michael, laborer, h 61 Green Hall James, spinner, 64 Church Hall Otis W., brakeman, h 74 Centre Hallo well George, carpenter, h 45 LaFayette Hamilton John, laborer, h 13 Park Place Hamilton Robert, laborer, h 17 Park Place Hamlin Garry B., [Clark and Ra^nlin), h 35 LaFayette Hamlin Solyma, cooper, h 73 Washington ave Handy Elizabeth, widow Richard, h 137 Front Hanford George T., insurance agent and U. S. assessor, 114 State, bds Eagle Hotel Hanford William H., surveyor, h 37 Clinton Hang William G., laborer, h 37 Albany turnpike Hanley Michael, vol., 16th heavy artillery, h 83 Fonda Hanley Patrick, engineer, h 62 Fonda Hanlon Michael, saloon, 265 State, h 267 do Hanlon Philip, laborer, h 69 Fonda Hannah James, leather dealer, h 43 LaFayette Hannan Catharine, domestic, 62 Centre Hannas Thomas E., mechanic, h 142 Union Hanney James, machinist, h 81 Fonda Hanselman Jacob F., teamster, h 41 College Harbison James W., carpenter, h 37 Green Harbison Robert, vol. 134th regt., bds 37 Green Harbison Robert, hardware, 116 State, h 99 Centre Hardie Henry, barber. State, h Pine alley, n Pine Hardie Thomas, blacksmith, h 3 South ave Hardin George, cabinet maker, h 24 Ferry . 80 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY, Hardy Diana, domestic, c Church and Front Hardy Nicholas, laborer, h Fonda, c N. Y. C. E. R Hargraves James, blacksmith, h 15 Jay Harrington Patrick, broom maker, h 62 Chm'ch Harkin Wm., laborer, h 14 Jefferson Harkles Tobias, laborer, h 33 Barrett Harman Anna E. Mrs., widow Joshua, h 179 Union Harman Joseph, justice, 165 State, h 25 Front Harn Ann Mrs., h 8 State Harrington A. J., bartender Drullard's Hotel Harrington J. B., telegraph operator, bds Davis House Harran Patrick, laborer, h Liberty, n LaFayette , Harris S. S., machinist, h 46 College Harris William, laborer, h 41 Jay Harron Charles, shoemaker, bds Sharratt House Hart John, machinist, bds 65 Union Hart Patrick, laborer, h 33 Centre Hartness John, machinist, h 83 Centre Hartt Mett, laborer, h Albany Harvey Henry, engineer N. Y. C. E. E., h 33 Clinton * Harvey James, machinist, h 81 Front Harvey Jenette, widow Daniel, bds 81 Front Hasbrouck A. L. Mrs., h 70 Union Hastings James, tinsmith, h 72 Jay Hathaway Eobine, boat captain, h 299 State Hausman Frederick, engineer N. Y. C. R. E., h 80 Liberty Haverley Wm. H., engineer, h 48 College Hawley Maria M., widow Henry, bds 43 Smith Hawley Wm. H., clerk, h 43 Smith Hawks — , machinist, h New, n Union Hay James, machinist, h 18 Jefferson Hayes John, laborer, h 149 Centre [tosh's Hotel Hays George Washington, carriage trimmer, bds Mcln- Hearne Martin, laborer, h New, n Union [Hotel Heath Eichard, brakeman N. Y. C. E. E., bds Fuller's Heatly Philip, teamster, h 6 Washington ave Hedden Samuel 0., h 106 Union SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 81 Heeny Jane, domestic, 29 Washington ave Hefferman Thomas, coach builder, bds Fuller's Hotel Heise Heinrich, machhiist, h College terrace Helm Frank T., machinist, 239 State, h do Helmer Henry F., brakeman, h 28 Pine Helmer William H., {Strong d' Helmer,) h 126 Centre Hemstreet Michael, hotel, 176 State Henderson Sarah Mrs., h Veeder's ave Hendricks Stephen, laborer, h Lydia Henkelman Andrew, tailor, h Rotterdam, n the canal Henry Benjamin, pedler, h 60 Ferry Henry Jacob, clothing, 46 State, h 44 do Henry Patrick, laborer, h 38 College Henry William, architect and surveyor, h 174 Union Herman Christopher, machinist, h 15 Warren Heron John, machinist, h 163 Union Heron Patrick, machinist, h 68 Fonda Heron William, machinist, h 85 Romeyn Herrman Mary, domestic, 29 Liberty Heubner Frederick, laborer, h 3 Railroad Heyman J., [Lavinthal d Heyman,) h 8 Smith Hibbard Edward, agt. gas co., h 26 Barrett Higgins John, shoemaker, h 4 Fonda Highson Peter, pedler, h Liberty, n College terrace Hildebrand Jacob, h 9 Jay Hildebrant Henry, machinist, h 70 Front Hilderbrand John, carman, h 19 Jay Hill — , tailor, bds 73 Liberty Hill John L.. (Johnson & Hill,) h 113 Liberty Hill Martha, domestic, 91 Front Hill S. P., grocer, 106 Romeyn, h do Hilts John S., carpenter, h 178 Union Hindman Daniel, laborer, bds 8 Monroe Hines James, h 19 Smith Hines John, cooper, h Rotterdam, n the Canal Histed Charles, blacksmith, h College, n Green Hitchcock L. F., watchmaker, bds 171 Union 82 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Hoag Casper F., h 167 Union Hodgkiss George, machinist, h 134 Union Hodgson Robert, clerk, h 44 State Hoffman Abraham, machinist, h 141 Front Hoffman Adam, Laborer, 35 Centre Hoffman George, vol. 13th heavy artillery, bds 36 Centri Hoffman Hannah, widow William, h 4 Jay Hoffman Mary, domestic, 7 Union Hogan Michael, fireman, h 2 Hamilton Hogeboom Edward, bookkeeper, 93 Union, h 28 Smith Hogeboom Susan Mrs., widow Peter, h 28 Smith Holiday Thomas, laborer, bds 131 Front Holmes Elizabeth, widow John, h 28 Pine Holmes Peter W., h 50 Washington ave Holton William M., h 55 Union Hook Fanny Miss, h 181 Union Hook Frederick, h 181 Union Hoppmann Caroline, widow Charles, bds 64 Front Hoppmann Henry, fireman, h 64 Front Horn Joseph C, laborer, h Albany Home Anna Mrs., h 102 Liberty Horsfall John O., h 51 Union Horsfall Joseph, bds 51 Union Horsfall Sarah, widow Wm., h 18 Jay Horsfall Wm. V., engraver, bds 18 Jay Hart Lewis, blacksmith, bds 73 Liberty Horth Wm. F., machinist, bds 23 Yates Hotailing Garrett, brakeman, h 47 College Hough Ann Mrs., h 36 Washington ave Houghtaling Henry, farmer, h DeGroff Hourigan Ellen, widow Patrick, h 5 Pine Housen John, laborer, h 1 North Housen Martin, brakeman, h 27 North Houston Henry B., printer, h 107 Liberty Howard John N., machinist, bds 18 College Howard John S., machinist, h 18 College Howard Wm. B., vol. 48th regt., bds 18 College SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 83 Howe Daniel, macliinist, h 22 LaFayette Howe AVm. H., 134tli regt. N. Y. S. V., h 22 LaFayette Howell Esther Mrs., h 6 Front Howse Robert, gardener, h Deserving Howse William, grocer, 79 Ferry, h do Huber Peter, brewer, h 96 Union Hubner Henry, lager beer saloon, 98 Ferry, h do Hulbert Eugene, carpenter, h 59 Church Hulbert Rachael Mrs., bds 59 Church Hull S. A., merchant tailor & gent's furnishing goods, 83 State, h 244 do Hulling Henry, teamster, h 30 North [Union Hunter Arthur W., agt. J. Roy & Co. shawl manuf., h 9 Hursey Sarah Mrs., widow David, h 9 Front Hutchinson Leonard L., station keeper, h 33 Smith Hyman David, tailor, State, h 8 Smith I. Iredale George, spinner, h 77 Church Isele Henry, vol. 119 regt., h 80 Romeyn Isham James, coach painter, bds Fuller's Hotel • J. Jackson Allen H., Col. 134th regt., bds 29 Washington ave Jackson Alonzo Mrs., h 30 Washington ave Jackson Blandina Mrs., h 152 Union Jackson John J., laborer, h 88 Ferry Jackson James, machinist, h 30 Green Jackson John, baggageman, h 41 Smith Jackson John, waiter, h Fonda, n N. Y. C. R. R Jackson Robert, ( Wendell & JacTcson,) h 32 Pine Jackson Robert, clerk, bds 120 Front [ave JACKSON S. W., lawyer, 10 Union, h 29 Washington 84 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Jacobs James, fireman, h 34 South ave Jarvie John, carder, h 70 Church Jarvie Robert, laborer, h 30 Front Jarvis Elizabeth, widow John, h 57 Union JefFerds Catharine Miss, h 26 Green Jeffords A. E. Miss, milliner, 105 Union, h do Jeffries John, carpenter, h 131 Liberty Jeffries John, laborer, h Liberty [15 Yates Jennings Sarah E. Miss, sewing machines, 130 State, bds John Matthias, laborer, h 297 State John Nicholas, tailor, h 2 North John Theodore, laborer, h 33 Albany turnpike John William, laborer, h 34 Albany turnpike Johnson Gilbert, laborer, h 54 Barrett Johnson Harvey, farmer, h 47 Pine [h do Johnson John A., saloon and vegetable store, 182 State, Johnson L. L., machinist, h 112 Eront Johnson Margaret, domestic. Church, c Union Johnson Stephen H., [Johnson <& Hill,) county judge and surrogate, bds Eagle Hotel Johnson Thomas, laborer, h 12 South ave Johnson William, millinery goods, 91 State, h89 do JOHNSON & HILL, attorneys at law, 15 Union Joice Sarah, widow John, h 55 Front Jones Eli, h 24 LaEayette Jones John C, switch tender, h 10 Green Jones John C, vol., 134th regt, h 94 Romeyn Jones J. L., telegraph operator, bds Davis House Jones Joel W., leather and findings, 112 State, h 23 Liberty Jones Taylor, blacksmith, h 186 Union Jones William, machinist, h 16 Jefferson Jones William H., harnessmaker, h 103 Liberty Joslin James T., Lieut. 134th rgt. N. Y. V., bds 3 Church Joslin Samuel, machinist, h 66 Front Juno Charles, bartender, Givens' Hotel Jutkins A. J. Rev., h 89 Liberty SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 85 K. Kabele Benedict, laborer, bds 29 Romeyn Kabele Charles, stone cutter, h Romeyn, n Nott Kabele Reynold, laborer, bds 29 Romeyn Kabley John, shoemaker, h 43 College Katins James, laborer, h 38 Romeyn Keathy Philtz, h Albany Keeler Frederick, laborer, h 6 Ferry Keeley Ellen Mrs., widow John, h 151 Centre Keigher Barnard, laborer, h 31 Centre Keigher Mary, domestic, 23 Washington ave Keller John, vol. 134th regt. N. Y. S. V., h 68 Church Kelley John, miller, h 53 \Vashington ave Kelley William S., millwright, h 68 LaFayette Kelly Catharine Miss, h 34 State Kelly James J., machinist, h 21 Centre Kelly John, laborer, h 77 Fonda, up stairs Kelly Margaret, widow Thomas, bds 21 Centre Kelly Mary Miss, h 34 State Kelly Minerva, widow Charles, h N. C. R. R., n Fonda Kelly Michael, blacksmith, h 5 Warren Kelly Patrick, machinist, h 21 Centre Kelsey Nathaniel, ( W. W. Pettingill d: Co., also Beehe <& Kelsei/,) supt. W. T. Co., h 135 Centre KEMP HENRY R., merchant tailor, 156 State, h 7 Frank- lin, (see adv.) Kennedy James H., hatter, h 6 North Kennedy Thomas, laborer, h 1 1 Governor's lane Kendrick Dennis, watchman, h 80 Fonda Kenny Eliza, widow Samuel, h 75 Liberty Kenny Martin, laborer, h 70 Fonda Kenny Philip, clerk, bds 75 Liberty [ler's Hotel KENNY THOMAS H., marble works, 1 State, bds Ful- Kerk Auder, saloon, 4 Dock, h Jay, n c Union Kernan James, laborer, h Myers, alley, n South ave 86 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. KeiT Andrew, h 94 Ferry [124 Centre, (see adv.) KETCHUM A. M., gents' furnishing goods, 133 State, h Ketehum Daniel, laborer, h 61 Fonda Ketchum Jaeob, machinist, h 50 Barrett Ketehum J. L., machinist, bds 61 Fonda Ketchum M. A. Mrs., h 124 Centre Ketchum Nancy, widow R. C, h 99 Centre Ketchum Robert, h 85 Union Keyes Patrick, laborer, h 5 South ave Keyser Paul, laborer, h 16 Water Kiernan Thomas, switchman, h 1 1 Madison Kildoile John, machinist, h 71 Fonda Kile John, laborer, h 35 Albany turnpike Killian John, blacksmith, h Romeyn, n South ave Kilmartin John, grocer, 13 Rotterdam, h 15 do Kinegar John, blacksmith, h 28 Yates King B. S., laborer, h 67 Fonda King Mary A. Mrs., h East Liberty, c Prospect King Maurice, tailor, h 34 Union King Solomon B., mason, h 151 Front King William A., tailor, h 25 Jefferson Kinghorn William, dyer, 2 Railroad, c Water, h do Kingsbury C. E., music teacher, h 45 Front Kinney Patrick, laborer, h 23 Yates Kirkpatrick David, vol. 134th regt., h 22 Smith Kittle Daniel M., machinist, h 87 Front Kittle Nicholas, carpenter, h 48 LaFayette Klein Gertrude Miss, bds 46 Union Kline Henry, laborer, h 38 Washington ave Knapp Elma Mrs., dressmaker, 12 Smith, h do Knecht Frederick, bakery, 23 and 25 Jay, h do Knedell William, soap and candle maker, 20 Dock, h 24 LaFayette Knight Hellen, widow Horace, h 10 South ave Knight Michael, laborer, h 52 Romeyn Knoll John, laborer, h 14 South ave Knowlson John, bookkeeper, h 91 Centre i SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 87 Knowlton Alonzo, machinist, h 24 Barrett Knowlton David, tinsmith, h 4 Smith Knowlton Ellen, widow Daniel, h 119 Front Knowlton Judith, widow Daniel, bds 4 Smith Kochem William, h Albany Kotterer Pius Rev., pastor St. Joseph Church, h 58 Jay Krank Eva Mrs., widow, h 37 Barrett Kreasman Anthony, tinsmith, h 90 Romeyn Kuhn Jacob, cabinetmaker, h 16 Water Kuse Henry, laborer, h 3 Rotterdam Lacy John, [Lacy <& Perkins), h 108 State LACY & PERKINS, dentists, 108 Stale Ladd Daniel E., clerk, bds 16 LaFayette Ladd Isaac P., saloon, 191 State, h 57 Jay Ladd James, clerk, h 16 LaFayette Ladd John D., clerk, h 13 Hamilton Lake John, painter, 85 Union, h do Lake Henry, painter, h 118 Front Lamb Emily Mrs., widow George V., h 2 Green Lamb Juliette Mrs., widow Maxon, h 33 Clinton Lamp Catharine, widow, h 31 Rotterdam Lamp Garret, farmer, h 5 Rotterdam Lamphear Henry, machinist, h 61 LaFayette Lancaster Experience Mrs., bds 15 Yates Landon Judson S., lawyer, 165 State, h 85 Front Lang Dora, domestic, 51 Union Langdon Angelica, widow John, h 55 Front Lansing Benjamin L., clerk, h 34 Smith Lansing Benjamin Mrs., dressmaker, 34 Smith, h do Lansing Francis, farmer, h 53 College Lathrop John E., watchman, h 71 Centre [Fayette La Tour Francis, barber, under Fuller's Hotel, h 16 La- Laramie Samuel H., grocer, 97 Union, h do 88 schI SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Larnan Hugh, laborer, h 10 Warren Larue Jane, widow Milo, h 84 College Lauder Agnes, widow David, Ixls 7 Cottage Row Lauder A. R., laborer, h 7 Cottage Row Laventhall Abraham, clothing, 72 State, h 8 Smith Lavinthal D., (Lavinthal (& Heyman,) h 8 Smith Lavinthal & Heyman, clothing, 144 State Lawrence E. V. Mrs., widow, h 137 Liberty- Lawrence Wm., chairmaker, h 8 South ave Leaward Charles, laborer, h Veeder's ave Lee D. M., hats, caps and furs, 110 State, h 80 Union Lee Robert, sailor, h 39 Barrett Lehmar Barbara Mrs., h East Liberty, c Prospect Lempar Wm., laborer, h Warren, n Fonda Lermy Bridget, domestic, 117 Union Lent Robert, bds Davis House Leanard James, laborer, h 72 Fonda Leonard James L., machinist, h 17 Monroe Levi Coin, clothing, 166 State, h do Levi Jonathan, country store, 102 & 104 State, h do Levy Pfeifer, clothing, 90 State, h do Liddle John G., foreman, h 1 Clinton Lighthall Ahasuerus, shoemaker, h 29 Barrett Lighthall James, tinsmith, h 54 Washington ave Lindley C. L., forwarding, commission and oil store, 5 Dock, h 26 Liberty Lindley Silas H., dry goods, 121 State, h 123 do Linn Archibald, vol. 2nd N. Y. Cav., bds 103 Union Linn Charles F., bds 103 Union Linn Mary, widow Archibald, h 103 Union Lipps Edward, shoemaker, h Cottage terrace, n Union Lochead Wm., bds 118 Front Lockwood Jacob, painter, h 12 Water Locust Frederick, laborer, h 29 Jefferson Long Eugene, stonecutter, bds Fuller's Hotel Lord Burr S., — , h Veeder's ave • Lucas Ernst, saloon, 61 Liberty, h do SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 89 •■ ■' Lucas George, saloon, 9 Dock, h do Luckhurst Charles, laborer, h 29 Dock Luffman O. S., bookkeeper, h 41 Front Luke Charles, laborer, h 19 North Luke John, shoemaker, h 18 South ave Lunney James, grocer, 74 Romeyn, h 17 South ave Lunney Jane, domestic, 46 Washington ave Lusher Joseph, h 70 Jay Lyall Anthony, student, bds 74 Fonda [ave Lynet Margaret, widow Patrick, h Myers' alley, n South Lyon Benjamin F., (B. F. cS: J. H. Lyon,) h 34 Church Lyon Catharine, widow Elias, h 78 College Lyon David, harnessmaker, h 83 Front Lyon James H., {B. F. <£• J. H. Lijon) h 11*7 Union Lyon J. A., bds 117 Union Lyon Joseph, trunk dealer, State, h 117 Union Lyon Mary J . Miss, 70 Liberty Lyon Samuel, machinist, h 155 Front Lyon B. F. & J. H., saddlery, hardware, and trunks, 187 State Lyons Peter, laborer, h 39 Jay M. Mack Margaret, widow Cornelius, bds 86 Fonda Madden Edward, fireman, h 72 Romeyn Madigan John, laborer, h 20 South ave Maenarzhagen John, shoemaker, h 27 White Magovern Ann, domestic, 18 Liberty [Union Magail Hugh, janitor. South College, College terrace, n Mohan Patrick, h 153 Centre Mairs James W., (James Walker d' Co.,) h 91 Liberty Malcomb, James B., h 66 Washington ave Malver John, laborer, h 31 Albany turnpike Marcellus Cornelia Mrs., h 71 Front Marcellus Isaac, machinist, bds 1l Front 90 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Marcellus James H., vol. 91st rgt., bcls 71 Front j Marcellus John, clerk, bds 12 College Marcellus John N., laborer, h 91 Front Marcellus Nancy, widow Peter, h 119 Front Marcellus Nicholas, vol. 134th rgt., bds 71 Front Marcellus Robertj cigarmaker, h 12 College j Marcellus Sarah, widow Nicholas^ bds 91 Front ! Marhafer Philip, shoemaker, h 25 LaFayette ! Marks David, clothing, 132 and 134 State, h 36 Clinton Marks Dora Mrs., h 36 Clinton Marks Nicholas, laborer, h Albany Marks Peter, broommaker, h Lydia : Marlett George, clerk, h 55 LaFayette [Barrett ■ Marlett J. J., Adjutant General's office, Albany, h 44 Marney Michael, laborer, h 4 Hamilton Marrin Margaret, domestic, 21 Front Marsden William, laborer, h 54 White Marselis Henry, harnessmaker, 227-|- State, h 67 LaFayette Marsellius Abraham, machinist, h 43 Smith Marsellus Eliza L. Miss, h 75 Ferry Marshall Abraham, clerk, bds Mcintosh's Hotel Marshall Wm., h 62 Ferry Martin Catharine Mrs., h 98 Romeyn Martin Edward, laborer, h De Groif Martin George W., machinist, h 151 Front Martin Henry, broommaker, h 5 Ferry Martin James, laborer, h 49 Romeyn Martin Joseph, machinist, h 23 John [Fonda Martin Margaret, widow Constantine, h N. Y. C. R. R., n Martin Michael, laborer, h Myers' alley, n South ave Martin Patrick, laborer, h 67 Romeyn Martin Peter, blacksmith, h 58 Liberty Martin Roddy, h Union, n College terrace Martins Henry, laborer, h 9 John Mason Charles J., Merchant tailor, 164 State, h 26 Jay Mathews Andrew, dry goods, 145 State, h 35 Church Mathews Charles, loan commissioner, State, h 58 Smith SCHENECT/VDY DIRECTORY. 91 Mathews John Mrs., h 9 State Mathews Wm. H., Lieut. 18th N. Y. cav., h 142 Union Maurice Fitz, laborer, h 94 Fonda Maxon Ethan A., clerk, bds 104 Union MAXON GEORGE G., president Mohawk Bank, and flour and feed, 2, 4, 6 and 8 Wall, c Liberty, h 104 Union, (see adv.) Maxson Hiram, locksmith, 131, h do May Jacob, shoemaker, 10 Dock, h do Maybe Franklin B., h Albany May hew Frederick, carman, h 74 Centre Mayhew M. M., vol. 13th heavy Artillery, bds 74 Centre McAllister Daniel, shoemaker, h 10 Jay McAllister Elizabeth, widow Angus, bds 10 Jay McArthur Alexander Mrs., h 65 Romeyn Mc Arthur Cornelius, blacksmith, bds 65 Romeyn McArthur James, machinist, bds 65 Romeyn McOabe Rogers, laborer, h De Groff McCaffry Christopher, laborer, h 53 Romeyn McCamus Edward, ( W77i. McCamus dt Co.), h28 Liberty McCamus E. Mrs., h 28 Liberty McCamus Thomas W., (Wm. McCamus (& Co.), bds 30 Liberty [Liberty McCamus William, (Wm. McCamus S Co.), h 30 McCAMUS WILLIAM & CO., dry goods merchants, 137 State, (see adv.) McCann Christopher, blacksmith, h 5 State McCann John, clerk. Miller's Hotel McCann Maria, widow, h 16 Rotterdam McCarty George, machinist, bds 54 Union McCarty Julia, widow Daniel, h 17 John McCarty Patrick, laborer, h 24 Jefferson McCauley Bridget, domestic, 31 Washington ave McCauley Francis, laborer, h 107 Front [terrace McChesney John G., lawyer, 165 State, h State, c Nott McClyman George, machinist, h 17 College McCorkle Lillian Mrs., h 130 Union 92 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. McCormick Thomas, laborer, h 94 Romeyn McCurtie William, carpenter, h 14 Franklin McDaniel Duncan, h 21 State McDermott Ann, domestic, 40 Washington ave McDERMOTT JOHN, dealer in groceries, &c., 125 Union, h 98 Fonda, (see adv.) McDermott John, mason, bds 45 Romeyn McDermott Patrick, laborer, h 136 Front McDermott Patrick, laborer, h 45 Romeyn McDermott Patrick, Jr., machinist, bds 45 Romeyn McDonald John, laborer, h 99 Union McDonald Michael, engineer, h Myers' alley, n South ave McDonald Michael, fireman, bds 86 Centre McDonald Mrs., h Albany McDonald Philip, helper, h 10 LaFayette McDonald William, carpenter, h 29 Yates McDonnelly Bridget, domestic, 35 Union McDonough Michael, laborer, h 10 State McDugall Duncan, h 54 Union McEncroe John, mason, h 9 LaFayette McEvoy Ann, widow John, h 7 Liberty McEvoy Michael, shoemaker, h Myers' alley, n South ave McFarlan Ann Mrs., h 18 State McGee Thomas, blacksmith, h 13 Hamilton JOHN McDERMOTT, Groceries, Provisions, FXJ.CDTJ-R, IFEEID, Hams, Salt Pork, Fish, Eggrs. Hutter, Cheese, Salt, Tickles, Cider & Yi.negak, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, fcSpices, &o« Country Pkoduce taken in exchange for Goods. No. 125 Union St., cor. of Fonda, SCHENECTADY, N. Y, SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 93 McGinnis Patrick, laborer, h 11 South ave • McGoey Mary, widow Alichael, bds 152 Centre McGoey Thomas, laborer, h 152 Centre McGrail Ann, domestic, 50 Union McGraile Ellen Mrs., h 109 Front McGraw Joseph, vol, 134th regt., bds 48 LaFayette McGney John, laborer, h 60 Church McGuire Kate, domestic, 60 Union McGukin Sarah A. Miss, millinery, 48 State, h do Mclnall Robert, machinist, h 80 Fonda Mclnnall George, machinist, bds 40 Clinton Mcintosh Angus, prop'r Mcintosh Hotel, 215 State Mcintosh W. J., clerk, Mcintosh Hotel McKerlie Anna M. Mrs., widow Alexander, h 56 Jay McKerlie William, grocer, 38 State, h do McKinney James, laborer, h 11 Water, c Washington ave McKinney James, vol. 134th regt., bds 12 Ferry McKinney James, watchman, h 109 Front McKinney Lansing, blacksmith, h 71 Front McKinney Samuel, wagonmaker, h 12 Ferry McKinnon John, machinist, bds 35 Romeyn McManners Margaret, domestic, 29 Washington ave McMartin David, ticket agent, N. Y. C. R. R. depot, h 67 Union McMichael Gertrude, widow John, h 23 Front McMichael John, bds 23 Front McMichael Rachael Mrs., h 53 College McMuldroch Agnes Miss, h 80 College McMullen Andrew, coal and wood, 93 Union, h 185 do McMullen Elizabeth, widow Thomas, h N. Y. C. R. R., n Romeyn McMullen William, cabinetmaker, h 18 Green McMullen \\'m. J., clerk, Ji 62 Centre McNee John, undertaker, shop 23 Front, h do McNee Walter, carpenter, shop 5 Church, h do McNevin AVm., gardener, h 70 Romeyn McOmber Abner, carpenter, h 14 Smith 94 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. McPhearson Jane A. Miss, h 130 Union McQueen George, h 229 State McQueen Peter, laborer, h 37 Ronieyn [Union McQueen Walter, superintendent locomotive works, h 148 McShea John, Jr., county clerk, 17 Union, h at Niskajuna Mead John, machinist, h 138 Liberty Medler Catharine Mrs., bds 30 Yates Medler Martin, laborer, bds 30 Yates Medler Thomas, vol. I34th regt., bds 30 Yates Meeker Caleb B., h 86 Barrett Meeker Sarah Mrs., widow Josiah, h 160 Union Meeker William, painter, h 65 Union Meesick Angelica Miss, bds 110 Liberty Mehan Andrew, watchman, N. Y. C. R. R., h 36 Hamilton Mehan James, switchtender, h 151 Centre Meitz Catharine, domestic, 103 Union Melanophy John, grocer, 52 Jay, c Franklin, h do Merselis Richard, h 132 Union Mesick Abram, h 44 White Messenger George, painter, h 57 Romeyn Metcalf Richard, blacksmith, h 20 Yates Metzin Martin, laborer, h 5 Ferry Milber Xavier, laborer, h 3 Rotterdam Miles Elizabeth Mrs., bds 110 Union Miles Julia, widow James, bds 22 Jefferson Millard Charles, painter, h 92 Centre Millard John W., {Clark <& Millard,) h 53 Front Millard Marcus N., {Millard (& Crane,) h 139 Centre Millard Martha Mrs., h 107 Union Millard & Crane, grocers, 160 State Miller Charles A., tinsmith, 96|- Ferry, h 50 Green Miller "Frederick Mrs., h 21 LaFayette Miller Jeremiah, grocer, 64 Washington ave, h do Miller John, cabinetmaker, h 20 College Miller John II. , carpenter, h 23 Jeflerson MILLER PETER, grocer and prop. Miller's Hotel, 23, 25 and 27 Rotterdam SCHENECtADY DIRECTORY. 95 Miller Thomas, h Myers' alley, n South ave Mills Henry, laborer, h 72 Liberty Milmine Isaac, foreman, h 51 White M limine James, i^David Murray & Co.^) h Jay, n Franklin Milmine John, h 22 Liberty Mingen Isaac, soldier, h Albany Minkler William, carpenter, bds American Hotel Mitchell Thomas, lawyer, h 14 State MITCHELL THOMAS, saloon, and fruit and oysters, 178 and ISO State, h do Mitchell Thomas B., (Mitchell (& Beattie,) h 14 State Mitchell & Beattie, lawyers, 71 State Mix David, tailor, 64 State, h 33 Front Moak Robert T., carpenter, h 21 Washington ave Moir John, bds 70 Church Moir Robert, spinner, bds 70 Church Moltis Andrew, blacksmith, h 43 Jay Moolick Thomas, shoemaker, h Myers' alley, n South ave MOORE EDGAR W., baker and confectioner, 233 State, h do, (see adv.) [115 do Moore George W^., baker and confectioner, 113 State, h Moore Ellen M. Mrs., widow Ransom, h 94 Liberty Moorhouse John, wool assorter, h 45 State Morgan Charles, mason, h 71 LaFayette Morgan George W., engineer N. Y. C. R. R., h 35 Clinton Morgan Mary Mrs., widow Cornelius, h 65 LaFayette Morluck Jacob, laborer, h 18 W^ater Morris Sarah, widow Joseph, h 57 Ferry Morrison John, farmer, h 153 Front Morrison Rebecca, widow James, bds 26 Jefferson Morse William H., express agt., h 20 Hamilton Morton Alexander, machinist, h 35 Romeyn Morton George, machinist, h 27 Jefferson Mudge F. R., mason, h 132 Centre Mulvay Frank, laborer, h 30 Green Mundsahl Frederick, laborer, h 30 North Mundsahl John, laborer, h 16 North 96 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Murphy William, laborer, h 22 Water Murray David, {D. Murray <& Co.,) h 1 Washington are Murray Mary Mrs., h 124 Front Murray Sarah, widow Thomas, bds 39 Green Murray Walter, h Myers' alley, n South ave MURRAY D. &-.C0., dry goods merchants, 63 State Murren James, laborer, h 17 Warren Murren John, laborer, h 26 Monroe Mutimer Daniel C, stoves and tin ware^ 92 State^ h 44 College Mychoof J. M., widow David, h 60 Union Myer Christian, Co. B. 103d N. Y. S. V., h59LaFayette Myer Jacob, boot and shoe maker, 27 Water, h do Myers Carrie Mrs., bds 16 North Myers Harry, clerk, bds 16 Liberty Myers Jerome, farmer, h 60 Barrett Myers John, broom manuf.. Flats, bet. the river and canal Myers John M., Lieut. 13 heavy artillery, h 22 Smith Myers Julius, coffee and spice manuf., 89 Fonda Myers Mary Ann Mrs., h 16 Liberty Myers Matthew, h 96 Centre Myers Mordecai, h 93 Centre Myers Nicholas, clerk, h 120 Liberty Myers Samuel, watchmaker and jeweller, 119 State, h 117 do Mynderse B. A., physician, 27 Liberty, h do N. Nail Samuel, grain dealer, h 49 White Narly Conrad, laborer, h Myers' alley, n South ave Neakly John, laborer, h Albany Near George B., {^Feather stone, Near d' Co.,) h 176 Union Negus John, blacksmith, h 3 Liberty Neighbower George, machinist, h 69 Fonda Neubauer William, clerk, bds 87 State fidHENEC*ADY DIRECtOR^. 97 Neiiber Fi^ederick, laborer, h 68 Church [h 56 do Neuber Martha Mrs., widow Henry, saloon, 54 Liberty, Nevil Patrick, laborer, h 19 Jefferson - Newbegin George W., machinist, h State, n LaFayette Newell Jacob, laborer, h Veeder's ave Newhouse Charles, laborer, h Veeder's ave Newhouse Ernest, gardener, h 47 Fonda Newman Wm. H., carpenter, bds 14 Smith Nibbs Cornelius, machinist, h 31 Jefferson [fersoti Nicklas George, ( W. Nicklas c& Son,) bds Front, n Jef- Nicklas William, ( W, Nicklas <£• Son^) h Front, n Jefferson Nicklas William & Son, grocer and meat market, 56 Union Nichol James, boss weaver, h 30 Water, c Church Nicholas George, bds 160 Front Nicholas Wm., meat market. Union, h 160 Front Nickerbocker Charles, baggage master, bds 46 Smith Niper John, shoemaker, h 6 Barrett Nolan Martin, mason, h Veeder's ave Nolan Michael, mason, h 53 LaFayette Norman Henry, blacksmith, h 87 Libei^ty Norton Ann M., widow James, h 13 John Norton Patrick, tailor, h 6 Warren Norton Truman S., machinist, h 83 Romeyn Nott Eliphalet Rev., D. D., LL. D., president Union Col- lege, h College grounds, Union Noyes Austin, engineer, h 48 Smith o. Oakley Frank, laborer, h 31 Centre O'Brian Michael, helper, bds 86 Centre [Hotel O'Brien James S., tobacconist, 101 Ferry, bds Miller's O'Brien John, laborer; h 74 Fonda O'Brien Michael, machinist, bds 23 Yates O'Connel Bartholomew, butcher, h 40 White O'Conner Mathew, h 19 John 5 98 SCHENECTADY DIRECTOIl^. O'Conner Peter, vol. 12th regulars, bcls 19 John O'Dey John, laborer, h 64 Front Ohlen Ann, widow John, h G8 Union Ohlen George, cooper, 53 Church, h 27 Union Ohlen Wni., clerk, bds 68 Union Oldorf Charles D.-, patternmaker, h 21 Yates Oliver Orville, clerk P. O., bds 82 Liberty Onderkirk Daniel, h 102 Liberty Onderkirk Jane Mrs., widow Edward, h 36 Green Onderkirk Peter, h 6 Jay Onderkirk P. M., cabinet repairer, 133 Union, h do Onderkirk Wm., watchman, h 3 Green O'Neil Hugh, blacksmith, h 5 Jefferson O'Neil James, laborer, h 96 Romeyn O'Neil John, switchman, h 5 Jefferson O'Neil Patrick, laborer, h ID South ave ;. Oppenheim King, pedler, h 70 State Jr Orchard James W., machinist, h 76 Fonda &) Orman Francis, freight dispatcher, h 59 Smith i|- O'Roake Ann, domestic, Church, c Union Orr Daniel, laborer, h 75 Church Orsburn Jacob, farmer, h 66 Smith [pike Osanert Charles, laborer, h Veeder's ave., n Albany turn- Osborn George C, vol. I34th regt., bds 79 Front- Osborn Samuel, vol. 122dregt., bds 79 Front Osborn Thomas, laborer, h 79 Front Osborn William, painter, h 62 Church Ostrander Benjamin, laborer, h 71 Centre Ostrom David L., grocer, 195 State, h 69 Barrett Ostrom Henry, dry goods, 127 State, h 53 Barrett Ostrom Spencer, machinist, h 46 Barrett Ostrom William H., dry goods, h 8 Clinton Ott Herman, machinist, h 29 Romeyn Ott Joseph, shoemaker, h 36 Albany turnpike Otten T., widow Charles, h 25 South ave. Otto Frederick, laborer, h 12 Dock Ower Frederick, shoemaker, h 51 Pine *ii SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 99 P. Paffenback David, machinist, h 35 Jay- Page Charles F., mechanic, h 120 Union Page Edwin E., clerk, h 27 South ave [ton ave PAIGE ALONZO C, lawyer, 10 Union, h 42 Washing- Paige John K. Mrs., h 49 Washington ave Paine Aaron ¥., blacksmith, h Y Jay Palmer John A., clerk. State, bds 36 Church Palmer Moses, shoemaker, h 21 State Palmer Thomas Mrs., h 36 Church Parker Benjamin, mechanic, h 37 Smith Parker Hannah M. Mrs., bds 20 Jefferson Parker John, laborer, h 22 Ferry Parker John, vol. 134th regt., bds 87 Smith Parker Joseph, machinist, h 35 Clinton Parker Mary, widow Joseph, h 42 Fonda Parker Thomas, machinist, h 67 Front Parmentier Francis, confectioner, 74 Ferry, h do Parmentier Theodore, laborer, h 57 Ferry- Patten Walter, mason, h 150 Front Patterson Ann Mrs., h 23 Green Patterson Henry, laborer, h 27 South ave Patterson John, shoemaker, bds 73 Liberty- Patterson John, bds 23 Green Patterson John W., machinist, h 64 Pomeyn Patterson William, engineer, h 20 Ferry Patterson William, machinist, h 35 Romeyn • Payife Wm. Rev., rector St. George church, h 35 Ferry Pearce S. V., carpenter, 115 Barrett, h do Pearse James W., clerk, Fuller's Hotel Pearson Caleb, h 189 Union Pearson Jonathan, professor natural history, h 189 Union Pearson Joseph K., student, h 124 Liberty Pease Harman, physician, 105 State, h do Pease Lewis, laborer, h 41 Albany turnpike 100 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Peaslee David W., fruit and confectionery, 164 State h do Peckham Alvey G., engineer, h 8 Hamilton Peckham William H., clerk, bds 8 Hamilton Peek Ann, widow Peter, h 58 Ferry Peek Jesse, copyist, h 128 Centre Peek J. Y., vol. 134th regt., bds 89 Front Peek Lewis, carman, h 10 Hamilton Peek Mary, widow Christopher, bds 49 Green Peek Nancy, widow Thomas, h 29 Centre Peek Nancy Miss, bds 40 Green Peek N. S., carpenter, h 89 Front Peek Yates, conductor, h 42 Romeyn Peeler John, broommaker, h White, n Franklin Pellet William, machinist, h 49 Centre Pelling John, laborer, h 32 Albany turnpike Pelton Sumner M., mechanic, h 38 Barrett Pemberton Thomas L., engineer, h 88 Front Penny Jacob K., farmer, h 85 Romeyn Peper Charles H., prop. American Hotel, 221 State Perkins Daniel T., vol. 91st regt., bds 20 Jefferson Perkins Jane Mrs., bds 59 Smith Perkins Margaret F., w^idow Ansel, h 20 Jefferson Perkins Oliver II., [Lacy S Perkins,) h 108 State Perkins O. H., dentist, l3ds Fuller's Hotel Perry Elizabeth, widow Roswell, h 94 Front Perry James, cartman, h 18 Hamilton Peters Alexis P., wines and liquors, 76 Washinton ave, h52 do Peters Alc^izo P., painter, h 54 Washington ave Peters Andrew; brewer, h 19 State Peters Christopher, h 102 Ferry Peters Edward, wagonmaker, h 70 Washington ave Peters Harman W., grocer, 1 Rotterdam, h 58 W^ash ington ave Peters Margaret, widow, h 74 Washington ave Peters Vedder, blacksmith, h 70 Washington ave Peterson A. O,, machinist, h 102 Front SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 101 Peterson George, painter, h 48 Jay Peterson Randolph, vol. 6th heavey artillery, h Veeder's ave, n Albany turnpike [Smith Pettingill William W., ( W. W. Petiingill ck Co.,) h 21 PETTINGILL W. W. & CO., livery stable, 216 State Pfan. Christena, widow Francis, bds 73 Romeyn Pfan Francis, carpenter, h 73 Romeyn Pfan John, blacksmith, bds 73 Romeyn Pheney Ellen, widow Arthur, bds 77 Fonda Philips Barnard, machinist, bds 71 Fonda Philips Julia, widow Edward, bds 71 Fonda Philips Ustacia A., domestic, 79 College Phillips Amos, {A. Phillii:>s c^ Co.,) h 32 Smith Phillips John, laborer, h 15 South ave Phillips Joseph, engineer Schenectady Agricultural "Works, h Rotterdam, n canal bridge Phillips A. & Co., photographers, 99 State Pickeler Nicholas, laborer, h Albany Picket Harman, clerk, h 63 Centre Pickett James, h 74 Union Pierce William, clerk, bds Davis House Pike Thomas P., R. R. dining saloon, one door N. Givens Hotel, h 75 Centre Pilling Charles H., bds 6Q Centre Pilling Wm., h m Centre Pilling Wm., Jr., machinist, bds 66 Centre (Franklin Piper George, tallyman S. R. R. freight office, h 19 Piper Thomas, engineer, h 32 Centre Pitman Enos, laborer, bds 10 Jefferson Placer Anthony, laborer, h JPlbany Placer John, broommaker, h Albany Plain Jane, domestic, 26 Front Plain John, machinist, h 124 Front Plain Stephen, blacksmith, h 13 Jeiferson Plank Adam, h 273 State Plank William, telegraph repairer, h 51 White [bds do Plato James, restaurant, 177 State, under Givens' Hotel, 102 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Piatt Albert, tailor, h Veeder's ave, n Albany turnpike Plimkett Mary, widow Michael, bds 38 Romeyn Plunkett Michael, laborer, h 38 Romeyn Plunket Patrick, laborer, h 82 Union Poland Wm. V., shoemaker, h 104 Romeyn Pollard John H., blacksmith, bds 22 Green Potter Benjamin Y., lawyer, h 4 Union Potter D. S., clerk^ bds Mcintosh Hotel [4 do POTTER PLATT, justice Supreme Court, 10 Union, h Potter S. B., grocer, 49 State, h 51 do Powell Charles H., (D. L. Powell & San), bds 48 Union Powell Daniel L., (Z>. L. Powell d' Son), h 48 Union Powell Lewis M., clerk, bds 48 Union Powell Wm. H., Powell's Bank Express, Railroad depot, h 101 Union Powell D. L. & Son, grocers, 75 State, c Ferry Powers Richard, laborer, h 32 Centre Powers Samuel N., machinist, bds 107 Liberty Pritchard George, machinist, h 12 Hamilton Proper Simon, teamster, h 45 Pine Proudfit Sarah Miss, h 183 Union Prout Eliza, widow John, h 9 Smith Prym^e Catharine, widow Francis, h 89 Front Putman Aaron M., harnessmaker, h 70 LaFayette Putman Ernest, tinsmith, h 13 Ferry Putman Francis D., student, bds 19 Liberty Pulver Cornelius, laborer, h 3 South ave., up stairs Ct. Quackenbush Amanda Mrs., h 82 Barrett Quackenbush Esther Mrs., h 18 Franklin Quackinbush Vincent, teamster, h Centre, n Warren Quant Mary S. Mrs., h 40 Hamilton Queeny John, laborer, h 1 Jefferson feCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 103 R. jR^msley Henry, surveyor, li Albany Kankins Wm., fireman N. Y. C. R. R., h 7 Green Ratcliif George, machinist, Rotterdam, n canal bridge Rawdon M. F. Mrs., widow F., h 70 Centre Rawnsley Edward, wood yard, 7 State, h do REABER FREDERICK, butcher, 167 State, h 61 Church (see adv.) [12 do REAGLES ISAAC V., nurseryman, 9 and 12 Barrett, h Reagles James ( Clute <£• Eeagles), h 301 State Reagles Jane Mrs., widow Christopher, h 9 Barrett Reamer Matthew, carpenter, h 177 Union Rearon Edward, laborer, h 79 Fonda Redfield Charles Rev., pastor, Congregational Church, bds 15 Hamilton Reed Austin, bartender, Columbian Hotel Reedy Michael, porter, Drullard Hotel Rees Jonas M., fireman N. Y. C. R. R., h 19 LaFayette Reese Albert, moulder, h 18 LaFayette Reese John, bds 75 Liberty Reese John, foreman, h 29 John Reese Maria, widow Philip, bds 42 Ferry Reese Martin, mason, h 18 LaFayette Reeves Thomas, salesman, bds 29 Clinton Reid J. B. Mrs., h 24 State Relf William, blacksmith, h 22 Pine Relyea Daniel, farmer, h Albany Reynolds Francis, blacksmith, h 16 Warren Reynolds Hugh, grocer, 60 Liberty, h 58 do Reynolds Levi, farmer, h 134 Union Rice Catharine, widow Wm., h 77 Church Richardson Ellen Mrs., h 10 Green Richardson Robert, clerk, bds 105 State Richter Charles, blacksmith, h 32 Jefferson Riddle Hugh, poundmaster, h 303 State 104 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Eiddle Eobert R., superintendent James Roy & Co. shawl manuf., h 18 North Riddle Wm., laborer, bds 303 State Ridmiller Charles, watchman, h 135 Union Riggs Catharine, widow Isaac, h 90 Lafayette Riggs Charles H., machinist, h Franklin, c White Riggs Harriet E. Mrs., h 258 State Riley Terrance, cigarmaker, bds Fuller's Hotel Ritchie Eliza Miss, h 78 LaFayette Ritchwine Frederick L., 7th regt. N. Y. Heavy Artillery, h22 LaFayette Roach Thomas, laborer, h 6 Fonda Robb Joseph C., timekeeper, h 144 Centre Robb Susan, widow Alexander, h 51 Romeyn Robinson David C, student, bds 28 Green Robison Duncan, carpenter, h 33 Front Robinson John T., carman, h 17 LaFayette Robison Robert, surveyor, h 37 Clinton Robinson Robert S., carpenter, h 36 South ave Robus George, shoemaker, h 17 Park Place Rochford Wm., cartman, h 92 Romeyn Rodenmacher John, shoemaker, h E. Liberty, n Prospect Rodgers James, (Rodgers d Weller,) h 62 College Rodgers & Weller, soda water manufacturers, 64 College Rogers Mary Ann, widow Russell, h 5 Barrett Rogers Robert W., student, h 124 Liberty Rogers Samuel, shoemaker, h 114 Liberty Rolfe Josiah, coppersmith, h 10 Barrett [pike RolfF Stephen, carpenter, h Veeder's ave, n Albany turn- Rooney Catharine, domestic, 17 Liberty Root Ann, widow Wm., h 49 Pine, up stairs Roothart John, laborer, h 8 Warren [State Rosa Edward, lawyer, VanHorne's Hall, room 4, h 246 ROSA HENRY, coal, wood and plaster, 23 Dock, h 21 Front Rosa James E., machinist, bds Fuller's Hotel Bosa Mary E., widow John, bds 74 Front SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 105 Rose Ellen, widow Henry, h 82 Union Rosekmns Charles, 134th N. Y. V., h 168 Union_ Rosekrans Lucinda Mrs., widow Wm., h 168 Union Rosekrans William J., moulder, h 68 Jay Ross David, shoemaker, h 106 Liberty Ross James, machinist, h 140 Liberty * Rost John, cigar manuf., 77 Centre, h do Roth (y'harles, saloon, 59 Union, h do Roth Mary, widow Fidel, h 35 Centre Roughabock Conrad, moulder, h White, n Franklin Rouse William R., moulder, h 23 Monroe Rouse William W., moulder, n 147 Front Rowe Granville, h 31 Hamilton Rowe Peter, h 44 Liberty Rowledge George, laborer, h 66 Washington ave Roy James, {James Boy d' Co.,) h West Troy Roy James & Co., shawl manuf., 48 Church continued Rugg Sylvanus, (iS. Rugy d- Son,) h 208 State Rugg William, {S. Rugg d- Son,) bds 208 State Rugg S. & Son, leather and findings, 206 State Rump Philip, broommaker, h Albany Ruoff Adolphus, dyer, 6Q Church Russ Christopher, 134th regt. N. Y. S. V., h 17 Amanda Russell J. L., pedler, h Prospect Russell Robert, warper, h 14 Railroad Russell William E., machinist. 111 Front Ryan Ann, widow, h 1 Railroad Ryan Mary Mrs., h 36 Jefferson Rynex Valentine, laborer, h 24 Yates Rynnex William, blacksmith, h 19 Rotterdam S. Sacia Maria Mrs., widow, boarding house, 58 Church ' Sacia Stephen, vol. 2d N. Y. art, h 30 Water, c Church Sacia William J., cooper, h 30 Water, c Church Sager Anthony, carpenter, h 126 Front 5# 106 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Sager Garret, laborer, h 23 Water Sager James, blacksmith, h 44 Jay Salesman George, machinist, h 18 Franklin Sampson Peter, vol. 26th regt., h 30 Pine Samson James, cigarmaker, bds Sharratt House Sanborn William', student, bds 26 Barrett Sanders Charles W., jeweller, h 36J Liberty Sanders James, watchmaker and jeweller, 109 State, h 33 Ferry Sanders John, lawyer, 11 Union, h at Glenville SANDERS WALTER T. L., lawyer, 11 Union, h at Glenville, (see adv.) Sands Arthur J., machinist, bds 73 Liberty Sanford Elihu, Jr., Mrs., h 77 Union Sanford Elihu T., student, h 77 Union Sauer John, basketmaker, h 28 Railroad Saunders James, silversmith, State, h 33 Ferry Sauter Casper, machinist, h 14 LaFayette Sauter Edward, student, bds 12 Jay Sauter John Rev., h 12 Jay Savage Eliza, h 12 Union Sawyer M. A. Miss, teacher. Union school, h 9 Church Schafter William, laborer, h Rotterdam, n canal bridge Schape Frederick, butcher, h 18 Amanda Schauber David, h 108 Liberty SCHENECTADY BANK, (see appendix) SCHENECTADY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, 29 Fonda WALTER T. L. SANDERS, ftTTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR hi LfiW, No. 11 Union Street, seH:as:ixraeeTABT, :ixr. ir. SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 107 Schermerhorn Ambrose, carpenter, h 63 Barrett Schermerhorn Bartholomew, h 48 Ferry [Fayette Schermerhorn B. T., (Schermerhorn d; Swits), h 41 La- Schermerhorn Isaac, clerk, bds 136 Centre Schermerhorn Jacob E., cabinetmaker, bds 48 Ferry Schermerhorn Jam-es, machinist, h 258 State Schermerhorn John, blacksmith, h 25 Jay Schermerhorn John R., laborer, h 45 College Schermerhorn Henry, messenger, h 84 College Schermerhorn Myndert, machinist, h 61 Front Schermerhorn Nicholas I., broom manuf., Rotterdam plank road, h do Schermerhorn Peter, butcher, h 62 Jay Schermerhorn Richard, laborer, h 11 Jefferson Schermerhorn William B., sawyer, h 256 State Schermerhorn Wm. K., machinist, h 81 Romeyn Schermerhorn & Swits, tannery, bet Liberty and Amanda Schmutz Joseph, laborer, h 25 South ave Schneider Mary, widow John, h 24 Jefferson Schoolcraft John, shoemaker, h 142 Union Schoolcraft John W., h Lydia Schoolcraft "Wm. B., shoemaker, h 142 Union Schriber John, stonecutter, h 274 State Schwatz Ernst, laborer, h Romeyn, n Nott Schwartz Cornelius, bookbinder, bds 173 Union Schwenker Frederick, broom maker, h 43 Rotterdam Schwenker Henry, laborer, h 141 Front Schwentker Augustus, machinist, h 20 Green Schwerin Max, h 136 Union Schwilk Wm. F. Rev., h 156 Front Scicily Richard, shoemaker, h 51 College Scott David, fireman, h 58 Romeyn Scrafford Charles, carpenter, h 61 Barrett Scrafford Frederick, carpenter, bds 132 Centre Scully Bridget, domestic, 13 Church Scully Catharine, domestic, 19 Washington ave SCULLY PATRICK, grocer, 88 Fonda, hdo 108 SCHilNECTADY DIRECTORY, Seamans Augusta Mrs., h 30 South ave Seamans Robert, vol. 93d regt., bds 30 South ave Sears John C, boot and shoe maker, h 29 LaFayctte Seaver George O., clerk, bds 73 Washington ave Seaver Heman, clerk, h 73 Washington ave Sedgwick J., h 164 Union [Church, bds 25 Front Seeley Edward E. Rev., D.-D., pastor 1st Ref. Dutch Seely Frederick, {M. Streever d Co.,) bds 17 Green Seiferth Peter, laborer, h 13 LaFayette Seilner Peter, laborer, h 90 Romeyn Sennet Anna, domestic, 28 Green Sennett Simon, upholsterer, h 27 Water Severn John, shoemaker, 7 Rotterdam, h Albany turnpike Sexton S. H., portrait painter, 81 State, h 17 Ferry Seymour Harmon, justice, 172 State, h 120 Liberty Seymour Mary Mrs., widow Norman, h 10 LaFayette ShafFold Caroline, domestic, 86 College Shaible George, {Shaible d Butler,) h 136 Centre Shaible & Butler, carriage manuf., 133 Centre Shankland Jane Miss, h 130 Union Shannon Aaron, h 100 Liberty Shannon Henry, laborer, h 1 1 John Shannon John A., hostler Miller's Hotel Shannon Margaret, domestic, 58 Centre Shannon Thomas, grocer, 189 State, h 100 Liberty Shannon Thomas, machinist, h 2 College row Sharp Maria, widow Martin, h 133 Front Shaver John, carpenter, h 26 Jefferson Shaver John, cooper, h 8 State [lage, h 15 Green Shaw John H., rope and twine manufacturer, Scotia vil- Shaw Richard H., carman, bds 13 Green Shaw Richard V., rope and twine manufacturer, Scotia village, h 13 Green Shaw Wallace, photographer, 81 State, h 81 Ferry Shay Bridget, domestic, 1 Union Shay Daniel, laborer, h 40 Romeyn Shear Alansing, h 242 State SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 109 Shear George, clerk, bds 242 State Sheen Patrick, painter, h 11 Jay Sheldon Benjamin P., clerk, h 46 White Shepherd George, machinist, h 9 Monroe Sheridan Andrew, laborer, h 4 Hamilton Sherman A. L., machinist, h 13 Park Place Sherman Alexander V., bds 13 Park Place Sherman Hugh, auctioneer, h 47 Barrett Sherman Samuel, shoemaker, bds 80 Washington ave Sherman Wilford, shoemaker, h 50 White Sherwood J. B. Mrs., h 79 Liberty Shoemaker John, shoemaker, h 37 Albany turnpike Shoemaker Maria Mrs., h 227 State Shoudy James, teamster, h 53 Jay Shoudy Maria Mrs., widow Nicholas, h 53 Jay Shroeper Diedrich, h 12 LaFayette Shuler L. Mrs., widow Lawrence, 33 Ferry Shuster Anthony, vol. 134th regt., h 23 John Siebert Amelia Mrs., h 21 Green Sitterley Abraham, vol. 76th regt., bds 7 Liberty Sitterley George, vol. 4th heavy art., bds 7 Liberty Sitterley Lois, widow Jacob, h 7 Liberty Simmons Bradford T., commissioner, provost marshal's office, bds 78 Barrett Simmons Jeremiah, carpenter, h 30 Smith Simner John N., machinist, h Albany Simpson James, vol., h 17 Rotterdam Skiiuier Lewis A., conductor, bds 238 State Slater Betsey Mrs., h 30 Pine Slater Henry, blacksmith, h 37 Front Slater William, blacksmith, bds 37 Front Slatter Maria A., widow Mortimer, h 31 Jefferson Slansker Frederick laborer, h 30 Railroad Slauser John F., laborer, h 64|- Jay Slett Jacob, laborer, h 30 Jefferson Sliter George, boatman, h 136 Liberty Slocombe John, laborer, h 29 Jefferson 110 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Slocomb L. B., boot & shoe store, 54 State, h 52 do Small Gertrude Mrs. h 10 North, Smith Abel, sjas works ; also hardware, stoves, & tinware, 136 and"l38 State, h 60 State Sniith Albert, painter, h 129 Liberty Smith Catharine, widow Henry, h 8 Pine [ington SMITH DAVID CADY, lawyer, 39 State, h 46 Wash- Smith Hugh, laborer, h 14 Hamilton Smith Jacob, laborer, h 39 Albany turnpike Smith James, cutter, bds Davis House Smith John C., moulder, h 8 Madison Smith John M., mason, h 83 LaFayette Smith Morris, h White, c Franklin Smith Randolph, cooper, h 80 Romeyn Smith S. E., clerk, bds 123 State Smith Simon G., tinsmith, h 38 LaFayette Smith Stephen Mrs., h 24 Liberty Smith William, papermaker, h 69 LaFayette Snare John, laborer, h 37 Green Snell David H., druggist, 147 State, h 14 Liberty Snell John, laborer, h 15 Amanda Snowdon John, machinist, h 18 Ferry Synder John P., h 104 Centre Snyder Wm. H., machinist, h 27 John Soles Benjamin, h 59 Ferry Soley — , h 45 Smith Soley George, train dispatcher, h 35 Green Soley John A., baggage master, h 6 Llamilton Soudler Henry, h Albany Sour John, laborer, h 15 Amanda Soures A., photographer, 149 Union, h do [38 White SOUTHARD JOSEPH B., meat market, 137 Union, h Sparks Francis, boilermaker, h 18 Ferry Spate Peter, boilermaker, h 88 Centre Spear Joseph, cider refiner, h 253 State Spier James, baggageman, N. Y. C. R. R., h 17 Jay Sprague Charles E., teacher, bds 10 Front SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Ill Sprague Ezra, chaplain 119th regt., h 10 Front Sprague James W., h 29 Church Sprague Phebe,. teacher, bds 10 Front Stage David L., machinist, h 23G State Stahle Joseph, "boot and shoemaker, h 90 Centre Staley Cady, student, bds Go Jay Stanton Benjamin, profF. latin Union College, h 184 Union Star Benjamin F., conductor, h 12 Smith Starring James, machinist, bds Fuller's Hotel Stavers Peter, saloon and vegetable dealer, 94 State, h do Steel Wm., blacksmith, h 38 Albany turnpike Steers Catharine Mrs., widow Daniel, h 23 Barrett Steers Catharine L., widow Jobn, h 25 Barrett Steers John, bds 8 Green StefFt John L., shoemaker, h Liberty, n College terrace' Steidler George, shoemaker, h 43 College Steinert George, beer saloon, 166 State, h do Steinfiihrer Ernest, drug clerk, bds 22 North Steinfuhrer Frederick, student, bds 22 North Steinfuhrer George, machinist, h 22 North Steinhauer Henry, tailor, Veeder's ave Stenson John, shoemaker, 123 Union, h 120 do Stephens Anthony, laborer, h 27 North Stephens Richard, machinist, h 25 Yates Stephens William, fireman, h 144 Front Stephenson John, bds 3 Church Stern Michael, watchman, h 9 John Stevens Jacob W., expressman, h 13 Jay Stevens John, saloon. State, h 38 College Stevens John, laborer, h Liberty Stevens John B., {Stevens d' Cutting,) h College, c Green Stevens & Cutting, billiard saloon, 161 State Stevenson Robert, engineer, h 74 Front Stewart Miles, grocer, h 3 Barrett Stewart Thomas, machinist, h 153 Front Stickles Alfred, machinist, bds 31 Front Stickles Peter, grocer, 37 Union, h 31 Front 112 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Stimson Dennis, h 06 Washington ave Stock George, blacksmith, h Ttomeyn, c Nott Stocker Margaret Mrs., tailoress, h 58 White Stoop William, [Dillenbeck d- Stoop,) h 90 Fonda Stotenmyer Andrew, shoemaker, h 75 Ferry Strawhockner Lewis, laborer, h 42 Albany turnpike Streever Martin, [3f. Streever d' Co.,) h 3 Jefferson Streever M. & Co., grocers, 172 State Strong John, agt. Schenectady manufacturing company, office 26 Union, h 17 Liberty Strong Marvin, {Strong & Helmer,) h 82 College STRONG & HELMER, dealers in groceries, flour, feed &c., 7 dock Stubble John, h Liberty Strumus Mary, domestic, 25 Front Stull Margaret, widow Mathew, h 4 Fonda Sturdy Richard, carpenter, h Nott, c Romeyn Sturges W., carpenter, h 27 Smith Stuyvesant Mary A., widow J. R., h 26 Front Suits Wm. H., 2d regt.N. Y. heavy art., h 177 Union Sullivan James, laborer, h 76 LaFayette Sullivan James, vol., bds 11 Nott Sullivan Margaret domestic, 18 Green Sullivan Patrick, laborer, h 12 South ave Sullivan Patrick, machinist, bds 65 Union Sullivan Susan Mrs. h 53 Fonda Sullivan Thomas, laborer, h 18 Railroad Sun Simon, laborer, h 14 LaFayette Susholz Alexander, grocer, 257 State, h 259 do Sutliff Robert, machinist, bds Fuller's Hotel Sutter Charles, shoemaker, h 7 Amanda Swart Gertrude, widow Peter, bds 26 North Swart Harman, clerk, bds 40 Union Swart Henry H., {H. S. Barney d' Co.,) bds Givens' Hotel Swart Nicholas H., broom corn dealer, h 27 Smith Swart Martin, carpenter, h 97 Centre Sweeney Brian, laborer, h 25 Dock SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 113 Sweeney John, laborer, h 75 Cliiirch . Sweet William C, (Sweet <£' Allen,) h 82 Liberty SWEET & ALLEN, grocers and agricultural implements, 201 and 203 State Swier Henry, shoemaker, h 30 Yates Swits Abram, physician, 9 Jay, h do Swits Abraham A., machinist, h 110 Liberty Swits Abraham J. Rev., h 46 Ferry Swits Catharine Miss, h 19 Front Swits Harmon, physician, 220, h 218 State Swits Jacob, h 8 Front [8 Front Swits J. N., groceries and provisions, 26 and 28 State, h Swits John V., {Schermerhorn <£- Sivits,) h 17 Jay Swits S. v., (Swits (& Carleij,) county treasurer, h 25 Washington ave Swits Nicholas^ grocer, h 30 Church Swits Walter A., blacksmith, 18 Rotterdam, h 147 Centre Swits & Carley, brewers, (Amsterdam,) office State, c canal bridge Swortfiguer George B., student, bds 52 Washington ave Swortfiguer George J., h 52 Washington ave Swort J emima, widow Mynard, h 39 Front Tannahill Elizabeth Mrs., h 27 Church Taylor Henry, laborer, h 62 LaFayette Taylor Jacob, laborer, h Veeder's ave Taylor James Mrs., h 25 Smith Taylor Lewis, patternmaker, h 98 Front Taylor Proctor, clerk, bds Fuller's Hotel Taylor Samuel T., patternmaker, bds 98 Front Taylor Wm., machinist, h 97 Front Tearany James, laborer, h 17 John Teff Jeremiah, laborer, h 77 College 114 SCHENECTADY DlEECTOnYv Teller Anna M. Miss, 26 Front Teller Eliza Miss, 77 State, bds Centre Teller Ellen, widow Giles, bds 2 Ferry Teller Isaac, carpenter, h 28 Jefferson Teller James W., wagonmaker, 40 -Barrett, h do Tenbroeck Jeremiah, engineer, h 77 College Tenpany John, bds 19 John Tenpany John, laborer, h 64 Fonda Tenpany Peter, laborer, h 30 Centre Terpening Peter, carpet weaver, h 61 LaFayette Ter worth Francis, broom maker, h 26 Railroad THAYER CYRUS, editor and prop'r Democrat & Re- flector, 134 State, h 8 LaFayette (see adv) Thomas Abraham, moulder, h 33 Jefferson [White Thomas Daniel D., 1st N. Y. regt. momited rifles, h 50 Thomas L. H., (A. Philips <& Co.), h 32 Smith Thomas Susan, widow John, h Myers' alley, n South ave Thompson Benjamin, machinist, h 27 Ferry Thompson Charles, cashier Mohawk Bank, h 32 Liberty Thompson Charles H., barber, h 44 Fonda Thompson Cornelius, maltster, h 254 State Thompson Dinah Mrs., bds 44 Fonda Thompson Francis, barber, 173 State, under Givens' Hotel, h 43 Barrett Thompson Jeffrey, blacksmith, h 12 Madison Thompson Peter S., cook, h 50 Smith Thompson Ward, clerk, h 24 Jay [Church Thomson Alexander J., lawyer and notary, 10 Union, h 1 Thomson Cornelius, malt house. Dock, h State Thomson Elizabeth Mrs., widow James, h 3 Church Thornton Aaron, painter, bds State, c Barrett Thornton Abram, laborer, h 72 Liberty Thornton Alvin, vol., h 34 White Thornton Barbary, widow James, bds 30 Smith Thornton George, machinist, h 41 College Thornton John Mrs., h Albany Thornton Thomas, laborer, h 1 17 Liberty SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 115 Thornton Thomas, painter, h 74 LaFayette Thurston Misses, h 20 State Tichenor David J., clerk P. O., h 197 State Tiegel Henry, laborer, h 29 North Tiffney William, machinist, h 67 Jay [Hotel Tillinghast A. H., clerk, Mohawk Bank, bds Drullard's TILLINGHAST J. H., agent Mechanic Protective Union grocery store, 127 Union, h 25 John Timeson Cornelius, brakeman, h 19 Franklin Tomlinson Eliza Mrs., h 20 Church, c Union Tongill George, blacksmith, h 126 Front Trace Martin, laborer, h 28 Albany turnpike Trager George, laborer, h 67 Front Trainer Thos., watchman N. Y. C. R. R., h 30 Green Travers James, moulder, bds Davis House Traver J. G., shoemaker, h Veeder's ave, n Smith Tripp Ellen S. Miss, h 70 Barrett Tripp Harriet Miss, h 70 Barrett Triton S. C. Mrs., widow William, h 86 Liberty Truax Alfred, patternmaker, h 18 Barrett Truax Andrew, (A. Truax d' Co., h 40 Union Truax Edgar I., bds 92 Ferry Truax Isaac I., grocer, h 92 Ferry Truax J. A., speculator, office 964- Ferry, bds 201 State Truax John I., machinist, h 125 Liberty Truax Peter, vol. 134th regt., h 62 Smith Truax A. & Co., druggists, 141 State [Fayette Trumbley Orpheus, engineer N. Y. C. R. R., bds 69 La- Turnbull Geo. A., salesman, bds Mcintosh's Hotel Turnbull Peter, clerk, bds 105 State Tyler George W., engineer, h 8 Monroe Tymeson Eldred, carpenter, h 46 LaFayette Ty meson Eveline, widow Richard, h 14 Park Place Tymeson H. P., h 42 Barrett Tymeson Jane Miss, h 55 White Tymeson Maria Mrs., widow, h 55 White 116 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. U. Ugent Wm. N., patternmaker, h 57 Fonda Underhill — , h 6 Green Underhill W. H.,13th N. Y. artillery, h 25 Clinton V. Valentine Thomas, painter,' h 27 Centre Van Aernam Abigail, widow Stephen, h 6 Washington ave Van Aernam P. W., vol. 134th regt., bds 6 Washington ave Van Allen Martha V. Mrs., h S^ Front [ave Van Allen Mary, widow Peter, h Myers' alley, n South Van Allen Simon, laborer, h 69 Front Van Antwerp J. F., carpenter, 124 Liberty, h do Van Antwerp Jacob W., clerk, bds 124 Liberty Van Antwerp Mrs., widow^, h 15 LaFayette Van Arnam Naomi Mrs., dressmaker, 125 State, h do Van Brunt Albert, (Beat d^ Van Brunt,) h 309 State Van Brunt Zenas, grocer, 32 Ferry, h 34 do Van Bunschoten Joshua, conductor, h 46 Smith Van Buren Francis, \Bills S Van Buren,) h 78 Barrett Van Buren Frederick, laborer, h 36 Jefferson Van Buren Mary Mrs., h Lydia Van Denburg Abraham, carpenter, h 17 Clinton Van De Bogert Francis, shoemaker, 50 State, h 133 Front Van De Bogert George, vol. I34th regt., bds 29 North Van De Bogert Giles Y., ( Van De ^Bogert Bros.), h 27 Union VAN DE BOGERT JOHN, boots and shoes, 135 State, h 133 Front, (see adv.) Van De Bogert John W., painter, h 29 North Van De Bogert Joseph IL, moulder, h 14:J Front Van De Bogert Joseph Y., ( Van De Bogert Bros.), h 5 Union SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 117 Van Dc Bogert Julia A. Mrs., bcls 47 College Van De Bogert Nelson, machinist, bcls 29 North Van Dc Bogert Nelson G., jiainter, h 19 Green [Smith Van De Bogert Nicholas, ( Vaa De Bogert Bros.), h 7 Van De Bogert Nicholas >V., vol. 91st regt., bcls 143 Front Van De Bogert Rachael, widow, John, h 96 Front Van De Bogert Sarah, widow Joseph, bds 143 Front Van De Bogert Tecariiis, foreman, h 75 Front VAN DE BOGERT BROS., lumber and coal dealers, yards Dock, office 171 State, c Wall [14 do Van Dermoor A. R., carpenter and builder, 16 Ferry, h Van Dermoor Wm., carpenter, bds 14 Ferry Van Derveer John Mrs., h 121 Union Van De Water, C. H., widow Richard, h 63 Union Van Dusen Cornelius, carpenter, h 22 Green Van Dyck Anthony, carpenter, h 11 LaFayette Van Dyck Peter, carpenter and builder, 21 White, h 52 Barrett Van Dyke Peter, carpenter, h 37 Smith Van Dyke Peter, carpenter, h 52 Barrett Van Epps Archibald, painter, bds 23 Yates [Green VAN EPPS A. C, boot & shoe maker, 88 State, h 40 Van Epps Cornelius L., cooper, h 59 Union [ave Van Epps George O., vol. 134th regf. bds 4 Washington Van Epps H. V. V., h 4 Washington ave Van Epps Jane, widow John, bds 4 Washington ave Van Epps. John, engineer, h 22 Yates Van Epps John J. S., h 25 State Van Epps Lawrence, constable, h 19 Green Van Epps Samuel, painter, h 47 Green Van Epps Wiljiam, fireman, h 96 Liberty Van Eps Campbell, painter, h Lydia Van Eps Caroline, domestic, 35 Ferry Van Eps Cornelius, saloon, 2 Ferry, h do Van Eps C. A., widow John, h 50 Ferry Van Eps Eliza Mrs., bds 45 Front Van Eps Harrison, vol. 134th regt., bds 2 Ferry 118 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Van Eps II. H., saloon, 6 Dock, h do Van Eps Samuel, laborer, h 34 College [lard's Hotel Van Home James E., ( Van Home d' Sou,) bds Drul- Van Home William J., ( Van Home d: Son,) h 20 Smith Van Home & Son, hats, caps and furs, 149 State Vanhusen Deborah Mrs., h 19 Green Van Husen George, carpenter, h College, n Green Van Husen John, brakeman, bds Davis House Vanhusen Wm., boilermaker, bds 19 Green Van Huysen Jas., painter, h 24 LaFayette Van Ingen James L., physician, 11 Smith, h do Van Kuran James, painter, h 16 Smith Van Olinda Peter, shoemaker, h 51 College Van Ouken Levi, farmer, h 61 Centre [State Van Patten Andre^y, {F. T. <& A. Van Fatten,) h 225 Van Patten Farley T., {F. T. <& A. Van Patten,) h 29 Smith Van Patten James, laborer, h 71 Liberty Van Patten John H., livery stable. State, h 38 College Van Patten John T., harnessmaker, h 39 Green Van Patten Phillip H., blacksmith, h 13 Clinton Van Patten William, helper, h 8 Water Van Patten William G., clerk, h 53 LaFayette Van Patten F. T. & A., stoves and tin ware, 225 State Van Rensselaer Peter Mrs., h 21 State Van Sanvoord Cornelius Rev., h 23 Washington ave Van Schaick Benjamin, h 42 Ferry Van Schaick Elizabeth, widow Harman, h 44 Ferry Van Sice Andrew, blacksmith, h 6 White Van Sice James, blacksmith, h 14 Franklin Van Slyck Charles, coppersmith, h 70 Centre Van Slyck Chester W., machinist, bds 73 Liberty Van Slyck Christopher, coal and wood, ^ Pine, h 58 Centre Van Slyck Jacob Mrs., boarding house, 73 Liberty Van Slyck Nicholas, painter, bds 73 Liberty Van Slyck Sarah Mrs., h 55 Centre Van Slyke Henry, machinist, bds Fuller's Hotel SCHfeNECTADY DIRECTOBY. 119 Van Slyke Margaret E., widow Anthony, h 15 College Van Voarst Peter, engineer, h 25 Centre Van Voorhes Vischer, stationkeeper, bds Sharratt House Van Vorst A. A., {Van Vorst, Vedder & Co.,) h 25 Liberty Van Vorst Adam, carpenter, h 3 Cottage row Van Vorst Eliza, widow James, bds 3 Cottage row Van Vorst Ella Miss, bds 91 State Van Vorst Elias L., carpenter, h 138 Union Vaji Vorst Gardiner, master mechanic Utica R. R. shop, h 11 Jay Van Vorst Giles, machinist, bds 29 Clinton Van Vorst Isaac, h 29 Clinton Van Vorst Isaac L., printer, bds 3 Cottage row Van Vorst James C., engineer, h 41 Green [erty Van Vorst W. S., ( Van Vorst, Vedder & Co.,) h 34 Lib- VAN VORST, VEDDER & CO., planning mill, 62 Green, (see adv) Van Vost Giles, blacksmith, Liberty, h 30 Green Van Vranken Angelica Mrs., h 24 Green Van Vranken G. I., carpenter, 79 Romeyn, h do Van Vranken Abram, grocer, 211 State, h 251 do Van Vranken A. S., lumberman, h 15 Hamilton VAN VRANKEN BENJAMIN, grocer, 235 State, h do, (see adv) GROCERIES No. 237 STATE STREET, Corner JAY, SGIIENECTADY, N. Y. PUIUHG mill IHD lUMBlR riRD. Vm VORST, VEBOEB & CO., Lumber, Lath & Shingles, WOOD, OF DIFFERENT QUALITIES, By the Cord or less, Delivered. ^ — ♦ PImpiiifi; awiBi, DONE TO ORDER. Office, 02 Careen Street, ABM. A. VAN VOEST, PETER VEDDER, WALTER S. VAN VORST, SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. I2l Van Vranken Catharine, widow James, h 6 Front Van Vranken Charles, ( C. c6 H. Van Vranken,) h 18 Union Van Vranken Cornelius, vol. 91st regt., h'20 College Van Vranken Daniel, hay dealer, h 73 Barrett Van Vranken Garrett, h 118 Union Van VraDken Harman, painter, h 88 Barrett Van Vranken Henry, vol., h 295 State Van Vranken Hiram, ( C. dc H. Van VranTcen,) h 248 Stat6 Van Vranken Joel, h 17 LaFayette Van Vranken Jacob, farmer, h 29 Hamilton Van Vranken Marilla Mrs., h 62 LaFayette Van Vranken M. F., conductor, bds 6 Front Van Vranken Nicholas, h 92 Centre Van Vranken Richard, farmer, h 6 LaFayette Van Vranken Richard D., engineer, bds 6 Front Van Vranken Wm., ( Van Vranken.(& Archer,) h 248 State Van Vranken William J., mason, h 17 Green Van Vranken C. & H., carriagemakers, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Rotterdam Van Vranken & Archer, merchant tailors, 95 State Van Wormer Elizabeth M. Miss, millinery goods, 77 State, bds Washington Van Wormer Mary Miss, milliner, 77 State, bds 57 White Van Zandt Gilbert G., shoemaker, h 131 Front Van Zandt Henry C, student, bds 131 Front Van Zandt Jacob, mason, h 139 Liberty Van Zandt Margaret, widow Joseph, bds 9 Jay Vedder Abraham, tailor. State, h 39 Smith Vedder Abram, merchant tailor, 139 State, h 39 Smith Vedder Albert A., h 80 Ferry Vedder Alexander M., physician, 190 State, h do Vedder Daniel, {S. C. Groot d' Co.), h 29 Front Vedder Daniel, merchant. State, h 29 Front Vedder Elizabeth, widow Jacob, bds 88 Front Vedder Francis, carpenter, h 76 Barrett Vedder Jacob, carpenter, 38 Jefferson, h 21 do 6 I 122 SCHENECI'ADY DIRECTOR Y". Vedder Jacob, dept. collector int. rev., 165 State, h 21 Jefferson Vedder Jacob A., fireman, h 149 Front Vedder John, carpenter, bds Davis House Vedder John H., dentist, 71 State, h 5^ Liberty Vedder Mary Mrs., widow John I., h 26 Green Vedder Nicholas A. Mrs., h 71 Union Vedder Nicholas H., h Veeder's ave Vedder Peter, ( Van Vorst, Vedder d' Co.), h 17 Jefferson Vedder Sarah Mrs., h 37 Green Veeder Andrew T., {A. Traux d* Co.), h 40 Union Veeder Eleanor Miss, h 40 Washington ave Veeder Eleanor, widow Harman, bds 40 Union Veeder Elizabeth Miss, h 40 Washington ave Veeder Garrett AV., h Troy turnpike, c Veeder Veeder John H., broom manuf. and gristmill, Rotterdam flats road Veeder Myndert^ clerk, h 27 Centre Veeder Susan Miss, h 40 Washington ave VEEDER JOHN W., post master, office 162 State, h 217 do Vermilia Andrew P., carpenter, h 26 Smith VIBBARD CHAUNCEY, general superintendent N. Y; C. R. R., office in Albany, h Church, c Union. Vibbard Noah, mechanic, h 7 Jay Viele Philip N., brakeman, N. Y. C. R. R., h 38 Clinton Viele Wm. S., carpenter, h 15 College Vine Henry, carpenter, h 68 Liberty Volgen Christian, servant, 26 Eront Volkart John, cabinetmaker, h Lydia Vought Abb^ Miss, h 78 LaFayette Vroman Abraham, grocer, 114 Union, h 116 do Vroman Jacob, clerk, bds 116 Union Vrooman Amy Mrs., widow John J., h 44 Liberty Vrooman Andrew, laborer, h 49 College [State VROOMAN E. H., prop'r Fuller's Hotel, 1^2 and 154 Vrooman Fisher, farmer, h 51 LaFayette SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 123 Vrooman Henry W., h 25 Clinton Vrooman Jacob, engineer N. Y. C. R. R., h 232 State Vrooman Jacob V., stoves and tinware, 64 and 6(5 State, h 3 Washington ave Vrooman John N., h 140 Union Vrooman Joseph, shoemaker, bds 80 Washington ave Vrooman Mary B. Mrs., h 34 Union Vrooman Lewis, h 87 LaFayette Vrooman Thomas, h 15 Clinton Vrooman William, 2nd N. Y. veteran cav., h 70 Liberty W. Wabbaer Benjamin, machinist, h 71 Washington ave Wabbaer William, machinist, h 71 Washington ave Wagener Catharine, widow, h 10 Water Waldron Charles, laborer, bds 38 South ave Waldron David T., clerk, bds 38 South ave Waldron Henry, tailor, h 38 South ave Waldron Stephen, machinist, h 76 Fonda Walker Alexander, h 50 State Walker, Henry, carriagemaker, bds Mcintosh's Hotel Walker James, [James Walker d' Co.,) h 228 State WALKER JAMES & CO., variety store, and grocers, 118 and 120 State, (see adv) Walker John J., h 122 State Walker Thomas L., h 122 State Walker William, cigarmaker, bds Sharratt House Walker William E., (James Walker d- Co.,) bds 228 State Wallace Margaret, widow James, h 34 South ave Walley Charles, carpenter, bds Davis House Walrath Charles H., clerk, bds 121 Union Walrath Henry, h 121 Union Walsh Ann, domestic, 104 Union Walsh James, h 81 LaFayette Walsh J. D., telegraph operator, h 81 LaFayette 124 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Walsh John E., physician, h 55 Fonda Walsh Mary, widow John, h 53 Fonda AValtermire Jacob M., carpenter, h 50 White Walton S. P. Mrs., widow ^Y. B., h 11 Church Waltz Casper, helper, h College terrace, n Amanda Wandell John, carpenter, bds Davis House Wandle Peter, barber, State, h 50 Fonda Wandle Robert Y., barber, State, h Fonda, n N. Y. C.R. R. Wanmer W. N., machinist, h 162 Front Ward Anthony, *shoemaker, h 58 Ferry Ward Albert, h 38 Union Ward Andrew, vol. 2d N. Y. Cav., bds 38 Union Ward Charles D., carpenter, h 72 LaFayette Ward Christopher, laborer, h 30 Romeyn Ward James H., conductor N. Y. C. R. R., h 3 Smith Ward James H., machinist, h 68 Jay Ward John, laborer, h 8 Jay Ward Myndert, hotel, 62 Washington ave Ward Phebe Mrs., widow Richard, h 134 Union Ward Spencer, clerk, bds 197 State Warkins John D., h 17 Front [14 Jay Warner Addison M., boot and shoemaker, 204 State, h Warner A. S., bds 14 Jay Warner John, laborer, h 21 Green Washburn Belle Mrs., widow Albert, h 130 Centre Washburn Laura S. Mrs., h 38 Church Washington Anna Mrs. widow J. A., h 13 Church Washington J. Augustus, student, bds 13 Church Wasson Joseph, flirmer, h 68 Washington ave Wasson Thomas L., hotel, 80 Washington ave, c Water ■ Waterbury Ann E. Mrs., h 33 LaFayette Watkins Charles, bakery, 141 Union, h do Waxman. Frederick, laborer, h 6 Ferry Weatherwax Philip, carman, h 85 La Fayette Weaver Catharine, domestic, 40 Union Webb Frederick, h 82 LaFayette Webb James, laborer, h 22 Pine SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. 125 Webster Thomas, laborer, h 47 Romeyn Weed William H., grocer, 126 Union, h 128 do Weeks John, machinist, hill Front Weeks Elizabeth, widow John, h 129 Front Weells Elizabeth, widow Edward, h 30 Smith Wisirs Charles, laborer, h College terrace, n Liberty- Welch John, laborer, h 06 Fonda Weller George, [Rodgers cf* Weller,) h 64 College Weller Robert, laborer, bds 64 College Weller William "W., ( Weller ct Dealtry,) h 8 Barrett Weller & Dealtry, boots and shoes, 197 State Welsh Catharine, domestic, 104 Union Welsh William, harnessmaker, bds 73 Liberty Welsh William, laborer, h 5 Pine Wemple Abraham, carpenter, h 46 LaFayette W^emple Abram H., train dispatcher, h 36 LaFayette Wemple Edwin, engineer, bds 50 College Wemple Oliver S., farmer, h Veeder's ave Wemple Sarah Mrs., h 55 Washington Wemple Wm., machinist, bds 55 Washington Wendell Augustus, cigarmaker, bds Fuller's Hotel Wendell John, fruit dealer, State, h 32 Pine [ave Wendell Peter, barber. Eagle Hotel, h Fonda, opp South Wendell Peter, ( Wendell c& Jackson,) h Pine alley, n Pine Wendell Robert Y., barber, 169 State, h Fonda, n Pine WENDELL & JACKSON, hairdressers, 145 Union Wessel Henry, laborer, h 20 Green West John, farmer, h 74 Fonda W^est Jacob, h 142 Centre Westcoatt Frederick, h 3 Water [State Westinghouse George, (6^. WestingJiouse S Co.,) h 16 Westinghouse Jay, ( 6^. Westinghouse d^ Co.,) bds 16 State W^estinghouse G. & Co., Schenectady Agricultural Works, Rotterdam, n canal bridge Wheaton Thomas, blacksmith, h 57 LaFayette Wheeler Anna E., widow George, bds 85 Union Wheeler Edward H., physician, 13 Liberty, h 21 do 126 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY. Wheeler Paul, student, bcls 9 Jay Wheelock A. W., widow Jefterson, bds 10 Ferry Wheelock John A., fireman, h 10 Ferry White Andrew, cooper, h 173 Union White Frederick, machinist, h 21 Green White Isaac K., h 82 Ferry White John H., clerk, 55 State, bds 53 do White Susan Mrs., bds 7 Jefferson [h 90 Liberty Whitehoi-ne Henry, j^rincipal classical dept. Union School, Whitmarsh Wm., carpenter, h 59 Centre Whitmyer Charles, tailor, h 63 Front Whitmyer Court, blacksmith, h 30 Jefferson Whittle John W., carpenter, h 88 Romeyn Whittle Sarah, widow John, bds 88 Romeyn Wick J. A., canal stables, h 144 Centre Wiggins Mrs., h 13 Hamilton Wiggins Phebe Miss, h 7 Liberty Wilber Alonzo, laborer, h 1 1 John Wilber James H., clerk, bds 11 John Wilds Austin J., upholsterer, bds 61 Ferry Wilds David F., shoemaker, h 61 Ferry Wilkie Charlotte, widow Jacob, h 71 Liberty Wilkie David, hatter, bds 71 Liberty Wilkie Edgar, painter, h 44 Jay Wilkie Thomas, carpenter, h 33 LaFayette Wilkie William G., 134th regt. N. Y. V., h 50 White Willard Benjamin, h 36 Washington ave Willis Ann Miss, h 66 Smith Williams F., butcher, h Water, n Rail Road Williams George, h 149 Front Williams Thomas, boilermaker, h 10 College Willsey Bradley, brakeman, h 81 Front Willsey Elias, wheelwright, h 92 LaFayette Wilson Ann Mrs., widow Charles, h 70 Liberty Wilson Elizabeth Mrs., bds 21 Jefferson Wilson Francis, laborer, h 38 College Winders Felix, carpenter, h Prospect SCHENECTADY DmECTORY. 127 Wineguar Daniel, helper, h 8 Water "Winkler Christian, tailor, h 144 Union Winnie Jacob, clerk, bds 19 Liberty Winnie Jane A., teacher, h 61 Front AVise James, umbrella repairer, 56 White, h do Wise John, laborer, h 68 Fonda Wiseman James H., machinist, h 69 Jay Witbeck A. L., farmer, h 8 Green Witbeck Daniel, machinist, bds 11 Park place Witbeck Garrett, conductor, bds 2 Smith Witbeck Luke, conductor, bds 2 Smith Witbeck Peter I., farmer, h 1 1 Park place Wolf F'rederick, laborer, h 25 North Wolverson George, butcher, bds Fuller's Hotel Wood Abraham, washing machine, bds American Hotel Wood Arthur R., clerk Eagle Hotel Wood Benjamin, h 42 White Wood Wm. H., machinist, h 137 Front Woodruff M. A. Mrs., widow Philo D., h 29 Church Wooler Mary, widow John, h 59 Front Worden Clark, enrolling officer, bds Sharratt House Workman Mrs., widow, h 27 Water Wright James, ( Wright & Couits,) h 19 Ferry Wright Lyman, carpenter, h 52 Smith Wright Thomas M., wool assorter, h 14 Rail Road Wright & Coutts, wagonmakers, 14 and 16 Rotterdam Wylie Andrew, engineer, h 26 Smith Wyman Robert, painter, h 10 Barrett X. Xavier John, variety store, 128 State, h do 128 SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY, Yagay George, carpenter, h Lydia Yates Abraham, brakeman, bds 45 Romeyn Yates Charles A., patternmaker, h 79 College Yates Giles, boatman, h 45 Romeyn Yates Nicholas, h 27 Front Yates Peter B., conductor, h 262 Stat-e Yates Stephen, h 10 Church Yonker Casper, carpenter, h 8 Pine Young Daniel D., auctioneer, h 29 LaFayette Young Levi, books and stationery, State, bds 173 Union YOUNG LEVI A., {Young d' Graham,) pianos and melodeons. 111 State, bds 173 Union Young Martha L., domestic, 42 Union (see adv.) YOUNG & GRAHAM, books and stationery, 111 State, Younie John, machinist, h 133 Liberty BALLSTON SPA ACADEMY, FOR BOYS, SARATOGA COUNTY, N. Y. Rev. JAMES GILMOUR, A.M., Principal. A Select Commercial and Classical Boarding School, for Lads and Young Gentlemen,, who are received into the Family of the Principal and are under his direct care and supervision. Expenses, $42 per Quarter, for Board, Washing, Fuel, Room and Tuition. Pupils are fitted for Business, for Teaching and for College. Book-keeping, Ancient and Modern Languages, re- ceive special attention. Adoiissiou at all times. Send for a Circular. BALLSTON SPA DIEEOTOET, BALLSTON SPA DIEECTOET, 18S4r-5. Abreviati6ns. — ab., above ; al., alley ; ave., avenue ; b. or bds., boards ; bet., between ; c, corner ; dep., deputy ; dis., district ; E. East ; h., house ; la., lane ; n„ near ; N. Y. C. K. E„New York Central liail Eoad ; N., North ; opp., opposite ; pi., place ; r., rear ; reg't., regiment ; S., South ; sq., square ; vol., volunteer ; W., West. ' Agan Kerron, grocer, h Milton ave, n Gleason's Hotel Agen — , h Saratoga, n N. High Allen Benjamin, axemaker h Milton ave, n South Allen Jacob, (^JJpdylce, d Allen,) h n cotton factory Allison James, {Allison S Esmond,) h Micldlebrook, n Mil- ton ave Allison John, cabinetmaker, h Milton ave, n bridge Allison John W., cabinetmaker, h South, n Milton ave Andrews Anna, widow Peter, h Charlton, n village line Arnold Sylvenas^ [Sickler db Arnold,) h Milton ave, c Washington Arnold S. D., dentist, Milton ave, n South, h do Arnold W. W., builder, h West, n South Armstrong Scott, teamster, h Kent, n Saratoga Arrosmith D. Mrs., h North High, n Milton ave Asmond M. J., flaxmill, h South, n Centre BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 131 AYERS BRAMAN, h Van Buren, n Milton ave Ayers George, [Levi Ayers d' Co.,) h Middlebrook, n Milton ave [ave Ayers Levi, [Levi Ayers tO Co.,) h Middlebrook, n Milton Ayers L. & Co., carriagemakers, Middlebrook, n Milton av Babcock Deodatus Rev., h Ballston ave, n High BABCOCK E. D., hats, caps, and boots and shoes, Front, bds Galaway road Badger John R., gunsmith, Bath, c Front, h Milton ave Bailey Timothy, h Ford, n Milton ave Ball Mary Mrs., milliner and newsroom, Milton ave, n Front, h do BALLSTON SPA BANK, Front st Barr Patrick, boot and shoe maker, Milton ave, h do Barrett John, boot and shoe maker, Front, n Bath, h do Barton Eliza A. Mrs., h Mechanic, n Kent Barton Henry, blacksmith. Centre, c West, h do Barton David, cabinetmaker, h Centre, n Milton ave Bassett John H., pedler, h Milton ave, n Van Buren Beach Daniel, h High, n Milton ave Beach James D., {Brotherson & Beach^ h Front Beach J. S., farmer, h Milton ave, c Pleasant Bebeau Peter, teamster, h Prospect, n Milton ave Becker Norman, farmer, h Ballston, n Cemetery Beecher Francis Mrs., widow, h Front, n R. R. bridge Benaway Andrew, laborer, h Thomson, n Ford Benedict C. H.,h Court, c Charlton Bennett Robert C, teller Ballston Spa bank, bds Milton, c Pleasant Benton Francis Miss, select school, Milton ave, n Wash- ington, h do Betts Wm. E., carpenter, h Ballston ave, n Catholic church Birch James, butcher, Milton ave, h Mechanic, n Kent Black Nancy Mrs., widow Mitchell, h Malta ave, n Milton ave Blake Mary Miss, washerwoman, h Washington, n R. R. BLOOD A. P., millinery, Milton ave, n Washington, h do, (see adv.) 132 BALLSTON BPA DIRECTORY. Blood Isaiah, edge tool rnanuf. Galway road Boice Isaac, vol. 77th regt., bds Mechanic, n Kent Boice Peter, farmer, h Mechanic, n Kent [church Bolster Loren G., carpenter, h Ballston ave., n Catholic Booth Lucretia Mrs., widow Lebbeus, h High, n Bath Booth Wheeler K., h Front, n Court Borst David, vol. 77th regt. N.Y.V.,h Bath,n Front Bowen Huldah Miss, h N. High, n Milton ave. Bradley Catharine, widow, h Front, n R. R, bridge Brady Anna Mrs., widow Matthew, h Ballston ave., n Catholic church Brenan Thomas, laborer, h Charlton, n High Briggs George, bartender, h Milton ave., n Methodist church Briggs John H., vol. 115th regt., h Centre, n Milton ave Bristol Eliza A., widow Henry, h Milton ave., n Methodist church Bristol L. W., hats, caps and furs, Bath, n Front, h do Bronk L. R., photograph gallery, Bath, c Front, bds Ballston Spa house [house Brotherson John, [Brotherson c& Beach), bds Ballston Spa Brotherson & Beach, lawyers, Bath, c Front Brower Jeremiah, blacksmith, h Kent, n Saratoga Brower Nicholas, wagon maker, h N. High, n Milton ave Brown Jane, widow Thomas, bds Mechanic, n Kent [adv. BROWN WM., grocer, Milton ave., c Ford, h do, (see Brownell Hellen, widow Alexander, h Mechanic, n Kent Brownell S. D., {S. D. Brownell & Co.), h Charlton, n High Brownell S. D. & Co., butchers. Front, n Bath Burby Alvin, watchmaker, h Thompson, n Ford Burby John, h Milton ave., n Cotton factory Burby Willard, h Thompson, n Prospect Burnett Austie Mrs., h Bath, n Presbyterian church Burnett Nancy Mrs., bds Ballston ave., n Catholic church Burnham J., vol. 13th N. Y. artillery, h Charlton, n village line [Saratoga Burnham Perry, tailor, n Union Store, h N. High, n BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 133 Burtles John F., mechanic, h Thompson, c Ford Butler Ann Mrs., bds Centre, n Milton ave C. Calkins Thomas, carpenter, Ballston, n Cemetery Campbell Patrick, pedler, h Galway, c Court Canitf George, carpenter, h Ford, n Mechanic . Carey Patrick, laborer, h Charlton, n High Carlin John, laborer, h Galway, c Court Carr — , farmer, ' h Charlton, n village line [Front Carpenter Charles, [Carpenter db McCleio,) h Bath, n Car^^enter Chloe Miss, dressmaker, Milton ave., c Ford, hdo Carpenter & McClew, merchant tailors. Front, n Bath Cary Abram, boot and shoe store, Milton ave., n Gleason's Hotel, h do Cary Hannah Miss, millinery. Front, n Village Hotel, h Milton ave., n bridge Cash John, laborer, h Middlebrook, n Milton ave Castle John, laborer, h High, n Charlton Caswell — , h Thompson, c Hamilton [house ^Chapman Edwin, woolen, factory, h Milton ave, opp school Chapman George W., mechanic, h Milton ave, n school house Chapman H. P., h N. High, n Milton ave [house Chapman Mary R., widow Harvey, h Milton ave, n school Chase Seymour, h Ballston ave, n Catholic church [do Cheydleur John B., carriageironer, Milton ave, n Ford, h Christopher J. George, barber. Front, n Eagle Hotel, h rear Milton, n c Washington Christy Affa, widow Philip, h Charlton, n High Clapp Eleanor, widow Chester, h Ballston ave, n Catholic church Clapp Russell, agent Troy and N. Y. steamboat line, h Milton ave, n Van Buren 134 BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. Clark Caroline L. Mrs., widow Daniel, h Milton ave, n school house Clark N. M., h Milton ave, c Pleasant Cleary Patrick, saloon. Front, n Bath, h do Cole VVm. J., bookkeeper, h Milton ave, n Cotton factory Collins Benjamin, oil cloth maker, h Charlton, n R. R. Colony Geo. B., shoemaker, h Washington, n Thompson Colony J. M., harnessmaker, Milton ave, n R. & Saratoga R. R. Conover Mary, widow Wm., bds Milton ave, n Van Buren, Cook Harriet, widow, h Front, n Bath Coon John, photographer, Milton ave, bds Malta ave, n Milton ave Coon Susan Mrs., h High, head Bath Cory David, flirmer, h High, n Charlton Cory E. T., bds High, n Charlton Crapo H., books and stationery. Front, n Village Hotel, h Court, n Front Crapo William, h High, n Armory Cresswell Mary J., widow, h Front, n R. R. bridge Crippen A., h Ballston, n High Culver Mary, widow Wm., h High, n Ballston Cunningham Mary, Avidow Richard, h Thompson, c Ford Curtis Judith Mrs., h High, n Charlton Curtis S. H., printer, h Milton ave, n Methodist church D. Davis Wm., vol. 153d regt., h Centre, n Milton ave Day Samuel F., watchmaker and jeweler. Front, n Spring, h Milton ave, cor. Hamilton Dean Eunice Mrs., widow Aaron, h Ballston ave, n Ar- mory Dean George W. Rev., pastor Christ church, (Episcopal) h Ballston ave, n Armory Demorr Levi, spinner, h Thompson, n Ford Denton Henry, factory hand, h Thompson, n Prospect BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 135 Denton James V., carpenter, h Saratoga, n N. High Denton Lifala, widow Nathaniel, h Saratoga, n N. High Denton Wm., flirmer, bcls Saratoga, n N. High Devlin William, hnteher, h Mechanic, n Kent Dexter Elmira, widow Jeremiah, h Ballston, n High Dickman Ann Mrs., h Ballston, n Cemetery Dodge Emogene Mrs., widow Henry, h High, n Presby- terian church Dohig Patrick, mason, h Front, n R. R. bridge Doolittle — , h Milton ave, n Front Doolittle James F., physician. Front, n Bath, h do Dority Charles, laborer, h Charlton, n High Draper Gideon A., blacksmith, h Saratoga, n N. High Du Bois W. H., farmer, h Saratoga, n N. High Dunk Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, Low, n Front, h Thomson, c Hamilton Dunn Geo., farmer, h Malta ave, n Milton ave Dunn James, laborer, h Middlebrook, n Milton ave E. Earll Byron, painter, h Malta ave, n Milton ave Eastman Laura Miss, bds Milton ave, c Ford Eddy Allen F., h Thompson, n Ford Edgerton J. M. Rev., h South, c Centre Eldridge S. L., pedler, h Milton ave, n Van Buren ■ Emperor John, h Charlton, n R. R. Esmond & Allison, flax mill. Ford, n Milton ave Esterbrook Thomas, h Saratoga, n Milton ave Ferris James C, h Mechanic, n Kent Fitzpatrick Martin, laborer, h Galway, c Court Ford John B., saloon, Milton ave, n Gleason's Hotel, h do Ford John S., h Milton ave, n High Ford Wm., h Milton ave, n Washington 136 BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. Foster Ezra, axemaker, h Saratoga, n Milton ave Foster Geo. F., vol. 115tli reg. N. Y. V., li Saratoga, n Milton ave Franklin Daniel, oil cloth maker, h Ballston, n Cemetery Freeman Thomas, h Low, n Front Fryer Jacob 11., tobacconist, Front, n R. R. bridge, h do Fuller Eliza Mrs., h Front, c Court Fuller Henry, h Milton ave, n Van Buren Furey Nathan, h South, n Milton ave Gardner Layser, harnessmaker, h Milton ave, n South Garnsey Hannah Mrs., h N. High, c Saratoga Garrett Samuel R., h High, n Armory Garrett Wm., mechanic, h Milton ave, n Van Buren Gault Betsey, widow John, Ballston, n Cemetery George John, mechanic, h Hamilton, n Bath Gilbert Olive Mrs., h Milton ave, n South Gilborne E., cabinetmaker, Milton ave, n Ford Gildersleeve B., teamster, h Charlton, n R. R. Gildersleeve Lot, carman, h Mechanic, n Kent Gildersleeve Mary, widow, h Front, n R. R. bridge Gillespie Andrew, tailor, Milton ave, h High, opp District schoolhouse GILMOUR JAMES Rev. principal Ballston Spa Acad- emy, h Pleasant, n Milton ave (see adv) Gilmour Neil, teacher, bds Pleasant, n Milton ave Gleason T. L., prop. Gleason's Hotel, Milton ave, c Wash- ington GOINES BAZEL N., barber, Front, c Spring, h Milton ave, n Low Goodfellow John, h Ford, n Mechanic Goodwin Maria, widow George, h Milton ave, n Centre Gould Samuel, grocer. Front, c 13ath, h Milton ave, n Front Gould Samuel Jr., grocer, Front, c Bath, h Milton ave, n Front BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 137 Gouyd James, carpenter, h Milton ave, n Centre Gi-ay Margaret A. Mrs., bds High, n Milton ave Green Elizabeth, widow James, h Front, n Court Griffin Jerry, baggageman, h High, n Charlton Grippin A. J., h Milton ave, opp District schoolhouse Griswold Mary Ann Mrs,, h Ford n Mechanic Groom Robert, axe polisher, h Milton ave, n R, R Grose E. F., {H. L. Grose d- Sons,) h Milton ave, n Van Buren [Buren Grose H. L., (H. L. Grose cO Sons,) h Milton ave, n Van Grose H. L. Rev., h Milton ave, n school house [Buren Grose H. JS., [H. L. Grose db Sons,) h Milion ave, n Van Grose H. L. & Sons, editors and proprietors Ballston Journal, Bath, n Front H. Hale Jane Mrs. h West, n Milton ave Hall Amelia Mrs. h High, n Science Hall Andrew, mason, h Milton ave, n schoolhouse Hall Matilda, widow Sylvester, h Front, n Court Hammond H. H., vol. U. S. A.,h Ford, c Bath Hammond N. P., painter, h Milton ave, n schoolhouse Hanson Nathaniel, carpenter, Milton ave, h do Harris Arnold, foundry, Kent, n Saratoga, h High, n Court House Harris Arnold, hardware, stoves and tinware, Front n * Bath, h High, n Bath Harris Thomas M., vol. 77th regt. N. Y. V., h Bath, n Front Harrison S. F., vol. 13th N. Y. artillery, h Bath, n Front Harris Rowland E., teamster, bds Bath, n Front Harris Sylva Mrs., widow Thomas, h Bath, 14 Front Harrison Henry, prop. Railroad House, opp. R. R. depot Hawkins Johanna Mrs., widow. Front, n R. R. bridge Hawkins John, tinsmith, h Washington, c Thompson Hay Alexander, laborer, h Thompson, n Ford 138 feALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. Heeney John, laborer, h High, n District schoolhouse Hemphill A. P., h iMilton ave, n Front Hewitt Amos, farmer, h Charlton, n Village line Hewitt Charles, shoemaker, h Thompson, n Ford Hewitt Wm. H., carpenter, h Bath, n Ford Hoey James, shoemaker, bds Front, n Bath Holey Patrick, laborer, Bath, n Washington Holmes Hugh, h Ford, n Mechanic Holmes Rac-hel Mrs., wadow John, h Mechanic, n Kent Hope Lewis, axe-maker, h Milton ave, n bridge Hope Phoebe Mrs., h Milton ave, n bridge [church HORTON JAMES W., county clerk, h High, n Christ Hovey J. A., cotton manufacturer, Prospect, h Milton ave, n Ford Hovey John, saw mill, Ralph, n Saratoga, h do Hovey Hiram, farmer, h Saratoga, n N. High HOVEY JONAS A., cotton manufacturer, Prospect, c Milton ave, (office, 137 Broadway, N. Y.) Hovey Smith, {Hovey c& Son^ h Ralph, n Saratoga Howard William, farmer, h Ford, n Mechanic Hoyt Edwin, laborer, bds Hamilton, n Bath Hoyt George, laborer, h Hamilton, n Bath Hoyt Oren, laborer, h Hamilton, n Bath Hubbell Emily M. Mrs., h N. High, n Milton ave Hubbell James, machinist, h Bath, n Presbyterian church Hulbert Mrs., h Saratoga, n Milton ave Hullsander Jane Mrs., h Ford, n Mechanic Hurd James F., superintendent cotton factory, h Prosp^ct^ n Milton ave Hurzog Fitz John, tanner, h Milton ave, n Centre Irish Abner, blacksmith, h Saratoga, c Kent Irish James, spinner, h Thompson, n Ford Irish Luther, factory hand, h Prospect, n Milton ave BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 139 Jack Milly Mrs., widow James, h N. High, n Milton ave Jeffers Hannah Mrs., widow James, h Saratoga, n N. High Jingle Peter A., painter, h Prospect, n Milton ave Jennings Bridget, Mrs., h head Pleasant JENNINGS JOSEPH, Milton House, Ballston, c Charl- ton (see adv) Jennings William, 115 N. Y. V., h Front, n R. E. bridge Johnson Frank, laborer, h Washington, n R. R. Jones C. E., (Jones d' Thomas,) h Saratoga, n Milton ave Jones Hiro, knitting factory, Ford, n Thompson, h Milton ave, n Van Buren Jones & Thomas, hardware, Milton ave, c Eord K. Karley William, laborer, h Ballston, n Cemetery Kelley John, laborer, h I3allston, n High Kelley Mary Miss, h Ballston, n Cemetery Kelly Mrs., h Van Buren, n Milton ave Kelley Thomas, laborer, h Ballston, n Cemetery Ketchum — , farmer, h Charlton, n Village line Ketchum Ransselaer, bds High, n Charlton King Otis, vol. 153d regt., h Ballston, n Cemetery Kimmey C. A. Miss, h N. High, n Milton ave Knight Ransselaer, vol. 115th regt., h Centre, c West Knox George E., hoop skirt manufacturer, Milton ave, n Rail Road, h do Koonz Abraham, laborer, bds Centre, n Milton ave Kouse George, laborer, h Van Buren, n Mechanic Laducer Louis, axemaker, h Milton ave, n West L'AMOREAUX J. S., lawyer, Bath, c Front, h Milton ave, n N. High 140 BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. L'Amoreaiix Jesse, h Milton ave, n N. High Lansing A. S., farmer, h Charlton, n village line Lansing Cornelias, teamster, h Bath, n Hamilton Larinas Barzine, h Thompson, n Prospect Lawrence Geo. B., harness and collar maker, Washington, n Bath, h do Lawrence James, watchman, h Prospect, n Milton ave Lawrence Mary, widow, h ft Front, n opp the Spring Leach James, collector, office Bath, n Front, h Miiton ave, n Van Buren Leach James Otis, collector internal revenue, h Milton ave, n Van Buren Le Clair Andrew, axeraaker, h Milton ave, n Centre Lee E. W., agt. country store. Front, c Bath, h Front, n Bath Lee John J., cashier Ballston Spa Bank, Front, n Court, h bank buildings Leonard Thomas, tanner, h Kent, n Saratoga Lewis Morgan, physician, Milton ave, n Front, h do Locklin James P., carpenter, head Ballston ave, h do Losee Gurdon, carpenter, N. High, n Saratoga Luffinan Eunice, widow George, h Charlton, n High Luther Ebenezer, bds Milton ave, n South [n Court Luther John J., wines and liquors, Front, c Low, h Front, Luther Henry, (S. IT. d H. Luther^) bds Front, opp Ballston Spa Bank [Methodist church Luther S. H., (S. H. c& H. Luther,) h Milton ave, opp LUTHER S. H. & H., wholesale liquor dealers, Milton ave, n "Washington, (see ifdv.) M. MANN HENRY A., county treasurer, Bath, n Front, h High, c Low Manney. Patrick, laborer, h High, n Charlton Massey — , tailor, h Ballston ave, n Catholic church BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 141 Massey John, clothing merchant, Milton ave, n Methodist church, h Mechanic, n Van Burcn [Hotel Massey John S., merchant tailor, Milton ave, n Gleason's Massey Samuel, saloon, n Gleason's Hotel, [ave Maxwell David, lawyer, Bath, c Front, h High, n Milton McCarty John, laborer, h Ballston, n Cemetery McClear John, laborer, h Thompson, n Prospect McClew Charles N., {Carpenter d' McClew,) h Milton, n Front McCollum Margaret Miss, h High, n Science McConnor John, laborer, h Charlton, n High McDonald John, laborer, h Front, n R, R. bridge McDowell Alexander, h Mechanic, n Kent ISIcGar Oney, mason, h Kent, n Saratoga McGuire Mary A., widow Philip, h Thompson, c Ford Mcintosh Daniel, laborer, h Kent, n Saratoga Mcintosh Henry, farmer, h N. High, n Milton ave McKittrick Barnard, confectioner, Front, n R. R. bridge, h do . [n Bath McKittrick William, captain 115 regt. N. Y. V., h Front, McKernity Mary, widow Michael, h Low, n Front McKown John, cabinet maker, Milton ave, n Washington McLaughlin Dennis, laborer, h Ballston ave, n Catholic church McLaughlin Thomas, painter, h Ballston, n Cemetery McLean John B., clerk, h Milton ave, c High McMann John, laborer, h Charlton, n High McMaster Elizabeth Mrs., h High, head .Bath McMaster R. P., h High, head Bath McNab James, bleacher, h Mechanic, n Kent MEDBERRY S. B.,prop. Village Hotel, Front, c Spring Medberry S. C, clerk. Village Hotel -[church Meeker Sarah J., widow Charles, li Ballston ave, n Catholic Melon George, tailor, h Milton ave, opp. schoolhouse Middbrook Hezekiah, clerk, h N. High, n Milton ave Miller Henry, saloon, Milton ave, n Front, h do Miller James M., carpenter, Bath, c Hamilton, h do 142 BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. Miller Levi, saloon, Milton ave, li Malta ave, n Milton ave Miller Joseph, farmer, h Kent, n Saratoga Mills William, former, h Milton ave, n Railroad Milliman Francis, laborer, h Mechanic, n Kent Minetta Catharine Mrs. h Thompson, n Prospect [Kent Mitchell John, vol. 77th regt. N. Y. S. V., h Mechanic, n Mitchell Titus, former, bds High, n Charlton Moore Horace A., bds Milton ave, n Van Buren Moore Leverett, physician, Milton ave, n Van Buren, h do Moore Lorenzo D., liquor dealer, h Bath, n Front Morris J. W., machinist, h Milton ave, n Ford Morrison Ira, tanner, h Saratoga, n N. High Morrisey John, grocer, ft. Front, n the Spring, h do Mosher Silas B., carpenter, h Milton ave, n bridge Mould John, laborer, h Mechanic, n Van Buren Muhlfelder Lewis, (J. Schwarz cb Co.,) h Milton ave Myers Dinah, widow John, h Ballston, n Cemetery N. ■'^elson Lavina Mrs., widow R., h Washington, n R. R Newcomb Mary J., widow Patrick, h Ballston, n Cemetery Nims Lymon, h Milton ave, n Van Buren [Front Noxon C. M., dry goods, Front, n Bath, h Milton ave, n O. Odell Wm. T., lawyer. Front, next to County Clerk's office, h Front, n Milton ave O'Hair Matthew, laborer, h Charlton, n High O'Neil Sarah Mrs., widovv^ Henry, h Saratoga, n N. High Osborn Thomas, laborer, h Mechanic, n Kent Osgood B. F., carman, Washington, n Bath [ave Osgood D., shoemaker, Milton ave, h Center, n Milton OSGOOD J. D., boot and shoemaker. South, n Milton ave, h do Ostrander Jacob, laborer, h Kent, n Saratoga feALLStOl^ SPA DIRECTORY. 143 ' P. haddock Geo. C, h West, n Milton aVe Padgham Thomas, (aS'. D. Broionell d' Co.,) h Hamilton^ n Bath [toga R. R. Palmatier A. J., shoemaker, Milton ave, n K. and Sara= Parent Arthur, h Hamilton, n Thompson Parent Arthur^ tannerj bds Saratoga, c Milton ave Parent Chamicey, tanner, bds Ballston Spa House Parker Margaret Mrs., h Ford, n Thompson Parkinson Edward, vol. 153d regt. N. Y. S. V., h Miltoil ave, opp Methodist church Parkis Hezekiah, spinner, h Ford, c Thompson Parks Warren, carpenter, h Ralph, n Saratoga Parmater Anson, shoemaker, h Ralph, n Saratoga [ave Parmater Sally A., widow George, h Malta ave, n Milton Patchin Bernard, village clerk, h n ft Front, n Charlton Patchin AVm. G. V., mechanic, h Center, n Milton ave Patterson Augustus T., teamster, h Ballston, n Charlton Patterson George, cabinetmaker, h Saratoga, n N. High Patterson John, laborer, h Washington, n Main [h do Peckham George W. blacksmith, Thompson, c Hamilton, Peckham Hannah, widow Aaron, h Frontj n Charlton Peckham James, harnessmaker, Milton ave, h Ballston ave, n Catholic church [Catholic church Peckham Lucinda, widow Stephen, bds Ballston ave, n Peckham Renselaer, painter, h Front, n R. R. bridge Peckham Sophia, widow George, h Ballston ave, n Catho* lie church Peek Cornelius, h North High, n Milton ave Perrit Peter, factory hand, h Prospect, n Milton ave Pettit James, laborer, h Ralph, n Saratoga Pettit Jesse, Jr., laborer, h Ford, n Factory Pettit Sarah, widow Abraham, h Charlton, n High Pinney Phinander, h Saratoga, n Milton ave Porter William, laborer, h Mechanic, c Van Buren 144 BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. Potter Malbon K., boots and shoes, Milton ave, n Wash- ington, h do Potter Mary Mrs., widow Elisha, h Saratoga, c N. High Putnam Joseph, machinist, h Middlebrook, n Milton ave Q. Quiglen Michael, laborer, h Middlebrook, n Milton ave Quinby John, hostler, Malta ave, n Milton ave R. Ratigan Michael, laborer, h Ballston, n Cemetery Reid Archibald, h Saratoga, n Ralph Reynolds E., printer. Main, h Washington, n Thompson Richardson Joseph, bds Mechanic, n Kent Robinson John, axemaker, h Bath, n Hamilton ROOTS JOHN, physician, Milton ave, opp M. E. church, h do, (see adv.) Rouse Edward, mechanic, h Centre, n Milton ave [ave Rowley Charles W., mechanic, h Middlebrook, n Milton Rummings William, lumberman, h Mechanic, n Kent S. Schwarz Magnus, {3L Sclnvarz & Co.,) h Milton ave Schermerhorn Cornelius, shoemaker, Malta ave, n Milton ave, h do Scott George G., lawyer, Bath, n Front, h High, n Bath Scribner Louis Mrs., h ft Front, n R. R. bridge Scute Hall, miller, h Saratoga, n Milton ave Seeley Charles, prop. Ballston Spa Institute, ft Front, c Charlton [n Science Seeley L. P., insurance agt., office Bath, n Front, h High, Seeley Melinda Miss, h Front, n Court BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 145 Settle Eli, flour and grist mill, Milton ave, n Saratoga, h Milton ave, n Prospect Seymour David, h High, n Charlton Shafer Peter, mechanic, h Ford, c Thompson Shaffer Ann, widow James, bds Kent, n Saratoga Shaw Eugene, laborer, h N. High, n Milton ave Shaw H. L. Mrs., bds N. High, n Milton ave Shaw John, dyer, h Micldlebrook, n Milton ave Sheffer David, laborer, h Kent, n Saratoga Shefler Sylvesteiv laborer, h Thompson, n Ford Sheldon Jane MisS) washerwoman, h Washington, n Bath Sheldon Timothy, [T. Sheldon <& Co.,) bds Saratoga, c. ]\'[ilton ave [ave Sheldon Titus, [T. Sheldon <£- Co.,) bds Saratoga, c Milton SHELDON T. & CO., dry goods, groceries and variety store, South, c Milton ave, (see adv) Shepherd Oliver, prop. Eagle Hotel, Front, c Milton ave Sherman Hiram, track master, h ft Front, n R. R. bridge Shutes Jerome, farmer, h n Catholic church, Ballston ave Sickler Lewis, (Sickler d' Arnold,) h Milton ave, c Wash- ington . [Washington Sickler & Arnold, Ballston Spa House, Milton ave, c Simons Benjamin, vol. 77th regt., bds Mechanic, n Kent Simon Henry, engineer, h N. High, c Saratoga Smith Anthony, carpenter, h Milton ave, c Van Buren Smith D. W., prin. Sans Souci Seminary, Front, c Mil- ton ave, h do Smith Ezekiel, laborer, h Kent, n Saratoga Smith Henry, 4th N. Y. heavy art., h Middlebrook, n Milton ave Smith J. S., bds High, n Milton ave Smith Loren, gunsmith, h Ralph, n Saratoga, Smith Lucinda, widow, h Charlton, n ft Front Smith Samuel, broker, bds Village Hotel Smith Sanford, hardware and agt. National Express Co., Bath, n Front, h High, n Milton ave Smith Simeon L., dentist, h Milton, opp. Eagle Hotel 7 146 BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY* Speir James H., h Milton ave, n Front Steenburgh Sandy, h Front, n R. li. bridge Steves James, carpenter, h Malta ave, n Milton ave Stever James B., carpenter, h West, n Milton ave Steves John, laborer, h Saratoga, n N. High Stiles Horace A., stonemason, h Ford, n Mechanic Stillwell Sarah Mrs., h High, c Low [cRurch St. John Michael, laborer, h Ballston ave, n Catholic Sullivan John C, vol. 77th regt. N. Y. V., h Mechanic, n Kent Swart Edward, axemaker, h Milton ave, n bridge Swan Edwin R., carpenter, h Milton ave, c High Sweet Catharine Mrs., h Mechanic, n Kent T. Talmadge Eunice, widow Isaac, h Court, c Charlton Tarrent George, furnaceman, h N. High, n Milton ave Terrant John, h Mechanic, n Kent [Ford Thomas George R., [Jones c& Thomas,) h Milton ave, n Thomas John B., tinsmith, Milton ave, h Milton ave, n North High Thomas Lewis, blacksmith, h Milton ave, n West Thompson George, h Milton ave, c Van Buren Thompson Frank, student, bds High, c Science [Science Thompson J. W., president Ballston Spa Bank, h High, c Thompson John S., pedler, h Ballston, n Cemetery Thompson Maria Mrs., widow Joseph, h Milton ave, n bridge Thompson Samuel, bds High, c Science Thompson Wm. IL, freight agt., h head Pleasant Tisdale Clara Mrs., h Middlebrook, n Milton ave Titus Alfred, patternmaker, h Bath, n Hamilton Town Eliza, widow Amos, h Milton ave, n Van Buren Tripp E. J., vol. 77th N. Y. S. V., h Saratoga, c N. High Tripp Eliza, Mrs., h Saratoga, n N. High BALLSTON SPA DIRECTORY. 147 Tripp Matilda, widow Abraham, h Saratoga, n N. High Truman John, carman, h ll Front, opp. the spring Tully David Kev., h Iligh, n Science Twitchell William, tailor, h Front, n R. R. bridge U. Updike & Allen, flour and feed store, Milton ave, n Washington Van Deburgh John, mason, h Saratoga, n N. High Van Denburgh Catharine Mrs., h Ralph, n Saratoga Van i-5cnburgh Reed, mechanic, h Saratoga, n N. High Van Dyke, George, laborer, h Kent, n Saratoga Van Dyke L. B., blacksmith, Charlton, n R. R., h do [ave Van Epps Rachael, widow Alexander, h Centre, n Milton Van Ness Hiram, laborer, h ft. Front, n R. R., bridge Van Ness Margaret Miss, milliner and dressmaker, Front, n R. R., li'do Van Ness Polly Mrs., widow, h Front, n R. R. bridge Van Steenburgh Alfred, hiborer, h Front, n R. R. bridge Vaughn — , h Washington, c Thompson Vaughn A. S., painter. Mechanic, n Kent [Front Vaughn O. D., marble shop, Bath, n depot, h Bath, n Vibbard James S,, clerk Eagle i lotel Vincent Charles, cabinetmaker, h Milton are, n Ford Wager Amanda Mrs., h Ford, n Mechanic Wait John, [John Wait d: Son,) h Front, n Bath Wait John I)., [John Wait d' Son,) bds Front, n Bath 148 BALLSTOX SPA DiuE(rrorwY. Wait John 'k Sun, floor oil doth manufacturers, Bath, c Hamilton Wakeman Elizabeth, widow Stephen, h Milton ave, opp school house Warner Anthony, laborer, h Milton ave, n R. R. Warner Wm., ( Weed d' Warner,) h Ballston, n High Wayne W. J., carriagemaker. Low, c High, h do [High Weatherwax Albert, vol. 77th N. Y. V., h Ballston, n Weaver Horace, mechanic, h Milton ave, c Centre Webster Ephriam, laborer, h Ralph, n Saratoga Webster Sarah Mrs., h Ford, n Mechanic Weden John C, lumberman, h Mechanic, n Kent Weed John, carpenter, h ft. Front, n R. R. bridge Weed Levi, ( Weed db Warner,) h Centre, n Milton ave Weed & Warner, druggists and grocers, Milton ave, n Washington Welden Samuel, mason, h Ballston, n High Welch Isaac, laborer, h Hamilton, n Bath Wentworth Peter W., barber, h Court, n Front WESTCOTT JOHN IL, druggist. Front, n Bath, h oppo- site (see adv) West H. L., watchmaker and jeweller, Milton ave, n Washington, h do Whalen Lee, laborer, h Centre, n Milton ave Whalen S., lawyer, Front, n R. R. Bridge, h Mechanic, n Kent White Fonda, h Milton ave, opp R. R. [Front White James E., baker and confectioner, Milton ave, n White John C, carriagemaker, bds Milton ave, n Middle- brook White Mrs. Polly, widow Cosman, h Milton ave, n R. R. White M. v., machinist, bds Milton ave, n R. R. White Theodore, carpenter, h Milton ave., n N. High Whitford J. F., carriagemaker, h Mechanic, n Kent Whitmore Moses, h Fora, n "Mechanic Wilber Adam, Union Hotel, Milton ave, c South Wilber Nancy, widow, h Front, n R. R, Bridge BALLSTOX SPA DIRECTORY. 149 Wile}- Calvin F., clerk, h Bath, n Front Williams Charlotte Miss, h Front, n Bath Williams Jonathan, overseer cotton fact'y, h Ford, c Bath Williams Julia A., widow Theopiliis, h Mechanic, n Kent Williams Mary Miss, h Front, n Bath [h do Williams M. L. druggist and postmaster. Front, n Bath, Williams Richard, tanner, h Milton ave, n Washington Wilsey Harry, painter, h N. High, n Milton ave Wilson J, R., ticket agent, h High, n Presbyterian church Wilson Margaret Mrs., h Ford, n Mechanic Wood S. M., h Milton ave, n schoolhouse Wright John, ashman, h Ford, n Mechanic Y. Young Hannah M., widow Alfred, h N. Hiiih, n Milton ave Yo\uig Rush, cabinetmaker, h N. High, n Milton av DAILY EVENSNG STAR, PUBLISHED EVERY KVEKIXG, BY x>A."vis ac a-TiEC3-o:Fi-ir, At No. irO STATE STllEET, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. TEBMS —One year, $6 ; 1 week, 12 cents ; single copies, 3 cts. SCHENECTADY WEEKLY REPUBLICAN, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. Terms of Subscription.— $i-50 a Year, in Advakck. Book: a^iid. JoId Frinting", OF ALL KINDS, ^EATLY AXP PROMPTLY EXECUTED ISAAC M. GREGORY, W. D. DAVIS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. Agents— Claim, Insurance, Real Estate, &c. Seely L. P., insurance, Bath, n Front, Ballston Spa Atwell D, A., insurance, 172 State, Schenectady Carley G. Q., insurance, 26 State c Church, do Hanford George T., insurance, 114 State, do Agricultural Implement Manufacturers. Kelsey Nathaniel, 198 State, Schenectady Schenectady Agricultural Works, G. West- inghouse & Co. prop. Rotterdam, n Canal bridge, do Sweet & Allen, 201 and 203 State, do Bakers. White James E., Milton ave., n Front, Boss Isaac S., 97.} Ferry, Knecht Frederick, 23 and 25 Jay, Moore E. W., 233 State, Moore George W., 113 State, Watkins Charles, 141 Union, Ballston Spa Schenectady do do do do Billiard Saloon. Stevens & Cutting, 161 State, Schenectady Blacksmiths. (See also, CciTriage and Wagon Manvfacturers.) Barton Henry, Centre, c West, Ballston Spa Cheydleur J. B., Milton ave., n Bridge, do Draper Gideon A., Saratoga, n N. High, do Peckham George W., Thompson, c Hamilton, do Van Dycke L. B., Charlton, n R. R do BUSINESS DIRECTORY 151 Abels S. H., Duanssburgh McGraw & Mead, do Moon John, do Mickle James, Duanesburgh Phenix & Pulver, do Shrade George, do Carroll G. & C, GlenviUe Sharpe G., do Van Buren G. H., do Van Wormer ^lichael, Princetown Bliss Adam, Rotterdam Coleman John, do Banker Isaac, 48 Liberty, Schenectady Beebe & Kelsey, 200 State, do Boss Henry, 77 Romeyn, do Clute &; Reagles, State, c La Fayette, do Dickinson Aaron, 2 Rotterdam, do Swits Walter A., 18 Rotterdam, do Booksellers, Stationers and News Depots. Ball Mary Mrs., Milton ave., n Front, Ballston Spa Crapo H., Front, n Village Hotel, do Clare George, 143 State, Shenectady Gilmour John, 93 State, do Groot Edward W., 168 State, do Young & Graham, 111 State, do Boot and Shoe Makers and Dealers. Babcock E. D., Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Barr Patrick, Milton ave., n Ford, do Barrett John, Front, n Bath, do Cary Abram, Milton ave., n Gleason's Hotel, do Dunk Benjamin, Low, n Front, do Osgood J. D., South, n Milton ave., do Palmatier A. J., Milton ave., n R. & Sara- toga R.R., do Potter Malbon K., Milton ave., n Washington, do Schermerhorn C, Malta ave., n Milton ave., do 152 BUSINESS DIRECTORY I Grouse John M., Cook D. A., Wilber Addison, Wilber, Hoag & Co., Harm an R., Waterstreet J. D., Waterstreet Henry, Griswold John, Ballert Julius, 237|- State, Brickner Henry, 2 Green, Consaul John, 142 State, Fehr Ulrich, 55 Liberty Gray Robert, 184 State, May Jacob, 10 Dock, Myer Jacob, 27 Water, Severn John, 7 Rotterdam, Slocomb L. B., 54 State, Stenson John, 123 Union, Van De Bogert John, 135 State, Van Epps A. C, 88 State, Warner Addison M., 204 State, Weller & Dealtry, 197 State, I)uanesburgh do do do Glenville do do Niskayuna Schenectady do do do do do do do do do do do do do Brewers and Maltsters. De Wigne Ferdinand, 94 Union, Schenectady Swits & Carley, office State, c Canal bridge, do Thomson Cornelius, Dock, do Brush and Broom Makers. Bowman Thomas, Niskayuna Myers John, on flats bet the river and canal, Schenectady Schermerhorn Nicholas I., Rotterdam plank road, do Veeder John H., Rotterdam flat road, do OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. 153 Cabinet Makers, Furniture Dealers and Un- dertakers. Gilborne E., Milton ave., n Ford, Ballston Spa McKown John, Milton ave., n Washington, do Van Eps D. H., Glenville Brown Albert & Son, 67 State Schenectady De Forest Jacob, 58, 60 and 62 State, do Henry Jacob, 40 State, do Ouderkirk P. M., 133 Union, do Carpenters and Builders. Smith A. M., Milton ave, c Van Biiren, Ballston Spa Hanset John, Duanesburgh Jones A. D., do Stebbins G. T., do Wright Eben, do Van Eps D. H., Glenville Vedder A., do VosburghC. H., do Water street L., do Brockham A. H., Rotterdam Brockham G., do Sitterly — , do Van Dyck A., do Bailey Wm. P., 18 Yates, Shenectady Pearce S. V., 115 Barrett, do Van Dermoor A. R., 16 Ferry, do Van Dyck Peter, 21 White, ' do Van Vraken G. I., 79 Romeyn, do Vedder Jacob, 38 Jefferson, do Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers. Ayers L. & Co., Middlebrook, q Milton ave, Ballston Spa Wayne W. J., High, o Low, do McGraw & Mead, Duanesburgii 7* 154 BUSINEi^S DIRECTORY Sharp R., Glonville Weaver S., do Weller S. T., do Shaible & Butler. 133 Centre, Schenectady Van Vranken C. & H., 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Rotterdam, do Wright & Croutts, 14 and 16 Rotterdam, do China, Glass and Earthenware. (See also, Coimtry stores.) Cam Nicholas, 55 State, Schenectady Cigar Dealers. (See Tohacconists and Cigar Dealers.) Clothing Dealers and Merchant Tailors. Carpenter & McClew, Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Massey John, Milton ave, do Massy John S., Milton ave, n Gleason's Hotel, do Harden W., Duanesburgh Adams J., Glenville Beckly John P., 98 State, Schenectady Davis Wilson, 103 State, do Davison J. E., 174 State, do Dillenbeck & Stoop, 107 State, do Ellis Robert, 159 and 163 State, do Henry Jacob, 46 State, do Hull Samuel A., S3 State, do Kemp Henry R., 156 State, do Laventhall Abraham, 72 State, do Lavinthal & Hey man, 144 State, do Levi Coin, 146 and 166 State, do Levy Pfeifer, 90 State, do Marks David, 132 and 134 State, do OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. 155 Mason Charles J., 164 State, Schenectady Mix David, 64 State, do Van Vranken & Archer, 95 State, do Vedder Abraham, 139 State, do Coal, Wood, Lumber, Plaster, &c. Van Hiisen John, Duanesburgh Groot G. W., Glenvi le Green Walter C, c Franklin and Jay, Schenectady McMullen Andrew, 93 Union do Rosa Henry, 23 Dock, do Rownsley Edward, 7 State, do Van De Bogert Brothers, Dock, ofRce 171 State, c Wall, do Van Slyck Christopher, 7 Pine, do Coffee and Spice Mills. Myers Julius, 89 Fonda, Schenectady Confectioners and Ice Cream Saloons. McKittrick Barnard, Front, n R. R. Bridge, Ballston Spa White James E., Milton ave., n Front, do Clute Clara Mrs., 74 Barrett, Shenectady Freeman Ethan B., 86 State, do Moore E. W., 233 State, do Moore George W., 113 State, do Parmentier Francis, 74 Ferry, do Peaselee David W., 164 State, do Coopers. Carroll A., Glenville Gordon Samuel, Princetown Marselus J., Rotterdam Frank William B., 77 Washington ave., Schenectady Ohlen George, 53 Church, do 156 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Coppersmiths. (See Pluynhers and Gas-Fitters.) Cotton Factory. Hovey Jonas A., Prospect, c Bath, Ballston Spa Country Stores. Keeping a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, d'c, d'C. Dealers exclusively in one kind of goods will be found under their respective headings. Lee Edward W., agt.. Front, c Bath, Ballston Spa Spier James, West Milton, do Briggs H., Duanesburgh Frederick P. J., do Lasher & Son, do Miller John P., do O'Neil James E., do Snell George A., do Wemple John B,, do Wilber & Co., do Wilber & Hoag, do Woodworth John, * do Groot G. W., Glenville Larrabee R., do Leedings E., do Kelly Andrew, Princetown Ford E., Rotterdam Daguerreotypists and Photographers. Bronk L. R., Bath, c Front, Ballston Spa Clark & Hamlin, 166 and 168 State, Schenectady De Bois John, 84 State, do Phillips A. & Co., 99 State, do Shaw Wallace, 81 State do Somes A., 149 Union 'do OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. 157 Dentists. Arnold S. D., Milton ave., n South, Ballston Spa Smith Simeon L., Milton ave., opp Eagle Hotel do Cuyler Vernor, 202 State, Schenectady Duell J. C, 47 State, do Garrett H. J., 45 State, do Lacy & Perkins, 108 State, do Vedder John H., 71 State, do Dress Makers. Carpenter Chloe Miss, Milton ave., c Ford, Ballston Spa Knapp Elma Mrs., 12 Smith, Schenectady Lansing Benjamin Mrs., 34 Smith, do Van Arnam Naomi Mrs., 125 State, do Walker Marv Mrs., 50 State. do Druggists and Apothecaries. Weed & Warner, Milton ave., nWashington, Ballston Spa Westcot John H., Front, n Bath, do Williams M. L., Front, n Bath, do Young E. A., Glenville Guadendorff Plerman, 85 State, Schenectady Snell David H., 147 State, do Traux A. & Co., 141 State, do Dry Goods. (See also Country stores.) Noxon Cornwall N., Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Groot G. W., Glenville Barney H. S. & Co., 101 State, Schenectady Furman Robert, 79 State, do Groot S. C. & Co., 43 State, do Lindley Silas H., 121 State, do 158 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mathews Andrew, 145 State, Schenectady McCamus William & Co., 137 State, do Murray David & Co., 63 State, do Ostrom Henry, 127 State, do Dyeing and Scouring. Kinghorn William, 2 Railroad, c Water, Schenectady Edge Tool Manufacturer. Blood Isaiah, • Ballston Spa Fancy Goods and Variety Stores. ' Schwarz A. & Co., Milton ave., n Ford, Schwarz M. & Co., Milton ave., n Ford, Sheldon T. & Co., South, c Milton ave., Abbott Jessee C, 131 State, Barhydt G. S., 158 State, Walker James, 118 and 120 State, Xavier John, 128 State, Fish Dealer. Staver Peter, 94 State, Ballston Spa do do Schenectady do do do Schenectady Flax Mill. Esmond & Allison, Ford, n Milton ave Ballston Spa Flour and Grist Mills, and Flour and Grain Dealers. Settle Eli, Milton ave, n Saratoga, Ballston Spa Updyke & Allen, Milton ave, n Washington, do Westcot John H., ft. Main, do W^estcott John H., Charlton, n R. R., do Delemater M., Duanesburgh Haines W., do OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. 159 Dawson J., Glenvillc Sitterly J. R., Rotterdam Veeder G. S., do Veeder J., do Beal & Van Brunt, 48 Liberty, Schenectady Carley A. F., & G. C, 14 and 16 Wall, do Clute Harrison, 16 Wall, do Clute Napoleon, 10 Wall, Schenectady Maxon G. G., 2, 4, 6 and 8 Wall, c Liberty, do Sitterly John R., Rotterdam plank road, do Van De Bogert Bros, Dock, office 171 State, c Wall, do Veeder John H., Rotterdam flats road, . do Forv/arding and Commission Merchant. Lindley C. L., 5 Dock, Schenectady Fruit and Vegetable Dealers. Johnson John A., 182 State, Schenectady Peaslee David' W., 164 State, do Staver Peter, 94 State, do Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Hull Samuel A., 83 State, Schenectady Ketchum A. M., 133 State, do . Grocers and Provision Dealers. (See also Country stores.) Brown Wm., Milton ave., cor Ford, Ballston Spa Gould Samuel Sen., Front, c Bath, do Gould Samuel Jr., Front, c Bath, do Morrissey John, ft. Front, n the Spring, do W^eed & Warner, Milton ave., n Washington, do Allen Lewis, 213 State, Schenectady Barhydt Abraham J., 55 Green do Barhydt G. S., 158 State, do Barhydt John C, 15 Smith, do 160 BtJSlNESS DIRECTORY Barnard liozetta Mrs., 112 Liberty, Schenectady Bensen R, Y., 112 Union, do Bigelo^Y John N., Union, c Romeyn, do Bhike Rose A. Mrs., 9 Warren, do Carley A. F. & G. C, 26 State^ do Chrisler William, 73 State, do Clark & Millard, 140 State, do Clute Cornelius B., 263 State, . do Cregier Sebastian I., 227 State, do Doharty James, 2 Jefferson, do Engleman Solomon, Nott, n Canal^ do Telthousen James D., 196 State, do Friederich Andrew, 76 Romeyn, do Furbeck James A., 97 Ferry, do Gallaher Patrick, "75 Fonda, do Hill S. P., 106 Romeyn, do Howse William, 79 Ferry, do Kilmartin John, 13 Rotterdam, do Laramie Samuel H., 97 Union, . do Levi Jonathan, 102 and 104 State, do Lunney James, 74 Romeyn, do McDermott John, 125 Union, do McKerlie William, 38 State, do Mechanics' Protective Union^ J. H. Tillinghast, agent, 127 Union, do Melanophy John, 52 Jay, c Franklin, do Millard & Crane, 160 State, do Miller Jeremiah, 64 Washington ave, do Nicklas William, 36 Union, do Ostrom David L., 195 State, do Peters Harman W., 1 Rotterdam, do Potter S. B., 49 State, . do Powell D. L. & Son, 75 State, c Ferry,' do Reynolds Hugh, 60 Liberty, do Scully Patrick, 88 Fonda, do Shannon Thomas, 189 State, • do Stickles Peter, 37 Union, do Streever M. & Co., 172 State, Benedict Robert, State, c R. R., Clute James B., 32 State, Dorn Robert C, 13 Dock, ParrellS., 150 State, Gardiner William, 80 State, Lyon B. F. & J. IL, 187 Church, Marselis Henry, 2-Z7^ State, Hats, Caps and Furs, Babcock E. D., Front, n Bath, Bristol L. W., Bath, n Front, Clute William H., 98 State, Lee D. M., 110 State, Van Home & Son, 149 State, Ballston Spa do Duanesburgh Glenville Schenectady do do do do do do Ballston Spa do Schenectady do do Hides, Leather and Findings, and Tanners and Curriers. Blood & Adams, Milton Centre P. 0., Ballston Spa Parent Chancey, Saratoga, n Ralph, do Jones Joel W., 112 State, Schenectady Rugg S. & Son, 206 State, do Schermerhorn & Swits, bet Liberty & Amanda do Hollow Ware Manufacturer. Featherstone, Near & Co., Pine, c Fonda, Sclienectady Hoop Skirt Manufacturer. Knox George E., Milton ave., n R. R., Ballston Spa OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. 163 Hotels. Ballston Spa House, Sickler & Arnold prop'rs, Milton ave., c Washington, Ballston Spa Eagle Hotel, Oliver Shepherd prop'r, Front, c Milton ave., do Gleason's Hotel, L. L. Gleason prop'r, Milton ave., c Washington, do Milton House, Joseph Jennings, Ballston, c Charlton do Railroad House, Henry Harrison, opp R. R. Depot do Union Hotel, Adam Wilber, Milton ave., c South, do Village Hotel, S. B. Medbery prop'r, Front, c Spring, do Burns J. S., Duanesburg Case T., do Conklin A., do Lander A. R., Duanesburg Lander D., do Pratt E. D., do Rich G., do Groot G. W., Glenville Woodworth John, Niskayuna Crouse Abraham, Princetown Gifford Alexander, do Bond R., Rotterdam Bradt H., do Roberson John, do Schermerhorn W. J., do Thomas C, " do Ward John, do American Hotel, Chas. H. Peper prop'r 221 State, Schenectady Anthony Hall, W. H. Anthony, Ferry, c Liberty, do Bond Richard, 57 and 59 State, do Columbian Hotel, Wm. Bradt prop'r, 155 and 157 Union do 164 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Coss John B., 261 State, c Barrett, Schenectady Davis Plouse, Isaac Cain prop'r, 188 State, do Drullard's Hotel, N. Drullard prop'r, 179 State, do Eagle Hotel, E. & R. Brinton propr's, 207 and 209 State, do Fuller's Hotel, E. H. Vrooman prop'r 152 and 154 State, do Given's Hotel, Aaron Freeman prop'r, 175 State, c Wall, do Hemstreet Michael, 176 State, do Mcintosh's Hotel, Angus Mcintosh prop'r, 215 State, do Miller's Hotel, Peter Miller prop'r, 23, 25 and 27 Rotterdam, do Sharratt House, J. S. Burns prop'r, 155 State, do Washington Hall, Myndert Ward prop'r, 62 Washington ave., do W^asson Thomas L., SO Washington ave., do Ice Cream Saloons. See Confectioners and Ice Cream Saloons. Ice Dealer. Barhydt Jacob T., 76 Front, Schenectady Iron Founders and Ornamental Iron works. Harris Arnold, Mechanic, Ballston Spa Barhydt & Greenhalgh, 98 Centre, Schenectady Schenectady Iron Works, Clute Bros., 49 Liberty, do Knitting Factory. Jones Hiro, Prospect, c Bath, Ballston Spa Lager Beer Saloons. Friedrich Frederick, 52 Liberty, Schenectady Hubner Henry, 98 Ferry, do Steinert George, 166 State, do OF SCHENECTADY COITNTT 1G5 Lawyers. Brotherson & Bciieh, Bath, c Fi'ont, Biillston Spa Lamorcaux J. S., Bath, c Front, do Maxwell David, Bath, c Front, do Odell W. T., Front,- next to County Clerk's Office, do Scott George G., Bath, n Front, do Whalen S., Front, n it. R. Bridge, do Calkins S., GlenviUe Chadsey D. M., 84 State, Schenectady X)aggett Stephen A., 68 State, do Fuller James, 150 State, do Jackson S. W., 10 Union, do Johnson & Hill, 15 Union, do Landon Judson S., 1G5 State, do McChesney John G., 1C5 State, do Mitchell & Beattie, 71 State, do Paige Alonzo C, 10 Union, do Rosa Edward, Van Home's Hall, Room 4, State, do Sanders John, 11 Union, do Sanders Walter T. L., 11 Union, do Smith David C, 39 State, do Thompson Alexander J., 10 Union, do Livery Stables. Harrison Henry, Bath, n Front, Bame John II., 114 Center, Cain Isaac, Davis House, State, Pettingill W. W. & Co., 216 State, Van Patten John, State, Locksmith. Maxon Hiram, 131 Union, Locomotive Works. Schenectady Locomotive Works, John Ellis, 29 Fonda, ' Schenectady Ballston Spa Schenectady do Schenectady do Schenectady 166 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lumber Dealers. See CoaJ^ Wood and Lumher. Machinist. Helm Frank T., 241 State, Marble Workers. Schenectady Vaughn 0. D., Bath, n the Depot, Ballston Spa Egleston H. & P., 243 State, Schenectady Kenny Thomas II., 1 State, do Meat Markets. Brownell S. D. & Co., Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Burtch & Devlin, Milton ave., n Ford, do Castle George T., 231 State, Schenectady Clute F. W., 102 Romcyn, do Reaber Frederick, 167 State, do Southard Joseph B., 137 Union, do Milliners. Ball Mary Mrs., Milton ave., n Front, Ballston Spa Blood A. P., Milton ave., n Washington, do Gary Hannah Miss, Front, n Village Hote' do Van Ness Margaret Miss, Front, n R. R. bridge, do Webber Mrs., Duariesburgh Crandall Mary Miss., 124 State, Schenectady Doty Abraham, 74 State, do Jeffords A. E. Miss, 105 Union, do McGukin Sarah A. Miss, 48 State, do Millinery Goods. Johnson William, 91 State, Schenectady Van W^ormer Elizabeth M. Miss, 77 State, do Newspapers. See Appendix. Nurseryman, Seedsman and Florist. Reagles, J. D., 9 and 12 Barrett, Schenectady OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. 167 Oil Cloth Manufacturer. Wait John & Son, Bath, c Hamilton, Ballston Spa Painters. Hammond N. P., Middlebrook,cMiltonaye, Ballston Spa Hunt L. W., Duanesburgh Love J. A., do Veeder Henry, Rotterdam Lake John, 85 Union, Schenectady Painter— Portrait. Sexton S. H., 81 State, Schenectady Paints, Oils and Glass. Freeman E. L. & Co., 82 State, Schenectady Paper Manufacturers- Crane L. M. Factory Village, P. O., Ballston Spa Donaldson & McLane, Bloods' Hollow, P. O., do Physicians. Doolittle James F., Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Lewis IMorgan, Milton ave, n Main, do Moore Leverett, Milton ave, n Van Buren, do Roots John, Milton ave, opp M. E. Church, do Braman J., Duanesburgh Brumaghim — , do Delemater Stephen G,, do Hill J. H., ^ do Carpenter — , Niskayuna Squares E., Rotterdam Carpenter Charles H., 147 Union, Schenectady Duane Wm. N., 39 and 41 Union, do Ellwood Livingston, 219 State, do Fuller Robert,^146 State, do Mynderse B. A., 27 Liberty, do Pease Harman, 105 State, do 168 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Swits Abram, 9 Jay, Schenectady Swits Harmon, 220 State, do Van Ingen James L., 11 Smith, do Vedder Alexander M., 190 State, do Walsh John E., 55 Fonda, " do Wheeler Edward H., 13 Liberty, do Planing and Sawing. Hovey John, Ralph, n Saratoga, Ballston Spa Haines W., Duanesburgh Putnam A.j Rotterdam Schermerhorn J., do Valk J., do Van Vorst, Vedder & Co., 62 Green, Schenectady Plumbers and Gas Fitters. Case Levi, 12 Warren, Edwards John A.. 69 Centre, Helm Frank T., 2:41 State, Saddlery Hardware. Lyon B. F. & J. IL, 187 Church, Schenectady do do Schenectady Saloons and Restaurants. Cleary Patrick, Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Ford John B., Milton ave, n Gleason's Hotel, do Miller Henry, Milton ave, n Front, do Beeler Charles H., 53 Centre, Schenectady Coffoy Michael, 8 Dock, do Chapman Alfred J., Ferry, c Liberty do Cleary Thomas, R. R., opp N. Y. C. Depot, do Fitzgerald John, 18 Dock, do Fruax Stephen, 124 Union, do Gordon Philip H., 21 Rotterdam, do Gray Elias R., 157 State, do Hanlon Michael, 265 State, do Johnson John A., 182 State, do Kerk Ander, 4 Dock, do OF SCitKNEOTADY rOTNTY. J 69 hadd Isjiac i*., 191 Statu, S.-henectadv Lucas Ernst, 01 Liberty^ do Lucas George, 9 Dock, do Mitchell Thomas, 180 State, do Pike Thomas P., 1 door n Gi veil's Hotel, do Plato James, 177 State, under Given'sITote] , do Roth Charles, 59 Union, do Stavers Peter, 94 State, do Van Eps Cornelius, 2 Ferry, do Van Eps H. II.. (3 Dock, do Saw Mills. Liddle John, Jr., Duanesburjih Liddle Rohert, do Baumis Hiram, Niskavuna Winnie John, do Putnam A., Rotterdam Schermerhorn J., do Valk J.. do Segar Dealers. See Tobacconists and Seffcn- Dealers. Sewing Machines. Sinsrer's Sewino- Machines, Miss S. E. Jennings agent, 130 State, Schenectady Shawl Manufacturer, Hoy James & Co., 48 Church continuation, 72 State, Schenectady Shingle Mills. Davcnburgh A., Green R., Walpole Richard, 8 Duanesburgh do ^ do 170 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Soap and Candle Maker, Knettel William, 20 Dock, Schenectady Soda Water Manufacturers. Rodgers & Weller, 64 College, Schenectady Thread and Twine Manufacturera. Crane H. M. & Co., Buansburgh Tinsmiths and Stove Dealers. Harris Arnold, Front, n Bath, Ballston Spa Doty George H, 78 State, Schenectady Miller C. A., 196^ Ferry, do Mutimer Daniel C., 92 State do Smith Abel, 136 & 138 State do Van Patten F. T. & A., 225 State da Vrooman Jacob V., ^ & 66 State, do Tobacconists and Segar Dealers* Fryer Jacob H., Front, n R, R. bridgej r Ballston Spa Burkart Joseph W., 95 Ferry, Schenectady Frazier & Reiley, 150 State, do Kinghorn William, 4 Railroad, (To O'Brien James S., 101 Ferry do Rpst John, 77 Centre, ^ Toys. Freeman Ethan B.,S^ ^tate Schenectady Variety Stores. See Fa/icy Goeds and ^^ariety Store, OF SCHENECTADY COUNTY. l71 Watches and Jewelry. Day Samuel F., Front, n Spring, Ballston Spa West H. L., Milton ave, n Washington, do Hitchcock, L. F., 109 State, Schenectady Myers Samuel, 119 State, do Sanders James, 109 State, do Wheel Barrow Manufacturers. Clute & Reagles, 83 Barrett Schenectady Wheelwrights. See Carriage and Wagon Manvfacturers. Wines and Liquors. Luther John J., Front, c Low, Ballston Spa Luther S. H. & H., Milton ave., n Washington, do Russell S. H. & H., Milton ave., n Washington, do Doharty James, 2 Jefferson, Schenectady Peters Alexis, 76 Washington ave, do Wood Dealeis. See Cool, Wood and Lumber. Wool and Pelt Dealers. Bills & Van Buren, 245 State, Schenectady Woolen Goods Manufacturer. IIS AID IIOIOB ^V-" OLD IRISH, SCOTCH AO BOURBON WHISKY, BALLSTON SPA, N. Y. AL.SO,'RE€TII lEUS AXD DISTILIiERS. 153 fr^ \imm ut ca :-t^-?t, rwTi^ i-i ^\ TwriF.- f( ju :-^.?) 1 JOSEPH JENNINGS, PROPRIETOR. Ballston Sreet, cor. Charlton Street. Ballston Spa^ N. Y. DEALER IN Millinery and Fancy Goods, Milton Ave. near Washington St. §iUIjstott <§p, % i(. DR. JOHN ROOTS, THE CELEBEATED Indian %mi & gnfc iMtot, Ballston Spa^ N. Y. THE DOCTOR CURES THE FOLLOWJS'IG DISEASES, viz: Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Dropsey, Rheumatism, Fevers, Fits of Falling Sickness, Neuralgia, an Nervous Derangements, Diseases of the Blood, and all Forms of Female Difficulties, with unparalleled Success. Never fails to cure them. He lias doctored over 1,500 pa- tients, the 1 ast two yeais, without losing a patient, 1 .54 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 208 567 7