Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT PRICE, 15 CENTS. FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT M ichigan AND YEAR BOOK FOR 1886 INDEX ON, PAGE 86. Copyright, 1886, by Frank J. Bramhall. ThE»DeTI(0IT'^AP1ITAI(IUB| IS DESIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF Provldihg Patients and Invalids with all the comforts and advantages c* a first-class Health Resort. It is a large and commodious building surrounded by EXTENSIVE AND BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS ® ^ PATIENTS REQUIRING Special Medi8al©pSMFgiGaI5FFeatimenfc OK DESIRING Suitable accommodation while consulting some of the many eminent Prac- titioners of this city, will find in the Sanitarium all the comforts and conveniences of a home. THE * SANITARIUM Has recently been remodeled and enlarged to double its former capacity It is elegantly furnished throughout and provided with the most compljBte Arrangements for Turkish •:• Russian •>Yap()r •> and •> E]ectric-> Baths AND FOR ALL VARIETIES OF KLECTRICAL TRKA^rivIENT. A RESIDENT PHYSICIAN AND TRAINED NURSES ARE ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE. No effort is being spared to make the Sanitarium the leading Medical Institution of its kind in the West, and its widespread and increasing popu- larity, both with the public and Medical Profession, is in itself an adequate testimony to its efficiency and usefulness. For terms and other particulars address THE DETROIT SANITARIUM, 260 Fort Street W., Detroit, Mich. FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT M iCfflGAN YEAR BOOK FOR 1886 jit.PL JRlbU 5llnjn^^ A HAND-BOOK OF THE STATE S' FRANK Xj BRAMHALL General Passenger DEPABTidENT Michigan Central. CHICAGO, leae. (copyrighted.) F. I. WHITNEY. Ass't Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. O. W. RUGGLES, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. POOLE BROS. PRINTERS, CHICAaO. V- sue THE SEASONS, 1886, Spring begins March. 20. .11.18 P.M. Summer " June 21 7.33 a.m. Autumn begins Sept. 22... .9.56 p.m. Winter " Dec. 21 4.12 p.m. CYCLES OF TIME. Dominical Letter C Epact 25 Golden Number 5 Solar Cycle 19 Roman Indiction 14 Julian Period 6599 Dionysian Period 214 Radam (month of abstinence ob- served by the Turks) begins June 3 Mohammedan Year 1304, begins Sept. 30 Year 6647 of Jewish Era begins Sept. 30 METEOROLOGICAL. The United States Signal Service has first-class stations established at Alpena, Detroit, Escanaba, Grand Haven, Mackinaw City, Marquette and Port Huron, and special display stations for the exhibition of cautionary and weather signals at Bay City, Charlevoix, East Tawas, Elk Rapids, Frank- fort, Ludington, Fort Mackinac, Manistee, Menominee, Montague, Muske- gon, Northport, Pentwater, Petoskey, St. Ignace, St. Joseph, Sand Beach, South Haven and Traverse City. The station at Detroit also prints Farm- ers' Bulletins. The cost of these stations, exclusive of the pay of the observ- ers, was, during the fiscal year, 1883-4 but $2,919. The cautionary signal is a black square in the center of a white flag and indicates the approach of a cold wave or northwest storm. The general weather signals are also white flags with various figures, as follows: red cir- cle or sphere, indicating higher temperature; red star, stationary tempera- ture; red moon, lower temperature; blue circle or sphere, general rain or snow; blue star, local rain or snow; blue moon, clear or fair weather. The red colors indicate temperature and the blue colors weather and the signals are combined accordingly. In Canada and some of the States these signals are used on railroad trains displayed on the sides of the baggage cars but have not yet been adopted by the Michigan roads. The calculations in the almanac are made according to Central Standard Time, or that of the ninetieth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, which is also the legal time of Michigan. The local or solar time of any particular place differs from Central Standard Time according to its longi- tude, being four minutes earlier or later for each degree of longitude east or west of the ninetieth meridian. A slight difference also results from difference of latitude varying with the seasons. The following tables show the latitude, longitude and most interesting meteorological data pf the seven United States stations and of the State stations at Lansing and Reed City reported by the Board of Health : Alpena N, 45 05 Detroit N. 42 20 Escanaba N. 45 48 Grand Haven N. 43 05 Mackinaw City N. 45 47 Marquette N. 46 34 Port Huron i N. 43 00 Lansing 1 N. 42 45 Reed City I N. 43 50 Longitude. W. 83 30 W.83 03 W. 87 05 W. 86 18 W.84 39 W. 87 24 W. 82 26 W. 84 33 W. 85 80 Variance from Standard Time. 26 00 27 48 1100 14 48 2124 10 24 30 16 21 48 18 00 Annual Range Temp. 1883-84. 107.0 97.0 110.3 92.1 103.4 114.0 104.8 Mean Annual Precipi- tation. Inches. 38.21 36.19 35.30 39.17 t30.08 32.68 35.26 Average Hourly Velocity of Wind. Miles. 8.8 7.8 9.4 10.8 10.3 8.4 9.6 t 10 Months. AVERAGE MONTHLY MEAN TEMPERATURES. MONTHS. a ^ < .^1 2 >> 1^ u 1'' |_^ IH "="15:85 10.49 21.57 43.97 55.71 65.26 73.35 63.28 55.86 45.43 36.51 26.01 . 1 ® >> (A t-t = 14.62 6.08 14.21 40.64 53.40 71 '.00 60.61 57.13 42.00 = 39.78 January February March = 18.7 19.2 24.4 36.1 48.9 59.3 65.8 64.7 56.7 45.2 = 24.8 27.0 32.8 44.7 57.8 67.2 71.6 70.3 62.3 51.7 87.5 28.6 = 15.1 16.9 22.6 35.6 49.4 60.5 66.8 65.2 45 '.0 31.1 20.7 = 25.5 31:2 43.5 55.5 64.4 69.5 68.5 60.6 50.4 37.2 29.3 = 16.0 15.0 17.5 35.9 44.7 58.9 62.5 62.0 56.4 i:\ 25.7 = 17.7 19.2 24.3 37.1 49.6 58.9 65.6 65.1 56.4 45.7 31.2 22.3 =22.2 24.3 29.5 41.0 53.3 62.8 68.7 68.0 60.8 49.7 36.0 27.0 April May June July September October November December Annual Mean . . = 41.3 1=48.0 = 40.5 = 47.0 = 39.3 = 41.2 = 45.2 = 42.77 JANUA^RY. Vi m g-E moon's phases. d. h. m. New Moon 5 1 44 mo. FirstQuarter 13 6 24 mo. FuUMoou 20 1 45 mo. Third Quarter 26 7 31 ev. Washington first used American flag 1776. East River Bridge begun 1870. Gen. Wm. Hull court-martialed at Albany 1814. Albion College burned 1854. Gen. Grierson's Mississippi raid ended 1865. Charles Sumner born 1811. Bank of North America opened 1782. Jackson defeated Packenham at New Orleans 1815. Mississippi seceded 1861. Gen. Gordon Granger died 1876. Michigan Territory organized by Congress 1805. National Fast in United States 1815. Schuyler Colfax died 1885. Canadians evacuated Navy Island 1838. Gen. Terry carried Fort Fisher by storm 1865. New York State Lunatic Asylum opened 1843. Benjamin Franklin born in Boston 1706. Battle of Frenchtown 1813. Thomas defeated Zollikoffer at Mill Springs, Ky. .1862. Robert Morris born 1733. Fitz John Porter cashiered 1863. Battle and massacre at the river Raisin 1813. Thanksgiving in New Orleans 1815. Severe earthquake in New York 1841. St. Louis Castle, Quebec, burned 1834. Michigan admitted to the Union as a State 1837. Com. Charles Morris died 1856. William H. Prescott died 1859. Timothy Pickering died 1829. Attempted assassination of President Jackson 1834. Rev. A. D. Mayo born 1823. H.M. 3 55 4 52 5 46 6 36 sets 6 18 7 13 8 111 9 6 10 4 11 3 mo. 3 1 6 2 10 3 15 4 21 5 25 rise 7 3 8 17 9 29 4 10 37 11 44 mo. 48 149 2 47 3 42 4 33 FEBRUARY. fl» Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa S 6 58 Mo 6 56 Tu 6 55 We 6 53 H.M. H.M 5 14 5 19 5 15 6 2 5 17 seti 5 18 6 5 19 7 5 20 7 58 5 21 8 57 5 23 9 55 5 25^10 56 5 26 11 57 5 27, mo. 5 29 1 ( 5 30l 2 < 5 31 3 ( 5 32i 4 ( 5 34 5 i 5 35 5 52 5 36 rise 5 37 7 3 5 39 8 1 5 40| 9 25 5 41,10 83 5 42 11 37 5 44imo. 5 45 3J 5 46 13; 5 47 2 28 5 49 3 16 MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. New Moon 3 9 15 ev. First Quarter 11 8 46 ev. Full Moon 18 15 ev. Third Quarter 25 11 11 mo. 13th Amendment to the Constitntion 1865. Michigan joint resolution of loyalty and aid 1861. Franklin before the House of Commons 1766. State $150 bounty act passed Mich. Legislature 1865. Battle at Hatcher's Run 1865. American Treaty with France 1778. Daniel Boone captured by the French 1778. Gen. William T. Sherman born 1820. Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock died 1886. Treaty of Paris signed 1763. De Witt Clinton died 1828. Abraham Lincoln born in Hardin County, Ky 1809. Com. Isaac Hull died 1843. Sherman occupied Meridian, Miss 1864. 12th Michigan Infantry mustered out at Camden. .1866. Fort Donelson surrendered to Gen. Grant 1862. Charleston evacuated and Columbia occupied 1865. Charleston occupied by the U. S. troops 1865. Fort Anderson, N. C, captured 1865. Battle of Olustee, Fla 1864. British captured Ogdensburg, N. Y 1813. Washington bokn, 1732. J. ilussell Lowell born. .1819. Taylor defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista 1847. Clarke recaptured Vincennes 1779. President Johnson impeached 1868. Robert R. Livingston died 1813. Henry W. Longfellow born 1807. Earthquake at Lexington, Ky 1855. NIARCH. ^ i CALENDAR FOE d MICHIGAN. li nilr^r oi a Q ^•d H M H M H M 1 Mo 6 3515 50 4 r. 2 I'n 6 34'5 51 4 4(: 3 We 6 32 15 52 5 16 4 'I'h 6 30'5 53 5 4L 5 i^'r 6 29 5 55 sets. « .Sa 6 27 5 56 6 5<: 7 8 6 25 5 57 7 4!^ 8 Mo 6 24 5 58 8 4!^ 9 •I'n 6 2-2 5 59 9 51 lO We 6 206 1 10 5:^ 11 Th 6 19 6 2 11 55 12 Kr 6 17 6 3 mo. 13 Sa 6 156 4 56 14 8 6 13 6 5 1 55 15 Mo fi 12 6 6 V, 5( 16 ^ru nn 6 8 3 41 17 We T 8 6 9 4W 18 I'h i 6 6 1(1 5 h 19 HV 1 5 6 11 rise. 20 Sa 1 3 il2 7 ( 21 S 1 1 5 13 Hl( 22 Mo i U 1 14 9 1H 23 'I'n 5 58 6 15 10 '£i 24 We 5 56 6 17 1 1 2t 25 'I'h 5 54 6 IS mo. 26 Kr 5 53 6 IS 20 27 Sa 5 51 6 2C 1 1! 28 8 5 49 6 21 1 57 29 Mo 5 47,6 22 2 38 30 Tn 5 46 6 23 3 16 31 We 5 44 6 25 3 49 moon's phases. t>. h. m. New Moon 5 4 4 ev. FirstQuarter 13 7 17 mo. FullMoon 20 10 37 ev. Third Quarter 27 4 44 mo. Ordinance for Northwest Territory reported 1784. Gen. Fred. W. Lander died at Paw Paw 1862. Andrews' Battery left Coldwater 1862. T. Starr King died and Col. Dahlgren killed 1864. Boston massacre 1770. Partial eclipse of the sun 1886. Richard Stockton died 1781. EdwiuP. Whipple born 1819. The Congress and the Cunibei-land sunk 1862. Ash Wednesday. Charles Sumner died 1874. Grant appointed Lieut. Gen. and Com.-in-Chief . .1864. United States bought Alaska from Russia 1867. Farragut passed Port Hudson with his fleet 1863. Battle of Guilford C. H 1781. Mich. State Capital removed to Lansing 1847. British evacuated Boston 1776. University of Michigan founded 1837. Battle of Bentonville, N. C 1865. 15th Mich. Infantry mustered in at Monroe 1862. Ponce de Leon landed in Florida ]512. Commodore Stephen Decatur died 1821. Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, burned 1866. Spain acknowledged independence of U. S 1783. University of Virginia opened 1825. Nathaniel Bowditch born 1773. Castle of San Juan d' Ulloa capitulated 1847. 1st Mich. Colored Infantry left Detroit 1864. John Jacob Astor died 1848. 15th Amendment to the Constitution ratified 1870. First Chicago Postmaster appointed 1831. APRIL.. •ss ^^ MOON'S PHASES. D. H, M. New Moon 4 8 31 mo. First Quarter 11 6 44 ev. FullMoon 18 8 59 mo. ThirdQuarter 26 11 15 ev. 5 42 5 40 5 39 5 37 5 35 Tu i5 34 We 5 32 5 30 6 29 5 27 5 25 Mo 5 24 Tu 1 5 22 We 5 21 We5 Th|5 H.M. 4 21 4 51 5 20 sets. 7 43 8 4^3 9 49 6 34 10 51 6 35 11 51 6 36 mo. 6 37] 46 6 38 1 37 6 39 2 23 6 40 3 4 6 41 3 42 6 42l 4 18 6 43 4 53 6 44 rise. 6 46[ 8 4 6 47 9 8 6 48 10 7 6 49 11 2 6 50 11 51 6 51 mo 6 53i 35 6 5i| 1 14 6 55] 1 49 6 56 2 21 6 57 2 52 6 58' 3 21 Battle of Five Forks 1865. Thomas Jefferson born 1743. Gen. Alexander Macomb born at Detroit 1782. Levi defeated Murray at Quebec 1760. Election riot at St. Louis 1852. .Johnston attacked Grant at Shiloh 1862. Grant defeated Beauregard at Shiloh 1862. Battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Grove 1864. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox 1865. Fort Pulaski surrendered 1862. Mont gomery surrendered to Wilson 1865. Rebels bombarded Fort Sumter 1861. Grave-yard riot in New York 1788. Sumter evacuated, 1861. Lincoln assassinated 1865. Abraham Lincoln died 1865. Porter ran Vicksburg batteries with his fleet 1863. 14th Mich. Infantry left Ypsilanti 1862. Palm Sunday. Battle of Cerro Gordo. .1847. Battle of Lexington 1775. War loan started in Detroit 1861, Battle of San Jacinto 1836. Pres. Grant vetoed Inflation of Currency bill 1874. Farragut's victory below New Orleans 1862. Boston Neu's Letter first published 1704. Farragut captured New Orleans 1862. Johnston surrendered to Sherman at Greensboro'. 186.5. Pike captured York and was killed 1813. Proctor besieged Fort Meigs 1813. Ruf us King died 1827. Washington inaugurated President at New York. .1789. NIAY. f 1 CALENDAR FOE MICHIGAN. o^ Ss fln^ .. o^ Q a 02 -S c«i! s-c n.M n.M. n.M. 1 Sa 4 55 6 59 3 50 2 S 4fiH 7 r 42? 3 Mo 4 5? 7 1 sots. 4 ■I'u 4 51 7 3 7 3i: 5 We 4 4i 7 4 8 43 H 'I'h 4 48^7 5 9 45 7 Fr 4 47 7 6 10 43 8 Sa 4 46 7 7 11 % 9 3 4 45|7 8 mo. 10 Mo 4 44 7 9 23 11 ■In 4 42 7 10 1 5 12 W« 4 41 7 11 1 44 l.S 'I'h 4 40 7 12 ?19 14 h'r 4 39,7 13 2 53 15 Sa 4 38 7 14 H 'M 16 S 4 37 7 15 4 1 17 Mo 4 36;7 16 rise. IH 'In 4 35:7 17 •i 54 19 We 4 84 7 18 H 51 20 Th 4 33 7 19 9 43 21 H'r 4 33 7 20 10 3(1 22 Sa 4 32 7 21 11 12 23 S 4 31|7 22 11 49 24 Mo 4 30i7 23 mo. 25 'I'll 4 30 7 24 Z>. 26 Wr 7^5 5;s 27 'I'h 4 28 7?6 1 '->',' 28 Kr 4W 7?,7 1 51 29 Sa 4 27 7 27 2 21 30 8 im 7 W 2 51 31 Mo 4 26 7 29 3 25 MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. New Moon 3 9 43 ev. FirstQuarter 10 8 21 ev. Full Moon 17 7 47 ev. Third Quarter 25 5 36 ev. Trout season o,pens. Battle of Chancellorsville 1863 Grant crossed the Rapidan 1864 Wm. H. Prescott and Horace Mann born 1796 Battle of Williamsburg, 1862. B. of Wilderness.. .1864 Col. Frank Graves killed in the Wilderness 1864 Pontiac attempted capture of Detroit 1763. Treaty of Washington signed 1871 Proctor raised siege of Fort Meigs 1813 John Trumbull died at Detroit 1831, Jeff. Davis captured by Lt. Pritchard 1865 Battle of Rocky Face 1864 1 st Michigan Regiment left Detroit 1861, Jackson, Miss., captured 1863, Battle of Resaca 1864 Battle Champion Hill, 1863. Gen. Hartsuff died. .1874 Joliet and Marquette's expedition 1673. Grant invested Vicksburg 1863. Nathaniel Hawthorne died 1864 9th Michigan Cavalry left Coldwater 1863, Grant nominated for President 1 First Grinnell expedition left New York 1 Army of the Potomac reviewed at Washington 1865, Cass' first exploring expedition 1820, Battle near Dallas, Ga 1864, Anthony Burns riot in Boston 1854, Col. Winfield Scott captured Fort George 18X3 51th Mass. Infantry (colored) leaves Boston 1863, Johnson's Amnesty Proclamation 1865, Decoration day. Loomis' Battery left Detroit 1861 JUNE. •ss CCm MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. New Moon 2 7 55 mo. FirstQuarter 9 1 27 mo. Full Moon 16 7 39 mo. Third Quarter 24 10 36 mo. 4 3 set 8 34 9 31 7 33 10 22 7 33 11 7 7 34 11 46 7 35 mo 7 39 rise, 7 391 8 25 7 39 9 9 7 40 9 48 7 40 10 23 7 4010 54 7 40 11 24 7 41 11 52 7 41 mo. 7 41| 21 5i 12: 1 57 2 38 3 25 Grayling season opens. Kirby Smith and Magruder surrendered Constitutional Convention met at Lansing 26th Mich. Inf. mustered out at Bailey's X Roads. . Galveston occupied 2d Michigan Infantry left Detroit Lincoln and Johnson nominated Wolfe attacked Louisburg John Howard Payne born 3d and 4th Michigan Infantry returned Detroit burned Battle of Trevillian Station, Va 3d Micliigan Infantry left Grand Rapids American flag adopted by Congress Lee invaded Maryland Total eclipse of the svin in United States Battle of bunker Hill, 1775. Louis Cass died War declared against Great Britain by the U. S . . . The A labaina sunk by the Kearsanje off Cherbourg. Cavalry battle at Kennesaw Battle of Aldie Battle of Kolb's Farm Terrible hurricane in Illinois 2.5th Mich. Inf. mustered out at Salisbury 4th Mich. Inf. left Adrian 1861. Custer massacred. . Re !r Admiral Andrew Hull Foote died Battle of Kennesaw Mountain Washington defeated Clinton at Monmouth Battle of Savage Station Clarke started for Kaskaskia 5 fl® fl» §a3 JULY. moon's phases. d. h. m. New Moon 1 4 7 First Quarter 8 7 18 mo, Full Moon 15 9 9 ev Third Quarter 24 1 21 mo, New Moon 31 11 26 ev. Th Fr Sa S Mo Tu We Th - Fr 10 Sa 11 S 12 Mo 13 Tu 14 We 15 Th 16 Fr 17 Sa 18 S 19 iMo 20 |Tu 21 (We 22 |Th 23 Fr 24 Sa 25 S 26 Mo 27 Tu H.M. H.M. H.M. 4 27 7 41 sets. 4 27 7 40 8 13 4 28 7 40 9 2 4 28 7 40 9 45 4 29 7 40 10 24 \Ve Th Fr Sa 4 30 7 39 4 30 7 4 31 7 39 4 32 7 38 4 32 7 38 4 33 7 37 4 34 7 37 4 35j7 36 4 36 7 36 4 36 7 35 4 37 7 34 4 38 7 34 4 39 7 33 4 40 7 32 4 41 7 32 4 42,7 31 4 43I7 30 4 43 7 29 4 44 7 28 4 45 7 27 4 46 7 26 4 47 7 25 4 48 7 24 4 49 7 23 4 50 7 22 4 51 7 21 10 59 1133 mo. 6 41 117 1 66 2 38 3 25 rise. 7 47 8 24 8 56 9 27 9 55 10 23 10 52 1122 1154 mo. 32 114 2 3 3 1 4 7 sets. The British surrendered the Michigan forts 1796 President Garfield assassinated 1881 Lee defeated at Gettysburg 1863 Declaration of Independence 1776 Admiral David G. Farragut born in Tennessee... .1801 Com. Joshua Barney born 1759 1st Mich. Sharpshooters must, in at Kalamazoo. . .1863 Port Hudson surrendered to Gen. Banks 1863 1st Michigan Infantry mustered out 1865. Abolition riots in New York 1854 John Quincy Adams born 1767 Gen. Hull invaded Canada from Detroit 1812 Ordinance f or "N. W . Territory adopted 1787 New York draft riots 1863 Northwest Territory organized at Marietta 1788 Wayne stormed Stony Point 1779 Lt. Hanks surrendered Michilimacinac 1812 Beauregard defeated McDowell at Bull Run 1861 10th Mich. Infantry mustered out at Louisville 1865, 14th Amendment to the Constitution ratified 1868 Proctor's second siege of Fort Meigs 1813 Sherman repulsed Hood in front of Atlanta 1864 Gen. U. S.Grant died at Mt. MacGregor 1885 LaMotte Cadillac founded Detroit 1701, Gen.Brown defeated Drummond at Lundy's Lane. 1814, Post offices first established by Congress 1775. Schenectady bought from the Indians 1661. Sherman repulsed Hood at Ezra Church 1864, 2d Michigan Infantry mustered out 1865, Petersburg mine exploded 1864 Wolfe's assault at Quebec repulsed 1759. AUGUST. MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. First Quarter 6 3 6 ev. FullMoon 14 24 ev. Third Quarter 22 1 42 ev. New Moon 2i) 6 54 mo. S ;4 52 7 Mo 4 53 7 Tu 4 54J7 We 4 55:7 Th 4 57 7 Fr :4 58 7 Sa :4 59!7 5 Mo 5 10 Tu 5 11 We 5 12 Th ,5 13 Fr |5 14 'Sa |5 15 S 15 16 Mo 5 17 Tu 5 18 We 5 10|6 19 Th 5 11« 20 Fr 5 12 21 Sa 5 13 22 S 5 15 23 Mo 5 16 24 Tu 5 17 6 25 iWe 5 18 6 26 iTh 5 19 6 27 iFr 5 20 28 Sa 6 21 29 !S 5 22 30 IMo 5 23 31 ITu 5 24 20: 8 20 19: 8 58 171 9 16 10 10 15 10 42 14 11 18 ]2|J1 57 11 mo 10 38 81 1 23 7| 2 12 6 3 4 3 58 rise. 7 30 7 59 8 27 8 55 9 24 54 j 9 55 52 10 29 51.11 8 49 11 53 48 mo 46 45 44 1 45 43 2 52 41 4 4 40 sets. 38 7 28 36 8 4 Michigan Industrial School for Girls opened 1881. Croghau defeated Proctor at Fort Stephenson 1813. Wayne's treaty with the Indians at Greenville 1795. Croghan repulsed at Michilimacinac 1814. Farragut's victory in Mobile Bay 1864. Battle of Hanging Kock 1780. Gen. Hull retreated to Detroit from Canada 1812. Gen. Grant buried in Riverside Park, New York. .1885. Miller defeated Muir at Maguaga 1812. Gen. Nat. Lyon killed at battle of Wilson's Creek .1861. Dr. "l/heodoric Romeyn Beck born 1791. | Helen Hunt Jackson died 1885. Quantrell destroyed Lawrence, Kansas 1863. Maryland adopted its Constitution 1776. Deer season opens, Upper Peninsula. I Gen. Hull surrendered Detroit to Brock 1812. Bombardment of Sumter began 1863. First Eng. child born in Ariierica at Roanoke 1587. ■The Constitution captured the Guerviere 1812. Wayne defeated the Indians at Maumee 1794. Battle of Weldon Road 1864. Gen. Henry Bohlen killed at Freeman's Ford 18G2. Com. Oliver Hazard Perry died 1820. Gov. Vance of Ohio died 1852. Battle of Ream's Station 1864. 2d Michigan Cavalry returned home 1865. Pontiac made peace with Col. Croghan 1765. j Gen. OrmsbylM. Mitchell born 1810" 24th Michigan Infantry left Detroit 1862. 6th Michigan Infantry left Kalamazoo 1861. j Judge Randolph Manning died 1864. | ^ ^ i *i o CALENDAR FOR | MICUIG \N. >. >> fl fp fl to Orr Q Q cc-5 giJ' H.M. H.M. H..M. 1 Wfi 5 25 6 35 K4() 2 'I'h 5 26 6 33 9 16, ,S hV 5 27 6 31 S) 55! 4 Sa 5 2g,6 29 10 36i 5 S \?S 6 2^ n 21 6 Mo 5 31 6 26 mo. 7 T,i 5 3',' 6 2^ y 8 Wo 5 33 6 22 1 9 Th 5 34 rt21 1 t)3 lO Kr 5 35 ti 1; 2 4H' 11 Sa 5 36 lil7 3 4f, 12 8 5 37 Fi 15 4 41 la Mo li 14 rise. 14 'Vn 5 3S I1 12 fi 5S' 15 We 5 40 6 1(: 7 27 W Th 5 41 l> !■ V 57 17 Fr 5 42 H 7 H 31: 18 Sa |5 43 6 5 9 7 19 s I544 ti ;h i)4K 20 Mo 5 45 t; 1 10 36 yi Tu ,5 46 6 ( 11 31 ay We 5 47 5 58 mo. 23 Th 5 id 5 56 33, 24 Fr 5 5C 5 54 14ll 25 Sa |5 61 5 52 2 621 yti S Is 52 5 61 4 V y7 Mo ,5 63 5 411 sets.! 28 Tu 5 54 5 47 6 34 29 We 5 65 5 45 7 10 30 Th 5 56 5 44 7 49 SKPXKIVLBKR. moon's phases. d. h. m. FirstQuarter 5 1 56 mo. FullMoon 13 4 50 mo. Third Quarter 21 11 56 ev. New Moon 27 3 19 ev. 20th Michigan Infantry left Jackson 1862. Col.T.F.Erodhead died at Washington of wounds. 1862. Kachel first appeared in New York 1855. Ohio cession rejected at Ann Arbor 1836. 7th Michigan Infantry left Monroe 1861. Siege of Fort Harrison raised 1812. Bragg evacuated Chattanooga 1863. French surrendered Canada to the British 1760. Table-rock, Niagara Falls, fell 1853. Perry's victory on Lake Erie 1813. McDonough's victory in Plattsburg Bay 1814. 21st Michigan Infantry left Ionia 1862. Wolfe def 'ted Montcalm at Quebec and wcs killed.1759. 19th Michigan Infantry left Do wagiac 1862. The Iro7i.sides foundered on Lake Michigan 1873. McClellan defeated Lee at Antietam 1852. Constitution of the United States adopted 1787. Quebec surrendered to Murray 1759. President Garfield died at Long Branch 1881 . Battle of Chickamauga 1863. Sheridan defeated Early at Fisher's Hill 1864. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation issued 1862. Maj. Andre captured at Tarrytown 1780. Surrender of Monterey 1846. Mich. Engineers & Mechanics return to Jackson. ..1865. 4th Michigan Cavalry left Detroit 1862. 8th Michigan Infantry left Detroit 1861. (29) 1st Michigan Cavalry left Detroit 1861. Treaty wit h Indians at Fort Meigs 1817. Battle of Poplar Springs Church 1864. OCTOBER. o^ MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. FirstQuarter 4 4 33 ev. FullMoon 12 9 24 ev. Third Quarter 20 8 41 mo New Moon 27 1 15 mo. Season opens for Deer (Lower Peninsula) and Turkey. William Ellery Channing died 1842. Samuel Adams died 1803. Battle of Germantown 1777. Tecumtha killed at the battle of the Thames 1813. Hood repulsed by Corse at Allatoona 1864. Gates defeated Burgoyne at Saratoga 1777. Battle of Perryville 1862. Lewis Cass born in Exeter, N. H 1782. United States Naval Academy opened 1845. Dr. Kane's second return 1855. Columbus discovered America 1492. Battle of Queensto wn Heights 1812. Cornwallis retreated to South Carolina 1780. Prof. Louis AgasBiz died 1873. Burgoyne surrendered to Gates at Saratoga 1777. Harmer defeated near Ft. Wayne 1790. Gen. David B. Birney died at Philadelphia 1861. Cornwallis surrendered, 1781. Bat. of Cedar Creek.1864. First General Court held in Boston 1630. Col. (Senator) E. D. Baker killed at Balls Bluff .... 1861. Harmer again defeated at Fort Wayne 1790. The Liicu Waike)- exploded 1844. Daniel Webster died at Marshfield 1852. 9th Michigan Infantry left Detroit 1861. 28th Michigan Infantry left Kalamazoo 1864. (26-30) Doolittle's defense of Decatur 1864. Battle of White Plains 1776. Lewis Cass app. Governor of Michigan Territory. .1813. John Adams born 1735 Detroit ceded to "Co. of the Colony of Canada". . .1701' _ H.M. H.M. 5 67 5 42 5 58 5 40 6 0.5 39 1I537 2 5 35 5 6 10 11 6 12 6 13 6 14 6 16 6 17 6 18 6 19 6 20 6 2! 6 23 6 24 6 25 6 26 6 28 6 29 6 30 6 31 6 9 14 10 2 10 53 11 46 mo. 42 1 37 2 34 3 31 4 29 rise. 6 6 32 7 9 7 47! 8 33 8 25 10 23 1127 mo. 35 1 45 2 58, 4 10 5 23 sets. 6 20 7 4 7 51 8 42 NOVE^PvlBKR. •ttS' MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. First Quarter 3 11 5 mo. FullMoon 11 1 7 ev. Third Quarter 18 4 40 ev. New Moon 25 1 19 ev. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6 344 54 6 35 4 52 6 36,4 51 450 4 49 9 35 10 31 1127 mo. 24 121 2 18 3 16 4 15 5 16 rise. 5 45 6 29 7 20 8 17 9 19 10 25 1134 mo. 43 154 3 4 4 32 4 14 4 32 5 24 4 31 sets. McClellan appointed Commander-in-Chief 1861 Gen. Thomas Pinckney died 1828. Gen. Israel B. Richardson died of wounds 1862. St. Clair defeated by the Indians in Ohio 1791. Gouverneur Morris died 1816, Michigan Soldiers' Aid Society organized 1861 Harrison defeated the Indians at Tippecanoe 1811, Abraham Lincoln re-elected President 1864 Uth Michigan Infantry left White Pigeon 1861, Capt. Henry Wirz executed 1865 Battle of Chrysler's Farm 1813. Gov. Sir Guy Carleton escaped from Montreal 1775. Montreal surrendered to Gen. Montgomery 1775, 2d Michigan Cavalry left Grand Rapids 1861, Richard Henry Dana born 1787. Sherman left Atlanta for the sea 1864. Dr. John W. Francis born 1789 Gen. Philip Schuyler died 1804. James A. Garfield born in Ohio 1831. Vice-President Henry Wilson died 1875 Wayne County, Mich^ organized by Gov. Cass 1815 Longstreet besieged Burnside at Knoxville 1863. Vice-President Elbridge Gerry died 1814 Hooker carried Lookout Mountain by storm 1863. Thanksgiving Day. Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth died 1807. Battle of Ringgold 1863. Abvent Sunday. 3d M. Cav. left Grand Rapids. .1861. Detroit surrendered to Maj . Rogers 1760. Schofield repulsed Hood at Franklin 1864 DKCKIVLBER. o We Th Fr Sa S Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mo 14 Tu 15 We PI a>lfl m H.M. H.M. 7 10 4 29 7 11 4 28 7 12 4 28 7 13 4 28 7 14 4 28 7 15 4 28 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 L^ 4 28 428 4 28 4 28 4 28 . _- 4 28 7 22 4 28 7 23 4 28 7 23 4 29 7 24 i4 29 7 2-^4 29 7 2514 30 7 26;4 30 7 2(; 4 31 7 27 4 31 7 27 4 32 7 28 4 32 7 28 4 3.1 7 2814 33 7 29,4 34 7 29 '4 35 7 29 4 Mi 7 29 4 37 7 304 37 %% 10 12 11 09 mo. 6 1 4 2 2 3 1 4 2 5 5 6 8 rise. 6 7 7 9 8 16 9 25 10 35 1146 mo. 51 2 3 3 11 4 17 5 21 6 23 sets. 6 5 7 2 7 59 8 67 y 54 10 52 MOON'S PHASES. D. First Quarter , 3 FullMoon 11 Third Quarter 18 New Moon 25 M. 25 mo. 30 mo. 39 mo. 55 mo. Cantilever Bridge over Niagara completed 1883. Steamer Win field Scott lost 1853. Illinois admitted to the Union as a State 1818. 5th Michigan Cavalry left Detroit 1862. Historical Day Methodist Episcopal Church. The City of Detroit foundered in Saginaw Bay 1873. Schuyler Colfax elected Speaker 1863. Henry Laurens died 1792. Bidwell's Battery left Coldwater 1861. Henry R. Schoolcraft died in Washington 1861. Mich. Eng'rs & Mech's mustered in at Marshall. .1861. Mich. Cavalry Brigade formed at Washington 1862. Burnside repulsed at Fredericksburg l!-62. Washin-jton died at Mt. Vernon 1799. Michigan ratified Ohio boundary 1836. Thomas defeated Hood at Nashville 1864. Helm surrendered Vincennes to Hamilton 1778. 13th Amendment to the Constitution ratified 1865. Senator Felix Grundy died 1840. Great Britain declared war against Holland 1780. Gen. Sherman occupied Savannah 1864. Pilgrims landed at Plymouth 1620. Washington resigned his commission 1782. Johns Hopkins died ^... 1873. Christmas. Washington defeated the British at Trenton 1776. Congress voted Washington unlimited powers 1776. Dade's massacre by Indians 1835. Bainbridge captured the Java 1812. The Monitor lost off Cape Hatteras 1862. Gen. Montgomery fell in the attack on Quebec . . . 1775. STATE OF MICHIGAN. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. GOVERNOR, His Excellency Russell A. Alger, Detroit. Term expires Jan. 1, 1887. Salary, $1,000. Private Secretary— Gilbert R. Osmun, Detroit. Salary, $1,(500 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. Hon. Archibald Buttars, Charlevoix. Salary, ?3.00per day, during session of Legislature. SALARY. Secretarij of State— KAnnY A. Conant, Monroe $ 800 Deputy— D. Henry McComas, Lansing 1,800 Chief Clerk— George W. Freeman, Lansing 1,200 Treasiu^er— Edward H. Butler, Detroit 1,000 Deputy— William Stagg, Lansing 1,800 Cashier— Edwin F. Swan, Flint 1,200 Book-keeper— Charles F. Moore, Lansing 1,200 Auditor General— Wll^L,lAisi G. STEVENS, Ann Arbor 2,000 Deputy— Hubert R. Pratt, Lansing 1,800 Book-keeper— Henry Humphrey, Lansing 1,200 Chief Clerk— George H. Saxton, Lansing 1,200 Private Secretary — William W. Cook, Leslie 1,100 Commissioner of the State Land O^ce— MiNOR S. Newell, Flint 800 Deputy— Henry S. Sleeper, Lansing 1,800 Book-keeper— William Ennis, Lansing 1,200 Chief Clerk— Leland H. Briggs, Lansing 1,2C0 Superintendent of Public Instruction— Theodo-re Nelson,! St. Louis. . 1,000 Deputy— William F. Clarke, Lansing 1,800 Attorney General— Moses Taggart, Grand Rapids 800 Clerk— Mrs. Mary A. Miles, Lansing 780 Commissioner of Railroads— William McPherson, Jr., Howell 2,500 Deputy— Wyllys C. Ransom, Lansing 1,500 Commissioner of Mineral Statistics— Charles D. Lawton, Lawton 2,500 Commissioner of Labor— Cornelius V. R. Pond, Quincy 2,C0O Commissioner of Insurance— Henry S. Raymond, Bay City 2.000 Deputy— Henry N. Lawrence, Lansing 1,200 State Librarian— Mrs. Harriet A. Tenney, Lansing 1,000 Assistant— Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, Lansing 700 Chief Salt Inspector— George W Hill, East Saginaw Fees. Inspector of Illuminating Oils— Stalham W. LaDu, Coral Fees. (OfiBcials whose names are printed above in capitals are elected by the people and hold oflSce for two years from January 1, 1885. All others are appointed.) tAppointed vice Gass, resigned. STATE BOARDS. (The year when term of ofi&ce expires is given in parenthesis.) Board of State Auditors— Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of the State Land Office. Advisory Members— Tlis Excellency the Governor and the Attorney General. Secretor;/- Thomas M. Wilson, New Baltimore. Salary, $1,400. Regular meetings on the last Wednesday of each month. Board of Control for Reclamation of Swamp Lands.— His Excel- lency the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor General, State Treasurer, Attorney General and Commissioner of the. State Land Office. Regular meetings on Thursday following the last Wednesday of each month. Board of Equalization.— The Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of the State Land Office. Will meet August 16, 1886, for equalization of assessments and taxation in the several counties for the next five years. STATE BOARDS.-Continued. Board of State Canvassers.— Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of the State Land Office. Board of Examination of Claims Growing Out of Sales of Public Lands.— Commissioner of the State Land Office, State Treasurer and At- torney General. Board of Control of St. Mary's Ship Canal and of the Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship Canal.— His Excellency the Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer. Regular meetings first Thursday after the last Wednesday in each month. Board of Fund Commissioners.— His Excellency the Governor, State Treasurer and Auditor General. Board of Geological Survey.— His Excellency the Governor, Super- intendent of Public Instruction and President of the State Bonrd of Education. State Geologist, Charles E. Wright, Marquette. Board op Internal Improvement.— State Treasurer, Secretary of State and Auditor General. Board TO Take Charge of Escheated Property and Other State Assets.- -Auditor General, State Treasurer and Secretary of State. Board for Repairs and Additions to the State Prison.— His Excel- lency the Governor and the Inspectors of the State Prison. Agricultural Land Grant Board.- His Excellency the Governor, Auditor General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General and Commissioner of the State Land Office. Board of Review for the Assessment of Telegraph and Tele- phone Lines.— Auditor General, State Treasurer and Commissioner of the State Land Office. Board of Railroad Consolidations.— Attorney General, Commis- sioner of Railroads and Secretary of State. Board of Railroad Crossings.— Attorney General, Secretary of State and Commissioner of Railroads. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.— Commissioner of Labor, Deputy Commissioner of Labor and Secretary of State. Board of Education.— Edgar Rexford, Ypsilanti (1887i; Bela W. Jenks, St. Clair (1889); James M. Ballou, Allegan (1891). Secretary, e.r-officio, the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Board of Corrections and Charities.— His Excellency the Governor; EdveinH. Van Deusen, M. D., Kalamazoo (1887); John J. Wheeler, East Sag- inaw (1889); Levi L. Barbour, Detroit (1891); Rt. Rev. George D. Gillespie, D. D. (Chairman), Grand Rapids (1893). Secretary, W. J. Baxter, Lansing. Board of Health.— Arthur Hazelwood, M. D., Grand Rapids (1887) ; John Avery, M. D. (President), Greenville (1887); V. C. Vaughn, M. D.. Ann Arbor (1889): C. V. Tyler, M. D., Bay City (1889); J. H. Kellogg, M. D., Battle Creek (1891); H.F. Lyster, M. D.. Detroit (1891). Secretary, Henry B. Baker. M. D., Lansing. Meets at Lansing on the first Tuesdays of January, April, July and October. Board of Control of Railroads.— Pres/dewi, e.r-officio. His Excellency the Governor. D. Bethune Duffield (Secretary), Detroit; John K. Boies, Hudson; Edward H. Thompson, Flint; P. Dean Warner, Farmington; Ben- jamin F. Chynoweth, Ontonagon; Volney V. B. Merwin, Jackson (February 23, 1889). Meets on call. Board op State Fisweihes.— Commissioners, Dr. Joel C. Parker (Presi- dent), Grand Rapids (1887); John H. Bissell, Detroit (1889), and Herschel Whitaker, Detroit (1891). Superintendent, Walter D. Marks, Pai-is; Secretary, Andrew J. Kellogg, Detroit; Treasurer, William A. Butler, Jr., Detroit. Stations, Detroit, whitefish; Paris, brook trout, California trout, land- locked salmon and hybrid trout; Petoskey, whitefish; Glenwood, carp; State Agricultural College, Lansing, carp and bass; Sault Ste. Marie, brook trout, s;ilmon trout, schoodic salmon and whitefish. The two latter stations are awaiting appropriations for improvement. During the year 1885 whitefish were planted as follows: Lake Michigan, 21,200,000; Lake Huron, ll,2S0,00O; Lake St. Clair and Detroit River, 7,520,000. At the close of the year there were about 40,fX)0,000 whitefish eggs in the Detroit hatchery, about 28,000,000 in that at Petoskey and about 750,000 brook trout and 650,000 lake trout eggs at Paris. Advisory Board in the Matter of Pardons.— Albert M. Henry, Detroit (1887); Chester Warriner, Jackson (1887); Henry C. Wisner, Detroit (18891 ; Dr. George R. Richards, Detroit (1889). Secretari/, James B. Willson. Detroit. Meets at No. 9 Telegraph Block, Detroit, on the third Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. State Live Stock Sanitary Commission.— Co?ww/ssioners, H. H. Hinds, Stanton; Charles F. Moore, St. Clair; Thomas Foster, Flint. Veterinarian, E. A. A. Grange, Agricultural College. Michigan Board of Pharmacy.— Ottmnr Eberbach (President), Ann Arbor; James Vernor (Trectsnrer), Detroit; Jacob Jesson (Secretary), Muske- gon; Florentine H. J. VanEmster, Bay City; George McDonald, Kalamazoo. Meets first Tuesdays of March, July and November. STATE INSTITUTIONS. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Regents.— James Shearer, Bay City (1888) ; Ebenezer O. Grosvenor, Jones- ville (1888): Austin Blair, Jackson (1890); James F. Joy, Detroit (1890) ; Albert M. Clark, Lexington (1892): Charles J. Willett, St. Louis fl892); Charles R. Whitman, Ypsilanti (1894); Moses W. Field, Detroit (1894). Officers.— President, James B. Angell, LL. D.; Secretary and Steward, James H. Wade; Treasurer, Harrison Soule. Located at Ann Arbor. Organized 1841. Present value of property, $812,- 984. Income last year, interest on permanent fund, $38,410; 1-20 mill tax, $40,'iOO; students' fees, $56,628; appropriations, $50,375; miscellaneous, $5,338; total, $191,252; expenses, $189,334. Volumes in library, 62,000. Profes- sors and assistants and students in the several departments 1885-6 as fol- lows: Literature, science and the arts, 48 professors and 580 students; medicine and surgery, 24 professors and 324 students; law, 5 professors and 285 students; pharmacy, 12 professors and 61 students; homoeopathic medical college, 8 professors and 48 students; college of dental surgery, 6 professors and 82 students; total, 83 professors and 1,380 students. Commencement day, 1886, July 1st. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Located three miles east of Lansing and is under the supervision of State Board of Agriculture.— His Excellency the Governor, and Edwin Willets, M. A., President of the College, ex-nfflciu; Thomas D. Dewey, Owosso (1887); William B. McCreery, Flint (1887); Elijah W. Rising, Davison (1889); Henry Chamberlain, Three Oaks (1889): Franklin ^i eUs (President) , Constantino il^91); Cyi'us G. Luce, Gilead (189]). Secretarij, Henry G. Rey- nolds, Agricultural College; Treasurer, M. L. Coleman, Lansing. Receipts for year ending September 30, 1885, from interest and appropria- tions, $62,965; from other sources, $7,066. Disbursements, on account of special appropriations, $26,596; current expenses, $35,226; repairs, $700; library, $135); balance, $7,542. Professors, 14; florist, 1; foremen, 2; stu- dents, 235; volumes in library, 8,686. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Officers and Vkgvx.iy.— Vice-Principal, Daniel Putnam, M. A.; Pre- ceptress and Professor of Historij, Julia A. King; Professor of Music, F. H. Pease; Professor of Mathematics, Chas. F. Bellows, M. A., C. E.; Professor of Latin and Greek, Joseph P. Vroman, M. A.; Professor of German and French, Aug. Lodeman, M. A. . Located at Ypsilanti, under management and direction of the State Board of Education (q.i\) Receipts last fiscal year, from appropriation, $3i,500; from permanent fund, $4,2U0; from tuition fees, etc., $2,200; total, $38,900. Expenditures, about $35,(!00. Students in Normal Department, January 1, 1886, 533; in Preparatory Department, 209, total, 742. Volumes in library, 6,800. Each member of the Legislature is authorized to appoint two students from his district who will be received free of charge. Commencement day 1886, June 30th. STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Board of Control.— Isaac A. 'Fa.ncher, President, Detroit (1887); Rich- mond E. Case, Three Rivers (1889); Caleb D. Randall, Secretary and Treasurer, Coldwater (1891). Offic^b.%.— Superintendent, John N. Foster; State Agent, Galen A. Mer- rill; Clerk, F. W. Morgan; Matron, Miss Sarah D. Parsons; Physician, D. C. Powers, M. D. Located at Coldwater. School department is constantly in session. Homes are found for children as rapidly as possible and those who remain are steadily at school. State approrn-iation, 1885, $39,(X)0; expended, $32,912. No. of children received since opening, May, 1874, 1,941. No. in school Janu- ary 1, 1886, 262 boys and 49 girls; on indenture and adopted in families, 967; placed in homes during 1885, 321. Volumes in library, 1,300. STATE REFORM SCHOOL. Board op Control.— E. H. Davis, Lansing (1887); William Ball, Ham- burg (1889); H. B. Rowlson, Hillsdale (1891). OFFICFB.S.— Superintendent, Cornelius A. Gower; Assistant Superintend- ent, E. C. Bank; Matron, Mrs. Dora L. Gower; Book-keeper, J. E. St. John; Phusician, J. W. Hagadorn, M. D. Located at Lansing, under the general supervision of the State Board of Corrections and Charities (q. v.) Receipts, appropriation for 1885, current expenses, $39,000; for building account, $24,000; from shop work, etc., $10,596. Disbursements, $77,448. Balance on hand September 30. 1885, $10,751. Ad- mitted, 1883-4, 234; 1884-5, 196; whole number since opening in 1856, 3,325; number in school, September 30, 1885, 418. INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR GIRLS. Board of Control.— Mrs. Mary E. Cooley, Ann Arbor (1887); Mrs. Arthuretta S. Fuller (President), Grand Rapids (1889); William Corbin, Adrian (1889); Mrs. Eliza S. Stebbins, Lansing (1891); George Spalding, Mon- roe (1891). Superintendent, Miss Margaret Scott; Cle^'k, Miss E. M. Gilbert; Physi- cian, Miss Rose C. Wilder, M. D. _ STATE INSTITUTIONS.— Continued. Located at Adrian. Opened August 1, 1881. Value of property, $145,210. Keceipta for two years ending September 30, 1884, from State Treasurer, $92,607; sale of produce, work, etc., $997; interest, $212; total, $93,816, Ex- penditures (including building, $24,869, and land, $8,000), $86,488. Girls received since opening, 205; returned, 11; died, 3; discharged, 7; indentured, 27; remaining, Sept. 30, 1884, 157. INSTITUTION FOR EDUCATING THE DEAF AND DUMB. Trustees.— Jerome Eddy (President), Flint (1889); James C. Willson [Treasurer), Flint (1887); Charles E. Belknap (Secj^etart/), Grand Rapids (1891). Officers— Superintendent, Marshall T. Gass; Steuicwd, Dan. H. Church; Matron, Mrs. Grace I. Gass; Physician, A. A. Thompson, M. D. Located at Flint. Appropriation for 1885, current expenses, $50,000; per- manent improvements, $21,000. Admitted during 1885, 301; discharged, 1; remaining January 1. 1886, 300; 21 deaf, 3 dumb, 277 deaf and dumb. SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND. Commissioners.— Townsend North {President), Yassar; T. S. Applegate (Secretart/) , Adrian; James M. Turner {Treasurer), Lansing. Superintendent, J. F. McElroy; Matron, Miss L. V. Abbott. Located at Lansing. State appropriation for 1884, for current expenses, $26,000; for buildings and special purposes, $80,000. Pupils enrolled during school year, 70; on January 1, 1885, 60. MICHIGAN ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. Trustees.— Ira R. Grosvenor, Monroe (1887) ; Robert Burns, Kalamazoo (1887»; Alva W. Nichols, Greenville (1889); Foster Pratt, Kalamazoo (1889); GeorgeHannahs, South Haven (1891); Charles T. Mitchell, Hillsdale (1891). Officers. — Medical Superintendent, George C. Palmer, M. D.; Assistant Medical Superintendent, Thomas R. Savage, M. D.; Physicians, William L. Worcester, M. D., William M. Edwards, M. D., Fred H. Welles, M. D., and Helen W. Bissell, M. D.; Steward, Stephen G. Earl; Treasurer, Stephen S. Cobb; Acting Chaplain, George F. Hunting. Located at Kalamazoo. State appropriation, 1883-84, for buildings, $22,- 000. Received from the State, counties and individuals for care of patients during last fiscal year, $144,845. Patients under treatment, September 30, 1884: Males, 406; females, 392; total, 798; received during 1884-85, males, 90; females, 56; total, 146; died and discharged, males, 78; females, 48; total, 126; remaining, September 30, 1885, males, 418; females, 400; total, 818. EASTERN ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. Trustees.— Augustus C. Baldwin, Pontiac (1887); Joseph E. Sawyer, Pontiac (1887); Moses W. Field, Detroit (1889); Jacob S. Farrand, Detroit (1889); Warren G. Vinton, Detroit (1891); Norman Geddes Adrian (1891), Officers.— Medical Superintendent, Henry M. Hurd, M. D.; Assistant Medical Superintendent, C. B. Burr, M, D.; Assistant Physicians, Edmund A. Christian, M. D., Charles W. Hitchcock, M. D., and Jason Morse, M. D.; Stexvard, George L. Seagrave; Treasurer, John D. Norton; Chaplain, Rev. D. O. Jacokes, D. D. Located at Pontiac. State appropriation, 1885-86. for construction of a hospital building, $15,000; received from State, counties and individuals for care of patients, $153,366. Expenditures for care of patients, etc., $140,776. Patients under treatment, October 1, 1884: Males, 336; females, 317; total, 653; admitted during fiscal year, males, 93; females, 68; total, 161; discharged, males, 82; females, 71; total, 153; remaining October 1, 1885, males, 350; females, 316; total, 666. NORTHERN ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. Building Commissioners.— T. T. Bates {Chairman), Traverse City; E.H. Van Deusen, Kalamazoo; M. H. Butler, Detroit; Henry H. Riley, Constan- tine; Alexander Chapoton, Sr., Detroit. Supt. of Construction, C. M. Wells. TRUSTEF.S.— C. M. Wells {President), Traverse City; Alexander Chapoton, Sr., Detroit; Henry H. Noble, Elk Rapids; T. T. Bates, Traverse City; J. W. French, Three Rivers; George W. Farr, Grand Haven. Secretary, John Goode, Traverse City. Now in process of construction at Traverse City and nearly completed. STATE PRISON. Inspectors.— Wm. Chamberlain, Three Oaks (1887); W A. Woodard, Jr., Owosso (1889); D. S. Smith {President), Jackson (1891). Officers.— iraj-rfen, Hiram F. Hatch; Deputy Warden, Z. Aldrich; Clerk, J. S. Covell; Chaplain, Rev. Geo. H. Hickox; Physician, Wm. H. Palmer, M.D. Located at Jackson in 1839. Value of property, $664,465. Disbursements last fiscal year, $107,320; expenses, $99,613 (average daily cost of food per man, 8.38c.); earnings, $87,402. Number of prisoners, Jan. 1, 1885, 670; received during 1885, 295; discharged, 231; remaining, Jan. 1, 1886, 734; employes, 53. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Managers.— Hampton Rich, Ionia (1887); John Heffron, Detroit (1889); Abraham H. Piper, Detroit (1891). STATE INSTITUTIONS— Continued. Officees. — War'den, Erwin C. Watkins; Deputy Warden, J. Q. Cressy; Treasiirer.P. D. Cutler; Clerk, R. D. Sessions; Physician, A. B. Way, M. D,; Chaplain, Kev. H. O. Parker. Located at Ionia in 1877. Cost, $250,000. Running expenses last fiscal year, |125,520; earnings from convict labor, $50,000. Number of inmates, 750; employes, 37. SOLDIERS' HOME. Managers. — His Excellency the Governor (Chairman, ex-offleio) ; M. Brown (Secretai^y) , Big Rapids; A. F. Bliss (Treastirer), Saginaw; Samuel Wells, Grand Rapids: Charles Y. Osburn, Marquette; Byron R. Pierce, Grand Rapids; R. A. Remick, Detroit. Located near Grand Rapids. STATE ASSOCIATIONS. State Pioneer Society.— President Henry Fralick, Grand Rapids; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Harriet A. Tenney, Lansing; Correspo7iding Secre- tary, George H. Greene, Lansing; Treasurer, Ephraim Longyear, Lansing; Executive Committee, the President, ex-officio, John C. Holms, Detroit, Albert Miller, Bay City, Francis A. Dewey, Cambridge; Committee of Historians, the President, ex-officio, M. Shoemaker (Chairman), Jackson, T. E. Wing, Monroe, O. O. Comstock. Marshall, M. H. Goodrich, Ann Arbor, Wilber J. Baxter, Jonesville, Mrs. Harriet A. Tenney, Lansing. State appropriation, general fund, $500; publication fund, $2,000; volumes issued, six. Next annual meeting and election June 9, 1886, at Lansing. State Teachers' Association.— Pres?v?e?if, David Howell, Lansing; 1st Vice-President, E. C. Thompson, Albion; 2rf Vice-President, J. G. Plowman, White Pigeon; Secretan/, George Barnes, Howell; Executive Committee. J. W. Ewing, Ionia, W. H. Payne, Ann Arbor, A. E. Haynes, Hillsdale, C. F, R. Bellows, Ypsilanti, Lucy A. Chittenden, Ann Arbor, Hamilton King, Olivet, J. M. B. Sill, Detroit, S. G. Burkhead, Saginaw City, Ellen Dean, Grand Rapids. Number of actual paying members, 175; teachers in attendance last meet- ing, 500. Next meeting will be held at Lansing after Christmas, 1886. State Association op Superintendents of the Voon.— President, D. B. Green, Ypsilanti; Vice-President, A. O. Hyde, Marshall; Secretary, S. S. Dryden, Allegan; Treasurer, Isaac Lewis, Monroe. Meets at Jackson in 1887. State Agricultural Society.— President, William Chamberlain.Three Oaks; Secretary, Joe C. Sterling, Monroe; Treasurer, A. J. Dean, Adrian. £;.r-P?'esidenis—M. Shoemaker, Jackson; James Bailey, Birmingham; W^ J. Baxter, Jonesville; George W. Griggs, Grand Rapids; Chas. Kipp, St. Johns; E. O. Humphrey, Kalamazoo; W. L. Webber, East Saginaw; George W. Phillips, Romeo; Henry Fralick, Grand Rapids; Philo Parsons, Detroit. Executive Committee (1887)— William Ball, Hamburgh; A. 0. Hyde, Marshall; W. H. Cobb, Kalamazoo; E. W. Rising, Davison Station; J. P. Shoemaker, Amsden; I. H. Buttertield, Jr., Lapeer; John Lessiter, Jersey; M. J. Gard, Volinia; J. C. Sharp, Jackson; James M. Turner, Lansing; (1888)— Abel Angel, Bradbury; D. W. Howard, Pentwater; H. O. Hanford, Plymouth; F. L. Reed, Olivet; A. F. Wood, Mason; Franklin Wells, Constantino; J. Q. A. Burrington, Tuscola; M. P. Anderson, Midland; John Gilbert, Ypsilanti; C. W. Young, Paw Paw. Twenty-eighth annual fair will be held at Kalamazoo, September 13 to 17, 1886. Election of officers on fourth day. Eastern Michigan Agricultural and Mechanical Association.— President, Henry F. Horner, Canton; Vice-Presidents, John W. Naury, Supe- rior, and Orson A. Sober, Superior; Secretary, Frank Joslyn, Ypsilanti; Treasurer, William Campbell, Ann Arbor; Executive Committee— \\ . H. Haw- kins, Ypsilanti; Henry F. Horner, Canton; Loren Riggs, Van Buren; James M. Cress, Manchester; P. H. Murray, Salem; E. P. Harper, Lodi; John S. Nowlind, Ann Arbor; Elmer S. Cushman, Webster; John B. Berdan, Ply- mouth; Wm. H. Lowden, Augusta; W. W. Van Dyne, York; John G. Rooke, Superior; Charles H. Roberts. Pittsfield; David M. Uhl, Ypsilanti. Fifteenth annual fair at Ypsilanti, September 21 to 24, 1886. Election of officers on last day. Central Michigan Agricultural Society.— Pres/rt<'n/, E. H. Whitney, Lansing; Secretary, Ben B. Baker, Lansing ; Treasurer, D. F. Woodcock, Lan- sing. Managers— 3 D. Woodbury, Portland; Josiah Dilley, Portland: A. M. Willets, Muir; Jacob P. Sleight. Bath; G. B. Smith, Eagle; R. B. Caruss, St. Johns; Geo. M. Colby, Shaftsburg; J. B. Wheeler, Corunna; L. W. Barnes, Byron; S. A. Barnes, Charlotte; W.W.Williams, Eaton Rapids; John Russell, Grand Ledge; A. F. Wood, Mason; N. C. Branch, Williamston; Luther Has- brouck, Leslie; William Ball, Hamburg; E. W. Hardy, Osceola; George Wright, Iosco. Wm. Radford, Marshall; R. J. Emery, Albion; H. R. King- man, Battle Creek- J, W. Dey, Springport; W. J. G. Dean, Hanover; Caleb Angevine, Jackson. Fifth annual spring fair will be held at Lansing, 1886, and twenty-first annual fall fair at Lansing, September 27 to October 1, 1886. STATE ASSOCIATIONS.-Continued. Northeastern Agrictjltural Society.— Preszc^eni.William Hamilton, Flint; Treasu7'er, John T. Rich, Elba ; Secretary, George F. Lewis, Saginaw City. Directors— Thomas Dean and J. Van Buskirk, of Alcona; H. P. Merrill and Wm. Westover, of Bay; Thos. Foster and Geo. W. Stuart, of Genesee; Wm. N. Brown and John J. Land, of Isabella; John Abbott and George P. Chapman, of Lapeer; O. B. Hosner and J. VV. Cochrane, of Midland; W. C. Wixom and George Seeley, of Oakland; W. J Bartow and David Geddes, of Saginaw; Charles F. Moore and Fred A. Beard, of St. Clair; D. G. Slafter and Thomas Bi-iggs, of Tuscola; F. A. Wilson and Wm. Fugan, of Clair; Dr. Stiles Kennedy and Dr. J. H. Lancashire, of Gratiot; Eugene Foster and Hugh McClay, of Gladwin ; A. T. Donaldson and W. S.Walker, of Macomb. Sixth annual fail will be held at Flint. Western Michigan AGRictTLTURAL and Industrial Society.— Presi- dent D. B Clay, Grand Rapids; Vice-President, H. C. Sherwood, Watervliet; Secretary, James Cox, Grand Rapids; Treasiirer, E. B. Dikeman, Grand Rapids; General Superintendent, H. C. Sherwood, Watervliet. Board of Directors (1887)— E. A. Strong, Vicksburg; F. J. Russell, Hart; H. Dale Adams, Galesburg; C. L. Whitney, Muskegon; B. G. Buell, Little Prairie Ronde: (1888)— Levi Averill, Grand Rapids; H. C. Sherwood, Watervliet; Henry Fralick, Grand Rapids; A. F. Kelsey, Ionia; Asa W. Meech, Ada; (1889)— John H. Withey, Cascade; Wm. Ladaer, Big Rapids; Anderson Stout, St. Johns; Westbrook Divine, Belding; J. G. Ramsdell, Traverse City. Eighth annual fair will be held at Grand Rapids, September 20 to 24, 1886., State Horticultural Society.— President, T. T. Lyon, South Haven Secretctn/, Charles W. Garfield, Grand Rapids; Treasurer, S. M. Pearsall Grand Rapids. Executive Board— W. K. Gibson, Jackson; E. H. Scott, Ann Arbor; H. W. Davis, Lapeer; C. A. Sessions, Mears; L. H. Bailey, Jr., Agri- cultural College; A. G. Gulley, South Haven. Quarterly meetings are held in various parts of the State upon invitations from auxiliary societies. The society has twenty-nine branches in the State. Michigan Merino Sheep Breeders' As-sociation.- Pres/der;?, John T. Rich, Elba; Vice-President, H. H. Hinds, Stanton; Secretanj, W. J. G. Dean, Hanover; Treasurer, J. Evarts Smith, Ypsilanti; Directors, L. W. Barnes, Byron, A. A. Wood, Saline, A. S. White, Kalamazoo, S. C. Lombard, Addison, T. V. Quackenbush, Addison. Number of members, 280. Next annual meeting will be held at Lansing, December 21 and 22, 1886. Michigan Short-Horn Breeders' Association.— Preszdewf, H. H. Hinds, Stanton; Vice-President, W. E. Boyden, Delhi Mills; Secretary, I. H. Butterfield, Lapeer; Treasurer, B. J. Gibbons, Detroit; Directors, A. F. Wood, Mason, C.F.Moore, St. Clair, L.L.Brooks, Novi, B. F. Batcheller, Osceola Center, D. Curtis, Addison, John McKay, Romeo, M. A. Snow, Kalamazoo, W. J. Barton, East Saginaw, G. W. Phelps, Dexter. Number of members, 65. Next annual meeting will be held at Lansing, December 7, 1886. Michigan Bee Keepers' Association.— Pres2de»if, Prof. A. J. Cook, Lansing; Secretary, H. T. Cutting, Clinton; Treasurer, M. H. Hunt, Bell Branch. Next annual meeting December, 1886, at Ypsilanti. Honey crop of 1885 reported as excellent— above the average. Patrons of Husbandry, State Grange.— Arasfe>% Cyrus G. Luce, Gilead; Overseer, John Holbrook, Lansing; Lecturer, Perry Mayo, Battle Creek; Steward, Harrison Bradshaw, North Branch; Chaplain, I. N. Car- penter, Sherman; Treasurer, E. A. Strong, Vicksburg; Secretary, J, T. Cobb, Schoolcrafit; Gate keeper, A. M. Agens, Ludington; Ce7-es, Mrs. J. W. Belknap, Greenville; Pomona, Mrs. W. T. Remington, Alto; Flora, Mrs. C. G. Luce, Gilead; Executive Committee, the Master and the Secretary, ex-officio, J. G. Ramsdell, Traverse City, H. D. Piatt (Chairman)^ Ypsilanti, Thomas Mars, Berrien Centre, J. Q. A. Burrington, Tuscola, William Satterlee, Birming- ham, Thomas F. Moore, Adrian, W, T. Adams, Grand Rapids. Annual meeting, second Tuesday in December. Number of Subordinate Granges, December 1, 1885, 347. Homceopathic Medical Society op Michigan.— President, A. B. Grant, M.D., Ionia; 1st Vice-President, A. R. Wheeler, M.D., Ionia; 2d Vice-President, H. M. Warren. M. D., Jonesville; Recording Secretary, L. T. Van Horn, M. D., Homer; Corresponding Secretari/, J. 0. Cowell, M. D., East Saginaw; Treas- urer, B. H. Lawson, M. D.. Brighton. Boa7-d of Censors, J. V. Eldridge, M.D. {Chairman) Flint; Prof. D. J. McGuire. M. D., Detroit; H. M. Warren, M. D.. Jonesville; J. R. Hyde, M. D., Eaton Rapids; A. I. Sawyer, M. D., Monroe; L. M. Jones, M. D., Brooklyn. Annual meeting at Kalamazoo, May 18 and 19,1886. Number of active and honorary members, 100. State Medical Society.— Pres/den^ E. P. Christian. M. D., Wyandotte; Vice-Presidents, P. D. Patterson, M. D., Charlotte, J. B. Griswold, M. D., Grand Rapids, J. H. Carstens, M. D., Detroit, A. W. Alvord, M. D., Battle Creek; Secretary, George E. Ranney, M. D.. Lansing; Treasurer, A. R. Smart, M. D., Hudson; Judicial Council, Drs. Foster Pratt, Kalamazoo, H. B. Shank, Lansing, S. P. Duffield, Dearbornville, F. K. Owen, Ypsilanti, C. V. Tyler, 14 STATE ASSOCIATION S.-Continued. Bay City, H. McColl, Lapeer, J. H. Bennett, Coldwater, Wm. Brodie, Detroit, E. S. Dunster, Ann Arbor. Twentieth annual meeting June 9, 1886, at Jackson. No. of members, 354. Michigan Engineering Society.— P/es/rfew^ Prof. Joseph B. Davis, 0. E., Ann Arbor; Vice-President, George E. Steele, Traverse City; Secretary and Treasurer, Prof. R. C. Carpenter, C. E.. Lansing. Next annual convention will be held at Grand Rapids, Jan. 4-7, 1887. Grand Army op the Republic, Department op Michigan.— Com- inander, Charles D. Long, Flint; Senior Vice-Comnmnder, G. L. Fisher, Fowlerville; Junior Vice-Commander, H. F. Higgins, Petoskey; Assistant Ailjntant General, Oscar F. Lochhead, Flint; Assistant Quartermaster Gen- eral, Ira H. Wilder, Flint; Inspector, C. G. Hampton, Detroit; Medical Director, Normaji Johnson, Bay City; Chaplain, E. P. Gibbs. Grand Ha en; Jnd(je Advocate, Dan Griffith, Jackson; Chief 3Iitstering Officer, Wm. G. Gage, East Saginaw; Council of Administration, James W. Romeyn, Detroit, George E. Aiken, Bay City, C. O. Jennison, Greenville, Albert Dunham, Jackson, J. D. Ronan, Monroe. Number of Posts Dec. 1, 1885, 383; members, 17,146; net increase during 18-5, thirty-nine poets and 2,550 members. Department encampment for 1886 will be held at Jackson. WoMAN'9 Relief Gonvs,.— Department President, Mrs. Emma S. Hamp- ton, Detroit; Senior F?ce-P?-es/derii, Mary A. McConnelly, Flint; Junior Vice- President, Charity A. Dykeman, Jackson; Secretari/, Mary B. Durfee, Detroit; Treasurer, Adelaide Wallace, Detroit; Chaplain, Sariih E. R. Lyon. Howell; Inspector, Lucy Wilcox, Owosso; Instituting and Installing Officer, Sarah A. C. Plummer, Lansing. Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. Headquarters, 9S0 Wood- ward ave., Detroit. Sons of Veterans, Michigan Division.— Coionei, F. W. Rowlson, Grand Rapids; Lieut. Colonel, M. E. Hall, Hillsdale; Major, J. A. Matteen, Lowell; Chaplain, L. A. Baker, Lansing; Adjutant, W. A. Morse, Grand Rapids; Quartermaster, 0. J. Post, Grand Rapids; Inspector, Truman Havens, Hills- dale; Blustering Officer, F. D. Eddy, Lowell; Judge Advocate, U. G. Huff, Detroit. Headquarters, No. 53 Lyon St., Grand Rapids. Number of Camps Jan- uary 1, 1886, 30. Michigan Sportsmen's Association.— President, E. S. Holmes, Grand Rapids; Treasurer, N. A. Osgood, Battle Creek; Secretarij, Mark Norris, Grand Rapids; Directors, W. C. Colburn, Detroit, T. S. Cobb, Kalamazoo, E. C. Nichols, Battle Creek, J. C. Parker, Grand Rapids. Next annual meeting will be held at Lansing on the third Tuesday in February, 1886. Free and Accepted Masons, Grand Lodge of Michigan.— Gj'a»id Master, Michael Shoemaker, Jackson; Deputy Grand Master, R. C. Hatha- Vi^ay, Grand Rapids; Grand Senior Warden, Wm. B. Wilson, Muskegon; Grand Junior Warden, W. Irving Babcock, Niles; Grand Treas-urer, H. Shaw Noble, Monroe; Grand Secretaru, Wm. P. Innes, Grand Rapids; Grand Visitor and Lecturer, Arthur M. Clark, Lexington; Grand Chaplain, Rev. David H. Recter, Vicksburg; Grand Senior Deacon, John S. Cross, Bangor; Grand Junior Deacon, H. C. Rockwell, Benton Harbor; Grand Marshal, Geo. Heigho, Detroit; Grand Sentinel, Alex. McGregor, Detroit. The forty-third annual communication will be held at Detroit on the fourth Tuesday in January, 1887. Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons.— Gra??rt High Priest, Daniel Striker, Hastings; D. G. H. P., Eugene P. Robertson, Albion; Grand King, B. F. Watts, Ann Arbor; Grand Scribe, Wm. Wente, Manistee; Grand Treas., H. Shaw Noble, Monroe; Grand Sec7-etar!/, Wm. P. Innes, Grand Rapids; Grand Chaplain, Rev. F. A. Blades, Detroit; Grand Captain of the Host, Wm. P. Hudson, Ludington; G. P. S., Benjamin Porter, Jackson; G. R. A. C, S. C. Randall, Flint; G. V. <& L., John F. Burrows, Lawrence; G. Jf. T. V., Charles H. Bagg, Detroit; G. M. S. V., A. J. Cummings, Detroit; G. M. F. V., J. S. Conover, Coldwater; Grand Sentinel, Alex. McGregor, Detroit. The next session will be held in Detroit on the third Tuesday in January, 1887. Grand Commandery.— Sir R. E. Grand Commander, Sir R. Allen Hall, Coldwater; V. E. Dep. Grand Commander, Sir Wm. S. Lawrence, Kalamazoo; E. Grand Generalissimo, Sir Thos. H. Williams, Jackson; E. Grand Captain Ginieral, Sir Eugene Robinson, Detroit; E. Grand Prelate, Rev. Francis A. Blades, Detroit; E. Grand Senior Warden, Sir Chas. P. Bigelow, Grand Rap- ids; E. Grand Junior Warden, Sir John A. Garow, Marshall; E. Grand Treasurer, Sir H. Shaw Noble, Monroe; Grand Recorder, P. G. C, Sir Wm. P. Innes, Grand Rapids: E. Grand Standard Bearer, Sir Wm. G. Doty, Ann Arbor- E. Grand Sword Bearer, Sir Edward C. Smith, Pontiac; E. Grand Warder, Sir Henry P. Adams, St. Johns; E. Grand Sentinel, Sir Alexander McGregor, Detroit; Grand Organist, Sir H. R. Roney. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Lodge.— Grand Master, Oscar A. Janes, Hillsdale; Deputi/ Grand Blaster, Silas S. Fallass, Cadillac; Grand Warden, Geo. M. Dewey, Owosso; Grand Secretary, Edwin H. Whitney, _ STATE ASSOCIATIONS.— Continued. Lansing; Grand Treasurer, Benj. D. Pritchard, Allegan; Grand Repre- sentatives, Lawrence N. Burke, Kalamazoo, and Benj. F. Rounds, Benton Harbor; Grand Chaplain, Rev. L. D. Bissell, Caro; Grand Marshal, Alanson B. Clark, Ionia; Grand Conductor, Geo. W. Crouter, Charlevoix; Grand Guardian, John Northwood, New Lothrop; Grand Herald, H. H. Hineman, Negauuee. Next session will be held on the third Tuesday of February, 1887, at Jackson. Number of lodges, 382; number of members, 18,000. I, O. O. F., Grand Encampment.— Gra?td Patriarch, George Greenfield, Marshall; Grand High Priest, John B. Alward, Camden; Grand Senior War- den, Andrew Harshaw, Alpena; Grand Scribe, E. H.Whitney, Lansing; Grand Treasurer, H. Soule, Ann Arbor; Representatives to S. G. Lodge, Simeon S. French, Battle Creek, and L. Z. Hunger, St. Johns; Grand Junior Warden, Jas. M. Crosby, Springport; Grand Marshal, Andrew Cruickshank, Charle- voix; Sentinels, A. F Bithers, Niles, and W. J. Clark, Hudson. Next annual session will be held second Wednesday in February, 1887, at Muskegon. Number of encampments, 108; number of members, 3,500. Knights OF Ptthias, Grand 'Lo-dg'E.— Grand Chancellor, E. T. Bennett, Bay City; Grand Vice Chancellor, Wm. B. Morse, ^t. Glair; Grand Prelatt, Thos. S. Barclay, Detroit; Grand Master of Exchequer, James M. Lenhoff, East Saginaw; Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, Hampden Kelsey, Kalama- zoo; Grand Master-at-Arms, H. S. Robertson, Breedsville; Grand Inner Giiai'd, Ghas. S.Baxter, Detroit; Grand Outer Guard, M.S. Curtis, Battle Creek; Grand Trustees, J. W. Hopkins, Lansing; H. R. Lovell, Flint ; H D. C. Van Asmus, Grand Rapids. The fourteenth annual session will be held at Lansing, October 5, 1886. No. of Lodges, Jan. 1, 1885, 55; members, 2346. Independent Order op Good Templars, Grand Lodge.— G. W. Chief Templar, Albert Dodge, Fowlerville; G. W. Counselor, Caleb S. Pitkin, Detroit ; G. W. V. T., Mrs. E. J. McElwain, Hastings; G. W. Secretary, John Evans, Bellevue; G. W. Treasurer, George Andrews, Flint; G.W. Chaplain, Rev. E. B. Sutton, Adrian; P.G.W.C.T.,A.B. Cheney, Sparta; Representatives to the R. W.G. L., Mrs. T. B. Knapp, Howell, A. B. Cheney, Sparta, and M. J. Fanning, Jackson. Thirty-third annual session of the Grand Lodge of Michigan will be held in Muskegon, October 19, 1886. Y. M. C. A., State Executive Committee.— F. D. Taylor (President), Reuben Robinson, J. R. Dutton, L. C. Stanley, C. A. Black, J. H. Garnsey (Seci-etanj and Treasurer, 115 Griswold St.), Detroit; Harvey J. Hollister, J. H P. Hughart, Grand Rapids; L. M. Hutchins, Ionia; D. C. Smalley, Bay City; A. P. Green, Olivet; A. E. Haynes ^.Corresponding Member of Interna- tioial Com.), Hillsdale; L. H. Field, Jackson; Delos Fall, Albion; E. T. How- ard, Kalamazoo; E. W .Allen, Marquette; J. V. N. Hartness, Lansing. Number of associations, 31; membership, 2,000. Annual convention for 1886 was held February 4 to 7, at Bay City. Y. W. C. A., State Executive Committee— Carrie A. Reamer iPresiaent), Hillsdale; Nettie Dunn (.SVere^ri?*//), Hillsdale; Anna Burgoyne, Hillsdale; Maggie Craig, Adrian; Jennie Houghtailing, Albion; Belle Richards, Kala- mazoo; Ada Goodwin, Olivet; Lizzie Masters. Ionia. Number of associations, 6; membership, 200. Annual convention for 1886, January 27 and 28, was held at Hillsdale. POLITICAL STATE COMMITTEES. Republican State Committee.— CTiazrwia??, Philip T. VanZile,t Char- lotte; Secretary, A. W. Smith, Adrian. Members— 1st Dist., M. S. Smith and W. H. Coots,t Detroit; 2d, Burton Parker, Monroe; H. B. Rowlson, Hills- dnle; 3d, D. B. Ainger.f Charlotte; Z. G. Osborne, Coldwater; 4th, T. F. Giddings,t Kalamazoo; Wm. Chamberlain, Three Oaks; 5th, G. W. McBride, Grand Haven; John Patton, Jr.,t Grand Rapids; 6th, Charles D. Long, Flint; E. C. White, Ovid; 7th, R. Winsor, Port Austin; S. J. Tomlinson, Lapeer; 8th, Wm. M. Kilpatrick.t Owosso; C. M. Martin, Greenville; 9th, F. L. Gray, Newaygo; F. J. Meech, Norwood; loth, Green Pack,t Oscoda; Fred Slocum. Caro; 11th, Thomas T. Bates, Traverse City; C. E. Holland,+ Houghton. Member National Committee, John P. Sanborn, Port Huron. Democratic State Committee. — C/ia/?')»a«, Jerome Eddy, Flint; Treasurer, I. M. Weston, Grand Rapids; Secretari/, H. F. Pennington, Char- lotte. Members— 1st Dist., John J. Enrightt and John Miner, Detroit; 2rf, E. J. Smith, Adrian; John Strong, Rockwod; 3d. H. F. Pennington t Charlotte; Enoch Bancker, Jackson; 4th, H, C. Sherwood, Watervliet; A. J. Shakespeare, Kalamazoo; 5th, I. M.W'eston,t Grand Rapids; Geo.D.Sanford, Grand Haven; 6th, Quincy A. Smith, Williamston; Elliot R. Wilcox, Pontiac; 7th, Isaac T. Beach, t Almont; W. T. Bope, Bad Axe; 8th, Frank Lawrence, East Sag- inaw; James S. Crosby, Greenville; 9th, W. B. Wilson, Muskegon; Charles E. Ressiguie, Custer; 10th, C. J. Pailthorp, Petoskey; Lucien S. Coman, Bay City; 11th, Thomas M. Brady, Houghton; G. L. Trompe, Sault Ste. Marie. Member National Committee, Don M. Dickinson, Detroit. National (Greenback) State Central Committee.— r/ia/rwaji, W. D. Fuller, Newaygo. 3Iembers—lst Dist., John Heffron and Moses W. Field, POLITICAL STATE COMMITTEES.— Continued, Detroit; 2d, N. O. Putnam, Milan; J. I. Dennis, Jonesville; 3d, Wm. M. Barnes, Marshall; V. V. B. Merwin, Jackson ; 4th, J. R. Hill, Buchanan; T M. Sheriff. Kalamazoo; 5^/i, John L. Curtiss, Grand Rapids; E. R.Williams, Ionia-, 6th. Robert H. Jackson, Flint; John M. Norton, Rochester; 7th, J. R. Whiting, St. Clair C. E. Adams, Lapeer, Sth, F. D. Phillips, St. Louis; A. W. Nichols, Greenville 9th, S. \V. Fowler, Manistee: E. Pangborn, Sand Lake; 10th, J. H. Richardson, Tuscola; C. S. Hampton, Harbor Springs; llth, T. S. Hansley, Kingsley; F. H. Rose, Traverse City. Union (Prohibition) State Committee— Cfiairma7i, Samuel Dickie, Albion; Secretary and Treasurer, William A. Taylor, Lansing. Members— 1st Dist., Caleb S. Pitkin, Detroit; A. D. Povper, Northville; 2d, G. P. Waring. Ridgeway; John Shoemaker, Ann Arbor; .9ri, ftl. J. Fanning, Jackson; Wm. C. Gage, Battle Creek; 4th, A. Sherwood, New Troy; A. Alcott, Kalamazoo; 5th, J, H. Tatem, Grand Rapids; A. B. Cheney, Sparta; 6th, D. H. Stone, Holly; C. L. Randall, Danville; 7th, Robert King, Lapeer; Calvin Bush, Mt. Clemens; Sth, E. L. Brewer, Owosso; Isaac E. Springer, Saginaw City; 9th, W. W. Barcus, Muskegon; Wm. H. Barry, Shelby; lOth, A. M. Webster, East Tawas; Silas A. Lane, Vassar; llth, P. Ross Parish, Calumet; O. E. Downing, Ishpeming. t Members of Executive Committee. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Detroit.— i?/s/iop, Rt. Rev. Caspar H. Borgess, D. D., Detroit, Vicar General and Chancellor, Very Rev. Hennaert, Detroit; Vicar Oenend; Very Rev. Edward Joos, Monroe; Secretary, Rev. M. J. P. Dempsey ; Com- mission of Investigation, Revs. J. F. Friedland, James Savage, R. F. M. Doraan, Louis Vandriss and J. F. Elsen. Statistics— Clergy (secular, 95, regular, 22) 128; Chapels, 11; Stations, 35; Churches, 132; Orphan Asylums, 4, orphans, SLK); Schools, 53, pupils, 10,748, diocesan students, 40; Colleges, 2; Female Academies, 3; Hospitals, 1; Foundling Asylums, 1; Baptisms, 5,072; Confirmations, 4,206; Marriages, 938; Burials, 2,480; Catholic Population, 107.085. Diocese o? Grand 'Ravit>^.— Bishop, Rt. Rev. Henry Joseph Richter, D. D., Grand Rapids; Vicar General, Very Rev. C. J. Roche, Grand Rapids; Commission of Investigation, Revs. H. J. H. Schutjes, J. G. Ehrenstrasser, P. J. McManus, Jas. C. Pulcher and Thos. Rafter. Statistics— Clergy (secular, 49, regular, 2) 51; Chapels, 10; Stations, 61; Churches, 98; Orphan Asylums, 1, orphans, 70; Schools, 23, pupils, 4,857, dio- cesan students, 26; Hospitals, 2; Baptisms, 4,089; Marriages, 612; Burials, 1,029; Catholic Population, 70,000. Diocese of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette.— £/s/iop, Rt. Rev. John Vertin, D. D., Marquette. Statistics— Clergy (secular, 26, regular, 5) 31; Stations, 65; Churches, 42; Orphan Asylums, 2, orphans, 60; Schools, 12; pupils, 2,400; Female Academies, 1; Hospitals,!; Baptisms, 2,350; Confirmations, 1,500; Marriages, 375; Burials, 720; Catholic Population, 30,000. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Eighth General Conference District is composed of Detroit, Mich- igan, Rock River, West Wisconsin and Wisconsin Annual Conferences. Conference of Detroit— Pres/den^, Bishop Henry W. Warren, D. D., LL. D., Denver, Col.; Secretary, John McEldowney, Detroit; Ass't and Finan- cial Secj-e^ac;/, William Dawe, Detroit; Railway Secretary , D. Burnham Tracy, Detroit; Statistical Secretary, Edward B Bancroft, Holly; Treasurer. John M. Van Every, Northville; Presiding Elders, Revs. John McEldowney, De- troit; T. J. Joslin, Adrian; Seth Reed, Flint; A. J. Bigelowe, East Saginaw; L. P. Davis, West Bay City; Jacob Horton, Port Huron; David Casler, Mar- quette. Charges, 244; to be supplied, 43. Preachers: effective, 191; supernu- merarv, 12; superauuated, 68; total, 271. Local Preachers, 194. Probationers, 2,072; Members, 27,048; total, 29,120. Baptisms, 2,015; deaths, 398. Churches, 344; value, $1,086,890. Parsonages, 165 ; value, $211,305. Sunday Schools, 446; officers and teachers, 5,203; scholars, 38,800. The thirty-first annual session will be held in 1886, at Adrian. Conference of Michigan — President, Bishop Warren; Sec?'etar2/, Wilbur I. Cogshall, Eaton Rapids; Statistical Secretary, D. C. Riehl.Edmore; Treas- urer, John C. Floyd, Big Rapids; Presiding Elders, Revs. A. A. Knappen, Albion; D. Engle, Coldwater; D. F. Barnes, Kalamazoo; I. Taylor, Niles; J. I. Buell, Grand Rapids; A. P. Moors, Ionia; James Hamilton, Lansing; J. C. Floyd, Big Rapids and W. R. Stinchcomb, Traverse City. Districts, 9; Charges, 242; to be supplied. 44. Pi-eachers: effective, 196; supernumerary, 23; superanuated, 40; total, 259. Local Preachers, 225. Probationers, 3.2S8; Members, 30,112, total, 33,350. Baptisms, 2.456; deaths, 400. Churches, 328; value, $1,124,432. Parsonages, 168; value, $161,676. Sunday Schools, 494; offi- cers and teachers, 5,547; scholars, 36,552. The fifty-first annual session will be held in 1886, at Kalamazoo. BAPTIST CHURCH. State Convention— PresMenf, E. J. Fish, D. D., Bronson; Vice-Pres- idents, Rev, L. A. Dunn, D. D., Marshall, Rev. C. E. Conley, Detroit, Rev. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS.— Continued. W. L. Farnum, Flint, Rev. Jas. Goodman, Sault Ste. Marie, Hon. W. S. Wilcox, Adrian ; Secretary, Kev. T. M. Shanafelt, Three Rivers; Treasurer, Prof. Daniel Putnam, Ypsilanti; Auditor, J. E. Howard, Detroit. Directors, J. B. Banker, C. \X. Barber, S. Brooks, D. D., I. N. Carman, C. T. Chaffee, D. D. H. F. Cochrane, J. Fletcher, M. W. Haynes, J. F. Hill, J. Donnelly, E. H. E. Jameson, D. D., E. L. Little, P. P. Farnham, Z. Grenell, D. D., S. Haskell, D. D., C. R. Henderson. D. D., C. E. Harris, J. S. Holmes, A. Y.. Mather, D. D., E. D. Rundeli, C. M. Stocking, J. W. Stone, K. B. Tapper, H. B. Taft, S. W. Titus, A. E. Waffle, D. A. Waterman, M. H. Worrall and B. Morley. Fifty-first Annual State Convention to be held October 19, 1886, at Detroit. Statistics, Jan. 1, lSS6—'So. of Churches, 378; No. of Pastors, 224; Member- ship, 29,306. Sunday Schools, 378; officers and teachers, 4 657; scholars, 32,624. ASSOCIATIONS. SECRETARY. ANNUAL, MEETING, 1886. C. W. Barber, Fenton Grand Rapids Grand River .... J. C. Buchanan, Grand Rapids . . E. Chesney, Stanton Grand Rapids, Oct. 5. Ionia, Oct. 12. Hillsdale ]\T M. Brown, Quincy . Reading, June 2. Huron Jackson D. W. Leonard, Unionville I. W. Lamb, Jackson D. H. St. John, Kalamazoo H. F. Cochrane, Rome Centre.. . L. H. Trowbridge. Detroit D. F. Firor, Alpena Bad Axe, Aug. 25. Charlotte, June 9. Kalamazoo River . Lenawee Michigan Saginaw Valley.... Shiawassee St. Joseph River. . St. Joseph Valley. Otsego, May 26. Monroe, June 1. Waterford, Sept. 14. J. H. Fairchild, Okemos S. C. Davis, Berrien Springs L. K, Evans, Three Rivers Geo. P. Wright, Clinton Lansing, June 2. Berrien Sp'gs, May 19. Centreville, June 10. Milan, May 5. Novi, Oct. 7. J.W.Stone, Novi Herman Burns, Ashland Centre. White River Chain Lake Muskegon, Aug. 18. Battle Creek, Aug. 21. German F. C. Koehler, Detroit Montague, Dec. 9. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. General, Association of Michigan.— J/orfera^or, Rev. Horatio Q. But- terfield, D. D., Olivet; At^sisiaiit Moderator, Rev. Joseph M. Fuller, Stanton; Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. John P. Sanderson, Detroit ; Scribe, Rev. Otis B. Waters, Morenci. Session of 1886, May 19, at 7J^ p. m., at Flint. Statistics— Ch-arches: 12 with Pastors, 208 with Acting Pastors, 50 vacant, total, 208. Ministers: 12 Pastors, 233 Acting Pastors, 17 others, total 316. Members: 6,263 males, 12,434 females, total 18,697. No. of Families, 14,602. Sabbath School Scholars, 26,029. Benevolent Contributions, $52,930. Home Expenditures, $216,079. PRESBYTERIAN CHERCH. Synod of Michigan— Embraces the Presbyteries of Detroit, Grand Rap- ids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe and Saginaw; Moderator, Rev. G. F. Hunting, Kalamazoo; Stated Clerk, Rev. William S. Taylor, Erie. Next meeting will be held in Westminster Church, Grand Rapids, October 12, 1886. Statistics — Ministers, 168, Licentiates, 4, Candidates, 9; Churches, 184; Members, 17,504; Baptisms, 917; Sunday School scholars, 21,309. The Upper Peninsula is included in the Presbytery of Lake Superior and Synod of Wisconsin, and contains 17 churches, 10 ministers, 862 mem- bers and 1,276 Sunday School scholars. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Diocese of Michigan— Comprises all the State east of the western line of Cheboygan, Otsego. Crawford, Roscommon, Gladwin, Midland, Gratiot, Clinton. Ingham, Jackson and Hillsdale counties, together with the North- ern Peninsula and the Island of Mackinac. Bishop, Rt. Rev. Samuel Smith Harris, D. D., LL.D., Detroit; Secretary, Rev. S. W. Frisbie, Detroit; Treas- urer, H. P. Baldwin, 2d, Detroit; Jiegistrar, Rev. William Charles, St. Louis. Sfo^/.s'^/cs— Clergy, 69; Parishes and Missions, 110; Churches consecrated, 5; Lay Readers, 40; Families, 6,167; Individuals, 26,061: Baptised. 1,356; Con- firmed, 905; Communicants, 9,667; Marriages, 378; Burials, 667; Sunday Schools, teachers, 1,084, scholars, 8,985; Contributions, $187,982. The o2d Annual Convention will be held in S. Paul's Church, Detroit, June 9, 1886, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Diocese of Western Michigan— That portion of the Southern Penin- sula not comprised in the above. Bishop, Rt. Rev. George De Normandie Gillespie, S.T D., Grand Rapids; Src7'etary, Rev. Joseph W. Bancroft, Hast- ings; Treasurer, Theodore P. Sheldon, Kalamazoo; Registrar, Rev. F. A. De Rosset, Grand Rapids. Stat istics—Cier^y, 27; Parishes and Missions, 51; Lay Readers, 5; Families, 799; Individuals, 6,949; Baptised, 330; Confirmed, 195; Communicants, 3,136; Marriages, 96; Burials, 168; Sunday Schools, teachers, 259, scholars, 2,342; Contributions, $65,919. The 12th Annual Convention will be held in S. Luke's Church, Kalamazoo, May 25, 1886, at 7 o'clock p. m. 18 ' ' ~" MICHIGAN STATE TEOOPS. COMMANDEB IN CHIEF. His Excellency Kussell A. Algek, Governor. STAFF.— Adjuta7it-General, Brig.-Gen'l John Robertson, Detroit; In- spector Geno-al, Brig.-Gen'l JAMES H. Kidd, Ionia; Quartermaster-General, Brig.-Gen'l George A. Hart, Manistee; Assistant Adjutants-General, Lieut.- Col. Geo. H. Devlin, Jackson; Capt. W. O. Humphrey. Lansing; Assistayit Inspector-General, Lieut. -Col. Geo. H. Hopkins, Detroit ; Paymaster-General, Col. O. A. Janes, Hillsdale; Ass't P. M.-General, Lieut.-Col. P. Mothersill, Detroit; Aides-de-Camp, Cols. A. T. Bliss, Saginaw, D. B. Aingeb, Char- lotte, J. N. Cox, Calumet, J. A. Kellogg, Niles; Military Secretary, Maj. G. R. OSMUN, Detroit; Judge Advocate, Maj. A. F. pARSONS, Howell. STATE MILITARY BOARD. — The Inspector-General, ex-offlcio. Col. Henry M. Dufpield, Detroit, and Col. Charles D. Long, Flint. BRIGADE OFFIGEBS— Brigadier-General, Israel C. Smith, Grand Rapids; -rlss'i Adft-Gen'l, Lieut.-Col. CHARLES W. Calkins, Grand Rapids; Assistant Inspector-General, Lieut.-Col. Joseph C. Herkner, Grand Rapids; Assistant Quartermaster-General, Lieut.-Col. William A. Butler, Jr., Detroit; Surgeon, Lieut.-Col. W. A. Hendrix, Big Rapids; Aides-de-Camp, Capts. A. B.Porter, Grand Rapids, and Fred. E. Farns worth, Detroit. FIRST REGIMENT. Field and Staff.— Colonel, D. Henry McComas, Lansing; Lieutenant- Colonel, Benjamin F. Wheeler, Adrian; Major, Elmer W. Bowen, Ypsilanti; Surgeon, Charles M. Woodward, Tecumseh; Ass' t Surgeon, Thomas Sullivan, Ann Arbor; Adjutant, William P. Appleyard, Lansing; Quartermaster, Harrison Soule, Jackson. s Located. Captain. First Lieut. Second Lieut. A B D E F Ann Arbor.... Adrian Tecumseh Jackson Lansing Jacob F. Schuh. . Martin O'Leary.. Fred. B. Wood... John Gaebelein . WymanW. Staley And.VV. Mehan.. D.C.Alcum brack John E. Tyrrell . Charles Hiscock. Robert Darnton. Emory A. Doke... Wm. Crone Fred. Shu bel Chas. H. Strond. Chas. Watson P. Delehanty .... M.J. O'Brien.... Frank Ulrick.... Chas. H. Heck... Alex. Brown Andrew Parcel].. Herb.W.Ayland. Thos. Moran Jno. C. McCabe. . 74 60 73 81 g Muskegon Jackson 50 SECOND REGIMENT. Field and Staff.— Colonel, John D. Sumner, Kalamazoo; Lietitenant- Colonel, Wintield S. Millard, Niles; 3Iajor, Henry W. Calkins. Grand Rapids ; Surgeon, William Hake, Grand Rapids; Assistant Surgeon, Irwin Simp- son, Kalamazoo; Chaplain, Washington Gardner, Jackson; Adjutant- Frank Phillips, Kalamazoo; Quartermaster, Mark A. Rodman, Ionia. 6 Located. Caiitain. First Lieut. Second Lieut. 1 A B g E F G Coldwater Grand Rapids. Kalamazoo.... Three Rivers. . Big Rapids Grand Haven. F.D.Newberry.. W. T. McGurrin. Edwin M. Irish.. Fred. N. Case.... C. M. Wiseman . . N. F.Harbeck... Robt. W. Chester Fred. B. Baldwin Chas. N.Rose.... J. P. Babcock... William Ehrle . . Eugene W. Jones John A. Wheeler Fred. Bellman... H.N.Phillips.... F. A. Mansfield.. B.S.Buchanan.. Julius C. Nims .. A. W. Seymour . . Geo. E. Cogshall George Miller... M. A. Heyman... Edgar Roseman.. Ervin Jackson... H.H.Lusenkamp Dwight Cutler.Jr JolmC.Beattie.. 1 H I K Manistee Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids. Henry Brophy... H. B. Marvin.... J. L. Stiles 80 53 58 THIRD REGIMENT Field and Staff.— Co/onei, Charles S. Browir, Colonel, Robert M. Donelly, Alpena; Major, Charles R. Ha- geon, Hiram R. Mills, Port Huron; Assistant Surgeon, Alpena; Chaplain, Henry M. Curtis, Flint; Adjutant Flint; Quartermaster, William B. Atwood. Flint. Flint; Licntenant- wley. Bay City; Sur- Arthur Wilkinson, , Hart M. Sperry, Located. Flint Alpena Bay City Saginaw East Saginaw Port Huron. .. Marquette Calumet Menominee... Houghton Captain. George E. Childs Frank C. Holmes Robert S. Pratt. . Albert Trask.... Jos. W. Kerns.... Geo. H. Phillips. S.W.Wheeler... Will A. Childs... Fred.S. Norcross EdwardA.CorbinI First Lieut. Jos. H. Rankin.. Thos. F.Oliver.. James McKay — James McCaffrey C.C.Pinkerton.. LafayetteCassler Wm. A. Jellison. John B. Curtis... Henry O. Fifleld. Henry T.Paull... Second Lieut. ^ cr.' Wm. Bolan 81 W. D. Hitchcock. 80 Clark Haire 82 G. S. Lockwood . . |83 [63 Jas. D. Austin... 71 Dennis Hogan... 95 Frank B.Lyon... 35 F. J. Cronkhite. . 72 A. J. Sherman ... 71 19 MICHIGAN STATE TKOOPS.-Continued. FOURTH REGIMENT. Field and Staff.— Colonel, Eugene Robinson, Detroit; Lieutenant- Colonel, August Goebel, Detroit; Major, Patrick J. Sheahan, Detroit; Sur- geon, James B. Book, Detroit; Assistant Surgeon, John E. Clark, Detroit; Chaplain, Q. Mott Williams, Detroit; Adjutant, J. Irvin Haight, Detroit; Quarterrnaster, Frederick W. Brede, Detroit. a Located. Captain. First Lieut. Second Lieut. i s A B g G H Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Monroe Ypsilanti Wm. G.Latimer. J.J.Atkinson ... Edward Rode.... Charles Dupont.. Jas. W. Fisher.. . M. G. Bergman . Adam Rupp Wm. J. Hyser.... Sidney R. Dixon Jas. W. Fisher . . Joseph Thiery... George W. Corns Miles T. Murphy Ed. C. Richmond Merrell E. Webb. Wm. Meanwell . . Fred. L. Abel.... Richard Walsh. . F. R. Gartner.. . . H. B. Lothrop.. . . Daniel Gates.... F.E. Murphy.... F.L.Ilgenfritz.. Chas. A. Norton . 84 7.5 60 50 58 66 Annual encampment at Island Lake, July 15 19, 1886. THE STATE FINANCES. The report of State Treasurer Butler for the fiscal year, ending Septem- ber 30, 1885, showed the State to be practically out of debt and in a prosperous and gratifying financial condition. The bonded debt consisted of $12,150 £ast-due Five Million Loan Bonds and $231,000 7 per cent. 1890 War Bounty ,oan Bonds. The credit balances of the several funds were as follows: General Fund $ 349,323 Agricultural College Interest Fund 5,288 Normal School Interest Fund 951 Primary School Interest Fund 418,580 Sundry Deposits 'Account 4,968 War Fund 8,203 St. Mary's Canal Fund 68,927 War Bounty Loan Bond Account 231,000 $1,087,252 To meet which there were in the Sinking Fund $297,000 in U. S. 4}^ per cent. Bonds and a cash balance in bank of $790,252. The Trust Fund Debt, composed of balances upon which the State, as trustee, pays interest for educational purposes, was: Agricultural College Fund, .t Normal School Fund Primary School Fund (7 per cent.) $ 3,184,190 " (5 per cent.) 361,383 University Fund $ 284,788 61,785 3,545,573 497,379 Making an aggregate of $4,389,525 The receipts and disbursements during the fiscal year may be summar- ized as follows:— RECEIPTS — GENERAL FUND. Balance, September 30, 1884 $ 753,568 Auditor-General's OfiBce, —Taxes, etc. Tax Histories, Statements, and Deeds $ 3,084 Delinquent Taxes, etc 186,140 State Tax Lands, Act 229 of 1881 6,231 195,455 County Treasurers— Taxes and Proceeds of Sales $1 State Prison, Convict Labor Fees, Licenses, Sales, etc Interest on Specific Taxes, Surplus Funds and U. S. Bonds. Refunds and Unexpended Appropriations Sales of State Lands and 5 per cent, on U. S. Sales of Lands.. Liquor Tax, Rents, Taxes on part-paid Lands, etc Transfers from Agricultural College Fund $ 12,461 Normal School Fund 500 Primary School Fund 59,379 Specific Tax Fund 46,674 Swamp Land Fund 51,237 University Fund 1,556 020,135 24,385 15,589 50,748 3,708 22,476 15,890 171,806 Total DISBURSEMENTS— GENERAL FUND, Appropriations- Eastern Asylum for the Insane $ Michigan Asylum for the Insane Northern Asylum for the Insane Asylum for Insane Criminals Institution for Educating Deaf and Dumb.. . Michigan School for the Blind Michigan Soldiers' Home 8,417 19,168 88,995 52,569 62,516 42,337 10,000 $2,273,760 $ 284,002 THE STATE FINANCES.-Coi Board of Corrections and Charities Board of Fish Commissioners . . itinued. 1 3,953 16',200 5,260 2,000 6,796 43,185 29,476 52,200 95,500 63,000 4,860 5,000 36,071 34,440 50,550 9,48'J 21,580 $ 34,208 220,360 143,371 81,614 170,064 300,240 7,334 112 il9 12,396 261,907 224,225 349,323 NTED. 1612 1635 1636 1548 1651 1656 1657 1658 1661 1663 1663 S 1682 1685 1689 1699 Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics.. . Immigration Agency State Board of Health State Normal School ... State Public School for Dependent Children University of Michigan Michigan State Reform School State House of Correction State House of Correction and Br. State Prison, U.P State Prison Other Miscellaneous Appropriations Expenses of State Government- 28,380 46;So 177,459 6,016 rs. 668,758 130,929 46,750 13,323 8,086 19,645 46,674 3,690 746,282 415 34,756 16,213 170 AN. ^s. -oy t. General Conveyance and Apprehension of Convicts. . Expenses State Prison . Support of Insane Miscellaneous Expenses of institutions Expenses of Courts and Costs of Suits Legislature, per Diem, Mileage and Expenses Refunds of Taxes Interest etc Salaries State Officers, Clerks and Judges.. Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers to Swamp Land Fund Balance, September 30, 1884 Total SPECIFIC TAX FUND— RECEIP'] 12.273,760 1867,846 $867,846 AProi Fi'"'^ f^T\f\ T^ifo Tn sii rpn no nnrnpflnips Mining Companies Telegraph and Telephone Companies Other Companies DISBURSEMENTS. Transfers to Agricultural College Int. Fund . . . .$ Primary School Interest Fund Two Million Loan Sinking Fund University Interest Fund War Fund Refunded • GOVERNOES OF MICHIG FRENCH CANADIAN GOVEENOl Samuel de Champlain, Lieut. General and Viceroy Marc Antoine de Bras-de-Fer de Chasteaufort, Vicei Charles Huault de Montmagny, Governor and Lieu Louis d'AiUebout de Coulonges , . . . . Charles de Lauson-Charney Chevalier Louis d'AiUebout de Coulonges Pierre de Voyer, Viscomte d'Argenson Pierre du Bois, Baron d'Avangour . Chevalier Augustin de Saffrey-Mesey Alexandre de Prouville, Marquis de Tracey, Viceroy Chevalier Daniel de Remy de Courcelles, Governor and Lieut Louis de Buade, Comte de Palluan et de Frontenac i Antoine Joseph le Febvre de la Barre - . General, ; Jacques Rene de Brisay, Marquis de Denouville. . . . 1 Louis de Buade, Comte de Palluan et de Frontenac. : Chevalier Louis Hector de Callieres GOVEENOES OF MICHIGAN.— Continued. APPOINTED. Phillippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil 1703 Charles le Moyne, Baron de Longueuil 1725 Charles, Marquis de Beauharnois 1726 Holland Michel Barrin, Comte de la Galissonniere 1747 Jacques Pierre de Taffanel, Marquis de la Jonguiere 1749 Charles le Moyne, Baron de Longueuil 1752 Le Marquis Duquesne de Menneville 1752 Pierre Francois, Marquis de Vandreuil-Cavagnal 1755 BRITISH CANADIAN GOVERNORS. Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Maior General and Commander-in-Chief 1760 Sir James Murray, Governor of Quebec 1765 Paulus Emilius Irving, President 1766 Brig. General Guy Carleton, Lieut. Governor and Commander in-Chief 1766 Hector Theophilus Cramahe, Lieut. Gov. and Commander-in-Chief 1770 Major General Guy Carleton, Governor General 1774 Sir Frederick Haldimand, Governor General 1778 Henry Hamilton, Lieut. Governor 1784 Henry Hope, Lieut. Governor 1785 Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester, Governor General 1786 Col. John Graves Simcoe, Lieut. Governor of Upper Canada 1792 GOVERNORS OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY Major General Arthur St. Clair 1787 Winthrop Sargent, Secretary and Acting Governor in 1796. GOVERNOR OF INDIANA TERRITORY. William Henry Harrison 1800 GOVERNORS OF MICHIGAN TERRITORY. General William Hull March 1,1805 General Lewis Cass October 29, 1813 William Woodbridge, Secretary and Acting Governor at various periods from August, 1818, to July, 1827. James Witherell, Secretary and Acting Governor, January 1, to April 2, 1830. John T. Mason, Secretary and Acting Governor, September 24 to October 4, 1830, and April 4 to May 27, 1831. Stevens Thomson Mason, Secretary and Acting Governor, August 1 to September 17, 1831. a. George B. Porter, b August 6,1831 Stevens Thomson Mason, Secretary and Acting Governor, October 30, 1831, to June 11, 1832 May 23 to July 11, August 13 to 28 and September 5 to December 14, 1833; and February 1 to 7, 1834. Stevens Thomson Mason, ex officio as Secretary July 6, 1834 Charles Shaler (declined) August 29, 1835 John S. Horner, Secretary and Acting Governor September 8, 1835 GOVERNORS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. INATJGURATED. Stevens Thomson Masont November 3, 1835 Edward Mundy, Lieut. Governor and Acting Governor April 13 to June 12 and Sept. 19 to Dec. 9, 1838. William Woodbridge, c January 7, 1840 James Wright Gordon, Lieut. Governor and Act'g Gov'nor, February 24, 1841 John S. Barryt January 3, 1842 Alpheus Felch, d January 5, 1846 William L. Greenly, Lieut. Governor and Act'g Governor, March 4, 1847 Epaphroditus Ransom January 3, 1848 John S. Barry January 7, 1850 Robert McClellandt e January 1, 1852 Andrew Parsons, Lieut. Governor and Acting Governor March 8, 1853 Kinsley S. Bingham t January 3, 1855 Moses Wisner January 5, 1859 Austin Blairt January 2, 1861 Henry H. Crapot January 4, 1865 Henry P. Baldwint January 6, 1869 John J. Bagleyt January 1, 1873 Charles M. Croswellt January 3,1877 David H. Jerome ., January 1, 1881 Josiah W. Begole January 1, 1883 Russell A. Alger January 1, 1885 t Re-elected. a Succeeded General Cass, appointed Secretary of War. b Died July 6, 1834. c Elected United States Senator and resigned, February 23, 1841. d Elected United States Senator and resigned, March 3, 1847. e. Appointed Secretary of the Interior and resigned, March 7, 1853. THE THIRTY-FOUKTH LEGISLATURE, 1887-88. Under Apportionment Act of June 12, 1885. SENATORIAL. DISTKICTS. First— 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th Wards of the City of Detroit and the Townships of Hamtramck and Grosse Point, in the County of Wayne. Second— 1st. 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th Wards of the City of Detroit and Townships of Greenfield, Kedford, Livonia and Plymouth, in the County of Wayne. Third— 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th Wards of the City of Detroit, the Town- ships of Brownstown, Canton, Dearborn, Ecorse, Huron, Monguagon, Nankin, Romulus, Springwells, Sumpter, Taylor and Van Buren and the City of Wyandotte, in the County of Wayne. Fourth— Counties of Washtenaw and Monroe. Fifth— County of Lenawee. Sixth— Counties of Hillsdale and Jackson. Seventh— Counties of Calhoun and Branch. Eighth— Counties of Kalamazoo and St. Joseph. Ninth— Counties of Berrien and Cass. Tenth— Counties of Allegan and Yan Buren. Eleventh— Counties of Eaton and Barry. Twelfth— Counties of Ingham and Shiawassee. Thirteenth— Counties of Genesee and Livingston. Fourteenth— County of Oakland. Fifteenth— Counties of St. Clair and Macomb. Sixteenth— Counties of Lapeer and Sanilac. Seventeenth— Counties of Tuscola and Huron. Eighteenth— County of Saginaw. Nineteenth— Counties of Ionia and Clinton. Twentieth— County of Kent. Twenty-First— Counties of Ottawa and Muskegon. Twenty-Second — Counties of Newaygo, Lake, Mason and Oceana. Twenty-Third— Counties of Montcalm and Mecosta. Twenty-Fourth— Counties of Isabella, Gratiot, Clare, Gladwin, Midland. Twenty-Fifth— Counties of Bay and Arenac. Twenty-Sixth— Counties of Iosco, Alcona, Alpena, Ogemaw and Oscoda. Twenty-Seventh— Counties of Cheboygan, Crawford, Kalkaska, Missaukee, Montmorency, Otsego, Presque Isle and Roscommon. Twenty-Eighth— Counties of Osceola, Benzie, Manistee and Wexford. Twenty-Ninth— Counties of Grand Traverse, Antrim, Charlevoix, Leela- naw and Manitou. Thirtieth— Counties of Delta, Alger, Chippewa, Emmet, Mackinac and Schoolcraft. Thirty-First— Counties of Marquette, Iron and Menominee. Thirty-Second— Counties of Houghton, Baraga, Keweenaw, Isle Royale and Ontonagon. HOUSE op representatives. The County of Wayne, ten Representatives. The Counties of Kent and Saginaw, four Representatives each. The County of Lenawee, three Representatives. The Counties of Allegan, Bay, Berrien, Calhoun, Eaton, Genesee, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lapeer, Macomb, Marq^uette, Mon- roe, Montcalm, Muskegon, Oakland, Ottawa, Sanilac, St. Clair, Shiawas- see, Tuscola, Van Buren and Washtenaw, two Representatives each. The Counties of Barry, Branch, Cass, Clinton, Gratiot, Houghton, Huron, Isabella, Livingston, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Menominee, Newaygo, Oceana and St. Joseph, one Representative each. The Counties of Midland, Clare and Gladwin, one Representative. The Counties of Wexford and Lake, one Representative. The Counties of Osceola and Missaukee, one Representative. The Counties of Leelanaw and Benzie, one Representative. The Counties of Ogemaw, Oscoda, Crawford, Roscommon, one Representative. The Counties of Tosco, Alcona and Arenac, one Representative. The Counties of Alpena, Montmorency and Otsego, one Representative. The Counties of Cheboygan, Emmet and Presque Isle, one Representative. The Counties of Grand Traverse and Kalkaska, one Representative. The Counties of Charlevoix, Antrim and Manitou, one Representative. The Counties of Chippewa.Alger, Mackinac, Schoolcraft, one Representative. The Counties of Delta and Iron, one Representative. The Counties of Ontonagon, Baraga, Isle Royale and Keweenaw, one Repre- sentative. When two or more counties compose a District the returns of election are to be made to the Clerk of the county first named above. THE SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice— James V. Campbell, Detroit Dec. 31, 1887, $4,000 Associate Justice— ThomRS R. Sherwood, Kalamazoo Dec. 31, 1889, 4,000 John W. Champlin, Grand Rapids Dec. 31, 1891. 4.000 Allen B. Morse, Ionia Dec. 31, 1893, 4,000 Clerk — Charles C. Hopkins, Detroit Fees. Reporter— Henry A. Clianey, Detroit $1,500 The Court holds four terms annually in Lansing, commencing on the Tuesday after the first Monday in January, April, June and October. Oases on docket for January (1886) Term, 177. About 600 cases decided annually. 23 III 1 jog s qI^I Si i:-M ce >> c8 3 0.13 c3 T- Ml fil^ lip J^-^l I >; (EC) ni-i H^ s-g a ris> *^ S'=i'« t:-? 95 3rS s:z;-^ ° ® * fio cs g 'S ts aT a I a ^ « . " ?, aTTj 3 SS SSe-Q 9 ^^sS 5!!^ d OkH ^ 2 fl i^"^ ^-.i- a.a OtH ...llslalliiUp ttSS3QW c ' c- < '6 1 1 PI i 1 1 1 c 1 < ' si ft w S c1 g O "S "B 4h ^ s§ k1 T3 ^ d CO 2 2 s gs COUNTY OFFICERS COUNTIES. Alcona Alger Allegan Alpena Antrim Arenac Baraga Barry Bay Benzie Berrien Branch Calhoun Cass Charlevoix , Cheboygan , Chippewa , Clare Clinton Crawford Delta Eaton Emmet Genesee Gladwin Grand Traverse. Gratiot Hillsdale Houghton Huron Ingham Ionia Iosco Iron Isabella Isle Royale. .". Jackson Kalamazoo Kalkaska Kent Keweenaw Lake Lapeer Leelanaw Lenawee Livingston Mackinac Macomb Manistee Manitou Marquette Mason Mecosta Menominee Midland Missaukee Monroe Montcalm Montmorency.. . . Muskegon Newaygo Oakland Oceana Ogemaw Ontonagon Osceola Oscoda Otsego Ottawa Presquelsle Roscommon Saginaw Sanilac Schoolcraft Shiawassee St. Clair St. Joseph Tuscola Van Buren Washtenaw Wayne Wexford Probate Judge. Allan NevLn E. C. Cox David Stockdale.. . George S. Lester . . J. J. McLaughlin. . John Bullock E. L. Mason W. W. Cole Thos. E. Webster. . D, B. Butler David E. Hinman. N. A. Reynolds George Ingersoll. . Wm. P. Bennett.. . James A. Keat E. Z. Perkins John A. Colwell.. . E. D. Wheaton .... Joel H. Cranson.. . W. Batterson Emil Glaser C. M. Jennings J. L. Newbury Henry R. Lovell. . . Isaac Hanna H. D. Campbell.... James Paddock Michael Mclntyre. Thomas M. Brady. W. H. Merrick Quincy A. Smith. . Myron Balcom Robert White W^m. J. Brown Cornelius Bennett Attached to Hough Lewis M. Powell.. . Allan M.Stearns.. J. Greacen Lyman D. Follett Wm. P. Raley Ed. Campbell Chas. W. Brown . . . C. W.Williams.. Norman Geddes. Arthur Cole P.N. Packard.... Geo. M. Crocker. Adolphus Magnan. James Dunleavey . Henry H. Mildon.. B.J. Goodsell Edgar Peirce Wm. Somerville.. . James Murphy A. McBain Geo. M. Loudon... John Lewis W. H. Farrier Orrin Whitney H. D. Woodard.... Thos. L. Patterson Daniel Landon J. C. McGowan ... Theodore Dreiss. . J. E. Bevins John W. Hollowell T.C. Woodin Charles E. Soule.. James Erskine Henry L. Parker . . Lawson C. Holden, M. N. Mugan Jerome Bowen A. A. Harper Joseph E. Avery... D. M. Bateman.... Frank H. Thomas. Orrin N. Hilton... W. D. Harriman . . Edgar O. Durfee.. H. M. Dunham Sheriff. County Clerk. Charles Sterrett . . . ' George Rutson. .777! August Boogren.. . John A. Steintein.. . Walter J. Rice [ Nahum Gilbert James. E. Denton,. Michael O'Brien Henry W. Stewart. G.N. Shillinger... Alex. G. Shields O.F.Long Martin Brennan.. Wm. B. Albro Wallace Peck O.C. Campbell... John C. Barber F. M. Sanders Harrison Berdan. . Luke Cross Castle L. Newell . . Geo. W. Graham.. William Collins... John F. Hum David A. Oliver . . . J. P. Perkins Charles R. Pratt . . Arthur McCall.... John McCormick.. John Dunn Kosciusko P. Peet. Myron G. Wood . . . Will. J. Ryan R. Winterbottom. . Thos. McKernan.. Hiram N. Lee J. W. Lanktree Dan'l Mclntyre . . Wm. Pickard ton County. Francis G. Fifield John Galligan M. Morrell Lyman T. Kinney. Christopher Carey J.J. Robertson G. W. Carpenter.. . J. A. Bryant A. K. Whitmore... L. V. D. Cook P. A. Paquin Lewis Groesbeck. . Max Baumann . . . John Connelly... A. A. Anderson... John Bethune Eli Fredericks ... A. H. Stevens John Haley G. McBain Job C.Eaton J. G. Summers... John Murphy Tim. Bresnahan.. Wm. Kimball Chris. S. Voorhees J. D. S. Hanson... Alex. Turner John Roosin A.M. Shank H. E. Rockafellow A.M. Hilton Arie Woltman Philip Thomas Thos. I. Mnckin .. Angus Mclntyre . . W. E. Stevenson.. John McCanna Wm. H.Cole F. L. Follansbee. . Carlos E. Dexter. . W^illiam McKay... John G. Todd William Walsh.... G.H. Stellwagen.. C. C. Dunham John A. Harriman. . F. E. Carscallen John O'Connor George W. Abbey , . . Wm. Gaffney Lot Nevius Thomas O'Hara James R. Dickey L. H. Brockway Saml. W. Breece Sam'l B. Thatcher. . Charles Hunt George W. Brown.. . Wm. E. Aid rich Charles Palmer Orvill J. Bell Charles II. Scott.... George A. Perry A. L. Hathaway James L. Spenser... Dewitt H. Servoss . . O.P. Carver John T. Swigart Sol. W. Yeagley Thos. D. Meads..... John Ryan John W.Whallen... Alonzo A. Sunderlin Edward E. Williams S. D. Hoi lister Eugene S. Bowen.... Charles E. Snow Theron F. Giddings. James M. Flagg Cornel. L. Harvey.. . Wm. H. Bennetts.... Alonzo U. Smith Henry A. Birdsall... Wm. H. Beeman David A. Bixby John Ryan John Biddle W.W.Lyons John P. Baxter John Dunleavey Gad. Smith Lucius E. Hawley.. . . Lewis Toan Michael H. Kern.... Wm. Davidson A. C.Lewis Pat. H.Matthews.... Frank A. Lamb John C Adams JohnTait Seth S. Watrous. ... Charles M. Fay E.D.Richmond T. W. Ballantine.... M. A. Powers Oliver L.Millard.... S. H. Hagerman Albert A. Crane George D.Turner... Otto Goerick Frank Converse Fred. A. King .- Andrew O'Keefe John Costello Frank E. Welch (Charles S. Warn Charles A. Sturges. . Ed. R. Cookingham. George W. Myers... John J. Robinson.. John J. Enright George A. Cummer.. 26 AND COUNTY SEATS. Register of Deeds. Treasurer. Pi-osecuting Attorney. County Seats. Clifton E. Jameson. John A. Steintein. . George E. Dunn John F.Kelly Jno. A. Harriman... George W. Brown.. . John O'Connor John E. Barry John Savage Lot Nevius Augustus B. Bisbee. Zelotes G. Osborn. . Frank B. Snyder... . Wm. M. Bunbury... F.J. Meech H.W. McArthur.... George W. Brown.. . Wm. E. Aldrich Geo. W.Thomas.... Orvill J. Bell Charles H. Scott G. Homer Jones Thomas Quinlan Chas. A. Murna William Berry O. P. Carver John L. Sinclair Robert A. Weir Thomas D. Meads. . Chas. E. Thompson . Chas. C. Fitch Loren P. Brock Sibley G.Taylor.... S. D. Hollister Michael Murtha J. E. Fair John McKinnon. . Hein Lankeet AndrewJ. Simmons A. S. Abbott James Norn R.R.Williams Wm. D. Hayes Charles Babo Wm. J. Pettitt S. L. Van Camp Daniel F.Rich Geo. S. Woolsey — John Manning Orlando Blair George W.Bell Louis P. Trompe.. Thos. W. Averill.... Edward Brown Wm. Woodburn J. A. McNaughton. , John A. Spaulding, James L. Morrice. . John Campbell Ephi'aim C. Diffin. . J. F. Beadle H. B. Heverlo George Kinney M. Van Orden Ira Haywood Whitney Jones J. Warren Peake.. . Benj, Richards A. B. Mackinnon... W.W.Preston W. E. Depew A. O. Blackwell..., O.R.Wilkes Lemuel G. Dafoe. H.B.Hudson L. McHugh P. R. McKernan.. Phil.T. Colgrove. Jno. E. Simonson. F. B. Case Alison C. Roe Jno. R. Champion Jos. S. Noyes. JohnR. Carr R. L. Corbett George E. Frost . . E. S.B. Sulton Wm. A. BuTritt... JohnH. Fedewa.. Main J. Connine. Frank D. Mead... J.M. C.Smith.... John G.Hill Edward S. Lee Wm. E. Barber... T. W. Browne James L. Clark... Chas. A. Shepard. T. B. Dunstone.... W. T. Bope Jason E. Nichols. . A.A.Ellis Wm. H.Simpson. C. T. Crandall.... Chas. T.Russell.. Harrisville. Munising. Allegan. Alpena. Bellaire. Omer. L'Anse. Hastings. Bay City. Benzonia. Berrien Springs. Coldwater. Marshall. Cassopolis. East Jordan. Cheboygan. Sault Ste. Marie. Harrison. St. Johns. Grayling. Escanaba. Charlotte. Harbor Springs. Flint. Gladwin. Traverse City. Ithaca. Hillsdale. Houghton. Bad Axe. Mason. Ionia. Tawas City. Iron River. Mt. Pleasant. Allen J. Townley... Holland Simmons.. James M. Flagg H. F. McCormick... Wm. H. Bennetts . . . Jno. W. Nicholson.. Robt. S. Hutton John A. Lee S.W.Bennett Homer N. Beech Michael Hoi an J. S. Farrar John P. Baxter John Dunleavey Gad. Smith Lucius E. Hawley.. . Daniel W. Stewart . Wm. A. Pengilly Thomas B. Main... . A. C. Lewis Thurlow A. Strong.. Thos. N.Stevens.... C. W. Mack James B. Lee C.K.Carter Daniel Morrison... . E. D. Richmond.... James E. Horton .. . M. A. Powers H.A.Clark R.H. Fosdick E. P. Kimberly Wm. F.Kelly Charles Platz Frank Converse Leander Simoneau. F.J. Benedict John Costello N. A. Finch John S. Duffie Nicholas Hill O. Q. Tappan Sam'l P.Wilson.... James Kearns Chas. M. Rousseau. . Geo. A. Cummer H. Dorr Blakeman. Barzilla Snow L. A. Haynes A. J. Stebbins Wm. Van Orden... . Aug. Towner Peter Stiver John I. Miller Jay Hoag Wm. R. Miller O. W. Johnson J. E. Barringer Wm. Crosby Owen O'Donnell... Benj. W.Wright.... Henry C. Ransom. . S. G. Webster R.H. Wendt Roger W. Clason.... John Caldwell Aug. Niedermeier. . O. F. Mason Wm. C.Cain G. P. Kindsbury S.V.Walker John A. Bigelow... Ed. B, Gay lord S. Bradshaw Stephen Loranger. J. F. Radcliffe Hebron Rogers C.S. Brink R. A. Hyma Hermann Hoef t Chas. Blanchard James W. Perrin.. . Chris. Murphy : John D. Mersereau Albert Todd Richard Shutt Josephus Mosher.. . Jas. M. Van Tassel. JohnC. McLain.... Fred. Belser B. Youngblood James Haynes Ray Hewlett F. E. Knappen Willis B. Perkins. Isaac M. Turner.. Thos. B. Dunstan. John Giberson... W^m. B. Williams. George A. Cutler. , L. H. Salsbury.... Fred. H. Warren. Henry Hoffman. . . F. P. Montfort.... Andrew J. Dovel. Benj. F. Halstead Geo. W. Hayden.. M. J. Daneher Lewis Palmer , W.H.Phillips Wm. D.Gordon... J.McClear Charles Golden . . . C. L. Rarden J. H. Stephens H.L.Delano George Luton Arthur R. Tripp.. O. B.Stevens De VereHall CM. Button Ransom Cooper .. . Maynard Butts C. D. McEwen Geo. W. McBride. Griffin Covey, Jr.. . H.H.Woodruff.... Frank E. Emerick J. W. Babcock John F. Carey S.F.Smith Pat. H.Phillips.... David L. Akey W. C. Buchanan.. . A. H. Chandler.... Ezra C. Norris Geo. F.Robinson.. David A. Rice Jackson. Kalamazoo. Kalkaska. Grand Rapids. Houghton. Baldwin City. Lapeer. Leiand. Adrian. Howell. St. Ignace. Mt. Clemens. Manistee. St. James. Marquette, Ludington. Big Rapids. Menominee. Midland City. Lake City. Monroe. Stanton. Hillman. Muskegon. Newaygo. Pontiac. Hart. West Branch. Ontonagon. Hersey. Mioe. • Gaylord. Grand Haven. Rogers City. Roscommon. Saginaw City. Sandusky. Manistique. Corunna. Port Huron. Centreville. Caro. Paw Paw. Ann Arbor. Detroit. Cadillac. 27 8.000000 ^ co ooo Q? o cf Osogoo O opfeoo'c-'i flaj ftp ooooQoinoio OQOCOOOC^OCO Meoo;c^c^iaooc5-*'*'0'-icocDOcoX500 O -* O O rt O TlH^C-l c-^O^O^O (:-_OJ_3i^c--_05 iJ -.J^CX) aj■|^^(^^^^^C']'■*5Doda^I:-^^-for-(rHlr5'l^fo•^^-Hlo■ ;a|Ss"s^'|?3S'sl?3'ssg¥a3gs¥§fssg?g^'g^^ m ce g go_ooo«i J 35 c; 50 o -»< o as 5 1-1 e-i 3d c-,«D c- 35 c- o •l:-eOOOC^M3>lMi-IOQ®T»<-*rHC-OOi-4t-rHlOmO^ SSgg8SSSSSS8E::SSSSSiK?§SS3;5i g o'iSg|||2|gg|||Sgogg3=g^ga5 O loo^c-sooo'c-'o'co'c'fc'f-^'i-r -frHi-IOOOiiniMaii-IQOCmasQOOc^C^lr-ir^ O O ® ®;d as -^ S a 5 : o 2 pj . ._a;'5 ;qq^a«S^w»5^a^aQcBoM^«Wo5g^«5^SgSa.q§^SS^S e8 CSJ C O TS-iJfl ca cS-ince^ o O ® O eS cS S-^ k. t< t^ as., o o ■n fl a 03 ® O So® fuJoooS aJSo' IBS i'il iiii gS||||§||| CO lo'o'co cH g fl"c8 2 03.3 g fl : :3a5 : o : .'05 j^g.-i «i5.2d o ?ss^ iMlOOi-IOi-* sg§= in;Oi^-^i:-_>r3 !o to c^c-^-* coos I CO to coocc-fo!-*" i-I"ao'inc-i'corH:co rH 1-1 HO ,01CQCCM liO 3Sgl ^ssss;: 3?5§ i555g;^-go^ iooocooio rH O m to C» 55 05 CO i'c^'cxj'co^J'co'g^'' :^ : :?! H CP lO 00 ' C-1 m m 00 0_T)H_ J05 CO 'SSi S" ■ =0 ' £3-*=? SS^iS -H ?5SS:S5 s^ga= :^uii§is'^iPSi is5? ;ii^i? iMOOi0tHC0^!05 I QO-jDCJOOOi^GOOJI SISSS CD iOVOi ?j :?5co i-Tic-^co'" OOrjl g .2 i« Q 1-1 CS H -i .2 S_i H OoS-llSSOS OOQS^SS Hi-l NATIONAL BANKS And their condition at the close PLACE. NAME OF BANK. PKESIDENT. CASHIER. Albion Allegan Alpena Ann Arbor... Battle Creek Bay City Big Eapids. . Cassopolis... Centreville. . Charlotte Cheboygan . . Coldwater . . , Concord Constantino Corunna Decatur Detroit East Saginaw EatonRapids Flint Flushing. Grand Haven GrandRapids Greenville... Hancock Hastings Hillsdale Holly Houghton . . . Ionia Ishpeming.. . Ithaca Jackson Kalamazoo.. Lansing Lapeer Leslie Lowell Ludington.. Manistee. . . . Marquette.. Marshall . . . Mason Menominee Milford Monroe Mt. Pleasant Muskegon.. Niles. First National Bank — First National Bank Alpena National Bank . . First National Bank National Bank Second National Bank. . Bay National Bank Big Rapids Nat'l Bank. . Northern National Bank First National Bank — First National Bank First National Bank — Merchants' Nat'l Bank. . First National Bank Coldwater Nat'lBank. . . . Southern Michigan Nat'l First National Bank First National Bank Farmers' National Bank First National Bank — First National Bank — First National Bank Amer. Exch. Nat'l Bank. Commercial Nat'l Bank. Detroit National Bank. . Merchants'&M'f rs Nat'l First National Bank Second National Bank. . East Saginaw Nat'l Bank Home National Bank ... First National Bank Flint National Bank Citizens' National Bank First National Bank First National I3ank Fourth National Bank. . National City Bank Grand Rapids National.. Old National Bank First National Bank City National Bank First National Bank Hastings National Bank First National Bank Second National Bank. . . First National Bank National Bank First National Bank Second National Bank. . Ishpeming Nat'l Bank.. . First National Bank People's Nat'l Bank First National Bank City National Bank Kalamazoo Nat'l Bank. . Michigan Nat'l Bank.... Lansing National Bank. First National Bank First National Bank Lowell National Bank.. . First National Bank First National Bank Manistee National Bank First National Bank . . . First National Bank . . . National City Bank First National Bank. . . . First National Bank First National Bank . . . First National Bank ... First National Bank Lumberman'sNat'l Bank Merchants' Nat'l Bank. . Muskegon National Bank First National Bank Citizens' National Bank Samuel V. Irwin Benj. D. Pritchard. . . Geo. L. Maltz Philip Bach Victory P. Collier Wm. Westover Byron E. Warren Daniel F. Comstock. Geo. F. Stearns J. K. Ritter Leverett A. Clapp Edw. S. Lacey E.T. Church E.A.Smith George Starr Caleb D. Randall.... Wm. D. Chappie G . I. Crossett Chas. W. Cond Wm. McKellops Alex. B. Copley Emory Wendell Alexander H. Dey. . . . Hugh McMillan H. P. Baldwin Theo. H. Hinchman. Erastus T. Judd Geo. W. Morley John G. Owen Wellington R. Burt . Andrew J. Bowne Davids. Fox R.J. Whaley Oscar F. Clarke Dwight Cutler Andrew J. Bowne.. . . Thos. D. Gilbert Edwin F. Uhl Martin L. Sweet Manning Rutan Wm, D. Johnson SethD. North Andrew J. Bowne Frank M. Stewart . . . Charles W. Waldron. Jas. C. Simonson Z.W.Wright Alonzo Sessions G.W.Webber........ C. H.Hall R.M. Steel John M. Root Latham Hull Charles S. Dayton. . . Edwin J.Phelps John W. Taylor Orlando M. Barnes. . Henry K. White M. E. Rumsey Martin N. Hine Geo. W. Roby Thos. J. R.imsdell . . . Richard G.Peters... Peter White Charles T. Gorham. . George W. Bentley . . Thaddeus Densmore S. M. Stephenson Ambrose C. Orvis . . . . Frederick Walldorf . Robert M. Steel Chauncey Davis John Torrent C. H. Hackley Thomas L. Stevens . . Francis M. Gray H. M. Dearing. . . Leon Chichester John C. Comfort S. W. Clarkson. . Scott Field Orrin Bump Fred P. Brown . . C. W. Comstock. LaFora S. Baker C. H. Kingsbury. Loyd B. Hess. . . . W. P. Lacey Geo. M.Ely Geo. F. Raynolds L. A. Jackson, As't Lester E. Rose... P. E. Chappie.... W. W. Harvey . . . C.H.Barry, Jr... Albert T.Nichols L.Dana Hill..: Lorenzo E. Clark Geo. B.Sartwell. M. L. Williams. . C. M. Davison... Fred. Marvin Clarence L. Judd Geo. B. Morley. . S. S. Wilhelm... James H. Booth. F. H. DeGolia... Chas. S. Brown.. H. C. VanDeusen George Packard. George Stickney H.P.Baker J. Fred Baars... Wm. Widdicomb H. J.Hollister... Henry Hill LeRoy Moore Edgar D. Towar. Wm. D. Hayes... Chas. F. Stewart J. R. Wyllie E.M. Newell.... J. B.Sturgis F. A. Sessions ... H.B.Webber.... A. B. Miner J. W. Lewis Willard C. Lewis F. A. Smith Charles A. Peck.. T. S. Cobb Albert Henry M. L. Coleman.. Chester G.White W. W. Peirson... E. A. Sunderlin . Geo. N. Stray.... Geo. A. Dunham Geo. M. Burr M. L.Martin, Jr. Norris J. Frink.. John R. Bentley. H. L. Henderson G. A. Blesch S.H. Wilhelm... George Spalding D.S. Partridge.. C.C.Billinghurst W. B. McLaughlin.. Frank Wood Chas. A. Johnson E. F. Woodcock. OF MICHIGAN of business, October 1, 1885. No. 3316 Capital paid in. Circula- tion out- standing. Deposits. Loans and Discounts. Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages. Bue from Banks and Reserve Agents Cash Items. $100,000 $ 30,600 $114,195 $197,843 $34,000 $ 7,610' m^^i 1829 50,000 11,250 100,057 92,553 16,183 40,152 13,172 2847 50,000 45,000 248,761 223,570 53,525 35,312 30,519 2714 100,000 30,600 191,658 212,996 36 650 53,814 22,931 3314 150,000 36,000 129,193 191,764 61,300 22,181 32,346 2145 250,000 157,500 592,536 685,679 180,640 160,652 79,087 2853 200,000 45,000 463,478 483,230 50,000 134,759 65,150 2944 100,000 22,500 51,380 122,513 42,873 21,325 14,259 1832 150,000 34 650 268,715 442,566 38,500 18,481 32,108 1812 50.000 45,000 60,992 85,874 55,000 9,701 14,101 2095 ■ 50,000 45,000 22,439 59,032 58,532 1,378 8,271 1758 50,000 45,000 102,326 142,672 50,450 15,463 14,770 3034 50,000 11,250 63,269 80,835 17,600 6,721 13,138 3235 50,000 11,700 55 859 55.062 13,000 22,501 12,814 1235 100,000 22,500 121:022 219,164 25,750 25,545 24,412 1924 165,000 45,000 127,523 291,997 52,570 10,006 23,542 3251 50,000 11,240 20,641 57,656 12,500 3,648 6,599 813 50,000 11,250 58,826 77,157 24,500 16,933 13,172 2211 50,000 42900 26.062 70,031 59,334 17,529 8,908 1256 50.000 45,000 126,654 137,161 50,000 18,661 34,425 1722 50.000 11,250 39,898 66,062 13,600 30,757 8,864 2707 500,000 43,200 1,072,511 2,230,642 350,000 432,682 623,482 3357 400,000 14,000 1,720,095 1,397,240 50,000 944,920 371,484 2591 500,000 51,065 1,304,843 1,670,246 300,000 336,277 337,291 2870 1,000,000 44,400 1,486,646 1,783,312 150.000 718,849 396,869 2365 500,000 218,600 1,119,547 1,431,842 253,425 773,663 332,840 637 100,000 67,500 188,157 294,456 75,000 17,996 18,907 1918 150,000 33,750 257,763 337,207 37,500 64,609 38,299 3123 100,010 22.500 118,348 182,095 25,000 11,575 19,591 2761 300,000 43,100 788,625 679,360 80,500 379,073 83,836 2367 50,000 45,000 70,578 102,409 50.000 5,507 14,584 3361 160,000 45,000 190,039 253,766 72,389 24,010 48,639 1780 125,000 112,500 133,471 232,578 28,000 17,448 25,484 2708 50.000 36,000 33,177 61,889 43,200 2,551 6,574 1849 200,000 88,400 245,818 334,627 104,931 71,627 41,025 2611 300,000 90,000 628,579 808,451 100,100 118,055 106,065 3293 500,000 45,000 950,068 963,112 107,500 198,283 266,997 2460 500,000 45,000 876,809 1,092,196 50.000 296,025 119,114 2890 800.000 45,000 1,466.103 1,728,706 59.913 380,147 268 978 2054 50,000 11,250 112,089 133,592 13,225 23,891 2i;576 3243 50,000 11,250 85.800 122,023 12,500 5,932 12,034 2143 100,000 90,000 344.607 298,726 150,900 76.033 79,909 1745 100.000 63,000 109,971 173,454 70,000 16,484 17,954 168 50.000 27,000 194,770 201.300 35,000 34,430 34,687 1470 50,000 11,250 129.145 129.264 47,500 21,486 26,698 1752 60,000 53,500 58,768 92,185 60,000 14,847 12,587 3334 150,000 45,000 331.726 312,065 50,000 105,354 69,709 275 100,000 44,900 148,140 170,879 60,380 39,889 34,424 2008 50,000 45,00^ 93,729 88,451 60,000 48,608 20,033 3095 60,000 11,240 137,142 131,743 25,000 25,222 17,144 3217 50.000 11,240 36,210 49,928 12,500 21,963 14,031 1533 100,000 22,500 249.909 210,066 109.600 40,418 37,199 191 100,000 72,000 203,984 309,172 115,017 36,986 49,920 3210 125.000 28,800 225,322 298,254 32,150 20,392 52,573 3211 150.000 34,200 195,727 235,364 38,600 64,310 47,059 1359 100,000 67,500 313,664 360,214 86,350 67,421 69,761 1953 185,600 49,500 1R4 634 320,730 56,439 24,315 34,433 1731 75,000 21,955 95,347 190,146 39,052 30,201 22,887 2162 50,000 11,250 46,089 78,860 12,500 11,071 9,504 1280 50.000 45,000 100,190 111,216 51,354 11,232 14,199 2773 50.000 45,000 303,824 103,142 50,100 227,140 29,810 2539 100.000 22,500 398,336 197,423 71,067 255,425 47,360 2606 100.000 22,400 180,765 201,793 34,210 57,669 31,537 390 100.000 20.200 290,282 268,554 39,000 63,667 49,392 1515 100,000 45,000 191,899 240,221 £7,276 12,957 45,107 2023 100.000 45,000 89,609 157,679 57.302 15,392 23,839 1764 60.000 13.500 50,538 77,895 15.000 20,625 9,316 3256 50.000 13,500 104,922 89,395 15,000 61,493 26.120 2379 50,000 45,000 53,252 90,210 50,000 9,797 13,822 1587 50,000 43,800 95,242 93,099 61,950 15,425 17,375 3215 50,000 11,240 77,569 107,262 12,500 3,937 18,332 2081 100,000 22,440 555,304 299,963 175,875 170,444 57,354 3088 100,000 20,900 192.582 262,623 28.000 26,733 29,316 1730 100.000 22,500 627.474 322,024 150,000 221,590 75,333 1761 100.1 00 22,500 116.225 185,819 28,600 20,905 13,717 1886 50,000 11,250 53.261 68,439 14,550 18,569 7,629 NATIONAL BANKS OF PLACE. Ovid Paw Paw Plymouth Pontiac Port Huron. . Quincy Romeo Saginaw South Haven Stanton St. Clair St. Johns... . St. Louis Sturgis Three Rivers TraverEsCity Union City. . Vassar Whitehall... Ypsilanti.... NAME OF BANK. First National Bank First National Bank . . First National Bank Plymouth National Bank First National Bank Pontiac National Bank. First National Bank First National Bank. . . . First National Bank Citizens' National Bank First National Bank Citizens* National Bank First National Bank E'irst National Bank First National Bank St. Johns National Bank First National Bank National Bank First National Bank Three Rivers Nat'l Bank First National Bank Farmers' National Bank Union City Nat'i Bank. . First National Bank First National Bank First National Bank PKESIDENT. R. M. steel E. Smith Geo. A. Starkweather T. C. Sherwood Charles Dawson Alba A Lull Henry Howard C. H. Winchester John H. Brabb Edwin W. Giddings. Ammi W. Wright Daniel Hardin C. J. Monroe H.R. Wagar Wm. S. Hopkins John Hicks J. A. Elwell Nelson I. Packard .. . C. L. Blood Henry Hall. V. P J. C. Lewis Thomas B. Buell E. Bostwick Townsend North Isaac M. Westr n P. L. Quirk CASHIER. H. N. Keyes F. E. Stevens Oscar A. Fraser. . L.D. Shearer, Act John D. Norton. Henry J. Gerls.. H. G. Barnum... C. L. Truesdell.. C. M. Tackels.... Sam'l A. Reade.. Smith Palmer... Daniel W.Briggs L. S. Monroe A. D. F. Gardner C. B. Waterloo... Galusha Pennell A. B. Darragh ... John J. Beck J. P. McKey Luther T. Wilcox C. A. Hammond.. H. T. Carpenter.. J. W. McCausey. Frank North S. H. Lasley W. L. Pack Total, 102 Banks STATE BANKS OF MICHIGAN AND THEIK Adrian Ann Arbor... Bangor Battle Creek. Bay City Calumet Charlevoix. . . Chelsea Detroit E. Saginaw.. EatonRapids Fenton Flint Gd. Rapids . . Grass Lake.. Hillsdale.... Jackson Kalamazoo.. Lansing Manchester . Midland City Mt. Clemens. Mt. Pleasant! Oxford Port Huron. . St. Joseph . . . W. Bay City. . Wyandotte. . . NAME OF BANK. Lenawee Co. Savings Bk. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Farmers* Mechanics Bk W. Mich. Savings Bank. City Bank Bay City Bank Bay County Savings Bk . Merchants & Miners Bk. Charlevoix Savings Bk. . Chelsea Savings Bank. . . Citizens' Savings Bank.. Detroit Savings Bank... . Dime Savings Bank German-American Bank Market Bank Mechanics Bank Michigan Savings Bank. Mills' Real Est. Sec. B'k. People's Savings Bank . . State Savings Bank Wayne Co. Savings Bank Savings Bank of E. Sag.. Michigan State Bank... . State Bank Genesee Co. Savings Bk.. Gd. Rapids Savings Bk. . Kent Co. Savings Bank.. Farmers Bank Hillsdale Savings Bank. Jackson City Bank Union Bank Kalamazoo Savings Bk. . Cent. Mich. Savings Bk. People's Savings Bank. . People's Bank State Bank Mt. Clemens Savings Bk. Commercial Bank Oxford Savings Bank.... Commercial Bank Port Huron Savings Bk.. Union Banking Co. Bank Lumberman's State Bk Wyandotte Savings Bk. PRESIDENT. C. M. Croswell Christian Mack Reuben Kempf C. J. Monroe Nelson Eldred William Peter Alexander Folsom. . . Charles Briggs Henry Bennett Samuel G. Ives Milton H. Butler . . . . Sidney D. Miller S. M. Cutcheon Edward Kanter JohnP. Fiske William A. Butler... George Peck C. H. Mills Francis Palms David Hamilton Wm. B. VVesson Henry C. Potter Horace H. Cobb J. Buckbee Russel 1 Bishop Josei)h Robinson Joseph Heald JohnW. Knight C.F. Cook Wm. D. Thompson . . W. H. Withington... Chas. J. Monroe Orlando M. Barnes. . W.J. Beal L. D. Watkins M. P. Anderson Oliver Chapaton Ammi W. Wright John D. Hagerman. . C. A.Ward Henry McMorran Francis Jordan S.O.Fisher John S. Van Alstyne. CASHIER. H. V.C.Hart.... C. E. Hiscock.... W. A. Tolchard.. A. B. Chase Chas. T. Allen... Geo. H. Young... J. Mulholland .. Henry S. Colton. F. A. Smith Geo. B. Glazier.. E. K. Roberts.... E. C. Bowman... F. Woolfenden.. Henry L. Kanter. J. B. Padberg.... E. H. Butler S. A. Mumford,tr C.W.Trowbridge M.W^ O'Brien:. R.S.Mason S. D. Elvfood A. Schupp.Treas. Chas. S.Cobb..,. W.W.Millard... Ira H. Wilder.... F.A.Hall J. A. S. Verdior.. W^. Burchard F. H. Conklin ... Benj. Newkirk... £. M. Aldrich ... Jay A. Monroe... Nelson Bradley.. S.B. Carr W. L. Watkins. . . Wm. D. Marsh . . Geo. A. Skinner. John A. Harris.. C. E.Stanton.... John W. Porter . C. F. Harrington O. O. Jordan H.H.Norrington W. Van Miller.. 32 MICHIGAN— Continued. No. 3264 1521 1916 3109 2607 3388 1857 2550 354 2186 1768 2492 1823 2914 1789 3::i78 3239 3276 600 3133 3325 2372 1826 2987 2429 155 Capital paid in. $ 50.000 100,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 m]m 50,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50.000 60,000 50,000 65,000 100,000 64.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 Circula tion out standing Deposits. Loans and Discounts , $ 96,822 143,325 75,854 101,040 314,077 95,870 233,334 62,039 119,585 129,361 1 468,024 418.368 90.596 73.279 iSl 65.841 107,483 135,386 107,493 33,710 103',074 59,123 137,560 193,056 1 Stocks, I^onds and Mortgages. $ 12,515 30,000 55,250 25.000 29,000 25,000 147,794 t,r 50,000 50,000 52,915 12,600 20.000 50,000 37,436 12,500 16,500 71,600 16,300 12,500 » 12,500 17,571 98,400 Due from Banks, etc. 1 12,857 5,783 26,155 631 42,865 23,140 83,555 4,463 31,308 5,927 96,495 91,945 11,879 8,516 23,604 15,530 18,20t- 16,543 5,899 11,861 12,835 7,952 2,736 9,933 62,794 24,055 Cash Items. $ 11,24( 19.0U( 45,00( 22,.50( 22,50( ■■"i2i,5b( 45.00( 44,50( 44,40( 11,25( 18,00( 45,00( $ 80,432 ) 69,640 65,878 ) 56,263 256,079 135,149 ) 198,820 55,068 356.702 ) 434.221 56.081 49.229 ) 76,110 107,846 ) 53,834 ) 89,046 ) 86,868 ) 71,054 ) 16,409 ) 40,330 ) 59,745 ) 35,321 ) 173,512 ) 207,035 ) $26,313,531) $12,259 16,968 20,082 3,430 23,168 45,109 34,131 7,900 15,173 19,472 75,944 39,876 20,199 12,046 7,282 20,257 15.893 17,870 31,594 16.786 14,596 12,''67 11,190 12,951 26,746 48,442 11,24( ita 14,40( 1124( 45,00( 11,25( 11,24 11.2o( 66,70( $13,094,600 $3,850,98{ $29,979,085 $6,071,315 $8,065,16u $5,391,854 CONDITION AT DATE OF Li" ^ST REP( >RT. Capital. Deposits. Undivided Profits, etc. Loans and Discounts. stocks, Bonds and Mortgages. Due from Banks, etc. Cash Items. $60,000 50,000 50.000 25,000 $291,513 422;065 121,761 34,625 308,510 492,073 121,624 382.957 13,792 90.074 122,859 724,758 101,852 819,337 813,476 10,741 3,516,246 380,901 3,279,557 495,735 34,885 2381518 251.913 42,237 57,537 87,510 388,952 254,595 156,398 230,672 14,581 53,263 3e,108 160,925 47,182 25,804 140,426 266,730 81,857 m .f;ifi $46,426 54:004 3.823 2,080 60,430 55,805 2,390 29,028 3,242 12,735 89;495 7,541 12,464 4,976 23,127 19,165 5,059 100,532 13,299 200,365 21,718 14,769 1,050 10,707 29,867 1,761 2,105 800 200,297 6.149 2,053 !§:?i 24.648 45,969 3,044 10,531 33,013 sS 5,041 ,$6,174 255,729 127,414 44,680 327,390 550,825 24,059 123 477 155,356 1,836,619 205,201 432,921 138,784 777,198 289,022 57,179 3,200.683 477,511 2,934,904 401,419 106,414 55,003 142,619 180,257- 54,953 96,108 65,216 557,416 252,234 149,907 235,264 15,130 94,718 79,766 183,252 128,823 36.907 156,473 353.379 1 79,979 I 194,889 132,117 $305,253 151,994 5,444 $21,300 76,660 30,022 6,247 87;913 iSee Cash) 143,580 4,884 10,273 29,532 %S 203,613 3,154 91,193 112,117 3,294 550,177 59,673 $23,817 41,686 12,705 10,778 42,330 59,140 33,617 99,553 3,091 19,059 10,210 'K 1351845 36,890 48,356 66,810 3,376 187,644 7,026 895,019 134,133 4,60:) 18,618 21,343 35,408 6,434 9,399 24,874 93,254 59,548 32,069 33,540 4,960 21,024 8,955 36,926 10 546 6,765 26,544 22,174 24,992 27.103 6.329 i5o!coo 50,000 9,000 25,000 50,000 67,600 200,000 60,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 150.000 48,050 500,000 150.000 472,500 1,500 64,842 ^100 . 513,875 ■■■i58,278" 150,000 s 31,900 (See Cash) 1,931 28,436 32,056 41,336 14,271 6,136 14,977 38,589 44,462 21,925 27.022 8,184 8,065 7,553 25,394 3,777 10,L6 17,939 42,978 15,567 18,355 7,955 50 000 50,000 50.000 162,206 74,330 18,350 60,000 100,000 43,243 100,000 .50,000 C4,000 15,220 50,000 50 000 4,500 4,550 23,105 2,450 50,000 50 (m 25,000 5 000 100 000 50,000 14,587 50,(K)0 91,360 rH •^ ■* 00 CI 50 <0 O C<1 5 (M 1-1 cj m o OS as 5^- to o6-^yi 2S=°SS iiii rHOSCOl/^C C-J M< to OD C3C t- OS 05 O 05 «0 ^ ei CO CO OS O m O C- 00 (M -^ >- 5SS5SSgg"SSS2Sg^g2S3SgS?2oSSS IS-]IMC^MC050r-(r cotos OSCOU i£g CHDOSCOCO-*T-IOODOCSC)00 rlCJlOi-lCOr-lOSC'OSOC-OSrH aq^c-^^-xjzicAv; «d c-^-^-* i-h m -.ji ■*"c^c^coOT cDc-^ coco :3: g g S S S 8 S i S S £ ?m CO rH C-^QC -H 1-Jo o'c-^-I •* CO 00 1-1 ogc--*oooDicoT-nncooomr-ioo 00 oc-iS5c -H 'l<__-<'_0^-* ■* 00 tH 05^3 r-l e-l^'S'^O OS O rH 00 ^odo'ssjOi-ToD^of H^'iS c^fc^Todg iH m c- kc CO T-< CO ■«< 35 1~ ao iQ c- (X. ■^ cj C5 1-1 ic in CO o; lo 00 c- oc a S'oo'oJ'ci'oo'inco'r-i'cOiO-HC^ CO(Mr-l fi d .|ssssgg3:ss lacoco-woDoii: icot)=! "^ cS O CS O M-p «.«^5^^^ ^O tn>S a! (C ti -. , o fl ®g ^ - o o o o o c; ^^•■ c8 c6 c8 C8 cS-rt O O O ^j3j^^.^ Ill a> oj (i)^H *H 03 J5 ^•'-'•i-' s^gg J c- 00 CO -f 1-1 3! "Q SSS"='=^'S|^'S' QOtgO OMQO scosco (MS^OO lo as "t^ oc 00 •* c- Oi t- :3^ <; I:- •* ou io_0 'J'^OC l^05 o_c 1-IMtH C-Jr-lr-C^ 04 C oomtooio* •^ooooooc CI x^cJ o_oqc MC-(Mr-li-IS OsiMUticoi:-; 1^ OOSCOUDOCOr-l .OT oc-c--HOiD-*»oooocjcooio-*g? Er in«50aS0in-H— liTJOrtOCl-ICOCC^ 3$ in CO —I CQ O CC CO L- ^,0 32 C-;^'* rHin ■* "H 0-^cfinCO'c"li:r^'rHO:D''-<''1<"-*t0 05' rt 0D-*O5'XICO'— tOinOOC-ClC-CClOM-H Jg _it:~ccmc co'jo" eoc-ooosoooc-cs-^oOTtimc-Joo T-Hi3 CO ^_^C-^0 O CI ^_-* -* O.X_Cq r^_^QD SSSSSSSftS O00OC2OC>C3O sss ocoiri i?3 00 SS5 ■* c- 1- O CD 00 CO . CD C^ cicoi— iocociOO'co,.-i; CSCDC-Ot-lOO CD d cooeooooio QO eg CD0a50gp£] oo o O CJ O] o o o c -2 O te-w-H g IS S ^- a>'' n d ., ,sib So c^ i^is: So.: 1 O rn ' 2 o a ^ ^^ S.oa^ m ^ * -s!l^d ;-.«>«.$• iaSS 1-2 MrC I o ® i ® ffi tn S^Si!S^o=oofioo>H-3^ •^ - ® ■'- fl o ® ® '-' ~ s ;- ■; oj-pH " S-*^SE H o ® i" .05 H c3 :o:> O tfl cs ^ 03 O 6D O lO 10 O O (M_ O C<1 10 CD O O CO O OJ CO CO i~ ci o •*■ o 00 ci lO* CO o 00 in CO in CO oc5S88S§ odioo>o6oo'cDi-H SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-* o OSSOO(M01MIOCDC50CDO JCCO CO <0 >f5 -*l O O O O' OCMC-IOOOC-J odidoiodooeort : o O (E i«m •< t« O 3'n, :^d 1g |x^--c^aj^ :q3 o <» g OMt-lM ■^ce'^ ca scBoigSsK® co^-fl'o i $ S Sso S.£^ ^^':3o fe aocw+JtO^-fji!;T^twnL_ja:!^e^ •^ 2 == £ o^-S H p^o2W 2 S Q,cS-r< m" '^ x2+jOo— ( aj^ t<^+J -S O S cd ai_2 cs-^^l^-g MSS'TJ ^ " - CD u.. ^ -i.— ,"2,5 5=^ s S— 3 O O O 05 o o O 050 0--C 00 OrHOi CI c )i— ItHOtHi-HOCJ 00.-IOIO :> o o in o o o <=> o in o oo c- iiococ-ioiotoooir-or-oin 5cci-;aoooj25rHOT-ioocncD ■i O i-I r-i Tl< CO CM CO TO •* Ol i-H »-( O' H M :^' CO CO ■*' OS r-i ^ O inTj<_0_X_lOrnOCOr-TH(M^53COC C-; o o CO 05 in o in in CO c~ in 1-; i^ CO ■* i-i -^rH !>• o TjB lo CO to I^- ^ e^Vl r-l C^i C C<1 CO CO c =??S53 CDO> cocoos cS 33 , t; ® a) «1 ^H . ,„ S a; H.2 P^^ !^S(^ .-j.rH.M— <— r; -i^ jj *j -M .i; cS^ C3 3 u o cj— " wpflfciCir^ ..„^ ^^^43*.S ® « ® ® J t; SlTIlSGSIw^SS cS O O cB ce-ij O C^? ^oie-^j^gW cd cB O O [0 An analysis of the traffic shows an equivalent of 964 million passen- gers carried one mile, the average distance traveled by each passenger being 30.89 miles and the average fare paid $1.05. The total freight ton mileage was 6,164 millions, the average ton haul being 168.97 miles, for which the average amount received was $1.53, or .904 cents per mile. The chief com- modities moved were „, „, Merchandise and articles n. e. s 7,894,907 tons; 21.64 per cent. Lumber and forest products 7,223,005 " 19.79 Grain 5,417,665 " 14.88 " Coal 5,117,345 " 14.02 Ores and mineral products 3,764,063 " 10.32 '; Flour and provisions 2,125,968 " 5.78 Animals 1,611,558 " 4.42 '' Salt, plaster, cement, lime, petroleum.1,318,966 " 3.61 Iron, rails, castings, etc 1,099,051 " 3.03 " Manufactures : 927,316 " 2.54 " From the reports of ten States in 1883 presenting complete statements of passenger traffic and earnings, Massachusetts, with but 1,953 miles of road carrying more than 61,500,000 passengers, reports the lowest rate— 2.003 cents per mile. New Hampshire and Connecticut, also with small track-mileage and large traffic, come next. The average rate in Wisconsin was 3.12 cents; in Minnesota, 2 84 cents, and in Michigan, 2.72 cents per mile. The comparative statement of freight traffic, compiled by Commissioner Innes in 1884, "shows that, next to Ohio, Michigan has the advantage of the lowest rates of any State in the Union, where reports have reached this office." He then makes the following significant statement relative to the traffic rates of the chief road of the State, the Michigan Central: " The Charter of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, passed in 1846, limited the charges which the Company should be authorized to col- lect upon many specified commodities to the sums or tolls charged in the months of September and October, 1845, upon certain New England rail- roads, they being the Boston & Lowell, Boston & Providence and Boston & Worcester. The latter, many years since, became a part of the Boston 15 6 D., L. & N. Ci Northville... Novi .t. i2i:8 126.8 ng... 131.2 Forman Baldwin Wingleton. . . . ..If: ...t: 220.1 222.6 225 2 Wixom Milford Highland (S Clyde Rose Centre ...t: ...t - 144.1 150.0 152 4 Stearns Branch Manistee Jun Weldon Creek Custer ■;;t; ■:;1 228.5 232.5 236.4 238.9 241 5 Holly Stony Run Si Grand Blanc Coleman Loomis Clare ...t ...t .lit t 155.7 160.5 165.8 Scott ville Amber Ludington :244.C ; 246.8 : 253.3 BAY CITY DIVISION. East Saginaw.. . .11 1 1 .... jSo.Bay Cy(Portsm'thi|itj: lO.OjBay City || 1 1 12.4 FLINT EIVEK DIVISION. Flint Junction Genesee..".. . .•."•.'[■^•4:6 X 8.2 Rogers( ville)... Otisville Otter Lake.... :: 10.6 ...t::14.4 19.0 Fostoria tt 24.0 HAERISON DIVISION. Harrison Junction. t [Mann's Siding H 10.2:Hackley& Humes 21.1 Moore's Siding H 2.0lRice's Siding 11 12.41Levington Siding . . 22 9 Atwood's Siding.... 11 5.7|Harrison t j 14.7|Frost 23.9 Hatton tt 7. Ol Arnold Lake 19.9|Meredith 129.6 MANISTEE DIVISION. Manistee Junction Tallman ij 2.9 Fountain X 8.1 Gun Lake Switch... 10.7lEastlake Free Soil t 13.4|Manistee.. 1It23.7 ....II tt 25.5 Stronach 1 1 20.9! MT. PLEASANT DIVISION. Coleman Wise t: .... Leaton : 3.8 Jordan t 6.5Isabella tt 9.0 10.3 11.7 Mt. Pleasant.. ..II tt 14.5 Delwin ST. CLAIR R. R.— SAGINAW CITY DIVISION. East Saginaw — 1| 1 1 — I Genesee Ave ; Washington Ave Saginaw City Jct'n.. 2. 3| Jefferson Ave Saginaw City.. ..|| 1 1 5.4 GKAND EAPIDS & INDIANA. OFFICERS.— Preszrfewt and General Manaoer, W. O. HUGHABT; Vice- President and Treasurer, W. R. SHELBY ; Secretary and Paymaster, J. H. P. Hughakt; Auditor, F. A. Gorham; Acting Chief Engineer, G. S. JOHNSON; General Counsel, T. J. O'BRIEN; Superintendent Northern Division, J. M. Metheant; General Freight Agent, C. E. GiLL; General Passenger and Ticket Agent, C. L. LOCKWOOD. All at Grand Rapids. United States Exp. Richmond, Ind|i t % Sturgis Ilttl48 Perrin fl 154 Nottawa tl 157 Wasepi t:: 159 Mendon t:: 163 Portage Lake IT lt>7 Vicksburg || 1 1 172 Austin Lake H 177 Indian Field II 180 Kalamazoo ||t:; 185 Cooper Hi 191 Travis If 193 Plainwell tt 196 Monteich t f 201 Martin tt202 Shelbyville tf 206 Bradley t : 209 Wayland t:: 212 Moline t: 217 Ross ft 220 Carlisle ^ 224 Fislier's(Station)1I;: 227 GrandRapids.. itf 233 W. Grand Rapids.. 234 D. G.H.&M. Cr'g.f 236 Belmont 1i t f 243 Rockford t .9Edgerton H .4 Cedar Springs... t .7Lockwood 1]:: .3 Sand Lake t .7 Pierson t .5 Wood Lake ^ .8 Maple Hill If : .9 Howard City.... lit .2Conger H .2Morley lit: .1 Stanwood t:: .SByers If .5 Big Rapids 11 1:: .8 Upper Big Rapids. . .9 Paris tt .9 Upper Paris t .9Crapo Iftt .9 Reed City l|tt .4 Milton Junction.. .+ 9 Ashton t .2LeRoy .OTustin 8Hobart t:: 9 Cadillac lit:: 6 Missaukee Junct'n .5 (HaringP. 0.) 247.7.Manton." t 250.5Walton t 254.9 Fife Lake t 2.57.4 South Boardman.t 260.1jCrofton Tf :: 262.2|Kalkaska \:. 264 OlLeetsville 5|:: 265.7|Westwood....-...1f:: 267.8 Furnace *,' 271.2 Mancelona t 274.2 Wetzell 280.8 Alba 286.1 Simons 1 289.8 Elmira t 290.5 Boyne Falls t 295.3 Clarion If: 296.1 Petoskey lit:: 298.2 Bay View « 302.5:Harbor Sp'gs J'n.." 306.8 Conway 11 309.4Oden If 315.1 Alanson 319.7 Brutus H 325.8 Pellston tt 331.6 Levering t iCarp Lake If 335.6 t 890.5 395.1 400.3 408. H 417.0 424.5 425.6 426.9 429.7 432.1 434.8 438.5 442.5 448.3 450.3 459.6 BAY VIEW, LITTLE TRAVERSE & MACKINAW. Petoskey || 1 1 2.3 Harbor Springs J'n. TI ... Page . 2. IjHarbor Springs {5.6 Wequetonsing MANISTEE BRANCH. Milton Junction t Luther t: Carey(CopleyP.O.)t Deer Lake t : 11.7 14.5 Foxville 4 2 Deer Lake tt 5.1 Totten 8.7 MISSAUKEE BRANCH. Missaukee Junction Long Lake Junction. 2. 7|Mitchell (Jenning's (HaringP. 0.) . . .iRound Lake % 4.31 P. 0.) t 7.6 TRAVERSE CITY. Walton .... Summit (Summit City P.O.) t 6.2 Westminster . . 8.0 : 9.3 ■12.6 Keystone . 19 6 Kingsley Mayfield Traverse t \ 26.0 LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. OFFICERS.— Preszrfe»i^rt»id General Manager, John Newell, Cleveland; Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary, E. D. Worcester, New York; Gen- eral Counsel, Ashley Pond, Cleveland; General Superintendent, P. P. Wright. Cleveland; Auditor, C. P. Leland, Cleveland; Chief Engineer, L. M. Clarke, Cleveland ; General Freight Agent, George H. Vaillant, Cleveland; General Passenger Agent, W. P. JOHNSON, Chicago; General Ticket Agent, C. E. LuCE, Clevelandj Purchasing Agent, L. C. Higgins Cleveland. United States Express, except as noted. grand rapids branch. American Express, Kalamazoo to Grand Hapids. Grand Rapids Eagle Mills... Grandville.... Byron Center. Dorr Hilliard's Hopkins Allegan .11 tt .... Abronia If t 39.0 Schoolcraft || J t 71.4 ....t 2.40tsego tt 43.0Flowerfield tl 74.9 . . ..If 6.4 Plainwell Il t J 46.4 Moorepark t 78 .5 . ..t J 12.3 Argenta (Silver iThree Rivers.... || 1 1 83.4 18.4' Creek P. O.) ....lit 49.3Florence H f 87.5 . . 1 1 22.0 Cooper it t 52 .5 Constantine 1 1 90 .9 t 25.9 Kalamazoo || tl 58.3 White Pigeon... || 1 1 94.7 . II tt 33.2 Portage 1It65.0 DUNDEE BRANCH. Chandler... Flat Rock. Bryan Hill. Carleton. . . iScofield tt 16.3Petersburgh. .tt 5.2iMaybee tt 18.3,Deerfield.... .... 9.0 Raisinville 22.6lGrosvenor..., .tt 11.1 Dundee || 1 1 25.91 .tt 29.7 33.5 t 40.0 42 LAKE SHOEE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN.— Continued. DETROIT BRANCH. Adrian 17 2 Strasburgh X 28.0 Monroe June t 33.2 Detroit 1| 1 1 .... GrandTrunk Jc. .11 t 8.1 Ecorees tt 14.3 Wyandotte lit:: 17.0 Trenton tt 21.3 Chandler Rockwood Newport Stony Creek... Warner. ....tl27.5 33.1 1 35.9 Lenawee June. Wellsville . .... 9.7 11.6 ..t 112.7 ...tU6.2 20.8 ...tt23.3 ■ 39 3 Corbus Deertield Petersburgh. . . . Federman Ida Monroe La Salle Vienna ■/."Alfd t 50.2 Toledo, 0.... ..lltt 65.0 FAYETTE BRANCH, Fayette, O. Morenei ... Weston tl 13.20gden tt 20.1 tt 6.7 Jasper t 16.8 Grosvenor t 24.7 FORT WAYNE BRANCH. American Express. Jackson || 1 1 Air Line Junction. . Wilson's If Horton t ll.OiJonesville. Hanover H 1 1 14.0; Bankers t IStony Point 1 1 16 .0, Reading [j t 6.0Scipio t 19.0 Montgomery t tl 25.0 Ft. Wayne, IND. II ttlOO.O 31.0 36.0 42.0 JACKSON BRANCH. Jackson.. Eldred.... Napoleon. Norvell... tt ....| ..IT 5.5 .tuo.oi .t 113.3 ..iManchester |1 tt 20.7ITeeumseh |1 1 1 33.0 River Raisin H t 24.8:Charis 38.7 Clinton tt 28.51Lenawee Junc....t t 42.0 LANSING BRANCH. Kingsland Eaton Rapids. Charlesworth . Springport Devereaux 1 12.4 .11 tt 17.7 ...t :22.4 .11 tt 27.4 31.4 ....11 tt 37.8 Lansing || 1 1 .... South Lansing f 1.0 Packard H 5.2 Dimondale tt «.2 Condit Homer Litchfield.... Jonesville.... ...."...* 42.8 ....II tt 46.1 t :53.4 ....lit:: 60.0 MICHIGAN DIVISION (OLD ROAD). Elkhart, Ind... 11 t: White Pigeon.. 1 1 1: Klinger's Lake., .t : Sturgis II t : Burr Oak t: Bronson || t : Batavia : Coldwater || t: Quincy i| t : 7.4 11.8 18.0 24.8 29.4 35.5 41.9 Jonesville Htt 53.8 Lenawee Juno... 1 1 95 Fort Wayne June, t Palmyra, Allen's t 48.6 Adrian. Pittsford 11 t Hudson lit Clayton t : 97.0 58.1 1 Grosvenor t 63.6Bli&bfield tt 101.3 67.4Riga tf 103.5 73.8Wood 106.5 80.3'Ottawa Lake t ' Dover 85.7iToLEDO, O . t t 123.3 YPSILANTI BRANCH. American Express. Ypsilanti t : Pittsfield June t : Saline |1 t : Bridgewater t : Manchester t : .... 1 Watkins Ij 29.9 Somerset Centre .. . .t 45.4 7.0 Brooklyn 1 1 35.8 Jerome 1 1 49.0 ll.ljWoodstoek (Kelley's [North Adams 1 1 53.7 17.4 CornersP.O.) 40. 8 Hillsdale Htt 61.1 24.6lSomerset 1 1 43.6i MARQUETTE, HOUGHTON & ONTONAGON. OFFICERS.— Pres/deH^, J. L. Stackpole, Boston; Treasurer and Secre- tary, J. P. Lyman, Boston; General Manager, Superintendent and Land Com- missioner, John Hornby, Marquette; Auditor, G. S. Hobbs, Marquette; Chief Engineer, C. H. V. Cavis, Marquette; General Ticket Agent and Cashier, W. B. McCOMBS, Marquette; General Freight Agent, A. S. Parks, Marquette. American Express. Marquette. Bancroft Bruce. Eagle Mill. Negaunee. i Ilt§t ....^G i 3.0C] 11 60H 1 tt S.OCl 11 t§i 12.0'M . . . Greenwood. U 21 .0 Summit ~ " Clarksburg 1 1 25.0 Taylor June umboldt 11 1 1 26.0 L' Anse || t Champion |1 1 1 31.0 Baraga II t Michigamme . . . . || t JE 38 .0 Houghton H t § Ishpeming || t § t 15. Oj Beaufort June if 41.0 Hancock Saginaw TT 19.0iSturgeon If 47.0 II 53.0 58.0 63.0 68.0 95.0 95.0 REPUBLIC BRANCH. Humboldt |1 1 1 I Republic. t §t 9 .01 Erie Mine.. 14.0 MARQUETTE AND WESTERN. Marquette || t § 1 ....lEagle Mill tt 9.2Ishpeming Carp Tl 5.0' Negaunee |i t §t 13.5'Branches to Kilns TT 6.8Cleveland 15.0' mines 43 ■ i t § t 16.5 iron 4.0 MICHIGAN & OHIO. OFFIGEHS.— Receiver, J. A. Latcha, Toledo; Auditor, F. S. Anable, Toledo; General Freight and Passenger Agent, B. McHuGH, Toledo; Engi- neer and Purchasing Agent, W. L. Wfbb, Toledo. American Express. 23.0; Jerome || t iMoscow II t S.SIHanover II t 9.6!Pulaski || + 11.4iHomer lit Eckford Toledo, O lit Dundee I! t Clarksville Britton || t Ridgeway |i t Tecumseh || t J 15 TiptOD Onsted 1| 1 1 28.4jMarsliall Devil's Lake 33.9Ceresco II t Addison , . . II 1 1 36.9lBattle Creek lit 44.11Augusta |1 t 47.0 Yorkville. 100.0 103.. 5 Sl.SRichland 1| 1 1 106.1 56.0Doster. 65.2 Monteith. tt70.7Neeley's TI 125.2 21.9iWilders 1I73.3Fisk. 114.1 121.7 125.5 77.2*Kellogg t 12S.1 82.5'Allegan 1| 1 1 133.0 90. 8i MICHIGAN CENTRAL. OFFICERS.— PreszYZeni and General Manager, H. B. Ledyakd, Detroit: Vice-President and Secretary, E. D. WORCESTEli, New York; General Counsel, Ashley Pond, Detroit; Treasurer, Henry Pratt, New York; Auditor, D. A. Waterman, Detroit; General Superintendent, E. C. Brown, Detroit; Chief Engineer, J. D. HAWKS, Detroit; General Passenger and Ticket Agent, O. W. Ruggles, Chicago; Gen'l Freight Agent, A. Mackay, Chicago; Purchasing Agent, ALLAN BouRN, Detroit. American Express. MAIN LINE. Buffalo, N.Y.. II tl Detroit II tl Springwells | t JunctionYard t Detroit Stock Yds..t Dearborn 1| 1 1 Inkster Ij t WayneJc.(AVayne)|i+t Dentou 1 1 Ypsilanti 1| tj Geddes t Ann Arbor 1| t Delhi t Scio H Dexter 1| t Chelsea 1 1 Francisco 1 1 Grass Lake 11 1 1 3.0 4.0 ■i6".3 13.6 18.0 251.0 Leoni tf Michigan Centred % Jackson June t Jackson 1| 1 1 Trumbull's (Sand- stone?. O.). . .t H t Parma 1 1 North Concord... II Bath Mills tif 24.9 Albion |1 1 J 29.5 Marengo tt 33.3 Marshall II 1 1 37.4Ceresco tUt 42.6 Wheattteld + 44.3Nichols t 47.0,BattleCreek....|l tt 54.4 Bedford tf 61.2|Augusta i| tt 65.4iGalesburg i t 68.4Comstock tilt 71.7 Kalamazoo |j t j 74.7 Ostemo tt 75.7Mattawan || tt Lawton |i 1 1 80.0 White Oaks H 86.4 Decatur II tt 89.3Glenwood 1 H t 92.3Dowagiac || 1 1 96.0Pokagon + t 101.2 Niles II tt 107.8 Buchanan || 1 1 113.0 Dayton + t 114.5 Galien It 120.1 Avery H t 120.6 Three Oaks tt 126.4 New Buffalo. ... || tt 130.4' 134.8 Chicago. III...' +t 139.7 143.6 149.3 156.0 160.0 162.4 167.8 172.6 179.0 185.0 191.5 198.0 202.2 205.2 209.0 211.0 218.0 285.5 AIR LINE DIVISION. Jackson 1| 1 1 Ft. Wayne Switch.. Snyder's II Spring Arbor Ij t Concord t J Pulaski U Homer || 1 1 Clarendon H t Tekonsha 1 1 Osborn's IT Detroit ll tt Bay City June t Grand River Ave . . H Woodward Ave L.S.& M.S. and G.T. Crossing D.,G.H.&M.Junc.t Norris tUt Centre Line t Warren tt Spinnings Utica tt De Pew's Siding.. . . Yates Rochester June. . . . t Rochester II 1 1 Goodison t Orion tt |Burlington T| 0.5 Union City |1 tt S.OSherwood tt 10 3Colon tt 14.6 Wasepi || tt 18.6Centreville 1 1 23.6 Three Rivers... II 1 t 26.7Fabius 11 33.2Corey 1 1; t 35.0 37.0 Jones 41.4 Newburg 48.3 Vandalia 53.5 Diamond Lake 60.4 Forest Hall .... 64.0 Cassopolis 69.2Dailey 73.9 Barron Lake... 76.6Niles ..II 78.7 .11 80.1 .tt 84.6 ..IT 87.6 ..IT 88.7 tt «9-7 .tt 94.0 ..11 99.3 tt 103.4 BAY CITY DIVISION. Oxford t Thomas t Metamora — ....t t Hunter's Creek. .t:: Lapeer June Lapeer H 1 1 7.0 Carpenter's 1 10.5 Columbiaville.. lit:; 14.0Otter Lake t:: 17.0Millington t;: IS.OP.H.&N.W.frosshig. 24.0Vassar |1 1 1 28.0 DenmarkJunc.( Jen- 29.0 neyP. O.) tt 30.0 Reese tt 31.0 Munger H t 35.0 Bay City || tt 40.5, 44 43.5 Lapeer ]| tt 47. 5 L. AN. June 3 52.0Stephens' t 6.0 55.0 Five Lak es tt 8.5 g-JVassar H 1 1 ficrCaroJunc 3 fiq-n Watrousville tt 5.0 n^-n Wahjamega ti 9.0 SOoCaro ^_.|ltt 13.0 86.2 Vassar .Jl tt 86.5|Van Fliets (Blum- I field P.O.) H t 9.5 91. 0,Buena Vista 1ft 14 3 95.0|F.& P.M. Crossing. 18.0 lOl.OJEast Saginaw... II tt 20 3 lOS.OiM. C.R.R. June... 21.3 ISaginawCity...ll 1 1 22.3 MICHIGAN CENTRAL.— Continued. GRAND RAPIDS DIVISION. Jackson |1 1 1 Van Horn it Rives June 1 1 Arland H t Onondaga t i Eaton Raiiids... II 1 1 Charlotte || tj iChester t 6.0 Vermontville . . . . 1 1 10.5 Nashville U 14.5 Morgan ± 17.3 Thorn Apple H 24.0Qiiimby 1 34.6 Hastings || 1 1 89.9 Irving H t 69 2 45.9Middleville ft 72.8 49.6 Parmelee H f 75 .9 54.4iCaledonia tt 78,9 55.4Dutton tf 83.6 57.5Bowen H 87.4 ei.SlGrand Rapids.. II tt 93.9 MACKINAW DIVISION. Bay City || tt West Bay City.. II ft Kawkawlin t Linwood t State Road (Michie P.O.) t Pinconning 1| 1 1 White Feather Saganin Eddys Standish || 1 1 Deep River t Sterling || 1 1 Alger IMt Culver's II Summit (Green- wood) 1 1 1.1 4.8 10.7 15 2 18.9 21.6 23.8 25.5 27.5 30.0 32.3 40.5 41.4 43.8 Welch West Branch... II t Ogemaw(Springs)t Beaver Lake || t St.Helen t Roscommon . . . . || 1 1 Cheney (Pere Cheney P. 0.)...t Grayling lit . Frederic(ville) t Waters (Bradford LakeP. 0.;...t1It Otsego Lake.... II 1 1 Bagley II Gaylord M t Vanderbilt t j Wolverine . ' 1 1 • tt II 1 1 Rondo , Indian River 1 1 Topinabee... Bush villa . .. Mullet Lake Cheboygan . . . . Freedom Ij Mackinaw City.ll + t Pinconning |i 1 1 Bowen's Branch Beaver Lake....i| 1 1 Piper t 118.7|Ambrose's 127.2 Sage's Lake 137.91 141.1 147.9 153.5 156.2 159.9 165.7 176.1 182.0 MICHIGAN MIDLAND AND CANADA DIVISION. tt lAdair t 8.0|Lenox .tt 15.0 SAGINAW DIVISION. Jackson || t :: Van Horn ' Rives Junction. . t Leslie 1 1 Eden ft Mason II 1 1 Holt t:: Lansing || t :; ISorth Lansing • Chandler's H Bath tt 6.0 10.4 15.2 20.3 24.5 30.0 36.6 37.5 42.0 44.7 Laingsburg tt 51. Bennington it ^8. Owosso Juno * t 63. Owosso II tt 63. Henderson H t 69. Oakley tt 73. Chesaning t:: 77. Fergus ^\t S2. St. Charles || 1 1 85. Garfiel d ( Eastwood) 1 1 89 . Swan Creek V 91. 8Paines || tt 1 Saginaw City... II tt 3 Sag. Branch June. . 6 North Saginaw * 7F. ifr P. M. Junc....t 7Carrolton H: 7 Zilwaukee I :; 1 Brooks 1 5 Salzburg H:; 2 West Bay City. . II t:: 7 Bay City || t:: 95.0 99.5 100.5 101.0 101.7 102 9 104.4 110.9 111.8 113.1 114.2 SOUTH BEND DIVISION. Niles Main Street tt IBertrand H t J|SotrTHBEND...|| ft 11.1 SOUTH HAVEN DIVISION. Kalamazoo. Brownell's . Hopkins Alamo Williams — Kendall.... .11 tt I Pine Grove 17.5 Columbia.... ...11 4.0Goble's (Gobleville iGrand June. 5.9: P.O.) tt 18.5lLacota. ....i 9.1 Bloom 22.9iKibbie. ,...11 11.3 Berlamont , . . 1 1 14.8 ■ tt 2 ..t 2 24.9 South Haven. 27.7 29.2 31.9 34.8 39.5 TOLEDO DIVISION. Detroit Springwells Woodmere Ecorces Wyandotte. Sibley's Trenton. . . II tt Sunnyside Grosse Isle 1 1 Stony Island t Slocum June + Gibraltar HJ South Rockwood.t t Newport t U t Stony Creek Frenchtown Warner Monroe || t La Salle t H Vienna Toledo, O . t II tt 30.5 33.9 34.2 35.2 40.0 44.7 59.3 MILWAUKEE & NOKTHERN. OFFICERS.— P>•es^de»^ Alfred M. Hott. New York; Vice-President, James C. Spencer, Milwaukee; Treasurer, Guido Pfister, Milwaukee; General Snperinteiideut, C. F. DUTTON, Milwaukee; General Freight Agent, J. J. Coleman, Milwaukee. American Express. Menominee. .Iltt ,|Milwaukee, Wis || tt 187-2 MILWAUKEE, LAKE SHOEE & WESTERN. OFFICERS.— Preside?!^, F. W. Rhinelander, New York; Secretary and General Solicitor, A. L. Cart, Milwaukee; General Manager, H. F. Whit- COMB, Milwaukee; Auditor, CE. Rand, Milwaukee; General Superintendent, J. DoNOHUE, Milwaukee; General Passenger Agent, Charles V. McKinlat, Milwaukee. American Express. ASHLAND, WIS.. II tt ....IWakefield IT 51.0|State Line tl07.0 iMarenisco II 69. Ol Ironwood tt 40.01 Gogebic it Sl.OMlLWAtTKEE, Wis.. 391.3 t|47.0iWatersmeet 1 1 98.0| MINERAL RANGE. OFFICERS.— President, Charles E. Holland, Hancock; Secretary and Treasurer, C. A. Wright, Hancock; General Freight and Passenger Agent, W. H. Carr, Hancock. American Express. Hancock Swedntown Franklin .,§1 .... Albany and Bostonl ...i 2.8Highway ^ ...H 3.50sceola 1 5.9|TorchLake Junc.l 12.0 8.1 Calumet || §; 12.5 ONTONAGON & BRULE RIVER. OFFICERS.— Presidew^, Ezra Rust, Saginaw; Vice-President, Angus Smith, Milwaukee; Secretary and General Solicitor, E. MARINER, Milwaukee; Auditor, JOHN C. Spencer, Milwaukee; Treasurer, GuiDO Pfister, Mil- waukee; General Agent, H. N. SMITH, Ontonagon. American Express. Ontonagon. AX ....'Rockland tj 11.9 PAW PAW AND TOLEDO & SOUTH HAVEN. OFFICERS.— President, F. B. Adams, Lawton; Superintendent, John Ihling, Lawton. American Express. Lawton \ % Paw Paw II t§ ...Lake Cora. 4.1 Lawrence . S.I.Hartford §U9. 13. ll PONTIAC. OXFORD & PORT AUSTIN. OFFICERS.— Pres;de?i# and General Manager, George W. Debevoise, New York; Gen'l Superintendent and General Freight and Passenger Agent, James Houston, Pontiac; iioadmos^er, G. A. Nettleton, Pontiac; Treas- urer, Frank H. Carroll, Pontiac; Auditor, W. C. Sanford, Pontiac. American Express. Pontiac , Cole .... Oxford.. Shoup... Leonard. Dryden. . lit: ....ImlayCity |1 tt 33.0Deford Tj t 68.5 5.9KingsMill t^ - .".+ -.- 8.9 North Branch... II t 13.6 Clifford || t 18.0 Kingston ...|| t 21.0jWilmot f 27.0 42.5 Cass City. 48.5Gagetown. 54.6Winsor 1 61.6Berne H : 65.4|CasevilIe || t1 74.4 80.0 87.0 93.0 100.0 PORT HURON & NORTHWESTERN. OFFICERS.— Pres?•de9^^ John P. Sanborn; Vice-President, C. F. Har- rington; Secretary and Treasurer, Fred. L. Wells; General Manager, H. McMoRRAN; Superintendent and General Freight and Passenger Agent, I. B,. Wadsworth. All at Port Huron. Port Huron & Northwestern Express. almont division. PortHuron || ft .... Burns ^ lOs^T Berville Upton Works If l^^' Wales H t 14'.^ Smith Grand Trunk Jc ... . t 3^:Lamb Hi 15^^ Hopkins' Road Kimball TIT B^iMemphis ||t f 19?^ Almont || 1 1 EAST SAGINAW DIVISION. PortHuron ||tt ... Thomas Street + 1 Gratiot Center f 6 North Street Ill 8 Kingsley (Atkins P. O.) lltHtU Saginaw June. (Zion P. O.) jfl t 12 Farr's (Fargo P. o.) Titles. Green's Corners(Hart- jSilver Creek (Easy P. L suffP. O.) H 11934-1 O.) 11t53 iBrockwayCenterll 1 1 21,Vf Mayville (May P. jMelvin ' 11 TI f 29M| O.) II + t 59 Yorks (Valley Centre I Juniata Hi 65^/ I P.O.) II t 32W Vassar June 71 Brown City || t:: 36i4 Vassar || tt 72 Index TI:: 39Y Tuscola Station....!] 75 IMarlette lit:: 45i^|Frankenmuth .... Tl t 823^ Clifford 11 tt 50,'i:East Saginaw.... li 1 1 91 PORT HURON & NORTHWESTERN.-Continued. SAND BEACH DIVISION. Saginaw June... II 1 1 Grant Center (Blaine P.O.) Ht 2^ Jeddo IT:: 5 Amadore ij:: 8 Croswell || t f 14 Odlam T 16 Anderson (Applegate P.O.) T^20 Pack's Mills if 22 Carsouville || t T 25^ Wilbur Koad (Bridge- hampton P. 0.)..11 t 291:5^ Downing (ton) 1 1 3234 Deckerville \\it 33^ Cooley Road (Cedar Dale P.O.) 111373^ Palms (Station)..!! 1 1 39?^ Minden(City)....!ltf 44 Adams' Corners (Ruth P.O.) 11147^ Sand Beach I! t f 58 POKT AUSTIN DIVISION. Palms (Station)..!! 1 1 .... Wadsworth Tl:: 143^ Dwight (Kinde)..1I :: 25^ Tyre I! t 8 Bad Axe !1 t f 18};^ Port Austin !| 1 1 33^ Ubly II ti llFilion 11:: 22^^ SAGINAW, TUSCOLA & HURON. OFFICF.US.— President, William L. Webbek; Treastirer. E. T. Judd; Auditor, C. M. RiCE; Superintendent, M. B. Wilkinson. All at East Sagi- naw. American Exp ress. East Saginaw tt ....jKintner 1ft 19.2 Unionville tt 3i:2 Creens II 4.9;Fair Grove tt 21.7 Sebewaing tj 37.1 Arthur H t 9.3 Akron lit 24. 8i Bay Port June 1) 44.8 Reese tt 12.5Woodman II 27.6BayPort tt 46.1 Gilford Hf 16.91 \ ST. HELEN, HOUGHTON LAKE & WESTERN. OFFIGEUS.— Vice-President, A. L. Stephens; Secretary and Treasurer, H. Stephens, Jr.; General Manager, Z. C. Jessop; Qeneral Solicitor George W. Mooee. All at Detroit. American Express. CurFisville § ... Longbridge S 4.4 Fortesque sT0T2 Leander § 2.0 Williams June S 8.0;PineRidge § 13.0 ST. JOSEPH VALLEY. OFFICERS.— Pres/(ie?ii, William R. Rough, Buchanan; Vice-President and Treasiirer Buchanan; General Manager, B. Hel- MICK, Buchanan; Chief Engineer, W. W. Graves, Berrien Springs; Secretary and General Passenger Agent, Fred. McOmber, Berrien Springs; General Freight Agent, SOLOMON RouGH, Buchanan. American Express. Buchanan 11 1 1 ^ Dunbar's Railroad Shops JT iMcCollum's. Riverside H I Gray's Farley's H 1 1 10.0 TOLEDO, ANN ARBOR & NORTH MICHIGAN. OFFICERS.— Pres/dewC and General Manager, J. M. Ashley, Toledo; Vice- President, W.V. Mccracken, New York; Act'g Auditor, D. M. Monjo, Toledo; Treasurer, B. F. Jervis, Toledo; General Superintendent, H. W. Ashley, Toledo; General Freight and Passenger Agent, W. H. Bennett, Toledo. American Express. Toledo, O I! ft . Hawthorn (Wil- letsP.O.) Ht Samaria Il Lulu II Monroe Junction. . Dundee || Azalia t 27.0iSouthLyon Mil an Junction t 31 . 1 — .iMilan |! tt 32.0Owosso tt .... 'Nora H I 34 .0 Carland til 9-0 8.0|Urania lit 37.0 Elsie t 14.0 12.0|Pittsfield.. t T 41.0 Bannister f 17 .0 17.01 Ann Arbor 1| + t 46.0 Ashley I 22.0 19 .0: Leland if 53 .0 Douglas 1j 27 .0 0;Worden H t 56.0 Ithaca H 1 1 32.0 ..t61.0,S.V.&St.L. Cross. If 38.0 1st. Louis II tj 40.0 WABASH, ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC. OFFICERS.— iJecejcens, SOLON HUMPHREYS and Thomas E. Tutt; Gen- eral Manager, A. A. TalmagE; Treasurer, D. S. H. Smith; General Attorney and Solicitor, W. H. Blodgett; Auditor, T). B. Howard; General Traffic Manager, James Smith; Chief Engineer, vf. S.> Lincoln; General Freight Agent, M. Knight; General Passenger and Ticket Agent, F. Chandler; Pur- chasing Agent, H. H. Wellman. All at St. Louis. Pacific Express. DETROIT DIVISION. Detroit || 1 1 .... : Whittaker Delrey. +38 Milan ■11 31.6 Sand Creek 36.8 (ThurberP.O.).tlll 41.6 Seneca H 46.4 North Morenci. .|| t : 51.9Munson tl ' 65 Hand (Station) .tH t 11.8 Cones. . . t 69 6 Romulus ti 18.6Britton (Baleh) .11 t: 72 6 Belleville 1 1 23.2 Hollaway 74 Willis (Newcomb P. Raisin Center . 0.) 1 1 28 .1 Adrian ^^■|LoGANSPORT....!lt1:207.2 THE MICHIGAN PRESS. MICHIGAN PRESS ASSOCIATION.— President, A. J. Aldrich, Cold- water Republican; Secretary, J. W. Fitzgerald, Ovid Union; Treasurer, Robert Smith, Ithaca Journal. . , , , , Membership, 152; nineteenth annual meeting to be held at Coldwater in 1886. PLACE. Alcona County. Harrisville Alcona County Review .... Allegan County. Allegan Democrat Gazette Journal and Tribune Douglas Record Fennville Dispatch Otsego Union Plainwell Independent Leader Wayland Globe Alpena County. Alpena Alpena County Pioneer . . . Argus Labor Journal Antrim Countij. Bellaire Breeze Elk Rapids Progress Mancelona Herald Arenac County. Omer Arenac Independent Baraga County. L'Anse Lake Superior Sentinel... Barry County. Freeport Herald Hastings Banner Barry Co. Democrat Home Journal The Church Helper Middleville Republican Nashville News Bay County. Bay City Evening Press Freie Presse (Ger.) Le Courrier (Fr.) LePatriote (Fr.) Lumberman's Gazette Saginaw Valley Star Tribune Benzie County. Frankfort Express Berrien County. Benton Harbor.. Expositor Palladium Berrien Springs. Era Journal Michigan Talisman Buchanan Mich. Indpt. and Reporter Record Niles Democrat Mirror Republican St. Joseph Republican Traveler and Herald. Three Oaks Sun Galien News Watervliet Record Branch County. Bronson Independent Journal Coldwater Courier Republican Sun Quincy .• Herald Nat'l Newspaper Price List Sherwood Times Union City Herald Register Calhoun County. Albion Mirror Recorder Republican Athens Times Char- Pub- acter. lished. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Neutral. Neutral. Ind. Pro. Ind. Ind. Rep. Dem. G. B. Rep. Ind. Weekly. Rep. Ind. Rep. Dem. G. B. Relig. Rep. Ind. Ind. Ind. Dem. Dem. Lum. Lab. Rep, Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Dem. Temp. Rep.' Dem. Fusion Rep. Dem. Rep. Ind. Ind. Rep. Ind. Ind. Rep. Rep. D.G.B Rep. Lit. Dem. Pro. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Ind. Monthly Weekly. Daily. Weekly. Daily. D. &W. Weekly. Friday. Wednesday. Saturday. Friday. Thursday. Wednesday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Saturday. Wednesday. Saturday. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Saturday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. W.& S-W Publication Days. Friday. Friday. Ex. Sunday. Thursday. Saturday. Thursday. Tuesday. Ex. Sunday. W'kly, Thurs. Wednesday. Friday. Friday. Wednesday. Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday. Thursday. Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday. Saturday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Saturday. Tues. and Fri. Weekly. Thursday. " iFriday. Monthly Weekly. Friday. Semi-W. Tues. and Fri. Weekly. Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday. Wednesday. Wednesday. 48 THE MICHIGAN PRESS.— Continued. PAPER. Char- Pub- acter. lished. Publication Days. Battle Creek Game Fanciers' Journal .. . Good Health Journal Michigan Poultry Breeder. Moon Review and Herald Sabbath School Worker Saningens Harold (Swed.). Sandhedens Tidende (Dan.) Stlmme der Warheit (Ger.) Sunday Morning Call Youth's Instructor Homer Index Marshall Chronicle Democratic Expounder — Statesman Tekonsha News Cass County. Cassopolis National Democrat Vigilant Dowagiac Republican Times Edwardsburg Argus Marcellus News Vandalia Indepenaent Charlevoix County. Boyne City Statesman Charlevoix Journal Sentinel East Jordan Enterprise Cheboygan County. Cheboygan Democrat Tribune Chippewa County. Sault Ste Marie. Chippewa Co. Democrat.. . Clare Comity. Chippewa County News.... Clare Clare County Press Democrat Farwell Register Harrison Cleaver Clinton CoH Jiff/.Standard Elsie Sun Maple Rapids Dispatch Ovid Register Clinton&Shiawassee Union St. Johns Clinton Independent. . . Republican Crawford County. Crawford Crawford Co. Avalanche Delta Counti). Escanaba Delta County Miner „ ^ r. t Iron Port Eaton County. Bellevue Gazette Charlotte Leader Prohibitionist Republican Interior Magazine Dimondale Lightning Express Eaton Rapids Journal Herald Grand Ledge Independent Olivet Obiter Vermontville — Echo Emmet County. Harbor Springs. . Northern Independent. Republican Petoskey Emmet County Democrat. . Genesee County. Clio Star Fenton Genesee Courier Independent Flint Daily News Evening Journal Deaf Mute Mirror Genesee Democrat, Genesee Tribune Globe H^g'ic. ep. Ind. Relig. Relig. Relig. Relig. Relig. Ind. Relig. G. B. Ind. Dem. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Dem. Ind. Ind. Ind. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Dem. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. D.G.B Ind. Dem. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Dem. Rep. Ind. Dem. Monthly D. &W. Monthly D. &W. Weekly. Quart'ly. Monthly Semi-M. Monthly Weekly. D. &W. Weekly. 1st. 1st. Weekly, Wed. 1st. Weekly, Sat. Tuesday. Ind.R Dem. Ind. Rep. G. B. Rep. Dem. Ind. Ind. Rep. Ind. Rep. Educa, Dem. Pro. Rep. Monthly Weekly. Weekly. 1st. 1st and 15th. 4th. Sunday. Friday. /Thursday. Weekly, Sat. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Wednesday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Wednesday. Tuesday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Saturday. Thursday. Thursday. Saturday. Thursday. Wednesday. Friday. Friday. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Friday. Friday. Thursday. Friday. Daily. Weekly. Friday. Friday. Wednesday. Saturday. Friday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. THE MICHIGAN PRESS.- Continued. PLACE. PAPEB. Char- acter. Pub- l.shed. Publication Days. Rep. Dem. Rep. Relig. ti Rep. Rep. Rep. Dem. Ind. Ind. Ind. Rep. G. B. Rep. Rep. G. B. Dem. Coll'ge Rep. a- Rep. fSS: Dem. Ind. Rep. Rep. Dem. Rep. Pro. Rep. Dem. Educa. sr Ind. Dem. Rep. Ind. Ind. Neutral. isi G. B. Rep. Dem. Neutral. Neutral. Neutral. Ind. Ind. Rep. Rep. Rep. Min. Rep. Rep. Dem. Ind. Neutral. Ind. Neutral. Semi-W Weekly. Monthly Weekly. " D. &W. Weekly. Daily. Weekly. D. & W. Tues. and Fri. Saturday. Saturday. Wolverine Citizen Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Tuesday. Thursday. Tuesday. Saturday. Friday. Saturday. Friday. Friday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Saturday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Tuesday. Saturday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Friday. Friday. Friday. Friday. Saturday. W^eekly, Wed. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Wednesday. Saturday. Thursday. Except Sun. Friday. Wednesday. Friday. Saturday. Thursday. Wednesday. Friday. Friday. Saturday. Thursday. Friday. Oladwin County. Gladwin Gladwin County Record... Orand Traverse County. Fife Lake Comet Traverse City. . . . Grand Traverse Herald .... Traverse Bay Eagle Gratiot County. Alma Record Elm Hall Corner Local Ithaca Gratiot County Journal... . Leader Republican. . Hillsdale Coimty. Hillsdale Business Herald Independent Litchfield Gazette Reading Telephone Houghton County. Lake Linden .... Torch Lake Times Hancock Mini .ng Herald Houghton., Portage L. Min'g Gazette.. Huron County. Bad Axe Democrat. .. Huron Trihiine ^ Port Austin Huron County News Sand Beach Huron County Times Ingham County. State Republican. . Sentinel Leslie Local Mason Ingham County Democrat. -^ , ^ . , Ingham County News Stockbridge Sun Williamston Enterprise Ionia County. Belding Star Hubbardston Advertiser. . Ionia Evening Mail.. Sentinel. Standard Lyons Herald Pewamo Plaindealer Portland Observer Iosco County. Saturday Night East Tawas Iosco County Gazette Tawas City Tawas Herald Iron County. Iron River Mining Reporter Isabella County. Mt. Pleasant Isabella Co. Enterprise .... Northwestern Tribune Friday. Friday. Thursday. Wednesday. Thursday. Thursday. Saturday. Saturday. Weekly, Tues. Jackson County. Concord Home Enterprise Grass Lake News Jackson Advertiser Citizen THE MICHIGAN PRESS .—Continued. PLACE. PAPEB. Char- acter. Pub- lished. Publication Days. Jackson Evening Courier Neutral. Neutral. Neutral. Educa. Neutral. Ind. Ind. Lit. Dem. G. B. Ind.' Hi: Rep. Rep. Ind. Rep. A'g'l. Daily. Weekly. D.&W. Weekly. W^eekly. Monthly D.&W. Weekly. D.&W. Weekly. Semi-M. Weekly. Monthly D.&W. Semi-W. D.&W. Weekly. D.&W. Bi-Mo. Monthly Weekly. Daily D. & W. Weekly. Semi-W. Weekly. D.&W. Weekly. Except Sun. Friday. Weekly, Wed. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Thursday Saturday. Friday. 25th. Weekly, Fri. Saturday. Weekly, Wed. Thursday. 1st and 15th. Friday. Friday. Thursday. Saturday. Wednesday. Michigan Volksfreund (Gei) Saturday Evening Star.... Springport Signal Kalamazoo County. Galesburg Enterprise Gazette . Schoolcraft Express Kalkaska County. Leader Kent County. Cedar Springs Clipper *■ Grand Rapids... Agricultural World Dawn of the Morning Relig. Dem. Dem. Rep. Ind. Ind. Med. Trade. Trade. Trade. Ind. Temp. Fam. Ind. Rep. Ind. Rep. Ind. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Neutral. Neutral. Rep. Dem. Neutral. Rep. Rep. Rep. Ind. Dem. Ind. a- Ind. Dem. fS; Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Dem. 1st. Weekly, Tues. Tues. & Fri. Weekly, Thur. Wednesday. Weekly, Sat. ■^ De Standaard (Dutch) Germania (Ger ) .... -——Leader Michigan Manufacturer.. . Michigan Tradesman Ist. Tuesday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Thursday. Except Sun. Weekly, Sat. Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Wed. and Sat. Friday. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Friday. Thursday. Friday. Weekly, Thur. Weekly, Fri. Friday. Thursday. Friday. Friday. Saturday. Thursday. Thursday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Wednesday. Saturday Evening Post .... Sonnstagsblatt (Ger.) Staats Zeitung (Ger.) (.— Telegram ^ Times Vrijheids Banier (Dutch).. Kent City. . . . Herald Lowell Dollar Weekly Journal ... . Rockford Register Sparta Sentinel Lake Counti/. Baldwin Lake County Star Chase Eclipse Lapeer County. Im lay City Optic Metamora Bee . Otter Lake Enterprise . . Leelanaw County. Lenaivee County. Adrian Press Record Blissfield Advance Post Tecumseh Herald . . . . News Livingston County. Brighton . Argus Citizen Fowlerville . Review. Howell Livingston Democrat Livingston Republican .... Pinkney Dispatch THE MICHIGAN PKESS .—Continued. PLACE. PAPKR. Char- acter. Pub- lished. Publication Days. Mackinac County. Dem. Ind. Rep. Ind. I. Rep. Rep. Dem. Rep. Ind. Dem. Rep. Ind. Dem. Dem. Ind. Rep. Min. Ind. Ind. Min. Rep. Neutral. Dem. Rep. Relig. Ind. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Ind. s. Dem. Ind. Ind. Rep. Rep. Ind. Dem. Rep. Rep. Rep. Ind. Ind. Rep. Ind. Dem. Rep. Weekly. Semi-W. Weekly. D. &W. Weekly. Semi-W. Weekly. D. & W. Weekly. D. & W. Weekly. Daily Weekly. D. &W. Weekly. Daily. Semi-W. Weekly. Daily. Weekly. Tuesday. Wed. and Sat. Saturday. Saturday. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. ^ews Macomb County. Armada Artisan . Tvrt P.lATTionQ Monitor Press Thursday. Saturday. Wednesday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Thursday. Saturday. Friday. Wednesday. Weekly, Sat. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. 1st and 15th. Thursday. Wednesday. Friday. Weekly, Thur. Thursday. Saturday. Saturday. Thursday. Thursday. Tuesday. Saturday. Weekly, Fri. Thursday. Friday. Friday. Friday, Thursday. Romeo Hydrant Observer Manistee County. Manistee . Advocate Sentinel Times Marquette County. Marquette Der Wanderer am L. Sup'r. Mining Journal Negaunee . Iron Herald .... Mason County. Democrat . . . Record Catholic Family Reader . . Scottville Enterprise.. Mecosta County. Herald Pioneer Menominee. County. Menominee Herald Midland County. Midland.. .. Republican Sun Missaukee County. Lake City . New Era . Monroe County. Monroe . . . Commercial . . Democrat Petersburg Bulletin Journal . Montcalm County. Carson City Bee Edmore Journal . . Greenville Call Thursday. Thursday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Friday. Saturday. Tuesday. Saturday. Weekly, Fri. Howard City Record Sheridan News Stanton Clipper Herald Montmorency Count ii. Hillman Montmorency Co. Index . . . Muskegon County. Montague Lumberman LeMessager iFrench) . . Dem. Dem. Ind. ' Rep! ■ Rep. Ind. Rep. G.B. Ind. Wed. and Sat. Sunday. Social Drift Workingman's Journal WTiitehall Forum Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Neivaygo County. Fremont 3 ndicator Tribune Oakland Countu. Birmingham .... Eccentric THE MICHIGAN PKESS. -Continued. PLACE. PAPEK. Holly Oakland Co. Advertiser . Milford Times Orchard Lake . . . Academy News Orion Review Oxford Globe Pontiac Bill Poster Democrat Gazette Rochester Era South Lyon Excelsior Picket Ocecma County. Hart Argus Journal Sword of the Spirit Pentwater News Shelby Enterprise Independent Ogemaw County. West Branch Herald , Times Ontonagon County. Bessemer Pick and Axe Ontonagon Herald Miner Osceola County. Evart .. Osceola Democrat Review Hersey Osceola Outline Leroy Independent , Reed City Clarion , Union Banner Tustin Echo Oscoda County. Mioe Northern Mail Otsego County. Elmira Gazette Gaylord Otsego Co anty Herald . . , Otsego Co. Independent Vanderbilt Review OttauHi County. Coopersville Observer Grand Haven Courier Journal Herald News Journal Holland De Grondewet (Dutch) . . , De Hollander (Dutch) . . . DeHope (Dutch) Holland City News PresQue Isle County. Rogers City Presque Isle Advance Roscommon Conn ty. Roscommon News Sayinaio County. Chesaning Argus East Saginaw Courier. Char- acter. Pub- lished. Publication Days. Evening News Herald Sonntagsblatt Zeitung Saginaw City Saginawian Times Valley News St. Charles Independent Sanilac Comity. Croswell Democrat Lexington Sanilac Jeffersonian Marlette Leader Minden Post Port Sanilac Sanilac Reporter Schoolcraft County. Manistique Sunday Sun Schoolcraft Co. Pioneer.. Shiawassee County. Bancroft Advertiser Corunna Independent Journal Laingsburg News Ind. Ind. Neutral Ind. Ind. Dem. Dem. Rep. Ind. Ind. Ind. Pro. Rep. Ind. Rep. Dem. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Dem. Dem. Rep. Rep. Ind. Rep. Pro. Ind. Rep. Rep. Ind. Rep. Ind. Rep. Rep. G. B. Rep. Dem. Relig. Ind. Rep. Rep. Ind. Ind. Ind. Rep. Ind. Ind. Dem. Rep. Rep. Ind. Dem. Rep. Rep. Ind. Ind. Ind. Rep. Ind. Ind. Rep. Ind. Weekly. Monthly Weekly Saturday. Saturday. Semi-W, D. & W. Daily. D. & W. Weekly. Daily. Weekly. Semi-W Weekly. Thursday. Saturday. Wednesday. Tuesday. Friday. Thursday. Friday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Tuesday. Thursday. Tuesday. Saturday. Friday. Thursday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Friday. Friday. Saturday. Friday. Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday. Thursday. Friday. Tuesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Friday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday. Friday. Thursday. Friday. Wed. and Sat. Weekly, Thur. W^eekly, Thur. Sunday. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Saturday. Friday. Friday. aturday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Tues. and Fri. Thursday. Friday. Thursday. Friday. THE MICHIGAN PRESS.— Continued. PLACE. PAPEB. Char- acter. Pub- lished. Publication Days. Ind. Dem. Ind. Rep. Neutral. Neutral. Rep. Rep. Rep. Sec. So Dem. G% ries and beauties and advan tages that constitute a peifect tourists' paradise." Such i^ the deliberate opinion of that experi- , , , enced traveler, Colonel D ^nan, from T whose nervous, vigorous and altogether charming little book we condense a brief description. Rising grandly from the mighty channel.inwhich the waters of earth's three greatest unsalted oceans •Su- perior, Huron and Michigan— meet and blend in eternal billowy harmony, Mackinac Island is nearly nine miles in circumference and towers at its highest point over three hundred feet above the waves that lave its snowy feet. The United States government has, with a just appreciation of its wonderful attractions, reserved the entire island, with the exception of three small farms whose title is guaranteed by treaty, for a National Park. A sail around the island in any of the little steamers or yachts that are always at command presents a continuous succession of charming views, but none is more striking than that on entering the harbor at its southern end. The beautiful bay is crescent-shaped and its waters are so clear that a white marble or a silver quarter can be distinctly seen at a depth of from twenty to fifty feet. Myriads of fish are plainly visible as they cleave their way through the liquid crystal. Overlooking the bay, the tall white cliffs, with their back-ground of wav- ing forest; the fort, with Its massive walls of whitewashed stone, clinging picturesquely to the brow of the precipice; the straggling little town at its feet, stronglyrecaUing visions of Italian fishing villages; the long rambling hotels, with verandas above and below; the neat residences, with their grass- plots and shrubbery, fountains and flowers, mingling among buildings that have been historic for three generations; and, as a frontispiece to it all, the wide, smooth, gently-sloping beach of snowy sand on which the sunlit waters ever play, all combine to form a picture that, once seen, is never forgotten. " The natural scenery of Mackinac is charming," writes, in Picturesgiiie America,Constance Fenimore Woclson, whose admiraVjle story of Anne is a local as well as a national classic. " The geologist finds mysteries in the calcareous rock dipping at unexpected angles; the antiquarian ~ 59 ^ feasts his eyes on the Druidical circles of ancient stones; the invalid sits on the cJitf's edge, in the vivid sunshine, and breathes in the buoyant air with delight, or rides slowly over the old military roads, with the spicery of cedars and juniper alternating with the fresh forest odors of young maples and beeches. The haunted birches abound and on the crags grow the weird larches, beckoning with their long fingers— the most human tree of all. Bluebells, on their hair-like stems, swing from the rocks, fading at a touch, and in the deep woods are the Indian pipes, but the ordinary wild-flowers are not to be found. Over toward the British Landing stand the Gothic spi res of the blue-green spruces and now and then an Indian trail crosses the road, worn deep by the feet of the red men when the Fairy Island was their favorite and sacred resort." On the edge of a perpendicular precipice of white limestone, a hundred and fifty-five feet high, just back of the town, is the fort which, in pictur- esque beauty of location, has no rival among all the fortresses of the United States. Its position somewhat resembles that of Fort Snelling, but is much more romantic. Magnificent views of the surrounding lakes, channels, islands, promontories, forests, towns and shipping are to be had from every point on the lofty parapet; and the world affords no grander sight than a sunrise or sunset from the fort, the great globe of crimson and gold seeming at its rising to burst up from the bosom of Lake Huron and at its setting to plunge into the midst of Lake Michigan, casting a million prismatic tints of glorious light on wave and sky. It was of one of these gorgeous sunset scenes that Longfellow wrote: "Can it be the sun descending Staining all the waves with crimson — O'er the level plain of water? With the crimson of its life-blood; Or the Red Swan floating, flying, Filling all the air with splendor — _ Wounded by the magic arrow, With the splendor of its plumage ?" Arch Rock is one of the wildest, weirdest, sublimest freaks of nature s handiwork in sculpture. The chisel prints of untold ages of whirling waters are all over it. The first glimpse of its manifold grandeurs and beauties takes away the breath of any party of intelligent tourists and each feels in his astonishment and delight the inability to express the emotions that overwhelm one in the presence of such a scene. Imagine, if you can, pro- jecting from the face of a cliff two hundred feet high, a gigantic bay-win- dow of stone, supported by a mighty arch a hundred and forty-nine feet high at its summit. The rim or wall of the bay-window is about three feet wide and it bulges out some twenty feet from the cliff, overhanging the blue-green water of the lake a dizzy depth below. The view from the sum- mit of the arch takes in a glorious sweep of fifty miles. The scene by moon- light from a boat below the arch is most enchanting. About half a mile back of Fort Mackinac, on the highest point of the island, are the ruins of old Fort Holmes, built by the British after its capture in lel2 and called by them Fort George. The Americans named it Fort Holmes, in honor of the gallant officer who fell in the attempt to retake the island in 1814. From this historic spot the eye takes in one of the grandest panoramas on earth, a sweep of a hundred and fifty miles of magnificent lakes, white-crested billows, green islands, beetling crags, gently-sloping shores of dazzling sand, light-houses, towns, Indian encampments and far-reaching forests melting away in the dim distance into the undistinguishable blue of sky and water. Far away to the northward are plainly seen St. Martin's Bay, St. Martin's Island, Burns' Island and the famous Chippewa village at the mouth of Pine River. To the west lie Point St. Ignatius, the Rabbit's Back Mountain, Pointe La Barbe, where the old traders used to shave and brush up a little before going to meet their patrons or their girls in Mackinac, and the Gros Cap Hills fading away into the dim shore line. Outlined against the sky on the southwest are Waugoshance light-house, McGulpin's Point and light- house, and nearer at hnnd Mackinaw City on the northern point of the lower peninsula. Fifteen miles southward the pretty little city of Cheboygan lies in plain view, with its docks, its tasteful houses and its fleet of steam and sail vessels. Spectacle Reef light-house looks like a slender finger against the eastern horizon, and across a narrow strait Bois Blanc Island looms up with its light-houses and forests of white birch, while twelve miles off to the northeast can be seen the upper part of the Cheneaux Islands, an enchant- ing archipelago of some seventy-five or eighty beautiful islands, varying from two miles in length to mere green specks a hundred feet across, dot- ting the crystal waters which rush by, fifteen fathoms deep at the shores, and swarming with whitefish, bass, pickerel, gamy muskallonge and lake trout. Every floating cloud or gleam of sunshine changes the glorious scene by varying the tintings of the waters, which range through every shade from deepest azure to palest opal green, from purple and lavender to purest silver. In such a spot, with the glories of earth and heaven unrolled before the gaze, where the atmosphere is as pure as the gales that wandered over pri- meval paradise, where the temperature is always cool enough to be bracing and invigorating, where a fly or mosquito never was seen, where the induce- ments to constant exercise of every sense and sinew are as boundless as the beauties of the place, and where the healing fragrance of the pine and hem- lock and balsam-fir are borne on every breeze, dyspepsia, languor and low spirits take flight at once, hay-fever victims are at rest and catarrhs and asthmas mysteriously disappear. The querulous invalid, before he knows it, finds himself boating, fishing, strolling, flirting like a prize athlete or a Harvard freshman. Well might Horace Mann, writing of the influence of "The Wonderful Isle," say: "I never breathed such an air before. I think that this must be some that came clear out of Eden and did not get cursed." POPULATION OF MICHIGAN. ^ COCNTIBS. 1860. 1870. _ 1880. 1884. II "Native. Foreign. Total. Alcona 185 16,087 290 179 696 32,105 2,756 1,985 3,107 37,815 8,789 5.237 1,968 32.176 5,686 6,321 2.358 1,715 28;657 3,454 32,454 25,604 36,393 19,831 6,815 3,880 23,786 1,698 5,245 29,768 6,426 32,595 967 9,341 22,296 29,616 13,328 12,872 » 5.037 12,445 B H B B B B B B B G E G g B B B G B B B B B 1 B E E B i B B 2,055 6,397 6,958 2,376 1,663 1,320 & 929 5:iS 4,960 1,333 2,421 4,185 5,068 1,652 3,302 600 4,709 1,967 1,509 6,060 556 l& 2,005 12,812 11.488 4,231 3,936 5,467 3,518 12;683 8.761 4.027 3,039 24,102 51,221 4,389 37,776 27,661 41,585 %s s 5,549 91992 31,802 7,944 38,776 1,539 12,092 25,049 31,686 26,146 24,521 34,939 32,559 10.602 16,011 Allegan Antrim Baraga 1,804 25,317 38,081 3,433 36,785 27,941 38,452 22,009 5,115 6,524 5,248 4,187 28,100 1,159 1,127 32;723 i:S 33,676 33,872 6873 12,159 55 42,031 34,342 2.937 73,253 4,270 30;i38 6.253 48,343 22,251 2.902 31,627 12,532 1,334 25,394 10,065 IS 6,898 1,553 33,624 33,148 Alpena. 26,586 14,688 41,537 11,699 1,914 2,565 10,777 467 1,974 33,126 3,113 1,459 59,095 26,341 1,575 27,059 46,197 i:Si 30,807 41,848 166:444 6,815 Barry . . 13,858 3,164 22,199 11 2i;094 1,724 2,196 22.845 ity.. :.::;.. ■...:... :...... Benzie Berrien 22,378 1:1! 17,721 Calhoun Charlevoix. 517 1,603 Clare 13,916 Delta 1,172 16,476 1,149 22,498 14 25,675 9,234 3,165 17,435 16,682 175 1,443 2.542 25,171 33;900 ""4,443 11,810 31,684 9^049 25,268 27,681 3,163 4,113 Emmet Genesee Grand Traverse Hillsdale Houghton Ionia .... Isabella 26.671 24,646 36,047 32,054 424 60,403 4,205 4;576 45,595 19,336 1,716 27,616 6,074 891 15,033 3,263 5,642 1,791 3,285 130 27.483 13,629 hed to 14,894 7,294 40,867 7,222 12 2,845 2.» 38,129 29,395 3,621 60,790 2,298 5,115 21,948 5,026 43,489 18,807 2IS 10,893 M,tJ! 8,599 'in 6,436 28;i40 29,018 451 22,860 14.937 34,120 11,861 2,285 2,360 10,000 1,097 2,680 1,347 46,619 15,351 1,908 23,556 29,124 23,574 22,177 27.885 33,195 115,056 7,637 E 6,853 H 5,679 B 861 B 23,155 E 2,360 B 2,353 B 8,061 B 2,086 G 5,999 E 2,729 B 1,952 G 8,295 G 8,846 I 328 B 16,800 B 4.518 i ,S B 2,821 B 1,300 G 5,152 B 6,206 B 14,642 B 3.991 B 6.832 B 2.606 B 1,347 E 2,468 B 3,954 B 275 B 1,210 H 12,188 G 1,973 B 1,233 B 26,241 B 14,159 B 1,928 i iS B 2.334 G 8.353 G 73.031 B 2,866 45,232 35,281 4:S 4,667 7,539 30,057 7,128 49,584 21,568 5,171 i;i98 31,397 13,221 20,597 19,120 8,776 3,386 35;356 37,554 18,996 41,100 14,519 3,637 4,836 14,C01 1,374 3,906 36,225 4,064 2,588 74,795 29,583 3,846 28,078 46,783 26,277 50,726 30,341 41,694 188,966 10,518 1.853.658 Kalamazoo Kalkaska Kent 30,716 Keweenaw Lake 14,754 2.158 38.112 16.851 1.938 22,84:^ 975 1,042 2,821 831 970 Leelanaw Livingston Mackinac Manistee. . Marquette Mason Menominee. Midland 787 Monroe ... 21,593 3,968 Attac 3,947 2.760 38.261 1,816 Montmorency Muskegon Oakland Ontonagon Osceola *'1? Otsego Ottawa 13,^^ ^■§i Roscommon Saginaw . 12,693 7,599 12,349 26,604 21,262 4,886 15,224 35,686 75,547 g:§i "2d,858 36,661 26,275 13,714 28,829 41,434 119,038 650 Schoolcraft . Shiawassee St. Clair St. Joseph Tuscola Van Buren Washtenaw Wayne Wexford Total 749,113 1,184,059 IMM 1,357,639 486.968 POPULATION OF MICHIGAN. ITS TNCREASE. The following table shows the population of Michigan at decennial periods, according to the United States census, the rate of increase, rank in population among the States and Territories, etc. : TEAK. a Total Popula- tion. Per centi Popl'n of per Increase' Sq. Mile. Persons to a Dwell'g Persons to a Family. 1810 25 27 27 23 20 16 13 9 4,762 8,765 31,639 212,267 397,654 749,113 1,184,059 1,636,937 1820 •■84:6- 260.9 570.9 87.3 88.3 38:2 0.1 0.6 3.7 6.9 13.0 20.6 28.5 1830 1840 1850. 5.55 4.96 5.00 5.09 5.48 1860 5.17 1870 4.91 1880 4.86 NATIVITY AND SEX, 1880. The census of 1880 showed that the population consisted of 862,355 males and 774,582 females, a percentage respectively of 52.7 and 47.3, but the mascu- line predominance was less than in former years. Of the 1,248.429 natives of the United States, 642,932 were males and 605,497 were females. Two-thirds of these were natives of Michigan; 229,657 were born in New York; 77,053 in Ohio; 37,865 in New England; 36,064 in Pennsylvania; 18,216 in Indiana; 10,775 in Wisconsin; 9,699 in Illinois; 7,903 in New Jersey, and 10,507 in Southern States. Next to the native Michiganders the New Yorkers predominated in all the counties except Delta, Hout?hton, Keweenaw, Menominee and Onton- agon, in which they were outnumbered by natives of Wisconsin; Gladwin, in which there were more Ohioans, and Gratiot, in which the New Yorkers and Ohioans were equal in numbers. The foreign born numbered 219,423 males and 169,085 females, a total of 388,508, or 23.7 per cent, of the whole population. British America (chiefly Canada), contributed 148,866; Great Britain, 98,240 (of whom 43,202 were Eng- lish, 43,413 Irish, and 10,731 Scotch); the German Empire, 89,085; Holland, 17,177; Sweden, 9,412; Poland, 5,421; Norway, 3,520; Denmark, 3,513; France, 3,203, and Switzerland, 2,474. The letters prefixed to the foreign population, 1880, in the table on the preceding page, indicate the nativity of the greater number as follows : B, British America; E, England; I, Ireland; G.Germany, H, Holland. HOW THEY W^ERE EMPLOYED. Of the population of Michigan in 1880, 1,236,686 were of the age of ten years and over. Of these, 569,204 were returned as employed in gainful occupa- tions, as follows : agriculture, 240.319 ; professional and personal services, 143,249 ; trade and transportation, 54,723, and manufacturing, mechanical and mining industries, 130,913. Making a more detailed classification we find that but 70,815 of the agri- culturists were laborers. There were in the State 2,148 clergymen, 2,097 lawyers, 3,404 physicians, surgeons and dentists, 10,150 teachers, including musicians, 3,Cfe9 ofiicials and employes of government, 6,193 employed in hotels, boarding-houses and restaurants, 28,862 domestic servants, and 79,053 laborers other than agricultural. Under the head of trade and transporta- tion, there were 14,174 traders and dealers, employing 12,580 clerks, salesmen and accountants, 3,154 commercial travelers, hucksters and peddlers, 1,467 employed in banking, brokerage and insurance, 10,445 officials and employes of railroad, express and telegraph companies, 5,015 draymen, hackmen, teamsters, etc., 3,184 sailors, steamboatmen and watermen, and 2,197 saloon- keepers and bartenders. There were also 1.904 manufacturers and officials of manufacturing companies, 2,868 iron and steel makers, 6,978 miners, 1,053 cotton and woolen mill operatives, 3,783 engineers and firemen, 2,870 ma- chinists, 1,924 millers, 8,907 lumbermen, raftsmen and wood-choppers, 13,826 saw-mill operatives, 16,.541 carpenters and joiners, 2,753 coopers, 2,920 cabinet makers and upholsterers, 4,8i>6 painters and varnishers, 6,328 blacksmiths, 3,784 boot and shoe-makers, 4,412 brick and stone masons and stone cutters, 2.390 butchers, 1,398 fishermen, 1,907 cigar makers and tobacco workers, 1,919 printers, 1,547 harness, saddle and trunk makers, and 12,432 tailors, dress- makers and milliners. Included in these were 55,013 females, nearly one-half of whom, 26,746, were domestic servants. Of the remainder, 10,462 plied the needle as dress- makers and milliners, 7,971 were teachers, 2,591 carried on or were employed in hotels, boarding-houses and restaurants, 1,165 were laundresses, and 973 were engaged in agriculture, only 204 of whom, however, were laborers. Among the rest we find six clergymen, seven lawyers, nine journalists, ninety- one physicians and surgeons and six dentists. Eleven were engaged in banking, brokerage and insurance, 909 were employed in stores, 246 were in government offices, 232 were traders and dealers, and there was a miller, an iron and steel maker, a brick maker, a brewer and a livery stable keeper among the feminine bread-winners. MINERAL PRODUCTIONS OF MICHIGAN. IRON. In 1844 the variation of the compass needles near the present city of Negaunee drew the attention of the United States surveyors to the outcrop- pings of magnetic iron. In 1846 the tirst ore. three hundred pounds, was taken from the Jackson mine, and smelted in an old forge the following win- ter. It was 1855 before the shipment ojC ore fairly began, since when the out- put has aggregated 25,000,000 of tons. The deposits are confined to the azoic formation of the Northern Peninsula and are located in the counties of Marquette, Menominee, Ontonagon, Delta, Baraga and Houghton. "It is doubtful," says Prof. T. B. Brooks, in the Geoluuical Survey of Blichigan (i. 216), "if, in the same extent and thickness of rocks anywhere in the world, there is a larger percentage of iron oxide than in the Marquette series. In the order of relative abundance, so far as made <^ut, the ores are the flag, the red specular hematites, soft or brown hematites and magnetites. These all exist in workable beds and all as disseminated minerals in rocks usually silicious." The average percentage of metallic iron in these four varieties of ore varies from 49.332 in the flag to 62.915 in the specular and 62,930 in the magnetite, while that of phosphorus ranges from .053 in the flag and .078 in the soft hematites to .111 in the specular. Excepting the soft hematites, which contain about five per cent, of water, the elements other than oxide of iron and silicia amount lo but five per cent. The quality and value of the Lake Superior iron ore, as the Michigan ore is usually termed, is very high. The census of 18bO reported the product of Pennsylvania during the previous year as 2,185,675 tons, valued at $5,517,079. But the Michigan product, though 350,000 tons less, was worth over half a million of dollars more. Pennsylvania employed a little more capital than Michigan, but paid the miners an aver- age of only $28.57 per month, while Michigan paid $43.11. Michigan now un- doubtedly leads in quantity as well as quality and value of iron production. New York and New Jersey are third and fourth in the list, followed by Ohio and Missouri. The iron monograph of the tenth census reports Michigan as the eighth iron manufacturing State, having twenty charcoal blast furnaces and two rolling mills employing $4,175,386 capital and 3.089 hands, paying $922,597 in wages and making 142,716 tons of product valued at $4,591,613. She used, however, but 201,179 tons of her own ore, sending over 1,200.0(30 tone to the other States to make one- third of all the pig iron of the Republic. The following table shows the annual production of ore and pig in gross tons, together with the approximate value in the lower lake markets : YEAES. Iron Ore. Pig Iron. Value. TEAKS. Iron Ore. Pig Iron. Value. Unknown 146,113 3,000 1,449 36,343 25,646 15.876 68,832 49^909 124,169 203,055 243,127 186,208 278,796 443,567 491,449 617,444 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 S:::::: 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 Total... 830,940 779,607 900,901 1,162 458 920,557 891.257 992,764 1,014,687 1,101,110 1,374,893 1,885,724 2,295,618 2,947,392 2,352,288 2,518,048 2,191,975 49,298 51,225 61,195 70,507 86,494 81,753 61,911 29,685 17,404 48',523 52,953 72,962 57,384 57,287 136,649 1,030,884 6 300 170 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 5^660 7,970 8,590 131620 12,283 18,437 30,211 38,246 39,003 19,020 9,187 230,450 76,938 736,496 775,832 984,977 1,416,935 1,867,215 1,590,430 2,405,960 3,475,820 3.992,413 4,968,435 6,115,895 9,188,055 11,395,887 7,592,811 5,788,763 5,397,785 5,299,598 6,884,432 11,413,114 19,457,427 14,969,108 13,921,491 12,59(>,867 1869 27,209,603 $206,349,646 In the same year that the Jackson iron mine made its first output, the fissure vein of the Cliff copper mine, near Eagle river, was opened and proved remunerative. This was the first pecuniarily profitable result of Dr. Douglass Houghton's report to the legislature in February, 1841. But the existence of copper was previously known to Schoolcraft, and the great mass of copper on the bank of Ontonagon river, twenty miles above its mouth, had been seen and described by Baron L'Hontan in 1688 and by later travelers; and subsequent discoveries have proved that copper mines of considerable depth were opened and worked on Keweenaw Point and Isle Royale by the more intelligent and cultivated predecessors of the Indians. Since 1846 Michigan has produced nearly 400,000 tons of refined copper worth over $180,000,000. According to the tenth census Michigan produced more than ninety per cent, of the product, of the United States east of the lOOth merid- ian, almost all of which came from the Portage Lake District of Hough- ton county. The other copper counties are Keweenaw, Ontonagon and Is!e Koyale. No copper ore is found in the State. The metal exists as pure native copper in fissure veins and in amygdaloid and conglomerate beds. Silver is often found with it, but also as a pure metal and as an admixture, but not as an alloy. The Calumet conglomerate was discovered in 1365 and the Calumet & Hecla made its first shipment two years later. This single company produced 16,562,522 net tons of refined copper in 1883, making a total output in seventeen years of 174,828,321 net tons, worth over $72,000,000. The following table sho^ ber 31, 1881 the returns for Fs the annual production and value up to Decem- 1885 being still incomplete: BEFINED COPPER. TEARS. REFINED COPPER. TEARS. Net Tons. Value. (N.Y.City.) Net Tons. Value. (N.Y.City.) Prior to 1855... 1855 6,992.8635 2,904.6670 4108.6960 4,765.4150 4,579.9580 4,463.9975 6,034.1875 7,519.4185 6,793.1640 6,492.6720 6,245.9825 7,179.2915 6,875.0315 8,763.8035 10,467.0620 13,312.6500 $ 3,146,400 1586:i60 2,218,320 2,382,500 2,129,235 2,239,591 2654:960 3,487,995 3,634,2.55 4,415,600 5,870,300 5,635,515 4,629,375 4,442,811 4,940,424 6,230,016 1870 12,311.4245 13,373.1745 12,276.7615 15,045.7525 17,166.6945 18,019.74a5 19,135.4985 19,513.3355 20,845.6330 21,425.7645 24.869.1835 27,270.4545 28,577.9900 29,851.2020 33,-572.7540 $ 5,096,752 1871 5,728,185 185g •1872 7,979,400 1873 8,726,100 1858 1874 8,009,356 1859 1875 8,180,626 1876 7,' 98,430 1861 1877 7,327,888 1862 1878 1879 6,920.540 1863 7,327,350 1864 1880 9,947,673 1865 1881 9,971,702 1866 1882 10.522,416 1867 1883 8,955,361 1868::::. ■;::•.:::: 1881 7,721.733 1869.. Aggregate 420,232,7210 $179,757,299 Michigan is now the largest salt-producing region in the United States, largely leading in production the Onondaga region of New York, which is its only competitor to any extent. The first practical attempt at salt- well boring in the State was made at Grand Rapids in 1859 and the depth attained was 275 feet. An analysis of the brine seems to have shown but a small per- centage of salt. The first well at East Saginaw was bored in 1860 and an analysis of the brine gave nineteen per cent, of salt. In 1884 there were 276 salt wells in the State— 240 in Saginaw ana Bay counties and the remaining thirty-six in Huron, Iosco, Manistee, Midland, Gratiot, St. Clair and Jackson counties. The average depth of the wells in the Saginaw Valley is 1,000 feet and in Manistee 1,900 feet. The average salinometer strength of the brine is ninety degrees at fifty-six degrees Fahrenheit. The total salt production of the State from 1860 to 1868 was as follows: 1860, 4,000 bbls.; 1861, 125,000 bbls. ; 1862, 243,000 bbls.; 1863, 466,356 bbls.; 1864, 529,073 bbls.; 1865, 477,200 bbls.; 1866, 407,077 bbls.; 1867, 474,721 bbls.: 1868, 555,690 bbls. In March, 1869, the first State Salt Inspector (Dr. Samuel S. Garrigues) was appointed and the inspection of all salt required by law. Since that date from the production of the various grades has been as follows: TEAR. Fine. Packers' Solar. Second Quality. Total Bbls. Average Price. 1869 655,923 672,034 746,702 960,757 1,027,886 1,402,410 1,590,841 1,770,361 1,997,350 2,589,037 2,673,910 2,928,552 2,828,987 3,087,033 3,230,626 12,918 14;677 11,110 23,671 20.G90 10,233 11,233 20,389 19,367 15,611 16,691 15,424 19,388 15,480 15,264 15,507 37,645 21,461 32,267 29,391 24,336 24,418 22,919 33,511 18,020 22,237 9,683 31,335 16,735 16,957 19,849 19,117 19,650 19,930 19,876 20,706 16,741 19,110 21,668 26,818 32,615 27,029 48,623 52,821 60,222 33,526 38,428 31,428 561,288 621,352 728,175 724,481 823,346 1,026,979 1,081,865 1,462,729 1,660,997 1,855,881 2,058,010 2,676,588 2,750,299 3,037,317 2,891,672 3.161,806 3,297,103 11.58 1870 1.32 1871 1.46 1872 1.46 1873::::::::::::::::..:: 1.37 1874 1.19 1875 1.10 1876 1.(5 1877 .85 1878 .85 1879::::..:::::::::::::: 1.02 1880 .75 1881 .85 1882 .75 1883 .81 1884 1885 .73 .70 Total 29,244,724 278,274 391.595 508,608 30,123,221 .96 From the tenth census of the United States we find that there were in the United States 264 establishments with 539 wells, employing 5,065 hands and producing 29,800,298 bushels of salt valued at $4,817,636. Michigan stood first in rank, with eighty-six establishments and 203 wells, employing $2,147,- 209 of capital and 1,886 hands, paying $510,902 in wages and producing 12,425,885 bushels of salt valued at $2,271,913, nearly one-half the value of the total production of the country. New York had sixty-nine establishments and forty-two wells, employed $2,286,081 capital and 1,040 hands, paid $274,087 in wages and produced 8,748,203 bushels of salt worth $1,106,710. West Vir- ginia came next with ten establishments and fifty-seven wells, $909,500 cap- ital and 810 hands, paying wages to the amount of $160,227 and producing 2,679,438 bushels salt worth $380,369. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Cali- fornia were the only other States producing more than $100,000 worth of this invaluable antiseptic. The average depth of the wells in Michigan was reported as 881 feet; New York, 324 feet; West Virginia, 1,043 feet; Ohio, 902 feet; Pennsylvania, 884 feet, and Virginia's two wells, 262 feet. California mined and ground rock salt. The average strength oiP the Michigan brine W!is [)V.i degrees; that of Virginia, 86 degrees; Utah, 823^ degrees ; New York, 69>^ degrees; Ohio, 36.8 degrees, and West Virginia only 35?i degrees. FARM STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN, 1879-84. COMPILED BY HON. H. A. CONANT, SECBETARY OF STATE. 1883-84. 1882-83. 1881-82. 1880-81. 1879-80. 1 Farms, No of . 131,170 7,179,802 5,011,853 12,191,655 90.93 1..59i,837 23,578.388 14.81 1,536,964 760,544 16,544.976 21.89 587,811 19,271,182 32.79 120,579 93,523 .78 38,507 739,706 19.20 32,247 435,230 13.49 122,976 8,932,397 72.52 1,404,699 1,872,186 1.33 335,639 334,869 354,841 515,209 2,431,967 2,374,555 13,373.803 5.63 240,765 1,409,790 ^& 1,004,757 152.044 128,840 6,917,656 4,839,452 11,757,108 91.13 1,688,269 32.568,688 1^.29 1,627,911 879,949 56,929,495 64.68 558,835 19,025,764 34.01 136,334 160.677 1.18 39.060 904,235 23.13 29,285 489,591 16.57 113.745 11,078,796 96.95 1,105,231 1,365,252 1.24 322/228 477,301 2,364,407 2,240,965 12,737,343 5.68 230,176 2,300,350 15,383 295,394 3,089,474 189,638 124,684 6,694,059 4,837,545 11,531,604 92.31 1,679,790 20,370.372 12.13 1,726,927 773.594 40,989.137 52.96 465,363 ''■''MM 242.588 295,607 26,545 611,580 23.06 22,550 381,892 16.89 93.2.38 7,342.876 78.06 1,163,.580 1,331,615 319?625 310,.596 317,874 458,362 2,214,452 2,137,122 11,576,755 5.42 232,605 2.629,273 13,080 106,8.50 3,043,694 147.853 119,769 118,941 6,374.385 6,217,209 4,703,393 4,761,058 11,077,165 10,977,105 92.40i 92.19 1,768,475 1,605,636 30,603,075 30,983,340 17.30 19.30 1,783,319 1,832,366 Farms, acres improved land. Farms.acres unimprov'd land Farms, total No. acres in Farms, av. No. acres in each . Wheat, acres harvested Wheat, bus . harvested Wheat, av. No . bus. per acre. . Wheat acres in May. Corn acres harvested 741 404 742,859 45,505,111 42,764.123 61.38i 57.57 466,245' 440,723 13,914.738 15.089.855 Corn, bus. ears harvested Corn, av. No. bus. ears per acre Oats, av. No. bus. per acre.. .. Clover seed, acres harvested. . Clover seed, bus. harvested... Clover seed,av. No. bus. pr acre Barley, acres harvested Barley, bus. harvested Barley, av. No. bus. per acre. . 29.85 71,492 82,824 1.16 34,302 652,698 19.03 27,833 406,793 14.60 88,293 8,315,787 93.84 948.426 1,146,784 1.21 3a>,591 311,300 322,231 424,795 2,095 408 1,965,952 10,724,107 5.45 231,480 4,834,936 12,908 413,418 3,234,969 207,593 34.25 194 399 313,063 1.61 44,007 991,659 22.53 33,079 537,732 1.^.95 89,441 943,371 1,051,115 1.11 293,210 304,142 344,791 468,629 1,892,311 1,828,580 9,582,034 5.23 226,849 1,831,910 13,901 229,570 2,956,437 161,316 Peas, av. No. bus. per acre. . . . Potatoes, acres harvested Potatoes, bus. harvested Potatoes, av. No. bus. per acre Hay, acres harvested Hay tons raised. HayJ av. No. tons per acre Milch cows, No of No of other cattle Hogs, No. of Sheep, No. sheared Wool, lbs. sheared Wool, av. No. lbs. per head... . Apple orchards. No. acres in. Apples, bus. sold Peach orchards, No. acres in. Peaches, bus. sold Cherries, currants .plums and berries, bus. sold 1 STATISTICS F MICHIGAN FARMS 1884. COUNTIES. ACRES OF LAND IN FARMS. So. of Farms. Average No. of Acres in Improved. Unim- proved. Total. each Farm. Alcona . . . 22l',28J 8,881 16,074 7;512 m,m 39.713 11,360 181,315 185,738 255,829 186,920 15,927 9,687 2.344 7,649 207,109 3,624 7,705 187,456 10,533 219,729 4,055 12,272 137.862 30,889 39,401 18,627 5,642 101,794 44,442 26,604 99,064 99,673 109,299 84,928 45,606 34,378 18,737 20,494 111.895 17;274 124,959 45,038 118,249 10 654 17,295 359,146 39,770 55,475 26.140 6,890 295,012 280,37t 365:i28 271,848 61,533 44,065 21,081 28,143 319,004 20 292 24,979 312,415 55,571 337,978 14,709 192 90.08 4,776 75.20 300 105.13 666, 83.30 289 77.72 48, 143.54 3,2621 89.92 1,343 62.21 456 83.25 3,374 79.80 3,198 88.72 e,326l 109.52 Allegan Alpena Antrim Baraga Barry Bay Benzie ... Berrien Calhoun 2,506 668 452 120 227 3,431 190 235 3.685 3,730 108.48 84.27 91 .98 175.68 90.68 92.98 106.80 106.29 84.78 106.46 90.35 Charlevoix Chippewa Clare Crawford Delta Eaton Emmet .... Gladwin 120, 122.58 II 'J STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN FAEMS, 1884.— Continued. COUNTIES. ACRES OF UlSJ) IN FARMS. No. of Farms. Average No. of Acres in Improved. Unim- proved. Total. each Farm. Grand Traverse 32.204 4,896 94,033 168,585 210,724 5,799 53,856 46.131 105,943 100,512 7,468 134,667 103,715 109,548 17,225 67,882 78,335 212,573 340,227 12,364 228,700 272,300 320,272 23,024 121,738 765 2,523 3,648 220 1.507 90.87 76.10 Hillsdale ... . 87.70 Houghton 190.22 91.66 97.29 Ionia 87.79 95.55 Isabella 80.78 Isle Royale 241.360 219.592 9,115 254,45',t 2,332 9.425 271,748 202,187 1,238 174,147 7,841 18,032 41,447 6,414 19,895 8,851 173,309 101.544 1.225 35,811 58,552 333,831 52,955 7.5531 2,299 35,518 3,872 4,011 119.371 8,232 1,344 122,889 140,864 164,18t 195.342 213.980 137,309 170 365 277,225 172.644 15,548 127,999 74,473 27.918 149,109 3,296 20,365 123,083 57,623 111,006 112,149 12,783 79,563 43.511 5,228 15,730 33,508 61,490 33,933 38,924 26,249 96,319 92,948 10,815 46,000 86.624 139.762 61,771 24,217 4,505 62,547 22,276 19,593 73,028 35,482 4,320 118,108 133,856 7,105 92,484 141,666 87:704 116.388 64,772 38.286 369,359 294,065 37,033 403,568 5,628 82,351 ^:S 14,021 8,025 23,571 51,540 102.937 40,347 58,819 35,100 269 628 194,492 12,040 81,811 145,176 473,593 U4,726 31,770 6,804 98,065 26,148 23 604 192,399 43,714 5.664 240,997 274,720 7825 256,673 337,008 282,369 274,717 258,069 393,613 237,416 53 834 3,074 ^■s 4,731 20 317 3,282 717 4.094 2Jg 3,090 589 li '400 705 2,'073 91 957 1,547 3,696 ■■il 51 l.'>5 2,673 455 30 3,187 W| 2.918 3,829 2,521 3,518 3,079 3,m 2,976 674 120.16 109.50 Kalkaska 74:97 Kent 85.30 Keweenaw 281.40 Lake 87.68 95.29 114.85 Lenawee 93.43 ■Livingston 115.69 164.95 81.95 97.26 Manitou 100 31 Marquette 141.09 yiason 77.28 85.91 Menominee. 100.87 Midland 75.81 110 47 Monroe 78:34 Montcalm 84.25 132 31 Muskegon 85:49 93.84 Oakland 121.50 Oceana .. 76.88 103.49 133.41 Osceola 77 89 150.28 84.52 Ottawa . 71.98 96.07 Roscommon Saginaw 141.77 74 49 Sanilac 86.58 150.48 87.60 St. Clair ... 81.88 112.01 77.43 Van Buren 83 82 116J0 Wayne .. ... 79 78 Wexford 79.87 Total 7,179,802 5.011,853 12,191,655 131,170 90.93 4f: Exclusive of cities, and of townships for which the reports do not show both the number of farms and the total number of acres in farms. FARM ANIMALS IN MICHIGAN. FURNISHED BY COMMISSIONER OF U. S. ■DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. January 1, 1885. Number. VlfuT Total Value. Horses 420,245 5,718 ss 2.364,174 849,174 35.00 6.1 7 $35.87B,316 58!,808 14.567.000 14,140.893 6,359.628 5,154,486 Mules Milch Cows Oxen and other Cattle Sheep Hogs FRESIDENTIAL VOTE. COUNTIES. 1880. 1884. '6 o' U • o u 1 II, "ffl a 4 !e25 csQ 16 l£ ■^A S^ OS %^ •^ W m O 9 cc Alcona 386 252 9 .... 545 329 339 1 Allegan 4,693 2,376 1,209 4 4,080 2,810 3,445 760 927 Alpena ma 834 38 ....1 927 , 924 1,127 198 59 Antrim 600 153 215 1 1,066 364 721 355 37 323 396 17 307 607 307 531 44 Baraga 173 224 ?. Barry 3,083 1,020 2,129 26 2,699 1,150 2,937 1,927 401 Bay 2,404 2,068 1,734 1 2,916 3,436 4,963 1 534 161 Benzie 449 170 142 556 245 380 135 77 Berrien 4,535 3,536 540 7 4,445 4,030 4.458 427 815 Branch 4,121 1,195 1,626 H 3,671 1,315 2,958 ,6144 419 Calhoun 5,187 3,143 ■ 844 26 5,113 4,693 4,309 644 564 Cass 2,589 784 2,180 304 415 78 .... 2,764 1,043 2,527 • 401 2,744 825 223 469 216 56 Charlevoix . . . Cheboygan.... 606 541 99 . 777 577 897 311 40 Chippewa 396 347 2 ... ! 686 635 21 488 3,299 370 2,797 44 766 -ii! 622 2,782 503 2,413 3,220 li\ 34 315 Clinton Crawford 183 142 20 304 178 223 45 9 Delta 708 4,195 441 2,681 6 ...J 1,201 4,106 609 2,818 609 3,717 " ■ 911 6 494 Eaton 809 87 1 Emmet 814 m 118 2 779 587 895 310 105 Genesee 4,934 3,086 925 56 4.328 3,153 3,657 660 1,005 Gladwin 100 243 7 288 208 213 19 Gd. Traverse.. 1,356 428 70 1,645 619 808 257 94 Gratiot 2,548 1,489 965 7 2,676 1,526 2,736 1 207 283 Hillsdale 4,909 1,951 1,365 21 4,315 2,024 3,222 1,295 629 Houghton 2,100 1,311 5 2,383 1,692 1,691 2 39 Huron 1713 1.245 42 9 1,355 1,454 1,898 444 179 Ingham 3,984 3,412 1,005 2H 3,709 4:562 1.292 472 Ionia 4,210 2,542 1,257 41 3,552 2;728 3,814 1,084 503 809 1,438 g 5 129 1,016 1,617 844 1,033 864 1,610 124 581 43 83 Isabella IsleRoyale... Jackson 4,486 3,743 1,810 117 4.804 4,383 5,452 1,060 645 Kalamazoo.. . 4,478 3,044 550 4,515 3,452 455 Kalkaska 496 170 31 630 182 369 188 35 Kent 8,313 5,115 3,037 58 9,007 6,902 9 639 2,755 1,040 Keweenaw Lake 591 579 262 W6 1?? SI 201 666 ' ' 209' 12 109 3 1 Lapeer 3,440 2,606 171 3 3,062 2,499 2,741 240 276 Leelanaw 594 545 83 . 811 485 571 94 21 Lenawee 6,451 5,246 402 167 5,827 5,271 5,572 300 1,097 Livingston.... 2,879 2,819 231 10 2,597 2,621 2,938 316 272 Mackinac Macomb a 145 3,137 a 296 3,218 479 2,7ra 543 3,336 558 3,464 15 130 3 223 201 10 Manistee 1,189 870 210 1 1,305 1,223 1,926 7(H) 162 Manitou Marquette 2,434 139 1,271 18 4,230 148 1,467 1,478 U 21 12 48 Mason 1,267 76 l,2iJ9 1.011 1,217 211 57 Mecosta 1,621 852 275 2,365 1,166 1,847 683 187 Menamineo . . 1,380 880 4 2 2,614 918 936 14 25 Midland 761 405 355 5 1,071 457 883 m 44 Missaukee... 266 121 37 470 373 76 26 Monroe 3,178 3,701 224 2 3,025 3 735 3,920 190 224 Montcalm .... 4,163 2,770 763 4 3,857 2,296 3,788 1,5(1? 173 Montmorencj 93 48 137 8') 9 Muskegon Newaygo 2,807 1,680 3581 3 3,483 2,119 3,171 1,042 317 1,492 625 994 ! 11 1,971 995 2,051 1,05C 203 Oakland 5,370 5,150 318 1 37 1 4,842 5,101 5,386 315 522 Oceana 1,481 482 50l!.... 1,637 661 1,213 .5.52 357 Ogemaw 264 191 58 478 375 472 101 16 Ontonagon.... 218 25 1 301 24 Osceola 1 225 581 23 21 1,497 678 792 114 273 Oscoda. 19? 57 197 87 410 30 213 4 21 Otsego 328 217 81 8 Ottawa 3,284 2,019 784 5 3 758 2,390 3.049 (W 231 Presciuelslc. Roscommon.. 216 335 145 596 ■^ 202 409 225 435 28 26 9 9.1 .... Saginaw 5,207 5,304 609 12 ! 5,939 6,286 7,047 1,075 205 Sanilac 2,238 1,296 186 2 1 1,923 1,043 1,817 777 135 Schoolcraft . . Shiawassee... 157 3,347 41 1,972 518 2,705 289 1,671 289 3,141 7 1,471 22 623 1,167 1 26 St. Clair 4,219 3,439 7581 7 1 4,017 3,583 4,668 1,002 348 PRESIDENTIAL VOTE— Continued. COUNTIES. St. Joseph . . Tuscola Van Buren . Washtenaw. Wayne Wexford.... Total. -6 i . u 8S o W 3.144 2,102 2,999 ],517 4,131 2,904 4,692 4,957 16,157 15,064 i.m 406 185,335 131,597 So 1,231 358. 1,062 333 718 128 34,895 m 3,261 2,914 4,219 4,049 17,315 1,220 192,( •a -cS «• CI rt:3 a£> a ^3 . 1? II ^« £n^ a^ ^^ o o§ m CO 2,527 3,554 1,029 133 2,086 2,624 5:^7 322 2.088 2,933 845 361 4,983 5,315 332 617 18,794 20,930 2,056 703 632 876 253 130 149,835 189,361 4i,4yu 18,403 MICHIGAN'S PRESIDENTIAL VOTE, 1836 TO 1884. 1 CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT. Popular Vote. Per Cent. Plural- ity. Elec- toral. 1836 William Henry Harrison, Whig ... 4,045 7,335 22 9^3 21,096 321 24,237 27,703 3,632 23,930 30,677 10,393 33,971 41,842 7l'.762 52,139 1,660 65;057 805 405 85,352 67,370 113,229 82,364 202 136.199 'IS 1,271 166,534 141.095 9,060 766 75 185.190 131,301 34.895 938 312 192,669 149,835 41,490 189.361 18,403 34.4 64.5 51.8 47.5 .7 43.6 49.9 6.5 36.8 47.2 16.0 40.9 50.4 8.7 57.2 41.5 1.3 57.1 42.0 .6 .3 55.9 44.1 57.9 42.0 .1 62.7 35.4 1.3 .6 52.5 44.4 2-9 Martin Van Buren, Democrat 11 3,287 1,837 3 1840 William Henry Harrison Whig 3 Martin Van Buren L)emocrat 18^1 Henry Clay, Whig James K Polk Democrat . . . • . 3,466 6 James G Birney Liberty 1848 6.747 5 Martin Van Buren, Free Soil 1S'>'> Winfield Scott Whig . . .... Franklin Pierce Democrat 7,871 6 John P. Hale, Free Soil 1856 19,623 6 James Buchanan Democrat 1860 23,423 6 Stephen A Doui^las Democrat . . . John C. Breckinridge, State Rights 1864 II 17,982 8 George B. McClellan Democrat 1868 Ulysses S. Grant, Republican 30,865 8 . 1872 UlyssesS. Grant, Republican 59,179 11 Horace Greeley, Democrat and Liberal .Tames Black. Prohibition. 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes, Republican Samuel J. Tildon, Democrat 25,439 11 Peter Cooper, Greenback Green Clay Smith. Prohibition 1 1 1880 52.8 37.5 9.3 .2 .1 48.1 37.2 10.3 47.3 4.6 53,889 11 Winfield S. Hancock, Democrat . . 1 Neal Dow, Prohibition. — — Labor 1884 42.834 13 Benjamin F. Butler, Greenback 1 John P.St. John, Prohibition 1 1 Majority. Note.— The Fusion ticket of 1884 was made up by the nomination of twelve electors by the Democratic and Greenback conventions. If elected, their votes were to be cast for Cleveland and for Butler in proportion to tho party vote cast for the thirteenth elector, nominated without expectation of election but as a test of party strength and basis of division. The Dem- ocratic ticket was headed by J. W. Flanders, who received 149,835 votes. Tho Greenback ticket was headed by M. W. Field, who received 41,490 votes. Had the other twelve (Fusion) electors been chosen, therefore, on this basis, the vote of Michigan in the Electoral College would have been Cleveland, 9: Butler, 3, and Blame, 1. VOTE FOR EEPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. FIRST PISTEICT. 1882. 1884. t^ >, s aJ 3 ^ fl ® s? d a rt COUNTY. § M ^ R2 s fl •^ ^ o 0.111 mH o w Si! dl fn ii ^ ^ CO H w M i-5 150 CO "6 H 1,286 1,454 2,740 4,460 5,639 2 978 1,936 2:799 3,400 1,719 4,681 14.535 2:219 1.296 2 975 3,422 6 058 Lapeer 1973 2 487 37 247 3,085 2,5(53 1 wo 1,430 1,548 i:847 231 3.370i 792 101 3:898 9,145 St. Clair 3.766 3,210 8 6,984 288 1,008 14 Totals 11,540 288 11,252 9 22,801 22 9RQ7S Plurality " EIGHTH DISTRICT. COUNTIES. Gratiot Isabella Midland Montcalm Saginaw Shiawass eo . . Totals. Plurality... 1,271 857 3,263 4,201 2.947^ 14,872 954 J^ 2,537 1,086 786 2,541 4,401 2,567 13.918 4,872 2,358 1,643 5,805 9,132 5,518 29,328 si t^.2 j:i 10 a^ H 2,805 1,650 932 3.855 7.045 3,159 19,446 1,624 2,647 1,602 1,039 3,857 5,982 2,697 17,824 r i> ^.■2i H 187 42 14 71 138 558 1 1,010 5,640 3,297 1,986 7,784 38,427 VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. -Continued. NINTH DISTRICT. 1882. 1884. OOUNTIE8. d ri d «^' |o.2 CI 1 i i 1 P5 ll CO n 1 ■7 '4 14 27 1 633 729 469 849 1,358 1,101 1,572 259 2,038 1.442 1,137 950 992 303 1,487 928 1,030 147 2.652 388 456 976 1,119 772 1,190 2,845 2,029 4,690 1,336 1,448 24,427 1,074 1,053 627 972 1,441 1,299 2,373 433 3,492 1,960 1,600 1.457 1,182 723 643 1,800 1,230 1.837 423 3,168 2,078 1,234 801 995 23 26 3 94 123 34 185 12 313 187 366 285 53 1,820 Charlevoix 1,969 Kalkaska 1,022 Lake 1,709 Manistee 3 368 2,563 Mecosta 4,395 868 Missaukee .. 6,973 4.225 Oceana 3,2(12 2,557 Osceola Wexford 2,230 13,529 2,632 10,897 18,963 2,756 16,207 1,704 36,901 Plurality TENTH DISTRICT. COUNTIES. 1- < ^0 h5<1 1 1 H 1 1 III 1 1 i i 1 474 831 191 779 665 1,685 347 1,257 602 4,663 196 934 ii 175 466 137 382 209 389 2,869 536 &39 297 2,974 768 % m il 57 483 148 506 410 478 2,694 ' ' "53' 52 212 34 17 7 87 881 75 2,149 951 Arenac Bay 2,480 ii 287 755 194 836 11! 124 521 331 258 2,543 2,432 579 314 147 1 40 ii 223 1.439 1,548 78 10 3 149 3 6,460 437 1,440 284 1,249 168 687 204 710 489 4,375 7,85) 1.706 1,334 521 1,764 509 CheboyKun.... Clare Crawford Emmet Gladwin 77 6 10 ■■'is 281 i i 1,915 238 Montmorency. Ogemaw 12 83 40 41 ■■■392 i 8 1 10 906 Presquelsle... Roscommon... Tuscola 5.844 Totals Plurality.... 11,327 3,578 7,749 2,434 21,520 15,366 2,288 13,078 855 29,304 ELEVENTH DISTRICT. COUNTIES. Baraga Benzie Chippewa Delta Grand Traverse Houghton Isle Royale Keweenaw Leelanaw Mackinac Manitou Marquette Menominee Ontonagon Schoolcraft Totals Plurality 251 S'^l 409 741 1,105 1,702 526 398 277 25 3,095 1,774 404 340 11,428 137 344 379 45 1,186 364 177 280 4,840 453 656 814 939 1,608 2,188 105 4,356 2,273 ^1 991 1,841 2,415 624 924 473 19 4,119 2,547 290 16,467 7,475 d&^ 307 371 645 826 201 469 566 147 1,589 1,010 246 317 8,99.: H 700 1,003 1,334 1,822 2,490 4,094 826 1,395 1,039 166 5,708 3,557 551 827 25,512 VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. COtTNTIES. 1882. 1884. 2 a.nie\ Manning, of New York " Secretary of PTar— Wm.Crowninshield Endicott, of Massachusetts " Secretary of the iVai;?/— William Collins Whitney, of New York. . . Secretary of the Interior— Lucius Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi " Attorney Gene rai— Augustus H. Garland, of Arkansas Postmaster General— William Freeman Vilas, of Wisconsin " THE SUPEEME COURT. Chief Justice MORRISON R. Waite, of Ohio Jan. 21, 1874 Justice Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa July 16, 1862 Justice Stephen J. Field, of California Mar. 10, 1863 Justice Joseph P. Bradley, of New Jersey Mar. 21, 1870 Justice John M. Harlan, of Kentucky Nov. 29, 1877 Justice William B. Woods, of Georgia Dec. 21, 1880, Justice Stanley Matthews, of Ohio May 12, 1 Justice Horace Gray, of Massachusetts Dec. 20, 1 Justice Samuel Blatchf ord, of New York Mar. 23, 1882. 49th congress— THE SENATE. President pro tempore — John Sherman, of Ohio. Secretory— Anson G. McCook, of New York. TERM ALABAMA. expires John T. Morgan D. 18=9 James L. Pugh D. 1891 ARKANSAS. James H. Berry D. 1889 James K. Jones D. 1891 CALIFORNIA. John F. Miller R. 1887 Leland Stanford R. 1891 COLORADO. Thomas M. Bowen R. 1889 Henry M. Teller R. 1891 CONNECTICUT. Joseph R. Hawley R. 1887 Orville H. Piatt R. 1891 DELAWARE. George A. Gray D. 1887 Eli Saulsbury D. 1889 FLORIDA. Charles W. Jones D. 1887 Wilkinson Call D. 1891 GEORGIA. Alfred H. Colquitt D. 1889 Joseph E. Brown D. 1891 ILLINOIS. Shelby M. Cullom R. 1889 John A. Logan R. 1891 INDIANA. Benjamin Harrison R. 1887 Daniel W. Voorhees D. 1891 IOWA. Jnmes F.Wilson R. 1809 William B. Allison R. 1891 KANSAS. Preston B. Plumb R. 1889 John J. Ingalls R. 1891 KENTUCKV. James B. Beck D. 18S9 Joseph C. S. Blackburn D. 1891 TERM LOUISIANA. EXPIRES Randall L. Gibson D. 1889 James B. Eustis D. 1891 MAINE. Eugene Hale R. 1887 William P. Frye R. 1889 MARYLAND. Arthur P. Gorman D. 1887 E. K. Wilson D. 1891 MASSACHUSETTS. Henry L. Dawes R. 1887 George F. Hoar R. 1889 MICHIGAN. Omar D. Conger R. 1887 Thomas W. Palmer R. 1889 MINNESOTA. Samuel J. B. McMillan R. 1887 Dwight M. Sabin R. 1889 MISSISSIPPI. James Z. George D. 1887 Edward C. Walthal D. 1889 MISSOURI. Francis M. Cockrell D. 1887 George G. Vest D. 1891 NEBRASKA. Charles H. Van Wyck R. 1887 Charles F. Manderson R. 1889 NEVADA. James G. Fair D. 1887 John P. Jones R. 1891 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Austin F. Pike R. 1889 Henry W. Blair R. 1891 NEW JERSEY. William J. Sewell R. 1887 John R. McPherson D. 1889 NEW YORK. Warner Miller R. 1887 William M. Evarts R. 1891 49th CONGRESS-THE SENATE.-Continued. TERM TERM NORTH CAROLINA. EXPIRKS TENNESSEE. EXPIRES Matt. W. Ransom .D. rSD Howell E. Jackson ..D.1887 Zebulon B. Vance .D. 1891 Isham G. Harris ..D.1889 OHIO. TEXAS. John Sherman .R. 1887 Samuel B. Maxey . . D. 1887 Henry B. Payne .D. 1891 Richard Coke . . D. 1889 OREGON. VERMONT. Joseph H. Dolph .R. 1889 George F. Edmunds . . R. 1887 John H. Mitchell .R.18yi Justin S. Morrill . . R. 18yi PENNSYLVANIA. VIRGINIA. John I.Mitchell .R.1887 .R. 1891 William Mahone H. H. Riddleberger . . R. 1887 ..R. 1889 James Donald Cameron RHODE ISLAND. WEST VIRGINIA. Nelson W. Aldrich .R.1887 Johnson N. Camden ..D.1887 Jonathan Chace . R. 188J John E. Kenna ..D.1889 SOUTH CAROLINA. WISCONSIN. Matthew 0. Butler . D. 1889 Philetus Sawyer ..R.1887 Wade Hampton .D. 1891 James M. Spooner . . R. 1891 Republicans, 42. Democrats, 34. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Speafce?-— John Griffin Carlisle, of Kentucky. CTerfc— John B . Clark, of Missouri. ALABAMA. ILLINOIS. 1. James T. Jones[l D 1. Ransom W. Dunhamll • • • R 2, Hilary A. Herbert | 3. William C. Oatesli D D D 3. James H.Ward D 4. Alexander C. Davidson .. D 4. George E. Adamsll 5. A.J.Hopkins R 5, Thomas W. Sadler D R 6. John M. Martin D 6. Robert R. Hitt!| ........ R 7. William H. Forney|| .... D 7. Thomas J. Henderson!!. R 8. Joseph Wheeler D 8. Ralph Plumb R 9. Lewis E. Payson!! R 1. Poindexter Dunnll 2. Clifton R. Breckenridgel 3. Thomas C. McRea 4. John H. Rogersll 5. Samuel W. Pee] 11 D D D D D 10. Nicholas E. Worthingtonj! D 11 William H. Neecel! D 12. James M. Riggs i D 13. William M. Springer!! D 14. Jonathan H. Rowell!; R 15. Joseph G. Cannon!! R CALIFORNIA. 16. S. Z. Landesa D 1. Barclay Henleyji D 17. John R. Eden D 2. James A Loutitt R 18. William R. Morrison]! . . D 3. Joseph McKenna R 19. R. W. Townshendll D 4. William W. Morrow R 20. John R. Thomas!! R 5. Charles N. Felton R 6. H.H.Markham R INDIANA. COLORADO. George G. Symes R 1. John J. Kleinerll D 2. Thomas R. Cobbll 3. Jonas G. Howard D D CONNECTICUT. 4. William S.HolmanlJ.... D 1. John R. Buck R 5. Courtland C. Matsonjl... D 2. Charles L. Mitchell!! D 6. Thomas M. Browne]! R 3. JohnT. Waitl R 7. William 1). Bynum D 4. Edward W. Seymour!! D 8. James F. Johnston R 9. Thomas B.Ward!! D 10. William D.Owen. R Charles B. Lore;! D 11. George W. Steele]! 6 R FLORIDA. 12. Robert Lowryl! D 1. Robert H. M. Davidson!, . . D 13. George Ford D 2, Charles Dougherty. D IOWA. 1. Benton J. HaH GEORGIA. D 1. Thomas M. Norwood D 2. Jeremiah H. Murphy] .. D 2. Henry G. Turnerll D 3. David B. Henderson ... R 3. Charles F. Crisp!! D 4. William E. Fuller R 4, Henry R. Harris D 5. Benjamin F. Frederick. D ty. Nathaniel J. Hammond!!. D 6. James B. Weaver G. B. D 6. James H. Blount 1 D 7. Edwin H. Conger R 7. Judson C. Clements!! D 8. William P. Hepburn]]. . . R 8. Seaborn Reese!! D 9. Joseph Lyman R 9. Allen D. Candler!! D R 10. George T. Barnes D 11. Isaac S. Struble!! R SOUSE OF EEPRESENTATIVES.-Continued. KANSAS. Edmund N. MorrillH R Edward H. Funstonii R Bishop W. Perkinsjl R Thomas Ryanll R John A. Andersonll R Lewis Hanback;, R Samuel R. Peters,, R KENTUCKY. William J. Stone D Polk Laffoon D John E. Halsell; D Thomas A. Robertson|| D Albert S Willisli D JohnG. Carlisle,! D Wm. C. P. Breckenridge D James B. McCreary D William H. Wadsworth R William P. Taulbee D Frank L. WolfordU D LOUISIANA. Louis St. Martin D Michael Hahn R Edward J. Gay D Newton C. Blanchardll D J. Floyd Kingll D Alfred B. Irion D MAINE. Thomas B. Reed|| R Nelson Dingley, Jr|| R Seth L. Millikenli R Charles A. Boutellell R MARYLAND. Charles H. Gibson D Frank T.Shaw D William H. Cole D John V. L. Findlayll D Barnes Compton D Louis £. McComasi! R MASSACHUSETTS. Robert T. Davis|| R John D. Longll R Ambrose A. Ranneyll R Patrick A. Collins|| '. . . . .D Edward D. Hayden R Henry B. Loveringll D Eben F. Stonell R Charles H. Allen R Frederick D. Ely R William W. Ricej R William Whiting|| R Francis W. Rockwell|| R MICHIGAN. William C. Mayburyii D Nathaniel B. Eldridge;|, D James O'Donnell 'r Julius C. Burrows R Charles C. Comstock D Edwin B. WinanslL. D EzraC. Carletonli ■ '.'.'.. "d Timothy E. Tarsney... D Byron M. CuteheonI! ". " R Spencer O. Fisher D Seth C. Moffatt '.'.'.'.'.II MINNESOTA. Milo Whiteli R James B. Wakefield || .'"r Horace B. Straitll R James B. Gilfillan R Knute Nelsonii R MISSISSIPPI. John M. Allen D James B. Morgan D Thomas C. Catchings D Frederick C. Barry D OthoR. Singletonil D Henry S. Van Eatonll D Ethelbert Barksdalell D MISSOURI. William H. Hatchll D John B. Hale D Alexander M. Dockeryij D James N. Burnes|| D William Warner R JohnT. Heard D John E. Hutton D John J. O'Neillll D John M. Glover D Martin L. Clardy |1 D Richard P. Blandjl D William J. Stone D William H. Wade R William Dawson D NEBRASKA. Archibald J. Weaverll R James Laird I R George W. E. Dorsey R NEVADA. William Woodburn R NEW HAMPSHIRE. Martin A. HaynesH R Jacob H. Gallinger R NEW JERSEY. George Hires R James Buchanan R Robert S. Green D James W. Pidcock D William Walter Phelps|| R Hermann Lehlbach R William McAdooH D NEW YORK. Perry Belmont|| D Felix Campbellll D Darwin R. James|| R Peter P. Mahoney D Archibald M. Bliss D Nicholas Muller|| D John J. Adamslj D Timothy J. Campbell D Joseph Pulitzer D Abram S. Hewitt|| D Truman A. Merriman D Abraham Dowdney D Egbert L. Viele D William G. Stahlnecker D Lewis Beachll D John H. Ketchamll R James G. Lindsley R Henry G. Burleigh]! R John Swinburne R George West R Frederick A. Johnson|| R Abraham X. Parker|i R J. Thomas Spriggs|| D John S. Pindar D Frank Hiscockll R Stephen C. Millard|l R Sereno E. Payne]! R John Arnot ]] D Ira Davenport R Charles S.Baker R John L. Sawyer R John M. Farquhar R John B.Weber R Walter L. Sessions R HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.-Continued. NOKTH CAROLINA. 1. Thomas G. Skinner|| D 2. James E. 0'Hara|| R 3. Wharton G. Green|| D 4. William P. Coxl! D 5. James W. Reid D 6. Risden T. Beimettil D 7. John S. Henderson D 8. William H. H. Cowles D 9. Thomas D. Johnston D OHIO. 1. Benjamin Butterworth R 2. Charles E. Brown R 3. James E. Campbell! D 4. Charles M. Anderson U 5. Benjamin LeFevre|l D 6. William D. Hill!l D 7. George E. Seneyil D 8. John Little R 9. William C. Cooper R 10. Jacob Romeis R 11. William W. Ellsberry D 12. Albert C. Thompson R 13. . Joseph H. Outhwaite D 14. Charles H. Grosveuor R 15. Beriah Wilkins || D 16. George W. Geddes D 17. Adoniram J. Warner,! D 18. Isaac H. Taylor R 19. EzraB. Taylor!! R 20. William McKinley, Jr R 21. Martin A. Foranlj D OREGON. Binger Herman R PENNSYLVANIA. 1. Henry H. Binghamli R 2. Charles 0'Neill|| R 3. i-^amuel J. Randall!! D 4. William D. Kelleyj! R 5. Alfred C. Harmern R 6. James B. EverhartI! R 7. I. Newton P]vans R 8. Daniel Ernientroutji D 9. John A. Hiestand R 10. William H. Sowden D 11. John B. Storm!t D 12. Joseph A. Scranton R 13. Charles N. Brumm G. B. R 14. Frank Bound R 15. Frank C.Bunnell R 16. William W.Brown!! R 17. Jacob M Campbell! R 18. Louis E. Atkinsonll R 19. John A. Swope D 20. Andrew- G. Curtin!! D 21. Charles E. Boyle!i D 22. James S. Negley R 23. Thomas M. Bayne!! R 24. Oscar L. Jackson R 25. Alexander C. White R 26. George W. Fleeger R 27. William L. Scott D At Large. Edwin S. Osborne R RHODE ISLAND. 1. Henry J. Spooner]! R 2. William A. Pirce R SOUTH CAROLINA, L Samuel Dibble!! D 2. George D. Tillman!| D 3. D. Wyatt Aikenll D 4. William H. Perry D 5. John J. Hemphill!! D 6. George W. Darganll D 7. Robert Smallsil R TENNESSEE. 1. Augustus H. Pettibonell R 2. Leonidas C. Houk|! R 3. John R.Neal D 4. Benton McMillin || D 5. James D. Richardson D 6. Andrew J. Caldwell ! D 7. John G. Ballentineii D 8. John M. Taylorll D 9. Peter T. Glass D 10. Zachary Taylor R TEXAS. 1. Charles Stewart!! D 2. JohnH. Reagani! D 3. James H. Joneslj D 4. David B. Culberson!! D 5. James W. Throckmorton!! D 6. Olin Welborn!! * D 7. William H. Crain D 8. James F. Miller!! D 9. Roger Q. Mills!! D 10. Joseph D. Sayers D 11. Samuel W. T. Laahamll D VERMONT. 1. John W. Stewart!! R .2. William W. Grout R VIRGINIA. 1. Thomas Croxton D 2. Harry Libbeyll R 3. George D. Wise!! D 4. -James D. Brady R 5. George C.Cabell!! D 6. John W.Daniel D 7. Charles T. O'Farrelll! D 8. John S Barbour!! D 9. Connally F. Trigg D 10. J. Randolph Tuckerjl D WEST VIRGINIA. 1. Nathan Goff, Jr.!| R 2. W^illiam L. Wilson!! D 3. Charles P. Snyder|| D 4. Eustace Gibson!! D WISCONSIN. 1. Lucien B. Caswell R 2. Edward S.Bragg D 3. Robert M. LaFollette R 4. Isaac W. Van Schaick R 5. Joseph Rankin ic D 6. Richard Guenther! R 7. Ormsby B. Thomas R 8. William T. Price! R 9. Isaac Stephenson!! R TERRITORIAL DELEGATES. Arizona— G. C. Bean R Dafcof a— Oscar I. Gifford R JrtoAo— Theodore F. Singiser!! R 3/01/ (ana— Hiram F. Knowles R Netv Mexico— Antonio Joseph D f/to/i— John T. Cainei! D Washington— Charles S. Voorhees..R Wyoming— J. M. Carey D Note.— D., Democrats, 183; R., Republicans, 140: G. B. R., Greenback Republican, 1; G. B. D., Greenback Democrat, 1; Total, 325. || Members of 48th Congress. a.— Contested by James McCartney, R. c— Died Jan. 24, 1886. 6.— Contested by M. H. Kidd, D 77 "" UNITED STATES OFFICERS IN MICHIGAN. Sixth Judicial Circuit of the United States is composed of the States of Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. Justice, Stanley Mat- thews, Cincinnati ; Circuit Judge, J o) Baxter. Knoxville. Eastern District op Michigan comprises the counties of Alcona, Alpena, Arenac, Bay, Branch, Calhoun, Cheboygan, Clare, Clinton, Craw- ford, Genesee, Gladwin, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Huron, Ingham, Iosco, Isabella, Jackson, Lapeer, Lenawee, Livingston, Macomb, Midland, Monroe, Mont- morency, Oakland, Ogemaw, Oscoda. Otsego, Presque Isle, Roscommon, Saginaw, St. Clair, Sanilac, Shiawassee, Tuscola, Washtenaw and Wayne. Judge, Henry B. Brown, Detroit; Attorney, Cyrenius P. Black, Caro; Mar- shal, Salmons. Matthews, Pontiac ; Clerk Circuit Court, Walter S. Harsha, Detroit ; Clerk District Court, D. J. Davidson, Detroit. Terms commence at Detroit 1st Tuesdays in March, June and November and at Port Huron 4th Tuesdays in May and October. Admiralty terms at Detroit 1st Tuesday in each month. Western District of Michigan.— T/ie Southern Division comprises the counties of Allegan, Antrim, Barry, Benzie, Berrien, Cass, Charlevoix, Eaton, Emmett, Grand Traverse, Ionia, Kalamazoo, Kalkaska, Kent, Lake, Leelenaw, Manistee, Manitou, Mason, Mecosta, Missaukee, Montcalm, Mus- kegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Ottawa, St. Joseph, Van Buren and Wex- ford. Terms begin at Grand Rapids 1st Tuesdays in March and October. The Northern Division comprises the Upper Peninsula. Terms begin at Marquette 1st Tuesdays in May and September. Judge, Solomon L. Withey, Grand Rapids; Attornei/, John W.Stone, Grand Rapids; Marshal, I). U. Waters, South Haven; Clerk Circuit Court, H. M. Hinsdill, Grand Rapids; Clerk District Court, C. B. Hinsdill, Grand Rapids. Internal Revenue.— Fn-sf D/s^»'!c^ comprises the counties which com- pose the Eastern Judicial District and the Upper Peninsula; Collector, John B. Molony, Detroit. Fourth District comprises the counties which compose the Southern Division of the Western Judicial District ; Collector, George N. Davis, Grand Rapids. Collections for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1885: FROM WHAT SOURCE. 1st Dist. 4th Dist. Total. Distilled Spirits $117,807 92^,175 313,139 1,406 $.H8,984 66,301 65,806 600 fl. "56,791 Tobacco 990,476 378,915 Penalties and other sources n. o. p. f 2,0C6 Aggregate $1,356,527 $171,691 $1,528,218 Pension Bureau,— .4gej;^ Robert McKinstry, Jackson— oflSce at Detroit. On the 30th of June, 1885, there were on the rolls of the Detroit Agency the names of 11,787 invalid pensioners, 2,964 widows, etc., and 112 survivors and 470 widows of the war of 1812; total, 15,333— a net increase of 1,314 during the year. Disbursements during fiscal year were 13,1.59,036 for regular pensions, $2,339 for arrears and $14,925 for salaries and expenses; total, $3,176,300. Naval pensioners in Michigan are paid from the Chicago agency. The number of pension claims filed, 1861-85, on account of death or disability incurred in Michigan military organizations was 34,151, of which 20,328 were admitted. Land Offices.— T/ie Detroit District includes all the counties east of and including Hillsdale, Jackson, eastern half of Ingham, lower tier of towns in Shiawassee, two southern tiers of towns in Genesee, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, eastern tier of towns of Lapeer, Sanilac, Huron (except two west- ern tiers of towns), Alpena, Montmorency, eastern half of Otsego, Cheboy- gan (except western tier of towns) , Presque Isle, and Bois Blanc island. OflSce at Detroit: Register, William Foxen; Receiver, Lyman G. Wilcox. The Saginaiv District includes all the counties east of the meridian not embraced in the Detroit district, including Shiawassee, the four northeast- ern towns of Gratiot, Midland, Gladwin and the eastern halves of Roscom- mon and Crawford. Office at East Saginaw: Register, Charles Doughty; Receiver, F. J. Burton. The Reed City District includes all of the Lower Peninsula not embraced in the Detroit and Saginaw districts. Office at Reed City: Register, Ed. Stevenson; Receiver, W. H. C. Mitchell. The Marquette District includes all of the Upper Peninsula. Office at Marquette: Register, Henry H. Stafford; Receiver, Matthew H. Maynard. The area of public lands in Michigan, surveyed and open to entry under the public land laws of the United States, was, June 30, 1883, 36,128,640 acres or 56 ,.54 1 square miles. Eleventh Light House District extends from Grassy Island Light Station, Detroit river, to the head of Lake Superior and embraces the Amer- ican shores and waters of Detroit river above Grassy Island light-house. Lakes St. Clair, Huron, Michigan and Superior, Straits of Mackinac and St. Mary river. Inspector, Commander Francis A. Cook, U. S. N., Detroit; Engineer, Captain E. L. B. Davis, U. S. A., Detroit. Life Saving Service.— D/sfr/c^ No. lo embraces the coasts of Lakes Huron and Superior, 12 stations. Superintendent, J. D. Kiah, Sand Beach. District No. 11 embraces the coast of Lake Michigan, 16 stations. Assist- ant Inspector, Lieut. Frank H. Newcomb, Chicago; Superintendent, Nathaniel Bobbins, Benton Harbor. Steamboat lvfSVY.CTio...— Supervising Inspector, Joseph Cook, Detroit. POST OFFICES IN MICHIGAN. In the following list the name of the post oflSce is followed by the name of the county in which it is located. Money order offices are printed in italics. Followed by a 1| indicates that international, or foreign, as well as domestic money orders are issued. Those marked t are immediate deliv- ery offices. The names of presidential post offices are followed by a num- ber indicating their classification. County seats are indicated by a §. The list is revised to February 5, 1886. The salaries of postmasters at offices of the 1st class are $3,000 or more; 2d class, from «2,U00 to $2,900; 3d class, from $1,100 to $1,900; 4th class, not exceeding $1,000. Postmasters of the 4th class are appointed by the Post- master General. The others are appointed by the President for a term of four years and confirmed by the Senate. Abbott Mason. Ashton OsceolR.lBelleime Eaton. Abronia Allegan. Assyria Barry. (Belmont Kent. Abscota Calhoun. ^i/jCHS Calhoun. Bel videre Montcalm. Acme Grand Traverse. Athlone Monroe. Bengal Clinton. Ada Kent. Atkins St. Clair. Bennington.. Shiawassee. Adair St. Clair. Atlanta. . .Montmorency. Benona Oceana. Adamsville Gnss.i Atlaiitic Mine i|Houghton. Benson Wexford. Addison Lenawee. Atlas Genesee. Benton Ha)-bor„'dBeTrien. Adrian ii t § 2 . . . Lenawee. ' Attica Lapeer. Benzonia § Benzie! Advance Charlevoix. Atwood Antrim. Berlamont ... Van Buren, iEtna Newaygo.] Auburn B&y: Berlin Ottawa Agr'l College Ingham Ainger Eaton. Akron Tuscola. Alabaster Iosco. Alamo Kalamazoo. Alanson Emmet. Au Gres Arenac. Berne Huron. Angusta Kalamazoo. Berrien Centre.. Berrien Aurelius Ingham. JBer/veji Springs%Z.Ben\2. (Successors to David Preston & Co.) Incorporated 1885. CAMPAU BUILDING. TransactsaGeneralCommercial^SayiDgsBaiitBnmss BUYS AND SELLS COMMERCIAL PAPER. GOVERNMENT. STATE. COUNTY. CITY and SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. FIRST-CLASS MORTGAGE LOANS. Drafts on all parts of Europe drawn for amounts to suit. Foreigrn Exchange bought at best rates. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Vaults OFFICE AND VAULTS eT AND 69 Orisw^old Street, Preston Bank, Campau Building. TO BE OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS IN MAY, 1886. The main vault will be ABS0LI;TELY BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF, with all modern devices and improvements, three inches thick on top, bottom and four sides, of best DRILL AND SAW PROOF METAL, with TONGIE AND GROOVE DOORS, guarded by best TIME AND COMBINATION LOCKS. This will be en- tirely surrounded by a Drill and Saw Proof Jail Cell one inch thick, making four inches best and most modern burglar proof safe, with solid flrc-proof walls and ornamental exterior, and when completed will contain about 3000 LARGE AND SMALL SAFES With combination or key locks as desired, for the exclusive use of renters, wherein to keep bonds, money, jewelry, papers and other property secure from robbery and fire, and entirely under the renter's control, and will afford as absolute security from burglars and fire, as any Safe Deposit Vaults in the world. Banner Tobacco Company LARNED STREET, COR. RANDOLPH, DETROIT, MICH. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED MNER Fine Cut ^^ BETTER THAN THE BEST'' ALSO PLUM PUDDING jr AND PRAIRIE ROSE, ^CHICr GARLAND. SNOW-FLAKE AND OTHER BRANDS OF SMOKING. "Sam B. Scott" and "Ben Haxton" Cigars. B. F. HAXTON, M. B. MIIiLS, Sedy and Gen'l Manager. President. President, HUGH McMILLAN. Treasurer, W. K . ANDERSON. Vice-Pkesidekt, J. HILL WHITING. Secretary, W. C. McMILLAN. T^ y\ HP T^ O f ^^ :^ouD(lry Equipment k, MANUFACTURING WHITIN&'S IMPROVED CAR WHEEL FOUNDRY PLANT. Foundry Labor-saving Devices: Improved Cupola, Improved Overhead Steam Crane, Improved Car Wheel Ch II, Improved Transfer Truck, Improved Devices for Operating Foundry Ladles, Improved Reversible Friction Gearing, Castings, Ladles, etc. Office, No. 1 Newberry & McMillai] BuiMii?g, DETROIT, MICH. THE ^ TRAVELERS life and iccident insuFance lonipany OF^ HERTFORD, CONN. ORIGINAL ACCIDENT COMPANY OP AMERICA. LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Assets, January 1st, 1886, . - . . $8,417,000.00 Surplus, -------- 2,096,000.00 Paid Policy-Holders, 11,500,000.00 GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES, by Year or Month. REGISTERED ACCIDENT TICKETS, One to Thirty Days. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES of all Desirable Forms. JAMES G. BATTERSON, PRESIDENT. RODNEY DENNIS, SECRETARY JOHN E. MORRIS, Ass-T Secretary. Agencies at all Important Points in the United States and Canada. SPALDING'S New*Hammered*Bait IS THE FINEST TROLLING SPOON MADE. Spalding's New Hammeied Bait. — Manufactured in 10 sizes. SEND FIFTY CENTS FOR SAMPLE OF No. 5, THE BEST SIZE FOR PLACK BASS FISHING. SPORXSNIKN'Sv WKAR. CORDUROY. CANVAS. HORSBHIDE. j»nwj ^^^ ^^v DOGSKIN. SHEEPSKIN. jpi- V\iil/w "^M i MACKINTOSH 1 AND 1 FLANNEL Ki^^^i^^w^iH 1 CLOXHINO Of tvery description, for Sportsmen. Cartridge: Be:lt« And Equipments of all hinds. Send for Price List of anything in the Sporting Goods line, stating what you wish to purchase, or send twenty-five cents for our complete catalogue of Sporting Goods, a book of 189 pages, profusely illustrated and contain- ing complete Sporting Rules of all Athletic Sports. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 108 Madison St., CHICAGO. 241 Broadway, NEW YORK. Mention Facts and Figures. ■ Andreavs' ■ ^AP^LtOi^* Folding * Beds 30,000 in use. 30 Styles. $20 up. The only Perfect Folding Bed Made. Bed folds after being made up. Elegant and comfortable. Saving room rent. Well ventilated. On casters. No high, un- gainly foot-board to rol" over, wear and tear car- pet whenever opened. Only Adjustable Cable Suspension Spring Bed in existence. Special Terms to Dealers. SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. CELEBRATED OFFICE^DESKS OF BEST KILN-DRIED LUMBER. We claim great superiority. Our Desks are of improved design and reduced in price BANK FITTINGS. Brass and "Wire "Work a Specialty. A. H. Andrews & Co., 686 Broadway, NEW YORK. 195 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. JOHN JACOB ASTOR HOUSE, 200 FEET FROM THE WATER'S EDGE, NATIONAL PARK, MACKINAC, MiCH. THIS WELL-KNOWN HOUSE COMPRISES THE Headquarters of the Old American Fur Company AND COMMANDS A FINE VIEW OF THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC. Accommodations Strictly First-Class. John R. Eogan, Clerk. .James F. Cable, Proprietor. W. J. CHITTENDEN. LEWIS A. MCCREARY. Russell House DETROIT, MICH. The largest, best appointed and most liberally managed hotel in Detroit. Centrally located on Public Square, opposite City Hall and Opera House, commanding the leading thoroughfares of the city. W.J. CHITTENDEN & CO., - - Proprietors. Ypsilanti Mineral Spring Water Has been largely introduced during the past few years and has met with remarkable success in home treatment and use. It does not lose its medicinal virtues by age, tlius enabling: us to ship in pack- ages of any size. Circulars, giving Analysis of Water together with directions for using, will be sent upon application. The Water can be obtained at the following prices, free on board the cars or ex- press: One barrel, SlO.OO; ten gallons, 85.00; jugs, one to five gal- lons, 60 cents per gallon. Sent promptly on receipt of a remittance. ADDRESS YPSILANTI MINERAL SPRING, YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN. Owen Mineral Well AT YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN. ATER from the Owen Well is a real medicine, and unlike other saline waters, it does not have the effect of salt, and though brackish, leaves a pleasant after-taste. It will cure any case or disease usually treated with calomel without the terri- ble after-effects. Diphtheria, Hemorrhoids and Hay Fever we have not failed to ciu'e. For Cholera Morbus, Dysentery or Summer Complaint, try this water, for it is like magic in destroying the disease and relieving all pain. All Skin Diseases have been treated with perfect success. This water, though it has great power in curing disease, is so nicely equalized in its properties that it v, ill not injure the most delicate person and can he given to a child without danger. It is a perfect disinfectant and for sponge baths it has not an equal. It removes dandruff and its use will cleanse the scalp and prevent the hair from falling out. This water does not lose its virtue by age, thus enabling us to ship in packages of any MlNEF^AL ^^^V^ WaTEF^. Circulars giving a full and correct analysis of the water, together with directions for using, will be sent upon application. Water can be obtained at the following prices : Per barrel, ---_-. $8.00 Half barrel, ------ 4.50 10-gal. kegs, 3.25 In jugs of five gallons and under at uniform price of twenty cents per gallon and ten cents per gallon for packages. Price in bottles : pints, $2.00 per dozen ; quarts, $2.50 per dozen. All orders must be accompanied by draft or money order. T. C. OWEN, - - - - YPSILANTI, MICH. Do not forget this is the Owen Mineral Well. MONON ROUTE ■B )) Louisville. New Albany i Chicago Ry. ( (5^ THE PULLMAN CAR LINE TO LOUISVILLE INDIANAPOLIS CINCINNATI AND THE WINTER Resorts of the South. DEARBORN STATION— CHICAGO TERMINAL MONON ROUTE. Polk Street, between Clark and State Streets. TH F n N I Y II N F ^^^^^^^^ Double Daily Trains with Pullman Buf- I llL UULI LiniL fg^ Sleeping Cars on Night Trains and Beclining: Chair Cars on Day Trains between Chicago and Louisville. at Ticket Office, 122 Randolph St, Chicago. wm. s. Baldwin, Gen'l Passenger Agent. E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen'l Northern Pass. Agent. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY FORWARDERS BETWEEN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Exclusive Occupants for the Express Business of 36,000 Miles OF Railroads with neahly 5,000 Agencies. THROUGH EXPRESS CARS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BY SPECIAL EXPRESS TRAINS CARRYING NO PASSENGERS. RATES ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY OTHER EXPRESSES. Through Way-Billing to Offices of WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S EXPRESS in the "Far West.' between the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast and to Mexico. Tlirougli Cars froin CMcago to New Orleans M Nasliville, Teni. insuring direct and certain connections FOR ALL OFFICES OF THE SOUTHERN AND TEXAS EXPRESS COMPANIES. Special Prepaid Printed Matter Rates for Manufac- turers, Publishers and Dealers. Packages of 2^i lbs. or less, 15 cents, and for single packages exceeding 2^ lbs., 1 cent for each additional 2 ounces or fraction thereof, unless the regular graduated package rate is less. MONEY ORDERS Cheap, Safe and Convenient, for any amount from $1.00 to $50.00, issued at any office of the Company in Nev/ England, Middle and Western States and are paid at over 6,300 places. Orders can be deposited in bank same as checks and drafts. RATES $5, 5c.; $10.00, Sc; $20. lOc; $30.00. 12c.; $40, 15c.; $50, 20c. Transfers Money by TeJegraph Between all its important City and "Village Agencies. Low Rates and prompt Drafts, Notes, Bills and other Paper for Collection ; Recording of Deeds, Paying Taxes for Non-residents and attending to any impor- tant commission entrusted to the Company will receive prompt and care- ful attention and at reasonable rates. Facilities for the transportation of Merchan- dise, Money, Bonds and Valuables are unequaled for security and dispatch. MICHIGAN LAND FO R SALE On the Line of the Michigan Central R. R. ^3^ The Michigan Central Railroad, when it acquired the Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, acquired also the Government Land Grant, comprising in the neighborhood of 600^000 acres in Saginaw, Bay, Arenac, Ogemaw, Roscommon, Missau- ^ kee, Kalkaska, Crawford, Oscoda, Mont- fi^ '" morency, Otsego, Antrim, Cheboygan and Charlevoix coun- ties. This portion of the great State of Michigan con- tains a fair popu- lation and is very rapidly filling up with thebest class of settlers from all parts of the Uni- ted States and Can- ada. The comple- tion of the Michigan .. _^,-., -,- «ju--. C'entral Railroad to Mackinaw ^^, - ""^ .i'^i^dbT^ City, passing through about the ^^ »- "-——J .*«-,• ''j^-f^ center of these lands, has given an impetus to immigration that promises to rapidly settle all the lands still unsold. The country is what is generally known as "heavy-timbered" land. There is pine enough interspersed among the hard wood to supply settlers with building material for many years to come. Sugar maple and beech are the predominant woods, while other kinds, such as elm, basswood and hemlock, are to be found. The trees attain a gigantic size, proving the great productiveness of the soil. The soil is generally of a dark sandy loam and in many places has a clay subsoil. Vegetables of every kind grow abundantly and in great perfec- tion. The crops are never a failure. Wheat, corn, buckwheat, peas, rye and potatoes are the principal crops, all of which yield abundantly. Four hundred and fifty bushels of potatoes have been raised from one acre and fifty bushels of wheat to an acre have been grown. The average yield of wheat is about twenty bushels and of potatoes about one hundred and ten bushels per acre. The winters are not colder than in Southern Michigan, Northern Ohio and Indiana. Snow generally falls to a depth of from eighteen inches to two feet and the surface of the ground seldom freezes. Potatoes and many other root crops are frequently left in the ground all winter and dug out in the following spring and found in excellent condition. During the summer the nights are cool, while the days are never ex- cessively hot. General good health prevails at all seasons and malarial diseases are rare. Fever and ague and kindred diseases are almost un- known and people who have suffered from them for many years speedily and permanently recover after coming here. Many families came here to escape the chills and fever that had so persistently followed them in the West and all have been permanently benefited by the change. Tickets will be sold to intending settlers to any point north of Oakley, Michigan, by all agents of the Michigan Central Railroad, at two cents per j mile, and for settlers on or near the line of the road the Michigan Central Railroad will carry household goods and other freight at half regular j freight rates. Parties who may wish to look at the lands can also obtain any desired information from any of the agents of the Company. The fullest information in regard to climate, crops, taxes, prices of , lands, and any other subject of interest to persons intending to immigrate, j will be furnished upon application, in person or by letter, to HON. O. M. BARNES, Land Commissioner, UANSINGj MICH. TOIIfAdl^lWA[!pTHE"^00" THE FIRST-CLASS PROPELLER "MESSENGER" CJomes out of her winter quarters thoroughly refitted and in first-class con- dition for Passenger and Freight trafi5c. During the season of 1886 she will leave her dock at CB:EBO^'C3-A.Isr ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY MORNINGS, AT 6.00 O'CLOCK, FOB SAULT SAINTE MARIE, VIA MACKINAW CITY, ST. IGNACE AND MACKINAC ISLAND, Calling at Detour, ENCAMPMENT and all points on the Ste. Marie River. Returning leaves Sault Ste. Marie on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6.00 a, m. Connects at Cheboygan with the Michigan Centkal, ; at Mackinaw City with the Michigan Central and Grand Rapids & Indiana ; at St. Ignace with the Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette R. R. ; and at Sault Ste. Marie with Lake Superior Steamers. The route is a most delightful one of great scenic interest and the most direct and expeditious one to the picturesque points of the greatest of the CHARLES R. SMITH, Cheboygan, Mich. Th - Michigan ( Tentral S THE GREAT ARTERY of the trade and travel through which pulsates the commercial life of the State. Chartered in iaS2, when the population numbered but forty thousand and Detroit was little more than a village, it has ex- erted an influence in the upbuilding of the State and the develop- ment of its rich re- sources not to be com- puted. Sharing in the early struggles and in the financial reverses of the people, it has made possible the wealth and pros- perity that now exists. It has grown with the population and fortunes of the State, that has always taken a just pride in it, un- til now it is not only " The Great East and West Highway," wearing its well-earned title of " The Niagara Falls Route," but it is more than ever the Michigan Central, with its lines of steel rails running from , Detroit, the metropolis and its focal point, * *^'/\/, eastward to Buffalo, south to Toledo, west to Chicago and Grand Rapids and north to the Saginaws, Bay City and Mackinaw, while its branches and connections permeate both peninsulas, a network of life-sustaining veins. Leaving out two towns with which it has close connections, it runs its cars to the eleven largest cities of the State, having an asrgregate population of more than 327,000. It traverses the richest agricultural and timber lands of the State, the great factories of the State are on its lines and it is the great outlet of its fruit, salt and coal regions, as well as of the Upper Peninsula with its marvelous stores of mineral wealth. The map shows its im- portance more strongly than any description, but the Mackinaw Division is worthy of special mention as being the direct line to the Northern Peninsula; to Mackinac, the tourist's paradise, the gem of the Great Lakes, reserved by Congress as a National park; to Topinabee, the great resort of hay-fever suffer- ers; to the lake ports of Cheboygan and Mackinaw City, from which steamers run to Manistique, Sault Ste. Marie and other points of interest; through the great pine forests that fill the air with healing balsamic odors; to Grayling, Roscommon and a score of other places on brawling streams whose cold clear waters are filled with speckled brook trout and grayling, the princes of pisca- torial prizes. Nature has filled this northern portion of the Lower Peninsula with beauty, stocked it with fish and game and sends over it gentle zephyrs of purest ozone, giving health and vigor to the sick and weary. An admirable system of through cars and close connections has placed this remarkable region within easy reach of Boston, New Xork, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Louis- ville, Chicago and St. Louis. Illustrated descriptive folders can be obtained from any of the company's oflBcers or agents. ^ FOOT OF THIRD STREET, Out of which run twenty-six trains daily, with Palace Cars running through without change to Chicago, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, the Saginaws, Bat City, Mackinaw City, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toledo, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, New York, Boston and New England Points. CHAS. A. WARREN, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 66 Woodward Avenue. TO THE PUBLIC. On the issue of this, the revised and enlarged edition of Facts and Figures about Michigan, the compiler desires to express his appreciation of the warm reception accorded to the first edition by the newspaper press and the general public, and of the cordial co-operation of friends through- out the State in the work of revision, without which success would have been impossible. United States, State, county and city officers, officials and agents of railroads and other corporations, editors, lawyers, ministers and merchants, have, with but few exceptions, responded with gratifying promptness to our requests for information. To each and all of them we extend our sincere thanks for their prompt courtesy. Our only regret is that the failure or neglect of a few has delayed the issue of this volume and rendered it impossible to complete and tabulate much valuable information that we had hoped to present. If, however, our little book continues to find favor in the eyes of the people, we shall hope, with the continued assistance and co-operation of all persons interested, to make each successive issue still fuller, better and more attractive. THE COMPILER. 3 PALACE SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS. J ?: H SUMPTUOUS MEALS DINING CARS. C. BRO^VTS", O. W. RTJQQLES, Gen'l Supt., Gen'l Passenger and Tkt. Agt., DETROIT. CHICAGO. liEDYARD, Pres. and Gen'l Manager, DETROIT. 101 A FEW MICHIGAN RESORTS. DIAMOND LAKE, ON THE AIR LINE OF THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL, is a beautiful sheet of water, about nine miles in circumference, surrounded by a natural forest of oak, maple and beech. It is a delightful resort for those seeking relief from business cares and who desire the recreation of rural life and sylvan scenes. In the lake is an island of seventy-five acres. The fishing is very fine, bass, pickerel and many other specif s being in abundance. Wall-eyed pike and black bass may be caught in May and June. On the north shore of the Jake is a summer hotel (Forest Hald, where the Michigan Central trains stop. This hotel is fitted up with all modern improvements and is well conducted. Post office address, Cassopolis, Mich. ST. CLAIR MINERAL SPRINGS, ON THE LINE OF THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL. St. Clair itself is a prosperous, elegant little town of about two thousand inhabitants, on the west bank of St. Clair River and about half way between Lakes Huron and St. Clair. The Oakland is a fine large hotel and sanitarium situated on the river bank, just south of St. Clair, and within three minutes' walk of the Michigan Central Depot. It is a favorite place for those who wish a summer's perfect resort, as well as those who seek relief from disease. The St. Clair Mineral Spring VTateu is of the same general class as the Saratoga and German saline spas, but more powerful than most of them. Taken internally, or in the form of hot orcold baths, it is found to be very efficacious in all forms of diseases of the skin, blood liver and genitals. The baths are no less delightful than curative and result in a physical vigor that gives a new zest to life. SOUTH HAVEN, TERMINUS OF SOUTH HAVEN DIVISION MICHIGAN CENTRAL, is a charming town of fifteen hundred population, located where Black River empties into Lake Michigan. The surrounding country is fruitful and pict- uresque, fish and game abound, the facilities for bathing and caraping-out are excellent, -and the lake freezes render the summer climate delightful and healthy. A local resort for many years, its reputation has quietly spread to distant regions without the aid of special advertising. TOPINABEE, THE NORTHERN HAY FEVER RESORT, is situated on the narrow peninsula between Mullet and Burt Lakes, thirty miles south of Mackinac Island, and on the Mackinaw Division of the Michigan Central. It is one of the best points in Northern Michigan for hook and line fishing, bass, pickerel, pike and whitefish being abundant in the lakes, with fine trout and grayling streams near at hand. Game is very plentiful. On account of its high, dry and healthful situation, Topinabee has been chosen as the permanent location of the Lake View Summer Resort of the Northern Hay Fever Resort Association, whose Secretary and Manager, Robert E. Williams, Jackson, Mich., may be applied to by those desirous of additional information. The grounds form a natural park, rising in ter- races from the lake, covered with timber and carpeted with winter-greens, arbutus and sweet ferns, and the climate and outdoor life will infuse new life into the most wearied denizen of the city. YPSILANTI, ON THE MAIN LINE OF THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL, has rapidly become one of the most important resorts for health seekers in the country. Its mineral wat>-r has proved a most potent natural medicine for very many organic and chronic diseases, and is sold in all the principal towns and cities. Its chemical analysis by Prof. Prescott, of the University of Michigan, shows that it possesses greater strength and power than the Saratoga, Kochbrunnen or other well known saline mineral waters, and compares well with the noted sulphur waters of Harrowgate, England. With its alkaline reaction and its sulphates of sodium, potassium and magnesium, its bromide, sulphur and iron, it is a powerful tonic and an eliminator of mjasmaticand blood-poisons from the system. It is used both externally and internally with great effect and tends to equalize the circulation, regu- late cardiac action, excite secretion and tone the muscular and nervous svstem. A fine bathhouse, hotel and sanitarium, has been erected, and health and pleasure seekers will find Ypsilanti a delightful resting place. MACKINAC ISLAND, see page 59. The Michigan Central is the only real "Niagara Falls Koute" in the country— none genuine without "M. C." blown in the bottle. It is the only railroad that gives a satisfactory view of the Falls. Every day train stops from five to ten minutes at Falls View, which is v/liat the name indicates— a splendid point from, which to view the great cataract. It is right on the brink of the grand canyon, at the Canadian end of the Horseshoe, and every part of the Falls is in plain sight. Even if he is tao ill or too lazy to get out of his car, he can see the liquid wonder of the world from the window or the platform. This is the Michigan Central's strongest hold on popular favor, its greatest advantage, its chief attraction. So long as the waters of that mighty river thunder down to the awful depths below, so long as the rush and roar, the surge and foam and prismatic spray of nature's cataractic mas- terpiece remain to delight and awe the human soul, thousands and tens of thousands ot beauty-lovers and grandeur-worshipers will journey over the only railroad from which it can be seen. There is but one Niagara Falls on earth and but one direct great railway to it. After leaving Falls View, the train sweeps along the edge of the mighty chasm, some two or three miles, to Suspension Bridge, giving constant and ever-changing views of the cataract and the surging, boiling river, as it madly rushes and rages between the perpendicular walls of stone, three hun- dred feet high, that torva the great canyon of Niagara. The stream is crosi^ed on the new Cantilever Bridge, which, stretching over the roaring flood, from precipice to precipice, seemingly resting on air alone, is a marvel of engineering skill and daring. It is a dizzy height above the seething waters, and seems a pathway only for winged creatures, but the train rushes over it as though it were a highway cut in solid stone. From the bridge there is a magnificent view of the Falls, the Eapids and the Suspension Foot- Bridge, above the Cantilever; while below it the eye takes in the Lower Ilapids and the awful Whirlpool, where Captain Webb's body was found. On the New York side of the river the road follows the very brink of the canyon for a mile or more, affording continual glorious glimpses_ of tl.o Cataract, the Rapids and all the other noted spots; and, after leaving the town of Niagara, it winds along the margin of the river, furnishing views of the islands and the Upper Eapids, until the mighty stream widens out into Lake Erie, just as the conductor announces Buffalo. It is a twenty-mile-long flying panorama of God's and Nature's handiwork— a feast to the eye, ear, heart, soul and imagination that is worth the cost in time and money of a trip across the continent or around the world.— Co?. P. Donnn in St. Louis Spectator. ;\(iagara fire {usurancs (^o, OF NEW YORK, 135 BROADWAV. Sixty-EigMli Semi-Anniial Statement, Jan'7 1st, 1886. Cash Capital, .......$ 500,000 OO Cash Assets, ........ 2,080,950 OO Reserve for He-insurance and all other Liabilities, . 1,183,236 88 Net Surplus 397,713 26 PETER NOTMAN, Pres. THOS. F. GOODRICH, Vice-Pres. WEST POLLOCK, Sec'y. GEO. C. HOWE, Ass't Sec'y. Western Department, Chicago, III. 205 l_A SALLE STREET. S. BLACKWELDER, GEO. A. HOLLOWAY, MANAGER. ASS'T MANAQBR. STATE ELECTION, APRIL, 1885. VOTE FOK JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. Allen B. Morse, Democrat-Fusion 168,626 Thomas M. Cooley, Republican 138,694 Imperfect and scattering 26 1 Total 307,580 Majority for Morse 29,931 REGENTS OP THE UNIVERSITY. Charles R. Whitman, Democrat-Fusion 155,743 Moses W. Field, Greenback-Fusion 153,626 Charles S. Draper, Ke publican 138,353 Aaron V. McAlvay, Republican 137,515 Lathrop S. Ellis, Prohibition 14,708 Frank B. Cressey, Prohibition 14,588 Imperfect and scattering 118 Total 614,651 Coal.— The coal field of Michigan is embraced in a circle with a radius of fifty miles, having its center near St.Louis,in Gratiot county, and its southern boundary a few miles south of Jackson. So far as is known there is but a single workable seam, having an average thickness of thirty to thirty-six inches, in which five or six mines are now worked. The following is the output in long tons up to date: Prior to 1877 350,000 1877 69.197 1^18 77,715 1879 82015 1880 130,053 1881 132,130 1882 130,000 1883 155,000 1881 135,000 1885 47,053 Total 1,308,: Copper.— Commissioner Lawton reports the product of refined copper in 1885 to be 72,197.0325 net tons of an average value of 11.14 cents per pound. Note to National Banks (pages 31 and 33.)— Overdrafts are included in Loans and Discounts. Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages include United States Bonds deposited to secure circulation and deposits. "Due from Banks, etc.," embraces the items of Dues from other Banks and Bankers and from Ap- proved Reserve Agents. Cash items include all cash on hand, checks, certifi- cates of deposit and amounts due from the United States Treasurer. IP DIRECT TO NEW YORK VIA THE JW ichican CMti ^ And New York Central & Hudson River. '^"^ J\(lAGARA .1- pALLS THE BEST description of Niagaka Falls is probably that written by Anthony Tbollope during his visit to this country in 1862, and is char- acterized by his usual care, lucidity, fullness of detail and painstaking accuracy. It has been reprinted, with illustrations, by the Michigan Cen- tral, and a description of the building of the Cantilever Bridge added. It will be sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. O. W. RUGGLES, Gen'l Pass, and Tkt. Agent, Chicago.