,?,' .v.^,. :%„''. -,■.,'.■. . • " "l • • '"l 1 ' " ■ > I t» • •■•'1,1 V .'?.->' lW Kv/ ■*.' ■ '. III ;^'''- Glass -(o^n Book ' 4-// -p THK j'y 1/ HI8TOEY lEFFERSON COUNTY, I O A\^ A^, CONTAINING ii$lar^ af i^^ Snuitl^^ ib SJfte$^ ¥ttuin$^ k^Uy A Biographical Directory of Citizens, War Record of its Vol- unteers in the late Rebellion, General and Local Statistics, Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, His- tory of the Northwest, History of Iowa, Map of Jefferson County, Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, &c. ILXjTTSTie,A.T:EID. CHICAGO : WESTERN HISTORICAL COMPANY, 1R79. A Entered, according to Act ot Congress, in the year 187&, b.v THE WESTERN HISTORICAL COMPANY In thfc Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, 1). C. <(A'^'^' f;c''^ G PREFACE. NEARLY forty-three years have come and gone since civilization's advance-guard came to occupy and develop the rich agricultural lands and exercise dominion in that part of the Black Havyk country included in Jefferson County. If the pioneers of 1836, or some of those who immediately followed them, had directed their attention to the keeping of a chronological journal or diary of events, to write a history of the county now would be a comparatively easy task : but, pre-occupied with the cares incident to frontier life, no such journals were ever attempted. In the absence of such records, the enterprise is one of no small moment, and the magnitude of the undertaking is still further increased by the removal, by death or otherwise, of nearly all the pioneer fathers and mothers who first came to gladden the prairie and forest wilds with their presence, and scatter the seeds of that better intelligence, which, growing and spreading as year was added to year, has made the country of their choice rank second to none in modern accom- plishments. The seeds they scattered ripened into the fullness of a plentiful harvest, and schoolhouses, churches, cities, towns, telegraphs, railroads and princely dwellings occupy the old " camp-grounds" of the Sauks, Foxes and other kindred tribes of red men. The struggles, changes and vicissitudes that forty-three years evoke, are as trying to the minds as to the bodies of men. Physical and mental strength waste away together beneath gath- ering years, and the memory of names, dates and events become lost in the confusion engendered by time and its restless, unceasing mutations. Circumstances that were fresh in memory ten and twenty years after their occurrence, are almost, if not entirely, forgotten when fifty years have gone. If not entirely obliterated and effaced from memory's tablet, they are so nearly so that, when recalled by one seeking to preserve tkem, the recollections come slowly back, more like the memory of a midnight dream than of an actual occurrence, in which they were partial if not actual participants and prominent characters. The footprint of time leaves its impressions and destroying agencies upon everything, and hence it would be unreasonable to suppose that the annals, incidents and happenings of nearly half a century in a community like that whose history we have attempted to write, could be preserved intact and unbroken. The passage of three years marked the pages of time after the first settlements on Round Prairie before any records of a public nature, relating to what is now .Jefferson County, were made, so that the gentlemen intrusted with the duty of writing this history were forced to depend upon the memory and intelligence of the few surviving pioneer settlers for a very large share of facts and information relating to immediate local events until after the organization of the county and the first meeting of the first Board of County Commissioners, at Lockridge, on the 8th day of April, 1839. And it is a subject of regret, that, even after that date, many important records are lost from the county archives, so that, in some instances, it has been impossible to supply certain names, dates, etc., from written data. For these reasons, it is not to be expected that this volume will be entirely accurate as to names, dates, etc., or that it will be so perfect as to be above and beyond criticism, for the book is yet to be written and printed that can justly claim the meed of perfection ; but it is the pub- lishers' hope, as it is their belief, that it will be found measurably correct and generally accurate and reliable. Industrious and studied care have been exercised to make it a standard book of reference, as well as one of interest to the general reader. If, in such a multiplicity of names, dates, etc., some errors are not detected, it will be strange indeed. PREFACE. Such as it is, our offering is completed, and it only remains forthe publishers to acknowledge their obligations to the citizens named below for the valuable information furnished by them, without which this history of Jefferson County would not be so voluminous and comprehensive. To John IItpf, who is believed to be the first white man that visited the territory now included in Jefferson County; Mrs. S.vrah A. Lamisirth, the first white woman to cross Cedar Creek, and one of the two first women to settle on Round Prairie, and Joseph Txlford, of the same locality, where they have lived since the early spring of 18:'>(;, for incidents relating to the beginning of the settlement of the country ; to Mrs. Major Woods, the especial friend of *• Iowa's Boys in Blue," during the late war, for information regarding the movement for the collection of sanitary supplies ; to .Fohn Clinton, Col.' J. VV. Culbertson and wife, Messrs. Slaglk and AcHEsoN, H. B. Mitchell, Capt. C. Jordon, Hon. D. P. Stubbs, George Craine, John Du BoiSK, Messrs. Culbertson and Jones, for various incidents relating to early times in Fair- field ; to Capt. W. T. Burgess, the excellent and obliging Postmaster, for the use of sundry papers of reference; to A. T. Wells, the Librarian, for access to the Library, as well as for his uniform courtesy and kindness ; to W. W. and C. H. Junktn, of the Ledger, for the use of their well-kept files of the paper over which they preside with such signal ability ; to Messrs. Frank Green and 0. L. Hackett, of the Tribune, for similar favors ; to the ministers and representa- tive members of the several churches, and to the Superintendent, Principals and teachers of the schools of the county, for statistical and other facts, this paragraph of acknowledgment is, there- fore, respectfully dedicated. To these parties, and the interest they manifested for the under- taking, is due, in a great measure, whatever of merit may be ascribed to this offering. To the press and people of the county in general, and to the citizens of Fairfield in particu- lar, our most gri^eful considerations are due for their universal kindness to our representatives and agents who were charged with the labor of collecting and arranging the information herein preserved to that posterity that will come in the not far-distant by and by to fill the places of the fathers and mothers, so many of whose names and honorable biographies are to be found within the pages of this book. In conclusion, the publishers express the sincere hope that, before another forty-three years will have passed, other and abler pens will have taken up and i-ecorded the annalistic events that will follow after the close of this offering to the people of Jefferson County, that the historical literature of the country may be fully preserved and maintained from county to nation. Very respectfully, January, 187'J. PUBLISHERS. ^ CONTENTS HISTORY NORTHWEST AXD STATE OF IOWA. Page. History Northwest Territory 19 Geographical Position 19 Early Explorations 20 Discovery of the Ohio 33 English Explorations and Set- tlements 35 American Settlements 60 Division of the Northwest Ter- ritory 66 Tecumseh and the War of 1812 70 Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War 74 Other Indian Troubles 79 Present Condition of theNorth- west 86 Chicago 95 Illinois 257 Indiana 259 Iowa 260 Michigan 263 Wisconsin 264 Minnesota 266 Nebraska 267 History of Iowa: Geographical Situation 109 Topography 109 Drainage System 110 Page. History ol Iowa : Rivers. Ill Lakes 118 Springs „ 119 Prairies 120 Geology 120 Clintfttology 137 Discovery and Occnpation 139 Territory 147 Indians 147 Pike's Expedition 1^1 Indian AVars 152 Black Hawk War 167 Indian Purchase, Reserves and Treaties 159 Spanish Grants .; 103 Half-Breed Tract 164 Early Settlements 166 Territorial History 173 Boundary Question 177 State Organization 181 Growth and Progress 185 Agricultural College and Farm.186 State University 187 State Historical Society 193 Penitentiaries 194 Pagk. Historj' of Iowa: Insane Hospitals 195 College for the Blind 197 Deaf and Dumb Institution 199 Soldiers" Orphans' Homes 199 State Normal School 201 Asylum for Feeble Minded Children 201 Reform School 202 Fish Hatching Establishment. .203 Public Lands 204 Public Schools 218 Political Record 223 War Record 229 Infantry 233 Cavalry 244 Artillery 247 Miscellaneous 248 Promotions from Iowa Reg- iments 249 Number Casualties— Officers.2.50 Number Casualties — Enlist- ed Men 252 N\iniber Volunteers 254 Population 255 Agricultural Statistics 320 HISTORY OF JEFFERSOTIi" COUXTY. Page. Original Occupants 323 Black Hawk 325 Wapello and other Chiefs 326 Pashapaho 331 Indian Chieftains 332 First White Settlers 349 The Black Hawk Purchase 349 In the Wilderness — Crossing Cedar Creek — Mrs. Lambirth in Nettles 352 Plowing the Virgin Soil — the First Crop 353 Hawkins Taylor 357 Indian Scare 359 Hard Times and Hominy Blocks 3G0 Settlors of 1837— Old Village of Lockridpe — First Store. ..361 An Indian Wife on her Muecle.363 Retrospective 364 Land Sales — Squatters and Speculators 364 Society, Churches, Schools, etc.368 First Mill..; 372 First and Second Marriage 372 Kiret Births 372 First Deaths etc 372 First Physicians 373 Starting an Orchard — the Old Afple-Tree 373 Troxell's Slill - Raising and Break-Down 374 Klinkenbeard's Flood 375 j Another Flood 376 Coop in the Legislature 377 Organization of County 377 Physical -Geography, Origin of Names, Timber, etc 378 Page. Geology :J81 Formation of Lime-Beds 382 Great Coal-Basin 382 Cretaceous 385 Glacial Period 385 Drift Period 387 Bowlders 388 Economic Geology 388 Origin of the Prairies 392 Location of the County Seat 393 Political Economy 395 Explanatory 395 Township System 396 County Officers 396 Resume 397 First Election Precincts 398 ! First Road 400 | First Regular Election 401 [ First Tax-Receipt and Finan- cial Exhibit 402 Tax-Levy cif 1840— Township Organization— Vote Ordered 403 i Morals of the Pioneers — First 1 Jail 404 1 Financial Condition, January 3, 1842 405 I Last Meeting under Tei'ritori- al Jurisdiction 405 Second Court House and Jail ..406 Poor- Farm 407 District Court 408 Criminal Mention 410 Double Tragedy — Lynching of Kephart 410 Malhew.s Homicide 412 The Hutler-Woodard Affair 415 Political Murder 416 Educational 4ic Pagk Educational : Statistical 41s Sabbath-School Association 417 Miscellaneous ..419 Railroads 422 Agricultural Societies 425 Hurricanes 43] Old Settlers 433 Political Parties 434 Roll of Honor 434 War History 435 Roster 444 Fairfield 4(55 Early Incidents— Robbery 466 Willis' Cheek 467 A Timid Beau 468 Miscellaneous Firstlings 468 Growth and Prosperity 469 United States Land Office 469 Hanking Interests 470 Gas- Light Company 47o Mills 47X Elevators 471 City Government 471 Educational Interests — First Schools 471 Pareons College 473 Public Library 475 Lecture Course 480 I'ress 480 Religious 482 Cemeteries 488 Lodges, etc 4^9 Temperance Organizations 493 Batavia 495 Perloe 493 Liberty ville [ 499 Vote, October 8, 1878 ......biM CONTENTS. Paoe. Mouth of the Mississippi 21 Source of tht- Mississippi 21 Wild Prairie 23 La Salle Landing on the Shore of Green Bay 25 Buffalo Hunt 27 Trapping 29 Hunting 32 Iroquois Chief 34 Pontiac, the Ottawa Chieftain 43 Indians Attacking Frontiersmen.. 56 A Prairie Storm 59 IlililJST RATIONS. P.VRE. A Pioneer Dwelling 61 | Breaking Prairie 63 Tecuraseh, the Shawanoe Chieftain 69 Indians Attacking a Stockade 72 Black Hawk, the Sac Chieftain 75 Big Eagle 80 ! Captain Jack, the Modoc Chieftain 83 Kinzie House 85 '• A Representative Pioneer 80 Lincoln Monument 87 A Pioneer School House 88 Page. Pioneers' First Winter 94 Great Iron Bridge of C, R. I. & P. R. R., Crossing the Mississippi at Davenport, Iowa 91 Chicago in 1833 95 Old Fort Dearborn, 1830 98 Present Site Lake Street Bridge, Chicago, 1833 98 Ruins' of Chicago 104 View of the City of Chicago 106 Hunting Prairie Wolves 268 JEFFEKSOX <;«IIXTY VOEITNTEERS. Infantry: Page. Second 444 Seventh 446 Seventeenth 447 Nineteenth 448 Thirtieth 451 Infantry : Page. Forty -fifth 453 Cavalry: Third ." 454 Fourth 460 Cavalry : Page. Seventh 460 Eighth : 460 Ninth 461 Miscellaneous 461 BIOOKAPHIIAE TOWNSHIP IHRKCTORY. Page. Black Hawk 595 Buchanan 534 Cedar 540 Des Moines 567 Page. Fairfield 501 Liberty 522 Lockridge 543 Locnst Grove 560 Page Penn 549 Polk 60O Round Prairie 528 Walnut .571 EITHOGRAPHIt' PORTR.4ITS. Potter, A. C... Burgess, W. T. |Page. 457 389 Page. , Culbertsou, John W 491 ' Chester, S. J Stubbs, D. P 3.55 ) Coop, W. G., Gen. Page. 423 321 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE liAWS. Page. , Adoption of Children 303 \ Bills of Exchange and Promissory j Notes 293 Commercial Terms 305 Capital Punishment 298 \ Charitable, Scientific and Religious Associations 316 Descent 293 Damages from Trespass 300 Exemptions from Execution 298 Esti-ays 299 Forms : Articles of Agreement 307 Bills of Sale 308 Bond for Deed 315 Bills of Purchase 306 Page. Forms : Chattel Mortgage 314 Confession of Judgment 300 Lease 312 Mortgages 310 Notice to Quit 309 Notes 306, 313 Orders 306 Quit Claim Deed 315 Receipts 306 Wills and Codicils 309 Warranty Deed 314 Fences 300 Interest 293 Intoxicating Liquors 317 Jurisdiction of Courts 297 Page. Juroi-s 297 Limitation of Actions 297 Landlord and Tenant 304 Married Women 208 Marks and Brands 300 Mechanics' Liens 301 Roads and Bridges 302 Surveyors and Surveys 303 Suggestions to Persons Purchasing Books by Subscription 319 Support of Poor 303 Taxes 295 Wills and Estates ! 293 Weights and Measures 305 Wolf Scalps 300 ^IIS€E1jI.ANKOIJ!<^. Page. Map of Jefferson County Front. Constitution of United States 269 Vote for President, Governor and Congressmen 283 Practical Rules for Every-Day U8e..284 United States Government Land Measure 287 Page. Surveyor's Measure 288 How to Keep Accounts 288 Interest Table 289 Miscellaneous Tai'le 289 Names of the States of the Union and their Significations 290 Population of the United States 291 Page. Population of Fifty Principal Cities of the United States 291 Population and Area of the United States 292 Population of the Principal Coun- tries in the World 292 R.x.w. M r A. S B^ 1 ]V G T O JS^ (' O. R VIII.W. The Northwest Territory. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. When the Northwestern Territory was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, it embraced only the territory lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers, and north to the northern limits of the United States. It coincided with the area now embraced in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota lying on the east side of the Mississippi River. The United States itself at that period extended no farther west than the Mississippi River; but by the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, the western boundary of the United States was extended to the Rocky Mountains and the Northern Pacific Ocean. The new territory thus added to the National domain, and subsequently opened to settlement, has been called the " New Northwest," in contradistinction from the old " Northwestern Territory. " In comparison with the old Northwest this is a territory of vast magnitude. It includes an area of 1,887,850 square miles ; being greater in extent than the united areas of all the Middle and Southern States, including Texas. Out of this magnificent territory have been erected eleven sovereign States and eight Territories, with an aggregate popula- tion, at the present time, of 13,000,000 inhabitants, or nearly one third of the entire population of the United States. Its lakes are fresh-water seas, and the larger rivers of the continent flow for a thousand miles through its rich alluvial valleys and far- stretching prairies, more acres of which are arable and productive of the highest percentage of the cereals than of any other area of like extent on the globe. For the last twenty years the increase of population in the North- west has been about as three to one in any other portion of the United States. (19) 20 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. In the year 1541, DeSoto first saw the Great West in the New World. He, however, penetrated no farther north than the 35th parallel of latitnde. The expedition resulted in his death and that of more than half his army, the remainder of whom found their way to Cuba, thence to Spain, in a famished and demoralized condition. DeSoto founded no settlements, produced no results, and left no traces, unless it were that he awakened the hostility of the red man against the white man, and disheartened such as might desire to follow up the career of discovery for better purposes. The French nation were eager and ready to seize upon any news from this extensive domain, and were the first to profit by DeSoto's defeat. Yet it was more than a century before any adventurer took advantage of these discoveries. In 1616, four years before the pilgrims " moored their bark on the wild New England shore," Le Caron, a French Franciscan, had pene- trated through the Iroquois and Wyandots (Hurons) to the streams which run into Lake Huron ; and in 163-4, two Jesuit missionaries founded the first mission among the lake tribes. It was just one hundred years from the discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto (1541) until the Canadian envoys met the savage nations of the Northwest at the Falls of St. Mary, below the outlet of Lake Superior. This visit led to no permanent result; yet it was not until 1659 that any of the adventurous fur traders attempted to spend a Winter in the frozen wilds about the great lakes, nor was it until 1660 that a station was established upon their borders by Mesnard, who perished in the woods a few months after. In 1665, Claude Allouez built the earliest lasting habitation of the white man among the Indians of the Northwest. In 1668, Claude Dablon and James Marquette founded the mission of Sault Ste. Marie at the Falls of St. Mary, and two years afterward, Nicholas Perrot, as agent for M. Talon, Governor Gen- eral of Canada, explored Lake Illinois (Michigan) as far south as the present City of Chicago, and invited the Indian nations to meet him at a grand council at Sault Ste. Marie the following Spring, where they were taken under tlie protection of the king, and formal possession was taken of the Northwest. This same year Marquette established a mission at Point St. Ignatius, where was founded the old town of Michillimackinac. During M. Talon's explorations and Marquette's residence at St. Ignatius, they learned of a great river away to the west, and fancied — as all others did then — that upon its fertile banks whole tribes of God's children resided, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with a wish to go and preach to them, and in compliance with a THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 21 22 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOx^Y. request of M. Talon, who earnestly desired to extend the domain of his king, and to ascertain whether the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean, Marquette with Joliet, as commander of the expe- dition, prepared for the undertaking. On the 13th of May, 1673, the explorers, accompanied by five assist- ant French Canadians, set out from Mackinaw on their daring voyage of discovery. The Indians, who gathered to witness their departure, were astonished at the boldness of the undertaking, and endeavored to dissuade them from their purpose by representing the tribes on the Mississippi as exceedingly savage and cruel, and the river itself as full of all sorts of frightful monsters ready to swallow them and their canoes together. But, nothing daunted by these terrific descriptions, Marquette told them he was willing not only to encounter all the perils of the unknown region they were about to explore, but to lay down his life in a cause in which the salvation of souls was involved; and having prayed together they separated. Coasting along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, the adventurers entered Green Bay, and passed thence up the Fox River and Lake Winnebago to a village of the Miamis and Kickapoos. Here Mar- quette was delighted to find a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank him for the pity he had bestowed on them during the Winter in giving them an abundant " chase." This was the farthest outpost to which Dablon and AUouez had extended their missionary labors the year previous. Here Marquette drank mineral waters and was instructed in the secret of a root which cures the bite of the venomous rattlesnake. He assembled the chiefs and old men of the village, and, pointing to Joliet, said: " My friend is an envoy of France, to discover new coun- tries, and I am an ambassador from God to enlighten them with the truths of the Gospel." Two Miami guides were here furnished to conduct them to the Wisconsin River, and they set out from the Indian village on the 10th of June, amidst a great crowd of natives who had assembled to witness their departure into a region where no white man had ever yet ventured. The guides, having conducted them across the portage, returned. The explorers launched their canoes upon the Wisconsin, which they descended to the Mississippi and proceeded down its unknown waters. What emotions must have swelled their breasts as they struck out into the broadening current and became conscious that they were now upon the bosom of ths Father of Waters. The mystery was about to be lifted from the long-sought river. The scenery in that locality is beautiful, and on that delightful seventeenth of June must have been clad in all its primeval loveliness as it had been adorned by the hand of THE NORTHWEST TERKITORY. 23 Nature. Drifting rapidly, it is said that the bold bluffs on either hand " reminded them of the castled shores of their own beautiful rivers of France." By-and-by, as they drifted along, great herds of buffalo appeared on the banks. On going to the heads of the valley they could see a country of the greatest beauty and fertility, apparently destitute of inhab- itants yet presenting the appearance of extensive manors, under the fas- tidious cultivation of lordly proprietors. THE WILD PRAIEIE. On June 25, they went ashore and found some fresh traces of men upon the sand, and a path which led to the prairie. The men remained in the boat, and Marquette and Joliet followed the path till they discovered a village on the banks of a river, and two other villages on a hill, within a half league of the first, inhabited by Indians. They were received most hospitably by these natives, who had never before seen a white person. After remaining a few days they re-embarked and descended the river to about latitude 33°, where they found a village of the Arkansas, and being satisfied that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, turned their course 24 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. up the river, and ascending the stream to the mouth of the Illinois, rowed up that stream to its source, and procured guides from that point to the lakes. " Nowhere on this journey," says Marquette, •' did we see such grounds, meadows, woods, stags, buffaloes, deer, wildcats, bustards, swans, ducks, parroquets, and even beavers, as on the Illinois River." The party, without loss or injury, reached Green Bay in September, and reported their discovery— one of the most important of the age, but of which no record was preserved save Marquette's, Joliet losing his by the upsetting of his canoe on his way to Quebec. Afterward Marquette returned to the Illinois Indians by their request, and ministered to them until 1675. On the 18th of May, in that year, as he was passing the mouth of a stream — going with his boatmen up Lake Michigan — he asked to land at its mouth and celebrate Mass. Leaving his men with the canoe, he retired a short distance and began his devotions. As much time passed and he did not return, his men went in search of him, and found him upon his knees, dead. He had peacefully passed away while at prayer. He was buried at this spot. Charlevoix, who visited the place fifty years after, found the waters had retreated from the grave, leaving the beloved missionary to repose in peace. The river has since been called Marquette. While Marquette and his companions were pursuing their labors in the West, two men, differing widely from him and each other, were pre- paring to follow in his footsteps and perfect the discoveries so well begun by him. These were Robert de La Salle and Louis Hennepin. After La Salle's return from the discovery of the Ohio River (see the narrative elsewhere), he established himself again among the French trading posts in Canada. Here he mused long upon the pet project of those ages — a short way to China and the East, and was busily planning an expedition up the great lakes, and so across the continent to the Pacific, when Marquette returned from the Mississippi. At once the vigorous mind of LaSalle received from his and his companions' stories the idea that by fol- lowing the Great River northward, or by turning up some of the numerous western tributaries, the object could easily be gained. He applied to Frontenac, Governor General cf Canada, and laid before him the plan, dim but gigantic. Frontenac entered warmly into his plans, and saw that LaSalle's idea to connect the great lakes by a chain of forts with the Gulf of Mexico would bind the country so wonderfully together, give un- measured power to France, and glory to himself, under whose adminis- tration he earnestly hoped all would be realized. LaSalle now repaired to France, laid his plans before the King, who warmly approved of them, and made him a Chevalier. He also received from all the noblemen the wannest wishes for his success. The Chev- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 alier returned to Canada, and busily entered upon his work. He at once rebuilt Fort Frontenac and constructed the first ship to sail on these fresh-water seas. On the 7th of August, 1679, having been joined by Hennepin, he began his voyage in the Griffin up Lake Erie. He passed over this lake, through the straits beyond, up Lake St. Clair and into Huron. In this lake they encountered heavy storms. They were some time at Michillimackinac, where LaSalle founded a. fort, and passed on to Green Bay, the " Baie des Puans " of the French, where he found a large quantity of furs collected for him. He loaded the Griffin with these, and placing her under the care of a pilot and fourteen sailors, LA SALLE LANDING ON THE SHORE OF GREEN BAY. started her on her return voyage. Tlie vessel was never afterward heard of. He remained about these parts until early in the Winter, when, hear- ing nothing from the Griffin, he collected all the men — thirty working men and three monks — and started again upon his great undertaking. By a short portage they passed to the Illinois or Kankakee, called by the Indians, "Theakeke," wolf, because of the tribes of Indians called by that name, commonly known as the Mahingang, dwelling there. The French pronounced it Kiakiki, which became corrupted to Kankakee. "Falling down the said river by easy journeys, the better to observe the country," about the last of December they reached a village of the Illi- nois Indians, containing some five hundred cabins, but at that moment 26 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. no inhabitants. The Seur de LaSalle being in want of some breadstuffs, took advantage of the absence of the Indians to help himself to a suffi- ciency of maize, large quantities of which he found concealed in holes under the wigwams. This village was situated near the present village of Utica in LaSalle County, Illinois. The corn being securely stored, the voyagers again betook themselves to the stream, and toward evening, on the 4th day of January, 1680, they came into a lake which must have been the lake of Peoria. This was called by the Indians Pim-i-te-wi, that is, a place where there are many fat beasts. Here the natives were met with in large numbers, but they were gentle and kind, and having spent some time with them, LaSalle determined to erect another fort in that place, for he had heard rumors that some of the adjoining tribes were trying to disturb the good feeling which existed, and some of his men were disposed to complain, owing to the hardships and perils of the travel. He called this fort " Crevecoeur''' (broken-heart), a name expressive of the very natural sorrow and anxiety which the pretty certain loss of his ship, Griffin, and his consequent impoverishment, the danger of hostility on the part of the Indians, and of mutiny among his own men, might well cause him. His fears were not entirely groundless. At one time poison was placed in his food, but fortunately was discovered. While building this fort, the Winter wore away, the prairies began to look green, and LaSalle, despairing of any reinforcements, concluded to return to Canada, raise new means and new men, and embark anew in the enterprise. For this purpose he made Hennepin the leader of a party to explore the head waters of the Mississippi, and he set out on his jour- ney. This journey was accomplished with the aid of a few persons, and was successfully made, though over an almost u )known route, and in a bad season of the year. He safely reached Canada, and set out again for the object of his search. Hennepin and his party left Fort Crevecoeur on the last of February, 1680. When LaSalle reached this place on his return expedition, he found the fort entirely deserted, and he was obliged to return again to Canada. He embarked the third time, and succeeded. Seven days after leaving the fort, Hennepin reached the Mississippi, and paddling up the icy stream as best he could, reached no higher than the Wisconsin River by the 11th of April. Here he and his followers were taken prisoners by a band of Northern Indians, who treated them with great kindness. Hen- nepin's comrades were Anthony Auguel and Michael Ako. On this voy- age they found several beautiful lakes, and " saw some charming prairies." Their captors were the Isaute or Sauteurs, Chippewas, a tribe of the Sioux nation, who took them up the river until about the first of May, when they reached some falls, which Hennepin christened Falls of St. Anthony THE NOETHWEST TERRITORY. 27 in honor of his patron saint. Here they took the land, and traveling nearly two hundred miles to the northwest, brought them to their villages. Here they were kept about three months, were treated kindly by their captors, and at the end of that time, were met by a band of Frenchmen, BUFFALO HUNT. headed by one Seur de Luth, who, in pursuit of trade and game, had pene- trated thus far by the route of Lake Superior ; and with these fellow- countrymen Hennepin and his companions were allowed to return to the borders of civilized life in November, 1680, just after LaSalle had returned to the wilderness on his second trip. Hennepin soon after went to France, where he published an account of his adventures. 28 THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. The Mississippi was first discovered by De Soto in April, 1541, in his vain endeavor to find gold and precious gems. In the following Spring, De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, and worn out with his wander- ings, he fell a victim to disease, and on the 21st of May died. His followers, reduced by fatigue and disease to less than three hundred men, wandered about the country nearly a year, in the vain endeavor to rescue them- selves by land, and finally constructed seven small vessels, called brigan- tines, in which they embarked, and descending the river, supposing it would lead them to the sea, in July they came to the sea (Gulf of Mexico), and by September reached the Island of Cuba. They were the first to see the great outlet of the Mississippi ; but, being so weary and discouraged, made no attempt to claim the country, and hardly had an intelligent idea of what they had passed through. To La Salle, the intrepid explorer, belongs the honor of giving the first account of the mouths of the river. His great desire was to possess this entire country for his king, and in January, 1682, he and his band of explorers left the shores of Lake Michigan on their third attempt, crossed the portage, passed down the Illinois River, and on the 6th of February, reached the banks of the Mississippi. On the 13th they commenced their downward course, which they pursued with but one interruption, until upon the 6th of March they dis- covered the three great passages by which the river discharges its waters into the gulf. La Salle thus narrates the event : " We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues (nine miles) from its mouth. On the seventh, M. de LaSalle went to reconnoiter the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti meanwhile examined the great middle channel. They found the main outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the 8th we reascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place beyond the reach of inundations. The elevation of the North Pole was here about twent3^-seven degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the column were afiixed the arms of France with this inscription : Louis Le Grand, Roi De France et de Navarre, regne ; Le neuvieme Avril, 1682. The whole party, under arms, chanted the Te Deuni, and then, after a. salute and cries of " Vive le Boi," the column was erected by M. de La Salle, who, standing near it, proclaimed in a loud voice the authority of the King of France. LaSalle returned and laid the foundations of the Mis- sissippi settlements in Illinois, thence he proceeded to France, where another expedition was fitted out, of which he was commander, and in two succeeding voyages failed to find the outlet of the river by sailing along the shore of the gulf. On his third voyage he was killed, through the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 29 treachery of his followers, and the object of his expeditions was not accomplished until 1699, when D' Iberville, under the authority of the crown, discovered, on the second of March, by way of the sea, the mouth of the " Hidden River." This majestic stream was called by the natives *'' Malbouchia,^' and by the Spaniards, " Za Palissade^^^ from the great ^^'^Sl^^^^^^ ■JiCi< TRAPPING. number of trees about its mouth. After traversing the several outlets, and satisfying himself as to its certainty, he erected a fort near its western outlet, and returned to France. An avenue of ti-ade was now opened out which was fully improved. In 1718, New Orleans was laid out and settled by some European colo- nists. In 1762, the colony was made over to Spain, to be regained by France under the consulate of Napoleon. In 1803, it was purchased by 30 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. the United States for the sum of fifteen million dollars, and the territory of Louisiana and commerce of the Mississippi River came under the charge of the United States. Althougfh LaSalle's labors ended in defeat and death, he had not worked and suffered in vaiu. He had thrown open to France and the world an immense and most valuable country; had established several ports, and laid the foundations of more than one settlement there. " Peoria, Kaskaskia and Cahokia, are to this day monu- ments of LaSalle's labors ; for, though he had founded neither of them (unless Peoria, which was built nearly upon the site of Fort Crevecoeur,) it was by those whom he led into the West that these places were peopled and civilized. He was, if not the discoverer, the first settler of the Mississippi Valley, and as such deserves to be known and honored." The French early improved the opening made for them. Before the year 1698, the Rev. Father Gravier began a mission among the Illinois, and founded Kaskaskia. For some time this was merely a missionary station, where none but natives resided, it being one of three such vil- lages, the other two being Cahokia and Peoria. What is known of these missions is learned from a letter written by Father Gabriel Marest, dated " Aux Cascaskias, autrement dit de ITmmaculate Conception de la Sainte Vierge, le 9 Novembre, 1712." Soon after the founding of Kaskaskia, the missionary, Pinet, gathered a flock at Cahokia, while I'eoria arose near the ruins of Fort Crevecoeur. This must have been about the year 1700. The post at Vincennes on the Oubache river,, (pronounced WS-ba, meaning summer cloud moving siviftly^ was estab- lished in 1702, according to the best authorities.* It is altogether prob- able that on LaSalle's last trip he established the stations at Kaskaskia and Cahokia. In July, 1701, the foundations of Fort Ponchartrain were laid by De la Motte Cadillac on the Detroit River. These sta- tions, with those established further north, were the earliest attempts to occupy the Northwest Territory. At the same time efforts were being made to occupy the Southwest, which finally culminated in the settle- ment and founding of the City of New Orleans by a colony from England in 1718. This was mainly accomplished through the efforts of the famous Mississippi Compan}^ established by the notorious John Law, who so quickly arose into prominence in France, and who with his scheme so quickly and so ignominiously passed away. From the time of the founding of these stations for fifty years the French nation were engrossed with the settlement of the lower Missis- sippi, and the war with the Chicasaws, who had, in revenge for repeated * There is considerable dispute .about this date, some asserting it was founded as late as 1742. When the new court liouse at Vincennes was erected, all autliorities 0:1 the subject were carefully examined, and i702 fixed upon as the correct date. It was accordingly engraved on the corner-stone of the court house. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 31 injuries, cut off the entire colony at Natchez. Although the company- did little for Louisiana, as the entire West was then called, yet it opened the trade through the Mississippi River, and started the raising of grains indigenous to that climate. Until the year 1750, but little is known of the settlements in the Northwest, as it was not until this time that the attention of the English was called to the occupation of this portion of the New World, which they then supposed they owned. Vivier, a missionary among the Illinois, writing from " Aux Illinois," six leagues from Fort Chartres, June 8, 1750, says: "We have here whites, negroes and Indians, to say nothing of cross-breeds. There are five French villages, and three villages of the natives, within a space of twenty-one leagues situated between the Mississippi and another river called the Karkadaid (Kaskaskias). In the five French villages are, perhaps, eleven hundred whites, three hundred blacks and some sixty red slaves or savages. The three Illinois towns do not contain more than eight hundred souls all told. Most of the French till the soil; they raise wheat, cattle, pigs and horses, and live like princes. Three times as much is produced as can be consumed ; and great quantities of grain and flour are sent to New Orleans." This city was now the seaport town of the Northwest, and save in the extreme northern part, where only furs and copper ore were found, almost all the products of the country found their way to France by the mouth of the Father of Waters. In another letter, dated Novem- ber 7, 1750, this same priest says : " For fifteen leagues above the mouth of the Mississippi one sees no dwellings, the ground being too low to be habitable. Thence to New Orleans, the lands are only partially occupied. New Orleans contains black, white and red, not more, I think, than twelve hundred persons. To this point come all lumber, bricks, salt-beef, tallow, tar, skins and bear's grease ; and above all, pork and flour from the Illinois. These things create some commerce, as forty vessels and more have come hither this year. Above New Orleans, plantations are again met with ; the most considerable is a colony of Germans, some ten leagues up the river. At Point Coupee, thirty-five leagues above the German settlement, is a fort. Along here, within five or six leagues, are not less than sixty habitations. Fifty leagues farther up is the Natchez post, where we have a garrison, who are kept prisoners through fear of the Chickasaws. Here and at Point Coupee, they raise excellent tobacco. Another hundred leagues brings us to the Arkansas, where we have also a fort and a garrison for the benefit of the river traders. * * * From the Arkansas to the Illinois, nearly five hundred leagues, there is not a settlement. There should be, however, a fort at the Oubache (Ohio), the only path by which the English can reach the Mississippi. In the Illinois country are numberless mines, but no one to 82 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. work them as they deserve." Father Marest, writing from the post at Vincennes in 181 2, makes the same observation. Vivier also says : " Some individuals dig lead near the surface and supply the Indians and Canada. Two Spaniards now here, who claim to be adepts, say that our mines are like those of Mexico, and that if we would dig deeper, we should find silver under the lead ; and at any rate the lead is excellent. There is also in this country, beyond doubt, copper ore, as from time to time large pieces are found in the streams." HUNTING. At the close of the year 1750, the French occupied, in addition to the lower Mississippi posts and those in Illinois, one at Du Quesne, one at the Mauuiee in the country of the Miamis, and one at Sandusky in what may be termed the Ohio Valley. In the northern part of the Northwest they had stations at St. Joseph's on the St, Joseph's of Lake Micliigan, at Fort Ponchartrain (Detroit), at Michillimackanac or Massillimacanac, Fox River of Green Bay, and at Sault Ste. Marie. The fondest dreams of LaSalle were now fidly realized. The French alone were possessors of this vast realm, basing their claim on discovery and settlement. Another nation, however, was now turning its attention to this extensive country, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 3^ and hearing of its wealth, began to lay plans for occupying it and for securing the great profits arising therefrom. The French, however, had another claim to this country, namely, the DISCOVERY OF THE OHIO. This " Beautiful " river was discovered by Robert Cavalier de La- Salle in 1669, four years before the discovery of the Mississippi by Joliet and Marquette. While LaSalle was at his trading post on the St. Lawrence, he found leisure to study nine Indian dialects, the chief of which was the Iroquois. He not only desired to facilitate his intercourse in trade, but he longed to travel and explore the unknown regions of the West. An incident soon occurred which decided him to fit out an exploring expedition. While conversing with some Senecas, he learned of a river called the Ohio, which rose in their country and flowed to the sea, but at such a distance that it required eight months to reach its mouth. In this state- ment the Mississippi and its tributaries were considered as one stream. LaSalle believing, as most of the French at that period did, that the great rivers flowing west emptied into the Sea of California, was anxious to embark in the enterprise of discovering a route across the continent to the commerce of China and Japan. He repaired at once to Quebec to obtain the approval of the Gov- ernor. His eloquent appeal prevailed. The Governor and the Intendant» Talon, issued letters patent authorizing the enterprise, but made no pro- vision to defray tlie expenses. At this juncture the seminary of St. Sul- pice decided to send out missionaries iu connection with the expedition, and LaSalle offering to sell his improvements at LaChine to raise money, the offer was accepted by the Superior, and two thousand eight hundred dollars were raised, with which LaSalle purchased four canoes and the necessary supplies for the outfit. On the 6th of July, 1669, the party, numbering twenty-four persons, embarked in seven canoes on the St. Lawrence ; two additional canoes carried the Indian guides. In three days they were gliding over the bosom of Lake Ontario. Their guides conducted them directly to the Seneca village on the bank of the Genesee, in the vicinity of the present City of Rochester, New York. Here they expected to procure guides to conduct tliem to the Ohio, but in this they were disappointed. The Indians seemed unfriendly to the enterprise. LaSalle suspected that the Jesuits had prejudiced their minds against his plans. After waiting a month in the hope of gaining their object, they met an Indian 84 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. from the Iroquois colony at the head of Lake Ontario, who assured them that they could there find guides, and offered to conduct them thence. On their way they passed the mouth of the Niagara River, when they heard for the first time the distant thunder of the cataract. Arriving IKOyUOlS CHIKF. among the Iroquois, they met with a friendly reception, and learned from a Shawanee prisoner that they could reach the Ohio in six weeks. Delighted with the unexpected good fortune, they made ready to resume their journey ; but just as they were about to start they heard of the arrival of two Frenchmen in a neighboring village. One of them proved to bs Louis Joliet, afterwards famous as an explorer in the West. He THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 35 had been sent by the Canadian Government to explore the copper mines on Lake Superior, but had failed, and was on his way back to Quebec. He gave the missionaries a map of the country he had explored in the lake region, together with an account of the condition of the Indians in that quarter. This induced the priests to determine on leaving the expedition and going to Lake Superior. LaSalle warned them that the Jesuits were probably occupying that field, and that they would meet with a cold reception. Nevertheless they persisted in their purpose, and after worship on the lake shore, parted from LaSalle. On arriving at Lake Superior, they found, as LaSalle had predicted, the Jesuit Fathers, Marquette and Dablon, occupying the field. These zealous disciples of Loyola informed them that they wanted no assistance from St. Sulpice, nor from those who made him their patron saint ; and thus repulsed, they returned to Montreal the following June without having made a single discovery or converted a single Indian. After parting with the priests, LaSalle went to the chief Iroquois village at Onondaga, where he obtained guides, and passing thence to a tributary of the Ohio south of Lake Erie, he descended the latter as far as the falls at Louisville. Thus was the Ohio discovered by LaSalle, the persevering and successful French explorer of the West, in 1669. The account of the latter part of his journey is found in an anony- mous paper, which purports to have been taken from the lips of LaSalle himself during a subsequent visit to Paris. In a letter written to Count Frontenac in 1667, shortly after the discovery, he himself says that he discovered the Ohio and descended it to the falls. This was regarded as an indisputable fact by the French authorities, who claimed the Ohio Valley upon another ground. When Washington was sent by the colony of Virginia in 1753, to demand of Gordeur de St. Pierre why the French had built a fort on the Monongahela, the haughty commandant at Quebec replied : " We claim the country on the Ohio by virtue of the discoveries of LaSalle, and will not give it up to the English. Our orders are to make prisoners of every Englishman found trading in the Ohio Valley." ENGLISH EXPLORATIONS AND SETTLEMENTS. When the new year of 1750 broke in upon the Father of Waters and the Great Northwest, all was still wild save at the French posts already described. In 1749, when the English first began to think seri- ously about sending men into the West, the greater portion of the States of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota were yet under the dominion of the red men. The English knew, however, prettj^ 36 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. conclusively of the nature of the wealth of these wilds. As early as 1710, Governor Spotswood, of Virginia, had commenced movements to secure the country west of the Alleghenies to the English crown. In Pennsylvania, Governor Keith and James Logan, secretary of the prov- ince, from 1719 to 1731, represented to the powers of England the neces- sity of securing the Western lands. Nothing was done, however, by that power save to take some diplomatic steps to secure the claims of Britain to this unexplored wilderness. England had from the outset claimed from the Atlantic to the Pacific, on the ground that the discovery of the seacoast and its possession was a discovery and possession of the country, and, as is well known, her grants to the colonies extended " from sea to sea." This was not all her claim. She had purchased from the Indian tribes large tracts of land. This lat- ter was also a strong argument. As early as 1681, Lord H oward. Gov- ernor of Virginia, held a treaty with the six nations. These were the great Northern Confederacy, and comprised at first the Mohawks, Onei- das, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas. Afterward the Tuscaroras were taken into the confederacy, and it became known as the Six Nations. They came under the protection of the mother country, and again in 1701, they repeated the agreement, and in September, 1726, a formal deed was drawn up and signed by the chiefs. The validity of this claim has often been disputed, but never successfully. In 1744, a purchase was made at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, of certain lands within the " Colony of Virginia," for which the Indians received X200 in gold and a like sum in goods, with a promise that, as settlements increased, more should be paid. The Commissioners from Virginia were Colonel Thomas Lee and Colonel William Beverly. As settlements extended, the promise of more pay was called to mind, and Mr. Conrad Weiser was sent across the mountains with presents to apj)ease the savages. Col. Lee, and some Virginians accompa- nied him with the intention of sounding the Indians upon their feelings regarding the English. They were not satisfied with their treatment, and plainly told the Commissioners why. The English did not desire the cultivation of the country, but the monopoly of the Indian trade. In 1748, the Ohio Company was formed, and petitioned the king for a grant of land beyond the Alleghenies. This was granted, and the government of Virginia was ordered to grant to them a half million acres, two hun- dred thousand of which were to be located at once. Upon the 12th of June, 1749, 800,000 acres from the line of Canada north and west was made to the Loyal Company, and on the 29th of October, 1751, 100,000 acres were given to the Greenbriar Company. All this time the French were not idle. They saw that, should the British gain a foothold in the West, especially upon the Ohio, they might not only prevent the French THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 3T settling upon it, but in time would come to the lower posts and so gain possession of the whole country. Upon the 10th of May, 1774, Vaud- reuil, Governor of Canada and the French possessions, well knowing the consequences that must arise from allowing the English to build trading- posts in the Northwest, seized some of their frontier posts, and to further secure the claim of the French to the West, he, in 1749, sent Louis Cel- eron with a party of soldiers to plant along the Ohio River, in the mounds and at the mouths of its principal tributaries, plates of lead, on which were inscribed the claims of France. These were heard of in 1752, and within the memory of residents now living along the "• Oyo," as the beautiful river was called by the French. One of these plates was found with the inscription partly defaced. It bears date August 16, 1749, and a copy of the inscription with particular account of the discovery of the plate, was sent by DeWitt Clinton to the American Antiquarian Society, among whose journals it may now be found.* These measures did not, however, deter the English from going on with their explorations, and though neither party resorted to arms, yet the conflict was gathering, and it was onl}^ a question of time when the storm would burst upon the frontier settlements. In 1750, Christopher Gist was sent by the Ohio Company to examine its lands. He went to a village of the Twigtwees, on the Miami, about one hundred and fifty miles above its mouth. He afterward spoke of it as very populous. From there lie went down the Ohio River nearly to the falls at the present City of Louisville, and in November he commenced a survey of the Company's lands. Dur- ing the Winter, General Andrew Lewis performed a similar work for the Greenbriar Company. Meanwhile the French were bus}^ in preparing their forts for defense, and in opening roads, and also sent a small party of soldiers to keep the Ohio clear. This party, having heard of the Eng- lish post on the Miami River, early in 1652, assisted by the Ottawas and Chippewas, attacked it, and, after a severe battle, in which fourteen of the natives were killed and others wounded, captured the garrison. (They were probably garrisoned in a block house). The traders were carried away to Canada, and one account says several were burned. This fort or post was called by the English Pickawillany. A memorial of the king's ministers refers to it as " Pickawillanes, in the center of the terri- tory between the Ohio and the Wabash. The name is probably some variation of Pickaway or Picqua in 1773, written by Rev. David Jones Pickaweke." * The following is a traiislatioii of the inscription on tlie plate: "In tlie year 1749. reigu of Louis XV., King of I'rance, we, Celeron, commandant of a detachment by Monsieur the Marquis of Gallisonierc, com- mander-in-cliicf of New France, to establish tranquility in certain Indian villages of tliese cantons, have buried this plate at the confluence of the Toradakoln, this twenty- ninth of July, near the river Ohio, otherwise Beautiful River, as a monument of renewal of possession which we have taken of the said river, and all Its tributaries; inasmucli as llie preceding Kings of France have enjoyed it, and maintained it by their arms aud treaties; especially by those of Ryswick, Utrecht, and Aix La Chapelle." 88 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOEY. This was the first blood shed between the French and English, and occurred near the present City of Piqiia, Ohio, or at least at a point about forty-seven miles north of Dayton. Each nation became now more inter- ested in the progress of events in the Northwest. The English deter- mined to purchase from the Indians a title to the lands they wished to occupy, and Messrs. Fry (afterward Commander-in-chief over Washing- ton at the commencement of the French War of 1775-1763), Lomax and Patton were sent in the Spring of 1752 to hold a conference with the natives at Logstown to learn Avhat they objected to in the treaty of Lan- caster already noticed, and to settle all difficulties. On the 9th of June, these Commissioners met the red men at Logstown, a little village on the north bank of the Ohio, about seventeen miles below the site of Pitts- burgh. Here had been a trading point for many years, but it was aban- doned by the Indians in 1750. At first the Indians declined to recognize the treaty of Lancaster, but, the Commissioners taking aside Montour, the interpreter, who was a son of the famous Catharine Montour, and a chief among the six nations, induced him to use his influence in their favor. This he did, and upon the 13th of June they all united in signing a deed, confirming the Lancaster treaty in its full extent, consenting to a settlement of the southeast of the Ohio, and guaranteeing that it should not be disturbed by them. These were the means used to obtain the first treaty with the Indians in the Ohio Valley. Meanwhile the powers beyond the sea were trying to out-manoeuvre each other, and were professing to be at peace. The English generally outwitted the Indians, and failed in many instances to fulfill their con- tracts. They thereby gained the ill-will of tlie red men, and further increased the feeling by failingto provide them with arms and ammuni- tion. Said an old chief, at Easton, in 1758: " The Indians on the Ohio left you because of your own fault. When we heard the French were coming, we asked you for help and arms, but we did not get them. The French came, they treated us kindly, and gained our affections. The Governor of Virginia settled on our lands for his own benefit, and, when we wanted help, forsook us." At the beginning of 1653, the English thought they had secured by title the lands in the West, but the French had quietly gathered cannon and military stores to be in readiness for the expected blow. The Eng- lish made other attempts to ratify these existing treaties, but not until the Summer could the Indians be gathered together to discuss the plans of the French. They had sent messages to the French, warning them away ; but they replied that they intended to complete the chain of forts already begun, and would not abandon the field. Soon after this, no satisfaction being obtained from the Ohio regard- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 89 ing the positions and purposes of the French, Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia determined to send to them another messenger and learn from them, if possible, their intentions. For this purpose he selected a young man, a surveyor, who, at the early age of nineteen, had received the rank of major, and who was thoroughly posted regarding frontier life. This personage was no other than the illustrious George Washington, who then held considerable interest in Western lands. He was at this time just twenty-two years of age. Taking Gist as his guide, the two, accompanied by four servitors, set out on their perilous march. They left Will's Creek on the 10th of November, 1753, and on the 22d reached the Monon- gahela, about ten miles above the fork. From there they went to Logstown, where Washington had a long conference with the chiefs of the Six Nations. From them he learned the condition of the French, and also heard of their determination not to come down the river till the fol- lowing Spring. The Indians were non-committal, as they were afraid to turn either way, and, as far as they could, desired to remain neutral. Washington, finding nothing could be done with them, went on to Venango, an old Indian town at the mouth of French Creek. Here the French had a fort, called Fort Machault. Through the rum and flattery of the French, he nearly lost all his Indian followers. Finding nothing of importance here, he pursued his way amid great privations, and on the 11th of December reached the fort at the head of French Creek. Here he delivered Governor Dinwiddle's letter, received his answer, took his observations, and on the 16th set out upon his return journey with no one but Gist, his guide, and a few Indians who still remained true to him, notwithstanding the endeavors of the French to retain them. Their homeward journey was one of great peril and suffering from the cold, yet they reached home in safety on the 6th of January, 1754. From the letter of St. Pierre, commander of the French fort, sent by Washington to Governor Dinwiddie, it was learned that the French would not give up without a struggle. Active preparations were at once made in all the English colonies for the coming conflict, while the French finished the fort at Venango and strengthened their lines of fortifications, and gathered their forces to be in readiness. The Old Dominion was all alive. Virginia was the center of great activities ; volunteers were called for, and from all the neighboring colonies men rallied to the conflict, and everywhere along the Potomac men were enlisting under the Governor's proclamation — which promised two hundred thousand acres on the Ohio. Along this river they were gathering as far as Will's Creek, and far beyond this point, whither Trent had come for assistance for his little band of forty-one men, who were 40 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. working away in hunger and want, to fortify that point at the fork of the Ohio, to which both parties were looking with deep interest. " The first birds of Spring filled the air with their song ; the swift river rolled by the Allegheny hillsides, swollen by the melting snows of Spring and the April showers. The leaves were appearing ; a few Indian scouts were seen, but no enemy seemed near at hand ; and all was so quiet, that Frazier, an old Indian scout and trader, who had been left by Trent in command, ventured to his home at the mouth of Turtle Creek, ten miles up the Monongahela. But, though all was so quiet in that wilder- ness, keen eyes had seen the low intrenchment rising at the fork, and swift feet had borne the news of it up the river ; and upon the morning of the 17th of April, Ensign Ward, who then had charge of it, saw upon the Allegheny a sight that made his heart sink — sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes filled with men, and laden deep with cannon and stores. * * * That evening he supped with his captor, Contrecoeur, and the next day he was bowed off by the Frenchman, and with his men and tools, marched up the Monongahela." The French and Indian war had begun. The treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, had left the boundaries between the French and English possessions unsettled, and the events already narrated show the French were determined to hold the country watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries ; while the English laid claims to the country by virtue of the discoveries of the Cabots, and claimed all the country from New- foundland to Florida, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The first decisive blow had now been struck, and the first attempt of the English, through the Ohio Company, to occupy these lands, had resulted disastrously to them. The French and Indians immediately completed the fortifications begun at the Fork, which they had so easily captured, and when completed gave to the fort the name of DuQuesne. Washing- ton was at Will's Creek when the news of the capture of the fort arrived. He at once departed to recapture it. On his way he entrenched him- self at a place called the " Meadows," where he erected a fort called by him Fort Necessity. From there he surprised and captured a force of French and Indians marching against him, but was soon after attacked in his fort by a much superior force, and was obliged to yield on the morning of July 4th. He was allowed to return to Virginia. The English Government immediately planned four campaigns ; one against Fort DuQuesne ; one against Nova Scotia ; one against Fort Niagara, and one against Crown Point. These occurred during 1755-6, and were not successful in driving the French from their possessions. The expedition against Fort DuQuesne was led by the famous General Braddock, who, refusing to listen to the advice of Washington and those THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 41 acquainted with Indian warfare, suffered such an inglorious defeat. This occurred on the morning of July 9th, and is generally known as the battle of Monongahela, or " Braddock's Defeat." The war continued with various vicissitudes through the years 1756-7 ; when, at the commence- ment of 1758, in accordance with the plans of William Pitt, then Secre- tary of State, afterwards Lord Chatham, active preparations were made to carry on the war. Three expeditious were planned for this year : one, under General Amherst, against Louisburg ; another, under Abercrombie, against Fort Ticonderoga ; and a third, under General Forbes, against Fort DuQuesne. On the 26th of July, Louisburg surrendered after a desperate resistance of more than forty days, and the eastern part of the Canadian possessions fell into the hands of the British. Abercrombie captured Fort Frontenac, and when the expedition against Fort DuQuesne, of which Washington had the active command, arrived there, it was found in flames and deserted. The English at once took possession, rebuilt the fort, and in honor of their illustrious statesman, changed the name to Fort Pitt. The great object of the campaign of 1759, was the reduction of Canada. General Wolfe was to lay siege to Quebec ; Amherst was to reduce Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and General Prideaux was to capture Niagara. This latter place was taken in July, but the gallant Prideaux lost his life in the attempt. Amherst captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point without a blow ; and Wolfe, after making the memor- able ascent to the Plains of Abraham, on September 13th, defeated Montcalm, and on the 18th, the city capitulated. In this engagement Montcolm and Wolfe both lost their lives. De Levi, Montcalm's successor, marched to Sillery, three miles above the city, with the purpose of defeating the English, and there, on the 28th of the following April, was fought one of the bloodiest battles of the French and Indian War. It resulted in the defeat of the French, and the fall of the City of Montreal. The Governor signed a capitulation by which the whole of Canada was surrendered to the English. This practically concluded the war, but it was not until 1763 that the treaties of peace between France and England were signed. This was done on the 10th of February of that year, and under its provisions all the country east of the Mississippi and north of the Iberville River, in Louisiana, were ceded to England. At the same time Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain. On the 13th of September, 1760, Major Robert Rogers was sent from Montreal to take charge of Detroit, the only remaining French post in the territory. He arrived there on the 19th of November, and sum- moned the place to surrender. At first the commander of the post, Beletrc; refused, but on the 29th, hearing of the continued defeat of the 42 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOIIY. French arms, surrendered. Rogers remained there until December 23d under the personal protection of the celebrated chief, Pontiac, to whom, no doubt, he owed his safety. Pontiac had come here to inquire the purposes of the English in taking possession of the country. He was assured that they came simply to trade with the natives, and did not desire their country. This answer conciliated the savages, and did much to insure the safety of Rogers and his party during their stay, and while on their journey home. Rogers set out for Fort Pitt on December 23, and was just one month on the way. His route was from Detroit to Mauraee, thence across the present State of Ohio directly to the fort. This was the com- mon trail of the Indians in their journeys from Sandusky to the fork of the Ohio. It went from Fort Sandusky, where Sandusky City now is, crossed the Huron river, then called Bald Eagle Creek, to " Mohickon John's Town" on Mohickon Creek, the northern branch of White Woman's River, and thence crossed to Beaver's Town, a Delaware town on what is now Sandy Creek. At Beaver's Town were probably one hundred and fifty warriors, and not less than three thousand acres of cleared land. From there the track went up Sandy Creek to and across Big Beaver, and up the Ohio to Logstown, thence on to the fork. The Northwest Territory was now entirely under the English rule. New settlements began to be rapidly made, and the promise of a large trade was speedily manifested. Had the British carried out their promises with the natives none of those savage butcheries would have been perpe- trated, and the country would have been spared their recital. The renowned chief, Pontiac, was one of the leading spirits in these atrocities. We will now pause in our narrative, and notice the leading events in his life. The earliest authentic information regarding this noted Indian chief is learned from an account of an Indian trader named Alexander Henry, who, in the Spring of 1761, penetrated his domains as far as Missillimacnac. Pontiac was then a great friend of the French, but a bitter foe of the English, whom he considered as encroaching on his hunting grounds. Henry was obliged to disguise himself as a Canadian to insure safety, but was discovered by Pontiac, who bitterly reproached him and the English for their attempted subjugation of the West. He declared that no treaty had been made with them; no presents sent them, and that he would resent any possession of the West by that nation. He was at the time about fifty years of age, tall and dignified, and was civil and military ruler of the Ottawas, Ojibwas and Pottawatamies. The Indians, from Lake Michigan to the borders of North Carolina, were united in this feeling, and at the time of the treaty of Paris, ratified February 10, 1763, a general conspiracy was formed to fall suddenly THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 4a PONTIAC, THE OTTAWA CHIEFTAIN. 44 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. upon the frontier British posts, and with one blow strike every man dead. Pontiac was the marked leader in all this, and was the commander of the Chippewas, Ottawas, Wyandots, Miamis, Shawanese, Delawares and Mingoes, whohad, for the time, laid aside their local quarrels to unite in this enterprise. The blow came, as near as can now be ascertained, on May 7, 176^. Nine British posts fell, and the Indians drank, " scooped up in the hollow of joined hands," the blood of many a Briton. Pontiac's immediate field of action was the garrison at Detroit. Here, however, the plans were frustrated by an Indian woman disclosing the plot the evening previous to his arrival. Everything was carried out, however, according to Pontiac's plans until the moment of action, when Major Gladwyn, the commander of the post, stepping to one of the Indian chiefs, suddenly drew aside his blanket and disclosed the concealed musket. Pontiac, though a brave man, turned pale and trembled. He «aw his plan was known, and that the garrison were prepared. He endeavored to exculpate himself from any such intentions ; but the guilt was evident, and he and his followers were dismissed with a severe reprimand, and warned never to again enter the walls of the post. Pontiac at once laid siege to the fort, and until the treaty of peace between the British and the Western Indians, concluded in August, 1764, continued to harass and besiege the fortress. He organized a regular commissariat department, issued bills of credit written out on bark, which, to his credit, it may be stated, were punctually redeemed. At the conclusion of the treaty, in which it seems he took no part, he went further south, living many years among the Illinois. He had given up all hope of saving his country and race. After a time he endeavored to unite the Illinois tribe and those about St. Louis in a war with the whites. His efforts were fruitless, and only ended in a quarrel between himself and some Kaskaskia Indians, one of whom soon afterwards killed him. His death was, however, avenged by the northern Indians, who nearly exterminated the Illinois in the wars which followed. Had it not been for the treachery of a few of his followers, his plan for the extermination of the whites, a masterly one, would undoubtedly have been carried out. It was in the Spring of the year following Rogers' visit that Alex- ander Henry went to Missillimacnac, and everywhere found the strongest feelings against the English, who had not carried out their promises, and were doing nothing to conciliate the natives. Here he met the chief, Pontiac, who, after conveying to him in a speech the idea that their French father would awake soon and utterly destroy his enemies, said : *' Englishman, although you have conquered the French, you have not THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 45 yet conquered us ! We are not your slaves ! These lakes, these woods, these mountains, were left us by our ancestors. They are our inheritance, and we will part with them to none. Your nation supposes that we, like the white people, can not live without bread and pork and beef. But you ought to know that He, the Great Spirit and Master of Life, has provided food for us upon these broad lakes and in these mountains." He then spoke of the fact that no treaty had been made with them, no presents sent them, and that he and his people were yet for war. Such were the feelings of the Northwestern Indians immediately after the English took possession of their country. These feelings were no doubt encouraged by the Canadians and French, who hoped that yet the French arms might prevail. The treaty of Paris, however, gave to the English the right to this vast domain, and active preparations were going on to occupy it and enjoy its trade and emoluments. In 1762, France, by a secret treaty, ceded Louisiana to Spain, to pre- vent it falling into the hands of the English, who were becoming masters of the entire West. The next year the treaty of Paris, signed at Fon- tainbleau, gave to the English the domain of the country in question. Twenty years after, by the treaty of peace between the United States and England, that part of Canada lying south and west of the Great Lakes, comprehending a large territory which is the subject of these sketches, was acknowledged to be a portion of the United States ; and twenty years still later, in 1803, Louisiana was ceded by Spain back to France, and by France sold to the United States. In the half century, from the building of the Fort of Crevecceur by LaSalle, in 1680, up to the erection of Fort Chartres, many French set- tlements had been made in that quarter. These have already been noticed, being those at St. Vincent (Vincennes), Kohokia or Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher, on the American Bottom, a large tract of rich alluvial soil in Illinois, on the Mississippi, opposite the site of St. Louis. By the treaty of Paris, the regions east of the Mississippi, including all these and other towns of the Northwest, were given over to England; but they do not appear to have btsn taken possession of until 1765, when Captain Stirling, in the name of the Majesty of England, established him- self at Fort Chartres bearing with him the proclamation of General Gage, dated December 30, 1764, which promised religious freedom to all Cath- olics who worshiped here, and a right to leave the country with their effects if they wished, or to remain with the privileges of Englishmen. It was shortly after the occupancy of the West by the British that the war with Pontiac opened. It is already noticed in the sketch of that chieftain- By it many a Briton lost his life, and many a frontier settle- 46 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ment in its infancy ceased to exist. This was not ended until the year 1764, when, failing to capture Detroit, Niagara and Fort Pitt, his confed- eracy became disheartened, and, receiving no aid from the French, Pon- tiac abandoned the enterprise and departed to the Illinois, among whom lie afterward lost his life. As soon as these difficulties were definitely settled, settlers began rapidly to survey the country and prepare for occupation. During the year 1770, a number of persons from Virginia and other British provinces explored and marked out nearly all the valuable lands on the Mononga- hela and along the banks of the Ohio as far as the Little Kanawha. This was followed by another exploring expedition, in which George Washing- ton was a party. The latter, accompanied by Dr. Craik, Capt. Crawford and others, on the 20th of October, 1770, descended the Ohio from Pitts- burgh to the mouth of the Kanawha ; ascended that stream about fourteen miles, marked out several large tracts of land, shot several buffalo, which were then abundant in the Ohio Valley, and returned to the fort. Pittsburgh was at this time a trading post, about which was clus- tered a village of some twenty houses, inhabited by Indian traders. This same year, Capt. Pittman visited Kaskaskia and its neighboring villages. He found there about sixty-five resident families, and at Cahokia only forty-five dwellings. At Fort Chartres was another small settlement, and at Detroit the garrison were quite prosperous and strong. For a year or two settlers continued to locate near some of these posts, generally Fort Pitt or Detroit, owing to the fears of the Indians, who still main- tained some feelings of hatred to the English. The trade from the posts was quite good, and from those in Illinois large quantities of pork and flour found their way to the New Orleans market. At this time the policy of the British Government was strongly opposed to the extension of the colonies west. In 1763, the King of England forbade, by royal proclamation, his colonial subjects from making a settlement beyond the sources of the rivers which fall into the Atlantic Ocean. At the instance of the Board of Trade, measures were taken to prevent the settlement without the limits prescribed, and to retain the commerce within easy reach of Great Britain. The commander-in-chief of the king's forces wrote in 1769 : " In the course of a few years necessity will compel the colonists, should they extend their settlements west, to provide manufactures of some kind for themselves, and when all connection upheld by commerce with the mother country ceases, an independency in their government will soon follow." In accordance with this policy. Gov. Gage issued a proclamation in 1772, commanding the inhabitants of Vincennes to abandon their set- tlements and join some of the Eastern English colonies. To this they THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 47 strenuously objected, giving good reasons therefor, and were allowed to remain. The strong opposition to this policy of Great Britain led to its change, and to such a course as to gain the attachment of the French population. In December, 1773, influential citizens of Quebec petitioned the king for an extension of the boundary lines of that province, which was granted, and Parliament passed an act on June 2, 1774, extend- ing the boundary so as to include the territory lying within the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. In consequence of the liberal policy pursued by the British Govern- ment toward the French settlers in the West, they were disposed to favor that nation in the war which soon followed with the colonies ; but the early alliance between France and America soon brought them to the side of the war for independence. In 1774, Gov. Dunmore, of Virginia, began to encourage emigration to the Western lands. He appointed magistrates at Fort Pitt under the pretense that the fort was under the government of that commonwealth. One of these justices, John Connelly, who possessed a tract of land in the Ohio Valley, gathered a force of men and garrisoned the fort, calling it Fort Dunmore. This and other parties were formed to select sites for settlements, and often came in conflict with the Indians, who yet claimed portions of the valley, and several battles followed. These ended in the famous battle of Kanawha in July, where the Indians were defeated and driven across the Ohio. During the years 1775 and 1776, by the operations of land companies and the perseveranceof individuals, several settlements were firmly estab- lished between the Alleghanies and the Ohio River, and western land speculators were busy in Illinois and on the Wabash. At a council held in Kaskaskia on July 5, 1773, an association of English traders, calling themselves the " Illinois Land Company," obtained from ten chiefs of the Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Peoria tribes two large tracts of land lying on the east side of the Mississippi River south of the Illinois. In 1775, a mer- chant from the Illinois Country, named Viviat, came to Post Vincennes as the agent of the association called the " Wabash Land Company." On the 8th of October he obtained from eleven Piankeshaw chiefs, a deed for 37,497,600 acres of land. This deed was signed by the grantors, attested by a number of the inhabitants of Vincennes, and afterward recorded in the office of a notary public at Kaskaskia. This and other land com- panies had extensive schemes for the colonization of the West ; but all were frustrated by the breaking out of the Revolution. On the 20th of April, 1780, the two companies named consolidated under the name of the " United Illinois and Wabash Land Company." They afterward made 48 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. strenuous efforts to have these grants sanctioned by Congress, but all signally failed. When the War of the Revolution commenced, Kentucky was an unor- ganized country, though there were several settlements within her borders. In Hutchins' Topography of Virginia, it is stated that at that time *' Kaskaskia contained 80 houses, and nearly 1,000 white and black in- habitants — the whites being a little the more numerous. Cahokia con- tains 50 houses and 300 white inhabitants, and 80 negroes. There were east of the Mississippi River, about the year 1771 " — when these observa- tions were made — " 300 white men capable of bearing arms, and 230 negroes." From 1775 until the expedition of Clark, nothing is recorded and nothing known of these settlements, save what is contained in a leport made by a committee to Congress in June, 1778. From it the following extract is made : "Near the mouth of the River Kaskaskia, there is a village which appears to have contained nearly eighty families from the beginning of the late revolution. There are twelve families in a small village at la Prairie du Rochers, and near fifty families at the Kahokia Village. There are also four or five families at Fort Chartres and St. Philips, which is five miles further up the river." St. Louis had been settled in February, 1764, and at this time con- tained, including its neighboring towns, over six hundred whites and one hundred and fifty negroes. It must be remembered that all the country west of the Mississippi was now under French rule, and remained so until ceded again to Spain, its original owner, who afterwards sold it and the country including New Orleans to the United States. At Detroit there were, according to Capt. Carver, who was in the Northwest from 176G to 1768, more than one hundred houses, and the river was settled for more than twenty miles, although poorly cultivated — the people being engaged in the Indian trade. This old town has a history, which we Avill here relate. It is the oldest town in the Northwest, having been founded by Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac, in 1701. It was laid out in the form of an oblong square, of two acres in length, and an acre and a half in width. As described by A. D. Frazer, who first visited it and became a permanent resident of the place, in 1778, it comprised within its limits that space between Mr. Palmer's store (Conant Block) and Capt. Perkins' house (near the Arsenal building), and extended back as far as the public barn, and was bordered in front by the Detroit River. It was surrounded by oak and cedar pickets, about fifteen feet long, set in the ground, and had four gates — east, west, north and south. Over the first thi-ee of these THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 49 gates were block houses provided with four guns apiece, each a six- pounder. Two six-gun batteries were planted fronting the river and in a parallel direction with the block houses. There were four streets running east and west, the main street being twenty feet wide and the rest fifteen feet, while the four streets crossing these at right angles were from ten to fifteen feet in width. At the date spoken of by Mr. Frazer, there was no fort within the enclosure, but a citadel on the ground corresponding to the present northwest corner of Jefferson Avenue and Wayne Street. The citadel was inclosed by pickets, and within it were erected barracks of wood, two stories high, suflBcient to contain ten officers, and also barracks sufficient to contain four hundred men, and a provision store built of brick. The citadel also contained a hospital and guard-house. The old town of Detroit, in 1778, contained about sixty houses, most of them one story, with a few a story and a half in height. They were all of logs, some hewn and some round. There was one building of splendid appearance, called the " King's Palace," two stories high, which stood near the east gate. It was built for Governor Hamilton, the first governor commissioned by the British. There were two guard-houses, one near the west gate and the other near the Government House. Each of the guards consisted of twenty-four men and a subaltern, who mounted regularly every morning between nine and ten o'clock. Each furnished four sentinels, who were relieved every two hours. There was also an officer of the day, who pjr- formed strict duty. Each of the gates was shut regularly at sunset; even wicket gates were shut at nine o'clock, and all the keys were delivered into the hands of the commanding officer. They were opened in the morning at sunrise. No Indian or squaw was permitted to enter town with any weapon, such as a tomahawk or a knife. It was a stand- ing order that the Indians should deliver their arms and instruments of every kind before they were permitted to pass the sentinel, and they were restored to them on their return. No more than twenty-five Indians were allowed to enter the town at any one time, and they were admitted only at the east and west gates. At sundown the drums beat, and all the Indians were required to leave town instantly. There was a council house near the water side for the purpose of holding council with the Indians. The population of the town was about sixty families, in all about two hundred males and one hundred females. This town was destroyed by fire, all except one dwelling, in 1805. After which the present "' new " town was laid out. On the breaking out of the Revolution, the British held every post of importance in the West. Kentucky was formed as a component part of Virginia, and the sturdy pioneers of the West, alive to their interests, 60 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. and recognizing the great benefits of obtaining the control of the trade in this part of the New World, held steadily to their purposes, and those within the commonwealth of Kentucky proceeded to exercise their civil privileges, by electing John Todd and Richard Gallaway, burgesses to represent them in the Assembly of the parent state. Early in September of that year (1777) the first court was held in Harrodsburg, and Col. Bowman, afterwards major, who had arrived in August, was made the commander of a militia organization which had been commenced the March previous. Thus the tree of loyalty was growing. The chief spirit in this far-out colony, who had represented her the year previous east of the mountains, M^as now meditating a move unequaled in its boldness. He had been watching the movements of the British throughout the Northwest, and understood their whole plan. Ht saw it was through their possession of the posts at Detroit, Vincennes, Kaskaskia, and other places, which would give them constant and easy access to the various Indian tribes in the Northwest, that the British intended to penetrate the country from the north and soutn, ana annihi- late the frontier fortresses. This moving, energetic man was Colonel, afterwards General, George Rogers Clark. He knew the Indians were not unanimously in accord with the English, and he was convinced that, could the British be defeated and expelled from the Northwest, the natives might be easily awed into neutrality ; and by spies sent for the purpose, he satisfied himself that the enterprise against the Illinois settlements might easily succeed. Having convinced himself of the certainty of the project, he repaired to the Capital of Virginia, which place he reached on November 5th. While he was on his way, fortunately, on October 17th. Burgoyne had been defeated, and the spirits of the colonists greatly encouraged thereby. Patrick Henry was Governor of Virginia, and at once entered heartily into Clark's plans. The same plan had before been agitated in the Colonial Assemblies, but there was no one until Clark came who was sufficiently acquainted with the condition of affairs at the scene of action to be able to guide them. Clark, having satisfied the Virginia leaders of the feasibility of his plan, received, on the 2d of January, two sets of instructions — one secret, the other open — the latter authorized him to proceed to enlist seven companies to go to Kentucky, subject to his orders, and to serve three months from their arrival in the West. The secret order authorized him to arm these troops, to procure his powder and lead of General Hand at Pittsburgh, and to proceed at once to subjugate the country. With these instructions Clark repaired to Pittsburgh, choosing rather to raise his men west of the mountains, as he well knew all were needed in the colonies in the conflict there. He sent Col. W. B. Smith to Hoi- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 51 stoii for the same purpose, but neither succeeded in raising the required number of men. The settlers in these parts were afraid to leave their own firesides exposed to a vigilant foe, and but few could be induced to join the proposed expedition. With three companies and several private volunteers, Clark at length commenced his descent of the Ohio, which he navigated as far as the Falls, where he took possession of and fortified Corn Island, a small island between the present Cities of Louisville, Kentucky, and New Albany, Indiana. Remains of this fortification may yet be found. At this place he appointed Col. Bowman to meet him with such recruits as had reached Kentucky by the southern route, and as many as could be spared from the station. Here he announced to the men their real destination. Having completed his arrangements, and chosen his party, he left a small garrison upon the island, and on the 24th of June, during a total eclipse of the sun, which to them augured no good, and which fixes beyond dispute the date of starting, he with his chosen band, fell down the river. His plan was to go by water as far as Fort Massac or Massacre, and thence marcli direct to Kaskaskia. Here he intended to surprise the garrison, and after its capture go to Cahokia, then to Vincennes, and lastly to Detroit. Should he fail, he intended to march directly to the Mississippi River and cross it into the Spanish country. Before his start he received two good items of infor- mation : one that the alliance had been formed between France and the United States ; and the other that the Indians throughout the Illinois country and the inhabitants, at the various frontier posts, had been led to believe by the British that the " Long Knives" or Virginians, were the most fierce, bloodthirsty and cruel savages that ever scalped a foe. With this impression on their minds, Clark saw that proper management would cause them to submit at once from fear, if surprised, and then from grati- tude would become friendly if treated with unexpected leniency. The march to Kaskaskia was accomplished through a hot July sun, and the town reached on the evening of July 4. He captured the fort near the village, and soon after the village itself by surprise, and without the loss of a single man or by killing any of the enemy. After sufficiently working upon the fears of the natives, Clark told them they were at per- fect liberty to worship as they pleased, and to take whichever side of the great conflict they would, also he would protect them from any barbarity from British or Indian foe. This had the desired effect, and the inhab- itants, so unexpectedly and so gratefully surprised by the unlocked for turn of affairs, at once swore allegiance to the American arms, and when Clark desired to go to Cahokia on the 6th of July, they accom- panied him, and through their influence the inhabitants of the place surrendered, and gladly placed themselves under his protection. Thus 52 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. the two important posts in Illinois passed from the hands of the English into the possession of Virginia. In the person of the priest at Kaskaskia, M. Gibault, Clark found a powerful ally and generous friend. Clark saw that, to retain possession of the Northwest and treat successfully with the Indians within its boun- daries, he must establish a government for the colonies he had taken. St. Vincent, the next important post to Detroit, remained yet to be taken before the Mississippi Valley was conquered. M. Gibault told him that he would alone, by persuasion, lead Vincennes to throw off its connection with England. Clark gladly accepted his offer, and on the 14th of July, in company with a fellow-townsman, M. Gibault started on his mission of peace, and on the 1st of August returned with the cheerful intelligence that the post on the " Oubache " had taken the oath of allegiance to the Old Dominion. During this interval, Clark established his courts, placed garrisons at Kaskaskia and Cahokia, successfully re-enlisted his men, sent word to have a fort, which proved the germ of Louisville, erected at the Falls of the Ohio, and dispatched Mr. Rocheblave, who had been commander at Kaskaskia, as a prisoner of war to Richmond. In October the County of Illinois was established by the Legislature of Virginia, John Todd appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Civil Governor, and in November General Clark and his men received the thanks of the Old Dominion through their Legislature. In a speech a few days afterward, Clark made known fully to the natives his plans, and at its close all came forward and swore alle- giance to the Long Knives. While he was doing this Governor Hamilton, having made his various arrangements, had left Detroit and moved down the Wabash to Vincennes intending to operate from that point in reducing the Illinois posts, and then proceed on down to Kentucky and drive the rebels from the West. Gen. Clark had, on the return of M. Gibault, dispatched Captain Helm, of Fauquier County, Virginia, with an attend- ant named Henry, across the Illinois prairies to command the fort. Hamilton knew nothing of the capitulation of the post, and was greatly surprised on his arrival to be confronted by Capt. Helm, who, standing at the entrance of the fort by a loaded cannon ready to fire upon his assail- ants, demanded upon what terms Hamilton demanded possession of the fort. Being granted the rights of a prisoner of war, he surrendered to the British General, who could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw the force in the garrison. Hamilton, not realizing the character of the men with whom he was contending, gave up his intended campaign for the Winter, sent his four hundred Indian warriors to prevent troops from coming down the Ohio, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 53 and to annoy the Americans in all ways, and sat quietly down to pass the Winter. Information of all these proceedings having reached Clark, he saw that immediate and decisive action was necessary, and that unless he captured Hamilton, Hamilton would capture him. Clark received the news on the 29th of January, 1779, and on February 4th, having suffi- ciently garrisoned Kaskaskia and Cahokia, he sent down the Mississippi a " battoe," as Major Bowman writes it, in order to ascend the Ohio and Wabash, and operate with the land forces gathering for the fray. . On the next day, Clark, with his little force of one hundred and twenty men, set out for the post, and after incredible hard marching through much mud, the ground being thawed by the incessant spring rains, on the 22d reached the fort, and being joined by his " battoe," at once commenced the attack on the post. The aim of the American back- woodsman was unerring, and on the 24th the garrison surrendered to the intrepid boldness of Clark. The French were treated with great kind- ness, and gladly renewed their allegiance to Virginia. Hamilton was sent as a prisoner to Virginia, where he was kept in close confinement. During his command of the British frontier posts, he had offered prizes to the Indians for all the scalps of Americans they would bring to him, and had earned in consequence thereof the title " Hair-buyer General," by which he was ever afterward known. Detroit was now without doubt within easy reach of the enterprising Virginian, could he but raise the necessary force. Governor Henry being apprised of this, promised him the needed reinforcement, and Clark con- cluded to wait until he could capture and sufficiently garrison the posts. Had Clark failed in this bold undertaking, and Hamilton succeeded in uniting the western Indians for the next Spring's campaign, the West would indeed have been swept from the Mississippi to the Allegheny Mountains, and the great blow struck, which had been contemplated from the commencement, by the British. "But for this small army of dripping, but fearless Virginians, the union of all the tribes from Georgia to Maine against the colonies might have been effected, and the whole current of our history changed." At this time some fears were entertained by the Colonial Govern- ments that the Indians in the North and Northwest were inclining to the British, and under the instructions of Washington, now Commander-in- Chief of the Colonial army, and so bravely fighting for American inde- pendence, armed forces were sent against the Six Nations, and upon the Ohio frontier, Col. Bowman, acting undei> the same general's orders, marched against Indians within the present limits of that State. These expeditions were in the main successful, and tlie Indians weie compelled to sue for peace. 64 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. During this same year (1779) the famous " Land Laws " of Virginia were passed. The passage of these laws was of more consequence to the pioneers of Kentucky and the Northwest than the gaining of a few Indian conflicts. These laws confirmed in main all grants made, and guaranteed to all actual settlers their rights and privileges. After providing for the settlers, the laws provided for selling the balance of the public lands at forty cents per acre. To carry the Land Laws into effect, the Legislature sent four Virginians westward to attend to the various claims, over many of which great confusion prevailed concerning their validity. These gentlemen opened their court on October 13, 1779, at St. Asaphs, and continued until April 26, 1780, when they adjourned, having decided three thousand claims. They were succeeded by the surveyor, who came in the person of Mr. George May, and assumed his duties on the 10th day of the month whose name he bore. With the opening of the next year (1780) the troubles concerning the navigation of the Missis- sippi commenced. The Spanish Government exacted such measures in relation to its trade as to cause the overtures made to the United States to be rejected. The American Government considered they had a right to navigate its channel. To enforce their claims, a fort was erected below the mouth of the Ohio on the Kentucky side of the river. The settle- ments in Kentucky were being rapidly filled by emigrants. It was dur- ing this year that the first seminary of learning was established in the West in this young and enterprising Commonwealth. The settlers here did not look upon the building of this fort in a friendly manner, as it aroused the hostility of the Indians. Spain had been friendly to the Colonies during their struggle for independence, and though for a while this friendship appeared in danger from the refusal of the free navigation of the river, yet it was finally settled to the satisfaction of both nations. The Winter of 1779-80 was one of the most unusually severe ones ever experienced in the West. The Indians always referred to it as the "Great Cold." Numbers of wild animals perished, and not a few pioneers lost their lives. The following Summer a party of Canadians and Indians attacked St. Louis, and attempted to take possession of it in consequence of the friendly disposition of Spain to the revolting colonies. They met with such a determined resistance on the part of the inhabitants, even the women taking part in the battle, that they were compelled to abandon the contest. They also made an attack on the settlements in Kentucky, but, becoming alarmed in some unaccountable manner, they fled the country in great haste. About this time arose the question in the Colonial Congress con- cerning the western lands claimed by Virginia, New York, Massachusetts THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 55 and Connecticut. The agitation concerning this subject finally led New York, on the 19th of February, 1780, to pass a law giving to the dele- gates of tliafc State in Congress the power to cede her western lands for the benefit of the United States. This law was laid before Congress during the next month, but no steps were taken concerning it until Sep- tember 6th, when a resolution passed that body calling upon the States claiming western lands to release their claims in favor of the whole body. This basis formed the union, and was the first after all of those legislative measures which resulted in the creation of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. In December of the same year, the plan of conquering Detroit again arose. The conquest might have easily been effected by Clark had the necessary aid been furnished him. Nothing decisive was done, yet the heads of the Government knew that the safety of the Northwest from British invasion lay in the capture and retention of that important post, the only unconquered one in the territory. Before the close of the year, Kentucky was divided into the Coun- ties of Lincoln, Fayette and Jefferson, and the act establishing the Town of Louisville was passed. This same year is also noted in the annals of American history as the year in which occurred Arnold's treason to the United States. Virginia, in accordance with the resolution of Congress, on the 2d day of January, 1781, agreed to yield her western lands to the United States upon certain conditions, which Congress would not accede to, and the Act of Cession, on the part of the Old Dominion, failed, nor was anything farther done until 1783. During all that time the Colonies were busily engaged in the struggle with the mother country, and in consequence thereof but little heed was given to the western settlements. Upon the 16th of April, 1781, the first birth north of the Ohio River of American parentage occurred, being that of Mary Heckewelder, daughter of the widely known Moravian missionary, whose band of Christian Indians suffered in after years a horrible massacre by the hands of the frontier settlers, who had been exasperated by the murder of several of their neighbors, and in their rage committed, without regard to humanity, a deed which forever afterwards cast a shade of shame upon their lives. For this and kindred outrages on the part of the whites, the Indians committed many deeds of cruelty which darken the years of 1771 and 1772 in the history of the Northwest. During the year 1782 a number of battles among the Indians and frontiersmen occurred, and between the Moravian Indians and the Wyan- dots. In these, horrible acts of cruelty were practised on the captives, many of such dark deeds transpiring under the leadership of the notorious 56 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. frontier outlaw, Simon Girty, whose name, as well as those of his brothers, was a terror to women and children. These occurred chiefly in the Ohio valleys. Cotemporary with them were several engagements in Kentucky, in which the famous Daniel Boone engaged, and who, often by his skill and knowledge of Indian warfare, saved the outposts from cruel destruc- ^^ ^ IKDIAXS ATTACKING FKONTIEKSMEN. tion. By the close of the year victory had perched upon the American banner, and on the 30th of November, provisional articles of peace had been arranged between the Commissioners of England and her uncon- querable colonies. Cornwallis had been defeated on the 19th of October preceding, and the liberty of America was assured. On the 19th of April following, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, peace was THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 57 proclaimed to the army of the United States, and on the 3d of the next September, the definite treaty which ended our revolutionary struggle was concluded. By the terms of that treaty, the boundaries of the West were as follows : On the north the line was to extend along the center of the Great Lakes ; from the western point of Lake Superior to Long Lake ; thence to the Lake of the Woods ; thence to the head of the Mississippi River; down its center to the 31st parallel of latitude, then on that line east to the head of the Appalachicola River; down its center to its junc- tion with the Flint ; thence straight to the head of St. Mary's River, and thence down along its center to the Atlantic Ocean. Following the cessation of hostilities with England, several posts were still occupied by the British in the North and West. Among these was Detroit, still in the hands of the enem3^ Numerous engagements with the Indians throughout Ohio and Lidiana occurred, upon whose lands adventurous whites would settle ere the title had been acquired by the proper treaty. To remedy this latter evil. Congress appointed commissioners to treat with the natives and purchase their lands, and prohibited the set- tlement of the territory until this could be done. Before the close of the year another attempt was made to capture Detroit, which was, however, not pushed, and Virginia, no longer feeling the interest in the Northwest she had formerly done, withdrew her troops, having on the 20th of December preceding authorized the whole of her possessions to be deeded to the United States. This was done on the 1st of March following, and the Northwest Territory passed from the control of the Old Dominion. To Gen. Clark and his soldiers, however, she gave a tract of one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, to be situated any where north of the Ohio wherever they chose to locate them. They selected the region opposite the falls of the Ohio, where is now the dilapidated village of Clarksville, about midway between the Cities of New Albany and Jeffer- sonville, Indiana. While the frontier remained thus, and Gen. Haldimand at Detroit refused to evacuate alleging that he had no orders from his King to do so, settlers were rapidly gathering about the inland forts. In the Spring of 1784, Pittsburgh was regularly laid out, and from the journal of Arthur Lee, who passed through the town soon after on his way to the Indian council at Fort Mcintosh, we suppose it was not very prepossessing in appearance. He says : " Pittsburgh is inhabited almost entirely by Scots and Irish, who live in paltry log houses, and are as dirty as if in the north of Ireland or even Scotland. There is a great deal of trade carried on, the goods being bought at the vast expense of forty-five shillings per pound from Phila- 68 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. delphia and Baltimore. They take in the shops flour, wheat, skins and money. There are in the town four attorneys, two doctors, and not a priest of any persuasion, nor church nor cliapei." Kentucky at this time contained thirty tliousand inhabitants, and was beginning to discuss measures for a separation from Virginia. A land office was opened at Louisville, and measures were adopted to take defensive precaution against the Indians who were yet, in some instances, incited to deeds of violence by the British. Before the close of this year, 1784, the military claimants of land began to occupy them, although no entries were recorded until 1787. The Indian title to the Northwest was not yet extinguished. They held large tracts of lands, and in order to prevent bloodshed Congress adopted means for treaties with the original owners and provided for the survej'S of the lands gained thereby, as well as for those north of the Ohio, now in its possession. On January 31, 1786, a treaty was made with the Wabash Indians. The treaty of Fort Stanwix had been made in 1781. That at Fort Mcintosh in 1785, and through these much land was gained. The Wabash Indians, however, afterward refused to comply with the provisions of the treaty made with them, and in order to compel their adherence to its provisions, force was used. Daring the year 1786, the free navigation of the Mississippi came up in Congress, and caused various discussions, which resulted in no definite action, only serving to excite speculation in regard to the western lands. Congress had promised bounties of land to the soldiers of the Revolution, but owing to the unsettled condition of affairs along the Mississippi respecting its naviga- tion, and the trade of the Northwest, that body had, in 1783, declared its inability to fulfill these promises until a treaty could be concluded between the two Governments. Before the close of the year 1786, how- ever, it was able, tMrough the treaties with the Indians, to allow some grants and the settlement thereon, and on the 14tli of September Con- necticut ceded to the General Government the tract of land known as the " Connecticut Reserve," and before the close of the following year a large tract of land north of the Ohio was sold to a company, who at once took measures to settle it. By the provisions of this grant, the company were to pay the United States one dollar per acre, subject to a deduction of one-third for bad lands and other contingencies. They received 750,000 acres, bounded on the south by the Ohio, on the east by the seventh range of townships, on the west by the sixteenth range, and on the north by a line so drawn as to make the grant complete without the reservations. In addition to this. Congress afterward granted 100,000 acres to actual settlers, and 214,285 acres as army bounties under the resolutions of 1789 and 1790. THE ISORTHWEST TERRITORY. 69 While Dr. Cutler, one of the agents of the company, was pressing- its claims before Congress, that bod}'- was bringing into form an ordinance for the political and social organization of this Territory. When the cession was made by Virginia, in 1784, a plan was offered, but rejected. A motion had been made to strike from the proposed plan the prohibition of slavery, which prevailed. The plan was then discussed and altered, and finally passed unanimously, with the exception of South Carolina. By this proposition, the Territory was to have been divided into states A PRAIRIE STORM. by parallels and meridian lines. This, it was thought, would make ten states, which were to have been named as follows — beginning at the northwest corner and going southwardly : Sylvania, Michigania, Cher- sonesus, Assenisipia, Metropotamia, Illenoia, Saratoga, Washington, Poly- ])otamia and Pelisipia. There was a more serious objection to this plan than its category of names, — the boundaries. The root of the difficulty was in the resolu- tion of Congress passed in October, 1780, which fixed the boundaries of the ceded lands to be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles 60 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. square. These resolutions being presented to the Legislatures of Vir- ginia and Massachusetts, they desired a change, and in July, 1786, the subject was taken up in Congress, and changed to favor a division into not more than five states, and not less than three. This was approved by the State Legislature of Virginia. The subject of the Government was again taken uj) by Congress in 1786, and discussed throughout that year and until July, 1787, when the famous "Compact of 1787" was passed, and. the foundation of the government of the Northwest laid. This com- pact is fully discussed and explained in the history of Illinois in this book, and to it the reader is referred. The passage of this act and the grant to the New England Company was soon followed by an application to the Government by John Cleves Symmes, of New Jersey, for a grant of the land between the Miamis. This gentleman had visited these lands soon after the treaty of 1786, and, being greatly pleased with them, offered similar terms to those given to the New England Company. The petition was referred to the Treasury Board with power to act, and a contract was concluded the following year. During the Autumn the directors of the New England Company were preparing to occupy their grant the following Spring, and upon the 23d of November made arrangements for a party of forty-seven men, under the superintendency of Gen. Rufus Putnam, to set forward. Six boat-builders were to leave at once, and on the first of January the sur- veyors and their assistants, twenty-six in number, were to meet at Hart- ford and proceed on their journey westward ; the remainder to follow as soon as possible. Congress, in the meantime, upon the 8d of October, had ordered seven hundred troops for defense of the western settlers, and to prevent unauthorized intrusions ; and two days later appointed Arthur St. Clair Governor of the Territory of the Northwest. AMERICAN SETTLEMENTS. The civil organization of the Northwest Territory was now com- plete, and notwithstanding the uncertainty of Indian affairs, settlers from the East began to come into the country rapidly. The New England Company sent their men during the Winter of 1787-8 pressing on over the Alleghenies by the old Indian path which had been opened into Braddock's road, and which has since been made a national turnpike from Cumberland westward. Through the weary winter days they toiled on, and by April were all gathered on the Yohiogany, where boats had been built, and at once started for the Muskingum. Here they arrived on the 7th of that month, and unless the Moravian missionaries be regarded as the pioneers of Ohio, this little band can justly claim that honor. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 61 P Gen. St. Clair, the appointed Governor of the Northwest, not having yet arrived, a set of laws were passed, written out, and published by being nailed to a tree in the embryo town, and Jonathan Meigs apjDointed to administer them. Washington in writing of this, the first American settlement in the Northwest, said : " No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that which has just commenced at Muskingum. Information, property and strength will be its characteristics. I know many of its settlers personally, and there never were men better calcu- lated to promote the welfare of such a community.'" On the 2d of July a meeting of the directors and agents was held on the banks of the Muskingum, " for the purpose of naming the new- born city and its squares." As yet the settlement was known as the "Muskingum," but that was now changed to the name Marietta, in honor of Marie Antoinette. The square upon which the block -houses stood was called '•'' Campus Martins ;'^ square number 19, '■'•Capitolium ;'^ square number 61, '■'•Cecilia ;'' and the great road through the covert way, " Sacra Via." Two days after, an oration was delivered by James M. Varnum, who with S. H. Parsons and John Armstrong had been appointed to the judicial bench of the territory on the 16th of October, 1787. On July 9, Gov. St. Clair arrived, and the colony began to assume form. The act of 1787 provided two district grades of government for the Northwest, 62 THE NORTHWEST TERKITORY. under the first of which the whole power was invested in the hands of a governor and three district judges. This was immediately formed upon the Governor's arrival, and the first laws of the colony passed on the 25th of July. These provided for the organization of the militia, and on the next day appeared the Governor's proclamation, erecting all that country that had been ceded by the Indians east of the Scioto River into the County of Washington. From that time forward, notwithstanding the doubts yet existing as to the Indians, all Marietta prospered, and on the 2d of September the first court of the territory was held with imposing ceremonies. The emigration westward at this time was very great. The com- mander at Fort Harmer, at the mouth of the Muskingum, reported four thousand five hundred persons as having passed that post between Feb- ruary and June, 1788 — many of whom would have purchased of the "Associates," as the New England Company was called, had they been ready to receive them. On the 26th of November, 1787, Symmes issued a pamphlet stating the terms of his contract and the plan of sale he intended to adopt. In January, 1788, Matthias Denman, of New Jersey, took an active interest in Symmes' purchase, and located among other tracts the sections upon which Cincinnati has been built. Retaining one-third of this locality, he sold the other two-thirds to Robert Patterson and John Filson, and the three, about August, commenced to lay out a town on the spot, which was designated as being opposite Licking River, to the mouth of which they proposed to have a road cut from Lexington. The naming of the town is thus narrated in the "Western Annals " : — " Mr. Filson, who had been a schoolmaster, was appointed to name the town, and, in respect to its situation, and as if with a prophetic perception of the mixed race that were to inhabit it in after days, he named it Losantiville, which, being interpreted, means : ville, the town ; anti^ against or opposite to ; os, the mouth ; L. of Licking." Meanwhile, in July, Symmes got thirty persons and eight four-horse teams under way for the West. These reached Limestone (now Mays- ville) in September, where were several persons from Redstone. Here Mr. Symmes tried to found a settlement, but the great freshet of 1789 caused the " Point," as it was and is yet called, to be fifteen feet under water, and the settlement to be abandoned. The little band of settlers removed to the mouth of the Miami. Before Symmes and his colony left the " Point," two settlements had been made on his purchase. The first was by Mr. Stiltes, the original projector of the whole plan, who, with a colony of Redstone people, had located at the mouth of the Miami, whither Symmes went with his Maysville colony. Here a clearing had THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 63 been made by the Indians owing to the great fertility of the soil. Mr. Stiltes with his colony came to this place on the 18th of November, 1788, with twenty-six persons, and, building a block-house, prepared to remain through the Winter. They named the settlement Columbia. Here they were kindly treated by the Indians, but suffered greatly from the flood of 1789. On the 4th of March, 1789, the Constitution of the United States went into operation, and on April 80, George Washington was inaug- urated President of the American people, and during the next Summer, an Indian war was commenced by the tribes north of the Ohio. The President at first used pacific means ; but these failing, he sent General Harmer against the hostile tribes. He destroyed several villages, but breaki:ng prairie. was defeated in two battles, near the present City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. From this time till the close of 1795, the principal events were the wars with the various Indian tribes. In 1796, General St. Clair was appointed in command, and marched against the Indians ; but while he was encamped on a stream, the St. Mary, a branch of the Maumee, he was attacked and defeated with the loss of six hundred men. General Wayne was now sent against the savages. In August, 1794, he met them near the rapids of the Maumee, and gained a complete victory. This success, followed by vigorous measures, compelled the Indians to sue for peace, and on the 30th of July, the following year, the treaty of Greenville was signed by the principal chiefs, by which a large tract of country was ceded to the United States. Before proceeding in our narrative, we will pause to notice Fort Washington, erected in the early part of this war on the site of Cincinnati. Nearly all of the great cities of the Northwest, and indeed of the 64 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. whole country, have had their nuclei in those rude pioneer structures, known as forts or stockades. Thus Forts Dearborn, Washington, Pon- chartrain, mark the original sites of the now proud Cities of Chicago, Cincinnati and Detroit. So of most of the flourishing cities east and west of the Mississippi. Fort Washington, erected by Doughty in 1790, was a rude but highly interesting structure. It was composed of a number of strongly-built hewed log cabins. Those designed for soldiers' barracks were a story and a half high, while those composing the officers quarters were more iraj^osing and more conveniently arranged and furnished. The whole were so placed as to form a hollow square, enclosing about an acre of ground, with a block house at each of the four angles. The logs for the construction of this fort were cut from the ground upon which it was erected. It stood between Third and Fourth Streets of the present city (Cincinnati) extending east of Eastern Row, now Broadway, Avhich was then a narrow alley, and the eastern boundary of of the town as it was originally laid out. On the bank of the river, immediately in front of the fort, was an appendage of the fort, called the Artificer's Yard. It contained about two acres of ground, enclosed by small contiguous buildings, occupied by workshops and quarters of laborers. Within this enclosure there was a large two-story frame house, familiarly called the " Yellow House," built for the accommodation of the Quartermaster General. For many years this was the best finished and most commodious edifice in the Queen City. Fort Washington was for some time the headquarters of both the civil and military governments of the Northwestern Territory. Following the consummation of the treaty various gigantic land spec- ulations were entered into by different persons, who hoped to obtain from the Indians in Michigan and northern Indiana, large tracts of lands. These were generally discovered in time to prevent the outrageous schemes from being carried out, and from involving the settlers in war. On October 27, 1795, the treaty between the United States and Spain was signed, whereby the free navigation of the Mississippi was secured. No sooner had the treaty of 1795 been ratified than settlements began to pour rapidly into the West. The great event of tlie year 1796 was the occupation of that part of the Northwest including Michigan, which was this year, under the provisions of the treaty, evacuated by the British forces. The United States, owing to certain conditions, did not feel justified in addressing the authorities in Canada in relation to Detroit and other frontier posts. When at last the British authorities were called to give them up, they at once complied, and General Wayne, who had done so much to preserve the frontier settlements, and who, before the year's close, sickened and died near Erie, transferred his head- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 65 quarters to the neighborhood of the lakes, where a county named after him was formed, which included the northwest of Ohio, all of Michigan, and the northeast of Indiana. During this same year settlements were formed at the present City of Chillicothe, along the Miami from Middle- town to Piqiia, while in the more distant West, settlers and speculators began to appear in great numbers. In September, the City of Cleveland was laid out, and during the Summer and Autumn, Samuel Jackson and Jonathan Sharpless erected the first manufactory of paper — the " Red- stone Paper Mill" — in the West. St. Louis contained some seventy houses, and Detroit over three hundred, and along the river, contiguous to it, were more than three thousand inhabitants, mostly French Canadians, Indians and half-breeds, scarcely any Americans venturing yet into that part of the Northwest. The election of representatives for the territory had taken place, and on the 4th of February, 1799, they convened at Losantiville — now known as Cincinnati, having been named so by Gov. St. Clair, and considered the capital of the Territory — to nominate persons from whom the members of the Legislature were to be chosen in accordance with a previous ordinance. This nomination being made, the Assembly adjourned until the 16th of the following September. From those named the President selected as members of the council, Henry Vandenburg, of Vincennes, Robert Oliver, of Marietta, James Findlay and Jacob Burnett, of Cincinnati, and David Vance, of Vanceville. On the 16th of September the Territorial Legislature met, and on the 24th the two houses were duly organized, Henry Vandenburg being elected President of the Council. The message of Gov. St. Clair was addressed to the Legislature September 20th, and on October loth that body elected as a delegate to Congress Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, who received eleven of the votes cast, being a majority of one over his opponent, Arthur St. Clair, son of Gen. St. Clair. The whole number of acts passed at this session, and approved by the Governor, were thirty-seven — eleven others were passed, but received his veto. The most important of those passed related to the militia, to the administration, and to taxation. On the 19th of December this pro- tracted session of the first Legislature in the West was closed, and on the 30th of December the President nominated Charles Willing Bryd to the office of Secretary of the Territory vice Wm. Henry Harrison, elected to Congress. The Senate confirmed his nomination the next day. 66 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. DIVISION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The increased emigration to the Northwest, the extent of the domain, and the inconvenient modes of travel, made it very difficult to conduct the ordinary operations of government, and rendered the efficient action of courts almost impossible. To remedy this, it was deemed advisable to divide the territory for civil purposes. Congress, in 1800, appointed a committee to examine the question and report some means for its solution. This committee, on the 3d of March, reported thai : " In the three western countries there has been but one court having cognizance of crimes, in five years, and the immunity which offenders experience attracts, as to an asylum, the most vile and abandoned crim- inals, and at the same time deters useful citizens from making settlements in such society. The extreme necessity of judiciary attention and assist- ance is experienced in civil as well as in criminal cases. * * * * Xo minister a remedy to these and other evils, it occurs to this committee that it is expedient that a division of said territory into two distinct and separate governments should be made ; and that such division be made by a line beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami River, running directly north until it intersects the boundary between the United States and Canada." The report was accepted by Congress, and, in accordance with its suggestions, that body passed an Act extinguishing the Northwest Terri- tory, which Act was approved May 7. Among its provisions were these : " That from and after July 4 next, all that part of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at a point on the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky River, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory." After providing for. the exercise of the civil and criminal powers of the territories, and other provisions, the Act further provides : " That until it shall otherwise be ordered by the Legislatures of the said Territories, respectively, Chillicothe on the Scioto River shall be the seat of government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River ; and that St. Vincennes on the Wabash River shall be the seat of government for the Indiana Territory." Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison was appointed Governor of the Indiana Territory, and entered upon his duties about a year later. Connecticut also about this time released her claims to the reserve, and in March a law THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 67 was passed accepting this cession. Settlements had been made upon thirty-five of tlie townships in the reserve, mills had been built, and seven hundred miles of road cut in various directions. On the 3d of November the General Assembly met at Chillicothe. Near the close of the year, the first missionary of the Connecticut Reserve came, who found no township containing more than eleven families. It was upon the first of October that the secret treaty had been made between Napoleon and the King of Spain, whereby the latter agreed to cede to France the province of Louisiana. In January, 1802, the Assembly of the Northwestern Territory char- tered the college at Athens. From the earliest dawn of the western colonies, education was promptly provided for, and as early as 178T, newspapers were issued from Pittsburgh and Kentucky, and largely read throughout the frontier settlements. Before the close of this year, the Congress of the United States granted to the citizens of the Northwestern territory the formation of a State government. One of the provisions of the "compact of 1787" provided that whenever the number of inhabit- ants within prescribed limits exceeded 45,000, they should be entitled to a separate government. The prescribed limits of Ohio contained, from a census taken to ascertain the legality of the act, more than that number, and on the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed the act defining its limits, and on the 29th of November the Constitution of the new State of Ohio, so named from the beautiful river forming its southern boundary, came into existence. The exact limits of Lake Michigan were not then known, but the territory now included within the State of Michigan was wholly within the territory of Indiana. Gen. Harrison, while residing at Vincennes, made several treaties with the Indians, thereby gaining large tracts of lands. The next year is memorable in the history of the West for the purchase of Louisiana from France by the United States for $15,000,000. Thus by a peaceful mode, the domain of the United States was extended over a large tract of country west of the Mississippi, and was for a time under the jurisdiction of the Northwest government, and, as has been mentioned in the early part of this narrative, was called the "New Northwest." The limits of this history will not allow a description of its territory. The same year large grants of land were obtained from the Indians, and the House of Representatives of the new State of Ohio signed a bill respecting the College Township in the district of Cincinnati. Before the close of the year, Gen. Harrison obtained additional grants of lands from the various Indian nations in Indiana and the present limits of Illinois, and on the 18th of August, 1804, completed a treaty at St. Louis, whereby over 51,000,000 acres of -lauds were obtained from the 68 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOBY. aborigines. Measures were also taken to learn the condition of affairs in and about Detroit. C. Jouett, the Indian agent in Michigan, still a part of Indiana Terri- tory, reported as follows upon the condition of matters at that post : " The Town of Detroit. — The charter, which is for fifteen miles square, was granted in the time of Louis XIV. of France, and is now, from the best information I have been able to get, at Quebec. Of those two hundred and twenty-five acres, only four are occupied by the town and Fort Lenault. The remainder is a common, except twenty-four acres, which wete added twenty years ago to a farm belonging to Wm. Macomb. * * * A stockade incloses the town, fort and citadel. The pickets, as well as the public houses, are in a state of gradual decay. The streets are narrow, straight and regular, and intersect each other at right angles. The houses are, for the most part, low and inelegant." During this year, Congress granted a township of land for the sup- port of a college, and began to offer inducements for settlers in these wilds, and the country now comprising the State of Michigan began to fill rapidly with settlers along its southern borders. This same year, also, a law was passed organizing the Southwest Territory, dividing it into two portions, the Territory of New Orleans, which city was made the seat of government, and the District of Louisiana, which was annexed to the domain of Gen. Harrison. On the 11th of January, 1805, the Territory of Michigan was formed, Wm. Hull was appointed governor, with headquarters at Detroit, the change to take effect on June 30. On the 11th of that month, a fire occurred at Detroit, which destroyed almost every building in the place. When the officers of the new territory reached the post, they found it in ruins, and the inhabitants scattered throughout the country. Rebuild- ing, however, soon commenced, and ere long the town contained more houses than before the fire, and many of them much better built. While this was being done, Indiana had passed to the second grade of government, and through her General Assembly had obtained large tracts of land from the Indian tribes. To all this the celebrated Indian, Tecumthe or Tecumseh, vigorously protested, and it was the main cause of his attempts to unite the various Indian tribes in a conflict with the settlers. To obtain a full account of these attempts, the workings of the British, and the signal failure, culminating in the death of Tecumseh at the battle of the Thames, and the close of the war of 1812 in the Northwest, we will step aside in our story, and relate the principal events of his life, and his connection with this conflict. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY, TECUMSEH, THE SHAWANOE CHIEFTAIN. TO THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. TECUMSEH, AND THE WAR OF 1812. This famous Indian chief was born about the year 1768, not far from the site of the present City of Piqua, Ohio. His father, Puckeshinwa, was a member of the Kisopok tribe of the Swanoese nation, and his mother, Methontaske, was a member of the Turtle tribe of the same people. They removed from Florida about the middle of the last century to the birthplace of Tecumseh. In 1774, his father, who had risen to be chief, was slain at the battle of Point Pleasant, and not long after Tecum- seh, by his bravery, became the leader of his tribe. In 1795 he was declared chief, and then lived at Deer Creek, near the site of the present City of Urbana. He remained here about one year, when he returned to Piqua, and in 1798, he went to White River, Indiana. In 1805, he and his brother, Laulewasikan (Open Door), who had announced himself as a prophet, went to a tract of land on the Wabash River, given them by the Pottawatomies and Kickapoos. From this date the chiei comes into prominence. He was now about thirty-seven years of age, was five feet and ten inches in height, was stoutly built, and possessed of enormous jDowers of endurance. His countenance was naturally pleas- ing, and he was, in general, devoid of those savage attributes possessed by most Indians. It is stated he could read and write, and had a confi- dential secretary and adviser, named Billy Caldwell, a half-breed, who afterward became chief of the Pottawatomies. He occupied the first house built on the site of Chicago. At this time, Tecumseh entered upon the great work of his life. He had long objected to the grants of land made by the Indians to the whites, and determined to unite all the Indian tribes into a league, in order that no treaties or grants of land could be made save by the consent of this confederation. He traveled constantly, going from north to south ; from the south to the north, everywhere urging the Indians to this step. He was a matchless orator, and his burning words had their effect. Gen. Harrison, then Governor of Indiana, by watching the move- ments of the Indians, became convinced that a grand conspiracy was forming, and made preparations to defend the settlements. Tecumseh's plan was similar to Pontiac's, elsewhere described, and to the cunning artifice of that chieftain was added his own sagacity. Daring the year 1809, Tecumseh and the prophet were actively pre- paring for the work. In that year. Gen. Harrison entered into a treaty with the Delawares, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Miamis, Eel River Indians and Weas, in which these tribes ceded to the whites certain lands upon the Wabash, to all of which Tecumseh entered a bitter protest, averring THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 71 as one principal reason that he did not want the Indians to give up any lands north and west of the Ohio River. Tecumseh, in August, 1810, visited the General at Vincennes and held a council relating to the grievances of the Indians. Becoming unduly angry at this conference he was dismissed from the village, and soon after departed to incite the southern Indian tribes to the conflict. Gen. Harrison determined to move upon the chief's headquarters at Tippecanoe, and for this purpose went about sixty-five miles up the Wabash, where he built Fort Harrison. From this place he went to the prophet's town, where he informed the Indians he had no hostile inten- tions, provided they were true to the existing treaties. He encamped near the village early in October, and on the morning of November 7, he was attacked by a large force of the Indians, and the famous battle of Tippecanoe occurred. The Indians were routed and their town broken up. Tecumseh returning not long after, was greatly exasperated at his brother, the prophet, even threatening to kill him for rashly precipitating the war, and foiling his (Tecumseh's) plans. Tecumseh sent word to Gen. Harrison that he was now returned from the South, and was ready to visit the President as had at one time previously been proposed. Gen. Harrison informed him he could not go as a chief, which method Tecumseh desired, and the visit was never made. In June of the following year, he visited the Indian agent at Fort Wayne. Here he disavowed any intention to make a war against the United States, and reproached Gen. Harrison for marching against his people. The agent replied to this ; Tecumseh listened with a cold indif- ference, and after making a few general remarks, with a haughty air drew his blanket about him, left the council house, and departed for Fort Mai- den, in Upper Canada, where he joined the British standard. He remained under this Government, doing effective work for the Crown while engaged in the war of 1812 which now opened. He was, however, always humane in his treatment of the prisoners, never allow- ing his warriors to ruthlessly mutilate the bodies of those slain, or wan- tonly murder the captive. In the Summer of 1813, Perry's victory on Lake Erie occurred, and shortly after active preparations were made to capture Maiden. On the 27th of September, the American army, under Gen. Harrison, set sail for the shores of Canada, and in a few hours stood around the ruins of Mai- den, from which the British army, under Proctor, had retreated to Sand- wich, intending to make its way to the heart of Canada by the Valley of the Thames. On the 29th Gen. Harrison was at Sandwich, and Gen. McArthur took possession of Detroit and the territory of Michigan. 72 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 2d of October, the Americans began their pursuit of Proctor, whom they overtook on the 5th, and the battle of the Thames followed. Early in the engagement, Tecumseh who was at the head of the column of Indians was slain, and they, no longer hearing the voice of their chief- tain, fled. The victory was decisive, and practically closed the war in the Northwest. INDIANS ATTACKING A STOCKADE. Just who killed the great chief has been a matter of much disi)ute ; but the weight of opinion awards the act to Col. Richard M. Johnson, who fired at him with a pistol, the shot proving fatal. In 1805 occurred Burr's Insurrection. He took possession of a beautiful island in the Ohio, after the killing of Hamilton, and is charged by many with attempting to set up an independent government. His plans were frustrated by the general government, his property confiscated and he was compelled to flee the country for safety. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 73 In January, 1807, Governor Hull, of Michigan Territory, made a treaty with the Indians, whereby all that peninsula was ceded to the United States. Before the close of the year, a stockade was built about Detroit. It was also during this year that Indiana and Illinois endeavored to obtain the repeal of that section of the compact of 1787, whereby slavery was excluded from the Northwest Territory. These attempts, however, all signally failed. In 1809 it was deemed advisable to divide the Indiana Territory. This was done, and the Territory of Illinois was formed from the western part, the seat of government being fixed at Kaskaskia. The next year, the intentions of Tecumseh manifested themselves in open hostilities, and then began the events already narrated. While this war was in progress, emigration to the West went on with surprising rapidity. In 1811, under Mr. Roosevelt of New York, the first steamboat trip was made on the Ohio, much to the astonishment of the natives, many of whom fled in terror at the appearance of the " monster." It arrived at Louisville on the 10th day of October. At the close of the first week of January, 1812, it arrived at Natchez, after being nearly overwhelmed in the great earthquake which occurred while on its downward trip. The battle of the Thames was fought on October 6, 1813. It effectually closed hostilities in the Northwest, although peace was not fully restored until July 22, 1814, when a treaty was formed at Green- \dlle, under the direction of General Harrison, between the United States and the Indian tribes, in which it was stipulated that the Indians should cease hostilities against the Americans if the war were continued. Such, happily, was not the case, and on the 24th of December the treaty of Ghent was signed by the representatives of England and the United States. This treaty was followed the next year by treaties with various Indian tribes throughout the West and Northwest, and quiet was again restored in this part of the new world. On the 18th of March, 1816, Pittsburgh was incorporated as a city. It then had a population of 8,000 people, and was already noted for its manufacturing interests. On April 19, Indiana Territory was allowed to form a state government. At that time there were thirteen counties organized, containing about sixty -three thousand inhabitants. The first election of state officers was held in August, when Jonathan Jennings was chosen Governor. The officers were sworn in on November 7, and on December 11, the State was formally admitted into the Union. For some time the seat of government was at Corydon, but a more central location being desirable, the present capital, Indianapolis (City of Indiana), was laid out January 1, 1825. 74 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 28th of December the Bank of Illinois, at Shawneetown, was chartered, with a capital of $300,000. At this period all banks -.vere under the control of the States, and were allowed to establish branches at different convenient points. Until this time Chillicothe and Cincinnati had in turn enjoyed the privileges of being the capital of Ohio. But the rapid settlement of the northern and eastern portions of the State demanded, as in Indiana, a more central location, and before the close of the year, the site of Col- umbus was selected and surveyed as the future capital of the State. Banking had begun in Ohio as early as 1808, when the first bank was chartered at Marietta, but here as elsewhere it did not bring to the state the hoped-for assistance. It and other banks were subsequently unable to redeem their currency, and were obliged to suspend. In 1818, Illinois was made a state, and all the territory north of her northern limits was erected into a separate territory and joined to Mich- igan for judicial purposes. By the following year, navigation of the lakes was increasing with great rapidity and affording an immense source of revenue to the dwellers in the Northwest, but it was not until 1826 that tlie trade was extended to Lake Michigan, or that steamships began to navigate the bosom of that inland sea. Until the year 1832, the commencement of the Black Hawk War, but few hostilities were experienced with the Indians. Roads were opened, canals were dug, cities were built, common, schools were estab- lished, universities were founded, many of which, especially the Michigan University, have achieved a world wide-reputation. The people were becoming wealthy. The domains of the United States had been extended, and had the sons of the forest been treated with honesty and justice, the record of many years would have been that of peace and continuous pros- perity. BLACK HAWK AND THE BLACK HAWK WAR. This conflict, though confined to Illinois, is an important epoch in the Northwestern history, being the last war with the Indians in this part of the United States. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiah, or Black Hawk, was born in the principal Sac village, about three miles from the junction of Rock River with the Mississippi, in the year 1767. His father's name was Py-e-sa or Pahaes ; his grandfather's, Na-na-ma-kee, or the Thunderer. Black Hawk early distinguished himself as a warrior, and at the age of fifteen was permitted to paint and was ranked among the braves. About the year 1783, he went on an expedition against the enemies of his nation, the Osages, one THE NOETHWEST TERRITORY. BLACK ITAWK, THE SAC CHIEFTAIN. 76 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. of whom he killed and scalped, and for this deed of Indian bravery he was permitted to join in the scalp dance. Three or four years after he, at the head of two hundred braves, went on another expedition against the Osages, to avenge the murder of some women and children belonging to his own tribe. Meeting an equal number of Osage warriors, a fierce battle ensued, in which the latter tribe lost one-half their number. The Sacs lost only about nineteen warriors. He next attacked the Cherokees for a similar cause. In a severe battle with them, near the present City of St. Louis, his father was slain, and Black Hawk, taking possession of the " Medicine Bag," at once announced himself chief of the Sac nation. He had now conquered the Cherokees, and about the year 1800, at the head of five hundred Sacs and Foxes, and a hundred lowas, he waged war against the Osage nation and subdued it. For two years he battled successfully with other Indian tribes, all of whom he conquered. Black Hawk does not at any time seem to have been friendly to the Americans. When on a visit to St. Louis to see his " Spanish Father," he declined to see any of the Americans, alleging, as a reason, he did not want two fathers. The treaty at St. Louis was consummated in 1804. The next year the United States Government erected a fort near the head of the Des Moines Rapids, called Fort Edwards. This seemed to enrage Black Hawk, who at once determined to capture Fort Madison, standing on the west side of the Mississippi above the mouth of the Des Moines River. The fort was garrisoned by about fifty men. Here he was defeated. The difficulties with the British Government arose about this time, and the War of 1812 followed. That government, extending aid to the Western Indians, by giving them arms and ammunition, induced them to remain hostile to the Americans. In August, 1812, Black Hawk, at the head of about five hundred braves, started to join the British forces at Detroit, passing on his way the site of Chicago, where the famous Fort Dearborn Massacre ^ " ^ a few days before occurred. Of his connection with the British ^.c . ernment but little is known. In 1813 he with his little band descended the Mississippi, and attacking some United States troops at Fort Howard was defeated. In the early part of 1815, the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi were notified that peace had been declared between the United States and England, and nearly all hostilities had ceased. Black Hawk did not sign any treaty, however, until May of the following year. He then recog- nized the validity of the treaty at St. Louis in 1804. From the time of signing this treaty in 1816, until the breaking out of the war in 1832, he and his band passed their time in the common pursuits of Indian life. Ten years before the commencement of this war, the Sac and Fox THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 77 Indians were urged to join the lowas on the west bank of the Father of Waters. All were agreed, save the band known as the British Band, of which Black Hawk was leader. He strenuously objected to the removal, ■and was induced to comply only after being threa,tened with the power of the Government. This and various actions on the part of the white set- tlers provoked Black Hawk and his band to attempt the capture of his native village now occupied by the whites. The war followed. He and his actions were undoubtedly misunderstood, and had his wishes been acquiesced in at the beginning of the struggle, much bloodshed would have been prevented. Black Hawk was chief now of the Sac and Fox nations, and a noted warrior. He and his tribe inhabited a village on Rock River, nearly three miles above its confluence with the Mississippi, where the tribe had lived many generations. When that portion of Illinois was reserved to them, they remained in peaceable possession of their reservation, spending their time in the enjoyment of Indian life. The fine situation of their village and the quality of their lands incited the more lawless white settlers, who from time to time began to encroach upon the red men's domain. From one pretext to another, and from one step to another, the crafty white men gained a foothold, until through whisky and artifice they obtained deeds from many of the Indians for their possessions. The Indians were finally induced to cross over the Father of Waters and locate among the lowas. Black Hawk was strenuously opposed to all this, but as the authorities of Illinois and the United States thought this the best move, he was forced to comply. Moreover other tribes joined the whites and urged the removal. Black Hawk would not agree to the terms of the treaty made with his nation for their lands, and as soon as the military, called to enforce his removal, had retired, he returned to the Illinois side of the river. A large force was at once raised and marched against him. On the evening of May 14, 1832, the first engagement occurred between a band from this army and Black Hawk's band, in which the former were defeated. This attack and its result aroused the whites. A large force of men was raised, and Gen. Scott hastened from the seaboard, by way of the lakes, with United States troops and artillery to aid in the subjugation of the Indians. On the 24th of June, Black Hawk, with 200 warriors, was repulsed by Major Demont between Rock River and Galena. The Ameri- can army continued to move up Rock River toward the main body of the Indians, and on the 21st of July came upon Black Hawk and his band, and defeated them near the Blue Mounds. Before this action, Gen. Henry, in command, sent word to the main army by whom he was immediately rejoined, and the whole crossed the Note.— The above Is the generally accepted version of the cause of the Black Hawk War, but in our History of Jo Daviess County. 111., we had occasii n lo k" to the bottom of this matter, and have, we think, found the actual cause of tlie war, which will be found on page 157. 78 THE NORTHWEST TERETTORY. Wisconsin in pursuit of Black-Hawk and his band who were fleeing to the Mississippi. They were overtaken on the 2d of August, and in the battle which followed the power of the Indian chief Avas completely broken. He fled, but was seized by the Winnebagoes and delivered to the whites. On the 21st of September, 1832, Gen. Scott and Gov. Reynolds con- cluded a treaty with the Winnebagoes, Sacs and Foxes by which they ceded to the United States a vast tract of country, and agreed to remain peaceable with the whites. For the faithful performance of the provi- sions of this treaty on the part of the Indians, it was stipulated that Black Hawk, his two sons, the prophet Wabokieshiek, and six other chiefs of the hostile bands should be retained as hostages during the pleasure of the President. They were confined at Fort Barracks and put in irons. The next Spring, by order of the Secretary of War, they were taken to Washington. From there they were removed to Fortress Monroe, "there to remain nntil the conduct of their nation was such as to justify their being set at liberty'." They were retained here until the 4th of June, when the authorities directed them to be taken to the principal cities so that they might see the folly of contending against the white people. Ever3'where they were observed b}^ thousands, the name of the old chief being extensively known. By the middle of August they reached Fort Armstrong on Rock Island, where Black Hawk was soon after released to go to his countrymen. As he passed the site of his birth- place, now the home of the white man, he was deeply moved. His village Avhere he was born, where he had so happily lived, and where he had hoped to die, was now another's dwelling place, and he was a wanderer. On the next day after his release, he went at once to his tribe and his lodge. His wife was yet living, and with her he passed the remainder of his days. To his credit it may be said that Black Hawk always re- mained true to his wife, and served her with a devotion uncommon among the Indians, living with her upward of forty years. Black Hawk now passed his time hunting and fishing. A deep mel- ancholy had settled over him from which he could not be freed. At all times when he visited the whites he Avas received with marked atten- tion. He was an honored guest at the old settlers' reunion in Lee County, Illinois, at some of their meetings, and received many tokens of esteem. In September, 1838, while on his way to Rock Island to receive his annuity from the Government, he contracted a severe cold which resulted in a fatal attack of bilious fever which terminated his life on October 3. His faithful wife, who was devotedly attached to him, mourned deeply during his sickness. After his death he was dressed in the uniform pre- sented to him by the President while in Washington. He was buried in a grave six feet in depth, situated upon a beautiful eminence. " The THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 79 body was placed in the middle of the grave, in a sitting posture, upon a seat constructed for the purpose. On his left side, the cane, given him by Henry Clay, was placed upright, with his right hand resting upon it. Many of the old warrior's trophies were placed in the grave, and some Indian garments, together with his favorite weapons." No sooner was the Black Hawk war concluded than settlers began rapidly to pour into the northern parts of Illinois, and into Wisconsin, now free from Indian depredations. Chicago, from a trading post, had grown to a commercial center, and was rapidly coming into prominence. In 1835, the formation of a State Government in Michigan was discussed, but did not take active form until two years later, when the State became a part of the Federal Union. The main attraction to that portion of the Northwest lying west of Lake Michigan, now included in the State of Wisconsin, was its alluvial wealth. Copper ore was found about Lake Superior. For some time this region was attached to Michigan for judiciary purposes, but in 183»i was made a territory, then including Minnesota and Iowa. The latter State was detached two years later. In 1848, W^isconsin was admitted as a State, Madison being made the capital. We have now traced the various divisions of the Northwest Territory (save a little in Minnesota) from the time it was a unit comprising this vast territory, until circumstances compelled its present division. OTHER INDIAN TROUBLES. Before leaving this part of the narrative, we will narrate briefly the Indian troubles in Minnesota and elsewhere by the Sioux Indians. In August, 1862, the Sioux Indians living on the western borders of Minnesota fell upon the unsuspecting settlers, and in a few hours mas- sacred ten or. twelve hundred persons. A distressful panic was the immediate result, fully thirty thousand persons fleeing from their homes to districts supposed to be better protected. The military authorities at once took active measures to punish the savages, and a large number were killed and captured. About a year after, Little Crow, the chief, was killed by a Mr. Lampson near Scattered Lake. Of those captured, thirty were hung at Mankato, and the remainder, tl lOUgh fears of mob violence, were removed to Camp McClellan, on the outskirts of the City of Davenport. It was here that Big Eagle came into prominence and secured his release by the following order: 80 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. BIG EAGLE. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. " 81 "Special Order, No. 430. ''War Department, '' Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Dec. 3, 1864. " Big Eagle, an Indian now in confinement at Davenport, Io\va» will, upon the receipt of this order, be immediately released from confine- ment and set at liberty. " By order of the President of the United States. " Official : " E. D. Townsend, Ass't Adft aen, " Capt. James Vander venter. Corny Suh. Vols. " Through Com'g Gen'l, Washington, D. C." Another Indian who figures more prominently than Big Eagle, and who was more cowardly in his nature, with his band of Modoc Indians, is noted in the annals of the New Northwest: • we refer to Captain Jack. This distinguished Indian, noted for his cowardly murder of Gen. Canby, was a chief of a Modoc tribe of Indians inhabiting the border lands between California and Oregon. This region of country comprises what is known as the " Lava Beds." a tract of land described as utterly impene- trable, save by those savages who had made it their home. The Modocs are known as an exceedingly fierce and treacherous race. They had, according to their own traditions, resided here for many generations, and at one time were exceedingly numerous and powerful. A famine carried off nearly half their numbers, and disease, indolence and the vices of the white man have reduced them to a poor, weak and insignificant tribe. • Soon after the settlement of California and Oregon, complaints began to be heard of massacres of emigrant trains passing through the Modoc country. In 1847, an emigrant train, comprising eighteen souls, was en- tirely destroyed at a place since known as " Bloody Point." These occur- rences caused the United States Government to appoint a peace commission^ who, after repeated attempts, in 1864, made a treaty with the Modocs^ Snakes and Klamaths, in which it was agreed on their part to remove to a reservation set apart for them in the southern part of Oregon. With the exception of Captain Jack and a band of his followers, who remained at Clear Lake, about six miles from Klamath, all the Indians complied. The Modocs who went to the reservation were under chief Schonchin. Captain Jack remained at the lake without disturbance » until 1869, when he was also induced to remove to the reservation. The Modocs and the Klamaths soon became involved in a quarrel, and Captain Jack and his band returned to the Lava Beds. Several attempts were made by the Indian Commissioners to induce them to return to the reservation, and finally becoming involved in a 82 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. difficulty with the commissioner and his military escort, a fight ensued, in which the chief and his band were routed. They were greatly enraged, and on their retreat, before the day closed, killed eleven inoffensive whites. The nation was aroused and immediate action demanded. A com- mission was at once appointed by the Government to see wdiat could be done. It comprised the following persons : Gen. E. R. S. Canby, Rev. Dr. E. Thomas, a leading Methodist divine of California; Mr. A. B. Meacham, Judge Rosborough, of California, and a Mr. Dyer, of Oregon. After several interviews, in which the savages were always aggressive, often appearing with scalps in their belts, Bogus Charley came to the commission on the evening of April 10, 1873, and informed them that Capt. Jack and his band would have a " talk " to-morrow at a place near Clear Lake, aljout three miles distant. Here the Commissioners, accom- panied by Cliarley, Riddle, the interpreter, and Boston Charley repaired. After the usual greeting the council proceedings commenced. On behalf of the Indians there were present : Capt. Jack, Black Jim, Schnac Nasty Jim, Ellen's Man, and Hooker Jim. They had no guns, but carried pis- tols. After short speeches by Mr. Meacham, Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas, Chief Schonchin arose to speak. He had scarcely proceeded when, as if by a preconcerted arrangement, Capt. Jack drew his pistol and shot Gen. Canb}^ dead. In less than a minute a dozen shots were fired b}^ the savages, and the massacre completed. Mr. Meacham was shot by Schon- chin, and Dr. Thomas by Boston Charley. Mr. Dyer barely escaped, being- fired at twice. Riddle, the interpreter, and his squaw escaped. The troops rushed to the spot where they found Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas dead, and Mr. Meacham badly wounded. The savages had escaped to their impenetrable fastnesses and could not be pursued. The whole country was aroused by this brutal massacre ; but it was not until the following May that the murderers were brought to justice. At that time Boston Charley gave himself up, and offered to guide the troops to Capt. Jack's stronghold. This led to the capture of his entire gang, a number of whom were murdered by Oregon volunteers while on their way to trial. The remaining Indians were held as prisoners until July when their trial occurred, which led to the conviction of Capt. Jack, Schonchin, Boston Charley, Hooker Jim, Broncho, alias One-Eyed Jim, and Slotuck, who were sentenced to be hanged. These sentences were approved by the President, save in the case of Slotuck and Broncho, whose sentences were commuted to imprisonment for life. The others were executed at Fort Klamath, October 3, 1873. These closed the Indian troubles for a time in the Northwest, and for several years the borders of civilization remained in peace. They were again involved in a conflict with the savages about the country of the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 83 CAPTAIN JACK, THE MODOC CHIEFTAIN. lJ4 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Black Hills, in which war the gallant Gen. Custer lost his life. Just now the borders of Oregon and California are again in fear of hostilities ; but as the Government has learned how to deal with the Indians, they will be of short duration. The red man is fast passing away before the march of the white man, and a few more generations will read of the Indians as one of the nations of the past. The Northwest abounds in memorable places. We have generally noticed them in the narrative, but our space forbids their description in detail, save of the most important places. Detroit, Cincinnati, Vincennes, Kaskaskia and their kindred towns have all been described. But ere we leave the narrative we will present our readers with an account of the Kinzie house, the old landmark of Chicago, and the discovery of the source of the Mississippi River, each of which may well find a place in the annals of the Northwest. Mr. John Kinzie, of the Kinzie house, represented in the illustra- tion, established a trading house at Fort Dearborn in 1804. The stockade had been erected the year previous, and named Fort Dearborn in honor of the Secretary of War. It had a block house at each of the two angles, on the southern side a sallyport, a covered way on the north side, that led down to the river, for the double purpose of providing means of escape, and of procuring water in the event of a siege. Fort Dearborn stood on the south bank of the Chicago River, about half a mile from its mouth. When Major Whistler built it, his soldiers hauled all the timber, for he had no oxen, and so economically did he work that the fort cost the Government only fifty dollars. For a while the garrison could get no grain, and Whistler and his men subsisted on acorns. Now Chicago is the greatest grain center in the world. Mr. Kinzie bought the hut of the first settler, Jean Baptiste Point au Sable, on the site of which he erected his mansion. Within an inclosure in front he planted some Lombardy poplars, seen in the engraving, and in the rear he soon had a fine garden and growing orchard. In 1812 the Kinzie house and its surroundings became the theater of stirring events. The garrison of Fort Dearborn consisted of fifty-four men, under the charge of Capt. Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant Lenai T. Helm (son-in-law to Mrs. Kinzie), and Ensign Ronan. The surgeon was Dr. Voorhees. The only residents at the post at that time were the wives of Capt. Heald and Lieutenant Helm and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyagers with their wives and children. The soldiers and Mr. Kinzie were on the most friendly terms with the Pottawatomies and the Winnebagoes, the prin- cipal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attach- ment to the British. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 85 After the battle of Tippecanoe it was observed that some of the lead- ing chiefs became sullen, for some of their people had perished in that conflict with American troops. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house pale with terror, and exclaiming, " The Indians ! the Indians ! " " What? Where? " eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. " Up at Lee's, killing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs. Burns, a newly-made mother, living not far off. KINZIE HOUSE. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river in boats, and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Burns and her infant, not a day old, were conveyed in safety to the shelter of the guns of Fort Dearborn, and the rest of the white inhabitants fled. The Indians were a scalping party of Winnebagoes, who hovered around the fort some days, when they dis- appeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were not disturbed bj alarms. Chicago was then so deep in the wilderness, that the news of the declaration of war against Great Britain, made on the 19th of June, 1812, did not reach the commander of the garrison at Fort Dearborn till the 7th of August. Now the fast mail train will carry a man from New York to Chicago in twenty-seven hours, and such a declaration might be sent, every word, by the telegraph in less than the same number of minutes. 86 THE irOETHWEST TERRITORY. PRESENT CONDITION OF THE NORTHWEST^ Preceding chapters have brought us to the close of the Black Hawk war, and we now turn to the contemplation of the growth and prosperity of the Northwest under the smile of peace and the blessings of our civili- za,tion. The pioneers of this region date events back to the deep snow A REPRESENTATIVE PIONEER. of 1831, no one arriving here since that date taking first honors. The inciting cause of the immigration which overflowed the prairies early in the '30s was the reports of the marvelous beauty and fertility of the region distributed through the East by those who had participated in the Black Hawk campaign with Gen. Scott. Chicago and Milwaukee then had a few hundred inhabitants, and Gurdon S. Hubbard's trail from the former city to Kaskaskia led almost through a wilderness. Vegetables and clothing were largely distributed through the regions adjoining the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 87 lakes by steamers from the Ohio towns. There are men now living in Illinois who came to the state when barely an acre was in cultivation, and a man now prominent in the business circles of Chicago looked over the swampy, cheerless site of that metropolis in 1818 and went south ward into civilization. Emigrants from Pennsylvania in 1830 left behind LINCOLN MONUMENT, SPKINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. them but one small railway in the coal regions, thirty miles in length, and made their way to the Northwest mostly with ox teams, finding in Northern Illinois petty settlements scores of miles apart, although the southern portion of the state was fairly dotted with farms. The water courses of the lakes and rivers furnished transportation to the second great army of immigrants, and about 1850 railroads were pushed to that extent that the crisis of 1837 was precipitated upon us, ?8 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. from the effects of which the Western country had not fully recovered at the outbreak of the war. Hostilities found the colonists of the prairies fully alive to the demands of the occasion, and the honor of recruiting the vast armies of the Union fell largely to the Governors of the Western States. The struggle, on the whole, had a marked effect for the better on the new Northwest, giving it an impetus which twenty years of peace would not have produced. In a large degree, this prosperity was an inflated one; and, with the rest of the Union, we have since been compelled to atone therefor by four THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 89 years of depression of values, of scarcity of employment, and loss of fortune. To a less degree, however, than the manufacturing or mining regions has the West suffered during the prolonged panic now so near its end. Agriculture, still the leading feature in our industries, has been quite prosperous through all these dark years, and the farmers have cleared away many incumbrances resting over them from the period of fictitious values. The population has steadily increased, the arts and sciences are gaining a stronger foothold, the trade area of the region is becoming daily more extended, and we have been largely exempt from the financial calamities which have nearly wrecked communities on the seaboard dependent wholly on foreign commerce or domestic manufacture. At the present period there are no great schemes broached for the Northwest, no propositions for government subsidies or national works of improvement, but the capital of the world is attracted hither for the purchase of our products or the expansion of our capacity for serving the nation at large. A new era is dawning as to transportation, and we bid fair to deal almost exclusively with the increasing and expanding lines of steel rail running through every few miles of territory on the prairies. The lake marine will no doubt continue to be useful in the warmer season, and to serve as a regulator of freight rates; but experienced navigators forecast the decay of the system in moving to the seaboard the enormous crops of the West. Within the past five years it has become quite common to see direct shipments to Europe and the West Indies going through from the second-class towns along the Mississippi and Missouri. As to popular education, the standard has of late risen very greatly, and our schools would be creditable to any section of the Union. More and more as the events of the war pass into obscurity will the fate of the Northwest be linked with that of the Southwest, and the next Congressional apportionment will give the valley of the Mississippi .absolute control of the legislation of the nation, and do much toward securing the removal of the Federal capitol to some more central location. Our public men continue to wield the full share of influence pertain- ing to their rank in the national autonomy, and seem not to forget that for the past sixteen years they and their constituents have dictated the principles which should govern the country. In a work like this, destined to lie on the shelves of the library for generations, and not doomed to daily destruction like a newspaper, one can not indulge in the same glowing predictions, the sanguine statements of actualities that fill the columns of ephemeral publications. Time may bring grief to the pet projects of a writer, and explode castles erected on a pedestal of facts. Yet there are unmistakable indications before us of 90 THE NORTHWEST TBRRITORy. the same radical change in our great Northwest which characterizes its history for the past thirty years. Our domain has a sort of natural geographical border, save where it melts away to the southward in the cattle raising districts of the southwest. Our prime interest will for some years doubtless be the growth of the food of the world, in which branch it has already outstripped all competitors, and our great rival in this duty will naturally be the fertile plains of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, to say nothing of the new empire so rapidly growing up in Texas. Over these regions there is a continued progress in agriculture and in railway building, and we must look to our laurels. Intelligent observers of events are fully aware of the strides made in the way of shipments of fresh meats to Europe, many of these ocean cargoes being actually slaughtered in the West and transported on ice to the wharves of the seaboard cities. That this new enterprise will continue there is no reason to doubt. There are in Chicago several factories for the canning of prepared meats for European consumption, and the orders for this class of goods are already immense. English capital is becoming daily more and more dissatisfied with railway loans and investments, and is gradually seeking mammoth outlays in lands and live stock. The stock yards in Chicago, Indianapolis and East St. Louis are yearly increasing their facilities, and their plant steadily grows more valuable. Importations of blooded animals from tlie pro- gressive countries of Europe are destined to greatl}^ improve the quality of our beef and mutton. Nowhere is there to be seen a more enticing display in this line than at our state and county fairs, and the interest in the matter is on the increase. To attempt to give statistics of our grain production for 1877 would be useless, so far have we surpassed ourselves in the quantity and quality of our jDroduct. We are too liable to forget that we are giving the world its first article of necessity — its food supply. An opportunity to learn this fact so it never can be forgotten was afforded at Chicago at the outbreak of the great panic of 1873, when Canadian purchasers, fearing the prostration of business mightbring about an anarchical condition of affairs, went to that city with coin in bulk and foreign drafts to secure their supplies in their own currency at first hands. It may be justly claimed by the agricultural community that their combined efforts gave the nation its first impetus toward a restoration of its crippled industries, and their labor brought the gold premium to a lower depth than the government was able to reach by its most intense efforts of legislation and compulsion. The hundreds of millions about to be disbursed for farm products have already, by the anticipation common to all commercial THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 91 nations, set the wheels in motion, and will relieve us from the perils so long shadowing our efforts to return to a healthy tone. Manufacturing has attained in the chief cities a foothold which bids fair to render the Northwest independent of the outside world. Nearly our whole region has a distribution of coal measures which will in time support the manufactures necessary to our comfort and prosperity. As to transportation, the chief factor in the production of all articles except food, no section is so magnificently endowed, and our facilities are yearly increasing beyond those of any other region. 92 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The period from a central point of the war to the outbreak of the panic was marked by a tremendous growth in our railway lines, but the depression of the times caused almost a total suspension of operations. Now that prosjjerity is returning to our stricken country we witness its anticipation by the railroad interest in a series of projects, extensions, and leases whicli bid fair to largely increase our transportation facilities. The process of foreclosure and sale of incumbered lines is another matter to be considered. In the case of the Illinois Central road, which formerly transferred to other lines at Cairo the vast burden of freight destined for the Gulf region, we now see the incorporation of the tracks connecting through to New Orleans, every mile co-operating in turning toward the northwestern metropolis the weight of the inter-state commerce of a thousand miles or more of fertile plantations. Three competing routes to Texas have established in Chicago their general freight and passenger agencies. Four or five lines compete for all Pacific freights to a point as as far as the interior of Nebraska. Half a dozen or more splendid bridge structures have been thrown across the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers by the railways. The Chicago and Northwestern line has become an aggre- gation of over two thousand miles of rail, and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul is its close rival in extent and importance. The three lines running to Cairo via Vincennes form a through route for all traffic with the states to the southward. The chief projects now under discussion are the Chicago and Atlantic, which is to unite with lines now built to Charleston, and the Chicago and Canada Southern, which line will con- nect with all the various branches of that Canadian enterprise. Our latest new road is the Chicago and Lake Huron, formed of three lines, and entering the city from Valparaiso on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago track. The trunk lines being mainly in operation, the progress made in the way of shortening tracks, making air-line branches, and running extensions does not show to the advantage it deserves, as this process is constantly adding new facilities to the established order of things. The panic reduced the price of steel to a point where the railways could hardly afford to use iron rails, and all our northwestern lines report large relays of Bessemer track. The immense crops now being moved have given a great rise to the value of railway stocks, and their transportation must result in heavy pecuniary advantages. Few are aware of the importance of the wholesale and jobbing trade of Chicago. One leading firm has since the panic sold $24,000,000 of dry goods in one year, and they now expect most confidently to add seventy per cent, to the figures of their last year's business. In boots and shoes and in clothing, twenty or more great firms from the east have placed here tlieir distributing agents or their factories ; and in groceries THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 93 Chicago supplies the entire Northwest at rates presenting advantages over New York. Chicago has stepped in between New York and the rural banks as a financial center, and scarcely a banking institution in the grain or cattle regions but keeps its reserve funds in the vaults of our commercial insti- tutions. Accumulating here throughout the spring and summer months, they are summoned home at pleasure to move the products of the prairies. This process greatly strengthens the northwest in its financial operations, leaving home capital to supplement local operations on behalf of home interests. It is impossible to forecast thp destiny of this grand and growing section of the Union. Figures and predictions made at this date might seem ten years hence so ludicrously small as to excite only derision. ^■fiS^- ;>'Sju/'«S'*'^ HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 95 CHICAGO. It is impossible in our brief space to give more than a meager sketch of such a city as Chicago, which is in itself the greatest marvel of the Prairie State. This mysterious, majestic, mighty city, born first of water, and next of fire; sown in weakness, and raised in power ; planted among the willows of the marsh, and crowned with the glory of the mountains ; sleeping on the bosom of the prairie, and rocked on the bosom of the sea , CHICACrO IJV 16o'6. the youngest city of the Avorld, and still the eye of the prairie, as Damas- cus, the oldest city of the world, is the eye of the desert. With a com- merce far exceeding that of Corinth on her isthmus, in the highway to the East ; with the defenses of a continent piled around her by the thou- sand miles, making ner far safer than Rome on the banks of the Tiber; 96 HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. with schools eclipsing Alexandria and Athens : with liberties more con- spicuous than those of the old republics ; with a heroism equal to the first Carthage, and with a sanctity scarcely second to that of Jerusalem — set your thoughts on all this, lifted into the eyes of all men by the miracle of its growth, illuminated by the flame of its fall, and transfigured by the divinity of its resurrection, and you will feel, as I do, the utter impossi- bility of compassing this subject as it deserves. Some impression of her importance is received from the shock her burning gave to the civilized world. When the doubt of her calamity was removed, and the horrid fact was accepted, there went a shudder over all cities, and a quiver over all lands. There was scarcely a town in the civilized world that did not shake on the brink of this opening chasm. The flames of our homes red- dened all skies. The city was set upon a hill, and could not be hid. All eyes were turned upon it. To have struggled and suffered amid the scenes of its fall is as distinguishing as to have fought at Thermopylae, or Salamis, or Hastings, or Waterloo, or Bunker Hill. Its calamity amazed the world, because it was felt to be the common property of mankind. The early history of the city is full of interest, just as the early his- tory of such a man as Washington or Lincoln becomes public property, and is cherished by every patriot. Starting with 560 acres in 1833, it embraced and occupied 23,000 acres in 1869, and, having now a population of more than 500,000, it com- mands general attention. The first settler — Jean Baptiste Pointe au Sable, a mulatto from the West Indies — came and began trade with the Indians in 1796. John Kinzie became his successor in 1801, in which year Fort Dearborn was erected. A mere trading-post was kept here from that time till about the time of the Blackhawk war, in 1832. It was not the city. It was merely a cock crowing at midnight. The morning was not yet. In 1833 the set- tlement about the fort was incorporated as a town. The voters were divided on the propriety of such corporation, twelve voting for it aiid one against it. Four years later it was incorporated as a city, and embraced 560 acres. The produce handled in this city is an indication of its power. Grain and flour were imported from the East till as late as 1837. The first exportation by way of experiment was in 1839. Exports exceeded imports first in 1812. The Board of Trade was organized in 1818, but it was so weak that it needed nursing till 1855. Grain was purchased by the wagon-load in the street. I remember sitting with my father on a load of wheat, in the long HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 9T line of wagons along Lake street, while the buyers came and untied the bags, and examined the grain, and made their bids. That manner of business had to cease with the day of small things. Now our elevators will hold 15,000,000 bushels of grain. The cash value of the produce handled in a year is $215,000,000, and the produce weighs 7,000,000 tons or 700,000 car loads. This handles thirteen and a half ton each minute, all the year round. One tenth of all the wheat in the United States is handled in Chicago. Even as long ago as 1853 the receijpts of grain in Chicago exceeded those of the goodly city of St. Louis, and in 1854 the exports of grain from Chicago exceeded those of New York and doubled those of St. Petersburg, Archangel, or Odessa, the largest grain markets in Europe. The manufacturing interests of the city are not contemptible. In 1873 manufactories employed 45,000 operatives ; in 1876, 60,000. The manufactured product in 1875 was worth $177,000,000. No estimate of the size and power of Chicago would be adequate that did not put large emphasis on the railroads. Before they came thundering along our streets canals were the hope of our country. But who ever thinks now of traveling by canal packets ? In June, 1852, there were only forty miles of railroad connected with the city. The old Galena division of the Northwestern ran out to Elgin. But now, who can count the trains and measure the roads that seek a terminus or connection in this city ? The lake stretches away to the north, gathering in to this center all the harvests that might otherwise pass to the north of us. If you will take a map and look at the adjustment of railroads, you will see, first, that Chicago is the great railroad center of the world, as New York is the commercial city of this continent ; and, second, that the railroad lines form the iron spokes of a great wheel whose hub is this city. The lake furnishes the only break in the spokes, and this seems simply to have pushed a few spokes together on each shore. See the eighteen trunk lines, exclusive of eastern connections. Pass round the circle, and view their numbers and extent. There is the great Northwestern, with all its branches, one branch creeping along the lake shore, and so reaching to the north, into the. Lake Superior regions, away to the right, and on to the Northern Pacific on the left, swinging around Green Bay for iron and copper and silver, twelve months in the year, and reaching out for the wealth of the great agricultural belt and isothermal line traversed by the Northern Pacific. Another branch, not so far north, feeling for the heart of the Badger State. Another pushing lower down the Mississippi — all these make many con- nections, and tapping all the vast wheat regions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and all the regions this side of sunset. There is that elegant road, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, running out a goodly number of 98 HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. OLD FORT DEARBORN, 1830. PRESENT SITE OE r LAKE STREET BRIDGE, ClllOAUO, IX lbJ3. HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 99 branches, and reaping the great fields this side of the Missouri River. 1 can only mention the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis, our Illinois Central, described elsewhere, and the Chicago & Rock Island. Further around we come to the lines connecting us with all the eastern cities. The Chicago, Indianapolis & St. Louis, the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and the Michigan Cen- tral and Great Western, give us many highways to the seaboard. Thus we reach the Mississippi at five points, from St. Paul to Cairo and the Gulf itself by two routes. We also reach Cincinnati and Baltimore, and Pitts- burgh and Philadelphia, and New York. North and south run the water courses of the lakes and the rivers, broken just enough at this point to make a pass. Through this, from east to west, run the long lines that stretch from ocean to ocean. This is the neck of the glass, and the golden sands of commerce must pass into our hands. Altogether we have more than 10,000 miles of railroad, directly tributary to this city, seeking to unload their wealth in our coffers. All these roads have come themselves by the infallible instinct of capital. Not a dollar was ever given by the city to secure one of them, and only a small per cent, of stock taken originally by her citizens, and that taken simply as an investment. Coming in the natural order of events, they will not be easily diverted. There is still another showing to all this. The connection between New York and San Francisco is by the middle route. This passes inevit- ably through Chicago. St. Louis wants the Soutliern Pacific or Kansas Pacific, and pushes it out through Denver, and so on up to Cheyenne. But before the road is fairly under way, the Cliicago roads shove out to Kansas City, making even the Kansas Pacific a feeder, and actually leav- ing St. Louis out in the cold. It is not too much to expect that Dakota, Montana, and Washington Territory will find their great market in Chi- cago. But these are not all. Perhaps I had better notice here the ten or fifteen new roads that have just entered, or are just entering, our city. Their names are all that is necessary to give. Chicago & St. Paul, look- ing up the Red River country to the British possessions j the Chicago, Atlantic & Pacific ; the Chicago, Decatur & State Line; the Baltimore & Ohio; the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes; the Chicago & LaSalle Rail- road ; the Chicago, Pittsburgh & Cincinnati ; the Chicago and Canada Southern ; the Chicago and Illinois River Railroad. These, with their connections, and with the new connections of the old roads, already in process of erection, give to Chicago not less than 10,000 miles of new tributaries from the richest land on the continent. Thus there will be added to the reserve power, to the capital within reach of this city, not less than $1,000,000,000. ; 100 HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. Add to all this transporting power the ships that sail one every nine minutes of the business hours of the season of navigation ; add, also, the canal boats that leave one every five minutes during the same time — and you will see something of the business of the city. THE COMMERCE OF THIS CITY has been leaping along to keep pace with the growth of the country around us. In 1852, our commerce reached the hopeful sum of $20,000,000. In 1870 it reached $400,000,000. In 1871 it was pushed up above 1450,000,000. And in 1875 it touched nearly double that. One-half of our imported goods come directly to Chicago. Grain enough is exported directly from our docks to the old world to employ a semi-weekly line of steamers of 3,000 tons capacity. This branch is not likely to be greatly developed. Even after the great Welland Canal is completed we shall have only fourteen feet of water. The great ocean vessels will continue to control the trade. The banking capital of Chicago is $24,431,000. Total exchange in 1875, $659,000,000. Her wholesale business in 1875 was 1294,000,000. The rate of taxes is less than in an}' other great city. The schools of Chicago are unsurpassed in America. Out of a popu- lation of 300,000 there were only 186 persons between the ages of six and twenty-one unable to read. This is the best known record. In 1831 the mail system was condensed into a half-breed, who went on foot to Niles, Mich., once in two weeks, and brought back what papers and news he could find. As late as 1846 there was often only one mail a week. A post-office was established in Chicago in 1833, and the post- master nailed up old boot-legs on one side of his shop to serve as boxes for the nabobs and literary men. It is an interesting fact in the growth of the young city that in the active life of the business men of that day the mail matter has grown to a daily average of over 6,500 pounds. It speaks equally well for the intelligence of the people and the commerciar importance of the place, that the mail matter distributed to the territory immediately tributary to Chicago is seven times greater than that distributed to the territory immediately tributary to St. Louis. The improvements that have characterized the city are as startling as the city itself. In 1831, Mark Beaubien established a ferry over the river, and put himself under bonds to carry all the citizens free for the privilege of charging strangers. Now there are twenty-four large brido-es and two tunnels. In 1833 the government expended $30,000 on the harbor. Then commenced that series of manoeuvevs with the river that has made it one HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 101 of the world's curiosities. It used to wind around in the lower end of the town, and make its way rippling over the sand into the lake at the foot of Madison street. TJiey took it up and put it down Avhere it now is. It was a narrow stream, so narrow that even moderately small crafts had to go up through the willows and cat's tails to the point near Lake street bridge, and back up one of the branches to get room enough in which to turn around. In 1844 the quagmires in the streets were first pontooned by plank roads, which acted in wet weather as public squirt-guns. Keeping you out of the mud, they compromised by squirting the mud over you. The wooden-block pavements came to Chicago in 1857. In 1840 water was delivered by peddlers in carts or by hand. Then a twenty -five horse- power engine pushed it through hollow or bored logs along the streets till 1854, when it was introduced into the houses by new works. The first fire-engine was used in 1835, and the first steam fire-engine in 1859. Gas was utilized for lighting the city in 1850. The Young Men's Chris- tian Association was organized in 1858, and horse railroads carried them to their work in 1859. The museum was opened in 1863. The alarm telegraph adopted in 1864. The opera-house built iii 1865. The city grew from 560 acres in 1833 to 23,000 in 1869. In 1834, the taxes amounted to $48.90, and the trustees of the town borrowed $60 more for opening and improving streets. In 1835, the legislature authorized a loan of $2,000, and the treasurer and street commissioners resigned rather than plunge the town into such a gulf. Now the city embraces 36 square miles of territory, and has 30 miles of water front, besides the outside harbor of refuge, of 400 acres, inclosed by a crib sea-wall. One-third of the city has been raised up an average of eight feet, giving good pitch to the 263 miles of sewerage. The water of the city is above all competition. It is received through two tunnels extending to a crib in the lake two miles from shore. The closest analy- sis fails to detect any impurities, and, received 35 feet below the surface, it is always clear and cold. The first tunnel is five feet two inches in diameter and two miles long, and can deliver 50,000,000 of gallons per day. The second tunnel is seven feet in diameter and six miles long, running four miles under the city, and can deliver 100,000,000 of gal- lons per day. This water is distributed through 410 miles of water- mains. The three grand engineering exploits of the city are : First, lifting the city up on jack-screws, whole squares at a time, without interrupting the business, thus giving us good drainage ; second, running the tunnels under the lake, giving us the best water in the world ; and thii'd, the turning the current of the river in its own channel, delivering us from the old abominations, and making decency possible. They redound about 102 HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. equally to the credit of the engineering, to the energy of the people, and to the health of the city. That which really constitutes the city, its indescribable spirit, its soul, the way it lights up in every feature in the hour of action, has not been touched. In meeting strangers, one is often surprised how some homely women marry so well. Their forms are bad, their gait uneven and awk- ward, their complexion is dull, their features are misshapen and mismatch- ed, and when we see them there is no beauty that we should desire them. But when once they are aroused on some subject, they put on new pro- portions. They light up into great power. The real person comes out from its unseemly ambush, and captures us at will. They have power. They have ability to cause things to come to pass. We no longer wonder why they are in such high demand. So it is with our city. There is no grand scenery except the two seas, one of water, the other of prairie. Nevertheless, there is a spirit about it, a push, a breadth, a power, that soon makes it a place never to be forsaken. One soon ceases to believe in impossibilities. Balaams are the only prophets that are disappointed. The bottom that has been on the point of falling out has been there so long that it has grown fast. It can not fall out. It has all the capital of the world itching to get inside the corporation. The two great laws that govern the growth and size of cities are, first, the amount of territory for which they are the distributing and receiving points ; second, the number of medium or moderate dealers that do this distributing. Monopolists build up themselves, not the cities. They neither eat, wear, nor live in proportion to their business. Both these laws help Chicago. The tide of trade is eastward — not up or down the map, but across the maj). The lake runs up a wingdam for 500 miles to gather in the business. Commerce can not ferry up there for seven months in the year, and the facilities for seven months can do the work for twelve. Then the great region west of us is nearly all good, productive land. Dropping south into the trail of St. Louis, you fall into vast deserts and rocky dis- tricts, useful in holding the world together. St. Louis and Cincinnati, instead of rivaling and hurting Chicago, are her greatest sureties of dominion. They are far enough away to give sea-room, — farther off than Paris is from London, — and yet they are near enough to prevent the springing up of any other great city between them. St. Louis will be helped by the opening of the Mississippi, but also hurt. That will put New Orleans on her feet, and with a railroad running over into Texas and so West, she will tap the streams that now crawl up the Texas and Missouri road. The current is East, not North, and a sea- port at New Orleans can not permanently help St. Louis. Chicago is in the field almost alone, to handle the wealth of one- HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 103 fourth of the territoiy of this great republic. This strip of seacoast divides its margins between Portland, Boston, New York, PhiladeTphia, Baltimore and Savannah, or some other great port to be created fi ' the South in the next decade. But Cliicago has a dozen empires casting their treasures into her lap. On a bed of coal that can run all the machinery of the world for 500 centuries ; in a garden that can feed the race by the thousand years; at the head of the lakes that give her a temperature as a summer resort equaled by no great city in the land ; with a climate that insures the health of her citizens ; surrounded by all the great deposits of natural wealth in mines aud forests and herds, Chicago is the wonder of to-day, and will be the city of the future. MASSACRE AT FORT DEARBORN. During the war of 1812, Fort Dearborn became the theater of stirring events. The garrison consisted of fifty-four men under command of Captain Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant Helm (son-in-law of Mrs. Kinzie) and Ensign Ronan. Dr. Voorhees was surgeon. The only resi- dents at the post at that time were the wives of Captain Heald and Lieu- tenant Helm, and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyageurs^ with their wives and children. The soldiers and Mr. Kinzie were on most friendly terms with the Pottawattamies and Winnebagos, the principal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attachment to the British. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing on his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house, pale with terror, and exclaiming: "The Indians! the Indians!" "What? Where?" eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. "Up at Lee's, killing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs. Barnes (just confined) living not far off. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Barnes and her infant not a day old were safely conveyed. The rest of the inhabitants took shelter in the fort. This alarm was caused by a scalping party of Winnebagos, who hovered about the fort several days, when they disappeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were undisturbed. On the 7th of August, 1812, General Hull, at Detroit, sent orders to Captain Heald to evacuate Fort Dearborn, and to distribute all the United States property to the Indians in the neighborhood — a most insane order. The Pottawattamie chief, who brought the dispatch, had more wisdom than the commanding general. He advised Captain Heald not to make the distribution. Said he : " Leave the fort and stores as they are, and let the Indians make distribution for themselves ; and while they are engaged in the business, the white people may escape to Fort Wayne." -XI HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 105 Captain Heald held a council with the Indians on the afternoon of the 12th, in which his officers refused to join, for they had been informed that treachery was designed — that the Indians intended to murder the white people in the council, and then destroy those in the fort. Captain Heald, however, took the precaution to open a port-hole displaying a cannon pointing directly upon the council, and by that means saved his life. Mr. Kinzie, who knew the Indians well, begged Captain Heald not to confide in their promises, nor distribute the arms and munitions amono" them, for it would only put power into their hands to destroy the whites. Acting upon this advice, Heald resolved to withhold the munitions of war ; and on the night of the 13th, after the distribution of the other property had been made, the powder, ball and liquors were thrown into the river, the muskets broken up and destroyed. Black Partridge, a friendly chief, came to Captain Heald, and said : " Linden birds have been singing in my ears to-day: be careful on the march you are going to take." On that dark night vigilant Indians had crept near the fort and discovered the destruction of their promised booty going on within. The next morning the powder was seen floating on the surface of the river. The savages were exasperated and made loud com- plaints and threats. On the following day when preparations were making to leave the fort, and all the inmates were deeply impressed with a sense of impend- ing danger, Capt. Wells, an uncle of Mrs. Heald, was discovered upon the Indian trail among the sand-hills on the borders of the lake, not far distant, with a band of mounted Miamis, of whose tribe he was chief, having been adopted by the famous Miami warrior, Little Turtle. When news of Hull's surrender reached Fort Wayne, he had started with this force to assist Heald in defending Fort Dearborn. He was too late. Every means for its defense had been destroyed the night before, and arrangements were made for leaving the fort on the morning of the 15th. It was a warm bright morning in the middle of August. Indications were positive that the savages intended to murder the white people ; and when they moved out of the southern gate of the fort, the march was like a funeral procession. The band, feeling the solemnity of the occa- sion, struck up the Dead March in Saul. Capt. Wells, who had blackened his face with gun-powder in token of his fate, took the lead with his band of Miamis, followed by Capt. Heald, with his wife by his side on horseback. Mr. Kinzie hoped by his personal influence to avert the impending blow, and therefore accompanied them, leaving his family in a boat in charge of a friendly Indian, to be taken to his trading station at the site of Niles, Michigan, in the event of his death. 106 HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. 107 The procession moved slowly along the lake shore till they reached the sand-hills between the prairie and the beach, when the Pottawattamie escort, under the leadership of Blackbird, filed to the right, placing those hills between thera and the white people. Wells, with his Miamis, had kept in the advance. They suddenly came rushing back. Wells exclaim- ing, " They are about to attack us ; form instantly." These words were quickly followed by a storm of bullets, which came whistling over the little hills which the treacherous savages had made the covert for their murderous attack. The white troops charged upon the Indians, drove them back to the j)rairie, and then the battle was waged between fifty- four soldiers, twelve civilians and tliree or four women (the cowardly Miamis having fled at the outset) against five hundred Indian warriors. The white people, hopeless, resolved to sell their lives as dearly as possible. Ensign Ronan wielded his weapon vigorously, even after falling upon his knees weak from the loss of blood. Capt. Wells, who was by the side of his niece, Mrs. Heald, when the conflict began, behaved with the greatest coolness and courage. He said to her, " We have not the slightest chance for life. We must part to meet no more in this world. God bless you." And then he dashed forward. Seeing a young warrior, painted like a demon, climb into a wagon in which were twelve children, and tomahawk them all, he cried out, unmindful of his personal danger, " If that is your game, butchering women and children, I will kill too." He spurred his horse towards the Indian camp, where they had left their squaws and papooses, hotly pursued by swift-footed young warriors, who sent bullets whistling after him. One of these killed his horse and wounded him severely in the leg. With a yell the young braves rushed to make him their prisoner and reserve him for torture. He resolved not to be made a captive, and by the use of the most provoking epithets tried to induce them to kill him instantly. He called a fiery young chief a squaiv, when the enraged warrior killed Wells instantly with his tomahawk, jumped upon his body, cut out his heart, and ate a portion of the warm morsel with savao^e delight ! In this fearful combat women bore a conspicuous part. Mrs. Heald was an excellent equestrian and an expert in the use of the rifle. She fought the savages bravel}^ receiving several severe wounds. Though faint from the loss of blood, she managed to keep her saddle. A savage raised his tomahawk to kill her, when she looked him full in tlie face, and with a sweet smile and in a gentle voice said, in his own language, " Surely you Avill not kill a squaw ! " The arm of the savage fell, and the life of the heroic woman was saved. Mrs. Helm, the step-daughter of Mr. Kinzie, had an encounter with a stout Indian, who attempted to tomahawk her. Springing to one side, she received the ulaocing blow on her shoulder, and at the same instaD* 108 HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST. seized the savage roimd the neck with her arms and endeavored to get hold of his scalping knife, which hung in a sheath at his breast. While she was thus struggling she was dragged from her antagonist by anc '^hei powerful Indian, who bore her, in spite of her struggles, to the margin of the lake and plunged her in. To her astonishment she was held by him so that she would not drown, and she soon perceived that she was in the hands of the friendly Black Partridge, who had saved her life. Tlie wife of Sergeant Holt, a large and powerful woman, behaved as bravely as an Amazon. She rode a fine, high-spirited horse, which the Indians coveted, and several of them attacked her with the butts of their guns, for the purpose of dismounting her ; but she used the sword which she had snatched from her disabled husband so skillfully that she foiled them ; and, suddenly wheeling her horse, she dashed over the prairie, followed by the savages shouting, " The brave woman ! the brave woman ! Don't hurt her ! "' They finally overtook her, and while she was fighting them in front, a powerful savage came up behind her, seized her by the neck and dragged her to the ground. Horse and woman were made captives. Mrs. Holt was a long time a captive among the Indians, but was afterwards ransomed. In tliis sharp conflict two-thirds of the white people were slain and wounded, and all their horses, baggage and provision were lost. Only twenty-eight straggling men now remained to fight five hundred Indians rendered furious b}^ the sight of blood. They succeeded in breaking through the ranks of the murderers and gaining a slight eminence on the prairie near the Oak Woods. The Indians did not pursue, but gathered on their flanks, while the chiefs held a consultation on the sand-hills, and showed signs of willingness to parley. It would have been madness on the part of the whites to renew the fight ; and so Capt. Heald went for- ward and met Blackbird on the open prairie, where terms of surrender were soon agreed upon. It was arranged that the white people should give up their arms to Blackbird, and that the survivors should become prisoners of war, to be exchanged for ransoms as soon as practicable. With this understanding captives and captors started for the Indian camp near the fort, to Avhich Mrs. Helm had been taken bleeding and suffering by Black Partridge, and had met her step-father and learned that her husband was safe. A new scene of horror was now opened at the Indian camp. The wounded, not being included in the terms of surrender, as it was inter- preted by the Indians, and the British general. Proctor, having offered a liberal bounty for American scalps, delivered at Maiden, nearly all the wounded men were killed and scalped, and the price of the trophies was afterwards paid by the British government. THE STATE OF IOWA. GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION. The State of Iowa has an outline figure nearly approaching that of a rec- tangular parallelogram, the northern and southern boundaries being nearly due east and west lines, and its eastern and western boundaries determined by southerly flowing rivers — the Mississippi on the east, and the Missouri, together with its tributary, the Big Sioux, on the west. The northern boundary is upon the parallel of forty-three degrees thirty minutes, and the southern is approxi- mately upon that of forty degrees and thirty-six minutes. The distance from the northern to the southern boundary, excluding the small prominent angle at the southeast corner, is a little more than two hundred miles. Owing to the irregularity of the river boundaries, however, the number of square miles does not reach that of the multiple of these numbers ; but according to a report of the Secretary of the Treasury to the United States Senate, March 12, 1863, the State of Iowa contains 35,228,200 acres, or 55,044 square miles. When it is understood that all this vast extent of surface, except that which is occupied by our rivers, lakes and peat beds of the northern counties, is susceptible of the highest cultivation, some idea may be formed of the immense agricultural resources of the State. Iowa is nearly as large as England, and twice as large as Scotland ; but when we consider the relative area of surface which may be made to yield to the wants of man, those countries of the Old AVorld will bear no comparison with Iowa. TOPOGRAPHY. No complete topographical survey of the State of Iowa has yet been made. Therefore all the knowledge we have yet upon the subject has been obtained from incidental observations of geological corps, from barometrical observations by authority of the General Government, and levelings done by railroad en- gineer corps within the State. Taking into view the facts that the highest point in the State is but a little more than twelve hundred feet above the lowest point, that these two points are nearly three hundred miles apart, and that the Avhole State is traversed by 110 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. gently flowing rivers, it will be seen that in reality the State of Iowa rests wholly within, and comprises a part of, a vast plain, with no mountain or hill ranares within its borders. A clearer idea of the great uniformity of the surface of the State may be obtained from a statement of the general slopes in feet per mile, from point to point, in straight lines across it : From the N. E. corner to the S. E. corner of the State 1 foot 1 inch per mile. From the N. E. corner to Spirit Lake 5 feet 5 inches per mile. From the N. W. corner to Spirit Lake 5 feetO inches per mile. From the N. W. corner to the S. W. corner of the State 2 feet inches per mile. From the S. W- corner to the highest ridge between the two great rivers (in Ringgold County) 4 feet 1 inch per mile From the dividing ridge in the S. E. corner of the State 5 feet 7 inches per mile. From the highest point in the State (near Spirit Lake) to the lowest point in the State (at the mouth of Des Moines River) 4 feet inches per mile. It -will be seen, therefore, that there is a good degree of propriety in regard- ing the whole State as a part of a great plain, the lowest point of which within its borders, the southeast corner of the State, is only 444 feet above the level of the sea. The average height of the whole State above the level of the sea is not far from eight hundred feet, although it is more than a thousand miles inland from the nearest sea coast. These remarks are, of course, to be under- stood as applying to the surface of the State as a whole. Whon we come to consider its surface feature in detail, we find a great diversity of surface by the formation of valleys out of the general level, which have been evolved by the action of streams during the unnumbered years of the terrace epoch. It is in the northeastern part of the State that the river valleys are deepest ; consequently the country there has the greatest diversity of surface, and its physical features are most strongly marked. DRAINAGE SYSTEM. The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers form the eastern and western bounda- ries of the State, and receive the eastern and western drainage of it. The eastern drainage system comprises not far from two-thirds of the en- tire surface of the State. The great watershed which divides these two systems is formed by the highest land between those rivers along the whole length of a line running southward from, a point on the northern boundary line of the State near Spirit Lake, in Dickinson County, to a nearly central point in the northern, part of Adair County. From the last named point, this highest ridge of land, between the two great rivers, continues southward, without change of character, through Ringgold County into the State of Missouri ; but southward from that point, in Adair County, it is no longer the great watershed. From that point, another and lower ridge bears off more nearly southeastward, through the counties of Madi- son, Clarke, Lucas and Appanoose, and becomes itself the great watershed. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Ill RIVERS. All streams that rise in Iowa rise upon the incoherent surface deposits, occupying at first only slight depressions in the surface, and scarcely percept- ible. These successively coalesce to form the streams. The drift and bluff deposits are both so thick in Iowa that its streams not only rise upon their surface, but they also reach considerable depth into these deposits alone, in some cases to a depth of nearly two hundred feet from the general prairie level. The majority of streams that constitute the western system of Iowa drainage run, either along the whole or a part of their course, upon that peculir deposit known as bluff deposit. Their banks are often, even of the small streams, from five to ten feet in height, quite perpendicular, so that they make the streams almost everywhere unfordable, and a great impediment to travel across the open country where there are no bridges. The material of this deposit is of a slightly yellowish ash color, except where darkened by decaying vegetation, very fine and silicious, but not sandy, not very cohesive, and not at all plastic. It forms excellent soil, and does not bake or crack in drying, except limy concretions, which are generally dis- tributed throughout the mass, in shape and size resembling pebbles ; not a stone or pebble can be found in the whole deposit. It was called " silicious marl" by Dr. Owen, in his geological report to the General Government, and its origin referred to an accumulation of sediment in an ancient lake, which was afterward drained, when its sediment became dry land. Prof. Swallaw gives it the name of "bluff," which is here adopted; the term Lacustral would have been better. The peculiar properties of this deposit are that it will stand securely with a precipitous front two hundred feet high, and yet is easily excavated with a spade. Wells dug in it require only to be walled to a point just above the water line. Yet, compact as it is, it is very porous, so that water which falls on its surface does not remain, but percolates through it; neither does it accumulate within its mass, as it does upon the surface of and within, the drift and the stratified formations. The bluff deposit is known to occupy a region through which the Missouri runs almost centrally, and measures, as far as is known, more than two hun- dred miles in length and nearly one hundred miles in width. The thickest part yet known in Iowa is in Fremont County, where it reaches two hundred feet. The boundai-ies of this deposit in Iowa are nearly as follows : Com- mencing at the southeast corner of Fremont County, follow up the watershed between the East Nislinabotany and the West Tarkio Rivers to the southern boundary of Cass County ; thence to the center of Audubon County ; thence to Tip Top Station, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway ; thence by a broad curve westward to the northwest corner of Plymouth County. This deposit is composed of fine sedimentary particles, similar to that which the Missouri River now deposits from its waters, and is the same which 112 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. that river did deposit in a broad depression in the surface of the drift that formed a lake-like expansion of that river in the earliest period of the history of its valley. That lake, as shown by its deposit, Avhich now remains, was about one hundred miles wide and more than twice as long. The water of the river was muddy then, as now, and the broad lake became filled with the sedi- ment which the river brought down, before its valley had enough in the lower portion of its course to drain it. After the lake became filled with the sedi- ment, the valley below became deepened by the constant erosive action of the waters, to a depth of more than sufficient to have drained the lake of its first waters ; but the only effect then was to cause it to cut its valley out of the de- posits its own muddy waters had formed. Thus along the valley of that river, so far as it forms the western boundary of Iowa, the bluffs which border it are composed of that sediment known as bluff deposit, forming a distinct border along the broad, level flood plain, the width of which varies from five to fifteen miles, while the original sedimentary deposit stretches far inland. All the rivers of the western system of drainage, except the Missouri itself, are quite incomplete as rivers, in consequence of their being really only branches of other larger tributaries of that great river , or, if they empty into the Missouri direct, they have yet all the usual characteristics of Iowa rivers, from their sources to their mouths. Cliariton and Grand Rivers both rise and run for the first twenty-five miles of their courses upon the drift deposit alone. The first strata that are exposed by the deepening valleys of both these streams belong to the upper coal meas- ures, and they both continue upon the same formation until they make their exit from the State (the former in Appanoose County, the latter in Ringgold County), near the boundary of which they have passed nearly or quite through the whole of that formation to the middle coal measures. Their valleys gradu- ally deepen from their upper portions downward, so that within fifteen or twenty miles they have reached a depth of near a hundred and fifty feet below the gen- eral level of the adjacent high land. When the rivers have cut their valleys down through the series of limestone strata, they reach those of a clayey com- position. Upon these they widen their valleys and make broad flood plains (commonly termed "bottoms "), the soil of which is stiff and clayey, except where modified by sandy washings. A considerable breadth of woodland occupies the bottoms and valley sides along a great part of their length ; but their upper branches and tributaries aie mostly prairie streams. Platte River. — This river belongs mainly to Missouri. Its upper branches pass through Ringgold County, and, with the west fork of the Grand River, drain a large region of country. Here the drift deposit reaches its maximum thickness on an east and west line across the State, and the valleys are eroded in some instances to a depth of two hundred feet, apparently, through this deposit alone. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 113- The term " drift deposit" applies to the soil and sub-soil of the greater part of the State, and in it alone many of our wells are dug and our forests take root. It rests upon the stratified rocks. It is composed of clay, sand, gravel aud boulders, promiscuously intermixed, without stratification, varying in char- acter in different parts of the State. The proportion of lime in the drift of Iowa is so great that the water of all our wells and springs is too " hard " for washing purposes ; and the same sub- stance is so prevalent in the drift clays that they are always found to have suffi- cient flux when used for the manufacture of brick. One Hundred and Two River is represented in Taylor County, the valleys of which have the same general character of those just described. The country around and between the east and west forks of this stream is almost entirely prairie. Nodaway River. — This stream is represented by east, middle and west branches. The two former rise in Adair County, the latter in Cass County. These rivers and valleys are fine examples of the small rivers and valleys of Southern Iowa. They have the general character of drift valleys, and with beautiful undulating and sloping sides. The Nodaways drain one of the finest agricultural regions in the State, the soil of which is tillable almost to their very banks. The banks and the adjacent narrow flood plains are almost everywhere composed of a rich, deep, dark loam. Nishnahotayiy River. — This river is represented by east and west branches, the former having its source in Anderson County, the latter in Shelby County. Both these branches, from their source to their confluence — and also the main stream, from thence to the point where it enters the great flood plain of the Missouri — run through a region the surface of which is occupied by the bluff deposit. The West Nishnabotany is probably without any valuable mill sites. In the western part of Cass County, the East Nishnabotany loses its identity by becoming abruptly divided up into five or six different creeks. A few good mill sites occur here on this stream. None, however, that are thought reliable exist on either of these rivers, or on the main stream below the confluence, except, perhaps, one or two in Montgomery County. The valleys of the two branches, and the intervening upland, possess remarkable fertility. Boyer River. — Until it enters the flood plain of the Missouri, the Boyer runs almost, if not quite, its entire course through the region occupied by the bluff deposit, and has cut its valley entirely through it along most of its pas- sage. The only rocks exposed are the upper coal measures, near Reed's mill, in Harrison County. The exposures are slight, and are the most northerly now known in Iowa. The valley of this river has usually gently sloping sides, and an ndistinctly defined flood plain. Along the lower half of its course the adjacent upland presents a surface of the billowy character, peculiar to the bluff" deposit. The source of this river is in Sac County. 114 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Soldier River. — The east and middle bi'anches of this stream have tTieir source in Crawford County, and the west branch in Ida County. The whole course of this river is through the bluflf deposit. It has no exposure of strata along its course. Little Sioux River. — Under this head are included both the main and west branches of that stream, together with the Maple, which is one of its branches. The west branch and the Maple are so similar to the Soldier River that thej need no separate description. The main stream has its boundary near the northern boundary of the State, and runs most of its course upon drift deposit alone, entering the region of the bluif deposit in the southern part of Cherokee County. The two principal upper branches, near their source in Dickinson and Osceola .Counties, are small prairie creeks, with indistinct valleys. On entering Clay County, the valley deepens, and at their confluence has a depth of one hundred feet, which still further increases until along the boundary line between Clay and Buena Vista Counties, it reaches a depth of two hundred feet. Just as the valley enters Cherokee County, it turns to the southward and becomes much widened, with its sides gently sloping to the uplands. When the valley enters the region of the bluff deposit, it assumes the billowy appearance. No exposures of strata of any kind have been found in the valley of the Little Sioux or any of its branches. Floyd River. — This river rises upon the drift in O'Brien County, and flow- ing southward enters the region of the bluff" deposit a little north of the center of Plymouth County. Almost from its source to its mouth it is a prairie stream, with slightly sloping valley sides, which blend gradually with the uplands. A single slight exposure of sandstone of cretaceous age occurs in the valley near Sioux City, and which is the only known exposure of rock of any kind along its whole length. Near this exposure is a mill site, but farther up the stream it is not valuable for such purposes. Rock River. — This stream passes through Lyon and Sioux Counties. It ■was evidently so named from the fact that considerable exposures of the red Sioux quartzite occur along the main branches of the stream in Minnesota, a few miles north of our State boundary. Within this State the main stream and its branches are drift streams, and strata are exposed. The beds and banks of the streams are usually sandy and gravelly, with occasional boulders intermixed. Big Sioux River. — The valley of this river, from the northwest corner of the State to its mouth, possesses much the same character as all the streams of the surface deposits. At Sioux Falls, a few miles above the northwest corner of the State, the stream meets with remarkable obstructions from the presence of Sioux quartzite, which outcrops directly across the stream, and causes a fall of about sixty feet within a distance of half a mile, producing a series of cas- cades. For the first twenty-five miles above its mouth, the valley is very broad, with a broad, flat flood plain, with gentle slopes occasionally showing indistinctly defined terraces. These terraces and valley bottoms constitute some of the finest HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 115 agricultural land of the region. On the Iowa side of the valley the upland presents abrupt bluffs, steep as the materials of which they are composed will stand, and from one hundred to nearly two hundred feet high above the stream. At rare intervals, about fifteen miles from its mouth, the cretaceous strata are found exposed in the face of the bluffs of the Iowa side. No other strata are exposed along that part of the valley which borders our State, with the single exception of Sioux quartzite at its extreme northwestern corner. Some good mill sites may be secured along that portion of this river which borders Lyon County, but below this the fall will probably be found insufficient and the location for dams insecure. Missouri River. — This is one of the muddiest streams on the globe, and its waters are known to be very turbid far toward its source. The chief pecul- iarity of this river is its broad flood plains, and its adjacent bluff deposits. Much the greater part of the flood plain of this river is upon the Iowa side, and continuous from the south boundary line of the State to Sioux City, a distance of more than one hundred miles in length, varying from three to five miles in width. This alluvial plain is estimated to contain more than half a million acres of land within the State, upward of four hundred thousand of which are now tillable. The rivers of the eastern system of drainage have quite a different character from those of the western, system. They are larger, longer and have their val- leys modified to a much greater extent by the underlying strata. For the lat- ter reason, water-power is much more abundant upon them than upon the streams of the western system. Des 3Ioines River. — This river has its source in Minnesota, but it enters Iowa before it has attained any size, and flows almost centrally through it from northwest to southeast, emptying into the Mississippi at the extreme southeast- ern corner of the State. It drains a greater area than any river within the State. The upper portion of it is divided into two branches known as the east and west forks. These unite in Humboldt County. The valleys of these branches above their confluence are drift- valleys, except a few small exposures of subcarboniferous limestone about five miles above their confluence. These exposures produce several small mill-sites. The valleys vary from a few hun- dred yards to half a mile in width, and are the finest agricultural lands. In the northern part of Webster County, the character of the main valley is modified by the presence of ledges and low cliffs of the subcarboniferous limestone and gypsum. From a point a little below Fort Dodge to near Amsterdam, in Ma- rion County, the river runs all the way through and upon the lower coal-meas ure strata. Along this part of its course the flood-plain varies from an eighth to half a mile or more in width. From Amsterdam to Ottumwa the subcarbon- iferous limestone appears at intervals in the valley sides. Near Ottumwa, the sub- carboniferous rocks pass beneath the liver again, bringing down the coal-measure strata into its bed ; but they rise again from it in the extreme northwestern part 116 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. of Van Buren County, and subcarboniferous strata resume and keep their place along the valley to the north of the river. From Fort Dodge to the northern part of Lee County, the strata of the lower coal measures are present in the valley. Its flood plain is frequently sandy, from the debris of the sandstone and sandy shales of the coal measures produced by their removal in the process of the formation of the valley. The principal tributaries of the Des Moines are upon the western side. These are the Raccoon and the three rivers, viz.: South, Middle and North Riv- ers. The three latter have their source in the region occupied by the upper coal-measure limestone formation, flow eastward over the middle coal measures, and enter the valley of the Des Moines upon the lower coal measures. These streams, especially South and Middle Rivers, are frequently bordered by high, rocky cliffs. Raccoon River has its source upon the heavy surface deposits of the middle region of Western Iowa, and along the greater part of its course it has excavated its valley out those deposits and the middle coal measures alone. The valley of the Des Moines and its branches are destined to become the seat of extensive manufactures in consequence of the numerous mill sites of immense power, and the fact that the main valley traverses the entire length of the Iowa coal fields. Skunk River. — This river has its source in Hamilton County, and runs almost its entire course upon the border of the outcrop of the lower coal meas- ures, or, more properly speaking, upon the subcarboniferous limestone, just where it begins to pass beneath the coal measures by its southerly and westerly dip. Its general course is southeast. From the western part of Henry County, up as far as Story County, the broad, flat flood plain is covered with a rich deep clay soil, which, in time of long-continued rains and overflows of the river, has made the valley of Skunk River a terror to travelers from the earliest settle- ment of the country. There are some excellent mill sites on the lower half of this river, but they are not so numerous or valuable as on other rivers of the eastern system. Iowa River. — This river rises in Hancock County, in the midst of a broad, slightly undulating drift region. The first rock exposure is that of subcarbon- iferous limestone, in the southwestern corner of Franklin County. It enters the region of the Devonian strata near the southwestern corner of Benton County, and in this it continues to its confluence with the Cedar in Louisa County. Below the junction with the Cedar, and for some miles above that point, its valley is broad, and especially on the northern side, with a well marked flood plain. Its borders gradually blend with the uplands as they slope away m the distance from the river. The Iowa furnishes numerous and valua- ble mill sites. Cedar River. — This stream is usually understood to be a branch of the Iowa, but it ought, really, to be regarded as the main stream. It rises by numerous branches in the northern part of the State, and flows the entire length HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 117 of the State, through the region occupied by the Devonian strata and along the trend occupied by that formation. The valley of this river, in the upper part of its course, is narrow, and the sides slope so gently as to scarcely show Avhere the lowlands end and the up- lands begin. BeloAV the confluence with the Shell Rock, the flood plain is more distinctly marked and the valley broad and shallow. The valley of the Cedar is one of the finest regions in the State, and both the main stream and its branches afford abundant and reliable mill sites. Wapsipinnicon River. — This river has its source near the source of the Cedar, and runs parallel and near it almost its entire course, the upper half upon the same formation — the Devonian. In the northeastern part of Linn County, it enters the region of the Niagara limestone, upon which it continues to the Mississippi. It is one hundred miles long, and yet the area of its drain- age is only from twelve to twenty miles in width. Hence, its numerous mill sites are unusually secure. Turkey River. — This river and the Upper Iowa are, in many respects, un- like other Iowa rivers. The diff'erence is due to the great depth they have eroded their valleys and the different character of the material through which they have eroded. Turkey River rises in Howard County, and in Winnesheik County, a few miles from its source, its valley has attained a depth of more than two hundred feet, and in Fayette and Clayton Counties its depth is increased to three and four hundred feet. The summit of the uplands, bordering nearly the whole length of the valley, is capped by the Maquoketa shales. These shales are underlaid by the Galena limestone, between two and three hundred feet thick. The valley has been eroded through these, and runs upon the Trenton limestone. Thus, all the formations along and within this valley are Lower Silurian. The valley is usually narrow, and without a well-marked flood plain. Water power is abundant, but in most places inaccessible. Upper Iowa River. — This river rises in Minnesota, just beyond the north- ern boundary line, and enters our State in Howard County before it has attained any considerable size. Its course is nearly eastward until it reaches the Mis- sissippi. It rises in the region of the Devonian rocks, and flows across the out- crops, respectively, of the Niagara, Galena and Trenton limestone, the lower magnesian limestone and Potsdam sandstone, into and through all of which, except the last, it has cut its valley, which is the deepest of any in Iowa. The valley sides are, almost everywhere, high and steep, and cliffs of lower magne- sian and Trenton limestone give them a wild and rugged aspect. In the lower part of the valley, the flood plain reaches a width sufficient for the location of small farms, but usually it is too narrow for such purposes. On the higher surface, however, as soon as you leave the valley you come immediately upon a cultivated country. This stream has the greatest slope per mile of any in Iowa, consequently it furnishes immense water power. In some places, where creeks come into it, the valley wiilens and affords good locations for farms. The town 118 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. of Decorah, in Winnesheik County, is located in one of these spots, which makes it a lovely location ; and the power of the river and the small spring streams around it offer fine facilities for manufacturing. This river and its tributaries are the only trout streams in Iowa. Mississippi River. — This river may be described, in general terms, as a broad canal cut out of the general level of the country through which the river flows. It is bordered by abrupt hills or bluffs. The bottom of the valley ranges from one to eight miles in width. The whole space between the bluffs is occupied by the river and its bottom, or flood plain only, if we except the occasional terraces or remains of ancient flood plains, which are not now reached by the highest floods of the river. The river itself is from half a mile to nearly a mile in width. There are but four points along the whole length of the State where the bluffs approach the stream on both sides. The Lower Silurian formations com- pose the bluffs in the northern part of the State, but they gradually disappear by a southerly dip, and the bluffs are continued successively by the Upper Silurian, Devonian, and subcarboniferous rocks, which are reached near the southeastern corner of the State. Considered in their relation to the present general surface of the state, the relative ages of the river valley of Iowa date back only to the close of the glacial epoch ; but that the Mississippi, and all the rivers of Northeastern Iowa, if no others, had at least a large part of the rocky portions of their valleys eroded by pre-glacial, or perhaps even by palaeozoic rivers, can scarcely be doubted. LAKES. The lakes of Iowa may be properly divided into two distinct classes. The first may be called drift lakes., having had their origin in the depressions left in the surface of the drift at the close of the glacial epoch, and have rested upon the undisturbed surface of the drift deposit ever since the glaciers disappeared. The others may be properly ierxaQdi fluvatile or alluviallakes, because they have had their origin by the action of rivers while cutting their own valleys out from the surface of the drift as it existed at the close of the glacial epoch, and are now found resting upon the alluvium, as the others rest upon the drift. By the term alluvium is meant the deposit which has accumulated in the valleys of rivers by the action of their own currents. It is largely composed of sand and other coarse material, and upon that deposit are some of tlie best and most productive soils in the State. It is this deposit which form the flood plains and deltas of our rivers, as well as the terraces of their valleys. The regions to which the drift lakes are principally confined are near the head waters of the principal streams of the State. We consequently find them in those regions which lie between the Cedar and Des Moines Rivers, and the Des Moines and Little Sioux. No drift lakes are found in Southern Iowa. The largest of the lakes to be found in the State are Spirit and Okoboji, in HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 119 Dickinson County ; Clear Lake, in Cerro Gordo County ; and Storm Lake, in Bunea Yista County. Spirit Lake. — The width and length of this lake are about equal , and it contains about twelve square miles of surface, its northern border resting directly on the boundary of the State. It lies almost directly upon the great watershed. Its shores are mostly gravelly, and the country about it fertile. Okohoji Lake. — This body of water lies directly south of Spirit Lake, and has somewhat the shape of a horse-shoe, with its eastern projection within a few rods of Spirit Lake, where it receives the outlet of the latter. Okoboji Lake extends about five miles southward from Spirit Lake, thence about the same distance westward, and then bends northward about as far as the eastern projec- tion. The eastern portion is narrow, but the western is larger, and in some places a hundred feet deep. The surroundings of this and Spirit Lake are very pleasant. Fish are abundant in them, and they are the resort of myriads of water fowl. Clear Lake. — This lake is situated in Cerro Gordo County, upon the watershed between the Iowa and Cedar Rivers. It is about five miles long, and two or three miles wide, and has a maximum depth of only fifteen feet. Its shores and the country around it are like that of Spirit Lake. Storm Lake. — This body of water rests upon the great water shed in Buena Vista County. It is a clear, beautiful sheet of water, containing a surface area of between four and five square miles. The outlets of all these drift-lakes are dry during a portion of the year, ex- cept Okoboji. Walled Lakes. — Along the water sheds of Northern Iowa great numbers of small lakes exist, varying from half a mile to a mile in diameter. One of the lakes in Wright County, and another in Sac, have each received the name of " Walled Lake," on account of the existence of embankments on their borders, which are supposed to be the work of ancient inhabitants. These embankments are from two to ten feet in height, and from five to thirty feet across. They are the result of natural causes alone, being referable to the periodic action of ice, aided, to some extent, by the force of the waves. These lakes are very shallow, and in winter freeze to the bottom, so that but little unfrozen water remains in the middle. The ice freezes fast to everything upon the bottom, and the expansive power of the water in freezing acts in all directions from the center to the cir- cumference, and whatever was on the bottom of the lake has been thus carried to the shore, and this has been going on from year to year, from century to century, forming the emba.nkments which have caused so much wonder. SPRINGS. Springs issue from all formations, and from the sides of almost every vallev, but they are more numerous, and assume proportions which give rise to the name of sink-holes, along the upland borders of the Upp6r Iowa River, ov,'ing 120 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. to the peculiar fissured and laminated character and great thickness of the strata of the age of the Trenton limestone which underlies the whole region of the valley of that stream. No mineral springs, properly so called, have yet been discovered in Iowa, though the water of several artesian wells is frequently found charged with soluble mineral substances. ORIGIN OF THE PRAIRIES. It is estimated that seven-eighths of the surface of the State was prairie when first settled. They are not confined to level surfaces, nor to any partic- ular variety of soil, for within the State they rest upon all formations, from those of the Azoic to those of the Cretaceous age, inclusive. Whatever may have been their origin, their present existence in Iowa is not due to the influ- ence of climate, nor the soil, nor any of the underlying formations. The real cause is the prevalence of the annual fires. If these had been prevented fifty years ago, Iowa would now be a timbered country. The encroachment of forest trees upon prairie farms as soon as the bordering woodland is protected from the annual prairie fires, is well known to farmers throughout the State. The soil of Iowa is justly famous for its fertility, and there is probably no equal area of the earth's surfiice that contains so little untillable land, or whose soil has so high an average of fertility. Ninety-five per cent, of its surface is tillable land. GEOLOGY. The soil of Iowa may be separated into three general divisions, which not only possess different physical characters, but also differ in the mode of their origin. These are drift, bluff and alluvial, and belong respectively to the deposits bearing the same names. The drift occupies a much larger part of the surface of the State than both the others. The bluff has the next greatest area of surface, and the alluvial least. All soil is disintegrated rock. Tlie drift deposit of Iowa was derived, to a considerable extent, from the rocks of Minnesota ; but the greater part of Iowa drift was derived from its own rocks, much of which has been transported but a short distance. In general terms the constant component element of the drift soil is that portion Avhich was transported from the north, while the inconstant elements are those portions which were derived from the adjacent or underlying strata. For example, in Western Iowa, wherever that cretaceous formation known as the Nishnabotany sandstone exists, the soil contains more sand than elsewhere. The same may be said of the soil of some parts of the State occu- pied by the lower coal measures, the sandstones and sandy shales of that forma- tion furnishing the sand. In Northern and Northwestern Iowa, the drift contains more sand and gravel than elsewhere. This sand and gravel was, doubtless, derived from the HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA 121 cretaceous rocks that now do, or formerly did, exist there, and also in part from the conglomerate and pudding-stone beds of the Sioux quartzite. In Southern Iowa, the soil is frequently stiff and clayey. This preponder- ating clay is doubtless derived from the clayey and shaly beds which alternate with the limestones of that region. The bluff soil is that which rests upon, and constitutes a part of, the bluff deposit. It is found only in the western part of the State, and adjacent to the Missouri River. Although it contains less than one per cent, of clay in its composition, it is in no respect inferior to the best drift soil. The alluvial soil is that of the flood plains of the river valleys, or bottom lands. That which is periodically flooded by the rivers is of little value for agricultural purposes ; but a large part of it is entirely above the reach of the highest floods, and is very productive. The stratified rocks of Iowa range from the Azoic to the Mesozoic, inclu- sive ; but the greater portion of the surface of the State is occupied by those of the Palaeozoic age. The table below will show each of these formations in their order : SYSTEMS. AGES. GROaPS. PERIODS. FORMATIONS. EPOCHS. THICKNESS. IN FEET. f Post Tertiary ( Lower Cretaceous. ■! Coal Measures. -| Subcarboniferous. J I [ ^amilfon 'Niagara 'Cincinnati Trenton. -j Primordial. -1 luronian Drift 10 to 200 Cretaceous Inocerumous bed 50 Wbodbvi'i/ Sandstone and Shales 130 N^ishnabotany Sandstone 100 Upper Coal Measures 200 Middle Coal Measures 200 Lower Coal Measures 200 Carboniferous St. Louis Limestone 75 Keokuk Limestone Burlington Limestone 90 196 Kinderhook beds 175 Devonian 200 Upper Silurian Niagara Limestone 350 Maquoketa Shales 80 Galena Limestone 250 Trenton Limestone 200 Lower Silurian St. Peter's Sandstone 80 Lower Magnesian Limestone 250 Potsdam Sandstone 300 Azoic Sioux Quartzite 50 THE AZOIC SYSTEM. The Sioux quartzite is found exposed in natural ledges only upon a few acres in the extreme northwest corner of the State, upon the banks of the Big Sioux River, for which rea.son the specific name of Sioux Quartzite has been given them. It is an intensely hard rock, breaks in splintery fracture, and a color varying, in different localities, from a light to deep red. The process of metamorphism has been so complete throughout the whole formation that the rock is almost everywhere of uniform texture. The dip is four or five degrees to the northward, and the trend of the outcrop is eastward and westward. This 122 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. rock may be quarried in a few rare cases, but usually it cannot be secured in dry forms except that into which it naturally cracks, and the tendency is to angular pieces. It is absolutely indestructible. LOWER SILURIAN SYSTEM. PKIMORDIAL GROUP. Potsdam Sandstone. — This formation is exposed only in a small portion of the northeastern portion of the State. It is only to be seen in the bases of the bluffs and steep valley sides which border the river there. It may be seen underlying the lower magnesian limestone, St. Peter s sandstone and Trenton limestone, in their regular order, along the bluffs of the Mississippi from the northern boundary of the State as far south as Guttenburg, along the Upper Iowa for a distance of about twenty miles from its mouth, and along a few of the streams which empty into the Mississippi in Allamakee County. It is nearly valueless for economic purposes. No fossils have been discovered in this formation in Iowa. Lower Magnesium Limestone. — This formation has but little greater geo- graphical extent in Iowa than the Potsdam sandstone. It lacks a uniformity of texture and stratification, owing to which it is not generally valuable for building purposes. The only fossils found in this formation in Iowa are a few traces of crinoids^ near McGregor. St. Peter s Sandstone. — This formation is remarkably uniform in thickness throughout its known geographical extent ; and it is evident it occupies a large portion of the northern half of Allamakee County, immediately beneath the drift. TKENTON GROUP. Trenton Limestone. — With the exception of this, all the limestones of both Upper and Lower Silurian age in Iowa are magnesian limestones — nearly pure dolomites. This formation occupies large portions of Winnesheik and Alla- makee Counties and a portion of Clayton. The greater part of it is useless for economic purposes, yet there are in some places compact and evenly bedded layers, which afford fine material for window caps and sills. In this formation, fossils are abundant, so much so that, in some places, the rock is made up of a mass of shells, corals and fragments of tribolites, cemented by calcareous material into a solid rock. Some of these fossils are new to science and peculiar to Iowa. The Galena Limestone. — This is the upper formation of the Trenton group* It seldom exceeds twelve miles in width, although it is fully one hundred and fifty miles long. The outcrop traverses portions of the counties of Howard, Winnesheik, Allamakee, Fayette, Clayton, Dubuque and Jackson. It exhibits its greatest development in Dubuque County. It is nearly a pure dolomite, with a slight admixture of silicious matter. It is usually unfit for dressing, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 123 though sometimes near the top of the bed good blocks for dressing are found. This 'formation is the source of the lead ore of the Dubuque lead mines. The lead region proper is confined to an area of about fifteen miles square in the vicinity of Dubuque. The ore occurs in vertical fissures, which traverse the rock at regular intervals from east to west ; some is found in those which have a north and south direction. The ore is mostly that known as Galena, or sul- phuret of lead, very small quantities only of the carbonate being found with it. CINCINNATI GROUP. Maquoketa Shales. — The surface occupied by this formation is singularly long and narrow, seldom reaching more than a mile or two in width, but more than a hundred miles in length. Its most southerly exposure is in the bluffs of the Mississippi near Bellevue, in Jackson County, and the most northerly yet recognized is in the western part of Winnesheik County. The whole formation is largely composed of bluish and brownish shales, sometimes slightly arena- ceous, sometimes calcareous, which weather into a tenacious clay upon the sur- face, and the soil derived from it is usually stiff and clayey. Its economic value is very slight. Several species of fossils which characterize the Cincinnati group are found in the Maquoketa shales ; but they contain a larger number that have been found anywhere else than in these shales in Iowa, and their distinct faunal char- acteristics seem to warrant the separation of the Maquoketa shales as a distinct formation from any others of the group. UPPER SILURIAN SYSTEM. NIAGARA G^OUP. Niagara Limestone. — The area occupied by the Niagara limestone is nearly^ one hundred and sixty miles long from north to south, and forty and fifty miles wide. This formation is entirely a magnesian limestone, with in some places a con- siderable proportion of silicious matter in the form of chert or coarse flint. A large part of it is evenly bedded, and probably affords the best and greatest amount of quarry rock in the State. The quarries at Anamosa, LeClaire and Farley are all opened in this formation. DEVONIAN SYSTEM. HAMILTON GROUP. Hamilton Limestone. — The area of surface occupied by the Hamilton lime- stone and shales is fully as great as those by all the formations of both Upper and Lower Silurian age in the StatCj It is nearly two hundred miles long and from forty to fifty miles broad. The general trend is northwestward and south- eastwsMrd. Although a large part of the material of this formation is practically quite "Worthless, yet other portions are valuable for economic purposes ; and having a 124 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. large geographical extent in the State, is one of the most important formations, in a practical point of view. At Waverly, Bremer County, its value for the production of hydraulic lime has been practically demonstrated. The heavier and more uniform magnesian beds furnish material for bridge piers and other material requiring strength and durability. All the Devonian strata of Iowa evidently belong to a single epoch, and re- ferable to the Hamilton, as recognized by New York geologists. The most conspicuous and characteristic fossils of this formation are bra- chiopod, mollusks and corals. The coral Acervularia Davidson! occurs near Iowa City, and is known as " Iowa City Marble," and " bird's-eye marble." CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. Of the three groups of formations that constitute the carboniferous system, viz., the subcarboniferous, coal measures and permian, only the first two are found in Iowa. SUBCARBONIFEROUS GROUP. The area of the surface occupied by this group is very large. Its eastern border passes from the northeastern part of Winnebago County, with consider- able directness in a southeasterly direction to the northern part of Washington County. Here it makes a broad and direct bend nearly eastward, striking the Mississippi River at Muscatine. The southern and western boundary is to a considerable extent the same as that which separates it from the coal field. From the southern part of Pocahontas County it passes southeast to Fort Dodge, thence to Webster City, thence to a point three or four miles northeast of El- dora, in Hardin County, thence southward to the middle of the north line of Jasper County, thence southeastward to Sigourney, in Keokuk County, thenoe to the northeastern corner of Jefferson County, thence sweeping a few miles eastward to the southeast corner of Van Buren County. Its area is nearly two hundred and fifty miles long, and from twenty to fifty miles wide. The Kinderhook Beds. — The most southerly exposure of these beds is near the mouth of Skunk River, in Des Moines County. The most northerly now known is in the eastern part of Pocahontas County, more than two hundred miles distant. The principal exposures of this formation are along the bluffs which border the Mississippi and Skunk Rivers, where they form the eastern and northern boundary of Des Moines County, along English River, in Wash- ington County ; along the Iowa River, in Tama, Marshall, Hamlin and Frank- lin Counties ; and along the Des Moines River, in Humboldt County. The economic value of this formation is very considerable, particularly in the northern portion of the region it occupies. In Pocahontas and Humboldt Counties it is almost invaluable, as no other stone except a few boulders are found here. At Iowa Falls the lower division is very good for building pur- poses. In Marshall County all the limestone to be obtained comes from this formation, and the quarries near LeGrand are very valuable. At this point HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 125 some of the layers are finely veined with peroxide of iron, and are wrought into ornamental and useful objects. In Tama County, the oolitic member is well exposed, where it is manufac- tured into lime. It is not valuable for building, as upon exposure to atmosphere and frost, it crumbles to pieces. The remains of fishes are the only fossils yet discovered in this formation that can be referred to the sub- kingdom vertebrata ; and so far as yet recog- nized, they all belong to the order selachians. Of ARTICULATES, only two species have been recognized, both of which Iselong to the genus j) hill ipsia. The sub-kingdom mollusca is largely represented. The EADIATA are represented by a few crinoids, usually found in a very im- perfect condition. The sub-kingdom is also represented by corals. The prominent feature in the life of this epoch was molluscan ; so much so in fact as to overshadow all other branches of the animal kingdom. The j^re- vailing classes are : lamellihranchiates, in the more arenaceous portions; and brachiopods, in the more calcareous portions. No remains of vegetation have been detected in any of the strata of this formation. The Burlington Limestone. — This formation consists of two distinct calca- reous divisions, which are separated by a series of silicious beds. Both divi- sions are eminently crinoidal. Tlie southerly dip of the Iowa rocks carries the Burlington limestone down, so that it is seen for the last time in this State in the valley of Skunk River, near the southern boundary of Des Moines County. The most northerly point at which it has been recognized is in the northern part of Washington County. It probably exists as far north as Marshall County. This formation affords much valuable material for economic purposes. The upper division furnishes excellent common quarry rock. The great abundance and variety of its fossils — crinoids — now known to be more tlian three hundred, have justly attracted the attention of geologists in all parts of the world. Tlie only remains of vertebrates discovered in this formation are those of fishes, and consist of teeth and spines ; bone of bony fishes, like those most common at the present day, are found in these rocks. On Buffington Creek, in Louisa County, is a stratum in an exposure so fully charged with these remains that it might with propriety be called bone breccia. Remains of articulates are rare in this formation. So fiir as yet discovered, they are confined to two species of tribolites of the genus pldllipsia. Fossil shells are very common. The two lowest classes of the sub-kingdom radiata are represented in the genera zaphrentis, amplexus and syringapora, while the highest class — echino- derms — are found in most extraordinary profusion. 126 HISTORY OF THE STATE OP IOWA. The Keokuk Limestone. — It is only in the four counties of Lee, Van Buren, Henry and Des Moines that this formation is to be seen. In some localities the upper silicious portion of this formation is known as the Geode bed. It is not recognizable in the northern portion of the formation,, nor in connection with it where it is exposed, about eighty miles below Keokuk. The geodes of the Geode bed are more or less spherical masses of silex, usually hollow and lined with crystals of quartz. The outer crust is rough and unsightly, but the crystals which stud the interior are often very beautiful. They vary in size from the size of a walnut to a foot in diameter. The economic value of this formation is very great. Large quantities of its stone have been used in the finest structures in the State, among which are the post offices at Dubuque and Des Moines. The principal quarries are along the banks of the Mississippi, from Keokuk to Nauvoo. The only vertebrate fossils found in the formation are fishes, all belonging to the order selachians, some of which indicate that their owners reached a. length of twenty-five or thirty feet. Of the articulates, only two species of the genus phillipsia have been found in this formation. Of the mollusks, no cephalopods have yet been recognized in this formation in this State ; gasteropods are rare ; brachiopods and polyzoans are quite abundant. Of radiates, corals of genera zaphrentes, amplexus and aulopera are found^ but crinoids are most abundant. Of the low forms of animal life, the protozoans, a small fossil related to the sponges, is found in this formation in small numbers. The St. Louis Limestone. — This is the uppermost of the subcarboniferous group in Iowa. The superficial area it occupies is comparatively small, because it consists of long, narrow strips, yet its exten^, is very great. It is first seen resting on the geode division of the Keokuk limestone, near Keokuk. Pro- ceeding northward, it forms a narrow border along the edge of the coal fields in Lee, Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Washington, Keokuk and Mahaska Counties. It is then lost sight of until it appears again in the banks of Boone River, where it again passes out of view under the coal measures until it is next seen in the banks of the Des Moines, near Fort Dodge. As it exists in Iowa, it consists of three tolerably distinct subdivisions — the magnesian, arena- ceous and calcareous. The upper division furnishes excellent material for quicklime, and when quarries are well opened, as in the northwestern part of Van Buren County, large blocks are obtained. The sandstone, or middle division, is of little economic value. The lower or magnesian division furnishes a valuable and durable stone, exposures of which are found on Lick Creek, in Van Buren County, and on Long Creek, seven miles west of Burlington. Of the fossils of this formation, the vertebrates are represented only by the remains of fish, belonging to the two orders, selachians and ganoids. The HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 127 articulates are represented by one species of the trilobite, genus pMUipsia, and two ostracoid, genera, cythre and beyricia. The mollusks distinguish this formation more than any other branch of the animal kingdom. Radiates are exceedingly rare, showing a marked contrast between this formation and the two preceding it. The rocks of the subcarboniferous period have in other countries, and in other parts of our own country, furnished valuable minerals, and even coal, but in Iowa the economic value is confined to its stone alone. The Lower Silurian, Upper Silurian and Devonian rocks of Iowa are largely composed of limestone. Magnesia also enters largely into the subcarbon- iferous group. With the completion of the St. Louis limestone, the production of the magnesian limestone seems to have ceased among the rocks of Iowa. Although the Devonian age has been called the age of fishes, yet so far as Iowa is concerned, the rocks of no period can compare with the subcarbon- iferous in the abundance and variety of the fish remains, and, for this reason, the Burlington and Keokuk limestones will in the future become more famous among geologists, perhaps, than any other formations in North America. It will be seen that the Chester limestone is omitted from the subcarbon- iferous group, and which completes the full geological series. It is probable the ijvhole surface of Iowa was above the sea during the time of the formation of the Chester limestone to the southward about one hundred miles. At the close of the epoch of the Chester limestone, the shallow seas in which the lower coal measures were formed again occupied the land, extending almost as far north as that sea had done in which the Kinderhook beds were formed, and to the northeastward its deposits extended beyond the subcarbon- iferous groups, outlines of which are found upon the next, or Devonian rock. THE COAL-MEASURE GROUP. The coal-measure group of Iowa is properly divided into three formations, viz., the lower, middle and upper coal measures, each having a vertical thick- ness of about two hundred feet. A line drawn upon the map of Iowa as follows, will represent the eastern and northern boundaries of the coal fields of the State : Commencinof at the southeast corner of Van Buren County, carry the line to the northeast corner of Jefferson County by a slight easterly curve through the western portions of Lee and Henry Counties. Produce this line until it reaches a point six or eight miles northward from the one last named, and then carry it northwest- ward, keeping it at about the same distance to the northward of Skunk River and its north branch that it had at first, until it reaches the southern boundary of Marshall County, a little west of its center. Then carry it to a point 128 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. three or four miles northeast from Eldora, in Hardin County ; thence west- ward to a point a little north of Webster City, in Hamilton County ; and thence further westward to a point a little north of Fort Dodge, in Webster County. Loiver Coal Measures. — In consequence of the recedence to the southward of the borders of the middle and upper coal measures, the lower coal measures alone exist to the eastward and northward of Des Moines River. They also occupy a large area westward and southward of that river, but their southerly dip passes them below the middle coal measures at no great distance from the river. No other formation in the Avhole State possesses the economic value of the lower coal measures. The clay that underlies almost every bed of coal furnishes a large amount of material for potters' use. The sandstone of these measures is usually soft and unfit, but in some places, as near Red Rock, in Marion County, blocks of large dimensions are obtained which make good building material, samples of which can be seen in the State Arsenal, at Des Moines. On the whole, that portion of the State occupied by the lower coal measures, is not well supplied with stone. But few fossils have been found in any of the strata of the lower coal meas- ures, but such animal remains as have been found are without exception of marine origin. Of fossil plants found in these measures, all probably belong to the -class acrogens. Specimens of calamites, and several species of ferns, are found in all of the coal measures, but the genus lepidodendroti seems not to have existed later than the epoch of the middle coal measures. Middle Coal Measures. — This formation within the State of Iowa occupies a narrow belt of territory in the southern central portion of the State, embrac- ing a superficial area of about fourteen hundred square miles. The counties more or less underlaid by this formation are Guthrie, Dallas, Polk, Madison, Warren, Clarke, Lucas, INIonroe, Wayne and Appanoose. This formation is composed of alternating beds of clay, sandstone and lime- stone, the clays or shales constituting the bulk of the formation, the limestone occurring in their bands, the lithological peculiarities of which offer many con- trasts to the limestones of the upper and lower coal measures. The formation is also characterized by regular wave-like undulations, with a parallelism which indicates a widespread disturbance, though no dislocation of the strata have been discovered. Generally speaking, few species of fossils occur in these beds. Some of the shales and sandstone have afforded a few imperfectly preserved land plants — three or four species of ferns, belonging to the genera. Some of the carbonif- erous shales afford beautiful specimens of what appear to have been sea-weeds. Radiates are represented by corals. The mollusks are most numerously repre- sented. Trilohites and ostracoids are the onlv remains known of articulates. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 129 Vertebrates are only known by the remains of salachians, or sharks, and ganoids. Upper Coal Measures. — The area occupied by this formation in Iowa is very great, comprising thirteen whole counties, in the southwestern part of the State. It adjoins by its northern and eastern boundaries the area occupied by the middle coal measures. The prominent lithological features of this formation are its limestones, yet it contains a considerabl _' proportion of shales and sandstones. Although it is known by the name of upper coal measures, it contains but a single bed of coal, and that only about twenty inches in maximum thickness. The limestone exposed in this formation furnishes good material for building as in Madison and Fremont Counties. The sandstones are quite worthless. No beds of clay for potter's use are found in the whole formation. The fossils in this formation are much more numerous than in either the middle or lower coal measures. The vertebrates are represented by the fishes of the orders selachians and ganoids. The articulates are represented by the trilobites and ostracoids. Mollusks are represented by the classes cephalapoda, gasteropoda, lamelli, branchiata, brachiapoda and polyzoa. Radiates are more numerous than in the lower and middle coal measures. Protogoans are repre- sented in the greatest abundance, some layers of limestone being almost entirely composed of their small fusiform shells. CRETACEOUS SYSTEM. There being no rocks, in Iowa, of permian, triassic or Jurassic age, the next strata in the geological series are of the cretaceous age. They are found in the western half of the State, and do not dip, as do all the other formations upon which they rest, to the southward and westward, but have a general dip of their own to the north of westward, which, however, is very slight. Although the actual exposures of cretaceous rocks are few in Iowa, there is reason to believe that nearly all the western half of the State was originally occupied by them ; but being very friable, they have beer^ removed by denuda- tion, which has taken place at two separate periods. The first period was during its elevation from the cretaceous sea, and during the long tertiary age that passed between the time of that elevation and the commencement of the glacial epoch. The second period was during the glacial epoch, when the ice produced their entire removal over considerable areas. It is difl5cult to indicate the exact boundaries of these rocks ; the following will approximate the outlines of the area : From the northeast corner to the southwest corner of Kossuth County ; thence to the southeast corner of Guthrie County; thence to the southeast cornex of Cass County ; thence to the middle of the south boundary of Mont- gomery County ; thence to the middle of the north boundary of Pottawattamie County ; thence to the middle of the south boundary of Woodbury County ; 1.30 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. thence to Sergeant's bluffs ; up the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers to the northwest corner of the State ; eastward along the State line to the place of beginning. All the cretaceous rocks in Iowa are a part of the same deposits farther up the Missouri River, and in reality form their eastern boundary. Nishnahotany Sandstone. — This rock has the most easterly and southerly extent of the cretaceous deposits of Iowa, reaching the southeastern part of Guthrie County and the southern part of Montgomery County. To the north- ward, it passes beneath the Woodbury sandstones and shales, the latter passing beneath the inoceramus, or chalky, beds. This sandstone is, with few excep- tions, almost valueless for economic purposes. The only fossils found in this formation are a few fragments of angiosper- mous leaves. Woodbury Sandstones and Shales. — These strata rest upon the Nishna- hotany sandstone, and have not been observed outside of Woodbury County, hence their name. Their principal exposure is at Sergeant's Bluffs, seven miles below Sioux City. This rock has no value except for purposes of common masonry. Fossil remains are rare. Detached scales of a lepidoginoid species have been detected, but no other vertebrate remains. Of remains of vegetation, leaves of salix meekii and sassafras cretaceum have been occasionally found. Inoceramus Beds. — These beds rest upon the Woodbury sandstones and shales. They have not been observed in Iowa, except in the bluffs which border the Big Sioux River in Woodbury and Plymouth Counties. They are composed almost entirely of calcareous material, the upper portion of which is extensively used for lime. No building material is to be obtained from these beds ; and the only value they possess, except lime, are the marls, which at some time may be useful on the soil of the adjacent region. The only vertebrate remains found in the cretaceous rocks are the fishes. Tbose in the inoceramus beds of Iowa are two species of squoloid selachians, or cestratront, and three genera of teliosts. Molluscan remains are rare. PEAT. Extensive beds of peat exist in Northern Middle Iowa, which, it is esti- mated, contain the following areas : Counties. Acres. Cerro Gordo 1,500 Worth 2,000 Winnebago 2,000 Hancock 1,500 Wright 500 Kossuth 700 Dickinson 80 Several other counties contain peat beds, but the character of the peat is inferior to that in the northern part of the State. The character of the peat HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 131 named is equal to that of Ireland. The beds are of an average depth of four feet. It is estimated that each acre of these beds will furnish two hundred and fifty tons of dry fuel for each foot in depth. At present, owing to the sparse- ness of the population, this peat is not utilized ; but, owing to its great distance from the coal fields and the absence of timber, the time is coming when their value will be realized, and the fact demonstrated that Nature has abundantly compensated the deficiency of other fuel. GYPSUM. The only deposits of the sulphates of the alkaline earths of any economic value in Iowa are those of gypsum at and in the vicinity of Fort Dodge, in Webster County. All others are small and unimportant. The deposit occupies a nearly central position in Webster County, the Des Moines River running nearly centrally through it, along the valley sides of which the gypsum is seen in the form of ordinary rock cliff and ledges, and also occurring abundantly in similar positions along both sides of the valleys of the smaller streams and of the numerous ravines coming into the river valley. The most northerly known limit of the deposit is at a point near the mouth of Lizard Creek, a tributary of the Des Moines River, and almost adjoining the tOAvn of Fort Dodge. The most southerly point at which it has been found exposed is about six miles, by way of the river, from this northerly point before mentioned. Our knowledge of the width of the area occupied by it is limited by the exposures seen in the valleys of the small streams and in the ravines which come into the valley within the distance mentioned. As one goes up these ravines and minor valleys, the gypsum becomes lost beneath the over- lying drift. There can be no doubt that the different parts of this deposit, now disconnected by the valleys and ravines having been cut through it, were orig- inally connected as a continuous deposit, and there seems to be as little reason to doubt that the gypsum still extends to considerable distance on each side of the valley of the river beneath the drift which covers the region to a depth of from twenty to sixty feet. The country round about this region has the prairie surface approximating a general level which is so characteristic of the greater part of the State, and which exists irrespective of the character or geological age of the strata beneath, mainly because the drift is so deep and uniformly distributed that it frequently almost alone gives character to the surface. The valley sides of the Des Moines River, in the* vicinity of Fort Dodge, are somewhat abrupt, having a depth there from the general level of tlie upland of about one hundred and seventy feet, and consequently presents somewhat bold and interesting features in the land- scape. As one walks up and down the creeks and ravines which come into the valley of the Des Moines River there, he sees the gypsum exposed on either side of them, jutting out from beneath the drift in the form of 132 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. ledges and bold quarry fronts, having almost the exact appearance of ordinary limestone exposures, so horizontal and regular are its lines of stratification, and so similar in color is it to some varieties of that rock. The principal quarries now opened are on Two Mile Creek, a couple of miles below Fort Dodge. The reader will please bear in mind that the gypsum of this remarkable deposit does not occur in "heaps" or " nests," as it does in most deposits of gypsum in the States farther eastward, but that it exists here in the form of a regularly stratified, continuous formation, as uniform in texture, color and quality throughout the whole region, and from top to bottom of the deposit as the granite of the Quincy quarries is. Its color is a uniform gray, result- ing from alternating fine horizontal lines of nearly white, with similar lines of darker shade. The gypsum of the white lines is almost entirely pure, the darker lines containing the impurity. This is at intervals barely sufficient in amount to cause the separation of the mass upon those lines into beds or layers, thus facilitating the quarrying of it into desired shapes. These bedding sur- faces have occasionally a clayey feeling to the touch, but there is nowhere any intercalation of clay or other foreign substance in a separate form. The deposit is known to reach a thickness of thirty feet at the quarries referred to, but although it will probably be found to exceed this thickness at some other points, at the natural exposures, it is seldom seen to be more than from ten to twenty feet thick. Since the drift is usually seen to rest directly upon the gypsum, with noth- ing intervening, except at a few points where traces appear of an overlying bed of clayey material without doubt of the same age as the gypsum, the latter probably lost something of its thickness by mechanical erosion during the glacial epoch ; and it has, doubtless, also suffered some diminution of thickness since then by solution in the waters which constantly percolate through the drift from the surface. The drift of this region being somewhat clayey, partic- ulary in its lower part, it has doubtless served in some degree as a protection against the diminution of the gypsum by solution in consequence of its partial imperviousness to water. If the gypsum had been covered by a deposit of sand instead of the drift clays, it would have no doubt long since disappeared by being dissolved in the water that would have constantly reached it from the sur- face. Water merely resting upon it would not dissolve it away to any extent, but it rapidly disappears under the action of running water. Where little rills of water at the time of every rain run over the face of an unused quarry, from the surface above it, deep grooves are thereby cut into it, giving it somewhat the appearance of melting ice around a waterfall. The fact that gypsum is now suffering a constant, but, of course, very slight, diminution, is apparent in the fact the springs of the region contain more or less of it in solution in their waters. An analysis of water from one of these springs will be found in Prof. Emery's report. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 133 Besides the clayey beds that are sometimes seen to rest upon the gypsum, there are occasionally others seen beneath them that are also of the same age, and not of the age of the coal-measure strata upon which they rest. Age of the Gyj)sum Deposit. — In neither the gypsum nor the associated clays has any trace of any fossil remains been found, nor has any other indica- tion of its geological age been observed, except that which is afforded by its stratigraphical relations ; and the most that can be said with certainty is that it is newer than the coal measures, and older than the drift. The indications afforded by the stratigraphical relations of the gypsum deposit of Fort Dodge are, however, of considerable value. As already shown, it rests in that region directly and unconformably upon the lower coal measures ; but going southward from there, the whole series of coal-measure strata from the top of the subcarboniferous group to the upper coal measures, inclusive, can be traced without break or unconformability. The strata of the latter also may be traced in the same manner up into the Permian rocks of Kansas; and through this long series, there is no place or horizon which suggests that the gypsum deposit might belong there. Again, no Tertiary deposits are known to exist within or near the borders of Iowa to suggest that the gypsum might be of that age ; nor are any of the palaeozoic strata newer than the subcarboniferous unconformable upon each other as the other gypsum is unconformable upon the strata beneath it. It therefore seems, in a measure, conclusive, that the gypsum is of Mesozoic age, perhaps older than the Cretaceous. Litliological Origin. — As little can be said with certainty concerning the lithological origin of this deposit as can be said concerning its geological age, for it seems to present itself in this relation, as in the former one, as an isolated fact. None of the associated strata show any traces of a double decomposition of pre-existing materials, such as some have supposed all deposits of gypsum to have resulted from. No considerable quantities of oxide of iron nor any trace of native sulphur have been found in connection with it ; nor has any salt been found in the waters of the region. These substances are common in association with other gypsum deposits, and are regarded by some persons as indicative of the method of or resulting from their origin as such. Throughout the whole region, the Fort Dodge gypsum has the exact appearance of a sedimentary deposit. It is arranged in layers like the regular layers of limestone, and the whole mass, from top to bottom, is traced with fine horizontal lamintc of alter- nating white and gray gypsum, parallel with the bedding surfaces of the layers, but the whole so intimately blended as to form a solid mass. The darker lines contain almost all the impurity there is in the gypsum, and that impurity is evidently sedimentary in its character. Frci these facts, and also from the further one that no trace of fossil remains has been detected in the gypsum, it seems not unreasonable to entertain the opinion that the gypsum of Fort Dorlge originated as a chemical precipitation in comparatively still waters whicli were 134 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. saturated with sulphate of lime and destitute of life ; its stratification and impurities being deposited at the same time as clayey impurities which had been held suspended in the same waters. Physical Properties. — Much has already been said of the physical proper- ties or character of this gypsum, but as it is so different in some respects from that of other deposits, there are yet other matters worthy of mention in connec- tion with those. According to the results of a complete and exhaustive anal- ysis by Prof. Emery, the ordinary gray gypsum contains only about eight per cent, of impurity ; and it is possible that the average impurity for the whole deposit will not exceed that proportion, so uniform in quality is it from to top to bottom and from one end of the region to the other. When it is remembered that plaster for agricultural purposes is sometimes prepared from gypsum that contains as much as thirty per cent, of impurity, it will be seen that ours is a very superior article for such purposes. The impu- rities are also of such a character that they do not in anyway interfere with its value for use in the arts. Although the gypsum rock has a gray color, it becomes quite white by grinding, and still whiter by the calcining process nec- essary in the preparation of plaster of Paris. These tests have all been practi- cally made in the rooms of the Geological Survey, and the quality of the plaster of Paris still further tested by actual use and experiment. No hesitation, therefore, is felt in stating that the Fort Dodge gypsum is of as good a quality as any in the country, even for the finest uses. In view of the bounteousness of the primitive fertility of our Iowa soils, many persons forget that a time may come when Nature will refuse to respond so generously to our demand as she does now, without an adequate return. Such are apt to say that this vast deposit of gypsum is valueless to our com- monwealth, except to the small extent that it may be used in the arts. This is undoubtedly a short-sighted view of the subject, for the time is even now rapidly passing away when a man may purchase a new farm for less money than he can re-fertilize and restore the partially wasted primitive fertility of the one he now occupies. There are farms even now in a large part of the older settled portions of the State that would be greatly benefited by the proper application of plaster, and such areas will continue to increase until it will be difiicult to estimate the value of the deposit of gypsum at Fort Dodge. It should be remembered, also, that the inhabitants of an extent of country adjoining our State more than three times as great as its own area will find it more convenient to obtain their supplies from Fort Dodge than from any other source. For want of direct railroad communication between this region and other parts of the State, the only use yet made of the gypsum by the inhabitants is for the purposes of ordinary building stone. It is so compact that it is found to be comparatively unaffected by the frost, and its ordinary situation in walls of houses is such that it is iirotected from the dissolving action of water, which HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 135 can at most reach it only from occasional rains, and the effect of these is too slight to be perceived after the lapse of several years. One of the citizens of Fort Dodge, Hon. John F. Duncombe, built a large, fine residence of it. in 1861, the walls of which appear as unaffected by exposure and as beautiful as they were when first erected. It has been so long and successfully used for building stone by the inhabitants that they now prefer it to the limestone of good quality, which also exists in the immediate vicinity. This preference is due to the cheapness of the gypsum, as compared with the stone. The cheapness of the former is largely due to the facility with which it is quarried and wrought. Several other houses have been constructed of it in Fort Dodge, including the depot building of the Dubuque & Sioux City Rail- road. The company have also constructed a large culvert of the same material to span a creek near the town, limestone only being used for the lower courses, which come in contact with the water. It is a fine arch, each stone of gypsum being nicely hewn, and it will doubtless prove a very durable one. Many of the sidewalks in the town are made of the slabs or flags of gypsum which occur in some of the quarries in the form of thin layers. They are more durable than their softness would lead one to suppose. They also possess an advantage over stone in not becoming slippery Avhen worn. The method adopted in quarrying and dressing the blocks of gypsum is peculiar, and quite unlike that adopted in similar treatment of ordinary stone. Taking a stout auger-bit of an ordinary brace, such as is used by carpenters, and filing the cutting parts of it into a peculiar form, the quarryman bores his holes into the gypsum quarry for blasting, in the same manner and with as great facility as a carpenter would bore hard wood. The pieces being loosened by blasting, they are broken up with sledges into convenient sizes, or hewn into the desired shapes by means of hatchets or ordinary chopping axes, or cut by means of ordinary wood-saws. So little grit does the gypsum contain that these tools, made for working wood, are found to be better adapted for working the former substance than those tools are which are universally used for work- ing stone. MINOR DEPOSITS OF SULPHATE OF LIME. Besides the great gypsum deposit of Fort Dodge, sulphate of lime in the various forms of fibrous gypsum, selenite, and small, amorphous masses, has also been discovered in various formations in different parts of the State, includ- ing the coal -measure shales near Fort Dodge, where it exists in small quanti- ties, quite independently of the great gypsum deposit there. The quantity of gypsum in these minor deposits is always too small to be of any practical value, and frequently minute. They usually occur in shales and shaly clays, asso^ ciated with strata that contain more or less sulphuret of iron (iron pyrites). Gypsum has thus been detected in the coal measures, the St. Louis limestone, the cretaceous strata, and also in the lead caves of Dubuque. In most of these cases it is evidently the result of double decomposition of iron pyrites and car- 136 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. bonate of lime, previously existing there ; in which cases the gypsum is of course not an original deposit as the great one at Fort Dodge is supposed to be. The existence of these comparatively minute quantities of gypsum in the shales of the coal measures and the subcarboniferous limestone which are exposed within the region of and occupy a stratigraphical position beneath the great gypsum deposits, suggests the possibility that the former may have originated as a precipitate from percolating waters, holding gypsum in solution which they had derived from that deposit in passing over or through it. Since, however, the same substance is found in similar smill quantities and under similar con- ditions in regions where they could have had no possible connection with that deposit, it is believed that none of those mentioned have necessarily originated from it, not even those that are found in close proximity to it. The gypsum found in the lead caves is usually in the form of efflorescent fibers, and is always in small quantity. In the lower coal-measure shale near Fort Dodge, a small mass was found in the form of an intercalated layer, which had a distinct fibrous structure, the fibers being perpendicular to the plane of the layer. The same mass had also distinct, horizontal planes of cleavage at right angles with the perpendicular fibers. Thus, being more or less transpa- rent, the mass combined the characters of both fibrous gypsum and selenite. No anhydrous sulphate of lime [anhydrite) has been found in connection with the great gypsum deposit, nor elsewhere in Iowa, so far as yet known. j* | 1 SULPHATE OF STRONTIA. k (^Celes'inc) , The only locality at which this interesting mineral has yet been found in ■ Iowa, or, so far as is known, in the great valley of the Mississippi, is at Fort Dodge. It occurs there in very small quantity in both the shales of the lower coal measures and in the clays that overlie the gypsum deposit, and which are regarded as of the same age with it. The first is just below the city, near Rees' coal bank, and occurs as a layer intercalated among the coal measure shales, amounting in quantity to only a few hundred pounds' weight. The mineral is fibrous and crystalline, the fibers being perpendicular to the plane of the layer. Breaking also with more or less distinct horizontal planes of cleavage, it resem- bles, in physical character, the layer of fibro-crystalline gypsum before men- tioned. Its color is light blue, is transparent and shows crystaline facets upon both the upper and under surfaces of the layer ; those of the upper surface being smallest and most numerous. It breaks up readily into small masses along the lines of the perpendicular fibers or columns. The layer is probably not more than a rod in extent in any direction and about three inches in maxi- mum thickness. Apparent lines of stratification occur in it, corresponding with those of the shales which imbed it. The other deposit was still smaller in amount, and occurred as a mass of crystals imbedded in the clays that overlie the gypsum at Cummins' quarry in HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 137 the valley of Soldier Creek, upon the north side of the town. The mineral is in this case nearly colorless, and but for the form of the separate crystals would closely resemble masses of impure salt. The crystals are so closely aggregated that they enclose but little impurity in the mass, but in almost all cases their fundamental forms are obscured. This mineral has almost no real practical value, and its occurrence, as described, is interesting only as a mineralogical fact. J SULPHATE OF BARYTA. [Baryks, Heavy Spar.) This mineral has been found only in minute quantities in Iowa. It has been detected in the coal-measure shales of Decatur, Madison and Marion Counties, the Devonian limestone of Johnson and Bremer Counties and in the lead caves of Dubuque. In all these cases, it is in the form of crystals or small crystalline masses. SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. [Epsomite.) Epsomite, or native epsom salts, having been discovered near Burlington, •we have thus recognized in Iowa all the sulphates of the alkaline earths of natural origin ; all of them, except the sulphate of lime, being in very small quantity. Even if the sulphate of magnesia were produced in nature, in large quantities, it is so very soluble that it can accumulate only in such positions as afford it complete shelter from the rains or running water The epsomite mentioned was found beneath the overhanging cliff of Burlington limestone, near Starr's mill, which are represented in the sketch upon another page, illus- trating the subcarboniferous rocks. It occurs in the form of efflorescent encrus- tations upon the surface of stones and in similar small fragile masses among the fine debris that has fallen down beneath the overhanging cliff. The projection of the cliff over the perpendicular face of the strata beneath amounts to near twenty feet at the point where epsomite was found. Consequently the rains never reach far beneath it from any quarter. The rock upon which the epsom- ite accumulates is an impure limestone, containing also some carbonate of mag- nesia, together with a small proportion of iron pyrites in a finely divided con- dition. It is doubtless by double decomposition of these that the epsomite re- sults. By experiments with this native salt in the office of the Survey, a fine article of epsom salts was produced, but the quantity that might be annually obtained there would amount to only a few pounds, and of course is of no prac- tical value whatever, on account of its cheapness in the market. CLIMATOLOGY. No extended record of the climatology of Iowa has been made, yet much of great value may be learned from observations made at a single point. Prof. T. S. Parvin, of the State University, has recorded observations made from 1839 to the present time. Previous to 1860, these observations were made at Mus- 138 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. catine. Since that date, they were made in Iowa City. The result is that the atmospheric conditions of the climate of Iowa are in the highest degree favor- able to health. The highest temperature here occurs in August, while July is the hottest month in the year by two degrees, and January the coldest by three degrees. The mean temperature of April and October most nearly corresponds to the mean temperature of the year, as well as their seasons of Spring and Fall, while that of Summer and Winter is best represented in that of August and December. The period of greatest heat ranges from June 22d to August 31st ; the next mean time being July 27th. The lowest temperature extends from December 16th to February 15th, the average being January 20th — the range in each case being two full months. The climate of Iowa embraces the range of that of New York, Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The seasons are not characterized by the frequent and sudden changes so common in the latitudes further south. The temperature of the Winters is somewhat lower than States eastward, but of other seasons it is higher. The atmosphere is dry and invigorating. The surface of the State being free at all seasons of the year from stagnant water, with good breezes at nearly all seasons, the miasmatic and pulmonary diseases are unknown. Mortuary statistics show this to be one of the most healthful States in the Union, being one death to every ninety-four persons. The Spring, Summer and Fall months are delightful ; indeed, the glory of Iowa is her Autumn, and nothing can transcend the splendor of her Indian Summer, which lasts for weeks, and finally blends, almost imperceptibly, into Winter. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. DISCOVERY AND OCCUPATION. Iowa, in the symbolical and expressive language of the aboriginal inhab- itants, is said to signify " The Beautiful Land," and was applied to this magnificent and fruitful region by its ancient owners, to express their apprecia- tion of its superiority of climate, soil and location. Prior to 1803, the Mississippi River was the extreme western boundary of the United States. All the great empire lying west of the " Father of Waters," from the Gulf of Mexico on the south to British America on the north, and westward to the Pacific Ocean, was a Spanish province. A brief historical sketch of the discovery and occupation of this grand empire by the Spanish and French governments will be a fitting introduction to the history of the young and thriving State of Iowa, which, until the commencement of the present century, was a part of the Spanish possessions in America. Early in the Spring of 1542, fifty years after Columbus discovered the New World, and one hundred and thirty years before the French missionaries discov- ered its upper waters, Ferdinand De Soto discovered the mouth of the Mississippi River at the mouth of the Washita. After the sudden death of De Soto, in May of the same year, his followers built a small vessel, and in July, 1543, descended the great river to the Gulf of Mexico. In accordance with the usage of nations, under which title to the soil was claimed by right of discovery, Spain, having conquered Florida and discovered the Mississippi, claimed all the territory bordering on that river and the Gulf of Mexico. But it was also held by the European nations that, while discovery gave title, that title must be perfected by actual possession and occupation. Although Spain claimed the territory by right of first discovery, she made no eifort to occupy it; by no permanent settlement had she perfected and held her title, and therefore had forfeited it when, at a later period, the Lower Mississippi Valley was re-discovered and occupied by France. The unparalleled labors of the zealous Frc nc't Jesuits of Canada in penetrating the unknown region of the West, commencing in 1611, form a history of no ordi- nary interest, but have no particular connection with the scope of the present work, until in the Fall of 1665. Pierre Claude Allouez, who had entered Lake Superior in September, and sailed along the southern coast in search of copper, had arrived at the great village of the Chippewas at Chegoincegon. Here a grand council of some ten or twelve of tlie principal Indian nations was held. The Pottawatomios of Lake Michigan, the Sacs and Foxes of the West, the Hurons from the North, the Illinois from the South, and the Sionx from the land of the prairie and wild rice, were all assembled there. The Illinois told 140 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. the story of their ancient glory and about the noble river on the banks of whicli they dwelt. The Sioux also told their white brother of the same great river, and Allouez promised to the assembled tribes the protection of the French nation against all their enemies, native or foreign. The purpose of discovering the great river about which the Indian na- tions had given such glowing accounts appears to have originated with Mar- quette, in 1069. In the year previous, he and Claude Dablon had established the Mission of St. Mary's, the oldest white settlement within the present limits of the State of Michigan. Marquette was delayed in the execution of his great undertaking, and spent the interval in studying the language and habits of the Illinois Indians, among whom he expected to travel. About this time, the French Government had determined to extend the do- minion of France to the extreme western borders of Canada. Nicholas Perrot was sent as the agent of the government, to propose a grand council of the Indian nations, at St. Mary's. When Perrot reached Green Bay, he extended the invitation far and near ; and, escorted by Pottawatomies, repaired on a mission of peace and friend- ship to the Miamis, who occupied the region about the present location of Chicago. In May, 1671, a great council of Indians gathered at the Falls of St. Mary, from all parts of the Northwest, from the head waters of the St. Law- I'ence, from the valley of the Mississippi and from the Red River of the North. Perrot met with them, and after grave consultation, formally announced to the assembled nations that their good French Father felt an abiding interest in their welfare, and had placed them all under the powerful protection of the French Government. Marquette, during that same year, had gathered at Point St. Ignace the remn ants of one branch of the Hurons. This station, for a long series of years, was considered the key to the unknown West. The time was now auspicious for the consummation of Marquette's grand project. The successful termination of Perrot's mission, and the general friend- liness of the native tribes, rendered the contemplated expedition much less per- ilous. But it was not until 1673 that the intrepid and enthusiastic priest was finally ready to depart on his daring and perilous journey to lands never trod by white men. The Indians, who had gathered in large numbers to witness his departure, were astounded at the boldness of the proposed undertaking, and tried to dis- courage him, representing that the Indians of the Mississippi A^alley were cruel and bloodthirsty, and would resent the intrusion of strangers upon their domain. The great river itself, they said, was the abode of terrible monsters, who could swallow both canoes and men. But Marquette was not to be diverted from his purpose by these fearful re- ports. He assured his dusky friends that he was ready to make any sacrifice, even to lay down his life for the sacred cause in which he was engaged. He prayed with them ; and having implored the blessing of God upon his undertak- ing, on the 13th day of May, 1673, with Joliet and five Canadian-French voy- ageurs, or boatmen, he left the mission on his daring journey. Ascending Green Bay and Fox River, these bold and enthusiastic pioneers of religion and discovery proceeded until they reached a Miami and Kickapoo village, where Marquette was delighted to find " a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town, ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank Him for I I HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 141 the pity He had bestowed on them during the Winter, in having given them abundant chase." This was the extreme point beyond which the explorations of the French missionaries had not then extended. Here Marquette was instructed by his Indian hosts in the secret of a root that cures the bite of the venomous rattle- snake, drank mineral water with them and was entertained with generous hos- pitality. He called together the principal men of the village, and informed them that his companion, Joliet, had been sent by the French Governor of Can- ada to discover new countries, to be added to the dominion of France ; but that he, himself, had been sent by the Most High God, to carry the glorious religion of the Cross ; and assured his wondering hearers that on this mission he had no fear of death, to which he knew he would be exposed on his perilous journeys. Obtaining the services of two Miami guides, to conduct his little band to the Wisconsin River, he left the hospitable Indians on the 10th of June. Conduct- ing them across the portage, their Indian guides returned to their village, and the little party descended the Wisconsin, to the great river which had so long been so anxiously looked for, and boldly floated down its unknown waters. On the 25th of June, the explorers discovered indications of Indians on the "west bank of the river and land d a little above the mouth of the river now known as Des Moines, and for the first time Europeans trod the soil of Iowa. Leaving the Canadians to guard the canoes, Marquette and Joliet boldly fol- lowed the trail into the interior for fourteen miles (some authorities say six), to an Indian village situate on the banks of a river, and discovered two other vil- lages, on the rising ground about half a league distant. Their visit, while it created much astonishment, did not seem to be entirely unexpected, for there was a tradition or prophecy among the Indians that white visitors were to come to them. Tliey were, therefore, received with great respect and hospitality, and Avere cordially tendered the calumet or pipe of peace. They were inforajed that this band was a part of the Illini nation and that their village was called Mon- in-gou-ma or Moingona, which was the name of the river on which it stood. This, from its similarity of sound, Marquette corrupted into Des Moines (Monk's River), its present name. Here the voyagers remained six days, learning much of the manners and ■customs of their new friends. The new religion they boldly preached and the authority of the King of France they proclaimed were received without hos- tility or remonstrance by their savage entertainers. On their departure, they were accompanied to their canoes by the chiefs and hundreds of warriors. Marquette received from them the sacred calumet, the emblem of peace and safeguard among the nations, and re-embarked for the rest of his journey. It is needless to follow him further, as his explorations beyond his discovery of Iowa more properly belong to the history of another State. In 1682, La Salle descended the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, and in the iiame of the King of France, took formal possession of all the immense region watered by the great river and its tributaries from its source to its mouth, and named it Louisiana, in honor of his master, Louis XIA"". The river he called " Colbert," after the French Minister, and at its mouth erected a column and a cross bearing the inscription, in the French language, " Louis the Great, King of France and Navarre, Reigning April 9th, 1682." At the close of the seventeenth century, France claimed, by right of dis- covery and occupancy, the whole valley of the Mississippi and its tributaries, including Texas, as far as the Rio del Norte. 142 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, The province of Louisiana stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to the sources of the Tennessee, the Kanawha, the Allegheny and the Monongahela on the east, and the Missouri and the other great tributaries of the Father of Waters on the west. Says Bancroft, " France had obtained, under Providence, the guardianship of this immense district of country, not, as it proved, for her own benefit, but rather as a trustee for the infant nation by which it was one day to be inherited." By the treaty of Utrecht, France ceded to England her possessions in Hudson's Bay, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. France still retained Louisiana ; but the province had so far failed to meet the expectations of the crown and the people that a change in the government and policy of the country was deemed indispensable. Accordingly, in 1711, the province was placed in the hands of a Governor General, with headquarters at Mobile. This govern- ment was of brief duration, and in 1712 a charter was granted to Anthony Crozat, a wealthy merchant of Paris, giving him the entire control and mo- nopoly of all the trade and resources of Louisiana. But this scheme also failed. Crozat met with no success in his commercial operations ; every Spanish harbor on the Gulf was closed against his vessels; the occupation of Louisiana was deemed an encroachment on Spanish territory ; Spain was jealous of the am- bition of France. Failing in his efforts to open the ports of the district, Crozat "sought tO' develop the internal resources of Louisiana, by causing trading posts to be opened, and explorations to be made to its remotest borders. But he actually accomplished nothing for the advancement of the colony. The only prosperity which it ever possessed grew out of the enterprise of humble indi- viduals, who had succeeded in instituting a little barter bjtwe^n themselves and the natives, and a petty trade with neighboring European settlements. After a persevering effort of nearly five years, he surrendered his charter in August, 1717." Immediately following the surrender of his charter by Crozat, another and more magnificent scheme was inaugurated. The national government of France was deeply involved in debt ; the colonies were nearly bankrupt, and John Law appeared on the scene with his famous Mississippi Company, as the Louisiana branch of the Bank of France. The charter granted to this company gave it a legal existence of twenty-five years, and conferred upon it more extensive powers and privileges than had been granted to Crozat. It invested the new company with the exclusive privilege of the entire commerce of Louisiana, and of New France, and with authority to enforce their rights. The Company was author- ized to monopolize all the trade in the country ; to make treaties with the Indians ; to declare and prosecute war ; to grant lands, erect forts, open mines of precious metals, levy taxes, nominate civil officers, commission those of the army, and to appoint and remove judges, to cast cannon, and build and equip ships of war. All this was to be done with the paper currency of John Laws Bank of France. He had succeeded in getting His Majesty the French King to adopt and sanction his scheme of financial operations both in France and in the colonies, and probably there never was such a huge financial bubble ever blown by a visionary theorist. Still, such was the condition of France that it was accepted as a national deliverance, and Law became the most powerful man in France. He became a Catholic, and was appointed Comptroller General of Finance. Among the first operations of the Company was to send eight hundred emigrants to Louisiana, who arrived at Dauphine Island in 1718. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 143 In 1719, Philipe Francis Renault arrived in Illinois with two hundred miners and artisans. The war between France and Spain at this time rendered it extremely probable that the Mississippi Valley might become the theater of Spanish hostilities against the French settlements ; to prevent this, as well as to extend French claims, a chain of forts was begun, to keep open the connection between the mouth and the sources of the Mississippi. Fort Orleans, high up the Mississippi River, was erected as an outpost in 1720. The Mississippi scheme was at the zenith of its power and glory in January, 1720, but the gigantic bubble collapsed more suddenly than it had been inflated, and tlie Company was declared hopelessly bankrupt in May following. France was impoverished by it, both private and public credit were overthrown, capi- talists suddenly found themselves paupers, and labor was left without employ- ment. The effect on the colony of Louisiana was disastrous. While this was going on in Lower Louisiana, the region about the lakes was the theater of Indian hostilities, rendering the passage from Canada to Louisiana extremely dangerous for many years. The English had not only extended their Indian trade into the vicinity of the French settlements, but through their friends, the Iroquois, had gained a marked ascendancy over the Foxes, a fierce and powerful tribe, of Iroquois descent, whom they incited to hostilities against the French. The Foxes began their hostilities with the siege of Detroit in 1712, a siege which they continued for nineteen consecutive days, and although the expedition resulted in diminishing their numbers and humbling their pride, yet it was not until after several successive campaigns, embodying the best military resources of New France, had been directed against them, that were finally defeated at the great battles of Butte des Morts, and on the Wisconsin River, and driven Avest in 174G. The Company, having found that the cost of defending Louisiana exceeded the returns from its commerce, solicited leave to surrender the Mississippi wilderness to the home government. Accordingly, on the 10th of April, 1732, the jurisdiction and control over the commerce reverted to the crown of France. The Company had held possession of Louisiana fourteen years. In 1735, Bien- ville returned to assume command for the King. A glance at a few of the old French settlements will show the progress made in portions of Louisiana during the early part of the eighteenth century. As early as 1705, traders and hunters had penetrated the fertile regions of the Wabash, and from this region, at that early date, fifteen thousand hides and skins had been collected and sent to Mobile for the European market. In the year 1716, the French population on the Wabash kept up a lucrative commerce with Mobile by means of traders and voyageurs. The Ohio River was comparatively unknown. In 1746, agriculture on the W^abash had attained to greater prosperity than in any of the French settlements besides, and in that year six hundred barrels of flour were manufactured and shipped to New Orleans, together with consider- able quantities of hides, peltry, tallow and beeswax. In the Illinois country, also, considerable settlements had been made, so that, in 1730, they embraced one hundred and forty French families, about six hundred "converted Indians," and many traders and voyageurs. In 1753, the first actual conflict arose between Louisiana and the Atlantic colonies. From the earliest advent of the Jesuit fathers, up to the period of which we speak, the great ambition of tlie French had been, not alone to preserve their possessions in the W^est, but by every possible means to prevent the slightest attempt of the English, east of the mountains, to extend their settle- 144 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. ments toward the Mississippi. France was resolved on retaining possession of the great territory which her missionaries had discovered and revealed to the world. French commandants had avowed their purpose of seizing every Englishman within the Ohio Valley. The colonies of Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia were most affected by the encroachments of France in the extension of her dominion, and particularly in the great scheme of uniting Canada with Louisiana. To carry out this- purpose, the French had taken possession of a tract of country claimed by Vir- ginia, and had commenced a line of forts extending from the lakes to the Ohio River. Virginia was not only alive to her own interests, but attentive to the vast importance of an immediate and effectual resistance on the part of all the English colonies to the actual and contemplated encroachments of the French. In 17C3, Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, sent George Washington, then a young man just twenty-one, to demand of the French commandant " a reason for invading British dominions while a solid peace subsisted." Washington met the French commandant, Gardeur de St. Pierre, on the head waters of the Alleghany, and having communicated to him the object of his journey, received the insolent answer that the French would not discuss the matter of right, but would make prisoners of every Englishman found trading on the Ohio and its waters. The country, he said, belonged to the French, by virtue of the dis- coveries of La Salle, and they would not withdraw from it. In January, 1754, Washington returned to Virginia, and made his report to the Governor and Council. Forces were at once raised, and Washington, as Lieutenant Colonel, was dispatched at the head of a hundred and fifty men, to the forks of the Ohio, with orders to "finish the fort already begun there by the Ohio Company, and to make prisoners, kill or destroy all who interrupted the English settlements." On his march through the forests of Western Pennsylvania, Washington^ through the aid of friendly Indians, discovered the French concealed among the rocks, and as they ran to seize their arms, ordered his men to fire upon them, at the same time, with his own musket, setting the example. An action lasting about a quarter of an hour ensued ; ten of the Frenchmen were killed, among them Jumonville, the commander of the party, and twenty-one were made pris- oners. The dead were scalped by the Indians, and the chief, bearing a toma- hawk and a scalp, visited all the tribes of the Miamis, urging them to join the Six Nations and the English against the French. The French, however, were soon re-enforced, and Col. Washington was compelled to return to Fort Necessity. Here, on the 3d day of July, De Villiers invested the fort with 600 French troops and 100 Indians. On the 4th, Washington accepted terms of capitulation, and the English garrison withdrew from the valley of the Ohio. This attack of Washington upon Jumonville aroused the indignation of France, and war was formally declared in May, 1756, and the " French and Indian War" devastated the colonies for several years. Montreal, Detroit and all Canada were surrendered to the English, and on the 10th of February, 1763, by the treaty of Paris — which had been signed, though not formally ratified by the respective governments, on the 3dof November, 1762 — France relinquished to Great Britian all that portion of the province of Louisiana lying on the east side of the Mississippi, except the island and town of New Orleans. On the same day that the treaty of Paris was signed, France, by a secret treaty, ceded to Spain all her possessions on the west side of the Mississippi, including the HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 145 whole country to the head waters of the Great River, and west to the Rocky Mountains, and the jurisdiction of France in America, which had lasted nearly a century, was ended. At the close of the Revolutionary war, by the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States, the English Government ceded to the latter all the territory on the east side of the Mississippi River and north of the thirty- first parallel of north latitude. At the same time, Great Britain ceded to Spain all the Floridas, comprising all the territory east of the Mississippi and south of the southern limits of the United States. At this time, therefore, the present State of Iowa was a part of the Spanish possessions in North America, as all the territory west of the Mississippi River was under the dominion of Spain. That government also possessed all the territory of the Floridas east of the great river and south of the thirty-first parallel of north latitude. The Mississippi, therefore, so essential to the pros- perity of the western portion of the United States, for the last three hundred miles of its course flowed wholly within the Spanish dominions, and that govern- ment claimed the exclusive right to use and control it below the southern boun- dary of the United States. The free navigation of the Mississippi was a very important question during all the time that Louisiana remained a dependency of the Spanish Crown, and as the final settlement intimately affected the status of the then future State of Iowa, it will be interesting to trace its progress. The people of the United States occupied and exercised jurisdiction over the entire eastern valley of the Mississippi, embracing all the country drained by its eastern tributaries ; they had a natural right, according to the accepted in- ternational law, to follow these rivers to the sea, and to the use of the Missis- sippi River accordingly, as the great natural channel of commerce. The river was not only necessary but absolutely indispensable to the prosperity and growth of the western settlements then rapidly rising into commercial and political importance. They were situated in the heart of the great valley, and with wonderfully expansive energies and accumulating resources, it was very evident that no power on earth could deprive them of the free use of the river below them, only while their numbers were insuflficient to enable them to maintain their right by force. Inevitably, therefore, immediately after the ratification of the treaty of 1783, the Western people began to demand the free navigation of the Mississippi — not as a favor, but as a right. In 1786, both banks of the river, below the mouth of the Ohio, were occupied by Spain, and military posts on the east bank enforced her power to exact heavy duties on all im- ports by way of the river for the Ohio region. Every boat descending the river was forced to land and submit to the arbitrary revenue exactions of the Spanish authorities. Under the administration of Governor Miro, these rigor- ous exactions were somewhat relaxed from 1787 to 1790 ; but Spain held it as her right to make them. Taking advantage of the claim of the American people, that the Mississippi should be opened to them, in 1791, the Spanish Govern- ment concocted a scheme for the dismembership of the Union. The plan was to induce the Western people to separate from the Eastern States by liberal land grants and extraordinary commercial privileges. Spanish emissaries, among the people of Ohio and Kentucky, informed them that the Spanish Government would grant them favorable commercial privileges^ provided they Avould secede from the Federal Government east of the mountains. The Spanish Minister to the United States plainly declared to his confidential correspondent that, unless the Western people would declare their independence 146 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. and refuse to remain in the Union, Spain was determined never to grant the free navigation of the Mississippi. By the treaty of Madrid, October 20, 1795, however, Spain formally stip- ulated that the Mississippi River, from its source to the Gulf, for its entire width, should be free to American trade and commerce, and that the people of the United States should be permitted, for three years, to use the port of New ■Orleans as a port of deposit for their merchandise and produce, duty free. In November, 1801, the United States Government received, through Rufus King, its Minister at the Court of St. James, a copy of the treaty between Spain and -France, signed at Madrid March 21, 1801, by which the cession of Loui- siana to France, made the previous Autumn, was confirmed. The change oifered a favorable opportunity to secure the just rights of the United States, in relation to the free navigation of the Mississippi, and ended the attempt to dismember the Union by an effort to secure an independent government west of the Alleghany Mountains. On the 7th of January, 1803, the American House of Representatives adopted a resolution declaring their " unalterable determination to maintain the boundaries and the rights of navi- gation and commerce through the River Mississippi, as established by existing treaties." In the same month. President Jefferson nominated and the Senate confirmed Robert R. Livingston and James Monroe as Envoys Plenipotentiary to the Court of France, and Charles Pinckney and James Monroe to the Court of Spain, with plenary powers to negotiate treaties to effect the object enunciated by the popular branch of the National Legislature. These envoys were in- structed to secure, if possible, the cession of Florida and New Orleans, but it does not appear that Mr. Jefferson and his Cabinet had any idea of purchasing that part of Louisiana lying on^the tvest side of the Mississippi. In fact, on the 2d of March following, the instructions were sent to our Ministers, contain- ing a plan which expressly left to France "all her territory on the west side of the Mississippi." Had these instructions been followed, it might have been that there would not have been any State of Iowa or any other member of the glori- ous Union of States west of the " Father of Waters." In obedience to his instructions, however, Mr. Livingston broached this plan to M. Talleyrand, Napoleon's Prime Minister, when that courtly diplo- matist quietly suggested to the American Minister that France might be willing to cede the tvJwle French domain in North America to the United States, and asked how much the Federal Government would be willing to give for it. Liv- ingston intimated that twenty millions of francs might be a fair price. Talley- rand thought that not enough, but asked the Americans to " think of it." A few days later, Napoleon, in an interview with Mr. Livingston, in effect informed the American Envoy that he had secured Louisiana in a contract with Spain for the purpose of turning it over to the United States for a mere nominal sum. He had been compelled to provide for the safety of that province by the treaty, and he was " anxious to give the United States a magnificent bargain for a mere trifle." The price proposed Avas one hundred and twenty-five million francs. This was subsequently modified to fifteen million dollars, and on this basis a treaty was negotiated, and was signed on the 30th day of April, 1803. This treaty Avas ratified by the Federal Government, and by act of Congress, approved October 31, 1803, the President of the United States was authorized to take possession of the territory and provide for it a temporary government. Accordingly, on the 20th day of December following, on behalf of the Presi- dent, Gov. Clairborne and Gen. Wilkinson took possession of the Louisiana HISTORY OF THE STATE OF lOAVA. 147 - purchase, and raised the American flag over the newly acquired domain, at New Orleans. Spain, although it had by treaty ceded the province to France in 1801, still held quasi possession, and at first objected to the transfer, but with- drew her opposition early in 1804. By this treaty, thus successfully consummated, and the peaceable withdrawal of Spain, the then infant nation of the New World extended its dominion west of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, and north from the Gulf of Mexico to British America. If the original design of Jefferson's administration had been accomplished, the United States would have acquired only that portion of the French territory lying east of the Mississippi River, and while the American people would thus liave acquired the free navigation of that great river, all of the vast and fertile empire on the west, so rich in its agricultural and inexhaustible mineral resources, would have remained under the dominion of a foreign power. To Napoleon's desire to sell the whole of his North American possessions, and Liv- ingston's act transcending his instructions, which was acquiesced in after it was done, does Iowa owe her position as a part of the United States by the Louisiana purchase. By authority of an act of Congress, approved March 26, 1804, the newly acquired territory was, on the 1st day of October following, divided : that part lying south of the 33d parallel of north latitude was called the Territory of Orleans, and all north of that parallel the District of Louisiana, which was placed under the authority of the officers of Indiana Territory, until July 4, 1805, when it was organized, with territorial government of its own, and so remained until 1812, when the Territory of Orleans became the State of Louisiana, and the name of the Territory of Louisiana was changed to Missouri. On the 4th of July, 1814, that part of Missouri Territory comprising the present State of Arkansas, and the country to the westward, was organized into the Arkansas Territory. On the 2d of March, 1821, the State of Missouri, being a part of the Terri- tory of that name, was admitted to the Union. June 28, 1834, the territory west of the Mississippi River and north of Missouri was made a part of the Territory of Michigan ; but two years later, on the 4th of July, 1836, Wiscon- sin Territory was erected, embracing within its limits the present States of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. By act of Congress, approved June 12, 1838, the TERRITORY OF IOWA was erected, comprising, in addition to the present State, much the larger part of Minnesota, and extending north to the boundary of the British Possessions. THE ORIGINAL OWNERS. Having traced the early history of the great empire lying west of the Mis- sissippi, of which the State of Iowa constitutes a part, from the earliest dis- covery to the organization of the Territory of Iowa, it becomes necessary to give some history of THE INDIANS OF IOWA. According to the policy of the European nations, possession perfected title to any territory. We have seen that the country west of the Mississippi was first discovered by the Spaniards, but afterward, was visited and occupied by the French. It was ceded by France to Spain, and by Spain back to France again, 148 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. and then "was purchased and occupied by the United States. During all that time, it does not appear to have entered into the heads or hearts of the high contracting parties that the country they bought, sold and gave away was in the possession of a race of men who, although savage, owned the vast domain before Columbus first crossed the Atlantic, Having purchased the territory, the United States found it still in the possession of its original owners, who had never been dispossessed ; and it became necessary to purchase again what had already been bought before, or forcibly eject the occupants; therefore, the his- tory of the Indian nations who occupied Iowa prior to and during its early set- tlement by the Avhites, becomes an important chapter in the history of the State, that cannot be omitted. For more than one hundred years after Marquette and Joliet trod the virgin soil of Iowa, not a single settlement had been made or attempted ; not even a trading post had been established. The whole country remained in the undis- puted possession of the native tribes, who roamed at will over her beautiful and fertile prairies, hunted in her woods, fished in her streams, *and often poured out their life-blood in obstinately contested contests for supremacy. That this State so aptly styled "The Beautiful Land," had been the theater of numerous, fierce and bloody struggles between rival nations, for possession of the favored region, long before its settlement by civilized man, there is no room for doubt. In these savage wars, the weaker party, whether aggressive or defensive, was either exterminated or driven from their ancient hunting grounds. In 1673, when Marquette discovered Iowa, the Ulini were a very powerful people, occupying a large portion of the State ; but when the country was again visited by the whites, not a remnant of that once powerful tribe remained on the west side of the Mississippi, and Iowa was principally in the possession of the Sacs and Foxes, a warlike tribe which, originally two distinct nations, residing in New York and on the waters of the St. Lawrence, had gradually fought their way Avestward, and united, probably, after the Foxes had been driven out of the Fox River country, in 1846, and crossed the Mississippi. The death of Pontiac, a famous Sac chieftain, was made the pretext for war against the mini, and a fierce and bloody struggle ensued, which continued until the Illinois were nearly destroyed and their hunting grounds possessed by their victorious foes. The lowas also occupied a portion of the State for a time, in common with the Sacs, but they, too, were nearly destroyed by the Sacs and Foxes, and, in "The Beautiful Land," these natives met their equally warlike foes, the ISIorthern Sioux, with whom they maintained a constant warfare for the posses- sion of the country for many years. When the United States came in possession of the great valley of the Mis- sissippi, by the Louisiana purchase, the Sacs and Foxes and lowas possessed the entire territory now comprising the State of Iowa. The Sacs and Foxes, also, occupied the most of the State of Illinois. The Sacs had four principal villages, where most of them resided, viz. : Their largest and most important town — if an Indian village may be called such — and from which emanated most of the obstacles and difficulties encoun- tered by the Government in the extinguishment of Indian titles to land in this region, was on Bock River, near Rock Island ; another was on the east bank of the Mississippi, near the mouth of Henderson River ; the third was at the head of the Des Moines Rapids, near the present site of Montrose, and the fourth was near the mouth of the LTpper Iowa. The Foxes had three principal villages, viz. : One on the west side of the Mississippi, six miles above the rapids of Rock River ; another about twelve HISTORY OF TTTE STATE OF IOWA. 149 miles from the river, in the rear of the Dubuque lead mines, and the third on Turkey River. ' The loAvas, at one time identified with the Sacs, of Rock River, had with- drawn from them and become a separate tribe. Their principal village was on the Des Moines River, in Van Buren County, on the site where lowaville now stands. Here the last great battle between the Sacs and Foxes and the lowas was fought, in which Black Hawk, then a young man, commanded one division of the attacking forces. The following account of the battle has been given : '•Contrary to long established custom of Indian attack, this battle was commenced in the day time, the attending circumstances justifying tins departure from the well settled usages of Indian warfare. The battle field was a level river bottom, about four miles in lecgth, and two miles wide near the middle, narrowing to a point at either end. The main area of this bottom rises perhaps twenty feet above the river, leaving a narrow strip of low bottom along the shore, covered with trees that belted the prairie on the river side with a thick forest, and the immediate bank of the river was fringed with a dense growth of willows. Near the lower end of this prairie, near the river bank, was situated the Iowa village. About two miles above it and near the middle of the prairie is a mound, covered at the time with a tuft of small trees and underbrush growing on its summit. In the rear of this little elevation or mound lay a belt of wet prairie, covered, at that time, with a dense growth of rank, coarse grass. Bordering this wet prairie on the north, the country rises abruptly into elevated broken river blulfs, covered with a heavy forest for many miles in extent, and in places thickly clustered with undergrowth, affording a convenient shelter for the steal! hy approach of the foe. " Through this forest the Sac and Fox war party made their way in the night and secreted themselves in the tall grass spoken of above, intending to remain in ambush during the day and make such observations as this near proximity to their intended victim might aflbrd, to aid them in their contemplated attack on the town during the following night. From this situation their spies cculd take a full survey of the village, and watch every movement of the inhabitants, by which means they were soon convinced that the lowas had no suspicion of their presence. " Atthefootof the mound above mentioned, the lowas had their race course, where they diverted themselves with the excitement of horse racing, and schooled their young warriors in cavalry evolutions. In these exercises mock battles were fought, and the Indian tactics of attack and defense carefully inculcated, by which meansaskill in horsemanship was acquired rarely excelled. Unfortunately for them this day was selected for their equestrian sports, and wholly uncon- scious of the proximity of their foes, the warriors repaired to the race ground, leaving most of their arms in the village and their old men and women and children unprotected. " Pash-a-po-po, who was chief in command of the Sacs and Foxes, perceived at once the advantage this state of things alforded for a complete surprise of his now doomed victims, and ordered Black Hawk to file off with his young warriors through the tall grass and gain the cover of the timber along the river bank, and with the utmost speed reach the village and commence the battle, while he remained with his division in the ambush to make a simultaneous as-ault on the unarmed men whose attention was engrossed with the excitement of the races. T.e pi m was skillfully laid and most dexterously executed. Black Hawk with his forces reaihel the village undiscovered, and made a furious onslaught upon the defenseless inhabiiants, by firino' one general volley into their midst, and completing the slaughter with the tomahawk and scalp- ing knife, aided by the devouring flames with which they enveloped the village as suoj as the fire brand could be spread from lodge to lodge. " On the instant ot the report of fire arms at the village the forces under Pash-i-popo leaped from their couchant position in the grass and sprang tiger-like upon the astonished and unarme I lowas in the midst of their racing sports. The fir^t impulse of the latter naiu rally led them to mike the utmost speed toward their arms in the village, and protect if possble their wives and ch.l Iren from the attack of their merciless assailants. The distance from the pl.;cj of attack on the prairie was two miles, and a great number fell in tlieir flight by the bull'is and tomahawks of their enemies, who pressed them closely with a running fire the whole way. and the survivors only reacheil their town in time to witness the horrors of its destructi^in. Their whole vilhige was in fl.^mi^s, and the de.irest objects of their lives lay in slauglit'r d lieaps amidst the devouring clem nf , an 1 tho agonizing groans of tlic dying, mingled with Ih ; exu tino- shouts of the victorious foe, fille I their hearts with maddening despair. Their wives an 1 chiulrea who had been spared the general massacre were prisoners, and together vvitli their arms were in the hands of the victors ; and all that could now be done was to draw off' their shutcre I and defenseless forces, and save as many lives as possible by a retreat acmss the Des Moiiie< River, which they effected in the best possible manner, and took a position among the Soap Creek Hills." The Sacs and Foxes, prior to the settlement of their village on Rock River, had a fierce conflict with the Winnebagoes, subdued them and took nossession 150 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. of their lands. Their village on Rock River, at one time, contained upward of sixty lodges, and was among the largest Indian villages on the continent. In 1825, the Secretary of War estnnated the entire number of the Sacs and Foxes at 4,600 souls. Their village was situated in the immediate vicinity of the upper rapids of the Mississippi, where the beautiful and flourishing towns of Rock Island and Davenport are now situated. The beautiful scenery of the island, the extensive prairies, dotted over with groves ; the picturesque bluffs along the river banks, the rich and fertile soil, producing large crops of corn, squash and other vegetables, with little labor ; the abundance of wild fruit, game, fish, and almost everything calculated to make it a delightful spot for an Indian village, which was found there, had made this place a favorite home of the Sacs, and secured for it the strong attachment and veneration of the whole nation. North of the hunting grounds of the Sacs and Foxes, were those of the Sioux, a tierce and warlike nation, who ofcen disputed possession with their rivals in savage and bloody warfare. The possessions of these tribes were mostly located in Minnesota, but extended over a portion of Northern and Western Iowa to the Missouri River. Their descent from the north upon the hunting grounds of Iowa frequently brought them into collision with the Sacs and Foxes ; and after many a conflict and bloody struggle, n, boundary line was established between them by the Government of the United States, in a treaty held at Prairie du Chien, in 1825. But this, instead of settling the difficulties, caused them to quarrel all the more, in consequence of alleged trespasses upon each other's side of the line. These contests were kept up and became so unre- lenting that, in 1830, Government bought of the respective tribes of the Sacs and Foxes, and the Sioux, a strip of land twenty miles in width, on both sides of the line, and thus throwing them forty miles apart by creating between them a "neutral ground," commanded them to cease their hostilities. Both the Sacs and Foxes and the Sioux, however, were allowed to fish and hunt on this ground unmolested, provided they did not interfere with each other on United States territory. The Sacs and Foxes and the Sioux were deadly enemies, and neither let an opportunity to punish the other pass unimproved. In April, 1852, a fight occurred between the Musquaka band of Sacs and Foxes and a band of Sioux, about six miles above Algona, in Kossuth County, on the west side of the Des Moines River. The Sacs and Foxes were under the leadership of Ko-ko-wah, a subordinate chief, and had gone up from their home in Tama County, by way of Clear Lake, to what was then the "neutral ground." At Clear Lake, Ko-ko-wah was informed that a party of Sioux were encamped on the west side of the East Fork of the Des Moines, and he deter- mined to attack them. With sixty of his Avarriors, he started and arrived at a point on the east side of the river, about a mile above the Sioux encampment, in the night, and concealed themselves in a grove, where they were able to dis- cover the position and strength of their hereditary foes. The next morning, after many of the Sioux braves had left their camp on hunting tours, the vin- dictive Sacs and Foxes crossed the river and suddenly attacked the camp. The conflict was desperate for a short time, but the advantage was with the assail- ants, and the Sioux were routed. Sixteen of them, including some of their women and children, were killed, and a boy 14 years old was captured. One of the Musquakas was shot in the breast by a squaw as they were rushing into the Sioux's camp. He started to run away, when the same brave squaw shot him through the body, at a distance of twenty rods, and he fell dead. Three other Sac braves we/e killed. But few of the Sioux escaped. The victorious HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 151 party hurriedly buried their own dead, leaving the dead Sioux above ground, and made their way home, with their captive, with all possible expedition. pike's expedition. Very soon after the acquisition of Louisiana, the United States Government adopted measures for the exploration of the new territory, having in view the conciliation of the numerous tribes of Indians by whom it was possessad, and, also, the selection of proper sites for the establishment of military posts and trading stations. The Army of the West, Gen. James Wilkinson commanding, had its headquarters at St. Louis. From this post. Captains Lewis and Clark, with a sufficient force, were detailed to explore the unknown sources of the Missouri, and Lieut. Zebulon M. Pike to ascend to the head waters of the Mis- sissippi. Lieut. Pike, with one Sergeant, two Corporals and seventeen privates, left the military camp, near St. Louis, in a keel-boat, with four months' rations, on the 9th day of August, 1805. On the 20th of the same month, the expe- dition arrived within the present limits of Iowa, at the foot of the Des Moines Rapids, where Pike met William Ewing, who- had just been appointed Indian Agent at this point, a French interpreter and four chiefs and fifteen Sac and Fox warriors. At the head of the Rapids, where Montrose is now situated, Pike held a council with the Indians, in which he addressed them substantially as follows : " Your great Father, the President of the United States, wished to be more intimately acquainted with the situation and wants of the different nations of red people in our newly acquired territory of Louisiana, and has ordered the General to send a number of his warriors in diffisrent directions to take them by the hand and make such inquiries as might afford the satisfaction required." At the close of the council he presented the red men with some knives, whisky and tobacco. Pursuing his way up the river, he arrived, on the 23d of August, at what is supposed, from his description, to be the site of the present city of Burlington, which he selected as the location of a military post. He describes the place as being " on a hill, about forty miles above the River de Moyne Rapids, on the west side of the river, in latitude about 41° 21' north. The channel of the river runs on that shore; the hill in front is about sixty feet perpendicular; nearly level on top ; four hundred yards in the rear is a small prairie fit for gardening, and immediately under the hill is a limestone spring, sufficient for the consumption of a whole regiment." In addition to this description, which corresponds to Burlington, the spot is laid down on his map at a bend in the river, a short distance below tbe mouth of the Henderson, which pours its waters into the Mississippi from Illinois. The fort was built at Fort Madison, but from the distance, latitude, description and map furnished by Pike, it could not have been the place selected by him, while all the circumstances corroborate the opinion that the place he selected was the spot where Burlington is now located, called by the early voyagers on the Mississippi, "Flint Hills." On the 24th, with one of his men, he went on shore on a hunting expedition, and following a stream which they supposed to be a part of the Mississippi, they were led away from their course. Owing to the intense heat and tall grass, his two favorite dogs, which he had taken with him, became exhausted and he left them on the prairie, supposing that they would follow him as soon as they should get rested, and went on to overtake his boat. Reaching the river, he waited some time for his canine friends, but they did not come, and as he deemed it inexpedient to detain the boat longer, two of his men volunteered to go in pur- 152 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. suit of them, and he continued on his way up the river, expecting that the two men woukl soon overtake him. They lost their way, however, and for six days were without food, except a few morsels gathered from the stream, and might have perished, had they not accidentally met a trader from St. Louis, who in- duced two Indians to take them up the river, and they overtook the boat at Dubuque. At Dubuque, Pike was cordially received by Julien Dubuque, a Frenchman, who held a mining claim under a grant from Spain. Dubuque had an old field piece and fired a salute in honor of the advent of the first Americans who had visited that part of the Territory. Dubuque, however, was not disposed to pub- lish the wealth of his mines, and the young and evidently inquisitive officer obtained but little information from him. After leaving this place. Pike pursued his way up the river, but as he passed beyond the limits of the present State of Iowa, a detailed history of his explo- rations on the upper waters of the Mississippi more properly belongs to the his- tory of another State. It is sufficient to say that on the site of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, at the mouth of the Minnesota River, Pike held a council with the Sioux, September 23, and obtained from them a grant of one hundred thousand acres of land. On the 8th of January, 1806, Pike arrived at a trading post belonging to the Northwest Company, on Lake De Sable, in latitude 47°. At this time the then powerful Northwest Company carried on their immense operations from Hudson's Bay to the St. Lawrence ; up that river on both sides, along the great lakes to the head of Lake Superior, thence to the sources of the Red River of the north and west, to the Rocky Mountains, embracing within the scope of their operations the entire Territory of Iowa. After successfully accomplishing his mission, and performing a valuable service to Iowa and the whole Northwest, Pike returned to St. Louis, arriving there on the 30th of April, 1806. INDIAN AVARS. The Territoiy of Iowa, although it had been purchased by the United States, and was ostensibly in the possession of the Government, was still occupied by the Indians, who claimed title to the soil by right of ownership and possession. Before it could be open to settlement by the whites, it was indispensable that the Indian title should be extinguished and the original owners removed. The accomplishment of this purpose required the expenditure of lavge suras of money and blood, and for a long series of years the frontier was disturbed by Indian wars, terminated repeatedly by treaty, only to be renewed by some act of oppression on the part of the whites or some violation of treaty stipulation. As previously shown, at the time when the United States assumed the con- trol of the country by virtue of the Louisiana purchase, nearly the whole State was in possession of the Sacs and Foxes, a powerful and warlike nation, Avho were not disposed to submit without a struggle to what they considered the encroachments of the pale fiices. Amono; the most noted chiefs, and one whose restlessness and hatred of the Americans occasioned more trouble to the Government than any other of his tribe, was Black Hawk, who was born at the Sac village, on Rock River, in 1767. He was simply the chief of his own band of Sac warriors, but by his energy and ambition he became the leading spirit of the united nation of Sacs and Foxes, and one of the prominent figures in the history of the country from 1804 until his death. In early manhood he attained some distinction as a fighting chief, having led campaigns against the Osages, and other neighboring I HISTORY OF THE STATE OF lOAVA. 153 tribes. About the beginning of the present century he began to appear prom- inent in aifairs on the Mississippi. Some historians have added to the statement that " it does not appear that he was ever a great general, or possessed any of the qualifications of a successful leader." If this was so, his life was a marvel. How any man Avho had none of the qualifications of a leader became so prom- inent as such, as he did, indicates either that he had some ability, or that his cotemporaries, both Indian and Anglo-Saxon, had less than he. He is said to have been the " victim of a narrow prejudice and bitter ill-will against the Americans," but the impartial historian must admit that if he was the enemy of theAmericans, it was certainly not without some reason. It will be remembered that Spain did not give up possession of the country to France on its cession to the latter power, in 1801, but retained possession of it, and, by the authority of France, transferred it to the United States, in 1804. Black Hawk and his band were in St. Louis at the time, and were invited to be present and witness the ceremonies of the transfer, but he refused the invitation, and it is but just to say that this refusal was caused probably more from regret that the Indians were to be transferred from the jurisdiction of the Spanish authorities than from any special hatred toward the Americans. In his life he says : " I found many sad and gloomy faces because the United States were about to take possession of the town and country. Soon after the Americans came, I took my band and went to take leave of our Spanish father. The Americans came to see him also. Seeing them approach, Ave passed out of one door as they entered another, and immediately started in our canoes for our village, on Rock River, not liking the change any more than our friends appeared to at St. Louis. On arriving at our village, Ave gave the news that strange people had arrived at St. Louis, and that we should never see our Spanish father again. The information made all our people sorry." On the 3d day of November, 1804, a treaty was concluded between William Henry Harrison, then Governor of Indiana Territory, on behalf of the United States, and five chiefs of the Sac and Fox nation, by which the latter, in con- sideration of tAvo thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollar^' Avorth of goods then delivered, and a yearly annuity of one thousand dollars to be paid in goods at just cost, ceded to the United States all that land on the east side of the Mississppi, extending from a point opposite the Jefferson, in Missouri, to the Wisconsin River, embracing an area of over fifty-one millions of acres. To this treaty Black Hawk ahvays objected and always refused to consider it binding upon his people. He asserted that the chiefs or braves who made it had no authority to relinquish the title of the nation to any of the lands they held or occupied ; and, moreover, that they had been sent to St. Louis on quite a different errand, namely, to get one of their people released, who had been imprisoned at St. Louis for killing a Avhite man. The year folloAving this treaty (1805), Lieutenant Zebulon M. Pike came up the river for the purpose of holding friendly councils Avith the Indians and select- ing sites for forts Avithin the territory recently acquired from France by the United States. Lieutenant Pike seems to have been the first American Avhom Black IlaAvk ever met or had a personal intcrvicAv Avith ; and he Avas very much prepossessed in Pikes favor. He gives the following account of his visit to Rock Island : " A boat came up the river Avith a young American chief and a small party of soldiers. We heaixl of them soon after they passed Salt River. Some of our young braves Avatchcd them every day, to sec Avhat sort of people he had on board. The boat at length arrived at Rock River, and the young chief came on 154 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, shore with his interpreter, and made a speech and gave us some presents. Wjj in turn presented them with meat and such other provisions as we had to spare. We Avere ay ell pleased with the young chief. He gave us good advice, and said our American father would treat us well." The events which soon followed Pike's expedition were the erection of Fort Edwards, at what is now Warsaw, Illinois, and Fort Madison, on the site of the present town of that name, the latter being the first fort erected in Iowa. These movements occasioned great uneasiness among the Indians. When Avork was commenced on Fort Edwards, a delegation from their nation, headed by some of their chiefs, Avent down to see Avhat the Americans AA'cre doing, and had an in- terview Avith the commander ; after Avliich they returned home apparently satis- fied. In like manner, Avhen Fort Madison Avas being erected, they sent down another delegation from a council of the nation held at Rock River. Accord- mg to Black HaAvk's account, the American chief told them that he Avas build- ing a house for a trader Avho Avas coming to sell them goods cheap, and that the soldiers Avere coming to keep him company — a statement Avhich Black Hawk says they distrusted at the time, believing that the fort Avas an encroachment upon their rights, and designed to aid in getting their lands away from them. It has been held by good American authorities, that the erection of Fort Madison at the point Avhere it was located was a violation of the treaty of 1804. By the eleventh article of that treaty, the United States had a right to build a fort near the mouth of the Wisconsin River ; by article six they had bound themselves " that if any citizen of the United States or any other Avhite persons should form a settlement upon their lands, such intruders should forthAvith be removed." Probably the authorities of the United States did not regard the establishment of military posts as coming properly within the meaning of the term "settlement," as used in the treaty. At all events, they erected Fort Madison Avithin tlie territory reserved to the Indians, Avho became very indig- nant. Not long after the fort Avas built, a jiarty led by Black HaAvk attempted its destruction. They sent spies to Avatch the movements of the garrison, who ascertained that the soldiers Avere in the habit of marching out of the fort every morning and evening for parade, and the plan of the party Avas to conceal them- selves near the fort, and attack and surprise them Avhen they Avere outside. On the morning of the proposed day of attack, five soldiers came out and Avere fired upon by the Indians, two of them being killed. The Indians were too hasty in their movement, for the regular drill had not yet commenced. IIoAvever, they kept up the attack for several days, attempting the old Fox strategy of setting fire to the fort Avith blazing arrows ; but finding their efforts unavailing, they soon gave up and returned to Rock River. When Avar Avas declared betAveen the United States and Great Britain, m 1812, Black IlaAvk and his band allied themselves Avitli the British, })artly because he Avas dazzled by their specious promises, and more probably because they had been deceived by the Americans. Black IlaAvk himself declared that they were "forced into the war by being deceived." He narrates the circum- stances as follows : " Several of the chiefs and head men of the Sacs and Foxes were called upon to go to Washington to see their Great Father. On their return, they related what had been said and done. They said the Great Father Avished them, in the event of a Avar taking place Avith England, not to interfere on either side, but to remain neutral. lie did not Avant our help, but wished us to hunt and support our families, and live in peace. He said that British traders would not be permitted to come on the Mississippi to furnish us Avith goods, but that Ave should be supplied Avith an American trader. Our > I HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 155 chiefs then told him that the British traders always gave them credit in the Fall for guns, powder and goods, to enable us to hunt and clothe our families. He repeated that the traders at Fort Madison would have plenty of goods ; that we should go there in the Fall and he would supply us on credit, as the British traders had done." Black Hawk seems to have accepted of this proposition, and he and his people were very much pleased. Acting in good faith, they fitted out for their Winter's hunt, and went to Fort Madison in high spirits to receive from the trader their outfit of supplies. But, after waiting some time, they were told by the trader that he would not trust them. It was in vain that they pleaded the promise of their great father at Washington. The trader was inexorable ; and, disappointed and crestfallen, they turned sadly toward their own village. ''Few of us," says Black Hawk, "slept that night; all was gloom and discontent. In the morning, a canoe was seen ascending the river ; it soon arrived, bearing an express, Avho brought intelligence that a British trader had landed at Rock Island with two boats loaded with goods, and requested us to come up imme- diately, because he had good news for us, and a variety of presents. The express presented us with tobacco, pipes and wampum. The news ran through our camp like fire on a prairie. Our lodges were soon taken down, and all started for Rock Island. Here ended all hopes of our remaining at peace, having been forced into the Avar by being deceived." He joined the British, who flattered him, styled him " Gen. Black Hawk," decked him with medals, excited his jealousies against the Americans, and armed his band ; but he met with defeat and disappointment, and soon aban- doned the service and came home. With all his skill and courage. Black Hawk was unable to lead all the Sacs and Foxes into hostilities to the United States. A portion of them, at the head of whom was Keokuk ("the Watchful Fox"), were disposed to abide by the treaty of 1804, and to cultivate friendly relations with the American people. Therefore, when Black Hawk and his band joined the fortunes of Great Britain, the rest of the nation remained neutral, and, for protection, organized, with Keokuk for their chief. This divided the nation into the " War and the Peace party." Black Hawk says he was informed, after he had gone to the war, that the nation, which had been reduced to so small a body of fighting men, were unable to defend themselves in case the Americans should attack them, and havnio; all tlie old men and women and children belonging to the warriors who had joined the British on their hands to provide for, a council was held, and it was agreed that Quash-qua-me (the Lance) and other chiefs, together with the old men, women and children, and such others as chose to accompany them, should go to St. Louis and place themselves under the American chief stationed there. They accordingly went down, and were received as the "friendly band" of the Sacs and Foxes, and were provided for and sent up the Missouri River. On Black Hawk's return from the British army, he says Keokuk was introduced to him as the war chief of the braves then in the village. He inquired how he had become chief, and was informed that their spies had seen a large armed force going toward Peoria, and fears were entertained of an attack upon the village ; whereupon a council was held, which concluded to leave the village and cross over to the west side of the Mississippi. Keokuk had been standing at the door of the lodge where the council was held, not being allowed to enter on account of never having killed an enemy, where he remained until Wa-co-me came out. Keokuk asked permission to speak in the council, which Wa-co-me 156 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. obtained for him. Keokuk then addressed the chiefs ; he remonstrated against the desertion of their village, their own homes and the graves of their fathers, and oftered to defend the village. The council consented that he should be their war chief. He marshaled his braves, sent out spies, and advanced on the trail leading to Peoria, but returned without seeing the enemy. The Americans did not disturb the village, and all were satisfied with the appointment of Keokuk. Keokuk, like Black Hawk, was a descendant of the Sac branch of the nation, and Avas born on Rock River, in 1780. He was of a pacific disposition, but possessed the elements of true courage, and could fight, when occasion required, with a cool judgment and heroic energy. In his first battle, he en- countered and killed a Sioux, which placed him in the rank of warriors, and he was honored with a public feast by his tribe in commemoration of the event. Keokuk has been described as an orator, entitled to rank with the most gifted of his race. In person, he was tall and of portly beai-ing ; in his public speeches, he displayed a commanding attitude and graceful gestures ; he spoke rapidly, but his enunciation was clear, distinct and forcible ; he culled his fig- ures from the stores of nature and based his arguments on skillful logic. Un- fortunately for the reputation of Keokuk, as an orator among white people, he was never able to obtain an interpreter who could claim even a slight acquaint- ance with philosophy. With one exception only, his interpreters were unac- quainted with the elements of their mother-tongue. Of this serious hindrance to his fame, Keokuk was well aware, and retained Frank Labershure, who had received a rudimental education in the French and English languages, until the latter broke down by dissipation and died. But during the meridian of his career among the white people, he was compelled to submit his speeclies for translation to uneducated men, whose rancre of thought fell below the flin;hts of a gifted mind, and the fine imagery drawn from nature was beyond their power of reproduction. He had sufficient knowledge of the English language to make him sensible of this bad rendering of his thoughts, and often a feeling of morti- fication at the bungling eff'orts was depicted on his countenance while speaking. The proper place to form a correct estimate of his ability as an orator was in the Indian council, where he addressed himself exclusively to those who under- stood his language, and witness the electrical effect of his eloquence upon his audience. Keokuk seems to have possessed a more sober judgment, and to have had a more intelligent view of the great strength and resources of the United States, than liis noted and restless cotemporary. Black Hawk. He knew from the first that the reckless war which Black Hawk and his band had determined to carry on could result in nothing but defeat and disaster, and used every argument against it. The large number of warriors whom he had dissuaded from following Black Hawk became, however, greatly excited with the war spirit after Stillman's defeat, and but for the signal tact displayed by Keokuk on that occasion, would have forced him to submit to their wishes in joining the rest of the warriors in the field. A Avar-dance was held, and Keokuk took part in it, seeming to be moved with the current of the rising storm. When the dance was over, he called the council to prepare for Avar. He made a speech, in Avhich he admitted the justice of their complaints against the Americans. To seek redress was a noble aspiration of their nature. The blood of their brethren had been shed by the Avhite man, and the spirits of their braves, slain in battle, called loudly for vengeance. "I am your chief," he said, " and it is my duty to lead you to bat- tle, if, after fully considering the matter, you are determined to go. But before I HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 157 you decide on taking this important step, it is wise to inquire into the chances of success." He then portrayed to them the great power of the United States, against Avhom they would have to contend, that their chance of success was utterly hopeless. " But," said he, " if you do determine to go upon the war- path, I will agree to lead you, on one condition, viz.: that before we go, we will kill all our old men and our Avives and children, to save them from a lingering deatli of starvation, and that every one of us determine to leave our homes on the other side of tlie Mississippi." This Avas a strong but truthful picture of the prospect before them, and was presented in sucli a forcible light as to cool their ardor, and cause them to aban- don the rash undertaking. But during the war of 1832, it is now considered certain that small bands of Indians, from the west side of the Mississippi, made incursions into the white settlements, in the lead mining region, and committed some murders and dep- redations. When peace Avas declared betAveen the United States and England, Black HaAvk Avas required to make peace Avith the former, and entered into a treaty at Portage des Sioux, September 14, 1815, but did not "touch the goose-quill to it until May 13, 1816, Avhen he smoked the pipe of peace with the great Avhite chief," at St. Louis. This treaty Avas a rencAval of the treaty of 1804, but Black Hawk declared he had been deceived ; that he did not knoAV that by signing the treaty he Avas giving aAvay his village. This Aveighed upon his mind, already soured by previous disappointment and the irresistible encroachments ctf the Avhites ; and Avhen, a feAv years later, he and his people Avere driven from their possessions by the military, he determined to return to the home of his fathers. It is also to be remarked that, in 1816, by treaty Avith various tribes, the United States relinquished to the Indians all the lands lying north of a line drawn from the southernmost point of Lake Michigan west to the Mississippi, except a reservation five leagues square, on the Mississippi River, supposed then to be sufficient to include all the mineral lands on and adjacent to Fever River, and one league square at the mouth of the Wisconsin River. THE BLACK HAAVK WAR, The immediate cause of the Indian outbreak in 1830 was the occupation of Black HaAvk's village, on the Rock River, by the Avhites, during the absence of tbe chief and his braves on a hunting expedition, on the Avest side of the Mississippi. When tliey returned, they found their Avigwams occupied by white families, and their own women and children were slielterless on the banks of the river. The Indians Avere indignant, and determined to repossess their village at all hazards, and early in the Spring of 1831 recrossed the Mississippi and menacingly took possession of their OAvn cornfields and cabins. It may be well to remark here that it was expressly stipulated in the treaty of 1804, to Avhich they attributed all their troubles, that tlic Indians should not be obliged to leave their lands until they were sold by the United States, and it does not appear that they occupied any lands otiier than those owned by the Government. If this was true, the Indians had good cause for indignation and complaint. But the whites, driven out in turn by tlie returning Indians, became so clamorous against what they termed the encroachments of the natives, that Gov. Reynolds, of Illinois, ordered Gen Gaines to Rock Island Avith a military force to drive the Indians again from their homes to the Avcst side of the Mississippi. Black Hawk says he did not intend to be provoked into Avar by anything less than the blood of 158 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. some of his own people ; in other words, that there would be no war unless it should be commenced by the pale faces. But it was said and probably thought by the mili- tary commanders along the frontier that the Indians intended to unite in a general war against the whites, from Rock River to the Mexican borders. But it does not appear that the hardy frontiersmen themselves had any fears, for their experi- ence had been that, when well treated, their Indian neighbors were not danger- ous. Black Hawk and his band had done no more than to attempt to repossess the the old homes of which they had been deprived in their absence. No blood had been shed. Black Hawk and his chiefs sent a flag of truce, and a new treaty was made, by which Black Hawk and his band agreed to remain forever on the Iowa side and never recross the river without the permission of the President or the Governor of Illinois. Whether the Indians clearly understood the terms of this treaty is uncertain. As was usual, the Indian traders had dictated terms on their behalf, and they had received a large amount of pro- visions, etc., from the Government, but it may well be doubted whether the Indians comprehended that they could never revisit the graves of their fathers without violating their treaty. They undoubtedly thought that they had agreed never to recross the Mississippi with hostile intent. However this may be, on the 6th day of April, 1832, Black Hawk and his entire band, with their women and children, again recrossed the Mississippi in plain view of the garrison of Fort Armstrong, and went up Rock River. Although this act was construed into an act of hostility by the military authorities, who declared that Black Hawk intended to recover his village, or the site where it stood, by force ; but it does not appear that he made any such attempt, nor did his apearance create any special alarm among the settlers. They knew that the Indians never went on the war path encumbered with the old men, their women and tiieir children. The Galeriian, printed in Galena, of May 2, 1832, says that Black Hawk was invited by the Prophet and had taken possession of a tract about forty miles up Rock River ; but that he did not remain there long, but commenced his march up Rock River. Capt. W. B. Green, who served in Capt. Stephen- son's company of mounted rangers, says that " Black Hawk and h^s band crossed the river with no hostile intent, but that his band had had bad luck in hunting during the previous Winter, were actually in a starving condition, and had come over to spend the Summer with a friendly tribe on the head waters of the Rock and Illinois Rivers, by invitation from their chief. Other old set- tlers, who all agree that Black Hawk had no idea of fighting, say that he came back to the west side expecting to negotiate another treaty, and get a new supply of provisions. The most reasonable explanation of this movement, which resulted so disastrously to Black Hawk and his starving people, is that, during the Fall and Winter of 1831—2, his people became deeply indebted to their favorite trader at Fort Armstrong (Rock Island). They had not been fortunate in hunting, and he was likely to lose heavily, as an Indian debt was outlawed in one year. If, therefore, the Indians could be induced to come over, and the fears of the military could be sufficiently aroused to pursue them, another treaty could be negotiated, and from the payments from the Government the shrewd trader could get his pay. Just a week after Black Hawk crossed the river, on the 13th of April, 1832, George Davenport wrote to Gen. Atkinson : " I am informed that the British band of Sac Indians are determined to make war on the frontier settlements. * * * From every information that I have received, I am of the opinion that the intention of the British band of Sac Indians is to commit depredations on the inhabitants of the frontier." And HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 159 yet, from the 6th day of April until after Stillman's men commenced war by firing on a flag of truce from Black Hawk, no murders nor depredations were committed by the British band of Sac Indians. It is not the purpose of this sketch to detail the incidents of the Black Hawk war of 1832, as it pertains rather to the history of the State of Illinois. It is sufficient to say that, after the disgraceful affair at Stillman's Run, Black Hawk, concluding that the Avhites, refusing to treat with him, were determined to exterminate his people, determined to return to the Iowa side of the Missis- sippi. He could not return by the way he came, for the army was behind iiim, an army, too, that would sternly refuse to recognize the white flag of peace. His only course was to make his way northward and reach the Mississippi, if possible, before the troops coidd overtake him, and this he did; but, before he could get his women and children across the Wisconsin, he was overtaken, and a battle ensued. Here, again, he sued for peace, and, through his trusty Lieu- tenant, "the Prophet," the whites were plainly informed that the starving Indians did not wish to fight, but would return to the west sioun- daries of which were defined as follows: Beginning at the upper fork of the Des Moines River, and passing the sources of the Little Sioux and Floyd Rivers, to the fork of the first creek that falls intj the Big Sioux, or Calumet, on ihe east side ; thence down said creek and the Calumet 162 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. River to the Missouri River; thence clown said Missouri River to the Missouri State line above the Kansas ; thence along said line to the northwest corner of said State ; thence to the high lands between the waters foiling into the Missouri and Des Moines, passing to said high lands along the dividing ridge between the forks of the Grand River ; thence along said high lands or ridge separating the waters of the Missouri from those of the Des Moines, to a point opposite the source of the Boyer River, and thence in a direct line to the upper fork of the Des Moines, the place of beginning. It was understood that the lands ceded and relinquished by this treaty were to be assigned and allotted, under the direction of the President of the United States, to the tribes then living thereon, or to such other tribes as the President might locate thereon for hunting and other pur- poses. In consideration of three tracts of land ceded in this treaty, the United States agreed to pay to the Sacs three thousand dollars ; to the Foxes, three thousand dollars ; to the Sioux, two thousand dollars; to the Yankton and Santie bands of Sioux, three thousand dollars; to the Omahas, two thousand five hundred dollars ; and to the Ottoes and Missouris, two thousand five hundred dollars — to be paid annually for ten successive years. In addition to these annuities, the Government agreed to furnish some of the tribes with blacksmiths and agricultural imple- ments to the amount of two hundred dollars, at the expense of the United States, and to set apart three thousand dollars annually for the education of the children of these tribes. It does not appear that any fort was erected in this territory prior to the erection of Fort Atkinson on the Neutral Ground, in 1840-41. This treaty was made by William Clark, Superintendent of Indian affairs, and Col. Willoughby Morgan, of the United States First Infantry, and came into effect by proclamation, February 24, 1831. 10. Treaty with the Winnebagoes. — Made at Fort Armstrong, Rock Island, September 15, 1832, by Gen. Winfield Scott and Hon. John Reynolds, Governor of Illinois. In this treaty the Win- nebagoes ceded to the United States all their land lying on the east side of the Mississippi, and in part consideration therefor the United States granted to the Winnebagoes, to be held as other Indian lands are held, that portion of Iowa known as the Neutral Ground. The exchange of the two tracts of country was to take place on or before the 1st day of June, 1833. In addition to the Neutral Ground, it was stipulated that the United Slates should give the Winnebagoes, begin- ning in September, 1833, and continuing for twenty-seven successive years, ten thousand dollars in specie, and establish a school among them, with a farm and garden, and provide other facili- ties for the education of their children, not to exceed in cost three thousand dollars a year, and to continue the same for twenty-seven successive years. Six agriculturists, twelve yoke of oxen and plows and oth^- farming tools were to be supplied by the Government. 11. Treaty of 1S32 tvith the Sacs and Foxes. — Already mentioned as the Black Hawk purchase. 12. Treaty of 1S36, with the Sacs and Foxes, ceding Keokuk's Reserve to the United States; for which the Government stipulated to pay thirty thousand dollars, and an annuity of ten thou- sand dollars for ten successive years, together with other sums and debts of the Indians to various parties. 13. Treaty of 1837.— On the 21st of October, 1837, a treaty was made at the city of Wash- ington, between Carey A. Harris, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the confederate tribes of Sacs and Foxes, ratified February 21, 1838, wherein another slice of the soil of Iowa was obtained, described in the treaty as follows: "A tract of country containing 1,250,000 acres, lying west and adjoining the tract conveyed by them to the United States in the treaty of September 21, 1832. It is understood that the points of termination for the present cession shall be the north- ern and southern points of said traict as fixed by the survey made under the authority of the United States, and that a line shall be drawn between them so as to intersect a line extended westwardly from the angle of said tract nearly opposite to Rock Island, as laid down in the above survey, so far as may be necessary to include the number of acres hereby ceded, which last mentioned line, it is estimated, will be about twenty-five miles." This piece of land was twenty-five miles wide in the middle, and ran off to a point at both eads, lying directly back of the Black Hawk Purchase, and of the same length. 14. Treaty of Relinquishment. — At the same date as the above treaty, in the city of Washing- ton, Carey A. Harris, Commissioner, the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States all their right and interest in the country lying south of the boundary line between the Sacs and Foxes and Sioux, as described in the treaty of August 19, 1825, and between the Mississippi and Mis- souri Rivers, the United States paying for the same one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. The Indians also gave up all claims and interests under the treaties previously made with them, for the satisfaction of which no appropriations had been made. 15. Treaty of 1S42. — The last treaty was made with the Sacs and Foxes October 11, 1842; ratified March 23, 1843. It was made at the Sac and Fox agency (Agency City), by John Chambers, Commissioner on behalf of the United States. In this treaty the Sac and Fox Indians " ceded to the United States all their lands west of the Mississippi to which they had any claim or title." By the terms rf this treaty they were to be removed from the country at the expira- tion of three years, and all who remained after that were to move at their own expense. Part of them were removed to Kansas in the Fall of 1845, and the rest the Spring following. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 163 SPANISH GRANTS. While the territory now embraced in the State of Iowa was under Spanish rule as a part of its province of Louisiana, certain claims to and grants of land were made by the Spanish authorities, with which, in addition to the extinguishment of Indian titles, the United States had to deal. It is proper that these should be briefly reviewed. Dubuque. — On the 22d day of September, 1788, Julien Dubuque, a French- man, from Prairie du Chien, obtained from the Foxes a cession or lease of lands on the Mississippi River for mining purposes, on the site of the present city of Dubuque. Lead had been discovered here eight years before, in 1780, by the wife of Peosta Fox, a warrior, and Dubuque's claim embraced nearly all the lead bearing lands in that vicinity. He immediately took possession of his claim and commenced mining, at the same time making a settlement. The place became known as the "Spanish Miners," or, more commonly, "Dubuque's Lead Mines." In 1796, Dubuque filed a petition with Baron de Carondelet, the Spanish Governor of Louisiana, asking that the tract ceded to him by the Indians might be granted to him by patent from the Spanish Government. In this petition, Dubuque rather indefinitely set forth the boundaries of this claim as "about seven leagues along the Mississippi River, and three leagues in width from the river," intending to include, as is supposed, the river front between the Little Maquoketa and the Tete des Mertz Rivers, embracing more than twenty thou- sand acres. Carondelet granted the prayer of the petition, and the grant was subsequently confirmed by the Board of Land Commissioners of Louisiana. In October, 1804, Dubuque transferred the larger part of his claim to Auguste Choteau, of St. Louis, and on the 17th of May, 1805, he and Choteau jointly filed their claims with the Board of Commissioners. On the 20th of September, 1806, the Board decided in their favor, pronouncing the claim to be a regular Spanish grant, made and completed prior to the 1st day of October, 1800, only one member, J. B. C. Lucas, dissenting. Dubuque died March 24, 1810. The Indians, understanding that the claim of Dubuque under their former act of cession was only a permit to occupy the tract and work the mines during his life, and that at his death they reverted to them, took possession and continued mining operations, and were sustained by the military authority of the United States, notwithstanding the deqision of the Commissioners. When the Black Hawk purchase was consummated, the Du- bu(iue claim thus held by the Indians was absorbed by the United States, as the Sacs and Foxes made no reservation of it in the treaty of 1832. The heirs of Choteau, however, were not disposed to relinquish their claim without a struggle. Late in 1832, they employed an agent to look after their ' interests, and authorized him to lease tlie right to dig lead on the lands. The miners who commenced work under this agent were compelled by the military to abandon their operations, and one of the claimants went to Galena to institute legal proceedings, but found no court of competent jurisdiction, although he did bring an action for the recovery of a quantity of lead dug at Dubufpie, for the purpose of testing the title. Being unable to identify the lead, however, he was non-suited. By act of Congress, approved July 2, 1836, the town of Dubuque was sur- veyed and platted. After lots hud been sold and occupied by the purchasers, Henry Choteau brought an action of ejectment against Patrick Malony, who 164 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. held land in Dubuque under a patent from the United States, for the recovery of seven undivided eighth parts of the Dubuque claim, as purchased by Auguste Choteau in 1804. The case was tried in the District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa, and was decided adversely to the plaintiff. The case was carried to the Supreme Court of the United States on a writ of error, Avhen it Avas heard at the December term, 1853, and the decision of the lower court was affirmed, the court holding that the permit from Carondolet was merely a lease or permit to work the mines ; that Dubuque asked, and the Governor of Louisiana granted, nothing more than the " peaceable possession " of certain lands obtained from the Indians ; that Carondelet had no legal authority to make snch a grant as claimed, and that, even if he had, this Avas but an " inchoate and imperfect title." G-iard. — In 1795, the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Louisiana granted to Basil Giard five thousand eight hundred and sixty acres of land, in what is now Clayton County, known as the "Giard Tract." He occupied the land during the time that Iowa passed from Spain to France, and from France to the United States, in consideration of which the Federal Government granted a patent of the same to Giard in his own right. His heirs sold the Avhole tract to James H. Lockwood and Thomas P. Burnett, of Prairie du Chien, for three hundred dollars. Honori. — March 30, 1799, Zenon Trudeau, Acting Lieutenant Governor of Upper Louisiana, granted to Louis Honori a tract of land on the site of the present town of Montrose, as follows : " It is permitted to Mr. Louis (Fresson) Henori, or Louis Honore Fesson, to establish himself at the head of the rapids of the River Des Moines, and his establishment once formed, notice of it shall be given to the Governor General, in order to obtain for him a commission of a space sufficient to give value to such establishment, and at the same time to render it useful to the commerce of the peltries of this country, to watch the Indians and keep them in the fidelity which they owe to His Majesty." Honori took immediate possession of his claim, which he retained until 1805. While trading with the natives, he became indebted to Joseph Robedoux, who obtained an execution on which the property was sold May 13, 1803, and was purchased by the creditor. In these proceedings the property was described as being " about six leagues above the River Des Moines." Robedoux died soon after he purchased the proprerty. Auguste Choteau, his "executor, disposed of the Honori tract to Thomas F. Reddeck, in April, 1805, up to which time Honori continued to occupy it. The grant, as made by the Spanish government, was a league square, but only one mile square was confirmed by the United States. After the half-breeds sold their lands, in which the Honori grant was included, various claimants resorted to litigation in attempts to invalidate the title of the Reddeck heirs, but it was finally confirmed by a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1839, and is the oldest legal title to any land in the State of Iowa. THE HALF-BREED TRACT. Before any permanent settlement had been made in the Territory of Iowa, white adventurers, trappers and traders, many of whom were scattered along the Mississippi and its tributaries, as agents and employes of the American Fur Company, intermarried with the females of the Sac and Fox Indians, producing a race of half-breeds, whose number was never definitely ascertamed. There were some respectable and excellent people among them, children of men of some refinement and education. For instance : Dr. Muir, a gentleman educated HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 165 at Edinburgh, Scotland, a surgeon in the United States Army, stationed at a military post located on the present site of Warsaw, married an Indian Avoman, and reared his family of three daughters in the city of Keokuk. Other exam- ples might be cited, but they are probably exceptions to the general rule, and the race is now nearly or quite extinct in Iowa. A treaty was made at Washington, August 4, 1824, between the Sacs and Foxes and the United States, by which that portion of Lee County was reserved to the half-breeds of those tribes, and which w^as afterward known as " The Half-Breed Tract." This reservation is the triangular piece of land, containing about 119,000 acres, lying between the Mississippi andDes Moines Rivers. It is bounded on the north by the prolongation of the northern line of Missouri. This line was intended to be a straight one, running due east, which would have caused it to strike the Mississippi River at or below Montrose ; but the surveyor who run it took no notice of the change in the variation of the needle as he proceeded eastward, and, in consequence, the line he run was bent, deviating more and more to the northward of a direct line as he approached the Mississippi, so that it struck that river at the loAver edge of the town of Fort Madison. " This errone- ous line," says Judge Mason, "has been acquiesced in as well in fixing the northern limit of the Ilalf-Breed Tract as in determining the northern boundary line of the State of Missouri." The line thus run included in the reservation a portion of the lower part of the city of Fort Madison, and all of the present townships of Van Buren, Charleston, Jefferson, Des Moines, Montrose and Jackson. Under the treaty of 1824, the half-breeds had the right to occupy the soil, but could not convey it, the reversion being reserved to the United States. But on the 30th day of January, 1834, by act of Congress, this reversionary right was relinquished, and the half-breeds acquired the lands in fee simple. This was no sooner done, than a horde of speculators rushed in to buy land of the half-breed owners, and,, in many instances, a gun, a blanket, a pony or a few quarts of whisky was sufiicient for the purchase of large estates. There was a deal of sharp practice on both sides ; Indians would often claim ownership of land by virtue of being half-breeds, and had no difficulty in proving their mixed blood by the Indians, and they would then cheat the speculators by selling land to wliich they had no rightful title. On the other hand, speculators often claimed land in which they had no ownership. It was diamond cut diamond, until at last things became badly mixed. There were no authorized surveys, and no boundary lines to claims, and, as a natural result, numerous conflicts and quarrels ensued. To settle these difficulties, to decide the validity of claims or sell them for the benefit of the real owners, by act of the Legislature of Wisconsin Territory, approved January 16, 1838, Edward Johnstone, Thomas S. Wilson and David Brigham were appointed Commissioners, and clothed with power to effect these objects. The act provided that these Commissioners should be paid six dollars a day each. The commission entered upon its duties and continued until the next session of the Legislature, when the act creating it was repealed, invalidat- ing all that had been done and depriving tlie Connnissioners of their pay. The repealing act, howeve)', authorized the Commissioners to commence action against the oAvners of the Half-Breed Tract, to receive pay for their vserviccs, in the Dis- trict Court of Lee County. Two judgments were obtained, and on execution the whole of the tract was sold to Hugh T. Reid, the Slieriff executing the deed. Mr. Reid sold portions of it to various parties, but his own title was questioned and he became involved in litigation. Decisions in favor of Reid 166 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. and those holding under him were made by both District and Supreme Courts, but in December, 1850, these decisions were finally reversed by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Joseph Webster, plaintiff in error, vs. Hugh T. Reid, and the judgment titles failed. About nine years before the "judgment titles " were finally abrogated as above, another class of titles were brouo^ht into competition with them, and in the conflict between the two, the final decision was obtained. These were the titles based on the " decree of partition " issued by the United States District Court for the Territory of Iowa, on the 8th of May, 1841, and certified to by the Clerk on the 2d day of June of that year. Edward Johnstone and Hugh T. Reid, then law partners at Fort Madison, filed the petition for the decree in behalf of the St. Louis claimants of half-breed lands. Francis S. Key, author of the Star Spangled Banner, Avho was then attorney for the New York Land Company, which held heavy interests in these lands, took a leading part in the measure, and drew up the document in which it was presented to the court. Judge Charles Mason, of Burlington, pre- sided. The plan of partition divided the tract into one hundred and one shares and arranged that each claimant should draw his proportion by lot, and should abide the result, Avhatever it might be. The arrangement was entered into, the lots drawn, and the plat of the same filed in the Recorder's office, October (), 1841. Upon this basis the titles to land in the Half-Breed Tract are now held. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The first permanent settlement by the whites within the limits of Iowa was made by Julien Dubuque, in 1788, when, with a small party of miners, he set- tled on the site of the city that now bears his name, where he lived until his death, in 1810. Louis Ilonori settled on the site of the present town of Mon- trose, probably in 1799, and resided there until 1805, when his property passed into other hands. Of the Giard settlement, opposite Prairie du Chien, little is known, except that it was occupied by some parties prior to the commencement of the present century, and contained three cabins in 1805. Indian traders, although not strictly to be considered settlers, had established themselves at various points at an early date. A Mr. Johnson, agent of the American Fur Company, had a trading post below Burlington, where he carried on traffic with the Indians some time before the United States possessed the country. In 1820, Le Moliese, a French trader, had a station at what is now Sandusky, six miles above Keokuk, in Lee County. In 1829, Dr. Isaac Gallaud made a set- tlement on the Lower Rapids, at what is now Nashville. The first settlement in Lee County was made in 1820, by Dr. Samuel C. Muir," a surgeon in the United States army, who had been stationed at Fort Edwards, now Warsaw, 111., and who built a cabin where the city of Keokuk now stands. Dr. Muir was a man of strict integrity and irreproachable char- acter. While stationed at a military post on the Upper Mississippi, he had married an Indian woman of the Fox nation. Of his marriage, the following romantic account is given : The post at which he was stationed was visited by a beautiful Indian maiden — whose native name, unfortunately, has not been preserved — who, in her dreams, had seen a white brave un- moor his canoe, paddle it across the river and come directly to her lodge. She felt assured, according to the superstitious belief of her race, that, in her dreams, she had seen her future husband, and had come to the fort to find him. Meeting Dr. Muir, she instantly recognized him as the hero of her dream, which, with childlike innocence and simplicity, she related lo him. Her dream was, indeed, prophetic. Charmed with Sophia's beauty, innocence and devo- tion, the doctor honorably married her; but after a while, the sneers and gibes of his brother HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 167 officers — less honorable than he, perhaps — made him feel ashamed of his dark-skinned wife, and when his regiment was ordered down the river, to Bellefontaine, it is said he embraced the opportunity to rid liimself of her, and left her, never expecting to see her again, and little dreaming that she would have the courage to follow him. But, with her infant child, this in- trepid wife and mother started alone in her canoe, and, after many days of weary labor and a lonely journey of nine hundred miles, she, at last, reached him. She afterward remarked, when speaking of this toilsome journey down the river in search of her husband, " AVhen I got there I was all perished away — so thin ! " The doctor, touched by such unexampled devotion, took her to his heart, and ever after, until his death, treated her with marked respect. She always pre- sided at bistable with grace and dignity, but never abanddned her native style of dress. In 1819-20, he was stationed at Fort Edward, but the senseless ridicule of some of his brother oflBcers on account of his Indian wife induced him to resign his commission. After building his cabin, as above stated, he leased his claim for a term of years to Otis Reynolds and John Culver, of St. Louis, and went to La Pointe, afterward Galena, where he practiced his profession for ten years, when he returned to Keokuk. His Indian wife bore to him four children — Louise (married at Keokuk, since dead), James, (drowned at Keokukj, Mary and Sophia. Dr. Muir died suddenly of cholera, in 1832, but left his property in such condition that it was soon wasted in vexatious litigation, and his brave and faithful wife, left friendless and penniless, became discouraged, and, with her children, disappeared, and, it is said, returned to her people on the Upper Missouri. Messrs. Reynolds & Culver, who had leased Dr. Muir's claim at Keokuk, subsequently employed as their agent Mr. Moses Stillwell, who arrived with liis family in 1828, and took possession of Muir's cabin. His brothers-in-law, Amos and Valencourt Van Ansdal, came with him and settled near. His daughter, Margaret Stillwell (afterward Mrs. Ford) was born in 1831, at the foot of the rapids, called by the Indians Puch-a-she-tuck, where Keokuk now stands. She was probably the first white American child born in Iowa. In 1831, Mr. Johnson, Agent of the American Fur Company, who had a station at the foot of the rapids, removed to another location, and, Dr. Muir having returned from Galena, he and Isaac R. Campbell took the place and buildings vacated by the Company and carried on trade with the Indians and half-breeds. Campbell, who had first visited and traveled through tlie southern part of Iowa, in 1821, was an enterprising settler, and besides trading with the natives carried on a farm and kept a tavern. Dr. Muir died of cholera in 1832. In 1830, James L. and Lucius H. Langworthy, brothers and natives of Vermont, visited the Territory for the purpose of working the lead mines at Du- buque. They had been engaged in lead mining at Galena, Illinois, the former from as early as 1824. The lead mines in the Dubuque region were an object of great interest to the miners about Galena, for they were known to be rich in lead ore. To explore these mines and to obtain permission to work them was therefore eminently desirable. In 1829, James L. Langworthy resolved to visit the Dubuque mines. Cross- ing the Mi.ssissip])i at a point now known as Dunleith, in a canoe, and SAvim- ming his horse by his side, he landed on the spot now known as Jones Street Levee. Before him spread out a beautiful prairie, on which the city of Du- buque now stands. Two miles south, at the mouth of Catfish Creek, was a vil- lage of Sacs and Foxes. Thither Mr. Langworthy proceeded, and was well re- ceived by the natives. He endeavored to obtain permission from tliem to mine in their hills, but this they refused. He, however, succeeded in gaining the con- fidence of the chief to such an extent as to be allowed to travel in the interior for three weeks and explore the country. He employed two young Indians as guides, and traversed in different directions the Avhole region lying between the Mafpioketa and Turkey Rivers. He returned to the village, secured the good will of the Indians, and, returning to Galena, formed plans for future opera- tions, to be executed as soon as circumstances would permit. 168 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. In 1830, with his brother, Lucius H., and others, having obtained the con- sent of the Indians, Mr. Langworthy crossed the Mississippi and commenced mining in the vicinity around Dubuque. At this time, the lands were not in the actual possession of the United States. Although they had been purchased from France, the Indian title had not been extinguished, and these adventurous persons were beyond the limits of any State or Territorial government. The first settlers were therefore obliged to be their own law-makers, and to agree to such regulations as the exigencies of the case demanded. The first act resembling civil legislation within the limits of the present State of Iowa was done by the miners at this point, in June, 1830. They met on the bank of the river, by the side of an old cottonwood drift log, at what is now the Jones Street Levee, Dubuque, and elected a Committee, con- sisting of J. L. Langworthy, H. F. Lander, James McPhetres, Samuel Scales, and E. M. Wren. This may be called the first Legislature in Iowa, the mem- bers of which gathered around that old cottonwood log, and agreed to and re- ported the following, written by Mr. Langworthy, on a half sheet of coarse, un- ruled paper, the old log being the writing desk : We, a Committee having been chosen to draft certain rules and regulations (laws) by which we as miners will be governed, and having duly considered the subject, do unanimously agree that we will be governed by the regulations on the east side of the Mississippi River,* with the following exceptions, to wit : Article I. That each and every man shall hold 200 yards square of ground by working said ground one day in six. Article il. We further agree that there shall be chosen, by the majority of the miners present, a person who shall hold this article, and who shall grant letters of arbitration on appli- cation having been made, and that said letters of arbitration shall be obligatory on the parties so applying. The report was accepted by the miners present, Avho elected Dr. Jarote, in accordance with Article 2. Here, then, we have, in 1830, a primitive Legisla- ture elected by the people, the law drafted by it being submitted to the people for approval, and under it Dr. Jarote was elected first Governor within the limits of the present State of Iowa. And it is to be said that the laws thus enacted Avere as promptly obeyed, and the acts of the executive officer thus elected as duly respected, as any have been since. The miners who had thus erected an independent government of their own on the west side of the Mississippi River continued to work successfully for a long time, and the new settlement attracted considerable attention. But the west side of the Mississippi belonged to the Sac and Fox Indians, and the Gov- ernment, in order to preserve peace on the frontier, as Avell as to protect the Indians in their rights under the treaty, ordered the settlers not only to stop mining, but to remove from the Indian territory. They were simply intruders. The execution of this order was entrusted to Col. Zachary Taylor, then in com- mand of the military post at Prairie du Chien, Avho, early in July, sent an officer to the miners with orders to forbid settlement, and to command the miners to remove within ten days to the east side of the Mississippi, or they would be driven off by armed force. The miners, however, were reluctant about leaving the rich "leads " they had already discovered and opened, and were not dis- posed to obey the order to remove with any considerable degree of alacrity. In due time. Col. Taylor dispatched a detachment of troops to enforce his order. The miners, anticipating their arrival, had, excepting three, recrossed the river, and ■ from the east bank saw the troops land on the western shore. The three who had lingered a little too long were, hoAvever, permitted to make their escape * Establiahed by the Superintendent of U. S. Lead Mines at Fevor River. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 169 unmolested. From this time, a military force was stationed at Dubuque to prevent the settlers from returning, until June, 1832. The Indians returned, and were encouaged to operate the rich mines opened by the late Avhite occupants. In June, 1832, the troops were ordered to the east side to assist in the annihilation of the very Indians whose rights they had been protecting on the west side. Immediately after the close of the Black Hawk war, and the negotia- tions of the treaty in September, 1832, by which the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States the tract known as the "Black Hawk Purchase," the set- tlers, supposing that now they had a right to re-enter the territory, returned and took possession of their claims, built cabins, erected furnaces and prepared large quantities of lead for market. Dubuque was becoming a noted place on the river, but the prospects of the hardy and enterprising settlers and miners were again ruthlessly interfered with by the Government, on the ground that the treaty with the Indians would not go into force until June 1, 1833, although they had withdrawn from the vicinity of the settlement. Col. Taylor was again ordered by the War Department to remove the miners, and in January, 1833, troops were again sent from Prairie du Chien to Dubuque for that purpose. This was a serious and perhaps unnecessary hardship imposed upon the settlers. They were compelled to abandon their cabins and homes in mid-winter. It must now be said, simply, that "red tape" should be respected. The purchase had been made, the treaty ratified, or was sure to be ; the Indians had retired, and, after the lapse of nearly fifty years, no very satisfactory reason for this rigorous action of the Government can be given. But the orders had been given, and there was no alternative but to obey. Many of the settlers recrossed the river, and did not return ; a few, however, removed to an island near the east bank of the river, built rude cabins of poles, in which to store their lead until Spring, when they could float the fruits of their labor to St. Louis for sale, and where they could remain until the treaty went into force, when they could return. Among these were James L. Lang- worthy, and his brother Lucius, who had on hand about three hundred thousand pounds of lead. Lieut. Covington, who had been placed in command at Dubuque by Col. Taylor, ordered some of the cabins of the settlers to be torn down, and wagons and other property to be destroyed. This wanton and inexcusable action on the part of a subordinate clothed with a little brief authority was sternly rebuked by Col. Taylor, and Covington was superseded by Lieut. George Wil- son, who pursued a just and friendly course with the pioneers, who were only waiting for the time when they could repossess their claims. June 1, 1833, the treaty formally went into effect, the troops were withdrawn, and the Langworthy brothers and a few others at once returned and resumed possession of their home claims and mineral prospects, and from this time the first permanent settlement of this portion of Iowa must date. Mr. John P. Sheldon Avas appointed Superintendent of the mines by the Government, and a system of permits to miners and licenses to smelters was adopted, similar to that which had been in operation at Galena, since 1825, under Lieut. Martin Thomas and Capt. Thomas C. Legate. Substantially the primitive law enacted by the miners assembled around that old cottonwood drift log in 1830 was adopted and enforced by the United States Government, except that miners were required to sell their mineral to licensed smelters and the smelter was required to give bonds for the payment of six per cent, of all load manufactured to the Government. This was the same rule adopted in the United States mines on Fever River in 170 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Illinois, except that, until 1830, the Illinois miners were compelled to pay 10 pe^r cent. tax. This tax upon the miners created much dissatisfaction among the miners on the ■west side as it had on the east side of the Mississippi. They thought they had suffered hardships and privations enough in opening the "way for civilization, Avithout being subjected to the imposition of an odious Govern- ment tax upon their means of subsistence, Avhen the Federal Government could better afford to aid than to extort from them. The measure soon became unpop- ular. It was difficult to collect the taxes, and the Avhole system was abolished in about ten years. During 1833, after the Indian title was fully extinguished, about five hun- dred people arrived at the mining district, about one hundred and fifty of them from Galena. In the same year, Mr. Langworthy assisted in building the first school house in Iowa, and thus was formed the nucleus of the now populous and thriving City of Dubuque. Mr. Langworthy lived to see the naked prairie on which he first landed become the site of a city of fifteen thousand inhabitants, the small school house which he aided in constructing replaced- by three substantial edifices, wherein two thousand children were being trained, churches erected in every part of the city, and railroads connecting the wilderness which he first explored with all the eastern world. He died suddenly on the 13th of March, 1865, while on a trip over the Dubuque & Southwestern Railroad, at Monticello, and the evening train brought the news of his death and liis remains. Lucius H. Langworthy, his brother, was one of the most worthy, gifted and influential of the old settlers of this section of Iowa. He died, greatly lamented by many friends, in June, 1865. Tlie name Dubuque was given to the settlement by the miners at a meeting held in 1834. In 1832, Captain James White made a claim on the present site of Montrose. In 1834, a militai-y post was established at this point, and a garrison of cavalry was stationed here, under the command of Col. Stephen W. Kearney. The soldiers were removed from this post to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1837. During the same year, 1832, soon after the close of the Black Hawk War, Zachariah Hawkins, Benjamin Jennings, Aaron White, Augustine Horton, Samuel Gooch, Daniel Thompson and Peter Williams made claims at Fort Madison. In 1833, these claims were purchased by John and Nathaniel Knapp, upon which, in 1835, they laid out the town. The next Summer, lots were sold. The town was subsequently re-surveyed and platted by the United States Government. At the close of the Black Hawk War. parties who had been impatiently looking across upon "Flint Hills," now Burlington, came over from Illinois and made claims The first was Samuel S. White, in the Fall of 1832, who erected a cabin on the site of the city of Burlington. About the same time, David Tothero made a claim on the prairie about three miles back from the river, at a place since known as thefaim of Judge Morgan. In the Winter of that year, they were driven off" by the military from Rock Island, as intruders upon the rights of the Indians, and White's cabin was burnt by the soldiers. He retired to Illinois, where he spent the Winter, and in the Summer, as soon as the Indian title was extinguished, returned and rebuilt his cabin. White was joined by his brother-in-law, Doolittle, and they laid out the original town of Burlington in 1834. All along the river borders of the Black Hawk Purchase settlers were flockmg into Iowa. Immediately after the treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, in Septem- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 171 ber, 1832, Col. George Davenport made the first claim on the spot where the thriving city of Davenport now stands. As early as 1827, Col. Davenport had established a flatboat ferry, Avhich ran between the island and the main shore of Iowa, by which he carried on a trade with the Indians west of the Mississippi. In 1833, Capt. Benjamin W. Clark moved across from Illinois, and laid the foundation of the town of Buffalo, in Scott County, which was the first actual settlement within the limits of that county. Among other early settlers in this part of tlie Territory were Adrian H. Davenport, Col. John Sullivan, Mulli- gan and Franklin Easly, Capt. John Coleman, J. M. Camp, William White, H. W. Iliggins, Cornelius Harrold, Richard Harrison, E. H. Shepherd and Dr. E. S. Barrows. The first settlers of Davenport were Antoine LeClaire, Col. George Daven- port, Major Thomas Smith, Major William Gordon, Philip Hambough, Alexan- der W. McGregor, Levi S. Colton, Capt. James May and others. Of Antoine LeClaire, as the representative of the two races of men who at this time occu- pied Iowa, Hon. C. C. Nourse, in his admirable Centennial Address, says : " Antoine LeClaire was born at St. Joseph, Michigan, in 1797. His father was French, his mother a granddaughter of a Pottowatomie chief. In 1818, he acted as official interpreter to Col. Davenport, at Fort Armstrong (now Rock Island). He was well acquainted with a dozen Indian dialects, and was a man of strict integrity and great energy. In 1820, he married the granddaughter of a Sac cliief. The Sac and Fox Indians reserved for him and his wife two sections of land in the treaty of 1833, one at the town of LeClaire and one at Davenport. The Pottawatomies, in the treaty at Prairie du Chien, also reserved for him two sections of land, at the present site of Moline, 111. He received the appointment of Postmaster and Justice of the Peace in the Black Hawk Purchase, at an early day. In 1833, he bought for $100 a claim on the land upon which the original town of Davenport was surveyed and platted in 1836. In 1836, LeClaire built the hotel, known since, with its valuable addi- tion, as the LeClaire House. He died September 25, 1861." In Clayton County, the first settlement was made in the Spring of 1832, on Turkey River, by Robert Hatfield and William W. Wayman. No further settlement was made in this part of the State till the beginning of 1836. In that portion now known as Muscatine County, settlements were made in 1834, by Benjamin Nye, John Vanater and G. W. Kasey, who were the first settlers. E. E. Fay, William St. John, N. Fullington, H. Reece, Jona Petti- bone, R. P. Lowe, Stephen Whicher, Abijah Whiting, J. E. Fletcher, W. D. Abernethy and Alexis Smith were early settlers of Muscatine. During the Summer of 1835, William Bennett and his family, from Galena, built the first cabin within the present limits of Delaware County, in some timber since known as Eads' Grove. The first post office in Iowa was established at Dubuque in 1833. Milo H. Prentice was appointed Postmaster. The first Justice of the Peace was Antoine Le Claire, appointed in 1833, as " a very suitable person to adjust the difficulties between the white settlers and the Indians still remaining there." The first Methodist Society in the Territory was formed at Dubuque on the 18th of May, 1834, and the first class meeting was held June 1st of that year. The first church bell brought into Iowa was in March, 1834. The first mass of the Roman Catholic Church in the Territory was celebrated at Dubuque, in the house of Patrick Quigley, in the Fall of 1833. 172 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. The first school house in the Territory was erected by the Dubuque miners in 1833. The first Sabbath school was organized at Dubuque early in the Summer of 1834. The first woman who came to this part of the Territory with a view to per- manent residence was Mrs. Noble F. Dean, in the Fall of 1832. The first family that lived in this part of Iowa was that of Hosea T. Camp, in 1832. The first meeting house was built by the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Dubu(|ue, in 1834. The first newspaper in Iowa was the Dubuque Visitor, issued May 11th, 1836. John King, afterward Judge King, was editor, and William C. Jones, printer. The pioneers of Iowa, as a class, were brave, hardy, intelligent and enterprising people. As early as 1824, a French trader named Hart had established a trading post, and built a cabin on the bluffs above the large spring now known as " Mynster Spring," within the limits of the present city of Council Bluffs, and had probably been there some time, as the post was known to the employes of the American Fur Company as Lacote de Hart, or " Hart's Bluff." In 1827, an agent of the American Fur Company, Francis Guittar, with others, encamped in the timber at the foot of the bluffs, about on the present location of Broad- way, and afterward settled there. In 1839, a block house was built on the bluff in the east part of the city. The Pottawatomie Indians occupied this part of the State until 1846-7, when they relinquished the territory and removed to Kansas. Billy Caldwell was then principal chief. There Avere no white settlers in that part of the State except Indian traders, until the arrival of the Mormons under the lead of Brigham Young. These people on their way westward halted for the Winter of 1846-7 on the west bank of the Missouri River, about five miles above Omaha, at a place now called Florence. Some of them ,had reached the eastern bank of the river the Spring before, in season to plant a crop. In the Spring of 1847, Young and a portion of the colony pursued their journey to Salt Lake, but a large portion of them returned to the Iowa side and settled mainly within the limits of Pottawattamie County. " The principal settle- ment of this strange community was at a place first called "Miller's Hollow," on Indian Creek, and afterward named Kanesville, in honor of Col. Kane, of Pennsylvania, who visited them soon afterward. The Mormon settlement extended over the county and into neighboring counties, wherever timber and water furnished desirable locations. Orson Hyde, priest, lawyer and editor, was installed as President of the Quorum of Twelve, and all that part of the State remained under Mormon control for several years. In 1846, they raised a bat- talion, numbering some five hundred men, for the Mexican war. In 1848, Hyde started a paper called the Frontier Cfuardian, at Kanesville. In 1849, after many of the faithful had left to join Brigham Young at Salt Lake, the Mormons in this section of Iowa numbered 6,552, and in 1850, 7,828, but they were not all within the limits of Pottawattamie County. This county was organized in 1848, all the first officials being Mormons. In 1852, the order was promulgated that all the true believers should gather together at Salt Lake. Gentiles flocked in, and in a few years nearly all the first settlers were gone. May 9, 1843, Captain James Allen, with a small detachment of troops on board the steamer lone, arrived at the present site of the capital of the State, Des Moines. The lone was the first steamer to ascend the Des Moines River to this point. The troops and stores were landed at what is now the foot of i HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 173 Court avenue, Des Moines, and Capt. Allen returned in the steamer to Fort Sanford to arrange for bringing up more soldiers and supplies. In due time they, too, arrived, and a fort was built near the mouth of Raccoon Fork, at its confluence with the Des Moines, and named Fort Des Moines. Soon after the arrival of the troops, a trading post was established on the east side of the river, by two noted Indian traders named Ewing, from Ohio. Among the first settlers in this part of Iowa were Benjamin Bryant, J. B, Scott, James Drake (gunsmith), John Sturtevant, Robert Kinzie, Alexander Turner, Peter Newcomer, and others. The Western States have been settled by many of the best and most enter- prising men of the older States, and a large immigration of the best blood of the Old World, who, removing to an arena of larger opportunities, in a more fertile soil and congenial climate, have developed a spirit and an energy peculiarly Western. In no country on the globe have enterprises of all kinds been pushed forward with such rapidity, or has there been such independence and freedom of competition. Among those who have pioneered the civiliza- tion of the West, and been the founders of great States, none have ranked higher in the scale of intelligence and moral worth than the pioneers of Iowa, who came to the territory when it was an Indian country, and through hardship, privation and suffering, laid the foundations of the populous and prosperous commonwealth which to-day dispenses its blessings to a million and a quarter of people. From her first settlement and from her first organization as a terri- tory to the present day, Iowa has had able men to manage her affairs, wise statesmen to shape her destiny and frame her laAvs, and intelligent and impartial jurists to administer justice to her citizens ; her bar, pulpit and press have been able and widely influential ; and in all the professions, arts, enterprises and industries which go to make up a great and prosperous commonw^ealth, she has taken and holds a front rank among her sister States of the West. TERRITORIAL HISTORY. By act of Congress, approved October 31, 1803, the President of the United States was authorized to take possession of the territory included in the Louisiana purchase, and provide for a temporary government. By another act of the same session, approved March 26, 1804, the newly acquired country was divided, October 1, 1804 into the Territory of Orleans, south of the thirty-tliird parallel of north latitude, and the district of Louisiana, which latter was placed under the authority of the officers of Indiana Territory, In 1 805, the District of Louisiana was organized as a Territory with a gov- ernment of its own. In 1807, Iowa was included in the Territory of Illinois, and in 1812 in the Territory of Missouri. When Missouri was admitted as a State, March 2, 1821, "Iowa," says Hon. C. C. Nourse, "was left a political orphan," until by act of Congress, approved June 28, 1834, the Black Hawk purchase having been made, all the territory west of the Mississippi and north of the northern boundary of Missouri, was made a part of Michigan Territory. Lp to this time there had been no county or other organization in what is now the State of Iowa, although one or two Justices of the Peace had been appointed and a post office was established at Dubuque in 1833. In September, 1834, however, the Territorial Legislature of Michigan created two counties on the west side of the Mississippi River, viz. : Dubuque and Des Moines, separated by a line drawn westward from tlie foot of Rock Island. These counties were 174 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. partially organized. John King was appointed Chief Justice of Dubuque County, and Isaac Leffler, of Burlington, of Des Moines County. Two Associate Justices, in each county, were appointed by the Governor. On the first Monday in October, 1835, Gen. George W. Jones, now a citi- zen of Dubuque, Avas elected a Delegate to Congress from this part of Michigan Territory. On the 20th of April, 1836, through the efforts of Gen. Jones, Congress passed a bill creating the Territory of Wisconsin, which went into operation, July 4, 1836, and Iowa was then included in THE TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN, of which Gen. Henry Dodge was appointed Governor; John S. Horner, Secre- tary of the Territory ; Charles Dunn, Chief Justice ; David Irwin and William C. Frazer, Associate Justices. September 9, 1836, Governor Dodge ordered the census of the new Territory to be taken. This census resulted in shoAving a population of 10,531 in the counties of Dubuque and Des Moines. Under the apportionment, these two counties were entitled to six members of the Council and thirteen of the House of Representatives. The Governor issued his proclamation for an election to be held on the first Monday of October, 1836, on which day the following members of the First Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin were elected from the two counties in the Black Hawk purchase : Dubuque County. — Council: John Fally, Thomas McKnight, Thomas Mc- Craney. House : Loring Wheeler, Hardin Nowlan, Peter Hill Engle, Patrick Quigley, Hosea T. Camp. Des Moines County. — Council: Jeremiah Smith, Jr., Joseph B. Teas, Arthur B. Ingram. House: Isaac Leffler, Thomas Blair, Warren L. Jenkins, John Box, George W. Teas, Eli Reynolds, David R. Chance. The first Legislature assembled at Belmont, in the present State of Wiscon- sin, on the 25th day of October, 1836, and was organized by electing Henry T. Baird President of the Council, and Peter Hill Engle, of Dubuque, Speaker of the House. It adjourned December 9, 1836. The second Legislature assembled at Burlington, November 10, 1837. Adjourned January 20, 1838. The third session was at Burlington; com- menced June 1st, and adjourned June 12, 1838. During the first session of the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature, in 1836, the county of Des Moines was divided into Des Moines, Lee, Van Buren, Henry, Muscatine and Cook (the latter being subsequently changed to Scott) and defined their boundaries. During the second session, out of the territory embraced in Dubuque County, were created the counties of Dubuque, Clayton, Fayette, Delaware, Buchanan, Jackson, Jones, Linn, Clinton and Cedar, and their boun- daries defined, but the most of them were not organized until several years afterward, under the authority of the Territorial Legislature of Iowa. The question of a separate territorial organization for Iowa, which was then a part of Wisconsin Territory, began to be agitated early in the Autumn of 1837. The wishes of the people found expression in a convention held at Bur- lington on the 1st of November, which memorialized Congress to organize a Territory west of the Mississippi, and to settle the boundary line between Wis- consin Territory and Missouri. The Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin, then in session at Burlington, joined in the petition. Gen. George W. Jones, of Dubuque, then residing at Sinsinawa Mound, in what is now Wisconsin, was Delegate to Congress from W^isconsin Territory, and labored so earnestly and successfully, that " An act to divide the Territory of Wisconsin, and to estab- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 175 lish the Territorial Government of Iowa," was approved June 12, 1838, to take effect and be in force on and after July 3, 1838. The new Territory embraced "all that part of the present Territory of Wisconsin which lies west of the Mis- sissippi River, and west of a line drawn due north from the head water or sources of the Mississippi to the territorial line." The organic act provided for a Governor, whose term of office should be three years, and for a Secretary, Chief Justice, two Associate Justices, and Attorney and Marshal, who shoukl serve four years, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The act also provided for the election, by the white male inhabitants, citizens of the United States, over twenty-one years of age, of a House of Representatives, consisting of twenty-six members, and a Council, to consist of thirteen members. It also appropriated $5,000 for a public library, and §20,000 for the erection of public buildings. President Yan Buren appointed Ex-Governor Robert Lucas, of Ohio, to be the first Governor of the new Territory. William B. Conway, of Pittsburgh, was appointed Secretary of the Territory ; Charles Mason, of Burlington, Chief Justice, and Tliomas S. Wilson, of Dubuque, and Joseph Williams, of Pennsylvania, Associate Judges of the Supreme and District Courts; Mr. Van Allen, of New York, Attorney; Francis Gehon, of Dubuque, Marshal; Au gustus C. Dodge, Register of the Land Office at Burlington, and Thomas Me- Knight, Receiver of the Land Office at Dubuque. Mr. Van Allen, the District Attorney, died at Rockingham, soon after his appointment, and Col. Charles Weston Avas appointed to fill his vacancy. Mr. Conway, the Secretary, also died at Burlington, during the second session of the Legislature, and Jamai Clarke, editor of the G-azette, was appointed to succeed him. Immediately after his arrival, Governor Lucas issued a proclamation for thtj election of members of the first Territorial Legislature, to be held on the lOtL of September, dividing the Territory into election districts for that purpose, and appointing the 12th day of November for meeting of the Legislature to bo elected, at Burlington. The first Territorial Legislature was elected in September and assembled at Burlington on the 12th of November, and consisted of the following members: Council. — Jesse B. Brown, J. Keith, E. A. M. Swazey, Arthur Ingram, Robert Ralston, George Hepner, Jesse J. Payne, D. B. Hughes, James M. Clark, Charles Whittlesey, Jonathan W. Parker, Warner Lewis, StepheL. Hempstead. House. — William Patterson, Hawkins Taylor, Calvin J. Price, James Brierly, James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey, Samuel Parker, James W. Grimes, George Temple, Van B. Delashmutt, Thomas Blair, George H. Beeler,'* William G. Coop, William H. Wallace, Asbury B. Porter, John Frierson, William L. Toole, Levi Thornton, S. C. Hastings, Robert G. Roberts, Laurel Summers,t Jabez A. Burchard, Jr., Chauncey Swan, Andrew Bankson, Thomas Cox and Hardin Nowlin. Notwithstanding a large majority of the members of both branches of the Legislature were Democrats, yet Gen. Jesse B. Browne (Whig), of Lee County, was elected President of the Council, and Hon. William H. Wallace (Whig), of Henry County, Speaker of the House of Representatives — the former unani- mously and the latter with bus little opposition. At that time, national politics *Cynig S. JacobR, -who was elpctpd for T>cs JToinea County, was killpd in an unfortunate encounter at Burlington before the meeting ol'tlio Legislature, and Jlr. Bceler was clecteil to fill the vacancy. tSnmuel R, Murray was retuinuii an elected from Clinton County, but Lis seat was successfully contested by Burcliaid. 176 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, were little heeded by the people of the new Territory, but in 1840, during the Presidential campaign, party lines were strongly drawn. At the election in September, 1838, for members of the Legislature, a Con- gressional Delegate was also elected. There were four candidates, viz. : William W. Chapman and David Rohrer, of Des Moines County ; B. F. Wallace, of Henry County, and P. H. Engle, of Dubuque County. Chapman was elected, receiving a majority of thirty-six over Engle. The first session of the Iowa Territorial Legislature was a stormy and excit- ing one. By the organic law, the Governor was clothed with almost unlimited veto power. Governor Lucas seemed disposed to make free use of it, and the independent Hawkeyes could not quietly submit to arbitrary and absolute rule, and the result was an unpleasant controversy between the Executive and Legis- lative departments. Congress, however, by act approved March 3, 1839, amended the organic law by restricting the veto power of the Governor to the two-thirds rule, and took from him the power to appoint Sherifts and Magistrates. Among the first important matters demanding attention was the location of the seat of government and provision for the erection of public buildings, for which Congress had appropriated $20,000. Governor Lucas, in his message, had recommended the appointment of Commissioners, with a view to making a central location. The extent of the future State of Iowa was not known or thought of. Only on a strip of land fifty miles wide, bordering on the Missis- sippi River, was the Indian title extinguished, and a central location meant some central point in the Black Hawk Purchase. The friends of a central location supported the Governor's suggestion. The southern members were divided between Burlington and Mount Pleasant, but finally united on the latter as the proper location for the seat of government. The central and southern parties were very nearly equal, and, in consequence, much excitement prevailed. The central party at last triumphed, and on the 21st day of January, 1839, an act was passed, appointing Chauncey Swan, of Dubuque County ; John Ronalds, of Louisa County, and Robert Ralston, of Des Moines County, Commissioners, to select a site for a permanent seat of Government within the limits of John- son County. Johnson County had been created by act of the Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin, approved December 21, 1837, and organized by act passed at the special session at Burlington in June, 1838, the organization to date from July 4th, following. Napoleon, on the Iowa River, a few miles below the future Iowa City, was designated as the county seat, temporarily. Then there existed good reason for locating the capital in the county. The Territory of Iowa was bounded on the north by the British Possessions ; east, by the Mississippi River to its source; thence by a line drawn due north to the northern boundary of the United States; south, by the State of Missouri, and west, by the Missouri and White Earth Rivers. But this immense territory was in un- disputed possession of the Indians, except a strip on the Mississippi, known as the Black Hawk Purchase. Johnson County was, from north to south, in the geographical center of this purchase, and as near the east and west geographical center of the future State of Iowa as could then be made, as the boundary line between the lands of the United States and the Indians, established by the treaty of October 21, 1837, was immediately west of the county limits. ^ The Commissioners, after selecting the site, were directed to lay out 640 acres into a town, to be called Iowa City, and to proceed to sell lots and erect public buildings thereon, Congress having granted a section of land to be selected by the Territory for this purpose. The Commissioners met at Napo- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 177 leon, Johnson County, May 1, 1839, selected for a site Section 10, in Town- ship 79 North of Range 6 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and immedi- ately surveyed it and laid oft" the town. The first sale of lots took place August 16, 1839. The site selected for the public buildings was a little west of the geographical center of the section, where a square of ten acres on the elevated grounds o\erlooking the river was reserved for the purpose. The capitol is located in the center of this square. The second Territorial Legislature, Avhich assembled in November, 1839, passed an act requiring the Commissioners to adopt such plan for the building that the aggregate cost when complete should not exceed $51,000, and if they had already adopted a plan involving a greater expenditure they were directed to abandon it. Plans for the building were designed and drawn by Mr. John F. Rague, of Springfield, 111., and on the 4th day of July, 1840, the corner stone of the edifice was laid with appropriate cei'emonies. Samuel C. Trowbridge was Marshal of the day, and Gov. Lucas delivered the address on that occasion. When the Legislature assembled at Burlington in special session, July 13, 1840, Gov. Lucas announced that on the 4th of that month he had visited Iowa City, and found the basement of the capitol nearly completed. A bill author- izing a loan of $20,000 for the building was passed, January 15, 1841, tlie unsold lots of Iowa City being the security oft"ered, but only $5,500 was obtained under the act. THE BOUNDARY QUESTION. The boundary line between the Territory of Iowa and the State of Missouri was a difiicult question to settle in 1838, in consequence of claims arising from taxes and titles, and at one time civil war was imminent. In defining the boundaries of the counties bordering on Missouri, the Iowa authorities had fixed a line that has since been established as the boundary between Iowa and Mis- souri. The Constitution of Missouri defined her northern boundary to be the parallel of latitude which passes through the rapids of the Des Moines River. The lower rapids of the Mississippi immediately above the mouth of the Des Moines River had always been known as the Des Moines Rapids, or " the rapids of the Des Moines River." The Missourians (evidently not well versed in history or geography) insisted on running the northern boundary line from the rapids in the Des Moines River, just below Keosauqua, thus taking li-om Iowa a strip of territory eight or ten miles wide. Assuming this as her northern boundary line, Missouri attempted to exercise jurisdiction over the disputed territory by assessing taxes, and sending her Sheriffs to collect them by distraining the personal property of the settlers. The lowans, however, were not disposed to submit, and the Missouri officials were arrested by the Sheriffs of Davis and Van Buren Counties and confined in jail. Gov, Boggs, of Missouri, called out his militia to enforce the claim and sustain the officers of Missouri. Gov. Lucas called out the militia of Iowa, and both parties made active preparations for war. In Iowa, about 1,200 men Avere enlisted, and 500 were actually armed and encamped in A'an Buren County, ready to defend the integrity of the Territory. Subsequently, Gen. A. C. Dodge, of Burlington, Gen. Churchman, of Dubu(|ue, and Dr. Clark, of Fort Madison, were sent to Missouri as envoys plenipotentiary, to effect, if possible, a peaceable adjustment of the difficulty. Upon their arrival, they found that the County Commissioners of Clarke County, Missouri, had rescinded their order for the collection of the taxes, and that Gov. Boggs had despatched messengers to the Governor of Iowa proposing 178 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. to submit an agreed case to the Supreme Court of the United States for the final settlement of the boundary question. This proposition was declined, but afterward Congress authorized a suit to settle the controversy, which was insti- tuted, and which resulted in a judgment for Iowa. Under this decision, William G. Miner, of Missouri, and Henry B. Hendershott were appointed Commissioners to survey and establish the boundary. Mr. Nourse remarks that " the expenses of the war on the part of Iowa were never paid, either by the United States or the Territorial Government. The patriots who furnished supplies to the troops had to bear the cost and charges of the struggle." The first legislative assembly laid the broad foundation of civil equality, on which has been constructed one of the most liberal governments in the Union. Its first act was to recognize the equality of woman with man before the law by providing that " no action commenced by a single woman, who intermarries during the pendency thereof, shall abate on account of such marriage." This prin- ciple has been adopted by all subsequent legislation in Iowa, and to-day woman has full and equal civil rights with man, except only the right of the ballot. Religious toleration was also secured to all, personal liberty strictly guarded, the rights and privileges of citizenship extended to all white persons, and the purity of elections secured by heavy penalties against bribery and corruption. The judiciary power was vested in a Supreme Court, District Court, Probate Court, and Justices of the Peace. Real estate was made divisible by will, and intestate property divided equitably among heirs. IMurder was made punishable by death, and proportionate penalties fixed for lesser crimes. A system of free schools, open for every class of white citizens, was established. Provision was made for a system of roads and highways. Thus under the territorial organi- zation, the country began to emerge from a savage wilderness, and take on the forms of civil government. By act of Congress of June 12, 1838, the lands which had been purchased of the Indians Avere brought into market, and land offices opened in Dubuque and Burlington. Congress provided for military roads and bridges, which greatly aided the settlers, who were now coming in by thousands, to make their homes on the fertile prairies of Iowa — " the Beautiful Land." The fame of the country had spread far and wide ; even before the Indiiin title was extinguished, many were crowding the borders, impatient to cross over and stake out their claims on the choicest spots they could find in the new Territory. As soon as the country was open for settlement, the borders, the Black Hawk Purchase, all along the Mississipi, and up the principal rivers and streams, and out over the broad and rolling prairies, began to be thronged with eager land hunters and immigrants, seeking homes in Iowa. It was a sight to delight the eyes of all comers from every land — its noble streams, beautiful and picturesque hills and valleys, broad and fertile prairies extending as far as the eye could reach, with a soil surpassing in richness anything which they had ever seen. It is not to be wondered at that immigration into Iowa was rapid, and that within less than a decade from the organization of the Territory, it contained a hundred and fifty thousand people. As rapidly as the Indian titles were extinguished and the original owners removed, the resistless tide of emigration flowed westward. The following extract from Judge Nourse's Centennial Address shows how the immigrants gathered on the Indian boundary, ready for the removal of the barrier : In obedience to our progressive and aggressive spirit, the Government of the United States made another treaty with the Sac and Fox Indians, on the 11th day of August, 1842, for the remaining portion of their land in Iowa. The treaty provided that the Indians should retain HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 179 possession of all the lands thus ceded until May 1, 1843, and should occupy that portion of the •ceded territory west of a line running; north and south through Kedrock, until October 11, 1845. These tribes, at this time, had their principal village at Ot-tum-wa-no, now called Ottumwa. As soon as it became known that the treaty had been concluded, there was a rush of immigration to Iowa, and a great number of temporary settlements were made near tlie Indian boundary, wait- ing for the 1st day of May. As the day appi-oached, hundreds of families encamped along the line, and their tents and wagons gave tlie scene the appearance of a military expedition. The country beyond had been thoroughly explored, but the United States military authorities had prevented any settlement or even the making out of claims by any monuments whatever. To aid thera in making out their claims when the hour sliould arrive, the settlers had placed piles of dry wood on the rising ground, at convenient distances, and a short time before twelve o'clock of the night of the 80th of April, these were lighted, and when the midnight hour arrived, it was announced by the discharge of firearms. The night was dark, but this army of occupa- tion pressed forward, torch in hand, with axe and hatchet, blazing lines with all manner of curves and angles. When daylight came and revealel the confusion of these wonderful surveys, numerous disputes arose, settled generally by compromise, but sometimes by violence, Between midnight of the 30th of April and sundown of the 1st of May, over one thousand families had settled on their new purchase. While this scene was transpiring, the retreating Indians were enacting one more impressive and melancholy. The Winter of 1842-43 was one of unusual severity, and the Indian prophet, who had disapproved of the treaty, attributed the severity of the Winter to the anger of the Great Spirit, because they had sold their country. Many religious rites were performed to atone for the crime. When the time for leaving Ot-tum-wa-no arrived, a solemn silence pervaded the Indian camp, and the faces of their stoutest men were bathed in tears; and when their cavalcade was put in motion, toward the setting sun, there was a spontaneous outburst of frantic grief from the entire procession. The Indians remained the appointed time beyond the line running north and south through Redrock. The government established a trading post and niilitai-y encampment at the Raccoon Fork of the Des Moines River, then and for many years known as Fort Des Moines. Here the red man lingered until the 11th of October, 1845, when the same scene that we have before described was re-enacted, and the wave of immigration swept over the remainder of the " New Purchase." The lands thus occupied and claimed by the settlers still belonged in fee to the Gen- eral Government. The surveys were not completed until some time after the Indian title was extinguished. After their survey, the lands were publicly proclaimed or advertised for sale at public auction. Under the laws of the United States, a pre-emption or exclusive right to purchase public lands could net be acquired until after the lands had thus been publicly ofl'ered and not sold for want of bidders. Then, and not until then, an occupant making improvements in good faith might acquire a right over others to enter the land at the minimum price of $1.25 per acre. The "claim laws" were unknown to the United States statutes. They originated in the " eternal fitness of things," and were enforced, probably, as belonging to that class of natural rights not enumerated in the constitution, and not impaired or disparaged by its enumeration. The settlers organized in every settlement prior to the public land sales, appointed officers, and adopted their own rules and regulations. Each man's claim was duly ascertained and recorded by the Secretary. It was the duty o{ all to attend the sales. The Secretary bid off the lands of each settler at $1.25 per acre. The others were there, to see, first, that he did his duty and bid in the land, and, secondly, to see that no one else bid. This, of course, sometimes led to trouble, l)ut it saved the excitement of competition, and gave a formality and degree of order and regularity to the proceedings they would not otherwise have attained. As far as practicable, the Territorial Legislature recognized the validity of these " claims " upon the public lands, and in 1839 passed an act legalizing their sale and making their transfer a valid consideration to sup- port a promise to pay for the same. (Acts of 1843, r>. 456). The Supreme Territorial Court held this law to be valid. (See Hill v. Smith, 1st Morris Rep. 70). The opinion not only con- tains a decision of the question involved, but also contains much valuable erudition upon that 'I spirit of Anglo-Saxon liberty" which the Iowa settlers unquestionably inherited in a direct line of descent from the said " Anglo-Saxons." But the early settler was not always able to pay even this dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for his land. Many of the settlers had nothing to begin with, save their hands, health and courage and their family jewels, "the pledges of love," and the "consumers of bread." It was not so easy to accumulate money in the early days of the State, and the "beautiful prairies," the "noble streams," and all that sort of poetic imagery, did not prevent the early settlers from becoming discouraged. An old settler, in speaking of the privations and trials of those early days, says: Well do the "old settlers ' of Iowa remember the days from the first settlement to 1840. Those were days of sadness and distre,8S. The endearments of home in another land had been 180 * HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. broken up; and all that was hallowed on earth, the home of childhood and the scenes of youth, we severed ; and we sat down by the gentle waters of our noble river, and often " hung our harps on the willows." Another, from another part of the State, testifies : There was no such thing as getting money for any kind of labor. I laid brick at $3.00 per thousand, and took my pay in anything I could eat or wear. I built the first Methodist Church at Keokuk, 42x60 feet, of brick, for $600, and took my pay in a subscription paper, part of which I never collected, and upon which I only received $50 00 in money. Wheat was hauled 100 miles from the interior, and sold for 37i cents per bushel. Another old settler, speaking of a later period, 1843, says : Land and everything had gone down in value to almost nominal prices. Corn and oats could be bought for six or ten cents a bushel ; pork, $1 .00 per hundred ; and the best horse a man could raise sold for $50.00. Nearly all were in debt, and the SheriflF and Constable, with legal processes, were common visitors at almost every man's door. These were indeed "the times that tried men's souls." "A few," says Mr. Nourse, "who were not equal to the trial, returned to their old homes, but such as had the courage and faith to be the worthy founders of a great State remained, to more than realize the fruition of their hopes, and the reward of their self-denial." On Monday, December 6, 1841, the fourth Legislative Assembly met, at the new capital, Iowa City, but the capitol building could not be used, and the Legislature occupied a temporary frame house, that had been erected for that purpose, during the session of 1841-2. At this session, the Superintendent of Public Buildings (who, with the Territorial Agent, had superseded the Commis- sioners first appointed), estimated the expense of completing the building at $33,330, and that rooms for the use of the Legislature could be completed for $15,600. During 1842, the Superintendent commenced obtaining stone from a new quarry, about ten miles northeast of the city. This is now known as the '' Old Capitol Quarry," and contains, it is thought, an immense quantity of excellent building stone. Here all the stone for completing the building was obtained, and it was so far completed, that on the 5th day of December, 1842, the Legis- lature assembled in the new capitol. At this session, the Superintendent esti- mated that it would cost $39,143 to finish the building. This was nearly $6,000 higher than the estimate of the previous year, notwithstanding a large sum had been expended in the meantime. This rather discouraging discrep- ancy was accounted for by the fact that the officers in charge of the work were constantly short of funds. Except the congressional appropriation of $20,000 and the loan of $5,500, obtained from the Miners' Bank, of Dubuque, all the funds for the prosecution of the work were derived from the sale of the city lots (which did not sell very rapidly), from certificates of indebtedness, and from scrip, based upon unsold lots, which was to be received in payment for such lots when they were sold. At one time, the Superintendent made a requisition for bills of iron and glass, which could not be obtained nearer than St. Louis. To meet this, the Agent sold some lots for a draft, payable at Pittsburgh, Pa., for which he was compelled to pay twenty-five per cent, exchange. This draft, amounting to $507, that officer reported to be more than one-half the cash actually handled by him during the entire season, when the disbursements amounted to very nearly $24,000. With such uncertainty, it could not be expected that estimates could be very accurate. With all these disadvantages, however, the work appears to have been prudently prosecuted, and as rapidly as circumstances would permit. / HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 181 Iowa remained a Territory from 1838 to 1846, during which the office of Governor was held by Robert Lucas, John Chambers and James Clarke. STATE ORGANIZATION. By an act of the Territorial Legislature of Iowa, approved February 12, 1844, the question of the formation of a State Constitution and providing for the election of Delegates to a convention to be convened for that purpose was submitted to the people, to be voted upon at their township elections in April following. The vote was largely in favor of the measure, and the Delegates elected assembled in convention at Iowa City, on the 7th of October, 1844. On the first day of November following, the convention completed its work and adopted the first State Constitution. The President of the convention, Hon. Shepherd Leffler, was instructed to transmit a certified copy of this Constitution to the Delegate in Congress, to be by him submitted to that body at the earliest practicable day. It was also pro- vided that it should be submitted, together with any conditions or changes that might be made by Congress, to the people of the Territory, for their approval or rejection, at the township election in April, 1845. The boundaries of the State, as defined by this Constitution, were as fol- lows : Beginning in the middle of (he channel of the Mississippi River, opposite mouth of the Des Moines River, thence up the said river Des Moines, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to a point where it is intersected by the Old Indian Boundary line, or line run by John C. Sullivan, in the year 1816 ; thence westwardly along said line to the " old " northwest corner of Missouri ; thence due west to the middle of the main channel of the Missouri River ; thence up in the middle of the main channel of the river last mentioned to the mouth of the Sioux or Calumet River ; thence in a direct line to the middle of the main channel of the St. Peters River, where the Watonwan River — according to Nicollet's map — enters the same ; thence down the middle of the main channel of said river to the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi River ; thence down the middle of the main channel of said river to the place of beginning. These boundaries were rejected by Congress, but by act approved March 3, 1845, a State called Iowa was admitted into the Union, provided the people accepted the act, bounded as follows : Beginning at the mouth of the Des Moines River, at the middle of the Mississippi, thence by the middle of the channel of that river to a parallel of latitude passing through the mouth of the Mankato or Blue Earth River; thence west, along said parallel of latitude, to a point where it is intersected by a meridian line seventeen degrees and thirty minutes west of the meridian of Washington City ; thence due south, to the northern boundary line of the State of Missouri; thence eastwardly, following that boundary to the point at which the same intersects the Des Moines River ; thence by the middle of the channel of that river to the place of beginning. These boundaries, had they been accepted, would have placed the northern boundary of the State about thirty miles north of its present location, and would have deprived it of the Missouri slope and the boundary of that river. The western boundary would have been near the west line of what is now Kossuth County. But it was not so to be. In consequence of this radical and unwel- come change in the boundaries, the people refused to accept the act of Congress and rejected the Constitution at tlie election, held August 4, 1845, by a vote of 7,656 to 7,235. A second Constitutional Convention assembled at Iowa City on the 4th day of May, 1846, and on the 18th of the same month another Constitution for the new State with the present boundaries, was adopted and submitted to the people for ratification on the 3d day of August following, when it was accepted ; 9,492 votes were cast "for the Constitution," and 9,036 "against the Constitution." 182 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. The Constitution was approved bj Congress, and by act of Congress approved December 28, 1846, Iowa was admitted as a sovereign State in the American Union. Prior to this action of Congress, however, th^ people of the new State held an election under the new Constitution on the 26th day of October, and elected Oresel Briggs, Governor : Elisha Cutler, Jr., Secretary of State ; Joseph T. Fales, Auditor ; Morgan Reno, Treasurer ; and members of the Senate and House of Representatives. At this time there were twenty-seven organized counties in the State, with a population of nearly 100,000, and the frontier settlements were rapidly push- ing toward the Missouri River. The Mormons had already reached there. The first General Assembly of the State of Iowa was composed of nineteen Senators and forty Representatives. It assembled at Iowa City, November 30, 1846, about a month before the State was admitted into the Union. At the first session of the State Legislature, the Treasurer of State reported that the capitol building was in a very exposed condition, liable to injury from storms, and expressed the hope that some provision would be made to complete it, at least sufficiently to protect it from the weather. The General Assembly responded by appropriating $2,500 for the completion of the public buildings. At the first session also arose the question of the re-location of the capital. The western boundary of the State, as now determined, left Iowa City too far toward the eastern and southern boundary of the State ; this was conceded. Congress had appropriated five sections of land for the erection of public buildings, and toward the close of the session a bill was introduced providing for the re-location of the seat of government, involving to some extent the location of the State University, which had already been discussed. This bill gave rise to a deal of discussion and parliamentary maneuvering, almost purely sectional in its character. It provided for the appointment of three Commissioners, who wei'e authorized to make a location as near the geographical center of the State as a healthy and eligible site could be obtained ; to select the five sections of land donated by Congress ; to survey and plat into town lots not exceeding one section of the land so selected ; to sell lots at public sale, not to exceed two in each block. Having done this, they were then required to suspend' further operations, and make a report of their proceedings to the Governor. The bill passed both Houses by decisive votes, received the signature of the Governor, and became a law. Soon after, by "An act to locate and establish a State University," approved February 25, 1847, the unfinished public buildings at Iowa City, together with the ten acres of land on which they were situated, were granted for the use of the University, reserving their use, however, by the General Assembly and the State officers, until other provisions were made by law. The Commissioners forthwith entered upon their duties, and selected four sections and tAvo half sections in Jasper County. Two of these sections are in what is now Des Moines Township, and the others in Fairview Township, in the southern part of that county. These lands are situated between Prairie City and IMonroe, on the Keokuk & Des Moines Railroad, which runs diagonally through them. Here a town was platted, called Monroe City, and a sale of lots took place. Four hundred and fifteen lots were sold, at prices that were not considered remarkably remunerative. The cash payments (one-fourth) amounted to $1,797.43, while the expenses of the sale and the claims of the Commissioners for services amounted to $2,206.57. The Commissioners made a report of their proceedings to the Governor, as required by law, but the loca- tion was generally condemned. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 183 When the report of the Commissioners, showing this brilliant financial ope- ration, had been read in the House of Representatives, at the next session, and while it was under consideration, an indignant member, afterward known as the eccentric Judge McFarland, moved to refer the report to a select Committee of Five, with instructions to report " how much of said city of Monroe was under water and how much was burned." The report was referred, without the instructions, however, but Monroe City never became the seat of government. By an act approved January 15, 1849, the law by which the location had been made was repealed and the new town was vacated, the money paid by purchas- ers of lots being refunded to them. This, of course, retained the seat of govern- ment at Iowa City, and precluded, for the time, the occupation of the building and grounds by the University. At the same session, $3,000 more were appropriated for completing the State building at Iowa City. In 1852, the further sum of $5,000, and in 1854 $4,000 more W'ere apppropriated for the same purpose, making the whole cost $123,000, paid partly by the General Government and partly by the State, but principally from the proceeds of the sale of lots in loAva City. But the question of the permanent location of the seat of government was not settled, and in 1851 bills were introduced for the removal of the capital to Pella and to Fort Des Moines. The latter appeared to have the support of the majority, but was finally lost in the House on the question of ordering it to its third reading. At the next session, in 1853, a bill was introduced in the Senate for the removal of the seat of government to Fort Des Moines, and, on final vote, was just barely defeated. At the next session, however, the effort was more successful, and on the 15th day of January, 1855, a bill re-locating the capital within two miles of the Raccoon Fork of the Des Moines, and for the appoint- ment of Commissioners, was approved by Gov. Grimes. The site was selected in 1856, in accordance with the provisions of this act, the land being donated to the State by citizens and property-holders of Des Moines. An association of citizens erected a building for a temporary capitoi, and leased it to the State at a nominal rent. The third Constitutional Convention to revise the Constitution of the State assembled at Iowa City, January 19, 1857. The new Constitution framed by this convention was submitted to the people at an election held August 3, 1857, when it was approved and adopted by a vote of 40,311 " for " to 38,681 " against," and on the 3d day of September following was declared by a procla- mation of the Governor to be the supreme law of the State of Iowa. Advised of the completion of the temporary State House at Des Moines, on the 19th of October following. Governor Grimes issued another proclamation, declaring the City of Des Moines to be the capital of the State of Iowa. The removal of the archives and offices was commenced at once and con- tinued through the Fall. It was an undertaking of no smallmagnitutle; there was not a mile of railroad to facilitate the work, and the season was unusually disagreeable. Rain, snow and other accompaniments increased the difficulties ; and it was not until December, that the last of tlie effects — the safe of the State Treasurer, loaded on two large " bob-sleds " — drawn by ten yoke of oxen was de- posited in the new capital. It is not imprudent now to remark that, during this passage over hills and prairies, across rivers, through bottom lands and timber, the safes belonging to the several departments contained large sums of money, mostly individual funds, however. Thus, Iowa City ceased to be the capital of the State, after four Territorial Legislatures, six State Legislatures and three 184 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Constitutional Conventions had held their sessions there. By the exchange, the old capitol at Iowa City became the seat of the University, and, except the rooms occupied by the United States District Court, passed under the immedi- ate and direct control of the Trustees of that institution. Des Moines was now the permanent seat of government, made so by the fundamental law of the State, and on the 11th day of January, 1858, the seventh General Assembly convened at the new capital. The building used for governmental purposes was purchased in 1864. It soon became inadequate for the purposes for which it was designed, and it became apparent that a new, large and permanent State House must be erected. In 1870, the General Assembly made an appropriation and provided for the appointment of a Board of Commissioners to commence the work. The board consisted of Gov. Samuel Merrill, ex officio. President ; Grenville M. Dodge, Council Bluffs ; James F. Wilson, Fairfield; James Dawson, Washington; Simon G. Stein, Muscatine; James 0. Crosby, Gainsville; Charles Dudley, Agency City; John N. Dewey, Des Moines; William L. Joy, Sioux City ; Alexander R. Fulton, Des Moines, Secretary. The act of 1870 provided that the building should be constructed of the best material and should be fire proof; to be heated and ventilated in the most approved manner; should contain suitable legislative halls, rooms for State officers, the judiciary, library, committees, archives and the collections of the State Agricultural Society, and for all purpoees of State Government, and should be erected on grounds held by the State for that purpose. The sum first appropriated was ^150,000 ; and the law provided that no contract should be made, either for constructing or furnishing the building, which should bind the State for larger sums than those at the time appropriated. A design was drawn and plans and specifications furnished by Cochrane & Piquenard, architects, which were accepted by the board, and on the 23d of November, 1871, the cor- ner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The estimated cost and present value of the capitol is fixed at $2,000,000. From 1858 to 1860, the Sioux became troublesome in the northwestern part of the State. These warlike Indians made frequent plundering raids upon the settlers, and murdered several families. In 1861, several companies of militia were ordered to that portion of the State to hunt down and punish the murderous thieves. No battles were fought, however, for the Indians fled when they ascertained that systematic and adequate measures had been adopted to protect the settlers. " The year 1856 marked a new era in the history of Iowa. In 1854, the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad had been completed to the east bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Davenport. In 1854, the corner stone of a railroad bridge, that was to be the first to span the "Father of Waters," was laid with appropriate ceremonies at this point. St. Louis had resolved that the enter- prise was unconstitutional, and by writs of injunction made an unsuccessful effort to prevent its completion. Twenty years later in her history, St. Louis repented her folly, and made atonement for her sin by imitating our example. On the 1st day of January, 1856, this railroad was completed to Iowa City. In the meantime, two other railroads had reached the east bank of the Missis- sippi — one opposite Burlington, and one opposite Dubuque — and these were being extended into the interior of the State. Indeed, four lines of railroad had been projected across the State from the Mississippi to the Missouri, hav- ing eastern connections. On the 15th of May, 1856, the Congress of the United States passed an act granting to the State, to aid in the construction of HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 185 railroads, the public lands in alternate sections, six miles on either side of the proposed lines. An extra session of the General Assembly was called in July of this year, that disposed of the grant to the several companies that proposed to complete these enterprises. The population of our State at this time had increased to 500,000. Public attention had been called to the necessity of a railroad across the continent. The position of Iowa, in the very heart and center of the Republic, on the route of this great highway across the continent, began to attract attention Cities and towns sprang up through the State as if by magic. Capital began to pour into the State, and had it been employed in developing our vast coal measures and establishing manufactories among us, or if it had been expended in improving our lands, and buildmg houses and barns, it would have been well. But all were in haste to get rich, and the spirit of speculation ruled the hour. " In the meantime, every effort was made to help the speedy completion of the railroads. Nearly every county and city on the Mississippi, and many in the interior, voted large corporate subscriptions to the stock of the railroad companies, and issued their negotiable bonds for the amount." Thus enormous county and city debts were incurred, the payment of which these municipalities tried to avoid upon the plea that they had exceeded the constitutional limit- ation of their powers. The Supreme Court of the United States held these bonds to be valid ; and the courts by mandamus compelled the city and county authorities to levy taxes to pay the judgments. These debts are not all paid even yet, but the worst is over and ultimately the burden will be entirely removed The first railroad across the State was completed to Council Bluffs in Jan- uary, 1871. The others were completed soon after. In 1854, there was not a mile of railroad in the State. In 1874, twenty years after, there were 3,765 miles in successful operation. GROWTH AND PROGRESS. When Wisconsin Territory was organized, in 1836, the entire population of that portion of the Territory now embraced in the State of Iowa was 10,531. The Territory then embraced two counties, Dubuque and Des Moines, erected by the Territory of Michigan, in 1834. From 1836 to 1838, the Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin increased the number of counties to sixteen, and the population had increased to 22,859. Since then, the counties have increased to ninety-nine, and the population, in 1875, was 1,366,000. The following table will show the population at different periods since the erection of Iowa Territory : Tear. Population. 1852 230,713 1854 326,013 1856 519.055 1859 688,775 1860 674,913 1863 701,732 1865 754,699 1867 902,040 The most populous county in the State is Dubuqne. Not only in popula,- tion, but in everything contributing to the growth and greatness of a State has Iowa made rapid progress. In a little more than thirty years, its wild but beautiful prairies have advanced from the home of the savage to a highly civ- ilized commonwealth, embracing all the elements of progress which characterize the older States. Year. Population. 1838 22,589 1840 43,115 1844 75,152 1846 97,588 1847 116,651 1849 152,988 1850 191,982 1851 204,774 Year. Population. 1869 1,040,819 1870 1,191,727 1873 1,251,333 1875 1,366,000 1876 1877 186 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Thriving cities and towns dot its fair surface ; an iron net-work of thou- sands of miles of railroads is woven over its broad acres ; ten thousand school houses, in which more than five hundred thousand children are being taught the rudiments of education, testify to the culture and liberality of the people; high schools, colleges and universities are generously endowed by the State ; manufactories spring up on all her water courses, and in most of her cities and towns. Whether measured from the date of her first settlement, her organization as a Territory or admission as a State, Iowa has thus far shown a growth unsur- passed, in a similar period, by any commonwealth on the face of the earth ; and, with her vast extent of fertile soil, with her inexhaustible treasures of mineral wealth, with a healthful, invigorating climate ; an intelligent, liberty- loving people; with equal, just and liberal laws, and her free schools, the future of Iowa may be expected to surpass the most hopeful anticipations of her present citizens. Looking upon Iowa as she is to-day — populous, prosperous and happy — it is hard to realize the wonderful changes that have occurred since the first white settlements were made within her borders. When the number of States was only twenty-six, and their total population about twenty millions, our repub- lican form of government was hardly more than an experiment, just fairly put upon trial. The development of our agricultural resources and inexhaustible mineral wealth had hardly commenced. Westward the "Star of Empire" had scarcely started on its way. West of the great Mississippi was a mighty empire, but almost unknown, and marked on the maps of the period as " The Great American Desert." Now, thirty-eight stars glitter on our national escutcheon, and forty-five millions of people, who know their rights and dare maintain them, tread American soil, and the grand sisterhood of States extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border, and from the rocky coast of the Atlantic to the golden shores of the Pacific. THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND FARM. Ames, Story County. The Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm were established by an act of the General Assembly, approved March 22, 1858, A Board of Trustees was appointed, consisting of Governor R. P. Lowe, John D. Wright, William Duane Wilson, M. W. Robinson, Timothy Day, Richard Gaines, John Pattee, G. W. F. Sherwin, Suel Foster, S. W. Henderson, Clement Coffin and E. G. Day ; the Governors of the State and President of the College being ex officio mem- bers. Subsequently the number of Trustees was reduced to five. The Board met in June, 1859, and received propositions for the location of the College and Farm from Hardin, Polk, Story and Boone, Marshall, Jeftierson and Tama Counties. In July, the proposition of Story County and some of its citizens and by the citizens of Boone County was accepted, and the farm and the site for the buildings were located. In 1860-61, the farm-house and barn- were erected. In 1862, Congress granted to the State 240,000 acres of land for the endowment of schools of agriculture and the mechanical arts, and 195,000 acres were located by Peter Melendy, Commissioner, in 1862-3. George W. Bassett was appointed Land Agent for the institution. In 1864, the General Assem- bly appropriated $20,000 for the erection of the college building. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 18T In June of that year, the Building Committee, consisting of Suel Foster^ Peter Melendy and A. J. Bronson, proceeded to let the contract. John Browne, of Des Moines, was employed as architect, and furnished the plans of the build- ing, but was superseded in its construction by C. A. Dunham. The $20,000 appropriated by the General Assembly were expended in putting in the foun- dations and making the brick for the structure. An additional appropriation of 191,000 was made in 1866, and the building was completed in 1868. Tuition in this college is made by law forever free to pupils from the State over sixteen years of age, who have been resident of the State six months pre- vious to their admission. Each county in the State has a prior right of tuition for three scholars from each county ; the remainder, equal to the capacity of the college, are by the Trustees distributed among the counties in proportion to the population, and subject to the above rule. All sale of ardent spirits, wine or beer are prohibited by law within a distance of three miles from the college, except for sacramental, mechanical or medical purposes. The course of instruction in the Agricultural College embraces the following branches: Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Horticulture, Fruit Growing, Forestry, Animal and Vegetable Anatomy, Geology, Mineralogy, Meteorology, Entomology, Zoology, the Veterinary Art, Plane Mensuration, Leveling, Sur- veying, Bookkeeping, and such Mechanical Arts as are directly connected with agriculture ; also such other studies as the Trustees may from time to time prescribe, not inconsistent with the purposes of the institution. The funds arising from the lease and sale of lands and interest on invest- ments are sufficient for the support of the institution. Several College Societies are maintained among the students, who publish a monthly paper. There is also an " out-law " called the " ATA^ Chapter Omega." The Board of Trustees in 1877 was composed of C. W. Warden, Ottumwa, Chairman ; Hon. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City ; William B. Treadway, Sioux City ; Buel Sherman, Fredericksburg, and Laurel Summers, Le Claire. E. W. Starten, Secretary ; William D. Lucas, Treasurer. Board of Instruction. — A. S. Welch, LL. D., President and Professor of Psychology and Philosophy of Science ; Gen. J. L. Geddes, Professor of INlili- tary Tactics and Engineering; W. II. Wynn, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of English Literature; C. E. Bessey, M. S., Professor of Botany, Zoology, Ento- mology ; A. Thompson, C. E., Mechanical Engineering and Superintendent of Workshops; F. E. L. Beal, B. S., Civil Engineering; T. E. Pope, A. M., Chemistry; M. Stalker, Agricultural and Veterinary Science; J. L. Budd, Horticulture; J. K. Macomber, Physics; E. W. Stanton, Mathematics and Political Economy ; Mrs. Margaret P. Stanton, Preceptress, Instructor in French and Mathematics. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Iowa City, Johnson County. In the famous Ordinance of 1787, enacted by Congress before the Territory of the United States extended beyond the Mississippi River, it was declared that in all the territory northwest of the Ohio River, " Schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." By act of Congress, approved July 20, 1840, the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized " to set apart and re- serve from sale, out of any of the public lands within the Territory of Iowa, to which the Indian title has been or may be extinguished, and not otherwise ap- propriated, a quantity of land, not exceeding the entire townships, for the use 188 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. and support of a university within said Territorry when it becomes a State, and for no other use or purpose whatever ; to be located in tracts of not less than an entire section, corresponding with any of the large divisions into which the pub- lic land are authorized to be surveyed." William W. Dodge, of Scott County, was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury to make the selections. He selected Section 5 in Township 78, north of Range 3, east of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and then removed from the Territory. No more lands were selected until 1846, when, at the request of the Assembly, John M. Whitaker of Van Buren County, was appointed, who selected the remainder of the grant except about 122 acres. In the first Constitution, under which Iowa was admitted to the Union, the people directed the disposition of the proceeds of this munificent grant in ac- cordance with its terms, and instructed tlie General Assembly to provide, as soon as may be, effectual means for the improvement and permanent security of the funds of the university derived from the lands. The first General Assembly, by act approved February 25, 1847, established the " State University of Iowa " at Iowa City, then the capital of the State, "with such other branches as public convenience may hereafter require." The " public buildings at Iowa City, together with the ten acres of land in which they are situated," were granted for the use of said university, j)rovided, how- ever, that the sessions of the Legislature and State offices should be held in the •capitol until otherwise provided by law. The control and management of the University were committed to a board of fifteen Trustees, to be appointed by the Legislature, five of whom were to be chosen bienially. The Superintendent of Public Instruction was made President of this Board. Provisions were made for the disposal of the two townships of land, and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom. The act further provides that the University shall never be under the exclusive control of any religious denomination whatever," and as soon as the revenue for the grant and donations amounts to $2,000 a year, the University should commence and continue the instruction, free of charge, of fifty students annually. The General Assembly retained full supervision over the University, its officers and the grants and donations made and to be made to it by the State. Section 5 of the act appointed James P. Carleton, H. D. Downey, Thomas Snyder, Samuel McCrory, Curtis Bates, Silas Foster, E. C. Lyon, James H. Gower, George G. Vincent, Wm. G. Woodward, Theodore S. Parvin, George Atchinson, S. G. Matson, H. W. Starr and Ansel Briggs, the first Board of Trustees. The organization of the University at Iowa City was impracticable, how- ever, so long as the seat of government was retained there. In January, 1849, two branches of the University and three Normal Schools were established. The branches were located — one at Fairfield, and the other at Dubuque, and were placed upon an equal footing, in respect to funds and all other matters, with the University established at Iowa City. "This act," says Col. Benton, "created three State Universities, with equal rights and powers, instead of a 'University with such branches as public conven- ience mmj hereafter demand,' as provided by the Constitution." The Board of Directors of the Fairfield Branch consisted of Barnet Ris- tine, Christian W. Slagle, Daniel Rider, Horace Gaylord, Bernhart Henn and Samuel S. Bayard. At the first meeting of the Board, Mr. Henn was elected President, Mr. Slagle Secretary, and Air. Gaylord Treasurer. Twenty acres of land were purchased, and a building erected thereon, costing $2,500. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 189 This building was nearly destroyed by a hurricane, in 1850, but was rebuilt more substantially, all by contributions of the citizens of Fairfield. This branch never received any aid from the State or from the University Fund, and by act approved January 24, 1853, at the request of the Board, the Gen- eral Assembly terminated its relation to the State. The branch at Dubuque was placed under the control of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and John King, Caleb H. Booth, James M. Emerson, Michael J. Sullivan, Richard Benson and the Governor of the State as Trustees. The Trustees never organized, and its existence was only nominal. The Normal Schools were located at Andrew, Oskaloosa and Mount Pleasant, respectively. Each was to be governed by a board of seven Trustees, to be appointed by the Trustees of the University. Each was to receive ^500 annu- ally from the income of the University Fund, upon condition that they should ed- ucate eight common school teachers, free of charge for tuition, and that the citizens should contribute an equal sura for the erection of the requisite buildings. The several Boards of Trustees were appointed. At Andrew, the school was organized Nov. 21, 1849; Samuel Ray, Principal; Miss J. S. Dorr, Assist- ant. A building was commenced and over $1,000 expended on it, but it was never completed. At Oskaloosa, the Trustees organized in April, 1852. This school was opened in the Court House, September 13, 1852, under the charge of Prof G. M. Drake and wife. A two story brick building was completed in 1853, costing $2,473. The school at Mount Pleasant was never organized. Neither of these schools received any aid from the University Fund, but in 1857 the Legislature appropriated $1,000 each for those at Oskaloosa and Andrew, and repealed the law authorizing the payment of money to them from the University Fund. From that time they made no further efibrt to continue in operation. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees, held February 21, 1850, the " College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Upper Mississippi," established at Davenport, was recognized as the " College of Physicians and Surgeons of the State University of Iowa," expressly stipulating, however, that such recog- nition should not render the University liable for any pecuniary aid, nor was the Board to have any control over the property or management of the Medical Association. Soon after, this College was removed to Keokuk, its second ses- sion being opened there in November, 1850. In 1851, the General Assembly confirmed the action of the Board, and by act approved January 22, 1855, placed the Medical College under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Universitj'', and it continued in operation until this arrangement was termi- nated by the new Constitution, September 3, 1857. From 1847 to 1855, the Board of Trustees was kept full by regular elec- tions by the Legislature, and the Trustees held frequent meetings, but there was no effectual organization of the University. In March, 1855, it was partially opened for a term of sixteen weeks. July 16, 1855, Amos Dean, of Albany, N. Y., was elected President, but he never entered fully upon its duties. The University was again opened in September, 1855, and continued in operation until June, 1856, under Professors Johnson, Welton, Van Valkenburg and Guffin. In the Spring of 1856, the capital of the State was located at Des Moines; but there were no buildings there, and the capitol at Iowa City was not vacated by the State until .December, 1857. In June, 1856, the faculty was re-organized, with some changes, and the University was again opened on the third Wednesday of September, 1856. 190 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. There were one hundred and twenty-four students — eighty-three males and forty-one females — in attendance during the year 1856-7, and the first regular catalogue was published. At a special meeting of the Board, September 22, 1857, the honorary de- gree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on D. Franklin Wells. This was the first degree conferred by the Board. Article IX, Section 11, of the new State Constitution, which went into force September 3, 1857, provided as follows : The State University shall be established at one place, without branches at any other place ; and the University fund shall be applied to that institution, and no other. Article XI, Section 8, provided that The seat of Government is hereby permanently established, as now fixed by law, at the city of Des Moines, in the county of Polk ; and the State University at Iowa City, in the county of Johnson. The new Constitution created the Board of Education, consisting of the Lieutenant Governor, who was ex officio President, and one member to be elected from each judicial district in the State. This Board was endowed with " full power and authority to legislate and make all needful rules and regula- tions in relation to common schools and other educational institutions," subject to alteration, amendment or repeal by the General Assembly, which was vested with authority to abolish or re-organize the Board at any time after 1863. In December, 1857, the old capitol building, now known as Central Hall of the University, except the rooms occupied by the United States District Court, and the property, with that exception, passed under the control of the Trustees, and became the seat of the University. The old building had had hard usage, and its arrangement was illy adapted for University purposes. Extensive repairs and changes were necessary, but the Board was without funds for these pur- poses. The last meeting of the Board, under the old law, was held in January, 1858. At this meeting, a resolution was introduced, and seriously considered, to exclude females from the University ; but it finally failed. March 12, 1858, the first Legislature under the new Constitution enacted a new law in relation to the University, but it was' not materially different from the former. March 11, 1858, the Legislature appropriated $3,000 for the re- pair and modification of the old capitol building; and $10,000 for the erection of a boarding house, now known as South Hall. The Board of Trustees created by the new law met and duly organized April 27, 1858, and determined to close the University until the income from its fund should be adequate to meet the current expenses, and the buildings should be ready for occupation. Until this term, the building known as the " Mechan- ics' Academy" had been used for the school. The Faculty, except the Chan- cellor (Dean), was dismissed, and all further instruction suspended, from the close of the term then in progress until September, 1859. At this meeting, a reso- lution was adopted excluding females from the University after the close of the existing term ; but this was afterward, in August, modified, so as to admit them to the Normal Department. At the meeting of the Board, August 4, 1858, the degree of Bachelor of Science was conferred upon Dexter Edson Smith, being the first degree con- ferred upon a student of the University. Diplomas were awarded to the mem- bers of the first graduating class of the Normal Department as follows : Levi P. Aylworth, Cellina H. Aylworth, Elizabeth L. Humphrey, Annie A. Pinney and Sylvia M. Thompson. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 191 An "Act for the Government and Regulation of the State University of Iowa," approved December 25, 1858, was mainly a re-enactment of the law of March 12, 1858, except that changes were made in the Board of Trustees, and manner of their appointment. This law provided that both sexes were to be admitted on equal terms to all departments of the institution, leaving the Board no discretion in the matter. The new Board met and organized, February 2, 1859, and decided to con- tinue the Normal Department only to the end of the current term, and that it was unwise to re-open the University at that time ; but at the annual meeting of the Board, in June of the same year, it was resolved to continue the Normal Department in operation ; and at a special meeting, October 25, 1859, it was decided to re-open the University in September, 1860. Mr. Dean had resigned as Chancellor prior to this meeting, and Silas Totten, D. D., LL. D., was elected President, at a salary of $2,000, and his term commenced June, 1860. At the annual meeting, June 28, 1860, a full Faculty was appointed, and the University re-opened, under this new organization, September 19, 1860 (third Wednesday) ; and at this date the actual existence of the University may be said to commence. August 19, 1862, Dr. Totten having resigned. Prof. Oliver M. Spencer was elected President and the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Judge Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk. At the commencement, in June, 1863, was the first class of graduates in the Collegiate Department. The Board of Education was abolished March 19, 1864, and the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction was restored ; the General Assembly resumed control of the subject of education, and on March 21, an act was ap- proved for the government of the University. It was substantially the same as the former law, but provided that the Governor should be ex officio President of the Board of Trustees. Until 1858, the Superintendent of Public Instruction had been ex officio President. During the period of the Board of Education, the University Trustees were elected by it, and elected their own President. President Spencer was granted leave of absence from April 10, 1866, for fifteen months, to visit Europe; and Prof Nathan R. Leonard was elected President pro tern. The North Hall was completed late in 1866. At the annual meeting in June, 1867, the resignation of President Spencer (absent in Europe) was accepted, and Prof Leonard continued as President pro tern., until March 4, 1868, when James Black, D. D., Vice President of Wash- ington and Jefferson College, Penn., was elected President. Dr. Black entered upon his duties in Septemlaer, 1868. The Law Department was established in June, 1868, and, in September fol- lowing, an arrangement was perfected with the Iowa Law School, at Des Moines, which had been in successful operation for three years, under the management of Messrs. George G. Wright, Chester C. Cole and William G. Hammond, by which that institution was transferred to Iowa City and merged in the Law De- partment of the University. The Faculty of this department consisted of the President of the University, Hon. Wra. G. Hammond, Resident Professor and Principal of the Department, and Professors G. G. Wright and C. C. Cole. Nine students entered at the commencement of the first term, and during the year ending June, 1877, there were 103 students in this department. At a special meeting of the Board, on the 17th of September, 1868, a Com- mittee was appointed to consider the expediency of establishing a Medical De- 192 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. partment. This Committee reported at once in favor of the proposition, the Faculty to consist of the President of the University and seven Professors, and recommended that, if practicable, the new department should be opened at the commencement of the University year, in 1869-70. At this meeting, Hon. Ezekiel Clark was elected Treasurer of the University. By an act of the General Assembly, approved April 11, 1870, the "Board of Regents" was instituted as the governing power of the University, and since that time it has been the fundamental law of the institution. The Board of Regents held its first meeting June 28, 1870. Wm. J. Haddock Avas elected Secretary, and Mr. Clark, Treasurer. Dr. Black tendered his resignation as President, at a special meeting of the Board, held August 18, 1870, to take effect on the 1st of December following. His resignation was accepted. The South Hall having been fitted up for the purpose, the first term of the Medical Department was opened October 24, 1870, and continued until March, 1871, at which time there were three graduates and thirty-nine students. March 1, 1871, Rev. George Thacher was elected President of the Univer- sity. Mr. Thacher accepted, entered upon his duties April 1st, and was form- ally inaugurated at the annual meeting in June, 1861. In June, 1874, the " Chair of Military Instruction" was established, and the President of the United States was requested to detail an officer to perform its duties. In compliance with this request, Lieut. A. D. Schenck, Second Artil- lery, U. S. A., was detailed as "Professor of Military Science and Tactics," at Iowa State University, by order of the War Department, August 26, 1874, who reported for duty on the 10th of September following. Lieut. Schenck was relieved by Lieut. James Chester, Third Artillery, January 1, 1877. Treasurer Clark resigned November 3, 1875, and John N. Coldren elected in his stead. At the annual meeting, in 1876, a Department- of Homoeopathy was established. In March, 1877, a resolution was adopted affiliating the High Schools of the State with the University. In June, 1877, Dr. Thacher's connection with the University was termi- nated, and C. W. Slagle, a member of the Board of Regents, was elected Pres- ident. In 1872, the ex officio membership of the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion was abolished ; but it was restored in 1876. FolloAving is a catalogue of the officers of this important institution, from 1847 to 1878 : TRUSTEES OR REGENTS. PRESIDENTS. FROM TO James Harlan, Superintendent, Public Instruction, ex officio 1847 1848 Thomas H. Benton, Jr,, Superintendent Public Instruction, ex officio 1848 1854 James D. Eads, Superintendent Public Instruction, ex officio 1854 1857 Maturin L. Fisher, Superintendent Public Instruction, ex officio 1857 1858 Amos Dean, Chancellor, ex officio 1858 1859 Thomas H. Benton, Jr 1859 1863 Francis Springer 1863 1864 AVilliam M. Stone, Governor, ex officio 1864 1868 Samuel Merrill, Governor, ex officio 1868 1872 Cyrus C. Carpenter, Governor, ex officio 1872 1876 Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor, ex officio 1876 1877 Joshua G. Newbold, Governor, ex officio 1877 1878 John H. Gear 1878 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 19^ VICE PRESIDENTS. j.rOj, ^q Silas Foster 1847 1851 Robert Lucas 1851 1853 Edward Connelly 1854 1855 Moses J. Morsman 1855 1858 • SECRETARIES. Hugh D. Downey 1847 1851 Anson Hart 1851 1857 Elijah Sells 1857 1858 Anson Hart 1858 1864 William J. Haddock 1864 TREASURERS. Morgan Reno, State Treasurer, ex officio 1847 1850 Israel Kister, State Treasurer, ex officio 1850 1852 Martin L. Morris, State Treasurer, ex officio 1852 1855 Henry W. Lathrop 1855 1862 William Crura 1862 1868 Ezekiel Clark 1868 1876 John N. Coldren 1876 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. Amos Dean, LL. D 1855 1858 Silas Totten, D. D., LL. D 1860 1862 Oliver M. Spencer, D. D.* 1862 1867 James Black, D. D 1868 1870 George Thacher, D. D 1871 1877 C. W. Slagle 1877 The present educational corps of the University consists of the President,, nine Professors in the Collegiate Department, one Professor and six Instructors in Military Science ; Chancellor, three Professors and four Lecturers in the Law Department ; eight Professor Demonstrators of Anatomy ; Prosector of Surgery and two Lecturers in the Medical Department, and two Professors in the Homoeopathic Medical Department. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By act of the General Assembly, approved January 28, 1857, a State His- torical Society was provided for in connection with the University. At the commencement, an appropriation of $250 was made, to be expended in collecting, embodying, and preserving in an authentic form a library of books, pamphlets, charts, maps, manuscripts, papers, paintings, statuary, and other materials illus- trative of the history of Iowa; and with the further object to rescue from oblivion the memory of the early pioneers; to obtain and preserve various accounts of their exploits, perils and hardy adventures ; to secure facts and statements relative to the history and genius, and progress and decay of the Indian tribes of Iowa; to exhibit faithfully the antiquities and past and present resources of the State ; to aid in the publication of such collections of the Societv as shall from time to time be deemed of value and interest ; to aid in binding- its books, pamphlets, manuscripts and papers, and in defraying other necessary incidental expenses of the Society. There was appropriated by law to this institution, till the General Assembly shall otherwise direct, tlie sum of $500 per annum. The Society is under the management of a Board of Curators, consisting of eighteen persons, nine of whom are appointed by the Governor, and nine elected by the members of the Society. The Curators receive no compensation for their services. The annual 194 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. meeting is provided for by law, to be held at Iowa City on Monday preceding the last Wednesday in June of each year. The State Historical Society has published a series of very valuable collec- tions, including history, biography, sketches, reminiscences, etc., with quite a large number of finely engraved portraits of prominent and 'early settlers, under the title of " Annals of Iowa." THE PENITENTIARY. Located at Fort Madison, Lee County. The first act of the Territorial Legislature, relating to a Penitentiary in Iowa, was approved January 25, 1839, the fifth section of which authorized the Governor to draw the sum of $20,000 appropriated by an act of Congress ap- proved July 7, 1838, for public buildings in the Territory of Iowa. It provided for a Board of Directors of three persons elected by the Legislature, who should direct the building of the Penitentiary, Avhich should be located within one mile of the public square, in the town of Fort Madison, Lee County, provided Fort Madison should deed to the directors a tract of land suitable for a site, and assign them, by contract, a spring or stream of water for the use of the Penitentiary. To the Directors was also given the power of appointing the Warden ; the latter to appoint his own assistants. The first Directors appointed were John S. David and John Claypole. They made their first report to the Legislative Council November 9, 1839. The citi- zens of the town of Fort Madison had executed a deed conveying ten acres of land for the building site. Amos Ladd was appointed Superintendent of the building June 5, 1839. The building was designed of sufficient capacity to con- tain one hundred and thirty-eight convicts, and estimated to cost $55,933.90. It was begun on the 9th of July, 1839 ; the main building and Warden's house were completed in the Fall of 1841. Other additions were made from time to time till the building and arrangements were all complete according to the plan of the Directors. It has answered the purpose of the State as a Penitentiary for more than thirty years, and during that period many items of practical ex- perience in prison management have been gained. It has long been a problem how to conduct prisons, and deal with what are called the criminal classes generally, so as to secure their best good and best subserve the interests of the State. Both objects must be taken into considera- tion in any humaritarian view of the subject. This problem is not yet solved, but Iowa has adopted the progressive and enlightened policy of humane treat- ment of prisoners and the utilization of their labor for their own support. The labor of the convicts in the Iowa Penitentiary, as in most others in the United States, is let out to contractors, who pay the State a certain stipulated amount therefor, the State furnishing the shops, tools and machinery, as well as the supervision necessary to preserve order and discipline in the prison. While this is an improvement upon the old solitary confinement system, it still falls short of an enlightened reformatory system that in the future will treat the criminal for mental disease and endeavor to restore him to usefulness in the community. The objections urged against the contract system of dis- posing of the labor of prisoners, that it brings the labor of honest citizens into competition with convict labor at reduced prices, and is disadvantageous to the State, are not without force, and the system will have no place in the prisons of the future. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 195 It is right that the convict should labor. He should not be allowed to live in idleness at public expense. Honest men labor ; why should not they? Hon- est men are entitled to the fruits of their toil ; why should not the convict as well ? The convict is sent to the Penitentiary to secure public safety. The State deprives him of his liberty to accomplish this purpose and to punish him for violations of law, but, having done this, the State wrongs both itself and the criminal by confiscating his earnings ; because it deprives his family of what justly belongs to them, and an enlightened civilization will ere long demand that the prisoner in the penitentiary, after paying a fair price for his board, is as justly entitled to his net earnings as the good citizen outside its walls, and his family, if he has one, should be entitled to draw his earnings or stated portion of them at stated periods. If he has no family, then if his net earnings should be set aside to his credit and paid over to him at the expiration of his term of imprisonment, he would not be turned out upon the cold charities of a somewhat Pharisaical world, penniless, with the brand of the convict upon his brow, with no resource save to sink still deeper in crime. Let Iowa, " The Beautiful Land," be first to recognize the rights of its convicts to the fruits of their labor ; keep their children from the alms-house, and place a powerful incentive before them to become good citizens when they return to the busy world again. ADDITIONAL PENITENTIARY. Located at Anamosa, Jones Counts/. By an act of the Fourteenth General Assembly, approved April 23, 1872, William lire, Foster L. Downing and Martin Heisey were constituted Commis- sioners to locate and provide for the erection and control of an additional Penitentiary for the State of Iowa. These Commissioners met on the 4th of the following June, at Anamosa, Jones County, and selected a site donated by the citizens, within the limits of the city. L. W. Foster & Co., architects, of Des Moines, furnished the plan, drawings and specifications, and work was commenced on the building on the 28th day of September, 1872. May 13, 1873, twenty convicts were transferred to Anamosa from the Fort Madison Penitentiary. The entire enclosure includes fifteen acres, with a frontage of 663 feet. IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Mount Pleasant, Henry County. By an act of the General Assembly of Iowa, approved January 24, 1855, $4,425 were appropriated for the purchase of a site, and $50,000 for building an Insane Hospital, and the Governor (Grimes), Edward Johnston, of Lee County, and Charles S. Blake, of Henry County, were appointed to locate the institution and superintend the erection of the building. These Commission- ers located the institution at Mt. Pleasant, Henry County. A plan for a building designed to accommodate 300 patients, drawn by Dr. Bell, of Massa- chusetts, was accepted, and in October work was commenced under the superin- tendence of Mr. Henry Winslow. Up to February 25, 1858, and including an appropriation made on that date, the Legislature had appropriated $258,555.67 to this institution, but the building was not finished ready for occupancy by patients until March 1, 1861. The Trustees were Maturin L. Fisher, Presi- dent, Farmersburg; Samuel McFarland, Secretary, Mt. Pleasant; D. L. 196 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. McGugin, Keokuk; G. W, Kincaid, Muscatine; J. D. Elbert, Keosauqua; John B. Lash and Harpin Riggs, Mt. Pleasant. Richard J. Patterson, M. D., of Ohio, was elected Superintendent; Dwight C. Dewey, M. D., Assistant Physician; Henry Winslow, Steward; Mrs. Catharine Winslow, Matron. The Hospital was formally opened March 6, 1861, and one hundred patients were admitted within three months. About 1865, Dr. Mark Ranney became Superintendent. April 18, 1876, a portion of the hospital building was destroyed by fire. From the opening of the Hospital to the close of October, 1877, 3,584 patients had been admitted. Of these, 1,141 were discharged recovered, 505 discharged improved, 589 discharged unimproved, and 1 died ; total discharged, 2,976, leaving 608 inmates. During this period, there were 1,384 females admitted, whose occupation was registered "domestic duties ;" 122, no occupation; 25, female teachers; 11, seamstresses; and 25, servants. Among the males were 916 farmers, 394 laborers, 205 without occupation, 39 cabinet makers, 23 brewers, 31 clerks, 26 merchants, 12 preachers, 18 shoe- makers, 13 students, 14 tailors, 13 teachers, 14 agents, 17 masons, 7 lawyers, 7 physicians, 4 saloon keepers, 3 salesmen, 2 artists, and 1 editor. The pro- ducts of the farm and garden, in 1876, amounted to $13,721.26. Trustees, 1877 ;— T. Whiting, President, Mt. Pleasant ; Mrs. E. M. Elliott, Secretary, Mt. Pleasant; William C. Evans, West Liberty; L. E. Fellows, Lansing ; and Samuel Klein, Keokuk ; Treasurer, M. Edwards, Mt. Pleasant. Resident Officers: — Mark Ranney, M. D., Medical Superintendent; H. M. Bassett, M. D., First Assistant Physician; M. Riordan, M. D., Second Assistant Physician; Jennie McCowen, M. D., Third Assistant Physician ; J. W. Hender- son, Steward ; Mrs. Martha W. Ranney, Matron ; Rev. Milton Sutton, Chaplain. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Independence^ Buchanan County. In the Winter of 1867-8, a bill providing for an additional Hospital for the Insane was passed by the Legislature, and an appropriation of $125,000 was made for that purpose. Maturin L. Fisher, of Clayton County ; E. G. Morgan, of Webster County, and Albert Clark, of Buchanan County, were appointed Commissioners to locate and supervise the erection of the Building. Mr. Clark died about a year after his appointment, and Hon. G. W. Bemis, of Indepen- dence, was appointed to fill the vacancy. The Commissioners met and commenced their labors on the 8th day of June, 1868, at Independence. The act under which they were appointed required them to select the most eligible and desirable location, of not less than 320 acres, within two miles of the city of Independence, that might be offered by the citizens free of charge to the State. Several such tracts were offered, but the Commissioners finally selected the south half of southwest quarter of Section 5 ; the north half of northeast quarter of Section 7 ; the north half of northwest quarter of Section 8, and the north half of northeast quarter of Sec- tion 8, all in Township 88 north. Range 9 west of the Fifth Principal Meridian. This location is on the west side of the Wapsipinicon River, and about a mile from its banks, and about the same distance from Independence. Col. S. V. Shipman, of Madison, Wis., Avas employed to prepare plans, specifications and drawings of the building, which, when completed, were sub- mitted to Dr. M. Ranney, Superintendent of the Hospital at Mount Pleasant, who suggested several improvements. The contract for erecting the building HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 197 was awarded to Mr. David Armstrong, of Dubuque, for $88,114. The con- tract was signed November 7, 1868, and Mr. Armstrong at once commenced work. Mr. George Josselyn was appointed to superintend the work. The main buildings were constructed of dressed limestone, from the quarries at Anamosa and Farley. • The basements are of the local granite worked from the immense boulders found in large quantities in this portion of the State. In 1872, the building Avas so far completed that the Commissioners called the first meeting of the Trustees, on the 10th day of July of that year. These Trustees were Maturin L. Fisher, Mrs. P. A. Appleman, T. W. Fawcett, C. C. Parker, E. G. Morgan, George W. Berais and John M. Boggs. This board was organized, on the day above mentioned, by the election of Hon. M. L. Fisher, President ; Rev. J. G. Boggs, Secretary, and George W. Bemis, Treas- urer, and, after adopting preliminary measures for organizing the local govern- ment of the hospital, adjourned to the first Wednesday of the following Septem- ber. A few days before this meeting, Mr. Boggs died of malignant fever, and Dr. John G. House was appointed to fill the vacancy. Dr. House was elected Secretary. At this meeting, Albert Reynolds,"^ M. D., was elected Superintendent ; George Josselyn, Steward, and Mrs. Anna B. Josselyn, Matron. September 4, 1873, Dr. Willis Butterfield was elected Assistant Physician. The building was ready for occupancy April 21, 1873. In the Spring of 1876, a contract was made with Messrs. Mackay & Lundy, of Independence, for furnishing materials for building the outside walls of the two first sections of the south wing, next to the center building, for $6,250. The carpenter work on the fourth and fifth stories of the center building was completed during the same year, and the wards were furnished and occupied by patients in the Fall. In 1877, the south wing Avas built, but it will not be completed ready for occupancy until next Spring or Summer (1878). October 1, 1877, the Superintendent reported 322 patients in this hospital, and it is now overcrowded. The Board of Trustees at present (1878) are as follows : Maturin L. Fisher, President, Farmersburg ; John G. House, M. D., Secretary, Indepen- dence; Wm. G. Donnan, Treasurer, Independence; Erastus G. Morgan, Fort Dodge ; Mrs. Prudence A. Appleman, Clermont ; and Stephen E. Robinson, M. D., West Union. RESIDENT OFFICERS. Albert Reynolds, M. D., Superintendent ; G. II. Hill, M. D., Assistant Physician; Noyes Appleman, Steward; Mrs. Lucy M. Gray, Matron. IOWA COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND. Vinton, Benton County. In August, 1852, Prof. Samuel Bacon, himself blind, established an Insti- tution for the Instruction of the Blind of Iowa, at Keokuk. By act of the General Assembly, entitled " An act to establish an Asylum for the Blind," approved January 18, 1853, the institution Avas adopted by the State, removed to Iowa City, February 3d, and opened for the reception of pupils April 4, 1853, free to all the blind in the State. The first Board of Trustees were James D. Eads, President ; George W. McClary, Secretary ; James H. Gower, Treasurer ; Martin L. Morris, Stephen Hempstead, Morgan Reno and John McCaddon. The Board appointed Prof 198 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Samuel Bacon, Principal; T. J. McGittigen, Teacher of Music, and Mrs. Sarah K. Bacon, Matron. Twenty-three pupils were admitted during the first term. In his first report, made in 1854, Prof. Bacon suggested that the name should be changed from "Asylum for the Blind," to that of "Institution for the Instruction of the Blind." This was done in 1855, when the General As- sembly made an annual appropriation for the College of $55 per quarter for each pupil. This was subsequentlychanged to $3,000 per annum, and a charge of $25 as an admission fee for each pupil, which sum, with the amounts realized from the sale of articles manufactured by the blind pupils, proved sufficient for the expenses of the institution during Mr. Bacon's administration. Although Mr. Bacon was blind, he was a fine scholar and an economical manager, and had founded the Blind Asylum at Jacksonville, Illinois. As a mathematician he had few superiors. On the 8th of May, 1858, the Trustees met at Vinton, and made arrange- ments for securing the donation of $5,000 made by the citizens of that town. In June of that year, a quarter section of land was donated for the College, by John W. 0. Webb and others, and the Trustees adopted a plan for the erection of a suitable building. In 1860, the plan was modified, and the con- tract for enclosing let to Messrs. Finkbine & Lovelace, for $10,420. In August, 1862, the building was so far completed that the goods and fur- uiture of the institution were removed from Iowa City to Vinton, and early in October, the school was opened there with twenty-four pupils. At this time, Rev. Orlando Clark was Principal. In August, 1864, a new Board of Trustees were appointed by the Legisla- ture, consisting of James McQuin, President; Reed Wilkinson, Secretary; Jas. Chapin, Treasurer; Robert Gilchi'ist, Elijah Sells and Joseph Dysart, organized and made important changes. Rev. Reed Wilkinson succeeded Mr. Clark as Principal. Mrs. L. S. B. Wilkinson and Miss Amelia Butler were appointed Assistant Teachers ; Mrs. N. A. Morton, Matron. Mr. Wilkinson resigned in June, 1867, and Gen. James L. Geddes was appointed in his place. In September, 1869, Mr. Geddes retired, and was succeeded by Prof. S. A.Knapp. Mrs. S. C. Lawton was appointed Matron, and was succeeded by Mrs. M. A. Knapp. Prof. Knapp resigned July 1, 1875, and Prof. Orlando Clark was elected Principal, who died April 2, 1876, and was succeeded by John B. Parmalee, who retired in July, 1877, when the present incumbent. Rev. Robert Carothers, was elected. Trustees, 1877-8. — Jeremiah L. Gay, President; S. H.Watson, Treasurer; H. C. Piatt, Jacob Springer, C. L. Flint and P. F. Sturgis. Faculty. — Principal, Rev. Robert Carothers, A. M. ; Matron, Mrs. Emeline E. Carothers; Teachers, Thomas F. McCune, A. B., Miss Grace A. Hill Mrs. C. A. Spencer, Miss Mary Baker, Miss C. R. Miller, Miss Lorana Mat- tice. Miss A. M. McCutcheon ; Musical Director, S. 0. Spencer. The Legislative Committee who visited this institution in 1878 expressed their astonishment at the vast expenditure of money in proportion to the needs of the State. The structure is well built, and the money properly expended ; yet it was enormously beyond the necessities of the State, and shows an utter disregard of the fitness of things. The Committee could not understand why $282,000 should have been expended for a massive building covering about two and a half acres for the accommodation of 130 people, costing over eight thou- sand dollars a year to heat it, and costing the State about five hundi'ed dollars a year for each pupil. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 199 INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. Council Bluffs, Pottawattomie County. The Iowa Institution for the Deaf and Dumb was established at Iowa City by an act of the General Assembly, approved January 24, 1855. The number of deaf mutes then in the State was 301 ; the number attending the Institution, 50. The first Board of Trustees were: Hon. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Hon. E. Sells, W. Penn Clarke, J. P. Wood, H. D. Downey, William Crum, W. E. Ijams, Principal. On the resignation of Mr. Ijams, in 1862, the Board appointed in his stead Mr. Benjamin Talbot, for nine years a teacher in the Ohio Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Mr. Talbot was ardently devoted to the interests of the institution and a faithful worker for the unfortunate class under his charge. A strong effort was made, in 1866, to remove this important institution to Des Moines, but it was located permanently at Council Bluffs, and a building rented for its use. In 1868, Commissioners were appointed to locate a site for, and to superintend the erection of, a new building, for which the Legislature appropriated $125,000 to commence the work of construction. The Commis- sioners selected ninety acres of land about two miles south of the city of Coun- cil Bluffs. The main building and one wing were completed October 1, 1870, and immediately occupied by the Institution. February 25, 1877, the main building and east wing were destroyed by fire; and August 6 following, the roof of the new west wing was blown off and the walls partially demolished by a tornado. At the time of the fire, about one hundred and fifty pupils were in attendance. After the fire, half the classes were dismissed and the number of scholars reduced to about seventy, and in a week or two the school was in run- ning order. The Legislative Committee which visited this Institution in the Winter of 1857-8 was not well pleased with the condition of affairs, and reported that the building (west wing) was a disgrace to the State and a monument of unskillful workmanship, and intimated rather strongly that some reforms in management were very essential. Trustees, 1877-8. — Thomas Officer, President ; N. P. Dodge, Treasurer ; Paul Lange, William Orr, J. W. Cattell. Superintendent, Benjamin Talbot, M. A. Teachers, Edwin Southwick, Conrad S. Zorbaugh, John A. Gillespie, John A. Kennedy, Ellen J. Israel, Ella J. Brown, Mrs. H. R. Gillespie; Physician, H. W. Hart, M. D.; Steward, N. A. Taylor; Matron, Mary B. Swan. SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOMES. Davenport, Cedar Falls, Grlemvood. The movement which culminated in the establishment of this beneficent in- stitution was originated by Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer, during the civil war of 1861-65. This noble and patriotic lady called a convention at Muscatine, on the 7th of October 1863, for the purpose of devising measures for the support and education of the orphan children of the brave sons of Iowa, who had fallen in defense of national honor and integrity. So great was the public interest in the movement that there was a large representation from all parts of the State on the day named, and an association was organized called the Iowa State Or- phan Asylum. 200 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. The first officers were : President, William M. Stone ; Vice Presidents, Mrs. G. G. Wright, Mrs. R. L. Cadle, Mrs. J. T. Hancock, John R. Needham, J. W. Cattcll, Mrs. Mary M. Bagg ; Recording Secretary, Miss Mary Kibben ; Cor- responding Secretary, Miss M. E. Shelton ; Treasurer, N. H. Brainerd; Board of Trustees, Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer, Mrs. C. B. Darwin, Mrs. D. T. Newcomb, Mrs. L. B. Stephens, 0. Fayville, E. H. Williams, T. S. Parvin, Mrs. Shields, Caleb Baldwin, C. C. Cole, Isaac Pendleton, H. C. Henderson. The first meeting of the Trustees was held February 14, 1864, in the Repre- sentative Hall, at Des Moines. Committees from both branches of the General Assembly were present and were invited to participate in their deliberations. Gov. Kirkwood suggested that a home for disabled soldiers should be connected with the Asylum. Arrangements were made for raising funds. At the next meeting, in Davenport, in March, 1864, the Trustees decided to commence operations at once, and a committee, of which Mr. Howell, of Keo- kuk, was Cl^airman, was appointed to lease a suitable building, solicit donations, and procure suitable furniture. This committee secured a large brick building in Lawrence, Van Buren County, and engaged Mr. Fuller, of Mt. Pleasant, as Steward. At the annual meeting, in Des Moines, in June, 1864, Mrs. C. B. Baldwin, Mrs. G. G. Wright, Mrs. Dr. Horton, Miss Mary E. Shelton and Mr. George Sherman were appointed a committee to furnish the building and take all neces- sary steps for opening the "Home," and notice was given that at the next meeting of the Association, a motion Avould be made to change the name of the Institution to Iowa Orphans' Home. The work of preparation was conducted so vigorously that on the 1 3th day of July following, the Executive Committee announced that they were ready to receive the children. In three weeks twenty-one were admitted, and the num- ber constantly increased, so that, in a little more than six months from the time of opening, there were seventy children admitted, and twenty more applica- tions, which the Committee had not acted upon — all orphans of soldiers. Miss M. Elliott, of Washington, was appointed Matron. She resigned, in February, 1865, and was succeeded by Mrs. E. G. Piatt, of Fremont County. The " Home " was sustained by the voluntary contributions of the people, until 1866, when it was assumed by the State. In that year, the General Assem bly provided for the location of several such "Homes" in the different counties, and which were established at Davenport, Scott County; Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, and at Glenwood, Mills County, •- The Board of Trustees elected by the General Assembly had the oversight and management of the Soldiers' Orphans' Homes of the State, and consisted of one person from each county in which such Home was located, and one for the State at large, who held their office two years, or until their successors were elected and qualified. An appropriation of $10 per month for each orphan actually supported was made by the General Assembly. The Home in Cedar Falls Avas organized in 1865, and an old hotel building was fitted up for it. Rufus C, Mary L. and Emma L. Bauer were the first children received, in October, and by January, 1866, there were ninety-six in- mates. October 12, 1869, the Home was removed to a lai'ge brick building, about two miles west of Cedar Falls, and was very prosperous for several years, but in 1876, the General Assembly established a State Normal School at Cedar Falls and appropriated the buildings and grounds for that purpose. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 201 By "An act to provide for the organization and support of an asylum at Glen wood, in Mills County, for feeble minded children," approved March 17, 1876, the buildings and grounds used by the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at that place were appropriated for this purpose. By another act, approved March 15, 1876, the soldiers' orphans, then at the Homes at Glenwood and Cedar Falls, were to be removed to the Home at Davenport within ninety days thereafter, and the Board of Trustees of the Home were authorized to receive other indigent children into that institution, and provide for their education in industrial pursuits. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County. Chapter 129 of the laws of the Sixteenth General Assembly, in 1876, estab- lished a State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, and required the Trustees of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home to turn over the property in their charge to the Directors of the new institution. The Board of Directors met at Cedar Falls June 7, 1876, and duly organ- ized by the election of H. C. Hemenway, President ; J. J. Toleston, Secretary, and E. Townsend, Treasurer. The Board of Trustees of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home met at the same time for the purpose of turning over to the Directors the property of that institution, which was satisfactorily done and properly receipted for as required by law. At this meeting, Prof J. C. Gilchrist was elected Principal of the School. On the 12th of July, 1876, the Board again met, when executive and teachers' committees were appointed and their duties assigned. A Steward and a Matron were elected, and their respective duties defined. The buildings and grounds were repaired and fitted up as well as the appro- priation would admit, and the first term of the school opened September 6, 1876, commencing with twenty-seven and closing with eighty-seven students. The second term closed with eighty-six, and one hundred and six attended during the third term. The following are the Board of Directors, Board of Officers and Faculty : Board of Directors. — H. C. Hemenway, Cedar Falls, President, term expires 1882 ; L. D. Lewelling, Salem, Henry County, 1878 ; W. A. Stow, Hamburg, Fremont County, 1878 ; S. G. Smith, Newton, Jasper County, 1880 ; E. H. Thayer, Clinton, Clinton County, 1880 ; G. S. Robinson, Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, 1882. Board of Officers. — J. J. Toleston, Secretary ; E. Townsend, Treasurer ; William Pattes, Steward ; Mrs. P. A. Schermerhorn, Matron — all of Cedar Falls. Faculty. — J. C. Gilchrist, A. M., Principal, Professer of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Didactics ; M. W. Bartlett, A. M., Professor of Lan- guages and Natural Science ; D. S. Wright, A. M., Professor of Mathematics ; Miss Frances L. Webster, Teacher of Geography and History ; E. W. Burnham, Professor of Music. ASYLUM FOR FEEBLE MINDED CHILDREN. Glenwood, Mills County. Chapter 152 of the laws of the Sixteenth General Assembly, approved March 17, 1876, provided for the establishment of an asylum for feeblfe minded children at Glenwood, Mills County, and the buildings and grounds of the 202 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Soldiers' Orphans' Home at that place were to be used for that purpose. The asylum was placed under the management of three Trustees, one at least of whom should be a resident of Mills County. Children between the ages of 7 and 18 years are admitted. Ten dollars per month for each child actually sup- ported by the State was appropriated by the act, and $2,000 for salaries of officers and teachers for two years. Hon. J. W. Cattell, of Polk County ; A. J. Russell, of Mills County, and W. S. Robertson, were appointed Trustees, who held their first meeting at Glen wood, April 26, 1876. Mr. Robertson was elected President; Mr. Russell, Treasurer, and Mr. Cattell, Secretary. The Trustees found the house and farm which had been turned over to them in a shamefully dilapidated condition. The fences Avere broken down and the lumber destroyed or carried away; the win- dows broken, doors off their hinges, floors broken and filthy in the extreme, cellars reeking with oSiensive odors from decayed vegetables, and every conceiv- able variety of filth and garbage ; drains obstructed, cisterns broken, pump demoralized, wind-mill broken, roof leaky, and the whole property in the worst possible condition. It was the first work of the Trustees to make the house tenable. This was done under the direction of Mr. Russell. At the request of the Trustees, Dr. Charles T. Wilbur, Superintendent of the Illinois Asylum, visited Glenwood, and made many valuable suggestions, and gave them much assistance. 0, W. Archibald, M. D., of Glenwood, was appointed Superintendent, and soon after was appointed Secretary of the Board, vice Cattell, resigned. Mrs. S. A. Archibald was appointed Matron, and Miss Maud M. Archibald, Teacher. The Institution was opened September 1, 1876 ; the first pupil admitted September 4, and the school was organized September 10, with only five pupils, which number had, in November, 1877, increased to eighty-seven. December 1, 1876, Miss Jennie Van Dorin, of Fairfield, was employed as a teacher and in the Spring of 1877, Miss Sabina J. Archibald was also employed. THE REFORM SCHOOL. Uldora, Hardin County. By "An act to establish and organize a State Reform School for Juvenile Offenders," approved March 31, 1868, the General Assembly established a State Reform School at Salem, Lee (Henry) County; provided for a Board of Trustees, to consist of one person from each Congressional District. For the purpose of immediately opening the school, the Trustees were directed to accept the proposition of the Trustees of White's Iowa Manual Labor Institute, at Salem, and lease, for not more than ten years, the lands, buildings, etc., of the Institute, and at once proceed to prepare for and open a reform school as a temporary establishment. The contract for fitting up the buildings was let to Clark & Haddock, Sep- tember 21, 1868, and on the 7th of October following, the first inmate was received from Jasper County. The law provided for the admission of children of both sexes under 18 years of age. In 1876, this was amended, so that they are now received at ages over 7 and under 16 years. April 19, 1872, the Trustees were directed to make a permanent location for the school, and $45,000 Avas appropriated for the erection of the necessary buildings. The Trustees were further directed, as soon as practicable, to organize a school for girls in the buildings where the boys were then kept. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 20S. The Trustees located the school at Eldora, Hardin County, and in the Code of 1873, it is permanently located there by law. The institution is managed by five Trustees, who are paid mileage, but no compensation for their services. The object is the reformation of the children of both sexes, under the age of 16 years and over 7 years of age, and the law requires that the Trustees shall require the boys and girls under their charge to be instructed in piety and morality, and in such branches of useful knowledge as are adapted to their age and capacity, and in some regular course of labor, either mechanical, manufac- turing or agricultural, as is best suited to their age, strength, disposition and capacity, and as may seem best adapted to secure the reformation and future benefit of the boys and girls. A boy or girl committed to the State Reform School is there kept, disci- plined, instructed, employed and governed, under the direction of the Trustees, until he or she arrives at the age of majority, or is bound out, reformed or legally discharged. The binding out or discharge of a boy or girl as reformed, or having arrived at the age of majority, is a complete release from all penalties incurred by conviction of the offense for which he or she was committed. \ This is one step in the right direction. In the future, however, still further advances will be made, and the right of every individual to the fruits of their labor, even while restrained for the public good, will be recognized. FISH HATCHING ESTABLISHMENT. Near Anamosa, Jones County. The Fifteenth General Assembly, in 1874, passed " An act to provide for the appointment of a Board of Fish Commissioners for the construction of Fishways for the protection and propagation of Fish," also "An act to provide for furnishing the rivers and lakes with fish and fish spawn." This act appro- priated $-3,000 for the purpose. In accordance with the provisions of the first act above mentioned, on the 9th of April, 1874, S. B. Evans of Ottumwa, Wapello County ; B. F. Shaw of Jones County, and Charles A. Haines, of Black Hawk County, were appointed to be Fish Commissioners by the Governor. These Commissioners met at Des Moines, May 10, 1874, and organized by the election of Mr. Evans, President ; Mr. Shaw, Secretary and Superintendent, and Mr. Haines, Treasurer. The State was partitioned into three districts or divisions to enable the Commissioners to better superintend the construction of fishways as required by law. That part of the State lying south of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad was placed under the especial supervision of Mr. Evans ; that part be- tween that raih'oad and the Iowa Division of the Illinois Central Railroad, Mr. Shaw, and all north of the Illinois Central Railroad, Mr. Haines. At this meeting, the Superintendent was authorized to build a State Hatching House ; to procure the spawn of valuable fish adapted to the waters of Iowa ; hatch and prepare the young fish for distribution, and assist in putting them into the waters of the State. In compliance with these instructions, Mr. Shaw at once commenced work, and in the Summer of 1874, erected a " State Hatching House" near Anamosa, 20x40 feet, two stories ; the second story being designed for a tenement ; the first story being the "hatching room." The hatching troughs are supplied Avith water from a magnificent spring four feet deep and about ten feet in diam- eter, affording an abundant and unfailing supply of pure running water. During 204 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. the first year, from May 10, 1874, to May 10, 1875, the Commissioners distributed within the State 100,000 Shad, 300,000 California Sahnon, 10,000 Bass, 80,000 Penobscot (Maine) Salmon, 5,000 land-locked Salmon, 20,000 of other species. By act approved March 10, 1876, the law was amended so that there should be but one instead of three Fish Commissioners, and B. F. Shaw was appointed, and the Commissioner was authorized to purchase twenty acres of land, on which the State Hatching House was located near Anamosa. In the Fall of 1876, Commissioner Shaw gathered from the sloughs of the Mississippi, where they would have been destroyed, over a million and a half of small fish, which were distributed in the various rivers of the State and turned into the Mississippi. In 1875-6, 533,000 California Salmon, and in 1877, 303,500 Lake Trout were distributed in various rivers and lakes in the State. The experiment of stocking the small streams with brook trout is being tried, and 81,000 of the speckled beauties Avere distributed in 1877. In 1876, 100,000 young eels were distributed. These came from New York and they are increasing rapidly. At the close of 1877, there were at least a dozen private fish farms in suc- cessful operation in various parts of the State. Commissioner Shaw is en- thusiastically devoted to the duties of his office and has performed an important service for the people of the State by his intelligent and successful operations. The Sixteenth General Assembly passed an act in 1878, prohibiting the catching of any kind of fish except Brook Trout from March until June of each year. Some varieties are fit for food only during this period. THE PUBLIC LANDS. The grants of public lands made in the State of Iowa, for various purposes, are as follows : 1. The 500,000 Acre Grant. 2. The 16th Section Grant. 3. The Mortgage School Lands. 4. The University Grant. 6. The Saline Grant. 6. The Des Moines lliver Grant. 7. The Des Moines River School Lands. 8. The Swamp Land Grant. 9. The Railroad Grant. 10. The Agricultural College Grant. I. THE FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRE GRANT. When the State was admitted into the Union, she became entitled to ■500,000 acres of land by virtue of an act of Congress, approved September 4, 1811, which granted to each State therein specified 500,000 acres of public land for internal improvements ; to each State admitted subsequently to the passage of the act, an amount of land which, with the amount that might have been granted to her as a Territory, would amount to 500,000 acres. All these lands were required to be selected within the limits of the State to which they were granted. The Constitution of Iowa declares that the proceeds of this grant, together with all lands then granted or to be granted by Congress for the benefit of schools, shall constitute a perpetual fund for the support of schools throughout the State. By an act approved January 15, 1849, the Legislature established HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 205 a board of School Fund Commissioners, and to that board was confided the selection, care and sale of these lands for the benefit of the School Fund. Until 1855, these Commissioners were subordinate to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, but on the 15th of January of that year, they were clothed with exclusive authority in the management and sale of school lands. The office of School Fund Commissioner was abolished March 23, 1858, and that officer in each county was required to transfer all papers to and make full settlement with the County Judge. By this act, County Judges and Township Trustees Avere made the agents of the State to control and sell the sixteenth sections ; but no further provision was made for the sale of the 500,000 acre grant until April 3d, 1860, when the entire management of the school lands was committed to the Boards of Supervisors of the several counties. II. THE SIXTEENTH SECTIONS. By the provisions of the act of Congress admitting Iowa to the Union, there was granted to the new State the sixteenth section in every township, or where that section had been sold, other lands of like amount for the use of schools. The Constitution of the State provides that the proceeds arising from the sale of these sections shall constitute a part of the permanent School Fund. The control and sale of these lands were vested in the School Fund Commissioners of the several counties until March 23, 1858, when they were transferred to the County Judges and Township Trustees, and were finally placed under the supervision of the County Boards of Supervisors in January, 1861. III. THE MORTGAGE SCHOOL LANDS. These do not belong to any of the grants of land proper. They are lands that have been mortgaged to the school fund, and became school lands when bid off by the State by virtue of a law passed in 1862. Under the provisions of the law regulating the management and investment of the permanent school fund, persons desiring loans from that fund are required to secure the payment thereof with interest at ten per cent, per annum, by promissory notes endorsed by two good sureties and by mortgage on unincumbered real estate, which must be situated in the county where the loan is made, and which must be valued by three appraisers. Making these loans and taking the required securities was made the duty of the County Auditor, who was required to report to the Board of Supervisors at each meeting thereof, all notes, mortgages and abstracts of title connected with the school fund, for examination. When default was made of payment of money so secured by mortgage, and no arrangement made for extension of time as the law provides, the Board of Supervisors were authorized to bring suit and prosecute it Avith diligence to secure said fund; and in action in favor of the county for the use of the school fund, an injunction may issue Avithout bonds, and in any such action, Avhen service is made by publication, default and judgment may be entered and enforced without bonds. In case of sale of land on execution founded on any such mortgage, the attorney of the board, or other person duly authorized, shall, on behalf of the State or county for the use of said fund, bid such sum as the interests of said fund may require, and if struck off to the State the land sluill be held and disposed of as the otlier lands belonging to the fnnd. These lands are knoAvn as the Mortgage School Lands, and reports of them, including description and amount, are required to be made to the State Land Office. 206 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. IV. UNIVERSITY LANDS. By act of Congress, July 20, 1840, a quantity of land not exceeding two f-ntire townships was reserved in the Territory of Iowa for the use and support )f a university within said Territory when it should become a State. This land was to be located in tracts of not less than an entire section, and could be used for no other purpose than that designated in the grant. In an act supplemental to that for the admission of Iowa, March 3, 1845, the grant was renewed, and it was provided that the lands should be used "solely for the purpose of such university, in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe." Under this grant there were set apart and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, for the use of the State, the following lands : ACRES. In the Iowa City Land District, Feb. 26, 1849 20,150.49 In the Fairfield Land District, Oct. 17, 1849 9,685.20 In the Iowa City Land District, Jan. 28, 1850 2,571.81 In the Fairfield Land District, Sept. 10, 1850 3,198.20 In the Dubuque Land District, May 19, 1852 10,552.24 Total 45,957.94 These lands were certified to the State November 19, 1859. The University lands are placed by law under the control and management of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State University. Prior to 1865, there had been selected and located under 282 patents, 22,892 acres in sixteen counties, and 23,036 acres unpatented, making a total of 45,928 acres. V. — SALINE LANDS. By act of Congress, approved March 3, 1845, the State of Iowa was granted the use of the salt springs within her limits, not exceeding twelve. By a subsequent act, approved May 27, 1852, Congress granted the springs to the State in fee simple, together with six sections of land contiguous to each, to be disposed of as the Legislature might direct. In 1861, the proceeds of these lands then to be sold were constituted a fund for founding and support- ing a lunatic asylum, but no sales were made. In 1856, the proceeds of the saline lands were appropriated to the Insane Asylum, repealed in 1858. In 1860, the saline lands and funds were made a part of the permanent fund of the State University. These lands were located in Appanoose, Davis, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, Van Buren and Wayne Counties. VI. — THE DES MOINES RIVER GRANT. By act of Congress, approved August 8, 1846, a grant of land was made for the improvement of the navigation of Des Moines River, as follows : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and hereby is, granted to said Territory of Iowa, for the purpose of aiding said Territory to improve the navigation of the Des Moines River from its mouth to the Raccoon Fork (so called) in said Territory, one equal moiety, in alternate sections, of the public lands (remaining unsold and not otherwise disposed of, incumbered or appropri- ated), in a strip five miles in width on each side of said river, to be selected within said Terri- tory by an agent or agents to be appointed by the Governor thereof, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Thit the lands hereby granted shall not be conveyed or disposed of by said Territory, nor by any State to be formed out of the same, except as said improvement shall progress; that is, the said Territory or State may sell so much of said lands as shall produce the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and then the sales shall cease until the Gov- ernor of said Territory or State shall certify the fact to the President of the United States that one-half of sxid sum has been expended upon said improvements, when the said Territory or HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 207 State may sell and convey a quantity of the residue of said lands sufficient to replace the amount expended, and thus the sales shall progress as the proceeds thereof shall be expended, and the fact of such expenditure shall be certified as aforesaid. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said River Des Moines shall be and forever remain a public highway for the use of the Government of the United States, free from any toll or other charge whatever, for any property of the United States or persons in their service passing through or along the same : Provided always, That it shall not be competent for the said Territory or future State of Iowa to dispose of said lands, or any of them, at a price lower than, for the time being, shall be the minimum price of other public lands. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That whenever the Territory of Iowa shall be admitted into the Union as a State, the lands hereby granted for the above purpose shall be and become the property of said State for the purpose contemplated in this act, and for no other : Provided the Legislature of the State of Iowa shall accept the said grant for the said purpose." Approved Aug. 8, 184G. By joint resolution of the General Assembly of Iowa, approved January 9, 1847, the grant was accepted for the purpose specified. By another act, ap- proved February 24, 1847, entited "An act creating the Board of Public Works, and providing for the improvement of the Des Moines Biver," the Legislature provided for a Board consisting of a President, Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected by the people. This Board was elected August 2, 1847, and was organized on the 22d of September following. The same act defined the nature of the improvement to be made, and provided that the work should be paid for from the funds to be derived from the sale of lands to be sold by the Board. Agents appointed by the Governor selected the sections designated by "odd numbers" throughout the whole exten^^ of the grant, and this selection was ap- proved by the Secretary of the Treasury. But there was a conflict of opinion as to the extent of the grant. It was held by some that it extended from the mouth of the Des Moines only to the Raccoon Forks ; others held, as the agents to make selection evidently did, that it extended from the mouth to the head waters of the river. Richard M. Young, Commissioner of the General Land Office, on the 23d of February, 1848, construed the grant to mean that " the State is entitled to the alternate sections within five miles of the Des Moines River, throughout the whole extent of that river within the limits of Iowa." Under this construction, the alternate sections above the Raccoon Forks would, of course, belong to the State; but on the 19th of June, 1848, some of these lands were, by proclamation, thrown into market. On the 18tli of September, the Board of Public Works filed a remonstrance with the Com- missioner of the General Land Office. The Board also sent in a protest to the State Land Office, at which the sale was ordered to take place. On the 8th of January, 1849, the Senators and Representatives in Congress from Iowa also protested against the sale, in a communication to Hon. Robert J. Walker, Sec- retary of the Treasury, to which the Secretary replied, concurring in the opinion that the grant extended the whole length of the Des Moines River in Iowa. On the 1st of June, 1849, the Commissioner of the General Land Office directed the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at Iowa City " to with- hold from sale all lands situated in the odd numbered sections within five miles on each side of the Des Moines River above the Raccoon Forks." March 13, 18.50, the Commissioner of the General Land Office submitted to the Secretary of the Interior a list "showing the tracts falling within the limits of the Des Moines River grant, above the Raccoon Forks, etc., under the decision of the Secretary of the Treasury, of March 2, 1849," and on the 6th of April following, Mr. Ewing, then Secretary of the Interior, reversed the decision of Secretary Walker, but ordered the lands to be withheld from sale until Con- 208 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. gress could have an opportunity to pass an explanatory act. The Iowa author- ities appealed from this decision to the President (Taylor), who referred the matter to the Attorney General (Mr. Johnson). On the 19th of July, Mr. Johnson submitted as his opinion, that by the terms of the grant itself, it ex- tended to the very source of the Des Moines, but before his opinion Avas pub- lished President Taylor died. When Mr. Tyler's cabinet was formed, the question was submitted to the new Attorney General (Mr. Crittenden), who, on the 30th of June, 1851, reported that in his opinion the grant did not extend above the Raccoon Forks. Mr. Stewart, Secretary of the Interior, concurred with Mr. Crittenden at first, but subsequently consented to lay the whole sub- ject before the President and Cabinet, who decided in favor of the State. October 29, 1851, Mr. Stewart directed the Commissioner of the General Land Office to "submit for his approval such lists as had been prepared, and to proceed to report for like approval lists of the alternate sections claimed by the State of Iowa above the Raccoon Forks, as far as the surveys have progressed, or may hereafter be completed and returned." And on the following day, three lists of these lands were prepared in the General Land Office. The lands approved and certified to the State of Iowa under this grant, and all lying above the Raccoon Forks, are as follows : By Secretary Stewart, Oct. 30, 1851 81,707.93 acres. March 10, 1852 143,908.37 " By Secretary McLellan, Dec. 17, 1853 33,142.43 " Dec. 30, 1853 12,813.51 " Total 271, 572.24 acres. The Commissioners and Register of the Des Moines River Improvement, in their report to the Governor, November 30, 1852, estimates the total amount of lands then available for the work, including those in possession of the State and those to be surveyed and approved, at nearly a million acres. The indebtedness then standing against the fund was about $108,000, and the Commissioners estimated the work to be done would cost about $1,200,000. January 19, 1853, the Legislature authorized the Commissioners to sell " any or all the lands which have or may hereafter be granted, for not less than $1,300,000." On the 24th of January, 1858, the General Assembly provided for the elec- tion of a Commissioner by the people, and appointed two Assistant Commission- ers, with authority to make a contract, selling the lands of the Improvement for $1,300,000. This new Board made a contract, June 9, 1855, with the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company, agreeing to sell all the lands donated to the State by Act of Congress of August 8, 1846, which the State had not sold prior to December 23, 1853, for $1,300,000, to be expended on the im- provement of the river, and in paying the indebtedness then due. This con- tract was duly reported to the Governor and General Assembly. By an act approved January 25, 1855, the Commissioner and Register of the Des Moines River Improvement were authorized to negotiate with the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company for the purchase of lands in Webster County which had been sold by the School Fund Commissioner as school lands, but which had been certified to the State as Des Moines River lands, and had, therefore, become the property of the Company, under the provisions of its contract with the State. March 21, 1856, the old question of the extent of the grant was again raised and the Commissioner of the General Land Office decided thr it was limited to HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 209 the Raccoon Fork. Appeal was made to the Secretary of the Interior, and by liira the matter was referred to the Attorney General, who decided that the grant extended to the northern boundary of the State ; the State relinquished its claim to lands lying along the river in Minnesota, and the vexed question was supposed to be finally settled. The land which had been certified, as well as those extending to the north- ern boundary within the limits of the grant, were reserved from pre-emption and sale by the General Land Commissioner, to satisfy the grant of August 8, 1846, and they were treated as having passed to the State, which from time to time sold portions of them prior to their final transfer to the Des Moines Navi- igation & Railroad Company, applying the proceeds thereof to the improve- ment of the river in compliance with the terms of the grant. Prior to the final sale to the Company, June 9, 1854, the State had sold about 327,000 acres, of which amount 58,880 acres Avere located above the Raccoon Fork. The last certificate of the General Land Office bears date December 30, 1853. After June 9th, 1854, the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company carried on the work under its contract with the State. As the improvement progressed, the State, from time to time, by its authorized officers, issued to the Company, in payment for said work, certificates for lands. But the General Land Office ceased to certify lands under the grant of 1846. The State had made no other provision for paying for the improvements, and disagree- ments and misunderstanding arose between the State authorities and the Company. March 22, 1858, a joint resolution was passed by the Legislature submitting a proposition for final settlement to the Company, which was accepted. The Com- pany paid to the State $20,000 in cash, and released and conveyed the dredge boat and materials named in the resolution ; and the State, on the 3d of May, 1858, executed to the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company fourteen deeds or patents to the lands, amounting to 256,703.64 acres. These deeds were intended to convey all the lands of this grant certified to the State by the Gen- eral Government not previously sold ; but, as if for the purpose of covering any tract or parcel that might have been omitted, the State made another deed of conveyance on the 18th day of May, 1858. These fifteen deeds, it is claimed, by the Company, convey 266,108 acres, of which about 53,367 are below the Raccoon Fork, and the balance, 212,741 acres, are above that point. Besides the lands deeded to the Company, the State had deeded to individual purchasers 58,830 acres above the Raccoon Fork, making an aggregate of 271,- 571 acres, deeded above the Fork, all of which had been certified to the State by the Federal Government. By act approved March 28, 1858, the Legislature d(mated the remainder of the grant to the Keokuk, Fort Des Moines & Minnesota Railroad Company, upon condition that said Company assumed all liabilities resulting from the Des Moines River improvement operations, reserving 50,000 acres of the land in security for the payment thereof, and for the completion of the locks and dams at Bentonsport, Croton, Keosauqua and Plymouth. For every three thousand dollars' worth of work done on the locks and dams, and for every three thousand dollars paid by the Company of the liabilities above mentioned, the Register of the State Land Office was instructed to certify to the Company 1,000 acres of the 50,000 acres reserved for these purposes. Up to 1865, there had been pre- sented by the Company, under tlio provisions of the act of 1858, and allowed, claims amounting to $109,579.37, about seventy-five per cent, of which had been settled. 210 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. After the passage of the Act above noticed, the question of the extent of the original grant was again mooted, and at the December Term of the Supreme Court of the United States, in 1859-60, a decision was rendered declaring that the grant did 7iot extend above Raccoon Fork, and that all certificates of land above the Fork had been issued without authority of law and were, therefore, void (see 23 How., 66). The State of Iowa had disposed of a large amount of land Avithout authority, according to this decision, and appeal was made to Congress for relief, which was granted on the 3d day of March, 1861, in a joint resolution relinquishing to the State all the title which the United States then still retained in the tracts of land along the Des Moines River above Raccoon Fork, that had been im- properly certified to the State by the Department of the Interior, and which is now held by bona Jide purchasers under the State of loAva. In confirmation of this relinquishment, by act approved July 12, 1862, Congress enacted : That the grant of lands to the then Territory of Iowa for the improvement of the Des Moines River, made by the act of August 8, 1846, is hereby extended so as to include the alternate sec- tions (designated by odd numbers) lying within five miles of said river, between the Raccoon Fork and the northern boundary of said State ; such lands are to be held and applied in accord- ance with the provisions of the original grant, except that the consent of Congress is hereby given to the application of a portion thereof to aid in the construction of the Keokuk, Fort Des Moines & Minnesota Railroad, in accordance with the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, approved March 22, 1858. And if any of the said lands shall have been sold or otherwise disposed of by the United States before the passage of this act, except those released by the United States to the grantees of the State of Iowa, under joint resolution of March 3, 1861, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to set apart an equal amount of lands within said State to be certified in lieu thereof; Provided, that if the State shall have sold and conveyed any portion of the lands lying within the limits of the grant the title of which has proved invalid, any lands which shall be certified to said State in lieu thereof by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall inure to and be held as a trust fund for the benefit of the person or persons, respect- ively, whose titles shall have failed as aforesaid. The grant of lands by the above act of Congress was accepted by a joint resolution of the General Assembly, September 11, 1862, in extra session. On the same day, the Governor was authorized to appoint one or more Commis- sioners to select the lands in accordance Avith the grant. These Commissioners were instructed to report their selections to the Registrar of the State Land Office. The lands so selected were to be held for the purposes of the grant, and were not to be disposed of until further legislation should be had. D. W. Kil- burne, of Lee County, was appointed Commissioner, and, on the 25th day of April, 1864, the General Land Officer authorized the selection of 300,000 acres from the vacant public lands as a part of the grant of July 12, 1862, and the selections were made in the Fort Dodge and Sioux City Land Districts. Many difficulties, controversies and conflicts, in relation to claims and titles, grew out of this grant, and these difficulties were enhanced by the uncertainty of its limits until the act of Congress of July, 1862. But the General Assem- bly sought, by wise and appropriate legislation, to protect the integrity of titles derived from the State. Especially was the determination to protect the actual settlers, who had paid their money and made improvements prior to the final settlement of the limits of the grant by Congress.- VII. — THE DES MOINES RIVER SCHOOL LANDS. These lands constituted a part of the 500,000 acre grant made by Congress in 1841 ; including 28,378.46 acres in Webster County, selected by the Agent of the State under that grant, and approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office February 20, 1851. They were ordered into the market June 6, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 211 1853, by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who autliorized John Tol- man. School Fund Commissioner for Webster County, to sell them as school lands. Subsequently, when the act of 184(3 was construed to extend the Des Moines River grant above Raccoon Fork, it was held that the odd numbered sections of these lands witliin five miles of the river were appropriated by that act, and on the 30th day of December, 1853, 12,813.51 acres were set apart and approved to the State by the Secretary of the Interior, as a part of the Des Moines River grant. January 6, 1854, the Commissioner of the General Land Office transmitted to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a certified copy of the lists of tliese lands, indorsed by the Secretary of the Interior. Prior to this action of the Department, howeverj Mr. Tolman had sold to indi- vidual purchasers 3,194.28 acres as school lands, and their titles were, of course, killed. For their relief, an act, approved April 2, 1860, provided that, upon application and proper showing, these purchasers should be entitled to draw from the State Treasury the amount they had paid, with 10 per cent, interest, on the contract to purchase made with Mr. Tolman. Under this act, five appli- cations were made prior to 1864, and the applicants received, in the aggregate, $949.53. By an act approved April 7, 1862, the Governor was forbidden to issue to the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad Company any certificate of the completion of any part of said road, or any conveyance of lands, until the company should execute and file, in the State Land Office, a release of its claim — first, to cer- tain swamp lands ; second, to the Des Moines River Lands sold by Tolman ; third, to certain other river lands. That act provided that " the said company shall transfer their interest in those tracts of land in Webster and Hamilton Counties heretofore sold by John Tolman, School Fund Commissioner, to the Register of the State Land Office in trust, to enable said Register to carry out and perform said contracts in all cases when he is called upon by the parties interested to do so, before the 1st day of January, A. D. 1864. The company filed its release to the Tolman lands, in the Land Office, Feb- ruary 27, 1864, at the same time entered its protest that it had no claim upon them, never had pretended to have, and had never sought to claim them. The Register of the State Land Office, under the advice of the Attorney General, decided that patents would be issued to the Tolman purchasers in all cases where contracts had been made prior to December 23, 1853, and remaining uncanceled under the act of 1860. But before any were issued, on the 27th of August, 1864, the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company commenced a suit in chancery, in the District Court of Polk County, to enjoin the issue of such patents. On the 30tli of August, an ex j) arte injunction was issued. In January, 1868, Mr. J. A. Harvey, Register of the Land Office, filed in the court an elaborate answer to plaintiffs' petition, denying that the company had any right to or title in the lands. Mr. Harvey's successor, Mr. C. C. Carpen- ter, filed a still more exhaustive answer February 10, 1868. August 3, 1868, the District Court dissolved the injunction. The company appealed to the Supreme Court, where the decision of the lower court was affirmed in December, 1869. VIII. SWAMP LAND GRANT. By an act of Congress, approved March 28, 1850, to enable Arkansas and other States to reclaim swampy lands Avithin their limits, granted all the swamp and overflowed lands remaining unsold within their respective limits to the several States. Although the total amount claimed by Iowa under this act 212 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. does not exceed 4,000,000 acres, it has, like the Des Moines River and some of" the land grants, cost the State considerable trouble and expense, and required a deal of legislation. The State expended large sums of money in making the selections, securing proofs, etc., but the General Government appeared to be laboring under the impression that Iowa was not acting in good faith ; that she had selected a large amount of lands under the swamp land grant, transferred her interest to counties, and counties to private speculators, and the General Land Office permitted contests as to the character of the lands already selected by the Agents of the State as "swamp lands." Congress, by joint resolution Dec. 18, 1856, and by act March 3, 1857, saved the State from the fatal result of this ruinous policy. Many of these lands were selected in 1854 and 1855, immediately after several remarkably wet seasons, and it was but natural that some portions of the selections would not appear swampy after a few dry seasons. Some time after these first selections were made, persons desired to enter parcels of the so-called swamp lands and offering to prove them to be diy. In such cases the General Land Office ordered hearing before the local land officers, and if they decided the land to be dry, it was permitted to be entered and the claim of the State rejected. Speculators took advantage of this. Affidavits were bought of irresponsible and reckless men, who, for a few dollars, would confidently testify to the character of lands they never saw. These applica- tions multiplied until they covered 3,000,000 acres. It was necessary that Congress should confirm all these selections to the State, that this gigantic scheme of fraud and plunder might be stopped. The act of Congress of March 3, 1857, was designed to accomplish this purpose. But the Commis- sioner of the General Land Office held that it was only a qualified confirma- tion, and under this construction sought to sustain the action of the Department in rejecting the claim of the State, and certifying them under act of May 15, 1856, under which the railroad companies claimed all swamp land in odd num- bered sections within the limits of their respective roads. This action led to serious complications. When the railroad grant was made, it was not intended nor was it understood that it included any of the swamp lands. These were already disposed of by previous grant. Nor did the companies expect to receive any of them, but under the decisions of the Department adverse to the State the way was opened, and they were not slow to enter their claims. March 4, 1862, the Attorney General of the State submitted to the General Assembly an opinion that the railroad companies were not entitled even to contest the right of the State to these lands, under the swamp land grant. A letter from the Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office expressed the same opinion, and the General Assembly by joint resolution, approved April 7, 1862, expressly repudiated the acts of the railroad companies, and disclaimed any intention to claim these lands under any other than the act of Congress of Sept. 28, 1850. A great deal of legislation has been found necessary in rela- tion to these swamp lands. IX. — THE RAILROAD GRANT. One of the most important grants of public lands to Iowa for purposes of internal improvement was that known as the "Railroad Grant," by act of Congress approved May 15, 1856. This act granted to the State of Iowa, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of railroads from Burlington, on the Mississippi River, to a point on the Missouri River, near the mouth of Platte River ; from the city of Davenport, via Iowa City and Fort Des Moines to HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 213 Council Bluffs ; from Lyons City northwesterly to a point of intersection with the main line of the Iowa Central Air Line Railroad, near Maquoketa ; thence on said main line, running as near as practicable to the Forty-second Parallel ; across the said State of Iowa to the Missouri River ; from the city of Dubuque to a point on the Missouri River, near Sioux City, with a branch from the mouth of the Tete des Morts, to the nearest point on said road, to be com- pleted as soon as the main road is completed to that point, every alternate section of land, designated by odd numbers, for six sections in width on each side of said roads. It was also provided that if it should appear, when the lines of those roads were definitely fixed, that the United States had sold, or right of pre- emption had attached to any portion of said land, the State was authorized to select a quantity equal thereto, in alternate sections, or parts of sections, within fifteen miles of the lines so located. The lands remaining to the United States within six miles on each side of said roads were not to be sold for less than the double minimum price of the public lands when sold, nor were any of said lands to become subject to private entry until they had been first oifered at public sale at the increased price. Section 4 of the act provided that the lands granted to said State shall be disposed of by said State only in the manner following, that is to say : that a quantity of land not exceeding one hundred and twenty sections for each of said roads, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of said roads, may be sold ; and when the Governor of said State shall certify to the Secretary of the Interior that any twenty continuous miles of any of said roads is completed, then another quantity of land hereby granted, not to exceed one hundred and twenty sections for each of said roads having twenty continuous miles completed as aforesaid, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of such roads, may be sold ; and so from time to time until said roads are completed, and if any of said roads are not completed within ten years, no further sale shall be made, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States." ^ At a special session of the General Assembly of Iowa, by act approved July 14, 1856, the grant was excepted and the lands were granted by the State to the several railroad companies named, provided that the lines of their respective roads should be definitely fixed and located before April 1, 1857 ; and pro- vided further, that if either of said companies should fail to have seventy-five miles of road completed and equipped by the 1st day of December, 1 859, and its entire road completed by December 1, 1865, it should be competent for the State of Iowa to resume all rights to lands remaining undisposed of by the company so failing. The railroad companies, with the single exception of the Iowa Central Air Line, accepted the several grants in accordance with the provisions of the above act, located their respective roads and selected their lands. The grant to the Iowa Central was again granted to the Cedar Rapids & INIissouri River Railroad Company, which accepted them. By act, approved April 7, 1862, the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad Com- pany was required to execute a release to the State of certain swamp and school lands, included within the limits of its grant, in compensation for an extension of the time fixed for the completion of its road. A careful examination of the act of Congress does not reveal any special reference to railroad compayiies. The lands were granted to the State, and the act evidently contemplate the sale of them by the State, and the appropriation of the proceeds to aid in the construction of certain lines of railroad within its 214 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. limits. Section 4 of the act clearly defines the authority of the State in dis- posing of the lands. Lists of all the lands embraced by the grant were made, and certified to the State by the proper authorities. Under an act of Congress approved August 3, 1854, entitled ''An act to vest in the several States and Territories the title in fee of the lands which have been or may he certified to them," these certified lists, the originals of which are filed in the General Land Office, conveyed to the State "the fee simple title to all the lands embraced in such lists that are of the char- acter contemplated " by the terms of the act making the grant, and "intended to be granted thereby ; but where lands embraced in such lists are not of the character embraced by such act of Congress, and were not intended to be granted thereby, said lists, so far as these lands are concerned, shall be perfectly null and void; and no right, title, claim or interest shall be conveyed thereby." Those certified lists made under the act of May 15, 1856, were forty-three in number, viz.: For the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, nine ; for the Mississippi & Missouri Railroad, 11 ; for the Iowa Central Air Line, thirteen ; and for the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad, ten. The lands thus approved to the State were as follows : Burlington & Missouri River R. R 287,095.34 acres. Mississippi & Missouri River R. R 774,674.36 " Cedar Rapids & Missouri River R. R 775,454.19 " Dubuque & Sioux City R. R 1,226,558.32 " A portion of these had been selected as swamp lands by the State, under the act of September 28, 1850, and these, by the terms of the act of August 3, 1854, could not be turned over to the railroads unless the claim of the State to them as swamp was first rejected. It was not possible to determine from the records of the State Land Office the extent of the conflicting claims arising under the two grants, as copies of the swamp land selections in some of the counties were not filed of record. The Commissioner of the General Land Office, however, prepared lists of the lands claimed by the State as swamp under act of September 28, 1850, and also claimed by the railroad companies under act of May 15, 1856, amounting to 553,293.33 acres, the claim to which as swamp had been rejected by the Department. These were consequently certified to the State as railroad lands. There was no mode other than the act of July, 1856, prescribed for transferring the title to these lands from the State to the companies. The courts had decided that, for the purposes of the grant, the lands belonged to the State, and to her the companies should look for their titles. It was generally accepted that the act of the Legislature of July, 1856, was all that was neces- sary to complete the transfer of title. It was assumed that all the rights and powers conferred upon the S.tate by the act of Congress of May 14, 1856, were by the act of the General Assembly transferred to the companies ; in other words, that it Avas designed to put the companies in the place of the State as the grantees from Congress — and, therefore, that which perfected the title thereto to the State perfected the title to the companies by virtue of the act of July, 1856, One of the companies, however, the Burlington & Missouri River Rail- road Company, was not entirely satisfied with this construction. Its managers thought that some further and specific action of the State authorities in addition to the act of the Legislature was necessary to complete their title. This induced Gov. Lowe to attach to the certified lists his official certificate, under the broad seal of the State. On the 9th of November, 1859, the Governor thus certified to them (commencing at the Missouri River) 187,207.44 acres, and December 27th, 43,775.70 acres, an aggregate of 231,073.14 acres. These were the only HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 215 lands under the grant that were certified by the State authorities Avith any design of perfecting the title already vested in the company by the act of July, 1856. The lists which were afterward furnished to the company were simply certified by the Governor as being correct copies of the lists received by the State from the United States General Land Office. These subsequent lists embraced lands that had been claimed by the State under the Swamp Land Grant, It was urged against the claim of the Companies that the effect of the act of the Legislature Avas simply to substitute them for the State as parties to the grant. 1st. That the lands were granted to the State to be held in trust for the accomplishment of a specific purpose, and therefore the State could not part with the title until that purpose should have been accomplished. 2d. That it was not the intention of the act of July 14, 1856, to deprive the State of the con- trol of the lands, but on the contrary that she should retain supervision of them and the right to withdraw all rights and powers and resume the title condition- ally conferred by that act upon the companies in the event of their failure to complete their part of the contract. 3d. That the certified lists from the Gen-- eral Land Office vested the title in the State only by virtue of the act of Con- gress approved August 3, 1854. The State Land Office held that the proper construction of the act of July 14, 1856, when accepted by the companies, was that it became a conditional contract that might ripen into a positive sale of the lands as from time to time the work should progress, and as the State thereby became authorized by the express terms of the grant to sell them. This appears to have been the correct construction of the act, but by a sub- sequent act of Congress, approved June 2, 1864, amending the act of 1856, the terms of the grant were changed, and numerous controversies arose between the companies and the State. The ostensible purpose of this additional act was to allow the Davenport & Council Bluffs Railroad "to modify or change the location of the uncompleted portion of its line," to run through the town of Newton, Jasper County, or as nearly as practicable to that point. The original grant had been made to the State to aid in the construction of railroads within its limits and not to the com- panies, but Congress, in 1864, appears to have been utterly ignorant of what had been done under the act of 1856, or, if not, to have utterly disregarded it. The State had accepted the original grant. The Secretary of the Interior had ah-eady certified to the State all the lands intended to be included in the grant within fifteen miles of the lines of the several railroads. It will be remembered that Section 4, of the act of May 15, 1856, specifies the manner of sale of these lands from time to time as work on the railroads should progress, and also provided that "if any of said roads are not completed within ten years, no fur- ther sale shall be made, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States." Having vested the title to these lands in trust, in tlie State of Iowa, it is plain that until the expiration of the ten years there could be no reversion, and the State, not the United States, must control them until the grant should expire by limitation. The United States authorities could not rightfully re(juire the Secretary' of the Interior to certify directly to the companies any portion of the lands already certified to the State. And yet Congress, by its act of June 2, 1864, pi'ovided that whenever the Davenport & Council Bluffs Railroad Com- pany should file in the General Land Office at "Washington a map definitely showing sucli new location, the Secretary of the Interior should cause to be cer- tified and conveyed to said Company, from time to time, as the road progressed, out of any of the lands belonging to the United States, not sold, reserved, or 216 HISTORY OP THE STATE OF IOWA. otherwise disposed of, or to which a pre-emption claim or right of homestead had not attached, and on which a bona fide settlement and improvement had not been made under color of title derived from the United States or from the State of Iowa, within six miles of such newly located line, an amount of land per mile equal to that originally authorized to be granted to aid in the construction of said road by the act to which this was an amendment. The term " out of any lands heloiiging to the United States, not sold, re- served or otherwise disposed of, etc.," would seem to indicate that Congress did intend to grant lands already granted, but when it declared that the Company should have an amount per mile equal to that originally authorized to be granted, it is plain that the framers of the bill were ignorant of the real terms of the original grant, or that they designed that the United States should resume the title it had already parted with two years before the lands could revert to the United States under the original act, which Avas not repealed. A similar change w^as made in relation to the Cedar Rapids & Missouri Railroad, and dictated the conveyance of lands in a similar manner. Like provision was made for the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad, and the Company was permitted to change the location of its line between Fort Dodge and Sioux City, so as to secure the best route between those points ; but this change of location was not to impair the right to the land granted in the orig- inal act, nor did it change the location of those lands. By the same act, the Mississippi & Missouri Railroad Company was author- ized to transfer and assign all or any part of the grant to any other company or person, " if, in the opinion of said Company, the construction of said railroad across the State of Iowa would be thereby sooner and more satisfactorily com- pleted ; but such assignee should not in any case be released from the liabilities and conditions accompanying this grant, nor acquire perfect title in any other manner than the same would have been acquired by the original grantee." Still further, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad was not forgotten, and was, by the same act, empowered to receive an amount of land per mile equal to that mentioned in the original act, and if that could not be found within the limits of six miles from the line of said road, then such selection might be made along such line within twenty miles thereof out of any public lands belonging to the United States, not sold, reserved or otherwise disposed of, or to which a pre-emption claim or right of homestead had not attached. Those acts of Congress, which evidently originated in the "lobby," occa- sioned much controversy and trouble. The Department of the Interior, how- ever, recognizing the fact that when the Secretary had certified the lands to the State, under the act of 1856, that act divested the United States of title, under the vesting act of August, 1854, refused to review its action, and also refused to order any and all investigations for establishing adverse claims (except in pre-emption cases), on the ground that the United States had parted with the title, and, therefore, could exercise no control over the land. May 12, 1864, before the passage of the amendatory act above described, Congress granted to the State of Iowa, to aid in the construction of a railroad from McGregor to Sioux City, and for the benefit of the McGregor Western Railroad Company, every alternate section of land, designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of the proposed road, reserving the right to substitute other lands whenever it was found that the grant infringed upon pre-empted lands, or on lands that had been reserved or disposed of for any other purpose. In such cases, the Secretary of the Interior was instructed to select, in lieu, lands belonging to the United States lying nearest to the limits specified. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 217 X. — AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND FARM LANDS. An Agricultural College and Model Farm was established by act of the General Assembly, approved March 22, 1858. By the eleventh section of the act, the proceeds of the five-section grant made for the purpose of aiding in the erection of public buildings was appropriated, subject to the approval of Con- gress, together with all lands that Congress might thereafter grant to the State for the purpose, for the benefit of the institution. On the 23d of March, by joint resolution, the Legislature asked the consent of Congress to the proposed transfer. By act approved July 11, 1862, Congress removed the restrictions imposed in the "five-section grant," and authorized the General Assembly to make such disposition of the lands as should be deemed best for the interests of the State. By these several acts, the five sections of land in Jasper County certified to the State to aid in the erection of public buildings under the act of March 3, 1845, entitled " An act supplemental to the act for the admission of the States of Iowa and Florida into the Union," were fully appropriated for the benefit of the Iowa Agricultural College and Farm. The institution is located in Story County. Seven hundred and twenty-one acres in that and two hundred in Boone County were donated to it by individuals interested in the success of the enterprise. By act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, an appropriation was made to each State and Territory of 30,000 acres for each Senator and Representative in Congress, to which, by the apportionment under the census of 1860, they were respectively entitled. This grant was made for the purpose of endowing colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts. Iowa accepted this grant by an act passed at an extra session of its Legis- lature, approved September 11, 1862, entitled "An act to accept of the grant, and carry into execution the trust conferred upon the State of Iowa by an act of Congress entitled ' An act granting public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts,' approved July 2, 1862." This act made it the duty of the Governor to appoint an agent to select and locate the lands, and provided that none should be selected that were claimed by any county as swamp lands. The agent was required to make report of his doings to the Governor, who was instructed to submit the list of selections to the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural College for their approval. One thousand dollars were appro- priated to carry the law into effect. The State, having two Senators and six Representatives in Congress, was entitled to 240,000 acres of land under this grant, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an Agricultural College. Peter Melendy, Esq., of Black Hawk County, was appointed to make the selec- tions, and during August, September and December, 1863, located them in the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Sioux City Land Districts. December 8, 1864, these selections were certified by the Commissioner of the General Land Ofiice, and were approved to the State by the Secretary of the Interior December 13, 1864. The title to these lands was vested in the State in fee simple, and con- flicted with no other claims under other grants. The agricultural lands were approved to the State as 240,000.96 acres ; but as 35,691.66 acres were located within railroad limits, which were computed at the rate of two acres for one, the actual amount of land approved to the State under this grant was only 204,309.30 acres, located as follows: In Des Moines Land District 6,804.96 acres. In Sioux City Land District 59,02.5.37 " In Fort Dodge Land District 138,478.97 " 218 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. By act of the General Assembly, approved March 29, 1864, entitled, " An act authorizing the Trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm to sell all lands acquired, granted, donated or appropriated for the benefit of said college, and to make an investment of the proceeds thereof," all these lands were granted to the Agricultural College and Farm, and the Trustees were au- thorized to take possession, and sell or lease them. They were then, under the control of the Trustees, lands as follows : Under the act of July 2, 1852 204,309.30 acres. Of the five-section grant 3,200.00 " Lands donated in Story County 721.00 " Lands donated in Boone County 200.00 " Total 208,430.30 acres. The Trustees opened an office at Fort Dodge, and appointed Hon. G. W- Bassett their agent for the sale of these lands. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The germ of the free public school system of Iowa, which now ranks sec- ond to none in the United States, was planted by the first settlers. They bad migrated to the " The Beautiful Land" from other and older States, where the common school system had been tested by many years' experience, bringing with them some knowledge of its advantages, which they determined should be enjoyed by the children of the land of their adoption. The system thus planted was expanded and improved in the broad fields of the West, until now it is justly considered one of the most complete, comprehensive and liberal in the country. Nor is this to be wondered at when it is remembered humble log school houses were built almost as soon as the log cabin of the earliest settlers were occupied by their brave builders. In the lead mining regions of the State, the first to be occupied by the white race, the hardy pioneers provided the means for the education of their children even before they had comfortable dwellings for their families. School teachers were among the first immigrants to Iowa. Wherever a little settlement was made, the school house was the first united public act of the settlers; and the rude, primitive structures of the early time only disappeared when the communities had increased in population and wealth, and were able to replace them with more commodious and comfortable buildings. Perhaps in no single instance has the magnificent progress of the State of Iowa been more marked and rapid than in her common school system and in her school houses, which, long since, superseded the log cabins of the first settlers. To- day, the school houses which everywhere dot the broad and fertile prairies of Iowa are unsurpassed by those of any other State in the great Union. More especially is this true in all her cities and villages, Avhere liberal and lavish appropriations have been voted, by a generous people, for the erection of large, commodious and elegant buildings, furnished with all the modern improvements, and costing from ^10,000 to 160,000 each. The people of the State have ex- pended more than $10,000,000 for the erection of public school buildings. The first house erected in Iowa was a log cabin at Dubuque, built by James L. Liingworthy and a fcAV other miners, in the Autumn of 1833. When it was completed, George Cabbage was employed as teacher during the Winter of 1S33-4, and thirty-five pupils attended his school. Barrett Whittemore taught the second term with i'venty-five pupils in attendance. Mrs. Caroline Dexter HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 219' commenced teaching in Dubuque in March, 1836. She "was the first female teacher there, and probably the first in Iowa. In 1839, Thomas H. Benton, Jr., afterward for ten years Superintendent of Public Instruction, opened an English and classical school in Dubuque. The first tax for the support of schools at Dubuque was levied in 1840. Amono; the first buildings erected at Burlington was a commodious log school house in 1834, in which Mr. Johnson Pierson taught the first school in the Winter of 1834-5. The first school in Muscatine County was taught by George Bumgardner, in the Spring of 1837, and in 1839, a log school house was erected in Musca- tine, Avhich served for a long time for school house, church and public hall. The first school in Davenport was taught in 1838. In Fairfield, Miss Clarissa Sawyer, James F. Chambers and Mrs. Reed taught school in 1839. When the site of Iowa City was selected as the capital of the Territory of Iowa, in May, 1839, it Avas a perfect wilderness. The first sale of lots took place August 18, 1839, and before January 1, 1840, about twenty families had settled within the limits of the town ; and during the same year, Mr. Jesse Berry opened a school in a small frame building he had erected, on what is now College street. The first settlement in Monroe County was made in 1843, by Mr. John R. Gray, about two miles from the present site of Eddyville; and in the Summer of 1844, a log school house was built by Gray, William V. Beedle, C. Renfro, Joseph McMullen and Willoughby Randolph, and the first school was opened by Miss Urania Adams. The building was occupied for scliool purposes for nearly ten years. About a year after the first cabin was built at Oskaloosa, a log school house was built, in which school was opened by Samuel W. Caldwell in 1844. At Fort Des Moines, now the capital of the State, the first school was taught by Lewis Whitten, Clerk of the District Court in the Winter of 1846-7, in one of the rooms on " Coon Row," built for barracks. The first school in Pottawattomie County was opened by George Green, a Mormon, at Council Point, prior to .1849 ; and until about 1854, nearly, if not quite, all the teachers in that vicinity were Mormons. The first school in Decorah was taught in 1853, by T. W. Burdick, then a 3^oung man of seventeen. In Osceola, the first school was opened by Mr. D. W, Scoville. The first school at Fort Dodge was taught in 1855, by Cyrus C. Carpenter, since Governor of the State. In Crawford County, the first school house was built in Mason's Grove, in 1856, and Morris McIIenry first occupied it as teacher. During the first twenty years of the history of Iowa, the log school house pre- vailed, and in 1861, there were 893 of these primitive structures in use for school purposes in the State. Since that time they have been gradually dis- appearing. In 1865, there were 796; in 1870, 336, and in 1875, 121. Iowa Territory was created July 3, 1838. January 1, 1839, the Territorial Legislature passed an act providing that " there shall be established a common school, or schools in each of the counties in this Territory, which shall be open and free for every class of white citizens between the ages of five and twenty-one years." The second section of the act provided that " the County Board shall, from time to time, form such districts in their respective counties whenever a petition may be presented for the purpose by a majority of the voters resident within such contemplated district." These districts were gov- erned by boards of trustees, usually of three persons ; each district was required 220 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. to maintain school at least three months in every year ; and later, laws were enacted providing for county school taxes for the payment of teachers, and that whatever additional sum might be required should be assessed upon the parents sending, in proportion to the length of time sent. When Iowa Territory became a State, in 1846, with a population of 100,- 000, and with 20,000 scholars within its limits, about four hundred school dis- tricts had been organized. In 1850, there were 1,200, and in 1857, the number had increased to 3,265. In March, 1858, upon the recommendation of Hon, M. L. Fisher, then Su- perintendent of Public Instruction, the Seventh General Assembly enacted that " each civil township is declared a school district," and provided that these should be divided into sub-districts. This law went into force March 20, 1858, and reduced the number of school districts from about 3,500 to less than 900. This change of school organization resulted in a very material reduction of the expenditures for the compensation of District Secretaries and Treasurers. An effort was made for several years, from 1867 to 1872, to abolish the sub- district system. Mr. Kissell, Superintendent, recommended, in his report of January 1, 1872, and Governor Merrill forcibly endorsed his views in his annual message. But the Legislature of that year provided for the formation of inde- pendent districts from the sub-districts of district townships. The system of graded schools was inaugurated in 1849 ; and new schools, in which more than one teacher is employed, are universally graded. The first official mention of Teachers' Institutes in the educational records of Iowa occurs in the annual report of Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Jr., made December 2, 1850, who said, "An institution of this character was organized a few years ago, composed of the teachers of the mineral regions of Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa. An association of teachers has, also, been formed in the county of Henry, and an effort was made in October last to organize a regular institute in the county of Jones." At that time — although the beneficial influence of these institutes was admitted, it w^as urged that the expenses of attending them was greater than teachers with limited compensation were able to bear. To obviate this objection, Mr. Benton recommended that " the sum of $150 should be appropriated annually for three years, to be drawn in install- ments of $50 each by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and expended for these institutions." He proposed that' three institutes should be held annu- ally at points to be designated by the Superintendent. No legislation in this direction, however, was had until March, 1858, when an act was passed authorizing the holding of teachers' institutes for periods not less than six working days, whenever not less than thirty teachers should desire. The Superintendent was authorized to expend not exceeding $100 for any one institute, to be paid out by the County Superintendent as the institute might direct for teachers and lecturers, and one thousand dollars was appropriated to defray the expenses of these institutes. December 6, 1858, Mr. Fisher reported to the Board of Education that institutes had been appointed in twenty counties within the preceding six months, and more would have been, but the appropriation had been exhausted. The Board of Education at its first session, commencing December 6, 1858, enacted a code of school laws which retained the existing provisions for teachers' institutes. In March, 1860, the General Assembly amended the act of the Board by appropriating " a sum not exceeding fifty dollars annually for one such institute, held as provided by law in each county." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 221 In 1865, Mr. Faville reported that "the provision made by the State for the "benefit of teachers' institutes has never been so fully appreciated, both by the people and the teachers, as during the last two years." By act approved March 19, 1874, Normal Institutes were established in each county, to be held annually by the County Superintendent. This was regarded as a very decided step in advance by Mr. Abernethy, and in 1876 the Sixteenth General Assembly established the first permanent State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, appropriating the building and property of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at that place for that purpose. This school is now " in the full tide of successful experiment." The public school system of Iowa is admirably organized, and if the various officers Avlio are entrusted with the educational interests of the commonwealth are faithful and competent, should and will constantly improve. " The public schools are supported by funds arising from several sources. The sixteenth section of every Congressional Township was set apart by the General Government for school purposes, being one-thirty-sixth part of all the lands of the State. The minimum price of these lands was fixed at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Congress also made an additional donation to the State of five hundred thousand acres, and an appropriation of five per cent, on all the sales of public lands to the school fund. The State gives to this fund the proceeds of the sales of all lands which escheat to it ; the proceeds of all fines for the violation of the liquor and criminal laws. The money derived from these sources constitutes the permanent school fund of the State, which cannot be diverted to any other purpose. The penalties collected by the courts for fines and forfeitures go to the school fund in the counties where collected. The proceeds of the sale of lands and the five per cent, fund go into the State Treasury, and the State distributes these proceeds to the several counties accord- ing to their request, and the counties loan the money to individuals for long terms at eight per cent, interest, on security of land valued at three times the amount of the loan, exclusive of all buildings and improvements thereon. The interest on these loans is paid into the State Treasury, and becomes the avail- able school fund of the State. The counties are responsible to the State for all money so loaned, and the State is likewise responsible to the school fund for all moneys transferred to the counties. The interest on these loans is apportioned by the State Auditor semi-annually to the several counties of the State, in pro- portion to the number of persons between the ages of five and twenty-one years. The counties also levy an annual tax for school purposes, which is apportioned to the several district townships in the same way. A district tax is also levied for the same purpose. The money arising from these several sources constitutes the support of the public schools, and is sufficient to enable every sub-district in the State to afford from six to nine months' school each year." The taxes levied for the support of schools are self-imposed. Under the admirable school laws of the State, no taxes can be legally assessed or collected for the erection of school houses until they have been ordered by the election of the district at a school meeting legally called. The school houses of Iowa are the pride of the State and an honor to the people. If they have been some- times built at a prodigal expense, the tax payers have no one to blame but themselves. The teachers' and contingent funds are determined by the Board of Directors under certain legal restrictions. These boards are elected annually, except in the independent districts, in which the board may be entirely changed every three years. The only exception to this mode of levying taxes for support 222 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. of schools is the county school tax, which is determined by the County Board of Supervisors. The tax is from one to three mills on the dollar ; usually, however, but one, Mr. Abernethy, who was Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion from 1872 to 1877, said in one of his reports : There is but little opposition to the levy of taxes for the support of schools, and there would be still less if the funds were always properly guarded and judiciously expended. How- ever much our people disagree upon other subjects, they are practically united upon this. The opposition of wealth has long since ceased to exist, and our wealthy men are usually the most liberal in their views and the most active friends of popular education. They are often found upon our school boards, and usually make the best of school officers. It is not uncommon for Boards of Directors, especially in the larger towns and cities, to be composed wholly of men who represent the enterprise, wealth and business of their cities. At the close of 1877, there were 1,086 township districts, 3,138 indepen- dent districts and 7,015 sub-districts. There were 9,948 ungraded and 476 graded schools, with an average annual session of seven months and five days. There were 7,348 male teachers employed, whose average compensation was $34.88 per month, and 12,518 female teachers, with an average compensation of $28.69 per month. The number of persons between the ages 5 and 21 years, in 1877, was 567,859; number enrolled in public schools, 421,163; total average attendance, 251,372 ; average cost of tuition per month, f 1.62. There are 9,279 frame, 671 brick, 257 stone and 89 log school houses, making a grand total of 10,296, valued at $9,044,973. The public school libraries number 17,329 volumes. Ninety-nine teachers' institutes were held during 1877. Teachers' salaries amounted to $2,953,645. There was expended for school houses, grounds, libraries and apparatus, $1,106,788, and for fuel and other contingencies, $1,136,995, making the grand total of $5,197,428 expended by the generous people of Iowa for the support of their magnificent public schools in a single year. The amount of the permanent school fund, at the close of 1877, was $3,462,000. Annual interest, $276,960. In 1857, there were 3,265 independent districts, 2,708 ungraded schools, and 1,572 male and 1,424 female teachers. Teachers' salaries amounted to $198,142, and the total expenditures for schools was only $364,515. Six hun- dred and twenty-three volumes were the extent of the public school libraries twenty years ago, and there were only 1,686 school houses, valued at $571,064. In twenty years, teachers' salaries have increased from $198,142, in 1857, to $2,953,645 in 1877. Total school expenditures, from $364,515 to $5,197,428. The significance of such fiicts as these is unmistakable. Such lavish expen- ditures can only be accounted for by the liberality and public spirit of the people, all of whom manifest their love of popular education and their fiiith in the public schools by the annual dedication to their support of more than one per cent, of their entire taxable property ; this, too, uninterruptedly through a series of years, commencing in the midst of a war which taxed their energies and resources to the extreme, and continuing through years of general depression in business — years of moderate yield of produce, of discouragingly low prices, and even amid the scanty surroundings and privations of pioneer life. Few human enterprises have a grander significance or give evidence of a more noble purpose than the generous contributions from the scanty resources of the pioneer for the purposes of public education. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 223 POLITICAL RECORD. TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Grovernors — Robert Lucas, 1838-41 ; John Chambers, 1841-45 ; James Clarke, 1845. Secretaries — William B. Conway, 1838, died 1839 ; James Clarke, 1839 ; 0. H. W. Stull, 1841 ; Samuel J. Burr, 1843 ; Jesse Williams, 1845. Auditors~:iQ&&e Williams, 1840; Wm. L. Gilbert, 1843- Robert M. Secrest, 1845. Treasurers — Thornton Bayliss, 1839 ; Morgan Reno, 1840. Judges — Charles Mason, Chief Justice, 1838 ; Joseph Williams, 1838 ; Thomas S. Wilson, 1838. Presidents of Council — Jesse B. Browne, 1838-9 ; Stephen Hempstead, 1839-40; M. i3ainridge, 1840-1; Jonathan W. Parker, 1841-2; John D. Elbert, 1842-3; Thomas Cox, 1843-4; S. Clinton Hastings, 1845; Stephen Hempstead, 1845-6. Speakers of the House — William H. Wallace, 1838-9 ; Edward Johnston, 1839-40; Thomas Cox, 1840-1; Warner Lewis, 1841-2; James M. Morgan, 1842-3 ; James P. Carleton, 1843-4 ; James M. Morgan, 1845 ; George W. McCleary, 1845-6. First Constitutional Convention, 184,4- — Shepherd Leffler, President ; Geo. S. Hampton, Secretary. Second Constitutional Convention, 1846 — Enos Lowe, President; William Thompson, Secretary. OFFICERS OP THE STATE GOVERNMENT. Governors — Ansel Briggs, 1846 to 1850 ; Stephen Hempstead, 1850 to 1854; James W. Grimes, 1854 to 1858; Ralph P. Lowe, 1858 to 1860; Sam- uel J. Kirkwood, 1860 to 1864 ; William M. Stone, 1864 to 1868 ; Samuel Morrill, 1868 to 1872 ; Cyrus C. Carpenter, 1872 to 1876 ; Samuel J. Kirk- wood, 1876 to 1877; Joshua G. Newbold, Acting, 1877 to 1878; John H. Gear, 1878 to . Lieutenant Governor — Office created by the new Constitution September 3, 1857— Oran Faville, 1858-9 ; Nicholas J. Rusch, 1860-1 ; John R. Needham, 1862-3; Enoch W. Eastman, 1864-5; Benjamin F. Gue, 1866-7; John Scott, 1868-9; M. M. Walden, 1870-1; H. C. Bulis, 1872-3; Joseph Dy- sart, 1874-5 ; Joshua G. Newbold, 1876-7 ; Frank T. Campbell, 1878-9. Secretaries of State — Elisha Cutler, Jr., Dec. 5, 1846, to Dec. 4, 1848 ; Josiah H. Bonney, Dec. 4, 1848, to Dec. 2, 1850; George W. McCleary, Dec. 2, 1850, to Dec. 1, 1856 ; Elijah Sells, Dec. 1, 1856, to Jan. 5, 1863 ; James Wright, Jan. 5, 1863, to Jan. 7, 1867 ; Ed. Wright, Jan. 7, 1867, to Jan. 6, 1873 ; Josiah T. Young, Jan. 6, 1873, to . Auditors of /S«a«e— Joseph T. Fales, Dec. 5, 1846, to Dec. 2, 1850 ; Will- iam Pattee, Dec. 2, 1850, to Dec. 4, 1854 ; Andrew J. Stevens, Dec. 4, 1854, resigned in 1855 ; John Pattee, Sept. 22, 1855, to Jan. 3, 1859 ; Jonathan W. Cattell, 1859 to 1865 ; John A. Elliot, 1865 to 1871 ; John Russell, 1871 to 1875 ; Buren R. Sherman, 1875 to . Treasurers of State— Movgiin Reno, Dec. 18, 1846, to Dec. 2, 1850 ; Israel Kister, Dec. 2, 1850, to Dec. 4, 1852 ; Martin L. Morris, Dec. 4, 1852, to .Jan. 2, 1859 ; John W. Jones. 1859 to 1863 ; William H. Holmes, 1863 to 224 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 1867 ; Samuel E. Rankin, 1867 to 1873 ; William Christy, 1873 to 1877 ; George W. Bemis, 1877 to . Superintendents of Public Instruction — Office created in 1847 — James Harlan, June 5, 1845 (Supreme Court decided election void) ; Thomas H. Benton, Jr., May 23, 1844, to June 7, 1854 ; James D. Eads, 1854-7 ; Joseph C. Stone, March to June, 1857 ; Maturin L. Fisher, 1857 to Dec, 1858, when the office was abolished and the duties of the office devolved upon the Secretary of the Board of Education. Secretaries of Board of Education — Thomas H. Benton, Jr., 1859-1863 ; Oran Faville, Jan. 1, 1864. Board abolished March 23, 1864. Superintendents of Public Instruction — Office re-created March 23, 1864 — Oran Faville, March 28, 1864, resigned March 1, 1867; D. Franklin Wells, March 4, 1867, to Jan., 1870 ; A. S. Kissell, 1870 to 1872 ; Alonzo Abernethy, 1872 to 1877 ; Carl W. Von Coelln, 1877 to . State Binders — Office created February 21, 1855 — William M. Coles, May 1, 1855, to May 1, 1859; Frank M. Mills, 1859 to 1867; James S. Carter, 1867 to 1870; J. J. Smart, 1870 to 1874; H. A. Perkins, 1874 to 1875; James J. Smart, 1875 to 1876 ; H. A. Perkins, 1876 to . Registers of the State Land Office — Anson Hart, May 5, 1855, to May 13, 1857 ; Theodore S. Parvin, May 13, 1857, to Jan. 3, 1859 ; Amos B. Miller, Jan. 3, 1859, to October, 1862; Edwin Mitchell, Oct. 31, 1862, to Jan 5, 1863 ; Josiah A. Harvey, Jan. 5, 1863, to Jan. 7, 1867 ; Cyrus C. Carpenter, Jan. 7, 1867, to January, 1871 ; Aaron Brown, January, 1871, to to January, 1875 ; David Secor, January, 1875, to . State Printers — Office created Jan. 3, 1840 — Garrett D. Palmer and George Paul, 1849; William H. Merritt, 1851 to 1853; William A. Hornish, 1853 (resigned May 16, 1853); Mahoney & Dorr, 1853 to 1855; Peter Moriarty, 1855 to 1857; John Teesdale, 1857 to 1861; Francis W. Palmer, 1861 to 1869 ; Frank M. Mills, 1869 to 1870 ; G. W. Edwards, 1870 to 1872 ; R. P. Clarkson, 1872 to . Adjutants Greneral — Daniel S. Lee, 1851-5 ; Geo. W. McCleary, 1855-7 ; Elijah Sells, 1857 ; Jesse Bowen, 1857-61 ; Nathaniel Baker, 1861 to 1877 ; John H. Looby, 1877 to . Attorneys General — David C. Cloud, 1853-56 ; Samuel A. Rice, 1856-60; Charles C. Nourse, 1861-4 ; Isaac L. Allen, 1865 (resigned January, 1866) ; Frederick E. Bissell, 1866 (died June 12, 1867); Henry O'Connor, 1867-72; Marsena E. Cutts, 1872-6 ; John F. McJunkin, 1877. Presidents of the Senate — Thomas Baker, 1846-7 ; Thomas Hughes, 1848; John J. Selman, 1848-9; Enos Lowe, 1850-1; William E. Leffing- well, 1852-3; Maturin L. Fisher, 1854-5; William W. Hamilton, 1856-7. Under the new Constitution, the Lieutenant Governor is President of the Senate. Speakers of the House — Jesse B. Brown, 1847-8; Smiley H. Bonhan, 1849-50 ; George Temple, 1851-2 ; James Grant, 1853-4 ; Reuben Noble, 1855-6 ; Samuel McFarland, 1856-7 ; Stephen B. Sheledy, 1858-9 ; John Edwards, 1860-1 ; Rush Clark, 1862-3 ; Jacob Butler, 1864-5 ; Ed. Wright, 1866-7 ; John Russell, 1868-9 ; Aylett R. Cotton, 1870-1 ; James Wilson, 1872-3 ; John H. Gear, 1874-7 ; John Y. Stone, 1878. New Constitutional Convention, 1859 — Francis Springer, President ; Thos. J. Saunders, Secretarv. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 225 STATE OFFICERS, 1878. John H. Gear, Governor; Frank T. Campbell, Lieutenant Governor; Josiah T. Young, Secretary of State; Buren R. Sherman, Auditor of State; George W. Bemis, Treasurer of State; David Secor, Register of State Land Office; John H. Looby, Adjutant General; John F. McJunken, Attorney General; Mrs. Ada North, State Librarian; Edward J. Holmes, Clerk Supreme Court; John S. Runnells, Reporter Supreme Court; Carl W, Von Coelln, Superintend- ent Public Instruction; Richard P. Clarkson, State Printer; Henry A. Perkins, State Binder; Prof. Nathan R. Leonard, Superintendent of Weights and Measures; William H. Fleming, Governor's Private Secretary; Fletcher W. Young, Deputy Secretary of State; John C. Parish, Deputy Auditor of State; Erastus G. Morgan, Deputy Treasurer of State ; John M. Davis, Deputy Reg- ister Land Office; Ira C. Kling, Deputy Superintendent Public Instruction. THE JUDICIARY. SUPKEME COURT OF IOWA. Chief Justices. — Charles Mason, resigned in June, 1847 ; Joseph Williams, Jan., 1847, to Jan., 1848; S. Clinton Hastings, Jan., 1848, to Jan., 1849; Joseph Williams, Jan., 1849, to Jan. 11, 1855; Geo. G. Wright, Jan. 11, 1855, to Jan., 1860 ; Ralph P. Lowe, Jan., 1860, to Jan. 1, 1862 ; Caleb Baldwin, Jan., 1862, to Jan., 1864 ; Geo. G. Wright, Jan., 1864, to Jan., 1866 ; Ralph P. Lowe, Jan., 1866, to Jan., 1868; John F. Dillon, Jan., 1868, to Jan., 1870; Chester C. Cole, Jan. 1, 1870, to Jan. 1, 1871; James G. Day, Jan. 1, 1871, to Jan. 1, 1872; Joseph M. Beck, Jan. 1, 1872, to Jan. 1, 1874; W. E. Miller, Jan. 1, 1874, to Jan. 1, 1876; Chester C. Cole, Jan. 1, 1876, to Jan. 1, 1877; James G. Day, Jan. 1, 1877, to Jan. 1, 1878; James H. Rothrock, Jan. 1, 1878. Associate Judges. — Joseph Williams; Thomas S. Wilson, resigned Oct., 1847; John F. Kinney, June 12, 1847, resigned Feb. 15, 1854; George Greene, Nov. 1, 1847, to Jan. 9, 1855; Jonathan C. Hall, Feb. 15, 1854, to succeed Kinney, resigned, to Jan., 1855; William G. Woodward, Jan. 9, 1855; Norman W. Isbell, Jan. 16, 1855, resigned 1856; Lacen D. Stockton, June 3, 1856, to succeed Isbell, resigned, died June 9, 1860; Caleb Baldwin, Jan. 11, 1860, to 1864; Ralph P. Lowe, Jan. 12, 1860; George G. Wright, June 26, 1860, to succeed Stockton, deceased; elected U. S. Senator, 1870; John F. Dil- lon, Jan. 1, 1864, to succeed Baldwin, resigned, 1870; Chester C. Cole, March 1, 1864, to 1877; Joseph M. Beck, Jan. 1, 1868; W. E. Miller, October 11, 1864, to succeed Dillon, resigned; James G. Day, Jan. 1, 1871, to succeed Wright. SUPREME COURT, 1878. James H. Rothrock, Cedar County, Chief Justice; Joseph M. Beck, Lee County, Associate Justice ; Austin Adams, Dubuque County, Associate Justice ; William H. Seevers, Oskaloosa County, Associate Justice; James G. Day, Fre- mont County, Associate Justice. CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATION. UNITED STATES SENATORS. (The first General Assembly failed to elect Senators.) George W. Jones, Dubuque, Dec. 7, 1848-1858 ; Augustus C. Dodge, Bur- lington, Dec. 7, 1848-1855; James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant, Jan. 6, 1855-1865; James W. Grimes, Burlington, Jan. 26, 1858-died 1870 ; Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City, elected Jan. 18, 1866, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 22t) HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Harlan ; James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant, March 4, 1866-1872 ; James B. Howell, Keokuk, elected Jan. 20, 1870, to fill vacancy caused by the death of J. W. Grimes — term expired March 3d ; George G. Wright, Des Moines, March 4, 1871-1877 ; William B. Allison, Dubuque, March 4, 1872 ; Samuel J. Kirk- wood, March 4, 1877. MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Twenty-ninth Congress — 184.6 to 184-7. — S. Clinton Hastings ; Shepherd Leffler. Thirtieth Congress — 184-7 to 184-9. — First District, William Thompson : Second District, Shepherd Leffler. Thirtg-Jirst Congress — 1849 to 1851. — First District, First Session, Wm. Thompson; unseated by the House of Representatives on a contest, and election remanded to the people. First District, Second Session, Daniel F. Miller. Second District, Shepherd Leffler. Thirty-second Congress — 1851 to 1853. — First District, Bernhart Henn. Second District, Lincoln Clark. Thirty-third Congress — 1853 to 1855. — First District, Bernhart Henn. Second District, John P. Cook. Thirty-fourth Congress — 1855 to 1857. — First District, Augustus Hall. Second District, James Thorington. Thirty-fifth Congress — 1857 to 1859. — First District, Samuel R. Curtis. Second District, Timothy Davis. Thirty-sixth Congress — 1859 to 1861. — First District, Samuel R. Curtis. Second District, William Vandever. Thirty-seventh Congress — 1861 to 1863. — First District, First Session, Samuel R. Curtis.* First District, Second and Third Sessions, James F. Wil- son. Second District, William Vandever. Thirty-eighth Congress — 1863 to 1865. — First District, James F. Wilson. Second District, Hiram Price. Third District, William B. Allison. Fourth District, Josiah B. Grinnell. Fifth District, John A. Kasson. Sixth District, Asahel W. Hubbard. Thirty-ninth Congress — 1865 to 1867. — First District, James F. Wilson ; Second District, Hiram Price ; Third District, William B. Allison ; Fourth District, Josiah B. Grinnell ; Fifth District, John A. Kasson ; Sixth District, Asahel W. Hubbard. Fortieth Congress — 1867 to 1869. — First District, James F. AYiison ; Sec- ond District, Hiram Price ; Third District, William B. Allison, Fourth District, William Loughridge; Fifth District, Grenville M. Dodge; Sixth District, Asahel W. Hubbard. Forty-first Congress— 1869 to i57i.— First District, George W. McCrary ; Second District, William Smyth ; Third District, William B. Allison ; Fourth District, William Loughridge; Fifth District, Frank AV. Palmer; Sixth Dis- trict, Charles Pomeroy. Forty-second Congress — 1871 to 1873. — First District, George W. Mc- Crary ; Second District, Aylett R. Cotton ; Third District, W. G. Donnan ; Fourth District, Madison M. Waldon ; Fifth District, Frank W. Palmer ; Sixth District, Jackson Orr. Forty-third Congress — 1873 to 1875. — First District, George W. McCrary ; Second District, Aylett R. Cotton ; Third District, William Y. Donnan ; Fourth District, Henry 0. Pratt ; Fifth District, James Wilson ; Sixth District, ■■ Vacated seat by acceptince of commission as Brigadier General, and J. F. Wilson chosen his successor. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 229 William Lougliridge; Seventh District, John A, Kasson ; Eighth District, James W. McDill ; Ninth District, Jackson Orr, Forty-fourth Congress — 1S75 to 1877. — First District, George W. Mc- Crary ; Second District, John Q. Tufts; Third District, L. L. Ainsworth; Fourth District, Henry 0. Pratt; Fifth District, James Wilson ; Sixth District, Ezekiel S. Sampson ; Seventh District, John A. Kasson ; Eighth District, James W. McDill ; Fifth District, Addison Oliver. Forty-fifth Congress— 1877 to 1S79. — First District, J. C. Stone; Second District,' Hiram Price ; Third District, T. W. Burdick ; Fourth District, H. 0. Deering ; Fifth District, Rush Clark ; Sixth District, E. S. Sampson ; Seventh District, H. J. B. Cummings ; Eighth District, W. F, Sapp ; Ninth District, Addison Oliver. WAR RECORD. The State of Iowa may well be proud of her record during the War of the Rebellion, from 18(51 to 1865. The following brief but comprehensive sketch of the history she made during that trying period is largely from the pen of Col. A. P. Wood, of Dubuque, the author of "The Elistory of Iowa and the War," one of the best works of the kind yet written. " Whether in the promptitude of her responses to the calls made on her by the General Government, in the courage and constancy of her soldiery in the field, or in the wisdom and efficiency with wliich her civil administration was conducted during the trying period covered by the War of the Rebellion, Iowa proved herself the peer of any loyal State. The proclamation of her Governor, responsive to that of the President, calling for volunteers to compose her First Regiment, was issued on the fourth day after the fall of Sumter. At the end of only a single week, men enough Avere reported to be in quarters (mostly in the vicinity of their own homes) to fill the regiment. These, however, were hardly more than a tithe of the number who had been offered by company com- manders for acceptance under the President's call. So urgent were these ofi'ers that the Governor requested (on the 24th of April) permission to organize an additional regiment. While awaiting an answer to this request, he conditionally accepted a sufficient number of companies to compose two additional regiments. In a short time, he was notified that both of these would be accepted. Soon after the completion of the Second and Third Regiments (which was near the close of May), the Adjutant General of the State reported that upward of one hundred and seventy companies had been tendered to the Governor to serve against the eneinies of the Union. " Much difficulty and considerable delay occured in fitting these ref^-iments for the field. For tlie First Infantry a complete outfit (not uniform) of clothino' was extemporized — principally by the volunteered labor of loyal women in the different towns — from material of various colors and qualities, obtained within the limits of the State. The same Avas done in part for the Second Infantry. Meantime, an extra session of the General Assembly had been called by the Governor, to convene on the 15th of May. With but little delay, that body authorized a loan of $800,000, to meet the extraordinary expenses incurred, and to be incurred, by the Executive Department, in consequence of the new emer- gency. A wealthy merchant of the State (Ex-Governor Merrill, then a resident of McGregor) immediately took from the Governor a contract to supply a com- plete outfit of clothing for the three regiments organized, ao-reeinfr to receive should the Governor so elect, his pay therefor in State bonds at par. This con- 230 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. tract he executed to the letter, and a portion of the clothing (which was manu- factured in Boston, to his order) Avas delivered at Keokuk, the place at which the troops had rendezvoused, in exactly one month from the day on which the contract had been entered into. The remainder arrived only a few days later. This clothing was delivered to the regiment, but was subsequently condemned by the Government, for the reason that its color was gray, and blue had been adopted as the color to be worn by the national troops." Other States also clothed their troops, sent forward under the first call of President Lincoln, with gray uniforms, but it was soon found that the con- federate forces were also clothed in gray, and that color was at once abandoned by the Union troops. If both armies were clothed alike, annoying if not fatal mistakes were liable to be made. But while engaged in these efforts to discharge her whole duty in common with all the other Union-loving States in the great emergency, Iowa was compelled to make immediate and ample provision for the protection of her own borders, from threatened invasion on the south by the Secessionists of Missouri, and from danger of incursions from the west and northwest by bands of hostile Indians, who were freed from the usual restraint imposed upon them by the presence of regular troops stationed at the frontier posts. These troops were withdrawn to meet the greater and more pressing danger threatening the life of the nation at its very heart. To provide for the adequate defense of her borders from the ravages of both rebels in arms against the Government and of the more irresistible foes from the Western plains, the Governor of the State was authorized to raise and equip two regiments of infantry, a squadron of cavalry (not less than five companies) and a battalion of artillery (not less than three companies.) Only cavalry were enlisted for home defense, however, "but," says Col. Wood, "in times of special danger, or when calls were made by the Unionists of Northern Missouri tor assistance against their disloyal enemies, large numbers of militia on foot often turned out, and remained in the field until the necessity for their services had passed. " The first order for the Iowa volunteers to move to the field was received on the 13th of June. It was issued by Gen. Lyon, then commanding the United States forces in Missouri. The First and Second Infantry immediately embarked in steamboats, and moved to' Hannibal. Some two weeks later, the Third Infantry was ordered to the same point. These three, together with many other of the earlier organized Iowa regiments, rendered their first field service in Missouri. The First Infantry formed a part of the little army with which Gen. Lyon moved on Springfield, and fought the bloody battle of Wilson's Creek. It received unqualified praise for its gallant bearing on the field. In the following month (September), the Third Iowa, with but very slight support, fought with honor the sanguinary engagement of Blue Mills Landing ; and in November, the Seventh Iowa, as a part of a force commanded by Gen. Grant, greatly distinguished itself in the battle of Belmont, where it poured out its blood like water — losing more than half of the men it took into action. " The initial operations in which the battles referred to took place were fol- lowed by the more important movements led by Gen. Grant, Gen. Curtis, of this State, and other commanders, which resulted in defeating the armies defending the chief strategic lines held by the Confederates in Kentucky, Tenn- nessee, Missouri and Arkansas, and compelling their withdrawal from much of the territory previously controlled by them in those States. In these and other movements, down to the grand culminating campaign by which Vicksburg was HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 231 captured and the Confederacy permanently severed on the line of the Mississippi River, Iowa troops took part in steadily increasing numbers. In the investment and siege of Vicksburg, the State was represented by thirty regiments and two batteries, in addition to Avhich, eight regiments and one battery were employed on the outposts of the besieging army. The brilliancy of their exploits on the many fields where they served Avon for them the highest meed of praise, both in military and civil circles. Multiplied were the terms in which expression was given to this sentiment, but these words of one of tlie journals of a neigh- boring State, ' The Iowa troops have been heroes among heroes,' embody the spirit of all. " In the veteran re-enlistments that distinguished the closing months of 1863 above all other periods in the history of re-enlistments for the national armies, the Iowa three years' men (who were relatively more numerous than those of any other State) were prompt to set the example of volunteering for another term of equal length, thereby adding many thousands to the great army of those who gave this renewed and practical assurance that the cause of the Union should not be left without defenders. "In all the important movements of 1864-65, by which the Confederacy was penetrated in every quarter, and its military power finally overthrown, the Iowa troops took part. Their drum-beat was heard on the banks of every great river of the South, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, and everywhere they rendered the same faithful and devoted service, maintaining on all occasions their wonted reputation for valor in the field and endurance on the march. " Two Iowa three-year cavalry regiments were employed during their whole term of service in the operations that were in progress from 1863 to 1866 against the hostile Indians of the western plains. A portion of these men were among the last of the volunteer troops to be mustered out of service. The State also supplied a considerable number of men to the navy, who took part in most of the naval operations prosecuted against the Confederate power on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, and the rivers of the West. " The people of Iowa were early and constant workers in the sanitary field, and by their liberal gifts and personal efforts for the benefit of the soldiery, placed their State in the front rank of those who became distinguished for their exhibitions of patriotic benevolence during the period covered by the war. Agents appointed by the Governor were stationed at points convenient for ren- dering assistance to the sick and needy soldiers of the State, while others were employed in visiting, from time to time, hospitals, camps and armies in the field, and doing whatever the circumstances rendered possible for the health and comfort of such of the Iowa soldiery as might be found there. " Some of the benevolent people of the State early conceived the idea of establishing a Home for such of the children of deceased soldiers as might be left in destitute circumstances. This idea first took form in 1863, and in the following year a Home was opened at Farmington, Van Buren County, in a building leased for that purpose, and which soon became filled to its utmost capacity. The institution received liberal donations from the general public, and also from the soldiers in the field. In 1865, it became necessary to pro- vide increased accommodations for the large number of cliildren who were seeking the beaefits of its care. This was done by establishing a branch at Cedar Falls, in Black Hawk County, and by securing, during the same year, for the use of the parent Home, Camp Kinsman near the City of Davenport. This property was soon afterward donated to the institution, by act of Congress. 232 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. " In 1866, in pursuance of a law enacted for that purpose, the Soldiers' Orphans' Home (which then contained about four hundred and fifty inmates) became a State institution, and thereafter the sums necessary for its support were appropriated from the State treasury. A second branch was established at Glenwood, Mills County. Convenient tracts were secured, and valuable improve- ments made at all the different points. Schools were also established, and em- ployments provided for such of the children as were of suitable age. In all ways the provision made for these Avards of the State has been such as to chal- lenge the approval of every benevolent mind. The number of children who have been inmates of the Home from its foundation to the present time is considerably more than two thousand. " At the beginning of the war, the population of Iowa included about one hundred and fifty thousand men presumably liable to render military service. The State raised, for general service, thirty-nine regiments of infantry, nine regiments of cavalry, and four companies of artillery, composed of three years' men ; one regiment of infantry, composed of three months' men; and four regi- ments and one battalion of infantry, composed of one hundred days' men. The original enlistments in these various organizations, including seventeen hundred and twenty-seven men raised by draft, numbered a little more than sixty-nine thousand. The re-enlistments, including upward of seven thousand veterans, numbered very nearly eight thousand. The enlistments in the regular army and navy, and organizations of other States, will, if added, raise the total to upward of eighty thousand. The number of men Avho, under special enlistments, and as militia, took part at different times in the operations on the exposed borders of the State, was probably as many as five thousand. " Iowa paid no bounty on account of the men she placed in the field. In some instances, toward the close of the war, bounty to a comparatively small amount was paid by cities and towns. On only one occasion — that of the call of July 18, 1864 — was a draft made in Iowa. This did not occur on account of her proper liability, as established by previous rulings of the War Department, to supply men under that call, but grew out of the great necessity that there existed for raising men. The Government insisted on temporarily setting aside, in part, the former rule of settlements, and enforcing a draft in all cases where subdistricts in any of the States should be found deficient in their supply of men. In no instance was Iowa, as a whole, found to be indebted to the General Government for men, on a settlement of her quota accounts." It is to be said to the honor and credit of Iowa that while many of the loyal States, older and larger in population and wealth, incurred heavy State debts for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations to the General Government, Iowa, while she was foremost in duty, while she promptly discharged all her obligations to her sister States and the Union, found herself at the close of the war without any material addition to her pecuniary liabilities incurred before the war com- menced. Upon final settlement after the restoration of peace, her claims upon the Federal Government were found to be fully equal to the amount of her bonds issued and sold during the Avar to provide the means for raising and equipping her troops sent into the field, and to meet the inevitable demands upon her treasury in consequence of the war. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 238 INFANTRY. THE FIRST INFANTRl was organized under the President's first proclamation for volunteers for three months, with John Francis Bates, of Dubuque, as Colonel; William H. Mer- ritt, of Cedar Rapids, as Lieutenant Colonel, and A. B. Porter, of Mt. Pleas- ant, ap, Major. Companies A and C were from Muscatine County ; Company B, from Johnson County; Companies D and E, from Des Moines County; Company F, from Henry County; Company G, from Davenport; Companies H and I, from Dubuque, and Company K, from Linn County, and were mus- tered into United States service May 14, 1861, at Keokuk. The above com- panies were independent military organizations before the war, and tendered their services before breaking-out of hostilities. The First was engaged at the battle of Wilson's Creek, under Gen. Lyon, where it lost ten killed and fifty wounded. Was mustered out at St. Louis Aug. 25, 1861. THE SECOND INFANTRY was organized, with Samuel R. Curtis, of Keokuk, as Colonel ; Jas. M. Tuttle, of Keosauqua, as Lieutenant Colonel, and M. M. Crocker, of Des Moines, as Major, and was mustered into the United States service at Keokuk in May, 1861. Company A was from Keokuk; Company B, from Scott County; Com- pany C, from Scott County ; Company D, from Des Moines ; Company E, from Fairfield, Jefferson Co. ; Company F, from Van Buren County ; Company G, from Davis County; Company H, from Washington County ; Company I, from Clinton County ; and Company K, from Wapello County. It participated in the following engagements : Fort Donelson, Shiloh, advance on Corinth, Corinth, Little Bear Creek, Ala.; Tunnel Creek, Ala.; Resaca, Ga.; Rome Cross Roads, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Nick-a-Jack Creek, in front of Atlanta, January 22, 1864 ; siege of Atlanta, Jonesboro, Eden Station, Little Ogeechee, Savannah, Columbia. S. C ; Lynch's Creek, and Bentonsville. Was on Sherman's march to the sea, and through the Carolinas home. The Second Regiment of Iowa Infantry \'eteran Volunteers was formed by the consolidation of the battalions of the Second and Third Veteran Infantry, and was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., ,Iuly 12, 1865. THE THIRD INFANTRY was organized with N. G. Williams, of Dubuque County, as Colonel ; John Scott, of Story County, Lieutenant Colonel ; Wm. N. Stone, of Marion County, Major, and was mustered into the United States service in May, 1861, at Keokuk. Company A was from Dubuque County ; Company B, from Marion County ; Company C, from Clayton County ; Company D, from Winneshiek (''ounty ; Company E, from Boone, Story, Marshall and Jasper Counties ; Com- pany F, from Fayette County ; Company G, from Warren County ; Company 11, from Mahaska County ; Company I, from Floyd, Butler Black Hawk and Mitchell Counties, and Company K from Cedar Falls. It was engaged at Blu* Mills, Mo. ; Shiloh, Tenn. ; Ilatchie River, Matamoras, Vicksburg, Johnson, Miss., Meridian expedition, and Atlanta, Atlanta campaign and Sherman's march to Savannah, and through the Carolinas to Richmond and Washington. The veterans of the Third Iowa Infantry Avcrc consolidated with the Second, and mustered out at Louisville, Kv., Julv 12, 1864. 234 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. THE FOURTH INFANTRY was organized with G. M. Dodge, of Council Bluffs, as Colonel ; Jolin Galligan, of Davenport, as Lieutenant Colonel ; Wm. R. English, Glenwood, as Major. Company A, from Mills County, was mustered in at Jefferson Bar- racks, Missouri, August 15, 1861 ; Company B, Pottawattamie County, was mustered in at Council Bluffs, August 8, 1861 ; Company C, Guthrie County, mustered in at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., May 3, 1861 ; Company D, Decatur County, at St. Louis, August 16th ; Company E, Polk County, at Council Bluffs, August. 8th; Company F, Madison County, Jefferson Barracks, August 15th ; Company G, Ringgold County, at Jefferson Barracks, August 15tli ; Company H, Adams County, Jefferson Barracks, August 15th ; Company I, Wayne County, at St. Louis, August 31st; Company K, Taylor and Page Counties, at St. Louis, August 31st. Was engaged at Pea Ridge, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, A^icksburg, Jackson, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, Resaca, Taylor's Ridge; came home on veteran furlough February 26, 1864. Returned in April, and was in the campaign against Atlanta, and Sherman's march to the sea, and thence through the Carolinas to Washington and home. Was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, July 24, 1865. THE FIFTH INFANTRY was organized with Wm. H. Worthington, of Keokuk, as Colonel ; C Z. Mat- thias, of Burlington, as Lieutenant Colonel; W. S. Robertson, of Columbus City, as Major, and was mustered into the United States service, at Burlington, July 15, 1861. Company A was from Cedar County; Company B, from Jasper County ; Company C, from Louisa County; Company D, from Marshall County ; Company E, from Buchanan County ; Company F, from Keokuk County ; Com- pany G, from Benton County ; Company H, from Van Buren County ; Company I, from Jackson County ; Company K, from Allamakee County ; was engaged at New Madrid, siege of Corinth, luka, Corinth, Champion Hills, siege of Vicks- burg, Chickamauga; went home on veteran furlough, April, 1864. The non- veterans went home July, 1864, leaving 180 veterans who were transferred to the Fifth Iowa Cavalry. The Fifth Cavalry was mustered out at Nashville, Tennessee, Aug. 11, 1865. THE SIXTH INFANTRY. was mustered into the service July 6, 1861, at Burlington, with John A. McDowell, of Keokuk, as Colonel ; Markoe Cummins, of Muscatine, Lieuten- ant Colonel ; John M. Corse, of Burlington, Major. Company A was from Linn County ; Company B, from Lucas and Clarke Counties; Company C, from Hardin County ; Company D, from Appanoose County ; Company E, from Monroe County ; Company F, from Clarke County ; Company G, from Johnson County ; Company H, from Lee County ; Company I, from Des Moines County ; Company K, from Henry County. It was engaged at Shiloh, Mission Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Jackson, Black River Bridge, Jones' Ford, etc., etc. The Sixth lost 7 officers killed in action, 18 wounded ; of enlisted men 102 were killed in action, 30 died of wounds, 124 of disease, 211 were discharged for disability and 301 were wounded in action, which was the largest list of casualties, of both officers and men, of any reg- iment from Iowa. Was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, July 21, 1865. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 235 THE SEVENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service at Burlington, July 24, 1861, with J. G. Lauman, of Burlington, as Colonel ; Augustus Wentz, of Daven- port, as Lieutenant Colonel, and E. W. Rice, of Oskaloosa, as Major. Com- pany A was from Muscatine County ; Company B, from Chickasaw and Floyd Counties ; Company C, from Mahaska County ; Companies D and E, from Lee County ; Company F, from Wapello County ; Company G, from Iowa County ; Company H, from Washington County ; Company I, from Wapello County ; Company K, from Keokuk. Was engaged at the battles of Belmont (in which it lost in killed, wounded and missing 237 men). Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Corinth, Rome Cross Roads, Dallas, New Hope Church, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Nick-a-Jack Creek, siege of Atlanta, battle on 22d of July in front 'of Atlanta, Sherman's campaign to the ocean, through the Carolinas to Richmond, and thence to Louisville. Was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, July 12, 1865. THE EIGHTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service Sept. 12, 1861, at Davenport, Iowa, with Frederick Steele, of the regular army, as Colonel ; James L. Geddes, of A^inton, as Lieutenant Colonel, and J. C. Ferguson, of Knoxville, as Major. Company A was from Clinton County ; Company B, from Scott County ; Company C, from Washington County ; Company D, from Benton and Linn Counties ; Company E, from Marion County ; Company F, from Keokuk. County ; Company G, from Iowa and Johnson Counties ; Company H. from Mahaska County ; Company I, from Monroe County ; Company K, from Lou- isa County. Was engaged at the following battles : Shiloh (where most of the regiment were taken prisoners of war), Corinth, Vicksburg, Jackson and Span- ish Fort. Was mustered out of the United States service at Selma, Alabama, April 20, 1866. THE NINTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service September 24, 1861, at Dubuque, with Wm. Vandever, of Dubuque, Colonel ; Frank G. Herron, of Dubuque, Lieutenant Colonel : Wm. H. Coyle, of Decorah, Major. Company A was from Jackson County ; Company B, from Jones County ; Company C, frDm Bu- chanan County ; Company D, from Jones County ; Company E, from Clayton County ; Company F, from Fayette County ; Company G, from Black Hawk County ; Company H, from Winneshiek County ; Company I, from Howard County and Company K, from Linn County. Was in the following engage- ments : Pea Ridge, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, siege of Vicksburg, Ringgold, Dallas, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta campaign, Sherman's march to the sea, and through North and South Carolina to Richmond. Was mustered out at Louisville, July 18, 1865. THE TENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service at Iowa City September 6, 1861, with Nicholas Perczel, of Davenport, as Colonel ; W. E. Small, of Iowa City, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and John C. Bennett, of Polk County, as Major. Com- pany A was from Polk County ; Company B, from Warren fcounty ; Company C, from Tama Oounty ; Company D, from Boone County ; Company E, from Washington County ; Company F, from Poweshiek County ; Company G, from 236 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Warren County ; Company H, from Greene County ; Company I, from Jasper County ; Company K, from Polk and Madison Counties. Participa'"ed in the following engagements : Siege of Corinth, luka, Corinth, Port Gibson, Ray- mond, Jackson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg and Mission Ridge. In Septem- ber, 1864, the non-veterans being mustered out, the veterans were transferred to the Fifth Iowa Cavalry, where will be found their future operations. THE ELEVENTH INFANTKY was mustered into the United States service at Davenport, Iowa, in September and October, 1861, with A. M. Hare, of Muscatine, as Colonel ; Jno. C. Aber- crombie, as Lieutenant Colonel ; Wm. Hall, of Davenport, as Major. Com- pany A Avas from Muscatine ; Company B, from Marshall and Hardin Counties ; Company C, from Louisa County ; Company D, from Muscatine County ; Com- pany E, from Cedar County ; Company F, from Washington County ; Company G, from Henry County ; Company H, from Muscatine County ; Company I from Muscatine County ; Company K, from Linn County. Was engaged in the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battles of Corinth, Vicksburg, Atlanta cam- naign, battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. Was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 15, 1865. THE TWELFTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service November 25, 1861, at Dubuque, with J. J. Wood, of Maquoketa, as Colonel ; John P. Coulter, of Cedar Rapids, Lieutenant Colonel ; Samuel D. Brodtbeck, of Dubuque, as Major. Company A was from Hardin County ; Company B, from Allamakee County ; Company C, from Fayette County ; Company D, from Linn County ; Company E, from Black Hawk County ; Company F, from Delaware County ; Company G, from Winne- shiek County ; Company H, from Dubuque and Delaware Counties ; Company I, from Dubuque and Jackson Counties ; Company K, from Delaware County. It was engaged at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, where most of the regiment was captured, and those not captured were organized in what Avas called the Union Brigade, and were in the battle of Corinth ; the prisoners were exchanged November 10, 1862, and the regiment re-organized, and then participating in the siege of Vicksburg, battle of Tupelo, Miss.; White River, Nashville and Spanish Fort. The regiment was mustered out at Memphis, January 20, 1866. THE THIRTEENTH INFANTRY was mustered in November 1, 1861, at Davenport, with M. M. Crocker, of Des Moines, as Colonel ; M. M. Price, of Davenport, Lieutenant Colonel ; John Shane, Vinton, Major. Company A was from Mt. Vernon ; Company B, from Jasper County ; Company C, from Lucas County ; Company D, from Keokuk County ; Company E, from Scott County ; Company F, from Scott and Linn Counties ; Company G, from Benton County ; Company H, from Marshall County ; Company I, from Washington County ; Company K, from Washington County. It participated in the following engagements : Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Corinth, Kenesaw Mountain, siege of Vicksburg, Campaign against Atlanta. Was on Sherman's march to the sea, and through North and South Carolina. Was mustered out at Loujsville July 21, 1865. THE FOURTEENTH INFANTRY was mustered in the United States service October, 1861, at Davenport, with Wm. T. Shaw, of Anamosa, as Colonel ; Edward W. Lucas, of Iowa City, as HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 237 Lieutenant Colonel; Hiram Leonard, of Des Moines County, as Major. Com- pany A was from Scott County ; Company B, from Bremer County ; Company D, from Henry and Van Buren Counties ; Company E, from Jasper County ; Company F, from Van Buren and Henry Counties ; Company G, from Tama and Scott Counties ; Company H, from Linn County ; Company I, from Henry County ; Company K, from Des Moines County. Participated in the follow- ing engagements : Ft. Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth (where most of the regiment were taken prisoners of war). Pleasant Hill, Meridian, Ft. De Russey, Tupelo, Town Creek, Tallahatchie, Pilot Knob, Old Town, Yellow Bayou, etc., etc., and was mustered out, except veterans and recruits, at Davenport, Iowa, No- vember 16, 1864. THE FIFTEENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service March 19, 1862, at Keokuk, with Hugh T. Reid, of Keokuk, as Colonel ; Wm. Dewey, of Fremont County, as Lieutenint Colonel ; W. W. Belknap, of Keokuk, as Major. Company A was from Linn County ; Company B, from Polk County ; Company C, from Mahaska County ; Company D, from Wapello County ; Company E, from Van Buren County ; Company F, from Fremont and Mills Counties ; Company G, from Marion and Warren Counties ; Company H, from Pottawattamie and Harrison Counties; Company I, from Lee, Van Buren and Clark Counties; Company K, from Wapello, Van Buren and Warren Counties. Participated in the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battles of Corinth, Vicksburg, campaign against At- lanta, battle in front of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, and was under fire during the siege of Atlanta eighty-one days; was on Sherman's march to the sea, and through the Carolinas to Richmond, Washington and Louisville, where it was mustered out, August 1, 1864. THE SIXTEENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service at Davenport, Iowa, December 10, 1861, with Alexander Chambers, of the regular army, as Colonel; A. H. Sanders, of Davenport, Lieutenant Colonel ; Wm. Purcell, of Muscatine, Major. Company A was from Clinton County ; Company B, from Scott County; Company U, from Muscatine County ; Company D, from Boone County; Company E, from Muscatine County ; Company F, from Muscatine, Clinton and Scott Counties ; Company G, from Dubuque County ; Company H, from Du- buque and Clayton Counties; Company I, from Black Hawk and Linn Counties; Company K, from Lee at d Muscatine Counties. Was in the battles of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, luka, Corinth, Kenesaw Mountain, Nick-a-Jack Creek, battles around Atlanta; was in Sherman's campaigns, and the Carolina campaigns. Was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 19, 1865. THE SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service at Keokuk, in March and April, 1862, with Jno. W. Rankin, of Keokuk, Colonel; D. B. Hillis, of Keokuk, as Lientenant Colonel; Samuel M. Wise, of Mt. Pleasant, Major. Company A was from Decatur County; Company B, from Lee County; Company C, from Van Buren, Wapello and Lee Counties; Company D,'from Des Moines, Van Buren and Jefferson Counties; Company E, from Wapello County; Com- pany F, from Appanoose County; Company G, from Marion County; Com- pany H, from Marion and Pottawattamie Counties; Company I, from Jefferson and Lee Counties; Company K, from Lee and Polk Counties. They Avere in 238 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. xhe following engagements: Siege of Corinth, luka, Corinth, Jackson, Cham- pion Hills, Fort Hill, siege of Vicksburg, Mission Ridge, and at Tilton, Ga., Oct. 13, 1864, most of the regiment Avere taken prisoners of war. Was mus- tered out at Louisville, Ky., July 25, 1865. THE EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service August 5, 6 and 7, 1862, at Clin- ton, with John Edwards, of Chariton, Colonel ; T. Z. Cook, of Cedar Rapids, Lieutenant Colonel ; Hugh J. Campbell, of Muscatine, as Major. Company A, was from Linn and various other counties ; Company B, from Clark County ; Company C, from Lucas County; Company D, from Keokuk and Wapello Counties; Company E, from Muscatine County; Company F, from Appanoose County; Company G, from Marion and Warren Counties; Company H, from Fayette and Benton Counties; Company I, from Washington County; Com- pany K, from Wapello, Muscatine and Henry Counties, and was engaged in the battles of Springfield, Moscow, Poison Spring, Ark., and was mustered out at Little Rock, Ark., July 20, 1865. THE NINETEENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service August 17, 1862, at Keokuk, with Benjamin Crabb, of Washington, as Colonel ; Samuel McFarland, of Mt. Pleas- ant, Lieutenant Colonel, and Daniel Kent, of Ohio, Major. Company A was from Lee and Van Buren Counties; Company B, from Jefferson County; Com- pany C, from Washington County; Company D, from Jefferson County; Com- pany E, from Lee County; Company F, from Louisa County; Company G, from Louisa County; Company H, from Van Buren County; Company I, from Van Buren County; Company K, from Henry County. Was engaged a Prairie Grove, Vicksburg, Yazoo River expedition. Sterling Farm, September 29, 1863, at which place they surrendered ; three officers and eight enlisted men were killed, sixteen enlisted men were wounded, and eleven officers and two hundred and three enlisted men taken prisoners out of five hundred engaged; they were exchanged July 22d, and joined their regiment August 7th, at New Or- leans. Was engaged at Spanish Fort. Was mustered out at Mobile, Ala., July 10, 1865. THE TWENTIETH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service August 25, 1862, at Clinton, with Wm. McE. Dye, of Marion, Linn Co., as Colonel ; J. B. Leek, of Davenport, as Lieutenant Colonel, and Wm. G. Thompson, of Marion, Linn Co., as Major. Companies A, B, F, H and I were from Linn County ; Companies C, D, E, G and K, from Scott County, and was engaged in the following battles: Prairie Grove, and assault on Fort Blakely. Was mustered out at Mobile, Ala., July 8, 1865. THE TWENTY-FIRST INFANTRY "Was mustered into the service at Clinton in June and August, 1862, with Samuel Merrill (late Governor of Iowa) as Colonel ; Charles W. Dunlap, of Mitchell, as Lieutenant Colonel ; S. G. VanAnda, of Delhi, as Major. Com- pany A was from Mitchell and Black Hawk Counties ; Company B, from Clayton County ; Company C, from Dubuque County ; Company D, from Clayton County ; Company E, from Dubuque County ; Company F, from Du- buque County ; Company G, from Clayton County ; Company H, fi'om Dela- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 239 ware County ; Company I, from Dubuque County ; Company K, from Delaware County, and was in the following engagements : Hartsville, Mo. ; Black River Bridge, Fort Beauregard, was at the siege of Vicksburg, Mobile, Fort Blakely, and was mustered out at Baton Rouge, La., July 15, 1865. THE TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service Sept. 10, 1862, at Iowa City, with Wm. M. Stone, of Knoxville (since Governor of Iowa), as Colonel; Jno. A.' Garrett, of Newton, Lieutenant Colonel ; and Harvey Graham, of Iowa City, as Major. Company A was from Johnson County ; Company B, Johnson Count}^ ; Company C, Jasper County; Company D, Monroe County ; Company E, Wapello County ; Company F, Johnson County ; Company G, Johnson County ; Company H, Johnson County ; Company I, Johnson County ; Com- pany K, Johnson County. Was engaged at Vicksburg, Thompson's Hill, Cham- pion Hills, Sherman's campaign to Jackson, at Winchester, in Shenandoah Val- ley, losing 109 men, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. Mustered out at Savannah, Ga., July 25, 1865. THE TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY was mustered into United States service at Des Moines, Sept. 19, 1862, with William Dewey, of Sidney, as Colonel; W. H. Kinsman, of Council Bluffs, as Lieutenant Colonel, and S. L. Glasgow, of Corydon, as Major. Companies A, B and C, were from Polk County; Company D, from Wayne County; Com- pany E, from Pottawattamie County ; Company F, from Montgomery County ; Company G, from Jasper County; CompanyJI, from Madison County; Com- pany I, from Cass County, and Company K, from Marshall County. Was in Vicksburg, and engaged at Port Gibson, Black River, Champion Hills, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Milliken's Bend, Fort Blakely, and was mustered out at Harris- burg, Texas, July 26, 1865 THE TWENTY-FOURTH was mustered into United States service at Muscatine, September 18, 1862, with Eber C. Byam, of Mount Vernon, as Colonel; John Q. Wilds, of Mount Vernon, as Lieutenant Colonel, and Ed. Wright, of Springdale, as Major. Company A was from Jackson and Clinton Counties ; Companies B and C, from Cedar County; Company D, from Washington, Johnson and Cedar Counties; Company E, from Tama County; Companies F, G and II, from Linn County ; Company I, from Jackson County, and Company K, from Jones County. Was engaged at Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Gen. Banks' Red River expedition, Winchester and Cedar Creek. Was mustered out at Savan- nah, Ga., July 17, 1865. THE TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY was organized with George A. Stone, of Mount Pleasant, as Colonel ; Fabian Brydolf as Lieutenant Colonel, and Calom Taylor, of Bloomfield, as Major, and was mustered into United States service at Mount Pleasant, September 27, 1862. Companies A and I were from Washington County; Companies B and H, from Henry County ; Company C, from Henry and Lee Counties ; Com- panies D, E and G, from Des Moines County ; Company F, from Louisa County, and Company K, from Des Moines and Lee Counties. Was engaged at Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Walnut Bluff, Chattanooga, Campain, Ring- 240 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. gold, Ga., Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, battles around Atlanta, Love- joy Station, Jonesboro, Ship's Gap, Bentonville, and on Sherman's march through Georgia and the Carolinas, to Richmond and Washington. Was mustered out at Washington, D. C, June 6, 18G5. THE TWENTY- SIXTH was organized and muster:d in at Clinton, in August, 1862, with Milo Smith, *of Clinton, as Colonel ; S. G. Magill_, of Lyons, as Lieutenant Colonel, and Samuel Clark, of De Witt, as Major. Company A was from Clinton and Jackson Counties ; Company B, from Jackson County ; Companies C, D, E, F, G, H, I and K, from Clinton County. Was engaged at Arkansas Post, Vicksbui'g, Snake Creek Gap, Ga., Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, De- catur, siege of Atlanta, Ezra Church, Jonesboro, Lovejoy Station, Ship's Gap, Sherman's campaign to Savannah, went through the Carolinas, and was mus- tered out of service at Washington, D. C, June 6, 1865. THE TWENTY-SEVENTH was mustered into United States service at Dubuque, Oct. 3, 1862, with James I. Gilbert, of Lansing, as Colonel ; Jed Lake, of Independence, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and G. W. Howard, of Bradford, as Major. Companies A, B and I were from Allamakee County ; Companies C and H, from Buchanan County ; Companies D and E, from Clayton County ; Company F, from Delaware County ; Company G, from Floyd and Chickasaw Counties, and Company K, from Mitchell County. Engaged at Little Rock, Ark., was on Red River ex- pedition, Fort De Russey, Pleasant Hill, Yellow Bayou, Tupelo, Old Town Creek and Fort Blakely. Was mustered out at Clinton, Iowa, Aug. 8, 18G5. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH was organized at Iowa City, and mustered in Nov. 10, 1862, with William E. Miller, of Iowa City, as Colonel ; John Connell, of Toledo, as Lieutenant Colonel, and H. B. Lynch, of Millersburg, as Major. Companies A and D were from Benton County ; Companies B and G, from Iowa County ; Companies C, H and I, from Poweshiek County; Company E, from Johnson County; Company F, from Tama County, and Company K, from Jasper County. Was engaged at Port Gibson, Jackson and siege of Vicksburg; was on Banks' Red River expedition, and engaged at Sabine Cross Roads ; was engaged in Shen- andoah Valley, Va., and engaged at Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. Was mustered out of service at Savannah, Ga., July 31, 1865. THE TWENTY-NINTH was organized at Council Bluffs, and mustered into the United States service December 1, 1862, with Thomas H. Benton, Jr., of Council Bluffs, as Colonel ; R. F. Patterson, of Keokuk, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and Charles B. Shoe- maker, of Clarinda, as Major. Company A was from Pottawattamie County ; Company B, from Pottawattamie and Mills Counties ; Comuany C, from Harrison County; Company D, from Adair and Adams Counties, Company E, from Fremont County ; Company F, from Taylor County ; Company G, from Ring- gold County. Was engaged at Helena, Arkansas and Spanish Fort. Was mustered out at New Orleans August 15, 1865. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 241 THE THIRTIETH INFANTRY was organized at Keokuk, and mustered into the United States service September 23, 1862, with Charles B. Abbott, of Louisa County, as Colonel; Wm. M. G. Tor- rence, of Keokuk, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and Lauren Dewey, of Mt. Pleasant, as Major. Companies A and I were from Lee County ; Company B, from Davis County ; Compan;y C, from Des Moines County ; Company D, from Van Buren County ; Companies E and K from Washington County ; Company F, from Davis County ; and Companies G and H, from Jefferson County. Was engaged at Arkansas Post, Yazoo City, Vicksburg, Cherokee, Ala., Ringgold, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Lovejoy Station, Jonesboro, Taylor's Ridge ; was in Sherman's campaigns to Savannah and through the Carolinas to Richmond ; was in the grand review at Washington, D. C, where it was mus- tered out June 5, 1865. THE THIRTY-FIRST INFANTRY was mustered into the service at Davenport October 13, 1862, with William Smyth, of Marion, as Colonel ; J. W. Jenkins, of Maquoketa, as Lieutenant Colonel; and Ezekiel Cutler, of Anamosa, as Major. Company A was from Linn County; Companies B, C and D, from Black Hawk County; Companies E, G and H, from Jones County ; Companies F, I and K, from Jackson County. Was engaged at Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Raymond, Jackson, Black River, Vicksburg, Cherokee, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Ringgold, Taylor's Hills, Snake Creek Gap, Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Jonesboro ; was in Sherman's campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas, and was mustered out at Louisville, Ken- tucky, June 27, 1865 THE THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY was organized at Dubuque, with John Scott, of Nevada, as Colonel ; E. H. Mix, of Shell Rock, as Lieutenant Colonel, and G. A. Eberhart, of Waterloo, as Major. Company A was from Hamilton, Hardin and Wright Counties ; Company B, from Cerro Gordo County ; Company C, from Black Hawk County ; Company D, from Boone County; Company E, from Butler County; Company F, from Hardin County; Company G, from Butler and Floyd Coun- ties ; Company H, from Franklin County ; Company I, from Webster County, and Company K, from Marshall and Polk Counties, and was mustered into the United States service October 5, 1862. Was engaged at Fort De Russey, Pleasant Hill, Tupelo, Old Town Creek, Nashville, etc., and was mustered out of the United States service at Clinton, Iowa, Aug. 24, 1865. THE THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY was organized at Oskaloosa, with Samuel A. Rice, of Oskaloosa, as Colonel ; Cyrus H. Maskey, of Sigourney, as Lieutenant Colonel, and Hiram D. Gibson, of Knoxville, as Major. Companies A and I were from Marion County; Com- panies B, F and H, from Keokuk County ; Companies C, D, E and K, from Makaska County, and Company G, from Marion, Makaska and Polk Counties, and mustered in October 1, 1862. Was engaged at Little Rock, Helena, Sa- line River, Spanish Fort and Yazoo Pass. VVas mustered out at New Orleans, July 17, 1865. 242 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. THE THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY was organized with George W. Clark, of Indianola, as Colonel ; W. S. Dungan, of Chariton, as Lieutenant Colonel, and R. D. Kellogg, of Decatur County, as Major, and mustered in at Burlington, October 15, 18(32. Companies A and I were from Decatur County ; Companies B, C and D, from Warren County ; Com- pany E, from Lucas County; Company F, from Wayne County; Company G, from Lucas and Clark Counties; Company H, from Madison and Warren Counties, and Company K, from Lucas County. Was engaged at Arkansas Post, Ft. Gaines, etc., etc. Was consolidated with the Thirty-eighth Infantry, January 1, 1865, and mustered out at Houston, Texas, August 15, 1865. THE THIRTY-FIFTH INFANTRY was organized at Muscatine, and mustered in the United States service Sep- tember 18, 1862, with S. G. Hill, of Muscatine, as Colonel ; James H. Roth- rock, as Lieutenant Colonel, and Henry O'Conner, of Muscatine, as Major. Companies A, B, C, D and E, were from Muscatine County; Company F, from Muscatine and Louisa Counties ; Companies G, H and I, from Muscatine and Cedar Counties, and Company K, from Cedar County. Participated in the battles of Jackson, siege of Vicksburg, Bayou Rapids, Bayou de Glaze, Pleasant Hill, Old' River Lake, Tupelo, Nashville, etc. Was mustered out at Davenport, August 10, 1865. THE THIRTY-SIXTH INFANTRY was organized at Keokuk, with Charles W. Kittredge, of Ottumwa, as Colonel ; F. M. Drake, of Unionville, Appanoose County, as Lieutenant Colonel, and T. C. Woodward, of Ottumwa, as Major, and mustered in October 4, 1862 ; Com- pany A was from Monroe County ; Companies B, D, E, H and K, from Wapello County, and Companies C, F, G and I, from Appanoose County. Was engaged in the following battles : Mark's Mills, Ark. ; Elkins' Ford, Camden, Helena, Jenkins' Ferry, etc. At Mark's Mills, April 25, 1864, out of 500 engaged, lost 200 killed and wounded, the balance being taken prisoners of Avar ; was exchanged October 6, 1864. Was mustered out at Duvalls Bluff, Ark., August 24, 1865. THE THIRY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (OR GRAY BEARDSy was organized with Geo. VV. Kincaid, of Muscatine, as Colonel ; Geo. R. West, of Dubuque, as Lieutenant Colonel, and Lyman Allen, of Iowa City, as Major, and was mustered into LTnited States service at Muscatine December 15, 1862. Company A was from Black Hawk and Linn Counties ; Company B, from Muscatine County ; Company C, from Van Buren and Lee Counties ; Company D, from Johnson and Iowa Counties ; Company E, from Wapello and Mahaska Counties ; Company F, from Dubuque County ; Company G, from Appanoose, Des Moines, Henry and Washington Counties ; Company H, from Henry and Jeft'erson Counties ; Company I, from Jasper, Linn and other counties, and Company K, from Scott and Fayette Counties. The object of the Thirty- seventh was to do garrison duty and let the young men go to the front. It was mustered out at Davenport on expiration of three years' service. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 243 THE THIRTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY was organized at Dubuque, and mustered in November 4, 1862, with D. H. Hughes, of Decorah, as Colonel ; J. 0. Hudnutt, of Waverly, as Lieutenan, Colonel, and Charles Chadwick, of West Union, as Major. Companies A, Ft G and H were from Fayette County ; Company B, from Bremer County ; Com- pany C, from Chickasaw County ; Companies D, E and K, from Winneshiek County, and Company I, from Howard County. Participated in the siege of Vicksburg, Banks' Red River expedition, and on December 12, 1864, was consolidated with the Thirty-fourth Infantry. Mustered out at Houston, Texas. August 15, 1865. THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY was organized with H. J. B. Cummings, of Winterset, as Colonel ; James Red- field, of Redfield, Dallas County, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and J. M. Grifiiths, of Des Moines, as Major. Companies A and F were from Madison County ; Companies B and I, from Polk Cduuty ; Companies C and H, from Dallas County ; Company D, from Clark County; Company E, from Greene County ; Company G, from Des Moines and Henry Counties ; and Company K, from Clark and Decatur Counties. Was engaged at Parker's Cross Roads, Tenn.; Corinth, Allatoona, Ga.; Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Sherman's march to Savannah and through the Carolinas to Richmond, and was mustered out at Washington June 5, 1865. THE FORTIETH INFANTRY was organized at Iowa .City November 15, 1862, with John A. Garrett, of Newton, as Colonel; S. F. Cooper, of Grinnell, as Lieutenant Colonel; and S. G. Smith, of Newton, as Major. Companies A and H were from Marion County; Company B, from Poweshiek County; Company C, from Mahaska County ; Companies D and E, from Jasper County ; Company F, from Ma- haska and Marion Counties ; Company G, from Marion County ; Company I, from Keokuk County ; and Company K, from Benton and other counties. Par- ticipated in the siege of Vicksburg, Steele's expedition. Banks' Red River expedition. Jenkins' Ferry, etc. Was mustered out at Port Gibson August 2, 1866. THE FORTY-FIRST INFANTRY, formerly Companies A, B and C of the Fourteenth Infantry, became Compa- nies K, L and M of the Seventh Cavalry, under authority of the War Depart- ment. Its infantry organization was under command of John Pattee, of Iowa City. Company A was from Black Hawk, Johnson and other counties ; Com- pany B, from Johnson County ; and Company C, from Des Moines and various counties. THE FORTY-FOURTH INFANTRY (100 DAYS) was organized at Davenport, and mustered in June 1, 1864. Company A was from Dubuque County ; Company B, Muscatine County ; Company C, Jones, Linn and Dubuque Counties; Company D, Johnson and Linn Counties; Com- pany E, Bremer and Butler Counties ; Company F, Clinton and Jackson Counties ; Company G, Marshall and Hardin Counties ; Company II, Boone and Polk Counties ; Companies I and K, Scott County. The Forty-fourth did garrison duty at Memphis and La Grange, Tenn. Mustered out at Daven- port, September 15, 1864. 244 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. THE FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY (100 DAYS) was mustered in at Keokuk, May 25, 1864, with A. H. Bereman, of Mount Pleasant, as Colonel ; S. A. Moore, of Bloomfield, as Lieutenant Colonel, and J. B. Hope, of Washington, as Major. The companies were from the following counties: A, Henry; B, Washington; C, Lee; D, Davis; E, Henry and Lee ; F, Des Moines ; G, Des Moines and Henry ; H, Henry ; I, Jefferson, and K, Van Buren. Was mustered out at Keokuk, September 16, 1864. THE FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY (100 DAYS) was organized with D. B. Henderson, of Clermont, as Colonel; L. D. Durbin, of Tipton, as Lieutenant Colonel, and G. L. Tarbet, as Major, and was mus- tered in at Dubuque, June 10, 1864. Company A was horn Dubuque; Com- pany B, from Poweshiek ; C, from Dallas and Guthrie ; D, from Taylor and Fayette; E, from Ringgold and Linn ; F, from Winneshiek and Delaware ; G, from Appanoose and Delaware ; H, from Wayne ; I, from Cedar, and K, from Lucas. Was mustered out at Davenport, ISeptember 23, 1864. THE FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (100 DAYS) was mustered into United States service at Davenport, June 4, 1864, with James P. Sanford, of Oskaloosa, as Colonel; John Williams, of Iowa City, as Lieutenant Colonel, and G. J. Wright, of Des Moines, as Major. Company A was from Marion and Clayton Counties; Company B, from Appanoose County ; Company C, from Wapello and Benton Counties ; Company B, from Buchanan and Linn Counties; Company E, from Madison County; Company F, from Polk County ; Company G, from Johnson County ; Company H, from Keokuk County; Company I, from Mahaska County, and Company K, from Wapello. THE FORTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY BATTALION — (100 DAYS) was organized at Davenport, and mustered in July 13, 1864, with 0. H. P. Scott, of Farmington, as Lieutenant Colonel. Company A was from Warren County; Company B, from Jasper County; Company C, from Decatur County, and Company D, from Des Moines and Lee Counties, and was mustered out at Rock Island Barracks Oct. 21, 1864. CAVALRY. THE FIRST CAVALRY was organized at Burlington, and mustered into the United States service May 3, 1861, with Fitz Henry Warren, of Burlington, as Colonel ; Chas. E. Moss, of Keokuk, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and E. W. Chamberlain, of Burlington, James 0. Gower, of Iowa City, and W. M. G. Torrence, of Keokuk, as Majors. Company A was from Lee, Van Buren and Wapello Counties ; Company B, from Clinton County ; Company C, from Des Moines and Lee Counties ; Com- pany D, from Madison and Warren Counties; Company E, from Henry County ; Company F, from Johnson and Linn Counties ; Company G, from Dubuque and Black Hawk Counties; Company H, from Lucas and Morrison Counties ; Conipanv I, from Wapello and Des Moines Counties ; Company K, from Allamakee and Clayton Counties ; Company L, from Dubuque and other HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 245 counties; Company M, from Clinton County. It was engaged at Pleasant Hill, Mo.; Rolla, New Lexington, Elkins' Ford, Little Rock, Bayou Metoe, Warrensburg, Big Creek Bluffs, Antwineville, Clear Creek, etc. Was mustered out at Austin, Texas, Februai-y 15, 1866. THE SECOND CAVALRY ■was organized with W. L. Elliott, of the regular army, as Colonel ; Edward Hatch, of Muscatine, as Lieutenant Colonel; and N. P. Hepburn, of Marshall- town, D. E. Coon, of Mason City, and H. W. Love, of Iowa City, as Majors, and was mustered into the United States service at Davenport September 1, 1861. Company A was from Muscatine County ; Company B, from Marshall County ; Company C, from Scott County ; Company D, from Polk County ; Company E, from Scott County; Couipany F, from Hamilton and Franklin Counties ; Company G, from Muscatine County ; Company H, from Johnson County ; Company I, from Cerro Gordo, Delaware and other counties ; Com- pany K, from Des Moines County ; Company L, from Jackson County, and Company M, from Jackson County. The Second Cavalry participated in the following military movements : Siege of Corinth, battles of Farmington, Boone- ville, Rienzi, luka, Corinth, Coffeeville, Palo Alto, Birmingham, Jackson, Grenada, Collierville, Moscow, Pontotoc, Tupelo, Old Town, Oxford, and en- gagements against Hood's march on Nashville, battle of Nashville, etc. Was mustered out at Selma, Ala., September 19, 1865. THE THIRD CAVALRY was organized and mustered into the United States service at Keokuk, in Au- gust and September, 1861, with Cyrus Bussey, of Bloomfield, as Colonel; H. H. Bussey, of Bloomfield, as Lieutenant Colonel, and C. H. Perry, H. C. Cald- well and W. C. Drake, of Corydon, as Majors. Companies A and E were from Davis County ; Company B, from Van Buren and Lee Counties ; Company C, from Lee and Keokuk Counties; Company D, from Davis and Van Buren Counties; Company F, from Jefferson County; Company G, from Van Buren County; Company H, from Van Buren and Jefferson Counties; Company I, from Appanoose County ; Company K, from Wapello and Marion Counties ; Company L, from Decatur County, and Company M, from Appanoose and De- catur Counties. It was engaged in the following battles and skirmishes : Pea Ridge, La Grange, Sycamore, near Little Rock, Columbus, Pope's Farm, Big Blue, Ripley, Coldwater, Osage, Tallahatchie, Moore's Mill, near Monte- vallo, near Independence, Pine Bluff, Botts' Farm, Gun Town, White's Station, Tupelo, Village Creek. Was mustered out of United States service at Atlanta, Ga., August 9, 1865. THE FOURTH CAVALRY was organized with Asbury B. Porter, of Mount Pleasant, as Colonel ; Thomas Drummond, of Vinton, as Lieutenant Colonel; S. D. Swan, of Mount Pleas- ant, J. E. Jewett, of Des Moines, and G. A. Stone, of Moisnt Pleasant, as Majors, and mustered into United States service at Mount Pleasant November 21, 1861. Company A was from Delaware County; Company C, from Jef- ferson and Henry Counties ; Company D, from Henry County ; Company E, 246 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. from Jasper and Poweshiek Counties ; Company F, from Wapello County ; Company G, from Lee and Henry Counties ; Company H, from Chickasaw County ; Company I, from Madison County ; Company K, from Henry County ; Company L, from Des Moines and other counties ; and Company M, from Jefferson County. The Fourth Cavalry lost men in the following engage- ments : Guntown, Miss.; Helena, Ark.; near Bear Creek, Miss.; near Mem- phis, Tenn.; Town Creek, Miss.; Columbus, Ga.; Mechanicsburg, Miss.; Little Blue River, Ark.; Brownsville, Miss.; Ripley, Miss.; Black River Bridge, Miss.; Grenada, Miss.; Little Red River, Ark.; Tupelo, Miss.; Yazoo River, Miss.; White River, Ark.; Osage, Kan.; Lick Creek, Ark.; Okalona, Miss.; St. Francis River, Ark. Was mustered out at Atlanta, Ga., August 10, 1865. THE FIFTH CAVALRY was organized at Omaha with Wm. W. Lowe, of the regular army, as Colo- nel ; M. T. Patrick, of Omaha, as Lieutenant Colonel ; and C. S. Bernstein, of Dubuque, as Major, and mustered in September 21, 1861. Companies A, B, C and D were mostly from Nebraska ; Company E, from Dubuque County ; Company F, from Des Moines, Dubuque and Lee Counties ; Company G, from Minnesota; Company H, from Jackson and other counties; Companies I and K were from Minnesota ; Company L, from Minnesota and Missouri ; Com- pany M, from Missouri ; Companies G, I and K were transferred to Minnesota Volunteers Feb. 25, 1864. The new Company G was organized from veterans and recruits and Companies C, E, F and I of Fifth Iowa Infantry, and trans- ferred to Fifth Cavalry August 8, 1864. The second Company I was organ- ized from veterans and recruits and Companies A, B, D, G, H and K of the Fifth Iowa Infantry, and transferred to Fifth Iowa Cavitlry August 18, 1864. Was engaged at second battle of Fort Donelson, Wartrace, Duck River Bridge, Sugar Creek, Newnan, Camp Creek, Cumberland Works, Tenn.; Jonesboro, Ebenezer Church, Lockbridge's Mills, Pulaski, Cheraw, and mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., August H, 1865. THE SIXTH CAVALRY. was organized with D. S. Wilson, of Dubuque, as Colonel ; S. M. Pollock, of Dubuque, as Lieutenant Colonel ; T. H. Shephard, of Iowa City, E. P. Ten- Broeck, of Clinton, and A. E. House, of Delhi, as Majors, and was mustered in at Davenport, January 31, 1863. Company A was from Scott and other counties ; Company B, from Dubuque and other counties ; Company C, from Fayette County; Company D, from Winneshiek County; Company E, from Southwest counties of the State; Company F, from Allamakee and other counties ; Company G, from Delaware and Buchanan Counties ; Company H, from Linn County ; Company I, from Johnson and other counties ; Company K, from Linn County ; Company L, from Clayton County ; Company M, from Johnson and Dubuque Counties. The Sixth Cavalry operated on the frontier against the Indians. Was mustered out at Sioux City, October 17, 1865. THE SEVENTH CAVALRY was organized at Davenport, and mustered into the United States service April 27, 1863, with S. W. Summers, of Ottumwa, as Colonel ; John Pattee, of Iowa City, as Lieutenant Colonel ; H. H. Heath and G. M. O'Brien, of Dubuque, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 247 and John S. Wood, of Ottumwa, as Majors. Companies A, B, C and D, were from Wapello and other counties in immediate vicinity; Companies E, F, (i and H, were from all parts of the State ; Company I, from Sioux City and known as Sioux City Cavalry; Company K was originally Company A of the Fourteenth Infantry and afterward Company A of the Forty-first Infantry, was from Johnson and other counties ; Company L was originally Company B, of the Forty-first Infantry and afterward Company B, of the Forty , and was from Johnson County; Company M was originally Company C, of the Fourteenth Infantry, and afterward Company C, of the Forty-first and from Des Moines and other counties. The Seventh Cavalry operated against the Indi- ans. Excepting the Lieutenant Colonel and Companies K, L and M, the regi- ment was mustered out at Leavenworth, Kansas, May 17, 1866. Companies K, L, and M were mustered out at Sioux City, June 22, 1866. THE EIGHTH CAVALRY was organized with J. B. Dorr, of Dubuque, as Colonel ; H. G. Barner, of Sidney, as Lieutenant Colonel ; John J. Bowen, of Hopkinton, J. D. Thompson, of Eldora, and A. J. Price, of Guttenburg, as Majors, and were mustered in at Davenport September 30, 1863. The companies were mostly from the follow- ing counties : Company A, Page ; B, Wapello ; C, Van Buren ; D, Ring- gold; E, Henry; F, Appanoose; G, Clayton; H, Appanoose; I, Marshall; K, Muscatine; L, Wapello; M, Polk. The Eighth did a large amount of duty guarding Sherman's communications, in which it had many small engagements. It was in the battles of Lost Mountain, Lovejoy's Station, Newnan, Nashville, etc. Was on Stoneman's cavalry raid around Atlanta, and Wilson's raid through Alabama. Was mustered out at Macon, Ga., August 13, 1865. THE NINTH CAVALRY was mustered in at Davenport, November 30, 1863, with M. M. Trumbull, of Cedar Falls, as Colonel ; J. P. Knight, of Mitchell, as Lieutenant Colonel ; E. T. Ensign, of Des Moines, Willis Drummond, of McGregor, and William Had- dock, of Waterloo, as Majors. Company A was from Muscatine County ; Company B, Linn County; Company C, Wapello and Decatur Counties ; Com- pany D, Washington County ; Company E, Fayette County ; Company F, Clayton County ; Companies G and H, various counties ; Company I, Wapello and Jefferson Counties ; Company K, Keokuk County ; Company L, Jasper and Marion Counties ; Company M, Wapello and Lee Counties. Was mustered out at Little Rock, Ark., February 28, 1866. ARTILLERY. THE FIRST BATTERY OF LIGHT ARTILLERY was enrolled in the counties of Wapello, Des Moines, Dubuque, Jefferson, Black Hawk, etc., and was mustered in at Burlington, Aug. 17, 1861, with C. H. Fletcher, of Burlington, as Captain. Was engaged at Pea Ridge, Port Gibson, in Atlanta campaign, Chickasaw Bayou, Lookout Mountain, etc. Was mus- tered out at Davenport July 5, 1865. 248 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. THE SECOND BATTERY OF LIGHT ARTILLERY was enrolled in the counties of Dallas, Polk, Harrison, Fremont and Pottawat- tamie, and mustered into United States service at Council Bluffs and St. Louis, Mo , Aug. 8 and 31, 1861, with Nelson T. Spear, of Council Bluffs, as Captain. Was engaged at Farmington, Corinth, etc. Was mustered out at Davenport, Aug. 7, 1865. THE THIRD BATTERY OF LIGHT ARTILLERY was enrolled in the counties of Dubuque, Black Hawk, Butler and Floyd, and mustered into United States service at Dubuque, September, 1861, with M. M. Hayden, of Dubuque, as Captain. Was at battle of Pea Ridge, etc., etc. Was mustered out at Davenport, Oct. 23, 1865. THE FOURTH BATTERY OF LIGHT ARTILLERY was enrolled in Mahaska, Henry, Mills and Fremont Counties, and was mus- tered in at Davenport, Nov. 23, 1863, with P. H. Goode, of Glenwood, Cap- tain. Was mustered out at Davenport, July 14, 1865. MISCELLANEOUS. THE FOURTH BATTALION Company A, from Fremont County, W. Hoyt, Captain; Company B, from Taylor County, John Flick, Captain ; Company C, from Page County, J. Whitcomb, Captain. THE NORTHERN BORDER BRIGADE was organized by the State of Iowa to protect the Northwestern frontier, James A. Sawyer, of Sioux City, was elected Colonel. It had Companies A, B, C, D and E, all enlisted from the Northwestern counties. THE SOUTHERN BORDER BRIGADE was organized by the State for the purpose of protecting the Southern border of the State, and was organized in counties on the border of Missouri. Com- pany A, First Battalion, was from Lee County, Wm. Sole, Captain; Company B, First Battalion, Joseph Dickey, Captain, from Van Buren County; Company A, Second Battalion, from Davis County, Capt. H. B. Horn; Company B, Sec- ond Battalion, from Appanoose County, E. B. Skinner, Captain; Company A, Third Battalion, from Decatur County, J. H. Simmons, Captain; Company B, Third Battalion, from Wayne County, E. F. Estel, Captain; Company C, Third Battalion, from Ringgold County, N. Miller, Captain. THE FIRST INFANTRY AFRICAN DESCENT — (SIXTIETH U. S.) was organized with John G. Hudson, Captain Company B, Thirty-third Mis- souri, as Colonel; M. F. Collins, of Keokuk, as Lieutenant Colonel, and J. L. Murphy, of Keokuk, as Major. Had ten companies, and were mustered in at various places in the Fall of 1863. The men were from all parts of the State and some from Missouri. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 249 During the war, the following promotions were made by the United States' Government from Iowa regiments:* MAJOR GENERALS Samuel R. Curtis, Brigadier General, from March 21, 1863. Frederick Steele, Brigadier General, from November 29, 1863. Frank J. Herron, Brigadier General, from November 39, 1863. Grenville M. Dodge, Brigadier General, from June 7, 1864. BRIGADIER GENERALS. Samuel R. Curtis, Colonel 2d Infantry, from May 17, 1861. Frederick Steele, Colonel 8th Infantry, from February 6, 1863. Jacob G. Lauman, Colonel 7th Infantry, from March 21, 1863. Grenville M. Dodge, Colonel 4th Infantry, from March 31, 1863. James M. Tuttle, Colonel 2d Infantry, from June 9, 1862. Washington L. Elliott, Colonel 2d Cavalry, from June 11, 1863. Fitz Henry Warren, Colonel 1st Cavalry , from July 6, 1863. Frank J. Herron, Lieutenant Colonel 9th Infantry, from July 30, 1863. Charles L. Matthies, Colonel 5th Infantry, from November 29, 1862. William Vandever, Colonel 9th Infantry, from November 39, 1863. Marcellus M. Crocker, Colonel 13th Infantry, from Nov. 39, 1863. (Since died.) Hugh T. Eeid, Colonel 15th Infantry from March 13, 1863. Samuel A. Rice, Colonel 33d Infantry, from August 4, 1863. John M. Corse, Colonel 6th Infantry, from August 11, 1863. Cyrus Bussey, Colonel 3d Cavalry, from January 5, 1864. Edward Hatch, Colonel 2d Cavalry, from April 37, 1864. Elliott W. Rice, Colonel 7th Infantry, from June 30, 1864. Wm. W. Belknap, Colonel 15th Infantry, from July 30, 1864. John Edwards, Colonel 18th Infantry, from September 36, 1864. James A. Williamson, Colonel 4th Infantry, from January 13, 1864. James I. Gilbert, Colonel 37th Infantry, from February 9, 1865. BREVET MAJOR GENERALS. •Tohn M. Corse, Brigadier General from October 5, 1864. Edward Hatch, Brigadier General, from December 15, 1864. Wm. W. Belknap, Brigadier General, from March 13, 1865. W. L. Elliott, Brigadier General, from March 13, 1865. Wm. Vandever, Brigadier General, from June 7, 1865. BREVET BRIGADIER GENERALS. Wm. T. Clark, A. A. G., late of 13th Infantry, from July 33, 1864. Edward F. Winslow, Colonel 4th Cavalry, from December 13, 1864. S. G. Hill, Colonel 35th Infantry, from December 15, 18G4. (Since died.) Thos. H. Benton, Colonel 39th Infantry, from December 15, 18G4. Samuel L. Glasgow, Colonel 33d Infantry, from December 19, 1864. Clai-k R. Wever, Colonel 17th Infantry, from February 9, 1865. Francis M. Drake, Lieutenant Colonel 36th Infantry, from February 33, 1865. Geoi-ge A. Stone, Colonel 35th Infantry, from March 13, 1865. Datus E. Coon, Colonel 3d Cavalry, from March 8, 1865. George W. Clark, Colonel 34th Infantry, from March 13, 1865. Herman 11. Heath, Colonel 7th Cavalry, from March 13, 1865. J. M. Hedrick, Colonel 15th Infantry, from :Miu-ch 13, 1865. W. W. Lowe, Colonel 5th Cavalry, from March 13, 1865. *Thoma8 J. McKean was appointed Paymaster in U. S. A. from Iowa, and subsequently promoted Brigadier General, to date from Nov. 2\, IfcGl. 250 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 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NUMBER OF TROOPS FURNISHED BY THE STATE OF IOWA DURING THE WAR OF THE REBELLION, TO JANUARY 1, 1865. No. Regiment. 1st Iowa 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th nth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d 33d 34th 35th 86th 37th 38th Infantry . No. of men. 959 1,247 1,074 1,184 1,037 1,013 1,138 1,027 1,090 1,027 1,022 981 989 840 1,196 919 956 875 985 925 980 1,008 961 979 995 919 940 956 1,005 978 977 925 985 953 984 986 914 910 39th Iowa Infantry 40th " " 41st Battalion Iowa Infantry., 44th Infantry (100-days men) 45th 46th 47th 48th Battalion '= " 1st Iowa Cavalry 2d " 3d " 4th " 5th «' 6th " 7th " 8th " 9th " Sioux City Cavalry* Co. A, 11th Penn. Cavalry , 1st Battery Artillery , 2d " " 3d " " 4th " " 1st Iowa African Infantry, 60th U. Sf . Dodge's Brigade Band Band of 2d Iowa Infantry Enlistments as ftir as reported to Jan. 1, 1864, for the older Iowa regiments Enlistments of Iowa men in regiments of other States, over Total Re-enlisted Veterans for different Regi- ments Additional enlistments Grand total as far as reported up to Jan. 1, 1865 No. of men. 933 900 294 867 912 892 884 346 1,478 1,394 1,360 1,227 1,245 1,125 562 1,234 1,178 93 87 149 123 142 152 903 14 10 2,765 2,500 61,653 7,202 6,664 75,519 This does not include those Iowa men who veteranized in the regiments of other States, nor the names of men who enlisted during 1864, in regiments of other States. * Afterward consolidated with Seventh Cavalry, f Only a portion of this regiment was credited to the State. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 255 POPULATION OF IOWA, By Counties. COUNTIES. AGGREGATE. 1875. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. Voters. Adair 7045 7832 19158 17405 2370 28807 22913 17251 13220 17315 3561 3982 4614 17868 16456 1212 22454 21706 14584 12528 17034 1585 984 1533 1616 1727 Allamakee 12237 11931 454 8496 8244 4232 4916 7906 67 777 3131 3653 Appanoose Audubon 3679 527 Benton 672 135 735 4778 Black Hawk 4877 Boone 3515 Bremer 2656 Buchanan 517 8890 Buena Vista 817 Buncombe* Butler 11734 • 3185 5760 10552 17879 6685 4249 11400 10118 3559 27184 34295 6039 14386 15757 13249 16893 35415 1748 43845 1436 20515 13100 6558 13719 7028 8134 9638 7701 1482 1.5029 11818 21594 7875 3455 794 17456 23061 24128 17127 24654 19168 9951 1602 2451 5464 19731 4722 1967 10180 8735 1523 27771 35357 2530 12019 15565 12018 17432 27256 1389 38969 1392 16973 10768 4738 11173 4627 6399 7061 6055 999 13684 8931 21463 6282 2596 226 16644 22619 22116 17839 24898 19731 3724 147 281 1612 12949 940 58 4336 5427 52 20728 18938 383 5244 13764 8677 11024 19611 180 31164 105 12073 3744 1309 5074 1374 793 3058 1699 179 5440 3621 18701 3168 332 43 8029 18493 9883 15038 17573 13306 2598 Calhou n 681 Carroll 1197 Cass 2422 Cedar 3941 1253 3934 Cerro Gordo 1526 Cherokee 1001 Chickasaw 2392 79 2213 Clay 868 3873 2822 1101 821 5272 5569 1244 854 7264 965 1759 12988 3170 3448 Decatur 2882 168 5577 3662 6654 394 10841 3059 8759 299 Fayette Floyd 825 4637 2884 1374 1244 2998 1622 1525 2339 1455 303 3215 2658 8707 3772 4641 1712 695 Ida 172 822 7210 1280 9904 4472 3007 3576 1411 4901 JeflFerson Jones 5239 2773 1491 471 3721 5225 4180 * In 1862, name changed to Lyon. 256 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. POPULATION OF IOWA— Concluded. COUNTIES AGGREGATE. 1875. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. Voters. 20488 3765 33913 31815 12499 11725 1139 16030 23718 24094 19629 10555 11523 2267 12811 10389 21623 2349 1778 14274 2728 5282 2249 81558 21665 16482 7546 2873 39763 5664 3120 13111 18771 10418 8827 16980 23865 18541 19269 13978 13114 2986 24233 8568 4908 3244 19484 8351 38210 28852 12877 10388 221 13884 22508 24436 17576 8718 9582 3654 12724 5934 21688 715 18271 416 29232 18947 10370 0766 4822 4202 773 18861 5444 4939 471 6093 1373 1927 7274 7509 2899 2464 287 7339 14816 16813 6015 4481 3409 832 8612 1256 16444 8 1179 5989 5482 3632 5287 4988 338 4445 Mills . 2365 Mitchell 2338 1292 2884 2743 2485 5731 1942 6588 O'Brien 595 498 9975 1336 2199 1446 27857 16893 15581 5691 1411 88599 2540 576 11651 16131 6989 6986 17672 22346 17980 18952 11287 10484 1562 23570 6172 2892 2392 4419 182 148 103 11625 4968 5668 2923 246 25959 818 10 4051 5285 8590 2012 17081 14518 10281 14235 6409 2504 168 13942 1119 756 653 551 3222 Palo Alto 556 1136 464 Polk 4513 7828 615 6842 4392 3684 1496 Sac 657 Scott 5986 2140 7109 Shelby 1084 637 Story 2574 8 204 3911 Taylor 2282 1924 12270 8471 961 4957 340 6146 8893 5346 4168 1594 4168 2947 2747 Winnebago Winneshiek 406 546 4117 1776 Worth 763 Wright .. 694 1 Total 1358118 1191792 674913 192214 43112 284567 * Formerly Buncombe. THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. 257 ILLINOIS. Length, 380 miles, mean width about 156 miles. Area, 55,410 square miles, or 35,462,400 acres. Illinois, as regards its surface, constitutes a table-land at a varying elevation ranging between 350 and 800 feet above the sea level ; composed of extensive and highly fertile prairies and plains. Much of the south division of the State, especially the river-bottoms, are thickly wooded. The prairies, too, have oasis-like clumps of trees scattered here and there at intervals. The chief rivers irrigating the State are the Mississippi — dividing it from Iowa and Missouri — the Ohio (forming its south barrier), the Illinois, Wabash, Kaskaskia, and San- gamon, with their numerous affluents. The total extent of navigable streams is calculated at 4,000 miles. Small lakes are scattered over vari- ous parts of the State. Illinois is extremely prolific in minerals, chiefly coal, iron, copper, and zinc ores, sulphur and limestone. The coal-field alone is estimated to absorb a full third of the entire coal-deposit of North America. Climate tolerably equable and healthy ; the mean temperature standing at about 51" Fahrenheit As an agricultural region, Illinois takes a competitive rank with neighboring States, the cereals, fruits, and root- crops yielding plentiful returns ; in fact, as a grain-growing State, Illinois may be deemed, in proportion to her size, to possess a greater area of lands suitable for its production than any other State in the Union. Stock- raising is also largely carried on, while her manufacturing interests in regard of woolen fabrics, etc., are on a very extensive and yearly expand- ing scale. The lines of railroad in the State are among the most exten- sive of the Union. Inland water-carriage is facilitated by a canal connecting the Illinois River with Lake Michigan, and thence with the St. Lawrence and Atlantic. Illinois is divided into 102 counties ; the chief towns being Chicago, Springfield (capital), Alton, Quincy, Peoria, Galena, Bloomington, Rock Island, Vandalia, etc. By the new Consti- tution, established in 1870, the State Legislature consists of 51 Senators, elected for four years, and 153 Representatives, for two years ; which numbers were to be decennially increased thereafter to the number of six per every additional half-million of inhabitants. Religious and educational institutions are largely diffused throughout, and are in a verv flourishing condition. Illinois has a State Lunatic and a Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Jacksonville ; a State Penitentiary at Joliet ; and a Home for 258 THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. Soldiers' Orphans at Normal. On November 30, 1870, the public debt of the State was returned at $4,870,937, with a balance of $1,808,883 unprovided for. At the same period the value of assessed and equalized property presented the following totals: assessed, $840,031,703 ; equal- ized $480,664,058. The name of Illinois, through nearly thu whole of the eighteenth century, embraced most of the known regions north and west of Ohio. French colonists established themselves in 1673, at Cahokia and Kaskaskia, and the territory of which these settlements formed the nucleus was, in 1763, ceded to Great Britain in conjunction with Canada, and ultimately resigned to the United States in 1787. Illinois entered the Union as a State, December 3, 1818; and now sends 19 Representatives to Congress. Population, 2,539,891, in 1870. THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. 259 INDIANA. The profile of Indiana forms a nearly exact parallelogram, occupy- ing one of the most fertile portions of the great Mississippi Valley. The greater extent of the surface embraced within its limits consists of gentle undulations rising into hilly tracts toward the Ohio bottom. The chief rivers of the State are the Ohio and Wabash, with their numerous affluents. The soil is highly productive of the cereals and grasses — most particularly so in the valleys of the Ohio, Wabash, Whitewater, and White Rivers. The northeast and central portions are well timbered with virgin forests, and the west section is notably rich in coal, constitut- ing an offshoot of the great Illinois carboniferous field. Iron, copper, marble, slate, gypsum, and various clays are also abundant. From an agricultural point of view, the staple products are maize and wheat, with the other cereals in lesser yields ; and besides these, flax, hemp, sorghum, hops, etc., are extensively raised. Indiana is divided into 92 counties, and counts among her principal cities and towns, those of Indianapolis (the capital). Fort Wayne, Evansville, Terre Haute, Madison, Jefferson- ville, Columbus, Vincennes, South Bend, etc. The public institutions of the State are many and various, and on a scale of magnitude and efficiency commensurate with her important political and industrial status. Upward of two thousand miles of railroads permeate the State in all directions, and greatly conduce to the development of her expanding manufacturing interests. Statistics for the fiscal year terlninating October 31, 1870, exhibited a total of receipts, $3,896,541 as against dis- bursements, $3,532,406, leaving a balance, $364,135 in favor of the State Treasury. The entire public debt, January 5, 1871, $3,971,000. This State was first settled by Canadian voyageurs in 1702, who erected a fort at Vincennes ; in 1763 it passed into the hands of the English, and was by the latter ceded to the United States in 1783. From 1788 till 1791, an Indian ware fare prevailed. In 1800, all the region west and north of Ohio (then formed into a distinct territory) became merged in Indiana. In 1809, the present limits of the State were defined, Michigan and Illinois having previously been withdrawn. In 1811, Indiana was the theater of the Indian War of Tecumseh, ending with the decisive battle of Tippecanoe. In 1816 (December 11), Indiana became enrolled among the States of the American Union. In 1834, tlie State passed through a monetary crisis owing to its having become mixed up with railroad, eanal, and other speculations on a gigantic scale, which ended, for the time being, in a general collapse of 2)ubliG credit, and consequent bank- ruptcy. Since that time, however, the greater number of the public 260 THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. works which had brought about that imbroglio — especially the great Wabash and Erie Canal — have been completed, to the great benefit of the State, whose subsequent progress has year by year been marked by rapid strides in the paths of wealth, commerce, and general social and political prosperity. The constitution now in force was adopted in 1851. Population, 1,680,637. IOWA. In shape, Iowa presents an almost perfect parallelogram ; has a length, north to south, of about 300 miles, by a pretty even width of 208 miles, and embraces an area of 65,045 square miles, or 35,228,800 acres. The surface of the State is generally undulating, rising toward the middle into an elevated plateau which forms the " divide " of the Missouri and Mississippi basins. Rolling prairies, especially in the south section, constitute a regnant feature, and the river bottoms, belted with woodlands, present a soil of the richest alluvion. Iowa is well watered ; the principal rivers being the Mississippi and Missouri, which form respectively its east and west limits, and the Cedar, Iowa, and Des Moines, affluents of the first named. Mineralogically, Iowa is important as occupying a section of the great Northwest coal field, to the extent of an area estimated at 25,000 square miles. Lead, cojDper, zinc, and iron, are also mined in considerable quantities. The soil is well adapted to the production of wheat, maize, and the other cereals ; fruits, vegetables, and esculent roots ; maize, wheat, and oats forming the chief staples. Wine, tobacco, hops, and wax, are other noticeable items of the agricul- tural yield. Cattle-raising, too, is a branch of rural industry largely engaged in. The climate is healthy, although liable to extremes of heat and cold. The annual gross product of the various manufactures carried on in this State approximate, in round numbers, a sum of 820,000,000. Iowa has an immense railroad system, besides over 600 miles of water- communication by means of its navigable rivers. The State is politically divided into 99 counties, with the following centers of population : Des Moines (capital), Iowa City (former capital), Dubuque, Davenport, Bur- lington, Council Bluffs, Keokuk, Muscatine, and Cedar Rapids. The State institutions of Iowa — religious, scholastic, and philanthropic — are on a par, as regards number and perfection of organization and operation, with those. of her Northwest sister States, and education is especially well cared for, and largely diffused. Iowa formed a portion of the American territorial acquisitions from France, by the so-called Louisiana purchase in 1 803, and was politically identified with Louisiana till 1812, THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. 263 when it merged into the Missouri Territory; in 1834 it came under the Michigan organization, and, in 1836, under that of Wisconsin. Finally, after being constituted an independent Territory, it became a State of the Union, December 28, 1846. Population in 1860, 674,913 ; in 1870, 1,191,792, and in 1875, 1,353,118. MICHIGAN. United area, 56,243 square miles, or 35,995,520 acres. Extent of the Upper and smaller Peninsula — length, 316 miles; breadth, fluctuating between 36 and 120 miles. The south division is 416 miles long, by from 50 to 300 miles wide. Aggregate lake-shore line, 1,400 miles. The Upper, or North, Peninsula consists chiefly of an elevated plateau, expanding into the Porcupine mountain-system, attaining a maximum height of some 2,000 feet. Its shores along Lake Superior are eminently bold and picturesque, and its area is rich in minerals, its product of copper constituting an important source of industry. Both divisions are heavily wooded, and the South one, in addition, boasts of a deep, rich, loamy soil, throwing up excellent crops of cereals aud other agricultural produce. The climate is generally mild and humid, though the Winter colds are severe. The chief staples of farm husbandry include the cereals, grasses, maple sugar, sorghum, tobacco, fruits, and dairy-stuffs. In 1870, the acres of land in farms were : improved, 5,096,939 ; unimproved woodland, 4,080,146 ; other unimproved land, 842,057. The cash value of land was $398,240,578 ; of farming implements and machinery, $13,711,979. In 1869, there were shipped from the Lake Superior ports, 874,582 tons of iron ore, and 45,762 of smelted pig, along with 14,188 tons of copper (ore and ingot). Coal is another article largely mined. Inland communication is provided for by an admirably organized railroad system, and by the St. Mary's Ship Canal, connecting Lakes Huron and Superior. Michigan is politically divided into 78 counties ; its chief urban centers are Detroit, Lansing (capital), Ann Arbor, Marquette, Bay City, Niles, Ypsilanti, Grand Haven, etc. The Governor of the State is elected biennially. On November 30, 1870, the aggregate bonded debt of Michigan amounted to $2,385,028, and the assessed valuation of land to $266,929,278, representing an estimated cash value of $800,000,000. Education is largely diffused and most excellently conducted and pro- vided for. The State University at Ann Arbor, the colleges of Detroit and Kalamazoo, the Albion Female College, tlie State Normal School at Ypsilanti, and the State Agricultural College at Lansing, are chief among the academic institutions. Michigan (a term of Chippeway origin, and 264 THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. signifying " Great Lake), was discovered and first settled by French Canadians, who, in 1670, founded Detroit, the pioneer of a series of trad- ing-posts on the Indian frontier. During the " Conspiracy of Pontiac," following the French loss of Canada, Michigan became the scene of a sanguinary struggle between the whites and aborigines. In 1796, it became annexed to the United States, which incorporated this region with the Northwest Territory, and then with Indiana Territory, till 1803, when it became territorially independent. Michigan was the theater of warlike operations during the war of 1812 with Great Britain, and in 1819 was authorized to be represented by one delegate in Congress ; in 1837 she was admitted into the Union as a State, and in 1869 ratified the 15th Amendment to the Federal Constitution. Population, 1,184,059. WISCONSIN. It has a mean length of 260 miles, and a maximum breadth of 215. Land area, 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Wisconsin lies at a considerable altitude above sea-level, and consists for the most part of an upland plateau, the surface of which is undulating and very generally diversified. Numerous local eminences called mounds are interspersed over the State, and the Lake Michigan coast-line is in many parts char- acterized by lofty escarped cliffs, even as on the west side the banks of the Mississippi form a series of high and picturesque bluffs. A group of islands known as The Apostles lie off the extreme north point of the State in Lake Superior, and the great estuary of Green Bay, running far inland, gives formation to a long, narrow peninsula between its Avaters and those of Lake Michigan. The river-system of Wisconsin has three outlets — those of Lake Superior, Green Bay, and the Mississippi, which latter stream forms the entire southwest frontier, widening at one point into the large watery expanse called Lake Pepin. Lake Superior receives the St. Louis, Burnt Wood, and Montreal Rivers ; Green Bay, the Menomonee, Peshtigo, Oconto, and Fox ; while into the Mississippi empty the St. Croix, Chippewa, Black, Wisconsin, and Rock Rivers. The chief interior lakes are those of Winnebago, Horicon, and Court Oreilles, and smaller sheets of water stud a great part of the surface. The climate is healthful, with cold Winters and brief but very warm Summers. Mean annual rainfall 31 inches. The geological system represented by the State, embraces those rocks included between the primary and the Devonian series, the former containing extensive deposits of copper and iron ore. Besides these minerals, lead and zinc are found in great quantities, together with kaolin, plumbago, gypsum, THE NOETIIWESTERN STATES. 265 and various clays. Mining, consequently, forms a prominent industry, and one of yearly increasing dimensions. The soil of Wisconsin is of varying quality, but fertile on the whole, and in the north parts of the State heavily timbered. The agricultural yield comprises the cereals, together with flax, hemp, tobacco, pulse, sorgum, and all kinds of vege- tables, and of the hardier fruits. In 1870, the State had a total number of 102,904 farms, occupying 11,715,321 acres, of which 5,899,343 con- sisted of improved land, and 3,437,442 were timbered. Cash value of farms, $300,414,064 ; of farm implements and machinery, $14,239,364. Total estimated value of all farm products, including betterments and additions to stock, $78,027,032 ; of orchard and dairy stuffs, $1,045,933 ; of lumber, $1,327,618 ; of home manufactures, $338,423 ; of all live-stock, $45,310,882. Number of manufacturing establishments, 7,136, employ- ing 39,055 hands, and turning out productions valued at $85,624,966. The political divisions of the State form 61 counties, and the chief places of wealth, trade, and population, are Madison (the capital), Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Prairie du Chien, Janesville, Portage City, Racine, Kenosha, and La Crosse. In 1870, the total assessed valuation reached $333,209,838, as against a true valuation of both real and personal estate aggregating $602,207,329. Treasury receipts during 1870, $886,- 696 ; disbursements, $906,329. Value of church property, $4,749,983. Education is amply provided for. Independently of the State University at Madison, and those of Galesville and of Lawrence at Appleton, and the colleges of Beloit, Racine, and Milton, there are Normal Schools at Platteville and Whitewater. The State is divided into 4,802 common school districts, maintained at a cost, in 1870, of $2,094,160. The chari-- table institutions of Wisconsin include a Deaf and Dumb Asylum, an Institute for the Education of the Blind, and a Soldiers' Orphans' School. In January, 1870, the railroad system ramified throughout the State totalized 2,779 miles of track, including several lines far advanced toward completion. Immigration is successfully encouraged by the State author- ities, the larger number of yearly new-comers being of Scandinavian and German origin. The territory now occupied within the limits of the State of Wisconsin was explored by French missionaries and traders in 1639, and it remained under French jurisdiction until 1703, when it became annexed to the British North American possessions. In 1796, it reverted to the United States, the government of which latter admitted it within the limits of the Northwest Territory, and in 1809, attached it to that of Illinois, and to Michigan in 1818. Wisconsin became independ- ently territorially organized in 1836, and became a State of the Union, March 3, 1847. Population in 1870, 1,064,985, of which 2,113 were of the colored race, and 11,521 Indians, 1,206 of the latter being out of tribal relations. I 266 THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. MINNESOTA Its length, north to south, embraces an extent of 380 miles ; its oreadth one of 250 miles at a maximum. Area, 84,000 square miles, or 54,760,000 acres. The surface of Minnesota, generally speaking, con- sists of a succession of gently undulating plains and prairies, drained by an admirable water-system, and with here and there heavily- timbered bottoms and belts of virgin forest. The soil, corresponding with such a superfices, is exceptionally rich, consisting for the most part of a dark, calcareous sandy drift intermixed with loam. A distinguishing physical feature of this State is its riverine ramifications, expanding in nearly every part of it into almost innumerable lakes — tlie whole presenting an aggregate of water-power having hardly a rival in the Union. Besides the Mississippi — which here has its rise, and drains a basin of 800 miles of country — the princij)al streams are the Minnesota (334 miles long), the Red River of the North, the St. Croix, St. Louis, and many others of lesser importance ; the chief lakes are those called Red, Cass, Leech, Mille Lacs, Vermillion, and Wiuibigosh. Quite a concatenation of sheets of water fringe the frontier line where Minnesota joins British America, culminating in the Lake of the Woods. It has been estimated, that of an area of 1,200,000 acres of surface between the St. Croix and Mis- sissippi Rivers, not less than 73,000 acres are of lacustrine formation. In point of minerals, the resources of Minnesota have as yet been very imperfectly developed; iron, copper, coal, lead — all these are known to exist in considerable deposits ; together with salt, limestone, and potter's cla3^ The agricultural outlook of the State is in a high degree satis- factory ; wheat constitutes the leading cereal in cultivation, with Indian corn and oats in next order. Fruits and vegetables are grown in great plenty and of excellent quality. The lumber resources of Minnesota are important ; the pine forests in the north region alone occupying an area of some 21,000 square miles, which in 1870 produced a return of scaled logs amounting to 313,116,416 feet. The natural industrial advantages possessed by Minnesota are largely improved upon by a railroad system. The political divisions of this State number 78 counties ; of which the chief cities and towns are : St. Paul (the capital), Stillwater, Red Wing, St. Anthony, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, and Mankato. Minnesota has already assumed an attitude of high importance as a manufacturing State ; this is mainly due to the wonderful command of water-power she pos- sesses, as before spoken of. Besides her timber-trade, the milling of flour, the distillation of whisky, and the tanning of leather, are prominent interests, which in 1860, gave returns to the amount of $14,831,043. THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. 267 Education is notably provided for on a broad and catholic scale, the entire amount expended scholastically during the year 1870 being $857,- 816 ; while on November 30 of the preceding year the permanent school fund stood at $2,476,222. Besides a University and Agricultural College, Normal and Reform Schools flourish, and with these may be mentioned such various philanthropic and religious institutions as befit the needs of an intelligent and prosperous community. The finances of the State for the fiscal year terminating December 1, 1870, exhibited a balance on the right side to the amount of $136,164, being a gain of $44,000 over the previous year's figures. The earliest exploration of Minnesota by the whites was made in 1680 by a French Franciscan, Father Hennepin, who gave the name of St. Antony to the Great Falls on the Upper Missisippi. In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ceded this region to England. Twenty years later, Minnesota formed part of the Northwest Territory transferred to the United States, and became herself territorialized inde- pendently in 1849. Indian cessions in 1851 enlarged her boundaries, and. May 11, 1857, Minnesota became a unit of the great American federation of States. Population, 439,706. NEBRASKA. Maximum length, 412 miles ; extreme breadth, 208 miles. Area, 75,905 square miles, or 48,636,800 acres. The surface of this State is almost entirely undulating prairie, and forms part of the west slope of the great central basin of the North American Continent. In its west division, near the base of the Rocky Mountains, is a sandy belt of country, irregularly defined. In this part, too, are the " dunes," resem- bling a wavy sea of sandy billows, as well as the Mauvaises Terres. a tract of singular formation, produced by eccentric disintegrations and denuda- tions of the land. The chief rivers are the Missouri, constituting its en- tire east line of demarcation; the Nebraska or Platte, the Niobrara, the Republican Fork of the Kansas, the Elkhorn, and the Loup Fork of the Platte. The soil is very various, but consisting chiefly of rich, bottomy loam, admirably adapted to the raising of heavy crops of cereals. All the vegetables and fruits of the temperate zone are produced in great size and plenty. For grazing purposes Nebraska is a State exceptionally well fitted, a region of not less than 23,000,000 acres being adaptable to this branch of husbandry. It is believed that the, as yet, comparatively infertile tracts of land found in various parts of the State are susceptible of productivity by means of a properly conducted system of irrigation. Few minerals of moment have so far been found within the limits of 268 THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. Nebraska, if we may except important saline deposits at the head of Salt Creek in its southeast section. The State is divided into 57 counties, independent of the Pawnee and Winnebago Indians, and of unorganized territory in the northwest part. The principal towns are Omaha, Lincoln (State capital), Nebraska City, Columbus, Grand Island, etc. In 1870, the total assessed value of property amounted to $53,000,000, being an increase of $11,000,000 over the previous year's returns. The total amount received from the school-fund during the year 1869-70 was $77,999. Education is making great onward strides, the State University and an Agricultural College being far advanced toward completion. In the matter of railroad communication, Nebraska bids fair to soon place herself on a par with her neighbors to the east. Besides being inter- sected by the Union Pacific line, with its off-shoot, the Fremont and Blair, other tracks are in course of rapid construction. Organized by Con- gressional Act into a Territory, May 30, 1854, Nebraska entered the Union as a full State, March 1, 1867. Population, 122,993. IITINTIXC; PKAIEIE WOLVES IN AN liAKLY DAY. CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES 269 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem- bers chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the 'lectors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse- quent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations one, Connecticut five. New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylva- nia eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. - Sec. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- 270 AND ITS AMENDMENTS. tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any state, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of th Senate, but shall liave no vote unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore^ in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Sen- ators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legis- lature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each liouse may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compen- sation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 271 felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a- member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on e ther bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it ; but if not he shall ret'irn it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi- nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec- tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and lim- itations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United Jtates ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several 3tr,tes, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; . To establish post offices and post roads ; 272 AND ITS AMENDMENTS. To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define • and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against tire law of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such j)art of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the oificers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci' pline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any depart- ment or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev enue to the ports of one state over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and. a regular statement and account of the receipts and expeditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 273 No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confeder- ation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [*The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The Pres- ident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors ai)pointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma- jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ;. a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, • This clause between brackets has been superseded and annulled by the Twelfth amendm^n^ 274 AND ITS AMENDMENTS. the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-Presi- dent.] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at tlie time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty -five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabil- ity,, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis- ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com- pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol- lowing oath or affirmation: " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offenses against the United States, ex-cept in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by an^ with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present con- cur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to tlieir consideration such mea- sures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may on extraordinary CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 275 occasions convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagree- ment between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and con viction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Article III. Section I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other joublic ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of differ- ent states ; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within an}^ state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levy- ing war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes- timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. 4m] 276 AND ITS AMENDMENTS. the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and tlie effect thereof. Sec. 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdici'on of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on the claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the Legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state. Sec. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature, or of the Execu- tive (when the Legislature can not be convened), against domestic vio- lence. Article V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the ap- plication of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when rati- fied by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by con- ventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratifi- cation may be proposed by the Congress. Provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eig'ht hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VL All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adop- tion of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the mem- CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 27' "bers of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial offi- cers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire, John Langdon, Nicholas Oilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, RuFus King. Connecticut. Wm. Sam'l Johnson, Roger Sherman. Delaware. Geo. Read, John Dickinson, Jaco. Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M' Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. WiL. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, JoNA. Dayton. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Rich'd Dobbs Spaight. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, RoBT. Morris, Thos. Fitzsemons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. South Carolina. J. Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney. Pierce Butler. Georgia. William Few, Abr. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary, 278 AND ITS AMENDMENTS. Articles in Addition to and Amendatory op the Constitution OF THE United States op America. Proposed hy Congress and ratified hy the Legislatures of the several states, pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment cf religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. Article IV. The right of tlie people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have coraj)ulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 281 tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Akticle VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to tlie people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or sub- jects of any foreign state. Article XII. The Electors shall meet iu their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest number not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of tlie death or other constitutional disability of the President. Tlie person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a major- 282 AND ITS AMENDMENTS. ity-j then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the execu- tive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crimes, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num- ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previ- ously taken an oath as a Member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an execu- tive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques- tioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any loss or emancipation of any slave, but such debts, oblisrations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 283 Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. VOTE FOR GOVERNOR, 1877, AND PRESIDENT, 1876. Counties. Adair Adams Allamakee ... Appanoose .... Audubon Benton Black Hawk.. Boone Bremer Buchanan Buena Vista.. Butler Calhoun Carroll Cedar Cerro Gordo.. Cherokee , Chickasaw ... Clark Clay Clayton Clinton Crawford , Dallas Davis Decatur Delaware Des Moines .. Dickinson Dubuque Emmett Fayette Floyd Franklin Fremont Greene Grundy Guthrie Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Howard Humboldt Ida... , Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson 1877. Governor. Kep. Dem. Gr. Pro. 982 876 1547 11G5 410 1432 178(1 1612 1180 1290 747 1453 418 633 1592 1315 903 562 1279 1054 517 1873 2444 898 1541 893 12G9 1226 2315 197 1587 213 1933 1233 1311 1250 1031 909 1160 842 340 1492 1348 1770 551 382 321 1132 1019 1977 1396 IGl 397 1540 1049 352 71 1111 981 582 769 192 758 75 744 839 1093 348 74 1107 267 16 1770 2327 651 215 1231 961 1143 1384 8 3415 28 1067 208 336 1331 215 504 496 265 95 661 86; 424 647 149 54 1120 191)6 1154 lrv.'> 581 485 69 729 26 567 95 466 196 725 161 19 171 141 116 206 72 383 37 813 20 66 286 19 1241 803 31(1 32 767 406 162 16 334 551 364 422 29 238 523 1041 201 115 104 •642 224 1018 576 449 244 10 1 223 20 95 74 11 30 446 40 86 94 19 67 1G7 66 111 80 12 19 525 6 12 53 21 57 2 154 19 140 519 64 228 15 26^ IC 1876. President. Eep. Dem. 1334 1370 1709 1711 427 2901 2079 2018 1737 2227 770 1828 622 799 1876 2328 1274 864 1574 1405 567 2662 3654 1043 2136 1586 1647 2233 3325 259 2798 246 3029 2032 1178 16.58 1310 1099 1434 1187 281 2152 1557 2809 1194 523 21 J 1870 2126 3375 2 1 Of 593 62(i 1646 1419 352 1356 1592 1.305 757 1416 200 780 196 77] 979 1445 448 17,5 1090 816 94 2621 3398 638 752 1631 128'> 1460 2917 48 4977 36 1709 751 379 1682 510 417 629 425 99 980 1386 1485 600 183 57 1348 2185 1804 1449 Counties. Johnson Jones Keokuk Kossuth Lee Linn Louisa Lucas Lyon Madison Mahaska Marion Marshall Mills Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery .... Muscatine O'Brien Osceola Page Palo Alto Plymouth Pocahotitas Polk Pottawattamie.. Poweshiek Ringgold Sac Scott Sh Iby , Sioux Story Tama Taylor Union ... Van Buren Wapello Warren Washington Wayne Webster [Winnebago Winneshiek Woodbury Worth I Wright 1877. Governor. Rep. Dem. | Gr. Pro Totals.... Ma.joritir 1S84 1868 1772 463 2157 2524 1328 1203 261 1792 1823 1976 1448 1435 1396 580 1034 1122 1753 306 295 1106 311 779 370 S171 2223 1496 964 6:6 3031 8S8 436 1260 1426 1325 899 1490 17 1726 1087 1316 850 544 2074 1109 628 331 121.54P 4.'19' 18 14 322 13 350 75 89 103 9 616 1011 700 3S9 98 35 432 247 532 171 201 13 34 2345 1218 1526 236 2863 2316 817 804 17 1077 10S6 1866 837 1102 459 119 928 441 1775 21 40 508 357 487 9.4 18S5 2059 882 71 li8 1963 039 132 344 833 293 516 1305 1(j29 944 1221 832 127 40 1009| 279 8671 226 132 8 166 117 77 44 1353 218 420 671 177 309 3 49 644 196 86.- 830 301 1265 742 3031 404 1421 273 68 105 89 299 585 108 12 14 56 59(; 95 504 28 36 9 20 4 387 14 33 293 3 39 36 94 121 346 4 13 37 16 187 133 63 130 296 101 112 3 47 79353 3422f 238 9 14 98 1876. President, Kep. Dem 2345 2591 2364 638 316J 4331 1920 1478 262 2246 3221 2736 3056 1452 IGGX 713 1418 1749 2523 463 S29 2243 343| 8351 374:1 432l' 2565! 250* 1246 661 3819 897 4391 18-i* 2337 1727 1238 2113 2582 2439 2467 1692 1299 498 27.">9 1034 70:< 1713' .5921 1 |i 3563 176.'J 1862 227 3682 2917 1008 1044 46 15.38 1701 23"4 118!) 1165 C7l 3(14 124C 759 2075 110 59 861 33.t 50ii 141 2382 24U 1083 422 16r> 2=.5;i 631 220 579 1317 076 795 1661 2412 1315 150S 1341 987 39 161T 997 149 184 112127 Total vote, 1877, 245,766 , 1876 (including2949 Greenback), 292,943. VOTE FOR CONGRESSMEN, 1876. I... It... III. IV... v.... VI.. Rep. 17188 16439 17423 20770 19274 18778 Dem. 14814 14683 16100 9379 11154 14719 R. Maj 2374 1750 1323 11391 8120 4059 Total. Maj. '74 Rep. Dem. R. Maj. 32002 31122 33523 30149 30428 33497 D. 1863! VII 19496 R. 657|'VIII 19358 11688 15236 D. 63] IX. R. .38241 R. 52431 R. 2724' 19503 10583 7S0S 4122 8980 1G8289118356 49933 31184 34594 30146 Maj. '74. Total vote, 1874, 184,640 ; aggregate Republican majority, 24,524. *Including 5,4GG Greenback votes. R. 2300 R. 212T R. 5849 Practical Rules for Every Day Use. How to find the gain or loss per cent, when the cost and selling price are given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selhng price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price ; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. How to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sum of gold by the price of gold. How to change currency into gold. Divide the amount in currency by the price of gold. How to find each part7ier's share of the gain or loss in a copartnership business. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quo- tient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multiply each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. How to find gross and 7iet weight and price of hogs. A short and simple method for finding the net weight, or price of hogs, when the gross weight or price is given, and vice versa. Note. — It is generally assumed that the gross weight of Hogs diiuinisUed by 1-5 or 20 per cent, of itself gives the net weight, and the net weiglit increased by X or 25 per cent, of itself equals the gross weight. To find the net weight or gross price. Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the gross weight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multij)ly (by short method) the nnmber of cubic feet by 6308, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the correct nswer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. For 07ily an approximate ansiver, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point off one decimal place. Hoiv to find the conte^its of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or (284) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 285 by 4i ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the answer in bushels. Note.— In estimating corn In tlie ear, tlie quality and the time it has been cribbed must be taken into consideration, since corn will slirink considerably during the Winter and Spring. This rule generally holds good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided it is sound and clean. How to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (all m feet) and this product by 6681 (short method), and point off one decimal place — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31^ gallons. How to fitid the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length (all in inches) in REVERgjiD order, so that its units will fall under the TENS ; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430 ; point off one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. Hotv to measure boards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. Ho7V to measure scantlings, joists, planks j sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide the product by 12 — the result will be square feet." How to find the number of acres in a body"" of land. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width (in rods), and divide the product by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is a remainder) ; the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. How to find the number of square yards in a floor or ivalL Rule. — Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. How to find the number of bricks required. i7i a building. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22^. The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height nd thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick ; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. Hotv to find the number of shingles required in a roof. Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if tho shingles are exposed 4i inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches. To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the 'length of the rafters. 286 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth pitch, multiply the widtli of the building by .56 (hundredths) ; at one-third pitch, by .6 (tenths) ; at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths) ; at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be ta,ken into consideration. Note.— By X or J^ pitch is meant tliat tlie apex or comb of the roof is to be >^ or >^ the width of the building higrher than tlie walls or base of the rafters. Hoiv to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multijily the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure grain. Rule. — Level the grain ; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet ; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one jjlace to the left. Note.— Exactness requires the addition to every three hundred bushels of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2, to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of eai corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land without instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square yards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, an ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line ; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line straight ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote ; and, in walk- ing, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others hy adopting the following simple and ingenious con- trivance, may always carry ivith them the scale to construct a correct yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger o\ the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find how many rods in length ivill maize an acre., the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. ^ MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 287 Hoio to find the number of acres in any plot of land^ the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. Hotv to find the diameter, when the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. To find hoiv many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick- ness throughout will contain when squared. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, multiply by the length in feet, and divide the product by 144. Greneral rule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees with the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fifth of the circumference in inches, by twice the length, in feet, and divide by 144. Deduct 1-10 to 1-15 according to the thickness of the bark. Howard' s new rule for computing interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left ; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left ; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note.— The reciprocal of the rate is found by inverting the rate ; thus 3 per cent, per month, in- Terted, becomes K of a month, or 10 days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus : 3-1, three ones. Hulefor converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eighth section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres. 288 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The de- scription of a forty acre lot would read : The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1 in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be ; and sometimes will fall short and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. The nautical mile is 795 4-5 feet longer than the common mile. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4 rods " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 6G feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barley- corn ; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In Biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a length of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in leuirth. * The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a yard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking a nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 statute miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are said to be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to li yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACGOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic man- ner. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of ac- quiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 289 1875. A. H. JACKSON. Dr. Cr. Jan. 10 (( 17 Feb. 4 (I 4 March 8 u 8 u 13 u 27 April 9 u 9 May G (I 24 July 4 To 7 bushels Wheat at $1.25 By shoeing span of Horses To 14 bushels Oats .at $ .45 To 5 lbs. Butter. at .25 By new Harrow By sharpening 2 Plows. By new Double-Tree . _ To Cow and Calf. To half ton of Hay By Cash By repairing Corn-Planter To one Sow with Pigs By Cash, to balance account _ 48 G 75 30 50 05 18 2 25 4 35 $88 50' 00' 40 25 00 75 15 05 1875. CASSA MASON. Dr. Cr. March I 21 i( 21 >( 23 May 1 1 June 19 u 26 July 10 29 Aug. 12 12 Sept. 1 By 3 days' labor at $1.25 To 2 Shoats at 3.00 To 18 bushels Corn at .45 By 1 month's Labor To Cash " ' ] By 8 days' Mowing . at $1.50 To 50 lbs. Flour To 27 lbs. Meat at $ .10 By 9 days' Harvesting at 2.00 By G days' Labor . at 1.50 To Cash To Cash to balance account $3 $G 00 8 10 25 10 00 1^^ 2 75 2 70 18 9 20 00 IS 20 $G7 75 $67 75 00 00 00 00 75 INTEREST TABLE. A Simple Rulk for accurately Computing Interest at Any Given Pkii Cent i-or. a.ny Length op Time. Multiply the principal (amount of money at interest) Ijy the time reduced to days; then divide this product by the qitotioit obtained l)y dividing 360 (the numl)er of days in the interest year) by the per ce»it. of interest andt/ie quotient thus obtained will be the required interest. ' illustration. Solution. Require the interest of $462.50 for one montli and eighteen days at 6 per cent. An $46;3.50 interest month is 30 days; one montli and eishteen days equal 48 days. $463.50 multi- .48 plied by .48 Rives $2220000; 360 divided by 6 (the per cent, of interest) gives 60, and ?222.0000dividodby 60 will give you tlie exact interest, wbic'i is $3.70. Iftlic ra'oof 370000 interest in tlie above exampl'i were 12 per cent., we would divide tlie $222.0000 by 30 6)360 \ 185000 (because 300 divided liy 12 gives 30); if 4 per cent., wo would divide by 90; if 8 per ) cent., by 4.'i: and in like manner for any otber per cent. GO /$222. 0000(83 70 180 420 420 00 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units, or things, 1 Dozen. I 196 pounds, 1 Barrel of Flour. I 24 sheets of paper, 1 Quire. 12 dozen, 1 (Jross. 200 pounds, 1 liarrcl of Pork. 20 quires paper 1 Ream. 20 things, 1 Score. | 56 pounds, 1 Firkin of Butter. | 4 ft. wide, 4 f. high, and 8 ft. long, 1 Cord Wood. 290 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS. Virginia. — The oldest of the States, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoration of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana was called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River." Arkansas., from Kansas, the Indian word for "smoky water." Its prefix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called "Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. Georgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundary. Kentucky is the Indian name for " at the head of the river." Ohio means " beautiful ; " Iowa, " drowsy ones ; " Minnesota., " cloudy water," and Wisconsin, "wild-rushing channel." Illinois is derived from the Indian word illini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying " tribe of men." Michigan was called by the name given the lahe, fish-weir, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortes named California. Massachusetts is the Indian for " The country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying "Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of England. JVew York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after William -Penn, its orignal owner. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 291 Delaware after Lord De La Ware. New Jersey^ so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was Governor of the Island of Jersey, in the British Channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine in France, in compli- ment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Vermont^ from the French word Vert Mont, signifying Green Mountain. New Hampshire, from Hampshire county in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little State of Rhode Island owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. j Total States and Territories. Population. Alabama Arkansas ■California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts.... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina .. Ohio. ■Oregon Pennsylvania... Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia.. Wisconsin Total States.. Arizona Colorada Dakota District of Columbia. Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Wasnington Wyoming Total Territories.... Total United States. 996.992 484.471 560,247 537,454 125,015 187,748 1.184.109 2,539,891 1,680.637 1,191,792 364,399 1.321,011 726,915 626,915 780,894 1,457,351 1,184,059 439,706 827,932 1,721.295 122,993 42.491 318,300 906.096 4,382.759 1,071,361 2,665,260 90,923 3.,521,791 217,353 705,606 1,258,520 818,579 330,551 1,225,163 442,014 1,054,670 38,113,253 9,658 39,864 14,181 131.700 14,999 20,595 91,874 86,786 23,955 9,118 442,730 38,555,983 POPULATION OF FIFTY PRINCIPAL CITIES. Cities. New York. N. Y. . . . Philadelphia, Pa... Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Chicago, 111 Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio... New Orleans, La. . San Francisco, Cal. Buffalo, N. Y Washington, D. C. Newark, N. J Louisville, Ky Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburg, Pa Jersey City, N. J ... Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Albany, N. Y Providence, R. I... Rochester, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn. Charleston, S. C Indianapolis, Ind.. Troy, N. Y Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass... Lowell, Mass Memphis, Tenn Cambridge, Mass. . , Hartford, Conn ■Scranton, Pa Reading, Pa Paterson, N.J Kansas City, Mo... Mobile, Ala Toledo, Ohio Portland, Me Columbus, Ohio Wilmington, Del... Dayton, Ohio Lawrence, Mass Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Lynn, Mass Full River, Mass... Aggregate Population. 942, 674, 396, 310, 298, 267, 250. 216, 191, 149, 117, 109, 105 100 92, 86 82, 79, 71 69, 68. 62, 53 51 50 48 48 46, 43 41 40, 40, 39, 37, 35, 33, 33. 32. 32. 31 31 31 30 30 28 28 28, 28. 28 26. 292 022 099 864 977 354 526 239 418 473 714 199 059 753 829 076 546 577 440 422 904 386 180 038 840 956 244 465 051 105 928 226 634 180 092 930 579 260 ,034 ,584 ,413 274 841 473 921 804 323 235 233 766 292 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territoiiiks. states. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi Missouri. Nebraslca Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina. . Ohio Oregon Area in square Miles. 1870. 50,722 996, 53,198 484, 188 981 560, 4.674 537, 2,120 125: 59,268 187, 58,000 1,184, 55,410 2,5.39, 33,809 1,680, 55,045 1,191. 81,318 364 37,600 l,32i; 41, .346 736, 31,776 626 11,184 780; 7,800 1.457. 56,451 1,184, 83,531 439, 47,156 837, 6.5,350 1,721, 75,995 123, 112,090 42, 9,380 318, 8.320 906, 47,000 4,383, 50,704 1,071, 39,964 2,66,5, 95,244 90, Last Census of Michigan Population. 1875. Miles R. R. 1872. 1,3,50,544 528,349 857,039 992 471 247 454 015 748 109 891 637 792 3»9 Oil 915 915 894 351 059 706 922 295 993 491 300 096 759 361 260 933 taken in 1874, 1,651,912 1,334,031 598,439 246,280 52,540 1,036, .502 4,705,208 States and Territories. States. Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina... Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Total States Territories. Arizona Colorado Dakota Dist. of Columbia. Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Total Territories. Area in square Miles. 46, 1, 29, 45, 237, 10, 40, 23, 53, 1,950,171 113, 104 147, 90 143 131 80 69, 93 Population' 1870. 3,521,791 217,353 70.5,606 1,258,520 818,579 330,551 1,225,163 442.014 1,054,670 38,113,253 9,658 39,864 14,181 131,700 14,999 20,595 91,874 86,786 23,955 9,118 965,032 442,730 Miles R. R. 1875. 1872. 258,239 925,145 l,2::G,72f 5,113 136 1,201 1,520 865 675 1,490 485 1.725 59,587 375 '498 1.265 Aggregate of U. S.. 2,915,203 38,555.983 60.852 • Included in the Railroad Mileage of Maryland. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; l^OPULATION AND ArEA. Countries. China British Empire Russia United States with Alaska. . . France Austria and Hungary Japan Great Britain and Ireland... German Empire Italy Spain Brazil Turkey Mexico Sweden and Norway Persia Belgium Bavaria I'oriugal Holland New Grenada Chili... Switzerland Peru..; Bolivia. Argentine Republic Wurtemburg Denmark Venezuela Baden Greece Guatemala Ecuador Paraguay Hesse Liberia San Salvador Hayti Nicaragua Uruguay Honduras San Domingo Co.sta Rica Hawaii Population. 446, 226, 81, 38, 36, 35, 34, 31, 29, 27, 16, 10, 16, 9, 5, 5, 5, 4. 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 500,000 817,108 925,400 925,600 469,800 904,400 785,300 817,100 906,092 439,931 642,000 000,000 463,000 173.000 921,500 000,000 031,300 861,400 995,200 688,300 000,000 000,000 669,100 500,000 ,000,000 812,000 ,818,500 784.700 500,000 ,461,400 457.900 180,000 ,300,000 .000,000 823,138 718.000 600,000 572,000 350,000 300,000 3.50,000 136,000 165,000 62.9.50 Date of Census. 1871 1871 1871 1870 1866 1869 1871 1871 1871 1871 1867 1869 1870 1870 1869 1871 1868 1870 1870 1869 1870 1871 '1869 1871 1870 'isfi 1870 1871 1871 1871 'ik'ii 1871 1871 '1870 Inhabitants to Squai'e Mile. 119.3 48.6 10.2 7.78 178.7 149.4 232.8 263.3 187. 230.9 85. 3.07 24.4 20. 7.8 441.5 165.9 115.8 290.9 8.4 15.1 166.9 5.3 4. 2.1 241.4 120.9 4.2 247. 75.3 28.9 5.9 15.6 277. 74.9 81.8 56. 6. 6.5 7.4 7.6 7.7 80. Pekin London St. Petersburg. Washington Paris Vienna , Yeddo London , Berlin Rome Madrid Rio Janeiro Constantinople Mexico Stockholm Teheran , Brussels Munich Lisbon Hague Bogota Santiago Berne Lima Cliuquisaca Buenos Ayrcs.. Stuttgart Copenhagen Caraccas Carlsruhe Athens Guatemala Quito Asuncion Darmstadt Monrovia Sal Salvador ... Port au Prince Managua Monte Video... Comayagua ,San Domingo... San Jose Honolulu Population. 1,648,800 3,351,800 667,000 109,199 1.835,300 833,900 1,554,900 3,251,800 825,400 244,484 332.000 . 420,000 1,075,000 210.300 136,900 120,000 314,100 169,500 224,063 90,100 45,000 115,400 36,000 160,100 25,000 177.800 91,600 162,042 47,000 36,600 43,400 40,000 70,000 48,000 30,000 3,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 44,500 13,000 20,000 2.000 7,633 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. Upon negotiable bills, and notes payable in this State, grace shall be allowed according to the law merchant. All the above mentioned paper falling due on Sunday, New Year's Day, the Fourth of July, Christmas, or any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State, as a day of fast or thanksgiving, shall be deemed as due on the day pre- vious. No defense can be made against a negotiable instrument (assigned before due) in the hands of the assignee without notice, except fraud was used in obtaining the same. To hold an indorser, due diligence must be used by suit against the maker or his representative. Notes payable to person named or to order, in order to absolutely transfer title, must be indorsed by the payee. Notes payable to bearer may be transferred by delivery, and when so payable, every indorser thereon is held as a guarantor of payment, unless otherAvise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a month shall be considered a calendar month or twelfth of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be figured a thirtieth part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed; but after due, they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree, in writing, on a rate not exceeding ten per cent. If a rate of interest greater than ten per cent, is contracted for, it works a forfeiture of ten per cent, to the school fund, and only the principal sum can be recovered. DESCENT. The personal property of the deceased (except (1) that necessary for pay- ment of debts and expenses of administration ; (2) property set apart to widow, as exempt from execution ; (3) allowance by court, if necessary, of twelve months' support to widow, and to children under fifteen years of age), including life insurance, descends as does real estate. One-third in value (absolutely) of all estates in real property, possessed by husband at any time during marriage, wliich have not been sold on execution or other judicial sale, and to which the wife lias made no relinquishment of her right, shall be set apart as her property, in fee simple, if she survive him. (29.3) 294 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. The same share shall be set apart to the surviving husband of a deceased wife. The widow's share cannot be affected by any will of her husband's, unless she consents, in writing thereto, within six months after notice to her of pro- visions of the will. The provisions of the statutes of descent apply alike to surviving husband or surviving wife. Subject to the above^ the remaining estate of which the decedent died siezed, shall in absence of other arrangements by will, descend First. To his or her children and their descendants in equal parts ; the descendants of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal shares among them. Second. Where there is no child, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents of the deceased in equal parts ; the surviving parent, if either be dead, taking the whole ; and if there is no parent living, then to the brothers and sisters of the intestate and their descend- ants. Third. When there is a widow or surviving husband, and no child or chil- dren, or descendants of the same, then one-half of the estate shall descend to such widow or surviving husband, absolutely ; and the other half of the estate shall descend as in other cases where there is no widow or surviving husband, or child or children, or descendants of the same. Fourth. If there is no child, parent, brother or sister, or descendants of either of them, then to wife of intestate, or to her heirs, if dead, according to like rules. Fifth. If any intestate leaves no child, parent, brother or sister, or de- scendants of either of them, and no widow or surviving husband, and no child, parent, brother or sister (or descendant of either of them) of such widow or surviving husband, it shall escheat to the State. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. No exact form of words are necessary in order to make a will good at law. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years, and every female of the age of eighteen years, of sound mind and memory, can make a valid will ; it must be in writing, signed by the testator, or by some one in his or her presence, and by his or her express direction, and attested by two or more competent wit- nesses. Care should be taken that the witnesses are not interested in the will. Inventory to be made by executor or administrator within fifteen days from date of letters testamentary or of administration. Executors' and administra- tors' compensation on amount of personal estate distributed, and for proceeds of sale of real estate, five per cent, for first one thousand dollars, two and one-half per cent, on overplus up to five thousand dollars, and one per cent, on overplus above five thousand dollars, with such additional allowance as shall be reasona- ble for extra services. Withm ten days after the receipt of letters of administration, the executor or administrator shall give such notice of appointment as the court or clerk shall direct. Claims (other than preferred) must be filed within one year thereafter, are forever barred, unless the claim is pending in the District or Supreme Court, or unless pecidiar circumstances entitle the claimant to equitable relief. ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 295 Claims are classed and payable in the following order : 1. Expenses of administration. 2. Expenses of last sickness and funeral. 3. Allowance to widow and children, if made by the court. 4. Debts preferred under laws of the United States. 5. Public rates and taxes. 6. Claims filed within six months after the first publication of the notice given by the executors of their appointment. 7. All other debts. / 8. Legacies. The award, or property which must be set apart to the ividow, in her otvn right, by the executor, includes all personal property which, in the hands of tho deceased, as head of a fardily, would have been exempt from execution. TAXES. The owners of personal property, on the first day of January of each year, and the owners of real property on the first day of November of each year, are liable for the taxes thereon. The following property is exempt from taxation, viz. ; 1. The property of the United States and of this State, including univer- sity, agricultural, college and school lands and all property leased to the State ; property of a county, township, city, incorporated town or school district when devoted entirely to the public use and not held for pecuniary profit ; public grounds, including all places for the burial of the dead ; fire engines and all implements for extinguishing fires, with the grounds used exclusively for their buildings and for the meetings of the fire companies ; all public libraries, grounds and buildings of literary, scientific, benevolent, agricultural and reli- gious institutions, and societies devoted solely to the appropriate objects of these institutions, not exceeding 640 acres in extent, and not leased or otherwise used with a view of pecuniary profit ; and all property leased to agricultural, charit- able institutions and benevolent societies, and so devoted during the terra of such lease ; provided, that all deeds, by which such property is held, shall be duly filed for record before the property therein described shall be omitted from the assessment. 2. The books, papers and apparatus belonging to the above institutions; used solely for the purposes above contemplated, and the like property of stu- dents in any such institution, used for their education. 3. Money and credits belonging exclusively to such institutions and devoted solely to sustaining them, but not exceeding in amount or income the sum pre- scribed by their charter. 4. Animals not hereafter specified, the wool shorn from sheep, belonging to the person giving the list, his farm produce harvested within one year previous to the listing; private libraries not exceeding three hundred dollars in value; family pictures, kitchen furniture, beds and bedding requisite for each fiimily, all wearing apparel in actual use, and all food provided for the family ; but no person from whom a compensation for board or lodging is received or expected, is to be considered a member of the family within the intent of this clause. 5. The polls or estates or both of persons who, by reason of age or infirm- ity, may, in the opinion of the Assessor, be unable to contribute to the public 296 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. revenue ; such opinion and the fact upon which it is based being in all cases reported to the Board of Equalization bj the Assessor or any other person, and subject to reversal by them. 6. The farming utensils of any person who makes his livelihood by flirming, and the tools of any mechanic, not in either case to exceed three hundred dollars in value. 7. Government lands entered or located or lands purchased from this State, should not be taxed for the year in which the entry, location or purchase is made. There is also a suitable exemption, in amount, for planting fruit trees or forest trees or hedges. Where buildings are destroyed by fire, tornado or other unavoidable casu- alty, after being assessed for the year, the Board of Supervisors may rebate taxes for that year on the property destroyed, if same has not been sold for taxes, and if said taxes have not been delinquent for thirty days at the time of destruction of the property, and the rebate shall be allowed for such loss only as is not covered by insurance. All other property is subject to taxation. Every inhabitant of full age and sound mind shall assist the Assessor in listing all taxable property of which he is the owner, or which he controls or manages, either as agent, guardian, father, husband, trustee, executor, accounting officer, partner, mortgagor or lessor, mortgagee or lessee. Road beds of railway corporations shall not be assessed to owners of adja- cent property, but shall be considered the property of the companies for pur- poses of taxation ; nor shall real estate used as a public highway be assessed and taxed as part of adjacent lands whence the same was taken for such public purpose. The property of railway, telegraph and express companies shall be listed and assessed for taxation as the property of an individual would be listed and assessed for taxation. Collection of taxes made as in the case of an individual. The Township Board of Equalization shall meet first Monday in April of each year. Appeal lies to the Circuit Court. The County Board of Eqalization (the Board of Supervisors) meet at their regular session in June of each year. Appeal lies to the Circuit Court. Taxes become delinquent February 1st of each year, payable, without interest or penalty, at any time before March 1st of each year. Tax sale is held on first Monday in October of each year. Redemption may be made at any time within three years after date of sale, by paving to the County Auditor the amount of sale, and twenty per centum of such amount immediately added as penalty, with ten per cent, interest per annum on the whole amount thus made from the day of sale, and also all sub- sequent taxes, interest and costs paid by purchaser after March 1st of each year, and a similar penalty of twenty per centum added as before, with ten per cent, interest as before. If notice has been given, by purchaser, of the date at which the redemption is limited, the cost of same is added to the redemption money. Ninety days' notice is required, by the statute, to be published by the purchaser or holder of certificate, to terminate the right of redemption. ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS 297 JURISDICTION OF COURTS DISTRICT COURTS have jurisdiction, general and original, both civil and criminal, except in such cases where Circuit Courts have exclusive jurisdiction. District Courts have exclusive supervision over courts of Justices of the Peace and Magistrates, in criminal matters, on appeal and writs of error. CIRCUIT COURTS have jurisdiction, general and original, with the District Courts, in all civil actions and special proceedings, and exclusive jurisdiction in all appeals and writs of error from inferior courts, in civil matters. And exclusive jurisdiction in matters of estates and general probate business. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE have jurisdiction in civil matters where $100 or less is involved. By consent of parties, the jurisdiction may be extended to an amount not exceeding $300. They have jurisdiction to try and determine all public offense less than felony, committed within their respective counties, in which the fine, by law, does not exceed ^100 or the impriso7iment thirty days. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. Action for injuries to the person or reputation ; for a stutute penalty ; and to enforce a mechanics' lien, must be brought in two (2) years. Those against a public officer within three (3) years. Those founded on unwritten contracts; for injuries to property ; for relief on the ground of fraud ; and all other actions not otherwise provided for, within five (5) years. Those founded on written contracts; on judgments of any court (except those provided for in next section), and for the recovery of real property, within ten (10) years. Those founded on judgment of any court of record in the United States, within twenty (20) years. All above limits, except those for penalties and forfeitures, are extended in favor of minors and insane persons, until one year after the disability is removed — time during which defendant is a non-resident of the State shall not be iucluded in computing any of the above periods. Actions for the recovery of real property, sold for non-payment of taxes, iBust be brought within five years after the Treasurer's Deed is executed and recorded, except where a minor or convict or insane person is the owner, and they shall be allowed five years after disability is removed, in which to bring action. JURORS. All qualified electors of the State, of good moral character, sound judgment, and in full possession of the senses of hearing and seeing, are competent jurors in their respective counties. " United States officers, practicing attorneys, physicians and clergymen, acting professors or teachers in institutions of learning, and persons disabled by 298 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. bodily infirmity or over sixty-five years of age, are exempt from liability to act as jurors. Any person may be excused from serving on a jury when his own interests or the public's will be materially injured by his attendance, or when the state of his health or the death, or sickness of his family requires his absence. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT was restored by the Seventeenth General Assembly, making it optional with the jury to inflict it or not. A MARRIED WOMAN may convey or incumber real estate, or interest therein, belonging to her ; may control the same or contract with reference thereto, as other persons may con- vey, encumber, control or contract. She may own, acquire, hold, convey and devise property, as her husband may. Her husband is not liable for civil injuries committed by her. She may convey property to her husband, and he may convey to her. She may constitute her husband her attorney in fact. EXEMPTIONS FROM EXECUTION. A resident of the State and head of a family may hold the following prop- erty exempt from execution : All wearing apparel of himself and family kept for actual use and suitable to the condition, and the trunks or other receptacles nec- essary to contain the same ; one musket or rifle and shot-gun ; all private libraries, family Bibles, portraits, pictures, musical instruments, and paintings not kept for the purpose of sale ; a seat or pew occupied by the debtor or his family in any house of public worship ; an interest in a public or private burying ground not exceeding one acre; two cows and a calf; one horse, unless a horse is exempt as hereinafter provided ; fifty sheep and the wool therefrom, and the materials manufactured from said wool ; six stands of bees ; five hogs and all pigs under six months ; the necessary food for exempted animals for six months ; all flax raised from one acre of ground, and manufactures therefrom : one bed- stead and necessary bedding for every two in the family ; all cloth manufactured by the defendant not exceeding one hundred yards ; household and kitchen fur- niture not exceeding two hundred dollars in value ; all spinning wheels and looms ; one sewing machine and other instruments of domestic laber kept for actual use ; the necessary provisions and fuel for the use of the family for six months ; the proper tools, instruments, or books of the debtor, if a iarmer, mechanic, surveyor, clergyman, lawyer, physician, teacher or professor ; the horse or the team, consisting of not more than two horses or mules, or two yokes of cattle, and the wagon or other vehicle, with the proper harness or tackle, by the use of which the debtor, if a physician, public officer, farmer, teamster or other laborer, habitually earns his living ; and to the debtor, if a pi'inttr, there shall also be exempt a printing press and the types, furniture and material nec- essary for the use of such printing press, and a newspaper office to the value of twelve hundred dollars ; the earnings of such debtor, or those of his family, at any time within ninety days next preceding the levy. Persons unmarried and not the head of a family, and non-residents, have exempt their own ordinary wearing apparel and trunks to contain the same. ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 299 There is also exempt, to a head of a family, a homestead, not exceeding forty acres ; or, if inside city limits, one-half acre with improvements, value not limited. The homestead is liable for all debts contracted prior to its acquisition as such, and is subject to mechanics' liens for work or material furnished for the same. An article, otherwise exempt, is liable, on execution, for the purchase money thereof. Where a debtor, if a head of a family, has started to leave the State, he shall have exempt only the ordinary wearing apparel of himself and family, and other property in addition, as he may select, in all not exceeding seventy-five dollars in value. A policy of life insurance shall inure to the separate use of the husband or wife and children, entirely independent of his or her creditors. ESTRAYS. An unbroken animal shall not be taken up as an estray between May 1st and November 1st, of each year, unless the same be found within the lawful enclosure of a householder, who alone can take up such animal, unless some other person gives him notice of the fact of such animal coming on his place ; and if he fails, within five days thereafter, to take up such estray, any other householder of the township may take up such estray and proceed with it as if taken on his own premises, provided he shall prove to the Justice of the Peace such notice, and shall make affidavit where such estray was taken up. Any swine, sheep, goat, horse, neat cattle or other animal distrained (for damage done to one's enclosure), when the owner is not known, shall be treated as an estray. Within five days after taking up an estray, notice, containing a full descrip- tion thereof, shall be posted up in three of the most public places in the town- ship ; and in ten days, the person taking up such estray shall go before a Justice of the Peace in the township and make oath as to where such estray was taken up, and that the marks or brands have not been altered, to his knowledge. 'J he estray shall then be appraised, by order of the Justice, and the appraisement, description of the size, age, color, sex, marks and brands of the estray shall be entered by the Justice in a book kept for that purpose, and he shall, within ten days thereafter, send a certified copy thereof to the County Auditor. When the appraised value of an estray does not exceed five dollars, the Justice need not proceed further than to enter the description of the estray on his book, and if no owner appears within six months, the property shall vest in the finder, if he has complied with the law and paid all costs. Where appraised value of estray exceeds five and is less than ten dollars, if no owner appears in nine months, the finder has the property, if he has com- plied with the law and paid costs. An estray, legally taken up, may be used or worked with care and moderation. If any person unlawfully take up an estray, or take up an estray and fail to comply witli the law regarding estrays, or use or work it contrary to above, or work it before liatving it appraised, or keep such estray out of the county more than five days at one time, before acquiring ownership, such offender shall foifeit to the county twenty dollars, and the owner may recover double damages with costs. If the owner of any estray fail to claim and prove his title for one year after the taking wp, and the finder shall have complied with the law, a comolete title Tests in the finder. 300 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. But if the owner appear within eighteen months from the taking up, prove his ownership and pay all costs and expenses, the finder shall pay him the appraised value of such estray, or may, at his option, deliver up the estray. WOLF SCALPS. A bounty of one dollar is paid for wolf scalps. MARKS AND BRANDS. Any person may adopt his own mark or brand for his domestic animals, and have a description thereof recorded by the Township Clerk. No person shall adopt the recorded mark or brand of any other person residing in his township. DAMAGES FROM TRESPASS. When any person's lands are enclosed by a lawful fence, the owner of any domestic animal injuring said lands is liable for the damages, and the damages may be recovered by suit against the owner, or may be made by distraining the animals doing the damage ; and if the party injured elects to recover by action ao-ainst the owner, no appraisement need be made by the Trustees, as in case of distraint. When trespassing animals are distrained within twenty-four hours, Sunday not included, the party injured shall notify the owner of said animals, if known ; and if the owner fails to satisfy the party within twenty-four hours thereafter, the party shall have the township Trustees assess the damage, and notice shall be posted up in three conspicuous places in the township, that the stock, or part thereof, shall, on the tenth day after posting the notice^ between the hours of 1 and 3 P. M., be sold to the highest bidder, to satisfy said damages, with costs. Appeal lies, within twenty days, from the action of the Trustees to the Cir- cuit Court. Where stock is restrained, by police regulation or by law, from running at large, any person injured in his improved or cultivated lands by any domestic animal, may, by action against the owner of such animal, or by distraining such animal, recover his damages, whether the lands whereon the injury was done were inclosed by a lawful fence or not. FENCES. A lawful fence is fifty-four inches high, made of rails, wire or boards, with posts not more than ten feet apart where rails are used, and eight feet where boards are used, substantially built and kept in good repair ; or any other fence which, in the opinion of the Fence Viewers, shall be declared a lawful fence — provided the lower rail, wire or board be not more that twenty nor less than six- teen inches from the ground. The respective owners of lands enclosed with fences shall maintain partition fences between their own and next adjoining enclosure so long as they improve them in equal shares, unless otherwise agreed between them. If any party neglect to maintain such partition fence as he should maintain, the Fence Viewers (the township Trustees), upon complaint of aggrieved party, may, upon due notice to both parties, examine the fence, and, if found insuf- ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 301 ficient, notify the delinquent party, in writing, to repair or re-build the same within such time as they judge reasonable. If the fence be not repaired or rebuilt accordingly, the complainant may do so, and the same being adjudged sufficient by the Fence Viewers, and the value thereof, with their fees, being ascertained and certified under their hands, the complainant may demand of the delinquent the sum so ascertained, and if the same be not paid in one month after demand, may recover it with one per cent a month interest, by action. In case of disputes, the Fence Viewers may decide as to who shall erect or maintain partition fences, and in what time the same shall be done ; and in case any party neglect to maintain or erect such part as may be assigned to him, the aggrieved party may erect and maintain the same, and recover double damages. No person, not wishing his land inclosed, and not using it otherwise than in common, shall be compelled to maintain any partition fence ; but when he uses or incloses his land otherwise than in common, he shall contribute to the parti- tion fences. Where parties have had their lands inclosed in common, and one of the owners desires to occupy his separate and apart from the other, and the other refuses to divide the line or build a sufficient fence on the line when divided, the Fence Viewers may divide and assign, and upon neglect of the other to build as ordered by the Viewers, the one may build the other's part and recover as above. And when one incloses land which has lain uninclosed, he must pay for one-half of each partition fence between himself and his neighbors. Where one desires to lay not less than twenty feet of his lands, adjoining his neighbor, out to the public to be used in common, he must give his neighbor SIX months' notice thereof. Where a fence has been built on the land of another through mistake, the owner may enter upon such premises and remove his fence and material withn six months after the division line has been ascertained. Where the material to build such a fence has been taken from the land on which it was built, then, before it can be removed, the person claiming must first pay for such material to the owner of the land from which it was taken, nor shall such a fence be removed at a time when the removal will throw open or expose the crops of the other party ; a reasonable time must be given beyond the six months to remove crops. MECHANICS' LIENS. Every mechanic, or other person w^ho shall do any labor upon, or furnish any materials, machinery or fixtures for any building, erection or other improve- ment upon land, including those engaged in the construction or repair of anv work of internal improvement, by virtue of any contract with the owner, his agent, trustee, contractor, or sub-contractor, shall have a lien, on complyinir with the forms of law, upon the building or other improvement for his labor done or materials furnished. It would take too large a space to detail the manner in which a sub- contractor secures his lien. He should file, within thirty days after the last of the labor was performed, or the last of the material shall have been furnished, with the Clerk of the District Court a true account of the amount due him, after allowing all credits, setting forth the time when such material was furnished or labor performed, and when completed, and containing a correct description of 302 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. the property sought to be charged with the lien, and the whole verified by affidavit. A principal contractor must file such an affidavit within ninety days, as above. Ordinarily, there are so many points to be examined in order to secure a mechanics' lien, that it is much better, unless one is accustomed to managing such liens, to consult at once with an attorney. Remember that the proper time to file the claim is ninety days for a princi- pal contractor, thirty days for a sub-contractor, as above; and that actions to enforce these liens must be commenced within two years, and the rest can much better be done with an attorney. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Persons meeting each other on the public highways, shall give one half of the same by turning to tlie right. All persons failing to observe this rule shall be liable to pay all damages resulting therefrom, together with a fine, not exceed- ing five dollars. The prosecution must be instituted on the complaint of the person Avronged. Any person guilty of racing horses, or driving upon the public highway, in a manner likely to endanger the persons or the lives of others, shall, on convic- tion, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. It is a misdemeanor, without authority from the proper Road Supervisor, to break upon, plow or dig within the boundary lines of any public highway. The money tax levied upon the property in each road district in each town- ship (except the general Township Fund, set apart for purchasing tools, machin- ery and guide boards), whether collected by the Road Supervisor or County Treasurer, shall be expended for highway purposes in that district, and no part thereof shall be paid out or expended for the benefit of another district. The Road Supervisor of each district, is bound to keep the roads and bridges therein, in as good condition as the funds at his disposal will permit ; to put guide boards at cross roads and forks of highways in his district ; and when noti- fied in writing that any portion of the public highway, or any bridge is unsafe, nmst in a reasonable time repair the same, and for this purpose may call out any or all the able bodied men in the district, but not more than two days at one time, without their consent. Also, when notified in writing, of the growth of any Canada thistles upon vacant or non-resident lands or lots, within his district, the owner, lessee or agent thereof being unknown, shall cause the same to be destroyed. Bridges when erected or maintained by the public, are parts of the highway, and must not be less than sixteen feet wide. A penalty is imposed upon any one who rides or drives faster than a walk across any such bridge. The manner of establishing, vacating or altering roads, etc., is so well known to all township officers, that it is sufficient here to say that the first step is by petition, filed in the Auditor's office, addressed in substance as follows : The Board of Supervisors of County : The undersigned asks that a highway, commencing at and running thence and terminating at , be established, vacated or altered (as the case may be.) When the petition is filed, sll necessary and succeeding steps will be shown and explained to the petitioners by the Auditor. ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 303 ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Any person competent to make a will can adopt as his own the minor child of another. The consent of both parents, if living and not .divorced or separ- ated, and if divorced or separated, or if unmarried, the consent of the parent lawfully having the custody of the child ; or if either parent is dead, then the consent of the survivor, or if both parents be dead, or the child have been and remain abandoned by them, then the consent of the Mayor of the city where the child is living, or if not in the city, then of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county shall be given to such adoption by an instrument in writing, signed by party or parties consenting, and stating the names of the parties, if known, the name of the child, if known, the name of the person adopting such child, and the residence of all, if known, and declaring the name by which the child is thereafter to be called and known, and stating, also, that such child is given to the person adopting, for the purpose of adoption as his own child. The person adopting shall also sign said instrument, and all the parties shall acknowledge the same in the manner that deeds conveying lands shall be acknowledged. The instrument shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. There is in every county elected a Surveyor known as County Surveyor, who has power to appoint deputies, for whose official acts he is responsible. It is the duty of the County Surveyor, either by himself or his Duputy, to make all surveys that he may be called upon to make within his county as soon as may be after application is made. The necessary chainmen and other assist- ance must be employed by the person requiring the same to be done, and to be by him paid, unless otherwise agreed ; but the chainmen must be disinterested persons and approved by the Surveyor and sworn by him to measure justly and impartially. Previous to any survey, -he shall furnish himself with a copy of the field notes of the original survey of the same land, if there be any in the office of the County Auditor, and his survey shall be made in accordance there- with. Their fees are three dollars per day. For certified copies of field notes, twenty-five cents. SUPPORT OF POOR. The father, mother and children of any poor person who has applied for aid^ and who is unable to maintain himself by work, shall, jointly or severally, maintain such poor person in such manner as may be approved by the Town- ship Trustees. In the absence or inability of nearer relatives, the same liability shall extend to the grandparents, if of ability without personal labor, and to the male grand- children who are of ability, by personal labor or otherwise. The Township Trustees may, upon the failure of such relatives to maintain a poor person, who has made application for relief, apply to the Circuit Court for an order to compel the same. Upon ten days' notice, in writing, to the parties sought to be charged, a hearing may be had, and an order made for entire or partial support of the poor person. 304 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. Appeal may be taken from such judgment as from other judgments of the Circuit Court. When any person, having any estate, abandons either children, wife or hus- band, leaving them chargeable, or likely to become chargeable, upon the public for support, upon proof of above fact, an order may be had from the Clerk of the Circuit Court, or Judge, authorizing tlie Trustees or the Sheriff to take into possession such estate. The Court may direct such personal estate to be sold, to be applied, as well as the rents and profits of the real estate, if any, to the support of children, wife or husband. If the party against whom the order is issued return and support the per- son abandoned, or give security for the same, the order shall be discharged, and the property taken returned. The mode of relief for the poor, through the action of the Township Trustees, or the action of the Board of Supervisors, is so well known to every townsliip officer, and the circumstances attending applications for relief are so varied, that it need now only be said that it is the duty of each county to pro- vide for its poor, no matter at what place they may be. LANDLORD AND TENANT. A tenant giving notice to quit demised premises at a time named, and after- ward holding over, and a tenant or his assignee willfully holding over the prem- ises after the term, and after notice to quit, shall pay double rent. Any person in possession of real property, with the assent of the owner, is presumed to be a tenant at will until the contrary is shown. Thirty days' notice, in writing, is necessary to be given by either party before he can terminate a tenancy at will; but when, in any case, a rent is. reserved payable at intervals of less than thirty days, the length of notice need not be greater than such interval between the days of payment. In case of tenants occupying and cultivating farms, the notice must fix the termination of the tenancy to take place on the 1st day of March, except in cases of field tenants or croppers, whose leases shall be held to expire when the crop is har- vested ; provided, that in case of a crop of corn, it shall not be later than the 1st day of December, unless otherwise agreed upon. But when an express agreement is made, whether the same has been reduced to writing or not, the tenancy shall cease at the time agreed upon, without notice. But where an express agreement is made, whether reduced to writing or not, the tenancy shall cease at the time agreed upon, without notice. If such tenant cannot be found in the county, the notices above required may be given to any sub-tenant or other person in possession of the premises ; or, if the premises be vacant, by affixing the notice to the principal door of the building or in some conspicuous position on the land, if there be no building. The landlord shall have a lien for his rent upon all the crops grown on the premises, and upon any other personal property of the tenant used on the premises during the term, and not exempt from execution, for the period of one year after a year's rent or the rent of a shorter period claimed falls due ; but such lien sluill not continue more than six months after the expiration of the term. The lien may be effected by the commencement of an action, within the period above prescribed, for the rent alone ; and tiie landlord is entitled to a writ ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 305 of attachment, upon filing an affidavit that the action is commenced to rcover rent accrued within one year previous thereto upon the premises described in the affidavit. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel shall be as follows, to-wit: Apples, Peaches or Quinces, 48 Cherries, Grapes, Currants or Gooseberries, 40 Strawberries, Raspberries or Blackberries, 32 Osage Orange Seed 32 Millet Seed 45 Stone Coal • 80 Lime 80 Corn in the ear 70 Wheat 60 Potatoes 60 Beans 60 Clover Seed 60 Onions 57 Shelled Corn 56 Rye. 56 Flax Seed 56 Sweet Potatoes 46 Sand 130 Sorghum Seed 30 Broom Corn Seed 30 Buckwheat 62 Salt 50 Barley 48 Corn Meal 48 Castor Beans 46 Timothy Seed 45 Hemp Seed 44 Dried Peaches 38 Oats 33 Dried Apples 24 Bran 20 Blue Grass Seed 14 Hungarian Grass Seed 45 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is treble damages and costs and five dollars addition thereto as a fine. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. <£ mesbus pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to; ft) for pounds, and bbl. for barrels ; "^ for per or by the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@30c f ft), and Flour at |8(«^:|12 f bbl. % for per cent., and Jf for number. May 1. Wheat sells at $1.20@|1. 25, " seller June." Seller June meoxi^ that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is fof the interest of the person selling "short" to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the "shorts" are termed "bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise in prices. The "longs" are termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to "operate" so as to "toss" the prices upward as much as possible. 306 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. NOTES. Form of note is legal, worded in the simplest way, so that the amount and %Hie of payment are mentioned : ^100. Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1876. Sixty days from date I promise to pay to E. F. Brown or order, one hun- dred dollars, for value received. L. D. Lowry. A note to be payable in anything else than money needs only the facts sub- stituted for money in the above form. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus : Mr. F. H. Coats : Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. SiLVA. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for, thus: Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Received of J. W. Davis, one hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Fort Madison, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full, it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Salem, Illinois, Sept. 18, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat, at $1.50 |6 00 2 Seamless Sacks " 30 60 Received payment, $6 60 A. A. Graham. CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT. I . , Iowa, , 18 — . after date — promises to pay to the order of , dollars, at , for value received, with interest at ten per cent, per annum after until paid. Interest payable , and on interest not paid Avhen due, intei-est at same rate and conditions. A failure to pay said interest, or any part thereof, within 20 days after due, shall cause the whole note to become due and collectable at once. If this note is sued, or judgment is confessed hereon, $ shall be allowed as attorney fees. No. — . P. 0. , . confession of judgment. — vs. — . In Court of County, Iowa, , of County, Iowa, do hereby confess that justly indebted to , in the ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 307 sum of -— dollars, and the further sum of $ as attorney fees, with interest thereon at ten per cent, from , and — hereby confess judgment against as defendant in favor of said , for said sum of $ , and f as attorney fees, hereby authorizing the Clerk of the Court of said county to enter up judgment for said sum against with costs, and interest at 10 per cent, from , the interest to be paid . Said debt and judgment being for . It is especially agreed, however, That if this judgment is paid within twenty •days after due, no attorney fees need be paid. And hereby sell, convey and release all right of homestead we now occupy in favor of said so far as this judgment is concerned, and agree that it shall be liable on execution for this judgment. Dated , 18—. . The State of Iowa, \ County. J being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that the forego- ing statement and Confession of Judgment was read over to , and that — understood the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true, and that the sums therein mentioned are justly to become due said as aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me and in ray presence by the said this day of , 18 — . , Notary Public. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunderstandings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, made the Second day of June, 1878, between John Jones, of Keokuk, County of Lee, State of Iowa, of the first part, and Thomas Whiteside, of the same place, of the second part — WITNESSETH, that the said John Jones, in consideration of the agreement of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver in good and market- able condition, at the Village of Melrose, Iowa, during the month of November, of this year. One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in the following lots, and at the following specified times ; namely, twenty-five tons by the seventh of Nov- -ember, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty-first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whiteside, in consideration of the prompt fulfillment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. 308 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other, One Hun- dred dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above written. John Jones, Thomas Whiteside. AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This Agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, between Reuben Stone, of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of McGregor, County of Clayton, State of Iowa, party of the second part — WITNESSETH, that said George Barclay agrees faithfully and diligently to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation ; during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Dubuque, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Barclay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dol- lars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business by said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands. Reuben Stone. George Barclay. BILLS OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party, for a consideration to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The purchaser must take actual possession of the property/, or the bill of sale must be ackjiowledged and recorded. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, Louis Clay, of Burlington, Iowa, of the first part, for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Ten Dollars, to me paid by John Floyd, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Floyd, party of the second part, his executors, administra- tors and assigns, my undivided half of ten acres of corn, now growing on the arm of Thomas Tyrell, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of horses, sixteen sheep, and five cows, belonging to me and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors and assigns forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to Avarrant and defend the sale of the afore-mentioned property and chattels unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In Avitness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Louis Clay. ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 309 NOTICE TO QUIT. To John Wontpay : You are hereby notified to quit the possession of the premises you now occupy to wit : [^Insert Description.^ on or before thirty days from the date of this notice. Dated January 1, 1^78. Landlord. l_Ileverse for Notice to Landlord.^ GENERAL FORM OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Charles Mansfield, of the Town of Bellevue, County of Jackson, State of Iowa, being aware of the uncertainty of life, and in failing health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and tes- tament, in manner following, to-wit : First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my eldest son, Sidney H. Mans- field, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, of bank stock, now in the Third National Bank, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the farm owned by myself, in the Township of Iowa, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, with all the houses, tenements and improvements thereunto belonging; to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assigns, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my two daughters, Anna Louise Mansfield and Ida Clara Mansfield, each Two Thousand Dollars in bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio ; and also, each one quarter section of land, owned by myself, situated in theTownship of Fairfield, and recorded in my name in the Recorder's office, in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half section is devised to my eldest daughter, Anna Louise. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Frank Alfred Mansfield, five shares of railroad stock in the Baltimore k Ohio Railroad, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land, and saw-mill thereon, situated in Manistee, Michigan, with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name, in the county where situated. Fourth. I give to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, all my household furniture, goods, chattels and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Eight Thousand Dollars of bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, fifteen shares in the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, possession and benefit of the home farm so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law — said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to my invalid father, Elijah H. Mansfield, the income from rents of my store building at 145 Jackson street, Chicago, Illinois, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land therewith to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal proportion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, or at any time Avhen she may arrange to relinquish her 810 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. life interest in the above mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as the executors of this, my last will and testament, my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, and my eldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shall be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Bellevue, the residue of such moneys to revert to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, for her use for- ever. In witness whereof, I, Charles Mansfield, to this my last will and testament, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Charles Mansfield. Signed, and declared by Charles Mansfield, as and for his last will and tes- ment, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Peter A. Schenck, Dubuque, Iowa, Frank E. Dent, Bellevue, Iowa. CODICIL. Whereas I, Charles Mansfield, did, on the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, make my last will and testament, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Anna Louise, has deceased, November fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three ; and whereas, a son has been born to me, which son is now christened Richard Albert Mans- field, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Anna Louise, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Charles Mansfield. Signed, sealed, published and declared to us by the testator, Charles Mans- field, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his last will and testament. And we, at his re(iuest, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witne&ses thereto, at the date hereof. Frank E. Dent, Bellevue, Iowa, John C. Shay, Bellevue, Iowa. {Form IVo. 1.) SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE. ss. State of Iowa, ' County, I, , of the County of , State of Iowa, do hereby acknowledge that a certain Indenture of , bearing date the — day of , A. D. 18 — , made and executed by and , his wife, to said on the following described Real Estate, in the County of , and State of Iowa, to-wit : (here insert description) and filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of , and State of Iowa, on the day of— , ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 311 A. D. 18 — , at o'clock . M. ; and recorded in Book of Mortgage Records, on page , is redeemed, paid off, satisfied and discharged in full. . [seal.] State op Iowa, \ County, j Be it Remembered, That on this day of , A. D. 18 — , before me the undersigned, a in and for said county, personally appeared , to me personally known to be the identical person who executed the above (satisfaction of mortgage) as grantor, and acknowledged signature thereto to be voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and seal, the day and year last above written. • ONE FORM OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. Know all Men by these Presents : That , of County, and State of , in consideration of dollars, in hand paid by of County, and State of , do hereby sell and convey unto the said the following described premises, situated in the County , and State of , to wit : (here insert description,) and do hereby covenant with the said that lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free from incumbrance, that have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same ; and do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. To be void upon condition that the said shall pay the full amount of principal and interest at the time therein specified, of certain promissory note for the sum of dollars. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. One note for ^ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. And the said Mortgagor agrees to pay all taxes that may be levied upon the above described premises. It is also agreed by the Mortgagor that if it becomes necessary to foreclose this mortgage, a reasonable amount shall be allowed as an attorney's £ee for foreclosing. And the said hereby relinquishes all her right of dower and homestead in and to the above described premises. Signed to day of , A. D. 18 — . [Acknowledge as in Form No. 1.] SECOND FORM OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. This Indenture, made and executed by and between of the county of and State of , part of the first part, and of the county of and State of V^^'^J ^^ ^^^^ second part, Witnesseth, that the said part of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted and sold, and do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the said })arty of the second part, heirs and 312 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. assigns forever, the certain tract or parcel of real estate situated in the county of and State of , described as follows, to-wit : [Here insert description.) The said part of the first part represent to and covenant with the part of the second part, that he have good right to sell and convey said premises, that they are free from encumbrance and that he will warrant and defend them against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, and do expressly hereby release all rights of dower in and to said premises, and relinquish and convey all rights of homestead therein. This Instrument is made, executed and delivered upon the following con- ditions, to-wit : First. Said first part agree to pay said or order Second. Said first part further agree as is stipulated in said note, that if he shall fail to pay any of said interest when due, it shall bear interest at the rate often per cent, per annum, from the time the same becomes due, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. Third. Said first part further agree that he will pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate before the same become delinquent, and if not paid the holder of this mortgage may declare the whole sum of money herein secured due and collectable at once, or he may elect to pay such taxes or assessments, and be entitled to interest on the same at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the amount so paid. Foui'th. Said first part further agree that if he fail to pay any of said money, either principal or interest, within days after the same becomes due ; or fail to conform or comply with any of the foregoing conditions or agree- ments, the whole sum herein secured shall become due and payable at once, and this mortgage may thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest and costs. Fifth. Said part further agree that in the event of the non-payment of either principal, interest or taxes when due, and upon the filing of a bill of foreclosure of this mortgage, an attorney's fee of dollars shall become due and pay- able, and shall be by the court taxed, and this mortgage shall stand as security therefor, and the same shall be included in the decree of foreclosure and shall be made by the Sheriff on general or special execution with the other money, interest and costs, and the contract embodied in this mortgage and the note described herein, shall in all respects be governed, constructed and adjudged by the laws of , where the same is made. The foregoing conditions being performed, this conveyance to be void, otherwise of full force and virtue. [Acknowledge as in form No. 1.] FORM OF LEASE. This Article of Agreement, Made and entered into on this day of A. D. 187-, by and between , of the county of , and State of Iowa, of the first part, and , of the county of and State of Iowa, of the second part, Avitnesseth that the said party of the first ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 313 part has this day leased unto the party of the second part the following described premises, to wit : [//(Sre insert description.'] for the term of from and after the — day of , A. D. 187-, a:^ the rent of dollars, to be paid as follows, to wit : [^Here insert Terms.] And it is further agreed that if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or if default be made in any of the covenants herein contained, it shall then be law- ful for the said party of the first part to re-enter the said premises, or to destrain for such rent; or he may recover possession thereof, by action of forcible entry and detainer, notwithstanding the provision of Section 3,612 of the Code of 1873 ; or he may use any or all of said remedies. And the said party of the second part agrees to pay to the party of the first part the rent as above stated, except when said premises are untenantable by reason of fire, or from any other cause than the carelessness of the party of the second part, or persons family, or in employ, or by superior force and inevitable necessity. And the said party of the second part covenants that will use the said premises as a , and for no other purposes whatever ; and that especially will not use said premises, or permit the same to be used, for any unlawful business or purpose whatever ; that will not sell, assign, underlet or relinquish said premises without the written consent of the lessor, under penalty of a forfeiture of all rights under this lease, at the flection of the party of the first part ; and that will use all due care and diligence in guarding said property, with the buildings, gates, fences, trees, vines, shrubbery, etc., from damage by fire, and the depredations of animals ; that will keep buildings, gates, fences, etc., in as good repair as they now are, or may at any time be placed by the lessor, damages by superior force, inevitable necessity, or fire from any other cause than from the carelessness of the lessee, or persons of family, or in employ, excepted ; and that at the expiration of this lease, or upon a breach by said lessee of any of the said covenants herein contained, will, without further notice of any kind, quit and surrender the possession and occupancy of said premises in as good condi- tion as reasonable use, natural wear and decay thereof will permit, damages by fire as aforesaid, superior force, or inevitable necessity, only excepted. In witness whereof, the said parties have subscribed their names on the date first above written. In presence of FORM OF NOTE. $ , 18—. On or before the — day of , 18 — , for value received, I promise to pay or order, dollars, with interest from date until paid, at ten per cent, per annum, payable annually, at . Unpaid interest shall bear interest at ten per cent, per annum. On failure to pay interest within days after due, the whole sum, principal and interest, shall become due at once. 314 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Know all Men by these Presents : That of County, and State of in consideration of dollars, in hand paid by , of County and State of do hereby sell and convey unto the said the following described personal property, now in the possession of in the county and State of , to Avit : \_Here insert Description. '[ And do hereby warrant the title of said property, and that it is free from any incumbrance or lien. The only right or interest retained by grantor in and to said property being the right of redemption as herein provided. This conveyance to be void upon condition that the said grantor shall pay to said grantee, or his assigns, the full amount of principal and interest at the time therein specified, of certain promissory notes of even date herewith, for the sum of dollars, One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. One note for $ ^ due , 18 — , with interest annually at per cent. The grantor to pay all taxes on said property, and if at any time any part or portion of said notes should be due and unpaid, said grantee may proceed by sale or foreclosure to collect and pay himself the unpaid balance of said notes, whether due or not, the grantor to pay all necessary expense of such foreclosure, including f Attorney's fees, and whatever remains after paying off said notes and expenses, to be paid over to said grantor. Signed the day of , 18 — . . [Acknowledged as in form No. 1.] . WARRANTY DEED. Know all Men by these Presents : That of County and State of , in consideration of the sum of Dollars, in hand paid by of , County and State of , do hereby sell and convey unto the said and to heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the County of , State of Iowa, to-wit : \^nere insert descrip(ion.'\ And I do hereby covenant with the said that — lawfully seized in fee simple, of said premises, that they are free from incumbrance ; that — ha good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and — do hereby covenant to war- rant and defend the said premises and appurtenances thereto belonging, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever ; and the said hereby re- linquishes all her right of dower and of homestead in and to the above described premises. Signed the day of , A. D. 18 — . IN presence of [Acknowledged as in Form No. 1.] ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 315 QUIT-CLAIM DEED. Know^ all Men by these Presents : That , of County, State of , in consideration of the sum of dollars, to — in hand paid by , of County, State of , the receipt whereof — do hereby acknowledge,have bargained, sold and quit-claimed, and by these presents do bai-gain, sell and quit-claim unto the said and to — heirs and assigns forever, all — right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand, both at law and in equity, and as well in possession as in expectancy, of, in and to the following described premises, to wit : [here insert description] with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging. Signed this day of , A. D. 18 — . Signed in Presence of [Acknowledged as in form No. 1.] BOND FOR DEED. Know all Men by these Presents: That of County, and State of am held and firmly bound unto of County, and State of , in the sum of Dollars, to be paid to the said , his executors or assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made, I bind myself firmly by these presents. Signed the day of A. D. 18 — . The condition of this obligation is such, that if the said obligee shall pay to said obligor, or his assigns, the full amount of principal and interest at the time therein specified, of — certain promissory note of even date herewith, for the sum of Dollars, One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at — per cent. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at — per cent. One note for $ , due , 18 — , with interest annually at — per cent. and pay all taxes accruing upon the lands herein described, then said oblio-or shall convey to the said obligee, or his assigns, that certain tract or parcel of real estate, situated in the County of and State of Iowa, described as fol- lows, to wit: [here insert description,] by a Warranty Deed, with the usual covenants, duly executed and acknowledged. If said obligee should fail to make the payments as above stipulated, or any part thereof, as the same becomes due, said obligor may at his option, by notice to the obligee terminate his liability under the bond and resume the posses- sion and absolute control of said premises, time being the essence of this agreement. On the fulfillment of the above conditions this obligation .to become void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue"; unless terminated by the obligor as above stipulated. [Acknowledge as in form No. 1.] 316 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. CHARITABLE, SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. Any three or more persons of full age, citizens of the United States, a majority of -whom shall be citizens of this State, who desire to associate themselves for benevolent, charitable, scientific, religious or missionary pur- poses, may make, sign and acknowledge, before any officer authorized to take the acknowledgments of deeds in this State, and have recorded in the office of the Recorder of the county in which the business of such society is to be con- ducted, a certificate in writing, in wdiich shall be stated the name or title by which such society shall be known, the particular business and objects of such society, the number of Trustees, Directors or Managers to conduct the same, and the names of the Trustees, Directors or Managers of such society for the first year of its existence. Upon filing for record the certificate, as aforesaid, the persons who shall have signed and acknowledged such certificate, and their associates and success- ors, shall, by virtue hereof, be a body politic and corporate by the name stated in such certificate, and by that they and their successors shall and may have succession, and shall be persons capable of suing and being sued, and may have and use a common seal, which they may alter or change at pleasure ; and they and their successors, by their corporate name, shall be capable of taking, receiving, purchasing and holding real and personal estate, and of making by- laws for the management of its affiiirs, not inconsistent with law. The society so incorporated may, annually or oftener, elect from its members its Trustees, Directors or Managers at such time and place, and in such manner as may be specified in its by-laws, who shall have the control and management of the affairs and funds of the society, a majority of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, and whenever any vacancy shall happen among such Trustees, Directors or Managers, by death, resignation or neglect to serve, such vacancy shall be filled in such manner as shall be provided by the by-laws of such society. When the body corporate consists of the Trustees, Directors or Managers of any benevolent, charitable, literary, scientific, religious or mis- sionary institution, which is or may be established in the State, and which is or may be under the patronage, control, direction or supervision of any synod, con- ference, association or other ecclesiastical body in such State, established agreeably to the laws thereof, such ecclesiastical body may nominate and appoint such Trustees, Directors or Managers, according to usages of the appoint- ing body, and may fill any vacancy which may occur among such Trustees, Directors or Managers ; and when any such institution may be under the patronage, control, direction or supervision of two or more of such synods, con- ferences, associations or other ecclesiastical bodies, such bodies may severally nominate and appoint such proportion of such Trustees, Directors or Managers as shall be agreed upon by those bodies immediately concerned. And any vacancy occurring among such appointees last named, shall be filled by the synod, conference, association or body having appointed the last incumbent. In case any election of Trustees, Directors or Managers shall not be made on the day desi mated by the by-laws, said society for that cause shall not be dissolved, but such election may take place on any other day directed by such by-laws. Any corporation formed under this chapter shall be capable of taking, hold- ing or receiving property by virtue of any devise or bequest contained in any last will or testament of any person whatsoever ; but no person leaving a wife, ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 317 •cliild or parent, shall devise or bequeath to such institution or corporation more than one-fourth of his estate after the payment of his debts, and such device or bequest shall be valid only to the extent of such one-fourth. Any corporation in this State of an academical character, the memberships of which shall consist of lay members and pastors of churches, delegates to any synod, conference or council holding its annual meetings alternately in this and •one or more adjoining States, may hold its annual meetings for the election of oflficers and the transaction of business in any adjoining State to this, at such place therein as the said synod, conference or council shall hold its annual meet- ings ; and the elections so held and business so transacted shall be as legal and binding as if held and transacted at the place of business of the corporation in this State. The provisions of this chapter shall not extend or apply to any association or individual who shall, in the certificate filed with the Recorder, use or specify a name or style the same as that of any previously existing incorporated society in the county. The Trustees, Directors or stockholders of any existing benevolent, char- itable, scientific, missionary or religious corporation, may, by conforming to the requirements of Section 1095 of this chapter, re-incorporate themselves or con- tinue their existing corporate powers, and all the property and effects of such existing corporation shall vest in and belong to the corporation so re-incorporated or continued. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. No intoxicating liquors (alcohol, spirituous and vinous liquors), except wine manufactured from grapes, currants or other fruit grown in the State, shall be manufactured or sold, except for mechanical, medicinal, culinary or sacramental purposes ; and even such sale is limited as follows : Any citizen of the State, except hotel keepers, keepers of saloons, eating houses, grocery keepers anti confectioners, is permitted to buy and sell, within the county of his residence, such liquors for such mechanical, etc., purposes only, provided he shall obtain the consent of the Board of Supervisors. In order to get that consent, he must get a certificate from a majoiity of the elec- tors of the town or township or ward in which he desires to sell, that he is of good moral character, and a proper person to sell such liquors. If the Board of Supervisors grant him permission to sell such liquors, he must give bonds, and shall not sell such liquors at a greater profit than thirty- three per cent, on t'le cost of the same. Any person having a permit to sell, shall make, on the last Saturday of every month, a return in writing to the Auditor of the county, showing tlie kind and quantity of the liquors purchased by him since the date of his last report, tlie price paid, and the amount of freights paid on the same ; also the kind and quantity of liquors sold by him since the date of his last report ; to whom sold ; for what purpose and at what price; also the kind and (juantity of li({u<)rs on hand; which report shall be sworn to by the person having the permit, and shall be kept by the Auditor, subject at all times to the inspection of the public. No person shall sell or give away any intoxicating licjuors, including wine or beer, to any minor, for any purpose whatever, except upon written order of parent, guardian or family physician ; or sell the same to an intoxicated person or a person in the habit of becoming intoxicated. 318 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. Any person who shall mix any intoxicating liquor with any beer, wine or cider, by him sold, and shall sell or keep for sale, as a beverage, such mixture, shall be punished as for sale of intoxicating liquor. But nothing in the chapter containing the laws governing the sale or pro- hibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, shall be construed to forbid tlie sale by the importer thertof of foreign intoxicating liquor, imported under the author- ity of the laws of the United States, regarding the importation of such liquors, and in accordance with such laws ; provided that such liquor, at the time of the sale by the importer, remains in the original casks or packages in which it was by him imported, and in quantities not less than the quantities in which the laws of the United States require such liquors to be imported, and is sold by him in such original casks or packages, and in said quantities only. All payment or compensation for intoxicating liquor sold in violation of the laws of this State, whether such payments or compensation be in money, goods, lands, labor, or anything else whatsoever, shall be held to have been received in viola- tion of law and equity and good conscience, and to have been received upon a valid promise and agreement of the receiver, in consideration of the receipt thereof, to pay on demand, to the person furnishing such consideration, the amount of the money on the just value of the goods or other things. All sales, transfers, conveyances, mortgages, liens, attachments, pledges and securities of every kind, which, either in whole or in part, shall have been made on account of intoxicating liquors sold contrary to law, shall be utterly null and void. Negotiable paper in the hands of holders thereof, in good faith, for valuable consideration, without notice of any illegality in its inception or transfer, how- ever, shall not be affected by the above provisions. Neither shall the holder of land or other property who may have taken the same in good faith, without notice of any defect in the title of the person from whom the same was taken, growing out of a violation of the liquor law, be affected by the above provision. Every Avife, child, parent, guardian, employer, or other person, who shall be injured in person or property or means of support, by an intoxicated person, or in consequence of the intoxication, has a right of action against any person who shall, by selling intoxicating liquors, cause the intoxication of such person, for all damages actually sustained as well as exemplary damages. For any damages recovered, the personal and real property (except home- stead, as now provided) of the person against whom the damages are recovered, as well as the premises or property, personal or real, occupied and used by him, with consent and knowledge of owner, either for manufacturing or selling intox- icating li(i[uors contrary to law, shall be liable. The only other exemption, besides the homestead, from this sweeping liability, is that the defendant may have enough for the support of his family for six months, to be determined by the ToAvnship Trustee. No ale, Avine, beer or other malt or vinous liquors shall be sold within two miles of the corporate limits of any municipal corporation, except at Avholesale, for the purpose of shipment to places outside of such corporation and such two- mile limits. The power of the corporation to prohibit or license sale of liquors not prohibited by law is extended over the two miles. No ale, wine, beer or other malt or vinous liquors shall be sold on the day on which any election is held under the laws of this State, within tAvo miles of the place where said election is held ; except only that any person holding a permit may sell upon the prescription of a practicing physician. ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. 319 SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIP- TION. The business of puhlisMng books by subscription, having so often been brought" into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher, in order to prevent that as much as possible, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the following statement, is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described; the consid- eration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described by the prospectus and sample shown. These should be carefully examined before subscribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay, and not the too often exag- gerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by the prospectus and sample, in order to bind the princi- pal, the subscriber should see that such condition or changes are stated over or in connection with his signature, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as written is, that they can not be altered, varied or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all 2^(^'>'Sons contemjjlating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Perso7is employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as can- vassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They can 7iot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They can not extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their business. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signirig their names to any subscription book, or any written instrument, would examine carefully what it is ; if they can not read themselves call on some one disinterested who can. STATISTICS OF AGRICULTURE OF IOWA (CENSUS OF 1875.) No. of Acres of Im- proved Laud. No. of Acres No. of Acres Spring Wheat. Winter Wheat. Indian Corn. Oats. Value of Products of Farm in Dollars. COUNTIES. Unim- )roved Land. Culti- vation n 1874. No. of Acres. No. of Bushels Harv'l'd No. of Acres. No. of Busliels! Harv'td No. of Acres. N 0. of Bushels! Harv'td No. of Acres. No. of Bushels Harv'td Appanoose Alamakee Audubon Adams . 161059 134;67 21146 65159 83182 33118 297518 1569ST 1J949S 145D6T 213025 19056 3T059 54638 110864 58058 248869 529S0 212291 299855 96504 58065 98694 26996 150938 115751 187831 143665 472029 15770 132435 9989 147098 179504 69S59 115907 1460S9 599 10 87259 128331 29114 115823 94848 10462 63966 182080 7292 191041 193290 241021 278881 208907 167389 208125 31550 183832 108952 15872 281118 151007 120384 232398 199669 141512 161998 102215 223735 52242 178945 104633 83626 18190 207689 21928 124630 208989 150782 58233 18517 18400 235515 148649 53180 39824 31336 102861 255182 57005 153074 147766 194265 24614C 44178 4892" 22517C 97235 17.58f 3551f 15020. I262;S5( 161083 156821 23819 43735 55680 37034 53911 71810 58908 47001 150881 71418 39919 28974 45304 283414 41417 309895 151908 57337 94772 309744 5U487 "iieooa 87172 98561 58165 62305 29850 57765 25586 32130 98156 43l'46 198832 47926 49838 47220 39930 36906 171048 837451 341615 39935 50249 9494 89357 142401 71257 179752 63298 66979 9S999 48793 78692 59757 318841 62649 52922 70176 122190 82779 53604 188709 78206 475.52 56278 48^32 50607 32o;o 31106 56S41 35572 419189 48697 175471 51912 322-25 58829 19123 43874 39326 367394 47201 235515 90222 33216 99528 66795 167178 131 6 7( 571 19" 4595" 5565'^ 61744 30625 32:;8- 63191 1 841043: 125188 109388 15986 54352 66265 27010 239408 108642 124877 104810 181256 157240 33375 45412 92785 15202 166485 48648 173622 '"Yi'm 39159 78803 26618 131597 95275 146244 97618 161357 11961 1146-25 8387 110708 133758 65590 103039 135108 52323 76892 97765 27013 61871 72287 90O5 52050 110831 6514 158488 142401 193019 216949 140684 125590 149672 28835 133580 88857 12766 175655 10U066 94133 150368 153214 99837 137979 91730 117303 39S44 129!;99 8fi'12(i '26 '31 14651 140151 19219 90679 171.588 115184 44379 16679 50S73 185742 99387 47230 33515 24179 79442 214941 45826 113263 1176SS 15-^73- ■25',i \K 3:;oir 3215 157881 709K 1212 2S9.S' 13517: 9606 61880 6876 17947 27550 15514 99406 3-2505 57907 48878 89361 64-291 17481 31693 40123 21000 40467 28199 86883 68683 40162 26756 17968 11040 5378 8-211 49-240 10615 60401 5701 29256 3911 62067 60779 31096 13-229 67384 19391 27489 38464 1-2046 36115 23948 4889 20676 150-26 3108 48410 43515 45306 79926 36090 16237 83278 10793 10S51 13954 8132 52178 19764 65534 34362 45136 24385 37553 11638 69895 15331 32375 1381 14904 8769 37686 7434 33369 57312 22689 33028 8600 10926 47698 26658 22029 2299b 11056 15446 97013 10581 7455 1037r 4217." 112175 1524t 2309-2 41046 30554 893S 13fi-2!. 1736f 77789 937639 89235 281376 435014 162737 1343666 429257 779167 644795 1108024 81-2342 153159 401507 676-209 3-24894 640544 415463 1305125 1010345 643519 340161 217090 109631 30993 77169 634135 113396 717-28 258-22 445848 1510 941439 863670 455909 206901 976607 257760 393574 497251 ■20902 582803 143701 70006 1049 181 10 7 70 10838 1964 97 174 S500 64871 213-25 9-2-25 25J74 30860 7888 83244 46151 38685 28754 56592 48831 8797 9459 40582 17957 78224 9512 37948 89-297 168-21 16014 39066 10056 621-27 50484 67118 10-29-24 56150 3183 57652 2197 26462 37091 24066 73845 40175 783037 38902 41304 9998 9916 447-20 2067 20141 62672 2301 e2518 53963 77143 100217 65423 55061 75697 9781 59803 47022 2645 91773 49642 11274 83775 846.30 59543 09494 45575 67699 21577 54760 39251 6379 2510 77497 8981 47258 86748 71386 10097 6641 35613 59071 51-273 17674 6780 8662 48-260 73251 24063 50211 65625 80-280 '27185 14017 3530 73265 28713 1374 10089 57035 2385-2431 905920 394655 969777 1402428 228231 33-28921 1595752 1270878 1026641 1939590 1811-250 1801-20 315215 1901062 648058 2845921 205443 1471263 3061338 514-279 550041 1580-260 3511-20 2115569 1763140 1702391 2307938 1690^35 44455 2484898 14-273 642448 1296480 758983 1703985 148-2582 783027 1669134 1379961 297381 307912 16-20192 57899 670781 241,5670 108465 2713830 1605518 3158178 45-258S9 19095S4 1095510 33-2?282 119777 2190306 190-2530 10396 34399-23 2184658 411961 3768209 8835063 1533976 2953630 1738910 2808-256 818388 1715973 1441467 100052 17279 3272040 229-263 1750038 8571105 2239013 175778 142957 1145937 2-226346 1783477 689556 3-2038 279716 1419680 2842859 1130930 18236-22 2405187 3561365 977316 490371 12-2-291 283-2241 917911 52425 281821 2143791 13756 12776 788 3951 4455 2791 15190 10401 13827 14259 16804 17431 4436 3545 9079 2902 20243 7199 20C24 23704 11744 3-238 12337 2993 13043 10555 25115 9242 20577 2403 9937 1549 15401 20770 9532 5419 11786 4227 4145 10982 8974 10210 3462 1353 5108 13393 455 11756 23652 17760 15-267 18260 14005 15582 5143 11817 12665 3477 22070 6792 14078 16046 10937 6528 8743 11512 13611 2304 13287 53-22 3107 1390 12188 2541 5278 11416 9758 4161 2979 9118 15915 11-273 2254 4591 8035 8718 13574 61'27 12596 13242 8391 24307 8072 4445 15701 7491 1327 4134 11570 387346 442829 33233 141-293 159739 67069 445070 4046-20 4-21719 518571 538196 556209 98766 115595 176281 99158 675837 228097 669895 702059 446300 107577 307643 73182 845707 344551 643322 •287392 63-2113 37282 3351-24 3241 487729 704407 328679 179645 401948 120948 153505 356915 90944 840-268 69140 48816 168202 358221 14060 319071 521156 52->197 532239 464824 446128 447603 27857 2790(i9 342164 13789 585648 175755 542662 496248 335746 232639 285103 241081 46.5245 66475 405562 201635 53931 208-29 431841 40494 168081 833565 84650" 1-2043- 4685S 255C0" 52886f 34320f 71676 4509C 659£ 26965" 38446f 18774f 35309E 8e739( 28151C 821650t 9104" 16155" 45332C 20749C 4510f 13517t 29359C $1611937 1415769 1841,53 695318 828171 Buena Vista . . 207828 7 11 20 280 84 700 2664995- 1018453 Butler 1'209785 1144620 1898424 Buchanan Clay Cherokee 2615949 123343 35019 1284899 Crawford 483357 •26 295 2606149 Cerro Gordo... Clayton Clinton Chickasaw Carroll 591617 1347 12 3 3 7 10 5379 817 84 8688 5 21030 428 63 20 55 150 56405 1-2239 17-20 117310 50 2081793 3049019 894656 451365 Clarke 7054987 Calhoun Davis 221613 1600090 Decatur Dubuque Des Aloiues Delaware 1024.541 1636132 177-2992 1693314 45334 Dallas 7 186 150204T 15-244 Floyd 46" ■■■ '968' 1367377 Fayette 1503127 777106 Fremont Grundy 841 16625 1046066 1593977 2 22 44 300 620905 Guthrie 79-2461 1066627 200001 734409 Harrison 84 1200 786677 89405 Hamilton 5'2762 180220 48815 670247 550000 666779 1107170 46-2478 164904 368528 131.39 72624 153587 70742 656597 189939 1083811 395532 5-29663 342961 628314 101413 112538-? 183811 416471 551539 157526 74757 5633S9 30774 588971 76-2826 355792 442736 23208 78851 762315 330897 317944 251-286 110094 206813 1437807 141188 58808 76346 654679 1813405 278875 41048" 469879 391051 16-2281 9041 113203 1765670 Ida 7482211 Iowa Jackson Johnson 86 491 100 1080 7942 1274 2005049 1750091 2447875 2916838 Jones Jefferson Keokuk Kossuth 31 6192 148 140 15400 31. 409 66739 1363 1896416 1530140 1919728 105306 200407 3-29 54 160 16267 1631518 1030554 8-2651 Linn 12 1388 2590052 1665739 Mitchell Mahaska 159187& 205 189 32 25 263 21 2697 2212 543 484 5584 200 2195785 2181346 Mills 1003509 Madison Monroe Marshall 1709030 938362 2308278 447065 Muscatine Montgomery.. . 63 8 629 166 1747906 107212T 191542 69581 Polk 21 63' 394 475 2140023 Pochahontas... Pottawattomie Powesheik Page 112066 1252629 2393022 1220 10 325 1-25 40 8 20-235 160 '""iiw 618 20 1293463 Plymouth Palo Alto Ringgold Scott 96616 111578-i 3041873 Story 1033743 Shelby Sioux Sac 5730-26 166980 io 8068 238880 Taylor 244 908470 2310405 53 10928 143 61 960 121854 1-236 910 6'242PO Van Buren Wayne Warren Wiiinesheik AVoodbury Worth Washington .. 1.361376 2'208392 2265252 •298209 ■■■■i439" 5 11 ""iiiits 396506 2035264 733342 Winnebago 270 140219 288685 Wapello 15753n 1017 161.-)9 1455319 Totals 935490; 3690711 4260973 69188 759277 4700176 136284542 98-2994 '29144352 $131535747 % ', Gen.W.G.Coop (DECEASED) HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. THE ORIGINAL OCCUPANTS. Less than half a century ago, the great State of Iowa, an empire in extent, was a vast uncivilized wild, inhabited only by untutored red men and animals native to the climate, herbage and grasses. Of all this region, now so full of life, of princely farms and farmhouses, of towns and cities, schools, colleges and churches, railroads and telegraphs, and all the other adjuncts of modern civilization, but little was known. It was an unexplored territory, to the inte- rior of which no white man had ever penetrated. Until the close of the Black Hawk war in 1832, the country was in the undisputed possession of the Indians. Different tribes occupied different parts of the Territory. They toiled not, neither did they spin. They subsisted upon the fruits of the chase, and dwelt in rude tents or camped in the open air. To them the arts of industry were unknown and unpracticed. They occupied the land, but improved it not. The command of the great Creator that by the sweat of his brow man should earn his daily bread, was lost upon them. Of flocks and herds they had none, while the earth was regarded by them as only a hunting-ground that had been created by the Great Spirit for their special benefit and occupany. The history of such a people is one full of interest. The Sauks and Foxes* inhabited the the eastern slope of Iowa, including the' county whose history is being considered, and a history of the last years of their dominion is as much a part of the history of the county as are the inci- dents that have occurred since they gave way before the advancement of enlightened civilization. These sketches will necessarily extend to and include the area of several of the adjacent counties, but they will preserve to the pres- ent and future generations a record of aboriginal events that were familiar to the men and women who pioneered the way to the fertile prairies of the Black Hawk Purchase, and almost kindled their camp-fires from the smoldering embers left by the Indians when they turned their backs upon the lands that had been theirs for generations agone. Human improvement, rushing through civilization, crushes in its march all who cannot grapple to its car. This law is as inexorable as Fate. " You colo- nize the lands of the savage with the Anglo-Saxon," says Stephen Montague ; " you civilize that portion of the earth ; but is the savage civilized ? He is exterminated ! You accumulate machinery, you increase the total of wealth ; but what becomes of the labor you displace ? One generation is sacrificed to the next. You diffuse knowledge, and the world seems to grow brighter ; but * The Sauks or Saukies (white clay), and the Foxes or Outagainies (so called by the Europeans), and Algonnuina respectively, but whose true name is Mus-quak-ki-uk (red clay), are in fact but one nation. When the French mis- Bion>«rip3 first came in contact with them in 16Br>, they found that thoy spoke the same language, and that it differed from the Algonqulns, though belonging to the same atock.— Albert GaUalin. A 324 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ; Discontent at Poverty replaces Ignorance tappy with its crust. Every Improvment, every advancement in civilization, injures some to benefit others, and either cherishes the want of to-day or prepares the revolution of to- morrow.'" It is only yesterday, as it were, since the prairies and grove-covered hillsides <»f Eastern Iowa, now so full of happy homes and agricultural and mechanical industry, re-echoed the mournful dirge of the departing red men. The years are comparatively few in number since the sorrowful cortege passed slowly toward the setting sun, leaving behind the noble dead, sleeping in the cold embrace of the grim monarch, by the side of their beloved white father ; leaving the homes they had been taught to claim as their own ; leaving all, even hope, behind. There still live, in different parts of the country, many persons who beheld the strange sight of a remnant of a race departing forever from the scenes of their early life, and such will, doubtless, be disposed to sneer at the pen which finds a source of sadness in the contemplation of this event. But worthy hands have written lines of living power upon the theme, nor can the harsh charac- ter of the fact denude the subject of a glamour which poetry and romance have cast around the dusky subject and his fate. There is a grandeur in the record of the race which the stern force of truth is powerless to dispel. Those men who were compelled to meet the groveling band which had sur- vived the first shock of defeat, saw only the ruin which the strong had wrought upon the weak. The native power had fled ; a subjugated race was subsisting in its helplessness upon the bounty of its conquerors. There was no spot on earth left for them. Foot by foot their mighty possessions were taken from them, not in the din and whirl of battle, but by the humiliating processes of peace. Here, at last, they stood, with bowed heads, meekly awaiting the decree which should compel them to resume their endless march. Behind them was the tradition of their strength ; before them, annihilation of their clans. Even their warlike instincts were dwarfed in the presence of their masters. Had they disputed titles with the whites, the memories clustering about them now would be far different. But that resort to arms, that defiant struggle to the end, that disappearance in dramatic furor — all was denied them. Had they been other in nature than they were, this placid surrender to fate would seem less pitiful. Once fierce and bloody, then subdued, their stolid acceptance of destiny carried with it a mournful air that will be breathed through history's pages while our race shall live. The Indian is the embodiment of the dramatic, and when the curtain is rung down upon a scene so spiritless and tame as this of which we write, the admiration which is his due is turned to pity. The actual spectators of the drama find it impossible to forget the sordid character of the players, it is true ; but at so short a remove of time as this which has already elapsed since this country was the theater of the play, a shade of romance is imparted and the events become absorbing in their interest. In the State history which precedes this department of the work, an extended history of the several tribes is given. It is the purpose of this chap- ter to take up the thread of narrative at the point whera this immediate section becomes the scene of action, extending backward far enough to merely gather the scattered ends. In this work the writer is dependent largely upon a series of papers from the pen of the late Maj. John Beach, son-in-law of the original Indian Agent, Gen. Street, and who in turn was Agent after the death of the General in 1840. These papers were prepared in the summer of 1874, and published in the HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 325 Agency Independent. Maj. Beach died September 2, 1874, or before the series was published in full. That such forethought was manifested by him, is a matter of congratulation among all who are interested in this country. It is to be regretted, however, that the Major did not prepare a still more elaborate history of the tribes he was so long associated with. While we do not consider it essential to preserve, in exact form, the series of articles alluded to, we have carefully extracted all salient points, and have added to them much more information, obtained from those conversant with the matter. THE GREAT BLACK HAWK. Black Hawk, the great chief, Avas born in Sac Village, about three miles from the junction of Rock River with the Mississippi, in Illinois, in 1767. He came of a brave stock and began the life of a warrior at fifteen years of age. Black Hawk's name is variously given, but Maj. Beach, who was personally acquainted with the chief, writes that the real orthography is Muck-a-ta-mish-e- ki-ak-ki-ak, which means a black hawk. The history of this chief is not inti- mately associated with Jefferson County, and this paragraph is only introduced for the sake of preserving the spelling of the name. A fact is mentioned in Maj. Beach's sketch which is here produced : The Sacs and Foxes, according to their traditions, once dwelt upon the shores of the great lakes. Gradually they were pushed westward, until in time they came to occupy a large portion of Northern Illinois. In spite of the pressure of the whites, this band occupied a site on the east shore of the Mississippi, near Rock River. Here Black Hawk was, in 1832, the controlling spirit. " He was never a chief, either by inheritance or election," declares Maj. Beach, " and his influence was shared by a wily old savage, of part Winnebago blood, called the Prophet, who could do with Black Hawk pretty much as he pleased ; and also by a Sac named Na-pope, the English of which is Soup, and whom the writer found to bo a very friendly and manageable old native, as was also Black Hawk." If this be true, as there ia every reason to esteem it, the character of Black Hawk stands out as a " self-made Indian," if an Americanism can be thus parodied, and he appears in the nature of a dictator as well as th.at of a great ruler. Ot the famous Black Hawk war, it is not within the province of this sketch to speak ; it belongs to the history of Illinois, and has been repeatedly written. After the defeat of the chief, in 1832, he was captured and taken to Prairie du Chien. After an imprisonment in Jefferson Barracks, and, subsequently, in Foi"ti-ess Monroe, whither he was taken, he was returned at the interces- sion of Keokuk to this region. In his old age. Black Hawk sought the com- pany of the garrison, his band was broken up and the once great chief was left alone in his declining years. Maj. Beach relates the following incident derived from personal observation : _^ " Black Hawk's lodge was always the perfection of cleanliness, a quite unu- sual thing for an Indian. The wi'iter has seen the old woman busily at work witli her broom, by the time of sunrise, sweeping down the little ant-hills in the yard that had been thrown up during the night. As the chiefs of the nation seenied'*to pay him but little attention in the waning years of liis life. Gen. Street, the Agent, looked out for his comfort more carefully than otherwise he would have thought it needful to do, and, among other things, gave him a cow — an appendage to an Indian's domestic establishment hitherto unheard of. The old squaAV and daughter were instructed in the art of milking her, and she was 326 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. held among them in ahiiost as great reverence as the Sacred ox Apis was held among the ancient Egyptians. " This was in the summer of 1838, when the Agency, for which our town was named, was in process of erection, and Black Hawk had established his lodge on the banks of the Des Moines, about three miles below Eldon. Close by was the trading-house of Wharton McPherson, with whom the writer stayed one night in August of that year (1838), and as he rode past the lodge, Mme. Black Hawk Avas complacently sitting upon a log by the side of her cow, under a heavily-shaded tree, industriously brushing the flies and mosquitoes from the bovine with a rag tied to the end of a stick. Mr. McPherson said this was her daily occupation in fly-time, often following the animal around as it grazed at a distance. This was the last occasion that ever the writer had an interview with Black Hawk, as he died within two months of that time (October 3, 1838), and was even then so infirm that he could barely move about his wigwam. '' Not long after his burial, his body was stolen from its grave by some sacri- legious person, and, some years later, the bones came into the possession of a physician of Quincy, 111., who sent them to Gov. Chambers, who, as Governor of the Territory, was also Superintendent of Indian Afiairs. The writer was intrusted to notify the family they could have the bones, as he did ; but they seemed indiff'erent about the matter, and did nothing whatever about it." WAPELLO AND OTHER CHIEFS. Wapello, the chief after whom Wapello County and the county seat of Louisa County were named, was a powerful ruler among his people, but was a fast friend of the whites, especially of the first Indian Agent, Gen. Street. Inci- dents illustrative of his character are dispersed through the following pages. He died in 1841, and was buried by the side of his friend, the General, on the Agency Farm. His grave was recently cared for by the managers of the C, B. & Q. Railroad, which passes near by, and is now in a condition to withstand the shocks of time for yeai's to come. Poweshiek, a chief co-equal with Wapello, but of the Foxes, while the lat- ter was of the Sac tribe, was located on the reserve on the Iowa River, and does not figure in this history. He died before the Indians left the State, and thus escaped the humiliation of the scene. Keokuk, the grand sachem, was a man of tall, commanding presence, straight as an arrow, and, when aroused, could make an eloquent speech to his tribe. He was selected by the United States Government to distribute the annuities to the Sacs and Foxes — not only for his energies when opposed to the nation in battle, but for his influence among the red men everywhere. But he was avari- cious and intemperate, putting any amount of whisky under his royal toga, and stealing from his red brothers the hard silver so kindly given them by the Great Father at Washington. He had a chronic quarrel with Hardfish's band, that lived in Kishkekosh, near Eddyville, and receiving a severe wound from one of this tribe, he died soon after reaching Kansas, in 1845. From a sketch of Keokuk, published in the ''Annals of Iowa," 1865, by Uriah Biggs, one of the pioneers of Ottumwa, the following interesting extracts are made : '' Keokuk is deserving of a prominent page in the history of the country, and a truthful history of his life would be read and cherished as a memento of one of nature's noblemen. As an orator, he was entitled to a rank with the most gifted of his race. In person, he was tall and of portly bearing, and in his public speeches he displayed a commanding attitude and graceful gestures. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUUTY. 327 He spoke rapidly, but his enunciation was clear and distinct and very forcible, culling his figures from the stores of nature, and basing his arguments in skill- ful logic. He maintained in good faith the stipulations of treaties with the United States and with the neighboring tribes. He loved peace and the social amenities of life, and was fond of displaying these agreeable traits of character in ceremonious visits to neighboring chiefs, in which he observed the most punctilious etiquette and dignified decorum. He possessed a ready insight into the motives of others, and was not easily misled by sophistry or beguiled by flattery ; and in the field of wit he was no mean champion. It is not my pur- pose to write a history of his life, but I will give one anecdote in illustration of these traits of his character. " While residing near Ottumwah-noc, he received a message from the Mor- mon Prophet, Joe Jmith, inviting Keokuk, as king of the Sacs and Foxes, to a royal conference at his palace at Nauvoo, on matters of the highest importance to their respective people. The invitation was readily accepted, and a train of ponies was soon winding its way to the Mormon city, bearing Keokuk and his suite in stately procession and savage pomp. "Notice had circulated through the country of this diplomatic interview, and a number of spectators attended to Avitness the denouement. The audience was given publicly in the Mormon temple, and the respective chiefs were attend- ed by their suites, the Prophet by the dignitaries of the Mormon Church, and the Indian potentate by the high civil and military functionaries of his tribe, and the gentiles were comfortably seated as auditors. " The Prophet opened the conference in a set speech of considerable length, giving Keokuk a brief history of the children of Israel, as detailed in the Bible, and dwelt forcibly upon the story of the lost tribes, and of the direct revelation he had received from a divine source, that the North American Indians were these identical lost tribes, and that he, the prophet of God, held a divine com- mission to gather them together and to lead them to a land 'flowing with milk and honey.' After the prophet closed this harangue, Keokuk 'waited for the words of his pale-faced brother to sink deep into his mind,' and, in making his reply, assumed the gravest attitude and most dignified demeanor. He would not controvert anything his brother had said about the lost and scattered condi- tion of his race and people, and if his brother was commisssioned by the Great Spirit to collect them together and lead them to a new country, it was his duty to do so. But lie wished to inquire about some particulars his brother had not named, that were of the highest importance to him and his people. The red men were not much used to milk, and he thought that they would prefer streams of water, and in the country where they now were there was a good supply of honey. The points that they wished to inquire into were whether the new government would pay large annuities, and whether there was plenty of whisky. Joe Smith saw at once that he had met his match, and that Keokuk was not the proper material with which to increase his army of dupes, and closed the confer- ence in as amiable a manner as possible. "• He was gifted by nature with the elements of an oratoi- in an eminent degree, and as such is entitled to rank with Logan, Red Jacket and Tecumseh; but unfortunately for his fiime among the white people and with posterity, he was never able to obtain an interpreter who could claim even a slight acquaint- ance with philosophy. With one exception only, his interprctei's were unac- quainted even with the elements of their mother-tongue. Of this serious hindrance to his fame Keokuk was well aware, and retained Frank Labashure, who had received a rudimental education in the French and English languages. 328 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. until the latter broke down by dissipation and died. But during the meridian of his career among the white people, he was compelled to submit his speeches for translation to uneducated men, whose range of thought fell below the flights of a gifted mind, and the fine imagery, drawn from nature, was beyond their powers of reproduction. He had sufiicient knowledge of the English tongue to make him sensible of this bad rendering of his thought, and often a feeling of mortification at the bungling efibrts was depicted upon his countenance while he was speaking. The proper place to form a due estimate of his ability as an orator was in the Indian council, where he addressed himself exclusively to those who understood his language, and where the electric effects of his elo- quence could be plainly noted upon his audience. It was credibly asserted that by the force of his logic he had changed the vote of a council against the strongly predetermined opinions of its members. A striking instance of the influence of his eloquence is related as occurring while the forces under Black Hawk were invading Illinois, in 1832. " Keokuk knew from the first that this reckless war would result in great disaster to the tribe, and used all diligence to dissuade warriors from following ... ..... ^ Black Hawk, and succeeded in retaining a majority with him at his town on the Iowa River. But after Stillraan's defeat, in what is now Ogle County, III., the war spirit raged with such ardor that a war-dance was held, and Keokuk took part in it, seeming to be moved with the current of the rising storm, and when the dance was over, he called a council to prepare for war. In his address he admitted the justice of his complaints against the white man, and to seek redress was a noble aspiration of their natures. The blood of their brethren had been shed by the white man, and the spirits of their braves slain in battle called loudly for vengeance. 'I am your Chief,' he said, 'and it is my duty to lead you to battle, if, after fully considering the matter, you are determined to go. But, before you take this important step, it is wise to inquire into the chances for success.' He then represented to them the great power of the United States against whom they would have to contend — that their chance of success was utterly hopeless. 'But if you. now determine to go upon the war- path, I will agree to lead you, upon one condition — that before we go we kill all our old men and our wives and children to save them from a lingering death by starvation, and that every one of us determines to leave his bones oti the other side of the Mississippi.' " This was a strong and truthful picture of the project before them, and was presented in such a forcible light as to cool their ardor and to cause them to abandon their rash undertaking. Many other incidents are related of his elo- quence and tact in allaying a rising storm, fraught with war and bloodshed, not only in his own tribe, but also among neighboring tribes, where his people had been the aggressors. Some of these incidents have been preserved by writers on Indian research, but many will be lost to history. He delivered a eulogy upon Gen. Harrison, at the Sac and Fox Agency, which was interpreted by Mr. Antoine Le Claire, and considered by many Avho heard its delivery as one of his best efforts. This speech, however, was not written down and is lost to his- tory, but enough of the incidents of his career as an orator have been saved from the wreck of time to stamp his reputation for natural abilities of the high- est order, and furnish another positive refutation of Buffon's theory on the dete- rioration of men and animals on the American continent. " We have thus far portrayed the bright side of Keokuk's character ; but like most, if not all, great intellects, there is a dark background which the truth of history demands shall be brought to view. His traits of character, HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 329 thus far sketched, may not inaptly be compared with the great Grecian orator ; but here the similitude ends. The great blot on Keokuk's life was his inordi- nate love of money, and, toward its close, he became a confirmed inebriate. His withering reply to the Mormon prophet was intended by him as a pure stroke of wit ; it, nevertheless, expressed his ruling passions. " A bitter and incurable feud existed in the tribe during their time of res- idence on the Des Moines River, between what was denominated ' Keokuk's band' and 'Black Hawk's band,' the latter recognizing Hardfish as their leader. This distrust and, indeed, hatred were smothered in their common intercourse when sober; but when their blood was fired with whisky, it some- times assumed a tragic feature amongst the leaders of the respective bands. An instance of this character occurred on the lower part of the Des Moines, on a return of a party making a visit to the ' half-breeds ' at the town of Keokuk, on the Mississippi. In a quarrel, excited by whisky, Keokuk received a dan- gerous stab in the breast from a son of Black Hawk, The writer of the present sketch saw him conveyed by his friends homeward, lying in a canoe, unableto rise. "Hardfish and his coadjutors lost no occasion to find fault with Keokuk's administration. The payments Avere made in silver coin, put up in boxes, con- taining $500 each, and passed into Keokuk's hands for distribution. The several traders received each his quota according to their several demands against the tribes admitted by Keokuk, which invariably consumed the far greater portion of the amount received. The remainder was turned over to the chiefs and dis- tributed among their respective bands. Great complaints were made of these allowances to the traders on the ground of exorbitant prices charged on the goods actually furnished, and it was alleged that some of these accounts were spurious. In confirmation of this last charge, over and' above the character of the items exhibited in these accounts, an affidavit was filed Avitli Gov. Lucas by an individual, to which the Governor gave credence, setting forth that Keokuk had proposed to the maker of the affidavit to prefer a purely fictitious account against the tribe for the sum of $10,000, and he would admit its correctness, and when paid, the money should be divided among themselves, share and share alike. To swell the traders' bills, items were introduced of a character that showed fraud upon their face, such as a large number of '•blanket-coats,' articles which the Indians never wore, and ' telescopes,' of the use of which they had no knowledge. This shows the reckless manner in which these bills were swollen to the exorl^itant amounts complained of, in which Keokuk was openly charged with being in league witli the traders to defraud Hardfish's band. At this time, the nation numbered about 2,300 souls, and only al)out one-third of the whole number belonged to Keokuk's party. Gov. Lucas warmly espoused the popular side in the controversy that arose in relation to the mode and manner of making the annual payment, and the matter was referred to the Indian Bureau, and the mode was changed, so that payments were made to the heads of families, approximating a per-capita distribution. This method ol making the payments met the unqualified disa})probation of the traders, and after one year's trial, fell back into the old channel. Keokuk led his tribe west to the Kansas country, in 1845, and, according to reports, died some years after of delirium tremens." Appanoose, Pashapaho, Hardfish and Kishkekosli all play conspicuous parts in the drama. An anecdote or two of the last named will serve as an illustration of the nature of the men. Kishkekosh did not rank equal to Appanoose, Pashapaho or Hardfish, but he seems to have held a prominent place in councils because of his native talents. 330 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. George Washington Kishkekosh (whose last name means cut-teeth, or savage biter) was a subchief, and had accompanied Black Hawk, as one of his suite of braves, during the tour of that renowned chief through tlie East as a prisoner of war. With his leaders, he had been hospitably entertained at hotels and other places, and had a high appreciation of the sumptuous and cleanly -looking fare that was set before them. How he was enabled, after such an experience, to return with a good stomach to the frugal diet and indifferent cooking of his own people, we are left to conjecture. At all events, he retained his partiality for clean victuals, and was even overfastidious in this respect, as the following instance will show : One night, he, with his company of three or four braves, slept at the house of a white man with whom he was on very friendly terms, and were to remain at breakfast. Kish had an eye on the preparations for this meal, and observed one neglect that his tender stomach rebelled against. The lady of the house (it is possible she did it intentionally, for she was not a willing entertainer of her savage guests), neglected to wash her hands before making up the bread. Kish, thought he would rather do without his breakfast than eat after such cooking, and privately signified as much to his followers, whereupon they mounted their ponies and left, much to the relief of their hostess. Arrived at a house some distance from the one they had left, they got their breakfast and related the circumstance. These people, though generally accustomed and limited to the poorest fare, were not averse to the best that could be provided, and made themselves glut- tons whenever they could get enough of it. Like the wolf, they were capable of a long fast, and then would gorge themselves at a plenteous feast, even to stupidity. On another occasion, Kishekosh and his suite, consisting of several prom- inent personages of the tribe, being then encamped on Skunk River, in Jasper County, went to the house of a Mr. Mikesell on a friendly visit, and he treated them to a feast. Besides Kish and his wife, who was a very ladylike person, this party consisted of his mother ; Wykoma, the son of Wapello, and his two wives (for polygamy was not an uncommon practice with these people) ; Masha Wapetine, his wife and all their children. This old woman, on being asked how old she was, replied : " Mack-ware-renaak-we-kauk "(may be a hundred), and indeed her bowed form and hideously-shriveled features would justify the belief that she was fully that old. The whole party were dressed in more than usually becoming style, probably out of respect to their hostess, who, knowing something of their voracious appetites, had made ample preparations for them. When the table was surrounded, Kish, who had learned some good manners, as well as acquired cleanly tastes, essayed to perform the etiquette of the occasion before eating anything himself. With an amusingly awkward imitation of what he had seen done among the whites, he passed the various dishes to the others, showing the ladies special attention, and helped them to part of every- thing on the table with much apparent disinterestedness. But when he came to help himself his politeness assumed the Indian phase altogether. He ate like a person with a bottomless pit inside of him for a stomach, taking everything within his reach, without regard to what should come first or last in the course, so only that he liked the taste of it. At length, after having drunk five or six cups of coffee, and eaten a proportionate amount of solid foods, his gastronomic energy began to abate. Seeing this, his host approached him, and, with apparent concern for his want of appetite, said, " Why, Kish, do you not eat your dinner? Have another cup of coffee and eat something." In reply to HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 331 this hospitable urgency, Kish leaned back in his seat, lazily shook his head and drew his finger across his throat under his chin, to indicate how full he was. And then in further explanation of his satisfied condition, he opened his huge mouth and thrust his finger down his throat as far as he dared, as much as to say he could almost touch the victuals. Of course the others had eaten in like f)roportion, making the most of an event that did not happen every day. Kishkekosh seems to have had in him the elements of civilization, which needed but opportunity to spring up and bear pretty fair fruit. Not only did he become fastidious as to cleanliness, but he observed and imitated other usages among the whites, even more radically different from those of his savage people. Tt is well known that among the Indians, as well as among all unenlightened races, the women are, in a manner, the slaves of the other sex. They are made to do all the drudgery of the camp, cultivate the corn, bring in the game after the hunter has had the sport of slaughtering it, no matter how far away he may be, he being either too lazy or feeling it beneath his dignity to bear the burden. They procure all the fuel to cook with, catch the ponies for their masters to ride, pack up their tents and household goods when preparing to move, and set them up when they again come to a halt in their wanderings. Kishkekosh had noticed the different fashion of the white settlers in regard to their women, and had, moreover, been reasoned with by them like an intelligent being, and he was very ready to admit the force of their arguments. He made an effort to institute reform among his people by having the men do a fair share of the work that, according to ordinary usage, fell to the squaws. He set them an example by taking hold heartily himself, and, though it is not probable that any very extended reformation took place, owing to the long-continued laziness of the men, and the deeply-rooted belief that their province was alone that of the hunter or warrior, yet the movement itself indicates a capacity in this sav- age chief for progress and enlightenment. The Indians in this region, as far back as 1841-42, had a novel way of deal- ing with drunken people. After the Black Hawk war, they chose rather to live upon the annuities granted them by the Government, than upon the prod- ucts of the chase, as they had hitherto been forced to do ; and as this gave them a good deal of leisure, they spent most of their time in drunken orgies, which proved a great mortality to the tribes, since many accidents happened to life and limb from that cause. It was therefore a custom for a few of the red men and the squaws to keep sober, so that when the inebriates got too wild there would be some one to keep a restraining influence upon them? When a poor wight became unsafely drunk, he was tied neck and heels so that he could be rolled about like a ball, which operation was kept up, despite his pleadings, until the fumes of liquor had vanished, when he was released. The sufferer would beg for mercy, but to no avail ; and after he was sobered he showed no resentment, but seemed to recognize the wisdom of the proceeding. ANECDOTE OF PASHAPAHO. The following anecdote of Pashapaho is worth preserving. Maj. Beach relates the incident as coming under his own personal knowledge : " Some time in 1832, a plan was laid to attack Ft. Madison, then a United States garrison. Pashapaho, then a noted war-chief of the Sacs, and who, in after times was a fast friend of the writer, especially if a " wee drop " ever lingered in the bottom of the decanter, was the projector of this scheme. But the treachery of a s(juaw brought it to grief, and the savages, on their pretended friendly approach, were confronted with all the grim paraphernalia of war ready 332 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, for their reception. The plan was, under the pretense of a council with the com- mandant, to gain entrance with arms concealed beneath their blankets and robes ; but as they advanced in a body toward the closed gate, it suddenly opened to reveal a cannon in the passage way, and the gunner with his lighted port-fire, while just in the rear the troops were drawn up in battle array. ' Old Pash,' like many a less wise man before and since, deemed discretion the better part of valor. " Several years later than the defeated plot against Ft. Madison, the writer being at the time stationed at Ft. Armstrong, on Rock Island, Pashepaho — called also the ' Stabbing Chief — made an attempt to effect a lodgment in that garrison, though upon a different principle. During the previous year, some of the braves of his tribe being out on the prairie on a hunting expedition, fell in with a party of their long-time enemies, the Sioux, and, having the advan- tage, the encounter resulted in the losing, by the last named, of a few of their scalps. Complaint was made to the Department at Washington, and orders were sent to Rock Island to demand of the chiefs the culprits and to hold them prisoners in the fort. This was done. They were brought into the fort and surrendered, and throughout a winter, say some five months, they enjoyed Uncle Sam's hospitality in the shape of good quarters and plenty to eat, with no trouble in providing it. In fact, they lived in an Indian's heaven, until released through some arrangement whereby satisfactory blood-money was to be taken from the annuities of their tribes and paid over to the Sioux. Well, the next fall, ' Old Pash,' probably not finding his larder as well stocked for the winter as our modern publicans always advertise theirs to be, ' with the best the market affords,' conceived the brilliant idea of imposing himself as a guest, indirectly, upon his Great Father, the President. So, calling one day upon Col. Davenport, the commandant, he informed him that, being recently out upon a hunt, he had had the misfortune to meet one of his traditional foes, a Sioux, and the morbid impulse to ' lift his hair ' entirely overcame the kinder senti- ments of his naturally humane character, so that he yielded to it. But he knew that he had done wrong, and that that best of his friends, the Great Father, whom he held in great esteem and affection, 'would hear of it and be very angry, and, therefore, to save him the additional vexation of having to send out a letter demanding his arrest, he had, at once, voluntarily .come in to make confession and surrender himself. Col. Davenport, who saw pretty well into the scheme, lauded him as a most honorable Indian, and told him that he was satisfied that his offer of surrender was sufficient evidence that he would return whenever sent for, therefore, he would not consent to make him a prisoner a day earlier than could be avoided. No more was ever heard of it." ANECDOTES OF INDIAN CHIEFTAINS. [From Maj. Beach's History of the Agency.] " The war of 1832 resulted in a treaty which left the Indians no further claim to any territory east of the Mississippi, and, with a later treaty in 1837, obtained for the United States the cession of the beautiful and fertile belt of Eastern Iowa, that extends, in our neigborhood, to within a mile or two of Batavia, and crosses the Des Moines River, at its boundary, at lowaville. There was a reservation left for the Poweshiek band of Foxes on or near the Iowa River, the purchase of which was the object of a treaty held in the fall of 1836, on a spot now within the city of Davenport, but then belonging to the famous half-blood, Leclaire. Iowa was then attached, for Government purposes, to Wisconsin, and its Governor, the late Henry Dodge, was the Commissioner HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 333 to negotiate the treaty, and the late Gov. Grimes, then a new settler, was the Secretary, This treaty is referred to for the sake of an incident which shows that, whether common or not to the ' Lo' family in general, the Sacs and Foxes, at least, possessed an honorable side to their character. " The country around was already densely settled, and the Indians could easily have procured an unlimited supply of whisky. Gov. Dodge, in his opening speech at the preliminary council, impressed upon them the importance and necessity of strict sobriety during the negotiations, and expressed his hope that his advice would be heeded. Keokuk and the other chiefs, in reply, said their father's talk about the fire-water was good, and gave their word that none of it should be allowed among them during the proceedings. Immediately the council closed, they appointed a sufiicient guard or police of the most reliable braves, to prevent the introduction or use of liquor, at whatever cost. In fact, the very bluest blood of the tribes was selected for the duty, and each one instructed to carry a designated badge of his authority. " Before the conclusion of the treaty, a Sunday intervened, and nearly all the Indians came over to Rock Island to the trading-house. Meanwhile, a steamboat came along and tied up there at the bank. She was crowded with pjissengers, who were excited at the view of so many savages, and Black Hawk, who was conspicuous, was soon recognized and became the object of chief inter- est. A passenger came ashore, took him by the hand and led him on board, his wish being to invite him to a friendly glass at the bar. But Black Hawk, whether influenced by a sense of personal honor or the presence of the police, would not go there, and soon returned to the shore. Next, the boat began to push off, and Black Hawk's new friend, anxious not to be disappointed of his kind design, had already procured a bottle filled with liquor and stood reaching it out from the guards of the boat. At the last instant, one of the Indian yjolice, with quiet and courteous dignity, took the bottle, and a smile of satis- faction diffused itself over the donors face, which soon changed to a very differ- ent cast of countenance, for instantly the young brave hurled the bottle upon the rock at his feet, and dashed it into countless atoms, and the poor fellow was glad to slink away in the rear of the stentorian shout that ascended and came echoing back from the opposite bluffs, and in which it was hard to distinguish whether the exulting whoop of the Indians or the less terrific, though no less hearty and derisive, shout of the steamer's company predominated. " There was a somewhat singular coincidence in regard to names existing upon Rock Island for some time subsequent to the Black Hawk war, and the more so, as Davenport is not as common a patronymic as Jones or Smith. e, were wrapped round with wilted grass. No sound of bells responded to the tramp of their ponies ; and their own persons, instead of being painted in vermilion and dressed in bright colors, bore the usual funeral substitutes of clay and somber hues. In fact, all the 548 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. paraphernalia of woe betokened some sad affliction. The agent, after a hurried -word with the interpreter, told the Governor that this was a funeral march, and that some one of their leading men must have died in the night, and lay prob- ably yet unburied in the camp. The Hardfishes seemed as much at a loss as anybody, wondering who could have died without their knowing it. " The solemn dirge ceased, and, dismounting, the several hundred savages, forming on foot, with Keokuk leading, marched into the yard and toward the Governor, who advanced a step or two to meet him, when Keokuk, ordering a halt, signed the interpreter and said : ' Say to our new Father that before I take his hand I will explain to him what all this means. We were told not long ago that our Great Father was dead. We have heard of him as a great war- chief, who had passed much of his life among the red men and knew their wants, and we believed we would always have friendship and justice at his hands. His death has made us very sad. and, as this is our first opportunity, we thought it would be wrong if we did not use it to show that the hearts of his red children, as well as his white, know how to mourn over their great loss, and we have had to keep our father waiting while we performed that part of our mourning that we must always attend to before we leave our lodges with our dead.' " Then, amid the murmur of approbation from his people, he stepped forward and extended his hand. The hearty grasp with which the Governor seized and ■clung to it, showed he had touched the right spot, and the Hardfishes must be content, thereafter, to take a back seat. When, years after, the writer was enjoying a day of the Governor's hospitality at Maysville, Ky., and the incident coming up in conversation, the Governor was told that he must not credit Keokuk with the paternity of the entire 'plot,' but that his ingenuity was put into requisition only to manage the details, the kind old gentleman seemed greatly amused." , '^ '' WAPELLO S DEATH. An editorial in the Ottumv/a Oourier of September 13, 1876, is here repro- duced, because of its permanent value as an authentic sketch : " The old chief died at the forks of the Skunk River, March 15, 1842, and his remains were brought to the Indian Agency, near where Agency City is now located, in an ox-wagon, and buried toward evening of the same day, with the customary Indian ceremonies. At his own request, he was buried by the side of Gen. Street, in the garden of the Agency. Gen. Street had been an Indian Agent at Prairie du Chien and at Rock Island. He came to the Agency of the Sacs and Foxes here in April, 1838, by assignment of the Com- missioner of Indian Aifairs, Judge Crawford, and died May 5, 1840. He was for many years in the Indian service, and, although always a strong Whig, he was yet a man of such experience and sterling integrity that he remained in office to the day of his death, in spite of his politics and the changes in adminis- tration. He was very popular with the Indians, and hence the desire of Wa- pello to be laid by the side of his honest pale-fiiced friend, which wish was grat- ified. Gen. Street left numerous children and grandchildren, none of whom reside here now. " Keokuk, Appanoose and nearly all the leading men among the Indians, were present at Wapello's funeral. The dead chief was the successor of Black Hawk in rank. If Wapello's name is translated into English, we are unac- quainted with the fact. He was chief of the Foxes as well as of the confeder- ated tribes of Sacs and Foxes, composed of the bands of Keokuk, Appanoose, Hardfish, Poweshiek and his own. Poweshiek succeeded him as the senior HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUIITY. 349 chief of the confederated tribes, while Poweshiek's tribe-leadership fell to Pashe- shamore (Pa-she-sha-more), who, from all accounts, was a good sort of an Indian. He went to the Indian Territory with the Sacs and Foxes, where the remnants of this dejected race still subsist upon the bount}'^ of the Govern- ment. "Ere many more years are added to the pages of time, the last of these people will have gone to join the spirits of their ancestors in the " happy hunt- ing-ground," and will only be remembered in name. Within the last half cen- tury they have rapidly diminished in numbers, and from a once aggressively brave and warlike tribe, they have fallen into sheerest dejection. There is left but little semblance of the spirit of Black Hawk's time and generation. Pas- sionless and dejected, like most of the remnants of the other tribes that have been congregated in the Indian Territory, they have become hopelessly indiffer- ent, and seem to be calmly awaiting the coming of that fate which will remove every vestige of the once proud tribe of which they are the only remaining rep- resentatives. THE FIRST WHITE SETTLERS. THE BLACK HAWK PURCHASE. On the 21st day of September, 1832, Gen. Winfield Scott concluded a treaty with the confederate tribes of the Sauk and Fox Indians, by which the Indian title was extinguished to that portion of Iowa known as the Black Hawk Pur- chase. " This," said Hon. C. C. Nourse, in his State Address, delivered at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, Thursday, September 7, 1876, " was a strip of land on the west bank of the Mississippi River, the western boundary of which commenced at the southeast corner of the present county of Davis ; thence to a point on Cedar River, near the northeast corner of Johnson County; thence northwest to the neutral grounds of the Winnebagoes ; thence to the Mississippi to a point above Prairie du Chien, and contained about six million acres of land. By the terms of this treaty, the Indians were to occupy this land until June 1, 1833." This tract of land was forty miles in width, and is sometimes recalled as the '• Forty -Mile Strip. ' The western boundary line was fixed with the general course of the river, as the reader will see by reference to a map. From the starting-point to Cedar River, the course of the line was nearly northeast ; from Cedar River to the northern terminus, nearly northwest. As affecting Jeifer- son County, the west line of this purchase entered the county not far from the center of the southern boundary line, and thence bearing a little east of north, left the site of the city of Fairfield about two miles to the west, and left the county from the northern center of Penn Township — probably a little west of the center. With the expiration of the Indian limit of possession, there was a general rush of pioneers to the new purchase. As the Indians left the Avest bank of the Father of Waters, the bold, adventurous, enterprising pioneers descended the eastern bank and crossed over to enter uj)on and possess the land. The Black Hawk Purchase was subject to the jurisdiction of the Territory of Michigan ; and in September, 1834, the Territorial Legislature divided the Forty-Mile Strip into two counties — Dubuque and Des Moines. April 20, 1836, Congress passed an act creating the Territory of Wisconsin. The act went into effect on the 4th of July following, with Gen. Henry M. Dodge as 350 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Governor. On the 9tli of September of that year, Gov. Dodge ordered a cen- sus of the two counties west of the Mississippi River. That census showed a population of 10,531, which entitled the settlers on the Black Hawk Purchase to six members of the Territorial Council and thirteen in the House of Repre- sentatives. The first election for members of the Territorial Legislature was held on the first Monday in October, 1836. On the 25th of the same month, the Legisla- ture assembled at Belmont, in the present State of Wisconsin. At that session, the counties of Des Moines, Lee, Van Buren, Henry, Muscatine, Corfk (now Scott), Slaughter (now Washington) and Des Moines were created out of the original Des Moines County. "An act to divide the Territory of Wisconsin and to establish the Territo- rial Government of Iowa" was approved on the 12th of June, 1888, and became o[)erative July 3, 1838. When Henry County was erected, in 1836, its jurisdiction extended as far west as the western boundary line of the Black Hawk Purcliase, as heretofore described. In 1835, settlements had extended west from the Mississippi River to the Skunk River Valley, in Henry County. Until August of this year, it is not known that white men had ever penetrated to any part of the territory of the county whose history we are writing. At that time, however, John Huft", a native of Kentucky, but then a citizen of Hancock County, 111., and now a resident of Fairfield, and five other men — William Johnson and four Morris brothers, Robinson, John, Daniel and Shelton — came over from the Skunk River settlement on a prospecting tour, and spent two or three days in what is noAv Round Prairie Township. They were not only "spying out the land.'" with a view to future operations, but looking after the haunts of the bee as well. At that time, the woods abounded with wild bees, and in the space of two or three hours they found ten "bee-trees." They cut a part of them and " marked " the others and left them standing for future use. The men were so pleased with the lay of the land at Round Prairie and thereabouts, that each of them selected a claim. Mr. Huff" "marked for his own" the land on which Thomas Lambirth settled in May, 1836, and on which his widow still lives. After "setting their stakes," on which they inscribed their names, Huft" and his com- panions returned to their homes. Johnson and the Morris brothers never came back to improve or occupy their claims. When they reached the Skunk River settlement. Huff" set to work to makt' some honey-barrels, with a view to visiting the woods along Skunk River and its tributaries to hunt the bee and make its industry a source of pecuniary profit to himself. He made three barrels from staves manufactured from linn-trees ; and about the 1st of October, accora})anied by a young man named Levi John- son, he loaded his barrels on a canoe and started up the river. When they reached tlie mouth of Brush Creek, they " pitched their tent" and went inta camp. In a few weeks they had found and cut enough bee-trees to fill their three forty-gallon barrels, lacking about five gallons. By this time, October had gone and November had come, cold and bleak, and it was deemed advisable to break camp and start for more comfortable quarters. Another canoe, or "dug-out," was necessary for the transportation of their honey, camp outfit, tools, etc., and a large tree was felled, cut to a suitable length and fashioned to suit the purpose. Their stock in trade was taken on board, and the trip to Carthage, 111., via Fort Madison, where Huff" expected to find a market for his honey, was commenced. When they reached Rome, an untoward accident HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 351 occurred. The canoe in which the honey, tools, etc., was being transported was capsized, and everything that would sink went to the bottom of the river. One of the barrels was not quite full, and floated along on the surface of the water. It was secured and hauled out on the shore and stored away in a copse ■of brush, where it remained undisturbed for nearly two weeks, although as many as five hundred Indians were encamped there at the time. As soon as Huft" found he could not rescue his goods without suitable imple- ments, such as hooks, etc., he started for Burlington, and walked the entire dis- tance barefooted. He told the writer that he had an opportunity of riding with an ox-teara, but that it went too slow to suit his convenience. When night came on, he would go into camp with the driver of the team, and when morning came, he would remain by his camp-fire until the sun warmed the earth so his feet could stand it. The ox-team would move on ; but before nightfall he would overtake it and go into camp aga.n. He made the trip, secured a pair of shoes and some grappling hooks, and, at the end of eleven days returned to the scene of the wreck, and succeeded in raising his treasure in an undamaged condition. Where the mishap occurred, the water was about fifteen feet in depth, and Huflf offered an Indian |1 if he would dive doAvn and get his rifle, which had gone to the bottom with the other " traps." As cold as it was, the Indian made two plunges, but failed to bring up the gun. Huff tendered him the promised " dollar of the daddies," but the Indian said : "No ; me no get him ; half dollar enough." The rifle, a skillet, skillet-lid, pot for rendering honey and some other camp utensils were secured, when another start was made for the original point of destination, and this time successfully reached. In January, Huff came back to look after the bee-trees he and his com- panions had found in August. During the time he was engaged in this work, he visited his claim, but failed to make such " marks " or improvements as would give evidence of its being taken, a neglect that resulted in his loss of that particular tract of land. In February, he returned to Illinois, where, on the 3d day of March (1836), he married Miss Sarah Woodward, of Hancock County. In April, he came with his wife to Briggs', on Lost Creek, a short distance from Fort Madison. Leaving his wife there, he came on to build a cabin on his claim, but when he arrived there he found it occupied by a cabin, two of the corners of which had been partially burned away. He had neg- lected to comply with the claim-law in vogue among the settlers, and realizing that the fault was his own, he went over to what is now Cedar Township and made another claim in Section 1, which is now included in a farm owned by Tilford Gilmer. June 17, 1836, he brought his wife from a relative's in Henry County (whither she had gone from Briggs'), and went into camp. There was no shelter other than that afforded by the boughs of the trees. All their worldly goods were brought on horseback. The prospect was not very in- viting, but they had brave, resolute hearts. Huff cut some forks and poles, and peeled some bark from the trees, and out of them made a shelter and protection against the hot suns and rains. A place for a cabin was selected. The place selected was in the midst of a grove of young hickories, from which enough were cut and peeled to fashion a cabin. With the help of his wife and her brother, David A. Woodard, then a boy, and one or two neighboring settlers, the cabin was raised and made ready for "housekeeping." In the month of February, 1836, James Tilford, Samuel Scott Walker and Thomas Lambirth came over from Morgan Count v. 111., on a prospecting tour, hunting lands for a new home. When they reached Round Prairie, they 352 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. were so pleased with the " lay of the land," that they determined to " pitch their tents " in that locality. Ignorant of the fact that Mr. Huff had been there and "staked out" a claim, Mr. Lambirth selected the same ground that Mr. Huft" had chosen, and proceeded to the erection of a cabin very nearly at the present residence of Mrs. Sarah A. Lambirth, his widow, and J. P. Chezum^ her son-in-law. Mr. Walker made a claim on what is now the Haskett farm, including the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 25, and the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 26. Mr. Tilford made a claim between the claims of Lambirth and Walker. After building their cabins, these pio- neers returned to their homes in Illinois. On the 16th of May following, James Tilford, the father of Mrs. Lambirth, with his son Joseph, then a lad of ten years, and Thomas Lambirth and his wife, and Samuel Scott Walker and his wife and two children — Elizabeth, aged six years, and Mary Frances, aged four years — came to occupy the claims and cabins mentioned above. Between the time the cabins had been built, and the return of their owners in May, the Lambirth cabin had been partially destroyed by fire. Two of the corners had been so nearly consumed that repairs were immediately necessary. How or by what means the fire was communicated to the cabin, never transpired. By a few, it was supposed some claim-hunters had fired it to destroy evidence of the land upon which it was built being claimed. Others attributed the work to straggling Indians, who were maddened at the thought of white people coming to occupy the country; but no one believed the fire to be the result of accident. These first pioneers were accompanied by Joseph Craig, James Samuels, William and David Brown, Joseph Tibbs and David Stephenson, all unmarried men. The Browns were not suited with the country, and, after spending a few days in prospecting, went over to near Mount Pleasant and selected claims^ where they settled. Samuels, Craig, Stephens and Tibbs were equally dissat- isfied, and returned to Illinois. IN THE WILDERNESS — CROSSING CEDAR CREEK MRS. LAMBIRTH IN NETTLE^. The teams and wagons that hauled the goods and effects of Tilford. Lam- birth and Walker from Morgan County, 111., were the first to penetrate this part of Iowa. There were but very few, if any, established roads in any part of Henry County, and certainly there was not a wagon trail this side of Cedar Creek. Hundreds of the first pioneers to the "Forty-Mile Strip" of Iowa had no definite point of settlement in view when they left their old homes to found new ones in the Far West beyond the Mississippi ; but, bold, fearleas, deter- mined and resolute, they pushed on and on until they found a locality to suit their fancy, and then pitched their tents or lived in their wagons — those great, schooner-like concerns of the Conestoga (Pennsylvania) kind, that would hold about as much as an ordinary canal-boat — until cabins could be reared. When the pioneer cavalcade, if such it may be called, reached the banks of Cedar Creek, it came to a sudden halt. The water was high. There was no ferry. The banks were steep. ^o wagon had ever essayed to cross before, and it became necessary to cut the banks down so the teams and vehicles could descend on ihe one side and ascend on the other. The work was soon accom- plished on the one side, and then, mounting horses, two or three of the men, with spades in hand, crossed to the other side and cut away the bank. This completed, the men crossed back. Lambirth 's wagon, drawn by three yoke of cattle, was in the advance, and was first driven down into the water. The rear end of the wagon-cover was loosened and turned back, and Mrs. Lambirth HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 35o raised to a seat to be carried over. Joseph Tilford sat in the forward end of the wagon to guide the wheel-oxen, and Mr. Lambirth rode a horse by the side of the forward cattle to guide them to the crossing. When the opposite bank was reached, Mr. Lambirth lifted his wife down from the place to which he had lifted her but a few moments before, and carried her out on the bank and sat her down on a log in the midst of nettles as high as a man's head. And thus it came to be recorded that she was the first white woman to cross Cedar Creek. Her cousin, Mrs. Walker, the wife of Samuel Scott Walker, was in the next wagon, and was the second white woman to cross that stream. The frontier cabins were reached soon afterward, where the struggles, hardships and priva- tions of pioneer life were commenced in earnest. As an instance of their isolated condition, Mrs. Lambirth relates that it was nine and a half months after their arrival in Round Prairie Township before she saw a white woman, except Mrs. Walker, who accompanied her from Illinois. It may be explained here that Mr. Tilford did not bring his family with him when he came Avith Lambirth and Walker, but left them at their home in Illinois, where they remained until 1840, although he continued to occupy and improve his claim. He made frequent visits to his family, but raised a crop on his Iowa claim every year from 1836 to the time of his death, December 28, 1860. PLOAVING THE VIRGIN SOIL THE FIRST CROP. Soon after the arrival of the above-named pioneers at their frontier cabins, arrangements were made for planting a crop of corn, and James Tilford, assisted by the lad Joseph, heretofore mentioned, commenced turning over the prairie sod with an eighteen-inch breaking-plow, drawn by three yoke of cattle. The father held the plow, and Joseph cracked the whip and guided the team. Thirteen acres were turned over and planted to corn, which afterward yielded about twelve bushels to the acre. A part of the ground thus cultivated in 1836 is still included in the Lambirth place, and the other part is included in the homestead of W. B. Frame, which is a part of the original Tilford claim, Mr. Frame having married Miss Harriet, one of the Tilford heirs. A fair crop of potatoes was also raised this year, which were the first raised in the county. Soon after Tilford, Lambirth and Walker had completed their cabins and returned to Illinois, John Huff came back to look after his claim interests, and found that his claim had been "jumped," and a cabin built upon it. As men- tioned elsewhere, he went over to what is now Cedar Township and selected another claim, which he went to occupy on the 17th of June. It is thus very clearly established that while Huff, William Johnson and the four Morrison broth- ers were the first white men to visit this part of the country and select claims, the honor of being the first actual settlers and cabin-builders belongs to Thomas Lambirth and Samuel Scott Walker and their fiimilies. James Tilford and his son Joseph are entitled to at least a share of this honor, for, as already shown, they came with the Lambirth and Walker families and remained during the summer of 1836, made a crop of corn, etc. The elder Tilford made the county his home until his death. Joseph grew to manhood on the "old planta- tion," a part of which he now owns. And it is worthy of remark that of these first settlers not one of them ever became a party to a lawsuit in any court. The land they selected as claims has always remained in the ownership and pos- session of the respective families, and, not a foot of it, amounting in all to about nine hundred acres, was ever mortgaged for a dollar. 554 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. During the summer of 1836, a very considerable number of claim-hunters visited the country west of Skunk lliver and in the Cedar Creek region. Many of them selected claims, which they came to occupy the following season. Some made immediate improvements and came with their families to occupy them in the summer and fall of 1836. So far as can be remembered by John Huff and Mrs. Lambirth, the following list embraces the entire population when the sum- mer of that year faded into autumn, and autumn whitened into winter : James Tilford and his son Joseph ; Thomas Lambirth and wife ; Samuel Scott Walker, his wife and two children ; John Huff and wife ; Amos Lemon, his wife and five children ; Isaac Blakely ; James Lanmon, his wife and six children ; David A. Woodard (a boy who came with John Huff, now a resident of Neosho County, Kan.); Col. W. G. Coop, his wife and three children: Noah Wright, his wife and one child ; Harmon J. Sikes and three brothers, all unmai-ried ; George Stout, his wife and three children ; Samuel T. Harris, liis wife and eight children : David Coop, his wife and two children ; John Mitchell and wife ; George Troy, his wife and two children ; Ballard; Fred Lyons and Lambeth Morgan, both unmarried ; Isaac Bush and a man named Mount, the two last named being the last arrivals in the fall of 1836. Total, sixty-nine. The names of the heads of families and the number of children here given are quoted from memory, and may not be exactly correct, but are believed to be nearly so. A majority of those named above settled in Round Prairie, but some of them settled in other parts of the new "El Dorado." Samuel T. Harris selected a claim and settled about seven miles east of the present city of Fair- field. Ballard made a claim some two miles northeast of Fairfield, and built a camp in the grove on the land now owned by Eli Hoops. Ballard came to the country more as a bee-hunter than with the intention of becoming a per- manent settler and tiller of the soil. Ballard's hunts for bees were mostly confined to the timber along a small stream that was known to the early settlers as " Ballard's Branch," but now called Crow Creek. But in a few years, the country became too thickly settled to suit Ballard's idea of prosperity and suc- cess, and he moved on further west. Mills, stores, groceries, etc., in those days, were " few and far between." The nearest place where goods of any kind could be had was at Mount Pleasant. The nearest mill was in Schuyler County, 111., known as Rail's Mill, at the place now known as Brooklyn, more than one hundred miles distant. In 1836 and 1837, but little flour was used by the settlers. They used corn-bread almost exclusively. Wheat-bread was only used an special occasions. The Lambirth and Walker families and Mr. Tilford brought some flour with them when they came in May, 1836, but only enough for their own use, for life in a ncAV country creates wonderfully good appetites. All the settlers of 1836 brought some provisions, but in many cases the supply was very limited. When they gave out, those who had money would generally fall back on Fort Madison. Those who were "short," managed as best they could. And there were instances, as will be shown in another paragraph, where fam- ilies were reduced to the necessity of living upon elm bark. In such cases, when the facts became known, the generosity and goodness of those who were more fortunate, showed itself in good .deeds. Tilford, Lambirth and Walker raised the only corn and potatoes produced in the Round Prairie settlement that year. John Huff' raised some potatoes on his claim in Cedar Township. Another squatter living near Huff' also raised a •"patch " of corn. These were the first crops raised in what is now Jefferson FAIRFIELD HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 357 County. In the fall of that year, Col. Coop sowed some wheat, which was har- vested in 1837, and Coop is believed to be entitled to the honor of raising the first crop of that cereal. But very few of the other settlers of that year came in time to make a crop, and hence, when the winter came on, the settlers, as a rule, were ill prepared to meet and contend against its pressing needs. VISIT OF A LEE COUNTY PIONEER TO ROUND PRAIRIE. TROUNCING A MIS- SISSIPPI RIVER FERRYMAN. In the summer of 1836, Hawkins Taylor, Esq., an early settler in Lee County, but now a resident of Washington City, visited Round Prairie and its settlers, most of whom were his relatives. While the material for this volume was in course of preparation, the attention of Mr. Taylor was called to the undertaking through the columns of the newspapers of Fairfield, and under date of the Gth of November, 1878, he addressed a letter to the Ledger, giving an account of that visit, together with some other reminiscences of that period, from which the following paragraphs are selected : " In the spring of 1836, Scott and Combs Walker, cousins of mine, James Gilmer, Burton Litton, Hardin Butler, Hardin, and probably some other families that I have now forgotten, settled in the Round Prairie. They were all from Adair County, Ky., the same county that I came from. On the 4th of July of that year, was the first sale of town lots in Salem, Henry County. The sale had been extensively advertised. I attended it. There was no house nearer the town at that time than the timber on Little Cedar, some two miles off. There was a large attendance at the sale for that day, probably fifty peo- ple. I ate dinner with Father Street, the proprietor of the town, one of the most intelligent men I ever met. I intended to go to Round Prairie, to visit my friends. There was no road, but the old man Street gave me the course, and I succeeded in reaching Scott Walker's that evening. The Cedar Creek bottom was then one mass of pea-vine, and for some distance the lower part of Round Prairie was a thick mass of black-jack, plum, crab and hazel-bushes. It was accidental that I found my way. Round Prairie was then in full bloom with prairie flowers, and was a beautiful sight, and a most desirable place for a settlement, as I thought. My friends had all built themselves cab- ins, and had little patches of corn planted in the edge of the timber, and had some prairie broken. There was not a sawed board about their cabins. The floors were puncheons, the doors clapboards, and the roof boards laid on ribs and weighted down with other poles. They all had cows and plenty of milk, corn-bread and butter, and were as content as they could be. " Hardin Butler was the grandson of John Butler, one of the most noted Indian scouts that ever was in Kentucky. That fall, Hardin, like the children of Israel of old, took his young wife and his household goods and went to his father's, in Illinois, to winter. His father had plenty, and he had raised no crop in Iowa. "At that day, nearly the entire immigration to Iowa, south of Skunk, crossed the Mississippi River at Fort Madison, and the man who managed the ferry there was a rough, brutal bully. When Hardin drove on the ferry-boat, one of his cattle ran off". He went for the cow, but just as he got to the boat the ferryman cast-off". Butler's wife was not well, and was greatly alarmed at crossing the river, and doubly so when she found her husband was not with her. Butler waited until the boat returned, said not a word to the ferryman, went on to Illinois, spent the winter at his father's, and returned in the spring with his family and stock, and with him he brought two or three of his cousins. After c 358 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. he had all safely landed in Fort Madison, he said to the ferryman, ' You were on this boat last fall,' and gave him a terrific drubbing, his friends keeping all others off until the ferryman hollowed murder, when they took him off. When he saw hoAV badly the fellow was punished, he said to his friends, 'Why didn't you take me off" sooner?' 'Oh I' said they, 'it was an old debt, and we thought you had better pay the interest with the principal.' It was some time before the ferryman was on duty again, but it was the last time he was ever known to treat a passenger on the boat unkindly. It was to him a good lesson, and the people of Fort Madison were greatly delighted that the ruffian had been trounced into a good, accommodating ferryman." The winter of 1836-37 was a terribly severe one, and the cabins of the set- tlers were poor protection against the wintry blasts. Snow commenced to fall early in November, and fell to a great depth and continued to cover the ground until the first spring month was well advanced, so that it was with difficulty the men could get around to attend to their domestic duties or prosecute the plans laid out for the "campaign" of the spring and summer. The trails lead- ing toward the settlements in Henry County and the trading-places on the Mis- sissippi River were so blockaded as to render travel by teams almost, if not quite, impossible. Provisions grew scarce, and suffering from hunger fol- loAved. Among the settlers already mentioned, was the family of Amos Lemon (who settled on the farm now owned by Albert Howell), consisting of his wife and five children. Mr. Lemon was a preacher of the Baptist faith, and bore the name of an excellent man. Like many other preachers, however, he possessed but little of this world's goods, preferring rather to lay up his treasures in heaven, " where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt." He came to found a home in the land of the lowas for his wife and little ones, but came too late to raise a crop of any kind. He brought but a small supply of provisions, expecting, no doubt, to be able to visit the trading-places before mentioned to procure provis- ions as the needs of his family demanded. But the winter came and the snow fell so as to render such trips beyond the power of human endurance. Their scanty stock of provisions disappeared day by day until the last crust of bread was gone, and the family compelled to resort to the bark of slippery-elm trees for the means of supporting life. It is said they actually subsisted in that way for several weeks before their condition became known, and relief rendered. The ordeal was so trying that, in pity and anxiety for her suffering, hungering chil- dren, the mother's reason partially gave way, and from which she did not fully recover for many a long, weary month. The first to hear of the pitiable condition of the Lemon family, and to devise means for their relief was Mrs. Lambirth. They had laid in enough of bread- stuff" to last the two — her husband and herself — through the winter, but no more. W^ith a nobleness of heart that was an honor to her sex, Mrs. Lambirth determined to succor the famishing children of her distant neighbor. She reasoned thus : " We have breadstuff sufficient to last Thomas (her husband) and myself until the winter is gone. Thomas is making rails and doing other hard work, and needs bread and meat to preserve his strength. I can live on potatoes. The bread I would eat would feed those little children until other means can be provided to stay their hunger." Having reached this conclusion, she communicated it to her husband the next morning as they sat at their com- fortably-supplied table. "Thomas, Lemon's children are starving for bread, and I intend to divide our breadstuff in two parts. One part I will make in bread from time to time as you need it to preserve your strength that you may HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 359 go on improving our claim. The other part I will carry to Lemon's, that the lives of their children may be saved. I can and tvill live on potatoes." The plan was carried out to the letter. Other relief soon came, and the children lived to bless the name of their benefactress. Meal after meal Mrs. L. sat at the table with her husband, but she kept her resolution, and never touched the bread she had set apart for her husband, and which she denied herself that the lives of the children of her neighbor might be saved. AN INDIAN SCARE. When the settlers of 1836 came to exercise dominion in the territory now included in Jefferson County, the Indians had disappeared as a body. Occa- sionally, however, some straggling ones would come along to frighten the women and children with their presence, and annoy the heads of households with their begging propensities. But very few of the settlers had ever seen an Indian, but they had heard and read of many of their bloody and cruel acts of atrocity toward frontier settlers. A goodly number of the pioneers were either born in Kentucky, the "dark and bloody ground," or were de- scendants of parents of that grand old commonwealth, and it would be strange indeed if, when the women came to consider the fact that they were on the frontier, on the grounds the Indians had recently occupied, and that they might come back some time and massacre the settlers, they did not sometimes almost tremble with apprehension. But the Indians came not, only as occasional stragglers and beggars. One of these came to the Lam- birth claim in February, 1837 ; an account of which is thus rendered by Mrs. Lambirth : "My husband had eaten his breakfast and gone to work about a mile and a half from the house. I was doing up my morning work, when my attention was attracted to the fierce and savage barking of our dog. I went out of the door and looked in that direction and found the dog had an Indian ' treed ' on the ash-hopper. I was scared, expecting that others were concealed near by, but I managed to pac- ify the dog, and get him away. The Indian got down from the ash-hopper and followed me into the house, where he gave me to understand that he was hungry, ahd that he wanted something to eat. I gave him some bread, which he stowed away in the folds of his blanket, and then he told me the Indians were coming to kill us. I told him that as I had fed him, he ought to be a good Indian, and that tliey ought not to kill us for we had never injured them. At last, I got him to go out of the house and to start away. He had hardly got out of sight of the house till our horse and cattle came running up out of the stock-field like they were mad, and believing that they had been scared by the Indians who were coming in force to kill us, I commenced calling at the top of my voice for Thomas and the other men, never thinking but thai I could make them hear me, although they were a mile and a half away. But I took a second thought, and, catching the horse I mounted him and started for where my husband was at work, screaming at every jump the horse took. At last Thomas heard me and came running to meet me, and wanted to know what the matter was — if the house was on fire. I told him no, but that there were a hundred Indians at the house and that they had come to kill us. We hur- ried back to the house, but no Indians were in sight. Thomas wanted to know where my hundred Indians Avere. I told him I didn't know, but that I was certain there had been one, for I had given him something to eat. Hus- band laughed at my fright which was the first and last Indian scare I ever experienced." 360 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. HARD TIMES AND HOMINY-BLOCKS. In consequence of the severity and length of the winter of 1836-37, the set- tlers who were not fortunate enough to be able to bring a six-months supply of provisions with them, were sometimes reduced to very straitened circum- stances. There were no mills in the country — the nearest one was an hundred miles away, so that for breadstuff the corn raised the summer previous was as good as useless, unless some means could be devised to crush it, and the settlers fell back on their own ingenuity to meet the exigencies of the times. Hominy blocks were substituted for mills. The corn was crushed as fine as possible in these primitive concerns, and then sifted through a wire sieve and baked in " corn dodgers," Indian " pones " or "johnny-cakes." Such corn as the set- tlers used for bread that winter would hardly be considered fit feed for horses now, but most of the pioneers of 1836 were glad to get it. Those of them who had this kind of coarse bread and "hog and hominy " for a regular diet the first winter of the settlement of this part of Iowa were esteemed to be in " good fix." Deer, wild turkey, etc., were plenty, and if they grew tired of " pork and bacon," or if those articles gave out, the deficiency was easily supplied from the forests and prairies. Wild bees were plenty, too, and wild honey was to be found upon almost every table. As the country settled up, however, mills were built, and " hominy-blocks" or " corn-crushers " went out of use until they only exist in memory. As rel- ics of the " long ago," a description of them will not be out of place. A tree of suitable size, say from eighteen inches to two feet in diameter, was selected from the forest and felled to the ground. If a cross-cut saw happened to be convenient, the tree was " butted," that is, the " curf " end was sawed off so that it would stand steady when ready for use. If there was no cross-cut saw in the neighborhood, strong arms and sharp axes were made to do the work. Then the proper length, from four to five feet, was measured off, and sawed or cut square. When this was done, the block was raised on end, and the work of cutting out a hollow in one or the other of the ends was commenced. This was usually done with a common chopping-ax. Sometimes a smaller one was used, and in some instances a fire would be kindled on the end and carefully watched until a cavity or hollow was burned out sufficiently large for the pur- pose intended, when the ragged edges would be dressed away with some smaller sharp-edged instrument. When completed, the hominy-block somewhat resem- bled a druggist's mortar. Then a pestle or something to crush the corn was necessary. This was usually made from a suitably-sized piece of timber, with an iron wedge attached, the large end down. This completed the machinery, and the block was ready for use. Sometimes one hominy -block accommodated a whole neighborhood, and was the means of staying the hunger of many mouths. The houses of those days were only cabins — most of them built from round logs. The floors were made of puncheons split from trees of the forest. The doors, door-cheeks, window-cheeks, etc., as well as all other " finishing stuff," was made in the same way, and then dressed down with a broad-ax. The roof was made of clapboards or "shakes," split from some monarch of the forest. The boards were held in place by weight-poles laid lengthwise, and kept at con- venient and suitable distances by " knees." Very often a cabin would be com- pleted without the use of a single nail in the entire structure. A mud-and- stick or sod chimney and earthen hearth finished the " cabin." The women baked their "corn dodgers" or "johnny-cakes," cooked their venison or roasted the HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 361 wild turkeys their husbands killed, by these old-fashioned fire-places in skillets, pots and ovens just as nicely as cooks and servants bake the bread and roast the meats on costly stoves and ranges now. They cooked their meals and entertained visitors — people didn't "call" then — at the same time and in the same room, and didn't consider it a disgrace either, to be seen molding their "johnny-cakes" or bending over their skillets and ovens. And the mothers of those days — the brave wives of Iowa's pioneers — were just as happy as the wives and mothers who live in costly mansions in 1878. But by and by the primitive log cabin gave way to hewed log or frame houses with shingle roofs, plank floors with carpets — rag carpets, may be, that prudent housewives made themselves. They cut the rags, sewed them together, and, as likely as not, wove them with their own hands. Brick or stone chimneys took the place of the old-fashioned and primitive mud-and-stick or sod chimneys. The first hewed log or frame house was the pride of the neighborhood, and its occupants were considered the first families. — the aristocrats — of the settlement. The erection of the first frame house in the county is accredited to Thomas Lam- birth, and is still standing and occupied as a residence by Mrs. Lambirth and her son-in-law, J. P. Chezum. In that neighborhood the settlers were mostly of southern descent, if not natives of some one of the Southern States. Some of them, and the larger part we believe, represented Kentucky customs and habits, and hospitality, and in traveling through Round Prairie Township one will notice that to all the old houses there are outside chimneys, and very often one at each end of the house. In the country districts of Kentucky, Tennessee and the Carolinas an inside chimney, until within the last ten or fifteen years, was the exception and not the rule. In the Eastern States an outside chimney has always been an excep- tion. But as the country of the lowas developed in wealth and prosperity, and the people grew rich, the fire-places to the outside chimneys were closed up, and heating-stoves substituted as a measure of economy. A large per cent of the heat that escaped " up the chimney " is thereby saved, and much less fuel is needed to keep a house warm. The old primitive log cabins, reminders of the days of small beginnings ! But very few of them are in use now. They were abandoned many years ago for a better class of buildings, but a great many of them are still standing, and used for wash-houses, tool-houses, etc. They ought to be preserved as memen- tos of the "times that tried men's souls" (and women's), and vines and flowers planted around them. With such surroundings they would make nice summer- houses, and an hundred years hence would be a curiosity to the people who will then hold and exercise dominion in the commonwealth of Iowa. SETTLERS OF 1837 THE OLD VILLAGE OF LOCKRIDGE FIR>ST STORE. In the year 1837, ({uite a large number of settlers came and occupied claims and commenced improvements in different parts of the county. All had to depend on the farms and mills " beyond the Mississippi " for tlieir family sup- plies. Rail's mill was the acknowledged depot for breadstuff's. Corn-bread was the staple. Flour was only used on special occasions. The bread supply was hauled from the mills by ox-team. Joseph M. Parker was millboy for the entire settlement during that summer, and in which he made two or three trips, each trip occupying twenty-seven to thirty days. In 1836, Col. W. G. Coop selected a claim in what is now the northeast corner of Section 1, in Cedar Township, In the fall of that year, he went back to the vicinity of Alton, 111., and, during the winter, managed to trade some 362 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. real property he owned there for a stock of goods. In the spring following, he shipped the goods by river for Fort Madison. On the way, the boat sunk and the goods were thoroughly wet and seriously damaged. In consequence of some defect in the insurance papers, Coop was left no redress, and was obliged to accept the goods as they were delivered, or suffer their entire loss. He chose the former alternative, and as soon as the building could be prepared on his claim, the goods were opened to sale, and " Coop's store " became the first trad- ing-place commenced within the limits of Jeff"erson County. About the same time, he laid oft' a town which he called Lockridge. In those days, the town- ship and section lines were established at random. A Congressional township is six miles square. The settlers took the last range of regularly surveyed town- ships as a basis of calculation, and measured or made a temporary survey there- from. When township lines were fixed, it was not a difficult matter to divide the township into sections and the sections into quarters, etc. In very many cases, the lines fixed by the settlers were almost directly confirmed by the Gov- ernment Surveyors. Some times, however, the settlers' lines would be pretty widely at fault. It not unfrequently happened that the house of one settler and the farm of another would be on the same 160 acres, as established by the United States Surveyors. In each township the settlers had a Claim Association, and rules and regulations for the protection of each other. The rules required a regis- tered description to be kept of every man's claim as he located it. When the United States surveys were made, and there were found to be conflicting interests among the settlers, the Claim Committee were called together and the claimants and their respective witnesses cited to appear. Each party and their witnesses told their own story without oath or affirmation, for such proceedings were not necessary in those days to get the truth. The word of honor of a " squatter " was as good as his oath or his bond. After hearing all the facts in the case, the Committee would correct the register according to the evidence, and from that correction and the rulings of the Claim Court there was no appeal. An old settler says : •" I never knew of injustice being done in a single case." When Coop built his storehouse and laid off" his town of Lockridge, he sup- posed he was laying it out on the northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 71 north. Range 9 west. But when Uncle Sara's surveyors came along and fixed the line between Townships 71 and 72, they left the most of Lockridge in Township 72 (Buchanan). At nearly the same time that Coop put up his stock of goods, a rival store was opened by Miles Driscoll, Samuel Moore and John Ratliff". This firm, if it was a firm, bought a lot of Coop and erected a store-building on it, and com- menced business. John Huff' made the clapboards that roofsd the building, as also some of the stuff" for shelving, etc. These stores were a great convenience to the settlers, but they "had to pay" for almost everything they bought — that is to say, goods, groceries, etc. — was enormously high as compared with the prices that prevail now. Salt retailed at the rate of $7 per bushel, and corn- meal, hauled by ox-teams from Rail's" mill, in Illinois, sold at |1.25 per bushel, and almost everything else in the same proportion. When Col. Coop laid off' his town of Lockridge, and aspired to found a city that would become a metropolis of this part of the "Beautiful Land," he " reckoned without his host," for it was written from the first that it should never become a great city. His ambition was laudable and praiseworthy. He hoped to be the founder of the county seat of a great and prosperous county. But all around there were other men equally ambitious, and they managed to coop Coop's plans, and he saw his fondest hopes fall to the ground and Lock- HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 363 ridge's promise depart before the rising glory of Fairfield. When the county of Jefferson was created in January, 1839, it was generally believed that Lock- ridge would be made the seat of justice. But the Commissioners appointed to locate the county seat ruled it otherwise. After one meeting of the Board of County Commissioners there, in April, 1889, at which the county machinery was put in motion, Lockridge began to fall into decay, and the place and the people that once knew it, now know it no more only in name. Its " corner lots," public parks, streets and avenues are lost in well-cultivated fields. In- stead of thronged streets, crowded stores and busy shops and manufactories, there is naught to disturb the stillness but the lowing of herds, and the voices of prosperous husbandmen. This year there was a very material increase in the population over that reported at the close of 1836. Every visitor or prospector to the frontier — every one who made claims, was well pleased with the country, and the golden stories they conveyed to their friends in the old homes excited admiration and a desire to come and possess some part of the land that needed but to be "stirred with the plow and tickled with the hoe," to render ample and remunerative returns to tillers of the soil. Many came in this year and made claims and perfected arrangements to permanently occupy them the next spring. Those who came in time, in 1836, to plow and plant that year, raised good crops in 1837, and prosperity hovered over the frontier settlers. In 1836, Keokuk, for himself and immediate adherents, ceded his reserve from the Black Hawk Purchase of 1832 to the United States. As he and his followers disappeared in the west, "squatters'' appeared on the east. On the 21st of October, 1837, a treaty was made at the city of Washington, between Cary A. Smith, Commissioner of Indian Aifairs, and the confederate tribes of Sauks and Foxes, which was ratified on the 21st of February, 1838, by which 1,250,000 acres were added to the tract of land conveyed by them to the United States on the 21st of September, 1832. This strip of land adjoined the Black Hawk Purchase on the west, Avas of the same length, twenty-five miles in the center, and tapered off" to a point at both ends. Thi«i purchase extended west to what is now the west line of Jefferson County. In anticipation of this purchase, "squatters" pushed on beyond the limits of the "Forty-Mile Strip" long before the purchase was ratified and confirmed. Among the first to enter upon this strip was Daniel Morris and his family. Morris was more hunter than farmer, and was never contented unless away on beyond the limits of civilization. He selected his claim on the extreme limits of what it was supposed would be included in the purchase. When the pur- chase was ratified and the western line established, it was found that his cabin was on the east side of the line and his farming land on the west. The Indi- ans, however, granted him permission to cultivate the land, and did not in any way interfere with his farming operations. This family, if not the first, was among the first white families to settle in what is now Locust Grove Town- ship AN INDIAN WIFE ON HER iMUSCLE. Morris' family and the Indians became very intimate and friendly, and the latter were frequent visitors at the cabin of their pale-faced neighbors. On one occasion, an Indian named Shi-ash-kah and his wife stopped at the Morris cabin, when Shi-ash-kah was in a beastly state of intoxication, and soon went into a drunken sleep. Mrs. Shi-ash-kah was about twenty-five years of age, and said to have been a remarkably handsome woman. An impudent young Indian "buck," named No-tel-us-kuk, liappened to be at Morris' at the 364 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. time, and like many an one of his "pale-faced" brothers, succeeded in getting himself into trouble by attempting to be too familiar with the wife of a drunken husband. While Shi-ash-kah was sleeping oflf his drunk, Mrs. Shi-ash-kah went out to the stable to attend to her pony, whither she was followed by No- tel-us-kuk, by whom she was grossly insulted. She returned to the house, her cheeks flushed, and her keen eyes sparkling with anger. The impudent and shameless villain soon came in also, and seated himself in one corner of the room with as much nonchalance and sang froid as if he had been the most virt- uous being in the world. Mrs. Shi-ash-kah began exposing him by calling him "kee-ne-ket-chee wal-luki," which being interpreted means "you are a d d rascal." Ne-tel-us-kuk, placing his hand upon his breast, declared that he was " nee-nee-ket-e-ko-pe" — a "gentleman," and that although he might be on the "ragged edges," he was guiltless of the "great transgression." The insulted Indian wife asked him, "Wau-ke-low kee-ne-ket-e-ko-pe," or "What makes you a gentleman?" " Kee-ne-ku-mo-tee nish-e-neck, a-tos-ke-see She- mo-ke-man," which meant "You stole two horses from a white man, and seven blankets from the trader." The indignant woman then turned to Mrs. Morris and asked her if to steal two horses and seven blankets, and then insult a mar- ried woman, when her husband was drunk, made a gentleman ? What answer Mrs. Morris rendered is not stated, but after the quarrel had continued some time, Ne-tel-us-kuk called Mrs. Shi-ash-kah some disreputable names, which so enraged the already angered woman that she attempted to draw her knife ; but not finding it where she usually carried it about her person, she sprang at the object of her wrath with the agility of a cat, and dealt him such a blow with her hand as to send him sprawling to the floor. She then sprang upon him like a tigress, and stamped and beat him until the blood ran in profusion over his swarthy face, and finally caught him by the hair of his head and dragged him out of doors ! Mr. Morris subsequently removed to Southwestern Missouri and settled among the spurs of the Ozark Mountains. Not long ago, he wrote back that his home was in the paradise of hunters ; that bears and other game were plenty, and that he was perfectly satisfied with the change from the prairies of Iowa to the mountain ranges and rocky slopes of Southwestern Missouri. RETROSPECTIVE. The preceding pages of this volume cover a period of nearly three years* Within • that time there were many occurrences of interest to the settlers, as they will be to their descendants and successors, that will be made to form a separate chapter. THE LAND SALES — SQUATTERS AND SPECULATORS. The first sale of Government lands in this section of the Black Hawk Pur- chase commenced in November, 1838. The land office at that time Avas located at Burlington. Many of the settlers who came to the country and made claims in 1836—37-38, had no means, except, perhaps, a yoke of cattle, or a pair of horses and a wagon, in which they hauled all their earthly possessions. Some of them, as for instance, John Huft", didn't have even that much. When he came to his claim, on the 17th of June, 1836, his earthly possessions were car- ried on horseback from the home of some of his wife's relatives, near Lowell. in the southeast part of Henry County. They were set down on the claim HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 365 ■without any place for shelter. But a shelter was improvised from forks and poles and the bark of trees. Many of the other settlers commenced in nearly the same way This class of settlers, the bravest among them all, trusted to luck and their own brave hearts and industry to earn the means to buy their claims when the land sales came on. Some of the other settlers were in better condi- tion, and brought money with them, or knew where to get it, when the time came to perfect their titles by "bidding in'' the land covered by their claims. The Burlington land sales of November, 1838, constituted an epoch in the history of this country, and was one of extraordinary interest to two classes of people. • First, to the settlers who wanted homes, and had braved the exposures incident to frontier life to secure them ; and second, to the " money -sharks " and "land-grabbers." The latter class, as soulless as the managers of a Chicago savings-bank, were always ready to take advantage of the poverty of a settler, and either loan him money at "50 per cent," or buy his home from under him. In other pages of this book, reference is made to the manner in which the settlers protected themselves and each other in their legitimate rights. It was also stated that a record was kept of every claim made in the several townships. After this register or record was completed, the Claim Association in each town- ship elected a bidder to attend the land sales and "bid in" for the occupant each particular claim, as the description of the land was called by the land-office authorities. In this way, every bona-fide settler was protected in his rights. The law never did and never will protect the people in all their rights so fully and so completely as the early settlers of Iowa protected themselves by these claim organizations. They secured justice to all, and, at the same time, fully paid the Government for the lands occupied by them, and who, by their pru- dence and industry laid the foundations of that economy that has made the commonwealth of the "Beautiful Land" the garden-spot and granary of the world. " Squatters and Speculators at the First Land Sales," is the title of an article written by Hawkins Taylor, Esq., and published in the July (1870) num- ber of the "Annals of Iowa." Athough the paper relates more particularly to Lee County, it describes so accurately the scenes considered here, that a few paragraphs are transferred to tliis history of Jefferson County : "The land officers at Burlington, Gen. Van Antwerp and Gen. Dodge, most heartily entered into the spirit and interests of the settlers at the land sales, in securing them their lands, for which the early settlers honored Gen. Dodge, politically, as few men Avere ever trusted by any people. Gen. Van Antwerp, fortunately or unfortunately for himself as a politician, never went t(» the people for office ; he Avas of the old Knickerbocker chivalry — was edu- cated at West Point, and always wore a 'boiled shirt' and starched collar. He was full of grit, always true, but never of the masses. God bless, as He will surely do, the 'Old Settlers,' generally and collectively, of that day. " Strange as it may seem to jieople at this day of free lands to all who will settle upon them, at that day, tlie settlers on public lands were held as ' squat- ters ' without any rights to be respected by the Government, or land specu- lators. Many amusing incidents happened at the land sales, one of which I will relate : " ' There were thousands of settlers at the sale at Burlington, in the fall of 1838. The officers could sell but one or two townships each day, and when the land in any one township was offered, the settlers of that township constituted the army on duty for that day, and surrounded the office for their own protec- 366 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY • tion. with all the other settlers as a reserve force, if needed. The hotels were full of speculators of all kinds, from the money-loaner, who would accommo- date the settler at 50 per cent, that is, he would enter the settler's land in his (the speculator's) own name, and file a bond for a deed at the end of two years, by the settler's paying him double the amount the land cost. At these rates. Dr. Barrett, of Springfield, 111., and Louis Benedict, of Albany, N. Y., loaned out $100,000 each, and Lyne Sterling and others, at least an equal amount, at the same, or higher rates of interest. The men who come to Iowa now cannot realize what the early settlers had to encounter. The hotels were full of this and a worse filass of money-sharks. There was a numerous class who wanted to rob the settlers of their lands and improvements entirely, holding that the settler was a squatter and a trespasser, and should be driven from the lands. You would hear much of this sort of talk about the hotels, but none about the settlers' camps. Amongst the loudest talkers of this kind was an F. F. V., a class that has now about 'give out.' This valiant gentleman was going to invest his money as he pleased, Avithout reference to settlers' claims. When the township of West Point was sold, it was a wet, rainy day. I was bidder, and the officers let me go inside of the office. Just when I went into the office, 'Squire John Judy, who lived on Section 32 or 33, whispered to me that he had been disap- p<»inted in getting his money, at the last moment, and asked me to pass over his tract and not bid it oft'. I did so, but the Virginian bid it off". I was inside and could not communicate with any one until the sale was through, and, as I did not bid on the tract the outsiders supposed it Avas not claimed by a settler, and the moment the bid was made, the bidder left for his hotel. As soon as I could get out, which was in a few minutes, and make known that Judy's land had been bid off" by a speculator, within five minutes' time not less than fifteen hundred of as desperate and determined a set of men as ever wanted homes, started for the bold bidder. Prominent in the lead was John G. Kennedy, of Fort Madison, who enjoyed such sport. Col. Patterson, now of Keokuk, a Virginian by birth, but a noble, true-hearted friend of the settler, and who had been intimate with the Virginian, made a run across lots and reached the hotel before Kennedy and his army. The Colonel informed the liidder of the condition of aft"airs, and advised him at once to abandon his bid, which he did, or, rather, he authorized the Colonel to do it for him. Tlie Colonel went out and announced to the croAvd that the bid was withdrawn, and that the bidder had also withdrawn himself. Both off"ers were accepted, but the latter was bitterly objected to, and only acquiesced in when it Avas found that the party had escaped the back way, and could not be found. This was the last outside bid given dur- ing the sale, and you heard no more talk about outside bidding around the hotel. The squatters' rights were respected at that sale.' "I will give one case of hundreds and thousands that could be given, of the hardships of the early settlers : Alexander Cruickshank, a Norwegian sailor, and one of the noblest Avorks of God, an lionest man in all things, settled a few miles west of West Point, in Lee County, in 1831, and by hard work made him a large farm. When the sale of his land Avas ordered by the Government, he went to Western New York and l>orroAved $400 of his brother, to enter his land. This was when Martin Van Buren's specie circular Avas in force, and certain desig- nated banks Avere made Government depositories. Cruickshank, to be certain that his money would be 'land-office money' when he got home, paid a premium of three per cent, in Ncav York, to get the bills of a city bank that was a Government-deposit bank. His brother gave him $34 to pay his expenses HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 367 home. At that time there were no railroads. Alexander walked to Pitts- burgh, and there took a boat to St. Louis. When he got to New Albany, Ind., the Ohio River was so low that there was no certainty of getting to St. Louis in time to get home by the day of the sale of his land, and he had no money to spare to go by stage. So he crossed Indiana and Illinois on foot, reaching home the Friday before the sale on Monday. When he went to Burlington he found that his New York money would not be taken by the land office, and he had to shave oif his money that he had already paid a premium for to get 'land- office money' for 'land-office money,' and pay another premium of 12| per cent, reducing his $400 to $350. To make up this $50, he had to sell off a part of his scanty stock at less than one-fifth of what the same kind of stock would sell for now. I remember the day Alexander started to New York to borrow the money to enter his land, and of asking him what he would do if he failed. His answer was, ' I will come home and try to borrow at the sale ; but if I fail, and lose my land, I will cross the Rocky Mountains but what I will have and own my own land.' Of such stuff were the old settlers. Why should not the State be great and noble now ? " The squatters, in what is now Jefferson County, attended the land sales in force. James L. Scott was the bidder for the settlers in Township 71 north. Range 9 west (Cedar), and Frank Gilmer for the settlers in Township 71 north, Range 8 west (Round Prairie). They went to Burlington in wagons and on foot — any way to get there and be present at the opening of the sale. They went prepared for a campaign of several days, taking with them cooking utensils, quilts, blankets, etc., fully equipped to " camp out " and wait till every settler had secured his claim. They went with a determined purpose, and bound together "like a band of brothers," ready to stand by each other to the last. It was a dangerous undertaking for any " land-grabber " to attempt to bid against any of the hardy, honest squatters, a fact the sharks were not long in finding out. They governed themselves accordingly, and took good care not to give the despised squatters occasion for helping them away from the vicinity of the land office. The pioneer settlers of the Forty-Mile Strip, and especially of that part of it whose history is under consideration, were a class peculiar to themselves. They possessed a keen sense of honor, and a steadfastness of principle and of purpose that admitted of no criticism. To the people of the present age it may seem a little remarkable, but it is a fact nevertheless, that but few disputes ever arose among the settlers about the boundaries of their claims. At that time, there were no laws to govern them except the rules adopted by claim associa- tions. In almost every instance the people were a law unto themselves. The laws of honor prevailed to a much greater extent in those days than at present. Men regarded their individual word as good as their bond. When, perchance, disputes would arise, instead of seeking their adjustment in the courts of law, they were submitted to referees. This was notably so as regarded claim disputes, and the decision of the referees was final. No one thought of appeal- ing from their judgment. The pioneers had all subscribed to the rules adopted by claim associations, and, be it said to their credit, they almost invariably kept their faith. As a case in point, the following report of the rulings of a " Claim Court" is contributed by W. B. Frame, a citizen of Round Prairie Township, who was familiar with the facts : " The first settlers were very anxious to secure an abundance of timber. In a certain locality a Mr. Jones had ' blazed ' out a claim of eighty acres of tim- ber, which a Mr. Smith also claimed. As a consequence, a dispute arose 368 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. between them. The Claim Committee was notified, and a day was appointed to meet the parties interested and their witnesses. The weather was cold and the ground covered with a deep snow. The ' Court ' met in the timber, where a huge log-heap fire was started. When the preliminary arrangements were completed, the parties were notified that the Committee had decided that the first thing to be done was to procure a jug of whisky, to be paid for by the contest- ants. The whisky was soon provided, and when the jug had twice made the circuit of the fire, the case was opened and the parties and their witnesses patiently heard. When the evidence was all in, the Committee retired t<» a fallen tree some distance from the fire, swept the snow from the log, and sat down to deliberate upon their judgment. After a brief consultation, they returned to the fire and declared themselves ready to report. The report was in the words fallowing : " • We find that, aside from this eighty-acre lot, Mr. Jones has claimed all the timber land he needs, and Mr. Smith has claimed all he can possibly pur- chase at the approaching land sale ; therefore, we decide that Mr. Brown, who lately settled among us, and who holds a prairie claim, has no timber, and that, as he can get none within a reasonable distance, he shall have this eighty acres of timber.' " This finding of the Committee was final, and gave the claim to a good man who did not claim to have even the shadow of a claim to it. The contestants did not appeal, but paid the fees allowed the Committee by the rules of the Claim Association, as well as for the whisky. The jug again went around, and all present joined in a 'parting pull,' the ' Court adjourned,' and the settlers departed for their homes, fully satisfied there ' was many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.' " ^ SOCIETY, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC. Rough and rude though the surroundings may have been, the pioneers were none the less honest, sincere, hospitable and kind in their social rela- tions. It is true, as a rule, that there is a greater degree of real humanity among pioneers of any country than there is when the country becomes older and richer. If there is an absence of refinement, that absence is more than compensated for in the presence of generous hearts and truthful lives. They are bold, courageous, industrious, enterprising and energetic. Generally speak- ing, they are earnest thinkers and possessed of a diversified fund of useful, prac- tical information. They are void of hypocrisy themselves and despise it in others. They hate cowardice and shams of every kind, and above all things, falsehood and deception, and maintain and cultivate a sterling integrity and fixedness of purpose that seldom permits them to prostitute themselves to any narrow policy of imposture or artifice. Such were the characteristics of the men and women who pioneered the way to the country of Cedar Creek and Skunk River. Those who visited them in their cabins in a social capacity, or settled among them as real occupants of the soil, were always welcome as long as they proved themselves true men or women. The stranger who came among them and claimed shelter, food and a place to sleep, was made as welcome as one of the household. To tender them pay in return for their hospitality, was only to insult the better feelings of their natures. If a neighbor fell sick and needed care and attention, the whole neigh- borhood was interested. If a cabin was to be raised, every man ''turned out, " and oftentimes the women, too, and while the men piled tip the logs that fashioned the primitive dwelling place, the women prepared the dinner. Some- times it was cooked by big log fires at the site where the cabin was building 1 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUIITY. 869 In other cases, the meal was prepared at a cabin near by, and at the proper hour was carried to where the men were at work. If one neighbor killed a beef, a pig, or a deer, every other family in the neighborhood was sure to receive a piece of it, and a welcome remembrance it often proved. One of the few remaining pioneer settlers of 1836-37 remarked : " In those days we were neighborly in a true sense. We were all on an equality. Aristocratic feelings were unknown and would not have been tolerated. What one had, we all had, and that was the happiest period of my life. But to-day, if you lean against a neighbor's shade-tree, he will charge you for it. If you are poor and happen to fall sick, you may lie and suffer almost unattended or go to the poorhouse, and just as like as not the man who would report you to the authorities as a sub- ject of county care, Avould charge the county for making* the report." This declaration was made, not because the facts exist as he put them, but to show the contrast between the feeling and practices of the pioneers of forty years ago, and the people of the present. A PREACHER IN THE WILDERNESS. " You raised these hallowed walls ; the desert smiled, And paradise was opened in these wilds." — Pope. The first religous services (preaching) were held in the winter of 1837-38, and were conducted by Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, who came here as missionary under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Conference of Rock River, 111. — probably from the vicinity of Galesburg, in that State, although it is not stated as a fact that he came from that particular locality. Our informant had lost her reckoning on that point ; but from the fact that, as early as 1836-37, that , Conference sent missionaries to Cedar and other counties in that part of Iowa, it is fair to presume that Mr. Kirkpatrick held his commission from the same organized body. Be that as it may, it is certain that the services were of the Methodist order. But there is nothing strange about this, for that people are noted the civilized world over for their zeal and energy in prosecuting religious works. Wherever mankind has gone, the Methodists have gone — first as mis- sionaries to spy out the land, next as circuit-riders, with Bible and hymn-book, and an energy, industry, perseverance and faith that never "give up." Sing- ing their songs of praise, chanting choruses of glory to the great Head of the Church, and shouting defiance at the archenemy and tempter of mankind, they not only followed close on the heels of the pioneers to every part of the " Great West." but have gone wherever humanity has existed that it was possible to reach — to the islands of the sea — " From Greenland's icy mountains, To India's coral strand " — wherever the Master's work was needed to be done, there have the truths of this branch of the Christian Church been carried. And so came Rev, Mr. Kirkpatrick to the " flowery plains " of Iowa at the date mentioned. The cabin of James Westfall, who lived on the place now owned by Perry B. Hulse, was improvised as a meeting-house. There were not more than a dozen people present, and they were there without regard to fashion or display. Some of them walked from their houses to the place of meeting ; some of them rode there in ox-wagons, and some rode there on horse-back — two of them, especially the women, on one horse. The services were held on a Wednesday. The preacher occupied a place behind a common table, in one corner of the room. There was neither organ nor organized choir to add vocal melody to the 370 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. occasion. The preacher gave out the hymn, two lines at a time, something after the following manner : " Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; " then, raising his voice, the preacher led in singing. When these two lines were rendered, he lined the next two — " Know that the Lord is God alone. He can create, and He destroy ; " and resuming the last measure of the tune, completed the stanza, and so on, to the end of the hymn. At that meeting, the seeds of Methodism were planted in Jefferson County ; the planting, carefully and industriously cultivated, ripened into the fullness of a plentiful harvest. After preaching, a class was formed, consisting of the following-named per- sons : James Westfall and wife, James 0. Kirkpatrick and wife, and Eli Jones and wife. Eli Jones was appointed to be Class-Leader. There may have been two or three others, but if there were, their names have escaped the memory of our informant. Of these pioneer representatives of Jefferson County Methodism, James Westfall and wife and Mrs. Kirkpatrick have gone " Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet Their Savior and brethren transported to greet ; While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the life of the soul." James Kirkpatrick lives in Brighton, Washington County, and Eli Jones and wife were living in Allamakee County at last accounts. The Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, the preacher of the occasion, subsequently returned to Illinois. In later years and until church buildings were erected, meetings were held at the house of Mr. Lambirth. A PRIMITIVE SCHOOLHOUSE "TEACHING THE YOUNG IDEA HOW TO PHOOT." When the settlers came to the wilds of the "Forty-Mile Strip," they brought with them that love of education which seems to be a part of every true Ameri- can; and as early as the spring of 1837, they made arrangements for a school for the summer and winter of that year. There was no schoolhouse, as a mat- ter of course, nor school districts, nor school money. Educational affairs were in chaos — without form or organization — and the pioneer fathers were left to their own resources and management. A central location, as to the convenience of the neighborhood, was selected out on the prairie, now included in the farm of B. F. Bower, Avhere a log build- ing was erected for a schoolhouse. Each settler who had children large enough to "go to school," volunteered a certain amount of work toward its erection. It was neither large nor pretentious. There was one window in each side of the structure, and a door in one end. The furniture was of the most primitive kind. The floor was made from puncheons — at least, it was commenced with puncheons, but school "took up" before it was finished. The seats were made of the same kind of stuff, or, may be, from a suitably-sized tree cut in suitable lengths, and then "halved," i. t;., split in two. The split sides were dressed down with a broad-ax. Holes were bored near the ends of the rounded sides, with an inch-and-a-half or two-inch auger, and pins driven in for supports. Writing "benches" or desks were made by boring slanting holes in the logs, in HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 371 which supports or arms were driven, and on which a wide plank or puncheon, with the upper side dressed smooth, was laid, and held in place by a shoulder that was cut on the lower ends of the supports. This completed the furniture, unless, perhaps, an old splint-bottomed chair was added as a seat for the teacher. The school was attended by about eighteen scholars, and was continued three months. The teacher was not very particular about the kind of books, other than as to the character of their contents ; and, even if he had been some- what imperious and exacting in this regard, it would have been a waste of desire to arrange his scholars in classes to economize time and labor, for there is a probability that the parents had not the means to buy such books as were necessary to the formation of classes. They used such books as they had, teachers, pupils and parents bowing in submission to circumstances and exigen- cies that surrounded them, and glad to have a school if every individual scholar had a different book. The principal books used in that first school were the English Reader (the best reader ever used in American schools), Daboll's arithmetic, Kirkham's grammar (the author of which fell a victim to intemper- ance and died in a state of intoxication in a Cincinnati still-house) Olney's geography and Webster's elementary spelling-took; hence, the course of study was orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, English grammar and geography. Orthography was the first great principle of education, for the people in those days were of the opinion that no one could ever become a good reader or a good scholar unless he was a good speller, and, as a consequence, children who were ambitious to become good scholars and noted and honorable men and women, were ambitious to become good spellers; and no higher honor could be bestowed upon a girl or boy than than to say they were the best spellers in the neighborhood. Spelling-schools, or spelling-matches — who of us don't remem- ber them? — were frequent. But why distress old fogy minds by recalling those happy days, when they used to meet at the old log schoolhouses, choose their captains (the best spellers), who would toss up the "master's ruler" for "first choice," and then "choose up " their lieutenants, commencing with the ones they they regarded as the best spellers, more likely the prettiest girl, and so on until all the boys and girls were arranged on benches on opposite sides of the house ? Then the fun commenced. The "master" "gave out" the words from side to side. How quick a "missed" word would be caught up! Those were happy days, and days that are sacred in the memory of the gray-haired fathers and mothers who took part in their exercises. It would be a pleasing reflection to them if their children, theii; children's children, and the children of their neighbors were per- mitted by the modern system of education to indulge in the same kind of old- fashioned orthographical exercises. The school system of the spelling-school period, and even up until within a few years ago, in many localities, was fully described in the backwoods vernac- ular of "Pete Jones," in Eggleston's Hoosier Schoolmaster, "lickin' and larnin', " the "lickin' " being the indispensable requisite. The perfect or ideal- teacher of those days was a man of strong muscular development, with an impe- rious frown, a sonorous voice charged with terror, punctual in bringing "hick- ories" into the schoolroom, and endowed with a liberal disposition to frequently use them as hack applications. As rude as the schoolhouses were in their architecture and finish, as unpre- tending as were many of the old-time teachers, many of the first men of this nation graduated from them, and without any other education than what they received there, have gone out in the world and made honorable and noble rec- 372 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. ords among the distinguished and representative men of the civilized nations of the world. James T. Hardin was the teacher of the first school above mentioned, and is well remembered by the old settlers and scholars of that period. When the gold fever reached here from the Pacific Slope, he fell a victim to the mania, and about 1850, 1851 or 1852, went to California. Some time after his arrival there, when passing from one part of the country to another, he found a watery grave, by drowning, while crossing the Sacramento River. THE FIRST MILL. In 1838, Henry Rowe, a settler, erected a tread-mill on his claim, in the northwest corner of what is now Lockridge Township. This mill was a rude kind of structure, but a great convenience to the people of that period. Cus- tomers found their own power, and paid a small toll for the use of the mill besides. THE FIRST AND SECOND MARRIAGE. Isaac Blakely, one of the young men who made a claim and settled in Round Prairie in the spring of 1836, and Nellie Lanmon were the first couple in the new settlement to discard the freedom of singleness and enter upon a life of connubial happiness. The license under authority of which they were first pronounced man and wife, was issued from Des Moines County, and the cere- mony rendered by Rev. Mr. Bradley, at the home of the bride in the territory subject to the legal jurisdiction of Henry County, in the spring of 1837. In time, the legality of this marriage come to be questioned, and, on the 18th day of March, 1839, soon after the machinery of Jefferson County was set in motion, they procured a license from the Clerk of the Court of this county, and were remarried by Rev. Benjamin F. Chastain. But even under this double rendition of the marriage ceremony they did not feel quite safe until the passage of a special act of the Legislature legalizing all previous marriages in the Territory. FIRST BIRTHS. It has been maintained by some that Cyrus, son of Samuel Scott Walker, was the first male child born in the county. By others, it is claimed that William, a son of Col. W. G. Coop, was the first. John Huff is authority for the statement that William Coop was born in the last days of July or first days of August, 1836, and "backs" up his belief with the additional testimony of a Mrs. Wright, still living, who was present at the time of his birth; The state- ment of Mrs. Lambirth is, that Cyrus Walker was born in fall — in the month of October. Mary Frances, daughter of Thomas and Sarah A. Lambirth, was born October 15, 1837, and was the first white female child to claim the attention of the citizens of Round Prairie. FIRST DEATH, ETC. The first death was that of a child of Alfred Wright, in the early part of 1837. David Coop, the first settler in what is now Buchanan Township, died at about the same time. The first accident, resulting in death, occurred in Round Prairie, in the winter of 1838-39. Joseph Hemphill, a young man, was in the employ of William Cline, and while engaged driving a team, the horses became unman- ageable and ran away. Hemphill was thrown from the wagon, and received HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 373 such injuries that he died in a short time. His remains were taken to Salem for burial. FIRST PHYSICIANS. Dr. William Stevenson, one of the first physicians to "hang out a shingle " in Mount Pleasant, was the first to prescribe cures for such ills as fell upon the pioneers of Round Prairie. As a rule, there was but little need of a "doctor/' for the first settlers were a peculiarly hardy, healthy, happy class. They relied, in the main, upon their strong constitutions and "roots and herbs" to carry them through. Dr. J. T. Moberly, a native of North Carolina, became the. first resident physician, in 1840, and no man, of whatever profession, ever enjoyed a greater degree of confidence and respect. The men and women of his time who have been spared to the present, still speak of Dr. Moberly as one of the truest and best men, as one of the most humane and generous physicians, that ever min- istered to the sick and the afflicted. He was known far and near as the poor man's friend. No man, no woman, no child, no matter what their condition, creed, color or caste, that good Dr. Moberly could reach, was ever allowed to languish and suffer for want of medical treatment or medicine. It mattered not to him whether they had or had not money. About fee or reward, he never stopped to inquire. How to relieve the suffering was his first, his ruling thought. He was popular with everybody. If there was a gathering of any -kind, Dr. Moberly was the chosen, the honored guest. He was not only a good physician, but a good talker, and possessed of a rich fund of humor. No one could tell a better story, or relate a more side-splitting anecdote. If a speech was called for, Dr. Moberly was ready. He had an excellent command of lan- guage, and knew words and their uses, as well as he knew how to compound pills, or administer relief to a suffering patient. With the Indians who remained here when Dr. Moberly came and com- menced the practice of medicine, he was a great favorite. They looked upon him as a wonderful man, and come to call him Big Medicine. Almost every day, as long as they remained here, his office was besieged by them. They came to him with all sorts of excuses for medicine. Even those of them who were in perfect health wanted medicine from the Big Medicine Man. When the Doctor happened to be absent, they besiged his wife for his medicine. The only way she could free herself from their annoyance was to take a stick and shake it at them, and tell them " Puck-a-chee ! " (Get out of here.) Dr. Moberly continued in the practice of his profession until taken down with his last sickness, resulting in death September 1, 1861. His remains were first buried in the old Fairfield cemetery, but were afterward exhumed and reburied in the new cemetery. In the twenty-one years of his residence and practice of medicine in Fair- field, Dr. Moberly accumulated a very handsome property, notwithstanding his wonderful liberality and generous nature. What was more and better, he acquired a good name. His death was universally lamented, and the inffuences of his good deeds and noble life are sacred to his memory. STARTING AN ORCHARD — THE OLD APPLE-TREE. The honor of starting the first orchard belongs to Mrs. Sarah A. Lambirth. When they came here from Morgan County, 111., in the spring of 1836, Mrs. ij. brought some apple-seeds among her collection of garden-seeds. In time and season she planted the seeds, which took root and grew nicely. She says she remembers remarking to her husband when planting them, that she sup- 374 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. posed she would never live to see them mature into beai'ing fruit-trees ; that she would never be permitted to pluck an apple from them and give him to eat. as Eve did to Adam in the garden of Eden. He replied, " Oh, yes, you will ; you will live a long while yet — longer, may be, than I will." Neither of them thought anything more about the matter at the time, and the conversation passed out of mind and was not recalled till a tree from one of the seeds commenced bear- ing apples, when, as the fruit ripened, it was plucked and eaten, and the circum- stances and conversation attending the planting were recalled to mind and talked and laughed about. Children had been born unto them, and had grown with the growth of their fruit-trees. Both of them lived to see fifteen bushels of apples gathered from one of the trees, as they had both lived to see the wild prairie upon which they settled converted into Avell-cultivated and remunerative farms. The prediction of the husband that the wife would outlive him was verified; for, after living on his claim for nearly a quarter of a century — every year of which was full of usefulness to his family, his neighbors and the community generally, Thomas Lambirth, the poor man's friend and helper in all times of need, was called from "labor to refreshment" on the 12thday of May, 1857. His death was universally lamented in the neighborhood in Avhich he had lived so- many years, and where his example left impressions and influences that are feelingly cherished not only by the fathers and mothers of his time, but even by the young generation who have learned to reverence his memory from hear- ing their parents tell of his industry, honesty and open-handed benevolence. Mrs. Lambirth, his widow, is still living and in the enjoyment of good health and unimpaired mental faculties. At the age of sixty-one years, she is ready and waiting for the summons to join her husband in a world of eternal delight. troxell's mill-raising and break-down. Rowe's horse-power mill, previously mentioned, was the first and only mill of any kind in the county until the erection of Troxell's mill on Cedar Creek, near the present crossing of the Chicago and Southwestern Railroad, in 1840. The raising of this mill and the events associated with it was an occasion the old settlers will not alloAv to be forgotten. It Avas regarded as the first event of any great importance, socially and otherwise, in this part of Iowa, and many things are remembered as happening " about the time Troxell's mill was raised." Everybody within fifty miles was invited to the raising. Socially, it was intended to be a great fete, and men and women came from Mt. Pleasant. Keosauqua and every other point within reach. But, notwithstanding the great distances from which they came, and the numbers present, there were only two unmarried females in all the crowd. One of these was a daughter of Troxell, a dashing madcap, full of fun and reckless of speech. Troxell and his good wife prepared a great " lay-out " for the occasion. The " bill of fare " was unsurpassed for the times. It included everything the " market afforded." Chickens Avere cooked by the score. Venison, wild tur- key, wild honey — in fact, everything to be had was prepared for the feast. Table-room and dishes were inadequate to the number of guests, and, from necessity, were dispensed with. So were knives and forks. Ladies and gentle- men governed themselves accordingly, and ate from pots, plates, platters and pans — just as it happened. In those days, arrangements and preparations for a raising were not com- plete without a sufficient quantity of whisky " to see them through." Troxell provided a barrel of the fiery liquid. The raising commenced on Saturday, and was followed by dancing. The dancing commenced on Saturday night and HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 375 lasted, without ntcrmission, until Monday. Several amusing episodes occurred during the festivities, one or two of which are here related. Troxell was a fiddler, and furnished the music for the dancers. At one time his daughter was solicited to dance with one of the elderly guests, and, when they had taken their position on the floor, she turned to her father and said : " Give us something quick and devilish, dad, while I take a trot with this 'ere old hoss. I'll make him sweat." At another time, while she was appeasing her appetite Avith a potato in one hand and a chicken leg in the other, one of the guests made some remark she did not like, when she turned upon him with scornful eye and remarked : " Look out, and don't say that again, you goggle- eyed old kangaroo, or 111 hit you on the head with this 'tater.'" He "looked out," and the dance went on. klinkenbeard's flood. In the year 1840, there resided in Jefferson County, on Cedar Creek, a personage of German extraction named Joseph Klinkenbeard. He was one of those original characters found in all communities, but more especially con- spicuous in the early settlements, where a man could permit his real character to show itself without restraint. He was naturally rough and uncouth, and very fond of whisky, and, when under its influence, his peculiarities were very marked. He swore like a pirate when affairs went roughly with him, but he could pray, and did pray, when frightened into it. Klinkenbeard had built a cabin in a depression on the banks of Cedar Creek, which was inhabited by himself, wife and children. A miller by trade, he naturally felt most at home along the water- courses. In the month of August, 1840, a tremendous flood fell upon Cedar Creek and its valleys, which, had the country been as thickly settled as now, would have marked its course with death and devastation. As it was, however, no particular damage was sustained by the settlers, the greatest sufferer being the unfortunate Klinkenbeard. On the memorable August night, while the win- dows of heaven were opened and the rain was descending, he retired, with his family, in fancied security, not dreaming of the ocean of waves that was accu- mulating from the many swollen tributaries that poured into Cedar Creek above his cabin. The fiimily were awakened from their sweet dreams of peace by a sudden heavy blow against the side of the house from some object that struck it with all the violence of a battering-ram, causing the very logs to creak in their "notches" and "saddles." This afterward proved to be an immense log of driftwood carried before the flood. " Klink "' sprang out of bed into water that had silently stolen into the cabin to the depth of three feet. As the watery element rushed uj) around his surprised limbs in their abbreviated garments, he let off a howl that would have done honor to a Dog-Kib Indian. "Klink" and his wife. took in the situation, and at once began to lug the children and what garments they could lay hold of that were floating around in the eddying waters, up the ladder into the loft of the cabin. The waters were rapidly rising around them, and at short intervals fallen trees and logs of drift-wood struck the cabin with a boom that sounded like young thunder. The unhappy Klinkenbeards sought refuge in the loft of their cabin. There was not standing- room between the loft and the roof, and they had to accommodate themselves to the situation. " Klink " sat with his naked legs hanging down the ladder-hole. The flood raged and roared without, and rose higher and higher within. By and by " Klink " felt something touch his toes and tickle the soles of his feet. With a string of oaths, the use of which had made him conspicuous as the 376 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. "wickedest man" in Jefferson County, he jerked his knees clear up to his chin, then straightened himself up as well as he could, and commenced removing the clapboards in the roof above in order to escape thereon. When he had made an aperture sufficiently large, he put out his "shocky" head to take a look at the situation. But it was pitchy dark, and he could see nothing, until, for a second, a flash of lightning revealed to his terrified gaze, the extent of the ocean of water that surrounded his cabin. Just then the cabin began to tremble to its very sills. The surging, seething water rocked it to and fro. The water had reached the loft, and was lifting the boards upon which they had taken refuge. " Klink " got out on the roof and lifted his wife and children out after him. and anchored them as best he could, while he himself straddled the "comb," and braced his naked knees against the wet, slippery clapboards. As the frantic flood surged madly on, the doomed cabin quivered for an instant, loosened itself from the earth, swung round, and was swept onward with the tide, a la Noah's ark, while the unwilling voyageurs clung to the clapboards "tooth and toe-nail." Excessive terror had roused in Klinkenbeard the recol- lection that there was a Power that ruled the storm, and to that Power he turned for relief. He coughed his heart out of his throat, and, as the frequent flashes of lightning revealed the lines of anguish in his horror-stricken face, he offered the following brief petition for relief to Him that ruled the storm : "0, Lord! Old Klinkenbeard has been a very wicked man in his time, but he sees the folly of that wickedness now. He has used up a mighty sight of 'corn juice," too, but it is all washed out now. But, Lord, You promised You would never again destroy the world with water, but with fire. Old ' Klink ' can stand heat, but neither he nor his family can swim ; and here You come in the night, w^hen we are all asleep, with another d d old flood. If You can't have mercy on old ' Klink,' have mercy on his family." " Klink " prayed on, and onward floated the frail cabin with its living freight, every instant expecting to be engulfed in the dark waters of the Cedar, till sud- denly a rude shock stopped the progress of the cabin, nearly dislodging the family on the roof. When daylight glimmered in the east, and the clouds began to break away, Klinkenbeard saw that Providence had heard his rude prayer, and that his cabin was fast-wedged between two twin trees that grew on the banks of the stream. When the neighbors discovered the perilous situation of the miller and his family, they hastened to convey them, weak and shivering, in canoes to their own homes, where the family was provided for until the father could look about for a new building-site. The old rhyme that says " When the devil was sick, The devil a saint would be ; When the devil was well, The devil a saint was he," well applied to the unstable Klinkenbeard. While looking for a site for his cabin, he chose a knoll on which to locate, remarking that "he be d^ d if he wouldn't build so high this time that God Almighty couldn't get at him with His d d old floods. ANOTHER FLOOD. Another flood occurred in 1851, when the various water-courses in the county rose much higher than during the flood of 1840. The country being by this time more thickly settled, the water did far more damage to property in the • HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 377 lowlands, which were all overflowed. Along Skunk River, especially, the damage was very great, destroying and damaging a large number of houses and washing away farm improvements. At Rome, on Skunk River, a shingle was nailed to a tree which stands in the bottom near Millspaw's mill, and which still bears the shingle, showing the water at that point in the valley to have been over fifteen feet in depth. ^ COOP IN THE LEGISLATURE. When Henry County was organized, in 1836, its jurisdiction extended to the western line of the Black Hawk Purchase. When the second purchase was made, in 1837 (ratified and confirmed in February, 1838), that jurisdiction was extended to the western boundary line of Jefferson County. With the enlarge- ment of the territory, there was an expansion of settlement. " Squatters " came in and made claims in nearly every part of the new purchase. These set- tlements were scattering, sometimes miles a part, but so increased the popula- tion that, in the early part of 1838, Col. Coop and others began to agitate the formation of a new county. Coop had county seat aspirations. He hoped to make his town of Lockridge, which he had laid out in the spring of 1837, the seat of justice of the new county. In that year (1838), and with such aspira- tions. Coop was a candidate for election to the Territorial Legislature from this part of Henry County, and was elected. Of that Legislature and Coop's scheme for a new county, Hawkins Taylor wrote as follows in a letter published in the Fairfield Ledger, under date of November 6, 1878 : " In the winter of 1838-39, I served in the first Iowa Legislature with W. G. Coop, who then lived on Walnut Creek, and in part represented Henry County. That part of Jefferson that had then been purchased from the Indians was attached to Henry County for legislative and judicial purposes. In that whole Legislature there was but a single member that had ever been in any Legislature before. That one was Van Delashmut, who was living, a few years since, in Mahaska County. Van was full of fun, and no man liad more of it than he did. Not many of the members had ever seen any Legislature in ses- sion ; but it was a lively Legislature, and full of business. There was no greener member than Coop at that time, but he was thoroughly honest and was liked by all the members. On account of my relatives and friends in Round Prairie, I took an active interest in having Coop get his new county. At that time, Lawson B. Hughes and Doctor Paine were the councilmen from Henry County, and they did not like to make the new county. They were Democrats, and the new county would be Democratic, while the division would leave Henry Whig; but Coop got his new county." ORGANIZATION OF .JEFFERSON COUNTY. The Territory of Iowa was organized under an act of Congress approved June 12, 1838. The law became operative on tlie 3d day of July following. Ex-Gov. Robert Lucas, of Ohio, was appointed Governor of the new Territory by President Van Buren. Immediately after assuming the duties of his trust. Gov. Lucas issued a proclamation directing the election of members of the first Territorial Legislature. The election was held on the 10th of September, and the Legislature met at Burlington on the 12th of November. Soon after the organization of the Legislature was perfected, Mr. Coop introduced a bill entitled " An act to divide the county of Henry and establish the county of Jefferson." The bill became a law in the words following, to wit. : Section 1. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Iowa. That all that tract of country lying west and attached to the county of Henry, viz. : Beginnin;^ 378 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. at the southeast corner of Township Number Seventy-one north, Range Eight west ; thence north with said line to the line dividing Townships Seventy -three and Seventy-four ; thence west with said line to the Indian boundary line ; thence south with said line to the line dividing Town- ships Seventy and Seventy-one ; thence east with said line to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby constituted a separate county, to be called .lefferson. Sec. 2. That the said county of Jefferson shall, to all intents and purposes, be and remain an organized county, and invested with full power and authority to do and transact all county business which any regularly organized county may of right do. Sec. ?>. That Samuel Hutton, of the county of Henry, and Joshua Owens, of the county of Lee, and Roger N. Cressup, of the county of Van Buren, are hereby appointed Commissioners to locate and establish the seat of justice of Jefferson County. The said Commissioners shall meet in the town of Lockridge on the first Monday in March next, to proceed to the duties required of them, or may meet on any other day they may agree on within one month thereafter, being first sworn by any Judge or Justice of the Peace faithfully and impartially to examine the situa- tion of said county, taking into consideration the future, as well as the present, population of said county ; also, to pay strict regard to the geographical center, and to locate the seat of justice as near the center as an eligible situation can be obtained ; and so soon as they have come to a determination of the place where they shall locate it, it shall be the duty of said Commis- sioners to name the place, so located by them, by such name as they may think proper, and shall commit the same to writing, signed by the Commissioners, and filed with the Clerk of the Dis- trict Court of the present county of Henry, whose duty it shall be to record the same, and deliver over the same to the Clerk of the county of Jefferson whenever he shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to record the same and forever keep it on file in his oflBce, and the place thus designated shall be considered the seat of justice of said county. Sec. 4. Provided, That in the event of s«id Commissioners being prevented, from any cause whatever, from performing the duties required of them, or if a majority of said Commissioners shall not be able to agree upon any place for the establishment of said seat of justice, then in that case the seat of justice is temporarily established at the house of Sylvanus Harrington. Sec. 5. That the said Commissioners shall receive, as a compensation for performing the duties required of them, the sum of three dollars per day, to be paid out of the first moneys that may come into the treasury of said county of JeflTerson. Se{\ 6. That there shall be an election held on the first Monday in April next, for the pur- pose of electing all county ofi&cers that may be elective, the same as in other organized counties. Sec. 7. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of said county to cause written notices to be put up at three of the most public places in each of the old precincts in said county of Jefferson, stating the time and place and officers to be elected. Sec. 8. That the county of Jefferson shall remain attached to the original county of Henry for judicial purposes until its officers are appointed and elected, and until said county is properly organized, according to law in such cases made and provided. Sec. 9. That tiiis act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 21, 1839. Having thus minutely traced the history of the county from the time the first claims were made by John HufiF and his companions in 1835, to the passage of the bill under which the county was organized, we come now to consider its PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, ORIGIN OF NAMES, TIxMBER, ETC. The lands are what are known as rolling prairie and woodland, properly interspersed for farming purposes, building and fencing timber. The landscape from the higher ground is pleasing and attractive to the eye, inviting the strano-er to a closer examination of the view before him. The abundance of streams, skirted with heavy growths of timber, give a variety and richness to the prospect. Along the larger streams, such as Checauqua (Skunk), Cedar, Walnut and Competine, the lands are to some extent broken, but none, or but few sections at least, are lost to cultivation. The central part of the county is the highest ground, the water shedding toward the north, south and east, while the sheds of each township are well defined and reach to all parts of the land. Few counties in Iowa are so favored as to water and timber, almost all of the streams furnishing sufficient water for motive power, as well as for stock ; while timber for building purposes is to be found in abundance ; black, white, burr HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 379 and red oak, hard and soft maple, hickory, elm, ash, walnut and birch, being the principal varieties. The streams occupy a prominent position in the topography of the county. Entering the county near its northeast corner, in Section 1 of Walnut Town- ship, is the Checauqua River, which flows through the eastern tier of sections of that township, its course south ; entering Section 1 of Lockridge Township, it changes its course westerly, touching Section 2 ; reversing its course, it flows through Sections 12 and 13, leaving the county at the half-section line of Sec- tion 13, watering ten sections. Burr Oak Creek rising in Section 1 of Penn Township traversing the town- in a southeasterly direction, empties into the Checauqua River in Section 2 of Lockridge Township, watering twelve sections. The Indian name of Skunk River was Che-eau-que, and in fact the early white settlers sometimes applied that name to it. In the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of this county, January 2, 1843, '" Che-cau-que River," is mentioned in connection with the location of a territorial road, the orthography being as here given, written in the bold legible hand of James T. Hardin, Clerk of the Board at the time. The word, in the Sac and Fox tongue, means Skimk. The white settlers of a later period certainly evince no great poetical taste by affixing to that stream the English translation. The pride of the people, however, is somewhat gratified when they call to mind that a certain great commercial emporium of the West derives its name from no better source. Chi-ca-go and Che-aau-que are slightly different pronunciations of a word said to mean the same thing. Big Turkey Creek rises in Section 7 of Lockridge Township, its course eastward, along the boundary line of Walnut and Lockridge Townships, pass- ing through eight sections, emptying into Walnut Creek near the junction of Walnut and Burr Oak. This creek was named by John Huff" because of his killing five large wild turkeys on^its banks on one hunt. Little Turkey rises in Section 17, Lockridge Township ; enters Skunk River in Section 11, same township ; watering eleven sections. Brush Creek rises in Fairfield Township in Sections 1 and 2, flowing east- ward across Buchanan and Lockridge Townships, entering Henry County from Section 36 of Lockridge Township, watering twelve sections. This creek was also named by John Huff", because of the thick growth of underbrush found along its banks. Walnut Creek has three prongs west of Section 23, of Penn Township. The north prong rises in Section 3 ; the middle prong rises in Sections 9, 17 and 21 ; and the south prong in Section 29 of Black Hawk Township. The north fork enters Penn Township in Section 7; the middle prong in S:ction 18, and the south prong in Section 30, watering nineteen sections in Black Hawk, ten sections in Penn, nine sections in Walnut, and two sections in Lockridge Township, emptying into Checauqua (Skunk) River in Section 2, Lockridge Township. Its general course is east. So named because of the large walnut-trees along its course. Big Cedar enters the county in Section 18, Locust Grove Township, j)as8ing through Locust Grove, Fairfield, Li])erty, Cedar and Round Prairie Townships, leaves thecounty from Section 35 of Round Prairie Township, traversing thirty- -one sections, and, in its windings, makes about sixty-two miles in the county. Lick Creek rises in Section 16 of Des Moines Township, passes through Liberty Township, and makes its exit from the county from Section 32 of Liberty Township, watering eight sections. This stream derived its name from saline spots along its course that were frequented by deer. 880 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY\ The western branch of Crow Creek rises in Section 24, Fairfield Township, and the eastern fork in Section 20, Buchanan Township. These branches flow in a southern direction and unite iri Section 30, Buchanan Township ; thence south through Cedar Township, and empty into Cedar Creek from Section 18. Crow Creek and its branches waters eight sections. This creek was first known as Balalrd's Branch, after the name of the first settler on its banks, whose name is elsewhere mentioned as one of the " squatters " of 1836. When the settlement and society began to encroach on Ballard's domain, and he "pulled up stakes" and moved on west, it came to be known as Dyer's Creek, but W. B. Culbert- son and John A. Pitzer rechristened it and named it Crow Creek, from the frequent gatherings of large flocks of those birds in the timber skirting the course of the stream. Little Competine rises in Section 18 of Polk Township, and empties into Big Competine in Section 6 of Locust Grove Township, watering five sections. Big Competine enters the county in Section 31 of Polk Township, flows south through Locust Grove, emptying into Cedar in Section 21, watering seven sections. An old Indian, among the Sacs and Foxes, of the name of Competine,* had a child that died in the western part of the county, near where Daniel Morris then lived. The child was buried on the east bank of a small creek which passes through Locust Grove Township, and from this circumstance, and in honor of the Indian Competine, the settlers called the creek Competine, by which name it is still known. The meaning of the word Com-pe-thie, in the Sac and Fox tongue, is — a small office. Competine, however, had two other names — Ma-eul-ivah and Mich-la-wam-pa-tine. Coon Creek rises in Sections 7 and 9 of Polk Township, flowing into Com- petine in Section 21 of Locust Grove Township, watering thirteen sections. This creek was so named because of the large number of raccoons that were found along its course m early days. Smith Creek rises in Section 24 of Polk Township, flows south, emptying into Coon Creek in Section 3, Locust Grove Township, watering six sections. This creek was named after the first settler on its banks. Richland Creek rises in Section 18 of Black Hawk, flows north, leaving the county from Section 5 of same township, watering three sections. No origin for the name of this creek is recorded, but it was probably so named because of the exceeding richness of the land through Avhich its course is directed. Rattlesnake rises in Section 13 of Cedar ToAvnship, flows through Round Prairie Township, emptying into Cedar Creek in Section 33 of Round Prairie Township, watering seven sections. This creek was so named because of the large number of yellow rattlesnakes that used to den among the rocks along its course. A son of Henry Simcoe, an early settler, was bitten by one of the reptiles, from the eflects of which he died soon afterward. Wolf Creek rises in Sections 26 and 27 of Buchanan Township, flows eastward, crosses Section 1 of Cedar, passes through Round Prairie, and * After the Indians had removed west beyond the boundary line, parties of them frequently visited the eastern part of the county, for the purpose of making sugar, aud hunting along the Checauque River. At one time, in 1839, Competine and his wife were on their way to the Checauijue — the equaw mounted on a pony, with camp-kettles and all their wick-e-up (tent) paraphernalia. They stopped at the cabin of a settler in the neighborhood of the present village of Salina, where a white man's horse was tied to the fence. Mrs. Competine, unable to guide her overloaded pony, ran , her wiek-e-up traps against the white man's horse, badly injuring him. This so enraged the owner of the horse that he took hold of Gompetine's gun and wrenched it from him by force. Competine went to the Indian Agency and made complaint, and the white nixn, learning that he was about to get into trouble, gave a friend 85 to take the gun to its owner. The messenger proceeded as far as Fairtield, where he took a spree, lost all his money, and could go no further. In the mean time, a squad of dragoons came on from the agency, and finding Gompetine's gun in Fairfield, returned it to him. and let the offender off, a badly-scared man. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 381 makes its exit from the county from Section 1 of Round Prairie Township^ watering thirteen sections in its course. James McCoy, an early settler, spent much of his time hunting wolves, his most successful excursions being along a small tributary of Big Cedar, in the southeast part of the county. He there- fore called it " Wolf Creek," by which name it is still known. Troy's Branch rises in Section 27, Buchanan Township, flows south through Cedar Township, empties into Cedar Creek from Section 28 of Cedar Township, watering ten sections. Named after Troy, the first settler on its banks. GEOLOGY. In the general history of the State which is given in this volume, will be found a somewhat elaborate description of the geology of Iowa, from a scientific standpoint. It remains for us to limit the circuit of our work in connection herewith to the actual boundaries of Jeiferson County. We shall attempt to popularize a most interesting but not generally studied theme, and endeavor to- explain, in simple form, what is too often rendered obscure to the uninitiated in scientific methods, by technical terms and expressions. Since those who wish to do so can turn to the general chapter and learn of the geologic structure of the State, let us now bring to a focus the more practical ideas relative to the subject of the recent or superficial formations of Jeiferson County. This is designed to be only a short popular treatise, so as to interest every man and woman of good observation who shall peruse it, and to call their attention, at least, to the surface formation of the earth, so that in a few years there may be hundreds of observers of interesting geological facts where there is but one at the present time. That geology commends itself to us as a truthful science will be very readily elucidated by a simple statement of a fact within the comprehension of all. To illustrate : A certain kind of rocks are called Archaean or Laurentian. These are the most ancient rocks known to geologists ; at one time they were supposed to be destitute of fossils. In all the systems of rocks, they occupy the lowest, and consequently the oldest, position ; but in whatever part of the earth found, they are always recognizable by the geologist. So the Devonian rocks are distinguished by certain fossil fishes that are found in them, and in them alone. The Carboniferous rocks are known by certain fossil mollusks ; the Cretaceous, by certain reptiles that occur in no other formation ; and so every geological period has its characteristic fossils, by means of which the formation and its comparative age may always be accurately determined. The geologist will always know the coal-bearing rocks from any other class ; and this knowledge ought to be possessed by every one interested in explora- tions for coal. The geologic history of Iowa is but a page in the general history of the continent of North America. This continent has been demonstrated to be the oldest portion of the earth, notwithstanding the misnomer, "New World." It is new only in civilization. The geologist reads is the rocks evidences of age that are far more reliable than those which are placed on perishable scrolls by the pen of man. The oldest groups of rocks are not found in Iowa, but are visible in the Canadas. The first system, underlying all others, in this State, is the Azoic, seen only in a small section of the northeast portion of Iowa. Next come the Lower and Upper Silurian, the Devonian, the Carboniferous S82 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. and the Cretaceous systems. Of the earlier formations we shall say nothing, as allusion to them necessitates a far more extended article than we desire to prepare. The scope of this paper extends back only to the Carboniferous system, at the period known as the Subcarboniferous group. In plainer terras, this refers to the limestone which underlies the coal formations, and brings the subject at once to the visible formations in the valley. This section is rich in coal deposits, and a glance at the method of creation will be both interesting and instructive. FORMATION OF LIME BEDS. Limestones have mainly been formed in the bottom of the ocean ; the older and purer kinds in the deep, still sea ; the more recent and less pure in a shal- low and disturbed sea. When the great limestone deposits were made in the Mississippi Valley, a deep salt ocean extended from the Alleghany to the Rocky Mountains, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean. This was the age of mollusks (shell fish), and the sea bottom swarmed with them. Many of the rocks seem to have been wholly made up of conglomerate shells. In this age of the world there was no creature living with a spinal column or a brain ; but corals, a low order of radiates, as crinoidea, several varieties of mollusks, crustaceans, called trilobites (somewhat corresponding to the river crawfish), and some lowly worms I These were the highest development of animal life when the earlier limestone rocks were being slowly formed. This Silurian age was succeeded by the Devonian, characterized as the age of fishes, during which were deposited the Hamilton and Carboniferous lime- stones. Then came the Subcarboniferous period, during which were deposited the limestone beds. These were formed in a comparatively shallow sea, a fact proven by numerous ripple marks in the rocks, also by their sandy composition in some layers, and farther, by an occasional thin layer of clay intervening between the strata of rocks. These were uneasy times on the earth's crust, when it was given to upheavings and down-sinkings over large areas. Then it was that the whole northeastern and eastern part of the State was up- raised. THE GREAT COAL BASIN was formed west and south throughout Iowa, reaching into Missouri and Kan- sas, the Indian Territory and perhaps Texas. Over this vast area there stretched a vast, dismal swamp. On this vast marshy plain grew the rank vegetation that was in the future to be pressed into coal. It was a wilderness of moss and ferns and reeds, such as can be found nowhere on earth at the present time. Prof Gunning, in speaking of it, says: " To the land forest of coniferas and cycads, and the marsh forest of scale trees and seal trees and reed trees and fern trees, add an undergrowth of low herbaceous ferns, and you have the picture of a primeval landsciipe. Blot from the face of nature every flowering weed and flowering tree, every grass, every fruit, every growth useful to man or beast ; go, then to the Sunda Islands for the largest club moss, to the East Indies for the largest tree fern, to the damp glades of Caracas for the tallest reeds, to the Moluccas for their cycad, and to Australia for its pine, to the ponds and sluggish streams of America for their quillwort, and place them all side by side over a vast marsh and its sandy borders, and you will faintly realize your picture of a prim- eval landscape. Dwarf the cycad and the pine, lift still higher the tapering column of the tree fern, multiply by two the bulk of the reed and by three the club moss, lift the quillwort from the water, and to its long, linear leaves HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 383 add a fluted stem eighty feet high, and you would fully realize a carbon- iferous landscape — realize it in all but its vast solitudes. Not a bird ever perched on spiky leaf or spreading fern of a coal forest. No flower had opened yet to spread fragrance on the air, and no throat had warbled a note of music. Such poor animal life as the carboniferous world then possessed left its imprint on wave-washed shore and in the hollow stems of fallen trees." This was the beginning of the age of amphibians. Then lived the progeni tors of the loathsome alligator and lizard. La Conte says : " The climate of the coal period was characterized by greater warmth, humidity, uniformity and a more highly carbonated condition of the atmosphere than now ob- tains." We may, therefore, picture to ourselves the climate of this period as warm, moists uniform, stagnant and stifling from the abundance of carbonic-acid gas. Such conditions were extremely favorable to vegetable life, but not to the higher forms of animal life. Neither man nor monkey nor milk-giving animal of any kind, lived for many cycles of time after the Subcarboniferous period ; but that vegetation grew rank, scientific facts corroborate ; thus, Prof. Gunning says : " It takes between five and eight feet of vegetable debris to form one foot of coal. A Pittsburgh seam is ten feet thick, while one in Nova Scotia is thirty-five feet in depth. The Pittsburgh seam represents a vegetable deposit of from fifty to a hundred feet in depth, and the one in Nova Scotia between a hundred and seventy-five and three hundred and fifty feet in thickness. A four- foot seam in Wapello County would represent from twenty to forty feet of vege- table debris. During the growth and decay of this vegetable matter, the surface of the earth did not sink ; but this quiescent period was followed by one of submer- gence. " The surface, loaded with the growth of quiet centuries, was carried down beneath the sea, where it was swept by waves and overspread by sands and mud." It was in nature's great hydraulic press, where it remained until another upheaval again threw it to the surface, and another long era of verdure succeeded the one of submergence. Thus, emergence and submergence succeeded each other as many times as the coal-seams and the shale, slate or sandstone alternate — in some parts of Iowa, three times, in Nova Scotia about forty times ! Who can compute tha centuries here recorded t The coal-fields of Iowa are extensive. A line drawn on the map of the State as follows will about define them : Commencing at the southeast corner of Van Buren County, running to the northeast corner of Jefferson, by a wav- ing line slightly eastward through Lee and Henry Counties ; thence a few miles northward from Jefferson and northwestward, keeping six or eight miles north of Skunk River, until the southern boundary of Marshall County is reached a little west of the center ; thence three or four miles northeast from Eldora, in Hardin County ; thence westwafd to a point a little north of Webster City, in Hamilton County, and thence westward to a point a little north of Fort Dodge, in Webster County. The coal-field in Iowa belongs to the true carboniferous system, and is, moreover, the outfield of the vast coal-basin which partly covers this State, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. It is only in the Alleghanies that subterranean action has converted any part of the coal into anthracite. Every- where else in the immense basin it is strictly bituminous, varying, however, from the article as first prepared by the economic forces of Nature from the block coal of Indiana to the cannel coal found in certain parts of Iowa. 384 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. It appears from the researches of Liebig and other eminent chemists, that when wood and other vegetable matter are buried in the earth, exposed to moisture and partially or entirely excluded from air, they decompose slowly and evolve carbonic acid gas, thus parting with a portion of their original oxygen. By this means they become gradually converted into lignite, or wood coal, which contains a larger proportion of hydrogen than wood does. A continuance of decomposition changes this lignite into common or bituminous coal, chiefly by the discharge of carbureted hydrogen, or the gas by which we illuminate our streets and houses. According to Bischofi", the inflammable gases which are always escaping from mineral coal, and are so often the cause of fatal accidents in mines, always contain carbonic acid, carbureted hydrogen, nitrogen and defiant gas. The disengagement of all these gradually transforms ordinary or bituminous coal into anthracite, to which the various names of glance coal, cota, hard coal, culm and many others have been given. In explaining the cause of the freedom of coal from impurities of almost every description, Sir Charles Lyell gives a paragraph which is interesting in this connection. He says: "The purity of coal itself, or the absence in it of earthy particles and sand, throughout areas of vast extent, is a fact which, appears to be very difiicult to explain when we attribute each coal-seam to a vegetable growth in swamps. It has been asked how, during river inundations capable of sweeping away the leaves of ferns and the stems and roots of trees, could the waters fail to transport some fine mud into swamps ? One generation of tall trees after another grew in mud, and their leaves and prostrate trunks formed layers of vegetable matter which afterward covered with mud and turned to shale ; but the coal itself, or altered vegetable matter, remained all the while unsoiled with earthy matter. This enigma, however perplexing at first sight, may, I think, be solved by attending to what is now taking place in deltas. " The dense growth of reeds and herbage which encompasses the margin of forest- covered swamps in the valley and delta of the Mississippi, is such that the fluviatile waters, in passing through them, are filtered and made to clear them- selves entirely before they reach the areas in which vegetable matter may accu- mulate for centuries, formins; coal, if the climate be favorable. There is no possibility of the least intermixture of earthy matter in such cases. Thus, in the large submerged track called ' Sunk Country,' near New Madrid, forming part of the western side of the valley of the Mississippi, erect trees have been standing ever since the year 1811-12, killed by the great earthquake of that date ; lacustrine and swamp plants have been growing there in the shallows, and several rivers have annually inundated the whole space, and yet have been unable to carry in any sediment within the outer boundaries of the morass, so dense is the marginal belt of reeds and brushwood. It may be afiirmed that generally, in the cypress swamps of the Mississippi, no sediment mingles with the vegetable matter accumulated there from the decay of trees and semi- aquatic plants. As a singular proof of this fact, I may mention that when- ever any part of the swamps in Louisiana is dried up, during an un- usually hot season, and the wood is set on fire, pits are burned into the ground many feet deep, or as far down as the fire can descend without meeting with water, and it is then found that scarcely any residuum or earthy matter is left. At the bottom of these cypress swamps a bed of clay is found, with roots of the tall cypress, just as the under clays of the coal are filled with stigmaria." HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 385 CRETACEOUS. The next formation above the coal was the cretaceous, or chalk. This formation is not seen in this region, being encountered only in the west and northwest portions of the State. If any ever existed here, it was carried away during the glacial period, which is hereafter explained. The absence of chalk brings us to speak next of the GLACIAL PERIOD. That the surface of Iowa, and, in fact, the whole of North America north of the thirty-eighth parallel, is covered by a material known as drift, has become a popular opinion. Strewed all over the country, on the hills and in the valleys and on the level prairies, covering up the native rocks to a depth of from twenty to three hundred feet, is found this peculiar deposit. The well-diggers and the colliers, in their excavations, encounter it, and the quarryman has to strip it from the surface of this rock bed. It is not all alike ; first there are a few feet of sur- face soil, created by recent vegetable deposits ; then a variable depth of clay, or clay and sand intimately blended ; then water-worn gravel and sand, and then blue clay^ resting upon the country rock. Scattered over the continent are frequently seen " lost rocks," or bowlders, of various sizes and of different varieties, some of granite, others of gneiss or trap, and occasionally some of limestone. These bowlders are also frequently found in excavating the earth. The blue clay which lies upon the country rocks, or the original formation, is the oldest of the drift deposits. It consists of a heterogeneous mixture of dark blue clay, sand, gravel, pebbles and irregular-shaped stones and bowlders, of various kinds and sizes, unassorted and unstratified, and therefore could not have been deposited in water. Sometimes an occasional piece of stone-coal and fragments of wood are found in it. This blue clay is bowlder or glacier clay. From whence it came and how formed is one of the most interesting subjects that scientific minds have investigated. The history of glacial phenomena is the history of the deposition of the blue clay formation. Too much credit cannot be given to the late lamented Prof. Agassiz and Principal Forbes for their discovery of the laws regulating glacial action. These eminent savants built a hut on a living glacier, in Switzerland, and studied it in all its relations to the past history of the globe. Prof. Gunning says : " The area of Greenland is nearly eight hundred thousand square miles ; and all this, save the narrow strip which faces an ice- choked sea, on the west, is a lifeless solitude of snow and ice. The snow over- tops the hills and levels up all the valleys, so that, as far as the eye can reach, there is nothing but one vast, dreary, level expanse of white. Over all broods the silence of death. Life, there is none. Motion, there seems to be none — none save of the wind, which sweeps now and then, in the wrath of a polar storm, from the sea over the • ice-sea,' and rolls its cap of snow into great bil- lows, and dashes it up into clouds of spray. But motion there is ; activities we shall see there are, on a scale of grandeur commensurate with the vast desola- tion itself." Let the mind go back in the history of our earth, one hundred thousand years, when, Prof. Croll, from mathematical deductions, infers the existence of a snow cap, covering the whole of North America and Europe, from the thirty-eighth parallel to the north pole ; then, in imagination, see the larger portion of North America, as you see Greenland now, covered with an " ice- 386 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. mantle " 3,000 to 6,000 feet thick. A glacier is o, frozen river, having motion as a stream of Avater has, but boUnd in gigantic bands by the cold atmosphere. Conceive, if you please, a moving block of iron, thousands of tons in weight, dragged over a plowed field. The track of this monster is marked by a level bed of compressed, pulverized earth. Transfer your imagination to a mass of ice covering the entire northern hemisphere, or at least to the thirty-eighth parallel (at which point the equatorial heat began to assert itself on the ice- walls, and decompose them, carrying the debris of the glacier, in solution, southward), moving half a foot or more a day, because of the hydraulic pressure from behind and within — the streams which flowed into it — and you can then have some faint idea of the incalculable force of a glacier, and the action of the ice-mass on the plastic earth. The dynamic power of such a continental mass of ice is inconceivable. It is fit to be called one of the giant mills of the gods, which are represented " to grind slowly, but exceeding fine." It was a monstrous ice-plane, shaving off the rugged crags of mountains, leveling up valleys and filling up ancient river- beds. Its under surface was thickly set with rock-bowlders, which, with its ponderous weight, ground the underlying rocks to powder. This pulverized rock was washed from beneath the glacier by the overflowing waters which con- stantly gushed forth, and settled on far-off plains as alluvial sand and clay. The motion of the glacier was slow, perhaps six inches in twenty-four hours. This was the giant mill that ground out the blue clay — the glacier clay — that overlies the native formations of the entire country. It doubtless owes its dark blue color to the Laurentian and trap rocks of Canada. Well-diggers are familiar with it and it is nearly always the same in color and composition. Geologists are now unanimous in the opinion that during the glacial epoch the whole northern portion of the continent was elevated one thousand to two thousand feet above the present level. Le Conte says : " The polar ice-cap had advanced southward to 40"^ latitude, with still further southward projections, favored by local condi- tions, and an Arctic rigor of climate prevailed over the United States, even to the shores of the Gulf. At the end of this epoch an opposite or down- ward movement of land surface over the same region commenced and continued until a depression of five hundred or one thousand feet below the present level was attained. Le Conte says : " This ice sheet moved, with slow, glacier motion, south- eastward, southward and southwestward, over New England, New York, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, etc., regardless of smaller valleys, glaciating the whole surface, and gouging out lakes in its course. Northward, the ice-sheet probably extended to the pole ; it was an extension of the polar ice-cap.'' It is not within the province of this sketch to go into details and give the problematic causes of this glacier period. The causes were mainly astronomical. Mr. Croll has calculated the form of the earth's orbit a million years back and a million years forward. The probable time of the last glacial period was 100,000 years back ; then the eccentricity of the earth's orbit was very great, and the earth in aphelion (or when most distant from the sun, being about thirteen millions of miles further than in summer) in midwinter ; then the winters were about thirty days longer than now. In summer, the earth would be correspondingly nearer the sun, and would receive an excess of heat, thus giving the earth in the northern hemisphere short, hot summers and long, cold winters. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 38T The subsidence referred to above forms the beginning of THE DRIFT PERIOD. Now let us see how the drift was deposited on the bowlder clay. When the continental depression took place, a large portion of the Mississippi Valley was submerged. Le Conte says : " It was a time of inland seas. * * * Another result, or at least a concomitant, was a moderation of the climate, a melting of the glaciers, and a retreat of the margin of the ice-cap northward. If was, therefoi'e, a time of flooded lakes and rivers. Lastly, over these inland seas and great lakes, loosened masses of ice floated in the form of icebergs. It was, therefore, a time of iceberg action." For a time the ideas upon the subject of glacial and iceberg action were confused, until Prof. Agassiz practically demonstrated the diffierence, on the glacier in Switzerland. The iceberg period followed that of the glacier. The depression of the continent, from 1,000 to 2,000 feet, created a sea-bed. This was filled by the melting of the glacier. Meanwhile, the water supply on the glacier continued, but the moderated climate prevented the formation of the ice- cap. As a result, the hydraulic pressure from behind forced the glacier, or frozen stream, into the sea. The buoyancy of the water counteracted on the specific gravity of the glacier, and, when the ice had projected beyond a point at which it could resist the upward pressure of the sea-water, great masses of it were broken off". These masses floated away, and are known as icebergs. The glacier was frozen to the bottom of its river-bed, congealing in its embrace rocks, gravel, sand and whatever substances lay thereon. These sub- stances were held firmly during the progress of the iceberg, after its liberation from the parent glacier, until it had floated into warmer waters. Then began a gradual dripping of the freight of the berg, until finally the ice itself disap- peared in the mild waters of a tropic ocean. The opinion prevails among geologists that the glacier motion was frora the east of north, but that the Champlain flow was from the northwest. Corrobo- rating this hypothesis is the marked diff'erence in color of the bowlder clay and the Upper Drift deposit. If the glacier motion was from the north, or east of north, it did not produce the beds of our present rivers. Glaciation, or the process of leveling the earth's surface by the pressure of moving glaciers, only wore off and smoothed down the surface of the country, leaving it a vast undu- lating plain of dark blue mud, a heterogeneous mass of clay, sand, gravel and bowlders. The old river courses and valleys were completely obliterated. That the great beds of alluvium which cover up the blue clay were deposited in water, is clearly proven by its stratification, which can be observed in almost any excavation where a hill or bluflf has been cut through in constructing rail- roads or mills, or where brick clay has been procured. But let us see how the Champlain or Drift period was produced. A continental subsidence came on and large inland lakes Avere formed. The climate became modified ; the glaciers melted more rapidly ; vast icebergs broke loose from the mountain-like glaciers and floated over the land, carrying rocks and clay and debris with them, and as they melted, strewed them over the sur- face, sometimes grounding and excavating basins for future lakes and ponds. Thus, year after year and age after age, did the muddy waters and freighted ice- bergs flow over the (tountry, the former depositing our present alluvial drift, the latter dropping here and there the bowlders and debris that we noAV find scat- tered over the country. No erosion or -vVearing away, save from a stranded ice- 388 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. "berg, occurred at that time, but it was a period of filling in, a period of dis- tribution over the submerged land, of powdered rocks, sand and clay, and an occasional bowlder. But when the continent emerged from the abyss, and the waters flowed oif, and the higher undulations of the land appeared, then the erosive action of winds and waves and storms and currents took place. The waters, as they flowed toward the sea and Gulf, produced their inevitable channels. There was much of the drift carried into the streams and borne away in the floods to the sea. Then was the stranded bowlder, by wind and wave, stripped of its soft, alluvial bed, left high and dry on the surface of the hereafter prairie. Then were the gravelly knolls that are found in some parts of the State robbed of every fine sediment, and the gravel and stones left to tell the story of the floods. Then were the great valleys washed out ; then did the annual wash- outs all along the water-courses — rapidly at first, but more slowly in after ages — eat away the drift accumulations and form the hills. The hilly districts generally lie contiguous to the streams. Back from these water courses the land is usually undulating prairie, showing but little erosion. The country contiguous to the Des Moines River and its tributaries bears, in many localities, unmistakable evidences of the action of the retiring waters of the Champlain period. As geology has written its history in the rocks, so the latest action of the waters has left its legible records in the drifts — it made tracks., and by its tracks we can see where it was and what it did. When two currents of water flow together, charged with sediment, where the currents meet there will occur an eddy, the eddy-water will throw down its load of floating mud and build up a bar. In the valley of every creek in this locality, may be found many of those silted-up banks and promontories, the deposits of the waters during the later Champlain period. If our readers will but notice the action of any swollen creek, they will at once perceive how the prairie streams have silted or thrown up the hillocks so frequently met with. Notice the little brook that meets the larger creek yon- der. At the mouth of the brook is a firmer hit of ground in the slough, upon which the horseman, at an early day, safely crossed the miry ford. That firm ground was formed by the heavy sediment of the brook. The two streams pro- duced an eddy on meeting, and the waters were delayed an instant. Some of the sand brought down stream sank during this pause, and a hillock in embryo was made. Years from this time, the course of that stream will be changed because of an impeding elevation of land, and that elevated land will be cultivated, with rich returns. So the surface of the prairies was formed into irregular hills and dales. BOWLDERS are frequently found scattered over the surface of the country, and very com- monly in ravines or sloughs, because, when denudation was taking place by the agency of the subsiding waters, they invariably moved down hill when the earth was washed from under them. This readily accounts for their being usually found in ravines. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. Timber. — Jefferson County is well supplied with timber. Most of the kinds peculiar to the West are abundant, among which may be mentioned red, black, white, burr and jack oak, white and black walnut, hard and soft maple, ash, hickory, elm, honey locust, cottonwood, cherry and birch. FAIRFIELD HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 391 Coal. — There is an inexhaustible supply of bituminous stone coal of as good ■quality as can be found in the West. Several coal-mines are extensively worked, and their products shipped by the Burlington & Missouri River (C, B. & Q.) to Mount Pleasant, Burlington and other points. The coal is found in three principal seams, cropping out at different points. The lower seam is that which is most principally worked, the upper has nowhere been found thick enough to work, except about two miles west of Fairfield, where it is about three feet in thickness. One mile and a half directly south, at Read's Mill, this seam dimin- ishes to a thickness of but two inches. At this point the second or middle seam is six inches, and the third or lower, is three feet and three inches thick. The coal found in the vicinity of Fairfield is much sought after for mechanical purposes, because of the small proportion of the sulphuret of iron. Penn Township is the principal coal center, within which township several banks are Avorked with profit. The mines at Coalport are also in successful and pi'ofitable operation. [A more comprehensive reference to the operations of these several coal-banks will be found in a history of the industrial inter- ests of the county.] Coal has been discovered in all the townships of the county but Walnut. Building Stone. — It is stated in the State Geological Report, of Prof. James Hall, that Jefferson County is not well supplied with good building- stone, her main resource being the sandstone of the coal-measures, which are not very reliable when exposed to atmospheric agencies, etc. Since that report was made (1858), the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company have used, for heavy masonry, stone obtained in this county, and it is found that it is reliable when exposed to the air. The abutments of the railroad bridge over Big Cedar are constructed from stone obtained in the immediate vicinity in 1859, and seem to have increased in solidity by atmospheric exposure. The same may be remarked of the stone used in the construction of the Court House, which has not crumbled away after an exposure of nearly thirty years to the atmosphere, besides supporting a heavy brick superstructure. A portion of the stone used for the Court House Avas quarried in Walnut Township, in the northeast corner of the county. The rest was obtained in other localities in this county, but all have proved alike durable. Quicklime. — The concretionary limestone is the main source for the manu- facture of quicklime, and no better article for that purpose need be desired than that afforded by the different quarries in the eastern part of the county, on Brush Creek, Walnut Creek, and nearly all the smaller tributaries of Skunk River. Fire-Clay. — Beds of fire-clay are found in various parts of the county in connection with the coal-seams. Near Brush Creek, on the northeast quarter of Section 36, in Lockridge, there is a bed of this material about fifteen feet in thickness. It rests on concretionary limestone, with a few inches of iron ore between. The lower part of the bed is somewhat slaty in texture, but the upper part is of excellent quality. Brick-Qlay. — An abundant supply of this material is furnished by the drift deposit in all parts of the county. The clay is accessible immediately below the subsoil. Sand. — A good grade of sand for building purposes is found along the breaks of the streams where the sandbeds of the deposit have been exposed by the action of the water. Soil. — There is a variety of soil and surface. Portions along Skunk River and Big Cedar are somewhat broken and uneven in surface, but the soil is pro- 392 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. ductive and especially adapted to the raising of wheat. The northwest part has a larger proportion of prairie, nearly all of which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Corn, wheat, rye and oats are the principal crops. Most kinds of vegetables are produced in great abundance and perfection. For meadows, the farmers sow clover and timothy ; but blue grass and the various other kinds of grasses do well. Fruits do well. Apples, grapes and strawber- ries especially, grow to great perfection and seldom fail. Several parties have made the raising of grapes for the manufacture of wine a special feature of their industry. The Catawba has been the favorite wine-grape. The Clinton, Concord, Delaware and Hartford Prolific do well. Cherries, plums, gooseberries, currants and other varieties of small fruits yield abundantly with proper attention. ORIGIN OF THE PRAIRIES. Prof. Hall, in his Geological Report of Iowa, says : The subject of the origin of the prairies, or the cause of the absence of trees over so exten- sive a region, is one which has often been discussed, and in regard to which diametrically opposite opinions are entertained. The idea is very extensively entertained throughout the West, that the prairies were once covered with timber ; but that it has been deen destroyed by the tires which the Indians have been in the habit of starting in the dry grass, and which swept a vast extent of surface every Autumn. A few considerations will show that the theory is entirely untenable. In the first place, the prairies have been in existence at least as far back as we have any knowledge of the country, since the tirst explorers of the West describe them just as they now are. There may be limited areas once covered with woods and now bare ; but, in general, the prairie region occupies the same surface which it did when first visited by the white man. But, again, prairies are limited to a peculiar region — one marked by certain characteristic topographical and geological features, and they are, by no means, distributed around wherever the Indians have roamed and used fire. Had frequent occurrence of fires in the woods been the means of removing the timber and covering the soil with a dense growth of grass, there is no reason why prairies should not exist in the Eastern and Middle States, as well as in the Western. Tlie whole northern portion of the United States was once inhabited by tribes diifering but little from each other in their manner of living. Again, were the prairies formerly covered by forest trees, we should probably now find some remains of them buried beneath the soil, or other indications of their having existed. Such is not the case, for the occurrence of fragments of wood beneath the prairie surface is quite rare. And when they are found, it is in such position as to show that they had been removed to some distance from the place of their growth. It has been maintained by some that the want of sufficient moisture in the air or soil was the cause of the absence of forests in the Northwest ; and it is indeed true that the prairie region does continue westward, and become merged in the arid plains which extend along the base of the Rocky Mountains, where the extreme dryness is undoubtedly the principal obstacle to the growth of anything but a few shrubs peculiarly adapted to the conditions of climate and soil which prevail in that region. This, however, cannot be the case in the region of the Mississippi and near Lake Michigan, where the prairies occupy so large a surface, since the results of meteorological observations show no lack of moisture in that district, the annual precipitati'n being fully equal to what it is in the well-wooded country farther east in the same latitude. Besides, the growth of forest trees is rich and abundant all through the prairie region under certain conditions of soil and position, showing that their range is not limited by any general climatological cause. Taking into consideration all the circumstances under which the peculiar vegetation of the prairie occurs, we are disposed to consider the nature of the soil as the prime cause of the absence of forests, and the predominance of gi-asses over the widely-extended region. And although chemical composition may not be without influence in bringing about this result, which is a subject for further investigation, and one worthy of careful examination, yet we conceive that the extreme fineness of the particles of which the prairie soil is composed is probably tJie principal reason why it is better adapted to the growth of its peculiar vegeiation than to the development of forests. It cannot fail to strike the careful observer that where the prairies occupy the surface, the soil and superficial material have been so finely comminuted as to be almost in a state of an impalpable powder. This is due, partially, to the peculiar nature of the underlying rocks and the facility with which they undergo complete decomposition, and partly to the mechanical causes which have acted during and since the accumulation of the sedimentary matter from the prairie soil. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 393 If we go to the thickly-wooded regions, like those of the northern peninsula of Michio-an, and examine those portions of the surface which have not been invaded by the forest, we shall observe that the beds of ancient lakes which have been filled up by the slowest possible accumu- lation of detrital matter and are now perfectly dry, remain as natural prairies and are not trespassed upon by the surrounding woods. We can conceive of no other reason for this than the extreme fineness of the soil which occupies these basins, and which is the natural result of the slow and quiet mode in which they have been filled up. The sides of these depressions, which were lakes, slope very gradually upward, and berng covered with a thick growth of veo-e- tation, the material brought into them must have been thus caused. Consequently, when the former lake has become entirely filled up and raised above the level of overflow, we find it cov- ered with a most luxuriant crop of grass, forming the natural meadows from which the first settlers are supplied with their first stock of fodder. Applying these facts to the case of the prairies of larger dimensions farther south, we infer, on what seems to be reasonable grounds, that the whole region now occupied by the prairies of the Northwest was once an immense lake, in whose basin sediment of almost impalpable fineness gradually accumulated ; that this basin was drained by the elevation of the whole region, but, at first, so slowly that the finer particles of the deposit were not washed away, but allowed to remain where they were originally deposited. After the more elevated portions of the former basin had been laid bare, the drainage becoming concentrated into comparatively narrow channels, the current thus produced, aided, perhaps, by a more rapid rise of the region, acquired sufficient velocity to wear down throu. That we are not Abolitionists, and that we make no war upon the slave property of the Southern States ; 7. That civil war has no charms for us, and that we hope and pray for its speedy and happy termination, without an attack upon Washington City, and without further devastation and bloodshed ; but come what may, we abide by the Constitution and the flag of our Union : 8. That, if the storm must rage without, we should have peace and union at home, and we do strenuously advise courtesy, toleration and forbearance among our own citizens toward each other; we condemn the use of abusive epithets, such as "traitors" and "secessionists," as applied to men, all of whom are loyal to their country and her flag ; and we are not in favor of the revival of the sedition laws of John Adams, nor of the enactment here of the treason laws of Henry the Eighth, of England, which not only put men to death for their deeds, but also for their words ; and not only for their words, but also for their thoughts. The meeting then organized a '' Home Guard," of which the following were enrolled at that meeting as members : Richard Gaines, J. H. Baker. C. Defrance, Perry Summers, Zach Baker, John Nefl", William Summers, John Davis, S L. Statkup, W. B. Houdersheldt, W. D. Alston; George J. Fee, R. M. Moyer, J. P. Wray, Daniel Harter, Eleazer Morgan, James Defrance, Joseph Summers, W. S. McKey, George Eyerly, A. K. Hite. A. Defrance, The proceedings of this meeting were ordered published in the Fairfield Ledger and the Burlington Hawk-Eye. In Penn Township, a meeting was held at Miller's schoolhousc, April 27, for the purpose of forming a military company for home protection, and a Home Guard was organized, the roll of which was signed on this occasion by twenty- nine citizens of that township. At Abingdon, in Polk Township, on May 27, a Home Guard was formed, consisting of eighty members, and officered as follows: Captain, P. W. Wilcox; First Lieutenant, M. M. Campbell; Second Lieutenant, Joshua Wright; Color Sergeant, J. J. Sperry. This company was banded together for the purpose of repelling invasion, protecting their homes, and, if called upon by the President, to tender their services to go out of the State and assist in maintaining the honor of the American flag. Companies of Home Guards were also organ- ized in Liberty and Round Prairie Townships. An old Mexican war soldier of this county, who knew how it was himself, ani- mated by a humanitarian spirit and a fatherly solicitude for the comfort and gen- eral welfare of the young and inexperienced volunteers who were about to start for the sea tof war, and dare the untried dangers of the march, the camp and the battle-field, ofi"ered the following timely suggestions, the observation of HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 441 which by the soldiers of the county, added greatly to their general health and comfort : 1. Remember, That in a campaign more men die from sickness than by the bullet. 2. Line your blankets with one thickness of brown drilling. This adds but four ounces in weight, and doubles the warmth. 3. Buy a small India rubber blanket (only |1.50) to lay on the ground or to throw over your shoulder when on guard duty during a rainstorm. Most of the Eastern troops are pro- vided with these. Straw to lay upon is not always to be had. 4. The best military hat in use is the light-colored soft felt, the crown being sufficiently high to allow space for the air over the brain. You can fasten it up as a Continental in fair weather, or turn it down when it is wet or very sunny. 5. Let your beard grow, so as to protect the throat and lungs. 6. Keep your entire person clean. This prevents fevers and bowel complaints in warm •climates. Wash your body, if possible. Avoid strong coifee and oily meat. Gen. Scott said the too frequent use of these, together with neglect in keeping the skin clean, cost many a soldier his life in Mexico. 7. A check of perspiration by chilly night air often causes fever and death. When thus exposed, do not forget your blanket. In the latter part of May, a meeting of the officers of the various organ- ized military companies of Jefferson County was held at Fairfield, of which W. S. Linch was Chairman, and J. H. Winder, Secretary, the object of which, as stated to the meeting by W. M. Clark, was to arrange the preliminaries for a grand military parade. In order to preserve some record of the number of companies then in the county, a list is here given of those represented on that occasion : Fairfield Home Guards, by W. M. Clark, Captain. Black Hawk Home Guards, by R. Gaines, Captain. Drill at James H. Baker's. Penn Township Home Guards, by 0. J. Westenhaver, Captain. Drill at W. C. Coop's. Salina Home Guards, by J. H. Allender, Captain. Drill at Salina. Prairie Home Guards, by J. H. Strong, First Lieutenant. Drill in Round Prairie Township. Prairie Home Guards, horse company, by H. Gaylord, Captain. Drill at Glasgow. Jeiferson Home Guards, by P. Walker, Captain. Drill at Libertyville. Fairfield Guards, by W. K. Alexander, First Lieutenant, Drill at Fairfield. It was decided that the companies should all meet for general drill at Fair- field, June 1, at 10 o'clock. The officers of the day, as appointed for the occa- sion, were W. P. Huyett, Colonel ; P. Walker, Lieutenant Colonel ; J. H. Allender, Major. Saturday, the 1st of June, came, and with it the heaviest shower of rain of the season, which threw a wet blanket over the proceedings, spoiling all the beauty and drowning all the fun out of the parade. The mili- tary organizations were on hand in the morning, as well as a large concourse of people from other portions of the county. The troops were marched to the depot grounds, where they were formed and brought into town, and dispersed again until 1 o'clock, at which hour the companies assembled around the Park and were getting into order, when the windows of heaven were again opened and the floods descended, causing considerable marching in " double quick " time. The Board of Supervisors of Jefferson County, realizing that as the natural protectors of many families of the country were absent in the army, several were beginning to want for the necessaries of life, ordered a special meeting of the Board on Saturday. June 8, to consider the situation. At this meeting, the following resolution was adopted : lienolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Jetferson County, Iowa, do . hereby appropriate the sum of $l,(tOO for the relief of families of citizens of said county enlisted in the service of the Government, to be disbursed by William K. Alexander, William Long and George Acheson, they to render a statement of the disbursements at tlie next regular session of the Board, and authorizing the Clerk to draw warrants on the treasury for the amounts. H 442 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, October 8, 1861, the Board of Supervisors being in session, it was Ordered, That the Board of Supervisors do hereby appropriate out of the county funds of this county the additional sum of |500, for the support of the families of those persons who have volunteered and are in the actual military service of either the United States or of the State of Iowa, who are in destitute circumstances, and whose families resided in this county at the time of their enlistment and whose families still reside in this county. In addition to these appropriations by the County Board, a paper began to circulate when enlistments first commenced, for voluntary subscriptions for the benefit of the families of volunteers. No man refused to contribute something, and in this way over $2,000 were provided for the purpose named. It was money cheerfully given, and was the means of carrying gladness to the heart of many a wife and mother at home and husband and father on the tented field. .A systematic plan was adopted for disbursing these amounts, and, be it said to the credit of the people of Jeiferson County who remained at home during the war, that not one of any of the soldiers' families was left to suffer when it was known, or could be known, that they were in need of food, fuel, clothing, shelter or medical assistance. In the charges on Fort Donelson, the Second Iowa Regiment lost over two- thirds of its members, and the report reached Fairfield that Company E was included among those who had suffered the most severely. The sorrowful news of this battle brought mourning into the households of all those who had friends and relatives in the Second Regiment, and no one among them knew how soon the probability that some dear one was either killed, wounded or taken prisoner — on the arrival of more definite information — would be converted into a cer- tainty. In the midst of these harrowing doubts, a number of the citizens of Fair- field met together for mutual condolence and to devise some plan for sending assistance to the victims of the carnage before Fort Donelson. At this meeting, Dr. C. S. Clark proposed that he would himself go to the scene of the late battle, which proposition met with general approbation. Mrs. M. E. Woods immedi- ately proposed that she would accompany the Doctor on his mission of mercy to the wounded and dying, which also received the assent of the meeting. It was finally decided, however, that Dr. Clark should first go as far as Cairo and ascertain definitely just what was the situation, and what was needed in the way of nurses and sanitary supplies. The report came back from Dr. Clark that there was a crying need for competent nurses, and that the sanitary sup- plies were low. It was then arranged for Mrs. Woods to procure the necessary credentials as Sanitary Agent and Nurse, and the papers for transportation, which she did accordingly. On the 3d of April, 1862, she made her first visit to Keokuk with a supply of sanitary stores, and entered heart and soul upon that mission to the sick and wounded who came within her department, in the faithful fulfill- ment of which she eventually became so distinguished. After distributing the sanitary supplies sent in her care, Mrs. Woods remained for some time in Keo- kuk, nursing and caring for the sick and wounded, and then returned home, but only remained long enough for another supply of stores to be collected, with which she started, in November, for Springfield, Mo., where the Nineteenth Iowa was quartered. Returning to her home in Fairfield for a short time, in the month of March. 1863, Mrs. Woods started with another extensive supply of stores for Pilot Knob, Mo., where the Third Regiment of Iowa Cavalry was quartered. In the latter part of March, she went from Pilot Knob to Helena with supplies HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 443 that were much needed by the Fourth Iowa Cavalry, which at that time was stationed there. She then proceeded on her first trip down the river en route for Milliken's Bend and Vicksburg, arriving at the former place about the 1st of April. Mrs. Woods was in the rear of Vicksburg with the Union army during the bombardment of that city by Gen. Grant's forces, when the gunboats on the Mississippi succeeded in running the blockade, and for a time herself Avas under fire when the shot and shell from the enemy's guns were falling so thick and fast that she was obliged to keep up an active movement in order to avoid the range of the exploding shells, which, with the blazing guns, so illuminated all things in that vicinity at night that one could readily see to read by the light thev made, and even see to pick up a pin on the deck of a gunboat. This energetic and patriotic woman made nine trips to the seat of conflict and the various military stations with supplies for the soldiers in amounts vary- ing in bulk from ten to thirty-seven tons each time, and continued her ministra- tions throughout the entire war. During the time Mrs. Woods was engaged in this good work, the Government and all with whom she came in contact, and on all occasions, reposed in her the most implicit confidence, and many is the wounded, suffering soldier that has occasion to remember her more as a minis- tering angel than as woman. The following letter of acknowledgment is inserted here as one of many of a like character received by Mrs. Woods, showing the appreciation in which her services were held by that portion of the army with which she had communica- tion as Nurse and Sanitary Agent : Headquarters 15th Army Corps, "I ScoTTSBOROuoH, December 31, 1863. / Mrs. Woods, Headquarters First Division, Madam : Maj. Gen. Logan desires to express his hearty appreciation of your kindness in bearing us in mind on the approach of the New Year. Allow me, madam, on his part and for the entire staff, to tender you our thanks. The bearer will bring the articles you intend for us, and in " doing them justice " we will not fail to remember you and the noble women who, with you, have done so much to smooth the rough and stormy paths of a soldier's life. Wishing you, madam, a happy New Year, and many of them, I am very truly your obedient servant, J. H. Hammond, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff 15th Army Corps. Not all the credit is due to Mrs. Woods for this good work — for the glad- ness and comfort carried to Jefferson's "Boys in Blue," as they languished in hospitals or stood exposed on the outposts of duty. Behind her were the wives, and mothers, and sisters, and daughters, who had watched their soldier-hus- bands, sons and brothers march away to meet, repel and conquer a rebellious foe. They provided, and Mrs. Woods was the trusted agent whom they com- missioned to deliver to their representative soldiery what they prepared. Nobly, bravely, fearlessly did Mrs. Woods discharge that duty. Faithfully, lovingly did the noble, patriotic daughters of Jefferson do theirs. Fairs and festivals were held in almost every schoolhouse in the county. Speeches were inter- dicted. Work, not talk, was the purpose. On occasions of fairs and festivals, the walls of the buildings were adorned with wreaths of evergreens and mot- toes like these : Ladies' Aid Society, The Soldier's Friend, ^ The Love of Country Guides Us," '• Where Liberty Dwells, There is My Country," " He Who Gives Pi'omptly, Gives Twice as Much." The ladies of Jefferson County caught the spirit of the hour in a manner that showed them to be imbued with the noblest ambitions of American women ; and from the hour when those who were near and dear to them first were called to the field, their patriotism never wavered, nor did they allow their interest in 444 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. the cause to flag, until the victorious troops "came marching home with glad and gallant tread." While the women were almost, constantly employed in gathering supplies and hurrying them to the soldiers already in the field, others were enlisting and joining the companies and regiments to which they were assigned. Many pages could be written of the patriotic ofi"erings made by the people of Jeffer- son County during the years involved in the great and final struggle between freedom and slavery, but those ofterings were recorded in deeds more sacred and lasting than words. Out of a population of 15,038, in 1860, as shown by the United States census for that decade, this county furnished over one thou- sand six hundred soldiers — a record unequaled by any other county of the same population in the United States. The Adjutant General's report for 1866 shows 966 enlistments from this county, but, as many citizens of the county entered the army at other points, it has been ascertained that the total number who fought in the war of the great rebellion will approximate 1,600. Many of these men sleep in unmarked graves, far away from home and kindred, but their names and their memories live in the hearts of a grateful people. We can oifer a no more fitting tribute to their patriotic valor than a full and complete record, so far as it is possible to make it, that will embrace the names, the terms of enlistments, the battles in which they engaged, etc. It will be a wreath of glory encircling every brow, and a memento which each and every one of them earned in defense of their country's honor, integrity and unity. .<, VOLUNTEER ROSTER. TAKEN PRINCIPALLY FROM ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORTS. .A.BBEaETrX.A.I'IOItTS. Adit Adjutant Art Artillery Bat Battle or Battalion Col .'.*.'.*.*.*.'.' Colonel Capt...... Captain Corp Corporal Comsy Commissary com commissioned cav. '.'..! cavalry captd..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.". "..'.'. captured desrtd deserted disab disabled disd discharged g enlisted excd! exchanged hon. disd honorably discharged inir invalid inf infantry I. v. I Iowa Volunteer Infantry kid killed Lieut Lieutenant Maj Major m. o mustered out prmtd promoted prisr prisoner Regt Regiment re-e re-enlisted res resigned Sergt Sergeant trans transferred vet veteran V. R. C .Veteran Reserve Corps vpd ..wounded SECOND INFAxS^TKY. [Note. — The non-veterans of this regiment were mustered out at expiration of term of service, April, May and June, lS6!f The veterans and recruits irere consolidated into six companies, known as Second Veteran Infantry, which was consolidated with three companies of the Third Veteran Infantry, Nov. S, 1S6U ; was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July u, iscr,.] Chaplain Andrew Axliue, com. Sept. 1, 1861, resd. Aug. 31, 1862. Fife Maj. Willis E. Hall, com. May 6, '61. Company E. Capt. Frederick F. Metzler, com. May 28, 1861, resd. Sept. 1, 1861. Capt. John T. McCullough, e. as private May 6, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. June 8, '61, prmtd. to capt. Nov. 1, 1861, resd. May 23, 1864. First Lieut. George Strong, com. May 28, 1861, died at St. Joseph, Mo. First Lieut. Samuel B. Woods, com. 2d lieut., prmtd. 1st lieut. Nov. 1, 1861. resd. May 30, 1864. First Lieut. David B. Wilson, e. as corp. Mav 6, 1861. prmtd. 2d lieut. Nov. 1, '61, prrntd. 1st lieut. Dec. 24, 1861. Second Lieut. Stephen D. (Tursuch, com. Mav 28, 1861, resd. June 7, 1861. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 445 Second Lieut. Moses A. McColcl, e. as Corp. Mav 6, 1861, piintd. 2d lieut. Dec. 25, 1861, resd. May 23, 1864. First. Sergt. K. G. Forgrave, e. May 6, '61. First Sergt. George Heaton, e. May 6, '61. Sergt. Jas. AV. Messick, e. JNIay 6, 1861. Sergt. AVia. F. Smith, e. May 6, 1861. Sergt. Jacob Fox, e. May 6, 1861. Sergt. John W. Kol)insoii, e. May 6, 1861, disd. Aug. 20, 1863. Sergt. J). W. Brown, e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Sliiloh. Sergt. H. A. Millen, e. May 6, 1861, disd. Sept. 6, 1862. Corp. Wm. H. Hampton, e. Mav 6, 1861. Corp. Geo. F. Bulding, e. May 6, 1861. Corp. Geo. H. Case, e. May 6, 1861. Corp. Benjamin Eol)inson, e. Mav 6,1861, died March 1, 1862. Corp. Thomas J. Patton. e. Mav 6, 1861. Corp. Geo. W. Fetter, e. May 6, 1861. Corp. Abel Stephenson, e. ' Sept. 8, 1861, kid. at Corinth. Corp. Thomas L. Stallcup, e. Sept. 8, 1861, wd. at Sliikih. Austin, T. W., e. May 6,1861, wd. Corinth, disd. 1863. Baker, Wm., e. May 6, 186], disd. Oct. 22, 1862, disab. Boone, L. D., e. May 6, 1862, disd. Kov. 26, 1861. Bleakmore, J. D., e. May 6, 1861, prmtd. Corp., disd. Sejit. 11,1861. I'.oggs. Theo., e. INIav 6, 1861, wd. at Shiloh, died May 13, 1862*; Bromley, Owen, e. May 6, 1861, disd. Aug. 15, 1862. Coop, John, 6. Aug. 12, 1861. Craff, Geo., e. Sept. 8, 1861, disd. July 29, 1862. Coop, Reuben, e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Don- elson and Shiloh. Coop, liunsom, e. Aug. 12, 1861. Carter, M. F., e. May 6, 1861, disd. June 15, 1862. Dougherty, G. L., e. Sept. 8, 1861, disd. May 25,'1862. Dudley, J. M., e. May 6, 1861, died Sept. 6, 1861. Derek, John, e. May 6, 1861, died March 15, 1862. Duncan, J. C., e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Shiloh. Dorman, Wm., e. May 6, 1861, disd. Nov. 16, 1861. Evans, John, e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Iron ton. Fitzpatrick, S. G., e. May 28, 1861, died April 6, 1862. Hammond, G. W., e. May 6, '61, disd. Nov. 26, 1861. Horton, John, e. Marcli 8, 1864. Hilbmt, M., e. .Mav 6, '61, disd. July 16, '61. Hughes, J. II., e. Mav 6, 1861. Hill, G. W., e. May 6^ 1861, wd. Donelson. Hall, Manford, e. May 6, 1861, disd. Oct. 24, 1862. Hall, W. M., e. May 6, '61, disd. Oct. 24, '61. Hooverstick, J. C, e. May 6, 1861, kid. at Shiloh. Hefnar, Jackson, e. May 6, 1861. Hoffman, Thomas, e May 6, 1861. Hottersley, Samuel, e. May 6, '61, deserted Aug. 1, 1861. Jones. David, e. May 6, 1861. Johnson, D. B., e. May 6, 1861, disd. Feb. 12, 1863. Keltuer, G. F., e. Sept. 3, 1862. Kimball, Geo., e. May 6, 1861. Kerr. Brainard, e. May 6. 1861, disd. July 21, 1862. Kirkpatrick, Jos., e. May 6, 1861. Luck, John, e. May 6, '61, died Jan. 11, '62. Locke, liobt., e. May 6, 1861. Leith. Wm., e. May 6, '61, disd. Oct. 17, '61. Laughlin, John, e. May 6, 1861, died Sept. 15, 1861. Long, David P., e. May 6, 1861, disd. July 21, 1862. McElday, John R., e. May 6, 1861. McKee, John J., e. May 6, 1861. Moore, Wm. S., e. May 6, 1861. McCoy, L. (;., e.Sept. 3, 1862. Mikesell, Benj., e. May 6, 1861. Mikesell, Peter, e. Aug. 20, 1861, disd. July 19, 1862. Meyers, Geo. H., e. May 6. 1861, disd. Dec. 18, 1861. Mathews, Luther, e. May 6, 1861, disd. Sept. 12, 1861. Newby, Elijah, e. May 6, 1861, kid. at Shiloh, Olds, Isaac, e. May 6, 1861. Partridge, Robt. B., e. May 6, 1861, disd., date unknown. Page, Michael, e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Don- elson, Patrick, Harry, e. May 6, 1861, disd . Sept. 11, 1861. Pierson, David, e. May 6, 1861. Pearson, Young S., e. May 6, 1861, disd. July 21, 1862. Reed, C J., e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Shiloh. Ripley, Chas., e. Sept. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. kid. at Nick-a-Jack. Ross, James, e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Shiloh and Corinth. Ready, Robt., e. May 6, 1861, died of wds. received at Donelson. Swanson, Jt)hn, e. May 6, 1801, disd. Dec. 28, 1861. Sisson. Warren, e. May 6, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1862. Stam, Robt., e. May 6, 1861, wd. Donelson. Sommers, Wm., e. May 6, 1861, died of wds. received at Corinth Oct. 6, 1862. Templeton, H. S., e. May 6, 1861, disd. Aug. 16, 1862. Utly,W. W., e. May 6, 1861. Updegraph, A. K.,e. May 6, 1861. VV aimer, Daniel, e. May 6, 1861, captd. at Shiloh. Ward, N. H., e. Aug. 13, 1862. Webster, L. T., e. Mav 6, 1801. AVelsh, S. P., e. May 6, 1861, disd. Dee. 31, 1861. 446 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Williams, Elwood, e.'^May 6, 1861, wd. at Corinth. Whitley, James A., e. July 20, 1861, died May 12. 1862. Workman, Jas. W., e. May 6, 1861, disd. Nov. 0, 1861. Young, James, e. May 6. 1861. Company I. Erskine, John B., e. May 5, 1861, disd. Dec. 4, 1861. Company K. Corp. James T. Gillette, e. May 6, 1861, wd. at Corinth, disd. March 3, 1863. Foster, Samuel A., e. May 6, 1861, disd. Aug. 27, 1862. Ward. Noah H., e. Aug. 23, 1861. COMPANY UNKNOWN. Cross, Lemuel, e. Dec. 23, 1863. Diekerson, Jas. H.,e. Jan. 4, 1864. Duncan, Wm. H., e. Jan. 1, 1864. SECOND VETERAN INFANTRY, FIELD. Willis E. Hall, e. May 5, 1861. yet. Dec. 23, 1863. Company E. Capt. George Ileaton, comd. May 24, 1864, wd. Atlanta. First Lieut. George^F. Balding, comd. 2d lieut. May 24, 1864, prmtd. 1st lieut. Noy. 10, 1864. Second Lieut. Thomas L. Stallcup, comd. Nov. 10, 1864, from sergt. Corp. Reuben Cook, e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Corp. Robert Stamm, e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Corp. Jacob Fox, e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Corp. A. B. Pantzer e. Sept. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23. 1863. Corp. John J. McKee, e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Musician David Jones, e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Wagoner Isaac Olds, 'e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Battorl", Felix, e. Jan. 30, 1864. Beatty, Theo., e. March 14, 1864. Coop, Ransom, e. Aug. 2, 1862 Coop, John, e. Aug. 3, 1862. Cross, Lemuel, e. Dec. 23, 1863. Cory, Philip, e. Feb. 20, 1864. Duncan, John ('., e. May 6, 1861. Duncan, W. H., e. Jan. i, 1864. Dickinson, J. K., e. Jan. 4, 1864. Fee, James P., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Forr, David, e. Feb. 4, 1864, died at Keokuk. Grant, J. H., e. Jan. 15, 1864. Gains, C. C, e. Feb. 26, 1864. Gorsuch, S. D., e. March 14. 1862. Heaton, Hiram, e. Eel). 3, 1864. Horton, John, e. March 12, 1864, wd., disd. May 24, 1865. JacolJson, John, e. March 12, 1864. Kimball, George, e. M-ay 6, 1861, yet. Dec. 23, 1863. Keltner, George F., e. Sept. 3, 1862. McCoy, Lewis G., e. Sept. 3, 1862. McElderry, John R., e. May 6, 1861. vet. Dec. 23,^1863. Pierson, David, e. May 6, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Ruggles, C W., e. Feb. 4, 1864. Stamm, John F., e. March 31, 1864. Stedwell, Lyman, e. Feb. 18, 1864, kid. at Eden Station, Ga. Shomaker, B. D., e. Feb. 4, 1864. Turnbull, W. R., e. Jan. 30, 1864. Vance, J. M., e. Feb. 3, 1864. Vabary, Aug., e. Feb. 8, 1864. Walker, M. B., e. Jan. 20, 1864, wd. July 4, 1864. Ward, N. H., e. Aug. 23, 1862. SEVENTH INFANTRY. [Note. — This regiment was viuslered out at LoiiUville, Ky., July I'J, 1S65.] Company D. Ban, W. R., e. 1861. Company E. Lewman, John W., e. Feb. 2, 1864. Stafford, Henry, e. July 28, 1861. Company F. Long, Thomas N., e. Feb. 9, 1864. McCart, A. R., e. Feb. 9, 1864. Company K. Sergt. Herman T. Besse, e. July 11, 1861. Sergt. Chas. Pleasant, e.Julv 19, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Corp. Samuel Goodwins, e. July 11, 1861. Corp. James M. Campbell, e. Oct. 15, 1861. Corp. Hugh Duke. e. July 11, 1861, vet. Jan. 4, 1864. prmtd. sergt. Corp. Natlian Talbert, e. July 11, 1861. vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Corp. Edw. W. Herman, e. July 11. 1861. Corp. Jos. Stoltze, e. July 19, 1861. Corp. Henry Sperry, e. July 19, 1861, vet. Jan. 4, 1864. Angstead. Hiram, e. Aug. 19, 1861, vet. Dec. 25, 1863. Bales, J. L., vet. Jan. 4,' 1864. Black, Wm., e. Feb. 22, 1864. Bense, Bernard, e. July 19, 1861, died May 1, 1862. Burns, Jos., e. July 11, '61, vet. Dec. 26, '63. Campbell. C. A., e. Oct. 15, 1861, disd. April 10, 1862. Courtney, Geo., e. Aug. 26, 1862, kid. at Lav's Ferry, Ga. Davis, Wm. C., e. Sept. 10, 1862. Dunlap, James, e. Feb. 20, 1864, died Aug. 23, 1864. Ellis, Walter, e. Feb. 20, 1864. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 447 Presh, John IL, e. July 19, 1861. rieenor, R. W., e. Feb. 20, 1864. Frazier, O. E., e. July 19, 1861, kid. Lay's FeriT, Ga. Grahani. Thomas J., e. Aug. 27, 1863. Hildebrand, M., e. Sept. 1, 1861. Harrison, Geo. W., e. Sept. 10, 1862. Hockett Jesse H., e. Feb. 20. 1864. Harding, A. J., e. July 19, 1861, vet. Dee. 26, 186;J. Hannawalt, E. R., e. March 14, 1863. Harrison, Geo., e. July 19, 1861, disd. Jan. OQ IggO Harding, 'm. V-, e. Sept. 25, 1863. Ja(iues," John H., e. Feb. 3, 1863. Johnston. John, e. July 19, 1861, disd. April 4, 1862. Knerr, John A., e. July 19, 1861, wd. at Shiloh. Leffler, Jacob, e. Aug. 37, 1863. Leffler, Peter, e. Aug. 37, 1863, wd. Lay's Ferry, Ga., died Xashville. Leffler, Henry, e. Aug. 37, 1863. Leffler, Jos., e. July 19, 1861. Lon§-, John, e. Aug. 39, 1863. Leisine, Jos. A., e. July 19, 1861. :McCurtcher, John, e. Xov. 39. 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Mann. Chris, e. July 19, 1861. Montgumerv. James, e. July 19, 1861, vet. Dec. 33, 1863. Miller, I., e. July 30, '61, disd. Oct. 30, '61. Morris, Wm., e. July 11, 1861. Myers. L. G., e. Feb. 33, 1864. Morris, J. H . e. July 11, 1861. Xeal, Nicholas, e. Aug. 36, 1863. Paul. Jacob, e. Feb 30, 1864. Roedolph, John. e. July 11, 1861. Roberts, Samuel, e. Feb. 30, 1864. Sfhaeffer, C. H., e. July 19. 1861, vet. Dec, 34, 1863. Sperry, John W., e. Oct. 17, 1863. Stafford, A. X., e. July 19, 1863, wd. at Fort Donelson. vet. Dec. 33, 1868. Simpson, S. E., e. Feb. 30, 1864. Schaffer, Jacol), e. Julv 19. 1861, disd. May 5, 1863. Statts, G. W. B., e. Oct. 17, 1863. Stats, F. B., e. July 11, '61, vet. De(-. 24, '63. Stafford, H., e. Aug. 6, '61, vet. Dec. 23, '63. Truman, W. C, e. July 11, '61, kid. Shiloh. Taucev, John W., e. Jan. 11, 1864. Taylor. John M., e. July 11, 1861. Williams, Jesse, e. July 11, 1861, vet. Dec. 36, 1863. AViggins, Bert. e. Julv 11, 1861, died Oct. 22 1861 Wilson, John S., e. Julv 11, 1861. disd. Jan. 33, 1862. Wheeler, Thos. H., e.Feb. 20. 1864. SEVENTEENTH INF ANTRY. [Note. — Thie regiment was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., ■Jvly i6, 1866.] Company C. Hall, J. M., e. March 4, 1862. vet. March 7, 1864. Hall, Wm., e. March 4, 1863, wd. at Jack- son, Miss., trans, to Inv. Corps Jan. 15, 1864. Huff, W. H., 6. March 10, 1863. Hhamy, R. M., e. March 17. 1863. Company D. Capt. Amon Park, e. as sergt. March 30, 1863, prnitd. 3d lieut. Mav 8, '63, prmtd. 1st lieut. Feb. 11, '64. captd. at Tilton, Ga., com. capt. June 38, 1865, m. o. as 1st lieut. First Lieut. Andrew Nichelson, e. as private March 33, 1863, com. 1st lieut. June 38, 1865, m. o. as sergt. Corp. John Miller, e. March 18, 1863, wd. at Vicksburg, died at Memphis. Corp. Lycurgus Forrest, e. March 18, '63, wd. at luka, diecl "Oct. 34. 1864. Corp. Irvin Angstead, e. March 18, 1863, vet. March 35, 1864, captd. at Tilton, Ga. Corp. Amos W. Emire. e. March 17, 1862, wd. at Corinth, vet. March 31, 1864. Corp. V. V. Fleak, e. March 34, 1863, captd. at Tilton, Ga. Bovster, H. C, e. March 8, 1863. wd. at luka, vet. March 30, 1864. Frasher, G. H., e. March 18, 1863, vet. March 31, 1864. Hil)bs, W. B., e. March 18, '63. vet. March 39, 1864. Mann, John, e. March 30, 1863, wd. at Champion Hills, captd. at Tilton, Ga. McCov, J. B., e. March 19, 1863. Mead, A. P.. e. March 13, 1863, vet. March 31, 1864. Miller. Godfret, e. March 17, 1863, captd. at Tilton, Ga. Nicholson, Andrew, e. March 33, 1863, vet. March 26. 1864, prmtd. sergt. Pickett, J. D., e. March 10, 1863, vet. March 31. 1864. Speelman, Frederick, e. March 19, 1863, died Sept. 1, 1863. Stoker, Ezra, e. March 23, 1863, kid. at Champion Hills. Schmadak, H. W.,e. March 19, 1863, captd. at Tilton, Ga. Smitli, Jacob, e. March 18, '63, vet. March 36, 1864. Spainhower, M. D. L., wd. at Champion Hills, vet. March 31, 1864. Sinn, Adam, e. March 34. 1863, died at Corinth. Thompson, F. M., e. Feb. 5, 1863, wd. at Champion Hills, vet. March 30, 1864, captd. at Tilton, Ga. Thorn, Lewis, e. March 34, 1862, disd. Jan. 3, 1863. Williams, Jonathan, e. March 39, 1863, wd. at Jackson, Miss., vet. March 38, 1864. Winder, J. E., e. March 13, 1863, vet. Marcli 39, 1864, captd. at Tilton, Ga. Company E. Henry, A. J.,e. Marcli 35. 1863. died June 26, 1862. 448 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY Company F. Clavbaugh, Wm., e. March 17, 1862, disd. Nov. 10, 1862. Menelv, (leorge, e. March 12, 1862, died Oct."9, 1863. Sparry, W. S., e. March 12, 1862, vet. March 29. 1864. Company I. Capt. Henry N. Moore, com. April 11' 1862, resd. June 26, 1862. Capt. Jolm C. Snodgrass, e. as 1st sergt. March 25, 1862, pnntd. 2d lieut. Jnlv 4, 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. Dec. 9. 1862, prmtd. capt. March 1, 1863, m. o. May 26, 1865, term exp. .First. Lieut. Jas. H. McOullough, com. April 32, 1863, not mustered, wd. at .lackson. Miss., and died May 27, 1863, while sergt. Co. K. Second Lieut. Amon Stever, e. as private March 24, 1862. prmtd. 2d lieut. June 3, 1863, m. 0. May 26, 1865. Seigt. A. W. Laughlin, e. April 4, 1862. Corp. Thomas Morgan, e. April 7, 1862. Corp. Basel E. Wiggins, e. April 4, 1862, died July 22, 1862. Corp. John D. Hendershelott, e. April 9, 1862, disd. 1862. Collins, G. P., e. April 3, 1862, disd. April 28. 1862. . Hoch, Jacob, e. March 24, 1862, wd. at Missionary Ridge, captured at Tilton, (ia. Knerv, Jacob, e. March 22, 1862. Lee, Ct. W., e. April 3, 1862. Maxson, G. N., e. March 24, 1862, died Aug. 20, 1862. Mikesell, George, e. March 28, 1862, disd. Pec. 8, 1862. Murray, D. S., e. March 24, 1862, captd. at. Tilton, Ga., disd. May 26, 1865. Murray, J. 1., e. March 24, 1862, wd. at Jackson, Miss., missing at Missionary Ridge. Pierson, W. H., e. March 25, 1862, died at Helena, Ark. Russell, J. D., e. April 8, 1862, trans, to Inv. Corps Feb. 15, 1864. Summers, Wm., e. April 9, 1862, wd. at Jackson, Miss., Champion Hills and Vickslnirg, died July 6, 1863. Stortz, F., e: March 20, 1862, disd. Nov. 21, 1862. Schaffer, Adam, e. March 22. 1862, missing at Missionary Ridge. Welch, H. A., e. March 27. 1862. Walker, J. G., e. March 2, 1862, disd., date unknown. AVofford, Josephus. e. 1862, died Aug. 5, 1862. Company K. Second Lieut. John A. Speelman, com. Nov. 28, 1862, from 1st sergt. Sergt. James H. McCullough, e. March 1, 1862. NINETEENTH INFANTRY. [Note. — This regiment was mustered out at Mobile, Ala.. July 10, lSe5.] Lieut. Col. Harry Jordan, comd. capt. Co. B Aug. 18, 1862, wd. at Prairie Grove. prmtd maj. March 11, 1864, prmtd. lieut. col. July 3, 1865, m. o. as maj. Sergt. Maj. C B. Buckingham, e. Aug. 14, 1862. kid. Dec. 7. 1862, at Prairie Grove. Com. Sergt. F. A. Hitchcock, e. Aug. 14. 1862. Company B. Capt. John M. Woods, comd. 1st lieut. Aug. 18, 1862, prmtd capt. Aug. 13, 1864. hon. disd. March 11, 1865. Capt. Arthur S. Jordan, comd. 2d. lieut. Aug. 18. 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. Aug. 13. 1864, prmtd. capt. March 25, 1865. First Lieut. John E. Roth, e. as Sergt. July 21, 1862, captd. Atcliafalaya, La., prmtd. 1st lieut. March 16, 1865. Second Lieut. James S. Mount, e. as sergt. Aug. 4, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. July 1, 1865, m. 0. as sergt. First Sergt. A. M. Roth, e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Memphis. Sergt. Joseph D. Rambo, e. Aug. 9, 1862. trans. March 25, 1863, for promtn. 1st Ark. Inf. Sergt. H. C. Frisbie, e. Aug. 9, 1862, kid. Atchafalaya, La. Sergt. W. R. Hendricks, e. Aug. 9. 1862. captd. Atchafalaya, La. Sergt. Thomas A., istalabarger, e. Aug. 8. 1862, captd. Atchafalaya, La. Corp. W. S. McKee, e. Aug. 7, 1862. Corp, Richard Bird, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Corp. Danl. F. McLean, e. Aug. 8. 1862, disd. March 8, 1863, disab. Corp. Isaac Rummer, e. Aug. 22, 1862. wd. Prairie Grove, Ark., and Atchafa- laya. La. Corp. Danl. R. Comegys, e. Aug. 11, 1862. captd. Atchafalaya, La. Corp. Samuel Mount, e. Aug. 6, 1862. Corp. John H. Young, e. Aug. 5, 1862. Corp. Richard H. Dixon, e. Aug. 8. 1862. disd. Feb. 11, 1863. Corp. Silas H. Hicks, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Corp. John A. Montgomery, e. Aug. 9. 1862, captd. Atchafalava, La. Corp. Chas. Leach, e. Aug. 6, 1862. Corp. George Major, e. Aug. 8, 1862, kid. Spanish Fort. Wagoner Daniel Ilarter, e. Aug. 2, 1862. died March 21, 1863, disab. Ashl)rook. A. J., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Brownsville, Texas. Byrkit. F. M.. e. Aug. 8, 1862. disd. Sei)t. 30, 1863, appt. pavmaster's clerk. Burget, H. O.. e. Feb. 24, 1864. Baker, George P., e. March 21, 1864. Birdsell, Horace, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Cool, Thompson, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Caulk, Robert B., e. Aug. 8, 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove, Ark. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 449' Colburn, Abraham, e. Aug. 5, 1862. ClaiTidge, N. P., e. Aug. 9, 1863. Dudley, A. F., e. Aug. 7, 1862, died New Orleans. Driskill, Jolui, e. Aug. 8, 1862, captd. Atch- afalaya. La. Darling, Edward, e. Aug. 8, 1862, captd. Atchafalava, La. Driskill, Davis, e. July 26, 1862, disd. Feb. 3, 1863, disab. Dutton, Enos, e. ,1 uly 28, 1862, captd. Atch- afalava. La. Frv, a: C, e. Aug. 9. 1862 Fulton, James L, e. Aug. 7, 1862. Fryman, George S., e. Aug. 5, 1862. Gift, Jacob, e. Aug. 9. 1862. Garber, Samuel, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. June 15. 1864, disab. Gibson, J. J., e. Julv 29, 1862. (Jift, James W., e. Aug. 9. 1862. (irammar. Henry, e. Aug. 7, 1862. Heaton, James M., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Howard, Robert, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Fayetteville, Ark. Ilaymond, James, e. Aug. 9. 1862. Hitchcock, F. \, e. Aug. 18, 1862. Heald, Louis, e. Aug. 7, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove, died on steamer J. Raymond. Heald, David, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Vicksburg. Hoper, John F., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Henderson, John W., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Feb. 8, 1865, disab. Hudgel, J., e. Aug. 9, 1862, captd. Atcha- falaya. La. Hooper, W. H., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died New Orleans. Hall, Manford, e. July 25, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove, captd. Atcliafalaya, J^a. Hall. W. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 29, disab. Ivins, Beniamin, July 26, 1862. Jones, Ellis B., e. Aug. 6, 1862, died Vicks- • Inirg. Jinkins, Joseph, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 24, 1863. disab. Karns, L. A., e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. Feb. 19. 1864, disab. Locke, Gilbert, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove. McCully, Joseph, e. Aug. 8, 1862, kid. Prairie Grove. Moore. H. R., e. Aug. 6, 1862. Metzler. David, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Miller, John H., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Moore, Thomas H., e. Aug. 11, 1862. McCormick, William, e. Aug. 7, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove, died at Favetteville, Ark. McMorrow, John, e. July 26, 1862, died Springfield, Mo. McMurray, Joseph, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Prairie Giove, died there. Manning, H. M., e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Barrancas. Fla. Ottman, John D., 'e. Feb. 27, 1864, died April 27. 1864. Orrick, John D., e. July 26, 1862, disd. March 18. 1863, disab. Polston, Philip, e. Aug. 18, 1862. Reynolds, D. L., e. Feb. 27, 1864. Ru'shton, Enos, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Ruunells. John L., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Rock, David, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 24,. 1863, disab. Rowland, Richard, e. Aug. 9, 1862, cUsd. Jan. 23, 1864. disab. Shion, D. A., e. March 30, 1864. Stanford, I. F., e. Aug. 9, 1862. wd. Prairie Grove, died at Brownsville, Tex. Scott, Jas. W., e. Aug. 4, 1862, disd. June 30, 1863, disal). Straight, H. A., e. Aug. 5, 1862, disd. Feb. 12, 18G3, disab. Sampson, Thos., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Snook, John G., e. August 9, 1862, disd. March 8, 1863, disab. Skeen, Robt. H., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Slimmer, Jacob N., e. Aug. 9, 1862, captd.. at Atchafalaya, La. Shattuck, Calvin, e. Aug. 26, 1862. Taylor, Wm., e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove. Titus, Thos. W., e. Aug. 6, 1862, died Port Hudson, La. Triggs, Eli F.. e. Aug. 8, 1862. Towne, John M.. e. Aug. 6, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya. J^a. Vanderoost, Jas., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Vaught, Jacob, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Washburn, Thos. S.,e.Aug.9, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Walkup, Jas., e. Aug. 18, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Walters, Theo. S., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 9, 1864, disab. Ward, Geo. R., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Company D. Capt. Joshua Wright, com Aug. 20, 1862, wd. at Prairie Grove, resd. March 12, 1863. Capt. Wm. S. Brooks, com. 2d lieut. Aug. 20, 1862, wd. at Prairie Grove, prmtd. capt. March 13, 1863, com. lieut. col. 3d Ark., July 7, 1863. Capt. Thell, e. Aug. 15, 1863, wd. at Prairie Grove, di^d. Marcli 7, 1863, disab. Sergt. Jas. Barnes, e. Aug. 18, 1863, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. €orp. Jacob Burris, e. Aug. 7, 1863, disd. Marcli 8, 1863, disab. Corp. Wm. A. Teagarden, e. Aug. 14, 1863, wd. and died at Springfield, Mo. Corp. John H. Lagle, e. July 26, '62, captd. at Atchafalaya, La., wd. Spanish Fort. Corp. P. C. Harrison, e. July 25, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Corp. Geo. McCreary, e. Aug. 22, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove, disd. March 25, '63, wds. Corp. Wm. L. Lindley, e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. Jan. 21, 1863, disab. Corp. Leander Powelson, e. Aug. 8, 1863, wd. Prairie Grove, disd. April 20, 1863, disab. Corp. Jesse Fisk, e. July 25, 1862, wd. at Spanish Fort. Corp. Wm. H. C Jaciues, e. Aug. 13, 1863, trans. April 25, 1864, for promotion to 2d lieut. U. S. col. tioops. Corp. Geo. W. Ream, e. July 35, 1863, kid. at Prairie Grove. •Corp. D. B. Brooks, e. July 26, 1863, kid. at Atchafalaya, La. iJorp. Henry Cline, e. Aug. 6, 1863. Musician ISTelson E. Hall, e. Aug. 7, 1863, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Wagoner Jacob Garver, e. Aug. 14, 1863, disd. Feb. 14, 1864, disab. Burris, Miles, e. Aug. 12, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Burris, Samuel, e. Aug. 7, '62, disd. March 10, 1863, disab. Black, Wm. A., e. March 23. 1864. Berry, John, e. Aug. 11, 1862. Burris, Daniel, e. July 30, 1862. Burris, Stephen, e. Aug. 23, 1862, wd, at Prairie Grove. Booten. B. G., e. Aug. 22, 1862, trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 1, 1865. Ball, J. F., e. Aug. 13, 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove, Ark. Crowner, John, e. Aug. 12, 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove. Carson, J., e. Aug. 13, 1862, wd. at Atcha- falaya, La., disd. Feb. 1, 1865, wds. Cline, Jacob, e. Aug. 6. 1862. Campbell, C B.. e. Aug. 12, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Calhoun, Joseph, e. July 36, 1863. Clelland, J. W., e. Aug." 13, 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove. ■Clark, Lewis, e. Sept. 4, 1862, died at Springfield, Mo. Davis, W. F., e. Aug. 12, 1862, disd. Feb. 14, 1863, disab. Filer, W. H., e. Julv 26, 1862, disd. March 28, 1863, disab. Elder, Jonathan, e. July 29. 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Fleenor, M., e. July 25, 1862. Ford, Seborn, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. Fel). 13, 1863, disab. Fleenor, Willard. e. July 25, 1862, wd. at Prairie Grove, captd. at Atchafalaya. Gray, J. J., e. March 22, 1864. Goode, James, e. Aug. 2, 1863. Gardner, Thtmias. e. Aug. 14, 1863. Huddleston, John, e. Aug. 6, 1862, wd. at Prairie Grove, captd. at Atchafalaya, died at New Orleans. Henderson, S. H., e. Aug. 13, 1862, trans. to Inv. Corps, Julv 21, 1865. Hanks, J. B., e. Aug. 7, 1862. Hand, Swain, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Huddleston, Uriah, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Holmes, A. J., e. Aug. 21, 1862, wd. at Pruirie Grove. Jones, Henry, e. July 26, 1862. Kenyon, R., e. March 35, 1864. Kaylor, J. C, e. Aug. 15, 1863. Knoles. J. M., e. March 3t, 1864. Lewis, W. H., e. Aug. 12, 1863. Lilly, P. R., e. Aug. 7, 1863, disd. Jan. 26, 1863, disiib. Lagle, J. H., e. Juiv 26, 1862. Lock, J. D., e. AiTg. 11, 1863, captd. at Atchafalava, La. Lewis, A.J. ;e. Aug. 12, 1862, disd. Oct. 14, 1863, disab. More, G. W., e. Aug. 9. 1862. Mick, Charles, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Mowery, J. K. P., e. Aug. 1, 1862. Marlow, Marion, e. Aug. 12, 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove. Miliken, Wm., e. Aug. 11, 1862. McCart, James, e. Aug. 9, 1862. McReynolds, W. F., e. July 25, 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove. Morris, Shelt(m, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Marlow, Caftrev, e. Aug. 22, 1862. McReynolds, A. H., e. March 31, 1864. McReynolds, L. A., e. Aug. 22, 1862, wd. at Prairie Gi'ove. Pofflnbarger, D., e. Aug. 8, 1862, disd. March '8, 1863, disab. Parrott, Jasper, e. Aug. 11, 1862. Peters, J. R., e. July 21. 1863. Plymere, Samuel, e. Aug. 6, 1862. disd. March 8, 1863. disab. Pope, Edmund, e. April 38, 1863. Pope, J. H., e. Aug. 13, 1863. Remine, Flavins, e. Aug. 8, 1863, captd. at Atchafalaya, La. Roberts, J. W., e. Aug. 6, 1863, kid. Prairie Grove. Robinson, McKenny, e. Aug. 13, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya. Scott, Hugh, 5. Aug. 8, 1863, disd. Oct. 14, 1863, disab. Scott, Jonathan, e. Aug. 1, 1862. Shellv, Jasper, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Scott, Wm., e. Aug. 8, 1862, died Spring- held, Mo. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 451 Smith, J. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. Sept. 14, 1864, disab. .stump, Adam, e. July 31, 1862, captd. at Atchafalaya, La., died at New Orleans. Sylvester, Z.' T., e. July 25,. 1862, kid. at Prairie Grove. Sperry, J. J., Aug. 22, 1862. Schooiey, T. E., e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. Feb. 9, 1863, disab. Thompson, M., e. March 12, 1863. Trobee, F. M., e. Aug. 8, 1862. Vanness, J. E., e. July 21, 1863, died at Brownsville, Texas. Williams, H., e. Julv 26, 1862. wd. Prairie Grove, disd. March 17, 1863, wds. Wright, J. M., e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 16, 1863, disab. Wright, G. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Feb. 13, 1863, disab. Wilson, G. E., e. July 25, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove. W^est, Lemuel, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died Dec. 12, 1862. Wolf. David, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Walkup, John, e. Aug. 2, 1862. Webl), J. H., e. Aug. 7, 1862, wd. Prairie Grove, disd. April 29, 1863, wds. Waechter, A. J., e. Aug. 8, 1862, disd. jan. 31, 1863, disab. Walkup, David, e. Aug. 11, 1862, wd. at Atchafalaya, disd. March 24, '64, wds. Company H. Harris, D. C e. Oct. 6, 1863. THIllTIETH INFANTRY. [Note. — This regiment loae mustered out at Waskinglori, D. C, June 5, 18G5.] Major Robt. D. Creamer, comd. capt. Co. G, Sept. 23, 1862, wd. at Arkansas Post. prmtd. maj. May 29, 1863. Asst. Surg. Peter Walker, comd. Sept. 9. 1862, resd. Dec. 26, 1862. Asst. Surg. Chas. G. Lewis, comd. Sept. 9, 1862, resd. Jan. 30, 1863. Chaplain Jno. Burgess, mustered in Nov. 1, 1862, resd. Jan. 29, 1863. THIRTIETH INFANTRY, FIELD. €om. Sergt. Elias Gray, e. Aug. 5, 1862, trans. Nov. 20, 1863, for promotion to asst. sui;g. 6th Miss. Inf. F. Major Eljer Ogden, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Company E. Sergt. N. R. Cole, q. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Vicksburg. €orp. Thos. Talbert, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Corp. Enos C. Hobson, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Corp. Peter Thompson, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Taylor's Ridge, Tenn., died at Chat- tanooga. Bowman, Benj., e. Aug. 15, 1862, died at Milliken's Bend. Bales, Jas. L., e. Aug. 12, 1862, died Black River Bridge, Miss. Ellis, Amon, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died on steamer D. A. Januarv. Ellis, Phmeas, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Graham, Marshal, e. Aug. 15, 1862, kid. at Cherokee Station, Ala. Heston, Wm. C.,e. Aug. 15, "62, died Nov. 5, 1862. Morris, M. Y. B., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Myers, Geo., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Company C. Capt. Edwin B. Kerr, e. as Sergt. Aug. 9, 1862, promtd. capt. June 24, 1863. First Lieut. Edward B. Heaton, comd. Sept. 23, 1862, resd. Aug. 3, 1863. First Lieut. Simpson J. Chester, comd. 2d lieut. Sept. 23, 1863, wd. at Vicks- burg, prmtd. 1st lieut. Aug. 4, '63, resd. March 30, '64. Sergt. Jas. H. Strong, e. Aug. 18, 1862, died at Memphis. Sergt. Wm. Kirkpatriek, e. Aug. 5, 1862, died on hospital boat at Nashville. Sergt. Jas. AVorkman, e. July 28, 1862, died at St. Louis. Sergt. L. D. Parker, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Cori). Luther Simmons, e. Aug. 9, 1862. trans, to Y. R. Corps Dec. 1, 1863. Corp. Allen King. e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. March 13, 1863, disab. Corp. A. H. Frazee, e. Aug. 12, 1862, khl. at Kenesaw Moimtain. Corp. Harvey Walters, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died at Memphis. Corp. Thos. D. Dav, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. at Yicksburg, disd. March 23, 1863, disab. Corp. Wm. Hopkirk, e. Aug. 5, 1862, died on steamer City of Memphis. Corp. Nathan Hendricks, e. Aug. 20, '62. died at Yicksburg. Corp. B. R. Campbell, e. Aug. 13, 1862, wd. Ringgold, Ala., disd. June 14, 1865. Corp. Orlando Weitz, e. Aug. 13, 1862, died at Black River Bridge, Miss. Corp. Wm. B. Sigler, e. Aug. 14, 1862, wd. Yicksburg, disd. July 27, 1863, disab. Musician Eber Ogden, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Wagoner Armstrong Hill, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Archibald, Jno. W., e. Aug. 12, 1862, died a* St. Louis. Blackman, Wm., e. Aug. 12, 1862. Bedinger, W. S., e. Feb^ 29, 1864. Bankhead. Geo., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Black River Bridge, Miss. Brown, David L., e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. at Yicksburg, disd. March 23, 1865, disab. Bragg, J. D., e. Aug. 8, 1862. Bradley, Daniel, e. Aug. 9, 1863, died at Memphis. Barnes, C C, e. Aug. 9, '62, died St. Louis. Billingsley, Wm. R., e. Aug. 8, 1862, died at Helena, Ark. Carter, Geo. A., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Campbell, J., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Clover, T. D., e. Aug. 13, 1862, missing at Black River Bridge. Miss. 452 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Crane, S. S., e. Aug. 2, 1862, missing at Black Kiver Bridge, Miss. Chapman, E. E., e. Aug. 13, 1862, wd. at Arkansas Post. Campbell, C H., e. Aug. 11, 1862, died at St. Louis. Carter, Tazwell, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Vicksburg. Dunlap, Thus. H., e. Aug. 12, 1862. Davis, N. M.. e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. Feb. 6, 1863, disab. Eckels, Francis, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Edwards, Wm. H., e. Aug. 12, 1862, died Nov. 22, 1862. Gregg, Jas. M., e. FeV). 27, 1864, wd. at Jonesboro, Ga. Gaines, Francis, e. Aug. 12, 1862. Gift, Wm., e. Aug. 9, 1862, w^d. at Kesaca and .Atlanta. Goin, T., e. Aug. 11, 1862, wd. Yicksburg. Howard, .Tames, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died at Memphis. Hall, C. B., e. Aug. 11, 1862, wd. Vicks- Ijurg. Harper, Stephen, e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. Aug. 8, 1863, disab. Howard, John, e. Aug. 12, 1862. Hugulet, Henry, e. Aug. 5, 1862, died at Black River Bridge. Miss. Heaton, A. L., e. July 20, 1862, died at Memphis. Horton, Jos., e. Aug. 20, 1862, wd. at Ken- esaw Mountain, disd. June 21, 1865. Howell, Albert, e. Aug. 13. 1862. Hammans, F. G., e. Feb. 27, 1864. Kerr, E. ^Y., e. March 31, 1864, wd. at Resaca, died at Chattanooga. Johnson, Albert, e. Aug. 13, 1862, died Vicksburg. Kirki)atrick, N., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died at Young's Point, La. Kimball, Joseph, e. July 30, 1862, died St. Louis. King, William, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died Jef- ferson vi lie, Ind. Kirkpatrick, H. H., e. Dec. 28; 1863. Larson, G., e. Aug. 12, 1861. Litton, John W., e. Aug. 11, 1862, wd. Kenesaw Mountain. Lee, John H., e. Aug. 11, 1862, supposed to be dead. Lamberth, R., e. Aug. 11, 1862. Litton, John. e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Vicks- burg. Lunchbaugh, Lewis, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died St. Louis. Maxwell, H. C, e. Aug. 12, 1862, wd. Vicksburg. McDonal, Israel, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died Memphis. Metz, Samuel J., e. Aug. 7, 1862, disd. April 2, 1868. disab. McCullum, A., e. Aug. 13, 1862, died Helena, Ark. McCullough, James N., e. Aug. 8, 1862, died Milliken's Bend. McElderry, James S., e. Aug. 12, 1862. Morris, Jared, e. Aug. 11. 1862. Meneely, George, e. Aug. 6, 1862. wd. . Cherokee, Ala. Murdock, W., e. Aug. 13, 1862, died St. Louis. Nickel, John S. B., e. July 31, 1862. wd. Nov. 27, 1863. Nelson, John M., e. Aug. 13, 1862. Peck, William, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Ar- kansas Post and Jonesboro, Ga. Parker, James, e. Aug. 13, 1862, died at Young's Point, La. Parker, Benjamin, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Parker, John, e. Aug. 13, 1862, died St. Louis, Mo. Summers, Lewis, e. Aug. 8, 1862, died on hospital boat, Nashville. Stewart, Jesse, e. Aug. 2, 1862, trans. Inv. Corp. March 15, 1864. Smith, H. C, e. Aug. 11, 1862, wd. Mis- sionary Ridge. Taylor, R. E., e. Aug. 8, 1862, wd. Jones- boro, Ga. Unkrick, Lewis, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Van Vlearn, Thomas, e. July 30, 1862, died Mound City, 111. Wilson, James B., e. Aug. 12, 1862, wd. Ringgold, Ga., died Chattanooga. Yount, Harrison, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Company H. Capt. John B. Drayer, com. Sept. 23. 1862, resd. March 17, 1863. Capt. Matthew Clark, com. 1st lieut. Sept. 23, 1862, i)rmtd. cai)t. March 18, 1863, wd. Cherokee, Ala., died at home of wds. Dec. 2, 1863. Capt. Samuel H. Watkins, e. as sergt. Aug. 13, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. March 18, 1863, prmtd. capt. Dec. 16, 1863. First Lieut. Jacob C. Fry, com. 2d lieut. Sept. 23, 1862, prmtd 1st lieut. March 18, 1863, resd. April 15, 1864. First Lieut. Charles D. Donaldson, e. as private Aug. 12, 1862, prmtd. 1st. lieut. April 25, 1864. First Sergt. James A. McAllister, e. Aug. 12, 1862, died St. Louis. Sergt. Henry Gregg, e. Aug. 15, 1862, wd. Arkansas Post, died Walnut Hills, Miss. Sergt. H. J. Duncan, e. Aug. 12, 1862. captd. Aug. 12, 1863. Sergt. A. B. Ferguson, e. Aug. 12, 1862, trans, to Inv. Corps Aue. 1, 1863. Sergt. David Gantz, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died at Vicksburg. Corp. John Murray, e. Aug. 15, 1862, wd. Cherokee Station, Ala., ;ind died there. Corp. I. N. Williams, e. Aug. 15, 1862, trans. Inv. Corps Dec. 15, 1863. Corp. Christian Turner, e. Aug. 14, 1862,. disd. April 15, 1863, disab. Corp. Henry Cloke, e. Aug. 22, 1862, died Memphis. Corp. Jacob Nibarger, e. Aug. 11. 1862- Corp. Geo. M. Pope, e. Aug. 22, 1862, wd. Resaca, disd. Oct. 1, 1864. Corp, John Adams, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. March 18, 1863, disab. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 453 ■VoY\>. James White, e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. March 18, 1865, disab. i'orp. John Davies, e. Aug. 11, 1862. Musician John A. Fetter, e. Aug. 16, 1862, died Yicksburg. Asher, Reiiben, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. Aug. 14. 1863, disab. Anderson, Charles I.,e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Sept. 8, 1863, disab. Alfred, Steward, e. Aug. 15, 1862, trans. Sept. 1, 1863, to Inv. Corps. Abraham, John, e. Aug. 19, '62, wd. Resaca. Abraliani, James H., e. July 22, 1862. Alexander, H. G„ e. Julv 22, 1862. Beck. W. H., e. July 14, 1862, captd. Black River, Miss., died at Belle Isle, Va., while prisoner. Bell. Wm, C;., e. Aug. 14, 1862, wd. Yicks- burg, disd. Feb. 5, 1864, disab. Bradshaw, M. V, B., e Aug. 15, 1862. died Helena, Ark. Bradshaw, Joseph P., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Beck, John E., e. Aug. 18, 1862, died St. Louis. Baker, Jacob, e. Aug. 22, 1862, died Mem- phis. Bunch, Andrew, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. March 30. 1863, disab. Bradshaw, C. C. P., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Carver, John A., e. Aug. 13, 1862, died at Corinth. Cunningham, J. L., e. Aug. 15, 1862, died St. l.ouis. Campbell, James, e. Aug. 18, 1862. Canaihiy, James L., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Carpenter, Albert, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died Jefterson Barracks, Mo. Chadduck, Charles R., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Dickson, M. A., e. Aug. 12, 1862, wd. at Vicksljurg. Dunn, Henry, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. Jan. 13. 1862, disab. Evins, Jtis. W., e. Aug. 16, 1862. wd. at Ringgold, Ga., trans. Inv. Corps May 0. 1864. Eller. John, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Frakes, James, e. Aug. 11, 1862. Famulener, Jas., e. Aug. 12. 1862, died Memphis. Fisher, Milton, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Fisher, Allen R., e. Aug. 13. 1862, died at Memphis. Fishell. Martin, e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Jan. 20. 1863, disab. Ferguson, C. S., e. Aug. 16, 1862, died St. Louis. Franklin. Jos., e. Aug. 15, 1862, died at Vicksburg. Grier, David M., e. Aug. 12, 1862, wd. at Resaca. GroA'es, C. H., e. Aug. 22, 1862, died at Milliken's Bend. HoH>rook, (ieo. A., e. Aug. 14, 1863, died at Vicksburg. Hestoii. Wm., e. Aug. 13, 1862. Holbert. Scot, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Hall, Geo. W., e. Aug. 16, 1862, died at St. Louis. Hutchin, Thos. I., e. Aug. 15, 1862, died at Cairo, 111. Johnson Albert, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Jackson, Chas., e. Aug. 21, 1862. Kaufman, Wm., e. Aug. 14, 1862, died at Milliken's Bend. Kuhn, Abraham, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Lief, Andrew P., e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans. to Inv. Corps Aug. 1, 1863. Laughlin, Wm. M., e. Aug. 15.-1862. Lewman. David, e. Aug. 15, 1862. died Aug. 16, 1862, at Helena, Ark. Lewman, P. W.. e. Aug. 15, 1862. Metzler, Get). M., e. Aug. 15, 1862, wd. at Kenesaw Mt. Meyers, Wm., e. Aug. 18, 1862, died at Nashville, Tenn. Mahaffv, Saml., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Mahaffy. Jno., e. Aug. 22, 1862, captd. at Black River, Miss., died in Annaiiolis, Md. Peterson, Chas. I., e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. June 27, 1863, disalj. Pollock, Geo. A., e. Aug. 13, 1862. Ross, II. G., e. Aug. 12. 1862, died Vicks- burg. Raines, Geo., e. Aug. 13, 1862, died at St. Louis. Snook, L. D., e. Aug. 13, 1862, captd. at Ogeechee River, Ga. Sumner. Thos., e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Dec. 8, 1862, disab. Snook, Wm. A., e. Aug. 13, 1862, wd. May 18, 1863, died luka. Shalmon, Jno. A., e. 14, 1862, died Black River ISridge. Summers, Jos., e. Aug. 11, 1862. wd. at Ringgold, Ga.,disd. June 14, 1865. Sage, Wm. H., e. Aug. 13, 1862, died at Memphis. Smith, C. e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 28, 1863, disab. Stoneburner, J., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Sidoreous. Jacob, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Starr, Chas. F., e. Aug. 14, 1862, captd. Black River, Miss., died Andersonville. Tinsley, David, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Troy, Jno. II.. e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. March 18, 1863, disab. White, Reuben, e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. June 3. 1863. disab. Westling, Peter, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Webb, Jas. S., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Zeigler, Saml., e. Aug. 12, 1862, wd. Vicks- burg. FORTY-FIFTH IXFANTRY. (One hundred days.) [Note. — This Regiment was vmstered out at Keokuk, Sept. ir,, miU.] Company B. Musician Wm. H. Wood, e. May 4, 1864. Trine, Samuel L.. e. May 4, 1864. Company E. Anderson, (has. E., e. May 20, 1864. Crenshaw, Leonard, e. Mav 16, 1864. 454 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. McMunay, John A., e. Mav 9. 1864. Travis, E. P., e. May 9, 1864. Vorheis, T. A., e. May 16, 1864. Wright, eJolin, e. May 16, 1864. Company I. Capt. "Win. K. Alexander, com. May 25, '64. First Lieut. D. R. MoCracken, com. May 25, 1864. Second Lieut. Lemon J. Allen, com. May 25, 1864. First Sergt. Wm. H. EUer, e. April 30, '64. Sergt. John Carmichael, e. April 27, 1864. Sergt. Wni. B. Campbell, e. May 10, 1864. Sergt. Isaac N. Smock, e. May 5, 1864. C'orp. Peter Mikesell, e. May 16, 1864. Corp. T. I^. Keck, e. May 5. 1864. Corp. T. S. Waters, e. May 7, 1864. Corp. P. O. Green, e. May 3, 1864. Corp. John C Curfman, e. May 6, 1864. Corp. Geo. C. Ilgenfritz, e. May 5, 1864. Corp. Wm. C. Ball, e. May 5, 1864. Musician Wm. Paine, e. May 3, 1864. Musician Saml. McElderry, e. May 5, '64. Musician Geo. Workman, e. May 2, 1864. Adams, Oliver, e. May 10, 1864. Baxter, Geo. B., e. May 10, 1864. Burns, T. H., e. May 17, 1864. Baldwin, L. J., e. May 9, 1864. Christy, Van B., e May 4, 1864. Canaday, Wm. H., e. May 2, 1864. Cline, Wm., e. May 10. 1864. Carmichael, J. P., e. May 30, 1864. Cross, Isaac, e. May 27, 1864. Crawford, Jas. F., e. Mav 27, 1864. Clinenbeard, H., e. May 14, 1864. Dodds, A. G., e, May 30, 1864. Duncan. A., e. May"27, 1864. Davis, Moss C, e. May 9, 1864. Frush, Geo. II., e. May 16, 1864. Ferguson, Wm. R., e. May 4, 1864. Gage. Theo. S., e. May 4, 1864. Hill, James, e. May 27, 1864. Hill. John, e. May 9, 1864. Huffman, Hiram, e. May 10, 1864. Huffman, John S., e. May 10, 1864. Harrison, Wm. H., e. May 10, 1864. Hall, R. R., Jr., e. May 26, 1864. Hudson, Jos. T., e. May 10, 1864. Hinkle, Geo. W.,e. May 12, 1864. Ilgenfritz, Benj. F., e. May 14, 1864. Ja(iues, A. W., May 10. 1864. Kimes, Marion, e. Mav 9, 1864. Lunchbaugh, D., e. April 30, 1864. Lynch, B. E., e. May 5. 1864. Loehr, J. F., e. May 10, 1864. Loomis, Nelson, e. Mav 9, 1864. Mikesell, George, e. May 16, 1864. Moorman, W. T., e. May 2, 1864. Miner, T. B., e. May 13, 1864. Miner, Robert, e. May 20, 1864. Morrison, R. S., e. April 27, 1864. McCreery, J. A., e. May 10, 1864, died at Moscow, Tenn. McLean, J. W., e. May 16, 1864. Peterson, Andrew, e. Mav 7, 1864. Parrett, C. L., e. Mav 10, 1864. Pattison, J. M., e. May 15, 1864. Pratt, J. C., e. Mav 24, 1864. Quillen, Samuel, e. :sray 3, 1864. Quillen, Martin, e. ]May 5. 1864. . Rock, H. C, e. May 5, 1864. Ramey, H., e. May 16, 1864. Rayl, S. G.. e. May 10, 1864. Robinson, S. W., e. April 10, 1864. Richards, J. S., e. May 7, 1864. Smock, H. C, e. May 2, 1864. Steve, D. H., e. May 5, 1864. Sampson, E., e. May 10, 1864. Whitmore, John, e. May 16, 1844. Wertz, H. M., e. May 16, 1864. Walmer, Joseph, e. April 27, 1864. Young, T. W.. e. May 18, 1864. Company K. Jackson, O. D., e. May 7, 1864. THIRD CAVALRY. [Note. — TMs regiment was mustered out at Attanla, Ga.^ Aug. 9, 1865.] Hosp. steward John W. Havden, e. Aug. 26, 1861. B. S. M. Curtis Clark, e. Sept. 4, 186L from private returned to Co. F. Saddler Ser. N. E. Carpenter, e. Sept. 4, 1861, returned to F. B. V. S. John Minor, e. Sept. 4, 1861, disd. Sept. 15, 1862, disab. Company F. Capt. Andrew M. Robinson, com. Aug. 30, 1861, resd. March 31, 1862. Capt. Benj. F. Crail, com. 1st lieut. Aug. 30, 1861, pruitd. capt. April 1, 1862. First Lieut. C. L. Hartman. com. 2d lieut. Aug. 30, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. April 1. 1862, m. o. May 26, 1865. First Lieut. M. S. Crawford, e. as sergt. Aug. 26, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 1. 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. May 26, 1865. Second Lieut. Richard Gaines, e. as corp. Aug. 26, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Jan. 9, '65. First Sergt. Lewis G. Balding, e. Aug. 26. 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, wd. near Inde- pendence, Mo., died Oct. 28, 1864. Q. M. Sergt. Wm. Parr, e. Aug 26, 1861. vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Com. Sergt. John McCaulev, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Com. Sergt. John F. Mayer, e. Aug. 2ft, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Sergt. R. S. Hilton, e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. March 20, 1863. Sergt. C. W. Moorman, e. Aug. 26, 1861. disd. Feb. 8, 1862. Sergt. John C. Lowry, e. Aug. 26, 1861. vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Sergt. George Bond, e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. for disability. Sergt. James t. Caiiady, e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. June 26, 1863. Sergt. Richard Gaines, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1. 1864. Sergt. Wm. McCormick, e. Aug. 26, 1861, trans, to Inv. Corps Aug. 15, 1863. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 455 Corp. John F. Mayer, e. Aug. 26, 1861. Corp. John T. Jones, e. Aug. 26. 1861. Corp. Win. R. Henderson, e. Aug. 26, "61, kid. at Ripley, Miss. Corp. Johnson Laughlin, e. Aug. 26, 1861. Corp. Chas. B. Davis, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Corp. Wm. Gantz, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. \vd. at Montevallo, Ala. Corp. John Beall, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Corp. Jolni D. Gudgell, e. Aug. 26, 1861. Corp. Jas. H. Craine, e. Aug. 26, 1861. Corp. Samuel A. Giltner, e. Aug. 26. 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Bugler Benj. F. Gudgel. e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1861. Bugler Richard Gudgel, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. corp. Farrier Jno. E. Cummings, e. Aug. 26, '61. Farrier Jas. E. AVatkins, e. Aug. ^26, 1861. Farrier H. V. Fuller, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Saddler B. E. Ristine, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1. 1864, wd. Montevallo, disd. Aug. 21, 1865. Wagoner W. W. Maxvi^ell, e. Aug. 26, '61, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Teamster Andrew Gantz, e. Aug. 26, 1861. Teamster Wm. H. Hamilton, e. Aug. 26. 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Alverson, Jos., e. Feb. 26, 1864. Armstrong, Warren, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, wd. at Independence, Mo., and Montevallo, Ala., died April 3, 1865. Barrow, H. B., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Bradfield, W., e. Aug. 31, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Bickford, Washington, e. Aug. 26, 1861, trans, to gunboat service, died Feb. 25, 1862. Bradfield, Geo. e. Feb. 11, 1864. Badger, John, e. Aug. 26. 1861, trans, to gunboat service Feb. 18, 1862. Brown, Wm. A., e. Aug. 26, 1861. Clapp, Thos. W., e. Aug. 26, 1861, died at St. Louis. Clapp. Thos. J., e. Aug. 26, 1861, died Dec. 4, 1862. Creek, Samuel, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Coleman, James, e. Aug. 26, 1861. Case, James H., e. Aug. 26, 1861, kid. at Bolt's Farm, Mo. Cunningliam, AVm. A., e. Feb. 29, 1864, captd. near Franklin, Miss. Creek, Samuel, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Curfman, Geo. W., e. Feb. 13, 1864. Dailey, Chas. D., e. Aug. 26, 1861. Dixon, Theo., e. March 2, 1804. Dale. Geo. A., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. D.I vis, C, e. Feb. 11, 1864. Denning, D. W., e. Dec. 4, 1863. Evans, D. J., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Evans, John, e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. Dec. 6. 1862. Elder, Moses, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Fletcher, Edward, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. -Jan. 1, 1864, disd. July 29, 1865. Flower, C. S., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Franklin, Wm., e. April 3, 1863, died at Helena, Ark. Franklin, Erastus, e. Aug. 26. 1861, vet. Jan. 1. 1864, died at Memphis. Faunce, L., e. Feb. 13, 1864. Garbee, D. W., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Giltner, E. T., e. Aug. 26, 1861, killed at Spring Valley, Mo., accidentally. Glotfelty, J., e.Feb. 21, 1864. Gorman, Benj., e. Aug. 26, 1861. Goughmour, p., e. Fel). 20. 1864. Gow, J. T., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Greenfield, A., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Greenfield, L., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1. 1864. Hampson, John W., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Huffman, Isaac, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Hartman, John R., e. Aug. 26. 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, trans, to 56th U. S. Inf. Herron, John T., e. Aug. 26. 1861. Hall, C. C, e. Aug. 26, 1861, died Jan. 19, 62„ Johnson, Chas., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Kirkpatrick, H. H., e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. Dec. 6, 1862, disab. Kirkpatrick. Daniel, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Kimes, B., e. Feb. 27, 1864. Longharty, Jno., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Long, Win. D., e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. Nov. 4, 1862, disab. Miller, Hiram C, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1. 1864. Malone, M. W., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Maxwell, A. B., e. Aug. 26, 1864. McBride, Jas., e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd Oct. 28, 1801, disab. Meneely, James, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. corp. McBurnev, Jno. W., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Morrison, Jas. A., e. Aug. 26, 1861, trans. to V. R. C. Sept. 30, 1803. Mikesell, Jacol) R., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Moore, Richd. P., e. Aug.'26, 1861. trans. to V. R. C. Sept. 5, 1863. Neif, R., vet. Jan. 1. 1864. Ornduff, Volney, e. March 11, 1804. Onuluff, Samuel, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Ornduff, Franklin, e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Pitt, Samuel, e. Dec. 4, 1863. Pariett, Jos., e. Aug. 20, 1861, disd. Sept. 27, 1802, disab. Pierson, Silas, vet. Jan. 1, 1804. Poulten, Jno. M., e. Aug. 26, 1861. Palmer, Jno. T., e. Aug. 26, 1861. 456 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Eobb, F. E., e. Feb. 11, 1864. Ray, G. W., e. Feb. 22, 1864, died Nash- ville. Sinclair, Jas. W., e. Aug. 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Stewart. W. H.. e. Feb. 13, 1864. Sullivan, Wm. H., e. Aug. 26, 1861, disd. Jan. 24, 1863, disab. Scott. John, e. Feb. 18, 1864. Stewart, James, e. Aug. 26, 1861. .Snook, Casper, e. Nov. 9, 1863. Summers, Wesley, e. Aug. 26, 1861, died at Keokuk. Smith, Daniel, e. Aug. 26, 1861, trans, to gunlioat service. Scovall, J. A., e. Aug. 26, 1861. Vandervert. Tlieo., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Workman, John, e. Aug. 26,1861. ^Valesser, Jno., e. Aug. 26, 1861, died in Mexico, Mo. Woodward, Jas. P., e. Feb. 13, 1864, died July 28, 1864. Company H. Sergt. Jas. V. Blair, e. Aug. 28, 1861. Sergt. Jas. Kerr, e. Sept. 9, 1861, disd. July 4,1862. Blair, Wm. W., vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Oowen. C. T., e. Aug. 28, 1861. Dunlavy, R. B., e. Aug. 28, 1861. Foster, V. D., e. Sept. 9, 1861. Famuelener. J., e. Sept. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, wd. Johnston, Jos. M., e. Aug. 28, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Johnston, Wm. I., e. Feb. 25, 1864, captd. near Wliite Station, Tenn. Owen, Lewis H., e. Aug. 28, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Stansbury. F. S., e. Aug. 28, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Stanbury, A. W., e. Aug. 28, '61, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, wd. at Little Rock. Tidball, A. K., e. Aug. 28, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Tidball, D. A., e. Aug. 28, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Vansickle, S.. vet. Jan. 1, 1864, captd. at Whitewater, Mo. Vansickle, H., vet. Jan. 1, 1864, captd. at Whitewater, Mo., wd. Tupelo, Mo. Company L. Casper, Scott M., e. March 15, 1864. UNASSIGNED. Dennim, David W., e. Dec. 16, 1863. Pitt, Samuel, e. Dec. 14, 1863. Oantry, Jno. S., e. Fel). 11, 1864. FOURTH CAVALRY. [Note.— TAis regiment was mmtered out nt Atlanta. Ga Aug. 10, lS6o.] ' ' jSIaj. Abial R. Pierce, com. caiit. Co. M prmtd. maj. Sept. 13, 1863. Asst. Surg. Samuel W. Tavlor, com. June 4, 1864. Hospital S. Wm. F. Scott, e. Aiig.26, 1861, vet. Nov. 23, 1863, prmtd. sergt. maj. Jan. 1, 1864. Farrier Jos. Ennis, e. Nov. 10, 1861. Drake, Henry, e. Sept. 30, 1861. Walker, Geo. W., e. Sept. 30, 1861. Company A. Capt. J. Marshall Rust, com. 2d lieut. bat. Q. M. Dec. 25, 1861. prmtd. regt. Q. M. April 12, 1862, prmtd. capt. June 5, 1862. res. Feb. 2, 1863. Lucer, Jackson, e. Jan. 28, 1864. Drake, Henry, e. Sept. 30. 1861, vet. Dec. 12, 1863. Company B. Miller, John, e. Nov. 25, 1861, died ]Mav 25, 1862. Morris, Alfred, e. Dec. 14, 1862. Company C, Sergt. Gustaff Cassel, e. Oct. 5, 1861, died Dec. 27, 1862. Corey, Jno., e. Oct. 5, 1861, vet. Dec. 12, '63. prmtd. sergt. Danielson, John, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Hoakison. John, e. Oct. 5, 1861, vet. Feb. 29, 1864, wd. at Guntown, disd. Dec. 17, 1864. Hilgrew, Chas., e. Oct. 5, 1861, vet. Feb. 29, 1864, wd. at GuntOAvn. Lundquist, Jno. E., e. Oct. 5, 1861, disd. Peterson, A. A., e. Jan. 8, 1862, vet. Feb. 29, 1864, wd. at Guntown, Miss. Swan, Chas. G., e. Oct. 5. 1861. Save, Chas., e. Oct. 15, '61, vet. Dec. 12, '63. Company D. Ogden, Burzin, e. Jan. 8, 1864, died Mav 11, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Company C. Gard, Wasson, vet. Dec. 20, 1863, missing- near Selma, Ala. Hall, Geo. W., e. Jan. 13, 1862. Harris, Nathan, e. Dec. 14, 1861, died Feb. 2, 1862. Hewett, Darius, e. Dec. 14, 1861. Williams, Jno. W., e. Dec. 8, 1861, kid. at Little Creek, Ark. Williams, Wm. H. H., e. Dec. 14, 1861. Company H. Downey, E. H., e. Dec. 9, 1861, trans, to Co. M, disd. Feb. 20, 1862. Company L. Byers, Jno. Y., e. Dec. 14, 18&1. Laughlin, John, e. Sept. 13, 1861, died Jan. 13, 1862. Company M. Capt. Fred. S. Wliitiiev, com. 1st lieut., prmtd. capt Jan. 19. 1864. First Lieut. Dan'l J. ^'ance, e. as sergt. Oct. 22, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. Jan. 19, 1864. m W'i ^^^^r n h. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 459 Second Jjieut. Aaron J. Newby, com. Oct. 30, 1861. pimtd. adjt. 11th Miss. Cav. Dec. 15, 1863. Second Lieut. M. V. B. Sheafer, e. as corp. Nov. 12, 1861, prmtd. 3d lieut. Jan. 19, 1864. Sergt. Nicholas Hogate, e. Oct. 10, 1861, disd. Dec. 5, 1862. •Sergt. David Thompson, e. Nov. 21. 1861, vet. Feb. 20, 1864. Sergt. Eli G. Deardutt', e. Nov. 12, 1861. Sergt. David Thompson, e. Nov. 21, 1861. Sergt. T. H. McConnaughev, e. Oct. 10, '61. Corp. Robt. Young, e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Cori). H. T. Harris, e. Nov. 12, 1861, vet. Dec. 11. 1863. Corp. Wm. Henderson, e. Nov. 27, 1861, wd. at Mechanicsburg, Miss., vet. Dec. 11. 1863. Cori). C. F. Mickey, e. Oct. 30, 1861. disd. Feb. 27, 1862. Corp. Jolm Munson. e. Nov. 2, 1861. Corp. Jacob S. Gantz, e. Nov. 25, 1861, wd. disd. Aug. 21, 1865. Corp. ]lol)t. Stevenson, e. Nov. 12, 1861, disd. Fel). 25, 1863, disab. Corp. M. F. Warner, e. Nov. 2, 1861, died June 14, 1862. Corp. James Mundel. e. Oct. 26, 1861, disd. Aug. 9, 1863. Corp. Henry Shiver, e. Oct. 21, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Corp. Samuel H. Long, e. Jan. 10, 1862. Corjt. Geo. E. Steele, e. Nov. 2, 1861. died Nov. 12, 1863. Bugler Thos. R. Morgan, e. Nov. 5, 1861, disd. Oct. 7, 1862. Bugler Sam'l B. Turner, e. Nov. 26, 1861. vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Farrier Wm. J^owerv, e. Nov. 12, 1861. Farrier A. H. Heaton, e. Nov. 12. 1861. disd. Jan. 19, 1863, disab. Anderson, Rol)t.. e. Nov. 2, 1861, died June 9, 1863. Birkheimer. Wm. E., e. March 21, 1864. Beall, James M., e. Nov. 5. 1861. disd. March 19. 1863. Bates, H. G.,e. Oct. 22, '61. vet. Dec. 11, '63. Bvers. Jno. Y.. vet.. Dec. 20. 1863. Barnes. Sam'l. e. Nov. 27, 1861. Carson. John, e. Dec. 9, 1861, vet. Dec. 11. 1863. Coleman. David, e. Nov. 2, 1861, disd. Dec. 2, 1862. Chester, 0. F., e. March 21, 1864. Chester, Lemon, e. Oct. 22, 1861. Carter. Wm. J., e. March 28, 1864. Collar. John, e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. De('. 11. 1863. died at Benton Barracks. Clutter, Geo. W.. e. Feb. 8, 1864. Croy, Mathias, e. Nov. 15, 1861. C-raft. Michael, e. Nov. 25, 1861. Carson. Wm. H., e. Jan. 4, 1864. Dunn, Andrew, e. Nov. 2, 1861, disd. July 23, 1864. disab. D(nnian. W. H., e. Feb. 27, 1862, vet. Feb. 27. 1864. Duncanscm, Edw., e. Oct. 26. 1861. disd- March 2, 1862, disab. Dougherty, Geo. L., e. March 1, 1862, vet. Feb. 9, 1864. Downing, Jacob, e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. Dec. 11. 1863. Ferree, Wm. E.. e. Nov. 22, 1863. Fry. Jacob C, e. Nov. 2, 1861. Flanders, N. A., e. Oct. 18, 1861, disd. April 3, 1863. Green, M. B., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Gard, Henry, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Green, A. J., e. March 19. 1864. Hogan, J., e. Sept. 8, 1863. Hewitt, Thos. J., e. March 22, 1864. Hewitt. D., e. March 32, 1864. Henderson, D. T., e. March 19, 1864. Hogate. Jesse, e. March 28, 1864. Hopkirk, Robt., e. Feb. 3, 1864, wd. at Riplev, died at Memphis. Hopkirk, Wm. H.. e. Feb. 15, 1864, died of wds. June 38, 1864. Hays, B. L.. e. Jan. 31. 1863. disd. Nov. 35, 1863. Hewett, Artemus. e. Nov. 3, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Hudson. J. B., e. Jan. 9, 1863, disd. July 39, 1862, disab. Hampson, J. W. P., e. Nov. 6, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. reg. U. S. A., April, 1861. Hallowav, A. M., e. Oct. 9, 1861, died Marcli^. 1862. Hewett. Wm., e. Nov. 20, 1863. Junkin. Jos., e. Nov. 12, 1861, disd. July 29, 1862. Kelley, Robt., e. Oct. 5. 1861. Lee, t'zel, e. Dec. 1, 1863. Lather, James, e. March 21, 1864. Lee, Morgan, Oct. 31, 1861, disd. June 26, 1862, re'e. as vet. Dec. 1, 1863. Lee, Lewis, e. Sept. 8, 1863. Long. S. H., e. Jan. 10, 1862. Morgan, Thos. R., e. Nov. 5. 1861, disd. Oct. 7. 1862. Majors, A. A., e. Feb. 27, 1862, vet. Feb. 26. 1864. Marker, Wm. C, e. Nov. 2. 1861, died May 5, 1862. M(tKnight, Thos., e. Jan. U, 1862. McCullough, E. B., e. Nov. 6, 1861, died April 26, 1862. McKee, D. E., e. Dec. 1. 1863. McMurrv, Tiios. F., e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. prmtd. corp. Miller, D. B., e. March 31, 1864. McCracken, D. R., e. Xov. 14, 1861, m. o. as member of band July, 1^62. McCracken. Wm. W., e. Nov. 7, 1861, m. o. as member of band July, 1862. Norris, Jolm D., e. Nov. 4, 1861. Nolen, Peter, e. Nov. 12. 1861. Nevin, Wm. !{., e. Jan. 4, 1864. Parker, Harrison, e. Oct. 26, 1861, disd. May 3, 1862. Ripley. Wm.. e. Oct. 23, '61, vet. Jan. 3, '64. Richie, C. C. e. Dec. 1, 1863. Ross, S. S., e. Nov. 11, '61, vet. Dec. 11, '63. 460 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Sawyer, C. C., e. Jtin. 4, 1864. Skeers, Jesse, e. Oct. 23, 1861. died near Bridgeport, Miss. Skeers, Eli, e. March 2, 1862, vet. Feb. 29, 1864, died Nov. 15, 1864. Skeers, Clias., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Smithburg, A. D., e. Oct. 19, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Smith, Win. C, e. March 21, 1864. Smitliburg, G., e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Sheffield, H. C, e. Nov. 7, 1861, disd. April 1, 1863, disab. Scott, W. Q., e. Dec. 14, 1868, prmtd. hosp. steward. Sandbloom, Jno., e. Oct. 19, 1861, disd. Feb. 2, 1862. Stevenson, T. VV., e. Nov. 22, 1861, died June 8, 1862. Toothaker, C. W., e. Jan. 20, 1864. Turner, Jas. I., e. Nov. 2, 1861, disd. Feb. 24, 1862, re-e. as vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Teeter, David, e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Teeter, John. e. Oct. 25, 1861. vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Trower, VVm., c. Oct. 21, died Feb. 18, '62. Taylor, James, e. Nov. 25, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Taylor, Elliot, e. Nov. 25, 1861, vet. Dec. 11. 1863. Updegraff, Jacob, e. Nov. 2, 1861, captd. Sept. 30, 1862, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Vanolare, Thos., e. Oct. 25, 1861, disd. Feb. 24, 1862, disab. Wilcox, P. W., e. Nov. 27, 1861. White, Samuel K., e. Oct. 22, 1861, captd. Clinton, Miss., died at Andersonville. Walters, Jno. B., e. Oct. 22, 1861, vet. Dec. 11, 1863. Walgreen, August, e. Oct. 19, 1861. White, Leverett, e. Dec. 14. 1863. Warner, Wilson, e. Jan. 11, 1862, vet. Jan. 11. 1864. Webb, A. G., e. Sept. 1, 1862. COMPANY UNKNOWN. Danelson, John, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Downing. E., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Lee, Morgan, e. Dec. 1, 1863. Lee, Uzell, e. Dec. 1, 1863. McKee, D. E., e. Dec. 7, 1863. Richie, C. C, e. Dec. 1, 1863. Scott, W. Q., e. Dec. 4, 1863. Sawyers, C C, e. Jan. 4, 1864. Tabor, Burdell, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Westenhaver, M. H., e. Dec. 23, 1863. White, L. M., e. Dec. 13, 1863. SEVENTH CAVALRY. [Note — This regiment was mustered out at Leavenworth, San., May 17, 1866.] Company A- Second Lieut. George- H. Smith, e. as Corp. Oct. 10, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. Nov. 14, 1865, m. o. Nov. 24, 1865, as sergt. Com. S. N. Huddleston, e. Sept. 28, 1862. Sergt. John C. Smith, e. Sept. 24, 1862. Corp. L. B. Spurlock, e. Nov. 12, 1862. Farrier Jesse L. Collins, e. Sept. 24, 1862, Collins, G. W., e. Sept. 14, 1862. Collins, Alex., e. Oct. 7, 1862. Collins, T. J., 6. Sept. 24, 1862. Company B. Pattison, J. J., e. April 15, 1863. Company C. Corp. Wm. Glenn, e. March 12, 1863. Hunt, Wm., e. March 12, 1863. Jackson, Andrew, e. Jan. 26, 1863. ■ Company D. First Sergt. Dudley L. Haywood, e. Nov. 20, 1862. Corp. James De France, e. Jan. 24, 1863. Breckinridge, George, e. March 13, 1863. Baker, J. H., e. Jan. 24, 1868, disd. March 8, 1864, disab. Ewan, Wilford, Jan. 1, 1863. Teasel, Thomas, e. Jan. 1, 1863. Teasel. John, e. Jan. 1, 1863. Company C. Saddler William Mount, e. May 29, 1863. Company H. First Sergt. Curtis Clark, e. May 1, 1863. Sergt. Thomas B. Moore, e. July 6, 1863, disd. Jan. 12, 1866. Creek, G. C, e. July 6, 1863. Graves, J, W., e. June 25, 1863. Harrison, Andrew, e. June 29, 1863. Kimes, Lebanon, e. July 6, 1863. Company L. Langford, James, e. Feb. 26, 1864. Company M. Second Lieut. William Angstead, e. as farrier Oct. 15, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. May 24, 1865. Farrier Wm. F. Angstead, vet. Feb. 28, 1864. Edwards, J. D., e. Oct. 15, 1861, vet. Feb. 28, 1864. Edwards, J. N., e. Mav 7, 1864. Mathews, A., e. Feb. 19, 1864. EIGHTH CAVALRY. [Note. — This regiment was mustered out at Macon, Ga. Aug. IS, 1S65.] Maj. James W. Moore, com. 1st lieut. Co. C Sept. 30, 1862, prmtd. capt. April 8, 1864, captd. at Newnan, Ga., prmtd. maj. May 22, 1865. Hosp. Steward John Jones, e. June 26, '63. Company B. Capt. Joshua W. Holiday, e. as sergt. July 4, 1863, i)rmtd. 2d lieut. Dec. 10, 1864, prmtd. capt. July 10, 1865, m. o. as 1st sergt. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 461 First I.ieut. R. S. Hilton, com. Sept. 30, 1863, wd. at Pulaski, Tenn., resd. Aug. 12, 1864. Sergt. John A. Koons, e. Aug. 3, 1863, died at Nashville, (^orp. W. J. M. Smith, e. July 15, 1863, disd. Sept. 22, 1864. Corp. H. H. Dean, e. July 4, 1863, captd. '- at Newnan, Ga. Corp. W. G. Ball, e. July 17. 1863, wd. at Florence, Ala. Trump. Nathan Gerson, e. July 20, 1863, captd. at Newnan, Ga. Saddler Wm. J. Clark, e. Julv 25, 1863. Argabright, J. M., e. Aug. 17, 1863, captd. at Newnan, Ga. Bivins, J. W., e. Ai\g. 4, 1863. Bray, Madison, e. Aug. 7, 1863. Coger, D. L., e. Aug. 10, 1863, captd. at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Donahev, G. W., e. July 15, 1863. Evans. J. W., e. July 15, 1863. Fulton, B. F., e. Aug. 3, 1863. Groff, B. F., e. Aug. 1, 1863, died Poplar Springs Hospital. Hall, R. R., e. July 20, 1863. Long, Cleopis, e. July 8, 1863. Lewis, S., e. July 25, 1863, wd. at Pu- laski, Tenn. McCrackin, Joseph, e. July 4, 1863. McCoid, W. B.,e. July 17, 1863, wd. Camp- bellsville, Tenn., disd. April 17, 1865. Pickerd, H. C, e. July 4, 1863, wd at Campbellsville, Tenn,, trans, to V. R. C. April 21, 1865. Reno, L.D.,e. July 1,1863. Ramey, E. A., e. Aug. 4, 1863. Schooler, J. (\, e. Aug. 4, 1863. Scott, Samuel, e. Aug. 3, 1863. Scott, Simeon, e. July 1, 1863. Sampson, W. G., e. July 8, 1863. wd. at Burnt Church, Ga. Sens, G. A., e. July 4, 1863. Shear, A. J., e. July 4. 1863, captd. July 30, 1864. Stansbury, R.. e., July 18. 1863, disd. Feb. 18, 1864. Schooley, T. C, e. Julv 10, 1863. Tate, D. O.. e. Sept. 3," 1863. Walters, Ransom, e. July 4, 1863. Walkup, S. S., e. July 25, 1863. Company C. First Lieut. John F. Watkins, e. as sergt. July 25, 1863, prmtd. 2(1. lieut. Aug. 20, 1864, prmtd. 1st lieut. June 24, 1865. First Lieut. James W. Moore, e. Aug. 1, 1863. Second Lieut. John B. Looniis, e. as sergt. July 29, 1863, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 18, 1864, kid. Newnan, (Ja. Cenj. F., e. Aug. 10, 1861, wd. at Shiloh, ra. o. April 03, 1866. Ninth Infantry. [Note. — This regiment was mustered out July IS, I860.] Haylan, Isaiah, e. Xov. 11, 1864. Metz, Silas, e. Oct. 6, 1864. Wagoner, John. e. X"ov. 13, 1864. Tenth Infantry. Surg. Richard J. Mohr, com. 1st lieut. of Co. E Sept. 34, 1861. prmtd. asst. surg. Feb. 38, 1863, i)rmtd. surg. April 6, 1863, in. o. Aug. 15, 1865. Archibald, , vet. Feb. 1, 1864, m. o. Aug. 15, 1865. Jones, Wiley A. e. Sept. 1, 1863, disd. Oct. 6, 1863. Hospital Steward Wm. M. Glenny, e. Oct. 37, 1862, m. o. Aug. 15, 1865. Twelfth Infantry. Cowing, E. B., e. X^ov. 2, 1863, disd. Xordyke, Solomon, e. Nov. 13, 1864. Wyatt, John. e. Oct. 16, 1864. Thirteenth Infantry. Birdsall, Wm. C, e. Sept. 38, 1861, disd Feb. 15, 1863. Charles, Jesse, e. Sept. 38, 1861, wd. at Kenesaw Mountain, m. o. July 31, 1865. Daniels, Robert A., e. Sept. 38, 1861, disd. Sept. 4. 1863, disab. Hiatt, Enos, e. Sept. 38, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. O.July 31, 1865. Hutchinson, Geo., e. Sept. 38, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, died July 37, 1864, wds. Ohmart, Newton, e. Sept. 38, 1861, died May 19, 1863. Ohmart, F. M., e. Sept. 38. 1861, m. o. July 31, 1865. Robinson, G. (J., e. Sept. 38,1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, kid. at Atlanta July 33, 1864. Stanton, John W., e, Oct. 31, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, missing in action near At- lanta, Ga., July 33, 1864. Spainhower. Jacob, e. Oct. 31, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, died Jan. 30. 1865. Ashmead, C, e. Oct. 6, 1864. Ashmead, H., e. Oct. 6, 1864. Baldosier, Henrv, e. Oct. 6, 1864. Case, Albert, e. Nov. 4, 1864. Hudson, David, e. Nov. 16, 1864. Hughs, Wm. C, e. Oct. 6, 1864. McClure, Jno. A., e. Oct. 6, 1864. McEldeary, J., e. Oct. 6, 1864. Wendling. Jacob, e. Oct. 6, 1864. Wilson, Geo. W., e. March 38, 1864. Fourteenth Infantry. George, Wm. H., e. Dec. 15, 1863, wd. at Pleasant Hill, La., m. o. Nov. 16, 1864. Murrav, Wm. B., e. Sept. 4, 1863, m. o. Nov: 16, 1864. Campl)ell, Joshua, e. Oct. 5, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, '63, captd. at Sliiloh, m. o. Nov. 16, '64. Grain, Geo. M., e. Oct. 1. 1861, wd. Bayou De Glaize, La., m. o. Nov. 16, 1864. Tullis. D. H.. e. Oct. 1, 1861, disd. Dec. 19, 1863, m. o. Nov. 16, 1864. Fifteenth Infantry. Clark, Wm., e. Feb. 17, 1863, disd. Dec. 17. 1863. Dalev. Levi, e. in 1863. m. o. July 34, '65. Hill,'\Vm. H., e. Jan. 18, 1863, died March 14, 1863. Major, Wm., e, in 1863, vet. Feb. 30, 1864, prmtd. Corp., kid. battle Atlanta. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 463 Sixteenth Infantry. Canterbury, John, e. Oct. 22, 1864. Chapman, W. S., e. Oct. 22, 1864. Carpenter, Abram, e. Oct. 5, 1864. England, W. C, e. Oct. 5, 1864. Eikles. Samuel, e. Oct. 6, 1864. Eighteenth Infantry. Corp. H. C. Pearson, e. June 14, 1863, m. o. July 20, 1865. Wagoner Thos. Moore, e. June 23, 1862, kid. near Ft. Smith Oct. 22, 1864. Carver, Wm. B., e. June 21, 1862, kid. bj accident at Lyons Aug. 11, 1862. Holder, Daniel! e. June 21, 1862. m. o. July 20, 1865. King, Wm. A., e. June 23, 1862, m. o. July 20, 1865. Martiudale, David, e. June 21. 1862, trans. to V. K. C. April 29, 1864. Stump, David, e. June 20, 1862, disd. Feb. 9, 1863, disab. Van Treese, Jno., e. June 14, 1862, died Springfield, Mo., April 23, 1863. Walker, Thos., e. June 21, 1862. died Sept. 18, 1862. Winsel, David N., e. Julv 6. 1862, disd. Feb. 9, 1863, disab. Twenty-first IVIissouri Infantry. Foster, Wm., e. Nov. 15, 1861. Twenty-fifth Infantry. Corp. Oscar; A. Wells, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. Dec. 19, 1862. Mannhardt, Danl., e. Jan. 4, 1864. Thirty-fifth Infantry. Asst. Surg. Wm. M. Glenny, com. Jan. 9, 1864, from hospt. stew. 10th Inf., com. revoked July 1, 1864. Thirty-sixth Infantry. (xrimes, A. J., e. Aug. 4, 1862, died Aug. 17, 1863, Clarendon, Ark. Severn, Wm., e. Aug. 8, 1862, m. o. Aug. 24, 1865. Spurlock, M. L., e. Aug. 19, 1862, died May 8, 1864, at Mark's Mills. Thirty-seventh Infantry. Good, Adam, e. Nov. 27. 1862, disd. March 3, 1863, disab. Price, Daniel, e. Sept. 24, 1862, disd. May, 1864, disab. Second Lieut. Jno. V. Myers, com. Dec. 15. 1862, resd. Feb. 27, 1863. Cori). Chas. W. Colman, e. Oct. 9, 1862, m. o. at Davenport. Corp. Wm. Shadford, e. Oct. 2, 1862, m. o. at Davenport. Breardy, Wm., e. Oct. 10, 1862, disd. April 4, 1865, disab. Curfman, C, e. Oct. 17, 1862. disd. April 12. 1863, disab. Creek, Jacob A., e. Oct. 15, 1862, disd. Oct. 23, 1863, disab. Dougherty, Edward, e. Oct. 4, 1862, died Oct. 5, 1863. Jones, John, e. Oct. 11, 1862, disd. April 12, 1863, disab. Totten, Spencer, e. Oct. 4, 1862, m. o. at Davenport. Thirty-ninth Infantry. Surgeon Peter N. Woods, com. Sept. 5, 1862, m. 0. June 5. 1865. Forty-first Infantry. Angstead, Wm.. e. Oct. 15, 1862. Edwards. Jas. D., Oct. 15, 1862. Forty-Eighth Infantry. Coats, Nathan, e. June 4. 1864, m. o. Oct. 21, 1864. Long, Jefferson, e. June 21. 1864, m.o. Oct. 21, 1864. First Cavalry, Field. Musician Henry M. Butler, e. Aug. 19, '61, m. o. Feb. 15, 1866. Eussell, John, vet. Dec. 24, 1863, m. o. Feb. 15, 1866. First Cavalry. Chilcot, N. G., e. July 18, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864, m. 0. Feb. 15, 1866. Miller, W. B., e. Aug. 5, 1861, m. o. Feb. 15, 1866. Hook, Stephen, e. Sept. 4, 1862, from Co. F, m. o. Feb. 15, 1866. Bottorff, W. K., vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. Feb. 15, 1866. Williams, T. B., e. Feb. 22, 1864, m. o. Feb. 15, 1866. Second Cavalry. Hutchinson, Charles, e. Aug. 12, 1861, m. o. Sept. 19, 1865. McGull, J. E., vet. March 1, 1864, m. o. Sept. 19, 1865. Fifth Veteran Cavalry. Coombs, Jamf-s, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m. o. Aug. 11, 1865. Ebert, W. H., e. Aug. 26, 1862, m. o. Aug. 11, 1865. Sutton, Samuel, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died July 28, 1864, at Andersonville. Wheeler, G. O., e. Dec. 22, 1863, m.o. Aug. 11, 1865. Sixth Cavalry. Cassiday, W. A., e. Nov. 6, 1862, m. o. Oct. 17. 1865. Corp. Bufus A. AVall, e. Oct. 4, 1862, m. o. Oct. 17, 1865. Wilson. John. e. Oct. 14. 1862, m. o. Oct. 17, 1865. First Battery Light Artillery. Corp. Wm. A. Mc( 'une, e. 1861, m. o. July 5, 1865. Bartholomew, John, e. Sept. 1, 1861, disd. Aug. 25, 1862, disab. 464 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Daily, Lester, e. 1861, missing at Milli- ken's Bend. Hall, Wm., e. 1861, kid. at Pea Ridge. Pattison, Wm., e. 1861, died Nov. 27, '62, at Keokuk. Roscoe, C. F., e. 1861, m. o. July 5, 1865. Spicer, C. P., e. 1861, vet. Jan. 2, 1864, died May 23, 1864, wds. Wykoff, Alex., e. 1861, died ISTov. 22, 1863, at Memphis. Wilson, A. R., e. 1861, died Aug. 22, 1864, at Rome, Ga. Dodge's Brigade Band. Musician Lvman W. Forgrave, e. Nov. 10, 1862. ' First Illinois Artillery. Garinger, Isaac, e. March 21, 1864. Forty-Third Illinois Infantry. Bjock, Gustave, e. Sept. 3, 1861. Ackermann, W., e. Sept. 1, 1861. Fifty-Seventh Illinois Infantry. Lemberger, C W., e. Oct. 23, 1861. Kyle, I. Ce. Aug. 15,1861. Fifty-Ninth Illinois Infantry. Veteran. Herring. George H., e. 1864. TOWNSHIP HISTORY. FAIRFIELD. The history of Fairfield dates from the first Monday in March, 1839. Pre- 'dous to that time, the ground now so thronged with stately business blocks, busy shops, beautiful residences, schoolhouses, churches, well-kept streets and handsomely shaded avenues, was an unbroken, undisturbed prairie waste. Fair was this primitive field when Samuel Hutton, of Henry, Joshua Owens, of Lee, and Roger N. Cresap, of Van Buren County, Commissioners appointed by legislative enactment for that purpose, came to discharge their official trust and locate the county seat of the new county of Jefferson. Pleased with the situation and its nearness to the geographical center of the county, they planted the county seat stake on the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 72, Range 10 west, and called it Fairfield, the name, no doubt, being suggested by the natural beauty of the location. At the first meeting of the first Board of County Commissioners, held on the 8th day of April, 1839, an order was passed directing the employment of James M. Snyder, Surveyor of Henry County, to survey and lay out the town site. The survey was commenced on Wednesday, the 17th of the same month. Mr. Snyder was assisted by Joseph M. Parker, George W. Troy, James Cole- man, David Bowman, John Payton and Sylvanus Harrington, as chainmen, etc. The quarter-section was subdivided into twenty-five blocks of eight lots each, or two hundred and twenty lots in all. The blocks were divided by six streets from north to south, and six from east to west. Block 13 was reserved for public purposes. The width of the streets around the block or square reserved for public uses was established at 88| feet, and all the others at 66 leet. The original twelve streets were named by the County Commissioners, as -follows : East and West. — Sears, Walnut, Madison, Monroe, Church and Chastain. Sears and Chastain were named in honor of two of the first County Commis- sioners ; Madison and Monroe, after two of the early Presidents. North and South. — Smith, Williams, Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Hueston. Smith was named after a third member of the Board of County Commissioners ; Williams, after Judge Williams ; Washington, Jefferson and Jackson, after the Presidents of that name, and Hueston, after the man of that name who built the first house in the county seat of Jefferson County. The town site was held by pre-emption by the (bounty Commissioners until the land in the New Purchase came into market in 1842. The entry was made on the 13th day of May of that year. The county was so poor that it was necessary to borrow .f 200 to make the entry. The money was borrowed of Ebenezer S. Gage, with interest at the rate of 20 per cent per annum. When the note became due, the Commissioners were again forced to borrow to pay 466 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Gage. Each time of borrowing, a mortgage was given on lots in the western part of the city to secure the payment thereof. Building commenced soon after the county seat stake was planted. Will- iam Hueston built the first house, a log structure, 10x12 feet. It was erectd on Lot 8, Block 8, in April, 1839. The first stock of goods ever exposed to sale in Fairfield was opened out in this building. Thomas Dickey built the second house. It was also a log structure 10x12 feet, and was built on Lot 1, Block 7, and in which he opened the first hotel ever known in Fairfield. The first frame dwelling was built by Dr. William Waugh, in the spring of 1840. The growth of Fairfield was not as rapid as has been the growth of many other Iowa towns, or towns farther west, but was solid and substantial. Settlers came in rather slowly, and, as building material was rather scarce, building did not progress very rapidly for several years. J. W. Culbertson and his family came to Fairfield as permanent residents in February, 1840. On their arrival, they found Dr. John F. Moberly, Gilbert Fox, Willard Stone, Henry B. Notson, a single man, Thomas Gray, John R. Pitzer and family, James Clark and family, Ellis (a wheelwright), John Ratliff, Joseph Cole, E. S. Gage, Dick Irwin, Dr. Waugh, Samuel Moore, Samuel Feebler and — Keefer, a tailor. Joseph Cole, E. S. Gage and Dick Irwin were selling dry goods, and John Ratliff had established the first store for groceries exclusively. Mr. Culbertson had been out in June previous and purchased the claim where he now resides. The claim was located by Haw- kins Taylor, then a resident of Lee County, but, since 1863, of Washington, D. C. Mr. Culbertson relates that in July, 1839, while on his return for his family, he saw camped by the wayside, near Burlington, a family who seemed to be returning East. On inquiring the cause for such an extraordinary proceeding, he replied that he had been out to the " New Purchase " (now part of Jefferson County), but the land was all taken up and there was no room for him. Mr. Culbertson completed the first house with two rooms, into which he moved in the latter part of February, 1840. As were all houses in those days, it was covered with clapboards, and without a ceiling. Scarcely had they ensconced themselves in their new domicile, when^ in the night-time, there came a furious snowstorm. Mrs. Culbertson was awakened by the falling element, and aroused her husband with the information that rain or snow was coming into the house. Startled from a deep slumber, Mr. Culbertson sprang out upon the floor, and the shock of surprise when his bare feet landed in the two inches of snow with which the floor was covered, elicited a yell that would have put to shame the best lung-efforts of a Missouri bushwhacker, and which is still viv- idly remembered by the family. EARLY FNCIDENTS. ROBBERY OF ONE OF THE FIRST MERCHANTS. In the fall of 1842, E. S. Gage, who had opened a dry goods store in Fair- field three years previous, started to St. Louis to replenish his stock, taking with him about $600 in cash. In those days, there were no public conveyances and it was rarely that private teams made the trip to Fort Madison, the nearest point on the Mississippi River to the new settlement. Mr. Gage decided to make the journey on foot. Scarcely had he left town, when three men, strangers to the place, appeared at the hotel, and stating that they were about to start for the river, asked if any one from Fairfield was going, as they desired company. They were informed that Mr. Gage, the merchant, had just started to St. Louis HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 46T to buy goods, and was but a short distance on the road. They followed on, overtook Mr. Gage some seven or eight miles from town, represented that they were going to Fort Madison and the four proceeded in company. The new- comers seemed sociable, clever fellows and Mr. Gage was not averse to their companionship. In the evening of the second day, just after nightfall, they had approached within two miles of their destination, and while passing through a stretch of woods, Mr. Gage, entirely unconscious of the contemplated attack, was suddenly struck a powerful blow from behind by one of the men and he fell senseless to the earth. Hastily dragging him to the bottom of a ravine near the road, they robbed him of his money by cutting oif the tail of his coat, in the pocket of which it was deposited, leaving untouched his silver watch, and covering his body with some underbrush and casting aside the heavy cane with which he had been felled, the robbers passed on into town with the belief,, no doubt, that their victim would never come to life. Mr. Gage recovered consciousness in about an hour afterward, and a farmer passing by with his team, he was able to make himself and his condition known. This good Samaritan brought him to town, where friends of the Masonic fra- ternity cared for him with such good results that after a delay of a few days he was able to continue his journey to St. Louis. Mr. Gage was ever on the look- out for the parties who committed the dastardly outrage, and shortly after his arrival in that city, he recognized one of the robbers while passing along the street. Calling an officer, the fellow was taken into custody and by a systematic course of questioning and playing upon his fears, the whereabouts of his com- rades in crime was revealed and they, too, were soon in the hands of the law. A considerable portion of the money was recovered. The three were returned to Fort Madison, tried, convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for five, eleven and twenty-one years, in accordance with their several degrees of guilt. At that time the State's prison at Fort Madison was not completed, and convicts confined by ball and chain sometimes escaped. The subject of the twenty-one- year sentence sojourned with the Warden just twenty-one days, when, without leave of absence, he took his departure. The eleven-year man followed soon after, and the third, who was believed to be the tool of more hardened criminals, was pardoned before the expiration of his sentence. Mrs. Gage, now living in Fairfield, still has in her possession the heavy cane which felled her husband to the earth, the eifects of which he felt to the day of his death, which occurred in 1859. WILLIS CHEEK. In 1840, when Fairfield was little more than a field, there was some pretty hard drinking with some of the inhabitants who were in a hurry to become accli- mated. The log building in the rear of the lot now occupied by Richard Gaines' stove store and the Ledger office, was the grocery in which the bibu- lously inclined were wont to meet and discuss the news and bad whisky. There was one old fellow of the name of Willis Cheek, upon whom whisky appeared to have no effect. The "boys" one day put something into Cheek's whisky that made him sick, and he swore not to take another drop of whisky or go near the grocery for three months. One evening soon afterward, he was persuaded to drop in to hear the news, but still refused to drink. The " boys" (the men were all boys then) threw him down and, having procured a funnel, they succeeded in making a pretty good whisky barrel of him. He became so drunk that he could scarcely move, but occasionally mumbled out : " I (hie) musn't forget (hie) my oath (hie), but funnel (hie) me again, boys ! " 468 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. A TIMID BEAU. Boys, in those days, obeyed their parents even after they were big enough ta wear store-clothes. It is related of a certain young man (1854) who, in escort- ing his dulcinea home from a party, had to pass his father's house, and when near by, heard the old gentleman's voice calling him. "Oh?" he cried, in doleful accents, "• dad's calling me, and if I don't go home he'll whip me," and off he started, leaving his fair one to find her way home as best she could. MISCELLANEOUS FIRSTLINGS. The first post office was in Thomas Dickey's hat, and Dickey was the first Postmaster. It is not known whether Dickey was regularly appointed by the Department or not, or whether he was the Postmaster by sufferance of the settlers; however, it is certain it was from him the first citizens of Fairfield obtained their letters, at the moderate price of 25 cents each. [There are now in the county eighteen offices, to wit. : Fairfield, in Fairfield Township ; Salina, Four Corners and Glendale, in Lockridge Township; Wooster, in Cedar Township ; Glasgow and Vega, in Round Prairie Township ; Libertyville, in Liberty Township ; Perlee and Pleasant Plain, in Penn Township ; German- ville and Merrimac, in Walnut Township ; Baker, in Black Hawk Township ; Batavia and Brookville, in Locust Grove Township ; Abingdon, in Polk Town- ship, and County Line, in Des Moines Township. Fairfield and Batavia are money-order offices.] The first hotel was kept by Thomas Dickey, in 1839. Dickey's house was a one-story log building, with but one room, 10x12 feet square, and in one end of this room the M. E. Church, of Fairfield, was organ- ized, March 22, 1840. It has been heretofore stated in print that Thomas Dickey was a coarse, irreligious character. The only surviving member of the organization, Mrs. J. W. Culbertson, gives Mr. Dickey a record for being a good kind of a man, having a kind heart and generous impulses hidden beneath a rough exterior. The first brick house erected on the original town plat was built by George Craine, in 1843. The house is still standing, at the corner of First South and Second East streets, and occupied as a dwelling by David Eckert. The brick were niade by Luke Owen, a little east of town, near the present residence of Mrs. John Wells. The first brick house erected within what is now the corporate limits of Fairfield stood east of the present brick schoolhouse. At the time it was built, the city limits did not extend out that far by thirty or forty yards. The house was built for Samuel Shuffleton. John T. Moberly was the first physician, in 1839. Samuel Shuffleton was the first lawyer, in 1839. Rev. Reuben Gaylord, Congregationalist, preached the first sermon, in 1839. A son was born to a Mr. Shepherd in the fall of 1839, the first on the town quarter. Eliphalet B. Fitch, first death in the town, 1839 ; shortly after, William Winn died. Farnham Whitcomb and Nancy Fox were the first couple married, 1840. HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 469 GROWTH AND PROSPERITY. In the centennial year, 1876, a pamphlet history of Jefferson County was published by authority of the Board of Supervisors, and under the direction of a committee of citizens consisting of S. M. Boling, C. W. Slagle, W. W. Junkin, J. F. Wilson, Charles Negus and I. D. Jones, which included a state- ment of the business of Fairfield at that time. Since then, there have been no material changes in the business status of the city, and we transfer to these pages the following paragraphs : In 1840, the town of Fairfield had a population of 110. In October, 1847, it had increased to 141 families and 651 inhabitants. In 1847, the business of Fairfield was done by six dry goods, three grocery and two drug stores ; two hotels, two livery-stables, eight cabinet and wheelwright shops, three black- smith, two shoemaker, two harness, three tailor, two chairmaker, two cooper, one gunsmith and one tin shop, employing about fifty persons. The sales aggre- gated about $100,000. There was one carding machine, four church organiza- tions, two church edifices, three ministers, seven, lawyers, the United States and the State land oflScers. In 1876, the city presents greater proportions, showing a healthy growth in twenty-nine years. There are thirteen grocery stores, doing a business of over $200,000 ; one wholesale grocery house, $60,000 ; two restaurants, $25,000 ; two general stores, $100,000 ; seven dry goods stores, $150,000 ; four clothing stores, $37,000 ; three boot and shoe stores, $50,000 ; two hat and cap stores, $25,000 ; three jewelers, $25,000 ; five drug stores, $70,000 ; three book stores, $30,000 ; four meat markets, $50,000 ; six millinery stores, $75,000 ; ten saloons, $100,000 ; three stove and tinware stores, $60,000 ; two foundries, $40,000 ; one woolen-factory and one woolen goods stores, $30,000 ; two flour- ing-mills, $50,000 ; two butter and egg depots, $40,000 ; two hardware stores, $50,000; four grain houses, $150,000 ; two furniture stores, $40,000; three harness, six tailor, five wagon, ten boot and shoe maker, seven blacksmith, one gunsmith and four barber shops, doing a business of $100,000 ; three lumber- yards, $125,000 ; one furniture-factory, $50,000 ; three livery-stables, two bus lines, one broom factory, $75,000 ; and in addition to these, there are three banks, nineteen lawyers, fourteen doctors, four dentists, one taxidermist, six insurance agencies, one pension agency, two Justices of the Peace, three tele- graph offices, two railroad depots, one patent medicine manufactory, four private schools, one union school, four hotels, one opera-house, three public halls, two musical instrument dealers, three newspapers, three coal dealers, one public library with 4,620 volumes, ten church organizations, nine church edifices, one Masonic hall, one Odd Fellows hall, one Zetagathian hall, one Knights of Pythias hall, and one Ancient Order of Workingmen hall. The total business of Fairfield approximates $3,000,000, about thirty times as much business as was done in 1847. In 1847, the money at interest was $6,000 ; in 1876, $300,000. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. The United States Land Office was removed from Burlington to Fairfield in 1842. William Ross, Arthur Bridgeman, Bernhart Ilenn, George Wilson, Francis Springer and James Thompson were Registers, and John Hawkins, V. P. Van Antwerp, W. H. Wallace and J. W. Culbertson were Receivers. In 1856, the office was removed to Chariton, in Lucas County. 470 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. BANKING INTERESTS. The first bank in Fairfield was opened January 1, 1851, by Bernhart Henn^ Jesse Williams, George D, and Edward A. Temple, under the firm name of Henn, Williams & Co. Edward A. Temple retired in 1853, and went West. In 1857, George D. went out, and, soon after, L. E. and C. A. James became members, the style of the firm being changed to Bernhart Henn & Co. They were succeeded, in 1862, by Samuel C. Farmer whose business was merged into the First National Bank, organized in 1865, Mr. Farmer becoming Cash- ier. In 1874, he retired, and, December 1, 1875, opened the present banking bouse of Samuel C. Farmer & Sons. In 1863, George A. Wells opened a private bank which he conducted until 1876, when G. A. Garrettson, of Muscatine, was admitted into partner- ship, and the firm name changed to Wells & Garrettson. The First National Bank commenced business August 1, 1865, with Jame& F. Wilson, President, and Samuel C. Farmer, Cashier. Present oflSicers, James F. Wilson, President ; George D. Temple, Cashier ; Directors, J. F. Wilson, President of the Board, George Acheson, R. H. Ilufi'ord, Sumner M. Bickford and Godfrey Eichhorn. Capital, $100,000. Place of business, southeast cor- ner of the square. The banking house of Samuel C. Farmer & Sons is composed of Samuel C. Farmer, Samuel C. Farmer, Jr. and Jo. F. Farmer. Capital, $30,000. Place of business, south side of the square. Wells & Garretson, east side of square. Capital, $30,000. «AS-LIGHT COMPANY. This company was organized October 17, 1876, with the following-named gentlemen as the original incorporators : James F. Wilson, John DeGalleford, William Horigan, C. W. Slagle, C. C. Ziegler, M. A. McCoid, W. B. Murray, A. S. Jordan, J. E. Roth, Joseph R. McCrackin, John A. Spielman, Thoma* Bell and Robert McElhinny. The capital stock of the company is $30,000, in shares of $100 each, of which $6,500 was taken by the above-named incor- porators — five shares each, the remainder of the stock to be held by the cor- poration for the extinguishment of such debts as may arise from time to time, and in all subsequent issues of stock, the original shareholders have a prior right in the purchase of the same. The corporation is to continue twenty years, and the indebtedness is limited to $20,000. The contract for the erection of the works was made October 30, 1876, with J. DeGalleford & Co., who were to complete the same in ninety days, but owing to the inclement winter and other unavoidable causes, they were not finished until September 5, 1877, on which day the first gas-jet in the city of Fairfield was lighted. The works are located near the western boundary of the city, at the crossing of First South and Seventh West streets, and contain two benches of two retorts each, which can be increased to three, and one bench of one retort, with a gas-holder of 12,000 cubic feet capacity. Four miles of wrought- iron mains have been laid, the largest size four inches in diameter, with forty- six lamp posts in operation, and over ninety private consumers supplied at $3 per 1,000 cubic feet. The works are complete in all their appointments, and no city in the State can boast of a better quality of gas or the article supplied at so low a price. The present oflScers are: J. F, Wilson, President; A. S. Jordan, Vice President; W, W. McCrackin, Treasurer, and Joseph R. McCrackin, Secre- HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 471 tary. But one change has been made in the Board of officers since the organ- ization, W. W. McCrackin succeeding W. B. Murray as Treasurer at the last annual meeting for the election of officers. MILLS. The first flouring-mill built at Fairfield was erected by Rahman McGinley, in 1855-56, half a mile south of the square — a large three-story mill with four runs of buhrs. Three years afterward, it was transformed into an elevator, which was destroyed by fire in 1870. The second mill was a three-story, with three runs of buhrs, erected in 1857 by F. B. Huntzinger, at a cost of |20,000. It stood on ground adjoining the present Lutheran Church. Six months after completion, it burned down, and Mr. Huntzinger having no insurance, his investment was a total loss. The next year, however, he built the City Mills, now owned by J. R. & J. W. Mills- paugh, having three runs of four-foot stone. In 1875, Mr. Huntzinger built the Globe City Mills, which he still owns and operates, with three runs of buhrs. These mills are all operated by steam power. ELEVATORS. To accommodate the grain trade of Fairfield, three elevators have been erected, two on the track of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad and one on the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad. On the first-named road one has been owned and operated by J. P. Manatry since 1876 ; capacity, 75,000 bushels. His heaviest business is in grass-seed, 100 cars of which were shipped out in 1877. The present year (1878) will show an increased business. The elevator built by D. W. Templeton, in 1875, was purchased by Jordan Bros. & Co., in the summer of 1878, and is still operated by them ; capacity, 56,000 bushels. The Rock Island elevator is small and not now in operation. CITY GOVERNMENT. The city was first incoporated in 1847. Since then the office of Mayor has been filled in succession by the following-named gentlemen : Barnet Ristine, Samuel J. Finney, A. H. Brown, W. K. Alexander, T. D. Evans, William E. Groff, George Acheson, D. P. Stubbs, R. F. Ratcliff, William Long, Charles David, David R. McCrackin, J. J. Cummings, I. D. Jones. J. J. Cummings is the present Mayor. EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS.— FIRST SCHOOLS. In the winter of 1839-40, the population of Fairfield was represented by about fifteen adults. Some of these were heads of families, with children. Dr. Waugh, a representative pioneer, had several children old enough and big enough to "go to school." There was no school money, but Dr. Waugh determined to have a school, cost what it might. He had an unfinished room in his not very large family residence, which he set apart as a schoolroom, and emploj'^ed Miss Clarissa Sawyer, a young lady of Denmark, Lee County, as teacher. W. B. Culbertson, Cranmore Gage and William Stone were admitted as pupils at a stipulated tuition fee per head. These lads and Dr. Waugh's children made up the school. Miss Sawyer, after her "school was out," returned to Lee County and was married to George W. Burkholder. Subsequently, she and her husband removed to Fairfield, where they resided for a number of years. Mr. Burkholder died 472 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. at Cairo (during the war) in 1863. His widow returned to Lee County, where she died in the same fall (1863). "Bent " Culbertson, grew to manhood and became a successful lawyer in Fairfield. Cranmore Gage amassed wealth as a farmer, and added largely to his fortune by making an extensive addition to the town. The next school was taught in 1840, by James Chambers. It was a sub- scription school, the tuition fee being $1 per scholar for the term of three months. Miss Polly Loomis was the next teacher in the summer of 1843. This school was a subscription school, also, and much larger than either of those which preceded it. The number of resident families had considerably increased and, of course, there was a corresponding increase of school-children. Polly Loomis' school was the " biggest school " in the county. In 1859, the school population had so increased that there was a demand for increased facilities and a better system of education. At a meeting of the- City Council, held on the 3d of March, in that year, a petition was presented asking that the city of Fairfield and the territory immediately adjacent thereta be organized as a separate district for school purposes, as provided by law, etc. The petition was granted, and the Recorder was directed to give notice for an election of ofiicers for the new organization to be held in the April following, from which time dates the history of the School District of the city of Fairfield as a separate and independent school organization. [The boundaries of the Dis- trict are now identical with the city limits of the city of Fairfield.] The first ofiicers elected were Dr. C. S. Clarke, President; Robert McElhinny, Vice- President ; William Long, Secretary, and E. C. Hampton, Treasurer. The three Directors chosen were, John T. Huey, C. W. Slagle and J. F. Wilson. Four teachers were employed under the new dispensation ; two male teachers, who were to receive respectively $40 and |35 per month, and two lady teachers,, who were to be paid $25 per month each. Rev. John Williams was employed as Principal, taking direct charge of the Fourth, or highest, grade classes of the school. Thomas Parkinson had the Third grade, while Miss Juliet Wells was assigned to No. 2, and Miss Annie Perry was made mistress of No. 1. Miss Wells had taught a senarate private school, and the room which she had. occupied up to this time was secured for one of the public schools. The schools fiourished in this manner for about two months, when it became obvious that the school accommodations were not extensive enough, and that the formation of another grade was advisable. Accordingly, on the 23d day of the ensuing May, a fifth department — a primary school — was established, and the pupils of this grade assembled in one of the rooms of Mungo Ramsey's house, which the School Board leased for school purposes. School opened here on the 5th of May, with Mrs. Jane Parkinson installed as teacher, at a salary of $20 per month. A diversity of opinion arose between these teachers and the School Board as to the time when their contract should expire. The teachers contended that by the terms of their several contracts, they were only to hold their positions until the 5th of the following August, while the Board held that the terms of their contracts bound them to continue their term until the 16th of that month. The pedagogues, however, were " game," and dismissed their schools for the term on the 5th of August. They were ordered by the Board to re-open, which they peremptorily refused to do, and an agreed case was submitted to the Dis- trict Court at its next session, to determine the right construction of the terms^ of the contract. The decision of the Court Avas averse to the teachers, and HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. ' 473 they were paid in accordance therewith. To show the ideas of economy enter- tained by the School Board of that day, when school again opened, which wa& on the 3d of January, 1860, resolutions were passed requiring that teachers should kindle fires and keep the schoolhouses clean at their own expense. It was almost four years after the organization of Fairfield School District before plans were set on foot for the erection of a building better suited to the purposes of education than the uncomfortable, inconvenient, contracted quarters previously occupied by the schools. On the 3d of March, 1863, at the regular meeting of the District School Board, Mr. C. W. Slagle, who had always stood ready to advance, by every means in his power, the educational interests of the people of his community, moved to levy a tax of two mills on the taxable property of the District, for the purpose of procuring a site for a Union Schoolhouse and to aid in building the same. The motion carried, and a committee was appointed to select a site for the building. The spot chosen was a plot of vacant ground, known as the Wallace property, lying immediately south of the railroad and between Wash- ington and Jefferson streets, now First East and First West streets. A com- mittee was immediately appointed to negotiate for its purchase, the names of the gentlemen composing that committee being D. P. Stubbs, W. H. Jordan and S. Light, who purchased the property for $900, and in the spring of 1864, it was fenced and planted Avith trees. The Board decided to erect upon these lots a building, the cost of which should not exceed $20,000, and plans for the building were invited. At the annual meeting, held March 13, 1865, the action of the Board was ratified by the people. A contract was eventually made with Mr. McLean, for 200,000 brick at $6.60 per thousand, and a plan of the building prepared by Mr. Daniel Young, was adopted. It had been decided that the dimensions of the building should be 84 feet long by 50 feet in width, three stories high, with a basement 7 feet in height ; the walls to be 2 feet thick above the ground wall, which was to be 3 feet in thickness, with inside walls of 2 feet. The building, which is a structure of real magnificence, was completed in the year 1868, at a cost of about $18,000. George Craine was the contractor and builder. At an election held May 4, of the same year, the School Directors were authorized to issue bonds to the amount of $20,000. And be it said to the credit of the District of Fairfield, these bonds have at this date (1878) all been redeemed, and this fine building, dedicated to the cause of learning, left entirely free from debt. The following comprises the present corps of teachers : Rev. W. M. Sparr, Superintendent and Principal of High School; Ann S. Averill, Assistant. Teachers in Intermediate Department — Mrs. Jennie Bonar, Miss Anna Farmer, Miss Mattie Shaffer, Mrs. C. H. Fowler and Miss Grace Temple. Primary Department — Miss Phemia Ramsey, Miss Clara Musselman, Mrs. E. Hochuly,. Mrs. P. H. Brown and Mrs. J. H. Stever. parsons' college. Lewis B. Parsons, Sr., was the fourth son of Capt. Charles Parsons, an^ officer in the Revolutionary war. He was a merchant of most decided charac- ter, and, a Christian from his youth, he carried his religious convictions into his business. With him it was a Christian duty to work ; and, at the close of an active life, which terminated at Detroit, Mich., December 21, 1855, while visiting a son, he had acquired what was considered in those days a fortune. 474 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. Such sums as he could spare from his mercantile operations, he invested in wild Iowa lands. He was at all times impressed with the importance of education and Christianity as above all things needful in the development and progress of the new State. As indicative of the character of the founder of Parsons' College, we quote that portion of his will, to which the institution owes its present existence : Item 7. — Having long been convinced that the future welfare of our country, the perma- nency of its institutions, the progress of the divine religion and an enlightened Christianity greatly depended upon the diffusion of education and correct moral and religious influence, and having, during my life-time, used, to some small extent, the means given me by my Creator, in accordance with these convictions, and being desirous of still advancing objects so worthy as far as in my power lies, I do, therefore, after the foregoing bequests and the reasonable expenses of administration, give and bequeath the residue of my estate, together with my Natural History of New York and my small cabinet of minerals to my said executors and the survivors or survivor of them in trust, to be, by them, used and expended in forwarding and endowing an institution of learning in the State of Iowa, or to be expended — if it shall be deemed best by my said executors— in aiding and endowing an institution which may have been already established. And while I would not desire said insiitution to be strictly sectarian in its character, yet, believ- ing its best interests require it should be under the control of some religious denomination, I therefore direct that it shall be under the Trustees, Presbytery or Synod, connected with that branch of the Presbyterian Church distinguished as the New School, or Constitutional General Assembly of said Church, until such time (which, I trust, may speedily come) when a union of the two branches of said Church shall be honorably accomplished ; then to be made the care of said United Church. The adoption or location of the institution, with the general regulations and proper restric- tions to be connected therewith, I confide to the sound discretion of my executors, with the full assurance that, as they know my general views and statements, they will take pleasure, when my spirit shall have departed hence and my memory alone remains with them, in using their best endeavors to carry out my wishes and make most effectual and useful this bequest. The will was executed December 5, 1. W W Junkin wapelo Oo mar 19. Sur I take in hand to Direct afew lines to you. I say that you are a lyr you say that the use of alcoholic beveridge has Cost |1, 200,000,000 has burned or otherwise destroyed $5,000,000 of property has destroyed 300,000 lives sent 150,000 to our prisons and 100,000 to the poor house caused 1500 murders 2000 suisides and has Bequeathed to the Country 1,000,000 of 494 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. orphants Children I think that Mr Everett is like you a Ij^re a pick pocket a Drunkard and will do anything for money you have rote a grate deele in your last paper Concerning in temparance and what Mr. Everett has stated concerning the taxes the crimanels the porpers the orphants and those lyes that him nore you neither knew nothing about I just say that you are boath lyres and if I hadent subscribed for your paper I would see you in before I would patronise you ore your paper Your Dog that you had round barking for siners to your paper lyed to me he stated that thare would be all forren News & market of St Louis keokuk & bur- lington in it I con cider you and youre paper a poore Piece of litle pitaful humdugry fild up with nothing but fare field advertise ment and temperance lyes if I live till the year is out you may go to with youre paper. BLUE RIBBON MOVEMENT. The Blue Ribbon movement reached Fairfield at the beginning of the month of April, 1878, On the 8th of that month a club was organized and founded on the Blue Ribbon pledge, in these words : " With malice toward none and charity for all, I, the undersigned do pledge my word and honor, God helping me, to abstain from all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and that I will, by all honorable means, encourage others to abstain." Twenty-three hundred names are subscribed to the pledge in the city of Fairfield, and similar organizations exist in nearly every township in the county, and it was estimated, while these pages were being written, that five thousand persons in "■ Old Jefierson " had pledged themselves to lead practical temper- ance lives. Since the organization of the club, meetings have been held in Wells' Hall every Monday evening, and the interest awakened in April has been kept alive by lectures rendered by home and foreign speakers. At the first election of ofiicers, Rollin J. Wilson was chosen President; Miss Anna Kerr, Vice President ; Miss Clara Muselman, Secretary, and W. B. Murry, Treasurer. These persons held for the term of six months. At the second election, Rollin J. Wilson was re-elected President; Maj. W. M. Clark. Vice President ; Capt. W. T. Burgess, Secretary ; W. B. Murry, Treasurer. On the faithfulness of these officers, in a great degree, has depended the unparalleled success of this movement. Among those who have been most active and earnest in their efforts might be mentioned Hon. James F. Wilson, Capt. T. W. Burgess, Col. W. B. Culbertson, John Galvin, William Elliott, William Thompson, G. A. Rutherford, John De Galleford, W. W. McCrackin, Mrs. John Burnett, Mrs. Wm. Elliott, Miss Clara Musselman and Mrs. Woodward. Others are equally worthy of mention, but space forbids. The club has also established an excellent reading-room, which is a source of great pleasure and profit to the entire community. The movement depends alone on moral suasion. Harsh things are said of no one. It resorts to neither legal prosecutions nor social ostracism. Its appeals are not made to the passions and prejudices of men, but to their cooler, better judgment, which, when once reached, is the sure foundation upon which to build a permanent reformation. FAIRFIELD PEOPLE AND THE CHICAGO FIRE. When news of the great Chicago fire of October, 1871, reached Fairfield, the generous heart of the citizens responded to the wail of want in liberal acts of benevolent charity. Meetings were called and active measures were at once commenced and carried out, that resulted in sending several tons of provisions, etc., to the sufferers by that terrible visitation of disaster. The Ledger of Octo- ber 19, 1871, said : '' Earnest meetings were held in our city last week to raise means to assist in relieving the distress in Chicago. Liberal donations of money, provisions HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 495 and goods were made. Two car-loads of supplies were sent in charge of Gad McGaw." This is not the only instance of the generous and humane liberality of the people of Fairfield and vicinity that might be quoted, but it is enough to show the noble impulses of their great hearts. A deaf ear and closed hand have never been known among them when suffering humanity pleaded. BATAVIA. This village of five hundred people, is situated in the extreme southwestern part of Locust Grove, on the line of the Burlington & Missouri River Rail- road, and twelve miles west of Fairfield. EARLY HISTORY. Batavia was first called Creaseville, and was laid out on the 26th day of August, 1846, by David Switzer, County Surveyor, for William M. McKee, Henry Crease and Elijah O'Bannon, proprietors. The plat was recorded under date of September 26, 1846. Besides the proprietors, the first settlers were Henry Punnybecker, Joseph Crease and Benjamin Abbertson. The first cabin on the town site was erected by McKee and O'Bannon. This cabin was used for the double purpose of a dwelling and a store-room. Mr. McKee lived in the rear part of the structure, and goods were sold in the front part. The dwelling was divided from the store department by sheets or pieces of muslin suspended from the joists. William James served as clerk for McKee, who owned the stock in trade. The first building erected exclusively for store purposes was built by William Ham- brick. This building is thought to have been erected in 1860. The next one was built by Caspar Durr, who is now one of the leading merchants of the village. The first hotel was built on the old town site, about the year 1857, by William Freeman. It is now occupied as a dwelling by T. W. McDill. A blacksmith-shop was built and a forge opened by a man named DeWitt, in 1862. Previous to that time, the nearest blacksmith-shops were at Agency City, in Wapello County, and Libertyville, in Jefferson County. The first Justice of the Peace in the old place was John Sloan, whose "courts " were held in an old log hut, Avithout a window, and which was after- ward made to do service as a schoolhouse. The first deed acknoAvledged before Justice Sloan was for Freeman Wright, June 27, 1849, H. D. Gibson, as witness. Mr. Wright is still a resident of Batavia. Mr. Justice Sloan lias been "gathered to his fathers." William McKee was the first Postmaster, and held the office under appointment from President James K. Polk. The mail was deposited in a shot-box and an old shoe-box placed in convenient positions, for general delivery. The next incumbent of the post office was David Laughery, who was appointed under President Fillmore's administration. The present Post- master is Mr. Hiram Greenland, who was appointed by President Lincoln, in 1861. His daughter. Miss Maggie A. Greenland, is his deputy. The name was changed from Creaseville to Batavia, under special act approved January 19, 1853, in answer to a petition presented by William F. Hambrick, who secured the unanimous consent of the people of the town for that purpose. The first train of cars on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad passed Bata- via in February, 1854. 496 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. An addition, known as Whitwood's Addition, was made to the south side of the town, bounded by the line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad (B. & M. R.), embracing about forty acres, in the year 1859. Whitwood was the agent of a Boston company, who purchased eighty acres of the land lying south of the original town site, which was divided into equal parts by the rail- road. FIRST ELECTION. Batavia was incorporated as a town in the year 1868, and the first election was held March 13, of the same year. M. S. Frisbie was elected Mayor; Cas- par Durr, Recorder ; C. W. Chase, Treasurer. The following-named gentle- men were elected members of the first Council: V. S. Carson, H Chase and a Mr. Graham. At the first meeting of the Council, W. P. Webb was appoint- ed to serve in the double capacity of Marshal and Street Commissioner. He resigned, however, and John Brown was chosen to fill the vacancy. LAST ELECTION. At the last city election, March 10, 1878, J. B. Kent was elected Mayor. He resigned soon after the election, and, on the 14th of November, 1878, C. W. Nutting was chosen to the vacancy. The board of city officers is now as follows : Mayor, C. W. Nutting; Recorder, William R. T. Boggs; Treasurer, Cas- par Durr; Marshal, John Burnaugh; Street Commissioner, Adrian Baines; Assessor, W. S. Alexander. Councilmen — J. T. Stephens, Dr. H. W. Shaflfer, C. W. Chase, John Lapp and V. S. Carson. THE FIRST SCHOOL. In the center of a field, on the old town site, somewhere about the year 1849, stood a round-log cabin, which had formerly served some settler for a dwelling, but was now unoccupied. This primitive domicile was utilized by Elijah O'Bannon, who here opened the first school in Locust Grove Township. He taught a three-months subscription school, charging |2.50 per scholar, and is spoken of by those who attended his school as a good, kind-hearted man, and as an excellent teacher. Among the lads who composed the first school were William Jones, Henry Crease, Columbus Lafi'erty, Richard Jones, Jeff'erson Laflferty, and one or two others. The lasses were Virginia O'Bannon and her younger sister. These have long since grown to manhood and womanhood, and are verging into the " sear and yellow leaf." Speaking of this primitive school, one who attended states that the cabin contained no window, and that in order to let in a better supply of light and air, the taller boys would rise up and shove aside the loose clapboards on the roof, and protrude their heads through the aperture, opening their mouths for air like a fly-trap. The door was swung from wooden hinges, and whenever it was opened, creaked with a soul -harrowing howl that echoed for a quarter of a mile. PRESENT SCHOOL INTERESTS. The independent school district of Batavia was organized in the year 1862, but as the records of those times were very imperfectly kept and eventually lost, it is found impossible to obtain much accurate information about it. The original district was divided in 1866, and the portion now known as the Batavia District purchased the schoolhouse then in use, and moved it to its present site. It is a commodious building, capable of comfortably accommodating all the HISTORY' OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 497 pupils of the district. J. H. Hilton, W. H. Bartholomew, B. C. Sawyer, W. L. Alexander, Caspar Durr, C. W. Nutting and M. S. Frisbie compose the present School Board ; J. H. Hilton, President ; C. W. Nutting, Secretary. Three teachers are usually employed. At present, however, as a measure of economy, only two are engaged. RELIGIOUS INTERESTS. The Methodist Church was the first regular religious society organized in Batavia, the first meeting having been held in an old round-log schoolhouse which stood in a field now owned by Dr. Baldridge. The first sermon was preached by Rev. Joseph Herington, while the town was still called Creaseville. The first regular church structure was erected and dedicated in the year 1865, and cost about $1,200, The lot Avas donated to the society by the Burlington & Missouri E-ailroad Company, and the house was built with money raised by subscription. The first sermon in the new building was preached by Rev. James Wilson. A Sabbath school was organized soon after, and is still in a flourishing condition. Rev. Mr. Swanson is the present Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Presbyterian Society was organized in 1858. It worships in a very hand- some and commodious church edifice, which was erected at a cost of $1,300. The lot on which it is built is in McQuery's Addition, from whom it was purchased. The first sermon rendered in the new building was preached by Rev. Mr. Cald- well. The present Pastor is Rev. James Mcllroy. The congregation is in a prosperous condition, and maintains a good Sabbath school. BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist Church edifice was built about the year 1868, at which time the aifairs of the society began to take rank among the other religious societies of the village. Rev. James Wilson, a Free-Will Baptist, was the leading spirit, and by his energy and perseverance raised money sufficient to build the church, and was chosen as the first Pastor. He was an untiring solicitor and a good financier. From some cause, however, he did not succeed so well in winning popularity as a Pastor as he did in raising money to build the church, and finally gave up the pastorate. After Mr. Wilson retired from the pastor- ate, other ministers came occasionally to preach to the society, but at present the Church is without services. BIBLE CHRISTIANS. A society known and called Bible Christians was organized by Rev. Henry Phillips in 1855, who came here from Fairfield for that purpose. Among the original members of the society were George W. Troy, Gannon Bradshaw, Mrs. Sarah Jones, Elder Long, and others of the old settlers to the number of 100 persons. The services of this society, until about 1861, were attended by the whole people of the country roundabout ; but at the commencement of *the late civil war, there was such a diversity of opinion on war points that the society fell to pieces. In 1863, Rev. Mr. Fordice came and undertook to re-unite the inharmonious elements. He labored most earnestly to accomplish the purpose of his mission, but, at the end of one year, the seeds of discord, previously sown, took new root, or had grown so strong that he saw the fruit- lessness of the undertaking, and abandoned the field. 498 HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. INDEPENDENT ORDERS MASONIC. Killomy Lodge, No. 198, A., F. ^ A. M., was organized August 30, 1856, under dispensation granted to Joshua Wright by Grand Master Peck, of the Iowa Grand Lodge. Charter granted in June, 1867. Charter members — Joshua Wright, A. D. Griffin. Jacob Collins, J. J). Kirby, M. D. Baldridge, T. A. Robb, William Templeton, J. M. Rust, Andrew Smith, J. Wilson, John Stansbury, Henry M. Smith, William Pratt, R. B. Wright, George Allen, James M. McClelland, H. M. Henderson, J. S. Mount, M. S. Crawford, J. A. Willis and Thomas Shively. Present officers — W. W.Whittaker, Worshipful Master; E, A. Collins, Senior Warden ; E. T. Winsell, Junior Warden ; D. B. Clarke, Treasurer ; M. S. Frisbie, Secretary ; T. A. Robb, Senior Deacon ; H. Grover, Junior Deacon ; C. S. Hill, Senior Steward ; George Whitmore, Junior Steward ; W. H. Howell, Tiler. PERLEE. The village of Perlee is situated in Penn Township, on the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, six miles northeast of Fairfield. Prior to the completion of the railroad, the coal-mines known to exist for twenty years had been operated in a small way, and the product hauled in wagons to Washington. La Grange and Miller had done the principal business in that line. F. J. Demarsh had erected a saw-mill as early as 1860, and the first house built on the town site was a log-cabin erected by Israel Snook to accommodate the workmen at the mill. The -railroad was completed in 1870. The Jefferson County Coal Company was organized in that year, and the town laid out. The post office, established soon after, was named Perlee at the Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. Previous to this, the station had been known as Acheson, named by P. J. Demarsh in honor of George Acheson, Esq., of Fairfield. Perlee is now a thriving town of 500 inhabitants, with three dry goods stores, one grocery, one drug store, one saw-mill, which also grinds cornmeal ; a hotel, blacksmith and other shops, one church (Presbyterian), etc. The Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias each have a flourishing lodge. Mr. Demarsh, the principal merchant, opened his present store in 1872, and is doing a busi- ness of $12,000 per year. The town also supports a good school, with two teachers and an attendance of 130 scholars. The principal trade of the place is derived from the coal-mines. THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COAL COMPANY. This Company was organized June 3, 1870. Its mines are located at Perlee, where the Company owns 300 acres of fine coal lands, employs about sixty men, and mined, during the year ending November 1, 1878, 374,600 bushels of coal. The present officers of the Company are as follows : James F. Wilson, President ; R. H. Hufford, Vice President ; C. W. Slagle, Secretary ; George Acheson, Treasurer. WASHINGTON COAL COMPANY, organized January 25, 1876. Present officers : William Elliott, President ; D. W. Templeton, Vice President ; William A. Thompson, Secretary and Treasurer. Capital, $20,000. Mines located at Perlee, where it owns nearly HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. 499 two hundred acres, beside leases on additional tracts. Employs about seventy- five men. Product for the year ending November 1, 1878, 750,000 bushels, mostly consumed by the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad. LIBERTYVILLE. Liberty villc was originally known as " The Colony," but, in 1845, John Jewett conceived the idea of founding a village there, and John Pitzer was employed to survey and plat a town site. A. N. Bissell opened to sale the first stock of goods. The building in which he " kept store " is now used as a barn. John Jewett was the first Postmaster ; A. N. Bissell the second. The first church edifice was erected by the Methodists in 1846, at a cost of $500. Rev. Mr. Airington was the first Pastor. The congregation now num- bers about one hundred and fifty persons. The Presbyterian Church was organized by Rev. Mr. Bell in 1850. A temporary building was used until 1857, when a handsome brick edifice was erected. The town has three general stores, that keep a general stock of drugs, dry goods, groceries, etc. ; one lumber-yard, one grain-elevator, one hotel, one wagon and carriage shop, one harness-shop, two shoe-shops, one cabinet-shop, one blacksmith-shop, one beer-saloon, one meat-market and one barber-shop. The first school was taught about 1843, by John Young. John Garfer and William Clarridge were also among the first teachers. The first time the people observed America's national day by public dem- onstration was in the year 1842, when a barbecue was given and a general good time indulged in. Mrs. Cams and Mrs. Alden were mainly instrumental in getting up the affair. The address was delivered by C. T. Alden. Emmett Lodge, No. 39o, I. 0. 0. F., was organized September 15, 1874, with seven charter members. The first officers were Jacob Wagner, N. G. ; J. S. Wagner, Secretary ; A. J. Hague, Vice Grand. P5 W O O o D O h- 1 H Q w H <1 H P O o o CO Ph Ph O H O ^ J 10 10 r- t-H r-l -^ I lCMOO?COr^OOOOt-t-OOr-l Ot~t'C5t~'#t->lr-00500 •^ ^ C^ r-f O iC COI^t003C (MCOt-iCCCOOO — -- — !M r- ( " r-i (N O;OlrH00!Mr-CCi-t (M(N(Mt-t-COOC:t-'*«00t^ i-t ^- rH lO rH r^ i-H rH i-H ,^' p^ CO ; rH 00 00 r- t ■iCCC:OCO(Mt^ODO( ^(MC^CMOiOOCiOi-HOOO-^ (MtMOl-^iCT-iooOOt-t-OO^ I— rt ^ rl K> r-( •Ci(^Il-'^:1-lcocs'*rJ^| > O CO (M t* X O 00 ' ^: I-H r — < "O r-< I •* CM (M -M 00 CO t- »b^r- O 00 Tf ~ (Mc-ios-^toi— "ocoor^t— ooi-< »ci--tooo:i— 't-CMr-ooooo »Ct-05Ot'Oied), born 1849; Sarah A., born 1850; Eva C, born 1863 ; Anna E. married Mr. Graf- ton ; Manda J. is now Mrs. Warwick ; Martha, now Mrs. Searls; Sarah, now Mrs. Campbell. -Mr. M. has held va- rious offices of trust since his removal to Iowa ; was elected a member of the Legislature twice from this district. Moorman, Wm. T., far., Sec. 17. Morgan, Thomas, ex-County Judge. Moroney, J., laborer. MORRI]^, REV. P., Pastor of St. Mary's Church. Morris, C. C, jewelry. Morri.son, James A., colporteur. Morrison, Samuel M., lab. Mouck, J. M., agent. Mount, J. 0., attorney. Mount, Jedediab, nursery. Mulligan, John, far., S. 31. Murdock, K., lab. MrRRAY, W. B., clerk, Fairfield; born in Fayette Co., Va., Dec. 8, 1835 ; moved with parents to Jefferson Co., Iowa, in 1837, and, in 1856, commenced teaching; in 1861, went to Salt Lake; on his return, did teaming to Denver ; from there, worked his passage to Coun- cil Bluffs and on to Fairfield. Enlisted in Co. A, 4th Iowa Cav. ; went with the regiment to Batesville, Ark., and was mustered out on account of .sick- ness; in the fall of 1862, enlisted in the 37th Iowa Inf , but when examined was rejected ; in the spring of 1863, enlisted as recruit to the 14th Iowa Inf ; went with the regiment to Cairo ; was on de- tached service as Post Orderly under Gen. N. B. Buford ; in May, 1864, was promoted to Second Lieutenant in the 1st Iowa Colored Inf ; was detached and placed on Gon. N. B. Buford's staff ; was there till the spring of 1865 ; joined his company at Little Rock ; was sent to do Provost Marshal duty at Powhatan ; in October, the company was ordered to join their regiment at Duvall's Bluff ; mustered out and sent to Davenport in November, 1865. In 1866, he took a provision train to Den- ver for the Federal Union Mining Co. ; with them till 1867 ; then traveled through Minnesota ; was correspondent ofthei/o??ie Visitor in 1868; appoint- ed Inspector of Timber and Ties for the U. P. R. R. ; stationed at Wyoming Territory ; also correspondent of the Brighton Pioneer; in 1870, was Pur- chasing Ai>ent of the S. W. R. R., and had charge of the building of bridges in 1871-72 ; in the same business on the C. S. R. R., through Canada. Has collected quite a cabinet of geological specimens, fossils and minerals. Mar- ried Sept. 22, 1872, INLirtha Beaumont, of Canada. Members of the Baptist Church ; Republican. Murphy, Daniel, far., Sec. 16. Murphy, J. M., far., Sec. 4. Murphy, R., baker. Myers, John E., far.. Sec. 10. Myers, J. V., retired. MYERS, J. L., II. D., southwest corner public square, Fairfield ; born in Fluvanna Co., Va., March 20, 1814; moved to Burlington, Iowa, in 1837 ; to Fairfield in 1846. Married Sept. 27, 1831, Frances Bell, daughter of Rev. L. G. Bell ; his second wife was Mary Ramsey, to whom he was married April 5, 1855 ; third marriage, to Eliza Koons, Sept. 8, 1859; had seven children by his first wife — David G., William H., Charles F., Caroline, Ed. A., Margaret E. and George H. ; four by his third wife — J. L., Ella, Sher- man T. and Margaret. "ATTEIL, ROBERT, far.. Sec. 13. Neiswanger, Samuel, far., Sec. 16. Neiswarmer, A., retired. Nesselhouse, P., saddler. Nicholas, Charles, drayman. Noble, C. E., biliiard-hall. Noble, Samuel, retired. Nutting, S. H., retired. ,'BRIEN, THOMAS L., far., S. 20. O' Oliver, J. W., physician. "pARAMORE, D. B., laborer. 514 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: Patman, W. B., agent. Patton, R. H., farmer. Patrick, Harry, printer. Peterson, H., farmer. Petty, L., dealer in implements. Phelps, Gr. W., clerk at Leggett House. Phillips, J. A., agent. Pierce, B. D., capitalist. Poinsett, J. Gr., laborer. Polston, P., engineer. POTTER, A. C, PROF., whole- sale and retail dealer in pianos, organs, sheet music, violins and guitars, located in Workman's Block, north side of the square ; born in Wayne Co. N. Y. ; moved to Fairfield in 1869, where he is permanently located ; also gives lessons on the piano and organ and vocal cult- ure. Porter, J. A., traveling agent. Powell, Wm., laborer. Prather, Isaac, laborer. Pumphrey, W. F., farmer. Purcell, Gr. E., carpenter. ^ ,UINN, T., R. R. Section Boss. Q' QUIIiliEN, J. W., dry goods mer- chant and dealer in wool and woolen goods, east side of square, Fairfield ; born Oct. 28, 1840, in Harrison Co., Ohio ; moved with his mother to Van Buren Co., Iowa, in October, 1855, and lived in the family of Hon. Judge Meek for eleven years, working on his farm ; moved to Jefferson Co. in 1866, and, in 1867, re- turned to Van Buren Co.; in 1868, was admitted to the Iowa M. E. Conference, and was sent as colleague of Rev. 0. C. Sheiton, with whom he remained until January following; in 1868, was em- ployed by the Vernon Woolen Mill Co. to sell goods and do business for them ; continued with them until 1870, when he opened a store of his own in Fair- field ; in 1877, elected a member of the City Council. Married June 9, 1870, Martha J. Frush ; has four children — Elmer X., Charles W., Mary C. and Velda. Quinn, Thos., carriage manufacturer. AMEY, W. H. H., far., Sec. 19. E Randall, A., laborer, RATCLIFF, ROBERT F., law yer, Fairfield ; born in Williamsburg, Va., Feb. 9, 1825 ; two years afterward. moved with his parents to Harrison Co., Ohio ; in 1846, he traveled through Iowa and located in St. Charles, Mo., and taught school for a year ; returned to Ohio ; in the spring of 1849, removed to Van Buren Co., Iowa ; the next year, to Fairfield ; followed teaching till 1854, when he was elected Clerk of the Dis- trict Court, which office he held until 1861 ; had studied law, and, in 1851, was admitted to the bar, but did not engage in the practice until 1861 ; in that year he was elected Mayor of Fairfield. Married Martha H. Pike March 19, 1849; had five children- Wallace H., Virginia E., Fitz A., Bruce and Helen ; wife died July 13, 1862 ; second marriage Oct. 20, 1863, to Mar- garet A. Freeman, widow of Dr. B. Freeman. Ready, Patrick, laborer. READ, WM. M., miller and farmer, Sec. 3 ; owns 1 80 acres of land, valued at S50 per acre ; born near Dayton, Ohio, in 1821. Married Miss M. Bot- tom in 1845 ; came to Jefi"erson Co. in 1849 ; has eight children living — John, 31 years old ; Susan, 32 years old ; William, 27 years old ; Nicholas, 24 years old ; Lincoln and Jennie, twins, 18 years old; James, 13 years old ; and David, 8 years old. Mr. Read owns and operates a fine two-story brick grist-mill, with three runs of stone and a capacity of 300 bushels per day ; is doing a good business ; runs his mill by either steam or water; also has a fine brick dwelling-house ; all of his prop- erty has been accumulated by his own industry ; has held many public offices in the county and State ; was a member of the Senate for two terms, at Iowa City and Des Moines. Member of the Congregational Church ; Republican. Reed, Carson, Pres. minister. Reed, Charles, far.. Sec. 22. Reed, Charles, Jr., far., Sec. 23. Reed, Samuel, trader. Register, A. H., far., Sec. 4. Register, N. B., far., Sec. 2. Richardson, A., far. Richardson, J. S., clothing. RICHARDSON, W3I., far , Sec. 34 ; born in Pennsylvania in 1850 ; came to Iowa in 1852. Married in 1874; has one child — Minnie, aged FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. 515 I 3 years ; Mr. K., for a number of years past, has been farming and working in coal, but in the spring of 1879, expects to go into the clothing business in Fair- field. RICKETTS, A. C, dealer in gro- ceries and provisions, on First West Street, north of square, Fairfield ; born in Coshocton, Ohio, July 2, 18-44 ; came to Fairfield in 1866, and after a few months returned to Ohio ; in 1869, removed to Des Moines and engaged in the wholesale grocery trade ; six months after, removed his stock to Fairfield ; in 1872, sold out and returned to Ohio; in 1874, moved to Denver, Colo.; in 1877, returned to Fairfield, where he has since been engaged in business. Enhsted Dec. 12, 1861, in Co. H, 80th Ohio V. I. ; mustered out Jan. 29, 1865 ; took part in all the bat- tles in which his regiment was engaged, and holds a flattering certificate of good conduct as a soldier from his Colonel. Married Mary Alter Dec. 25, 1866, and has one child — Davie A. Is a decided Republican. Rider, H., farmer, Sec. 3. RIDER, DAXIEL., farmer, bee- raiser and dealer in fancy stock, Sec. 3 ; native of Fayette Co., Penn. ; resident of Jefferson Co. for thirty-two years ; owns 156 acres, valued at $40 per acre ; is one of the prominent men of the county ; was appointed Postmaster of his native town at the personal solicita- tion of Gen. Jackson ; elected to the House of Representatives for three con- secutive terms. Married in 1830 Miss A. McCall, of Washington Co., Penn. ; has seven children — Mary J., born in 1832; George L., born in 1833; Anna M., born in 1835 ; Thomas M., born in 1838 ; Emaline, born in 1841 ; Henry, born in 1850; William T., born in 1854. Mr. R. was appointed Marshal of Washington Co., Penn., for several years, and has held other ofiices of trust. Democrat. Rider, T. M., far., S. 3. Rigby, M., saloon. Ricksher, J., butter and egg dealer. Risk, C. C, merchant. Ristine, B. E., painter. Ristine, S. B., laborer. Ristine, H., laborer. RISTIXE, HIRAM, retired, Fair- field ; owns two houses and lots, valued at $1,600 ; born in Brown Co., Ohio, in 1806. Married in 1828 Miss Margrett mett, of Ohio ; has seven children — Samuel R., born in 1829 ; William W., born in 1832 ; Margaret J., born in 1835; De Witt C, born in 1837; Bartlett E., born in 1839; Jno. W., born in 1843 ; Joseph M., born in 1850. Is now living quietly on his farm near Fairfield. Roberts, A. D., farmer, Sec. 11. RORERTN, JEANETTE, MRS., vpas born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1837. Married, in 1857, Mr. J. P. Roberts, now deceased; has no children ; Mr. R. was for three years in the livery business in Fairfield, Iowa, and for some time a farmer and dealer in fancy stock ; Mrs. R. is a member of the Congregalional Church. Owns 120 acres of land, valued at $55 per acre. Robinson, Dennis, laborer. Robinson, George W., farmer. Sec. 29. Robinson, Martin, laborer. Robinson, McKinney, school-teacher. Rock, H. C, clerk. Rodgers, T. C, grocer. Rogers, J. W., carpenter. Rogers, John, farmer. Sec. 12. Rogers, Samuel, farmer. Sec. 1. RosSj John, farmer. Sec. 3. Ross, John W., farmer, Sec. 10. Roth, J. E., merchant. Roth, Joseph, farmer, Sec. 12. Roth, M. W., merchant. Rountree, H. C, insurance agent. Rowland, W. B., horse dealer. Rumer, Isaac painter. Rus.sell, C. F.', clerk. RUSSELL, THOMAS, far. and coal miner, Fairfield ; owns 54 acres, val- ued at $35 per acre ; born in Scotland in 1829 ; came to Iowa in 1845. Married, in 1859, Miss Mary Connors, a native of Ireland ; have two children — Lizzie, aged 17 ; Charles, aged 8 ; Mr. Russell, by frugality and industry, has accumu- lated considerable property, including a neat dwelling-house, built at a cost of $1,500 ; has worked at the coal busi- ness for over 25 years. Member of the Congregational Church ; Republi- 516 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY Rutherford, G. A. and H. A., Justices of the Peace. O ACKETT, J. and S., farmers, Sec 22. Sappenfield, farmer. Sargeant, I. L., farmer, Sec. 8. Schaefer, John, wagon-maker. Scott, Aaron, blacksmith. Scott, Asa S., shoemaker. Scott, A. B., farmer, Sec. 1. Scott, Malchi. blacksmith. SCRAXTOM, A. €}., Fair- field; station agent 0., B. & Q. E.. R., which position he has held since 18G7 ; born Oct. 6, 1828, in Rochester, N. Y. Married, in 1870, Mrs. Helen J. Sibley ; has two chil- dren — Edwin and Hiram S. Scally, Patrick, farmer, Sec. 17. Seamon, Henry, butcher. Searles, George, laborer. Sens, David, retired. Shatter, C. S., clerk. SHAFFER, JOH9f R., Secretary of the Iowa Agricultural Society ; oiEce in Shaffer Building, Fairfield ; born Aug. 30, 1885, in' Zanesville, Ohio; moved to Fairfield March 20, 1856; was Assistant Secretary for a number of years, and, in 1874, elected to the office he now holds. Married, May 20, 1862, Mary Thompson, daughter of Col. James Thompson ; they have four children — William E., Clara A., Gene- vieve and James R. SH AMP, JESSE, farmer and weav- er. Sec. 35 ; owns 26 acres of land, val- ued at $80 per acre ; born in Lycoming Co., Penn., in 1804. Married in l826, Prudence Templeton ; married the sec- ond time, Mary J. Husted, of Fairfield, Iowa ; has twenty-two children — Thos. B., Hiram S., C. T., Harriet J., Hen- ry H., Mary R., Francis M., Margaret E., Amos R., Emeline S., Reason S., Chas. W., Anna P., Wm. W., Harry E., Dora B., Byron T., Benton C. and Sallie A. ; three children unnamed. Mr. Shamp has held various offices of trust in the township, and at present is doing a good business weaving carpets. Democrat. Shanstrom, J. P., far., Sec. 20. Sharp, Isaac, far., Sec. 4. Shearer, Fred, far.. Sec. 14. Sheldon, S. 0., far., Sec. 23. SHERIDAN, JOHN, dealer in groceries, near depot of C.,B. &Q. 31. R. Fairfield; born March 4, 1842, in Ash- land Co., Ohio; moved to Washington Co., Iowa, in 1875, and the same year to Fairfield. Enlisted in Co. G, 98th 111. y. I. in June, 1862, and soon after the battle of Chickamauga was promoted and cominissinned First Lieutenant ; par- ticipated in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged ; mustered out at the close of the war. Married Dec. 25, 1866, H. L. Christy; have four chil- dren — Dellie B., Lee C. Guy R. and Hugh S. Sheward, J. T., merchant. Sheward, Thomas H., furniture dealer. Shirk, John, far., S. 11. Shirk, M.M., far., S. 12. Shriner, George, retired. Shriner, G. W., lab. Shriner, Marquis, butcher. Sliultz, George, carpenter. Sickles, E., clothier. Simison, William, clerk. Simpson, J. B., pattern-maker. Sinclair. J. W., far., S. 5. Sinclair, W. G., far., S. 5. Smith, J. N., stock dealer. Smith, P. E.. painter. Smith, W. L., lab. Snook, H. A., lab. Smock, J. Q., lab. Snook, Justin, grocer. Snyder, J. D., lab. Sparr, W. H., Principal of public school. Spencer, B. E., restaurant. Spencer, Fayette, restaurant. SPIEEMAN, JOHN A., dealer in hardware and stoves, Fairfield ; born in Columbus Co., Ohio, July 10, 1834; came to Jefferson Co. in 1840, and, in 1863, commenced business in Fairfield. In 1866, was elected a member of the City Council ; continued in office until 1871. Married Christina Hirschberger in April, 1860 ; has six children — Henry A., John G., Carrie E., Frederic A., Mary E. and Bella. Slagle, J. M., farmer. SIvAOI^E & ACHESON consti- tuted their law firm and opened their office in Fairfield in the spring of 1843; they have continued their association without interruption until the present time ; recently taken into the firm Joseph FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. 51T R. McCrackiu, Esq., as a junior partner. Messrs. Slagle & Achcson are natives of Washington, Penn., where they studied law ; caiue West together, commenced their professional career together, and according to their opportunity have have been identified with the develop- ment of the county and State of their adoption. Stakes, George W., shoemaker. Starkey, Willis, lab. Starks, Henry, lab. Stawbus, Henry, far., S. 29. >Stead, J. P., mei'chant. ''Steele, N., Dr., physician. Stephenson, Daniel, far., S. 21. Stephenson, J. L., far., S. 4. STEPHENSON, ROBERT, County Recorder ; born Sept. 8, 1831, iu England ; moved to America in 1838, with his parents, and to Jefferson Co., in 1842 ; pursued the business of farm- ing till October, 1861. Then enlisted in Co. M, 4th Iowa Cav. ; promoted to Corporal; served eighteen months ; dis- charged on account of disability which resulted ,in the loss of his right leg. Was elected Justice of the Peace in 18GG ; served two terms ; was appointed Postmaster under the administration of (ren. Grant in February, 1874 ; resigned in September, 1878 ; in October, was elected County Recorder. Married May 15, 1856, Elizabeth Hopkirk ; have four children living — Robert B., James R., John W. and Flora B. Repub- lican ; members of the Presbyterian Church. Stever, Georgt;, merchant. STE VERS, ELIZABETH, far , Sec. Id; owns 2z0 acres land, valued at $60 ; born in Newark, N. J., in 1803 ; maiden name Park. Married Mr. Stevers in 1828; had eleven children, ten living — Catherine (now Mrs. DeLong), aged 50; Margaret, deceased; Solomon F., aged 48; George, aged 46; Rachel (now Mrs. Black), aged 44; Annie (now Mrs. Glasgow), aged 42; John, aged 41 ; Almira (now Mrs. Axline), aged 39 ; P]lizabeth, aged 37 ; Jennie L., aged 34; David H., aged 32; resi- dent of the county since 1844. Member of the Lutheran Church. Stewart, G. W., firmer, Sec. 6. Stewart, William, laborer. Stiles, William, farmer. Sec. 29. Stonor, Henry, retired. Stoner, Ralph J., farmer, Sec. 22. Strons:, AVillis, laborer. STIIBBS, D. p., Fairfield,was born in the extreme southern part of Preble Co., Obio, July 7,. 1829; his father and mother, William and Delilah, were born in Georgia the latter part of the last century; all of his grandparents are na- tives of the same State ; they emigrated to Ohio in 1805, making the long and tedious journey over the mountains with teams ; they left their native State on account of their opposition to slavery, and selected a home in the Northwest Terri- tory ,where slavery and involuntary servi- tude, except for the punishment of crime, were prohibited; his maternal grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier; was at the surrender of Cornwallis. D. P. Stubbs was raised upon a farm, and labored hard as a tiller of the soil till after he had attained his majority; had only the advantages of the common school, with the exception of the select school under the control of the Society of Friends, of which his parents and himself were members; it was situated three miles from his residence ; in the winter he often went on foot, but seldom attended an entire session, on account of work to be performed on the farm ; up to the time of his majority he had no advantages in the direction of his inclination ; he had never witnessed a court in session, or heard the trial of a legal case ; after farming one year on his own responsi- bility, he went to the Union Co., Ind., Seminary for five months ; then com- menced, teaching, but soon became one of the ju'incipals of the Seminary ; he formed the idea of becoming a lawyer long before he left the farm, and worked at 50 cents per day in a saw-mill to procure the means to purchase Black- stone's Commentaries, which he now has in his library ; he read law for sev- eral years, at such spare times as could be devoted to it, before he took a coui'se of regular reading. In the fall of 1855, he married, and with very little means of his own, but assisted by some earnest friends, not related to him, he entered the Law College of the Indiana. 518 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : University, at Greencastle ; in 1856, graduated, and received his diploma as Bachelor of Laws ; he looked at the parchment, and said, " This, of itself, is of no use to me ; it can never win a case, or give me notoriety as a lawyer ; it will require something more than a sheepskin, with President and Profess- ors' names, to make me succeed ;" so he threw it among the rubbish, and it was ten years before it was hunted up and framed. After graduating, he be- came editor of the Liberty Herald, which supported the Republican cause in the campaign of 185G. In 1857, came West, and settled in Fairfield, Iowa, and formed a partnership with the Hon. J. F. Wilson in the law prac- tice ; his time, from this on, was con- stantly employed in his profession with a successful run of business, while his partner was engaging in politics, Mr. Stubbs prosecuted the business of the office, and had all that he could do ; was elected Mayor of Fairfield twice, in 1859 and 1860; in 1863, elected to the State Senate ; served four years ; the last session. President pro tern, of the Senate ; was on leading committees, and a very active and hard-working member ; his law practice now, is not that of a general practitioner, taking only such cases as he desires, having gained sufficient reputation to give him the choice of cases ; he makes criminal and chancery cases his specialty ; he has been engaged in the most important criminal cases in this portion of the State ; has, at the time of this writing, three important murder cases on hand ; he made his force as a lawyer felt in the most perceptible manner in defense of the noted desperado Rand at Galesburg last winter (1878); every prejudice of the whole community was aroused against both client and attorney, but in a five-hours speech, to the astonishment of all, the wretch was not sentenced to death; in 1877, Mr. Stubbs, without being consulted, was unanimously nom- inated by the Independent Greenback party as a candidate for Governor; he accepted the nomination, made an ex- tended canvass, and carried 35,000 votes, to the astonishment of both the old parties; in the fall of 1878, he made an extended campaign in Iowa and Illi- nois for the same party. He married Carrie Hollingsworth in 1855 ; they have four children — Orsmo D., Charles E., Cora M. and Minnie. Orsino, though only a little past majority, has been for two years keeping books and acting as paymaster for the contractor on the C, B. & Q. R. R., a very re- sponsible position, and one requiring much energy and business tact. Stump, B. H., farmer. Sullivan, James, grocer. SrXTON, J.^C, DR., physician and surgeon ; office on the south side of the public square, over the drug store of Jones Bros., Fairfield ; born at Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111., Oct. 16, 1855 ; attended the common schools and Illinois College at Jacksonville; in the fall of 1875, entered the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati; remained there one session, then entered the medical department of the University of the City of New York ; remained two winters, and grad- uated with the Class of '77-78 ; came to Fairfield in July, 1878, where he is permanently located for the practice of medicine and surgery. Swayne, J. D., blacksmith. TEMPLE, G. D., Cashier First Nation- al Bank. Templeton, D. W., grain dealer. Tomy, C. D., blacksmith. Thoma, J. C, clerk. Thomas, J. R., wool merchant. Thomas, V. M., milk peddler. Thompson, James, mail contractor. Thompson, Wm. E., agr. machinery. THRASH, SAMUEL, far.. Sec. 29 ; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born in Montgomery Co., Va.; a pioneer of Iowa ; came to Jef- ferson Co. in 1836, making it his per- manent home in 1837. Mari'ied Miss Mary Jaae Thornton in 1839 ; had ten children, four living — John T., born in 1849; Sarah K., born in 1843 ; Eliza, born in 1848 ; and Douglass, born in 1861; the deceased as follows — Wm. F., born in 1845 ; Harriett, born in 1846; Jackson, born in 1844; Gus., born in 1853; Martha, born in 1854; and Maria, born in 1856. Mr. Thrash tells many exciting anecdotes of his early life in Iowa at a time when Indians FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. 519 swarmed the country ; is now pleasantly situated on one of the best farms in the county, with good improvements. Has held various offices in the township. Re- publican. Freemason. Tilson, T. S., livery. Titus, T. W., laborer. Trent, Alex., laborer. Turner, A., agent. TWEED, R. M., of the firm of J. M. Gobble & Co., wholesale grocers, doing business at 415 North First street, Fairfield; born May 6, 1S52, in Fair- field, Iowa ; moved, with his parents, to Northumberland Co., Penn., 1855 ; in 1859, returned to Fairfield ; commenced business as clerk for Craine & Slagle ; in 1871, commenced for himself by open- ing the first exclusive dry goods store in Fairfield ; in the spring of 1878, dis- posed of his stock, and bought half in- terest in the grocery business with J. M. Gobble, a house that had been estab- lished for twenty years, and now con- ducted as an exclusive wholesale and jobbing business. Republican. NKRICH, G. A., grocer. U' Unkrich, Henry, far.. Sec. 27. ^TANDORiN, R., carpenter. Vannostrand, Peter, far., Sec. 12. Voorhees, J. H., merchant. Vote, Gus, furniture dealer. Vote Henry, furniture dealer. VOTE, JACOB, furniture manufact- urer, and one of the firm of J. Vote & Co., Fairfield; born June 2, 1835, in Pennsylvania ; moved to Fairfield May, 1857 ; was elected a 'member of the City Council April, 1875, and re-elected in 1877. Married October 1862, Maggie E. Henderson ; have seven children — Lena, George, Maggie, Carl, Harry, Ber- nice and Grace. ALKER, J. R., laborer. W Walmer, Daniel, far., Sec. 12. Walsh, Stephen, far.. Sec. 32. Ware, J. C, physician. Waters, Robert, laborer. Waters, T. S., laborer. Webster, William, gardener. Welday, James, laborer. Wells, A. T., Librarian City Library. Wells, George A., banker. Wells, George G., City Assessor. Wells, Thomas, retired. WEL.LS, WILLIAM R., CAPT., retired, Fairfield ; born Jan. 30, 1812, at Marblehead, Essex Co., Mass.; in 1818, made his first voyage at sea ; in 1832, was promoted, and, in 1837, took command of the packet Round Out, and followed the sea as commander, up to 18-46, and then su- perintended ship-building, at Marietta, Ohio ; the first ship he built was the Muskingum, which he took with a full cargo to Europe, in forty-seven days' running time ; landed her in Victory Dock, Liverpool, and in 1849, retired from that business; in 1850, moved to Fairfield, and commenced merchandis- ing ; in December, 1862, sold out his business and entered the U. S. service, as Acting Master in the Mississippi Squadron, under Admiral Porter ; after the fall of Vicksburg, he was promoted and commissioned Lieutenant ; served till the close of the war; received his final discharge and thanks of the De- partment, for his services. Married, Jan. 2, 1843. Emily D. Jordan, daugh- ter of Capt. Clement Jordan. West. Floyd, far., Sec. 3. WEST, H. N., of the law firm of McCoid & West, Fairfield ; born in Washington Co., Penn., Dec. 24, 1847 ; moved with his parents to Greene Co., Penn., in 1862. At the age of 17, be- gan teaching, and, the following year, attended Southwestern College ; until 1867, while not at school, continued teaching ; in the spring of that year, entered Waynesburg College, Penn., and I'emaincd until the fall of 1869, when he moved to Fairfield ; in 1870, had charge of the public schools at Brighton, Iowa, and, in 1871, was Su- perintendent of Public Schools in Fair- field ; the next year, was Principal of Ottumwa High School, and the two years following, Superintendent of Pub- lic School? at Chariton. In 1876, en- tered the law ofiice of D. P. Stubbs, Esq., Fairfield, and the next year was admitted to the bar, and, soon after, the present partnership was formed. Mar- ried, Sept. 1, 1874, Nettie F. Eaton; have one child — William W. Mr. West is indebted solely to his own exer- 520 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: dons for his education, and the promi- nent position he holds in the profession. WEST, S. K., County Treasurer, Fairfield ; born March 7, 1843, in Wash- ington Co., Penn. Enlisted in Co. F, -2d Penn. V. C. in July, 1861 ; was engaged in all the battles and marches in which his regiment participated ; mustered out at the close of the war, April, 1865. In April, 1868, moved to Fairfield ; was elected to the office he now holds in 1877. Married Ada Bryant Jan. 25, 1872 ; they have three children — Beulah B., Edna E., and Edith M. Mr. West is a Democrat. Wesf^all, Thos., laborer. Westling, Peter, wood-sawyer. Wilder, H. H., laborer. Wilkins, Jas. E.,far., Sec. 22. WIIiKI^NS, li. li., of the firm of Wilkins & Tilson, livery, feed and sale stables, on First West Street, Fairfield ; born Jan. 22, 1832, in Sussex Co., Del. ; moved to Fairfield in 1855 ; in 1860, went to Colorado, and returned in 1868. Married S. D. Mitchell, daughter of Henry Mitchell, Esq., April 14, 1870 ; have three children — F. A., C. L. and L. A. Wilkinson, Geo., vet. surgeon. Wilkinson, Reed, retired. Williams, G. W., artist. Williamson, John, far., Sec. 15. Williams, L. A., barber. Willis, H. S., butcher. Wilson, Andrew, far., S. 17. WILSON & UlITHERFORD; this is a young and enterprising law firm which commenced the practice of law in Fairfield Jan. 15, 1878; the senior member, Ptollin J. Wilson, is the eldest son of Hon. James F. Wilson; he was born in Fairfield, Iowa, Oct. 18, 1853 ; is a graduate of the collegiate department of the Iowa State Univer- sity, completing his course in 1875 ; studied law with his father and was ad- mitted to the bar in Fairfield Jan. 8, 1878. The junior member, G. A. Ruth- erford, was born in Clay Co., 111., Jan. 26, 1854; attended McKendree Col- lege, at Lebanon, 111. ; came to Fairfield in the summer of 1875; in the falT of 1876, was elected Justice of the Peace for Fairfield Tp. ; while serving as such, completed his course of legal reading and was admitted to the bar Jan. 10^ 1878. WILSON, DAVID B., dealer in hats, caps and furnishing goods in the Wilson Block, adjoining post office, Fair- field ; born March 16, 1838, in Newark, Licking Co., Ohio|; moved to Fairfield in 1855 ; clerked in a store a short time ; began the study of law in the office of his brother, Hon. J. F. Wilson ; ad- mitted to practice in the spring of 1861. Enlisted as a private in Co. E, 2d Iowa Inf. ; participated in all the battles of his regiment ; was mustered out at the end of three years as First Lieutenant. In 1864, was appointed by President Lincoln as U. S. Pension Agent, which office he held until 1877^^ Married in February, 1864, Jessie (ffFetter ; has one child ; his wife died Feb. 27, 1875. Wilson, J. E., agent. WILSON, JAMES F., President of the First National Bank, Fairfield ; born Oct. 19, 1828, in Newark, Licking Co., Ohio; came to Iowa in 1853, and settled in Fairfield ; elected a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1856; in 1858 and 1859, represented Jefferson Co. in the House, and in the fall of 1859, was elected member of the State Senate; in 1861, elected to the Thirty-seventh Congress from the First District of Iowa, and was a member of the Judiciary Committee ; re-elected to the Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses, and during the three sessions served as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee; appointed a Manager on the part of the House of Representatives in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. Married on the 25th of November, 1852, Mary A. K. Jewett, of Licking Co., Ohio ; has three chil- dren — Rollin J., Mary B. and James F., Jr. Wilson, J., far., S. 20. Wilson, W. G., tailor. Winquest, H., tailor. WISECARVER, ISAAC, rail- road engineer ; living with his father, Sam. Wisecarver, Fairfield ; has been an engineer on the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy for eight years ; left railroading last spring, and is now deal- ing in stock; intends returning to the FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. 521 Toad. Mr. W. was one of the most trusted, reliable and experienced men on the road ; worked his way up from the lowest position ; in the strike of the C, B. & Q. employes in 1877, he did more than perhaps any other man on the line in persuading the strikers to return to work ; at their last meeting at Creston, Iowa, he made a speech to over six hun- dred strikers, putting before them in such strong colors the folly of their course, the misery and suffering which it would eventually cause them, that before leaving tlie hall a resolution was passed to notify the officers of their readiness lo return to work immediately. WISECARVEK, SAMrEJL, farmer, Sec. 5 ; owns 620 acres of land, valued at fS5 per acre ; born in Greene Co., Penn. Married Miss Mary A. Wilson in 184-±; has nine children — Lydia, born in 1845; William H., born in 1847 ; John E., born in 1853; Isaac T., born in 1855 ; Rachel E., born in 1857; Maria, born in 1860; Clarence, born in 1862 ; John E., born in 1864; L. Hersy. born in 1866. Has lived in Jefferson Co. fourteen years; held various offices of trust from the county and township. Member of the Baptist Church. Wodds, B. F., teamster. WOODS, M.E., MRS.; born Sept. 28, 1814, at Milton, Chittenden Co., Vt. ; moved to New York State with her sis- ter, in 1828, and, in 1830, came to McHenry Co., 111., from whence she removed in 1839 to Fairfield. When the war broke out, Mrs. Woods took an active part, and devoted her whole time and energy to the benefit and relief of the Jefferson Co. soldiers, visiting the field and hospital, and doing all in her power to relieve the sick and wounded. She still resides in Fairfield. Member of the Conorregational Church. WOODS, P. N., iri. D., physician and Burgeon ; office on the east side of the public square, Fairfield ; born in Greenville, Stark Co., Ohio, Sept. 8, 1829; in the year 1837, moved with his parents to a farm in the north part of Richland Co., Ohio, assi.sting with the work on the farm, and receiving the education which common schools afford- ed until 1848, when he became a stu- dent of Vermilion Institute, at Hayes- ville, Ashland Co., Ohio, remained two years, except four months of the time, which he spent in teaching a common school; in 1850, entered the Ohio Wea- leyan University, Delaware, Ohio, re- maining one year ; then commenced the study of medicine in the office of Dr. 0. J. Ratsol, at Rome, Richland Co., Ohio ; attended two courses of lect- ures in Cincinnati ; graduated in 1854 ; practiced medicine in the office of his preceptor until 1856. when he removed to Fairfield, and continued in the duties of his pro- fession. July 18, 1862, received a recruiting commission and assisted in raising the 300,000 soldiers called for by the war department at that time ; Aug. 16, 1862, was appointed Ex- amining Surgeon for Jefferson Co. ; commissioned Surgeon of the 39th Iowa V. I.; Sept. 5, 1862, went into camp with his regiment at Davenport, Iowa ; moved south in December ; was in the battles of Jackson and Parker's Cross- Roads, Tenn. ; spent the remainder of the winter at Corinth, Miss. ; in the spring of 1863, was in a series of battles near Tuscumbia, Bear Creek and Town Creek, Tenn.; in the winter of 1864, was appointed Surgeon-in-Chief of his division, on the staff of Gen. Sweeny, with headquarters at Pulaski, Tenn.; in the numerous battles occurring on the march toward Atlanta, Ga., had special supervision on the field of the wounded of the 4th Division of the 15th Army Corps ; was made Surgeon of the Divis- ion Hospital in July, 1864 ; had the care of the wounded after the battle of Altoona ; remained in charge of the hos- pital on Sherman's march to the sea ; at Savannah, Ga., the hospital was made a branch of the general hospital, and he was relieved at his own request to join his regiment, but was ordered to Beau- fort, S. C, and appointed Surgeon-in- Chief of Sherman's Provisional Division, composed of nearly ten thousand men and about forty surgeons and assistant surgeons, in which position he remained until the division was disbanded at Raleigh, N. C, in March, 1865. After marching with his command to Washing- ton City, and taking part in the grand 522 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ; review, went to Clinton, Iowa, and was mustered out with his regiment, June 5, 1865; returned home, and has con- tinued in the practice of his profession since. Married Miss Mary L. Wolft, a resident of Richmond County, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1855 ; have two children — Harry E. and George C, both living at home. Workman, G. W., dealer in hides. Wray, J. P., farmer. YEARICK, A. S., boot and shoe mer- chant. Young, Daniel, merchant. Young, Jesse, laborer. Young, John, far.. Sec. 16. Young, R. A., carpenter. f7IGLER, SAMUEL, far.. Sec. 15. Zimmerman, John, tinner. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. ALLBRIGHT, GEO., far., Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Allbright, Jacob C, far., Sec. 34; P. 0. Libertyville. Allbright, J. C, Jr., far.. Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Allbright, S. P., shoemaker, Libertyville. ARMSTRONG, JAMES, Super- intendent of the Poor-Farm, Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; born in Adams Co., Penn., in 1809 ; came to Iowa in 1862. Married in 1832 to Miss Maria Tate ; has six children living — Rebecca, Debo- rah, Maria, Maude, Robert and Edwin. Took charge of the County Farm in 1869, for four years ; again took charge of it two years after and has remained there since; much may be said in favor of Mr. and Mrs. A.'s management of the farm and house ; it is a model of neat- ness and good order, and the inmates, twenty-five at present, well cared for. Republican. BALDWIN, L. J., far.. Sec. 34; P. 0. Libertyville. BAI.D11XG, WM., far., S.4; P.O. Libertyville ; owns 312 acres of land, val- ued at $40 per acre ; a native of Virginia, born in 1812; came to Iowa in 1851. Married Miss Lydia Mitchem, of Ohio, in 1820; has four children living— George I., born in 1841; Mary J., born in 1848; C, borninl851; Wm. H., born in 1858; Mr. B. married, the second time, Mrs. Mary Donahey, in 1860, of Fairfield, Iowa, a native of New Jersey. Mr. B. has a finely-improved farm, with good build- ings ; has the finest orchard in the town- ship, one apple-tree which measures six feet in circumference. Baldwin, S., far., Sec. 34; P. 0. Birming- ham. Barker, D., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Bishop, J., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Blair, J. V., retired, Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Bonnett, Wm. L., far.. Sec. 10; P. 0. Libertyville. Brown, John W., retired, Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Buchanan, Wm., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Byers, J., far., S. 18 ; P. 0. Libertyville. CARTER, JOHN G., far.. Sec. 30; P. 0. Libertyville. CAHPBELIi, JOHN P., farmer, Sec. 25; P. 0. Fairfield; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre ; born in Fayette Co., Penn., in 1833 ; came to Iowa in 1855. Married Miss Naomi Jordan in 1867. Enlisted in 1863, in Co. C, 8th Iowa V. C; was in many severe engagements ; mustered out at Clinton, Iowa, in 1865 ; was in Sherman's campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta. Mr. C. cast his first vote for Lincoln, in 1864, in the army, where an old Dutch oven was used for a ballot box. Republican. CARTER, DANIEL W., farmer. Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; born in Jefi'erson Co. in 1846. Married Miss Jennie Pollock in 1868 ; has two children — Charles, aged 9, and Reuna v., aged 2. Mr. Carter has held various ofiices of trust. School Director, Road Supervisor, etc. ; is raising a large quantity of stock ; has a fine residence and farm. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 52a Carter, T. W., far., Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Carter, W. A., far., Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Lib- ertvville. CL.ARK, J. _!>., farmer. Sec. 29; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 213 acres, valued at $35 per acre; born in Bel- mont Co., Ohio, in 1824. Married in 1848 Miss Emeline Parsons ; have seven children — Joseph V., born in 1849 ; Samuel G., born in 1855 ; Mary R., born in 1857 ; Sarah A., born in 1862 ; Nora Jane, born in 1864; Tama M., born in 1867, and Mandora, born in 1870. Mr. Clark, for the past twenty -five years, has worked at the undertaker's business here, and in Van Buren Co.; also at one time kept a wagon-shop ; has a beautiful home, ac- quired by his own exertions, and is taking life easy ; held various ofiices of trust in the township ; is Treasurer of his School District. Republican. Is dealing extensively in stock. Clark, J. v., far., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Clark, S. G., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Clarridge, W., minister, S. 7 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. CJLARRIDC^E, MACE, farmer, Sec. 8; P. 0. Fairfield; owns 213 acres of land, valued at S40 per acre ; born in Fayette Co., Ohio, in 1817. Married in 1842 Miss Massie Parker ; married, the second time. Miss L. J. Slimmers ; has ten children — Nathan P., born in 1843 ; Edmond J., born in 1844 ; Martha, born in 1846 ; William J., born in 1851 ; Susanna E., born in 1858; Frankie, born in 1860; Ada May, born in 1863; Nelson J., born in 1865 ; Nanny A., born in 1868, and Lauretta R.,' born in 1870. Mr. C. came to this county in 1845, and since, by good management and industry, has acquired a beautiful home and a well- improved farm ; has held various ofiices of trust from the township — as School Director, Trustee, etc. Republican. Clarridge, N., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Comingore, L., carpenter, Libertyville. Cornell, G. W., flir.. Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. CORNELL., WASHINOTOX, farmer. Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Fairfield; owns 240 acres, valued at $50 per acre ; borri in Warren Co., Ohio, in 1826; came to Jefferson Co., in 1850. Married in 1848 Miss Sarah Wilson, of Warren Co., Ohio; have seven children living — George, aged 24 ; Laura, aged 22 ; Sen- eca, aged 20 ; Oscar, aged 18 ; Sylva- nus, aged 16; Alvah, aged 13, and Chloe, aged 12. Has made all the im- provements on his fine farm ; has one of the coziest little homes in the town- ship ; when he came to Jefferson Co., there was but one house between his farm and Fairfield. Republican. Cowan, J., fiir , S. 18; P, 0. Libertyville. Creek, M. L., far., Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. DAVIS, W. H., far.. Sec. 24; P. 0. Libertyville. DIJSTIX, W. F., farmer. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 284 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Clarke Co., Ind., in 1827. Married in 1819 Miss Mary E. Feebler, of Illinois ; have six children living — Laura, Wm, E., Wilson, Susan, Delia and Frank. Mr. Dustin tells many interessing anec- dotes of his early life. Has met the old Indian chiefs Wapello, Black Hawk, and others. ELLIOTT, THOMAS, farmer, S. 28 ; P. 0. Libertyville. ELLIOTT, CHARLES, farmer, S. 28 ; P. 0. Birmingham, Van Buren Co.; owns 150 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; born in Morgan Co., Ohio, in 1838 ; came to Jefferson County in 1853. Married in 1869 Miss Sallie Henderson, a native of Vir- ginia ; have one child — Mary J., aged 9 years. Enlisted in 1863 ; was a pris- oner in Andersonville and other places for nearly nine months ; was under Col. Dorr's command. FICKETT, JOSEPH, farmer. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Libertyville. FAMULENER, JOHN, farmer, S. 4 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; owns 300 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Warren Co., Ohio, in 1831 ; came to Jefferson County in 1854. Married in 1862 Miss Sarah E. Carter; have two children — Allie T., aged 14, and John M. Mr. F. is one of the solid men of the county ; has held various offices of trust in the township, and is now run- 524 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: ning one of the best farms in the county. Fry, Jacob C, far., Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Lib- er tyville. IFFORD, B., butcher, Liberty ville. G" Glotfelty, J., far., S. 21 ; P. O. Libertyville. Glotfelty, James, far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. HALL, JAMES, far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Libertyville. HAGUE, A. G., agent C, R. L & p. K. R., Libertyville; born in Fayette Co., Penn., in 1826. Married in 1852 Martha Antrom, of same county ; has two children living — Lucius William, aged 28, and Loretta B., aged 21. Owns a fine farm of fifty-eight acres, valued at §85 per acre. Had a son killed on the C, R. I. & P. R. R., while in the employ of the company. Married, the second time, Harriet A. Smiley ; have four children — James E., aged 9 years ; Albert S., aged 7 years; Clarence P., aged 5 years ; Lester V., aged 2 years. Mr. H. enlisted in Co. E, 14th Penn. Cav., Sept. 9, 1862; was in forty-one engagements; was one of the special scouts of 150 men detailed to burn the bridges and surround Lynchbnrg ; was taken prisoner twice. Republican. Hall, W., l\ir., S. 29 ; P. O. Libertyville. Haney, Daniel, Sr., far., Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Haney, Daniel E., far.. Sec. 6; P. 0. Libertyville. Hayden, H. R., physician, Libertyville. Hayden, John, farmer and preacher, S. 5 ; P. O. Libertyville. HAYDEN, J. W., DR., physi- cian, Libertyville; born in 1839, in Hamilton Co., Ohio ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1846. Married in 1867 Miss Emily Bristor, of Henry Co. Dr. Hayden is a graduate of the allopathic school, of Keokuk. Enlisted in 1861, in Co. I, 3d Iowa Cav.; mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1864. Owns a 200-acre farm in Sec. 13, Des Moines Tp., one-half mile from Liber- tyville ; his oflBce is at the drug store. Republican. HAYDEX, JOHN, REV., far , S. 5; P. 0. Libertyville; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; born in 1812, in Hamilton Co., Ohio. Married in 1834 Miss Sarah McCotter, of Indiana ; has ten children — Will- iam, born in 1836; John W., born in 1839; Francis, born in 1841; Mar- garet, born in 1843; Henry, born in 1846; Mary, born in 1849; James F., born in 1851 ; Thomas M., born in 1854 ; Charles E., born in 1857 ; Sarah E., born in 1859. Mr. Hayden has been a minister of the M. E. Church for nearly forty years ; during that time has been Presiding Elder for four years in the Des Moines district, and for two years in the Janesville district ; has preached and held charges in all the larger cities of Iowa; in 1868, was elected to the Legislature from the First Congressional District, and served one term with credit to himself and constituents ; Republican. Heald, J., far., Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Hibbard, A., far.. Sec. 19 ; P.O. Liberty- ville. Hill, D., far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Hill, G., far.. Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Hill, J., ftir.. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Houd, J. H., far., Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Liberty ville Hurst, F., far., Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Libertyville. KARNS, HENRY, retired, Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Libertyville. KIRTPATRICK, SAIIUEL, far., Sec. 8 ; P. O. Libertyville ; owns 172 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre ; born in Belfast, Maine, in 1809 has six children — Francis, aged 42 Reuben, aged 30 ; Daniel, aged 35 Rachel, aged 32 ; Charles, aged 35 Mary, aged 27. In early life, Mr. K worked at blacksmithing, and by such work made his start in life, which has now placed him beyond the fear of ad- versity, and in possession of a fine farm and a beautiful home. Mr. K., in 1861, sent three sons into the field, one of whom is Lieut. Kirtpatrick, since de- ceased ; another son, Mr. Charles K., is an attorney of prominence in Fairfield. LARIMORE, J. W., far.. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Libertyville. LaughUn, H., far,. Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Laughlin, J., far., Sec. 29 ; P. O. Liberty- ville. Laughlin, J. R., far., Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 525 Lawson, A., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Lawson, H., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Xawson, T., Sr., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Lawson, T., Jr., far., Sec. 23; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Lewis, W. D., far.. Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Lionberger, A., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Leppo, D., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Looms, G. p., far., Sec. 25; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 150 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre ; born in Chau- tauqua Co., N. Y., in 1819; came to Iowainl839. Married in 1848 Susan Baird. Mr. L. has held various offices of trust in the county and township ; has been Justice of the Peace for many years ; has a well-improved farm with good buildings. McCLAIN, J. B., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Libertyville. HcCARTNEY, W. R., retired, Libertyville ; born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., in 1814. Married in 1843 Martha Evick, of Virginia ; had there children — Louisa V., born in 1844; Theodosia, born in 1846, and Martha, born in 1849; married in 1857 his present wife, Martha Hill ; had five children — William W., born in 1858; Jane C. ; Alice and Albert, twins, born in 1864; George (deceased), born in 1860. Mr. McCartney is one of the prominent men of Jef- ferson Co. ; has been Justice of the Peace over twenty years ; Secretary of the Independent district of Libertyville since its organization. Member of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. McKee, G., far.. S. 34; P. 0. Birming- ham. MANNING, JO$$£PH, far.. Sec. 6; owns 213 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre; born in Clermont Co., Ohio, in 1811. Married in 1838 Miss Susan Keeghler ; has three children living— William C, David W., and Daniel B. Came to Towa in 1848, and, by industry and good management, is now the possessor of a beautiful home and one of the best farms in the town- ship. Mr. Manning's son, Harvey M., was in the army nearly three years ; died in the service, and is buried at Pensacola, Fla. ; he was a prisoner for seven months. P. 0. Libertyville. MI^KK, WIIiLIAM, farmer, Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Birmingham ; owns 140 acres, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Jeffer- son Co., Ohio, in 1832 ; came to Iowa in 1846. Married in 1857 to Sarah Elliott ; have two children — Elinor, aged 12, and Etta, aged 2 years. Members of the Free Methodist Church. Made all his own improvements ; house cost $2,000. Miller, W. K., doctor and farmer, Sec. 31 ; P. O. Libertyville. IVTICKEL, J. L , farmer, Sec. 32 ; P. JJN 0. Libertyville. PANCOAST, I. W., farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Pancoast, J. W., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Patterson, J. W., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Patterson, J., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Pollock, D. S., far., S. 15; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Pollock, T. D., far., S. 18; P. 0. Liberty- ville. RIDDLE, GEORGE, farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. O. Libertyville. RICHARDISOX, W. C, hotel proprietor, Libertyville; born in High- land Co., Ohio, in 1826. Married in 1848 to Miss Amanda J. Read ; had four children — Colby C, born in 1849 Margaret J., born in 1851 ; S. F., born in 1853, and George B., born in 1858 married in 1871 to his present wife Bella J. Moore, of Washington Co. Ohio. Mr. Richardson was several years in California as cook in some of the principal hotels ; worked in the mining regions ; at the time of the completion of the U. P. R. R., had the honor of hauling off the last load of earth ; is a brick-mason by trade. Has held many offices of trust in this county, Justice of the Peace, etc. Member of the Presby- terian Church. Is doing a good busi- ness in his hotel. Democrat. Rinaker, J., far.. Sec. 7; P. 0. Libertyville. Robertson, A. T., far., S. 18; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. •2 526 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY RODABAUGH, ABRAM, far , Sec. 20 ; P. O. Libeityville ; owns 500 acres, valued at $30 per acre ; born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, in 1814. Married in 1837 Miss Catherine Kin- sey, of Maryland ; have six children living — Elizabeth, born in 1841 ; Adam, in 1844 ; Henry, in 1846 ; Sarah, in 1849; Hiram, in 1852, and Mary, in 1856. Came to Jefferson Co. in 1847. Has held various offices in the township. Democrat. Has 500 acres of Jefferson Co.'s best land, a brick dwelling-house and other good improvements. Rodabaugh, C, far., S. 34; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Rodabaugh, D., far., S. 36; P. 0. Bir- minghan. RODABAIJOH, JOI^EPH, far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Birmingham ; owns 787 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; born in 1818, in Montgomery Co., Ohio. Married in 1840 ; has seven children living. Is one of the county's solid men. Came to Iowa in 1843, with S400 in cash, and by good management and industry has bought and paid for a large farm well stocked with sheep, cat- tle, hogs and horses. QHERRICK, R. 0., farmer. Sec. 17 ; iO P. 0. Libertyville. SCHWARTZ, A., farmer. Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Birmingham; owns 300 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; born in Jefferson Co., Ky., in 1803 ; came to Jefferson Co., Iowa, in 1842. Married in 1828, Miss Eliza Prather ; has eight children — Susan, Wm. H., Catherine, Anna, Eliza, Mary, Irene and Seralda ; has held various township offices in Lib- erty. Is a member of the Dunkard Church ; Democrat. By his own indus- try has acquired a pleasant home, and in his old age is enjoying the fruits of his economy. Mr. S. is an uncle of Reason Redmon, claimed to be the first white settler in Iowa. Sens, D., far.. Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Stinmen, J. N., far., Sec. 7 ; P. . Liber- tyville. Smith, H., far.. Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Smith, Hiram, plasterer, S. 18 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Smith, W. L., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Speck, C. G., far., S. 17; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Sullivan. W. H., Sec. 16, carp. STEWART, J. A., farmer. Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 180 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, in 1811 ; came to Iowa in 1840. Married in 1834 Miss Elizabeth Bradley ; married, the second time, Miss Lucinda Coles ; has ten children living — Wm. H., 0. E., Mary E., Salmon C, Laura, Rebecca, John M., Nellie E., Sybil and i]mma. Member M. E. Church ; Republican His son 0. E. is Division Superintend- ent of the C, B. & Q. R. R., stationed at Ottumwa, Iowa ; has worked up to his present position from the lowest rank. Mr. S. is pleasantly situated on one of the best farms in the county. Stump, J,, far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Libertyville. r-pEDROW, D., far., Sec. 32 ; P. JL Libertyville. Thompson, C. M., far., Sec. 26; P. 0. Libertyville. Thompson, L. H., far., Sec. 27 ; P. Libertyville. TOWNSEND, JAMES D., far , Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Libertyville; owns 126 acres, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Lawrence Co., Penn., in 1809. Mar- ried in 1830 Miss Mary Collins; has nine children — Elizabeth, born in 1830 ; Sarah J., born in 1832 ; Lydia, born in 1834 ; Edwin, born in 1836; Caroline, born in 1838; Mary, born in 1843; Adeline, born in 1846 ; William, born in 1852, and Jane A., born in 1855. Is living on his farm two miles south- west of Libertyville, in one of the finest residences in Liberty Tp., the result of his own labor and good management. TROUT, DAXIEI., farmer. Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 230 acres, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Colum- bia Co., Penn., in 1828; came to Iowa in 1854. Married in 1855 Martha Laughlin ; have one child living — Mary E., born in 1861. Mr. Trout has a well-improved farm ; house cost $2,000 ; has a barn 42x30. Held the office of Constable of Wayne Co., Iowa, two years, and other offices in Jefferson Co.; Democrat. TTTARD, A. G., DR. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 527 WALKER, J. T., merchant, dry goods, notions, groceries, boots, shoes, etc.. Liberty ville; has the best and hirgest stock of goods in Libertyville ; born in 1824, in Warren Co. Tenn. Married Miss N. A. Agnew, of Sevier Co., Tenn., in 18-49 ; has six children living — D. C, born in 1851 ; Maggie J., born in 1854; J. T., Jr., born in 1857 ; Nancy A., born in 1859 ; Wra. H., born in 1861 ; and Samuel A., born 1868, Mr. W. was Clerk in the Commissary De- partment during the war for two years. Has been minister of the M. E. Church for twenty-five years ; preaches occasion- ally now. Republican. Has been en- gaged in the mercantile business at times nearly fifty years ; held many of- fices of trust in the county. WARNER, E. W., Libertyville. Warner, Ichabod, physician, Libertyville. WATKINS, _S. H., farmer. Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; owns 257 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre ; born in Clarke Co., Ind., in 1832. Married in 1855 Sarah J. Briggs ; the second time, in 1866, Sarah T. Harmon; has, five children — Sarah J., born in 1857 ; Serilda A., born in 1867 ; Chas. Gr., born in 1869 ; Cora D., born in 1874 ; and Samuel W.. born in 1877. In 1862, Mr. W. enlisted in Co. H,30th Iowa V. I., as private ; soon promoted to a cap- taincy ; had command of the company most of the time during the war ; had command in twenty-four engagements ; was in many important battles. Mr. Watkins' family dates back to 1626, over nine generations ; are direct descend- ants of an old family of nobility ; Mr. W. is about to have a complete genealogy printed. Republican. Weede, N. C, far.,S. 35 ; P. 0. Birming- ham. Whitson, S., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Birmingham. Widger, H. P., far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Williams, A., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Winn, F., blacksmith, S. 18 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. WIREMA:Sr, H., farmer, Sec. 25; P. 0. Birmingham, Van Buren Co.; owns 330 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre ; born in Pennsylvania in 1818 ; came to Iowa in 1836. Married Miss Maria Kennedy in 1851 ; has five chil- dren living — Francis, aged 19; Joseph, aged 28 ; James, aged 22 ; Alice, aged 21 ; and Dora, aged 19. Member of the Presbyterian Church ; Republican. Work, S. A., far., S. 23; P. ("). Birming- ham. Woolery, W. H., far.. Sec. 7 ; Libertyville. YOSTE, PETER, far., Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Birmingham. ZIMMERMAN, G. W., far., Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Libertyville. 528 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ROUND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. ALDERDICE, ALEXANDER, far., Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Ander.-on, A. P., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Glasgow. AlVDERISON, CHARLES, far., Sec. 10; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Westervik, Sweden, in 1853; came to Jefferson Co. in 1869; owns 100 acres of land valued at $800. Mem- bers of the Lutheran Church ; Re- publican. ANDERSON, JOHN A., far. Sec. 10; P. 0. Lockridge; born in Boras, Sweden, in 1842 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1869. Married Ida L. Yerickson in 1868; she was born in Boras, also ; they have three children — Oscar A., Charles A. and Hannah. Owns 120 acres of land, valued at $1,500. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Republican. ANDERSON, N. P., far., Sec. 14;* P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Wimmersby, Sweden, in 1834 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1869. Married Miss Caroline Holat in 1866 ; she was born in Wimmersby, also ; they have three children — Augusta, Ida and Emma. Owns 161 acres of land, valued at $15 per acre. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Re- publican. ANDERSON, S., far., Sec. 11; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Walmarsvek, Sweden, in 1822 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1869. Married Anna Sammul- son in 1855 ; she was born same place in 1830 ; have three children — Frank, John and Alma. Owns sixty acres of land, valued at $800. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Republican. Archibald, B. J., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Vega. BARASTROM, ANDREW, far., Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Glasgow. BAIili, S., farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Wooster ; born in Madi- son Co., Ky., in 1810; in 1829, moved to Sangamon Co., 111. ; in 1840, came to Jefferson Co., Iowa ; since been en- gaged in farming. Married Rebecca Moffett in 1837 ; she was born in Wood- ford Co., Ky., in 1814 ; had eight chil- dren — Emily A., Mary M., Frances N. (died in 1844), Nancy J. (died in 1864), George W., Cassandra, Louis C. and Frank P. Owns 450 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Mr. Ball was in the Black Hawk war. Was County Commissioner six years and Justice of the Peace two years. Mem- bers of the Christian Church ; Green- backer. Bargtram, A., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Baum, M., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Vega. Berdine, A., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Berdine, J., far., S. 29; P. 0. Glasgow. Berdine, J. A., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Lock- ridire. BILIilNGSLEY, E., farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Gla.sgow ; born in Belmont Co., Ohio, in 1818; came to Jefferson Co. in 1842, and has since b^en engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. B. had eight chil- dren by his first wife — Sarah J., Pru- dence (now Mrs. Gregg), Samuel, James S., Florence, Margaret R., William R. (died in 1863, at Helena, Ark.), Mary C. (died in 1857); present wife. Pru- dence Strong, was born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, in 1820. Mr. B. owns 240 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Held ofiice of County Supervisor two years ; Township Superintendent of County Board four years ; Justice of the Peace four years, and held most of the town- ship offices. Members of the M. E. Church ; Republican. Bloom, C. M., far. Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Glasgow. BOWER, B. F., farmer and stock- raiser. Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Adams Co., Penn., in 1836 ; in 1847, moved to Holmes Co., Ohio, and en- gaged in farming and stock-raising ; came to Henry Co., Iowa, in 1850; to Jefferson Co., in 1869 ; since been farm- ing and stock-raising. Married Ruth Cline Jan. 28, 1869 ; she was born in Jefferson Co., June 21, 1848 ; had five children— Delia C, born Feb. 20, 1870 ; Clinton T., born May 15, 1871, died Jan. 30, 1874 ; Mary E , born May 18, 1873 ; John L., born April 5, 1875 ; Annie M., born Jan. 13, 1877. Owns 640 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Enlisted, in 1861, in Co. G, 11th I. V. I. ; mustered out in 1865 ; was in the battles of luka, Corinth, Bolivar, ROUND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 529 and Atlanta ; captured at the battle of Atlanta, and held prisoner for seven months ; in Andersonville prison two months ; at Florence, S. C, five months. Liberal. Brendle, C, far., Sec. 1 ; P 0. Rome. BREWER, J. S., merchant, Glasgow; born in Crawford Co., Penn., in 1833 ; came to Jefferson Co., in 1851, and en- gaged in farming about five years ; worked at the carpenter trade about ten years ; in 1866, started his present store. Married Mary F. Summers in 1858; she was born in Ohio, in 1835 ; they have eight children — William, Johnson, Elizabeth, Olivia, Franklin, James, Jen- nie, Rutherford B. Mr. Brewer owns three town lots, valued at $2,000. Re- publican. Brumbaugh, A., far.. Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Vega. CANADA, JOHN, far., Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Glasgow. CARSOX, A. J., far.. Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Westervik, Sweden, in 1829 ; came to Jefferson Co., in 1869. Married Susan Ander- son in 1873 ; she was born in Jefferson Co., in 1843 ; have two children — William and John P. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at $15 per acre. Members of Lutheran Church. Carlson, C. G., far.. Sec. 8; P.-O. Lock- ridge. Case, A., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Case, H., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Case, Wm., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Wooster. Cedarholm, J. G., far., S. 12 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Chapman, 6., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Vega. Chezum, D. G., far., S. 16; P. 0. Glas- gow. Chezum, J. P., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Glas- gow. Chezum, T. S., far., S. 21 ; P. O. Glas- gow. Church, J. W., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Clark, C. A., far., S. 4 ; P.O. Glendale. CO€HRA]^, M.,_3IRS., S. 21 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Washington Co., Penn., in 1810. Married John Coch- ran in 1843 ; he was born in Ireland in 1803; died Jan. 10, 1876; has four children— Mary E. (now Mrs. McEl- wee), John G., Tillie and Etta (now Mrs. Crane) ; " Birdie" C. McElwee has been adopted by the family. Mrs. C. owns 360 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. John G. superintends the farm. He is a Republican. Conard, C. C, far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Vega. Condor, W. K., far., S. 28; P. 0. Glas- gow. Craff, G., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Crane, G. S., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Vega. Crane, S. S., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Crawfrod, G. W.. far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Crenshaw, D., far., Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Glas- gow. DAVIS, GEORGE K., farmer. Sec. 8; P. 0. Glasgow. Dougherty, J., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Dowd, A., far., Sec. 9; P. 0. Glasgow. Duncanson, B., far., Sec. 35; P. 0. Vega. Dunlavy, A., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Glasgow. EMERSON, WM. J., farmer, Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Glasgow. ERICKSOX, F. J., farmer. Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Sweden, in 1837; came to America in 1853; to Jefferson Co. in 1873. He mar- ried Hannah Overstrem in 1866; she was born in 1841 ; has four children — Charles A., Henry E. and the twins, Julia F. and Carrie A. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Enlisted in Co. C, 1st I. V. C. ; mustered out in 1862 ; was in the bat- tles of Black Water and several others. Members M. E. Church. IpAIRCHILD, A. H., farmer, Sec. 27 ;* ' P. 0. Glasgow. Fell, D., far., S. 16; P. 0. Glasgow. FIDLER, DANIEIi, farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 18; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Schuylkill Co., Penn., in 1818; in 1838, came to Jefferson County, and remained until 1850 ; then went to Cal- ifornia ; in 1861, returned, and has since been engaged in farming and stock- raising. Married Mrs. J. Fell in 1860 ; she was born in Dearborn Co., lud., in 1835. Mr. F. has two children by his former marriage — Tra W. and Benj. F.; and Mrs. F. one child by a former mar- riage — David M.; they have three chil- dren — Kate, Clara and Jessie B. F. ; owns 740 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre ; also quarter interest in a mine in Summit Co., Colo. Democrat. Fordyce, W., Dr., Glasgow. 6-30 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: FRAME, W, B., farmer and black- smith, residence, west half of southeast quarter of Sec. 25, Tp. 71, Range 8; P. 0. Vega; born in Wayne Co., Ind., June 16, 1836 ; with his parents, re- moved to Iowa in 1841. Married Nov. 3, 1859, to Carrie N. Tilford, of the pioneer family of that name; owns 100 acres of good farm land, worth about 8-40 per acre ; cultivates a part of the first land plowed in this county, and thinks a community composed as this is, of pioneers and their immediate descend- ants, the best place in the world to live, enjoy life, and to bring up a family. Fulton. J. I., far., S. 13; P. 0. Glasgow. GIBERSON, WILLIAM H. S., farm- er ; Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Grant, I., far.. Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Greenup, E., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Greenup, J. W., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. GREG€}, J. M., far., Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Carroll Co., Ind., in 1845 ; came to Jefferson Co., 1857. Married Elizabeth Billingsly in 1869 ; she was born in Jefferson Co., in 1850; they have three children — Nellie J., Kattie P. and Clara. Mr. G. owns forty acres, valued at $1,200. Has held the office of Assessor two years. Republican. GREGCw, S. J., farmer and carpen- ter, Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Adams Co., Penn., in 1818; came to . Jefferson Co., in 1857. Married Miss C. McCormick in 1839; she wks born in Stark Co., Ohio, in 1819; has five children — Martha, Catherine, James, George and Albert. Owns 160 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Was Township Trustee three years. Mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church ; Republican. Grove, G., far., Sec. 14; P. 0. Glasgow. Gustafson, C. F., far.. Sec. 12; P. 0. Lockridge. HALL, J., far.. Sec. 28; P. 0. Glasgow. Hammons, H., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Vega. HAM^nOXS, J. M., farmer. Sec. 13 ; P. O. Glasgow ; born in Wythe Co., Va., in 1813; in 1830, he moved to Johnson Co., Ind.; in 1839, to Jeffer- son Co.; his present wife was Nancy G. Workman; she was born in Adair Co., Ky., in 1815 ; came to Jefferson Co., in 1837 ; their children are Squire G., Mary M., William H., John W., Cyn- thia A., Keziah H., Nancy E., died in 1861 ; James M., died in 1861. Mrs. Hammons had five children by her former marriage — Jane E., now Mrs. Howell; C. R., James, died in 1863; Nancy E., died in 1849 ; Margaret A., died in 1854. Mr. H. owns 240 acres of land, valued at $8,000 ; Mrs. H. owns property valued at $1,400. Mr. H. has held the offices of Township Trustee, Road Supervisor and School Director. Members of the Baptist Church ; Mr. H. is a Republican, his wife a Democrat. Harter, J. H., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Glasgow. HEATOX, G., farmer. Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Newark, Eng., in 1839; came to Jefferson Co., in 1848; since, engaged in farming. Married Lucretia Gillham in 1864 ; she was born in Sangamon Co., 111., in 1839 ; have four children — Wilson G., Elizabeth, Mary and Hayes; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $4,000. Held the ofl&ce of Justice of the Peace four years, Road Supervisor one year, and School Direct- or two years. Members of the M. E. Church ; Republican. Heaton, H , far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Glendale. Heisel, P., far., S. 12 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Herr, Fred., far., Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Hickenbottom, James, far., Sec. 5; P. 0. Glendale. Hickenbottom, Stephen, far., Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Hogate, N., far.. Sec. 13; P. 0. Glasgow. Hopkirk, J., far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Hosatte, Louis and Alexis, fars-. Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Glendale. Howell, J. D., far.. Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Vega. HULrT, F., far.. Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge; born in Sweden, in 1843; came to Jefferson Co. in 1868 ; worked on the C, B. & Q. R. R. until 1874 ; has since been engaged in farm- ing. Married Anna Oleson in 1874; she was born in Monsteros, Sweden, in 1850; has three children — William H., Emily E. and an infant unnamed. Owns 160 acres of land, valued at $3,000. Republican. Hulse, B. B., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Humphrey, E. A., far.. Sec. 36; P. 0. Vega. ROUND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 531 Uuott, C, far., S. 2; P. 0. Lockridge. Huott, X., far., See. 2 ; P. 0. Glendale. HMSTOX, J. H., farmer and stock- raiser, Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Washington Co., N. Y.. in 1821 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1852 ; has since been engaged in farming. Mar- ried Mary A. Smith ; she was born in Richhmd Co., Ohio ; have six children Orlando, WilUam E., John J., Charles F., Elinor J. and Emma. Owns 200 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Was Township Trustee five years, and Road Supervisor eight years. Repub- lican. Jones, E. W., painter, Glasgow. Johnson. A., far., S. 14; P. 0. Glasgow. . JOHl^SON, J., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Rome, Henry Co.; born in (Karlstad, Sweden, in 1846; came to Jefferson Co. in 18G9. Married Miss Miss C. S. Calston ; she was born in Westmoreland, Sweden, in 1850 ; they have one child — Charles. Owns thirty acres of land, valued at $600. Democrat. Johnson, 0., far., S. 12; P. 0. Glasgow. JOHB^SON, S., far., S. 11 ; F. 0. Lockridge ; born in Linkoping, Sweden, in 1844; came to Jefferson Co. in 1851. Married Caroline Peterson in 1868 ; she was born in Linkoping, also ; they have one child — Fihua. Owns fifty acres of land, valued at $1,400. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Republican. KING, JOHN L., shoemaker and farmer ; P. 0. Glasgow. KNEPLEY, J., for., S. 21 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Harrisburg, Penn., in 1809; came to Jefferson Co. in 1867 ; has since been engaged in farm- ing. Married Rebecca Lobaugh in 1836 ; she was born in Adams Co., Penn., in 1 809 ; have one child by a former mar- riage — Cunard M. Owns 120 acres of land, valued at $4,000. Members of the M. E. Church. Republican. KRITZLER, J. J., Notary Public, Glasgow ; born in Frankfort-on-the- Main, Germany, in 1831 ; came to America in 1850; lived in Cincinnati, New York and Brooklyn; in 1852, re- turned to Germany; in 1856, to Amer- ica again ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1865 ; was proprietor of the Glasgow ilouse until 1874; returned to Ger- » many on a visit a short time after. Married Charlott Unkrich in 1863; she was born in Germany in 1828 ; have one child — Gustav W. J., born Aug. 6, 1864. Mr. K. is Township Clerk. Members of the New Reformed Church ; Republican. KUNATH, J. E., proprietor of the Glasgow House and wagon-maker ; born in Dresden, Germany, in 1833 ; came to America April 15, 1854. Married Anna M. Gernhard in 1864; she was born in Cassel, Germany, in 1844 ; have six children — Carl, Edward, Louisa, Emma, Clara, Ida. Came to Jeffer- son Co. in 1874, located at Glas- gow ; since been engaged in hotel keep- ing and wagon-making. Held the ofl&ce of Justice of the Peace three years, and still holds it. Members of the Congre- gational Church. Owns five town lots, valued at $2,500. Republican. LARSON, J. P., farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Glendale. L.AMBIRTH, NARAH A., Sec 25 ; P. 0. Vega ; born in Adair Co., Penn., in 1816. Married Thos. Lam- birth ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1 832 ; had nine children — Mary F. (died in 1834), Wm., Margaret L., Richard, Joseph, Isabel, Ira, Elizabeth, Harriet N. Owns forty-five acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Member of the M. E. Church for thirty years. Layton, J. C, far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Lavton, S., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Glasgow. lilNBLAD, A., farmer. Sec. 10; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Linkoping, Swe- den, in 1844; came to Jefferson Co. in 1875. Married Miss J. Birdine in 1873 ; she was born in Boras, Sweden, in 1848 ; has three children — Albert P., Levi and Alma. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at $1,000. Members of the Lutheran Church. Republican. LINDERSON, OTTO, far.. Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Westcrvik, Sweden, in 1844; came to Jefferson Co. in 1866. Married Ida Johnson ; she was born in Westervik, also, in 1843 ; have three children — Frank A., Nancy C. and Ida A. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at $1,000. Members of the Luthern Church ; Republican. Litton, B., far.. Sec. 23; P. 0. Glasgow. Litton, W., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Glasgow. 532 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : Linderson, 0. R., far., Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Glas- gow. Logsden, W., far.. Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Glendale. Long, J., far.. Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Loving, E., farmer, Sec. 29; P. 0. Glas- gow. liOVING, C, farmer, Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Montgomery Co., Va.,1814; came to Jefferson Co. in 1860 ; has since been farming. Mar- ried Francis Thurber ; she was born in Sangamon Co., 111., in 1845 ; have eight children by a former marriage — Naomi G., Joshua, Mary E., James M., Sarah J., Jefferson, Margaret and Susan. Owns 120 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Democrat. LOVINC}, JAMES M., farmer and lumber dealer ; born in Henry Co., Iowa, in 1844. Married Alice M. Mil- ler in 1871 ; she was born in Jefferson County in 1852 ; have two children — Ada E. and Gertrude M. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at SIO per acre. Held the offices of School Director, Sec- retary of School Board and Road Super- visor. Liberal. McNAMARA, J., far., S. 6; P.O. Glendale. Martang, C, far., S. 12: P. 0. Glasgow. Martin, J., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Glasgow. METZ, J., farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Glasgow; born in Wash- ington Co., Md., in 1814; in 1816 moved to Franklin Co., Penn.; in 1826, to Stark Co., Ohio ; in 1843. to Carroll Co., Ind.; in 1853, to Knox Co., 111.; came to Jefferson Co. in 1857 ; has since been engaged in farming and stock- raising. Married Elizabeth McCormick in 1835 ; she was born in Stark Co., Ohio, in 1816; have eight children — Franklin G., Sarah A., Samuel K., Si- las A., James A,, Elizabeth J., Mary E. and Phineas U. Has held the office of County Superintendent two years, and most all of the township offices. Members of the Presbyterian Church ; Republican. MILLER, THOMAS, farmer. Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Erie Co., Penn., in 1806; came to Jefferson Co., in 1839, and engaged in general mer- chandising at Glasgow; in 1841, com- menced, and has since engaged in, farming. Married Eliza Moore ; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1810 ; have twelve children — John, Jane, Ben- jamin, Elizabeth, Angeline, Louisa, Henry, Altha, Thomas, Francis, Alice M. and Ada. Mr. Miller was County Supervisor three years, and has held most all of the township offices. Owns 200 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Democrat. MOORE, ROBERT, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Dearborn Co., Ind., in 1819; came to Jefferson in 1839 ; engaged in the carpenter trade in 1849 ; went to California in 1851 ; returned to Jefferson Co.; has since engaged in farming. Married Sarah Stewart in 1843; she was born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, in 1824; have six children — William, Margaret A., Sarah F., Anna, Emma and Ella. Owns 290 acres of land, valued at $7,000. Members of the Free Methodist Church ; Republican. Moore, W., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Murphy, L., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Glendale. "XJ-ELSON, N., far., S. 13; P. 0. _L\| Glasgow. KELSON, O., farmer. Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Shaulham, Swe- den, in 1837 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1867. Married Anna Mary in 1860; she was born in Westervik, Sweden, in 1840; has six children — Emma, Ma- tilda, Mary, Peter, John and Anna. Owns 41 acres of land, valued at $900. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Re- publican. OLSEN, A., far., S. 12; P. 0. Lock- ridge. OVERSTREM, A., far., Sec. U, P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Linkoping; Sweden, in 1850. Owns forty acres of land, valued at $600. Republican. OVERSTREM, P., farmer, Sec. 1 1 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Linkoping, Sweden, in 1817 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1 858. Married Hannah Peter- son in 1840; she was born in 1813 at Linkoping, also ; has four children — Hannah, Caroline, Charles, Alfred. Owns forty acres of land, valued at $800. Members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. 0. was in the Swedish army twenty years. Republican. PETERSON, JOHN, tar., Sec. 11; P. 0. Lockridge. ROUND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 53S PEARSOlf, IV., farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Glasgow ; born in Amal, Sweden, in 1834 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1857. Married Emma S. Lawson in 1867 ; she was born in Linkoping, Sweden, in 1844; they have five chil- dren—Charles E., Esther E., Nellie S., John E., Albert. Owns 120 acres of land, valued at $1,600. Enlisted in Co. K, 84th 111. V. I., in 1862; was mustered out in 1865 ; was in the bat ties of Stone River, Chickamauga, and numerous others. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Republican. Peterson, J. P., far., S. 10; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Peterson, L., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Lockridge. PETTERSOX, J. M., farmer, Sec. 11; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Linkop- ing, Sweden, in 1817 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1868. Married Miss G. L. Samuelson in 1840 ; she was born in Linkoping in 1820 ; has two children — Caroline and Alfred. Owns thirty acres of land, valued at $800. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Republican. KIDGEWAY, Squire C, Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Vega. SUMMERS, WM. M., far.. P. 0. Glas- gow. Samuelson, A., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Samuelson, Charles J., far.. Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Glendale. Seaburg, J., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Sheldon, M. L., far., S. 19; P. 0. Glasgow. Skeers, C, far.. Sec. 30 ; P. 0. GlasgOTT. Smith D., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Smith, H., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Smith, M. K., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Glasgow. «MITH, THOMAS S.,far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Granger Co., Tenn. ; came to Jefi'erson Co. in 1842 ; since engaged in farming. Married Angeline J). Hall in 1854; she was born in Morgan Co., 111., in 1830 ; had twelve children — Alice, Statira, Olive, Ralph, Elizabeth (died in 1858),Orlando, William, Etta, Dellie, Kate (died in 1871), Augustus and an infant un- named. Owns 159 acres of land, val- ued at $20 per acre. Held the office of School Director four years, of Road Supervisor three years, and Township Trustee one year. Members of the Free Methodist Church ; Republican. Steadwell, S., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Glendale. Stewart, C, far.. Sec, 8 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Stewart, H., far., Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Stewart, L. C, far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Stewart, W., far.. Sec. 8; P. O. Glasgow. Sturgis, J., far.. Sec. 32 ; P. O. Glasgow. Sturees, R. C, far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Glasgow. SrXDBERC^, J. A., far.,_Sec. 10; P. O. Lockridge ; born in Linkoping, Sweeden, in 1843 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1875. Married Miss L. M. Berdine in 1875; she was born in Boras, Sweden, in 1855 ; they have two children — August 0. and Chas. W.; owns sixty acres of land, valued at $20 per acre. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Greonbacker. Swope, J., far., S. 18 ; P. 0. Glasgow. TAYLOR, ELLIOTT, Postmaster, Glasgow. TAYL.OR, S. W., physician, Gla.- gow ; born in Jefferson Co., Conn., in 1817 ; in 1827, his father removed to Portage Co., Ohio; in 1835, to Kane Co., 111.; in 1855, came to Jefferson Co. and located at Glasgow, where he has since been engaged in the practice of medicine. Present wife's maiden name was Amy Makepeace ; she was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., in 1812; has two children by this marriage — Fred M. and Annie P. ; and six by former marriage — Francis A., Alfred N., Sarah, Elliot P., Adelaide and Willie. Dr. Taylor was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the 4th Iowa V. C. in 1864 ; discharged at the close of the war. Two of his sons were in the army — Alfred in the 19th 111. V. L, and Elliot in Co. M., 4th Iowa V. C. Owns three town lots, valued at $2,000. Members of the Congregational Church ; Liberal. TILFORD, JOSEPH, far , Sec 25 ; P. 0. Vega ; born in Adair Co., Ky., in 1826 ; in 1827, moved to Mor- gan Co.; 111.; in 1844, came to Jefferson Co., has since engaged in farming. Mar- ried Matilda A. Andrew ; she was born in Sangamon Co., 111., in 1831 ; have two children — John, born in 1852 (mar- ried Mary E. Smith) ; and Wm. A., born in 1854 ; owns 140 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Held the office of Constable four years. Democrat. Turnaham, Wm., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Glaa^ gow. <534 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; Turner, S. B., blacksmith, Glasgow. WEBB, HENRY, far, S. 2V ; P. 0. Glas-ow. WATKIBfS, M. W., MRS., Sec 22 ; P. 0. Glasgow ; born in Wayne Co., Ohio, in 1827. Married S. F. Wat- kins in 1850 ; he was born in Wayne Co., also; died in 1873; has ten chil- dren — James M., Thomas J., Andrew J., Martin V. B., Christopher C, Ste- ven F., Alfred D., George W., Mary J. and William H. Owns 500 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Mrs. W. came to JeiFerson Co., in 1856. Is a member of the Congregational Church. Wilson, J., S. 35; P. 0. Vega. Workman, C. R., far., S. 26; P. 0. Glas- gow. WRIGHT, WIL.I.IAM, black smith, Glasgow; born in Carroll Co., Ohio, in 1828. Married Isabell Craw- ford in 1850 ; she was born in Coshoc- ton Co., Ohio, in 1831 ; have eight chil- dren — John W., James, Ella, George, Frank, Samuel, Martha J. and Van. Owns 206 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre, and one town lot, valued at $50. He came to JeflPerson Co. in 1849 ; has since been engaged in black- smithing. Politics, Liberal. Wright, W., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Glasgow. BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP. ADAMS, H. M., farmer, S. 30 ; P 0. Beckwith. Allender, J., far., S. 12 ; P. 0. Salina. ALL.£NDER, SAMUEL, farmer. Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Bed- ford Co., Penn., April 7, 1822; came to Jefferson Co. in 1840 and, with his parents, settled on their present farm ; owns 118 acres. Married Miss Eliza J. Green ; have six children — Mary E., Walter, P]mery M., James H., KnoxE., Annie R. and Wm. C. Members of M. E. Church ; Republican. August, J., far., ^. 23; P. 0. Beckwith. BARTON, W. A., far., S. 33; P. 0. Fairfield. . Bates, G.; P. 0. Salina. Beatty, H. A., far.. Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Beatty, I., far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Salina. Bennett. J. F., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Fair- field. BERGQUIST, A. F., blacksmith, and manufacturer of plows, Beckwith ; born in Sweden, Nov. 27, 1848; came to New York in 1867 ; to Jefferson Co. Sept. 3, 1878 ; is located at Beck- with. and following his occupation. BERKHIMER, XATHAN, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. O. Fairfield ; born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, June 7, 1805 ; came to Jefi"erson Co., 1854; owns 184 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Miss Temperance Hood April 1, 1832 ; she died in 1860 ; mar- ried again, Miss Elenora Powell Feb. 25, 1862; she died Feb. 25, 1865; married again, Mrs. Martha A. Welty Nov. 22, 1866 ; she was born in Perry Co., Ohio, June 17, 1835 ; her family is a prominent one of that county. Mr. B. has five children by his first wife — John, William, Thomas, Margaret and Annie. By his second wife one — Addie E., and by his present wife two — Geo. W. and Laurel G. Members of M. E. Church ; Republican. Booker, S. F., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Bowman, J. H., Sec. 6, Fairfield. Bradshaw, J. B., Salina. Brier, W., far., S. 12; P. 0. Salina. Brighton, H. M., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Bryte, Gus, Salina. Bush, D., far., S 7 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Bush, J., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Bush, M., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Bush, W., far., S. 6; P. O. Fairfield. CASTELL, J. M., far., S. 13; P. 0. Salina. Caviness, H. A., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Cavincss, K., far., S. 21; P. 0. Beckwith. Caviness, R. M. with. Caviness, R. E., with. Caviness, S., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Beck- far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Beck- BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP. 535 Caviness, W., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Beckwith. CHAXDLER, liEWIS, farmer and stock dealer, Sec. 2U ; P. O. Fair- field ; born in Washington Co., N. Y., April It), 1816; lived in Essex Co., where he followed huntiug and trap- ping; came to Jeiferson Co., in 1841. Married Miss Annie Emerson Nov. 1. 1842; have six children — Jane, Susie, Bell, Kate E., Andrew J. and Jessie v.; three deceased. Mrs. C. was born in Morgan Co., Ohio, Jan. HO, 1821. Mr. C. owns 234 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre. Mrs. C. is a member of the M. E. Church ; Democrat. €HAXDLER, PHIL,AXDER, farmer and dealer in stock, Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield born in Warren Co., N. Y., March 12, 1814; followed the business of hunting and trapping in Essex Co., N. Y.; came to Jefferson Co. in November, 1840, and entered his present farm ; now owns 480 acres, valued at 850 per acre : improved it, and has it all under good cultivation ; has trees he raised from the seed, now three feet in diameter. Married Miss Martha Bannifield Jan. 1, 1842 ; have four children — Harriet S. Hobbie, Iowa E. Hoops, Warren E. and Charles S. When Mr. C. came to Jefferson and settled on his claims, he did not have money .enough to pay for it, so he left his wife with his brother's wife, and started for the wilds of Wisconsin to hunt and trap, to get money to pay for his claim ; was gone five months ; re- turned and paid for his land ; in 1850, moved to Wisconsin ; while there, cut from the stump timber enough to build his present residence, and floated it down the Mississippi River to Burlington, and then hauled it fifty miles with a team ; now has a beautiful home and all the ■comforts of life. Mrs. C. is a member of the M. E. Church ; Mr. C. is a Re- publican. Chandler, W., far.. Sec. 17 ; P. O. Fair- field. CHARLTON, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 3 ; P. O. Perlee ; born in Franklin Co., Penn., Nov. 8, 1815; came to Jefi'erson Co. in 1846. Married Miss Keziah Bell March 21, 1854; she was born in Bedford, Penn., Aug. 6, 1818 ; have three children — Maggie B., Scott and William A. Mr. C. served as As- sessor of Penn. Tp., School Director, and as administrator of the es- tate of Isaac Garmae; is administrator of the estate of Jacob Courtney, both old settlers of Jefferson Co. Mr. C. owns ninety-five acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Democrat. When Mr. C. came to Jefferson Co., wheat was 35 cents per bushel, corn from 5 to 8 cents per bushel, pork $1.25 per hundred, and had to be hauled sixty miles to market. Chatterton, A. B., far., Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Chatterton, O., far., Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Chilcott, Asa, retired, Salina. Clapp, J. W., far., Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Clapp, W. D., far., S. 23; P. 0. Beckwith. CL.ARK, L.ORAX, farmer and sheep-raiser, Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Union Co., Ohio, July 29, 1831 ; came to Jefferson Co., in March, 1851. Married Miss Jane Van Nostrand July 18, 1860; born in Ohio, 1838; died Jan. 20, 1873 ; married again. Miss Laura Green, Nov. 18, 1874 ; has two children by present wife — Carley W. and Ada E. Owns 200 acres, valued at $30 per acre ; made all the improvements. Member of the M. E. Church; Republican. Clark, Solomon, merchant, Salina. Clover, T., flir., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Beckwith. CLOVER, WILLIAM, carpenter and farmer, Sec. 26; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Pennsylvania Feb. 6, 1833 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1845. Mar- ried Miss Mary J. Fawcett Aug. 26, 1858; she was born in Belmont Co., Ohio, March 26, 1839; have three children — Emily J., Harry and Edith. Owns forty acres, valued at $40 per acre. Republican. COCHRAIV, OEOROE, farmer and dealer in stock , S. 1 8 ; P. O. Fairfield ; born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, Jan. 7, 1827 ; came to Jefierson Co., settling on the claim made by Scott Walker in Round Prairie Tp., Sec. 21. Married Miss Elizabeth J. Lynch Dec. 16, 1849; she was born in Kentucky March 5, 1831. Have been members of the M. E. Church for twenty-five years. Mr. C. held the office of Justice of the Peace, Trustee, and other offices. 636 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY Owns 300 acres, valued at $12,000. Has four children — Francis A., Willie J., Charles C, Ulysses S. G., and two dead — Alice B., Mary E. Is a Republican. Connelly, H., far., S. 13; P. O. Salina. Cooper, S., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Beckwith. Croskey, J., Salina. Culbertson, J. W., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Cummings, E., renter, Salina. Cummings, S., far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Cummings, W., far., S. 2 ; P. O. Fairfield. DAVIS, ELLIOTT, far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Davis, E. D., S. 8 ; P. O. Fairfield. Davis, J., far., S. 26 ; P. O. Beckwith. Davis, W., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Beckwith. Davison, E.. far., S. 22; P. 0. Beckwith. Deison, C, far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Doughty, H., far., S. 34; P. 0. Fairfield. DOWJVINCir, A., farmer and dealer in stock, Sec. 16; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Berkeley Co., Va., Aug. 12, 1818, . and at 13 years of age, moved to Clark Co., Ohio., then to Elkhart Co., Ind. ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1839. Mar- ried Miss Rachel Keltner ; married again, Miss Harriet Wagner Sept. 1, 1860; she was born in Morgan Co., Va., Aug. 19, 1824. Mr. D. has three children by former wife — Francinia, Thomas, Sarah J., and one died in in- fancy ; by present wife two — William F. and Ulysses W. Mr. D. owns 31 9 J acres of land, valued at $30 per acre, all under good cultivation. Mr. D. went to California in 1852 ; remained there five years. Republican. DOWNING, WM., Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Beckwith ; born in Berkeley Co., Va., Oct. 21, 1811 ; when 19 years of age, moved to Elkhai-t Co., Ind. Married Miss Sarah Miller in March, 1835; she died in 1852. Mr. D. came to Jefferson Co. in 1840 ; lived five years in Cali- fornia ; married again, Mrs. Mary James in 1858 ; she was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., in 1817 ; Mr. D. has six children by former wife — Jacob K., Eldridge L., Alvin, Mary E., Charles W. and Philip ; and by present wife five — Louis, Abba E., Sallie, Lora A. and Dora A.; Mr. D. owns 100 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Members of M. E. Church ; Republican. Duncan, Jas., far., S. 10 ; P. 0. Salina. Dyer, N., far., S. 16; P. O. Fairfield. EDWARDS, LEVI C, far.. Sec. 1 ', P. O. Salina. FAWCETT, LEVI, far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Beckwith. Flinchbaugh, L., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Perlee. Foote, D. G., far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Salina. Foote, J. B., far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Salina. Frasher, G. H., Postmaster, Salina. Frush, Jas. and John, fars., S. 18; P. 0. Fairfield. Funck Jacob, far., S. 39 ; P. O. Fairfield. QARMOE, JACOB, far., S. 10; P. 0. Fairfield. Garmoe, J., far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Gates, D., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Gates, Hiram, far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Gilbert, Geo., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fairfield. . Gordon, Joseph, far., S. 11 ; P. O. Salina. Green, Alfred, far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Green, Alonzo, far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Green, Dennis, far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Green, Nelson, far., S. 4; P. 0. Fairfield. GiREEX, SYL. TESTER, farmer, S. 2; P. 0. ^airfield; born in Bed- ford Co., Penn., Sept. 27, 1821. Mar- ried Miss Elizabeth Foot Dec. 12, 1843 , she was born in Bedford Co., Penn., June 11, 1819. Mr. G.'s mother is living with him ; she is aged 93 years ; she was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn.; March 4, 1785. Mr. G. has six chil- dren — Alonzo J., Winfield F., Ollie J., Clara A., Orrin W. and Delia M. ; two deceased — Claretta and Benjamin A. Mrs. G. is a member of the M. E. Church. Mr. G. owns 114 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Repub- lican. Green, Winfield, far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Fairfield. CjrREEN", W. J., farmer and stock dealer. Sec. 10; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Bedford Co., Penn., May 5, 1818 ; at 18 years of age. went to West Vir- ginia and pursued medical studies ; re- turned to Pennsylvania and practiced ; came to Jefferson Co. Nov. 8, 1840, where he followed his profession and farmed ; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre, of which he made most of the improvements. Married Miss Plantina Allender April 29, 1843 ; she was born in Bedford Co., Penn., Nov. 11, 1818, and died Feb. 3, 1869; he married again, Dec. 24, 1874, Mrs. Margaret Foot ; has seven children by former wife — Alvernon L., Perry 0., BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP. 537 Melville S., Ada C, Elliot 0., Duane W. and Charles W., and one dead — Emma E. Mrs. Green is a member of the M. E. Church ; she was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., Nov. 20, 1832. Republican. Gustison, L.; P. 0. Salina. HAWK, CARL, former. Sec. 2 ; P. O. Fairfield. Heater, J., far., S. 24; P. 0. Salina. Hickenbottom, J., far., S. 24; P. 0. Sa- lina. Hillander, G., for., Sec. 24 ; P. O. Salina. HoaghHn, P., far., Sec. 13; P. 0. Salina. Hoagland, Wm., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Hollister, M., far., S. 23; P. 0. Beck- with. Hoops, E. D., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Hoops, J., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hoops, 0. T., far., S. 19 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Houitland, W., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hudgel, J., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hutchinson, J., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hutchinson, J. J., far., S. 6: P. 0. Fair- field. HUTCHISON, WIL.I|IA1I, far and dealer in stock ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in Parish Cap- pie, Jan. 25, 1811 ; came to Philadelphia in 1836, where he worked in a marble- quarry and at railroading for severalyears ; came to Jefi'erson Co. in the spring of 1847. Married Miss Margaret Calhoon in 1836 ; she died 1848 ; married Miss Selina Powell in 1850; has three chil- dren by former wife — Matilda, Charlea and William H. ; by present wife two — John J. and Annie. Owns 200 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre, on which he has made all the improvements. Members of the Baptist Church ; Dem- ocrat. JACOBSON, JOHN, far., S. 13; P. 0. Salina. James, T. P., S. 27 ; P. 0. Beckwith, James, W. F., far., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Beck- with. Jenks, S., far.. S. 21 ; P. 0. Fairfield. KANN, JOHN, far., S. 4; P. 0. Perlee. Kiner, J., far. ; P. 0. Beckwith. Kirkpatrick, H. H., far., Sec. 32; P. 0. Beckwith. Kyle, J. J., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Beckwith. LABAUGH, PETER, far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Lee, L., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Lewellen, George, carpenter, Salina. Long, H., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Beckwith. Louder, J., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Louder, Wm., far., S. 6; P. 0. Fairfield. liOWRIE, THOS., agent and oper- ator, Beckwith ; born in Pennsyl- vania, June 4, 1857 ; came to Wapello Co., Iowa, with his parents, in 1869 ; went to Cliffland, Iowa, and learned tel- egraphing; came to Beckwith in 1878, and has charge of the C, B. & Q. R. R. office. Republican. liYNCH, JR. E., far., S. 18; P.O.Fair- field ; born in Jefi'erson Co., Iowa, March 8, 1846. Married Miss Kate Hilbert Dec. 28, 1869 ; she was born in Harrison Co.. Ohio, Jan. 18, 1849 ; they have one child — Flora. Mrs. L. is a member of the M. E. Church ; Mr. L. is a Re- publican. L.YNCH, T. Y., far.. Sec. 18; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Jefi'erson Co., July 3, 1848; is a graduate of Wesleyan University, Class of 1868-1869 ; then attended the law department of the State University ; graduated in 1872 ; came to Fairfield and practiced for two years ; then moved on the old Noble farm, where he now resides. Married Miss Bell Brooks, March 23, 1875 ; she was born in Van Buren Co., Iowa, Aug. 2. 1850. Members of the M. E. Church. Held the office of Township Clerk for three years ; is re-elected ; is Treasurer of the Agricultural Associa- tion. Republican. MCCARTY, DAVID, far., Sec. 8; P. 0. Fairfield. Mccarty, edward, sec. 6; p. 0. Fairfield ; born in Alleghany Co., Md., Oct. 19, 1824; at 28 years of age, moved to Virginia, where he was a preacher of the M. E. Church for five years ; came to Jefi'erson Co. in 1857. Married Miss Louisa P. Davi- son in 1848 ; she was born in Harrison Co., Va., Feb. 22. 1826; have two children — Julia V. and Frank. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Has held the office of Assessor two years. Is local preacher of the M. E. Church. Greenbacker. McChesney. W. T., physician, Salina. 538 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; McClain, G. W., far., Sec. 27; P. 0. Beckwith. McClain, T., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Perlee. McCashlin, D. A., far., Sec. 33; P. 0. Fairfield. McConnick, George, far., Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Lockridge. McCully, John, far.. Sec. 12; P. 0. Salina. McGaw, H., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Manatry, P., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Fairfield. MAXWELI^, BEIVJAMIX, Sec. 22; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Cumberland Co., Penn.,July 18,1806; came to Jefferson Co. in 1850 ; owns IGO acres of land, valued at $5,000; made all the improvements himself Married Miss Jane McCormick May 22, 1827 ; she was born in liockbridge Co., Va., Sept. 15, 1808 ; have nine children — John C, George W., William W., Elizabeth, Abner, Harvey C, Isabel, Isaac, James M , and five de- ceased — Mary, Eliza J., Catharine, Henry E. and Sarah E. Mr. M. served as Trustee two years. Mrs. M. is a member of the M. E. Church. Mr. M. was in the 3d Iowa Cavalry, and had three sons in the army. Repub- lican. Messer, C, far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Salina. Moyer, E., far.; P. 0. Salina. Mulkins, K., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Mulkins, W., far.,S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Munson, P., Salina. Murphy, W., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. "T^ELSON, C, far.; P. 0. Glendale. Norvell, E., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Fairfield. OVERHOLSER, W., far.; P. 0. Fair- field. PARKER, 0., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Fair- field. PARKER, WILEI AM, far., S 3 ; p. 0. Perlee ; born in England, Jan. 15, 1793 ; came to Huntingdon Co., Penn., in 1832 ; worked at the shoe- maker's trade. Married Mrs. Rachel Soap in 1842; she was born in Balti- more Co., Md., Dec. 10, 1811 ; had one child by former marriage, and, after twenty-two months' married life, separat- ed, Mr. Soap taking the little girl ; moved to Ohio, married again, and deserted his family ; the girl lived at different places until 19 years of age, then married J. McDawell, and came to Henry Co., Iowa. Mrs. Soap married Mr. Parker and came to Jefferson Co.; they lived within thirty miles of each other for thirty years, each supposing the other dead, till 1876, when they met for the first time in forty-eight years. Mr. Parker came to Jefferson Co. in 1844; owns 102 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; has two children — Alfred and Oliver. Republican. PARKER, ALFRED; born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., June 25, 1845. Married Miss Francis Collins in April, 1870 ; have two children — Olive M. and William H. Mrs. Parker is a member of the M. E. Church; Mr. Parker is a Republican. Parsons, B., far.. S. 25 ; P. 0. Glendale. Parsons; J. J., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Glen- dale. PARSONS, JOHN R., farmer and dealer in stock, Sec- 25 ; P. 0. Glen- dale ; born in Randolph Co., W. Va., Dec. 22, 1806; came to Jefferson Co. in April, 1837, and took possession of his farm before it was surveyed ; owns 480 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Married Miss Diana Parsons Dec. 11, 1827 ; she was born in West Virginia, Randolph Co., June 22, 1811 ; died Aug. 28, 1876 ; Mr. P. has eight children — Lucie A., Travis, Eugene S., Robert E., Solomon, Rebecca E., Archi- bald, Baldwin, Mary J. and John J. ; one dead — James. Mrs. P. was a mem- ber of the M. E. Church. Mr. P. served as Justice of the Peace ten years, the first one in Buchanan Tp.; has held other offices of the township, and was on the first jury. Democrat. Parsons, R. E., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Peterson, J., Salina. T3EED, S., far., S. 3; P. 0. Perlee. Rezer, L., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Rasmus, H., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Ringlespacher, P., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Fair- field. REPPERT, HENRY J., dealer in dry goods and groceries, Beckwith ; born in Burlington, Iowa, Oct. 15, 1858; came to Beckwith March 7, 1878, where he engaged in the mercan- tile business, of which he has the monopoly. BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP. 539 Roach, E., far., S. 24; P. 0. Salina. Root, L. A., Sec. 26 ; V. 0. Beck with. Qj ALIDAY, E., far., S. 4; P. 0. Perlee. Saliday, H., ftir., S. 4; P. 0. Perlee. Shafer, M., far., S. 10 ; P. 0. Salina. Shafer, P., S. 15; P. 0. Fairfield. Shelley, S., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Smith, F., dairy, S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Smith, W., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Smith, W. T., Salina. Snook, Jo, far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Snook, John, for., S. 32 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Shields, R. B., far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Snook, P., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Spencer, D., Salina. Stallman, A., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Stewart, J. B., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Beckwith. Stewart, J. C, far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Glendale. Stoneberger, J., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Stoner, H. W., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Fairfield. SHAW, E. B., farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Knox Co., Ohio, May 29, 1831, where he was a mer- chant for seven years; came to Iowa Co., Iowa, in 1855, and engaged in farming and stock-dealing in Jetferson Co., in 1864, where he is farming. Married Miss S. McCugin Jan. 5, 1852 ; she was born in Washington Co., Penn., May 17, 1833; have five children — Alice H., George R., Lottie E., Billie S. and Milligo. Mrs. S. is a member of the M. E. Church. Mr. S. owns 283 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Republican. SUESS, EOUIS, manufacturer and dealer in lager beer, malt and hops, Fairfield ; born in Germany, in the city of Worms, on the Rhine, July 15, 1850 ; came to New York in 1867 ; thence to Iowa, and settled in Fairfield ; is engaged in the manufacture of beer. Married Miss Louisa Chlemlein Jan. 17, 1871 ; she was born in Minnesota Oct. 3, 1854; have four children — Lizzie, George, Laura and Jacob. Mr. S. is the owner of the brewery, worth $6,000. Swanson, D., far., S. 13; P. 0. Salina. TEETER, HENRY, carpenter ; P. 0. Salina. TEMPL.ETOX, W. M., farmer. Sec. 28 ; P. O. Fairfield ; born in Wayne Co., Ohio, June 5, 1837 ; came to Jeff"erson Co. in the fall of 1843. Married Miss Melinda Gallier Oct. 7, 1857; she was born in Jefferson Co., Iowa, Oct. 7, 1840 ; have five children —Major H., Delia, Frank S., Maude, and Guy M., and two dead — Fannie and Blanche. Mr. T. served as Deputy Sheriff six years. Mrs. T. is a member of the M. E. Church. Democrat. Taeller and Suess, Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Trump, C. M., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Tuller, C, far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fairfield. y TLM, E., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Fairfield. YANNOSTRAND, C, far., S. 18; P. 0. Fairfield. TTTEBB, J., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Salina. WEBB, H. A., farmer. Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Salina; born in Warren Co., Tenn., Feb. 22, 1833 ; came to Jefferson Co. July 27, 1849. Married Miss Mary J. Hoops Oct. 18, 1855 ; she was born iu Monroe Co., Ohio, Aug. 25, 1833; have six children — Alice M., Alonzo P., Sarah E., Luella M., Emma D. and Lottie ; two died. Mr. W. was a mem- ber of the Board of Supervisors. Owns eighty-three acres of land, valued at $20 per acre. Members of the M. E. Church ; Republican. Welsh, J., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Fairfield. White, G. W., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Glendale, White, Wm., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Salina. Whitham, J. M., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Woodsides, R., S. 30; P. 0. Fairfield. Woodsides, W. A., far., S. 30; P. 0. Fairfield. Wilkins, J., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Workman, J. M., for., S. 5; P. 0. Fair- field. WORKMAN, JOHN, S 4 ; P 0. Fairfield ; born in Kentucky July 30, 1819; came to Sangamon Co., 111., in 1821; to Jefferson Co., fall of 1840; purchased a claim of William Smith, and built a cabin. Married Miss Amanda J. Kerr in 1840 ; she was born in White Co., Tenn., March 23, 1820; died in 1846. Mr.W. married again, Melissa D. M. Kerr in 1847 ; she was born in White Co., Tenn., Oct. 14, 1825. Mr. W. has two children by former wife — William A. and Sarah A. McCarty ; by present -540 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : wife, seven — James M., Kizzie A., Net- tie J. Merchant, John C, Edward M., Bleanora and George B.; two died in in- fancy. Members of M. E. Church ; Mr. W. owns 399 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre ; made the improve- ments himself. WORKMAM, WILLIAH, far , S. H ; P. O. Perlee ; born in Jefferson Co., Iowa, Oct. 24, 1841. Married Miss Dora S. Herring Oct. 4, 1864 ; she was born in Germany Dec. 10, 1842; have six children — Lucie A., Lennia, Nellie, Katie, William B. and Emma. Mr. W. owns 104 acres of well-improved land, valued at $25 per acre ; member of A., F. & A. M., No. 15. Democrat. Wright, Isaac, far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. YOUNG, JOSEPH, far., S.31 ; P.O. Fairfield. Young, Robert, far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Young, William M., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Fairfield. CEDAR TOWNSHIP. BENNETT, J. P., farmer. Sec. 30; P. 0. Birmingham. Blakely, Jos., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Wooster. BLOUGH, H. D., far., S. 5 ; P. O. Fairfield ; born in Somerset Co., Penn., in 1830 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1865. Married Anna Boughman in 1852 ; she was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, in 1830; have nine children — Simon H., Mary A., Elizabeth, Anna, John D., Eli M., Charles D., Joseph M. and Christian N. Owns 200 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre ; also owns one of the finest Norman horses in the country. Held the oflSce of Road Su- pervisor one year. Members of the Mennonite Church. Democrat. Bradshaw, J. C, Sec. 4; P. 0. Fairfield. BRIIIZ, P., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Fair- field ; born in France in 1835 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1858. Married Miss P. Mary in 1871 ; she was born in St. Louis, Mo., in 1848; has four chil- dren — Annie, Sylvia, Louis and Peter. Owns eighty acres of land, valued at $2,000 ; also owns a gravel mine in Idaho. /CAMPBELL, ED., Jr., far.. Sec. 1 ; \j P.. 0. Fairfield. Caviness, E. K., far., Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Beck- with. CARMICHAEL, W., far.. Sec. 8 ; 1*. 0. Fairfield ; born in (bounty Antrim, Ireland, in 1840; came to Jefferson Co. in 1866, and engaged in farming. Mar- ried Mary Alexander in 1866; she was born in County Antrim, also, in 1840; have five children — Hugh, Alexander, Sadie, James and Ellen. Owns 120 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Democrat. CONLEE, 1., miller. Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Shelby Co., Ky., 1816; came to Jefferson Co. in 1868, and engaged in milling. Married Mary A. Jones in 1845 ; she was born in Kentucky in 1823 ; has three children — Iowa, George P. and James M.; owns 10 acres of land, valued at $2,800. Ha.s held the ofiice of Justice of the Peac; two years. Members of the Baptist Church ; Democrat Cox, A., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Wooster. Cox, C L., far.,S. 5 ; P. 0. Wooster. Cox, E., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Wooster. DeWITT, B. F., farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Wooster. Dougherty, R.,far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Droz, G. A., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Droz, J., far.,S. 33 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Droz, J. B., far., S. 26; P. 0. Fairfield. Droz, Joseph, far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Droz, L., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. EWING, O. 0., farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Wooster. FRY, DAVID, farmer, Sec. 24; P. 0. Wooster. FIERCE, JOHN AND IRA, farmers, Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Wooster ; John was born in Knox Co., 111., in 1855; came to Jefferson Co. in 1856. Ira was born in this county in 1857 ; they own 120 acres of land each, valued at $25 per acre; keep bachelors' hall ou the old homestead, and enjoy life. Re- publican. CEDAR TOWNSHIP. 541 Fisher, R., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Wooster. Flinn, M., far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Fairfield. FLOWER, M., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, in 1810; came to Jefferson Co. in 18-49 ; has since engaged in farming. Married Nancy Dennis in 1850 ; she was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, in 1831 ; have one child — Orlando, born in 1854: ; owns ninety acres, valued at 840 per acre. Was Justice of the Peace four years. Republican. Fry, S. A., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Wooster. GALLIHER, J. A., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Faiifield. Giberson, C, far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Wooster. Giberson, H., far., S. 3d ; P. 0. Birming- ham. Gilbert, J., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Gilbert, M. A., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Graber, J., far., S. 21; P. 0. Fairfield. HARTLEY, D., far., S. 24; P. 0. Wooster. Hill, T. J., far. S. 3 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hisel. John, far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hisel, Joseph, far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hollister, S. C, far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Hosatte, L., far., S. 37 ; P. 0. Glasgow. Hosatte, X., far., S. 26; P. 0. Wooster. Howard, J., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Fairfield. HUMPHREY'S, F. T., farmer and bee-raiser, Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Jefferson Co.,Ind., in 1818 ; in 1835, went to Hancock Co., 111.; in 1841, came to Jefferson Co. Owns 200 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Married Louisa Gossage in 1848; she was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., in 1823; died Dec. 21, 1871 ; have eight children — Emma J., Maria, Sarah C., Harriet L., Cora, Ruth, Mar- vin B. and Irvin B. Present wife's maiden name was Sarah Dawes; she was born in Washington Co., Me., in 1838; one child by this marriage — Fred. Mr. H. was elected Coroner in 1875, but refused to serve. He makes a regular business of selling land and auctioneering. Republican ; members of the M. E. Church. KELLER, ANTHONY, farmer, Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Keller, Edward, far.. Sec. 21; P. 0. Fairfield. Keller, Kugcne, far.. Sec, 13; P. 0. Wooster. Keller, Gustavus, Sr., far.. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Keller, Gustavus, Jr., far.. Sec. 36 ; P. O. Wooster. Keltner, H. B., far., Sec. 25; P. O. Wooster. LIBLIN, JACK, far., S. 17; P. 0. Fairfield. L.ANGDON, S. W., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Tioga Co., N. Y., in 1816; came to Jefferson Co., in 1839. Married Sarah Murrow in 1846 ; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., in 1822 ; have five children — Amy A., Amanda E., Alfred P., Sarah E. and John A. Owns 241 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre ; was Constable two years ; School Director four years. Members of the Methodist Church ; Republican. LEBL.ING, GEORGE, farmer. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in France in 1838 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1856. Married Mary Long in 1 862 ; she was born in Virginia in 1839 ; they have six children — George P., Millisa A., Edward M., Willie, Frank, Syl- vester. Owns 134 acres of land, valued at $20 per acre. Democrat. Liblin, M. G., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Fairfield. LOCKE, J., farmer, S. 34; P. 0. Birmingham ; born in the county of Antrim, Ireland, in 1829 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1854 ; engaged in farming and bee-raising. Married Mary McDowell in 1852; she was also born in the county of Antrim in 1824; have four children — Samuel, Mary A., Jane, Elizabeth ; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $20 per acre. Was Assessor five years. Democrat. Loomis, N., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Birmingham. Lash, D. A., far.. S. 23 ; P. 0. Wooster. Louden, J., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Fairfield. McWHlRTER, S., far.,S. 16; P.O. Fairfield. Mccormick, J., farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in Rockbridge Co., Va., in 1809; came to Jefferson Co. in 1849. Married Mary A. Max- well in 1831 ; she was born in Cumber- land Co., Penn., in 1810, and died in 1875; have twelve children, seven liv- ing — George, Samantha J., Harriet, Martha K., Sarah T., John W., Harri- son, Valentine (died in 1834), Henry 542 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY (died in 1869), William (died in 1862), Mary (died in 1844), Indiana (died in 1875). Owns 335 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Members of the M. E. Church ; Republican. McLelland, J., far., Sec. 18; P. 0. Fair- field. Mahon, J., far., S. 16; P. 0. Fairfield. Merries, X., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Merris, J., far., S. 23; P. 0. Fairfield. Michael, A., far., Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Birming- ham. Moore, S., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Mouck, W. M., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Woos- nVTADY, X., farmer, S. 4 ; P. 0. Fair- _LN field. ORIEY, F., farmer, Sec. 9; P. 0. Fairfield. OZIER, J., farmer, S. 15 ; P. 0. Fair- field ; born in France in 1835; came to Jefferson Co. in 1852. Married Miss Josephine Dalmas in 1857 ; she was born in Erance in 1839 ; have nine children — Joseph, Emily, Adolph, Clemence, Victor, Amyl, Julius, Sophia and Charles. Mr. 0. owns 120 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Mem- bers of the Catholic Church. Liberal. PALM, J., far., S. 27; P. 0. Bir- mingham. Palm, v., far., Sec. 34; P. 0. Birming- ham. Parker, G., far.. Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Wooster. Pease, H. A., wagon-maker, Wooster. Phillips, G. B., far., S. 12; P. 0. Woos- Pattison. A., far., S. 20 ; P. O. Fairfield. PATTISOX, R., far., S. 20; P. 0. Fairfield ; born in County Antrim, Ire- land, in 1816; came to Jeiferson Co. 1849. Married Rosa Gilbert in 1849 ; she was born in County Antrim, also, in 1828 ; they have ten children — Alex- ander W., John, Anna E., Emma J., Robert R., Martha M., Rosetta, William J., Hugh C. and Mary E. Owns 193 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Has held the offices of School Director, Township Treasurer and Road Super- visor. Members of the Presbyterian Church ; Republican. Powell, W. H., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Wooster. Pringle, R. W., far., S. 19 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Provost, J., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Fairfield. RANEY, WM., far., S. 31; P. O Fairfield. Reiter, J., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Wooster. SMITH, H. C, far., S. 23 ; P. Q. Wooster ; born in Jefferson Co., Ky., in 1841 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1842 ; owns forty acres of land, valued at $20 per aci'e. Enlisted in August, 1862, io Co. G, 30th Iowa Inf ; was in the bat- tles of Jackson, Miss., siege of Vicks- burg. Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge ; in the latter battle was wounded, being shot through the ankle of the right foot and amputation was necessary. Republican. SMITH, W. SCOTT, far., S. 23; P. 0. Wooster. Speck, A., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Spears, J., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Stanford, A., far., S. 5 ; P. O. Fairfield. Stewart, R., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Stout, E., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Wooster. TRABERT, J. H., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Birmingham. Temahan, J., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Birming- ham. TROTTER, C. D., farmer, Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Birmingham, Van Buren Co. ; born in Washington Co., Penn., in 1838; in 1839, moved to Jefferson Co.; in 1853, came, to Van Buren Co.; in 1872, went to Idaho and engaged in ho- tel-keeping at Rock Creek ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1878. Married Irene Waldermoit in 1861 ; she was born in Tazewell Co., 111., in 1844; has three children — William, Nellie and Bert. Owns ninety-five acres of land, valued at $3,600. Enlisted in Co. H, 3d I. V. C; was in the battles of Mark's Mill, Jen- kins' Ferry, and several others ; mus- tered out in 1864. Republican. WALKER, PETER, far., Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Birmingham. Walmer, J., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Wright, A., fixr., S. 14; P. 0. Wooster. Wright, I., far., Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Wooster. Writ^-ht, J. L., far., S. 14; P. 0. Wooster. WRIGHT, J., flirmer, S. 14; P. 0. W^ooster ; born in Lincoln Co., Ky., in 1803; in 1818, moved to Morgan Co., 111.; came to Jefferson Co. in 1846; since been engaged in farming. Mar- ried Beckie Gross in 1828 ; she wai born in Cumberland Co., Ky., in 1808 ; had ten children ; those living are — LOCKRIDGE TOWNSHIP. 543 William, Elizabeth, Peter, Thomas, Isaac, John, Alfred, Isom ; Noah and Josiah are dead. Owns 179 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; has held the office of Township Trustee. Mem- bers of Baptist Church. Democrat. Wright, W. T., far., S. 24; P. 0. Wooe- ter. LOCKRIDGE TOWNSHIP. ACHENBACH, LUDWIG, far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Admondson, L. P., far., S. 19 ; P. 0. Sa- lina. Allen, A., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Allender, B. M., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Salina. Anderson, A., far., Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Anderson, E. P., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Anderson, H., far., Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Salina. ANDERI^OX, JOHN P., far , S 26 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Sweden Aug. 31, 1814; came to Jefferson Co. in 1846 ; owns 160 acres, valued at 840 per acre. Married Miss Sarah Ander- son Feb. 1, 1851; she was born in Swe- den Sept. 16, 1827; they have five children — Susan, Leonidas, Sarah E., Mary E. and Albert, and two dead — John L. and Theodore. Members of the Lutheran Church ; Democrat. Anderson, J. F., far.. Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Anderson, P. M., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. BALDOZIER, JOHN, far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Merrimac. Bankhead, J.; far., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Bankhead, Wm., Constable, S. 27 ; P. 0. Lockiidge. Bates, J. D., far., S, 17 ; P. 0. Salina. Beck, C, far., S. 16; P. 0. Salina. Benzon, J. S., Lutheran minister, S. 21 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Berry, I., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Salina. Berry, S. T., far., S. 1 ; P. O. Salina. Biggerstaff, S., far., Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Glen- dale. Bogner, H., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Bogner, V., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Boos, J., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Borg, L., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Bowman, L. P., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Broman, P., far., S. 14; P. 0. Lockridge. Brown, M., Coalport. BROWN BROIS. & CO., dealers in coal and merchandise, Coalport; owns 405 acres of coal land, located at Coal- port, valued at $15,000 ; they make yearly shipments of 300 cars ; own 480 acres in Dakota, valued at $1,500. M. B. Brown is a member of the L 0. 0. F. Came to Jefferson Co. in 1859. The family of Browns are David, Ellen, William M., J. D., Susie A., L. B., G. W. and James. Burgeson, P., far., S. 21; P. 0. Glendale. CARLSON, C. J., Jr., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Salina. Carlson, J., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. CARTER, M. F., miller, Lockridge ; born in Waldo Co., Me., April 15, 1838; came to Jefferson Co. in July, 1858. Married Miss Debbie Heron Oct. 27, 1867; have four children — Horace H., Fredrick D., Jessie M. and Wilson E. Mrs. C. was born in Clinton Co., Penn., in August, 1832. Mr. C. was in the 2d I. V. I., Co. E. Has mill property valued at $6,500. Re- publican. CASSEIi, ANDREW F., Sec. 20 ; P. O. Four Corners ; born in Swe- den Dec. 3, 1831 ; came to Americ.i in 1845, and settled in Jefferson Co.; his family are among the first Swede settlers in Iowa. Married Miss Louisa Peterson Nov. 13, 1857 ; she was born in Sweden Aug. 19, 1835; have six children — Mary E., John W., Simon P., Andrew E., Clara S. and Esther. Members of the M. E. Church. Mr. C. held the office of Assessor five years. Owns 130 acres of land. Republican. Castile, A., far., Sec. 19 ; P. O. Salina. Castile, Isaac, far., Constable, Sec. 19; P. 0. Salina. 544 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: Chilcott, Baker, far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Salina. Chilcott, R., far., S. 18 ; P. 0. Salina. Chilcott, Thos., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Salina. Cole, Chas., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Collins, W., far., S. 7 ; P. O. Salina. €ROY, F. M., merchant, Glendale ; born in Jefferson Co., Iowa, May 1, 1847 ; taught school for ten years. Married Miss Jennie B. Park April 14, 1866 ; she was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn, June 10, 1842 ; they have three children — Francis O., Alanson M. M. and Clarence M. Democrat. Cuddy, G. M., far., Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. DAMM, MICHAEL, merchant, Glen- dale. DAIXNER, Ci^-EORGE, farmer. Sec. 9 ; P. O. Salina ; born in Germany May 28, 1822 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1846 ; owns 205 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre ; held the office of School Director. Married Miss Sophia Duttwiler Sept. 17, 1853; she was born in New York Cfty Oct. 22, 1834. Members of the M. E. Church. They have nine children — Amelia, born Aug. 3, 1854 ; Christina, born Jan. 26, 1856; Annie, born Dec. 15, 1858 ; Maggie E., born Oct. 18, 1861 ; Philip, born May 23, 1864 ; Mary I., April 17, 1866 ; Simon F., born Sept. 1, 1870; Hattie, born April 5, 1873; and Effa B., born Dec. 12, 1875; deceased — Emma S., born June 3, 1868 ; Celestia, born June 3, 1868 ; others died in infancy. Danielson, Albert, far.. Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Four Corners. DANIELSON, F. O., farmer. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Four Corners ; born in Swe- den Sept. 13, 1839 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1845. Married Mrs. Matilda M. Peterson Sept. 2, 1866; have one child — Delia L. Mrs. D. has one child by fjrmer marriage — Henrietta. Mrs. D. is a member of the M. E. Church. Mr. D. served three years and two months in the 4th Iowa V, I., Co. B ; was in most of the heavy engagements ; at Pea Ridge, the first charge on Vicks- burg, and the siege of Vicksburg, Ar- kansas Post, Jackson, Chattanooga. White Oak Mills, Resaca and Stone Mountain, and the march to Atlanta, and was under fire every day. Owns ninety acres of land, valued at $30 per acre, on which he has made all the im- provements ; has served as Constable and other township offices. Republican. Danielson, John, far.. Sec. 21; P, 0. Four Corners. Danielson, Peter A., far., S. 34; P. 0. Lockridire. DUNLAP, WILLIAM, far , S. 18; P. 0. Salina; born in Adams Co., Ohio, Oct. 22, 1821 ; came to Marion Co., Iowa, then to Mahaska Co., then to Henry Co ; came to Jefferson Co. in December, 1870. Married Miss Mary DeWitt in 1844 ; she was born in Ohio, December 9, 1825 ; have eight chil- dren — John W., Sarah E., Nannie J., Mary E., Emma A., Elmer E., Clara M. and James F. Mr. D. owns 210 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Members of the M. E. Church. Mr. D. has served as Justice of the Peace, and is a Republican. EGGENBARGER, JOHN, far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Eggers, Mark, far.. Sec. 36; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Egli, Jacob, far., S. 29; P. 0. Glendale. Egli, John, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Glen- dale. Ehen, August, far.. Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Ehen, Charles, far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Ehen, Jonas, far.. Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Ekwall, J. F., far.. Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Ericson, Albert, farmer. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Ericson, C. E., far., S. 6 ; P. O. Salina. Ericson, C. F., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Ericson, C. M., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Ericson, Eric M., far.. Sec. 13; P. O. Four Corners. Ericson, G. L., far.. Sec. 7; P. 0. SaHna. Ericson, Gustaf, far.. Sec. 7; P. 0. Salina. Ericson, John E., far., S. 14; P. 0. Lockridge. Ericson, John, far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Ericson, Swan, far., S. 19 ; P. 0. Salina. Eshelman, A. H., saw-mill. Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Eshelman, M. H., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Four Corners. LOCKRIDGE TOWNSHIP. 545 FALK, ANDREW J., far., Sec. 22; P. 0. Four Corners. Farman, C A., far., Sec. 25 ; P. O. Four Corners. Farman. J. P., far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Farman, Peter, far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Farquer, J. H., far., Sec. 18; P. 0. Sa- lina. Flanders, G. W., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Lock- ridue. Fordice, John, far., Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Salina. Frazey, Enoch, far., Sec. 17 ; P. ( '. Salina, Frederick, Chas., far., Sec. 12; P. 0. Mer- rimac. Freeberg, S., far., S. 9; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Frost. A., far., Sec. 22; P. O. Four Cor- ners. Frost, Chas., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. GABRIELSON, J., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Gauzman, A., far.. Sec. 14; P. O. Four Corners. Gauzman, N., far.. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Graber, C., far.. Sec. 33; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Graber, J., far., Sec. 23; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Graff, F., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Graff, H., far.. Sec. 22; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Graff, J., far., S. 24; P. 0. Four Corners. Grebe, L., far., S. 24 ; P. O. Four Corners. Grekow, J., far.. Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Gustafson, C. J., far.. Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Gustafson, J., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Salina. HABER, MICHAEL, S. 14; P. 0. Four Corners. Hanley, H., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Hanson, B., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Hanson, G., far., S. 26; P. 0. Lockridge. Hayes, J., section boss, C, B. & Q. R. R. ; P. 0. Glendale. Heater, E.; P. 0. Glendale. Hendricks, Jas. H., far., Sec. 31; P. 0. Glendale. HEKON, DAVID; deceased was burn in Scotland, May 1, 1804. Married Miss J. McGee March 28, 1828 ; she was born in Scotland Feb. 1, 1806 ; Mr. H. died Sept. 7, 1872, leaving a family of seven — Agnes, David, Elizabeth; Mary J., John, Deborah A. and Theresa. HEROX, JOHIV, far., S.26; P.O. Lockridge; born in Clinton Co., Penn., Oct. 24, 1 840 ; came to Jefferson Co. in June, 1857. Enlisted in 2d lowalnf.Co. E ; served three years ; was in the bat- tles of Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Land- ing, Corinth, Atlanta and others. Elect- ed as Senator of Jefferson Co. in 1877, by the Republicans. Member of the Free-VVill Baptist Church ; a leading Republican. Hilderbrand, M., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Merri- mac. Hilderbrand, S., P. O. Merrimac. Hillman, A. L., far.; S. 16 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Hillman, A. M., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Hillman, C. J., far., S. 16; P. 0. Four Corners. Hitts, J., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Hoesch, J., far. ; P. 0. Four Corners. Hollander, A., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Salina. HOPKIRK, DAVID, for , S 35 ; P. 0. Lockridge; born in Jefferson Co., Iowa, Nov. 17, 1850; lives with his parents, following farming. Is a Re- publican. HOPKIRK, JOHX, for , S 35 ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Scotland April 1, 1809; died June 28, 1875; came to Jefferson Co. in 1839 ; one of the early settlers of that county. Mar- ried Miss Jane Nicholson in 1842; she was born in Yorkshire, lilngland, Feb. 8, 1810. Members of the Pre.sby- terian Church. The estate owns 480 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Had five children — William H., Bea- trice, Isabel. John and David. HOPKIRK, WILLIAM, far., S. 34; P. O. Lockridge; born in Scot- land May 9, 1811 ; came to America in 1834; first settled in Rochester, N. Y. ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1841. Married Mis.s Jane Redpeth ; she was born in Scotland, August 10, 181 3, and died Feb. 12,1869; have seven children — Elizabeth, Isabel, Annie, Mary, James, Lillie and Alexander; four deceased. Members of the l*resbyterian Church. Mr. H. was elected Representative of Jefferson Co. in 1869, re-elected in 546 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; 1871, and again in 1873, and served two years ; has been County Supervisor, and held other offices. Owns 360 acres, valued at $25 per acre. Republican. Horton, J. W., far., Sec. 6; P. 0. Salina. Horton, S. T., far., Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Hosteller, John, far., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Howard, A., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Glendale. ITACOBS, JOHN, far., S. 4 ; P. 0. fj Salina. Jar], M., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Salina. Johnson, A., far., S. 18 ; P. O. Salina. Johnson, A., far., S. 16 ; P. O. Salina. Johnson, A. F., far., S. 4; P. 0. Salina. Johnson, F., far., S. 19 ; P. 0. Glendale. Johnson, G-.; P. 0. Lockridge. Johnson, J. F., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Johnson, J. 0., blacksmith, Four Corners. Johnson, S., Lockrido-e. Johnson, S., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Salina. KELLY, WM., far., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Lockridce. KAUFFMAX, H. M., dealer in general merchandise, Four Corners ; born in Cumberland Co., Penn., Nov. 14, 1820 ; came to Iowa City, thence to Keosauqua, and engaged in the nursery business two years ; then to Sheridan, in 1854; was there three years in the same business. Married Miss Hannah Peterson Feb. 26, 1854 ; came to Jef- ferson Co. in 1858, and engaged in the mercantile business in 1873; has five children — Arthur, Adelia, Albert, Lill- ian and Edward. Mrs. K. is a member of the M. E. Church. Mr. K. served as Assessor of Lockridge Tp. for eight years ; is Township Clerk. Republican. Ketterer, A., far., S. 9 ; P. O. Salina. King, S., far., S. 23; P. 0. Four Corners. Knerr, A., far., Sec. 3 ; P. 0. German- ville. Knerr, F. far., S. 4 ; P. O. Germanville. Krumholtz, J., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. I' ANGNER, J., far.. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. -J Four Corners. Larson, A. J., S. 5 ; P. O. Salina. Larson, August, far., Sec, 9 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Larson, C. P.; P. 0. Four Corners. Larson, Jacob, S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Larson, John, far., S. 23; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. Lawrence, Wm., far., S. 12; P. O. Mer- rimac. Leaf, A. P., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Leafgreen, M. ; P. 0. Four Corners. Lewacher, A., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. LibHn, J., far., S. 20; P. 0. Salina. L.EWE1.I.YN, WILI.IAM, Coalport ; P. 0. Lockridge ; born in Glamorganshire, Wales, April 6, 1807 ; came to New York in 1827 ; two years after, to Pennsylvania. Married Mrs. Elinor McCutcheon Dec. 6, 1835 ; she was born in Ireland in 1801 ; died in 1873. Mr. L. came to Jefferson Co. in 1866. Married again, Elizabeth Her- on, in 1875 ; she was born in Scotland, in 1816 ; she had three children by a former marriage — Theresa, Charley and Minnie. Mr. L. is a member of the M. E. Church ; Mrs. L. of the Baptist Church ; Mr. L. is a Republican. Lindbloom, Gustaf, far., Sec. 16 ; P. O. Four Corners. Lindburg, Olof, blacksmith, Lockridge. Linde, Jacob, far., Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Lindquist & Signal, farmers, S. 19 ; P. 0. Salina. Linn, John, far., Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Long, H. C., merchant, Salina. Loos, John, renter, Lockridge Louth, Simon, far., S. 24; P. 0. Four Corners. Low, C. H., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. SaUna. Lundgren, Andrew, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Lindquest, G. E., far.. Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Lunchbaugh, G. A.; P. 0. Salina. Lyon, Frank H., far., Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Lyon, P. W., far., Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Lyon, S. H., far.. Sec. 11; P. 0. Four Corners. McGUIRE, CHARLES, far., Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Germanville. McGuire, C. S., Germanville. McGuire, T., S. 3; P. O. Germanville. McMurry, T., Glendale. Mickey, B., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Miller, H., far.. Sec. 15 ; P. O. German- ville. Monson, A., far., Salina. LOCKRIDGE TOWNSHIP. 547 "VTELSON, A. P., far., Sec. 8; P. 0. 1.M Salina. Nelson, D., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Nelson, G., far., S. 12; P. O. Germanville. Nelson, G. F.. far., S. 12; P. 0. Four Corners. Nelson, M., tar., S. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Nelson, S., far., S. 4 ; P. O. Salina. Newlander, C, far., S. 21; P. 0. Four Corners. OGDEN, E., school-teacher. S. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Olson, P., far., S. 4 ; P. O. Salina. Olson, S., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Oman, A., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Salina. Omer, C, far.. S. 8 ; P. 0. Salina. PALM, P., far., S. 23; P. 0. Four Corners. -PAINE, E. •! ., merchant, Lockridge ; born in Des Moines Co., Iowa, July 10, 1855 ; came to Jeflerson Co., located in Lockridge, and engaged in the mercan- tile business July 29, 1878; keeps on hand a general supply of dry goods and groceries. Democrat. Park, G. N., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Salina. Pearson, G., far., S. 10 ; P. O. Four Cor- ners. PIERCE, A. R,, Lockridge; born in Waldo Co., Me., Jan. 3, 1820. Mar- ried Miss Sophronia E. Ripley in Sep- tember, 1848 ; she died in May, 1861 ; married again. Miss Julia Ripley in 1864 ; she died in 1872 ; has two chil- dren — F. and Frank R. Mr. P. came to Jeiferson Co. July 4, 1859 ; was elected Representative of Jefferson Co. in 1861 ; but, thinking he could serve his country better, vacated his seat and went to the army as Captain of Co. M, 4th I. V. C. ; served till the close of the war ; was promoted to Major, and commanded the regiment in most of the heavy engagements, among them Gun- town, Osage and Blue River, where the Fourth Cavalry made a gallant charge through Price's army, and had a hand- to-hand fight with sabers ; the Major was wounded in the foot, also receiving a saber wound in the leg ; mustered out in the fall of 1865. In 1867, was elected Representative of Jefferson Co ; held that office four years. Maj. P. had several narrow escapes in his younger days ; made a trip to San Francisco in .December, 1849 ; had a fight with pirates off the coast of South America and barely escaped with their lives ; was shipwrecked on Cape Verde Island, at which time was sixty-four days on a journey of usually fourteen days. Peterson, A. D., blacksmith, Salina. Peterson, A. A., far., S. 17 ; P. O. Salina. Peterson, A. P., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Salina. Peterson, A., farmer. Peterson, D., far., S. 19; P. 0. Salina. Peterson, J., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Salina. Peterson, Nils, far., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Peterson, P. J., minister M. E. Church. Peterson, Swan P., far.. S. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Pohren, V., far., S. 9; P. 0. Salina. Pohren, J., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Salina. QUICK, JOHN, stone-mason, Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. RAUSCHER, FREDERICK, far.. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Rausher, Fred A., far.. Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Reed, D., coal-miner ; P. 0. Lockridge. REEDER, LOUIS, farmer. Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Four Corners ; born in Baden, Germany, Jan. 22, 1812 ; came to Westmoreland Co., Penn., in 1828 ; worked on the farm during the summers, and went to school in the winters ; moved to Cincinnati in 1837 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1842. Married Miss Margaret Steutcer July 3, 1843 ; she was born in Germany Aug. IT, 1826, and died in August, 1853 ; married again, Sallie Shanberger Oct. 3, 1854 ; she was born in York Co., Penn., June 24, 1820 ; have four children — Charlas L., Elmer E., >allie M., and Caroline D.; owns 156 J acres of land, valued at $25 per acre ; served as Representative from Jefferson Co. in 1856, and was one of a committee that first organized schools in Lockridge Tp.; was the first Royal Arch Mason in Jefferson Co., has bepn a member for forty-two years ; now a member of Blue Lodge of Fair- field, and the Chapter. Republican. Reugner, G., far., S. 18 ; P. 0. Salina. Riley, H., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Glendale. RIPLEY, JOSEPH O.; P. Lockridge; agent C, B. & Q. R. R., and express agent ; born in Waldo Co., Me., Dec. 23, 1845 ; came to Jefierson Co. in 1851, and took the office of the 548 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : C B. & Q. ; located at Lockridge, Iowa, in April, 1874. Married Miss Amy D. Dougherty Sept.- 10, 1876 ; she was born in Jefferson Co., Iowa, Dec. 25, 1855. Member of the Free Will Baptist Church ; Republican. Rizor, E., far., S. 33; P. 0. Glendale. Rizor, J., far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Glendale. Rizor, John, far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Glendale. Rosquist, J., Sec. 9; P. 0. Four Corners. Ruby, H. J., far., S. 4 ; P. O. Salina. Rupp, J.,Sr., far., S. 24; P. 0. Four Corners. Rupp, J. Jr., for., S. 24; P. 0. Four Corners. SANDBLOOM, J., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Salina. Sandquist, A. P., tailor, Four Corners. Scheiber, H„ far., S. 22; P. 0. Four Corners. Schillerstrom, C. 0., far., S. 29; P. 0. Glendale. Schillerstrom, G. 0., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Glendale. Schillerstrom, 0., far., S. 29; P. O. Glendale. Schneider, C, Four Corners. Schneider, J., far., S. 25; P. 0. Four Corners. Schultz, A., Sec. 18, Salina. Schultz, C. J., Sec. 32; P. 0. Glendale. Sheflfel, C, far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Merrimdc. Shultz, J., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Glendale. Smith, A. G., coal-miner, Lockridge. Simmons, W. R., far., S. 24; P. 0. Four Corners. SMITH, ELI, farmer and dealer in stock. Sec. 32; P. 0. Glendale; born in Delaware Co., Ohio, Oct. 20, 1812. Married Miss Mary N. James, in January, 1832 ; she was born in Jef- ferson Co., Ohio, May 31, 1816, and died Nov. 27, 1849; married again, Mary E. Hickenbottom, March 30, 1850 ; she was born in Adair Co., Ky., Dec. 5, 1827 ; Mr. S. has two children by his former wife — Sidney, born Oct. 27, 1837 ; Wm. R., born May 1, 1847, and an adopted daughter, Lydia. born July 12, 1851. 3Ir. S. owns 172 acres of land, valued at $35 j^er acre, making most of the improvements. Member of I. 0. O. F. and A., F. & A. M. Re- publican. Smith, Eric, far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Smith, W. R., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Glendale. Smithburg, G. A., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Snook, C. ; P. 0. Salina. Snook, A. A.; P. 0. Salina. Spriggs, J. ; P. 0. Glendale. Stamm, D., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Lockridge. Starr, C. J., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Salina. Staub, M., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Germanville. Steer, D.,fiir.,S. 36; P. 0. Lockridge. STEPHEXSO]^, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 15; P. 0. Four Corners; born in England Aug. 21, 1833; came to York State, thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, thence to Jefferson Co., May 2, 1841 . Married Miss Matilda Davidson Dec. 1,1855; she was born in Sweden May 7, 1835 ; they have three children — Adelia, Geo. E. and EflBe E. ; lost one — Frank. Mr. S. owns 62 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Has served as County Super- visor, and held the office of Trustee. His father was Representative of Jef- ferson Co. in 1854. Republican. Stephenson, S., far.. Sec 26 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Stewart, J. M., P. 0. Glendale. Swanson, Alfred ; P. 0. Lockridge. Swanson, Jonas, far.. Sec. 3; P. 0. Four Corners. Swanson, Oliver, far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. rpEETER, DAVID, Salina. Teeter, Elliott, Salina. Teeter, N., far., S. 33 ; Thureson, J., far., S. 7 Toothaker, Frederick, Glendale. TOOTHACKER, JOHN, retired, Lockridge; born in Hancock Co., Me.; Aug, 15, 1802, moved to Muskingum Co., Ohio, and lived there seven years ; came to Jefferson Co., in 1843, and followed farming ; has retired from business. Mar- ried Miss Beersheba Trim in 1824; she was born in Hancock Co., Me., in 1797 ; died Oct. 10, 1876; married again, Nancy Hctterbran Sept. 5, 1878 ; has six children by former wife — Lavina, Fred- rick, Reuben, Oliver, John and Sophro- nia. Mr. T. is a member of the Baptist Church ; Mrs T. is a member of the M. E. Church ; Mr. T. is a Republican. TOOTHAKER, R., farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Glendale ; born in Penobscot Co., Me., Jan. 15, P.O. Glendale. P. 0. Salina. far., S. 31 ; P. 0. PENN TOWNSHIP. 549 1827 ; came to Jefferson Co. in 1844. Married Miss Mercy E. Ripley April 28, 1854 ; she was born in Waldo Co., Me., Dec. 8, 1831 ; have three children — Augustus R., Mary V. and Mark E., and two dead. Member of Baptist Church. Mr. T. owns 140 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Repub- lican. Trabert A., Sr., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Four Corners. Trabert, L., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. YANSANT, JOHN, far., S. 12; P. 0. Four Corners. Veburg, C, far.. S. 32 ; P. 0. Glendale. Victor, A. M., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Lock- ridge. Voorheis, T., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. WALGREN, AUGUST, far., S. 16 ; P. O. Four Corners. Wcrtz, George, miller, Lockridgc. Whisler, G., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Salina. Wiggins, H. C, Lockridije. Winnegar, H., flir., S. 11; P. 0. Four Corners. Wright, D.; P. 0. Four Corners. Wright, S.; P. 0. Four Corners. YUNGQUIST, OSCAR, far., P. 0. Four Corners. ZILLMAN, ANTONY, far., S. 14; P. 0. Four Corners. Zillman, L., far., S. 13; P. 0. Four Cor- ners. PENN TOWNSHIP. ABBEY, G., laborer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Perlee. Aldice, Wm., miner ; P. 0. Perlee. ANDRE WIS, B. C, farmer. Sec. 9; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Charles City, Va., in 1822; in 1827, moved with his parents to Columbiana Co., Ohio, where he married Miss Mary Bruff in 1848 ; a'native of that county ; moved to Illinois in 1839, thence to this county in 1840; had twelve children — Edwin, James B. (deceased, ased 18 3'ears), Charles, Willis, Joseph, John, Almira C. (deceased, aged 5 years), Al- bert H., Benjamin F., Alsina M., Luther J. and Sarah. Members of the Society of Friends. Mr. A. is Secre- tary of the Board of Directors of Pleas- ant Plain Academy. Formerly a Whig ; on the decline of that party became a Rejjublican. Owns 129 acres of land ; his father, John Andrews, a native of Virginia; born in 1796; married Edna Crew, native of the same State ; they moved to Ohio, thence to Illinois, and thence to this county in 1840 ; pioneer settlers of Jefferson Co.; both deceased. Andrews, W., far.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. BANE, T. L., far.. Sec. 28; P. 0. Perlee. BARTOW, A., farmer. Sec. 30 ; P. O. Perlee ; born in Harrison Co., Ohio, Feb. 11, 1821 ; came to this county in- April, 1851. Married Miss M. J. Mc- Cormick in Mahaska Co., Iowa, Aug. 14, 1851 ; she was born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, Nov. 3, 1827. Members of the Christian Church. Own 260 acres of land. Republican. Mr. B.'s father, George Bartow, was born in New York ; moved to Harrison Co., Ohio ; mar- ried Miss Matilda Picken ; moved to Iowa in 1851 ; had three children — A. Susanna, who married James H. Baker ; she died in 1 854 ; he served in the late war; G. P. served in an Iowa regiment during the war of the rebellion ; was honorably discharged. Mrs. A. Bar- tow's father, James McCormick, mar- ried Martha Peoples, in Ohio ; they moved to this State in 1851. Barker, J., retired ; P. 0. Perlee. Bates, E., far.. Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Perlee. Bearkhart, J., far.. Sec. 29; P. 0. Perlee. Bendy, J., far.S. J2 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. BENTON, GEORCt^E, farmer. Sec. 27, Washington Tp., (Jlinton Co., Iowa; born near Birmingham, England, in 1813 ; came to this country in 1836 ; to Iowa in 1839. Married JMis.s Mary Folck in Davenport in 1 843 ; settled in Clint(m Co., Iowa, in 1845 ; hav^e seven children living — George E. (who married Miss C. Campbell), Richard (married .550 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY Miss S. Hicks), William, John, Dillman, Mary E." and Susan. Members of the Christian Church. They own 402 acres of land. Mrs. Benton's father, Abraham Folck, was a native of Pennsylvania ; born in 1793 ; served in the war of 1812, and severely wounded at New Orleans ; also served in Black Hawk war; was com- missioned Captain ; married Mary Coop in Wabash Co.. Ind. ; she was a sister of Gen. W. G. Coop, whose biography appears in another part of this work. Black, J., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Perlee. Bones, John, renter ; P. O. Pleasant Plain. BOWEX, W. O., merchant. Pleasant Plain ; born in Franklin Co., N. Y., in 1850 ; educated at Lawrenceville Acad- emy, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; came to Pleasant Plain in 1874, and engaged in the mercantile business; his store is stocked with a full assortment of dry goods and notions, hats and caps, boots and shoes. Mr. B. is also engaged in the lumber and grain trade with Mr. I. H. Crumly ; is a successful business man ; is genial and pleasant in social relations, and widely respected in all the relations of life. Brady, T. F., far., S. 12 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Bray, C, far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Bray, S., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Bryson, C, far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Burgess, A., mechanic, Pleasant Plain. Burgess, I. W., far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Burgess, J., retired ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. /"^ARSE, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 36; P. \y O. Fairfield. Casady, J. E., far.. Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Salina. Oasady, J. D., Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Salina. CJHARIiES, A., merchant, Pleasant Plain ; born in Randolph Co., N. C, Aug. 8, 1807 ; while a child, his parents re- moved to Wayne Co., Ind. ; in 1830, he moved to Marion Co., Mich. ; thence to La Porte Co., Ind.; in 1837 or '38, he went to Tazewell Co. (now Woodford Co.), 111. ; in 1841, moved to Fulton Co. ; thence, in 1855, to Pleasant Plain, this county, and engaged in present business — dry goods and groceries. He has married Miss J. Pool, in Wayne Co., Ind., in 1830 ; she died in LaPorte Co., Ind., in 1837 ; present wife was E. M. Israel ; married in Wayne Co., Ind. Member of the Christian Church ; Republican since organization of the party. Children — Jesse T., who was in Co. K, 13th Regt. Iowa Inf.; was severely wounded at Kenesaw Mountain ; served three years ; was discharged ; Sarah L., Louisa B., now Mrs. E. Pool. Charles, John H., far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Charles, Thomas, far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Chattertown, A., school-teacher. Pleasant Plain. CoflBn, Henry, butcher, Pleasant Plain. Cole, Perry G., far., P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Commage,W. H., far., Sec. 7; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Connor, John, miner, Perlee. COOP, DAVID I.., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Perlee ; born in Macoupin Co., 111., in 1832 ; removed to this county with parents in 1836. Married Miss Melin- da Burr, in Keokuk Co., Iowa, in 1852; she was born in Macoupin Co., 111., in 1831 ; have two children — Nancy A. (married 0. W. Lambert), and William L. Mr. C. owns sixty acres of land. Democrat. COOP, liAFAYETTE, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Perlee ; born in this township April 15, 1842. Married Miss C. J. Spencer in 1867, also a native of this county; born July 31, 1848 ; have four children living — Albert L., Mary Olive, Eldon Iowa and Bertha Rose. Members of the Chris- tian Church. He owns 244 acres of land. Democrat. COOP, WM. G., GEN., deceased, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Greene Co., Va., Feb. 26, 1805 ; in 1809, he removed with his parents to Tennessee ; thence to Wash- ington Co., Penn., remaining about two years ; then, removed to Wabash Co., Ind. ; in 1830, they moved to Macoupin Co., 111. Gen. Coop's first public serv- ice was contractor for delivering a drove of cattle to the soldiers of Green Bay ; on his return, was elected Captain of a company of volunteers, and immediately promoted to Colonel of a regiment, to serve in the Black Hawk war, which position he filled with credit. Jan. 28, 1832, was commissioned Major General of the 44th Reg. Illinois Militia, by PENN TOWNSHIP. 551 Governor Reynolds ; was elected SheriflF of Macoupin Co., six consecutive terms. He moved to this county on June 6, 1836 ; was one of the Commissioners who located and named Fairfield ; was a member of the first Legislature ; mem- ber of the House of Representatives five sessions ; was elected to the Senate six terms. He died on the 4th of June, 1874, respected and honored by all. His wife was Miss Nancy F. Harris, a native of Lexington Co., Ky. ; they were married in 1829 ; she survived her husband but a short time ; their chil- dren are Polly, born July 13, 1830, died Dec. 20, 1848 ; David L., born June 29, 1831 ; Elizabeth Isabel, now Mrs. R. Simmons, born March 28, 1833; John died, aged 7 months ; William Henry, the first white child born in this county, was born July 13, 1836; Jef- ferson S., born March 1, 1839 ; Nancy Ann, now Mrs. S. Parks, born Nov, 8, 1840; Lafayette, born April 15, r842 ; Christiana, now Mrs. G. Gilbert, born May 25, 1844 ; Margaret, born Oct. 27, 1845, died in 1864 ; Clarinda, now Mrs. F. M. Henderson, born Feb. 15, 1847 ; Mildred M., born April 6, 1849, died in 1853 ; Emanuel W., born Jan. 30, 1851, died in 1863; Sarah Ellen, now Mrs. W. Dawes, born Jan. 30, 1854. COOP, WM. H., far., Sec. 29; P. 0. Perlee ; was born in this county, July 13, 1836, being the first white male child born in this county. Mar- ried Miss M. R. Ankron ; she was born in Cedar Tp., this county, in 1843 ; have six children living — Elizabeth Jane, Nancy Ellen, John Francis, Christiana, David L., Mary Isabel. Mr. C. owns 100 acres of land. Politics, National, formerly a war Democrat. €RUMLY, A. L.., far.. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Johnson Co., Mo., in 1846. Married Miss Mary J. Edwards, native of this town- ship ; have two children — Edward N. and Charlotte M. Hull. Mr. C. and wife are members of the Society of Friends. Owns fifty-two and one-half acres of land. Has held various offices. Republican. CRUMLY, ISAAC H., lumber and grain dealer. Pleasant Plain ; resides on his farm on Sec. 9, two miles South- west of Pleasant Plain ; a native of Greene Co., Tenn. ; born in 1820 ; in 1842, went to Johnson Co., Mo. ; in 1848, moved to this county and set- tled in the vicinity of his present resi- dence. The winters of 1852-53, he and his family passed at his native home in Tennessee. Married Miss Rebecca L., daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hackney, in 1844; her parents were among the first settlers in Greene Co., Tenn. ; she was born in 1816 ; died in this county ; was a faithful and con- sistent member of the Society of Friends. Mr. C. married Rachel Reals in Jasper Co., in 1857 ; she was a native of Greene Co., Tenn. By first marriage, has two children living — Elizabeth T. and Alfred L. ; by second marriage, six children — William A., Wendell P., Miriam, Emeline, Harvey, Flora and Isaac N. Mr. C. has been a firm supporter of the Republican party since its organization. Has always taken an active part in the advancement of re- ligious and educational institutions ; is a member of the Board of Directors of the Pleasant Plain Academy, under the control of the Society of Friends, and which he was largely interested in building. In the early history of the county, was elected member of the Coun- ty Board of Supervisors, and County Surveyor ten consecutive years ; has filled other local offices. He bought the land on which the greater portion of Pleasant Plain now stands, and laid out the western portion of the town ; has always been closely identified with its interests, taking a part in everything that tended to the advancement of the town and the prosperity of its citizens. DAVIS, JAMES A., miner; P. 0. Perlee. Defrance, C, farmer, Perlee. DEAI ARSH, F. J., merchant, Perlee; was born in Canada in 1834 ; removed to Watertown, Jeiferson Co., N. Y., with his parents in 1845 ; came to Fairfield, Iowa, in 1853 ; thence to Perlee in 1858. Married Miss Elizabeth Urie, of this county, in 1860 ; she was born in Ash- land (yO., Ohio ; have two children — Ida May and C. C. Mr. Demarsh has been actively engaged in business since he came to Perlee. Was Postmaster 552 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : several years ; has held various offices, Notary Public, etc. Members of the M, E. Church. He is also a member of tho Kniohts of Pythias. Republican. DEMAR^H, JOHN, Perlee, Iowa ; born in Canada ; moved to Watertown, Jefferson Co., N. Y., with his parents. In 1861, he enlisted in Co. B, 57th Regt. N. Y. V. I. ; served three years ; honorably discharged ; came to this county in the spring of 1865. Married Miss Melissa C. Urie in November, 1865 ; she was born in Ohio. Members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is Elder and Deacon. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Republican. Dickinson, H.,far., Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Dickinson, S., farmer.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Dickson, R. H., far., S. 18 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Draper, D. E., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Clay. E'^DWARDS, ELIJAH, proprietor of J Broadway House, Pleasant Plain. £€K, FRANK I^., hardware mer- merchat, Pleasant Plain ; born in Keo- kuk July 15, 1853. Married Miss Lydia E. Ellyson in Pleasant Plain Oct. 6, 1875 ; she was born in Cass Co., Mich. ; have two children — William J. and Mabel Helen. Members of the Pres- byterian Church; Republican. His father, Louis Eck, was born in Germany in 1 823. July 21, 1861, he enlisted in the 2d Iowa V. I., and died in consequence of injuries received in service, aged 39 years and 7 months. El> WARDS, JOHN D., farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; a pio- neer settler of Penn Tp., Jefferson Co. ; native of CHnton Co., Ohio ; born in 1811 ; in 1832, came to Illinois, and en- gaged in introducing carding machines into that State; in 1839, moved to this count}', and settled in Penn Tp. Mar- ried in 1835, Isabel Jane Valentine, a native of Southey Co., Ohio ; have eight children living — Samuel, William D., Mary Jane (now Mrs. A. Crumly), Elizabeth, Harriet (now Mrs. N. F. Hack- ney), Lydia, Rachel (now Mrs. M. Hos- kins) and Louisa Ida (now Mrs. C. N. Draper. IMembers of the Society of Friends ; Republican. Was a member of Township Board of Trustees at the first election held ; held various offices. Owns 180 acres of land. Edwards, W., carpenter ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Edwards, W. D., far.; P. O. Pleasant Plain. ELLIS, ISAAC, farmer, Sec. 23; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Greene Co., Tenn., in 1802 ; in 1804, his par- ents moved to Lafayette Co., Ohio, thence to Tippecanoe Co., Ind., where he married Miss B. Heston in 1831 ; she was born in Greene Co., Ohio, in 1810; moved to this county in 1839, and settled in this township ; children — Mordecai, Sarah (now Mrs. A. A. Smith), Isaac, Betsy, Walter (who served in the 7th Iowa V. I., during the war; honorably discharged), Mary (now Mrs. J. Jones; Eleanor, John, Emery, Phineas, born May 22, 1832 ; was in 30th Iowa V. I.; killed at the siege of Vicksburg; Amon, born in 1841, also served in the 30th Regt. Iowa V. I. ; died at Milliken's Bend, March 14, 1863 ; Susanna, born July 19, 1836, died Aug. 1, 1851 ; Asa, born Sept. 26, 1838, died July 1, 1851. Members of the Society of Friends. Republican since party organization ; in early life, was an Old Line Whig. In early times Mr. E. was elected Justice for several terms ; held various other offices since he settled here, nearly forty years ago. Has always taken an active interest in advancement of religious and educational interests of Penn Tp. Owns 120 acres •T 1 A ELLIS, ISAAC, Jr., former. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in this county in 1843. Married Miss Martha Roberts in 1870 ; she was also born in this county ; have four children — Ada, Sarah, Estella and Charles Elmer. Re- publican. Has held various township and school offices. Owns 193 acres ot land. His father, Isaac Ellis, came to this county in 1839 ; his biography will be f und in another place in this work. Mrs. Isaac Ellis' father and mother, Robert and Nancy Roberts, came to this county in 1841. ELLIS, WALTER, farmer. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in this township in 1846. During the war, en- listed in Co. K, 7th Iowa V. I. ; was PENN TOWNSHIP. 553 through Atlanta campaign ; honorably discharged at the close of the war. Mar- ried Miss Nancy Conner, of this county ; have two children — Alice and Annie. Republican. Has held various local offices. Owns forty acres of land. ELLY^SOEf, J. T., proprietor of wagon shop, Pleasant Plain ; was born in Cass Co., Mich., in 1852 ; removed with his parents to Washington Co., Iowa in 1859 ; came to Pleasant Plain in 1863. Politically, Mr. E. is a Rep. Emry, D., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. EMRY, JAMES, farmer, Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain; a resident of Iowa for nearly forty years ; a native of Ran- dolph Co., Ind. ; born in 1821 ; came to Iowa the fall of 1839. Married Miss Catherine Shockley in this county March 3, 18-12 ; she was born in Logan Co., Ohio, in 1819 ; came to this county with parents in 1840. Mr. E. and wife were the first couple married in this county in the Society of Friends, of which they are members. Mr. E. was a Free-Soiler, now a Republican. Their children are Charles, Travis, Susanna, Sarah, Rich- ard, Eli, Thomas and George Julien. Travis served in 2d Iowa V. C. during the war ; honorably discharged. Mr. E. owns 135 acres of land. His father, Travis Emry, was born in North Caro- lina in 1788 ; served in the war of 1812 under Gen. Jackson; married Elizabeth Frazier ; they moved to Henry Co., Iowa, in 1839 ; thence to this county in 1845; he died Jan. 31, 1866; she in 1872. Mrs. J. Emry's father, Richard Shockley, was born in Virginia in 1798 ; married Miss Susanna Pacton in Logan Co., Ohio ; she was also a native of Vir- ginia ; born in 1795 ; they moved to this county in 1840. Mr. S. died March 22, 1876. Mrs. S. is one of the oldest pio- neer mothers of this township now living. Emry, J. Q., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Emry, T. F., farmer, S. 14 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Emry, T. L., far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. England, George, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. FARMER, JAMES F., farmer; P. O. Pleasant Plain. Farmer, Ridgely, farmer, Sec. 19 ; P. O. Pleasant Plain. Frakes, Abram, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Frazier, Isaiah, farmer. Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Frazier, James, far., S. 14; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Frazier, J. E., farmer, Sec. 14; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Frazier, John, farmer, Sec. 12; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Frazey, J. P., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Fryman, Jacob, far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Fryman, J., far.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Fuqua, M. C, teamster, Pleasant Plain. QARMOE, LAWRENCE, far., S. 36; P. 0. Fairfield. George, R. T., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Gilbert, Thomas, far., S. 29; P. 0. Perlee. Goodwin, Henry, faf., S. 5 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Goodwin, John, far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. GOODWIX, JOSEPH, far. Sec 12; P. 0. Pleasant Plain; born in Preble Co., Ohio, in 1844 ; came to this county in 1856. Married Miss M. Arry in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., in 1863; she was born in Indiana. Have four children — Ludovic, born in 1864 ; Willis, born in 1865 ; Carrie May, born in 1870, and Arthur, born in 1874. Republican. Owns forty acres of land. His f\ither, Joseph Goodwin, was born in South Carolina ; married Miss Mary Hixon in Ohio ; she was a native of Georgia; came to this county in 18 -16; he was born in 1795 ; died in 1871 ; she is still living. Mrs. J. Goodwin's father, John Arry, a native of Penn- sylvania, married Miss K. Jones in . Ohio ; they moved to this State in 1855 ; she died in 1877 ; he is still living, aged 76 years. Graham, Riley, far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Gray, Richard, far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Grooves, J. K., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HACKNEY, F. N., shoemaker, Pleasant Plain. 554 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: Hadley, William R. Haifley, Alfred, far., Sec. 25; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HAMPSON, J. C, druggist, Per- lee ; born in Fairfield, in this county, in 1854. Is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. H. keeps a full stock of pure drugs, medicines, paints, oils, lamps, glassware, paper and window shades, and everything to be found in a first-class drug store. Kepublican. Harken, John, far.; P. O. Pleasant Plain. Harkins, Peter, far.; S. 8 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Harrison, Robert, far., S. 16; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Harrison, William H., far.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HARRISON, WILLIAM, far, S. 1) ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Clarke Co., Ohio, in 1817 ; in 1827, moved with parents to Cass Co., Mich. ; in 1834, came to Louisa Co., Iowa; in 1842, moved to this county and settled on his present farm. Married Miss Susanna Mace in McDonough Co., 111. ; she was a native of Tennessee ; have nine children living — Robert, who served in an Iowa Regiment during the war, was honorably discharged ; Henry, Chedwick, Emeline, now Mrs. F. H. Kdler ; Nancy, Phoebe Jane, now Mrs. S. Clevenyer ; Bcyijamin, Joseph and Margaret. Owns 348 acres. Repub- lican Has held various local ofiices. A resident of Iowa for forty-eight years. Harvey, James, grocer. Pleasant Plain. Harvey, Jervis, grocer, Pleasant Plain. Harvey, U. R., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Perlee. Hawk, William, far., S. 36 ; P. O. Fair- field. Hawk, W. J., far. ; P. 0. Fairfield. Haymond, A. D., far.; P. O. Perlee. Haymond, Jas., weighmaster. Coal Bank. H£NDRI€K|i$, WILLIAfl R., far., S. 35; P. 0. Perlee; born in Shelby Co., Ind., in 1842 ; removed to this county with parents in 1852. En- listed in Co. B, 19th Regt. Iowa Inf August, 1862 ; served about three years ; was then discharged ; was in a number of severe engagements, among them the sieges of Vicksburg and Mobile and Springfield, Mo. In 1866, married Miss A. M. Alinder in this county ; she was born in Bedford Co., Penn., in 1844 ; have five children — James Howell, Ed- win Canby, Charles Roscoe, Olive Mary and Nathan Jule. Members of the United Brethren ; retired. Owns 157 i acres of land. Henry, Philip, coal-miner, Perlee. Heston, Joseph, far., S. 23 ; P. Pleasant Plain. HESTOX, li. W.,_ far.,_S. 8 ; p. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in this county in 1853. Married Miss Eliza McNees, a native of this State ; have one child. Mr. H. owns 190 acres of land; Re- publican. His father, Phineas Heston, a pioneer settler of this State, native of Ohio ; born in the year 1820, and settled in this county in 1841, and resided in this township until his death Feb. 13, 1875 ; he left wife and four children— H.W., F. H., L. W. and Ruth, now Mrs. E. Janway. Hicks, S., far., Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Hiatt, D., far., Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HIATT, SAMUEL, farmer; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; an early settler of this county ; is a native of Guilford Co., N. C. ; born in 1805 ; came to JeflPer- son Co., in 1841. Married first wife, Susanna Paxton, in Ohio; she died in this county. Present wife was Eliza- beth, daughter of William and Mary Pickerell, who settled in this county in 1839 ; their children are Elliott, who married Miss S. Wood ; Sarah Ann, now Mrs. J. Boyles ; Sitnah Ann, now Mrs. Ellis ; Cynthia Ann, now Mrs. J. H. Koontz ; William Henry, who served in Co. K, 13th I. V. I., during the war ; honorably discharged ; Enos, who was in 13th I. V. [. four years ; was in a num- ber of severe engagements ; honorably discharged ; he married Sarah Donlevy ; David, married Phebe Heston ; Mary, now Mrs. Aaron Roberts ; Camilla, now Mrs. William R. Hadley. In the early history of the county, Mr. Hiatt was elected Justice of the Peace, which ofl&ce he was the incumbent of several years ; has also held various other oflSces. Republican, formerly a Whig. He owns 100 acres of land. Hoag, Jesse, retired farmer, Pleasant Plain. Hoag, William H., far., Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. PENN TOWNSHIP. 555 Hobson, W. Z.,far., Sec. 13 ; P. 0. Pleas- ant Plain. Hodson, A., far., Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Hodson, J. F., Sr., blacksmith, Pleasant Plain. Hodson, T. F.,far., Sec. 23; P. 0. Pleas- ant Plain. Hoskins, A., far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HONKINIS, B. F., farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Clinton Co., Ohio, in 1827 ; moved to Illinois with his parents ; thence to this State in 1839. Married Miss L. A. Dillion, in this county, in 1849 ; she was born in Tazewell Co., 111., in 1829 ; have six children — Catharine, Albert (who mar- ried Miss Eleanor Pickering), Benjamin, Cynthia Ann, Luther and Joseph D. Republican. Owns eighty-one and one- half acres of land. His father, Moses Hoskins, born in Guilford Co., N. C, about 1789 ; went to Ohio ; thence to Illinois ; to Washington Co., Iowa, in ] 839 ; was the first Justice of the Peace elected in Clay Tp. ; was a consistent memberof the Society of Friends. Re- publican, and always opposed slavery in every form. Mrs. Hoskins' father, Joseph Dillion, was a native of Ohio ; went to Sangamon Co., III., where he married Miss D. Musick ; moved to this county in 1839, where he died in 1865. Mrs. D. is still living, aged 72 years. Hoskins, Ellis, far., Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HOSKINIKi, JAME$$ E., far.. Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; has been a resident of Iowa nearly forty years ; born in Clinton Co., Ohio, in 1829 ; in 1835, removed with his parents to Tazewell Co., 111. ; thence to this State in 1839. Married Miss Patsy Jones in this county ; she was born in Morgan Co., Ind. ; have nine children — Lindley, Pleasant, Me- linda, Willis, Huldah, Olney, Ruth, Joel and Sarah. Owns 210 acres of land. Was a Free Soiler, now a Republican. Members of the Society of Friends. Hoskins, L., far.. Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Hoskins, M., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Hoskins, M., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Hoskinson, J., coal-miner ; P. 0. Perlee' Humphrey, B., far.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. HUMPHREY, THOMAS, farm- er. Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in this county Jan. 1, 1846. Married Miss Virginia Ohmurt in this county Jan. 1, 1872 ; she was a native of Iowa; born Oct. 12, 1851; died Nov. 29, 1873 ; left one child — Alice Carrie. Mr. H. is a Republican. His father, R. Humphrey, was a native of StaflPord Co., Va.; born in 1809 ; married Miss- Phoebe Edwards in Clinton Co., Ohio ; she was born in Frederick Co., Va., in 1809; moved to Kendall Co., 111., in. 1834; thence to this county in 1839, where he died April 4, 1878 ; had eleven children, five living — Mary (now Mrs. Swartzendterj, Sarah (now Mrs. Hallow- peter), Sanford, Thomas and Benjamin. HUMPHREY, S A X F O R p ,. farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain; born in this county in 1839. Married Miss Margaret F. Kendall ; she was born in Miami Co., Ohio ; have four children — Millie May, Alonzo, Almond L., Scott and Clarence E. Owns forty acres of land. Republican. His father, R. Humphrey, was a native of Stafford Co., Va.; married Miss P. i]dwards, a native of Frederick Co.; came to this county in 1839. Mrs. Humphrey's father, Joseph Kendall, was born in Ohio ; he married Miss Sarah Ingle ; moved to this county in 1855. Hurd, F. W., far., S. 28; P. 0. Perlee. Huston, W., miner; P. 0. Perlee. TGOE, J., brick-yard; P. 0. Perlee. JOHNSON, A. P., for., S. 25 ; P. 0. Salina. Johnson, B. T., far.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. JOHNSON, ELWOOD, farmer. Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Highland Co., Ohio, in 1843; moved to this county with his parents in 1849. Republican. Member of the present Board of Township Trustees ; his second term. His father, Barclay Johnson, an early settler of Jefferson Co., was a na- tive of Virginia; born in 1792; mar- ried Sarah Barrett in Highland Co., Ohio ; she was born in Virginia, in 1796 ; they moved to Jefferson Co., this State, in 1849, and settled in this- 556 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: township, where he died in 1875, she in 1878. They were members of the Society of Friends. Johnson, S., section hand, Perlee. Johnson, W., stock dealer, Pleasant Plain. Jones, Alex., far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Jones, B., far., Sec. 5 ; P. O. Pleasant Plain. -JONES, ELI, far., S. 11 ; P. O. Pleasant Plain ; born in Morgan Co., Ind, in 1834: ; came to this county with his parents in 1839. Married Miss Rebecca Pickard in this township ; have four children — Emma, Alice, John William and Aaron. Members of the Society of Friends. Owns 212 acres of land. He is a Republican. Jones, J. M., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. JONES, JOHN, far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; a pioneer settler of this county ; native of Greene Co., Tenn. ; born Jan. 24, 1799 ; in 1805, moved with parents to Blount Co. ; thence to Orange Co., Ind., in 1815, where he married Miss Mary Hadley ; native of Chatham Co., N. C. ; born in 1798 ; married in 1820 ; moved to Morgan Co., Ind. ; in the fall of 1839, moved to this county and settled on the section where he now resides. Mrs. J. died in this towuship in 1877 ; she was a true Chris- tian and a member of the Society of Friends. Their children are Riley, Patsy (now Mrs. J. Hoskins), Ruth (now Mrs. E. Hoskins), Thomas, Eli, James and Sarah. Owns 108 acres. Was elected member of Township Board of Trustees at the first election held in this town- ship. Was a Whig ; on the decline of that party, became a Republican ; mem- ber of the Society of Friends. Jones, J. W., far., S. 19 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Jones, R., far., Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Jones, T., far., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. T7^ ASKA, JAMES, farmer. Kaska, N., far., S. 12; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Keltner, T. S., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Pleas- ant Plain. Kindell, J. B., far., S. 11 ; P. O. Pleas- ant Plain. Kirkee, J., far., S. 12 ; P. O. Pleasant Plain. Kissell, J. A., lab., Perlee. Kollock, F., far., Sec. 13; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Kossoski, H., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Salina. Kyle, J., far., S. 20; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. KYLE, WILLIAM B., farmer, Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Perlee ; born in Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1837 ; in 1843, moved with parents to this county. Married Feb. 24, 1870, Miss Harriet A., daughter of John and Elizabeth Lynn ; she was born in Pennsylvania ; have one child — Catherine Elizabeth. Democrat. Owns 160 acres of land. Mr. K. has been a resident of this county since 1843, with the exception of about six years spent in Idaho, Nevada and California. LAIRESKI, J., far., S. 24; P. 0. Salina. Lambert, J. 0. W., far., S. 29; P. 0. Perlee. Long, G. S., clerk, Perlee. Leeney, J., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Perlee. Looney, A., laborer, Perlee. Looney, G., laborer, Perlee. Looney, J. L., miner, Perlee. Looney, T. J., laborer, Perlee. Lynn, J., far. ; P. 0. Perlee. Lynn, John, far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Perlee. LYNN, ROBERT D., farmer. Sec. 35 ; P. O. Perlee ; born in Fulton Co., Penn. ; removed to this county with his parents in 1844. Married in December, 1867, Miss J. Gordon, born in 1848; have four children — Elizabeth H, Mary R., R. Ross and . Members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. L. has been Elder several years. Democrat. Owns 200 acres of land. His father, John Lynn, is a native of Pennsylvania. Married Miss E. Cisler ; moved to this county in 1844; their children aie Elizabeth (now Mrs. MacMurray), Har- riet A. (now Mrs. Wm. B. Kyle), David (married Miss K. Walters), Jasper (married Miss C. Angsted), Sarah (now Mrs. H. Angsted). Lynn, R., carpenter, Pleasant Plain. cCARTY, WILLIAM. M' McConnell, T., Postmaster, Pleasant Plain. McCarty, W. R., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. McDonald, R. S., laborer, Perlee. PENN TOWNSHIP. 557 McKEE, J. J., farmer, Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Perlee ; born in Venango Co., Penn., in 1843; removed to this county with his parents in 1855. Enlisted in Co. E, 2d I. V. I. ; served over four years ; was honorably discharged in July, 1865 ; veteraned at Pulaski ; was in the battles of Shiloh, Fort Donelson, Corinth, At- lanta, and a series of engagements around that place, and with Sherman on his march to the sea, and also at Louis- ville. Has been twice married ; first wife was Miss Mary Dudley ; present wife was Martha Sawyer ; has five chil- dren — May L., Cora E., William S., John Edgar, Emma. Mr. McKee owns 185 acres of land. Republican. McMaster, J., blacksmith, Pleasant Plain. Mathews, B., renter ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Mathews, J., miller. Pleasant Plain. Macy, S.,far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Macy, S., far.,S. 10 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Marey, E. 0.,far., Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Maxwell, A., pit boss, Jefferson Coal-mine. MEAIiE Y, D. H., druggist, Pleasant Plain ; born in Keokuk Co., in 1851 ; when 3 years of age, moved with his parents to Washington Co. ; spring of 1870, came to this county ; engaged in the drug business in Pleasant Plain in 1875. Married Miss M. M. Fukua; have one child — Lulu. Mr. M. is Sec- retary of the Presbyterian Church ; Republican. Mealey, T. S., M. D., Pleasant Plain. Mendenhall, Milton, Pleasant Plain. Mesner, M., miller and farmer, Sec. 15, Pleasant Plain. Messer, F., far. ; P. 0. Perlee. Miller, F. W., far.. S. 13; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Miller, M. V. B., prop, coal-bank, Perlee. Miller, P., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Perlee. Minter, D. K., far., S. 17 ; P. O. Pleasant Plain. Moffard, Omer, mintT, Perlee. HONTCiJOMERY, J. S., farmer. Sec. 25; P. O. Salina; born in this county in 1841. Enlisted in Co. K, 7th Iowa V. L, July I'J, 1861 ; honorably discharged in July, 1865; same year went to California; in 1868, returned. Married Miss Louisa Pheasant May, 6, 1869; she was born in this county; hove four children — Perela, Elwin, Myra Ellen. Republican. While in the army, was in a number of battles, Belmont, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing and others. Owns fifty acres of land. His father, Solomon Montgom- ery, was a native of Pennsylvania ; came to this county in 1840 ; a pioneer of Jefferson Co. Mrs. Montgomery's parents, John and Mary Pheasant, came to this county in the spring of 1839; settled in Walnut Tp., being about the first settlers in that township. Mooney, E., saloon, Perlee. Morgan, William W., far., S. 7 ; P. O. Pleasant Plain. Moyer, R. M., far., S. 19; P. O. Baker. HIJIR, E., dealer in groceries, provi- sions, flour and feed, glass and queens- ware, Perlee; born in Berks Co., Penn., in 1839 ; moved with paren<^s to Louis- ville, Ky. ; thence to Indiana, where he married Miss Eliza Danver, of John- son Co. ; moved to this county in 1875 , have two children — Emma May, born in Bartholomew Co., Ind., and Harriet, born in this county. Mr. Muir enlisted in Co. K, 23d Regt. Ind. Inf in 1861 ; served three years ; was honorably dis- charged; was at Pittsburg Landing, siege of Vicksburg, Champion Hills, Kenesaw Mountain and Raymond. He is a member of I. 0. 0. F. and Knights of Pythias. ^TEAL, DAVID, far. ; P. 0. Pleasant JJN Plain. Neal, Emanuel, farmer, Pleasant Plain. Neal, John W., farmer, Pleasant Plain. Neal, William, clerk, Perlee. Nicholson, J. W., far.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Nordyke, Solomon, far., S. 14; P. O. Pleasant Plain. ORR, ROBERT, far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. lACHA, FRANK, farmer. P Pacha, Jacob, farmer. Parks, Silas, far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Paxson, Cyrus, far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Paxson, J. C, far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Paxson, John T., far., S. 14; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Paxson, Milton, for. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Pearson, David, far. ; P. 0. Perlee. 4 558 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY: Peck, Louis, far. ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Pickard, Alexander, far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. PICKARD, WIL.LIAM, farmer. Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; a resi- dent of this township for thirty-nine years ; born in Bartholomew Co., Ind., in 1817 ; came to this county in 1839. Married Miss Mary Jane Bell in 1842 ; she was born in Ohio, on the Scioto River, near Chillicothe, in 1818; have eight children — Eleanor, Rebecca (now Mrs. Eli Jones), Rutli (now Mrs. S. Bray), Alexander (married Miss R. F. Groves), Henry (married Miss Hattie Brown), Martha (now Mrs. William Jones), Aaron and James B. Members of the Friends' Society ; he is a Re- publican ; formerly acted with the Free- Soil Party. He owns 236 acres of land. Has held various local offices His father, Henry Pickard, was born in North Carolina ; married Miss Nellie Woody, a native of the same State ; they moved to Indiana ; thence to this State, and settled in Lee Co., where he still resides ; his wife died a few years after their settlement in that county. Mrs. Pickard's father, Alexander Bell, was a native of Pennsylvania; served under Gen. Jackson during the war of 1812; married Miss Rebecca Chandler in Ohio; then moved to Illinois in 1829; thence to this county in 1838; one of the pioneer families of Jefferson Co. PICKERINCi}, DAVID, farmer. Sec. I ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Frederick Co., Va., in 1817; moved with his parents to Ohio ; thence to Illi- nois ; to this county in 1839, and settled in this township. Married here Miss Agnes Heston, a native of Ohio ; have four children — John, Betsy, Ellis and Elmer. Owns 106 acres of land. Re- publican ; formerly a Whig and Abo- litionist. His father, William Pickering, a pioneer of the Northwest, was a native of Virginia ; he settled in Illinois in 1835 ; came with his family to this county. Pringle, L. W., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Clay. ROBERTS, ABEL, harness maker. Pleasant Plain. RIDINGEK, SAHIUEL., farmer. Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Salina ; an early settler of this township ; native of Montgomery, Va.; born in 1805 ; in 1820, removed with parents to Warren Co., Tenn.; to this county in 1839, and settled on the farm where he now resides. Marrjied his first wife, Mary Blakely, in Tennes- see ; second wife was Sarah Shipman ; present wife was Leo, daughter of Joseph and Becky Hickenbottom. who settled in this county in 1837 or 1838; his children are Isaac B., Alexander, George, Effie, Catherine (now Mrs. J. Swanson), Mary (now Mrs. Thomas Hawk), Jane (now Mrs. Ember), Samuel and Marion. Member of the Christian Church. Own? about three hundred acres of land. Is one of the prosperous farmers of Jefi"er- son Co. Roberts, M., far., S. 8; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Runyon, M. S., renter; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. OEDDON, JAMES, miner, Perlee. Seddon, J., coal pit boss, Perlee. SczhiHnskie, K., far,, S. 24 ; P. 0. Salina. Shaffer, J. W., far.. S. 17 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Shaffer, S., teamster. Pleasant Plain. Simmons, R., faV., S. 20 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Simmons, W., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Simpson, S., fiir.; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. Six, L., miner, Perlee. Slagle, F. M.. bookkeeper Jefferson Co. Coal Company, Perlee. Smith, C, saloon, Perlee. SMITH, F. R., M. D., Pleasant Plain ; born in Van Buren Co. in 1851 ; received preliminary medical education in the office of Dr. Moore, of Fairfield ; entered medical college at Keokuk in 1874; graduated in 1876; came to Pleasant Plain, and has since been en- gaged in the practice of his profession ; has an excellent reputation and a large practice. Smith, J., minister ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain. 8XOOK, CAI., M. D., P. q. Per- lee ; born in this county, near Fairfield, in 1848. Received a medical education at Keokuk Medical College ; graduated in 1863 ; same year engaged in the practice of medicine ; came to Perlee in 1872. Member of I. 0. 0. F., and of the Knights of Pythias. Independent, PENN TOWNSHIP. 559 Snook, I., laborer; P. 0. Perlee. Snook, L., miner ; P. 0. Perlee. Snook, M., laborer; P. 0. Perlee. Snyder, G. E., clerk • P. 0. Perlee. Spencer, E., prop, saw-mill. SPENCER, GEORGE H., farm- er, Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Pleasant Plain ; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1830; came to this county with his parents in 1839. Married Miss D. Thomas in Richland Co., Ohio ; she was a native of Ontario Co., N. Y.; have four children living — Theodosia, Charles D., Louisa and Lochiel T. Member of the Baptist Church ; was lirlee. WILLIAMS, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P.O. Pleasant Plain ; native of Cham- paign Co., Ohio ; born Oct. 24, 1812 ; moved with parents to Logan Co. in 1840 ; he came West and settled in this township. Married in Logan Co., 0., Miss Harriet Smith, a native of Ken- tucky, born in 1815 ; died in this county in 1845 ; second wife was Martha Milli ; she was born in Indiana June 30, 1836 ; died in this county in February, 1865 ; his children are Jesse, who served in Co. K, 7th Regiment I. V. I. three years ; Newton, who served in the 30th regi- ment I. V. I., until the close of the war ; Jonathan, who served in an Iowa regi- ment through the war ; Mary, now Mrs. S. Roberts ; Leander, deceased, aged 16 years; Nancy, now Mrs. J. H. Wycoff; Elma, now Mrs. J. Jones ; Laura, now Mrs. P. Cole. Republican ; has acted with the party since its organization. Owns 230 acres of land. Winders, J., miner, Perlee. WOOD, C. W., farmer and stock- raiser. Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Brighton ; was born in Warren Co., Ohio, in 1819 ; came to this county in 1838 ; in 1842, he was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Washington Co., and, in 1843, was elected County Assessor. He married Miss Katie Fred- erick, in Brighton, Washington Co.; she was born in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; their children are Elizabeth, who married F. B. Morris; William H., served in Co. I, 44th Iowa Regiment during the war; married Miss Ella Anderson ; Oliver H. married Miss Alice Parsons ; George L. and Thomas C. Mr. Wood owns 580 acres of land, and is one of the prosper- ous farmers and stock-raisers of this county ; he engages in buying and ship- ping stock extensively. Acts with the National party ; formerly a Republican. 560 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; LOCUST GROVE TOWNSHIP. ABRAHAM, J. H., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Brookville. Alexander, W. L., merchant, Batavia. Alfred, Wm., section hand, Batavia. Anderson, W. B., section hand, Batavia. ARMSTROXG, SAMUEL E., far., S. 24; P. 0. Fairfield; born May 3, 1817, in Fayette Co., Ohio ; in 1844, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns 124 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Mar- ried Julia C. Smith in 1842 ; she was born in 1822 in Pendleton Co., Va. ; have five children — Elizabeth, William, John, Jane and Sarah. Democrat ; Baptist. Armstrong, W. A., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Ab- ingdon. Avery, W. H., far.. Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Ba- tavia. lARNES, A., far., P. O. Batavia. B BAIRD, THOS., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; he was born in November, 1817, in Cincinnati, Ohio ; when about 15 years old, came with his parents to Indiana; in 1839, came to Lee Co. ; in 1854, to Jefferson Co., Iowa. Owns 188 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Levi Hubbell was born July 8, 1815, in New Jersey; came to Lee Co., Iowa in 1838; died July 6, 1851, in Jefferson Co. He married Sarah Henderson Dec. 16 ,1841, in Fort Madison, Iowa ; she was born June 26, 1820, in North Carolina ; they had five children, two living — Mary L. (now Mrs. Hudson) and Re- becca E. ; her second marriage, to Thom- as Baird Jan. 3, 1854 ; they have two children — James and Virginia. BAKER, L.. P., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Brookville; born Feb. 2, 1834, in Mar- shall Co., Va. ; in 1850, came to Henry Co. Enlisted in 1861, in Co. C, 4th Iowa Cav. ; served to the end of the war. In the fall of 1865, went to St. Louis ; the following year, came to Jeff- erson Co. Owns 200 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Miss Emma Kercheval in 1866 ; she was born in 1844 in Ohio; had five chil- dren, four living — Harry R., Ralph K., Cornelia and Winifred J. ; lost one child in infancy. Has been School Treasurer. Republican ; M. E. Church. BAEDRIDGE, M. D., DR., physician and surgeon, Batavia; born July 11, 1826, in Guernsey Co., Ohio ; in 1857, came to Jefferson Co.; com- menced the study of medicine with his father when a boy, and graduated in the winter of 1848—49, at the Cincinnati Medical College ; has been in constant practice ever since ; was also engaged in the merchandise business in 1856-57. Owns fifty-six acres of land ; also proper- ty in town. Married Isabella A. Alex- ander in 1851; she was born in 1826, in Lebanon, Ohio ; died in Jefferson Co., Iowa; second marriage, to Nancy J. Hite, Sept. 27, 1877; she was born in 1847, in Jefferson Co.; have one child — John Henry. Bartholomew, W., far., Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Batavia. Berrier, P., far., Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Bickford, H., far., Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Boggs, S. R., merchant, Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Batavia. Boggs, W. R. T., carpenter, Batavia. Boysol, F., far.. Sec. 34 ; P. O. Batavia. Boysol, D., far., Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Brookville. Boysal, J., far., Sec. 34; P. 0. Batavia. Boysal, N., far., Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Batavia. Boysal, S., far., Sec. 34; P. 0. Batavia. BRADSHAW, WM.,M.,far Sec 31 ; P. 0. Batavia ; born Sept. 15, 1828, in White Co., Tenn. ; in 1832, came to Illinois ; in 1839, came to Jefferson Co. Owns 280 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Sarah A. Wright Sept. 15, 1854 ; she was born in 1832, in Ohio; had eight chil- dren, six living — William D., Eugene, Fernando, lona, Laura and Fred. He assisted in building the first store in Fairfield, and hauled the first load of goods ever brought into the town. Democrat. BROOKS, T. M., retired, Brook- ville ; he was born Oct. 26, 1797, in Scott Co., Ky. ; in 1804, came to But- Co., Ohio, with his parents; in 1846, to Jefferson Co. ; has owned over 2,000 acres of land, part of which he has given to his sons ; he now owns about 500 LOCUST GROVE TOWNSHIP. 561 acres, valued at $30 per acre. Married Elizabeth Gary in 1816 ; she was born Oct. 14, 1799, in Kentucky ; died April 16, 1874 ; had twelve children five living — John G., Leah (now Mrs. Moorman), Nancy G. (now Mrs. War- wick), Elizabeth (now Mrs. Ireland), Frances C (now Mrs. Laforce). William S. enlisted in the army ; was killed July 26, 186H, in Arkansas ; Joseph was com- missioned Chaplain of the 33d Mo. V. I. ; died April 30, 1877. Republican ; M. E. Church. Brown, J. A., far.,S. 18; P. 0. Batavia. Burkhart. J. G., far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Burris, J., far.,S. 5 ; P. 0. Abingdon. CAMPBELL, J. M., farmer, Sec. 3 ; P. O. Abingdon. Campbell, J., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Batavia. Campbell, N. H., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Campbell, S., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Batavia. Campbell, W. C, far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Carson, V. S., fiirmer, Batavia. Chase, C. W., merchant, Batavia. Clark, B., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Batavia. Clark, Daniel B., carpenter, Batavia. € L. A R K , EDWIN, photograph gallery, Batavia ; born Nov. 9, 1834, in Canada ; in 1856, came to Stark Co., 111. ; commenced his present business in 1861, and has been engaged at it since ; in 1869, came to Batavia. Married Mantie M. Walton Sept. 10, 1867 ; she was born in 1841, in Massachusetts. Republican; M. E. Church. Clark, G., far., S. 32 ; P. O. Batavia. Clark, T., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Batavia. Collins, E. A., school-teacher, Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Collins, E., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Batavia. Collins, H., far., S. 28; P. 0. Batavia. Collins, J., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Collins, J. H., far., S. 29; P. 0. Batavia. Conner, A., far.,S. 17 ; P. 0. Batavia. Conner, J., far., S. 17; P. 0. Batavia. Cook, F., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Batavia. Cowger, D. L., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Curry, J., Jr., far., S. 16 ; P. O. Batavia. Curry, AV., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Batavia. DEGOOD, N. D., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Batavia. Devore, B. T., far., S. 17; P. 0. Batavia. De Witt, W., far. ; P. 0. Batavia. DICKSON, SAMUEI., former. Sec. 25; P. O. Fairfield; born April 21, 1819, in Trumbull Co., Ohio; in 1841, came to Illinois; in 1842, to Jeff'erson Co. ; he owns 160 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Mahala Kelley Oct. 19, 1845 ; she was born Feb. 14, 1828, in Floyd Co., Ind. ; died July 29, 1849; have one child — Mary J. ; second marriage, Aug. 26, 1852, to Mrs. Aly Collins, daughter of Andrew Gregg; she was born Feb. 22, 1822, in Greene Co., Penn. ; had six children — James D. ; lost B. B. Nov. 25, 1876, aged 20 years; R. E., Eliza- beth P., Ella and Hattie J. Members of the M. E. Church ; Democrat. Downey, J., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Batavia. Durr, C., merchant, Batavia. Tj^LLENBERGER, K., far.; Batavia. Eller, J. A., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Brookville. Everett, J. L., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Abingdon. FISHEL, M., far., S. 27; P. 0. Ba- tavia. Fisher, J., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Batavia. FISHER, MIIiTON, farmer. Sec. 13 ; P. 0. Brookville ; born in 1842 in Jefferson Co., Iowa; he owns forty-five acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Miss F. E. Sears in 1867 ; she was born in November, 1846, in Jeffer- son Co., Iowa ; have two children — Snowden 0. and George W. Enlisted in 1862 in Co. H, 30th I. V. I. ; served to the end of the war. Greenbacker. Fleenor, M., far., S. 4 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Foreman, R., far., S. 28; P. 0. Batavia. Forney, F., plasterer; P. 0. Batavia. Frescoln, L., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Frisbie, M. S., restaurant, Batavia. Frush, G.,prop. Centennial Hotel, Batavia. Fry, S. C, far.; P. O. Batavia. rS ADDIS, B., gardener; P. 0. Batavia. GANTZ, JOHN, far., Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Brookville; born April 1, 1807, in Washington Co., Penn.; in 1830, came to Carroll Co., Ohio; in 1851, came to Jefferson Co., Iowa. Owns 205 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Mar- ried Mahala Shafer March 31, 1831 ; she was born in March, 1813, in Ohio; had six children, five living — Martha 562 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; J., Andrew, Jacob, William and John T. ; lost Ann Maria Oct. 20, 1860, aged 20 years ; his grandson, Wilson B. Ennis, has been living bere since he was 8 months old. Mr. Gr. has been Justice of the Peace, Township Clerk, and Trustee. Republican ; Baptist. Gobble, T. W., far., Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Abing- don. Gobble, W., far., S. 4; P. O. Abingdon. Gray, A., sewing-machine agent, Batavia. Greenland, H., Postmaster, Batavia. GREENWOOD, N. R., farmer. Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Brookville ; born April 10, 1814, in Butler Co., Ohio ; in 1848, he came to his present farm ; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Rhoda H. Abrams March 27, 1838 ; she was born Dec. 29, 1817, in Butler Co., Ohio ; had eight children, six living — Martin V., Olivet A., Mary E., Hester A., Boselle and Isabel; lost Caroline M., aged 2 years; JeifersonM. came to his death at the age of 6 years and 6 months, caused by ill-treatment from his school-teacher. Democrat. She is a member of the Missionary Bap- tist Church. HAGY, FREDERICK, far., S. 30; P. 0. Batavia. Hall, H. S., carpenter, Batavia. Hall, William, lumber dealer, Batavia. HARDEX, ISAAC, proprietor Harden House, Batavia; born Oct. 11, 1832, in Somerset Co., Penn. ; in 1856, came to Jefierson Co. Owns seventy- nine acres of land in Des Moines Tp., also property in town. Married Mrs. Mary James, daughter of Jacob Snook, in January 1862; she was born in 1834 in Pennsylvania ; have three chil- dren — Susan, Oliver P. and George W ; she has two children by a former mar- riage — Sarah and Vannie. Is Town- ship Trustee. Democrat. HARRAH, J. T., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Batavia ; born June 13, 1836, in Mus- kingum Co., Ohio; in 1864, came to Jefferson Co. Owns 100 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married M. C. Lowry Oct. 7, 1858 ; she was born March 4, 1842, in Guernsey Co., Ohio; have two children — Hillis W. and Neil L. Democrat ; Presbyterian. Harris, J., far., S. 18; P. 0. Batavia. Harris, J., far., S. 7; P. 0. Batavia. HARRIS, REUREN, far., S 7; P. 0. Batavia ; born Nov. 19, 1816, in White Co., Tenn. ; in 1828, came to Illinois with his parents ; in 1843, to Jefferson Co. Owns about four hun- dred acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Mary Marlow in 1834 ; she was born March 14, 1812, in South Carolina ; have five children — William R., Miranda, Jonathan, A. J. and Se- rilda J. Democrat; Christian Church. Henderson, E., Dr., physician, Batavia. HEIVDERSO:^, H. M., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Batavia; born Feb. 2, 1822, in Guilford Co., N. C. ; in 1828, came with his parents to Indiana ; in 1839, came to Lee Co., Iowa; in 1849, to Jefferson Co. ; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Lao- dicia Baird in 1847 ; she was born Nov. 30, 1828, in Darke Co., Ohio ; have seven children — Agrippa, Edward, Lutetia, William R., Thomas, Nelson and Harvey N. Republican; M. E. Church. HIDY G. W., former. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Fairfield; born Sept. 22, 1832, in Fayette Co., Ohio; in 1857, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns 264 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Mary M. Moore Oct. 3, 1859 ; she was born Oct. 9, 1840, in Bloomington, Tnd. ; had six children, five living— Mary M., Susan A., Blanche, Charles and George ; lost Emma A., Feb 3, 1877, aged 12 years. Has been Township Assessor and School Treasurer. Republican. Hill, S. B., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Batavia. Hite, Henry, far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Brookville. Holder, Daniel, blacksmith, Batavia. Hollenback, W., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Batavia. HOLMES, AXDRElf A., farm er. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; born Aug. 18, 1834, in Monroe Co., W. Va. ; in 1858, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns 105 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Priscilla Gregg September, 1865; she was born Dec. 25, 1840, Guernsey Co., Ohio ; have three children — Anna E., Edgar G. and Pearl. Enlisted in 1 862, in Co. D, 19th Iowa V. I. ; served to the end of the war. Republican. Holmes, J. W., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Batavia. Holmes, W. M., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Batavia. Holmes, W. P., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Batavia. Hood, Charles, Abingdon. LOCUST GROVE TOWNSHIP. 563 ■Housel, George, boots and shoes, Batavia. Howard, J., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Batavia. Howell, W. H., miller, Batavia. Hudson, J., far., S. 10 ; P. 0. Abingdon. HuflFraan, E., far., S. 3; P. 0. Abingdon. Huffman, H., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Abingdon. IRELAND, JOHN A., farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Brookville. JAMESON, A. L., farmer, Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Johnson, Alfred, far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. KELLY, D. L., far., S. 36; P. 0. Fairfield. Koons, Dillon, far., S. 23; P. O. Brook- ville. Kramer, Andrew, Jr., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Batavia. LAMPHERE, ORA, far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Baiavia. Lapp, John, hardware, Batavia. Lathers, Jas., far., S. 3; P. 0. Brookville. Laughlin, . A. W., far., Sec. 24; P. 0. Brookr'Me. LAUGHLIIV, H. P., far., S. 14; P. O. Brookville ; born Feb. 6, 1809, in Sullivan Co., E. Tenn. ; in 1830, came to Clark Co., 111. ; in 1842, to Jefferson Co. ; he entered 307 acres of land, which he has given to his sons, reserv- ing 40 acres with the homestead. Mar- ried Mary C. Newman in October, 1837; she was born Sept. 9, 1817, in Tennessee; had ten childi'en, eight liv- ing — Alexander W., William M., Thomas S., Sarah J., Margaret L., Mary C, Floyd K. and Blanche E. ; Albert H. died Aug. 30, 1850, aged 18 months ; John T. died April 17, 1853, aged 4 years. Alexander W. and William M., served in the late war. Democrat ; member Cumberland Pres- byterian Church. Laughlin, T. S. and F. R., fars.,S. 23; P. 0. Brookville. XAITGHLIN, THOMAS S., far , Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Brookville ; born April 9, 1843, in Jefferson Co., Iowa; owns 135 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Elizabeth Worwick, Oct. 21, 1874 ; she was born Dec. 23, 1852, in Jefferson Co., Iowa ; have two children — Grace G. and Bessie B. Has been Township Assessor. Democrat ; member Cumberland Presbyterian • Church. L.AUGHL,IX, WILLIAM M., far., Sec. 22; P. O. Brookville; born Sept. 26, 1842, in Coles Co., 111. ; when an infant, came to Jefferson Co. with his parents. Enlisted in 1862, in Co. H, 30th Iowa Inf ; served to the end of the war ; was in the battle of Vicksburg, siege of Atlanta, Sherman's march to the sea, and others. Owns 390 acres of land, valued at $25 per aero. Married Julia A. Wood in 1869 ; she was born in 1 850, in Ohio ; have three children — Emmet C, Efl&e May and Fredrica. Has been Justice of the Peace, Township Clerk and Presi- dent of the School Board. Democrat; member of the M. E. Church. Law, T. R., far.. Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Batavia. Long, D., far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Lonsberry, B. F., far., Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Batavia. Lonsberry, H. L., far., Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Batavia. Luse, J., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Batavia. Luse, M., far.. Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Batavia. McDANIELS, ISAAC, section boss, Batavia. McDowell, J. T., far.. Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Ab- ingdon. Marion, W., far.. Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Batavia. McElroy, J. M., Rev., minister, Batavia. Mohler, J., far., Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Batavia. Mohler, P., far.. Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Batavia. MOORE, R. R., deceased, Batavia ; born in 1828, in Jefferson Co., Ohio ; died Aug. 19, 1877 ; came to Burling- ton, Iowa, in 1840 ; thence to Henry Co. ; thence to Jasper Co. ; then to Jefferson Co. Has been engaged in the merchandise business for the past twenty- five years, and at the time of his death carried on the largest business in Bata- via, which his son Fred, aged 19 years, continues. Married Martha J. Roland in 1848 ; she was born in 1828, near South Bend, Ind. ; had seven children, six living — Maggie, now Mrs. Wilday ; Ada, now Mrs. McClelland ; Rollo, Fred, James and Nellie. MOOREHEAD, J. R., agricultural implements, flour and feed, Batavia ; born May 18, 1826, in Indiana Co., Penn. ; in 1869, came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa ; then to Batavia. Owns 150 acres of land in Des Moines Tp., valued at $25 per acre. Married Sarah Eirhart 564 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : in 1848 ; she was born in 1831, in Indi- ana Co., Penn. ; had nine children, four living— S. W., E. D., J. A. and H. S. Enlisted, in 1864, in Co. E, 211th P. V. I. ; served to the end of the war ; was in the battle of Petersburg, and others. Republican. Morris, L., far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Morris, R. N., far., Sec. 3 ; P. O. Brook- ville. Motes, J., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Batavia. Murphy, A., section boss, Batavia. ^^UGENT, E. J., physician, Batavia. Nutting, C. W., miller and Mayor, Bata- via. ORWDIIFF, JOHN, farmer, S. 17; P. 0. Batavia; born Jan. 10, 1802, in Frederick Co., Va.; in 1824, came to Coles Co., 111.; in 1847, to Jefferson Co. Owns 231 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Me- linda Davis in 1822 ; she was born in 1804; died in 1820; had three chil- dren, two living — Catherine and Will- iam ; lost John in 1872, aged 37 years; second marriage to Mary J. Willoughby, Oct. 2, 1830;" she was born March 9, 1812, in Washington Co., Va.; had thir- teen children, twelve living — Elizabeth, Andrew, James, Samuel, Mary and Mar- tha (twins), Volney, Nancy. Harriet, Melinda, Christina and Joseph ; lost Frank, Oct. 20, 1876, aged 32 years. Democrat ; Cumberland Presbyterian Church. PARRETT, C. L.,far., S.,21; P.O. Batavia. Parrott, D. M., far., Sec. 16; P. 0. Ba- tavia. Parrott, E. M., far., S. 28 ; P. O. Batavia. Parrott, J., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Batavia. Parrott, L. W., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Batavia. Patterson, J., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Brookville. Peterson, A., shoemaker, Batavia. Pickerell, R. C, far., Sec. 21 ; P. O. Ba- tavia. Powelson, M. V. B., far., S. 19; P. O. Batavia. "piGGS, R. H., retired, Batavia. REMINE, MOI^EIS, farmer. Sec. 1 ; P. O. Fairfield; born July 8, 1817, in Washington Co., Va.; in 1845, came [ to Jefferson Co. Owns 188 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre ; has been several years Township Trustee ; was elected County Superintendent in 1864, and served four years. Married Sarah A. Gasaway Aug. 12, 1858; she was born Aug. 2, 1838, in Bullitt Co., Ky.; have six children — Dora A., Emma P., Moses, Kate, Anna and Elizabeth ; he has three children by his first mar- riage — Flavins A., William and Mary; one child by his second marriage — Maria. Flavins A. enlisted, in 1862. in Co. D., 19th I. V. I., and served to the end of the war ; Democrat. ROBB, SAMUEI., farmer, Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Brookville ; born Dec. 4, 1801, in Beaver Co., Penn. ; the following year, came with his parents to Ohio ; in 1841 , came to Jefferson Co., Iowa; they own 118 acres cf land which he entered, now valued at about $30 per acre. Married Mary Hatch Dec. 20, 1827; she was born in May, 1802, in Ken- tucky; died Feb. 10, 1868: had five children, three living — Thomas A., Samuel H. and Francis E. ; lost Gus- tavis A. in 1860, aged 18 years; Mrs. Harriet J. Gregg died Jan. 31, 1877. Thomas A., Samuel H. and Francis E. served in the late war. Has been Township Trustee, Township Clerk, School Director, etc. Republican. Robb, T. A., far., S. 33; P. 0. Batavia. Roney, J., fur., S. 24; P. 0. Fairfield. SALTS, D. M., far., S. 13; P. 0. Brookville. Salts, S., f\ir.. S. 13; P. 0. Brookville. Salts, W. W., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Sampson, T., f\ir., S. 31 ; P. 0. Batavia. Sawyer, B. C. far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Batavia. Scannel, F. G., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Batavia. SEARS, W. H., farmer. Sec. 32; P. 0. Batavia; born Nov. 19, 1832, in Monroe Co , Ind. ; in 1836, came to Illinois ; in 1838, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns eighty-seven acres, valued at $25 per acre. Married Angeline Gobble in 1852; she was born in 1830 in Vir- ginia ; have six children — Frank, Mar- garet E., Laura, George W., William H. and Evangeline. Democrat. SHAFFER, H. M., DR., physi cian and surgeon, Batavia; born Aug. 21, 1837, in'Wooster, Ohio; in 1860, commenced the study of medicine ; in 1863, attended the Charity Hospital. LOCUST GROVE TOWNSHIP. 565 College, Cleveland, Ohio ; attended lect- ures till lb66, when he graduated March 20, 1867, from this college ; received a diploma from the University College at Wooster, Ohio ; has been in constant practice since 1862; removed to Batavia May 9, 1872. He enlisted in 1861 in the 4th 0. V. I.; served three months ; the same fall was com- missioned First Lieutenant in the 16th 0. V. I., and served nine months ; was then promoted to Surgeon of the 9th Ohio Battery and served three years. Married Mary A. Ferguson in September, 1866 ; she was born Aug. 23, 1846, in Guernsey Co., Ohio ; had three children, one living — Milton H., aged 5 years. Shives. J., laborer; P. 0. Batavia. Sidorus, J., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Batavia. Simmons, J., far., S. 35 ; P. O. Libertyville. SIM.TION|Si, W. L. S., farmer. Sec. 12; P. 0. Brookville; born Jan. 10, 1822, in Clermont Co., Ohio ; in 1842, came to Jefferson Co., and entered eighty acres of land ; the following year, he went to Des Moines and built chim- neys for the soldiers' cabins, and then returned to Ohio; in 1845, returned to this county, and has been a resident here since ; he nov: owns 255 acres of . land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Miss Sarah Weaver in 1852 ; she was born in 1824, in Clermont Co., Ohio ; have four children — Eben F., Charles W., Sarah B. and Nancy W. He rep- resented this county in the Legislature during 1876 and 1877. Member of the M. E. Church ; Republican. Sipple, C.,far., S. 5 ; P. 0. A.bingdon. SMITH, ANDREW, far, S 17; P. 0. Batavia; born Sept. 9, 1820, m Indiana ; when a child, came with his father to Morgan Co., 111.; in 1838, came to Des Moines Co.; in 1846, to Jefferson Co. Owns 208] acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Married Sarah Fleener Dec. 31, 1844 ; she was born in Washington Co., Va., May 17, 1824 ; died March 5, 1855, in Jefferson Co.; have four children — Harriet J., Wash- ington C, Thomas E. and Charles W.; second marriage to Minerva A. Smith, June 7, 1855; she was born Feb. 26, 1834, in Barren Co., Ky. ; have five children — DoUie C, Cora E., Hugh D., Mannie D. and Andy V. Mrs. S. came to this territory with her parents in 1838. Has been, for the past fourteen years, a local Deacon of the M. E. Church. Has been Constable ; Repub- lican. S^HITH, JOHN, Postma-ster ; P. 0. Brookville ; he was born Aug. 18, 1805, in Hampden Co., Mass.; in 1824, came to Dutchess Co., N. Y.; returned to Massachusetts, thence to Long Island ; in 1832, came to Geauga Co., Ohio; in 1854, came to Jefferson Co.; has been Postmaster since 1861. Married Mrs. A. L. Majors in 1847 ; she was born Aug. 17, 1825, in Broome Co., N. Y.; have three children — Louisa, Esther and Mary W.; she has two stepsons by a former marriage — E. W. and A. A. Majors, sons of the late Alexander Majors; they are now residents of Girard, Kan., both holding prominent positions there ; their father was one of the earliest settlers of J efferson Co. Re- publican ; member of the M. E. Church. Smith, J., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Smith, L. R., far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Smith, T., far., S. 6 ; P. 0. Abingdon. SMITH, WILLIAM, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; born Oct. 3, 1818, in Wayne Co., Ind.; in 1835, came to Henry County, [owa ; in 1838, came to Jefferson Co. ; he owns 585 acres of land, 367 acres of which he entered ; he built his present residence in 1876, at a cost of $5,000 ; is the finest resi- dence in the township. He married Feb. 11, 1846, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Robert Long ; she was born in 1830, in Illinois; had eight children, seven living — Sampson F., Sarah, Estella A., Eliz- abeth, Grant, Alavane and Nellie ; lost Loretta in infancy. Republican. Snider, Wm., merchant, Brookville. Spielman, J., section hand, Batavia. STAXSBLRY, JOHN, retired, Batavia; born Dec. 25, 1795, in East New Jersey ; in 1814, came to Cincin- nati, Ohio; in 1818, to Indiana; in 1853, to Jefferson Co.; engaged in milling and farming ; owns residence and other property in town ; has been a member of the M. E. Church for sixty years and exhorter for forty-five years. Married Nancy Stucker in 1816; she was born Dec. 22, 1795 ; died in 1830, in Indiana ; had ten children, five living 666 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; — George, Reuben, John, R. and W.; second marriage to Esther Rice Oct. 14, 1830; she was born April 3, 1809, in New York ; have nine children — James, Stephen, Mary, Fletcher, Allen, Martha, Sarah, Lucinda and Harriet. Has held about all the church offices. Repub- can. Stephenson, T. W., far.. Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Brookville. rSTEVEXS, J. T., station assent C. B. & Q. R. R., Batavia ; born July 28, 1847, in Pulaski Co., Tnd. In 1863, enlisted in Co. D, 138th Tnd. V. I.; served five months ; re-enlisted in 1864, in Co. Gr, 151st Ind. V. I.; served to the end of the war. Then commenced in the railroad business, and has followed it since ; was agent of the Nashville & Chattanooga R. R., Louisville, New Al- bany & Chicago, Lake Shore & M. S., B. & M. R. R. R., Kankakee & Short Line and C, B. & Q., his present posi- tion. Married Miss I. Webber Nov. 16, 1871 ; she was born April 5, 1849, in La Porte Co., Ind.; have two children William and Jane. Is a member of the Council. Democrat. STEVER, S. F., farmer, Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Fairfield; born April 1, 1830, in Huntingdon Co., Penn. ; in 1844, came to Jefierson Co. ; rents 355 acres of land. Married Miss H. A. Ball in 1857 ; she was born in Hancock Co., Va., in 1833; have seven childi-en — George F., F. J., C. E., M. B., J. B., R. and N. A. Re- publican. Stewart, J. H., blacksmith, Brookville. Sunderland, W., bee-raiser, Brookville. Sutton, Frank, laborer, Batavia. n~lEETER, J. B., farmer. Sec. 33 ; P. _L 0. Batavia. Thoma, B., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Thompson, W., broom-maker, Brookville. Tinsley, A., far., S. 12 ; P. 0. Brookville. TINSL.EY, CliAIBORXE C, farmer. Sec. 13 ; P. 0. Brookville ; born Dec. 27, 1807, in Amherst Co., Va. ; when about 9 years old, moved with his parents to Kentucky; in 1839, came to Illinois ; in 1841, to Jefferson Co., Iowa ; they own 220 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre, which he entered from the government. Married Mrs. Mary Koons, daughter of David Eller, Aug. 24, 1842 ; she was born Sept. 22, 1820, in North Carolina ; had six children, five living — David E., Alma, Mary J., Zachary T. and Henry F. ; lost Alice in infancy. Baptist ; Democrat. Tinsley, D., far., S. 12 ; P. 0. Brookville. Tinsley, H., far., S. 13; P. 0. Brookville. Tinsley, Z., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Brookville. TRACY, F. A., Jfl. D., Brookville ; born Aug. 19, 1824, in New York ; in 1855, came to Knox Co., 111. , in 1869, to Jefferson Co. ; he commenced the study of medicine in 1841, and graduated in 1847, at the Geneva Medical College ; has been in constant practice since. Mar- ried Miss Jane M. Chittenden March 29, 1849; she was born Dec. 9, 1830, in Wayne Co., Penn. ; have three children — Amia J., Fred C. and Vera D. Mrs. T. is a member of the M. E. Church. Tracy, M., far., S. 14; P. 0. Brookville. Tuller, E., far., S. 24; P. 0. Brookville. TROY, GEO. W., retired, Batavia; born April 22, 1810, in Clermont Co., Ohio; in 1830, came to Illinois; in 1836, to Jefferson Co.; is one of the oldest settlers in this county ; engaged in farming till about 1875 ; owns his residence and other property in town. Married Rosetta Hoskins May 26, 1832 ; she was born in 1812; died in 1874; have nine children — Perella, Mary A., John H., Louisa, Nancy, Permelia E., Martha J., Julia A. and Berzella; Jno. H. enlisted in 1862, served about five months, and was discharged on account of sickness. His second marriage was to Mrs. Fishel, in 1875; she was born in 1816, in Pennsylvania; she has three children by a former marriage — Jacob, Martin and Anna Fishel. Democrat. Trent, John, far.. Sec. 8 ; P. O. Abingdon. VANNOSTRAND, WM., farmer, S. 1 1 ; P. 0. Brookville. WALKER, Jonathan, far.. Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Brookville. Walker, Samuel C, far., Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Batavia. Webb, C. B.,far., Sec. 5; P. 0. Abingdon. Webb, Robert, far., Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Abing- don. Wells, Morgan, far., S. 16; P.O. Brook- ville. WHEEL.ER, SAMUEL., retired, Batavia; born Sept. 3, 1787, in Mont- gomery Co., Ind.; when about 16 years old came to Virginia, thence to Ohio DES MOINES TOWNSHIP. 567 in 1855, to Jefferson Co., and engaged in farming. Married Margaret Robin- son in 1812; she was born in 1787, in Virginia; died in 1860; had nine chil- dren ; five living — Henry, Samuel, Mar- tha, Rebecca and Sarah ; lost Alexander, John, Eliza and Margaret ; he served six months in the war of 1812, and assisted in the building of Fort Meigs. Whitaker, Rev., minister, Batavia. Whitmore, George, far., Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Fairfield. Whitmore, Levi, far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Fair- field. WIJLLIAMS, J. E., attorney and Justice of the Peace, Batavia ; born Aug. 8, 1851, in Brookville, Jefferson Co., Iowa ; commenced the study of law in 1869; was admitted to the bar in Indiana in 1873 ; has been practicing in Batavia since 1875 ; Republican. Williams, N. D., far., Sec. 11; P. 0. Brookville. Wilson, Isaac, far.. Sec. 12; P. 0. Brook- WRIGHT, FREEMAX, farmer ; P. 0. Batavia; born Sept. 3, 1806, in Lincoln Co., Ky. ; in 1815, came to Indiana; in 1849, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns 400 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre. Married Mary A. Sprogle July 23, 1829 ; she was born Jan. 17, 1814, in Philadelphia; have six children — George W., born Dec. 9, 1837; Sarah E., born Dec. 26, 1840; Mary E., born May 12, 1845; J. M., born Dec. 15,1849; Permelia A., born March 3, 1852, and J. F., born Sept. 30, 1853. George W. served in the army, was discharged on account of physical disability. Republican. DES MOINES TOWNSHIP. ARMSTRONG, J AS., Supt. Poor- Farm, Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Asbery, Solomon, far., Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Hickory. Ashmead, Hiram, far.. Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Libertyville. BENNETT, IRA, far.. Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Bennett, N. L., far., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Black, Geo., far.. Sec. 16; P. 0. County Line. Black, Robt., far., Sec 16 ; P. 0. County Line. Black, Samuel K., far.. Sec. 16; P. 0. County Line. Bowles, Benj., far,, Sec. 18 ; P. 0. County Line. Bowles, Jno. R., far., Sec. 18; P. O. County Line. Bowles, Lewis, far., Sec. 18 ; P. 0. County Line. Bradshaw, E. B., far.. Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Ba- tavia. Brown, A., far.. Sec. 10; P.O. Liberty- ville. Brown, Geo. M., far.. Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Burger, C.,far., Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Barbage, Joseph, far.. Sec. 19 ; P. County Line. Burns, J., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. County Line. CALFEE, W. A., far.. Sec. 18 ; P. 0. County Line. Claypool, M. D., far.. Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. COXGER, BENJ. p., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. 0. County Line ; born May 24, 1817, in Dearborn Co., Ind.; in 1842, came to Wapello Co.; in 1864, came to his present farm ; owns sixty-nine acres land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Rebecca Blanchard Aug. 1, 1872; she was born in 1 838", in Kentucky ; have three children — Benjamin F., Jacob J. and Drusilla F. Democrat. Conger, Joseph A., far., Sec. 9; P. 0. County Line. Conger, T., far., S. 7 ; P. O. County Line. Copeland, J. W., far., S. 28; P. 0. Hickory. Copeland, W. F., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Copeland, W., fJir.,S. 28; P. 0. Hickory. DUFFIELD, JAMES W., far., S. 8; P. O. County Line. DUNN, JAMES, far.. Sec. 4; P. 0. Batavia; born May 2, 1816, in Greene 568 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY; Co., E. Tenn.; in 1841, came to Illinois ; in 1848, removed to Jefferson Co.; owns 130 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Lucy A. Bryant in July, 1837 ; she was born in 1818, in Carter Co., Tenn ; had nine children, six living — Louisa J., Nancy, Rebecca, Mary, James M. and Martha. Has been Township Trustee. Democrat ; Grerman Baptist. ELMAKP^E, REUBEN, far.. Sec. 3 ; P. 0. County Line. Eshelman, Samuel, far., Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. FELL, SAMUEL F., far., Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Fell, Wm., S. 24; P. 0. Libertyville. Fishel, John, far., S. 8 ; P. 0. County Line. Finney, P]lijah H., far., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Fordyce, Lewis, minister, S. 14 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Frost, W., far.. Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Batavia. Fry, G. R, far., S. 18; P. 0. County Line. Fry, George C , far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Fry, James M., far., S. 23 ; P. O. Lib- ertyville. FULTON, JOI^^EPH W., far. Sec. 15; P. 0. Libertyville; born May 6, 1833, Delaware Co.; in 1843, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns 535 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Is Presi- dent of the School Board ; was com- missioned in 1876 Assistant Manager at the Centennial, representing the agri- cultural products of Iowa. Married Sarah E. Minear March 9, 1858; she was born July 14, 1838, in Ross Co., Ohio ; had seven children, six living — Charles J., William A., Pearl L., Albert M., Joseph and Louisa; lost Robert in infancy. Republican; mem- ber of the M. E. Church. He com- menced carrying the mail in 1850, from Fairfield to Bloomington, and con- tinued about sixteen years. GARRISON, ELVY, far.. Sec. 30 ; P. O. County Line. GARDNER, JOHN J., deceased; he was born July, 1831, in Union Co., Ind. ; died Dec. 5, 1870. Married Miss Hannah Gardner May 18, 1857; she was born Feb. 28, 1830, in New Brunswick ; she owns sixty acres of land ; they have four children — Horace M., Rosa B., Geneva and Elmer E. Mr. G. had been engaged in teaching school for about ten years, having taught at the Salem and College Grove Schools ; has also been Township Clerk and Assessor of Clarke Co., Ind. His family reside in Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Hickory. Garrison, Jeremiah, far. , Sec. 30; P. 0. County Line. Glaze, John, far., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Glotfelty, Frank, far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Glotfelty, John A., far., Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Gossler, W. H., far.. Sec. 31 ; P. <). Hickory. Graves, Coleman, far., S. 9 ; P. 0. County Line. OONTERMAN, JACO>B M., far., S. 17; P.O. County Line; born March 12, 1820, in Madison Co., 111. ; in 1855, came to Jefferson Co. Owns 340 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Married Sarah M. Carver April 20, 1848 ; she was born April 4, 1825, in Blount Co., E. Tenn. ; had seven chil- dren, six living — William, John, Jacob, Lou, Thomas and James ; lost George in 1855, aged 2 years. Has been Township Trustee and Assessor. Demo- crat ; Baptist. Gonterman, J. R., flir , Sec. 17 ; P. O. County Line. Gonterman, W. C, far., S. 20 ; P. O. County Line. HARRISON, T. J., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. County Line. Hilton, John H., far., S. 6 ; P. O. Batavia. Hoffman, Henry, far., S. 24; P. 0. Libertyville. Hughell, Samuel, far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Hughes, W. G., far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Hutton, S., far., S. 12 ; P. O. Libertyville. JACKSON, A. W., far., S. 27; P. O. Libertyville. James, W., for., S. 5 ; P. 0. Batavia. JOHNSON, J. W., farmer, Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Hickory ; born April 11, 1816, in Byron Co., Ky. ; in 1829, came to Illi- nois ; in 1858, came to Jefferson Co. Owns 220 acres of land, valued at $30 DES MOINES TOWNSHIP 569 per acre. Married Harriet Davis in 1837; she was born in 1819 in Vir- ginia; died in 18G1 ; had twelve chil- dren, five living — Amanda, Sarah, Will- iam, Harriet and Dorinda ; second mar- riage to Mrs. Mary Bearthelow April 22, 1862 ; she was born Oct. 24, 1819 ; she has four children by former mar- riages — Catherine, David, James W. Stump and Jasper Bearthelow. Demo- crat ; member of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church. KARNEY, B., far., S. 14; P. O. Libertyville. Kennedy, J. F., far., S. 12; P. 0. Lib- « ertyville. LAME, A., far., S. 22 ; P. O. Liberty- ville. Laughlin, D., far., S. 36 ; P. O. Liberty- ville. L.AU€JHliIN, STEWARD C, farmer. Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Batavia ; born Aug. 10, 1845, in Erie Co., Penn. ; in 1854, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns ninety-six acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Serilda C. Schwartz in 1867 ; she was born Aug. 16, 1850, in Jefferson Co. ; had four children, three Hving — Lola M., Olive A. and Virga A. Enlisted in 1863 in Co. F, 3d I. V. C. ; served to the end of the war. Leppo, D., station agent at County Line, and Postmaster. Long, T. W., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Batavia. Lucas, S., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Hickory. Lutz, P., minister, S. 11 ; P. 0. Libertyville. McCLEARY, JOHN H., farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Libertyville. McClurg, R., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Batavia. McElderry, J., far.; S. 2; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Mahaffey, S, far., S. 18; P. 0. County Line. Manning, W. C, far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Mattingly, C. M., far., S. 9 ; P. O. Ba- tavia. Miller, G.. far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Miller, H., far., S. 35 ; P. O. Libertyville. Miller, M. T., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Batavia. Miller, W.. far., S. 7 ; P. 0. County Line. FILLER, WILLIAM, farmer, Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Hickory ; born July 29, 1809, in Morgan Co., Ohio ; May 14, 1847, came to Jefferson Co.; owns 320 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Harriet Cheadle Feb. 19, 1833; she was born Oct. 29, 1811, in Morgan Co., Ohio ; had five children, four living — Winchester, Dean, Hieland Mary A.; Newell died in 1839, aged 6 years. Has been School Director ; Democrat. She is a member of the Baptist Church. Moore, Z. T., far., S. 13 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Morrison, W. C, far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Murphy, J., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Hickory. XT EWLAND, JACOB, farmer, Sec. 1> 15 ; P. 0. Libertyville. PARKER, M. D., farmer. Sec. 16; P. 0. County Line. PARSOETS, .1. H., farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Libertyville ; born Aug. 27, 1819, in Randolph Co., Va.; in 1838, came to Van Buren Co.; in 1840, removed to Agency City ; in 1842, to Fort Des Moines, and was employed by the Govern- ment as a blacksmith, doing work for the Indians; in 1844, he went to Kan- sas in the same capacity ; in 1846, he returned to Libertyville, and, in 1848, removed to his present farm ; owns 280 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Sarah A. Wilson Nov. 30, 1848 ; she was born March 4, 1820, in Fayette Co., Penn.; had six children, three living — Alexander K., Amanda V. and Alice B. Republican; Meth- odist. His mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, lives with him ; she was born Jan. 1, 1784, in Fayette Co., Penn.; is enjoying good health. Pearson, Silas, far., S. 36 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Peebler, E. H., far., S. 4; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Peebler, M. D., tar., S. 14 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville Peebler, S. C, far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Batavia. Piatt, E., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Poland, F., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. County Line. POLAND, ROBERT, farmer. Sec. 29 ; P. O. County Line ; born March 26, 1814, in Hampshire Co., Va. ; in 1844, came to Jefferson Co. ; owns 100 acres of land, valued at $20 per acre. Married Hannah Lee in 1838 ; she was born Sept. 16, 1816, in Virginia; had nine children, three living — Francis A., Carrie L. and Ira H. Has been School Director. Republican; M. E. Church. 570 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ; Pollock, T.,far., S. 13; P. O. Libertyville. Pumphrey, S. C, far., S. 18 ; P. 0. County Line. RHODES, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 18; P. 0. County Line. Roberts, W., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Batavia. R OMIXGER,SAMrEL C, farmer, Sec. 20 ; P. 0. County Line ; born June 25, 1809, in Stokes Co., N. C. ; in 1829, moved to Indiana ; in 1870, came to his present farm ; owns 250 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Susan Fishel in 1832 ; she was born in 1810, in Davis Co., N. C. ; had ten chil- dren, three living — Charity L. (now Mrs. McKee), Harmenia (now Mrs. Jones), Anna (now Mrs. Keefer). Democrat ; Moravian Church. SHEETS, ISAAC, farmer. Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Sheets, J., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Sheets, W., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Shipler, S. H., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. l^iOIES, C. K., farmer. Sec. 29 ; P. 0. County Line; born April 18, 1809, in Pendleton Co., Va.; when an infant, came with his parents to Ohio ; in 1862, came to Jefferson Co.; owns eighty acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Mar- ried Mary Wells in 1845 ; she was born Feb. 24, 1822, in Ohio ; died July 5, 1850 ; have one child — Rebecca J., now Mrs. Rakestraw, living in Illinois ; sec- ond marriage was to Ellen Stelwell, May 12, 1853; she was born June 2, 1821, in Miami Co., Ohio; had six children, five living — Thomas J., Elisa- beth E., John W., Arta A., Joseph M.; lost James K., aged 2 years. Has been Constable two years, also School Director. Democrat. Simes, James, far.. Sec. 16 ; P. O. Liberty- ville. Sketoe, Joseph, far., S. 8 ; P. 0. County Line. Smith, John G. W., far.. Sec. 8; P. 0. Batavia. Snook, Jacob, far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Batavia. Stapleton, Jacob, far.. Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Ba- tavia. Stater, Jacob S., far., Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Steele, Joseph E., far.. Sec. 22; P. O. Libertyville. STEWART, D. H., farmer. Sec. 9 , P. 0. Batavia; born April 22, 1826, in Adams Co., Penn.; in 1834, came to Ohio with his parents ; in 1857, moved to Knox Co., 111.; in 1861, came to Jefferson Co.; owns 105 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Married Jane A. Armstrong Feb. 26, 1861 ; she was born in 1836, in Franklin Co., Penn.; had eight children, seven living — James A., Harrison H., Mary E., Emma J., Isaac C, Elizabeth and Agnes ; lost Abby July 19, 1877, aged about 2 years. Has been Township Trustee Democrat ; member of the Presbyterian Church. , Stewart, E., far., S. 3 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Stull, D., far., Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Libertyville. Swartz, S., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Libertyville. TAYI.OR, AMOS, far.. Sec. 31 ; P. 0. County Line; born Feb. 15, 1828, in Ross Co., Ohio.; in 1838, moved to Allen Co., Ind.; in 1854, to Davis Co., Mo.; in 1861, came to Mar- ion Co., Iowa; in 1863, removed to Jefferson Co.; owns 170 acres land, val- ued at $30 per acre. Married Mary E. Pearson Sept. 30, 1857; she was born in Miami Co., Ohio, Oct. 16, 1835; have eight children — Ida M., Millard F., Sarah A., Laura B., Margaret E., Mary E., Victoria and Charles L. He was elected in 1864, Township Treas urer ; still holds this ofiice ; has beeni Township Assessor. Republican. Y AUGHT, SOLOMON, far.. Sec. 12; P. 0. Libertyville. Vaught, Wm., far.. Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. WAGNER, JACOB, far.. Sec. 23; P. 0. Libertyville. Wagner, J. H., far.. Sec. 9 ; P. 0. County Line. Wagner, J. S., far.. Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Lib- ertyville. Walker, J. D., far., Sec. 28 ; P. O. Hick- ory. WEAVER, JOHN K., far., Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Eldon ; born Aug. 14, 1841, in Northumberland Co., Penn.; in 1861, came to Van Buren Co.; in 1874, re- moved to Jefferson Co.; he owns fifty acres land in this county and forty acres in Wapello Co., valued at $1,200. Married Mary J. Mitchell in 1868 ; she was born in 1846, in Fayette Co., Penn.;. WALNUT TOWNSHIP. 571 had five children, four living — George W., Otto K. (John E. and Marietta are twins); lost Charles M., Nov. 23, 1878, aged 8 years and 9 months. Democrat ; M. E. Church. West, Amos, far., Sec. 16; P. 0. County Line. West, Jesse B., far., S. 19 ; P. 0. County Line. Wilson, A., far., Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Wilson, H., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Wilson, R. A., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Liberty- ville. Wilson, W. D., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Wilson, W. H.. far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Liber- tyville. Winsell, A. T., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Hickory. Winsell, J., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Hickory. YOUNG, WILLIAM, far., S. 16; P. 0. County Line. YOUNG, LEWIS, far.. Sec. 9; P. 0. Libertyville ; born Oct. 23, 1814, in Frederick Co., Md. ; when a child, moved with his parents to Warren Co., Ohio; in 1830, came to Fountain Co., Ind. ; in June, 1838, came to Iowa Territory, Owns 150 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Ann Matilda Rickets Feb. 9, 1840 ; she was born Aug. 3, 1823, in Franklin Co., Ind. ; in 1837, she came to Louisa Co.; in March, 1839, removed to Jefferson Co. ; they had ten children, six living — Mary E., Melissa, Jacob, Louisa, Lucetta and Gertrude G. Has been Township Trustee. Greenbacker; Pres- byterian Church. WALNUT TOWNSHIP. ANGSTEAD, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Germanville. Albert, John, far., S. 22 ; P. 0. German- ville. Anderson, A. P., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Armstrong, Abram, far., S. 2 ; P. 0. Brigh- ton. Armstrong, W. C, saw-mill hand. BAIN, M. Z., far., Sec. 13; P. 0. Brighton. Bales, Caleb, far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Merrimac. Bales, Josiah, far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Brighton. Barnett, John E., far., Sec. 5; P. 0. Brighton. Barricklow, Daniel, far., Sec. 3; P. 0. Brighton. Barricklow, R. H. L., Sec. 4; P. 0. Brighton. Barricklow, W. S., far.. Sec. 2; P. O. Brighton. Baumgartner, Andrew, far.. Sec. 14 ; P. 0. Brighton. Baumgartner, Christ., & Son, blacksmiths. Germanville. Beach, Valentine, far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Beakel, Jacob, far., S. 28 ; P. 0. German- ville. Berg, H., renter; P. 0. Germanville. Bidwell, L. J., far., S. 10 ; P.O. Brighton. Boldosier, J., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Brighton. Boldosier, John, far., Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Mer- rimac. Boos, M., S. 10 ; P. 0. Brighton. Brown, H., far., S. 23; P. 0. German- ville. Burk, Frank, far.. Sec. 34; P. 0. Ger- manville. CASSADAY, A. J., renter ; P. 0. Sa- Hna. CURTIS, H. CASTL.E, M. D.^ Merrimac; was born in Knoxville, 111., in 1848; educated at the Northwestern University, at Evanston, 111. ; gradu- ated in 1872 ; attended medical lectures at Keokuk, during the terms of 1876-77 and 1877-78; he located in Merrimac in October, 1878. Clapper, T., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Brighton. Clark, A., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. Brighton. Conover, H., far., S. 5; P. 0. Brighton. COREY, JOHN ^,, farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Germanville; was born in Sweden in 1843; came to Des Moines Co. with his parents in 1852. In Octo- ber, 1861, he enlisted in Co. C, 4th L V. C. ; served until Aug. 24, 1865; was in a number of engagements, the principal ones being the battle of Jack 572 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : son, siege of Vicksburg, Guntown, Tu- pelo, Selma, C-^lumbus. Mr. Corey married Miss Sarah C. Rubey ; she was born in Lee Co., this State; have three children — Alice B., Melvin H. and Alonzo B. Mr. C. owns 160 acres of land. Is a Republican. ■Courtney, A. J., far., S. 19; P. 0. Ger- manville. Courtney, D. J., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Courtney, J. W., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Courtney, S., far., S. 30 ; P. 0. German- ville. Craft, M., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Germanville. •Crile, C. F., far., S. 32; P. 0. Germanville. Crile, H., far., S. 22; P. O. Germanville. Crile, J. J., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Brighton. -Crile, J., far., S. 23; P. 0. Germanville. DRYSCH, F., far., S. 19; P. 0. Germanville. DIERN, PETER, farmer and stock- raiser. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Germanville ; born in Germany in 1830; came to Iowa and settled in Burlington in 18-15; in 1849, he crossed the plains to Cali- fornia, remaining until 1853, when he returned to Burlington. He married Miss Katherine Biel in Muscatine, Iowa; she was born in Ohio ; they came to this county in 1845; have seven chil- dren — John, Henry, Peter W., Ber- nard, George, Albert and Frank. Mr. Diers owns 260 acres of land in this county, and city property in Burlington to the amount of $4,000. He is a Democrat ; member of the Lutheran Church. Drysch, J., far.; P. 0. Brighton. Drysch, M., Sr., far., S. 7 ; JP. 0. Brighton. Drysch, M., Jr., far. ; P. 0. Brighton. Dutwiler, A., far., S. 15; P. 0. Brighton. Dutwiler, C, Sr., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Dutwiler, C, Jr., far., S. 34 ; P. O. Ger- manville. Dutwiler, L., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. German- ville. EDLER, F. C, far., S. 20 ; P. O. Ger- manville. Edler, H., far. ; P. 0. Brighton. Edwards, F., far. ; P. 0. Brighton. Edwards, M. W., S. 10 ; P. O. Brighton. Edwards, R., far., S. 10 ; P. O. Brighton. Edwards, W. E., farmer ; P. 0. Brighton. FARBER, HENRY, far.. Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Brighton. Fellinger, Andrew, far.. Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Germanville. Fichtner, Jacob, Sr., far., Sec. 23 ; Ger- manville. Fichtner, Jacob, Jr., farmer ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Fichtner, J. W., far. ; P. 0. Germanville. Foss, C, far., Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Brighton. Foss, Dedrich; P. 0. Germanville. Foss, H., far., S. 27; P. 0. Germanville. Fritz, J., far., S. 33 ; P. O. Germanville. Fritz, P., far.. Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Brighton. Fritz, M., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. Brighton. aELSKI, JOHN, far., Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Germanville. Gelski, Thomas, far.. Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Goodridge, William, far., S. 9 ; P. 0. Germanville. Gorsuch, H., far.. Sec. 29; P. 0. Ger- manville. Gorsuch, Thomas and Henry, renters ; P. 0. Brighton. Graber, Daniel, far., S. 31 ; P. O. Ger- manville. HAIFLEY, JONAS, mason. Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Germanville. Hawk, Thomas, far.. Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Hes.ser, J., far.. Sec. 2; P. 0. Brighton. Hettick, Bernard, far., S. 28 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Hetzel, D., far.. Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Brighton. Heyde, H., far.. Sec. 14; P. 0. Brighton. Heyde, P., far.. Sec. 24; P. 0. German- ville. Hicks, R. C, far., S. 2 ; P. O. Brighton. Hilderbrand, Casper, far., Sec. 14; P. O. Brighton. Hirshberger, J., far.. Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Mer- rimac. Hilderbrand, Mat., far.. Sec. 14; P. 0. Brighton. Hock, J., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Germanville. Hook, J., far.. Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Brighton. HODGEN, JOHN R., farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Brighton ; born in Walnut Tp. in 1849. Married Miss 011a Lynn; she was born near Salina, this county ; have two children. Mr. H. owns 200 acres of land. Is National in politics. Hodgen, J. J., far., P. O. Brighton. Hodgen, J., far.; P. 0. Brighton. WALNUT TOWNSHIP. 593 Hoffman, A., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. German- ville. JOHNSTON, ANDREW, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Germanville. JAY, ROBERT I.., M. D., Mer- rimac ; born in Van Buren Co., Iowa, in 1841) ; his father, Rev. John Jay, a minister of the M. E. Church, was long an itinerant minister of Southeastern Iowa. The Doctor received his literary education at the Iowa Wesleyan Uni- versity at Mount Pleasant ; his medical education at Keokuk ; practiced medi- cine in Keokuk Co., four years, and located in Merrimac in 1874. He mar- ried in 1870 Sibbie E. Davis; born in Indiana in 1853 ; they have three chil- dren — Lenora, born in 1871 ; John, born in 1875, aiid Frank, born in 1877. Jourdan, L., far., S. 15; P. 0. Brighton. K ASK A, NICHOLAS, farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Brighton. Kessel, A., far., S. 17 ; P. 0. Brighton. Kerns, C, far., S. 12; P. 0. Brighton. Kintz, C, Sr., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. German- town. Kintz, C, Jr., far., S. 26; P. 0. Ger- manville. Knerr, Adam, Uermanville. Knerr, G., far., S. 11 ; P. 0. Brighton. Knerr, L., far.; P. 0. Brighton. Knerr, V., far., S. 8; P. 0. Brighton. KXERR, W. H., proprietor of black- smith-shop, Germanville ; was born in * Franklin Co., Ohio, in 1838 ; removed to this county in 1840 with his parents. Married Miss J. S. Sinn in this county; she was born in Pennsylvania; have two children — Albert A. and Clara. Mr. Knerr owns 1218 acres of land. Republican. Knerr, William. Knerr, Wra. H., far., S. 34; P. 0. Ger- manville. Kock, J. F., far., S. 14; P. 0. Brighton. Kock, P. E., far.. Sec. 14 ; P. O. Brigh- ton. Kosuski, A., far., S. 18 ; P. 0. Brighton. Kosuski, H., far., S. 20; P. 0. German- ville. Kosuski, Paul, far., Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Ger- manville. Kurtz, John, far., Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Ger- •EST£R, WILLIAM N., far.. Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; was born in Mahoning Co., Ohio, in 1834; in 1855, he went to Mercer Co., 111., and engaged in stock dealing. Married Miss Martha E. Titus in Mercer Co., 111.; she was born in Boone Co., Ind. ; they removed to this county in 1866 ; they have four children — Carrie G., who married Alonzo Burr, and resides in Fairfield Tp. ; Eva F., Ada J. and Vera B. Mr. Chidester owns 320 acres of land which is finely improved ; has a grove of thirteen acres surrounding his house, the greater number of the trees maple and chestnut. He is a member of the Masonic society, I. O. 0. F., and A. O. U. W. Is Republican. One of the original founders of the Grafton Cheese-Factory, which is located on his land. Clark, J. M., for., Sec. 20 ; P. O. Abing- don. Cline, G., far., Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Cline, James, Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Cline, W., far., Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Collins, H., farmer ; P. 0. Abingdon. Collins, R. F., Constable, Abingdon. Conger, D., far.. Sec. 9 ; P. 0. loka. Coykendall, J., far.. Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Ab- ingdon. Coykendall, M. J., far., Sec. 10; P.O. loka. Cuddy, H. F., for. ; P. O. Abingdon. DAVIS, DRURY, far. ; P. 0. Abing- don. Davis, E. F., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Davis, Ezra, physician, Abingdon. Davis, G. W., laborer ; P. 0. Abingdon. Davis, J. B., far.. Sec. 30 ; P. O. Abing- don. Davis, J. L., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Davis, R., far.. Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Abingdon. DelHnger, W., far., Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Downey, A. T., far., Sec. 28; P. 0. Ab- ingdon. Downey, A. W., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Doughty, Skilman, blacksmith, Abingdon. Duke, W. L., far., Sec. 10 ; P. 0. loka. Dysart, S., far. ; P. 0. loka. ECKELBERR Y, J. H., farmer ; P. 0. Abingdon. EliLER, A. H., farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Abingdon ; was born in Wilkes Co., N. C, in 1849; came to this county with his parents. Married Miss Lucy daughter of W. D. and Sarah Peck; POLK TOWNSHIP. 601 have four children — Cecil, Winta, Ches- ter and Nellie. Mr. Eller owns eighty acres of land. Is Republican ; himself and wife are members of Baptist Church. Estus, S. M., far. ; P. O. Abingdon. TpINNEY, J. H., grocer, Abingdon. Fleenor, Evan, retired farmer, Abingdon. Fleenor, James E., Abingdon. Fleenor, M. G., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Fleenor, R. W., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Fleenor, W. J., far. ; P. Q. Abingdon. Flint, John D., wagon -maker, Abingdon. FORREST, M. W., farmer and stock- raiser, Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; born in Vanderburgh Co., Ind., in 1833; came to Lee Co.. Iowa with his parents in 1837 ; thence to this county in 1844. During the war, Mr. Forrest recruited Co. F of the 33d I. V. I. ; was elected Captain, and served until August, 1863. Maiden name of wife was Miss H. R. Smith ; they were married in this county in 1855 ; she was born in Indiana ; have six children — Avery Curtis, John T., Mary E., Esther Ann, Melva Naomi and Lee B. Mr. Forrest owns 782 acres of land ; is extensively engaged in stock-raising. Forre.st, W. T., Abingdon. GAMBALL, E. R., dealer in produce, Abingdon. Gamball, R.,'far., S. 10 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Gamball, W. M. C, far.. Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Gardner, F., far., S. 1 ; P. 0. loka. Gillette, E., far. ; P. 0. Brookville. Gillette, Z. T., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Gillott, 0. H., far. ; P. 0. Brookville. Gobble, A., far., S. 32; P. 0. Abingdon. GOBBLE, CHARLES H., of the firm of T. W. Gobble & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, queens- ware, etc., Abingdon, Iowa ; was born in Abingdon in 1853. Married Miss Sarah Flint ; she was born in Marshall Co., Va. ; they have one child — Bertha, born Oct. 29, 1878. Mr. G. is a mem- ber of the present Board of Township Trustees, also member of the School Board. Is S. W. in Lodge No. 104, A., F. & A. M., and the present N. G. in Brookville Lodge, I. 0. O. F., No. 87. Gobble, G., retired far., Abingdon. Gobble, T. W. & Co., merchants, Abing- don. Grafton, P. B., far., Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Fair- field. Grear, D., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. HAFERTY, Z. W., far., Sec. 2 ; P. 0. loka. Hamilton, M. D., far.,S. 3 ; P. 0. loka. Hand, Swain, far., S. 33 ; P. 0. Abing- don. Hanna, Wm., far.. Sec. 4 ; P. 0. loka. Hardwick, Samuel. Harrison, B. E., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Harrison, G. W., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Harrison, H., far., Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Abing- don. Harrison, P., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Harrison, W. H., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Hazlett, J. M., far., Sec. 27 ; P.O. Abing- don. Hilton, A. B., far., S. 33 ; P. O. Albia. Hintz, Fred, far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Hite, R., far, S. 35 ; P.O. Brookville. Hite, W., far.. Sec. 33; P. 0. Abingdon. Hoft'man, H., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. HOtGHTON, CURTIS, farmer, • Sec. 13; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Ches- ter, Vt., Sept. 3, 1846 ; is the oldest of eight children ;* his parents moved from Vermont to Illinois in 1852, settling in Henry Co., three miles from the pres- ent town of Woodhull, then an unbroken pi-airie, the nearest dwelling four miles distant, and the only one in sight a cabin twelve feet square, seven miles distant. Mr. Houghton is a bachelor, whose home is cared for by a sister, and is well known from having placed under cultivation in 1869 to 1872 about eight- een hundred acres of land, located in Polk and Black Hawk Tps. of this county, known as the Houghton estate ; he is also one of the original founders of the Grafton Cheese Company ; has been the Secretary since its first annual election. Huddleston, B., far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Abing- don. Huddleston, U., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Hudson, J. R., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Hudson, J. T., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Hupp. J., far., S. 35 ; P. 0. Brookville. "TNGALLS, C, for., S. 3 ; P. 0. loka. Ingalls. W. M., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. loka. JOHNSON, T. P., broom-maker, Abing- don. 602 DIRECTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY : 0. Johnson, Wm., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Johnson, W. B., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon Jones, C, far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Jones, J., far.. Sec. 8 ; P. 0. loka. Jones, T., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. KEN YON, J., far., S. 16; P. Abingdon. Kirby, J. M., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Kirby, K. B., far., S. 23 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Klaiss, J., ret. far., S. 28; P. 0. Abingdon. Knox, W. W., far. ; P. O. Abingdon. Koons, David, far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Abingdon. LEISURE, J. M., far., S. 19; P. 0. Abingdon. Leisure, J., Jr., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Leisure, S. R., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Leisure, T. A., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Leisure, Wm. J., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Lewis, C. H., far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Lewis, J. C, far., S. 21 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Lewis, J. M., Dr., far., S. 21; P. 0. Abingdon. L(]ehr, J. L., retired grocer, Abingdon. Longerbone, J., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Longerbone, Jonathan, far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Longerbone, P., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Abingdon. "cCLUNG, J., far., S. 9 ; P. 0. loka. M' McCluny, R., far.. Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Abingdon. McCoy, J. B., far., Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Abing- don. McCr^eeny, A., shoemaker, Abingdon. McCreeny, H. M., Abingdon. McCullouch, C. H., druggist, Abingdon. McCulloch, J., merchant, Abingdon. McREYNOIiDS, PETER A., far.. Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; was born in Allen Co., Ky., on the 16th of November, 1814; came to this county in the fall of 1845. Has been married twice; first wife was Mrs. C. Prince ; present wife was Mary McCoy, maiden name Robinson ; she was born in Virginia, on the 14th of February, 1822. Mr. McRey- nolds owns 172 acres of land ; is a Re- publican. Himself and wife are mem- bers of the M. E. Church. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic society ; has held various oflBces. In the early history of the county was Township Secretary of schools a number of years ; has also held the office of Township Treasurer. He has been a resident of this township since 1845. McVey, C. B., far.. Sec. 9 ; P. 0. loka. McVey, S. A., far. ; P. 0. loka. McVey, W. R., far., Sec. 4 ; P. 0. loka. Meyers, S. A., far.. Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Abing- don, Middleton, W. J., wagon-maker, Abingdon. Miller, J. B., Township Clerk, Abingdon. Mitchell, J., renter ; P. 0. Abingdon. Mitchell, T., far.. Sec. 7 ; P. O. loka. Morman, C. F., physician, Abingdon. Morris, J., Sr., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Morse, D., far., Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Mowery, B. D., far.. Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Abing- don. MOWERY, EDWARD P., far. and stock-raiser. Sees. 7 and 8 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; was born in Knox Co., Ohio, in 1 839 ; moved to this county with his parents in 1846. During the war, he enlisted in Co. F, 17th I. V. I. ; served three years and three months ; was honorably discharged. Married Miss A. Scott, of Wapello Co., in July, 1876 ; have one child — Ross, born 29th of April, 1877. Mr. Mowery owns 300 acres of land, and is extensively engaged in stock-raising. MOIVERY, F. F., farmer. Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Abingdon ; born in this county in 1843. Married Miss Cora Kirby in 1877 ; she was born in Warren Co., 111. Mr. Mowery is a member of the Masons ; also of the I. 0. 0. F. His father, David Mowery, was a native of Ohio ; born in 1812 ; married Miss Sarah Dile ; they moved to Knox Co., 111., in 1839, thence to this county in 1846; their children are Isaac D., B. D., E. P., John, George W., Matilda (now Mrs. Wm. Gaston), Mary (now Mrs. T. Gillett), Drusilla (deceased), Franklin P., James B. and Virgil E. MOWERY, GEORGE, retired farmer, Abingdon ; owns 160 acres of land. Married Eliza Ann Wright, maiden name Miller ; she was born in Boyle Co., Ky., in 1824; they own town property to the amount of $2,500. Mowry, J.W., far., S. 7 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Mowry, J. B., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Myers, J., Justice of the Peace, Abingdon. Myers, L. G., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Myers, R., far., S. 35; P. 0. Abingdon. Myers, S., far., S. 24 ; P. 0. Abingdon. "XT ACE, J., far., S. 26 ; P. 0. Abing- Newland, A., far., S. 15 ; P. 0. Abingdon. POLK TOWNSHIP. 603 o GDEN, H., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Oliver, D. M., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Brook- ville. Oliver, J., far., S. 25 ; P. 0. Brookville. PACKWOOD, J. M., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Packwood, S., far., S. 14 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Palmer, P. P., far., S. 10 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Peck, A. H., far.; P.O. Abingdon. Peck, J. H., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Peters, D., retired farmer, Abingdon. OAMEY, E., far.; P. O. Abingdon. Ramey, Ezra, far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Randall, F. M., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Ramey, H., far., S. 22 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Ramey, J., far., S. 34 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Ramey, Scott, saw-mill hand, Abingdon. Randall, A. A., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Randall, A. S., far., S. 27 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Reed, W. A., far., S. 14; P. 0. Abingdon. Riggs, H. S.,far.,S. 28 ; P. 0. loka. Riggs, J. T., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Romack, B., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Romack, G., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Romack, T., far., S. 16 ; P. 0. Abingdon. RUGJGL.es, JOHN C, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. loka ; born in Miami Co., Ohio, in 1832 ; removed to Illinois with his parents ; thence to this county in 1836. Married Martha Bowman in this county ; she was born in Kentucky ; they have eight children. Mr. Ruggles is a member of Masonic society at loka, also the I. 0. 0. F. of the same place. Owns eighty acres of land. Ru.ssell, G. W., far., S. 4; P. 0. loka. Ryman, A., far., S. 2 ; P. 0. loka. "^COTT, L. F., former; P. 0. Abingdon. S" Scott, S., far., S. 25 ; P. O. Abingdon. Shelton, W. H., far.. S. 20; P. 0. Abing- don. Smith, A. S., far. ; P. 0. Abingdon. Smith, C. A., far. ; P. 0. loka. Smith, E. W., far. ; P. 0. loka. Smith, G. L., far. ; P. 0. loka. Smith, John, far., S. 12 ; P. 0. loka. Smith, J. N., far., S. 8 ; P. 0. loka. Smith, J. D., far., S. 31 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Smith, N., far., S. 32 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Smith, 0., far., S. 29 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Smith, R. M., far. ; P. 0. loka. Smith, T. G., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Smith, T. R., far., Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Abing- don. Smith, W. E., far.; P. O. loka. Snider, A. C, renter ; P. 0. Abingdon. Snider, G. F., carpenter, Abingdon. Snider, James, far., S. 20 ; P. 0. Abingdon. Spencer, George ; P. 0. Abingdon. Spicer, H. A., blacksmith, Abingdon. Spurlock, F. M., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Spurlock, M. D. L., veterinary surgeon, Abingdon. Stephenson, F. M., far., Sec. 11; P. 0. loka. Stewart, J. W., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. Stubbs, J., far., S. 5 ; P. 0. loka. Stubbs, Wm., far.; P. 0. loka. Sutton, J. A., far., S. 8; P. 0. loka. TANSEY, IRADELL, far., S. 1 ; P. 0. Richland. Travis, J. J., far.; P. 0. Abingdon. YANNESS, A. L., far. and mail-car- rier, S. 28 ; P. 0. Abingdon. TTTEBB, ISAAC, far., S. 10 ; *P. 0. Webb, I. A., far.; P. 0. loka. Webb, J. H., far., S. 3; P. 0. loka. Webb, John, far., S. 5 ; P. 0. loka. Webb, John H., carpenter, Abingdon. Wilson, G. E., far.; P.O. Abinudon. Wilson, S., far.; P. 0. loka. Wilson, Wm., far.; P. 0. loka. Wilhermsdorfer, Sol., far.. Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Abinjidon. qA^-' Received Too Late for Insertion in its Proper Place.— Fairfield. CHESTER, S. J., was born March 16, 1841, in Kosciusko Co., Ind. ; removed with his parents to Iowa in 1851 ; engaged in farming until the breaking-out of the war, when he en- listed in Co. Gr, 30th I. V. I.; was elected Second Lieutenant, and soon after promoted to First Lieutenant ; was engaged in the following battles ; Haine's Bluff, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Cherokee Station, Lookout Moun- tain, Mission Ridge, Ringgold ; was wounded at Vicksburg on the 22d of May, 1863; shot through the left lung with a musket ball ; from its effects was compelled to resign in 1864. Returned home and was married the 21st day of September, 1864, to Miss Olive E. Hendricks. . Moved into Fairfield in 1872, and engaged in the mercantile business until October, 1877 ; in 1876, was elected member of the School Board and chosen President of the same, which position he now holds with credit ; in the fall of 1878, was elected Constable. Has four children — Flora B. , Millie J., Daisy E. and Frank M. 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