LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©Iiap.— -.- ©apF'Si^t l}a. Shelf- ST ?il6. ^^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A BUTTER FAT AND DIVIDEND CALCULATOR FOR OPERATORS AND SECRETARIES OF CREAMERIES AND CHEESE FACTORIES 'BY ADOLPH'SCHOENMAN Instructor in Milk Testing, University of Wisconsin, and Secretary of Wisconsin Cheesemakers' Association MADISON, WIS. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR ^895 ^ pr^ "^h ^f^n COPYRIGHTED 1895 By ADOLPH SCHOENMAN O'i Tracy, Gibbs & Co., Printers, Madison, Wis. PREFACE. Since the invention of the Babcock Test, and the dividing of money according to the test, in butter and cheese factories, Secretaries have found it a great task to thus divide the money in the ordinary way of figuring. And believing that computation tables wherewith the work of- calculating the butter fat of milk, and the money value of the same can be easily and quickly accomplished, would be hailed by the rank and file of factory operators and Secretaries of butter and cheese factories, we have for such arranged this Butter Fat and Dividend Calculator, and would kindly request that the instructions for using the various tables be thoroughly studied and well understood before attempting to use the tables. The author's further aim in arranging this little book was, to make it so plain and comprehensive as to be useful as a text-book in the various dairy schools where the Babcock Test system, and the dividing of the money under the system, is taught. Part I gives instructions for using the various computating tables. Part II illustrates, by example, how the money may be divided. Part III is devoted to the various computating tables of the book, by the use of which dividends to factory patrons can be made very quickly and correctly. THE AUTHOR. Plain, Wis. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE. Instructions for Using the Various Computating Tables 1-7 PART II. How to Divide the Money ------. 3_2j PART III. Butter Fat Calculating Tables - • - - . _ 29-59 Money Calculating Table ----.-. 60-61 Surplus Butter Table -----_. 63-63 Relative Value Table ------. 64-66 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING CALCULATING TABLE IN DETERMINING AMOUNT OF BUTTER FAT. 1. The calculated fat for 3.6% milk will be found on page 36, the page always corresponding to the test X 10. 2. The left side of each page will show the calculated fat for the hundreds and thousands column of your fig- ures, while the right side of the page is used to show the calculated fat for the units and tens column. 3. Suppose you wish to find the calculated fat for 2440 lbs. of milk which tests 3.8. First, cut off the two right hand figures (40). Then turn to page 38, and on the right half of the page find the number 40; to the right of which find 1.5 the calculated butter fat. 4. Next, on the left half of the same page, find the number 24, to the right of which find 91.2, the calcu- lated fat, which place above the former amount, 1.5, and add; making 92.7 lbs. of butter fat. 5. When using this calculator, group your milk which tests alike together, to avoid turning over from one page to the other, unnecessarily. Thus: Suppose patrons A, E and H all test alike, say 3.4. Turn to page 34 and find the calculated butter fat of those three before you turn the leaf, and so on with all the other patrons, test- ing alike. 6. Many factory operators divide the month into four periods, and average the test by adding the four tests and then dividing by four. Thus — [I] A tests 3.8 + 4.0 + 3.6 + 3.5 = 14.9, and 14.9 -r- 4 = 3.725, average test. You will notice that the 25 to the right of the 3.7 is not taken in the calculating table of this book, hence I will here insert a rule by which you can quickly calculate any such fractions. 7. By reading not closer than tenth (and no one test- ing full milk should read closer), you may get the fol- lowing fractions smaller than tenths to figure separate: Kither .05, .025 or .075, all of which are quickly figured, thus — 8. Rule: Point off three places from the right of anj^ amount of milk, and divide by 2 to get the fat for .05. To get the fat for .025 divide by 4; for .075, divide by 4 and multiply by 3. Thus: Milk. Milk. Milk. 2 I 2.540 4 I 2.540 4 | 2. 540 1.3 fat .6 fat ~63 x 3 = 1.9 fat. Again, take 8,460 lbs of milk — Milk. Milk. Milk. 2 I 8.460 4 I 8.460 4 | 8.460 4.2 fat '2.1 fat 2.1 x 3 = 6.3 fat. In taking semi-monthly tests you get only .05, which can readily be calculated, mentally, by above rule. 9. Suppose you have 30 patrons, in a lot of 50, that have some of those extra fractions as indicated in rule under 8. With a little practice you can figure those extra fractions for 30 patrons and add their extra fat thus obtained to their other fat in less than 15 minutes' time. 10. Ten thousand pounds is the largest amount calcu- lated in this book, but any amount you ma}^ have above may be readily calculated thus: Suppose you have 14,840 lbs. milk— test, 3.4 — 10,000 lbs. of 3.4 milk equals 340 lbs. of butter fat. Then find calculated fat for 4,840 lbs. milk, and add to the 340 lbs. obtained from the 10,000 lbs. You will observe that the butter fat for 10,000 lbs. milk, at any test, is easily calculated men- tally. Example: 10,000 lbs.— test, 3.6 = 360. 10,000 lbs.— test, 4.2 = 420. 10,000 lbs.— test, 3.9 = 390; etc. Many factories make tests every ten days, which would make extra fractions, spoken of on previous page, either .033 or .066; which would be figured thus: Example: Milk. Milk. 3 I 2 360 3 I 2.360 .8 fat .8x2 = 1.6 fat. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE MONEY CALCULATING TABLES. 1. Suppose the total amount of money due the patrons for the month is $1,575.00, and the total amount of but- ter fat delivered by the patrons is 7,000 lbs., then $1,575.00^7,000=1.225, the price per lb. for butter fat. Now turn to the Money Calculating Table, and find the .225 table, which is used thus — 2. Suppose A has delivered 286 lbs. of butter fat, use the products in the $. 225 table set after 2, 8 and 6. Thus: After 6 1350 After 8 1800 After 2 450 $64,350 which gives the correct amount of money. Use the table in a similar manner to find each patron's money. A little practice with these tables will convince you that they are very useful. 3. Usually secretaries manage to get the price of but- ter fat to an even cent, or an even half cent, by carrying over a small surplus or by making up a small deficit, to be taken out of the proceeds of the succeeding month. 4. Suppose you find by exact figures that your butter fat for the month will bring $.2462 per lb., and you have 5,250 lbs. butter fat. Now, it is a very good plan to carry over $6.30 to the next month, and the price of your butter fat will be $.245. Then calculate your div- idends by the $.245 table on page 61, in this book. Or, suppose your exact price for butter fat was $.2438, by [4] 5 drawing on the succeeding month for $6.30, you would have $.245 per lb. of butter fat, and can make use of the same table. By thus adjusting the price to suit the tables much hard work in figuring can be avoided. 5. Secretaries who do not wish to adjust the price of butter fat as above recommended, and wish to use the price exactly as found, can greatly facilitate their work by making a table to suit their price. 6. Suppose the price per lb. of butter fat is found to be $.268, construct the following table, and use it per instructions given in number 2. Thus— 268 X 1 = 268 268 X 2 = 536 268 X 3 = 804 etc., to 268 X 9. The table can be made in a few minutes, and can be applied to the entire list of patrons, and will save a great amount of figuring. You can construct tables at any price you wish, to suit the price. Suppose your exact price is $.2668, then make table thus: 2668 X 1 = 2668 2668 X 2 = 5336 2668 X 3 = 8004 etc. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BUTTER DIVIDENDS. 1. Although it is more work to make dividends in which the actual number of pounds of bulter are given, nevertheless some operators wish to make such state- ments to satisfy the wishes of their patrons. Those wishing to make such dividends can best determine each patron's butter by using the Surplus Butter Table, given on page 63, as recommended by Dr. Babcock. The table will give the number of pounds of butter per 100 lbs. of milk for any test from 3 to 5.6%. 2. Example: Suppose you find the surplus butter over the fat to be 1.12, then use 1.12 column. If A's milk tests 3.6, you will find his butter yield to be 4.032. Sup- pose he delivers 2460 lbs. of milk, then, to determine his total butter, multiply 2460 (pointing off two places for hundreds), by 4.032— thus: 24.60 X 4.032 = 99.18+ lbs. butter. 3. After determining each patron's butter, and the price per pound, use the Money Calculating Table to deter- mine each patron's money, as per instructions for using the Money Calculating Tables, and if your price for but- ter does not correspond with any of the tables given con- struct a table to suit your price, as shown in No. 6, un- der Instructions for Using Money Calculating Tables. [6] INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE RELA- TIVE VALUE TABLE. (Showing the relative price per loo lbs. milk.) The 4% horizontal line of figures in heavy type is used as the guiding line, and is 4 x the price of butter fat. Suppose the butter fat brings 25 cents, then the price in heavy type (horizontal line), would be $1.00, and you would have to use the perpendicular column, in which will be found $1.00 in heavy type; and you will find that 4.2% milk is worth $1.05; 4.4% milk, $1.10; while 3%. will be shown to be worth $.75. Suppose the butter fat is worth 21.12 cents, it would make the price of 4% milk 84.48 cents, and the table could not be used unless the .12 cents were dropped and the amount carried over to be taken in the succeeding month as advised under " In- structions for Using the Money Calculating Tables" in sections 3 and 4. You will notice that in order to get the price for 4% milk to an even cent per hundred, butter fat will have to end in the fraction of j{c, yic, or %q, or full cent, in every case. You will find this table very handy for quick w^ork, but not strictly accurate. [7] HOW TO DIVIDE THE MONEY. I. The Correct Way. Let us suppose that there is one composite test taken weekly, and A has for the first week 2,046 lbs. milk-test, 3.2 equals fat 65.47 B 822 " 41 ' 33-70 c 625 " ■ 4.6 • 28.75 A has the second week 1,820 " 00 ' 60.06 B 7S0 " 4.0 ' 31.20 c 725 " 4.2 • 30.45 A has the third week, 2.244 " 3.0 ' 67.32 B 1,000 " 4.2 42. CO c 650 " 4-4 ' 28.60 A has the fourth week, 2,120 " 3.1 ' 65.72 B 962 " 4.0 ' 38.48 c 720 " 4.1 Total ' 29.52 Total, 14.514 , 521.27 A's milk for month, 8,230 lbs. equals 258.57 fat. B's " " 3,564 " •' 145.38 '• C's " " 2,720 " Total, 14,514 2. The Butter Sales. 117.32 Total, 521.27 First shipment, 4-40 lb. tubs, 160 lbs. net amount, $40.00 32.20 30.50 31.60 12.50 2 50 150 Second ' * 2-60 " " 120 Third " 2-60 120 Fourth " 2-60 " " 120 Home sales, 50 A drew 10 B drew 6 Total. 586 Cost of manufacturing 586 lbs. at 4c. The patrons' share is, [8J Total, $150.80 23 44 $127 36 If 521.27 lbs. fat are worth $127.36, i lb. of fat is worth 24.43c. A's share equals 258.57 X 24.43c, equals $63.16 | B's " " 145.38x24.43 " 35-53 M^27.36 C's " " 117.32 X 24.43 " 28.67 ) N. B. — Most secretaries carry over the amount brought about by the small fractions, to save figuring. If, in the above case, we carry $2.26 forward to the next month, we would have: A's share equals 258.57 X .24c. equals $62.05 ) $125.10 B's " " 145.38 X •24c. " 3489 [• 2.26 carried over. C's " •• 117.32 X. 24c. " 28.16 j $127.36 3. The Practical Way. Taking the same milk and the same test we find it as follows: Here we find the average test by adding the four tests together and divid- ing by four. A. 8.230 lbs. milk. Average test for month 3.15 = 259.25 lbs fat. B. 3,564 " •• " " 4.075 = 145.23 " " C. 2,720 " " " " 4.325 = 117.64 " " Total, 14,514 lbs. milk. Total, 522.12 " " N. B. — We find that in this case we have nearly one pound of fat more for the total. By inspection we find that A has nearly one pound more than in the former statement, while B has a trifle less and C has a trifle more. Of course, if cows vary very widely in test and in milk yield from week to week, we would recommend the '*cor- rect way." But for general practical purpose the incor- rectness of this "practical way" is so slight, and labor saved in figuring so marked, that most any one will be justified in using it. lO 4. A's Butter Statement. Total No. pounds milk Total No. pounds butter Average net price for butter Net receipts for butter For making butter @ 4c Net amount due patrons Per pound of butter fat (net to patrons). General average test Your average test Your No. of pounds of milk Your butter fat Your net proceeds ID pounds butter dravN^n @ 25c Amount due you. Pounds. 14,514 586 8,2^0 3-59^ 3. 141 258.57 Price. Dols. 150 23 127 63 2 Cts. 25-73 80 44 36 24-43 16 50 66 5. Dividing Cheese Money. Taking the same fig- ures as in butter: A's milk for month. 8,230 pounds. Fat, 258.57 B's '• " 3,564 pounds. " 14538 C's " " 2,720 poundr. " 117.32 Total 14,514 .Total " 521.27 Suppose you get 1,450 pounds cheese, selling at ten cents net, making total amount of money -. $145 .00 Manufacturing of 1,450 @ i^ cents per pound, equals 21,75 Leaving patrons $123.25 If 521.27 pounds fat are worth $123.25, one pound of fat is worth 23.64+ cents. A's share equals 258.57 X 23.64+c. equals $61.13 B's " " 145.38X23.644- " 34.38 C's " " 117.32X23.64+ " 27.74 Total. $123.25 N. B. — In dividing the money in this case the secretary might have taken out seventy-seven cents and given it to the patrons the follow- ing month. He would then have: money, $122.48; fat, 521.27; price for fat, 23.5; saving much labor in figuring. II 6. A's Cheese Statement. Total No. pounds milk Total No. pounds cheese Average net price per pound (cheese) Net receipts for cheese Making and selling @ i^ cents Net amount due patrons Per pound butter fa^ (cat to patron ) . Your amount of milk General average test Your average test Your butter fat Your net proceeds Pounds. 14.514 1,450 , 230 3-59^ 3-i4'^ 258.57 Price. Dol. 145 21 123 61 Cts. ID GO 75 25 23.644- 13 P. S. — Suppose A had drawn fifty pounds of cheese, and 1,400 pounds were sold to the buyer. We, of course, would have charged him the same, and would now get our pay by taking it out of the $61.13, leaving him $61.13 — ^500 = $56.13. Before closing these chapters the writer would like to add that recent investigations tend to confirm the fact that satisfactory results can be obtained by making com- posite tests only every ten days, or even better than that, viz.: semi-monthly. A great advantage under semi- monthly composite tests would be that in making monthly dividends the secretary would have to deal with no worse fractions than tenths or five one hundredths, either of which is a very easy and simple fraction to handle; the assumption being that tests are read not closer than tenths. Computating t^ables [For CoHveuievce the Follozving Tables Begin with Page 29.] 2.9 PER CENT. TEST. 29 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 2.9 51 147.9 I 51 1-5 2 5-8 52 150.8 2 52 1-5 3 8.7 53 153.7 3 . I 53 1.5 4 11.6 54 156.6 4 . I 54 1.5 5 H-5 55 159.5 5 . I 55 1.6 6 17.4 56 162.4 6 .2 56 1.6 7 20.3 57 165.3 7 .2 57 1.6 8 23.2 58 168.2 8 .2 58 1.7 9 26. 1 59 171. I 9 .2 59 1.7 10 29.0 60 174.0 10 .3 60 1.7 II 31-9 61 176.9 II •3 61 1.7 12 34.8 62 179.8 12 .3 62 1.8 13 37.7 63 182.7 13 .4 63 1.8 H 40.6 64 185.6 14 .4 64 1.8 15 43.5 65 188.5 15 .4 65 1.9 i6 46.4 66 191. 4 16 .4 66 1.9 17 49.3 67 194.3 17 .5 67 1.9 i8 52.2 68 197.2 18 .5 68 2.0 19 55.1 69 200. 1 19 .5 69 2.0 20 58.0 70 203.0 20 .6 70 2.0 21 60.9 71 205.9 21 .6 71 2.0 22 63.8 72 208.8 22 .6 72 2. 1 23 66.7 73 211. 7 23 .6 73 2.1 24 69.6 74 214.6 24 .7 74 2. 1 25 72.5 75 217.5 25 .7 75 2. 1 26 75-4 76 220.4 26 .7 76 2.2 27 78.3 77 223.3 27 .8 77 2.2 28 81.2 78 226.2 28 .8 78 2.2 29 84.1 79 229. 1 29 .8 79 2.3 30 87.0 80 232.0 30 .9 80 2.3 31 89.9 81 234.9 31 • 9 81 2-3 32 92.8 82 237.8 32 .9 82 2.4 33 95-7 83 240.7 33 .9 83 2.4 34 98.6 84 243.6 34 I.O 84 2.4 35 loi .5 85 246.5 35 I.O 85 2.4 36 104.4 86 249.4 36 1 .0 86 2.5 37 107.3 87 252.3 37 I.I 87 2.5 38 no. 2 88 255.2 38 1. 1 88 2.5 39 113. 1 89 258.1 39 1. 1 89 2.6 40 116.0 90 261.0 40 1.1 90 2.6 41 1 1 8 . 9 91 263.9 41 1 .2 91 2.6 42 121. 8 92 266.8 42 1.2 92 2.6 43 124.7 93 269.7 43 1.2 93 2.7 44 127.6 94 272.6 44 1-3 94 2.7 45 130.5 95 275-5 45 1.3 95 2.7 46 133 4 96 278.4 46 1-3 96 2.8 47 136.3 97 281.3 47 1.3 97 2.8 48 139.2 98 284.2 48 1.4 98 2.8 49 142. 1 99 2S7.1 49 1.4 99 2.9 50 145.0 100 290.0 50 1.4 100 2.9 30 3.0 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FA lT. MILK. FAT. I 3.0 51 153-0 I 51 1-5 2 6.0 52 156.0 2 52 1-5 3 9.0 53 159.0 3 . I 53 1.6 4 12.0 54 162.0 4 1 54 1.6 5 15.0 55 165.0 5 I 55 1.6 6 18.0 56 168.0 6 2 56 1.7 7 21 .0 57 171. 7 2 57 1.7 8 24.0 58 174.0 8 2 58 1.7 9 27.0 59 177.0 9 3 59 1.8 10 30.0 60 180.0 10 3 60 1.8 II 33-0 61 183.0 II 3 61 1.8 12 36.0 62 186.0 12 3 62 1.8 13 39-0 63 189.0 13 4 63 1.9 14 42.0 64 192.0 14 4 64 1.9 15 45.0 65 I95-0 15 4 65 1.9 16 48.0 66 198.0 16 5 66 2.0 17 51.0 67 201 .0 17 5 67 2.0 18 54.0 68 204.0 18 5 68 2.0 19 57.0 69 207.0 19 6 69 2.1 20 60.0 70 210.0 20 6 70 2.1 21 63.0 71 213.0 21 6 71 2.1 22 66.0 72 216.0 22 6 72 2.1 23 69.0 73 219.0 23 7 73 2.2 24 72.0 74 222,0 24 7 74 2,2 25 75 -o 75 225.0 25 7 75 2.2 26 78.0 76 228.0 26 8 76 2.3 27 81.0 77 231.0 27 8 77 2.3 28 84.0 78 234.0 28 8 78 2.3 29 87.0 79 237.0 29 9 79 2.4 30 90.0 80 240.0 30 9 80 2.4 31 93.0 81 243.0 31 9 81 2.4 32 96,0 82 246.0 32 9 82 2.5 33 99.0 83 249.0 33 I. 83 2.5 34 102.0 84 252.0 34 I 84 2.5 35 105.0 85 255.0 35 I 85 2.5 36 108.0 86 258.0 36 I I 86 2.6 37 III.O 87 261 .0 37 I I 87 2.6 38 114.0 88 264.0 38 I I 88 2.6 39 117. 89 267.0 39 I 2 89 2.7 dO 120.0 90 270.0 40 1 2 90 2.7 41 123.0 91 273.0 41 1 2 91 2.7 42 126.0 92 276.0 42 1 2 92 2.7 43 129.0 93 279.0 43 I 3 93 2.8 44 132.0 94 282.0 44 I 3 94 2.8 45 135.0 95 285.0 45 I 3 95 2.8 46 138.0 96 288.0 46 I 4 96 2.9 47 141. 97 291 .0 47 I 4 97 2.9 48 144.0 98 294.0 48 1 4 98 2.9 49 147.0 99 297.0 49 I 5 99 3.0 50 160.0 100 300.0 50 1 5 100 3.0 3.1 PER CENT. TEST. 31 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3-1 51 158. I I 51 1.6 2 6.2 52 161 .2 2 52 1.6 3 9-3 53 164.3 3 . I • 53 1.6 4 12.4 54 167.4 4 . I 54 1.7 5 15 5 55 170.5 5 . I 55 1.7 6 18.6 56 173.6 6 .2 56 1.7 7 21.7 57 176.7 7 .2 57 1.7 8 24.8 58 179.8 8 .2 58 1.8 9 27.9 59 182,9 9 .3 59 1.8 10 31.0 60 186.0 10 .3 60 1.8 II 34.1 61 189. 1 II .3 61 1.9 12 37-2 62 192.2 12 .4 62 1.9 13 40.3 63 195.3 13 •4 63 1.9 14 43-4 64 198.4 14 •4 64 2.0 15 46.5 65 201.5 15 .4 65 2.0 16 49.6 66 204.6 16 .5 66 2.0 17 52 7 67 207.7 17 .5 67 2.1 18 55.8 68 210.8 18 .5 68 2.1 19 58.9 69 213.9 19 .6 69 2.1 20 62.0 70 217.0 20 .6 70 2.2 21 65.1 71 220.1 21 .6 71 2.2 22 68.2 72 223.2 22 .7 72 2.2 23 71.3 73 226.3 23 .7 7Z 2.2 24 74-4 74 229.4 24 .7 74 2.3 25 77.5 75 232.5 25 .8 75 2.3 26 80.6 76 235.6 26 .8 7^ 2.3 27 83.7 77 238.7 27 .8 77 2.4 28 86.8 78 241.8 28 .8 78 2.4 29 89.9 79 244.9 29 .9 79 2.4 30 93.0 80 248.0 30 .9 80 2.5 31 96,1 81 25 1. 1 31 .9 81 2.5 32 99.2 82 254.2 32 1 .0 82 2.5 33 102.3 83 257.3 33 i.o 83 2.6 34 105.4 84 260.4 34 i.o 84 2.6 35 108.5 85 263.5 35 I.I 85 2.6 36 III. 6 86 266.6 36 1. 1 86 2.6 37 114. 7 87 269.7 37 1. 1 87 2.7 38 117. 8 88 272.8 38 1.2 88 2.7 39 120.9 89 275.9 39 1.2 89 2.7 40 124.0 90 279.0 40 1.2 90 2.8 41 127. 1 91 282.1 41 1.3 91 2.8 42 130.2 92 285.2 42 1.3 92 2.8 43 133.3 93 288.3 43 1-3 93 2.9 44 136.4 94 291.4 44 1.3 94 2.9 45 139.5 95 294.5 45 1.4 95 2.9 46 142.6 96 297.6 46 1-4 96 3-0 47 145.7 97 300.7 47 1.4 97 30 48 148.8 98 303.8 48 1.5 98 3.0 49 151. 9 99 306.9 49 1-5 99 3.0 50 155.0 100 310 50 1.5 100 3.1 33 3.2 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. 1 MILK. FA T. MILK. FAT. I 3-2 51 163.2 I 51 1.6 2 6.4 52 166.4 2 52 1.6 3 9.6 53 169.6 3 I 53 1.7 4 12.8 54 172.8 4 I 54 1.7 5 16.0 55 176.0 5 I 55 1.7 6 19.2 56 179.2 6 2 56 1.8 7 22.4 57 182.4 7 2 57 1.8 8 25.6 58 185.6 8 2 58 1.8 9 28. g 59 188.8 9 3 59 1.9 10 32.0 60 192.0 10 3 60 1.9 II 35.2 61 195.2 II .) 61 1.9 12 38.4 62 198.4 12 4 62 2,0 *'3 41.6 63 201.6 13 4 63 2.0 *i4 44.8 64 204,8 14 4 64 2,0 15 48.0 65 208.0 15 5 65 2,1 i6 51.2 66 211.2 16 5 66 2.1 17 54.4 67 214.4 17 5. 67 2. 1 i8 57.6 68 217.6 18 6 68 2,2 19 60.8 69 220.8 19 6 69 2.2 20 64.0 70 224.0 20 6 70 2.2 21 67.2 71 227,2 21 7 71 2.3 22 70.4 72 230.4 22 7 72 2.3 23 73-6 73 233.6 23 7 73 2.3 24 76.8 74 236.8 24 7 74 2.3 25 80.0 75 240.0 25 8 75 2.4 26 83.2 76 243.2 26 8 76 2.4 27 86.4 77 246.4 27 8 77 2.4 28 89.6 78 249.6 28 9 78 2.5 29 92.8 79 252.8 29 9 79 2.5 30 96.0 80 256.0 30 9 80 2.5 31 99.2 81 259.2 31 I 81 2.6 32 102.4 82 262.4 32 I 82 2,6 105.6 83 265.6 33 I 83 2.6 34 108.8 84 268.8 34 I I 84 2,7 35 112. 85 272.0 35 I I 85 2.7 36 115. 2 86 275.2 36 I I S6 2.7 37 118.4 87 278.4 37 I 2 87 2.8 38 121 .6 88 281.6 38 I 2 88 2,8 39 124.8 89 284.8 39 I 2 89 2.8 40 128.0 90 288.0 40 1 3 90 2.9 41 131. 2 91 2yl.2 41 I 3 91 2,9 42 134.4 92 294.4 42 I 3 92 2.9 43 137.6 93 297,6 43 I 4 93 3.0 44 140.8 94 300.8 44 I 4 94 3.0 45 144.0 95 304.0 45 I 4 95 3.0 46 147.2 96 307.2 46 I 5 96 3.1 47 150.4 97 310.4 47 I 5 97 ■ 3.1 48 153.6 98 313.6 48 I 5 98 3-T 49 156.8 99 316.8 49 I 5 99 3.1 50 160.0 100 320.0 50 1 6 100 3.2 3.3 PER CENT. TEST. 38 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3.3 51 168.3 I 51 1-7 2 6.6 52 171 .6 2 52 1.7 9.9 53 174.9 3 I 53 1.7 4 13.2 54 178.2 4 I 54 1.8 5 16.5 55 181. 5 5 I 55 1.8 6 19.8 56 184.8 6 2 56 1.8 7 23.1 57 188. 1 7 2 57 1.9 8 26.4 58 191. 4 8 2 58 1.9 9 29.7 59 194.7 9 J) 59 1-9 10 33.0 60 198.0 10 3 60 2.0 II 36.3 61 201.3 II 3 61 2.0 12 39.6 62 204.6 12 4 62 2.0 13 42.9 63 207.9 13 4 63 2. 1 14 46.2 64 211. 2 14 4 64 2.1 15 49.5 65 214.5 15 .5 65 2. 1 i6 52.8 66 217.8 16 5 66 2.2 - 17 56.1 67 221. 1 17 5 67 2.2 i8 59.4 68 224.4 18 6 68 2.2 19 62.7 69 227.7 19 6 69 2.3 20 66.0 70 231.0 20 6 70 2.3 21 69.3 71 234.3 21 7 71 2.3 22 72.6 72 237.6 22 7 72 2.4 23 75.9 73 240.9 23 7 73 2.4 24 79.2 74 244.2 24 8 74 2.4 25 82.5 75 247.5 25 8 75 2.5 26 85.8 76 250.8 26 8 76 2.5 27 89.1 77 254.1 27 9 77 2.5 28 92.4 78 257.4 28 9 78 2.6 29 95.7 79 260.7 29 9 79 2.6 30 99.0 80 264.0 30 1 80 2.6 31 102.3 81 267.3 31 I 81 2.7 32 105.6 82 270.6 32 I 82 2.7 33 108.9 83 273-9 33 I I 83 2.7 34 112. 2 84 277.2 34 I I 84 2.8 35 115. 5 85 280.5 35 I I 85 2.8 36 118. 8 86 283.8 36 I 2 86 2.8 37 122. 1 87 287.1 37 I 2 87 2.9 38 125.4 88 290.4 38 I. 2 88 2.9 39 128.7 89 293-7 39 I. 89 2.9 40 132.0 90 297.0 40 1. 3 90 3.0 41 135.3 91 300.3 41 I. 91 3-0 42 138.6 92 303-6 42 I 4 92 3.0 43 141. 9 93 306.9 43 I- 4 93 3.0 44 145.2 94 310.2 44 I. 4 94 3-1 45 148.5 95 313-5 45 I. 5 95 3.1 46 151 8 96 316.8 46 I 5 96 3.1 47 155. 1 97 320.1 47 I. 5 97 3-2 48 158.4 98 323-4 48 I 6 98 3.2 49 161. 7 99 326.7 49 I. 6 99 3-2 50 165.0 100 330.0 50 1. 6 100 3.3 34 3.4 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3-4 51 173.4 I 51 1.7 2 6.8 52 176.8 2 . I 52 1.7 3 10.2 53 180.2 ^ . I 53 1. 8 4 13.6 54 183.6 4 . I 54 1.8 5 17.0 55 187.0 5 .2 55 1.9 6 20.4 56 190.4 6 .2 56 1.9 7 23.8 57 193.8 7 ^ 2 57 1.9 8 27.2 58 197.2 8 .3 58 2.0 9 30.6 59 200.6 9 59 2.0 10 34.0 60 204.0 10 .3 60 2.0 II 37.4 61 207.4 II •4 61 2, 1 12 40.8 62 210.8 12 .4 62 2. J 13 44.2 63 214.2 13 .4 63 2. 1 14 47.6 64 217.6 14 .5 64 2.2 15 51.0 65 221 .0 15 •5 65 2.2 16 54.4 66 224.4 16 .5 66 2.2 17 57.8 67 227.8 17 .6 67 2.3 18 61.2 68 231.2 18 .6 68 2.3 19 64.6 69 234.6 19 .6 69 2.3 20 68.0 70 238.0 20 .7 70 2.4 21 71.4 71 241.4 21 .7 71 2.4 22 74.8 72 244.8 22 .7 72 2.4 23 78.2 73 248.2 23 .8 73 2.5 24 81.6 74 251.6 24 .8 74 2.5 25 85.0 75 255.0 25 .8 75 2.5 26 88.4 76 258.4 26 .9 76 2.6 27 91.8 77 261.8 27 .9 77 2.6 28 95-2 78 265.2 28 .9 78 2.6 29 98.6 79 268.6 29 i.o 79 2.7 30 102.0 80 272.0 30 1.0 80 2.7 31 105.4 81 275.4 31 1.0 81 2.7 32 108.8 82 278.8 32 I.I 82 2.8 33 112. 2 83 282,2 33 I.I 83 2.8 34 115. 6 84 285.6 34 I.I 84 2.8 35 119. 85 289.0 35 1.2 85 2.9 36 122.4 86 292.4 36 1.2 86 2.9 37 125.8 87 295,8 37 1.2 87 2.9 38 129.2 88 299,2 38 1.3 88 3-0 39 132.6 89 302.6 39 1.3 89 3.0 40 136.0 90 306.0 40 1.3 90 3.0 41 139.4 91 309.4 41 1.4 91 3.1 42 142.8 92 312.8 42 1.4 92 3.1 43 146,2 93 316.2 43 1.4 93 3.1 44 149.6 94 319.6 44 1.5 94 3.2 45 153.0 95 323.0 45 1.5 95 3.2 46 156.4 96 326.4 46 1.5 96 3.2 47 159.8 97 329.8 47 1.6 97 3.3 48 163.2 98 333-2 48 1.6 98 3.3 49 166.6 99 .336.6 49 1.6 99 3.3 50 170.0 100 340.0 50 1.7 100 3.4 3.5 PER CENT. TEST. 35 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3.5 51 178.5 I 51 1.8 2 7.0 52 182.0 2 . 1 52 1.8 3 10.5 53 185.5 3 . I 53 1.8 4 14.0 54 iSg.o 4 . I 54 1.9 5 17.5 55 192.5 5 .2 55 1.9 6 21.0 56 196.0 6 .2 56 1.9 7 24.5 57 199.5 7 .2 57 2.0 8 28.0 58 203.0 8 .3 58 2.0 9 31.5 59 206.5 9 .3 59 2.0 10 35.0 60 210.0 10 .3 60 2.1 II 38.5 61 213.5 II .4 61 2.1 12 42.0 62 217.0 12 .4 62 2.2 13 45.5 63 220.5 13 .4 63 2.2 H 49 -o 64 224.0 14 .5 64 2.2 15 52.5 65 227.5 15 .5 65 2.3 i6 56.0 66 231.0 16 .5 66 2.3 17 59.5 67 234.5 17 .6 67 2.3 i8 63.0 68 238.0 18 .6 68 2.4 19 66.5 69 241.5 19 ,6 69 2.4 20 70.0 70 245.0 20 .7 70 2.4 21 73.5 71 248.5 21 .7 71 2.5 22 77.0 72 252,0 22 ,8 72 2.5 23 80.5 73 255.5 23 ,8 73 2.5 24 84.0 74 259.0 24 .8 74 2.6 25 87.5 75 262,5 25 .9 75 2.6 26 91.0 76 266,0 26 .9 76 2.6 27 94.5 77 269,5 27 .9 77 2.7 28 98.0 78 273.0 28 1 .0 78 2.7 29 101.5 79 276.5 29 1 .0 79 2.7 30 105.0 80 280.0 30 1.0 80 2.8 31 108.5 81 283.5 31 I . I 81 2.8 32 112.0 82 287.0 32 I, I 82 2.9 33 115. 5 83 290.5 33 I . I 83 2.9 34 119. 84 294.0 34 1.2 84 2.9 35 122.5 85 297.5 35 1 .2 85 3.0 36 126.0 86 301.0 36 1.2 86 3.0 37 129.5 87 304.5 37 1.3 87 3.0 38 133.0 88 308.0 38 1.3 88 3.1 39 136.5 89 3".5 39 1.3 89 3.1 iO 140.0 90 315.0 40 1.4 90 3.1 41 143.5 91 318.5 41 1.4 91 3.2 42 147.0 92 322.0 42 1.5 92 3.2 43 150.5 93 325.5 43 1.5 93 3.2 44 154.0 94 329.0 44 1.6 94 3.3 45 157.5 95 332.5 45 1.6 95 3.3 46 161 .0 96 336.0 46 1.6 96 3.3 47 164.5 97 339.5 47 1.6 97 3-4 48 168.0 98 343 -o 48 1.7 98 3-4 49 171.5 99 346.5 49 1.7 99 3-4 50 175.0 100 350.0 50 1.7 100 3.5 36 3.6 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3.6 51 183.6 I 51 1.8 2 7.2 52 187.2 2 , I 52 1.9 3 10.8 53 190.8 3 .1 53 1.9 4 14.4 54 194.4 4 .1 54 1.9 5 18.0 55 198.0 5 .2 55 2.0 6 21.6 56 201.6 6 .2 56 2.0 7 25.2 57 205.2 7 .2 57 2.0 8 28.8 58 208.8 8 •J 58 2. 1 9 32.4 59 212.4 Q .3 59 2. 1 10 36.0 60 216.0 i5 .3 60 2.1 II 39.6 61 219.6 II .4 61 2.2 12 43-2 62 223.2 12 .4 62 2.2 13 46.8 63 226.8 13 .4 63 2.2 14 50-4 64 230.4 14 .5 64 2.3 15 54.0 65 234.0 15 .5 65 2.3 16 57.6 66 237.6 16 .6 66 2.4 17 61.2 67 241.2 17 .6 67 2.4 18 64.8 68 244.8 18 .6 68 2.4 19 68.4 69 248.4 19 .7 69 2.5 20 72.0 70 252.0 20 .7 70 2.5 21 75.6 71 255.6 21 .7 71 2.5 22 79.2 72 259.2 22 .8 72 2.6 23 82.8 73 262.8 23 .8 73 2.6 24 86.4 74 266.4 24 .8 74 2.6 25 90.0 75 270.0 25 .9 75 2.7 26 93-6 76 273.6 26 .9 76 2.7 27 97.2 77 277.2 27 i.o 77 2.8 28 100.8 78 280.8 28 i.o 78 2.8 29 104.4 79 284.4 29 1.0 79 2.8 30 108.0 80 288.0 30 1.1 SO 2.9 31 III. 6 81 291 .6 31 I.I 81 2.9 32 115-2 82 295.2 32 I.I 82 2.9 33 118. 8 83 298.8 33 1.2 83 3.0 34 122.4 84 302.4 34 1.2 84 3.0 35 126.0 85 306.0 35 1.2 85 3.0 36 129.6 86 309.6 36 1.3 86 3.1 37 133-2 87 313.2 37 1.3 87 3.i 38 136.8 88 316.8 38 1.3 88 3.1 39 140.4 89 320.4 39 1.4 89 3.2 40 U4.0 90 324.0 40 1.4 90 3.2 41 147.6 91 327.6 41 1.5 91 3.3 42 151. 2 92 331.2 42 1.5 92 3.3 43 154.8 93 334.8 43 1.5 93 3.3 44 158.4 94 338.4 44 1.6 94 3.4 45 162.0 95 342.0 45 1.6 95 3.4 46 165.6 96 345.6 46 1.6 96 3.4 47 169.2 97 349.2 47 1.7 97 3.5 48 172.8 98 352.8 48 1.7 98 3.5 49 176.4 99 356.4 49 1.7 99 3.5 50 180.0 100 360.0 50 1.8 100 3.6 3.7 PER CENT. TEST. 37 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3.7 51 188.7 I 51 1.9 2 7-4 52 192.4 2 .1 52 1-9 3 II. I 53 196. I 3 . I 53 1-9 4 14.8 54 199.8 4 . I 54 2.0 5 18.5 55 203.5 5 .2 55 2.0 6 22.2 56 207.2 6 .2 56 2. 1 7 25-9 57 210.9 7 .2 57 2.1 8 29.6 58 214.6 8 .3 58 2.1 9 33.3 59 218.3 9 •3 59 2.2 10 37.0 60 222.0 10 .4 60 2.2 II 40.7 61 225.7 II -4 61 2.2 12 44.4 62 229.4 12 -4 62 2.3 13 48.1 63 233.1 13 .5 63 2.3 14 51.8 64 236.8 14 .5 64 2.3 15 55.5 65 240.5 15 .5 65 2.4 16 59.2 66 244.2 16 .6 66 2.4 17 62.9 67 247.9 17 .6 67 2.5 18 66.6 68 251.6 18 .6 68 2.5 19 70.3 69' 255-3 19 -7 69 2.5 20 74.0 70 259.0 20 .7 70 2.6 21 77.7 71 262.7 21 .8 71 2.6 22 81.4 72 266.4 22 .8 72 2.6 23 85.1 73 270.1 23 .8 73 2.7 24 88.8 74 273-8 24 .9 74 2.7 25 92.5 75 277.5 25 -.9 75 2.8 26 96,2 76 281.2 26 .'9 76 2.8 27 99.9 77 284.9 27 i.o 77 2.8 28 103.6 78 288.6 28 i.o 78 2.9 29 107.3 79 292.3 29 1. 1 79 2.9 30 111.0 80 296.0 30 1.1 80 2.9 31 114. 7 81 299.7 31 I.I 81 3-0 32 118. 4 82 303-4 32 1.2 82 3.0 33 122. 1 83 307.1 33 1.2 83 3.1 34 125.8 84 310.8 34 1.2 84 3.1 35 129.5 85 3H.5 35 1.3 85 3.1 36 133-2 86 318.2 36 1.3 S6 3.2 37 136.9 87 321.9 37 1.3 87 3.2 38 140,6 88 325.6 38 1.4 88 3.2 39 144.3 89 329.3 39 1.4 89 3-3 40 148.0 90 333.0 40 1.5 90 3.3 41 151. 7 91 336.7 41 1.5 91 3.3 42 155-4 92 340.4 42 1.5 92 3.4 43 159. 1 93 344.1 43 1.6 93 3.4 44 162.8 94 347.8 44 1.6 94 3.5 45 166.5 95 351.5 45 1.6 95 3.5 46 170.2 96 355.2 46 1.7 96 3-5 47 173-9 97 358.9 47 1.7 97 3.6 48 177.6 98 362.6 48 1.8 98 3.6 49 181. 3 99 366.3 49 1.8 99 3-6 50 185.0 100 370.0 50 1.8 100 3.7 38 3.8 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT I 3.8 51 193.8 I 51 1.9 2 7.6 52 197.6 2 .1 52 2.0 3 II. 4 53 201 .4 3 . I 53 2.0 4 15.2 54 205 .2 4 . I 54 2.0 5 19.0 55 209.0 5 .2 55 2. I 6 22.8 56 212.8 6 .2 56 2. I 7 26.6 57 216.6 7 .2 57 2. I 8 30.4 58 220.4 8 •3 58 2.2 9 34.2 59 224.2 9 •0 59 2.2 10 38.0 60 228.0 10 .4 60 2.3 II 41.8 61 231.8 II .4 61 2.3 12 45.6 62 235.6 12 • 4 62 2.3 13 49.4 63 239.4 13 .5 63 2.4 14 53.2 64 243.2 14 .5 64 2.4 15 57.0 65 247.0 15 .6 65 2.5 16 60.8 66 250.8 16 .6 66 2.5 17 64.6 67 254.6 17 .6 67 2.5 18 68.4 68 258.4 18 .7 68 2.6 19 72.2 69 262.2 19 .7 69 2.6 20 76.0 70 266.0 20 .7 70 2.6 21 79.8 71 269.8 21 .8 71 2.7 22 83.6 72 273.6 22 .8 72 2.7 23 87.4 73 277.4 23 .9 73 2.8 24 91.2 74 281.2 24 .9 74 2.8 25 95 -o 75 285.0 25 .9 75 2.8 26 98.8 76 288.8 26 i.o 76 2.9 27 102.6 77 292.6 27 I.O 77 2.9 28 106.4 78 296.4 28 1.0 78 2.9 29 no. 2 79 300.2 29 I.I 79 3.0 30 114.0 80 304.0 30 1.1 80 3.0 31 117. 8 81 307.8 31 1.2 81 3.1 32 121. 6 82 311. 6 32 1.2 82 3-1 33 125.4 83 315.4 33 1.2 83 3.1 34 129.2 84 319.2 34 1.3 84 3.2 35 133.0 85 323.0 35 1.3 85 3.2 36 136.8 86 326.8 36 1.3 86 3.2 37 140.6 87 330.6 37 1.4 87 3.3 38 144.4 88 334.4 38 1.4 88 3.3 39 148,2 89 338.2 39 1.5 89 3.4 40 152.0 90 342.0 40 1.5 90 3.4 41 155.8 91 345.8 41 1.5 91 3.4 42 159.6 92 349.6 42 1.6 92 3.5 43 163.4 93 353.4 43 1.6 93 3.5 44 167.2 94 357.2 44 1.7 94 3.6 45 171. 95 361.0 45 1.7 95 3.6 46 174.8 96 364.8 46 1.7 96 3.6 47 178.6 97 368.6 47 1.8 97 3.7 48 182.4 98 372.4 48 1.8 98 3.7 49 186.2 99 376.2 49 1.8 99 3.7 60 190.0 100 380.0 50 1.9 100 3.8 3.9 PER CENT. TEST. 39 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 3-9 51 198.9 I 51 2.0 2 7.8 52 202.8 2 .1 52 2.0 3 II. 7 53 206.7 . I 53 2.0 4 15.6 54 210.6 4 . I 54 2.1 5 19.5 55 214.5 5 .2 55 2.1 6 23.4 56 218.4 6 .2 56 2.2 7 27.3 57 222.3 7 .J 57 2.2 8 31.2 58 226.2 8 .3 58 2.2 9 35.1 59 230.1 9 •J) 59 2.3 10 39.0 60 234.0 10 .4 60 2.3 II 42.9 61 237.9 II .4 61 2.4 12 46.8 62 241.8 12 .5 62 2.4 13 50.7 63 245 7 13 •5 63 2.4 14 54.6 64 249.6 14 • 5 64 2.5 15 58.5 65 253.5 15 .6 65 2.5 i6 62.4 66 257.4 16 .6 66 2.6 17 66.3 67 261.3 17 .6 67 2.6 i8 70.2 68 265.2 18 .7 68 2.6 19 74.1 69 269. 1 19 .7 69 2.7 20 78.0 70 273.0 20 .8 70 2.7 21 81.9 71 276.9 21 .8 71 2.7 22 85.8 72 280.8 22 .8 72 2.8 23 89.7 73 284.7 23 .9 73 2.8 24 93.6 74 288.6 24 .9 74 2.9 25 97.5 75 292.5 25 1 .0 75 2.9 26 101.4 76 296.4 26 i.o 76 2.9 27 105.3 77 300.3 27 1 .0 77 3.0 28 109.2 78 304.2 28 1 .1 78 3.0 29 113. 1 79 308.1 29 I . I 79 3-1 30 117.0 80 312.0 30 1.2 80 3.1 31 120.9 81 315.9 31 1.2 81 3.1 32 124.8 82 319.8 32 1.2 82 3.2 33 128.7 83 323.7 33 1.3 83 3.2 34 132.6 84 327.6 34 1.3 84 3.3 35 136.5 85 331.5 35 1.3 85 3.3 36 140.4 86 335.4 36 1.4 86 3.3 37 144.3 87 339.3 37 1.4 87 3.4 38 148.2 88 343.2 38 1.5 88 3.4 39 152. 1 89 347.1 39 1.5 89 3-5 40 156.0 90 351.0 40 1.6 90 3.5 41 159.9 91 354.9 41 1.6 91 3.5 42 163.8 92 358.8 42 1.6 92 3.6 43 167.7 93 362.7 43 1.7 93 3.6 44 171. 6 94 366.6 44 1.7 94 3.6 45 175.5 95 370.5 45 1.7 95 3.7 46 179.4 96 374.4 46 1.8 96 3.7 47 183.3 97 378.3 47 1.8 97 3.8 48 187.2 98 382.2 48 1.9 98 3.8 49 191. 1 99 386.1 49 1.9 99 3.8 60 195.0 100 390.0 50 1.9 100 3.9 40 4.0 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.0 51 204.0 I 51 2.0 2 8.0 52 208.0 2 . 1 52 2, 1 3 12.0 53 212.0 3 , 1 53 2. 1 4 16.0 54 216.0 4 . 1 54 2. I 5 20.0 55 220.0 5 .2 55 2.2 6 24.0 56 224.0 6 .2 56 2.2 7 28.0 57 228.0 7 •3 57 2.3 8 32.0 58 232.0 8 .3 58 2.3 9 36.0 59 236.0 9 .3 59 2.3 10 40.0 60 240.0 10 .4 60 2.4 II 44.0 61 244.0 11 .4 61 2.4 12 48.0 62 248.0 12 .5 62 2.5 13 52.0 63 252.0 13 .5 63 2.5 14 56.0 64 256.0 14 .5 64 2.5 15 60.0 65 260.0 15 .6 65 2.6 16 64.0 66 264.0 16 .6 66 2.6 17 68.0 67 268.0 17 .7 67 2.7 18 72.0 68 272.0 18 .7 68 2.7 19 76.0 69 276.0 19 .7 69 2.7 20 80.0 70 280.0 20 .8 70 2.8 21 84.0 71 284.0 21 .8 71 2.8 22 88.0 72 288.0 22 .9 72 2.9 23 92,0 73 292.0 23 .9 73 2.9 24 86.0 74 296.0 24 .9 74 2.9 25 lOO.O 75 300.0 25 1.0 75 3.0 26 104.0 76 304.0 26 i.o 76 3.0 27 108.0 11 308.0 27 I.I 77 3.1 28 112.0 78 312.0 28 I.I 78 3-1 29 116. 79 316.0 29 i.i 79 3-1 30 120.0 80 320.0 30 1.2 80 3.2 31 124.0 81 324.0 31 1.2 81 3.2 32 128.0 82 328.0 32 1.3 82 3-3 33 132.0 83 332.0 33 1.3 83 3.3 34 136.0 84 336.0 34 1.3 84 3-3 35 140.0 85 340.0 35 1.4 85 3.4 36 144.0 86 344.0 36 1.4 86 3-4 37 148.0 87 348.0 37 1.5 87 3.5 38 152.0 88 352.0 38 1.5 88 3-5 39 156 89 356-0 39 1.5 89 3.5 40 160.0 90 360.0 40 1.6 90 3.6 41 164.0 91 364.0 41 1.6 91 3.6 42 16S.0 92 368.0 42 i!7 92 3.7 43 172.0 93 372.0 43 1.7 93 3.7 44 176.0 94 376.0 44 1.7 94 3-7 45 180.0 95 380.0 45 1.8 95 3-8 46 184.0 96 384.0 46 1.8 96 3.8 47 188.0 97 388.0 47 1.9 97 3-9 48 192.0 98 392.0 48 1.9 98 3.9 49 196.0 99 396.0 49 1.9 99 3-9 50 200.0 100 400.0 60 2.0 100 4.0 4.1 PER CENT. TEST. 41 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4-1 51 209. I I 51 2. I 2 8.2 52 213.2 2 . I 52 2. I 12.3 53 217.3 3 . I 53 2.2 4 16.4 54 221 .4 4 . I 54 2.2 5 20.5 55 225.5 5 .2 55 2.2 6 24.6 56 229.6 6 .2 56 2.3 7 28.7 57 233.7 7 .3 57 2.3 8 32.8 58 237.8 8 .3 58 2.4 9 36.9 59 241.9 9 .3 59 2.4 10 41.0 60 246.0 10 .4 60 2.4 II 45-1 61 250.1 1 1 .4 61 2.5 12 49-2 62 254.2 12 .5 62 2.5 13 53-3 63 258.3 13 .5 63 2.6 14 57.4 64 262.4 14 .6 64 2.6 15 . 61.5 65 266.5 15 .6 65 2.6 16 65.6 66 270.6 16 .6 66 2.7 17 69.7 67 274.7 17 .7 67 2.7 18 73.8 68 278.8 18 .7 68 2.8 19 77.9 69 282.9 19 .8 69 2.8 20 82.0 70 287.0 20 .8 70 2.9 21 86.1 71 291 . 1 21 .8 71 2.9 22 90.2 72 295.2 22 .9 72 2.9 23 94.3 73 299.3 23 .9 73 3.0 24 98.4 74 303.4 24 I.O 74 3.0 25 102.5 75 307.5 25 i.o 75 3.1 26 106.6 76 3^1.6 26 1.0 76 3.1 27 no. 7 77 315.7 27 I.I 77 3.1 28 114. 8 78 319.8 28 I.I 78 3.2 29 118. 9 79 323.9 29 1.2 79 3-2 30 123.0 80 328.0 30 1.2 80 3.3 31 127. 1 81 332.1 31 1.3 81 3-3 32 131. 2 82 336.2 32 1.3 82 3.3 33 135-3 83 340.3 33 1.3 83 3-4 34 139.4 84 344.4 34 1.4 84 3.4 35 143.5 85 348.5 35 1.4 85 3.5 36 147.6 86 352.6 36 1.5 86 3.5 37 15^.7 87 356.7 37 1.5 87 3.5 38 155.8 88 360.8 38 1.5 88 3.6 39 159.9 89 364.9 39 1.6 89 3.6 40 164.0 90 369.0 40 1.6 90 3.7 41 168. 1 91 373.1 41 1.7 91 3.7 42 172.2 92 377.2 42 1.7 92 3.8 43 176.3 93 381.3 43 1.7 93 3.8 44 180.4 94 385.4 44 1.8 94 3.8 45 184.5 95 389.5 45 1.8 95 3-9 46 188.6 96 393.6 46 1.9 96 3-9 47 192.7 97 397.7 47 1.9 97 4.0 48 196.8 98 401.8 48 1.9 98 4.0 49 200.9 99 405.9 49 2.0 99 4.0 50 205.0 100 410.0 50 2.0 100 4.1 42 4-. 2 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.2 51 214.2 I 51 2. I 2 8.4 52 218.4 2 .1 52 2.2 3 12.6 53 222.6 3 . I 53 2.2 4 16.8 54 226.8 4 .1 54 2.2 5 21 .0 55 231.0 5 ,2 55 2.3 6 25.2 56 235-2 6 .2 56 2.3 7 29.4 57 239.4 7 .3 57 2.4 8 33-6 58 243.6 8 .3 58 2.4 9 37.8 59 247.8 9 .4 59 2.5 10 42.0 60 252.0 10 .4 60 2.5 II 46.2 61 256.2 II .4 61 2.5 12 50.4 62 260.4 12 -5 62 2.6 13 54.6 63 264.6 13 .5 63 2.6 14 58.8 64 268.8 14 .6 64 2.7 15 63.0 65 273-0 15 .6 65 2.7 16 67.2 66 277.2 16 .6 66 2.8 17 71.4 67 281.4 17 .7 67 2.8 18 75.6 68 285.6 18 .7 68 2.8 19 79.8 69 289.8 19 .8 69 2.9 20 84.0 70 294.0 20 .8 70 2.9 21 88.2 71 298.2 21 .9 71 3.0 22 92.4 72 302.4 22 .9 72 3.0 23 96.6 73 306.6 23 .9 73 3-0 24 100.8 74 310.8 24 1 .0 74 3.1 25 105.0 75 315-0 25 1 .0 75 3.1 26 109.2 76 319.2 26 I.I 76 3.2 27 113-4 77 323-4 27 1. 1 77 3.2 28 117. 6 78 327.6 28 1.2 78 3.3 29 121. 8 79 331.8 29 1 .2 79 3-3 30 126.0 80 336.0 30 1.2 80 3.3 31 130.2 81 340.2 31 1.3 81 3-4 32 134.4 82 344-4 32 1.3 82 3.4 33 138.6 83 348.6 33 1.4 83 3.5 34 142.8 84 352.8 34 1.4 84 3.5 35 147.0 85 357.0 35 1.5 85 3.6 36 151 .2 86 361.2 36 1.5 86 3.6 37 155-4 87 365-4 37 1.5 87 3.6 38 159.6 88 369.6 38 1.6 88 3.7 39 163.8 89 373.8 39 I 6 89 3.7 40 168.0 90 378.0 40 1.7 90 3.8 41 172,2 91 382.2 41 1.7 91 3.8 42 176.4 92 386.4 42 1.7 92 3-8 43 180.6 93 390.6 43 1.8 93 3-9 44 184.8 94 394-8 44 1.8 94 3-9 45 189.0 95 399.0 45 1.9 95 4.0 46 193.2 96 403-2 46 1.9 96 4.0 47 197.4 97 407.4 47 2.0 97 4.1 48 201 .6 98 411 .6 48 2.0 98 4.1 49 205.8 99 415.8 49 2 99 4-1 50 210.0 100 420.0 50 2.1 100 4.2 4.3 PER CENT. TEST. 43 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.3 51 219.3 I 51 2.2 2 8.6 52 223.6 2 . I 52 2 2 3 12.9 53 227.9 3 . I 53 2 3 4 17.2 54 232.2 4 .2 54 2 3 5 21.5 55 236.5 5 .2 55 2 3 6 25.8 56 240.8 6 .2 56 2 4 7 30.1 57 245.1 7 .3 57 2 4 8 34.4 58 249.4 8 .3 58 2 5 9 38.7 59 253-7 9 .4 59 2 5 10 43.0 60 258-0 10 .4 60 2 6 II 47.3 61 262.3 II • 5 61 2 6 12 51.6 62 266.6 12 .5 62 2 6 13 55-9 63 270.9 13 .5 63 2 7 14 60,2 64 275.2 14 .6 64 2 7 15 64.5 65 279.5 15 .6 65 2 8 16 68.8 66 283.8 16 .7 66 2 8 17 73.1 67 288.1 17 .7 67 2 9 18 77.4 68 292.4 18 .8 68 2 9 19 81.7 69 296.7 19 .8 69 2 9 20 86.0 70 301.0 20 .8 70 3 21 90.3 71 305.3 21 .9 71 3 22 94.6 72 309.6 22 .9 72 3 I 23 98.9 73 313.9 23 1 .0 73 3 I 24 103.2 74 318.2 24 i.o 74 3 2 25 107.5 75 322.5 25 I . I 75 3 2 26 III. 8 76 326.8 26 1. 1 76 3 2 27 116. 1 77 331.1 27 1. 1 77 3 3 28 120.4 78 335.4 28 1.2 78 3 3 29 124.7 79 339.7 29 1.2 79 J 4 30 129.0 80 344.0 30 1.3 80 3 4 31 133.3 81 348.3 31 1.3 81 3 5 32 137.6 82 352.6 32 1.4 82 3 5 33 141. 9 83 356.9 33 1.4 83 3 5 34 146.2 84 361.2 34 1.4 84 3 6 35 150.5 85 365.5 35 1.5 85 3 6 36 154.8 86 369.8 36 1.5 86 3 7 37 159. 1 87 374.1 37 1.6 87 3 7 38 163.4 88 378.4 38 1.6 88 3 8 39 167.7 89 382.7 39 1.7 89 8 40 172.0 90 387.0 40 1.7 90 3 9 41 176.3 91 391.3 41 1.7 91 9 42 180.6 92 395.6 42 1.8 92 9 43 184.9 93 399.9 43 1.8 93 4 44 189.2 94 404.2 44 1.9 94 4 45 193-5 95 408.5 45 1.9 95 4 I 46 197.8 96 412.8 46 2.0 96 4 I 47 202. 1 97 417.1 47 2.0 97 4 2 48 206.4 98 421.4 48 2.0 98 4 2 49 210. 7 99 425.7 49 2. 1 99 4 2 60 215.0 100 430.0 50 2.1 100 4 3 44 4.4 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4-4 51 224.4 I 51 2.2 2 8.8 52 228.8 2 . I 52 2.3 3 13.2 53 233-2 3 , I 53 2.3 4 17.6 54 237.6 4 .2 54 2.4 5 22.0 55 242.0 5 .2 55 2.4 6 26.4 56 246.4 6 .2 56 2.4 7 30.8 57 250.8 7 .3 57 2.5 8 35-2 58 255-2 8 • 3 58 2.5 9 39-6 59 259.6 9 .4 59 2.6 10 44.0 60 264.0 10 .4 60 2.6 II 48.4 61 268.4 II .5 61 2.7 12 52.8 62 272.8 12 .5 62 2.7 13 57.2 63 277.2 13 .6 63 2.8 14 61.6 64 281.6 14 .6 64 2.8 15 66.0 65 286.0 15 .6 65 2.8 16 70.4 66 290.4 16 .7 66 2.9 17 74.8 67 294.8 17 .7 67 2.9 18 79-2 68 299 . 2 18 .8 68 3.0 19 83.6 69 303-6 19 .8 69 3.0 2a 88.0 70 308.0 20 .9 70 3.1 21 92.4 71 312.4 21 .9 71 3.1 22 96.8 72 316.8 22 .9 72 3.1 23 101.2 73 321.2 23 1.0 73 3.2 24 105.6 74 325.6 24 i.o 74 3.2 25 IIO.O 75 330.0 25 I.I 75 3.3 26 114. 4 76 334.4 26 I.I 76 3.3 27 118. 8 77 338.8 27 1.2 77 3.4 28 123.2 78 343-2 28 1.2 78 3.4 29 127.6 79 347-6 29 1.3 79 3.5 30 132.0 80 352.0 30 1.3 80 3.5 31 136.4 81 356.4 31 1.3 81 3.5 32 140.8 82 360.8 32 1.4 82 3.6 -> 145-2 83 365.2 33 1.4 83 3.6 34 149-6 84 369.6 34 1.5 84 3-7 35 154.0 85 374.0 35 1.5 85 3.7 36 158.4 86 378.4 36 1.6 86 3.8 37 162.8 87 382.8 37 1.6 87 3.8 38 167.2 88 387-2 38 1.7 88 3.9 39 171 .6 89 391.6 39 1.7 89 3.9 40 176.0 90 396.0 40 1.7 90 3.9 41 180.4 91 400.4 41 1.8 91 4.0 42 184.8 92 404.8 42 1.8 92 4.0 43 189.2 93 409.2 43 1.9 93 4.1 44 193.6 94 413.6 44 1.9 94 4.1 45 198.0 95 418.0 45 2.0 95 4.2 46 202.4 96 422.4 46 2.0 96 4.2 47 206.8 97 426.8 47 2.0 97 4.2 48 211 .2 98 431.2 48 2.1 98 4.3 49 21S.6 99 435-6 49 2. 1 99 4-3 50 220.0 100 440.0 50 2.2 100 4.4 4.5 PER CENT. TEST. 45 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.5 51 229.5 I 51 2.3 2 9.0 52 234.0 2 . I 52 2.3 1 O 13-5 53 238.5 . I 53 2.4 4 18.0 54 243.0 4 .2 54 2.4 5 22.5 55 247.5 5 .2 55 2.5 6 27.0 56 252.0 6 .3 56 2.5 7 31.5 57 256.5 7 .3 57 2.5 8 36.0 58 261.0 8 .3 58 2.6 9 40.5 59 265.5 9 .4 59 2.6 10 45.0 60 270.0 10 .4 60 2.7 II 49.5 61 274.5 II .5 61 2.7 12 54.0 62 279.0 12 .5 62 2.8 13 58.5 63 283.5 13 .6 63 2.8 14 63.0 64 288.0 14 .6 64 2.9 15 67.5 65 292.5 15 .7 65 2.9 16 72.0 66 297.0 16 .7 66 3.0 17 76.5 67 301.5 17 .7 67 3.0 18 81.0 68 306.0 18 .8 68 3.0 19 85.5 69 310.5 19 .8 69 3-1 20 90.0 70 315.0 20 .9 70 3.1 21 94.5 71 319.5 21 .9 71 3.2 22 99.0 72 324.0 22 i.o 72 3-2 23 103.5 73 328.5 23 i.o 73 3-3 24 108.0 74 333.0 24 I.I 74 3-3 25 112.5 75 337.5 25 I.I 75 3.4 26 117. 76 342.0 26 1.2 76 3.4 27 121. 5 77 346.5 27 1.2 77 3-4 28 126.0 78 351.0 28 1.2 78 3.5 29 130.5 79 355.5 29 1.3 79 3-5 30 135.0 80 360.0 30 1.3 80 3.6 31 139.5 81 364.5 31 1.4 81 3.6 32 144.0 82 369.0 32 1.4 82 3.7 148.5 83 373.5 33 1.5 83 3-7 34 153.0 84 378.0 34 1.5 84 3.8 35 157.5 85 382.5 35 1.6 85 3.8 36 162.0 86 387.0 36 1.6 86 3-9 37 166.5 87 391.5 37 1.6 87 3.9 38 171 .0 88 396.0 38 1.7 88 3-9 39 175.5 89 400.5 39 1.7 89 4.0 40 180.0 90 405.0 40 1.8 90 4.0 41 184.5 91 409.5 41 1.8 91 4.1 42 189.0 92 414.0 42 1.9 92 4.1 43 193.5 93 418.5 43 1.9 93 4.2 44 198.0 94 4^^3.0 44 2.0 94 4.2 45 202 . 5 95 427.5 45 2.0 95 4.3 46 207 . 96 432.0 46 2. 1 96 4.3 47 211. 5 97 436.5 47 2. 1 97 4.3 48 216.0 98 441.0 48 2. 1 98 4.4 49 220.5 99 445.5 49 2.2 99 4.4 50 225.0 100 450.0 50 2.2 100 4.5 4G 4.6 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.6 51 234.6 I 51 2.3 2 9.2 52 239.2 2 . I 52 2.4 3 13.8 53 243.8 3 , I 53 2.4 4 18.4 54 248.4 4 .2 54 2.5 5 23.0 55 253.0 5 ,2 55 2.5 6 27.6 56 257.6 6 56 2.6 7 32.2 57 262.2 7 .3 57 2.6 8 36.8 58 266.8 8 •3 58 2.6 9 41.4 59 271.4 9 .4 59 2.7 10 46.0 60 276.0 10 .4 60 2.7 II 50.6 61 280.6 II .5 61 2.8 12 55-2 62 285.2 12 .5 62 2.8 13 59.8 63 289.8 13 .6 63 2.9 14 64.4 64 294.4 14 .6 64 2.9 15 69.0 65 299.0 15 .7 65 3.0 16 73-6 66 303.6 16 .7 66 3.0 17 78.2 67 308.2 17 .8 67 3.1 18 82.8 68 312.8 18 .8 68 3.1 19 87.4 69 317.4 19 .9 69 3.2 20 92.0 70 322.0 20 .9 70 3.2 21 96.6 71 326.6 21 .9 71 3-2 22 lOI .2 72 331.2 22 i.o 72 3.3 23 105.8 73 335.8 23 i.o 73 3.3 24 110. 4 74 340.4 24 I.I 74 3.4 25 115. 75 345.0 25 1. 1 75 3.4 26 119. 6 76 349.6 26 1.2 76 3.5 27 124.2 77 354.2 27 1.2 77 3.5 28 128.8 78 358.8 28 1.3 78 3.6 29 133.4 79 363.4 29 1.3 79 3.6 30 138.0 80 368.0 30 1.4 80 3.7 31 142.6 81 372.6 31 1.4 81 3.7 32 147.2 82 377.2 32 1.5 82 3.^ 33 151. 8 83 381.8 33 1.5 83 3.8 34 156.4 84 386.4 34 1.5 84 3.8 35 161. 85 391.0 35 1.6 85 3.9 36 165.6 86 395.6 36 1.6 86 3.9 37 170.2 87 400.2 37 1.7 87 4.0 38 174.8 88 404.8 38 1.7 88 4.0 39 179.4 89 409.4 39 1.8 89 4.1 40 184.0 90 414.0 40 1.8 90 4.1 41 188.6 91 418.6 41 1.9 91 4.2 42 193.2 92 423.2 42 1.9 92 4.2 43 197.8 93 427.8 43 2.0 93 4-3 44 202.4 94 432.4 44 2.0 94 4.3 45 207.0 95 437.0 45 2. 1 95 4-4 46 211. 6 96 441.6 46 2. 1 96 4-4 47 216.2 97 446.2 47 2. 1 97 4-4 48 220.8 98 450.8 48 2.2 98 4.5 49 225.4 99 455-4 49 2.2 99 4.5 50 230.0 100 460.0 50 2.3 100 4.6 ... ■ 4.7 PER CENT. TEST. 47 MILK. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FAT. MILK. 4-7 9-4 14. 1 18.8 23-5 28.2 32.9 37-6 42.3 47.0 51-7 56.4 61. 1 65.8 70.5 75.2 79-9 84.6 89.3 94.0 98.7 103.4 108. 1 112. 8 117. 5 122.2 126.9 131. 6 136.3 141.0 145.7 150.4 I55-I 159.8 164.5 169.2 173.9 178.6 183.3 188.0 192.7 197-4 202. 1 206.8 211. 5 216.2 220.9 225.6 230.3 235.0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 FAT. 239.7 244.4 249.1 253.8 258.5 263.2 267.9 272.6 277.3 282.0 286.7 291.4 296. 1 300.8 305.5 310,2 314.9 319.6 324.3 329.0 ^■t -2 7 OJJ • / 338.4 343.1 347.8 352.5 357.2 361.9 366.6 371.3 376.0 380.7 385.4 390.1 394.8 399.5 404.2 408.9 413.6 418.3 423.0 427.7 432.4 437.1 441.8 446.5 451.2 455.9 460,6 465.3 470.0 MILK. I 2 :> 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FAT. . I I .2 ,2 1 O .3 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .6 .6 .7 .7 ,8 .8 .9 .9 .0 ,0 .1 MILK. FAT. I , I, I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I.» 1.8 1.9 1.9 2,0 2.3 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 2,4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3-2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3-4 3-5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.7 48 4.8 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.8 51 244.8 I 51 2.4 2 9.6 52 249.6 2 ,1 52 2.5 3 14.4 53 254.4 '^ J . I 53 2.5 4 19.2 54 259-2 4 ,2 54 2.6 5 24.0 55 264.0 5 .2 55 2.6 6 28.8 56 268.8 6 .3 56 2.7 7 33-6 57 273.6 7 •3 57 2.7 8 38.4 58 278.4 8 .4 58 2.8 9 43.2 59 283.2 9 .4 59 2.8 10 48.0 60 288.0 10 .5 60 2.9 II 52.8 61 292.8 1 1 .5 61 2.9 12 57.6 62 297.6 12 .6 62 3.0 13 62.4 63 302.4 13 .6 63 3.0 14 67.2 64 307.2 14 .7 64 3.1 15 72.0 65 312.0 15 .7 65 3.1 i6 76.8 66 316.8 16 .7 66 3.1 17 81.6 67 321.6 17 .8 67 3.2 i8 86.4 68 326.4 18 .8 68 3.2 19 91 .2 69 331.2 19 .9 69 3.3 20 96.0 70 336.0 20 .9 70 3.3 21 100.8 71 340.8 21 1 .0 71 3.4 22 105.6 72 345-6 22 i.o 72 3.4 23 no. 4 73 350-4 23 I.I 73 3.5 24 115. 2 74 355.2 24 1 .1 74 3.5 25 120.0 75 360.0 25 1.2 75 3.6 26 124.8 76 364.8 26 1.2 76 3.6 27 129.6 77 369.6 27 1.3 77 3.7 28 134.4 78 374.4 28 1.3 78 3.7 29 139.2 79 379.2 29 1.4 79 3.8 30 144.0 80 384.0 30 1.4 80 3.8 31 148.8 81 388.8 31 1.5 81 3.9 32 153-6 82 393.6 32 1.5 82 3.9 33 158.4 83 398.4 33 1.6 83 4.0 34 163.2 84 403.2 34 1.6 84 4.0 35 168.0 85 408.0 35 1.7 85 4.1 36 172.8 86 412.8 36 1.7 86 4.1 37 177.6 87 417.6 37 1.8 87 4.2 38 182.4 88 422.4 38 1.8 88 4.2 39 187.2 89 427.2 39 1.9 89- 4.3 40 192.0 90 432.0 40 1.9 90 4.3 41 196.8 91 436.8 41 1.9 91 4.3 42 201 .6 92 441.6 42 2.0 92 4.4 43 206.4 93 446.4 43 2.0 93 4.4 44 211. 2 94 45f.2 44 2.1 94 4.5 45 216.0 95 456.0 45 2. 1 95 4.5 46 220.8 96 460.8 46 2.2 96 4.6 47 225 .6 97 465.6 47 2.2 97 4.6 48 230.4 98 470.4 48 2.3 98 4.7 49 235-2 99 475-2 49 2.3 99 4.7 50 240.0 100 480.0 60 2.4 100 4.8 4.9 PER CENT. TEST. 49 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 4.9 51 249.9 I 51 2.5 2 9.8 52 254.8 2 . I 52 2.5 3 14.7 53 259-7 3 .1 53 2.6 4 19.6 54 264.6 4 .2 54 2.6 5 24.5 55 269.5 5 .2 55 2.7 6 29.4 56 274.4 6 .3 56 2.7 7 34.3 57 279.3 7 .3 57 2.8 8 39.2 58 284.2 8 .4 58 2.8 9 44.1 59 289.1 9 .4 59 2.9 10 49.0 60 294.0 10 .6 60 2.9 II 53.9 61 298.9 II .5 61 3.0 12 58.8 62 303.8 12 .6 62 3-0 13 63.7 63 308.7 13 .6 63 3-1 14 68.6 64 313.6 14 .7 64 3.1 15 73.5 65 318.5 15 .7 65 3.2 16 78.4 66 323.4 16 .8 66 3.2 17 83.3 67 328.3 17 .8 67 3.3 18 88.2 68 333.2 18 .9 68 3.3 19 93.1 69 338.1 19 .9 69 3-4 20 98.0 70 343.0 20 1.0 70 3.4 21 102.9 71 347.9 21 i.o 71 3-5 22 107.8 72 352.8 22 I.I 72 3.5 23 112. 7 73 357.7 23 I.I 73 3.6 24 117. 6 74 362.6 24 1.2 74 3.6 25 122.5 75 367.5 25 1.2 75 3.7 26 127.4 76 372.4 26 1.3 76 3.7 27 132.3 77 377.3 27 1.3 77 3.8 28 137.2 78 382.2 28 1.4 78 3.8 29 142. 1 79 387.1 2Q 1.4 79 3.9 30 U7.0 80 392.0 30 1.5 80 3.9 31 151-9 81 396.9 31 1.5 81 3.9 32 156.8 82 401.8 32 1.5 82 4.0 33 161. 7 83 406.7 1.6 83 4.0 34 166.6 84 411. 6 34 1.6 84 4.1 35 171. 5 85 4^6.5 35 1.7 85 4-1 36 176.4 86 421.4 36 1.7 86 4.2 37 181. 3 87 426.3 37 1.8 87 4.2 38 186.2 88 431.2 38 1.8 88 4.3 39 191. 1 89 436.1 39 1.9 89 4.3 40 196.0 90 441.0 40 1.9 90 4.4 41 200.9 91 445.9 41 2.0 91 4.4 42 205.8 92 450.8 42 2.0 92 4.5 43 210,7 93 455.7 43 2.1 93 4.5 44 215.6 94 460.0 44 2.1 94 4.6 45 220.5 95 465.5 45 2.2 95 4.6 46 225.4 96 47^.4 46 2.2 96 4.7 47 230.3 97 475.3 47 2.3 97 4.7 48 235.2 98 480.2 48 2.3 98 4-8 49 240. 1 99 485.1 49 2.4 99 4.8 60 245.0 100 490.0 60 2.4 100 4.9 50 5.0 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5-0 51 255.0 I 51 2.5 2 10. 52 260.0 2 , I 52 2.6 15.0 53 265.0 3 . I 53 2.6 4 20.0 54 270.0 4 .2 54 2.7 5 25.0 55 275.0 5 .2 55 2.7 6 30.0 56 280,0 6 1 •0 5(3 2.8 7 35.0 57 285.0 7 .3 57 2.8 8 40.0 58 290.0 8 .4 58 2.9 9 45 -o 59 295.0 9 .4 59 2.9 10 60.0 60 300.0 10 .5 60 3.0 II 55.0 61 305.0 II .5 61 3.0 12 60.0 62 310.0 12 .5 62 3.1 13 65.0 63 315-0 13 .6 63 3.1 14 70.0 64 320.0 14 .7 64 3-2 15 75.0 65 325.0 15 .7 65 3.2 16 80,0 66 330.0 16 .8 66 3.3 17 85.0 67 335.0 17 .8 67 3.3 18 90.0 68 340.0 18 .9 68 3.4 19 95.0 69 345 -o 19 .9 69 3-4 20 100.0 70 360.0 20 1.0 70 3.6 21 105.0 71 355.0 21 i.o 71 3.5 22 IIO.O 72 360.0 22 I.I 72 .3.6 23 115. 73 3^5.0 23 I.I 73 3-6 24 120.0 74 370.0 24 1.2 74 -7 1 0' ' 25 125.0 75 375.0 25 1.2 75 3-7 26 130.0 76 380.0 26 1.3 76 3.8 27 135.0 77 385.0 27 1.3 77 3.8 28 140.0 78 390.0 28 1.4 78 3.9 29 145.0 79 395.0 29 1.4 79 3.9 30 160.0 80 400.0 30 1.6 80 4.0 31 155.0 81 405.0 31 1.5 81 4.0 32 160.0 82 410.0 32 1.6 82 4.1 33 165.0 83 415.0 33 1.6 83 4.1 34 170.0 84 420.0 34 1.7 84 4.2 35 175.0 85 425.0 35 1.7 8c 4.2 36 180.0 86 430.0 36 1.8 86 4.3 37 185.0 87 435.0 37 1.8 87 4.3 38 190.0 88 440.0 38 1.9 88 4.4 39 195.0 89 445.0 39 1.9 89 4.4 40 200.0 90 460.0 40 2.0 90 4.6 41 205.0 91 455.0 41 2.0 91 4.5 42 210.0 92 460.0 42 2. 1 92 4.6 43 215.0 93 465.0 43 2.1 93 4.6 44 220.0 94 470.0 44 2.2 94 4.7 45 225.0 95 475.0 45 2.2 95 4.7 46 230.0 96 4S0.0 46 2.3 96 4.8 47 235.0 97 485.0 47 2.3 97 4.8 48 240.0 98 490.0 48 2.4 98 4.9 49 2J-S .0 QQ 495.0 49 2.4 99 4.9 60 250.0 100 600.0 50 2.6 100 5.0 5.1 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. F.\T. I 5-1 51 260. I I 51 2.6 2 10.2 52 265.2 2 .1 52 2.6 3 15.3 53 270.3 3 .1 53 2.7 4 20.4 54 275-4 4 .2 54 2.7 5 25-5 55 280.5 5 .2 55 2.8 6 30.6 56 285.6 6 n 56 2.8 7 35-7 57 290,7 ■ 7 •3 57 2.9 8 40.8 58 295.8 8 .4 58 2.9 9 45-9 59 300.9 9 .4 59 3.0 10 51.0 60 306.0 10 .5 60 3.0 II 56.1 61 311. 1 II .5 61 3.1 12 61.2 62 316.2 12 .6 62 3-1 13 66.3 63 321.3 13 .6 63 3.2 14 71.4 64 326.4 14 .7 64 3.2 15 76.5 65 331.5 15 .7 65 3.3 16 81.6 66 336.6 16 ■ .8 66 3.3 17 86.7 67 341.7 17 .8 67 3.4 18 91.8 68 346.8 18 .9 68 3.4 19 96.9 69 351.9 19 .9 69 3.5 20 102.0 70 357.0 20 1.0 70 3.6 21 107. 1 71 362.1 21 I.I 71 3.6 22 112. 2 72 367.2 22 I.T 72 3.7 23 117. 3 73 372.3 23 1.2 73 3.7 24 122.4 74 377.4 24 1.2 74 3-! 25 127.5 75 382.5 25 1.3 75 3.8 26 132.6 76 387.6 26 1.3 76 3.9 27 137.7 77 392.7 27 1.4 77 3.9 28 142.8 78 397.8 28 1.4 78 4.0 29 147.9 79 402.9 29 1.5 79 4.0 30 153.0 80 408.0 30 1.5 80 4.1 31 158. 1 81 413. 1 31 1.6 81 4.1 32 163.2 82 418.2 32 1.6 82 4.2 33 168.3 83 423.3 33 1.7 83 4.2 34 173.4 84 428.4 34 1.7 84 4.3 35 178.=: 85 433.5 35 1.8 85 4.3 36 183.6 86 438.6 36 1.8 86 4.4 37 1S8.7 87 443.7 37 1.9 87 4.4 38 193.8 88 488.8 38 1.9 88 4.5 39 108.9 89 453.9 39 2.0 89 4.5 40 204.0 90 459.0 40 2.0 90 4.6 41 209. 1 91 464.1 41 2.1 91 4.6 42 214.2 92 469.2 42 2. 1 92 4.7 43 219.3 93 474.3 43 2.2 93 4.7 44 224.4 94 479.4 44 2.2 94 4.8 45 229.5 95 484.5 45 2.3 95 4.8 46 234.6 96 489.6 46 2.3 96 4.9 47 239.7 97 494.7 47 2.4 97 4.9 48 244.8 98 499.8 48 2.4 98 5.0 49 249.9 99 504.9 49 2.5 99 5-0 50 255.0 100 510.0 50 2.5 100 5.1 53 5.2 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5-2 51 265 .2 I 51 2.6 2 10.4 52 270.4 2 , I 52 2.7 3 15.6 53 275.6 1 , I 53 2.7 4 20.8 54 280.8 4 ,2 54 2.8 5 26.0 55 286.0 5 .2 55 2.8 6 31.2 56 291.2 6 •0 56 2.9 7 36.4 57 296.4 7 •J 57 2.9 8 41.6 58 301.6 8 .4 58 3-0 9 46.8 59 306.8 9 .4 59 3.0 10 52.0 60 312.0 10 .5 60 3.1 II 57.2 61 317.2 II .6 61 3.2 12 62.4 62 322.4 12 .6 62 3-2 13 67.6 63 327.6 13 .7 63 3-3 14 72.8 64 332.8 14 .7 64 3.3 15 78.0 65 338.0 15 .8 65 3-4 16 83.2 66 343-2 16 .8 66 3-4 17 88.4 67 348.4 17 .9 67 3-5 18 93.6 68 353-6 18 .9 68 3-5 19 98.8 69 358.8 19 i.o 69 3.6 20 104.0 70 364.0 20 1.0 70 3.6 21 109.2 71 369.2 21 I.I 71 3-7 22 114. 4 72 374.4 22 1. 1 72 3-7 23 119. 6 73 379.6 23 1.2 73 3-! 24 124. 8 74 384.8 24 1.2 74 3.8 25 130.0 75 390.0 25 1.3 75 3-9 26 135-2 76 395.2 26 1.3 76 3.9 27 140.4 77 400.4 27 1.4 77 4.0 28 145.6 78 405.6 28 1.4 78 4-0 29 150.8 79 410.8 29 1.5 79 4.1 30 156.0 80 416.0 30 1.5 80 4.1 31 161,2 81 421 .2 31 1.6 81 4.2 32 166,4 82 426.4 32 1,6 82 4.2 33 171. 6 83 431.6 33 1.7 83 4.3 34 176.8 84 436.8 34 1.7 84 4.3 35 182.0 85 442.0 35 1,8 85 4.4 36 187.2 86 447.2 36 1.9 86 4.5 37 192.4 87 452.4 37 1.9 87 4.5 38 197.6 88 457.6 38 2.0 88 4.6 39 202.8 89 462.8 39 2.0 89 4.6 40 208.0 90 468.0 40 2.1 90 4.7 41 213.2 91 473.2 41 2.1 91 4.7 42 218.4 92 478,4 42 2,2 92 4.8 43 223.6 93 483,6 43 2.2 93 4.8 44 228,8 94 488.8 44 2.3 94 4-9 45 234.0 95 494.0 45 2.3 95 4.9 46 239.2 96 499.2 46 2.4 96 5-0 47 244.4 97 504.4 47 2.4 97 5-0 48 249.6 98 509.6 48 2.5 98 5-1 49 254.8 99 514.8 49 2.5 99 5.1 50 260.0 100 520.0 50 2.6 100 5.2 5.3 PER CENT. TEST. 53 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5-3 51 270.3 I 51 2.7 2 10.6 52 275.6 2 .1 52 2.7 3 15-9 53 280.9 3 . I 53 2.8 4 21.2 54 286.2 4 .2 54 2.8 5 26.5 55 291.5 5 .2 55 2.9 6 31.8 56 296.8 6 .3 56 2.9 7 37.1 57 302.1 7 •4 57 3.0 8 42.4 58 307.4 8 .4 58 3.1 9 47.7 59 312.7 9 .5 59 3.1 10 63.0 60 318.0 10 .5 60 3.2 II 58.3 61 323.3 II .6 61 S.2 12 63.6 62 328.6 12 .6 62 1.3 13 68.9. 63 333.9 13 .7 63 Z-2> H 74.2 64 339.2 14 .7 64 3.4 15 79.5 65 344.5 15 .8 65 3.4 16 84.8 66 349.8 16 .8 66 3.5 17 90. 1 67 355.1 17 .9 67 3.5 18 95.4 68 360.4 18 .9 68 3.6 19 100.7 69 365.7 19 1 .0 69 3.6 20 106.0 70 371.0 20 1.0 70 3.7 21 III. 3 71 376.3 21 1. 1 71 3-7 22 116. 6 72 381.6 22 I.I 72 3.8 23 121. 9 n 386.9 23 1.2 n 3.8 24 127.2 74 392.2 24 1.3 74 3.9 25 132.5 75 397.5 25 1.3 75 4.0 26 137.8 76 402.8 26 1.4 76 4.0 27 28 143. 1 148.4 77 78 408. 1 413.4 27 28 1.4 1.5 77 78 4.1 4.1 29 153.7 79 418.7 29 1.5 79 4.2 30 159.0 80 424.0 30 1.6 80 4.2 31 164.3 81 429.3 31 1.6 81 4.3 32 169.6 82 434.6 32 1.7 82 4.3 33 174.9 83 439.9 33 1.7 83 4.4 34 1S0.2 84 445.2 34 1.8 84 4.4 35 185.5 85 450.5 35 1.8 85 4.5 36 190.8 86 455.8 36 1.9 86 4.5 7,7 196. 1 87 461. 1 37 1.9 87 4.6 38 201.4 88 466.4 38 2.0 88 4.6 39 206.7 89 471.7 39 2.0 89 4.7 40 212.0 90 477.0 40 2.1 90 4.8 . 41 217.3 91 482.3 41 2.2 91 4.8 42 222.6 92 487.6 42 2.2 92 4.9 43 227.9 93 492.9 43 2.3 93 4.9 44 233.2 94 498.2 44 2.3 94 5.0 45 238.5 95 503.5 45 2.4 95 5.0 46 243.8 96 508.8 46 2.4 96 5.1 47 249.1 97 514. 1 47 2.5 97 5.1 48 254.4 98 519.4 48 2.5 98 5.2 49 259.7 99 524.7 49 2.6 99 5.2 60 265.0 100 530.0 50 2.6 100 5.3 54 5.4 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT I 5-4 51 275-4 I 51 2.7 2 10.8 52 280.8 2 .1 52 2.8 3 16.2 53 286.2 3 . I 53 2.8 4 21.6 54 291.6 4 .2 54 2.9 5 27.0 55 297.0 5 .3 55 3.0 6 32.4 56 302.4 6 .3 56 3.0 7 37.8 57 307.8 7 .4 57 3.1 8 43.2 58 313.2 8 .4 58 3.^ 9 48.6 59 318.6 Q .5 59 3.2 10 54.0 60 324.0 i5 .5 60 3.2 II 59.4 61 329.4 II .6 61 3.3 12 64.8 62 334.8 12 .6 62 3-3 13 70.2 63 340.2 13 .7 63 3-4 14 75-6 64 345-6 14 .7 64 3.4 15 81.0 65 351.0 15 .8 65 3-5 16 86.4 66 356.4 16 .8 66 3.5 17 91.8 67 361.8 17 -9 67 3.6 18 97.2 68 367.2 iS i.o 68 3.7 19 102.6 69 372.6 19 i.o 69 3.7 20 108.0 70 378.0 20 1.1 70 3.8 21 113.4 71 383.4 21 I.I 71 3.8 22 118. 8 72 388.8 22 1.2 72 3-9 23 124.2 73 394.2 23 1.2 73 3.9 24 129.6 74 399.6 24 1.3 74 4.0 25 135.0 75 405.0 25 1.3 75 4.0 26 140.4 76 410.4 26 1.4 76 4.1 27 145.8 77 415.8 27 1.4 77 4.1 28 151. 2 78 421.2 28 1.5 78 4.2 29 156.6 79 426.6 29 1.5 79 4.2 30 162.0 80 432.0 30 1.6 80 4.3 31 167.4 81 437.4 31 1.7 81 4.4 32 172.8 82 442.8 32 1.7 82 4.4 33 178.2 83 448.2 33 1.8 83 4.5 34 183.6 84 453.6 34 1.8 84 4.5 35 189.0 85 459.0 35 1.9 85 4.6 36 194.4 86 464.4 36 1.9 86 4.6 37 199.8 87 469.8 37 2.0 87 4.7 38 205.2 88 475.2 38 2.0 88 4.7 39 210.6 89 480.6 39 2.1 89 4.8 40 216.0 90 486.0 40 2.1 90 4.8 41 221.4 91 491.4 41 2.2 91 4.9 42 226.8 92 496.8 42 2.2 92 4.9 43 232.2 93 502.2 43 2.3 93 5.0 44 237.6 94 507.6 44 2.4 94 5.1 45 243.0 95 513.0 45 2.4 95 5-T 46 248.4 96 518.4 46 2.5 96 5.2 47 253.8 97 523.8 47 2.5 97 5.2 48 259.2 98 529.2 48 2.6 98 5-3 49 264.6 99 534.6 49 2.6 99 5-3 50 270.0 100 540.0 50 2.7 100 6.4 5.5 PER CENT. TEST. 55 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5-5 51 280.5 I 51 2.8 2 II .0 52 286.0 2 .1 52 2.8 3 16.5 53 291.5 3 . I 53 2.9 4 22.0 54 297.0 4 .2 54 3.0 5 27.5 55 302.5 5 .3 55 3.0 6 33.0 56 308.0 6 .J) 56 3-1 7 38.5 57 313.5 7 .4 57 3-1 8 44.0 58 319.0 8 .4 58 3-2 9 49.5 59 324.5 9 .5 59 3.2 10 55.0 60 330.0 10 .5 60 3.3 II 60.5 61 335.5 II .6 61 ^.3 12 66.0 62 341.0 12 .6 62 1.4 13 71.5 63 346.5 13 .7 63 3.4 14 15 77.0 82.5 64 65 352.0 357.5 H 15 .8 .8 64 65 3.5 3.6 16 88.0 66 363.0 16 .9 66 -3.6 17 93.5 67 368.5 17 .9 67 3.7 18 99.0 68 374.0 18 i.o 68 3.7 19 104.5 69 379.5 19 i.o 69 3.8 20 110.0 70 385.0 20 1.1 70 3.8 21 115. 5 71 390.5 21 1. 1 71 3.9 22 121. 72 396.0 22 1.2 72 3.9 23 126.5 73 401.5 23 1.2 73 4.0 24 132.0 74 407.0 24 1.3 74 4.1 25 137.5 75 412.5 25 1.4 75 4.1 26 143.0 76 418.0 26 1.4 76 4.2 27 148.5 11 423.5 27 1.5 77 4.2 28 154.0 78 429.0 28 1.5 78 4.3 29 159.5 79 434.5 29 1.6 79 4.3 30 165.0 80 440.0 30 1.6 80 4.4 31 170.5 81 445.5 31 1.7 81 4.4 32 176.0 82 451.0 32 1.7 82 4.5 33 181. 5 83 456.5 33 1.8 ^3 4.5 34 187.0 84 462.0 34 1.9 84 4.6 35 192.5 85 467.5 35 1.9 85 4.7 36 198.0 86 473.0 36 2.0 86 4.7 37 203.5 S7 478.5 37 2.0 87 4.8 38 209.0 88 484.0 38 2.1 88 4.8 39 214.5 89 489.5 39 2. I 89 4.9 40 220.0 90 495.0 40 2.2 90 4.9 41 225.5 91 500.5 41 2.2 91 S-o 42 231.0 92 506.0 42 2.3 92 5.0 43 236.5 93 511. 5 43 2.3 93 5-1 44 242.0 94 517.0 44 2.4 94 5.2 45 247.5 95 522.5 45 2.5 95 5-2 46 253.0 96 528.0 46 2.5 96 5-3 47 258.5 97 533.5 47 2.6 97 5-3 48 264.0 98 539.0 48 2.6 98 5.4 49 269.5 99 544.5 49 2.7 99 5.4 50 275.0 100 550.0 50 2.7 100 5.5 5G 5.6 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5.6 51 285.6 I 51 2.8 2 II .2 52 291 2 2 . I 52 2.9 3 16,8 53 296.8 3 . I 53 2.9 4 22.4 54 302.4 4 _ 2 54 3.0 5 28.0 55 308.0 5 .3 55 3.1 6 56 313.6 6 .J 56 3.1 7 39-2 57 319.2 7 .4 57 3.2 8 44.8 58 324.8 8 .4 58 3.2 9 50-4 59 330.4 9 .5 59 3.3 10 56.0 60 336.0 10 .5 60 3.3 II 61.6 61 341.6 II .6 61 3.4 12 67.2 62 347.2 12 .7 62 3.5 13 72.8 63 352.8 13 .7 63 3.5 14 78.4 64 358.4 14 .8 64 3.6 15 84.0 65 364.0 15 .8 65 3.6 16 89.6 66 369.6 16 .9 66 3.7 17 95-2 67 375-2 17 .9 67 3.7 18 100.8 68 380.8 18 i.o 68 3.8 19 106.4 69 386.4 19 I.O 69 3.8 20 112.0 70 392.0 20 1.1 70 3.9 21 117.6 71 397.6 21 1.2 71 4.0 22 123.2 72 403.2 22 1.2 72 4.0 23 128.8 73 408.8 23 1.3 7Z 4.1 24 134.4 74 414.4 24 1.3 74 4.1 25 140.0 75 420.0 25 1.4 75 4.2 26 145-6 76 425.6 26 1.4 76 4.2 27 151. 2 77 431.2 27 1.5 77 4.3 28 156.8 78 436.8 28 1.5 78 4.3 29 162.4 79 442.4 29 1.6 79 4.4 30 168.0 80 448.0 30 1.7 80 4.6 31 173.6 81 453-6 31 1.7 81 4.5 32 179.2 82 459.2 32 1.8 82 4.6 33 184.8 83 464.8 33 1.8 83 4.6 34 190.4 84 470.4 34 1.9 84 4.7 35 196.0 85 476.0 35 1.9 85 4.7 36 201.6 86 481.6 36 2.0 86 4.8 37 207.2 87 487.2 37 2.1 87 4.9 38 212.8 88 492.8 38 2. 1 88 4.9 39 218.4 89 498.4 39 2.2 89 5.0 40 224.0 90 504.0 40 2.2 90 6.0 41 229.6 91 509.6 41 2.3 91 5.1 42 235-2 92 515.2 42 2.3 92 5.1 43 240.8 93 520.8 43 2.4 93 5.2 44 246.4 94 526.4 44 2.4 94 5-2 45 252.0 95 .532.0 45 2.5 95 5.3 46 257.6 96 537.6 46 2.6 96 5.4 47 263.2 97 543.2 47 2.6 97 5.4 48 268.8 98 548.8 48 2.7 98 5.5 49 274.4 99 554.4 49 2.7 99 5.5 50 280.0 100 560.0 50 2.8 100 5.6 5.7 PER CENT. TEST. 57 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5-7 51 290.7 I 51 2.9 2 II. 4 52 296.4 2 .1 52 2.9 3 17. 1 53 302.1 ,2 53 3.0 4 22.8 54 307.8 4 .2 54 3.1 5 28.5 55 313.5 5 .3 55 3.1 6 34.2 56 319.2 6 •J 56 3.2 7 39.9 57 324 9 7 .4 57 3.2 8 45-6 •58 330.6 8 .4 58 3.3 9 5f-3 59 336.3 9 •5 59 J.J) 10 57.0 60 342.0 10 .6 60 3.4 II 62.7 61 347.7 II .6 61 3.5 12 68.4 62 353.4 12 .7 62 3.5 13 74.1 63 359.1 13 .7 63 3.6 14 79.8 64 364.8 14 .8 64 3.6 15 85.5 65 370.5 15 .8 65 3.7 16 91.2 66 376.2 16 .9 66 3.7 17 96.9 67 381.9 17 .9 67 3.8 18 102.6 68 387.6 18 1 .0 68 3.9 19 108.3 69 393.3 19 I . I 69 3.9 20 114.0 70 399.0 20 1.1 70 4.0 21 119. 7 71 404.7 21 1 .2 71 4.0 22 125.4 72 410.4 22 1 .2 72 4.1 23 131. 1 73 416. 1 23 1.3 73 4.1 24 136.8 74 421.8 24 1.3 74 4.2 25 142.5 75 427.5 25 1.4 75 4.3 26 148.2 76 433.2 26 1.5 76 4.3 27 153.9 77 438.9 27 1.5 77 4.4 28 159.6 78 444.6 28 1.6 78 4.4 29 165.3 79 450.3 29 1 .6 79 4.5 30 171.0 80 456.0 30 1.7 80 4.5 31 176.7 81 461.7 31 1.7 81 4.6 32 182.4 82 467.4 32 1.8 82 4.7 33 188. 1 83 473.1 33 1.9 83 4.7 34 193.8 84 478.8 34 1.9 84 4.8 35 199.5 85 484.5 35 2.0 85 4.8 36 205 ,2 86 490.2 36 2.0 86 4.9 37 210.9 87 495.9 37 2. 1 87 4.9 38 216.6 88 501.6 38 2. 1 88 5.0 39 222.3 89 507.3 39 2.2 89 5.1 40 228.0 90 513.0 40 2.3 90 5.1 41 233.7 91 518.7 41 2.3 91 5.2 42 239.4 92 524.4 42 2.4 92 5.2 43 245.1 93 530.1 43 2.4 93 5.3 44 250.8 94 535.8 44 2.5 94 5.3 45 256.5 95 541.5 45 2.5 95 5-4 46 262.2 96 547.2 46 2.6 96 5.5 47 267.9 97 552.9 47 2.7 97 5.5 48 273.6 98 558.6 48 2.7 98 5.6 49 279.3 99 564.3 49 2.8 99 5.6 50 285.0 100 570.0 50 2.8 100 5.7 58 5.8 PER CENT. TEST. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5.8 51 295.8 I 51 2.9 2 II. 6 52 301.6 2 . I 52 3.0 3 17.4 53 307.4 3 .2 53 3.1 4 23.2 54 313.2 4 .2 54 3.1 5 29.0 55 319.0 5 • 3 55 3.2 6 34.8 56 324.8 6 .3 56 3-2 7 40.6 57 330.6 7 .4 57 3.3 8 46.4 58 336.4 8 .4 58 3.3 9 52.2 59 342.2 9 -5 59 3.4 10 58.0 60 348.0 10 .6 60 3.5 11 63.8 61 353.8 II .6 61 3.5 12 69.6 62 359-6 12 .7 62 3.6 13 75-4 63 365-4 13 .7 63 3-6 14 81.2 64 371.2 14 .8 64 3.7 15 87.0 65 377-0 15 .9 65 3.8 16 92.8 66 382.8 16 .9 66 3.8 17 98.6 67 388.6 17 i.o 67 3-9 18 104.4 68 394-4 18 i.o 68 3.9 19 no. 2 69 400.2 19 1. 1 69 4.0 20 116.0 70 406.0 20 1.1 70 4.0 21 121.8 71 411. 8 21 1.2 71 4.1 22 127.6 72 417.6 22 1.3 •72 4.2 23 133-4 73 423.4 23 1.3 73 4.2 24 139.2 74 429.2 24 1.4 74 4.3 25 145.0 75 435-0 25 1.4 75 4.3 26 150.8 76 440.8 26 1.5 76 4.4 27 156.6 77 446.6 27 1.5 77 4.4 28 162.4 78 452.4 28 1.6 78 4.5 29 168.2 79 458.2 29 1.7 79 4.6 30 m.o 80 464.0 30 1.7 80 4.6 31 179.8 81 469.8 31 1.8 81 4.7 32 185.6 82 475-6 32 1.8 82 4.7 33 191.4 83 481.4 33 1.9 83 4.8 34 197.2 84 487.2 34 2.0 84 4.9 35 203.0 85 493.0 35 2.0 85 4.9 36 208.8 86 498.8 36 2.1 86 5.0 37 214.6 87 504.6 37 2.1 87 5.0 38 220.4 88 510.4 38 2.2 88 5.1 39 226.2 89 516.2 39 2.2 89 5.1 40 232.0 90 522.0 40 2.3 90 5.2 41 237.8 91 527.8 41 2.4 91 5.3 42 243.6 92 533.6 42 2.4 92 5-3 43 249.4 93 539.4 43 2.5 93 5.4 44 255.2 94 545.2 44 2.5 94 5-4 45 261.0 95 551.0 45 2.6 95 5.5 46 266.8 96 556.8 46 2.6 96 5.5 47 272.6 97 562.6 47 2.7 97 5-6 48 278.4 98 568.4 48 2.8 98 5-7 49 284.2 99 574.2 49 2.8 99 5-7 50 290.0 100 580.0 50 2.9 100 5.8 5.9 PER CENT. TEST. 59 MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. MILK. FAT. I 5-9 51 300.9 I 51 30 2 II. 8 52 306.8 2 .1 52 3-0 3 17.7 53 312.7 .2 53 3.1 4 23.6 54 318.6 4 .2 54 3.2 5 29-5 55 324.5 5 .3 55 3.2 6 35-4 56 330.4 6 •3 56 3-3 7 41.3 57 336.3 7 .4 57 3.3 8 47.2 58 342.2 8 .5 58 3-4 9 53.1 59 348.1 9 .5 59 3.5 10 59.0 60 354.0 10 .6 60 3.5 II 64.9 61 359.9 II .6 61 3.6 12 70.8 62 365.8 12 .7 62 3.6 13 76.7 63 371.7 13 .7 63 3.7 14 82.6 64 377.6 14 .8 64 3.8 15 88.5 65 383.5 15 .9 65 3.8 i6 94-4 66 389.4 16 • 9 66 3.9 17 100.3 67 395.3 17 1 .0 67 3-9 i8 106.2 68 401 .2 18 1.0 68 4.0 19 112. 1 69 407.1 19 I.I 69 4.1 20 118.0 70 413.0 20 1.2 70 4.1 21 123.9 71 418.9 21 1.2 71 4.2 22 129.8 72 424.8 22 1.3 72 4.2 23 135.7 73 430.7 23 1.3 73 4.3 24 141 .6 74 436.6 24 1.4 74 4.3 25 147.5 75 442.5 25 1.5 75 4.4 26 153.4 76 448.4 26 1.5 76 4.5 27 159.3 77 454.3 27 1.6 77 4.5 28 165.2 78 460.2 28 1.6 78 4.6 29 171 . 1 79 466.1 29 1.7 79 4.6 30 177.0 80 472.0 30 1.8 80 4.7 31 182.9 81 477.9 31 1.8 81 4.8 32 188.8 82 483.8 32 1.9 82 4.8 33 194.7 83 489.7 33 1.9 83 4.9 34 200.6 84 495.6 34 2.0 84 4.9 35 206.5 85 501.5 35 2.0 85 5.0 36 212.4 86 507.4 36 2.1 86 5.1 37 218.3 87 513.3 37 2.2 87 5.1 38 224.2 88 519.2 38 2.2 88 5.2 39 230.1 89 525.1 39 2.3 89 5.2 40 236.0 90 531.0 40 2.3 90 5.3 41 241.9 91 536.9 41 2.4 91 5.3 42 247.8 92 542.8 42 2.5 92 5.4 43 253.7 93 548.7 43 2.5 93 5.5 44 259.6 94 554.6 44 2.6 94 5.5 45 265.5 95 560.5 45 2.6 95 5.6 46 271.4 96 566.4 46 2.7 96 5.6 47 277.3 97 572.3 47 2.8 97 5-7 48 283.2 98 578.2 48 2.8 98 5-f 49 289.1 99 584.1 49 2.9 99 5.8 50 295.0 100 590.0 50 1 2.9 100 5.9 MONEY CALCULATING TABLES. 14 Cent Table. 16 Cent Table. 18 Cent Table. 20 Cent Table. 14X1 = 14 i6x 1 = 16 18x1 = 18 20X1=20 14X2=28 16X2=32 18x2=36 20X2 = 40 14X3=42 16X3=48 18X3 = 54 20X3=60 14X4=56 16x4=64 18x4=72 20X4 = 80 14X5 = 70 16x5=80 18x5 = 90 20X5 = 100 14X6=84 16X6 = 96 18x6=108 20X6=120 14X7=98 16x7=112 18x7 = 126 20X7=140 14X8 = 112 16x8 = 128 18x8 = 144 20x8=160 14X9 = 126 16x9=144 18X9=162 20X9=180 14^ Cent Table. i6y2 Cent Table. i8>^ Cent Table. 20^ Cent Table. 145X1 = 145 165X1 = 165 185X1 = 185 205X1=205 145X2 = 290 165X2 = 330 185X2 = 370 205X2 = 410 145X3 = 435 165X3 = 495 185X3 = 555 205X3=615 145X4 = 580 165X4=660 185x4=740 205X4 = 820 145X5 = 725 165X5 = 825 185x5=925 205X5 = 1025 145X6 = 870 165X6 = 990 185x6=1110 205X6=1230 145X7 = 1015 165x7 = 1155 185X7=1295 205x7=1435 145X8=1160 165X8=1320 185x8 = 1480 205X8=1640 145X9=1305 165X9=1485 185X9 = 1665 205x9 = 1845 15 Cent Table. 17 Cent Table. 10 Cent Table. 21 Cent Table. 15X1 = 15 17X1 = 17 19X1 = 19 21X1=21 15X2 = 30 17X2=34 19X2=38 21X2=42 15X3=45 17X3 = 51 19X3 = 57 21X3=63 15X4 = 60 17X4 = 68 19X4=76 21X4 = 84 15X5 = 75 17X5 = 85 19X5=95 21X5 = 105 15X6=90 17X6=102 19X6=114 21X6=126 15X7 = 105 17X7 = 119 19X7=133 21X7=147 15X8=120 17X8=136 -19X8=152 21X8=168 15X9=135 17X9=153 19X9=171 21X9=189 iSVz Cent Table. ijYz Cent Table, 19-4 Cent Table. 2i>4 Cent Table. 155X1 = 155 175X1 = 175 195X1 = 195 215X1=215 155X2 = 310 175X2 = 350 195X2 = 390 215X2 = 430 155X3 = 465 175X3 = 525 195X3 = 585 215X3 = 645 155X4 = 620 175X4=700 195X4=780 215X4 = 860 155X5 = 775 175X5 = 875 195X5=975 215X5 = 1075 155X6 = 930 175X6=1050 195X6=1170 215x6=1290 155X7 = 1085 175X7=1225 195X7=1365 215X7=1505 155X8=1240 175X8=1400 195X8=1560 215x8=1720 155X9=1395 175X9=1575 195X9=1755 215x9 = 1935 [60] 6i 22 Cent 22X1 22X2 22X3 22X4 22X5 22X6: 22X7 22X8 22X9 Table. = 22 =44 =66 = 88 =:IIO = 132 ^154 = 176 = 198 2254 Cent 225X1 = 225X2 = 225X3 = 225X4 = 225X5 = 225X6 = 225X7 = 225X8 = 225X9 = Table. :225 ^450 = 675 1900 :II25 ^1350 ^1575 :l800 :2025 23 Cent Table. 23X1 = 23 23X2=46 23X3=69 23X4 = 92 23X5 = ^15 23X6 = 138 23X7=161 23X8 = 184 23X9 = 207 23^/^ Cent 235X1 = 235X2 = 235X3 = 235X4= 235X5 = 235X6= 235X7 = 235X8 = 235X9= Table. ^235 1470 = 705 -940 = 1175 :I4IO ^1645 :i88o :2II5 24 Cent Table. 24x1=24 24X2=48 24X3 = 72 24X4 = 96 24X5 = 120 24X6=144 24X7 = 168 24X8 = 192 24X9 = 216 241^ Cent 245 X I = 245x2 = 245X3 = 245X4= 245X5 = 245X6= 245X7 = 245X8 = 245X9 = Table. = 245 1490 = 735 1980 11225 Z1470 = 1715 :i96o r2205 25 Cent Table. 25X1=25 25X2 = 50 25X3 = 75 25x4=100 25X5=125 25X6=150 25X7 = 175 25X8 = 200 25X9=225 251^ Cent 255X1 = 255x2 = 255X3 = 255X4= 255X5 = 255X6 = 255X7 = 255X8 = 255X9 = Table. = 255 1510 Z765 :I020 rl275 = 1530 .1785 = 2040 Z2295 26Cent Table. 26X 1=26 26X2 = 52 26X3 = 78 26X4=104 26x5 = 130 26x6=156 26x7=182 26x8 = 208 26X9 = 234 26J4 Cent Table. 265X1=265 265x2 = 530 265X3 = 795 265x4=1060 265X5 = 1325 265X6=1590 265x7=1855 265x8 = 2120 265X9 = 2385 27 Cent Table. 27x1=27 27X2=54 27X3 = 81 27x4=108 27X5 = 135 27x6=162 27x7=189 27x8 = 216 27x9 = 243 271^ Cent 275x1 = 275X2 = 275X3 = 275X4= 275X5 = 275X6 = 275X7 = 275X8 = 275X9 = Table. = 275 = 550 :825 :I100 = 1375 = 1650 rl925 12200 ^2475 28 Cent Table. 28x1=28 28X2 = 56 28X3 = 84 28X4=112 28X5 = 140 28X6=168 28X7=196 28x8 = 224 28X9 = 252 28^ Cent 285X1 = 285X2 = 285X3 = 285X4= 285X5 = 285X6 = 285x7 = 285X8 = 285X9 = 29 Cent 29X1 = 29X2 = 29X3 = 29X4= 29X5 = 29X6 = 29X7 = 29X8 = 29X9 = 29K Cent 295X1 = 295X2 = 295X3 = 295X4= 295X5 = 295x6 = 295X7 = 295x8 = 295x9 = Table. =285 = 570 = 855 = 1140 = 1425 = 1710 = 1995 =2280 =2565 Table. = 29 = 58 = 87 = 116 = 145 = 174 = 203 = 232 = 261 Table. = 295 = 590 1885 1 1 180 = 1475 11770 r2065 -2360 = 2655 DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING DIVIDENDS In Creameries and Cheese Factories According to the Per Cents, of Fat in Milk Delivered, as Recommended by Dr. Babcock. Find the amount of fat contained in the milk of each patron for any period desired by multiplying the pounds of milk expressed in hundreds by the per cent, of fat found by the test. Add the amount of fat from all the patrons together, thus obtaining the total pounds of fat delivered at the factory. Deduct the expenses of manufacture, etc., from the money received from sales and divide the remainder by the total fat. This gives the price to be paid for each pound of fat. Multiply the pounds of fat delivered by each patron by the price; the product will be the amount which he is to receive. If it is desired to know the number of pounds of butter made from each patron's milk, divide the total yield of butter by the total fat delivered, the quotient will be the amount of butter made from one pound of fat. The fat delivered by each patron multiplied by the ratio will give the pounds of butter to be credited to each patron. The accompanying table gives the butter yield from loo lbs. of milk when the pounds of butter from i lb. of fat range from i. lo to 1.20, and for milks containing from 3 to 5.5 per cent, of fat. To use the table find in the upper horizontal line the number corresponding most nearly to the number of pounds of butter from i lb. of fat; the vertical col- umn in which this falls gives the pounds of butter from 100 lbs of milk containing the per cent, of fat given in the outside columns. Example: A creamery receives during one month 250,000 lbs. of milk which contained 9,531 lbs. of fat; the yield of butter for the same period was 10,983 lbs., which sold for 29 cents per pound, bringing $3,185.07. The expense for making, etc., was four cents per pound, amounting to $439.32, leaving $2,745.75 to be divided among the pa- trons. Dividing this sum by 9,531, the total pounds of fat, gives $.288 per pound for the fat. This multiplied by the number of pounds of fat in each patron's milk gives the amount which he should be paid. The number of pounds of butter, 10,983, divided by 9,531, the num- ber of pounds of fat, gives 1. 152 lbs. of butter from each pound of fat. The column headed 1.15 in the table is nearest to this ratio and will therefore give the butter obtained from 100 lbs of milk containing different per cents, of fat. If a patron delivered 9,420 lbs. of milk containing 3.2 per cent, of fat during the period considered, his milk would have contained 301.44 lbs. of fat, which, at 28.8 cents per pound, would have amounted to $86.81. It would have made 301.44 x 1. 152, 347.26 lbs. of butter. In the column headed 1.15 in the table, opposite 3.2 per cent, of fat, we find 3.68, which is the number of pounds of butter from 100 lbs. of this patron's milk. The error from the use of the table in this way will never amount to more than )^ oz. per 100 lbs. of milk. f62] SURPLUS BUTTER TABLE. «.n (-ri Oi (-n <-n Oi 4^ 4^^ J^4^ 4^ 4i. ^ 4i. 4i> 4i>. OJ U> OJ OJ OJ OJ UO OJ 00 00 "0 w > w (Ji ^ U> M w O '-D 0C><1 ONOn 4^ W to HH NO 00» 4^ 00 00 00 00 oj 00 ON-f^ OJ W M O O 00 C^-f^ w o 4^ OJ to i-H O OO^-J OnOt 4^ CO On4^ to O NO OO^J On 4^ to n O NO 00 00 On4^ to O OJ to n NO ONOi 4i. 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