Class JlsrjliZL Book ' 3Bi CORORIGifr DEPOSIT. ■>/]7 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY UNI TED STATES ARMY COLONEL T. Q. ASHBURN COLONEL T. a. ASHBURN, COTE DE TALOU, OCTOBER 9tH, 1918 East of the Meuse, North of Verdun — the place from which the 324th F. A. attacked "Mollville Farm." Two observation balloons were shot down by Boche airplanes while he was eating this simple meal HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY UNITED STATES ARMY * BY ,V. t:'q. ashburn COLONEL, 324th F. a., U. 8. A. LIEUTENANT COLONEL, C.A.C., REGULAR ARMT] NEW XSJr YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY I] 510 .An Copyright, 1919, By George H. Doran Company ©CI.A570855 JUL 28 1920 V \ Printed in the United States of America DEDICATED TO MY COMRADES IN ARMS OF THE 324th F. A^ U. S. A. AND ESPECIALLY TO THOSE OF THE REGIMENT WHO BLEEP BENEATH THE BLOOD-STAINED FIELDS OF FRANCE T. Q. A. CONTENTS PAGE [iSTORY OF THE 324th Field Artillery, United States Army Organization 11 Service 23 Report of Operations 37 Roster of the 324th Field Artillery, United States Army Honor Roll 63 Officers 71 Headquarters Company ........ 75 Medical Detachment . 82 Ordnance Detachment 84 Supply Company . 86 Battery "A'' 91 Battery "B'' . 100 Battery "C" . 108 Battery "D" 118 Battery "E^' 127 Battery "F" 134 TU ILLUSTRATIONS PAQB Colonel T. Q. Ashburn, Cote de Talou, October 9th, 1918 Frontispiece In the Argonne: "No Hill too Steep, No Mud too Deep, for the 324th'' 11 Forecastle of the Leicestershire, on which the Regiment Went to England 16 Bain-de-Bretagne, Route de Chateaubriant ... 16 German Prisoners Passing through Our Position North of Verdun 32 The March into Position at Cote de Talou, October 4th, 1918 32 The Hell-swept Cote des Roches, East of the Meusb, Occupied by the Regiment from October 10th to October 29th, 1918 48 In Front of the Bois de Beuge, November 5th, 1918 48 The Jam at Velosnes, November 10th, 1918 ... 56 Battery in Action at Bois d'Ecurey, France, Novem- ber 11th, 1918 56 The Regiment Crossing the Sauer River from Luxemburg to Germany, at Echternach, Decem- ber 1st, 1918 80 Target Practice in Germany 80 Entraining at Engers, Germany, for Home ... 96 Band Concert on U. S. S. Seattle, May 18th, 1919 . 96 uc HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY, U. S. A. (M CO W O O "A pT t^ o o o ^ o HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY ORGANIZATION AND SERVICE The organization of the 324th Field Artillery as a horse drawn regiment began on August 22nd, 1917, the day of the arrival of Colonel T. Q. Ashburn, the first and only regimental commander. August 30th, eighty-five officers of the Regular Army, National Army and Officers' Reserve Corps were assigned to the regiment, which was part of the 158th F. A. Brigade, 83rd Division. Additional officers were assigned from time to time thereafter. A Medical Department of four officers and twelve enlisted men were attached to this regiment per verbal order Commanding General. This department was later increased, and in addition, dentists, assistants, and a chaplain were added to it. Enlisted men began to arrive September 3rd and continued to arrive in increasing numbers until the regiment was nearly full. It was never up to full strength until a few days before its departure for France, when somewhat over two hundred men joined it from a Kentucky draft. The organization board of the 83rd Division had as a member Colonel T. Q. Ashburn representing all the artillery, and as he was a native Ohioan, in the selection of the territory from which to draw the drafted men he chose central Ohio, including Columbus, Springfield, etc., for the reason that primarily he did not wish men from his own section of the State (the Southern), whose parents 11 12 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY would seek personal favors from an acquaintance. He did not wish the regiment to be composed of all city men, and he sought the happy medium whereby to secure for the regiment men representing all the trades and pro- fessions of both city and country. As an artillery regiment, he knew, he would require the services of everything from experts of every class to manual laborers. The reputation made by the regiment justified the choice of central Ohio as the place to get everything necessary. The problem of organizing a regiment under such unusual conditions, i. e., of drafted men, and untrained officers, was one that caused the commanding officer many sleepless nights. Strange as it may seem to the regiment now, there were indications from the very first that there was going to be little disciplinary trouble. Groups of the first men to arrive were somewhat awed by the fact that they had been drafted; they had been given every possible piece of advice; and they arrived with all sorts and conditions of clothing, and, what was better for them and the country, they had steeled them- selves to endure a number of hardships they were never to encounter in camp. Arriving at night, in a rainstorm, as many did, finding some one waiting for them, a place to sleep, and warm food, prepared them for the belief that some one was there to make them as comfortable as possible. It was a wise provision of the War Department to send them in small groups at first; for the reason that the men got more individual attention from their officers, had time to stabilize, and had a cheery front and a kind word for the next fellows; so that the later arrivals, looking around, saw that there was nothing to fear in this sudden transition from comfortable homes to camps; no martinets to browbeat them; but a group of officers who made it their business to see that they became of the utmost value to their country in the shortest possible time. The poHcy of the commanding officer firmly impressed upon all his officers, was that ''leading is better than ORGANIZATION 13 driving," and he never departed from that policy; nor did he allow any one in the regiment to do so; although he also impressed upon them that the '^velvet glove carried an iron hand." He initiated and carried through a policy of making officers and men gain mutual respect and friendship. By the judicious application of praise for worthy effort, the encouragement to work for promotion, the inculcation of the respect due to men who had won their chevrons; a very careful selection of these men and an unyielding support of them ; by personal talks and warnings to delinquents; by explanations of what was really meant by esprit and discipline, he distributed a leaven throughout ofl&cers and men that, through their intelligent appreciation of the ideals sought, resulted ere long in establishing a regiment that was destined not only to carry off all the honors of Camp Sherman, but to be selected to march to and across the Rhine, on account of its marching and fighting ability. The drills, exercises and operations were designed primarily to get the men in good shape physically, to lead them along the arduous path of military knowledge by suc- cessive steps; gradually assuming such a phase of training that practically no new thing developed in its actual service at the front that had not been treated of ex- haustively during the training period. Especial atten- tion was paid to teaching the value of cleanliness, mental, moral and physical, and men made to feel that they themselves were the only ones who could prepare them- selves in this way for the High Destiny which Fate had in store for them. The lack, for a long time, of any material whatsoever with which instruction could be given, was more than compensated for by the constructive mechanical genius of officers and enlisted men. To suggest an idea was to see it embodied over-night into concrete form so nearly accurate as to fulfill all practical purposes of instruction. The evolution of a gun from a piece of stove pipe and paper board into a cannon complete with mechanical 14 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY devices for teaching pointing and aiming, loading and firing, and the creation of instruments for tire control and direction, are only samples of results. The regiment was particularly fortunate in its assign- ment of a French officer. Captain Jean Tommy-Martin — a gallant soldier of proven mettle, a most efficient artillery man, and a lovable French gentleman, whom all admired and respected. It was a distinct disappointment that he was not allowed to accompany the regiment to the front. A large share of the success of the preliminary instruction was due to him; and he was ably seconded by Major H. L. Morse. Lieutenant Jupin, who joined us at Bain-de-Bretagne, was another type of French officer who appealed to the regiment, while our Lieutenant Andre Weiner won a place in the hearts of officers and men by his quiet effectiveness and genial disposition that time will not pfface The regimental esprit, the lack of cliques amongst the officers, the harmonious relations of men and officers, was a cause of continual comment by all observers, of the most envious and favorable kind. Not only did the regiment win encomiums from all inspectors, and the commanding generals at Camp Sherman, but it carries an unbroken record of favorable comment. During the absence of Major-General Glenn, com- manding 83rd Division, for a period in excess of three months, a comparative table of merit was kept by Division Headquarters for his information. Upon his return the regiment was informed by his aide-de-camp that it stood first in the division in this comparative test for this period. Various elements entered into the tests, such as general health, general cleanliness, condition of barracks, bearing of officers and men, development of esprit, discipline, competitions of all kinds, etc. Diiring this period the regiment had been reorganized as a motor drawn regiment, with an ordnance officer and detachment. The captain of the ''Leicestershire," an English naval ORGANIZATION 15 officer, wrote that ''in all my experience of transporting troops, this regiment is the best behaved and best dis- ciplined.'^ At Borden, England, the colonel commanding the Royal Field Artillery there, said, ''Your troops act like veteran soldiers." At Bain-de-Bretagne, France, by their courteous bearing and consideration of all types of humanity, they so endeared themselves to the hearts of the community that people openly wept upon their departure, the municipal council officially thanked them, and, when peace was announced, gave three cheers for the 324th Field Artillery. The regiment gave the town four thousand francs for homeless French orphans. Here the regiment was again tentatively informed that it might be reorganized on a horse drawn basis, but no decision was reached. At Coetquidan the regiment finished its firing course in two days less time than the other two of the brigade, and the brigade was pronounced the best trained that had ever been there, by the officers in command. During the first onslaught of October 8th, at Cote de Talou, the infantry brigade commanders reported that the barrage was extraordinarily fine, and the division commander told the commanding officer that he had heard nothing but the most favorable reports upon the work of the artillery. The work at the Cote de Roches called forth the ad- miring comment of the infantry that "those heavy boys have the guts, by God'^* and unstinted praise from those men and officers who had been protected by our accurate fire. Officially it was reported that we had annihilated a machine gun nest, causing terrific havoc, and an aero- plane above dropped a note saying that the heavies were literally demolishing the trench system at which they were firing. When the commanding officer reported to the 3rd Corps Concimander near Montfaucon October 30th, 16 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY 1918, he said, ''We are very glad to have you with us. We hear of your fine work on the other side of the Meuse.'^ The way the regiment pulled out of the Bois-de-Cunel and reached Velosnes, thence into Ecurey, moved the chief of staff to characterize its work as ''most remark- able.'^ The retaliatory fire delivered by the regiment at Ecurey, November 11th, 1918, after all but the Boche had ceased firing, was described by the advance guard commander. Brigadier General Winans, as "the most effective piece of artillery work he had seen during the war." At the first inspection on the march to the Rhine, Major General Haan characterized it as "a fine regiment which makes a fine appearance.'' It won a commendatory order from Major General Lassiter on the completion of the march, and the personal congratulations of General John J. Pershing, Commander in Chief, and Major General Hines, 3rd Corps Com- mander, at the inspection and review held by General Pershing in Germany. ORGANIZATION 17 ''158th F. a. Brigade A. E. F. 15th March, 1919. From: Commanding Officer, 158th F. A. Brigade. To: Commanding Officer 324th F. A. Subject: Commendation by the Commander in Chief. 1. The Commander in Chief, General John J. Pershing, and the Third Corps Commander, Major General Hines, have directed me to convey to you, the officers and men of your command, their congratulations upon the splendid showing made by the regiment today in the review given the Commander in Chief, as well as for the excellent condition of the equipment and material. They have also directed me to express to you their appreciation of the effort, energy and esprit of the regiment which accomplished such results under the present conditions. 2. In conveying these congratulations and expressions of appreciation to you, I desire to add thereto my pro- found gratitude to all concerned for the results obtained, which are, however, in my mind not more favorable than the results obtained by this regiment in battle, in bivouac, in cantonment and in the occupation of enemy territory. 3. You will cause the contents of this letter to be published as a General Order and read to every man of the 324th F. A. in order that he may know that his efforts to make this regiment the best possible have been appreciated by the highest military authority in France. T. Q. ASHBURN, Colonel, 324-th F. A., Comdg. 168th F, A, Brigade.^* 18 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY ''Headquarters Thirty-second Division American Expeditionary Forces Rengsdorf, Germany, 16th March, 1919. 201.1 (Commendations). From: Commanding General, 32nd Division, Ameri- can E. F. To: Commanding Officer, 158th F. A. Brigade, American E. F. Subject: Commendation. 1. A general order issues today from division head- quarters informing the division of the high commendation which the Commander-in-Chief passed upon the division as a result of his review and inspection of yesterday. I wish, however, to express to you in this more personal way my very high appreciation of the fine spirit which so obviously animated the troops under your command. The 322nd F. A., the 323rd F. A., and the 324th F. A., in their soldierly bearing, in the appearance of their mounts, of their tractors, and of their equipment general- ly, made a showing of which they may well be proud. The light regiments in passing in review stirred to en- thusiasm all who watched them. The 324th regiment reached all the expectations of the Commander-in-Chief and of the Division Commander in that so soon after being motorized and under such unfavorable conditions they had their tractors and guns on the reviewing ground ready for inspection and brought to such a high standard of cleanliness and obvious efficiency. Wm. Lassiter, Major General J U. S, Army J' ORGANIZATION 19 ''158th F. A. Brigade A. E. F. 15th March, 1919. General Orders, No. 17. 1. The Commanding General of the Third Army- Corps, Major General Hines, has directed the Brigade Commander to convey to the Commanding Officers, Officers and men of the 158th F. A. Brigade his con- gratulations upon the splendid appearance presented by the Brigade in today's review and inspection before the Commander-in-Chief, General John J. Pershing. He has also directed me to convey his appreciation of the splendid spirit which has enabled the Brigade to accomplish such gratifying results under the present conditions. 2. In conveying these sentiments of the Commanding General, Third Army Corps, to the officers and men of this Brigade, the Brigade Commander desires to express his profound gratitude for the wiUing spirit of co-operation and overcoming of difficulties which has characterized this Brigade from its inception, and it is a matter of great pride to him to feel that he had the honor of organizing a Brigade capable of winning such commendation from the Corps Commander. 3. The Brigade Commander directs that this order be published to every officer and man of this Brigade in order that they may feel that their efforts toward making this the best Brigade possible has won such commendation from such mihtary authority as the Corps Commander. By order of Col. Ashburn. S. R. Hopkins, Lt, CoL F, A., Adjutant.*' 20 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY ''Headquarters Thirty-second Division American Expeditionary Forces Rengsdorf, Germany, 28th March, 1919. General Orders, No. 23. 1. It is with sincere pleasure that the Division Com- mander pubHshes to the command, the following letter from the Commander-in-Chief: "American Expeditionary Forces" Office of the Commander-in-Chief France, March 24th, 1919. Major General William Lassiter, Commanding 32nd Division, American E. F. My dear General Lassiter: Please extend to the officers and men of the 32nd Division my sincere compliments upon their appearance and upon the splendid condition of the artillery and transportation at the review and inspection on March 15th. In fact, the condition of your command was what would be expected of a division with such a splendid fighting record. After training for several months following its arrival in February, 1918, it entered the line in Alsace and held this sector until the time of the Aisne-Marne offensive, when it moved to that active front. On July 30th, it entered the line on the Ourcq, and in the course of its action captured Cierges, Bellevue Farm and the Bois de la Planchette. The attack was resumed on August 1st, the division pushing ahead until it crossed the Vesle and captured the town of Fismes. On August 28th it again entered the line and launched attacks Which resulted ORGANIZATION 21 in the capture of Juvigny at the cost of severe casualties. During the Meuse-Argonne offensive the 32nd Division entered the Une on September 30th and by its persistence in that sector it penetrated the Kriemhilde Stellung, taking Romagne and following the enemy to the north- eastern edge of the Bois de Bantheville. On November 8th, the division took up the pursuit of the enemy east of the Meuse until the time when hostilities were suspended. Since the signing of the Armistice the 32nd Division has had the honor to act as a part of the Army of Occupa- tion. For the way in which all ranks have performed their duties in this capacity, I have only the warmest praise and approval. The pride of your officers and men, justified by such a record will insure the same high morale which has been present in the division during its stay in France. I want each man to know my appreciation of the work he has done and of the admiration in which he is held by the rest of his comrades in the American Expeditionary Forces. Sincerely yours, John J. Pershing." 2. This order will be read to the troops at the first formation following its receipt and will be posted upon bulletin boards. Wm. Lassiter, Major General, Commanding. The total casualties, thirty-five (35), were out of all proportion — abnormally small — to the dangers under- gone; and the regiment at no time had a large amount of sickness. It was finally motorized and equipped in Germany, during April, 1919. The men by this time were driving motors like horses, and horses like a Hudson twin six. But right glad were they to get rid of mange and manure, and take oil and the smell of gasoline instead. SERVICE The regiment embarked for Camp Mills, from Camp Sherman, Ohio, June 3rd -4th, 1918, and from Camp Mills, N. Y., it embarked on the steamship ^^Leicester- shire,^' June 11th, 1918, sailing, as part of a large convoy, for England, June 12th, 1918, arriving there June 23rd, 1918, disembarking at Liverpool, and proceeded by train to Borden, England, where it went into rest camp, remaining not twenty-four hours. It proceeded by train to Southampton, embarked and crossed the Channel to Havre, disembarking there June 27th, 1918, with- out a single man A. W. 0. L., a unique and remark- able record. It stayed in rest camp for three days, and then proceeded for Bain-le-Bretagne, where it billeted until August 13th, 1918. While there it received its first consignment of six (6) 155 mm. howitzers. On the 13th it marched to Coetquidan, for artillery practice, and completed same September 21st, 1918. While at Coetquidan it was completely equipped as a horsed regiment; and outfitted with necessary material. This was the third change in organization, as at this time the regiment was organized as a motor drawn outfit. The organization of specialists was as follows at this time : Operations Officers: Regimental Capt. Edward E. Norton 1st Bn. 1st Lieut. William J. Brennan 2nd Bn. Capt. EUery S. James 3rd Bn. Capt. T. W. McCaw Reconnaissance Officers: Regimental 1st Lieut. Joseph M. Lewis 22 SERVICE 23 1st Bn. 1st Lieut. Wm. J. Brennan 2nd Bn. Capt. EUery S. James 3rd Bn. Capt. Thomas W. McCaw Battery A 1st Lieut. Charles L. Heisler Battery B 2nd Lieut. John W. Carpenter Battery C 1st Lieut. Wilham H. Russell Battery D 2nd Lieut. Ralph E. Bevington Battery E 1st Lieut. Kenneth B. Skardon Battery F Capt. Thomas W. McCaw Liaison OjSicers: Regimental 2nd Lieut. Samuel S. Markham 1st Bn. 1st Lieut. Harry J. Derivan 2nd Bn. 2nd Lieut. Dean G. Warner 3rd Bn. 2nd Lieut. Murton D. Case Telephone Officers: Regimental 1st Lieut. 1st Bn. 2nd Bn. 3rd Bn. Battery A Battery B Battery C Battery D Battery E Battery F Radio Officers: Regimental 1st Bn. 2nd Bn. 3rdBn. Gas Officers: Regimental 1st Bn. 2nd Bn. 3rd Bn. 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut 1st Lieut. Nathaniel W. Kirkpatrick . Frank L. Hornickle . George K. Viall . Romie D. Hersman . John S. Stewart . Jesse L. Arnold , Robert D. Schmidt , Ralph E. Bevington , Robert B. Harvey Donald W. Fitton 1st Lieut. Irvin J. Koehnline 1st Lieut. Edward S. Turpin 2nd Lieut. Lawrence M. Cunningham 2nd Lieut. Aloyd W. Horning 1st Lieut. James L. Thompson 2nd Lieut. Claude Mauberret 1st Lieut. George W. Row 1st Lieut. Robert B. McDougle 24 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY Supply Officers: Regimental Capt. Barton J. Haggard 1st Bn. 1st Lieut. Emmit B. Ford 2nd Bn. 1st Lieut. William H. Abele 3rd Bn. 2nd Lieut. Rollo G. Smith Ordnance Officer: Regimental Capt. Howard R. DeWolf Intelligence Officers: Regimental 2nd Lieut. Charles S. Wilmerding 1st Bn. 1st Lieut. Edward S. Turpin 2nd Bn. 2nd Lieut. Lawrence M. Cunningham 3rd Bn. 2nd Lieut. Aloyd W. Horning The regiment proceeded by trains to Souilly, France, and marched overland to Bois de Hesse, advanced elements reaching there, September 26th, 1918. The regimental commander acted as assistant to the artillery commander of the reinforced artillery brigade supporting the 91st Division on September 26th, 1918, and on the 27th the regiment moved into position. It remained there until October 3rd, 1918, in support of the 32nd Division, when it passed to the 29th Division, and on the night of October 3rd-4th moved into camp at the Bois de Nixeyville. From then until October 7th, 1918, it was occupied in going into position east of the Meuse, north of Verdun, at the Cote de Talou, and in preparing for attack. During all this time it was under shell fire. It was now acting with the 18th French Division, 17th Army Corps. It attacked October 8th from the Cote de Talou, and on October 9th one battalion moved forward to the Cote des Roches, beyond Samogneux, going into action that night. The other two battalions continued firing on the 9th, and on the 10th of October moved into position at the Gote des Roches. The entire regiment remained SERVICE 25 there till the night of October 29th -30th. During this time it was continuously under shell fire, and continuously- attacking. It supported the 18th French Division, the 29th U. S. Division, and the 26th U. S. Division, and covered the entrance of the 79th Division into position, relieving the 29th. On the night October 29th -30th, two battalions moved towards Cinq Freres, and on the night October 30th -3 1st, the remaining battalion moved out. On October 31st the regiment proceeded to recross the Meuse and marched to Bois de Montfaucon, reporting as divisional artillery of the 32nd Division, remaining with it until ordered home. On November 1st the regiment moved to Cierges, thence into the Bois de Beuge, thence to Bois de la Pultiere, thence across the Meuse at Dun, thence to Velosnes, thence into position at Bois d'Ecurey November 10th, 1918. It again at- tacked on the morning of November 11th, and fired retaliation fire after the armistice was announced, up to 10:25 A.M. being the last shots delivered by the 32nd Division in the war. The horses were so depleted at Velosnes, due to the constant fire under which they had been, and the con- tinuous pursuit of the enemy, that it was necessary to demobilize one battalion, and leave it there. Out of 957 horses, only about 517 remained. At Bois d'Ecurey about 600 horses were received, and on November 16th, the regiment started on the march across the Rhine, billeting at Jametz. Thence by stages it advanced into Germany, crossing the Sauer River at Echternach, De- cember 1st, 1918, and crossing the Rhine at Engers, December 14th, 1918. It remained in Germany to the west and north of the river Rhine until April 22nd, 1919, when it began its return to the States via Brest. The details of its activities are included in the opera- tions report attached hereto. From January 1st, 1919, to the 22nd day of April, 1919, it remained as part of the Army of Occupation with the same stations as indicated in the operations report. 26 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY The following officers remained with the regiment at the date of its departm*e for the States: Col. Thomas Q. Ashburn, 324th F, A., U. S. A. Major R. P. Nash, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Major Walter M. Sackett, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Edward E. Norton, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Fred C. Roderus, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Howard B. Morse, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. George V. Hess, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Charles H. Wilmerding, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Harry E. Coombe, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Nathaniel W. Kirkpatrick, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. James L. Thompson, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Harry J. Derivan, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Irvin J. Koehnline, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Edward S. Turpin, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Lawrence M. Cunningham, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Aloyd W. Horning, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Mourton D. Case, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. George K. Viall, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Harry P. Schaeffer, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Barton J. Haggard, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut Emmit B. Ford, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. RoUo G. Smith, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Dean G. Warner, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Joseph M. Lewis, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Charles L. Heisler, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Neil Wright, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. John S. Stewart, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Roy F. Limbach, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Raymond W. Beach, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. John W. Carpenter, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Edward Stair, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. David F. Kennedy, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Louis A. Bacon, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Curtis M. Harsh, 324th F. A., U. S. A. SERVICE 27 2nd Lieut. Arthur J. Feldman, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Robert D. Schmidt, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Donald W. Fitton, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Robert B. McDougle, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Russell L. Palmer, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Ralph E. Bevington, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. George S. Crego, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Charles F. Anderson, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Kenneth B. Skardon, 324th F. A., U. S. A, 2nd Lieut. Robert B. Harvey, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Delbert 0. Fuller, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Capt. Thomas W. McCaw, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Norman L. Niece, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 1st Lieut. George H. Stuts, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Jesse L. Arnold, 324th F. A., U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Frank M. Pharaoh, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Major John F. Byrne, M. C, U. S. A. Capt. Herbert Walker, M. C, U. S. A. Capt. Ira Tatum, M. C, U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Vincent J. Toole, Chaplain The other officers once belonging to this regiment are accounted for as follows: Lieut. Col. Homer R. Grant, transferred in U. S. ^ Lieut. Col. Harry L. Morse, transferred as Brigade Adjutant Lt. Col. James A. Brice, transferred to 11th F. A. Lt. Col. James A. Brice, transferred to 11th F. A. Major James A. Garfield, transferred to School of Fire, Ft. Sill Major Austin McDonnell, transferred at Coetquidan Major E. R. Roth, transferred to 57th F. A. Brigade Major Wm. Mitchell, M. C, transferred to 83rd Division Major Thomas F. Lancer, M. C, detached to U. S. A. Major WiUiam Rankin, M. C, transferred to 126th Inf. Major Clarke, transferred to Cavalry 28 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. Theo. M. Roemer, detached to U. S. Promoted Major. Capt. Wm. McAfee, transferred to Ft. Sill Capt. Joseph A. Fortin, transferred at Coetquidan Capt. Audley M. Post, 324th F. A., U. S. A., trans- ferred to the Regular Army. Capt. Wilbur F. Libbey, 324th F. A., U. S. A., trans- ferred to the Regular Army. Capt. Howard R. DeWolf, Ord., U. S. A., transferred to the Regular Army. Capt. A. L. Richmond, transferred to 158th F. A. Brigade Capt. Ben. S. Walker, transferred to 3rd U. S. Corps Capt. EUery S. James, transferred to 133rd F. A. Brigade Capt. Clifford R. Wright, detached to U. S. Capt. Wm. J. Brennan, transferred to 107th Am. Train Capt. Nelson S. Talbott, transferred to 83rd Division Capt. Kenneth S. Shawecker, transferred by G. H. Q. Capt. Otto Mikolanda, transferred to Peace Com- mission Capt. Ormsby Kesselring, transferred per G. H. Q. Capt. Stuart B. Lafean, Ord., transferred per G. H. Q. 1st Lieut. Howard I. FuUerton, transferred to 308th Am. Train 1st Lieut. Dudley V. Langell, D. C, U. S. A. trans- ferred to second Division. 1st Lieut. Edward E. Gurney, D. C, U. S. A., trans- ferred to 2nd Division. 1st Lieut. Jerome Thompson, transferred at Coetquidan 1st Lieut. Samuel S. Markham, transferred to Air Service ist Lieut. Wm. H. Abele, killed in action 1st Lieut. George W. Row, transferred to 89th Division 1st Lieut. William H. Russell, transferred as Firing Instructor 2nd Lieut. Frank L. Hornickle, transferred to U. S. 2nd Lieut. E. D. McManus, transferred to Aviation Service SERVICE 29 2nd Lieut. Clay E. Joseph, transferred to Aviation Service 2nd Lieut. Claude Mauberret, transferred to U. S. 2nd Lieut. Nathan B. Annin, transferred to U. S. 2nd Lieut. Romie D. Hersman, ordered to U. S. for discharge 2nd Lieut. Wm. C. Schultz, V. C, transferred on motorization of regiment 2nd Lieut. Benj. Thomas, V. C, transferred on motor- ization of regiment The only changes in staff organization of the regiment were the detachment of Captain Roemer, Adjutant, to America, where he was promoted Major; the assignment of Captain Coombe as Adjutant, the relief of Captain Coombe at his request, as Adjutant, his appointment to command Headquarters Company and the relief of Captain Norton as commander. Headquarters Company, and his appointment as Regimental Adjutant. Captain R. B. Lawrence, Supply Officer, was discharged on account of physical disability incurred in line of duty, and Captain B. J. Haggard was appointed supply officer. From Germany the regiment proceeded to Brest, France, where it remained in camp for nearly two weeks, when it embarked on the U. S. S. SEATTLE for New York. During the voyage there was every effort made to entertain all aboard by frequent band concerts, movies, boxing, etc. Through the courtesy of the ship's officers, the regiment was enabled to publish a last souvenir, called ^'The Seasick Seattler." This paper was written, edited and published by enlisted men, and was filled with jokes and humorous reminiscences, together with a lead- ing article herewith reproduced. 324th GOING BACK ON U. S. S. SEATTLE COL. ASHBURN TAKING HOME BEST F. A. REGIMENT IN A. E. F. With the band vigorously pounding out jazz well worthy of the occasion and with Brest, the city famed for 30 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY its mud and army regulations, fast toppling behind the horizon, the 324th Field Artillery Regiment under Colonel T. Q. Ashburn at last started its long promised and anxiously awaited homeward voyage aboard the U. S. S. SEATTLE, May 10th, 1919. Almost eleven months to the day since the 324th had left God's Country behind to give the bothersome Fritz his full mete of strafing — and from a secret source comes the information that the Captain of the ship has solemnly promised a view^^of the Statue of Liberty by the middle of June at least. Many things have come to pass since the 324th be- came one of the vital organizations of the A. E. F. What if brass foot rails aren't quite the rage they were in the good old peace days? What difference does it make if steaks are a luxury and certain old friends say ^'fini'^ when fluids noted for their lubrication of the vocal cords crop out in casual conversations. It's still God's Country, and it means home and sundry other things which are not furnished in France by the best of Y. M. C. A.'s. And they're sure to bear with an outfit even if it does register its full share of pride and satisfaction when it strikes good, solid American soil once more with the knowledge that it bade farewell to France with its work well done. A term of duty in several of the real active sectors of the front followed by the distinction of being one of the comparatively few organizations selected to march into Germany and pass beyond the Rhine to hold the bridge- head would make the most modest and retiring organiza- tion slightly self-respecting. Then, too, it isn't every outfit that can be brought home by a colonel who wears the gold chevron on his right arm — Colonel Ashburn became entitled to wear one shortly before the armistice when wounded while leading the regiment into action near Cunel, France, and who also was presented with a Croix de Guerre. He organized the regiment, brought it overseas, and is now taking it back, SERVICE 31 fortunately with a large percentage of the men who came over with him. It's the best bet of the season too that fond mothers won't have to gaze anxiously at underfed faces of sol- dier sons after they have debarked from the SEATTLE, *^for putting it out'' is one of the rare accomphshments of the kitchen — no galley force. It is certainly a con- trast to the so-called food which was furnished when we traveled in the other direction. At any rate let's throw modesty to the winds and admit that Captain Blakely and Commander Culbertson with the best crew in the Navy, are taking home Colonel Ashburn and the best Field Artillery Regiment in the A. E. F." The regimental commander, on behalf of the ofl&cers and men, wrote an appreciation of the courtesies extended aboard the ship to the regiment, and sent it to Captain Blakely. In reply Captain Blakely sent the following letter; "U. S. S. SEATTLE At sea, 21 May 1919. From: Commanding Officer. To: Colonel T. Q. Ashburn, 324th F. A., U. S. A. Subject : Repatriation of American Expeditionary Forces on U. S. S. S. SEATTLE. 1. I am in receipt of your communication of this date in which you express for the detachment under your command, your appreciation of the satisfactory trans- portation conditions on board this vessel during the re- turn voyage from France, now nearing completion. 2. Permit me to express my gratification on my own ac- count and in behalf of the officers and the ship's company of the SEATTLE for your very generous observations and expressions as to the treatment accorded you. There 32 HISTORY OF THE 324th FIELD ARTILLERY have been many discomforts which we would have been very glad to have had otherwise. Some due to the inau- guration of the system of employment of our armored cruisers for the return of our troops from France; to the installation and experimental trial of improvised con- veniences; to the crowded quarters and small deck space of a type of vessel not constructed for troop transport and carry more than double her normal complement. 3. Our warm feeling of comradeship for the fellow branch of the armed forces of our Country would alone have in- spired us to make your stay on board more than welcome, but added to this, I am pleased to say, the cheerful, willing, co-operative, and soldierly manner in which the officers and troops have assisted and done more than their part wherever possible to help the ship's company and to disregard the unavoidable discomforts has made our task many times lighter and our association one to always be recalled with pleasure. The traditions of cordial co- operation between the two military services has again been evinced in a gratifying manner. 4. At the time of completion of the trip and separation, I take occasion to wish to yourself and your command, every success and good luck for their future. J. R. Y. Blakely." Safely arrived at New York, the regiment was disem- barked and marched to Camp Mills, where it remained a week. During this time the men were saddened by the death by accident of Assistant Band Leader Homer McLean, whose clarinet playing had been a soiu^ce of much amusement to all. He was a master of its vagaries, and, while an expert musician, manipulated his instru- ment in such a fashion, when desired, as to convulse hiis audience. Groups of men were here separated from the regiment, and sent for muster out to various camps, and the realization that the old 324th was really breaking up brought home the fact that the friendships formed under battle and camp conditions were such that they will ever GO I— ♦ Oi &* O b* O O O ^. 1=1. SERVICE 33 endure, and many was the catch in the voice as we bade them good-bye. At the end of the week, the remainder, some 1200 officers and men, proceeded in three sections to Columbus, Ohio, where, at the earnest solicitation of the Wives and Mothers' Committees, the War Department had ordered a parade. A welcoming committee met the trains, and great was the joy of the regiment at meeting their own ^^home folks.'' The parade was a very hot and disagreeable finale, but the cheering throngs crowding the streets, the warm welcome accorded the marching troops, the de- licious buffet luncheon served after the parade, repaid the men for their discomfort by the feeling that they were giving pleasure to those who loved them. Arrived at Camp Sherman late the same night, Satur- day, the men were physically examined, assigned to bar- racks, and on Monday the work of muster out began, being completed on June 4th, 1919, one year and one day from the start on the long hard struggle which car- ried them from Camp Sherman to and through England, France, Luxemburg and Germany, and finally brought them ^^From Beyond the Rhine to the Banks of the Scioto." Up to the last moment the esprit remained excellent, and the regiment separated with mutual respect existing between officers and men, and a desire that through the coming years many opportunities for reunion should occur, when all together they could talk over, and live over, the history of ''The regiment without fear and without reproach." Headquarters, 324th Field Artillery U. S. S. Seattle, May 20, 1919. Officers and Men of the 324th Field Artillery, '^Mes Enfants": You have almost finished your duty as soldiers, and are entitled to and will receive the homage due to brave men. Drawn from all fields of human endeavor, you have adapted yourselves to unusual discipline; have sunk your identity to become a part of a machine; have learned to exert yourselves individually as parts of a whole, and have made of that machine a formidable fighting force of unusual ability. All honor to you! I, who have seen you develop, feel a pride in your achievements, a glory in your record, that words can ill express. You have faced privation, danger, death in every con- ceivable form, and you have never faltered. You have performed almost humanly impossible tasks. You have won unstinted praise from every General under whom you have served — and the special commen- dation of the Commander-in-Chief, General Pershing. You will carry home with you the proud consciousness of duty well done; the soldiers' greatest reward; and an unblemished regimental record of efficient service, joyfully rendered for the sake of your Country! You will now become a large factor in our body politic. By adopting as your own the regimental motto: ''WE AIM HIGH,'' you will continue to serve faithfully in peace as in war. Whatever your estate may be in the future, or mine, I wish you to understand that there will abide forever in 34 SERVICE 35 my heart a love for you, a pride in you, a glory in your achievements, that time will only enhance; and while I rejoice with you in your return to peaceful pm*suits, my heart is heavy at the thought of the disintegration of the regiment of which I am so well content to have been the commander; a regiment ** without fear and without reproach." T. Q. ASHBURN, Colonel, 324th F, A,, Commanding. REPORT OF OPERATIONS Headquarters 324th F. A. (Heavy) A. P. O. 734, 4th February, 1919. From: The Commanding Officer, 324th F. A. To: The Adjutant General, U. S. A. (Through Channels) Subject: Report of operations of 324th F. A. from June 4th, 1918, to December 31st, 1918. 1. I submit the following report covering the operations of the 324th F. A., U. S. A., from June 4th, 1918, to include the close of the year. 2. Pursuant to instructions from the War Department, the regiment (which had been organized at Camp Sher- man, Ohio, beginning with my arrival August 22nd, 1917), left Camp Sherman for Camp Mills, New York. We remained in camp there until June 11th, when the regiment embarked on the S.S. '^Leicestershire" and saHed June 12th for Liverpool, England, arriving there June 24th, and moved by train to a rest camp at Borden, England. Remained there approximately twenty-four hours and moved by train to Southampton, where we embarked and crossed the English Channel, arriving at La Havre the next morning, going to a rest camp. We remained a few days at this rest camp, and thence pro- ceeded by train to Bain-de-Bretagne, where we remained in billets till August 13th, thence marched overland to the artillery range at Coetquidan, remaining there till September 23rd, 1918. All this time was spent in very intensive training. 3. Under instructions from Headquarters 158th F. A. Brigade, the regiment was ordered to proceed to the vicinity of Bar-le-Duc, by train, there to receive further orders. The Colonel and Adjutant proceeded by auto- 37 38 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY mobile to Bar-de-Luc, where orders were received to proceed to Vraincourt and to establish Headquarters. From there the Colonel commanding was directed to proceed to join Brigade Headquarters at Hill 210 with the Headquarters of the artillery supporting the 91st Division. He arrived there on the evening of September 25th, 1918, remaining there during the operations of the Fifth Army Corps the 26th of September. The Opera- tions Officer and Reconnaissance Officers, together with the Radio and Telephone Officers and Regimental Head- quarters arrived at Vraincourt September 26th. The head of the regiment arrived at Vraincourt September 27th and on that day Field Order No. 1 was issued. See Appendix ''A." On September 27th, the regiment began to go into position in the Bois de Hesse, north of Parois, which was under shell fire; and completed its dispositions for firing to defend the line Vauquois-Haucourt, supporting the 32nd Division. September 28th-29th there was considerable aeroplane activity on both sides, and under personal orders from the Division Commander the Colonel made reconnais- sances to the front, investigating routes of advance. Battalion reconnaissances were also made. September 30th and October 1st were marked by aeroplane activity and gas alarms; one casualty during the day from aeroplane bullet. On October 2nd, the regiment remained in position under considerable aeroplane activity; one casualty from hand grenade. The permanent Brigade Commander had been assigned to the command of the 55th Artillery Brigade and on October 1st, Colonel T. Q. Ashburn reassumed command of the 158th F. A. Brigade, which he had organized and commanded from August 22, 1917, to June 1, 1918, consisting of the 322nd, 323rd, 324th Field Artillery, 308th Trench Mortar Battery and 308th Ammunition Train; retaining also the command of the 324th F. A. On the afternoon of October 2nd, a warning REPORT OF OPERATIONS 39 telegram was received directing him to prepare to march the brigade the next day and report with it to the 29th Infantry Division. The regiment remained in the Bois de Hesse and as a part of the 158th F. A. Brigade, under my command, moved out of the Bois de Hesse at 8 P.M., October 3rd, and by orders of the Division Conmiander, 29th Division, was placed at the disposition of the Chief of Artillery, 17th French Army Corps, to whom I reported for instructions, being directed to move into position at Camp Gallene, near Nixeyville, where it arrived in the early morning October 4th. The day was spent in reconnaissance, selection of positions, etc., all under shell fire, and consultation with Corps and Divisional Com- manders of the 17th French Corps, 18th Division and 29th Division respectively. In the evening, 6:00 P.M., all batteries began moving into position for attack in accord- ance with orders from Headquarters 18th French Division, October 5th, 1918. See Appendix II. The Command of the regiment was turned over to Lieut. Col. H. L. Morse on October 5th, 1918, and he, by my orders moved the regiment into position east of the Meuse, north of Verdun, at the Cote de Talou. On October 6th the day was spent under fire, in bringing up ammunition, improving posi- tions, getting the Supply and Headquarters Company and the horse lines established, as well as establishing liaison with the infantry brigade to be supported. On October 7th there was intermittent artillery activity and all batteries registered. Beginning at 5:00 A.M. October 8th, the regiment, in conjunction with the balance of the Brigade, took part in the offensive of the 17th French Army Corps, 18th French Division and one brigade of the 29th Division, in accordance with plan for use of Artillery. See Appendix III. On this day and the next, the artillery firing was exceedingly heavy, and although the regiment was in the same position as the 323rd and one battalion of the 322nd in which casualties occurred, did not suffer. Approximately 8500 shells were fired. The enemy fire 40 HISTORY OF THE 342TH FIELD ARTILLERY was either short or over, and the guns well protected behind a crest and by digging in. The infantry advanced some seven kilometers, and captured some 1800 prisoners. The fighting lasted during the day and the night and the attack was resumed at 5:30 A.M., continuing until the normal objective had been attained. On October 9th, at 11:00 A.M. in compliance with orders from the 17th French Corps I turned over the command of the Brigade to the permanent Brigade commander, and resumed command of the 324th F. A. Separate report of the operation of the 158th F. A. Brigade from October 2nd to October 9th inclusive, has heretofore been rendered by me, to the 17th French Division and the 29th Division, and one copy retained in the records of the 158th F. A. Brigade. The Division Commander, 29th Division, personally assured me that he had heard nothing but praise for the artillery during these operations. During the 8th, the undersigned had caused reconnaissances to be made covering the routes through Samogneux, Cote des Roches and Brabant and had made arrangements for a move forward. On October 9th, the 1st Battalion, under Major Brice, was ordered to a position in the Cote des Roches, which it occupied between the Infantry advance lines, and the support. On the night of October lOth-llth, the undersigned established his P. C. at the Cote des Roches and the remaining two battalions moved into position there. A counter attack of the enemy was repulsed by artillery fire ; the infantry Brigade Comman- der reporting himself well pleased by results. The tasks assigned the battalions of the regiment during the 10th of October are shown in Appendix IV, and are a fair sample of the daily work of this Regiment. On the 11th the artillery remained in position perform- ing its functions as laid down in brigade operations orders with these additions: The enemy's fire having become exceedingly uncomfortable, at 14:52 Major Brice's bat- talion fired a barrage between points 54.22 and 64.23 at the rate of one round per gun per minute for five minutes REPORT OF OPERATIONS Al and Major Nash's battalion a barrage of five minutes between points 50.22 and 60.00 at the rate of 40 rounds per gun per hour, which was apparently successful in reducing the annoying batteries. At 15:48, message re- ceived from the infantry stating they were preparing to advance from 25 to 26, requesting preparation for barrage. Same was made but barrage not called for. Enemy activity above normal. From 12 M., 11th October to 12 M., 12th October the regiment fired 264 rounds at enemy batteries and cross roads for interdiction purposes. Enemy activity normal. Two (2) men in Battery A seriously wounded by explosion of enemy shrapnel, both died afterwards. From 12 M. October 12th to 12 M., October 13th, the enemy artillery was normal. Casual- ties, two men killed and three wounded. Two hundred and twenty four rounds fired by regiment, counter battery, harassing and retaliation fire. October 14th, the Division was preparing for an attack and the regiment fired harassing and retaliation fire. October 15th, the 29th division attacked (see Appendix V), supported by the regiment, which fired 5308 rounds on machine gun nests, road crossings ravines, dugouts and observatories. One casualty. Enemy artillery active. From 12 M. 15th October to 12 M. 16th October the regiment again supported an infantry attack, firing 2323 roimds of preparation, interdiction, harassing fire on cross roads, observation points, enemy trenches, dumps and machine gun nests. Infantry reported this fire as exceedingly effective especially on machine gun nests which were destroyed. From 12 M. 16th October to 12 M. 17th October, the regiment remained in position at Cote des Roches and fired 320 rounds on observation posts, roads and enemy trenches. Enemy activity nornaal. Some new trenches were being dug by the enemy, which were destroyed, direct observation being possible. From 12 M. 17th October to 12 M. 18th October,^ the enemy artillery was active and the regiment sustained 42 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY two casualties. It fired 554 rounds of interdiction and concentration fire on observation posts, roads and enemy trenches. The infantry was meeting with very stubborn resistance in the Grande Montague area and up to this time the total casualties in the 29th Division with whom we were working, were 85 officers and 3451 men, of whom 17 officers and 400 men were killed. From 12 M. October 18th to 12 M. 19th October, the r„egiment continued its interdiction and concentration on the roads, observation posts, trenches and camps, expend- ing a total of 524 rounds. From 12 M. October 19th to 12 M. 20th October, the regiment fired 600 rounds on observation posts, roads and fire for adjustment, using enemy barracks as targets with direct observation. The enemy artillery activity was normal with usual aeroplane reconnaissances and bom- bardment of our positions. From 12 M. October 20th to 12 M. October 21st, the regiment fired 730 rounds interdiction fire, on observation posts, roads, and adjustment. Enemy artillery activity normal. Orders were received for a combined attack of the 29th and 26th Divisions for the purpose of taking the ridge of the Bois d'Etrayes. See Appendix VI. The 29th was now so firmly established on Grand Montague in the face of bitter and obstinate resistance, that an opportunity presented itself for attacking in an easterly direction. The enemy was strongly fortified there, and supported by artillery, some of very high power. In a reconnaissance on this day I saw a large number of abandoned German trench mortars and stumbled on a German battery with three guns completely destroyed. It had apparently started to pull out, but it was too late. From 12 M. October 21st to 12 M. October 22nd. Fired 600 rounds at enemy observation posts. Hill 378, and an interdiction fire on roads while infantry was making disposition for attack. A regiment of light artillery belonging to the 26th Division came into position on three sides of the 324th F. A. and a battaUon of REPORT OF OPERATIONS 43 Infantry into the same position. The enemy artillery was very active. Aeroplane attack during the night. From 12 M. October 22nd to 12 M. October 23rd. Enemy artillery opened barrage at 5:00 A.M. Very heavy. The infantry, 29th and 26th Divisions attacked. The regiment fired 7729 rounds of preparation, accompanying, covering interdiction and concentrated harassing fire. The in- fantry supported reported casualties below normal, and aviators reported fire as accurate and effective. From 12 M. October 23rd to 12 M. October 24th. Continued harassing fire during the day, firing 675 rounds during this 24 hours. Five enemy planes flew over us about noon, and probably photographed our positions. The enemy aeroplanes had begun dropping German propaganda. From 12 M. October 24th to 12 M. October 25th. Fired 519 rounds on enemy areas. Enemy artillery active. Shell falling on P. C. and cutting all telephone wires, stopping communication for thirty minutes. From 12 M. October 25th to 12 M. October 26th. 626 rounds fired on enemy areas. Enemy artillery activity normal. From 12 M. October 26th to 12 M. October 27th. The infantry attacked to straighten line. Fired 670 rounds. Enemy active. Casualties one officer and three enlisted men. The permanent Brigade Commander having been sent to the hospital. Colonel Ashburn reassumed command of the brigade, per orders of the Division Commander. From 12 M. October 27th to 12 M. October 28th. In position at Cote des Roches up to 9:30 P. M. October 28th, when the first and second battalions withdrew successively, and marched, over a continuously shell swept road toward Bois de Cinq Freres. See Appendix VII. A regiment of artillery assigned to the 79th Division relieved these two battalions; the third battalion taking over the mission of the first and second. Major Brice in command of Regiment. The first and second battal- 44 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY ions, under Major Brice, reached Cinq Freres about 7 :00 A.M. The third battahon, Major Sackett command- ing, remained in position until about 10:00 P.M., October 29th, when, the relief of the 158th F. A. Brigade by the 52nd F. A. Brigade having been completed, it moved out to Bois de Cinq Freres under shell fire, and arrived there early the morning of the 30th. At 8:30 A.M. October 30th in compliance with orders from the 17th French Army Corps, Colonel T. Q. Ashburn, 324th F. A., turned over the command of the sector to the Commanding General, 52nd F. A. Brigade, and in accordance with telephonic instructions from the 29th Division, reported in person to the commanding general, 3rd Army Corps, for instructions, and was directed to move the brigade to the Bois de Montfaucon, reporting in person to the Commanding General, 32nd Division, for duty as divi- sional artillery. The regiment remained in position at Cinq Freres until 2 :00 P.M. 31st October, when it marched to the Bois de Madalainville, and bivouacked for the night. The Brigade Commander received orders to hurry up the artillery which was put in position in the Bois de Montfaucon supporting the 32nd Division, on the afternoon of November 1st. Colonel Ashburn reassumed command, turning over Brigade to permanent Brigade Commander. After reconnaissance the next day, the regiment was in readiness to proceed to Montfaucon, when orders were received to proceed to the Bois de Beuge and go into position there. Owing to the roads from Cierges being impassable, and the regiment arriving there at night, it bivouacked along the road, moving into position the next morning. There was normal enemy activity both in artillery and aeroplane. The regiment remained in position at the Bois de Beuge until November 5th, when orders were received to move forward beyond the Bois de^a^Pultiere.^ At 1 :00 A.M. November 6th, while leading" the regiment along the Nantillois-Cunel road, same being under shell fire. Colonel T. Q. Ashburn was the explosion REPORT OF OPERATIONS 45 of a shell, but continued to lead the regiment into its position. The regiment remained in position until 4:00 P.M. 9th November when it moved forward via Dun sur Meuse, closely supporting the 32nd infantry, and bivouacked along the road near Velosnes sur Meuse, between the Infantry advance guard and the main body. During the night bombing aeroplanes flew over the column, and there was intermittent artillery fire. At about 10:00 A.M. November 10th, the regiment moved forward, via Haraumont to the hills west of Ecurey and went into position under intense shell ^e. The enemy swept the road from Haraumont to Ecurey and the woods to the right (in which the regiment took position) in such a fashion that it was miraculous that a large percentage of men and guns were not lost. Leaving Velosnes, it had been impossible, due to exhaustion and lack of horses, to bring the second battalion in position. It was accordingly demobilized and all horses turned over to the first and third battalions. Orders having been given for attack on the morning of November 11th, the regiment went into action at 6:30 A.M. and continued the attack until 7 :25 A.M., when I was directed to cease firing as an armistice had been declared. 235 rounds of preparation and covering fire were delivered. Later in the morning I was ordered to deliver 8 rounds each on the following villages: Vittarville, Dombras, Delut and Dombley, as retaliation for enemy firing into Ecurey after the attack had been halted. This fire was delivered and completed at 10:25 A.M. and was as far as the undersigned is aware, the last shots fired delivered by any unit in the 32nd Division during the war. The regiment remained in bivouac in the Bois de Ecurey until 2:00 P.M., November 16th, cleaning up, getting re- equipped, etc., when it started on the march to the Rhine, arriving at Jametz about 10:00 P.M. At 8:00 A.M. the next day, it started to march to St. Jean, where the Regiment billeted for the night. From St. Jean the regiment marched to Villers la Chevres, France, 46 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY where it remained in billets till the 19th, when it crossed the Luxembourg border and billeted at Petagne. From Petagne, the regiment marched to, and billeted at Kirch- burg, and thence via Romaine Strasse into Hostert, where it billeted. From Hostert, the regiment marched to Budeler and Bruch, where they were billeted in barns and such accommodations until December 1st, when it crossed into Germany over the Sauer River at Echternacht, about 11:00 A.M., billeting at Irrel, Germany. Up to the time the regiment reached Budeler and Bruch, Luxembourg, there had been, and continued to be, a serious shortage of rations for men, clothing, and forage for animals. From the time we entered Germany grain and forage could be requisitioned, and animals got enough to eat. The ration and clothing situation im- proved likewise, but I doubt if any heavy artillery had quite as strenuous a march, under such unfavorable con- ditions, as that made by this regiment. The march into Kirchburg was exceedingly trying, and at the end of it there was a tremendous steep hill to climb, and a very long one. The regiment did not negotiate it until early in the morning and the men bivouacked in the open, to a large extent. It was bitter cold, and horses and men suffered greatly. Going out of Hostert the road was almost straight down hill, and covered with ice. It was necessary to take all horses except one team, off each vehicle, to block the wheels with chains, and take as many men as could work on the guns and prolonges, to hold them back. Dozens of horses slipped and fell, (there were no calks in their shoes, nor could we get any), and several very serious accidents were narrowly averted. Leaving Irrel, Germany, the regiment proceeded to Ober and Nieder Stedem, where it bivouacked, leaving the next day at 8:00 A.M. via Bitberg and Erdorf, into Badem, over a road pronounced impracticable by the engineers, but negotiated by the regiment with less trouble than the one into Kirchburg, or out of Hostert. Remained two days billeted at Badem, and marched from REPORT OF OPERATIONS 47 there to Manderscheid; arriving there 4th December about 11:00 P.M. Here was a march of about 35 kilo- meters, with a precipitous descent into a deep valley, and a climb out the other side at the end of a 30 kilometer march. A convoy of trucks, about 60, cut in ahead of the regiment via a crossroad forbidden to us, and con- tinued for hoiu's to slide off the road and delay us, requir- ing us at least six hours to negotiate a distance ordinarily covered in two hours. It was exceedingly dark and dangerous, owing to the abrupt hairpin curves, but the regiment arrived without accident. The next A. M. at 8:00 the regiment moved through Daun and Dockwiler into Dreis, where it bivouacked; most of the men and all of the horses spending the night in the mud and the rain. The regiment left Dreis at 6:30 A.M. marching directly up a very steep and tiresome hill, arriving at its destina- tion, Kelberg, at 11:00 A.M. only to find it still occupied by parts of two regiments and an ammunition train. As soon as they cleared the regiment billeted, and remained there until 8 :00 A.M. the 9th December when it marched via Boos to Kurrenburg, where the regiment arrived in excellent shape. From Kurrenburg, the Regiment marched via Mayen to Ochtendung, Germany, where it billeted till December 13th, marching on that day via Bassenheim Reubenach, to Mulheim, where it billeted. At 8:00 A.M. December 14th the Regiment crossed the Rhine via the Crown Prince William Bridge, and the second and third battaUons billeted at Sayn, while the first marched on to Kleine Maischeid, and went into permanent billets, about 25 killometers north of Coblenz. On the 15th the second battalion proceeded to Brejtenau and the third to Ruscheid for permanent billets, while the Headquarters Company and Supply billeted at Kausen. These dispositions were maintained until December 28th when conditions of overcrowding, and danger of disease became so acute that the following redistribution was made, remaining in effect up to the close of the year, 48 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 1918: First Battalion and Battery B Kleine Maischeid, Supply Co., Kleine Maischeid; Regimental Headquarters, Headquarters Company and Battery A, Grosse Mais- cheid: Third Battalion Headquarters, Batteries E and F, remained at Ruscheid; D Battery moved to Kausen; Second Battalion Headquarters and Battery C, Breitenau. The billets are now comfortable and men better housed than at any time since we entered the line. Attention is invited to the fact that from the time this regiment started, September 23rd, 1918, to the cessation of war, November 11th, 1918, it was either actually on the firing line, marching to change positions, or in reserve under shell fire; that it never actually had 24 hours of that time even in comparative safety; and that it marched to the Rhine and across it, winning commenda- tion for both its fighting and marching ability wherever it was. Although the casualties were comparatively small, considering the task accomplished, the difficulties met and overcome, that was due, I firmly believe, largely to the preponderance and skill of our artillery; a large share of luck, and Divine protection. It will ever be a source of congratulation to everyone present that we were not annihilated in our positions at the Cote des Roches, east of the Meuse, where some of the bitterest fighting of the war occurred; and that we did not suffer severely at other places, especially in the Bois de Ecurey. The esprit of the regiment is unsurpassed and officers and men rest in the proud consciousness of duty well done. T. Q. ASHBURN, Col. 324th F. A., U. S. A,\ Commanding. < b: S ^ I I— > n sa hi en ffi o O I* O I — I ,_, CO »3 ^ O H 2 W o « f cr o to w CO O H O W K O w -!^ -~*3k^ ^ X r-t o> i-l •» W H »o pj H n g H > O ^ ^ H o t3 H n H Q CO M o n ^ pi3 ^ W P H EH < O g >^ o O en , ^ O ^ ■^ o p^ o F^ ■^ § ^ t3 +-> 1— 1 "q u o n 0) Eh a < «j ^ l-H 1— H o OJ <5 c as M a o i^ «i< o REPORT OF OPERATIONS 57 APPENDIX VI SECRET Headquarters 29th Division American Expeditionary Forces France Field Orders, No. 22. EXTRACT Maps : Verdun — B Special 17th A. C. Special 29th Div. 20 October 18—23:30 o'clock. 1/20,000. 1/10,000. 1/10,000. I. A combined attack by the 29th and 26th Divisions will be made on D day, at H hour, with the purpose of taking the ridge of the Bois D'Etrayes. II. The possession by the 29th Division of the Grande MoNTAGNE gives an opportunity for attacking in an easterly direction. Consequently the 29th Division and the adjoining element of the 26th Division will both attack facing east from the present sector Grande MONTAGNE. III. Zone of Action and Objectives (see attached map). VIII. For use of the artillery, see Artillery Plan. 2. Barrage plans will conform to the above infantry time table. 3. To each infantry regiment will be assigned one 1 attery of 75' s. 4. The artillery preparation will start at H minus 45 minutes. sic sfe sic ds ^c sts sic «{c sic Morton, Major General. 58 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY APPENDIX VII 158th F. a. Brigade A. E. F. 28th October, 1918. 15:00 o'clock. Field Order, No. 15. Maps: Verdun— B \ 1/20,000. Region de Verdun J 1/50,000. I. The 52nd F. A. Brigade (79th I. D., U. S.) will relieve the 158th F. A. Brigade on the nights of the 28th-29th and 29th-30th October. II. Units move and take new stations as follows: 1. Night 28th-29th: (a) 11/324 at 21 :30 move out toward Samogneux, at 22:00 head of column passes fork 54.60. (6) 1/324 at 22:00 move out toward Samogneux and proceed to destination following 11/324. (c) Caissons, 324th, I and II Bns. in one column follow guns of 1/324, joining column at cross roads 57.56. (d) 11/324 at 22:00 move out via Brabant and Samogneux, following caissons 324. (e) 1/323 at 22:30 move out via Brabant and Samogneux following 11/322. (/) Caissons 11/322, 1/323 at 22:00 move out in one column from Cote du Talou via Marre and Charney to Remy Pr^ near Thierville where fill and by routes above assigned to Battalions to destination of regiments. (g) One rolling kitchen per battalion, water carts and ration carts. Regimental Headquarters 324th REPORT OF OPERATIONS 59 F. A. and Battalion Headquarters of all Battalions will accompany the guns of their respective units. Regimental Commanders will order the movement to new billets of a minimum of the transportation of the Supply Companies with one day's rations and forage. (h) Batteries will move closed up. Distances between batteries, 25 meters; between battalions, 50 meters. Mounted men will march in these open spaces to forbid their being filled by infiltration from side roads. They are left solely for convenience of faster passing transportation. These men will also serve to maintain these distances and act as route markers in case of delay of rear elements. 2. Remainder of all supply companies will move by most convenient routes to new billets, in sections of not more than 5 vehicles, beginning at daybreak October 29th. 3. Further movements on 29th and 30th will be subject of a later order. III. (a) Each regiment, battalion and battery will leave an officer with its replacing unit for 24 hours after its departure. (b) No ammunition will be carried from positions. Caissons will start empty and refill at dumps noted in Il-l-e and f . (c) Telephone operators, with their instruments will be left in their present positions until relieved by operators of the 52nd Brigade or by order of the Commanding General 52nd Brigade. (d) All observation posts will be turned over to new units before move October 29th. IV. Continuance of Mission: (a) No battery will move pieces from firing positions until notification is received from the Regimental 60 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Commander that its mission has been taken over by another unit. (6) Arrangements will be carefully made by appro- priate commanders after conference, when necessary, with corresponding officers of the 52nd Brigade to effect the following transfer of mission : At or before 21:30 Missions of 1/324 and 11/324 to III/324 in addition to its proper mission. At or before 22:00— L Mission of 11/322 to 1/322. 2. Mission of 1/323 to 11/323. At earliest possible hour when Battalion comman- ders shall signify readiness, accumulated missions of 1/322 and 11/323 will be turned over to 11/104 and 1/105 respectively and accumulated missions of III/324 will similarly be turned over to 106th F. A. (c) Notification of transfer of mission will be im- mediately telephoned to Brigade Headquarters. By order of Colonel Ashburn. A. L. Richmond, Captain F. A., Operating Officer, Il-l-a — 11/324 Route Bras, Verdun, Casernes, Bexaux, Haudainville, Dieue, Ancemont, to Bois Cinq Freres. (6) 1/324 Route as for 11/324. (c) Caissons 11/324. 1/324 proceed to destination empty. (d) 11/322 Route Bras, Verdun, Regret, Baleicourt, Bois la Ville to Camp Gallene. (e) 1/323 Route — Bras, Verdun, Regret, Baleicourt, Bois la Ville to Bois Claude. REPORT OF OPERATIONS 61 II. 1, (a) 11/324 Route Bras, Montgrigon, Thierville, Glorieux, Dugny, Ancemont to Bois Cinq Freres. (6) 1/324 as for 11/324. (c) Caissons, 11/324, 1/324 proceed to destination empty. (d) 11/322 Route— Bras, Montgrigon, Thierville, Glorieux, Regret, Baleicourt, Bois la Ville, to Camp Gallene. (e) 1/323 Route — Bras, Montgrigon, Thierville, Glorieux, Regret, Baleicourt, Bois la Ville to Bois Claude. III/324 moved night of 29th-30th October per verbal instructions delivered by me in person. TQA Note. — Colonel Ashburn, under orders from the French Corps Commander, remained in command at the sector until the 158th Brigade was entirely withdrawn, and the 52nd Brigade was entirely settled. MEMBERS OF THE 324TH F. A. CITED IN GENERAL ORDERS BY THE FRENCH AND AWARDED THE CROIX DE GUERRE Col. T. Q. Ashburn. Lieut. Col. James A. Brice. Capt. E. E. Norton. Capt. J. M. Lewis. Capt. Nathaniel W. Kirkpatrick. 1st Lieut. James L. Thompson. Sgt. Frank M. Anderson, Headquarters Co. Corp. John Paul Jones, Headquarters Co. Lieut. Andre Weiner, 106th F. A., Arm^e Frangaise. 63 May 14th, 1918. CASUALTIES AND LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE 324TH F. A., HONORABLY KILLED OR WOUNDED IN ACTION Killed in Action 1st Lieut. William H. Abele, Supply Company, killed in action near Samogneux at 11:30 A.M., October 27th, 1918. Pvt. Ernie Moyers, 2434914, Battery ^^B," killed in action near Samogneux at 10:30 A.M., Oct. 13th, 1918. Pvt. Calvin R. Overholser, 1955612, Battery ^^D," killed in action near Samogneux at 3:00 P.M. Oct. 13th, 1918. Wounded in Action Col. T. Q. Ashburn, Commanding Regiment, slightly wounded in action while midway between Nantillois and Cunel, France, at 1:00 A.M., Nov. 6th, 1918. Pvt. Howard Gatewood, 2890032, Battery ^^A,'' seriously wounded in action near Samogneux at 2:00 P.M., Oct. 12th, 1918. Pvt. Hiram C. S. Thompson, 2481049, Battery ^^A," seriously wounded in action near Samogneux at 2:30 P.M., Oct. 12th, 1918. Pvt. Bryan L. Bennett, 1553814, Battery ''A, " seriously wounded in action near Samogneux at 9:00 A.M., Oct. 13th, 1918. Cook Arthur C. Miesse, 1954908, Battery ^' A,'' sHghtly wounded in action near Parois at 1:15 P.M., Oct. 2nd, 1918. 65 66 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Pvt. Pearl Perry, 1955363, Battery ^^C," seriously wounded in action at Hesse Woods, near Parois at 9:30 A.M., Oct. 1st, 1918. Pvt. Clyde D. Livingston, 1955591, Battery ^^D," accidentally killed at 3 :00 P.M. at Bruch, Luxemburg. Pvt. Oscar Wellington, 1641226, Battery '^D,'' slightly wounded in action near Samogneux at 9:23 A.M. Oct. 13th, 1918. Pvt. Dean Hammond, 1955572, Battery ^^D," slightly wounded in action near Samogneux at 9:00 A.M. Oct. 13th, 1918. Pvt. Adrian L. Evans, 1955855, Battery ^^E," slightly wounded in action near Samogneux at 11:30 A.M. Oct. 27th, 1918. Pvt. Phillip Stein, 1955835, Battery ^^E," slightly wounded in action near Samogneux at 1:130 A.M. Oct. 27th, 1918. Wagoner Edward C. Newman, 1955821, Battery '^E," seriously wounded in action near Samogneux at 11:30 A.M. Oct. 27th, 1918. 1st CI. Mus. Carl A. Wintzer, 1954704, Headquarters Co., slightly wounded in action near Samogneux at 10:30 A.M. Oct. 15th, 1918. 2nd CI. Mus. Charles B. Dickinson, 1954721, Headquar- ters Co., slightly wounded in action near Samogneux, time unknown, Oct. 18th, 1918. Pvt. Andrew Keen, 1954372, Det. Med. Dept. slightly wounded in action near Samogneux at 2:30 P.M., Oct. 18th, 1918. DIED FROM WOUNDS OR DISEASE Members of the 324th F. A., Who Have Died From Wounds or Disease Bennett, Bryan L Pvt. Cironak, Joseph Pvt. Crawford, Orville I Wag. Culver, Earl B Sgt. Frantz, Hugh H Pvt. Gatewood, Howard Pvt. Heintz, Carl J Mech. Henn, Frank J Pvt. Hinkle, Charles E Pvt. Hoye, Lawrence Pvt. Livingston, Clyde D Pvt. Looney, Charles E Pvt. McCue, John J Pvt. McLean, Ray L Corp. Reicheneder, George Pvt. 1 Reinhard, James L Corp. Schulte, Walter J Corp. Thompson, Hiram C. S Pvt. Vinson, George L Pvt. Weikert, Roy Pvt. Wright, Harry G Pvt. ICl. CI. Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Hdqr's. Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery ''A" Co. ccQ,y 67 ROSTER OF THE 324th F. A. Containing the names, numbers, and addresses of all men who ever belonged to the regiment. May 21st, 1919. ROSTER OF OFFICERS OF THE 324th F. A. Name and Home Address Rank Field and Staff {Present) Ashburn, T. Q., Batavia, O (Regular Army) Colonel, Commanding Sackett, Walter M., Fredonia, N. Y Major Roderus, Fred C, Woodsdale, Wheeling, W. Va Capt., Personnel Officer Norton, Edward E., 1473 Hopkins Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. . . Capt., Adjutant Bacon, Louis A., 7 Lafayette Court, Indianapolis, Ind Capt. Millet, Aime F., c/o Mr. Alfred F. Saurel Capt. De Wolfe, Howard R., Oyster Bay, L. I Capt., Ordnance Officer, U. S. A. Hess, George V., Hubbard, O Ist Lt. Skardon, Kenneth B., 321 Rice St., Springfield, 1st Lt. Field and Staff {Transferred) Nash, Richard P., Euclid Hts., Cleveland, O Major Brice, James A., 53 Hobart Ave., Summit, N. J. . . (Reg. Army) Lt. Col. Roth, Edward, Jr., New Bedford, Mass (Regular Army) Major Roemer, Theodore M., Box 324, Coalinga, Cal Capt. James, EUery S., 735 Park Ave., New York, N. Y Capt. Morse, Harry L., 43 Richwood St., West Roxbury, Mass Lt. Col. Ohnstad, Jacob, c/o A. A. O., Washington, D. C. . (Reg. Army) Major Biscoe, Earl, c/o A. A. O., Washington, D. C — (Reg. Army) Major Headquarters Company {Present) Coombe, Harry E., Park Ave., Cincinnati, O Capt. Kirkpatrick, Nathaniel W., Dayton, O Capt., Telephone Officer Derivan, Harry J., Vienna, 1st Lt. Thompson, James L., 1912 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1st Lt. Reconnaissance Officer Cunningham, Lawrence M., Fairmont, W. Va 1st Lt. Case, Mourton D., 1783 Lockwood Ave., East Cleveland, O. 2nd Lt. Horning, Aloyd W., 709 E. 93rd St., Cleveland, 2nd Lt. Viall, George K., Painesville, 2nd Lt. Schaefer, Harry P., Box 421, Cisco, Texas 2nd Lt. 71 72 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Rank Headquarters Company (Transferred) Fullerton, Howard I., Greenville, 1st Lt. Hersman, Romie D., Spencer, W. Va 2nd Lt. Hornickle, Frank L., 560 Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, O. . . 2nd Lt. Koehnline, Irvin J., Bridgeport, 1st Lt., Radio Officer McDougle, Robert B., Parkersburg, W. Va 1st Lt. Markliam, Samuel S., Central Ave., Dayton, 2nd Lt. Turpin, Edward S., Bastrop, La 1st Lt. Supply Company (Present) Haggard, Barton J., Kingman Blvd., Des Moines, la Capt., Supply Officer Ford, Emmett B., 1261 First St., Louisville, Ky 1st Lt. Smith, RoUo G., 322 Nasby Bldg., Toledo, 2nd Lt. Warner, Dean G., New Philadelphia, 2nd Lt. Supply Company (Transferred) Lawrence, Reuben B., Buffalo, N. Y Capt. Supply Company (Killed in Action) Abele, W. 'H 1st Lt. Battery "A" (Present) Lewis, Joseph M., Owensboro, Ky Capt. Heisler, Charles L., 2513 Wisconsin Ave., Washington, D. C. 1st Lt. Wright, Neil, 2243 Francis Lane, Cincinnati, 1st Lt. Stewart, John S., Struthers, 2nd Lt. Battery ''A" (Transferred) Wright, Clifford R., Union Trust Co., Cincinnati, O Capt. Cromwell, WiUiam F., 627 State St., Frankford, Ky 2nd Lt. Battery "B" (Present) Limbach, Roy F., Massillon, 1st Lt. Beach, Raymond W., Ashland, 1st Lt. Carpenter, John W., 11115 Bellflower Rd., Cleveland, O 1st Lt. Stair, Edward, York, Pa 2nd Lt. Battery *'B" (Transferred) Post, Audley M., 1825 Roxbury Rd., E. Cleveland, O Capt. Brennan, William J., Kingwood, W. Va. . . . i Capt, ^ Battery "C" (Present) Kennedy, David F., New Castle, Pa Capt. Harsh, Curtis M., 804 S. 8th St., Fargo, N. Dak 1st Lt. Schmidt, Robert D., 1509 Alameda Ave., Lakewood, 1st Lt. Feldman, Arthur J.. 1878 E. 86th St., Lakewood, 2nd Lt. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 73 Name and Home Address Rank Battery "C" {Transferred) Russell, William H., 1356 N. Broadway, Knoxville, Tenn. . . 1st Lt. Battery "D" (Present) Fitton, Donald W., Hamilton, O Capt. Palmer, Russell L., 825 Yale Ave., Akron, O Ist Lt. Bevington, Ralph B., 741 Carpenter St., Akron, 1st Lt. Crego, George S., 10710 Deering St., Cleveland, 2nd Lt. Battery '*D** (Transferred) Richmond, Alfred L., Nashua, N. H Major Rowe, George W., Wheeling, W. Va Ist Lt. Battery "E" (Present) Niece, Norman L., Hartford City, Ind Ist Lt. Harvey, Robert B., Hartford City, Ind 2nd Lt. Fuller, Delbert 0., Liberty, Maine 2nd Lt. Battery "E" (Transferred) Morse, Howard B., West Roxbury, Mass Capt. Wilmerding, Charles H., 953 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 1st Lt. Battery "F" (Present) McCaw, Thomas W., Denison, O Capt. Stuts, George H., De Graff, 1st Lt. Arnold, Jesse L., Moundsville, W. Va 2nd Lt. Pharaoh. Frank H., 1117 W. Tiago St., Philadelphia, Pa.. . . 2nd Lt. Battery "F" (Transferred) Walker, Ben S., Columbia, Missouri Capt. Medical Detachment (Present) Byrne, John F., 4815 Pine St., Norwood, O Major Hutton, Francis B., Jr., Abington, Va Capt. Walker, Herbert P., Clarion, Iowa Capt. Giesenhoner, Albert L., Wilmington, Del Capt. Osborn, Dean H., Mount Pleasant, Iowa 1st Lt. Toole, Vincent J., 106 E. Morrell St., Jackson, Mich Chaplain 74 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Rank Medical Detachment (Transferred) Alexander, Willis S., Ridgely, Tenn Capt. Gumey, Edward B., 308 Fourth St., Joliet, 111 1st Lt. Hogan, John M., Cincinnati, 1st Lt. Keselring, Ormsby, Dayton, O Capt. Lancer, Thomas F., 907 E. 175th St., New York, N. Y Major Langell, Dudly B., 1431 Wyandot Ave., Lakewood, 1st Lt. Mikolanda, Otto, Lorain, Capt. Rankin, William, Keokuk, Iowa Major Shawecker, Kenneth E., Dover, O Capt. Schultz, William C, 765 Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis.. . . 2nd Lt. Tatum, Ira J., Gleason, Tenn Capt. Thomas, Benjamin, Lake Crystal, Minn 2nd Lt. Ordnance Detachment (Transferred) DeWolf, Howard R., Chillicothe. O Capt. Lafean, Stuart, York, Penna. Capt. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 324th F. A. (HEAVY) Enlisted Men Name and Home Address Ableggen, Leroy L., 703 Seneca Ave., Alliance, O. Adams, William C, RFD 2, Springfield, O. Alderman, Delmar P., Killbuck, O. Anderson, Frank M., Urbana, O. Anderson, Thomas A., 251 S. Oakland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Andrews, James, 22 Freemon St., Springfield, O. Auch, David M., 196 Mulberry St., Chillicothe, O. Bahr, Vernon E., 501 E. Middle St.. Wapakoneta, O. Bedell, Cecil L., RED 9, Urbana, O. Bennett, Cecil A., Westerville, O. Bennett, Earl W., RED 6, Springfield, O. Bennett, William, West Brownsville, Pa. Black, Wm., 1311 Clinton Ave., New York City. Bletch, Wilbur A., 4105 Riverside Ave., Cleveland, O. Bowdle, Alva A., 2427 S. 9th St., Ironton, O. Bower, Joseph F., 534 Grove St., Columbus, O. Bowers, Alfred H., RED 2, Springfield, O. Brady, James W., 121 Railroad St., Newark, O. Bricker, Clarence A., Columbus, O. Briggs, Otto L., 468 Oak St., Columbus, 0. Brink, George A., 155 Dale Ave., Cambridge Springs, Pa. Broadstone, Charles G., 632 Boyce St., Urbana, Ohio Broockerman, Guy L., West Mansfield, O. Brown, Clare A., RED 7, Springfield, O. Buckley, George D., North Court St., Circleville, O. Burdick, Frank, 632 Thompson St., Saginaw, Mich. Burks, Arthur L., R. D. No. 2, Springfield, O. Bums, Blaise S., Main St., Salineville, O. Chiesa, Donnett A., 6 Silver St., Wapakoneta, O. Claesges, William L., 149 Hoover St., Newark, O. Clark, Paul H., 120 E. Main St., Junction City, O. Clifford, Dennis, 127 East Clark St., Springfield, O. Coberly, Richard J., 864 East Main St., Springfield, O. Cohen, Nathan, 496 W. 7th St., Columbus, O. Cole, Guy C, RED 3, Clay, Ky. Collins, Thomas L., 920 Oak St., Springfield, O. Cook, Herbert C, 133 E. Suthern Ave., Springfield, O. Cook, Walter F., 257 S. Plum St., Springfield, O. Comwell, Edward, 1417 S. Center St., Springfield, O. Cornetet, James P., 203 New Hayden Bldg., Columbus, 0. Cornish, George V., North Eaton, O. 75 76 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Corson, Alva F., South Charleston, O. Cory, Campbell L., 232 W. College Ave., Springfield, O. Cosgrove, Kevin T., 579 W. 180th St., New York City Couch, Edgar F., 58 S. 3rd St., Newark, O. Craig, Chauncey D., 307 Scioto St., Urbana, O. Creviston, Louie D., North Lewisburg, O. Cunningham, William R., Hartzell Ave., Niles, O. Daubert, Orland C, 100 E. Oakland Ave., Columbus, O. Davidson, Charles, 115 W. Pleasant St., Springfield, O. Davis, Homer, Dayton Ave., Springfield, O. Davis, Ralph W., R. D. No. 3, Urbana, O. Dawson, Earl M., 12916 Beechwood Ave., Cleveland, O. Desrochers, Ernest N., 829 N. Underwood St., Fall River, Mass. Detrick, Elwood W., North Hampton, O. Dick, Frank, Wampum, Pa. Donahue, Henry P., 1511 W. Pleasant St., Springfield, O. Donahue, Joseph A., 341 E. 141st St., New York City Doty, Lester I., 332 Virginia Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Dunevant, Alton O., 210 Eastern Ave., Dayton, O. Eberhard, Roy D., Johnstown, O. Eckurd, Charles L., RFD 3, New CarHsle, O. Eichelberger, Robt. L., 825 N. Main St., Urbana, O. ElUott, Alfred W., Galloway, O. ElKott, Samuel C, RFD 6, Urbana, O. Emery, Daniel W., Galloway, O. Emory, William O., Mechanicsburg, O. Evans, Marion F., RFD 8, Delaware, O. Evelsizor, Clarence C, RFD 8, Urbana, O. Evers, Edward D., 611 Hayley Ave., Napoleon, O. Ferris, John F., 381 N. Central Ave., Delaware, O. Feucht, Walter J., RFD 1, Newtown, O. Fleming, Forrest W., RFD 3, Newark, O. Fleming, Michael R., 553 E. Columbia St., Springfield, O. Fogt, Leo C, South St., Anna, O. Ford, Charles S., Rosewood, O. Forrest, Cecil, Lilly Chapel, O. Francis, Everett R., 206 Granville St., Newark, O. Gainor, John J., 493 N. 4th St., Newark, O. Gannon, Earl M., 7 Hennesy Ave., Springfield, O. Geron, Frank E., RFD 9, Springfield, O. Geunther, Fred, RFD 1, Hubbard Lake, Mich. Gillespie, William J., 2152 West 104th St., Cleveland, O. Gold, Harry L., 461 E. Fulton St., Columbus, O. Goldsmith, Clarence R., 3256 Burnett Ave., Cincinnati, O. Green, James E., Cumberland, O. Gulick, Charles A., 216 S. Locust St., Urbana, O. Harber, Nicholas, 625 Park Ave., Youngstown, O. Hardin, Dorance E., RFD 8, Delaware, O. Harris, Earl R., RFD 1, Lockbourne, O. Hatton,Harry R., 196 S. 5th St., Newark, O. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 77 Name and Home Address Heaston, Harry, 231 Wallace St., Marion, O. Herren, Raymond L., Huntsville, O. Hook, Fred H., Hicksville, O. Homung, Richard B., 408 Wilson St., Newark, O. Houser, Claude D., 19 W. Lincoln St., Columbus, O. Hull, Alonzo E., 130 Maholm St., Newark, O. Hundred, Paul F., Midway, O. lies, Gerald M., Batavia, O. ' Jamieson, Donald G., Batavia, 0. Johnston, Howard T., 222 College St., Piqua, O. Jones, Raymond W., 136 Elmwood Ave., Newark, O. Kesler, Joseph H., RFD 6. Springfield, O. Kiely, Francis M., 49 Vine St., Newark, O. King, Fay L., N. 4th St., Savana, 111. Klein, John L., 168 Boylston St., Newark, O. Knaub, Edward E., RFD 11, Springfield, O. Knight, William, Jr., 1618 W. Pleasant St., Springfield, O. Larcari, Emile A., 6903 Manchester Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Legge, Lawrence B., 332 Elmwood Ave., Newark, O. Lehman, Emmett G., Lima St., Forrest, O. Limpert, Earl W., 422 E. Main St., Montpelier, O. Linkinhoker, Charles A., 1310 W. JefiFerson St., Springfield, O. Long, Alfred A., 2426 Deming Ave., Columbus, O. Lookabaugh, Charles D., South Charleston, O. Ludwig, Bennett E., 1173 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. Lutz, Hubert E., 320 Buttles Ave., Columbus, O. Lyman, Oscar L., 410 W. Market St., Tiffin, O. Lyon, Charles E., High Gate, Vt. , MacDonald, WilUam F., 1211 Michigan Ave., Evanston, 111. McClean, Herman W., 64 S. Union St., London, O. McGovern, Eugene L., 205 N. Jackson St., Butte, Mont. McGuff, Michael J., 402 W. State St., Springfield, O. McLean, Hector W., 799 Lockbourn Rd., Columbus, O. McQuade, Albert P., New Straitsville, O. McQuaid, John P., South Columbus St., Somerset, O. Matthews, Ralph, 313 Pearl St., Lima, O. Mayer, Neil, 417 N. 11th St., Newark, O. Milhollin, Paul C, 1116 Oak St., Springfield, O. Miller, Earl H., Houston, O. Miller, Homer W., R. D. No. 2, Columbus, O. Miller, John L., 1608 Clifton Ave., Springfield, O. Mischler, Walter P., 532 Boyce St., Urbana, O. Mitchell, John, 293 E. Mound St., Columbus, O. Moles, Howard L., 213 S. Main St., Urbana, O. Monahan, William J., 372 Morrison Ave., Columbus, 0. Moore, Abe, 1635 E. 73rd St., Cleveland, O. Moore, Alfred, Sedalia, O. Morris, Walter W., 735 Buckeye Ave., Wellsville, O. Moultney, Michael A., 339 Chestnut Ave., Springfield, O. Muth, John T., 112 Beach St., Urbana, O. 78 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Norling, Victor. 940-1 Ft. Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. O'Neili, James R.. 451 E. High St., Springtiold, O. Panageotopnlos, Coustantine, ^65 Limestone St., Springfield, O. Paulin. Otto H., 8S71 W. Slih St., Cleveland. O. Perry, Henry J., 1507 Garfield Ave., Canton, 0. Price, Karl D., 1143 Harrison Ave., Columbus, 0. Proctor, Arthur M., Alexandria, O. Qualman. Burton H., ii^ Depot St., Port Clinton, 0. Rait, ^\iniam K., 160 Eighth St.. Zanesville, O. Reagen. Zeno E., 375 S. Mill St., Lexington, Ky. Rhines, Donald E., Edgewood, Iowa Rhoades, Raymond R., i\5 S. ^Yall St., Covington, O. Ritnour, George A., RED 'i. South Solon, O. Robinson, Harold J., 87 Casgrain Ave., Detroit, Mich. Routzahn, John C, 1^4 ^Y. Washington St., Springfield, O. Russell, Joseph M., 008 Passyunk Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Russell, Martin B., Somerset, O. Ryan, James D., 4^2 E. 4th St., Greenville, O. Sachs, John ^Y., )i67 Hudson Ave., Newark, O. Santache, Antone V., 5210 Miamia St., Leavenworth, Kansas Saunders, LeRoy R., Kensington Hotel, Cleveland, O. Sawver, Elwood E., 330 W. tJth St., Marysville, O. Schaeffer, Carl H., $52 Crosby St., Akron, O. Schaller, George L., 11 Maholm St., Newark, O. Schneider, Norman J., 3188 ^Y. StJtli St., Cleveland. O. Seely, Charles M., Burwick, Pa. Shatto. ^Yalte^, RED No. 4, l^rbana, O. Sides, Virgil S., 201 S. Light St., Springfield, O. Silvers, Perrv, South Vienna, O. Slisher, John P., 196 Oak St., Columbus, O. Smith, Christopher I., Crooksville, O. Smith. Clarence M.. 5U Vine St., Springfield, O. Smith. Clarence E., 4th St., Newport, Pa. Smith, John W., 246 Broadway, Youngstown, O. Smith, Sterling S., 413 Mintor Ave., Painesville, O. Smitli, >Yalter L., Otway, O. Smith, William R., 1205 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Souders, John F., 24 E. Grand Ave., Springfield, O. Sparrow, Earl W., 718 W. Main St., Springfield, O. Sprague, Sanford B., 747 Oakwood Ave., Columbus, O. Steed, Elva A., R. R. 4, Richwood, O. Stokes, Alfred M., 1119 Innesf alien Ave., Springfield, O. Stokes, Archibald, 1119 Innesf alien Ave., Springfield, O. Stolzenbach, Henry B., 1452 Cleveland Ave., Canton, O. Suthern, Paul R., Negley, O. Taylor, Asa R.. R. R. 9, Lima, O. Taylor, Charles H., 555 Sherman Ave., Springfield, O. Taylor, Edgar S., Westville, O. Taylor, John F., RED 5, London, O. Taylor, Lawrence R., St. Paris, p. v KOl^'llAi. ()l y/Z^'ni lllAA) AU:il\AA''AiY 79 Name anu IUjmk, AuDnLHH T<'.nU:r St., Colurnfjuii, O. Tliorp*:, Jolin M., 440 S. A/rh St., Allmn/:<:, (). '\'.v/«-ll K.. Ii;j.>.t.rr.i>, L;t. Tynon, l'«:rij;ifriirj if., 01 fJ W. Ahh St., i'iqua, O. Van [)cA.k, Jtolanri, '£50 T'uiiiA*: St., J'ab-.rHon, N. J. V^-t.}), Carl K., 704 S. l«t St., Columf>ij«, O. VioWrt, Art/trnijM, .M«-/;harii';Kfiijrj^, O. Vo^«:l, Jtoy, :^00/i j/:fnp Av«;., St. IxjuU, Mo. Waifj«-I. Kl/rxrr H., r>004 Stor*t Ave., CIcvcIan'J, O. Wani. Alf>«trt iO.. WcNtvillr-,. r>. War Vorn-ny Ave, .VJuskt^gon, Mich. Warn:n, J<-rry Jv, \'H) N. i«al><-.IN; St., Sprinj/fi'-Jd, O. W«:i?ihj«;t, A»Jaf/j ]'., 1\ Jiri'lj/<-, St., Covington, O. W<:ImJi, John .M., 1^6 K. ilij/h St., \a>w\ '^♦••. Cincinnati, 0.1 Williainw^n. John A., 070:^> Wade Park Ave, Clcvehind, O. Win^jcr, Raymond !>., Ain'ry, Wi»c. Woodarrl. i.ow«-ll II.. ."..'; W. .Main St., Newark, O. Wo'jflriiir, Stanley !>., 07 i>«-.w«:y Ave., Newark, ().* Wrij/ht, i/;nirt R., 001 Cottag<: Ave., Anderfion, Ind. Wright, Willi.-un A., \Ul) 2,'Ohhorn, O. HEADQUARTERS r;OMPANY, 324TJf F. A. fUEAVY) May ]7th, 1919. Tfi(i followinj^ is a lint of man discharged from Ifrjadquarters Company, :V24ih F. A. f Hr;avy; : Bean, RoKcoe, Springfield, O iJisehar^/ed Oct. 10/17 Harnliart, .Mankin (/., Sfjrin^^field, O J>ihf.}jar^^ed .f^iri. 0/18 IJohe, Clendon Jv, North Hampton, O i>i-!f:har^y;d Jan. 5t2/18 Coll/norjrge H., I'irjua, O ].>iHf:harj/ed Dee. iO/l''' Culhertjion, William L., Meelianicrthurg, O Jjihf,har;/ed Feb. 1/18 Cleland, Vinson O., I'ifjua, O Diseharj/ed Feb. l.'i/18 Collins, KuHtaHe I.., Newark, 0. Diseharged Feb. 20/18 OoiiglaH, i.eo .M. ..... Diweharged Nov. 2/17 CiilleHjiie, Jam«-s A., Springfield, O Di.sf.harged Apr. 3/18 Lieverrnann, llynmri If., Cr^lumbujs, O lJiKeharg«-,d Apr. 2/18 Nf'Atr, J/f-hter C'., L'rbana, O Difieharged Feb. 7/18 Pet^tfHon, R.ali>h C, Sj^ringfield, O Diweharged Nov. 1/17 Bhaul, Oarell, R., Newark, O DiHeharged Dee. 20/17 Spratt, l)alia« J., Springfield, O DlsehargcifJ Dee. C/17 Shimr/iel, John R., N<;wark, O Diweh^rged Apr. 8/18 80 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY The following is a list of men transferred from Headquarters Company, 324th F. A. (Heavy): Anderson, James M., Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J March 9th, 1918 Ashburn, Allen D., Batavia, O Transferred to 61st F. A. Brigade, Feb. 6th, 1919 Ashcraft, Derwin W., Columbus, O Transferred to First Replacement De- pot, A. E. F., May 8th, 1919 Bailey, Harry J., Springfield, Transferred to convalescent Hosp. Camp Mills, N. Y., June 9th, 1918 Boehm, John A., Springfield, O Transferred to 158th Depot. Brig., Dec. 16th, 1917 Braun, Antone J., Newark, O Transferred to Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, Dec. 14th, 1917 Baker, Ollie F., Springfield, O Transferred to Remount Station, Camp Sherman, O., Jan. 8th, 1918 Ballentine, Coral O., Urbana, O Transferred to 21st Field Artillery, Waco, Texas, Feb. 22d, 1918 Bowman, Hugh K., Springfield, Transferred to Detention Camp, Camp Sherman, O., Jan. 22d, 1918 Bowser, Leslie L., Springfield, O Transferred to Q. M. Corps, Camp Sherman, O., Mar. 22d, 1918 Barna, Alexandra, Newark, O Transferred to 158th Depot Brig., April 19th, 1918 Baker, William, London, O Transferred to 330th Inf., May 22d, 1918 Brackney, Robert L., Sidney, Transferred to 0. T. School Oct. 26Ui, 1918 Cummins, Clyde M., New Waverly, Ind. . . . Transferred to First Replacement Depot, A. E. F. May 8th, 1919 DeWeese, Wilbur S., Troy, O Transferred to Remount Depot, Camp Sherman, 0., Mar. 17th, 1918 Driscoll, Daniel J., Cleveland, O Transferred to First Replacement De- pot, A. E. F., May 8th, 1919 Dickinson, Charles, Mt. Vernon, O Wounded. Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F., Oct. 18th, 1918 Eikenberger, Joseph, Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Pike, Nov. 7th, 1917 Flook, Howard M., Springfield, O Transferred to Convalescent Hosp., Camp Sherman, O., April 22d, 1918 Giddings, Albert, Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Hancodk, Dee. 6th, 1917 Giblin, James, Newark, O Transferred to Camp Pike, Nov. 7th, 1917 Giehl, Charles E., Springfield, O Transferred to Detention Camp, Camp Sherman, Jan. 22d, 1918 Grandstaff, Roy L., Urbana, O Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F., Jan. 28th, 1919 Grush, Arthur V., Cleveland, O Transferred to 322nd Field Artillery Hutchinson, Delta W., Springfield, O Transferred to Motor Sup, Train, Nov. 7th, 1917 i o w o M ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 81 Hackley, George G., North Lewisburg, O Transferred to 330th Inf. May 22d, 1918 Hamilton, Clarence E., Springfield, O Transferred to 322nd F. A. Jones, John P., Toledo, O Transferred to Camp Coetquidan Kralik, John J., Cleveland, O Transferred Detention Camp, Camp Sherman, O. Kinnel, Harvey, Columbus, O Transferred to 308th Field Signal Bn. Karalis, John, Springfield, O Transferred to 330th Inf. Knapp, James W., Urbana, O Transferred to 330th Inf. Kohl, Harry F., R. R. 6, Springfield, O Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F. Koontz, William C, Troy, O Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F. Lee, Vitalous A., Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Hancock Landis, Kerney D., Troy, O Transferred to Kelly Field, Texas Moush, Edward, Troy, O Transferred to Detention Camp, Camp Sherman, O. Miller, Walter, St. Louis, Mo Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas Miller, Harry E., Springfield, O Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas Mitchell, Orville C, Urbana, O Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F. Murring, Frank A., Cleveland, O Transferred to Hosp, A. E. F. Nickerson, Broadus E., Springfield, Ky Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F. Otis, Wales B., Cleveland, O. . . , Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F. Pattison, Oscar K., Springfield, O Transferred to Motor Sup. Train, Camp Sherman, O. Papanek, John H., Newark, O Transferred to First Replacement De- pot, A. E. F., May 8th, 1919 Roselli, Roeco, Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Pike, Ark. Ryan, Emory O., Newark, O Transferred to Kelly Field, Texas Summers, Thomas B., Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Hancock, O. Treole, Anthony, Springfield, O Transferred to Camp Pike, Ark. Walters, Pern, Urbana, Transferred to Camp Pike, Ark. Wise, Harry, Troy, O Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas Wolfe, Russel, Springfield, O Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas Wintzer, Carl, Wapakeneta, O Wounded, Transferred to Hosp. A. E. F. Yeazell, Orville S., Cable, O Transferred to First Replacement De- pot, A. E. F. Zirkle, Earl, Springfield, Transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas Zimmerman, Qark, Lima, O Left with 324th F. A. Detachment, Brest,^France ROSTER OF MEDICAL DETACHMENT OF THE 324th F. A. The Surgeon's Office, 324th F. A. On Board U. S. S. Seattle May 16th, 1919. Memorandum to the Personnel Adjutant, 324th F. A. : 1. Roster of the Medical Detachment, 324th F. A., since its organization, so far as information is available. Name and Home Address Rank Disposition Andress, Willie K., Eldorade, Ark Pvt. Alexander, Willis S., Ridgely, Tenn Ist. Lt. M. C. Trans. Baum, Clarence E., Duvall, O Pvt. Brooke, Lloyd E Pvt. 1 CI. Trans. Byrne, John F., 4815 Pine St., Norwood, O Major M. C. Chivers, Howard W., Murry City, O Pvt. Claggett, Emmitt, Newark, O Pvt. Trans. Cohen, Harry L., 224 N. 2nd St., Coshocton, O Pvt. 1 CI. Connaughton, Frank, Wapakoneta, O Pvt. Trans. Cron, Alpha, RFD 3, Cable, O Pvt. Curtis, John J., 2325 Sylvania St., St. Joseph, Mo Pvt., 1 CI. Etheridge, Thomas J., Jr., Edenton, N. C Sgt., 1 CI. Finlinson, James I., 36 E. Walnut St., Richmond, W. Va Sgt. Gillespie, Frohman C, Middletown, O Pvt., 1 CI. Trans. Gumey, Edward B., 308 4th St., Joliet, 111 1st Lt., D. C. Trans. Hensel, Edward C, Grove City, O Pvt., 1 CI. Hogan, John F., Cincinnati, 1st Lt., D. C, Trans. Houchin, Gerald, Harrisburg, Pa Cpl. Trans. Huett, Leon G., Rossford, O Pvt. Ike, Carl R., St. Marys, O Pvt., 1 CI. Trans. Keen, Andrew, 1902 N. Chester St., Baltimore, Md Pvt. Trans. Keselring, Ormsby, Dayton, O Capt., D. C. Trans. Keyes, Arthur, Newark, O Pvt., 1 CI. Kuh, William, Chicago, 111 Pvt., 1 CI. Trans. Lake, Edward E., Newark, O Pvt. Trans. Lander, Thomas F., 907 E. 175th St., New York City Major, M. C. Trans. Langell, Dudley B., 1431 Wyandotte Ave., Lakewood, O 1st Lt., D. C. Trans. Lobaugh, Harold E., Conoquenessnie, Pa Pvt., 1 CI. Trans. Lowry, William, Columbus, 1st Lt., D. C. Trans. 82 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 83 Name and Home Address Rank Disposition Matheson, John W., Roscoe, Pa Pvt. McKnight, Harry T., Roscoe, Pa Pvt., 1 CI. Metzger, Simon A., New Philadelphia, O Pvt., 1 CI. Mikolanda, Otto, 1900 Broadway, Lorain, O Capt., M. C. Trans. Mitchell, William Major, M. C. Trans. Oty, Louis M., Lockbourne, O Pvt. Pine, Thomas M., West Liberty, O Pvt. Porter, Robert P., Ft. Wayne, Ind Pvt., 1 CI. Powell, Rawley H., Richwood, W. Va Major, M. C. Trans. Rankin, William, Keokuk, Iowa Major, M. C. Trans. Raver, Clark A., Worthington, O Sgt. Reinhart, Harry L., Stanford, Ky Pvt. Ruine, John W., 16 Buttles Ave., Columbus, O Pvt. Ruine, Warren A., 16 Buttles Ave., Columbus, O Pvt., 1 CI. \ Rymond, Charles P., 229 S. Cliff St., Butler, Pa Pvt. Schmid, John, Box 104, Roscoe, Pa Pvt. Schultz, William C, 765 Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis 2nd Lt., V. C. Trans. Shawecker, Kenneth E., Dover, O Capt., M. C. Trans. Sipzer, Rudolph L., Roscoe, Pa Pvt. Stammel, Charles P., Cincinnati, O 1st Lt., M. C. Trans. Steams ( ), Cincinnati, 1st Lt., M. C. Trans. Stephenson, Lee F., Chillicothe, O Pvt. Trans. Tatum, Ira J., Gleason, Tenn Capt., M. C. Trans. Thomas, Benjamin, Lake Crystal, Minn 2nd Lt., V. C. Trans. Thomas, Raymond M., 2927 Colfax Ave. N., Minneapolis,Minn. Sgt. Thomas, Victor L., Enola, Pa Pvt. Troy, Arthur, 3843 Colraine Ave., Cincinnati, O Pvt., 1 CI. Truax, Roy E., Logansport, Ind Pvt., 1 CI. Uhl, Henry, 2224 E. Chestnut St., Columbus, O Pvt. Walker, Herbert P., Albion, Neb Capt., M. C. Wenrich, Roy S., W. Brownsville, Pa Pvt. Weathersby, Ashley ( ), N. C 1st Lt., M. C. Trans. Wynn, Earl C, Bellefontaine, O Pvt., 1 CI. Woodrow, Harold, Broadway, O Pvt., 1 CI. Trans. Yocum, Ronald W., Mechanicsburg, O Pvt. Young, Sheldon, Case, Mich Capt., M. C. Trans. John F. Byrne, Major, M. C, May 16th, 1919. ROSTER OF THE ORDNANCE DETACHMENT, 324th F. a. On Board U. S. S. "Seattle" Officers De Wolf, Howard R., Capt. Ord. (Com'dg. Det.), Marietta, 0. La Fean, Stuart B., Capt. Ord., 1001 West Market St., York, Pa. Enlisted Men Name and Home Address Rank Art, Vernon, Ord., 37 E. 7th Ave., Columbus, O Sgt. Baldwin, Jesse H., 12 First St., Wellston, O Sgt. of Ord. Benedict, Arthur V., Cor. 5th-High St., Columbus, O Pvt. Brady, James W., 9 Ferry St., Newark, N. J Pvt. Brennan, George J., 112 North 5th St., Newark, O Pvt. Cloud, Charles S,, 616 South Champion Ave., Columbus, O. . . Ord. Sgt. Courtright, Harry C, 1082 South 22nd St., Columbus, O Pvt. Demorest, Ormand E., 188 W. Main St., Westerville, O Pvt. Foust, Earl A., Lowell, O Corp. Friday, Alfred J., Worthington, O Pvt. Gerich, Philip L., Raleigh, N. C Ord. Sgt. Gifford, Edward C, 343 South Maple St., Akron, O Sgt. of Ord. Guess, Harry, Worthington, O Pfc. Horwitz, Emanuel B., 9907 Cedar St., Cleveland, O Pvt. Hughes, Ralph C, Baltimore, O Corp. Johnston, Glenn H., 37 West Lane Ave., Columbus, O Pfc. Kessel, Ralph M., 307 Front St., Massilon, O Corp. Klein, Martin C, 504 N. Florence St., Springfield, O Pvt. Laws, Howard A., Station B, RFD 2, Columbus, O Ord. Sgt. McCoid, George E., 317 E. Sandusky St., Bellefontaine, O. . . . Corp. Mooser, Alex H., 724 Starr Ave., Columbus, O Pfc. Morris, Charles W., Harrisville, O Pfc. Mohlenpah, Frederick, Cor. 3rd, Baker St., Newark, O . Pvt. Norton, WiUiam E., 1497 Neil Ave., Columbus, O Pvt. O'Brien, Thomas B., 724 Starr Ave., Columbus, O Pfc. Parson, Ralph V., Paulding, O Pvt. Roof, Forrest E., Ord., New Carlisle, O Sgt., (Act. 1st Sgt.) 84 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 85 Name and Home Address Rank Sackenheim, Joseph A., 1589 Highland Ave., Springfield, O — Pvt. Schaible, Fred M., S5 Homewood Ave., Warren, O Corp. Schultz, Walter J., 1237 Yates St., Toledo, O Sgt. of Ord. Speirs, Brackey F., Gillespieville, O Pfc. Strait, Grank L., Shephard, O Corp. Turner, Merrill M., Marysville^ O Corp. Weaver, Fred J., Worthington, O Ord. Sgt. Whetzal, Walter H., Westerville, O Pvt. Wood, William E., Millersport, O Pvt. Woosley, Ercill L., 1403 Chfton Ave., Springfield, O Corp. SUPPLY COMPANY, 324th F. A. (HEAVY) May 17th, 1919. Memorandum: To Personnel Officer, 324th F. A. (Heavy) : 1. In accordance with memo your office, 16th May, 1919, submit the following roster of officers and men who have been members of this Company since its organization. B. J. Haggard, Captain, 324th F, A., U. S. A. Officers Name and Home Address Rank Joined Co. Left Co. Lawrence, Reuben B Capt. Aug. 17th, 1917 April, 1918 Haggard, Barton J., Des Moines, Iowa Capt. Aug., 1917 Abele, William H., Toledo, 1st Lt. Aug., 1917 Oct., 1918 Markham, Samuel S 2nd Lt. Sept., 1917 Jan., 1918 Morgan, Daniel C 2nd Lt. Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Viall, George K., Painesville, 2nd Lt. Sept., 1917 April, 1918 Ford, Emmett B., Louisville, Ky 1st Lt. Nov., 1917 Smith, Rollo G., Toledo, 2nd Lt. Nov., 1917 McAfee. William A Capt. Jan., 1918 Feb., 1918 Warner, Dean G., New Philadelphia, O 2nd Lt. Nov., 1918 Killed in Action Abele, William H., Toledo, 1st Lt. Aug., 1917 * Allen, Claude W Pvt. Sept., 1917 Oct., 1917 Arglander, Emil, Maze, Mich Pvt. July, 1918 Jan., 1919 Adams, Jeff, Holt, Fla Pvt. Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Bardella, Frank. Chicago, 111 Pvt. Sept., 1917 April, 1919 Baird, Chester A., Groveport. O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Oct., 1917 Barrett, Roy E., Columbus, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Bobb, Ralph R., Columbus, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Burns, Henry Pvt. Sept., 1917 Oct., 1917 -y^ Killed in action while on liaison duty with 57th Infantry Brigade near Samogneux on October 27th, 1918. 86 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 87 Name and Home Address Rank Joined Co. Left Co. Benedict, Arthur V., Columbus, O Pvt. Oct., 1917 Nov., 1917 Burke, Charles S., Columbus 1st Sgt. Oct., 1917 Burnham, John P Pvt. Oct., 1917 Oct., 1917 Blackburn, LeRoy, Columbus, O Sgt. Oct., 1917 Barb, William H Pvt. Dec, 1917 Jan., 1918 Boyd, Challon W Pvt. Dec, 1917 Jan., 1918 Burnett, Robert C, Jefferson, Pa Wag. Dec, 1917 Barnes, John L., Columbus, O Reg. Sup. Sgt. Feb., 1918 Becker, Fred J., Massillon, O Sgt. May, 1918 Bigler, Sam W., Versailles, Ky Pvt. May, 1918 Baer, Michel, Burt, Iowa Pvt. July, 1918 Jan., 1919 Bair, Marion J., Suffield, O Pvt. Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Billings, Clarence E., Anna, O Cook Feb., 1918 Campbell, Charles M., Westerville, O Pvt., 1 CI. Sept., 1917 Clark, Earl J Pvt. Oct., 1917 Jan., 1918 Condit, Glenn L., Rushsylvania, O Pvt., 1 CI. Sept., 1917 Cornell, Eugene L., Erwin, Tenn Wag. Sept., 1917 April 28,'19 Cornell, Ervil H., Linden Heights, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Croak, Michael J., Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Jan., 1919 Chambers, Rawley E., Columbus, O Cpl. Oct., 1917 Courtright, Harry C, Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Cline, John, Woodville, Mich Pvt. July, 1918 Jan., 1919 Cohen, Jacob L Pvt. May, 1918 June, 1918 Clark, Thomas E., Manchester, N. H Pvt. Oct., 1918 DeBell, Egbert J., Linden Heights, O Mec. Sept., 1917 Demorest, Ormond E., Westerville, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Diport, Orin, Hilliard, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Feb., 1918 Derr, Frank H., King Creek, O Wag. Oct., 1917 Sept., 1918 Diltz, Howard T., Woodstock, O Pvt. Oct., 1917 Jan., 1919 Drake, Verney P., Columbus, O Wag. Oct., 1917 Davis, Donald P Pvt. May, 1918 May, 1918 Duncan, Fred S Pvt, Oct., 1917 Jan., 1918 Draher, Roscoe E., Columbus, O Pvt. Oct., 1917 Mar., 1918 Deluca, Nicola Pvt. Dec, 1917 Jan., 1918 Dietrichkeit, Edward R., Washington, Pa.. Pvt., 1 CI. May, 1918 Drego, Peter, Plymouth, Pa Pvt. July, 1918 Jan., 1919 Dipaolo, Domico A., Conchohaken, Pa. . . . Pvt. Sept., 1918 Ehmann, Carl, Galloway, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 May. 1918 Ehret, Robert, Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Feder, Rudolph W., East Jefferson, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Fisher, Chrise E., Linden Heights, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 April 28,'19 Fisher, Ralph E., Columbus, O : . . . Wag. Sept., 1917 Fortune, Archie C, Coshocton, O Mec. Sept., 1917 Foster, Burr L., Westerville, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Friday, Alfred J., Worthington, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Fisher, Asa L., Mount Hope, Kan Cpl. July, 1918 Frisby, William Pvt. Sept., 1917 Jan., 1918 Giller, Theodore, Columbus, O Pvt., 1 CI. Sept., 1917 Gloyd, Walter A., Lockbourne, Pvt. Sept., 1917 Graul, Clarence H. L., Grove City, O Wag. Sept., 1917 88 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 1^;^ Name and Home Address Rank Joined Co. Gierich, Philip L., Lily Chapel, O Pvt. Oct., 1917 Garrets, Bernard Pvt. Dec, 1917 Garrettson, Walter M., Waynesburg, Pa. . . Wag. Dec, 1917 Goodwin, Guy L Pvt. Dec, 1917 Green, Thomas R., Columbus, O Cpl. May, 1918 Hedrich, Charles E., Groveport, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Heimann, Urban H., Columbus, O Cook Sept., 1917 Helpman, John, Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Holden, Herbert M., Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Horch, Frederick C, Amlin, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Holland, Frank E., Farmington, Pa Cook Sept., 1917 Howson, Merle W., Groveport, O Reg. Sup. Sgt. Sept., 1917 Hughes, Harry O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Hussey, Donald B., Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Hyde, Gilbert F., Columbus, O Pvt. Oct., 1917 Hackley, William F Pvt. Oct., 1917 Hedgecock, Ira E., Columbus, O Wag. Oct., 1917 Howard, Paul S., Woodstock, O Wag. Oct., 1917 HoUey, Eugene, Selma, Ala Pvt. Nov., 1918 Horwitz, Emanuel D., Cleveland, O Pvt. Aug., 1918 Haag, Arthur E., Newark, O Pvt., 1 CI. Dec, 1917 HoUoway, Homer E., Columbus, O Pvt. April, 1918 Hurley, Richard F., Cincinnati, O Pvt. May, 1918 Homer, Chester L Pvt. May, 1918 Horton, Dean R., Columbus, O. Pvt., 1 CI. Sept., 1918 Hoil, William, Columbus, Cook Feb., 1918 Inghram, William C, Waynesburg, Pa ... . Pvt. Dec, 1917 Inskaer, Clyde M Pvt. Oct., 1917 Jennings, Charles A., New Albany, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Johnson, Stanley B., Galloway, O Sgt. Sept., 1917 Johansen, Thomas, Coulter, Iowa Pvt. Nov., 1918 Johnson, Emory J., Forreston, 111 PvL Nov., 1918 Juchniewicz, William J., Grand Rapids,Mich.Pvt. Nov., 1918 Kurtz, Clarence A., Philadelphia, Pa Pvt. Sept., 1917 Kessler, William, Columbus, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 EIrause, Leo M., Linden Heights, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Kitzmiller, Fred C, New Albany, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Kitzmiller, Joseph M., New Albany, O . . . . Pvt. Sept., 1917 Klamfort, Emmett O., Groveport, O Pvt. Sept., 1917 Klinger, Herbert, Reynoldsburg, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Kribs, John E Pvt. Sept., 1917 Kempineki, Wadick, Nanticoke, Pa Pvt. July, 1918 Loot, Albert W Pvt. Sept., 1917 Lewis, Robert Pvt. Sept., 1917 Luby, James A Pvt. Sept., 1917 Long, Frank A Pvt. Dec, 1917 Martin, William M Pvt. Sept., 1917 Mathias, Raub U., Linden Heights, O Mec. Sept., 1917 Maurer, Alfred J., Groveport, O Wag. Sept., 1917 Meuser, William C, Valley Crossing, O Cook Sept., 1917 Left Co. Nov., 1917 Jan., 1918 Jan., 1918 Mar., 1918 Jan., 1918 Jan., 1919 Nov., "i9i7 Oct., 1917 April, 1918 Jan., 1919 Jan., 1919 May, 1918 April 12,'19 Nov., 1917 Feb., 1918 May, 1918 Jan., 1919 Jan., 1919 Aug., 1918 Feb., 1918 Oct., 1917 Jan., 1918 Jan., 1918 Jan., 1918 April : 28,'19 Feb., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1917 Nov., 1917 Oct., 1917 Mar., 1918 Dec, 1917 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 89 Name and Home Address Rank Miller, Samuel A., Linden Heights, Pvt., 1 CI. Moses, Guy S., Columbus, O Wag. Miller, Charles H., Columbus, O Pvt. McAdams, Thomas B., Woodstock, Pvt. Marsh, Ernest, Chillicothe, O Chief Mec. Masters, Thomas W Pvt. Morris, Ray L., Columbus, O Pvt. Murray, Harold E., Elmira, N. Y Pvt. Moore, Elmy V Pvt. May, Jesse, Catlettsburg, Ky Pvt. Mason, Andrew L., Tulsa, Okla Wag. Morris, Charles W., Canton, O Pvt. Nigh, Leslie W., Columbus, O Reg. Sup. Sgt. Norton, William C, Columbus, O Pvt. O'Brien, Thomas B., Columbus, O Pvt. Overholzer, Ernest A Pvt. Pennell, Herbert E Pvt. Peters, Albert, Columbus, O Pvt. Peterson, Frank S., Columbus, O Wag. Perry, Charles Pvt. Phaler, Walter L., Westerville, O Cpl. Pheaeger, Howard K., Columbus, O Pvt. Pierce, Deight, Columbus, Wag. Pojner, Stanislaw, Columbus, O Wag. Pickering, Coler W., Urbana, O Wag. Pettit, David E., Parkersburg, W. Va Pvt. Packard, Charles L., Napoleon, O Pvt. Richards, Herbert H., Louisville, Ky Sgt. Ream, Glen O Pvt. Roesser, Jesse J., Sydney, O Wag. Roush, William A Pvt. Russell, Joseph M Pvt. Redf ern, James, McKeesport, Pa Pvt. Rothen, Frank, Cincinnati, O Pvt. Royer, Prescott, Akron, O Pvt. Runyon, Arthur F., Akron, O Pvt. Schechter, Samuel Pvt. Samuels, William R Pvt. Schneider, Clinton E., Colemans, O Wag. Schwecheimer, Frank L., Portage, O Reg. Sup. Sgt. Shear, Ora Pvt. Shoemaker, Ross W Pvt. Stevens, Albin Pvt. Sydenstricher, Ciui;is Pvt. Smith, Paul S Pvt. Sphar, Harry R Pvt. Stromider, Charles R., Deep Valley, Pa. . . . Wag. Shaw, Jesse R Pvt. Stoggess, Charles P Pvt. Smith, Howard L., Cleveland, O Pvt. Joined Co. Left Co. Sept., Sept., Sept., Oct., Sept., Dec, April, May, May, Sept., Jan., Mar., Oct., Sept., Oct., Oct., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Oct., Dec, Oct., Sept., Sept., Oct., Oct., May, Oct., Oct., Oct.» Oct., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Oct., Dec, Dec, Dec, June, 917 917 . . . , 917 Jan., 1918 917 Feb., 1919 917 917 Dec, 1917 918 Jan., 1919 918 918 May, 1918 918 Jan., 1919 919 919 917 918 Jan., 1919 917 Nov., 1917 917 Jan., 1918 917 Nov., 1917 917 Feb., 1918 917 917 Jan., 1918 917 917 917 917 917 917 Jan., 1918 918 Nov., 1918 917 917 Oct., 1917 917 917 Nov., 1917 918 May, 1918 918 918 Jan., 1919 918 918 Jan., 1919 917 Oct., 1917 917 Jan., 1918 917 917 May, 1918 917 Feb.. 1918 917 Oct., 1917 917 Jan., 1918 917 April, 1918 917 Sept., 1917 917 Oct., 1917 917 917 Dec, 1917 917 Dec, 1917 918 Jan., 1919 90 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Rank Sexton, James P., Toledo, O Pvt. Seaton, Leonard J., Alturas, Cal Pvt. Shea, John J., Chicopee, Mass Pvt. Shirey, Charles C, Springfield, O Pvt. Stacy, Joseph, Leominster, Mass Pvt. Schuelkens, Clifford H., Cincinnati, O Pvt. Schutte, Albert, Cincinnati, O Pvt. Slagster, Matthew J., Cincinnati, O Pvt. Sprinkell, William D., Pakaskala, O Pvt. Tobias, Lory E Pvt. Trapp, Bernard J., Grove City, O Wag. Trapp, Frederick, Grove City, O Pvt. Thomas, Jacob L., Columbus, O Wag. Thomas, Frank, Willard, Ky Pvt. Uram, Mike Pvt. Van Wijk, Adrian W., Celina, O Pvt. Vance, Harry B., Woodstock, O Pvt. Van Scheyck, Guy G., Columbus, Pvt. Voelckel, Albert, Cincinnati, O Pvt. Von Deylon, Fred, Napoleon, O Pvt. Vanderburg, William J., Columbus, Pvt. Waikel, Harry S., Valley Crossing, O Pvt. Weber, John L., South Columbus, O Pvt. Wetzel, William L., Asheville, O Pvt. Wetzel, Walter H., Westerville, O Pvt. Whirley, John H., Belief ontaine, O Pvt. Williams, Philip L., Columbus, O Pvt. Wolf, Carl E., Blacklick, O Pvt., Wright, Harry G., Bellefontaine, O Pvt. Wright, James A., Berkley, O Cpl. Warner, Charles H Pvt. Wight, Lyman M., Urbana, O Cpl. Wittmann, Charles, Columbus, O Wag. Wenrich, Le Roy S., Green County, Pa Pvt. Welsh, Jess T., Columbus, O Pvt. Woods, Pearl L,, Frankfort, Ind Mec. Walker, Chauncey R., Pittsburgh, Pa Pvt., Wade, Ross O., Rogersville, Mich Pvt. Warner, Virgil O., Napoleon, O Pvt. Whitney, Arthur B., Springfield, Vt Pvt. Wicker, James H., Newberry, S. C Pvt. Wicker, John A., Newberry, S. C Pvt. Wilson, Thomas D., Akron, O Pvt. Wittenberg, Otto, Napoleon, O Pvt. Wadleigh, Thomas, Mount Vernon, N. Y. . Pvt. Whitaker, Vem, Columbus, O Pvt. Yowler, Lawrence W., Midway, O Pvt. Zerkle, HoUis, Springfield, O Wag. ICI. ICI. Joined Co. Left Co. June, 1918 Jan., 1919 Sept., 1918 April 28,'19 Sept., 1918 Sept., 1918 Sept., 1918 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Sept., 1917 Sept., 1917 Jan., 1918 Oct., 1917 Sept., 1918 Sept., 1917 Oct., 1917 Sept., 1917 Oct. 1917 Sept., 1917 Jan., igii Oct., 1918 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Feb., 1918 Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Sept., 1917 Jan., 1918 Sept., 1917 Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Sept., 1917 Feb., 1918 Sept., 1917 Nov., 1917 Sept., 1917 Sept., 1917 Jan., 1919 Sept., 1917 Oct., 1917 Feb., 1918 Oct., 1917 Oct. 1917 Dec.', 1917 Jan.. igis May, 1918 Sept., 1918 Sept., 1918 Sept., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Jan., 1919 Oct., 1918 Nov., 1918 Jan., 1919 Feb., 1918 Feb., 1918 Sept., 1917 BATTERY "A," 324th F. A. (HEAVY) On Board U. S. S. Seattle May 17th, 1919. Memorandum: To the Personnel Office. 1. Following is a list of deceased members of this organiza- tion : Died of Wounds Name and Address Number and Rank Bennett, Bryan L., Mrs. Lucy Bennett, Ivanhoe, W. Va 1553814 Pvt. Gatewood, Howard, Louisville, Ky 2890082 Pvt. Killed {Accidental) Hoye, Lawrence, Mr. James Hoye, Linden Heights, 1954830 Pvt. 1 CI. Died of Disease Culver, Earl B., Mrs. Earl B. Culver, RFD 7, Belief ontaine, O. none Sgt. Frantz, Hugh H., Anna M. Frantz, Lisbon, 2423710 Pvt. Thompson, Hiram C. S., H. F. Thompson, Parkman, 2481049 Pvt. J. M. Lewis, Capt, 324th F, A.f U. S, A,f Commanding. BATTERY ^^A," 324th F. A. (HEAVY) On Board U. S. S. Seattle May 17th, 1919. The following is a list of all members of this organization since it was organized, showing the name, number, rank and home address of each: Name and Home Address Number Rank Disposi- tion Ackerman, Ollie W., Columbus, O none Pvt. Disch'd Adams. Roy E.. Port Townsend, Wash 845874 Pvt. 91 92 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Albers, William H., Ft. Loramie, O Alston, Forest C, 107 Scott St., Conway, Ark Aronofsky, Samuel, 307 Chestnut Ave., Springfield, O. Atherton, Andy T., RR 1, Elyria, O Austin, Joseph B., 108 W. Pleasant St., Springfield, 0. . Baird, George, 2408 Lagonda Ave., Springfield, O. . . . Baker, Herman, 24 Harrison Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. Baldwin, Lewis P., 1621 Prospect St., Springfield, O. . . Bardella, Frank, No address Barhorst, Albert H Barth, Daniel Bartle, George E Bauer, Charles V Bauer, Leo A., Box 79, Botkins, O Behr, Henry A Beier, Henry G., Springfield, O Bellomy, Clarence C., 1477 Thomas Ave., Columbus, O. Billing, Clarence E Binder, Almon L., 718 S. McDonald St., Lima, O Bishofberger, John F., Springfield, O Bixler, Robert W., 119 E. Madison Ave., Springfield, O. Black, George, Fredrickstown, Pa Blachowiak, John F., 725 N. Ada St., Chicago, 111 Bland, Leroy H., 404 Oak Ave., Sidney, O Bower, Frank A., 40 W. Home St., Westerville, O. . . . Brake, Charles D Brandewie, Edward H., Ft. Loramie, O Breathour, David, R 5, Verona, Mich Brush, Jesse R., R 4, Piqua, O Buffenbarger, John P Buzzelli, John Burge, Everett, Derwent, O Burke, Walter W., 422 Scott St., Springfield, O Bursley, Harry U., 914 Ogden Ave., Superior, Wis Byrd, Edward R., Springfield, Calwell, Charles I Campbell, George O Canfield, Joseph P Cardo, George, Ft. Loramie, O Carter, Herman W. Carleton, Clarence L., Middlefield, O Carleton, Glenn L., Middlefield, O Carlisle, James A., 515 Scott St., Springfield, O Carrol, Oscar B., Coal Center, Pa Case, Glenn P Cavinder, Lota W Cecil, Albert E Chapman, Paul J., Novelty, O Chrysler, Walter, 11th Ave., E. Columbus, O Ciresi, Toni, 30 W. Pleasant St., Springfield, O Number Rank Disposi- tion 1954851 Pvt. 2563923 Pvt. Trans. 1954951 Sgt. 4126964 Pvt. Trans. 1954776 Sgt. 1954852 Pvt. 1 CI. 1952302 Sgt. 1954808 Cook none Corp. Trans. none Pvt. Trans. 2429091 Pvt. Trans. none Pvt. Trans. none Pvt. Trans. 1954813 Wag. none Pvt. Trans. 1954853 Pvt. Trans. 1954814 Pvt. 1954854 Pvt. Trans. 1954855 Pvt. 1954809 Cook Trans. 1954856 Pvt. 1 CI. 1954857 Cook 2062015 Pvt. Trans. 1954800 Sgt. 1954798 Corp. none Pvt. Trans. 1954810 Bugler 2037384 Pvt. 1954858 Wag. none Pvt. Trans. none Pvt. Trans. 2429105 Wag. 1954783 Corp. 1954783 Corp. none Pvt. Trans. none Pvt. Trans. none Pvt. Disch'd none Pvt. Trans. 1954815 Pvt. 1 CI. 1954860 Pvt. Trans. 2481039 Pvt. 2481041 Pvt. 1954789 Corp. 1954859 Pvt. 1 CI. 2481042 Pvt. Trans. 1954861 Pvt. Trans. 1954862 Pvt. Trans. 2481040 Pvt.. 1954863 Corp. 1954816 Pvt. 1 CI. KOSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 93 Name and Home address Number Rank Disposi- tion Clapp, Lester L., R 1, East Orwell, 2481037 Pvt. 1 CI. Clark, Carl W., RFD 2, Osborn, 1954864 Pvt. Clayton, John M., 107 Grube Rd., Springfield, 1954818 Pvt. 1 CI. Click, David R., Springfield, 1954865 Pvt. Cocca, Diodoro, 856 E. Harrison St., Springfield, O. . . . 1954866 Pvt. 1 CI. Coleman, Oliver R., R 2, Jackson Center, 1954788 Sgt. Connelly, Walter B., R 1, East Claridon, 2481038 Pvt. Conrad, Noble A 1954817 Pvt. Coon, Basil G none Pvt. Corbin, Vinton N none Pvt. Cotterman, Milton J., R 1, Anna, 1954867 Pvt. 1 CI. Crichton, Harry, Stop 29, Sharon Lane, Youngstown, O. 2481043 Pvt. Cross, William, 1411 Kenton St., Springfield, 1954819 Wag. Crusey, Samuel L none Pvt. Culhan, John J 2429116 Pvt. Custenborder, Harry F., Sidney, O none Pvt. Culp, Clarence, Mechanicsburg, 1954820 Pvt. 1 CI. Cummings, Cornelius A., Kelleyburg, Pa 1808367 Pvt. Delaet, Raymond C, R 1, Dawson, 1954821 Corp. DeMaria, Angel L none Pvt. Denning, Glenn, R 3, Jonesville, Mich 2030443 Pvt. Detenber, John C, 2415 Elliott Ave., Louisville, Ky. . . 2890056 Pvt. Detrick, Elwood W., North Hampton, 1954822 Pvt. Dinne, Lorn F., 2160 Columbus Ave., Springfield, O. . . 1954823 Pvt. 1 CI. Dixon, Thomas J., Jr 1935099 Pvt. Drylie, John, California, Pa 1954868 Pvt. Dugan, George P., 434 E. Main St., Springfield, O. . . 1954782 Sgt. Dundon, Maurice J., 770 N.Florence St., Springfield, O. 1954824 Corp. Dymek, Paul, 4th Ave., East Columbus, 1954859 Pvt. Echemann, Charies, R 2, Houston, 1954825 Pvt. 1 Eger, Daniel M., Hilliards, 1954826 Pvt. 1 Edmondson, George W., Springfield, 1954870 Pvt. Trans. Edwards, Howard O none Pvt. Trans. Eggleston, Eugene F., R 2, Burton, 2481045 Wag. ' Eitle, Eari T., 1148 Medil St., Columbus, 1954871 Pvt. Elliott, Alfred W., Galloway, 1954797 Pvt. 1 CI. Trans. Ellis, Charles J., Ft. Loramie, 1954872 Pvt. Emery, Daniel L., Birch Run, Mich 2030279 Pvt. 1 CI. Emery, Daniel W 1954873 Pvt. Evans, Henry R., Sidney, 1964874 Pvt. 1 CI. Evans, Omer F none Pvt. Everhardt, Jake A none Pvt. Faudree, Foster M; none Pvt. Faull, Thomas H., Eureka, Nevada 2479291 Pvt. 1 CI. Ferguson, Thomas, 228 Newman St., Mansfield, O 2429128 Pvt. Feucht, Walter J , none Pvt. Flannery, Raphael O., Springfield, 1954778 Pvt. Fledderjohn, Henry W none Pvt. Fogt, Leo C none Pvt. Fogt, Oscar L none Pvt. Trans. Trans. Disch'd Disch'd Trans. Trans. Trans. Disch'd Trans. Trans. Trans. CI. CI. Trans. Trans. Disch'd Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Disch'd 94 HISTORY OF THE 324:TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home addrebs MuMBEB Rank Disposi- tion Fogt, Wilbur W., R 1, Anna, 1954875 Mec. Fortman, Anton, R 1, Ft. Loramie, 1954876 Pvt. Foster. Clifford D., 226 N. Shaffer St., Springfield, O. 1954827 Wag. Foster, Roy W., 1426 Pearl Rd., Cleveland, 2478664 Pvt. 1 CI. Gaudieri, Joseph L., Box 219, Camp Chase, 1954877 Pvt. Gebele, William F., 322 W. Fulton St., Celina, 1954828 Corp. Gifford, Ray W., Weaterville, 2423780 Pvt. Goodwin, Guy L., Rutan, Pa 1954878 Pvt. 1 CI. Graber, Cari none Pvt. Graska, George O., 619 Longview Ave., Mansfield, O. 2429145 Pvt. Green, Joseph W., R 2, Taylorsville, Ky 2890085 Pvt. Griffin, Henry, 71 Minerva St., Tiffin, 2479284 Pvt. 1 CI. Griner. Sylvan, Ft. Loramie, 1954773 Sgt. Grodzik, Stanislaw, Kosciusko St., Toledo 2481060 Pvt. Gump, Andrew E 1954879 Pvt. Hackett, Paul J., 2518 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. . . 1809617 Pvt. Hamilton, Gilbert E., North Yarmouth, Maine 1687935 Pvt. Haney, Arthur E 2430916 Pvt. Hardy, Edward T 2430849 Pvt. Harget, Leo 2481063 Pvt. Harter, James O., R 3, Grove City, 1954880 Wag. Hawke, Alden G none Pvt. Hawxhurst, R. L., 728 W. Chapel St., Columbus, O. . . 1956208 Pvt. 1 CI. Headley Roy F 2481046 Pvt. Heater, Oscar none Pvt. Hegemier. Harvey W., R 2, St. Marys, 1954881 Pvt. Held, Leo L 1954882 Pvt. Henderson, Floyd S none Pvt. Hennessy, Frank G none Pvt. Hennis, John 1954829 Pvt. Hen8haw,Clarence,220S.YellowSpr.St.,Springfield,O. 1955574 Wag. Herb, Ernest J., Jr., Station C, RFD 3, S. Columbus, O. 1954883 Pvt. Hewitt, Harvey F., R 9, Sidney. 1954884 Pvt. Hickman, Homer H., Springfield, 1954885 Pvt. Hiegel, Charles H 1954886 Pvt. Hill, Samuel V., Allenport, Pa 1954887 Pvt. 1 CI. Hiller, Edward W 1956043 Pvt. Hiller, Wilf ord H., Greer, 2434400 Pvt. Hodge, Thomas D., Springfield, 1954772 Sgt. Horazdowsky, John 2431308 Pvt. Horstman, William J., 161 Poplar St., Sidney, 1954787 Sgt. Horton, William M none Pvt. Hudson, Terry H none Pvt. Hyser, Harlin B., 1827 W. Washington Street, Spring- field, 1954889 Pvt. Ingsbretson, Cari S., Sedan, Mmn 2691276 Pvt. Jenkins, Archie 1954890 Pvt. Jennings, Ray, Richland Co., 2478481 Pvt. Jensen, Carl, Dow Court, Madison, Wisconsin 1954774 Sgt. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Disch'd Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Trans. Disch'd Trans. Trans. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 95 Name and Home Address Number Jewell, John, R 2, Mt. Edon, Ky 2890112 Jobe, Elisha, Osie, Ky. ^ 2000119 Johnston, Russel L., Linden Heights, 1954941 Jolly, Van B., 91 29th St., Wheeling, W. Va 1954802 Jones, Garrett 2476776 Jones, John E., 107 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, O.. . . 1954790 Jordan, Joseph L., 1128 Front St., Portsmouth, O.. . . 2000121 Jung, Albert N., Springfield, O None Kain, William, 13 W. North St., Springfield, 1954831 Kaliher, Thomas A., 24 E. Grand Ave., Springfield, O. . 1954781 Kalweit, Harold A., 10406 Buckey Rd., Cleveland, O. . . 2431431 Karch, Leroy L., RD 6, Columbus, 1954832 Karl, Otto L., Sta. "B," Columbus, 1954892 Kaser, Samuel F, C, 305 S. Wayne, Piqua, 1954792 Kauffman,. Vernon M., Springfield, O none Keffer, Henry E.. Weiser, Idaho 881784 Kellaway, William, Daisytown, Pa 1954893 Kelly, Charles F none Kennedy, Martin J., Springfield, O none Kimbel, Russel, S. Vienna, 1954894 King, William J., Foxcroft, Maine 505397 Kirkwood, Omer, Mayfield, Ky 2010268 Klapp, William A., 521 Rose St., Springfield, 1954895 Klosek, Bronislaw 2423707 Knab, Carl J., R 1, LaSalle, Mich 2040562 Kohler, Albert C 1954896 Kolodziejczak, Stanley L., 552 Garfield Ave., Detroit, Mich 2039611 Kover, Thomas W 1954897 Kramer, Clarence A., 324 S. Wittenburg Ave., Springfield, 1954796 Kronk, Frank D., 509 E. Southern Ave., Springfield, O. 1954898 Kuether, Henry A., Jr none Kupper, Edward, 2d Ave., Sidney, 1954899 Lawson, Delbert J., Stockport, Iowa 2148417 Lechler, William, Black Lick, 1954833 Lee, James F., 190 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. . 1221034 Lennon, James J., 30 Middle St., Fitchburg, Mass 1684163 Levengood, Clayton 2434404 Lewis, Robert L., 620 Woodlawn Ave., Springfield, O. . 1954779 Lightner, Oscar E none Linkenhoker, David E., Springfield, 1954834 Linnane, John H none Lopine, Frank, 47 S. McComb St., Monroe, Mich. . . . 2481058 Ludlow, Kress V., Burton, 2481047 McAuliffe, Eugene C, Springfield, 1954900 McCall, Frank, 2918 Henshaw Ave., Cincinnati, O. . . 2476767 McCartney, Floyd N., Springfield, 1954901 McLaughlin, Joseph H., 1809 Morgan St., Spring- field, O 1954835 McClean, Herman W 1955808 Rank Disposi- tion Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. 1 CI. C. Mec. Pvt. Trans. Corp. Wag. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Wag. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. ^P^rt. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Disch'd Sgt. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Corp. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Wag. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Wag. Pvt. Trans. 96 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Number McGowan, Walter 1954902 McMaster, Loren C 1954903 Mann, Noah E., Columbus, O. . 1954904 Martin, Homer W., 2219 18th St., Moline, 111 468662 Marshall, Harry E none Marzec, Stanley, 2504 W. 7th St., Cleveland, 2431313 Massie, George E none Matheson, John W none Matthews, Lawrence C none May, Herbert H , 1954906 Mauk, Walter P., 206 S. Main St., Piqua 1954905 Mazzola, Loreto, 172 Butler Ave., Columbus, 2430780 Meacham, Arthur G., Smithfield, Texas 728964 Merkiel, Anthony, Gaylord, Mich 2037324 Merritt, Fred S., Springfield, 2479304 Metzger, Simon A., Springfield, O none Michel, Arthur P none Mickey, Harlem A., Columbus, O 1954907 Miesse, Arthur C, 952 S. Wittenburg Ave., Spring- field, O 1954908 Miller, Earl H 1954909 Miller, Elwood none Millhoff, Edward A. V., 206 S. 5th St., Piqua, O.. . . . 1954910 Mills, George E., Springfield, O none Mills, Samuel L., Springfield, O none Minear, Norman W., 901 S. Fountain Ave., Spring- field, 1954793 Minniear, Charles W., RFD 10, Sidney^ 6. . . ....... 1954836 Minnick, John C. J., 76 Sutton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . 1221045 Moore, George, RD 4, Belleville, 464867 Mooser, Alex H 2890148 Morgan, William E., Omaha, Nebraska 475601 Morabito, Santo, Cleveland, 2431316 Morse, Clyde P., Middlefield, 2481048 Morton, Webster E., RED 4, Sidney, 1954911 Mosemann, John F., 416 Scott St., Springfield, O 1954837 Mozrosky, Joe, McDowell, W. Va 2423717 Mueller, Oscar C, RFD 4, Grove City, 1954912 Mumford, Max M., 303 N. Isabella St., Springfield, O. . 1954811 Mumma, Fred G., Ill N. Lowry Ave., Springfield, O.. . 1954777 Myers, Marcus M., Wilgus, 1954806 Neally, Anthony W 2423432 Nejedlik, James F., 11015 Union Ave., Cleveland, O. . . 2431392 Nicely, Jesse J., 341 Walnut St., Urbana, 1954913 Nichols, William E none Nolan, Oscar, 2108 S. Parson Ave., Columbus, 1954914 Nowaczyk, John, 603 Garage Ave., Marquette, Mich. 2038498 Orel, Walter, Cleveland, O. 2431438 Orwell, Frank 1935072 1 Rank Disposi- tion Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt, Pvt. Wag. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Corp. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Saddler Pvt. Trans. Pvt 1 CI. Pvt. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Bugler Sgt. Trans. Mes. Sgt. Corp. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. X^Vt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. H "A H M H a !«! o H C5 o w o Oi J— t Oi C3D ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 97 Name and Home Address Number Osborn, George R., Lawton, Ky 2000146 Oty, Louis M none Overholser, Noel I., Springfield, O none Page, Levi, Kite, Ky 1555954 Patterson, George, 101 Spring St., Delaware, 1954915 Patterson, Guy W., Grove City, O Peare, Henry, Springfield, 1954916 Pennell, Herbert M none Phillips, Hartley V none Pierro, James, Brier Hill, Pa 1954917 Pilgrim, Raymond H., 1015 S. 5tli St., Richmond, Ind. 1954799 Pinski, Joseph F., 3307 Elm St., Toledo, 2481055 Planck, Edgar G none Podersky, Morris, 2322 E. 39th, Cleveland, 2431319 Powell, Carieton D 2423531 Powell, James L., 247 S. 11th St. W. St., Salt Lake City 1640680 Prall, Harry P., 1422 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, O. . . . 2430793 Presti, Carmelo 2431283 Prisk, Albert J., Mohawk, Mich 2039952 Raver, Clark A none Recob, Francis F., Chillicothe, 1954838 Redmond, John, RFD, Houston, 1954839 Remmeter, Leo J., Springfield, O none Rees, Thomas E 2423532 Reese, Howard C 1954918 Rice, Howard L., S. Charieston, O 1954840 Reidel, Jacob C, 229 Wykoff Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . 1221052 Richards, Iver R., 656 S. Webb Ave., Alliance 2476035 Reibel, Edward C, RFD 1, Galloway, 1954841 Ritter, Roy L., Springfield, none Robinson, Charies E 1954842 Robinson, Donald none Roof, Forest E none Rogers, Elmer K., 1618 N. Belmont Ave., Spring- field, O 1954919 Rope, Clarence E., Columbus, 1954920 Rose, Glenn, 509 E. Bond St., Hastings, Mich 2034299 Rosemeyer, Edward, RD 3, Seymour, Indiana 1569397 Roth, Robert H., 215 Pike St., Sidney, 1954843 Rouch, Wayne W., 118 N. Limestone, Springfield, O. . . 1954804 Ruby, Otis none Ruhenkamp, Clem, R 1, Ft. Loramie, 1954921 Rutan, Moss, Taylortown, Pa 1973877 Sachs, Benjamin J., Springfield, O. none Sadler, Joseph, Jr., Box 665, California, Pa 1954922 Sadler, Matthew, Box 665, California, Pa 1954925 Sakis, Paul 2431244 Scanlon, James J., 342 Manion Alley, Pittsburg, Pa. . 2431440 Schloss, George W 1954923 Schott, Lloyd F., Westerville, O none ^^ Rank Disposi- tion Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Wagoner Pvt. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Corp. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Corp. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Wagoner Wagoner Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. 1 CI. C. Mec. Pvt. Disch'd Pvt. Trans. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. 98 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Number Schmidt, Aloysius, Ft. Loramie, 1954924 Schulz, Fred A 2423433 Schwartz, Paul J., Linden Heights, 1954844 Secor, James J 1935143 Seiver, Pearl R., Springfield, 1954803 Sendelbach, John, RFD 3, Grove City, 1954936 Shanahan. Frank, RD 8, Bad Axe, Mich 2038735 Shane, William E., 521 Brooklyn Ave., Sidney, O. . . . 1954927 Shaul, Guy H none Shea, Frank J 1954845 Shuemaker, James none Shultis, William C none Shaw, Roe, Hebron, 2478452 Simpson, John S., New Moorefield, 1954784 Skinner, Samuel L., Springfield, 1954928 Smalling, Joseph 1684681 Smith, Delmer A., Box 351, Seeley, Cal 1954785 Smith, Ernest L none Smith, Gersham W 1935135 Smith, Harry N., Daisytown, Pa 1954846 Smith, Mark E none Smith, Ray M., 512 Vine St., Springfield, 1954937 Smith, Stanley H., Shepard, 1954929 Snyder, Charles, Gettysburg, Pa 1954771 Snyder, Leslie none Souder, Arthur H., RD 1, Black Lick, 1954848 Speigle, Ralph R none Speirs, Brackey F 1954930 Spero, Jack 2431327 Stanton, Ignatius R., Springfield, 1954847 Steele, Martin C, 322 E. Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. . . 1954932 Stehle, Joseph F., 726 E. Main St., Springfield, O. . . . 1954794 Stevens Albin 1954933 Stevens! Frank C.,* 702 W. North St.] Springfieid,' 0. '. 1954935 Stevenson, Clinton N., Canal Winchester, O 1954792 Stoops, Charles W., 2149 Columbus Ave., Spring- field, 1954934 Stout, Vemor, Camp Chase, 1954849 StuU, Hugh v., 117 E. Columbia, Springfield, 1954807 Stultz, Charles L 1954936 Sturwold, Henry W., Ft. Loramie, 1954937 Swartzbaugh, Cassius E 1954938 Szczepanski, Louis, RR 2, Box 23, Sobieski, Wise 2481057 Teichmoeller, J. George, Springfield, 2423415 Thamann, Henry J none Thirion, Frank F., RD 5, Sidney, 1954850 Tingley, Clifford, 332 Orchard St., Springfield, 1954939 Tischer, Charies W., RD 2, Lake Odessa, Mich 2034674 Tischer, Fred O., RD 2, Lake Odessa, Mich 2034672 Toner, Winslow R., RD 3, Pt. Austin, Mich 2039008 Rank Disposi- tion Cook Sgt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. C. Mec. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Sgt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. Wagoner Pvt. 1 CI. 1st Sgt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Corp. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Corp. Pvt. Pvt. 1 CI. Cook Pvt. Trans. Pvt. Pvt. Trans. Pvt. 1 CI. Sgt. Trans. Pvt. Trans. Corp. Pvt. 1 CI. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 99 Name and Home Address Number Rank Disposi- tion Toops, Wesley O., 1565 Sullivant Ave., Columbus, O. 1954940 Pvt. Toscano, Tony, 813 W. Court Street, Cincinnati, O. . . . 1954941 Pvt. Trotman, Harold A. C, 308 N. Second West, Logan, U. 1637053 Pvt. 1 CI. Ulmer, Fred A., Springfield, 2423422 Sgt. Trans. Urso, Salvatore 2431439 Pvt. Trans. Vance, Arthur, laegar, W. Va 2423813 Pvt. Vanderburg, William J., Columbus, 1954942 Pvt. Trans. Varno, Frank J none Pvt. Trans. Veasey, Collin C, Sylvester, Ga 1342663 Wagoner Vester, Marion, 2545 Tecumseh Ave., Springfield, O. . . 1954786 Corp. Vondrele, Frank H none Pvt. Trans. Wagaman, Charles E none Corp. Disch'd Wallingford, Clyde E., 535 S. Center St., Springfield, O. 1954791 Corp. Wangler, Edward A none Pvt. Trans. Walter, Kress A., 315 Water St., Chardon, 2481052 Pvt. Walters, Vint, Patrick, Ky 2000185 Pvt. Ward, Ernest 0., 712 Pine St., Ironton. 4122959 Pvt. Trans. Ward, Roy none Pvt. Trans. Warren, Albert E., Burton Station, 2481053 Pvt. Weaver, Clark H., 67 Vine St., Westerville, 1954780 Sgt. Weiner, Joe, 2412 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, 2431342 Pvt. Werling, Guster, R 2, Wapakoneta, 1954943 Pvt. 1 CI. Wheeler, William M., Jr., 2805 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. 2890207 Pvt. White, John L., R 3, Grove City, 1954944 Mec. Whitlatch, John B., 1776 Lagonda Ave., Springfield, O. 1954805 Mec. Wildermuth, Clarence, Maplewood, O 1954945 Pvt. Winchell, Floyd A., Mantua, 2481051 Pvt. Windle, Cicero T 1954946 Pvt. Trans. Winfield. William M., Clarksburg, W. Va 1579866 Pvt. Trans. Williams, Henry M., Whitesburg, Ky 1954775 Sgt. Woertz, Louis G., 2303 Howard St., Louisville, Ky 2890215 Mec. Wright, Hugh M., RD 2, Chagrin Falls, 2481050 Corp. Wyandt, Loren H none Pvt. Trans. Yoder, Marion N 1954947 Pvt. Trans. Young, Ewing S., Fayette City, Pa 1954948 Pvt. Trans. Ziegler, William M., 1809 E. Main, Springfield, O. . . . 1954812 Bugler Zimmer, William 1954949 Pvt. Trans. Zimmerman, Mathias, Dawson, 1954950 Pvt. 1 CI. Ziroll, Ernest, 359 Army Ave., Detroit, Mich 2034702 Pvt. Zurawski, Stanley, 416 Bronson St., Toledo, 2481062 Pvt. J. M. Lewis, Capt.j 324th F. A.J U, S. A,, Commanding, BATTERY ^'B/' 324th F. A. (HEAVY) On Board U. S. S. Seattle May 20th, 1919. Pursuant to memorandum from Personnel Office 324th F. A. (Heavy), following list of officers and men in this battery and who have previously belonged to this battery, is submitted: Name and Home Address Disposition Post, Audley M., Cleveland, O Transferred Brennan, William J., Parkersburg, W. Va Transferred Limbach, Roy F., 1508 W. Main St., Massillon, O With Battery Beach, Raymond W., Ashland, O With Battery Carpenter, John W., 11115 Bellflower Rd., Cleveland, O With Battery Derivan, Harry J., New Vienna, O Transferred Stair, Edward, 377 E. Market St., York, Pa With Battery Arnold, Jesse L., Moundsville, W. Va Transferred Stewart, John S., Struthers, O Transferred Hornickel, Frank L., Bellflower Rd., Cleveland, O Transferred Blackford, Aaron F., Finley, O Transferred McDougle, Robert J., Parkersburg, W. Va Transferred Thompson, John A., Newark, O Transferred Adam, Sylvester A., 196 11th St., Newark, O With Battery Adkins, Ralph, 420 Washington St., Newark, O Transferred Allen, George C, 72 Mill St., Newark, O Transferred, Sick Amos, Gordon M., Greensburg, Ind With Battery Amos, Oliver C, Scenry Hill, Pa With Battery Anderson, John A., Republic, Mich With Battery Annarino, Wesley, Newark, O Transferred Armstrong, Russel I., Salamonia, Ind With Battery Ashby, Vinal W Transferred Bahr, Vernon E., Buckland, O Transferred Baker, Ralph W., Belpree, Kan With Battery Baker, Robert W., Waynesfield, O With Battery Baker, Thomas B., Wapakoneta, O Discharged Balzer, Howard T., Newark, O Transferred Bambauer, Albert P., New Bremen, O With Battery Barcus, Clarence, 16 Columbia Ave., Newark, O Transferred, Injured Baughman, Hiram C, Newark, O Discharged Barb, William H Transferred 100 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 101 Name and Home Address Disposition Bechdolt, Paul F., 606 E. Benton St., Wapakoneta, O Transferred Bego, Tode, Newark, O Transferred Bennett, Edwin C, Taylorsville, Ky With Battery Benning, Walter F., Bennington, Ind With Battery Berry, Noble, Freetown, Ind With Battery Billman, Gary R., Newark, O Transferred Binder, Earl W., 52 Columbia St., Newark, With Battery Blamer, Guy H., RFD 2, Alexander, O Transferred Blizzard, Ruby, 8 Drumm St., Newark, O With Battery Booth, Glenn, Belief ontaine, O Transferred, Sick Bowers, Ralph W., Buckeye Lake, O With Battery Bowie, George K., Pataskala, O With Battery Bowsher, Gerald F., RFD 4, Wapakoneta, O Transferred Boyd, Challon W Transferred Boyne, John, Newark, O Transferred Brackney, Harold C, RFD 1, Wapakoneta, With Battery Bragg, Marion R., 88 Meridian St., Newark, Transferred Bramlage, Clifford T., Newark, O Transferred Brennan, George J., 112 N. 5th St., Newark, O Transferred Brumbach, Ralph H., 533 Kibler Ave., Newark, O With Battery Brown, Milton M., Cincinnati, O Transferred Bucumean, Nicodime, 150 Leory St., Newark, O Transferred Buffenbarger, Eldon R., RFD 1, Waynesfield, O With Battery Burke, James A., 1523 Florencedale Ave., Youngstown, O . . . . Transferred Bunton, Harvey, Smithfield, Bradford, O Transferred Butler, August P., 206 Eddy St., Newark, O Discharged Butte, Jesse, 116 Jefferson St., Newark, O Transferred Carr, Vincent S., 4th St., Newark, O Transferred Carter, William S., RFD 1, Daisytown, Pa Transferred Cassin, James W Transferred Catt, Leland C, Newark, O Transferred, Sick Charles, William F., 362 W. Main St., Newark, Discharged Chilcote, Jesse M., W. Main St., Newark, O Transferred Crawford, Orville I., Hebron, O Died in Service Clemings, Earnest W., Newark, O Transferred Conn, Paul B., RFD 5, Newark, O With Battery Cole, Benjamin H., 729 S. Detroit St., Belief ontaine, O Transferred Cosello, Phillip Transferred Cossum, Wilford F., Harvey sburg, O Transferred Costello, Stephen F., 590 N. 4th St., Newark, O With Battery Cowhick, William, S. Beach St., St. Marys, O With Battery Coyle, George A., 2403 Chapline St., Wheeling, W. Va With Battery Czekaj, Walter, 72 Comstock Ave., Hamtramck, Mich With Battery Daring, Frank T., 428 Clark St., Belief ontaine, O With Battery Davidson, Harold G., Wellsville, O With Battery Davis, John Transferred Day, William E Transferred Deluca, Nichola Transferred Devore, William H., 13 S. Morris St., Newark, O Transferred Edwards, Charles W., Blaine, Ky With Battery 102 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Edwards, Paul B., RFD 7, Newark, O Transferred, Sick Eiler, Edward H., 2611 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky Transferred, Injured Fallon, Edward J., 73 8th St., Newark, O With Battery Faran, Louie W., 1380 E. Main St., Columbus, O Discharged Farley, Paul E., Knoxville, Tenn With Battery Favret, Frank J With Battery Frantz, Frank Transferred Flannigan, Edward W., 572 Woods Ave., Newark, O With Battery Flannigan, Thomas, 572 Woods Ave., Newark, O With Battery Finch, Maurice B., Granville, O Transferred Fisk, Rupert B., 73 N. Williams St., Newark, O Discharged Fledderjohann, Walter R., New Knoxville,. With Battery Floyd, Maurice F., 255 E. Main St., Newark, O With Battery Forbes, Earl C, 43 North Ave., Newark, O With Battery Forest, Swale Transferred Foster^ John A., 229 S. Spence St., St. Marys, O Transferred, Sick Frankhouser, Norman, Gibraltar, Pa With Battery Frenier, Eppie D., 24 W. St. Clair St., Newark, O With Battery Frost, Matthew J Transferred Frybarger, Lorenzo C, RFD 1, Gap, Pa With Battery Fuller. Elmer E., RFD 1, Dunbridge, O With Battery Funk, Lafayette, De Graf, O With Battery Gardner, Charles E., 321 N. 11th St., Newark, O With Battery Garrett, Bernard, W. Brownsville, Pa Transferred Gear, John E., 62 Union St., Morrisville, Pa With Battery Gerstner, Harry F., RFD 5, Wapakoneta, O Transferred, Sick Gieseke, Benjamin F., New Bremen, O With Battery Gillan, Reamer G., 152 S. 4th St., Newark, O With Battery Gleason, Alva F., 224 N. 10th St., Newark, O With Battery Godwin, Harry G., 521 W. William St., Belief ontaine, O With Battery Graham, Charles R., Portland, Ore With Battery Good, Guy D., 173 S. 7th St., Newark, O Transferred, Injured Gossard, Gurn, Waynesfield, O Transferred, Gossard, Roy C., Waynesfield, O Transferred, Graber, Fred A., RFD 1, New Bremen, O Transferred, Greeley, Walter T., IQi^ N. Buena Vista, St., Newark, O With Battery Green, Lawrence, 83 9th St., Newark, O With Battery Griffith, Murray G., 247 S. 2nd St., Newark, O Transferred Grothaus, Franklin F., RFD 2, New Bremen, O. With Battery Gunselman, Roy J., Holton, Kan With Battery Gustner, Edward W., Hopkins, Minn With Battery Haag, Arthur E Transferred Haban, Francis, 134 S. Cedar St., Newark, O With Battery Hale, George W., 412 W. Madison St., St. Marys, O Transferred Halmrast, Gustav L., De Lamere, N. D With Battery Handel, Carl B Transferred Harana, Branslau, California, Pa Transferred Harpest, Othel B., RFD 1, St. Johns, O With Battery Harrod, Fred K., Waynesfield, O With Battery Harsh, John W., Wauseon, O Transferred ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 103 Name and Home Address Disposition Harvey, Russell B., 272 Hudson Ave., Newark, O With Battery Heil, Urban A., 604 S. Perry St., Wapakoneta, O Transferred, Sick Heinf eldt, Ervin J Transferred, Sick Heintz, Carl J., 41 N. Pine St., Newark, O Died in the Service Henry, Thomas W., RFD 2, Newark, O With Battery Herren, Raymond L., RFD 2, Huntsville, O Transferred Hespe, Elwin W., New Bremen, O Transferred Hawkins, Claude D., Newark, O Transferred Hibner, Harry G., RFD 5, Wapakoneta, O Transferred, Sick Hicks, Bruce D., RFD 2, Switz City, Ind With Battery Hilleary, Charles F., 63 S. 4th St., Newark, Transferred Hoffman, Wilbert F., 28 W. North St., Newark, O Transferred, Sick Hornberger, Grover T., 121 W. Chillicothe Av., Bellefontaine, O. Transferred Howard, John W., 183 S. Pine St., Newark, O With Battery Howell, Fred T., RFD 5, Newark, O Transferred Howe, Charles C, Sebree, Ky With Battery Howldns, Oliver, RFD 1, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich With Battery Hughes, Stapp, Willisburg, Ky With Battery Humphreys, Byron E., RFD 4, Bellefontaine, O With Battery Idle, Ray M., RFD 2, St. Johns, O With Battery James, Louis W Transferred Jaynes, Elmer R., 74 Vine St., Newark, O With Battery Jacobs, Paul B., Newark, O Transferred Juncan, Gilgor, Newark, O Transferred Jenkins, Ross W., 35 Shields St., Newark, With Battery Judy, Wilford S., 234 N. Orchid St., Logan, O Transferred Jones, Buck, 102 Lovdin Ave., Lexington, Ky With Battery Kates, John B., 251 N. 4th St., Newark, O With Battery Kaylor, Harley, 113 N. Elm St., Bellefontaine, O With Battery Keith, Guy C, Waynesfield, O With Battery Kappes, John J., 134 Maholm St., Newark, O Transferred Kellermeyer, Warner J., St. Marys, O Transferred Kemp, Merrill T., 14 Bowers Ave., Newark, Transferred Kinninger, Gust F,, 212 Woods St,, Wapakoneta, O Transferred Klaus, George, 86 Curtis Ave., Newark, O Transferred Kohnen, Harry J., N. Main St., Minster, O With Battery Koons, Ralph R., RFD 1, Mendon, O Transferred Kreager, Orville W., RFD 6, Newark, O With Battery Krebs, Arnold T., Hamilton, O Transferred Kramlich, Grover J., Brockland, Pa With Battery King, John, Newark, O Transferred Kuhlman, Reinhart W., New Bremen, O Transferred Kunning, Chester H., New Bremen, O Transferred Lannigan, William D., 73^ E. Church St., Newark, O With Battery Lee, Harry J., RFD 4, Wapakoneta, With Battery Leogrande, Antonio, Newark, O Transferred Lewis, Howard F., Roscoe, Pa Transferred Looker, Roy J., 129^/^ S. 4th St., Newark, O Transferred Lueras, Lupe, Carrizozo, N. Mex Transferred Lindsay, Hytile P Transferred 104 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Mahon, George H., Dunlevy, Pa Witli Battery Machtolff, Louis J., 2117 Bismarck Ave., Louisville, Ky With Battery Mazenac, Stanley J., 3186 W. 44th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Medaris, Earnest R., Conover, O Transferred Messner, Harry W., 325 S. Main St., Bellefontaine, O With Battery McFarland, Charles E., 628 E. High St., St. Marys, O With Battery McFarland, Harban J., RED 7, Wapakoneta, O Transferred Mickelson, Ole M., Garrettson, S. D With Battery Miller, Michael W., 3452 W. 46th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Miller, Raymond, RED 9, Washington C. H., O With Battery Miller, Simeon L., 406 W. Benton St., Wapakoneta, With Battery Miller, Leslie P., Newark, O Transferred Mills, John T., 78 Eront St., Newark, O Transferred Milton, William, 4243 4th St., Lexington, Ky With Battery Morf ord, Daniel J., Deep Valley, Pa With Battery Moeller, Raymond W., Washington St., New Bremen, O Discharged Morris, Andrew G., Cridersville, O With Battery Mossman, Paul M., 241 S. 5th St., Newark, O With Battery Mullenix, John T., 272 N. 4th St., Newark, O With Battery Moyers, Ernie, Cleveland, O Killed in action Mullenix, Langley C, Newark, O Transferred Mutschler, Albert J., RED 5, Wapakoneta, O Transferred Munch, Ered, Dearbaugh Ave., Wapakoneta, O With Battery Meyers, Charles W., RED 1, Wapakoneta, Transferred Murray, Clancy I., Jefferson, Pa With Battery Mallory, William 0., 636 N. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.. . . Transferred McCarthy, Dennis J Transferred Miller, Erancis H., 516 Market Ave., N. Canton, O Transferred Mason, Henry W., St. Marys, O Transferred McBeth, Volney M., New Hampshire, O Transferred McDermott, William B., Newark, O Transferred Masterson, James V Transferred Morrell, Charles D., Canton, O Transferred Mizenko, Mike, 2729 Commercial Rd., Cleveland, Transferred Murphy, Walter E., Kilgore, O Transferred Liberopolis, Anthanasias, Des Moines, Iowa Transferred Nappenbach, Martin J Transferred Nedderman, Edward E., RED 1, New Bremen, O Transferred Neidemire, Harry L., 207 Broadway St., Wapakoneta, O Transferred Norpell, Jerome B., 66 Granville St., Newark, O Transferred Nealy, Clarence Transferred, Sick Neuenfeldt, Charley, 3467 W. 58th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Oberfield, Alfred, 119 S. 6th St., Newark, O With Battery O'Boyle, John J., 1298 W. 95th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Oelker, Otto S., 323 Miama St., Urbana, O With Battery O'Malley, James, 1754 Eulton Rd., Cleveland, O With Battery Orr, Merle T., 155 9th St., Newark, O With Battery O'Shaughnessy, Erank H., 338 Elmwood Ave., Newark, O Transferred, Sick O'Shaughnessy, Daniel L., Newark, O Discharged Otting, Charles J., Minster, O With Battery ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 105 Name and Home Addbess Disposition Overholser, Earnest S., Urbana, O Transferred Ovington, John D., 159N. 6th St., Steubenville, O Transferred Owen, Leslie B., 53 S. 3rd St., Newark, O With Battery Palmer, David, 2464 Ontario St., Cleveland, O With Battery Pape, Carl W., New Bremen, O With Battery Payne, Frank E., 125 Granville St., Newark, O Discharged Pettit, David S Transferred Polings, Earnest E Transferred Poulton, Earnest, RFD 3, Granville, O With Battery Place, Lewis S., St. Louisville, O With Battery Powell, Charles F., 103^^ Church St., Newark, O Transferred Phillips, Roy K., Stockport, O With Battery Priest, Ralph B., 19 N. 5th St., Newark, O With Battery Ponzer, William J., 3208 Carroll Ave., Cleveland, O With Battery Prior, Leo T., 20 E. Church St., Newark, O With Battery Prior, Walter B., RFD 1, Newark, O Transferred Prokes, James, 3519 W. 52nd St., Cleveland, O With Battery Raber, Joseph M., Suedburg, Pa With Battery Raison, Charles R., 358 N. Stansberry St., Newark, O With Battery Ratts, Casper E., Salem, Ind With Battery Reitz, Albert, 3476 W. 54th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Reynolds, Adam E Transferred Reynolds, Eugene E., 910 Jefferson St., Kansas City, Mo With Battery Rensch, Phillip H Transferred Remley, Charles G Transferred Riehl, Ralph A., Newark, O With Battery Riethman, Julius, RFD 2, Minster, Transferred Rippolh, August C, Minster, O Transferred Roess, George C, Cridersville, O With Battery Rohan, George R., 150 Boyleston Ave., Newark,' O With Battery Rusu, George, 590 Wehrle Ave., Newark, O Transferred Rower, Leon W., Belief ontaine, O Transferred Richards, Harry H., RFD 2, Newark, Transferred Robben, Paul H., 4109 Franklin Ave., Cleveland, O With Battery Roberts, John H., Wakefield, Mich With Battery Rivera, Thomas, El Rito, N. Mex With Battery Rogers, Vernie, St. Clair, Mo With Battery Roseth, Oscar, Edmore, N. D With Battery Rothell, William K., Toccoa, Ga. With Battery Russell, John, 172 Chicago St., Milwaukee, Wis With Battery Sammet, Clarence J., 1018 Richard PL, N. W. Canton, O Transferred Samolio, John, 105 E. Locust St., Newark, O Transferred Sanford, Henry C, 3230 W. 94th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Schaefer, George F., 4114 Bridge Ave., Cleveland, O Transferred Schaefer, George W., 2717 Lydenham St., Philadelphia, Pa . . . With Battery Schario, Ralph E., 1314 Third St., N. E. Canton, O With Battery Schneider, Richard D., 424 Greenup St., Covington, Ky With Battery Schoner, Frank R., Lake, O With Battery Schrimpf, August, 311 Defiance St., Wapakoneta, O With Battery Schulte, Walter J., Minster, O Died in the Service 106 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address , Disposition Schumacher, Robert J., 1121 11th St., N. W. Canton, O With Battery Schwan, William T., 3676 W. 46th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Sensabaugh, Jesse M., 418 Maple Ave., Newark, O Transferred Shafer, Richard, 69 W. Canal St., Newark, O With Battery Shaw, Ralph E., 96 Penney Ave., Newark, O With Battery Sheets, Vincent S., RFD 2, Hebron, O Transferred Shifman, Israel, 720 Cherry Ave., N. E. Canton, O With Battery Shiplett, Derwood E., RFD 4, Somerset, O With Battery Shively, Roy C, Rogers, O With Battery Simecek, Stephen J Transferred Sedgwick, William S., Newark, O Discharged Simpson, Ross C, 45 Linden Ave., Newark, O With Battery Singhiser, Leroy, 3629 Rudd St., Louisville, Ky With Battery Siske, Goldie G., Sturgis, Ky With Battery Smith, Harry, 603 Perry St., Wapakoneta, O With Battery Smith, Leroy, 1894 E. 20th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Smith, William M., 1321 5th St., N. W. Canton, With Battery Smith, Victor, 204 N. 4th St., Newark, With Battery Snyder, Charles . Transferred Speier, William P., 3939 Pflanz Ave., Louisville, Ky With Battery Srite, Jacob A., RFD 31, Rosstown, Ind With Battery Stabler, Elmer T., RFD 1, De GrafF, O With Battery Stauch, Henry S., 84 Pataskala St., Newark, O With Battery St. Clair, Charles A., RFD 3, Newark, O With Battery Stueve, John G., RFD 2, Minster, O With Battery Stickle, Oren, RFD 2, St. Louisville, O Transferred Stires, Clell, RFD 5, Pataskala, O With Battery Stilgenbauer, Charles F., 1509 Arnold Ave., N. W. Canton, O . With Battery Stinebaugh, Eugene A., Wapakoneta, O Transferred Stornello, Nunzio, California, O Transferred Strait, Leonard G., Summit Station, O With Battery Stratford, Frank A Transferred Sumption, Guy S., 7405 Halle Ave., Cleveland, O With Battery Swartz, Albert M., 106 N. Cherry St., St. Marys, O Transferred Sweeney, Myles J., 4604 Clinton Rd., Cleveland, O With Battery Sweetser, Merrill L., 73 Fleek Ave., Newark, O With Battery Tabbert, Adolph, 3944 W. 21st St., Cleveland, O With Battery Tellis, Harley E., RFD 1, Tippecanoe City, O Transferred Thomas, Albert H., RFD 4, Pataskala, O Transferred Thompson, Herschel A., 31 Spencer St., Newark, O With Battery Thompson, Walter M., 148 Jefferson St., Newark, O With Battery Thumer, Hugo, 243 Beach St., Newark, With Battery Turner, Thomas, Dixon, Ky With Battery Turner, Edgar W., 322 Eastern Ave., Newark, O Discharged Ulrich, Charles C, 343 Washington St., Newark, O With Battery Urban, Hugo, 40 E. St., Clair St., Newark, O Transferred Urmitz, Gust Transferred Vanderhorst, Peter, Minster, O Transferred, Sick Van Horn, Leroy, Santa Fe, O With Battery Van Orman, WUliam. RFD 2, Granville, O With Battery ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 107 Name and Home Address Disposition Vanous, Frederick, Homolka, Minn With Battery Vassar, Munson C, Bellefontaine, O Discharged Virden, Selmon D., Bresson Ave., East Liverpool, O With Battery Vogel, William E., 47 Pataskala St., Newark, O With Battery Vogelsang, Fred C, New Bremen, O Transferred Vrana, Rudolph, 3289 W. 58th St., Cleveland, O With Battery Walker, Fred, 175 Hancock St., Newark, O Transferred Walker, Fred G., 384 Woods Ave., Newark, O Transferred Walsh, William M., 2910 Bridge Ave., Cleveland, O Transferred Warrick, Wilmer A., Clarkson, O With Battery Waters, Edward L., 16 S. Morris St., Newark, O Transferred Watson, James, Cokebm-g, Pa Transferred Weaver, John G., Cresson, Pa With Battery Weber, Charles E., 1533 Woodland Ave., N. W. Canton, O. . . With Battery Weekley, Ora L., Union Station, O. . . . , Transferred Weekley, Wesley D., Union Station, O With Battery Weiss, Adam C, 127 Oakwood Ave., Newark, O Transferred Wendel, Harvey M., Fishertown, Pa With Battery Wernet, Richard D., 819 7th St., N. W. Canton, O With Battery Wibbeler, Benjamin, RFD 2, Wapakoneta, O With Battery Wharton, John W., 105 Hoover St., Newark, O Transferred Wiley, James P., 91 S. 3rd St., Newark, O With Battery Wigal, Floyd Transferred Wilson, Eugene F., 666 Walnut St., Lexington, Ky Transferred Williams, Clyde C Transferred, Sick Williams, Charles H., Black Lick, O With Battery Williams, George C, Fairmont, N. C With Battery Williams, Willard, RFD 9, Wapakoneta, O With Battery Wintermute, Ray A., 227 Hudson Ave., Newark, O With Battery Wisener, Julius H., 726 W. Auglaize St., Wapakoneta, O With Battery Wright, Flenory F., Casey ville, Ky With Battery Yates, William C, 409 E. Auburn St., Bellefontaine, O With Battery Zipperer, Frank P., 174 S. 5th St., Newark, O Transferred BATTERY '^C," 324th F. A. (HEAVY) Breitenau, Gekmany April 5th, 1919. Name and Home Address Abegglen, LeRoy, Alliance, O. Achenbach, Fred C, 2057 Grand Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Allen, Bert, 571 Hanford St., Columbus, O. Anders, Granville C, 74 Woodrow Ave., Columbus, O. Andrew, James M., 602 Oak St., Columbus, O. Austin, Earl A., 706 Central Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. Bach, Oscar, 1268 Baldwin Ave., Detroit, Mich. Bailey, Herman T., 2662 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, 111. Baker, Theodore A., 1161 S. High St., Columbus, O. Barnes, William, Denbo, Pa. Barnstorff, Carston H., 1369 R. Mound St., Columbus, O. Barr, Chalmer B., 1117 McAlister Ave., Columbus, O. Bartmess, Roscoe D., 823 W. Ash St., Piqua, O. Batistoli, Ernesto, Fredericktown, Pa. Beard, James R., 1144 Forest St., Columbus, O. Beavers, John K., 782 Ebner St., Columbus, O. Beeler, James R., 2527 Duncan St., Louisville, Ky. Binardo, Mike, RED 5, Sta. A, Columbus, O. Blair, William, 122 Woodrow Ave., Columbus, O. Blankenship, Daniel, 573 Laproth St., Columbus, O. Blue, Yelta C, RFD 2, Kalamazoo, Mich. Boschini, Frank, 1327 E. Broadway, Alliance, O. Boss, Ralph D., White Cloud, Mich. Boyd, Charles, 39 S. Arch St., Alliance, O. Boyer, Roy J., 155 Hinman Ave., Columbus, O. Bradfield, John H., 1358 Bryden Road, Columbus, O. Brady, William A., 158 Hinman Ave., Columbus, O. Braun, Albert J., 366 Sycamore St., Columbus, O. Breniser, Louis, Station C, Columbus, O. Brinkworth, Arthur, E. Brood St., Louisville, O. Burt, Wilbur A., 910 Durand St., Flint, Mich. Burton, Columbus D., Lucas ville, O. Butcher, Wilford, Claylick, O. Carle, Peter, 44 Mahoning Ave., Alliance, O, Carpenter, Frederick C, East Liberty, O. Carrol, William, 437 N. Webb St., Alliance, O. Cendro, Thomas H., 264 W. Ealery St., Alliance, 0. 108 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 109 Name and Home Address Chiporo, Salvadore, 921 E. Patterson St., Alliance, O. Christiansen, Charley G., Ephram, U. Claflin, Hosea, 675 McAllister Ave., Columbus, O. Clinch, Ernest W.. 788 S. 22nd St., Columbus, O. Coil, Glen, Spencerville, O. Collins, Thomas G., 784 Lockbourne Ave., Columbus, O. Crockett, Grover C, Yellowstone, Ind. Croft, Henry C, RED 1, Fredericktown, Pa. Curry, Noble W., 917 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, O. Curtin, James N., Vetter St., Lake Linden, Mich. Davisson, Richard, Hamden, O. Distelzweig, Frank F., 872 E. Mound St., Columbus, O. Distelzweig, Harold J., 872 E. Mound St., Columbus, O. Diver, William A., 627 S. Sonaca St., Alliance, O. Dodds, Gilbert C, 709 Maple St., Providence, Ky. Dolan, Manuel, 809 Buckhorn St., Ironton, O. Donahue, Guy C, 331 Park St., Chillicothe, O. Donahue, James H., 1532 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. Downs, Walter W., 349 S. Mill St., Lexington, Ky. Dueber, Joseph B., 498 E. Jackson St., Columbus, 0. Dueber, John N., 498 E. Jackson St., Columbus, O. Duffy, Robert, 1412 Oak St., Columbus, O. Dunn, James J., 427 Hanford St., Columbus, O. Durant, William H., 895 Linwood Ave., Columbus, O. Dwyer, Louis L. W. Broad St., Louisville, O. Dwyer, Maurice A., Caseville, Mich. Eckelberry, Charles L., 39 Thurman Ave., Columbus, O. Eller, John O., 2154 Brightwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Engle, Madison, 310 Sheldon Ave., Columbus, O. Fitchett, Dewey W., Amblersburg, W. Va. Fleming, Joseph, 23 Petrie St., Little Falls, N. Y. Fraas, Robert A., 966 Miller Ave., Columbus, O. Franklin, Gilbert L., Saloma, Ky. Funston, Kenneth O., 411 Clayton St., Waukegan, 111. Gardner, Lloyd S., Asheville, O. Gaulke, Harold M., 433 E. Whittier St., Columbus, O. Geiger, August J., Piqua, O. Glade, Carl F., 784 Bruck St., Columbus, O. Glascock, Henry H., RED 2, Thompson, 111. Golden, Robert E., 476 Hinman Ave., Columbus, O. Craifenstein, 415 S. Thoman St., Crestlins, 0. Culling, Morris L., RED 3, Louisville, O. Haidet, Glen, 347 N. Webb St., Alliance, O. Hale, Dallas V., 453 Forest St., Columbus, O. Hamilton, Fred, 224 N. Detroit St., Bellefontaine, O. Harris, Monroe J., Clay, Ky. Harvey, Jesse, 489 Linwood Ave., Columbus, O. Hayes, Myron E., 1055 E. 45th St., Cleveland, O. Heckman, Harley W., 189 Innis Ave., Columbus, O. Helm, Albert J., 469 E. Sycamore St., Columbus, O. no HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Henderson, Edwin F., 3856 N. Hamblin St., Chicago, 111. Henry, Arthur B., 206 W. Euclid Ave., Springfield, O. Henry, Harry, 422 W. Pine St., Lexington, Ky. Hesseling, Charles H., RED 1, Delphos, O. Hicks, Charles N., RED 1, Waupaca, Wis. Howard, Percy W., 1850 7th Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Hummel, Randolph, 1679 S. High St., Columbus, O. Insche, Foster, 780 E. Columbus St., Columbus, O. Janson, Wilford S., Magnolia, O. Johnson, Albert C, 781 Kimball Place Ave., Columbus, O. Johnson, John H., 106 E. Market St., Alliance, O. Judge, Bernard A., 725 S. Mechanics St., Alliance, O. Karaway, Julius, Daisytown, Pa. Kelby, George, Delphos, O. Kelly. Carl A., Sedalia, Ky. Kemble, Percy, RED 10, Cincinnati, O, Kientz, Harvey A., 788 S. 5th St., Columbus, O. Kinney, Guy, Wausecn, O. Kippart, James R., 712 W. Downey St., Piqua, O. Klein, Jess J., 193 S. Reinhard Ave., Columbus, O. Kluzcyinski, Walter, 2327 Robey St., Chicago, 111. Koch, Adam E., 1308 S. 4th St., Columbus, O. Kosh, Fred, 333 Jenkins Ave., Columbus, O. Koch, Irving O., 996 Livingston Ave., Columbus, O. Kozelsky, Frank, Moulton, Texas Krees, Walter J., 69 Deshler Ave., Columbus, O. Krann, Tony, 692 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lavely, Henry, Grove City, O. Lee, Clyde M., 24 S. Washington Ave., Columbus, 0. Lewis, Grover C, 1169 Jaeger St., Columbus, O. Luperi, Paul, Dunlevy, Pa. Luster, Stephen A., 692 Gilbert St., Columbus, O. McCarthy, Clemtant B., 253^ Myres Ave., Shelby, O. McCloskey, Frank S., 589 S. Champion Ave., Columbus, 0. McCue, John J., 268 St. Paul's Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Mack, Andrew H., Penville, S. D. Maffett, Guy, 522 S. Center St., Springfield, O. Mailing, Fred N., 537 S. Fountain St., Springfield, O. Masteller, Wallace W., 85 W. Ninth Ave., Columbus, O. Maul, John A., 832 S. 18th St., Columbus, O. Mayer, Carl J., 648 Kimball Place Ave., Columbus, O. Meyer, Elmer L., 1072 S. 22nd St., Columbus, O. Mick, Albert F., Malvern, O. Miller, Charles, 514 E. Long St., Columbus, O. Miller, Charles Lester, 11218 S. High St., Columbus, O. Miller, George H., Linden Heights, O. Miller, Louis E., 669 N. Walnut, Alliance, O. Moats, Clarence, Rowlesburg, W. Va. Momeyer, Albert W., Granville, O. Morbitzer, Victor, 1065 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 111 Name and Home Address Morgan, Walter T., 2107 Broadway, Galveston, Texas Murphy, Edward M,, 570 Carpenter St., Columbus, O. Nichols, George H., RFD 1, Unadilla, N. Y. Noes, Leonard, RFD 1, Harrison, O. Oyster, Glenn, 432 E. Cambridge St., Alliance, O. Oyer, Roy W., 1434 S. 3rd St., Columbus, O. Peltier, Kenneth S., Delphos, O. Peterson, Gustaf R., Beechwood, Mich. Pfeiffer, Louis E., 571 Southwood Ave., Columbus, O. Pirrung, Richard W., 593 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, O. Poor, Clarence H., 1212 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus, O. Powell, Percival, 522 East Ave., Springfield, O. Purdon, Lucien, Texas, Ky. Putnam, Roy H., 614 S. 24th St., Louisville, Ky. Raether, Leon H., 148 Linwood Ave., Columbus, 0. Rahrig, Edward J., Delphos, O. Reicheneder, George, 235 Bismarck St., Columbus, O. Reinhard, James L., 72 Hoffman Ave., Columbus, O. Rice, Guy W., 2044 S. Limestone St., Springfield, O. Reidmiller, Charles, 935 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. Rizzo, Tony, 427 W. 6th St., Cincinnati, O. Robbins, Frank Stanley, 371 Carpenter St., Columbus, O. Roberts, Earl, Hebron, O. Roeding, Charles C, 26 Stog St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rosenlf, John Sauer, George, 396 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. Schaeufele, Herman, 858 S. 5th St., Columbus, O. Scheibeck, Michael, 796 Jaeger St., Columbus, O. Schneider, Harry J., 525 S. 4th St., Columbus, O. Schusterman, Abraham, 232 S. Monroe Ave., Columbus, O. Sells, Elbridge, Park Ave., Carrolton, O. Sheffer, Walter, 614 N. Fountain St., Springfield, O. Shepherd, Lester C, 965 Bryden Road, Columbus, O. Seigle, Otto J., 389 Sycamore St., Columbus, O. Silsbe, Donald B., 835 N. Marion St., Youngstown, O. Smeltzer, Richard T., 715 S. Wittenberg Ave., Springfield, O. Smith, John B., RFD 17, Farmland, Ind. Stanglewicz, Tony, 1023 Jos Campan Ave., Detroit, Mich. Stein, Carl V., 967 S. 22nd St., Columbus, O. Strand, Hildore C, Colgon, N. D. Swartz, Noble, Jacksontown, O. Swenson, Lewis, Racine, Wis. Tanner, Frank B., 205 Wilson Ave., Columbus, O. Thackeray, Emery J., 104 1st St., Drumwright, Okla. Thomas, John, 125 E. Cambridge St., Alliance, O. Thompson, Theodore, Stamp Block, Alliance, O. Trapp, Frederick, Gahanna, O. Trapper, William H., RFD 4 Station C, Columbus, O, Vanhorn, George D., RFD 1, Ringold, O. Vamer, Earl J., 16 E. Vine St., Alliance, 0, 112 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Vogel, Clinton G., 209 S. Monroe Ave., Columbus, O. Watson, Ellis N., Embry, Miss. Weaver, Jesse, Lake Charles, La. Wells, John H., RED 2, Cheshire, O. Welsh, John C, 33 Auburn Place, Alliance, O. Williams, Charles F., Allenport, Pa. Wilson, Roy, 159 Morril Ave., Columbus, O. Wishon, John, 1822 Bucher St., Columbus, O. Wrassman, Frank, Delphos, O. Young, Harry E. RED 1, Melbourne, Ky. Ziegler, Theodore, 626 W. Columbia Ave., Springfield, O. Zimpfer, Erank L., 1501 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. Zink, Albert, 581 Crawford St., Columbus, 0. BATTERY ''C/' 324th F. A. (HEAVY) Beeitenau, Germany April 4th, 1919. List of men who have been members of Battery ''C/' but who are not now in the organization: Name and Address Abrams, William Abegglen, LeRoy, Alliance, O. Alfred, Alexander Armstrong, Frank, Bellefontaine, O. Baldwin, Jesse H., Ridgeway, O. Barker, Jesse L., Springfield, O. Barnes, S. S., Lima, O. Bamett, Sam, Columbus, O. Baruzzi, Pietro, Fredericktown, Pa. Basset, T. B. Baxter, William Beery, Carl M. Berry, Joe Bell, Elza V. ^luff, George J., 702 S. Ninth St.. Columbus, O. Bond, Alva H. Bowdle, Alva, Columbus, O. Breseck, Joe Bright, George, Columbus, O. Brooks, Thurman, 441 Marion Road, Columbus, O. Brown, James T., 127 Elm St., Bellefontaine, O. Brown, Russel V., RFD 4, Mechanicsburg, O. Brown, Irving C, Ogden, U. Brunsen, Barger, Troy, O. Budzinski, Ignatius Burdick, Frank Burke, Frank, Columbus, O. Callend, Robert, Columbus, O. Cassel, Peter Chivers, Howard W., 44 S. Washington Ave., Columbus, O. Clark, Henry W., RFD 1, Newark, O. Cloud, Charles S., 518 S. Champion Ave., Columbus, O. Ciesla, Frank s^ ^ j Cironak, Joseph, Cincinnati, O. 113 114 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Address Cohan, Nathen, Columbus, 0. Coldren, Russel, Columbus, O. Collins, Thomas L., Columbus, O. Cook, Walter F., 257 S. Plum St., Springfield, O. Court, William F., 1598 Parsons Ave,, Columbus, O. Creedon, Leo A., 621 Wilson Ave., Columbus, O. Cummins, John L., 554 E. Main St., Columbus, O. Cunningham, Jack Dalk, Frank DePriest, Orville, 134 Gates St., Columbus, O. Doorflein, Frederick, Columbus, O. Donavin, Melville, RFD 7, Lima, O. Douglas, Vemer, 679 E. Schiller St., Columbus, O. Downing, John C. Driver, Gale, Lima, O. Ecker, Frank, Columbus, O. Eckert, Chas., Roscoe, Pa. Eisimimger, Ingrahm E. Evans, Samuel H., Croton, O. Faks, George, Columbus, O. Fay, William D., Columbus, O. Firtch, Clarence, Columbus, O. Forbush, Elmer, Columbus, O. Frisby, Delmar Fuerst, Ben, 1109 Garfield Ave., Springfield, O. Gantner, Frank H., 686 Linwood Ave., Columbus, O. Gantz, Mathew, Columbus, O. Geiger, Pearl, Lima, O. Gladden, Cyril, Columbus, O. Gold, Harry, Columbus, O. Graham, Paul Graves, Herbert, Columbus, O. Guilfoyle, Harry Gustin, Everett Goldberg, Sam Haines, Howard E., 544 E. Rich St., Columbus, O. Hantner, Harry, 686 Linwood Ave., Columbus, O. Harsha, James M., Monroe Ave., Columbus, O. Hart, Harry, Alliance, O. Haynes, Samuel Helpman, John L. Heil, William, 419 Morril Ave., Columbus, O. Held, Edward Henry, Frank C, 378 Jackson St., Columbus, O. Herring, George, Bellefontaine, O. Hesselbach, Frank, Cincinnati, O. Hicks, Pearl E., 705 S. Wager St., Columbus, O. Higgins, Ernest, Hebron, O. Hixenbaugh, Alfred, RFD 1, Speers, Pa. Hoffman, Fred, Bellefontaine, 0. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 115 Name and Address Huber, Harry- Jennings, Hubert, Bluffton, O. Johnson, M. D., Troy, O. Jones, Brice, Belief ontaine, O. Keefer, Walter D., Columbus, 0. Kerrigan, George H., Troy, O. Kessler, William Killius, Walter E. Kitzmiller, Joseph M. Klamferth, Emmet O. Kline, Louis A. Kleineder, Wesley J., Spencerville, O. Kohl, George F., 370 Abbot Ave., Columbus, 0. Large, Jay, Columbus, O. Lause, Edward, Lima, O. Laymon, Franklin M., Croton, O. Lieb, William, 81 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. Lieverman, Herman, Columbus, O. Linda, Carl Long, Donald C, 1025 Franklin Ave., Columbus, O. Leveridge, Arthur, Lima, O. Luh, Roy, 1034 S. High St., Columbus, O. McCandlish, Russel K., 107 W. High St., Springfield, O. McClain, John R. McClure, Robert McCoy, Walter J., Springfield, O. McDonald, Thomas, Columbus, O. Macken, George, 907 S. Gilbert St., Columbus, O. Maddox, Fletcher Mallory, Fay Mantini, Gustino Mason, Andrew L., Tulsa, Okla. Matthews, Ralph A., 167 Mithoff St., Columbus, O. Morz, Erwin S., 325 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus, O. Miller, Edward N., Columbus, O. Miller, Ned, 1107 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, O. Mulbe, John F. Moore, William D., 144 W. Columbia St., Springfield, O. Morrison, Guy E., Delta, O. Muno, Angelo, 340 Hossack St., Columbus, O. Murnahan, Charles, Ironton, O. Nelson, G. C, Frankhn Ave., Columbus, O. Nisensin, Sigmund Overmeyer, George, Columbus, O. Parker, Joseph Pastor, David, 574 Carpenter St., Columbus, O. Pendergrass, Cannady Pennekamp, William Peppers, Lloyd D., Springfield, O. Perry, Charles, 1900 S. High St., Columbus, O. 116 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Address Perry, Pearl, 1900 S. High St., Columbus, 0. Pringle, Elga R., Roscoe, Pa. Puckett, Chester, Wellston, O. Rau, George E., 950 Miller Ave., Columbus, O. Reed, Chester Arthur, Columbus, O. Reed, Earl J., West Brownsville, Pa. Reicheneder, George 235 Bismarck St., Columbus, O. Reid, Homer M., Duvall, O. Reinhard, James L., 72 HofiFman Ave., Columbus, O. Renkert, Ralph, Bellefontaine, O. Rippel, Fred, 483 Columbus St., Columbus, O. Ritnour, George, Springfield, O. Ritsko, Stephen, Daisytown, Pa. Rodrian, Arthur, Columbus, O. Roller, J. C, Troy, O. Rothe, Earl, Lima, O. Rudolph, Victor, 1307 S. High St., Columbus, O. Ryan, Joseph, Columbus, O. Saltzgaber, Clarence, 681 Carpenter St., Columbus, O. Samuel, William R. Schailey, Frank Scharff, George, Columbus, O. Schmidt, George A., 342 Deshler Ave., Columbus, O. Schockley, James, Columbus, O. Schreiber, Frank, Columbus, O. Schultz, Ernest, 1025 Franklin Ave., Columbus, O. Schum, Geo. L., 339 E. Beck St., Columbus, O. Schwartz, Herbert L., 685 S. 22nd St., Columbus, O. Schwinne, Charles, Columbus, O. Schwinnen, Ray P., Spencerville, O. Scott, Ralph, 1791 Parsons Ave., Columbus, 0. Scott, Roy, Columbus, O. Scully, John Leon, 1960 Parsons Ave., Columbus, O. Settlemire, Graham, 601 Grafield Ave., Bellefontaine, O. Shankweiler, Myron Shepherd, Lester C, 965 Bryden Road, Columbus, O. Siders, Roy, Columbus, O. Sieverling, Walter W., Springfield, O. Slatzer, Henry, Columbus, O. Smith, Russel W., Columbus, O. Sprague, Sanford B., 747 Oakwood Ave., Columbus, O. Springer, Alfred Strange, John Strader, Stanley Albert, Columbus, O. Strouse, Edward Stiles, Spurgeon, Columbus, O. Stone, Richard Sweeney, Charles, Columbus, O. Stephen, Joseph, 1058 Oak St., Columbus, O. Tevers, Morris, Columbus, O. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 117 Name and Address Then, Gustav C, Jr., Columbus, O. Thomas, Robert R., Columbus, O. Tinkler, Edward P., 529 Rhodes Ave., Columbus, O. Tischner, John F., 448 S. Lane Ave., Columbus, O. Tressler, Henry, Columbus, O. Tuscano, John, Columbus, O. Underwood, Elmer, Stockdale, Pa. Vaun, William J. Veth, Carl E., Columbus, O. Wagner, Joseph, Columbus, O. Walker, Harry H. Wasserstrom, Sam, Columbus, O. Weikert, Roy, Alliance, O. Weinfeld, Abraham, Columbus, O. Welty, Hiram, Lima, O. Welsh, Edward, Springfield, O. Weitzenecker, Oscar W., 378 Sycamore St., Columbus, O. Wenner, Sam, Springfield, O. White, Robert W., 811 Oak St., Columbus, 0. Whitlatch, Harry, Schiller St., Columbus, O. Woerl, John, Troy, O. Wolfe, George C, 38 Markison Ave., Columbus, O. Wray, J. C, Troy, O. Yuhas, Andrew, 331 Reeb Ave., Columbus, 0. BATTERY ''D/' 324th F. A. (HEAVY) U. S. S. Seattle May 16th, 1919. Memorandum: To Personnel Adjutant, 324th F. A. (Heavy). Re memorandum your office this date the following informa- tion is submitted for use in Regimental History. Names and addresses of men now in organization. Name and Home Address Number Rank Achbach, Carl W., Yorkshire, O 1955536 Pvt., 1 CI. Ahern, John L., RFD 2, South Charleston, 1955537 Pvt., 1 CI. Albert, Samuel, Utica, 1955538 Pvt. Allison, Ellsworth, Burgettstown, Pa 2431599 Cpl. Anderson, Clyde, RFD 1, Newark, 1955473 Sgt. Arthur, John E., RFD 9, Springfield, 1955462 Pvt. Baker, Ezra F., RFD 4, New Carlisle, 1971554 Wag. Baker John E., RFD 1, Springfield, 1955505 Wag. Baker, Levi H., Tremont City, 1955504 Pvt., 1 CI. Bartolucci, Francisco, 2242 W. Polk St., Chicago, 111 2062105 Pvt. Battista, John, 515 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, 111 2062008 Pvt. Baumchen, Frank, West Branch, Mich 2039051 Pvt. Beatty, Ralph E., RFD 9, Springfield, O 1955539 Pvt. Beem, Henry P., Pataskala, 1955499 Bug. Berrong, Charles, RFD 1, Zion City, 111 2057844 Pvt. Berry, Willard L., 127 N. Center St., Springfield, 1955540 Sad. Boring, Oscar, RFD 5, Newark, 1955541 Pvt., 1 CI. Born, Ernest H., Millersport, 1955542 Pvt. Bramel, C. Raymond, RFD 1, Mt. Olivet, Ky 2890021 Pvt. Brannick, Stephen, 2123 E. Main St., Springfield, O 1955543 Pvt. Brennan, Martin F., 1093 E. 76th St., Cleveland, 2430322 Pvt. Brown, Frank E., Pataskala, 1955474 Pvt., 1 CI. Buchanan, Patrick J., Favette City, Pa 1955544 Pvt., 1 CI. Bucher, Ulery J., Forgy, Ohio 1955476 Cpl. Busby, James, 5 Wilson St., Mt. Sterling, Ky 2010120 Pvt. Byerman, Elmer E., RFD 1, Springfield, O 1955545 Pvt. Campbell, John T., RFD 1, Springfield, O 1955484 Cpl. Campbell, Stephen R., RFD 2, Wyandotte, Mich 2034816 Pvt. Carey, William A., 259 E. Main St., Piqua, 1955496 Cook Carney, Ewart G., 1644 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kan. . 1955505 Cpl. Carson, William E., 537 E. Main St., Newark, 1955485 Pvt. 118 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 119 Name and Home Address Number Rank Chambers, Burnie L., Ironton, Ky 2890036 Pvt. Chase, Hobart M., 133 Rose St., Springfield, 1955487 Cpl. Clark, Ralph H., 1614 Lagonda Ave., Springfield, 1955506 Cpl. Click, Edward F., RFD 1, South Charleston, 1955493 Wag. Cloud, Martin L., 509 W. Columbus Ave., Bellefontaine, O . . . 1955547 Cpl. Coleman, Francis R., RFD 1, Springfield, 1955548 Pvt. Compliment, Fred A., 321 W. Liberty St., Springfield, 1955507 Pvt., 1 CI. Cross, Leo V., South Vienna. 1955549 Pvt. Culp, Paul M., 25 Miller St., Springfield, 1955508 Cpl. Davis, Noah E., 138 S. Pine St., Newark, 1955552 Pvt., 1 CI. Dickerson, Henry E., Pataskala, 1955509 Pvt., 1 CI. Diltz, Stanley R., RFD 11, Springfield, 2424567 Pvt., 1 CI. Donald, William J., 25 Lowery St., Springfield, 1955555 Pvt. Doyle, John E., South Vienna, O 1955510 Wag. Drake, Delmar L., Outville, O 1955556 Pvt., 1 CI. Dyse, Harry B., 127 E. Clark St., Springfield, 1955477 Pvt. E4gerton, William B., Douglas, Wyo 1503057 Pvt. Edward, Clemmon, Providence, Ky 2890068 Pvt. Engle, Ohmer H., RFD 1, New Cariisle, 1955511 Pvt., 1 CI. Eshelman, Lester R., Tippecanoe City, 1955478 Sgt. Esteriine, Vauhn E., RFD 9, Springfield, O 1955479 Pvt. Evans, Louis R., 1012 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Utah 1640612 Pvt. Eveman, Alpha E., RFD 1, New Cariisle, O 1955558 Pvt., 1 CI. Fallon, Haward, 525 Hancock St., Hancock, Mich 2044183 Wag. Fansler, Samuel M., RFD 1, North Hampton, O 1955488 Cpl. Feichtmeier, Mathias, 5327 Superior St., Cleveland, 2473430 Pvt., 1 CI. Fink, Henry G., ThornviUe, 1955497 Ch. Mec. Fisher, Edward G., Walnut St., Covington, O 1955560 Wag. Fisher, George H., RFD 7, Springfield, 1955600 Pvt. Fitz, William, Stalwart, Mich 2038658 Pvt. Forste, Albert H., RFD 6, Sta. P, Cincinnati, 1955561 Pvt., 1 CI. Fown, Charies E., Croton, 1955562 Pvt. Frank, Adam E., 606 Salzburg Ave., Bay City, Mich 2985075 Pvt. Fravel, Frank M., Pataskala, Ohio 1955563 Cook Frock, Cari L., Donnellsville, 1955512 Wag. Frost, Walter, Black Run, 1955564 Pvt., 1 CI. Gaffney, Thomas, RFD 2, Springfield, O 1955565 Pvt. Gallon, Frank, 624 25th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis 2040104 Pvt. Gibler, Wilmer E., RFD 1, Springfield. 1955513 Cpl. Gillespie, Thomas A., 9702 St. Catherine Ave., Cleveland, O . . 2473765 Pvt. Gillogly, Donald O., 5706 Lexington Ave., Cleveland, 2430975 Pvt., 1 CI. Gleason, Eari C, RFD 3, Johnstown, 1955567 Pvt., 1 CI. Goings, Ohmer, 1380 Warder St., Springfield, 1955568 Pvt. Gray, Fred R.. 16 W. Mulberry St., Springfield, 1955514 Mess Sgt. Green, Daniel A., Johnstown, O 1955569 Wag. Griffin, James L., 932 Linden Ave., Springfield, 1955515 Sgt. Grimm, Ralph K., RFD 1, New Carlisle, 1955516 Pvt., 1 CI. Gutridge. William A., RFD 3. Glenford, 1955570 Cpl. Hall, Clayton B.. RFD 3, Utica, 1955571 Pvt., 1 CI. Hall, Clifton W., 438 N. Plum St., Union City. 1955486 Sgt. 120 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Number Rank Hammond, Dean, Alexandria, 1955572 Pvt., 1 CI. Hartsock, Urvin, Johnstown, 1955651 Pvt. Herrick, Roy J., 404 Winter St., Horicon, Wis 1955518 Cpl. Hisey, Ward F., Johnstown, O 1955575 Pvt., 1 CI. Holmes, James C, RFD 1, Weaverton, Md 1955576 Pvt. Homer, Claude J., RFD 3, Newark, O 1955519 Pvt., 1 CI. Hough, Walter C, RFD 10, Springfield, 1955577 Pvt. Howard, James, Versailles, Ky 2890106 Pvt. Hunter, James O., Croton, 1955601 Pvt. Hyser, John H., 1827 W. Washington St., Springfield, 1955580 Pvt. Inscho, William C, Van Atta, 1955581 Pvt. Ireland, Roy, RFD 2, South Vienna, O 1955521 Cpl. Jamison, Robert L., RFD 1, Newark, 1955582 Cpl. Johnson, John M., Cokeburg, Penn 1955583 Pvt. Johnson, Lawrence, Union Furnace, 1955602 Pvt., 1 CI. Johnston, Grover C, 539 Dorr St., Toledo, O 1955464 Sgt. Jones, Arthur W., Broadway, Granville, 1955584 Pvt., 1 CI. Jones, George H., RFD 1, Granville, 1955603 Wag. Jones, Raymond J., 7607 Marble Ave., Cleveland, O 2432338 Pvt., 1 CI. Jones, Roy D., Pataskala, O 1955494 Cook Keller, Charies H., Tremont City, 1955523 Pvt., 1 CI. Klme, Charies A., Medway, 1955588 Pvt., 1 CI. Kolodzicak, John J., 385 E. Union St., Nanticoke, Penn 1795091 Pvt. Kommel, Albert B., 386 Atlantic Ave., Monaca, Penn 2451539 Pvt. Larkin, Mark R., South Charieston, O 1955589 Wag. Locke, Frank W., RFD 4, Mechanicsburg, 1955592 Wag. Locke, Herman D., 1022 Broadway, Springfield, 1955525 Cpl. Londot, Octave, 2329 Broadway, Anderson, Ind 1955593 Pvt., 1 CI. Lookabaugh, Ralph R., RFD 2, South Charleston, 1955594 Pvt., 1 CI. Lupton, John C, 32 National Ave., Newbern, N. C 3285572 Pvt., 1 CI. Lynn, Iven L., Croton, O 1955595 Pvt., 1 CI. McClintock, James F., New Moorefield, 1955481 Cpl. McCoy, John W., Peebles, 2473751 Pvt. McDowell, Claude, Mt. Olivet, Ky 2890133 Pvt. Marker, Frederick A., 1421 Van Dyke Ave., Detroit, Mich. . . . 2043908 Pvt. Markley, Max M., Mt. Sterling, 1055596 Cpl. Meier, William, RFD 3, Box 66, White Lake, S. D 938260 Pvt. Melloy, Francis M., Sturgis, Ky 2890142 Wag. Miller, August W., Tippecanoe City, O. 1955599 Wag. Miller, Edward J., General Delivery, Wilber, Mich 2984858 Pvt. Miller, William H., RFD 1, Springfield, 1955604 Pvt., 1 CI. Miller, William T., RFD 4, Newark, 1955650 Cpl. Mirkin, George D., 241 S. 5th St., Steubenville, O 2480279 Pvt, Mitchell, Andrew P., Lenore, Wyo 505785 Pvt., 1 CI. Mock, Russell F., North Hampton, 1955605 Pvt., 1 CI. Montgomery, Francis E., Temperanceville, 2478726 Pvt. Moon, Willard C, South Charieston, 1955472 Sgt. Moriarty, Thomas F., 310 3rd St., Little Falls, N. Y 3328548 Pvt. Morrison, Ralph W., 1322 Clifton Ave., Springfield, 1955606 Wag. Morrison, William H.. 209 Comercial St., Dayton, 1955461 Pvt. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 121 Name and Home Address Number Rank Mott, Fred A., 825 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark 1590563 Pvt. Moulton, William R., 325 Glenn Ave., Springfield, 1955607 Mec. Mount, Glendale, RFD 2, Alexandria, 1955608 Pvt. Murley, Lewis C, 1421 E. 65th St., Cleveland, 2473764 Pvt. Murphy, Russell E., 136 Brown St., Saginaw, Mich 2985872 Wag. Musser, Benjamin F., RFD 1, New Cariisle, O 1955527 Pvt., 1 CI. Needles, Howard A., Enon, 1955609 Pvt., 1 CI. Neidemire, Harry L., 810 Bellefontaine St., Lima, O 1955147 Pvt. Nethers, Edwin, RFD 1, Hanover, 1955610 Pvt., 1 CI. Netzley, Harold W., West Milton, 1955611 Cpl. Oldaker, Fred V., Hebron, 1955467 1st Sgt. Osinski, Anthony F., RFD 4, Bay City, Mich 2994848 Pvt. Pancake, Ralph, South Charieston, O 2423412 Sgt. Penquite, Pearl L., North Hampton, 2423435 Sgt. Perkins, Allen S., Summet St., Bethesda, O 2734731 Wag. Petrousky, Vincent P., 844 W. 27th St., Chicago, 111 2082264 Pvt. Pierce, Ed. G., Utica, 1955613 Pvt. Prosser, George H., 2222 Lagonda Ave., Springfield, O 1955475 Cpl. Rea, Eugene C, South Charleston, O 1955483 Cpl. Rodorigo, Guistino, Vesteburg, Penn 1955616 Pvt. Rogers, Fred G., RFD 3, St. Clairsville, 2478735 Pvt. Russell, Roy, Aid, Ohio 1955530 Mec. Sanders, Jesse, Plattsburg, 1955618 Pvt. Scarberry, Grover C, RFD 2, Proctorville, O 2479000 Pvt. Schultz, William C, 3155 Berkshire Rd., Cleveland Heights, . 2482539 Pvt. Sessler, Wardie A., RFD 1, Selma, 1955619 Pvt., 1 CI. Shipley, John, Fairpoint, O 2478738 Pvt. Slocum, Albert M., RFD 7, Claire, Mich 2040435 Pvt. Slocumb, James E., Hebron, O 1955500 Bug. Sprague, Charles E., South Charleston, 1955622 Pvt. Stabler, John F., RFD 8, Springfield, O 1955623 Corp. Stabler, William H., RFD 8, Springfield, O 1954628 Pvt. Stackhouse, William E., RFD 1, Unityville, Penn 1808358 Pvt. Steel, Frank C, 550 W. 174th St., New York City, N. Y 396285 Pvt. Steele, Harvey L., Santa Fee, O 1955625 Pvt. Steele, Stanley R., RFD 1, Clayton, O 1955531 Mec. Stilwell, Lamar S., 1017 Clifton Ave., Springfield, 1955490 Sup. Sgt. Sunkle, Lewis L., RFD 2, Alexandria, 1955626 Pvt. Taylor, Myron E., Pendleton, Ind 1955492 Mec. Thompson, Cari H., Millersport, 1955501 Bug., 1 CI. Thompson, George L., Granville, O 1955532 Ch. Mec. Titus, Howard E., 234 Lawrence St., Newark, 1955627 Pvt. Trowbridge, Ralph L., Utica, O 1955495 Cook Vallier, George J., 118 Dean St., New Bedford, Mass 386581 Pvt. Van Allen, James C, RFD 1, Hanover, O 1955628 Pvt. Van De Water, Horace, 10 Ormand St., Hempstead, N. Y 1221062 Pvt. Van De Water, Walter, 10 Ormand St., Hempstead, N. Y 1221079 Pvt. Van Winkle, Everett, RFD 2, Blackrun, 1955630 Pvt. Walker, Joseph L., Paxton, Fla 3280649 Pvt. Wallace, William B., 439 S. Main St., Urbana, O 1954691 Pvt.. 1 CI. 122 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Number Rank Watklns, Charles E., Brownsville, 1955632 Pvt. Wears, John R., South Columbus, O 2480228 Pvt. Wears, Marvin W., Pliny, W. Va 1955633 Wag. Weaver, Gainor J., West Milton, O 1955583 Wag. Weiler, John B., 192 Granville St., Newark, 1954543 (Attached) Bn. Sgt. Maj. Wells, Curtis, Granville, 1955634 Wag. Wentz, Roy H., 924 Adeline, Oakland, Cal 2378881 Cpl. Whitney, William H., 323 Rutlidge Ave., San Francisco, Cal. . 653392 Pvt. Wilkinson, William H., RFD 1, Warnock, O 2478746 Pvt. Willey, Virgil, RFD 1, Hanover, 1955636 Pvt. Williams, John A., RFD 1, Granville, 1955637 Sgt. Williamson, Clarence, Croswell, Mich 2037258 Pvt. Wilson, Ben, Worley, Ky 1560015 Pvt. Wilson, William F., RFD 2, Fairview, W. Va 1559830 Pvt. Wolochawitz, Adam, 1039 Main St., Dickson City, Penn 1794943 Pvt. Wright, James B., Croton, 1955471 Sgt. Wright, Lon, Bristoria, Penn 2431506 Pvt. Wyeth, Claude S., RFD 2, Johnstown, 1955640 Pvt., 1 CI. Zerkle, Charles O., RFD 7, Springfield, 1955640 Cpl. Donald W. Fitton, Captain, 324th F. A., U. S. A., Commanding Battery D. BATTERY ''B,'' 324th F. A. (HEAVY) U. S. S. Seattle May 17th, 1919. Memorandum: To Personnel Adjutant, 324th F. A. (Heavy). Re memorandum your office the following information is submitted for use in Regimental History: Killed in Action Name and Number Address of Nearest Kin Overholzer, Calvin R., 1955612. . . Mr. Alfred Overholzer, New Carlisle, O. Died of Wounds or Disease Henn, Frank J., 1955573 Mr. Charles Henn, Broadway, Tippecanoe City, O Hinkle, Charles E., 1955498 Mr. John Hinkle, RFD 9, Springfield, O. Livingston, Clyde D., 1955591 Mrs. Lue Livingston, RFD 7, St. Louisville, O. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 123 Name and Number Address op Nearest Km Looney, Charles E Mr. John Looney, 251 E. Pleasant St., Spring- field, O. Vinson, George L., 2218767 Mr. Harris L. Vinson, Eureka, Tex. Wright, Harry G., 1955639 Mr. John W. Wright, RED 2, Qmncy, 0. Discharged Name and Home Address Gulp, Wilbur A., Tremont City, O. Fitzgerald, John H., RED 5, Springfield, O. Eleming, Howard M., 404 Phillips St., Marietta, O. Centner, Wm. J., RED 5, Eletcher, O. Goebel, Albert W., 832 W., Columbia St., Springfield, O. Jury, Chadwin T., Newark, O. Kenney, Erank K., 712 East St., Springfield, O. Kirkpatrick, Henry P., Utica, O. Lynn, William Z., RED 1, Newark, O. Marshall, Arthur J., Croton, O. McDonald, Mack, Gillesperville, O. Mossman, Howard W., RED 8, Newark, O. Mengert, Herbert R., Columbus, O. Richards, Clyde A., Utica, O. Rine, John E., Hanover, O. Shoe, Park A., De Graff, O. Snyder, Chester A., Laura, O. Troute, John W., Tippecanoe City, O. Wilson, Harry L., RED 3, Pataskala, O. Transfers Name and Home Address Abeles, Clyde E., Not known Aldrich, Albert G., Not known Allen, George N., Granville, O. Ballentine, Edwin B., RED 7, Springfield, O. Barcus, Harvey, Johnstown, O. Bauer, William M., Not known Bean Floyd R., Not known Beverlin, Alvo, Not known Booher, Fred, Croton, O. Bowyer, Ralph W., Not known Bradley, Clarence M., Not known Burnis, Mike, Not known Cahill, Martin L., Not known Christiansen, Harold, Not known Circle, Emerson S., RED 7, Springfield, O. Clark, Charles, W. Mulberry St., Springfield, O. Clicker, Edward J., Not known 124 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Namb and Home Addbess Clingan, Bazzilla M., Not known Clingan, Clarence W., Tippecanoe City, O. Cober, R. La Rue, 2106 W. 3rd St., Williamsport, Penn. Cook, Mont, W. Liberty, O. Conner, Herbert, Springfield, O. Cromes, Walter R., Troy, O. Crossmuck, Oren R., Not known Cruea, James L, Troy, O. Davis, Oscar A., California, Penn. Dietrichkeit, Edward R., Not known Diltz, Robert L., RFD 11, Springfield, O. Dixon, Henry E., Springfield, O. Doesburg, John, Cleveland, O. Eyelet, Clayton H., Not known Elleman, Charles R., Not known Ellis, Isaac E., RFD 11, Springfield, O. Evans, Robert C, Enon, O. Evers, Edward D., Napoleon, O. Fagnillo, Domenic, 300 Vorebiter St., Rochester, Penn. Fernan, Michael J., Dubuque, la. Fetherolf, Edgar B., Springfield, O. Floran, Joe, Box 20, Cannochburg, Penn. Francis, David E„ West Union, O. Glancy, Jesse H., Hanover, O. Gray, Frank M., Tippecanoe City, O. Hamilton, Joseph W., Not known Harnish, Reuben, Medway, O. Harshbarger, Alonzo, Piqua, O. Hart, George, Not known Hartzler, Harvey S., Not known Hartzler, Herman A., Not known Haycook, Gerald H., Not known Haynes, Oda M., Not known Heintz, Henry A., Not known Henshaw, Clarence, Springfield, O. Hines, John O., RFD 2, South Charieston, O. House, Delbert C, Hebron, O. Huber, George A., 36 Church St., Lambertville, N. J. Huffman, Harry E., Not known Hughes, Benjamin C, Not known Hundred Paul F., Medway, O. Hunter, Ellis E., RFD 11, Springfield, O. Johnson, Murry N., Pataskala, O. Jones, John S., Granville, O. Juergens, Carl A., Sprin^eld, O. Kerns, Elmer E., Not known Kincaid, Henry, Not known Kyger, Charies A., RFD 6, Springfield, O. Lair, William C, Not known Lake, Edward E., Not known ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 125 Name and Home Addbess Lawson, Roy L., Not known Leath, Raleigh W., Harris Station, O. Looker, Eddie C, Not known Lydic, William J., Hebron, O. McConaughey, Warner W., Not known Marsh, "VN^arton T., Springfield, 0. Mercer, Harry V., Harrison St., Springfield, O. Miller, Harrison M., South Vienna, 0. Miller, Vernon R., Not known Minor, Alvin, Cincinnati, O. Moderregger, Adolph, Not known Monahan, William J., Columbus, O. Morrow, Robin R., Connelsville, O. Meyers, John W., 1032 Franklin Ave., Columbus, 0. Nethers, William Z., Not known Nethercot, Arthur J., Not known Norris, Carl L., Not known Pangonis, Anthony, California, Penn. Park, Norman W., 5470 Rossetta St., Pittsburgh, Penn. Parker, Thomas A., RFD 1, Springfield, 0. Parson, Ralph V., Paulding, O. Perlman, Irving, 1079 Parkside Rd., Cleveland, O. Pettifor, Walter E., Not known Polak, Frank, Cleveland, O. Poling, George N., RFD, Springfield, O. Price, Ralph E., Terre Haute, Ind. Proctor, A. M., Not known Purk, Lon, Troy, 0. Rankin, Stacy B., Jr., South Charleston, O. Ricketts, Earl H., Utica, O. Sackenheim, Joseph A., 1580 Highland Ave., Springfield, O. Sampson, David L., Warder St., Springfield, O. Sauers, Charles, Not known Scarff, Howard N., RFD 2, New Carlisle, 0. Scott, Morris, 558 E. 102nd St., Cleveland, O. Schuesslin, Louis A., Not known Schlef, Harry J., 1421 Pleasant St., Cincinnati, O. Selzer, Edgar T., Not known Sheets, Lewis W., New Carlisle, O. Shelton, Preston W., Not known Sydes, Virgil S., Springfield, O. Smith, Benny, RFD 4, Oakwood, O. Smith, Frank C, Johnstown, O. Smith, Oliver M., Johnstown, O. Snyder, James R., Bentleyville, Penn. Stayrook, Earl, Not known Subic, Joe, Glencoe, O. Swartz, Ray, Not known Tallant, Robert H., Not known Titus, Malcohn H., RFD 6, Springfield, O. 126 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Tyner, Richard H., Not known Van Deveer, Llewellyn E., Not known Vermillion, Earl L., Not known Warfel, Walter, Not known Wellington, Oscar, Not known Whipp, Horace, Donnelsville, O. Wilgus, John W., Shadyside, O. Wilgus, Robert N., Not known Williams, Edgar S., Not known Williams, G. C, Not known Williams, H. M., Not known Wince, Morey N., Not known Wolfram, Louis H., Not known Yowler, Lawrence W., Medway, O. Zimmerman, Clark, Lima, O. Zimmerman, L. Vera, RED 6, Troy, O. Donald W. Fitton, Captain, 324th F. A,, U. S. A., Commanding Battery D, BATTERY ^^E," 324th F. A. (HEAVY) On Board U. S. S. Seattle May 21st, 1919. Roster of present and former members of Battery E, 324th F. A. (Heavy): Name and Home Address Disposition Adnovich, Peter, Columbus, Transferred Alexander, Angel J., 276 N. 19tli St., Columbus, O Allen, Jabez, Church St., Roscoe, Pa Allen, Brady, 307 Market St., East Liverpool, O Anderson, Leroy S., Springfield, O Transferred Anderson, William J., Clare, Montana Armstrong, Almiron, Yokahoma, Wash Transferred Artino, Tom, California, Pa Transferred Argabright, George M., St. Paris, O Barbee, Roger R., 512 City Park Ave., Columbus, O Barrett, Robert C, 401 W. 8th St., East Liverpool, O Bash, John R., Cornwallis, W. Va Baumgartner, Carl D., Worthington, O Badini, Jack, Columbus, O Barker, Jacob E., Springfield, Bennett, Lucius L., Columbus, O Beerman, Nicholas J., 261 E. Town St., Columbus, O Discharged Belletz, Mike, Columbus, O Bell, Albert, Columbus, O Transferred Betsch, John J., Columbus, O Deserted Belton, Richard, Springfield, O Transferred Beckett, Harry, Columbus, Transferred Bigler, Ray P., Bentley ville. Pa , Transferred Bodine, Roy, Kenton, O Transferred Bodine, George, Kenton, Transferred Burnham, Frank, Columbus, O Discharged Brundage, Edward W., Kenton, O Discharged Bozich, Vaso, Columbus, O Transferred Byers, Joe, Springfield, O Transferred Brackney, Forest L., Urbana, O Transferred Blakeman, Herman, Piketon, O Bolen, Dana J., Kensington, O Borwell, Frank C, 162 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111 127 128 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Boyer, Jolin R., Letart, W. Va Brown, Charles E., East Liverpool, O Brown, George S., Beaverton, Mich Browning, Lawrence A., 1226 S. "K" St., Elmwood, Ind Burrell, John J., 213 N. Olive St., Elyria, O Burns, Walter J., 377 Lexington Ave., Columbus, O Carpenter, George L., 8543/^ N. High St., Columbus, O Carr, Owen W., Columbus, O Transferred Cassady, Willie, Inez, Ky Clickenger, John W., Station C South, Columbus, O Chawner, Robert M., Columbus, O Transferred Chenoweth, John M., Worthington, O Transferred Clay, Frank L., Columbus, O Transferred Crawmer, William F., Springfield, O Transferred Cochran, Jesse, 587^ E. Mount St., Columbus, O Colby, Lewis S., 335 E. Broad St., Columbus, O Coleman, James L., 903 Dresden Ave., East Liverpool, O Collura, John, 385 E. Naughten St., Columbus, O Confer, Raymond H., Yellow Springs, O Corradetti, Domenico, Devon St., Devon, Pa Coy, Wallace M. Normandie Hotel, Columbus, O Cranor, Arthur G., Greentown, Ind Crawley, Jonas P., Woodruff, S. C Crowder, David B., Copenhaver, W. Va Crites, Esta B., 154 W. High St., Springfield, O Cutright, John R., Wigo, O Cummings, Bud G., 616 N. Main St., Ada, O Damowech, Pete, California, Pa Davidson, J. W., Columbus, O Discharged Davenport, George L., Columbus, O Transferred Daulton, Thomas, Columbus, O Transferred Dattalo, Joseph, 475 Grove St., Columbus, O Davis, Thomas, RFD 5, London, O Davis, Paul H., RFD, W. Liberty, O Davis, Evelyn A., Cedar Springs, Mich Davidson, Wilbur J., 924 Commerce St., Wellsville, O Decker, Walter, Columbus, O Downs, John, Columbus, O Dunnill, Arthur R., 3039 Christiana Ave., Chicago, 111 Dixon, Thomas J., 720 Erie St., Oak Park, 111 Dornick, Herman, 15th & Chester Ave., Wellsville, O Douglas, Leo H., 15}/^ W. Broad St., Columbus, O Duffy, John V.. 263 Mithoff St., Columbus, O Duffy, Frank J., 263 Mithoff St., Columbus, O Dziduh, George, Columbus, O Earle, Reeve E., Hemlock, Mich Eichwald, Emanuel M., 1150 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y Eichner, Carl, Columbus, O Transferred Eichenlaub, Raymond J., Columbus, O Transferred Edwards, Sam, Columbus, O Transferred Englehart, James, Columbus, O Discharged ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 129 Name and Home Address Disposition English, George K., RFD 8, Troy, O English, Ned E., RFD 8, Troy, O English, Netter, Ranfrow, Ky Entsminger, Clarence O., Rockbridge, Va Evans, Jack, Cincinnati, O Foden, William, 1038 Waterloo St., E. Liverpool, O Flannery, Raphael O., 261 S. Plum St., Springfield, O Fox, Shade, Teges, Ky Fulton, Finley E., Gallipolis, O France, Milton Y., Columbus, O Discharged Ford, Elmer, Columbus, O Discharged Foltz, Harry, Columbus, O Transferred Foreman, Pearl, Kenton, O Transferred Freton, Pete, Columbus, O Transferred Fulton, Robert C, East, Columbus, O Gallaher, Clarence A., 319 Douglas Ave., Chillicothe, O Gardner, John, Cincinnati, O Discharged Garland, Milliard F., Cincinnati, O Discharged Geiger. Frank J., New Washington, O Greely, Edward J., Columbus, O Transferred Griffin, William P., Columbus, O Transferred Grant, Alan G., Grove City, O Transferred Green, Jesse, Columbus, O Gladding, Oscar S., 89th St., Cleveland, O Transferred Gleich, Frank E., 459 East Oakland St., Columbus, Gibbs, Joseph P., Alvin, Wise Gordon, Abe, 267 Wick St., Pittsburg, Pa Goodman, Easton C, 573 Grouse St., Columbus, O Gould, Clarence E., 641 E. 4th Ave., Columbus, O Gunderman, Pearl I., Grove City, O Hague, Monroe P., Wellsville, O Hall, Lewis H., DeGraffe, O Hale, Walter G., 405 Third St., Toledo, O Hankie, Amos, 232 W. 6th St., E. Liverpool, O Hanna, Calvin, Pomeroy, O Hard, Frank L., Worthington, O Hard, Earl M., Worthington, O Harkless, Clarence, Columbus, O Transferred Haworth, Virgil, Kenton, O Discharged Haudenschilt, Lemoine F., East Liverpool, O Transferred Harria, John W., Springfield, O Transferred Hodges, Joseph, Columbus, O Transferred Hoover, Elva, Columbus, O Transferred Howard, James T., Columbus, O Transferred Head, Ernest, East Liverpool, O Transferred Huston, Charles V., Kenton, O Transferred HoUis, James, 61 S. Brownell St., Chillicothe, O Harrington, Thomas M., 186 E. 1st Ave., Columbus, O Hayes, Clarence E., 326 Garland Ave., Detroit, Mich Henthorn, Jesse C, 1915 Nevada St., Wellsville, O Hinkle, Ezra, Lawrence, Ky 130 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Hinton, Clyde, Carrollton, O Holliday, Thomas P., 2039 Battle Row, Augusta, Ga Hole, Charles G., Hanover, O Hoschar, Harvey R. T., 2018 Buckeye Ave., Wellsville, O Huelga, Sisto, Metrepole Hotel, Columbus, O Ingersol, Robert, Columbus, O Jenkins, Lester F., Columbus, O Jewell, Henry, Columbus, O John, Edwin K., Fremont, Mich Johnson, Harry H., 4270 Dane Ave., Cincinnati, O Jones, David E., Columbus, O Jones, Floyd L., RFD 5, Forest, O Joyce, Edward, Columbus, O Discharged Karshner, Roy B., 162 Souder Ave., Columbus, O King, Glenn, 40 N. Spring St., Springfield, O Katlinski, John, 584 St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O Kelly, Thomas, 724 Orchard St., Springfield, O Kenz, John A. South Watt St., Chillicothe, O Kendrick, Carl H., 784 Hamlet St., Columbus, O Keplinger, William H., N & W Ry. Yard Office, Portsmouth, O Kessler, Joseph, Station C, Columbus, O Keyes, John E., Box 193, Rural Retreat, Va King, Roger M., San Antonio, Texas Transferred Keeton, Alva, Parkersburg, W. Va Discharged Keenan, Harold P., Columbus, O Transferred Kirkland, Willie L., Summertown, Ga Kracht, Frank I., Ottawa, O Kravetz, Robert, 348 E. High St., Lexington, Ky Kraft, Matthew W., 1155 Hildreth Ave., Columbus, O Krueta, Kojo, Columbus, O Kruschadt, Charles R., Springfield, O Koon, Steve, Columbus, O Transferred Koch, Kenneth K., Chicago, 111 Transferred Kliment, Frank, Columbus, O Transferred Konovicz, Joseph, Shamokin, Pa Landfried, Harry K., 104 Boyce St., E. Liverpool, O LaMotte, Robert, Columbus, O Discharged Lepman, Benjamin, 212 Queen St., Martinsburg, W. Va Leslie, Howard S., Box 468, East Liverpool, O Lott, Raleigh B., 1017 Montana Ave., Kenmore, O Lolli, Adolph, California, Pa Transferred Laubis, Lebold, Kenton, O Discharged Lorson, Florenz M., RFD 3, Orrville, O Livingston, Willis L., Springfield, O Deserted Mackey, Walter T., 784 Buckingham St., Columbus, O Maloney, Leo J., 433 Lexington Ave., Columbus, O Mamos, Harry, 24 E. Spring St., Columbus, O Mangan, William A., 342 Earnshaw Ave., Cincinnati, O Manos, Peter, 423 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo Marchesini, Silvis, Fredericktown, Pa Mazzei, Joseph, 143, Coal Center, Pa ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 131 Name and Home Address Disposition McCoy, Charles E., Monroeville, Ind McCreary, Nola A., 254 East Mount St., Columbus, O McGraw, Clarence G., London, O McKnight, Walter K., 1192 Neil Ave., Columbus, McNulty, Frank, Columbus, O Discharged McGrath, Athal V., Lima, O McLaughlin, James, Columbus, O Transferred Mcintosh, Clarence, East Liverpool, O Transferred McCue, John, Columbus, O Died Medlock, Thomas S., Morrow, Ga Miller. Hiram, 130 S. 6th St., Columbus, O Miller, Bertram A., 472 Buttles Ave., Columbus, O Miller, Homer W., Columbus, O Transferred Middleton, Lorenzo B., 515 Garfield Ave., Cambridge, O Middleton, Clay H., Beech Creek, Ky Medcalf, Harold R., 45 South St., Ware, Mass Murray, Oscar B., Columbus, O Morris, Wayne, Springfield, O Deserted Morris, Ray L., Columbus, O Transferred Morrison, Edgar P., 339 North Market, Kenton, O Monlenpah, Frederick, 3rd & Baker Sts., Newark, O Transferred Nome, Francis J., 233 Lexington Ave., Columbus, O Moore, Paul S., 1415 E. 89th St., Cleveland, O Moriarty, Robert A., 31 Sherman Ave., Columbus, O Moore, Fred L., 508 E. Pleasant St., Springfield, O Moskow, Charles, Brick Road, Glen Cove, N. Y Myers, Walter L., Kenton, O Nelson, Clifford E., R.R. 2, Ada, O Nelson, Charles T., Springfield, O Newman, Pearl, Kenton, O Newman, Edward C, Kenton, O Nickerson, Charles F., 114 W. 91st St., Los Angeles, Calif Norman, Lloyd E., Route 2, Kenton, O Norton, William E., Columbus, O Transferred Norville, Oscar L., Columbus, O Transferred Noggle, Dwight L., 68 N. Grant Ave., Columbus, O Neville, Arthur, New York, N. Y Transferred Norwood, Henry, Kaufman, Texas O'Connor, Charles J., 101 E. Goodale St., Columbus, O O'Donnel, Dennis E., East Liverpool, O Patnode, Henry H., Empire, O Pappas, Tony, Columbus, O Transferred Penny, Dain C, Plain City, O Pecoraro, Angelo, Westburg, Pa Pergola, Luigi, 222^^ Neilston St., Columbus, O Pettifor, Carl L., RED 1, Worthington, O Phelan, John A., 221 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, O Pittenger, Edgar M., Box 229, East Liverpool, O Pope, Chancie E., Columbus, O Randolph, Bert, Burrows, Ind Ream, Warren B., 238 N. 19th St., Columbus, O 132 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Rein, Carl A., 138 S. Sixth St., Columbus, O Rauch, John, 119 W. 8th St., E. Liverpool, O Renner, John B., 1211 Pythian St., Springfield, O Redlich, Rudolph, Chicago, 111 Transferred Riley, James, Columbus, O Transferred Rice, John E., Springfield, O Transferred Richard, John M., Box 361, East Liverpool, O Richmond, George, 30 E. Road, Columbus, O Roe, Raymond R., Columbus, O Transferred Roehr, John, Columbus, O Deserted Roggero, Gerolamo, 3rd St., California, Pa Rowe, William F., 235 W. Highland Ave., Ada, O Roberts, Guy, Rushsylvania, Pa Santos, Miguel, 380 E. Spring St., Columbus, O Saylor, Robert, Columbus, O Transferred Sennett, Leonard L., Columbus, O Discharged Schaffran, Carl E., 678 Sunbury Ave., Shepard, O Schuler, Ralph R., Moore Park, O Scott, William A., Columbus, O Sellars, Jonas M., Cowpens, S. C Seelenbinder, Carl F., 1808 Fulton Ave., Springfield, O Sero, Samuel, 325 E. Town St., Columbus, O Sansone, Joseph, 104J^ N. High St., Columbus, O Sessor, Harry, Columbus, O Transferred Schwartz, Carl B., Columbus, O Transferred Shank, Otto L., Columbus, O Transferred Shelds, Harry E., Columbus, O Transferred Sheets, John E., Columbus, O Transferred Shawver, Charles C, Columbus, O Discharged Schiever, Walter, 42 Jarvis St., Toledo, O Transferred Shreve, Floyd L., Columbus, O Discharged Shepard, Don, Route 2, Kenton, O Shannon, Ernest, Saint Halaire, Minn Shust, Stephen, Carbondale, Pa Siegfried, Ernest C, 237 N. 20th St., Columbus, O Smith, James W., 319 W. Third St., E. Liverpool, O Smith, Edward C, 915 Oak Hill Ave., Youngstown, O Smith, Gershom W., 1418 E. Superior, Duluth, Minn Smith, Albertus F., Crestline, O Transferred Smith, Alfred, Columbus, O Discharged Snedden, William, Columbus, O Discharged Schneider, John G., Kenton, O Transferred Soderblom, Una, Columbus, O Discharged Stanley, Orland D., Zanesfield, O , Transferred Stagg, Joseph F., 655^ N. High St., Columbus, Stewart, William L., Zanesville, O Transferred Stillman, Fred C, 14 E. FoUette St., Fondulac, Wise Stump, Lawrence F., Columbus, O Sophos, Joseph, Columbus, O Discharged Susi, Antonio, Columbus, O Discharged Sullivan, Raymond J., Columbus, O. Transferred ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 133 Name and Home Address Disposition Simmons, Vern, Parkersburg, W. Va Discharged Tarr, Harry A., Orchard Island, O Tertegas, James, Columbus, O Transferred Swager, Roscoe E., Liverpool, O Transferred Swires, Gerald A., 1624 8th St., Portsmouth, O Sullivan, John F., 324 Colburn St., Toledo, O Trapp, John, Columbus, O Discharged Tobin, George, Columbus, O Discharged Tirrez, Bernabe F., Ysleta, Texas Tyree, John A., Springfield, O Tinkler, Michael J., 1128 Leonard Ave., Columbus, O Todd, James D., RFD 1, Troy, O Tole, George W., Alhambra, Ky Trant, Maurice, 1773^ E. Main St., Columbus, O Upp, Pearl, Columbus, O Discharged Van Atta, Jesse J., 261 Taylor Ave., Columbus, O Discharged Voorhes, James, Coshocton, O Transferred Warren, Emery D., 54 Chambord St., Montreal, Canada . Walters, Louis C, 530 S. Pearl St., Columbus, O Ward, Thomas, Springfield, Transferred Werner, John, Cincinnati, O Transferred Wallace, Otia, East Liverpool, O Transferred Welch, Edward, Columbus, O Transferred Webster, Karl B., Columbus, O Transferred Weaver, Forest, Columbus, O , Transferred Weathers, Clarence H., Columbus, O Discharged Winegarner, Ralph, Columbus, O Transferred Winegarner, Grover, London, O Transferred Wells, Charley, Kenton, O Discharged Weisman, Sam, Columbus, O Transferred Whaley, Ellis B., Finch, W. Va Whetsel, Frank P., Butler, Ind Wilkin, Clair D., 83 Vine St., Westerville, O Willhoite, Samuel, 29 West Third St., Covington, O Wierman, Ben J., Kenton, O Transferred Witham, Dillon, Kenton, O Discharged Webb, William L, Webbville, Ky Williams, David R., 623 E. Long St., Columbus, O Williams, J. E., Columbus, O Transferred Winchell, Allen T., 423 N. 5th St., Muskogee, Okla Wright, Allen D., Hartford City, Ind Transferred Woodmency, Earl R., RFD 4, Augusta, Kan Wooldridge, William L., RFD 2, Gaielen, Mich Windon, Robert H., Homune Ave., Springfield, O Woodyard, Bart, London, Ky Zimmer, Chris, Grove City, O Zimmerman, Charles A., Buchanan, Mich Norman L. Niece, 1st Lieut. 32Jfth F. A. U, S, A, Commanding ROSTER BATTERY ''¥,'' 324th F. A., SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION Name and Home Address Disposition Abel, Allison A., Unknown Trans. Adams, Joseph C, Springfield, O Trans. Albanese, Nicholas, 1041 N 4th St., Columbus, O Alkire, Richard H., Unknown Trans. Anderson, Arvid R., Columbus, Anderson, Rexford E., Unknown Trans. Anderson, William L., Unknown Trans. Andrews, George L., 97 Price Ave., Columbus, Andrus, Frank B., Unknown Trans. Ashcraf t, Derwin W., Unknown Trans. (324th Band) Auch, David M., Chillicothe, O Trans. (3rd Bn) Auckerman, John W., Unknown Trans. Balcerzak, John J., Cleveland, O Trans. Barber, Roy, 590 Reynolds Ave., Columbus, O Baskin, Benjamin J., 823 E. Boulevard, Cleveland, O Bava, Cosimo, Bentley ville. Pa Becker, Fred J., Massillon, O Trans. (Supply Co.) Bender, Charles F., Massillon, O Dropped Bell, John G., Millsboro, Pa Bennett, Charles R., Columbus, O Trans. Benton, Elmer, Denham Springs, La Binkley, Lloyd D., Columbus, O Trans. Blackwood, Joseph, Asheville, S. C Trans. Brougher, Arthur, Springfield, O Trans. Bohrer, Howard A., Springfield, O Discharged Bombaski, Vincent T., Unknown Trans. Brugler, Garrett M., Columbus, O Trans. Buhl, Herbert E., Columbus, O Trans. Bergoon, Clay, Glenmont, O Boggess, Victor H., 139 Rice St., Springfield, O Booth, Mathew M., Dobbins, Ky Borell, Elmer L., RR 1, Massillon, O Boyer, Robert E., 1802 N. 4th St., Columbus, O Brady, Leslie, 133 Penn St., Washington, Pa Breckel, Charles F., 208 S. Grant St., Massillon, O Brown, Ernest, 224 N. Florence St., Springfield, O Brown, Lawrence H., 123 E. Madison Ave., Springfield, O. . . Brown, Walter V., Columbus, O Dropped Burk, Charles M., 316 W. 3rd Ave., Columbus, O Burk, John F., Unknown Trans. 134 ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 135 Name and Home Address Disposition Butler, Guy, Massillon, O Trans. Canfield, Howard S., Columbus, O Trans. Campbell, Samuel D., Columbus, O Discharged Capper, William A., Columbus, O Trans. Carmichael, Fred W., 146 Oakdale Ave., Akron O Cartmell, Paul F., Springfield, O Trans. Carroll, Bruce S., 1559 N. 4th St., Columbus, O Casey, William D., Springfield, O Trans. Channel, Burley M., Cemetery St., Crooksville, O. Chapin, Robert E., Columbus, O Discharged Christon, Fotis, 6043^ E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Chambers, William J., Columbus, O Trans. Cisballi, Constantino, Westburg, Pa Clancy, William L., Columbus, O Trans. Clark, Earl J., Urbana, O Clementz, Earl P., 702 N. Lincoln Ave., Massillon, O Clifford, Dennis, Springfield, O Trans. (Supply Co.) Cohen, Harry L., Columbus, O Trans. (Med. Dept.) Connelly, John A., Columbus, O Trans. Cotton, John W., Columbus, O Trans. Corcoran, John A., Columbus, O Trans. Corrigan, James H., Columbus, O Trans. Connin, Donald A., Unknown Discharged Crego, Richard C, 10710 Deering Ave., Cleveland, O Crownover, William B., Floreffe, Pa Cummins, John L., Columbus, O Trans. Dagger, Golden N., Columbus, O O. T. C. Cook, H. C, Columbus, O Trans. (Hq. Co.) Dall, John F., Columbus, O Trans. Dalton, George W., 2856 East Ave., Columbus, O Dalton, Lewis A., 1130 Neil Ave., Columbus, O Danison, Alfred P., 89 E. 11th Ave., Columbus, Davis, John C, 174 13th Ave., Columbus, O Davis, Thomas J., 174 13th Ave., Columbus, O Davis, William E., 181 E. Oakland Ave., Columbus, O Dawson, Clyde E., Columbus, O Trans. Day, Charles E., Springfield, O Trans. Dellicato, Antonio, Unknown Trans. Deming, Donald F., Columbus, O Trans. Dennehy, Lawrence, 1190 Lagonda Ave., Springfield, O.. . . Depoortere, Everist, 41 19th St., Detroit, Mich. DePue, John R., Columbus, O Trans. Derwalt, Dale G., 715 N. Mill St., Massillon, O Dessler, George C, Columbus, O Trans. DeVaney, Frank, Akron, O Trans. DeWitt, AUie A., Unknown Trans. Dill, Roy W., Columbus, O Trans. DiMarino, Gaetano, Stop 23 Sharon Line, Youngstown, O. . . DiPillo, Angelo, 451 W. Charles St., Columbus, O Dougherty, Anson C, Brewster, Dover, John H., Columbus, O Trans. 136 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Drum, Roxy B., 2441 Summit St., Columbus, O Drummond, James H., 1101 Beacon St., Springfield, O Dunkel, Carl E., Versailles, O Eing, John, Massillon, O Dropped Eckleberry, John W., Columbus, O Trans. Edmunds, Glen, Columbus, O Trans Eshelman, Burley M., 2164 TuUer St., Columbus, O Evans, David A., 227 Tulane Road, Columbus, O Evans, John M., 227 Tulane Road, Columbus, O Evans, Norman E., 171 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, O. . . . Ferguson, Clarence E., 2204 Indiana Ave., Columbus, O. . . Fankhauser, Charles E., Columbus, O Dropped Fisher, Harry C, Columbus, O Trans. Foster, William R., Jackson, O Fowler, Wayland N., Ellsworth, Pa Fry, John C, Huntsville, O Funk, Fred B., 14 Dakota Ave., Columbus, O Gamble, Cecil E., Uffington, W. Va Gamble, Vernie O., 235 Ash St., Marysville, O Gallagher, Raphel A. M., Springfield, O Discharged Garling, Roscoe J., Bellefontaine, O Trans. Gamer, Louis S., 118 Ken worth Road, Columbus, O Gerloch, Roy R., Wilmont, O Geschwind, Fred W., 1405 3rd St., Massillon, O Grandstaff, Walter M., Unknown Trans. Green, George H., Columbus, O. . Trans. Grimm, John C. M., Columbus, O Trans. Grimm, Russell A., Columbus, O Trans. Grumbley, George E., 17 N. Wittenberg Ave., Springfield, O. Gorsuch, Max S., Columbus, O Trans. Gust, Joseph, 323 S. 3rd St., Milwaukee, Wis Guthrie, Harry G., Sunbury, O Haddox, Ray, Belpre, O Haettel, Joseph A., Columbus, O Trans. Haines, Howard C, Columbus, O. Trans. Hammer, Orison W., Massillon, O Trans. Hatch, Charley E., DeGraff, O Hayes, Fred B., RFD, Mechanicsburg, O Heinlein, James H., Orland, O Henshaw, Clifford, 220 S. Yellow Springs St., Springfield, O. Herman, Jacob W., Millersburg, O Hiles, Andrew A., 812 W. Dibert Ave., Springfield, O Hill, Griswold M., Columbus, O O. T. C. Hinton, Roy J., Springfield, O Dropped Hobson, Bernard, 344 Marshall Ave., Columbus, O Hobson, Thomas B., Columbus, O Trans. Hockenberry, Jess A., 935 Pennsylvania Ave., Columbus, O. Hoyeler, Henry, Unknown Trans. Hoffman, Willis W., 274 W. 2nd St., Springfield, O Holmes, George W., Columbus, O O. T. C. Holowinko, Joseph, Cleveland, O Trans. ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 137 Name and Home Address Disposition Hooper, Willis B., Columbus, O Trans. Hoover, Clarence M., Linden Heights, Columbus, O House, Theodore, 253 Wilbur Ave., Columbus, O Howard, Elmer C, 58 Wisconsin Ave., Columbus, O Horton, Dean R., Columbus, O Trans. (Supply Co.) Hoyer, Ray H., 31 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, O Hughes, Harry O., Fairmont, Minn Huyghe, Henry, 978 Newport Ave., Detroit, Mich Hunter, Paul J,, Columbus, O Trans. Ilderton, John W., Columbus, O Dropped Ingraham, Forest W., Columbus, O Trans. Isom, James C, 312 London Ave., Roanoke, Va James, Harry, Columbus, Discharged John, Glen, Hardin, Mont Johns, Howard J., Springfield, O Trans. Johns, William P., 32 Edward St., Massillon, O Johnston, Glenn H., Columbus, O Trans. (Ordnance Dept.) Johnson, Roy C, 526 E. Main St., Columbus, O Jones, Clifford J., Dadeville, Mo Karch, Fred A., 274 12th Ave., Columbus, O Kasper, Michael G., 738 Hoffman Place, Columbus, O Keller, Henry J., RFD 2, Massillon, O. . Kelly, Paul E., Somerset, O .. Kessel, Ralph M., Massillon, O Trans, (Ordnance Dept.) Kight, Robert L., 131 E. Spring St., Columbus, O Kiser, Clarence W., Pine St., Wharton, N. J Klaassen, Andrew N., 1056 Logan St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Knapp, Ross W., Columbus, O Trans. Knoblauch, John M., 3114 Russell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Koetje, Cornelius J., RFD, McBain, Mich Kuhls, Louis H., East Henrietta, N. Y Lacey, Virgil M., 387 Innis Ave., Columbus, O Lamb, Norman O., Route 2, Massillon, O Lapp, Harry R., Columbus, O Trans. Lee, John M., 428 Tibbetts Ave., Springfield, O Legg, John M., 265 E. 11th Ave., Columbus, O Letson, Howard E., 2553 Summit St., Columbus, O Lewis, Clarence W., 202 Wachter St., Massillon, O Licht, Paul B., Columbus, O Trans. Lisle, Robert C, 452 Vermont Place, Columbus, O Little, Richard F., Route V, Massillon, O Lorentz, Raymond V., 1638 N. 4th St., Columbus, O Love, Emmett, Rendville, O Lowry, William D., Columbus, O Trans. Lutz, Herbert E., Springfield, O Trans. McCarthy, Paul J., 247 W. 3rd Ave., Columbus, O McConnell, Earl C, 583 Broadway, Bedford, O McConnell, Layton E., R. R. 1, Massillon, O McClintock, Earl D., 17 W. State St., Massillon, O McClenaghan, Paul S., Columbus, O Trans. McClaughlin, Wm. N., Columbus, O Trans. 138 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition McCormick, George, Unknown Trans. McGinty, Raymond J., 141 E. 8th Ave., Columbus, O. . . . . McNamara, James H., 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Columbus, O. Madden, Bernard M., Columbus, O Trans. Master, James E., Springfield, O Discharged McMurray, Robert B., Barnesville, O Trans. McMahan, William E., Columbus, O Trans. Manahan, Clayton E., Columbus, O Trans. Martz, Lester F., Ellsworth, Pa Trans. Mechlin, Charles C, Springfield, O Trans. Meehan, John M., Springfield, O Trans. Martin, Manning J., Gaffney, S. C Merklin, Robert H., Benkelman, Nebr Metzger, Clyde E., 1109 Garfield Ave., Canton, O Miller, Andrew D., Maple Dell, Massillon, O Miller, Charles H., Unknown Trans. Miller, Frank, Beech City, O Miller, Warren C, E. Walnut St., Massillon, O Minney, William G., McGregor, Iowa. .\ Mitchell, Charles M., Springfield, O Trans. Morison, Francis L., 1240 Oak St., Columbus, O Morrison, Calvin E., Chillicothe, O Trans. Morrison, Jess M., Asotin, Wash Mulby, Leo H., 100 Broadway, Columbus, O Moriarty, Arthur L., Columbus, O Trans. Myers, Frank E., 1133 Winsor Ave., Columbus, O Nash, Paul M., 42 W. 3rd Ave., Columbus, O Neff, Harold A., 250 Wilbur Ave., Columbus, O Nichols, Roland E., Somerset, O Nickerson, Raymond J., Unknown Trans. Noon, Edward J., Columbus, O Trans. Noonan, Michael A., Columbus, O Trans. Nordman, Victor, 469 E 11th Ave., Columbus, O Notarangels, Felice, 222 Sill St., Atlas, Pa Nembach, Albert B., Columbus, O Discharged Nonartowich, Felice, Ellsworth, Pa Discharged Nowland, Mahlan H., Springfield, O Trans. Nugent, Bernard J., Washington, Ind O. T. C. Odell, Galford G., 1441 Jackson St., Charleston, W. Va. . . . Overholt, Virgil M., Columbus, O O. T. C. Packer, Thomas B., Thornville, O Payne, Leroy, 625 W. Main St., Springfield, O Patterson, Gus A., Ellsworth, Pa Trans. Pearse, Claude J., 927 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Columbus, O Pedterson, Carl, Grandville, N. Y Pennock, Alvah, Jr., Delton, Mich Peterson, Anton S., Laurium, Mich Perone, Tom, Columbus, O Trans. Peterson, Charles, Springfield, O Trans. Pettibone, Frank A., Columbus, O Trans. Pickard, Harry C, 403 McClellan St., Hudson, Mich ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 139 Name and Home Address Disposition Pinis, George J., R.R. 5, Massillon, O Plank, Paul H., Columbus, O Trans. Potts, Earle H., 3046 W. 101st St., Cleveland, O Powell, Llewellyn O., 694 E. 3rd Ave., Columbus, O Powers, James I., Unknown Trans. Pritchard, Guy, 1453 Wesley Ave., Columbus, O Pund, Harry H., 925 Bank St., Cincinnati, O Purcell, Frank J., 4641 Bellevue Ave., Louisville, Ky Pyers, Wilson B., Millersburg, O Quinn, Lester V., Massillon, O Trans. Racle, Fred A., 551 City Park Ave., Columbus, O Rash, George W., Bellefontaine, O Trans. Rector, Gordon, 80 Clyde St., Pawtucket, R. I Reed, Carlos I., Columbus, O Trans. Reichard, Harry F., Columbus, O O. T. C. Reinhart, Harry L., Columbus, O Trans. Renner, Edwin S., Columbus, O O. T. C. Richards, Fletcher D., Columbus, O Trans. Ridenour, Carl T., 211 S. Western Ave., Springfield, O Rippy, Willie, Paragould, Ark Dropped Rodgers, Rockford E., Columbus, O Trans. Robinson, Charles McK., Columbus, O Trans. Robinette, William, Unknown Trans. Roggero, Giralimo, Ellsworth, Pa Trans. Rose, Lloyd A., Paint Bank, Va Ross, Philip, 335 E. Spring St., Columbus, Rueppel, Paul G., 392 13th Ave., Columbus, O Ruine, Warren A., Columbus, O Trans. (Med. Dept.) Ryan, Martin, Ellsworth, Pa Trans. Sabol, Otto A., Columbus, O Trans. Sagstetter, Leo H., 2675 Doddridge St., Columbus, O Sander, Arthur W., 1029 Seton Ave., Cincinnati, O Satterthwaite, Ralph R., 93 Hubbard Ave., Columbus, 0. . . . Saul, Joseph, 1292 S. 4th St., Columbus, O Scallon, Bertrand P., Somerset, O Scanlan, Frank A., 244 Wilbur Ave., Columbus, O Scatterday, Samuel A., 73 Brighton Road, Columbus, O. . . Schneider, John A., 1187 Essex Ave., Columbus, O Schirtzinger, Andrew S., 997 E. 12th Ave., Columbus, O. . . Schoellkopf, William A., 35 Buttles Court, Columbus, O. . . Schrader, Lee A., Richfield, Pa Schwerin, James F., 421 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, O Schwartzman, Arnold E., Massillon, O Trans. Schoppert, Winter, Columbus, O Trans. Scott, Arthur C, Unknown Dropped Scott, Lyman B., Columbus, O Trans. Seaver, Russell J., Massillon, O Dropped Sellig, Ellsworth M., 415 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, Shafer, Albert K., 921 Clifton Ave., Springfield, O Shafer, John F., R. D. 9, Springfield, O ShaflFer, Melville F., Columbus, Trans. 140 HISTORY OF THE 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY Name and Home Address Disposition Shaffer, Wesley K., Columbus O Trans. Shanklin, Lewis, Massillon, O Trans. Shamel, Fred B., Columbus, O Trans. Sherer, Roy S., Columbus, O Discharged Shellin, Frank A., Algoma, Wis Shover, William H., Unknown Trans. Sjffrin, George P., Garvis Ave., Massillon, O Smith, Earl J., 7053^ N. High, Columbus, O Smith, Edgar R., Summit Ave., Columbus, O Smith, Harlan L., Hemlock, O Smith, Roy C, 1559 N. 4th St., Columbus, O Smith, Brice E., Columbus, O Trans. Smith, Warren, Columbus, O Trans. Smith, Paul M., Columbus, O Trans. Snider, Charles W., Somerset, O Snyder, Earl M., 1601 W. Tremont St., Massillon, O Snyder, George, Massillon, O Trans. Sidders, Clifford W., Springfield, Trans. Shultis. John, Springfield, O Trans. Spreng, Edward J., Loudenville, O Spurrier, Fred E., Columbus, O Trans. Slye, Clark, Springfield, O Discharged Stanley, John A., 116 W. Spring St., Columbus, O Steele, Harley W., 150 W. Pleasant St., Springfield, O Stewart, Charles K., Columbus, O Trans. Stickovitch, Joseph, Box 242, Frederickstown, Pa Stitz, Frank, Jr., Justus, O Stout, Urah H., Belle Center, O Stockstill, Carey, Columbus, O Trans. Stream, Ernest E., Kent City, Mich Stupp, Miles A., Bellefontaine, O Trans. Simmons, Will A., Unknown Trans. Sullivan, Bernard J., 1061 Hamlet St., Columbus, O Taylor, John L., Columbus, O Trans. Tiedeman, Rudolph M., Goodhue, Minn Thayer, Will C, Unknown Trans. Tope, Ernest M., Columbus, O Trans. , Torr, John, Jr., Columbus, O Trans. Trout, Willard C, Columbus, O Trans. Trunnell, Willie R., Crooksville, O Turner, Frank L., Columbus, O Trans. Turner, Irwin, Columbus, O O. T. C. Tuttle, Powell T., Springfield, O Discharged Uhl, Charles J., 417 14th Ave., Columbus, O Urwin, George H., Millsboro, Pa Vanderlip, Henry F., Columbus, Trans. Veselica, Spase, 441 Galloway Ave., Columbus, O Ware, Earl, 52 Price Ave., Columbus, O Warth, Clement T., 208 North St., Massillon, O Warren, Jerry E., Springfield, O Trans. (Hq. Co.) Watts, Chester V., Springfield, O Trans, ROSTER OF 324TH FIELD ARTILLERY 141 Name and Home Address Disposition Watt, Lee, Columbus, O Trans. Weaver, Leroy H., Ellsworth, Pa Trans. Weimer, Scott W., West Brownsville, Pa Weis, Ezra H. F., Columbus, O Trans, Welch, James D., Columbus, O Trans. Wells, John C, Columbus, O O. T. C. Weber, John H., Unknown Trans. Wessel, Christian C, Springfield, O Trans. Whitney, Charles E., 1343 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, 0. . . Wherry, Eli H., Ellsworth, Pa Trans. Wikoff, Charles H., 1516 Neil Ave., Columbus, O Williams, Howard, Route 1, Massillon, O Williams, Thomas S., 2396 N. 4th St., Columbus, Williams, Herman O., Columbus, O Trans. Wilson, Edward T., Columbus, O Trans. Wolf, Walter C, Massillon, O O. T. C. Woods, Frank W., Grove Ave., Massillon, O Worrell, Eli E., West Brownsville, Pa Wright, Dewey M., Unknown Trans. Wright, Irl J., Cass City, Mich Dropped Wright, Louis A., Springfield, O Discharged Wright, William A., tdY^rs, Texas Willis, Edwin S., Springfield, O Trans. Wymond, Frank C, Unknown O. T. C. Yaeger, John L., Duncan, Okla Young, Almon P., LaGrange, Ind , O. T. C. Young, Chester H., 411 S. Hill St., Massillon, O Youst, Claude W., 871 Leona Ave., Columbus, O Zay, Anthony, Columbus, O Trans. Zupp, David J., R. R. 6, Bellefontaine, O Zurowski, John E., 582 18th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent; Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: ^^aw 2001 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 007 692 097 7