sr ^>^^> «j-^ ^jm^m^ '^^m/''^ « mM^i .^■i\: (VVSSv '?;'•> -^Iv '5fe nm-': -•:> -C- ,^% =^' .. <.''^ X^^x. •^ V V ■!- /^'. "^ Vy, ^^.,^\<' * ^^J ^W ,t\^ 0^ s r J. r ^' ..\,>?si^. ', 0^- .^' >0^ aV •^., .-0. ^ ^ vI-1 -/ -^ .^•> ■''^ '-T^^' A-iv ,A^ 0^ '''11^ aV ■^.. 'O- C^ 'y- v^" .V ,0 ,^^ -^^^ ,0o .00. A> '^/>. ^:5 .0^.. b o"^ ■^oo^ ^^ ?5 '^ci- .^^^^^'.^ ^v> •"<^- %^ \^ \ o ^"^ vO^r. xO°^ "O^ V^ v. 1 :>%^^-^^ f S. W. BRANCH, UNION STOCK YARDS, KANSAS CI^TY. a %. uy^RC csT IN THE WORLD ■4 HORsE [^^■^ POULTRY °S" ^ -'-..' GOLD Col^oH^i^llil VETERIHARY Rtreoris -ssa**^ FACTORY AND ORDER DEPT , ST. PAUL, MINN. YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY BY FEEDING "GOLD COIN STOCK FOODS" BY 25 TO 50% THAN BY FEEDING WITH- OUT THEM. IF YOU ARE USING OTHER STOCK FOODS DISCONTINUE AND USE "GOLD COIN STOCK FOODS" ONLY AND YOU WILL BF DOUBLY SATISFIED. Loc2)^l:ed e made especially for cattle and it does the work when "stockfoods" utterly fail. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is compounded of ingredients that cannot fail to produce fat, because it is prepared espe- cially from known fat producing remedies. It is perfectly harmless. It can even be taken by peo- ■\ pie. Considering the result obtained it is far the cheapest Cattle Fattener on the market today. Calves look like butter when fattened on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, one tablespoonful twice a day in only skim milk eind ground feed. You try it. We guarantee it. THE AYRSHIRES. Ayrshires should be selected as nearly pure blood as possible, whether buying for breeding or dairying. See that they have all the gentleness and good constitution of their breed. See that the eye is full and placid; tapering nose and clean nostrils; horns of medium size and fine texture, with an outward and upward turn and set wide apart. Get them with straight or nearly straight back, with long tail on level with it, and with small flat boned, clean cut limbs. This is superlatively a dairy breed, though they fatten well and fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener they "form" very readily and make some of the best of beef with a most desirable mixture of fat and lean. Fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener the Ayrshires are eagerly bought on the hoof, and highly prized by consumers. Their natural productiveness of large quanti- ties of milk, rich in butter and cheese forming elements, is greaty enhanced by the use of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, and in addition their calves are matured earlier and do well on skimmed milk and Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, thus again help- ing to turn over more rapidly the money in them. With such a cow the five or six hundred gal- lons of milk she gives in a year can easily be in- creased on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to seven or eight, or even nine, hundred gallons a year, and the 225 pounds of butter raised to 275 pounds or more. Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. ^s TW^l . Pure Bred Ayrshire Bull. TAINTS IN MILK. A bitter taste in milk may come from a weed or some herb in the feed. It may come from some derangement or diseased condition in the cows, or it may be caused by some germ in the milk room. Sometimes it requires the very closest examination to discover the real cause. Separate the milk to see if it came from only one cow or the whole herd. If it is due to any derangement in the body of the animal Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will soon correct all disturbances and make the cow well again. It will also in- crease the flow of milk, and enrich its quality. 6 Feeds for a cent — a 50-pound tub for only $3.75. Test it on our guarantee, it will increase your profit 15 to 25 per cent, or it costs you nothing. STEERS LIKE IT. It keeps them feeling well — it regulates the stomach and kidneys — sharpens the appetite so they eat up clean all rough fodder and hunt up the waste food and eat it. It makes them fat and sleek, with a fine, glossy coat and excellent finish. Every ounce of food they eat is digested and turned into flesh and fat. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener shortens the period of fattening and saves 15 to 25 per cent of the grain. Try it. THE GREAT MILK PRODUCER. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is guaranteed to in- crease the flow of milk from 15 to 50 per cent. It is easy to understand how it does it. Every ounce of food the cow eats is digested and turned into fat or milk. It also makes the milk richer. IT IS NOT HOW MUCH YOU FEED; IT IS HOW . MUCH YOUR COWS DIGEST that makes milk and cream. No matter how liberally j^ou feed your cows, if the feed doesn't contain the ingredients that make increased milk, successful dairjnng is out of the question. Best give your cows Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and they will be as good milkers and butter makers, even though standing in the stall, as if running in the pasture. Remember the milk and cream your cow gives is what makes your money — therefore, increase the milk flow all you can. We r guarantee Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to increase j^our profits 15 to 25 per cent. Test it on our guarantee. "Gold Coin Cattle Fattener" only costs $3.75 for a 50-pound tub, or $2.00 for a 25- pound pail. The greatest fattener or milk pro- -^^ ducer in the world. 30 to 60 days time is saved in fattening cattle by Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. Skim milk with a half measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in it is as good — even better — than fresh milk to make calves grow. '* Skim milk and Gold Coin Cattle Fattener makes a healthful drink for calves, it makes them . grow better than fresh milk. Put a half measure- -i^ ful in each feed. | IT CURES SICK COWS AND CALVES AND ^ INCREASES THE MILK. .' The same qualitj^ that gives health and strength gives an increased flow of milk. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener purifies the blood, prevents milk taints and prevents flaws and skin diseases. Jfon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. First Prize Hoist ein Cott — (Owned by Mr. John B. Irwin.) Hoan Marie Mechthilde (53732) won the first prize at the Minnesota State Fair, 1&02 and 1903. She is a most excellent specimen of the HOLSTEIN type. Her tests are: Butter, at 2 years of age, 14 lbs., 14 ozs., in 7 days; 522 6-100 in 12 mos. Milk, 12,594i4 lbs. in one year. _ She is owned by Mr. John B. Irwin, and is a good representative of his celebrated herd of Holsteins. Mr. Irwin is using Gold Coin Cattle Food. It is certainly the greatest Cattle Food ever invented. It is guar- anteed to make extra money for you. Write for some. HOLSTEIN-FRIESiANS CATTLE. We now come to an entirely different breed of cattle. The Holstein-Friesians were a pure breed of cattle herded by ancient barbarians on the Teu- tonic hills, and prized as the greatest riches of a once nomadic people. As early as 1625 these cattle were sent to America and long before that these great Holland Dutch cattle attained the same characteristics which mark them today. It is the oldest breed known. It is in this breed that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener proves of the greatest ' value. In their native surrounding these cattle find growing wild the herbs and roots nature designed to keep them in a healthy state. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener furnishes just these elements, and to the importer and breeder many disappointments must come when his stock stays poor and thin in spite of careful feeding. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener obviates all this difficulty and makes it possible to keep these cattle in their natural state of health and fatten them easily and quickly. These re- marks apply to fresh importations of cattle of any breed. The Holsteins are famous both as beef and dairy cattle. They have good digestive powers and when not using nutrition for milk, fatten nicely for the shambles. Try Gold Coin Cattle Fattener on your Holsteins. The improvement will surprise you— it saves twenty per cent of the feed, and keeps them free from disease. In buying Holsteins, get the color black with white patches; short neck; ears well back and projecting; full dark limpid eye; short fine horns; broad hips; straight back; flat over shoulders; long narrow head; long tail well haired at the tip and strong straight legs. With a good herd of this breed fed with Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, any dairyman can make barrels of rnoney, as well as have the finest looking herd obtainable. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 8 $200.00 IN GASH PRIZES. 9 TO FARMERS AND STOCKMEN o FOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF STOCK AND POULTRY. If you happen to have a particularly fine looking animal or fowl of any breed, have it photographed. It will be nice for you to keep and you may win a prize. Photographs of a fine herd of cattle, calves, sheep or hogs — or a flock of Poultry — will be accept- O able. It is our custom to make a cash offer §^ every year of $15.00 for the best photo- graphs of horses, colts, cattle, calves, sheep, Q lambs, hogs or poultry, either single or in O numbers. On back of the photos give Q breed, weight, age and other information O bearing upon the case. State whether or _ §not animals or fowls were fed Gold Coin g Stock Food. Send all photos to q O GOLD COIN STOCKFOOD CO., O Q Union Stock Yards, Chicago, U. S. A. ^ OOOOOOOOOOCXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. Pure Bred HoIsteinlBull. The above picture shows Kean Jewel of Woodlake Farm (28725). He won 1st prize at the Minnesota State Pairs of 1901, 1902 and 1903. He is owned by J. B. Irwin, of Minneapolis, Minn. As a perfect type of pure bred Holstein nope better can be found. Mr. Irwin is feeding Gold Coin Cattle Food. If you own Holsteins you should use it, too. It is a money-maker for the farmer and dairyman. Anyone wishiner to purchase pure bred Holstein-Friesian Cattle will do well to correspond with Mr. Irwin. His cattle are well worth the monev. DEVON CATTLE. Great Britain has produced no better breed than this for oxen. They surpass any other breed. They are built for work, with powerful shoulders, back and leg muscles. They are quick on their feet, active, docile, intelligent and easily broken. At the same time their flesh has a richness and flavor that cannot be matched by any other beef in the world. They are handsome animals to look upon, and for this reason, are a favorite exhibition at fairs. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener puts gloss on the coat, a fire of vigor and health into these cattle, that makes them blue ribbon winners every time. They are as fat as the fat- test under Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, but it is not mere fat that judges decide upon in weighing the merits of contesting exhibits. Gold Coin Cat- tle Fattener adds those qualities to exhibition stock that makes them prize winners in every in- stance, providing the cattle are of the exhibition class to start with. In fattening for show don't fail to feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. In buying Devons you make no mistake if you want a good beef producer. Feed them regularly ■on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and you will raise the very finest beef in the world. Here is your chance to make 15 to 25 per cent on your stock. If Gold Coin Cattle Fattener fails to bring you pajdng results it won't cost you a cent. We want you to try it. WEST HIGHLAND CATTLE. The West Highland cattle are of Scottish origin, and come from the Western Highlands. Few have been imported into America, because of their small size and rough, shaggy coats. They are, however, hardy and fed on Gold Coin Cattle ^ Fattener, some very good results have been se-*' cured with them both in the dairy and for beef. Like our own wild Texan cattle and most other wild breeds, they have very long, sharp horns, and an uncertain temper. DON'T CLASS OUR FOODS. "'^ Don't class our "Foods" with the many in- ferior preparations now on the market. Oiurs is composed entirely of high-grade ingredients. It is blended and compounded under the direct su- pervision of an expert agricultur^al chemist. Cattle raisers repeatedly report that our "Food" succeeds % where others fail. We can easily understand this because "we have analyzed every Stock Food on the Market and find that none of them contain the valuable ingredients that . ours does. The remarkable success of Gold Coin ) , Cattle Fattener is due to the fact that we havei 5 spared no expense in making this the leading^ Cattle Food for Cattle. We take pride in hear- f ing that it succeeds where others fail, and that Cattle raisers, too, are restocking with Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in place of other brands, and are getting much more profitable results. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock- Foods. First Prize Jersey Bull. The above picture is of Fontains Eminent (58225), the prize winner Jersey of the Minnesota State Fair, 1903. He is owned by Mr. Rolla Oliver, Dearborne, Mo. As a perfect type of Jersey Bull this is an excellent specimen. Mr. Oliver is a user of Gold Coin Cattle Food. If you have Jerseys you should use it, too. It will increase the production of milk and butter-fats, and make you 15 to 25 per cent extra profits. Try it. All who are looking for an opportunity to buy pure bred Jersey cattle will find Mr. Oliver's among the very finest, and well worth the price. This spareness is not a sign of bad health in a Jersey, and her slightly depressed back, high rump and tail, flat ribs and small limbs give her the appearance of being what she really is — an ideal cow developed in this special direction at the expense of all other qualities. The famous richness and quantity of Jersey milk is greatly increased by Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and this food places the Jersey beyond all dispute at the top as the greatest butter pro- ducer in the world. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener saves grain and feed. JERSEY GATTLE. These are the most noted of the breeds from the three islands of Jersey, Guernsey, and Alder- ney which are ofif the French coast in the British Channel. On their native coast these breeds have been slowly developed through centuries and are kept pure in blood and never crossed by any other breed, though when imported into America all three breeds have been crossed with improve- ments in certain desired directions in special cases. However, it is the pure bred cattle that are famous and sought after and any crossing done is usually preferred to be done by fanciers for purposes of their own, and it must be confessed in most cases without particularly brilliant re- sults. Jerseys are still desirable as Jerseys, for the qualities that made them famous. Certainly there is no prettier animal anywhere than a pure bred Jersey fattened on Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener. Robust in health, fat as can profitably be made; with small aristocratic head and gentle mild eyes; face charming in its winsomness; horns short, curving slightly inward; sensitiveness shown in skin wrinkling to slight touch and lively ears with fine silky hairs, she is a picture good to look upon. The pure bred Jersey has a peculiar fawn color, and when giving milk looks almost emaci- ated, as though all the animal forces were given up to feeding and filling the enormous udder. ALDERNEYS. The Alderneys are smaller and more delicately formed than the Jerseys. These two breeds are very much alike, however, both being emphatic- ally butter producers, though surpassed as cheese makers by some other breeds. The Alderneys take kindly to Gold Coin Cattle Fattener as do Jerseys and show the same remarkable increase both in quality and quantity of milk. You certainly will use Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener if it will make money for you. If it don't make money for you it won't cost you a cent. Test it, and increase your profits. GOLD COIN WORM POWDER Expels All Worms And makes the stomach strong and healthy. Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. A Prize ^Vinning Guernsey Ball. GUERNSEY CATTLE. This breed has replaced the Jerseys in the hearts of many fanciers. They are larger framed and give more milk. Though naturally the milk is not as rich as Jersey milk. A Guernsey cow fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will compare favorably with any Jersey in the richness and butter-making qualities of her milk. Guernseys are famous for being easily fattened oflf for beef after their usefulness for the dairy is over. The rivalry between Jersey, Alderney and Guernsey cows is fought with heat by various breeders, but any of them fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will gain a quick advantage both in quantity of milk and butter, over all other breeds not fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. This has been tested. The characteristics of these cattle are too well known to need rehearsal in this place. A RELIABLE MILK PRODUCER. Dairymen use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener by the thousands of pounds and they say it cannot be equaled by any other article on the market. It increases the flow of milk in such a large quantity that they make big increase in profits. The largest dairies are often made up only of individual cows, and to be a success every cow should show a clean net profit. One unprofitable cow will take the profit of five paying cows. Every cow can be made a payer. If you will use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener on her she will have to digest all she eats and turn it into milk. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. Makes cows give more and richer milk. Only costs SIX FEEDS FOR ONE CENT. Try it WHEN PASTURE FAILS. Cows give less milk, the flavor and richness is impaired, you get less butter — and your profit for the season is gone. This need not be, Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is manufactured for the special purpose of supplying to animals what na- ture gives them in pasture. Feed it to your milk cows — we guarantee it to increase your profit 15 to 25 per cent — or your money refunded. Can you afford to throw away an offer as fair as that? COWS GIVE MORE AND RICHER MILK. If fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. You must remember that milk cows, like all other" animals and people, need something once in a while for the stomach and to purify the blood — Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is guaranteed to bring you paying results. CALVES NEED CAREFUL FEEDING. Otherwise scours may set in — then weakness follows — the calf gets thin, and requires 2 or 3 extra weeks of feeding — and you have lost just that much money. Start all your calves on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener from birth (after the third day) and you will have no such trouble. 'P 15 to 25 per cent increase in milk yield is guaranteed if Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is used according to directions. V GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. In full doses costs you only about a half a 5, cent a day. Try it on calves you are preparing for market. We know it will keep them free from scours and indigestion and saves you from one to two weeks of feeding. You are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. Guernsey Cow — 1st Prize, Minnesota State Fair. On many farms the Guernsey Cattle are displacing: the Jersey. It is a larger animal, and when its usefulness as a milker is passed will accordingly bring more weight when fattened. If youdfe a breeder of pure bred Guernseys or Grade Guernseys we can conscientiously advise you to begin the use of "Gold Coin Cattle Food" at once, it will surely make extra money for y®u m increasefcd production of milk and saving of feed. V^ ^'■ be better able to ward oflf diseases, but -bfeteir still, feed it to all your cattle and give everybody better milk — it will increase the value of your milk and make handsome profits in the long run. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener purifies the blood, tones up the digestive system, removes all taint and imparts to the milk a richness in nourishing and health giving qualities that makes it a most perfect food. Fed to calves this milk makes them grow fast, keeps them healthy, strong and vigorous, free from scours and matures them for market long in advance of others. Milk is an important article of diet, is always in demand if of good quality and always profitable. If you deliver your milk to a creamery you can make no better investment than to feed all your milk cows well on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, as it increases the richness and quantity to such a profitable extent. We guarantee it to greatly in- crease your earnings — give it a fair trial. We are sure you will find it especially profitable. Give it a test on our SPOT CASH GUARANTEE. If you have never used it before write us direct. Special low prices when ordered in bulk. COW MONEY. Money comes from cows in greater quantities than most people think. But to make the most out of a cow she must be properly fed — and it is as easy to feed properly in these advanced days of science, when you can simply put a little concen- trated powdered food in an animal's feed and almost double your profits. The scientific food -here referred to is "Gold Coin Cattle Fattener." The easiest money comes from the cow in the form of milk. Second, in the form of butter and cheese made from the milk. Third, the veal from the calves raised from the cow each year, and -fourth, the fattening and sale of the cow herself when her usefulness as a milker is gone. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener does wonders in improving the milk^t keeps it free from disease and taint, its health-giving ingredients impart to the milk a vigorous strengthening quality which makes it excellent for people and especially children. Small children, like little calves, raised on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener milk, gain in strength and vitality where they would fail on other milk. For this reason Gold Coin Cattle Fattener milk is in great demand in certain localities. Babies fed this milk gather strength and health, rosy cheeks and solid muscles — where on the other hand tainted, dis- eased, or tubercular milk might have injured their constitutions with sickness and sometimes even death following. Don't take such chances. Feed at, least one cow Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and get healthy milk for your own children so they will gather greater constitutional strength and COWS IN THE STALL GIVE AS GOOD AND AS MUCH MILK AS IN PASTURE. Feed your milch-cows Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener regularly three times a day according to directions — give them plenty o£ water to drink and your cows will surprise you, even when standing in the barn. Prove this to your own satisfaction by testing it on a certain number of cows. We guarantee it to bring you paying re- sults. 10 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, CMcago. Hereford BalI-y queen Victoria. (Prize winner at tlie Chicago Fat Stock Show.) THE MILK-STRAIN A NEW FEATURE IN BREEDING THIS BEEF TYPE WITH THE IDEA OF MAKING IT A DUAL PURPOSE ANIMAL. Much success is to be hoped for along this line of breeding. In this age of high-priced meat, and high-priced butter, cheese and cream it can readily be seen that the "dual purpose cow" is the best for the general farmer. By the Milk-Strain Shorthorn is meant a class of Shorthorns, which by special selection, have been developed into good milkers. Thus making a cow that will sell at an excellent figure when her use as a milker is no longer needed. It is believed by the leading scientific breedters, and agricultural professors that the Milk-Strain Shorthorns make the most perfect "Dual Purpose Cow." If you are attempt- ing anything along this line, that is if you are trying to make some of your beef cattle become milkers as well, don't fail to make liberal use of Gold Coin Cattle Food, it will increase the pro- duction of milk if anything in the world will. You can't make money by sitting down and letting nature take its course — you have to scheme and plan — save 15 to 25 per cent in feed and 2 to 3 months' time on hogs and calves and a year on a steer. That's the way rich farmers are making money out of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. We know its great money value and guarantee it to you. Write to us on our Spot Cash Guar- antee. SKINNY CALVES. There is often a calf that don't seem to do well. Feed it 2 measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day. It will soon be even with the rest. Feed it separately from the others for a short time. The cow you cannot get with calf should be put in condition quickly on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and sold for the highest price. Feeders rely on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and feed it in large quantities to fatten very quickly and finish their cattle for market. Cattle fattened on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener "shrink" less in shipping. Their constitutions are stronger. Large raisers claim that the developing period is shortened a year to a year and a half by usmg Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. A nice lump in your pocketbook. The cow that lost her calf is not paying, and unless you do something for her she may do the same thing next year— read the article on "Slink- ing." Gold Medal Condition Powder is a sure Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is the farmer's best friend. It's his money maker. Send us your testimonials and photographs of your fine stock or poultry and we will put you in our $200 contest for a cash prize. 18 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Pure Bred Sliorthom Bnll. Arc Light 5th, 175819, two years old. At the head of the yoaiig Linden Grove herd that took the challenge cup at the Minnesota State Fair in 1903 for the Best Herd of Short Horn Cattle bred iu Minnesota. Arc Light is owned by Mr. J. Cooper, St. Cloud, Minn. All who own short horn should use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, it is bound to make extra money for you. Any one desirous of raising short horn cattle will do well to correspond with Mr. Cooper. His cattle are well worth the prices asked. YOU CANNOT LOOSE, WE WONT LET YOU. The successful farmer is the one who makes the most money. The 15 to 25 per cent that you save by feeding Gold Coin Cattle Fattener makes you just that much more successful than your behind-the-times neighbors, who feed the old way without any scientific help. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener makes the animals digest all they eat, and turn it all into flesh and fat — money for you. There is no waste. Test it. Every pound of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is sold on a guarantee to bring you paying results or your money back if it fails. But it won't fail and thousands of the most successful farmers claim they would not feed without it. Some say it saves them 15 to 25 per cent in feed and the increase in fat and fineness in finish makes them 50 pef cent more. Write to us. We take the risk if it fails and you get the profits if it wins. $200 IN CASH PRIZES TO FARMERS AND STOCKMEN. For Photographs of Stock and Poultry, If you happen to have a particularly fine looking animal or fowl of any breed, have it photographed. It will be nice for you to keep and you may win a prize. Photographs of a fine herd of cattle, calves, sheep or hogs — or a flock of poultry will be acceptable. It is our custom to make a cash offer every year of $15.00 for the best photographs of horses, colts, cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, hogs or poultry, either single or in numbers. On the back of the photos give breed, weight, age and other information bear- ing upon the case. State whether or not animals or fowls were fed Gold Coin Food. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE-MONEY! MONEY!! • Every cattle raiser certainly wants to make all he can out of his herd. Here is the chance for you to satisfy yourself of the great money- making qualities of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. We sell it on an absolute guarantee. It will cost you nothing if it fails to give you paying results. You cannot ask for a fairer proposition. If you have never used it, try it this season on our guarantee. We only ask you to use it on its merits as a money maker to you. We can make this strong guarantee because we know that it contains the ingredients that make fat. WHY WE GUARANTEE. We would not dare to make this strong guar- antee for the Gold Coin Cattle Fattener if we did not know from extensive experience that it does fatten rapidly and make the cattle grow. It does it because we know it contains the elements made by nature, which make them digest all they eat, and put on their frames flesh and fat. We only ask you to try it on its own merits, and if it fails it won't cost you a cent. Can we make you a fairer offer? QUICK FAT-40 TO 50 DAYS TIME SAVED WHEN YOU USE GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. If it will do this, you, as a scientific farmer or stockman, can't afford to be without it. It puts a fine finish on cattle that always brings the top prices at the market, or when sold for breeding purposes. Don't let your stock get run down. Keep up their standard of health by regular use of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. The cheapest and Sest cattle food for sale on the markets of the world today. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 19 A PrLee Winning Short Horn Heifer. WHY WE CAN GUARANTEE YOU 15 TO 25 PER CENT PROFITS. It is easy for us to guarantee 15 to 25 per cent when thousands of stockmen all over the country claim it makes 50 per cent and more for them. But suppose you had saved 15 per cent, wouldn't that be a great payer to you? Furthermore, we can easily guarantee Gold Coin Cattle Fattener be- cause we know it contains the ingredients that stimulate and create fat products. Cattle fed on it simply have got to Jay on fat or give off inr creased flow of milk — do you see the profit? Write to us today. NO PAY UNLESS YOU WIN. Can't you see as a practical stockraiser that we could not guarantee the success of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener unless we knew it was a winner? We can easily guarantee 15 to 25 per cent profits when thousands of stockmen claim that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener brings them 50 per cent more in feed and time saved and increased quan- tity of meat. If you want to keep up with other successful farmers and stock raisers you have got to give up some of your old-time ideas. You have got to save 15 to 25 per cent that other farmers are saving by using the scientific food, Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. It saves feed and makes better tasting meat. The fashionable restaurants in large cities want scientifically fed meat now-adays. Why shouldn't you make some of this fancy money? Test it on a certain number of your cattle and see how much better they will be than those that don't get Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener. You ought to feed all your cattle the Fat- tener and make the most money out of them. Every pound of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is sold on a guarantee to bring paying results. Write to us about it FACTS ABOUT GOLD COIN FATTENING FOOD. If you will compare the number of feeds per pound — you will see that our feed goes farther than any other food on the market. ITS SUPERIOR MEDICINAL VALUE makes it a food that need not be fed in large doses. A small dose scalded or made wet and mixed with the regular feed is all that is needed. It does the work and that is what you want. You cannot afiford to buy a cheap food that has to be given by the scoop-shovel. No results can be obtained by cheap stock foods, because they don't contain the proper ingredients. The tonic effect of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener aids digestion and assimilation, keeps the water clear, strength- ens the kidneys and liver, so that every grain eaten will give the animal the most possible nutrition. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is the blood, bone and flesh builder. It is sold only on Cash Guarantee, and we agree to refund your money in every instance if paying results are not obtained. Gold Coin Cattle Fattening Foods have the larg- est sale in the world today, and it is increasing every year. COSTS ONLY A CENT A GALLON. The greatest disinfectant in the world is "Gold Coin Germ Killer." It is scientifically right — a 50-cent can makes 50 gallons ready for use. Use Gold Coin Germ Killer in the outhouses, in your barns, pens and coops — it drives away disease, a 50 cent can makes 50 gallons ready for use. BETTER FOR CALVES THAN FRESH MILK. A measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in skim milk to every two calves. 20 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Vnlon Stock Yards, Ckicagd. Pure Bred Shorthorn Heifer — O-wned by Judge D. B. Searle, St. Cloud, Minn. Judge Searle's heifer shown in the picture above is a most beautiful specimen of the shorthorn breed. The Shorthorns are the beef type. The broad, round baclv g-ives extra weight in the loins, where the high priced meat lies. As can be seen from the above picture this heifer would be hard to match anywliere. and she proved an easy 1st prize winner at the Min- nesota State Fair 1903. Write Mr. Searle if you are in need of shorthorns. Judge Searle is using Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. If you, reader, are a breeder of pure bred or grade Shorthorn cattle, and have never used Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, write us at once and get in line for bigger profits. commence to fatten as yoimg as possible and get them fattened, and at full growth as quickly as possible and it will mean a great saving of giain, a year and a half of work and risk, and quickef turning of your money. This crowding and rapid development has of late years become very common in hog raising* and has practically revolutionized hog marketing. Fine biles north of Port Washing- ton, Wis. The sole purpose of the farm is for the culture, scientific leeding and breeding of stock. ENDORSED BY ENGLISH COACHMAN AND HORSE BREEDER. GOLD COIN STOCKFOOD CO., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: I have used your Horse Tonic with great success on four coach horses which I have in charge. The horses always go after their oats better when the "Horse Tonic" is in it. There is something in it which the horses like and which gives them much better energy and speed. One horse, which never had a good coat, is now becoming glossy and shiny, and is im- proving in every way. I notice in the droppings that the horses digest their oats and other feed better when given Gold Coin Horse Tonic. I have had charge of horses for such famous horse firms as the Pabst Stock Farm and the Hey- land Stock Farm, where Russian and German coach horses and trotting-bred stock were a spe- cialty, and can say from experience that Gold Coin Horse Tonic is far ahead of any stock food I have ever tried. Enclosed find order for another one hundred pounds (100 lbs.), and please ship it promptly as I am nearly out. I am a firm believer in good stack foods and am satisfied that coach and trot- ting horses are benefited by it, as well as working or farm horses. Signed— NORMAN POLK, Milwaukee, Wis. GOLD COIN STOCKFOOD GO'S GREAT STOCK FARM. AH our stock on our big stock farm (known as the Gold Coin Stock Farm) are fed Gold Coin Foods every day. We know the great value of these FOODS and make enormous profits yearly, from their regular use. We wish every farmer knew their value as we do. They would all make 25 to 50 per cent more profit every year. As well as being the largest "Fattening Food" manufacturers in the world, we control the finest combination Stock Farm and Culture Station in the world. Our famous Jersey bull, "Cup-Bearer XXXX," is kept here, with many other fine registered cattle and horses. Our im- mense practical experience in feeding, and our direct knowledge of the great profit-making power of the "foods" enables us to say that it will pay any farmer or stockman to begin its use at once. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. Only 5 Feeds for a Cent. Increases the value of a horse 50 per cent. CURB: — ^The thickening callus can be re- moved by Gold Coin Healing Oil. To cure Wind Galls use Gold Coin Resolvent. Calking or Treading often injures the feet; cure the sores with Gold Coin Foot Remedy. Gold Coin Healing Oil cures Chapped Hock or knee. Try it. It's good for hundreds of other things. FOR CHAPPED ELBOW:— Bathe with Gold Coin Healing Oil. It is the cheapest and best artiqle of its kind on the market. 36 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. A TYpe of the Pure Bred Jersey Kept at the Gold Coin Coltnre Farm. OUR GREAT GASH GUARANTEE. Every preparation we have on the market is backed by the strongest Spot Cash Guarantee. We offer $1,000.00 if we ever refuse to refund money when our preparation fails to bring pay- ing results. We know of no other concern do- ing business on a guarantee policy; but we know so well what our Foods and Remedies will do that we can always and are always willing to say that "your money will be cheerfully re- funded if any of our preparations fail." And we stand by it, and back it with a strong Cash Capi- tal. In dealing with us you will always know that you will be treated honestly. If anything is not just as you understood it to be, write and let us know and we will make it right, or refund your money without argument. IT NOT ONLY GIVES YOU MORE MILK, But it keeps the cow constantly on the feed, thus keeping her plump and well — which always enriches the milk — cream — butter — money. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is absolutely guaranteed to increase your profits 15 to 25 per cent — can you afford to throw aside so fair an offer? No. But begin trying it at once. Write us, we want to see you make extra money this year, and will be glad to help you. CATTLE. Without Gold Coin Cattle Fattener 15 bushels of corn will not go as far as 9 bushels when Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is used with it. You take nine or even eight bushels of corn and combine it with Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, and it will go as far as fifteen bushels of corn without it. Isn't that a paying result to start with; to say nothing of the improved condition " of the animal, made by the action of the great food upon the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys? WE WILL ALWAYS BE GLAD TO PRINT YOUR TESTIMONIALS. SEND THEM TO US BY MAIL. After using Gold Coin Cattle Fattener such good results are usually obtained that almost every farmer or stockman has something to say about its great merits. -• We greatly appreciate your testimonials. Send them whenever you can, in regard to the Food or any of our preparations. We will al- ways endeavor to return the kindness in courte- ous dealing and many other friendly ways. Some- other farmer, or stockman, may read your print- ed testimonial in our stock book or paper, and thus he will be put in a way to save a great deal of money, and will always thank you for your kindness. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener keeps the kidneys in good action, the water clear and cools the blood of all animals. It is the best ' food sold on Cash Guarantee. FEED IT TO YOUR COWS BEFORE OALVINQ. It greatly improves both the cows and the calves. The benefits derived will be shown in the ease of "dropping," the plump, healthy con-, dition of the calf, and excellent condition of the mother after delivery. Don't let any of your cows "come in" without using Gold Coin Cattle Fattener for a time. It will increase your profit, both in milk and veal. It prevents slinking. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 37 "I CAN'T UNDERST7>kND WHY MY STOCK IS SO WHY DONT YOU USE GOLD COIN STOCK FOOD? I BO ! that's the reason '".■^U-M//.;/ -^.vkLufx-J^. 'A-^k^im^^M Gold Coin Stock Foods and Remedies Make Poor Farmers Rich. WHAT "GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER" DOES: (See below.) By Quick Fattening It Makes you 15 to 25 per cent extra profits every year. It Makes skim milk for calves As good as New Milk — and prevents scours. It Only Costs 6 Feeds for a Cent. Makes calves grow fast and fat. It Fattens Calves, And makes skim milk as good as new milk. It Is the Great Grain-Saver. Makes excra money for you every year. It Expels the Worms And regulates the stomach and bowels. It Is the Great Milk Maker. Makes more milk, cream and butter — money. It Makes Calves Grow. Larger calves — more weight — more veal — more money. It Makes You Fxtra Money. It prevents disease, and makes more rich milk. It Is the Great Grain-Saver. Fattens quickly on less feed — more profit. It Is the World's Greatest Fattener. Shortens the fattening period 30 to 90 days. It Only Costs 6 Feeds for a Cent. Keeps Cattle Healthy, smooth and glossy — try it. It Makes Calves Grow Fast. Gives large bone and muscle — weight. It Is the- Great Feed-Saver. Makes more milk on less grain — money. It Is the Great Fattener. Makes steers fat and big for market. It Keeps Cows Healthy. Thus giving stronger and healthier calves. It Is the Great Feed Saver. Makes 15 to 25 per cent more profit on your milk. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. Should be fed to bulls. .They will get stronger and better calves. GAINS ARE YOURS, LOSSES ARE OURS. We claim, and thousands of other practical cattle raisers claim, that Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener saves from 15 to 25 per cent, some say 50 per cent, in feed and increased profits. If it fails to bring you these paying results your money will be refunded. Here is the chance for you to test Gold Coin Cattle Fattener on the basis of a money maker to you. We stand the loss if it fails, you get the profits if it wins. Can't you see that any Fattener offered on such a proposition must be a winner? Write to us and test it. PRIZE BULLS AND STEERS. .If you are getting ready for the Fair or show ring, feed the cattle 2 measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day. Their coats will show like satin and make them look pictures of beauty and health. 38 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., XTnion Stock Yards, Chicago. CATTLE DISEASES. ABORTION (SLINKING.) The cow is almost the only animal that has, to give milk during the wearing period of preg- nancy (carrying the young). She has not only to give milk for the profit of her owner, but she has to supply nourishment to her unborn calf. What an immense amount of work is put upon the cow's digestive organs. Many cows are not able to stand this strain unaided. Thus, it will be seen that the cow needs a specially prepared medicinal food to fit her peculiar case; something that will cure all stomach disorders, give strength to the unborn calf and prepare the organs for the coming strain of calving and heavy milking. This is what Gold Coin Cattle Fattener does. It promotes digestion and formation of fat. As soon as a cow is with calf, the stomach takes on increased sensitiveness and is easily af- fected by foul odors. It is claimed that cows which are with calf in the same stable with the slinking cow, smell its discharge and sometimes they all abort or slink. We and many other veterinarians and agri- cultural scientists believe it is due to a germ, but whatever the cause may be, it matters little so long as a positive cure is known. If this trouble is already in your herd, you should at once feed two measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener twice a day to all that have aborted — the aborting or slinking usually happens at about 7 months, but even in cases where it has happened as early as 5 months. Gold" Coin Cattle Fattener has brought the animal up to a large yield of milk, besides putting her in the right condition to prevent slink next year. If your cows are suject to slinking, Gold Coin Cat- GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER The Dairyman's Friend. Makes the milk rich, and more of it. tie Fattener will save you hundreds of dollars., A cow that slinks is worth less than half price- Cows that slink once are likely to slink again, if this is not cured. It is as foolish to condemn and sacrifice a good cow because she has lost a calf, as it would" be to throw away a watch because it stopped. The cow must be cured and built up again. Feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, two measurefuls twice a day until she is in good condition, then feed her one measureful twice a day. All cows should be given Gold Coin Cattle Fattener twice a day. It aids digestion and increases the flow of milk. The milk is richer and the cow is kept in better condition for calving. Many dairymen claim that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener fed twice a day all the year around almost doubles the yield of milk. Write to us and test it yourself. BARRENNESS v^ --..lure to breed). The best cow ia the world is worth only hen price in beef if she will not breed. Barrenness is usually due to inflammation around the mouth of the womb. This may cause unnatural "heat" and will take the bull any time. Or it may be that she will not come in "heat?" Gold Coin Cattle Fattener contains three ingredients which ac^ directly on the procreative organ. It is foolish to waste time on a barren cow. Feed her Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regularly two measurefuls twice a day. If this does not cure her in a reasonable time the trouble is probably due to deformity of" the internal organs. In that case you had better feed her Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in large doses and get her as fat as possible and sell her for beef^ GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER The Great Feed-Saver. Saves half the time in cattle fattening. YoxL are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 39 CATTLE diseases-Continued. ''EVERY FARMER SHOULD KNOW RETAINED AFTER BIRTH (FAILURE TO "CLEAN"). Slinking and failure to "clean" all come from ' the same cause, that is, the weakness of the womb * and internal organs. Never resort to the inhuman method of tying a weight to the exposed portion of the after birth. Feed the cow 4 measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day. The cow should have been fed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener iifiall along before calving and this trouble would not have happened. It gets the female organs in perfect working order for calving. Her health is better and she is well prepared to start out on *her milking season. We guarantee that it will pay you to use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in your whole herd all the year around. Use it for fattening your calves, steers and to make your cows give more milk and richer. You test it. ' j.If it fails, the price will be refunded. MILK FEVER. This terrible disease usually only comes after a cow has had 3 or 4 calves, and when it is full grown and becomes a great milker. If any of your cows have this dangerous trouble feed three measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day^ Always feed your cattle the Gold Coin Cattle Fattener jregularly and it will pre- vent this trouble at calving time. Gold Coin Cat- - tie Fattener costs so little, and besides is guaran- teed to bring paying results, that every farmer and dairyman should feed it with the regular diet twice a day. It will increase the flow of milk ■' and the richness of it. Test it yourself on our Spot Cash Guarantee. CAKED BAG OR UDDER. Never use plugs or tubes, they are dangerous and harmful, and they never cure the disease. Do not give up a good cow — it is always a good cow that has these troubles — until you have tried our method. In no disease does Gold Coin Cat- tle Fattener act with such perfect satisfaction. Give three measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fat- ._tener in soft feed three times a day and apply Gold Coin Cattle Healing Oil twice a day. The hard bunches will gradually soften and disappear. It pays to use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener all the year around and prevent all these diseases. Re- ^member any disease is a setback to a good ' milker. Not only will disease be prevented but your milk yield will be greater and richer if your cows get Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regularly in their feed. It will increase your profits in beef, milk and butter 15 to 25 per cent. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is guaranteed to bring you pay- _ ing results. You can test it on our Cash Guar- antee. SCOURING COWS. When this annoying trouble attacks your milk . cows it causes great loss of milk. If it is not checked the cows lose flesh and strength until they are hardly able to stand alone. This is very dangerous, as disease germs find easy access into ' the system. It is the forerunner of tuberculosis (consumption). GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER The Dairyman's Friend. Makes extra money for him every year. HOW TO CURE HIS OWN STOCK." A change for the better will soon be noticed if you will feed three measurefuls of the Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day. Mix it up with grain feed. See that the cows have clean water. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener not only brings a sure cure, but it leaves the cow^ in good condition. Use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regu- larly. Your milk yield will be increased and richer. It is guaranteed to bring you paying results. Use it yourself, on our Spot Cash Guar- antee. The profit it wins will be yours; if it fails we stand the loss. SCOURS IN CALVES. Scouring is the worst thing about raising calves. They would not scour if their digestive organs were rieht. Remember it is what they digest, not what they eat, that makes bone, muscle and fat. Calves with scours cannot grow fast and develop strong internal organs for future milk production. If the trouble is neglected or checked by wrong methods you can be sure that calf will never make a perfect dairy cow. From the day they are born, calves should be fed a half measureful of Cattle Fattener twice a day in their milk, and when they are two weeks old, give them a measureful of the Fattener twice a day. The growth of these calves will astonish you. Their perfect digestion makes them grow almost twice as fast and their good health mates them sleek and pretty as a picture. The quick growing and easy fattening that can be done by the aid of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener makes veal raising very profitable. Write us and use Gold Coin Cat- tle Fattener as your calver. Test it on our Cash Guarantee. CONSUMPTION (TUBERCULOSIS). Consumption is more common in cattle than in any other animals. Consumption in cows, just as in people, is due to the consumption germ. There is low fever, scours, falling off in flesh and more or less cough. Every living creature breathes into its lungs, with every breath, thous- ands of these germs, and yet most escape this disease. The reason is simple enough. The con- sumption germ can only live when it gets into a body that is too weak and run down to resist' its growth. Many a cow is killed because she is simply run down. The case is not consumption at all, or only in the first curable stage. In the ad- vanced stage consumption cannot be cured and you are running a great risk in using the milk. As the prevention of consumption depends on good health and strength to resist the germs, this dread disease is easy to prevent. Keep the digestive system in good condition with Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. Feed all run down cattle 2 measurefuls three times a day with their grain and soft feeds. It will build them up wonderfully and quickly. IT KEEPS CATTLE HEALTHY. TEXAS FEVER OR SPLENIC FEVER. It is due to a germ which enters the blood and breaks up the red corpuscles. In this it resembles malaria in people. The disease originates in the low lands of Mexico and Texas. It is contagious and very dangerous. It is brought into a com- (Continued on next page.) GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER The Great Feed Saver. Makes extra money for the cattle-raiser. 40 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. CATTLE diseases-Continued. FARMERS WHO KNOW HOW TO TREAT AND CURE THEIR OWN STOCK SAVE MANY DOLLARS EVERY YEAR. TEXAS FEVER-CONTINUED. munity by Texas cattle being brought into or even passing through. Always begin the prompt use of three measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener three times a day in all new cattle you buy. Keep this up for two weeks, then feed one meas- ureful twice a day, the same as you do all your cattle. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will prevent diseases. And more, it will increase your milk and beef. It is guaranteed. Your money re- funded if it fails. It is the biggest money-maker ever discovered in the cattle business. If you are raising cattle for beef it will make you enormous profits. Test it yourself on our Spot Cash Guar- antee. All we ask is a fair and honest trial. Note — In all contagious diseases, always re- move the sick cows and thoroughly clean out the stable and disinfect thoroughly the mangers, walls and floor with Gold Coin Germ Killer, 4 tablespoonfuls to the bucket of water. Use it freely in the quarters of the sick cattle every day. DYSPEPSIA, OR OFF FEED. The digestive organs of a good milker are worked to their utmost every day and night. No wonder good milkers often get "ofif-feed" unless they have some aid to their digestion. Give the cows that are "off-feed" three measurefuls twice a day of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener until well again. Can you see now that it pays to feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regularly' ? Every day your cow is "off-feed" you lose money. But not only is Gold Coin Cattle Fattener guaranteed to prevent disease, it also makes food digestion and increases the milk yield. If you are feeding for fattening you know a dyspeptic can't lay on fat quick enough. In fattening your profit lies in saving feed. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will save you 15 to 25 per cent. Remember it is what your cows digest, not what they eat. that makes beef and milk. Every man in the cattle business should know the great value of this Cattle Fattener. Test it on our Spot Cash Guarantee. Write to us, all we ask is a fair and honest trial. CATARRH OR BRONCHITIS. Catarrhal conditions equally indicate a weak- ened state of the system. One animal in good health can stand exposure better than a weak and run down cow. Give the sick ones warm shelter and give them two measurefuls of Gold Coin Cat- tle Fattener in hot ground feed three times a day. Feed all your cattle Gold Coin Cattle Fattener every day and thej^ will have stronger constitu- tions, better health, and so they will give more milk and keep in fine condition all the winter. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener helps digest the feed they eat, thus keeping up the bodily wannth and strength. It pays to use Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener all the 3'ear around. It is guaranteed to bring you paying results. It is easy for us to do this because thousands of farmers claim it makes them 50 per cent more profit above common feeding. Not only is milk, butter and beef in- creased by Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, but all are . improved, the milk is richer, the butter has a finer < flavor and the beef of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener fattened cattle often commands a premium on the market. Write to us and use it on our Cash ^ Guarantee. Price refunded if it fails. CONTAGIOUS PNEUMONIA. This is very fatal and dangerous to your whole herd. There is fever, shivering, the hair rough and back arched. Breathing is short and quick. Pain to pressure over the lungs. If you^_ are not arranged so you can place the_ sick ones in a separate barn you had better kill them and burn their carcasses. Clean out the cow stable thoroughl}^ and 'disinfect the mangers, walls and floors with Uold Coin Germ Killer 4 tablespoon- _ fuls to each bucket of water. Disinfect the quar- ters in which you keep the sick cattle thoroughly every day. Give the sick ones 4 tablespoonfuls of Gold Medal Condition Powders three times a day (use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener until you can get Gold Medal Condition Powders if you have none on hand). Feed the well cattle 2 measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener 3 times until you have this dread disease wiped out. ANTHRAX-BLACK LEG-BLOODY MURRAIN. This is due to a germ. It is fatal to cattle and people, and therefore, cattle must be handled with care. The blood turns black, and will not » coagulate, thicken. Take the sick cattle out of the stable and clean it out thoroughly, then dis- infect the managers, walls and floor with Gold, Coin Germ Killer. 4 tablespoonfuls to the bucket of water. Leave the well cows in the pasture only a half a day and give hay and straw. Give them all 2 measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day until the disease is wiped out. To the sick ones give 3 measurefuls (tablespoon- fuls) of Gold Medal Condition Powders three times a day. If you have no Gold Medal Condi- ^ tion Powders on hand use Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener until 5^ou can get it. Give them each a teaspoonful of Gold Coin Germ Killer in a pail of water to drink each day. Give them all the pure water they want to drink. Keep the quar- ters in which you keep the sick cows thoroughly "i disinfected with Gold Coin Germ Killer, 4 table- spoonfuls to the bucket of water. COW POX. Cow pox is similar to small pox in people. It means a regular course of 15 to 20 days. Give «. 3 measurefuls of Gold Medal Condition Powders three times a day to keep up the constitutional strength and keep the blood clean. If you have no Gold Medal Cattle Condition Powders (Cure of CoTV Pox continued on next page.) GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER 6 Feeds for a Cent. Keeps cows healthy and makes more milk. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER Keeps Cows Healthy. Makes them better breeders, increases milk We guarantee Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to make your milk-cows give more milk, and that it will be richer in cream. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 41 DISEASES OF CATTLE— Concluded. CURE YOUR STOCK YOURSELF WITH GOLD COIN REMEDIES. COW-POX-GONCLUDED. on hand use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener until you can get it. People can contract this disease from cows, when it is called varioloid. Separate the sick cows and disinfect the cow stable, mangers, walls and floor with Gold Coin Germ Killer, 4 tablespoonfuls to the bucket of water. Give the well cows two measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day. Your cows will be less liable to this and all germ diseases if fed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regularly. It prevents disease by strengthening the constitu- tion. It makes your cows give more and richer milk, and gives the butter a fine flavor. It saves you 15 to 25 per cent in fattening cattle for beef and gets them ready for market several months earlier. Every pound of Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener is sold on a guarantee to be a money- maker to you. Price refunded if it fails. LUMPY JAW. Actinomycosis or lumpy jaw is due to a micro-organism. A lump always forms and may swell to an enormous extent. Lumpy jaw is very dangerous to care for, as it affects people, when it usually proves fatal. Meat of animals with lumpy jaw is not fit to eat. Begin treatment promptly. Don't wait until the animal is sick and dying or nobody can guarantee a cure. Gold Coin Lumpy Jaw Cure is guaranteed. Feed the sick cow 3 measurefuls of Gold Medal Condition Powders three times a day. All your cattle should have Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regularly to keep their constitutions strong and be more able to resist diseases. Not only is it guaranteed to prevent disease, but it will increase your profits in milk and butter and beef 15 to 25 per cent. We can easily guarantee you paying results when • thousands of farmers, dairymen and stockmen claim it makes them 50 per cent more profit by feeding Gold Coin Cattle Fattener all the year around. We want you to test it yourself on our Spot Cash Guarantee. RED WATER, Red, black or high-colored urine indicates disease of the kidneys or bladder. The color- ing may be due to blood, iron or albumen. Give the animal 3 measurefuls of Gold Medal Con- dition Powders three times a day. It has special action on the kidneys and bladder. If you have no Gold Medal Condition Powders use GoM Coin Cattle Fattener until you can get it. TAINTED AND BITTER MILK. Taints that appear in milk, cream, butter and cheese may be due to certain herbs or weeds eaten by the cow, to a certain germ, to odors in the milk room, or usually to a derangement of GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER 6 Feeds for a Cent. - Keeps your bulls in a healthy condition. the digestive organs. Set the milk of the cows separate and find out which cow is infected, or if it is in the whole herd. If it is due to any de- rangement of the cow's digestion Gold Coin Cattle Fattener fed three measurefuls three times a day will quickly remove the taints. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener costs so little per feed that it pays to use it all the year around and keep your milk sweet and rich. The cows that pay give you good milk every day. It costs money to feed cows and it is throwing money away to feed sick ones. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER The Famous Fattener. Lays on heavy fat and flesh. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! A good little bunch of money is in store for you, if you can quickly and cheaply pile on 75 to 100 pounds of extra fat to each of your cattle just before going to market. The buyers pay just as much for fat as for lean, and this extra fat has cost you almost nothing to put on. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is prepared especiallv for that purpose. It prevents every possible waste, and uses up every kernel of grain they eat, allow- ing no waste or undigested food to pass away in the offal. The digestion in the stomach and bowels is so stimulated and increased that every- thing is digested and turned into fat, and it gives a good finish to cattle, which is always attractive to buyers. If you have never used Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, write to us and get a package or pail and test it on our guarantee. TO INCREASE THE MILK. The more your cows will eat and digest the more milk you will get and the richer it will be. You put a fertilizer on your ground to produce a larger crop. The cows' milk organs can manu- facture milk just according to how much ma- terial they can take care of. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener aids the digestion and enables the cow to turn what she eats into milk and fat (cream) with ease. It is the greatest milk producer ever discovered. Many dairymen claim that it increases their profits 50 per cent and more. Everybody should use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. It doesn't matter if you have one cow or one hundred, it will be a money saver to you. Write to us and use on our Spot Cash Guarantee, and if it does not bring you paying results, the price will be refunded. WE WANT YOU TO MAKE MONEY. We want to see you increase your profits, we have seen Gold Coin Cattle Fattener tested so many times we know it will do just what we guarantee. We positively guarantee that you can increase your profits 15 to 25 per cent by using the Gold Coin Cattle Fattener Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and skim milk will make your calves grow as rapidly as new milk. It prevents and cures scours. We guarantee that your cattle will gain more than one-half pound extra for every cent's worth of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener you feed. 42 Gold Coin Stockf bod Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. 64 Iks. The Fat Steer, as the Butcher Looks at Him. The above outline shows the true beef type. Notice how well the back muscles are developed — there is where the high-priced meat lies. The high-priced sections alone bring — prime ribs of beef, 96 lbs. at h^c.=$14.40; and 70 lbs. of porterhouse steak at 20c.= $14.00; and 92 lbs. of sirloin steak at 15c.=|13.80. Thus the high-priced meats alone amount to $42.20. BULLS. You can make your bulls make you more money. A bull fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener during the breeding season will sire more and ^stronger calves. You should keep him particu- larly strong and vigorous during this critical time, and he will hand down to his calves stronger and more vigorous constitutions. If you once try it you will never again neglect to feed it to him any following season. If the bull and cow are both at the highest standard of health the calf "dropped" will naturally be larger, stronger and better than one born of parents not so healthy. The very best animals are those who have been well fed before they were born. Gold Coin Cat- tle Fattener fed to both the bull and cow at this particular time will show to great advantage when calving time comes. Try it on our CASH GUAR- ANTEE. LICE, TICKS. Lice on cattle can be quickly removed by Gold Coin Germ Killer. Mix 4 tablespoonfuls with a bucket of water. Sprinkle all over the cow and then take a brush and rub the solution down to the skin over the back-bone from head to tail. Clean out the barn thoroughly and dis- infect the mangers, stalls, walls and floors with the above solution. Do this every evening until the cattle are clean from lice. GET WELL ANYWAY. Some one who thinks he knows all will say, "they will get well anyway." It may be, but it takes weeks to accomplish what Gold Coin Cat- tle Fattener can do in a day. Remember, Gold Coin Cattle Fattener only costs about "6 Feeds for a Cent." Now if you count up the feed and loss of milk of a sick cow for 1 to 6 weeks which will cost the most? But not only will disease be prevented, you will make 15 to 25 per cent •more money out of your cattle. Write to us and use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, and if it fails to bring you paying results, the price will be re- funded. You cannot ask a fairer offer. We can easily guarantee 15 to 25 per cent gain when thousands of dairymen claim it saves 50 per cent and more. Now you use and test it on our Spot Cash Guarantee. PLETHORA. This is a fatty condition of the blood and is due to improper and unnatural feeding, such as oil meal and the other artificial "foods." Give 4 tablespoonfuls. of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener three times a day. Gold Coin Cattel Fat- tener will not only fatten, but it makes good health, it does not fatten at the expense of health, as many other artificial "foods." Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is the only absolutely safe fattener. It is. guaranteed and packed by the largest food and fattening company in the world. Send us your testimonials, we greatly appreci- ate them, and will be glad to publish them in our new booic. We offer $200 in prizes every year for the best photographs of stock or poultry. Send them to us by mail. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 43 Merino Ram — ^First Prize "Winner. AMERICAN MERINO SHEEP. The American Merino sheep come from the Spanish Paulers. The looseness of the skin readily distinguishes them from other breeds. The fine Merino wool is about one-third the length of other wool. The American Merino Shefep are large size and are considered the best fine wooled sheep in the world. The Merino sheep make fine progress when fed Gold Coin Fattener. It strengthens the constitution, and almost wonderful reports have been made to us of increased length of wool, which is very de- sirable. (Description of Breeds continued on next page.) WASHING. Sheep raisers differ as to the practical value of washing sheep before shearing. Some claim that it is dangerous to wash sheep and that they are very likely to get their wool dirty anyway before it gets sheared off. SHEARING. Shearing should be done right. The wool should be sheared even and close, but not so close as to leave the skin naked and red. It pays to hire an expert shearer to do your shearing, as one who does not understand it will do your sheep more harm than the little extra expense of hiring the expert. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener purifies the blood and makes the constitution strong. WE WILL ALWAYS BE GLAD TO PRINT YOUR TESTIMONIALS. SEND THEM TO US BY MAIL. After using "Gold Coin Food" such good results are usually obtained that almdst every farmer or stockman has something to say about its merits. We greately appreciate your testimoni- als. Send them whenever you can, in re- gard to the Food or any of our prepara- tions. We will always endeavor to return your kindness in courteous dealing and many other friendly ways. Some other farmer, or stockman, may i:ead your printed testimonial in our food book or paper, and thus he will be put in a way to save a great deal of money, and will always thank you for your act of kindness. Gold Coin Stock Foods keep the kidneys in good action, the water clear and cools the blood of all ani- mals. It is the best stock food sold on Cash Guarantee. CHICKEN LICE instantly killed with Gold Coin Louse Killer. Lice and fleas on sheep, hogs, cattle, dogs or horses — cured with a mild spray, or sprinkle, or spraying with a diluted solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer the best disinfectant. 44 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., Unioxi Stock Yards, Chicago. SouthdoTW Ram — Svreepstake Winner Royal Stock Show, liOndon. SOUTHDOWN SHEEP. The Southdown is the great mutton producer. They lead all breeds for mutton, but they are not equally good wool producers. Therefore, of late, the Southdown are being displaced in some locations by breeds which are more equal in wool and mutton. The Southdown fatten at an early age and the excellence of Southdown mut- ton is known the world over. Raisers of Southdowns should not fail to use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and see the change •it produces in the mutton. With its use the Southdowns become almost as good wool pro- ducers as any other breed. LEICESTER SHEEP. An English breed, and with care make a very valuable flock on account of their excellent wool, which is very long and especially A^aluable for a combing wool. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will improve their mutton and its efifects on the wool will be a -source of pleasure and increased profit to the owner, (description of Breeds continued on next page) You want to grow and fatten quickly to save high-priced corn. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed and fattens in three-quarters the time. CARE OF LAMBS. Your la'mbs at birth are very delicate and must not be allowed to get chilled. If the ewes are fed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, once a day the milk will contain more nutrition and Fat (cream) and the lambs will grow very rapidly and have strong constitutions. The lambs should be castrated and docked between a week and two weeks old. Wean the lambs at three or four month old. At this time the lambs should be given some additional food. With their extra food mix about a half measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, once a day. Their rapid growth will astonish you. We guarantee this, because the Fattener aids the digestion of the food which their little stomachs are hardly able to do without some help. Any sheep-raiser can readily see for him- self that fine results must be- accomplished. The faster the lambs grow the quicker you are ready for market — which means better price, to say nothing of the 15 to 25 per cent of profits made in saving feed by the fattening in shorter time. We know the feed value of Gold Coin Fattener and urge every money-making farmer to use it on its merits as a rapid grower and fat producer. We offer a cash guarantee that it will be a money maker to you. Price refunded if it fails. Gold Coin Cattfa Fattener is especialiy preparad for quicic fattening of botli cattle and sheep. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER Sheep Like It. It keeps them fat and free from disease. Yon are losing money if yon are fiot feeding Gold Coin Stock foods. 45 n r >■ 1 ■1 , fO^ ^ ,j^^a«.^ ^^d 1 'i n 1 tm tm ^^1 ^^n ^H 1 ;• ^1 I HH| ■hI 1 1^ :m«c '•'^*l|^ ^.^^1 1 ^B s§ s^^^?*^^*? s^ Oxford Sheep. OXFORD SHEEP. The Oxford down sheep is an English breed. They are not largely bred in this country. They have fine, long wool which averages about 10 to 12 pounds. Oxford sheep breeders have reported excellent results from Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. NEW OXFORDSHIRE SHEEP. This breed is not largely bred in this country. They are' a cross between the Cotswold and New Leicester. They are not as hardy as the Cots- wold. Although when fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener their constitutional strength is in- creased, which makes them better producers of , wool and mutton. (Description, of breeds continued on next page) SHEEP FEEDING IN WINTER. The winter feeding is the great economic question in sheep raising. The expense of feed- ing during the long northern winters is high un- less done scientifically. Right here is where Gold Coin Cattle • Fattener can be fed at little cost and with enormous profits to the sheep raiser. It makes the sheep digest every particle of feed they get and put it into mutton and wool growth — no waste. It is supposed that the cold northern winter is favorable to excessive wool growth if the condition of the animals is kept good. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is sold on an absolute guarantee to keep animals in the highest state of health and growing condition and if it fails to bring increased profits, your money will be refunded. Our own experience with Gold Coin Cattle Fattener enables us to make this absolute guarantee. This Great Fattener is a medical food that contains the ele- ments made by nature which stimulate and create growth. This means abundance of mutton and wool. Remember, you are giving feed to get it converted into meat and wool. The feed is the great item of expense. Therefore, that is where a shrewd raiser will save 15 to 25 per cent by using the New Fattener. He is just that much ahead of his competitors who feed the old way. The sheep for fattening should be separated from the others and fed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener two or even three times a day. The grain should be wet up and a measureful of the Fattener given for each sheep, three times a day. The results will be astonishing. The floor from which you feed the sheep must be dry and clean. If you have any sick ones among your flock separate them and give a measureful of Gold Medal Condition Powders three times a day for about a week after they are well in order to tone up the digestive or general system and prepare for fattening. Then feed the fattener regularly and thus make even your scrawny animals the pictures of beauty — with full quantity of mutton and an abundance of wool. That is what con- stitutes success in stock raising. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is guaranteed to be the best muscle, bone and fat producer ever discovered by science, and therefore should be fed to your sheep every day, and if you will feed it every- day an absolute increase of 15 to 50 per cent in mutton and wool, and a saving of 15 to 25 per cent in feed, will be guaranteed. The largest and most successful sheep raisers would not think of preparing fat sheep for the market without Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. It not only saves feed and makes fat, but it fattens in less than three quarters the time. Furthermore, it gives the mutton a delicious flavor that can only be obtained by quick fattening. Quick fattening forces the fat all through the muscles and makes it tender and juicy. This kind of mutton will make your flock famous in your district. On our cash guarantee to bring you paying results, can you afford to go on in the old way? Why not make the most possible money out of your sheep? Test it at our risk. Remember, your money back if you don't get paying results with Gold Coin Cattle Fattener? If you have neve^ used it, write us to-day and test it for the highest profits. 46 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Vnion Stock Yards, Chicago. Prizc-AVIniiing Shropsliire Ram. SHROPSHIRE SHEEP. The Shropshire sheep are well adapted to the average farm. Their fleece is long and averages about 8 to 10 pounds, although they often bring a much bigger yield. Their mutton is of excel- lent quality and they fatten easily at about 18 months. Their lambs are vigorous and of strong constitution. The Shropshire breed have black faces. This breed yield readily to the influences of Gold Coin Fattener in the w^ay of mutton and wool production. We can easily guarantee you an increase of 15 to 25 per cent. HAMPSHIRE SHEEP. This is a very good breed of sheep. They have large, black faces, short strong legs, and possess a strong constitution. Their mutton is of excellent quality. Their wool averages about 8 to 10 pounds. Gold Coin Fattener increases the quantity of wool and mutton 15 to 25 per cent with ease. Their lambs are vigorous and strong. (Description of Breeds continued on next page. ) SHEEP RAISING. The wool production alone is over $50,000,000 a year. Sheep will pay a handsome profit to everyone who has the right kind of land for them. Limestone or Sandstone Hills are said to make the ideal pasturage. Marshy places are unsuitable and must be thoroughly drained Timothy, red top, white clover, blue grass or orchard grass are good grasses for sheep. Sheep eat many kinds of weeds. This can be taken advantage of by turning them into the cornfield and thus used destroy the weeds which come up late in the season. But to put a full quantity of mutton on your sheep and to get an abundance of wool from them, they must have good food. They have to turn every ounce of feed they eat into living flesh and bone. When they do this they are making money for you in the way of mutton and .wool. They can't bring you a full, overflowing yield of mutton and wool if their systems are run down. Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener can be fed very cheaply, as a practical test will prove to any sheep-raiser that it will make an increase of 15 to 25 per cent more than could possibly be done without feeding it. It doesn't matter if your flock consists of six sheep or 60,000, you want an overflowing abundance of profit from them. The increased profit is abso- lutely guaranteed. Gold Coin Cattle F*attener contains the elements made by nature that stim- ulate growth and fat production, and if it is fed once a day, giving one half measureful for each sheep, it can and will increase your mutton and wool crop. We absolutely guarantee it to do this. If it fails we will refund the price. You can't ask for a fairer test than that. It contains nothinp- that is harmful to sheep and we oflfer $5,000 cash forfeit to anyone that can prove that it does. We only ask you to test Gold Coin Cattle Fattener on its merits as a money-maker to you. If you have never used this great fat- tener and developer, write to us and test it at our expense. Every pound is sold with a cash guarantee to bring you an absolute increase and improvement in meat, wool and breeding. Test it. Feed it every day on our guarantee. MAKES MONEY. It is well known that animals eat so hurriedly that considerable of their food passes through them undigested. Feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and they will digest and assimilate all they eat. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER Makes Lambs Grow Fast. It gives large frame and extra mutton — money. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 47 LINCOLN SHEEP. Typical Lincoln Sheep. The Lincoln sheep is the largest breed. At two years they often weigh 150 pounds, dressed. They produce an abundance of fine wool,, often 10 to 15 pounds or more at the second shearing. They require more care than some other breeds and can only be raised with success in districts which have plenty of rich grasses, although breeders report excellent results where Gold Coin Fattener is used, even, though the pastur- age is sparse. Its eflfect on the wool is gratify- ing. They are good breeders and have many favorable qualities. (Descriotion of Breeds continued on next page.> YOUR MUTTON YIELD. Every pound of mutton on a sheep has to grow there through the natural laws of diges- tion of feed, and turning it into bone and flesh. The quicker you can do this, the tenderer the mutton will be. That is why Gold Coin fed sheep are always famous in their district. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener promotes digestion and makes fat. If sheep are fed a measureful of the fattener twice a day along with the regular feed, the extra fat is distributed through the flesh, making it nice and tender and sweet. It has come to that point in fattening stock now-a-days that the farmer who does not use a scientific fattener cannot compete with his in- telligent neighbor who does. The people, the consumers, want scientifically fed mutton. It tastes better. It is tenderer. It is fattened GOLD COIN COLIC CURE SAVES LIVES. Have a bottle of Gold Coin Colic Cure on hand in your house all the time for instant use when needed — ^because when you want it you want it quick — $1 may save you $1,000. GOLD COIN GALL CURE, 25 CENTS A BOX. Are your horses galled — it's mean to let the harness rub against those open sores without giving any kind of protection. Use Gold Coin Gall Cure — it cures while your horses are work- ing. Send us your testimonials, we greatly appreci- ate them. quicker. And don't you see that quick fattening is what you want yourself, Mr. Farmer? We guarantee Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to fatter sheep in the shortest time and make you an ac- tual saving of 15 to 25 per cent and absolute in- crease in profit. We only ask you to test Gold Coin Cattle Fattener on its merit as a money- maker for you. If it fails to bring you paying results, it won't cost you a penny. The price will be refunded. Isn't that the fairest propo- sition you ever had offered you? We know from our practical experience that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener can and will increase your gain 15 to 25 per cent if you will test it fairly. If you have never used it, write to us and give it a test on our guarantee. As a stockraiser, you cannot afiford to feed the old way, when wide awake and live men are feeding on 15 to 25 per cent less expense and time than you are. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER 6 feeds for a cent. Makes sheep fat, gives heavy wool, and saves gr ain. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER iMakes Sheep Breed Better And increases the profits every year. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER Saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed And makes the sheep raiser extra money every year. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER Makes Extra Money More wool, more fat, more profit. GOLD COIN GALL CURE. It cures harness sores, or galls — while your horses are working. Gold Coin Gall Cure has no equal. Try it. DON'T NEGLECT HARNESS SORES. How would you like to have a big sore on your shoulder and be made to work with a heavy stiff leather collar rubbing against it, without any kind of healing salve to soften the sore or relieve the pain? A horse don't like it either. Use Gold Coin Gall Cure, it stops the pain, cools the inflammation, and heals the sores while your horses are working. 48 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., TJnion Stock fards, Chicago. Typical Cotswold Sheep. COTSWOLD SHEEP. The Cotswold sheep are an English breed. Since their introduction into the United States they have become great favorites. They have many favorable qualities which adapt them to the average farm. They are good breeders, large and hardy, and thrive w^ell even on the poorer grades of grasses. Their v^^ool is long and will average 8 or 9 pounds, although they often bring a much higher yield. Their fleece is somewhat coarse, but it does not get gummy nor shrink. Their mutton is of excellent quality and they can be fattened for market at about 18 months. Their lambs are of strong constitution. The Cotswold sheep are especially well adapted to the western states. Breeders of Cotswolds in all parts of the country are reporting amazing increases in mutton and wool by the use of Gold Coin Cattle Food and Fattener. (Descriptions of breeds continued on next page.) SHEEP BREEDING. The proper age for breeding is two years to ten years. Have one ram for every 60 to 70 sheep, Do not allow him to run with flock. Your ram will be able to serve more ewes and get lambs of greater constitutional strength if he is fed daily a measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. It makes vigor and vitality in the male. Perfect digestion and a high state of health makes him a sure "getter" and throws his own traits of strength and vigorous constitution into the lambs. Weak lambs are one of the drawbacks in sheep raising. You will have no such trouble with your lambs if you will keep your rams full of vigorous vitality by feeding one measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener once a day. The ewes, too, will get through their lambing with less danger if they bear strong healthy offsprings. During the lambing time the ewes must have extra care. They must have good food, hay, oats, crushed corn and bran with a measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, for each ewe. It helps her digestion and its action as a fat producer enables her to build up again with ease and rapidity. The danger is thus greatly lessened. Your ewes will give more and richer milk, (hence better nutrition to the lambs) if you will feed them a half measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener once a day. It is guaran- teed to pay you 15 to 25 per cent on the profit of your ewes. If you have never used it write us, and test these facts at our expense. We know from our experience as practical stock raisers that these paying results can be obtained, or we could not make you such an offer. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener keeps your sheep well and makes them grow all winter. Mutton is high and sheep are big money makers if you keep them growing rapidly. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is guaranteed to increase mutton and wool products 15 to 25 per cent. Sheep fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener have better flavored mutton and often command a pre- mium in the market. FEED YOUR SHEEP Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. Sheep are like cattle, in the construc- tion of their digestive organs. Therefore Gold Coin Cattle Fattener does for sheep what it does for cattle. It increases flesh, milk (for the lambs) and wool, and makes extra money for you out of your sheep. Try it. The vegetable medical ingredients contained in Gold Coin Sheep Fattener aid digestion and obtain 15 to 25 per cent more nutrition from the feed. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is a valuable addi- tion to the regular feed for fattening sheep. EPIZOOTIC cured by Gold Coin Cough and Lung Cure with regular doses of Gold Medal Condition Powders. No other treatment has saved so many animals as this. To cure Mange use one tablespoonful of Gold Coin Germ Killer to a quart of water and bathe affected part. It will cure quickly. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 49 Typical Dorset Sheep. DORSET SHEEP. The Dorset sheep are an especially good breed for the mountain regions. They are strong and hardy. The wool is soft and weighs 7 or 8 pounds. They are very good breeders. The Dorset sheep respond wonderfully to Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. Notice how their mutton is improved by it. * EXMOOR SHEEP. An English breed. They are very hardy, are a successful breed in England, and would be in this country if fed Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener. It will more than pay any American breeder of Exmoors to use it. SICKLY LAMBS. If you have any. weak, sickly lambs, give them a half measureful of Gold Medal Condition Powder in ground corn, bran and milk twice a day. Continue the Condition Powder once a day for at least a week or two after the lambs are well, to tone up the system, get the blood and the in- ternal organs in good condition. Then feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in their feed, full or half measureful according to their age, twice a day. This will give them strong constitutions and thus you will have no sheep with weak constitu- tions in your flock with the liability of their breeding weak ofifspring, strong lambs will in- sure you strong, healthy flock of sheep. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, by keeping the system strong and robust, prevents diseases. Every pound of the Fattener is sold on a guarantee to prevent diseases and be a money-saver to you. Hog and chicken cholera can be cured by the timely use of Gold Coin Germ Killer — a 50-cent can makes fifty gallons ready for use. Would you like to have your testimonial pub- lished in our new book? Thousands of stock- men from all parts of the country are contribut- ing to it. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. The Sheep Raiser's Friend, Makes Sheep Grow Fast and Keeps Them Well. THE QUICKER YOU FITTEN, THE TENDERER THE MEAT. Meat producers are always striving to grow and fatten in the shortest possible time, not only because it saves them 10 to 25 per cent in feed, but because the meat is so much tenderer and sweeter. Agricultural science is working along these lines. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener brings great results. The largest meat producers in the United States make the strongest claims for its wonderful fat producing power. Animals don't eat with any more forethought than people. Most people eat too fast. Sheep's digestion, in ordinary condition, is rarely or never up to its highest standard. To get the best results in growth and fattening, all that is needed is per- fect, thorough digestion. The healthiest animal puts on fat the easiest. Fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, your sheep will simply have to put on fat, and they will do it quickly, saving you 15 to 25 per cent in feed, besides making you a handsome profit in the increased size of the animals. If you have never used Gold Coin Sheep Fattener, write to us at once. We guar- antee it to be a speedy money-maker to you. We only ask a fair and honest trial, and if it fails to bring you paying results, the price will be re- funded. That is the strongest guarantee you ever had offered to you — we could not do it if we were not certain from years of practical ex- perience that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener actually does stimulate growth and create fat. We will stand the risk of failure — you use it on your sheep and reap the profit it wins. It should be fed to your sheep from birth to maturity to make the finest meat. Gold Coin Worm Powder is death to worms in sheep, cattle, horses, hogs and mules. WHY SHEEP SHOULD HAVE THE SAME THING AS CATTLE. We advise the use of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener for sheep as well as cattle, be- cause the digestive apparatus are the same. Sheep raisers make extra money by using it. 50 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Typical Suffolk Sheep. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. The Great Feed-Saver. Is guaranteed to increase the quantity of wool- money. OUR GREAT CASH GUARANTEE. Every preparation we have on the market is backed by the strongest Spot Cash Guarantee. We offer $5,000.00 if our foods contain any in- jurious ingredients. We know of no other con- cern doing business on a guarantee Policy; but we know so well what our Foods and Remedies will do that we can and are always willing to say that "your money will be cheerfully refunded if any of our preparations fail." And v^e stand by it, and back it with a strong Cash Capital. In dealing with us you will always know that you will be treated honestly. If anything is not just as you understood it to be, write and let us know and we will make it right, or refund your money without argument. We understand that many cheap concerns play all kinds of tricks upon the public — such lying firms can not live long. But there never was a refund for the full amount refused or put off in any way by the Gold Coin Stockfood Co. We offer $1,000.00 if we have ever re- fused to refund to any dissatisfied customer. We want you to understand that we are doing busi- ness only on the most Honest and Reliable principles. Our Cash Guarantee is printed on every label. It is the fairest offer in the worlr' Don't accept cheap imitations which some deal- ers may try to palm off onto you. Insist on having only the Genuine Gold Coin prepara- tions. Always refuse substitutes, which the dealers say are "just as good," for they are usually cheap, worthless preparations and give only poor results. SPECIAL FEEDING. TO GET SPECIAL RESULTS. The Great Work of the Gold Coin Stockfood Company is in putting the farmer and stockman on a scientific basis. No matter if you have a large or small farm or ranch, or whether you do stockraising only as a side line, you can be put into a position where you can make twice the profit you do now — and it's all done in the feed- ing and care of your animals. 1. Gold Coin Cattle Food and Fattener: For cattle only (and its kind). 2. Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener: For hogs only. 3. Gold Coin Horse Tonic: For Horses only. It puts life, energy, spirit in them. Hardens the muscles, and makes them willing workers. 4. Gold Coin Poultry Food: For Fowls only. 5. Gold Medal Condition Powder: A Con- dition Powder for Horses and all other animals when feverish or sick in a general way. Scientific foods for scientific purposes. A food that is so compounded that it performs only one purpose, can do that one thing a great deal better than a food that is supposed to do every- thing. The common sense of the best stockmen and farmers all over the world backs up our scientific preparations. They repeatedly write to us praising our Cattle Fattener for its fattening effects upon cattle, steers, etc. Hog raisers praise- the Hog Food to the skies. They say that it acts specifically on hogs in a way that no stock food ever did before. It actually fattens hogs in much less the usual time and puts an elegant "finish" on them. Why shouldn't it? It is a Specific Food for hogs — hogs only. It is something you have never used before. It is one of the new and use- ful scientific discoveries of this great age of ad- vance and progress. For sores, burns, or bruises on man or beast, use "Gold Coin Healing Oil." Use "Gold Coin Healing Salve," after castra- tion or docking. It's the BEST healing salve made. Yau are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 51 Prize Winning Ramboullletts. YOUR YIELD OF WOOL Not only the health of your sheep will be in- sured, but an increased growth of wool is abso- lutely guaranteed to any sheep raiser that uses Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, which is especially prepared for sheep and cattle. Growth of wool is in proportion to the healthy action of the animal's skin. The good appetite and digestion produced by the use of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener keep the sheep at the highest point of health and vitality. The entire animal thrives; the skin (wool), the bones, the flesh (mutton), the generative organs (procreative), all are stimulated. As a prb- gressive sheep raiser you cannot afford to feed without this New Adjunct to stock raising. It is guaranteed to contain ingredients which we know stimulate growth and create fat. If it fails to bring you paying results, it won't cost you a penny. This is the fairest offer ever made to sheep raisers, and you can readily understand that we could not make a strong cash guarantee to you if we did not know from our years of practical experience that Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener can and will increase your profit in mutton and wool 15 to 25 per cent. Investigate the merits of this great money saver. Write us if you have never tested it, and use it on our guarantee. SPECIAL FEEDING TO GET RESULTS. The great work of the Gold Coin Stock- food Company is in putting the farmer and stockman on a scientific basis. No matter whether you have a large or small farm or ranch or whether you do stock-raising only as a "side line," you can be put into a position where you can make twice the profit you do now — and it's all done in the feeding and care of your animals. GOLD COIN WORM POWDER Is Guaranteed to Remove bots and worms from horses and colts, sheep and cattle. THE PURITY OF GOLD COIN FOODS $5,000.00. $5,000.00 and the cost of chemical analysis will be given to anyone if Gold Coin Fattening Foods contain any poisonous or injurious in- gredients of any kind. We absolutely guarantee that they contain no Strychnine, Arsenic, Salt Peter, Antimony, Rosin, or Opium. They are ab- solutely harmless; their ingredients are medical, vegetable compounds that increase nutrition, stim- ulate the appetite, regulate the heart action, give better digestion and assimilation, purify the blood, keep the water clear and kidneys strong, the bowels free, the blood cool and in healthy condition, thus toning up the entire animal, so that more nutrition is obtained from the food eaten. They are simply without equal for Horses, Cattle, Sheep or Hogs in breeding, growing, fat- tening, working or milking. Get a package of Gold Coin Food and use it according to direc- tions, and if it doesn't come up to every claim, your money is refunded. We refund your money if it ever fails. GERMS GROW IN FILTH. It is almost impossible not to have some filthy places around the barn, pens, coops, or out-houses. Germs of all kind develop rapidly in such places. Don't neglect them. They may prove dangerous to your family as well as to your stock. Make a solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer, the best disinfectant, and sprinkle such places with it from time to time. Gold Coin Germ Killer is the strongest and cheapest disinfectant made. A 50-cent can makes fifty gallons ready for use. Mail us your testimonials, and photographs of your fine stock, and we will enter you in our $200 contest for a cash prize. 52 Gold Coin Siockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, CkicAgO. Gold Coin Germ Killer The BEST Remedy Known for Cure of Scab SEE BELOW Sheep Snfferlngr From Scab — Picture Used by Special PermlsBion From 11. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. DISEASES OF S HEEP— TREATM ENT AND CURE. EVERY FARMER SHOULD LEARN HOW TO TREAT AND CURE ALL THE COMMON AILMENTS OF HIS HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS. SCAB. Scab is due to a parasite which burrows under the skin. This sets up inflammation. A watery secretion exudes, which dries and forms scabs. It is an easy disease to recognize, because the animal pulls off the wool with its teeth. The sheep then bites or rubs the bare surface. The back, between the neck and the tail, is the usual location, the same as vermin on other animals. The mite (scab) hatches in four days and at seven days of age lays eggs. Therefore, you must "dip" twice. The second "dip" being more than four days and less tharr seven days after. Scab is not fatal, but it is a terrible pest. You lose the wool and the sheep cannot develop or put on fat as it should. Treatment and Cure: Mix three tablespoon- fuls of Gold Coin Germ Killer to one-half pail of water, and thoroughly saturate (soak) the di- seased portions. Make this application once a day until cured. "Dip" the sheep in a solution made of 4 tablespoonfuls of Gold Coin Germ Killer to each pail of water. Hold the sheep under for two minutes by the watch. Occasionally sub- merge the head. Rub the scabs with a curry- comb or corncob to insure reaching the para- site. This will kill the mature mites, but the eggs, which remain, hatch in four days. There- fore, a second "dip" must be made after four days — about the sixth day is the best time for the second "dip." Separate the afflicted sheep from the well ones. Clean out the pens and sprinkle solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer (three tablespoonfuls to each pail of water) over the floor thoroughly. If you have earth floors, re- move the surface -and put in fresh earth. Then add three tablespoonfuls of Gold Coin Germ Killer to each gallon of whitewash, and use to whitewash the pens, mangers, fence and posts against which they may rub. If any of your sheep have scabs, get a can of Gold Coin Germ Killer at once. Write to us and test it at our expense. Feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to make strong constitutions. It is sold on a guarantee to bring you gains of 15 to 25 per cent in meat and wool. Try it on our guarantee. Price refunded if it fails. We only urge you to use it on the basis of a money-maker to you. It creates a hearty and regular appetite. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. We guarantee Gold Coin Worm Powder to re- move worms every time without fail. Worms removed or money refunded, if you use Gold Coin Worm Powder. WHAT IS A DISINFECTANT? A disinfectant is a drug or chemical which destroys germs; it also kills most insects. Make a solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer according to directions on can and sprinkle it on all filthy looking places around your barn, out-houses, coops, pens, etc. It will disinfect those places and ward off disease. It only costs one cent a gallon ready for use. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER The Sheep Raiser's Friend. Saves 15 to 25 per cent of the feed — extra profit. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER Should Be Fed to Rams. It will enable them to get stronger and better lambs. (Sbeep Diseases continued on next page.) Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 53 Cause of Scab, as Shown in U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. DISEASES OF SHEE P-Cohtinued. FARMERS WHO KNOW HOW TO TREAT AND CURE THE COMMON DISEASES OF THEIR STOCK SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. TICKS, LICE, NITS. These pests irritate and make the animals restless and nervous, which prevents rapid, clean development of body and growth of wool. Give them a "Dip of Gold Coin Germ Killer," using three tablespoonfuls to a pail of water. Don't waste money feeding lousy sheep. Your aim is to turn the feed you give into mutton and wool — you will get 15 to 25 per cent more if your sheep are*not lousy — and you know it. Get the most out of your sheep by feeding Gold Coin Cattle Fattener. It makes the sheep digest every ounce they eat, which means that much more rapid growth. Their appetites are kept good so they digest every bit they eat, they just can't help it, they have to grow, and grow fast. It prevents disease and in that way saves you money. Sick animals don't make you any money. We guarantee health and a gain in mutton and wool if you use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regu- larly. $200 in prizes for photographs of fine stock or poultry. $5,000 CASH GUARANTEE. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is a medical com- bination which contains the elements made by nature that stimulate growth and create muscle ;;and fat production. It contains no injurious ^rugs and we offer $5,000 to any one who can ^rove that it does. Mail us your testimonials — we greatly appre- ciate them. EPIZOOTIC, CATARRH, INFLUENZA. This is an inflammation of the mucous mem- branes of the nose and throat. Sheep with weak constitutions are more subject to it, as it comes from exposure and colds. The appetite is poor, there is discharge from the nose and eyes. There may be coughing. Keep in warm quarters and feed two measurefuls of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to each sheep twice a day until cured. It strength- ens the constitution and after they are over the epizootic if you will continue to feed a measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener once a day your sheep will have strong constitutions and be able to stand exposure. Furthermore, we guarantee that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener will bring you a gain of 15 to 25 per cent in meat and wool. A good constitution and good health make -good wool as well as good meat. Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener makes animals digest every ounce they eat, turning your feed into living tissue — that means cash to you. GRUBS-GADFLY. Grubs are the eggs of the sheep gadfly, de- posited in the nostrils of the sheep. Eventually the maggots hatch. Wash the nose with solu- tion (tablespoonful to quart of water) of Gold Coin Germ Killer, and then apply to nostrils the healing salve — Gold Coin Healing Salve. GOLD COIN HEALING OIL Heals injuries from knocks, bunts and falls. Paying results from our Foods is what built up our enormous business. 54 Grold Coin Stockfood Co., Union l^tock Yards, Chicago. WORMS. Appearance of Sheep SufiEering From Scab, WTien Clipped, as Shown by U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. the flock a measureful in their regular feed every month, just to prevent worms. If you have never used Gold Coin Worm Powder, write to us and test it at our expense. Every package is sold on a guarantee. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is a great bone, flesh and fat producer. It makes your sheep digest every ounce they eat and turn it into money for you. It is sold on a guarantee to bring you a gain of 15 to 25 per cent in meat and wool. Write to us and test it. Worms are common in sheep, but they are hard to detect. Often a sheep raiser cannot tell that worms are in his flock until he examines some of the dead ones. As no one can tell when worms may get a start in their flock, the safest thing is to give them a good worm killer once in a while and see that they are free from wbrms. The best and most thorough worm destroyer or the market is the Gold Coin Worm Powder. It is the cheapest because it goes the farthest. It contains no dangerous drugs. It is guaranteed to do the work or money refunded. It will not only clean out the worms, but it will strengthen and invigorate the entire system, acting as a tonic. Every sheep raiser should always have it on ^hand and as stated above, give some to your flock every now and then to see that they are free. You are wasting feed (money) if you are feeding wormy sheep with their stomachs and bowels clogged up with worms. They can- not put on flesh nor grow as they ought to. Directions: Mix two tablespoonfuls of Gold Coin Worm Powder in a good sized feed of bran mash and give this twice a day for a week or more according to the severity of the case. la some cases the worms are more difficult to expel than others and require longer treatment. Preventive to Worms: Mix a tablespoonful of Gold Coin Worm Powder for each sheep in their regular feed once a day for a week. These precautions need only be taken when there are worms in your flock. But it is wise to give all FOOT ROT. This is a very dangerous and destructive dis- ease. The infection causes impairment of the general health, therefore the afflicted ones should have a measureful of Gold Medal Condition Pow- der twice a day to tone up the system and get the blood in better condition to promote healing. For external use, wash the diseased foot with solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer, made by mixing four tablespoonfuls to a pail of warm water. When thoroughly cleansed, apply Gold Coin Healing Salve thickly. Careful treatment is necessary to cure this disease, but we guaran- tee satisfaction with the above remedies. Feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener to all your sheep once a day. It is guaranteed to bring you 15 to 25 per cent gain in mutton and wool. Test it on our guarantee. Price refunded if it fails. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER IS FOR SHEEP AND CATTLE. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener has the same action on sheep that it has on cattle. Sheep and cattle are alike in the construction of their internal organs. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 55 Cause of Seal) in Sheep. — Picture Used by Special Permission from 1J. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. oooooooooooooooooobooooooooocooooo HERE IS YOUR CHANGE. MONEY! MONEY!! Every sheep raiser certainly wants to make all he can out of his flock. Here is the chance for you to satisfy yourself of the great money- making qualities of the Gold Coin Cattle Fat- tener. We sell it on an absolute guarantee. It will cost you nothing if it fails to give you pay- ing results. You cannot ask for a fairer propo- sition. If you have never used it, try it this season on our guarantee. We only ask you to use it on its merits as a money-maker to you. We can make this strong guarantee because we know that it contains the ingredients that make fat. WHY WE GUARANTEE. We would not dare to make this strong guarantee for the Gold Coin Cattle Fattener if we did not know from extensive experience that it does fatten rapidly and make the sheep grow. It does it because we know it contains the ele- ments made by nature, which make them digest all they eat, and put on their frames, flesh, fat and wool. We only ask you to try it on its own merits, and if it fails, it won't cost you a cent Can we make you a fairer offer? Would you like to have your testimonial printed in our big new book. We greatly appre- ciate such expressions of applause from our many friends. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, for cattle and sheep. Foot-rot and other hoof diseases of shee'^ and cattle are quickly cured by Gold Coin Germ Killer and Gold Coin Healing Oil. Gold Coin Healing Oil cures all cuts, wounds, bruises, barb-wire injuries quicker than einy other liniment known. $200.00 IN CASH PRIZES. TO FARMERS AND STOCKMEN. FOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF STOCK AND POULTRY. If you happen to have a particularly fine looking animal or fowl of any breed, have it photographed. It will be nice for you to keep and you may win a prize. Photo- graphs of a fine herd of cattle, calves, sheep or hoers — or a flock of poultry will be ac- ceptable. It is our custom to make a cash ofTer every year of $15.00 for the best photographs of Horses, Colts, Cattle, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Hogs or Poultry, either single or in numbers. On the back of the photos give breed, weight, age and other information bearing upon the case. State whether or not animals or fowls were fed Gold Coin Foods. O Q Send all photos to x §'-' GOLD COIN STOCKFOOD CO., 6 Union Stock Yards, Chicago. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO RHEUMATISM in man or beast cured by Gold Coin Healing Oil. For Frost Bites apply Gold Coin Healing Oil freely. For Sore Teats in cows use Gold Coin Heal- ing Oil. In caked udder rub the whole bag with Gold Coin Healing Oil — it relieves inflammation and cures the trouble. WORMS! WORMS!! Gold Coin Worm Powder expels bots and worms of all kinds; it is perfectly safe and harmless and guaranteed to do the work. It purifies the blood, as nothing else will, Gold Medal Condition Powders. 56 Gold Coin Stocbfood Co., Union Stock Tards, Chicago. SCIENTIFIC HOG FEEDING. HOW ANY FARMER OR HOG-RAISER CAN DOUBLE HIS YEARLY HOG PROFITS. The scientific feeding of hogs has reached such a point at the present time that the farmer or special hog raiser who does not use "Some kind of scientific fattening food, cannot compete with the hog raiser who does. A hog raiser who uses Gold Coin Hog Fattener, is bound to beat his neighbor who does not, because the "Fattener" fattens in about half the time, and yet, at least 15 to 25 per cent less feed is required. Any farmer who knows anything at all about stock, knows that a young animal fattens easier (that is on less food) and quicker time than an old one. If a farmer can "crowd" his hogs and get them on the market at 5 to 6 months of age, weighing from 175 to 300 pounds he knows that the amount of feed required up to that period will be very small, thus leaving the seller a much greater profit than if that same hog was fed for a year. The older a hog gets the more it eats, and the less fat it puts on from a given quantity of food. Quick fattening is the kind that pays. We beg to ask the earnest attention of all who are interested in the raising of hogs. First, that we may teach them the new and scientific methods of feeding now adopted bv the success- ful, money-making hog raisers, and second, that we may put them in a position where they, too, can obtain the wonderful new scientific prepara- tions and fattening foods, which make hog rais- ing successful. In as few words as possible we wish to tell how almost anyone, whether experi- enced or not, can with but very little expense, and very little labor, breed and raise hogs at great profit. There is almost nothing in the line of stock in which there is s© much profit as hogs. The demand for good hogs is great, and the demand for scientifically fed hogs — and young sucklim? pigs — is greater. The number of hogs that are killed by the various packing concerns in the United States States runs into the millions each year. The number of pounds of lard runs into the billions. The demand is not decreasing. Therefore the more hogs you can raise the more money you will make. Two very important facts face every swine raiser, first, to raise hogs in large num- bers they must keep in good health, and second, they must be fattened quickly and gotten rid of quickly, so as not to reduce the profits of the yield by too much consumption of feed. How can these two important facts be met success- fully? Tust as easy, if not easier, than raising anything else. For the benefit of the hog raiser a new scientific compound has been invented — Gold Coin Hog Fattener — which possesses a TRIPLE action. Its first action is to aid and increase di- gestion and assimilation and the superinduced production of fat and growth which make the hog reach full weight in almost half the usual time. The tender age of the hog also makes the meat more desirable and healthful. Gold Coin Hog Fattener does exactly those three things, it is sci- entifically compounded so as to be a Digestive, a Blood Purifier, and a Flesh, Bone and Fat Pro- ducer. All that is necessary to do the most scien- tific- feedine^ of hogs, and make big profits is to feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener regularly three times a day in their regular feed. It is very simple. Every package contains a little measure which gives the scientific amount necessary to give each hog to get the very best results. Doing so is sure to make extra money for you out of your hogs. We don't care how many diflferent kinds of stock foods or condition powders you may have used, Gold Coin Hog Fattener, is a fattener scientifically compounded for hogs and hogs only, and will do the work when general "stock foods" fail. A stock food which is said by its owners to do everything from fattening horses down to makin.g chickens lay more eggs may pos- sibly do nothing, because such a preparation i% not scientifically compounded for any special use. But Gold Coin Hog Fattener is specially com- pounded for the fattening of hogs only, and it does it, las thousands of hog raisers will testify. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is not for cattle, sheep or horses — it is for hogs only, and therefore it will do for hogs that which no other preparation now on the market will. It is much less expensive than the varius stock foods on the market, and will bring you a hundred times more profit. If you are raising hogs, it is important that you should use a "hog food" pure and simple and thus make the most profit possible from your season's yield. We want to see you make more money than ever out of your hogs, and will gladly help you if you will write us regarding the number of head of hogs you have, their breed, their present condition, etc. All corerspondence and advice. is free. Write us regarding any of your stock at any time.' We will be pleased to answer, and get you on a scientific basis of feeding, and thus also get you on the right track for making extra money. Write our veterinary department if your hogs or anv of your stock become sick. Don't ship hogs or cattle to market until they have been fattened. Fat gives weight and weight means money to you. Hogs fed on Gold Coin Hog Fattener have better flavored pork .and often command a premium in the market. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 57 Hog Killing, as Done at the Great Armour Packing Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Visitors are always welcome to go through this and the various other interesting departments of the- company, where clean, up-to-date, sanitary methods of dressing and preparing meats can he seen. The above picture shows the process of "sticking." The two men in the pen to the left of the picture attach the hogs by one hind leg to the re- volving wheel which carries them up and puts them on a trolley, which carries the hog, dangling by one leg, past the "sticker," who sticks them with lightning rapidity, but with great precision and accuracy. The dead hogs are then carried on the trolley and dropped into the tanks of boiling water, as shown on the next page in this book. The above picture is copyrighted by Armour & Co. OUR GREAT CASH GUARANTEE. Every preparation we have on the market is backed by the strongest Spot Cash Guarantee. \ve offer $1,000.00 if we ever refuse to refund money when our preparation fails to bring paying results. We know of no other concern doing business on a guarantee policy, but we know so well what our Foods and Remedies will do that we can always and are always willing to say that "your money will be cheerfully refunded if any of our preparations fail." And we stand by it, and back it with a strong Cash Capital. In deal- ing with us you will always know that you will be treated honestly. If anything is not just as you understood it to be, write and let us know and we will make it right, or refund your money without argument. Gold Coin Hog Fattener will make your hogs gain as much as 10 to 12 pounds per bushel of corn while the average hog only gains 6 to 8 pounds without it. Paying results from our foods is what built up our enormous business. GOLD COIN HOG FATTENER, The Money-Maker, Saves feed, makes fat and extra money. CONDITION YOUR BREEDERS FOR SALE. If you are preparing any hogs to sell for high prices as breeders, feed them Gold Coin Hog Fattener. It will give them a fine finish and make them more attractive and bring you a higher price. GOLD COIN HOG FATTENER, Prevents Hog Cholera. It saves your herd, and saves your money. Gold Coin Hog Fattener purifies the blood and makes the constitution strong. POINTERS FOR HOG RAISING. You want to grow and fatten quickly to save high-priced corn. Gold Coin Hog Fattener saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed and fattens in three- quarters the time. 0,v r 500,000 farmers endorse Gold Coin Hog Fatter r and use it for fattening hogs with 15 \o 25 p^T cent gain in profits. Gold Coin Hog Fattener keeps your pigs well and makes them grow all winter. Pork is high and hogs are big money makers if you keep them growing rapidly. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is guaranteed to increase meat and fat production 15 to 25 per cent. Some raisers say 50 to 100 "i)er cent gain. WHY WE CAN GUARANTEE YOU 15 TO 25 PER CENT PROFITS. It is easy for us to guarantee 15 to 25 per cent when thousands of stockmen all over the country claim it makes 5o per cent and more for them. But suppose you had saved 15 per cent, wouldn't that be a great payer to you when it only costs one cent for five days? Furthermore, we can easily guarantee Gold Coin Hog Fattener because we know it contains the ingredients that stim- ulate and create fat products. Hogs fed it sim- ply have got to lay on fat. Write to us to-day. GOLD COIN FATTENING FOODS. Now, More Than Ever Before, Maintain their reputation as the Farthest-going and Best Stock "fatteners" on the market to-day. Refuse cheap and worthless substitutions, use only the best. . 58 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Scalding Hogs in the Packing Houses, Union Stoclc Yards, Cliicago. FATTENING FOR MARKET. You Double Your Profits by Fattening Quickly. It is recognized that the greatest profits in hog raising are obtained by forcing the feed from birth until ready for the market. Hog breeders always make big profits and they are making larger profits today than ever on account of the scientific method of feeding with Gold Coin Hog Fattener. This hog Fattener is fed to brood sows and the increased richness of her milk imparts strength and vitality to her pigs. The pigs when weaned are fed the Gold Coin Hog Fattener in their slop or other feed and in five to eight months are ready for market weighing 200 to 300 pounds — their pork tender and sweet. These scientifically fed hogs often command a premium in the market. QUICK FATTENING. Maybe you have never used Gold Coin Hog Fattener and want to use it now just to fatten up some hogs quickly. In this case the dose will have to be increased. Use Gold Coin Hog Fattener two measurefuls for each hog twice a day, mixed with the slop; or wet up the grain feed and mix Gold Coin Hd^ Fattener with it. If you wish to push the fat- tening very rapidly you may feed the Fattener three times a day. Give plenty of water to drink. Some raisers use three measurefuls three times a day to get excessively speedy results. Gold Coin Hog Fattener not only shortens the fattening period but it saves 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. One bushel of corn will produce 10 to 12 pounds of pork if fed along with Gold Coin Hog Fattener, whereas a bushel of corn fed alone will only produce 6 to 8 pounds. We have had hog raisers report even larger gains. There- fore we can easily guarantee 15 to 25 per cent gain, and we agree to refund the price if it does not. We want you to test it. Write to us. FATTENING STUNTED PIGS OR SHOATS. The best breeder will sometimes have a few stunted pigs in his herd. They never seem to get started growing. Separate them and feed a measureful of Gold Coin Hog Fattener in good, rich slop three times a day. This will give them a quick start and they will soon be even with the rest. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is the cheapest thing you can use and it is the quickest. It never fails. MONEY IN FAT. In raising hogs for the market, you must do more than merely feed to sustain life. It gives no profit. YOU MUST FEED TO FATTEN. Fat, if taken on quickly and cheaply, brings the big profits. In view of these facts, farmers should be on the lookout for a special food that will fat- ten quickly and with the least amount of waste. You want a food which, when pushed (as during the fattening time), will keep your hogs hungry all the time, increasing their digestion and turning every ounce of feed into flesh and fat. Quick work means quick profits. Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener makes quick fat and saves 25 per cent of feed, thus giving you 25 per cent more profit, and gets you to the market first. Fed regularly on Gold Coin Hog Fattener, your hogs are kept up to the highest point of health, making their bones grow, and giving you large-sized hogs. The best hogs for the market are hogs that have been fed from birth upon fattening foods. It is the cheap- est in the long run, and brings you greater profits. If you have never used Gold Coin Hog Fattener, write to us for a package or pail and use it on our guarantee. It will cost you nothing, if it fails to bring you paying results. You are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 59 Inspecting Pork at the Chicago Union Stock Yards. BRAINS-MONEY. The most "scientific hog feeding" made simple by using the famous Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener. It is all mixed and ready for use when you get it, and you just simply put one measure- ful (about a tablespoonful) of the "Hog Fattener" in the regular feed for each hog, two or three times a day, according to how often you feed. If you are not feeding Gold Coin Hog Food, you are missing a certain amount of profit on your hogs, which you are perfectly entitled to and ought to get. And, too, buyers like scientifically fed hogs a great deal better than the common fed hog. Make your grains save you money, by using Gold Coin Hog Fattener regularly on your hogs. What you save by so doing is profit to you. We give a printed guarantee on every package of Food that it will save you 15 to 25 per cent of your feed and increase your profits, or price refunded. If you have never used Gold Coin Hog Food, write to us at once and test it at our expense, if it fails to give you paying results. SCIENTIFIC FEEDING. Every Hog raiser who uses Gold Coin Hog Fattener is doing the most scientific feeding with- out going to any extra trouble, except to mix in the feed a measureful (about a tablespoonful) of the scientific "fattener" to every 2 hogs. It greatly aids digestion, lays on fat, and keeps them free from disease. LESS THAN HALF A CENT A DAY. The least expensive Food, on the market — the BEST, in quality— goes the farthest, and is backed by the strongest guarantee. No other food in the world can take its place. Gold Coin Stock- food Co. is the largest Fattening Food Company in the world (capital $3,000,000) and backs every guarantee. MAKE A TEST ON OUR SPOT CASH GUARANTEE. You take no risk in testing Gold Coin Hog Fattener as a fattener. Take 2 to 10 or more head of hogs and place in separate lots. Give the same food to each, except give the one lot Gold Coin Hog Fattener and give none to the other lot. Use it for 60 to 90 days and then weigh re- sults. If the lot on which the Gold Coin Hog Fattener was used does not show a paying gain your money will be refunded. IF IT DOES SHOW A GAIN YOU WANT IT. IT'S MAK- ING MONEY FOR YOU. YOU ARE MAK- ING MORE MONEY THAN YOUR NEIGH- BOR WHO DOES NOT USE IT. If you have faith in improved breeding or labor saving machinery, you must have faith in a feed-saving, scientific preparation like Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener that makes perfect digestion and ranid growth. A fair, practical test will prove that hogs can be fattened in less time and with less feed than is usually used. No fairer offer can be made. Test it yourself on our Spot Cash Guarantee. You get the profit it wins, and we stand the loss if it loses. Write us today. PREVENTS HOG CHOLERA. It prevents Hog Cholera by phagocytosis and natural tissue resistance, caused by the great health-giving qualities of Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener. Six feeds for a cent. It often saves thousands of dollars in Cholera time. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO RUNTS TURNED INTO BIG, HEALTHY HOGS. bv the regular use of Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener. Sold only on guarantee to bring you paying results. 0000000000000000000000000000000000 60 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. A WINNER. A liOSER. This man believes in using a scientific, np-to-date preparation like Gold Coin Hog Fattener. It not only- helps to fatten them, but it keeps them well. HOG RAISING. HOW TO MAKE VOUR'S MONEY MAKERS. RAISING ON SMALL SCALE, The waste around the house and at the very most $2 or $3 worth of feed will raise a fine hog or two. Such hogs are practically all profit. They are like finding money. The feed can be made to go much farther and your hog will have a clean, fine, fat finish if you will use Gold Coin Hog -Fattener once a day. We guarantee it to put on a half pound of fat more for every cent's worth of Gold Coin Fattener you use. We especially wish to interest small raisers. RAISING ON LARGE SCALE. To large raisers the great item of expense is feed. Remem- ber, that sick hogs or those with weak constitu- tions can't grow and lay on fat like healthy hogs. You know this. I know it. Naturally, I, as a man with practical experience, always urge the use of Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener from birth up in order to increase the constitu- tional strength of the animals. If your expenses are high your profits are less. Sick hogs, like sick people, waste in flesh, waste of feed, that is waste in expense — money. Weakly hogs make very little profit over the feed you give them. It is a known fact in science that animals eat too rapidly to digest all they eat. Considerable of their food passes away undigested, not turned in- to flesh, bone or fat. Now right here is where Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener gets in its work. Here is where the large raiser can save all the way from 15 to 50 per cent. It makes the hogs digest every ounce they eat and turn it into flesh and fat. They just can't help it. Gold Coin Hog Fattener stimulates digestion and creates growth, strength and health. It prevents Cholera, Pneumonia and thus saves you' loss by disease. As a money-saver to the raiser we urge scien- tific feeding by the use of Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener. Try it, and use it, and if it does not save you money in feed, in waste of fat by sickness, in loss by death from cholera and make you a handsome profit in increased size of hog and quantity of fat, it won't cost you a cent. Every pound of Gold Coin Hog Fattener is sold on a SPOT CASH GUARANTEE. It is not what your ho^s eat, bat what they digrest, that makes money for you. This man doesn't believe in the new scientific methods of feeding and cleanliness. Hog Cholera caught him nap- ping and as a result his hogs are all dying instead of get- ting fat and making money for him. THE BOAR. Farmers too frequently neglect the condition of their boars. The boar should be in good con- dition, and full of vigor and healthy vitality, and he will hand down his good qualities to his get. Gold Coin Hog Fattener- will give him greatly increased vigor and his pigs will have extra strong constitutions. -It pays to have pigs born with strong constitutions. They fatten easier and are less liable to hog cholera. The Gold Coin Hog Fattener should be fed to the boars three times a day during the breeding season, otherwise once a day. FANCY PURE BREEDING. If you are feeding fancy hogs for the prize ring, we will guarantee the finest finish you ever saw if you will use Gold Coin Hog Fattener once or twice a day. The boars and sows will look pictures of beauty and health. Prize winners all over the country claim they owe a great deal of their success in the prize ring to Gold Coin Hog Fattener. It makes their rounded form and sleek skin look attractive. These little points are what win the Blue Ribbons. YOU CANT LOSE, WE WON'T LET YOU. The successful farmer is the one who makes the most money. The 15 to 25 per cent that you save by feeding Gold Coin Hog Fattener makes you just that much more successful than your behind-the-times neighbors who feed the old way without any scientific help. Gold Coin Fattener makes the animals digest all they eat, and turn it all into flesh and fat — money for you. There is no waste. Test it. Every pound of Gold Coin Fattener is sold on a guarantee to bring you paying results or your money back if it fails. But it won't fail and thousands of the most suc- cessful farmers claim they would not feed with- out it. Some say it saves them 15 to 25 per cent in feed and the increase in fat and fineness in finish makes them 50 per cent more. Write to us. We take the risk if it fails and you get the profits it vidns. HOGS DIGESTION. In fattening hogs you are always over-crowd- ing the digestion. Doesn't common sense tell you that hogs need Gold Coin Hog Food and Fat- tener to aid digestion. It will save feed. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 61 Pure Bred Daroe-Jersey Sow. (Owned by Mr. Wm. Malcolm, "Vrorthln^on, Minn.) The above picture shows off to an excellent degree the good points of the Duroc-Jersey Hog. It will be noticed that this breed has its distribution of flesh where it will dress at a very- high percentage. It is a good hog for the general farmer as well as the special hog raiser. Mr. William Malcolm, of Worthington, Minn., is the owner of the above beauty, and will be pleased to correspond with any who contemplate putting in the Duroc-Jersey breed. His prices are right. Mr. Malcolm uses Gold Coin Hog Fattener for his hogs. It is an excellent preparation for hogs, be- cause it not only increases rapid growth and fattening, but keeps them free from disease. THE DURCO-JERSEYS. Feed your Duroc-Jerseys Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener. It will do wonders for them in the v/ay of development. This hog naturally has a good frame, puts on flesh rapidly, and is a good breeder. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is a preparation made up for the special purpose of developing and fat- tening hogs. It does it by increasing the diges- tion and assimilation, thus making every ounce of food the hog eats rapidly turn into bone, muscle and fat. It is the first and only "Hog Fattener" on the market, and has long been wanted by hog raisers. It also prevents Cholera and keeps hogs free from disease by keeping them at the highest possible standard of health. Feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener regularly to your Duroc-Jerseys from an early age up as directed in article on "Feeding for the Market," and you will have 150 pound to 350 pound hogs in five to eight months. It is this kind of quick, scientific fattening that brings you big profits. People in - the cities are becoming educated to the use of scientifically fed meats, therefore quickly fattened animals are more in demand now than ever be- fore. (Description of Breeds continued on next page.) 6 Feeds for I Cent. At this very low price no farmer or stock- man can afford NOT to feed this very valuable "Food" to his hogs. It is guaranteed to make you a saving of 15 to 25 per cent on all your feeding. Considering the results obtained. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is about 50 per cent cheaper than any other Food on the market at the present time, NOW IS THE TIME. There never was a time like NOW to begin using Gold Coin Hog Fattener. With corn and all feed at its present high price, you are simply forced to scheme around some way to make a saving in feed. You must do something to make every ounce of feed count. That is what is known as "economic and scientific feeding" and that is the right way to feed. Every farmer and stock- man should do it. You should figure close on feed, for what you save in feed is profit. You simply take a little measureful of the Hog Fat- tener for each hog, and put it in the regular feed. It increases their digestion, regulates the bowels, keeps the water clear, and turns every particle of food they eat into bone, muscle and fat — and it does it in almost half the time. If you have never used Gold Coin Hog Fattener, we want you to try it, get a package or pail and use on our guar- antee. We know that it will make you a saving of 15 to 25 per cent in feeding and greatly shorten the time of fattening. You are raising hogs for money. Therefore, the more rapidly they grow and the quicker they fatten, the more money you make, not to say anything of the feed you have saved. Isn't that a good reason why you should use Gold Coin Hog Fattener? Send for a package to-day, and try it on your growing hogs. SCIENTIFIC FEEDING MADE EASY. To keep hogs healthy, strong and vigorous and prevent Hog Cholera and other diseases, use Gold Coin Hog Fattener — it makes them grow big, and puts great bone, muscle and fat on them for you — it is weight that counts in hog selling. 62 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Prlze-WInnlng, Pure Bred Diiroe-Jersey Boar, Yearling. LANCASHIRE HOGS. This is a pure white English breed, which has been bred for many years in England. It is bred in England today with great success, and is very popular. Put this hog on Gold Coin Hog Fattener and it shows the influence by increase of fat and size from the very start. If you have Lancashire hogs and have never used Gold Coin Hog Fattener. we will be pleased to have you write us at once and arrange to commence the feeding of your hogs to demonstrate the great value of our "Hog Fattener," and we guarantee it to save 15 to 25 per cent of the feed and short- en the "fattening period" almost one-half. VETERINARY SURGEONS ENDORSE THIS FOOD FOR HOG CHOLERA. Gold Medal Condition Powders put the hog in such a fine condition and maintains it at the high- est standard of health, thereby overcoming the cholera germ by phagocytosis and tissue resist- ance, making it the most ideal remedy for cholera. Veterinary Surgeons know this, and are always glad to recommend its use. Don't feed to waste feed, but to make your hogs digest all they eat. That makes fat. 2700 pounds EXTRA Guaranteed on 40 hogs in 90 days Average fattening hogs vi^ill gain a half to one pound extra per day, if fed on Gold Coin Hog Fattener. On 40 hogs, a fair average estimate would be three-quarters of a pound per day. In one month this would be 900 pounds — at 5 cents a pound. This would mean $135 extra profits above your usual gains. It more than pays to use it. Test it, and if it don't give you paying results, your money will be refunded. HOGS NEED ASHES AND CHARCOAL. Burn up your corn cobs into charcoal and mix one part of salt to three parts charcoal, to which is added one measureful of Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener for each hog, and see how your pigs will rel- ish it. It is very good for them every once in a while, because it relieves the acidity of the stom- ach to which pigs are often subject. BREEDING HOGS FOR MONEY. Hogs are ready for breeding purposes at six to eight months, but it is better not to breed them until ten to twelve months old. Save the best sows for breeding. BROOD SOWS. Save the Brood Sows that are the best mothers, the best nurses to their young. The old brood sow is often the best. Young ones don't know so well how to bring a litter of pigs to maturity without loss. FARROWING. Feed the brood sows Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener right along. If they are with pig it nourishes the body and puts her in better con- dition for farrowing. After farrowing Gold Coin Hog Fattener makes the milk rich and causes the pigs to grow more rapidly and gives them strong constitutions and good health. They will make easier fattening hogs. Gold Coin Hog Fattener can be fed with perfect safety, as it contains only medical ingredients which are beneficial to pig-bearing. It keeps a sow in better condition of strength and health and will enable her to raise two good litters a year of fine healthy pigs. ^ WEANING. When you wean young pigs at six weeks of age, mix a measureful of Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener for each five pigs once a day in their milk or slop. They should also be given some green feed. Pigs should be castrated at two to four weeks of age. A WONDERFUL PIG GROWER. Make a slop of ground corn, barley, oats, rye, and shorts with skim milk or sour milk and water, and in this mix a measureful of Gold Coin Hog Fattener for each five pigs twice a day. You will be surprised at their wonderfully rapid growth. Gold Coin Hog Fattener con- tains the elements which make bone and flesh. These pigs simply have to thrive to their fullest extent. This feed as described above is far better than fresh milk. Try it and test it for yourself on our CASH GUARANTEE, You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 63 Pure Bred Poland China Sotf. THE POLAND CHINA. This breed of hogs was originated in Ohio, and are probably the most popular and most ex- tensively raised hog in the West. They have good form, with short legs, straight, broad back, short head, wide between the eyes, full square shoulders and hams, and drooping ears. The color is black with some white markings. This breed of hogs needs Gold Coin Hog Fattener from birth up, to give it strong bones and frame to hold up the great development of flesh and fat which they acquire. Gold Coin Hog Fattener makes them grow faster, thus saviwg you always from 15 to 25 per cent feed. If you are raising Poland China hogs, you should at this time of the year, consider the great value of a scientific prep- eration that is guaranteed to build up and fatten your hogs in much shorter time than usual. The expense of feeding is also reduced to about one- fourth. Hog raisers from all parts of the coun- try are reporting that Gold Coin Hog. Fattener is clearing them as high as 50 per cent more profit than ever before, in many instances. Test Gold Coin Hog Fattener on your young hogs and old ones, and on your breeders. It will in- vigorate them and make them more prolific. We guarantee it to be a money-maker for you, or re- fund the price. NEAPOLITAN HOG. On Gold Coin Food and Fattener, these hogs are remarkable for their fine quality of flesh and their style and finish. Their ears are erect, head small, nose slender, neck short, body long, and round, and the hind quarters higher than the front quarters. Feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener regular- ly and it will save in fattening and expense of feeding more than 15 to 25 per cent. (Description of breeds continued on next page) $5,000 CASH GUARANTEE. We will forfeit $5,000 and the cost of chemical analysis to anyone who can prove that Gold Coin Hog Fattener contains injurious ingredients. It is a medical, vegetable and chemical combination which contains the elements made by nature that produces increased fat production. STUNTED PIGS, OR RUNTS. No farmer who makes farming a business, can afford to raise runts. They run around 2 or 3 years, eating up your grain and you get nothing to show for it. The real cause of runts is usual- ly poor digestion. You can have no runts if you are a regular user of Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener, Its principal action is to give strong digestion and assimilation. Every bit of grain they eat is turned into healthy tissues, thereby laying on of fat and flesh begin at once. Runts make just as good eating after being raised upon Gold Coin Hog Fattener as if they were forced up to 300 pounds in six months. Small runts, 2 and 3 years old, weighing only 50 to 70 pounds, are forced up to 250 to 350-pound hogs in 3 to 5 months. Farmers who have never used this won- derful "Fattener" simply stand in amazement at the remarkable results. If you have never used it, write us direct for a $2.00 pail (25 lbs.), and we will have you test it on our guarantee. It costs you nothing if it fails to bring you paying results. Gold Coin Hog Fattener starts runts growing and keeps them growing, being a rnedicated food, it lays on a delicious flavored fat and flesh that is higniy praised by all who eat it. If you have any runts, get after them with. Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener. It will save you 2 or 3 years' feed — and gives you a large, healthy hog. Try it. EDUCATED PEOPLE NOW-A-DAYS WANT SCIENTIFICALLY FED MEATS. To obtain extra fine meats you must put some- thing in the feed that will impart to the flesh a delicious flavor and texture. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener contains those ingredients. Feed it and notice the difference in quality of the meat, and feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener to hogs and there will be more of it on the pig, too. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 8 IF YOU HAVE NEVER USED GOLD COIN HOG o FATTENER, WRITE US AT ONCE. O And test it on our guarantee. If it fails to g bring you paying results, it costs you noth- 8 "^• 0O000000C»0O0O0CXXXXX3000CXX)0O0000O 64 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., tJnioii Stock Yards, CkicagO. Pure Bred Berkshire Sow — First Prize Winner. BERKSHIRE HOGS. If you have Berkshire hogs and want them to show to their best advantage, put them on the world-famous Gold Coin Hog Fattener. It will put a finish on your hogs that cannot be obtained in any other way. It is not only a fattener, but it is a good hog conditioner. It makes no difference whether you have one hog or one thousand hogs, you should use Gold Coin Hog Fattener. The duty of a hog is to eat and get fat. Gold Coin Hog Fattener stimulates the appetite, increases digestion, and lays on fat in great quantities. It also builds uo the bone and muscle, giving the hog a good constitution so it can get around on its legs better, more easil3^keeping it free from disease, at the same time giving it huge propor- tions and enormous weight for its class. The Berkshires are good breeders, hardy, medium size, easy to raise, quick to grow. By many breeders they are ranked even with the Poland Chinas. If you are not using Gold Coin Hog Fattener, write us direct for a package or pail, and test it at our expense if it fails to bring you paying results. (Description of Breeds continued on next page) GOLD COIN HOG FATTENER, Makes Little Pigs Grow, So that they can be marketed at 6 months, weigh- ing 300 pounds. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is a valuable addition to the regular feed of fattening hogs. We guarantee that your hogs will gain more than one-half pound extra for every cent's worth of Gold Coin Hog Fatttener you feed. SICKNESS-LOSS WITHOUT DEATH. Sickness in your hogs, even though it does not cause death, causes loss of flesh. Loss of flesh is loss of the feed you fed. It just takes that much more feed to put the flesh back on them again." Hence the loss through the sickness was — loss of (Ij flesh, (2) time, (3) feed — all of which repre- sents MONEY. It pays to keep your hogs al- ways at the highest point of health. Gold Coin Special Hog Fattener is guaranteed to bring you an absolute increase of 15 to 25 per cent in profits and to save you money and time in feeding. We make this great cash guarantee because we know that Gold Coin Hog Fattener contains the in- gredients which stimulate and create growth of bone, flesh, and fat. Animals fed on Gold Coin Hog Fattener have to thrive because they are kept at the highest point of health. It's easy for them to lay on fat because the Fattener makes them digest and assimilate all they eat. If you have never used it write to us and test it on our guar- antee. Price refunded if it fails to bring paying results. GOLD COIN HOG FATTENER, Prevents Hog Diseases And keps brood sows strong and healthy. Q000000OCXXXXXXXXXXX300000O0O00000Q GET AFTER YOUR RUNTS WITH GOLD COIN HOG FATTENER. It starts runts growing, and keeps them growing. It lays on fat in larger quantities, and gives you a hog of 250 to 350 pounds in two to four months' time. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 65 Pure Bred Tain-worth Boar. The above Tamworth Boar, a splendid specimen of his breed, is owned by Mr. H. N. Ayers, Honey Creek, Wis. This boar "Simpson's Diamond" (948) won 1st prize at the Minnesota State Fair. He is 2 years old and weighs 780 lbs. The Tamworth hog is the ideal "bacon type" — the kind the pack- ing houses like. Mr. Ayers uses Gold Coin Hog Fattener and also Gold Coin Cattle Food. All who have never used Gold Coin Hog Fattener should begin now. We guarantee it to make you extra money. Any one desirous of investing in Tamworth Hogs should write Mr. Ayers. His hogs are among the finest in this country and well worth the price he is asking. THERE NEED BE NO RUNTS. When Gold Coin Hog Fattener can be had, it makes big, fat pigs of Runts. It does it by stop- ping the waste of food that runs through it un- digested. Every bit of grain or feed the runt eats is digested and turned into flesh and fat. That is the nature of our "Hog Fattener." It is made to do that, and that it does do it, can readily be seen from our Guarantee. Runts should be separ- ated from the rest of the herd, kept in a clean pen, and fed frequently on warm ground feed that has been soaked for some hours before feed- ing. To every bucket full of feed mix in one measureful of Gold Coin Hog Fattener, or you can even give two measurefuls if necessary to get quick results. Our "Hog Fattener" is the only specific "Hog Fattener" on the market today. It has the correct scientific ingredients in it that go right into the make-up of a hog for building and fattening purposes. It is to fatten hogs — and hogs only — and it certainly DOES do the work. General stock-foods can't compare with it. Try it on your hogs. THE TAMWORTH HOGS. In Canada this breed of hogs has become a great favorite. This is an excellent hog to raise, because of the fact that it comes to maturity so early. It is chestnut or bright sandy red in color. Long face; long, deep sides; light jowl and shoul- der, which make it a convenient hog for pork packers to handle. It is supposed to have the highest percentage of lean meat, which is of very delicious flavor and texture. When fed on Gold Coin Hog Fattener they make very rapid and excellent growth. It also gives a good bony structure on which to carry the flesh and fat, and give weight. Feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener to this breed from birth up, as it improves the con- dition of the flesh and keeps the animal in a bet- ter state of health during its entire lifetime. It gives a better flow of milk to the sow, and makes them more prolific. They are good moth- ers and good nurses, usually bringing up their young with excellent skill. The boars are very vigorous and good producers. When dressed, these hogs make good weight and their flesh is of fine quality, lean and pink, and as long as lean bacon continues to be in demand the Tamworths will always be a good variety to raise. All Tam- worth raisers ought to use Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener, because it will make a surprising increase in the size and weight of the body in this hog. The strong, bony structure of this animal en- ables it to carry an enormous weight without danger of their legs giving away. (Breeds of Hogs continued on next page) HOG INSURANCE. It is just like having good insurance on your hogs to feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener. It's the cheapest insurance you can buy, only one cent for ten days and it's not only guaranteed to prevent diseases but to make you 15 to 25 per cent profit. Fat comes from what the hog digests. That's money for you. What passes through undigested is lost money for you. 66 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Vnioii Stock fards, GMcagO. Pure Bred Torkshlre Hoks. THE YORKSHIRE WHITE HOG Gold Coin Hog Fattener does remarkable work on the Yorkshire White hog. It promotes the appetite, increases the digestion, and builds up the hog in a remarkably short time. In this breed of. hogs The Fattener brings about easy fatten- ing. Yorkshire is a good hog for farmers to raise because they have a first-class constitution, are excellent breeders and take good care of their young. But most important of all, the use of Gold Coin Hog Fattener fattens them so quickly that they can always be gotten to the market early — which means ready money. In this breed of hogs it is also best to feed the Gold Coin Hog Fattener almost from birth up, be- cause by its general conditioning qualities, it builds up the whole animal, bone, muscles and fat, giving a larger growth and a greater weight. By this method your Yorkshire whites can be put on the market at 200 to 300 pounds in a re- markably short time. If you have never tested the value of Gold Coin Hog Fattener in hog raising write us at once for a package or pail and you can try it at our expense, if it fails to bring you paying results. THE SUFFOLK HOG. This is simply a modification of the Yorkshire hog. It has all the characteristics of the York- shire hog. It is small in size, usually very fat, with small, short legs, thin skin, and fine, white hair. Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener helps this breed very materially by building up the body, strengthening the frame, aiding digestion, saving food wastes, and the laying on of flesh and fat. In this particular breed, Gold Coin Fattener always makes a great increase in the profits. (Breeds of Hogs continued on next page) EASY CARE OF HOGS. Hogs require practically no care. On the other hand when they get sick there is practically nothing that can be done as they die so quickly, and besides their diseases are all catching, con- tagious. Hence it is of greatest importance in swine raising to prevent disease entering the herd. Most people call all hog diseases Cholera. To my own knowledge there are sixteen different diseases which people call Cholera. All are dan- gerous but reasonable care will prevent and cure every one of them. This will explain why one farmer will get much better results from Gold Coin Food and Fattener than another. If you have fed your hogs with Gold Coin Food and Fattener regularly, diseases will rarely if ever get into your herd, and if it does the attack will be milder. The farmer who has been feeding the Fattener now and then in a slipshod way, cannot expect such good results. Nine times out of ten this same careless farmer has not paid any attention to disinfecting. Whenever the pens are cleaned they should be thoroughly sprinkled with Gold Coin Germ Killer. It is surprising that this careless farmer saves any of his hogs, after a disease gets started. The use of a scientific Gold Coin Hog Food and Germ Killer (Disinfectant) is only common sense care of hogs. You should improve and build up the constitution and this can be done in no other way than to aid the digestion which you are •always over-crowding in hogs, by feeding regularly every day the Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener. It will save you half the feed. Not only the feed is saved but the digestive organs are kept in bet- ter health and the whole constitution strength- Continued on next page. You are losing money i£ yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 67 Prize Wlnnlngr ImproTed Yorkshire White Sott. ened. That is the way to prevent Hog Cholera. When Hog Cholera gets in your herd you can't guarantee an absolute cure in all cases, but should the disease prove to be one of the sixteen other diseases that are frequently called Hog Cholera, we can guarantee an absolute cure by the proper use of Gold Coin Condition Food and Gold Coin Disinfectant. But the easiest and safest way is to feed to all your hog-stock, the sows, boars, pigs and hogs Gold Coin Food and Fattener once a day and keep them in the fastest growing con- dition. This extra good health makes them easier to fatten. We guarantee the Gold Coin Food to save you 15 to 25 per cent. It can and will be a money-saver to you or the price will be refunded. We only urge you to try it fairly and honestly on our SPOT CASH GUARAN- TEE. Write to us today. Feed scientifically and make money. THE ESSEX HOG. Feed your Essex hogs on Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener. It improves them in every way. They arc large hogs and need something to strengthen their constitutions from young up. Gold Coin Hog Fattener will quickly fatten them at almosi any age. Their color is black, face short and weight at maturity 300 to 350 pounds. If you raise Essex hogs don't fail to test Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener on them, and it will save you money in feed- ing and make you additional profit by shortening the period of fattening. Other English varieties of hogs are the Cheshire and the Black Dorset. They are easily fattened when fed Gold Coin Hog Fattener. We have had reports from hog raisers both in England and America on the ef- fects of Gold Coin Hog Fattener in these breeds, expressing exceedingly gratifying results. It pays to make 15 to 50 per cent profit when- ever you can save it by feeding Gold Coin Hog Fattener. THE CHESTER WHITE HOG. This is a fine, white hog that responds very quickly to the fattening influences of Gold Coin Hog Fattener. If you wish to raise hogs for quick marketing, this is one of the very best breeds to handle. Where Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener is used from young up the Chester Whites develop so rapidly, and when the "fattening period" comes, take on fat so rapidly that they are always a great source of profit to the owner. Feed your Chester Whites Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener regularly and there will be an amazing im- provement in the entire condition of the animal. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is prepared especially for fattening and enlarging the body of the hog. It puts more meat on the bones, and makes a heavier hog when dressed. Send for some of this Fattener if you are raising Chester Whites, and we will be glad to furnish it to you on our guarantee that it will bring you paying results, or the price of the Fattener refunded. ECONOMIC FEEDING MADE EASY. Feed your hogs Gold Coin Hog Fattener and you are doing economic feeding. It is known by all the best hog raisers to be the greatest "feed saver" in existence. It ought to be, because that is exactly wiiat it is made for. It is a "Hog Pat- tener" for hogs. It forces fat on hogs, shortens the fattening period almost one-half. You can send your 6 to 8 months old hogs to market, weighing 150 to 350 pounds. Brings you a 25 to 50 per cent profit over and above anything you ever made before. Try it. You can't lose; we won't let you. GOLD COIN HOG FATTENER, Saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed. Feed saved is money made — Do you want more money? 18 pigs by one sow is one of the unusual results pf feeding Gold Coin Hog Fattener, 68 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Pure Bred Berkshire So^vs and Young. PROFIT IN SUMMER FATTENING. Great profits can be made by summer fatten- ing if it is done right, that is, properly. Summer and early fall is the very best time, to fatten hogs, because at this season of the year they make the quickest gains. Summer and fall is really the least profitable time for fattening if you follow the old method and take ten to eleven months to get your hogs on the market. But grow and fatten them quickly, as can be done with Gold Coin Hog Fattener, and get them to market at 6 to 8 months of age, and you make wonderful profits. You make profits in two ways. First, getting to market early brings higher prices, and second, you save 3 to 5 months of feeding — which is that much food saved. Gold Coin Hog Fattener is the greatest "Rapid Grower" and "Quick Fattener" in existence. It shortens the fattening period almost half. Stock- men all over the country are making almost double the profits they did before. The proper method is to begin fattening from birth up, be- cause young animals turn more of their feed into flesh than old ones. You know this and should take advantage of it. "Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener" will force almost any young pig to a 200 to 300 pound growth at 6 to 8 months or less, and that is the time to make them bring the most profit. In summer and fall while the corn is still in the milk, feed stalks and all, as the hogs will also eat a great deal of the stalk. Give them clover, too, if you can. Feed the "Fat- tener" twice a day — a measureful to each hog, and you will have such quickly grown up, large hogs as to astonish your neighbors. Gold Coin Hog Fattener never fails to fatten — it is the only food manufactured that is sold for the especial purpose of fattening, and it does it, and does it quick. Write for a supply of it and begin using it at once. A 25-pound pail $2.00. We guarantee our Hog Food to clear you 15 to 25 per cept more profit th^p without it, IT PAYS THEM. IT WILL PAY YOU. If your friends and neighbors use Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener and make extra money by it, it ought to, and will pay you, too. You can't afford to be behind anybody in your com- munity. Our Hog Fattener is easy to use, you simply put a small measureful (about a table- spoonful) of "Fattener" in the regular feed for your hogs, and it makes them grow, fattens and puts a fine finish on them in almost half the time. All you need to do is feed, the "Fattener" and it will do the rest. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! A good little bunch of money is in store for you, if you can quickly and cheaply pile on 20 to 30 pounds of extra fat to each of your hogs, just before going to market. The buyers pay just as much for fat as for lean, and this extra fat has cost you almost nothing to put on. Gold coin Special Hog Fattener is prepared especially for that purpose. It prevents every possible waste, and uses up every kernel of grain they eat, allow- ing no waste, or undigested food to pass ofif in the ofifal. The digestion in the stomach and bowels is so stimulated and increased that everything is di- gested and turned into fat, and it gives a good finish to hogs, which is always attractive to buy- ers. If you have never used Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener, write to us and get a package or pail and test it on our guarantee. Beef is high and cattle are big money makers if you keep them growing rapidly. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is guaranteed to save you 15 to 25 per cent. Cattle fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener have better flavored beef and often Qomm?Wi4 a pre- Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. Before Feeding Gold Coin Hoe Fattener. 69 m^ 3- Year-Old Runts Can Be Started Growins;and;(SeeInext paee.) DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. • Experimenting with other Stock Foods. Buy Gold Coin Hog Food for your hogs and we guarantee that it will keep them free from dis- ease and fatten in almost half the time. For Hogs you' want "Hog Food" — what's good for a horse is Not always good for a hog. To fat- ten Hogs and keep them free from disease, you must give a "digestive," something to turn the feed into strong muscles, bone and fat. Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener, is the only ex- clusive "Hog Food" sold on the market today. We are the only firm that has as yet discovered a Special Hog Food Fattener. We claim superiority for our Hog Food over the common stock foods in that ours is a Hog Food prepared especially for Hogs — not a Horse food for Hogs. How can a Horse Food made for great big horses be a suitable food for Hogs. Your common sense tells you it cannot be. If you want your hogs conditions bettered, get Gold Coin Hog Fattener and see how much better work it does than a hit-and-miss, for everything stock food. Feeding nowadays has been gotten down so scientifically that we feed Special Hog Fattener to hogs, their kind — Cattle Fattener to cattle and their kind. Poultry Food to Poultry and their kind, etc. Horses shouldn't be fed a fattener un- less, possibly, after an illness, or to help the con- dition powder to round out the animal and get a better figure, and then combine the cattle fattener with the condition powder in equal parts. The condition powder to give life and spirits to the animal and act as a tonic to the entire system, the fattener to fill up all hollow places, aid di- gestion and put a fine glossy finish to the coat. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE AN UNSCIEN- TIFIC FEEDER. When it is so easy to use a scientific food like Gold Coin Hog Fattener. It is sold on a guar- antee to bring you paying results, Feed <^Hog Fattener'' to Your Brood Sows. It will make them give more and richer milk. This will make the little pigs grow up more quickly and increase their health and vigor, thus allowing of earlier weaning. It keeps the sow stronger, too, and enables her to raise two litters of pigs each year, without danger to health. Gold Coin Hog Fattener can be fed to brood sows all the time, both before and after farrowing. It is the best and purest Hog Food in the world and we strongly advise its use for this purpose. It makes the little pigs extraordinary growers and they show the good influence of the feeding by developing enormous bodies and abundance of fat. Every 25-pound pail of "Gold Coin Hog Fattener" saves you ten to twelve dollars worth of corn. If you have one hog, or 1,000 hogs, Gold Coin Hog Fattener will practically give you 50 per cent more profit than you ever made before. THE SECRET OF PROFIT IN HOGS LIES IN RAPID GROWTH AND FATTENING. Very often Fall Pigs turn out to be Runts. Runts usually mean a loss of money to a farmer. Because after two or three years of feeding, you may have nothing to shdw, or sell, for the feed eaten, and in case feed has been high priced, a g'ood deal of money is actually lost. In this rapid Age of Progression, pigs should be ready for market, weighing 175 to 350 pounds, in 6 to 9 months, bringing their owners handsome profits. THEY EAT BUT~OON'T~GET FAT. Some animals eat a lot but don't lay on any fat. Others eat less and get fat, this because they digest all they eat. Gold Coin Hog Fat- tener does this. It is bound to make 15 to 25 per cent. 70 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. After Feeding Gold Coin Hos Fattener. In 3 to 5 Months be Made 300 Lib. Hogs By Using Gold Coin Hog Fattener. DO YOU BELIEVE IN IMPROVED LABOR SAVING MACHINERY. Of course you do. Every educated, intelli- gent man does, because he sees such machines working before his eyes every da3^ Then you must readily see and understand, at a glance, the great value of the Gold Coin Stockfood Com- pany's great improvement in "Feed-Saver" foods. Our "Fattening Foods" are an improve- ment on scientific feeding just as important as im- proved machinery is to farming, and are guar- anteed to save 15 to 25 per cent of all feed fed your stock. It is a known fact that few animals have perfect digestion — almost one-third the food they eat goes through them without doing them any good. Our "Foods" prevent all this loss. It makes every ounce of feed given digest and turn into fat and growth of the animal. It only requires a practical test to prove that it is a great saver of grain and time. We only ask you to test Gold Coin Hog Fattener on a reliable guarantee that it will bring you more profits. It cures and prevents Hog Cholera, because it keeps the blood cool, bowels regular, and water clear. It is a scientific medicated Hog Fattener, highly prized by all farmers. Its immense sales prove that the majority of farmers want to save more feed and make more money. QUICK FAT. 40 to 50 days' time saved when you use Gold Coin Hog Fattener. If it will do this, you, as a scientific farmer or stockman, can't afford to be without it. It puts a fine finish on hogs that always brings the top prices at the market, or when sold for breeding purposes. Hogs fed on Gold Coin Hog Fattener simply have to grow big and fat — they can't help it, be- cause all they eat they digest. AMERICAN HOGS IMPROVED. Ever since Gold Coin Hog Fattener was in- troduced among the farmers and stockmen of America, hogs have been improved and the food has received great renown and praise. Farmers like to feed this special hog food to their hogs. It develops and fattens them in almost half the time. One careful hog raiser writes, "You have got the greatest hog fattener in the history of stock raising. I would not try to raise hogs with- out it." - A SURPRISE IN STORE FOR YOU. A pleasant surprise in store for all Farmers and Stockmen who have never opened a Package of Gold Coin Hog Food and Fattener. Feed Gold Coin Hog Fattener to the boar, he will sire more and better pigs. Duroc-Jerseys like Gold Coin Hog Fattener; it keeps them free from disease, and makes them grow fast and fatten quickly. The best preventive of swine disease is Gold Coin Hog Fattener. Keep your pigs well by regular use of Gold Coin Hog Food. They die quickly when once they get sick. The greatest preventive of Hog Cholera is Gold Coin Hog Fattener. Gold Coin Hog Fattener keeps hogs perfectly healthy all the time. Don't give your hogs a chance to get sick, keep them on Gold Coin Hog Fattener as a pre- ventive. Skim milk and Gold Medal Condition Pow- ders are as rich and nourishing for pigs as new milk. Try it. It saves you the cream. Pigs can't stand much sickness. They die quickly. Keep them well by the regular use of Gold Coin Hog Fattener. Gold Coin Hog Fattener keeps hogs well and makes them grow and fatten quickly. Ton are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin S PROGRESS. This is an age of great advance. Machinery used twenty-five years ago is no good to day. The old Manny reaper, the self rake, Marsh har- vester were all great things in their day and an advance over the sickle and cradle, but the up-to- date farmer uses a self-binder because it is the best. Progress has also been made in the feeding of horses and the up to-date farmer feeds Gold Coin Horse Tonic for the very same reasons that he uses a self-binder. In both cases it is the most economical; it saves money by saving grain; it is scientific; it is reasonable and in accord with modern methods. If you have investigated the subject you know that any breed of animals kept in domestication for many generations acquire certain new characteristics; some of these are advantageous, but others are not. For instance, there is greater liability to disease among domes- tic animals, and this is largely because their diges- tive organs become weakened. To overcome this Gold Coin Horse Tonic has been invented. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is, however, not mere- ly a medicine in the ordinary sense, though there are no medicines better than this, because it is also a food which supplies elements not accessi- ble to horses in the ordinary feeds given them. Besides Gold Coin Horse Tonic is not an ex- pensive food. It is within the reach of all. 15 cents a month provides enough for each horse and keeps him in that perfect vigor, which char- acterizes the well bred horse. It overcomes all the bad effects which civilization and domestica- tion have forced upon horses. GOLD COIN HEALING OIL The Best on the Market. Heals Barb-wire cuts quickly. Peppers' Thoroughbred High JnmperR. A FEW POINTERS FOR HORSEMEN. To break up pneumonia in the start, there is nothing so good as Gold Medal Condition Pow- ders. Always break up pneumonia in the start, because it is almost sure death if neglected too long. Horses fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic can stand the cold better in winter — their constitu- tions are stronger. All draft horses should be fed Gold Coin Horse Tonic without fail. Every horse should have it. A great many of horse's ills are due to the liver. Gold Horse Tonic has special action on the liver. Head erect, clear eye, quick ear, springy step, these come from the use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It makes perfect digestion and condition. New life is infused into a horse when given Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Don't overlook the trifling (?) symptoms of your horse being "off feed." It may end in colic if you don't do something for it. Remember, colic kills in from 1 to 5 hours. Use Gold Coin Horse Tonic — it will prevent colic. Always do something at once if your horse is not just right. A dose of Gold Coin Horse Tonic may break up a dangerous disease and save you a valuable animal. Gold Coin Horse Tonic will break up a cold or stop epizootic from turning pneumonia. Half your work in cleaning is saved by using Gold Horse Tonic. It makes the coat smooth and shiny. Keep your horse in perfect health. 84 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., tTnion Stock Ifards, CkicagO. Typical Well Trained Trotter, and Racing Sulky. TROTTING HORSES. However speedy a horse is by breeding and training, he will never win a race unless he is properly fed. His flesh should be firm and cool, and be worked onto his frame by constant exer- cise. It doesn't do to merely fatten a trotting horse nor to keep him looking well fed and smooth. He should be as hard as nails and every ounce of flesh on him should be strong, useful muscle. Gold Coin Horse Tonic as a regular feed with his daily food will assure the owner a trotting horse with muscles like steel springs; inexhaustible bottom; good will and the nerve, style and action that come only with abso- lutely flawless health. Kindness in teaching horses is necessary. We have said little about it because it has come to be so generally recognized as a necessity in the rais- ing and using of all kinds of horses. Every trotting horse has Arabian blood in his veins. The breed began with Imported Messen- ger, sire of Mambrino, sire of poor old Abdallah, who died of starvation and neglect, but not before he in turn had sired Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10 the greatest and most famous of all sires. From this latter horse have sprung all the great strains of trotters in America today. These strains have been bred and interbred as near as was safe until in the tangle of pedigrees almost every fast horse is a blood relation to almost all the others. The result is that a race of horses has developed in this country that for the past forty years, has year after year, been whittling down the trotting time-records, till today the horse that clips an eighth of a second off some great record, becomes famous the world over. All trotting records are held by American horses and have been for more than half a century. No trotting horse today is ever tried against time until he has been trained for it long and patiently and by progressive, up-to-date trainers, his diet made to include Gold Coin Horse Tonic, for it is only by getting him into the pink of con- dition that a record breaker can be made of him. There is no horse food made that can compare with Gold Coin Horse Tonic in nutrient value, remedial virtues, disease preventing qualities and in cheapness. If you own or train trotting horses do not race them without bringing them to per- fection on Gold Coin Horse Tonic, and if you are breeding them, the extra gain made from a single horse, will pay for all the Gold Coin Horse Tonic you can use for many a long year. At so small an outlay no horseman can afford to miss the chance of getting in line with other horsemen and using Gold Coin Horse Tonic. DIGESTION AND INDIGESTION. Some horses eat a great deal and yet they never get fat. Others only eat a small quantity and yet are always fat. Every educated farmer now-a-days knows just why this is. If the diges- tion is poor, of course the animal cannot get fat, as the food passes through without doing any good. If you have any horses in this condition, try Gold Coin Horse Tonic on them. It will make a wonderful change. From a thin, hide- bound, unthrifty animal he will rapidly become fat, round and plump. This is all done by scien- tific feeding. Gold Coin Horse Tonic does it simply because it cJ-eates digestion and gives the animal the benefit of all it eats. GOLD COIN WORiM POWDER. Is the Safest Remedy For worms and bots in horses and cattle. Tton are losing ^dney if yoii as>e tiot feeding Gold Ooin Stock foods. §5 Lou Dillon, tlie Fastest Trotter in tlie World. The above picture shows Mr. Billings, her owner, driving her. SHOES. Shoes are used to protect the hoofs of horses; to give them a better foot-hold when roads are slippery and sometimes to increase speed. Shoes should always be comfortable and fit as well as a man's shoes. The size and weight depend on the horse and what he does. In fitting a shoe do not let an incompetent shoer make the mistake of fitting the hoof to the shoe. The horney part of the hoof necessarily needs to be trimmed down at times because the wearing of shoes prevents the hoof wearing off naturally, but the frog of the foot should be practically let alone so far as the knife is concern- ed, and the frog should always come down far enough so as to strike the ground. It is the cushion nature designed to take the jar off when the foot strikes the ground. The horney part of the hoof should be trimmed off with this in view and also so that the weight of the horse can be evenly and squarely distributed over the shoe and on the ground. Horses fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic almost always have healthy, tough, firm hoofs, because it keeps them in perfect condition all over and supplies the required elements of nutrition to the hoofs as to all other parts of the body. GOLD COIN GALL CURE. It cures galls and harness sores while your horses are working — it cures in half the time other salves or powders do. Use no other than Gold Coin Gall Cure. It is the safest and cheap- est; 25 and 50 cents a box. MAKE A TEST ON OUR SPOT GASH GUARANTEE. You take no risk in testing Gold Coin Horse Tonic as a food and medicine. Take 2 to 10 or more head pi horses and colts and place them in separate lots. Give the same feed to each lot, except give the one lot Gold Coin Horse Tonic and none to the other lot. Use it for 60 to 90 days and then note the change in health, strength and condition, and the saving in grain. If the lot on which the Gold Coin Horse Tonic was used does not show a paying gain, your money will be refunded. IF IT DOES SHOW A GAIN YOU WANT IT. IT'S MAKING MONEY FOR YOU. YOU ARE MAKING MORE MONEY THAN YOUR NEIGHBOR WHO DOESN'T USE IT. If you have faith in improved breeding or labor saving machinery, you must have faith in a feed-saving scientific preparation like Gold Coin Horse Tonic that makes perfect digestion and rapid growth. A fair, practical test will prove that horses can be fattened in less time and with less feed than is usually used. No fairer offer can be made. Test it yourself on our Spot Cash Guarantee. You get the profits if it wins, and we stand the loss if it loses. Write us to-day. A QUICK COLIC CURE. Don't wait until your horse is down with colic before you buy a bottle of Gold Coin Colic Cure. Your best horse may die while you are sending to town for the medicine. 86 Crold Coin Siockfood Co., Unioai Stock Yards, CkicagO. Missouri Bell, Marching. (Excellent Type of High School Horse.) Owned by Mr. 'W. A. Rale, Kansas City, Mo. IT WINS RACES. RUNNERS, PACERS, TROTTERS. There is no place where Gold Coin Horse Tonic has been put to the test so strongly as at the race track. It has surprised many a horse- man. Gold Coin Horse Tonic gives a hard- ness and spring to the muscle that is just what the race horse needs. In fact, no horse should be over fat, because too much fat prevents free action. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is not a fattener. If real fattening is wanted, give a half measureful of Gold Coin Horse Tonic and a half measureful of Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, and you can fatten anything with it. The race horse wants strong, solid, quick muscles. He wants to be in perfect health all the time. Gold Coin Horse Tonic has become the great favorite of the track-men because it gives all these qualities. There is more Gold Coin Horse Tonic fed to race horses than any other tonic known. It puts that "go" and speed in the horse which shows that every eflFort of the animal is being used. Being a purely vegetable tonic and a food, it gives permanent energy to the muscles, that becomes endurance. They can get up a good speed and keep it up. That is usually what wins the race. It is the cheapest and best conditioner a trainer can give regularly to a string of racers. It simply has no equal as a special tonic for a horse at the race track. If you own racers and want to see your horses do their best, put them on Gold Coin Horse Tonic. We will guaran- tee greater speed and endurance. It also keeps the horse in a healthy condition so that there will be less liability of his giving out from dis- ease. If you have never used Gold Coin Horse Tonic on your racers, write us direct and test it on our guarantee. We would like to see your horses win and if we can help you, we will be glad to do so, write us. "OFF-FEED." If you have any animals on your farm that are "off-feed" or run down, you can always de- pend on it that the trouble is indigestion, and what they need is Gold Coin Stock Food. Write us direct if you have never used it, and we will be glad to let you test it on our Spot Cash Guarantee. Use Gold Coin Worm Powder, and buy no other. It is the safest remedy for worms and bots. FEVER IN HOOFS: Make a thick paste by mixing Gold Coin Foot Remedy with bran. Use this every day until soreness sind fever are gone. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 87 POINTERS FOR HORSEMEN. If you are a general farmer and have any trotting stock it will pay you well to follow the method of the big trainers and begin feeding Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It makes them healthy and fast. At so small a cost no horseman can afford to miss the chances of getting in line with other progressive, up-to-date horsemen by using Gold Coin Horse Tonic. A point to remember is that horses will do BETTER on 25 per cent less oats when fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic, than they actually need when not getting Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Of course, you feed less grain when your horses are not at work, but feed them enough, and Geld Coin Horse Tonic will keep them fat and in good health. On Gold Coin Horse Tonic you need not feed so much grain, and in the spring your horses come out fat, vigorous and fit for work. For horse kicks and other injuries use Gold Coin Healing Oil. For hooks, bunts and horn injiu-ies apply Gold Coin Healing Oil. Fistula — for common fistula, open it and ap- ply Gold Coin Foot Remedy. Nail Injuries — best treatment is Gold Coin Healing Oil. Cure Ring Bone with Gold Coin Resolvent. Directions qx\ package. Major Delmar. — ^A Two Minute Trotter. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ $200 IN GASH PRIZES TO FARMERS AND STOCKMEN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF STOCK AND POULTRY. If you happen to have a particularly fine looking animal or fowl of any kind, have it photographed. It will be nice for you to keep and you may win a prize. Photographs of a fine herd of cattle, calves, sheep or hogs — or a flock of poultry — will be acceptable. It is our custom to make a cash ofifer every year of $15.00 for the best photographs of horses, colts, cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, hogs or poultry, either single or in numbers. On the back of the photos, give breed, weight, age and other infor- mation bearing upon the case. State wheth- er or not animals were fed on Gold Coin ^ Food. p Send all photos to 8 GOLD COIN STOCKFOOD CO., p Union Stock Yards, Chicago, U. S.A. Q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ In the spring and fall when the weather is cold and your, horses come in with wet and muddy legs, rub them dry with sawdust or shav- ings. Colic is due to indigestion. Gold Coin Colic Cure is the great guaranteed "5-minute cure." Prevent colic, tion. Colic means stopping of diges- Gold Coin Horse Tonic promotes diges- tion and therefore is the great preventer of colic. The finest hoof packing in the world is to make a thick paste of Gold Coin Foot Remedy with bran. 88 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Valereux, 2878 — A Magnificent Type o£ Frencli Coach Horse. Owned by McLaughlin Bros., St. Paul, Minn., Columbus, Ohio, and Kansas City, Mo., Importers and Breeders of Fine French Coach and Percheron Horses. Above picture copyrighted by McLaughlin Bros. ABOUT CALLING A VETERINARY. In every locality there are some very honor- able and praise-worthy Veterinary Surgeons, men whose integrity and ability are an honor to any community. The services of such men should should always be summoned in time of need. We have stated all through this book that the employment of a reliable Veterinary surgeon is necessary in a great many cases. Veterinary Surgeons of this high standard never say anything against first class preparations put up in con- venient form for easy use by farmers and stock- men. They do not cast slurs against "digestive ■foods" such as the Gold Coin Fattening Foods, because they know their profit-making value for farmers. And they are always glad to see a farmer make money. But there are dishonest, swelled-headed, ignorant, uneducated men who never deserve the title V. S. from friends or enemies. They are liable to say "things against any preparation that they do not make themselves, no matter how good it is, just because they want you to call them so they will get a chance to charge you a big fee. Look out for such men, and if you ever hear a Veterinary denounce our "Foods" or goods you can put him down as one belonging to the latter class, and not the kind of a man it would pay you to employ. Thou- sands of good Veterinary Surgeons all over the country are indorsing Gold Coin Fattening Foods, and advising the use of our handy remedies. Hundreds prescribe our "Colic Cure" and "Heal- ing Oil" almost daily, and are glad to be number- ed among friends of the largest "Fattening Food Co" in the world. We cordially invite all Ve- terinary Surgeons or stockmen of a Veterinary turn of mind to send us description of any pe- culiar puzzling cases, for registration in our Veterinary Department. DON'T TAKE IMITATIONS. If any dealer tries to sell you something "just as good," don't take it. Let the dealer know that you are not a fool to be led into buying any- thing he "Talks up." If he once sees that you are "easy" he will work the same trick on you in other ways. When you ask for "Gold Coin Stock Foods" or any of our Special Remedies insist on having no other, because no other has the same reliable cash guarantee on them that makes it siure you get your money back if it fails to bring paying results.. .And other cheaper pre- parations cannot contain the valuable ingredients that ours do. We offer $5000 if any poisonous or injurious drug is contained in our foods. We want to see you make money and we have put ingredients of the best quality in our Foods, so that we can guarantee them to make extra money for you. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. Saves 15 to 25 per cent of corn and oats. Yon are losing inOiiey if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. Pure Bred Blacfe Pereheron — Owned PROFITABLE FEEDING. Very few men outside of the leisure class can afford to keep horses solely for pleasure, though the poor man who has only one horse may justly be as proud of him and take probably more real interest in him than any millionaire who hires grooms and hostlers by the score to care for horses, he could not recognize his own if he saw them in a strange stable. The grooms and host- lers are the ones who get the real pleasure out of these horses of the rich and are their real masters and companions. There are of course many of the very rich who take an intelligent interest in their own horses and find a genuine delight in being with them, and to these men, as well as to the grooms and hostlers and especially to breeders, farmers and horse owners in general the subject of feeding is one of great interest. Profitable feeding is cheap feeding. The sooner you make use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic as a regular thing, the sooner you can discover that you can save a large percentage of the amounts of grain usually fed. In another place we have given you the figures of a hypothet- ical 30 days' test which is based on experience and any horseman, breeder or farmer who desires to get the greatest amount of work out of his horses on the smallest consumption of food and at the same time have them always in shape for the best prices in the open market can do no better than adopt the use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic forth- with and make it a rule of his stables that his horses must be fed on this truly great medicated food. It is absolutely free from any and all strong or hurtful drugs and contains only those natural seeds, herbs, barks and roots which horses by McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, O. in their native wild state get for themselves and in domestication are deprived of. It supplies those elements which permit the wild horse to keep in good condition the year around and at the same time when his pasturage is scanty and widely scattered. POINTERS FOR HORSEMEN. If your horse is "soft" feed him Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It makes solid muscles and strong nerves. There is something wrong if your horse is unwilling. Give him Gold Coin Horse Tonic at once. The greatest preventive in the world for horse diseases is Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Feed your horses Gold Coin Horse Tonic to keep them in good condition and health. Save oats. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is guar- anteed to save 15 to 25 per cent. It makes the blood pure, nerves steady, and the digestion perfect. Good digestion makes good temper and gentle manners. Use Gold Coin Horse Tonic to make perfect digestion. A sleek, shiny coat indicates a good diges- tion, that is health. That is how Gold Coin Horse Tonic acts. If improperly fed or cared for the breeding of horses will not pay, however good the breed. Feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic constantly and give your blooded stock a chance to show what it will do at its best. We guarantee results. If Gold Coin Horse Tonic fails in any case to do what we claim^ for it we will refund your money. Not only is it the best, but it is the cheapest. 90 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. Allan-a-Dale — A Perfect Type of Running Horse. FACTS ABOUT GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. If you will compare the number of feeds per pound — you will see that our feed goes farther than any other food on the market. ITS SUPERIOR MEDICINAL VALUE. makes it a food that need not be fed in large doses. A small dose scalded or made wet and mixed with the regular feed is all that is needed It does the work and that is what you want. You cannot afford to buy a cheap food that has to be given by the scoop-shovel. No results can be obtained by cheap stock foods, because they don't contain the proper ingredients. The tonic effect of Gold Coin Horse Tonic aids diges- tion and assimilation, keeps the water clear, strengthens the kidneys and liver, so that every grain eaten will give the animal the most pos- sible n-trition. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is the Blood, Bone and Flesh builder. It is sold only on Cash Guarantee, and we agree to refund your money in every instance if paying results are not obtained. Gold Coin Foods have the largest sale in the world today, and it is increasing every year. If you want to get a high price for your horses, they must be in fine condition. Gold Coin Horse Tonic puts vigor, action and spirit into horses. Use Gold Coin Resolvent for all swellings and acute inflammations. Apply it freely with gentle rubbing and then bandage. USE GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. It takes the place of the old condition pow- ders. Being a Tonic, it builds up the animal as well as stimulates him. It can be fed regu- larly to horses and all working animals. Your horses will show greater speed and be more will- ing. It only costs J®"" FOUR FEEDS FOR ONE CENT ""m and besides making you a better animal, saves you 15 per cent to 25 per cent of the feed. It gives a shining, glossy coat, and keeps the animal fat. In preparing animals for sale, feed the "Horse Tonic" regularly for a time, it will increase value, and double your pro- fits. Gold Medal Condition Powder is excellent in Cholera and all conditions where life is low. Guarantee to prevent Cholera and all wasting diseases, or price refunded. GOLD COIN RESOLVENT. The newest and best thing made for acute in- flammation and swellings, as swellings from sprains or strains, stocking, bruises or injuries — on both man and beast. Take care of a sweating horse. Cool him slowly; blanket him; dash cold water on his fore- legs only; sponge his mouth with water; do not feed him till cool, and then add Gold Coin Horse Tonic to the regular feed and no bad results can possibly follow. For Brittle Hoofs use Gold Coin Foot Rem- edy for a long time until the hoof starts to grow again. _ . - .. Ton are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 91 French Coach Stallion. Torrent 2813. Owned by McLaughlin Bros. IT PAYS WELL TO RAISE HORSES. If you have the means at hand the .profit is much greater than raising cattle. Notice these figures: It takes about the same amount of feed, and comes to about the same cost to raise a steer to three years of age as it does to raise a colt to three years. The colt you will sell for from $75 to $150, while you will only get $20 to $40 for the steer. Thus you can see there is great profit in raising horses. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is the key to suc- cess in raising horses. First, because it keeps them well all the time, and second, because it makes them grow fast, and third, because it saves grain. If your horses keep well and strong you lose no money by sickness or death. If your colts grow fast, with large bone frame and well developed muscles, it gives them a finer appear- ance and they bring a much better price when you come to sell them. If you can save 25 to 35 per cent of the feed you are making a good per- centage of gain in that way. Because of the above reasons many horse raisers say that Gold Coin Horse Tonic makes them 50 per cent more profit than they have ever made before. In running a horse farm you should keep books just the same as any business firm. Have a fair market value set upon every horse and colt, and increase their value from year to year until the time of sale. You should know just how much your grain and other feed is costing you, and you should know in actual figures every year just how much clear profit you make. If by the use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic you can sell your horses for from $25 to $50 apiece more than before, you can see what a great gain in profit it will make you. Gold Coin Horse Tonic increases the value of horses because it tones up the digestive and nervous systems, giving ex- tra strength, life and vigor, these mean high action, intelligence and endurance. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is a perfect horse food because it hardens the muscles and gives grace, elegance and beautiful form to the horse, that is what brings the price. If you are raising one or more horses, you cannot afford NOT to use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It puts into your hands some- thing whereby you can practically double vour profits, and you are surely running a stock farm for profit. If you have never used Gold Coin Horse Tonic write us at once for our special prices in bulk. SELLING HORSES. In selling horses you always want them to appear to their best advantage, at least, at the time of sale. Put a run down horse on Gold Coin Horse Tonic for 30 to 60 Aays, and it will often double the selling price of the animal. Feed it to almost any horse, say 30 days or so, before the sale and it will often add $25.00 to $50.00 to the selling price. A wonderful improve- ment always takes place when you use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. This is an important hint for all horse dealers to know. A purchaser will always try to cut your price down if your horse is not sleek and fat. It won't take 25 cents' worth of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to make the horse look worth $50.00 more^^ QUITTOR— As soon as it begins apply Gold Coin Healing Oil freely around the top of the hoof— it cures. Se^ Veterinary Department about "Quittor," 92 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Prize 'Winning Saddle Horse— "Walk, Trot and Canter Gates. SADDLE HORSES. No farmer can consider his stable complete unless he has at least one good saddle horse, and if it suits his need, it would be still better to have three or four, depending on the number of people employed by the farmer and the size of his immediate family. Spare time can always be used to advantage in training them to be really first class with several gaits, for you can never tell when the moment will come when some buyer will turn up who wants your ridine horse more than he wants a lot of money. These chances come up quite often in spite of the fact that rid- ing horses are in little demand compared with other kinds, and the farmer can find uses almost daily for one or more good saddle horses right on the farm. They enable one to get quickly to any part of the farm, and in case of accident, it is much quicker to mount and ride for the doctor than to wait to hitch up, and the difference in time may, mean the difference of life and death of some one very dear to you. Almost more than any other kind of horses, the saddle horse should be always kept in prime condition, and there is nothing on earth you can do that will reach this result so surelv as to feed your saddle horses Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It is the one essential to keep them full of life, yet gentle and tractable, giving them staying power and speed because it keeps the digestive tract clean and cool, leaving room for heart and lungs; strengthens the muscles and calms the nerves. Any saddle horse fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic will sell for 25 to 50 per cent more money and be 100 per cent more useful to farmers. A point to be remembered is that with Gold Coin Horse Tonic a horse will do better on 20 per cent less oats than he actually needs when not fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic. PONIES. It is in the. temperate climate that the horse reaches his best form, whether for speed or size. In excessively cold climates he degenerates into a pony, as the ponies from the Shetland Isles, or as in the Mexican Mustang ponies of the semi- tropical regions. Oriental horses from coimtries under the equator are always small in ?ize. In the development of species dependent upon en- vironment various characteristics develop in ac- cord with the imperative needs of the climate, as the long thick coat of the Shetlands, for in- stance, and the hairless ponies of tropical China. Most ponies are descended from wild herds and have to be handled with extreme care before they become domesticated, and in order to keep them healthy it is almost necessary to specialize their diet. Gold Coin Ho'se Tonic is the one uni- versal product which can be depended on to keep ponies in perfect health. Under its use ponies remain rugged and strong, and being well nour- ished, are good natured and docile, so that they can be handled by children, for whose use they are gcneraPy kept. ■ Write us your experience with our "Cattle Fattener," "Hog Fattener" or "Horse Tonic," we will greatly appreciate it You are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 93 French Coach Horse in Action. Varaville 3287 — Owned by McLaughlin Bros., St. Paul, Minn., Columbus, O.. and Kansas City. FACTS ABOUT GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. If you will compare the number of feeds per pound — you will see that our food goes farther than any other food on the market. ITS SUPERIOR MEDICINAL VALUE Makes it a food that need not be fed in large doses. A small dose scalded or wet up with the regular feed is all that is needed. It does the work and that is what you want. You cannot afiford to buy cheap foods that have to be given by the scoop-shovel. No results can be obtained by cheap stock foods, because they don't con- tain the proper ingredients. The tonic effect of "Horse Tonic" aids digestion and assimilation, keeps the water clear, strengthens the kidney and liver, so that every grain eaten will give the animal the most possible nutrition. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is the greatest Blood, Bone and Flesh builder. It is sold only on Cash Guarantee, and we agree to refund your money in every in- stance if paying results are not obtained. Gold Coin Foods have the largest sale in the world to- day, and it is increasing every day. Colds run into pneumonia. Always break up a cold at once with Gold Coin Horse Tonic. THE PURITY OF "GOLD COIN FOODS" $5000.00 $5000.00 and the cost of chemical analysis will be forfeited, if Gold Coin Fattening Foods contains any poisonous or injurious ingredient of any kind. We absolutely guarantee that it contains no Strychine, Arsenic, Salt peter. An- timony, or Opium. It is absolutely harmless; its ingredients are medical vegetable compounds that increase nutrition, stimulate the appetite, reg- ulate the heart action, give better digestion and assimilation, purify the blood, keep the water clear and kidneys strong, the bowels free, the blood cool and in healthy condition, thus toning up the entire animal, so that more nutrition is obtained from the food eaten. It is simply with- out equal for Horses, Cattle, Sheep or Hogs in breeding, growing, fattening, working or milk- ing. Get a package of Gold Medal Condition Powders and use it according to directions, and if it doesn't come up to every claim, your money is refunded. We refund your money if it ever fails. Gold Coin Horse Tonic Can't Cure Pneu- monia when your horse is sick and dying. Always break it up in the beginning with good doses of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Gold Coin Horse Tonic not only cures and prevents diseases, but it is the greatest condi- tioner ever invented. It keeps horses fat, sleek an4 shiny. To keep your horse in splendid spirits every day, use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Debilitated, run down horses are quickly put into condition by Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It is no old fashioned condition powder. It is a scientific, medicinal food. It makes horses fat, sleek and shiny, and makes th^ musdes solid and §trong. 94 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. Champion Thoroughbred Hnnning Horse. THOROUGHBREDS OF AMERICA. These are simply the English thoroughbred horses imported, acclimated and carefully bred .and trained. Kentucky and Tennessee, especially the blue grass region of Kentucky, have be- come famous for their thoroughbreds, and in many a hard fought race, both here and abroad, the American product has brought his English cousin's proud banner down to the dust and trampled it under his own triumphant hoofs at the wire. If you are interested in thoroughbreds or own one or more, or are a breeder of them, you surely cannot afford to be without Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It makes the thoroughbred healthy and strong. Naturally he is of a delicate consti- tution and suffers from a number of diseases, and the surest way to ward these off and keep him always in condition and in perfect health, is to feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic all the year around. The sires breed more surely and the mares foal colts of stronger constitution if fed Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularly. (Description of Breeds Continued on next page.) GOLD COIN HEALING OIL. Cures cut§ aii4 wo«nd§ qu man or beast, GOOD HORSES. It is an old saying and a true one, that it costs no more to keep a good horse than it does to keep a poor one. It costs less as a matter of actual fact, for a well bred horse keeps in condition on less grain and is usually more healthy than the scrub, for often scrubs are creatures of enormous appetite combined with the utter inability to lay on fat. Many a man is criticised for starving his horses when in reality the horses are eating their heads off to satisfy their craving for food. The fault is either in the digestive tract or else in the sluggishness of the blood. In either case Gold Coin Horse Tonic will make them lay on fat in a short while, and at the same time you can cut down their grain with perfect security in the results. Once in a while a scrub horse is a fast horse or a great worker, and if such is the case, the chances are there is good blood in them some where. If they are mares they may be good to breed from if size and freedom from blemishes is all right. All blemishes in a mare are not a bar to breeding her, only those which are apt to be inherited. SPRAINED ANKLE— The very best treat- ment is tbe free use of GqU Coin Healing Oil Yon are losing iiiOiidjr if yott AT& IXoi feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 95 Champion Pore Bred Hackney Stallion. SIRES AND DAMS. If you already have stock on hand, select your best for breeding purposes. If you intend buying, choose both sires and dams first in regard to their blood or breed and see that they are strong and vigorous, without blemishes either of limbs, vital organs or body; that they are intelligent, docile and even-tempered. Absolutely refuse to breed from an inferior bred sire. If you own a stallion yourself, feed him Gold Coin Horse Tonic and thus create in him extra vigor, making him a sure foal getter, and causing him to hand down his superior qualities of breed to his "get." Im- properly fed arid cared for, your stock will not pay, however good the breed. Feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic constantly and give your blooded stock a chance to show what they can do at their best. Many things enter into the problem of success- ful and profitable breeding and sometimes a very small matter throws the scale the right way. Do not lose a single chance to make your breeding pay and Gold Coin Horse Tonic makes a big chance that it will pay. If you have never used it, write us direct and test it on our guarantee to bring you paying results. BUYING SPEED HORSES. If you breed horses for speed, of course you know pretty nearly what each of your animals can do in this way, and if you buy any new stock you sliould take the pains to know what it can do in speed. The general farmer buying a fast horse ought to take nobody's word since something may happen to reduce the speed of the horse and you might think the seller deceived you and that the horse never made the time claimed. The seller may be truthful, since a horse may make good time to-day and never be able to make it again in his life. The only way to buy a fast horse is to have him go a sample mile or two against time and let some competent judge snap a stop watch on him. Then you actually know just what time the horse will make. It is the only safe way, and if you will then keep the horse on Gold Coin Horse Tonic, and get vigor and energy to the highest standards you may be able to develop him into a great speeder. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is used by all prom- inent trackmen for its "tonic" effect. It has won races. . , 96 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., tTnion Stock Yards, CkicagO. Pure Bred Clydesdale — 1st Prize Winner. CLYDESDALE HORSES. _ These are a justly valued breed. In breeding, raising, training and keeping Clydesdales, do not fail to use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. While this breed is easily acclimated, and when crossed with common stock, produces good, all around farm horses, our climate is not the same as the Scotch- English climate of their native country, and es- pecially directly after importation do they need special care. With ordinary prudence in handling, Clydesdales and their crosses, make good healthy animals, especially when fed regularly on Gold Coin Horse Tonic they develop to the full those strong, sturdy characteristics, the shiny coat; clear eye; clear nostril; and layered muscle that marks them at their best. In buying Clydesdales see that they are well muscled and not too fat; the head should be medium size with broad forehead between the eyes; long 'ears; jaw wide and strong boned; eyes full and mild; large nostrils; neck slightly arched and swelling with thick outer layers of muscles and wide as it joins the shoulders. The breast broad and full;- the barrel should be round and full with ample room for the great vital organs; the foreleg should be clean boned and well mus- cled, long from elbow to knee, from knee to fet- lock short, which knees should be large, with a tendency to long hairs below the knee; back legs short and well coupled up and full round muscled; hoofs large and tough. Their color is usually brown. (Description of breeds continued on next page.) ^'SPECIAL SELECTION." This is selection of sire and dam with a view of emphasizing certain desirable qualities, and continuing this selection from generation to gen- eration until some one feature is brought to the highest possible point of development. Ordinarily breeding heavy draft and farm horses, every farm- er can emphasize the fast walk in his new stock. Keep this in mind and if breeding work horses, select only those which can walk rapidly, and in two or three generations you can produce a race of long stepping, rapid watkers, worth from 20 to 50 per cent more money in the open market than the same breed if bred slow walkers. Fast walking is to the draft horse what speed is to the trotter, the more they show the more money they brino-. and Gold Coin Horse Tonic is the es- sential more than any other one thing for feeding when you are breeding for special features, since it is only by keeping the dams in perfect condition all the time that you can hope to breed satisfac- torily for any purpose. If you want to get the best results from any point of view, put your brood mares also on Gold Coin Horse Tonic at once. GOLD COIN WORM POWDER. Is Death to Worms In horses, mules, cattle and hogs. Don't neglect galls and sores — the scars left by them lessen the selling price of the horse. Gold Coin Gall Cure heals with the least scar. Heaves cannot always be cured — Gold Coin Heave Cure will cure all curable cases in half the time the other Heave Cures do. Galls disfigure your horses and make them sell for less. Cure galls with Gold Coin Gall Ciure. , : ^. . You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 97 Pure Bred THE MORGAN HORSE. This breed shows many good points for the farmer's consideration. The Morgan is a medium weight horse. It is a good roadster and good at all work on the farm. It is handier on the soft ground than the heavier breeds and less likely to become spavined. A few years ago this breed was very popular, and in some districts is coming into popularity again. As a general purpose horse the Morgan is considered better than any other breed. This is an excellent animal to use Gold Coin Horse Tonic on. It makes the r" coat smooth and glossy. It keeps up the nerve, energy, and endurance, as well as keeping them free from disease, and in practical working con- dition all the time. Use Gold Coin Horse Tonic on all your horses and you will see a 100 per cent improvement in a short time. By its "Toning up" action it makes valuable, high spirited, expensive horses of what would otherwise be cheap scrubs. You want the best and you get the BEST when you use Gold Coin Stock Foods. It makes extra money for the farmers by increasing the value of ■» the stock, as well as making a saving in feed. Try it. (Description of Breeds continued on next page.) M. Colic cured in ten minutes under positive guar- Y^ antee with Gold Coin Colic Cure. Worms — always cured by Gold Coin Worm Powder. Morgan Mare. FACTS ABOUT FOOD SAVING. A farm horse or any other heavy work horse which has been in the habit of getting five quarts of oats three times a day, can be given four quarts' of oats and a measureful (tablespoonful) of Gold Coin Horse Tonic three times a day, and he will be in far better condition, and show better nourishment than if he were fed five quarts three times a day without any Gold Coin Horse Tonic. A lighter horse only needs three quarts of oats and one feed of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to keep in much better condition than if fed four quarts of oats and no Gold Coin Horse Tonic. That shows you the actual saving of this great scientific preparation. No animal can eat Gold Coin Horse Tonic and have indigestion. You can take a run down, bony horse and fatten him in a very short time with Gold Coin Horse Tonic. He will take on fat and keep it and remain a much better horse permanently. ENGLAND USES SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF OUR HORSES EVERY YEAR. They pay us from $200 to $325 a head for good draft horses. It pays to raise the very best grade of horses. And it is very easy to make all of your horses good grade horses if you will feed them Gold Coin Horse Tonic so as to give them strong internal organs which develop the frame and structure of the animal, you will then get big prices where otherwise you would only get small prices. 98 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckica- Clinnipion French Coach Stallion. FRENCH COACH HORSES. As Canada has made Cleveland Bays famous as coach horses, so the French government has taken great pains and gone to almost any ex- pense to produce a breed of horses for coach pur- poses that cannot be surpassed for style, action, speed and intelligence bj^ any other known coach horse. The great endurance of this breed is en- hanced by the regular use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, and to breeders generally we wish to say emphatically that you will add from 20 to 60 per cent to the price of your coach horses if you use Gold Coin Horse Tonic from time of weaning till sold in the market. There is every likelihood that they will continue to get the Gold Coin Horse Tonic after they get to the city, for all owners of private coach horses who know the value of this food feed it systematically. These horses weigh from 1,100 to 1,-1:00 pounds and combine strength with speed and endurance, as you would expect of a horse combining Arab, French and English thoroughbred blood. (Description of Breeds continued on next page) Wounds from Over-reach always cured by the use of Gold Coin Healing Oil. Nothing cures "Scratches" as quickly as Gold Coin Healing Oil. SHOEING. The value of a horse depends on his ability to get over the ground from place to place. To do this to the best advantage, he must have good legs and feet. A horse may be perfect in every way. but if his feet are bad he is disabled from work at once, therefore, know your blacksmith. Pick out one who knows his business. A poor, ignorant or careless blacksmith can ruin more horses than he is worth. The day is past when any man who blows a bellows and bends a piece of hot iron, can shoe horses. Horseshoeing is a profession and an art. At least the blacksmith should know how to trim a hoof so as to prop- erly distribute the weight and pressure over the shoe; how to drive nails so as to avoid laming the horse and at the same time not injure the hoof; he should particularly know enough to let the frog alone except when it clearly needs trim- milig and it rarely needs much, since it should touch the. ground, and wear away naturally. All the frog needs, as a rule, is to be kept clean. A good blacksmith is a treasure. Treat him well and pay him promptly, for he can preserve your horse's feet and straighten them up after a poor smith has damaged them. Colic cured in ten minutes under positive guarantee with Gold Coin Colic Cure. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 99 Good Specimens of Pure Bred Percheron and Royal Belgian — Owned by Mr. Franfe lams, St. Paul, Neb., Importer and Breeder of Fine Draft Horses. eron are applied to all imported French draft horses, and they are all very much alike in physical characteristics. Any of them make the finest draft horses in the world. If you want to get the best results with Percherons either for breeding or exhibition purposes, don't fail to use Gold Coin Horse Tonic, and if you would have your brood mares, when bred to a Percheron stallion, foal the best and strongest colts, you can get this result most surely by using Gold Coin Horse Tonic, all the time she is with foal. PERCHERON HORSES. Inere is no breed which shows so well the marvelous effects of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. The rule is that the best breeds the best results with Gold Coin Horse Tonic, though you should not lose sight of the fact that even with scrub horses Gold Coin Horse Tonic shows how won- derfully well they can be made to appear, and how near common horses can be made to look as though they had the life and breeding of their betters. This is because any horse fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic' is built up in health till he be- comes absolutely perfect, even if he is hard worked and poorly fed otherwise; because Gold coin Horse Tonic is a food as well as a system regulator and health builder. Percheron horses have more highly developed nervous systems than most heavy draft horses, which is shown in their remarkable traveling powers and quickness for their weight; and also in their superior intelligence. In buying Percherons, see that the head is of medium size and length and wide forehead be- tween the eyes with the face slightly dished; ears god size and quick; nostrils clean and open; eye bright and intelligent, but not showing the least wildness; the neck arched, wide and thickening well toward shoulders; shoulders very muscular and well sloped; back short, well coupled and full muscled; body round, full, close ribbed and ex- pansive; hind quarters round, full and strongly built. Their colors are black and gray. Hair fine, short, but longer on the legs, especially below the knees. Some confusion has arisen in naming this breed, since in the stud book the names Norman, Percheron, Percheron Norman, Norman Perch- FARM HORSES. No book on the subject of horses could be considered complete without paying a well de- served tribute to the farm horses. These faithful servants and friends of man have not always re- ceived the care and attention their great services deserved. They do the greatest part towards maintaining the prosperity and pre-eminence of our country, and should be given every care. If you wish to be a kind master and at the same time secure the greatest possible amount of service from your farm horses you will be compelled to give them Gold Coin Horse Tonic as a regular diet. They like it; it keeps them in health all the time without a day's sickness; makes them^ strong and well developed muscularly; keeps their skins active and therefore their coats glossy and bright; and fills them with that nerve and super-abund- ance of health that makes thoroughbreds and blooded stock generally beautiful animals to look unon and valuable for their services. Invest to- day in your first supply of Gold Coin Horse Tonic and get into line with modern horsemen. Why not have your horses look as well and be as valuable as anv one's? 100 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., nion Stock Yards, Chicago. Prlze-Wlnnlng Clydesdale. CLEVELAND BAY HORSES. IN AND IN, AND CROSS-BREEDING. Every farmer wants to make the greatest amount of money possible and he cannot do this without giving proper attention to the horses on the farm. While it paj^s best perhaps in one way to raise heavy draft horses, there is no question but the farmer can get a fancy price for a good coach horse any time and if he has a pair well matched and trained he can demand and get his own price for them. In raising Cleveland Bays, you will make no mistake, for you are sure of get- ting a good wagon or plow horse and perhaps you will get a good coach horse. It depends on the dam. The better the mare bred to a Cleveland Bay stallion the better your chances of getting a good coach horse. Canada has earned a wide- spread fame for coach horses and she has done it by breeding from the best Cleveland Bay sires and raising the standard of her brood mares. To-day she has a lead on coach horses hard to overcome. The Canada coach horse breeders use thou- sands of tons of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, and keep their stock in perfect condition all the time. It is this intelligent and persistent feeding of Gold Coin Horse Tonic that makes them such successful breeders. (Description of breeds continued, on next page.) GRAIN FOUNDER, ACUTE INDIGES- TION: Gold Coin Colic Cure is guaranteed to cure and preyent colic. BLOAT, FLATULENT, SPASMODIC OR GAS COLIC: Your horse may die in a few minutes unless you have Gold Coin Colic Cure on hand. Put up in long^necked bottles ready for use. Guaranteed to give relief and cure in five minutes. In-breeding is advocated by some, and it is a fact that some very fine stock has been brought out in this way. Others advocate cross-breeding and beyond a doubt, this is the safest for the gen- eral farmer. In and in breeding by fathers to daughters and mothers to sons; sisters and broth- ers; uncles and aunts, or even first cousins may produce undesirable individuals. Even if they hap- pen to be physically perfect, they are apt to be of uncertain temper and vicious disposition, or nat- ural born fools, who never learn anything, are hard to break or teach, and subject to disease. Sometimes it becomes almost a necessity for a farmer to in-breed to a certain extent, and when it is necessary you can guard against possible bad results by feeding systematically Gold Coin Horse Tonic, since it will bring the stock up to that high state of physical and mental perfection by which only it is possible to produce desirable get. SELLING HORSES. In selling horses you always want them to appear to their best advantage, at least, at the time of sale. Put a run down horse on Gold Coin Horse Tonic for 30 to 60 days, and it will often double the selling price of the animal. Feed it to almost any horse, say 30 days or so, before the sale and it will often add $25.00 to $50.00 to the selling price. A wonderful improve- ment always takes place when you use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. This is an important hint for all horsedealers to know. A purchaser will always try to cut your price down if your horse is not sleek and fat. It wont take 25c worth of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to make the horse look worth $50.00 more. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 101 Chaiiii>ioii Draft Team, Clydesdale, ARABIAN HORSES. There are few full blooded Arabian horses in America, but as they are the source of the thoroug-hbred, so are they the source of the trot- ting and pacing horse. For thousands of years the Arabians have held these horses in the heart of their afifection and since they must often trust their lives to the speed and endurance of their horses they have through unnumbered genera- tions kept them pure in blood and bred them for these qualities. At the same time, these horses have a beauty in their full flanked, deer like legs, high arching necks and delicate, patrician heads, that makes them much more than their speedier descendants, the subject of the artist's brush. In importing Arabian horses for breeding purposes it has been found that fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic, they retain and show an incrtease in strength, health, endurance and power of getting valuable colts. GOLD COIN GALL CURE. It cures while at work or at rest — it stops the pain and soreness, and heals without leaving a scar. Your work-horses can give a more steady strain and do more work in a day if they have no galls or sores. Gold Coin Gall Cure, heals while they are working and relieves the pain so they can work with some comfort. Horses pull better and don't show the effects of hard work so much if they are free from galls. Cure galls and all harness sores with Gold Coin Gall Cure. Sand Cracks can always be cured by Gold Coin Food Remedy. SORE FEET— Your horse's tender or sore feet should always be cured with Gold Coin Foot Remedy. owned by jSelson Morris Packing Co. BREEDING FOR SIZE. If you are a general farmer, don' breed trot- ters. It requires the time and money for training that only trotting breeders who are specialists in that line can afford. The gains may look large, but the cost is heavy and the losses and disap- pointments are simply bankrupting. If you want to raise a trotter or two for your own private use and can afford them, of course, it is nobody's busi- ness, and if you feed them Gold Coin Horse Tonic you can carry them through safely and have as fine buggy horses as the richest man in America, though they may lack track training. There are farmers to-day in the poorhouse and lunatic asylum through chasing the will-o-the-wisp of fast horses. Raise heavy draft horses, carriage horses and farm horses, and feed them Gold Coin Horse Tonic and sell them as young as possible, always v/ith regard to the state of the market, and by using even ordinary judgment, 3^ou can make all kinds of money. When breeding select the best possible mares you can get, and if you can raise good mares of your own so much the better, as you can keep im- proving your breeds all the time. Give your most careful attention to choice of sires, other things being equal, have a sire and dam about the same size. If either is a trifle smaller let it be the mare. If you desire to increase the size of your stock let the mare be larger than the horse. From the time your mare is covered, feed her constantly Gold Coin Horse Tonic. The foal will be large, strong, and well developed. After dropping the foal, continue feeding Gold Coin Horse Tonic, so that the mare will recover quickly, have plenty of milk, and be able to bring the colt quickly to weaning. Continue feeding Gold Coin Horse Tonic both to the colt and mare. You can have your mare for work, or to breed back with a saving in time and in money in proportion to the worth of your stock. If Gold Coin Horse Tonic fails in any case to do what we claim for it, we will refund your money, and not only is it the best, but it is also the cheapest. 102 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Pure Bred Prize "Winning Shire. VERMONT DRAFT HORSES. If any man with an ambition to make money in horses would take up this breed, there is no question but he would succeed, as well as doing a patriotic duty towards his country. These horses are becoming quite rare, yet they are always in demand by the United States government for calvary horses, at good prices. Any stock farm with a good supply of these horses would at once become the focus of Uncle Sam's gaze and a steady market would be in readiness for the man who has the foresight to take up the breeding of Vermont draft horses. They show to the very best advantage and develop more rapidly when fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic as a regular ration. As said before, Gold Coin Horse Tonic is not merely a medicine, but a medicinal food, which ought to be fed regularly the year round, for it is under such feeding that this breed develops into one of the handsomest and most powerful horse;s known anywhere and is able to pull heavy loads at a speed which would kill an ordinary horse. (Description of breeds continued on next pagei GOLD COIN HEALING OIL For Household Use Cures scalds, burns, sprains and strains. NORMAN PERGHERON HORSES. This is a refinement of names hardly required in a brief summary such as this, since what has been said of Percherons will apply largely and m general terms to this breed. The proper designa- tion of the larger, heavier, slower horses from Normandy is simply the Norman horse, while its more active and lighter brother is called the Percheron. In tests of strength, these horses all show more endurance, greater bottom, nerve and willingness when fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic than similar individuals fed in the ordinary way. There is no comparison between the two, and once you. have used Gold Coin Horse Tonic, nothing could induce you to continue handling horses without it. "Heavey" .lorses can be made to do good work if given a little Gold Coin Heave Cure three times a day with a measureful of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. FOR MUD FEVER the best known remedy is to bathe the legs every night after work with < Gold Coin Healing Oil. Quarter Cracks can be cured with Gold Coin Foot Remedy. Try it. "You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 103 OATS. The building qualities of oats can be doubled, some feeders say tripled, if Gold Coin Horse Tonic is fed in connection with it. It is the ideal feed for horses. It makes less heat. You can begin feeding your colts oats from weaning time, and if you feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic to the colts at the same time you get a result that can not be surpassed, in muscle and bone growth. The colts are always intelligent and good tempered if fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic because they are always healthy and therefore they are much more easily broken. Remember, it takes time to digest oats, as they require much stomach digestion, therefore you should never water horses inside of half an hour after feeding them oats. Water stops the digest- ing power of the stomach for a time, besides washing a good deal of the feed through into the bowels before it is ready, and it must then pass on out without being digested at all. If you feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic the stomach digestion will be more rapid and complete and the animal will be able to get all the nutrition. We guarantee Gold Coin Horse Tonic to save 15 to 25 per cent of feed and prevent diseases. If you have never used it, write to us and test it on our guar- antee- Typical Coacli Horse. SELLING HORSES. In selling horses you always want them to appear to their best advantage, at least, at the time of sale. Put a run down horse on Gold Coin Horse Tonic for 30 to 60 days, and it will often double the selling price of the animal. Feed it to almost any horse, say 30 days or so, before the sale and it will often add $25.00 to $50.00 to the selUng price. A wonderful improve- ment always takes place when you use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. This is an important hint for all horse dealers to know. A purchaser will al- ways try to cut your price if your horse is not sleek and fat. It wont take 25c worth of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to make the horse look worth $50.00 more. Get quick relief or sure death will follow when your horses have colic. Don't wait till the last stage. Gold Coin Colic Cure is guaranteed. Your money ref unded if it fail s. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. 4 Feeds for a Cent. Keeps wor king horses in condition. Spirit and willingness in your horses at all times if you feed them Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Send us your testimonials, ciate them. We greatly aopre- 104 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Sigebert, One of Ulcliaushliii Bros.' Prize-W^iuniug- Perclierons. Imported From France. RAISING GOOD PLOW HORSES. Plow horses are no particular breed, but the}' should weigh from 1,200 to 1,400 pounds each, and the better bred they are the better their work. The plow team needs education just as much as a good carriage team. They should be taught to respond to the word as well as to the rein, and few realize how easy it is to teach horses to answer to the word. It is a genuine pleasure to plow with a well educated and powerful plow team. They know almost as well as you do what is required of them and will go ahead with their work like machines, turning at the end of a fur- row in just the right waj^ starting the plow in with a slow, steady pull and keeping to the line, with only a low word spoken now and then to indicate what you want. Of course, they ought to have proper resting spells. You can never make time with a horse by urging him on after his muscles begin to ache. To select a good Perche- ron or Clyde sire and a good vigorous dam of about the same size is an easy matter. What bet- ter investment can a farmer make than to raise some good colts for a plow team every year. Gold Coin Horse Tonic makes colts grow rapidlj^ and become large-boned, hard muscled and un- tiring horses. Gold Coin Horse Tonic keeps the lungs strong. It prevents pneumonia. "CONDITION" YOUR BREEDERS FOR SALE. If you are preparing any horses to sell for high prices as breeders, feed them Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It will give them a fine finish and bring you a higher price. A 50-cent package of Gold Coin Horse Tonic will often increase the selling price of a horse $25 to $50. If you have a horse or other animal for sale feed him Gold Coin Horse Tonic for a while. It's a wonder. A secret worth knowing — Gold Coin Horse Tonic not only saves veterinary bills, but it saves 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. It's a money maker. There is nothing on earth that will make a broken down, used up and half-starved horse gain weight and strength like Gold Coin Horse Tonic and in a short time he develops out of all recognition. Such horses, if not permanently dam- aged, soon more than pay the little extra cost of 15 cents a month. They gain in weight, health and strength and put on a fine, glossy coat that gives them a style and appearance that makes them sellers on the market. Gold Coin Healing Oil cures "Grease Heels," also use Gold Coin Horse Tonic — to build up the constitution. SHOULDER LAMENESS: Give absolute rest and rub in Gold Coin Healing Oil three times a day. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 105 H»,IS»,JJj A Fine Bnncli of Colts. . The High-Spirited Stripling in the Center, Looking so Interestedly at Our Pho- tographer, Is a Niece of Maud S, the Old Time Trotting Champion of the ^World. COLTS WILL INCREASE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. Colt raising is very profitable. And if you like to have a little cash money in the bank, there is no way whereby you can get it as quickly and easily as from the sale of a rapidly grown colt. Gold Coin Horse . Tonic is the great bone and muscle builder. It makes colts grow fast. It also makes them fat and healthy and gives them spirit and intelligence, thus making them easier to train. A nice two or three year old colt of ordinary breed will usually sell for from $75 to $150. Two or three sold every year will give you a nice little cash account in your bank equal to what the or- dinary city man makes in a year. You can do this aside from your regular farm work. Colts like Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It gives them just the ingredients they want for bone and muscle building. Feed it to your colts. It will make them grow so rapidlv as to astonish your neighbors. There is nothing^ in the world that will make colts grow up so strong-limbed and full formed as GoIH Coin Horse Tonic, and besides by practical t^t we guarantee it will save you 15 to 25 per cent of feed. Write us direct if you wish to obtain a sup- ply of this very superior medicated food. USE <'GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC." For horses, mules, and all animals that show a run-down constitution. It puts health, energy, spirit, and LIFE in such animals. It will "Con- dition" them in a short time, increasing the value of the animal two fold. OCOOOOOOOOCGOOOOCOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOQ § WE WILL ALWAYS BE GLAD R TO PRINT YOUR g TESTIAHOiilALS. g Send Them to Us by Mail. § After using "Gold Coin Foods" such good results are usually obtained that almost Q every farmer or stockman has something of Q ,'nterest to say about its great merits. O We greatly appreciate your testimonials. Q Or if you make a test send us a description ij of how it came out. Q 9 Send them whenever you can, in regard q Q to the "Foods" or any of our preparations. O We will always endeavor to return your g Q kindness in courteous dealing and many Q O other friendly ways. Some other farmer, O Q or stockman may read your printed testimo- q Q nial in our stock book or paper, and thus he O will be put in a way to saA^e a great deal ^ Q of money, and will always thank you for it. O OCOOCOOOOOOCOO OCOOOCCXX)COOOOOOCOOO The greatest Horse Conditioner in the world is Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It is made to put animals in good condition. For Sweeny rub the muscles of the shoulder good three times a day with Gold Coin Healing Oil. ''GOLD COIN HEALING OIL." Quickly Cures Cuts, wounds, bruises and inflammation. Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. /# fi Coin Horse Tonic. A Fine Pair of Clydesdale. A Fine Fair of Percherons. Thee two breeds are excellent for heavy farm work of all kinds. A VALUABLE PLOW TEAM. Good plow teams are few. Yet this is the kind of horse that brings the farmer most money. Most plow teams used are too light. As well as having weight they should be intelligent and trained to respond to the voice as well as to the rein. The best plow teams are raised plow teams from young up. Gold Coin Horse Tonic fed regularly puts the elements into a heavy horse that make him a perfect plow horse. It gives large bones, big muscles, heavy, rounded form, clear eye, quick ear and -superior intelli- gence, gentleness of manner and easily trained. You want to feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic to your horses on the farm. It will do them worlds of good. Keeps them free from disease and al- ways in working condition. A sick horse can do no work, costs you just as much or more to keep and takes up a lot of your time. You cannot af- ford to have sick horses. You can keep them well and working by the regular use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. A good, strong, healthy plow team always brings a good price on the market. If you have never used Gold Coin Horse Tonic, write us for a supply and we will put you in line with other money-making farmers and stock raisers. It is a new science in horse feed- ing, and it will pay you to know it. WE OFFER $5,000 CASH. We offer to pay the above amount in cash to any person proving that Gold Coin Horse Tonic contains injurious ingredients that would injure even the most delicate colt, or a person if taken into the human stomach. It is perfectly pure and harmless. Made entirely of vegetable compounds, strengthening and tonic in their nature. Its main use is to sharpen the appetite, in- crease digestion, and purify the blood. You should feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic to your stock. It will increase their actual value, and make you a net saving of 15 to 25 per cent in grain. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC makes horses fat. Costs only a half a cent a day. THE FARMER'S HORSE. The farmer's horse needs Gold Coin Horse Tonic more than any other horse. He should be in good condition and alwavs ready for action, because on this animal depends the welfare of the whole nation. If for some reason the farm horses should all play out, there could be no plowing-, no planting, and hence no crops. And this would mean starvation to the city people. Keep your farm horses fat, it gives them better value, if you want to sell them', and gives them better weight to pull with.. Farm horses are usually a mixed breed, but if they are good size, intelligent and know the duties of a farm horse they always bring good prices. No farmer with two or more horses can afford NOT to feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It keeps the horse healthy, purifies the blood, and aids digestion. We guarantee that it will make a saving of at least 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. And this means a great deal if you should have ten or twelve horses on your farm.- We are glad to see all farmers make money and if we can help you make it by the use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, which we guarantee will make you an increase of 15 to 25 per cent more than you have ever made before, we will be glad to help you. Write us direct. SELLING HORSES. In selling horses you always want them to appear to their best advantage, at least, at the time of sale. Put a run down horse on Gold Coin Horse Tonic for 30 to 60 days, and it will often double the selling price of the animal. Feed it to almost any horse, say 30 days or so, before the sale and it will often add $25.00 to $50.00 to the selling price. A wonderful improve- ment always takes place when you use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. This is an important hint for all horse dealers to know. A purchaser will always try to cut your price if your horse is not sleek and fat. It won't take 25c worth of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to make the horse look worth $50.00 more. In Pollevil use Gold Medal Condition Powders to keep up the constitutional strength. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 107 Pure Bred Perclieron^Ovmed SIZE OF HORSES. It has been shown that as a rule the larger the horse the more powerful he is, and the more work he can do, and keep well and healthy. In breeding for size it must be remembered that the feet of heavy horses have to stand a much greater strain than those of lighter weight so that the feet must be kept in mind and no mare or stallion breeding into a line of heavy horses should be chosen if there is any serious tendency to hoof disease, or other foot trouble. There is no constitutional treatment that can compare with Gold Coin Horse Tonic in ele- vating the general health and thus making the feet also strong and tough, by improving the horn of hoof and keeping the frog and the glands healthy and active. Of course, when hoofs are positively diseased they should also receive proper local treatment, which you will find referred to under diseases of the horse. Another thing, large employers of draft horses want them intelligent, active and with lots of nerve and ambition; the disposition also de- serves attention, for a vicious draft horse is worthless. The life and health of a colt, and therefore, its size, is dependent on many things. If your mare is gaunt and thin at serving, or the stallion is exhausted, the colt is at a disadvantage from the very moment of his conception. Those initial forces of life which determine the vigor and dis- ease-resisting powers of the mature animal, are weakened and the foal gets a bad start. It is true that by careful after-handling the colt may make a good horse, but he will ever have a weak spot somewhere that will break down when he is put to severe tests. Nature makes wild animals breed in By McLiaughlin Bros., Columbus, O. the springtime. Why? Because the mothers have all summer ahead of them when feed is abundant and they pass the nourishment on to their off- spring. Take the hint. Feed your mares plentifully when carrying foals and do not leave them to feed only pasture. Teach them to come regularly to the barn or feed box to get a feed of grain and Gold Coin Horse Tonic and you need have no worry as to the resulting colt. It will be strong and grow vigorously. The hint should be further followed and the mare should be in good condi- tion when served. Feed her Gold Coin Horse Tonic before time and all during the time. Surely it is to your own interest to keep your brood- mares in perfect condition all the time, since you can do so by feeding them less grain if you use a small amount of Gold Coin Horse Tonic and do it at a net saving. If you feed 96 cents less oats and 15 cents worth of Gold Coin Horse Tonic you have saved 81 cents a head per month, and your horse is in better condition. Remem- ber we guarantee every statement we make to be based on acutal experiment and constant experi- ence. By following our advice if you are breedmg for size you can count on attaining your desired results and avoiding the chances of disappoint- ment. To breed profitably requires great care and judgment, but with scientific feeding you can get as good results as the great horse breeders who themselves are successful because they give heed to scientific feeding and use Gold Coin Horse Tonic constantly in their stables. It keeps horses in perfect condition, and in exhibition form, fat, sleek, shiny, healthy and active; and always ready for a possible purchaser at a high price. 108 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Typical German Coach Horse. ECONOMICAL FEEDING. The greatest possible economy in feeding cannot be obtained unless Gold Coin Horse Tonic is used in the regular feeding of your horses. We absolutely guarantee you that 15 to 25 per cent of the feed you have always given can be saved and still keep your horse in better condition than ever before. This can be readily understood when it is remembered that few animals have perfect digestion, and often allow as much as 35 per cent of feed go through them undigested. It is not what your horse eats that makes flesh and fat, but what it digests. If you have never tried Gold Coin Horse Tonic as an aid in saving grain, write us at once, and we will be glad to have you test it on our guarantee. To feed it you simply mix it in, or sprinkle it on the regular grain feed. When buying a horse always see him both standing and in motion. If you are buying a speeder see him do a mile under the watch. There is no other way to see for yourself just what he can do. The farm horse deserves the best feeding you can afford, and you can afford to give none but the bestr Feed him on Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Do not lose a single chance to make your breeding pay, and while little things may turn the scale the right way, Gold Coin Horse Tonic affords a big chance that it will pay. BUYING A HORSE THE GOOD AND BAD POINTS. ■ Do not pay an unblemished price for a blemished animal. A sound horse stands squarely on his four feet, moving only when necessary; if the navicular bone has been affected he throws the foot forward -with the toe jointing to the ground and heel raised ; laminites, founder or sprain of back sinews, makes the horse raise the toe and rest the heel on the ground, or a weakness or tenderness that might develop into serious trouble will cause the same sign ; if the kidneys are affected or the loins weak, the animal will spread his legs ; if he has been injured permanently by pulling or hard driving, he will be knee sprung, that is, the forelegs will be bent at the knees and trembling and un- steady; if he has hoof disease, it will show in the frog and horn of the hoof, it should not be contracted, split, scaly or badly formed; if injured by kicking or viciousness his legs will be scarred; if the eye is weak it w^ill be watery or if blind- ness threatens the eye will show a bluish film; teeth should be sound without decay and unbroken and set firmly in the jaw; look to his breathing under work or speed for signs of lung or heart weakness. If you keep these points in mind as belonging to horses of all kinds regardless of breed and then select the best marked samples of the breed you want you can't go very far wrong in buying a horse, and if he is thin, although he may not look so well, if it is not due to disease or constitutional inability to lay on flesh, it need not stand in the way of purchase, though you ought to pay less than for the same animal in good flesh. In a short time, if 3^ou feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic, you can put the horse in prime condition. It only costs you "4 feeds for a cent." When you buy horses never fail to give them a regular supply of Gold Coin Horse Tonic at once, in order to clean them out thoroughly and thus prevent any diseases they may have from spreading mi among your othei stock. Not o n » horse in ten ha*- correct digestion but if you will feeri them Gold Coin Horse Tonic, thcA will soon be equa to your other Gold Coin fed animals There is no horse food made that can com- pare vnth Gold Coin Horse Tonic in nutrient value; remedial virtues; disease preventing quali- ties and cheapness. Mail us your t es timonials and. -words ol i -^ praise. We ■will L ^ be glad to pub- lish them in our new book. Typical Draft Horses. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 109 "Mr. Williams, please tell me how it is you are so suc- cessful in horse raising." "It is all very simple. I use Gold Coin Horse Tonic 'all the-year-round.' It pays big.' You Will Be a Successful Breeder if \ou Use Gold Com Horse Tonic ABOUT HORSE BREEDING. If you are a breeder, or intend to become one. you will find that Gold Coin Horse Tonic will do more towards making you a successful breeder than any other one thing. Test this statement in any way you please. In a thirty-day test weigh your horses, keep track of amount of. feed and amount of work done, whatever the kind of work, field, road or track, on the ordinary diet for thirty days, then get some reliable judge to say what he thinks the horse or horses ought to bring in the open market. Weigh your horses again, and put them on Gold Coin Horse Tonic in connection with a 25 per cent drop in amount of ordinary feed. After thirty days .figure cost of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, which will be about 10 or 15 cents per head for the thirty days; figure value of other feed saved, weigh your horses and compare them in weight at the beginning of the thirty days; figure amount of work done as nearly as yo.u can and get another different judge to put a price on your horses in presence of the first judge and let the latter say if it is not fair. You will be perfectly amazed at the result. You will find you have made an outlay of 10 to 15 cents per head, saved 40 to 90 cents worth of oats per head. You got more work and tired your horses less and increased the market value enough to buy Gold Coin Horse Tonic for several years, or on a $200.00 horse you raise his price to $250.00. Compare, leaving out hay and other fodder. First Thirty Days. 360 Quarts of oats at 32c per bushel $3.60 60 feeds of Gold Coin Horse Tonic 15 Second Thirty Days. 270 quarts of oats, about 90 feeds of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. .$2.70 . .15 Cost ; $2.85 Weight of horse, pounds 1,050 360 hours' work, $72.00; gain $6.00 Value of horse, $250.00; gain. . . .$50.00 Amount made $56.90 We do not claim that these will be your fig- ures, but suppose for argument's sake, we split the gain in half, measured in dollars and cents, and call it $28.45, and suppose you have 10 horses and called the gain in 30 days $284.50. Don't you think that is a great return for an outlay of $1.50? Of course, it is. That is why we say no breeder ought to dream of going ahead in the old way when Gold Coin Horse Tonic produces results like this. If you are preparing any horses for export trade be sure to fatten thern before shipping. Otherwise the shrinkage from the long voyage may greatly reduce your profit. Kentucky horsemen endorse Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It keeps fine blooded horses in a far more healthy condition than they could be without it It keeps the digestion in such perfectly healthy condition. It is a great builder for young stock. Don't let Colic kill your horse. Always have 2 or 3 bottles of Gold Coin Colic Cure in the barn because when you want it. you want it quick. Your horse may die in a few hours. Cost $3.75 Weight of horse pounds 1,000 330 hours of work at 20c per hour $66.00 Value of horse $200.00 The frog should be left alone except when washing it or applying Gold Coin Hoof Remedy. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is the best internal remedy to keep horses in condition. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. 5 Feeds for a Cent. Puts more strength in work horses. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. Keeps Farm Horses Healthy and fat and in good condition. 110 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. •rize 'Winning Pure B red t'ljdesdaU'. HOW TO SELL HORSES. Have a fixed market. Sell to one firm of deal- ers in your nearest city or have a good list of firms using horses in their business. Then raise the best possible stock with the means and facil- ities you have and be honest. Deal fairly always. If you have a horse with a hidden blemish or de- fect of form or disposition tell your customer openly. If you are going to be sucessful y^ou will have to do this, for it is only by finding your horses exactly as you represent them that men will acquire confidence in you, and once your customers acquire this confidence, they will gladly pay more than the market price for any- of your horses because they know what you say is right. The day is passed when men prosper by sharp and underhanded methods of doing business, and in the horse business this is truer than in any other. You can go into any community and buy a horse of a breeder nowadays and the animal will be exactly as the horseman represents, nine times out of ten. To sell at high prices the horses should be in their condition of conditions. Fat horses sell bet- ter than thin ones. Bear it in mind. To get your horses in good marketable condition and keep them so at the least expense of time, trouble and grain, you should feed them Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It makes them digest all they eat. In the sale stables, in the public sale ring, by private purchase or in the search for horses by government agents the fat horse is sold readily while the thin one is haggled over and his price beaten down, although he may be a better horse than his fat brother. The hint in this is too strong to be neglected. Fatten your sale horses. Gold Coin Horse Tonic fattens them quickly, surely and cheaply and gives them a style, life and finish that adds more dollars to their price at a sale than we dare mention for fear of being ac- cused of exaggeration. These are all positive facts easily verified and guaranteed by us or money refunded without a qaestion asked. The horse that has had good care during the winter will more than pay for his winter's keep by the extra work he can do the first week of spring plowing. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. lA Prince Alert, a Promising Young Pacer. ARE YOU NOT WILLING TO GIVE A FEW MINUTES OF YOUR TIME TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY? Thousands of stockmen in all sections of this country, and in England and Canada, are saving from 15 to 25 per cent of their actual feed every day — how? They do it by following the new scientific method of feeding as performed by Gold Coin Horse Tonic. This remarkable medicated food contains a substance that has such excel- lent action upon the stomach of the horse, that it causes 15 to 25 per cent more food to be di- gested than ever before. It is considered by many stock raisers to be one of the greatest inventions of the age. As an intelligent farmer, you must have no- ticed in the past 25 years the rapid stride made in improved machinery, as self binders, reapers, etc. In city life, electric street cars, bicycles, etc. You have also followed the improvements in breeds of stock. And you have no doubt be- lieved that some day improvements in feeding would also be invented. Gold Coin Horse Tonic has completely changed the old line of feed- ing. No intelligent farmer of today ever thinks of feeding a cow or horse, or even his hogs, without mixing in a measureful of Gold Coin Special Stock Food to create perfect digestion and assimilation. Every time you feed like this it means a saving of 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. It is a well known fact that not one horse in ten has perfect digestion, about 15 to 35 per cent of the food eaten by such horses passes through them and is wasted. Gold Coin Horse Tonic creates greater digestion. It digests all the food eaten; stops all the waste, and saves the stock- man 15 to 25 per cent of feed. That is scientific feedingf. If you wish to secure a supply of Gold Coin Horse Tonic write us direct and we will quote you prices on bulk. Do not confuse this new scientific preparation with the old fashioned condition powders which were composed of strychnine, arsenic, and other injurious drugs; nor with the old stvled stock foods which have usually oroven valueless. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is not merely a medicine pure and simple (though it is better than most horse medicines). But it is '■trictly a Tonic so prepared as to increase diges- tion and improve the vitality of any horse to which it is given. It is made to be fed regularly as any food should be. A weak, ill-conditioned, unthrifty horse can be put in "condition" and be made a permanently good horse by giving him Gold Coin Horse Tonic. We want to see you make extra money and if the new "Gold Coin" method will help you, we will be glad to ship you some at once. Yours for increase of profits. GOLD~COIN~STOCKFOOD CO. Union Stock Yards, Chicago. 112 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Loading Horiiies Into Box Cars at the IJnion Stock Yards, Chicago. Thousands of horses are sold and bought every month at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Many are sent abroad to foreign countries. England buys many thousands of American horses every year. When visiting the Stock Yards do not fail to visit the Horse Market, v;here as high as a hundred sales are made in one hour. It is common to see a man buy an $800 team in a half minute. FAT HORSES ALWAYS SELL BEST. Horses look best when fat. A great many buyers won't buy a horse unless fat The fact that a horse is fat is a good point in his favor. There is always some haggling about the price if a horse is thin, though he may be perfectly sound in every other way. One of the handsome features of a horse is its fat, well-rounded body. A thin horse placed on the market alongside of a fat horse will have to sell for less than the fat one, probably as much as $30 to $60 less, though he is of the same breed, size and action. In getting your horses ready for sale always fatten them, because a great many people think all fat horses are good ones. There is nothing in the world that will fatten horses as quickly as Gold Coin Horse Tonic. We often hear from users of Gold Coin Horse Tonic that a 50-cent box fat- tened a horse so that they sold it for from $25 Jro $50 more than they were offered for it before it was fattened. It will certainly pay you to feed your horses 30 to 60 days on Gold Coin Horse Tonic before selling them. It will only cost you a few cents, and give you a very large extra profit. FEEDING MULES. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is a great thing for mules. A pail or two of it will prove to you what a scientific medicated food can do. And what an improvement it is over the old method of feeding. ASSES AND MULES. These hardy animals have been the butt of much undeserved ridicule. They are tough, strong, willing and very intelligent. For many years their breeding was confined to the South- ern States, but as their value has become more and more appreciated, their breeding has become more common, until to-day some of the best Jack breeding farms are North as well as South. Many fine, large animals are bred. It is the mule's rep- utation that he can live on what a horse will re- fuse to eat. All the same, he is infinitely more profitable when fed properly, and if given a daily feed of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, he blossoms out into a really fine and handsome beast. He responds kindly to the gentle nurture of his aris- tocratic relative, the horse, and will put dollars into your pocket where you spend pennies to feed him Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It is this idea of increasing your profits that we ask you to keep in mind in connection with Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Of course, humane men like to have their ani- mals live well and enjoy their feed, but horses and mules are kept, raised and worked for profit, and it is on the right side of the ledger after all that the great value of Gold Coin Horse Tonic shows in increasing your profits from any and all kinds of equine beasts. STIFLE-JOINT LAMENESS:— Bathe well two or three times a day with Gold Coin Heal- ing Oil and give the animal Gold Medal Condi- tion Powder, three times a day, as these animals are usually run dowri in health. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 113 Skeleton of Horse. After TJ. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, by special permission. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. JBvery farmer slioald kno^r hoT^ to treat and cure all common diseases of Horses. CHAPPED HOCKS AND ELBOWS. The elbows and hocks sometimes become cal- loused and if nothing is done often develops into a large, bad looking swelling. Use Gold Coin Re- solvent, rub thoroughly on the swelling twice a day and give the horse abundance of bedding, so as to prevent bruising of the joints. Gold Coin Horse Tonic purifies the blood and favors quick healing. It is a food as well as a medicine. Horses eat less and get more good out of their feed. It saves 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. We guarantee it. Write us. THOROUGHPIN. This trouble usually accompanies blood spavin. There is a puffed, swollen condition in front of the hock. Rub it thoroughly twice a day with Gold Coin Resolvent. As a rule it does not cause lameness. Blistering does no good. SPLINT. This is a very common trouble. It is usually due to a strain or injury on the cannon bone. While forming it usually causes lameness, but after it becomes hard it gives no trouble. While tender and inflamed rub well with Gold Coin Re- solvent. Some cases take longer than others. give Gold Coin Horse Tonic (4 feeds for one cent) to keep the horse in good condition. It favors quick healing. SPRAINS OF THE BACK TENDONS OF THE FORELEGS. This is a very common trouble. It is usually caused by fast driving. The tendons of the fore legs become strained and somewhat contracted. Remove the shoes at once and shoe in such a way as to raise the heels. Give the entire forelegs a thorough rubbing with Gold Coin Resolvent each time after using and bandage as tightly as the tenderness will permit. Feed your horse Gold Coin Horse Tonic to strengthen the constitution or you will soon have a knee-sprung horse — one- quarter his value. CURE OF THRUSH. Thrush is where the frog of the foot becomes rotten and ulcerated. There is a dark colored, bad smelling discharge. Thrush is usually caused by uncleanliness of the feet. The filth remaining there so long that it caused rot by exclusion of the air. It usually occurs in the front feet of geldings and hind feet of mares. Thrush can always be quickly cured by the use of Gold Coin Foot Rem- edy. Full directions for the cure printed on every can. Feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic three times a day with the regular feed, to keep up the consti- tutional strength. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC. 4 Feeds for a Cent. Quickly makes thin horses fat. 114 Crold Coin Stockf ood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Internal Organs of the Horse. a. Mouth. b. Throat. c. CEsophagus in Gullet. d. Diaphragm (division between ^hest and Abdonien). e. Spleen. f. Stomach. g. Duodeaum. h. Liver. i. Large Bowel. j. Caecum. ^tto^ThI i^r^^^^ot; 1. Floating Colon. m. ReStum. n. Anus. o. Kidney. p. Bladder. r. Urcthea. (Uged by permission from the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry). DISEASES OF THE HORSE (Continued.) BONE SPAVIN. BOG SPAVIN. In this disease a hard lump forms on the inner side of the hock joint. The inflammation, stiffness and deposit of bony substance hinders free action, causing lameness. It is usually caused by a strain. The lameness disappears after driv- ing the horse for a while. If treatment is begun at the start it can usually be cured. Bathe the parts for two hours in hot water twice a day and then apply Gold Coin Resolvent to keep down the inflammation. Give complete rest until all tender- ness is removed, and turn the animal to grass for six to twelve weeks. It is well to put all spavined horses on Gold Coin Horse Tonic three times a day in their regular feed. This will keep up the constitutional strength of the animal; from prac- tical experience we know that blistering and burn- ing rarely cures. It does cure bog spavin, but not true bone spavin. Yet blistering often cures the lameness, but does not remove the bony growth or spavin. STONE BRUISES. Sometimes a sharp stone gets caught under the edge of the shoe and causes tenderness and in- flammation. Take out the stone and apply Gold Coin Foot Remedy freely to the sore spot and bottom of the foot t hree to fi ve times a day. Paying results from our Foods is what built up our enormous business. This is caused by the secretion of too much synovial fluid into the synovial sack at the hock joint. It is caused by inflammation and causes considerable enlargement of the joint. Gold Coin Resolvent will reduce the inflammation, absorb the fluid and cure the spavin in every instance, much better than with blisters or burning. BLOOD SPAVIN. Blood spavin and bog spavin are usually com- panions. The treatment is the same. Faithful use of Gold Coin Resolvent will efifect a cure. Give the horse Gold Medal Condition Powders to get the horse in the best condition and thus favor healing. RING BONE. 'ihis is an enlargement of bone around the joint, caused usually by sprain or injury. When it occurs under the coronet it often becomes very large, causing lameness. Gold Coin Resolvent is the best treatment that can be used if begun early. When the disease has reached the second stage put the horse on three regular feeds a day of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to keep up good gen- eral health and favor healing. It wont remove the ring, but the horse will be sound enough for all practical purposes. You may use a blister. It helps sometimes. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 115 A Picture Illustrating the Most of the Diseases of the Horse. a Discharge from nose (Distemper), b Flow of saliva from moutn (stomach trouble), c Boney tumor of jaw. d Bad eye. e Poll evil, f Mange, g Ewe-neck, h Goitre, i Distended Jugular vein, j Farcy Bud. K Gall. 1 Abscess on Breast, m Swollen Shoulder, n Fistulous Withers, o Saddle sore, p More Saddle Sores, q Eel Back, r Drooping Rump, s Rat Tail, t Wasting Muscles, u Pointed hip. v Splint. ' w Swelling caused by interfering, x Swollen Fet- locks, y Diseased Pastern. A Ridge in hoofs. B Hoof. C Enlarged Tendons. D Enlarged Knee. E Swelling. F En- larged Knee. G Forearm. H Shoe boil. I Navel Rupture. J Hernia. K Flank Hernia. L. Stifle Lameness. M Farcy Buds. N Bog Spavin. O Thickened Hind Leg. P Small Thigh. Q Thoroughpin. R Curb. S Blood Spavin. T Big leg U Enlarged Fetlock. V Cracked Hoof. W Contracted foot. X Capped Hock. DISEASES OF THE HORSE (Continued). GREASE HEEL. This disease is characterized by an ofifensive greasy discharge from just above the hoof. If "scratches" are not attended to they often cause grease heel by infection. In a great many cases a run down constitution and poor blood seems to be connected with this disease. If that is the case keep the horse in a warm, dry, clean, well bedded stall. Bathe the ankles freely with Gold Coin Healing Oil and apply Gold Coin Foot Remedy over the hoofs inside and out. Keep the greasy discharge washed from the Heelo, wipe dry and apply Gold Coin Healing Oil freely. For the constitution and blood give extra large feed of Gold Medal Condition Powders three times a day. Such treatment will build* up the system and cure the animal. Besides it saves oats. We guarantee every pound. Write to us. OPEN JOINTS. In severe cases there is a discharge of pus and synovial fluid from the joint. It is always advisable to call veterinary surgeons in these cases, as a neglect usually causes death. Never drive a heated horse into the river or other water or throw a bucket of water over the body. Rheumatism, pneumonia and other dis- eases may result. KNEE SPRUNG. If due to an injury begin the use of Gold Coin Resolvent at once. It has cured many such cases. As a rule but very little can be done for this trouble. It is sometimes congenital. In severe cases it completely ruins the horse, for it makes him stumble and fall from the least cause, sometimes even when standing undis- turbed. This falling on the knees is liable to cause "Broken Knee or Open Joint." Feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularly so your horses will get the full benefit of their feed and get strong constitutions so they can stand hard work. It pays to use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It prevents diseases and saves oats. FISTULOUS WITHERS. Almost every case of fistulous withers re- quires the services of a veterinary surgeon. If not bad bathe the parts with a solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer, squeeze out the pus and wash thoroughly again and apply Gold Coin Healing Oil. This treatment has cured a number of cases. Your horse's feet make locomotion possible and constitute the value of your horse. Gold Coin Foot Remedy cures hoof diseases and all lameness due to hoof troubles. 116 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. The Principal Landmarlcs of tlie Horse. a. Muzzle. b. Poll. c. Jowl. d. Gullet. e. 'Windpipe. f. Point oi Shoulder. g. Breast. h. Arm. i. Knee. j. Cannon Bone of Fore Leg. k. Fetlock. 1. Large Pastern. m. Small Pastern. n. Elbow, o. Girth. p. Flank. q. Sheath. r. Stifle. s. Hock. t. Coronet. u. Hoof. v. Small Pastern, w^. Large Pastern. x. Fetlock. y. Cannon Bone of Hind Leg. z. Point ol Hock. zl. Hamstring. z2. Thigh. z3. Quarter. z*. Dock. z5. Croup. z6. Hip. z7. Loin. z8. Withers. '< NERVING." By Neurotomy or nerving a horse is meant cutting the nerve of sensation that goes to the foot. It is only done by dishonest men who have an incurably lame horse w^hich they want to sell. Cutting the nerve deadens the feeling at the foot so that even though the foot is sore and tender the horse steps on it as though he was not lame. To all appearances such a horse seems perfectly sound. But beware of such horses, because it is only a matter of time before the whole foot becomes an ulcerated sore and the entire animal is ruined. The nerves are usually cut three to five inches above the fetlock. In buying horses that you fear have been nerved be sure to test them by sticking them with a pin or knife below the fetlock to see if they feel it. BROKEN KNEES. This is not as severe as Open Joints, but means more particularly a cracking of the skin or a tearing of the membranes or ligiments over the knee joints. Use Gold Coin Healing Oil freely and it will cure most cases and prevent thickness of the joint. There is usually some other disease which causes the stumbling, as knee sprung, etc. All horses need a condition food like Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It keeps them in perfect health and spirit. WIND-GALLS. This is a soft, puffy tumor about the size of a hickory nut, usually found near the fetlock joint in the foreleg. They are usually firm when the foot is down. As a rule they do not cause lame- ness. In old cases they become hard and some- times produce permanent lameness. Gold Coin Resolvent should be rubbed on to them thor- oughly twice a day and then bandaged tightly. In colts bathe the fetlocks freely with cold water, wipe them dry and apply Gold Coin Re- solvent freely. Bandage the legs. Give Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It purifies the blood and favors healing. SWEENY. Sweeny is detected by lameness and a ten- dency to drag the foreleg. It is due to a wast- ing of the shoulder muscles. Injuries to the shoulder are the common cause. Gold Coin Healing Oil should be rubbed into the shoulders thoroughly twice a day. Don't work the animal while under treatment, but it should have some exercise every day. Give Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularlv. It is a great muscle builder. Its bene- ficial influence on the muscular system helps greatly in the case of Sweeny. It is a great pre- ventative for Sweeny. Your horses will always be willing to work if fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic. ITou are losing money if yoii are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 117 You can always cure Rheumatism by rubbing tlie affected mus- cles with "GOLD COIN HEALING OIL," and giving "GOLD MEDAL CONDITION POWDER" three times^ a day in the feed. Rheumatism of Left Fore Shoulder. DISEASES OF THE HORSE (Continued). If you know ho"w to treat and cure your ow^n stock you -will save yourself many dollars every year. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism gives the horse pain in the legs and joints. The severe pain makes the horse dis- inclined to move. Blanket the horse and keep him in a warm place. Feed well on large doses of Gold Medal Condition Powder, mixed in warm food, three times a day, and rub the affected parts four or five times a day with Gold Coin Healing Oil. The Gold Medal Condition Powder purifies the blood and eliminates the uric acid which causes rheumatism. When cured feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic, to keep up the constitution and your horse will stay well. QUITTOR-UMENESS. Quittor is the breaking out of sores at the upper part of the hoof, usually the result of a nail injury or corn.. The first symptoms are lameness with some swelling at the coronet. If allowed to run, pus will form and break through the swelling giving a discharge of matter. Sometimes canals or pipes will shoot out in several directions, giv- ing a very bad foot, in which case it should be opened at once and injected- thoroughly with a good healing lotion. Gold Coin Germ Killer four tablespoonfuls to a quart of warm water makes a good injection in these cases. But as soon as lameness begins, in the very start of the disease, apply Gold Coin Healing Oil very thor- oughly four or five times a day at the top of the hoof as well as underneath. This will usually effect a cure. Some very bad cases require the assistance of a veterinary surgeon. COCKED ANKLES-KNUCKLING. In this disease the fetlocks become knuckled over. Proper shoeing, bathing of the leg from the knee down in cold water, then wipe thoroughly dry and apply Gold Coin Resolvent freely and bandage will assist greatly in strengthening the ligaments. It may come from various causes, corns, injuries, navicular disease, etc. Give the horse Gold Coin Horse Tonic to get the con- stitution in better condition. It will save you 15 to 25 per cent in feeding also. FRESH CUTS-BLEEDING. Stop the bleeding and protect the wound from infection. Even slight wounds if they should become infected may prove very serious. About Stopping Bleeding:, When an artery is injured the blood is of a bright red color; when a vein is cut the blood is dark colored. To stop bleeding- from a vein make pressure below the cut. To stop bleeding from an artery make pressure above the cut. In a large wound it is often necessary to catch up the arteries and veins with pinchers or forcepts and tie them in order to stop the bleeding. To dress a wound there is nothing so nice as Gold Coin Healing Oil. .If the wound is fresh apply a bandage over it. Our healing oil is the greatest cure in the world for barb wire wounds. Gold Coin Horse Tonic will keep your horse fat, strong and glossy. Keep your horse in fine condition by feeding him Gold Coin Horse Tonic. Good blood means good health. Horse Tonic purifies the blood. Gold Coin Gold Coin Horse Tonic saves oats and hay. Your horses digest all they eat. Your horse will digest Gold Coin Horse Tonic. all his oats if fed 118 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Poll-Evil may result seri- ously, give "GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC" liberally to keep up the constitution, see Treatment given below. Syinptonis of Poll-Evil. DISEASES OF THE POLL EVIL. This is a running sore on top of the head. It often becomes very serious because the pus may burrow down into the bones of the head. Bathe the parts thoroughly with a solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer. One tablespoonful to a quart of water. Wipe it out dry and pack with ashes made from burned corn cobs and keep the horse on tablespoonful doses of our Gold Medal Con- dition Powder, three times a day, to build up the constitution. If this does not cure, clean up the sore thoroughly and send for a veterinary surgeon. CURB. This happens when the ligaments of the hock become sprained. While inflammation is present there is lameness, but when it becomes chronic there is usually no lameness. Curb can usually be cured if prompt attention is given in the be- ginning. Give the animal absolute rest, raise the heel and rub thoroughly twice a day with Gold Coin Resolvent. This usually cures in one to two weeks. In serious cases in the chronic stage it is sometimes advisable to blister or use the firing iron, but it is best for a A^eterinary sur- geon to do it. CORNS ON THE FEET. Corns usually come from contraction of the foot or from improper shoeing — that is, uneven pressure of the shoe. If there is too-much pressure on the quarters and heel it allows the soft parts underneath to be- come bruised and results in a corn. Corns can al- ways be cured by timely use of Gold Coin Foot Remedy, and proper shoeing. You can't neglect corns, as they cause lameness. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC . Gold Coin Horse Tonic gpives fine coach horses new life and strength. It "tones" them up and gives them a fine appearance. It hardens the muscles, strengthens the nerves, thus giving the animal greater speed and endurance. Put your coach horses on Gold Coin Horse Tonic. IT SAVES GRAIN. HORSE (Continued). BRONCHITIS. The lungs and air passages of a horse are subject to bronchitis, catarrh and pneumonia. If bronchitis is taken at once it can usually be cured in a few days with Gold Coin Lung and Cough Cure. Give it four times a day until cured. If neglected bronchitis results in serious cough, fever, inflammation, pneumonia and death. In these cases always give Gold Medal Condition Powders. It strengthens the constitution and en- ables the animal to throw oflf the disease more quickly. QUINSY. Give Gold Coin Lung and Cough Cure four times a day. It is easy to give and very sooth- ing to the animal. Rub the outside of the throat well from ear to ear, with Gold Coin Healing Oil, three or four times a day. but do not band- age it. Keep up the strength of the system with Gold Medal Condition Powders. The horse will get well quicker. It keeps the blood, liver and bowels clean and drives out the inflammatory poisons. . CONTRACTION OF THE FOOT. Use Gold Coin Foot Remedy on the sole and frog of the foot, also on the outside of the hoof so as to keep it healthy and growing and you will never get contraction of the foot. Corns, Nav- icular Disease, improper shoeing, leaving the shoes on too long, and founder are among the causes. But any chronic lameness which causes the horse to favor the foot will cause contraction of the hoof from lack of use. Full directions for treating contraction of the foot given on every can of Gold Coin Foot Remedy. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is the cheapest and best Tonic food ever discovered for horses, 15 cents a month or four feeds for a cent is induce- ment enough to make any humane man feed it to his horses all the time, and thus keep them in the pink of condition, full of life, spirit and energy — free from disease, and ready for work whenever you want them. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 119 Founders may ruin your horse for life. Give prompt treatment. See below. Early Symptoms of Founder (Liaminitis). DISEASES OF THE HORSE (Continued). FOUNDER. This disease may come from overwork, conges- tion or inflammation of the feet or from som~e in- ternal disease as congestion of the lungs, inflam- mation of the bowels, and sometimes by drinking cold water while the horse is warm. The scientific name is Laminitis. THE SYMPTOMS.— The horse constantly tries to throw his weight on his back feet, he re- fuses to lift his feet; he seems in great pain and is unable to back. It usually afifects the forelegs, but it may affect any. TREATMENT. — If feverishness appears give twelve drops of tincture of aconite root in a half a pint of water three times a day for two or three days. Remove the shoes from the horse and soak the feet for two hours in hot water. Then wipe them thoroughly dry and bathe the legs from knee down three times a day with Gold Coin Healing Oil, but do not bandage the legs. Use Gold Coin Foot Remedy freely all over the hoofs both inside and outside four times a day. Keep up this treatment until the horse is cured. If it is a bad case it may take from forty to sixty days. "As the horse's feet feel sore and weak he will have a tendency to lie down most of the time, so keep the stall well bedded with straw. Feed bran mashes, hay ©r grass. Give plenty of cold water to drink as it helps to relieve the fever. Give the horse "Gold Medal Condition Powder," a table- spoonful, three times a day in his feed as long as he is sick, it is important. Then begin the reg- ular feeding of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. The reg- ular use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic strengthens the constitution, and thus prevents the liability of a return of founders. Some cases of founder are incurable. When any o£ your stock are sick you may write our Veterinary Department for free advice. QUARTER CRACKS, SAND CRACKS. And all injuries to the hoofs caused by driving on hard dry roads. The hoofs of race horses must al- ways be watched very closely for cracks. Gold Coin Foot Remedy is what drivers have always been wanting. It cures cracks, keeps the hoofs soft and elastic and in good growing condition all the time. If used occasionally, as should be done on all horses, it prevents quarter and sand cracks and keeps the foot healthy. Complete directions for curing cracks are given on every can of Gold Coin Foot Remedy. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is a food as well as a medicine. Horses eat less, but get more good out of their food. It keeps the whole constitution in perfect condition and the hoofs give less trouble. CURE OF SEEDY TOE. Clear away the brittle hoof and apply Gold Coin Foot Remedy thoroughly. If there is room enough saturate a piece of tow with our Foot Remedy and keep it against the hoof all the time until well. Seedy toe is usually caused by the clip of the shoe being accidentally pounded into the foot, thus bruising the hoof, which often causes a dry rot. Always attend to these little injuries at once or the horse will run down. INJURIES FROM NAILS. A horse may step on a nail and be suddenly lamed, or the nail from the shoe may have been so driven as to touch the sensitive part of the foot. Whenever your horse becomes suddenly lame ex- amine the foot. If you find a nail pull it out at once so it won't get broken ofif in the foot. Clean out the hole well with hot water, then wipe it dry and pour Gold Coin Healing Oil over the sole of the foot and into the hole. Hold the foot up for a while so as to let it soak in, and thus keep down inflammation. Send us your testimonials, we appreciate them, and will publish your opinion in our new book. Send us your testimonials regarding the use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, we greatly appreciate them. 120 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. Distemper can always be cured by the use of "GOLD MEDAL CONDITION POWDERS," and "GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC." See Treatment given below. The General Symptoms of Distemper, Pink Eye and Epizootic. DISEASES OFiTHE HORSE (Continued). DISTEMPER. Also called "strangles." This is a contagious, though not severe disease, commonly affecting young horses. It is ushered in with chills, feverishness, sore throat, loss of appetite, and discharge from the nose. The horse becomes dull and weak, and loses strength very rapidly. Neck sore and stiflf. sometimes an abcess forms at the neck. Treatment: Give the animal four to six tablespoonfuls of Gold Coin Cold and Distemper Cure four times a day, and rub the throat freely four times a day with Gold Coin Healing Oil. If the lungs seem to be affected also, give 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls "Gold Coin Cough and Lung Cure," in connection with the "Cold and Distem- per Cure." Always look for lung trouble in the begining of distemper. If the bowels become con- stipated, use injections. Feed bran mashes, boiled oats, grass or anything it will eat. Don't give cold water to drink. Keep the animal warm. Be sure to do this, as more cold will make it worse. Don't work him. Give Gold Medal Condition Powders with his regular feed. (Directions for treatment on every package.) It strengthens the system and enables the horse to pass through the disease without danger. It will also shorten the attack considerably. As soon as the horse is well it pays to use Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularly, because we guarantee that it not only will prevent disease but it will save 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. If you have never used it write to us. ACUTE CATARRH. Catarrh causes a discharge from the horse's or colt's nose. The discharge is usually thin and milky. Put the animal on two measurefuls of Gold Medal Conditon Powders twice a day at first and after a week three times a day. It will cure the disease. When the horse is well begin the regular use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It will not only keep the horse well but it saves grain. PINK EYE, EPIZOOTIC. Severe cold in the head, pinkeye, epizootic, and influenza are terms used by stockmen which are all about the same and are curable under the following treatment. Properly speaking influenza is epidemic and often effects whole districts. THE SYMPTOMS: It begins with feverish- ness, chills, general weakness, loss of appetite, discharge from the nose, quick pulse, watery eyes, the eyes turn red, the horse desires to lie down, in case the lungs become affected the tendency then is to stand and the animal fails very rapidly. TREATMENT: If very feverish give fluid extract of belladonna and tincture of aconite root each one ounce mixed in a pint of water; shake well and give a tablespoonful every hour until fever subsides. Keep the animal warm with blankets and in a warm stall where there are no draughts. Apply Gold Coin Healing Oil freely to the throat outside, and all along the neck and between the forelegs twice a day. If it appears that the lungs are affected also rub it over the chest, back of the forelegs, very freely, and give Gold Coin Lung and Cough Cure three times a day, until the lung symptoms disappear. Give plenty of cold water to drink and anything the horse will eat. Continue the use of the "Lung and Cough Cure," until the horse is all well. Be- cause as well as curing the cold it also tones up the system and helps to restore the animal to health. It is a good tonic for general purposes. A large measure of Gold Medal Condition Pow- der should be mixed in every feed given the horse, and let him eat as often as he likes. Tempt his appetite with anythirtg he will eat. CHRONIC CATARRH— GLEET. Nasal Gleet usually requires a veterinary sur- geon, as the disease involves the sinuses of head. Gold Medal Condition Powders will im- prove the constitu-tion and help to quicken the cure. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 121 Pneumonia is a serious disease. It kills many horses every year. Therefore give it prompt attention. See below. Sarly Symptoms of Pneumonia. ^M "^ nDISEASES OF THE HORSE-Continued. PNEUMONIA. If a cold is neglected or the horse has had too severe exposure or is badly run down otherwise, it is liable to run into pneumonia. In pneumonia the horse has a severe chill and shivers hard. A sweat in the barn at this stage with warm Ma"Veting afterwards, and a large dose of Gold Medal Condition Powder, may break this up. If not the symptoms progress. Appetite is almost entirely lost, more or less high fever comes on; the horse stands with head down, legs spread and breathes with difficulty; the legs and ears are cold and the whole appearance is that of a very sick horse (notice above picture). Put him in a warm stable, but let in enough air for good ventilation without any draft on the horse; blanket him, and if his fever is very high get the following at the drug store: Tincture of Aconite Root; oz. I. Fluid Extract of Belladonna; oz. II. Water to make oz. XVI. Mix and give tablespoonful every two hours till the fever is reduced. But whether you find the horse feverish enough to give the above or not, start in at once you discover the sickness to give Gold Coin Cough and Lung Syrup, one-half a pint, and four times a day, about three hours apart, continue giving it in four to six tablespoonful doses till the symptoms are all better and then give only two tablespoonfuls three times a day and con- tinue till the patient has entirely recovered. For external treatment, begin right after the first dose of Gold Coin Cough and Lung Syrup and rub the sides and body of the horse back of the shoulders and forelegs with Gold Coin Healing Oil, for fifteen minnutes, rubbing it thoroughly. Do not bind the blanket on too tightly after- wards over where the oil is rubbed on, for the oil is very penetrating and if bandaged or bound on too tightly, it might blister the skin. After this first application apply the Healing Oil once a day, but do not rub in. Let the horse have all the water he wants to drink, not too cold, but cool, and feed lightly on grain with a tablespoonful of Gold Medal Con- dition Powders. It helps the digestion and sup- ports the strength of the horse. It will greatly aid in shortening and keeping the attack milder. After the horse is well begin the regular feeding of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, to make the horse strong again. STOCKING. This trouble shows itself in the form of a swelling below the hock and knee. It is usually due to standing. Rub thoroughly with Gold Coin Resolvent and bandage tightly. ROARING. Or Laryngitis, is an inflammation of the throat. Give Gold Coin Cough and Lung Cure four times a day and apply Gold Coin Healing Oil very freely to the outside of the throat, but do not bandage it. Chronic Roaring is almost incurable. The above treatment will cure acute Roaring in a few days. Then begin the regular use of Gold Coin Horse Tonic to strengthen the lungs and internal organs. It makes the entire animal stronger, and saves grain. CALK INJURIES. Caused by the calk of the shoe injuring the coronet on the other feet. Clean the wounds with warm water twice a day and apply Gold Coin Healing Oil. Use Gold Coin Foot Remedy once a day for the hoof inside and outside. STONE INJURIES. It often happens that lameness or inflamma- tion of the foot will come from stepping on a small stone or gravel. Sometimes when neglected the gravel will work up through the foot, causing a sore on the top. Clean the hoof, pare out the hole, remove the gravel and wash thoroughly by syringing it out with warm water. And then syringe Gold Coin Foot Remedy into the injury twice a day. Keep up this treatment until cured. Gold Coin Horse Tonic should be fed to all horses. It saves oats. It pays for itself quickly by the gain in appearance. 122 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. Use Gold Coin Heave Cure, it is the BEST treatment in the world. Try it on our Guarantee. Horse disabled with scTcre case of Heaves, DISEASES OF THE HORSE (Continued). HEAVES. Heaves result when horses are overworked or worked too long hours when overtired or in a run-down condition. Any horse can be given the heaves by driving him too fast when his storq,ach is full just after feeding. Gold Coin Heave Cure will relieve and cure all but the very worst cases. It is the best and cheapest heave cure. It is a recent discovery and is curing cases which all other remedies have failed to touch. A horse with heaves treated by Gold Coin Heave Cure and fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic will soon be as good as ever and command a good price after any kind of a test. When heaves are due to heart disease nothing can cure them. Gold Coin Horse Tonic does more to prevent heaves than any other remedy. It digests the food and keeps the lungs and nerves strong. The horses eat less oats and get more good from them. It saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed. Some horsemen say it saves 50 per cent. We guarantee it. Write to us and test it. Full directions for treatment of Heaves given on every package of Heave Pow- der. CANKER. Cut away the unhealthy parts and use Gold Coin Foot Remedy on the inside and outside of the foot. In canker it is the soft part of the foot that is affected, it becomes enlarged and spongy. Gold Coin Foot Remedy prevents these diseases. Regular use of it keeps horses' hoofs in a healthy growing condition, and canker and similar dis- eases cannot arise. HOW IT SAVES OATS. Gold Coin Horse Tonic is a food as well as a medicine. Horses eat less and get more good out of what they eat. It keeps the constitution in perfect condition, and it prevents diseases. No man is feeding scientifically who does not use Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It is guaranteed to save 15 to 25 per cent of feed. Write to us and test it on our Spot Cash Guarantee, GALLS AND SORES. Different horses have different kinds of skins just as neople do. Some are thin and delicate, some course and tough, others inclined to pimples and boils and various kinds of sores. The thin skinned horse chafes easily, particularly if not in perfect condition. Ill fitting collars will cause a gall on such a horse almost certainly. Some horses gall every summer even if pains is taken to prevent it. Always have a box of Gold Coin Gall Cure on hand and apply it the instant you discover a gall on your horse. It is a sure, quick cure and we guarantee it to do as we say. Make 3'our collars and harness fit well and set easy and keep them well washed of sweat, use good sweat pads. Treated with Gold Coin Gall Cure, chafed and galled horses will get well quickly even while kept at work. Horses that gall easily will frequently get entirely over it when given Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularly. It strength- ens the whole system, toughens the skin and makes the muscles more solid. Besides pre- venting diseases it saves oats. We guarantee it to be a money-saver. CATARRH. They shiver at first with a slight chill, be- come dull and listless in action, and have a slight fever and loss of appetite. A thin mucous dis- charge comes from the nostrils. Do not neglect your horse now. Give him at once Gold Coin Cough and Lung Syrup, blanket him warmly, and let him rest in the stable. The syrup is very easy to give because horses like it, and un- less the horse has something more serious than a simple cold, the above treatment is all he needs to cure him in 24 to 48 hours. Give him a table- spoonful of Gold Medal Condition Powder until cured. Then begin to feed three times a day regularly on Gold Coin Horse Tonic. It keeps their constitution strong and they will not take colds and Catarrh so easily. Clipped horses always ought to be fed Gold Coin Horse Tonic to ward off rheumatism and pneumonia. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 123 No Hors« need die of Colic! «Goid Coin Colic Cure" cures Colic in five minutes. Try it. "Down and Out" with Colic. DISEASES OF THE HORSE-(Continued.) WIND OR GAS COLIC. SPASMODIC COLIC. Almost anybody knows colic when they see it. The first thing to think of is the treatment. Gold Coin Colic Cure is absolutely guaranteed to cure wind or gas colic in five to ten minutes, your money refunded if it ever fails. Wind, gas, or flatulent colic, all of which mean the same thin'g, is really an acute case of indigestion, in which the act of digestion has been stopped. Gas forms from the fermentation of the food, caus- ing the horse to bloat and putting him in great pain and agony. If severe it may kill the animal in thirty minutes. It is commonly caused by hard working or driving after a hearty meal, especi- ally if much corn has been fed. Gold Coin Colic Cure is put up in long necked bottles ready for instant use the minute you pull the cork. Don't wait until your horse has the colic before buy- ing. Buy a bottle and have it on hand all the time. So that the moment any of your horses get colic you will have the remedy on hand. Be- cause your horse may die while you are sending to town for an effective remedy. Try a bottle of it. If it ever fails it costs you nothing. Use it in time. Our guarantee is on the label of every bottle. It cures gas colic, spasmodic colic, flatu- lent colic, acute indigestion, grain founder, bloat, stoppage of water. SCALDS, BURNS, BRUISES. Gold Coin Healing Oil is the proper remedy for all such wounds. It cures_ quickly, relieves all pain and soreness and prevents outside infec- tion. HIDE BOUND. This condition is usually due to a run down constitution. Usually no specific medicine is necessary. Give the animal regular exercise, keep him in a dry clean stable and give him two large feeds of Gold Coin Horse Tonic, and two tablespoonfuls of Gold Medal Condition Powder mixed together with his wet oats three times a day and you will always effect a cure in a short time. It will put him in fine condition. As soon as he is up to the proper standard of health feed him one measureful of "Horse Tonic" twice a day as directed for healthy horses and he will stay fine on less oats. Colic needs prompt attention. The symptoms are severe pains in the belly, letting up at times but beginning again. Often the abdomen bloats. Don't wait for it to get any worse. Begin the prompt use of Gold Coin Colic Cure at once. Be- cause colic may kill your horse in a few hours. Colic is usually caused by drinking very cold water too soon when warm. Sometimes it comes from eating or drinking tt)0 fast. We guarantee Gold Coin Colic Cure to cure colic in five to ten minutes. If you feed your horses Gold Coin Horse Tonic they will not get colic. It pro- motes digestion. It saves oats and is guaranteed to save you money. The horse eats less but gets more good out of his feed. COUGH. Inflammation of the membranes of the bron- chial tubes and lungs. In chronic cough the horse has spells of coughing. Don't neglect such a cough. It injures the value of the horse. Give four tablespoons of Gold Coin Cough and Lung Cure four times a day until cured, and give the horse Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularly for a time to tone up the whole system and get the horse in good condition and strong constitution. MANGE-RINGWORM. These diseases are due to a microscopic acarus, or parasite. These parasites dig under the skin and cause scabs to form which later causes the hair to fall out, there is intense itch- ing. The animal is constantly trying to rub it- self. Be careful not to get any of these para- sites on yourself because they will cause ring- worm and if they get into your scalp will some- times be very annoying and difficult to cure. Gold Coin Germ Killer is sure death to these para- sites. Mix it according to the direction on the can and wash the affected part of the horse. If necessary wash the horse all over. It is very easy to use and is a sure cure. This disease usually begins on the neck or shoulders but it may cover the entire body. Always feed Gold Coin Horse Tonic to purify the blood and strengthen the constitution. It will save feed and your horse gets more good out of his feed. 12+ Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. For Kidney and Bladder troubles use Gsid Medal Condition Powders and Gold Coin Horse Tonic as directed below. Symptoms of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE. In inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, the animal has colicky pains, painful and frequent urination (passing of water), looks around at his flanks, later profuse sweating, and pain over kid- neys, quick pulse, fever, and the horse takes an attitude similar to that shown in the above pic- ture. There is extreme pain or pressure over the loins, and a straddling of the hind legs when walked. It is commonly caused by the giving of strong drugs as Rosin, Saltpetre, Turpentine, Croton Oil, etc. If tiie case is very severe, call a veterinary, [his disease Is dangerous to life. TREATMENT.— Keep the horse in a warm stable, well blanketed and wrap woolen cloths around loins. Give at once: Gold Medal Condition Powder, one tablespoonful. Powdered aloes, . . . three teaspoonfuls. Calomel, one teaspoonful. Mix and give in one dose in a ball. Give no violent or irritating diuretics as Salt- petre, Kosin, Cantharides, etc. Give injections of tepid water' into bowels. And give: Extract Belladonna, . . half teaspoonful. Sweet Spirits of Nitre, one oz. (tw^o tablespoonfuls). Give in a drench with a quart of cold linseed tea. If the horse does not improve rapidly under the above treatment call a veterinary, as this is a somewhat rare disease and hard to understand by those who are not physicians. It often proves fatal. NAVICULAR TROUBLE (LAMENESS). THE SYMPTOMS. There is a slight lame- ness when you first take the animal out of the barn, but which disappears after the animal trav- els a while. Navicular disease is very likely to be the trouble whenever there is an obscure lameness in either of the front feet. It may be caused by a sprain; by a bruise on the frog; by stepping on a stone; by contraction of the hoofs; by improper shoeing; by cutting away the frog so much that it does not touch the ground and other injuries. TREATMENT.— Use Gold Coin Healing Oil twice a day from the knee down, but do not band- age afterwards. Wash the foot in hot water thoroughly, wipe dry and apply Gold Coin Foot Remedy freely all over the hoof inside and out- side four times a day. Do not work the horse un- til all lameness disappears. Turn him out to grass after four days of above treatment. Attend to the resetting of his shoe every four weeks. Begin the above treatment at the very earliest stage of the disease and you will nearly always efTect a cure. Very bad cases give a great deal of trouble. Severe Kidney Trouble — Paralysis. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC Costs Only 5 Feeds for a Cent. And keeps work horses in working condition. ITou are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 125 When your horse gets Blood Poison call a Veterinary, and with good care he may be cured. It's a dangerous disease. Signs and Symptoms of Blood Poison. GLANDERS AND FARCY. These diseases are contagious, constitutional diseases due to a special bacterium. The poison generated by the bacteria is absorbed and carried all over the body. When this disease attacks the lungs, lymphatic glands and nose, it is called the glanders; and called farcy when it is confined to the legs. The same bacteria causes both diseases, the difiference of symptoms being due to the dif- ference of location. Symptoms are as follows in glanders: Fever with quickened pulse; weeping eyes; discharging nose, first thin and watery, changing to yellow and smelling very bad; lining of nostrils purple; hair gummed together where discharge strikes it, and discharge sink-s in water; glands swell under the jaw and form and break on partition of nose, making ulcers which spread, unite and eat away the lining; there is coughing and sneezing, poor appetite and loss of weight. Farcy symptoms are: Swelling on legs along long wavy lymphatic ducts which break out in ulcers, discharge a foul smelling matter, crust over and dry up and gradually spread till legs, body and neck are a mass of running or scabby ulcers. The instant a horse shows signs of glanders or farcy, isolate him in a pen by him- self, or warm shed in winter, and send for a veterinary surgeon. The instant you know for sure the horse has either disease, shoot him and burn the carcass with the shed or pen he was in. Not only will the virus infect your other horses, but may attack people as well any time inside of a year or eighteen months, so virulent is the poison. There is no other treatment safe or of the least value besides instant death and total destruction by fire. Why not have your horses look as well and be as valuable as any one's? WORMS. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC The World's Greatest Horse Food. Keeps the kidneys and bladder healthy. GOLD COIN HORSE TONIC The Farmer's Friend. Saves corn, oats and fodder. There are many different kinds of worms that give trouble to horses. Some of them grow to a length of four feet and more, others are very small. They enter the stomach and are often quite dangerous. Symptoms of Worms: Like in "bots," the horse becomes "pot-bellied." The hair becomes dry and rough, and the appetite ravenous. The horse will gnaw at the manger and rub its upper lip against the wall or posts. Treatment: ISIever neglect the horse in this condition. There is no need for any horse to suffer from worms one day because we absolutely guarantee Gold Coin Worm Powder to expel worms of all kinds quickly and safely, and it also contains ingredients that will tone up the stomach and cure the disturbance which allowed the for- mation of worms in the stomach. It is a safe and positive cure and we cheerfully refund the money in any case if it ever fails. Write to us. Full directions for treatment given on every package. BOTS. As every one knows, all horses that run to pasture have bots in their stomach, but they are not dangerous unless they accumulate in large quantities. They are caused by the gad fly de- positing its eggs among the hair on the forelegs of the horse. The itching causes the horse to bite at the spot, thus the eggs get into his mouth where the heat and moisture hatches them and they pass down into the stomach where, with two little hooks, they attach themselves to the walls of the stomach and often hang there for months. Horses seriously affected with bots become "pot-bellied," their coat of hair becomes rough and they lose flesh. Give them a good dose of Gold Coin Worm Powder. It expels all bots and worms, corrects the digestion and puts the stomach in a het^lthy condition. Use Gold Coin Worm Powder for worms in any of your animals. It is perfectly safe and a sure cure. Gold Coin Horse Tonic fed regularly prevents worms. Use it regularly, it also saves you 15 to 25 per cent of feed. We guarantee paying re- sult^. If vou have never used it, write to us. 126 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. HOW TO TELL A HORSE'S AGE BY THE TEETH. A Nippers. B Di- Colt, 1 mo. old. viders. C Corners. 4 to 60 days old. 6th to 10th mo. 2% to 3% yrs. old. aVa to 4 yrs old. i Horse, 5 yrs. old. Horse, 6 yrs. old. Horse, 7 yrs. old. Horse, 8 yrs. old. Horse, 9 yrs. old. Horse, 16 yrs. old. Horse, 12 yrs, old. Horse, 18 yrs. old. Horse, 22 yrs. old. DISEASES OF THE HORSE (Continued). Horse, 14 yrs. old. Defective jaw in old horse; long teeth. PLEURISY. Pleurisy seldom exists alone. It accompanies pneumonia usually, though the symptoms are nearly all milder, the breathing is apt to be more labored. Pleurisy is inflammation of the mem- brane covering the lung. Give the same treat- ment as for pneumonia. Your horse fed on Gold Coin Horse Tonic regularly there is little chance that any horse will develop pleurisy or pneumonia except from extreme carelessness or neglect. It saves money by saving oats. If it doesn't make you 15 to 25 per cent gains it will cost you noth- ing. Write to us. HORSES THAT SHY. Shying horses can always be cured, provided that they are not nearsighted. Never show nervousness on your own part or whip the horse after shying, on the contrary, show him what he shyed at will not injure him. If you whip or jerk him when he shys he will soon come to fear that every time he shys he will be whipped and this will make him doubly scared. Handle him with common sense and teach him to overcome his fears. Never jerk or whip any horse whether they have a fight to be scared or not, for if he once comes to believe that he will be whipped every time he shys he will soon be almost un- manageable. STRING HALT. There is usually no use trying to cure this affliction as it is a nervous disease. The best re- sults will be obtained by giving the legs from the hip down a thorough rubbing twice a day with Gold Coin Resolvent and keeping the hoof and frog well painted with Gold Coin Foot Remedy to keep it from getting diseased by the excessive pounding. Gold Coin Horse Tonic acts on the nervous system and greatly benefits these horses so it can hardly be noticed. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE ON YOUR LIVESTOCK. A man pays a certain amount per thousand dollars for fire insurance on his house every year. The house don't burn but he pays for pro- tection. The cheapest and best protection you can get on your livestsock is Gold Coin Stock Foods. It is guaranteed to prevent disease, and besides saves 15 to 25 per cent of your feed. Some farmers claim it saves them 50 per cent, and more, clear profits. It is a money-maker. We guarantee it to bring paying results or re- fund the price paid. We know from experience that it saves more than 15 to 25 per cent, there- fore guarantee it. If you have never used it, write to us. Test it on our guarantee. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 127 HOW CHICKENS ARE KILLED AND CLEANED AT THE UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, U. S. A. BIG MONEY IN POULTRY. Over $500,000,000.00 Worth of Poultry Consumed in the U. S. Yearly. Government statistics show that the yearly egg produce is $300,000,000 and the poultry meat is over $200,000,000 making poultry produce over $500,000,000 annually. This is more than the value of the wheat crop or oats, corn and hay combined, and yet we have to import poultry produce from Europe to supply the demand. Poultry raisers and farmers, you should consider this. Notice the profits, in poultry over wheat: Wheat doesn't always clear $5.00 an acre af- ter you take out the cost of harvesting, etc. Corn, oats, and hay are not much better. But grant that in a successful year your wheat netted clear profit $5.00 per acre, the difference in favor of your acre of hens at almost their worst would be $495. Five hundred hens can be kept on an acre of land. Each hen will produce $1.00 to $2.00 a year, that is $500 to $1,000 and if managed suc- cessfully should easily net $500 clear profits, a diflference of $495 in favor of hens. I know of poultry raisers whose hens produce an average of $3 a year. ilie poultry business is now just coming un- der the same conditions which revolutionized the meat industry in the last 25 years. Cold storage and refrigerator transportations are opening pos- sibilities in poultry production and distribution" that will tremendously increase the importance of the industry in the next ten years. Under old conditions poultry consumed in any section of the country was of local production because chickens could not stand long shipments in the living state, with refrigeration will come a change, both in production and distribution. Pro- duction instead of being confined to localities in ready touch with markets, will concentrate in the districts wherc^poultry can be produced most cheaply. In other words the center of production as in the case of beef, will be near the grain fields and especially in the corn belt. In the past chick- ens have either been shipped alive to market. cen- ters, to be killed just before being offered to the consumers, or killed on the farm and shipped to the commission man for immediate disposition. From an economic standpoint either method is wasteful. The by-products in the shape of feath- ers and internal organs are practica-lly wasted. Chicken slaughter on a large scale is already practiced at Western points like Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City, where Armour and Swift and other great meat packers are engaging in the business with their wealth of money, experience, and facilities for distribution. On the scale on which these operations are conducted, the chances of economy in utilizing of by-products are so great that these operators can offer prices for chickens which cannot be met by local buyers and commission shippers. These big packing concerns have regular routes over which chicken cars are run at stated intervals, gathering up fowls from local buyers. The Slaughter is continuous without regard to immediate market demand, the surplus being stored in refrigeration to be drawn against at those seasons when the supply of live fowls is small. This tends to equalize conditions throughout the whole year. This new branch of the packing industry will furnish, as in the case of cattle a steady market for all grades of poultry in any quantity and at all times, and the result will be that poultry raising will bring more profits to the small raiser as well- as the large raiser if they practice economy in feeding. It has come to this point, nowadays, that the poultry raiser, who does not use some reliable poultry food in feeding his chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese, during the winter and spring months at least, cannot compete' with his neigh- bor that does. Grain, seeds, bran, etc., cost money, and if you can double the feeding value of these feeds, by using a small quantity of poul- try food to mix with the feeding rations it will pay you to investigate the matter and try it. Gold Coin Poultry Food has the endorsement of many of the largest poulterers in the East and West. It was reported during the month of January, 1903, that over 1,000,000 pounds of dressed poul- try was in cold storage in the city of Indianapolis, Ind., waiting the spring trade. Half the amount was held by New York dealers. Turkeys com- posed about one-half the supply and the specu- lators who had them in storage expected to get an average of 30 cents a pound for them next March. This immense stock was bought up chiefly from the local poultry raisers. The following pages are devoted to money mak- ing in Poultry, and will be valuable to any Poultry raiser. All the pictures are selected, by permission, from the U. S. Agriculture Dept., to illustrate the various breeds, etc. • 12S Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. BA.RRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. THE PLYMOUTH ROCK. Here is a breed that will bring you money. The purer the breed the better. They are the best breed for the farmer. Notice these points: Feed them regularly on Gold Coin Poultry Food, one measureful to every 15 fowls, so as to keep their egg-laying machinery in active condition, and they make fine layers, setters and mothers. They commence to lay at .5 to 6 months of age. Feed the little chicks on Gold Coin Poultry Food (one measureful to every 30) and in 7 to 8 weeks, they make fine plump 2-lb. broilers, and if hatched early, bring enormous profits. Weight at full growth, 8 to 12 lbs. See an article on "How to raise Broilers," page 131, in another part of this book. It tells you how to feed scientifically. THE BLACK SPANISH FOWLS. If you have Black Spanish fowls, try feeding them on Gold Coin Poultry Food. It will make excellent layers of them. The hens often lay 200 eggs, each, a year. They make poor mothers and setters. They need generous feeding and need to be well protected in damp and cold weather. MONEY IN EGGS. Chemical science has discovered the ingredi- ents of eggs, the yolk, white and shell (all of which ingredients are combined in our Special Poultry Food). Given a hen in a healthy condi- tion and put into her the ingredients that go to form eggs and she has got to lay. This is scientific feeding, and is accomplished by feeding Gold Coin Special Poultry Food according to the directions given for "Feeding y for Eggs" described in this / book. $5,000 CASH GUARANTEE. We offer $5, coo to any one who can prove that Gold Coin Poultry Food contains anyr thing that is injurious. It con- tains the elements made by nature which stimulate and create flesh and eggs. Gold Coin Poultry Food, 25c package contains 1,500 feeds for one hen, or 100 feeds for 15 hens. Gold Coin Poultry Food is sold on a positive guarantee to be a money saver or money refunded. •BLACK SPANISH FOWLS. Yon are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 129 FINE BROILERS FOR THE MARKET BRING BIG PROFITS. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD Makes the flesh of the birds plump, firm and of fine color; when dressed and hung out for sale, they attract the attention of the buyers by their healthy, sweet and tender looking meat. Com- pared with the dull, colorless meat and thin flabby carcasses of the other birds raised in a careless way. it is no wonder that "Gold Coin fed broilers" command the best prices and are most easily sold. Tnis great Poultry Food also gives the flesh a finer flavor and texture — tender and juicy, and there is more of it on broilers that have been raised on this Food. If you are raising broilers for your own use, test Gold Coin Special Poultry Food and note the great difference in the taste. On the same policy, if you are raising broilers for the early market or for high prices, give your customers fine, healthy birds, and they will want more — which puts more money in your pocket. SCIENTIFIC FEEDING MAKES YOUR HENS LAY. Gold Coin Poultry Food stimulates and in- creases the formation of eggs. It puts hens in condition and makes them lay MORE eggs — and KEEPS them laying. Get a package (25c package 1,500 feeds for one hen) and begin using it at once. The expense of feeding is almost nothing and it will often more than double the number of eggs. Only one extra egg in two months will get you the entire feeding free. It will pay you to test Gold Coin Poultry Food on your chickens — it often triples the production of eggs. It is the greatest egg producer in the world and is sold on a positive guarantee to make you extra money. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food write us at once and test it at our expense if it fails to bring you paying results. VERY LARGE PROFITS. A well managed flock of hens will pay 150 to 200 per cent on the investment each year, and they will require almost no care if Gold Coin Poultry Food is used regularly. It keeps them well — keeps their digestion active, heart and bowels in condi- tion. Poulterers have reported a saving of as high as 50 to 60 percent in profits by its regularuse. Gold Coin Poul- try Food is sold on a positive guarantee to be a money saver. Try it on our guarantee. It will surely bring you extra profits. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD Is a guaran- teed food. And BUFF COCHIN, SHOWING FULL FEATHERING. HOW YOU CAN MAKE 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT. To those who have never used Gold Coin Poultrv Food we offer a 25-cent box of Gold Coin Gall Cure with every 50-cent box of Gold Coin Poultry Food. This Healing Salve is worth its weight in gold, both as a household and veterinary remedy. It cures cuts, ulcers, wounds, etc., on man or beast. We want everybody to learn the value of this great HEALER is the rea- son we are giving it out as a premium free. PARTRIDGE COCHIN. your money refunded if ever fails. $1,000.00 OFFER. We understand that many cheap concerns play all kinds of tricks upon the public — such lying firms can not live long. But there never was a refund for the full amount refused or put of? in any way by the Gold Coin Stockfood Co. We offer $1,000.00 if we have ever refused to re- fund to any justly dissatisfied customer. We want you to understand that we are doing business only on the Most Honest and Reliable Business principles. Our Cash Guarantee is printed on every label. It is the fairest offer in the world. Don't accept cheap imitations which some dealers may try to palm off onto you. Insist on having only the Genuine Gold Coin preparations. Al- ways refuse substitutes, which the dealers say are "just as good," for they are usually cheap, worth- less preparations and givfe the dealers a little more profit, but make you lose good money. Remem- ber that "Gold Coin Foods" are sold on a posi- tive Cash Guarantee, and they cost you nothing if they ever fail. GOLD COIN STOCK FOOD CO., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, U. S. A. 130 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. THE BUFF COCHIN FOWLS. This is a very large fowl. If fed properly, they reach an average weight of 10 to 15 lbs. There is no fowl which demands the use of GoM Coin Poultry Food as much as the Cochin. It is so large and fattens so quickly that it is subject to plethoric disturbances, such as Brain Conges- tion, Apoplexy, etc. Gold Coin Poultry Food keeps the bowels regular, the blood cool, cures the Congestion and makes the fowl strong and healthy. Cochins are the largest of the barn-yard chick- ens, and are very, very profitable when fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food to increase laying. They are sturdy, easy to raise, rapidly developed, and quickly fattened. Like the Brahmas, they are GOOD WINTER LAYERS, good setters and mothers. The chicks grow so rapidly that they are always a source of great profit to poulterers. Poulterers are reporting from almost all parts of the country that the use of Gold Coin Poultry Food makes them from 15 to 25 per cent-— some say even 50 per cent — more profit from their poul- try raising than before. FEEDING FOR EGGS. Feeding is an important subject to poultry raisers. All who make any pretense of keeping pace with the advance "of science learns and reads of something new almost every day in the diet of poultry and cattle as well as people. In this day and age, with everybody striving to be in the lead one must use extraordinary measures to keep even with his intelligent neighbors. You must know just what and how to feed to make hens lay — or to make them fat — or to make them strong and vigorous (for breeders). But this little article is on feeding for eggs. "Feeding" for eggs is more important in winter than in summer, because all the eggs a hen lays must be formed from the food taken in. To stim- ulate and increase the formation of eggs the hen must be assisted by feeding the ingredients that go to the formation of the shells, the yolks, and the whites of eggs. Chemical science has discov- ered these ingredients, all of which are combined in our Special Poultry Food. Given a hen in a healthy condition, whether she is a regular layer or not, and put into her the ingredients that go to form eggs, and she has got to lay, just the same as the boiler of an engine in good condition with a given amount of water in it is bound to make steam if fire is placed under it. Just the same with poultry raising. You can make them lay or fatten them at will. HOW TO FEED FOR EGGS: Corn, wheat, oats, barley and millet seed wet up and mixed with a given quantity (one measure for each 15 hens) of Gold Coin Special Poultry Food and fed regularly three times a day will absolutely MAKE your hens lay — every one of them will lay, and they should lay every day, during their period. Gold Coin Poultry Food if fed regularly is an ideal food for laying hens. Grain food should be well scattered so as to make the chickens scratch for it, which tends to prevent too rapid eating or engorgement, and discourages laziness. Laying hens should not be lazy, and they should not be fat, they must be hard workers. The beauty of the above mixed grain is, that the grain and seeds go to make blood and tissue and the Gold Coin Poultry Food contains the in- gredients that turn every ounce of it into flesh and eggs. Gold Coin Poultry Food is guaranteed to be the cheapest because it goes the farthest. 1,500 feeds for 25c or 3,500 for 50c. A package of Gold Coin Poultry Food pays for itself in actual saving in two weeks time for each 15 hens. Your actual profits from it are increased many times. Remember, it is sold on a guar- antee to do this or price refunded if it fails. The great ecg producer of the age — Gold Coin Poultry Food. Sold on a guarantee. Use an egg layer that is guaranteed. Don't waste your money. Gold Coin Poultry Food turns feed into golden eggs. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 131 THE DORKING. Average weight 8 to 9 lbs. Good shaped birds. Fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food they are good layers and long-lived. The hens are good moth- ers. Very intelligent. An excellent table fowl. THE PURITY OF GOLD COIN FOODS. $5,000.00. $5,000 and the cost of chemical analysis will be given to anyone if Gold Coin Fattening Food ' contains any poisonous or injurious ingredient of any kind. We absolutely guarantee that it con- tains no Strychnine, Arsenic, Salt Peter, Anti- > mony, Rosin, or Opium. It is absolutely harm- less; its ingredients are medical vegetable com- pounds that increase nutrition, stimulation, appe- tite, regulates heart action, gives better digestion and assimilation, purifies the blood, keeps the water clear and kidneys strong, the bowels free, the blood cool and in healthy condition, thus toning up the entire animal, so that more nutri- tion is obtained from the food eaten. It is simply without equal for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs or Poultry in breeding, growing, fattening, working or milking. Get a package of Gold Coin Food and use it according to directions, and if it doesn't come up to every claim, your money refunded. We refund your money if it ever fails. THE HAMBURG FOWLS. They are good farm fowls. Fed regularly on Gold Coin Poultry Food, they become excellent layers, laying a small but fine flavored egg. They are non-setters, great roamers, hardy and active. No matter what breed of poultry you have you should cross-breed from time to time. In-and-in breeding is weakening. Gold Coin Poultry Food is made especial- ly for poultry, and does wonders in the way of increasing egg produc- tion, and promoting growth of flesh and fat. HAMBURG FOWLS. Try it on your hens. EVERYBODY SHOULD RAISE POULTRY— WHY? Poultry raising is such a VERY, VERY PROFITABLE industry that everybody, even though they have only a small back yard, should go into it to some extent. And with the excellent facilities for scientific feeding (the key to profit) which the Gold Coin Stockfood Company now offers you, a few spare minutes each day will bring a nice little side in- come. Every package of Gold Coin Poultry Food contains a little measure, and a special pamphlet giving full and simple instructions for profitable and easy poultry raising. You simply mix a little measureful of the Gold Coin Special Poultry Food in the chicken feed 3 times a day, and you are doing the most scientific feeding that can be at- tained. It will produce eggs in double the usual quantity, and meat of the most delicate texture and flavor. Gold Coin Special Poultry Food is sold in packages of two sizes. The 25-cent size has 1,500 feeds for one hen, or lOtf feeds for 15 hens. Fifty-cent size, 3,500 feeds. It is the great egg and flesh producer, and, best of all, it keeps chitkens free from disease. RAISE SPECIAL FOWLS. 50 to 200 per cent Profit in Them. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Pigeons, etc. Feed them on Gold Coin Poultry Food and we guar- antee you paying results. THE DOMINIQUES. Here is an old-fashioned — but a money-making chicken. We wish to call the attention of the farmer more than poulterer to this excellent breed. As a barn-yard fowl, the pure bred Dom- inique-has no equal. Fed on Gold Coin Poultry bood to keep their egg-producing organs active, they make excellent layers, and are good setters and mothers. Weight 6 to 8 lbs. Flesh is of superior quality for table use. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us at once, and test it at our expense if it fails to give paying results. BLACK MINORCA, 133 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. HOW TO RAISE BROILERS. They Are Very Profitable. We will tell you how to do it right. Plymouth Rocks are the best breed. Begin hatching early. Give good protection to the little chicks. Never let them get wet. Keep them free from lice, as half the little chickens that die are killed by dampness and lice. Before putting them in the coop see that it is well cleaned and disinfected. Use Gold Coin Louse Killer, well dusted under the wings of the mother hen, and disinfect the coop with Gold Coin Germ Killer according to directions on the can, and you will not have a louse about the place. Feed them almost entirely on ground feed, wet up with some warm water, or better still, warm or boiled milk, to which has been added mashed potatoes, turnips or carrots, if convenient. To every 30 or 40 chicks, before two weeks old, give 1 measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food. After 2 weeks of age, give 2 measurefuls to each 30 or 40. After the third or fourth week, you can give 3, or even 4, measure- fuls of the Food to every 30, and in 6 to 8 weeks you will have the most delicious V/z to 2-pound broilers that you have ever eaten. Market them early and see what excellent profit they will bring you. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD Makes Feed Count. In the poultry business every ounce of grain you feed must be eaten and digested. It is what is digested that makes the eggs and flesh and brings you the profit, $5,000 CASH GUARANTEE. Gold Coin Poultry Food is a medical, vegetable and chemical combination containing the elements made by nature which stimulate and create egg production. SrLYER-LACED WYANDOTTE. Gold Coin Stockfood Co., the largest food com- pany in America, guarantees their special Poultry Food or will refund money if it fails. $3,000,000 is the paid in capital of the Gold Coin Stockfood Co., which backs all their foods. It is the largest company of its kind in the world. Use their goods. They are the cheapest because they go the farthest, SILYER-LACED WYANDOTTE. THE WYANDOTTES. This superior American fowl was obtained by crossing Silver Spangled Hamberg with the Dark Brahma hen. When fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food, to keep them in vigorous health, they make fine layers, setters and mothers. Gold Coin Poul- try Food imparts a delicious flavor to their meat, which makes them excellent table fowl. August and September are the most dangerous months for Chicken Cholera. Always feed Gold Coin Poultry Food twice a day during this sea- son. Remember, it is sold on a guarantee to prevent or cure, or the price will be refunded, A COW HELPS POULTRY. If you have chickens, you should have milk. Young chicks MUST have it, older chickens need it. If you will feed your cow Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, which makes her digest all she eats, her milk will be richer in fat (cream). You'll get more butter and the skim milk will be richer to feed your poultry. If you have never used Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, buy a package and test it at our expense. It will make for you in profits 15 to 25 per cent in saving your feed and enriching your milk. It gives your butter a flavor and color that will make you famous in your district. It saves labor by keeping your cows and calves in perfect health. Try it. The largest cattle raisers all over the country endorse it. It is the cheapest stock food you can buy because it goes the farthest — 6 feeds for a penny, and actually pro- duces 5 to 10 per cent better results than any other stock food. It is a chemical and medical preparation. Poultry houses need disinfecting frequently. Hens never bathe, hence are prone to filth and lice. Gold Coin Germ Killer is the best and cheapest because it is the strongest and goes the farthest. It's no trouble to keep your hen houses clean if you use Gold Coin Germ Killer, Gold Coin Poultry Food brings you from 500 to 1000 per cent profit above its cost. It's money in your pocket to use it. Every package of Gold Coin Poultry Food is guaranteed to bring results or price refun^eij, You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 133 THE HOUDANS. Fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food they make great layers. They are a French breed — very beautiful, but their qualities far exceed their beauty. Average weight 4 to 6 lbs. They are not good setters. GOLD COIN SPECIAL POULTRY FOOD MAKES HENS LAY. because it puts the ingredients right into the hens that makes the eggs and then they have simply got to lay them. Feed Gold Coin Poultry Food and you will never have lazy or loafing hens. It also puts hens in perfect condition, keeps the craw sweet and healthy, gives good action to the gizzard, removes all constitutional • disabilities and makes hens lay simply because they have to. The natural functions of a hen is to lay eggs and if she does not lay regularly there is something wrong. There is something that needs correcting, and Gold Coin Special Poultry' Food is specially compounded to scientifically correct all such constitutional defeots. Remem- ber, that in the poultry business the production of eggs must be stimulated and increased to the highest degree, on the least amount of expense. Gold Coin Special Poultry Food is the one great food in the world that has been recognized for years by all the leading poultry raisers as the food that yields the greatest profit. If your hens don't lay by its regular, daily use you have a ' poor breed and should either fatten them for the market or cross them with some good egg-laying breed. The celebrated agricultural scientist and author of this book and who is also a practical stockman and poultry raiser, will be pleased to ^ advise any of our customers regarding poultry, as cross-breeding, selection of fowls, etc. We absolutely guarantee that Gold Coin Poultry Food will be a money-saver for you. Investigate it. Write us and test it. GET YOUR SPRING BROILERS. To Market Early. The earlier you get them there, the more you make, because it is the first on the market that commands the highest prices. After everybody P else comes in, the prices of meat goes down. You will nnd that Gold Coin Poultry Food fattens in about half the time. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD. Fine for Turkeys. It prevents loss of the little ones and develops and fattens them quicker for the early market. Meaning great profit to you. BIG MONEY MADE BY RAISIN6 "BROILERS" FOR EARLY MARKET. In fattening poultry they should not be al- lowed to run around much. Their food should be ground. Corn, wheat, millet and bran mixed and fed warm with a measureful of Gold Coin Special Poultry Food, for each 15 chickens, cut or pounded bone, and other extras are also fine ad- ditional feed at times. Corn or wheat exclu- sively is too heavy and rich. But mixed with bran and our Special Poultry Food as above de- scribed, you have the very best fattening food. Gold Coin Poultry Food rapidly develops fat and makes fine, healthy broilers. This meat com- mands a much higher price on the market, be- cause of its fine flavor and texture. It will pay you to raise Gold Coin-fed broilers for the early market, because they always com- mand a fancy price, and bring big profits to you. The delicious taste and texture of the meat raised on Gold Coin Special Poultry Food is so different from other meats that those who once eat it never care to go back to common meat, and are willing to pay a little more to get it. If you are a lover of fine chicken meat your- self give Gold Coin Poultry Food a test by sepa- rating say six young cockerels and feed them well on our Poultry Food according to the directions for fattening given in the top of each package, until they are fully developed and you will eat meat that you never dreamed of — juicy, delicious, tender and wholesome. It makes the finest tex- tured meat in the world. No poultry raiser should attempt to get along without this Special Poultry Food. You will out-sell your neighbor twice over, because it saves two To four weeks in fattening and makes a saving of 15 to 25 per cent of the feed. You get to the market earlier, thus getting the highest prices, and you have saved one-quarter of your feed. The man who can get to the market earliest is the man who gets the fancy prices, and the man who schemes to save the most on feeding (because feeding is the expense) is the man who makes the biggest profit. You can make these handsome profits just as easily as anyone else. All you need to do is to feed your poultry the year around on Gold Coin Special Poultry Food. It keeps them free from disease. It prevents Cholera, Roup, Gapes, Pip, and what is more im- portant to you, it invigorates the cocks, makes the eggs more fertile and gives you strong, healthy and easily developed, vigorous young chickens. When the cocks and hens are fed on Gold Coin Special Poultry Food the eggs are 50 per cent more fertile and more certain of hatch- ing. FOR FROZEN COMBS OR FEET USE GOLD COIN HEALING SALVE. It is extremely valuable for cuts, sores, wounds, etc., on man, beast or fowls. "Gold Coin Poultry Food" helps fowls through the moulting period. It makes new feathers, and gets the hen ready for early laying. Feed "Gold Coin Poultry Food" to all your young stock. It makes them stronger, bigger and healthier. They like it. 134 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. THE BRAHMAS. Fed regularly on Gold Coin Poultry Food this breed will make the BEST WINTER LAYERS, of all breeds. If your Brahams are not laying right, get some Gold Coin Poultry Food for them at once. Thus you will see that it always pays to have a stock of Brahmas and Cochins on hand if you intend to deliver eggs the year round. Their eggs are large and rich and when fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food are of a delicious flavor and command the highest market price — in winter bringing even inore profits. They are FAST GROWERS, the cockerels often weighing 5 to 6 lbs. at six months. The hen is a good mother. This bird is bound to net you good profit. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, it will pay you to begin now. Your fowls will relish it, and thrive much better during the winter sea- sons. We guarantee it to bring you paying re- sults or we refund the price. GoIq Coin Poultry Food fed to your chickens insures early broilers. They will be nice and plump at seven to eight weeks. Winter laying depends on feeding and care. Scientific feeding is as easy as unscientific. It is as easy to do it right as wrong. Do it right, use Gold Coin Poultry Food and make money. Broilers raised on Gold Coin Poultry Food mixed with their feed twice a day have a delicious flavor, that will make them famous in your dis- trict. FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. The United States Commissioner of Agricul- ture reported that New York state consumes $38,000,000 worth of eggs alone every year. The United States consumes $500,000,000 worth of eggs and poultry. The annual poultry earnings is larger than any single crop, $52,000,000 more than the wheat crop, $30,000,000 more than the cotton crop, $100,000,000 more than we spent for schools, $100,000,000 more than swine produced. One would hardly believe that the hen is such an enor- moui producer. This should be a stimulus to small and large poultry raisers. There is surely money in poultry. Feed scientifically. Use Gold Coin Poultry Food and make more money. Don't fear over-production, because we import millions of dollars worth of poultry produce every year. Farmers, and housewives in small towns, should raise more than they do. Use our poultry food. Some poulterers claim that Gold Coin Poultry Food makes for them more than 500 per cent profit above the cost of the food. Isn't it worth your investigation? Write to us and try it on our guarantee. BROWN LEG BORN ROOSTER. THE LEGHORNS. This is a Spanish bird and has become a great favorite in this country. When fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food, they become enormous lay- ers, WINTER and SUMMER. They are not good setters — they prefer to lay; usually laying at 5 months of age. On Gold Coin Poultry Food they are noted for their rapid growth, and the ex- cellent flavor of their eggs. Most breeders say that Leghorns are the very best breed of fowls to raise — they bring the most eggs. They are the best layers, and easiest to raise. But you must have a few of another breed for setting or use incubators to hatch the eggs. A large raiser of Leghorns reports that the use of Gold Coin Poultry Food increased the egg production in his flock 55 per cent. LAZY OR LOAFING HENS Are Made Good Layers, If fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food. It makes them lay because it puts the stuff in them that makes eggs, and they lay because they have to. WHITE LEGHORN. Why not save 15 to 25 per cent oh your feed- ing by using a scientific food like Gold Coin Poul- try Food. Turkeys should be made to roost under cover. If they roost outside they will be subject to roup and frosted feet. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 135 THE BLACK UNGSHAN. Fed on Gold Coin Poultry- Food, they are rapid growers, the cockerels usually weigh- ing 10 to 12 lbs. at 7 months, if fattened. Their rapid growth, combined with their great size and small bones, makes them a bird of great value to poulterers. The hens are good layers. Their eggs are large and rich. Their meat is excellent for so big a fowl. They were first bred in China. Golden Eggs. Your hens, together with all the other hens in Amer- ica, lay $300,000,000 a year. Do yours lay ev- ery day ? They'll pretty nearly do it if you use Gold Coin Poultry Food. BLACK LANGSHAN FOWLS. FOR SITTING HENS. Use Gold Coin Poultry Food Regularly. Setting is hard and patient work. It taxes the nervous system to the extreme. Give your setting hen a little care. Have water and moist ground food with our Special Poultry Food well mixed in it, always within reach. Sprinkle her back with Gold Coin Louse Killer once or twice, while she is setting, too many lice will drive her off the nest. Make your setting hen comfortable and you will get lots of little chicks. Gold Coin Poultry Food keps the setters in health, purifies the blood, keeps her calm and quiet, thus impart- ing greater and more continuous warmth to the eggs, insuring a hatching of every fertile egg. THE BLACK POLISH BREED. These birds need special at- tention in cold and damp weather. They are very do- mestic, and make good pets. If this bird is fed regularly on Gold Coin Poultry Food, it becomes the greatest of all layers. Some of our custom- ers report that she becomes an "everlasting" layer, win- ter and summer. Their i^s are large and rich, and of ex- cellent taste. This breed is very prolific, and reaches ma- turity early. They are poor foragers and must be fed reg- ularly. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us and get a full sized package and test it at our expense if it fails to give paying results. BLACK POLISH FOWLS. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD IS CHEAPER THAN OTHER FOODS. If you will compare the number of feeds per pound — you willl see that our "FOOD" goes farther than any other food on the market. It is a food of the highest medicinal value, which makes it a food that need not be fed in large doses. A small dose scalded or made wet and mixed with the regular feed is all that is needed. It does the work and that it what you want. You cannot afford to buy a cheap food that has to be given by the scoop-shovelfuls. No results can be obtained by cheap stock foods, because they don't contain the proper ingredients. The tonic effect of Gold Coin Fattening Food aids digestion and assimilation, keeps the water clear, strengthens the kidneys and liver, so that every grain eaten will give the animal the most possible nutrition. Gold Coin Poultry Food is the great Blood, Bone and Flesh builder. It is sold only on Cash Guarantee, and we agree to refund your money in every instance if paying re- sults are not obtained. Gold Coin Foods have the largest sale in the world today^ and are increasing every year. ''GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD" Makes Your Hens Lay. It puts the stuff in them that makes the eggs, and they lay simply because they have to. 136 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Uiiioii Stock Yards, Chicago. BLACK-TAILED JAPANESE BANTAM. BANTAMS. The principal varieties are Silver and Golden Seabright and White Japanese Bantam. These are not an unprofitable fowl to raise. Pure breeds always command good prices. The eggs, when sold for breeding purposes, always bring big profit. If you are a poulterer, we would cer- tainly advise you to have a few on hand. Feed them Gold Coin Poultry Food and notice how their beautiful coats will shine, and how proud and vigorous the cocks will appear. There is nothing that does fowls of all kinds so much good as Gold Coin Poultry Food. It keeps them at the highest point of health and MAKES them lay — GOLD DOLLARS FOR YOU. The Feeding of Bantams: To keep them in good laying condition, and free from disease, the same as for common chickens, one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food to every 15 fowls. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD Keeps the Bowels Open, the Blood Pure, And puts the stuff in the hen that makes her lay. Young turkeys are usually difficult to raise, but if you will use Gold Coin Poultry Food you will find your young turkeys stronger and hardier and no more difficult to raise than chickens. Use a teaspoonful of Gold Coin Poultry Food in each pan of bran mash. Do your hens lay in winter? They wiTl do so if you make them. Try it. Read the directions on "Feeding for Laying" in the book. Gold Coin Poultry Food prevents id'eress. A hen that's always busy picking and eating is a good layer. A lazy hen is a poor layer. Gold Coin Poultry Food keeps the digestive organs working, hence a good appetite, which means eggs. Mix a measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food in the "Johnnie Cake" you bake for your young chickens. It keeps them from getting diarrhoea and makes their constitutions strong. MILK VERY GOOD FOR POULTRY. If you are a poultry raiser and do not keep a cow, buy a good milker as soon as you can. She need not be any pure bred stock, but if you will use your judgment you can get a good milker at about the same price as a small milker. She will pay for herself three times over every year. You want lots of milk — the more the better. You can feed the cow Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and make her milk as rich as you wish. If you use a measureful in three quarts of bran and shorts twice a day her skim milk will be as rich as fresh milk for your young chicks. You'll have twice the success with your young chicks, your broilers will have an exceptionally fine flavor, your hens will lay better. Remember, Gold Coin Cattle Fattener acts on cows just as Gold Coin Poultry Food acts on chickens. It makes them digest all they eat, thus saving 15 to 25 per cent, and it keeps them feeling good so they can produce more. It keeps them well and looking sleek. If you have never tried Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and Poultry Food, write to us and test it at our expense. It's worth investigating. We sell it on a guarantee to bring you paying results. We will forfeit $5,000 and pay the expense of the chemical analysis if any one can prove that Gold Coin Cattle Fattener contains anything in- jurious. LOOK OUT FOR LICE IN JULY AND AUGUST. The hot months are when lice do the most harm. Take the time to dust a little Gold Coin Louse Killer on each fowl once a week during these two months, and they will not usually be troubled all the year. Or dust the coop and roosts with it. GAME FOWL. You are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 137 THE COMMON TURKEY. FORTUNES CAN BE MADE IN TURKEYS. They Are Easy to Raise I£ Properly Fed. So very few people raise turkeys successfully that it might be said turkeys are scarce in the West. Yet turkeys are as easy to raise as chickens. They require a little more attention when young, but not so much later. Any intelligent woman or even child can give them all the care they need. The "Common" turkey is undoubtedly the best breed for most people to raise. They are tame, hardy, good foragers and not too large. Weight 10 to 15 pounds. It is a mistake to raise large turkeys. Few families care for more than 15 pounds of meat at one cooking. That is the reason that people usually pick out the 10 to 15 pound turkeys in preference to the 30 to 40 pounders at the market. Raise medium-sized turkeys. Bronze turkeys are also becoming very popu- lar, and we can say from experience that they are good turkeys. When properly fed on Gold Coin Poultry Food they become good layers, are quickly fattened and bring good prices. The turkey-house should be high so as to get high roosts. But have them so arranged that the turkeys can easily get up to them. Lameness in turkeys often comes from jumping down from high roosts. No artificial heat is required for full-grown turkeys in winter. The shed should be well ventilated with windows to the south. Turkeys are very hardy and live better in an open shed than in a closed house. Beware of lice and filth. FEEDING TURKEYS. Like geese, feed them double the dose you do chickens, that is, two measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food to every 15 turkeys twice a day. This keeps them strong and healthy and puts them in good laying condition. When "fattening time" comes increase the dose to four measurefuls to every 15 fowls or if necessary use six measurefuls to get quicker results. Little turks do amazingly well on one measureful to every 25 turks. It strengthens their delicate bodies and saves you over 50 per cent of loss. Don't try to raise turkeys without Gold Coin Poultry Food. It is such a wonderful help. If- you have never used it write to us for a box and use it at our expense if it fails to give paying results. WHY SO MANY LITTLE TURKEYS DIE. There are three great causes — and the merest attention can easily overcome all three. 1. Dampness and wet. 2. Lice. 3. Filth. Therefore, keep your small turkeys within reach of shelter — good shelter. And if you see a severe storm arising, get them all in. Keep the coop clean and healthy by disinfecting it at least once a week with Gold Coin Germ Killer, accord- ing to direction on each can. It will also keep the coop free from lice. To prevent lice on the turkeys, dust each fowl once a week with Gold Coin Louse Killer — it only takes a minute and you will save yourself many dollars. Just that easy can all the three causes of death be over- come, and you should raise practically every turkey hatched. Turkey eggs hatch in 28 days. An ordinary hen can easily hatch 7 to 9 eggs. A turkey hen will hatch 13 to 15. Or they can be hatched in an in- cubator, and raised to three months in a brooder. But never more than 20 to 25 in one lot, as they require too much care in this way. FEEDING OF LITTLE TURKEYS: Don't feed them anything the first day. On the second day begin feeding them every two hours from early till late. Make a sort of bread from the fol- lowing: Sifted ground oats, one beaten egg, a little salt to taste, and one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food to each 20 to 30 turkeys, and cook it. Crumble it and feed in curds of milk. Always feed on clean surfaces. Have plenty of water on hand to drink, but arrange it so that only their beaks get wet — because little turkeys should be kept dry. Filth and lice soon kill little turkeys. So be sure that the coop in which you intend to keep them is not infested with lice. Disinfect it with Gold Coin Germ Killer, and sprinkle the roosts, cracks and corners of the coop with Gold Coin Louse Killer. Examine the hen to see if she has lice, or better still, take no chances and dust her well all over, especially thoroughly under the wings. This will be enough to protect the little turkeys. Give once a day some tender green food, as onions, etc., chopped up finely; also a little raw meat. After they are a week old, wheat and crushed bone should be constantly before them. But in addition must feed them regular three times a day on an equal mixture of bran, ground oats, corn meal and one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food, with some kind of chopped green food, all mixed thoroughly, to every 20 to 30 little turkeys. This is sure to give you excellent results and big profits in your turkey raising. The cheap feed and the delightful foraging grounds afforded by the average farm, and the always ready market, gives the successful turkey raiser more actual profit than any other kind of stock. In selecting breeding stock for the following year keep the old turkey hens that you found gave the best service and proved to be tame and gentle, because stronger young stock will be pro- duced by the more mature fowls. Grown turkeys cannot be confined in a pen. They will pine away and die. They like to stroll away during the day. And this is a good time to tend to their coop, A yearling gobbler with two-year-old hens make the best mating. One gobbler to each 20 or more hens is sufficient. Feed your turkeys morning and night in the barnyard and they will always come home to roost. 13S Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. DUCKS. If you are raising ducks don't try to get along without Gold Coin Poultry Food. Ducks need more material for making eggs than chickens. Gold Coin Poultry Food contains these materials in abundance. It also keeps them well and helps to fatten them. The small common white duck has been displaced by the larger and better breeds. The Mammoth Pekin Duck being the most successful. It is pure white, legs and hill yellow. When fully developed and fattened, weighs 8 to 12 pounds. They are very sturdy, good foragers, easy to raise and 'very profitable. A good swimming pond should be provided for them, but they will do well without it if given plenty of fresh water to drink. The Rouen Duck (gray) is a good layer, weight 10 to 12 pounds when fattened, and very fine eating. Other varieties are the Black Poland, Mandarin, Crested Duck, Carolina, etc. Ducks are profitable, and you should raise some if you have the room, as they can usually be sold at a fancy price at certain times. The Feeding of Ducks. Give two measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food to every 15 ducks in wet grain either ground or unground. Best if warm. Gold Coin Poultry Food makes ducks lay better and helps wonderfully to fatten them. We guarantee it to in- crease your profits 15 to 25 per cent. It fattens in half the time, saving 20 per cent of feed. GOLD GOiN POULTRY FOOD. Keeps Poultry Healthy— Cures All Sick Fovvls, makes little ones grow fast and big ones fat at less expense. It saves one-fourth of your feed— hence that much more GOLD GOIN SPEGIAL POULTRY FOOD. Increases Digestion, Fattening and developing your chicks in half the time. WHITE PEKIN DUCK. KEEP POULTRY-KEEP A COW. Most people who have poultry keep a cow too. A cow is a wonderful feed-saver to the poultry raiser. The skim milk and the sour milk are almost indispensible in raising young chicks, turkeys, ducks or broilers. It is the finest thing too for old chickens. If you keep a cow you should get the most possible milk from her. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener is the greatest milk pro- ducer of the age. It makes fat. Remember, milk is an emulsion. An emulsion is a watery mixture in which fat is suspended. The fat makes the butter. Now you can feed scientifically to make 3'our cow give up the fat in milk, or, you can stop milking and she will put it on her frame in flesh and fat. The poultry raiser and everyone, excepting the ranger, wants milk from his cow. It will save you 15 to 25 per cent. A cow fed on Gold Coin Cattle Fattener gives richer milk. It makes the cow digest all she eats and turns it into fat — that's rich milk. If you have' never used it you can buy a package and test it at our expense — write to us. CRESTED WHITE DUCKS. THE POULTRY BUSINESS IS FAR FROM BEING OVERDONE. America alone produces over $500,000,000 (half billion) in poultry and eggs per year. You cannot afibrd to do unscientific feeding, while it is so easy to use a scientific preparation like Gold Coin Poultry Food. Every man who uses Gold Coin Poultry Food is a scientific feeder. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 139 LARGE WHITE GEESE, ALSO CALLED EMBDEN OR BREMEN. GEESE. Gold Coin Poultry Food fattens them and makes them grow fast. Geese, as well as all the other fowls, love Gold Coin Poultry Food, and it does them a world of good. For the average poultry raiser the Embden or Bremen or large white goose stands far in the lead for profit. It is easy to raise, an early layer; and when raised- to full size weighs from 30 to 60 lbs., giving good profit. The Toulouse Goose is next. The Hong Kong Grey Goose is large in size, a good layer, and with meat of excellent quality. The White Chi- PAIR OF GRAY TOULOUSE GEESE. nese Goose is pure white, yellow bill and head, graceful as a swan on land or water; a good layer and easy to raise. But the common Large White Goose (the Embden or Bremen) is the goose to raise. It brings the most profit and requires the least work. THE FEEDING OF GEESE. To get the best results with geese, double the dose used for chickens, that is, feed two full meas- urefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food to every 15 geese. _ It keeps them in the best possible laying condition, and it makes young geese grow strong and fast. TO FATTEN a full grown goose quickly, pen it up and feed it 2 measureluls of Gold Coin Poultry Food to every quart of wet feed. You can even increase the dose to 3 if you w^ant cjuick results. SICKNESS-LOSS WITH- OUT DEATH. Sickness in fowls, like in peo- ple, causes waste of flesh. Sick- ness, then, means to you as poulterers, waste of the food you gave to make this flesh— remem- ber you are feeding to make flesh to sell. Fowls can'tputon flesh nor lay eggs while sick. You're wasting food— money — if you are feeding sick chickens. Feed Gold Coin PouItryFood and turn all your feed into money. It brings I5 to 25 per cent more profit, because it makes your poultry digest every ounce they eat. Some poulterers claim it makes 500 per cent above the cost of the food. 140 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union. Stock Yards, Ckicago. POULTRY ADVANTAGES FRUIT FARMS. ON Upon the fruit farm fowls are also of advantage. They keep down the in- sect pests, and they may have a free range the greater part of the season without the possibility of doing any damage. Plum growers have found poultry especially helpful in keeping down the curculio, and even apples have been considerably benefited. If small fruits are injured, they may, of course, be protected by confining the fowls for the limited season when the fruit is ripening. The waste fruits, either in winter or summer, are a wel- come and valuable addition to the poultry ration. POULTRY ADVANTAGES AFFORDED BY THE DAIRY. Dairymen who have town or city milk routes, and market gardeners who retail their produce, have exceptional opportunities for marketing fresh eggs and poultry at the highest prices. They become well acquainted with many of their customers by their daily visits, and they are looked upon as a direct channel of communication between the country and the city. They should by all means make the most of this advantage, for any class of agricultural producers who can reach the consumer without the intervention of the middleman is indeed fortunate. GOLD COIN SPECIAL POULTRY FOOD Makes More Eggs Hatch Because it keeps the hens and cocks in healthy condition, thus making healthy eggs. GRAY AFRICAN GEESB. POULTRY AND THE MARKET GARDEN. "GOLD COIN" BRINGS EXTRA PROFITS. The market garden also furnishes a large amount of waste products which may be utilized for poultry feed. There is the waste lettuce, the small heads of cabbage, the unsold beets, carrots, and potatoes, the peas, and corn which cannot be marketed for any reason, the waste of the small fruits, etc. If properly cared for, the hens will bring a steady and reliable income during the winter months. Dried clover and other green feed, roots, and tubers should be saved for them during the summer. These should be steamed and fed with the mash, or cabbages and beets may be fed raw. A catch crop of buckwheat or oats and peas will furnish much food at little expense. Bran, meat, meal, wheat screenings, and oats purchased for poultry will bring good returns in eegs and will also add materially to the fertilizer supply. BMBDEN AND TOULOUSE CROSS. DON'T CLASS OUR FOODS. Don't class our "Foods" with the many in- ferior preparations now on the market. Ours is composed entirely of high-grade ingredients. It is blended and compounded under the direct su- pervision of an expert agricultural chemist. Poul- try Tcdsers repeatedly report that our "Food" suc- ceeds where others fail. We can easily understand this because we have analyzed every Poultry Food on the Market and find that none of them contain the valuable ingredients that ours does. The remarkable success of Gold Coin Poultry Food is due to the fact that we have spared no expense in making this the leading Poultry Food for Poultry. We take pride in hearing that it succeeds where others fail, and that Poultry raisers, too, are restocking with Gold Coin Poul- try Food in place of other brands, and are getting much more profitable results. It keeps all Poultry in a healthy, profitable condition. You are losing money if you are not feeding Crold Coin Stock floods. 141 ABOUT RAISING CHICKENS BY MACHINERY. THE GREAT CRY OF THE PACKERS IS "BETTER POULTRY AND MORE OF IT." HOW TO USE AN INCUBATOR. Special Points on Artificial Incubating and Brooding, Three hundred to six hundred eggs can be as eaisily managed in an incubator as cam 35 eggs under three hens. The machine should be run at a temperature of 102^ deg. throughout, letting the temperature run up as high as 104 or 105 degs. just before A Genuine Chicken Factory. The I. X. ly. Wooden Hen. It has 100 egg and 1 00 chick capacity. A combined incubator and brooder. Price only $16.50.' hatching. Do not check ofif the heat, even though it rises to 108 deg., its maximum; it will not be too high when the chicks are coming out rap- idly. As a rule a cellar is the best place to keep an incubator. Good ventilation is very important. As the ventilation of a cellar is usually not very good, it must be arranged so that good ven- tilation will be obtained. The reason the cellar is the best place to keep an incubator is because it is a room that can be kept at an even temperature easily. No matter how: goiod an incubator may be, it will always do best if kept in a room in which the temperature of the room is even. Good ventilation is essential because the little chicks require .oxygen for their vital functions, and the lamp of the machine has a tendency to exhaust the supply if the ventilation is poor. Under ordinary circumstances do not open the incubator while the chicks are hatching. It is very important that the temperature and hu- midity of the egg chamber should remain con- stant at this particular time. None of the chicks should be assisted in leaving the shell. If one of the little chicks just hatched should require assistance and you were to open the machine to help it, you might cause the death of 200 to 300 little chicks that were about to be hatched, be- cause the sudden cooling of the temperature and evaporation which tends to dry the egg chamber, may cause many of the little chicks, just pipped, to stick to the shell and not hatch. Full Instructions go with As soon as the hatching is well over the ma- chine should be opened and the unhatched eggs removed. It is advisable to allow the little chicks to remain in the machine for the first 24 hours at a temperature of 90 deg. to 94 deg., then transfer them to the brooder, and give them their first meal. Ground wheat, oats and barley with one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food for every 30 chicks. Eggs in incubators should be handled as little as possible. Enough importance has never been laid upon the necessity of handling eggs, in the course of incubation, with strictly clean hands. Dirty or sweaty hands are likely to stop up the pores of the eggs and prevent successful hatch- ing. Therefore remember, avoid handling as much as possible and when positively necessary to handle the eggs see that your hands are strictly clean and dry. THE BROODER. The brooder is the artificial mother. It is sim- ply a little coop maintained at a certain tempera- ture, never below 60 deg. and never above 90 deg., into which the little chicks can run. The same as they would under the wings of a motiher hen. Where brooders are kept out doors, especially during inclement weather, the chicks are liable to lung diseases from which they never recover. This is due to the sudden change of temperature experienced by the chicks running from the warm brooder out into the cold atmosphere. During bad weather keep the brooder indoors. The New Excelsior Brooder, or Artificial Mother. Write for particulars. Where poultry raising has become a promi- nent feature in farming operations, it has become the rule to use incubators and brooders. And this is very important, because with an incubator you need not wait for hens to become broody, you can hatch chicks early in the season in tiine for the early Broiler market, or where you wish to hatch pullets for winter laying. Here is an important point for poultry raisers who wish to make a specialty of producing eggs for the winter market. Eggs bring the highest price during the winter. And as a rule most hens (Continued on next page.) eyery machine sold hj us. 142 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. RAISING CHICKENS BY MACHINERY (CONTINUED). PROFIT AND AMUSEMENT. do not lay well during the winter. But if you will hatch Minorcas or Leghorns about the last of May and keep them growing rapidly by giving them Gold Coin Poultry Food, one measureful to eevry thirty chicks until six weeks old and from then on one measureful to every fifteen fowls, this will cause rapid growth and they will be The "Wooden Hen." A very substantial aud durable incubator. Including thermometer, moisture diffaser ana everything complete. 50 egg capacity, only $ 8.50 100 eiig capacitj", only. 1 2.50 200 egg capacity, only 16.00 good layers before the cold weather sets in and keep on laying during the entire winter. If you are raising the American class of fowls they should be hatched no later than the middle of April, feed regularly Gold Coin Poultry Food, and these pullets will also be excellent layers during the winter. Chicks hatched later will lay early in the spring as will the old hens earned over. The most profitable feature of the Incubator and Brooder is the saving of the attendents time and that of the hens time. The hen can be kept Excelsior Incubator. The BEST Incabator made. 100 egg capacity only $20. Write for prices and particulars free. at laymg, and the incubator will hatch 600 eggs with no more attention than three or four hens would require. Full Instructions go with The artificial' raising of poultry is daily in- creasing in popularity, and is a business suitable for all classes of people. It can be conducted by the clergyman as well as the farmer or fancier. It is easily managed, and already carried on by the sons and daughters of many prominent citizens as well as farmers' wives and daughters. Chicks hatched and raised in The Wooden Hen are the strongest and obtain the highest prices. They can be raised for five or six cents until they are three months old, and then sold at twenty to sixty cents per pound all through the year. Can you see the profit in this? Or, if you reside in the city, with a Wooden Hen you can hatch and raise your own table fowls, having spring chickens just when you want them, and not a live hen on the premises, besides affording you a pleasant occupation for a few moments each day and a saving gn your table expense. A C mplete Chicken Mill. Theabove p'cture showsthe S-B combined incubator and brooder. One size only. Price, $30.00. Natural wood finish, aluminum coated metal tank and heater, egg turning trays, double regulator. Japanned finished hard ware, nur.-icry attai hment in bottom. With each of these machint-s in furnished lamp, burner, w^ick, thermometer, egg tester, and everything ready for imme- diate UiC. Today the great cry of the packers is for "Better poultry and more of it." They want scientifically fed poultry. Gold Coin Poultry Food, "Egg-a-Day" is far superior to any that has ever been put out before. To do scientific feeding requires very little labor and very little expense. By feeding your fowls on this scientific Food you can thereby make 15 to 25 per cent more profits and besides make a saving on the feed, because Gold Coin Poultry Food helps to digest the food eaten and keeps the fowJs free from diseases, and greatly increases the egg production. We want to see all poultry raisers make extra money this year and we know they will if they use Gold Coin Poultry Food. "Egg-a-Day," regularly as directed in each package. If you have never used it write us and we will put you in a position where you can try it on our Guarantee. every macliine sold by ns. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 143 GROUND PLAN. of a. «. V 1 i ii i S' _J Gold Coin Poultry Food is the BEST in the World. PLANS FOE A FIYE-PEN BREEDING HOUSE. BLUNT FACTS WITH SHARP CORNERS FOR POULTRY RAISERS. •Low roosts are the best. Lice make their nests in the hens' nests. Sprinkle a little of our Louse Killer in the bottom. Guaranteed. Money refunded if it fails. Hens must have water to drink or they can't lay. Give it warm in the winter. Keep ducks, turkeys, and all kinds of poultry. They all pay. Try to imitate summer conditions as near as possible in the winter to get eggs. Our Poultry Food keeps up the bodily warmth. It is the greatest egg producer of the age. Scaly legs are usually due to lice. Sprinkle a little of our Louse Killer on the legs and all over their body. Corn meal mashed up with boiled potatoes and one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food to every 15 chickens makes a fine winter food. Give hot food in winter as much as possible. Egg production is increased by the use of Gold Coin Poultry Food. Guaranteed. Price re- funded if it fails. Sore legs — often due to lice. Use Gold Coin Healing Salve, large boxes 25c. Guaranteed. Prevent and cure all diseases. Your money refunded if Gold Coin Poultry Food fails. All hen houses should be kept clean and pure. This is easy to do if you use Gold Coin Disin- fectant after cleaning. It destroys all disease germs. Hens never bathe in water. They like ashes. Let them have it. Lice — Your fowls can't lay if lousy. Gold Coin Louse Killer is guaranteed to remove this pest or money refunded. Lousy hen coops easily cleaned and kept clean by Gold Coin Germ Killer. Buy a can, 25 cents. Full directions given. It saves labor and is guaranteed to destroy all germs and vermin. Price refunded if it fails. Hens are the best layers at one to two years of age. Hens are the best sitters after two years old. You should introduce new blood into your flock at least every two or three years. In-breed- ing weakens their constitution. A poulterer reports that 200 of his hens pro- duced 12,000 eggs in 60 days during the first sea- son he used Gold Coin Poultry Food. It is need- less to say that he uses it always now. Try it yourself. We guarantee it. Money refunded if it fails to bring you results. If you are not a pure-breeder, always try to have pure-bred cocks in your flock. Have one cock for each 12 to 15 hens. THREE-PEN HOUSE FOR GROWING DUCKS. Many poulterers keep their laying hens, during the egg season, separate from the cocks, as eggs which are not fertile will keep longest. Have the nests in the darkest part of your hen house. Laying is a procreative function and re- quires retirement and quiet. IN THE POULTRY BUSINESS Eggs Are Money. You must scheme to make every hen lay an egg every day. Our Special Poultry Food will do it. SCIENTIFIC FEEDING MAKES Poultry Pay. Buy a package of Gold Coin Special Poultry Food. In each package are full instructions for feeding and care of diseases. 144 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Unioii Stock Yards, Chicago. "GOLD COIN LOUSE KILLER" KILLS LICE — ■ Hens Will Not Lay When They Have Lice COLONY HOUSE. TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD RAISE POULTRY. 1st. Because you can convert a great deal of the waste on a farm into money, in the shape of eggs and chickens. 2nd. Because, with proper care and feeding, you can make your hens money producers every month in the year. 3rd. Because, on the farm, chickens have large and free range, which is of greatest value. 4th. Because, to start poultry raising, it re- quires but little management and brings you big profit. 5th. Because poultry raising can be entirely looked after by the farmer's wife and daugters. 6th. Because, while grain and fruit can only be successfully grown in certain parts, poultry can be raised for table use in any part of the country. 7th. Because it will bring big returns in the shape of new laid eggs — during the winter season when the farmer has time on his hands. 8th. Because poultry will yield you a quicker return for the money invested than anything else on the farm. 9th. Because the manure from the hen house will make valuable compost for the garden or orchard. 10th. Because on the farm wheat only pays on the average $5 an acre net, while 500 hens can be kept on an acre and be made to pay an annual net of $1 each, or $500 — one hundred times as much as wheat. Gold Coin Poultry Food strengthens the con- stitution, promotes digestion and the fowl must either grow rapidly or lay lots of eggs. Gold Coin Poultry Food cures and prevents disease. It is sold on a positive guarantee to per- form the best results possible. FEED MOULTING HENS. Gold Coin Poultry Food, because it puts the hen in better condition for early fall laying, and helps to develop new feathers. THE MAN EARLIEST TO MARKET Makes the Most Profit. Gold Coin Poultry Food fattens in about half the time, gets you to market in the spring long before your neighbor, and brings you all the fancy prices. $5,000 guarantee. We will forfeit $5,000 and the cost of chemical analysis if anyone proves that Gold Coin Poultry Food contains a single ingredient that is injurious. SICKNESS MEANS LOSS. Sickness in your flock, even though it does not cause death, causes loss of flesh. Loss of flesh is loss of the feed you fed. It just takes that much more feed to put their flesh back on them again. Hence the loss through the sickness was — loss of (1) flesh, (2) eggs, (3) time, (4) feed— all of which represent MONEY. -It pays to keep your flock always at the highest point of health. Gold Coin Poultry Food is guaranteed to bring you an abso- lute increase of 15 to 25 per cent in profits and to save you money and time in feeding. We make this great cash guarantee because we know that Gold Coin Poultry Food contains the ingredients which stimulate and create growth, bone, flesh, eggs. Fowls fed on the Poultry Food have to thrive because they are kept at the highest point of health. Test it on our guarantee. Gold Coin Poultry Food fattens quickly. Saves your feed, and imparts a delicious flavor to meat. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 145 CO --. CO « 3 o S O m O « MS O M So w 3 3 to W P (q bco - < Q ni ay by ackag inted 3 3 - bJO to -f u- >, ee 1— W , >. M^ 2 o > wi 3 o >- e th giv ultr O >. UJ ee X • ^ en O (50 ri CO an ma uction cial P u o a 1 o H ou c nstr Spe ■> 1) - >^'".S '^ CJ o •- 3!_, P o 3 a-^ u o i; 3fe--l 3 u •" bfl (L) cn I- a PS w ft Q •^ K M -< r o a " of- ti 1x3 O u ^ U L^ 3 i • 55 ^ ^ i^ o o Ji! 3 go >- 3 ni 1) .3 3 O-O^ 2 c^ CO O O o Pi .s *o o o 3 g <-> t« 3 •*-' S ^ S « ^> O en " ^H'+j rt la-'^is| 3 *-■ W -3 o 3 '?i; ^ "^ I- a en HH (O D «j 3 ^ OI jj S3 1) o ^5-0 ^ ii tn <"■-«'-' ^ a ^ (lT ^ ^ (o ^ O 3-2 ™ « a a o'.ti 146 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCXXXXXXXXXD^ $200.00 IN GASH PRIZES TO FARMERS AND STOCKMEN. B For Photographs of Stock and Poultry. If you happen to have a particu- larly fine looking animal or fowl of any breed, have it photographed. It will be nice for you to keep and you may win a prize. Photographs of a fine herd of cattle, calves, sheep or hogs — or a flock of Poul- try — will be acceptable. It is our custom to make a cash offer every vear of $15.00 for the best photo- graphs of horses, colts, cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, hogs or poul- try, either single or in numbers. On back of the photos give breed, weight, age and other information bearing upon the case. State wheth- er or not animals or fowls were fed Gold Coin Stock Food. Send all photos to GOLD COIN STOCKFOOD CO., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Sooooooocoooooooooooooooooo DON'T CLASS OUR FOODS. Don't class our "Foods" with the many inferior preparations now on the market. Ours is composed entirely of high-erade ingredients. It is blended and compounded under the direct super- vision of an expert agricultural chemist. Poultry raisers repeatedly report that our "Food" succeeds where others fail. We can easily understand this because we have analyzed every Poultry Food on the Market and find that none of them contain the valuable ingredients that ours does. The remarkable success of Gold Coin Poultry Food is due to the fact that we have spared no expense in making this the leading Poultry Food for Poul- try. We take pride in hearing that it succeeds where others fail, and that Poultry raisers, too, are restocking with Gold Coin Poultry Food in place of other brands, and are getting much more prof- itable results. It keeps all poultry in a healthy, profitable condition. THE SKELETON OF A FOWL. Very few people understand the bony structure of a fowl. The above picture shows in detail all the bones as they would ba if the fowl were alive. People who raise poultry in large numbers should study carefully the diseases of Poultry— it will save them many hundred dollars, (jold Coin Poultry Food with Gold Coin Germ Killer and Healing Oil on hand, gives a poulterer almost a complete outfit for the prevention and cure of all poultry diseases. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD MAKES HENS FILL THEIR NESTS WITH EGGS. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 147 DISEASES OF POULTRY. VERTIGO. A Ooramon Disease Among- Fowls. The fowls stagger and have poor control of their limbs. It is sometimes called Leg Weak- ness. It is caused by over-feeding and lack of exercise. If one of your hens get vertigo, you are probablv over-feeding the whole flock and all need attention. DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT: Mix two measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food in a -'-quart of bran mash for each 15 chickens three times a day. Feed no corn or wheat. Feed oats sparingly. Give plenty of water to drink. If any are suffering, pour cold water on them to prevent apoplexy. TREATMENT FOR PREVENTION. The chief preventative is to keep their digestion and bowels in good condition and "their system will not overload with accumulative poisons. Keep the digestion, bowels and all the internal organs ^ working properly by feeding one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food to each 15 ^owls once or twice a day according to how quickly you want to grow or fatten them or increase their egg laying. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us and get a full size package and test it at our expense if it fails to give paying results. ' GOLDS AND CATARRH. Colds and catarrh come from having your coops damp and cold. You should remove the flocK to dry, warmer quarters and feed Gold Coin Poultry Food regularly to strengthen and increase their vitality so they can stand exposure better. Weak constitutions are more liable to colds and catarrh. Gold Coin Poultry Food makes strong constitutions. Feed it according to the regular directions placed in the top of each package. If you will use this scientific poultry food regularly and have chickens of strong con- stitution you will not only have your flock free from diseases, but they will lay all winter. No ■ poulterer can say he is doing scientific feeding unless he is using the most scientific poultry food, which is Gold Coin Poultry Food, discov- ered by one of the greatest agricultural scientists. Even though your flock consists of only six hens ^ and a rooster, or if it consists of 10,000 fowls, you should use Gold Coin Poultry Food. The largest raisers endorse it. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us and get a full sized package and test it at our expense if it fails to give paying results. DIRECTIONS FOR CURING: Increase the vitality and strengthen the constitution by giving two measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food to two quarts of ground feed three times a day for every 15 fowls. Feed corn and wheat in moder- ' ation; this grain increases the bodily heat. GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD Often Doubles the Production of Eggs. One extra egg daily per month will keep a hen in Our Poultry Food free of charge — think of the profit. LICE ON POULTRY. How You Can Kill All Lice. Fowls cannot lay nor gain flesh as they should if annoyed and irritated with lice. It affects the nervous system. Setting hens will leave their eggs. No matter how much care you give your poultry if they- are infested with lice they will not do well. Good laying hens must not have their nervous system distressed, as laying is a part of the procreative function, which require quiet, re- tirement and tranquility. Growing chickens must not waste their time in picking lice from them- selves while they should be finding food and putting flesh on their bones. Keep your coop clean as possible, sprinkle Gold Coin Louse Killer on the perches every time you clean the hen-house or at least once every two weeks. Some poulterers occasionally throw a handful of the Louse Killer over chickens after they have gone to roost. These precautions will keep your poultry free from lice, mites, ticks, etc. When lice get into your coops and on your poultry, clean out your coop and whitewash it, adding two tablespoonfuls of "Gold Coin Germ Killer" to each pail of whitewash, if the season will permit. If it is winter or too cold to white- wash the coop, sprinkle the perches and interior of hen-house as good as possible with the Louse Killer Powder. TO KILL THE LOUSE ON FOWL: Take the fowl by one leg and dust the Gold Coin Louse Killer into the feathers so it gets down to the skin. Rubbing the feathers the wrong way will do this. Particularly watch your setting hens, they will leave their eggs if too much annoyed. Dust her with Louse Killer once or twice a week. LICE ON YOUNG CHICKENS: Dust the "Gold Coin Louse Powder" on the mother hen, especially under the wings. This will be sufficient to drive the lice from the young chickens. APOPLEXY. Apoplexy is due to the same cause in fowls as in people, that is, a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. They drop over dead. It is caused by over-feeding or improper feeding. You are wast- ing feed. Give your fowls large enough yards to get plenty of exercise. Cut down on their rations, but feed them scientifically and thus keep their digestion in good working order. Scientific feed- ing is attained by using the most scientific food digester and assimilator which is Gold Coin Poultry Food. When you do unscientific feed- ing or if you crowd the feed to any extent you are liable to kill or disease your hens, where as scien- tific feeding saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed by making them digest all they eat. Remember, as an economical poultry raiser you should try to get the most flesh and eggs from the least feed; you are not to see how much you can waste, and kill your hens by over-feeding. Try it and see how nice your hens will be with Gold Coin Poul- try Food used daily in their feed. They put on more flesh and lay more eggs. Their feathers lie smooth and look clean. (Continued on next page.) Gold Coin Poultry Food is sold on a positive guarantee to be a money saver or money refund- ed. 148 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. DISEASES OF POULTRY (Continued). APOPLEXY (Concluded). ' This Disease is Usually Due to Improper Feeding-, DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT: If one of your chickens die of apoplexy it is evident that you are improperly feeding the whole flock and therefore all must have attention. Mix three measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food with one quart of bran mash for each 15 fowls three times a day. Feed no corn nor wheat. Feed oats sparingly. Give them plenty of water to drink, and plenty of room to run about in. DIRECTIONS FOR PREVENTION: Keep their digestion and bowels active by feeding one teaspoonful of Gold Coin Poultry Food in two quarts of bran mash for each 15 chickens once or twice a day, according to how quickly you want to grow or fatten them or increase their egg laying. If you have never tried Gold Coin Poultry Food, write us and get a full sized package and try it at our expense. DIARRHOEA. A Dangerous Disease to Poultry. Whenever diarrhoea appears among your flock, look out for cholera, because there should be no diarrhoea if you are doing proper feeding. Diarrhoea, when not due to cholera, comes from poor digestion and fermentation. Your poultry can't have poor digestion if you use Gold Coin Poultry Food and as it also promotes assimil- ation, your chickens put every ounce of feed you give them into their bones and flesh and into eggs. It doesn't matter how much or how good feed you give to man or beast, if it is not prop- erly digested and assimilated, and if it passes away by diarrhoea it can produce no flesh. In one week of diarrhoea, your fowls will lose in flesh what it took three weeks to put on. Re- member, you are feeding to produce flesh. It doesn't pay to have diarrhoea nor any diseases in your flock. It does pay to get the MOST out of the feed you give them and see that they digest and assimilate everything you give them. The fact is, flesh production whether in poultry, cattle or hogs is now-a-days conducted so scientifically by large raisers that you cannot compete with them unless you use the most scientific feed-saver and egg-producer, which is Gold Coin Poultry Food. It saves 15 to 25 per cent of feed. It does it by making the fowl digest all it eats and con- verts that into flesh or eggs. Gold Coin Poultry Food fed regularly, the fowls simply have to put on flesh just according to how much you feed them, or lay it out in eggs. DIRECTIONS FOR CURING DIAR- RHOEA: Mix two measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food with two quarts of bran mash for each 15 fowls and give three times a day until cured. Feed them ground feed for a few days. DIRECTIONS FOR PREVENTION: Keep the digestion in good condition. All common bowel troubles (diarrhoea) come from poor diges- tion. Gold Coin Poultry Food's particular action is to perform good digestion. Feed one measure- ful to two quarts of bran or ground food once or twice a day according to how quickly you want to grow or fatten them or increase their egg lay- ing. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us and get a full sized package i and try it at our expense. Diarrhoea in young chicks carries away' many every year just as Cholera Infantum does babes. With their soft food always mix a measureful of ' Gold Coin Poultry Food for each lot of 30 to 40 chicks. As they get older increase the amount of poultry food one measureful for each, 15 - chicks. They will thrive rapidly and in 7 to 8 weeks you will have nice plump broilers for early market, at high prices. Or in 3 or 4 months they will be full sized. Young chickens raised on Gold Coin Poultry Food have an especially fine flavor. Wealthy people will want your broilers, and will pay extra for th'em, because their flavor is as fine as Milk-Fed Broilers. This is money in your pocket. MAKE A TEST ON OUR SPOT CASH GUARANTEE. You take no risk in testing Gold Coin Poultry Food as a fattener and egg producer. Take two . to ten fowls and place in separate lots. Give the same feed to each, except give the one lot Gold Coin Poultry Food and give none to the other lot. Use it for 60 to 90 days and then weigh results. If the lot on which the Gold Coin Poultry Food was used does not show a paying gain, your money will be refunded. IF IT DOES SHOW A GAIN, YOU WANT IT. IT'S MAKING , MONEY FOR YOU. YOU ARE MAKING ^ MORE MONEY THAN YOUR NEIGHBOR WHO DOESN'T USE IT. If you have faith in improved breeding or labor-saving machinery, you must have faith in a feed-saving, scientific prepa- ration like GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD that makes perfect digestion and rapid growth. A fair, practical test will prove that poultry can be fattened in less time and with less feed than is usually used. No fairer offer can be made. Test it yourself on our Spot Cash Guarantee. You get the profits if it wins, and we stand the loss if "' it loses. Write us to-day. BUFFETS AND CLUBS. In All Large Cities Are on the Lookout For scientifically fed chickens, for broilers, etc. Feed your flock Gold Coin Poultry Food and get them on a scientific basis, and it will double their value, both to yourself and to the market. 1>; GOLD COIN SPECIAL POULTRY FOOD. 25c Per Package, 1,500 Feeds for One Hen. Contains superior medication to any other food. It is composed of roots, barks, herbs, cal- cium, seeds, and four other scientific ingredients which are known to build up fowls for market; make them good breeders; keep them in proper shape for laying; purifies the bood; regulates the ( bowels and keeps them free from disease. It saves 25 per cent of your feed. Hence,25 per cent more profit. Poultry Diseases Continued on Next Page. Von are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 149 POULTRY DISEASES (Gonlinued). CHICKEN CHOLERA. May Kill Your "Whole Flock in a Few "Weeks How to Cure It. , It is caused by a germ, and like all germ dis- eases of man and beast, is catching or contagi- ous. The sick fowls have a drooping, rufifled ap- pearance. The combs first get pale, then turn dark. The diarrhoea, however, is the great dan- gerous symptom and requires watching. At first it is yellowish and frothy, later it gets greenish and continues until death of the fowl. It is this frothy, greenish discharge that is so dangerous for it is loaded with the deadly cholera germs. The treatment and cure must be prompt. You need not be unduly alarmed, but act quickly. It is a frightful disease to have in your hen-house. It kills your hens by hundreds and even the most successful poulterer may lose his entire flock in a few weeks. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO EXTER- MINATE this terrible plague among your fowls. That is to Destroy the Cholera Germ. You must act quickly because the germs are so rapidly scattered through the greenish diarrhoea dis- charge, which is full of cholera germs. Take the well fowls from the Infected coop and put them into new quarters and give large doses of Gold Coin Poultry Food to prevent the disease from developing in the fowl thus exposed, ', and sprinkle the Gold Coin Germ Killer (table- spoonful to pail of water) freely over the new quarters to destroy any, germs carried in the feathers of the fowl or clothes of the attendant. As soon as any fowl in the new quarters shows symptoms of the disease, remove it at once. Wear old clothes and sprinkle well with Gold Coin Germ Killer, especially the boots, when going from the sick to the well chickens. It is better to kill those fowls you see are too sick to live and are only endangering the rest of your flock by scattering the disease through con- tagion. But do not get panic-stricken and kill all fowls that have diarrhoea, or look sick, for most , of them can be cured. Gold Coin Poultry Food alone is enough to cure ordinary cases. Pour a pint of boiling water on six measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food and mix with two quarts of bran mash for each 15 fowls and feed three times ,r a day, until the Cholera has entirely disappeared from your flock. For the apparently well fowls mix 3 measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food with 2 quarts of ground feed three times a day to prevent Cholera developing in them. After Cholera has disappeared feed regularly one measure of Gold Coin Poultry Food mixed with two quarts of ground feed once or twice a day according to how quickly you wish to fatten them or increase their egg laying. Not only will you have better loaking chickens, free from disease, J and more eggs, but this constant use of the Gold Coin Poultry Food will prevent Cholera in your flock. It makes good digestion, increases the vitality and strengthens the constitution, thus f making the fowls more able to resist diseases. Give no corn or corn-rheal. Burn or bury promptly all fowls that die and sprinkle the coop well every day with solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer (mix a tablespoonful to a pail of water.) Also sprinkle the yard with it, especially sprinkle it on the diarrhoea discharges. After Cholera disinfecting of coops and pens should be continued three times a week for at least six months or more, or until cold weather sets in, as the Cholera germs may live five or six years if not destroyed. If you do not do this you had better burn the pens and houses in which the cholera-stricken fowls died. Full and complete directions for the cure of Cholera by the Gold Coin Special Poultry Food is placed in the top of each package. The disinfectant (Gold Coin Germ Killer) pre- pared by the Gold Coin Stockfood Company is the strongest, goes the farthest, is the most thor- ough and best Disinfectant Chemical Combina- tion. It destroys all germs of diseases of man or beast. Full directions for using it in chicken chol- era or any diseases and for the prevention of dis- eases, is given on the label of every can. It should be in every house. It should be used for all dis- infecting purposes. PREVENTION OF CHOLERA: Cholera being a germ disease, it is far easier to prevent than cure. Cleanliness and good healthy diges- tion and assimilation of food prevent cholera and all diseases by enabling the body to resist inva- sion by disease germs. We have never had a single report of cholera occurring in any flock which has received Gold Coin Poultry Food regu- larly. Constant use of Gold Coin Poultry Food not only prevents cholera, but makes the hens lay better and the eggs bring forth healthier young chicks. The roosters, too, are kept in better con- dition for breeding by its use. It makes them look sleek and clean. Get a package of Gold Coin Poultry Food and a can of Gold Coin Germ Killer if there is any sign of cholera in your flock. Prevent it now if you can before it gets a start. If you have no cholera, be thankful. Anyway, try a package of the Gold Coin Poultry Food and see how much cleaner and sleeker your poultry will look and how much better the hens will lay. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write us and get a full sized package and try it at our expense if it fails to give paying re- sults. PIP. A crust or membrane forms on the top of the tongue. This membrane should be removed. You can remove it with your finger or knife. -After removing membrane always hold the mouth open and wash tongue with a solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer, 15 drops of Gold Coin Germ Killer to half pint of warm water. If you are not feed- ing Gold Coin Poultry Food begin its use at once. Buy a package and use according to the direc- tions placed in the top of each package. It is the cheapest poultry food because it goes the farthest, produces more flesh and eggs, 15 to 25 per cent more than if you used no poultry food at all, and 5 to 10 per cent more than any other poultry food. Your chickens wouldn't be sick if they (Cure of Pip continued on next pag-e ) 150 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. POULTRY DISEASES (Continued). PIP (Concluded). digested their food properly and assimilated it. That is what the Gold Coin Poultry Food does. That is why it makes 15 to 25 per cent more flesh out of the same amount of feed. When Gold Coin Poultry Food is given every bit they eat is converted into flesh and eggs. That is scientific feeding. DIRECTIONS FOR PREVENTION: Keep the digestive organs in good working condition so the strength and vitality of the system can throw off any invading disease germs. The par- ticular action of Gold Coin Poultry Food on the system is to make good digestion. The poultry get the benefit in flesh and blood of every ounce of feed they get when Gold Coin Poultry Food is fed regularly. To keep good health and strength, make rapid growth and increase egg laying, mix one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food to two quarts of ground feed for each 15 chickens and feed once or twice a day according to how quickly you wish to grow or fatten them, or to increase the egg laying. If you have never used the Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us and get a full size package and try it at our expense. CONSUMPTION IN POULTRY. Consumption can only appear in flocks of weak constitution. It would never appear in any flock that receives scientific feeding. Scientific feeding gives a strong constitution. A strong con- stitution can only be had by perfect digestion of the feed, and a healthy action of all the internal organs. The ingredients contained in Gold Coin Poultry Food are scientifically combined and make perfect action of the internal organs, caus- ing perfect digestion, assimilation, formation of the digested food into flesh and bone. Thus Gold Coin Poultry Food is a scientific flesh and egg producer. The poulterer who uses it along with intelligent proportions of feed is doing the most scientific feeding possible to attain. But the many weak constitutioned, scurvy, dirty looking flocks we see every day show how few people, either through ignorance or negligence, take the simple precaution to feed a scientific food. The largest and most successful poultry raisers claim that the scientific poultry food made by the Gold Coin Stockfood Co. save them thousands of dol- lars every year from losses by disease, and makes them many thousands more by increase of flesh and egg production. DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT OF CONSUMP- TION IN FOWLS. Consumption is a general weakened and run- down condition. The cure is to rebuild and strengthen. For two months feed two measure- fuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food to two quarts of ground food twice a day for each 15 fowls. Feed wheat, oats, and corn in moderation, if ground up is even better. The Gold Coin Poultry Food is indispensable, and it makes perfect digestion, thus makes strong constitutions. PREVENTION OF CONSUMPTION: Keep your hens strong by having good digestion. They then get the full benefit of their feeding. This is done by feeding one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food in two quarts of ground feed once or twice a day according to how quickly you want to grow or fatten them or increase their egg laying. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food, write us for a full size package and test it at our expense if it fails to give paying results. GAPES. Gapes is caused by a small worm in the wind- pipe. It occurs usually during July and August. It is not a germ, and therefore is not contagious, but other fowls will get it from swallowing the worms coughed up by the aflflicted ones. It ap- pears usually in the young. If the disease is allowed to run the fowl gets very sick and is easily handled and the worm can be readily removed by a flexible wire. Or hold the chicken's mouth open and pour in a few drops of solutijn of Gold Coin Germ Killer three or four times a day. To make this solution put 30 drops of our Germ Killer into one pint of water. It will kill tne worm. Also give the sick ones a piece of raw salt pork about the size of a bean. As soon as you notice that some of your young flock gape at times, if you are not already using Gold Coin Poultry Food begin at once to use it according to the directions placed in the top of each package. ROUP. Roup comes from bad colds, therefore usually occurs in the winter. You can tell it by the bad smell. The eyes swell shut sometimes so the chicken cannot see to eat or drink. The throat is « filled with thick mucus, causing noisy breathing. ' Roup is due to a germ, therefore it is catch- ing and very dangerous. The sick fowl should be put in a warm, dry place. The swollen head should be bathed in the following solution: One teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of Gold Coin Germ Killer, and four quarts of warm water. Bathe the head twice a day, morning and after- noon, each time in fresh solution as stated above. Feed two measurefuls of Gold Coin Poultry Food in two quarts of ground feed for each 15 hens, three times a day, to strengthen the vitality and ' promote secretions to eliminate the germs from the system. If you will feed double or even larger doses of Gold Coin Poultry Food accord- ing to the special directions in the top of each_ package you can cure almost all. But some of the bad cases which you neglected at the begin- ning before you knew what the disease was, will probably die. These dead carcasses should be burned. As the disease usually occurs in winter, and owing to cold, damp coops, it is not advisable to sprinkle it with a disinfectant solution, but ♦ when spring time comes do not fail to thoroughly disinfect your coop with a strong solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer (one tablespoonful to a pail Tof water.) PREVENTION OF ROUP: As Roup is due ^ to a germ (similar to the diphtheria germ) it is far easier to prevent than cure the disease. If 3'ou keep up the strength and vitality of your k| flock by seeing that they properly digest and assimilate their feed, and if you have your coops dry and reasonably warm, you will have no (Cure of Roup continued on next page.) You are losing money if you are net feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 151 POULTRY DISEASES (Continued ) ROUP (Concluded). trouble with roup, colds, diphtheria, etc. But you will not merely have your hens free from disease, if you use Gold Coin Poultry Food regularly, , your hens will lay all winter, when eggs are worth 25 to 30 cents a dozen. DIRECTIONS FOR PREVENTION: Keep •' the digestive organs in good working condition so the strength and vitality of the system can throw off any invading disease germs. The par- - ^icular action of the Gold Coin Poultry Food on the system is to make good digestion. The poul- try get the benefit in flesh and blood of every ounce of feed they get when Gold Coin Poultry Food is fed regularly. To keep good health and ' strength, make rapid growth and increase egg laying, mix one measureful of Gold Coin Poultry Food to two quarts of ground feed for each 15 chickens and feed once or twice a day according to how quickly you wish to grow or fatten them, '^'or to increase the egg laying. If you have never used the Gold Coin Poultry Food, write to us and get a full size package and try it at our expense. CROP BOUND. This is due to undigested food in crop. The undigested food gets hard. The crop hangs down. Pour -some warm milk down the fowl's throat, then gently rub and squeeze the crop and thus ^ soften the hardened mass. Feed soft food for about a week. Always feed your chickens Gold Coin Poultry Food regularly once a day and you , will never have this trouble. Chickens being fat- tened are more liable to get crop bound. These are just the fowls you don't want to get sick, as it sets them back. Therefore, especially feed these fowl the poultry food regularly. TURKEYS. THE MOST PROFITABLE BREEDS. The "Common" and the "White Holland" tur- keys stand in the lead for profit. If you are rais- ing turkeys for profit, fed them Gold Coin Poultry Food. It's got the stuff in it that makes big ^turkeys. And turkeys like it. They will eat it " pure right out of the hand, there is nothing in the world that can do them so much good. "Com- mon" turkeys are black and white; medium size; weigh 10 to 15 pounds; hardy, easy to raise and not much inclined to roam. The Holland turkey is white, a good egg layer, very domestic, and •■ easily fattened because of its quiet habits and con- stant desire for Gold Coin Poultry Food. These are the turkeys for the farmer. Some like the "Bronze" turkeys, and we can say from experience . that they are a good breed. They do just as well f in the West as they do in the East. Medium sized turkeys sell best. A 40-pound turkey is too large for an average family. People don't want f large turkeys; they want fat ones. >Ten to fifteen pounds is about right. Turkeys want a high open shed with windows to the south, and high roosts, rather than a low, close shed in winter like chick- ens. They bring great profit. LEG WEAKNESS. The fowls cannot support themselves on their legs. It is due to a partial paralysis of the limbs. This affliction will rarely or never occur in flocks in which Gold Coin Poultry Food is regularly used. For the afflicted fowl mix a little ground feed with an equal part of Gold Coin Poultry Food and feed a little four or five times a day. Keep it out of the sun and see that it has water to drink. When this disease afflicts one of the fowls, begin to feed the whole flock two measure- fuls in their feed twice a day, for the same cause that produced it in the afflicted fowl may operate in others. An ounce o'f prevention is worth a pound of cure. Feed Gold Coin Poultry Food one measureful to two quarts of ground feed to each 15 hens once or twice a day and prevent sickness coming in. Sickness in hens, like in people, causes loss of flesh. Sickness, then, means to you, , as poulterer, waste of flesh and eggs, that is waste of feed — waste of money. You can't afford to have sickness in your flock. Gold Coin Poultry Food is the cheapest on the market be- cause it is the best and goes the farthest. It pre- vents and cures all poultry diseases. TURKEY DISEASES. Turkeys have the same diseases as chickens — Cholera, Roup, Pip, Gapes, etc. And should be treated in the same way, excepting that you double the dose of the poultry food. The internal organs of a turkey are the same as those of a chicken, therefore the Poultry Food has the same fattening and laying effect on turkeys. It keeps them in good health and free from disease. If you are raising turkeys for the m.arket, you will find from experience that Gold Coin Poultry Food is very profitable to feed to turkeys, as well as all other fowls. Try it. GOLD COIN GURANTEE. Every preparation we have on the market is backed by the strongest Spot Cash Guarantee. We offer $1,000.00 if we ever refuse to refund money when our preparation fails to bring paying results. We know of no other concern doing business on a guarantee policy; but we know so well what our Foods and Remedies will do that we can and are always willing to say that "your money will be cheerfully refunded if any of our preparations fail." And we stand by it, and back it with a strong Cash Caoital. In dealing with us you will always know that you will be treated honestly. If anything is not just as you understood it to be, write and let us know and we will make it right, or refund your money without argument. DISINFECTION MADE EASY AND PERFECT BY SCI- ENCE — After cleaning the hen coops or hog pens always sprinkle well with solution of Gold Coin Germ Killer. Mix one tablespoonful in a pail of water, and notice how fresh and clean it makes the houses smell and feel. It is the cheapest be- cause it is the strongest and goes the farthest. (Cure of Poultry Diseases Continued on next page.) 152 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., Union Stock Yards, CMcago. POULTRY DISEASES (Concluded). EGG BOUND. Give large dose of castor oil by the mouth, and inject about a tablespoonful into the egg-passage — this will usually allow the egg to pass, and effect a cure. An egg-bound hen looks like one with cholera; they droop; the comb becomes bluish; whitish discharge from the egg-passage; droop- ing wings; but the hen stands upright, she goes to the nest, but can't lay. Always attend to them at once, as the hen may die. Feed Gold Coin Poul- try Food liberally to such hens, to get healthy egg formation. FEEDING. Young Chicks, Turkeys, Ducklings and Goslings. Little chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese are immensely improved in development and strength by Gold Coin Poultry Food. You give one measureful in warm, wet feed to every 30 to 40 chicks, three times a day. Double the dose for turkeys, ducks and geese. It gives better shape, quicker development and increases plumpness in three-quarters of the time. It gives them strong constitutions which prevents loss by death of young chicks and turkeys. It fattens them quicker and at much less expense; and best of all, it gives the meat a most delicious flavor and texture, thus commanding the highest market values. As a scientific Poultry Food, Gold Coin special Poul- try Food is as yet far in advance of any other food put upon the market. Thousands of Amer- ica's largest poultry raisers substantiate our claim that Gold Coin Poultry Food is the CHEAPEST and BEST food made today, because it goes the farthest and gives the best results. As compared with other foods it has 50 per cent more creative power than other foods. It is perfectly harmless, contains absolutely No Poisons of any kind. The question is now scientifically settled, that to be successful in poultry raising you must use a poultry food — and scientists have proved that Gold Coin Special Poultry Food is vastly super- ior to any food on the market at the present time. If you have never used Gold Coin Poultry Food it will pay you to write to us direct and buy a package and test it at our expense. This is the fairest oflfer ever made to any farmer or poultry raiser. We could not make this offer unless we knew from years of experience that our food possesses the merits we claim for it. The price refunded if it fails to bring you an absolute in- crease in profit. IN THE POULTRY BUSINESS You Want Eggs. Gold Coin Special Poultry Food Makes 15 to 25 per cent more eggs than any other Food on the market. Buy some, and if it fails, we refund your money. MOULTINB TIME NEEDS MOST MEDICINE. Increase the dose of Gold Coin Poultry Food all during the moulting season, as it helps new feathers to form, and gets the hen in good condi- tion for early fall laying. $5,000.00 GASH GUARANTEE. We will forfeit $5,000 and the cost of the chemical analysis to any one who can prove that Gold Coin Poultry Food contains injurious in- gredients. It is a vegetable, medical and chem- ical combination which contains the elements made by nature that stimulate and create egg production. FOUR GOOD THINGS. (1) Don't fail to have good water, (2) chopped green food with Gold Coin Poultry Food mixed - in with it. (3) Lime, gravel, crushed oyster shells. (4) And dust baths where young chickens can get at them. It means money to you. NO FOWLS WILL DO WELL Unless Their Digestive Organs Are in Healthy Condition. Gold Coin Poultry Food stimulates digestion, increases egg-laying, and gives you strong, healthy and more profitable chickens. A COW, WITH CHICKENS, DOUBLES THE POULTERER'S PROFITS. Unless you are a dairyman cows will hardly pay you if you do not keep chickens. If you do keep chickens a cow will pay you five times over every year. You will have 50 per cent better success with your young chicks and 25 per cent better success with your eggs. You need skim i milk and sour milk. If you use Gold Coin Cattle Fattener according to directions of "feeding for milk and butter" your skim milk will be as rich for your chickens as fresh milk from other cows. The Gold Coin Cattle Fattener makes the cow digest and convert into fat (cream) everything she eats. It saves you 15 to 25 per cent of feed. Some dairymen claim that it saves 35 per cent. If you have never used it, write to us and buy a package and test it at our expense. It is the cheapest be- cause it is the strongest and goes the farthest. It is a vegetable medical preparation containing the elements made by nature which stimulate and create milk and fat (cream). St. Peter, Minn., July 20, 1903. Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: I want to let you know how suc- cessful I have been with your Egg-a-day. My hens are mostly Plymouth Rocks and mixed breeds, but they have only a confined space to run in and I never thought I should be able to do very well with them beyond getting enough eggs for my own use. But from the first week I began to use Egg-a-day my hens increased in laying eggs, and now I usually have a couple of i'l dozen eggs a week to sell, where I never used to be able to get more than we needed in the house. Your "Gold Coin Louse Killer" has freed my » hen house and hens from lice. It is great. HENRY HILDEBRANDT, St, Peter, Minn, ITon are losing inftney it you Atr6 not feeding Cold Coin Stock Foods. 1S3 THE HENS THAT LAY THE GOLDEN EGGS ARE FED ON "GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD." "my chickens are AtL DYING OF CHOI-EKA." Cholera may kill every bird in the flock in a few weeks. If the woman above represented was an up-to-date woman and knew of the new and useful inventions of recent times her fowls would not be dying. Gold Coin Poultry Food not only increases egg production, but it keeps the fo'wls in a strong, healthy condition, making them able to ward off diseases. "Gold Coin Germ Killer" is death >to all disease germs as cholera. When used as directed it cannot be equalled as a disinfectant, and the "Gold Coin Louse Killer" is a louse killer, not a louse driver. Try them. We guar- antee them to make an increase of 15 to 25 per cent more profit. "I USE GOLD COIN POULTRY FOOD." This young lady uses "Gold Coin Poultry Food" and gets abundance of eggs and chickens. She uses "Gold Coin Louse Killer" on her poul- trv, which keeps them free from the annoyance and irritation of lice, ticks and mites. It makes her flock more thrifty. She also uses "Gold Coin Germ Killer" to cleanse and purify her coops and yards, thus destroying all disease germs, keeping her fowls free from disease and drives away chicken cholera. As can be seen from the picture, she is up-to-date and a successful money- making woman. Are you making big money from your poul- try? Gold Coin Poultry Food is guaranteed to maKe extra profits for all who use it. It saves feed. 154 Crold Coin Stockfood Co., ITuion Stock Yards, Cliicago. First Aid to the Wounded — Gold Coin Healing Oil. THE KING OF ALL HEALING OILS. "Gold Coin Healing Oil" Costs only 25c For a Large Size Bottle It is the BEST cure for BARB WIRE CUTS, INFLAMMATION, SCALDS, BURNS, OLD SORES, FRESH CUTS, BRUISES AND SWELLINGS, SPRAINS, STRAINS, RHEUMATISM. A good "Healing Oil" is always necessary around the place, because you can never tell when somebody may be carried in injured by a fall, kick from a horse, hook or bunt from cattle, rusty nail injury — or one of the animals may be severely injured. Home remedies in such cases are , usually not good enough, you want something better and the BEST is "Gold Coin Healing Oil." It is perfectly harmless and makes the very application for sores and wounds. Made only by the Cold Coin Stock Food Co., Union Stock Yards^ Chicago. ' Factories and Order Oept., St. Paul, Minn. S. W. Dept. Kansas City, Kan. Union Stocii Yards, Exciiange Bidg. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 155 MILK! MILK! MILK! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! How to Increase Your Yield of Milk Without Extra Work. If you can make extra milk you are making extra money. Any farmer or daiiyman can make extra milk by feeding his milk cows Gold Coin Cattle Fattener, it makes increase of butter fats in milk cows. More ■*- Milk -■-^'i for 0'.::^ Every sv/- -| Man jfi.^-v^^ Who in Feeds Gold sONEfW- ^^m Coin ^mk Cattle m:\ Fat- Kg^H tener. ^ ii«»^»—-»- You Want to Make Money and We Will Help You. WRITE TO US. MILK - CREAM - BUTTER - MONEY Ali Greatly Increased by the Regular use of Go'd Coin Cattle Food. GOLD COIN CATTLE FATTENER. 2% pound package 35 25 pouud pail 3 00 100 pounds ... Made only by the 6 i>ounr ar?d^i/esth€ barn pure c/ean odor When you want a good disinfectant buy "GoldXIoin Germ Killer." We guarantee it to be the BEST dis- infectant made. It is the cheapest and goes the farthest. A 50c can makes 50 gallons ready for use. Write us at once. We pay the freight on all orders of a gallon or over. Price 50c. per gallon. Also put up in 25c., - 50c., and 75c. cans. For Household IT^es see next page. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 163 GOLD COIN GERM KILLER. HOUSEHOLD USES: IT KEEP« AWAY ALL CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. IT PURIFIES THE AIR IN THE SICK ROOM. IT CLEANSES AND PURIFIES WATER CLOSETS AND DRAINS. IT DRIVES AWAY ALL INSECTS AND VERMIN. IT IS DEATH TO ROACHES, ANTS AND BED BUGS. (/3e "Gold Coin Germ IOller /oAeepf/^e d/r ]JiW^PMdff'e(^'nfne3/c/iroom. f/oorj, Irpun?/hmdckan5esJspecid/^dff-erM/!nes5Jtdpes not Donr /etdi5e35e Germs co//ect/'/7^/?i/pa/tof i/ourfyoi/se'^GERM Killer^ des^roaes t/?em. O Vl% *Go£D Coin Germ Killer "cfrii/es<3ma(/ cocArodcfyes andoffyer msects.^ "gold Co/n GERAf/f/LLER^'A/Y/j <3nd dni^es awat/ bed dugs "cold coin Geri^ Killer dr/ves d\^6i/rdts. mice 'Snd other vermin /r-^ Every household should have a good sized can of "Germ Killer" on hand all the time, and use it freely. It will purify the air in the entire house and keep away disease gertns. It is better to use "Gold Coin Germ Killer" than any other Disinfectant now on the market, because it is cheaper, it is stronger and therefore goes farther. It is not danger- ous to have around the house, as it is non-irritating and non-poisonous. Write us at once. We pay the freight on all orders of a gallon or over. Price $1.50 per.gallon. Also put up in 25c., 50c., and 75c. cans. Made only by the Oold Coin Stools: I^oocl Oo. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINN. KANSAS CITY, KAN. ir4 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. THE COLD COIN WEANER Position when calf is trying to suck. Calf cannot suck or hurt its mother or itself, as there are no prongs, but it can eat on the ground or in a box. THE BEST WEANER EVER MADE FOR CALVES, COLTS OR COWS. ove[ 200,000 in U83. Position when eating grass, grain or hay. Cow can eat but cannot sucl? herself. THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL WEANER IN THE WORLD-WHY? 1. Put the Weaner on the colts or calves and turn them loose with their mothers. They can not suck nor hurt their mothers nor themselves, as there are no prongs. 2. They can eat grass, hay or grain on the ground, and drink water or milk without trouble. You will not need a colt or calf pasture when you use the Gold Coin Weaner. 3. No cow can suck herself or any other cows, but can eat ear-corn or bran in box, also grass or hay. 4. It will wean colts as well as calves. 5. To break a horse of cribbing, or to prevent a vicious horse from biting it has no equal, but will allow them to eat and drink with ease. 6. Put large size on horses when you plow corn the last time, or cut fodder or pick sweet corn, or husk field corn, and they cannot eat the corn, as it is impossible for an animal to eat anything that stands up, such as corn, trees, etc. 7. If your cornfield has grass in it after the corn has grown, put the Weaner on the animals and turn them loose in the cornfield. They cannot eat the corn, but will eat the grass; of course, if they find corn on the ground they will eat it. THE ADVANTAGES OF A GOOD WEANER. If you have a first-class milk cow that sucks herself put a Gold Coin Cow AVeaner on her, and save $1.00 worth of milk the first week. Veterinaries say. as a rule, all cows that suck themselves are first-class milkers, because their udder gets so fuU of milk it pains them, and they lick the udder with their tongue to relieve the pain, and in this way get a taste of the milk and they suck themselves, and finds it relieves them. Once they get in this bad habit, some farmers have told me that there was only one way to break them, and that was to cut their throats, as they had tried nearly everything; but after trying the Gold Coin Cow Weaner they acknowledged they were mistaken, which you will see in some of their testimonials in our circulars. Put No. 1 CALF WEANER on a colt or calf, and turn it loose in pasture with its mother, no matter if the fence has but two wires, the calf or colt will not leave its mother but wiU be contented, and the cow will be contented, and it will learn to eat grass much quicker than it would by itself or even in calf-pasture with lots of other calves: and you all know when two or more calves are in the calf-pasture together they learn that awful bad habit of sucking one another's ears, etc., and they never do well, and if you tie your calf will run around and twist the rope until it chokes itself most to death: and how cruel it would be to give the flies such an advantage over the poor calf. It will save annoyance of calves and cows bellowing aU day and night, which injures them both. The Gold Coin Weaner is better than a calf pasture itself. The Weaners are made of the best steel wire and dipped in hot tin after they are made, so they wiU not rust and also makes them very solid and strong, as the frame wire is braced in such a way that it is impossible for it to break. It will wear for several years. RETAIL PRICES: No. O for Calf or Colt 1 day to 4 months old, with halters, i No. 2 for two-year old or Jersey cow, with halters, corn- complete 35c plete 65c No. 1 for small Calf or Colt 1 day to 4 months old, with I No. 3 for big cow or horse, with halter, com- halters. complete < 60c I plete 76c. The Two Small Sizes are the Best and Handiest Dog Muzzles you have ever tried. Write us direct, and we will send you what weaners you need at the above prices. They are sold on our Spot Cash 'CNiarantee to do jnst as we claim for them. Gold Coin Stock Food Co. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL AND KANSAS CITY. CAPITAL, $3,000,000.00 You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 165 ''Gold Coin Gold and Distemper Gure" DON'T NEGLECT A GOLD. IF IT TURNS INTO PNEUMONIA IT MAY KILL YOUR HORSE A small dose of "Cold Cure" in time will often avert a serious disease, and save the life of the animal. ■ A GUARANTEED CURE FOR COLDS AND DISTEMPER A "Cold Cure" like this is always handy around a barn. It is cheap, and will ward off many an attack of Pneumonia. PRICE 50c. ''Gold Coin Gold and Distemper Gure" WILL PREVENT AND CURE I IT CURES DISTEMPER, COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, PINK EYE, EPIZOOTIC, ETC., IN HORSES, COLTS, CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, ETC. PRICE, SOC PER PACKAGE. IT CURES DISTEMPER IN CATTLE COLO COIN STO CK F001> CO. PRIC£ 50c. TO GURE DISTEMPER. At the very first signs of the disease give one tablespoonful every two hours. This may ward off the disease. If not, then give the animal one tablespoonful three time a day, wet up with the regular feed, until cured. You will find this a most excellent remedy for dis- temper. There is no other cold and distemper cure on the market to compare with it. For Colts: Give only one teaspoonful to the dose. Remember, this remedy is sold on a guarantee to give sat- isfaction or money refunded. TO CURE GOLDS AND GOUGHS. For Orown Animals: Give two tablespoon- fuls four times a day, if the case is severe, and as soon ascimproved reduce to one tablespoonful twice a day until cured. This will effect a cure where other reme- dies utterly fail. Give it a trial and you will never use anv other. TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. As soon as you notice the first signs of pneumonia, that is, shivering, feverishness, etc., give one table- spoonful of "Gold Coin Cold and Distemper Cure" every hour for four or five hours, or until the animal is improved, and then g^ive one tablespoonful three times a day until entirely well. This treatment has saved many a horse's life. IT CURES DISTEMPER, EPIZOOTIC, ETC. ^OLOCOIN STOCK FO any ordinary spavin. Sold on a guarantee. Try it if your than the other? > horse is spavined. WMleiiyenTsi^^ PRICE ONLY $1.50 PER BOTTLE. OME BOTTLE CURES TWO, THREE OR MORE CURABLE SPAVIN8 FULL DIRECTIONS ON EVERY PACKAGE IT ALSO CURES 8URB, RING BONE, SPLINT, HARD OR SOFT SWELLINGS, STOCKING, WIND GALLS, ENLARGED JOINTS, INFUMMATION OF TENDONS, OR SORENESS OF THE TENDONS, CHAPPED HOCKS AND ELBOWS, ENLARGED GLANDS, WARTS, SPRAINS, HARD AND SOFT SPAVINS. GOLD COIN CASH GUARANTEE We refund your money if our **Resolvent Spavin Cure** ever fails. In many cases of long-standing spavin or hard swelling the bunch cannot be removed, but the lameness will be stopped. But of all spavin cures now on the market **Gold Coin Resolvent Spavin Cure** is the most satisfactory of all. Horse-men who have tried other kinds say that this is by far the BEST Spavin Cure ever discovered. It does not injure the skin or leave a scar. If you have a spavined horse or a horse with any kind of swelling try it on our Spot Cash Guarantee. coiJcoiFsf^ ST. PAUL. CAPITAL, $3,000,000.00 CHICAGO, U. S. A. KANSAS CITr. 170 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Ckicago. GOLD COIN LOUSE KILLER Your Hens will Lay Better if not covered with Lice. It is Germicidal and Disinfectant. ^\JE^Plk -iAFE AND SURE Muse hub> CHEAPEST Louse Killer on the Market. Price 25f. IT DRIVES AWAY AND KILLS TICKS, LICE OR FLEAS, ETC., ON HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, POULTRY, PIGEONS, HOGS, DOGS, ETC. It will not injure the hair or feathers. It is perfectly harmless and yet is the most effective "louse killer" now on the market. It is very easy to use, being a dry powder put up in a regular sifting can. You simpW dust it onto the poultry or animals. It will drive and kill all lice. We guarantee it. Money refunded if it ever fails. It also kills moths, plant lice, etc. FOR FURS. ■E^'or furs and other winter clothes which are packed away during the summer, nothing is nicer ==^=;::^= to sprinkle them with than "Gold Coin Louse Killer." It will keep moths from destroying the goods and save you much money. FOR CARPETS AND RUGS. ^"^^ *^^ floors before laying the carpets. It will keep out all moths, =^=^===^=^=^= bugs, etc. FOR PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Dust the plants while they are damp, as after being "watered," after a — ■• rain, or while the dew is still on them. Delicate house plants should have the powder w^ashed off after a few hours. SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE OR MONEY REFUNDED. If you are in need of a good "Louse Killer" it will pay you to write us direct. We will supply you. Don't use worthless substitutes. We will send 3'ou the genuine. GOLD COIN STOCK FOOD CO. UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, U. S. A. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL $3,000,000.00 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. Ton are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 171 WORK YOUR HORSES EVERY DAY ^ ii 99 GOLD COIN GALL CURE CIRES WHILE AT WORK OR AT REST Don't lose money with an idle horse, use **Gold Coin Gall Cure'' and work him every day. IT QUICKLY CURES SHOULDER SORES, SADDLE SORES, CUTS, BRUISES, SORE TEATS, SORE MOUTHS AND SORE NECKS Sold on a positive guarantee to refund money if it ever fails A good Gall Cure and Healing Salve like this is always handy around the farm, to apply at once if any of your stock are hurt or injured, as from horse kicks, bunts, nail scratches, etc. It contains no injurious or poisonous ingredients. It can be used for man or beast. It has no equal on the market. It is the safest, surest, cheapest and goes the farthest. I The Largest Cans for the Money | 25C SHCl 50C SlZCS. The Largest Cans for the Money { If your dealer does not handle it write us, enclosing 25c and the dealer's name, and we will send you a box postage paid. When you ask for Gold Coin preparations, don't let the dealer "sell" you something else, in- sist on having the genuine Gold Coin products. It will pay you. They are the BEST. Gold Coin Stock Food Co. ST. PAUL Capital, $3,000,000.00 CHICAGO, U. S. A. KANSAS CITY 172 Gold Coin Stockf ood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. "GOLD COIN GERM KILLER. »j IT KILLS DISEASE GERMS AND PREVENTS DISEASES. NON-POISONOUS. AND COSTS ONLY I CENT A GALLON A NEW DISINFECTANT THE STRONGEST CHEAPEST AND BEST DISINFECTANT MADE A 50-CENT CAN MAKES 50 GALLONS READY FOR USE. 11^^^ It is cheaper than other Disinfectants because it goes farther^^g| IT DRIVES AWAY DISEASES DECAUSE IT KILLS ALL GERMS AND MICROBES. USE "GOLD COIN GERM KILLER" to disinfect your horse stables — it will keep the "nastj' barn smell" out of your clothes. Use it to prevent contagious diseases . frona getting among your stock. Use it to kill Lice, Fleas, Ticks, Mites, etc., on Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dogs, Poultry, Pigeons, etc. Use it to cure Ring Worm, Scab, Screw Worms, Maggots, Foot Rot, Texas Fever, Thrush, Grease Heel, Consumption, Tuberculosis and such diseases. It is the strongest disinfectant known. It is guaranteed by the Gold Coin Stock Food Co. USE IT TO USE IT TO CURE HOG CHOLERA CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA THIS "GERM KILLER" KILLS THE GERMS OF CHOLERA AND CURES THE DISEASE. llflllQFIini n IICEC Use it to cleanse Sinks, Cess Pools, Urinals, Water Closets. Garbage Deposits, Drains. Soil nUUvkllULII UwkO Pipes, etc. Use it to destroy Disease Germs, as Typhoid Fever, Dyphtheria, Pneumonia, ^^^^^^^^^^^-■™"^^— ^^ Scarlet Fever, etc. Use it to kill Flies, Ants. Fleas, Worms, Bugs, Plant Lice, Roaches, Bed Bugs and all vermin. Use it to kill Potato Bugs— it is cheaper and safer than Paris Green. See "Book of Directions" for full instructions for all uses. SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE— Don't accept substitutes. No disinfectant can take the place of this -'Grerm Killer." The disinfectants are not half as good. Gold Coin Germ Killer is guaranteed. GOLD COIN STOCK FOOD CO. UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Factories and Order Department, CAPITAL S. W. Dept., Kansas City. St. Paul, Minn. $3,000,000.00 Union Stock Yards, Exchg. BIdg. i You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 173 GOLD COIN FOOT REINEDY The Best Foot Remedy on the Market Today. It Cures Sore Feet and Makes Hoofs Grow Fast. A Very Superior FOOT REMEDY tor All Diseases of the Hoof. it Makes the Best Hoof Packing Ever Known. The Quickest FOOT GROWER Ever Dis- covered. It Will Grow an Entirely New Hoof in a V ery Short Time Makes the Hoof Tough, Firm and Elastic TO CURE CORNS. You can always cure corns by using '"Gold Coin Foot Bemedy" two or three times a day Pare away the hoof over the corn, and In a few showings the corn will be cured. THE CARE OF HORSES FEET. To keep horses feet in healty condition you must keep them growing. Wash the feet with water and soap, wipe dry and apply "Gold Coin Foot Remedy " twice a day, to the inside and outside of the foot, and thoroughly to the frog. This will cause rapid growth, and keep the feet sound and in good working condition. SCRATCHES, THRUSH, GREASE HEEL. Wash the affected parts thoroughly witli warm water and soap, and apply 'Gold Coin Foot Remedy' twice or three times a day. It will cure SORE, TEHDER FEET. Nothing in the world cures lameness so nicely as "Gold Coin Foot Remedy." It takes out all the heat a^d inflama- tion, and makes the hoofs tough, firm and elastic. For ten- der feet, apply the Remedy three times a day. TO CURE NAIL INJURIES. Pull out the nail. Wash the wound out. Enlarge the o^aening and pour in the Foot Remedy and pack the hoof as described in next column. Fire Engine Companies and Express Companies buy "Gold Coin Foot Remedy" in 100-gallon lots to keep their horses feet healthy, and to make Hoof Packing. TO MAKE A FINE HOOF PACKING. The cheapest and best "Hoof Packing" can be made by mixing shorts or bran into a paste with "Gold Coin Remedy.'' Apply this paste into the bottom of the hoof once a day, or as often as desired. It is cooling, soothing and healing, and will promote rapid growth of the hoof. It keeps it tough, elastic and firm. It is cheaper than any "Hoof Packing," such as clay, stone, and other water packings, and never causes brittleness of the hoof, as they do. Practical horse- men like this Hoof Packing better than any other. TO CURE CRACKED OR BRITTLE HOOFS. Use the above "Hoof Packing" every night. Renew the Packing every morning and apply the "Foot Remedy" thor- oughly all over the foot, inside and out, three times a day. This will keep the foot growing rapidly and effect a cure. See directions on can. TO CURE CONTRACTED FEET. Wash the feet with warm water and soap, open the quarters and apply 'Gold Coin Foot Remedy" inside and outside three times a day. Pack the feet every night, as directed above. Shoe in such a way, with 'tips" or bar- shoes, as to allow good pressure of the frog which will spread the heels. After cured continue the use of the "Foot Remedy" to keep the feet well. SOUND FEET ARE THE FOUNDATION OF A GOOD HORSE. No matter how valuable a horse may be, if his feet are sore and tender, or are diseased in any way, he is a "White EHephanf on your hands. Full directions for the cure of all Foot Diseases given on every can of "Gold Coin Foot Remedy." SOLD ONLY ON SPOT CASH GUARANTEE. Prepared In 50c and SH.OO Cans. For large qnantitits write for special prices. Made only by the GOLD COIN STOCK FOOD CO. 174 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. 'GOLD COIN SHEEP DIP" KILLS SCAB, MITES, LICE, TICKS, RINCWORM, TC. ON SHEEP, CATTLE, SWINE AND ALL OTHER ANIMALS. pipping Hogs u'ith "Oold Coin Dip.*' Usins a 4irold Coin ), Winner of Sweepstakes at Chicago Fat Stock Exhibition, 1903. GOLD COIN COnPOUND LINIMENT. THE BEST HORSE LINIMENT MADE. THE WORLD'S GREATEST CURE FOR LAMENESS. In all cases of Lameness rub the affected part thoroughly with the "Liniment," and if a blister is desired bandage over it. But do not bandage unless you do -want a blister. A blister is usually desired where there is inflammation of bone, especially chronic inflammation. It Does the Work and Does It Quick. It is a guaranteed cure for Curb, Splint, Strained Ten- dons, Rheumatism, Sprung- Knee, Ring Bone and all hard or old swellings. Try it on our Cash Guarantee. Only costs 50c for large bottle and your money back if it fails. GOLD COIN STOCK FOOD GO. ST. PAUL, MINN. CHICAGO, ILL. KANSAS CITY, KAN. PRICE 50C. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 177 Li GOLD COIN HARNESS SOAP" % % ^ AN EXCELLENT HARNESS SOAP For general use around Livery Stables and on the farm. It cleans the '^ harness, softens the leather, and gives the harness a fine "new" iC ir ^ # ii' % «* .* 4^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4- ^ ^ < ...REMEDY CO y _ST.PAUI..MINM THE MOTHER'S BEST FRIEND. Mothers -who are Nerv- ous, Worn-out, on the verge of Hysterics, suffering from Inflammation, Leucorrhoea (Whites), Irregularities, Ovaritis, painful and difficult Menstruations, etc., know whatarelief the wonderful "SACRED HEART WINE FOR WOMEN" is. It is a God-send to suffering Women. It has cured where opera- tions had failed. Take it for all diseases peculiar to women for which you dislike to go to a doctor. IT SHOULD BE TAKEN DURING PREGNANCY. Every Woman should take "vSACRED HEART WINE FOR WOMEN" all during the time she is pregnant. It strengthens the constitution, makes delivery easy and less painful, and greatly aids the nourishment of the infant. KEEP "SACRED HEART WINE FOR WOMEN" IN YOUR HOME all the time, it is good for so many things. It is natures greatest emmenagogue, and it is a certain cure for all Menstrual disorders of women and young ladies. SOLD ON GUARANTEE BY THE SACRED HEART HOME REMEDY CO., ST. PAUL, MINN., U.S.A. SACRED HEART BATH CABINETS For Taking Medicated or Turkish Baths in Your- Home. THIS $10 BATH CABINET NOW ONLY $4.70 The "Sacred Heart Bath Cabinet" cures Rheumatism, Kid- ney and Bladder Diseases, prevents Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, etc. IT CURES A COLD IN ONE NIGHT. It cures Lumbago, Lame Back, Sciatica, Skin Diseases, Pimples, Bad Blood (it sweats the poisons out of the blood), Headaches, Con- stipations, etc. lAf AUJPM I It cures Suppressed Menses, Irregularities, WW II HI CW I Pelvic Inflammations, Ovaries, Uterus and other female troubles. $4.70 INCLUDES LAMP AND ALL COMPLETE. FOR SALE ONLY BY THE SACRED HEART HOME REMEDY GO. ST. PAUL, MINN., U. S. A. ONLY $4.70 COMPLETE. You are losing money if you are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 185 SACRED HEART SWAMP ROOTS CURES KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES. SOME PEOPLE HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT. T T L E IT CURES CHRONIC KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES. Buy a bottle at once, it will cure your kidneys. CURED IT IS THE BEST CURE FOR THE BLADDER. SORE, WEAK, ACHING KIDNEYS THE SYMPTOMS.— There is frequent urination, whick may or may not be painful; cloudy urine; pain in the back; pufFness under the eyes; coated tongue; foul breath; swell- ine of the ankles, etc. Never neglect these dreadful symp- toms, for they lead to an early grave, through indescribable suflfering. "Sacred Heart Swamp Roots" cures kidney troubles. It should always be taken early and you will alwavs get good results. It now stands as the world's greatest Kidney Cure. HOW TO TEST YOUR URINE.-Take of your morniBg^ urine about a half a glassful and let it stand, or pour it into a clean bottle and let it stand over night, if CLOUDY or shows unusual SEDIMENT get a bottle of ' Sacred Heart Swamp Roots" and take it until the unne clears up and th^ kidneys are strong and well again. No matter^how serious a disease you may have, remember "Sacred Heart Swamp Roots" has saved thousands of lives. It will save vours. Tryit on its guarantee. It also cures BED W ET- TING IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER, and other minor troubles in children and young folks. Sold on a ffuarantee to cure or money refunded. It is the BEST ana yet the CHEAPEST. Write for a bottle today. MADE AND SOLD BY SACRED HEART HOME REMEDY GO. ST. PAUL, MINN., U. S. A. 186. Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. SACRED HEART RHEUMATISM CURE. A SAFE AND SURE CURE ALL BLOOD AND RHEUMATIC DISEASES CURED LIKE MAGIC. WHY SUFFER THE PANGS AND TOR- TURES OF RHEUMATISM ? Why be crippled all your life when yoii can be cured. There is no disease so painful as Rheumatism — yet there is no disease that can be so easily and surely cured if "Sacred Heart Rheumatism Cure" is taken. PRICE $1.00. Crippled Hand— Chalk deposits. Sacred Heart Rheumatism Cure will cure them every time. [Rheumatism makes helpless cripples Don't let yourself get in this condition ] IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD.— The great advantage which "Sacred Heart Rheumatism Cure" has over other rheumatic remedies is that as well asbeing Anti-Rheumatic it possesses those properties which cleanse and purify the blood. Therefore, when once cured by "Sacred Heart Rheumatism Cure," there is but a very small chance that the Rheuma- tism will ever come back. CHALK DEPOSITS IN THE JOINTS. The knuckles, the wrist, and the joints in the toes are the usual seat of these painful and annoying en- largements. They are warning signs given by Na- ture to tell the patient of impending danger. They tell of deformity, contractions of hand, fingers and toes, and unending pain and suffering, unless the blood is purified and the disease cured. The great- est, and we might say, the OMLY sure relief and cure for such sufferers is "SACRED HEART RHEUMA- TISM CURE." It is THE ONLY GUARANTEED CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. It is the KING of rheumatic medicines. It stands first for its record of cures, and it stands first in quality and curative properties. It has cured where doctors and other remedies utterly failed. It is not expensive. Only $1.00 for large bottle. It does good work and it does it quick. If you are a sufferer try it. Recom- mend it to your friends. Write for a bottle to-day— your money refunded if it fails. MADE AND SOLD BY Sacred Heart Home Remedy Co, ST. PAUL, MINN., U.S.A. Yon are losing money if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 187 SACRED HEART SYRUP OF FIGS A VERY MILD AND PLEASANT LAXATIVE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. It makes a free and easy movement of the bowels. The most delicate child or the most gentle woman can take "Sacred Heart Syrup of Figs" without the least griping or pain. It is prepared especially for the delicate stomachs and bowels of Women and Children. ONLY 50C. IT IS PLEASANT TO TAKE and, as its name signifies, is made from Figs, Olives, Prunes and other laxative fruits. It is the "morning medicine" of thousands of elegant women. One teaspoonful each morning will relieve the most obstinate cases of constipation. Constipation, with its many complications, as appendicitis, inflammations, female troubles, piles, bladder troubles, etc., is the source of most women's ills. ' 'Sacred Heart Syrup of Figs" makes a PLEASANT CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. The aristocratic ladies, and the children of the wealthy are as yet its greatest users, but its price is so low that all women and children can use it. A large bottle for 50c. It is the cheapest laxative on the market, as well as the BEST. Try it and you will never be without it. The timely use of a gentle laxative will ward off many diseases in women and children. WHEN THE CHILDREN ARE SICK AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO Give them a teaspoonful of Sacred Heart Syrup of Figs and get a "fall, free movement of the bowels, and they will usually be allright. Try it. It is guaranteed. FOR SALE BY THE SACRED HEART HOME REMEDY CO. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, U. S. A. FIGETTES! FIGETTES! FIGETTES! SACRED HEART FIGETTES. LITTLE CANDY-COVERED CATHARTIC PILLS. Put up in small package, "vest pocket size," so they can be easily carried in the pocket. They are especially nice for working men, as they are packed insmallwoodenbottles which will not break or spill like glass bottles. SMALL, POWERFUL LITTLE PILLS. They cause no griping, no bleeding, no pain or discomfort, and always give a full, free movement of the bowels. Take one at night and THEY WILL WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP producing an easy movement in the morning. They aie a sure cure for piles, fistula, constipation, etc. Sold on guarantee. For sale by SACRED HEART HOME REMEDY CO-^'TsV"" 188 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. A GREAT WAGON. FULLY WORTH $80.00. When buying a wagon it pays to buy a good one. ^^'hen you are asked to pay $45 to $S5 for a cheap wagon it will pay you to put $io more to it and get "Gold Coin Specially Built Farm Wa- gon." It is made extra heavy where the greatest strain and wear comes on a wagon Extra heavy white oak hubs. Hard steel tires. It will out-last three cheap wagons and save you much money on repair bills. We can always furnish extra parts on quick notice. AN ELEGANT BRAKE SEAT RUN-ABOUT. Si WORTH $60.00. .\t our wholesale price "''' $42.50 If you are in need of a "run-about" here is an excellent opportun- ity to get a good one cheap. Body brilliant black with carmine and gold stripe. Long distance axles. Elliptic springs. Made of the best stock. STANDARD LIGHT STRAIGHT SILL SURREY WORTH $125,00. At our wholesale price ONLY $97.50 We have been hav- ing a very large sale of this Surrey. It is so much nicer than the cheap surreys that many farmers have been buying in the past that those who bought this would not have the cheap kind any more. SVhen buying a surrey for your family buy a nice one. cheapest you can buy. This will meet all your desires, and it is the ( ARE YOU IN NEED OF A TOP BUGGY? HERE IS A $75.00 BUGGY FOR ONLY $58.00 This is a great bar- gain. Our wholesale price to you is only $58.00 and its equal can- not be bought any- where for less than $75 00 You see the saving you make when you buy this buggy direct from us. Write us for particulars. AVERY GOOD RIDING SADDLE. At our wholesale price ONLY $3.50 -V good little Riding Sad- dle like this is very handy around a farm . Quick rides to town, or for a doctor can usually be made Ijest on horseback. This saddle is well made, looks nice and will wear as long as an ex- pensive one. A FINE STOCKMAN'S SADDLE. ■Made of extra good materials. WORTH $15.00. At our wholesale price ONLY This is a rare oppor- tunity to get a very good stock saddle at a very low price. It will do all the work and last as long as one that costs twice as much. A GOOD STANDARD SPRING WAGON. You can easily save $1250 by Lt^mg this v\ agon. It makes a very handsome farm buggy. It will carry a very heavy load and yet is light running and easy to ride in,,vThisis art excellent chance to get a very good Staftd^rd Spring Wagon cheap. Pole included., WORTH $85.00. OUR PRICE 0"LY $72.50 GOLD COIN WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO. CHICAGO, ILL. ST. PAUL, MINN. KANSAS CITY, MO. You are losing laoney if yon are not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 189 FINE SINGLE WAGON HARNESS. FINE DOUBLE PLOW HARNESS. WORTH $19.50. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $15.25 A very heavy, dura- ble single wagon har- ness. A good quality harness at a very moderate price. It is of regular style and standard weight. This is an unusual opportunity to get a good harness at a very low price. Col- lar SI .25. Write us. We can supply you promptly. VERY STYLISH BUGGY HARNESS. SHAPED BREAST COLLAR. WORTH $18.00. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $12.75 This harness is made of extra good stock. ' It is very stylish, with the new "shaped" breast collar, if you have a nice buggy you want a nice har- ness to go with it. . , . , This is as nice a harness as you will ever need of its kind. FINE DOUBLE FARM HARNESS. WORTH $30.00. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $22.50 This is very durable, and well made har- ness. It is extra heavy in those places where a good work harness ought to be strong. It is the greatest bargain ever offered. If you do not, want to pay $40 to $50 for a farm har- ness, buy this one. it is just as good and only costs $22.50. Collars, S3.00 per pair. ELEGANT DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. WORTH $21.00. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $16.15 A very fine double buggy harness. Good stock. Well made in every way. Patent leather blinds, mar- tingales, etc. fs finely finished, and offered at a great bar- gain, only $16.75. Collars $1.50 a pair. Write for a full des- cription of any of our harness any time. Special prices when several sets are taken at once. WORTH $20.00. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $16.25 This harness can also be used for heavy wagon work. It is an extra strong, dura- ble harness. Every farm should have several sets on hand for doing the heavy work- The chains are large and the strongest en- ameled iron. We furnish bridles of any size. Also collars and hames of any size. For the pair of collars and hames add $3.15, and if breast straps are desired 50c more. This makes the CHEAPEST and most complete Plow, or Heavy Harness ever put on sale. Extra parts can always be ob- tained on short notice. We guarantee our harness against all flaws, Write us. ELEGANT SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. WORTH $12.00. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $8.50 This is the finest cheap harness that has ever been offered for sale. It is good enough for anybody ^ . and will last as long as much more expensive harness. It is made of very good stock, and usually sells at $12 to $14. It is the standard style of buggy harness, good for hundreds of different purposes. You need a light harness like this around your farm because it can be so easily and quickly thrown off and on, For the money you will never find the equal of this harness again. DOUBLE-SPRING WAGON HARNESS. "the CARRY-ALL." WORTH $28.00. OUR WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY $21.25 Here is one of the most useful, all-pur- pose harness around a farm. It can be used on a buggy, on a double-spring wagon, on a milk- wagon, vegetable wagon and for all such purposes. To drive to town or to market or to carry a load of people to church this is an excellent harness and is worth fully dou- ble the price we are asking. Collars $3.00 per pair. Every part is guaranteed against flaws. Write to us. GOLD COIN WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO. ST. PAUL, MINN. CHICAGO, U. S. A. KANSAS CITY, KAN. 190 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. THE MOST POPULAR FAMILY COOKING RANGE. STAR AMERICA IVith reservoir. Hard or soft coal or wood. In the construction of this range such points are embodied as will meet with convenience, economy and per- ^^^ , fection. The body is japanned or ) uninue"of "iunVor ""oak mounted with \\'ellsville polished steel ) "toveT It has a la?ee and all parts are properly shaped and ) fppj Jo„r lar^e ath ...„.„,. ..... Flush top reservoir ^!,^f,'^d,f;"^^emef grate OAK. Burns hard coal, soft coal or ^vood. The Star America Oak is one of the jnost securely fitted. with large cast iron enameled tank The spacious fire box can be ar- ranged to burn twenty-four inch wood and is provided with a combination duplex coal or wood grate rest and nickled air tight screw draft damper, nickeled plate, keys and urn. It is the best cheap oak on the market. Our i'"l ° TV,i"„^?f" ™ S special wholesale price to you is: Size of Fire Pot be removed through grate door without dis- turbing the fire box lin- ings or water front. .\ removable nickel towel rail in front of the range is a convenience readily appreciated. The nickel parts con- sist of towel rail, fire grate, ash and flue doors, oven door rim, name and address plate, screw draft register in ash door, folding teapot stands, pipe draft register, side brackets and nickled steel bands on shelf No. Price II. 10 inch $ s 33 31. 12 inch 7.00 51. IS inch 8.66 71. i6 inch lo 33 91 18 inch 12.00 When ordering give No. of stove you want and cut out picture and mail.- The above low prices are F. O. B. Chicago Order No. 619. and closet and knobs. If you need a stove we can sell one to you cheaper than any one else, because we sell you direct at wholesale price. The list price of this stove is $48.00. ( )ur spec- ial price to you F. O. B. Chicago is only $28 RADIANT OAK. Hard or soft coal or Ti'OOd. The Radiant Oak introduces the latest design in popular oak stoves. It is full size, full weight, handsomely orna- mented and perfect in opera- tion. The body is made of heavy steel. Heavy corru- gated fire pot. Large ash pan. Nickeled foot rail in three sec- tions, top ring, panel and knobs. Handsome urn. The best medium priced oak on the market. Our wholesale prices F. O. B., Chicago, are: No. 01. 10 in. fire pot $ 7.10 No. 21. 12 in. fire pot 9.28 No. 41 14 in. fire pot 11. 12 No. 61, 16 in. fire pot. ... 12.96 No. 81. 18 in. fire pot 14.84 No. 81. 18 in. (i5^ sheet highj 17.80 We save you big money. AMERICAN CABINET. Frame Liow^, Junior Individual Burners and Stationary Tank. Full Cabinet Frame, with end panels in one piece, bottom well braced under center of base. Burners half bras.s angles, cast iron drilled cones, wrought iron -/li-inch stand pipe, and cleaning needle with brass check nut. No. A-3. Size i4/^x3oin.. 14^ in. high, weight 28 lbs. Sold to you at the low whole- sale price of $4.4SF. O. B.. Chicago. When in need of any kind of a stove, remem- ber you can save money by buying from us. We sell only good reliable stoves at the lowest prices. CAPITAL AMERICA, WITH RESERVOIR. For hard coal, soft coal or wood. The Capital Ameri- ca, with its latest im- provements and many sizes makes it a quick selling stove. We can furnish it in the follow- ing sizes with large en- cased reservoir, with cast enameled tank at these low wholesale prices F. O. B., Chicago. No. 417. 618. 818. 918. 028. 029. Covers. Four 7 inch. Size of Oven 14x15x11... 16X17XI1M 18x19x12... 18x19x12 .. 20X20X12M 20X20X12/^ FOREST AMERICA. Square for Tvood. The Forest Ameri- ca cook stove is es- pecially designed for wood as fuel. It has large top, heavy cut and lined center, large oven. large fire box and fire door, ample flues, with convenient flue door for cleaning, nickel oven shelf, name plate on front door, oven door panels, tea pot stands and nobs. W'holesale prices to you F. O. B. Chicago, are: No. 417. 618. 818. 819. 028. 029. Covers. Four 7 inch. Size of Oven. 14x15x11.... 16x17x11^ 18x19x12 ... 18x19x12 ... 20X20X12/^. 2OX2OXI2K Price. ..$11.88 .- 14.08 18.02 18.92 GLOBE WICK- LESS OIL STOVE. The best Oil Stove of its kind on the market. This stove has no wick. A most satisfactory stove at a reasonable price. No. 2 Junior, 14 in- ches high with i4/^x 25 in. top now sells at $5.25 each, F. O. B. Chicago. GOLD COIN WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO. CHICAGO, ILL. ST. PAUL, MINN. KANSAS CITY, KANS. You are losing money if you iare not feeding Gold Coin Stock Foods. 191 DON'T PAY RENT! OWN YOUR OWN FARM! WHY PAY RENT FOR LAND THAT WILL NEVER BE YOURS? DECIDE TO BE INDEPENDENT AND OWN A FARM OF YOUR OWN. The Hunter Land Co. owns and Controls lar^-e tracts of Virgin Prairie and Timber Lands tliroug'hout the entire West. In North Dakota we own, and offer (subject to prior sale), in large and small tracts, over 100,000 acres of the choicest level to rolling prairie lands, all ready for the plow, free from stumps and stones; no floods, good water and markets. Many of our lands are underlaid with vast deposits of Lignite Coal. As yet we have made no reservations in our contracts. We are owners, not agents, and our prices are lower than asked for similar lands by any other land compan}^ in America. The Hunter Land Co. was organized in 1882, nearh^ a quarter of a centur}^ ago, and during that time has sold over 2,300,000 acres. Two million, three hundred thousand acres! — think of it — the purchasers of which have all made money. We are a Large Land Department Store and have some= ^,,Ua^^ l^ «..*. 0*^/^1^ a-^a^^i'.T ^-..Urt-t- T^rv..^ And at priccs thatare sure to please. Write at once where in our stock exactly wnat you want, for free maps, eto. Scattered amongst oar lands in many localities are still to be had some desirable Free Gov- ernment Quarter Sections. They are fast being taken up, but while they' last, we will Select and pay the filing fee on i6o acres free, to every purchaser of a 160 acre farm from this Company on our 4-year plan. You must, of course, fulfill the government regulations as to residence on the land, etc. FREE HOMESTEADS. OUR LANDS USUALLY MORE THAN PAY FOR THEMSELVES OUT OF THE FIRST CROP We also own or control large tracts of land in the State of Washington. Some of these we will lease for a term of years. Grazing lands in North Dakota and Montana— all sorts and conditions of lands. Irrigated fruit lands in Washington. and Alberta, Canada, Canadian lands, Minnesota and Wisconsin lands, selected years ago, and you save money on every acre you buv from this Company, Don't Delay. Write to-day— before prices are advanced. Hunter Land Co. Ground Floor New Chamber of Commerce MINNEAPOLIS MINN. U.S.A. HUNTER LAND CO. Minneapolis, iVIinn. Flease send me information about your lands— Free of charge. G. C. S. F. 192 Gold Coin Stockfood Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. i^tadents of Animal HuHbiiiidry Judgrine Oallnm'ay Cattle. The Class is from the Minnesota State I'ljiversity— On Mr. N. P. Clark's farm, St. Clond, Minn. SCIENTIFIC FEEDING TO GET SPECIAL RESULTS. Our Poods are based on scieutific principles, one Food is not supposed to do every thin^. Each Food has its own particular action, as follows: 1. "Gold Coin Cattle Food and Fattener." For cattle only (and its kind). 2. "Gold Coin Hog: Food and Fattener." For hogs only. 3. "Gold Coin Horse Tonic. '♦ A Tonic for horses only. It puts life, energy, spirit in them, hardens the muscles, and makes them willing w^orkers. 4. "Gold Coin Poultry Food.'» For fowls only. It increases egg production. Scientific foods for • scientific purposes. A food that is so compounded that it performs a sci- entific purpose, can do that one thing a great deal better than a food that is supposed to do every- thing. The common sense of the best stockmen and farmers all aver the world back up our scientific preparations. They repeatedly praise our Cattle Fattener for its fattening effects upon cattle, steers, etc. Hog raisers praise the Hog Food to the skies, they say that it acts specifi- cally on hogs in a way that no stock food ever did before. It actually fattens hogs in much less time and puts an elegant "finish" on them. Why shouldn't it? It is a Specific Food for hogs — hogs only. It is something you have never used before. It is one of the new and useful scientific discoveries of this great age of progress. BUY ONLY SCIENTIFIC FOODS. Don't accept cheap imitations which some dealers may try to palm off onto you. Insist oh having only the Genuine Gold Coin Stock Food Co.'s preparations. Always refuse substitutes, which the dealers say are "just as good" for they are usually cheap, worthless preparations which give the dealers a little more profit, but make you lose good money.- Remember that "Gold Coin Stock Food Co.'s Foods" are sold on a positive Cash Guarantee, and they cost you nothing if they ever fail. IT CONTAINS THE PRODUCTS THAT MAKE MILK. Feed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener in full doses to your milch-cows on our guarantee to bring you paying results. For Epizootic Catarrh in sheep put them in warm barns and feed Gold Coin Condition Pow- der three times a day. It alwaj^s cures. Over 500,000 farmers have endorsed Gold Coin Cattle Fattener and have used it for years for fattening cattle with 15 to 25 per cent gain in profit. Scab can be cured with Gold Coin Sheep Dip — full directions on every can. Gold Coin Cattle Fattener purifies the blood and makes the constitution strong. Gold Coin Hog Fattener prevents cholera, worms, etc. Red Water cured by feeding Gold Coin Cattle Fattener regularly. Mail us your testimonials for publication in our new book. We greatly appreciate them, and they will help other farmers on the right road to scientific feeding. SCIENTIFICALLY COMPOUNDED HIGHEST GRADE PREPARATIONS IN THE WORLD. INDEX OF CONTENTS. Page Cattle Department 1 Cattle Diseases (Veterinary Dept.) 38 Sheep Department 43 Diseases of Sheep (Vet. Dept.) ... .52 Hog Department 56 Stock Food Feeding Based on Science 1 Ayrshire Cattle 2 Taints in Milk 4 Holstein-Friesians Cattle... 5 $200 in Cash Prizes 5 Devon Cattle 6 West Highland Cattle 6 Jersey Cattle 7 Alderney Cattle T Guernsey Cattle 8 Cow Money !' Hereford Cattle 10 Your Beef Yield 11 The Galloways 12 Texas Cattle 12 Swiss Cattle 13 Milk. Milk. Milk 15 Red Polled Cattle 15 HoTF Stockmen Make Money . 15 Short Horn Cattle 16 The Milk Strain Shorthorns 17 Your Chance to Make Money 18 Fact's About "Gold Coin Cattle Fattener" 19 Cattle Fattening 30 Great Wealth Produced by Cattle 32 Grade Cattle _ 23 Aberdeen Angus Cattle 24 The Sussex Cattle 24 Points for Cattle Raisers 35 The Union Stock Yards 26 Horned Cattle Products 27 Make Test on Our Spot Cash Guarantee 28 Extra Money for Dairymen 29 Cows You Want to Milk and Fatten at the Same Time 30 Calves 31 How to Handle a Baby Calf 33 AHerdof American Buffalo 33 Half-Buffaloes 34 Gold Coin Stock Farm.. 35 Gold Coin Farm Jerseys 36 Cattle Diseases 38 American Merino Sheep 43 Southdown Sheep 44 Leicester Sheep 44 Sheep Feeding in Winter... 45 Oxford Sheep 45 New Oxfordshire Sheep 45 Shropshire Sheep 46 Hampshire Sheep 46 Lincoln Sheep 47 Cotswold Sheep 48 Sheep Breeding 48 Dorset Sheep 49 Exmoor Sheep 49 Sufifolk Sheep 50 Rambouillets 51 Diseases ot° Sheep (Cause and Cure) 52 Cause of Scab 53 Scientific Hog Feeding 56 Hog Killing at Union Stock Yards 57 Fattening Hogs for Market 58 Raising Hogs on a Large Scale The Duroc-Jerseys Lancashire Hogs Poland China Hogs _ Neapolitan Hog Berkshire Hogs The Tamworth Hogs 65 The Yorkshire White Hog.. 66 The Suffolk Hog.. 66 The Essex Hog 67 The Chester White Hog 67 Runts 69 Fall Pigs 71 Diseases of Swine (Cause and Cure) 72 The Internal Organs of the Hog 74 U. S. Government's Report on Cholera 76 The Landmarks on a Hog.. 78 Money in Horses 80 Thoroughbred Horses 81 Hambletonian Horses 83 High Jumpers... 83 Trotting Horses 84 High School Horse 86 Pointers for Horsemen 87 French Coach Horse 88 Percheron Horses 89 Running Horse 90 French Coach Stallion 91 Saddle Horses 93 Ponies...... 93 Purity of "Gold Coin Foods" 93 Thoroughbreds of America 94 PureBred Hackney Stallion 95 Clydesdale Horses 96 The Morgan Horse 97 French Coach Horses 98 Percheron Horses 99 Farm Horses 99 Cleveland Bay Horses 100 Arabian Horses... 101 Breeding for Size.... lOl Vermont Draft Horses 103 Norman Percheron Horses. 103 Raising Good Plow Horses. 104 How Colts Increase Your Bank Account 105 The Farmer's Horse 106 Size of Horses 107 The Good and Bad Points of a Horse 108 Page Hog Diseases (Vet. Dept.) 73 Horse Department 80 Diseases of Horses (Vet. Dept.). .113 Poultry Department 127 Poultry Diseases (Cause and Cure) 147 About Horse Breeding 109 How to Sell Horses 110 Asses and Mules 113 Diseases of the Horse (Vet. Dept.).... 113 Internal Organs of the Horse 114 Horse with All Diseases 115 Landmarks of the Horse 116 How to Tell a Horse's Age. 126 Big Money in Poultry 137 Plymouth Rock Chickens-..128 Black Spanish Fowls 128 Buff Cochin Fowls 130 The Hamburg Fowls 131 The Dominique Fowls 131 Wyandotte Fowls 133 The Hovidan Fowl 133 The Brahmas 134 The Leghorns 134 The Black Langshan 135 The Black Polish Breed 135 Bantams 136 Turkeys ..137 Ducks 138 Geese 139 Incubators 141 Chicken House 143 Diseases of Poultry.... 147 "Gold Coin Healing Oil"....154 ;|Egg-a-Day".... 157 "Gold Coin Cattle Fat- __ tener" ....158 "Gold Coin Hog Fattener"159 "Gold Coin Horse Tonic".. .160 "Gold Coin Germ Killer". ..161 "The Gold Coin Weaner"...164 "Gold Coin Cold and Dis- temper Cure" 165 "Gold Coin Rapid Cleaner Soap" .166 "Gold Coin Colic Cure" 168 "Gold Coin Resolvent Spavin Cure" 169 "Gold Coin Louse Killer"..170 "Gold Coin Gall Cure" 171 "Gold Coin Foot Remedy"173 "Gold Coin Sheep Dip" 174 "Gold Coin Condition Pow- der" 175 "Gold Coin Compound Lini- ^_ ment" 176 "Gold Coin Harness Soap"177 "Gold Coin Heave Cure". ..178 "Gold Coin Cough and _^ Lung Cure" 179 "Gold Coin Worm Powder"180 Gold Coin Exhibit at Chi- cago 181 "Gold Coin Axle Grease". ..183 Judging Galloway Cat- tle ...192 Gold Coin Stock Foods are the Best in the World and are Sold on a Bank Guarantee— !@°=Buy No Other."=^ Hir^^^n-^^L^J^J^L^^^^^ COMPOUNDED HIGHEST GRADE PREPARATIONS IN THE AA/ORLD. OO' -■■ /■ V-. ■"53.,j('-,*' ^ 0' X O-N -^A ■P^{^^^ <1> 'Z*^ o5 -<;. -^^ ^^• -/>. •>'^^\ ''^ i': "bo^ ^00. , V>, * .0 s ^ ,0^ ^b o^ C o. '■^o^ <.>'%. ..-ss^^ xO°<. .s^ ^^. •^^^ ..^' >• -/>. * '^ ■^'.:, V. J- vj' V - .-< .= *" I' ,0^ ^ ^ * ^ vV-^ '.V''-\>,.' >.■=■:. < •' o K '^ \'^ '^ t ^ ^ •, ^. ^ <^^ j> '*'■ X^^,, %^ "^^\o^ <-^'^o\.-\a ^/^^Tr^^ , '^^1 . 1 i!?J,v '^^'ir^M * * / -■.. •■- '*y" 4^^^| ■ T ■ ■ ^% .■.' om •Ju ' ,;?VC^"i '"■ ■'■m '* ' v; ::■ .V^f;'-..'*2llJ .:.>• .:;^^v;f .' rV^'.-v,---*^'-."-- • '■ m^''' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 850 410 A :..^^-'^ .^i'^a