1890 Copy 1 I>3 yN> 5 . a» ->> i?: '>:^^"»^\'y% 5^ > ^>^..>? >^ >^ JT 5 > " ^_ U"^ > ■^aev^^ :> 3:.b» Jk > > ->_^>'3i>^^r5> ^^®«S®S^eS6^««SS£^2^©5£a i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS,! ^^•1>S 1^1 ii i 5Ae// : : - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. >^~5:»r»>v^ - ^3^^-a^^ O :3>:^ ^ <% \ ^^ .-->>)j»j> 53> > -x>' ^^ ^ > ^ 0») ^->^^5 S^/ >>^ •■:> > >> Lpe> 33 ^^ m>yy :&e.) o.)) >m^ ^1 _ __>>> > J >> » ^ ~> »>^> :> ^ :> ">> :> :>i>>^ » J> >3,>j: :>^> x> _>■ > -2> '>^ > s> ^ > ^J 2» > 2> 3 : i,^>^ >>^ >0 >^>' > >v -r> i.> -s> > ■■» o - i> ' ) - )* "> >_^ jf > yy y > )3> > ^^:» ^)3 >> . y :>^ m)i> yy o > ^ ^^ » > ^ ^> ii> j»i ^ yy ■»*> » :> ^'^^ > j>>y :3> ^3^' i> .->>-' >y> >> _ ► ^ ■ jl> >' 3> .3» y )i> :>;> J»> • O >> > ::> i>' yy.:> ^ jj» 3 >:> i> :x> 2^ ■0 ~^ ^ >y~:s> ■^' ^> » ■'3>'' ^' » :» :i> ^ y r>) > V o> >^ i> » ^j> :» )>■ 1 .i-» ->^ : ' ^> Ola r» D3>3>3 s> ■>:x>y^ '^-^ » ;>:^^_>> _>:> ■ ■t?ii: WB0^ : ;•■:..•,■?•• ■■^'■■- •<■ •'■■ 'V. . :-^L/<^ GENERAL CATALOGUE MERSITY OF YERMONT 1791-1590 CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION, THE ALUMNI AND OTHER GRADUATES UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, ^^» ^ BURLINGTON, VERMONT, I79I-I890 BURLINGTON : FREE PRESS ASSOCIATION. 1S90. f NOTE. Degrees ivith dates, if no other institution is named, were con- ferred by the University of Vermont. A star (*) prefixed to a person's name indicates his decease; at- tached to a date, it denotes tlie year of his death. In this edition an attempt has been made to give, besides the aca- demic degrees and more important public offices, the residence and profession of each Alumnus. Special request is made that all errors and omissions which may be noticed, be communicated at once to the Librarian. PRESIDENTS. ELECTED RETIRED 1800 *Rev. DANIEL CLARKE SANDERS, D. D., 1814 Harvard 1788 and A. M. and D. D. 1809 : (*1850 ^t. 82.) 1815 *Rev. SAMUEL AUSTIN, D. D., 1821 Yale 1783 and A. M. and Coll. N. J. 1785; D. D. Williams 1807 ; (*1830 JEt. 70.) 1821 *Rev. DANIEL IIASKEL, A. M., 1824 Yale 1802 and A. M.; (*1848 ^t. 64.) 1825 *Rev. WILLARD PRESTON, D. D., 1826 Brown 1806; D. D. Univ. Ga.: (*1857 ^t. 71.) 1826 *Rev. JAMES MARSH, D. D., 1833 Dart. 1817 : D. D. Columb. 1830 and Amh. 1838 : C*1842 ^t. 48.) 1833 *Rev. JOHN WHEELER, D. D., 1849 Dart. 1816 and A. M.; D. D. Union 1834; (*1862 ^t. 64.) 1849 *Rev. WORTHINGTON smith, D. D., 1855 Williams 1816; D. D. Univ. Vt. 1845; (*1856 ^t. 61.) 1855 *Rev. CALVIN PEASE, D. D., 1861 Univ. Vt. 1838 and A. M.; D. D. Mid. 1856; (*1863^t. 50.) 1862 *Rev. JOSEPH TORREY, D. D., 1866 Dart. 1816 and A. M.; D. D. Harv. 1850; (*1867 ^t. 70.) 1866 JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., 1871 Brown 1849 and A. M. and LL. D. 1868. 1871 MATTHEW HENRY BUCKHAM, D. D., Univ. Vt. 1851 and A. M. ; D. D. Dart, and Ham. 1877. CORPORATION OF THE UNIVERSITYOFVERMONT I79I--I86>. EX OFFICIO. ENTERED RETIRED 1791 *Tliomas Chittenden, Governor of Vermoixt, 1797 1791 *Gideon Olin, Speaker of the House of Reps., 1793 1793 *Daniel Buck, Speaker, 1795 1795 *Louis Robert Morris, Sp., 1797 1797 *Isaac Tichenor, LL. D., Governor, 1806 1797 *Abel Spencer, Sp., 1798 1798 *Daniel Farrand, Sp., 1799 1799 *Amos Marsh, Sp., 1802 1800 *Rev. Daniel Clarke Sanders, D. D., President 1814 1802 *Abel Spencer, Sp., 1803 1803 *Tlieophihis Harrington, Sp., 1804 .1804 *Rev. Aaron Leland, Sp., 1808 1807 *Israel Smith, Gov., 1808 1808 *Isaac Tichenor, LL. D., Gov., 1809 1808 *Dudley Chase, Sp., 1813 1809 *Jonas Galusha, Gov., 1813 . 1813 *Martin Chittenden, Gov., 1815 1813 *Daniel Chipman, LL. D., Sp., 1814 1814 *George Robinson, Sp., 1815 1815 *Rev. Samuel Austin, D. D., Pres., 1821 1815 _ I— * Jonas Galusha, Gov., 1820 CORPORATION 5 ENTERED RETIRED 1815 * William Adams Griswold, Sp„ 1818 1818 *E.ichard Skinner, Sp., 1819 1819 * William Adams Griswold, Sp., 18*20 1820 *Richard Skinner, Gov., 1823 1820 *Daniel Azro Ashley Buck, Sp , 1823 1821 *Rev. Daniel Haskel, Pres., 1824 1823 *Cornelius Peter Van Ness, LL. D., Gov., 1826 1823 *George Edwards Wales, Sp., 1824 1824 *Isaac Fletcher, Sp , 1825 1825 *Rev. Willard Preston, D. D., Pres., 1826 1825 *Daniel Azro Ashley Buck, Sp., 1827 1826 *Rev. Ezra Butler, Gov., 1828 1826 *Rev. James Marsh, D. D , Pres., 1833 1827 *Robert B. Bates, Sp., 1829 1828 *Samuel Chandler Crafts, Gov,, 1831 1829 *Daniel Azro Ashley Buck, Sp., 1830 1830 *Robert B. Bates, Sp , 1831 1831 *William Adams Palmer, Gov., 1835 1831 *John Smith, Sp., 1834 1833 *Rev. John Wheeler, D. D., Pres., 1849 1834 *Ebenezer Nelson Briggs, Sp., 1836 1836 *Silas Hemenway Jenison, Gov., 1841 1836 *Carlos Coolidge, LL. D., Sp., 1837 1837 *Solomon Foot, LL. D., Sp., 1839 1839 *Carlos Coolidge, LL. D., Sp., 1842 1831 *Charles Paine, Gov., 1843 1842 * Andrew Tracy, Sp., 1845 1843 *John Mattocks, Gov., 1844 1844 * William Slade, Gov., 1846 1845 *Ebenezer Nelson Briggs, Sp., 1847 1846 *Horace Eaton, M. D., Gov., 1848 1847 *Solomon Foot, LL. D., Sp., 1848 1848 *Carlos Coolidge, LL. D., Gov., 1850 6 CORPORATION ENTERED RETIRED 1848 *William Giillen Kittredge, Sp., 1850 . 1849 *Rev. Worthiiigton Smith, D. D., Pres., 1855 1850 *Cliarles Kilborn Williams, LL. D., Gov., ^1852 1850 *Thomas Eleazer Powers, M. D., Sp., 1853 1852 *Erastus Fairbanks, LL. D., Gov., 1853 1853 *John S. Robinson, Gov., 1854 1853 *Horatio Needham, Sp., 1854 1854 *Stephen Royce, LL. D., Gov., 1856 1854 George Washington Grandey, Sp , 1857 1856 *Ryland Fletcher, Gov., 1858 1856 *Rev. Calvin Pease, D. D., Pres., 1861 1857 George Franklin Edmunds, LL. D., Sp , 1860 1858 *Hiland Hall, LL. D., Gov., 1860 1860 *Erastus Fairbanks, LL. D., Gov., 1861 1860 Augustus Pingry Hunton, Sp., 1862 1861 Frederick Holbrook, Gov., 1863 1862 *Rev. Joseph Torrey, D. D., Pres., 1866 1862 John Gregory Smith, LL. D., Sp., 1862-63, Gov. 1863-65, 1865 1863 Abraham B. Gardner, Sp., ELECTED. 1865 ELECTED RETIRED 1791 *Rev. Caleb Blood, 1808 1791 *Rev. Bethuel Chittenden, 1804 179.1 *Rev. Asa Burton, D. D., 1810 1791 *Ira Allen, 1804 1791 ^"Jonathan Arnold, 1796 1791 *Enoch Woodbridge, 1805 1791 *Samuel Hitchcock, 1813 1791 *Jonathan Hunt, 1807 1793 *Joshua Stanton, 1802 1800 ^William Chase Harrington, 1810 1800 *David Russell, 1810 COEPORATION ELECTED 1802 *Amos Marsh, 1802 *Royall Tyler, 1802 *Martin Chittenden, 1804 *Rev. Publius Virgilius Booge, 1804 *Rev. Henry Green, 1804 *Rev. Leonai'd Worcester, 1807 *Daniel Farrand, 1807 *John Pomeroy, M. D., 1810 *Sarauel Chandler Crafts, 1810 * Joseph Dean Farns worth, M. D., 1810 *Rev. Ezra Butler, 1810 *Pliny Smith, 1810 * Abraham Bronson, 1810 *William Adams Griswold, 1810 *James Fisk, 1810 *Rev. Tilton Eastman, 1810 *Titus Hutchinson, 1810 *William Czar Bradley, LL. D., 1811 *Rev. Jonathan Going, D. D., 1812 * William Chase Harrington, 1812 *Heman Allen (Burlington), 1813 *Truman Chittenden, 1813 *Heman Allen (Milton), 1813 *John Pomeroy, M. D., 1813 *Rev. Willard Preston, D. D., 1814 *Rev, Asa Lyon, 1815 *Rev. Henry Green, 1815 *Rev. John Fitch, 1816 *William Nutting, 1816 *Martin Chittenden, 1816 *Jabez Penniman, 1816 *Rev. Samuel Clark, 1816 *Rev. Daniel Haskel, RETIRED 1811 1813 1813 1810 1813 1810 1810 1810 1818 1818 1816 1816 1816 1815 1812 1813 1825 1815 1819 1813 1816 1839 1844 1822 1815 1821 1821 1816 1845 1818 1822 1817 1821 8 COKPOKATION ELECTED EETIRED 1816 *Ezra Meech, 1825 181V *Luther Loomis, 1818 1818 *William Adams Griswold, 1819 1818 *Rev. Calvin Yale, 1833 1818 *Guy Catlin, 1850 1818 *Samuel Hickok, 1822 1818 *Rev. Leonard Worcester, 1821 1819 *Williani Baxter, 1827 1820 * William Adams Griswold, 1843 1821 *Seth Wetmore, 1830 1821 *Rev. Joel Clapp, D. D., 1839 1822 *Rev, Eufus William Bailey, 1829 1822 *Daniel Kellogg, LL. D., 1833 1822 *Enocli Day Woodbridge, 1833 1823 *Daniel Azro Ashley Buck, 1825 1823 *Jonas Galusha, 1833 1823 *R.obert Pierpoint, 1833 1823 *Horace Everett, 1833 1823 *Rev Otto Smith Hoyt, 1833 1823 *Samuel Prentiss, LL. D., 1854 1823 *Joseph Dean Farnsworth, M. D., 1844 1823 *Salma Hale, 1833 1823 *Isaac Fteteher, 1824 ' 1823 *Samuel Clesson Allen, 1833 1823 *Charles Adams, 1854 1825 *Isaac Fletcher, 1833 1825 *Rev. John Wheeler, D. D., 1833 1825 *Rev. Worthington Smith, D. D,, 1849 1827 *Ira Hayden Allen, 1833 1830 * Daniel Azro Ashley Buck, 1835 1833 *Timothy Follett, 1854 1833 *Rev. Simeon Parmelee, D. D., 1855 1833 *Alvan Foote, 1854 1 - CORPORATION 9 ELECTED RETIRED 1835 *Jacob Collamer, LL. D., 1849 1839 *Charles Paine, 1853 1839 *Rev. William Mitchell, 1S46 1844 *George Perkins Marsh, LL. D., 1S49 1844 *Erastus Fairbanks, LL. D., 1864 1845 Rev. Alvah Sabin, 1861 1849 *Rev. John Wheeler, D. D., 1862 1849 Rev. John Hopkins Worcester, D. D., 1865 1849 *George Bradford Shaw, 1853 1849 *John Norton Pomeroy, LL. D., 1855 1849 *Norman Williams, 1853 1850 *Henry Jarvis Raymond, 1862 • 1852 *Rev. Henry Pearl Hickok, 1865 1853 Asa Owen Aldis, 1865 1853 *Stoddard Benham Colby, 1865 1853 Rev. Ebenezer Cutler, D. D., 1857 1854 Oliver Phelps Chandler, 1865 1854 *Edward Seymour, 1856 1854 Rev. Orpheus Thomas Lanphear, D. D., 1857 1855 *George Perkins Marsh, LL. D., 1861 1855 *Henry Loomis, 1865 1855 *Rev. Aldace Walker, D. D., 1860 1857 *Rev. Clark Ela Ferrin, 1865 1857 *Portus Baxter, 1865 1860 *Rev. John Hills Woodward, 1862 1861 *John Sullivan Adams, 1865 1861 Worthington Curtis Smith, 1865 1862 *Rev. Charles Carroll Parkei-, D. D., 1865 1862 Dudley Chase Denison, 1865 1863 Rev. James B. Upham, D. D., 1865 1865 *Lawrence Barnes, 1865 1865 *Albert Leonard Catlin, 1865 1865 *James Kelsey Colby, 1865 1865 George Franklin Edmunds, LL. D., 1865 1 TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITYofVERMONT AND 1 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, 186S--90. 1 EX OFFICIO. ELECTED RETIRED 1865 Paul Dillingham, Governor, 1867 1865 John Wolcott Stewart, Speaker, 1865 1866 James Burrill Angell, LL. D., President, 1871 1867 *John Boardman Page, Gov., 1869 1869 *Peter Thacher Washburn, Gov., 1870 ISVO John Wolcott Stewart, Gov., 1872 ,1871 Matthew Henry Buckham, Pres., 1872 *Julius Converse, Gov., 1874 1874 *Asahel Peck, LL. D., Gov., 1876 1876 *Horace Fairbanks, Gov., 1878 1878 Redfield Proctor, A. M., Gov., 1880 1880 Roswell Farnhara, A. M., Gov., 1882 1882 John Lester Barstow, Gov., 1884 1884 Samuel Everett Pingree, A. M., Gov., 1886 1886 Ebenezer Jails Ormsbee, A. M., Gov., 1888 1888 William Paul Dillingham, Gov., TRUSTEES 11 ON THE PART OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. ELECTED RETIRED 1865 *Rev. Henry Pearl Hickok, A. B., *1884 1865 Oliver Phelps Chandler, 1878 1865 *Henry Loomis, *1886 1865 *Rev. Clark Ela Ferrin, D. D., *1881 1865 *John Sullivan Adams, A. B., 1868 1865 *Rev. Charles Carroll Parker, D. D., *1880 1865 *Lawrence Barnes, *1886 1865 *Albert Leonard Catlin, 1882 1866 *Leverett Brush Englesby, A. M., *1881 1868 Worthington Curtis Smith, A. B., 1878 Homer Nash Hibbard, LL. D., 1880 George Grenville Benedict, A. M., 1881 William Goodhue Shaw, A. M., 1882 LeGrand Bouton Cannon, 1888 1888 Horace Henry Powers, A. M., 1885 John Heman Converse, A. B., 1887 Torrey Englesby Wales, A. B., 1887 Elias Lyman, A. M., 1889 Edward John Phelps, LL. D. ON THE PART OF THE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEOE. Appointed by the Legislature. APPOINTED RETIRED 1865 George Grenville Benedict, A. M., 1879 1865 *Trenor William Park, 1867 1865 *Peter Thacher Washburn, *1870 1865 *Rev. Horace Herrick, 1875 1865 Justin Smith Morrill, LL. D., 1865 Samuel H. Stevens, 1875 [ 12 TRUSTEES APPOINTED RETIRED 1865 *Seneca Milo Dorr, 1871 1865 *Horace Fairbanks, 1877 1865 Roderick Richardson, 1871 1867 William H. Johnson, 1873 1867 Frederick Billings, A. M., 1873 1871 Paul Dillingham, A. M., 1883 1871 Henry Clark, A. M., 1877 1873 Henry D wight Holton, M. D., 1879 1875 Waldo Brigham, A. M , 1881 1875 Eliakim Persons Walton, A. M., 1887 1877 Roswell Farnham, A. M , 1877 *Asahel Peck, LL. D., *1879 1877 Crosby Miller, ■ 1879 *Luke Potter Poland, LL. D., *1888 1879 Justus Dartt, • 1885 1881 LeGrand Bouton Cannon, 1882 1881 Henry Janes, M. D., 1887 1883 Redfield Proctor, A. M , 1883 *Horace Fairbanks, *1888 1885 Henry Dwight Holton, A. M , M. D., 1887 Rev. Howard Fremont Hill, Ph. D., 1887 Alvin Bruce Franklin, 1888 Ebenezer Jails Ormsbee, A. M., . 1888 Josiah Grout. SECRETARIES. 1791 *Samuel Hitchcock, 1800 1800 *Rev. Daniel Clarke Sanders, 1804 1804 *John Fay, 1808 1808 *Charles Adams, 1811 . 1811 * Warren Loomis, 1817 1817 *Timothy Follett, 1823 1823 *John Norton Pomei'oy, 1826 I . TREASURERS 13 APPOINTED RETIRED 1826 *Geoi'ge Wyllys Benedict, 1834 1834 *Alvan Foote, 1853 1853 *Eev. Henry Pearl Hickok, 1865 1865 George Grenville Benedict. TEEASUKERS. 1791 *Enoch "Woodbridge, 1800 '• 1800 *William Chase Harrington, 1809 i 1809 *David Russell, 1811 1811 *Ozias Buell, 1832 1832 *Timotliy Follett, 1834 1834 *George Wyllys Benedict, 1839 1839 *David Read, 1842 1842 *George Wyllys Benedict, 1843 1843 * William Warner, 1849 1849 *Henry Cbaney, 1853 1853 James Whelpley Hickok, 1855 1855 *Chalon Ford Dave}', 1855 1855 Nathan Strong Hill, 1881 1881 Henry Orson Wheeler. i • LIBRARIANS. 1833 *Farrand Northrop Benedict, 1836 ! 1836 *Rev. Joseph Torrey, 1841 1841 *Henry Chaney, 1847 1847 *Rev. Calvin Pease, 1853 1853 Rev. Nathaniel George Clark, 1863 1863 Matthew Henry Buckham, 1869 1869 Henry Williamson Haynes, 1873 1873 Rev. John Ellsworth Goodrich, 1886 1886 Rev. Lorenzo Sears, 1888 1888 Rev;^ Henry Augustus Pearson Torrey. 1 1 . 1 14: PROFESSOKS PEOFESSORS. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. * J AMES Dean, Dart. 1800; A. M. 1806; LL. D. 1847. Tutor 1807-9; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1809-14 and 1822-34; died 1849. *RoYALL Tyler, Harv. 1776. Professor of Jurisprudence 1811-14; died 1826. *Rev. Jason Chamberlain, Brown 1804. Professor of Greek and Latin 1811-14; died 1821. *Jairus Kennan, Univ. Vt. 1804 and A. M. Professor of Natural History and Chemistry 1813-16; died 1816. *Rev. Ebenezer Burgess, Brown 1809. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1815-17; died 1870. *Rev. James Murdock, Yale 1797 and A. M. ; D. D. Harv. 1819. Professor of Greek and Latin 1815-19; died 1856. *Rev. Gamaliel Smith Olds, Williams 1801. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1819-21; died 1848. *Rev. Lucas Hubbell, Univ. Vt. 1813 and A. M. Tutor 1816-19; Professor of Greek and Latin 1819-24; died 1846. *Rev. John J. Robertson, Columbia 1816; D. D. Professor of Greek and Latin 1824-25. *George Wyllys Benedict, Williams 1818; LL. D. 1857. Lecturer on Chemistry 1825-31; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1825-29; of Natural Philosophy and Chem- istry 1829-39; of Natural History and Chemistry 1839-47; died 1871. *Rev. William Augustus Porter, Williams 1818. Professor of Greek and Latin 1825-27; died 1830. PROFESSORS 1 5 *Rev. Joseph Torrey, Dart. 1816 and A. M. ; And. Theo. Sem. 1819; D. D. Harv. 1850. Professor of Greek and Latin 1827-43; of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy 1842-67; President 1862-66; died 1867. *George Russell Huntington, Univ. Vt. 1826 and A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering 1829-32; died 1872. *Farrand Northrop Benedict, Ham. 1823 ; LL. D. 1868 and Ham. 1865. Tutor 1833; Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering 1833-54: Emeritus 1854; died 1880. *Rev. James Marsh, Dart. 181*7; D. D. Columbia 1830 and Amh. 1833. President 1826-33; Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philoso- phy, 1833-42; died 1842. *Henry Chaney, Univ. Vt. 1831 and A. M. Adjunct Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry 1837-39; Professor of Natural Philosophy 1839-53; died 1885. *Rev. Calvin Pease, Univ. Vt. *1838 and A. M.; D. D. Mid. 1856. Professor of Greek and Latin 1842-55; President 1855-61; died 1863. Rev. William Greenough Thayer Shedd, Univ. Vt. 1839 and A. M.; D. D. 1857. Professor of English Literature, 1845-52. *Rev. Zadock Thompson, Univ. Vt. 1823 and A. M. Tutor 1825-26; Prof essor of Natural History 1851-56; Lecturer in Chemistry, 1851-54; died 1856. Rev. Nathaniel George Clark, Univ. Vt. 1845 and A. M. ; D. D. Union 1865; LL. D. 1875. Tutor 1849-50; Professor of English Literature 1852-57; of Eng- lish Literature and Latin 1857-63. Henry Erni, M. D.; Ph. D. Univ. Zurich; A. M. 1856. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy 1853-57; Instructor in Modern Languages 1854-56. . *Rev. McKendree Petty, Univ. Vt. 1849 and A. M. Tutor 1853-54; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1854-86; died 1887. 16 PEOFBSSOES ♦Leonard Marsh, Dart. 1827 and M. T>. 1832 ; A. M. 1847. Professor of Greek and Latin 1855-57; of Vegetable and Animal Physiology 1857-70; died 1870. Matthew Henry Buckham, Univ. Vt. 1851 and A. M.; T>. D. Dart, and Ham. 1877. Tutor 1853-54; Professor of English Literature 1856-57 and 1863- 71; of Greek 1857-71; President 1871 Rev. Edward Hungerford, Yale 1851 ; A. M. 1858. Professor of Chemistry and Geology 1857-62. Rev. Charles Wheeler Thompson, Univ. Vt. 1854 and A. M. Tutor 1856-57; Professor pro tempore of Latin 1863-67. Eli Whitney Blake, Yale 1857; A.M. 1867. Professor pro tempore of Chemistry and Physics 1866-67. Henry Williamson Haynes, Harv. 1851 and A. M, Professor of Latin 1867-71; of Greek 1871-73. Peter Collier, Yale 1861 and A.M. and Ph.D. 1866 ; M.D.1870. Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Metallurgy 1867-77; Dean of Medical Faculty 1871-74. Rev. Henry Augustus Pearson Torrey, Univ. Vt. 1858 and A. M. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy 1868—; Librarian George Henry Perkins, Yale 1867 and Ph. D. 1869. Professor of Zoology, Botany and Geology 1869-81; of Natural History 1881 YoLNEY Giles Barbour, Ph. B. Yale 1867; C. E. 1887. Professor of Civil Engineering 1869 ; Special Professor of San- itary Science Med. Dept. 1886-88. Rev. John Hopkins Worcester, Univ. Vt. 1865 and A. M.; D.D. 1885. Professor pro tempore of English Literature 1871. Rev. Spencer Marsh, Dart. 1849 and A. M. Professor j)ro tempore of English Literature 1872; of Modern Languages 1873-75. Rev. John Ellsworth Goodrich, Univ. Vt. 1853 and A. M. Professor of Rhetoric and Latin 1872-77; of Greek and Latin 1877- 81; of Latin 1881 Rev. Charles Fletcher Dole, Harv. 1868 and A. M. Professoj- pro tempore of Greek 1873. PEOFESSOES 17 William Cowpee Simmons, Harv. 1868. Professor of Greek 1873-77. KiCHAKD Austin Rice, Yale 1868; A. M. Williams 1883. Professor of Modern Languages 1875-81. Rev. Joshua Isham Bliss, Univ. Yt. 1852 and A. M.; D. D. 1885. Professor of Rhetoric 1877-85. George Adams Smyth, Bovvd. 1868 and A. M. ; Ph. D. Berlin. Professor of Chemistry and Physics 1877-1880. Alvah Hoeton Sabin, Bowd. 1876 and M. S. Professor of Chemistry and Physics, 1880-85. Samuel Franklin Emeeson, Yale 1872; Union Theo. Sem. 1878; Ph. D. Amh. 1885. Professor of Greek and Modern Languages 1881-89; Professor of History 1889 Nathan Frederick Meeeill, B. S. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1870; Ph. D. Zurich 1872. Professor of Chemistry and Physics 1885-89 ; of Chemistry 1889 Rev. Lorenzo Sears, Yale 1861; Gen. Theo. Sem. 1864. Professor of Rhetoric 1885-88; Librarian 1886-88. Archibald Lamont Daniels, Mich. Univ. 1876; Sc.D. Prince. '85. Instructor in Mathematics 1885-86; Professor of Mathematics 1886 ; of Mathematics and Physics 1889 Horatio Loomis, Ph. B. Univ. Yt. 1886. Assistant Professor of Chemistry 1886 AYells Woodbridge Cooke, B. S. Ripon 1879 and A. M. Professor of Agriculture 1886 Joseph Knowlton Chickering, Amh. 1869 and A. M. Professor of Rhetoric 1888 Lewis Jurey Huff. Instructor in Modern Languages 1887-89; Professor of the same 1889 James Rignall Wheeler, Univ. Yt. 1880; Ph. D. Harv. 1885. Professor of Greek 1889 18 PKOFESSOES MILITARY TACTICS. Frederick Robinson, Bvt. Capt. U. S. A., 1874-77. Albert Simpson Cummins, 1st Lt. 4th Art. U. S. A., M. D. 1889, 1877-81 and 1887 — Herbert Everett Tutherly, 1st Lt. 1st Cav. U. S. A., A. M. 1885, 1881-85. Crosby Park Miller, Ist Lt. 4th Art. U. S. A, 1885 to Nov. 15. William H. Coffin, 1st Lt. 5th Art. U. S. A., 1885-86. LECTURERS. *Rev. Samuel Williams, LL. D., Natural Philosophy and Astronomy , 1808-09. *Nathan Smith, M. D., Medicine and Surgery, IS22-25. *Rev. Archibald Fleming, Chemistry and Magnetic Electricity, 1847-49. NoahCres8y,M. D., Ph. D. 1878, Veterinary Medicine, 1876-79. Wilbur Olin Atwater, WesL Univ. 1865 ; Ph. D. Yale 1869, Agricultural Chemistry, 1879-80. INSTRUCTORS. Samuel Huntington, C. E., Civil Engineering, 1867-69. Louis Pollens, A. M. 1869, Modern Languages, 1868-74. John Harvey Hills, Draviing, 1866-67. Charles Ormsby French, Military Tactics, 1867-68. Charles Denison, A. B., Gymnastics, 1868-69. Samuel Warren Davis, Harv. 1877, Greek and Latin, 1877-78. David Johnson Foster, Dart. 1880, Elocution, 1883-86. Josiah William Votey, C. E. Univ. Vt. 1884, Civil Engineer- ing, 1884 — William Augustus Deering, B. S. BoAvd. 1875 and A. M., His- tory, 1886-88. Fred Merritt Corse, Univ. Vt. 1888, Mathematics, 1889 — Lewis Ralph Jones, Ph. B., Natural History, 1889 — PKOFESSOES 19 TUTORS. *Eliphalet Beecher Coleman, Williams 1800, 1804. *Ira Hill, Univ. Vt. 1808, 1809-10. *Alexandee Jones, Brown 1814, 1815-16. James Smith, 1818. *Benjamin Franklin Bailey, Univ. Vt. 1818, 1818-19. *Geoege Bradford Shaw, Univ. Vt. 1819, 1819-20. *Royal Washburn, Univ. Vt. 1820, 1820-22. *Gamaliel Bradford Sawyer, Univ. Vt. 1819, 1821-22. *Dana Lamb, Univ. Vt. 1825, 1825-27. *SoLOMON Foot, Mid. 1826, 1827-28. *George Russell Huntington, Univ. Vt. 1826, 1828-29. *George Allen, Univ. Vt. 1827, 1828-80. John Alexander Jameson, Univ. Vt. 1846, 1850-53. SECRETARIES. William Augustus Deering, B. S. Bowd. 1875 and A. M., 1884-88. Feed Merritt Corse, Univ. Vt. 1888, 1888 — PROFESSORS. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. *John Pomeroy, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery 1809-17; of Surgery 1817-23; died 1844. *Aethur Livermoee Poetee, M. D. Dart. 1818. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy 1821-25; died 1845. * William Paddock, M. D. Dart. 1815. Professor of Botany and Materia Medica 1821-24; died 1825. *Nathan Ryno Smith, Yale 1817 and M. D. 1820; LL.D. Dart. 1875. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology 1821-25; died 1877. * James Kent Platt, Mid. 1812, M. D. Professor of Surgery 1823-24; died 1824. 20 PEOFESSOKS * William Sweetzek, Harv. 1815 and M. T>. 1818. Professor of Theory and Practice 1825-32; died 1875. fJoHN Bell, Union 1819; M. D. Bowd. 1823 and Dart. 1825. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology 1825; died 1830. William Anderson, M. D. Mid. 1823. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology 1825-28. *Henky S. Waterhouse, M. D. Univ. Vt. 1824. Professor of Surgery 1825-27. *Benjamin Lincoln, Bowd. 1823 and M. D. 1827. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery 1829-34; died 1835. *JosEPH Marsh, M. D. Dart. 1830. Professor of Theory and Practice 1835-41; died 1846. *Edward Elisha Phelps, M. D. Yale 1825; A. M. 1835; LL.D. 1857. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery 1835-37. *Samuel White Thayer, M. D. Vt. Med. Coll. 1838; A. M. Dart. 1866; LL. D. 1877. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology 1853-56; of Surgery 1854- 55 ; of Anatomy 1856-72 ; Emeritus 1872 ; Dean of Medical Faculty 1854-71 and 1880-82; died 1882. Walter Carpenter, M. D. Dart. 1830. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1853-57; of Theory and Practice 1857.-81; Dean of Medical Faculty 1877-80. Edward Kane, M. D. Univ. Yt. 1824. Professor of Theory and Practice and of Pathology 1853-57. *Orrin Smith, M. D. Univ. Yt. 1831; A. M. 1859. Professor of Obstetrics and Obstetrical Jurisprudence 1853-58. *HoRATio Nelson, M. D. Univ. N. Y. Professor of Surgery 1853-54; died 1860. *David Sloan Conant, M. D. Bowd. 1851. Professor of Surgery 1855-65; died 1865. John Y. Lansing, M. D. Professor of Physiology and Pathology 1856-57; of Medical Juris- prudence and Medical Psychology 1857-58. PROFESSORS 21 *JosEPH Peekins, M. D. Phila. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1857-58; of Obstet- rics 1858-68 ; Emeritus 1868 ; died 1872. KiCHARD Cresson Stiles, Yale 1851; M. D. Univ. Penn. 1854. Professor of Physiology and Pathology 1857-65. Henry Martyn Seeley, Ph. E. Yale 1856 and A. M. 1860; M. D. Berks 1S57. Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology 1860-67. Charles Linn.icus Allen, M. D. Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine 1862-63; of Civil and Military Hygiene 1865-66. John Ordronaux, Dart. 1850; LL. B. Harv. 1852; M. I). Nat. Med. Coll. 1859; LL. D. Trin. 1870. Professor of Physiology and Medical Jurisprudence 1865-73: EmerituH Med. Jurisp. 1873 *Alpheus Benning Crosby, Dart. 1858 and A.M. and M. D. 1856. Professor of Surgery 1866-72; died 1877. Edward Swift Dunster, Harv. 1856 and A. M. ; M. D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1859. Professor of Obstetrics 1868-71. *WiLLiAM Darling, A. M.; M. D.; LL. D. 1879; F. R. C. S. Professor of Anatomy 1872-84; died 1884. Benjamin Howard, M. D. Professor of Obsteti-ics 1872-73; of Sui-gery 1873-75. Henry D wight Hulton, M. D.; A. M. 1879. Professor of Materia Medica and General Pathology 1873-86. Albert Freeman Afkicanus King, M. D.; A. M. 1884. Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Women 1871-72; Professor of Obstetrics 1873 Marshall Calkins, Union 1853 and A. M.; M. D. Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy 1873-79. *James Lawrence Little, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y, 1860. Professor of Surgery 1875-85; died 1885. 22 PROFESSORS AsHBEL Pakmelee Grinnell, M. D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1869; A. M. 1889. Special Professor of Diseases of Heart and Lungs 1875-77; Profes- sor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy 1878-81; Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine 1881 ; Dean of Medical Faculty 1874-77 and 1886 ; Secretary of Medical Faculty 1877-1886. Rudolph August Witthaus, A. M.; M. D. Professor of Medical Cliemistry and Toxicology 1878 John Henky Jackson, M. D. 1865; A. M. 1884. Lecturer on Pliysiology and Microscopic Anatomy 1881-82; Pro- fessor of the same 1882 LeRoy Munroe Bingham, M. D. 1870. Professor of Surgery 1885. William Beverly Towles, M. D. Professor of Anatomy 1885 Joel Williston Wright, A. M.; M. D. Professor of Sm-gery 1886 Julius Hayden Woodward, B. S. ; M. D. 1882. Special Professor of Diseases of Throat 1885-86; Lecturer on Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics 1886-87 ; Professor of same 1887 SPECIAL PKOFESSORS. Daniel Bennett St. John Roosa, A. M; M. D.; LL. D. 1881, Diseases of the Eye and Ear, 1875-76 and 1878-83. Edward Sprague Peck, Univ. Vt. 1864 and A. M.; M. D. 1868; Diseases of the Eye and Ear, 1875-78 (Adjunct 1875-77). Robert William Taylor, M. D., Diseases of the Skin, 1875 — ; Venereal Diseases, 1%S5 — Stephen Maetindale Roberts, Univ. Vt. 1863; M. D. 1867. Diseases of Children, 1875 — PROFESSORS 23 William Alexandek Hammond, M. D., Diseases of Mind and Nervous System, 1876-79. Adrian Theodore Woodward, M. D., Surgical Diseases of Women, 1876 — George Minot Garland, M. D., Thoracic Diseases, 1878-83. Clinton Wagner, M. D., Diseases of Throat, 1879-82. William James Morton, A. M,; M. D., Diseases of Mind and Nervous System, 1880-85. Edward John Phelps, Mid. 1840; LL. D. 1887 and Mid. 1870, Medical Jurisprudence, 1880-83. Charles Paine Thayer, M. I). 1865 ; (Adjunct) Anatomy, 1883-85. Milton Josiah Roberts, M. D., Orthopmdic Surgery, 1883-84. William Oliver Moore, M. D , Diseases of Eye and Ear, 1884 — Stephen Smith Burt, M. D., Physical Diagnosis, 1884-85. Wilder Luke Burnap, Dart. 1863 and A. M.; Medical Jurisprudence, 1884 — Ambrose Loomis Ranney, A. M.; M. D., Diseases of Mind and Nervous System, 1885-88.- Henry Janes, M. D., Military Surgery, 1885-86. Abel Mix Phelps, M. D , Orthopmdic Surgery, 1885 — * Walter Lafayette Ranney, M. D., Physical Diagnosis, 1886-87. George Bevan Hope, M. D., Diseases of Throat, 1886 — Edward Dix Fisher, A. B.; M. D., Diseases of Mind and Nervous System, 1888 — Charles Boyd Kelsey, M. D., Diseases of Rectum, 1889 — INSTRUCTORS. Hiram Hayden Atwater, Univ. Vt. 1847 and A. M.; M. D. Yt. Med. Coll. 1851, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, 1875-88. George Cary Briggs, M. D., Materia Medica, 1876-77; Phys- iology and Microscopic Anatomy, 1881-82. 24 INSTRUCTORS William Brown Lund, Univ. Vt. 1861 and A. M.; M. D. ITniv. Mich. 1864, Materia Medica, 1877-79 ; Mat. Med. and Therapeutics, 1879-86. Rev. Andrew Jackson Willard, Yale 1853; M. D. 1877; Chem- istry and Toxicology, 1881 — ; (ipecial Professor of Sanitary Science., 1888 — John Brooks Wheeler, Univ. Vt. 1875; M. D. Harv. 1879. Principles and Practice of Surgery, 1881 — Joseph Hatch Linsley, M. D., 1880, Physiology and Micro- scopic Anatomy, 1885-89. Henry Grain Tinkham, M. D. 1883, Anatomy, 1885-87. William Baker Gibson, M. D. 1876 ; C. M., Materia Medica, 1886-88; Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chil- dren, 1888-89. Jacob Chase Rutherford, M. D. 1882, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, 1889 — Bertrand Joel Andrews, M. D. 1885, Physiology and Micro- scopic Anatomy, 1889 — TRUSTEES 25 BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 1890. Matthew Henry Buckham, D. D. , ^ President. I William Paul Dillingham, | Governor of the State. J Ex Officio. ON THE PART OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. WORTHINGTON CURTIS SMITH, A. B., St. AlbaitS, Vt. Homer Nash Hibbard, LL.D., Chicago, HI. George Grenville Benedict, A.M., Burlington, Vt. William Goodhue Shaw, A. M., Burlington, Vt. Horace Henry Powers, A. M., Morrisville, Vt. John Heman Converse, A. B., Philadelphia, Pa. TORREY Englesby Wales, A. B., Burlington, Vt. Eli AS 'LxMAi^, A.M., Burlington, Vt. Edward John Phelps, LL.D., Burlington, Vt. ON THE PART OF THE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. ROSWELL Farnham, A. M. , Bradford, Vt. v Henry Dwight Holton, A.M., M. D., Brattlehoro, Vt. (.1885-91. Josiah Grout, Derby, Vt. ) Justin Smith Morrill, LL.D., Strafford, Vt. Rev. Howard Fremont Hill, Ph. D., Montpelier, Vt. '.1887-93. Alvin Bruce Franklin, Newfane, Vt. ) Crosby Miller, Pomfret, Vt. ■, Redfield Proctor, A. M., Washington, D. C. ( 1889-95. Ebenezer Jalls Ormsbee, A.m., Brandon, Vt. ) George Grenville Benedict, Secretary. Henry Orson Wheeler, A. B. , Treasurer, IS4 College St. executive committee. Matthew Henry Buckham, George Grenville Benedict, William Goodhue Shaw, Horace Henry Powers. FINANCE committee. Justin Smith Morrill, William Goodhue Shaw, Torrey Englesby" Wales. 26 FACULTY OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. Matthew Henry Buckham, D. D., President. John Ordronaux, M. D., LL. 1)., Professor Emeritus of Medical Jurisprudence. Rev. Henry Augustus Pearson Torrey, A. M., Marsh Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Volney Giles Barbour, Ph. B., C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering. George Heniy Perkins, Ph. D., Hotoard Professor of Natural History. Rev. John Ellsworth Goodrich, A. M., Professor of Latin. Albert Freeman Africanus King, A. M., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. Ashbel Parmelee Grinnell, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and Dean of the Medical Faculty. Rudolph August Witthaus, A. M., M. D., Professor of Medical Chemistry and Toxicology. John Henry Jackson, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy. Samuel Franklin Emerson, Ph. D., Professor of History. Nathan Frederick Merrill, Ph. D., Pomeroy Professor of Chemistry. Archibald Lament Daniels, Sc. D., Williams Professor of Mathematics and Physics. Joseph Knowlton Chickering, A. M., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature. FACULTY 27 Abel Mix Phelps, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. William Beverly Towles, M. I)., Professor of General and Special Anatomy. Josiah William Votey, C. E., Instructor in Civil Engineering. Julius Hay den Woodward, B. S., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and TherajJentics and of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Wells Woodbridge Cooke, A. M., Professor of Agriculture. Horatio Loomis, Ph. B., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Albert Simpson Cummins, 1st Lt. 4th Art'y. U. S. A., Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Lewis Jurey Huff, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures. James Rignall Wheeler, Ph. D., Professor of Greek. Fred Merritt Corse, A. B., Instructor in Mathematics and Secretary of the Academic Faculty. Robert William Taylor, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Skin and Venereal Diseases. Stephen Martindale Roberts, A. B., M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children. Adrian Theodore Woodward, M. D., Professor of Surgical Diseases of Women. Edward Dix Fisher, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. Wilder Luke Burnap, A. M., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 28 FACULTY Jacob Chase Rutherford, M. D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chil- dren. Rev. Andrew Jackson Willard, A. B., M. D., Professor of Sanitary Science and Instructor in Chemis- try and Toxicology. John Brooks Wheeler, A. B., M. D., Instructor in Principles and Practice of Surgery and As- sistant to the Chair of Surgery. Bertrand Joel Andrews, M. D., Instructor in Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy. Henry Grain Tinkham, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. George Bevan Hope, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Throat. Gharles Boyd Kelsey, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Rectum. Lewis Ralph Jones, Ph. B., Instructor in Natural History. Fred Merritt Corse, Curator of Buildings. Professor Barbour, Superintendent of Grounds. Professor Perkins, Curator of Museum. Professor Torrey, Librarian. Abel Joel Grout, Assistant Librarian. Harry Lyman Koopman, A. M., Cataloguer. ALUMNI 29 ALUMNI. 1804 *Charles Adams, A. M. ; Burlington Vt. ; lawyer, secre- tary 1808-11; member of corporation. *1861 *Wlieeler Barnes; Rome, N. Y.; lawyer. *1858 *Jairus Kennan, A M.; Burlington, Vt.; prof. nat. hist, and chem. 181.3-16. *1816 * Justus Perry Wheeler; Janesville, Wis.; farmer. *1872 1805 *01iver Hubbell; Charlotte, Vt.; lawyer. *1831 *Asahel Langworthy, A M.; New York City; lawyer. *1835 *Warren Loomis, A. M ; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer, secre- tary 1811-17. *1827 1806 *John Huntington Chaplin, A. M. ; Pittsburgh, Pa.; lawyer. *Gardner Child, A. M. 1812; Georgia, Vt.; lawyer. *1818 *Ezra Carter Gross, A. M. 1813; Elizabethtown, N. Y.; lawyer, member of congress. *1829 *Cassius Francis Pomeroy, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. ; physician. *1813 *James Lucius Sawyer, A. M.; N. Y. City; lawyer. *1850 *James Strong, A. M. 1824; Hudson, N. Y. ; lawyer, mem. cong. *184'7 1807 *Amariah Chandler, D. D. 1846; Greenfield, Mass.; Cong, clergyman. *1864 30 ALUMNI *Saterlee Clark, A. M. 1823; U. S. mil. acad. 1807; Green Bay, Wis.; major U. S. A., paymaster in 1824. *1848 *Lewis Johnson; Phelps, N. Y.; lawyer. *1817 1808 *Ira Hill, A. M.; Maryland; tutor 1809-10, teacher. *1838 *Archibald Waterman Hyde, A.M.; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *1847 1809 * William At water, A. M., M. D. 1844; Burlington, Vt. ; physician. *1853 *John Herman Bird; midshipman U. S. N. *1812 *Chauncey Brownell, A M.; Williston, Vt.; lawyer. *1850 *Eli Brownson, A. M. ; Richmond, Vt. ; farmer. *Thomas Chittenden, A. M.; Granville, O.; farmei-. *1868 *Isaac Russell Harrington; Buffalo, N.Y.; merchant. *1851 *Charles Gove Lester; Montreal, P. Q. ; merchant. *John Norton Pomeroy, A. M., LL. D. 1861; Burling- ton, Vt. ; lawyer, secretary 1823-26, mem. corp. *1881 Addison Smith; Dayton, O. ; lawyer. *Alden Burton Spooner; Petersburg, Va. ; lawyer. *1853 Joel Strong; lawyer. ^Stephen Maynard Wheelock; Rutland, Vt. ; Cong. clerg. ■ *1847 1810 *John Brownson; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; lawyer, judge circuit court La. *1865 *David Manning Camp, A. M.; Montpelier, Vt. ; law- yer, lieut. gov. Vt. *1871 James Dunscombe Cobb; U. S. mil. acad. 1811; Wash- ington, D, C. ; lawyer. ALUMNI 31 *Jacob Collamer, A. M., LL.D. 1850 and Dart. 1855; Woodstock, Vt. ; lawyer, mem. corp., judge sup. and circ. courts Vt. 1833-41, prof. med. jurisp. Vt. coll. med., mem. cong. 1843-49, p. m. gen. 1849-50, U. S. sen. 1855-65. *1865 *David Doane, A. M. 1820; Granville, N. Y.; lawyer. *Elijah Fletcher; Amherst, Va ; lawyer, farmer. *1858 *Timothy Follett, A. M. 1816; Burlington, Vt.; law- yer, secretary, treas., mem. corp. *1857 *John Kilburn, A. M. ; Columbus, O.; lawyer. *1833 *Dauphin King; Providence, R. I.; sea caj^tain. *1852 *Williara Noble, A. M. 1820; Hyde Park, 111. ; lawyer. *1874 *Jabez Parkhurst, U. S. mil. acad. 1814; Fort Cov- ington, N. Y.; lawyer. *1865 *Quartus Parmele; Potsdam, N. Y. ; physician. *Joseph Pynchon Russell, A. M., M. D.; New York city; surgeon U. S. A. *1849 *Mayhew Safford, A. M.; Warsaw, N. Y.; lawyer. *1831 *Frederick Augustus Sawyer; Burlington, Vt.; lieut. U. S. A. *1831 *Davis Stone, A. M. ; lawyer. *Norman Williams, A. M. and Dart. 1816; Wood- stock, Vt.; lawyer, prof. med. jurisp. Vt. coll. med., mem. corp., sec. of state Vt. *1868 1811 *Luke Baldwin Foster; Rutland, Mass.; Cong, cler- gyman. *1817 *Henry Hitchcock, A.M. 1816; Mobile, Ala.; lawyer, ch. judge sup. court Ala. *1839 *Levi Holbrook, A. M. Univ. N. C. 1814; Danville, Va. *1872 *Oran Isham; Shelburne, Vt. ; farmer. *1863 *Nathaniel Read; Cambridge, Vt. ; lawyer. *1873 *Timothy Tyler; Milton, Vt.; lawyer. 1 ■ ■ "~ 1 32 ALUMNI *Lutlier Wait; Sandy Hill, N. Y. ; lawyer, judge co. ct. and surrogate. *1857 *Jared Willson; Canandaigua, N. Y. ; lawyer, judge CO. ct. and surrogate. *1851 1812 *Horace Allen; Potsdam, N. Y. ; lawyer. *1863 *James Clark Dutcher; St. Albans, Vt.; teacher. *1813 *Abiel Fisher, D. D. 1852; Bapt. clergyman. *1862 Horace Griswold, A. M. 1816; Bapt. clergyman. *George Newell; Charlotte, Vt.; merchant. *1822 *Robert Steele; Virginia; teacher. *1816 *Samuel Hunt Tupper, A. M. Mid. 1815; North Fer. risburgh, Vt. ; M. E. clergyman. *1873 *Joseph Williamson, A. M. and Brown 1839; Belfast, Me.; lawyer, pres. Me. senate. *1854 1813 *Ira Bellows; Pittsford, N. Y. ; lawyer. *1855 *Grove Lawrence Brownell, A. M. and Yale 1816; Sharon, Conn.; Cong, clergyman. *1855 *Israel Elliot; Boston, Mass. *1815 *David French, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *18'72 *Ebenezer Clark Grosvenor, M. R Harv. 1816; Darien, Ga. *1826 Samuel Gordon Hopkins. *Lucas Hubbell, A. M.; Lyons, N. Y,; Presb. clerg., tutor 1816-19, prof. Greek and Latin 1819-24. *1846 Amos Andrew Parker; Fitzwilliam, N. H.; lawyer, editor, author. *Phineas Randall; Waukeesha, Wis.; lawyer. *1853 *Lemuel Henderson Wicker; Ticonderoga, N. Y. ; lawyer. *1829 1 ALUMNI 33 1814 *Constantine Gilraan. *Isaac Holton ; Hills Grove, 111. ; farmer. *1850 *Isaac Moore; lawyer. *Erastus Root, A. M., M. D. Dart. 1817; physician. *1829 *Almon Warner, A. M. 1837; Castleton, Vt; lawyer. 1815 During the academic year 1814-15 the college buildings were occupied by U. S. soldiers, and instruction was suspended. 1816 *Jehudi Ashmun, A. M. ; New Haven, Conn.; Cong. clerg., prof, class, lit. Bangor theo. sem., gov. of Liberia. *1828 Samuel Clark. 1817 Francis Bowman, D. D. Hamp. Sid. coll.; Memphis, Tenn. ; Presb. clergyman. *Earl Smith; AVolcott, Yt. *1875 *Cephas Washburn; Fort Smith, Ai-k.; Presb. clerg. *1860 *Henry Woodward; teacher. 1818 *Benjamin Franklin Bailey, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; tutor 1818-19, lawyer. *1832 *Neheraiah Dodge, A. M. 1826; Mount Joy, Pa. ; Presb. clerg., teacher. *1876 *Luman Foote, A. M. ; Charlotte, Mich. ; lawyer, after- ward P. E. clergyman. *1876 *Jacob Maeck, A. M.; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer. *1873 3 , ■ — — 1 34 ALUMNI 1819 *Samuel Buel, Essex. *1819 *Nahuin Osgood, A. M. ; Kentucky; P. E. clerg. *1832 *Jaraes Augustus Paddock; Craftsbury, "Vt. ; lawyer. *1867 *Thomas Knowlton Peck, A. M.; Conn.; P. E. clerg. *182'7- *Gamaliel Bradford Sawj^er, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. ; tutor 1821-22, lawyer. *1868 *George Bradford Shaw, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. ; tutor 1819-20, lawyer, mem. corp. *1853 *Samuel Austin Worcester, And. theo. sem. 1823, D.D.I 85 7; Parkllill, Cherokee Nation; Cong. clergyman, miss'y- *1859 1820 Seneca Austin, A. M. ; Walnut Hills, 0. (?) ; clerg. *Heman Miller Blodgett, And. theo. sem. 1823; Paw- tucket, R. I.; clerg., agent N. J. col. soc. *1877 *George Clinton Cahoon; Lyndon, Vt.; lawyer. *1879 *Ebenezer Clapp; lawyer. Samuel Flint. Silas C. Freeman; clergyman. Jared Kenyon; Ohio; teacher. *Richard Wheeler Smith; Wardsboro, Vt. ; lawyer. *1874 *Royal Washburn, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1824; Am- herst, Mass.; tutor 1820-22, clergyman. *1833 1821 *Ephraim Adams, A. M.; Accomac co., Va.; P. E. clergyman. *1839 * William Collard Hickok, M. D. univ. state N. Y. 1825; Burlington, Vt.; farmer. *1883 *Iieniy Leavenworth, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *1854 *George Peaslee, A.M.; Hartford, Conn.; lawyer. *1830 ALUMNI 35 *Edmund Weston, A. M. 1836; West Randolph, Vt.; lawj^er, judge eo. ct. *1870 1822 *Pliny Moore Corbin; Troy, N. Y. ; cashier. *1874 *Thomas Nye; Montreal, P. Q. ; lawyer. Moses Rolph ; lawyer. 1823 *Frederick Hunt Allen, A. M. ; Boston, Mass.; lawyer, judge circ. ct. Me., prof, jurisp. Harv. *1868 * Warren Hoxsie, A. M. ; Westford, Vt. ; lawyer. *1857 *Edwin Hutchinson ; Woodstock, Vt. ; lawyer. *1861 *Orson Kellogg, A. M. ; New York city; clergyman. *1853 *Royal Makepeace Ransom, also Harv. 1827; Wood- stock, Vt.; lawyer. *1832 *Zadock Thompson, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. ; tutor 1855-6, P. E, clerg., prof nat. hist. 1851-56, lect. in chem. 1851-54, state geologist Vt., author, *1856 *James Towner ; Michigan City, la.; Cong, clerg. *1847 *Ebenezer Bancroft Williston, A. M. ; Norwich, Vt. ; pres. Jeff. coll. *1837 1824 *Jolin Alexander Ferris, A. M. ; S wanton, Vt. ; farmer. *Lynde Catlin Ferris, A. M., M. D elsewhere ; New Y^ork city ; physician. *Stephen Leonard Herrick; Grinnell, Iowa; Cong. clergyman. *1886 *George Washington Houghton, A.M. 1835 ; Buffalo, N. Y.; lawyer. 36 ALUMNI Oramel Hutchinson; Chester, Vt.; lawyer. George Halley Parker ; New York city. *John Storrs, A.M.; Augusta, Ga.; lawyer. *1829 *Williani Wellington Wells, A.M.; Waterbury, Vt.; manufacturer. *1869 Boyd Hopkins Wilson, A. M.; lawyer. 1825 *James Converse; Eatonton, Ga. *1826 *lrad C. Day; Muscatine, Iowa; lawyer. *1850 * Joseph Adam Denison, A. M., M. D. Yale 1828; Royalton, Vt. ; physician. *1848 *Alden Emmons; Norfolk, Va. *1826 *Henry Hutchinson; Woodstock, Vt. ; lawyer. *1885 *Dana Lamb, A. M. and Mid. 1834; Springvale, Wis.; tutor 1825-27, Cong, clerg. *1861 George Stone; Barlow, Dak.; Cong, clergyman. *Benjaniin Swan; Colchester, Conn.; lawyer. *1852 *Alexander Thaddeus Ttittle ; lawyer. * James Van Ness, A. M. 1831 ; San Francisco, Cal. ; lawyer. *1872 *Ira Mason Weed, And. theo. sem. 1829; Ypsilanti, Mich. ; Pi'esb. clergyman. *1874 *George Palmer Williams, A. M., LL. D. Keny. coll. 1849 ; Ann Arbor, Mich. ; P. E. clerg., prof. math, and phys. Mich. univ. 1841-63, of physics 1863-75, Emeritus 1875, also librarian 1845-48 and pres. of fac. 1845-46 and 1848-49. *1881 *George Richards Minot Withington, A. M. and Harv. 1828; Bolton, Mass. ; lawyer. *1853 1826 *Asa Brainerd, A. M. ; Cleveland, O.; clergyman, teacher. ALUMNI 37 *Alexander Catliii, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. *1851 *Martin Chittenden, A. M. ; Buffalo, N. Y. ; lawyer. *18.32 *Erastus Dean Culver, A. M. ; Greenwich, N. Y. ; lawyer, mem. cong. 1845 and 1847, city iudge Brooklyn 1855-61, U. S. min. to Venezuela 1862-65. *1889 Leonard Mellen Fitch, A. :\L, M. D. Phila.; W. New- ton, Mass.; dentist. *Daniel Dyer Francis, A. M. ; Hartford, Conn. ; Cong. clergyman. *1872 *Enoch Hale; Atkinson, N. H.; P. E. clergjmian, teacher. *1830 *George Russell Huntington, A. M. ; Canandaigua, N. Y.; tutor 1828-20, prof. math, and civ. eng. 1829-:S2. *1872 *Daniel Parker, A. M.; Brookfield, Vt. ; Cong, clerg. *1850 *Rotus Parmelee, A. M., M. D. elsewhere; Waterloo, P. Q. ; physician. *1870 James Franklin Robinson, A. M. ; N. Y. city; lawyer. *John Leslie Russell, A. M.; Canton, N. Y.; lawyer. *1861 Guy Benjamin Shepard, M. D. Castl. ; physician, judge CO. ct. *William AVilson; Tallahassee, Fla. ; lawyer. *1853 1827 *George Allen, A. M., LL. D. univ. Pa. 1868; Phila- delphia, Pa.; tutor 1828-30, P. E. clergyman, prof. Latin and Greek Newark coll., prof. lang. Del. coll., prof. Greek univ. Pa. *1876 Nicholas Baylies; Des Moines, Iowa; lawyer, district judge La. *Charles Follett Deming; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *1832 *Francis Smith Eastman ; Worcester, Mass. 38 ALUMNI *John Quincy Adams Edgell, And. theo. sera. 1831; ^ Andover, Mass.; Cong, clergyman. *1867 *Anson Earl Hathon, A. M. 1846; Detroit, Mich. ; civ. engineer. *Henry Peai'l Hickok; Burlington, Vt. ; Cong, clergy- man, banker, mem. corp., secretary. *1884 *Rodney Dewey Hill; lawj^er. *1866 • *Byrem Lawrence, Newt. theo. inst. 1831; Brazil, Ind.; clergyman, teacher. *1854 *Percival Morse, A. M. 1831; Elizabeth town, N. Y.; lawyer. *1841 Christopher Giles Newton; Lawrence, Mass.; lawyer. Charles Consider Severance; Springville, N.Y; lawyer. *Alonzo Alpheus Wainwright; Middlebury, Vt. *1848 1828 *Seymonr Lorenzo Allen; Fairfield, Vt.; farmer. *1877 ^Archibald Fleming, A. M.; Malone, N. Y.; Cong. clergyman, lect. chem. and electr. 1847-49. ■*1875 *William Fay Griswold ; Burlington, Vt.; bank clerk. *1857 *Daniel Wild; Fairfield, Vt.: Cong, clergyman. *1873 1829 Asa Owen'Aldis, A. M. 1833; Washington, D. C; lawyer, judge sup. ct. Vt. 1857-65, mem. corp.. U. S. consul at Nice 1865-70, pres. U. S. south- ern claims com. 1871-80, mem. French and Am. claims com. 1880 84. Chauncey Doane Bradford ; New Orleans, La. John Calvin Jones; New York city; editor. *Jonathan Lamb ; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Seth Chandler Sherman ; Quincy, 111.; lawyer. *Cornelius Van Ness; San Antonio, Tex.; lawyer *1842 ALUMNI 39 *01iver AVendell Withington, also Harv. 1829, A. M. 1833; Boston, Mass.; lawyer. *1853 1830 * James Dougherty, A. M., D. D. 1864; Johnson, Vt.; Cong, clergyman. *1878 *Curtis Abel Emerson ; Green Bay, Mich. *Perry Haskell; Ascutneyville, Vt.; teacher, farmer. *1886 *Asahel Peck, 1876, A. M. 1847, LL. D. Mid. 1872; judge circ. ct. Vt. 1851-57, judge supr. ct. Vt. 1860-74, gov. Vt. 1874-76, trustee. *1879 *01iver Stanley Powell, A. M. 1834; Fort Atkinson, Wis. *1855 1831 *Zenas Bliss, A. M. 1843 ; Amherst, Mass.; Cong, cler- gyman. *1865 *Henry Chaney, A. M. 1837; Detroit, Mich.; prof, nat. phil. and chem. 1837-39, prof. nat. phi). 1839-53, librarian 1841-47, treasurer 1849-53. *1885 John Fairchild ; Indiana ; Presb. clergyman. *Samuel Lee; Ohio; Presb. clergyman. *1866 *Elon Olds Martin; Kirkville, Ala.; Presb. clergyman. *1845 *Benjamin Ball Newton, And. theo. sem. 1835 ; Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; P. E. clergyman. *1875 *George Powell ; Madrid, N. Y. *1831 *Edvvard Seymour, A. M. 1850 ; Vergennes, Vt. ; farm- er, mem. corp. *1883 *Chauncey Taylor, A. M. 1850 ; Algona, Iowa ; Cong. clergyman. *1876 1832 *John Hutton ; Malone, N. Y. ; lawyer, judge co. ct. *1862 *Harmon Loomis, D. D. Kno.Y Coll. 1866 ; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Presb. clergyman, sec. Seam. Fr. soc. *1880 40 ALUMNI *Tullius Cicero Tapper, A. M. 1837; Canton, Miss. ; lawyer, maj. gen. C. S. A. *1866 *Robert Turnbull ; Belle Centre, Ohio ; teacher. *1854 *Willard Wadhams ; Texas ; lawyer. *1842 1833 , Lorenzo Coburn, A. M., *Orville Hosford ; Feliciana, La. ; lawyer. *1840 *George King Piatt, A. M. ; San Francisco, Cal. ; lawyer. *1857 1834 *Charles David Lyman Brush, A. M. 1838; Cincinnati, 0. ; lawyer. *1844 * Justin Bigelow Taylor ; DeKalb, N. Y. ; Cong, clerg. 1835 *Edward Horatio Billings ; Woodstock, Yt.; lawyer. *1844 *Saaiuel Breck Bostwick, D. D. Columb. 1867; Sandy Hill, N. Y.; P. E. clergyman: *1881 *Sewall Sylvester Cutting, 1866, A. M. 1840, D. D. 1859; Brooklyn, N. Y; Bapt. clergyman, prof. rhet. and hist. Roch. univ., sec. Am. Bapt. ed. com. from 1868. *1882 Benjamin Gould, A. M.; Orlando, Fla.; teacher. Henry Edmund Seymour; St. Albans, Vt.; lawyer.^ 1836 William Henry Augustus Bissell, A. M. 1840, D. D. 1875 and Hob. and Norw. univ.; Burlington, Vt ; P. E. bishop of Vt. *Franklin Butler, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1842 ; Wind- sor, Vt.; Cong, clergyman, editor. *1880 Oscar Fitzalan Dana, A. M. ; Kenosha Cit}^, Wis. ; lawyer. ■ 1 ALUMNI 41 Edwin Flint, A M. 1886 ; Mason City, Iowa ; lawyer,* judge circ. ct. *Edward Warren Marsh ; Now York city; lawyer. *1868 *Charles Wright Rich ; Swanton, Vt. ; manuf'r and farmer. *1889 Elbridge Walbridge, A. M. 1837 *George Washington Angell, A. M. ; Champlain, N. Y. ; lawyer. *1866 *Charles Lee Austin ; Albany, N. Y. ; lawyer, city recorder. *1806 *Erasmus Irvin Carpenter ; Swanzea, N. H. ; Cong. clergyman. *1877 Horace Everett, A M.; Council Bluffs, Iowa; lawyer. *Arthur Martin Foster, A. M.; teacher. James Whelpley Ilickok ; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer, treasurer 1853-5.5. Almon Lawrence, A. M. ; Monkton, Vt. ; 'farmer. Joseph Henry Myers, A. M , D. D. 1858; Union theo. sem. 1841; Washington, D. C. ; Presb. clerg., prof. anc. and mod. lang. Tenn. univ. Jason Niles, A. M. 1846; Kosciusko, Miss.; mem. cong. *Aaron Gaylord Pease, And. theo. sem. 1841 ; Rutland, Vt. ; Cong, clergyman. ' *1877 George Huntington Peck, A. M. ; El Monte, Cal. ; teacher, lawyer, farmer. * Joseph Scott, A. M. and Bishop's coll., D. D. 1861 ; Dunham, C. E. ; P. E. clergyman. *1865 *Benjarain Lewis Shaw; New Orleans, La. ; merchant. *1852 *Andrew Jackson Smith, A. M. ; Troy, N. J. ; lawyer. *1889 Alexis Crane Stevens. 42 ALUMNI Ebenezer Marvin Toof, A. M. 1841 ; Decatur, Mich. ; Presb. clergyman. Orville Gould Wheeler ; South Hero, Vt, ; Cong, clerg. *Robert Anderson Wilson, A. M. 1844; Rochester, N. Y. ; lawyer, judge, author. 1838 *John Sullivan Adams ; Jacksonville, Fla. ; lawyer, sec. Vt. bd. ed. IBSG-GY, mem. corp., com'r im- migration, Fla. *1876 Homer Henry Benson, And. theo. sem. 1844; Wau- watosa. Wis.; Cong, clergyman. *George Blackman, A. M. 1844; Pearlingtori, Miss.; teacher. . *1882 *Edward Augustus Gaboon ; Lyndon, Vt. ; lawyer. *1862 Hugh Cameron ; LaCrosse, Wis.; lawyer, judge co. ct. *Cliarles Smith Carpenter ; Penn. ; teacher. *1846 *Rufus Case, A. M.; Hubbardston, Mass.; Cong, clerg. *1887 *John Franklin Deane ; Cavendish, Vt. ; lawyer. *1884 *William Leverett Dickinson, A. M. 1842 ; Jersey City, N. J.; lawyer, teacher, supt. schools city and CO. . *1883 *Zachariah Nairn Garbutt ; Pittsfield, 111.; lawyer, editor. *1855 *Andrew Harris ; Philadelphia, Pa.; clergj'man. *1841 *Henry Brown Janes; San Francisco, Cal.; lawyer, supt. city schools. *1873 *John Boardman Johnson; Burlington, Vt.; law stu- dent. *1843 *Alexander Mann ; Rochester, K Y.; editor. *1860 *Calvin Pease, A.M., D. D. Mid. 1856; Rochester, , N. Y.; prof. Latin and Greek 1842-55, librarian 1847-53, pres. 1855-61, Presb. clergyman. *1863 ALUMNI 43 *Charles Wolcott Potwin, A. M.; Zanesville, O.; merchant. *1889 *Albin Kendall Putnam, A. M. Hobart 1842 ; Bellows Falls, Vt.: P. E. clergyman *1847 *Charles Symmons Putnam, A. M. and Trin. coll. 1857; Brooklyn, N. Y.; P. E. clergyman. *1860 George Washington Reed ; Montpelier, Vt.; lawyer, sec. Nat. life ins. co. *Andrew Robertson, A. M.; Montreal, P. Q.; lawyer, Q. C. 1854. *1880 John Gregory Smith, A. M. 1842, LL. D. 1871; St. Albans, Vt.; lawyer, speaker Vt, house of reps. 1862-63, gov. Vt. 1863-65, pres. C. Vt. R. R. *Simeon Hadley Stevens ; Hard wick, Vt. ; teacher. *1842 John Winslow Weed ; New York city. George Hazen Wood, A. M.; Malone, N. Y ; lawyer. 1839 Harvey Adams, A. M. 1849, And. tlieo. sem. 1843, D. D. Iowa coll.; New Hampton, Iowa ; Cong. clergyman. *Joseph William Allen, A. M.; Richmond, Vt; lawyer. *1861 *Dudley Chase Blodgett ; Oshkosh, Wis.; lawyer, judge CO. ct. *1856 *Moses Parmelee Case, A. M. 1843; Pepperill, Mass.; Cong, clergyman. *1859 *Edmund Trowbridge Dana, A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1841, J. U. D. Heidelb. 1854; Boston, Mass.; lawyer. *1869 *Josiah Ambrose Fletcher ; Yreka, Cal.; lawyer. *1873 *James Forsyth, A.M., LL D. 1882; Troy, N. Y.; lawyer, pres. Renss. polytech. inst. *1887 *Isaac Newton Gregory, A. M. 1843; Philadelphia, Pa.; teacher. *1885 44 ALUMNI Willia'ra Tyler Her rick, A. M ; Castleton, Vt.; Cong. clergyman. John Henry Hopkins, A. M. 1845, Gen. theo. sem. 1850, D. D. Racine 1875; New York city; P. E. clergyman, editor. *George Frederick Houghton, A. M.; St. Albans, Vt.; lawyer, editor. *1870 *Charles Jarvis, LL. B. Harv. 1842; Weathersfield, Vt ; lawyer, farmer. *1863 *William Frederick Macrae, A. M.; Brattleboro, Vt. Charles Phelps Mai'sli ; Woodstock, Vt.; lawyer. William Porter Pierson, A. M. 1847; Onarga, 111.; lawyer. *George Russell Robertson, A. M ; Sherbrooke, P. Q.; lawyer. ■ *187l Ezekiel Hobart Sayles; Enosburgh, Vt.; farmer. William Greenough Thayer Shedd, A. M. 1843, And. theo. sem. 1843, D. D. 1857, LL. D. univ. N. Y. 1876; New York city ; Cong, clerg., prof. Eng. lit. 1845-52, prof. sac. rhet. and past, theol. Aub. theo. sem. 1852-54, prof. eccl. hist, and past, theol. And. theo. sem. 1854-62, prof. sac. lit. Union theo. sem. 1863-74, prof, systematic theol. in same 1874 — Marston Cabot Smith ; Boston, Mass ; merchant. *Charles Temple ; Fort Winnebago, Wis.; lawyer. *1858 Edward Van Sicklen, A. M. ; S. Burlington, Vt.; farmer. *Charles Wells ; Rockingham, Vt. *1840 1840 *John Hoskins Bates, A M. 1844 ; Antrim, N. H. ; Presb. clergyman. *187l Dudley Chase Denison, A. M.; Royalton, Vt.; lawyer, mem. cong., mem. corp. ALUMNI 45 *Joseph Curtis Fowler, M. D. Vt. med. coll. ; Stock- bridge, Mass. ; physician. Henry Hale, A. M. ; St. Paul, Minn.; lawyer, William Higby ; Santa Rosa, Cal. ; lawyer, district judge, mem. cong. 1863-69. *Daniel Clay Houghton, A. M. and Wesl. univ., D. D. univ. city N. Y. 1858 ; Batavia, N. Y. ; Presb. clerg., prof. Lat. and Gr. lang. and mor. phil. Genesee coll., editor Am. Presb. *Daniel Sabin McMasters, A. M. 1851; Plattsburgh, N. Y. ; lawyer, surrogate and judge co, ct. *Ira Morey, A. M. 1844; Greenville, Tenn. ; Presb. clergyman, teacher. Benjamin Franklin Mower, theol. sem. Va. 1845, A M. 1867; Florence, Ala. ; P. E. clergyman. *Henry Jarvis Raymond, A. M. and coll. of N. J. 1847 ; New York city ; ed. N. Y. Times, speaker N. Y. house of reps., mem. corp., lieut. gov. N. Y., mem. cong. *Thomas Rice ; Lincoln, Ky. * James Reed Spalding, A. M. ; New York city ; law- yer, editor. *John Syne D'Orsay Taylor, A. M. ; St. Albans, Yt. ; teacher, editor. Benjamin Jewett Tenney, A. M. ; California ; lawyer. 1841 *William Trotter Barron ; Chicago, 111. ; lawyer. John Nevers Baxter ; Rutland, Yt. ; lawyer, manager marble co., banker. *David Black ; Sheridan, N. Y. ; teacher. *Henry Sterling Brewster ; Malone, N. Y. ; co. clerk. *Daniel Booth Buckley ; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer, *Samuel Cordis Lee Curtis ; Oregon ; XT. S. army. *1855 *1887 *1860 *1889 *1864 *1869 *1844 *1872 *1873 *1862 *1843 *1863 *1868 *1853 46 ALUMNI *ChristopherMinot Davey, A. M. 1846 ; Rutland, Vt.; merchant. *1870 *Jonatlian WliipjDle Earle, A, M. ; Lemavs, Iowa ; lawyer. *1874 Edward Everett; Avon, N. Y. (?) ; civil engineer. Elliot Taplin Farr, A. M. ; New York city ; lawyer. Frederick Thompson Plall : Sweetsburg, P. Q ; lawyer. William Liberty Knowles; Potsdam, N. Y. *George Lee Lyman, A. M., M. D. Pitts, med. coll. ; Jericho, Yt. ; physician. *1863 *EberMaltby; Utica, N. Y. ; ph3^sician. Warren Hunt Marsh. *Edgar Meech ; W. Charlotte, Vt. ; farmer. *1885 *Charles Carroll Parker, D. D. 1869; Parsippany, K J.; Cong, clergyman, mem. corp. *1880 William Ware Peck, LL. B. Harv. 1844; Cheyenne, Wyo. ; lawyer, judge. Moses Smith Prichard, A. M. ; Janesville, Wis. ; law- yer, judge CO. ct. *Douglas Smith ; Mobile, Ala. ; lawyer. *1858 Torrey Englesby Wales; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer, judge of probate, trustee. ^Frederick Enoch Woodbridge, A. M. ; Vergennes, Vt. ; lawyer, mem. cong. 1863-69. *1888 1842 *Chalon Ford Davey, A. M.; N. Y. city; lawyer, treas. *18'78 Marcus Dougherty, A. M. ; Montreal, P. Q. ; lawyer, Q. C, judge superior ct. Sanford Halbert, A. M. ; Buffalo, N. Y. ; M. E. clerg. *Robert Saftord Hale, A. M., LL. D. 1870 ; Elizabeth- town, N. Y.; lawyer, judge co. ct., mem. cong. *1881 Emel'son John Hamilton, A. M., Ph. D. univ. state N. Y. 1870; Oswego, N. Y.; teacher, supt. city schools. 47 Horace Hatch, A. M., M. D. Harv. 1846 ; New Haven, Conn.; physician. *RoIand Stebbins Houghton, A. M , M. D. Castl.; New York city ; physician, editor, *1876 James Blake Howe; Lima, Ind.; bank cashier. Charles Andrew Huntington ; Eureka, C^al.; teacher, Cong, clergyman. John Adam Kasson, LL. D. 1888; Des ]Moines, Iowa; lawyer, asst. P. M. gen. 1861-62, mem. cong. 1868-67, VS-VV, 81-84, U. S. min. to Austria 1877- 81, to Germany 1884-85, envoy to German}^ 1889. *Jaraes Byers Moore ; San Francisco, Cal.; merchant *1884 *John Hoar Morse; New York city; theo. student. *1844 Alonzo Berry Rich, Union theo. sem. 1845, T). D. 1868; Short Hills, N. J.; Cong, clergyman. Frederick Maeck Van Sicklen ; Burlington, Vt.; mer- cliant. *Jason Foster Walker, A. M. Wesl. univ. 1849; To- peka, Kan.; P. E. clergyman. *1880 Francis Brown Wheeler, A. M., D. T>. 1887 and Ham. 1868 ; Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Presb. clergyman William Almon Wheeler, 1876, A. M. Dart. 1865, LL. D. 1867 and Union 1877; Malone, N. Y.; pres. N. Y. state const, con v. 1867, mem. cong. 1861-68 and 1869-77, vice-pres. U. S. 1877-81. *1887 1843 Albert Hopson Bailey, Gen. theo. sem. 1846, D. D. 1867; Sheldon, Vt.; P. E. clergyman. William Caldwell Belcher, A. M. 1847 ; Marysville, Cal.; lawyer. Abner Benedict, A. M.; Ramsey s, N. J.; lawyer. Joel Tyler Benedict, A. M.; Parsippan}'-, N. J.; prof. civ. eng. and after of math. N. Y. free acad. 48 ALUMNI Edmund Hatch Bennett, A. M., LL. D. 1872 ; Boston, Mass.; lawyer, lecturer on law Harv. univ., pi'of. of law Boston univ., judge of prob. and insolv., dean Boston univ. law school, author. *William Merritt Campbell, M- D- univ. N. Y.; Char- leston, S. C; merchant. *1862 Franklin Hunter Churchill ; Newport, R. I.; lawyer. Israel Edson Dwinell, A. M., Union theo. sem. 1848, T>. D. 1864; Oakland, Cal.; Cong, clergyman, prof. hom. and past, theol. Pacific theol. sem. 1884— Augustus Atkinson Fleming ; Carbondale, 111.; civil engineer. *Charles Edward Follett ; St. Louis, Mo.; RR. agent. *1879 Francis Fowler ; Washington, D. C; prof. Eng. lit. Pa. agric. coll., exam. pat. ofhce. *Sylvanus Owen Goodrich; Sarcoxie, Mo.; M. E. clerg. *1875 *John Brackett Hutchinson, A. M. 1848; West Ran- dolph, Vt.; lawyer. *1867 *Allan Parkhurst Ingersoll ; Keene, N. H.; lawyer. *1859 *Ezra Jones, A. M. 1849; Ravenswood, III; P. E. clergyman. *1873 *John AVilliam Lynde ; Plattsburgh, ]^. Y.; merchant. *1886 Thomas Brainerd Mchols, A. M. 1856, M. D. Castl. 1850; Plattsburgh, ]Sr. Y.; physician. James O'Halloran, A. M. 1852 ; Cowansville, P. Q.; lawyer, Q. C, mem. P. P. Nathaniel Wheeler Peck. *Bradford Rixford ; Washington, D. C; lawyer. *1885 Worthington Curtis Smith; St. Albans, Vt.; mem. cong., mem. corp , manuf'r. Morris Miller Townsend, A. M. 1850, M. D. coll. phys. and surg. 1850 ; Frostburgh, Md.; physician. Artemas Boies Waldo ; Port Henry, N. Y.; lawyer. ALUMNI 49 f ♦Charles Burrall Wells, A. M. 1850; St. Albans, Vt.; IT. S. consul at Batavia, Java. *1851 *Davicl Russ Wood, A. M. ; Colorado Springs, Col. ; lawyer. *1880 1844 Charles Linnaeus Benedict, A. M., LL. D. 1875 and Wms. 1869 ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; lawyer, judge U. S. dist. ct. Frederick Billings, A. M. ; Woodstock, Vt. ; lawyer, trustee. James Smedley Blackman ; N. Y. city. John Morgan Buell ; Rockford, III; lawyer. *Henry Alonzo Burbank, A. M. ; Charlestown, Mass. ; bookkeeper. *1878 Lucian West Chaney, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1851 ; Morristown, Minn. ; Cong, clergyman. *Moses McLellan Colbui-n, A. M., And. theo. sera. 1850; St. Joseph, Mich. ; Cong, clergyman. *1876 *William Collamer ; Woodstock, Vt. ; lawyer. *1873 *Asahel Read Gray; Coventry. Vt. ; Cong, clergyman. *1870 William Bell White Howe, D. D. Columb. 1872 and univ. of Ga. and univ. of South; Charleston, S. C. ; P. E. bishop S. C. *Horace Partridge Janes ; San Francisco, Cal. ; lawyer, supt. city schools. *1862 Jonathan Janes Marvin ; Falls City, Neb. ; lawyer, judge CO. ct. and probate. *David Blair Northrop, A. M. ; San Francisco, Cal. ; lawyer. *1877 *Moses Strong Royce ; Nashville, Tenn. ; P. E. clerg. *1873 Carlos Allen Sprague ; Watertown, Wis.; merchant. Levi Otho Stevens, A. M. ; Almoral, Iowa ; farmer. 50 ALUMNI 1845 *Lorenzo Allis, A. M. 1849, LL. B. univ. La. ; St. Paul, Minn. ; lawyer. *1883 Alanson Darius Barber, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1848; Williston, Vt.; Cong, clergyman. Azro Ashle}^ Barnes, A.M. 1848; Knoxville, Tenn.; lawyer. Jacob Merrill Clark, A. M. 1849, Ph. D. 1875 ; New York city ; civil engineer. Nathaniel George Clark, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1852, D. D. Union 1865, LL. D. 1875 ; W. Roxbury, Mass.; tutor 1849-50, prof. Eng. lit. 1852-57, libr. 1853-63, prof. Eng. lit. and Latin 1857-63, prof, logic, rhet. and Eng. lit. Union coll. 1863-65, sec. A. B. C. F. M. 1865— Ebenezer Cutler, A. M. 1849, And. theo. sem. 1848, D. D. 1866; Worcester, Mass.; Cong, clerg., mem. corp. Charles Dewey, A. M.; Montpelier, Vt.; pres. Nat. life ins. CO. Joseph Thompson Dodge, A. M. 1862, Ph. D. 1875 ; Madison, Wis.; railway engineer. *Leverett Brush Englesby, A. M. 1864 ; Burlington, A^t.; lawyer, trustee, ^«^^^^#!^t. *1881 *Clark Ela Ferrin, A.M. 1849, And. theo. sem. 1850, D. D. Mid. 1880; Plainfield, Vt.; Cong, clerg., mem. corp. *1881 *Jolm James Haile ; Plattsburgh, N. Y.; lawyer. *1853 John Gardner Hale, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1851 ; Redlands, Cal.; Cong, clerg., teacher. *I[arrison Stevens Haskell ; Portage, Wis.; lawyer. *1878 Asa Lj^on Hatch ; New York city. *Henry Jay Herrick; Tuskegee, Ala.; teacher. *1854 . ALUMNI 51 *George Goddard Ide, A. M. 1853 ; Clareraoiit, N. H.; manuf'r and publisher. *1883 *Moses Lane, A. M. 1849, Ph. D. 1875; Milwaukee, Wis.; civ. eng. *1882 Orpheus Thomas Lanphear, And. theo. sem. 1848, A. M 1S49, D. D. 1871 ; Beverly, Mass ; Cong. elerg., mem. corp. George Gaby Rice, Union theo. sem. 1850 ; Council Bluffs, Iowa ; Cong, clerg., judge of prob. *Charles Nelson Starbird, LL. B. McKendree coll.; Chester, 111. : lawyer. *1858 Henry W. Tenney, A. M. 1875; Appleton,Wis.; lawyer. *William Henry Wallace, A. M. ; Potsdam, N. Y. ; lawyer. *1877 *James Almoii Warner, A. M. 1853 ; Alexandria, La.; lawyer, editor. *1862 Philo Beckwith Wilcox, And. theo. sem. 1848 ; North- borough, Mass. ; Cong, clerg. \Jr^i^A^ » ^ X'^ ^ 1846 ^ Isaac Sawyer Belcher, A. M. 1850; Marysville, Cal. ; lawyer, judge supr. court. Neziah Wright Bliss, A. M. 1852 ; Englewood, 111. ; lawj-er. *Horace Van Ness Bogue ; Dansville, N. Y. ; lawyei*. *1851 William Appleton Dodge, A. M. ; New York city ; '' lawyer, insurance agent. *George Mortimer Hall, A. M., M. D. Vt. med. coll.; Swanton, Vt. ; physician. *1874 Henry Oscar Houghton, A. M. Wesl. univ.; Cambridge, Mass. ; printer and publisher, xf John Alexander Jameson, A. M., LL. D. 1867 ; Hyde - / Park, 111. ; tutor 1850-53, lawyer, prof, equity and const, law univ. Chicago, judge sup. court Chicago 1865-83, author. ~^ /S?^j 52 ALUMNI Royal Daniel King, A. M. ; Benson, Vt. ; farmer. *Charles Kinney, M. D. Dart. 1850; South Hero, Vt.; physician. *1865 *Lucius Kneeland, M. D. Vt. med. coll.; Fort McCoy, Fla. ; physician. , *1852 Louis Richard Lull ; San Francisco, Cal. ; lawyer, editor. *Sidney Harper Marsh, A. M., D. D. 1862; Forest Grove, Or.; Cong, clerg., pres. and prof. Intel. phil. Pacific univ. 1854-79. *18'79 *John Wilder May, A. M. ; Boston, Mass. ; lawyer, chief justice municipal ct. *1883 Thomas Leverett Nelson, LL. D, 1885; Worcester, Mass. ; lawyer, judge U. S dist. ct. Levi Meeker Northrop; New York city (*?); lawyer. *James Prentiss; Watertown, Wis.; lawyer, *1868 Horace Richardson Stebbings; Chicago, 111. (?); lawyer. *Hiram Stevens, A. M. ; N. Enosburgh, Vt.; lawyer. *1862 *Moses Edward Vail ; Danby, Vt.; law student. *1847 Jonathan Allen Wainright, A. M., M. D. Castl., Gen. theo. sem. 1858; Palmyra, Mo.; P. E. clerg., teacher. *John Brooks Wheeler, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; law- yer. *1865 1847 Hiram Hayden Atwater, A. M., M. D. Vt. med. coll. 1851; Burlington, Vt.; physician, instr. obst. and dis. women 18*75-88. George Grenville Benedict, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; editor, trustee, secretary, mil. histoi'ian Vt. William Winthrop Blodgett ; Pawtucket, R. I. ; law- yer. ALUMNI 53 George Washington Cottrill, A. M. ; New York city ; lawyer. John Curtis, A. M.; N. Dorset, Vt. ; mechan'l engineer. *Ira Divoll, A. M., LL. B. univ. La ; St. Louis, Mo.; lawyer, state supt. schools. *18'71 Frederick Augustus FoUett, A. M ; St. Louis, Mo.; R. R. Agent. *Daniel William Gilfillan, A. M ; Trempeleau, Wis.; lawyer, farmer. *1887 Samuel Bull Gordon ; St. Louis, Mo. (?); lawyer. *Chauncey Hilan Hayden, A. M.; Rutland, Vt.; editor. *1856 John Russell Merrick, A. M., Aub. theo. sem. 1852, D. D. 1867 and Union; Elgin, 111.; prof, theol. Bangor theo. sem. 1867-73, pres. Pacif. univ. 1880-83, pres. univ. Dak. 1885-87, Cong, clerg. *William Dorus Hitchcock, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1850 ; Exeter, N. H.; Cong, clergyman. *1854 Caspar Thomas Hopkins, A.M. 1855; Oakland, Cal.; pres. Cal. ins. co. 1866-85. *Thaddeus Daniel Isham, A. M.; lawyer. John Cincinnatus King, LL. B. Harv. 1850; Balti- more, Md.; lawyer. Carolus Noyes, A. M.; Burlington, Vt ; lawyer, city judge 1872-73. George Howard Paul, A. M.; Milwaukee, Wis.; editor. *John Bulkley Perry, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1853 ; Cambridge, Mass.; Cong, clergyman, lect. on geol. Harv., prof, of geol. Oberlin, lect. on paloeontol. Harv. *1872 Chester Morillo Prescott ; Stratton, Vt. ; teacher. *Amos Pearsons Prichard ; Janesville, Wis.; lawyer, judge CO. ct. 1858-86. *1886 *Charles Carroll Spalding; Boston, Mass.; journalist. *1877 *Alfred Brown Swift, A. M., Union theo. sem. 1853 ; Enosburgh, Vt.; Cong, clergyman. *1884 54 ALUMNI Joseph Wetlierby Taylor, A. M.; Syracuse, N, Y. ; ■ teacher. Charles Storrow Williams, A. M.; Little Rock, Ark.; civil engineer. 1848 Robert Dewey Benedict, A. M. ; Brooklyn, IST. Y. ; lawyer. George Seymour Brush; Montreal, P. Q.; lawyer, manuf'r. Myron Buck ; St. Albans, Vt. ; lawyer. Edward Bingham Chamberlin, And. theo. sem. 1854 ; Sharon, Vt.; Cong, clergyman. *John Clark; St. Paul, Minn.; lawyer. *1853 *Stedman Ely Coburn ; Rome, Ga.; editor. *1855 Dorman Bridgman Eaton, 1887, A. M. 1851, LL. B. Harv. 1850, LL. D. 1854; chairm. civ. serv. com. 1873-7^ and 1883-86. *George Leonard Everett ; New York city ; merchant. *1884 *Stephen Washington Hitchcock, A.M.; Middlebury, Vt; teacher. *1852 *Fayette Jewett, A. M., M. D. ; Syria; physician, miss. A. B. C. F. M. *1862 *Israel Hall Levings, And. theo. sem. 1851 ; Madrid, N. Y.; Cong, clergyman. *187l *James Wheelock Marsh ; Honolulu, Ha^syaian Is. ; mem. pari. *1S59 Ira Osmore Miller ; IsTew York city ; lawyer. *William Mitchell Miller ; Saginaw, Mich.; lawyer, banker. *1872 *Julius Milo Noyes ; New York city; banker. *1889 *William Henry O'Grady, A. M. 1857; New York city; supt. city schools San Francisco, Cal., artist. *1857 *Frederick Wheeler Powers, A. M ; Springfield, Pa. ; teacher. *1854 ALUMNI 55 Alfred Rix; San Francisco, Cal.; lawyer. *George Sennott ; Boston, Mass.; lawyer. *1879 Erasmus Darwin Shattuck ; Portland, Or.; prof. anc. lang. Pacific univ., judge sup. ct. Oregon. Charles Strong Smith, theol. inst. Conn. 1853, D, D. Mid. coll. 1876; Montpelier, Vt; Cong, clergy- man, sec. Vt. dom. miss. soc. 1863-88, editor. Thomas Dayis Strong, M. D. Buffalo univ.; Westfield, N. Y.; physician. John Brodhead Wentworth, D. D. 1 864 ; Buffalo, N. Y.; M. E. clergyman. 1849 George Nelson Abbott, A.M.; S. Newbury, Vt.; prof. psychol. and logic Mercersb. coll. 1872. Henry Adams Burt, A. M.; Swanton, Vt.; lawyer. *Melvin Dwinell, A. M.; Rome, Ga.; editor. *1887 Roswell Farnham, A. M.; Bradford, Vt.; lawyer, gov. Vt. 1880-82, trustee. John Quincy Adams Fellows, A. M., LL. B. univ. La ; New Orleans, La.; lawyer. *Elnathan Elisha Higbee, A. M., D. D. Franklin and Marsh. 1865 and LL. D. 1887; Lancaster, Pa.; Ger. Ref. clerg., pres. Mercersb. coll. and j)rof. ethics and {esthetics, also prof. ch. hist, and exegesis, supt. pub. inst. Penn. 1881-89. *1S89 * James Monroe Knox, M. D. Castl. 1851; Burlington, Vt.; physician. *1875 *Charles Loomis, A. M.; New York city; lawyer. • *1868 William Reed Mills, A. M., LL. B. univ. La.; New Orleans, La.; lawyer. Philetus Fillmore North; Chazy, N. Y.; lumber dealer. *McKendree Petty, A. M.; Burlington, Vt. ; M. E. clergyman, tutor 1853-54, pi'of. math, and nat. phil. 1854-86. *]S87 56 ALUMNI William Willox Robertson, LL. D. 1884; Montreal, P. Q.; lawyer, Q. C. William Goodhue Shaw, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; law- yer, judge city ct. 1868-72, trustee. Charles Cutler Torrey, A. M. 1855, And. theo. sem. 1854; Harvard, Mass.; Cong, clergyman, miss, to Cherokees 1855-61. *Alvah Watts, from Peacham, Vt. ; d. at Brattleboro. *1877 Edwin Miller Wheelock, A. M. ; Cambridge, Vt. ; Cong, clergyman. 1850 Warren Perry Adams, A. M.; Philadelphia, Pa.; ins, John Hildreth Buck, A. M.; Lockport, N. Y.; lawyer. *Rufus Tingley Claflin; IsTew York city; M. E. clerg. *Uriah Curtis Dubois; Sacramento, Cal. *1854 Tliomas Spencer Hall, A. M. 1858; Los Angeles, Cal. (?) ; lawj^er, manufacturer. Homer Nash Hibbard, A. M., LL. D. Blackburn univ. 1883; Chicago, 111.; lawyer, banker, trustee. George Melancthon Hill; California. *Theodore Austin Hopkins, A. M., Gen. theo. sem. 1854; Burlington, Vt.; P. E. clergyman, prin- cipal Vt. -Ep. inst. 1860-81. *1889 *Edward Carter Palmer, A. M.; St. Paul, Minn.; lawyer, judge sup. ct. 1863, judge eirc. ct. 1865. *1888 Zebina Kellogg Pangborn, A. M.; Jersey City, K J.; editor. Edwin Porter, M. D. Dart. 1854; Northfield, Vt.; physician. *Perry Munroe Sayles, A- M.; Richmond, Vt.; lawyer, merchant. *1877 *James Hubert Scott, A. M.; Buffalo, K Y.; lawyer. *1876 William True Sleeper, A. M. 1855; And. theo. sem. 1853; Worcester, Mass.; Cong, clergj^man. ALr:s[Ni 57 1851 Ariel Anson Baker, And. tlieo. sem. 1854; Indepen- dence, Iowa; Cong, clergyman. Orrin Lawrence Ballard, A. M.; Detroit, Mich.; manu- facturer. George Washington Batchelder, A. M.; Faribault, Minn.; lawyer. Matthew Henry Buckham, A. M., D. D. Dart, and Ham. 187*7; Burlington, Vt.; tutor 1853-54, prof. Greek 1857-71, also rhet. and Eng. lit. 1856-57 and 1863-71, president 1871— Byron Carpenter; Downs, Kan.; real estate and ins. Matthew Hale, A. M., LL. D. 1883 ; Albany, N. Y.; lawyer, prof. Albany (N. Y.) law school. Merrill Jackson Hill, A. M.; St. Albans, Vt; lawyer. LeviParsons Johnson; South Canton, N. Y. (?);teacher. *Edward David Lowry, A. M. 1855; Lancaster, Pa.; lawyer. *1865 *Simeon Melancthon Parnielee; Burlington, Yt.; law student. *1854 *Samuel Henry Reed; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *1863 James Blanchard Ross; Denver, Col.; lawyer. Julius Scriver, A. M ; Hemmingford, P. Q.; merchant, mem. ho. commons Ca. *Joseph Warren, A. M.; Buffalo, N. Y.; editor. *1876 Charles Carroll Webster, A. M. ; Red Wing, 31inn.; lawyer. William Palmer Wells, A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1854; Detroit, Mich.; lawyer, lect. on law univ. Mich. 1874-76, prof, of law 1876-85 and 1887— , lect. Am, hist, and const, law 1887. *John Joshua Wheeler, A. M. ; E. Saginaw, Mich. ; lawyer. *188y 58 ALUMNI *1889 COiWO > *Alfred Benjamin Wood ; White Springs, Fla.; teacher. *1B53 Orvis Danforth Wood ; Charlevoix, Mich.; banker. 1852 Joshua Isham Bliss, A. M., D. D. 1885; Burlington, Vt. ; P." E. clergyman, prof, of rhet. 1877-85. Ezra Hoj^t Byington, A.M., And. theo. sem. 1857; Worcester, Mass.; Cong, clergyman, editor. *Jedd Philo Clark Cottrill, A. M.; Milwaukee, Wis.; lawyer. Wilbur Palmer Davis, A. M. ; St. Albans, Vt. ; co. clerk. Dean Adams Fletcher, A. M.; Maquoketa, Iowa ; lawyer. William Kirkham Gordon ; Muskegan, Mich. ; book- keeper. *Joseph Warren Healey, A. M., M. D., D. D. Olivet, LL. D.; Pasadena, Cal.; pres. Straight univ., Cong, clergyman. John Denison Kingsbur}^, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1856, D. D. 1887 ; Bradford, Mass. ; Cong, clerg. Selim Hobart Peabody, A M., Ph. D. 1877, LL. D. univ. of Iowa 1881 ; Champaign, 111 ; prof, math, and civ. eng. pol^^tech. coll. Pa. 1854, prof, physics and civ. eng. Mass. ag. coll. 1871, l^rof. mech. eng. Ill indust. univ. 1878, pres. univ. of 111. 1880 — , editor, author. William Coates Eitchie, A. M. ; Chicago, 111. ; manu- facturer. *Edward Worthington Smith, A.M.; Fort Clark, Tex.; maj. 22d U. S. infantry. Joseph Torrey, A. M., D. D. 1879, A^' theo. sem. 1858; Bar Harbor, Me.; Cong, clergyman. 4883 ALUMNI 59 1853 *E(l\vard Daniel Atwater; St. Paul, Minn.; surveyor. *1882 *Frederick Harley Baldwin, A. M.; Hinesburgh, Vt.; merchant. *18'76 Lucius Erastus Barnard, A.M., Aub. tlieo. sem. 1858; Galesburg, 111.; clergyman. Henry Barmby Buckham, A. M.; Santa Barbara, Cal. Hobart Butler, A. M.; Bedford, P. Q.; lawyer, teacher. *William Stevens Clark, A. M., M. D. elsewhere ; Boston, Mass.; physician. *1863 Ezekiel Cutler ; Decorah, Iowa ; lawyer, judge co. ct. James Boardman Gilbert, A. M.; Exeter, Neb.; Cong. clergyman. George In gersoll Gilbert, A, M.; Omaha, Neb.; lawyer. Hiram Addison Gillett ; Valparaiso, Ind. ; lawyer, judge ct. com. pleas 1868-73, of circ. ct. 1873-78. John Ellsworth Goodrich, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1860; Burlington, Vt. ; Cong, clergyman, prof. Eng. lit. and Latin 1872-77, of Greek and Latin 1877-81, of Latin 1881— , librarian 1873-86. Joshua Beers Hall, Aub. theo. sem. 1858; Grand Ledge, Mich.; Presb. clergyman. Hobart Plamilton ; Petersburg, 111.; civ. eng. *Warner Daniels Hatch; Tarry town, N.Y.; lithographer. *1884 Edward Judson Hill, A. M.; Chicago, 111. ; lawyer. *George Dimon Kellogg; New Yoi-k city ; lawyer. *1868 Thaddeus Landon, A. M.; Washington, Kan.; farmer. * Joseph Amos McLoughlin, A. M ; Sweetsburg, P. Q.; lawyer, insp. schools. *1888 Lawrence Myers, A. M.; Plainfield, N. J.; banker. Wilson Barlow Parmelee, A. M., Aub. theo. sem. 1858, D. D. 1880; Oswego, N. Y.; Presb. clergyman. *James Marsh Read; Burlington, Vt.; bvt. capt. 10th Vt. vols. *1865 60 ALUMNI Otis David Smith, A.M. 1876; Auburn, Ala. ; prof. Eng. lit. ag. and mech. coll. Ala. 18'73-74, of math, in same 1875 — *Eden Sprout ; New York city; lawyer. *1889 *George Robinson Thompson, A.M.; New York city; lawyer. ^ *1871 Henry Martyn Wallace, LL. B. univ. city N. Y. 1866, A. M. 1874; Cincinnati, O. ; lawyer. *Lewis Hopkins Wheeler, A. M. ; Towsontown, Md. ; lawyer. *187l 1854 Charles Jonathan Alger, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; law- yer, editor. Charles Rollin Ballard, A. M. ; North Easton, Mass.'; teacher, librarian. Oliver Dana Barrett, A. M. ; Washington, D. C. ; lawyer. Reuben Clark Benton; Minneapolis, Minn.; lawyer. Quincy Blakely, Union theo. sem. 185 7 ; Marlboro, N. H.; Cong, clergyman. *Martin Chittenden Bradley ; Caraccas, Venzuela ; civ. eng. *18" " Waldo Brigham, A. M.; Hydepark, Vt.; lawyer, trustee. George White Chamberlin, A. M.; San Francisco, Cal.; lawyer. Humphrey Yearsley Cummins, A. M. ; Brooklyn, N. Y.; lawyer. *George Stanton Denison; New Orleans, La.; lawyer, collector of customs. *1866 Philo Judson Farnsworth, A. M.,M. D. 1858 and coll. phys. andsurg. N, Y. 1860; Clinton, Iowa; phy- sician, prof. mat. med. and dis. child. Iowa state univ. 1870 — Class of 1854 ; substitute : Rodney Smith, A. M.; New York City ; col. and paymaster-gen. U. S. A. Add : William Brink Smith, A. M.; St. Paul, Minn.; lieut.- col. and dept. paymaster-gen. U. S. A. ALUMNI 61 *William Worthington Gadcomb ; St. Albans, Vt.; merchant. *1871 Charles Merrick Gay; Newton, Mass.; editor and pub- lisher. *Nathaniel Porter Gilbert, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1850; Cong, clergyman, missionary to Chili, S. A. *1876 Simeon Gilbert, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1860, D. D. 1882 and Beloit ; Chicago, 111.; editor. *Patrick Glynn, A. M ; E. Saginaw, Mich.; lawyer. *Charles Henry Heath, A. M.; Montpelier, Vt.; lawyer, *1889 *Sarauel Rice Henry; Westford, Vt.; teacher. *1855 *Frank David Miller ; Springfield, Vt.; law student. *1856 William Clark Sanford, A. M.; Milford, Kan.; Cong. clergyman. Rodney Smith, A. M.; St. Paul, Minn.; lieut. col. and dept. paymaster gen. U. S. A. *Lucius Swett, Albany, 111.; teacher. *1860 George Taaffe: Richmond, K^^; not heard of since 1861. Charles Wheeler Thompson, A. M., And. theo. sem. I860; Westminster, Vt.; tutor, 1856-5T, prof. pro temp, of Latin 1863-67, Cong, clergyman. Frederick Hubbell Waterman; San Francisco, Cal.; la'.vyer. Winslow Charles Watson, A. M.; Plattsburgh, N. Y.; lawyer, judge co. ct. 1876 82, author. 1855 Benjamin Lincoln Benedict, A. M.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; editor, clerk U. S, dist. court. *Harmon Proctor Bicknell ; Kansas ; theol. student. *1856 Thomas Scott Buckham; Faribault, Minn.; lawyer, judge dist. ct. Charles Wallace Clark, A. M.; And. theo. sem. 1858; Georgia, Vt. ; Cong, clergyman. 62 ALUMNI Benjamin Franklin Fifield; Montpelier, Vt.; lawyer, U. S. dist. attorney. *Constans Liberty Goodell, A. M.; And. theo. sem. 1858; D. D. 1874; St. Louis, Mo.; Cong, clerg. *1886 Austin Hazen, A. M.;And. tlieo. sem. 1859; Richmond, Vt.; Cong, clergj'^man. George Elbridge Herrick; San Francisco, Cal.; inspec- tor water works. Henry Nathan Hewitt, A. M.; Keeseville, N. Y.; lawyer. William Cyprian Hopkins, A. M., 1875; Toledo, O.; P. E. clerg. *James Jacob Noble, A. M.; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. *1885 Moses Payson Parmelee, A. M.; Union theo. sem. 1861; M. D. L. I. coll. hosp. 1871; Trebizond, Turkey; Cong, clerg., miss. A. B. C. F. M. George Whiting Perry, A. M.; Stockbridge, Mass.; lawyer, publisher. Horace Henry Powers, A. M.; Morrisville, Vt.; lawyer, speaker Vt. ho. reps. 1874, judge sup. ct. Vt. 1874 — , trustee. *Thomas Russell Roberts, A. M.; Phillipsburg, P. Q.; lawyer. *1874 *Charles Robinson; Cuthbert, Ga.; lawyer. *1861 Calvin Josiah Shortt, A. M.; Austin, Minn.; lawyer. Henry Clay Stephens, A. M.; New York city; lawyer. Joseph Booth Wilkins; Ferrisburgh, Vt.; farmer. Norman Williams, A. M.; Chicago, III.; lawyer. 1856 Edward Bradley, M. D. 1859 ; New York city ; physi- cian, lect. on surg. *Ira Bushnell ; Waitsfield, Vt.; teacher. *1858 Isaac Newton Camp, A.M.; Chicago, 111.; mei'chant. *George Chandler, Chicago, III; lawyer. *1886 ALUMNI 63 *George Henry Clark, And. theo. sem. 1861 ; St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.; Cong, clerg. *1865 *John Flanders, A. M.; New York city ; lawyer. *1879 Lewis Francis, A.M. 1863; And. theo. sem. 1860; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Cong, clerg. Oscar Frisbie ; New York city ; lawyer. Edward Elisha Herrick ; Milton, Vt.; Cong, clerg. George Frederick Herrick, And. theo. sem. 1859; D.D. 1878; Marsovan, Turkey; Cong, clerg., miss. A. B. C. F. M., teacher, author. Julius Herrick; Mapleton, Kan.; railway agent. *Justus Herrick; New Brunswick, N. J.; lawyer. *1872 Rodney Holland Howard, A.M.; Franklin, Mass.; M. E. clerg. Charles Artemas Kent; Detroit, Mich.; lawyer, prof. of law univ. Mich. 1868-86. Henry Lingan Lamb; Lansingburgh, N. Y. ; editor, banker. Abel Edgar Leavenworth, A. M.; (^astleton, Yt.; prin. state normal school. William Wallace Livingston, And. theo. sem. 1859; Jaffrey, N. H.; miss. A. B C. F. M. in Turkey 1860-VO; Cong, clerg. *George Curtis Moore, A. M.; Victoria, Texas; prof. math. Aranama coll., Presb. clerg, *1867 Charles Colburne Prentiss ; New York city ; lawyer. *Edward Riggs, A. M.; Glenn's Falls, N. Y,; lawyer. *1865 Azro Andrus Smith, A. M.; Johnson, Vt.; Cong, clerg. George Burley Spalding, And. theo. sem. 1861 ; D.D. Dart. 1878; Syracuse, N.Y.; Presb. clerg., ed. *George Burder Tolman, A. M. 1863; Union theo. sem. 1861; Santa Barbara, Cal.; Cong, clergyman. *1883 64 ALUMNI 1857 Royal Jackson Bancroft; Lafayette, Ind.; editor. George Ingersoll Bard, A. M., And. theo. sem. I860.; Walpole, N. II.; Cong, clerg. Samuel Lysander Bates, And. theo. sem. 1863 ; Newbury, Vt.; Cong, clei'gyman. Oliver Phelps Chandler Billings, A. M., LL. B. Harv. I860; New York city; lawyer. Henry Partridge Cutting, A. M. 1862; Franconia, N. H. Cong, clergyman. Ptolemy O'Meara Edson, M. D. 1860; Roxbury, Mass.; phj'^sician. Salmon Green, A. M.; Richmond, Vt.; merchant. Robert Newton Hall, LL. D. univ. of Bishop's coll. 1880; Sherbrooke, P. Q.; lawyer, Q. C, railway manager, dean of law fac. Bishop's coll., M. P. P. 1882— Joseph Walker Marsh, A. M. and Bishop's coll. 1862, Ph. D. Pacif. univ. 1883; Forest Grove, Or.; prof. Greek and Latin Pacif. univ. 1867 — John Worthington Newton ; Boston, Mass. Thomas Huntington Pease, A. M.; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. *Romeo Bush Perry, A. M.; Shoreham, Vt.; lawyer. *1865 *Rollin Marsh Richmond ; Quindaro, Kan, *1858 George Orville Robinson ; Detroit, Mich.; lawyer. Edward Adams Sowles, A. M. ; St. Albans Vt.; lawyer. *Charles James Stewart Wells, M. D. 1861; surgeon U. S. N. *188l 1858 *George Henry Bigelow, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; ed. *1888 Allen Page Bissell,A. M., Union theo. sem. 1868, D. D. 1884, Ph. D. Leipsic 1884; Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; Presb. clerg. ; prof. Hebr. Blackburn univ., and (pro temp ) Lane theo. sem. 1876-77. ALUMNI 65 Edward Clark, A. M. 1864; Brattleboro, Yt. ; merchant. Job Corbin, M. T>. 1859 ; Brooklyn, IST. Y.; physician. Daniel Dutcher; St. Albans, Vt.; druggist. John Curtis Farrar ; Burlington, Yt.; insurance. *Percival Edwards Hall ; from Elliot, Me. *1865 William Skinner Hazen, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1863; Northfield, Yt.; Cong, clerg. *Dwiglit Smith Heald ; Burlington, Yt.; lawyer. *1863 *James Reid Hickok, A. M.; Burlington, Yt.; lawj^er. *1874 Charles Albert Hoyt, also Georgetown coll., A. M.: Brooklyn, N. Y.; merchant. George Mason, A. M. 1873; Washington, D. C; lawyer. Davis Grahame Moore, A. M.; Mount Carmel, 111. ; railwa}^ clerk. Cornelius Wickware Morse, A. M.; Manitowoc, Wis.; merchant. *Henry Stanley Pitkin, A. M., M. D. 1801 ; surgeon U. S. N. *1874 William Richmond ; St. Albans, Yt.; teacher. *1S62 John Sawyer; Lowell, Yt.; editor. Alfred Little Smith ; Chicago, 111.; editor. Alfred Bowers Thompson ; Moberly, Mo.; merchant. Joseph Henry Thorp; Woodland, Cal.; teacher. Henry Augustus Pearson Torrey, A. M.; Union theo. sem. 1864; Burlington, Yt,; Cong, clerg., prof. int. and mor. phil. 1868 — , librarian 1888 — *Johu Paine Torrey, A.M., Union theo. sem. 1863; Burlington, Yt. *1863 Milton Rising Tyler; Fergus Falls, Minn.; lawyer. *Martin Flint Yilas ; Burlington, Yt.; merchant. *1865 Q6 ALUMNI 1859 Charles Edwin Allen, A.M., LL. B. Albany 1864; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer, sec. of alumni. *Alfred Cowles Ballard, LL. B. Albany 1865; Win- ooski, Vt.; lawyer. *1874 Henry Eells Barnard; Plattsburgh, N. Y.; lawyer. Edward Gary Bass, D. D. 1884; Taunton, Mass.; M. E. clergyman. Jedediah Hyde Baxter, M. D. 1860, A. M. 1871, LL. B. Columbian univ. 1876 ; Washington, D. C; chief med. purveyor U. S. A. Lewis Larned Coburn, A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1861; Chicago, 111. ; lawyer. Charles Crane; Dexter, Iowa; lawyer, merchant. John Ingersoll Gilbert, A. M., LL. D. 1884; Malone, N. Y.; lawyer. *Hiram Henry Hall, A. M.; Williston, Yt.; law stu- dent, capt. 1st Yt. cav. *1864 William Spalding Hall; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. Frederick Yincent Hopkins, M. D. Tulane univ. 1866; San Francisco, Cal. ; ^^I'of. min. chem. and geol. univ. La. 1868-74, asst. state geologist La., piin. Santa Barbara coll., phj^sician. *William Elbridge Mars; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. *1868 *Silas Henry Pearl, A. M. ; Plymouth, N. H. ; prin. N. H. state norm, school. *1873 William Corning Stacy; Burlington, Yt. ; artist. *Charles Dudley Swasey; Montpelier, Yt.; lawyer. *1865 Harvey Hammond Talcott; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. Milo Latimer Templeton, A. M. ; Oakland, Cal. ; teacher. *Edward Charles Terrill; Sherbrooke, P. Q. *1869 Frederick William Terrill; Montreal, P. Q.; lawyer. ALUMNI 67 John Marshall Thacher, A. M. ; Chicago, 111. ; lawyer, U. S. com'r patents 1874. Joshua Clarence Whitney; Chicago, 111.; teacher. 1860 George Petrie Beard, A. M.; Randolph, Vt. Pliram Carleton; Montpelier, Vt. ; lawyer, judge of probate. *Solon Eaton, A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1864; W. Addison, Vt.; lawyer. *1886 Thomas Nathaniel Gill [formerly Robert Nathaniel Allen] ; New Orleans, La. (?) David Farrand Hicks; Chicago 111.; teacher. George Field Hunting, A. M. 1879, D. D. 1887 and Kalamazoo coll. 1885; Alma, Mich.; Presb. cler- gyman, pres. Alma college. Luther Boardman Newell; Westport, N. Y.; teacher, farmer. Norman Paul, A. M. 1869; Woodstock, Vt. ; lawyer. *James Stevens Peck ; Montpelier, Vt. ; lawyer, adjt. gen. Vt. *1884 Samuel Hill Shonyo, A. M. ; Coaticook, P. Q.; lawyer. *Stephen Foster Spalding; Derby Line; adjt. 8th Vt. vols. *1863 *George Lewis Waterman, A. M. ; Hydepark, Vt. ; lawyer. *1886 1861 Henry Ballard, A. M., LL. B. Albany 1863; Burling- ton, Vt. ; lawyer. George Chapman Bates; Chicago, 111.; merchant. Buel Smith Bigelow, M. D. 1863; Milwaukee, Wis. Lucius Bigelow; Portland, Or.; editor. 68 ALUMNI Heniy Edward Butler, Princ. theo. sem. 1864; Alma, Mich.; Presb. clerg., prof, mental and moral phil. Alma coll. 1888 — George Nathaniel Carpenter ; A. M. Norw. univ. 1882; Brookline, Mass.; life insurance. William Thomas Carpenter, M. D. univ. Nashville 1864; Stambaugh, Mich.; phys. and surg. *Cornelius Augustus Chapin, M. D. 1863; Williston, Vt.; asst. surg. 6th Vt. vols. *1863 John Heraan Converse; Philadelphia, Pa.; manufac- turer, trustee. John Pushee Demeritt; Hooksett, N. H. ; Cong, clei'g. Philander Deming, A. M., LL. B. Albany 1872 ; Albany, N. Y. ; lawyer. Lester Hall Elliott, Union theo. sem. 1864; Water- bury, Vt.; Cong, clerg., sec. Vt. Bib. soc. *George Albert French; Burlington, Vt. ; law stud't. *1864 James Bartlett Hammond, Union theo. sem. 1865; New York city. Albert Sewall Kenny ; Annapolis, Md. ; paymaster U. S. N. Philo French Leavens, Union theo. sem. 1866, D. D. 1888; Passaic, N. J.; Presb. clergyman. William Brown Lund, A. M., M. D. univ. Mich. 1864; Burlington, Vt. ; physician, instr. mat. med. 1877-79, mat. med. and therap. 1879-86. Malcolm McKillop, A. M.; Rockport, Mo.; lawyer, banker. George Alpheus Marshall, A. M. ; Darlington, Wis.; lawyer. John Wright Norton, A. M. 1865; Rutland, Vt. ; accountant. *Byron Philander Robbins; Marquette, Mich. ; merchant. *188S ALUMNI 69 George Thomas Sutton; Monkton, Vt.; M. E. clers?. "Silas Newton Walker, A. M. 1866; Abington, Mass.; clergyman. Hannibal Whitney Wood, M. D. McGill univ. 1865; St. Johns, P. Q.; physician. *Charles Work; Huntington, Vt. *1862 1862 John Johnson Allen, A.M., LL. B. Columb. 1866; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; lawyer. Horace Barlow, A. M. 1867; Hudson, Wis.; merchant. *Joseph Partridge Brainerd; St. Albans, Vt.; 1st Vt. cavalry. *1864 Elijah Levings Burnett, Union tlieo. sem. 1865, A. M. 1880; 'Montrose, Pa.; clergyman, teacher. George Buck Cochran, A. M., M. D. 1867; Hudson, Mass.; phys. and druggist. James Wilson Davis, A. M., Union theo. sem. 1865 ; New York city; teacher. *Harrison Eaton, A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1864; Jackson, Mich.; lawyer. *1866 Hubbard Clark Farrar, D. D. Wesl. univ. 1886; Albany, N. Y. ; M. E. clerg. Robert Hull Fleming; Chicago, 111.; merchant. Hiram LeRoy Fuller, M. D. C. M. univ. McGill 1870; Sweetsburg, P. Q.; phys. and surg. *Zebina Landon; South Hero, Vt.; 1st Vt. cav. *1862 Joseph Monroe Poland; Chicago, 111. *John Theodore Saxe; West Troy, N. Y. ; merchant. *1881 *John Worthington Woodward; Westford, Vt. ; capt. 1st Vt. cav. *1863 70 ALUMNI 1863 Orlo Henry Austin, 1865, A. M. 1884; Barton Landing, Vt. ; lawyer, judge of j^robate. Samuel Ingersoll Briant, A. M., And. theo. sem. 1867; N. Chelmsford, Mass.; Cong, clerg. James Artemas Brown; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. George Phelps Byington, And. theo. sem. 1867; Shore- ham, Vt.; Cong, clergyman. *John Theophilus Drew, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *1879 *Albert Granville Fisher; Hopkinton, N. Y. *1865 Seneca Tobias Hyde, M. D. 1866; Boston, Mass.; phys. *Osceola Hardy Kile, A. M.; Westerly, R. I.; teacher. *1873 Sumner Ladd; Minneapolis, Minn.; lawyer, prof. med. jurisp. coll. phys. and surg. 1883 — , lect. law dept. univ. of Minn. Stephen Martindale Roberts, M. D. 1866; New York city; phys., clin. prof. dis. of children Woman's med. coll., also univ. Vt. 1875 — Francis Barnard Smith; Lidgerwood, N. Dak. ; civil engineer. Charles Nelson Wilder; Champaign, 111.; Presb. clerg. 1864 Oscar Atwood, A. M.; Jeifersonville, Vt.; teacher. Erastus Franklin Bullard, A. M. ; Jacksonville, 111.; teacher. Franklin Denison, LL. B. Harv. 1866, A. M. 1868 ; Chicago, 111. ; lawyer. Dennis Donovan, A. M., Newt. theo. inst. 1867; S. Lyndeborough, N. H. ; Baptist clergyman. Sullivan French Gale, A. M. ; Jacksonville, Fla. ; Cong, clergyman. ALUMNI 71 Frank Deraing Hoyt, A. M. ; New York city; insur. Frank Wilfred Page, M. D. 1866, A. M. 1869; Boston, Mass.; phys. and surg. Edward Sprague Peck, A. M., M. D. 1868; New York city; physician and oculist; adj. prof. dis. eye and ear 1875-77, prof, of same 1877-78. Julian Phelps, A. M, 1875; Atlantic, Iowa; lawyer. Wolfred Nelson Phelps, A. M. 1871; South Hero, Vt.; farmer. Earl Johnson Ward; Union theo. sem. 1867; Hyde- park, Vt. ; Cong, clergyman. Samuel Read Ward, M. D. Georgetown 1868; Hyde Park, 111.; phys. 1865 Albert Warren Clark, A. M., theo. inst. Conn. 1868; Prague, Bohemia; Cong, clerg., Miss. A. B. C. F. M. 1872—. *Nehemiah Pierce, A. M. ; Springfield, 111. ; Bapt. clerg. *1873 George Bigelow Shaw, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer. Samuel William Torrey, M. D. ; Beverly, Mass.; phys. Lambert Lysander Wood, A.M. Madison univ. 1867, Ham. theo. sem. 1867; Missoula, Mont.; Bapt. clerg., editor. John Hopkins Worcester, A. M., Union theo. sera. 1871, D. D. 1885; prof, (pro temp.) Eng. lit. 1871; Chicago. Ill; Presb. clergyman. 1866 Franklin Belknap; Oak Lawn, 111.; teacher. *Henry H. Belknap, Union theo. sem. 1869; Gales- burg, 111. *1870 Francis Farrell ; Fort Dodge, Iowa; lawyer. 72 ALUMNI 1867 Washington Spencer Cilley, LL. B. univ. Mich. 1869; Minneapolis, Minn.; lawyer. *Charles Edmond Parker; New York city; druggist. *1878 Albert Phelps; Washington, Iowa; lawyer. *Ira Edmund Shattuck; Burlington, Vt.; merchant. *1875 Joseph Shonion; Galena, Kan.; banker. Walter Perrin Smith, A.M.; St. Johnsbury, Vt.; law- yer, judge of probate. Henry Orson Wheeler; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer, trea- surer 1881 — , supt. city schools. Albert Gallatin Whittemore ; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. 1868 *B[enry Clay Barnes ; San Francisco, Cal.; lawyer. *1879 Mason Bill Carpenter, A. M.; Denver, Col.; lawyer, pres. sen. Col. Joseph Dudley Denison, A. M.; Roj^alton, Vt.; lawyer. Leslie Munson Piatt, A. M.; Chicago, 111.; manuf r. Albert Dana Tenney, A.M., LL. B. Columbia 1870; Evansville, Ind.; lawyer, cashier. 1869 Charles Allen. Converse ; Philadelphia, Pa.; manuf'r. Edwin Charles Ferguson, A. M., Boston univ. theol. 1874 ; Lebanon, 111.; M. E. clerg., prof. Greek and Latin Chaddock coll. 1883-86, of Greek and German McKendree coll. 1886 — Nelson Orlando Freeman, A. M. 1877 ; Batavia, 111.: M. E. clei'gyraan. Henry Hale Gorton ; Atchison, Kan. Francis Hickok ; Columbus. O.; manuf'r. ALUMNI Byron 'J'lioiinisoii IIulcoiul), A. M.; S. Evanston, 111.; merchant. Robert Roberts ; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. Charles Herbert Tattle, A. M. isso, L. H. D. 1889; Ithaca, N. Y. ; lect. internat. law univ. Mich. 1880, non-res. prof, internat. law Cornell 1881- 83, assoc. prof. hist, and theory of jiolitics and of internat. law 1883-87, prof. hist, polit. and municip. instit. and of internat. law 1887 — , author. 1870 James Hull Brinsmaid, A. M.; Des Moines, Iowa ; railway clerk. Chauncey Wells Brownell, A. M., LL. B. Albany 1872; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer, sec. Yt. sen. 1880 — Edward Page Butler, theo. inst. Conn. 1873; Sunder- land, Mass.; Cong, clergyman. Albert Richard Dow, C. E. 1872, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; civil engineer. Charles Howard Dunton, A. M. 1875, D. D. Sja-acuse univ. 1886; Poultney, Vt. ; M. E. clergyman, prin. Troy conf. acad. David' Sherwood Kellogg, M. D. 1873, A. M. 1884; Plattsburgh, N. Y. ; physician. Daniel Kern; Burlington, Vt. Elias Lyman, A. M. ; Burlington, Vt. ; merchant, trustee. Carlos Aurelius Lyon; Lemoore, Cal. (?) William Foote Marsh; White Salmon, Wash.; teacher. Hamilton Sullivan Peck, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; lavy- yer, city judge 1888 — George William Winch, theo. inst. Conn. 1875; Hol- yoke, Mass.; Cong, clergyman. 74: ALUMNI George Alvin Barrett, Ph. B. 1873, A. M. 1885; Platts- burgli, N. Y.; M. E. clergyman. *Henry Homer Douglass, B. S. 1869, C. E.; St. Paul, Minn.; civil engineer. *1883 Horace Edward Stevens, B. S. 1869, C. E.; St. Paul, Minn.; civil engineer and contractor. 1871 William Henry Bliss; Middlebury, Vt.; lawyer. George Pierce Bradstreet ; Washington, D. C. ; lawyer, clerk sen. com. judiciary. David Foster Estes, A. M.; Holden, Mass.; Baptist clergyman. Fred Alonzo Fay ; Seattle, Wash.; merchant. Seneca Haselton, A. M., LL. B. Mich. univ. 1875 ; Burlington, Vt. ; instr. in math. univ. Mich. 1873-74, lawyer, city judge 1878-86. Thomas Waterman Huntington, M. D. Harv. 1876 ; Sacramento, Cal. ; chief surg. S. Pacific Co.'s hospital. Harry Edward Rustedt; Richford, Vt.; lawyer, super- visor of schools. Elihu Barber .Taft, A. M. 1875; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer. Charles Kasson Wead, A. M. ; Hartford, Conn.; elec- trical contractor, act. j^rof. physics univ. Mich. 1877-85. Sheldon Harley Wheeler, And. theo. sem. 1875; Waterbury, Vt.; Cong, clergyman. Charles Simeon Denison, B. S 1870, C. E., M. S. 1874; Ann Arbor, Mich.; inst. engin. and dr. Mich, univ. 1872-81; asst. prof. mech. and free hand dr. 1881-85; prof, descr. geom. and dr. 1885 — ALUMNI 75 Porter Perrin Wheaton, B, S. 1870, C. E. ; George- town, Col.: civil engineer. 1872 Louis Augustus Arthur, A. M.,B. D. Gen. tlieo. sem. 1877; Detroit, Mich.; P. E. clergyman. George Foote Marsh; Detroit, Mich.; merchant. John Harvey Robinson ; Merkel, Tex.; merchant. Edwin Eli Dickinson, B. S. 1871, Ph. B.; New York city ; manuf'r. *Edward Haight Phelps, C. E., A. M. 1883 ; Detroit, 3Iich.; engineer. *1884 1873 William Parker Barker ; Williamsport, Pa. ; lumber merchant. Evelyn Frank Garvin ; Essex, Yt.; teacher. James Whitcomb Griffin, A. M. 1879; Minneapolis, Minn.; lawyer. George Timothy Lovell, LL. B. Columbian univ. 1875; Burlington, Yt.; lawyer, manuf'r. Francis Wayland Il^'der, Newton theo. inst. 1876; Boston, Mass.; Bapt. clerg3^man. *Hiram Beach Sibley, M. D. 1875; Winooski, Yt.; *1876 George Lewis Stow; Chelsea, "Vt.; lawyer. Charles Albert Catlin, Ph. B. ; Providence, R. L; chemist. Byron Olin White, Ph. B.; Burlington, Yt.; prof. nat. sci. Western coll., asst. chem. Yt. exper. sta. Robert Mayo Catlin, C. E.; San Francisco, Cal.; mining engineei" 76 ALUMNI James Russell Chapman, C. E. 1880. George Moore Dodge, C. E.: San Rafael, Cal.; rail- way engineer. Thomas Peregrine White Rogers, C. E ; Burlington, Vt.; city librarian 1874-84, insurance broker. 1874 Willard Norris Armington; Whitefield, N. H.; lawyer. *Henry Ortan Finch, B. D. Yale 1878; Guilford, Conn.; Cong, clei'gyman. *1879 Charles Francis Graves, B. D. Yale 1878; Atkinson, Neb.; Presb. clergyman. Mahlon Beach Holcomb, M. D. Bellevue hosp. med. coll. 1879; Keeseville, N. Y. ; phj^'s. and surg. Jason Darwin Jenkins; East. Haven, Vt. ; farmer, surveyor. Sealand Whitney Landon, A. M. 1883; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Warren Hall Landon, Union theo. sem. 1879, D. D. 1887; Portland, Or.; Presb. clerg. Charles Edgar Meech, A. M. ; Portland, Or.; publisher. Frederick Rustedt; Apishapa, Col.; lawyer. Gaylord Beecher Smith, Newt. theo. sem. 1877 ; Jamestown, R. I.; Bapt. clergyman. Charles Farnsworth Ballon, Ph. B. ; Burlington, Vt. Robert Burns Lillie, Ph. B. Charles Penfield Nichols, Ph. B.; Pomona, Cal. Frank Haswell Parker, C. E.; Burlington, Vt.; manager gas light CO. Louis Shaw, C. E.; LaCrosse, Wis.; railway engineer. Augustus Torrey, C. E.; Detroit, Mich.; railway eng'r. Zenas Blin Whitney, M. E.; Gloversville, N. Y.; mf'r. ALUMNI ( ( William Edward Forest, B. S., M. D. univ. city N. Y. 1876; New York city; physician. John Rogers Williams, B. S.; Lebanon Falls, N. H. 1875 Edward W^ebster Andrews ; Buffalo, N. Y.; lawyer. W^illiam Nelson Ferrin, A. M. ; Forest Grove, Or. ; prof. math. Pacif. univ. Ellen Eliza Ilamilton, A. M. [Mrs. F. E. Woodruff] : Brunswick, Me.; prof. Latin and Greek Ligham univ. 1880-81. Orrin Wheeler Hard; S. Burlington, Vt.; farmer. Lida A. Mason [Mrs. S. D. Hodge]; Burlington, Yt. Alfred Nathaniel Tagert; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. John Brooks Wheeler, M. D. Harv. 1879; Burlington, Yt. ; physician, instr. in surg. 1881 — Frank Edward Woodruff', A. M., Union theo. sem. 1881; Brunswick, Me.; Cong, clergyman, prof. bibl. lit. And. theo. sem. 1883-87, prof. Greek Bowd. coll. 1887 — *John Barker Allen, C. E.; Burlington, Yt.; merchant. *18S5 *Edward Michael Lee, C. E.; Burlington, Yt.; civil engineer. *1878 Fred Eugene Lucas, C. E. ; Murray, Idaho ; mining engineer. 1876 Albert Crane Barnes, LL. B. Albany 1877; Chicago, 111.; lawyei". Wyllys Benedict, A. M., LL. B. Columb. 1880; New York city ; lawyer. Adelbert W^esson Boynton; Keeseville, N. Y.; lawyer. T8 ALUMNI George Rutherford Cutler, LL. B. Boston univ. 1879; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. Leverett Francis Englesby ; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. Henry Wayland Hill, A. M. 1881 ; Buffalo, N. Y. ; lawyer. Charles Leonard Marsh; Chicago, 111.; secretary. Effie Moore; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Jenny Elizabeth Petty [Mrs. Harvey Tuthill] ; East Otto, K Y. Albert Carpenter Prouty ; Chicago, 111.; ins. clerk. Ella Seaver [Mrs. Frank A. Owen] ; Burlington, Vt.; artist. *George Worcester Wales ; Burlington, Vt.; lawyer. *1890 Roger Burrill Griffin, Ph. B. ; Auburndale, Mass. ; - chemical engineer. Horatio Loomis, Ph. B.; Burlington, Vt. ; asst. prof, chem. 1886 — Juliette Wing, Ph. B. [Mrs. Robert T. Brown]; Brook- lyn, N. Y. Charles Haynes Samson, C. E.; Omaha, Neb.; railway clerk. 1877 Rufus Winfield Bishop, M. D. Berlin 1882; Chicago, 111.; physician; prof. phys. and derm. Chicago med. coll., prof. derm, and gen.-urin. dis. Chicago post-grad. med. school. Sarah Van Brownell; Williston, Vt. John Henry Denison ; Denver, Col.; lawyer. Royal Corbin Dustan, A. M. ; Leadville, Col. ; mer- chant. Pliny Barnard Fisk ; B. D. Yale 1881; Faulkton, S. Dak.; Cong, clergyman. Class of 18*76 ; add : Sarah Ann Martin, Ph. B. ; Burlington, Vt. ; teacher. ALUMNI Y9 George Washington Henderson, A. M., B. D. Yale 1883; New Orleans, La.; Cong, clerg. Perley Ayer Olmstead ; S. Newbury, Vt. ; railway mail service. Ethel Persis Sherman, A. M.; from Montgomery, Yt. ; teacher. Florence Nightingale Crooker, Ph. B.; Burlington, Yt. Charles Wayland Drew, Ph. B.,M.D. 1880; Minneapo- lis, Minn.; phys. and chemist, prof. chem. Minn, hosp. coll. 1881-88. Frederick Oscar French, Ph.B.; Marshalltown, Iowa; railway clerk. *Martin Charles Hine, C. E.; Duluth, Minn.; r'y eng'r. *1881 William Andrew Thompson, C. E.; Rock Island, 111.; IT. S. supt. improv. Miss. riv. George Andrew White, C. E.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; bank clerk. 1878 Sarah Annie Barker, A. M. ; lola, Kan.; teacher. Ernest Clarence Benjamin; New York city; merchant. Francis Edward Camp, A. M. 1882 ; LL. B. Columbian univ. 1882; Washington, D. C. ; exam'r b'd of re-review pension bureau. Charles Gilman Church; Watertown, Dak.; editor, banker. Charles Lincoln Goss ; Milwaukee, Wis.; lawyer. Donly Curtis Hawley, M. D. 1884; Burlington, Vt ; phys. and surg. *James Henry King, M. D. Harv. 1882; Rutland, Yt.; physician. *1887 Henry Moses McFarland; Hydepark, Yt.; laAvyer. Ellen Miller [Mrs. Otis S. Johnson]; Burlington, Yt. 80 ALUMNI James Emmett Riley; Omaha, Neb.; real estate broker. Don Alney Stone ; Burlington, Vt. ; lawyer, dept. coll. customs. John Willard Tuttle; Plattsburgh, N. Y.; stationer. Arthur Newhall Wheelock, A. M.; Salt Lake City, Utah; instr. Eng. and hist. Mass. inst. tech. 1882-88, manager mining co. Frank Angell, B. S.; Leipzig, Germany; student. 1879 Charles Wellington Allen, A. M., M. D. 1882; Story City, Iowa; physician. Sedgwick Swift Brinsmaid ; Des Moines, Iowa; mei- chant. Lillie Helen Cram; Bradford, Mass.; teacher. Davis Rich Dewey, Ph. D. Johns Hoj^kins 1886; Bos- ton, Mass. ; asst. prof, economics and statistics Mass. inst. tech. John Dewey, Ph. D. Johns Hopkins 1884; Ann Arbor, Mich. ; instr. phil. univ. Mich. 1884-86, asst. prof. phil. do, 1886-88, prof, mental and moral phil. univ. Minn. 1888-89, prof. phil. univ. Mich. 1889—, author. *Gideon Sheldon Fuller, A. M., LL. B. Mich. univ. 1881 ; Denver, Col; lawyer. *1883 Frank Newel Lewis, A.M., M. D. 1882; New York city ; physician and surg. Chester Bentine McLaughlin ; Port Henry, N. Y. ; lawyer. Charles Eli Mitchell ; Salt Lake City, Utah ; real es- ' tate broker. Edward Percival Morse, A. M., Union theo. sem. 1886; Watseka, 111.; Presb. clergyman. ALUMNI 81 John Parker Rich, A. M.; Swanton, Vt.; manuf r. William Kerr Sheldon ; W. Rutland, Vt. ; marble dealer. *Henry Cadle Tenney; Denver, Col.; lawyer. *18 90 Ervin Henry Thorp; Middlebury, Vt.; editor. *Xurry Henry Towsley, M. D. 1882; Beekraantown, N. Y.; M. E. clergyman. *1889 Frank Jefferson Blodgett, Ph. B., M. D. 1881, A. M. 1885; New York city ; physician. Henry Wade, Ph. B., M. D. 1883. Robert Carlos Sattley, C. E.; Dixon, 111.; civ. eng. 1880 George Whitefield Bailey, A. M. ; Asotin, Wash. ; lawyer. George Edmund Bertrand; Omaha, Neb.; lawyer. George Boardman Catlin ; Birmingham, Ala.; business manager. *William Denison ; Denver, Col.; cattle dealer. *1886 *Anderson Dana Dyer, A. M., M. D. Bellevue liosp. med. coll. 1883; Denver, Col.; physician. *1886 William Noble Hibbard, A. M., M. D. Chicago med. coll. 1886; Chicago, 111.; physician and surg. Fred Thomas Kidder, M. D. 1883; Woodstock, Vt.; physician. Rebecca LaviniaLeeke; Baldwinsville, N. Y.; teacher. William Henry Harrison McAllister; Strong, Me.; M. E. clergyman. Leroy Albert Merrill, M. D. 1882; Lowsdale, L. I.; physician. James Swan Morrill ; Washington, D. C. ; lawyer, sec. 82 ALUMNI Clara Huntington Pease [Mrs. W. R. Newton] ; New Brunswick, N. J. Jane Hunt Pease [Mrs. James R. Wheeler] ; Bur- lington, Vt. Leland Ellis Tupper, A. M. ; Williamsburgh, Ky. ; teacher, Cong, clergyman. James Rignall Wheeler, Ph. J). Harv. 1885 ; Burling- ton, Vt.; prof, of Greek 1889— HattieManda Allen, Ph. B. [Mrs. Willis G. Robinson]; Ness City, Kan. Mary A. Brownell, Ph. B. [Mrs. E. H. Thorp] ; Mid- dlebury, Vt. Frederick Maeck Barstow, C. E. ; Burlington, Vt. ; asst. U. S. engineer. Charles Fred B. Haskell, C. E. ; Winona, Minn. ; rail- way engineer. 1881 George Abner Benedict; Arnold, Neb ; lawyer, man- ager of cattle CO. James Buckham, A. M.; Burlington, Vt.; journalist. Henry Sholto Douglas, A. M.; Kansas city. Mo.; phys. Walter Benton Gates,A. M.; Burlington, Vt. ; journalist. Darwin Pearl Kingsley, A. M.; Boston, Mass ; life in- surance. Walter Russell Newton ; New Brunswick, N. J.; teacher. William Hawley Rice, Harrold, S. Dak.; merchant. Daniel Temple Torrej^ And. theo. sem. 1887; Dor- chester, Mass.; Cong, clergyman. Samuel Hahnemann Waters, A. M. 1885; Johnson, Vt.; manufacturer. Hollis Samuel Wilson; Morrisville, Vt.; lawyer. ALUMNI 83 Samuel Henry Wright; Chicago, 111.; lawyer. Harry Lewis Van Nostrand, Ph. B.; Trinidad, Col.; chemist. Frank Herbert Conant, C. E.; Hayward, Wis.; civil engineer. 1882 Edgar C. JBeckwith, Union theo. sem. 1888 ; Pleasant Valley, N. Y.; Presb. clerg. Edgar Huntington Dutcher ; Brandon, Vt.; teacher. Addie Eliza Edwards ; Bradford, Mass.; teacher. Edward Alexander Enright ; Albion, Neb.; lawyer. Arthur Henry Hill ; New York city ; teacher, law student. Marion Aurelia Horsford ; Grand Rapids,Mich.; teacher. Roger William Hulburd ; Hydepark, Vt.; lawyer. Bela Shaw Huntington, A. M.; TheDalles, Or.; lawyer. Edmund Conde Lane, LL. B. Albany 1884; S. Omaha, Neb.; lawyer. Henry Landon Ward ; Burlington, Vt.; treas. Burl. trust CO. Julia Barlow Piatt, Ph. B.; Boston, Mass. Willard Smith Isham, C. E,; Angangueo, Mex.; rail- way engineer. Frank Oscar Sinclair, C. E. ; Marietta, Ga. ; civ. eng. Harry Asahel Storrs, C. E.; Pomona, Cal.; engineer. Willis Eugene Weston, C. E.; Anoka, Wis.; railway engineer. 1883 Charles Fremont Bailey ; Syracuse, N. Y. ; bookkeeper. Caro Frances Barker, A, M. [Mrs. Chas. S. Kingsley] ; Boise City, Idaho. 84 ALUMNI Allan Conant Ferrin ; Manchester, Vt. ; teacher. George Dyer Griswold ; Jeffersonville, Vt. ; teacher. Chauncey Hoyt Hayden, A.M.; Essex, Yt.; teacher. John Henry Hopkins; New York city; theol. student, Charles Eugene MacChesney, A. M.; Paterson, N. J.; teacher. George McClellan Powers, A. M.; Morrisville, Yt.; lawyer. George Edward Sawyer, A. M.; Tonawanda, N. Y.; with lumber firm. Merton Ellsworth Shedd ; Boston, Mass.; clerk. Mason Sereno Stone ; Westfield, Y"t.; supervisor of schools. ■ ■ George Bishop Lane, Ph. B.; Burlington, Yt.; book- keeper. Josef Colver Turk, C. E.; New Y^ork city; ag't. Pitts- burgh bridge co. 1884 William Patterson Cantwell, Jr. ; Tro}', N. Y^ ; lawyer. Gilbert Arthur Dow; Burlington, Yt.; clerk. Henry William Eckley; San Mateo, Cal.; teacher. Herbert Daniel Hoffnagle ; New Haven, Yt.; teacher. Homer Charles Royce ; Middlebury, Yt.; lawyer. Kirby Williams Smith, Ph. D. Johns Hopkins 1889; Baltimore,Yld.; asst. prof. Latin Johns Hopkins. Jessie Elvira Wright [Mrs. George H. Wiiitcomb] ; Topeka, Kan.; lawyer. William Miller Styles, Ph. B.; Montreal, P. Q ; chemist. *Hiram Cutler Barber, C. E. ; Phila., Pa.; draughtsman. *1887 Josiali William Yotey, C, E.; Burlington, Yt.; instr. in civ. enff. 1884 — ALUMNI 85 1885 John Wright Buekliani, And. tlieo. sem. 1888; Con- way, N. H.; Cong, clergyman. Elroy Newton Clark; Kansas City, Kan.; real estate broker. William Colton Clark; New York city; theol. student. George Henry Fisher, M. D. 1888; Standish, N. Y.; physician. Austin Hazen ; Barre, Vt.; clerk. William Herman Hopkins, Union theo. sem. 1889; Woodbridge, N. J.; Cong, clergyman. Grenville Howard; Chicago, 111.; with telephone co. Jessie Anna Hunt; Washington (P. O. Lithgow), N. Y.; teacher. Mary Louise Mills; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Edward Sawyer Stone, B. D. Gen. theo. sem. 1889; Enosburgh Falls, Vt. ; P. E. clergyman. George Barker Stone, B. D. Gen. theo. sem. 1889; Bal- timore, Md.; P. E. clergyman. Charles Winfield Waterman, LL. B. Mich. univ. 1889; Denver, Col ; lawyer. William Elijah Bigwood, C E.; Detroit, Mich.; engin- eer and draughtsman. Edward Berton Kent, C. E ; Marietta, Ga.; civil eng. George Stevens Leavenworth, C. E. ; Ducktown, Tenn.; railway engineer. Charles Edward Myron Morse, C. E.; Winona, Minn.; railway engineer. Frank Smith Paddock, C. E. ; Williston, Vt. ; civil engineer. 86 ALUMNI 1886 Ella Sophia Babbit [Mrs, M. N. Baker] ; Montclair, N. J. . Samuel Henry Bishop; New York city; theol. student Jeanie Alice Christie [Mrs. George G. Chandler] ; Tacoma, Wash. Frank Horace Clapp, M. D. 1888 ; Brandon, N. Y.; physician. Charles Cyrus Farnham, LL. B. Columb. 1889 ; Buffalo, N. Y.; lawyer. Frank Davis Forbush; Grand Rapids, Mich.; secret'y. Frank Kilburn Graves; Granville, N. Y.; teacher. Ralph Linval Hayes ; New York city ; agt. for publ'r. Annis Lucy Isham; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. John William Redmond ; Hydepark, Vt. ; lawyer, supervisor of schools. Lillian Sanborn; Waterbury Centre, Vt.; teacher, Benjamin Swift ; Burlington, Vt.; gen. sec. Y. M. C. A. Frank Hoxsie Waterman ; Minneapolis, Minn. ; clerk. Earl Morse Wilbur ; Cambridge, Mass.; theol. stud. Moses Nelson Baker, Ph. B ; Montclair, N. J.; editor. Daniel Leavens Cady, Ph. B. ; Lidianapolis, Ind.; lawyer. Marvin Wright Clark, Ph. B.; Williston, Vt.; farmer. Eliza Charity Isham, Ph. B.; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Tracy Lillie Jeffords, Ph. B., LL. B. Columbian univ. 1888; Washington, D. C; lawyer. *Jed Scott Merrill, Ph. B.; Philadelphia, Pa.; supt. in iron works. Charles Whiting Baker, C. E.; New York city; editor. Ernest Asa Brodie, C. E.; Oakland, Cal.; railway clerk. ALUMNI 8Y Frank Hiram Crandall, C. E.; Burlington, Vt.; supt. city water works, George Bostwick Isham, C. E. ; Angangueo, Mex.; railway engineer. Jed Samuel Lane, C. E.: Marietta, Ga.; civil engineer. Wendell Monroe Reed, C. E.: Roswell, N. M.; civil engineer. William Fay Waters, C. E. ; Burlington, Yt. ; civil engineer. Clayton John Wright, C. E. ; Williston, Vt. ; merchant. 1887 Ernest Albee; Worcester, Mass.; student Clark univ. Willard Alvord Mitchell ; New York city ; law student. Justus Newton Perrin, jr.; Hartford, Conn.; theol. student. Xenophon Cassius Wheeler; Montpelier, Yt.; teacher. George Lincoln Wheelock; Boston, Mass.; clerk. Henrj^ Newton Bosworth, Ph. B. ; Council Bluffs, Iowa ; railway clerk. George Watson Roberts, Ph. B., M. D. N. Y.- Horn. med. coll. 1869; New York city; phys. Frank Morse Button, C. E.; Fort Sheridan, 111.; civil engineer. James Alexander Macfie, C. E ; Winona, Iowa; rail- way engineer. Elbert Charles Morgan, C. E.; Central Point, Cal.; civil engineer. George Clark Robinson, C. E ; W. Rutland, Yt.; supt. marble works. Harry Bailey Strong, C. E.; Spokane Falls, Wash. ; civil enirineer. 88 ALUMNI 1888 Hollis Montague Clayton Chase; Chicago, 111.; law student. Clara Ida Colburne; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Fred Merritt Corse; Burlington, Vt. ; sec. faculty 1888 — , instr. math. 1889 — Buel Clifton Day; N. Craftsbury, Vt.; teacher, Sanford Lewis Gates ; Morrisville, Vt. ; law student. Allen Hazen; Cheshire, Mass.; teacher. Carleton Hazen; Hartford, Conn.; theol. student. Judson Balis Howard; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. George Clark Stevens; St. Albans, Vt.; law student. Paul Flynn Sweet-; New York city; theol. student. Cora Alma Wedgeworth; Nassau, N. Y.; teacher. Albert Emerson Willard; Burlington, Vt. ; med. stud. Arthur Mason Willcox ; Pullman, 111. Arthur Lincoln Johnson, Ph. B.; Detroit, Mich.; m'f'g. chemist. Anna Huldah Tracy, Ph B. ; Hamburg, N. Y. ; teacher. Edward Drake Williams, Ph. B.; Short Hills, N. J.; supt. chemical works. Charles Shattuck Hill, C. E.; New York city; editor. George Edwin Hyde, C. E.; Washington, D. C; in U. S. geol. survey. Charles Cyrus Stafford, C. E.; Whallonsburgh, N. Y.; farmer. Charles Lincoln Woodbury, C. E.; Fort Sheridan, Ilighwood, 111; civil engineer. 1889 Don Frederick Andrus; Hardwick, Vt.; teacher. Ella Evarts Atwater; in Germany; student. ALUMNI 89 William Asahel Beebe ; Morrisville, Vt.; teacher. George Yemens Bliss; New York city; theol. student. Clarence Sumner Brigham; Bakersfield,Vt.; med. stud. Robert Barmby Buckhara ; Washington, D. C; clerk. Arthur Edwin Chase; New York city; law student, Arthur Byron Gilbert ; H3^depark, Vt.; teacher. Edward Sprague Isham ; Burlington, Vt.; bank clerk. Max Leon Powell; Richford, Vt. ; law student. Herbert Francis Quimby ; Boston, Mass.; theol. stud. George Hoffman Rogers ; Palmyra, N. Y. Emily Reddington Torrey ; Harvard, Mass. Vernon Oswald Whitcomb ; Burlington, Vt. Lucia Ellen Barney, Ph. B.; Manchester, Vt. ; teacher. Emma Mary Chandler, Ph. B.; in Germany; student. Isabella Miller Chandler, Ph. B. ; in Germany ; student. Frank Ellsworth Dodge, Ph. B. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; chemist. Anna Lettie Dyke, Ph. B. ; W^inooski, Vt. ; teacher. Bessie Medora Hood, Ph. B.; Winooski, Vt. Walter Henry Merriam, Ph. B.; Winooski, Vt. ; book- keeper. Sho Nemoto, Ph. B.; Mito, Japan. William Hay ward Stone, Ph. B.; Detroit, Mich. ; chemist. Martha Alice Wheeler, Ph. B. ; Burlington, Vt.; teacher. Elmer Ellsworth Allbee, C. E.; Nyack, N. J.; teacher. Albert Lee Buck, C. E. ; Atlanta, Ga.; civil engineer. Charles Hiram Stevens, C. E. ; Cog Hill, Tenn.; civil engineer. ! 90 MEDICAL ( 3^RADUATES MEDICAL GRADUATES. 1823 Lyman T. Jenney Burrill Smith Miner Moses Chandler *Ezra Scovel *1827 Elijah Cooper *Daniel Littlefield Shaw *Elisha Moore *1842 *John Morley *Joel Stone 4 Lazarus Tousey 1824 Miner Y. Turrill 1 PC *Horace P. Blair *18V4 15 1826 Christopher Carpenter David E. Demino' Willis S. Alger *Julius Yeomans Dewev Anson Brackett *1877 Preston Chamberlin *Lewis Dorwin John C. Colby John Gallup John P. Hamilton *Edward Kane Alexander Hamilton Jones Prof. They and Prac. and Path. Samuel K. Lyon Elias Smith Ezekiel P. Minkler Orange Smith . Lewis Samburn *Alva Sprague Rensselaer Soule David Ward 10 *John S. Webster 1827 Tolman Wheeler 13 Bela Bowman 1825 Solon Campbell John B. Dousman *Melvin Barnes *1860 *John K. Hardenbrook, A. B. Hosea Bliss Columbia 1824 and A. M. *Austin Bradford, *1856 Orange B. Heaton A. M. 1846 Frederick Johnson Pascal Paoli Brooks *Daniel H. Onion *1881 Norman Cleaveland William P. Porter •Jesse Haven Foster Benjamin Franklin Post Jamin Hamilton *Thomas K Powell *1855 *Lucius Hitchcock ■ *Laurence Proudfoot *1862 ■ 1 MEDICAL GRADUATES 91 1 Henry H. Reynolds John W. Robeson Benaiah Sanborn 1828 *Daniel Bates Anselm Bray John Brown Ira Day James Emery Foster Hooper Tyler Mason Collins R. Pierce David Wing Putnam Joseph H Ripley 1829 Charles C. Arms Horace H. Bassford Plimmon C. Bennett Cullen Billiard Walter Burn ham Stephen C. Cady Orrin S. Campbell * James H. Farnsworth William Green Andrew L. Haj^es Sylvanus Humphrey *John Meio-s Daniel L. Porter Gary Whitne}^ *Jolin Work Elisha R. Wright 1830 Ethan Allen Jacob Clark Amos Emerson Benjamin Fairchild Levi Goodenough Isaac Hall *Edwin W. Hopkins *01iver T. Houghton William Towner 14 10 = 1878 =1862 4879 1831 S. P. Barnum Baxter Bowman *Calvin S. Millington *18G9 *Orrin Smith, A. M. 1859 Prof. Obst. & Obst. Jurisp. Charles K. Swift John D. Wood G 1832 John Baptist Allard *Albert Camp Butler *1875 Sylvester Cartier, 'also Dart. 1834 and Castl. 1836 *Rev. Cyril Hecter Olivier Cote Samuel Hall *Reuben Young Maeck *1832 Sylvester G. Matson Moses Perley Samuel Atherton Robinson *Seraphin Viger 10 1833 Darius A. Beck with. *S. Newell Fisk Pliny P. Greene Pliny Sherman 1834 William Dodge Jehiel H. Hyde Lawrence Trembley William Turner 1836 James Miller 1854 James C. Dart George S. Goodrich *1856 92 MEDICAL GRADUATES John S. Mui-ray Oscar L. Nimblet Lewis A. Richmond Anson O. Taylor 1855 Cephas Gardner Adams Thomas Staunton Haynes Dana Jewell Morrill 1856 Allen Burr Bradley Thomas Tracj^ Button Nathaniel King Moxley * Jacob Marsh Perkins Martin Luther Scott Dudley Beokwith Smith Hiram Downer Smith Charles Forsythe Taylor, A. M. 1858 Joseph Toupin Warner Van Steenberg 1857 10 Cyrus Hamilton Allen James Huntington Bailey Heman Orson Bartlitt Harvey J. Bassett Nelson Dudley Bebee *George Benedict Benjamin Walter Carpenter Sherman Cooper Charles Cullis Edward B. P. Kelley William Franklin Lazelle Joseph G. W. Pike *Martin Edward Thrasher *1858 *Abner M. Wilcox *1857 14 1858 Edward Thomas Belle-Isle Edwin Ruthven Brush Arthur Franklin Burdick, also coll. mecl. and surg. city of N. Y. Harvey Fisk Cram Samuel Hammond Currier Lucius Jerome Dixon Merritt C. Edmunds Nelson W. Fairchild *1865 Philo Judson Farnsworth, A. B. 1854 Elmore John Hall William F. Boyd Hemming Alonzo Edward Horton Andrew Jackson Hyde Alden Crafts Latham Constant Wood Manchester Henry A^alorus Meeker John G. Miller Lyman Rogers William Root William B. Wynne 20 1859 *Philo Berry *1861 Virgil W. Blan chard Edward Bradley, A. B. 1856 Theodorus C. Brown *William Faulkner Browne Francis N. Burdick Charles Pitt Connell Job Corbin, A. B. 1858 John N. Davis Benjamin Franklin Drur^^^ Rufus Dunlap Charles I. Farley Isidore Fregeau John W. McDuffee Peter Reid McMonagle Andrew M. Mills James M. Piatt, M. C. from Virginia. Don A. Robinson Anson Meigs Ruggles Francis A. Sanborn Charles H. Shears James B. Smith Francis C. Sprague MEDICAL GRADUATES 93 Joel B. F. Walker Heniy H. Warner Edmund Weston Urban A. Woodbury Lt.-Gov. Vt. 1888-90 27 1860 Jedediah Hyde Baxter, A. B 1859 Alvin Harding Chesmore EUery Channrng Clarke Raffael Col umbo ]5radley W. Dodge Ptolemy O'Meara Edson, A. B.^ 1857 Henry S. Farnsworth Morris Henry Henry, A. M. 1875 Henry Hill Join/Emery Hitt Alfred Fairbanks Holt *Francis J. Kelly Prentiss Kent John Randolph Lewis P. M. at Atlanta. Ga. *Henry Edward Mills William L. Monroe David C. Moore Frederick Eugene Potter Benjamin Franklin Sutton Augustus Green Walls "^ 20 1861 *Egbert Henry AUis Robert Nutting Atwood Julius Lucien Burroughs *John F. Chapin Erastus Calhoun Coy Charles Morrill Cross John Harrison Cutler Ralph Erwin Joseph Elliot Frink *Charles Henry Giberson *]879 James Christie Hurd Joseph Howland Leonard Emory M. Lyon John H. McGregor *Henry Stanley'Pitkin, A. B. 1858 *1874 *Eli Zachariah Stearns *1864 George Henry Van Deusen Walter Scott Vincent *Chas. James Stewart Wells A. B. 1857 *1881 William Loren White Sewall B. Willman 21 . 1862 Theodore Smith Baldwin Robert Wellington Bennett Orvis Furman Bigelow William Oscar Boyden George Franklin Burnhani Charles Henry Carpenter Stephen Lorenzo Chilson Abraham T. DeWitt William Franklin Eddy Isaac Farrar Paul Chadbourn Garvin Joseph Lysander Harrington R. Walter Hibbler Aimer A. Ilier lleniy Augustine Kemp Frank L. Kendrick Irving Whitehall Lyon William Fletcher McNutt Peter March and Alden Velona Marshall Godfrey R. Martin Horace Mecorney Nathan R. Morse Charles A. Moulton J. Wesley Schooley James W. Sibley Allan McLean Sterling Thomas Chapman Thornton David Joseph William Wiley Richard J. Williams Ira Curtis Winsor 31 94 MEDICAL GRADUATES 1863 *David Crayton Bell Buel Smith Bigelow, A. B. 1861 *Cornelius Augustus Chapin, A. B. 1861 *1863 Lucius Wai'dsworth Clarke Thomas R. Clement Benjamin Coburn *Dan L. C. Colburn Charles Corey John Bradley Crandall *Edward M. Curtis Linton Judson Doming Francis Daniels Edgerton Thomas Julius Edgerton Wales Howard Ellis Daniel Fosburgh Henry K Hartzell H. H. Hogan J. A. Jackson Frank P. Jones Hiel Jarvis Kimball John Thurman Parker Ferdinand M. Pasco Charles Petit Pitcher Charles Everts Rider Edwin Clement Spaulding Noah Tittemore Henry C. Wilson Joseph H. A¥ilson 28 1864 Joseph Gerrish Ayers Alpheus Phineas Belden Newton Stephen Bell Mirza Nestor Benjamin *Loren Chamberlain *George J. Crowley *1880 George Ingersol Cutler George Leighton Ditson *Edgar J. Farwell, A. B. William Henry Goulding George Blake Haskins Lucius C. Herrick Thomas Jefferson Holbrook *William E. Hunt George E. Lane Henry B. Morrill *Charles Albert Manson Edward Beecher Nims, A. B. Wms. 1862 Supt. insane asylum, North- amijton, Mass. Maxime W. Numenville Henry H. Read Albert Reynolds Oscar S. Roberts Edward Parker Squier Alonzo D. Tagert George Thompson Oliver Landers Watson Asahel Arthur Wilbur 1865 27 Archibald O. Ameden Lyman H. Ann able Charles W. Arthur Charles H. Bidwell * Wilfred Bourdon Patrick Cassidy Seneca S. Clemons Merritt H. Eddy, A. B. Alfred E. Emery Chester M. Ferrin Hosea B. Flanders Davis U. Fulton Arthur W. Greenleaf Henry F. Hall John Henry Jackson, A. M. 1884 Lect. phys. and micr. anat. 1881-82, prof. phys. and micr. anat. 1882— Charles H. Johnson Francis Johnson Asa P. Knapen Matthew J. Moore George C. Morey Samuel F. Mosher Jay H Payne George L. Reagan Chapman C. Smith Charles C. Smith, A. B. MEDICAL GRADUATES 95 Melville C. Spalding Charles E. Teel Charles Paine Thayer Adj. prof. anat. 1883-85 Guillaume Thibault Edwin W. True worthy George R. Vincent George Woodward 1866 32 Edwin W. Bartlett Eugene A. Benton Joseph Henry Birdseye John Hardy Blodgett Archibald W. Burns Rufus King Clark John Wesley Copeland Harris Fellows William H. Giddings * James Young Godfrey Frank Walker Graves Joel Grover Charles Stewart Harden James Clark Harmon James Birney Haynes Lewis H. Hemminway Seneca Tobiah Hyde, A. B. 1863 Enoch Wright Kent Erasmus Marble Kent George Henry Kenyon Jededias S. Kingsley William P. Kirk Braman E. Lengfeld John Patterson Martin Harrison Corwin Moore Frank Wilfred Page, A. B. 1864 Francis L. Peiro William H. Renois Gary Whitney Reynolds Stephen Martindale Roberts, A. B. 1863 Prof. dis. of ch. Edward P. Russell Frederick W. Seward Robert F. Spier Adelbert Hugh Taggart Lloyd Pickarant Tocque Seymour S. Wilbur 1867 36 C. S. Allen Stephen Bertrand *Dudley Chase Blodgett Juan Fernando Caslow George Buck Cochran, A. B. 1862 Arthur John Darrah James Arthur Dow Charles Curtis Ellis Charles Lovejoy Erwin Silas Eaton Farnsworth Nelson Moore Harris J. J. Hazen James Lewis, D. D. S. Hector C. Martin B. Frank Page Dudley Palmer Truman Abel Pease Winfield Scott Phillips Darwin Hall Roberts Vernon Dudley Rood S. Walter Scott William Emmet Stewart Frank A. Tillinghast Dan Peaslee Webster 1868 Lucius Merritt Barnard Chester Manly Barton Elias Lawrence Brownell A. Royce Camp George W. Davis Royal Jerome Eddy Eli Edwin Graves Barney James Kendall A. Mason Larkin Charles S. L. Leach Horace Granville Leslie Calvin Eugene Nichols John Calhoun Otis 24- 96 MEDICAL GRADUATES Joseph Ladd Patten *George Levi Harrington Edward SiDvague Peck, A. B. *1882 1864. Harvey Knight Prof. dis. eye and ear Edward Beach Loomis Albert Richmond Henry Clay Matthews Henry Martin SafPord Stephen Samuel Miller Joseph John Tobias Dennis Munroe Parker LeRoy Moses Wardner Archer Russell Piatt 19 Henry Edgar Smith 1869 16 1871 Leverett Wright Babcock Lauriston M. Berry Edson George Blaisdell Charles Bushnell Charles Olin Boyden Merritt Henry Chandler Melburn Sylvester Briggs Charles Denison, A. B. Wms. George William Campbell 1867 James Campbell Instr. gymn. 1868-69 Rufus Asaph Crittenden Isaac Drake Camillo Ashley Goddard Frank Benjamin Johnson Edwin Wilbur Higbee George Webster Manley Samuel N. Jackson Jonathan Walter Martin Drumraond Thos. McPherson Albert Nott John Clark Patten Eugene Chase Peck Charles William Petty Jogfeph L. Perkins Henry Harrison Pierce William Nichols Piatt Heraan Sheldon Rockwood George Barker Rowell George Shattuck Milan Soule Irving Allison Watson Charles A. Sprague Eugene S. Weston Truman Ransom Stiles 17 Edward Tudor Strong 1872 George Rollin Thomas Hiram Owen Worthen Lucius B. Baker Ad eunclem. Martin Bruce William Ralph Bell Esbon Churchill *George Harrison Tenny George P. Collins 22 Emory H. Davis 1870 Charles Henry Dickenshied John DeForest Grout Jonas Galusha Barney Norman Edward Hefflon Leroy Munroe Bingham Harrison W. Hendrick Prof, surgery 1885 John Augustin Magee George Stannard Brigham Albinus J. Merrill Cassius Walker Brooks Isaac Rice Orland Jonas Brown Rolza Rodolph Roberts Jed Sawyer Caswell Aurelius Calvin Sherwin Charles Palmer Chesley Louis Theophilus Talbot Fred Curtis Durant Thomas Jackson Walker MEDICAL GRADUATES 97 Philander Alexd'r Wheeler Willis M. Wells James Darwin Wood worth 19 18 1875 1873 Joel Allen Gilman E. Baldwin Albert Gallatin Anthony Merritt Alphonso Bo wen Albert Lemando Bingham William N. Brj^ant Harvey Leister Blair Moses Dyer Carbee Bether Willard Braley . Charles Edmund Chase Leonard Bright John Murray Clark Charles Peter Burns *Albert Faxon Eastman Edward Raymond Campbell Charles Landon Fletcher Payson Martin Chadwick Daniel Reed Freeman Martin Dutton Cook Anson Joseph Golden Homer Cutler Crowell Vernon Clayton Goodrich Bateman Willard Davis George Spaulding Green Mahlon Cottrill Dix James Buchanan Hall Sidney Wallis Dodge Horatio Buell Holden Alfred Clark Downing Harmon George Howe Frederick Edwards David Sherwood Kellogg, James Monroe Fay A. B. 18V0 Merritt Sydney Ferguson Winfield Scott Nay Theophil Augustus Freidel, Frank Ashton Packard A. B. Frederick Eugene Rice Albion Hubbard French William Shine John Powell Hinckley George Foster Simpson Chauncey Nathan Hunt 21 Edwin Darius Hutchinson 1874 Reuben SherinaTi. Myers Sandford Hamilton Newton Charles 11. Barber James O'Reilly, M. D. Elbridge G. Carpenter John Campbell Quinn Frank H. Cilley Stephen Eastman Root, A. M. Charles M. Draper Hiram Beach Sibley, A. B. '73 Alfred C. Drury Frederick Arnold Vinton Edgar J. Fish 30 George S. Foster 1876 Warren Garfield ■LW 1 \^ Willis T. Honsinger Charles W. Howard, A. B. William W. Hutchinson Ora H. Lamb George B. Packard William S. Parsons Charles Wesley Bailey John Arthur Brewster Rufus Rockwell Chilson Henry Hamilton Deane William Baker Gibson Instr. mat. med. 1886-88, instr. William P. Robinson obst. and dis. wom. and child. *Joseph C. Stillman 1888-89 Elbridge A. Toby Roscoe Hinman Goodrich Henry A. Watson 7 Lorenzo Milton Greene 98 MEDICAL GRADUATES Eugene Walker Lovell Horace Milton Nash J"araes Milton Pease Edwin Clark Pomeroy Henry Watrous Post David Fletcher Rugg Elisha Aloney Rust Hiram Herbert Rust George Rustedt Eli Seward Henry Patrick Shea William Plummer Swett Eugene Herbert Townsend Nehemiah Caverly Twombly Fredr'k Cummings VanVliet 22 1877 Eugene Abram Bates Henry Dennis Belden Walter Joshua Brush • Frederick Campbell Frank Willis Carpenter Munroe Livingston Crosier Walter Demerest, A. B. Harlon Ervvin Dunton John Marshall French Arthur Allen Gibson Ozias Boynton Gould Frank Clark Granger Charles Monroe Hamilton Julius Abner Howard Herman Thompson I. Howe Harvey Lysander Jewell,M.D. Jedediali Ladd Fred. Sylvester Langdon Jna. Elmore Libbey George Edward Maloy Edgar Tiffany Morse Robert George Nolan Charles Lewis Ormsbee William Herbert Pattee Philip Harrington Patten Walter Randall Pike Jason Newell Robertson Corbin Leroy Sanderson Thales Irving Stanton Willis Ashton Tenney, A. B. Clark Mead Terrill Andrew Jackson Willard,A.B. Instr. chem. and toxic. 1881 — , sp. prof. san. sci. 1888 — Leander John Young 33 1878 Frank Kenly Ainsworth Charles Alphonso Bailey Silas Jeremiah Banker Casper Barstow Joseph Jackson Boynton Wesley Everett Brown William George Church James Conland Alexander Fletcher Erwin Eli Andrew Greene Edwin Haas Frank Bartlett Hathaway Nathaniel Clark B. Haviland, B. L. George Henry Howard Melvin Clarendon Hyde Henry Montandon James John Cornelius Keenan Frederick Lucas Kingsbury, A. B. William Hale Kirk Montraville McHenry Howard Phillips Miller Wilber Herbert Morehouse Gustavus Bartlett Morey Sanford James Murray William Gilpin Robinson Lewis Paul Rossier Chandler Mclntire Scribner Moses Emmery Smith Francis L>almon Stafford Josiah Sweet Albert William Warden, B. S. William Edward Whitford Marcus Jay Williams 33 1879 George Fish Adams Edmund Hillyer Belyea MEDICAL GRADUATES 99 William Young Bliss Charles AVilliam Bower Alphoiiso Varion Bowker Samuel Watson Bragg Charles Franklin Branch John Densmore Brewster Moses Walter Brooks Edwin Merriman Brown Will, Ellsworth Chapman Mark Riciiards Crain Charles Selwin B. Dewey Thomas Dolan Charles Samuel Drury Simon Eschelman Joseph ^Marcus Everett Edgar Irving Fletcher Olin Duane Greene Llewellyn EverardHarrington William Dudley Hill Clifford Ernest Hugins Albert Clinton Kniskern Martin James LaBelle Leonidas Joas Lestourneau Cassius J. Loggins Miles Longshore Joseph Mclsaac Gregory Arvide Martin Heniy James Matthews Austin Ely May James Black Merritt David Richard Moore Frank Samuel Newell William Lincoln Paine Herbert Frank Pitcher Herbert Thomas Risdon Thomas Seton Robertson Ei'nest Wesley Russell Edwin Moses'Shurtleff James Breckenridge Sumner Frank Herbert Tilton Honore Dieudonne Valiii James Taylor Walker Mial Davis Warren Charles Faulkner C. Weston Charles Salter Wheeler John Charles Winter Henry Ainsworth Yenetchi 49 1880 Edwin G. Ann able Henry Arnold George Edgar Bristol Clayton Forrest Camp Clarence Edgar Carruth Thomas Albert Cootey Nanderhoef Morgan Disbrow Frank Curtis Dolley Cliarles WaylandDrew, Ph.B. 1877 James Quinton Flood Fred Penniman Gale Linnteus Victor Gibbs Edward D wight Greenwood Walter Loomis Hall Oscar Alliston Holcomb Fred Hawes Houghton Edwin Samuel Howe Herbert Horace Howe Edward Everett Kenyon Leander Young Ketchum Gustavus Clark Kilgore Wallace Miles Knowlton Marshall Dana Lamb Joseph Hatch Linsley Instr. phys. and niicr. anat. 1885-89 Hiram Benson Manchester Charles Stratton McLaughlin Frank Gillis Mills William Morrison Moore Charles New comb Louis Bartholomew Niquet Edward John O'Neil John Eugene Osborne James Oscar Pangburn Warren Edgar Pattison Oscar Waite Peck Samuel Hewes Phelps ]N[artin Luther Porter Francis Drew Randall Julius Barber Ransom Frank U. Rich Frank Jackman Sherman Cliarles Henry Small John Walter Staples 100 MEDICAL GRADUATES . William Hollis Stocker Lawrence Thompson Newhall Henry Haven Swift Charles Palmer Newton Stephen Morse Switzer Calvin Hill Pease William Uberto Taylor John Clark Petty Charles Edward Thompson Hannibal Whitney Rand William Frazier Tifft Eaton Valentine Reynolds Andrew Melville Tully Ezra Alfred Robinson Jonas Hobart Vaughan Levi Drakley Rood William Henry Welch Frank Henry Rowe John Howe Winch FrederickCartwright Sheldon 53 Frank Eugene Sweatt 1881 Herbert Lawrence Town send Henry Savory Trigg Charles Noah Allen Jacob F. Trump Harry Bruce Allen Artemas Ward John Fremont Axtell Charles Albert Weaver George Willis Bass Hannibal Parish Wheatley John Whitbeck Bennett 50 Gustavus Adolphus Bjoerk- 1882 man Arthur Walter Blair Frank Jonathan Aiken Frank Jefferson Blodgett, Alfred Raymond Allen Ph. B. 18V9 Charles Wellington Allen, Charles Solomon Caverly A. B. 1879 Konrad Clemens Cibulka Oscar Alphonse Aman Oscar Luzerne Corliss Walter Roger Barnes David Johnson Culver George E Bass Henry Haidison DeBeck Edward Hooker Baxter, A.B. William Case Derby Jacob Walter Bean Harry Wells Dewey Charles SumnerBenedict,A.B. Frank Hollenbeck Drurj- Elmore Everest Bosworth Alexander Emman'l Garceau Lavine Alonson Bromley James Lester Gardner George Horace Brown Michael Charles Golden William Duncan Buchanan Watson Herbert Harwood Ralph Metcalf Canfield Clayton Philemon House Diego Sebastiano Caro Albert Guy Howard Peter John Conroy William D'aniel Huntington Emir Douglass Cooley James Nathaniel Jenne George Washington Darling Daniel Hugh Kelley Sumner Eugene Darling- Charles Royal Keyes Warren Russell Davis Shailer Emery Lawton Andrew Robert Duncan Henry Herbert Lee Seth Eastman George Hall Littlefield Raymond Perry Eddy Peter Henry Lynch Mark Kling Engell William Austin Mills Hugo Erichsen, M. D. Walter Leslie Moon Holman Ela Ferrin George Albert Mottram D. David Fisher MEDICAL GRADUATES 101 George Mason Foskett, A.M Perley Eben Goodhue Frederick Stimpson Gray John Joseph Griffin John Henry Iledden Charles Andi-ew Hicks Hernando Allen Hicks Walter La Allle Hoisington Horace Homer Hollister Myron Watson Ilnnt, A. B. Frederick Smith Hutchinson Albert Franklin Isham Joseph Franklin Jenckes Albert Augustus Joslin John P^rie Kenney Frederick Cushni'an Kinney Marcus Whitney Knight Phileas Francis'La Belle Frank Newell Lewis, A.B. '79 Clarence William Locke Daniel Lincoln Locke Charles Lincoln Loomis Michael Henry Lynch John McPeck, A. M. Harmon Abram McWain Arthur >Vashbarn Marsh Edwin Nelson Mayberry LeRoy Albert Merrill, A.B. '80 John Henry Mills Philip Mooney James Fin ley Moore, M. D. AVilliam Frederick Morse Edson Sylvester Munger George Sackett Murray Irving Orlando Nellis Julius Newmunz Willie Mabra Pease William Medar Perrigo Ludern Merriss Phillips Julian Addison Pollard,A. M. Herbert Eugene Richardson Deane Richmond Thomas Francis Roche Thomas Newell Rockwell Jacob Chase Rutherford Instr. obst. and dis. worn, and child. 1889— Henry Francis Sleeper George Ruben Smith Walter Anson Smith Julius -Barker Soutlnvorth, A. M. Eusebius Hale Stanhope W^illiam Marellus Stearns Frederick Rubert Stoddard Charles W^illiam Strobell William Wai-ren Styles Xurry Henry Towsley,A.B'79 Fred Chandler Vilas Norman Perkins Wood, A.M. Julius Hay den W^oodvvard, B. s., m:t>. Sp. prof. dis. throat 1885-86, lect. mat. med. and tlierap. 1886-87, prof. mat. med. and therap. 1887— 85 1883 Edgar Leon Andrews Fremont Dayton Badger Henry Allyn Bennett Blake Bigelow W^alter Scott Brainerd W^illiam Henry L. Briard Orestes Morton Brown Daniel Thompson Buzzell Willis Eugene Chamberlin Nathaniel Fremont Chcever Frederick P. Fi-ank Clarke William Ernest Clough Carolus Melville Cobb Charles W^inegar Crispell John Francis Crosby Joseph Melville Deacon Henry Sinclair Delamere Wilson David DeLong Fred Elmer Dwinell Julian Elzear Fortin Edward Merle Frissell Oahan Gaidzakyan Ambrose M. Gery Arthur Pope Ginn Sumner Gleason Alfred Goss Alfred Lewis Guertin,B. C.L. Orvis Linden W. Hall 102 MEDICAL G-RADUATES Louis Hazen Joseph Nicliolson Henry Dwiglit L. Hubbard Samuel Albert Jones William Frederick Jones Fred Thomas Kidder,A.B. '80 William Henry Leith William Wellington Loomis George Elden McCarthy Wilder Kershaw McGowan Albert Mc Wayne Walter Palmer Miller Arthur Wayland Moore Charles Frederick Parker William E. Parker Josiah Wilson Pearson James Buchanan Pettengill William Newton Rand John Marshall Ropp, D. D. S. Robert Carter Ruddick Carlton Sawyer, A. B. Elihu LeRoy Sawyer Erwin Leon StafPoixl Allison A. Stamm Theodore Eugene Taber Forrest Eugene Taggart, B.S. Henry Crain Tinkham Instr. anat. 1885-87. Galen Jones Tribou Foster Percelle Utley Henry Wade, Ph. B. 1879 Edgar Leonard Walker, A. M. Frank Smith Warren Jerome B. Weida Fredrik Westerberg, M.Ph. C. Peter Parisli White Clerence Wilder Whitaker Rollin Charles Wilcox Edgar Thomas Williams Matthew James Wilson, Ph. G. Vincent Zolnowski 68 1884 Clarence Jean Allen Henry James Allen Ernest William Auzal James Ashley Bangs James Buchanan Barth Samuel Newell Bentley, A. B. Harrison W. Blackstone Clarence Ressequir Blake Robert Stewart Bole William Taylor Boyd Joseph Stannard Boynton Jesse Braman Charles Fremont Brock John Thomas Buckley Lauren Haynes Buxton James Cameron Walter Sherman Carr Oscar Everett Carter Herbert Sales Carver Herbert Field Chilson Charles Albert Church Eltinge Cooper William Tasman Crooke George William Curtis George Herbert Davis Henry S. Douglas, A. B. '81, M. D. Charles Aaron Drew George Oliver W. Farnham. Charles Nathan Fox John Henry Gaines Ethelbert Fremont Geer John Beecher Oilman Andrew Gilro}^ Mardis Edward Gleason James Leon Green John Llewellyn Griffiths Thomas Nicholas Gunn Edwin Hiram Hackett Thomas Washington Hague Oscar C. Hammond Horace Edgar Harrington George Fred Hart Donly Curtis Hawley, A.B.'78 Albert Parsons Heald Ira Clark Hill Julian Peveril Hill Charles Foster Hilton Emory Eleazer Howard Frederick Huehne Fred Williams Ingalls Charles William Jackson MEDICAL GRADUATES 103 Charles Wilbert Jacobs Mozart Jenkins Charles G. R. Jennings, A. B. Hachador Garabed Jermagian Frederick William Klein Franklin Asbury Leonard William Brimblecom Little Samuel Lloyd, B. S. Fred Wendell Lovejoy Charles Wm. McClearn, A. B. William Henry Mclntyre Charles Kane Magee, A. B. Ira Walton Marstellar, A. B. Edward Homer Martin, A. B. John Amos Morris Vesley Marvin Newcomb Edward Fletcher Norcross, M. D. Patrick O'Reilley Paul Everad Outerbridge Stephen Wilson Paige Samuel Patenaude Albert Henry Phelps John William Philpott, M. D. Andrew Finch Pitts Morton H. Powers Edwin P"'i-anklin Preston Alexander Marshall Purdy John William Reid George Gorman Richardson Philip Roth Logan D. H. Russe]l,M.R.C.S. Dennis Matthew Ryan George Everett Sanborn William Chas J. Schmidt William Lyman Severance Charles Jefferson Simmons, A. B. Lewis Ernest Slayton Herbert Lucius Stebbins Fred Almon Steele James A.Ed ward Steeves,A.B. Orlando Greenleaf Stickney Thomas Ritchie Stone Dennis Wesley Sturdevant Alfred Roger Taney Daniel Burr Van Wagenen Georo-e Thorne Warlord Louis Henry White William Joseph Wilbur Stephen Andrew Wood Edson Herbert Young 1885 101 Edward Huron Allen Bertrand Joel Andrews Inst. phys. and micr. anat. 1889 Albert Waring Atwater Isaac W. N. Baker Frank Newton Barker Ethan Allen Barnes J. Wesley Berry Horace Jose Binford Charles A. A. Bissonnette Elmer Arkell Blessing Charles Samuel Bliss Emil Bories Frank Colverd Bruce John Francis Buckley William Packer Burdick John Caldwell Myron Ernest Carmer Daniel Plumer Cilley William Levi Clark Jesse Lyman Conant Thomas Francis Connolly Ellsworth Elmer Conover James Alexander Craig James Henry Davenport Thomas James Davis Horace William Delesdernier Clarence Ware Downing William Edward Emery Elias Hening Etchison Louis Warner Flanders Omar Alpha Flint Philip Hastings Fuller Clement Chauncey Goodrich Herbert Elmer Hall Alfred Justus Hatch Francis Alexander Henning Irwin Franklin Huff George Benjamin Hulburd George Hancock Ingalls Peter Nelson Jacobus 104 MEDICAL GRADUATES William Henry James Halbert Lyne Keith Thomas Alexander Kerr Edwin Morton King Araasa Frank Lombard Emil Charles Luks William Seward Manuel Franklin Holdon Mayberry Byron D. ISTellis Luther Newcorab Eben Carver Norton William Harold Parsons George McClellan Peabody John Clifton Pearson Eben Greeley Perry Frank Asbury Petty Willard Henry Pierce Louis Jacques Pons Charles Henry Prindle John H. Riley John J. Roberts John J. Robinson Henry H. Schroeder John Cross Secor Dennis Joseph Shahan Walter Nevm Sharp Eliot Wadsworth Shipman John Theod. Harding Slater Harry Smith Henry Marcellus Smith William Pearson Smith James Stafford Frank Lawrence Talcott Simon Henry Timm Clarence Howard W aite, M.D. Arthur Joseph Walsh Carmillus Turten Warner Alphonso Nelson Witham 78 1886 George Burton Andrews Adelbert Dolass Bailey Henry Wilson Blanchard William Sophus Block Homer Adelbert Bogue Charles Orson Briafham Lucien Daniel Campbell Edward L. E. Castleton Henry Elmer Center Frederick William Comings William Henry Conterman Andrew Bernard Cushman F. Emerson Daigneau Daniel Charles De Wolfe Patrick McCormick Finn Hubert Francis Fitch David Montefiore Foss Charles F. A. Francis James Amherst Frazer William Edson Fuller Herbert Lyman Gale John Gilbert Arthur Vincent Goss Hamilton Byron Griswold Noel Eusebe Guillet Charles Allen Hamilton Edward Everett Hawes George Clarence Horn Enoch Austin Jackman William James Henry Vickers Johnstone Bartholomew Patr'k Kelleher Albert Erving Kilgore Joseph Edwin Kimball Lawrence J. McDonough Thomas Henry McNally Patrick Eugene McSweeney Richard Harrison Mansur Bliss Adam Marven John Franklin Merrill George Hugh Miller Benj. Franklin Millington Herbert Llewellyn Newell James Joseph O'Bryen Albert Decatur Patten Charles Fremont Phinney Daniel Lee Rogers Elmer Ellsworth Thurbur Theodore Mayglore Togus Jacques Joseph Trudel William Dunn Ward Horace Whitefield Worthen 52 SIEDICAL GRADUATES 105 1887 Leslie Jason L. Avery Daniel Christopher Baer Fred Oscar Bartlett Franklin T. Beattie Joseph H. Maynard Bellerose James Franklin Blanchard Edward Wheeler Boyer Henry Bronson James Fenner Brooks Villanovia Mason Burdick Thomas Heisler Chattle Albertus Allen Cheney Jonathan Morrison Cheney Levi Willard Clongh Nicholas Gay O. Coad Willard Crafts Crocker Edgar Orrin Crossman Sidney Summer DeBeck Henry Dodge John William Doherty Phili]) Merriman Egert William Nelson Fry Fenton I. Gidley Frederick Abbott Goodwin Henry Ludwig Hupfeld George Harry Joslin Alfred Joseph Lagace Frederick C. Liddle Edwin Benjamin Mack Ephraim Daniel McKenna William Edward Maloney Joseph B. Matthews Sidney Walker Mead John Joseph Montgomery Field Chilson Morgan William Dennett Nutter John Charles O'Brien James O'Ready Kingman Benjamin Page George Herbert Parham Bja'on Douglass Pease Setli Pease Albert Fred Peck Charles Morris Severance Augustus Washington Shea James Noble Spoor Alvah Hatch Stanhope Eustache Stebenne John Harrison Swain Alfred Schooll Vrooman Henry Samuel Ward Elliot Burnham Watson Horace Londus Watson 1888 53 Arthur Spencer Ayers George Stryker Baldwin Clayton Witters Bartlett John H. Buchanan Frank Horace Clapp, A. B. '86 Almon Cooper Curtis Briggs Cotton John Wesley Cram Edwin Taylor Davis Elmer Ellsworth Dean Charles Ransom Draper Nathaniel Duff}^ Charles Edward Elliott George Delance Emerson Frederick Daniel Falby George Henry Fisher, A.B. '85 William George E. Flanders Gardiner Frye Ira James Fuller John Mitchell Gibson Willie Lorenzo Goodale John Duffin Gorman George Henry Gray James Morris Hackett William Hugh Harris John Louis Henot Cyrus Ulysses Johnson Edwin Hine Johnson Thomas Armstrong King John Thomas Langan John Augustine Leader Joseph L-a Lindsay Charles Jay Logan Anthyme S. Menard Crain Arthur Moore Leonard Brown Morrill Fred Amasa Newell Francis Joseph O'Brien 106 MEDICAL GKADUATES Edmund Stephen Parslow Frank Joseph Partridge Rollin Milo Pelton Edward Piton Dennis O. Powers Jonathan Rider Powell Leander Dixon Rand John Newton Ranger Haynie Rowell Frederic William Sears Thomas Hall Shastid George Wesley Shattuck Dickran Torrouse Tabibian Edward Clarence Traver Samuel Rice Upham Levi Franklin Wagner Edward Forrest White John Jay Willard Walter Darwin Williamson Johnson Rufus Woodward 1889 58 Arthur Clayton Aldrich Norman William Bellrose J. Jay Bennett Windsor Aldrich Brown Edward Henry Bushnell Wilfred Peter Byrne Frank Edwin Card Caleb Wakefield Clark George Conderman Albert Simpson Cummins 1st lieut. U. S. A., prof. mil. tactics 1877-81 and 1887-90 Alfonso Clemens Czibulka George Edwin Davenport Frederick Smith Dillingham Lin wood Ilildreth Dorr Daniel Edgar Drake Frederick George Elliott Isaac Newton Fox Franklin Willard Freeman Fred Goodwin William Richard R Granger Charles Frederick Griswold William Hackett Clarence Aldis Hastings Albert Charles A. Jayet Ellis Preston Jones Henry Rival Jones William Alexander Judson Charles Andrew Keegan Joseph Edward Lumbard George Clifford Lyman Frank McAvinnue John Stephen Mahoney Joseph Pierre Marchildon Louis Aime Maynard Roger Augustin Mead Frank Warren Merritt Allan Blakemore Montz Marshall James Mosher Eugene Ciaj^ton Mowry John Joseph Murphy Anson Mortimer Norton Fred Luther Osgood Charles Edwin Parker Anson Warren Penniman Erasmus Arlington Pond Ruber t Steward Royce Willard Nelson Simmons Judson Clark Smith Frank Bradford Sprague Ashley Livingstone Stowell Samuel Strock , Willard Cornelius Thompson Benjamin Manwell Turner Miles Egbert Varney William VVinthrop Wellington Robert Creighton White William James Whiteford Alfred Judson Young 58 HONORARY GRADUATES 107 Honorary Graduates. 1806 * James Dean, Dart. 1800, A.M., LL. D. 1847, tutor 1807-9, prof. math, and nat. phil. 1809-14 and 1822-24. *1849 1807 *Josiah Smith, Dart. 1789, A M. *1810 1808 *Rev. Jonathan Nye, Brown 1801, A. M. and Br'n. *184;^ 1809 *John*Pomeroy, M. D., prof. med. anat. and surg., prof. siirg., mem. corp. *1844 *Tniman Powell, A. B., M. D. 1818. *1841 1810 *Benjamin Chandler, M. D. *1818 *Rev. Samuel Clark, Harv. 1805, A. M. and llarv.,niem. eorp. *1827 1811 *Rev. Abraham Bronson,A.M. and Columb. 1809 and Mid. 1817, mem. corp. *1853 *Rev. Jason Chamberlain, Brown 1804 and Bowd. 1806, A.M. and Brown, prof. Latin and Greek lang. *182I *Samuel Chandler Crafts, Harv. 1790, A.M. and Harv., mem. corp., mem. cong., gov. Vt, U. S. sen. *1853 *Rev. John Denison, A. M. *1812 *Asa Green, Wms. 1807, A. M. and Wms. *1843 *Titus Hutchinson, coll. N. J. 1794, A.-M. and coll. N. J., mem. corp., eh. judge sup. court Vt. *1857 *John Phelps, A. B. *1849 *H()race Gates Spafford, A.M., LL. D. elsewhere. *Royall Tyler, Harv. and Yale 1776, A. M. and Harv , prof, of jurisp., ch. judge sup. ct. Vt., mem. corp. *1826 1812 *Francis Childs, A. M. and Yale 1791. *1830 * James Fisk, A. M., mem. Corp., mem. cong., judge sup. court Vt., U. S. sen. *1844 *Rev. Jonathan Going, Brown 1899, A.M. and Brown, D.D. Wat. 1832, mem. corp., pres. Granv. coll. *'lS44 *Uriel Chittenden Hatch,A.B. 108 HONORARY GRADUATES *Rev. Asa Messer, Brown 1790, LL. D., D. D. Brown 1806 and Harv. 1820, prof, anc. lang. Brown, prof, math, and nat. phil. and pres. Brown. *1836 *Charles Phelps, A. B. *1854 *Israel Putnam Richardson, Dart. 1804, A. M. and Dart. *1879 *Rev. Robinson Smiley, Dart. 1798, A. M. and Dart. *1856 *Joshua Youngs Vail, Mid. 1808, A. M. *1854 1813 Rev. Joseph Elliott, A. B. *Rev. Henry Green, A. M., mem. corp. *Rev. Nathaniel Kendrick, A. M. and Brown 1819, D.D. Brown 1823, prof, theol. Madison univ. *1848 Henry Howard Ross, Colum- bia 1808, A. M., mem. cong. 1825-27, judge CO. ct. *1862 1816 John LeConte Cazier, A. B., prof. chem. an at. and phys. Castl. med. coll. *Rev. Elon Galusha, A. B., A. M. 1820 and. Brown. *18.56 1817 *Wm. Adams Palmer, A.M., mem. corp., U. S. sen., gov. Vt. *1860 1818 Rev. Constant Southworth, Mid. 1815, A. M. and Mid. *Rev. Henry Pierce Strong, Yale 1807, A. M. *1835 *Almon Wheelei-, A. B. *Rev. Samuel W. Whelpley, A. M and Mid. 1823. *1847 1820 *Rev. Eben Hill Dorman, A.M. and Mid. 1822. *1862 *Rev. Asaph Morgan, A. M. *1828 *Rev. Aaron Palmer, A. M. and Mid. 1819. *1821 1821 *Alden Partridge, A. M. and Dart. 1812, U.S. Mil Acad. , 1806, asst. prof. math. U.S. M. A. 1806-13, prof. math, and Eng. do. 1813-18, supt. 1812-18, pres. Jeff. coll. Miss., pres. Norwich univ. 1835-43. *1854 1822 Spencer Clack, A. B. 1823 William Frederick Hall, Mid. 1820, A.M. ^Cornelius Peter Van Ness, LL. D. and Dart 1825, mem. corp., ch. judge sup. court Vt. 1821-23, gov. Vt. 1823-26, U. S. Minister to Spain 1829-39. *1852 *Rev. Charles Walker, And. theo. sem. 1821, A. M. and Mid. 1825 and Dart. 1825, D.D. 1847. *1870 1824 *Heman Allen, A. M., mem, cong., mem. corp. *1844 HONOKARY GRADUATES 109 Steplien Cleveland Blythe, M. D. *Silas Boweii, M. D. and Mid. 1829. *18.5V James Campbell, M. D. *Joseph Dean Farnsworth, M. D., mem. corp. *1857 *Rev. Eliphalet Gillett, Dart. 1791 and A. M., D.D. *1848 Salmallale, A.M., mem. cong., mem. Corp. *1851 *Luther E. Hall, M. D. Isaac Hill, A. M.,mera. cong., gov. N. H., U. S. sen. *1851 *Rev. Henry Hunter, A. M. *1834 *Henry S. Waterhouse, M. D., . prof. surg. 1825-27. 1825 William Atchinson, M. D. . *Isaac Fletcher, Dart. 1808, A. M., mem. cong. 1837-41, 1 mem. corp., speaker Vt. house reps. *1842 *David Lawrence Morrill, LL. D., gov. N. H., U. S. i sen. *1849 I *Elijah Paine, Harv. 1781, LL. D. and Harv. 1812, A. M. Harv. and Dart. 1786; judge sup. court Vt. 1791-94, U. S. sen. 1795-1801, judge U. S. dist. ct. Vt. *1842 *Rev. Micajah Townsend, A.M. *1871 *George Edwards Wales,A.M. and Dart. 1823; speaker Vt. house reps. 1823-24, mem. cong. 1825-29, mem. corp., judge probate. *1860 1826 *Rev. John Bristed, A. M. *1855 *Alexander Hill Everett, Harv. 1806, A. M. Harv. and Yale 1807, LL. D. and Mid. 1839, U.S. min. to Spain and China, pres. Jeff. coll. La. *1847 *Horatio Powell, M. D. Rev. Alvah Sabin, A. M., mem. corp., mem. cong. *John Weston, Dart. 1806 and A. M., M. D., M. B. Dart. 1809. *1832 1827 *Elijah Baker, M. D. *1855 *Rev. Sylvester Nash, A. M. *1862 *Robert Nelson, M. D. and Dart. 1831, prof. anat. and phys. Castl. med. coll., also Berks, med. coll. 1839-41. *1873 1828 *Rev. Moore Bingham, A. M. Daniel Goodyear, M. D. *John Lynde, A. M. Rev. Louis McDonald, Mid. 1823, A.M. *Rev. Silas McKeen, A. M. and Dart. 1822, D. D. Dart. 1861. *1877 Rev. James Reid, A. M. 1829 Roswell Bates, M. D. Jonathan ]5erry, M. D. *Rev. Simeon Smith Bicknell, Dart. 1823, A. M. and Dart. *1876 *Hope Lathrop Dana, Dart. 1819, M.D. 1841 *Jonathan Peckham Miller, A. M. *1847 110 HONOKARY GRADUATES 1830 *Sarauel Strong Woodbridge, Wms. 1827, A. M. *1834 1832 *Rt. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, D.D.,J.C. D. Oxford, RE. bishop of Vt. *1868 *.Joseph Painchaud, M. J). *Wil]iam Robertson, M. D., prof. McGill coll. Montreal. 1833 Julius T. Ducatel, M. D., prof. chem. univ. Md. *Horace Wilcox, Mid. 1830, A. M. *1839 1834 Rev. David Russell, D. D. *Rev. Roswell Shurtleff, Dart. 1799 and A. M., D. D., prof. theol. 1804-27, prof. mor. phil. and polit. econ. Dart. 1827-38, emeritus. *1861 *Alvan Stewart, A. M. 1835 *Farrand Northrop Benedict, Ham. coll. 1823, A. M., LL. D. 1868, tutor 1833, librarian 1833-3G,prof.math. and civ. eng. 1833-54, emer- itus 1854. *1880 *Carlos Coolidge, Mid. 1811, A. M., LL. D. Mid. 1849, mem. Corp., gov. Vt. *1866 *IIiland Hall, A.M., LL D. 1859, mem. cong. 1833-43, judge sup. court Vt. 1846- 50, gov. Vt. 1858-59. *1885 *Bernard Jacob Heineberg, M. D. *1878 *Henry F. Janes, A. M., mem. cong. *Joseph Marsh, A. M., M. D. Dart. 1830, prof, theory and prac. med. 1835-41. *1841 Benjamin Mooers, M. D. and univ. state N. Y. *Edward Elisha Phelps, A.M., M.D.Yale 1825, LL.D.1857, prof. anat. andsurg.1835-37, lect. mat. med. med. bot. and med. jurisp. Dart., lect. med. bot. and prof. mat. med. and therap., prof, the- ory and prac. med. and pathol. anat. Dart. *1880 *Isaac Fletcher Redfield, Dart. 1825, A.M. and Dart.,LL.D. Trin. coll. 1849 and Dart. 1855, prof. med. jurisp. Dart. 1857-61, judge sup. court Vt. 1835-52, ch. judge sup. ct. Vt. 1852-60. *1876 *Benjamin Hubbard Smalley, A. M. *1877 Phineas Spalding, A. M., M. D. Dart. 1823, lect. surg. Vt. med. coll. *Andrew Tracy, A. M. and Dart. 1852, mem. corp., speaker Vt. house reps. 1 842- '44, mem. Cong. 1853-55 *1868 *Philip Crosby Tucker, A.M. and Mid. 1842. *1861 *William LTpham, A. M., U. S. senator. *1853 1836 Rev. William F. Currey, A.M.. Paul Dillingham, A.M., mem. cong., gov. Vt., trustee. *Rev. Peola Durkee, A. B., A. M. 1839 and Mid. 1843. *1880 HONORARY GRADUATES 111 *Rev. Samuel Gile, Dart. 1804 andA. M., D. D. *1836 *Rev. George Washington Ranslow, A. M. *1865 *David Read, A. M., treas. *1881 1837 Herman R. Beardsley, A. M. *Rev. Joel Blackmer, Dart. 1834, A. M., And.tlieo.sem. 1840. *1879 *.Julius Converse, A.M.,lieut. gov. Vt., gov. Vt. *1885 *Rev. Joseph Bartlett East- man, Dart. 1821, A.M.*1864 Samuel Sheldon Fitch, A. M. *Rev. Thomas Hall, Dart. 1823, A. M. *1859 Rev. Duncan Macauley, A. M. Edin., D.D. *Roswell Marsh, A. M. *Rev. Simeon Parmelee, A.M. and Mid. 1813, D. D. 1860, mem. corp. *1882 *Stephen Royce, Mid. 1807, LL. D., ch. judge sup. court Vt., gov. Vt. " *1868 *George Washington Strong, Yale 1803 and coll. N. J. 1804, A. M. Yale and coll. N. J., LL. D. *1855 1838 Rev. Lucius Doolittle, A. M. *Lucius Benedict Peck, A. M., mem. cong. *1866 *Robert Pierpoint, A. M. and Mid. 1826, mem. Corp., lieut. gov. Vt., judge cir. court Vt. *1864 Samuel Blake Prentiss, A. M. *John Smith, A. M. and Mid. 1829, mem. corp., mem. cong. *1858 *Jonathan Douglass Wood- ward, A. M., speaker house reps. Vt. *1870 *Silas Wright, Mid. 1815 and A. M., LL. D.,mem. cong., judge ct. of appeals N. Y., gov. N. Y., U. S. sen. *1847 *Ammi Burn ham Young, A. M. and Dart. 1841*1874 1839 * Joseph Dana Allen, A. M. *1878 Edward Henry Brown, A. M. *Rt. Rev. Carlton Chase, Dart. 1817 and A. M., D. D., P. E. bishop N. H. 1844 70. *1870 *Henry Clay, LL. D. and Transylv. 1822 and Harv. 1825 and Jeff. Pa. 1845, prof, of law and pol. Transylv., mem. cong. and speaker house of reps., ambass. extraor. at Ghent to conclude treaty with Eng., U. S. sen., secretary of state. *1852 Roswell W. Haskins, A. M. *Edwin Ferry Johnson, A. M. and Ham. (toll.; prof. nat. phil. and civ. eng. Wesl. univ. 1830. *1872 *St. John Bull Lawrence Skinner, A. M. *1872 1840 Cornelius M. Brosnan, Trin. coll. Dublin, A. M. *Rev. Elijah Iledding, D. D. and Union 1837, A."M. Yale 1824. *1852 112 HONORARY GRADUATES William Aujyustus Norton, A. M. and Yale 1867, prof. nat. pliil. univ. city of N. Y., prof. math, and nat. phil. Del. coll. and pres.; prof. nat. phil. and civ. eng. Brown univ., prof. civ. eng. Yale. *Hiram Powers, A. M. and Dart. 1866. *18Y3 Rev. John H. AValden, A. M. 1841 *William Burritt Benedict, A. M. *1853 *Rev. Eliphalet W. Gilbert, Un. coll. 1813, D. D., pres. Del. coll. *1853 Rev. Calvin Granger, A. M. "William Henry Cuyier Hos- mer, A. M. *Rev. Benjamin Labaree,Dart. 1828 andA.M.,D.D.,LL.D. Dart. 1864, pres. and prof, anc. lang. Jacks, coll. 1 832- 36, pres. Mid. coll. 1840-66, lect. mor. phil. and int. law Dart. 1871-76. *1883 1843 Rev. William Brown, A. M. Rev. John Johnston Carruth- ers, D. D. John Lockwood Chandler, A M., M. D Mid. 1827. Stephen Sewall Foster, A. M., M. D. Vt. med. coll *Samuel Hitchcock, A. M., *1851 Louis Spring Hopkins, A. M., Rev. Howard Malcolm, D. D. and Un. coll., president Georgetown coll. Ky. William Rix, A. M. Rev. John Alden Spooner, A. M. 1844 *Abner Benedict, Rens. pol. inst. 1826, A. M. *1854 *Salmon F. Dutton, A. M. *1857 Elon Farnsworth, A. M., chancellor Mich. *Albert Gallatin Whittemore, A. M. *1852 Rev. John C. Wilder, A. M. 1845 *Rev. Horatio Balch Hackett, Amh. 1830 and A. M., D.D. and Harv. 1861, LL. D. Amh. 1862, adj. prof. Lat. and Greek, and prof. Heb. and class, lit. Brown univ., prof. bibl. lit. and interp. Newt, theol. inst., prof. bibl. lit. and new test. exeg. Roch. theol. sem. *1876 *Rev. Worthington Smith, Wms. 1816, b. D., mem. Corp., pres. 1849-55 *1856 Rev. John Suddard, A. M. 1846 *Charles DeForest Kasson, A. M. *1853 *Henry Reed, LL. D., univ. Pa. 1825, prof, rhet. and Eng. lit. univ. Pa. 1835-54 *1854 *Charles Russell, A. M. *1875 Paraclete Sheldon, A. M. *David Allen Smalley, A. M , judge U. S. dist. ct. *1877 * William Weston, A.M.,*1 885 1847 *Carlos Baxter, Un. 1830, A. M. *1874 HONORARY GRADUATES 113 *DeWitt Clinton Clarke, Un. 1831, A. M. *1870 Silas Hamilton Douglas, M. D. coll. phys. and surg. Bait., A. M., prof, in univ. Mich, of cliem. and min. 1846-48, of chem., min. and raed. jurisp. 1848-55, of chem. min. and toxic. 1855- VO, of chem., and dir. of chem. lab. 18'70-'75, of metal, and chem. techn. 1875-77. *Rev. John Augustus Hicks, Columbia 1823, D. D.*1869 Augustus Pingry Hunton, , A.M.and Dart. 1859, speaker house reps. Vt. 1860-61. *Leonard Marsh, Dart. 1827, A. M., M. D. Dart. 1832, prof. Lat. and Gr. 1855-57, prof. veg. and anim. phys'. 1857-70. *1870 *Ferrand Fassett Merrill, A.M. *1S59 Rev. ThomasW. Pierson,A.M. *Ed\vard Augustus Stans- bury, A. M. *Rev. Henry L. Stark, A. M. *1882 Eliakim Persons Walton, A.M. and Mid. 1860, mem. cong., trustee. 1848 Rev. Joel Smith Bingham, A. M. and Mid. 1847, D. D. Mid. 1867. *Rev. Willard Child, Yale 1817, A. M. Mid. 1831 and Yale, D. D. *1877 *Samuel Mills Conant, Mid. 1844, A. M. *1855 *Norman Durant, A. M. Jefferson Parish Kidder, A. M., lieut. gov. Vt., judge sup. ct. Dakota, mem. cong. s Virtulon Rich, A. M. Rev. Eli Wilmot Taylor, A. M. 1849 Rev. Martin Grow Hodge, A.M. and univ. Roch. 1854. Rev. Timothy M. Hopkins, A. M. and Mid. 1853. Rev. Elbridge Knight, A. M. 1850 Philander D. Bradford,A. M., M. D. Mid. 1833, prof. phys. and path. Castl. med. coll. John L. Buck, A. M. Rev. Daniel Warren, A. M. *Rev. Henry Wilkes, D. D., A. M. univ. of Glasgow 1833, LL. D. univ. McGill 1870, jjrin. and prof, theol. Cong. coll. Brit. K Am. 1870-83, and prof, theol. and ch. hist. 1883-86. *1886 1851 *William Czar Bradley, LL. D., A. M. Yale 1817, mem. cong. *1867 Charles Dewey Da}^, LL. D., judge queen's bench C. E. Henry Lee Dodge, A. M. Frederick Holbrook, A.M. and Dart.1862, gov.Vt. 1861-63. Rev. Francis Emerson Judd, A. M. IVfoses P. Kellogg, A. M. *Rev. John Orcutt, A. M. *1879 *Thomas Eleazer Powers, A. M., M. D. Dart. 1827, speaker ho. reps. Vt. 1850-52. *1876 Rev. Frederick Augustus Ross, D. D. lU HONORAKY GRADUATES Homer Elihu Royce, A. M., LL. D. 1882, mem. cong. 1857, judge sup. ct.Vt. 1870- 82, ch. just. 1882— *Rev. Henry Boynton Smith, Bowd. 1834 and A. M., D.D. and Harv.l858,LL.D.West. Res. coll. 1864 and coll. N.J. 1869, prof. int. and mor. phil. Amh., prof. eccl. hist. and prof, system, theol. Un. theol. sem. *1877 *George F. Stone, A. M., M. b. elsewhere. *1887 *Edwin Perry Whipple, A.M. and Harv. 1848. *1886 1852 *Rev. Silas Aiken, Dart. 1825, D. D. *1869 *Portus Baxter, A. M., mem. Corp., mem. cong. *1868 Isaac N. Cushman, A. M. *Charles Granville Eastman, A. M. *186() Calvin M. Fitch, A. M. Thomas Hale, A. M. Fi'ancis G. Johnson, A. M. Charles Rich, A. M. Chauncey Smith, A. M. *Rev. Alvi Tabor Twing, A. M., D. D. Hobart. *1882 *Rev. Hugh Nesbitt Wilson, coll. N. J. 1830 and A. M., D. D. *1878 1853 Corvdon Beckwith, A. M. *Daniel Buck, A. M. *187l Alonzo Clark, Wms. 1828, LL. D., A. M. Wms. and Dart. 1844, M. D. coll. phys. and surg. N. Y. 1835, prof. mat. raed. Berks, med. sch., prof. anat. and path. univ. cityN. Y., prof. path, and pract. Columb. Rev. Artemas Dean, Amh. 1842, A. M. *Horace Green, LL D., M. D. Mid. 1824 and A. M. 1834, prof, theory and pract. Castl. med. coll. and pres., prof. theo. and pract. IST. Y. city med. coll. and pres. *1866 George A. Hinman, A. M. Rev. John Irwin, A. M. *Daniel Kellogg, Wms. 1810, LL. D., pres. const, con v. Vt. 1843, judge sup. court Vt. *1875 *Rev. Daniel James Noyes, Dart. 1832, And. theo. sem. 1836, D. D., prof, theol. Dart. 1849-69, prof. int. phil. and polit. econ. 1869- • 85. *1885 Rev. Daniel M. Reed, A. M. *Adoniram Judson Rowell, A. M. William C. Wilson, A. M., judge sup, court Vt. 1854 Benjamin Alvord, U. S. mil. acad. 1833, A, M., paymas- ter gen. U. S. A. William Wallace Blake, A.M. *1868 *Samuel Worcester Dorman, A. M. *1876 *Joseph Henry Green, LL. D., F. R. S., prof. anat. and surg. Roy. coll. of surg., prof, anat. Roy. acad., prof. surg. St. Thomas' hosp., prof, surg. King's coll. 1830-36. *1863 John Howe, A. M. Rev. Adam Lillie, D. D. *Jean Baptiste Meilleur, A.M., supt. pub. inst. C. E.,M. D. Mid. 1824, LL. D. St. John's coll. . *1879 HONOEAEY GRADUATES 115 *Martyn Paiiie,Harv. 1813 and M. D. 1816, LL. D., prof, inst. med. and mat. med. univ. N. Y., also mat. med. and therap., and emeritus, cor. sec. Royal med. soc. Pruss., Fellow med. soc. Leij^s. *1877 1855 *Samuel Beaumont, M.D.*'60 Josiah Brigham, A. M. Lucius Eugene Chittenden, A. M. George Franklin Edmunds, A. M., LL. D. 1879 and Mid. 1809, speakerho. reps. Vt. 1855-57,11. S. sen. '66— John Leonard Lampson, A.M. John F. Miles, M. D. *Hiram Fairchild Stevens, A. M., M. D. elsewh. *1866 Levi Underwood, A. M. and Dart. 1865, lieut. gov. Vt. 1860-62. 1856 *0. D. Allis, A. M. *1866 Rev. Henry Burington, A. M. Levi A. Dunn, A. M. Henry Erni, A. M., M. D. else- where, prof . chem. 1853-57, instr. mod. lang. 1854-56, prof, chera. univ. Nash. Henry Hubbard, A. M. Svlvester Oakes, M. D. *Salmon Wires, A. M. *1866 1857 George Wyllys Benedict, Wras. 1818 and A. M., LL. D.,lect. chem. 1825-31, prof. math, and nat. phil. 1825-29, prof, nat phil. and chera. 1829-39, prof. nat. hist, and chem. 1839 47, sec, ti'eas. =1871 George Gale, A. M., pres. Galesv. univ. John M. Johnston, M. D. *Luke Potter Poland, A. M., LL. D. 1861, judge sup. ct. Vt.l848-60,ch. just. 1860-65, U. S. sen. 1865, mem. cong. 1867-75 and 1883-85. *1887 Alexander Duff Stevens, A. M., M. D. MohnSteele Tyler, A.M.*1 876 Rev. Andrew Witherspoon, D. D. 1858 Rev. John H. Beck with, A.M. Joseph Swan Cilley, A. M. Warren C. French, A. M. *James Melville Gilliss, LL.D. *1865 Rev. Edward Hungerford, Yale 1851, A. M., prof. chem. and geol. 1857-61. Lyman M. Rix, M. D. Noah Bigelow Safford, A. M. Charles F. Taylor, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. George H. Taylor, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. 1859 Charles Dana, A. M. John H. Graham, A. M. Rev. William Abeel Miller, A.M. Benjamin S. Nichols, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. *Edwin David Sanborn, Dart. 1832 and A. M., LL. D. and Dart. 1879, prof. Latin and Gr. Dart. 1835-37, prof. Latin 1837-59, prof orat. and bell, lettr. 1863-80, prof. Anglo-Sax. and Eng. 1880-85, prof, class, lit. and hist. Wash. univ. 1859-63. *1885 116 HONOKAEY GKADUATES Solomon Sias, M. D. Orrin Smith, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. *E,ev. Joseph Tracy, Dart. 1814 and A. M., D. D. *'74 1860 *Heman Carpenter, A. M, *1884 *Erastus Fairbanks, LL. D., mem. Corp.. gov.Vt. 1852-53 and 1860-61. *1864 *George Folsom, Ilarv. 1822, LL.D. *1869 Hirara Hanson, M. D. Rinaldo L. Perkins, A. M. *Edvv'd Livingston Youmans, M. D. *1887 1861 * Asaph Morgan Butler, A.M. *188;3 *Jeremiah French, A. M. *1868 John D. Queevy, M. D. Isaac Smith, M. D. 1862 Edwin R. Babcock, M. D. Alfred E. Bucher, M. D. ad eundem. William Perry Cantwell, A. M. Hartman P. Dewees, LL. D., M. D. elsewhere. Hiram Dow, M. D. M. T. Hutchins, M. D. Job E. Macomber, M. D. ad eundem. Thomas William Silloway, A. M. 1864 Rev. John Flavel Bigelow, A. M. univ. Roch. 1856, D. D. 1665 *Rev. Sam'l Read Hall,LL.D., A. M. Dart. 1839. *1877 *George Jerrison Stannard, A. M., brig. gen. U. S. vols. *1886 Henry Chester Parsons, A.M. 1866 Richard Woodbury Laing, A. M., LL. D. Racine 1873, prof. hist, and eloc. univ. Minn. 1874-76, prof, history and French 1875-79. Charles A. J. Marsh, A. M. Timothy Fletcher Parker, M. D. John Jacob Wead, A. M. Edward Higginson Williams, A. M. Rev. John Hopkins Worces- ter, Dart. 1833 and A. M., D. D. 1867 Eli Whitney Blake, A. M., Ph. B., prof, (pro temp.) chem. and phys. 1866-67, prof. phys. and indust. mech. Corn, univ., prof, phys. Brown iiniv. 1870 — Rev. George Nye Boardman, Mid. 1847 and A. M., D.D., prof. rhet. and Eng. lit. Mid., prof, theol. Chicago theo. sem. Henry Clark, A. M., trustee. Edward Conant, A. M. *Asa Sanderson, A. M. *Thaddeus Stevens, Dart. 1814, LL. D. and Jeff. coll. 1849, mem. cong. 1849-51 and 1859-68. *1868 *Rev. Pliny Holton White, A. M. *1869 HONOKARY GRADUATES 117 1868 George Franklin Bailey, A.M. Rev. Edwin Adolpbus Bulk- ley, Yale 1844 and A. M., Union tlieo. sem. 1847, D.D, *Luther Looniis Dutcher, A. M. *1878 Orange Ferris, A. M., mem. cong. David 11. Goodwillie, M. D., D. D. S. elsewhere. *Calvin Lewis Robinson, A. M. *1887 Dennis Townsend, A. M. *Wiiriam White AVheeler, A. M. *1873 1869 Lyman Barton, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. Aintable Shil Hagophyan Garabet, M. D. Louis Pollens, A. iVL, prof. French Dart. 18 78 — *Philip Henr}'^ Sheridan, LL. D., U. S. mil. acad. 1853, general-in-chief U. S. A. 1883-88. - *1888 Elisha French Thayer, M. D. 1870 Peter Collier, Yale 1863 and Ph. D. 1866, M. D., prof, chem. rain, and metall. 1867-77, dean med. fac, 1871-74, che«i. agric. dept. U. S. A. 1877. Franklin AVarner Gilbert, A. M., asst. treas. U. S. 1871 *Rev. Stephen DecaturBrown, D. D. *1875 1872 David Blakely, A. M. *Henry Adams Smalley, A. M. *1888 1874 Justin Smith Morrill, LL. D., mem. cong. 1855-67, U. S. senator 1867 — , trustee. 1875 William Henry Harrison Yar- ney, M. D. ^ Alexander Gordon Watson, A. M. 1877 ■ *Luther Lee Lawrence, A. M. *1885 Russell Smith Taft, A. M., judge sup. ct. Yt. *Sanmel White Thayer, M.D. Yt. med. coll. 1838, LL. D., j^rof. anat. and phys. 1853-56, prof. surg. 1854-55, dean med. fac. 1854-71 and 1880-82, prof. anat. 1856-72, emeritus. *1882 1878 Noah Cressy, Ph. D., M. D. elsewhere, lect. on vet. med. 1876-79. Rev. George Blagden Safford, D. D., Yale 1852 and A.M., And. theo. sem. 1856. 1879 Rev. Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain,Yalel863,D.D. Rev. John Cowan,. A. M. *Williara Darling, LL. D., M. D.elsewhere>. R. C.S., prof. anat. 1872-84. *1884 *Rev. Archibald Duff, D. D. *1883 Henry Dwight Holton, A. M., M. D. elsewhere, prof. mat. med. and gen. path. 1873- 86, trustee. 118 HONOEAEY GRADUATES 1880 Frank Lewis Hungerford, A.M. *Rev. Benjamin S. Sliarpe, A. M. *1880 1881 Rev. Merritt Hulburd, A. M. Daniel Bennett St. John Roosa, M. D. univ. N. Y. 1860, LL. D., sp. prof. dis. eye and ear 1875-'76 and- 1878-83. Edward Lowe Temple, A. M. 1883 Rev. Edward Robert Atwill, Columbia 1862 and A. M., D. D. Don Juan Wliitteniore, C. E. 1884 Heman Bethuel Chittenden, A.M. Joel Benedict Erhardt, A. M. John Henry Jackson, M. D. 1865, A. M., lect. phys. and micr. anat. 1881-82, prof, phys. and micr. anat. 1882 — Albert Freeman Africanus King, A. M., M. D. else- where, prof. obst. and dis. women 1873 — William Loomis, A. M. Edward Henry Powell, A. M. Alfred Greeley Safford, A. M. 1885 John Lindsey Edwards, A. M. Frank Allen Owen, B. S. Herbert Everett Tutherly, A. M., prof. mil. tact. 1881- 85, lieut. IT. S. A. 1886 William Paul Dillingham, A. M., gov. Vt. 1888-90. Alfred Fairbanks Holt, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. Hoyt H. Wheeler, LL. D., judge U. S. dist. ct. 1887 Yolney Giles Barbour, Ph. B. Yale 1867, C. E., prof, of civ. eng. 1869 — , prof, of sanitary science 1886-88. Edward John Phelps, Mid. 1840, LL. D. and Mid. 1870, A. M. Yale 1881, 2d compt. U. S. treas. 1849-53, U. S. min. to Great Britain 1885- 89, prof, of law Yale '81— 1888 Ezra Brainerd, Mid. 1864 and A. M., LL. D., prof. rhet. Mid. 1868-80, prof. nat. phil. 1880-81, prof. phys. and appl. math. 1881-85, pres. Mid. 1885 — Anna Cheney Edwards, A. M., A. B. elsewhere. Rev. Charles Parkhurst, Dart. 1878, D. D. 1889 Ashbel Parmelee Grinnell, M. D. Bellevue hosp. 1869, A. M., dean med. fac. 1874- 77 and 1886—, sp. prof. dis. heart and lungs 1875-77, prof. phys. and micr. anat. 1878-81, prof, theory and pract. 1881 — Laf orrest Holman Thompson, A.M. Rev. Loammi Goodenow Ware, Ilarv. 1850, L. H. D. 1 INDEX 119 INDEX. Note. — The first two figures of the date of graduation are omitted; h denotes honorary, m medical, graduates. Abbott Allen And re TVS 49 George Nelson 12 Horace 75 Edward Webster 23 Frederick Hunt 83 Edgar Leon m Adams 24 Heman h 85 Bertrand J. m 04 Charles 27 George 86 Geo. Burton m 21 Ephraim 28 Sevmour Lorenzo 38 John Sullivan 80 Etiian m Andrus 89 Don Fred. 39 Harvey 50 Warren Perry 39 Joseph Wm. 39 Joseph Dana h 55 CephasGardner m 57 Cyrus Hamilt'n m 79 Geo. Fish m 59 Charles Edwin Anp-ell 60 Robert Nathan 37 Geo. Washington Aiken 62 John Johnson 78 Frank 52 Silas h 67 C. S. m 82 Frank Jona. vi 75 John Barker 75 Joel m Ann able Ains^voi'th 79 Chas. W. 82 m 65 Lvman H. vi 78 Frank Kenly m 80 Hattie Manda 81 Charles N. m • 80 Edwin G. m Albee 81 Harry B. m Anthony 87 Ernest 82 Alf "d Raymond m 84 Clarence J. m 84 Henrv Jas. m 75 Albert G. m Aldis 85 Edward H. m Arniington 29 Asa Owen Allis 74 Wi'llard Norris Aldrich 45 Lorenzo Arms 89 Arthur C. m 56 O. D. h 61 Egbert Henry m 29 Charles C. m Alger Arnold 26 Willis S. m Alvoi-d 80 Henry m 54 Charles Jonathan 54 Benjamin h Arthnr Allard Anian 65 Charles W. m 32 John Baptist m 82 Oscar A. m 72 Louis Augustus Allbee Anieden Ashmnn 89 Ehuer Ellsworth 65 Archibald m. •16 Jehudi 120 INDEX Atcliinsoii 25 William /i Atwater 09 William 47 Hiram Hayden 53 Edward Daniel 85 Albert W. m 89 Ella Evarts Atwell 83 Edward Robert /(. Atwood 61 Robert Nutting vi 64 Oscar Austin 20 Seneca 37 Charles Lee 63 Orlo Henry Auzal 84 Ernest Wm. m Avery 87 Leslie J. L. m Axtell 81 John Fremont m Ayers 64 Joseph Gerrish m 88 Arthur S. m Babbit 86 Ella Sophia Babcock 62 Edwin R. h 69 Lever't Wright Badger 83 Fremont D. m Baer 87 Daniel C. m Bailey 18 Benj. Franklin 43 Albert Hopson 57 James H. m 68 Geo. Franklin h 78 Charles A. m 80 Geo. Whitefield 83 Charles Fi-emont 86 Adelbert D. m Baker 27 Elijah h 51 Ariel Anson 72 Lucius B. m 85 Isaac W. N. m 86 Moses Nelson 86 Charles Whiting Baldwin 53 Frederick Harley 62 Theo. Smith m ' 73 Gilman E. m 88 George S. m Ballard 52 Orrin Lawrence 54 Charles Rollin 59 Alfred Cowles 61 Henry Ballon 74 Chas. Farnsworth I Bancroft 57 Royal Jackson Bangs 84 James A. m Banker 78 Silas J. m Barber 45 Alanson Darius 74 Charles H. m 84 Hiram Cutler Barbonr 87 Volney G. h Bard 57 George Ingersoll Barker 73 William Parker 78 Sarah Annie 83 Caro Frances 85 Frank N. 7n Barlow 62 Horace Barnard 53 Lucius Erastus 59 Henry Eells 68 Lucius M. m Barnes 04 Wheeler 25 Melvin m 45 Azro 68 Henrv Clay 76 Albert Crane 82 Walker R. m 85 Ethan A. m Barney 70 Jonas Galusha m 89 Lucia Ellen Barnum 31 S. P. m Barrett 54 Oliver Dana 70 George Alvin Barron 41 Wm. Trotter Barth 84 James B. m Barstow 78 Casper m 80 Fred. Maeck Bartlett 66 Edwin W. m ■ , 87 Fred Oscar m 88 Clayton W. m Bartlitt 57 Heman Orson m Barton I 68 Chester Manly m 69 Lyman h INDEX 121 Bass 59 Edward Caiy 81 Geo. Willis m 82 George E. ni Bassett 57 Harvey J. m Bassford 29 Horace H. m Batclielder 51 Geo. Washington Bates 27 Daniel m 29 Roswell /;. 40 John Hoskins 57 Samuel Lysander 61 George Chapman 77 Eugene Abram m Baxter 41 John Nevers 47 Carlos h 52 Portus h 59 Jed'h. Hvde 60 m 82 Edw. Hooker m Bayley 76 Ciias. Wesley ?n Baylies 27 Nicholas Bean 82 Jacob W. m Beaidslej 37 Herman R. h Beard 60 George Petrie Beattie 87 Franklin T. m Beaumont 55 Samuel h Bebee 57 Nelson Dudley m Beckwitli 33 Dai'ius A. m 53 Corvdon h 58 John H. h 82 Edgar Beebe 89 Wm. Asahel Belcher 43 Wm. Caldwell 46 Isaac Sawyer Belden 64 Alph's Phineas m 77 Henry D. m Belknap 66 Franklin 66 Henry Bell 63 David Crayton m 64 Newton Steph. m 69 William Ralph m Belle-Isle 58 Ed. Thomas m Bellows 13 Ira Bellrose 87 Joseph H. M. m 89 Norman Wm. m Belvea 79Edm. Hillyervu Benedict 35 Farrand North, h 41 Wm. Burritt h 43 Abner 43 Joel Tyler 44 Charles Linna?us 44 Abner h 47 Geo. Grenville 48 Robert Dewey 55 Benj. Lincoln 57 Geo. Wyllys h 57 George m 76 Wylfys 81 Geo. Abner 82 Charles S. m Benjamin 64 Mirza Nestor ni 78 Ernest Clarence Bennett 29 Plimmon C. m 43 Edmund Hatch 62 Robert Wei ling. ??i 81 John W. m 83 Henry AUyn m 89 J. Jay m Benson 38 Homer Henry Bentley 84 Samuel N. m Benton 54 Reuben Clark 66 Eugene A. m Berry 29 Jonathan h 59 Philo m 69 Lauriston M. m 85 J. Wesley m Bertrand 67 Stei)hen m 80 Geo. Edmund Bicknell 29 Simeon S. h 55 Harmon Proctor Bidwell 65 Charles H. vi Bigelow 58 George Henry 61 Buel Smith 63 m 61 Lucius 62 Orvis Furman m 64 John Flavel h 83 Blake m Big-wood 85 Wm. Elijah. Billings 35 Edward Horatio 44 Frederick 57 O. P. Chandler 1 122 INDEX Binford Blake Bostwick 85 Horace J. m 54 William W. h 67 Eli Whitney h 35 Samuel Breck Biiio;liam 84 Clarence R. m Bourdon 28 Moore h 65 Wilfred m 48 Joel S. h Blakely 70 Leroy Munroe m 54 Quincy Bosworth 75 Albert L. in 72 David h 82 Elmore E. m 87 Henry Newton Bird Blancliard 09 John Herman 59 Virgil W. m Bowen Birdseye 86 Henry W. m 87 James F. m 24 Silas h 73 Merritt Alph. m 66 Joseph H. m Blessing Bower Bishop 85 Elmer A. m 79 Charles Wm. m 77 Rufus Winfield 86 Samuel Henry Bissell Bliss 25 Hosea m 31 Zenas Bowker 79 Alphonso V. m 46 Neziah Wright 36 Wm. H. August. 52 Joshua I sham Bowman 58 Allen Page 71 William Henry 17 Francis 79 Wm. Young m 27 Bela m Bissonette 85 Chas. Sam'l m 31 Baxter m 85 Charles A. A. m 89 Geo. Yemans Bjoerkman 81 Gustavus A. m Block Boyden 62 William Osc. m 86 Wm. Sophus m 71 Charles Olin m Black Blodffett Boyer 41 David 20 Heman Miller 39 Dudley Chase 87 Edward W. m 47 Wm. Winthrop Boyd Blackmail 66 John H. m 38 George 41 James Smedley 67 Dudley Chase m 79 Frank Jeff. 81 m 84 Wm. T. m Boyntoii Blytlie 76 Adelbert Wesson Blackmei- 36 Joel h 78 Jos. Jackson m 24 Steph. Cleveland 7i 84 Joseph S. m Boardmaii Brackett Blackstoiie 69 George Nye h 26 Anson m 84 Harrison W. m Bradford Bogue 25 Austin m Blair 40 Hor. Van Ness 29 Chauncey Doane 24 Horace P. m 86 Homer A. m 50 Philander D. h 75 Harvey L. m 81 Arthur W. ?«, Bole Bradley 84 Robert S. m 51 William Czar h 54 MartinChittenden Blaisdell Bories 56 Allen Burr m 71 Edson George m 85 Kniil VI 56 Edward 59 m 1 INDEX 123 Bradstreet 71 George Pierce Bragg 79 Samuel Watson m Brainerd 26 Asa 62 Joseph Partridge 83 Walter S. m 88 Ezra h Braley 75 Bether W. ??i Branian 84 Jesse m Branch 79 Charles F. m Bray 28 Anselni m Brewster 41 Henry Sterling 76 John Arthur m 79 John Densmore m Briaut 63 Samuel Ingersoll Briard Wm. Henry L. m Briggs 71 M. Sylvester m Brigliain 54 Waldo 55 Josiah 7; 7u Geo. Stannard m 86 Chas. Orson m 89 Clarence S. Briglit 75 Leonard m BriiiMiiaid 70 James Hall ■ 79 Sedgwick S. Bristed 26 John h Bristol 80 George E. ?/i, Brock 84 Charles F. m Brodie 86 El-nest Asa Bromley 82 Lavine A. m Bronson 11 Abraliam h 87 Henry m Brooks ■ 25 Pascal Paoli m 70 Cassius Walker m 79 Moses Walter vi 87 James F. m Brosnan 40 Cornelius M. /;, Brown 28 John m 39 Edward Henry li 43 WilUam/i 59 Theodorus C. m 63 James Artemas 70 Orland Jonas m 71 Stephen D. h 78 Wesley Everett m 79 E. Merriman m 82 Geo. Horace m 83 Orestes M. m 89 Windsor A. m Browne 59 Wm. Faulkner ?H Brownell 09 Chauncey 13 Grove Lawrence 68 E. Lawrence m 70 Chauncey Wells 77 Sarali Van 80 Marv Brown son 09 Eli 10 John Bruce 72 Martin m 85 Frank C. m Brush 34 Chas. D. Lyman 48 Geo. Seymour 58 Edwin Ruthv. m 77 Walter Joshua m Bryant 73 William N. m Buchanan 82 Wm. Duncan m 88 John H. m Buclier 62 Alfred E. h Buck 48 Myron 50 John Hildreth 50 John L. h 53 Daniel h 63 Cornelius H. m 89 Albert Lee Buckhani 51 Matthew Henry 53 Henry Barmby 55 Thomas Scott 81 James 85 John Wright 89 Robert Barmby Buckley 41 Daniel Booth 84 Jolin Thomas m 85 John F. m Buel 19 Samuel Buell 44 John Morgan Bulkley 68 Edwin Adolph. h 1 124 INDEX Bnllard Buzzell Card 29 Cullen m 83 Daniel T. m 89 Frank E. m 64 Erastus Franklin Byino^ton Carleton Bnrbank 52 Ezra Hoyt 60 Hiram 44 Henry Alonzo 63 George Phelps j Carmer Bnrdick Bjrne 85 Myron E. m 58 Arthur Frankl. m 89 Wilfred P. m 59 Francis N. m 85 Wm. P. m 87 Villanova M. m Cady 29 Stephen C. m 86 Daniel Leavens Caro ^ 82 Diego S. m Bnrington 56 Henry /i ' Carpenter Calioon 24 Christopher m 37 Erasmus Irvin 20 George Clinton 38 Claarles Smith Burnett 88 Edward August's 51 Byron 62. Eli jail Levings 57 Benj. Walter m Caldwell 60 Heman li Burns 85 John m 61 Geo. Nathaniel 66 Archibald W. m 75 Charles P. m Cameron 61 William Thomas 62 Charles H. m 68 Mason Bill 38 Hugh 74 Elbridge G. m Burnliam 84 James m 77 Frank Willis m 29 Walter m 62 Geo. Franklin m Camp Carr 10 David Manning 84 Walter S. m Burroughs 56 Isaac Newton 61 Julius Lucien m 68 A. Royce m 78 Francis Edward Carrutli Burt 80 Clayton F. m 80 Clarence E. m 49 Henry Adams Campbell Carrutliers Bushnell 24 James li 27 Solon Hi 43 John Jolmson h 56 Ira 29 Orrin S. m 69 Charles 43 William Merritt Carter 84 Oscar E. in 89 Edward H. m 71 George William in 71 James m Butler 75 Edward R. m 77 Frederick m Oartier 32 Albert Camp m 36 Frankhn 86 Lucien D. m 32 Sylvester m 53 Hobart 61 Henry Edward Canfield Carver 61 Asapli Morgan h 82 Ralph M. m 84 Herbert S. m 70 Edward Page Cantwell Case Button 62 William P. h 38 Rufus 87 Frank Morse 84 William P. 39 Moses Parmelee Buxton Carl)ee Caslow 84 Lauren H. m 73 Moses Dyer ni 67 Juan Fernando m i 1 INDEX ■ 125 Castleton Cliapin Christie 86 Edward L. E. m 61 Cornelius Angus. 61 John F. m 86 Jeanie Alice Caswell Church 70 Jed Sawyer vi Cliapliii 78 Wm. George m 06 John Huntington 78 Charles Gilman Cassidy Chapman 84 Charles A. m 65 Patrick m 78 James R. Churchill Catlin 79 Wm. Ellsworth in 43 Franklin Hunter 72 Esbon in 26 Alexander 78 Charles Albert Chattle 78 Robert Mayo 87 Thomas H. m Cibiilka 80 Geo. Boardman Chase 81 Konrad C. m Caverly 39 Carlton h Clack 81 Charles S. in 73 Chas. Edmund m 88 Hollis Clayton 22 Spencer Ji Cazier 89 Arthur Edwin Cilley 16 John LeConte h 58 Joseph S. h Cheever 67 Washington S. Ceiiter 83 Nath. F. m 74 Frank H. m 85 Daniel P. m 86 Henry E. vi Cheney Cliadwiek 75 Payson M. vi 87 Jona. M. m Claflin 87 Albertus A. m 50 Rufus Tingley Clmmbei'laln 11 Jason h 64 Loren »i Cliesley 70 Charles Palmer m Clapp 20 Ebenezer 86 Frank H. 88 m 79 Leander T. /;, Chesniore 60 Alvin Harding m Clark Cliainberlin 07 Satterlee 26 Preston m Child 10 Samuel h 48 Edward Bingham 06 Gardner 16 Samuel 54 George White 48 WiUard h 30 Jacob m 83 WiUis E. m 45 Jacob Merrill 45 Nathaniel Geo. Childs 48 John Chandler 12 Francis h 53 Wm. Stevens 07 Amariah 53 Alonzo h 10 Benjamin h Chilson 55 Charles Wallace 23 Moses m 56 George Henry 43 John Lockwood h 62 Steph. Lorenzo m 58 Edward 56 George 76 Rufus R. m 65 Albert Warren 69 Merritt Henry vi 84 Herbert F. m 66 Rufus King m 89 Emma Mary 67 Henry h 89 Isabella Miller 73 John Murray m Chittenden 85 Elrov Newton 09 Thomas 85 Wm" Colton Clianey 26 Martin 85 Wm. Levi m 31 Henry 55 Lucius E. h 86 Marvin Wright 44 Lucian West 84 Heman B. h 89 Caleb W. m " "" 1 1 126 INDEX Clarke Collier ' Cooley 47 DeWitt Clinton h 69 Peter h 82 Emir Douglass m 60 Ellery Chann. m 63 Lucius W. m 83 Fred. P. F. m Collins Coolidge 72 George P. m 35 Carlos h Clay 39 Henry h Coliimbo Cooper 60 Raffael m 23 Elijah 7n 69 Edward h 57 Sherman m Cleaveland 84 Eltinge m 25 Norman m Comings 88 Almon m Clement 86 Fred. Wm. m Cootey 63 Tliomas R. m Conant 80 Thomas A. m demons 48 Samuel M. h 67 Edward h Copeland 65 Seneca S. m 81 Frank Herbert 85 Jesse Lyman m 56 John Wesley m Clouffll Corbin 83 Wm. Ernest m 87 Levi W. m Conderman 89 George in 22 Pliny Moore 58 Job 59 m Coad Conland Corey 87 Nicholas G. 0. m 78 James vi 63 Charles m Cobb 10 Jacob Dunscombe Connell 59 Charles Pitt m Corliss 81 Oscar L. m 83 Carolus M. m Corse Coburn Connolly 85 Thomas F. m 88 Fred Merritt 33 Lorenzo 48 Steclman Ely Conover Cote 59 Lewis Larned 32 Cyril Hect. 0. m 63 Benjamin m- 85 Ellsworth E. m Cotton Cocliran Conroy 88 Curtis B. in 62 George Buck 67 m 82 Peter John in Cottrill Colburn Conterman 47 Geo. Washington 44 Moses McLellan 86 Wm. Henry m 52 Jedd Philo Qark 53 Dan L. C. m Colbiirne Converse Cowan 88 Clara Ida 25 James 37 Julius h 79 John h Colby 61 John Heman Coy 64 Erastus Calhoun?7i 26 John C. m 69 Charles Allen Collamer 10 Jacob Cook Crafts 44 WiUiam 75 Martin D, m 11 Samuel Chandler 7^ 1 INDEX 127 Craio- 85 James A. m Grain 79 Mark R. 7n Cram 58 Harvey Fisk in 79 Lillie Helen 88 John W. m Crandall 63 John Bradley m 86 Frank Hiram Crane 59 Charles Cress}^ 78 Noah k Crispell 83 Charles W. m Crittenden 71 Rufus Asaph m Crocker 87 Willard C. m Crooke 84 William T. m Crooker 77 Florence N. Crosby 83 John F. vi Crosier 77 Munroe L. m Cross 61 Charles Morrill m Crossman 87 Edgar O. m Crowell 75 Homer C. vi Crowley 64 George J. m Cullis 57 Charles m Culver 26 Erastus Dean 81 David J. m Cummins 54 Humph. Yearsley 89 Albert S. m Currey 36 Willi;) m F. h Currier 58 Sam. Hammondwi Curtis 41 Sam. Cordis Lee 47 John 63 Edward M. m 84 Geo. Wm. m Cushman 52 Isaac N. h 86 Andrew B. m Cutler 45 Ebenezer 53 Ezekiel 64 Geo. Ingersol m, 76 Geo. Rutherford Cuttiuoj 35 Sewall Sylvester 57 Henry Partridge Czil)ulka 89 Alfonso C. m Daignean 86 F. Emerson m Dana 29 Hope Lathrop h 36 Oscar Fitzallan 39 E. Trowbridge 59 Charles h Darlina; 79 William /( 82 Geo. Washingt'n7?r 82 Sumner E. m Darrah 67 Arthur John m Dart 54 James C. m Davenport 85 James H. m 89 Geo. Edwin m. Davey 41 C'hristopli. M. 42 Chalon Ford Davis 52 Wilbur Palmer 56 John N. m 62 James Wilson 68 George W. m 82 Emory H. m 75 Bateman W, m 82 Warren R. m 84 Geo. H. VI 85 Thos. J. m 88 Edwin T. m Day 25 Irad C. 28 Ira m 51 Charles D. /; 88 Buel Clifton Deacon 83 Josejili M. in Dean 06 James /( 88 Elmer E. m Deane 38 John Franklin 53 Artemas h 76 Henry H. m DeBeck 81 Henry H. in 87 Sidney S. m 12S INDEX Delamere 83 Henry S. m Delesdernier 85 Horace Win. m DeLong 83 Wilson D. m Demerest 77 Walter m Demeritt 61 John Pushee Deming 24 David E. m 27 Charles Follett 61 Philander 63 Linton Judson m Denison 11 John h 25 Joseph Adams 40 Dudley Chase 54 Geo. Stanton 64 Franklin 68 Joseph Dudley 69 Charles m 71 Charles Simeon 77 John Henry 80 William Derby 81 Wm. Case m Dewej 24 Julius Yeomans m 45 Charles 79 Davis Rich 79 John 79 Charles S. B. m 81 Harry W. m Dewees 62 Hartman P. h DeWitt 63 Abraham T. m DeWolfe 86 Dan. Charles m Dickenshied 72 Charles Henry m Dickinson 38 Wm. Deverett 72 Edwin Eli Dillingham 36 Paul h 86 Wm. Paiil h 89 Fred. Smith m Disbrow 80 Nanderhoef M. m Ditson 64 Geo. Leighton m DivoU 47 Ira Dix 75 Mahlon C. m Dixon 58 Lucius Jerome m Doane 10 David Dodge 18 Nehemiah 34 William m 45 Joseph T. 46 Wm. Appleton 51 Henry Lee h 60 Bradley W. m 73 George Moore 75 Sidney Wallis m 87 Henry in 89 Frank E. Dolierty 87 John Wm. m Dolan 79 Thomas m Dolley 80 Frank C. m Donovan 64 Dennis Doolittle 38 Lucius li Dornian 20 Eben Hill h 54 Samuel W. h Dorr 89 Lin wood H. m Doi'win 25 Lewis in Dougliertj 30 James 42 Marcus Douglass 70 Henry Homer 77 Silas H. h 81 Henry Sholto 84 m Dousman 27 John B. m Dow 62 Hiram h 67 James Arthur m 70 Albert Richard 84 Gilbert Arthur Downing 75 Alfred Clark m 85 Clarence W. m Drake 69 Isaac m 89 Daniel E.?)^. Draper 74 Charles M. m 88 Charles R. m Drew 63 John Theophilus 77 Charles W. 80 m 84 Charles A. m 1 INDEX 129 Dniry Dwinell 82 Addie Eliza 59 Benjamin F. m 43 Israel Edson 85 John L. h 74 Alfred C. m 49 Melvin 88 Anna Cheney h 79 Charles Sam'l m 83 Fred E. m 81 Frank H. m Egert Dyer 87 Philip M. 7)i Dubois 80 Anderson Dana 50 Uriah Curtis Ellio't Dyke 13 Israel Diicatel 89 Anna Lettie 61 Lester Hall 33 Julius T. 7( Earle Elliott Duff 41 Jona. Whipple 13 Joseph // 79 Archibald h 88 Charles E. m 89 Fred. Geo. vi Eastman Duffy 27 Francis Smith Ellis 88 Nathaniel m 37 Jos. Bartlett h 52 Charles G. h 63 Wales Howard m Duncan 82 Andrew R. m 73 Altert Faxon m 82 Seth m 67 Charles Curtis m Emerson Dunlap Eaton 30 Curtis Abel 48 Dorman B. 30 Amos m 59 Rufvis m 60 Solon 62 Harrison 88 George D. m Dunn Emery 56 Levi A. h Ecklej 84 Henry Wm. 28 James m 65 Alfred E. m Dunton 85 Wm. Edward m 70 Charles Howard Eddy 62 Wm. Franklin m 77 Harlon Erwiu m Emmons 65 Merritt H. m 25 Alden Durant 68 Royal Jerome m 48 Norman li 82 Raymond P. m Engell 70 Fred Curtis m Edgell 82 Mark Kling m Durkee 27 John Q. Adams Englesby 36 Peola h 45 Leverett Brush Edgerton 76 Leverett Francis Dustan 63 Francis Daniels?)^ 77 Royal Corbin 63 Thomas Julius m Enriglit 82 Edw. Alexander Dutch er Edmunds 12 James Clark 55 George F. h Erliardt 58 Daniel 58 Merritt C. m 84 Joel B. n 68 Luther Loomis li 82 Edw. Huntington Edson Ericlisen 57 Ptolemy O'M. 60 ?/i 82 Hugo m Dutton 44 Salmon F. h Edwards Erni 56 Thomas Tracy m 75 Frederick m 9 56 Henry h ■ .1 130 INDEX Erwin Farrar Fisk 61 Ralph m 58 John Curtis 12 James 7i 67 Chas. Lovejoy m 62 Hubbard Clark 23 S. Newell m 78 Alex. Iletcher m 62 Isaac m 77 Pliny Barnard Esclielman Farrell Fitch 80 Simon m 66 Francis 26 Leonard Mellen 37 Samuel Sheldon h Estes 71 David Foster Farwell 64 Edgar J. m 52 Calvin M. h 86 Hubert F. m Etcliisoii Fay Flanders 56 John 85 Elias H. m 71 Fred Alonzo 65 Hosea B. 75 James Monroe m 85 Louis Warner m Everett 88 Wm. Geo. E. m 26 Alexander Hill h Fellows 37 Horace 49 John Q. Adams Fleming 41 Edward 48 George Leonard 66 Harris vi 28 Archibald 43 Aug. Atkinson 79 Joseph M. m Ferguson 69^Edwin Charles 62 Robert Hull Fairbanks 75 Merritt Sidney m Fletcher 60 Erastvis h 10 Elijah Ferrin 25 Isaac h Eairchild 45 Clark Ela 39 Josiah Ambrose 65 Chester M. m - 52 Dean Adams 30 Benjamin m 75 William Nelson 73 Charles Landonvji 31 John 82 Holman Ela m 79 Edgar Irving m 58 Nelson W. m 83 Allan Conant Flint Falbj Ferris 20 Samuel 88 Frederick D. m 24 John Alexander 36 Edwin ' 24 Lynde Catlin 47 Fred. Augustus Farley 59 Charles I. m 68 Orange h 85 Omar A. m Fiiield Flood Farnhain 55 Benj. Franklin 80 James Q. m 49 Roswell 84 George 0. W. m 86 Charles Cyrus Finch 74 Henry Ortan Follett 10 Timothy 43 Charles Edward Finn 47 Fred. Augustus Farnswortli 86 Patrick McC. m 24 Joseph Dean h Folsom 29 James H. m Fish 60 George h ■ 44 Elon h 54 Philo Judson 58m 74 Edgar J. m 60 Henry S. in Fisher 12 Abiel Foote 67 Silas Eaton m 18 Luman 63 Albert Granville Farr 82 D. David m Forbnsh 41 EUiot Taplin 85 Geo. Henry 88 m 86 Frank Davis 1 INDEX 131 Forest 74 Wm. Edward Forsyth 39 James Fortin 83 Julian E. m Fosburf!;li 63 Daniel m Foskett 82 Geo. Mason m Foss 86 David M. m Foster 11 Luke Baldwin 25 Jesse Haven vi . 87 Arthur Martin 43 Steph. Sewall h 74 George S. m Fox 84 Charles N. m 89 Isaac N. m Fowler 40 Joseph Curtis 43 Francis Francis 26 Daniel Dyer 56 Lewis 86 Charles F. A. m Frazer 86 James A. m Freeman 20 Silas C. 69 Nelson Orlando 73 Daniel Reed m 89 Franklin W. m Fregean 59 Isidore hi Freidel 75 Theophil A. m French 13 David 58 Warren C. h 61 George Albert 61 Jeremiah /( 75 Albion H. in 77 Fred. Oscar 77 John Marshall m Frink 61 Joseph Elliot m Frisbie 56 Oscar Frissell 83 Edward M. m Fry 87 Wni. Nelson m Frye 88 Gardiner m Fuller 62 Airam Le Roy 79 Gideon S. 85 Philip H. m 86 Wm. Edson m 88 Ira James Hi Fulton 65 Davis U. m Galusha 16 Eion h Garabet 69 Aintable S. H. h Garbutt 38 Zachariah Nairn Garceau 81 Alexander E. 'Hi- Gardner 81 James L. m Garfield 74 Warren in Garvin 62 PaulChadbourn m 73 Evelyn Frank Gates 81 Walter Benton 88 Sandford L. Gav 54 Charles Merrick Geer 84 Ethelbert F. m Gadcomb 54Wm.Wortliington Gaidzakyan 83 Oahan m Gaines 84 John H. m Gale 57 George h 64 Sullivan French 80 Fred P. m 86 Herbert L. m Gallup 24 John m Gery 83 Ambrose M. in Gibb 56 George B. h Gibbs 80 Linnaeus V. m Giberson 67 Charles Henry in Gibson 76 Wm. Baker m 77 Arthur Allen m 88 John M. in 132 INDEX Gidclings 66 William H. on Gidley 87 Fenton I. m Gilbert 41 Eliphalet W. h 53 James Boardman 53 Geo. IngersoU 54 Nathaniel Porter 54 Simeon 59 John IngersoU 70 Franklin W. h 86 John m 89 Arthur Byron Gile 36 Samuel h Giliilkn 47 Daniel William Gill 60 Thomas N. Gillett 24 Eliphalet h 53 Hiram Addison Gilliss 58 James Melville h (jrilman 14 Constantine 84 John B. m Gilroy 84 Andrew m Gleason 83 Sumner m 84 Mardis E. m Glynn 54 Patrick Godclard 71 Camillo Ashley in Godfrey 66 Janies Y. m Going 13 Jonathan h Golden 73 Anson Joseph m 81 Michael Chas. to Good ale 88 Willie L. m Goodell 55 Constans Liberty Goodenoiigli 30 Levi m Goodlme 82 Perley E m Goodrich 43 Sylvanus Owen 53 John Ellsworth 54 George S. m 78 Vernon Claytoniu 76 Roscoe H. m 85 Clement C. m Goodwillie 68 David H. h Goodwin 87 Fred. Abbott m 89 Fred m Goodyear 28 Daniel h Gordon 47 Samuel Bull 52 William Kirkham Gorman 88 John D. m « Gorton 69 Henry Hale Goss 78 Charles Lincoln 83 Alfred m 86 Arthur V. vi Gould 35 Benjamin 77 Ozias B. m Gonlding 64 William Henry m Graliam 59 John H. h Granger 41 Calvin h 87 Frank Clark m 89 Wm. R. R. m Graves 66 Frank W. m 68 Eli Edwin m 14: Charles Francis 86 Frank Kilburn Gray 44 Asahel Read 82 Fred. Stimpson m 88 John Henry m Green 11 Asa h 13 Henry h 29 William m 53 Horace h 54 Joseph Henry h 57 Salmon 73 Geo. Spaulding m 84 James L. m Greene 32 Pliny P. m ■ 76 Lorenzo M. m 77 Eli Andrew m 79 Olin Duane m Greenleaf 65 Arthur W. m Greenwood 80 Edward D. m INDEX 133 Gregory 38 Isaac Newton Griffin 73 James Whitconib 76 Roger Burrill 82 John Joseph m Griffiths 84 John L. m Grinnell 89 Ashbel P. h Griswold 12 Horace 28 William Fay 88 George Dyer 86 Hamilton B. vi 89 Chas. Fred, m Gross 06 Ezra Carter Grosvenor 13 Ebenezer Clark Grover 66 Joel m Grout 72 John DeForest vi Guertin 83 Alfred L. m Guillet 86 Noel Eusebe m Guiin 84 Thomas N. m Haas 78 Edwin m Haekett 45 Horatio Balch h 84 Edwin H. m 88 James M. m 89 William m Hague 84 Thomas W. m Haile 45 John James Halbert 42 Sanford Hale 24 Salma // 26 Enoch 40 Henry 42 Robert Safford 45 John Gardner 51 Matthew 52 Thomas h Hall 23 Wm. Frederick h 24 Luther E. h 30 Isaac m 32 Samnel )ii 35 Hiland // 37 Thomas h 41 Fred. Thompson 46 Geo. Mortimer 50 Thomas Spencer 53 Joshua Beers 57 Robert Newton 58 Elmore John m 58 Percival Edwards 59 Hiram Henry 59 Wm. Si^alding 65 Henry F. m 65 Samuel Read h 73 James B. in 80 Walter L. m 83 Orvis L. W. m 85 Herbert E. m Hamilton 25 Jamin m 26 John P. m 42 Emerson John 53 Hol)art 75 Ellen Eliza 77 Chas. Monroe m 86 Chas. Allen m Hammond 61 James Bartlett 84 Oscar C. m Hanson 60 Hiram h Hard 75 Orrin Wheeler Harden 66 Charles Stewart m Hardenbrook 57 John K. m Harmon 66 James C. m Harrington 09 Isaac Russell 62 Jos. Lysander m 70 George Levi m 79 Llewellyn E. m 84 Horace E. m Harris 38 Andrew 67 Nelson Moore m 88 Wm. Hugh »i Hart 84 Geo. Fred, to Hartzell 63 Henry K. m Harwood 81 Watson H. m Haselton 71 Seneca Haskell 30 Perry 45 Harrison Stevens 80 Charles F. B. Haskins 39 Roswell W. h 64 George Blake m Hastings 89 Clarence A. m Hatch 12 Uriel Chittenden/i 43 Horace 45 Asa Lyon 53 Warner Daniels 85 Alfred J. m 134 INDEX Hathaway 78 Frank Bartlett m Hatlion 27 Anson Earl Havilancl 78 Nath. Clark B. m Hawes 86 Eclw. Everett m Hawley 78 Donly Curtis 84 m Hayden 47 Chauncey Hilan 83 Chauncey Hoyt Hayes Andrew L. m 86 Ralph Linval Haynes 55 Thomas S. m 66 J. B. m Hazen 55 Austin 58 Wm. Skinner 67 J. J. m 83 IjOuIs 7n 85 Austin 88 Allen 88 Carleton Heald 58 Dwight Smith 84 Albert P. m Healy 52 Joseph Warner Heath 54 Charles Henry Heaton 27 Orange B. vi Hedden 82 John Henry m Hedding 40 Elijah h Hefflon 72 Norman E. m Heinehei'g 35 Bernard Jacob h Hemming 58 Wm. F. Boyd m Hemminway 66 Lewis T. m Henderson 77 Geo. Washington Hendrick 72 Harrison W. m Henning 85 Francis A. m Henot 88 John L. m Henry 54 Samuel Rice 60 Morris Henry m 83 Joseph N. m Herrick 24 Stei^h. Leonard 39 William Tyler 45 Henry Jay 47 John Russell 55 George Elbridge 56 Edward Everett 56 Julius 56 Justus 64 Lucius C. m Hewitt 55 Henry Nathan Hibbard 50 Homer Nash 80 Wm. N0ble Hibbler 62 R. Walter m Hickolv 31 Wm. Collard 27 Henry Pearl 37 James Whelpley 58 James Reid 69 Francis HiclvS 47 John A. h 60 David Farrand 82 Chas. Andrew m 82 Hernando A. m Hier 62 Aimer A. m Higbee 49 Elnathan E. 71 Edwin Wilbur m Higby 40 William Hill 08 Ira 24 Isaac h 27 Rodney Dewey 50 Geo. Melancthon 51 Merrill Jackson 53 Edward Judson 60 Henry m 76 Henry Wayland 79 Wm. Dudley m 82 Arthur Henry 84 Ira Clark m 84 Julian P. vi 88 Chai-les Shattuck Hilton 84 Charles F. m Hinckley 75 John Powell m Hine 77 Martin Charles Hinman 54 George A. h Hitchcock 11 Henry 25 Lucius m 43 Samuel h 47 Wm. Dorus 48 Stph. Washington INDEX 135 Hitt 60 John Emery m Hod2;e 49 Martin G. h Hoffiiao;le 84 Herbert Daniel Hoisiii2:toii 82 Walter LaV. m Holbvook 11 Levi 51 Frederick h 64 Thos. Jefferson m Holeomb 69 Byron Thonipson 73 Mahlon Beach 80 Oscar A. m Hold en 73 Horatio Buell m Hollister 82 Horace H. vi Holt 60 Alf . Fairbanks m 86 Alfred F. 7( Holton 14 Isaac 79 Henry Dwight h Honsiiig'cr 75 WiUis T. m Hood 89 Bessie Medora Hooper 28 Foster m Hopkins 13 Samnel Gordon 30 Edwin W. m 32 John Henry li 39 John Henry 43 Louis Spring h 47 Caspar Thomas 49 Timothy M. h 50 Tlieodore Austin 55 Wm. Cyprian 59 Frederick Vincent 82 John Henry 85 Wm. Herman Horn 86 George C. m Horton 58 Alonzo Edw. m Hosford 33 Orville 82 Marion Aurelia Hosmer 41 William H. C. h Houghton 24 Geo. Washington 30 Ohver T. m 39 Geo. Frederick 40 Daniel Clay 42 Roland Stebbins 46 Henry Oscar 80 Fred Hawes m House 81 Clayton P. m Howard 56 Rodney Holland 74 C. W. m 77 Julius Abner m 78 Geo. Henry m 81 Albert Guy m 84 Emory E. m 85 Grenville 88 Judson B. Howe 42 James Blake 44 Wm. Bell White 54 John li 73 Harmon Geo. m 77 Hermon I. I. m 80 Edwin Sam'l m 80 Herbert H. m Hoxsie 23 Warren Hovt 58 Charles Albert 64 Frank Deming Hubbard 56 Henry 7i 83 Dwight L. m Hubl)ell 05 Oliver 13 Lucas Iluelme 84 Fred, m Huff 85 Irwin Franklin m Hugins 79"Clifford E. m Ilnlburd 81 Merritt h 82 Roger Wm. 85 Geo. Benj. m Ilumplirey 29 Sylvanus m Hnngerford 58 Edward h 80 Frank Lewis h Hunt 64 William E. vi 75 Chauncey N. m 82 Myron W. m 1 85 Jessie Anna Hunter 24 Henry h Hunting 60 George Field Huntington 26 George Russell 42 Charles Andrew 71 Thos. Watei-man 81 Wm. Daniel m 82 Bela Shaw 136 INDEX Hun ton 47 Augustus P. h Hupfeld 87 Henry L. wi Hni-cl 61 James Christie m Hntcliinson 11 Titus n 23 Edwin 24 Oramel 25 Henry 43 Jolm Brackett 74 Wm. W. m 75 Edwin Darius m 82 Fred. Smith m Hutton 32 John Hyde 08 Arch. Waterman 34 Jeliiel H. m 58 And' w Jackson m 63 Seneca T. m 66 78 Melvin C. m 88 Geo. Edwin Ide 45 George Goddard Ingalls 84 Fred W. m ■ 85 Geo. H. m Ingersoll 43 Allen Parkhurst Irwin 53 John 7i Isham 11 Oran 47Thad. Daniel 82 Willard Smith 82 Albert F. m 86 Annis Lucy 86 Eliza Charity 86 George Bostwick 89 Edward Sprague Jackman 86 Enoch A. m Jackson 63 J. A. m 65 John Henry m 71 Samuel N. m 84 Chas. Wm. m Jacobs 84 Charles W. m Jacobus 85 Peter N. m James 78 Henry M. m 85 Wm. Henry m 86 William m Jameson 46 John Alexander Janes 35 Henry F. /i 38 Henry Brown 44 Horace Partridge Jarvis 39 Charles Jayet 89 Albert C. A. m Jeffords 86 Tracy Lillie Jenckes 82 Joseph F. m Jenkins 74 Jason Darwin 84 Mozart m Jenne 81 James N. m Jenney 25 Lvman T. m Jennings 84 Charles G. R. m Jermagian 84 Hacliador G. m Jewell . 77 Harvey L. m Jewett 48 Fayette Johnson 07 Lewis 27 Frederick m 38 John Boardman 39 Edwin Ferry h 51 Levi Parsons 52 Francis G. h 65 Charles H. m 65 Francis m 69 Frank Benj. m 88 Arthur Lincoln 88 Cyrus U. m 88 Edwin Hine m Johnston 57 Jolm M. 1% Johnstone 86 Henry V. m Jones 26 Alex. Hamilton m 29 John Calvin 43 Ezra 63 Frank P. m 83 Samuel A. 7n 83 Wm. Fred m 89 Ellis P. m 89 Henry R. m Joslin 82 Albert Aug. m 87 George H. m Judd 51 Francis E. 7i Jndson 89 Wm. Alex, m Kane 24 Edward m INDEX 13T Kasson 45 John Adam 46 Charles D. /; Keegan 89 Charles A. m Keeiian 78 John C. m Keith 85 Halbert L. m Kellelier 86 Barth. P. m Kelley 81 Daniel H. m Kellosjg 23 Orson 51 Moses P. h 53 Daniel 7; 53 George Dimon 70 D. Sherwood 73 m Kellj 57 Edward B. P. 1 60 Francis J. m Kemp 62 H'y Augustine m Kendall 68 Barney J. m Keiidrick 13 Nathaniel li 62 Frank L. m Kennan 04 Jairus Kenney 82 Fred Cushman m Kenny 61 Albert Sewall Kent 56 Charles Artemas 60 Prentiss m 66 Enoch W. m 66 Erastus M. m 85 Edward B. Kenyon 20 Jared 66 George H. m 80 Edward E. m Kern 70 Daniel Kerr 85 Thos. A. m Ketcliuni 80 Leander Y. in Keyes 8i Charles R. m Kidder 48 Jefferson P. li 80Fred.Thomas83m Kilburn 10 John Kile 63 Osceola Hardy Kilgore 80''Gustavus C. m 86 Albert E. m Kimball 63 Hiel Jarvis m 86 Josepli E. m King 10 Dauphin 46 Royal Daniel 47 John Cincinnat. 78 James Henry 84 Albert F. A. li 85 Edwin M. m 88 Thomas A. m Kingsbnry 52 John Denison 78 Fred. Lucas m Kingsley 66 Jed S. m 81 Darwin Pearl Kinney 46 Charles Kirk 66 William P. m 77 Wm. Hale m Klein 84 Fred. Wm. m Knapen 65 Asa P. m Kneeland 46 Lucius Knight 49 El bridge 7i. 70 Harvey m 82 Marcus W. m Kniskern 79 Albert C. m Knowles 41 William Liberty Knowlton 80 Wallace M. m Knox 49 James Monroe Labaree 41 Benjamin h La Belle 79 Martin James m 82 Phileas F. m Ladd 63 Sumner 77 Jedediah m Lagace 87 Alfred J. m 138 INDEX Lamb 25 Dana 29 Jonathan 56 Henry Lingan 74 Ora H. m 80 Marshall D. TO Lampson 55 John Leonard h Landon 53 Thaddeus 62 Zebina 74 Sealand Whitney 74 Warren Hall Lane 45 Moses 64 George E. m 82 Edmund Conde 83 George Bisho]D 86 Jed Samuel Lang 66 Richard W. h Langan 88 John T. m Langdon 77 Fred. Sylvester m Lang worthy 05 Asahel Lanpliear 45 Orpheus Thomas Larkin 68 A. Mason m Latham 58 Alden Crafts m Lawrence 27 Byrem 37 Almon 77 Luther Lee li Lawton 81 Shailer E. m Lazelle 57 Wm. Franklin m Leach 68 Charles S. L. m Leader 88 John A. m Leavens 61 Philo French Leavenwoi'th 21 Henry 56 Abel Edgar 85 George S. Lee 31 Samuel 75 Edward Michael 81 Henry H. m Leeke 80 Rebecca L. Leith 83 Wm. Henry m Lengfeld 66 Braman E. m Leonard 61 Joseph H. m 84 Francis A. m Leslie 68 Horace G. m Lester 09 Charles Gove Lestonrnean 79 Leonidas J. m Levings 48 Israel Hall Lewis 60 John R. m 67 James m 79 Frank Newel 82 m Libbey 77 Jona. Elmore m Liddle 87 Fred. C. m Lillie 54 Adam 7; 74 Robert Burns Lindsay 88 Joseph I. m Linsley 80 Joseph H, in Little 84 Wm. B. m Littlefield 81 Geo. Hall m Livingston 56 Whi. Wallace Lloyd 84 Samuel m Locke 82 Clarence Wm. m 82 Daniel L. in Logan 88 Charles J. m Loggins 79 Cassius J. m Lombard 85 Amasa J. m Longshore 79 Miles m Loomis 05 Warren 32 Harmon 49 Charles 70 Edward Beach m 76 Horatio 82 Charles L. m 83 William W. m 84 William h INDEX 139 Lovejoy 84 Fred. W. m Lovell 73 George Timothy 76 Eugene W. m Lowi'v 51 Edward David Lucas 75 Fred Eugene Lllks 85 Eniil C. m Lull 46 Lewis Richard Lunibard 89 Joseph E. m Lund 61 Wm. Brown Lyman 41 George Lee 70 Elias 89 George C. m ^y ncli 81 Peter H. m 83 Michael H. m Lynde 28 Jolm h 43 John WiHiam L}' McCarthy McLaughlin 83 George E. m 79 Cliester B. 80 Charles S. 7n MacCbesnev 83 Charles Eugene McLoughlin 53 Joseph Amos McClearn 83 Chas. Wni. m McMasters 40 Daniel Sabin McDonald 28 Louis ]i McMonagle 59 Peter Reid m McDonouo'h 86 Lawrence J. m MciS'allv i\r^T^„fl;„„ 86 Thomas H. m 7on 26 Samuel K. m 61 Emory M. m 62 Irving Whiteall m 70 Carlos Aurelius McAllister 80 Wm. H. H. Macauley 37 Duncan h McAvinnue 89 Frank m 59 John W. m McFarland 78 Henry Moses Macfie 87 James Alex. McGowan 83 Wilder K. vi McGregor 61 John H. 7)1 JVIcIIenry 78 Montraville m Mclntyre 84 Wm. Henry m Mclsaac 79 Joseph m ]\rack 87 Edwin Benj. tn McKeen 28 Silas h McKenna 87 Ephraim D. m McKillop 61 Malcolm McNutt 62 Wm. Fletcher m Macomber 62 Job E. h McPeck 82 John 7)1 McPherson 71 Drummond Th. w Macrae 39 Wm. Fred. McSweenev 86 Patrick' E. m Me Wain 82 Harmon A. to McWavne 83 Albert to Maeck 18 Jacob 32 Reviben Young to Magee 72 John Augustine 7)i 84 Charles K. to Malionev 89 Johii S. ))i 140 INDEX Malcolm 43 Howard li Maloney 87 Will. Edward m Maloy 77 Geo. Edward m Maltby 41 Eber m Manchester 58 Constant. Wood m 80 Hiram B. on iVIaiiley 69 Geo. Webster m Mann 38 Alexander Manson 64 Charles Albert m Mansnr 86 Richard H. m Manuel 85 Wm. S. m Marchancl 62 Peter in Marchildon 89 Joseph P. m MaiTS 58 Wm. Elbridge Marsh 36 Joseph li 36 Edw. Warren 37 Roswell h 39 Charles Phelps 41 Warren Hunt 46 Sidney Harper 47 Leonard h 48 James Wheelock 57 Joseph Walker 66 Charles A. J. li 70 Wm. Foote 72 Geo. Foote 76 Charles Leonard 83 Arthur W. m Marshall 61 George Alpheus 62 Alden Velona m Marstellar 84 Ira W. m Martin 31 Elon Olds 62 Godfrey R. m 66 John P. m 67 Hector C. m 69 Jonathan W. in 76 Sarah Ann 79 Gregory A . m 84 Edw. H. m Marven 86 Bliss A. m Marvin 44 Jonathan Janes Mason 28 Tyler m 58 George 75 Lida A. Matson 32 Sylvester G. m Matthews 70 Henry Clay m 79 Henry James m 87 Joseph B. m May 46 John Wilder 79 Austin Ely m Mayberry 82 Edwin N. m 85 Franklin H. m Maynard 89 Louis A. m Mead 87 Sidney W. m 89 Roger A. m Mecorney 62 Horace m Meech 41 Edgar 74 Charles Edgar Meeker 58 Henry Valorus m Meigs 29 John m Meilleur 54 John B. h Menard 88 Anthyme S, m Merriam 89 Walter Henry Merrill 47 Ferrand F. h 72 Albinus J m 80 Leroy Albert 82 m 86 Jed Scott 86 John Franklin Merritt 79 James B. m 89 Frank W. m Messer 12 Asa h Miles 55 John F. h Miller 29 Jona. Peckham h 36 James m 48 Ira Osmore 48 Wm. Mitchell 54 Frank David 58 John G. m 59 William li 1 INDEX 141 70 Stejjlien Sam'l m 58 Davis Grahame Monlton 78 Howard P. in 78 Ellen 60 David C. m 65 Mathew J. m 62 Charles A. m 83 Walker P. m 66 Harrison C. m 86 George H. m 76 Effie Mower 79 David R. vi 40 Benj. Franklin Mil]ini>;ton 80 Wm. Morrison m 31 Calvin S. m 82 James F. on 83 Arthur W. m Mowry 86 Benj. F. m 88 Grain A. m 89 Eugene C. m Mills Morehouse Moxley 49 Wm. Reed 78 Wilber Herbert m 56 Charles King m 59 Andrew M. in 60 Henry Edw. m 80 Frank G. m Morey Munger 81 Wm. Austin m 40 li-a 82 Edson S. m 82 John Henry m 65 George C. m 85 Mary Louise 78 Gustavus B. m Murphy 89 John J. TO Miner Morgan 25 Burrill Smith 7n 20 Asaph //, Murray 54 John S. TO 87 Elbert Charles Minlvler 87 Field C. m 78 Sanford James m 26 Ezekiel P. m Morley 82 Geo. Sackett to Mitchell 23 John m Myers 79 Charles Eli 37 Joseph Henry 87 Willard A. Mon-ill 53 Lawrence 25 David Lawrence h 75 Reuben Sherm. m Monroe 60 William L. m 55 Dana Jewell m 64 Henry B. m 74 Justin S. // Nash 80. James Swan 27 Sylvester h Montgomery 88 Leonard B. tn 76 Horace Milton m 87 John J. m Morris Nay Montz 84 John A. m 73 Winfield Scott to 89 Allan B. m Morse Nellis Mooers 27 Percival 82 Irving 0. to 35 Benjamin 7i 42 John Hoar 85 Byron D. to 58 Cornel. Wickware 62 Nathan R. m Nelson Moon 77 Edgar Tiffany m 81 Walter L. m 78 Edw. Percival 27 Robert li 82 Wm. Fred, m 46 Thos. Leverett Mooney 82 Philip m 85 Chas. Edward M. Nenioto Mosher 89 Sho Moore 65 Samuel F. m 14 Isaac 89 Marshall J. m Newcoml) 23 Elisha in 80 Charles to 42 James Byers Mottram 84 Vesley M. to 56 George Curtis 81 Geo. Albert m 85 Luther to 1 142 INDEX JN'ewell JSTortliro-p Orcntt 12 George 44 David Blair 51 John li 60 Luther Boardnian 46 Levi Meeker 79 Frank S. w. 86 Herbert L. on ISTorton O'Keady 88 Fred. A., m 87 Jarnes m 40 William A. li Wewliall 61 John Wright 85 Eben C. m O'Eeilley 81 Lawrence T. m 89 Anson M. m 84 Patrick m JSTewmnnz ISTott O'Keilly 82 Julius m 69 Albert m 75 James m ^Newton N'oyes 47 Carolus Ornisbee 27 Christoph'r Giles 77 Chas. Lewis m 81 Benjamin Ball 48 Julius Milo 57 J. Worthington 53 Daniel James h Osbnrne 75 Sandford R. m 80 John Eugene m 81 Walter Russell Nye 81 Charles P. m 08 Jonathan h Osgood N^icLols 22 Thomas 19 Nahum 89 Fred L. m 43 Thos. Brainerd 59 Benjamin S. 7t JSTunienville 68 Calvin Eugene m 64 Maxime W. in Otis 74 Charles Penfield Nutter 68 John Calhoun in ^^iles 87 Wm. Dennett m Outerbridge 37 Jason Oakes 84 Paul E. in Nimblet 56 Sylvester h Owen 54 Oscar L. m O'Brien 85 Frank A. h JN^ims 87 John Charles in Packard 64 Edw. Beecher m 88 Francis J. m 73 Frank Ashton m 74 George B. m Mquet 80 Louis Barth. m O'Bryen 86 James J. m Paddock 19 James Augustus Noble O'Grady 85 Frank S. 10 William 48 Wm. Henry 55 James Jacob O'Halloran Page 64 Frank W. 66' m • ]^olan 43 James 67 B. Frank m 77 Robert Geo. in Olmsted 77 Perley Ayer 87 Kingman B. in ISTorcross 84 Edward F. m O'Neil 80 Edward John m Paige 84 Stephen W. m 1^0Yi\\ Onion Painchaiid 49 Fhiletus Fillmore 27 Daniel H. m 32 Joseph h ^ J INDEX 143 Paine 25 Elijah h 54 Martyn /; 79 Win. Lincoln vi Palmer 17 William Aclams/f 20 Aaron li 50 Edward Carter 67 Dudley m Paii c: cc CCCL ex cCi ^Z • c cc ' <: c c c^ c c cr. <<: cc c« cc cc ■ 'CLCCCCl < --~ - _ ;• C c;« C C ^ C « c c *-« ,cc^ ■ c;' c C c- c < C c< - CC cc< c'CC <'C< c c C "<< ^ c c. C ccc '•^:< < cc - ' <^ c £ '^ cc i;- c C c ^t ^ c: c . '- cc i^ f c c f c c c C CC Vc _ c cc- c <: <: : ' — -^c < C3LC f .C C CCC C cC Cc c CC' _C', c c ^ 5- ,'> cr c , «; C C d. C cfL^ •> vC_ C C cc: c c cc « cc cc C cr < _ c > cc c c c <::':,: ( • «. C'C <^ CCCC C cC^T^