I Ms H< wO/^ 7 '^ /^/fD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE • 1 r STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. REUNION -OF THE- GRADUATES OF FORTY YEARS, DECEMBER 29th, 1885, at 2 p. m., -AT- THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Washington Park, Alban\% N. Y. ^/i^ -^i^ -^i^ ^fi"^ ^ !£; k .-3" -Jl GREETING SONG, Melody XTOW thanks to God above, ^ ^ That through his watchful love, We meet once more. We come from valley wide, From rugged mountain side. From ocean's surging tide, From rocky shore. To grasp a schoolmate's hand, Make strong old friendship's band. We've gathered here; To tell the deeds we've done. The honors fairly won, O'erlook the race we've run, Each other cheer. For His own guiding hand. Through drear and desert land, Through wilds untrod; For stars in darkest night. For skill to wield aright The sword in fiercest fight. Thanks be to God. dy Miss Mary A. McClelland, '68 America." If we have taught the eye To read in earth and sky Thy art divine — Have taught the heart to feel The love Thy laws reveal, Thy care for human weal — The Work was Thine. If error's bonds we've riven. The noble impulse given To do the right; Then hear us while we raise The voice in joyous lays — To Thee ascribe all praise. Thou God of might ! Forgive us that we've strayed. Pardon the failures made. Our prayer receive. Ere yet the day is done. Ere sinks the western sun. Forgive, thou Holy One, Do thou forgive I ADDRESSES: W??i. E Phelps, '45 ; C. Warren Hafnilton, '52 ; A. P. Smith, '^j ; Euge7ie Burlingame, '68 ; Wfn. B. Davidsofi, '72 ; Wm. M. Giffin, '73. RECITATION, by Miss Minnie Bates, '83. PARTING HYMN, Melody C ADLY the parting hour *~^ .Soon will draw nigh; Joys, like the fragrant flower. Live but to die. If all our greetings be Joyous, and pure, and free, Blest will the parting be. E'en though we sigh. May we in Wisdom's ways Ever be found ; In noble deeds our days Richly abound. by Miss Mary C. Bennett, '55. Nearer My God to Thee." If, when our lives are past. In Heav'n our homes be cast, " Well done " be heard at last, How blest the sound ! Father of truth and might. Guide us in love, Safe to the realms of light, Thy home above. Then we'll again unite In songs of pure delight, In Heav'n, where all is bright — Rest in Thv love. DOXOLOGY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow ! Praise Him all creatures here below ! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! Business Meeting. Social Reunion, 7.J0 to 10 P. M., at the Normal School Building. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS • 022 152 629 6 H( \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 152 629 6 i