^jy v OO' oo' <=o^ o-S -Ct 3( ,-r •%. .< /^ .^-^ .,^' V. ,^x^- "<^^ v^- \^ ,-^ A^^ ■^■/- '.((1. Ij'^ i > m^^MsatJKatatiii ^^ai'l^i TRUE Tales of deeds with interest- ing data in the life of Bloominglon, Indiana Unirersity and Monroe Coun- ty, written in simple langua^ and about real people, luith other important things, and illustrations. r^ Copyright, February 10, 1922 mu»jniiiiU]UJ|U|UJLmiJmujm i u | iuaimmq ^ Memorial Fund THE BUILDING PROJECT A Union Building for Men Including an Auditorium $500,000 A Stadium to be Erected on the New Athletic Field $250,000 A Dormitory for Women $250,000 A Splendid War Record is worthy of a fitting memorial A Contribution to this Fund is an Investment, not a Gift^ IT IS AN INVESTMENT IN: Prestige for Indiana University Pride for the University Satisfaction of a Great Purpose Achieved A Greater Indiana What is our Debt to Indiana? How do we Plan to Pay It? Help K eep Indiana in the Front __j-^ ^ Rank of American Universities Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall PRESENTED TO. BY DATE THIS SPACE FOR NOTES IN YOUR HISTORY Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall Historic Treasures True Tales of Deeds with Interesting Data in the Life of Bloomington, Indiana Univer- sity and Monroe County— Written in Simple Language and About Real People, with Other Important Things and Illustrations Compiled and Published by Forest M. "Pop" Hall Copyright Feb. 10, 1922 Forest M. Hall Bloomington, Indiana Printed by INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS Lokke Book Bindei-y Co. Bloomington, Ind. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PaKC Title i)age 1 Two Views of Bloomineton's Public Square 27 t.,. „, „• „ ' • ■■ ■ , „ St. Marorarefs Hall 28 Front pieces 2-3 ^^^ ^^^^ 2S A Tribute 4 gi^g ^f Bloomington Was Wheat Field in 1818 28 Introductions 5 Railroad Passenger Stations - 29 Prerace - 6 We Take Sky-Lark 30 A Message of Victory 7 Freight Yards - - - 30 Table of Contents Continued on Page 8 Public Square during a parade 31 Indian Fighting of ISll-l.'i 9 "Aunt Mollie" Stewart 31 Our 0:d Town Pump » On Moonlight Nights : 32 O'd Mnnon Station 11 This Counti-y of Ours 32 Indiana University Libraiy 12 Religious Activities of Pioneers (with illustrations) 33 Life of Colonel Ketcham 14 Record of the Rev. George W. Terry - 34 Od Sail Works - 16 Harmony Movement 3o Remarkable Letter by Prof. Pering (with illustration) 17 "God's Acre" 36 James Parks. Sr., Wrote History 22 Early-Day Preacher ™ 37 Monroe County's Magnificent Modem Court House 22 Congregation in Tears as Fairview Church Bums (with lHus- Fir.MMiiiii:iinii!iiiMimHiiinMMmtmiiiiiiiuMitiiiiHiiiiMiiiimmmiiiiuim Preface Those who look in this book for rhetorical composition, sublime metafor.s or ef- fusions may be disappointed; but those who care for worth-while deeils and facts of pioneer days talked of in simple, human interest manner, will find accounts of people's lives in every walk of our civil and military life of by-gone days. We have tried to tell some important thing of each community of the county, which should be preserved for our children's children. Some of these accounts may seem more complete than others, because our notes have been more complete, but we have been obliged to v/rits and compile these stories in such order as we were able to obtain the facts; and, we have not designed to show partiality, except in recogniizing the news value of the early day happenings to the citizens of today. The pictures may give future generations an idea of scenes in Bloomington and the community today, as do the present day topics we have written of in this book. We ai'e pained at the thought that, while the deeds of some Monroe County and Bloomington soldiers, as well as civilian heroes, are emblazoned in these pages, others no less worthy of note, are seemingly ignore w rt> (D O C < fD o o t^ "^ ^ '<; rt- '^ ^ H-, "^ Z^^ >< ^ O § 3 = .-- ,. i-s p. ^n fP ^ 3 ^ ^ £^ ^ 3 3'^ S "* CfC3 3 ^§ < O Wi fP Hr , . ^ ja S ^ ffi tS' CD fO ^ »-^ *-" ^% M JIT I— iQr(? >rt HI. Sj CO 'O p-j o o f» sr' ^ ffi o 3 3- G. = w O 3 ■^ 3 3 rD 3 crq So 5- 3 ft vj S cr5* I' « 3 S. i" " ST I 3 • « " 2 - 3 n o o 3 3 % 2 S 5. o < O TO -1 3 3 ^^ ?^^ > Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued. Page It was Hard to Be Good Austin Seward - Hoosiers Made Fine Record in World War Alone in The Mjstery of Death Armistice Day Proclamation Foch's Famous Message — New Dollar Not to Show Broken Sword City Pays Homage — That Peace May Live ~...^. Names of Monroe County Heroes Who Made Supreme Sacrifice. Monroe County's Honor Roll At Close of Rebellion Indiana University Had Big "Honor Roll" The Student Building -. We must Prove Our Trust Monroe County Leads First Library Dudley C. Smith First School Teacher (with illustrations) Prof. D. E. Hunter Established First Graded Schools Hardships Children of Pioneer Families Endured Romance of Ancestors of Fee Family Dr. David H. Maxwell Drafted Indiana Constitution Three Hinkle Brothers Medical Men Form Clinic Old Seminary System (with illustration) Early History of Indiana College (with illustration) School Lands of Monroe County Name of "Hoosier" Now Commands Respect Indiana University Lives Through Adversity (illustrations) Sacrifices of People in the Past ._ Entrance Drive to Indiana University Dr. William Lowe Br>an I with illustrations) "Kirkwood's Laws" Brought Fame Observatory at Indiana University "City of Higher Learning" Receives Praise Typical University Student Organization "Houses Scenes on Indiana University Camjius After Snow Storm Indiana L^niversity Buildings in 1915 Indiana University Downs Purdue (with illustrations) The Downf alien The Team and Stiehm - Trustees of University Select Sites - Bankers Convinced Prospects for 1922 Business are Good Historic Old Elm Trees The Widow's Soliloquy - First Store Established in Bloomington Population of Bloomington in 1830 Condition Found in 1921 at Center of Population Families Are Growing Smaller Hard Times Faced Early Settlers City of Bloomington Is Fortunate - What We See and Hear— What We Think Early Manufactories of Bloomington Pleasing Summer Scenes Pioneer Fire Department Formed J. W. Jackson. Old-Time Fire Fighter - First Steam Mill Started Views of Bloomington Buildings First Railroad Built into Bloomington Fairfax is Old Landmark Save an 1S12 War Relic Friendship Almost Was Building of Bloomington Stage Line and "Temperance House" Bloomington Chamber of Commerce Bloomington Architect Predicts Bright Prospects Scenes in Great Quarries Bloomington Election, 1921 - Bloomington City Hall Homes of the People from Early Times Where Finest Building Stone in the World is Taken from Earth.. Bloomington Buildings in 1921 Old Geographical Designations Street Scenes Rural Scene in Picturesque Beauty Spot Where One is Tempted to Linger Scene on Indiana University Campus Scene on Campus A Winter Picture _ — •- I'irst Settler to Bring Family - Old Court House - Monroe County Court Opens for First Term in 1818 Tempting Old Log - Pioneers of Monroe County Drank Whiskey Early Political Records of Monroe County William Mathers. Soldier of Revolution First Militia Regiment Capt. Sluss and" Daniel Lunderman Head Companies in Mexican War Smithville Sprang Up With Railroad - Palestine Now Deserted - - Crisis. Just Before War of Rebellion Wayport and Hindoostan People Thrown into Frenzie — Ft. Sumter Taken Monroe County Organizes Ten Companies Draft Ordered For State The Sentinels .-. Incidents Worth Mention During Civil War Along the Road ~ - "Butter Nuts" Resist Law Morgan Invaded Indiana Disloyal Element Grows Bold Great Celebration Held in Bloomington — Last Call For Men — Bounties Offered 100-Day Men Called 41 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 45 4r> 47 47 48 .48 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 54 S6 5T 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 67 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 73 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 79 80 80 80 81 81 82 83 84 84 85 86 87 88 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 93 94 94 94 94 95 95 97 98 99 100 101 101 102 102 103 104 104 105 Page A Wild Spot in the Hills \''J' End of Civil War {06 Feats of Confederate Navy - - - 107 Bloomington Woman SO Years of Age Protests _ lOi A Good Spot to Wade - - ^S, Parade a Mile Long - 1"8 Soldiers' Monument at Rose Hill Cemetery — 109 Company H. 195th Regiment, in Spanish-American War 109 We've Drunk From the Same Canteen 1*9 Whip-Saw Enables Pioneer Woodsman to Build Home Ill Indiana University Campus Before Fire in Wylie Hall Ill Iron Was Mined in Monroe County 112 Bloomington Had Representative Press 112 Indiana University School cf Journalism is Pioneer 114 Journalism Building H-l "Far West" Printed in 1833 and Other Old Newspapers..- HE Earth Emerging From Torrid, Dry Period 116 Making a Newspaper 117 Named Site Beuna Vista , 117 Oldest Man in World? Hi Telephone Wires Could reach Moon 100 Times 11" Air Record - ■• H^ Get-Together Home Coming Banquet Scene 118 Mausoleum. Rose Hill Cemetery 119 Mt. Tabor, Once Thriving Village 11^ Hotels 120 Dr Woodbum. on Sixty- fourth Birthday (with Illustration) 121 Indiana Schools Get Sl.623,785 From State 121 Monroe County Medical Society 121 "According to Hoyle" - 121 Old Unionville Scene of Horrible Tragedy 122 Scene on Indiana University Campus « 122 Says Rest of World Works While U. S. Plays 123 Indiana University Income and Expenses Given 123 Bloomington's Postmasters Change in 1922 (with IllustrBtions)..I23 Bloomington's Post Office Building 124 First Piano to Enter Bloomington Is Returned 124 Annual Pow-Wow of Monroe County Ex-Service Men 125 Burton Woolery 125 The Towne Quartette - 125 American Legion Memorial ._. ...126 Names of Bloomington's Heroes Among Those of Indiana Uni- versity 126 Care of Disabled Soldiers of World War Discussed 127 A Soldier's Last Letter - 127 History of G.A.R. In United States 127 Residence Hall 127 The Harris-Grand 127 Smithville Public School Building _ 128 Local Council of Women - 128 Small Corner in Largest Furniture Factory in the World 129 Monroe Chapter American War Mothers 130 Bloomington's Beautiful Modern City High School Building 130 Partnership Formed in First Days Lives 74 Years 131 Student Building 131 Bloomington Modern Hospital (with Illustrations) 132 Ellettsville First Named Richland 133 Scene Among Monroe County Hills 133 "Indiana. We're All For You" _ 135 Indiana. Our Indiana - 135 Banking Houses of City _ - 136 Cozy Ward in Bloomington Hospital - 136 Counterfeiters and Crooks Run Out , 137 New .f200,000 Masonic Temple 137 "London Paper, 1834, " Tells of Remarkable Invention 138 Salvation Army Work in Bloomington „ 139 .Salvation Army Baskets Ready for Christmas Delivery 139 View of Uni^■ersity Library „ 139 Town of Harrodshurg Has Varied Career 140 Entrance to Maxwell Hall 140 W. W. Wicks Enlisted When Sent on an Errand 141 Above All Things— By "The Stroller" _ „ 141 The New Dollar „ 141 HeniT J. Feltus _ _ 142 Water Supply Has Been Issue in Local Elections 142 Oldest Woman in County Is Ninety-eight 143 Class in University Hears Galli-Curci by Wireless Telephone.. ..143 Indiana University Celebrates 102d Anniversary 144 Circus Day Always Fresh in Memory 146 Marion Township has Magnificent Scenery 146 Indiana's Recent Awakening From .Neglect of History 146 Gosport Actor Wins Success in Role of "Abraham Lincoln" 148 Telescope in Kirkwood ObscrCatory, Indiana University 148 The Reporter and the Bible _ 149 Go to Colleges for Executives 149 Winter Scene on University Campus 150 No Longer a Mere Dream (with Illustrations) 161 State American Legion Endorses I.U. Memorial '. „..152 Shell-Shocked, and After „ 163 Oldest Voters „ 163 Haynes Proves Nation is Dry _ _ 153 The Years _ _ _ 153 35,143 Deaths and 67.850 Births 153 Real Deadwood Dick Dies 153 Complete List Monroe County Men in W^orld War 154 U. S. Veterans Bureau 154 Indiana University Library 154 Typical Scenes in Training Camp - 155 Scene on University Campus 157 l«gion Makes Plan To Begin Drive for Members - 158 Scene on University Campus - ~ 158 Advertising Section of Bloomington Representative Business and Professional Life in 1922 -169 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall Indian Fighting of 1811-1813 Recounted by Pioneer of Monroe County— Work of Rangers Against Savages. Colonel John Ketcham Wrote Account of Adventures — Scalped Indian — Many Murders and Depredations of Red Men Before Town of Bloomington Was Later Established — Early Scenes in Territory of West Fork on White River — Fought With General Tipton and Captain Boone. Probably the most popular and well- known man among the pioneers of In- diana, and especially Monroe county was John Ketcham, whose titles showed g'reat honor, as he was knov^m as Colonel Ketcham, Judge Ketcham, and the Hon. John Ketcham, as rep- resentative in the Legislature — besides being chosen one of the electors of General Jackson. Having come from fighting stock and a rather religious family, John Ketcham showed a character far above the average man, in his courage and charitable deeds; and to him, great credit is due for the prosperous and habitable condition of our county, and in a large part, the State of Indiana. In the late years of his honorable life, John Ketcham, in his own char- acteristic language, wrote a detailed account of his early life as an Indian fighter and scout, along with a de- scriptive account of the Indian trou- bles of 1812-1813. A copy of which has been preserved by D. W. Ketcham, a descendant of Colonel Ketcham, which we are able to quote as follows: Settled In 1811. "I propose to give a short history of our Indian troubles of 1812-13," reads Mr. Ketcham's manuscript, "in that part of the Indiana Territory commonly called the 'Forks,' situated between Muscackituck and the Drift- WE USED TO DISCUSS ALL IMPORTANT TOPICS OF THE NATION AND THE EARTH AT OUR OLD TOWN PUMP ^^ i •«-i*;-; ■#^ <--':^^^'^- Ml r^ t;^ ^ ^'^Kk'^ iP^m^-^Brr'rrim,jt* ■^*^ r^ er- \ HS. «. 'li^lf ^BSf ■^'-mmm^m^ M ' *^ - X BpF^*?'. ..-JL-^- m ^^ ^mmm ' mSto^ I^HH r^v laaii ssdl^^^l J^: "TJg '^m ^m WF' jrau| '^i^^&^^^m^i ■■* I !^^at msm^^^^^M '^mm^!'- ^w» In the old days, when the most important gathering place for political ai'guments, gossip, and chat was the old town pump, situated at the northwest corner of the public square, in Bloomington, there was not the ever-present smell of gasoline to inhale. Instead of driving old "Dobbin" to the pump for a drink, we now "crank up the Lizzy." This picture wav, taken some time in the early nineties, and shows the old pump, looking southeast, toward the Court House, at "Campbell's Corner" — Old hitchrack and court house dimly seen in the background. Trees, "as used to be" all around the square. Remember those tall derby hats worn by men in this picture? Probably the mayor and town marshal. The absence of auto- mobiles in this scene is noticeable. wood fork of White river, called by the Indians 'Hangonahakqua Sepoc' "In April, 1811, we settled on Sec- tion 14, Township 5 N., Range 4 East. Said section was made fractional by the Indian Boundary line cutting off the northwest corner. "The Indians were numerous and friendly in that part of the Territory until after the Tippecanoe battle, which took place November 7, 1811. Indians Murder Hinton. "The Delaware tribe expressed dis- approbation of the battle, and many of the Indians left our part of the Territory then, but not all. We en- joyed peace, but not without fear, until AprU 7, 1812. "About two and a half miles above our location there lived three fami- lies together — Hinton, Cox and Red- dick. Their horses grazed in what was called the Cherry Bottom, five or six miles above. "Hinton started in the morning to get a horse for some purpose, but not returning that day, his friends went in search of him, and ascertained that their horses were stolen, and that Hinton was either murdered or taken prisoner. "The circumstances being made known to our neighborhood, we all went in search of the missing man. When we arrived at the Cherry Bot- tom, two men were sent to examine the river shore, the balance were di- vided so as to sweep the bottom at one trip through. "He was found shot through the head, stripped and thrown into the river. We laid him on a blanket, tied the corners over a pole and started home. Night overtaking us, we cut forks and raised the corpse out of the reach of v/olves. A proposition was then made to John Ketcham and Noah Wright that if Ketcham would write a letter, and Wright take it to the Gov- ernor, then at Charleston, they would be exempt from helping to bring in and bury the dead — agreed to. Three Indians Call. "Next morning (Sunday) about 10 o'clock, myself and fatally were shut up in the house. I was Ij'ing on a pallet before the fire, when sudden- ly, without speaking, three Indians, each having a gun, pushed open the door and came in. "I requested them to take seats. They placed their guns in the corner of the house and took seats. I took occasion to examine their guns, found them primed and loaded. It was not common when the Indians called on Whites to have their guns with them. Sometimes they had one, but that not loaded. "They could speak pretty good Eng- lish. I asked them, 'What news?' They answered, 'None!' I told them of the murder of Hinton and the horses stolen. They then observed that three 10 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall days past, seven Winnebago Indians had passed their camp, going toward Chei'ry Bottom. "I then let them know that we had sent a man to tell the Governor what was done, and in a little time he would send men to hunt up the bad Indians, etc. I asked him if they would go with me to the burying — they con- sented. "My wife objected to my going with them, and wept. The oldest sympa- thized with her, and shed tears, too. We started, I leading the way. We proceeded near a mile — they stopped, said 'we no go, make white man heap mad.' So we returned, but found no- body at the house. "My wife and children had secreted themselves in the bushes, supposing that they would kill me and return and kill them, and plunder the house. The conduct of the three Indians was very suspicious. "They had brought skins to trade with me, but left them hid some dis- tance from the house, saying nothing about them until after our return. Indians Flee. "Just as we returned, McColough, who had a squaw wife, and another white man, happened to come there. McColough told them if they didn't leave immediately, 'every devil of them should be killed.' They returned to their camp, and left in great haste, leaving some of their valuables. They were the last camp of Indians that left our frontier that season. "In about ten days after, the Indian Agent, residing at the Delaware town, sent two Indians, Salt Peter and Peter Vanvactor, with a letter and a white flag, stating that it was not the Dela- wares who had done the mischief, but the Kickapoos, who had passed through their town with the stolen horses. "The two messengers remained with the whites many weeks. Peter Van- vactor (one of the Indian messengers) hired to work and never returned — was murdered in Kentucky by some unprincipled white man, because he was an Indian. "A man was killed near Widow Solida's, a few miles from Muscacka- tuck — his name not now recollected. Another man was killed on White river at McCowen's Ferry. "At the commencement of our In- dian troubles, there were upwards of seventy families living in the Forks, but in a few weeks after Hinton's murder, upwards of fifty families left the country, and some for safety crossed the Ohio river. "The balance, fifteen or eighteen families, determined not to leave, and built block-houses, or forts. Lived in Forts. "John Sage and others built a fort at his place, but the principal fort was at Valonia; Huff's Fort, higher up, and Ketcham's Fort, still above, and outside. "We all lived in forts, and went in companies to work our little improve- ments — some stood sentinel, while others worked — and thus, we got along for a while. "The good people of Harrison and Clark counties, considering the small number left in the Forks, and they shut up in forts, could not hold out long. The most good they seemed to do was to be a kind of Indian bait, for the safety of the interior coun- ties, who probably taking that view of the subject, reinforced us, by send- ing company after company to help us maintain our stand. "The Indians began to understand by our preparations, that we would sooner fight a little than quit our location, although very few that re- mained during the war were owners of land, many having settled over the boundary line, where the land did ilot come into the market for several years afterward. Kill Twenty-Three Whites. ".A.bout the time that Ft. Harrison and Ft. Wayne were beseiged by the Indians, namely on September 4,"l812, a marauding party of Indians who passed north of our parts, fell on the unsuspecting neighborhood of Pigeon Roost, killing twenty-three men, wo- men and children — mostly women and children. "After robbing the houses, they set fire to them, and stole horses to carry off their booty. "About the same time, Major Du- vall, of Salem, with a small company of men, made a scout up White River, and it so happened that while they were passing over some fallen timber on Sand Creek, that they came in contact with the Indians on their re- turn from the Pigeon Roost. "Those of the Indians who had horses, thi-ew off their large packs and made good their retreat. Two others who had no horses, fled in an- other direction, pursued by the white men. John Zink Shot. "John Zink, one of the party, being young and athletic, outran his com- rades, and when the Indians discov- ered that he was separated { they de- vised a plan to shoot Zink. In crossing a ravine, one Indian secreted himself while the other showed himself in plain view, within shooting distance. "Zink stopped to shoot, but the se- creted Indian fired first, giving him a mortal wound. Zink lay in his gore that rainy night — and was found by his companions next morning, still alive. He was brought to Ketcham's fort, where he was washed and com- fortably clothed, and Dr. Lamb, of Salem was sent for. "The doctor arrived, drew a silk handkerchief through the wound, and started home. Zink died before they reached Valonia. "The three large packs were opened, and found to consist of men's and women's and children's clothing. We knew then that some settlement had been destroyed, but at the time knew not what one. Absalom Buskirk Killed. "About the last of September, 1812, Absalom Buskirk and his brother-in- law took a two-horse team to his field to get some corn and pumpkins. The Indians killed Buskirk, and stole his two fine horses. "The corpse was brought to Ket- cham's fort the same evening, and on the next morning John Johnston, Ro- bert Sturgeon and others came and hauled the corpse to Huff's fort for interment. "After which. Sturgeon started home, and was killed at the 'Half- mile Branch," near Valonia. Although there were at Valonia a number of militia men stationed, they were un- willing to ri.'^k their own scalps, and refused to go for the dead. After ' night,, the citizens, namely, Craig Rogers, Beems, etc., went with their dogs, and brought back the corpse to the fort. Incidents at Ketcham's Fort. ".\fter the murder of Buskirk and Sturgeon, no other persons were killed during the fall and winter followinp., but many alarms were given. I will insert a few cases: "One night, Daniel Stout, who now lives in Bloomington (1865), and others were at Ketcham's fort. After their sentinels were placed out in dif- ferent directions around the tort, two heard and a chird s'j'v two Indians, and fired at them, and then fled to the foi-t; expecting, next morn'ng, to find a dead Indian, ir a trail of blood — but a hard rain fell that night, and we found no Indian or blood. "At another time, about corn gath- ering, Captain Hiram Boone, with twelve or fifteen men, were at Ket- cham's fort. They tied their horses to stakes driven in the ground in th? yard, not far from the fort. "A large popular stump stood rather between two of the houses, not more than five steps from either. In that stump holes were bored and hooks driven in, and four or five horses fastened to them. "The night was clear, the moon did not rise until after night. While it was yet dark the Indians opened the yard fence into the corn field, and let down one bar on another square of the yard fence. The bars were within twelve or fifteen steps of the big stump. Steal Capt. Boone's Horse. "An Indian slipped through the bars, and got to the horses undis- covered, but while loosening his choice horse — a fine gelding — one of the guards fired on him, but he clung to the horse. Another guard fired on him, but he led the horse off through the gap. into the corn field. "By this time. Captain Boone and five or six of his men pursued the In- dian having the horse. While the chase was going on, Ketcham was standing in the yard giving some di- rections, when an Indian secreted near the bars, not more than twenty steps distance, fired at him. Boone halted and asked who had shot? I replied, an Indian. "One of his men said: 'Captain, let us tree!' He replied: 'We don't know on which side of the tree to get, we will return to the fort' "The party was composed of about sixteen Indians. We counted their trail next morning, through a newly- cut buckwheat patch, and at that time discovered what their policy had been. On each side of the gap opening into the corn field there had been placed a strong guard; also, on each side of the bars — if an Indian had been close- ly pursued in either direction, the Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 11 guard would have shot down his pur- suers. People Became Hardened. "Although it was believed that the Indians were continually prowling around some of our forts, the people got so hardened to danger that they seemed not to dread their enemy. "One night, Mr. Hutchersoii and family, together with some of the militia men, concluded to stay at his house, a short distance from Huff's fort. They felt safe, and happy; and, having a fiddle, concluded to have a dance and enjoy themselves first-rate. But, in the morning, when they awoke, they found that their horses were all gone. J "While they were dancing, the In- dians were catching their horses. Pur- suit was made, and after following their trail a few miles they met David Sturgeon's old, ugly horse, coming back with a leather tug tied so tightly around its throat that it could scarce- ly draw its breath. "The Indians did this, probably, to show their contempt for the white man's ugly old horse. No more horses were recovered, however. Tells of Gen. Tipton. "Long after that time, the Indians stole two horses from Flinn's settle- ment. They were pursued by General Tipton, David and James Rogers, and others, who followed them for several days, when it was found they were close upon the Indians, the water be- ing fresh in the tracks. "Tipton's plan was to follow them slowly and cautiously until night, then have fine sport tomahawking them. But his spies. Major Sparks and Mr. *****, disobeyed orders. "The Indians had haulted over the turn of a hill, dressing the horses' manes and tails. The Major and got within thirty or forty steps Old Monon Station in 1900 of the Indians before they discovered them. "The temptation was too great — they fired — and missed! "When Tipton came up and saw what these men had done, he cried like a child, and was tempted to toma- hawk the Major. Their provisions were exhausted, and they were far from home. Name Bean Blossom Creek. "The rain had swelled the creeks until they were past fording; those who could swim had to do so. "They came to a large creek in the north end of Monroe county. A man by the name of Bean Blossom, in attempting to swim the creek, came very near drowning, and Tipton narned the creek 'Bean Blossom,' af- ter his name — and so it is called to this day. "At another time. General Tipton and Captain Bean, with perhaps twenty men, made a scout to the West Fork of White river. Before they got to the river, they crossed a beauti- ful stream that empties into Bean Blossom, near its mouth. Huffman Boy' Stolen. "A man by the name of Jack Storm, and another named John Ketcham, in crossing the stream, got both of their horses mired and stuck fast in the mud. "They then named the creek 'Jack's Defeat,' and so it is called today. "No disturbance was made in the winter of 1812. Perhaps the Indians thought they might be tracked in the snow. In March, 1813, they com- menced again, fiecer than ever. They made another descent on the Pigeon Roost country, killing old Mr. Huff- man, wounding his wife and daughter, and taking his grandson, a small boy, son of Benjamin Huffman, prisoner. "On their return, they divided their company. One pai-ty stole Reed's horses, and the other party went eight or ten miles from Reed's and stole Kimberlin's horses; and, the same night, made good their retreat. "After the war was over, Benjamin Huffman went north, perhaps to De- troit, in search of his lost son. He heard that his son had been sold to a Frenchman, living in Canada. "Huffman was poor; his means ex- hausted, he returned home discour- aged, despairing ever seeing his child again. Jonathan Jennings Helps. "Our kind and benevolent Repre- sentative in Congress, Jonathan Jen- nings, got an appropriation made to enable Huffman to seek further aft- er his little son. He hired a man to go with him. "They went down the St. Lawrence, into Canada, and found Huffman's son. The child was so young when stolen, and had been gone so long, that he had forgotten his father's name. He recollected that he was called Ben, but had forgotten the bal- ance of the name. "In the spring of 1813, the Potto- wotamies made a descent on Flinn' settlement — now Leesville, killed Mr. Guthrie and took Martin Flinn pris- oner. "He remained a prisoner with them until the fall of 1814. At that time a young warrior crossed the Tippe- canoe river in a splendid canoe, on a courting expedition. Took Lover's Canoe. "While the Indian lover was enjoy- ing himself with, his beloved one, Flinn gathered his axe, which they had stolen when they captured him, and a few ears of corn, and quietly stepped into the lover's canoe, not asking any questions 'for conscience 12 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall sake;' and, with his beautiful paddle, rowed himself down stream all night. "He secreted himself in the day time, and in this way spent several days and nights before he landed at Ft. Harrison. When he landed, he was unable to get out of the canoe. He was helped out, and cared for, and in a few days considered himself able to travel home. "The Rangers then at the fort, and others, made up a pony purse, and bought him a horse to ride home on. In a few days he was able to ride, and carried his lost axe home. "Oh! Then — the happy meeting of friends and relations. Waylaid and Fired On. "About the middle of March, 1813, John Ketcham and George Doom, a militia man from Harrison county, then on duty, went on an errand to Joshua Lindsey's — Lindsey having, during the winter of 1812 removed from Ketcham 's fort to his farm, some miles above. "On their return home, they were waylaid and fired on by the Indians — Doom was killed, and Ketcham badly wounded. When he reached the fort, a messenger was sent to Valonia for reinforcements. About twenty men, under command of Lieutenant , proceeded to where Doom's corpse lay; after carrying it to Lindsey's, William Reddick, John Samuel and Frederick Funk were detailed to bury the dead, and remained at Lindsey's until next mornig. "The scout proceeded up the coun- try for miles without making any discovery of Indian signs, and return- ' ed home. The fatigue party, having completed the burial, the sun yet an hour high, concluded that the Indians were all gone, and that they would return to the fort. "They had proceeded about 300 yards when the Indians, laying in ambush near their path, fired on them and wounded Reddick and Samuel, then retreated. At Tipton's Island. "Shortly after this, General Tip- ton, Richard Beem, William Dyer and a number of militia men from Har- rison county went on a scout up White river; some distance above Ketcham's fort, struck a fresh Indian trail. They eagerly and cautiously pursued the same, until they ascertained that the Indians had crossed over on drift tim- ber into an island. "Tipton stood ready with his gun presented, while Beem and others were crossing on the drift logs. An Indian, who was secreted, raised his gun to shoot Beem; but, Tipton touch- ed trigger first. The Indian threw down his gun — it cocked — and re- treated, badly wounded. He was supposed to be their leader. Tipton and all his men crossed over to the island, except Dyer, who had charge of Tipton's horse. "Several shots were exchanged be- tween the parties. The whites got one scalp, and tracked several of the enemy by the blood, to the water, where they attempted to swim. Dyer being below the island, had a fair view of the river. Government Rangers Organized. "He saw a number bulge into the water with their blankets on. All sunk before they reached the opposite shore. It is believed that the whole party perished. This good licking caused the Redskins to treat us with more politeness. "In the spring of 1813, the General Government authorized the raising ot four companies of Mounted Rangers, to protect the Territorial frontier. "Captain Shoultz, of Lawrenceburg (I believe), raised a company; Cap- tain Williamson Dunn, of Madison, a company; Captain James Bigger, of Charlestown, a company, and Captain Andrew, of Vineennes, a company. "Captain Bigger's company was principally made up of citizens of Clark county, ten or twelve of whom had been shut up in forts and block- houses in the Forks, for more than a year, making nothing. They concluded to join the company, and make a busi- ness of hunting Indians and guarding their own frontier; as, in doing so, they would get some pay for their services — otherwise, they would not. The pay of a Ranger was a dollar a day, each man 'finding himself — that is, each man furnishing his own horse, arms, ammunition and provisions— every man his own commissary. Became Much Attached. "The soldiers became much attached to each otlier during their services, and the kindest feeling toward each other seemed to have existed between them all, except David Barnes and Samuel Ridge, who often fought each other. "They were too full of spirits — very spirited men, some times. Others again did wrong, because they had not spirit enough.' Ensign Owen and Richard Lewis marred the good feel- ings of their comrades by desertion, oh the Peoria campaign. It was said by Daniel Williams and others, as an apology for them that they had caught the Kickadoo fever. "After General Tipton had handled our Red brethern so i-oughly on Tip- ton's Island (so-called), they were more cautious and sly toward us. No Indiana University Library, as it appears in 1922, looking north from Kirkwood Observatory. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 13 more of our neighbors were killed by them, but occasionally they would ride off a horse that was not their own. "After the four companies of Rang- ers were organized, it was thought best to carry the war into Egypt. Ar- rangements were made for a cam- paign against the Indians, composed of Rangers and a few volunteer Mili- tia. "Captains Dunn and Bigger, with part of their companies, and some of Captain Payton's men (of Kentucky), together with General Bartholomew and volunteer Militia, was assigned to that duty. Campaign Against Indians. "They rendezvoused at Valonia about the middle of June, then pro- ceeded under the command of General Bartholomew to the upper towns on the West Fork of White river. The tovjrns had mostly been destroyed be- fore we got there, probably by a com- pany from the White Water settle- ment. "We then went down the river to towns not interrupted, and come to Strawtown late in the evening, and discovered fresh Indian signs. Early next morning. General Bartholomew, Captain Dunn and Ca'itain Shields and about twenty Rangers, went in pur- suit of the Indians. "When we had proceeded about three-fourths of a mile we discovered three horses; we surrounded ana se- cured them — two were hobbled. Fol- lowing their back track, we came to their camp. General Bartholomew di- rected three mounted Rangers, name- ly, Severe Lewis, David Hays, and (that is John Ketcham) to keep in the rear, but at the fire of the first gun to dash fonvard. "Captain Dunn went on the right under cover of the river bank. Cap- tain Shields on the left, and General Bartholomew brought up the center division. The directions were to sur- round their camp and take them prisoners. Ketcham Shot Indian. "The Indians had a large brass kettle hanging over a fire, with three deer heads boiling, and were sitting near the fire. Captain Shields slipped carefully through the bushes, and when oposite the camp, at 100 yards distance, the Indians discovered us, jumped to their guns and fled. "Shields fired his gun to notify the horsemen. One of Bigger's men (to wit, John Ketcham) immediately started in pursuit, ran two or three hundred yards, when he got into the path the Indians had run on. He was within thirty steps of his game, and shot down an Indian. "The other horsemen soon made up, but the other Indians were just out of sight. They were directed by Ketcham to where the Indian was last seen. Hays got separted from the other two horsemen, and unfor- tunately, met with the secreted In- dian', who gave him a mortal wound. "The horses and kettle were sold to the highest bidder, on a credit, and the notes were given to Hays. His wounds were dressed by David Max- well. He was carried on a litter to the mouth of Flat Rock, now Columbus, where we made two canoes and sent him and the guard by water to Val- onia, where his wife and family were. He died in two or thre° days, after they had reached the fort." (This is the end of Mr. Ketcham's narrative of the Indian difficulties.) Old Muster Roll Saved. Colonel John Ketcham preserved the old muster roll of the company of Rangers he was a part of, which fol- lows: MUSTER ROLL. Of a Company of U. S. Mounted Rangers, Commanded by Captain James Bigger. Commissioned Officers. Captain, James Bigger; First Lieu- tenant, John Carr; Second Lieutenant, James Curry; Third Lieutenant, Wil- liam Meredith; Ensign, Jack Owen.^. Non-Commissioned Otticers. First Sergeant, John Ketcham; Se- cond Sergeant, Josiah Williams; Third Sergeant, William E. L. Collins; Fourth Sergeant, Johnathan Watkins; Fifth Sergeant, John Herrod. First Corporal, Basil Bowers; second, Wil- liam Patrick; third, Samuel Herrod; fourth, Robert Wardle; fifth, Andrew B. Holland; sixth, Jonathan Gibbons. Privates — Moses Allen, James Al- lison, Martin Adams, George Arm- strong, Luther Beadle, Thomas Ber- net, John Baldwin, John Blair, John Bartholomew, David Barnes, George Bratton, Michael Beam, John Cosner, John Owen, James Cowen, Isiah Coop- er, James Collins, John Cloak, John Clai-k, Isaac Clark, John R. Clark, John Craig, Stephen Dunlap, Moses Dunlap, John Dunlap, Robert Evans, John Evans, William N. Griffith, Wil- liam Gainer, John Gibson, John Gib- son (two men, same name), James Hay, John D. Hay, William Hiler, Aaron Holeman, Philip Hart, Isaac D. Huffman, James Herrod, Benja- min Noble, Lewis Hankins, Esram Hutchins, Robert Jones, Jonathan Johnston, Lewis Ketcham, Abraham Kelly, William Kelly, Thomas F. Kelly, James S. Kelly, Davis Kelly, William Lindsey, Richard Lewis, John May, John McNaught, John McNight, Harvey Owen, George W. Owen, Jer- emiah Pierceall, Adam Peck, Henry Pearcy, Andrew Ferry, Charles F. Ross, George Ross, James Ro.;s, John Reed, Thomas Ryan, James Ilogers, Isaac Rogers, Lewis Rogers, Samuel Ridge, Thomas Rose, Stephen Ship- man, William Stewart, Robert Swany, John Sage, George Ulmer, Reece Wil- liams, Daniel Williams, Thomas Weathers, Martin Wilson, James Wil- son, Robert Pearcy, Hugh Ross. New Recruits — Lewis Cutting, John Flint, Samuel Haslett, Jen- kins, Levi Nugent, James Mooney, John Milton, Joseph Rawlins, David Studebaker, John Storm, John Sands, James Sands, Elam Whitley. Captain Dunn's Muster Roll. Captain Williamson Dunn's Com- pany of U. S. Rangers. Commissioned Officers — Captain Williamson Dunn; Lieutenants, Henry Briton, Henry Ristine, David Hillis; Ensign, Green B. Field. Non-Commissioned Officers — Ser- geants, John Thorn, John Danolds, Josuhua Wilkinson, Ebenezer Hillis, John Griffin; Corporals, Joshua De- puty, Joseph Strickland, Peter Ryker, Andrew J. Storms, Matthew Cowley, Willis Law. Privates — Alexander Anderson, John Adkinon, Robert Anderson, James Anderson, John Barnes, Wil- liam Blankenship, Maurice Baker, Isa- iah Blnkenship, David Bigger, Henry Banta, John Bandy, Isaac Bergin, Na- than Chalfant, George Craig, Wiatt Coleman, John Colbert, Benjamin Combs, Isaac Crawford, Elijah Col- lier, Nathaniel Dunn, John Dunn, An- drew Davidson, William Dickey, John Davis, Hanniabal Dougherty, Thomas Davis, Charles Easton, William Far- ley, Samuel T. Cray, Henry Giles, George Gunn, John Guthrie, William Gilniore, William Hamblen, Absolom Hankins, William Johnston, William Irwin, Thomas Jones, James Johnston, jr.; Samuel Long, Severe Levris, James Lewis, Jacob Lewis, John Lee, Peter Metz, David H. Maxwell, James Monroe, James McCarthey, James McCollough, John Maxwell, James Indiana Lmnersiiy Looking South from Dunn Meadow. 14 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall^ McKay, William McKay, Robert Mc- Kay 3rd, Robert McKay 4th, Thomas McConnell, John H. Newland, Brackett Owen, Moses Overton, David Patton, John Peters, John Purcell, John Ris- tine, William Russell, John Ramsey, Peter H. Roberts, William Renis, Her- ardus Ryker, John G. Ryker, John Ryker, Jacob Smock, William Sage, John Smith, James Stevens, Samuel Snodgrass, David Stucker, John Shank, Richie Smith, Isaac Short, Henry Salyers, Peter Storm, William D. Stuart, Jacob Tiumbo, James Ven- tioneer, Abraham Varvell, William Wright, Thomas Wise, Daniel Whitak- er, Thomas Wendsaw. LIFE OF COL. KETCHAM REFLECTS GREAT HONOR —PIONEER DIED IN 1865. Monroe County Man Born in 1782— Joined Mounted Rangers in 1813— Ap- pointed Judge by Governor Harrison— Came to Community in 1818— Built Old Court House— Parentage Rivalled. We are carried back to the days be- fore the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, in tracing the lives of some of Monroe county and Bloomington's early settlers. Most significant among whom was Colonel John Ketcham. In the winter of 1865, when the terrible civil war was still raging throughout our land, the inhabitants of Monroe county, Indiana, were call- ed, most unexpectedly, to pay their last tribute of respect to this old and honored patriot, who a half-century before had participated in the sti-ug- gles and strifes of his people, and who was familiar with all the hardship that pioneer life had held. Late in life. Colonel Ketcham wrote an account in very brief and charac- teristic style of his own public life, which we are fortunate in being able to publish herewith. This data has been preserved as follows: Public Record of Honor. "In June, 1813, I enlisted in the United States service, a Mounted Ranger. In my first month's service I killed and scalped an Indian — was very proud of it— got leave to go to Kentucky to show my Daddy and Mama — I guess they thought I had done about right. "I continued in the service two whole years — saw some hard times — was eighty-eight days from my fam- ily on one campaign, and lived sev- enteen days on seven day's rations. "The war now being ended, Govern- or Harrison, hearing that I was a fellow of pluck and had killed an In- dian, sent me a commissian as asso- ciate judge. I never had much to do on the bench, but was 'Judge Ketcham.' Came to Monroe in 1818. "In April, 1818, I moved to Mon- roe county, and built a mill. While mill-building we ground our meal on a hand-mill, there being no other but hand-mills in the country. "After Bloomington was located, I was solicited to build the court house (the old court house which made! place in recent years for the present handsome structure), which I ditT thirty or forty years ago. It still stands firm. "Because I had built a good court house, and had a sword and .several pistols, the people thought I ought to be colonel. I was so elected, and served until I was forty-five years old. But my honors did not stop here. "The people knew I had killed an Indian, and had decided three law suits in about forty minutes — they said I must go to the Legislature. I agreed to it. "My popularitj- not high enough yet — my old friend. Dr. Foster, God bless him, who had done some sei-vice in the defense of his country, knew I had been wounded by the Indians, and killed and scalped an Indian, went to the Democratic convention at In- dianapolis, and told them what Ketcham had done, and said he must be appointed one of General Jackson's Electors. It was agreed to, and here I am yet, one of General Jackson's Electors." Lived Long Life. At the ripe age of 83- years, on February 7, 186.5, John Ketcham, who was born on September 10, 1782, in Washington county, Maryland, arose from his favorite seat with his usual elestic step, and passed out of his house, never more to return alive. His lifeless body was found a short time afterward by his widow and the wife of his son. The body was car- ried into the house, only to be mourned for by a large number of relatives and the whole community — for Colonel Ketcham had made a friend of every person he knew as a neighbor or fellow citizen. At the large funeral which occurred on Februai-y 9, two days following Colonel Ketcham's death, a long and eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev. T. M. Honkins, extracts of which we are now able to quote as follows: "We stand today on that line which separates the most of us from that generation of hardy and noble men which first inhabited this land. A few of them still remain, and we can clasp their hands and look into their eyes; but so few as to lead us to ask, 'The Fathers, where are they?' "Bom of revolutionary parents, drinking in the spirit of the fathers, he was launched on ti.' tccan of life to act well his part, and to leave a noble inheritance to his children, and children's children after him. Married Elizabeth Pearcy. "In 1802, he married Elizabeth Pearcy, who survived him to mourn his sudden departure. To them were given t\\elve children — six being born in the state of Kentucky, and six in the Territory and State of Indiana — to them w'ere also given forty-six grandchildren and fifteen great- grandchildren — making a family of seventv-five persons. "In the eventful year 1811, Mr. Ketcham moved with his family to Jackson County, Indiana Territory. That being the year in which the General Government instituted meas- ures for expelling the savages from the Territory, they ha\'ing< become dangerous to the whites. "Finding it impossible to maintain his family in safety, he returned to Kentucky. But. not being contented to remain there long, he returned to Jackson county, to participate in the difficult task of removing or sub- duing the hostile Indians who ob- structed the progress of civilization. Was Indian Scout. "Shortly after his return to Jack- son county, he and one of his neigh- bors were pursued by some savages — his companion was shot and in- stantly killed, while he barely escaped by means of the swiftness of his horse, after having received a severe wound in the shoulder. "After recovering from his wound, he enlisted for two years in the Ranger service, under command of Governor Harrison, and established a reputation as a successful scout, for which he was subsequently honored with the Colonelcy of a regiment of State Militia. "After the settlement of Indian difficulties, and the introduction of the Territory of Indiana into the Fed- eral Union "as a state, Mr. Ketcham, in the spring of 1818, removed with his family to the then County of Or- ange, in which the present County of Monroe was embraced; settling in the region occupied by the town of El- lettsville. In the" fall of that year, he removed to the place where he re- sided when death overtook his earth- ly efforts, and where his body is to be laid. Was Liberal and Prosperous. "Coming to the county when it was sparsely inhabited, and when the peo- ple were frequently reduced to grave straits, he had repeated opportuni- ties for ■ manifesting that noble gen- erosity for which he has always been distinguished. "It is the testimony of a gentleman who had for many years assisted him in slaughtering his hogs, that not a year passed in which he did not set apart a liberal portion of the pork for some of his neighbors. "He was exceedingly kind to the early settlers who wished to enter and, especially In lending them money. On one occasion a total stranger came to Mr. Ketcham, and desired to borrow money to secure some land. The man was young and seemed quite embarrassed. Mr. Ket- cham listened to his story, and with- out answering the man's plea, showed Historic -Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 15 him to bed. But, after spending a sleepless night, the young man was relieved of his worries the next morn- ing, when his host gave him the money he had asked for. That man became an extensive land owner in Moni'oe county, and he said recently; '1 owe all I am worth to John Ketcham.' Had Corn For Poor Onl" "During a season of great scarcity of corn, two farmers, only, had corn — Mr. Ketcham was one of them When a man came to him with money to buy corn, he sent him to the neigh- bor who sold. But, when a man came without money, Mr. Ketcham gave him corn and sent him away rejoicing. "Living on a public highway, at an early period, when hotels and inns were scarce, and when there were no railroads, and much ti'aveling on horseback and in wagons, it was his uniform habit never to refuse accom- modations to travelers, and never to receive any remuneration for his trouble. All this was done without parade or ostentation. "As a husband, he was affection- ate; as a father, indulgent and kind; as a neighbor, generous; and as a citi- zen, loyal and true. Having in addi- tion to these qualities a sound judg- ment and a clear understanding, it is to be supposed that he would be honored with positions of responsi- bility. For a number of years he was Associate Judge in this county, and was the people's choice as Represen- tative during two or three terms of the legislature. An Honorable Character. "Do you ask, whence this nobility of soul, and these desirable traits of character ? "Say not they are the endowments of nature. Had it not been for more than nature bestows, Mr. Ketcham might have died a miser. "Go back to the State of Maryland, and to that pious mother, who was a member of the Methodist church. Or go back to that pious school teacher in Kentucky, who opened his school with prayer, and whose prayers so impressed young Ketcham's mind as to lead him to seek a quiet retreat, where he poured out his soul to God, and where he supposed he experienced a change of heart, and you have the secret of his whole life." "For then he became influenced by a religion which is 'Pure and unde- filed before God, and the Father, which is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.' " Much has been said concerning the bravery and honorable character of Monroe County's pioneer. Colonel John Ketcham, and not enough can be said in the narrow confines of these columns. But, when we go back to the historic parentage of this re- spected Indian fighter, we may see readily, where the foundation for this wonderful character was laid, in the days before the United States be- came a Constitutional Government — the Constitution having been adopted September 17, 1787. The father and mother of Colonel Ketcham were natives of Maryland, who emigrated to the wild west, and fought their battles with Indians in an endeavor to conquer the vast wild- erness, and rear their children accord- ing to what they thought were God";? ways. Fortunately, at this time we are en- abled to give a little sketch from the life of Daniel Ketcham which is of much importance to people of Bloom- ington and Monroe county, as well as the whole State of Indiana. This sketch is taken from a sketch made by the Rev. T. M. Hopkins, who was the officiating minister at the funeral services in Bloomington, of Colonel Ketcham, in 186.5. Father Locates in Kentucky. In 1784, when John Ketcham was only two years of age, his father, Daniel Ketcham, emigrated, with his family, from Washington county, Maryland, in search of a place to start their home, afresh, away out west. They traveled overland, sometimes having to hugh the way through the brush, and then by boat down the rivers, to the Territory of Kentucky. They landed at Louisville in May of that year, finding that city composed of just one house — a "block house." They moved east about forty miles, and settled in a region wliich after- ward constituted Shelby county, Ken- tucky, and purchased land about six miles from Boone's Station. Three men were killed on his farm by Indians, and on' two occassions Ketcham had to seek protection at Boone's Station. Ultimately, in 1792, the father of John Ketcham was cap- tured by some Tawa Indians, who kept him through many months. This exciting episode is too rare to be lo.st, and we give tlie details briefly, as follows : Capture and Escape. He was pursued by the Indians one day, and his horse was shot from un- der him; he ran forty or fifty yards and was overtaken by one of the In- dians with a tomahawk in hand. He immediately surrendered, giving his hand to the captor, who took his overcoat and draned it about his own body and led Ketcham to the com- pany of Indians. The company of eleven Indians and the prisoner took un a line of march for the North. After many hardships the band crossed the Ohio river at Madison, Ind., the prisoner being compelled to carry a pack like a horse as long as his endurance held out. They camned on the Miami river a while and then nroceeded to near what i.s supposed to be the location of Detroit. Ill Treatment by Indian.s. It seems th.at the exposure had cau.sed Daniel Ketcham to have a se- vere attack of rheumatism, which so crinnled him that he could scarcely trudge along with his captors. After hav^g been convinced that their un- fortunate captive was not feignins- sickne.ss, the Indians were disnosed to be a little more merciful, and did not compel him to carry any burdens. Ketcham soon recovered from his attack of rheumatism, but it was greatly to his interest to conceal the fact. Unfortunately, one day, while crossing a creek on a log, he forgot to limp. This being observed by one of the Indians, they burst into a hearty laugh, and from that time they loaded him down to the limit of his strength. When the party reached their des- tination, which proved to be an In- dian village, one of the villagers, an old Indian man, fastened his eyes on the captive, advanced, offering his left hand with a very gracious smile; while with his right fist he gave Ketcham a vicious blow on the side of the head which felled him. When Ketcham recovered, a similar saluta- tion was given him, only more vi- cious. A French trader informed iiim that he was fortunate if his initiation was no worse. On a favorable day the whole com- munity assembled, and Ketcham found himself the center of attrac- tion. He was blackened all over, and given a mirror to look for the last time upon his poor mortal being. He was then securely tied to stakes and preparations made to burn him. Second Pocahontas Comes. Just as the fire brand was being applied, a daughter of the chief in costly attire, appeared bedecked with at least 500 silver broaches, and made a long speech, with rapid fire of ut- terance. At the close of this speech, she ad- vanced to Daniel Ketcham, Pocahon- tas-like, and released him. Two wom- en, Honwonika and Quinmakoons, then took him to the river to wash the black off him and the white blood out of him, that they might adopt him in their family, as a re- spectable Indian. After this ceremony the two Indi- an damsels took Ketcham to their tent and introduced him to his "mama," who in the kindness of her heart offered him her hand, but she was so drunk she tumbled from her seat. He was compelled to carry wood for all the villagers, and only got the skim from their soup as food. Soon he realized that he could not exist long on this fare, so gathering a handful of corn and a small piece of squash, he departed from the vil- lage in the night. The Indians pur- sued hotly after the fugitive when daylight showed his absence. But, with the aid of French settlers, he was enabled to elude the Indians, and after many perils finally reached De- troit, where he hired to a French priest, who' paid him with an old beaver hat, a second-hand scarlet vest and §2 in money. With this liberal (?) financial aid, he succeeded in reaching his native land, Washington county, Maryland, and after resting he managed to finally reach his fam- ily in Kentucky. Strong Faith of Wife. As an instance of strong faith, it mav be recorded that his pious wife, the mother of Colonel John Ketcham, 16 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall never once despaired of her husband's return. When Daniel Ketcham was cap- tured, she insisted that the neighbors should not pursue, lest the Indians might tomahawk her husband, for she believed that God in His providence would bring him back to her. When the neighbors who had de- pended on Ketcham to stack their wheat, began, as harvest drew near, to ask what they would do, she would ever make answ^er, "Never mind, my stacker will be here." And, sure enough, that year, as formerlv, Daniel Ketcham stacked the wheat of his neighbors who had no bams. With such parentage, we can in a way understand how it was that John Ketcham could be possible, as the per- sonification of honor, energy, cour- age and resoluteness for that which he considered right. OLD SALT WORKS AT EARLY DATE BECAME ONE OF LEADING INDUSTRIES OF MONROE COUNTY When Monroe county, and in fact, all of the territory of Indiana was in wilderness, and only the very neces- sary necessities of life were consider- ed luxuries, salt — that common ar- ticle — was considered one of the most important of things to be thought of by the pioneer settlers. If it is remembered that at that time salt was a scarce and costly article in the woods, made so by the great cost of transportation, the value of an excellent salt well will be readily understood. Salt At Door Is Asset. It is not necessary to inform old settlers of the commercial value of good salt works within from one to Summer or Wiultr, Sprmg or Autumn, Nature's Artistic Touch is to be Seen in Views Most Pleasing on Indiana University Campus. fifteen miles of their doors. And Bloomington, along with the sur- rounding community, felt rather well off when it was discovered that salt could be manufactured within the very limits of the county — at their very door. Salt Creek took its designation from the numerous salt springs along its course, which were discovered at a very early day, by the great resort made of them by wild deer, which came to them to drink. These springs became famous in times as "deer-licks" where, as long as the animals were found in abun- dance in Monroe county, they could be killed by the hunters. Some of the salty localities showed such evidence of strength in salt that it was resolved to evaporate the water — and thus began the busi- ness of manufacturing salt in Mon- roe county. Bored Salt Well in 1822. We find that as early as 1822 oi 1 ^2-3, Henry Wampler, Thomas Lit- lal and several others bored a well n Section 12, Township 8 north, Vlange 1 east (now a part of Salt Creek township, Monroe county), and found an abundance of excellent brine. These men erected "shanties", pro- cured several large iron kettles, and began the work of converting the salt water into salt. They received a wide patronage from the start, and soon increased their output by ad- ding more kettles and employing men to help refine the salt. The salt works were conducted for a number of years, and it is said by older settlers, more than 800 bushels of excellent salt was made in one year at this plant. Exact figures cannot be given at this late period, as most of the information has come through word of mouth and part hearsay.- Petition for Road. Travel by settlers to the salt works became so great — even from the start — that the owners and others (shown by old records) petitioned the county board in 1823 to construct a road from Bloomington, the county seat, to the salt works. The road was constructed as petitioned for. In later years other wells were sunk in the township, one being near the iron bridge which now crosses Salt Creek. This early manu- facture of salt was before the settle- ' ment of the township, and in 1825 the township received a separate ex- istence, and was named from the works which made the Salt Creek lo- cality famous in that day, and is now known as Salt Creek township. Although Salt Creek township, in Monroe county, has added considerable to the growth of the county life by its old salt works, the township can boast of no towns in the domain of its boundary lines. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 17 Remarkable Letter Written From Bloomington to Friends in Chard, England, About 1833, by Prof. Pering lAddition to Historical Literature of Indiana and Monroe County Unheard of Until 1909 — Describes With Wonderful Detail Life, Manners and Customs in 1833— Half of Lines Written Over Other Half To Save Space. By stage and by boat to New Yoi'k, and then on the long slow journey across the Atlantic went this remark- able letter to "S. Eilwards, Esquire, Chard, Somerset, England," there to rest among musty papers for seventy- six years before its unexpected re- turn to the country and state, and even to the town from which it had been sent. The original copy is now in the possession of Alfred E. Pering of Bloomington, who has preserved it under glass. Mr. Pering is a grand- son of the author of the letter and feels rather proud of his ancestor's old letter, which gives us a picture of life in early Indiana as complete and as vivid as the most exacting his- torian would desire. The letter by Cornelius Pering, a cultured Englishman, who had just settled at Bloomington, Monroe coun- ty, Indiana, to become the principal of the Young Women's Seminary (In- diana College at that time accepted only men), was sent to an old friend at his former home in Chard, Eng- land, who had asked that he give his observations of the new country. LTnusual Recovery. In 190S, the English government sent John Alexander Gunn, of Chard over to Canada on business, and he took the opportunity to visit a rela- tive. Dr. Gunn, living in Springville. While the Englishman was at the home of Dr. Gunn, he met Mrs. Char- lotte Short, of Springville, and in their conversation she mentioned that her grandfather had come to this country from Chard. (Mrs. Short now lives in Bloomington.) This led to more talk, and Mr. Gunn promised upon his returned to Chard to send some papers that would be of interest to her. Several months later, Mrs. Short received a pack- age containing this valuable letter, written to "S. Edwards" by her grandfather, Prof. Cornelius Pering, and also a letter which her grand- mother had written at the same time to Mrs. Edwards. Several other descendants of Prof. Pering live in Bloomington and Mon- roe countv, besides Mrs. Short and Alfred E." Pering, Mrs. Ella Blewett and Clifton Pering the grandchildren. It has never been learned just how it was that this old letter was pre- served all these years, but we may well guess that the remarkable artis- tic value made the letter a treasure, or keepsake. Wonderful Letter Writer. The letter, which was written on the thick, heavy paper usey can main- tain their familv. They subsist a good deal on Indian corn, of which the Americans are very fond. It costs very little and can be cooked in a variety of way,. The boys are emnloved out of :ioovs and the girls spin and weave the fa^iilv clothing." Cont'nuine her interesting revela- tion of Hoosier domestic affairs three- quarters of a century ago, Mrs. Per- ing wrote: "Our house, though not large, is convenient. A free black woman. whom I hired to wash it before we entered it, said she would not go down on her hands and knees to scrub a room for the richest person in the land. There are about a dozen free colored persons in this town; they have an expeditious mode of getting a chicken ready for cooking. The fowl is just dipped once or twice in water nearly boiling and the feathers come off as easily as possible, which they throw away, the best goose feathers bring but 28 cents per pound. "Tree sugar, which is made in this and neighboring places, is ^M cents, cane sugar 12 14 cents, loaf sugar 16 cents, dried ham and bacon 6^4, cof- fee 20 cents here or 17 at Louisville by the quantity and 1 cent per pound carriage hither. People here, after having ground their coffee for use, mix the white of an egg with it, which refines it nicely. "The flies, which are the same sort as the common house fly in England, are an annoyance in warm weather, and make it necessary to keep every- thing covered. No Regret for Coming. "Should our health be continued to us I shall not regret coming to Ameri- ca.; there is not that anxiety about the future, either for ourselves or our families, as every one who is in- dustrious is sure to do well. People are very neighborly, and in sickness make it a point of duty to render each other all possible assistance. All classes live well. They do not take more than three regular meals. Break- fast at 6, dine at 12 and sup at 6. We have good cabinet makers here who make bedsteads and other furniture tastily. Wood is sold at 75 cents per cord in this place. A cord is a pile of wood eight feet long, four broad and four high. "Miss Pering was married the last day in February. I would give you the particulars of an American wed- ding, having witnessed the ceremony, but my paper will not allow." Surely it must have cost her a struggle to withhold that wedding ac- count, but postage was very expen- sive in that day, and she had filled the sheet of paper. The letter of Mr. Pering, while of unusual length, is so interesting as to merit reprinting it in full. To Al- fred H. Pering and Mrs. Ella Blew- ett of Bloomington we are indebted for their copying the original, a task of many hours, that it might be giv- en to the public in this manner. (These letters were subject for a feature artice published in the Indi- anapolis Star in 1909, just after their return to Bloomington.) Conditions In 1833. BloominEton. August 27, 1833 Monroe County. Indiana. U. S. North America. My dear Sir: You will consider nft ajjolopy requisite that your queries have not been answered at an earlier date, as it was understood, (extren- ous.) that some time must tirst elapse, that after mature deliberation I might be the more comnetent to give you satisfactory re- plies. First impressions are often deceitful and will not bear the test of a rigid examina- tion when there is no longer novelty to recommend them. I am happy however to inform you ot .ny ircreasing satisfaction with this our adopted country. The moro I see and know of its govern- ment, customs, manners and people, the more am I convinced that it will one day be. 'if it is not at present.) the most powerful, the most prosperous, and the most happy com- munity in the World. Some parts of it, it is true, particularly here in the West, look rude and uncivilized to those accustomed to the splendor of European cities : but if we do not see the magnificence, we look in vain for the sights of wretchedness, the squalid miserj' and perhaps destitution which every- where excite the commiserations of the sym- pathetic. This, in the full sense of the word. is a "young country" and those who are ignorant enough to expect that in little more than half a century, it is eciual in improve- ment to European countries, that have been for ages progressing to their present high state of cultivation, will be quickly unde- ceived. The inhabitants however have done more than the most sanguine could expect in that short space of time. Makes Comparison. Could a person have visited England a centui-y ago. and be now set down there, he would perceive little dilference in the face of the country. Most of the inland towns are I'retty much the same: the inhabitants it is true, wear somewhat different dress and the number and in"i\'ations ot the poor have fearfully increased with the Iu.\uries and comforts of the opulent. But in this country, the great and good La Fayette "le 'Citoyende den monaes." the com- panion and friend of Washington, could scarcely credit his senses on revisiting this country about eight or nine years ago. Roads were made: the country was opened, towns and cities had sprung up and the "desert was made to rejoice and blossom as the rose." Sixteen years ago. the spot on which I am now writing was Indian Hunting Ground and almost pathless Wilderness, an illimitable Forest : and now the frontier settlements are four hundred miles west of this place. It is about sixty years ago that Colonel Boone and his daughter were the first white persons on the banks of the Kentucky River. That state, now containing many handsome cities and towns, innumerable fine farms, extensive manufactories and beautiful country seats. The country about Lexington is the finest and most fertile I have seen. The Honorable Henry Clay, the great American statesman, assured me that he saw no land in Europe at all equal to it. He resides at Ashland, a handsome country residence about a mile from that city. Tells of Industry. Canals and railroads are being made in every direction throughout this vast country, thus bringing the most distant parts into intimate relationship with each other. The employment of steam in navigation intro- duced a new era in this country. Formerly flat boats only were employed on the Ohio River, which were propelled by poles with incredible toil : and a journey, from Pitts- burg to New Orleans occupying three or four months, was a fearful undertaking. It is now an excursion of pleasure and the passage is made in sixteen or eighteen days. There are nearly five hundred gigantic steam boats continually g< ing up and down. I have .seen more than thirty at once at Louisville. Ken- tucky. The Ohio River is a noble stream and well deserves the appellation of French, "la belle riviere." The Indian name too O-hi-o is intended to convey pleasure and surjirise at the first sight of so magnificent a stream. Nearly all the rivers in this country continue to be called by their Indian names, which in their language arc signficant — thus, Missouri means muddy and it is a very tur- bulent stream : Mississiiipl, the mother of rivers, and so of the rest. The Ohio at Louisville is a mile wide, and a little below that city are the falls: a canal, about three miles in length enables steam- boats to avoid them. They are not very considerable when the river is at the lowest, not more than twenty feet, and when it is high they altogether disappear and boats run over them. Before I detail anything more of the ap- pearance and prospects of the country I must attend to your questions, lest I should not ha\-c sullicient space for the minuteness they require that you may the more easily and certainly understand the relative value of things. Our Circulative Medium. I will commence with our circulative medium, which are dollars and cents : one hundred of the latter, as the name implies, Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 19 makinp: one of the former. The dollar is worth 4-6 Enprlish, it is nearly as large as your 5 shilling piece, the cent is about as large as the English half-penny but worth rather more. We passed several English half- pence as cents but they would not take a penny for two cents. Four dollars and forty one cents are the worth of the English sov- ereign but the exchange varies. Money is as marketable a commodity as anything else, and at New York we got four dollars and seventy five cents per sovei'eign : sometimes it is more : (our people got .$4.85.) and at others it is difficult to get more than $4.50, that is about the average price the banks will give in the interior. There is a good deal of Spanish money in circulation and we have their silver coins of 50c. or half dollar. .25. I2V2. and 6^4 which is somewhat smaller and thinner than the English 6 pence. Trades people con- tinue to sell their goods at Ihese prices and their combinations per yard, lb., etc., as there are few copjier cents, for change, to be met with in the West ; and if at any time there should be a few cents over or under they are not regarded ; as peop'o say "any one must be poor indeed to mind a few cents." French and Spanish Coin. The French Government are constantly sending out coin on decimal principles to do away with the Spanish money, and we have 5 cent. 10 cent and 20 cent pieces, according to the following tab'e : 10 mills one cent, ten cents one dime, ten dimes one dollar, ten dnl'ars one eagle, which last is a gold coin. In this State we have principally silver and United States Notes, there being as yet no Bank in this State, but it is expected there will be one chartered the next Legislature, as the United States Notes will soon be with- drawn from circulation, in consequence of the President's veto on the bill for rechar- tering the Bank. The directors are allowed five years to wind up their accounts, two of which have already expired. This Bank has allowed nothing for deposits for a long while, but many gentlemen place their money in it for security. The Government funds have been deposited in it until very lately, but it gave no claim on the Government to the holders of sums of money placed in it, being only a private banking concern. It has always been a safe investment of money and has never stopped or discontinued payment. It is a collossal establishment, and like many other great corporate bodies, if pemiitted to exist and increase might exercise an unduly in- Huence in the community, inconsistent with republican institutions. Bank of England Influence. The Bank of England, during Pitt's admin- istration, it is said, was able to control the Government. There are branches in all the principal cities of the United States, and being the most secure, the notes obtained the preference, as they are current every- where at par. whereas the notes of the Banks, in the different States are only taken at a discount out of the States. Much of the stock, when the Bank was founded, was subscribed by foreign capitalists. Baring, Brothels & Co.. hold a considerable share and many others. This may have been neces- sary when there was not sufficient capital in this country to enable the people to place implicit confidence in the Bank without it : but it is now found that there are men of sufficient wealth, and therefore it is become a duty to withold the millions which are annually paid to foreign stockholders, when it would be more profitably employed for the country by the capitalists at home. The late Stephen Girard. (a Frenchman.) who died since I came to this country, came hither poor. At his death he was the most wealthy man in America and perhaps in the World. He has bequeathed 30 millions of dollars for the establishment of a College at Phila- delphia : the Girard College, beside numerous other bequests. Various are the conjectures respecting the profitable consequences of the annihilation of the United States Bank. Many suppose that it will depreciate property and render it com- paratively valueless from the scarcity of money : that it will give rise to numerous petty Banking Establishments, which will enjoy an ephemeral career and then sink into oblivion with the hopes of their sup- porters. Many such existed before the estab- lishment of the National Bank, which were begun in fraud, conducted in villany. and in an evil hour broke and withered the pros- pects of thousands. Money Scarce in Indiana- Money is scarce in this State, at present, but the people are looking forward to their State Bank which is to make it plenty enough. There has been a Bank chartered at Louisville, by the last Kentucky Legisla- ture, where previously existed only a branch of the United States ; it is likely to facilitate commerce and was, it is said, much needed. There are no Government Funds, as in England, as the National Debt is extinguished, and the revenue is to be reduced to the necessary expenses of the Government. These are not great, as the salary of the President is only 25 thousand dollars a year, and other oflicers considerably less ; in fact the whole expenses of the Fedei'al Government scarcely amount to the salary of one great man in Entrland. Money is easily remitted and without any difficulty, thi'ough the Banks, by Checks as in England, and many of the store keepers, in most towns of the West go annually, or of tenor, to Philadelphia. New York and other Eastern cities to buy goods : who will take charge of any sums entrusted to them. Americans Intelligent. The Americans are great travelers, which is one reason they are so much more intelli- gent than the majority in England : they think no more of setting out on a journey of 12 or 14 hundred miles than a person in Chard would of going to London for a few wpoks. Money may be remitted to this country, from England, with efiual facility, through a'most any Bank ; if I wanted a sum from England I should draw on some person, or Bank, there for the amount, take the draught to a Bank here, and as they are unactjualnted with me, and the parties in England, they, most likely, would not credit it until it has been sent to England and accepted. Banks in the interior of the country would send the Draught to some Banking House m the East, with whom they do business, who would send it to England as soon as re- ceived, and when returned, the money is paid. This supposes a single case, and that all par- ties are unknown to each other ; but in case of frequent intercourse the money would be paid when the Draught is presented. If it should not be duly honored by the persons on whom drawn, it is returned with costs. Banks in general transactions are consid- ered as safe as those in England, particularly in the state of New York, where there is a banking fund to prevent failures. Almost all of the New York notes are considered as good as the United States. Of private investments of money. Bonds and Mortgages are the best, interest payable annually, or semi-annually. The rate of lawful interest varies in differ- ent states. New York permits 8 per cent, Ohio 6 per cent, Kentucky 6 per cent, and this state, until the last legislature limited it to 10 per cent, pennitted any sum agreed on between the parties. Money is universally considered an ai-ticte of trade, and evei-y one endeavors to make what profit he can on it. The highest interest any state will pei'mit can be obtained on mortgage, 7 per cent for a continuance is about the average given ; but persons borrowing money, for short spaces of time will give, 10, 12*4 and from that to 25 or higher, but I should not like to lend to those who will offer very high interest as there is generally great risk. I have loaned no money at less than 10 per cent and have had more. How Law Was Avoided. The way the law is avoided, where it exists, is in this manner. Suppose a person wants to borrow J500 for a year, the state allows but 6 per cent, but you have no money to lend at that interest. He will then draw a Bill in this form,— "Twelve months after date, one or either of us. (if a security) promise to pay Mr. ■-— five hundred dollars in silver or gold with lawful interest of 6 per -cent, etc.." — You charge the party, be- sides, say 10 per cent and deduct $50 and if you please the 6 per cent also — $;J0, — pay him $450, or $420, and take his note for S500. send the bill to the Bank, and when due the money is paid. In this way many realize immense sums annually ; but it re- (]uires some time to know the parties you have Lo deal with. My uncle of Paris, Kentucky, (Mr. Pyke.) who is said to be the richest man in the valley of the Mississippi, does a gx'eat deal of business in this way. 1 met him at Lex- ington on going in and he took me with him. in his gig, to Paris which is IS miles from Lexington. He told me afterwards that he made $300 the day he was at Lex- ington : the following day. as we were walk- ing out. a man accosted him in the street and they had a little private conversation ; it was on the same business and by him he made $80. A day or two afterwards he showed me a letter from his Agent at Lexington, enclosing a Bill for $1,650, drawn by some Gentleman between Frankfort and Lexington, for which they were willing to take $1,500. "all," as the Agent expressed it "the right sort of men," He has only to write a cheque on the Bank at Lexington, for the siim and send the BiU to the Bank, and they will col'ect when due. In loaning money on mortgaire it is ns'ial to get the property apprai^^ed. and I'ot to lend to the amount of m^re t^^^n half i^s real value. Should there be a f"i'"*'e f^f the mortgager the money is sa^e • f^e m"rtgagee has the Power of Sale easily affected. Avoid Fraud. To prevent fraud, any one w^^o m"'^"'a""^s his property is obligated to e^ite" it -^f *be Record Office in the county t'-^Ti in w' ^"^ it is situated : and no one neeH he d ■•-pd *^v a second or third mortgan-e. '' ^e will take the pains to consult the Fetrister. A good deal of property in t>-e fitv of Buffalo is mortgaged to a gen*'ot--ari in T-on- don, which I heard pays exreed'^e'y w'V Every species of property is s'-metir-'es mortgaged in this countrv. — ^o^'^ps c^ws, sheep, oxen and even househo'd f>ir"i '•■»•*>, in fact all personal as well as rea' property. Common debts are recnverpd. in d't*!""!! cases, by Magistrates, or by "m"!-'"" p p-m- plaint" to the "Squire of the D'st"i"t." as he is called, who issues a warrant f'^'- the Constable to sell on a summary Tir-cesi T^orc is a humane law, as it is c^n'^'dered. w'^'"h prevents a person from 'osincr a' I, in < -s'^e of distraint. The Constable is obM-^ed to leave the necessaries of 1i''e — one b^d for every two persons compri^^inir t^e fpmi'v. a"d various other things. I need not mention articles of luxury and S'iper''"ity. s-ch as looking-glasses, carpets, etc..^»-p n'-'sy first sold, and if they do nnt yi-^M s-'t^icient to satisfy the demand, then arti^'e-^ of cnm*'ort which can be most easi'y sna^-ed. T was told this by some gent 'er- en in t^e state of New York, I cannot s-^y whether t^e 'aw obtains in all the states, but I believe it does in this. Price of Land. The price of land varies e'e'^'w^erp prnnrd- ing to location and other causes as it does in other countries. In the so it hern stMtes it is from 20 to 100 dollars per acre. The soil of the Eastern states, it is said, was never half so rich as the Western, 'and the farther emigrants have yet penetrated they say the richer it is,) there being se'd'm more than 7 or 8 inches of soil, whi'e here it is dark, black, rich mould to the depth of several feet. The prairies, too, are rich, but the soil is shallow, and when dug a foot and a hali r so. they find a fine bed of sand, '['here is a large prairie about 30 miles ''rom hence, on which no tree or shnab can grow and lorks bare as far as the eye can I'each ; and tliere are several in this and the adjoi.u I think that is. every where, a very good trade. House rent varies much in different towns: $150 is an averaije for a good house in a large place. Pittsburg, Louisvil'e, or Lexington. I am renting a comfortable house here for $40. with large garden, stable and field for cow. The taxes vary much in different states, they are considerably lower here than in Ohio, as that state is in debt yet for its canal. Ohio Stock may be bought which pays 6 per cent. I was recomr-ended to buy Ohio sixes, at New York, but did not. It is a very safe investment for those who would like a certain annual income, as the state is pledged and the interest paid from the taxes and profits of the canal. The state is settling ver>* rapidly : there was much wealth brought into it last year, it is said, by foreign emi- grants amounting to many millions of dollars. The Ohio canal enables any one to travel from New York to New Orleans entirely by water. Land holders here pay a tax of one cent an acre, (a cent and a half for first rate land,) and there is a poll tax of 37^;^ cts. on all persons over 21 years of age : every horse over 3 years old 37^ cts., every yoke of oxen 37^ cts. and the same on watches. Widows Not Taxed. The property of widows is not taxed and my Mother pays but $1.60 per year, for land, instead of the oppressive demands to which she was liable in England. These taxes are the revenue of the state Government ; no state paying any by the duties on imports and sale of public lands. I have received a variety of replies as to the relative advan- tages of purchasing land and living on the rents ; or vesting money on security and living on the interest. A gentleman in Ohio. (Col. Barker.) at whose house we slept one night, and he was an exceedingly intelligent and well informed man, and a practical far- mer ; assured me that there was not much profit in farming unless the owner attended to it personally. Others say it pays very well to hire and give $60 a year for a cropper ; and in the event of good crops and timing the market, no doubt considerable profit may be realized. It is most profitable to raise cattle, sheep, hogs and horses. I have seen droves of some hundreds cattle going East. Wool is now a good price : when carded it is 50 cts. per pound, and carding is usually done at 6^4 cts. per pound, or every 7. th' pound. That is the price here and I believe it is not higher elsewhere. As yet I have preferred loaning money, to purchasing, but it is possible I may purchase land when any thing advantageous offers. Describes Climate. The climate of the United States, from Maine to Florida is, of course, unfortunately varied : the Southern states produce every thing peculiar to tropical climates : snow is seldom seen and ice i s rarely formed on the rivers. In Georgia the inhabitants are able to make a breakfast of figs, which grow be- fore their windows, and even load their table with oranges, lemons and other exquisite fruits that grow in their own gardens and groves. In the North the winters are long and severe. In this state we have not found it much unlike England : the last winter was milder than the generality of English win- ters and the summer, with the exception of a few days, has not been much warmer and many have said they have never known it so warm as it has been this season. We have had a great deal of f.ne, c'ear weather, without that humid moisture and fog so peculiar to the English atmosphere. It is irenerally favorable to European '_-onstitu:ions and we hear of fi-equent instances of iemi.rk- able longevity. It is said to be "unhealthy farther Wei^t" but that is a remark you may hear, go \»-hoi-e you will. When a country is first sett'ed up, cir o!>ened. it is said to be less fovorable and that the settlers are more subject to f e\er and ague, but it soon becomes sa !u- brious. This place is considered the most healihy in the state ; which was the t ea.^on of the State College being located here. I have made you a little drawing 01 this edifice an. I a few other scenes which I thought would amuso and interest you. Describes Indiana College. The New College is the centre picture, which is not yet finished in the interior. I'^e building on the left is the one at present occupied. It will remind you more ol Mr. P'ster's factory than the princely halls of Oxford and Cambridtre. but I have no doub*. P. • "-ood scho'ars will be turned out from that ''umble edifice as from the more cele- brated s?ats of learning in England. The President and Professors are men of great talent and wou'd d^ honor to any Un'- versity in the wor'd. The President. (Dr. Wy''e.) is one of the most eminent scho'ar> in the United States : he occupies the cha'r of Moral Phi'os:;p!'yi. There are several younv men who will graduate this session. The students are from various states ; we have some from Loi-isiana, Tennesjee. Vi*-- ginia. Pennsylvania. Kentucky and Illinois, besides those of this srate. They board in the town at from a doilnr and a ciuarter to two d-^IIars per week. The admission fees are only $15 a year, which it is cxrected. wil' be soon altogether dispensed with, as the College is richly endowed by the State. The President's salary is $1000 a year and a third of the tuitioii tees : each of the Pro- fessors $800 and a third of the fees. Refers to Picture. You will observe that the land has been recently cleared, and that the stumps of the trees are not yet entii'ely rotten. Trees are always cut down with the axe a foot or two from the ground and the stumps left to rot. which they do in 8 or 10 years. Some per- sons in clearing merely cut away the low brush-wood, where it exists, and deaden the tree by cutting a circle 'round them, with the axe, 2 or 3 inches deep : in a year or two the trees are quite dead and the first high wind blows them down, when they are rolled into a pile and burnt. "The upper view is in the centre of this town, the middle building is the Court House, where all judicial business is transacted. On the left of it is the jail : on the right the Clerk's office and County Library. The white weather-boarded house on the right forms the angle of the street. A Court House exists in every County Town, and all that I have seen have been built in precisely the same manner. — a square brick building with three windows above and one on each side below : a cupalo and spire as high above the roof as that is from the ground. A parapet brick wall surrounds these buildings. Near the house, which is occupied as a store, is a rack, as it is called, to which i>er- sons coming in from the country, fasten their horses. You will see a log or two lying about the street, which is not unusual in a country town. Sixteen years ago, a gentleman told me, he could scarcely ride through Louisville for logs and mudholes, which was then an inconsiderable place : it has now fine. wide, paved streets ; shops as gay as any in Bristol : splendid hotels, public gardens, hackney coaches and cabs in abundance. On the left of the upper picture is a view on the Hudson, with the Catskill mountains in the distance and on the right bank a country seat, many of which are to be seen, continually peeping through the trees, in sailing from New York to Albany. The view on the right is a scene on the Ohio with its beautiful islands. You will observe that the land rises in ridges, or knobs they are called, and as yet completely covered with wood. There are deep ra\dnes between them and here and there a few cot- tages may be seen and a clearing going en : but as mosquitoes are sometimes troublesome on the banks, settlers prefer the interior of the country. Log House Shown. Below this view and on the right of that of the College, is a siieciraen of the poorest Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 21 Part of old letter, its writer and his descendants — Early scenes recalled- sort of a lop: houye. with mud plastering be- tween the lop:s, with clap-hoard roof and logs laid across to confine them. The cliimney is constructed of split jiieces of wood laid at rijirht angles and daubed inside and out with mud. Opposite the door is a sign, but the space was too small to print "Whiskey, Gin, Brandy and Rum For Sale." This is a Grog Shop, or "Doggery," where a man can get "drunk as a Chloe" for a twopence. It is of course disreputable and where no respectable man would be seen. Such places were neces- sary appendages ,to every village in the country not long ago and persons mi^rht be often seen lying about outside, unable to stand or sit, the objects of pity r.ixl com- passion, exciting the regret and disgust of the more temperate and reflecting part of the community. But Temperance Societies have effected astonishing, (and as happy as surprising.) revolution in public opinion. Thousands of confirmed drunkards bave been reclaimed and thousands have ceased to vend the intoxicating draught. On entering a tavern, however humble, the spirit decanters were always first put before the traveler, (and in this country every one makes for himself.) and all were accustomed to drink, in greater or less pro- portion, now they are never produced unless especially called for and many have alto- gether relinquished the traffic. I cannot detail a hundreth part of the beneficial effects produced by the change in jiubllc sentiment. Almost the first thing that struck me on landing in this country was the jirevalence of this vice amongst the lowest class and the rotlection involuntarily arose in my mind, that to have ardent spirits cheap is a curse to any nation. Shows "Temperance Inn." The view opposite this is a "Temperance Inn" in this place, situated a little way below it. It is too confined to admit the Sign Post, which is on the right of the little Acacia tree. It is a log house w'eather boarded. The view below it is a tidy log building and will give you an idea of three-fourths of the country farm houses in this state. Near it ought to be a small barn, or stable, and smoke house which I could not get in. You will see a smuU specimen of fence, most in use, at the sides and in front near the road. The chimney is of brick and always put up out- side. When the house is built the logs are cut away the size of the fire-place and the chimney constructed. The lower view is a residence of a Mr. Scott near Paris, Ky. It is a one story brick house and introduced principally to acquaint you with the antipathy many Americans have to rooms upstairs ; "it is so fatiguing to go up and down," they say, "and what is the use when there is plenty of space for rooms below." That house contains nearly as splendid a Drawing Room as I have ever seen ; it is tastefully and handsomely fur- nished. The back buildings are occupied by Negro tenants. There is a very marked difference between the manners of the Southern, or Slave-hold- ing states, and the Free states ; they are mox'e aristocratic. Their ancestors were chiefly English emigrants, a large portion of them belonging to the higher classes in Eng- land, who brought with them many of their native habits. These have been transmitted. and in ail the southern states, the planters resemble the English country gentlemen ; liv- ing in like manner on large Estates. Compares North and South. They have their race course, their jiacks of hounds, their deer chase and their fox- hunting with their same liberal and hospi- table habits towards those who become their guests. Depending upon Slaves to perform their labor, they differ from those who Ip.bor for themselves. Possessing large estates and abundant fortunes they differ from those, who living where wealth is much distributed, have each a little, and depend upon their ingenuity and industry to obtain -nore. I do not at all regret not bringing a farmer with me as I at first intended, as I should have found it exceedingly inconvenient, and perhaps made some hasty purchase without due reflection ; and being entirely ignorant of the advantages or inconveniences oi any par- ticular situation. I should not like the responsibility of advis- ing any one who is living in comfort in Eng- land to come to this country : a rood deal of his pleasure or disgust would depend en his habits and tastes, and his capabili'Jes of accommodating himself to circumstances that cannot be foreseen. Favors America. It was remarked by the late lohn Randolph, of Roanoke, Virginia, the late chai-g d'affnirt to the Court of Russia, that 'En;j:land is a Heaven for the Rich and a Hell for the Poor," and there is great truth in the obser- vation, but as far as I am acquainted I should say, that neither of these is the case in this country. Mrs. Trollope has told you that the reverse is true of this country, but she was writing for the support of a husband and eight children and shrewdly guessed what would be most likely to refund the dollars she last in mad speculation. She was a 'vonian of very loose and immoral character and was never admitted into good society at Cincinnati. She described only the manners, customs and speech of the lowest classes and repre- sented them as the best. She has made them speak much worse English than heard at third rate Hotels and confines her descrip- tions to persons who usually are to be found there, we cannot but wonder at any false impressions conveyed in her writinjjs. Awed By Wonders. As we came through we traveled down the Ohio with a Captain Stewart of the British Army, who was going across the country, hoping to see the Columbia River, (and the- Pacific Ocean.) He was exceedingly pleased with all he had seen and assured me he had never before traveled so far with as little inconvenience. He was a perfect gentleman in manners and conversation, and informed me that he. in all his travels: which included ihe greater part of England as well as much of Continental Europe he had visited, in com- pany with the Duke of St. Albans and others: he had never before seen anything that would equally excite the astonishment and awe pro- duced by the Niagara Falls, which he pro- nounced the grandest and most sublime sight in the world, especially when ^een in the moon-light, when, I am told by many English speaking people, they look especially beav.tiful. In my description of houses. I forgot to include frame houses, which are built by carpenters : they are put up in much the same way as private ones in England, only much stronger; the outside is afterwards weather-boarded and the inside plastered and stained or papered : the interior could not be known from brick or stone houses. People Salted Stock. In consequence of the great distance from the Sea. people are obliged to salt their stock as they call it : cows, horses, etc. will follow a person who has a handful of salt and will eat it, when given them as the greatest lux- ury. They require salting 2 or 3 times a week. People are accustomed to assist each other gratuitously, (on invitation.) at corn-husk- ing, log-rolling and house-raising. Newspapers in this country are abundant and cheap : one or more being published in almost every town, and all classes read them. We look generally, with most pleasure and interest at the "Latest from Europe." I shall feel much pleasure in receiving a letter from you, informing me of ail the poli- tical, local and personal news you can spare time to write. Be pleased to present best respects to Mr. Gunn and family and acquaint him with my address. It will gratify me much to hear from him. If the few observations I have been able to crowd together in this sheet, should in any way amuse and interest you I shall be pleased in having had an opportunity of re- turning the kindness of one whom we highly respect, and whose intercourse with us, while at Chard, is often remembered with pleasure and spoken of with satisfaction. Believe me ever yours most sincerely, with kind remembrances to Mrs. Edwards and our Chard acquaintances. C. PERING. P. S. I wrote to Wm. Treasure a few weeks since, hope the letter will be safely received. This place is about 38^/^ north latitude, and 86 west longitude: 50 miles south of Indiana- polis and 80 north of the Ohio river ; nearly 6000 nailes from you. Address On Same Sheet. (Bloomington, Indiana,) (Paid 25 Cents) (September 8.) (1833.) S. Edwards Esq. Chard, Somerset. Great Britain. Europe^ Single Sheet. 22 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall JAMES PARKS, SR., ONE OF FIRST COMMISSIONERS WHO LAID OUT BLOOMINGTON AS COUNTY SEAT— WROTE HISTORY OF HIS LIFE— DIED AT AGE OF 101 When Ninety-seven Years of Age, Old Pioneer Gave Realistic Account of Early Settlement and Organization of Monroe County — Served in State Legislature and Other Public Offices — Amusing Incidents Related. Among the early settlers of Mon- roe county was a man named James Parks, Sr., who settled with others in Richland township, in 1817 near what is now the site of Ellettsville, Ind. James Parks, Sr., then was about thirty-six years of age, and was con- sidered the leading man of the set- tlement. He lived to the remarkable age of 101 years, dying about 1882, having retained his energy with phe- nomenal constancy up to the very last years of his life. During his ninety-seventh year, Mr. Parks demonstrated his wonder- ful fertileness of mentality and strength of physic by writing a run- ning account of his life, which we herewith print and trust will prove interesting to the present genera- tion: "I was bom in Wilkes county. North Carolina, near the Yadkin river, on the day of September 26, 1781. My grandfather, John Parks, moved from Virginia to this place before the Rev- olutionary war, but how long before, I do not know. My grandfather was of Irish decent, and my grandmother of Dutch. They reared to be men and women, fourteen children; seven boys and seven girls. My father, George Parks, was reared and married in the same set- tlement. My mother's maiden name was Milly Davis. They had six child- ren l)orn; all lived to have families except one. Left Neighborhood. "I lived in that neighborhood until I was fifteen years of age, when my father, with his family, moved to Burk county. North Carolina. I lived with my father until I was twenty-five years of age. "I married Nancy Moore November .30, 1826, and we settled and lived in Burk county for several years. We had ten children born to us, all of whom lived to become men and wom- en except two. "Nancy, my wife, died June 26, 1828, and I married Frances Kend- rick, on August 27, 1830. By her I had one son born, James Parks, Jr. "Now, for some of the incidents of my early life. Commence ninety years ago, just after the close of the Revolu- tionary war: "I remember grandfather had a roan horse. He went for his horse one morning, only to find that it had been stolen. Great lamentations fol- lowed, but a few mornings afterward the old horse stood at the gate weU- rigged out with new saddle and bridle — all complete. Recites Incidents 90 Years Back. "When grandfather's property was sold, after his death, a family of his slaves were exposed to sale, which, by his will, were not to be sold out- side of the family. That was con- sidered humane in those days. Father bought a boy named Moses, and he and I were reared together. "The people of those days were thrown upon their own resources. No labor-saving machinery. All came out of the ground — both eating and wear- ing. "Men would raise cotton and flax and the women would card, spin and weave clothing for themselves and children. "They had dresses of different colors and stripes. They got the colors from indigo of their o^vn rais- ing, copperas and various kinds of blossoms. Gave Steer For Piece of Calico. "The first calico dress I ever saw, father purchased for my sister, who was then about sixteen years of age. He gave a three-year-old steer for six yards, which completed the dress. I suppose if ladies nowadays (he was writing about 1878 when dresses were rather full), were confined to six yards for a dress, they should think it rather tight. " "Education was quite limited. Our school house was made of round logs, with a dirt floor. Split logs with legs Monroe County's Magnificent modern Court House, construct ed of native stone, as it appeared in 1922. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 23 put in served for seats. Large cracks were left to admit the light. "Our books consisted of, first, a primer, then Dike's spelling book, then Dilworth's, then Webster's first edition, completed one list of spelling books. "Our first i-eader was called a 'Psalter,' some old English concern, then the Testament and Bible. These completed our reading books. No grammer, geography, nor history was in use that I ever heard of till my education was completed. I learned to cipher as far as the rule of three, and some in fractions; could write a tolerable hand, and was considered a fair scholar for those days. Our school house was also used for a church. Girls "Put On Style." "When young people walked to meeting together, the girls would tie their shoes and stockings in their handkerchiefs, and carry them on their arm until within sight of the church, when they would put them on, and so march up in style. We boys were spared that trouble, from the fact that we had none. "The girls' dress in winter was of woolen goods called 'linsey'; in sum- mer, cotton stripe. Boys' dress for winter was buckskin breeches and shoes — no boots. The custom was for almost every farmer to tan his own leather and make shoes for himself and family. "Our diet was hog and hominy for breakfast, vegetables for dinner, and a hearth full of roasted sweet pota- toes for supper. Sugar and coffee for only special occasions. Fruit was abundant. Peach brandy and honey were tolerably plenty; whiskey scarce. There were very few drunkards. No doctors or lawyers. I never saw either, that I know of, until I was fifteen years old. Emigrate After War of 1812. "Soon after the war of 1812, when things had somewhat settled, my father and family, with enough others to make a right smart colony, con- cluded to emigrate to some new coun- try. "The Territory of Indiana was the place chosen, and we landed in Law- rence county, on the east fork of White river, October, 1815. The land was not yet in the market, but was surveyed off, ready to be sold. We chose our lots, and settled on them, built our cabins, and cleared a con- siderable amount of land. As the sale was to come off the next season, at Jeffersonville, a dozen or more of us went down. "The land was to be sold to the highest bidder. When the sale took place, a man by the name of Buslitt had a longer pole than ours, and 'knocked the persimmons,' sweeping the entire settlement. Not the first man saved his land or improvements. "So, we marched home, feeling as if we had lost a friend. I had about eight acres cleared, surrounded by a good fence. "The part of the territory where we now live did not come into market until the next season, so we concluded to make another trial. We moved again and selected our lots. (Editor's Note — This selection was in the present Richland township, near Ellettsville, as described above.) Purchases For Entire Colony. "The next sale took place at Vin- cennes in October, 1816. By this time we became somewhat acquainted with fever and ague. 1 was the only one able to attend the sale, and I took the chills while there.. "I purchased for nearly the entire colony — about a dozen lots in all. After the sale, we went that winter and built cabins on our lots, and cleared some ground. I got in about six acres of fine corn, which was our sole dependence for the year. "But lo! In October there came a frost which bit the last ear (so with the whole settlement). Then we were in a fix! We had no mills to grind our corn, so we were compelled to pound it into meal. "There was one hand mill in the settlement. But the corn was so soft it would neither beat nor grind, until it was kiln-dried. "I made a scaffold up in the chim- ney and dried mine; then I had my choice, to go a mile to the hand mill, or to pound it. "Many a time I have worked hard all day, and at night taken one-half bushel" of corn to the hand mill and ground it. "I had myself, wife and five child- ren to feed. That would be thought of as pretty hard, these times. Never- theless, we never suffered from hunger. I was considered a good shot. In a few hours I could bring in ven- ison or turkey. We also had plenty of milk and butter. So, we passed the season safely. Indians Were Plentiful. "When we first moved here, Dela- ware and Pottawattomie Indians were plentiful. They had a trading house within a half-mile of where I now live. They were quite friendly, and often would come with their squaws and papooses to stay all night with us. "When we got our ground ready for rolling, we would invite our neigh- bors to the frolic. Choosing our cap- tains, they would in turn choose their hands, and at it we would go. If ever you saw logs come together, it was about that time. "Before we commenced work we had to take a little 'critter'! It is not worth while to say we did not feel the drink, for that was what we drank it for. We had none who might be called drunkards, but such a gather- ing- nowadays might all be counted as drunkards. "Such was the custom of the coun- try at that time. Oh, what a thing custom is when rightly considered, whether good or bad. "The year after we moved to the Territory, delegates were elected for the purpose of forming a state con- stitution. Counties were then laid off and established. "Before Monroe county was or- ganized, an election was ordered to choose three commissioners, a clerk and a sheriff. B. Woodward, Michael Buskirk and myself (James Parks, Sr.) were elected commissioners. Organized Monroe County. "We proceeded to organize the coun- ty. We purchased a half-section of land.where the court house now stands (in Bloomington). We laid off the public square, and had a court house and jail built thereon. "Lots were surveyed and sold, bringing a considerable revenue. We were now ready to hold court, and the county machinery was ready for action. "It now became necessary to have a school commissioner. I offered my services, and was elected. "In order to put the school in opera- tion, it became my duty to sell all the sixteen sections to the highest bidder. By this means, a large fund was raised and the school placed on a firm basis. (I have to make long strides on account of my records being burned up). "In the year 18.32, I offered for the legislature (lower house), and was elected. I served my time at $2 a day, and boarded myself. Finding that there was not much money in such warfare, and perhaps less credit, I would not offer any more. "Some years afterward, I was again elected school commissioner for the county. At the expiration of my term of office, I retired from public life — I never was beaten for any office I offered for. Voted For Thomas Jefferson. "The first president I ever voted for was Thomas Jefferson for his sec- ond term of office. I have been a straightforward Democrat ever since — voted for all the candidates for of- fice, except Greeley. I thought the Democrats got off the track there, and I would not follow them. "I have lived on the farm where I now live for sixty-two years. I have been the ancestor of eleven children, fifty-six grandchildren, eighty great- grandchildren, and five great-great- grandchildren, thus being at this time, the representative of five generations. "I joined the Baptist church in North Carolina about the yea'- 1807. I was one of the charter members of Old Vernal Church, the first congre- gation organized in the County of Monroe, and was deacon of the church for quite a number of years. "I have endeavored to live peaceably with all men, and to live in accordance with the will of my Heavenly Master, to the best of my knowledge. "I have fought the good fight, have almost run my race, and am now pa- tiently waiting for the good Lord to call me home, where there is a heaven- ly mansion prepared for me not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. "JAMES PARKS." We have carefully compared the above writing with notes of history, and old records, and by casual inquiry have verified the statements Mr. Parks made in his remarkable sketch of his own life events. Was Wonderful Man. When we consider the fact that this sketch was made by a man who has lived far beyond the age when most men have vitality enough to re- 24 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall count in verbal conversation sketches of early events, we must give James Parks credit for being of wonderful vitality to have produced this clear, understandable historic sketch. We trust that future generations in Mon- roe county's bounds may appreciate the fortitude of the sturdy pioneer in giving to us this rare morsel of true literature, writen in such interesting manner, with due regard to details, without becoming dry or monotonous. Mr. Parks lived until 1882, four years after he had written the above sketch, and died at the age cf 101 years. We find that he touched upon only those points in his career which he deemed important to later genera- tions. Many other interesting things are told by neighbors, about Mr. Parks, as the following little epi- sode, which is quite amusing: One morning, very early, James Parks, Sr., was aroused from sleep before the usual time by a peculiar noise on the door step. Getting up as quietly as possible, Mr. Parks walked to'a window which commanded a view of the door step. When he looked out, much to his astonishment and with some alarm, he saw a big black bear lying there asleep. The settler got his rifle, and taking cautious aim at a vital part of the animal's anatomy, pulled the trig- ger. The sharp i-eport was followed by the death growls of Bruin, and in a few moments all was still; the bear was dead — the family ate bearsteak for breakfast. FIRST INCORPORATION OF BLOOMINGTON WAS UNDER SPECIAL CHARTER IN 1845— GIVEN UP IN 1858— INCORPORATED AGAIN IN 1859 History of Municipal Affairs of Present City Show Signs of Turmoil in Early Days — Progress of Citizenship Reflected in Official Business Administra- tions — Became a City in 1866. It is believed by many people who have never taken the trouble to in- vestigate further than a mere guess, that since Bloomington was laid out as the county seat of Monroe county at the time of the organization of the county, that it was an incorporated town from that date. Upon investigation, it will be found that as early as March, 1827, the citi- zens of the town of Bloomington, pur- suant to notice, gathered at the court house, in order to ascertain at the polls whether the county seat of Mon- roe county, Indiana should become the incorporated town of Bloomington. Incorporation Proposed. At this meeting, Ellis Stone was chosen as president (chairman) of the meeting, and Benjamin V. Peele was chosen as secretary. It was decided, on motion, to put the question to test by a viva voice vote, and resulted as follows: When the question was put, and the results counted, the secretary re- ported that a majority of 15 voiced a desire to have the town incorporated, as there were 18 votes for incorpora- tion and only 3 votes against the proposition. An election of the necessary num- ber of trustees was ordered for the purpose, to be held on the following September 8, 1828, and was held with the subjoined result, as shown by the returns of the board of election: "At an election held in the town of Bloomington on the 8th day of Sep- tember, 1828, to elect Trustees for the incoi'poration of the town, agi-ee- ably to the act of the Genei'al As- sembly, we hereby certify that the following persons were duly elected: Joshua O. Howe, William Alexander, Asher Labertew, Robinson Graham and James Evans. Given under our hand and seals this 17th day of Sep- tember, 1828. "Truely and duely done. "JACOB B. LOWE, Clerk. "ASHER LABERTEW, "JAMES EVANS, Judges." Special Charter Granted. It is evident that the municipal gov- ernment project was allowed to die out, after the above mentioned pro- ceedings, as we are not able to find any record of further action until late in "the decade of the forties. The incorporation project was evi- dently revived late in the forties, as we find the proceedings of the legis- lature shows the following: "Section . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of In- diana, That such part of the town- ship of Bloomington, in the County ot Monroe as is included within the fol- lowing limits and boundaries, that is to say, beginning at the northeast corner of Outlot No. 21, thence west to the northwest corner of Outlot 39, thence south of the southwest corner of Outlot 8, thence west to the north- west corner of Outlot No. 41, thence south to the southwest corner of irac- tional Lot No. 2G, thence east to the northeast corner of Outlot 35, thence south to the southwest comer of frac- tional Lot. No. 9, thence east to the southeast corner of University Square, thence north to the southwest corner of Outlot No. 72, thence east to the southeast corner of Outlot 75, thence to the northeast corner of Outlot 21, the place of beginning, including all the inlots and outlots of said town, be and the same is hereby erected into a town corporate which shall hence- forth be known and designated by the name of the town of Bloomington, sub- ject, however, to such repeal, altera- tion and regulation as the Legislature may from time to time prescribe." Provides For Officers. Section 2 of this enactment pro- vided for the election of a Mayor, a recorder and five trustees, who should constitute a body corporate with per- petual succession, and to be known as the Common Council of Bloomington. Section 3 provided for the annual election of town officers. Section 4 provided for the administration of jus- tice within the corporate limits. Sec- tion 5 provided for meetings of the Council, specified what should consti- tute a quorum, and regulated the pas- sage or adoption of town ordinances. Subsequent sections regulated the mu- nicipal government. This act was approved by the Gov- ernor of the State of Indiana, on Jan- uary 13, 1845. Records show that by an act ap- proved January 16, 1849, the above act was amended so as to regulate the working of streets, and another amendment approved on Febi-uary 12, 1851, the corporate limits were changed as follows: Territory Added. "Said town corporate shall include the southeast quarter of Section 32, in Township 9 north. Range 1 west, and the southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 9 north. Range 1 west, and the following: Beginning at the southwest corner of Seminary Outlot No. 60, thence with and including the street to the southeast coi-ner of Sem- inary Outlot No. 76, thence north with and including the street to the south- east corner of said quarter section secondly above mentioned." The same act also provided that eleven Trustees should be elected in- stead of but five, and the name be- came "The Council of Bloomington." A number of changes were made, also in the administration of justice with- in the corporate town of Bloomington. The citizens of Bloomington met in the courthouse in March, 1847, in pur- suance of the Act of 1845, and pro- ceeded to ballot for Mayor, Recordc-, Marshal, Treasurer and five Council- men. John Lawrence Mayor Wlien the votes were counted, it ap- peared that John Lawrence was elect- ed Mayor; Robert Acuff, Recorder; A. Labertew, Treasurer; D. B. Judah, Marshal, and W. H. Smith, Samuel Kirk, J. M. Howe, John Gi'aham and Joseph McPheeters, Councilmen for the incorporate town of Bloomington. First Meeting of Council. On the date of March 6, 1847, the first meeting of the Town Council was held in the recoi'der's office. The first act was to appoint a com- mittee to draft such ordinances as wci-e deemed necessary by the com- mittee for the town's government, which were to be presented to the full Council for adoption or rejection. Orders were then given for procur- ing the necessary record books, and the Council adjourned. The Council evidently got dowTi to business in a hury at its second meet- ing, as the records show that Samuel Moore was given pei'mission to occupy a portion of the street for his brick Historic Treasures, Compiled btj Forest M. "Pop" Hall 25 shed, and David B. Judah was appoint- ed Street Supervisor or Commissioner. The Council then proceeded to adopt sixteen oi'dinances for the municipal government of the town. Ordinance 13 was rather peculiar and attracts attention now, not for its importance, but rather for its sly way of getting around the "Dog Proposition" in the town, which follows: Dog Ordinance. "13th. No person shall be allowed to keep a dog within the limits of the corporation. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined 50 cents for each dog so kept, provided that no person shall be fined more than once during the same year for the same dog." We can readily see that the ordin- ance was merely an annual city tax of 50 cents on each dog in the town, but in no way gave any protec- tion to the owTier of the dog, as the ordinance made it a misdemeanor to keep a dog within the corporate bounds of Bloomington. But is seems that the dog owners saw the "Joker" in the dog tax ordi- nance, for, at the August meeting of the council a petition signed by 103 citizens of Bloomington was present- ed to the Council, praying that above ordinance be repealed. The Council proceeded to hear ar- guments for and against the repeal of the ordinance, and the petitioners were finally victorious, for the ordi- nance was finally repealed after much discussion. The ship of town government seems to have had some stormy weather to face along at this time, as the records show that at the next meeting of the Council the Mayor tendered his resig- nation, which was laid upon the table until the next day, and was then re- fused. After some promises, it seems that the Mayor was persuaded that the assurances of support of the Council were sincere, and His Honor with- drew the document and the skies were once more clear and bright. At the same meeting Samuel M. Orchard was granted permission to erect hay scales on Market street. Considerable time was spent in re- vising and amending the town charter, which was then turned over to the Representative in the State Legis- lature from Monroe county, to be passed at the next session. Tax 10 Cent on $100. In January, 1848, a tax of 10 cents on each $100 worth of taxable prop- erty was levied for town purposes. In February, 1848, the following res- olution was passed: "Resolved, That Hon. William Berry is entitled to the than Us of this Coun- cil for his promptness and energy in securing the passage of a new charter in the State Senate, which was all that this board asked or desired on his part, and that a copy of this res- olution be handed to him." Just what were the changes in the Charter that were made at this time can not be stated, but following this, the records show that James S. Hes- ter was appointed Town Attorney. Mr. Smith resigned as Councilman, and Dr. R. C. JIamill was appointed as successor to finish the unexpired term of Mr. Smith. At the election held in 1848, David H. Maxwell was elected Mayor of Bloomington; J. G. McPheeters, Re- corder; D. B. Judah, Marshal; Asher Labertew, Treasurer; Joseph M. Howe Elias Able, Henery Tanner, William Owen and Alfred Mercer, Councilmen. Liquor licenses was fixed at $25. In May and June, 1848 active work was done in improving and grading the town streets and sidewalks. In 1851, a resolution was presented in the Council meeting for the purpose of increasing the tax on retail liquor dealers with a town license of $500, additional to any county, state or gov- ernment tax. After much discussion and a num- ber of warm speeches on both sides, the resolution was adopted by the Council. Cholera Visits Town. Cholera swept this part of Indiana in 1851, and Bloomington did not es- cape, quite a number of her citizens dying from the dreaded disease. So dangerous became conditions from the epidemic that the State Uni- versity closed down and the students were sent home. The Town Council purchased 200 bushels of fresh lime, which was scat- tered throughout the town. It was also decreed by the Council that all saloons be closed until the scourge was safely passed. This was indeed a wise move, as it was at this time (1851-52) that the new railroad — the New Albany & Salem Railroad was being graded and construction work going on in the town of Bloom- ington, and great gangs of men were employed here. It was found that some of the town's streets would of necessity have to be changed in order to facilitate the entrance of the railroad through the town. In several years following much ex- pensive work was done upon the streets of the town — so much so that a strong sentiment was finally en,,en- dered against the continuation of town affairs under control of the munici- pal govei-nment plan. Election Held To Determine. This growing sentiment of opposi- tion led to an opening of the polls in January, 1858, to determine whether the corporation should be disolved. The voters indicated their desire by casting 115 ballots with "Yes" on them, and 101 had the word "No" on, giving a majority of fourteen votes in favor of dissolution. The munici- pal government was then dissolved. The following is a clipping from the Bloomington Republican, issued in August, 1858, which gives a peep further into town affairs at that time: "Corporation Meeting — Pursuant to public notice, a meeting of the voters of the town of Bloomington was held at the court house in said town on Monday evening, the 2d of August, 1858, for the purpose of disposing of the property, money, and effects be- longing to the late corporation of said town, which corporation has been abolished by a vote of the legal voters of the same, "The meeting was organized by calling Samuel H. Buskirk to the Chair, and apnointing Milton McPhet- ridge. Secretary. The object of the meeting was then stated by the Chair. "Robert C. Foster, President of the Board of Trustees of said town, sub- mitted the following statement of property, money and effects of said corporation, and libilities of the same, viz: "There is due said corporation as follows: In Treasurer Sluss's hand-.$ 26.00 In Marhal High's hands (Citizens Bank) 133.00 In hands of Lemuel Gentry 830.00 Taxes unpaid for 1855 and 1856 1,679.50 Takes unpaid for 1857 160.00 Due from James W. Throop for fines 4.00 Total $2,833.04 Resolution To Dismiss Suit. "Robert C. Foster offered the fol- lowing resoultion, viz: "Resolved, That the corporation suit now pending in the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana, be dismissed, the appellants paying all the costs that have accrued in the Common Pleas Court, Circuit Court and Supreme Court. "Resolved, That the funds in the hands and now due from Lemuel Gen- try, Treasurer of Monroe County, and paid in on the taxes of 1855 and 1856, be distributed to each of the persons who have paid the same, in propor- tion to the amount paid. "Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the President of this meeting to make such distribution, and when so distributed issue certifi- cates to the persons entitled thereto; when "Dr. William C. Foster moved to strike out the first resolution and in- sert the following: "Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to prosecute the suit in the Supreme Court, and to collect the delinquent taxes of 1855 and 1856; which motion was not adopted. "Whereupon a division of the ques- tion was demanded by Mr. McCul- lough, and a vote was taken on the first resolution, which was adopted. "Dr. McPheeters moved to amend the second resolution, by providing that the money in the hands of the Treasurer of Monroe County be ap- plied as follows, viz: 'One-half thereof to be applied for the purchas- ing of a bell for the court house, and the residue donated to the Blooming- ton Band;' which amendment was, on motion of P. L. D. Mitchell, laid upon the table; whereupon the original res- olutions were adopted by the meeting. "M. McPhetridge offered the fol- lowing resolution: "Resolved, That we receive from Wallace Hight, late Marshal of said Town, the notes as money on the Cit- izens Bank of Gosport, which was re- ceived by him for taxes, in good faith, and when they were current here; which resoloution was adopted. James M. Howe Settles Suit. "On Motion of Robert C. Foster, "Resolved, That James M. Howe be appointed to settle the suit as contem- 1 26 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall plated by the first resolution passed by his meeting. "Resolved, That the tax payers of 1857 who have not paid their taxes, be released from same; which resolu- tions were adopted by the meeting. "On motion it was "Resolved, That the $133 of the Citizens Bank now in the hands of Wallace Hight, be placed in the hands of the County Auditor for the purpose of aiding the County Board to pur- chase a bell for the use of the court house; also, that all the books, seals, etc., of said corporation be placed in the hands of said Auditor for the use of any future corporation of said town. "On motion of William F. Browning, it was "Resolved, That the Bloomington Republican and Bloomington Presage be requested to publish the proceed- ings of this meeting. "On motion the meeting adjourned with the thanks of the President for the good order and decorum which had characterized the meting. "M. McPHETRIDGE, Secretary. "SAMUEL H. BUSKIRK, Chairman." Incorporated Anew in 1859. The following year, 1859, the town of Bloomington was incorporated anew. Not, however, under a special act of the State Legislature as was the previous incorporation, but under the State Law which thus provided. After this the corporation lived without interruption, until the town's growth caused it to desire the pres- ige of becoming a city. In October, 1866, an election was held to determine whether the town of Bloomington should become the City of Bloomington, with the follow- ing result: For incorporation, 178; against incorporation, 93. As there were 513 voters in the town, and as a majority of the same had not voted for the incorporation or at the late election at all, the question of the incorporation of the town as a city was abandoned for the time. The Town Council of Bloomington was petitioned in July, 1876 to incor- porate as a city, the petition being signed by 217 citizens. An election was held and resulted as follows: For incorporation as a city, 184; against 169. First City Officers. C. W. Henderson was the first IVIayor of the City of Bloomington; John Waldron, H. H. Vos, W. N. Showers, A. T. Massey, Andrew Hoover, and M. B. Dillon were the first City Councilmen. The first meeting of the City Coun- cil was held September 13, 1876. R. C. Greeves was the first Clerk of the incorporated City; C. H. McPheeters was the first City Treasurer, and James Slocum was the first Marshal of the City of Bloomington. In a short time the new City Coun- cil and officers had completely over- hauled and revised the old-time town ordinances by correction, rejection and adoption, and the new municipal ma- chinery was set in motion in a manner that was considered worthy of the growing city. WHY BLOOMINGTON PEOPLE ARE NEVER ASHAMED OF THE NAME OF THEIR HOME TOWN Many Things of Interest in the City of "Higher Learning" Which Put It in a Class of its Own — Manufactories Superior to Those of Many Cities Larger in Population, But Not in Welfare of Humanity. It is not egotism that causes a throb of pride to course through the veins of Bloomington citizens, when the subject of "Home Town" is being discussed. Unlike natives of many small cities and towns, there is no hesitancy upon the part of Bloomington residents who happen to be visiting; or having departed for various reasons from the place of their nativity, and taken resi- dence in the larger cities; no shame is felt when asked that one question which always comes: "Where are you from?" The answer is always promptly given, with no hum-hawing; no blush, or timidity — always with that assur- ance that we are not going to be laughed at when we say: "Bloomington, Indiana." Why Should Not Pride Be Felt? And, when we stop to consider the wonderfulness of this beautiful little city, seemingly cast upon an ideal nole, with its splendid engineering scheme, and suitable architecture of public buildings, private residences and — yes, even beautiful manufac- tories — for when they are \he sort that Bloomington boasts of, such as the great Showers Brothers Furni- ture factories, the beauty is internal and external, literal and physical. Many larger cities may have manu- factories with greater capitalization of finances, larger working forces of human labor, but their is no other large factory of any sort in the world which can show a more harmonious feeling between employes and em- ployers than does exist in the largest manufactory of moderate-priced fur- niture in the world, known as Showers Brothers Furniture Company of Bloomington, Ind. Along with this master industry, within the city limits, are many other industrial concerns worth mentioning as assets to a city's growth; but the city being situated in the heart of the world-famous Bedford building stone territory, the quarring of this wonder- ful building material, along with the Oolitic quarries, crusher concerns gives the city still more staple hopes for ultimately becoming a far larger city than at the present time. Monroe county's court house, locat- ed upon the side of a sloping nole, resembles some old Greek temple, with its red tile roof and massive stone columns and steps, all construct- ed of native stone, as one may get a glance of the structure from some surrounding high point. Altogether, Bloomington's magnifi- cent city building and public school Birds-eye view of Bloomington and Indiana University as «een from Court House Tower looking east. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 27 Two Views of Bloomington's Public Square. (1922) buildings are properly crowned, one might say, by the wonderful collection as a whole of the city's beautiful church edifices. Most any city, large or small, could be justly proud of the numerous fine- ly constructed buildings as a repre- sentation offered by the religious organizations of the city of higher learning. City of Higher Learning. The city of Bloomington, since the early days of the county's organiza- tion, has experienced a sort of dis- tinctive atmosphere, even among cities that boasted a college, especial- ly in Indiana. Not alone is this above the average mental condition noticeable in circles of University life in the city's population, but among the common laborers, the farm hand and mechan- ics of the community. It is noticeable to the stanger, that no matter what occupation a resident of Bloomington happens to be inter- ested in as a means of livelihood, he seems to have a finer set of morals, clear ideas of life, better understand- ing of what he knows than is the case with people of his occupation or craft in other communities. Indiana University Influence. As a whole, the stranger entering Bloomington is impressed with a fa- vorable feeling for the merchants, hotel accommodations afforded, res- taurant service of the city, public utilities, and the wholly common feel- ing of friendliness existing in the busines world. Of course, Indiana University, with its lovely campus and park-like beau- ty, along with its massive college buildings, is a pleasing sight, not alone to the man who has attended that institution of higher learning, but to the person who has had no in- terest there beyond knowing that it is one of the greatest colleges of the country. In the fall of the year, after the summer's crops have reached their maturity, all Bloomington feels a cer- tain interest in the welfare of those students who come from homes in other cities and towns, and from the farms of Indiana, to finish their edu- cation in the great school, in order to become fitted to go out into the world; fitted for meeting the trials and struggles of life in a successful endeavor. When that crowd of youngsters start in the instution, it means that most of them will be living in Bloom- ington for the winter and for more winters to come. This means many things to the citizens of the city. It means that the town will be re- warded handsomely from a financial point of view. It means that the citizen must be able to overcome the desire to spank many of the youthful visitors for youthful and seemingly thoughtless pranks and misdeeds. It means that each and every one of those students who go out from the University in after years will al- ways hold a thought of friendly love and concern for the town and its citi- zens who hpd to tolerate them while they were "knocking off the corners" in an endeavor not to appear "green" and inexperienced in the eyes of their fellow-students and the citizens of Bloomington. Many men of great accomplish- ments in the world, who have gone out from the institution of learning in Bloomington, and have done things which have made life for humanity a little more worth while, still recall incidents in college life, where the broad-minded attitude of Blooming- ton's citizens was a help. And, as he rears a family, and pon- ders over his youth, he feels a strong- er feeling of gratitude stealing in upon his heart for the "dear old town" where he went to school. Then he sends his son to the same college, not alone because he believes it to be the "greatest college in the world," but because he "knows" his child will be properly taken care of by the charitable native element of Bloom- ington. Industrial Inducement. It is doubtful if there is another city of 14,000 population in the United States where there has never de- veloped an actual need for street car service. It may be considered won- derful, when we think the matter ever, and realize that the town is lich in paved streets and good side- walks running, like a giant spider web, all over the city, with the public square as the business center. With this scheme of centralized business, one finds that it is not a great distance to any point in the city one desires to reach, although the size of the city would indicate otherwise. The two railroads which furnish the city of Bloomington and the sur- 28 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall rounding territory an excentional outlet to all the outside markets of the world are the Monon and the Illinois Central. These two excellent freight and passenger carriers give manufactur- ers one of the best situated shipping points — situated as Bloomington, Ind., is— in the very central HEART of the whole North American Continent — in easy touch of Indianapolis, Chi- cago, St. Louis, Louisville and the whole South; Cincinnati, Columbus and the East; Cleveland, Toledo, De- troit and Lake shipping points as ports for the Canadian trade. Then, too, Bloomington is blessed with numerous and efficent taxi ser- vice concerns and transfer businesses, which adequately meet the needs of the "tired in foot" feeling of those who care to ride. St. Margaret's Hall, dormitory for women students. THE COED From some place in Old Indianie, Where she learned of "Orfan' Annie", And of wierd ghosts, uncanny. Comes a little Miss called Coed. There are those who call her hazy. Mad, eccentric, wild, or crazy; Say: "She's pretty — but, so lazy — "Is so young, and easily led." Now, her critics make me ponder. As I consider youth, and wonder — When she makes a fellow flounder; Lose his heart, and bump his head. It's a job to heat your irons In unpleasant, cold invirons — Men will ever heed these sirens; Have their love, or raise a fuss. When man's element is native. All his forces are creative; Otherwise, they are ablative — Hist'ry proves, 'twas ever thus. Time will still the last detractor Of this charming little factor — She's Indiana's chief attractor — Keep this human little cuss. SITE OF BLOOMINGTON WAS WHEAT FIELD IN 1818 —FIRST LAND ENTRIES— LAID OUT AND NAMED BY COMMISSIONERS rown Lots Sold at Public Auction — Good Prices Paid — Whisky Free as In- ducement — Settlement Phenomenal — Early Political Race Spirited — Wil- liam Harden First Store Keeper. Bloomington, today, with its mag- nificent public buildings, the wonder- ful educational advantages offered to future as well as the present gener- ation, Indiana University with its beautiful campus — and the marvelous industrial enterprises now situated within the city and surrounding ter- ritory — may well be compared with the Bloomington of our forefathers. Prospects Then and Now. When we look back to 1818 and see what little encouragement for invest- ment, for future outlook; take into consideraion all the discouragements that might have been offered by the first settlers, the true citizenship of Bloomington, we are compelled to size up her chances as "slim" com- pared to the "chance" offered to cap- ital for investment in the City's prop- erty today, with nothing but encour- agement in view. The first man to settle permanently upon the present site of the city of Bloomington can not be named with certainty. Neither can the time of this first settlement be given. The first purchases of land (entries) were: First Land Entries George Ritchey, N. E. %; George Hedrick, N. W. 'i; David Rogers, S. W. V4; Joseph Taylor, S. E. 'i; all in Sec. 33, Twp. 9, Range 1, 160 acres; filed September 26, 1816. The land in Sec. 32, Twp. 9, Range 1, was filed on as follows, in quarter section (160) tracts: Henry Wampler, N. E. H, Sept. 27, 1816; Chesley Bailey, S. W. Vt, Feb. 5, 1817; Robertson Graham, S. E. Vi, May 26, 1817; Ebenezer Dick- ey, N. W. 1/4, Feb. 12, 1818. It is probable that no man lived upon the town site, which was laid out by David Rogers and Robertson Graham, until 1816, at which time both men built log houses — some fix the date of erection of these struc- tures as 1817. Bloomington a Wheat Field. At all events, when the first lots were laid out, in June, 1818, a crop of wheat was growing on the land that had been purchased of Mr. Rog- ers. Whether it was the first or sec- ond crop on the land is not known. David Rogers entered the south- west quarter of Sec. 33, on which a part of the town was laid out, but Jonathan Rogers afterward obtained part interest in the tract, as his name appears on he deed which conveyed the land to the county. April 10, 1818, the first day of the first meeting of the county commis- sioners, the county seat was ordered laid off and n^med "Bloomington." The County Agent was ordered to oversee the work, and make the pub- lic square 276 feet, and make lots 66x132 feet, and streets 82 V2 feet wide. The number of lots to be laid out was left to the direction of the agent. (The county agent seems to have been Benjamin Parks as shown in other records.) Public Auction Sale of Lots. The first public auction or sale of lots was fixed for June 22, 1818, ana the agent instructed to advertise the sale in the '"Western Sun," of Vin- cennes: the Louisville "Correspond- ent"; the "Argus of Western Ameri- ca"; the "Western Eagle" of Madi- son, and the "Liberty Hall" of Cin- cinnati. Jonathan Nichols was ap- pointed surveyor to lay out the town. The following entry appears upon the recoi-d of the county board: "On motiton of Bartlett Woodward, Ordered, that the agent of this coun- ty procure one barrel of whisky and have it at the sale of town lots in Bloomingon." When it is seen that the proceeds of this first sale amounted to the then enormous sum of $14,326.85, and that a whole ban-el of whisky cost less than one gallon does today ($33.50 for the barrel), and that pro- hibition was unthought of, it is prob- able that the action of the board "got results." "Spirited" Bidding (?) The bidding was spirited and some lots sold for over $200 each; but the cash receipts were only about 15 per cent, and fell far short of the pro- ceeds of the sale. The lots sold rather high, consider- ing the unsettled condition of the county, but some may feel that a tip may have been passed that Blooming- ton was destined to become a great educational center. The settlement of the tovim seemed phenomenal. At the close of the year 1818, not less than thirty families Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 29 Upper — Illinois Central Passenger Station. Lower — Monon Passenger Station in 1922. lived in the town in hastily built log houses or rough frame dwellings, from the saw mill of old man Blair. A log court house had been erected, in which the first school was being conducted, probably by Dudley C. Smith. Stores, blacksmith shops and a tavern had been started, along with the establishing of mail route (a lit- tle irregular) with Vincennes. The town boasted a population of more than 140. First Store Opened. The first store was opened in 1818 by' William Hardin, who kept a tav- ern at the same time. Elias Abel stated in 1882 that when he came to Bloomington, in 1824, the population was over 500, possibly 600. Others who came about the same time fixed the population at about 400 in- habitants. Joshua H. 1/Ucas, an eccentric char- acter with but little education, but of the highest natural ability, opened a good store in 1823. In 1824, he ran for the Legislature against William Alexander. The race was close, but Mr. Lucas was victorious, probably due to his skill at tolling stories and anecdotes of a quasi immoral charac- ter, which captivated the rabble. The earliest physicians we can find a record of practicing in the com- munity were David H. Maxwell, W. C. Foster, Roach and Jenkins. The County Seat. At the time of the organization of the county (Monroe), of course the population was sufficient to warrant such organization. Much of the population of the county was near the center, or on Township 9 north, Range 1 west, where it was known the county seat was likely to be lo- cated. As soon as the State Comissioner head purchased the land from Rogers and Graham, the land in the vicinity of Bloomington arose in value, and the demand for this prop- erty was great. The town was laid out by the County Board, and not by the State commission (as some older settlers now believe), and while this was being done under the direction of the county agent, (probably Benjamin Parks, who conducted the sale of lots), many citizens of the county visited the spot. The streets running north and south, beginning on the west side, were named as folio vvs: Poplar, Cherry, Spring, West, East, Wal- nut, Blue, and Buck. Those running east and west, beginning on the south side, were named as fol- lows: Water, South, North, and Washington. (The names of some of these streets have been changed in some instances since, but some re- main as originally located and named). The Early Townsmen. Among the earliest residents of the town of Bloomington were, Enos Blair, Jonathan Rogers, David Rog- ers, Thomas Graham, Robert Gra- ham, William Lowe, John Scott, Ar- thur Harris, W. P. Anderson, David Sears, Christian Eppinger, James Borland. James Dunning, James New- man, Thomas Smith, B. Miller, W. D. McCullough, J. B. Lowe, William Carroll, John Owens, Samuel Scott, Sr.; Nathan Julian, Isham Sumpter, Hezekiah Woodford, E. R. Maxwell, Benjamin Freeland, George Richey, David Matlock, James Denny, John Buskirk, Zachariah Williams, T. B. Clai-k, William Hardin, Nelson M Ebenezer McDonald, John W. Lee, Aquilla Rogers, John Foster, Thomas Heady, James Dickens, Stephen S. Bigger, Susannah Lee, Jonathan Nichols, Martha Brown, W. B. Bro\vn, Joshua O. Howe, James Brown, William Hoggatt, James Parsons, William Newton, James Gibbs, Pem- berton Dickens, Jesse Wright, David Kello, Wesley Whitson, Haws Arm- strong, William CoUey (colored, David Holland, George Rodenbaugh, Jusiah Buskirk, Roderick^ Rawlma^. Dudley C. Smith (first school teacher) David Clements, the Rev. Aaron Wal- lace (colored), George Groves, Wash- ington Moore, Jesse Hughes, Isaac Lebo, Moses Williams, Chesley Bailey, John Whisenand, and otliers. It is possible that a few of the above mentioned old settlers did not reside immediately in the town, and a few are known to have remained for not more than a year or two in Bloomington. Pawnbrokers existed in very anci- ent times, and sometimes must have been greedy in forcing collection, so Moses forbade millstones being taken in pawn, because when they were out of service food supplies were there- by interrupted. 30 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall WE TAKE SKY-LARK AND RIDE OVER BLOOMING- TON IN AIRPLANE— SEE IT ALL numerous Description of Our Trip— Just How We Felt When Flying 3,000 Feet Above City— Take Nose Dive of 2,000 Feet— Dog Goes Along— Old Earth Felt Better Than Ever Before. We decided to take a ride in an aeroplane, as a tonic for over-work. Many, many times, I have "gone up in the air about nothing," but never before have I gotten "flighty" over the City of Bloomington and Indiana University. The sensations and emontions one feels just before he scrambles into the cock-pit and is securely fastened by straps into the seat may be com- pared to that feeling of "having been called for and couldn't go; and after you got there, wasn't wantea." The pai-t of being strapped was not a new sensation, as we have been ac- customed to this for a long while. As we glanced at the faces of dear fritnds who were standing around, we noted that expression of human sym- pathy such as people wear when choos- mg the best undertaker for a laniily celebration; or worn at the gathering of heirs in an attorney's office to settle up an estate, or hear the reading of a will and testament. Takes Dog Along. But, without our pal of rough days confidently perched on our knees (my dog always is present when he thinks something unusual is about to come off — even fleas), we felt that we might as well die in the "height" of glory, as to be run over by some reckless pusher of a baby-buggy, or even a Ford — which could not hurt us any more than being blown up by dyna- mite; or lingering too long when friend wife is arguing with a rolling pin. The man asked how our insurance was fixed up, and gave us a pair oi goggles which one could not see through, told us to put our feet in the center, and take out our false teeth; he took our hard-earned money, and the crowd of spectators said good- bye. Fooled Expectations. But we fooled them all. We came back to earth, after one of the finest moments of keen enjoy- ment we had ever experienced; unless it was when we stayed out late one night, and sneaked in, fell over a chair; then found that our wife had been called to a sick neighbor's and would not be home that night. While we were about 3,000 feet in the air, just over the University, the aviator, or pilot as we now like to think of him, decided to bring us closer to our studies; so, suddenly he did the nose dive for about 2,000 feet. At first, we thought he was only playing, but after he had kept right on going down for what seemed about 100 years, we thought mayhaps, the man had forgot how to do the trick — when we thought the earth was just about to jump up and slam us in the face, the pilot changed his mind, and we came to a level keel, much as a woman does when hanging up a wash- ing. Saw Fish On Court House. I had often wondered how the fish on the court house looked from above — now, I know for sure, and can ex- plain many things from a higher point of learning than before I became in- terested in this "uplifting" subject, which has made many things more "plane" to be seen. As we became more confident, the airplane passed over our place of abode, and we recognized the old place and mentally gasped. "Here's still looking at you," tor we were not at all certain that the man ever intended to alight on the earth again. We passed a number of big birds — probably buzzards, and speculated up- on what they were thinking — for, if it was not for their diet, we might believe they were pretty "high-minaed birds." My dog began to scratch just as the plane did one of those "bank turns," and I had to observe "the wicked 'flea' when no man pursueth." After a graceful landing, we were assisted to dismount by kind and lov- ing hands, much as one is first lifted from a sick bed. And, to tell the truth; the earth felt just a little better under our feet than it had ever felt before. Scenes in Bloomington's Freight Yards. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 31 Country People and City Folk, along with College Students, flock to Monroe County and Bloomington's Public Square to "see" anything unusual, such as a circus parade, "home-com- ing," or similar event. 'AUNT MOLLEY" STEWART, BORN IN 1838 TELLS ABOUT BLOOMINGTON MAN'S SUCCESS Reared in Monroe County — Nearly 84 Years in Watching Back-Woods Town Grow Into Present City— Recalls Civil War and Tells of Proud Military Record of Men-Folk — Impressed by Progress of Local Churches. Mary Elizabeth Paley was ushered into this world on January 15, 1838, in a house situated just two miles west of Bloomington, in Monroe County, Indiana, and was reared in the healthful atmosphere of the region, blossoming forth into a youth of maid- enhood which has lingered in her sunny character through her eighty- three year of life, and shows today in a woman of rather mature years, but still in the prime of life. Mary E. Paley was the maiden name of Bloomington's much-loved and wholly pleasing "Aunt Molley" Stewart, who will be 84 years of age (not old, mind you) on January 15, 1922, although we would readily guess her to be but fifty, with her winsome smile and pleasing manner. "I was married to John H. Carth- cart in 1859," said Aunt Molley, in an interview, "who went through the war of 18G1-1864 as a volunteer in the Union army, and came out with the rank of sergeant, making me very proud of my husband. Mr. Carthcart left me a widow on September 28, 1878, and some time later I married my late husband's captain of war days, Captain Robert R. Stewart, of Mitchell, Ind. Mr. Stewart found that I loved Blomington so dearly I could never be satisfied to live elsewhere, so he made me a home in this city to the time of his death. "I am rather proud of the record of my men-folk, as besides the two hus- bands who fought in the rebellion, my uncle, John Eller, who was at one time sheriff of Monroe county, lost his life in the service of his country during the Mexican war. Then, my nephew went to the aid of his coun- try's cause in the late world war, and I am quite pleased with him for it. Last year, and this year, while at- tending the National G.A.R. Encamp- ment in Indianapolis, I had the hon- or of being the only woman present at the Woman's Relief Corps sessions who had been married to a soldier be- fore the war of the I'ebellion." When asked what impressed her most, as of greatest importance in the surrounding community during her eventful and active life, Mrs. Stewart smiled, and remarked that everything that was good which happened had impressed her as of importance Then, after contemplation, she con- tinued: "The wonderful growth of Bloom- ington's churches has impressed me more than any one thing along with the advancement, of the city from a small, muddy county seat town. V/hy, I remember the old Methodist church had no bell, but a great big horn was blowed to announce the meetings to the people. "Along with this religious growth, the W.C.T.U. must be given some credit for the wonderful fight that the good women of this community nas made against intemperance and im- moral things. "The most creditable mark of enter- prise, I believe that was ever made in the community, was that of Henry Gentry, who started in as a little boy, without any capital whatever, only his natural grit and ambition, and amassed a substantial fortune, which he has used in helping those about him to prosperity. "Henry started out as a bare-footed lad, to train five common cur dogs which he had "picked up," and he was so clever in handling his trained dogs that people wanted to see them per- form. From this start, little by little, the boy built up the world-famous Gentry Dog and Pony Shows, which were sold only a few years ago for a fabulous sum of money. He also gave Blcomington its first modern hotel, and one of the largest chemical con- cerns in the country — He always boosted. "But the thing which stands out in the life of Henry Gentry, even more than his great financial success, has been his philanthropic and charitable deeds for not alone his owni people, but the whole community — even to helping business men who had refused him aid when he was struggling so hard with early ventures." S2 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall On Moonlight Nights On moonlit nights: The time to stroll, And chat of sweetest nothingness — Young lovers, to us seem so droll, As in emotion's strong control They laugh and coo— their love confess. Ah, we — though wed — still love the role All lovers play — to reach their goal — Or, seal the pact with fond caress, On moonlit nights. Though we no longer climb the nole For we must know: we've crossed the shoal Between youth and age — Sacredness I felt when she gave her fond caress Still lingers, as I with time cajole, On moonlit nights. ABOUT YOUR LIBERTY BONDS The steady and vigoi-ous rise in the prices of Liberty Bonds up to Decem- ber of 1921, is a development that may well bring gladness to the hearts of the American people, and for reasons entirely aside from the mere apprecia- tion in the market value of their in- vestnftnts. For the rise in bond prices thus reflecting the drop in the price of money is the most convincing evi- dence of the trend towards normalcy. One hears a good deal of cynical talk, however, about the advancing bond prices. "Now that the small pa- triotic investor who paid par for the bonds during the war has been shaken out the 'big fellows' are putting the prices up," is common comment by these cynics. This is the merest drivel, not only not having any basis in fact but in general is absolutely contrary to the fact. The bonds were bought by some 20,000,000 investors, which virtually meant the enitre population able to buy. They were issued by the billions because the government (which means the people) had to have funds to carry on the war. Every banker in the country knew at the time that there was no investment demand that could absorb these billions no matter what interest rate was offered. Indeed, if the interest rate had been placed much higher it would have caused all other securities to tumble because the in- vestors would sell their corporation se- curities in order to buy the government issues. The result would have been a terrible financial panic. So the bonds were bought for pa- triotic reasons mainly, the investment consideration being secondary. Now with 20,000,000 holders, hundreds of thousands of whom were sure to die each year, a great many of the bonds had to be thrown on the market and naturally the prices dropped. Even after the war ended the prices slipped down further. But instead of the small investors being the victims the fact is many of the biggest corpora- tions in the country took losses. Be- ing unable to borrow more at ztie banks these corporations during the financial strain of 1920 had to sell their Liberty Bonds at practically the lowest record prices. On the other hand, bankers report that the buying at the low prices was mainly by small investors who "averaged" in this way on their original purchases from the government. Instead of being "skinned" the small investor has quite generally profited by the fluctuation in prices, although, of course, there are innumerable cases where people of small or moderate means had to sell at less than they originally paid. Big and large, how- ever, the loss incurred in this way was a mere drop in the bucket to the losses that our young men suffered who left good jobs for a year or two to join the army at a dollar a day. As compared to the financial sacri- fices made by the people of other coun- tries ours has been almost nothing; for not only have the bonds of otner nations declined more than ours, but even the very money of the people has depreciated and in some instances has become virtually worthless. THIS COUNTRY OF OURS Census figures of Indiana's popu- lation of each sex twenty-one years of age and more, according to color or race and citizenship and of native white men and women according to parentage, show 1,779,820 citizens of voting age, 905,203 males and 870,- 617 females. Citizens number 1,702,- (552, of which 860,834 are males and 841,818 are females. The citizen population comprised all native persons and all natui^alized foreign-born persons. Male voters in- cluded 825,916 riative-born and 34,918 foreign-born. Women voters were made up of 813,093 native-born and 28,725 foreign-born. There are twelve Buddhist temples. with thirty-four priests and 5,639 members, in the United States. Of the $32,000,000 expended for a Ml first-class battleship, $21,000,000 is ^\ for machinery. An average American town uses for all purposes from fifty to 150 gallons of water a day for each in- habitant. There are 49,000 drug stores in the United States. The District of Columbia was estab- lished as the seat of the government of the United States by acts of Con- gress in 1790 and 1791. Census bureau analysis of reports reveals that the average American family consist of 4.3 persons. Forty years ago the average was five per- sons. Revised census figures place the population of the country; as of Jan. 1, 1920, at 105,710,620, comprising 94,820,915 whites, 10,463.131 negroes, 244,437 Indians, 110,010 Japanese and CI, 639 Chinese. More then 2,000,000 acres in this country were planted with peanuts last year. There are about as many rats as there are poeple in the United States. On an average, twelve schoolhouses and two college buildings are oumed in America every week. Only three women have been pro- trayed on the United States postage stamps — Martha Washington, Queen Isabella of Spain, and Phocahontas, who saved the life of Captian John Smith. Bobbed hair, concealed ears, short skirts and all the other fads and foibles associated with modem wom- en's styles are as old as the pyramids, according to the mute story told by the mummies of both Egypt and Peru. The procedure in arresting an in- sane person in this state is for some person who considers the individual dangerious to the community to com- plain to a justice of the peace who is- sues a warrant for the arrest of the alleged insane person. The first judgment as to the sanity of the de- fendant is rendered by a jury of six persons in the J. P. court. "The alleged insane person must be present at the trial of his sanity. If the alleged insane person is adjudged to be not dangerous he is discharged. In the event the alleged insane person is found to be not dangerous the costs of the trial are assessed against the complaining party. In the event that the alleged insane person is adjudged insane and dangerous the issue is tried again at the next session of the county Circuit Court before a jury of twelve. If the insane person has an estate a guardian appointed by the court takes charge of his pro- perty. The word "lady" traced back to the Anglo-Saxon- means "bread-kneader." The Sorosis club, organized with twelve members in Mai-ch, 1868, by Mrs. Jane Cunningham Croly in New York, was the first woman's club in America. The first government Indian school in the United States was opened at Hampton, Va., in 1875. It had pre- viously been a negro school. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 33 RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES OF PIONEERS SHOWS IM- PORTANT STEPS IN WELFARE OF PEOPLE ALONG WITH OTHER PROGRESS Early History of Bloomington's Churches Indicate Spiritual Ideas Were Con- sidered of Much Importance by First Townsmen — Presbyterians Come First, Then Methodists and Baptists. Along with other phases of life which the pioneer settlers of Monroe county and Bloomington had to con- sider in those first years, when very existence meant a battle with all kinds of discouragements, we find m .ch credit is due to the early organization of religious folk for the success of our present city of culture. Bloomington may well be proud of her citizenship, in the wonderful showing made by the sincere effort of her early eitiz'-»is to give respectful devotion to God dur- ing the pioneer struggles through which they labored. The early history of the city's churches shows many interesting de- tails, which may be considered a credit to the life and grovsrth of any com- munity. Presbyterians Earliest. The Presbyterian church of Bloom- ington was organized September 26, 1819, by the Rev. Isaac Reed. The first members were: Henry Kirkman, Mary Kerkum, David H. Maxwell, Mary D. Maxwell, John Ketcham, Elizabeth Ketcham, Elizabeth Ander- son, Elizabeth Lucas and Patsey Baugh. The church was organized in the log court house, £id the first three baptized were the children of Dr. Maxwell — Martha Ann, James Darwin and Samuel Franklin. In 1822 the church had its first regular minister, the Rev. David C. Proctor taking charge. He preached three-fourths of his time in Indian- apolis and the remainder in Blooming- ton. The Rev. B. R. Hall, prindpal of the State Seminary (now Indiana University), succeeded the Rev. Mr. Proctor as minister in 1825. Andrew Wylie, D.D., supplied the church from 1830 to 1834. He was president of Indiana College into which the State Seminary had been trans- formed in 1828. The Rev. Ranson Hawley served from 1834 to 1841; the Rev. W. W. Martin, from 1843 to 1845; the Rev. Alfred Ryors, from 1845 to 1847; the Rev. Levi Hughes, from 1847 to 1851; the Rev. Thomas Alexander, from 1851 to 1853; the Rev. F. H. Laird, from 1855 to 1856; the Rev. Lowman Hall, from 1856 to 1857' the Rev. T. M. Hopkins, from 1858 to 1869; the Rev. A. Y. Moore served in 1869. The first church building was erect- ed in 1826, which served until a new building was constructed in 1859-63. Methodists Organize. The Methodists organized their class at Bloomington in 1820, and built a church about six years later. Among the early members were: Joshua O. Howe and wife, D aniel Ra^i^lins and wife, Benjamin Freeland and wife, Samuel Hardsey and wife, Ebenezer Shepard and wife, Mrs. Wright, Jona- than Legg and wife, Naomi Otwell and family, .las. H. King and wife, Abraham Pauley and others. A church building was erected of brick, the Wrights doing the brick work. Elias Abel wheeled mortar. The sturcture cost about $600. In the forties it was sold to the Baptists, and in the sixties was sold again to the Catholics. Big Horn Is Used. In 1846 the Methodists erected a new church. The Rev. Mr. Owen was pastor at this time. This structure served until about 1873 when a more imposing edifice was built, which cost about $12,000. There was no bell on the church of 1846 and the door- keeper used a gi-eat tin horn to call the people to worship. Other members of the church in the earlv years were the families of John S. Watts, Beniamin Neeld, J. D. Rob- ertson, C. G. Ballard, J. S. Jones, W. E. Waugh, Zimri Worlev, John Henrv, G. W. Moore, J. W. Moore, J. W. Davis, Weslev Robertson, and others. The Christians, or "Campbellites," organized a class in, or not far from, 1820 and built a church in the late twenties. The families of Haws Arm- strong, David Batterton, William Armstrong, Eli Lee, George Isoming- er, Johnson McCullough, Dudley C. Smith, D. Eckles, J. W. Hardin, John P. Rader, William A. Clark, Thomas N. William, D. F. Tilferd and many others were members. The Baptists started a small class at a little later period, the leading members being the Fosters, Stones, Vanoys and others. They also built a brick church, but were not as strong as the other three denominations. In June, 1852, the Second Presby- terian church was organized with a membership of eleven, eight of whom had been connected with the member- ship of the other church. The Rev. Mr. Bishop became the stated supply of the church, and con- tinued until" 1867. The Rev. Elisha Ballentine, after 1854, supplied the pulpit of this church during the ab- sence of the Rev. Mr. Bishop, and served from 1867 to 1869 without as- sistance. In April, 1870, the First and Sec- ond Presbyterian churches were united under the pastorate of the Rev. A. Y. Moore, and called themselves the Wal- nut Street Presb>'t,erian church. United Presbyterians. The United Presbyterian Church of Bloomington is composed of three branches — the Associated Presby- terian (Seceder), the Associated Re- formed Presbyterian (Union), and the Reformed Presbyterian (N. L. Cove- nanter), which were separately organ- ized in 1833, 1834 and 1838, respec- tively. The three branches remained apart until 1864, when the Associated Re- formed, under the Rev. William Tur- ner, and the Associate, under the Rev. John Bryan, came together and formed the United Presbyterian con- gregation. In 1869, the Reformed congregation, under the Rev. T. A. Wvlie, came into the union. Early accounts of the senarate branches are meager, indeed; but it is known that most of the members were from North Carolina and the South, having left there, owing to their abhorrence to slavery. They were for the most part farmers, and were scattered outside of the county seat. At the tfme of the union the mem- bership was about 200. The church, Bloomington First Christian Church, as it appears in 1922. 34 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall Upper — First Methodist Episcopal Church, and First Presbyterian Church. Episcopal Church, and the First Baptist Church- (1921). Lower — Trinity in the north part of Bloomington, was built early in the seventies. The Rev. W. P. McNarv became pastor in 1870. Other Classes Organized. Up to about 1880 other religious classes had been organized. The Catholics had a small organization in Bloomington, and built a handsome brick church west of the railroad, on Sixth street. The colored people built two small brick churches in the city. Weston A. Goodspead, in his history of Bloom- ington and Monroe county, published in 1884, makes the following notation: "Bloomington may be compared to Oberlin, Ohio, in the number of its colored population, and in many other respects — such as churches and schools. The city contains over 100 colored people, many of whom are well educated and well mannered." RECORD OF THE REV. GEORGE W. TERRY WORTHY OF PRIDE OF CITIZENS OF TODAY IS Having preached more than 5,300 sermons, ser\'ing as Moderator in his Association in the Baptist church, vol- untering for sei-vice during the Mexi- can war, and again enlisting in the military service of the United States in 1862 and taking part in the fa- mous battle of Jackson, Miss., second Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Resaca, Dal- ton. Little Kenesaw Mountain, Deca- tur, Ga., Atlanta, second Atlanta, Gris- woldsville, Ga., Savannah, Ga., and Bentonville, N. C, after having been appointed chaplain of Company B, 97th Regiment Indiana Infantry, is only a part of the laudable record of the Rev. George W. Terry, one of Monroe's early citizens. The Rev. Geoi-ge W. Terry, who was widely known as a citizen of pure and patriotic Christianly character in Bean Blossom township, was bom in Rich- mond, Va., December 6, 1S25, fourth of eight children born to Thomas and Elizabeth Terry, natives of Virginia and of Fi'ench-Saxon and Irish-French Saxon descent. George W., was reared on a farm in Greenbrier coun- ty, Virginia, until fifteen years of age, when his parents took him to Muhlenburg county, Kentucky, where they resided until after he father's death. Worked as Silversmith. The boy attended school when not engaged on his father's farm, and in 1847 was married to Nancy A. Shel- ton, daughter of John and Minerva (Weir) Shelton, of that county. By this union nine children were born, Ruth Ann (Mosier), Melissa Jane (Jackson), William A., George T., John C, Charles, Ida May, Edward F. and Robert C. Terry. After his marriage, George W. Ter- ry followed the trade of silversmith until 1862, in New Albany, Ind., from 1857 to 1859, then in Gosport (then in Owen county) Ind., where he en- listed in service in 1S62, and his wife purchased a farm near StinesWlle and removed the family to this farm. He studietl at night during these years while following his trade, in order to prepare for the Baptist ministery. The grandfather of this man was in the War of the Revolution, and at the siege of Yorktown received a wound which later resulted in his death. His father, Thomas Terry, was a soldier of the war of 1812, and participated in the battle of Craney Island, Va. With such a parentage patriotism was a sacred element in the life of George W. Terry, and dur- ing the Mexican war he volunteered his services to his country, but peace was declared before he got on the field of action. Followed Regiment on Crutches. In September, 1862, Mr. Terry en- listed in Company B, 97th Indiana In- fantry, and. was soon appointed chap- lain. He was with the regiment in all its engagements during this bloody war, except when in the hos- pital, and took active part in the fol- lowing battles: Jackson, Miss., sec- ond Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Resaca, Dalton, Little Kenesaw Mountain, Big Kenesaw Mountain, Decatur, Ga., At- lanta, second Atlanta, Griswoldville, Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 35 Ga., Savannah, Ga., and Bentonville, N. C. From exposure, Mr. Terry became subject to rheumatism's terrible rav- ages, and was confined in a hospital at Memphis, and two weeks in the field hospital at Marietta. But he pre- ferred to be with his comrades, and followed his regiment on crutches, or with the aid of a cane, from January, 1SG3, to the close of the war, in 1865. He obtained a furlough in 1864 and returned home for a visit, where he recovered his health enough that he was able to discard the crutches and use a cane. He then returned to his regiment to which he was deeply at- tached. He took part in the grand review held in Washington, D. C, on June 15, 1865, was discharged from service, and returned to his family, who were then living on the farm near Stines- ville. In 1866 he attended a theolo- gical institute at Chicago for two months, one month at Clayton, Hen- dricks county, and one month at Terre Haute, Ind., in further preparation for the ministery. He also studied in private with several theological pro- fessors. After leaving the army the Rev. George W. Terry devoted his whole time and life to his ministerial duties in the Baptist communion. He served as Moderator for fourteen years in his association, and preached more than 5,300 sermons in twenty years. He was a Mason, and a Demo- crat. A large number of descendants live in Monroe county now. HARMONY MOVEMENT PLAYED PART IN PIONEER LIFE OF PERRY TOWNSHIP— RELIG- IOUS SETTLEMENT Blue Springs Community Lived Only Short Time, But Seeds Were Sown Which Have Grown in Advancement of Better Education and Morals of Later Generations. Van Buren township Monroe county, Indiana, has probably had as interest- ing career and active religious life as any community within the state's bounds during its early history. Since the earlist settlement of the township, a large portion of the citiz- ens have been connected with various religious enterprises. About 1830 a class of Christ Church was organized, and for a time met in the house of Joseph Berry, who was one of the leading members. This class was made up from resi- dents of Van Buren and Indian Creek towiiships, and Robert Hamilton, Joseph Berry, John Porch, John Good- night, Dudley C. Smith, John Givens, John Bunger and their families were active workers in the organization. A log chuich was erected about 1834 and served for many years. In the early thirties, the Metho- dist established a class in the south- western part of Van Buren township, and the leading members were, Lewis Hartman, David Carpenter, Dennison Whaley, E. W. Tarkington, Maiden Baker, Jacob Baker, William Higgins, Lewis L. Allen, Jesse Targinton, Sam- uel Day, George G. Walker and fami- lies. This class built a church near San- fords at an early date, and has en- dured through many years. In 1850 Lewis Dale was the pastor. United Baptist Organize. Early in the forties, the vicinity of Sanford saw another religious de- nomination represented in the organi- zation of a class of United Baptists, among the earliest members being t' e families of John Griffith, Jesse Goss, James Steele, Heni-y Flood, William Sparks, Abe May and W. H. Treadway — the last four families also belonged to the Baptist Church in Richland township, Monroe county. The old Baptist church in Richland township drew a strong membership from Van Buren township, while many citizens of the northeastern part of the town- ship joined churches in Bloomington. The Union Meeting-House, as it was called, which was situated on section First Baptist Church. First M. E. Church. United Presbyterian Church. 36 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 36, Van Buren township, had a large membership in four townships of Mon- roe county, Van Buren, Pen-y, Clear Creek and Indian Creek townships being well represented. Religious Sentiment United. An educational and religious com- munity was located at what is known as "Harmony," situated northeast of Stanford, in Van Buren township, and was the earliest union of religious sentiment in the county. Members of and orthodox Christian organization were eligible to membership. This was not a local enterprise but grew out of the nation-wide "Com- munity" theory which arose through- out the United Staes from 1820 to 1860. It seems that the purpose of this movement was for increasing the sources of better educational systems and morals than was afforded by the denoininational and educational organ- izations of the country at that early time. This idea was propagated through a tendency of the thinking people of the day to unite means and influence in the formation of what was called a "Community," for this advance purpose. Horance Greeley Interested. Many families, in all parts of the nation, would place their property in charge of a committee enpowered to manage the common interests and benefits. These people would farm to- gether, eat and work together in all things. They were governed by a constitution and by-laws which were binding upon all alike. Men as eminent as Horace Greeley, Charles Fourier, and the Owens, of Posey county, Indiana were connected with organizations of the kind, and used their very best efforts and en- deavors to render the system suc- cessful. Every means possible was used to make the system popular and universal throughout the United States. "Blue Springs Community." One institution of this kind bloomed forth in Monroe county, Indiana, right in Van Buren township, in 1826, and was called the "Blue Springs Com- munity." A man named Berry, who came from Vermont to Indiana, headed this colony. Those desiring to become affiliated with this movement as members of the organization, gathered at what soon became known as "Harmony" (where the village later called by that name is remembered today). The members placed their property in common, erected dwellings, laid out a public common or square, started one of two stores, opened an excellent school in a log school house, erected for the pur- pose, and soon were in a seemingly flourishing condition. The first life seemed to thrive more than could be expected in the backwoods, for there was much to discourage the growth of this charming enterprize in the early times. Be it remembered that Indiana, and Monroe county especially, was a very . new country in 1826, and to establish and maintain such an institution where the purity of intention and pur- pose and performance was made the sole condition of membership, might be considered as a big undertaking today, but more so then. Neighbors Laughed. The neighbors laughed and made much fun of the pretentions of the communists, and scornfully predicted the speedy or ultimate dissolution of the community. But the members, with noble intentions, went to work resolutely, determined to do all that was in their power to make a success of the attempt they had made for the tjetterment of conditions for their fel- low-man and the future generation. The first year, things went along smoothly, or until cold weather came on, when many families left for their former cabins. Some conflict had occurred, mis- understandings through human im- perfections crept in. And, when the spring of 1827 arrived, all attempts to continue the community were vol- untarily abandoned. The seeming failure of this noble ef- fort on the part of the communists has been a sincere regret with many of the purest-minded citizens of Monroe county. But, as we look through the ages since that historic page in the county's life, we of today can readily see that the effort upon the part of these peo- ple was not an utter failure. We can see how the seed of better morals, better education and better living conditions which they planted has had an influence in the magnifi- cent educational institutions now sit- uated in the county. All these things have only helped add to the renoun of Bloomington and her citizens for their merit as people of high intellectual attainment and good moral \irtures as a community in which to rear a family. Upon further investigation we find in an old record the following: Dudley C. Smith (first school tea- cher) father of Dudley F. Smith and grandfather of Ulysses Howe Smith Bursar of Indiana University) and Dr. Rodney Smith (cousins) married Elizabeth Berry, of English birth, whose brother founded the in- stitution called "Harmony" where everything was in common. "GOD'S ACRE" IS BURIAL GROUND FOR HEROES OF REVOLUTION Plot Deeded to Descendants of Dunn Family Forever — University Campus Now Surrounds It — Three Sisters Who Aided Washington and His Troops Buried in Campus Cemetery. Back in the early twenties, when the east side of Bloomington was all farm land, Samuel Dunn and his wife, Elizabeth Grundy Dunn, purchased 160 acres of land which later became knowm as the old Dunn Farm. The farm extended from what is now E. Tenth street to E. Third street and from a line running north and south somewhere near the present Phi Delta Theta house to what is now Dunn street. Farm Passes to Heirs. The farm was willed to a son, Geo. C. Dunn, who fixed the limits of the Dunn family burial ground and deeded it to the descendants of Samuel and Elizabeth Dunn forever. As Bloomington spread toward the Dunn farm, his son, Moses, sold what lies between Dunn street and Indi- ana avenue for city lots. At this time the University was located where the high school building now stands. In 1883 one of the col- lege buildings bumed to the ground and Moses F. Dunn sold a part of his farm for the new site of Indiana Uni- versity. (An account of this fire and the transactions following are given in full in another article.) That is, he sold all except the graveyard where his family were buried. This he could not have done had he so desired, be- cause of the terms of the deed of George G. Dunn. For this reason ihe plot of gi'ound called "God's Acre" does not belong to the University and never will. Three Sisters Buried. In the stone wall surrounding the graveyard is built a three-faced stone upon the surface of which are cai-ved the names of three sisters, Ellenor Dunn, mother of the original owners of the land. Jennet Irvin and Agness Alexander. These sisters were pioneers of the Shenendoah valley in Virginia and were born subjects of King George of England. During the Revolutionary war, they and their families gave important as- sistance to Washington and his army. They spun, wove and fashioned gar- ments for the soldiers, and when tlie army was stationed in their vicinity, they cooked food for them. As soon as one batch of food was cooked and on its way to the soldiers, the women prepared another batch. This was kept up for days at a time. Later the sisters moved with their families to Kentucky and from there to Indiana, settling in the small vil- lage of Bloomington. When the sisters died they were in- terred in "God's Acre," the little cemetery in the heart of what is now the University campus. Indiana University bears the dis- tinction shared by few schools in the counti'y, in ha%'ing on its campus a Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 37 first Presbyterian Church. Church of Christ. (As they appeared in 1921). S t. Charles Catholic Church. cemetery, in which are buried three heroines of the Revolutionary war. Only one persons was ever buried in the cemetery who was not a direct descendant of one of the three sisters. This was a sister of a man who mar- ried into the family and having no other living relative, was buried in "God's Acre." Many students do not even know that we have a little cemetery on our campus. This little plot of land, ac- cording to the cornerstone of the wall, was "set aside by George D. Dunn for perpetual use as a cemetery." About ten years ago, when Indiana was playing Northwestern at base- ball on Jordan Field, a little funeral procession drove up to the graveyard. Instantly the game was suspended un- til the procession had moved away. — Indiana Daily Student. EARLY-DAY PREACHER SERVED HIS FLOCK FOR THIRTY-THREE YEARS In the fall of 1835 a call was issued by t!ie Associate Reformed Church of Bloomington, Indiana, to the Rev. William D. Turner, who had been do- ing much faithful service in various churches of Ohio and Indiana after having been licensed to preach the Gospel by the Associated Reformed Pres'iyterian Church at Xenia, 0. The Rev. Mr. Turner came to Bloonington, Indiana, and was or- dained and installed in the pastorate of the congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church on June 16, 18.36, where a relationship was formed which lasted as a work of loving kind- ness and fellowship for an unbroken perif d of thirty-three years. Here he found the field for the great work of his life, and the congi'egation of his church is a fitting memorial and proof of the extent and solidity of his en- deavor. The Bloomington pastorate was the first and only charge this teacher of the Holy Bible ever held. He found the congregation a poor and strug- gling flock of Christians in that pion- eer period when he came to the field, but through his personal endeavors more than any other element, he saw the congregation grow to a strong and influential body of workers for Christianity. With the Rev. Mr. Turner, as with the majority of the early-day min- isters of the Gospel in the old Hoosier commonwealth, he was com- pelled to supplement his income by some secular industry. He chose the farm, garden and nursery business as a means of financing for his ne- cessities, and became a master of this industry. He still made the minis- try his prime work, and never let other things interfere with his en- deavors in the Lord's work, or allowed a secondary enterprise to interfere with his religious work. Health Failed. The Rev. Mr. Turner's physical constitution was naturally robust, and the genera! health of his life had been good up to 1858, when he was attacked by severe ophthalmic dis- ease. This caused him great phy- sical suffering and disqualified him for his work for about three years. He found no relief from this disease through home treatment, and finally sought the services of a specialist in Cincinnati, where he found partial relief, but not complete recovery of his health. He continued to preach in the Bloomington church until 1869, when the infirmities of age had grown upon him to such an extent that he felt he could no longer minister to so large a congregation as his flock had grown to be, and his resignation was accept- ed by his congregation with much re- luctance. After this, however, he continued to aid in the church work whenever occasion demandetl his ser- vices. Takes Up Bee Culture. The Rev. Mr. Turner, although re- lieved to some extent from his pas- torial duties by the acceptance of his resignation, continued to superintend his secular interests with his usual skill for fourteen years, adding bee raising to his former industrial acti- vities. Of Irish parents, this pioneer cler- gyman of Bloomington and Monroe county was born in Pendleton Dis- 38 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall trict, S. C, August 25, 1806. The parents were of staunch old Presby- terian stock, and had emigi'ated to America at a very early day and set- tled on a farm in South Carolina. They had ciine through that period when their religion was subject to persecutions of all kinds, and had come through the trials faithful to the ideas they held as sacred as their lives. It was in such family en\'iron- ments that William Turner grew up in the beliefs of his parents, whose religion was alike true and strong. Under these happy and restraining influences the boy passed his early days. Soon, in the maturing youth, the fruits of his early training began to manifest itself, blossoming into a de- sire which sprang from the young m-^n'« nmbition to serve his Creator and Redeamer in teaching the Gospel to fellow-man. To fit himself for this work the boy eagerly embraced the advantages of the common schools and at the age of nineteen years he began a classical course of prepara- tion at an academy in Tennessee, where he studied for three years. After the academic study, young Tur- ner entered the Miami University, sit- uated at Oxford, Ohio, from which institution of learning he was gradu- ated in the class of 1831. He next took up studies in a theological sem- inary at Allegheny, Pa., and after completing the course in this school, was licensed to preach the Gospel by the First Associated Presbyterian Church, at Xenia, Ohio. Married in 1834. During his college days young Tur- ner had taught school during the va- cation periods in helping finance his education. In 1834, he married Miss Julia Ann Woodard, a native of War- ren county, Ohio, a daughter of Lewis and Eliza Woodard. This union was blessed by the birth of thirteen child- ren, and the following, with their mother survived the death of the father: Martha E., Harriet A., Laura L., Clara M., Ella A., and Anna A., six daughters. On the Sabbath day, August 5, 1883, the Rev. William D. Turner was in his accustomed place in the church and taught a class in the Sabbath school" but, on the following day, August 6, 1883, while in the ofiice of his son-in-law, Dr. Weir, in Bloom- ing-ton, he died. By this good man's death Monroe county lost one of its greatest fac- tors of the moral influence the peo- ple had depended on through the many long years of his tireless en- deavor. He had been a Republican and was a zealous anti-slavery advo- cate, and his preaching was filled with a persuasive eloquence which caused him to be lauded wherever known. The widow and Miss Clara M. Tur- ner continued to reside on the home farm which the Rev. Mr. Turner had established near Bloomington until the death of the widow who had lived beyond the alloted three score and ten years at the time of her husband's depaiture of the earthly life. One other daughter was man-ied to the Honorable Franklin Landers, of In- dianapolis; one was the wife of Dr. Weir, of Bloomington, and another was the wife of the Rev. Mr. Foster, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Congregation in Tears as New Fairview Church Burns-Wonder Jul Initiative of People Bloomington Fire Follows Christmas Program — Loss Estimated at $50,000. With practically every member of the congregation on the scene and in tears, the Fairview Methodist Epis- copal church, situated on West Eighth street in Bloomington, was destroyed by fire at 9:30 p.m., Dec. 25 (Christmas), 1921, with a loss esti- mated at $50,000. The structure, insured for only $15,000, was built seven years ago, after many sacri- fices by the members of the con- gregation. The fire started from an over- heated furnace and was discovered a few minutes after the congregation had left the building, the annual Christmas entertainment of the church having been held during the evening. Soon Out of Control. The fire was out of control of the local department, almost from the start and in a few minutes the build- ing was a mass of flames. A high wind was blowing and houses in the neighborhood were saved only by hard work, one of these being the parsonage to the south of the church and occupied by the Rev. W. C. Mor- gan, the pastor, and his family. The church was situated on the top of a high hill and the fire, visible for many miles, attracted thousands of persons to the scene. Practically every member of the congregation lives within a few blocks of the destroyed structure, and it had not only been a church but had been a g^i'eat social center as well. The members for the most part repre- sent families of men employed in Showers Bros, factorv. Many of these being unable to make monev contri- butions when the church was built, gave their personal ser^nces, by work- ing on the structure at night. While the buildine was in flames men, wom- en and children of the congregation gathered around the pastor, in tears, and when the fire was over he raised his hands in prayer, asking that his people receive courage and strength to hold together as a congregation and build a new church. First Work in 1913. Work on the Fairview church was started in 1913, the structure taking the place of a small wooden building. Much of the stone and material repre- sented gifts. Only last June the con- gregation made the last payment on the debt and held a great celebration when the mortgage was p^id off and burned. The Rev. Mr. Morgan has been in Bloomington four years, com- ing here from New Albanv. One fireman was overcome by smoke during the fire. On account of the danger from live wires, the electric current was shut off from the northwest part of the city during the night. (Thirty-six hours after their church had been destroyed by fire, twenty-five members of the Fairview Methodist church confrreKation marched on to the site of the burned building and started with their own hands the erection of a tabernacle which was completed Wednesday night, of the same week, in time for the weekly prayer meeting. A meeting had been held on Monday afternoon at which it was decided not to accept the offer of other church buildings of Bloomington congregations for temporary use. but to erect a tabernacle at once. The lumber was ordered and delivered on the site at daybreak Tuesday morning. The working party was headed by the Rev. W. C. Morgan, the pastor, and the bosses on construction work were three deacons of the church. Wil- liam Downey. Parker Torrence and Charles Jones. The work was rushed day and night and a call for volunteers from other churches was issued. The congregation also voted to re- build the church and to spend 565,000 on a new building and community house. The won- derful courage and ability of the people of this Christian body in meeting adversity with de- termined effort not to be downed gives the right for using this account in the columns of this book ) . m-^ X ^MT y^^^^^ 1 W '^_^^^^^^^ bm^^t. HHMpinr ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B B^^^u il4< 1 ~~ ^' ~-^iiai Fairview M. E. Church, as it appeared before fire destroyed the beautiful edifice on Christmas night, December 25, 1921. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 39 COED SIXTY-NINE YEARS OF AGE— ONE OF THE FIRST WOMEN GRADUATES OF INDIANA IS NOW "TAKING" WORK Bloomington Resident Attends Class in University Where Her Grandson Is a Freshman — Tells of Life of the Men Who Labored for Humanity — Pays Tribute to W. B. Rogers. A fellow-student with one's own grandson is an honor rare, indeed; but this, after having married a grad- uate of Indiana University, on one's own graduation day, and having the gratification of seeing five of one's own children graduate from the same college, then have three sons-in-law who were Indiana graduates, is a, record of devotion to one's Alma Mater worthy of respect in all time to come. Sixty-nine years of age, possessed with the urge to write, which had been ever put back for duties that seemed more pressing in rearing her family; and with activities, always urgent in the Christian woi-k as wife of a min- ister of the Gospel, Mrs. Emma R. Clark, '73, one of the first women to graduate from Indiana University, and a resident of Bloomington, is again a "student" in the great educational institution, in an endeavor to become more finished for the accomplishment of her literai-y ambition. Attended Seminary. "In the spring of 1868," said Mrs. Clark, in an interview "my father moved his family from near Spencer, Ind., to Bloomington, in order that we children might have the advantages of higher education. I attended the old Seminary for two terms in the building which still stands just north of the post office. Then I entered college." "Were you among the first women to enter Indiana University after the school was made a coed institution?" was asked. "Yes. I was one of the first women that entered that institution as a stu- dent, pnd with Miss Dodds. and Miss Luzzader, completed the first dozen women graduates from Indiana Uni- versity, with the class that received degrees in 1873. I was married on the day of my graduation from the University. "Have vnu STsent all these years since, in Bloomington? Are you a native of Indiana, and were your par- ents Hoosiers by birth?" were the next questions pressed upon her. "No, Bloomington has not always been my home. Mv father, T. C. Jen- nings, with mv mother, were among the early settlers of Owen countv, Indiana, having moved to what is now Cataract when there were no houses in the settlement. Mv father and his men came first, and lived in covered wagons unt'l th^v had erected a log cabin, when my father removed his fa"iilv to the new home from Louisville, Kv., where they had lived until th=s time, 1842. "In 1863, we moved to a farm of 640 acres my father had purch'ised near Spencer, Ind. My first school house was a little one-story frame building, which had been named "Hardscrabble" by the teacher, Miss Howe, who had such a hard time in making fires in the school. When my father moved the family to Bloom- ington, in 1868, in order that we chil- dren might have the advantage of a good education, there was one man in Bloomington, whose character still impresses me by its noble traits, his name was William Clark. "This man was one of the old blacksmiths of Bloomington. When we came he was choir leader of the Christian church. Along with being blacksmith, he was also wagon- maker — in those days the whole wagon was made by hand. His shop was sit- uated where the Salvation Armv Cite- dal is now. later he moved the shon to West Seventh street, where it still stands. In later years ne often over- hauled and repaired the wagons of Gentry Brothers shows after their summer travels. He would frankly tell his customers if he considered their wagon unworthy of repairing, and made many fripnds through his truthful dealings. He was a man of hin-h idpals. liberal, and zealous in welfare work of the church. One de- sire of his heart was to see prohibi- tion of the liquor traffic before he died. "WTiilo Mr. Clark. Sr.. was leader of the Christian chnvch choir for tViir- tv years, his wife, all of his living chil- dren, and four srandchildren were membei-s nf the choir. One of th^se gT-andchildvpn is now a song writer and poet of prominence at the nresent. t-'me, refloctiiitr t^^e musical traits of thp "Id choir leader. "Of the immediate familv of 'Bi'lv' Clarl' ns this man was fondlv called bv Blnomino-ton ppnnle, but two dauo-hers n""' b've, M''s. A. Tt. Van Vrirsen. of Winona Lake, Tnfl.. and M'-s. W. P. Rogers, of Cincinnati, Oh-'o. When William Clark moved from BrncoTillp, Indiana to Bl'^nmin^'ton, in 18^6 he b'-nufht with him a baby son, onlv pip'bt wppt-s old. This boy grpw un in Bloomington. and wpn*- to school in the davs when tho first railroad was being const^uctpd th>-ouo-h Monj'Op county. As did many othpr bovs of the commn"'*'v. he wori-pd at times in the Holt^man woolen mills, where he narrowly pscaned .arcid°ntal loss of one of his hand';. He also workpd in his father's wafonshon, and la+pr spn^ed an an- prenticpshin for tho e^ViJnot-maVer t'-ndp in the s^^on of S^iowprs & TTnn- dr'ct'S Hater Showprs Bros.), until he was so"pn*'pon vears of aiye, when the (Jl-po/lf,,] Civil i>»RT broVp out. "This spn. Thomas J. Clark, when not vet pin-htppn vpars of aire, enlistpd in the lOth Indiana Cavalry, on De- cember 9, 1860, remaining in the ser- vice of his country until the close of the Civil war and was mustered out at Vicksburg, August 21, 1865. After returning to Bloomington, this young man entered Indiana University, from • which institution he graduated in 1872, taking the first honor of his class. He then began teaching in the high school at Vincennes, Ind., and was later made principal of the school. Here it was that the young man be- gan preaching the Gospel, in the First Christian church of that city. "On the date of July 3, 1873, the following year, this young man and I were married. By the way, that was the day of my graduation from Indiana University, and indeed it was a proud day for me as his bride. After re- turning with my husband to his charge in Vincennes in August of that year, we spent twenty-one happy years in that city where he served the church during that time, all of our five child- ren having been born in that city." "But when did you return to Bloom- ington?" was the next query made of our interesting fellow-student in "Short Story Writing." "My husband accepted a call to the Bloomington First Christian church in 1894, much to the regret of our loving friends in the Vincennes church, with whom we had been so closely associated in the Lord's woi'k through the twenty-one years of our residence there. The Rev. Mr. Clark, my husband, ministered to the people of Bloomington for fourteen years, seeing the church grow from a con- gregation of five or six hundred to thirteen hundred members. During this period we saw four of our child- ren enter Indiana University and graduate, our youngest daughter not ha^'^ng graduated until 1916. "We have done well by our Alma Mater, for not onlv our family were all graduates of Indiana Uni^'prs'ty, but our three sons-in-law. Thomas S. Gerhart, Wilbur Fisher and Robert E. Neff, are graduates of the dear old college; and now, one of our grandsons is a freshman in the Uni- vei'sitv, while I, his grandmother, am taking this class work as a means of devplopino- into a finished writer. "In 1908 my husband accepted a call to Albion, 111., where we served the church for nine years before re- turning, in 1917 to our old homp tovra, whpre we expected to spend the re- mainder of our earthlv days, mv hus- band having developed heart trouble which had resulted in our deciding that it was best for him to ret're from ac- tive work. But. after a short illness, he left us, January 23, 1918. a^er a life well spent and lived wholly for the betterment of the world and hu- manity." Mrs. Clark was then asked if she remembered anything important in the life of W. P. Rogers, a Bloominp'ton man who made a great name after leaving this city. He was thp hus- band of a sister of the Rev. TTi^mas J. Clark, and son-in-law to William Clark. "Yes, I knew him well, and I believe Bloomington never had a more noble citizen. He came from Brown county, out of a home of true worth — where a nohle father and mother had loved and reared him. He came to Bloom- 40 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall ington seeking a higher education, for which he had longed. Before his graduation from Indiana University he became a teacher, and his students still speak lovingly of him. He grad- uated from the law school of the Uni- versity, and practiced his chosen pro- fession in Bloomington, later becom- ing dean of the law school of Indiana University. "I recall that when he was ready to begin practice as attorney-at-law in Bloomington, the young man had either .$1.50 or $3 in money, and spent half of this sum for an office table. He became noted as one of the best and cleanest lawyers in the city — a man who was kind and helpfu; to others, one who helped to make the community a better place in which to live. He was one of the early pro- moters in the development of the stone industry in Monroe county. The last project in which he was active was the organization of the National Stone company, which is still a pros- perous concern. "Later, Mr. Rogers became dean of the Cincinnati Law School, a position formerly held by ex-President Taft. While in Cincinnati, he became an active worker in the famous "Peace League" movement, just before the world war. After giving up the dean- ship of the Cincmnati school, Mr. Rogers became interested in oil pro- jects, while practicing law in that city. In these oil ventures he was successful, amassing a fortune rated over $1,000,000. "Much stress is laid on men's suc- cess in making money, but this seems to be but a small tning in the life of W. P. Rogers, compared with his nobility of character and the good he has done in the world. He died in the Presbyterian hospital of Chi- cago, October 9, 1921, after months of suffering, from which city his body was taken to Cincinnati for burial. "The success of W. P. Roger's true Christian life may well be an inspir- ation to any young man." A poem, by Thomas C. Clark, Indi- ana University, '99, son of the late Rev. Thomas J. Clark, '72, and Mrs. Emma R. Clark, '73 (surviving widow whose interview appears above), was read at a meeting in the City Temple of London, England, on November 1, 1918, as "A Message from America to the Allied Nations of Europe." The poem is as follows: "We are America's men, Stronp. forceful, and free. We are America's men. Children of liberty: Ready to march at the trumpet's call. Ready to fipht. ready to fall — And ready to herald, 'Peace for all !' We are America's men. "We are America's men. Brave, dauntless and true. We are Am?rica's men. Ready to dare and do : Ready to wield the sword with misht. Ready the tyrant's brow to smite — And ready to sheathe the sword for Ripht ! We are America's men. "We are America's men. Loathing the despot's rod. We are America's men. Under the rule of God: Ready to battle plants grim, Ready to fisht till day grows dim. But ready to sheathe the sword for Him ! We are America's men. (Mr. Clark is on the staff of the Christian Century, of Chicago.) LARGEST MAN IN COUNTY LIVED IN BEAN BLOS- SOM TOWNSHIP— VAN BUSKIRK FAMILY IN EARLY HISTORY The largest man in Monroe county, and probably in the whole State of Indiana, was David Van Buskirk, and also the tallest man, as he stood six feet ten inches in his stocking feet and weighed 390 pounds. He was one of the first to enlist in Com- pany F, 27th Indiana Infantry, in July 1861, under Captain Peter Clapp and Colonel Silas Colgove, who organ- ized the company in Monroe county for the war of Rebellion. He was engaged in the battle of Winchester, where he was taken pris- oner, beingr confined in Confederate prisons for about three months, and finally sent to Annapolis, Md., and exchanged. Then he saw action in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, besides numerous skir- mishes. Having gone into service with the rating of Second Lieutenant, he was made First Lieutenant upon his return from the southern war prison, his captain having been killed while he was being held prisoner; then, after the battle of Antietan, David Van Buskirk was made captain. In the fall of 1862 his command was transfen-ed to General Thomas's division, and he continued in active service until April 26, 1864, when he was forced to give up his commission on account of physical disability for further military duty, and returned to the farm in Bean Blossom town- ship, where he again took up farm- ing. Elected County Treasurer. Mr. Buskirk (it seems that the family dropped the prefix Van in some manner during the latter part of the nineties) was elected treasurer of Monroe county in 1866-68, on the Republican ticket, and in 1876 made a hot race for election as state treas- urer of Indiana, but was defeated in this campaign, which was the last time he ran for any public office. David Van Buskirk, was born No- vember 23, 1826, on the farm in Bean Blossom township, Monroe county, which is known as the Buskirk home- stead. He was the oldest of ten child- ren born to James and Mariah (Camp- bell) Van Buskirk, natives of Ohio and Tennessee, and of German and Scotch-Irish descent, respectively, David was reared on this farm, and received a fair education for that early day. On March 16, 1849, David Van Bus- kirk married Lucy Ann Buskirk, a daughter of Isaac and Patience (Stil- well) Buskirk, of German lineage. By this marriage, six children were bom, D. C, J. I., Cinthy (Ridge), John, Thomas and Gety Van Buskirk, On March 16, 1866 the first wife passed from the earthly habitation to the great beyond. David Van Buskirk next married Mrs. Martha Able, a widow, of Mon- roe county, daughter of Madison and Sarah (Wilborn) Stephenson. To this union two children were born, Mi- chel and Mary Ann Van Buskirk. Again Mr. Van Buskirk was left a widower, his second wife having died February 22, 1873. Mary Able, sister-in-law to the se- cond wife was taken by Mr, Van Buskirk in marriage on October 26, 1874, as his third wife, to share with him the fruits of life in his last years. Gave Children Education. Having never lived at any other place than the fami upon which he was bom and reared, except when he was in service, Mr. Van Buskirk proved to be one of the most prosper- ous and progressive citizens of the pioneer days, and took great pride in giving each of his children a college education as well as substantial finan- cial support in starting life. He never completely recovered the rugged health he had enjoyed before entering Historic Treasures, Comviled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 41 the Civil war, although he was a very large man. The grandfather of David, named Isaac Van Buskirk, was a soldier of the Revolution, and an uncle. John Van Buskirk, was wounded in the battle of Tipecanoe, during the war of 1812, and his son, Isaac, was killed in the battle of Chancellorsville, hav- ing been a lieutenant in the United States army during the Mexican war, and in the Rebellion. All these soldiers and their wives are resting in the old family grave- yard, situated on a hill east of the old house on the David Van Bus- kirk farm, and from this spot one may gain a view of the entire sur- rounding country. In late years some have designated this old burying ground which is northeast of Stine- ville. in Bean Blossom township as the "Arlingon Cemetery." Manv descendants of these people are citizens of Monroe county, and traces of the Van Buskirk and Camp- bell blood run. in the veins of the most cultured and worthy families of the state at the present time. AUSTIN SEWARD WAS PIONEER AXE MAKER IN EARLY DAYS— STARTED BUSINESS IN 1821 WHICH LIVES TODAY IT WAS HARD TO BE GOOD. Built Log House at Seventh and Walnut Streets in Bloomington— Moved Family Bv Ox-Team to New State of Indiana and County Seat of Monroe County —Business Celebrates Centenniel Anniversary. Blue laws were more abundant in Connecticut and other New England colonies than anj^^vhere else. Here are a few of the more notable ones: Married persons must live together or be imprisoned. No man shall court a maid in person or by letter v/ithout first obtaining consent of her parents. Five pounds penalty for the first offense, ten pounds for the second and for the third imprisonment during the pleasure of the court. Whoever sets a fire in the woods and it burns a house shall suffer death. Persons suspected of this crime shall be imprisoned without benefit of bail. The judge shall determine controver- sies without a jury. No one shall cross a river, but with an authorized ferryman. No woman shall kiss her child on the Sabbath or fasting day. To pick an ear of com growing in a neighbor's garden shall be deemed a theft. Every reliable person who refused to pay his proportion to the support of the minister of the town or parish shall be fined £2 sterling and every parish quarter £4 until he or she pay the rate to the minister. Whoever brings cards or dice into this dominion shall pay a fine of £5 sterling. No one! shall make minced pies, dance, play cards or play on any in- strument of music except the drum, trumpet and jews' harp. Every male shall have his hair cut round according to a cap. If any child above sixteen years old shall curse or smite his, her or their parents such child or children shall be put to death, unless it be proved that the parents have been unchristian! y negligent in the education of such child. If any person be a witch he or she shall be put to death. September 14, 1921, marked the 100th anniversary of the estabhsh- ment in Bloomington of the firm ot Seward & Co. The business has been in the same family continuously for one hundred years and is now con- ducted by Fred and Austin Seward who are" of the fourth generation from the founder, Austin Seward, with Paul Seward of the third gener- ation as foundry foreman. The grandfather of these young men wa"s born in Middlesex County, Virginia, Nov. 22, 1797, and, when twelve years of age, moved with his parents" to Richmond, Kentucky. In the spring of 1821, he visited Bloom- ington, then a struggling frontier village, with a view to locating here- He was so well pleased that he re- turned for his family and arrived by ox-team September 14, 1821, and at once erected a three-room log cabin for his family on what is now the southwest corner of Seventh and Wal- nut streets. Just across the street from his home he purchased the fron- tage running from the alley north to Seventh street and on this land erected his first long shop and started business. Expert Tool Maker. Austin Seward was an expert edge- tool maker as well as an "allround" mechanic in metals. Cutlery, guns, kitchenware, stoves and in fact, prac- tically everything in the line of steel, iron and tinware was turned out in the little shop. He was famed for the wonderful rifles he made and set- tlers would come for fifty miles to Austin Seward. purchase these guns. Big game was then plentiful in this region and was the principal meat supply of those early pioneers. There are still quite a few of the old rifles in use in the county. They were said to be noted for their accuracy and each gun was tested personally by the maker. His shop grew with the business and later covered a considerable part of the site he had selected. Part of the original brick building still stands on the old place and marks one of the oldest structures in Bloomington, as well as one of the oldest buildings in the state, having been used for manu- facturing purposes. A foundry was soon added and here the castings were made for practically every article in iron or brass used in this section of Indiana. The pig iron was hauled by ox-team from New Albany, where it was unloaded from flat boats coming down the Ohio river from Pittsburg. Charcoal was first used to melt the iron and later coke, which was also brought overland from the Ohio. The building of the L. N. & C. ''now the Monon R. R.) made the transnurta- tion of these commodities much more easy. Was Leading Citizen. Austin Seward was soon recognized as one of the leading citizens of the who came in contact with him. It was new town and was beloved by all said of him that no man ever turned away from his shop because of lack of money to pay for his needs and doubtles thousands of dollars worth of charge accounts on his books were never pressed for payment. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church and one of its constant attendants and supporters. He took an active part in all civic matters but was never a seeker after office. In an early book of Bloomington and Indiana Uni- versity, written in 18.55 by Prof. Hall, ("The New Purchase"), he was given the name of "Vulcanus Allheart," and a chapter was devoted to his reputa- tion for work in iron and steel, which was widely known in this district. Durine the progress of the Civil war. while two of his sons were in the Union Ai-mv, he devoted a great part of the facilities of his foundi-y in turning out bomb-shells and cannon for the army. Thoussinds of dollars worth of war material was sent out from his shop to the forces operating in Tennessee and other southern states, for which he never asked or received a dollar from the govern- ment' . All of his sons, of whom there were seven, worked in the shop and many of these as well as Austin Seward, the founder, will be remembered by the older residents of Monroe county. His 42 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall sons were, John, James, Bryson, Wil- liamson (usually referred to as W. B.). Irvin, Robert and Albert. His only daughter was Almira, who was mar- ried to Finley McCullough in 1848. Austin Seward is buried in the old Dunn cemetery — "God's Acre"— m Jordan Field on the University grounds. None of his children are now living, but their descendants numbering more than a hundred, are now living — mostly in Bloomington and vicinity. In the 80's a large part of the busi- ness of Seward & Co. was the manu- facture of chilled plows, but this was discontinued as unprofitable after a few years. The present plant of the firm 'is located on West Eighth street and the Monon tracks, where it was moved some fifteen years ago, when the former owners decided to sell the old site on Walnut street for business purposes. Here may be seen many of the old patterns of articles made in the old shop, also some of the tools. HOOSIERS MADE FINE RECORD IN WORLD WAR Sixty-two counties in Indiana have comple"ted histories of the part tb.e citizens of the counties played in the world war, according to the .Tnnual report of John W. Oliver, director of the Indiana historical commission, covering the activities of the com- mission" in the last year. "It is the plan of the commission to ha\'e every county in the state compile its his- tory before the close of another year," the report says. That "it is doubtful whether an- other state in the Union can claim so many honors as can Indiana for the part" her people played in the '^reat world war," also is set o.it in that part of the report coverina: the com- mission's activities in the collection and compilation of the oRicial war history of Indiana. "It was an Indiana boy, Jar.ies Bethel Gresham, of Evan.^ville, that was first of the American forces to give his life on foreign soil after the United States started its drive against the enemy," the report 5ho\v.3. "It was an Indiana boy. Sergeant Alex- ander Arch, of South Bend, who fired the first shot from the American forces into the German trenches. The Greatest Hero. "The greatest hero of the world war was an Indiana boy. Sergeant Samuel Woodfill, of Bellevue, Jeffer- son county. "It was a Hoosier soldier, Major- General Omar Bundy, of Newcastle, who as commander of the 3th Ameri- can army corps stopped the German drive at Belleau wood in the Chateau Thierrv sector in June, 1918. In General Bundy, "the hero of Belleau wood," Indiana has its greatest fight- ing soldier since the days of General Lew Wallace. "Three thousand three hundred and fifty-four sons and fifteen daughters from Indiana paid the supreme sacri- fice in the world war. "It was to Indiana that official credit was given by the adjutant general of the United States army for having supplied in proportion to its population more volunteers to the United States army — 24,148 — than any other state in the Union. Cited for Bravery. "Three hundred and forty-six Hoo- siers were cited for bravery in action — for the performance of extraordi- nary heroism while in line of duty. One hundred and twenty-three Hoo- siers received the Distinguished Serv- ice crosses; 213 received Croix de Guerre citations while ten others re- ceived decorations from other foreign governments. An examination of liie 346 citations granted shows that not a few received as many as three medals for bravery. "Indiana men and women loaned the government $498,000,000, ap- proximately $500,000,000; ($451, 000,000 for the purchase of Libertv bonds, and 547,000,000 for the pur- chase of War Savings and Tlirift stamps), as their share in financing the war. "And it was a Hoosier lad. Earl Capper, of Decatur county, who, when the war was over and when the terms of the peace treaty drawTi up be- tween the allies and the German na- tion was ready for signing, sent forth the message on the morning of June 23, 1919, to all the world announcing that Germany had signed. Young Capper, together with two other Hoosier soldiers, Claude M. Herr, of Castleton, and Paul R. Stephenson, of Indianapolis, were attached to the 29th service company, signal corps, in the office of the Commercial Cable Company, Le Havre, France. When the plenipotentiaries announced that the articles of the treaty of peace had been signed, the honor of ticking out the message on the tape which was carried by the cable and telegraph to all points of the world fell to the three Hoosier lads who were stationed in the cable office. It was they who sent forth these glad tid- ings to the war-weary people in the four parts of the globe. Of the seventy-eight congressional medals of honor awarded by the United States government for distin- guished service in the world war, there are fifty-five survivors who possess the coveted medals, the high- est award of bravery. Thirty-Two Counties. That the movement for the organi- zation of county historical societies has taken on renewed interest in the last year also is set out in Jiie report, by Mr. Oliver. Societies have been organized in thirty-two counties of the state. The Southwestern Indiana Historical Society, representing eight "pocket counties" also was organized in the last year. "It is the plan of the historical commission to continue the work of organizing local county historical so- cieties in the state and it is the Lope that ultimately every county in In- diana will have a local historical so- ciety organized and on the job col- lecting and compiling its couniy his- tory," the report states. Dr. Frank B. Wynn is president of the commission, Samuel M. Foster is vice-president and Harlow I.indley, of Richmond, is secretary. ALONE, IN THE MYSTERY OF DEATH, WILL SLEEP AMERICA'S UNKNO^VN Special Niche Carved Out for Him in Terrace of Great Amphitheater, But Notable Company Lies About Him in the Near Distance. — America's Llnknown Soldier Fittingly Honored November 11, 1921. High on a wooded ridge beside the Potomac America's nameless hero will sleep bivouacked with the brave of many wars. Everywhere about his simple tomb, over the swelling slopes or in the shaded canyons of Arlington national cemetery in the District of Columbia, stand monuments and headstones on which are engraved names that also are written imperishably in the pages of glory that make the nation's his- tory. "There too, are stones, amid the long rows, to mark other unknown dead of other wars, and the bulk of the monument above the single grave where rest the unknown of the war between the states, gathered from many battlefields. But for the newcomer from France among this fellowship of valor a spe- cial place of honor has been made. He will sleep in a narrow crypt, hewn out of the live stone that forms the terrace of the memorial amphitheater erected to consecrate the memory of men everywhere who died for the flag. Above his coffin a massive block of stone, carved with the brief legend of a nation's tribute to all those others who sleep unknown in France, will be placed. On it also will go the long list of honors the nation and the great powers of the world have lavished on the soldiers who gave their identity as well as their lives on French battlefields. Above the great stone towers the marble pillared facade of the ampni- theatcr, crowning the ridge and look- ing down over a sweeping vista of quiet hills and peaceful countryside to the wide waters of the river. Be- yond stands Washington city in the haze of tlistance. Over it, dimly vis- ible, looms the great figure of Free- dom on the dome of the Capitol; far- ther down Washington monument thrusts a slender gray finger to chal- lenge attention of the very sky to the deeds of peace and war it commemor- ates; closer still looms the square white bulk of Lincoln memorial at the river brim, sealing a people's tribute to a martyred leader. Fold on fold, the calm hills drop away from the terrace, where the Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 43 sleeper from France lies honored but unknown. At his feet a sculptured marble balustrade sweeps out on eith- er side, marking the wide, graceful curve of the footway that drops down to the grass grown slopes where, day by day, many a gallant comrade from France is finding his last resting place. Down there the new head- stones gleam in countless variety. There is hardly an hour of any day when sorrowing relatives are not moving slowly among the new graves, giving loving care to flowers on the low mounds. On the headstones are cut the names, the dates of birth and death of the dead, and names of French villages where they made their great sacrafice. Man by man, their record is written for all to know and honor. He Died in France. But for the nameless one, asleep on the terrace above, there are no rela- tives. He lies alone in the mystery of death. Laden with honors beyond any of his fellows below, there is none to tell the way of his life and his death, of whence he came or of what he was, save that he died in France, at the nation's call. The American people are his next to kin. He alone may sleep there within the great monument to all the nation's honored dead. Everywhere aboiit the amphitheater are monuments cut with names that touch memory to life, that bring ech- oes of the thunder of guns from old far-off battle scenes. There lies Sheri- dan; there lies Porter and Crook and Doubleday and yonder lies Dewey. Over the peaceful slope, row on row, march the headstones of hundreds of humble servers in the ranks like the sleeper up there on the terrace, or again, dimly seen through the trees goes another long column of soldier headstones, graying with time. But officers and men, generals, admirals, privates or the last bluejacket to join the ship before the battle, they are all sleeping here in honored graves. Gath- ered they are from Mexico, from all the far plains where emigiant trains fought their way westward, from storied fields of the civil war, from Cuba and the Philippines, from Haiti and from France. Just beyond the amphitheater rises the slender mast of the old Maine, brought from Havana to mark the resting place of her dead soldiers and sailors and marines. It is their last muster and for them all has been raised the great marble pile wherein the unknown sleeper from France keeps his vigil. The pure white outline of the struc- ture, as yet unstained by time and the shifting winds that sweep unchecked through its stately colonnade, or its vast roofless gathering place, rises amid a setting that nature paints with new beauty as the seasons come and go. It stands atop the ridge, footed among the evergreens and the native Virginia woods that set it off in changing shades in summer; deck it with the myriad tints of autumn as the year wanes and wrap it about with the delicate tracery of snow laden, leafless branches in winter. To form the colonnade, a double row of great marble pillars march around the circle wherein the marble benches are set. Facing the benches and with its back to the terrace where stands the tomb, is the sculptured hollow of the apse where the solemn rites for burial takes place. The structure has the lines of an ancient Greek temple, a fitting resting place for the honored unknown soldier who is its only occupant. And Over the Ridge. Over the ridge beyond the amphi- theater are seen the grass-grown ram- parts of old Ft. Myer with the dead clustering about them. Farther along, the pillared portico of the old Lee mansion thrusts out through the crowding woods to look dovioi over the vista of hills and river to Washington. And just over the road stands the army post of Ft. Myer, its garrison flag a fluttering glimpse of color over the quiet scene, the roar of its sunrise and sunset guns waking the echoes among the graves of the dead; the faint, far call of its bugle singing also for these sleeping warriors, rest- ing in their last encampment. — The Indianapolis News. ARMISTICE DAY PROCLAMATION Whereas, a joint resolution of Con- gress approved Nov. 4, 1921, "to de- clare Nov. 11, 1921, a legal public holiday," provides as follows: "Whereas, Armistice day, Nov. 11, 192], has been designated as the ap- propriate time for the ceremonies incident to the burial of the unknoviTi and unidentified American soldier in Arlington national cemetery; and "Whereas, this unknown soldier represents the manhood of America who gave their lives to defend its integrity, honor and tranquility against any enemy; and "Whereas, the nations of the earth are on that date joining with the United States in paying respect and homage to their unknown soldier; therefore be it, "Resolved, by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Uni- ted States of America in Congress as- sembled, that the President is hereby authorized to issue a proclamation de- claring Nov. 11, 1921, a holidy, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives in the late world war, as typified by the unknown and unidentified American soldier who is to be buried in Arlington na- tional cemetery on that day; and the President is respectfully requested to recommend to the governors of the various states that nroclamations be issued by them calling upon their people to pause in their pursuits as a mark of respect on this solemn oc- casion." Now, therefore, I, Warren G. Hard- ing, President of the United States of America, in pursuance of the said joint resolution of Coneress, do here- by declare Nov. 11, 1921. a holiday, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives in the late world war, as typified by the unknown American soldier who is to be buried in Arlington national ceme- ery on that day; and do hereby recom- mend to the Governors of the several states that proclamations be issued by them calling upon the people of their respective states to pause in their usual pursuits as a mark of respect on this solemn occasion. And, in order that the solemnity of the occasion may be further empha- sized, I do hereby furthermuore re- commend that all public and church bells throughout the United States be tolled at intervals beween 11:45 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock, noon, of the said day, and that from 12 o'clock, noon, to two minutes past that hour, Washington time, all devout and pa- triotic citizens of the United States indulge in a period of silent thanks to God for these valuable, valorous lives and of supplication for His di- vine mercy and for His blessings upon our beloved country. In witness whereof, I have here- unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-sixth. WARREN G. HARDING. By the President, CHRLES E. HUGHES, Secretary of State. FOCH'S FAMOUS MESSAGE ■ At the request of William Lowe Bryan, president of Indiana Univer- sity, Marshal Foch, when in Indiana- polis wi-ote on parchment a copy of the famous telegram sent by him to general headquarters during the first battle of the Marne, in September, 1914. The original was written at the deciding moment of the battle, when the Germans were near Paris. The message, translated, was: "My left is giving way, my right is falling back; consequently I am or- dering a general offensive, a decisive attack by the center. FOCH." The autographed copy of the mes- sage will be framed and preserved at the university. NEW DOLLAR DESIGN NOT TO SHOW BROKEN SWORD The new dollar now in process of coinage and expected to be available for circulation about Dec. 30, 1921, will not bear a broken sword, Ray- mond T. Baker, direcor of the mint, announced recently. Two designs for the dollars, which mark the first chan<^e la tne Ameri- can silver dollar in twenty-five years, were submited, Mr. Baker said. One design showed an American Eagle clutching a broken sword, but tne other omitted the broken sword. The latter has finally been accepted and approved, the director said. The new dollars will portray gener- ally the advent of peace and be sym- bolic of the new era on which the na- tion through the armament confernce is entering, treasury officials said. The first Labor day parade was held in New York city September 5, 1882. 44 Historic Treasures, Compiled hy Forest M. "Pop" Hall % CITY PAYS HOMAGE TO MEN OF WORLD WAIU- BRAVE STORM OF WIND AND SNOW Rain Falls on Uncovered Heads as Bells Toll — Pay Tribute to Unknown and With Fitting Program on Anniversary of Armistice Day, November 11, 1921. Rain fell on uncovered heads as Bloomington observed Armistice Day, November 11, 1921. A cold downpour which started at nine o'clock in the morning fell al- most continuously throughout elabo- rate ceremonies in which hundreds of people of the town and University honored the living and dead of the great world war. Fitting Ceremony. At eleven o'clock the courthouse bell started tolling in honor of the Un- known Soldier in Washington who re- presented the spirit of the hundreds of lives sacraficed by the United States in the great world war. World war veterans of Monroe county and of the University united with students of Indiana University, members of the R. O. T. C. unit and braved a cold, drizzling rain on Jor- dan field and stood at attenion dur- ing the program of ceremonies which commemorated the third anniversary of the signing of the armistice, No- vember 11, 1918. The presentation by Elmore Stur- gis, an I. U. graduate, of a bronze memorial tablet on which was in- scribed the names of those Indiana University men who gave up their lives in the world war; the parade of the R. O. T. C. unit, in honor of the unknown hero whose body lay in state at Washington; the firing of taps in honor of the fallen, all the ceremonies took on a reverent and pa- triotic character reminiscent of the old days when the United States was engaged in the war. Veterans Lead. A long, thin line of ex-service men, some of them limping from wounds received in the great conflict, was the first group to march past the stands. Thev were followed by the band and the R .0. T. C, of which four members were detailed to carry the memorial tablet. Lieut. -Col. Paul V. McNutt, master of ceremonies, introduced Sturgis, who presented the tablet to the Uni- versity in behalf of his class, and President William Lowe Bryan accep- ted the gift on behalf of the Univer- sity. President Bryan, in his accep- tance, voiced a plea that the tablet might not be forced to remain long in that "ramshackle building," Assembly Hall, but might, though the genero- sity of students and alumni, be housed in a fitting edifice, that is to be erected through the Million Dollar Memorial Fund campaign. Compliments I. V. Cadets. The Rev. C. W. Harris, student pastor, of the Presbyterian church, of- fered prayer, and Major Albert T. Rich, of the Indiana National Guard, delivered the principal address of the morning. He praised the loyalty and the patriotic spirit of Indiana men in the world war, and complimented the R. O. T. C. unit upon the excellent showing made this year. Then the band broke forth ^^^th "The Star Spangled Banner" as the national colors were hoisted from half mast. Crowds gathered in the local churches during the noon hour for a few moments of worship. "Buddies " Entertained. The War Mothers of Bloomington served a real dinner to all ex-service men of Bloomington, Indiana Univer- sity and Monroe county, in the G.A.R. room of the court house. The men enjoyed the dinner very much, and had a fine get-together meeting, and as "buddies" renewed old acquain- tances. About 150 World War Veterans of Bloomington and Indiana University were entertained at a smoker and re- ception given for all service men by the Cootie club, an organization of University men who have seen action in major engagements overseas, Thursday afternoon at the Sigma Chi house. A general "rest camp" time was had among the "buddies," in which good smokes and a liberal sup- ply of apple cider helped each to re- call days of yore, when the memories brought forth by the occasion were stern realities. Major O'Brien Talks. Major R. E. O'Brien of Indiana Uni- versity's efficient R.O.T.C, which has won "distinguished college" for the school in competition with all the col- leges of America for the two past years, under his guidance, gave a very fitting talk, in which he commended veterans of the military service in their co-operation in encouraging the R. O. T. C. "Buck" O'Harrow of the University Phai-macy, a Bloomington boy, who was also a member of the Cooties, as an overseas man, gave the boys a good, "heart-to-heart" talk, and cussed the Major in a manner which demonstrated his ability as a "good" soldier. Major O'Brien called "Pop" Hall from behind his "bush" for a little humor of his characteristic line, which "Pop" wound up by reading a poem he had composed for the occasion. Major Albert T. Rich of the United States Regular army, who has been detailed to assist Adjutant-General Harry B. Smith of Indiana in the great National Guard organization, in which the State of Indiana at the present time outclasses all other states of the Union, gave the vets, from buck private, to ranking officer, a feeling of fellowship, as he recoun- ted incidents in the "line of duty" which recalled the muddy trenches and frontline action to those present. The quartet was recalled many times by enthusiastic encores for their excellent rendition of popular and classical vocal music, which the boys gi-eatly appreciated. Armistice Day, 1865. Grandfathers, fathers, uncles and great uncles of the A. E. F. remind those youngsters that there is another date beside November 11 that is bright on the calendars of war. It's Sunday, April 9, 18fi5, the anniversary of the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Armies. What was that "armistice day," or rather that unconditional surrender day, fifty-six years ago like? What happened there at Appomatox Court House, Va., when the Gray gave in to the Blue? The kaki would like to know. Let John M. Surface, one time eighteen-year old private in the Sev- enth Indiana volunteer infantry, and entitled to a wound chevi-on for a bullet hole through the right shoulder, received in the Battle of the Wilder- ness, tell about it. "It was Sunday, April 9 ,1865, and a fine day," Mr. Surface said. "Just one week before we'd captured Rich- mond, the capital of the Confederacy. From there, we'd fought a re^iguard action with the retreating Confeder- ates seventy miles west to Appomatox Court House. We were in a sparsely settled, rolling country, tobacco plant and not much else sprouting in its red-black soil. We camped near the little town and stacked arms. It was an out-of-the-wav place, but greiit things happen at little places " "Sure, Senlis was that kind of a joint," agreed the youngster from the A. E. F. "We were encamped along an old washed out road, all of the regiment that hadn't been left at the Wilder- ness and other places," the older vet- eran continued. "Across a ra%nne through the timber, we could see the old McLean house. We had seen gen- erals and their staffs entering it and coming out all day and we believed we'd seen flags of truce." "Bet the camp was chuck full of rumors," the A. E. F. ventured. "It was," admitted the former pri- vate of the Seventh Indiana. "But finally we saw a group of horsemen trotting up. I recognized the old for- age cap and the hook nose of Gen. George Meade, commander of the Army of the Potomac. We hollered 'Hey, general, have thev surren- dered?' " "What! All you buck privates hol- lered, 'Hey General?' " "Certainly, we were old campaign- ers together," replied the old-time Yank. "The general hollered back, 'The whole army of Northern Virginia has surrendered. You get to go home, boys!' " "Then we started to celebrate. There were from sixty thousand to one hundred thousand Union soldier around about. Every flag in the army was unsheathed. We wrapped our officers in the colors, put them on stumps and made them make speeches. All the din and noise was terrific." "We were quiet after 11 o'clock," Historic Treasures, Compiled bij Forest Af. "Pop" Hall 45 offered the A. E. F., *'but some of us got into Paris later." "But most all were wild to go home," the old Yank said, while the young one nodded vigorously and sym- pathetically, "That was April. After the grand review in Washington I was discharged in July." "Some speed," commented the A. E. F., enviously. "Say, that's the way to end a war." — Kansas City Star. H. G. Wells, in his introduction to "OuMines of World Histoi-y, says: "War becomes a universal disaster, blind and monstrously destructive: it bombs the baby in its cradle and sinks the food ships that cater for the non-combatant and the neutral. There can be no peace now, we realize, but a common peace in all the world : no prosperity but a general prosperity. But there can be no common peace and prosrierity without common historical ideas. WJ:hout such ideas to hold them together in bar mon- ious co-operp.tion. with notbinc: but na rrow. selfish and conflicting nationalist trad-tions, races and iieoples are bound to drift towards conflict and destruction." THAT PEACE MAY LIVE. When our war thoughts are dead, and all is true, In this greatest world of all Creation ; Then can man-kind a life of love pursue— Wg believe, and few but know, our nation Is but leading a world inclination Toward a course which will surely give To humanity a Peace Foundation — Then, thank God, and pray that peace may live! When man-kind learns to love, all will rue Savage war. and no combination For power can be made by the few — Then will man lose that fascination For selfish deeds : else true salvation Must ever flee, as any fugitive, Driven by war's cruel damnation — Then, thank God. and pray that peace may live! In Europe, Asia, and lands more new. Dire devastation and starvation Tell hard tales of what war will do— And we, each one. must start terminati-m Of war, and live our appreciation For God's grace, ever sensitive. By deeds of true humiliation — Then, thank God. and pray that peace may live! We must, with firm determination. Know that Truth, in love's demonstration. Gives all peace with life most positive — Then, thank God, and pray that peace may live! NAMES OF MONROE COUNTY HEROES WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE FOR THEIR COUN- TRY'S CAUSE IN THE WORLD WAR They gave their tomorrows To lessen the sorrows Of our today I Then, we must pass it along With gratitude in our song. Lest all decay ! In all ages since the world was in its infancy, mankind has honored and loved the memorials of those who fought for the rights of the weak — but, can we, as mortals every appre- ciate the sacrifice of those men who made the supreme sacrifice, gave their lives in the great world war for demo- cracy. Greater honor can never be in heaven or earth, than to give one's life for what we believe to be right. As did the soldiers of both North and South sacrifice their all for the cause they believed was right, so with added strength of purpose did Monroe county's sons give their youthful strength, sacrificing all per- sonal ambitions, home and love, upon the altar of war in an effort to free the world of autocracy for coming generations. Let us offer a prayer of gratitude to our God of All, as we pay our humble respect to the memory of the men from Monroe county who gavo their lives in the great world war, which ceased with the signing of the armistice, November 11, 1918, and ended in the greatest victory for de- mocracy the world has ever known. Those men who were either killed in the great battle of Europe, or lost their lives through dreadful disease contracted in service — the heroes who departed from this community to re- turn no more in life, are as follows: Joseph K. Barclay — (deceased) — relative, Mrs. Elenor Bowles Bar- clay, 1418 N. College avenue, Uloom ington, Ind. Carl E. Anderson — (deceased) — father, Edward L. Anderson, R. R. 3, Bedford, Ind. Charles Brough — (deceased) — fath- er, R. A. Brough, Ellettsville, Ind. Sam Chambers — (deceased) — moth- er, Elizabeth Jerls, Sanders, Ind. Elmer Earl Cooper — (deceased) — father, Gifford A. Cooper, Hunting- burg, Ind. Charles O. Croy — (deceased) — brother, Elmer Croy, 1105 W. Eighth street, Bloomington, Ind. Bert H. Freese — (deceased) — fath- er, Walter P. Freese, R. R. No. 1, Harrodsburg, Ind. Glynn C. Haller — (deceased) — wid- ow, Mrs. Ada Haller, 3420 Fir street, Indiana Harbor, Ind. Horace Homer Hay — (deceased) — mother, Mrs. Florence M. Hay, 717 W. First street, Bloomington, Ind. Thomas B. Hays — (deceased — fath- er, Thomas F. Hays, Sanders, Ind. John O. Heitger — (deceased — father, Peter Heitger, 41.5 S. Dunn street, Bloomington, Ind. James R. Hobbs — (deceased) — uncle, Louis Turner, Marion, N. C. Wilburn Hunter — (deceased) — fa- ther, John E. Hunter, R. R. No. 6, Bloomington, Ind. Hoyt S. Massey — (deceased) — wid- ow, Mrs. Freeda Massey, 315 E. Oak street, Mitchell, Ind. Earl H. Mitchell— (deceased)— fath- er, James Mitchell, Harrodsburg, Ind. Lee John Myers — (deceased) — father, Frank S. Myers, R. R. No. 6, Bloomington, Ind. Ernest James Osborne — (deceased) — father, John F. Osboi'ne, Blooming- ton, Ind. Edwin O. Parker — (deceased) — father, Robert Parker, Harrodsburg, Ind. Olin M. Smith — (deceased) — rela- tive, Tilman K. Smith, Davenport, la. Earl H. Prince — (deceased) — fath- er, William Prince, R. R. No. 4, Bloom- ington, Ind. Robert Reeves— (deceased) — fath- er, Sylvester Reeves, R. R. No. 1, Bloomington, Ind. Earl H. Rogers — (deceased) — fath- er, Harry F. Rogers, 346 S. Rogers street, Bloomington, Ind. Thomas A. Shields — (deceased) - mother, Mary E. Shields, Blooming- ton, Ind. Richard B. Simmons — (deceased) — father, H. T. Simmons, "i/^ N. Col- lege avenue, Bloomington, Ind. Albert D. Smith— (deceased)— fath- er, Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 3, Mon- roe, Ind. Ora C. Smith — (deceased)- -f.ither, Henry Smith, 623 Si Roprers street, Bloomington, Ind. Millard Spoor — (decease.! i — father, John S. Spoor, Brooklyn, Ind. Laurens B. Strain — (deceased) — father. Homer E. Strain, 527 N. Wash- ington street, Bloomington, Ind. Richard O. Wagner^(deceased^ — mother, Mrs. John E. Wag-ner, West Point, Miss. Ben A. West — (deceased) — mother, Mrs. Laura West, Cass, Ind. Henry B. Woolery — (deceased) — father, Henry A. Woolery, 315 E. Seventh street, Bloomington, Ind. (The above list was picked from a com- plete list of all men who were in the United States military ser\ice during the world war who resided in Monroe county. Indiana when they entered service, as shown by records in the office of Adjutant-General Harry B. Smith, in the Indiana State Capitol on November 20, 1921. A complete list of all Monroe county men and their pre-war addresses is given in another article, showing all men who went into military service in the world war.) Indiana University. The following men, who went into service from Indiana University and gave their lives in the World war were honored by the class of 1919, who presented the school with a bronze tablet to their memory: Melvin Bland Kelleher, Frankfort. Major Paul Barnett Coble, Bloom- ington. Harrison Wiley, St. Paul. Joseph Knox Barclay, Bloomington, Flora Smith. Melson Smith, Bloomington. Paul T. Funkhouser, Evansville. Oman Joseph Six, Gwynneville. Frank A. Knotts, Gary. Byi-on Thornburg, Marion. Ben Aleston West, Cass. Ross Edgar Carnes, French Lick. Elmer Earl Cooper, Huntington. David Kenneth Frush, Logansport. Burton Wolery, Bloomington. Horace M. Pickerill, Muncie. Karl Edward Anderson, Bedford. R. Harris McGuiie, Indianapolis. Clayton A. Endicott. Wesley Dueros Edwards, Paoli. Allan G. Myers, Alton. Russell C. May, Alexandria. Lawrence H. Bertsch, Cambridge City. ■Thomas Hays, Smithville. Charles Henderson Karns, Bruce- ville. Clifton Earl McFadden, Ridgeville. Van Crooke Phillips. Payne Salm, Rockport. Millard Spoor, Brooklyn. William Russell Van Valer, Jones- boro. Wilber H, Peugh, Salem. Carl T. Smith, Gary. Myron J. Seright, Tipton. Noble Black-well, Mitchell. James Russell Caughlin, Corydon. (List Continued on Page 46) ^ 46 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall (List Continued From Page 45) Wilbum Hunter, Bloomington. Louis Ploenges, Indianapolis. Ashton M. Baldwin, Mafion. Joseph Bruce Chambers, Blooming- ton. Harry P. Gray, Pennville. Earl Gibson Colter, Columbus. John Vernon Burns, Indianapolis. Claude B. Whitney, Muncie. Benjamin H. Hollingsworth, Lynn. Homer G. Fisher, LaFontame. Orland Leslie Doster, Converse. Herman McCleland. Victor H. Nysewander, Jonesville. Bertram William Pickhardt, Hunt- ington. Andrew V. Seipel, Seattle, Wash- ington. Lloyd Samuel Sugg, Mount Vernon. Roy Warfield, Star City. Seventy million men were mobil- ized, 30,000,000 men were wounded, and 10,000,000 men were killed in the terrible conflicts of the late world war. MONROE COUNTY'S HONOR ROLE AT THE CLOSE OF THE GREAT WAR OF REBELLION IS SACRED TREASURE Names of Men Who Fought and Died for the Preservation of the Union Holds High Place in Honor of Nation — Names of Local Heroes Who Gave Their Lives in Service From 1861-1865. "No more shall the war cry sever. Or the winding river be red : They banish our anger for ever When they laurel the graves of our dead ! "Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the Judgment Day ; Love and tears tor the Blue, Tears and love for the Gray." Monroe County sent heroes into the undescribable tortures of hellish war since before the county was organized, and these sons ever showed the valor of true sons of America in their deeds of unflinching bravery. The largest number of men having made the su- preme sacrafice to support their gov- ernment's cause was in the Civil war. They were: 14 th Regiment, Three Years' Service. Captain James E. Kelley, died May 8, 1862, of wounds received at Winchester. Sergeant John C. Cox. died at Huttonville, Va., Novem- ber 3, 1861. Jesse A. Steele, killed at Antie- tam, September 17, 1862. Alexander S. Re- tan, died April 14, 1862, of wounds received at Winchester. George Mclvei-y. died in No- vember, 1862. of wounds received at Antietam. Thomas W. Carlow, killed at Antietam. in September, 1862. Andrew M. Arthur, killed by accident, in September. 1861. Elijah Bar- rett, died in April. 1862. of wounds received at Winchester. Lewis Crump, died in April, 1862, of wounds received at Winchester. James Decan. died in November, 1862. Edward Duncan, died in December, 1861. Andrew Harsh, killed at Antietam, in September, 1862. Richard Houston, killed at Antietam, in Sei>- tember. 1S62. James M. Hughes, killed in the Wilderness, in May. 1.S64. Joseph M. Mc- Calla. died in August, 1861. Joseph McDonald (veteran), killed in atfray near Stevensburg, Va. William Miller, died in April. 1862. of wounds received at Winchester. James H. Raper. died in May. 1864. of wounds re- ceived at Spottsylvania. John Raper. died in May, 1861. Stacy F. Smith, killed at An- tietam, September, 1862. Wil'.iam H. Smith, died in June, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania. F. M. Wagoner, killed at Cold Harbor. W. S. Thomas, killed at Cold Har- bor. W. A. Steire, died in a hospital. George W. Kelley, died of wounds received at Antietam. 18th Regiment, Three Years' Service. Lieutenant-Colonel WiUiam Stanley Charles. died from wounds November 10, 1864. Ser- geant Samuel W. Dodds. died at St. Louis. Mo., in November. 1861. Charles H. Slicncer. died at Helena, Ark., September, 1862. Syl- vester Barnett, died at Cassville. Mo.. April. 1862. James Fox, killed by guerrillas, at Syracuse, Mo., in December, 1861. William Martin, died at Cassville. Mo., in 1862. John E. Martin, died at Cassville, Mo., in March. 1862. Michael Odenwald, died at St. L«uis. Mo., in November, 1861. Thomas St. Clair, died at St. Louis, in November, 1862. Alvin Walker, died at St. Louis, in November, 1861. Arthur Walker, died at Otterville, in December, 1861. Richard D. Wylie, died at Otterville, Mo., in October. 1861. John Carter, died at Warren, Mo. John T. West, died at New Albany, Ind. 22d Regiment, Three Years' Service. Lieutenant Lewis W. Daily, died of wounds received at Cassvi'.le, Mo. Sergeant Benjamin T. Gardner, died December, 1863, of wounds received in action. William B. Miller, died in December, 1863, of wounds received in action. Verdman Johnson, died in April, 1862, of wounds received in action. Edward Graham, died at St. Louis, Mo., in October, 1861. Heze- kiah Brown, died in August. 1861. Copernicus H. Coffey (veteran), died in June, 1864, of wounds. Christopher C. Coffee, died at Farm- ington. Miss., in July, 1S62. Wi'liam H. Coop- er, died at Otterville, Mo.. 1861 ; James M. Coffey, died at Syracuse Mo., in December, 1861. Henry L. Duncan, died at Harrodsburg, Ind., in April, 1862. Joseph Elkins. died at Harrodsburg. Ind., in April, 1862. Charles M. Goben. died at St. Louis. Mo., in May, 1862. William G. Jennings, died at Lynne Creek, Mo.. February, 1862. Fleming Johnson, died at Evansvil'.e. Ind.. in July, 1862. James H. Pettus. killed at Perryville. Ky., in October. 1862. William Warman. died in August. 1862. William H. Williams, died in July, 1863. Elijah Lyons, killed at Rome. Ga.. in May, 1864. Joseph M. Mayficld. died in September. 1864. of wounds, received at Jonesboro. W. G. Jennings, died at Trynne Creek. Mo. 31st Regiment, Three Years' Service. Sergeant James B. Fullbright. killed at Shiloh. in April. 1862. Miller M. Sutpin, died at Calhoun, Ky.. in February. 1862. John Baxter, died near Elkton. Ala., in July, .1862. Benjamin F. Taylor, died at Calhoun. Ky.. in December. 1861. James M. Eller. died at New Albany, Ind.. in July. 1862. Roily Frank- lin, killed at Shiloh. in April. 1862. Robert A. Harbison, died at Calhoun. Ky., in De- cember, 1861. James V. Livingston (veteran), killed at Kenesaw, in June, 1864. James J. Livingston, died at New Albany, Ind.. in May. 1362. Willis L. Mathers, died at Cal- houn. Ky., in December. 1861. Jacob Meadows, killed at Stone River, in December. 1862. Elisha Robertson, died at Evansville, Ind., in July. 1862. William H. Shafer. died at Corinth, in May, 1862. Thomas Tull. died at Corinth, in May. 1862. Benjamin H. Whisenand. died at Calhoun. Ky.. in Fcbruarj-, 1862. Jacob Wright, died at Bowling Green, Ky.. in No- vember. 1862. Samuel E. Wylie. died at Cal- houn. Ky.. in Februar>'. 1862. WilMam S. Butcher, died at Nashville. Tenn. Abraham Floyd, died at Madison. Ind.. in April, 1865. William H. Fox, died at Indianaiiolis, in March, 1864. Bedford Havins, died at At- lanta, Ga. Alvin Howard, killed at Nashville. Tenn., in December. 1864. John Keith, died in May, 1864, of wounds received at Resaca. Alexander Lucas, died at Atlanta, Ga.. in Au- gust. 1864. Lewis W. Shields, died at Indi- anapolis, in March. 1864. John W. Small- wood, died at Huntsville, Ala., in March, 1865. Jeremiah Vanderpool, died at Nashville, in August, 1864. 38th Regiment, Three Years' Service, First Lieutenant Joseph H. Reeves, died March 15, 1864. Francis D. Mathew (veteran), killed while on picket duty near Atlanta, Ga., in August, 1864. James Ashbrook, died while held a prisoner in the Danville Prison (Va.), in January, 1864. James W. Nichols, died while in Andersonville Prison, in Decem- ber, 1864. John W. Smith, died at Andei> son\ille Prison. John M. Sharp, died at Chat^ tahoochie River, Ga.. in July. 1864. 15th Regiment, Three Years' Service. Captain Isaac S. Daines. died of disease at Little Rock. Ark. William H. Coffey, died at Little Rock, Ark. William Lee. died at Lit- tle Rock, Ark. John Thompson, died at Louis- burg, Ark. 82d Regiment, Three Years' Service. Lieutenant-Colonel Paul E. Slocum, died of wounds received in action, March 3, 1864. Second Lieutenant Samuel Guy. died of dis- ease. May 22, 1863. William J. Craig, killed at Resaca, in May, 1864. Henry Bunger. died at home, in December. 1862. James E. Bung- er. died at home, in August. 1864, of wounds received at Resaca. Adam A. Conenhaver, died of wounds, at Chattanooga. Tenn.. in February, 1864. Samuel Cnan, died at Mur- freesboro. in February, 1863. William Curry, died in March. 1864. from wounds received at Mission Ridge. James R. Dearman. killed at Chickamauga. in September. 1863. George W. Dnpois. died at GaMatin. Tenn. George W. Edwards, died at Murfreesboro, in Feb- ruary. 1863. John L. Gardner, died at Nash- ville. Tenn.. in March. 1863. Robert P. Hanna. died at Atlanta, in October, 1864. William Harbison, died at Louisville. Ky. Daniel C. Houston, died at Gallatin. Tenn.. in Novem- ber. 1864. Joseph Lills. died in October. 1863. from wound=; received at Chickaniauca. Abra- ham May. died at Nashville. Tenn.. in Feb- ruary. 1863. Clark McDermott. killed at Chickamauga. in September. 1863. Wi'liam McDermott. died of wounds received at Chick- amauga. Emmett MitcheM. died at Nashville. Tenn.. in February. 1863. .lohn W. Strong. died at Winchester. Tenn., in August. 1863. Edward T. Sluss. died of wounds, in Sep- tember. 1864. George W. Whitaker. died at Bow'ing Green. Ky.. in June. 1863. James Russell, killed at Chickamauga. John W. Temple, killed at Resaca. J. B. Hoover, died at Louisville. Ky. James M. Burris. died in Andersonville Prison. George Yund. died at Chickamauga. 93d Regiment, Three Years' Service. David Meadows, died at Cahaba, Ala., in September, 1864. Joseph Hooshour, reported unheard from (supposed to have died). Isom Prince, died in Lawrence County. Indiana, in November. 1862. Henry Southern, died at Walnut Hills, Miss., in July, 1863. Robert Alton, supposed to have been lost with the steamer Sultania. David Miller, died at Mound City, III., in August, 1863. James Meadows, died at .Indianapolis, in Jan- uary. 1864. lOlh Cavalary (125th), Three Years' Service. Captain Isaac A. Buskirk. died of disease, July 11. 1864. William F. Alexander, died at Pulaski. Tenn.. in August. 1864. Horace L. Beatly. died in Jacksonville Prison (Fla.), in May, 1865. William M. Berrj-, died in July, 1865. Richard J. Drake, died at Pulaski. Tenn.. in August. 1864. Jonathan East, died at Louisville. Ky.. in April, 1865. Richard R. McCune. died at Pulaski, Tenn., in April, 1864. Thomas Peterson, died at Nashville, Tenn., in December, 1864. Samuel Parks, died at St. Louis. Mo., in Januar>'. 1865. John Quick, died at Columbus, Ind., in April, 1864. Aaron J. Rutledge, died at Bloomington. Ind.. in April. 1864. James H. Waugh, died at Nash- ville, Tenn.. of wounds, in December. 1864. William Welch, died at Vicksburg, Miss., in August, 1865. Ira Young, died at Nashville, in November. 1864. Charles Amor, died at Corinth. Miss. Eli Fowler, died of disease, at Ft. Gaines. John R. Fielder, died of dis- ease, in Mobile, Ala. 145th Regiment, One Year's Service. Hugh C. Adams, died at Dalton, Ga.. in April. 1865. William Clark, died at Nashville. Tenn.. in April. 1865. James M. Craig, died at Louisville. Ky., in February, 1865. George H. Collins, died in May, 1865. John M. Hub- bard, died at Indianapolis, in February, 1865. Tilghman A. Rogers, died at Dalton. Ga.. in March. 1865. John Stewart, died at Bain- bridge, Ga.. in October. 1865. James M. Pauley, died at Dalton. Ga.. in April, 1865. James H. Smithville. died at Cuthbert, Ga., in January. 1866. Jordan Wisley, died at Dal- ton, Ga., in April. 1865. Miscellaneous. Lieutenant Isaac B. Buskirk (27th), killed at Chancellorsville. Captain Fred Butler (21st Battery), died at New Orleans, La. Milton H. Mobley (2d Cavalry), died at New Albany, Ind. (List Continued on Page 47) Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 47 (List Continued From Page 46) William Barnes, killed at Ashley Gap, Va. James H. Knight (59th), died at Nashville. Elvin Farmer, died at Memphis, Tenn. Wren Allen (2d Cavalry), died in Ander- sonville Prison. Lee Stewart (2d Cavalry), killed at New- man Station. Abraham (2d Cavalry), killed at Newman Station. Daniel Breakison (2d Cavalry), died at Cornith. James Thompson (9th Battery), killed at Shiloh. Robert H. Gourley (20th Battery), died at New Maysville, Ind. Captain Peter Kop (2Tth). killed at Antie- tam, J. J. Howard, killed in service. William Rice (14th), died while in a south- ern prison. Captain Joseph Young (97th). killed at Kenesaw. James A. Butcher (97th), died of wounds after returning home. James M. Hodges (43d), died of disease, at Helena. Ark. Hiram Reed (97th), died of disease, at Memphis. Tenn. Alfred Bowers (97th), killed at Kenesaw. William H. Carmichael (97th). died at Moscow, Tenn. James H. Sparks (97th). died at Camp Sherman. Enoch Alexander (57th), died at Ander- sonville Prison. John D. Alexander (59th). died at Chat- tanooga, Tenn. JefTerson Smith (33d). killed at Thomp- son's Station. Samuel Knight (33d). killed by guerrillas, at Resacca, Ga. Joseph Richeson (27th). died at Williams- port, Md. E. F. Jacobs (54th), died in field hospital. Martin O'Comrel (27th). died in a field hospital. Thomas Tull (31st), died at Corinth. William Simpson, died of disease, at Nash- ville, Tenn. A. B. Yates (2d), killed at Vieksburg. Henry Sipes (27th), killed at Darnes- town Md. Thomas Todd (27th). died at Dames- town, Md. E. M. Flatlook (27th). died at Freder- ick. Md. Reuben Hendrix. killed at Resca. George Edwards (27th). killed at Resca. Thomas Pratt (27th). killed at Atlanta. Ga. David Cook, died at Louisville, Ky. C. M. Bowen (27th), died at Washington City. J. W. Litz (82d). died of wounds, at Chat- tanooga. Tenn. John Thomas (27th), killed at Atlanta, Ga. John Truebiood (31st), died at Pulaski. Ten n . INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF COLLEGE MEN UNION HAD BIG "HONOR ROLL" IN SERVICE OF THE 1861-1864 Considering the size of Indiana Uni- vei'sity at the time of this great war, and taking into consideration the fact that many of the students of thg in- stitution may have been natives of the South, this list of college men from Indiana University to go into the war and give their lives shows a re- markable spirit of patriotism and loyalty of the college. The following is what we believe to be a complete list, or "Honor Roll" of Indiana University men who died in the Civil war of 1861-1864, and the publication at this time will recall many familar names to the older citi- zens, as well as be of historic interest to the later generations: Joseph G. McPheeters, sergeant, 33d Indiana Regiment. The Rev. Matthew M. Campbell, chaplain, 82d Regiment. Hugh P. Reed, colonel of an Iowa regiment. John A. Hendricks, colonel, 22d Indi- ana Regiment. Jesse I. Alexander, colonel, 59th Ind. William E. McLane, colonel, 43rd Indiana egiment. The Rev. John J. Hight, chaplain, .58th Ind. Theodore Reed, brigadier-general of United States army. William H. Lemon, surgeon, 82d Ind. W. C. L. Taylor, colonel, 20th Ind. Hamilton R. McMay, captain, 66th Ind. J. Howe Watts, major. United States army. David Beem, captain 14th Ind. Caswell Burton, surgeon, 5th Ind. David Chambers, captain, 36th Ind. James L. Mitchell, adjutant, 70th Ind. James W. Gorman, assistant adjut- ant. United States army. L. Smith Johnson, lieutenant (regi- ment unknown). Robert Smith, first lieutenant, 23d Ind. John D. Alexander, captain, 97th Ind. Samuel W. Dodds, sergeant, 18th Ind. Bradford E. Long, captain, 67th Ind. Richard M. J. Miller, captain, 67th Ind. Thomas W. Zook, major, 63d Ind. John Hood, lieutenant, 80th Illinois Regiment. Henry Bunger, 82d Ind. William F. Catheart, 82d Ind. Arthur E. Mellett, 9th Ind. Henry C. Duncan, 136th Ind. D. O. Spencer, corporal, 18th Ind. John R. East, 59th Ind. After much comparing of notes, data and taking the word of older citizens, we find that, although the greater percentage of men who left Indiana University to go into active service in the War of the Rebellion were included in the list from Mon- roe County, still some left school and enlisted from their "home towns." \\ ji > H'-.- ^ ^ .■•t.%' Jj^o ■- K ■ ^f^^^^^^l ■ V ».f»« r The Student Building— Erected 1906 at a cost of SIOO.OOO. Made possible through generosity of 2,000 Alumni and other friends of Indiana University. 48 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. '*Pop" Hall WE MUST PROVE OUR TRUST. Boston, city of culture ; great In lore of Puritans sedate — I know you now ! With all your historic treasure You gave me keenest pleasure. I will avow. Your folk were not as stiff or cold As I had heard, in stories told : But, seemed quite free In givinjr us information Of the founders of our Nation, Who dimiped the tea. Though, when I asked to see the town. They told me. with a little frown : "Take the Subway !" I saw graves of ancestors, old And the route of Paul Revere, bold. Who saved the day. Found, none could say:*'Have a seegar!' East is so old, it lost the "R" — Talk sounded weak. To one from Hoosier soil. Where the "R" can never spoil The words we speak. In their grand Museum of Art, I dreamed and dreamed, in my heart. Of some great time. When I may learn just what dream Was back of each artist's theme. In thoughts sublime. At Cambridge, and Ha'v'd Square, I saw college boys, I swear. Just like our own^ From some little, old home town. Striving so hard to live down That greenness shown ! While, I did have lots of fun. I longed for old Bloomington, With deep yearning : The town that takes such pride In every advancing stride For great learning. Our own University, Whitch lived through adversity In pioneer days — I hear calling with her chimes. Youngsters, in the future times. From Life's byways. By erecting buildings strong. We can tell the coming throng Of heroes, brave. Who fought for Democracy Against foul autocracy. The world to save! They gave their tomorrows To lessen the sorrows Of our today ! Then, we must pass it along With gratitude in our song. Lest all decay! We must give to coming youth A Memorial that will, in truth. Win admiration- As did our educators And olden legislators Show inclination. All may help the truth to live Even, without cash to give. Do all we can: Some can talk, others may write. Wo can, at least, all sit tight — For fellow-man ! As did founders of our land Leave tokens we understand. Just so. we must Raise a Million in the drive To keep memories alive. And prove our trust 1 The Licinian law, effective 275 B. C, forbade any one to own more than 500 acres of land and more than 100 large cattle, or 500 small animals. Another law of the same name, 56 B. C, imposed a heavy penalty on those who organized clubs for mass- ing power at an election, while an- other law, 103 B, C, limited the funds one might expend for supplying his table. MONROE COUNTY LEADS ALL PARTS OF STATE IN STUDENTS ATTENDING INDIANA UNI- VERSITY IN 1921-22 Bloomington and Surrounding Community Youth Take Advantage of Higher Educational Opportunities of College Situated at County Seat— Other States Send Students — Eight Foreign Countries Represented in Enroll- ment. It may be easier for the present- day citizen of Bloomington and Mon- roe county to realize what a wonder- ful advantage the presence of Indiana University, a college of world-wide recognition in higher learning in the immediate vicinity is for the native youth of the community when we see that young folk from Monroe County, Indiana come to the institution in greater numbers than do students from any other place. University attendance honors again go to the three "M" counties; Monroe, Marion and Madison. Monroe county has 352 students enrolled in the Uni- versity, Marion 302 and Madison has 72. Union county trails the list with a single representative, Greyson C. Gardner, '2.5, of Cottage Grove. Following Madison county in the attendance race are Greene, Lawrence and Allen counties with more than 50 represntatives. Warren, Switzerland and Ohio rank with Union county, having less than five representatives. Twenty states are represented by students attending the University. Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois, all bor- dering states, have the largest num- ber of students with 15 representa- tives each. There is a total of 105 students from outside of the state, 22 of whom come from eight foreign countries. At present 2,583 students are en- rolled in the University at Blooming- ton and 220 at Indianapolis. FIRST LIBRARY OF PUBLIC NATURE IN MONROE COUNTY WAS ESTABLISHED BY LAW IN 1821 Sum of $30 Expended in First Purchase of Books— Grows to 800 Volumes by 1830 — No Records Kept of Detailed Transactions — Fund Established by 10 Per Cent, of Proceeds From Town Lot Sales Proves Munificent. An early law of the state of Indi- ana — the same law which caused the county of Monroe to be organized — provided that 10 per cent, of the pro- ceeds of the sale of town lots in Bloomington, the county seat, should be used to found and maintain a coun- ty library. The first purchase of books was made in 1821, when $30 was expended for a few dozen works of that time. They were brought by one B. Fergu- son (we can find no other record of the person in the county's annals), whoever he may have been. Grows to 800 Volumes in 1830. In the records for July, 1830, it is shown that $2,428.14 had been paid to the Library Treasurer, the greater part of which had been used in the purchase of books, and at this time the county had a fine library for that period, consisting of about 800 books. In this year $1,272.68 was turned over to the Library by the Town Agent and another installment of books was obtained. As no record was kept of purchases, the additions to the Library cannot be obtained or given here. As volumes wore out by use or were otherwise "lost" they were replaced from the constantly accumulating fund. The 10 per cent from sale of town lots had proven to be a munificent fund for the maintenance of the Library. In 1880, this old Library, compris- ing a list of over 2,000 volumes of standard works, was still in the same office that was built during the Twenties. McClure Library Founded. During the Fifties the McClure Li- brary was founded, and was another very useful mode of disseminating knowledge among the common people of the time. But cheap books and the paper-back novels, along with newspapers and magazines have taken the place of the old circulating libraries. In our present time we may occa- sionally find a small circulating li- brary, which has been revived in prin- cipal from those of other days. Alexander the Great wept on find- ing Darius III had been killed by traitors just before a battle with Al- exander's army. Investigating scientists of the bu- reau of fisheries and the bureau of standards in Washington are seek- ing simple means of distinguishing fi.sh skin leather from that made of animal hides, the fish skin manu- facturers having made their product so nearly perfect it is now well nigh impossible to distinguish the differ- Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 49 DUDLEY C. SMITH, FIRST SCHOOL TEACHER IN BLOOMINGTON, IN OLD LOG COURT HOUSE History of Bloominj;ton's Schools Show Earnestness of Early Settlers in EducatiiiK Their Children — First Los Schoolhouse Erected in 1820 — Son, Dudley F. Smith, Still Living on January I, 1922. Early in the history of Monroe :ounty, we find that the education of ;hildren was one of the great factors n pioneer life, especially in the coun- ;y seat, and citizens of the present Zity of Bloomington may look back A^ith pride to the efforts of the early ;ownsmen along this line. In an earnest endeavor to give the ;rue history, as best we can now learn, jf the early incidents in the life of Bloomington, we find that some his- ;orians have stated that Addison smith was probably the first school ;eacher, but, in ti'acing the data which f/e are fortunate enough to discover ive find this to be evidently erron- 50US. Dudley C. Smith First Teacher. As near as we can learn for a cer- tainty, the first school in Blooming- ton was taught in the old log court douse, during the winter of 1818-19 by Dudley C. Smith, father of Addi- son C. Smith. In order to prove our statement to this effect we herewith submit short sketches of the lives of the three men, and trust the readers may be enabled to form an opinion as to the correct- ness of our theory: Dudley C. Smith, the father of Ad- dison C. and Dudley P., was thrice married. He first married Maria Humphrey, who bore him one child — Olive (Givens). He was next married to Elizabeth Berry of English birth. Her brother founded an institution called "Harmony," where everything was in common. To this marriage were born two children. The family came to Monroe county in 1820, settling near Bloomington, and there remained for five years. They then moved to Van Buren town- ship and purchased 100 acres of land partly improved. They were among the first to set- tle there, and Mr. Smith died at this home at the age of eighty-four, pos- sesing 600 acres of land and $10,000 in money at his death. He distributed this among his children. He was a member and elder of the Christian church for about forty years. Among First Born in Town. Addison C. Smith was born on March 11, 1827, in Bloomington, be- ing one of the first children born in the town. He was the oldest of three children born to Dudley C. and Elizabeth (Ber- ry) Smith, natives of Vermont and North Carolina, and of English de- scent. Addison C. was reared on a farni, and for some time was sent to the public schools. He lived with his par- ents until he was eighteen j'ears old, when he began learning the carpenter trade following this for one year. He enlisted in he Mexican war, June, 1847, in Company A, 3rd Ind. Volunteers, serving under Captain John Sluss and Colonel James H. Lane, and took part in the battle of Buena Vista, and was honorably dis- charged at New Orleans, in July, 1848. Married Sarah Hardesty. After returning home he worked at his trade for two years. He then mar- ried Sarah Hardesty of Blooming-ton, Ind., a daughter of George and Mar- tha A. (Blair) Hardesty, Virginians, of English ancestry. By this marriage there were six children, of whom five survived to maturity — Donald H., Alice (Shir- ley), Egbert, Thurston and Rodney. In 1852 Mr. Smith removed his family to Missouri, settling near St. Joseph, where he entered forty acres and purchased forty acres of land. After residing in Missouri for six years, he returned with his family to Monroe county and establshed himself permanently in Van Buren township, where he took great inter- est in education, and gave all his chil- dren the best opportunities for learn- ing. Addison C. Smith was a Republican and was Assessor of his township for four terms, and was appointed one year by the county board. He and his family were members Fairview Graded School Building. The McCall a Graded School Building. (Units in Bloomington's Superior Educational System, as they appeared in 1921.) 50 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall Bloomington Junior High School (Old College), and Central School Building (City's first gi'aded school, erected on site of the old tannery), where Professor Hunter established present system. (Units in Bloomington's Superior Educational System, as they appeared in 1921.) and active workers in the Christian church, and Mr. Smith was quite widely l^nown as a liberal giver in charity. Dudley F. Smith, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Van Buren town- ship, Moni'oe county, Indiana, near Bloomington on March 17, 1839. He was the third of five children of parents Dudley C. and Isabelle (Porch) Smith, natives of Vermont and North Carolina, and of English origin. The grandmother of Dudley F. Smith was a sister of Salmon P. Chase, of national fame. Dudley F. attended the common schools, and also the State University at Bloomington. His father had taught school for fifteen years, and he also followed that vocation to some degree. Mr. Smith married Sarah Blanken- ship December 2.3, 1836. She was a native of Decatur, Indiana, a daughter of James and Dolly (Stark Blanken- ship, of English ancestry. To them were born, Winona, Ulyssees Howe and Paul Smith, and one other child which died in early childhood. Mr. Smith is now living in Bloomington, and is almost eighty-three years of age. He belonged to the Grange, is a Republican, and his family are mem- bers of the Christian church. Log School Houses Erected. The next summer (1820), a log school house was erected near the present site of Bloomington's postof- fice building or the old Female Sem- inary building, which is now owned by the Masons, and is situated just across the street north of the post- office. The growth of the town was so rap- id, however, that it was found neces- sary within the next two years, to build another log school house in the eastern part of the town. PROF. D. E. HUNTER ESTABLISHES FIRST GRADED SCHOOLS IN 1863— FREE TO ALL Some Interesting Data Found in Tracing Early History of Bloomington's M'on- derful School System — Growth of Patronage Constantly Increased With Each Year's Crop of Youngsters — Much Praise Due Early Instructors. We find the citizens of pioneer days in Bloomington rapidly taking on signs of true progress in the ad- vancement of education. The zeal- ous vigor shown by parents in an ef- fort to fit their children for meeting requirements in life's sti'uggle are evidenced in the rapid growth of the first schools, and it was soon found necessary to erect another new school building in the county seat. Brick School House Built. In 1822, or perhaps 1823, a brick school house was erected, which, with the two log school houses, with other schools taught in private homes or elsewhere, supplied the iown with public schools for several years. During the thirties, forties and fif- ties, other houses were built for school purposes, mainly for the ac- commodation of the smaller child. All these schools were supported mainly by subscription, as there was at that time no free schools as we know them in the present day. Churches were often used, as well as the upper stories of business houses situated on the public square. These places were rented for a series of years by educators, who converted them into seats of learning. All these schools were conducted more for the education of smaller children, who were not ytt ready to enter the Sem- inary or the University. Prof. D. E. Hunter Prominent. Professor D. E. Hunter was prom- inently connected with the town schools late in fifties, and during the sixties. The teachers of the public schools were mostly women, who were scattered throughout the town in buildings they were able to lease for this purpose. No grading was done at this time; Historic Treasures, Cumpiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 51 the scholars, both large and small in any part of the town, attended the school that was nearest their homes. Many of these schools were of the hig'hest character, having been taught liy ear following the establishment of Monroe county and Bloomington as the county seat, Dr. David H. Maxwell moved his fam- ily to Bloomington and established his home on the lot where later the old "National House" was erected. We quote the following from "Indi- ana University, Its History from 1828 to 1890": Unusual Foresight. "Dr. Maxwell appreciated more than most of the early settlers the advantages of an education higher than that of the country schools, and also anticipated the educational pos- sibilities at Bloomington. He chose this place as his home, and ever since to the end of his life, in his character as a private citizen, as a representa- tive and senator, as an excellent writer, as a man of sound judgment, and for many years as president of the board of trustees, he was indefa- tigable in his labors for the interests of the University." Having been a member of the First Contiutional Convention, and well ac- quainted with most of the early legis- lators of the State, Dr. Maxwell went to Corydon in the winter months of 1819-1820, to use his influence in pi'o- curing, if possible, the location of the State Seminary at Bloomington. Effort Was Successful. Evidently, Dr. Maxwell's efforts as a lobyist for Monroe county's inter- ests were successful, for we find that on January 20, 1820, an act was passed by the Indiana Legislature es- tablishing the Seminary at this place in the old Seminary (now Perry) township, including ten acres (where Bloomington's High School is now sit- uated) just bordering the town of Bloomington. Dr. Maxwell was appointed one of the trustees of the Seminary, and was elected to the presidency of this body by the assembled board of trus- tees soon after their organization. With the exception of the years 1838 when he was elected to the state leg- islature, he was president of the board of trustees, first of the Seminary from 1820 to January 24, 1828, when Indiana College was established out of the old Seminary, then of Indiana College until February 15, 1841, when Indiana University was chartered out of the Indiana College system, and the board of trustees reduced to nine, of which new University Trustees he was elected president, and sei-ved un- til 1851, when he resigned this honor- able position. Born Sept. 17, 1786. Dr. Maxwell, it seems, was born in Gerrard County, Kentucky, near Lancaster, September 17, 1786. His parents had come to Kentucky from Virginia, and his grandparents had come to America from the northern part of Ireland, the County London- derry, who having been Scotch-Irish Pj-esbyterians, emigrated at a vei-y early date to the colony of Virginia. Under the infuence of rigid discipline of this Scotch-Irish parentage, Dr. Maxwell reared his own family. His early education had been received in the home of his father, aided by such as the early-day neighborhood schools of Kentucky afforded, until he went to Danville, Ky., at the age of eight- een to complete his education. There he became well versed in mathematics for that early time, and was con- sidered an excellent English scholar and well read, though not classical student. He studied medicine with Dr. Eph- raim McDowell, a man who was re- puted to be a leading doctor and sur- geon in Danville in those pioneer times. After he had prepared him- self for the competent practice of his profession, he married Mary. E. Dunn, of Danville, Ky., in 1809 and moved to Jefferson County, Indiana Terri- tory (where Hanover now stands), and practiced medicine in that vicinity un- til about 1812. Worthy Son Is Doctor. The oldest son of Mr. David H., and Mary (Dunn) Maxwell was born May 19, 1815, near Hanover, Jefferson county, Indiana, and was named James D. Maxwell. This son came to Mon- roe county with his parents, in 1819, and in 1827, eight years later, entered the old Seminary, in Bloomington, where he graduated in the fall of 1833, after having taught in the prepar- tory department of the college for two years. He then travelled to Mis- sissippi, and taught school in the town of Clinton, to which only the aristro- cracy of the white southern planta- tion owners sent their children in that early day. Returning to Bloomington, after teaching in the southern town one year, young James D. Maxwell took up the study of medicine under the di- rection of his able father, and attend- 54 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall ed a course of lectures at Transyl- vania Medical College, in Lexington college after two years of study with his father. After returning to Bloom- ington, he entered regular practice of medicine with his father for another year, then formed a partnership with Dr. J. G. McPheeters. This partner- ship continued for about nine years, when it was dissolved and the two doctors each looked after their sep- arate practice. Dr. James D. Max- well was elected secretary of the board of trustees of Indiana College from 1838 to 1855, and was a member of the board of trustees again from 1860 until his death, as well as look- ing after his duties among the sick. July 6, 1843, Dr. James Maxwell married Miss Louisa J. Howe, daugh- ter of Joshua O. Howe, a pioneer of Monroe county. Ten chidren were born of this happy union, as follows : Emma M., Mary E., Howard, Allison, James D. Jr., David H. Jr., Anna, Louisa A., Fannie B., and Juliette Maxwell. The family of Dr. Maxwell was reared in the teachings of the Presbyterian church, of which the parents were members. James Darwin Maxwell Prize. Miss Juliette Maxwell, '83, director of physical education for women in Indiana University (youngest child of Dr. James D., and grandaughter of Dr. David H. Maxwell), offers an annual prize to students of Indiana University to be known as the "James Darwin Maxwell Medal," in memory of her father, James D. Maxwell, '33. This prize is awarded to a woman undergraduate of Indiana University each year, consideration being given to high scholarship, participation in Uni- versty activities, bearing, manner, neatness, principles, sincerity, suffici- ent attainment in physical education to be eligible for an "I. U." sweater. In 1920 — 1921 school year this prize in honor of Dr. Maxwell's honorable life, was awarded to Miss Louis Van- ceave, an undergraduate woman stu- dent of Indiana University. THREE HINKLE BROTHERS WERE FAMOUS SCHOOL TEACHERS IN BEAN BLOSSOM TOWNSHIP DURING THIRTIES During the decade of the Thirties, away back there, when an education was considered a luxury, there came to Bean Blossom township, in Mon- roe county, Indiana, three brothers, Eusebius, Euraneus and Ambrose Hinkle, sons of a wealthy slave-holder of Tennessee. The three young men were soon noted among the then backwoodsmen for their fine manners, which marked them as men of good family, and fin- ished education. These men were in such demand to take charge of schools in the com- munity that comparatively large sums were offered them as teachers. These amounts were raised by subscriptions in addition to the amount of money supplied by the school fund to pay the three brothers for their services. The Hinkle brothers became famous as educators and maintained the best quality of discipline that could be boasted of in any of the early settle- ments at the time. Eusebius Hinkle, one of the broth- ers, the oldest of the three, was a Lutheran minister, and often preached in German to members of his church who could not understand English very well. The brothers were single men, though Eusebius married one of the fair daughters of Bean Blossom town- ship at a later date. These men introduced grammar, United States history, and algebra into their schools and created an in- terest in improved and advanced edu- cation that had a marked effect upon the schools of the surrounding coun- try. Clinton C. Owens was another early teacher in the township who was famous as a teacher of pronounced success. He was well educated and his discipline was the pride of the district where he taught. MEDICAL MEN FORM CLINIC SIMILAR TO MAYO BROTHERS Bloomington has had her quota of medical men, the same as every other city in the United States, and these men whose work brings them into such close touch with all that is vital in the life of the community in whicli they labor have maintainetl a very high standard of professional effi- ciency, in keeping with the progres- sive spirit of our city and great Uni- versity. Before the World War plans were discussed and partially completed for the still closer co-operation of these medical men by the organization of a medical and surgical clinic. The in- tentions was to erect a modern build- ing in which would be located the offices, library, laboratories, first aid rooms, etc., of the members. The idea was that by having a modern, well equipped clinic building in which the physicians would caiTy on their work and study as is done in the Mayo Brothers clinic at Rochester, Mimi., the close association of the members would greatly benefit by improving the (juality of work done, and by creating a medical and surgical cen- ter for the public. When the United States took her stand in the great World War, Bloom- ington sent her (luota of physicians into the conflict and the clinic plans were of course interrupted. After peace was declared these men were gradually tlischarged and returned home to pick up the broken threads of their profession, and the cimic idea was again taken up. This time the plans were worked out more in detail, and the members incorporated. A modern building of pleasing archi- tectual design for the exclusive use of the clinic will be built in the near future. The membership as it now stands is as follows: F. H. Austin — Internal medicine : pastro in- testinal diseases. F. H. Batman — General practice. W. H. Culmer — Ear. nose and throat. O. K. Harris — Ellettsville. Ind. — General i)rac- tice. W. W. Harris — General practice. J. E. P. Holland — Eye — Also University phy- sician. G. F. Holland — Major surgery. Joseph Kentlinp — General practice. G. L. Mitchell. Smithville. Ind. — General prac- tice. O. M. Morris — General in-actice. B. D. Myers — Professor of anatomy. Wm. C. I^eed — General practice. O. F. Ro«:ers — General practice. R. C. Rojrers — General practice. J. C. Ross — General practice. Rodney Smith — Anesthetics and y:eneral prac- tice. C. C. Strouii — General ijractice. F. F. Tourrer- General ijractice. J. P. Tourner General practice. Leon E. Whetsell — Chronic disease^e X-Ray laboratory. Homer Wooley — Pediatrics and obstetreas. and Halos (sundogs), the large circles or parts of circles about the sun or moon, occurring after the weather in- dicate the approach of a storm. A tleep blue sky color, even when seen through the clouds, is an indica- tion of fair weather; a growing white- ness indicates an approaching storm. The small colored circles (corona) fre(|uently seen around the sun or moon, are regarded as indications of changing weather. A corona grow- ing smaller indicates rain; a corona growing larger indicates fair weather. OLD COUNTY SEMINARY SYSTEM WAS CENTER FOR LEARNING First Step in Establishing Higher Educational Institutions Was .\ttractive Feature in the Growth of Hluoinington's Early Lif« — Old Female Seminary Came Later in the Field — Building Finally ('((nvcrletl into Residence. The State of Indiana was admitted to the Union on the 11th day of De- cember, 1816. The State constitution provided for a graded system of schools leading upward from the town- ship school to the State University. Indiana was at that time, however, a dense foiest, broken only by scattered settlements along the Ohio river and the lower Wabash. Little immediate progress was therefore made in the direction of higher education. Ten years previously (Nov. 29, 1806) the General Assembly of the Territory of Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 55 Indiana had incorporated a university at Vincennes, but for reasons which need not be given here, the Vincennes University was never fully recognized as a State institution. During the administration of President Monroe a township of land was given by the national government to the State of Indiana for university purposes. This township, the present one of Perry, lying on the southern boundary of the town of Bloomington, was located by Monroe, in honor of whom the county containing the township was named Monroe county. In the early times of our state's life, it should be remembered the free common school system of today was unknown. Schplars then were required to pay tuition fees in all schools. As the weight of these expenses fell upon the families who were less able to sustain it, the system, if such it may be called, was not favorable to the education of the masses. Also, there was a lack of higher education- al facilities in the early times. Creation of Centers of Learning. All this led to the creation of cen- ters of learning where private or public enterprise, or individual dona- tions and bequests were the sustain- ing or maintaining power. The County Seminary was designed to afford each county the means of furnishing a higher education to the youth within its own borders. For many years this proved to be a pop- ular institution. The funds for maintenance of the Seminary was furnished from fines, forfeitures, etc. In July, 1829, the fund in Monroe County, "Indiana, was $443.89. Six years later, the fund had increased to nearly $2,000. Brick Seminary Building Erected. At this time, the old brick Semin- ary building was built in Blooming- ton, and school in it was begun. Long, long before the idea of ever allowing a girl to attend the same college as the boy — rather, a young lady and young man — Bloomington was put on record by the establish- ment and incorporation of what we of today have heard called "The Old Female Seminary." This institution of Monroe county was incorporated in 18.33 under the name of "Monroe County Seminary and Female Institute," and committed to a board of trustees. From its first organization, (with the exception of one session it was placed under the sutierintendency of Prof. C. Pering, A.M., as principal, whose literary attainments and ex- periences as an instructor eminently qualified him for this responsible pos- ition. (Mention is made of both Mr. Pering and the "Seminary" in other articles in this book.) Three Classes. The pupils were divided into three classes. Primary, Junior and Senior, in which the charges were respective- ly, $5, $7, and $10 each session — extra charges were made for French, $8; for Music, with use of piano, $10; for painting in crayon and oil, $10, in water colors, $8; and for a course of lessons in Short Hand, $3. The price of boarding for pupils in Old "Seminary Building," first building we have any record of as a part of the great educational institution we know as Indiana University — this appeared in Professor Pearing's letter as the smaller building on the old College Campus- Bloomington was from $1.25 to $2 a week, including room. In one of the institution's adver- tisements we find the following: "Ladies desirous of qualifying them- selves for competent and efficient teachers, so much needed throughout our State and country, will find the mode of teaching and discipline here pursued well calculated to promote this desirable obiect." The following advertisement ap- peared in the "Indiana Gazette and Advocate" issued in Bloomington, Ind. on April 25, 1835, which gives us a rather good idea of the old school, and the terms for tuition and the sub- jects taught. Also, it gives us in- formation concerning the educational standards of that day. "Monroe County Female Seminary." "The first session of this institu- tion will commence on Monday, the 4th of May next, in the new building erected by the Trustees for that pur- pose. "The high and airy situation of the edifice, it is presumed, will materially conduce to the comfort and health of the Young Ladies who may attend school. "The terms for a general English education are eight dollars per session of five months, Music ten dollars, Drawing and Painting in water col- our, eight dolars. The French language eight dollars, Stenography three dolalrs the course. "The advantages offered to the pub- lic in this establishment are of the highest order. Mr. Pering's abilities, and success as a teacher are well known, and we will, we trust, ensure the patronage of an inteligent com- munity. "By order of the Board of Trustees. "JOHN BOWLAND, Pres. "WM. ALEXANDER, Sec'y." Converted Into Residence. In 1852, when the new school law was adopted, the Seminai-y was or- dered sold, and was purchased by the Methodists, but soon after was re- turned to the county, and was used for school purposes for many years. Some time during the late seven- ties or early eighties, the county sold the Seminary to Mr. Leppert, who converted it into a dwelling. The building is owned at the pres- ent time by the Bloomington lodge of Masons, who, it is understood, in- tend to wreck the old building and construct a modern lodge home on the lot, which is situated north across the street from Bloomington's present Post Office building. More people live in the valley of the Yangtse Kiang than along any other of the world's greatest water- ways. Radium traces in hot mineral wa- ters point to its existence in con- siderable quantities in the interior of the earth. 56 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall EARLY HISTORY OF INDIANA COLLEGE SHOWS INTERESTING FACTS Educational Institution Was Great Factor in Growth of Bloomin<;ton in Early Days — Dr. Wylie's Arrival in City Occasion for Celebration — Joseph A. Wright Was Janitor, Later Became Governor of State — Future Must Be Looked After. Indiana University was first named "Indiana College" and later became a school for both men and women, but at first was an exclusive men's col- lege, and the old Female Seminary took care of the feminine seekers of learning. We realize that most of Blooming- ton residents are familiar with his- tory of the old school, still most ar- ticles we have found on the subject are drawn out and co\er so many de- tails that some people merely glance over the pages and lose the fine points. On the 20th of January, 1820, an act was passed definitely establishing the "State Seminary," in Perry township, at Bloomington. This seminary, giv- ing at first instruction little nigner than that of the present common schools, was changed by the act of January 24, 1828, into the "Indiana College." The college was organized by the election of a president, Dr. Andrew Wylie, and two professors, Baynard R. Hall and John Harney. During the first year 42 students were enrolled, and in 1830 a class of four finished the classical course. The institution known as "Indiana College" was built in 182.3 (we find in a note of 1830 date) and was the pride of the town. "In 1830," says an old history, "the population of Bloomington was not less than 700. At that time the 'In- diana College' had a large attendance, an excellent corps of instructors and a superior curriculum. Bloomington Prosperous. "This institution, which was built in 1823, was the pride of the town and the means of rapidly and gi-eatly increasing its population, enterprise and material wealth. The town also boasted a flourishing newspaper. "The citizens had established the village a number of years before and this was another source of joy and satisfaction. In addition to all this there were numerous factories of leather, liquor, domestic and farming implements, flour, tailor goods, oil, and numerous stores, shops, offices, mechanics, artisans, tradesmen, edu- cators, professional men and specu- lators. The pioneer town of Bloom- ington was a prosperous place." From other sources we find that iu 1822, the Trustees let out the building of two seminary houses, one to be used as a dwelling for a teach- er, and the other for the State Sem- inary. Seminary Absorbed in 1827-28. At the session of the Legislature in 1827-28, an act was passed 1x) transform the State Seminary into the Indiana College, and Edward Bor- land, Samuel Dodds, Leroy Mayfield, Jonathan Nichols, James Blair, Da- vid H. Maxwell, William Banester and William Lowe, of Monroe county; Seth M. Levenworth of Crawford county, and William Dunn of Mont- gomery county, were appointed to make the alternation and establish the new institution in accordance with the provisions of the new enactment. "On May 5, 1828, the above named board of trustees met in the Semi- nary building in Blomington, elected Dr. D. H. Maxwell, president of the board; the Rev. P. M. Dorsey, secre- tary, and James Borland, treasurer. And on motion of Mr. Dunn, proceed- ed to the election of officers of the new Indiana College. Dr. Wylie Chosen President. "The Rev. Andrew Wylie, D.D., of Washington county, Pennsylvania, was unanimously chosen President of the college; B. R. Hall, R-ofessor of Languages, and John H. Barney, Pro- fessor of Mathematics and Natural Phylosophy for one session, at a sal- ary of $400 per year, with the addi- tion of $40 to Harney for house rent. The following is a copy of an allow- ance made to Joseph A. Wright, aft- ei-ward Governor of Indiana: Rang School Bell — Became Governor. "Ordered, That Joseph A. Wrght be allowed for ringing the college bell, making fires in the college build- ing during the last session of the State Seminary, .$16.25; also for lock, bell rope and brooms, $1.37 1-2, and that the treasurer of the late State Seminary pav the same. "In the fail of 1828 President An- drew Wylie arrived in Bloomington, and the occasion was considered of iiifisii^§§ii lillllSr i ^^ m ,yg/a Later drawing of Old Indiana Conege uuilding, which Professor Poring described and pictured in his letter. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 57 much importance; a torch-light pro- cession and public illuminations was given in his honor. Jealousy on the part of Professors Hall and Harney led to unpleasantness, which event- ually caused them to leave in 1832. "The college flourished greatly un- der the management of President Wylie, and its influence was soon felt upon the community. People of cul- ture and refinement came to live in the tovioi; churches grew strong and shed their influence abroad, and the presence of superior intellectual and moral cultui-e made the town justly famous throughout the state." The City of Bloomington owes a great part of her prosperity of past years, and her growth to Indiana University, and the institution will continue to spread out in order to accommodate more students as time passes. In 1831 the first annual catalogue was published. On the 15th of Feb- ruary, 1838, an act was passed chang- ing the name of the institution to "The Indiana University." SCHOOL LANDS OF MONROE COUNTY SHOW GREAT INCREASE IN VALUE AS BLOOMINGTON GROWS Seminary Township One of Two Set Apart By Law In Indiana for Educational Purposes — Later Named Perry Township — Infested by "Squatters in Early Days of Land Settlement — First Purchasers — Opened For Settlers in 1827 — Rural Schools of Present. When we look back upon the deeds of our early legislators, and see the results of some of their foresighted- ness in preserving certian lands for educational purposes, we can only offer a prayer of gTatitude for their gifts to the present and future gen- erations. A very clear demonstration of what those early law-makers were intend- ing to accomplish has been brought out in tracing back the history of what we know as Perry township, situated in Monroe County, just edging in the southern part of the present-day City of Bloomington. The Seminary Township. Township S north, Kange 1 west, was one of two in the State of Indiana, devoted by legislative enactments to special school purposes. The Indiana State University was then unknown, and its future place in the social system of humanity was un- thought of. In the year 1820, the General As- sembly of Indiana, in pursuance of an act of Congress, selected two full Congressional townships — one in Gib- son County, and the other in Monroe County, Indiana — to be used in found- ing and maintaining two State Sem- inaries. Commission Appointed. The selection was made through the medium of a commission, appointed by the State Legislature, such officers being required to locate the tovmships and carry into effect other provisions specified. This was done and Perry Township, or as it was known at that time Township 8 north, Range 1 west, being the township selected in Monroe county. Trustees were appointed to super- intend the erection of the necessary seminary buildings — two — one for the school, and the other for the Principal to occupy. This work was done in 1822, four sections of land on the north side of the towniship being reserved for the site of the seminary. Sections 4 and 5 and the west half of Sections 3 and 9, with the east half of Sections 6 and 8. These four full sections of land were reserved from sale. Neither were "squatters" allowed to make improve- ments thereon, such as clearing the land, erecting buildings, planting- crops, etc. "Squatters" Took Up Abodes. The rest of the Seminary Township was treated diffirently, however, and many "squatters" took up abodes on the land from year to year. The citi- zens were aware of course, that at some future time, the lands of the township, except perhaps the reserved sections, would be thrown into the market and sold in parcels to suit the purchaser for the highest obtainable purchace price. None of this land being remote from the county seat, and much of it very iiear, with the rapid growth of Bloom- ington, then the location of the State Seminary there, and the coming of ed- ucators and people of unusal (at that early day) culture created a demand; or rather, inspired a covetiousness for the land of the township. In the early twenties its bounds were invated by an army of eager "squatters," who went to work, regard- less of the fact that they had no right to do so, erecting buildings, cutting- down the forest, erecting mills, etc., as if the land already belonged to them. Wanted Land Sold. The year passed, the "squatters" ever clamoring for the sale of this land, and at last, in 1827, the Legis- lature provided for throwing this much sought for land upon the mar- ket. Then the "squatters" became quite a bit worried, for some had made extensive improvements and had be- come much attached to their home (?) as the sale ment that their claims should be subjected to competitive bids of speculators, prospective citizens and themselves. The speculators, for instance, could bid on a "squatter's" claim, and if wil- ling to buy the improvements which the law of pre-emption required of him could run the price far above that which the "squatter" himself was will- ing- or able to give, and thus secure the home of the settlers in spite of all he could do. Sharp Competition For Land. Nothing- serious was done, however, although some sharp competition de- veloped for the tracts of the superior quality or most favorable location. The appraisment of the land was made by James Borland, in June, 1827, and the rating of the land will be noted in the following certificate made by Mr. Boland: "I hereby certify that the above is a plat of the Reserve Township of sem- inary land in Monroe County as rated by me agreeably to an act of the Gen- eneral Assembly of the State of Ind- iana, approved January 25, 1827. "Given under my hand this 15th day of June, 1827. "JAMES BORLAND, Commissioner." The land was not subject to entry in the usual way at the land offices. It was under the control of a special commissioner, who was empowered to negotiate the transfer. For a period of years James Borland was this commis- sioner. Named For Commodor Ferry. Previous to 1830, the township re- mained attached to Bloomington town- ship for election and judicial purposes, but at a later date was given a sepa- rate organization and named in honor of Commodore Perry, the author of the famous message, "We have met the enemy and they are ours," referring to his victory on Lake Erie. Elections were ordered held at the house of Benjamin Kenton, for two Justices of the Peace. Mr. Kenton was appointed inspector; Jesse Davis and George A. Ritter, overseers of the poor; Solomon Butcher and Finney Courtney, fence viewers. The first election was held on May 26, 1830. The first purchasers of land in this opening of the Seminary to-wnship (Perry), in 1827 as shown by old records, were chiefly the "squatters" and some Bloomington residents. Many names are still prominent among those of families of Bloomington re- sidents and the surrounding- county. The first purchasers were as follows: First Land Owners. Alexander Kelly, Joseph Piercy, John Armstrong, and John Griffith, in Section No. 1. James G, Fleener, Gran-ville Ward, Milton McPhetridge, Isaac Rodgers, Aquilla Rodgers and Samuel Dunn, in Section No. 2. Thomas Smith, on Section No. 3. George Henry, James Borland, Ellis Stone and Hiram Paugh, on Section No. 6. Emsley Wilson, Andrew Dodds, Ab- raham Pauley, Richard Hunter and Alexander Murphy, on Section No. 7. Sammuel Dodds, Richard (Dick) Shipp and John Hight, on Section No. 8. William Bilbo, on Section No. 9. Benjamin Rodgers, David Batterton, 58 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall and Zachariah Williams, on Section No. 10. John Griffith and Jacob Isomniger, on Section No. 11. Garrett Moore, John A. Wilson and Moses Williams, on Section 12. Benjamin Rodgers, on Section No. 14. Josiah Baker and Abed Nego Wald- en, Section No. 15. William Dunning, Levi Thatcher, and William Knatts, Section No. 16. Isaac Pauley, Daniel Davis, Thomas Carter and Absalom Kennedy, Section No. 17. Isaac Pauley, Edv\ard Borland, and Samuel Moore, Section No. 18. Simon Adamson, on Section No. 19. Jacob Depue, Evan Dallarhide, David Sears and John Mathers, Sec- tion No. 20. Robert D. Alexander, William Davis John W. Nicholson, William Taylor, Michael Keith and David Findley, Section No. 21. John Bolting-house, William Patrick and William Taylor, Section No. 22. Solomon Butcher, Banner Brummet and James Berryman, Section No. 27. Williamn Taylor, James Alexander, William Alverson, John Musser, Ro- bert Sanderson, James Brummet and Thomas Abbott, Section No. 28. William Alverson, Carey James, David Sears, William Henry, James Parsons, and Charles Brookshire, Sec- tion No. 29. Samuel Rhorer, Solomon Green, John Smith and Absalom Cooper, Sec- tion No. 30. John Smith, on Section No. 3'. William Ross and Alexander Miller, Section No. 32. George Short and Moses Grantham, Section No. 33. William Chandler, on Section No. 34. These were the only purchasers in 1827 from October, when the sale be- gan. The four "Reserve Sections were still reserved. 1921 County Rural Schools. Every township school in Monroe county opened for the year's work in 1921 with the exception of No. 9 in Benton township. At this school. Miss Gladys Lucas, teacher, decided not to accept the job and Tinistee M. E. Chitwood opened the school wdth another teacher. For the first time in the history of the county every rural school will be eight months in duration. Last year some of them were less than six and none were seven months. Last year the minimum wage rate for the year was $450 and this year, under the new law, it will be $800. Several schools were ordered closed by the state rural school inspector, Le- roy Scales. These were as follows: Buck Creek, Oak Grove and Center, in Washington township; Sandhill, in Bean Blossom; Powell, in Marion; Polly, in Benton, and No. 8 in Indian Creek. The schools were closed because the total attendance at each last year was less than twelve. The law provides that the trustees must provide free conveyances to haul the pupils to other schools where the distance they would have to walk is more than a mile and a half. Another new law is that a boy or girl must stay in school until sixteen years of age, even if they have gradu- ated from the eighth grade. Hereto- fore they could quit school at the age of foui-teen. Miss Blanche Merry, state attend- ance officer, came to Monroe county and gave final instructions concern- ing the enforcing of the attendance law. NAME OF "HOOSIER" NOW COMMANDS RESPECT EVERYWHERE Oh, yes, I am a "Hoosier," as allowed by those "K-Y'kies" across the stream. Who think they'll lower our .spirit proud When, in defamation, the name they scream. When we are called a "Hoosier" we naturally feel a rather friendly feel- ing for the person who so honors us. That is, we feel like being pleasant with that person as one feels like do- ing when some stranger calls him by a pet name his family has made use of around home. We Indianians of today hold the name to be rather a .sacred "home name" and are always glad to be called by that, as we are also glad to be recognized as an American when abroad. Was Once Looked Down On. "Almost from the foundation of the first American settlement within the Indiana border, the defamation be- gan," says the late David Demaree Banta, '55, in one of his addresses which is published in Indiana Univer- sity's Centennial Memorial Volume. "LawTenceburg and vicinity were settled mainly with men from Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut," Mr. Br.nta continued, "but not long is it b-f;r.3 we find these representatives ot the cultured East engaged in a vdr of epithets with their Kentucky neighbors on the south side of the Ohio. Kentuekians Screamed "Hoosier." "The Kentuekians screamed 'Hoo- sier,' the Indianians shouted back 'Al- gerine.' The latter word has been for- gotten — absorbed in 'Com Cracker', possibly — but 'Hoosier' has stuck. "Who knows its genesis? "No one, nor its meaning. It came from without — that seems certain; and was used at first as an epithet of re- proach. "It did not need to have a meaning in the beginning — nay, it served the better purpose without meaning for it was enough to cry 'Hoosier,' 'Hoosier!' to make the Indianians, from the Ohio to the outermost verge of the settlements grit their te^h and curse their tormentors." Sting Is Gone. Indiana and her people and their mode of life and sayings were fruit- ful themes of jests and comments un- til after the war of 1861-1864, but from along in the year of 1830-1840 the name no longer hurt. The Indi- anians had begun to conquer the ele- ments that had marked their poverty, and were able to grin in anticipation of victory when "Hoosier" was ap- plied to them. As our forefathers made progress in education and industry, and sons of Indiana went forth and brought honor to the land of their nativity, the grin of anticipation broadened to a smile of pride when the word "Hoo- sier" was mentioned. And, today, we may well be proud to even become an adopted child of the great family of "Hoosiers." JORDAN WRITES POEM ON 70th BIRTHDAY Dr. David Starr Jordan, president of Indiana University from 1885 to 1891, wrote the folowing poem re- cently. This is the year of his 70th birthday anniversary, and he writes looking back over his three-score and ten. Registrar John W. Cravens was presented with a copy of the poem which Dr. Jordan sent to many of his friends. Men Told Me, Lord (1851-1921) Men told me, Lord, it was a vale of tears Where Thou hadst placed me, wickedness and woe My twain companions whereso I might go ; That I through ten and three score weary years Should stumble on, beset by pains and fears. Fierce conflict around me, passion.s hot within. Enjoyment brief and fatal, but in sin. When all was ended then should I demand Full compensation from Thine austere hand : For, 'tis Thy ijleasure, all temptation past. To be not just but penerous at last. Lord, here am I ! My three-score years and ten All counted to the full : I've fought Thy fight. Crossed Thy dark valleys, scaled Thy rocks' harsh height. Borne all Thy burdens Thou dost lay on men With hand unsparing, three-score years and ten. Before Thee now I make my claim, O Loi-d ! What shall I pray Thee as a meet reward ? I ask for nothing! Let the balance fall! All that I am or know or may confess But swells the weight of mine mdeb'.edness : Burdens and sorrows stand transfigured all : Thy hand's rude buffet turns to a caress. For Love, with all the rest. Thou gav'st me here, .\nd Love is Heaven's very atmosphere! — David Starr Jordan. MAKING MISTAKES When a plumber makes a mistake he charges twice for it. When a lawyer makes a mistake, it is just what he wanted because he has a chance to try it over again. When a preacher makes a mistake nobody knows the difference. When a judge makes a mistake, it becomes the law of the land. When a doctor makes a mistake he buries it. But, when an editor makes a mis- take — Good Night. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 59 Indiana University Lives Through Adversity—Citizens Aid Officials—History Interesting Aiter the State Legislature had passed an act to establish a Univer- sity in the state of Indiana, in 1838, ten men were apointed as trustees to make the change from Indiana College to Indiana University. This board of trustees was made up of the following men: John Law, of Knox county; Robert Dale Owen, of Posey county; Richard W. Thomp, son, of Lawrence county; Samuel R. Hosovuer, of Wayne county; P. C. Dunning, James Blair, Joshua 0. Howe, Chesley D. Bailey. William Turner and Leroy Mayfield, of Mon- roe county. It may be noted that six of the ten men on the first board of trustees of Indiana University were residents of Monroe county; giving the majority vote, or conti'ol to the county. New Building Erected. This board of trustees met for the first time in regular session May 24, 1838, and elected Paris C. Dunning of Monroe county, president of the board; and James D. Maxwell as sec- retary. The board of trustees then proceeded to make such changes as were deemed necessary for the con- version of Indiana College into Indi- ana University. A new brick building was erected upon the site of what is now known as the old University building (on Bloomington's High School campus), in this year, and the old building, which became later known as the old Seminary building, and still later converted into a residence, was not used as a University building, but was used as a Female school build- ing. This new building was really the first building of Indiana University as the school had not been a Univer- sity until this time. In 1851 the State adopted a new constitution, in which no mention was made of any provision for higher edu- cation. To remedy this omission a special act was passed by the Legis- lature on the 17th of June, 1852 "rec- ognizing" the "college established in 1828," at Bloomington, as "the Uni- versity of the State." All this time however the Univer- sity had received no money from the State, and its sole source of income consisted of its fees and the monev ($6,000 to $8,000 per year) received as interest on the proceeds from the sale of Perry township. During these years, the number of students in at- tendance in the collegiate classes (ex- clusive of members of the Prepara- tory or "Normal" department) ranged from 38 (1841) to 118 (18.59), and the number of graduates from 2 (1853) to 22 (1801). Destroyed by Fire in 1854. The "old" University building was used until April, (All Fools' Day) 18.54, when it was destroyed by fire, which loss embarrassed the insti- tution very much as not only were the recitation rooms gone, but a valuable library of rare works were burned. (An erroneous belief that this build- ing was razed seems generally accep- ted at this time.) It is believed that this fire was the work of an incendiary, as evidence gathered at the time, and the strife which seemed to exist during this period in regard to higher education would lead one to accept as a prob- able truth. However, no one was ever prosecuted for the act. Citizens Raise Funds. The citizens immediately went to work to raise funds for erecting a new building for Indiana University. They removed a comparatively mea- ger sum from the State, but by popu- lar subscriptions and donations Bloomington citizens raised $10,000, and were enabled to complete the new college building. This building stands on the "old University Campus" in the southern part of the Old City of Bloomington, (the present Junior High school building). Permanent Endowment. In the historic year, 1867, the Old Indiana University Building (erected after fire of 1854), now used as a Junior High School. (Unit in Bloomington's Superior Educational System, as they appeared in 1921.) 60 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall fii-st legislative appropriation was made. This was an annual appropria- tion of $8,000, an amount that was increased in 1873 to $15,000, and still later to $23,000. This increase in equipment was followed at once by a decided increase in the number of stu- dents, as well as in the general effi- ciency of the Institution. This growth and development continued during- the administration of Dr. Lemuel Moss (1876 to 1884), and also during that of Dr. Jordan. On the 8th of March, 1883, an Act providing for the "permanent endow- ment of the University" was passed by the State Legislature. By this ordi- nance, a tax of one-half cent to be collected annually for thirteen years is levied on each $100 of taxable prop- erty. "This amount when collected is put in the form of non-negotiable bonds of the State, bearing interest at 5 per cent. This sum collected amounts to about $50,000 each year, giving an an- nual increase of income of $2,000 to $3,000. This fund will amount to about $750,000 in 1896. It will then yield an income equal to that now received form all other sources." No donations of money from individ- uals for any purpose had been re- ceived by the University. Second Fire in July, 1883. In the late seventies, a fine brick building was erected on the old Uni- versity campus, to be used for scien- tific purposes in connection with the work of the University. This building was struck by light- ning and completely destroyed by fire which followed, in July, 1883. The loss was estimated at probably $300,000, as the library consisting of over 12,000 volumes, and the then fa- mous Owen collection of fossils, etc., along with many other valuable ar- ticles were destroyed at the time. The burning of Science building on the old campus of Indiana Univer- sity, while coming, as it did as a ca- lamity, was really a blessing in dis- guise for not only the University, but Bloomington and Monroe county. It was after this great disaster that the new site was purchased and the University really began to spread forth out-reaching arms of progress, which could never have happened had the old site been retained. The loss was in part made good by a State appropriation ($43,000), and by a donation ($50,000) from the County of Monroe. In rebuilding the trustees selected a more eligrible site, about a mile from the former location, and on these grounds the work of the University has been carried on since 1885. Present Site Purchased. In the same year, 1883, the Trus- tees of Indiana University purchased a tract of twenty acres of land of what was then known as Dunn's Woods, fronting on Fifth street, and made preparations to erect two fine buildings on this site. One oi the buildings was planned to be used as the main University edifice, and the ^ ^ ■f }■ j- 4_i4' ij A' . ■ : ■ W Uh %" . TrP- 1 x_r_ \ i '''s,^^^ . .A>.AAAA.kAAAAA.'..iA.~;AAA.u / 'KIRK WOOD'S LAWS" BROUGHT FAME TO I.U. AND TOWN IN BEING HOME OF THE AUTHOR "When I die, I want to go where Professor Kirkwood goes," was the simple eulogy of one of the admirers of Daniel Kirkwood, for whom one of Bloomington's main streets was named, as was one of the substantial buildings situated on Indiana Univer- sity's campus, in honor of the great gift this man made to science. One writer, in 1883, in commenting Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 65 upon the sentiment expressed in this statement of an admirer, said: "Watever may be said of this sen- timent, certain it is that during fifty years as a teacher, Professor Kirk- wood has gained from his students such universal contributions of love and admiration as few men enjoy; and, while as a mathematician, he has made many valuable contributions to science, as a genial, temperate, and genuine man, he has solved the prob- lem of gracefully growing old. Came to Indiana in 1856. Prof. Daniel Kirkwood accepted the Chair of Mathematics in Indiana Uni- versity in the latter part of 1856, and held the same position in Washington and Jefferson College (Pennsylvania) in 1866 and 1867, but was recalled to his former place in Indiana Uni- versity. The great things that this man did for the betterment of the human race can scarcely be appreciated by the or- dinary individual who is not directly interested in scientific matters, but we can in a slight sense, give an idea of his greatness in the scientific world bv setting forth in our simple language what we are able to under- stand. The scientific world first took notice of Professor Kirkwood in 1849 through the publication of his analogy between the periods of the rotations of the primary planets. The law which he announced became known as Kirkwood's Law, was generally re- garded as a discovery of much im- portance in supporting the nebular hypothesis, and received much inter- est at this time. This law pertains to the revolution of the planets on their axis. When only about fifty asteroids were known in the solar sys- tem. Professor Kirkwood, it seems, conceived the notion that in those spaces where simple commensurabil- ity with Jupiter occurs, there must be gaps in the asteroid zone. It was then, however only a theory, as the number of asteroids sufficient for its verification were not known. We find that the scientific world immediately accepted this theory, and Mr. Proctor, an eminent astronomer of his day, wrote in 1870, concerning this theory: "We may assume that when many more asteroids have been discovered, the law * * * will appear more dis- tinctly." Professor Kirkwood was the first to show that the divisions of Saturn's rings are due to the same cause as the gaps in the zone of asteroids. Daniel Kirkwood, while not a native of Indiana, was one of the men to whom we can proudly point as one of our great citizens, as he became a part of Bloomington when he first took his place in Indiana University. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, his grandfather coming from Ireland in 1771, and settling in Delaware. His parents, John and Agnes (Hope) Kirk- wood were both born in America, and Professor Daniel Kirkwood was born on a farm, in Tartford County, Mary- land, September 27, 1814. His early life was spent on the farm, his first attendance at school being in the rural district of his native county. Not having much taste for agriculture, he entered the York Coun- ty Academy (York, Pa.) in 1834, and in 1838 was elected first assistant and mathematical instructor of the insti- tution. While teaching in York, one of his students was Samuel R. Frank- lin, who later won fame and was chosen superintendent of the great Government Observatory, in Washing- ton, D. C. In 1943 he accepted the principal- ship of Lancaster, (Pa.) High school, which position he gave up to become principal of the Pottsville Academy after a few years. He was then Pro- fessor of Mathematics in Delaware College from 1851 to 1856, being elect- ed President of this institution in 1854, and in the last year mentioned accepted the Chair of Mathematics in Indiana University. His residence in Bloomington gave the community a zealous worker for the citizenship's welfare throughout the long life of this great scholar and teacher. Honors Bestowed. Professor Daniel Kirkwood received the honorary degi'ee of Master of Arts, in 1850, from Washington College, anu the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1852, from the University of Pensylvania. He was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1851, and the American Association for the advancement of Science, in 1853. Not alone these honorable attain- ments were the result of his untire- ing study, but he was a frequent con- tributor to scientific journals, and was author of the well-known work on "Comets and Meteors," as well as a book published earlier, entitled "Me- teoric Astronomy." Besides, being the man to establish "Kirkwood's Law" as a theory for scientific devel- opment. The Bee Hive geyser in Yellow- stone national park is becoming more and more active every season. Many parts of the dense forests of the Adirondack mountains in New York are still unexplored. Observatory at Indiana University, in charge of Prof. W. A. Cogshall, where students are learning of the "great beyond" in concrete lessons and figures. 'star" 66 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall "CITY OF HIGHER LEARNING" RECEIVES PRAISE FROM UNION LABOR PUBLICATION Bloomington and Indiana University received a fine "writeup" by one of the State papers. This time it is the Union which is one of the leading of- ficial organ of the Labor Party in the United States. The article which ap- peared in the Labor Day edition (Sept. 5, 1921) is as follows: "Clang. A grinding of wheels — the call of a brakeman as the train slows down. Bloomington. The home of In- diana University — the home, for a time, of our boys and girls who are fortunate enough to be allowed to go. "You alight from the train and an animated scene confronts you. You behold crowds of laughing and seem- ingly care-free boys and girls — In- diana's boys and girls — some leaving, some coming to resume their studies — and a feeling of their exuberant good fellowship grips you. "You leave the depot and are soon in the business section of the town. You pass through the square and note the stores that face it — the up-to-the- minute styles that show through the windows, and you know that you are in a college town where progi-essive merchants keep pace with the exact- ing requirements of thousands of stu- dents from all walks of life. You pass along a street, made beautiful by im- posing homes and overhanging trees, and finally you stand on the college campus. "Then and only then, does the real significance of the heading of this ar- ticle come to you: 'What Indiana Uni- versity Means to Indiana.' "You behold the mighty buildings dedicated to the advancement of our children — you gaze in rapture at the campus, which has been laid out in all of its natural beauty — and with a feel- ing of pride you realize that Indiana University is yours — is a part of your state — ^is the result of your efforts and the efforts of your people. "You look about you and behold beautiful homes and churches and as you come to know these people of Bloomington and their kindly, hospit- able ways — as you come to realize the atmosphere of refinement and culture that is so manifest — you breathe a sigh of relief that Indiana University is located in such a town — that your children are to live for a time in such a community — and then, while think- ing what Indiana University means to Indiana there comes to you another thought: What Bloomington as a home for our children means to the parents of the State of Indiana. For are not surroundings, is not refine- ment and kindly consideration of a people, as important to the welfare and advancement of our children as a college itself? "I have often wondered why some people take it upon themselves to op- pose every additional appropriation asked for by our colleges. Colleges, if we as a people are to be progressive, need increased equipment, increased salary fund, more money for research, more housing for students that crowd to their halls in ever growing num- bers. That the money must be care- fully handled goes without saying. In times like these, the richest state has not a dollar to waste. But, rightly used, the money spent on colleges will come back a hundredfold. - "There is no public activity that pays quite so well as education. Some of the dividends are obvious — gains that can be readily seen. There are, however, gains less easy of appraise- ment, whose value no thoughtful man doubts. All increased undei'standing of life and duty, all broadening of sympathy and growth of knowledge, are worth while, even though their money price is difficult to ascertain. "A university is an investment, not a charity and he who stands in its way is a detriment to his people, his state and his own advancement. "While Bloomington is known as a college town, it also enjoys other dis- tinctions that without a college would make it known. It is almost the very center of population in the United States. It is also in the very heart of the limestone district — a building stone that finds a market throughout the entire country where beauty and durability is a factor in the building. Bloomington is also the home of the universally known Showers Brothers Company. America's largest furniture makers, with a record of one complete piece of furniture every nineteen sec- onds. "Bloomington, to an observer, indi- cates unusual inducements for any in- dustry deserving location. Excellent labor conditions, adequate transporta- Typical University Student Organization Houses of Blooming ton (1922) . Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 67 tion facilities, near the mining dis- trict, the center of population, desir- ible neighbors, pure water, ample light, heat and power at economical rates, and a satisfactory serivce such as is always maintained by the Inter- state Public Servnce Company; fine lotels and co-operation of fellow- :ownsmen — but more than this — with anequalled educational opportunity rpr the children of the employe and employer. "Bloomington! Big enough to carry the impression of a much larger city; small enough to zealously cherish re- finement, good fellowship and hospi- tality — a city of kindly people, wheth- er they be employer of employe, teach- er or business man or student. "The shades of night were slowly settling over the campus at Indiana. I turned to go. Again I passed along the streets and down to the depot, where I took my train. Leaving I carried with me a vision of mighty buildings and a beautiful campus — a thought of a beautiful city of homes and a people of refinement and genial ways — but more than this I carried with me the thought that some day I would like to have my children go — to Indiana University — and Blooming- ton." Sheriff Walter Peterson is a lone- some man today. "Reason — the jail is entirely empty for the first time since Mr. Peterson took office." November 18, 1921. Scenes on Indiana University Campus after a winter snow storm has spread its mantel 68 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall > S o- s d S <' (t) •-< CO 3 CO •a CD cr CD o rt> c»r o •< 3 3 CO Cfi a" c w;.^. 1 ■ S^' i H5fl M 'P"^!^ ;m ^:i fc- **--■ ^Fmk ■v=^i !fln nl^^^'S^^^ WnL ■ r^ni V— •"») ^■^^v ^K?1h ■' mn *-r T»; ->r»\/ ^H ■ mi V- 1 iiss ^y Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 69 Indiana University Downs Purdue In Annual Football Game of 1921 The historic rivalry between the two Universities of our State gives the victory of Indiana University and Bloomington a right to have the ac- count of this contest placed in the columes of this boolv. In thirty years Purdue and Indiana have played 22 games. Purdue has won 11, Indiana 10, and there have been 2 ties. The record follows: In 1891, Purdue, 60, Indiana 0; 1892, Purdue 69, Indiana 0;; 1893, Purdue 60; Indiana 0; 1897, Purdue 20, In- diana 6; 1898, Purdue 14, Indiana 0; 1899, Purdue 5, Indiana 17; laOO Purdue 5, Indiana 24; 1901, Purdue 6, Indiana 11; 1902, Purdue 39, In- diana 0; 1904, Purdue 27, Indiana 0; 1905, Purdue 11, Indiana 11; 1908, Purdue 4, Indiana 10; 1909, Purdue 3, Indiana 36; 1910, Purdue 9, Indiana 15; 1911, Purdue 12. Indiana 5; 1912, Purdue 34, Indiana 7; 1913, Purdue 4, Indiana 7; 1914, Purdue 23, Indiana 13; 1915, Purdue 7, Indiana 0; 1916, Purdue 0, Indiana 0; 1917, Purdue 0, Indiana 37; 1920, Purdue 7, In- diana 10; 1921, Indiana 3, Purdue 0. Before the game, 3,000 cards con- taining the following verses were passed among the Rooters, for it was fully realized that Indiana's only chance to win would be by the superior gameness of the Crimson players: ^ - H H iTjIh f ' „.l ^kl^ j >«JI!WHJUk|^^^j|| ^^^ ■^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 Scene at Indiana-Purdue Football Game on Jordan Field The Downfallen. "I came here to learn," Said young Willie Green : "Not to'fall for' or yern For each 'queen* that I've seen." But — alas and alack — This wise young fellow Was asleep on his back. For his heart was mellow. One spoonful of nei'\'e Was all that he lost : For a bushel of brains Would ne'er pay the cost. Four years he was dead In his loveless strife. Refusing to be led To the joys of life. Then, he awoke with a start And a creeping skin — Something was wrong with his heart. And his blood seemed thin. The girl— that wonderful one. In all the classes with him — Had, this day, just begun Wearing his room-mate's pin. The Team and Stiehm. (By Forest M. "Pop" Hall) I've gone far to see our team And dear old "Jumbo" Stiehm Fight hard for fame With fnes. wbose grnater odds Would have frightened the gods. In any game. So hard they fought, that sly Fate Tried her hand to slow their gait As ground they gained : And. the team tried to the last Ounce of strength to hold fast ; But then — it rained ! Watch, with confident smile. How they play for Cap Kyle, And lead the scoi-e Tn this more equal rmtch. And beat Purdue like Scratch, Just as before. High in the b'eachers. we too. Must work for Indiana, true — Ta'k long and loud! Ijet the boys know we are there To back them with OUR share. And show we're proud. No yellow was ever shown. For none was ever grown Tn old I. U. So YELL! For this final game Will see our team bring shame To all Purdue! And, true to prediction, the spirit of "never giving up" gave victory to Indiana's nervy players in this his- toric gridiron game. Indiana beat Purdue 3 to in the season's last football game on Jor- dan Field Saturday, November 19, 1921. A drop kick by Kyle in the last quarter with five minutes left to play put the contest on ice for the Crimson. A crowd of about 9,000, the largest ever on the field, witnessed the con- test, and 1,000 who had bought tickets in advance remained away on account of rain. Purdue came on two special trains and brought 1,600 rooters. Engines 440 and 400, pulling the special trains over the Monon, were gaily decorated in Purdue colors, black and old gold. TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY SELECT SITES FOR TWO NEW BUILDINGS, NOV. 1921 Captain Kyle Before adjournment of its sessions on November 5, 1921, the Indiana University board of trustees definitely decided upon the location of the site upon which the new $250,000 build- ing for the School of Commerce and Finance of the University will be erected. The site chosen is 100 feet east of Biology Hall and 100 feet south of Science Hall, on the college campus, just north of Third Street. The board also selected the site for the President's house, which is to be erected on the east end of the Uni- versity campus, almost due east of the north end of Forest Place, Bloom- ington. Miss Louise Rowe was selected as 70 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall secretary to William A. Alexander, who will have charge of the $1,000,000 drive among the alumni and other friends of the institution. Mr. Alexander reported that the first pledges for the alumni fund have been made by Dr. Joseph Swain and his wife, Mrs. Frances Morgan Swain. The board was much pleased that President Bryan had received from Marshal Foeh an autographed repro- duction of the famous order which the marshal made during the battle of the Marne. As translated by Prof. E. C. Hills of the depai-tment of Romance languages, the order was as follows : . "My left is giving way, my right is falling back; consequently I am ordering a general offensive, a deci- sive attack by the center. "Signed, F. Foch." BANKERS CONVINCED PROSPECTS FOR 1922 BUSI- NESS ARE GOOD President of American Association Emphasizes Importance of United States Interesting Itself in Problems of Europe — Time for Greatest Anxiety Now Appears Nearly Past as 1921 Comes to Close. Business prospects for 1922 are, in general, hopeful, according to state- ments by prominent bankers, made public December 31, in New York, by the American Bankers' Association. "The future of business and finance in the United States is encouraging," said Thomas B. McAdams, president of the association. He emphasized the importance of this country in- teresting itself in the problems of Europe in order that American pros- perity may be maintained. He said that, although some leading politic- ians and newspapers opposed extend- ing aid to Europe at this time, "fu- ture prosperity depended upon the wav financial America answers the cali." "The time for anxiety seems to be entirely past and the middle of 1922 should see recovery well established," said John C. Lonsdale, president of the National Bank of Commerce of St. Louis. "All the things necessary to commercial betterment seem to have been set in motion, so that 1922 should see the beginning of the era of our greatest and most golden pros- perity." Farm, Industry and Trade. Prosperity among our farmers, manufacturers and merchants is di- rectly affected by the unsettled con- dition of finance and politics in Eu- rope, J. A. House, president of the trust company division of Guardian Sa\'ing and Trust Company of Cleve- land, Ohio, believes. "This must be remedied," he added. "It is apparent, also, that strikes for higher wages are certainly not in keeping with the present order of things. Labor must bear its fair share in future deflatoin." Mr. House emphasized the need of the rehabilitation of the railroads and said the Congress should pass equitable tax laws to encourage the flow of capital through channels which would mean investment. John S. Puslicher, vice-president of the American Bankers' Associa- tion, said the trend was toward easier money rates and he saw nothing to indicate this would not continue. Strength of the Banks. "The strongest factor in the pres- ent situation is the growing strength of the banks," he said. "It is our belief," said R. S. Heclit, president of the state bank di%'ision of the American Bankers' Associa- tion, "that we will not again have real prosperity in this counti-y until some kind of economiu restoration has been accomplished in Europe and a stable basis for international trade worked out." — The Indianapolis News. HISTORIC OLD ELM TREES In an attempt to locate the monarch of all American elms, the American Genetic Association discovered a few years ago what is now thought to be the largest speciman of ulmus ameri- cana in existence. The trunk of this giant measures thirty-three feet in circumference. A remarkable record for one small seed! It reached these colossal proportions in the soil of West Virginia. According to tree experts an elm almost equally large has since been found at Rathlaone, Ohio. It measures thirty-two feet in girth and has a spread of IfiS feet. It has five limbs as large as ordinary trees branching out from the main trunk. The age of this majestic specimen is estimated at from 500 to 700 years. A record quite as remarkable is accredited to "The Great Elm" of Wethersfield, Conn. This tree reached the enor- mous dimensions of twenty-eight feet in girth and 100 feet in height at the estimated age of 2.50 years. The Monarch Elm of Boston, blown down in 187(i, was only twenty-two feet in circumference and seventy- two in height. While the Washington Elm at Cambridge, perhaps the best known of all American trees, can boast only a mere fourteen feet of girth and forty-one in height. THE WIDOWS SOLILOQUY We i-ead the following article in an old, old copy of the "Indiana Gazette," Vol. 1, No. 27, published in Blooming- ton, Ind., Saturday, April 25, 1835, which we forthwith pass on: "What," said she, "because I have been married once, shall I refuse to marry again ? "Shall I not take a second hus- band, because I have lost the first? "That would be a reflection upon a marrited life. Nay, it would be a sort of slandering, as it were, on my first husband — good man. And, I'll never say that for him, though he's dead and gone. "I loved him so well, and enjoyed his dear society so much, that I can never be satisfied till I get another — and the sooner I get the second, the more I shall show my affection for the first. "The world may say what it pleases, but I am sure that the best evidence that any person can give, whether man or woman, that they loved their first partner dearly, is to take a sec- ond as soon as possible after the first is dead." Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 71 FIRST STORE ESTABLISHED IN BLOOMINGTON IN 1818 WAS LITTLE LIKE MODERN BUSINESS Pavern Opened in 1819 — Howe, Owens, Batterton and Stuart Establish Early Commerce With Local Trade — Austin Seward Began Wagon Manufacture in 1821 and Did First Blacksmithing- in Present City — Colonel Compbell Started Leather Tannery. Incoming: students of Indiana Uni- versity, as well as Bloomington resi- lents of the present time may be in- :erested to know just who were the "irst men to open "business houses" n what is now the City of Blooming- on, Tnd. The thriving business houses situ- ited within the city today, with all he up-to-the-minute details to be 'ound in modern business concerns nay be compared with those rude log structures which contained the first ;tores, away back in 1S18. First Store Opened, 1818. The first store to be opened in the county seat of Monroe county, Indi- ma, was that ooened in Bloomington n 1818, by William Hardin, who sold vhiskey principally, and carried a ;tock of notions worth about $150. rhis man, (Hardin), also kept tavern at the same time. The following; year, 1819, Georg:e Wliisenand started a tavern with a 3ar in connection, and he, too, sold iquors. About this time, or perhaps soon aftei-ward, Joshua O. Howe, Alexan- der Owens and Henry Batterton estab- lished separate stores which were much more pretentious than that of Hardin, which scarcely rated the name of store. These men really kept gro- ceries (as liquor, in the early times was classed as "wet g:i-oceries") and saloons, or the name were unknown. These three men did not begin their business at the same time, but .^ome time between 1819 and 1822, the exact date not being obtainable at this time, but these dates come from re- liable sources. Seward Began Blacksmithing. In the month of September, 1821, Austin Seward began manufacturing wagons, and did general blacksmith- ing, as did Benjamin Neal during about the same period. Colonel Joseph Campbell started a tannery west of Bloomington. Day, Lucas & Campbell also had an interest in the local tanneries of about this date. POPULATION OF BLOOMINGTON IN 1830 HAD GROWN TO 700— GREAT IMPROVEMENT SHOWN —WILLIAM LOWE WAS POSTMASTER Fown Shows Signs of Prosperity and Much New Business Enters — Indiana College Great Factor in Village Growth to 1,000 Inhabitants in 1835— Center of Culture and Religious Conferences — Two Newspapers and College Paper — Old Market House Was Created. After reading the life of our pio- neer city fathers in the first ten or twelve years of the struggling county ^eat town of Monroe county, Bloom- ington residents of the present day may be glad to obtain an added glimpse into the early life of the old settlers; therefore, we will now peep again into the past and find some cf the interesting deeds of our pioneers during the decade beginning with the year 1830. Population of 700 in 1830. In 1830, the population of Bloom- ington was probably not less than 700; the citizens bad incorporated the vil- lage a number of years before, and the Indiana College was a great factor in the town's thriving life in that early period. Besides this, there were numerous factories of leather, liquor, domestic and farming implements, flour, tailor goods, oil and numerous stores, shops, offices, mechanics, artisans, trades- men, along with the educators and professional men; also, speculators were locating permanently in the com- munity with the coming of each month. In fact, the pioneer \'illage of Bloomington was considered a pros- perous place during the early years of this decade. New Business Comes. Merchants during the period from 1830 to 1840, as we have been able to learn from different sources, include the following: Alexander & John Owen, Joshua 0. Howe, Evans & Barnes, Parks & Hes- ter, Henry Baterton, Patterson Officer, Notley Baker, George H. Johnson, John Borland, Labertew & King, Wil- liam S. Bright, Nichols & Roach, John Bennett, Hardesty & Graham, J. & J. W. Carter, John M. Sluss, B. R. Byers, John Campbell, Rogers, Blakelev & Co., F. T. Butler. John M. Berrv, Asher Labertew, Sluss & Hall, Til- ford & Glass, John S. Barnes, John Fee, William Alexander, Moore & Swarengin, and Handerty & Robert- son. By 1835 the village had gained a population of 1,000, and the merchants increased their stocks as the village graduated into a town. Bloomington, as a town, had three, or perhaps four, churches (mentioned elsewhere), attended by comparative- ly large congregations and served by ministers of ability. Indeed, Bloomington became the center of the conference of most de- nominations in religious circles at that time, and the Presiding Elder or the preachers of circuits resided in the town. Consequently, it was here that the religious interests of all this por- tion of Indiana found their controlling heads. Center of Culture. The old County Seminary (female college) had been built in 1835, and had so changed that females alone were admitted. Before this reorgan- ization the school had been a "prep" school for both boys and girls, answer- ing about the relative nurnose as our present-day hip-h schools, for vouth in entering the University. In the Indi- ana College (State University) boys onlv were admitted. Students attending both institutions at this time numbered phout 200 and the presence of such facilities for edu- cation exerted an influence which gave to Bloomington a literary atmosphere and social caste such as was not pos- sessed by any other town in the State of Indiana in those days. There were two newsnapers, each having a fair circulation for that early time, and besides these. Marcus I. Deal issued a semi-monthly neriodical in the interest of Indiana College. Sewards were doing a biff business in all kinds of iron work; D. Batter- ton manufactured ironware pnd stove furniture; Philip Murnhy & Co., made hats and caps, procuring the wool they used in these articles from the sur- rounding territory; Noilsy Baker was the only barber in Bloomington at this time: S. P. Seall was proprietor of the Globe Inn; J. McCullough was tanner and currier. William Lowe Postmaster. William Lowe was postmaster of Bloomington in this early period, and the representative attomev-at-law of the town were. Watts, Dunninsf. Gor- man, Dennv, .1. B. Lowe. J. A. Wright and a number of other lawyers whom we can not eet trace of as practicing, exigent throuffh unreliable hearsay. The practicing phvsicians in the town during this decade seems to have been Doctors McCorckle, Hamill and Foster. .John McCulloueh's tannery was an extensive establishment for this early day: T. J. Ryan manufactured saddles. A man named Day was the town's nainter. The master tailors of Bloom- ington durine this neriod were. Abra- ham Funk. W. J. FIniTV. A. Labertew, S. T. Hardesty and H. Hardesty. These men formed what we mieht term the first men-chants' association, as tbev got tog'ether and adopted a set sched- ule of prices for their work in cutting and making clothinfr. Most of their business came in making up the home- spun cloth which their customers furn- ished for clothing. 72 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall CONDITION FOUND IN 1921 AT CENTER OF POP- ULATION—RENTALS NOT IN DEMAND Amusing Facts Concerning Inhabitants Around Whitehall, 1920 Center of Population of United States — Taken From Article Published in The Indi- anapolis Star, With Prefix Addition. While historic and cultured Bloom- ington folk are priding themselves on the fact that Blooming1;on is the center of culture and learning, nowhere in the world is a return to normalcy more evident than at the center of popula- tion of the United States. It will be a long time before the peo- ple of the little village of Whitehall, Owen county, Indiana, will quit talking about that great day when they held a celebration and dedicated to their lit- tle village a ten-foot wooden monu- ment, set up in the main road, bearing the proud inscription "Center of Popu- lation, U. S. A.— 1920." Pride Changed to Disgust. But, as of old, "pride goeth before a great fall." The first excitement and flush of pride of these simple Hoosier folk was suddenly changed to lament and much disgust. Prof. W. A. Cogshall, Indi- ana University astronomer, took a trip to Owen county, and after a few nights of "star gazin'," as the natives called it, determined from astronomical cal- culations that an old beech tree in a hillside briar patch on Russell Robin- son's farm, two and one-half miles west of the village of Whitehall, and eleven miles west of Bloomington, and of Indiana University and the old cen- ter of population in 1910, was the new hub of the nation's human life for the decade of 1920. No Interest in Fame. The old familiar "House For Rent" sig:n, so long absent in the nation's metropolitian centers, is hanging out in Whitehall, and at Ben Ranard's blacksmith shop, says the correspond- ent to the Indianapolis Star, and the Hoosier villagers are whittling on goods boxes and speculating on wheth- er or not the earth is round, just as they did before the war. Natives have had slight interest in their sudden leap into national lime- light, and Oliver Rainard, who lived within 200 yards of the old beech tree that marks the actual center of popu- lation of the United States, has moved out. Ranard served notice that the center of population is a poor place for a rent profiteer by moving two miles down the road, where he gets a house, bam, garden and pastm-e free. And, now, within 200 yards of the center of population, the five-room bungalow which he formerly occupied, stands wanting a renter, at $5 a month. Garden, orchard, pa.=-ture, heavily lad- en walnut trees, a big persimmon patch, paw-paws, squirrels within gun- shot, fish in Little Raccoon creek near- by; only two miles from where a white lightnin' still was raided recent- ly by government agents; and with a church house only a quarter-mile away — all for $5 a month, but not a renter in sight. It is easy to see that the housing situation is not a problem at the center of population. Free Information Bureau. Ben Ranard has been urged to es- tablish a cold drink stand in connec- tion with his blacksmith shop, near- est business establishment to the popu- lation beech, where Ben serves as a free information bureau for seekers after center of population information. Many well-minded and sympathetic travelers have pointed out that a cold pop stand would be the hub of busi- ness for the country, stratigically lo- cated for national trade from all di- rections, but Ben insists that the 1920 census can bring no good to the people of Owen county, Indiana, until they take the center of population away from that "consarned" old beech tree, and put it back in Whitehall, where it "would be convenient, and where it ought to have been left in the first place." During the decade of 1910 to 1920, the center of population for the United States was located in Monroe county, Indiana, and the city of Bloomington )-eceived much advertising through the publicity thu c was given the fact. FAMILIES ARE GROWING SMALLER, REPORTS OF 1921 CENSUS SHOW Decrease during the last decade in the average number of persons in a family and to a dwelling in the United States is indicated by comparative sta- tistics made public in October, 1921, by the census bureau. The 1920 census showed, a statement said, that the na- tional population was gi-ouped into 24,351,676 families, living in 20,697,- 204 dwellings, making an average of 4.3 persons to a family and 5.1 persons to a dwelling. In 1910 the average number of per- sons to a family was 4.5 and to a dwelling 5.2. The average in both cases was still higher in 1880 — 5 per- sons to a family and 5.6 persons to a dwelling — and has declined steadily since. The census bureau applies the term "family" to a group of persons, wheth- er related by blood or not, living to- gether in one household. One person living alone is counted as a family, while the occupants of a hotel or in- stitution, regardless of their number, are regarded as of one family. An en- tire apartment house, although the home of many families, constitutes only one dwelling in the census bu- reau's classification. As shown by the 1920 census, the average size of families was greatest in southern states and smallest in western state. The number of persons to a dwelling was greatest in New England and middle Atlantic states and smallest in western states. Among individual states the average to a family ranged from 3.5 in Nevada to 5 in North Carolina in 1920, and a dwelling from 3.7 in Nevada, to 7.8 in New York. The 1920 census shows the popula- tion of the United States, exclusive of outlying possessions, to be 105,- 683,108. The increase in population during the last decade was 13,710,842, or 14.9 per cent. New York, Chicago and Philadelphia maintained their positions as the three largest cities in the United States. New York's population, according to the 1920 census, is 5,620,048; Chicago, 2,701,705, and Philadelphia, 1,823,158. Detroit leads the 500,000 to 1,000,000 cities with a population of 993,739. Nine cities have more than 500,000 and less than 1,000,000 population. Cleveland ranks next to Detroit with 796,836; St. Louis has 772,897 Boston, 748,060; Baltimore, 733,826 Pittsburg, 588,193; Los Angeles, 576, 073; Buffalo, 506,775, and San Fran- cisco, 503,400. ' Milwaukee leads the twelve cities with a population of more than 225,000 and less than 500,000. Milwaukee's population is 457,157; Washington's 437,751; Newark, N. J., 414,216; Cin- cinnati, 401,247; New Orleans, 387,219; Minneapolis, 380,582; Kansas City, Mo., 324,410; Seattle, 315,652; Indianapolis, 314,194; Jersey City, 297,864; Roches- ter, 295,750; Portland, Ore., 258,288; Denver, 256,369. The 1920 census shows that 64,680,- 405 people in the United States live in incorporated cities and towns, and 41,002,703 in the rural districts. This is an increase of 14,000,000 for the cities and about 130,000 in the rural districts of the country. Of the larger cities in the country, Detroit showed the largest percentage of increase in population. Her popu- lation in 1910 was 465,766, and in 1920 it was 993,739. The 1920 census indicates that the population of the country was aug- mented through excess of immigrration over emigration by about 4,100,000. The city of Bloomington showed a population of 13,500 in the 1920 census. A red sunrise, with clouds lowering later in the morning, is considered to be a forerunner of rain. An evening rainbow is regarded as an indication of fair weather; a morning rainbow is a sign of rain. High Nnsibility (usually clearness of the atmosphere), unusual brightness or twinkling of the stars are regarded as indications of rain. Historic Treasures, Compiled bij Forest M. "Pop" Hall 73 HARD TIMES FACED EARLY SETTLERS IN BLOOM- INGTON AND MONEY WAS SO SCARCE COINS WERE CUT IN PIECES Merchants Were Forced to Barter, But All Got Along Some Way — Some Im- portant Data Concerning Conditions in the Twenties — List of Business Men of Remainder of Decade. We are fortunate in being able to give a little idea of the financial problems which faced the pioneer set- tlers of Bloomington and Monroe county away back in the early times of the city's history. All kinds of merchandise at prices which would seem triple to the prices of our time up to the recent world war period of high cost of living which we are still feeling the effects of, may be compared. They are as follows: Calicoes and prints were priced at from 25 cents to 50 cents a yard, and other articles similarly high. Hard Times One thing which helped to make harder times was the lack of market for the products of the farmers of that time. Wheat, corn, oats, etc., were worth but 20 to 40 cents a bush- el, and it was quite difficult to dis- pose of any quantity at that price. Money was scarce — real money good money. Paper money was in existence and was worth most any price below par. As the value of bills was constantly fluctuating, they were practically mechantable property, as gold and silver were during the war of 1861-64. Silver money was scarce, but gold was much more scarce. Coins Cut in Price. The smaller denominations of gold and silver coins were almost unknown in the community, except as they were created and used by mutual consent. The silver quarters were quartered or cut in half, and these pieces were called 'Sharp Shince," passed current CITY OF BLOOMINGTON IS FORTUNATE AT PRES- ENT TIME WHILE WHOLE COUNTRY IS STRUGGLING WITH HARD TIMES Although the whole country at the present time seems to be having a terrible struggle to meet unemploy- ment problems which our nation is facing, Bloomington, Indiana, is in better fix than most of the larger cities and all the smaller places that we can get information of, in this respect at the date of 1921. Not alone is Bloomington given an all over the country has almost come to a standstill. It is quite natural for a certain per- centage of people to have a desire to change about in the industrial and business world, but while the condi- tion of finances and industry are .as at the present time, discouraging, we consider the following good advice for any one: for 6'i cents or 12% cents, respec- tively. Money was so scarce that the mer- chants were forced to barter their goods and were compelled to do a "provision, pork and grain" buiness. Farmers could trade live or dressed hogs for goods, the demand regulat- ing the supply and price. They could trade their grain in the same manner. This forced the merchants into pork packing and grain shipping, which necessitated the construction of flat-boats for the conveyance of this product of the land to the south- ern markets. Towns along the larger streams had an advantage over Bloomington in this particular respect, and nearly all the heavy pork and grain ship- ments were made from these points after it was transported overland or in smaller boats down the creeks to these places of embarkation. This accounts for the fact that ex- tensive business in that direction was not developed in Bloomington. Merchants in Decade of Twenties. From about 182.3, during the re- mainder of the decade of the twenties, the li^t of enrlv morchnnts and busi- ness life included the following: Alovander <^' John Owens, Joshua O. Howe, Henry Batterton, A. F. Morrison, .Tohn Muir & Co., during the year 1824. John Borland and G. M. Early were in business in 1826. Andrew Todd, John Garner, Evans & Barnes were doing business in 1827. George Henry & Co., Patterson Of- ficer, George Hardesty and possibly a few others were among the mer- chants starting business in Blooming- ton in 1828. What We See and Hear. Things are dull in San Frascisco, "On the bum" in New Orleans; "Rather Punk" in cultured Boston, Famed for codfish, pork and beans. "On the hog" in Kansas City: Out in Denver, things are ".iarred," And, they're "beefing" in Chicago, That the times are getting hard. Not much doing in St. Louis — It's the same in Baltimore; Coin don't rattle in Seattle, As it did in days of yore. Jobs are scarce around Atlanta; All through Texas, it is still. And, there's very little stirring In the town of Louisville. There's a howl from Cincinnati, New York City; Brooklyn, too; In Milwaukee's foamy limits There's but little work to do. What We Think. In the face of all such rumors. It seems not amiss to say: That, no matter where you're eroing. You had better stay away For, when winter gets real cold And things become more tight, Those who stay in Blonminfrton Keep warm each wintery night. Study of Conditions in Industrial Life of Nation's Cities, Shown in Verse — Better Stay in the Old Town Where Things Look Good, is Advice of Writer — Ifniversity and Industries Make Work for Many, While Other Places Slump. added boost by the incoming hordes of students attending Indiana Univer- sity, which may be considered a great help in keeping business of the city in a healthy conditon; but, when we consider the wonderful way in which the great industries situated in and near the city are running, we must feel grateful for the way these indus- tries "keep pegging" while industry 74 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall EARLY MANUFACTORIES OF BLOOMINGTON SHOW GREAT CONFIDENCE IN FUTURE OF COUNTY Good Axes Manufactured for the Back-woodsmen of Monroe by Mr. Seward — First-Class Tavern Established in 1823; Also First Really Good Store in the Little Town — Old Thacker Mill and Distillery in Operation. In the period about 1820 to 1822, we find that many of the incoming settlers were changing about, al- though for the most part, people locating close to Bloomington were endeavoring to clear the land for agri- cultural uses. Blair & Lowe owned an old horse mill. David Tucker owned and also operated one of the cumbersome old mills, where the grain was ground in a crude manner and bolted by hand, the ovimer of the grain doing the turning. The toll was one-sixth for the grinding. Small Distillery. David Thackers mill was used chief- ly to supply a small distillery with ground grain. This distillery was also owned by Thacker, however, not more than a barrel of liquor a day was manufactured. Mr. Thacker later sold the tread-mill to Mr. Legg. A man named Garner conducted a saw mill just south of town (or at the south edge of what was then the tovra. This mill had as its motive power cattle or horse driven on a big tread wheel to run the saw. Ellis Stone started a carding mill (for carding wool) as early as 1820. This mill was operated by a tread- wheel, and continued for more than twenty years, some times doing a rather brisk business in the old log structure built for the purpose. The packages of rolls of yarn were pinned up with thorns, which boys of the community were paid to gather in the woods. Haws Armstrong was operating a fulling mill (where the home-spun woolen cloth was taken and made more compact, thicker and stronger by shrinking — called fulling in early times) in 1824. which some early resi- dents think he started about 1820. We are sure he was operating this mill in 1824, and that he continued to supply his patrons for a number of years following. John and Samuel Orchard started a carding machine in or about 1823, which was operated by means of a tread-mill. Made Gun Powder. Gun powder of a then superior qua- lity was manufactured by Haws Arm- strong, along with his fulling mill industry. The Orchards also manufactured linseed oil. One or two others in the busy little town also made linseed oil at this time. Mr. Seward manufactured axes for the woodsmen of that day, also plows and wagons, and did expert repair work along lines of this nature. He steadily increased his business until, desiring to reach out, he started an iron foundry and began manufactur- ing general foundry output for the trade. In 1823 E. C. Moberly kept a tavern (for that time, a first-class hostelry), considered a step in progress for the town. About this time Joshua H. Lucas opened a really good store. He was an eccentric character (mentioned elsewhere), a good story teller, natu- ral mixer, and soon built up a thriv- ing business. He also became inter- ested in politics in 1824, and in spite of his lack of education, won his audiences through natural ability. He was elected to the State Legislature in that year, over William Alexander, his opponent. Kirkville Established. Kirkville was a comparatively re- cent village in the township, and was named in honor of the Kirk family. Lane & Carmichael started the first store, but later sold out to Mr. Kirk, The Sydney Gazette, under an 1832 date line contains an advertisement which is rather amusing: "Notice To Gentlemen Housebreak- ers and Thieves — J. Waran will feel obliged to the intruders that broke into his domicile on Sunday morning last, between the hours of one and two, to return him the small quantity of plate they took that morning. J. Warman would not trouble them, but the articles are family presents." Pleasing summer scenes along Bloomington's shady resi dential streets. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 75 PIONEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FORMED— OLD SAX-HORN BAND FURNISHED MUSIC FOR TOWN County Board of Monroe Agrees to Pay $200 Toward Cost of Construction of Market House, Providing Town Would Pay Like Sum — Every One Went to Barter With Farmers. Bloomington was at one time the proud possessor of a really and truly, sure-enough market house, vi'here farmers could bi'ing their produce and dispose of it to the housewife, thus assuring the sale at fair price. Market House Erected in 1837. In 1837 the old "market house" was erected, the County Board paying $200, providing the town of Bloom- ington should pay the same amount toward establishing this co-operative market place, which the town offi- cials immediately furnished as the town's share of the bargain. Here it was that the townspeople went to barter with the farmers at market. Instead of going to the gro- ceries as is done at the present time. This old market house was continued until some time in the fifties. Pioneer Fire Company Formed. The tovm had grown to such pro- portions that in 1838 it was felt that the old system of fighting fire with buckets or just "let i t burn out" methods was a costly and back-woods way. An effort was made to secure a fire engine (evidently one of the "hand-pump" variety). But the effort failed for lack of financial support. Nevertheless, the attempts directed attention to the public need, and not many years later the old "Pioneer Fire Company" was organized. This companv endured for a great many years, down through the sixties and eighties, and was finally succeeded by our present metropolitan fire-fight- ing methods. Sax-Horn Band Furnished Music. The first record we are able to find of any organized band in the com- munity leads us to believe that the old Sax-Horn Band, which was orga- nized during this decade (1830-40) was the first in Bloomington. This band furnished the town of Bloom- ington with public music until about the time of the war. in 1860-64. There were probably many enter- prises of that period which we are unable to get track of. but suffice to say, these were evidently the more imnortant, and worthy of note as his- torical facts. W. JACKSON, OLD-TIME FIRE FIGHTER IN CITY J. W Jackson, veteran Bloomington city fireman, substituted for a mem- ber of the city fire department during the week in October, 1921, and recalled to old timers who saw him again on the job, the days when he was a galliant member of the old Pioneer Fire department in the days gone by. Jackson was a member of this old volunteer fire department, which was in existence to about 187.5, when each member paid $1 entrance fee and 10 cents a month dues, but members of the Pioneer Fire Company were ex- empt from road taxes. The old hand- drawn hook and ladder wagon of this company was kept in one comer of the old court house yard, along with a full equipment of fire buckets and a hose reel. Besides this experience in the old days, Jackson is rather proud of his record as a professional fire fighter, having attended more than 3,000 fires in the thirty-odd years he has been a fireman. He served for five years in the chemical squad of the Decatur, 111., Fire department, one year as foreman of the hook and ladder squad of the Charleston, 111., department, and the rest of his experience came in the City of Higher Learning. Bloom- ington, too, is proud of Mr. Jackson's faithful devotion to the safety of its property and life in those years of service he gave it. FIRST STEAM MILL STARTED BLOOMINGTON ON ROAD OF PROGRESS IN INDUSTRY Leading Merchants of Two Decades— New Ideas Introduced in Enterprising Town— But "Shinplaster" Came as a Temporary Relief in Financial Circles, and Soon Developed as an Injurious Element in Business Life. It seems that Bloomington, after surviving- the hard struggles through the pioneer stages of the first two decades of the tovni's life, was in a fair way to become one of the sub- stantial towns in the state, and was reincorporated, under a different form of charter during the period. The leading enterprises were the carding mill of Thomas Hardesty; MeCrum's grist mill; the various tan- neries, wagon and iron shops, harness and saddle makers, hatters, etc. It was during this period that Major Hite started a steam grist mill and carding mill, which marked an important step toward modern meth- ods of industry in the community. Bloomington, as a town, was again incorporated in 1847, with its popula- tion showing an increase to about 1300 inhabitants. Leading Merchants of Decade. The leading merchants of the town during the forties were: Peter Mar- tinsau, Labertew & Ray, Johnston & Stout, Thomas McCalla, E. P. Farmer, J. O. and J. H. Howe, A and J. Owens, John Campbell, G. H. Johnson, Dieth & Block, William Wylie & Co., Cathar- ine Owens. H. W. Woodward, J. Mc- Corkle, Snyder & Isaacs. Andrew Hel- ton, G. W. More, E. E. and G. W. Sluss, S. P. Chipman, Coleman, Levy & Co., J. and W. O. Fee. Richard Hardesty, J. W. Carter, S. and J. Pennigton, Y. B. and J. W. Pullen, Alexander Sutherland and probably others of whom no record was kent. Among the grocers were Richard Hardesty, Aquilla Rogers, Jacob Young, J. M. C. Hunter, Felix G. Hite and Rogers & Pajiie. 18.50 to 1860 Brings New Ideas. During the fifties many changes in business methods were made among all classes of industry, and new ideas brought forth many inventions throughout the country as a whole, and Bloomington shared in the pro- gress of the times. Among the prominent merchants of this period were the following: Suth- erland & Jones, Tarkington & Abel, W. C. Fee, H. D. Woodward, Andrew Helton, Jesse Cox & Co., J. B. Mulkev, J. O. and J. M. Howe, Thomas McCal- la, S. P. Chipman, William McCrum, G. H. Johnson, E. E. Sluss, Tuley & McCrea, Samuel and Isaac Kahn, E. B. Pennington, James Millen, J. W. Davis & Co., Helton & Dodds, Miller & Moffett. Asher Labertew, John Campbell, Dunn & Co., Pennisrton & Tuley, J. B. Hobson & Co., Pleasant Williams, J. B. Mulkey, drugs (this is the first record we find of a drug store in Bloomington), Carsaw & An- drews, monuments (another new en- terprise), J. J. Cherry & Co., furni- ture, Tarkington & Atkins, Joseph Orr, drugs; Daniel Shrader, boots and shoes; A. Helton & Sons, Benjamin McGee, tailors. First Bank Is Opened. The first bank of Blomington was opened during the fifties. The wool- en factory belonging to Mr. Holtzman had become a large and prosperous concern. George Heppert was the town's butcher; Theodore Johnson made saddles in his factory; Cox and Springer, Woodward & Buchanan sold drugs, as did Mason & Faris; Slider & Tibbetts merchandise. There were also a host of kindred establish- ments too numerous to mention. Tarkington & Atkins began to issue "shinplasters" of the denominations of 50 cents and $1 in the year 1855. J. M. Howe also issued a small quan- tity of these notes. These "shinplasters" of small de- nominations were devised as a means for facilitating exchange, as a great want was being felt for denomina- tions of notes smaller than the banks of the time or the Government issued. It is said that Tarkington & Akin issued several thousand dollars worth of these "shinplasters." In a year or two these "shinplas- ters" began to depreciate in value, and then there was a pretty mess, ac- 76 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall cording to the word of several older citizens. Action Against "Shinplasters." The following action was taken by leading business men of Bloomington in 1858, the proceedings being pub- lished in the town paner at that time, from which we quote herewith : " 'Shinplasters' — We, the under- signed citizens of Bloomington, Indi- ana, pledge our word and honor that we will not take any 'shinplaster' cur- rency after the 1st day of February for more than ninety cents on the dollar; and that we will not circulate anv more after that date — nor any other paper currency not regularly chartered according to law. "January 20. 1858. "Signed— William O. Fee, Thomas Mullikin, A. W. Campbell. Kahn & Bro., Howe & Co.. W. D. Owen, O. L. Draner, Tuley and McCrea, Benjamin McGee. Millen & Moffett. Mason & Faris, P. Henoch, A. S. Mercer. E. E. Sluss, B. S. CowP-ill. J. R. Tibbets, A. Helton & Co., M. L. McCullough, A. Adams. Dunn & Co.. E. Johnson, B. J. Wade. J. C. McCullough." First Bank Organized. The first bankine businp ^uasaad 8i(:> ^t; ssaujsnq ui in the City of Bloomington, we refer readers to advertisements in the last part of this book. List of Members. F. H. Austin, F. H. Batman, L C. Batman, A. H. Beldon, A. H. Berndt, L. Beeler, O. E. Bell, J. W. Blair, H. C. Black, W. T. Bowles, Carl Breeden, R. J. Bryant, W. L. Bryan, S. P. Bryan, Geo. Buskirk, Kearny Buskirk, Wm. Burrows, Allen Buskirk, Guy Burnett, Elmer Buskirk, Chas. Bender, Elmer Bender, Walter Bradfute, G. H. Bar- rett, Louis Becovitz, Noble Campbell, Logan Coombs, Edwin Corr, S. W. Collins, J. W. Cravens, Oscar Cravens, W. N. Culmer, Homer Carpenter, Mel. Curry, J. E. Darby, Geo. Daughrity, Q. A. East, Mrs. L. Endledow, Chester Evans, J. W. Farris, W. I. Fee, Paul Feltus, H. J. Feltus, J. B. Fields, Len Field, W. R. Fisher, D. B. Foster, R. M. Foster. 0. B. Fuller, Jesse Ful- wider, W. A. Fulwider, E. R. Fletcher, Friedman & Brown, Ray Fvffe, Wm. Graham, Alfred Grindle, P. C. Gilliatt, W. W. Hall, R. H. Harris, V. C. Has- kett, R. C. Hamilton, U. S. Hanna, C. E. Harris, L. M. Hanna, H. G. Harris, P. B. Hill, Geo. Henlev, N. U. Hill, J. E. P. Holland, G. F. Holland, Jesse Howe, W. E. Hottel, B. G. Hoad- ley, L. W. Hughes, Geo. Hunter, H. M. Hudelson, Alex Hirsch, 0. H. Jack- son, Ellis Johnson, Ward Johnson, F. L. Judah, Joe, Kadison, Fred Kahn, James Karsell, Thos. Karsell, Wm. Karsell, John Kerr, Jos. Kentling, Tom Kuluris, Edw. A. Lee, Jos. Let- telleir, Philip Lettelleir, A. Q. Lewis, F. O. Livingstone, T. J. Louden, W. M. Louden, B. F. Leonard, Glenn Mc- Daniel, J. R. McDaniels, W. A. Mc- Aninch, Cornelius McKinley, Fred Matthews, 'Everett May, Moore & Dunlap, R.G. Miller, John Millis, Mon- roe Co. Bank, B. D. Myers, Mrs. C. H. Marxson, Jos. M. Nurre, J. W. O'Har- row, Edgar O'Harrow, Samuel Pfrim- mer, Poolitzan Co., F. J. Prow, N. O. Pittenger, J. H. Radcliff, H. P. Radley, J. W. Raub, C. L. Rawles, J. F. Regester, H. M. Rhorer, R. C. Roe, R. C. Rogers, Ottto Rogers, Wal- ter Rogers, L. D. Rogers, Otto Rott, L. H. Robertson, J. M. Sappenfield, Moy Sam, Fred Seward, Austin Seward, L. E. Siebenthal, W. Ed Showers, Fred Shoemaker, C. G. Shaw, Rodnev Smith, U. H. Smith, H. L. Smith, C. C. Small- wood, A. M. Snyder, James Souders, Homer Strain, Joseph Strain, C. H. Stewart, W. A. Stoute, J. H. Stein- metz, Everett Sparks, C. C. Spencer, Geo. Talbot, F. M. Talbot, S. F. Teter, H. P. Tourner, W. A. Turner, C. H. Uland, F. B. VanValzah, J. C. Ver- milyea, Chas. Waldron, Rolla Walker, M. D. Wells, Ed Whetsell Co., L .W. Whetsell, G. M. Whitaker, J. B. Wil- son. H. L. Wilkev, Wood Wiles, J. W. Wiltshire. Louis Wingfield, Ed. Wil- liams, R. D. Wingert. Homer Woolery, J. T. Woodward^ Allan Wylie, Chas. Wylie, Walter Woodburn, Leonard Fletcher. 80 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall BLOOMINGTON ARCHITECT PREDICTS BRIGHT PROSPECTS IN CITY BUILDING FOR 1922 Activities in the City's Growth Shows Signs of Prosperity— People Encouraged To Erect New Residences and Remodel Old Structures by the Readjust- ment of Cost of Material and Labor. The spring months will see a de- cided boom in home-building as well as the erection and repair of business and industrial housing in Blooming- ton far beyond any that has taken place since the world war forced prices of all commodities to the top, maintained John L. Nichos, architect of Bloomington, as a bit of encourage- ment to the residents and prospective home owners of Monroe county. As conclusive evidence to back up his argument, Mr. Nichols is now pre- paring plans for a new colored church and social center for the Bethel con- gregation at Seventh and Rogers streets. It will be of stone and will cost $35,000. The building will be 42x97 feet, two stories. The audi- torium will be 40x60 feet. There will be a pastor's study, kitchen, dining room, rest room, library, and in fact everything that goes with a strictly modern community house of worship. The Free Methodist church has the foundation in for a $25,000 church on First street between Walnut and Mor- ton streets to be built from plans furnished by Mr. Nichols. Building of stone veneer, one story and basement; size 48x56 feet. Large auditorium. Parlors, Sunday school rooms, rest room and other conveni- ences. The Ward Johnson house, East Eighth street, size, 30x45 feet. Colo- nial. Brick veneer. Two stories. Ten rooms. Strictly modern. Almost completed. The James Havens residence. N. Pai-k avenue; colonial, white frame, 28x35 feet; two stories and basement; eight rooms; hard wood floors, enamel finish; mahogany doors. The J. B. Smallwood residence. East Eighth street: size 38x40 feet: Dutch colonial; brick veneer; ten rooms; hardwood finish; garage in connec- tion. Strictly modern in every de- tail. Foundation already in. Max Lade residence. Max Lade who purchased the old Hunter house at eleventh and Walnut streets, is making extensive alterations and ad- ditions, which include a large colonial porch; kitchen, sleeping porch and minor details. When completed it will be one of the most attractive homes in Bloomington. Work under way now. The H. C. McNeeley residence. East Seventh street. To be enlarged and improved by adding brick peazza, new rooms, porches, etc., making a mod- em 12-room house. Mr. Nichols has just completed the remodeling of the Charles Bivins resi- dence on South College avenue. Also the home of Wm. Johnson, North Wal- nut street, and he will soon receive bids on an 8-room modem house for Robert Hamilton, North Fess avenue, and a double 8-room apartment for James Wingert, on East Sixth street. At the present cost of labor and material, if one has an old house with a good frame, it pays to remodel. The cost of building in the spring will be practically the same as at present. No change in labor. Inside finishing has taken a 15 per cent rise. Doors and sashes — no change. Frame lum- ber slightly advanced. Many other new homes are under construction at present, or just being completed, as well as a new addition to the modern building of the Johnson Creamery company's plant, and a number of other industries in the city. As a whole, lumber and building concerns of the city also predict a bright future for the spring of 1922 in Bloomington's new growth. B\oonnn§,\on Election, 1921 The outstanding feature of the Bloomington city election, held in No- vember, 1921, was the election of John G. Harris by a Democratic majority of 30 votes over Wiliam W. Weaver, who had held the office during the pre- Scenes in the great stone quarries near Bloomington, from which fine building stone is sent to all parts of America, Europe and the whole world. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 81 Bloomington City Hall, where Mayor Harris will serve his third term as executive of the city's business in 1922. ceding term, and was trying for re- election. Up to the very day of the election, the campaign was seemingly quiet, al- though the party workers had been endeavoring to win voters in secret lor both parties. But, on the election day both sides came out in the open and the race was seen to be very close and the result was in doubt until the last vote was counted that night. Party lines were in no way drawn in this election and voters of both old parties scratched their tickets. Elsworth Cooper was re-elected on the Republican ticket to serve his sec- ond term as City Clerk of Blooming- ton by 21 votes, and Samuel Pfrimmer, Republican, was re-elected City Treas- urer by 320 votes. Councilmen were elected from both Democratic and Republican parties as follows: Democrats — Lynn Lewis, Samuel Franklin, Alva Parks and Charles Suggs; Republican — William Karsell, N. O. Pittenger, Professor D. A. Rothrock and John L. Nichols. The new officials of Bloomington take their seat of office at high noon, January 3, 1922, to be in charge of the city's affairs for the coming four years. The split ticket, and the ability of the men elected to use sound judge- ment in times of need, assures the City of Bloomington a good-sense ad- ministration of its affairs for the fu- ture four years, as the newly elected councilmen of both parties are well- known Bloomington men. Mayor-elect John G. Harris has been quite successful in Democratic party endeavors in Monroe county in the past, having served twice before as Mayor of Bloomington. The first time he ran for office he defeated A. L. Donaldson (Republican) by 19 votes, and the second time he was elected on the Democratic ticket over James G. BroviTiing (Republican) and S. C. Freese (Progressive). This makes the third term for which Mr. Harris has been chosen as executive of Bloomington's business affairs as mayor of the city. The actual vote cast for candidates, and the winning majorities in figures are as follows: Mayor— Harris, 2,586 ; Weaver, 2,656. Har- ris majority, 30. Clerk— Cooper. 2,534 : Beard, 2,513. Coop- er majority, 21. Treasurer— Pfrimmer. 2,683 : Burford, 2,363. Pfrimmer majority, 320. Councilmen-at-Larpe — Karsell, 2,558 : Hazel, 2,648— Karsell majority, 90. Wells, 2,629 ; Lake., 2,363— Wells majority, 266. Pittenger, 2,642 : Smallwood, 2,350 — Pittenger's major- ity. 292. Councilman First Ward — Lewis, 441 ; Fuller, 399. Lewis majority, 42. Councilman Second Ward— ^Franklin, 417 : Beck, 301. Franklin majority. 116. Councilman Third Ward— Rothrock, 728 : Bittner, 698. Rothrock majority, 30. Councilman Fourth Ward — Nichols. 539 : Beldon. 329. Nichols majority, 210. Councilman Fifth Ward— Parks, 386 ; Baker, 341. Parks majority, 45. Councilman Sixth Ward— Suggs, 283 ; Geig- er, 197. Suggs majority, 86. HOMES OF THE PEOPLE FROM EARLY TIMES— NE- CESSITY RULED CHOICE OF CLIFF, CAVE AND TREE CLIMBER— EVIDENCES OF PREHISTORIC MAN All down the centuries people's homes have conformed to their natural surroundings. In the earlist days, before there were either tools or fash- ions, necessity was the chooser of hab- itations. Cliff, cave and tree dwellers picked their abodes according to their ability to stand off animal and human enemies. Consequently, their dwel- lings not only conformed with the landscape but were the landscape. No doubt one thought twice in those days before "shinning" a tree or thrusting his head into a hole. Possession was ten-tenths of the law, and the thickest skull proved it, observes a writer in the Christian Science Monitor. As emotions calmed down and the inhabitants began to come out of their retreats and strut about safely in the open they found they could afford per- sonal tastes and traits in dress and customs. Their homes, however, re- mained uniform. They must utilize the natural resources at their doors, whether stone or mud or wood; utilize them in such a way as to keep out the weather, and in no larger quantities than conditions necessitated. Although perhaps our earliest ancestors had no idea of 'art' or beauty, still their shel- ters were both artistic and beautiful in other words, they merged quitely in- to the topography of the country, had a purpose in life and made no preten- sions to anything but what they were. Is that not a standard for all home builders to follow? Wherever folks are free to build ac- cording to their natural desires, wher- ever civilization, so called, has not twisted them awry, there you still find the siinplicity of habitation. Freder- ick O'Brien, "who spent a year in the south seas among a race only recently touched by the white man's ways, writes : "Here and there I saw a native house built of bamboo and matting, very simple shelters, with an open space for a doorway, but wholesome, clean and, to me, beautiful.'' and then he speaks feelingly of the modern huts, "painted bright blue and roofed with corrugated iron." Hopi Indian Cliff Dwellers. And look at the Hopi Indian ruins that still hang upon the painted cliffs of the Arizona desert, of which Ethel Rose says: "The Hopi houses were built of the earth into such perfect immitations of the strange square forms of the sur- rounding buttes that it was almost imnossible for even the keen eye of an Indian to tell houses from turreted hills. The Hopis, through the same in- stinct of protective security that mot- tles the breast of the thrush, that streaks the tawny tiger with stripes like the shadows of jungle reeds, have achieved one of the most perfect ex- amples of architectural fitness known to the world." Modern standards might not call such homes beautiful, but to the inhab- itants they were certain^ beautiful, for they were made in conformity with their religion, their customs and the bright, interminable deserts about them. A Simplicity That Charmes. Farther west, in California, the old Spanish mission buildings are as low and bare as the country, but as one commences to climb the mountains the architecture changes, cottages nestle into the foilage, rocks and beams from the hillside appear in the walls, cedar .shingles and slates in the roofs. In Switzerland are seen similar effects. There the weather beaten masses of timber jut out through the pines and firs like great moss covered bowers, and the peasants have rolled up the logs and beaten the natural earth and reared the rocks into fences until they are as close to nature within their homes as without them. About the bare pastures of Ireland 82 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall and the rocky coasts of Nova Scotia we find the cold, unpainted cottages outcropping like the surrounding bowlders from the hillside and weath- ered by wind and storm into close re- lationship with them. Economy is the architect and need the decorator, but neither college degrees nor gold could design anything more in harmony with land and sky. Build on low win- dows and balconies, inclose them with lattice work and formal gardens, and you would have incongruous blots on the landscape. Surely it is the thatch- ed cottages and barns of English ^^l- lages rather han the millionaire's pal- aces that create the atmosphere of charm and home-likeness that every \asitor appreciates; it is the white walls and pink roofs of the Neapolitan fisherman that the artist paints, rath- er than the great villa on the cliff above. Where in the northern wilderness will you find bricks or stucco? The big logging camps are built of the very ti-unks that were removed to give them room. Moss and bark still cling to the walls; saplings from the bunks, squared timbers, benches and tables. And when you come suddenly upon one of these camps at the end of a trail it is as if the trees had gathered them- selves together, lopped off their gi'eenery and formed themselves into a hostelry for your benefit. Even the forest folk, furred and feathered, accept these man dwellings as harm- less innovations, ranging through and over them as soon as they are vaca- ted. Indeed the porcupines, chipmunks and woodmice seem, to prefer them to the tangled swamps. A trapper or timber cruser can make himself a log shelter with no other tools than his trusty ax. Slabs of bark will shed the rain and moss and mud will forbid the wind. A fire rang- er, demanding something better, will square his timpers, put tar paper on his roof and tote in a cooking stove in sections. But when he is done, his home is so mhch a part of the wilder- ness that it disapears a few hundred yards away, and moose and deer come down to drink before his door. In winter, when the drifts pile to the eaves, blot out the fuel heap and the footworn paths, there is nothing left but a window and a stovepipe, scarcely more than is found about an Eskimo igloo. An igloo is perhaps the best example of a house that conforms to the sur- roundings to be found the wide world over. They say the igloo is rather cramped for room, but on the other hand the high cost of living can have little effect on the price of "building materials" within the artic circle. And to the explorer the glimpse of an ice hut through a gathering storm must seem more inspiring than a hundred boulevards to a city dweller. This brings us to the very antithesis of the tent and tepee, the modem sky- sci'aper apartment house It con- formes to nothing, unless it be the gray clouds that all but brush its fore- head. Its material are brought from great distances and are heaped one upon another without the slightest at- tempt to pattern anything in nature. It herds a mayriad who have had no hand in its building and feel no sense of possession. It may be beautiful in its way, but it is the beauty of the un- couth, the grotesque, and can never satisfy the home cravings in the human heart. Scattered throughout the Missis- sippi Valley and the heart of the North American Continent lie the si- lent monuments of a long buried and unknown race of humanity. Through the long vista of years that have gone over the graves of this ancient and forgotten people there comes no sound to tell us of the times that saw these tombs close darkly around. Mystery Of Mound Builders. The mystery that enshrouded this race of Mound Builders has hitherto baffled science and research until com- partively recent date, and still is only accounted for through theories of sci- entists. Archaeologists have out run all clues in their seemingly vain efforts to pen- etrate the secrets that surround these dead inhabitants of the past. No recorded history, no curious and perplexing hierogliphics were left by the race who at some by-gone period inhabited what is known as Monroe County, Indiana. Beyond the fact that they existed, little else is known, as they left noth- ing which might span the abyss of time. The mounds and earth-works that were constructed by this people are numerous throughout the country, and some of them are of such magnitude that it is concluded "that they lived in towns and were governed by a despotic ruler whose will was law Where the finest building stone in the world is taken from the earth, near Bloomington. Ind. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 83 BLOOMINGTON BUILDINGS 1921 and whose commands received implicit obedience." For want of a better name that of Mound Builders has been given to this extinct race, since only by these mounds is it known. The date of construction of these mounds is beyond the centuries that have been required for the growth of the forests. What They Tell Us. "Not entirely voiceless, they tell of a people who once possessed the val- ley of the continent. "Peaceful and law-abiding, they were skilled in agriculture and the arts of the 'stone age,' and executed works that must have of necessity required the united and persistent efforts of thousands under the direction of a well matured design. "In the comparitive absence of war- like implements, we concluded that this must have been a harmonious peo- ple, that this work must have been a labor of love and not of fear; that it was inaugurated and directed by a Regal Priesthood. Modern scientists believe the Mound Builders were of the same race as the In- dians, but of more peaceful tempera- ment." Three Kinds of Mounds. These mounds are of three kinds: Mounds of habitation, sepulchral and temple mounds. The first mentioned are supposed to have been made for the purpose of building the tents and dwellings upon. Sepulchral mounds are thought to have been constructed more as tombs for the burial of the dead, and when explored, are usually found to con- tain human bones and various orna- ments and implements of the race which flourished in the past ages. Then, too, there are mounds which are designatd by modern explorers as of ample mounder, explained in the name. These mounds were the places of religious worship. Besides these mounds mentioned above, we find that there has been dis- covered many mounds which have evi- dently acted as forts, walled enclos- ures and citadels. Probably, the Mound Builders used these places as a sort of retreat or place of refuge, when the encrochment of the later people of war-like tendencies were pressing them for the existence of their very lives as a race. Lawrancc County Mounds. While there are no mounds in the immediate vicinity of Bloomington, to which there has been discovered a con- nection with the prehistoric man, up to the present generation, Lawrance County, the neighboring county just south of Monroe county, furnished evidence that the Mound Builder in- habited all this part of the country at one time. Concerning the evidence of this pre- historic race in Lawrance County, Indiana, Mr. John Collett, in the Geo- logical Survey of Indiana, for 1873, says the following: "On the eastern slopes of the liill over Connelly's cave, two miles east of Huron, is & group of seven mounds, from two to four feet high, and an obscure winding way may be traced leading from the cave spring to the top of the hill. "On the summit are found frag- ments of sandstone, reddened by bum- ning, and shell heaps were found. "The mounds were probably habita- tions. "From protruding pieces of stone seen on the sides of the mound, it is concluded that the internal construc- tion is of that material, instead of timber, as was usual in similar struc- tures found on the Wabash and Mis- sissippi. "A central tumulus having a double circular wall was found, which was used for sepulchral purposes, in all probability. "Old Palistine" Has Mound. A mound similar to the last men- tioned mound, is located at the site of the first county seat of Lawrence county, Palenstine, Indiana; or "Old Palistine," as the place has been called since Bedford was made the county seat. "This mound was explored by Messrs. Newland, Dodd and Houston, in 1870. They found on the surface of the hill a confused mass of stones, such as a man could conveniently carry, indicating a circular wall twenty feet in diameter. "This was found to be a vaulted tomb. The first, or upper vault con- taining the bones of many women and children. "A layer of flat stones divided this from the second, which contained the bones of men. Then another layer of flag stones was found, and at the bottom, six feet below the sur- face, was found two skeletons, with their heads placed to the east and the faces turned to the north. "The last skeletons were of per- 84 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall sons, who had evidently been of mas- sive built and gi-eat size, probably not less than six and one-half feet high. "With the skeletons in the Pales- tine mound were found a quantity of flints, arrow-points, etc.; near the head of the largest individual a pair of hammered copper earrings and a globular 'war-whistle' were found. The keen noise of the latter may be compared to the sound of a po- liceman's whistle and could be heard for nearly a mile. "Stone axes and pieces of ancient pottery were also found scattered on the surface of the earth near this mound." Succeeded by Fishermen. The immediate successors of the Mound Builders in this part of In- diana were evidently a race of fisher- men, who lived along the banks of streams and existed almost solely upon the food they obtained from the streams. Along the western rivers there have been found many "shell heaps", where, it is supposed that these peo- ple made their home for a time per- manently. Monroe and Lawrence counties have shown traces of these riparian inhabitants. Many stone vaults and sepulchers intruded on the sides and tops of mounds along the fork of White river and on the high bluffs along the streams, have led to the con- clusion that this people adopted many of the habits and customs of the Mound Builders. But, they too, have long passed out of existence as a race of the earth's inhabitants, leaving almost naught to tell the curious of today about their life, their times or ambi- tions. Barbarious Race Follows. Later there came a barbarious and wandering race of men, originating in ancient Scythia, and bringing with them the cruelties and characteristics of the inhabitants of that country. ' ' The tell-tale monuments along their rout from Northern Asia to the very center of America reveal the origin of the American Indians. In their turn, as a race, they will soon have been numbered among the perished races of the earth, along with those that passed before. OLD GEOGRAPHICAL DESIGNATIONS OF LAND UPON WHICH MONROE COUNTY AND BLOOM- INGTON ARE NOW SITUATED TRACED BACK TO 1640 First Known as Part of "New France," and Claimed by Iroquoise Indians — England Gets Control in 1713 — French Renew Claims — After French-Indian War Became Part of Province of Quebeck — Colony of Virginia Obtains Possession — General Clark Plays Part — Becomes Knox County in Great "Northwest Territory" — Vincennes Seat of Justice. How many residents of the State of Indiana at the present time have tak- en the trouble to trace the steps in progress that have transpired in mak- ing- the history of the temtory in which they live? Although many citizens of Monroe county and Bloomington have become quite familiar with early history of our United States, and even the local State of Indiana, and more minutely, with our own community, we find that no one seems to have ever taken the trouble to connect these old geograph- ical designations in cronological form as actual history of the land upon which we now immediately reside. After much effort in tracing false hints and piecing details of proven facts, we have gathered together what we believe to be a closely connected ihistory of what we may call "pre- Indiana" incidents. New France, First Designation. "New France," is probably the first geographical designation for any sub- division of the North American con- tinent including the present tract of Monroe County, Indiana. The Ohio and Indiana country was already claimed by the French in the BLOOMINGTON BUILDINGS Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hail 85 eventeenth Century, as an mtegral art of their great North American ossessions. By virtue of the discovery of the ihio river by France's brave explorer, Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, and le earlier voyage in 1640 of the Jesuit athers Charenionot and Breboeuf, long the south shore of Lake Erie, ave France foundation for her claims. Iriquois Also Claim Territory. With the Iriquois Indians also laiming this great section of North .merica, the French were constantly t war, and the claims of the confed- rate tribes of Indians to the tern- ary weighed nothing with the ag- ressive leaders of the French in the lew World. When, some time in the first half f the Eighteenth Century, the French uilt a fort on the Iriquois lands near [iagara Falls, the Governor of Canada roclaimed their rights of encroach- lent, saying that the Five Nations rere not subjects of England, but ather of France, if subjects at all. But, on April 11, 1713, by the i-eaty of Utrecht, Louis XIV., Le Iraiid Monar(|ue, of France, renounced 1 favor of England all rights to the riquoise country, reserving only the It. Lawrence and Mississippi valleys France. Boundaries were so vaguley defined, lowever, that disputes easily and fre- quently arose concerning the terri- tories owned by the respective powers. Ohio Land Company Formefl. In 1738 a concern known as The Ohio Land Company was formed in Virginia, by the Washingtons, Lee and others. This company was organized under a grant from George II., of England, to occupy a half-million acres of land west of the AUeghanies. The very year after the Ohio Land Company was formed, in 1740, De- Celeron, the French commandant, of Detroit, led an expedition to the Ohio, dispatched by the Marquis de la Gal- lissoniere, commander-in-chief of New France, and buried a leaden tablet "at the confluence of the Ohio and Tchadakoin,"( ?) "as a monument of the renewal of possession which we have taken of the said Ohio river, and of all those that therein fall, and of all lands on both sides as far as the source of said rivers" — truely a sweep- ing claim. English Traders Ordered Out. The French military officer ordered the English traders out of the country, and notified the Governor of Penn- sylvania that if they "should hereaf- ter make their appearance on the Beautiful river, they would be treated without any delicacy." The territorial squabble which then ensued finally led to the French and Indian war of 1755-62, which closed upon the cession to England, on the part of France, of Canada and all her American possessions east of the Mis- sissippi river, except some fishing stations. In Province of Quebec. Thus, the region, at length passed into the undisputed possession of the English Crown. We find that there seems to be some difference as to dates when the British parliament insisted upon the Ohio river as the southwestern boundary, and the Mississippi river as the western boundary of the domin- ion of the British crown in that quarter. It is generally conceded that 1766 was the date of this action, al- though Isaac Smucker, in the Ohio State Secretary of State's Report for 1877 (100 years later), gives the date as 1774. By this measure the entire North- west, or so much of it as afterward became the Northwest Territory, was attached to the Province of Quebec, and the tract that now constitutes the State of Indiana was nominally under its local administration. In 1769, the Colony of Virginia, by an enactment of the House of Bur- gesses, attempted to extend its juris- diction over this same territory, north- west of the Ohio river, by virtue of its royal grants, and seems to have Rural scene in picturesque beauty spot in Monroe County, near Blooming-ton. 86 Historic Treasur es, Compiled by Fore st Jd. "Pop" Hall literally "grabbed" the territory from Quebec, though both were still under the reign of one country's ruler. Botetourt County Set Up. By that act, the County of Botetourt was" erected and named in honor of Lord Botetourt, who was then Gov- ernor of the Colony of Virginia. This county was a vast country, about 700 miles long, with the Blue Ridge for its eastern, and for its west- ern boundary, the Mississipi river. The new country included large parts of the present states of West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and was the first county organization covering what is now Monroe County, Indiana. , In the settlement known as Fin- castle (the place is still the county seat of the gi-eatly reduced county of Botetourt) was made the seat of justice; but so distant from it were the western regions of this mammouth county, that the thoughtful Burgesses inserted the following pro\'iso in the creative act: "Whereas, The people situated on the Mississippi, in the said county of Botetourt, will be very remote from the court house, and must necessarily become a separate county as soon as their numbers become sufficient, which will probably happen in a short time, be it therefore enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, that the inhabitants of that part of said county of Bote- tourt which lies on said waters, shall be exempted from the payment of any leWes to be laid by the said county court for the purpose of building a court house and prison for said coun- ty." Government was still nominal, so far as the county organization was concerned, between the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and a few white settlers and Indians were entirely a law unto themselves. But, controversies arose between the Indians and settlers un- til it was not safe for white folk to stay in the great wooded territory, and this led to the famous invasion of the territory by General Clark and his little army in 1778. County of Illinois Created. After the conquest of the Indiana and Illinois country by General George Rogers Clarke in 1778, the county of Illinois was erected by the Virginia Legislature, in October of the same year. Illinois county was formed from a part of the great county of Botetourt, and included all the territory between the Pennsylvania line, the Ohio river, the Mississippi river and the Great Lakes. Colonel John Todd was appointed first county lieutenant and civil com- mandant of Illinois county. He perished in the battle of Blue Licks, August 18, 1782. Timothy de Mont- brun was named as successor to Col- onel Todd. At this time there were no white men li\ang within the boundai'ies of what is known as the State of Indiana now, except a few Indian traders and a very few French settlers. The legislature of Virginia, at the time Illinois county was created, made provision for the protection of the country by reinforcements to General Clarke's little army. By another enactment, passed in May, 1780, the act of 1778 was con- firmed and somewhat amended, and further reinforcements were ordered sent into the wilderness. West Illinois county, however, does not seem to have been destined to make any large figure in history as it was originally set up. Conflicting Claims Filed. After the war of the United States for independence from England had been practically won by General Wash- ington's armies this part of the new Republic came in for its share of the controversy. At the preliminary negotiations lor peace, in Paris, France, in November, 1782, between England and her re- volted, successful American colonies, both France and Spain, for similar reasons of discovery and partial oc- cupancy, filed their protests against Where one is tempted to linger in the shade. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 87 the claim of either of the lately con- tending parties to "the Illinois county." It cannot be too often repeated, to the everlasting- honor of General Clarke, that it was his conquest in 1778 that determined the controversy in Paris at this time in favor of the infant republic, and carried the lines of the new Nation to the Mississippi rivei' and the Great Lakes. Otherwise, the east bank of the Ohio river, or possibly, even the Alleghanies would, in all probability, have been the western boundary in part of the new Republic. The final convention, at Paris, September 3, 1783, confirmed the claim of the United Colonies as made good by the victories of General Clarke. Illinois County Wiped Out. On October 20, 1783, the Virginia Legislature, by solemn enactment, transferred all her rights and ritles to lands west of the Ohio river to tlie General Government. Illinois county was thus virtually wiped out. After the title "of the United States to the wide tract covere as it appeared before making place for the present building — The fish on the weather van was transferred to the new building. MONROE COUNTY COURT OPENS FOR FIRST TERM -y tft^Ln^ p/eaT^'nof guoS'Vo AT BLOOMINGTON, IN 1818— SESSION HELD the charge, and the following first „ ^_, . -„-»T-M-^■M-» »-.» A TT. petit jury was impaneled to try the IN HOUSE OF ABNER BLAIR case: Joseph Perisho, John M. Sadler, Isaiah Wright, James Thompson, George Parks Sr., Jonathan Gilbert, Granville Ward, John Wakefield, Solomon , David Scott, and John . Jury Returns Verdict. The evidence was heard and the jury returned a vei-dict as follows: "We of the jury do find the trans- verser guilty." Defendant's counsel moved an ar- rest of judgment, which was granted until the next day, upon which oc- casion the reasons for an arrest of judgement were filed. The court overruled the motion and rendered judgement as follows: "The defendant to pay to John W. Lee $30, to pay a fine of $30, to pay costs of prosecution, and to stand committed until sentence be complied with. The first court of the character of Probate Court in Monroe County was held at Bloomington, Indiana, on August 31, 1818, by Joseph Berry and Lewis Noel, Associate Judges. The first act was as foUowss: Orphan "Bound Out." On motion of Eli Lee, it was "or- dered that William Dorsey, infant son of Joseph Dorsey (deceased) and Sarah Dorsey, born January 24, 1811, be bound unto Eli Lee and Sarah Lee until he arrives at the age of 21 years, to learn the art of agriculture: The first term of the Monroe County Circuit was held on the first Monday in June, 1818, at the house of Abner Blair, by Hon. Thomas H. Blake, President Judge, and Joseph Berry and Lewis Noel, Associate Judges. The first act of the court was the issuance of a writ of "ad quod dam- num" for the benefit of Robert Ham- ilton to ascertain what damages would be caused by his erection of a grist and saw mill and a dam on his land — on Sec. 24, Twp. 8 north, Range 2 west, on Clear Creek. Nothing further than this case seems to have been done until the September term, at which the first case came to trial. The first case to come to trial in Monroe County was "David Teague vs. Leonard Nicholson, trespass on the case of words being spoken damages laid at $1,000. Before suit was begun, the defend- ant stated that if the plaintiff would desist from further prosecution he would pay all costs thus far; this proposition being accepted by the plaintiff, the defendant was dis- charged. Attorney for the plaintiff was Dudley C. Smith, and for defendants John F. Ross. The court convened this term in the new log court house. Many of Names Now Familiar. The following men constituted the first grand jury in this court: Jona- than Nichols, William Anderson, Ed- ward Armstrong, John Treat, David McHollen, Thomas B. Clark, Abner Blair, Julius Dugger, John Tullen, James Ellege, John Storm, Joseph Cox, Joseph Baugh and Joseph Gil- bert. This jury was sworn, sent out, and soon returned with the following "true bills": State of Indiana vs. James Green, larceny (stealing a rifled gun owned by John W. Lee.) John Law was Prosecuting Attoi- Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 91 whereupon the said Eli Lee and Sarah Lee, together with William , their security, entered into bond in the penal sum of $500, con- ditioned that the said Eli Lee and Sarah Lee learn (teach) him, the said William Dorsey, reading, writing and arithmetic as far as the rule of three; and also to find him a whole- some diet, washing, lodging and clothing, and to deal with him in all cases as an apprentice ought to be dealt with, and to find him unon be- coming of age, the sum of $10 and a good suit of clothes." At this time, also, Dorcas Dorsey, infant daughter of Joseph Dorsey, deceased, was bound out to George Hedrick. This was the only business per- formed at the first session of the court. In vacation, letters of administra- tion were granted to David Cham- bers upon the estate of James Shef- field, deceased. Inventory of Estate. At the March term, 1819, David Chambers, administrator of the es- tate of John Henson, deceased, re- turned the following inventory of sales of such estate, as shown on the old records of that date, along with other court business, and the list is given here to show what pei'sonal property our first settlers may have possessed. It may not bear close inspection under the critical and aristocratic eye of the present generation, but it is an honest record that speaks in volumes of self-denial of early times: "One kettle, 50c; one kettle, $.3; one kettle, $3; one pot, $2.75; one pot, $2,621/2; fire dogs, $2; one shovel, 62%c; one plow (spelled plough), $4.40; leather, $1; one steel trap, $3; one plate, $1.25; three hoes, .50c; one basket, 31 -4 c; one churn, 6Vic; one cutting knife, $1.6614; smith tools, $5.87yo; one curry comb, 54c; one ladle, 12 '^c; one reeler, 21c; one pair of steel yards, $2.36%; two chairs, d-l'-^zc; three pair of cards vfor wool), f.Oc; sheep shears, 52c; fobaitoo, S2..->2; one keg, 48c; one barrc;!, 75<;; one note, $20.25; one note, $2.25; one hackle. $4; one reed and gears, $l.lS';,i ; one reed and gear, r,Oc. First Grand Jurors. The first Grand Ji;jors of Monroe County were .-^ele'yted as follows: Dudley Carl, William Chambers, David Chambers, Jjlin Scott, John Mercer, Thomas Grimes, John Berry, William Neweomb, Jesse Tarkington, Solomon Gre:rn, Jonathan Nielio!?, George Sharp, Sr., Coleman Pruitt, Eli Lee, Wiiru.ii Hardin and lltnry Wampler. The Sheriff, in attendance, John W. Lee, was ordc'ed to notify the ab:,'\e named men to mc';t at the l,ou:e (f Abner Blair. The Traverse Jury wa.* then sclect- td as follows: William Matlock, John Thompson, Geoi'g'? Birdriclc, Samuel Scott, Thom--;.s Clark, Jonathan Koins, John Stoini Jr.. John Coucli, John Matlock, John Cutler, Joseph Pee- shaw, David Sear-, B^lijah Murgan, ,'ames Wright and James MatlocI:. Jonathan Rogers, Robert Russell and Samuel Scott were appointed Road Supervisors for the new county of Monroe. First County Road. The first petition tor a county road came from William Hardin and "thers, and was t-> extend from Bloomington to Scoti.s' Ferry on Salt Creek, and thence to the Lawrence county line. Willip.m Jackson, John Scott and William Craig were ap- pointed viewers. This road was ordered built and was tha first con- structed wholly at the expense of the county. (The Ne*' Albany Railroad — "Monon" now — was built in the fifties to Martinsvilla — finished by Gen. Buxnside after the war.) Between 300 and 400 volcanoes are known to be active at the present time. PIONEERS OF MONROE COUNTY DRANK WHISKEY THROUGH NECESSITY OF FIGHTING DISEASE Free Liquor Was. Kept on Counter.'^ by All .Merchants in Early Days — Taverns Sold "Spirits"— Orchards Started First "Temperance" Hostelry in Bloom- ington — Other interesting Facts Recalled. Citizens of the present day have seen the passing away of the legiti- mate manufacture, sale and use of whiskey in our gi'eat country, through the prohibitive enactments of our law-makers. In the past fifty years, people al- lov.-ed the use of alcoholic liquors to take such hold upon them that the traffic became deplorable, and was looked upon as one of the causes of the lowest forms of degredation and crime in all walks of life. Was Not So In Early Days. When all the gTeat forest covered what is now Bloomington and Mon- roe county, Indiana, swamps and cli- matic conditions were considered the worst enemies to the pioneer settlers of the then new country, and whisky "li-omriK^rn had a prominent part in the life of the early settlers. One of the most noteworthy fea- tures of the town of Bloomington in the early days was the liquor ti'affic. The most prominent merchants kept whisky on their counters free for their patrons, and a tavern or inn which did not keep it at the bar, was a rarity, probably unknown in the early history of the city. In those early times of hardship and endurance, whisky was considered a necessity among the pioneers, as all of this vast territory was ever pro- ducing perils to the settler's health, and each settler was his own physi- cian. Had No Drug Stores. There were no "drug stores" and very few doctors in those days. Whisky was not alone used as a cure- all, but was taken as a preventative for anything which might be sus- pected of attack upon the human be- ing's health. Among the liquor sellers were some of the best citizens, morally and tem- perately. During the decade of the twenties the following men sold liquor: William Hardin, Clem Dickens, George Henry, John Borland, Notley Baker, in 1827; Robertson Graham, Isaac Brown, Albert Literal, in 1828; Jacob Kelley, W. D. McCulIough, John Owens, John H. Berry and Barton Byers, in the year 1829. A man named Jordan manufactured li(|Uor in Bloomington about this de- cade, although not very extensively. Mr. Thacker (mentioned elsewhere) ;ilso distilled a good gi'ade of whisky .11(1 wild cherry bounce, if the judg- ment of old timers is to be credited. As some of these old timers were na- tives of Kentucky, no attempt can be 92 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall made to controvert their opinions. Tavern keepers during the early rears, in the twenties, wei'e: William Hardin, Dr. E. C. Moberly, William Noland, A. F. Morrison, John Sheets, George W. Hardin, Francis Taylor, Thomas Nesbitt and Mary Stockwell, J. 0. Howe, Hannah Sheets and W. D. McCullough. Orchards Start New Idea. The Orchards kept the "Temperance House," where, it is said, liquor was not "on tap." This old hotel business was a land mark in the city of Bloomington for many years, and is still remembered bv manv people now living. "During the decade of 1830-40, there arose a growing sentiment, wdiich gradually increased in strength, all over the" country, against the general use of liquor, and many merchants ceased to tolerate it on their counters. Among the liquor sellers of that period were: Notley Baker, George and John Hardesty, James Cochran, and among the tavein keepers were: Asher Labertew, Aquilla Rogers, Dan- iel Deckard, S. P. Seall and others. (This is the last date of which the writer cares to furnish data concern- ing liquor dealers, as the business be- came a moral issue from this date dow'n to the present). During the decade of the forties the temperance struggle in Bloomington and Monroe county was prosecuted with such relentless vigor that nearly all the liciuor dealers were induced to take up other lines of business or were driven from the town, mainly through pressure of public opinion. EARLY POLITICAL RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY NOT PRESERVED— DATA PIECED TOGETHER INTERESTING Campaigns Hotly Contested by Old-Tiitie Politicians, as Shown by Evidence Collected — Facts and Figures of Presidential and State Elections — Subjects of Interest at Present Touched Upon in Early Times. Unfortunately, owing to the fact that the election returns were not pre- served in the office of the County Clerk, the details of early elections cannot be given. But from private sources, such as old letters, books, and through inquiry we are able to com- pile a number of fairly substantiated facts. One thing is certain, however, that the county was substantially Demo- cratic. If any innovation was made in this rule by any other party, such fact is no longer remembered. Ref- erence is made to the ticket in general. Occasionally, no doubt, a rival can- didate on an opposing party ticket sometimes steppetl in through some local sentiment or prejudice; but the Democratic ticket as a whole was in- variably elected. Little attention was paid to national political questions un- til the memorable Presidential cam- paign of 1840. West Becomes United. Indiana came forward with her idol, William Henry Harrison, and the new West united forces and means to elect him. An important feature of the election was the newly born preju- dice existing between the eastern and western portions of the country. Tlie log cabins and hard cider of "Indiana" were the butt for Eastern ridicule, but the friends of Mr. Harri- son accepting the terms, conducted the campaign with a rush that was never before known in the history of the nation. At every political gathering the Whigs' barrels of hard cider and min- iature log cabins were the battle cries. Gen. Harrison's military record was the pride of his friends, and another battle cry was "Tippecanoe and Tyler. too." Famous Political Song. A famous political song of that campaign, set to the air of "Rosin the Bow," was sung on all occasions. One verse was as follows: "And if we get anyways thirsty, I'll tell you what we can all do: We'll bring down a keg of hard cider. And drink to 'Old Tippecanoe.' " The result of this election can be given of only three townships, but may be taken as a measuie in degree of the full vote. Democratic Whig (Van Buren (Harrison and and Johnson) Tyler) Bloomington 587 541 Salt Creek 11 Bean Blossom 117 50 Totals 715 591 Harrison Trumphant. Mr. Harrison was triumphantly elected and the East was for the first time compelled to bow to the Wild West. The county of Monroe did not cut much of a figure in the general results, but she fully e.^^tablished her- self with an unfailing Democratic ma- jority. As the Presidential election of 1S44 approached it became apparent that Texas, which had gained its indepen- dence of Mexico a few years before, would apply for admission to the Union. The South was gratified, as that meant an increase of slave terri- tory; but the North determined to pre- vent the admission, if possible, in or- der to limit the Domain of slavery. The Democrats put forward James K. Polk, and the Whigs, Henry Clay. Considerable activity was developed in Monroe county in this campaign, and the election resulted as follows: November, 1844. Democratic (Polk and Dallas), 1,118; Whig (Clay and Frelinghuy- sen), 721. Polk's majority in the county, .397. Results of no other Presidential election can be given until 1856, at which the new Republican party ap- peared. The campaign in Monroe county was pretty warm, with the fol- lowing results: November, 1856. Democratic (Buchanan and Breck- enridge), 1,191; Republican (Fremont and Davton), 498; American (Fillmore and Doiialson), 392. During the next four years, people even in the North, were almost on the brink of open war. In 1858, the South began to make preparations to leave the Union. The result in 1860 of Mon- roe County's presidential \'ote was cast: November, 1860. Northern Democracy (Douglas and Johnson), 716; Southern Democracy (Breckenridge and Lane), 395; Re- publican (Lincoln and Hamlin), 1,198; American (Bell and Everett), 64. This was a remarkable election. The noticeable feature was the heavy vote for the Southern Democratic ticket. The Democratic party in Mon- roe county was "all broke up." Vote For Governor. The Gubernatorial vote in the coun- ty the same fall (1860) was: Henry S. Lane (Rep.), 1,195; Thomas A. Hendricks (Dem.), 1,168. The vote for Governor of Indiana in 1856 had been: Oliver P. Morton (Rep.), 801; A. P. Willard (Dem.), 1,133. The Democratic majority was broken down between 1856 and 1860, but it rallied again during the war. In 185S, the vote for representative in congress was, James Hughes (Dem.), 964; W. M. Dunn (Rep.), 1,075. The vote for Secretary of State in 1862, was: W. A. Peele (Rep.), 1,021; J. S. Athon (Dem.), 1,333. It will be seen by this that the Democratic party of the county had recovered, but by 1864 the Republican began to creep up again, the vote for Governor being: Morton (Rep.), 1,224; McDonald (Dem.), 1,220. (Rather close race in the county.) The Presidential vote was as follow's: November, 1864. Democratic (McClellan and Pendle- ton), 1,210; Republican (Lincoln and John.son), 1,202. Republicans Gain Control. In 1S66, Monroe county became Re- publican by a majority which had held supreme, with one or two exceptions, up to 1S84. In 1866 the vote for Rep- resentative in Congress was M. C. Hunter (Rep.), 1,589; H. W. Harring- ton (Dem.), 1,397. November, 1868. The result for Governor in 1868, was: Conrad Baker (Rep.), 1,484; Thomas A. Hendricks (Dem.), 1,402. In the presidential race, the same year, the figures show the vote cast in Monroe county as: Republican (Grant and Colfax), 1,496; Democratic (Seymour and Blair), 1,369. . Democratic in 1870. In 1870 the county again went Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 93 slightly Democratic, according to the following- figures: Secretrv of State — Norman Eddv (Dem.), i,Jfi2; M. F. A. Hoffman (Rep.), 1,457. Representative in Con- gres.s — Vorhees (Dem.), 1,471; Dunn (Rep.), 1,442. Republicans Again Win in 1872. The Republicans again showed more strength than the Democrats in 1872, as shown in the following: For Governor — Thomas M. Brown (Rep.), 1,698; T. A. Hendricks (Dem.), 1,527. November, 1874 The result in Monroe county of the Presidential contest of 1872 was as follows : Republican (Grant and Wilson), 1,597; Democratic (Greely and Brown), 1,359; Bourbon Democratic, 5. November, 1876. The Presidential election of 1876 resulted as follows: Republican (Hays and Wheeler), 1,667; Democratic (Tilden and Hend- ricks), 1,559; Independent (Cooper and Gary), 125. Still Republican in 1878. The result for Secretary of State in 1878, follows: John G. Shanklin, (Rep.), 1,601; Isaac S. Moore (Dem.) 1,560; "Henry James (Ind.), 288. In 1880, the result for Governor of Indiana, as cast in the county, was: Albert G. Porter (Rep.) 1,770; Frank- lin Landers (Dem.), 1,613; Richard Gregg (Ind.), 199. The Presidential election in this year resulted as follows: November, 1880. Republican (Garfield and Arthur), 1,780; Democratic, Hancock and Eng- lish), 1,682; Independent (Weaver and Chambers), 165. Still Republican in 1882. In 18S2, the vote for Secretary of State was as follows: E. R. Hawn (Rep.), 1,751; William R. Myers, (Dem.), 1,625; H. B. Leonard (Ind.), 144. Owing to the familiarity of the ma- jority of people living at the present time with conditions and happenings from 1880-1884 down to the present time (1922), the writer feels that it is not necessary to detail further, as the records and data are easy of ac- cess to all. WILLIAM MATHERS, SOLDIER OF REVOLUTION, IS RESTING IN CEMETERY AT CLEAR CREEK Was Left an Orphan in Ireland, and "Put Out" as "Bound Boy" — Came To America Before 1774-75 — Served in Continental Army — Settled in Ken- tucky — Came to Monroe County With Son and Grandson, and Was Buried on Farm in Perry Township — Work of D. A. R. A man whose name was William Mathers, who was born in Ireland, and becoming an orphan — lived the life of a bound boy — came to America prior to the Revolutionary war of 1775-76. He fought in the Continen- tal army against King George's armies in that war and is buried in the cemetery at Clear Creek. After the Constitution of the United States was firmly set up and the United States became a permanent fixture, this man settled in what was then the "wild west," Bourbon coun- ty, Kentucky. There, a son named James was born and reared, and this son married a maiden named Susana Nesbit, and this union bore forth ten children, to the home which James had established in Nicholas county, Kentucky. Grandson Weds. The fifth child of this family of the second generation was born in Nich- olas county, Kentucky, February 28, 1821, and began doing for himself long before maturity, and in the year 1841 this man, whose surname was Thomas N., married his own cousin. Miss Mary E., and they settled in Perry township, Monroe county, In- diana, and through economy and per- severance by the "sweat of the brow," this man managed to become quite in- fluential and financially comfortable, on his well-improved fai-m. To this unif n was bom nine chil- dren, who have become a part of the substantial citizenship of Monroe county and Bloomington at the pres- ent time. Come To Monroe. The grandfather, William Mathers, who first came from Ireland and was a revolutionary soldier of the Con- tinental army, and his son, James, came to Monroe county when the grandson and his bride, whose name was Thomas N. Mathers, settled in Perry township, and they died and were buried in Monroe county, as was the wife of Thomas N. Mathers, who gave up the ghost after a long Chris- tian life, in 1880. Mrs. J. L. Fowler of East Second street is a daughter of Thomas N. Mathers, and Prof. F. C. Mathers is a grandson. The above stated facts have been picked up and pieced together by the writer, in an endeavor to further es- tablish the fact that a soldier of the Revolution is actually buried in Mon- roe county. Descendants of Thomas N. and Mary E. Mathers, now living in Bloomington and Monroe county can probably further prove the facts above stated. In a conversation, Mrs. J. L. Fowler, the great-grandchild of William Math- ers, who is now 74 years of age, stated that the body of the Revolutionary soldier had been at first buried on the farm of Benjamin Mathers, her uncle, in Perry towTiship, Monroe county, south of Bloomington, and later the body was exhumed and placed in the Clear Creek cemetery beside that of her grandfather, James Mathers, and later the body of Thom- as N. and Mary E. Mathers, her grand- parents, were laid to rest in the same plot. Marking Graves. The Bloomington D. A. R. chapter held its November 1921 meeting at the home of Mrs. John Nichols, East Fourth street. Mrs. H. C. Legge, Miss Alice Bowers, Mrs. Ward Johnson and Mrs. W. T. Breeden were the assist- ing hostesses. After the regular busi- ness Mrs. Fred Finley read a very interesting paper on the life of Johnny Appleseed. Miss Eura Sanders of Gosport was a visitor at the meeting and she brought to the attention of the mem- bers the work being done by the S. A. R. (Sons of Amer. Rev.) of the state, that of marking the graves in the state of all soldiers who served in the Revolutionary war. As this is one line of work the Bloomington chapter of D. A. R. has carried out in Monroe county, the members voted their hearty co-opera- tion. The grave of Henry Sanders which is located a few miles west of towm has been selected by the S. A. R.'s as the first grave to be marked. D. A. R. will assist the S. A. R.'s in remarking those graves in the county, which they previously marked and give their aid in seeking out new ones. The following article was published in The Daily Telephone of Blooming- ton in response to a call for infor- mation of Revolutionary war soldiers buried in Monroe county. Liberty Cemetery. In the little cemetery, known as Liberty in the Mt. Tabor neighbor- hood, lies buried soldiers from the war of 1775 to the World War, 1914- 18. Their names follow: Michael N. Weir 1775. John Burton— 1812. John Campbell— 1846. James Campbell— 1846. Isaac Van Buskirk— 1860. James Campbell — 1860. Capt. John Campbell— 1860. Frank Gable— World War. Also in the Arlington cemetery, bet- ter known to older residents as the Buskii'k cemetery, which is on the David Buskii-k farm, northeast of Stinesville, in Bean Blossom township are: Isaac Van Buskirk, Sr. — 1775. Isaac Van Buskirk, Jr. — 1812. Isaac Van Buskirk, No. 3—1846 and 1860-65. Capt. David Van Buskirk— 1860-65. 94 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall FIRST MILITIA REGIMENT OF MONROE COUNTY ORGANIZED IN 1819 John Storm Was First Colonel of 20th Indiana, Followed by Colonel Ketcham — Muster Day Once a Year — Later Became Holiday as Danger From Indian Attacks Disappeared — Two Companies Sent to War With Mexico in 1846-1847— Four Local Men Lost Lives in Land of Montezumas. Although Monroe county, from the very first, has been more active than most counties of the State of Indiana in educational affairs, ever looking to the welfare of future generations still early history of the county shows a rather notable military record. While it is physically impossible at this late time to give a minute detail of each little incident, we have been enabled to find and piece together an account which may give a glimpse to the future generations of the very honorable military activities of our early citizens, of which we may be proud, indeed. First County Militia. Monroe County, Indiana, was no sooner organized than it was consti- tuted the district for the organization of the 20th Regiment of Indiana mil- itia, in 1819, and John Storm was com- missioned as first Colonel of the regi- ment. This was soon after the war of 1812-13, when the recollection of dan- ger from the savages was fresh in the minds of settlers, and when the appre- hension of danger from the same source was still a matter of daily con- cern, as the native Indians were yet a few miles north, in what we know as the New Purchase. The old habits of watchfulness on the frontier could not easily be aban- doned, and, accordingly, for several years the militia was mustered often and kept in readiness for any out- break of the Indians. After the removal by the Govern- ment of the Indians to western lands, the muster was still kept up for a number of years, although steadily lessening in concern, and at last, late in the twenties, became little better than a farce. Became Holiday. In truth, the system which had been so efficient during the Indian wars, now that danger from that or any other source seemed past, it degener- ated into a holiday, in which dram- drinking, horse-racing and athletic sports claimed the sole attention of a boisterous crowd. In 1822 John Ketcham succeeded John Storm as Colonel of the 20th Regiment of State Militia, at Bloom- ington, but after that time the regi- mental officers cannot be' ascertained for certainty. But, we do know that William Lowe was Brigadier-General of the Monroe County Battalion for a time. The only circumstances that aroused the militia was the war with Mexico in 1846-47. CAPT. SLUSS AND DANIEL LUNDERMAN HEADED TWO COMPANIES OF MONROE COUNTY MEN IN BATTLES OF MEXICAN WAR Monroe county furnished two full companies for the Mexican war. Soon after the call for volunteers, in May, 1846, the militia of the coun- ty met in Bloomington for regimental or battalion muster. The excitement over the war was great, a call was made, and a full company was raised and i-eady for ac- tion by the first of June. The offi- cers for this first company formed in Bloomington, were John M. Sluss, captain; John Eller, first lieutenant; Aquilla Rogers, second lieutenant. This company became A company of the ?.rd regiment, which rendezvoused at New Albany, Ind. They left Bloomington, June 15, 1846. Ladies Present Flag. A beautiful flag was presented to the boys at their departure by the ladies of Bloomington, Miss Sarah Markle making the presentation speech. Campany A was in the famous bat- tle of Buena Vista, where four of Monroe county's brave boys were killed— Buskirk, Eller, Stout and Holland — and probably five oth- ers were wounded. The company was mustered out of service at the end of the year. Muster Roll of Capt. SIuss's Company. These old Muster rolls of the Monroe coun- ty men who went into the Mexican war in Captain SIuss's company, and took part in the battles of Beutia Vista, were preserved by Robert R. Strong. 209 East First street, a resident of Bloomington, whose father, Robert Strong, w-as in this company, and later when the War of 1862-65 came, this son and his father both went into the Rebellion on the side of the North, one as a drummer boy, and the other as a veteran of the Mexican campaign. Muster roll of Captain John M. SIuss's com- pany, in the 3d Regiment of Indiana Foot Volunteers, commanded by Colonel James L. V. Law. called to the ser\-ice of the United States, by the President, under the act of Congress, approved May 13. 1846. for the term of twelve months, from the 31st day of De- cember, 1846, when last mustered, to the 28th day of February, 1847 : John M. Sluss, captain ; Henry E. Seall, iirst lieutenant : Allen Crocker, second lieu- tenant : Thomas Rogers, second lieutenant : Isaac S. Buskirk, first sergeant : William C. Foster, Jr., James Frits, Edward I. Fallen, .sergeants : Richard Radclilf, Robert K. Nel- son, Daniel Iseminger, Dudley Rogers, cor- porals. Privates, William B. Crocker, E. E. Harvey, Owen Adliins, Oliver Adkins, John M. Arm- .strong, W. G. Applegate, Morris L. Baker, George A. Buskirk, Benjamin Banner. Wil- liam Boyd, William Campbell, James A. Dale, James J. Davis, Christopher C. Flenner, Gar- lin F. Fleener, James Fleener, John B. Ginins. Robert W. Graham, William F. Harvey, Adam Hunter, William F. Hardesty, Samuel L. Jamison, William Johnson, John Knight, John B. Longwell, Isaac A. Leabo, James Little, William Lampkins, William I. Lake, John Martain, Elijah L. Morgan. Thomas Mc- Naught, Traydess Wize, James Matlock, John Nuckles, John Orsbono, Joseph W. Pullen, John Philips, William Roe, Randolph R. Sloan, Addison C. Smith, Sylvester Stonegar. Strather Stonegar, Robert Strong, Leoniedis P. Skirmin. Simpson S. Skircan, John F. Strain, L. R. Thompson, Suster Trenit, Samuel S. Taylor. Solon O. Whitson, Neosica M. Whit- son, Richard G. Walker.. Killed in Battle. William Holland, Isaac M. Buskirk, David I. Stout, James Eller. Aquilla Rogers re- signed. Raise Second Company. In the year 1847, the United States Government made a call for three more regiments from Indiana, and Daniel Lunderman began the task of raising a company for one of these regiments from Monroe county. The company was soon completed and lat- er became company G of the 4th Regi- ment. This company was given a public farewell by the citizens of Blooming- ton, who presented the company with a national banner. This Bloomington company was with General Scott on his historic march from Vera Cruz to the Mexi- can capital, and participated in near- ly all the battles on that memor- able and triumphant route. A number of Monroe county boys were killed during this march, but unfortunately, we are unable to get their names at this time. The com- pany returned to Bloomington about the end of 1847, honored and trium- phant. The citizens made their re- turn a happy one, although several of the company's members had been left in honored graves in the land of the Montezumas. SMITHVILL SPRANG UP WITH RAILROAD When the New Albany railroad was established through Monroe county, Smithville sprang into existence, in 1852-53. The tovni was laid out in November, 1851, by Mansfield Ben- nett and George Smith, on Section 3, in Clear Creek township. Thirty-eight lots were in the orig- inal plat of the village, and were situated on both sides of the railroad track. Mr. Smith probably opened the first stoi'e, and was soon joined by a blacksmith with a number of other families who located there. Davis & Humphries were also in business there about this time. Business was lively while the rail- road was being built. It is thought that the stores were started before the town was laid out. P., and J. Holland also were early storekeepers in Smithville. One or two stores have usually been kept in the village ever since. Palestine Now Deserted. Palestine was another early town of the county, founded by Alex- ander Sutherland, during the thir- ties. He was the first storekeeper, but later moved to Harrodsburg. Thomas Shipman probably succeeded Mr. Alexander. A man named Koons also sold goods at the place. Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 95 CRISIS, JUST BEFORE WAR OF REBELLION, FELT KEENLY BY MONROE COUNTY CITIZENS Mass Meetings Held in Bloomington and Resolutions Adopted — Feeling Ran High — Opinion Was Divided on Slave Question, But Great Interest of Hoosiers Centered on "Keeping the Union" Intact. Just Drior to the actual outbreak of the war which meant the freeing of the slaves of Southern States, when the whole nation was at a hig'h pitch of mental excitement — during that cri- sis, when each state, every commun- ity, and even the individual citizen felt that soon the time would come when a firm decision must be made — citi- zens of Bloomington and Monroe County took upon their shoulders the responsibility of trying to choose just what was the right course for them m the national conflict which was sure to mean war. Before Fall of Ft. Sumter. February 2, 1860, pursuant to no- tice, the citizens of Bloomington and vicinity, irrespective of pai'ty, met at the Monroe County courthouse to take into consideration the state of the Union. Judge G. A. Buskirk was made chairman of the meeting, and C. P. Tuley and J. B. Mulkv secretaries. M. C. Hunter, Benjamin "Wolfe, Dr. W. C. Foster, F. T. Butler and Elias Abel were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Gov. Dunning Called Upon. While the committee was preparing its report for presentation to the meeting. Governor Dunning, of India- na, was called for by the people as- sembled, who insisted that the Gover- nor speak to them. In his speech. Governor Dunning stated that he was a member of no political party until the existino- diffi- culties between the two sections of the country were settled. Professor John Young then spoke against the "Crittenden CompromiLe," and said he stood firmly in favor of the United States Constitution as it stood, but said he was vdlling to ac- cept the "Border State Resolutions." The committee then presented the fol- lowing report: Resolutions Presented. "RESOLVED, That we, the people of Monroe Countv, are in favor of the resolutions known as the 'Border State Resolutions,' which are as follows: "1. Recommending the repeal of the Personal Liberty Bills. "2. That the Fugitive Slave Law be amended for the preventing of kidnap- ing, and so as to provide for the equal- ization of the Commisioner's fee, etc. "3. That the Constitution be so amended as to prohibit any interfer- ence with slavery in any of the States where it now exists. "4. That Congress shall not abolish slavery in the Southern dockyards, ar- senals, etc., nor in the District of Co- lumbia, without the consent of the in- habitants of the District, nor without compensaion. ".5. That Congress shall not inter- fere with the Intei'-state slave trade. "6. That there shall be a perpetual prohibition of the African slave trade. "7. That the line of 36 degrees, 30 minutes shall be run through all the existing territory of the United States; that in all the north of that line slavery shall be pi'ohibited, and that south of that line neither Con- gress nor the Territorial Legislature shall hereafter pass any law abolish- ing, prohibiting, or in any manner in- terfering with African slavery; and that when any Territory containing sufficient population for one Member of Congress in any area of 60,000 square miles shall apply for admis- sion as a State it shall be admitted, vnth or without slavery, as its Consti- tution may determine." Report on Crittenden Compromise. The committee of the meeting also reported the fifth resolution of the "Crittenden Compromise," which follows: "5. Congi-ess shall have power by law to pay an owner, who shall apply, the full value of a fugitive slave in all cases when the Marshal is prevented from discharging his duty by force of rescue made after arrest. In all cases, the owner shall have power to rue the county in which such violence or res- cue was made, and the county shall have the right to sue individuals who committed the wrong in the same mpnner as the owner could sue." Before these resolutions could be passed upon by the meeting, Dr. Fos- ter reported the following additional resolution: "RESOLVED, That 'while the lamp holds out to burn, the vilest sinner mav return.' That in view of this Bible doctrine, we hold that all concili- atory measures should be adopted to prevent a collision between the South and the North, and when all the argu- ments are exhaiisted, and a concilia- tion i-ejected. then we advise coercive measures to be pursued to prevent the desecration and dissolution of the Union. The Union must be preserved at all hazards. Warm Discussion Follows. After a warm discussion, the Border State Resolutions were unanimously adopted. The fifth resolution of th^ Crittenden Compromise met with greater opposition, but was finally passed by a fair majority. The resolution presented by Dr. Foster was handled severely, and fi- nally rejected by a majority vote. In the discussion on this resolution, vio- lent and eloquent speeches were made against the adoption of any measure of coercion with the seceded States. Dr. J. G. McPheeters then offered the following: "RESOLVED, That the citizens of Monroe County, always loyal to the Union and the Constitution, in view of existing difficulties which threaten the existence of our glorious confed- eracy, would tender the foregoing (meaning the Border State Resolu- tion) compromise as a basis of settle- ment; but in the event of rejection, are ready to declare for the Union as it is, the Constitution as it is, and the enforcement of the laws." Resolution Adopted. This resolution al^o met with fiery opposition. A motion to table it was lost. Messrs. Marlin, Wolfe, B. F. Williams and David Sheeks denounced the resolution as coercive in meaning; but after a sharp war of words and passions, the resolution was finally adopted, and the meeting of Bloom- ington and Monroe County citizens adjourned. Prominent Men Present. The meeting was largely attended, the court room being crowded to its utmost capacity; among those present were: Governor Dunning, Dr. W. S. Foster, Judge G. A. Buskirk, S. H. Buskirk, C. P. Tuley, J. B. Mulky, Isaac Adkins, Isaac Cox, Abraham Smith, M. C. Hunter, Benjamin Wolfe, F. T. Butler, Elias Abel, Professor John Young, P. L. D. Mitchell, Hugh Marlin, Johnson McCulloch, Dr. J. G. McPheeters and David Sheeks. Various political sentiments mani- fested at this meeting illustrate the feeling in the county at the time, just before the war of the Rebellion of 1860-1864. The most noticeable featur" of the meeting was the strong sentiment publicly and ardently manifested not to use coercive measures in case the South rejected all overtures. On the other hand, a few citizens who attended the meeting, warmly advanced views of the Abolitionists. WAYPORT AND HINDOOSTAN Washington Township, in Monroe County, Indiana, can boast of but two villages, the first being Wayport. This village was laid out in sections 28 and 33, in April, 1851, by Isaac Gillaspy, Thomas Gillaspy and G. W. Smith, proprietors, and James Wash- burn, surveyor. Sixteen lots were laid out, and one store, a blacksmith shop, post office, etc., sum up the history of the place. Hindostan Not As Old. The village kno\vn as Hindostan is not as old as Wayport, as it was not laid out until 1853, in the month of June, by Charles G. Corr, proprietor, and James Woodburn, surveyor. The site of the town plat was situated' on the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 14, in Washington township, where twelve lots were laid out on the Martinsville and Blooming- ton state road (now the Dixey High- way), just north of the Columbus and Gosport State road. One store, a few shops and little offices sums up the importance of this little hamlet. 96 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall PEOPLE THROWN INTO FRENZY OF EXCITEMENT WHEN NEWS CAME THAT FT. SUMTER HAD BEEN TAKEN BY REBELS Bloomington and Monroe County Citizens Lay Down Political Prejudices and Try to Consider Matter With Reason — Ablest Speakers Called Upon to Direct Thoughts Clearly — First Company Under Captain Kelley Organized and Depart "For the War."— Pathetic Scenes at Parting. — "Fort Sumter has fallen!" It is hard for people of today to realize what those four words meant to people living in Monroe county and the whole nation on the historic day, Monday, April 15, 1861. When the news was received in Bloomington that Fort Sumter had been surrendered to the rebels, great excitement was manifested by all poli- tical parties in Monroe county's seat. The news spread like a prairie fire throughout the surrounding country, and soon a large crowd of bewildered and anxious citizens had assembled to counsel as to what was best to be done in the awful emergency which they faced, as did citizens of the whole nation. Many Frightened Badly. Many people were frightened so badly that their senses and judgement refused to act with usual accuracy, and their first panic-stricken impulse was to fly for Canada or the Pacific coast. A large public meeting was held in the Monroe County Courthouse, in Bloomington in the pvening of April 15, pursuant to a call, to sound the sentiments of the citizens in this dark hour. Unfortunately, a detailed ac- count of this meeting cannot be dis- covered at this time, but we can give the following as true: Some five or six of the ablest citi- zens made speeches, men whose judg- ment the assemblage was anxious to have, and whom the people were will- ing to trust, were called unon to dircet the general mind throup'h the gloom and panic of approaching war to some definite and speedy action. Speeches For and Against War. Prominent men spoke passionately for an immediate organization of troops to crush the life out of the van- dals who had shamefully outraged the national honor. Others, with less fire and loyalty, suggested conciliatory measures, and spoke doubtfully of the right of the Government to adopt coercive mea- sures with the rebellious states who were attempting to secede from the Union. One man spoke severely against the North, especially the Abolitionists, warmly declaring that they were the cause of this fratricidal war; main- tained with great intensity that coer- cive measures were unconstitutional and unjust, and publiclv announced that if he fought at all it would be on the Southern side of the conflict. Majority Favor Union. As the meeting progressed it be- came apparent that the majority of citizens were in favor of ciuellin" the rebellion at all hazards, vnthout a mo- ment's unnecessary delay. A long se- i-ies of patriotic resolutions was adopt- ed, declaring as the sense of the meet ' ing that the Union must be main- tained, if need be, by an appeal to arms. Several persons present ear- nestly opposed the adoption of one or more of the resolutions presented. First Volunteers Organize. A few days later, another big meet- ing of equal, or even greater, fervor and loyalty was held at the courthouse in Bloomington, on which occasion steps were taken to organized a com- pany of volunteers. The enlistment was continued rather zealously, and on April 20, only five days after the fall of Fort Sumter, the organization was completed, and the company officers elected, then commissioned on April 22. This company began drilling regu- larly every day, awaiting, in the mean- time for orders to report for muster into the three-months' sei-vice, or even into the State service for one year — or, if nothing better could be done, they contemplated entering in the three-years' service — anvthing, just so thev were taken into the service of their beloved Union, that they might fight for what they held sacred, their country. Off for the War. On May 10, 1861, the day that was finally set for the departure of Bloom- ington's first companv to enter the war, for Camp Vigo, situated at Terre Haute, Ind., found a large assemblage of relatives and friends of the boys gathered in Bloomington to present them with a flag and see them off with cheers and encouragement. This was at a time when the senti- ments of patriotism were fresh and strong, and when the noveltv of mili- tary prenarations by this first com- pany of Blooomington's bi-ave boys to offer for ser\nce in the great war which was to follow fired peonle's blood with the vehement loyalty of the hour. A fine banner was presented, it is said, bv Miss Mitchell, on behalf of the ladies of Bloomington, in a brief sneech, which was responded to by Lieutenant Black. .A.t the conclusion of this beautiful ceremony, the company marched down to the railway station, accomnanied by the whole town and most of the coun- ty's population, v\-ho had gathered for the occasion. Veterans of Other Wars Present. Old men, who had served their coun- try on the fields of battle in the land of the Montezumas during the previ- ous Mexican war, or even veterans of the war of 1812, were present, giving the boys a kind word of advice or a pat on the shoulder at parting. Parents were present, who saw their sons for the last time on earth when they parted with them at the staion. Wives and mothers who had never known the anguish of separation from their dear ones, at the stern call of a nation at war, stood with pale faces and streaming eyes, tightly clasping the loved forms and regretting, at the last moment, to have them go into that unknown confUct. But, it was here that the true bravery, the bravery of a breaking heart, was manifested as these people sent their sons away with cheers and smiles of assurance, lest they falter when duty was calling them to sacrafice their man'nood for their country's honor. At last, the train came into the sta- tion, fond good-byes were spoken with pale lips, and as the train pulled out of the station great cheers burst forth as the citizens of Bloomington realized that her boys were off for the war. Company Divided at Camp. Upon reaching Terre Haute, it was found impossible for these Blooming- ton men to enter the three-month ser- vice, or even the one year service, and the company went into camp of in- struction. Considerable dissatisfaction seems to have existed over the selection of the company's officers, which finally resulted in the division of the com- pany. This division formed the basis for two company's after the split. About two-thirds of the Monroe County company remained at Terre Haute under Captain Kelley, while the other one-third of the men was trans- ferred to Indianapolis, under the com- mand of Captain W. S. Charles. Both of these incomplete companies sent their captains and lieutenants back to Bloomington to recruit their numbers to the lawful strength. This was late in May and early in June of 1861. Cap. Kelly's Company First. Captain Kelly succeeded in raising enough men in a short while, and com- pleted his company, which was mus- tered into service for three years on June 7, 1861, becomine Company K of the 14th Regiment. This really gave Company K, 14th Regiment the dis- tinction of being Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana's first body of men to enter the war of the rebellion. The regiment moved to Virginia on July ,5. 1861. Milton L. McCullough was First Lieutenant, and Paul E. Slocum, Second Lieutenant. Captain Charles was able to increase the number of enlistments in his com- pany to only about fifty from Monroe county, while the rest of the comnany was made up from various localities. This organization became Company H of the 18th Regiment, three years' service, and was mustered into service August 16, 1861, and on the following day was transferred to St. Louis, Mo. James S. Black, of Indianapolis, was First Lieutenant, and Hiram W. Rook- er, Noblesville, Second. Sumter's First Gun. In Erie, Pa., lived a veteran who claimed to have fired the first Union gun of the Rebellion, at Fort Sumter; Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 97 one James Gibbons, a laborer. From him was procured the following in- teresting history of the memorable event. "It was confidently expected by the garrison of Fort Sumter that the reb- els would open fire upon the Union I flag. In December, after it became known that Lincoln had been elected I President, Captain Doubleday said, I 'There will surely be war,' and the company expected it from that time. Every day for weeks the rebels were making preparations in plain sight of the fort. Then the Star of the West had been fired upon. "The feelings and sensations of the men on that momentuous day were none but the usual sensations among men. There was no excitement. Four men were playing at poker when a shell came screaming over the para- pet and burst, one-half striking the wall alongside, and the burning pow- der singeing the beard of one of the men, so near was it to him. The only effect it produced, beyond the momen- tary start, was to set the men swear- ing as they got up and dragged their outfit further under a bomb proof. "On that memorable day, the 12th of April, 1861, the first gun was fired from Fort Johnson at about 5 o'clock in the morning. It was expected, for word to that effect had been communi- cated to them. Soon the first boom and roar was succeeded by another, from Fort Moutrie, and then the shot and shell came thick and fast until 360 shots had been fired at them. For two hours Sumter was silent. The ports were not opened until 7 o'clock. Captain Doubleday's company rammed two guns on the lower floor of the fort and aimed toward Cummings point. He was a member of the party in charge of gun No. 1, a 42-pounder, and Gibbons himself was No. 3 of the gun squad. His duty was to pull the lanyard. The gun was sighted by Captain Doubleday, and when every- thing was in readiness, the captain; standing about two feet behind him, issued the command 'Fire!' Gibbons pulled the lanyard and Fort Sumter and the Union broke silence. Defi- ance had been hurled back at the rebel crew. In two seconds more gun No. 2 spoke and then the music was kept up from the Union fort in reply to the bombardment from nearly every side. "Many were the brave deeds wit- nessed that day. A laborer, Carroll by name, picked up a burning bomb as it was rolling down the steps after him, and cooly threw it into the ditch outside and extinguished the smoking fuse; a few moments more and half the garrison would have doubtless been killed by the explosion. "The halyard of the flagstaff had become so knotted that it prevented the raising of the flag and another laborer named Donohue, mounted to the topmast and repaired it, regardless of the fact that he was the target for every rebel battery. Norman J. Hall, of Detroit, replaced a broken flag- staf at great risk of his life. "There was 69 soldiers who sur- vived the bombardment (two were killed while firing the national salute at the time the fort was evacuated) beside the laborers, who were really the first volunteers of the war." FEELING OF PATRIOTIC EMOTION RAN HIGH IN BLOOMINGTON AS COMPANIES WERE FORMED IN 1861 Bugle Was To Be Heard on Every Breeze — Small Boys Organize "Infantry" Company — Drill to Fife and Drum — Ladies Show "Cold-Shoulder" to Huskies in Civilian Clothes — Record of Organization of Companies During First Years of Great Conflict. In the days that followed the out- jreak of the civil war, and as time vent on, news of the actual war that .vas going on in our southern states vas eagerly watched for, while feei- ng became more and more alert to he natural emotions of patriotism, imong the people of Monroe county ind Bloomington. The bugle was heard on every )reeze, from all directions. Small boys if Bloomington had organized an "In- antry" company that was ai^med vith wooden swords, tin-pans, and ■ther weapons of equal celebrity. It was popular then, to be a volun- eer. It meant a thirst for blood, jadies smiled like the morning upon he blue uniforms, but gave a frown nd cold-shoulder to stalwart forms in ivilian garb. Predict Quick Defeat of Enemy. Companies of enlisted men drilled Imost daily, in Bloomington, and at- racted large crowds of fond and ad- miring friends, who saw no escape for the rebel cowards when the field of battle was reached. Every one predicted that the rebels would be "licked out of their boots in a few months." We herewith reprint a number of clippings from Bloomington newspa- pers of the perilous times, which will give a reader of the present day a fair idea of how our people felt and acted under the great stress of that awful war. In the issue of the "Re- publican" of July 13, appeared the following editorial: Capt. Lunderman's Company. "Another company of volunteers for the United States service left here on Tuesday last for Madison, Ind., where the regiment is to be formed. The company is under the command of Captain Daniel Lunder- man, of this place, who has had con- sidei-able experience as an officer in the recent war vnth Mexico, and we have no doubt he will faithfully at- tend to the interests and welfare of the company while they are under his charge. "Dr. J. 0. McCullough was elected First Lieutenant and Andrew R. Ra- venscroft. Second Lieutenant, whom, we have no doubt, will be equally faithful to their trust. "As many of the volunteers were from the surrounding country, a large concourse of people from different parts of the county were present to see them take their departure and to bid their friends farewell. "The volunteers were escorted to the train by Captain Mulky's company of infantry, and took their departure amid a deafening salute of musketry. The Bloomington Cornet Band accom- panied them to Madison. "We learn that Camp Noble,- to which they are assigned, is beautifully situated at North Madison, on the Ohio river." In the same issue, the 13th, also appeared the following: Grenadiers Organized. "Recruiting — Peter Kop and several other gentlemen of the place are rais- ing a company of grenadiers for the United States service. They admit no recruits under five feet ten inches, and equally stout and able-bodied. "We pity the rebel upon whose neck the foot of 'Big Pete' shall come dovm with a vengeance. There will be no chance for him to even say his pray- ers before his life is crushed out of him. "Some of the others engaged in raising the company are amon" our most athletic citizens. Their recruit- ing office, we believe, is at Williams & Sluss' livery stables." The company under Captain Lun- derman became Company I, of the 22nd Regiment, and was mustered into service on August 15, at Camp Noble. About thirty men of this com- pany were from around White Hall, and the rest from Monroe county. Colonel Jefferson C. Davis was in command of the regiment. On Au- gust 17, the regiment was taken to Missouri, where the boys first saw actual service in the war. The company raised by Captain Kop and others became Company F of the 27th Regiment and was mus- tei'ed into service for three years, at Camp Morton, Indianapolis, on Sep- tember 12, 1861. Bloomington's Zouaves. Late in August and September, 1861, a company of Zouaves was or- ganized at Bloomington. Early in July, the ladies of Bloomington gath- ered a large box of blankets, towels and other useful artices, and sent them to the company of Captain Lun- derman, at Madison. In September and October, Captain Isaac S. Dains, Lieutenants Samuel A. Harrah, Albert Adams and others recruited Company D, of the 5th Regi- ment, in Monroe and Owen counties. The regiment was organized at Sey- mour, Ind., on October 25, and left for New Albany, mai'ching through the country, and obtaining a large number of recruits as it went. On December 25, this regiment moved to Bardstown, Ky., where it \yent into ll_ 98 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall camp of instruction. The following, concerning this company was pub- lish in the "Republican" of the 14th of September: "Off for the War." "Captain I. S. Dain's company left here for Camp Morton, Indianapolis, on Thursday last. This company was raised mostly in this and Owen coun- ties—a number of them being from the yicinity of White Hall. "While they were waiting for the train, a beautiful flag was presented to the company from the ladies of White Hall. Goyernor Dunning, on behalf of the ladies, made a suitable address on the presentation of the flag, which was responded to by Cap- tain Dains in a short address and by three cheers by the soldiers for their beautiful flag. "This makes the seventh company which has been raised principally in this county, and left here for the war. One or two other companies are now raising. Monroe county will be fully represented in the contest." EUettsville's Company. The company of Captain Secrest was raised almost wholly in the vi- cinity of EUettsville, during the months of August and September, by Captain James Secrest and Lieuten- ants G. K. Perry and James McCor- mick. When this company left Ellettsyille, they were given a fine dinner, at the conclusion of which a fine banner was presented them with appropriate re- marks, to which the captain feelingly responded. It must not be understood that the seven companies above mentioned were the only ones then in service which contained men from Monroe county. About half a dozen men had left the northern part of the county for Indianapolis at the earliest stages of the war, and had succeeded in get- ting into the 12th regiment in the three months' service, though they were credited to other counties. So far as is now known, these were the only men from the county in the three months' service during the war. Men from Monroe. In the 11th Reigment saw Chap- lain H. B. Hibben, from Monroe coun- ty; in the 21st Regiment, which after- wards became the First Heavy Artil- lery, were about ten men from the county; four members of the Regi- mental band were credited to Bloom- ington. A small squad from the north- ern part of the county entered the 23rd Regiment and were credited to Morgan county. Taking into consideration these facts, and also the fact that several of the companies mentioned above were only partly from Monroe county, it may be safely concluded that by the middle of September, 1861, the county had furnished as many as six full companies. This was a splenaid showing. Cavalry Company. The cavalry company recruited by Captain Nutt contained onlv about fifteen men from Monroe county, the remainder being obtained mostly from Brazil and Delphi, Ind. The Monroe boys left about the middle of Septem- ber for Indianapolis, where they were joined by recruits from other places and completed the organization which became Company K, Second Cavalry (41st Regiment), and was mustered in on December 24. Jephtha M. El- lington, of EUettsville, became captain of this company. MONROE COUNTY ORGANIZES TEN COMPANIES OF MILITIA BY STATE ORDER, IN 1861— CAPT. KELLEY LOSES LIFE Loyal Mass Meetings Held— Judge Hughes Makes Great Speech for Union- Wallace Hight Takes Brass Cannon Made in Bloomington Foundry Into Service— New Companies Formed — County's Showing Good in First Years of Rebellion. In the month of September, 1861, the authorities of the State of Indiana ordered that in each county of the state a thorough organization of the militia should be effected, and the Governor appointed James B. Mulkey as Colonel of the Monroe County Mili- tia, with instructions to proceed at once with the organization of a regiment. Ten Companies During War. Under these orders, ten militia com- panies were organized in Monroe county, during the civil war, as follows: The Hoosier Grays, Morton C. Hun- ter, captain, organized in the fall of 1861; the EUettsville Clippers, Barton Acuff, captain, organized in the fall of 1861; the Monroe Zouaves, Daniel Shrader, captain, organized in the fall of 1861; the Richland Mountaineers. B. W. Rice, captain, organized in the fall of 1861; the Hoosier Guards, H. T. Campbell, captain, organized in 1862; the Harrodsburg Guards, John M. Anderson, captain, organized in the fall of 1861; the Richland Ran- gers, John Wylie, captain, organized during the summer of 1863; the Hughes Guards, James Mathers, captain, organized in the fall of 1863 the Monroe Guards, Isaac S. Buskirk, capta'n, organized in the fal of 1863; the Bean Blossom Ran^^rs, Thomas M. Gaskin, captain, organized in the fall of 1863. Every one of the companies thus or- ganized under the State order, saw active service during the terible war of 1861-1864, as they each afterward enlisted in the United States serv'ee. Loyal Mass Meeting Held. On October 12, 1861, a large Union mass meeting was held at the court- house in Bloomington, to consider the state of the country at that time. The first speaker on the program was the honorable Paris C. Dunning, who delivered an address of gi-eat power and loyalty. He spoke eloquent- ly in favor of pushing the war with all the energy of the North, and favored measures of greater activity and ef- fectivenes in securing volunteers. His remarks were roundly applauded. The second speaker was Judge James Hughes, whose remarks took on a bitterly sarcastic trend. His language ran in a caustic vein, cut- ting like a sword at the heart of the rebellion. Judge Hughes's spendid eloquence, effectiv eimagery, fierce satire and impetuous logic seemed to carry his audience before him like a torrent. As he delivered thrust after thrust of wit and irony, and pungent mockeryi he was frequently interrupted with outbursts of cheer'ng. His speech was conceded at the time to have been the best Union speech ever delivered in Bloomington. "The sense of loyalty expressed in the meeing was very decidedly marked, and had an effect upon all who were present. Brass Canon Made Here. About the date of November 1, 1861, Walace Hight, who had super- intended the manufacture of a canon at the Seward Foundry, in Blooming- ton, left for Indianapolis with the piece of ordnance, drawn by six heavy horses. The gun was a six-pounder, made of burnished brass, and was an excellent specimen of workmanship .-^nd design. Hight, and his squad of Bloomington boys were later attached to the Ninth Battery. Recriuting Let LTp. About this time, the attenion of the loyal people was especially directed to the movement of the armies, and to the wants of the boys in the fields and hospitals, and the comfort of soldiers' families at home more than to the enlistment of fresh men. Late in October, however. Dr. J. G. McPheeters, surgeon in the 23rd regi- ment, came to Bloomington, on a fur- lough, and enlisted a few men for his regiment. Outside of this, not much was done in recruiting of Monroe county men, until the following Febru- ary, 1862, when William McCullough began recruiting men for the 53rd Regiment, and Lieutenant Francis Ot- well opened an enlistment office at Fee's store in Bloomington for re- cruits for the 27th Regiment, in which Captain Kop's company was en- listed. He obtained about fifteen men at this time. During the months of November and December, 1861, and January and February, 1862, Captain Thomas T. Graves and Lieutenants Alexander Jones and John Pillips recruited about two-thirds of a company for the 59th Regiment, which rendez- voused at Gosport, beginning in Oc- tober, 1861. About the middle of February, 1862, the regiment went South over the New Albany railroad for the seat of war in Kentucky. This company be- come Company I, of the 59th Regi- Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 99 nent, under Captain Graves, and was Qustered into service February 11, 862. Jesse I. Alexander, of Gosport, ifas Colonel of this regiment. Sent Money Home. During the later part of March, 862, M. P. Burns recruited six or ight men for the 61st Regiment, I'hich was located at Tere Haute. Carly in April of that year Lieuten- nt Johnson, of Captain Lunderman's ompany of the 22nd Regiment, opened recruiting office in Bloomington. In May, 1862, members of Captain [elley's company, the 14th Regiment, ent $2,000 home to their friends in lonroe county. Captain Kelley's Body Returned. About this time, in May, 1862, iloomington and Monroe county peo- (le were cast into a spell of gloom by he actual bringing home to them of ne of their own gallant soldier:;, '.vho lad given his life in the cause of the Jnion. The body of Captain Kelley — pap- ain of the first company of Monroe ounty's volunteers to see active ser- ice in the great war of rebellion, and he first to be reurned to his home ,s an example of the greatest sacra- ice a man can offer — was returred to iloomington, and buried. Captain Kelley was mortally wound- d in the hotly contested battle of Vinchester, and after lingerint^ for everal weeks in Cincinnati, where his aithful wife had taken him for medi- al treatment, had finally died from lis wounds. The death of Captain Kelley cast I gloom of sorrow over the whole ommunity, which could only be felt ind is beyond our power of de- cription. During the spring months of 1862, he columns of the "Republican" were ull of letters from Bloomington ?nd tlonroe county men who were in the irmy, and while some were rather dry, nany were extermely interesting ^r.d old strange stories of the battle fields md camp I'fe. One of these letters, ve herewith reprint from the old Jlooniington newspaper mentioned ibove: the battle referred to was that if Pittsburg landing; Capt. McCalla's Letter. "33rd Regiment, "Indiana Volunteers, "Pittsburg, Tenn., April 8, 1862. "Dear Brother — This is Tuesday, ind I take this chance to tell vou that m awful battle has been fought, com- nencing on Sunday morning at 7:30 I'clock, and lasing until night, and lontinued again Monday. "Grimes and I are safe. The com- )any did nobly. The 31st will now ret its due meed of praise, I think. "We lost Orderly Sergeant James ^. Fullbright and Rolley Franklin, )oth shot in the head; and seven of lur boys were wounded, three of them everely; Joseph Lucas, in the hand, ;evei-ely: Joseph Lucas, in the hand, !errell, in chin, slightly; John Camp- >ell, in the hand; Josenh Woolery, in he hip, severely; Wesley Polley, in he shoulder; Joseph Gaither, iii the ace, the ball entering the brridge of his nose and coming out under the ear, cutting the tip of the ear. "Many more were grazed. I had a bullet through the top of my hat. John McPhetridge had his leg grazed, and Grimes was scratched on the knee. We will feel the loss of Fullbright. He was the bravest man in the regi- ment — so modest, and so faithful. We buried our old companions with the honors of war, and marked their graves with neat head-boards. "I met Brother Sam on the field of battle for the fir.st time since he was in the service. Thompson's battery, \vith which Hight and other Blooming- ton boys are connected, were in the fight all Monday. They fired 1,200 shots. Our regiment (belonging to Hurlburt's brigade) fired forty rounds in one place, repulsed two attacks on the center. Grimes and I furnished our men with th'rty rounds more as they were lying down, and these were all expended by night. "The carnage was frightful. David Iseminger (formerly of Bloomington), captain in an Iowa regiment, was killed. Our major, Frederick Arn, was killed; our Colonel was wounded in two places, Adjutant Rose was wounded; Captain Harvey was killed. and other officers were wounded, all of our regiment. "Joe Roddy bore the colors through all the two days' fight, onward, never faltering, the foremost in the advance, the hindmost in the retreat. The field of battle covers almost six miles. "The day of battle was my t'ir>.t out-doors service for three weeks, having been sick ever since we came to this place. "HENRY." New Companies Formed. In May, 1862, the .54th Regimeni was organized, and a company was raised in Monroe county by Captain Daniel Shrader and Lieuenants W. J. Allen and I. S. Buskirk, which be- came Company A of this regiment when mustei-ed in at Indianapolis, as three months' service for Camp Mor- ton, and in August was transferred to Kentucky, where it stayed until the time of its service expired. This regi- ment was afterward reorganized and mustered in for one year i n-"ic.^, but contained no company Trom Monroe county. Captain Shrader euteied the regiment, however as a Ma.ior and was afterward promoted to Lieuten- ant-Colonel. On June 11, 1862, James B. Mulkey, of Bloomington, was commissioned Major of the 55th Regiment, three month's service. Frank A. Rose, of Bloomington, was commissicrifd Adju- tant of this regiment. These regi- ments were organized especially for guard duty at Camp Morton, where a large number of rebel prisoners were confined. DRAFT ORDERED FOR STATE OF INDIANA OCTO- BER 6, 1862— MONROE COUNTY CLEARED BY HER MEN IN FILLING QUOTA September 19 Found County Lacking But Few — By Date Set All But One Man of Needed Number Made I'p — Salt Creek Township Man Only Persoi! Drafted in County at Time. When the government found itself sorely pressed for men to feed the gaping, ever eating jaws of war, and the quota of many townships, espe- cially in the rural district were slow in making, it was decided to make a draft and conscript men where the volunteers were lacking. Monroe county and Bloomington were working hard to avoid just such a thing coming to pass, as the loyal citizens felt that such an act would be a disgrace to their name, in the fact that such measures were nec- essary. The first draft had been announced to take place in the state on Septem- ber 15, 1862; but at the last moment, to give all counties behind abundant opportunity to redeem themselves, the date of conscription was moved up to October 6, 1862, at which time it oc- curred throughout all Indiana. The draft commissioner appointed for Monroe county was Ira Bi'owning; the marshal, W. J. Alexander, and the examining surgeon was J. D. Maxwell. On September 19, 1862, the following facts were reported by the enrolling commissioner for the county of Mon- roe to the Adjutant-General of Indiana: Total militia, 1,828; total volun- teers, 1,039; total exempts, 298; total conscientiously opposed to bearing arms, 3; total volunteers in service, 840; total subject to draft, 1,527. At this date, September 19, 1862, Monroe county lacked just twenty-two men of having enough enrollments to fill the quota called for, as follows, by townships: Benton township lacked 1; Salt Creek, 4; Polk, 12; Clear Creek, 3; Indian Creek, 2. This number was reduced to one man by October 6, and this deficiency was in Salt Creek township. A man was drafted there, and in a few min- utes after the draft was made, a vol- unteer was reported from that town- ship, and accepted, thus clearing the record of Monroe county from the draft of October, 1862. In September, Captain Daniel Shra- der, who had taken one company into the three-months' service of 1862, the same being Co. A, 54th Regiment, was commissioned to raise another com- pany for the same regiment, reor- ganized for one year's service. For some reason, he did not continue, but was soon appointed Major (mentioned elsewhere by the writer) of this 54th Regiment. 100 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall CALL FOR 300,000 MEN LSSUED JULY 1, 1862 What at first was believed would be a short and quick job for the United States Government, the whip- ping of the rebels of the Southland, began to look like a gigantic task. President Lincoln found that his first call for men, while responded to lib- erally, was inadequate to carry the armies of the North to a success- ful termination of the terrible con- flict in the first year's struggles. On July 1, 1862, President Lincoln called for 300,000 additional volun- teers, and the quota of Indiana was fixed at eleven regiments. The fol- lowing is a clipping from the Bloom- ington "Republican" of July 12, 1862: "More Troops Wanted." "It will be seen by reference to another part of the paper that eleven more regiments are to be raised in our state in addition to those already forming, one from each Congressional District. "This, in our district, will be about 12.5 men from each county, as an average. "We trust that old Monroe will promptly furnish her quota, as she has done on all former calls. She has now nine companies in the service, besides a number of persons scat- tered in companies made up else- where — infantry, cavalry and artil- lery. "Now that harvest is past and our >oung men more at leisure, we think that there will be no difficulty in raising this additional quota of troops in Monroe county. "The regiment for this district will rendezvous at Madison, and we notice that in some of the adjoining counties companies are already forming to fill up the regiment. Let not Monroe be behind." But the beginning of the actual work of enlistment was delayed. The paper came out in stirring appeals to sustain the honor of the county by voluntary enlistments, threatening that the draft would be resorted to soon if the quota was not filled. Influential citizens of the county began to stir themselves, recruiting officers appeared, and soon war meet- ings were held with a frequency and intensity unknown in the history of the county. Late in July, Lieutenant F. Otwell was commissioned to recruit a com- pany for the 67th Regiment, and opened offices in Bloomington. Cap- tain Charles, of the 18th Regiment, came home to recruit his company. Lieutenant W. J. Allen, of the 20th Battery, called for recruits. James L. Winfrey, of Bloomington, was also commissioned to raise a company for the 93rd Regiment, which was being rendezvoused at Madison. Lieutenant Otwell and others raised about twenty men, who become Company B, of the 67th Regiment, with Samuel Denny, of Madison as captain. Hunter Raises Company. An entire company was raised by Morton C. Hunter, for the 82nd Regi- ment, of which he became colonel, with the assistance of Paul E. Slocum, Alfred G. Hunter, Samuel McWillie, John McKinney, Samuel Guy, and others. This company became Company F, 82nd Regiment, with Samuel McWil- lie, captain; John McKinney, first lieutenant; Samuel Guy, second lieu- tenant. The men were mustered into service on August 30, 1862, at Madi- son. A portion of Company I, 82nd Regi- ment was raised in Monroe county by William F. Neill, who became the captain. There were probably not more than ten men in the company from Monroe county, although Neill was assisted in recruiting by Lieu- tenant H. E. Lundy and others. Monroe Furnishes OflScers. There were more regimental officers in the 82nd from Monroe county than in any other regiment: Colonel Hun- ter, Major, and afterward Lieutenant- Colonel Slocum, Adjutants A. G. Hun- ter and M. E. Bunger; Quartermaster, J. C. Allenworth; Chaplain, M. M. Campbell; Surgeon, W. H. Lemon; Assistant Surgeons, W. B. Harris and R. H. Campbell. On September 1, 1862, the regiment moved to Louis- ville, Ky. About thirty men of Company F, of the 93rd Regiment, were recruited by J. L. Winfrey and others, and were mustered in at Madison from August 1.5 to August 23, 1862. These efforts on the part of the recruiting officers and the more prominent and loyal citizens of Mon- roe county and Bloomington came within a close figure of relieving the county from the draft. The county was really ahead of her (|uota, but some of the townships were behind. The draft was intended to bring the "stay-at-homes" to the front. On Saturday, September 6, 1862, the citizens of the county assembled at the court house in Bloomington and listened to a long and able ad- dress on the state of the country from the Honorable Joseph A. Wright, ex- Governor of Indiana. This speech was a fine specimen of oratory, and was loyal to the core. On the following Monday, the citi- zens again assembled to hear the Honorable Joseph E. McDonald, who men, when they were ordered to re- port at Indianapolis. This company remained at Indianapolis until Aug- u.st 15, in the meantime recruiting from Monroe county enough men to bring their ranks up to the lawful requirement, when they were mus- tered into Federal service and sent to Kentucky the same day. This com- pany from Monroe county became i Company I, 117th Regiment, six months' men, and were officered as i follows: H. B. Hughes, captain; I Jhonias Rutledge, first lieutenant, and James H. Miller, second lieutenant. MORGAN INVADED INDIANA IN SPRING OF 1863— MONROE MEN RUSH TO COLORS All Indiana and Ohio were on edge, and both North and South were gasp- ing. During the late spring months of 1863, the whole North was worked up by the raids of the famous rebel. General Morgan, in territory north of the Ohio river; and, although citizens of Monroe county had never thought of the dreadful war being carried to their own door, they were ever ready to accept any rumor at first hand. On Monday, June 22, 1863, the news was received in Bloomington that the terrible rebel. General Morgan, with a large force of men, had penetrated Indiana from Kentucky, and was ad- vancing upon Paoli, in Orange county. "Minutemen" Organize. All the bells in Bloomington were hastily rung, and soon a great crowd of excited citizens gathered at the courthouse, where wild rumors were spread, creating horror and arousing the people to immediate action. A company of over 100 "minute- men" was speedily formed in Bloom- ington that day, and organized under the command of Captain I. S Buskirk. These men tendered their service to the Governor of Indiana by telegraph. But, no answer was received from the Governor until late that night, when it was learned that their service was not immediately needed, and the com- pany disbanded. The continued threatening charac- ter of the news of the invasion of In- diana by General Morgan, however, soon gave new impetus to the orga- nization of militia companies. Captain Buskirk's company was again organized and mustered, and on July 9, 1863, left for Mitchell, Indiana. A company of cavalry, commanded by Captain Wylie, left Bloomington the next day for the same point; and a militia company of infantry, under the command of Captain Marion Blair, left for Indianapolis. Another full company left Elletts- ville for Indianapolis at the same time, and two other companies were almost completed in the rural vicini- ties near Bloomington. Excitement Runs High. At no other time during the whole civil war did the local excitement run higher than at this period. The wildest rumors were circulated, and business in all lines seemed to be par- i alyzed and almost completely sus- pended The streets of Bloomington were alive with military preparations, and large crowds of people from the ; lural districts came to town daily to learn what was to be done. One week was all that this excite- ment required to subside, when Gen- eral Morgan was turned back just outside of North Vernon. The Bloomington company, of which Marion Blair was captain, was mus- tered into service at Indianapoli.-? on ' July 10, and mustered out on July 15, without having left that city; this company was tor five days Company D. 110th Regiment minutemen. The Ellettsville company, of which Barton Acuff was captain, was mustei-ed into service as Company G, 111th Regi- ment minutemen on the same date as , Captain Blair's company, and mus- 1 tered out at the same time, without having left Indianapolis. At North Vernon. The company from Bloomington un- der Captain Hughes (which later en- tered the six months' service) moved to Mitchell, Indiana, where it was mustered in as Company A, 112th Regiment minutemen, on July 9. The company saw slight service as this regiment was moved to North Vernon, where it assisted that town in holding against General Morgan, who ap- proached within a few miles of the town. I. S. Buskirk was made a Ma- jor in this regiment, which was mus- tered out on July 17, after eight days in service. The 113th. Regiment, minutemen, whose Company A was made up of Monroe county men under the com- mand of Captain Henry L. McCalla, also participated in the defense of North Vernon, and was mustered into service on July 11, and with five days' ser\nce was mustered out on July 16, 1863. Gave Four Companies. It will be seen that within about one week Monroe county furnished and sent into the service four full com- panies, and had three or four com- panies organized and ready. The wis- dom of the organization of the coun- Historic Treasures, Compiled bij Forest M. "Pop" Hall 103 ty militia in 1861 was demonstrated. A fine company of militia cavalry was organized in Monroe county; mostly in Pen-y township, about the month of September, 1863, under the command of Captain J. E. Mathers. One of the companies mentioned in this article was commanded by Cap- tain David Sheeks. DISLOYAL ELEMENT GROWS BOLD— DARKEST DAYS FOR SUPPORTERS OF LINCOLN- LOYAL MEETINGS HELD .Monroe County Citizen.s Resent Actions of Southern Sympathizers and Take .Measures to Prevent Treasonable Deeds — Mass .Meetings Held in Bloom- ingfon by Both Sides. Blooniing'ton and Monroe county will never again know such strife as was manifested in the community life during the dark days of 1863, when the armies of the North were going through the direst discouragement of the war, on which we look back now and recall the old saying that it is always darkest before dawn. In the month of January, 1863, a large meeting of the disloyal eleinent of Monroe county's citizens was held in the court house at Bloomington, on which occasion Judge Eckles, of Greencastle, Ind., was the piincipal speaker. The Judge was considered a very able speaker, and delivered a fiery speech, taking an ultra position in opposing a further continuance of the terrible war, and was enthusiasti- cally applauded by his hearers. Disloyal Speech of Kckles. Judge Eckles denounced the admin- istration of President Abraham Lin- coln in the severest terms at his command, heaping the responsibility of the war upon the Republican party, especially the Abolitionist wing; de- clared the "people of the South were justified in their course, in view of the danger of their favorite institu- tion — slavery — and insisted that not another man nor another dollar should be furnished to continue the unneces- sary and wicked war." A number of resolutions were adopted by the meeting, embodying the substance of this speech, and the crowd dispersed, a number cheevir.g for Jeff Davis and cursing "Old Lincoln." The "State Sentinel," publishe.alions of later date, including a copy of "The Northwest- ern Gazette — A Working Farmer's Journal," Vol. 2, No. 13, dated, "Bloomington, Indiana, May 21, 185i" and a copy of "The New Y'^ork Her- ald," Whole No. 104.59; dated, "New York, Saturday, April 15, 1805," (The day after President Lincoln was as- sassinated) which gives a complete account in dispatches "f the death of President Lincoln, wrr3 carefully pre- served by Huo-h "Chuo" Hinkl >. Mr. Hinkle has been a silent and observant collector of relics all his life and has assembled together a col- lection of old Indian paraphernalia and memontoes of pasl decades, such as coins, letters, olcl pistols and guns, and weapons of all deioripticns, which might be cherished by any student of past history. Another collection of old papers was preserved and furnished by Rob- ert Strong of East First Street. Treading in the Past. In reading over these old papers it gives one that feeling of awe and triumph, much as one feels upon awakening from a dream. We feel a certain sense of familiar- ness with the things talked of in these old papers, still we feel that we are talking with those who have departed this life long, long ago. We find these old "news items" very interesting, in- deed; and consider the privilege to read them a decided threat. Items of interest which appeared in The Courier, Vol. 2, dated, Blooming- ton, Ind., Friday morning, July 7, 1895, may be of interest to readers of today. "Goings and Comings." "Dr. Homer E. Strain has rented rooms in the McGee block at Bloom- ington and will move there soon. Dr. Strain is a graduate in dentistry and 116 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall a young man who will succeed, says our Harrodsburg correspondent. "Mrs. Clint Norton of Bedford, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nor- ton. , ^ ,. Joseph E. Henley went to Indian- apolis yesterday on legal business. "Miss Ida McGee of Marion, Ohio, is visiting her cousin. Miss Elsie Ma- son, in Bloomington. "Dr Amzi Hon of Harrodsburg, is a guest of Dr. U. H. Hon and wife. "Mrs. J. W. Jackson and Mrs. Jas. Leas have returned from Gosport. "Miss Florence Atwood of I. U. is entertaining her sister. Miss Mary At- wood, of Evansville. "Mr and Mrs. G. M. Edwards are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Tho- mas Heaton, of Lyons, Ind. "Samuel Colpitts and W. J. Leas have returned from Indianapolis, where they have been attending the Grand Lodge of K. of P. "The Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Simpson, South Col- lege avenue, Saturday, June 8, at 2:30 p. m. "Mrs. J. F. Pittman and daughter, Mrs. Josenh Scribner. are guests of Judee R. W. Miers and family. "Misses Mollie Johnson and Ida Sims visited in Spencer the first part of the week. Dig Up Bait. "Horace Blakely, Sam Hunter and Otto Rogers dug fifteen pounds of bait, bought twenty-seven poles, eighty-two hooks, three seins and two pounds of bacon, and drove over to Sandborn, Knox county, fishing. They have promised their numerous friends ten pounds each of brain food when they return. The time they will spend in carrying out the contract is just six days, one week. "Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Harris are en- tertaining Miss Mary Menzies of Mt. Vernon. "Ed Whetsell was in Indianapolis yesterday, looking after a law suit now pending in the U. S. court. "Mrs. Gertrude Romizer of Charles- ton, 111., arrived last evening and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Feltus of CoUesre Hill. "Werter D. Dodds, editor of the Student, has been appointed instruc- tor in English for the ensuing year. Mr. Dodds is every wav qualified to fill this important position and his selection will meet with unanimous approval. It is always the case that persons who are engaged in any way with The World office are in line of promotion. "Mr. R. W. Wylie and wife who have been taking treatment at the Barnard Sanitarium, in Martinsville, have returned to their home in Bloom- ington. "Miss Addie Malott, one of Bed- ford's charming society belles, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nu- gent, North College avenue. Baseball Fans Notice. "It makes the Bloomington World feel so joyful whenever a ball team of that city wins a game that it de- votes half a column of space to tell about the wonderful performance — Martinsville Leader. "And why shouldn't The World be greatly elated over the success of the local ball team ? It is the best team in the state, and can lick any aggre- gation that does business ueiween Lake Michigan and the Ohio river. .4.nd The World wll wager $16.37 in subscription accounts against an equal amount of the Leader's cold cash that our judgment is correct." Do these above items bring to mem- ory other incidents? — I thought so. EARTH EMERGING FROM TORRID, DRY PERIOD MARKED BY WORLD-WIDE TRAIL OF DISASTER Reprinted From The Indianapolis News of October 4, 1921, Under The Asso- ciated Press Credit Line— This Article May Well Be Carried Into This Book For Its Value to Coming Generations. The future inhabitants may find it interesting to learn that in 1921 the old spheroid known as the earth is emerg- ing from what some human diagnosti- cians might call a serve attack of meteorologial mumps. It has been ac- companied by an intennittent fever, manifested in a world-wide heat wave of unusual length and intensity. In spite of crises and relapses — earth- quakes, tidal waves, cloudbursts, ty- phoons, water spouts, hail storms, floods and hurricanes in many widely separated parts from Kamchatka to Cape Horn and from Gaum to Guada- lupe — the doctors are confident the patient will recover. Meanwhile, the United States for the last year has been suffering chiefly from an excess of high tem- perature and a deficiency of moisture, a condition unprecedented in the fifty years' history of the weather bureau. From January 1 to September 22, 1921, the temperature of New York City, which is typical of the country, has shown an aggregate excess of warmth of 9.60 degrees above normal, while there has been a .shortage of 6.71 inches in rainfall. The greatest amount of September precipitation was in 1882, when more than 14 V4 inches fell and the least for that month occurred two years later with onlv .1.5 of an inch. The persistent higher temperatures, for which a number of speculative ex- planations have been given, began in .■\ugust, 1920. and for the succeeding twelve months there was an average monthly excess above normal of 3.4 degrees. March, 1921. an unusually warm spring month, had an excess average of 10.8 degrees. The first slight break in the record occurred last August, which was slightly below normal. Some time before the present phe- nomenon, the nine months period be- ginnina: in October, 1918. and ending in Julv 1919, the average monthly temperature was 2.71 degrees above normal, and this was a record until sun spots, sea bottom upheavals or other hypothetical causes sent the mercury still hieher. The highest average temperature ever recorded in this country for the month of March, weather officials said was 48.3 in March, 1921. The average temperature for April, 1921 — .55 degrees — was the warmest for that month in half a century. May and June were not unusual, but July broke all records for the preced- ing eleven years. Weather and Disasters. A curious freak of the weather in America for the week ending Septem- ber 22 was that, while every part of the country from Bismark, N. D. to Halifax, and from Pheonix, Ariz., to Miami, Fla., was suffering from ab- normally high temperatures, large areas in Wyoming, Montana, Oregon and Nevada were having freezing nights. Weather bureau officials here de- cline to discuss the possible connec- tion between the present high temper- atures and distasters of nature in many parts of the world. It was re- called, however that when the volcanic eruption of Krakato, a small island in the Malay archipelago in the Sunda strait, between Sumatra and Java, oc- curred in the summer of 1883, the most violent of its kind in modern times, two-thirds of the island was blown away, 20,000 persons lost their lives, and a tidal wave propelled itself as far as the English channel. On this occasion, dust from the volcanic ashes was carried around the world and for days, in many parts, cool temperatures prevailed, owing to the ob.struction of the sun's rays. Some of the dust from Krakatoa was sus- pended in layers in the upper atmos- phere for years. Now, whether the world-wide heat wave is due to some terrible par- oxysm of nature, such as volcanic ac- tion in some remote region of the earth or seismic upheaval in the earth or seismic upheaval in the depths of some unknown sea, or whether it is due to sun spots or .some other cause, is entirely problematical. Explanation of Quake. It is only as recently at last De- cember 16 that scientists were cud- geling their brains to solve the mys- tery of an earthquake estimated to have been "2.800 miles from Washing- ton." A few days later news came of an earthquake in far off Kan-Su Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 117 province, China, four times that dis- tance, in which 2,000 persons lost their lives. The explanation given was that there probably had occurred two distinct shocks, each widely sep- arated, and from that day to this seismologists speak of the "lost" earthquake. The present tempera- tures may be due to it. It is a fact, However, that, whatever the cause, this terrestrial ball has been subjected of late to rough usage, notwithstand- ing that the war is over. A glance back at some of recent disasters and natural phenomena shows the follow- ing: Two million Koreans starving in Manchuria owing to drought-ruined crops. Three hundred buildings wrecked and many killed by hailstorm and waterspout at Baez, Cuba. Three volcanoes, Villarica, Llaima and Lanin. spout flames more than 1,000 feet from craters. Drought kills fish in River Seine and Prance suffers most severe drought in forty-seven years. Rhine and Moselle rivers do great damage in highest flood in 136 years. Cloudburst and hailstorm damage Rome, Italy. Mt. Vesuvius shows activity and earthquake shock is felt from Leg- horn to Lake Lugano. Italian destroyers carry inhabitants to safety as volcano Stromboli re- sumes activity. Storms and Earthslides. Damage of several million drach- mas done in Grece by severe hail- storms. Earthslide blocks Corinth canal. Cyclone devastates three towns in Haiti. Volcano Kilauea in Hawaii spouts immense fountains of lava. Activity of the volcano Popocate- petl in Mexico increasing. Earthquake shakes Vera Cruz and four other cities. Lightning strikes oil wells, causing millions of dollars damage in Tampico and other districts. Mexicans pray to "water goddess" to end drought. Volcano Colima in Jalisco is in eruption. Many lives lost in waterspout which destroyed part of Tangier, Morocco. Volcano Masaya in Nicaragua in eruption. Typhoon and floods in Philippines, and especially on Island of Luzon, do great damage. New Craters Opened. Six new craters opend in Mt. Izalco, Salvador. Waterspout in Maia-Doura prov- ince of Spain damages crops and vil- lages. Heat in the Alps causes glaciers to shrink and nine mountain climbers are killed. Seventy-five dead in tornadoes which sweep southern United States. Flood inundates Pueblo, causing $10,000,000 property loss. Forty-seven perish in San Antonio (Texas) flood. One consolation of the freak weath- er, however, is the prospect of an "open winter." — The Indianapolis News. MAKING A NEWSPAPER. Expressions of newspaper editors and publishers, brought about by the founding of the Joseph Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern Uiii- versity, are of interest. Stephane Lausanne cabled from Paris his hope that journalism would develop a .-iti'l gi'eater worship for truth and the constant practice of good faith. Paul DeDupuy, another French editor, pleaded for honesty. President-elect Harding, the first newspaper editor to be elected to the presidency, sum.'/'ed up the aims of the average new^jiaper when he telegraphed: "But the greatest achievement — an achievement entirely away from all personal ends — is to proiiiote the public good. I have been a p.Trtiti- pant in thirty-six years of nifwsur- able success with a small city jour- nal, and I attribute our gooil fortune to the unfailing work for co.iiniunity first and the putting aside of oar per- sonal ends. We made it a rule to cry out against meanness and evil, but .studiously avoided needlessly Mound- ing and never sought to .lestrov what could be cured. * * * a newspaper with abiding conscience find.s oppor- tunity each succeeding day with re- gards beyond the measurements of material gain." A few years ago one of the govern- ment bureaus issued a bulletin deal- ing with the profession of journalism. It spoke of the opportunity for ser- ice in all the leading professions and concluded that the newspapers op- poi-tunity is greater than the others because it reaches more people ;i)ul it works at the task day after d'xv. As Mr. Harding said in the beginning of his message to the Medill .chool: "Nothing surpasses the possibilities for service that are invested in a journal commanding the public con- fidence." It is to that end — the end that the public will trust it, will re- spect its opinions as being for the common good — that every newspa- per worthy of the name strives from one issue to the next. — Indianapolis News. Named Site Buena Vista. Indian Creek Township, in Monroe county, Indiana, has had two or three small villages that flourished within its boundaries. In March, 184S, Jesse W. East, proprietor, assisted by Henry Farm- er, surveyor, laid out ten lots on the south part of the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 20. Mr. East named the village thus started "Buena Vista," a name then rather fresh in the minds of all Hoosiers, and started a store about the same time. Soon a blacksmith and a few families found suitable livlihood attainable at the place. In after years there has usually been a blacksmith shop and a store, along with probably a dozen families lo- cated at the place. John Evans, Henry Oliphant, Woodward & Clay and King, Wood- ward & King were merchants of the village during the years of its early life. OLDEST MAN IN WORLD? (Earl E. Evans in Leslie's) Ka-be-nah-gwey-wence (Wrinkled Meat), better known to tourists of the northwest as plain John Smith, is alleged to have recently celebrated his 134th birthday and any one who ob- serves the depth and number of wrinkles in his face will have no rea- son to doubt that his given age is cor- rect, although many will suspect him of witholding a number of birthdays from the total. During a recent vacation trip, in the region of Cass Lake, Minn., the writer twice visited Wrinkled Meat at his home, on the outskirts of the aforementioned village, and, on both occasions, found Old John in the best of spirits and willing to talk, so long as there was anyone to listen. John began the routine story of his 134 years, choosing as the first sub- ject his nine squaws, who, John main- tains, are responsible for his many wrinkles and long nose. "Me have nine squaws," said John. "All pretty face but crazy. Pretty quick me get tired of squaw; throw 'em in the woods No good." ii-^'-^^ ^'^ Injun," continued John. I'lght two wars, many battles. Kill five Sioux and scalp 'em." At this part of his story John points proudly to his feathered headgear, hanging on the wall near his floor bed, and upon which are arrayed the five feathers representing the five unfortunate Sioux Indians. Long Prarie and Pine City were the two principal battles in which John engaged. Chicago is his great nightmare, and he IS not a trifle backward about ex- pressing his opinion. "Crazy towm " says John. "Many man, many snuaw, too many kids; all crazy. Money, money, money, too much monev." TELEPHONE WIRES COULD REACH MOON 100 TIMES It seems almost incredible that it was only 45 years ago that the tele- phone was invented. Since then, in less than a life time, the telephone in- dustry has been developed and ex- panded to such a remarkable extent that it now provides a service of na- tional scope for the 107,000,000 people living in the United States. This has required the stringing of enough wire to span the distance from the earth to the moon more than 100 times; the erection of pole lines which would reach nearly 15 times around the world; the installation of duct space for carrying cables underground in sufficient length to reach more than six times through the center of the earth from pole to pole, and the con- struction of buildings, if brought to- gether to form a city as large as Ft. Wayne. Over 33,000,000 telephone conversations take place every day. The first phonographic disc, made in 1887 by Emile Berliner, is pre- server! in the Smithsonian Institution. An English centenarian is recorded as having lost his first tooth at the age of 102 years. 118 Historic Treasures, Compiled btj Forest M. "Pop" Hall AIR RECORD— FIFTY-NINE SECONDS TO TWENTY- SIX HOURS IN EIGHTEEN YEARS Incredible Progress in Less Than Two Decades From Man's First Feeble Flutter at Kitty Hawk, to More Than a Whole Day and Night in a Flight of Indiirance by Plane at Minola, Friday, December 30.1921. Man's first feeble flutter in his conquest of the air lifted him aloft for the fleeting period of fifty-nine seconds. Eighteen years later he soared eagle-like through space for twenty-six and one-third hours. When Wilbur Wright, in a hea\'ier-than-air machine, flew 82.5 feet at Kitty Hawk, December 17, 1903, the feat was pronounced one of the marvels of the century. The whole world rang with the accomplishment. Friday, December 30, 1921, a monoplane, piloted by Edward Stinson, accompanied by Lloyd Bertaud, a mechanic, completed a continuous flight of twenty-six hours nineteen minutes and thirty-five seconds. In eighteen years a span of less than a minute had been stretched to more than a day and a night, yet the marvelous performance at Mineola is heralded a*, simply the breaking of a world's endurance flight in aviation. While the advance in the science of international flying races for famous flying has been both rapid and start- ling, when the period involved is con- sidered a careful analysis shows that the progress came not by leaps and bounds, but rather through hundreds of experiments, sacrificed lives and determination seldom devoted to simi- lar projects. Five Years After First Flight. Five years after Wright's first flight he still held the world's record, with 77 miles made in 2 hours 20 min- utes 23 seconds, at Anvours, France Two years before that A. Santos Du- mont covered 720 feet in the first flight ever made in Europe. In 1909 Henry Farman had gained the flying honors for France with a flight of 137 miles in 4 hours 6 minutes 2.5 seconds. Just a decade after Wright had made his fir.st "hop off" national and trophies were the vogue in both Eu- lope and America. Then came the war and the sporting side of aviation gave way to the more serious combat of the air with hundreds of aviators killing and being killed in a realm foreign to man-kind only a few years before. Before the transition, however, the feats of the Wrights, Farman, Santos Dumont and other pioneers of the plane with recoi-ds for speed, endur- ance, altitude and passenger-carrying being pushed upward annually. Seven years after Wright's fifty-nine-second flight, G. Fourney held the endurance record with eleven hours of continu- ous flying. At the Close of 1914. At the close of 1914 this record had been almost doubled, for W. Land- mann had a continuous flight of 21 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds i" <".er- many, .June 26-27 of that year. The records also show that T,. Noei, of England, flew- more than nineteen min- utes with nine passengers, and fifteen pas,sengers had been cai'ried ton hight of nearly 1,000 feet by the Russian aviator Sykorsky. Stinson on Decem- ber 29, 1921 added two hours and twenty-eight seconds to the world'-^ best previous endurance record, hel.l by Broussoutrut and Bernard, as the result of a flight made in France a year ago last June. A span of foui- and a half hours was thus added by Stinson to the record made by Lind- mann seven years ago. Flying at a speed of ninety-five miles an hour they had battled with a snow storm while skimming over the earth at a bight of less than 100 feet, with the thermometer below zero, with a seventy-mile gale and with hot stinging oil that splashed in their faces and almost blinded them. While no official recoi'd was kept of the distance flown by the Amer- icans, competent observers estimated that their plane had covered approxi- mately 2,500 miles. Distance Record Broken. In distance covered, Stinson and Bertaud undoubtedly surpassed all former records and more than ecjual- ed the trans- Atlantic flight of 1,960 miles made by Captain Sir John Al- cock and Lieutenant Arthur W. Brown from St. Johns, Newfoundland, to Clifden, Ireland. The endurance flight came as a fit- ting climax of the achievements of -American aviation in 1921 when four world records were made bj' Yankee aviators. The other three were: An altitude and eificiency record for flying boats made when a Leon- ing monoplane reacheite of the hamlet of (new) Unionville which was established when the rail- road built a station about three miles west of the old site of Unionville. Alexander First Merchant. It is probable that J. J. Alexander SAYS REST OF WORLD WORKS WHILE U.S. PLAYS W. L. Harding, former Governor of Iowa, discussing the status of the farmer Jan. 11, 1922, said the fed- eral reserve banks and the war fi- nance board do not understand the farmers' situation at present. "Farmers should have one year's time on paper instead of ninety days," he asserted. "The wheels of pros- perity will start again when the farm- ers l^egin to buy, but they will not begin to buy until they get better prices. While Germany, France and all the I'est of the world are hard at work getting; back their trade lost during the war, this country is at play, and capital and labor are at each other's throats. We had better buckle up our belts and take the slack out and get down to work." Mr. Harding said the farmers had been hit harder by the business de- pi-ession than an> other class. "Wo are poor," he added. INDIANA UNIVERSITY INCOME AND EXPENSES GIVEN Purdue university and Indiana Uni- versity received in the six months ended December 31, 1921, $1,424,127.42 expended :51,24::'.,10.D.70, had left a bal- ance of $170.756.?.2 and had at the beginnig of the period a balance of $52,-353.8.5, reports they have field with William G. Oliver, state auditor, show. The Purdue report does not include figures for its extensive agri- cultural experiment station. The In- diana University report does not in- clude figures for its medical school with the hospital division. The Purdue report shows that the university began the period wim a balance of $.38,742, received $751,594, expended $473,235 and ended the per- iod with a balance of $154,482. The Indiana University report shows that it began the period with a balance of $13,611, received $672,- 532. expended $669,870 and ended the period with a balance of $16,27.3. There were in each instance a num- ber of bills belonging to the pre- vious half-year, paid in the period, ?nd likewise a number of bills which should hiive been presented for pay- ment in the period will not be paid rr"'' in <-h- "irs" hi]f of 1922. The Purdue report gives al' its salaries, exclusive of the agricultural st-ation, as amounting to $267,788 for the period. The Indiana University report shows no such tabulation. Indiana University celebrated the ]02nd anniversary of its founding Friday, Jan. 20, with an all-Univer- sity convocation. was the first merchant, as he opened a ■store worth about $900 in 1836, and soon tiid a good business. Late in the forties, James Carter opened a store and continued the business for a num- ber of years. C. C. Fleener opened a store about the same time. F. R. Miller engaged in bu.siness at the piece about 1852, and thus the business life of the place went on, usually one or two merchantile estab- lishments, a blacksmith shop, post of- fice, carpenter shop or two, along with about a dozen families composing the population of the village. BLOOMINGTON'S POSTMASTERS CHANGE IN 1922 January 21, 1922, a change in post- masters for the Bloomington postof- fice took place. William M. Graham, a Republican leader in the civic affairs of the city having successfully passed the civil service requirements, was rec- onniiended to the CongTess by Repre- sentative Oscai' Bland, from the Sec- ond District, and received the appoint- ment as postmaster of Bloomington, Ind. The quarterly report of the Bloom- ington postoffice shows receipts of $20,988.90 compared with $16,684.24 for the same three months last year. The receipts have gradually increased from $27,000 in 1913 to estimated re- ceipts of $75,000 for the present year. The outgoing postmaster is Oscar H. Cravens, who has been efficient in carrying on the postal affairs of the office for eight years, having received the appointment during a Democratic administration, then a I'e-appointment Postmaster William M. Graham 124 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall for a second term as Bloomington's postmaster. The following article ap- peared in the Cincinnati Enquirer, of January 8, 1922, which will give a hint as to the political activities of the Second District at the present writing: A movement is beinjr launched in the Sec- ond District to nominate Oscar Cravens of Bloomineton, as the Democratic candidate for Congress. He recently rcsig-ned as postmas- ter at BloominKton. He has published a Democratic newspaper in Mronoe county for years and is one of the most popular men in the district. The Second was a Democratic stronghold until it was divided by the CuIIop and anti- Cullop factions. The victories of the Demo- crats in the recent city elections have given to them the hope that they can carry the Second if the factional strife can be elimi- nated. Certain leaders were saying this week that Cravens is the one man uixin whom all of the factions can unite, as he has not antag- onized any of them. It is said that Cravens, while not a candidate, would not be adverse to accepting if the nomination came without opposition. Representative Oscar Bland, Republican, will have no oi»position in the Second for renomination. but observing politicians of both parties have come to look upon the Sec- ond again as doubtful territory. — Cincinnati Enquirer. Jan. 8. Bloomington's Post Office Building as it appeai-ed in 1922. The fir.st act of William M. Gra- ham after a.ssuming his official du- ties as Bloominiorton's postmaster for 1922 was to sub.-^cribe $250 to Indiana University's million dollar memorial fund. Retiring- Postmaster Oscar H. Cra- vens likewise made a contribution of $250 to the State University memorial as his last act in the office of post- master. Both Mr. Graham and Mr. Cravens are former students of Indiana Uni- versity. FIRST PIANO TO ENTER BLOOMINGTON IS TURNED 99 YEARS AFTER INITIAL TRIP- BELONGED TO PIONEER PROFES- SOR IN COLLEGE RE- Another treasure, coming, we might say, out of the mists of pio- neer days, is the old square-upnght piano used by Professor Baynard R. Hall, the first professor in the old Oscar H. Cravens, Outgoing Postmaster and Editor. Seminary (which has ultimatsly de- veloped into the wonderfully com- plete Indiana University of today). This old musical instrument shows by its mahogany inlaid case the aris- tocratic atmosphere from which it evidently was taken when Professor Hall "imported" it into the then new State of Indiana. It is probable, that this instrument was the first piano that was ever brought to Blooming- ton, as Mr. Hall had it carried by ox-team and flat boat from Philadel- phia to Bloomington in 1823, when this village was rather youug. The return of the old relic of refine- ment and culture of the pioneer life of the community to the city of high- er learning seems but fitting triumph during the present age, when people are reviving olden memories and building memorials for past heroes, lest "others may forget." Return Seems Triumphant. The old piano came again to Indi- ana's seat of learning through a be- ouest of Mrs. George Roberts, ot Vicksburg. Miss., and arrived in Bloomington for the second time in January, 1922, ninty-nine years af- ter its first arrival. During the life of James O. Howe, who came into possession of the old piano of Professor Hall in 1861, the University had expressed a desire of obtaining it as a relic of its history. Having had knowledge of the often- expressed desire of the University, Mrs. Roberts made provision in her will that the school should have the old instrument upon her death, which occurred during 1921. The piano first arrived here by wagon from Philadelphia, before the Hist07-ic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 125 days of railroads and steamboats on the Ohio. Professor Hall learning of his appointment as a professor in 1823, sent east for this luxurious piano, and took up his duties as sole professor when the Seminary opened in 1824. The piano safely crossed the mountains, traveled down the Ohio in a flatboat, and then came overland from Louisville, arriving "in tune." Heavy rains were encountered on the trip from Louisville; the water was high, and streams had to be forded. In crossing one narrow ford seven feet deep the piano had to be blocked up to keep the water from entering the case. Natives Flock To Hear It. The arrival of the piano is vividly described in "The New Purchase," by Dr. James A. Woodburn. In the words of the owner: "It arrived in tune, at least we played tunes on it. Natives flocked around the doors and windows, looked in and walked in; came by day or night, 'never dreamin' to be troublesome, just sorter wantin' ter hear that powerful pianne tune again. They often sort of wanted to see the lid tuck up to see the tune played, and see them jumpers dance the wires so most mightly darn pow- erful smart.' "A very respectable woman of Bloomington rural district after stop- ping in to hear the tunes remarked, 'It's as far above a fiddle as a fiddle is above a Jew's harp!' A fashionable young man bashfully knocked, told of his love of music, and, after hearing a few tunes, whispered in awed tones, 'If I had a wife and one of them I would never want no more. "We might as well have moved as tried to bolt the doors and windows, besides, it seemed too heartless to disappoint so many simple admirers who did no harm but rust the wires with their perspiring fingers." For 89 years the old piano has been in the Howe family. In 1832 the instrument was acquired by Joshua O. Howe, one of Indiana's first trustees. In 18fil it passed to James Howe, the oldest son. Lillie Howe Troutman, youngest daughter of .lames Howe, now living in Bloom- ington, tells of how people would open the door of their home and walk in, and how the students would enjov the niano for their dancing. Joshua Howe had originally bought the piano for his two daughters, one of whom was Louise Howe, mother of M'ss Juliette Maxwell, present director of physical education for women at Indiana Uni- versity. The niano remained in the home of James Howe, on College avenue, until his death in 1902. On the death of Mrs. Howe the reb'c was shinned to Vicksburg hv Mrs. Elb's Polk, and "iv- en to her dauehter. Mts. G^oree Rob- erts, who beoueathed the niano to the Un'versitv unon her death. The niano is a snuare unright in- sti'ument. with a beautiful ease, a rosewood polished finish thnt never was scarred. Tho legs ave b-u/nvltae and rosewood. Several hammers are out, and the instrument has not bepn plaved for some time, but can be readily repaired to eive out again the sweet melodies of the pioneer days. ANNUAL POWWOW OF MONROE COUNTY SERVICE MEN A BIG SUCCESS EX- Two hundred ex-service men, rem- nants of the army, navy and marine corps who served during the World War, and now members of Burton Woolery Post, No. 18 of the Ameri- can Legion, gathered in the city hall on the night of January 10, 1922, for their annual "soiree." With the exception of one or two instances the familiar army khaki had given way to civilian clothing of pop- ular makes and now no insignia or authority marked the distinction be- tween former major and buck private. The same old spirit of the American soldier of "up and at 'em" was mani- fested, however, when the chow pre- pared by the War Mothers was passed around. The little band was also represent- tative of the old army in other ways. Latrine rumors were floating around. Instead of the old familiar rumor of furloughs, with pay and discharges with pension for life the rumors last night consisted of a new club house for members of the Burton Woolery Post and affiliated organizations. In the early stages of the meeting the man who was always asking "when do we eat" was there. The bird who used to say "when does the eagle fly" was now asking when will the bonus be passed. Others were asking "where does the Burton Woolery Post go from here." In the excitement a visiting marine slipped in a story or two. The program of the evening con- sisted among other things of a num- ber of hits by the peerless Old Town Quartette composed of Maurice Parks. Russel Blakelv, Paul Baker, and Elza Temples. Forest M. "Pop" Hall introduced as Leon Ti-otzky al- so made a few remarks. Dr. Frank Holland retiring commander stated that the Burton Woolery Post had an enviable record as none of its mem- bers had been implicated in any crime of importance or were at present in jail. Moving pictures of the "Price of Peace" secured from the Extension Bureau of the University showed army scenes ranging all the way from the destruction of observation bal- loons by Germans to short arm in- spection and lurid reproductions of the Broadway Revue in which Amer- BURTON WOOLERY ican doughboys played all parts, mas- culine and feminine. Upon a vote of the membership the Burton Woolery Post went on record as coming out full fledged in support of both a national and state bonus and instructed their adjutant to inform the legislators of this fact. The new Maurice Park.'; Paul Baker Russell Blakely Elza Temples 126 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall officers selected for 1922 were Oscar "Red" Dillman, commander; Hugh Norman, vice commander; Floyd Southern, adjutant; Forest M. "Pop" Hall, historian, and W. E. Brown, Rex Forsythe and Dr. J. E. P. Holland as members of the executive uoai'd. Dr. J. E. P. Holland in a short speech said that with a possible mem- bership of 2,000 to draw from that there was no reason why the Burton Woolery Post should not have a com- munity house of its own that would afford everifthing necessary for the club rooms and recreation. Oscar Dillman, the new commander, stated that his election came as a sur- prise and one of the things he had in mind for the local post during the next year was a drive for increased membership; also greater social ac- tivities probably including a show put on by local talent at the Harris Grand if possible. He urged the payment of dues to Floyd Southern, adjutant, at the Model Shoe store. — Frank White, in Bloomington Evening World. AMERICAN LEGION MEMORIAL COMMUNITY BUILDING MAY GO UP THIS YEAR Interested citizens pointed out Thursday to members of the Ameri- can Legion plans which will in all probability re.sult in the construction of an elaborate memorial and com- munity building in Bloomington. The" will of Capt. W. M. Alexander, civil war veteran and prominent citi- zen, who died last Augu.st, provide.s $20,000 for a soldiers' memorial, which is expected to form the nucleu.-f of the building fund. The county comnii.^sioners have en- tertained a favorable attitude toward a memorial building in honor of Mon- roe county's soldiers, living and dead, and it is believed that they will be able to appropriate twenty or thirtx- thousand dollars to such a movement. The city, also, would come in for a generous appropriation. Plans for the memorial and com- munity building as discussed by a committee of citizens would call for an art-brick structure with stone facade and trimmings in which would be a large auditorium for town meet- ings, conventions or any large gath- ering which the city has never before been able to accommodate. The build- ing would also contain club rooms and rest room features in the front apart- ments downstairs, with two smaller auditoriums foi- farmers meetings or any other small gatherings on the second floor. The building would be about 80x120 feet and cost $125,000. A .statue or bronze tablet at the front of the building would commem- orate the memory of Capt. Alexantler, whose endowment would make the building possible. Friends point out that while the will of Capt .-Mexander states a prefer- ence to a monument in thf> court house yard, it is believed that greater honor would be done to the civil war veteran in a memorial building of which the late Captain probably never dreamed. John P. Fowler, county clerk, is exe- cutor of the Alexander estate. That portion of Capt. Alexander's will which refers to a war memorial is as follows: "Item IX — I will and direct that my executor reduce the remainder of my estate, not heretofore bequeathed, to cash by the sale of both my per- sonal property and any real e.state that I may die seizefl of, and out of the funds derive?tad to hear from me : How she wept when last we parted. How her heart was filled w-ith pain. When she said: "Good-by, God bless you. We may never meet affain." Take this letter t the almost super-natural history of wo of Blooniington's premier busi- ess men of the older generation, hese men, although both seventy- ine years of age, are strong physi- ally, and clearer mentally than the verage youth of twenty-one, and take ride in the statement, that in all leir numerous business ventures, terested in a thing that was the thing in which the other was interested. All boys swap, and Ohio has ever been noted for the "David Hiram" inclina- tion of its men folk — therefore, we may know that the youthful partners had many speculative adventures be- fore their maturity. Although one partner was never married, it never made any difference in the relations of the partners when Mr. Karssell took a bridei — if any- thing, the partnership became more harmonious, as the principals realized that the firm must succeed in its busi- ness ventures more surely, now that one of the partners was rearing a family which must be educated and LIBRARY OF CONGRESS READING ROOM ro secure a book, write on the face of this slip the author and title. Much time will be saved in delivering the book, if the book number is noted on the slip. This may be obtained by consulting the card catalogue. The applicant's name and address, together with the number of his desk, should be noted. Present the slip at the central desk. The book will be brought to the reader at his seat. Readers are expected to return books to the central desk before leaving the Reading Room. Their slips will be returned to them as receipts. For information concerning the regulations of the Reading Room, consult the pamphlet "Information for Readers " to be had on application at the central desk. business in Bloomington, the partners were quite proud of the day's sales, which amounted to $6. These men had their discouragements, more than we can realize, in building up the credit of their firm and establishing their product in the market — but, through all the discouragement, and later success, there was never a fuss between the partners, although the partnership had numerous occasions to protect their rights in the business world. Now, while Mr. Karssell is not ac- tive in business, having turned his later established business, the Kars- sell Mills to the management of his sons, who have incorporated the busi- ness as The Bloomington Milling Com- pany, it is understood that he and Mr. Collins are still silently interested in other business in as harmonious a manner as when they swapped off their first Jack knife, back in the days of the little old rural school house in Ohio. Mr. Collins, the other partner of the firm of Collins & Karssell, is still in business in Bloomington in one of his ventures, and is the head of the Collins, Woodburn Grocery Company, one of Bloornington's largest retail grocery concerns. Both are interested in the National Stone Company. When asked what had impressed him most since coming to Blooming- ton, Mr. Karssell dryly replied: "The fact that we stayed in this town after we came here, and the fact that in seventy-four years of partnership, Mr. Collins and I have never had a fuss, never went broke, and never got rich." It has been impossible to obtain an interview from Mr. Collins. 132 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall ff ^^^ ^ '^f* ^^^^^H J|rn lliii =' «^^ liZ^ ' ^i^»eri^«9Pw^-,^| •: waaaj-aiwt^ixitiiu "1 Bloomington Hospital and Nurses' Home BLOOMINGTON'S MODERN HOSPITAL EXAMPLE OF CIVIC PRIDE IN COMMUNITY WELFARE With the many superior qualifica- tions which helps Bloomington to far outshine, as a modern city, any other town of equal population within the State of Indiana, we are rather proud of the Bloomington Hospital, and the efficient work of the much-needed community institution. The Bloomington Hospital was or- ganized and incorporated in 1904, and the first work of this ci\'ic enterprise was carried on in the old brick resi- dence building (in the right edge of the picture), but it was soon esti- mated that this building would not long be adec|uate to meet the needs of the growing city of higher learn- ing. This building is now used as the housing quarters for nurses and is known as the Nurses Home. The new, modern hospital building was started in lOlfi, but owing to the world war and other problems con- fronting the whole community, the building (in the accompanying illus- tration) was not completed until No- vember, 1919. Although the hospital had proven a wonderful benefit to the community, the financial needs of the project ever had to be met by other means than the actual earning power of the local institution, until the year 1921, when accounts were balanced with just a small sum showing on the profit side of the book, above all ex- penses and mpirovements. In the fall of 1920, Miss Harriett Jones, a practical nurse of more than ordinary executive ability was in- duced to take over the actual manage- ment of the Bloomington Hospital, and a gi'eat part of the success of the institution in the last year is due to her understanding and co-opei'ation with Bloomington physicians, selec- tion and teaching of practical nurses, along with gi\'ing sick people mother- like service in everyday practice. During 1921 there were at different times 683 patients taken care of in the hospital, along with 58 child births. The present working staff of this institution is composed of four graduate nurses, and ten undergradu- ate nurses in the three-years train- ing course required by law before a license can be granted a graduate nurse. The standard of efficiency re- quired of nurses in the Bloomington Hospital compares favorably with the great hospitals of the country, and of course, the salaries paid for these efficient nurses is better than in the average small-town hospital, and many of the great city institutions. The control and support of the Bloomington Hospital is primarily in the hands of the Woman's Council, an organization of Woman's Organ- izations of Bloomington, which acts through a Hospital Board. This board, as elected for the present year, is as follows: Mrs. J. B. Wilson, president; Mrs. Operating Room in Bloomington Hospital Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 133 Jhai'les Springer, vice-president; Mrs. ennie East, secretary; Mrs. Claude /lalotte, treasurer; Mrs. J. K. Beck, ivs. J. E. Henlev, Mrs. Chester Ev- ns, Mrs. W. W. Black, Walter Wood- urn, Fred Matthews, and Dr. Robert '. Rogers. Rocking-horses with hollow bodies .'ere recently used for smuggling ontrabrand goods into India. COUNTY LICENSES IN 1921. County Clerk John P. Fowler, issued a report stating that the marriage licenses issued in Monroe county during 1920 were 279 and those issued in 1921 were 303, an vorces filed during 1920 were 75; dur- ing 1921, 81; showing an inciease of 991; in 1921, 1,229, which report shows 239 more licenses issued in 1921. ^LLETTSVILLE FIRST NAMED RICHLAND WAS MARKED BY ONE TAVERN AT BEGINNING leorge Parks Brought in First Hand-^Hll to Township in 1817 — Post Office Received Name Ellettsville, Then Town Changed Name — First Store Run by Alonzo Beman in 1838 — Reuben Tompkins Laid Out First Lots — Events in Pioneer Social Life Recounted. Away back in the year 1817, before lonroe county was organized, when here was no such place as Richland ownship or Ellettsville on any map as he name of a community, George 'arks, brought into the territory a ude hand-mill, which was the first rist mill in the neighborhood, and irobably one of the first mills of any ind in Monroe county. This old hand-mill was patronized by he whole community of pioneer set- lers in Richland township, until the Mt. Tabor grist mill was built by old man Burton (mentioned elsewhei'e by the writer), in 1820. The old hand- mill of George Parks was yet in ex- istance in the year 1883, when it was operated on Old Settlers Day by John- -■ion Sharp, who owned it at that time. Richland Became Ellitfsville. Ellettsville, Monroe county, Indiana, (lid not have as early origin as sev- eral towns in the county. The place was at first named Richland, and Edward Ellett kept a tavern there for several year before it was considered a village. He also conducted a black- smith shop which was well patronized. Ellett later started a small, old-fash- ioned "up-and-down" saw mill, and, it is said, he later put in one apartment of the mil building a set of rude stones, and for a number of years ground corn and probably some wheat for his trade. Needless to say, Ed- ward Ellett may be truthfully credit- ed with "starting the town," although in the month of February, 1837, Reu- ben Tompkins employed John Sedwiek, Monroe county surveyor, and laid out four lots on section 9, Richland town- ship, and named the village thus founded Richland. During the same year, an effort was made to secure a post office for Rich- land; but, as there was another post office in the State of Indiana by that name, it was changed to Ellettsville, in honor of Edward Ellett. In the spring of 1838, Alonzo Beman laid out an addition of seventeen lots, and at this time the name of the vil- lage of Richland became Ellettsville, the same as the post office. Opens First Store. Mr. Beman, at this time, opened the first store in the place, his stock con- sisting of a general assortment of goods, worth probably $1,000. Within a short time, Beman was joined by F. T. Butler, who became a partner, and who was then in business Scene Among Monroe County Hills 134 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall at Mt. Tabor, packing pork and manu- facturing hats on quite an extensive plan. In 1839, Jefferson Wampler opened a liquor store in the little village; and about the same time, or perhaps late in 1838, Ellett & Barnes started a good store of general merchandise in Ellettsville. In 1840 there were two stores, one liquor shop one blacksmith shop, one grist mill, one saw mill, a post office and about five families in the make-up of what is now the second largest city in Monroe county. James Whitesell started a store in 1841, continuing until about 1846. Johnson Stites sold liquor in 1840. Isaac Wampler sold liquor in 1841. A man named Manville was in busi- nes about 1846. H. R. Seall opened a good general store in 1848, and continued in business for about ten years. S. B. and O. A. Harris started in business with $1,000 worth of goods in 1848. Emanuel Faulkner opened a store in 1849; Parks & Coffey started soon afterward, as did John H. Reeves, Harris & Dean and Dowell & Moore. The McCallas, of Bloomington had a branch store in the village about this time. Dowell & Stearns and G. B. Moore were in business in 1850. R. W. Akin & Co., opened a general store in 1856. W. H. Jackson opened a store about 1865. Parks & Puett were early bus- siness men of the village, as were the Perry Brothers, who later became e.\- tensively engaged in the developement of the stone industry. J. M. Campbell started in business about the begin- ning of the war of Rebellion, and F. E. Worley began some time during the war. Among the business ventures of the village have been the saw mill of San- ders and Kjiighton, Houston's stream saw mill, started in the fifties and sold to Perry & Sedwick, and later destroyed by fire; David Allen's gi'ist mill which co.st about $13,000, and later became the property of Jesse Draper, then W. H. Jackson, who was the owner when the mill burned down in 1882-83. S. B. Harris built a grist mill in 1870 and later installed machinery and did wool carding. It is said that John Whisenand carded wool in the village as early as 1842, his motive power being a tread wheel. Early in the fifties, Gilbert May started a cab- inet shop. Shook & Faulkner began the manufacture of carriages about 1875. First Bank Opned. F. E. Worley opened a private bank about 1870 or 1871, with a capital of $40,000 to $60,000, and soon won the confidence of the people, and in the decade of the eighties his residence was considered one of the finest, if not the most magnificent in Monroe county. During the seventies, George Fletcher started a plaining mill in Ellettsville, and a man from Indiana- polis started a spoke factory, which was sold to Sedwick & Grant. Later, in the eighties, William Walls con- ducted a wagon .shop, and Judson San- ders started a steam saw mill in 1883. In 1850 the population of Elletts- ville was about 60; in 1860, it had grown to about 250; in 1870, about 450; in 1880, about 585, and in 1883 the place began to show its real .strength of growth, as the population showed 625 in that year, and has grown ever since until today the pros- perous little city is next to Bloom- ington in towns of Monroe county. In June, 1866, the population of Elletts\alle being 388, upon petition a plan to incorporate the town of El- lettsville as laid out at the time, com- prised of 202 acres, was voted upon in an election ordered by the county commissioners for June 16. A major- ity of votes cast in this election being in favor of incorporation, in Septem- ber, 1866 the county board declared Ellettsville to be duly incorporated Officers were elected, but elections were abaniloned for several years, when the municipal government was revived and continued to the present day. Rawlins First School Teacher. The first school in Richland towiiship was taught in what is now a part of Ellettsville, where the old residence of William Draper was built. The building was constructed of round logs and contained a great fireplace which could be induced to take in logs sL\ feet long and fully two feet in di- ameter. The building had one Iop' left out of the wall on the south side about brest-high, over which opening greased paper was fastened, to serve the pur- pose of a window. William Rawlins, son of Roderick Rawlins, the first treasurer of Mon- roe county (mentioned elsewhere by the writer), was the first teacher in this school building. The school term was three month long, and the children of James Parks, Benjamin Parks, Lewis Noel, Coieman Puett, Samuel Ellett, Joseph Reeves, George Sharp, George Parks, William Milligan (two miles away), and Wil- liam Edmundson attended school in this old log structure under the tutorship of young Rawlins, who taught them how to read, write and cipher. In about five years this old build- ing was abandoned for school pur- poses for a more modern structure of hughed logs, which was erected near the old cemetery, and used until the township was divided into dis- tricts, in the decade of the forties. Various school houses were used in Ellettsville prior to 1855, at which time a large frame house with two rooms was erected, and used until the $7,000 brick building was erected about 1871 or 1872. Major H. F. Perry was one of the first teachers in the oiL frame house. The teachers in Elletts- ville in the winter of 1880-81 were, Mary Moberly, H. M. Edmundson, J. E. Edmundson, Nellie Wingfield and J. W. Bray, holding class in the frame, while J. V. Foster and M. E. Dick.son taught in the brick building. Early Church Life. The old Venial Baptist church was one of the very first, if not the first church organized in Monroe county, as meetings were held as early as the winter of 1817-18, although it is prob- able no actual organization of the church was effected until several years later. Among the first members of this congregation were the families of James Parks (mentioned elsewhere in the history of Monroe county), Lewis Noel, Leroy Mayfield, John San- ders, the Coffeys, Shreeves, Martins, Frank Hall and others. A rude log church building was erected in the Sanders neighborhood about 1826, and was used until about 1838, when a frame church house was built further north and within three- fourth of a mile of Ellettsville at that time. The old log structure was so open that in bad weather meetings had to be held in the home of James Parks who foi- many years was Deacon of the church. The Rev. James Chambers was the first minister, and was succeeded in a few years by the Rev. Leroy May- field, who was pastor for more than thirty years. The Bethany Baptist church was also organized quite early, its first members being the families of John Wilburn, William Sparks, Abe May, Henry Flood, William H. Treadway an(l Henry Sanders. Cumberland Presbyterian. Another famous early church of the community was the Cumberland Pres- byterian church of Richland town- ship. Citizens of Bloomington of this faith often attended services there. It was organized in 1830, and among its members were the Sharps, Constables, Figgs, Johnsons, Halls, Clays and others. The church building was erected on Section 4, and named the pleasant Hill Cumberland Presb>-terian Church. Tliomas J. Sharp donated the land for this edifice of worship. The North Liberty Church of Christ was also organizen in the thirties, and numbered among its congregation the families of Plesant York, Andrew Reeves, James Everman, Wesley Acuff, James Hall, J. H. Houston and others. The ol-"./ RablRihl RahT R»ki 136 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall expected direction. ' The zenith of good will between our two peo- ples here in this city can not be more improved; but, as one of the profes- sors said: "K China is better under- stood as to her situation, principles and ideals now, the fi-iendship be- tween the two peoples would be even on a firmer basis." This, however, we both expect to realize, when we understand each other more through our personal associations. The la.st, but not the least, which I want to say is this Memorial event which is gloriously started now on the campus. I certainly have come here at an opportune moment when I can have a share in honoring the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the dear civilization and humanity. The East and the West, Orient or Oc- cident alike, are the lovers of civili- zation and Humanity. From this movement of honoring the heroes who saved the civilization and humanity, shall we allow ourselves to remain behind! We singers of "Indiana, we're for you" must rally to the sup- port for the success of this "Great Memorial Event." BANKING HOUSES OF CITY OF HIGHER LEARNING REFLECT CONDITIONS IN BUSINESS LIFE OF COMMUNITY The first banking business in Bloomington was done by Tarkington & Atkinson, who issued "shinpla.«ters," as did J. M. Howe, along in the early fifties (mentioned in another article in "Historic Treasures.") Although Bloomington, Indiana, may never reach as great a size a.s Chicago — that is, in population — the town is far in advance of Chicago in the percentage of prosperous bank- ing houses within its business dis- trict. Bloomington, Indiana, in 1922 is represented as 100 per cent sound fi- nancially by the prosperous showing of its banking houses in reports which are published in fulfillment of the State and National banking laws. The growth of Bloominglon's wealth is reflected in the following figures, which show the total deposits in Bloomington's banks by years: In 1911, $1,105,000; in 1915, $1,459,- 000; in 1918, $2,0:J6,000; in 1920, $2,903,000; in 1921, $;3,3.34,000. The Bloomington Bank was organ- ized by local men about 1857, with a capital stock of $20,000, and soon af- ter this organization was formed bank notes were issued by this institution, which had deposited Missouri and oth- er State bonds with the auditor of State as security for these notes. These bonds so depreciated in 1860 that the bank was suspended, as the paper of the concern was rated at probably 30 cents on the dollar. First National Bank Soon after the suspension of the Bloomington Bank, a private banking house was organized and opened in Bloomington by Buskirk and Hunter. This concern continued in business until about 1871, when it was merged with other interests which resulted in the organization we know as the Bloomington First National Bank, with a capital stock of $100,000, which was later raised. The bank was opened in the old building which stood where the present modern stone banking building of the financial con- cern presents a pleasing appearance to our citizenship of 1922. The first president of this banking institution was George A. Buskirk. Monroe County State Bank The Monroe County State Bank, as the name implies, is a state institu- tion, and was chartered under the laws of Indiana in 1892, by a number of Bloomington financiers and busi- ness men, who felt the growing need of another bank in the thriving com- munity. To flatter one's self in say- ing that these men showed sound judgement seems a trite expression, when we see the volume of business which flows through Bloomington's financial channels daily. The name of W. A. Fullwider, as president; Senator Edwin Coor (a trustee in In- diana University and attorney), as vice-president; S. C. Dodds and Ar- thur Cravens played a great part in building up the prosperity of the institution in its early years. Citizens Loan and Trust Co. The Citizens Loan and Trust Com- pany of Bloomington was organized with a capital stock of $25,000 in 1899, which was increased later to $50,000. The business of this insti- tution, while coming in the class of banking houses, is really more gen- eral than a straight banking concern. Originally, the concern did a loan and trust business e.xclusively, but in 1903 broadened its scope. The original officers of this financial concern were: P. K. Buskirk, president; John T. Woodward, secretarv; Directors: J. D. Showers, Fred Matthews, W. N. Showers, H. C. Duncan, Ira Batman, N. U. Hill, W. T. Hicks, W. S. Brad- fute. Bloomington National Bank. While many strangers, especially among incoming students of Indiana University, at first confuse the names of Bloomington's two National Banks, they soon learn that the city of higher learning proudly possesses, maintains and supports two National banks. The Bloomington National Bank, while the youngest of the city's finan- cial concerns doing banking business, is far from being weak as the last published bank statement shows. This concern is located in the Allen Block, and was organized and char- tered just before the memorial fin- ancial turmoil of 1907, with W. H. Adams as its first president. The bank soon became recognized as a strong financial institution having been chosen as a United States De- positary. Reflect Soundness of Business. Bloomington may well be congratu- lated for the prosperous showing of her banking concerns in the first month of 1922, as the growth of these institutions only reflects the progress and growth of the community's busi- ness life. Did Ruskin anticipate the founding of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ? It would seem so from the following note to "Sesame and Lilies," which was pu'olished in 1865: "I wish there were a true order of chivalry institut- ed for our English youth of certain ranks in which both boy and girl should receive, at a given age, their knighthood and ladyhood by true title; attainable only by certain probation and trial both of character and ac- complishment; and to be forfeited, on con\-iction by their peers of any dis- honorable act." — New York Evening Post. Cozy Ward in Bloomington Hospital Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall 137 COUNTERITERS AND CROOKS RUN OUT OF POLK TOWNSHIP BY "REGULATORS"— LATER BE- CAME ABUSED BY "WHITE-CAPPERS" Old Todd Settlement as Near as Residents Ever Came to Having a Town in Boundaries — Chapel Hill Project a Failure — Account of Early Life in Community. In the late forties and early fif- ties, counterfeiters and horse thieves, burglars and crooks of every kind seemed to over run Indiana when they found poor shelter for their depreda- tion in other parts of the country, and Monroe county received her share of these unwholesome guests. Within the county where the rough country was sparcely inhabited, the ravines, morasses and almost impen- etratable thickets furnished excellent retreats for these outlaws and the light-fingered gentry plied their depre- dations upon the more reliable neigh- bors. Counterfeit Money Too Plentiful. In some localities of the state neigh- bor could place no dependence in neighbor, for the inducements to pass counterfeit money were indeed strong, owing to the poverty of the masses and the great advantage a few hun- dred dollars would give to a man in that early period. Many men of otherwise good char- acter, who had previously bore good reputations were sometimes induced to connect themselves with manufac- turers of counterfeit bills or bogus coin, in order to reap a harvest for the time-being, intending to later resume their old places of respectability among their fellow-men. The southeastern portion of Mon- roe county showed early evidence of illegal ti'ansactions of this character, and several residents of Polk township were at times suspected of complicity, but nothing definite was learned until late in the fifties. Before this, counterfeit bills on dif- ferent state banks and bad coin of fair appearance, color and weight had made its apperance in the county at stores, and steps had been taken to find just who it was that had been guilty of the deeds, but the rascals had a well organized system and complete- ly baffled the authorities. It is probable that more of this doubtful money was actually manufac- tured within the county, but passers of counterfeit money w-ere, neverthe- less, iiuite numberous. "Regulators" Organize. This condition of affairs finally led to the organization of what was known as regulators — men of honesty in Monroe county and vicinity — who re- solved to end by their own efforts the careers of lawbreakers, if careful vig- ilance and persistent effort could pos- sibly bring such things to pass. We may state now, that these men did succeed, and the plan soon became quite popular as a means of settling with criminals . One man was shot in the jail at Bloomington by a mysterious crowd of men, who overpowered the guards. Wiiile the plan had been a success for the purpose it was originally meant, it led, however, to grave abuses in a short time. In more than one section of the county, a number of men who enter- tained a grudge against a neighbor, would assemble at night, thoroughly disguised, and then give the man a terrible whipping. Bingham Case Recalled. One man, named Bingham, was treated thus, and so severe was the punishment he received that his body was a mass of bruised and blackened flesh from the whipping he received. The man died from his wounds in a few days. It was stated by persons who lived at that time, that the man was undoubtedly an honest citizen. Another man named Vansickle, who lived in the southern part of Monroe county, was so severely whipped by masked men who took him out one night, that he died from the effects in a ftw months, at what has become known as "Vansickle's Mill," in the southern part of Morgan county. Town Would Not Grow. Polk township, in Monroe county, like Salt Creek township, also had hopes of building a thriving city at one time. When the township was created it was named for President James K. Polk, in 1849, and the near- est to a village was established at "Todd's Big Springs" where elections were held in the house of John Todd for several years. The old blacksmith shop was later used. Wilie Davis and Samuel Axam were the first fence viewers, Peter Norman was first inspector of elections and Wilie Davis was the first constable in the township. David Miller and John Smith thought that the township should be represented by having a metropolis within its lines, and in October, 1856, these two men, as owners, employed the county surveyor to lay off twenty- seven lots on the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 7 north. Range 1 east, in Polk township, and named the village thus started on paper "Chapel Hill." Hopes End in Disapointment. Their hopes of establishing a thriv- ing city were soon doomed to disap- pointment, for after the start was made the infant vilage was too weak to survive for any length of time. But, although the village died there .still remains near the site one of the most pictures(|ue hills with its steep road blasted and carved through and over the solid rock. NEW $200,000 MASONIC TEMPLE WILL BE ADDED TO BEAUTIFUL CITY OF HIGHER LEARNING- BIG BANQUET HELD DEC. 29, 1921 Monroe Lodge, No. 22, F. and A. M., held its annual banquet in the City of Bloomington, December 29, 1921, with nioie than 400 men seated about the friendly board, the following account of which appeared in the Bloomington Evening World of December 30, 1921: Plans for a new .$200,000 Masonic Temple for Monroe Lodge, No. 22, were unfolded by the building com- mittee, at the annual banciuet, last night. The Temple is to be erected on the Masonic lot, corner of College avenue and Seventh street, and will face on Seventh, opposite the post- office. (This lot is now occupied by the "old Seminary building," mentioned elsewhere in this book). Ways and means for financing the project were explained in detail, the plan of the committee being to allow members to make twenty equal pay- ments semi-annually over a period of ten years after they have subscribed for stock. Total amount of resources already on hand counting cost of the lot are about .?30,000. .-Architect Explains. Mr. Hunter, of the firm of Rubush & Hunter, Indianapolis architects, was present and by the aid of stere- optican slides, showed drawings of the inside of the Temple. The ground floor will contain an assembly room for taking care of the social features, which may be used by Masons at any time of the day or night. It also will contain a library where Masoni-j liter- ature will be available, as well as a roomy office for the secretary's use. The banquet room is to be 50 by 87 feet, and a ladies' lounge 18 by 19. There will be living quartei's for a custodian and family. The main as- sembly room will be 50 by 67 feet, and the men's lounge 24 by 35 feet. The main lodge floor will be 69 feet long and 50 feet wide, with a balcony extending around the room. There will be a stage 22 by 50 feet— half as large as the present Blue Lodge room. The building is to be erected of native stone, with two massive col- umns at the entrance. A forced ventil- ation system is to be installed. Professor U. S. Hanna explained in detail plans worked out by the com- mittee for raising money to build this Temple. The original plans as worked out provided for an increase in tlues, but this plan was abandoned. The committee decidepn'-d sor«\ nuarvips — but I organized one stone oom- panv which I didn't organize. "There was a piece of land I ran across which showed outcropnings of as fine looking" stone as you could want. I contracted for an option on this land, the" sn'd stock in mv com- pany to New York people who trusted my word without even looking at my proposition. Then, I decided I wanted somebody in the company I could talk to, so I decided to let Henry Showers have some of my stock. "Well, I made arrangements to take Henry out to look the proposi- tion over, and we drove to this land, and were walking across the fields, and were just climbing over a fence. I had one foot in the air when some- thing hit me! "It hit me just like a blow from one's fist! "Something said: 'Tain't no good!' in just those words. "I called to Henry Showers, and al- most paralyzed him, with: 'Henry, it ain't no good — no use you going any further.' "He was a little aggrivated, and insisted that we loot the place over as we had wasted all the energry of driving to the place. After viewing the rock which showed, he insisted that it was a dandy prospect for a stone quarry, and I had to acknow- ledge that it looked awful good to me — but I was convinced that it was no good, and would have felt guilty to have allowed them to go ahead. Then we decided to put in a couple cores and blast deeper than the sur- face which had shown. "Sure enough — It was no good! "I paid the stock purchasers their money back, then stood a damage suit from the man who owned the land, and finally compromised by paying him a good sum of money out of my own pocket. That's one Wicks Com- pany I organized that I didn't organ- ize." Mr. Wicks, although retired from actual business activities, still re- tains not a little prestige among busi- ness men of the present period as a rather keen advisor whose advice is sought for in weighty financial mat- ters. THE NEW DOLLAR. What will be known as the "peace" dollar came into circulation Jan. 1, 1922. The Philadelphia mint coined 856,473 of them in December so there would be enough of the 1921 date to prevent tlieir being held for a pre- mium by coin collectors. On one side is the head of Liberty and on the other is an eagle at rest, (which may be mistaken for a dove of peace, as the "spread eagle" is shown on most coins), on a mountain top clutching a broken sword struck by the sun's rays. Under the eagle is the word, "peace." (Mentioned elsewhere in this book.) About 100,000,000 of the new dol- lars will be coined unless special legislation provides for a larger total. This is the first new dollar design since 1878. The law provides that the design shall not be changed more fre- quently than every twenty-five years. The coinage of silver dollars stopped in 1904, but was resumed last Feb- ruary when the purchase of silver was begun under the Pittman act to replace silver dollars melted and sold during the war. In recent years the paper dollar has been more common than the silver dollar. Silver cer- tificates. United States notes, treasury notes of 1890 and Federal Reserve Bank notes are issued in dollar de- nominations. In the east there has been a prejudice against the silver dollar for many years. In the far west there existed as much prejudice against paper dollars. Several mil- lions of the old silver dollars are in circulation and with 100,000,000 of the new dollars coming, the silver dollar should become common again. ABOVE ALL THINGS— BY "THE STROLLER" Above all things — we have the fish on the court house. "Ann" had nothing on his Pisca- torial Majesty which floats at the highest pinnacle in the city. We ask — "How old is the fish on the court house?" It is highly prob-# able that no person living, even at this writing, can correctly answer that question. The big metal fish has been a weather vane above the cour* house beyond the memory of the old- est living inhabitant of Monroe coun- ty. We harken back to the days of forty years ago. At that time there was a belfry on top of the county building, with a small bell hanging in it. Above it was the fish. Some- one died several years before and left a legacy of $200 for a town clock. Additions to this sum were made at various times from the proceeds of amateur entertainments, principally civen by the Mendelssohn Society. The fund became sufficient to build a fine new cupalo for housing the town clock on the old court house. The fish came down for a few weeks when it was again perched aloof — proudly, perhaps — on the new cupalo. Just one other time did his Pisca- torial Majesty descend to earth. That 142 Historic Treasures, Compiled by Forest M. "Pop" Hall was when Monroe county decided to erect a new $200,000 court house, proudly termed a "temple of justice." The fish was then examined at close Henry J. Feltus quarters. Length, three feet, nine inches; made of metal that has stood the weather of years. The (lay came when gold brick.s and blue sky oil stock were the vogue. "An appropriate emblem of the town," people said of the fish — "sucker." But back went the fish to the highest point to the new temple of justice, again to wave in the breeze of the four seasons of the year. Who has not returned to his home town of Bloomington and to himself said, "That old fish on the court house looks good to me!" Like the Star Spangled Banner, we say of the fish — Long may it wave! Henry J. Feltus is the Jean of newspaper men of Bloominjrton. and a pioneer of Mon- roe county journalism. He established the Weekly Courier in BloominKton in 1875. and later the Daily Courier. At the time of publi- cation of this book Mr. Feltus, at the age of 75, is actively enpraged as a feature and editorial writer for The Bloomington Weekly Star, successful country newspaper, modern- ized, yet retaining the zest of the old school of newspaper writing. Mr. Feltus' "Lick- skillet Items," "Star Twinkles," and editorial paragraphs are known to nearly every news- I)aper man in the state. Probably his most popular feature. "The Stroller," was origi- nated only recently. It is with the sharp wit of The Stroller that he eulogizes the old tin fish on the Monroe county courthouse in this book. The accumulations of Christmas funds in the United States last year amounted to $150,000,000. The average wage earner in the United States consumes 1,775 pounds of food a year. Fogs indicate unsettled weather. A morning fog usually lifts before noon. WATER SUPPLY HAS BEEN ISSUE IN LOCAL ELEC- TIONS SINCE DAYS OF TOWN PUMP City Established First Waterworks System in Early '90s — Water Shortages Annoy Citizens in 1899, 1901, 1908, and 1913— Near Shortage Averted in Summer of 1921 — Griffey Creek Project Defeated at Polls Last November. Few municipal elections or cam- paigns in Bloomington in recent years have been waged without the city water supply entering into the con- tentions of the rival parties as an im- portant factor. Ever since Blooming- ton first established a water works system in the early '90s, located 2H miles west of the city on the Stanford road, the question of obtaining an adequate water supply for patrons of the system has been a burning one in local politics. It has been the policy of succeeding- administrations to en- large and extend the system origin- ally established west of the city, and to provide for the growng needs of a growing city in that way The first waterworks systems es- tablished in Bloomington, when wells and cisterns no longer fulfilled the demands of a growing population, consisted of one small lake, still in existence as a part of the present plant, but rarely used. A small pump- ing outfit was purchased to lift the water from the level of the lake to a reservoir situated on the summit of a neai'-by hill. The water flowed into the city by the force of gravity, but the presure was soon found to be wholly inadequate to provide homes with satisfactory water conveniences. First Shortage in 1899. The presure was not the only de- ficiency of the original plant. In 1899 came the first water shortage, when a long summer drought reduced the supply to the extent that water was available only on certain days, and then only in a limited amount to each consumer. Succeeding shortages oc- curred in 1901, 1908, and 1913, each serious in its magnitude and impress- ing the thoughtful people of the town that some move had to be made to- ward obtaining a better source of supply. For several years it was a puzzle to determine the exact cause of the water shortage. Apparently the rainfall was sufficient, the drain- age area large enough, but when the water was pumped from the lakes the supply proved inadequate. By 1903 the original plant had been enlarged by the acquisition of ad- ditional small spi-ings as sources of supply for the lakes, and additional dams built to collect the water. In 1904 the first real movement was launched to abandon the entire region west of town in favor of Griffey creek valley as a possible source of the water supply for the city. In the spring of that year. Dr. E. R. Cum- ings, of the geology department of Indiana University, speaking before an organization composed of both townspeople and faculty interested in community progress, brought out the hitherto unknown fact that the lime- stone formation of the land west of Bloomington rendered it impractic- able as a site for an adequate water- works system. Daily, he claimed, large quantities of water !eake