".o^* J^ ^ %/ :^ 'oK •^o^ v.-* ^0 y"^^ <. cy* . o " ^ »" • ■•. -^o .V O ** O ^ r ■i^^^ r'^'.\ ^0 .^:^^^i^'. ^.. ,r :££^\ %. .^ /^^<' c^"^ 3 a How shall 1 greet you, beautiful Spring Morning, who have come to my doorstep virgin with the odours of the far fields? How shall I greet you, long-sought and long-awaited Solacer, when my soul, which should leap up at your coming, languishes in the nostalgia of imperishable shadows? SONGS OF ADORATION BY GUSTAV DAVIDSON AUTHOR OF "MELMOTH THE WANDERER" THE MADRIGAL 100 BROADWAY • NEW YORK MCMXIX COPYRIGHT, I9I9, by GUSTAV DAVIDSON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ur. 2J 1319 TITLE PAGE AND DECORATIONS BY I SANDERS, SCULPTOR. LETTERING BY THEODORE MEHRER. COMPOSITIO-N BY I MARLIN. COVER AND INTERIOR STOCK SUPPLIED BY THE JAPAN PAPER COMPANY TO M M A Thii Edition printed on San Marco paper and limited to joo copies of •which thii copy is No. /V. ' e « o - rtV n M a ^