Copyright N"* COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Copyright, 1903, by CHARLES MARTYN. Published by The Caterer Publishing Co. NEW YORK. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Twe Oepies Received OCT 29 1906 Cepyrtffht Entry OLA$s/a XXC.,N», CGFY B. < >K- ^5 <+^ V .4^ The Technical Press, 15 Vandewater St., New York. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS So great is the number of French words, names and terms in use for dining and culinary purposes, that it would require a large volume to list all of them, and it has been difficult to decide just where to draw the line between those which do and those which do not need explanation or translation, but I believe that the selection contained in this dictionary will be found of practical service when compiling or revising menus or bills of fare, etc., and on other similar occasions. It should also be remarked that this book is not intended to take the place of works like Fellows' "Ohefs Reminder and a Selection of Dishes," or Senn's "French Menus," both of which excellent books are in purpose a dictionary of dishes — instead of, like this, a dictionary of words and phrases. The making of the book was suggested by the little volume entitled "Latin de Cuisine." published several years ago, and in conception (before this work commenced to grow to its present larger size), I found many suggestions and a good deal of assist- ance in a study of its pages. In conclusion, I take pleasure in acknowledging that in the somewhat arduous task of compilation I received much valuable assistance from Mr. Adolphe Meyer, author of "The Post-Graduate Cookery Book" and other equally well known works. A FEW GRAMMATICAL RULES ADJECTIVES, PAST PARTICIPLES AND ARTICLES MUST AGREE IN GENDER AND NUMBER. Adjectives, past participles and articles must agree in both gender and num- ber with the substantives which they qualify. It is a common error — but one to be carefully avoided — to follow a feminine substantive with a masculine adjective, or a plural with a singular. The rules for forming the plural are given on page 5. The general rule for forming the feminine of an adjective is to add e to the masculine, as petit, masculine, petite, feminine. This is the invariable rule with past participles (as saute, masculine, saiitee, feminine). The principal exceptions to the rule as it applies to adjectives are : (1) Tiiose ending in the masculine with a silent e, remain the same in the feminine. (2) Those ending in el, eil and n (and also words of one syllable ending in s and t) form the feminine by doubling the last letter and adding a silent e (as bon, masculine, bonne, feminine). ^xpais, expres, muet and sujet do not come within the description given above, but they follow the same rule. (3) Those ending in /, change the / into ve (as neuf, masculine, neuve, femi- nine.) (4) Those ending in x. change the x into se (as heureux, masculine, heureuse, feminine). (5) Those ending in er and ei follow the general rule of adding a silent e, but they also take in the feminine a grave accent (as amer, mas- culine, amere, feminine). (6) Those ending in c, change the c into que (as Turc, masculine, Turque, feminine. There are three exceptions to this rule, blanc, franc and sec. In the feminine they are blanche, franche and seche. EXCEPTIONS. There are a few exceptions to these rules, among them being : Long, masculine, longue, feminine, Frais, masculine, fraiche, feminine. Doux, masculine, douce, feminine. Beau {bel before a vowel), masculine, belle, feminine. Mou (mol before a vowel), masculine, molle, feminine. Nouveau {nouvel before a vowel), masculine, nouvelle, feminine. Vieux {vieil before a vowel), masculine, vieille, feminine. FORMING THE PLURAL. As a general rule, the plural of both substantives and adjectives is formed by adding s (as pomme, singular, pommeH, plural). The principal exceptions are that : (1) Words in the singular ending in s, x, or ^ (as ftls, noix, n&z), remain the same in the plural. (2) Words ending in au, eau, eu, ieu, oeu, take x in the plural instead of s (as maquereau, maquereaux) . The same rule applies to a few words ending in ou (as chou, hijou, joujon). (3) Words ending in al and ail change those terminations into aux (as animal, singular, animaux, plural. There are though a few exceptions to this rule, including carnaval, eventail and serail, wliich take s in the plural ; and ail, which becomes aulx in the plui-al. (4) Compound woi-ds when compo.sed of (a) Two substantives or an adjective and a substantive, take the plural on both words (as choufleur, singular, chouxfleurs, plural). (b) Two substantives separated by a preposition, take the plural on the first word only (as chef d'oeuvre, singular, chefs d'oeuvre, plural). (c) A substantive and a verb, take the plural on the substantive only. The plural of past participles is always formed by adding s. There are no exceptions to this. THE POSITION OF ADJECTIVES AND PAST PARTICIPLES. Exactly the contrary to the rules of the English language, adjectives in French nearly always come after the substantive (as de Veau chatide, warm water). The principal exceptions are the following (which come before the substan- tive, as un hon ami, a good friend) : Beau, hon, grand, gros, jeune, joli, mauvais, mechant, meill&ur, moindre, petit, saint, vieux, vrai. Past participles always come after the substantive (as Ris de veau hraisS, Poulet saute, etc. PREPOSITIONS. The only prepositions that come within the scope of this work are : a, at, in, to, "for the purpose of," by means of. Apres (denoting time), after. Avant (denoting time), before. De, of, from. Also with, after a word meaning "to fill." De is used without the article to signify quality, number, weight or measure (as un morceau de fromage, une bouteille de vin) and when an English adjective is rendered in French by a noun (as Burgundy wine, vin de Bourgogne). En, in. Sans, without. Sous, under. Sur, on, upon. In general literature, en is only used to signify "in," when the sense is rather vague and indefinite as "in place." "in summer," etc., the word dans being used for the definite meaning (as dans ma poche, in my pocket), but for menu pur- poses, dans is never used, the word en always taking its place (as en caisses, en tasse, etc.), except when a (followed by le, la, I') is used. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. The definite article le (masculine), la (feminine), les (plural, either mascu- line or feminine), must in the French of ordinary life be placed before every noun. Even if several nouns follow in succession, each must be so distinguished (as — the salt, pepper and vinegar, le sel, le poivre et le vinaigre) . To avoid tiresome repetition, the article has been practically eliminated for menu purposes, except after the preposition d (meaning "in" or "with"), as a la remoulade. It may, though, as a matter of courtesy, be used before the name of a country. Before a vowel or an aspirate h, le and la become l'. In the masculine when the sense calls for de to precede the definite article in the singular, the two take the form of du before a consonant, and in either masculine or feminine, the two take the form of des in the plural. CAPITALS. The promiscuous use of capitals should be carefully avoided, as (except of course at commencement of sentences) they are in French permissible only for proper names and the names of countries, cities, etc. Even adjectives such as French, English, etc., are written without capitals (frangais, anglais, eic). The more general use of capitals for menu purposes must be guided by in- dividual taste, but it should always be consistent in application. WHEN "A LA" IS OMITTED. As the present fashion favors in many cases the dropping of the "^ la" (though that is itself short for a la mode or a la mode de), it is necessary to lay special stress on the fact that the single word thus left to name the style, must still be treated exactly the same as if preceded by d to or « la mode — that is to say, if an adjective it must always be feminine-singular, no matter what the gender and number of the dish itself, because the word "mode" is feminine- singular. For example, if you wish to say neiv peas, the translation is pois nouveaux (the adjective nouveaux, masculine-plural, the same as the noun pois) ; but if you are writing peas, new style (in the fashion referred to), you translate it pois, nouvelle (the adjective nouvelle, feminine-singular, because it refers to the word, "mode," style). If when correcting a menu, you are in doubt whether the adjective following a noun, qualifies it and should consequently agree with it in gender and number or should stay feminine to agree with "mode," see if you would translate it by using the English word "style" and if so leave it feminine-singular. When d la is used, it generally follows the name of the dish without any comma between (as Mousse de jamhon d la Yinitienne) though the use of the comma is permissible. When the d la is omitted, always divide by the comma (as. Mousse de jamhon, V4nitienne). PRONUNCIATION VOWELS. A A, like English Ar (as "table," pronounced tar-h\). Ai, like English Ay. Aim, ain, like English Ang. Am, an, like English Ong (as nearly as it is possible to describe it — something between arng and ong), except when the w or n is doubled (as ann4e) thfen pronounce as stated for "a" (arn-nay), etc. Au, like English o (long). Ay, like English a-e (together in one sound) except. when followed by another vowel, then pronounce like ay. E E without an accent : — (1) In words of one syllable and at the close of a syllable in longer words^ pronounce er, but very short (as de pronounced der, saying the er as short as possible). (2) at the end of words of more than one syllable, do not pronounce at all. (3) at the end of words when followed by a, r, or z (silent), pronounce like e. (4) at the end of words when followed by r sounded or any other consonant, pronounce like e. (5) in femme and a few other words, pronounce like ar. % with the acute accent (e), like English a, short. £3 and e, like a (long), as tete, pronounced tayt. Eau, like o (long). Ei, like ay. Ein, like ang. Em, en (see am). Eu, like ttr (exactly like 6 in German schon). I I, like English e. Ian, like e-arng (in one sound). len, like e-arng (in one sound) — except at end of word, then, e-ang. Im, in, like ang. Ion, like e-ong (in one sound). O O, like English o. Oeu, like ur. Oi, oe, like o-ar, but all in one syllable (as roi, pronounced ro-ar, said together as one sound). Oin, like o-arng (in one sound). Om, on, like ong. Ou, like 00. Oy, like o-ar-y (same as oi, but with the y applying on the next syllable as royal, pronounced ro-ar yarl). u U, like German u (learn the sound by saying "u" with your lips rounded for whistling). After q, unless followed by i, u is generally silent (as quatre, pronounced kartr). Ue, silent at end of word. Um, un, like urng. Uy, like u-e (pronounced as one sound), Y Y, like English e. Ym, like ang. Other combinations of vowels, ia, ie, ieu, io, ua, ue, ui, etc., are pronounced according to the rules for the individual letters, except that the combination is run together into one sound. CONSONANTS. B, the. same as in English. C (1), like English A- when before a consonant or before a, ai, au, o, oe, ou, u (as caisse. pronounced kase), and usually at the end of a word, though in some instances (as estomac, flane, hlanc, etc.) it is silent. (2) like s, or ss before e, i or p (as douce, pronounced doose), or when it is marked by a cedilla (g). Cc, like the English k, except before e and * when it is pronounced ks or x. Ch, usually sh before a vowel (as chaud, pronounced sho), but it has the sound of k before a consonant and in most words derived from the Greek (as Bacchus, pronounced Back-us). D, as in English, except at the end of words when it is not pronounced at all (except in proper names as David, etc., and in the word sud). F, as in English, except that it is silent in neuf (before a consonant) and in clef, chef d'oeuvre, cerfs, oeufs, hoeufs and nerfs. G (1) Hard (as in the English word garden) before o, «», o, ou, u and all consonants. (2) like sh (something between sh and zh) before e, i and y. At the end of a word it is generally silent. Also elsewhere in a few words, doigt, vingt, signet, etc. Gn. "liquid" in sound (as mignon, pronounced me-nyon, all run together). H. always silent. J. pronounced sh (something between sh and zh). L. as in English, except that it is usually silent at the end of words terminating in il (as persil, pronounced pers-e) and it is also "liquid" in sound when preceded by i in a word (as louillon, pronounced hoo-e-ong, all run together), fits and pouls. M, as in English, except that mn is pronounced nn in automne and condamner. In other words both letters are sounded (as insom-nie^ etc.). Also see Am and em. N, as in English. Also see An and en. P. as in English, except that it is silent at the end of words and in a few other cases (as sept, lapteme, compte. temps, prompt, etc.). Ph, like F. Q, qu. usually like K. Qua, pronounced AVer in a few words of three or more syllables (as aqua- tigue, etc. ) . R, as in English, except that you must "roll" it a little more at the beginning of a word. R is, though, generally silent at the end of words of two or more syllables terminating in er, ier (as herger, prouounced hersh-a, etc.), except amer (pronounced armair), Vhiver (pronounced le-vair), la cuiller, Venfer and a few others. Rr, like a single r when followed by a silent e (as heurre) . S (1) a hard hissing ,^' P- Rasped, chipped, hacked. Chapelure, f. Bread crumbs. Dry bread passed through a sieve. Chapon, m. Capon. Chapon de Normandie. A hunch of bread boiled in soup. Chapon de Gascogne. A crust of bread rubbed with garlic and put in salad. Chaponneau, rn. Young capon. Chaponniere, /. Stewqjan (for fowl or capons). Charbon, m- Coal cinder (as, cette viande est en charbon, this meat is burned to a cinder). Charbon de bois, m. Charcoal. Charbonue, e, adj. Burnt, black- ened. Charbonnee, /. Name given in olden times to a rich steak cooked over a bright charcoal fire. Charcuterie, /. Pork butcher's shop. Charcutier-6re, m. and /. Pork but- cher. A purveyor of cooked and dressed meats. Charente. A Fl-enchi province noted for its brandy. Charlotte, /. Applied to various des- sert dishes — ^as, Charlotte a la Russe, Charlotte Russe ; Charlotte de pommes, f., apple charlotte, etc. Charnage, m- Flesh days. Charnier, ni. L-arder. Charnu, e, adj. Devoid of skin, fleshy (fruits charnus, flesh fruits). Chartreuse, /. (1) A convent. (2) A liqueur (green, yellow, white) made from cinnamon, mace and other herbs and spices. First distilled by the monks of Grande Chartreuse, near Grenoble, France. (3) Culinary. First used to mean various kinds of vegetables of fruit, dished uo in the shape of goblets set in aspic jelly, but now usually cooked game, etc., cooked and dressed in Charti-euse style either hot or cold. Chartreux-se, adj. Karthusiau. Chasse-Ccusin, in. Bad wine. Chasselas. A white raisin. Chasse-rage, f. Pepper wort. Chasselas, m. A kind of raisin. Chasseur, m. Hunter. Chasseuse, Chasseresse, f. Huntress. Chat. m. Cat. Chat brnle. A hard winter pear. Chntaigne. f. Chestnut. " commune. Sweet (or Span- ish) chestnut. " du Bresil. Brazil nut. " de terre. Earth nut, pig- nut. Chfiteau. m. Castle, chateau. Batailley. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). Bayle. A white still Bordeaux wine (first growth). Becker. A red still Bordeaux wine (third growth). Bel Air. A red Bordeaux wine. Belgrave. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). Bellevue. A red Bordeaux wine. Beycheville. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fourth growth). Bouliac. A red still Bordeaux wine. Branaire Duluc. A red still Bordeaux wine (fourth growth ) . Brane Cantenac. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth ) . Broustet N^rac. A white still Bordeaux wine (second growth). Caillou. A white still Bor- deaux wine (.second growth). Galon Segur. A still Bordeaux wine (third growth). Camensac. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). 32 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Chateau Camponac. A red Bordeaux wine. " Cantemerle. A still Bordeaux growth (fifth growth). " Cantenac Brown. A red still Bordeaux wine (third growth ) . " Citran. A red Bordeaux wine. " Clerc Milon. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). " Climens, A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). " Colon Segur. A red still Bor- deaux wine (third growth). " Constance. A red Bordeaux wine. " Contemerle. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). ■" Cos d'Estournel. A still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). " Cos Labory. A still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). Coutet. A white still Bor- deaux wine ( first growth ) . " Croizet Bages. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). " d'.\lesmeis Becker. A still Bordeaux wine (third growth ) . " d'Arche. A white still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). " d'Arsac. A red Bordeaux wine. " Dauzac. A still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). " Desmerail. A red still Bor- deaux wine (third growth). " de Fleurennes. A red Bor- deaux wine. " de Gallan. A red Bordeaux wine. " de Germanville. A Bordeaux wine. " d'Issan. A red still Bordeaux wine (third growth). " de Paveil. A red Bordeaux wine. " de Fez. A red Bordeaux wine. " de Tastes. A white Bourdeaux wine. " Dillon. A red Bordeaux wine. Chateau Doisy. A still white Bor- deaux wine (second growth). Ducasse Grand Puy, A still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). Ducru Beaucaillou. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth ) . Duhart Milon. A red still Bordeaux wine (fourth growth ) . Dufort Vivens. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth). Furriere. A red still Bor- deaux wine (third growth). Filhot. A white still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). Fongravey Bethmann. A red Bordeaux wine. Giscours. A red still Bor- deaux wine (third growth). Grand Puy Lacoste. A still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth ) . Grillet. A white Burgundy wine. Gruard Larose Sarget. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth). Guiraud. A white Bordeaux wine, Haut Bages. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). Haut Barde. A red Bordeaux wine. Haut Brion. A red still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). Kirwan. A red still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). Labarde. A red still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). Lafitte. A red still Bordeaux wine (first growth). Giscours. A still Bordeaux wine ( third growth ) . La Grange. A red still Bor- deaux wine (third growth). La Dagune. A red still Bor- deaux wine (third growth). MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 33 Chateau Lamothe. A white still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). Langoa. A still Bordeaux wine (third growth), Larose. A red still Bordeaux wine ( first growth ) . Lascombes. A red still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). Latour, A red still Bordeaux wine (first growth) . La Tour Blanche. A white still Bordeaux wine (first growth ) . Laujac. A still red Bordeaux wine. Le Crock. A Bordeaux wine. Leoville Barton. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth). Leoville Lascases. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth ) . LeoYille Poyferre. A red still Bordeaux wine ( second growth). Le Prieure. A still Bordeaux wine (fourth! growth). Le Tertre. A still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). Lynch Bages. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). Lynch Moussas. A red stiJl Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). Maison Blanche. A red Bor- deaux wine. Malescot Saint Exupery. A red still Bordeaux wine (third growth). Malle. A white still Bordeaux wine (second growth). Malleret. A red Bordeaux wine. Marbuzet. A Bordeaux wine. Margaux. A red still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). Marquis de Therme. A still Bordeaux wine (fourth growth). Merin d'Or. A red Bordeaux win^. Chateau Milon-Dejean. A red Bor- deaux wine. " Mirat. A white still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). " Montot. A red Bordeaux wine. " Montrose. A red still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). " Mouton d'Armilhacq. A red still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth ) . " Mouton Lafite. A red Bor- deaux wine. " Mouton Rothschild. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth). Neuf du Pape. A deep col- orded, heavy bodied wine from the Department of Drome (France). " Olivier. A red Bordeaux wine. " Palmer, A red still Bordeaux wi ne ( third growth ) . Pape Clement. A red Bor- deaux wine. Pedesclaux. A still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth), •' I'essac. A red Bordeaux wine, " Peyraguey. A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). Peyxatto. A white still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). •' Phelan-Segur. A red Bor- deaux wine. Pichon Longueville. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth). " Pomys. A red Bordeaux wine. " Pontet Canet. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). " Poujet. A red still Bordeaux wine (fourth growth). " Rabaud. A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). •' Rauzan (Rausan) Gassies. A red still Bordeaux wine (sec- ond growth). " Rauzan Segla. A red still Bordeaux wine (second growth ) . MARTYN'S MENU DICTIOyARY Chateau Rieussec. A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). " Rochet. A red still Bordeaux wine (fourth growth). ** Romer. A white still Bor- deaux wine ( second growth ) . " St. Pierre. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fourth growth). " Salins. A still white wine produced in Alsace-Lorraine. " Sauau. A white still Bor- deaux wine ( second growth ) . " Suduiraut. A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). " Talbot. A red still Bordeaux wine (fourth growth). " Tertre. A red still Bordeaux wine (fifth growth). " Tivoli. A red Bordeaux wine. '" Vigneau. A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). " Yquem. A white still Bor- deaux wine (first growth). Chateaubriand, m. A large tender- loin steak, garnished. Named after a French statesman, Francois Rene, vicomte de Chateaubriand, a famous writer and epicure. Chaud, e, adj. Waiin, hot. Ghaudeau, m. Caudle. A hot drink. Mulled wine. Also a hot wine sauce. Chaud-froid, m. Name for various cold entrees. Also, name of sauce with which the meats are coated. Chaudifere, f. Boiler. Chaudron, m. Kettle. Skillet. Boiler. Chauffe-assiettes, m. Plate Avarmer. Chauffe. e, adj. Heated. Ohaufiferette, /. Foot warmer. Chaf- ing dish. Chaufroid. See Chaudfroid. Chausse, /. Bag filter. Jelly bag. Chaussons, m. A kind of French round pies filled with jam. Cake, Chebres. A white dry Swiss wine. Chef de cuisine, m. Chief cook. Chef d'oeuvre, m. Masterpiece. Ch«lonee, f. Turtle. Sea tortoise. Chemise, f. Chemise, Robe. Skirt. Jacket (of ix)tato). Chemise, e, pa. p. Lined (a mould with jdly, forcemeat or paste). Chersie, f. ; Chersite, m. Land tor- toise, Chervis, m. Skirret. Chervil. Chester, m. Cheshire cheese. Chevali^re (a la). Chevalier (style), Chevanne, Chu'b (a sweet water fish). Cheveux, m. pi. Hair. Cheveux d'ange, A sweetmeat pre- pared from young carrots, Chevre, f. She goat. Chevreau, m. Kid. Young goat (male). Chevrette, f. Young goat (female), doe. Also sometimes, large prawn — ^see crevette- Chevreuil, ni. Roebuck. Venison. Deer. (Quartier de chevreuil, haunch of venison.) Chevreuse, adj. Chevreuse (after Claude de Lorraine, due de Che- vreuse, a distinguished statesman of the latter jpart of the ITth centurj'). Chevrillard, m. Young roe. Chianti. A delicious dry red Italian wine. Chiches, /. Chick peas. Chicon. m. Cos lettuce. Chicoree, f. Chicory, endive. Chicoree sauvage. Succory. Chiffonnade. Soup herb leaves finely shredded. En chiffonnade. Shredded. Chincapin, 'w. Small chestnut. Chine, f. China. Chinois, e, adj. Chinese. Chinois, m. Chinese strainer (a pointed strainer with very fine holes). A small candied green orange. Chipolata, f. A ragout. A small Italian sausage. Chiquet, in. Driblet, drop. Chocolat, m. Chocolate. CTiocolatiere. f- Chocolate pot. Choine, adj. {Pain choine, white bread. ) MARTYWS MENU DICTIONARY 35 e.. adj. Chosen, choice, select. Chope, /. A large beer glass. Glass of beer. Chopine, f. Half bottle (an old measure). Ghorizos. A small Spanish sausage. Chou, m. Cabbage. Choux de Bruxelles. Brussels sprouts. Choucroute, /. Sauerkraut. Choufleur, m. Cauliflower. Chou frise. chou de Savoie. Kale. Savoy cabbage. Ghou farci. Stuffed cabbage. Chou mariu. Sea kale. Chourave, m. Kohlrabi. Chou rouge, m. Red cabbage. Chou vert. Kale. Choux a la creme. Cream puffs (pas- try). Chrysantheme. m. Chrysanthemum. Chusclan. A French rose colored Avine (sweet). Ciboule. Ciboulette, /. Chive. A small green onion. Cidre, m. Cider. Cigare, m. Cigar. Cimier, m. Saddle, haunch (gener- ally used of venison). Cinname, Cinnamome, m. Cinnamon. Cisele. e, adj. Shredded. Citron, m. Lemon. Lime. Citronat {German). Candied lemon. Gitrone {German) . Lemon, Citron. Citronnat, m. Candied lemon peel. Citrouue, e, adj. Flavored with lemon. Citronnelle, f. A liqueur distilled from citron peels. Citron water. Balm mint. Citrouille, /. Pumpkin. Give. Civette, f. Chive, cive (a species of leek) . Givet. m. ; Civette, f. Game stew, civet. Givet de levraut au sang. Jugged hare. Glair, e, adj. Clear. Glairet. m- Light wine. Pale wine. Also, an infusion of aromatic plants with wine, honey and sugar. The English '"claret" has its origin in this word, but in French it is used only as stated in the preceding definitions. Clairette. A still white (sweet) wine from the south of France. Clairette Blanche. A sweet white American wine. Clairette de Die. A sweet and (when new) sparkling wine made in the .south of France. Also a still white Hermitage wune. Clamp, m. Clamp fish. Clarifie, e, adj. Clarified, filtered. Clayon, ui. Cheese stand. Clevener. A white German wine ( from the Baden district ) . Cliss, /• A cheese drainer. A wicker. Cloche, /. Bell, stewpan (for fruit), cover (as, champignons nouveaux sous cloche). Clos, m. Enclosure. Clos des Gorvees. A red Burgundy wine. Clos de la ^lousse. A red Burgundy wine. Clos de Maizieres. A red Burgundy wine. Clos de Tart. A red Burgundy wine (still). Clos de Vougeot. A red Burgundy wine (still and sparkling). Clou de girofle, m. Glove. Cloute, e, adj. Studded (also see clouter) . Decorated. Clouter. To insert nail shaped pieces of trufile, ham or tongue into fowl, etc. Glovis, m. Clam (hard). Cloy&re. Oyster basket. Glupee, f. A genus of fishes, including herring. Coagule, e, adj. Coagulated, curdled. Coca, m. Coca (a Peruvian plant). Coche, /■. Sow. Gochenille, f. Cochineal. Red color- ing used for culinary purposes. Cochon, m. Pig. Cochon de lait, m. Suckling pig. Cochonnaille. f. Hog's pudding. ^ Gochonnet. m. Little pig. 36 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Coco, m. Cocoanut. Stick licorice water. Cocotte, f. Small earthen saucepan. As, poiilet en cocotte. Coeur, m. Heart. Cognac, m. Brandy. Name of city in France. Cognassier, m. Quince tree. Coing, m. Quince. Ooinguarde, /. A liquor distilled from quinces. Also marmalade made from quinces and grape juice. Colares. A red Portuguese wine. Colature, /. The art of straining. Colbert. A clear soup named after Jean Baptiste Colbert, minister of finance under Louis XIV. Colcannon. A Scotch dish. Cooked vegetables warmed over. Colin, m. Colin, Virginian quail. Collage, m. Clarifying (of wine). Collation, /. Collation, a light; repast. Colle gelatine, /. Isinglass. Collet, m. Neck, scrag end (of mut- ton or veal). Colmar, m. Colmar, a kind of pear. Colombe, /. Dove, pigeon, Colombier. A dry, ruby colored Swiss wine. Colonne, /. Column. Coloquinte, /. A bitter cucumber. Colore, e, adj. Colored. Colza, m. A variety of cabbage from which oil is extracted. Come. A pale red, sweetish Greek wine. Comestible, adj. Edible, esculent. Comestibilit^, /. The quality of being edible. Commissaire, m. Ck)mmissary, stew- ard. As, Commiss aires d^une f4te, stewards of a feast or festival. Compagnie, f. A gathering. A covey (of partridges). Oompi^gne. A light yeast cake with crystallized fruit. Completer. A white dry Swiss wine. Compote, /. Preserves. Stew (of small birds, fruits in syrup, etc). As, compote de pomnies, stewed apples, etc. En compote. Stewed. {Pigeons en compote). Compotier, m. Compote dish. Oonaifesto. A red Portuguese wine. Concasse, e, adj. Coarsely pounded. Concise. A dry ruby colored Swiss wine. Concombre, m. Cucumber. Concorn. A native American wine (red and white). Conde, m. Name of an illustrious French family. Several soups, des- serts and entrees are styled "a la Conde." Condiment, w. Seasoning, spices, etc. Condrieu. A- still white wine from the Department of Is&re, France. Confiserie, /. Confectionery. Confiseur, m. Confectioner. Confit, e, adj. Preserved, pickled. Confiture, f. Jam, sweetmeats, etc. Congre, m. Conger eel. Sea eel. Ct>nserves, /. Preserves, pickles, sweetmeats. Consomm^, m. Clear bouillon. Constancia. A sweet liqueur wine (red and white) made in British South Africa. Contentement. Contentment. A lem- onade made from oranges and lemons. Contourne, e, adj. Twisted. Contrefilet, m. Boned sirloin. Convivial, e, adj. Convivial, relating to a feast. Copeaux, m. Shavings. As pommes de terre en copeaux, potato shav- ings. Coq, m. Cock. Coq de bouleau, m. Mountain cock, mountain grouse. Coq de bruy&re, m. Heath cock. Coq d'Inde, m. Turkey cock. Coquard, m. Old cock. Coquatre, m. Semi-capon. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Coque, /. Shell (of egg, nuts, etc.). Oeufs a la coquc, boiled eggs. Coquelicot, in. Corn poppy, wild poppy. a la coquelicot. Poppy shaped, or with the appearance of a poppy. As Oeufs a la coquelicot. Coquerelle, f., Coqueret, m. A winter cheri-y. Coquetier, m. Egg dealer. Coquillage. m. Shells. Coquille, /. Scallop, shell (H nitres sur coqiiilles, oysters on shells). Corail, ni. Coral. Lobster coral. Corbeille, /. Basket. Cordon bleu, m. An ancient French culinary distinction to very skilful female cooks. Cordon rouge, ni. Culinary distinction granted by an English society to skilful cooks of both sexes and to others celebrated for the invention of valuable articles of food or drink. Coret. in. Coret. a kind of snail. Corette, /. Jew's Mallow (an Egyp- tian herb). Coriandre, /. Coriander. Corinthen (German) . Currants (dried). Corlieu, m. Young curlew. Corme, /. Shad apple. Service berry. Corne d'abondance, /. Cornucopia. Horn of Plenty. Cornel, m. The fruit of the cornel tree. Corner le diner. To blow the horn or sound the bell for dinner. Cornet, m. Paper cone. A kind of thin wafer. Cornichon, m. Gherkin. Corps, m. Body (applied to a sauce, soup, etc.). Corriger. To correct (the flavor of a sauce ) . Cortaillod. A dry ruby colored Swiss wine. Corton. A still red Burgundy wine. Corvini. A red dry rather harsh Italian wine. €orvino. A red dry Italian wine. Coryphene, f. Ooryphene, a kind of bluefish. Cosaques, m. Mottoes. Cos d'Estournel. A red still Bor- deaux wine (second growth). Cosse, f. Shell, husk. Costam.ser. A red dry Swiss wine. Costiers. A still red wine from the south of France. Cote, /. Rib (Une cote de boeuf, a rib steak) , Cotes de pore. Spare ribs. Cote (la). A Swiss white wine. Cote d'or. A white Burgundy wine. Cote, nt. Side (of beef, etc.). Cotelette, /. Cutlet. Chop (as, cote- lette fie mouton) . Cote Rotie. A (still) red Hermitage wine. Cotes de Bourg. A red Bordeaux wine. Cou, in. Neck (front). Cou-de-gin de Modene. A kind of Italian sausage. Couenne de lard, f. Pork rind. Cougloff, Kugelhopf {German). A German cake. Couler. To cast. Coulibiac. A Russian patty. Ooulis. in. (An ancient cooking term). Meat juice. A rich stock. Cullis. Couloire, /.f Strainer, filter, collan- der. Goulon, m. Pigeon, dove. Coulon de mer, m. Sea gull, sea mew. Coup, m. Blow, stroke. Coupe. /. Cup. drinking vessel, gob- let. Coupe St. Jacques. A fruit salad served in punch glasses with vanilla ice cream on top. Coupe, e, adj. Broken, loose, cut. Coupe legumes, m. Vegetable cutter. Coupe pate, m. Pastry cutter. Couperet. m. Cleaver. Coupole. /. Cupola. Courge. f. Squash. Vegetable mar- row. Courge hiver. Winter squash. 38 MARTYy'S MENU DICTIOSARY Courlieu, Curlis, w. Curlew. Courlis, m. Doe bird. Couronne, /. Crown. Court-bouillon, m. A highly seasoned liquor to cook fish in, Couteau, m. Knife. Coutillade, /. Cut, slash. Coutiser. To insert small strips or pieces of truflOie, ham, etc., into fil- lets of poultry, etc. Couvert, e, adj. Covered. Convert de table, m. Table cloth and "set up" — spoon, knife, fork, etc. Coxal. Haunch bone. Crabe, m. Crab. Crabes d'huitre, m. Oyster crabs. Crabes moux, tn. Soft shell crabs. Cracha, m. Fruit of the strawberry tree. Cramoisi, e, adj. Crimson. Crapaudine, /. Trussed, frog fashion. Craquelin, m. Crispet. cracknels. Craquelins au gingembre. Ginger snaps. Craquement, m. Crackling, Creche, /. Crib, Crecy, Ancient city of France. Also a French general of the 14th cen- tury, A soup made of carrots. Cremaillere, /. Pothook, Also house warming, Cremaillon, m. Small pothook, Crerae, f. Cream. a la creme. With cream, witii cream sauce. Creme au cafe. Coffee custard, coffee cream. Creme au caramel, or Cr^me renver- see. Caramel custard, Cr^me au lait. Custard, Creme , a la vanille, etc. Vanilla cream, etc. Creme Chantilly. Whipped cream flavored with vanilla, Creme fouettee. Whipped cream. Creme de menthe. A liqueur from peppermint balm and other spices and roots. Creme de moka, A liqueur from coffee and bitter almonds, Creme de tartre. Cream of tartar. Crement. adj. Moderately sparkling (of champagne). Cremerie, /, Dairy, cream shop. Cremeux, se, adj. Creamy. Creole, adj. Creole. Crepe. /. Pancake. Crepine, /. Caul, cawl. Crepinette, /. A flat sausage. Cresson. »/(. Cress, Watercress. Cresson d'eau, de ruisseau, de fon- taine. Watercress. Cresson alenois, m. Peppergrass, pepperwort. CrC'tes. f. Combs. Cretes de coq. Cock's combs. Creux, se, adj. Hollow. As, croute crciisc, hollow crust. Crever. To burst or crack (generally used for rice). Crevette. /. Shrimp. Prawn. Criadera, That part of the Bodega in which wines are kept until they have developed sufficiently, Cristallise. e, pa- p. Crystalized (of fruits). Croissant, m. Crescent, S-hape of a bi-ead roll. Also applied to confec- tionery. CromesquLs, m. Russian or Polish croquette. Croquant. e, adj. Crisp, crackling. Croquante, /. A cake, baked crisp, Croquenbouche, /, A term applied to some kinds of crisp pastry (as. Croquenhonche de fraises, baked strawberry puffs), Lrarge set pieces for suppers or dinners covered with boiled sugar to give them a brilliant appearance. Croquet, m. A crisp biscuit. Croquettes. /. A mince of fowl, meats, etc, made into shapes and fried, Croquignole, f. Crackling, Croquignolles, A kind of fondant of the same composition as croque-en- houche. Croustades, /. pi. Crusts, Shapes of bread fried, used to serve game, etc. Edible entree cases. Also as Cronsfade de pommes, Rouennaise, apple crust, Rouen fashion. MARTiy'^ MENU DICTIOyARY 39 Croustillant, m. Anything crispy and crusty. Croustille, /. Small crust (of pastry, etc. ) . Croilte, /. Crust. In plural, sippets ( for soup ) . Cl'oiite-au-pot. /. A vegetable soup with bread cruets. Crouton, ni. Crust. Thin slices of bread cut into shapes and fried. Croutonne, e, pa. p. Garnished with crusts. Croznovano. A white Roumanian wine. Cru, e. adj. Raw. Uncooked. Cruche, /. Pitcher. Cruchon, m. Small jug. Crustaces, m. pi. Shellfish. De crustaces, crustace, e, adj. Crustacean. Cubain, e, adj. Ctiban. Cueilloir, ni. Fruit basket. Cuider, m. Small fruit basket. Cuill&res de cuisine, /. Kitchen spoons. Soup and gravy ladles. Cuillere, Cuiller. /. Spoon. Cuilleree, /. Spoonful. Cuisine. /. Kitchen. Fairc la cuisine, to cook or dress victuals. Cuisseau de veau, m. Leg of veal. Cuisinier-ere, m. and /. Cook. Cuisse, /. LtQg. Cuisson, /. Time required for cook- ing. Also, stock or broth. Cuissot, m. Leg (haunch). Cuit, e, adj. Cooked. Cul, m. Bottom. iCuls d'artichauts, Artichoke bottoms.) Culinaire. adj. Culinary. Applied to anything connected with the kitchen or the art of cooking. Culotte, /. Rump. Aitchbone (of beef). Cumberland. An English nobleman to whom Avas dedicated "Cumber- land Sauce," prepared with currant jelly, English mustard, orange juice, etc., and served principally with game and cold meats. Cumin, m. Caraway seed. Curacao. Curacoa, a liqueur from orange skins, cinnamon and mace. Curcuma, m. Turmeric. Cure-dent, ni. Toothpick. Currie. m. Curry powder. Cygne, iv. Swan. Cymling, /. Summer squash. Cynthiana. A native American wine (red). D Dacarella. An amber color wine from Sicily. Dachs (German). Badger. Daim, e. Buck. deer. Dais, m. Dais. A raised floor or platform on which is placed the "table d'honneur" at a banquet. Damas. m. Damson plum. Damasse, e, adj.t AVith plum gar- nishing. Dame, /. Lady. Dame-Jeanne, f. Demijohn. Dampf {German) . Steam. Dampfnudeln (Gcr.). Dampfnoodles, puff (or yeast) dumplings. Dampfnouilles, /. Dampfnoodles. Danois, e, adj. Danish. Dans. In (seldom used for menu pur- poses. Use en instead). Dariole. /'. Cream tartlet, cream cake, custard. Moule a dariole. Dariole mould. Darne. /• A slice. A thick cut (of salmon or cod). D'Artois, m. A kind of French pastry. Pastry with jam. Datte, /. Date (fruit). Datteln (German ). Dates. Dattenberger. A red Rhine wine. Daube, /. Way of serving a Provin- cial stew. As, Boeuf en danhe. Dauber. To stew with spices. 40 MARTYN'S MENU DICTlOyARY Daubi&re. /. Stewpan in which a Provincial stew is cooked. Dauphin, m. Dauphin (former he- reditary title of the heir to the French throne). Dolphin, a la Dauphine, Garnishing of Dauphin potatoes. Da^arade. (See dorade.) De, singular; Des, plural. Of {de venaison, of venison, venison). De. m. Dice. Cube, en des. In dice, diced. D6barder. To take off, to free from, larding pork. Dfbit, m. Shop. De'oorder. To overflow, to run over. Debouchi^. e, pa- p. Uncorked. DebouiDe, e, pa. p. Boiled down. As, Cue sauce debouillce, a sauce boiled down until freed from scum. Debouche, e, pa. p. Uncorked. Deboutonner. To loosen. To facili- tate digestion. Debrider. To untruss. Debris, m. Leavings (the dehris after a dinner or wedding reception ; mar- rons dehris, broken pieces of chest- nuts). Decanter. To decant. D6chets, m. Leavings from a table. Dechiqueter. To cut up (a fowl). To slash (flesh). Decoiflfer. To uncap, to uncork. Decoller. To cut the head off (fish). Decore, e, adj. Decorated (as a sal- mon, galantine, etc.). Decuver. To put wine into casks. Defeuille, e, adj. Leafless. Defourner. To remove pastry from the oven. Degat, m. Waste of fuel or food. Degarni, e, adj. Ungarnished. D^geler. To thaw out frozen pro- visions. D§glacer. To moisten with liquid a pan in which meat has been cooked. Degout. Dislike, distaste (to or for a certain drink or dish). Degraisse, e. pa. p. Fat taken off. D^grapper. To pick from the bunch (fruit). Deguenille, e, pa. p. Torn in pieces. Deguise, e. adj. Disguised. Degustateur. A professional taster of wines and liquors. Degustation, f. Action of tasting. Deidesheimer. A German white wine. Dejeuner, m. Breakfast. Dejeuner a la fourchette. Luncheon. Delaware. A native American wine (white). Del aye. e, adj. Diluted. Delicieux. adj. Delicious. Also, name of a fancy dessert. Delie. e, adj. Diluted. Thinned. Demi, e, ndj. Half. En derai-deuil, m. Half mourning. Black and white. Potato and truffle salad. DemidofE (Auatol). A Russian dip- lomat and renowned gourmet. Sev- eral dishes are named after him. Demi-glace, f. A brown sauce. Demi-marque, /. Inferior quality of wine. Demi-tasse, /. Half cup. A current expression for a small cup of black coffee {Cafe noir). Demoule, e, pa. p. Unmoulded. Dcnervo, e, pa. p. Meat freed from sinews, etc. Dent-do-lion, m. Dandelion. Dentele. e, adj. Pinked. Denuo. e, adj. Uncovered. Carved. Depece. e, pa. p. Carved, cut in pieces. Deplume, e, adj. Plucked. Depose r. To leave a deposit (of wines, etc. ) . Depouille. e, adj. Stripped. Skinned. Des. Plural of de. Desalterer. To quench the thirst. Desassaisonner. To take out the sea- soning. Deselay. A white, strong aromatic Swis.s wine. D'Eslignac. A French nobleman. A clear soup is named after him. De-sosse, e, adj. Boned. Boneless. Dessale. e, adj. Unsalted. Dessecher. To dry out. To stir a puree, pulp or paste with a wooden BIARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 41 spoon while on the fire, until the humidity is evaporated. Dess^che, e, adj. Dried (also see dessecher). Dessert, m. Fruits, sweetmeats, etc. Desserte, m. The remains of a meal. Desservir. To take dishes away from a table. Dgteriorer. To spoil, deteriorate (of provisions ) . Detrempe, f. The preliminary dough when making puff paste. Detrousse, e, adj. Untrussed. Deuil. m. ^lourning. Devorant. Ravenous, voracious (ap- plied to eating or appetite). Dholl, Dhall. A kind of pulse much used in India. DiaiJble, ji la diable. Deviled (applied to dishes with sharp and hot season- ing). Diablotins, m. Small deviled crusts. Also, chocolate drops. Diavolini (Italian). Small deviled rice or farina cakes, fried. Diedesheimer. A white Rhine wine. Diete, /. Diet. Digerer. To digest. Digestion, /. Digestion. Dill (German). Dill (pickle). Dinde, f. Turkey. Dindon, m. Turkey (cock). Dindonneau, m. Young turkey. Diner, m. Dinner. Dinner party. Diner en ville. To dine out. Diner maigre, nt. A dinner without meats. Fish dinner. Diplomatique, adj. Diplomatic. Distillation, /. The art of distilling spirits. Dodu, 0, adj. Plump. Dolcetto. A red dry Italian wine. Dolmas. A Turkish dish of chopped meat wrapped in fig leaves and stewed. Domestique, adj. Domestic. Tame. Dominant, e, adj. Predominant (as of one of several flavors or garnishes). Domino, m. Domino. Small cake in shape of domino. Dorade, Daurade, /. John Dory, a sea fish, resembling the bleak. Dore, e, adj. Gilt. Brushed with beaten yolks. Dormant surtout le table. Decora- tive objects left on the table to the end of a meal. Dorure, /. Beaten egg yolk (to brush with). Dos, m. Back, saddle. Dos Rayas. A cheap grade of sherry. Double, 7n. Double. Double Palma. Same as Palma but more developed. Doubler. To double. (Douhler nn fond, to make a double bottom.) Douce-amfere, /. Bittersweet, Doucette, f. Corn salad. Fetticuce. Douceur, f. Sweetness. * Douillos, f. Tubes adjusted in the pastry bag for decorating. Doux-ce, adj. Sweet. Doyenne, m. Doyenne, Dean's pear (a kind of Autumn pear). Dragee, /.t Candy. Sugar plum. Drapeau, m. Flag. Dreche. f. Malt. Dresser la table. To set the table. Due. m. Duke. Duchesse, /. Duchess (name often ap- plied to a favorite style of potatoes and other dishes). Duerkheimer. A white Rhine wine. Duglero. A famous French chef who invented the method of serving sole still known by his name and also "Potatoes Anna." Dumas (Alexander). A noted French author, of renown also as an epi- cure and a clever amateur cook. Dunsten (German) . Braising. Dur, e, adj. Hard. Durand. A distinguished French chef, the author of several culinary works. Durchsiohtig (Ger.) Transparent. D'Uxelles. A French nobleman. A sauce. A mixture of chopped mush- rooms, shallots, parsley, etc., used for flavoring and stuffing. Dyspepsie. /. Dyspepsia, indigestion. 42 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY E Eaii. /. Water. Eau de vie. /. Spirits of wine. Brandy, a I'eau de vie. Brandied, with brandy. Eau de vie, Dantzig. A liqueur from various species and seeds. Eau de vie de prunelle. Sloe gin. Ebarber. To remove the beard from oysters. Ebernburger. A white Rhine wine. Ebullition, /. Boiling point. {Chauf- fer a Vehulliiion, to heat to the boiling point). Ecaille, /. Shell. Scale. Jiicaille, e, pa. p. Scaled (of fish). Opened (of oysters or clams). Ecarlate, /. Scarlet. Ecartele, e, adj. Quartered. Echalotte. /. Shallot. Eschalot. Echaude, rii. A small cake. Echaude, e. pa. p. Steeped in boiling water, scalded. Echaudoir, w. Scalding vat. Echinoe, f- Chine (of pork, etc.), the loin and a few rack chops. Echinon, m. Cheese mould. ficlair, f. A Fi-ench pastry filled with cream. ficonome, m. and /. Steward, stew- ardess. Economique, adj. , Economical. ^corce. /. Outer skin. Peel. Pellicle. ficossais, e, adj. Scotch. ficrem^, e, adj. Skimmed. Without cream. "ficrete. e, adj. Combless. :ftcrevisse, /. Crayfish. lEcroutfi, e, adj. Crustless. Ecuelle, if. Dish, basin, bowl, por- ringer. :6cuille £i piquer. Larding needle. ificumant, e, adj. Frothy, foamy. I^cume. f. Scum. foam, froth. ficume. e. adj. Skimmed. ficureuil, m. Squirrel. Ecuyer, m. Equerry. In olden times, tlie title given to cooks. Ecuyer tranchant, m. Carver. Effile, e, adj. Shredded. Effondrer. To draw (a fowl). To gut (fish). Eglefin, m. Haddock. Egoute, pa. p. Drained. Egrene, e, pa. p. Shelled (grain or corn ) . Egueuler. To break the neck off a bottle. Egyptien-ne, adj. Egyptian. Eiblingen. A white Rhine wine. Eichberger. A sweet white Austrian wine. Ei, eier (plural), German. Egg, eggs. Eier punch (German). Egg punch. Eiertriink (German). Egg nog. Eierkuchen (German). Omelette. Eierpflange (German). Eigg plant. Ein, m.. Eine, /. A, an, one. Einfach (German). Plain. Eingekrustet (German). Breaded. Eingemacht (German). Preserved, pickled. Eingemachtes (German). Preserves, pickles. Eingesalzen (German). Salted. Einzumachen (German). To pre- serve (as, Bromheeren einzumach- en ) . Eisenberger (German) . A white Hun- garian wine. Eiserkuchen (German). New Year's cake, Ekneck cataif. A Ttirkish dish of calves' feet. Elan, m. Moose, filaterie, /., Elaterium, a kind of fruit. Elite, adj. Select, filixir, m. Elixir. Elmassia. A Ttirkish dish, made from calves' feet. Elviller Sonnenberg. A white Rhine wine. Embrochement, m. Spitting (of a fowl ) . f:miette, e, adj. Crumbed. fiminc§, e, adj. Cut in thin slices MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 43 (also sometimes, but incorrectly, "minced"). £mince, /. Sliced meat heated in sauce. Etomenthaler (German) . Swiss cheese, fimmielle, e, pa. p. Sweetened with honey, fimonder. Tb steep in boiling water. To clean (Emonder des amandes, to skin almonds). Emplume, e, adj. Plumed. Empois, m. Starch. Empourprir. To color (grapes) with purple. En. (1) in. As, consomme en tasse, consomme in cup. (2) As "in the shape or form of." (As, pointcs d'asperges en petits pois, asparagus tips as peas). Encapuchone, e, adj. Covered. Elicroute, e, adj. Encrusted. Endimanche, e, adj. Gayly attired. Endivien, Endiviengemiisse (Ger- man). Endives. Enfarine, e, adj. Dusted with flour. Englischer (German) . English. Entame, /. Oiitside slice. First cut. Ente (German). Duck. Ehtier-ere, adj- Whole. Entire. Entonnoir, m. Funnel. Entrailles. /. pi. Entrails. Entrecote, /. Rib steak. Sirloin steak. Entree, /. Made dish. Dishes "made up" in the kitchen — they may be of fish, butcher's meat, poultry or game. Title (used in singular or plural according to circumstances) of course of "made" dish or dishes. Entrelarde, e, adj. Marbled texture of meat. Meat with streaks of fat through it. Entremet, m. (generally used in plural, entremets) . In America, generally used as a title for the course of sweet dishes. The French kitchen though recognizes two kinds of entremets — entremets de douceur. a course of sweet dishes, and en- tremets de legumes, a course of vege- tables served by themselves (as quite customary in France). Entrepot, m. Bonded warehouse (for wines and liquors ) . Entronoconne, e, adj. Truncated. Enucle, e, adj. Stoned. Enzerdorfer. A white Austrian wine, fipais-se, adj. Thick. Epargne, f. Saving. Frugality, fipaule, f. Shoulder, fipepine, e, pa. p. Freed from seeds, fiperlan, m. Smelt, fipernay. See champagne. Epervier, m. Sparrow hawk. Epi, m. Ear of corn, fipice, /. Spice. Epicerie, /. Grocery store. Epicurien-ne, adj. Epicurean. Epigramme, m. Entree dish. Small fillet of poultry, game or lamb. Epinards, m. Spinach (always usea in the plural in French). Spines vinettes, /. Barberries. f;pluch6, e, pa. p. Peeled (vegetables). Epanner. A white Austrian wine (German Tyrol district). Epure, C; adj. Purified. Equipe, e, pa. p. Eiquipped. Erable, m. Maple tree. Siroi> d'erable. Maple syrup. Sucre d'erable. Maple sugar. Erafle. e, pa. p. Slit open. El'bacher Auslese. A white Rhine wine. Erbametto. A red dry Italian wine. Erdbeeren (German). Strawberries. Erbsen (German) . Peas. Erdbeerpunch (German). Straw- berry punch!. Erlauer. A light bodied red Hun- garian wine. Ermellicker Bratenwein, A white Hungarian wine. Ermitage (Hermitage), m. Name of a well known class of French wines. Escabescia. A Spanish dish of part- ridges highly seasoned. Escalope*, /., Escaloppe. Collop. Thin slice. Escalope, e. pa. p. Cut thin, Escargot, m. Snail. 44 AIARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY EScarole, /. Chicory. Broad-leaved endive. Escheudorfer. A still white German wine from, the Main vallej'. Espagnol, e, adj. Spanish. Espagnole. A rich brown sauce (one of the fundamental sauces). Espanade, f. A Spanish patty. Essence, f. Essence. Essenz, f. {German). Essence. Term applied to the best quality of Hun- garian wine. Estargel. A still red sweet wine from the South of France. Esterlin, m. The 2(Jtli part of an ounce. Estival, e. adj. Summer-like. Estomac, m. Stomach. Breast (as. Estomacs de poiilct. chicken breasts). EstoufEade (also, 6touffade), /. Pot roast. Estragon, m. Tarragon (a plant used for pickles and salads ) . Esturgeon, m. Sturgeon. Et. And. fitamine, f. Tammy-cloth. £te, m- Summer, fitendard, in. Standard, fitoiles, f. pi. Stars, fitouflfe, e, adj. See etuve. fitourneau, m. Starling, fituve, e, adj., a I'etuv^e. Braised, steamed, stewed. As, Du vcau a Vetuvee, stewed veal. Eucharistie, f. TTie Lord's Supper. Europ6en, ne, adj. European, fiventail, m. Fan. fiveque, m- Bishop. Exprime, e, i^a. p. Squeezed oui. pressed out (the juice from fruit, etc. ) . Exquis, m. pi. "Exquisites" (small fancy cakes). Extra-fin, adj. Of the best quality. Extra it, m. Extract. A^, Ext rait de viande, meat extract. Fabrication, /. Manufacture, making. As, Fabrication du. pain, bread mak- ing. Facile, adj. Easy. Fagon, m. Fashion. Style. Faconne, e, pa. p. Shaped. Factice, adj. Artificial. Fadennudeln {German). Vermicelli. Fagot, in. Bunch. Faience, /. Earthenware, crockery. Faim, /. Hunger. Faine, /. Beechnut. Faire revenir. To partly fry. Slightly browned without actually cooking. Faire suer. To moisten the meat (in a covered saucepan) by its own juice. Faire pincer. To color meat with sliced vegetables in a closed sauce- pan. Faisan, m., Faisane, jf. Pheasant. Faisan dore. Golden pheasant. Faisan noir. Heath cock. Faisande, e, adj. Game flavored. Faisandeau, m. Young pheasant. Faisceau, m. Bundle. Falerno. A red, rather sweet wine from the south of Italy. Falerno Faustiana. A white wine from the south of Italy. Falkensteiner. A red Austrian wine. Famille, /. Family. En famille. Family style. Fanchonnettes, /. Small custard tart- lets. Fantaisie. f. Fancy design. De fantaisie. Fanciful. As, glace de fantaisie, fancy ice cream. F'aon, m. Fawn. deer. Farce, f. Stuffing. Forcemeat. " a gratin. Forcemeat of chick- en livers and spices. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 45 Farce cuite. Cooked forcemeat. *• de poisson. Fish forcemeat. " de veau. Veal forcemeat. " de volaille. Chicken forcemeat. Farci, e, adj. Stuffed. Farine, f. Flour. Farine, e, adj. Powdered with flour. Faro, m. A light Belgian beer. A red Portuguese wine. Fasan (German) . Pheasant. Fascine, /. Bundle. Faseole, /. Kidney beau. Fatras, m. Assortment. Medley. Trash. Faubonne, /. A vegetable puree soup. Faucou, m. Falcon. Faufille, e, adj. Sewed. Fauve, adj. Fawn color. Faux-se, adj. Mock, false. As, tor- tue fausse, mock turtle. Faux filet. Boned sirloin minus the tenderloin. Favergo. A dry, ruby colored Swiss wine. Faveux-se, adj. Honey combed. Fayol, m. A French kidney bean. Fecule, /. Fecula. Starch. Fecule de mais. Cornstarch. Feen Butter {German) . Fairy butter. Feigen (German) . Figs. Feldhuhn (German). Prairie chicken. Fele, e, adj. Cracked. Femelle, adj. Female. Hen (of birds ) . Femme, /. Woman. Fenchel (German). Fennel. Fendre. To split. (Fendre un poulet pour griller, to split a chicken for broiling). Fendu. e, adj. Split. Slit open. Fenouil. m. Fennel (an aromatic plant). Fenouillette, /. A variety of apple. Fenugrec, m. Fenugreek. Ferdistan. A sweet Persian wine (red and white). Fermentation, /. Fermentation. Fermente, e, pa. p. Fermented. Fermier-ere, m. and /. Farmer. Fete, /., Festin, m. Feast, banquet. Fete champetre, /. Garden party. Fettwiirfel (German). Cracklings. Feuillage, m. Foliage. Feuillantine, /. A kind of pastry. Feuille, f. Leaf. Feuille, e, adj. With leaf garnish- ing. Feuilletago, m.. Pate feuilletee, /. PuflE paste. Feuillete, e, adj. Made of puff paste. Feuilletes. Small puff paste cakes. Feuillette, /. A wine cask containing about 30 gallons. Feves, /. Beans. feves des marais, feves grosses. Broad beans, f^ves de haricot. Kidney beans, gateau de la feve. Bean cake. Feveroles. Small string beans. Ficele, e; a la ficelle. Tied with string. Ficelle, /. String. Cord. Fidelini (Italian). A kind of vermi- celli paste. Fiel, m. Gall. Anything very bitter. Figaro. Name of a cold sauce (May- onnaise and tomato mixed). Figue, /. Fig. Filadiere, /. A small flat bottomed fish boat. File, e, adj. Spun (as. siicre -file, spun sugar). Stringed (as aux oeufs files, with stringed eggs). Filet, m. Fillet. Tenderloin. Filet de bceuf. Fillet of beef. Some- times used, but incorrectly, for ten- derloin steak. Filtre, e, pa. p. Filtered. Fin, e, adj. As, aux fines herhes, ,with fine herbs. FinanciSre (a la). Financier (style). A very rich sauce. Fino. Term applied to sherry from its 5th to 8th year. Fisch (German). Fish. Flacon, m. A small bottle. Flask. Flageolet, m. Flageolet bean. Flair, m. Scent, smell. Flamand, e, adj. Flemish. Flambe, e, adj. Singed. Burned (as, Flamie au cognac, burned with brandy ) . 46 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Flammei'i, m. Cold farina pudding. Flan, m. Flawn, French pie without crust. Flan a la crfeme. Cup custard. Flajic, Flanchet, m. Flank (of beef or codfish ) . Flaquee, f. A dash (of liquid). Flasque, adj. Flabby (of flesh, etc.). Fleisch (German). Meat. Fleischbruhe (German). Bouillon, broth. Fleischextrakt (German). Meat ex- tract. Fleischkase ( German ) . Head cheese. Fleischpolster (German). Forcemeat balls. Fletan, grand fletau. m. Halibut. Fleur, /. Flower. Fleurage, m. Grits, oats coarsely ground. Fleurette, f. A culinary term for a cream sauce (seldom used). Fleuron, m. A crust ornament. Puff paste crust used for garnishing. Fleurette, /. A cream sauce. Fleury (Andre de). A French states- man after whom several dishes were named. Florae. A still red sweet wine from the South of France. Florentin, e, adj. Florentine. Flunder (German). Flounder. Flute, f. Finger roll. Long fluto shaped roll (eaten at breakfast). Foi, /. Faith. F^ie, m. Liver. As, Foie de veau, calf's liver. Foie-gras,w. Fat liver. In ordinary use, means "fat goose liver." Fonce, e, adj. Dark colored. Fonce, e, pa. p. Lined, bottomed (as a mould with paste). Fond, m. (1) Bottom. (2) Stock. As, fond a pot age, soup stock; fond Uanc, white gravy. (3) Jacket. As, marmite avec doiiile fond, kettle with double jacket. Fondant. Icing. Fondant, e, adj. Melting. Fondu, e, adj. Melted. Fondue, /. Melted cheese and eggs. Fondue au fromage. Welsh rarebit. Fongine, f. The fleshy part of mush- rooms. Fontaine, /. Fountain. Spring (Faire tine fontaine, to make a hol- low in the flour on the table or in the bowl). Fontange, f. Ribbon. Bow. Name of crusts. Forelle (German). Trout, brook trout. Forestier-iere, adj. Forest ( style ) . Forli. A red Italian wine. Form (German). Mold. Forme, f. Figure, shape. Forme, e, 2'^- ?>• Shaped. Forster. A white Rhine wine. Fouett6, e, pa. p. Whipped. Four, m. Oven, au four. Baked. Fouge, /. A root much sought by wild boars. Fouille-au-pot, m. Scullion boy. Fouleur, m. Wine presser. Fourchette, /. Fork. Fourneau, m. Range. Fournier-ere. Oven man or woman. Public baker. Fournisseur, m. Tradesman, purveyor. Fourniture, f. This word comprises all sorts of herbs used for salads — as chives, tarragon, chei-vil. etc. Fourre, adj. Filled. Stuffed. Frai, m. Spawn. Roe (eggs) of fish, frogs, etc. Frais, Fraiche, adj. Fresh (of pro- visions, etc.) FTaise, /.- Strawberry. Also. crow, the mesentery of a calf or lamb, the fleshy excrescence under the throat of a turkey (Frames d'agnean, lamb's crows ) . Fraises des Alpes, or Fraises des quatres saisons. Alpine straw- berries. Gateau aux fraises. Strawberry short cake. Fraisure, /. Haslets. Lights. As, Fraisurr d'agneuu^ lamb's haslets ov lights. MARTYR'S MENU DICTIONARY 47 Framboise, /. Raspberry. aux framboises. With raspberries. framboise, e, pa. p. With raspberry flavor. Frangais, e, adj. French. Ffancatelli. Name of a noted chef. Francatu, m. A rus.set apple. Frange, f. Fringe. Frangipane, /. A pastry cream. Named after Frangipani, a clever Italian pastry cook. Frankfort. A German city noted for sausages {^aucisses de Frankfort) . Frankfurter Knackwiirstchen ( Ger- man) . Frankfurter sausages. Franzosisch {German). French. Franzosischer Branntwein (Genmin) . Cognac. Frappe, e, adj. Chilled. Partly frozen. FrSgate, /. A large tropical sea fowl. Frgquini, m. A sort of cask. F'resa. A red dry Italian wine. Fresage, f. White owl. Barn owl. Fretin, m. Paufish. Small fish. Friand, m. An epicure. Friand, e, adj. Choice. Dainty. Friandises, f. Small dainties. Fricadelle, /. -Meat ball. Fricandeau, m. Larded cushion or ker- nel of veal. Fticass^, e. adj. Fricasseed. Fricassee, f. Fricassee (a stew with white sauce ) . Fricassee (German) . Stew. Fricot, m. A vulgar expression for a dish of meat. F'rigard, m. Frickled herring. Frioterie, f. A dainty bit. Fripe, /. x^nything eaten on bread (as butter, jam. etc.). Fripe-sauce, m. A bad cook. Frisch (German). Fresh. Frise. e. adj. Curled. As, Ghoux frises, Curled (savoy) cabbage. Frit. e. adj. Fried. Fritot, m. Meat dipped in frying bat- ter and fried. Frittata (Italian). Fritter. Friture, f. Food to be fried. Also fat used for frying. Froid, e, adj. Cold. Fromage, m. Cheese. " de cochon. Brawn. " a la creme. Cream cheese. " glace. Ancient expression for a dish of ice cream or frozen pudding. " gras. Rich cheese. *' mou. Soft cheese. " de pore. Head cheese. Fromageon, m. Marshmallow. Fl'oment, m. Wheat. Froment barbu. German rice. Froment des Indes, d'Espagne, de Turquie. Indian corn, maize. Pain de froment. Wheaten bread. Fromentee, /. Frumenty : wheat boiled in milk. Fronsac. A red Bordeaux wine. Frontignan. A still red wine from the South of France. Frosch, w. (German). Frog. FrottSe, f. Buttered bread rubbed with garlic. Frucht, /. (German). Fruit. Frugal, e, adj. Frugal, moderate. Fruit, m. Fruit. Frutille, /. A Chili strawberry. Fiille (German). Forcemeat. Fume, e, pa. p. Smoked (hams and bacon) . Fumee, /. Smoke. Fumet. Essence. Stock. Flavor (of fish or game). Sauce au fumet de gihier, sauce with essence of game. Fumigation, /. Smoking (of meat). Ftir (German). For. Furis d'Ischia. A white wine from the South of Italy. Fusion, f. Act of melting. Fusionne. e, pa. p. Blended (whisky). 48 MARTYX'S MENU DICTIONARY Gade, m. Codfish. Gaguage, m. Pasture. Feeding place (of pheasants, etc.). Gahrung (German). Fermentation. Gala, m. Feast, banquet. Galactode, adj. Milky, resembling milk. Galanga, m. Galangale (a spice). Galantine, m. A dish of cooked bone- less meat served cold and decorated. Galette, /. Sea biscuit. A flat-shaped cake (either pastry or as gaieties de p'anaifi, parsnip cakes). Galimafree, /. A mixed meat stew. Gallerte, /. {German). Jelly. Gallinaces, m. Gallinaceans (a variety of bird). Gallois, e, adj. Welsh. Gamande, /. Chestnut. Ganse {German). Goose. Gfinsebrust, /. Goosebreast. Ganseklein, n. Goose giblets. Ganseleber, /. Goose liver. Ganseschwarz. Stewed goose gib- lets with blood. Ganz ( Germ an ) . Whole. Garbanzos {Spaiiuh). Chick peas. Garbure, /. A soup with bread, cab- bage and bacon. Garcon, m. Waiter. Premier gargon. Headwaiter. Garcon de salle. Restaurant waiter. Garde manger, m. Meat safe. The person in charge of the cold meat room, etc. Gardon, m. Roach (a sweet water fish). Garenne, f. A small wood (hence, Lapin de garenne, m., wild rabbit). Gargotage, m. Badly dressed victuals. Gargote, /. Beanery. Common or cheap restaurant. Gargotier, m. Keeper of a common cook shop. A bad cook. Garneelen {German). Shrimps. Garni, e, adj. Garnished. Filled. Garniture, /. Garnishing. Orna- ment. Gartenkresse {German). Garden- cress. Gastronome, m. Gastronomist. A good eater. An epicure. Gasterea, /. Goddess of gastronomy. Gate, e, adj. Spoiled. G.nteau, m. Cake. Gateau anise. Seed cake. Gateau de noce. Wedding cake. Gateau de Noel. Christmas cake. Gaufre, gauffrette, f. Wafl3e. Honey comb. A light biscuit. Gaufrier, m. A waffle iron. Gebacken (German). Fried. Gebraten (German). Roast. Gebraunt (German). Browned. Gedampft (German). Steamed,, braised. Gediinstet (German). Stewed. Gefroren, e (German). Frozen, Gefrorenes (German) . Ice cream. Gefiillt, Gefullter, Geflillte. plural (German). Stuffed. Gehackt (German). Minced, chopped. Gehirn (German). Brain. Geisenheimer. A white Rhine wine. Gekocht (German). Cooked. Gelant, e, adj. Freezing. Gelatine, /. Gelatine. Gelatine (German). Gelatine. Gelautert (German). Clarified. Gelb, gelbe (German). Yellow. Gele, e. Congealed. Gelee, /. Jelly. Gelinde Kochen (German). Simmer. Geline, f. Hen (of any bird). Gelinotte, /.f Fattened pullet. Gelinotte des bois. Hazel grouse. Gelinotte noire d'Amerique. Spotted grouse, Canadian grouse. Gemiise (German). Vegetables. Gemiise brei. Puree (vegetable). Gendarme, w. Gendarme. A nick- name for smoked red herring. Genes, /. Genoa. Pate de G§nes. Italian paste. Geneve, f. Geneva. Genevoise, adj. Geneva (style). MARTYX'S MENU DICTIONARY 49 Geuievre, m. Juniper berry. Gin. Eau de vie de genievre. Gin. Genievre de Holland. Holland gin. Debit de genievre. Gin shop. Marchand de genievre. Dealer in gin. Grains de genievre. Juniper berries. Genoise, adj. Genoa style. As a noun : A rich sponge cake ; a brovpn fish sauce. Gerjiuchert (German). Smoked. Gerieben (German). Grated. Gerolltes (German). Roll (meat). Gerste (German). Barley. Gerstenwasser (German). Barley water. Gervais. A sweet French cream cheese. Geschabt (German). Shaved, grated Geschlagene Sahne (German). Whipped cream. Geschmorter (German). Stewed, braised. Gesengt (German). Singed. Gesier, m. Gizzard. Gespickt (German). Larded. Gestampft (German). Pounded. Gestoszen (German). Crushed. Getrank von eingekochten Fruchtsaf- ten (German). Preserved fruit juice beverage. Gewiirz (German). Spice. Gewiirz extrakt (German). Spice ex- tract. Gewurzkorner (German). Allspice. Gewiirznelken (German). Cloves. Ghee. An Indian word for clarified butter. Gibelotte, /. Rabbit stew. Gibier, m. Game. Gros gibier. Large game. Menu gibier. Small game. Gibier k plumes. Wild fowl. Giboyeur, m. Hunter, fowler, sports- man. Gigot, m. Leg of mutton. Gigot de sept heures or Gigot a la cuill&re. A leg of mutton which has been cooked for seven hours, when it may be carved with a spoon. Gigot d'agneau. Leg of lamb. Gimblettes, /. A kind of French pas- try. Gingembre, m. Ginger. Girasolo, /. Girasole (Jerusalem ar- tichoke). Girofle, m. Clove. Giroflee, adj. Of clove. Giroflee, /. Hot spiced wine. Clove bark. Gironde. A French "department" within whose borders are com-, prised the famous wine producing districts of Medoc, Sauternes, etc. Gitana (a la). Gypsy (style). Glace, /. Ice. Ice cream (Glace au eafe, coffee ice cream, etc.) Icing. Frosting (for cakes). Glace de sucre. Icing sugar (very fine dust sugar). Glace ro3'ale. Royal icing. Glace Ji I'eau. Water ice. Glace de viande. Meat extract. Glaze. Stock of gravy reduced to the thickness of jelly. Glace, e, adj. Iced. Frozen. Glazed. Glacier. A rich gold liqueur wine (Switzerland) . Glaciere timbre, /. Ice box. Gland, /. Acorn. Glas (German). Glass. Glauber, m. (Glauber's salt. Sulphate of soda. Glenpora. A red dry Australian wine. Glouglon, 7n. Gobbling (of a turkey). Noise made by wine running from a bottle. Glouton, m. Glutton. Glouton-ne, adj. Gluttonous. Gliihwein (German). Mulled wine. Gluten, m. Gluten. A glue. Gnochi. Italian dumpling. Gnou. m. Gnu (a member of the an- telope family ) . Godard, m. A garnish (named after Benjamin Godard, a noted French composer). Godiveau. m. Veal forcemeat. (Pate de godiveau, a veal forcemeat pie.) Gogaille. f. Wine supper. Merry making. 50 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Gogo (n). Galore. In plenty. Goinfre, m. Glutton. Goldapfel (German). Tomato. Goldeck. A white Austrian wine. Goldwasser (German). A liqueur. Gombaut, Gombo, m. Okra. Gumbo. Gouobitzer. A red Austrian wine. Gorgonzola. An Italian cheese. Goujon, m. Gudgeon. Goulash, m. (See Gnhjas.) Goul6e,/. Large mouthful. Goulu, m. Glutton, Goulu, e, adj. Gluttonous, Goulu pois. Sweet i^ea, Gourgane, /. Mareh bean. Broad bean. Gourmand, m. Gormand, a big eater. Gourmet, m. An epicure. Goillt, m. Taste. Relish. Flavor. Goiiter, m. Collation. An afternoon meal.f A meat tea. Goutte, /. Drop. Gouvio. A red full flavored Portu- guese wine. Graach. A white Moselle wine. Graillon, m. Remains of a meal. Burned mieat. Grain, m. Corn. Also as, grains de genievre, JuiDiter berries. Graine, /. Seed., f. Grease, fat. Graisse de rognon de boeuf. Suet (of beef). Graisse. e. pa. p. Greased (as, a mold ) . Graissier, ere, m. and /. Grease mer- chant. Gralle, 7V. Wading bird. Gramolates. Gramolata (Italian). Granada. A section of Spain famou>' for its vineyards. Grand mousseux, adj. Very effer- vescent (of chamiDagne) — so much so as to overflow to a considerable extent. Grand Puy Lacoste. A red still Bor- deaux wine (fifth growth). Grand sec. (See Sec). Gras, se, ndj. Fat. Plump. an gras. Cooked or dressed with meat gravy. Gras-double, m. Tripe, Grashecht (German) . Pickerel. Gratin, m. Crumbs. Burned part in cooking. For general culinary use, see ail gratin, below. Au gratin, or Gratine, e, adj. Grati- nated, browned. Prepared with sauce and crumbs and baked, Grattt'. e, ?)«. p. Grated. Grattoir. m. Grater. Graupen (German) . Barley. Graves, m. A white Bordeaux wine. The generic name of the white wines (still and sparkling) produced in Graves (Gironde, France). Grec, Grecque, adj. Greek, Grenache, A still red sweet wine from the south of France. Grenade, /. Pomegranate. Grenadin, m. Grenadin. Small slice of veal larded and brai.sed. Grenadine, /. French liqueur pre- pared from the pomegranate. Grenetine, f. The purest gelatine. Grenouille, /. Frog. Grianneau, m. Young grouse. Gribiche (sauce). A cold sauce. Griblette, /, Collop. Broiled force- meat. Broiled pork. Gries (German) . Farina. Griesschnitte (German). Farina fritter. Grignolino. A red dry Italian wine. Grignon, m. Small crust of bread. Gril, m. Gridiron. Cuit sur le gril. Grilled. Grillade. /. Broiled meat. Broiler. Grille, e, pa. p. Grilled. Latticed. Gringet. A red Swiss wine. Grinzinger. A white Austrian wine. Griotte. f. Ox-heart cherry, Gris, e, adj. Gray. Tipsy, Half drunk. Gr've, /. Fieldfare. Thrush. Grivelette, /. A small thrush (from San Domingo). Groin, m. Snout. Muzzle. Groseille, /. Currant (fresh). Groseille a maquereau : groseille verte. Gooseberry. Groseillon. m. A small currant. MARTYX'S MENU DICTIOyARY 51 Grcs-sel, i)i. Coarse salt. Poulet an gros-sel. Plain boiled chicken strewn with coarse salt. Grosse-piece, /. Joint (of meat). Gruau, m. Porridge. Grunauer. A sweet white Austrian wine. Grundsance (Gcnnan) . Stock sauce. Gruner-Salat ((Jerman) . Green salad. Gruyere, in. A Swiss cheese. Guanabane. Guanabana (fruit). Gueuleton, m. Vulgar expression for a feast. Guignard, m. A kind of plover. Guillage, in. Tlie fermenting of beer. Guimauve, f. Marshmallow. Guinette, /.t Guinea hen. Guinquette, f. Small roadhouse. Guiognieres. A still red Hermitage wine. Guisado. A Spanish dish (meat and potatoes stewed together). Gulyas (Hungarian). A Hungarian stew. (Among the numerous cor- ruptions of the word "Gulyas," are — gulash, goulash, kulasch and gu- lasch.) Gumpoldskirchner. A white Austrian wine. Gunstramsdorfer. A white Austrian wine. Gurken ( Germa n ) . Cucumber. Salz Gurke. Salt pickle Senf Gurke. Mustard pickle. Gustatif, ve, adj. Tasty. Gutedel. A native American wane (white). Guyave, /. Guava. a South American fruit of fine flavor. (Gelee de Guyave. Guava jelly.) H Hache, e, adj. Hashed. Hache (-e)-menu. Minced (chopped) finely (of meat). Hachis, m. Hash. (As, Hachis de gihicr, game hash). Hachoir, m. Chopping board and knife. Hacksel (German). Hash. (Put afterward, as Wildhacksel, game hash.) Hafergriitze (German). Oatmeal. Haferschleim (German). Oatmeal gruel. Hahn (German). Cock. Hahnchen (German). Spring chicken. Halaszle (Hungarian). A kind of fish soup. Halb (German). Half. Halbran, m. Incorrect. (See Al- hran.) Hallauer. A red dry Swiss wine. Hallgartner-Auslese. A white Rhine wine. Hallier, m. Market man, stall man. Halte, /. Meah or refreshment, dur- ing a halt. Hambourg. in. Hamburg. Hambourgeois, e, adj. Hamburg (style). Hamecon, m. Hook. Hammelfleisch (German). Mutton. Hanap, m. Drinking cup, bowl, mug. Hanche, f. Haunch. Haneadan. A sweet Persian wine (red and white). Hanovrien, ne, adj. Hanover (style). Harde. f. Herd (of deer). Flock (of birds). • Harem, m. Harem. Hareng, m. Herring. Hareng fumo. Bloater. Hareng saurt (German), m. Smoked herring. Hareng marine. Pickled herring. Harengere, f. A woman wTio retails herring (and other fish). Haricot, m. Bean. Also name given to a mutton stew with vegetables. Haricots panaches. String beans mixed with flageolets or lima beans. Plaricots verts. String beans. Hase, Hasen (German). Hare. Hase, /. She hare. MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY Hasenpfeffer (German). Ragout of hare. Jugged hare. Hatif, ive, adj. Early. Hasty. Hateur. Formerly an officer in the royal kitchens whose duty it was to .see that all meat was praperly done and correctly dressed. Hativeau, m. Early pear. Also used for other early fruits. Hattenheimer. A white Rhine wine. Haugsdorfer. A white Austrian wine. Haut gout, m. Fine taste, high flavor, .strong seasoning. (Uu mets de haut gout, a highly seasoned dish.) Havana ise, adj. Havanese. Havana (style). Havane, /. Havana. Havana cigar. Havi, e, pa. p. -Scorched (of meat). Havrais, e, adj. Havre (style). Heberger. To entertain. Hecht( German). Pike. Hefe (German). Yeast. Heidelbeeren (German). Huckel- berries. Heidelbeerwein (German). Huckel- berrj' wine. Heidesheimer. A red Rhine wine. Helbut, m. Halibut. Hellenique, adj. Greek (stvle). Helvetien, ne, adj. Helvetian, Swiss (style). Hemsberger. A white German wine from the Baden district Herbe, f. Herb. Herbemont. A native American wine (white). Herbstwiirzeln (German). Winter carrots. Heringe (German). Herring. Herisse, e, adj. Bristled. Hermitage. (See Ermitage.) H6ron, w. Heron (an aquatic bird). Heure, f. I-Iour. Hibou, m. Owl. Hichercombe. A white dry Australian wine. Hickory, m. Hickory. Himbeeren (German). Raspberries. Himbeeressig (German). Raspberry Hippophagie, /. Hippophagy, the practice of eating horseflesh. Hircine, /. Hircine^ a substance ob- tained from mutton fat. Hircin, e, adj. Pertaining to goats. Hirondelle, /. Swallow. Hirsch ((Jernian). Venison. Historic, e, adj. Ornamented. Hiver, m. Winter. Hobelspiine (German). Shavings. Hochenburger, A light red Austrian wine. Hock. Short for Hochheimer. Often, but incorrectly, used to signify "Rhine wines" in general. Hochepot, m. Hodge podge, Hotch Potch (a Scotch soup). A stew with vegetables. Hochheimer. A w'hite Rhine wine. Hoersteiner. A still white German wine from the Main valley. Hoertenberger. A red Austrian wine (German Tyrol district). Hohlennudeln ( German) . Macaroni. Hohlhippchen (German). Wafers. Holburger. A still white German wine from the Main valley. Hollandais, . Steeped. Macer- ated. Mache, /. Corn or field salad. Lamb's lettuce. Fetticuce. Macheur-euse, m. and /. Chewer, great eater. Macis, m. Mace. Machoir, f. Jaw, jawbone. Made, macre, /". Water chestnut. Macon, m. A still Burgundy wine (red and white) from the neighbor- hood of the town of Macon. Ma ere use, /. A black duck. Madame, /. Madam. Madeleine. A small cake (French). Originally called Tot faits and quartre-quarts. Mademoiselle, /. Miss. Madere, w. (noun and adj.). Madeira. The island which produces the well knowm "Madeira" wines — Malvasia, Verdeiho, etc. Madras, noun and adj. Madras. Gen- erally, a dish with curry, etc. Madriliens, m. Madrilians (a fancy cake). Madrina. A deep, red sweet Dalma- tian (Austria) wine. Magny. Name of a noted French chef and restaurateur. Magjarater. A white Hungarian wine. Mai, m. May (month of). Maigre, adj. Lean, frugal. Au maigre. (A dish) without meat. Applied especially to Lenten dishes. Mailander (Germth year. Olympien-ne. adj. Olympian (style). Ombre, /. Shadow. Ombre (omble, umble), ombre-chev- alier, m. Umber, grayling. A sweet water fish of the salmon variety from the lakes of Switzer- land, Russia and Scotland. 68 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Omelette, /. Omelet. Omnibus, m. Under-waiter. Opalin, e, adj. Opaline. Opera, m. Opera. Oporto (Vin de), m. Port wine. Opoul. A still red (sweet) wine from the South of France. Oppenheimer. A white Rhine wine. Or, m. Gold. Orange, f. Orange. Orange, e, adj. Orange-colored. Oranger, w. Orange-tree, Eau de fleur d'oranger. Orange flower water. Orangeade, /. Orangeade, orange sherbet. Orangeat, m. Candied orange peel. Ordinaire, adj. Ordinary. Ordre, m. Order. Oreille, /. Ear. Orge, /. Barley. Orgeat, m. Originally barley water, but now almond syrup or milk. Orient, m. Orient. Oriental, e, adj. Oriental. Eastern (style). Origan, m. Wild marjoram. Original, e, adj. Original. Orleans. A city of France. Orloff. The name of a Russian family of high standing. Also the name of a magnificent diamond, owned by the Count Alexis OrlofP. A number of dishes and garnitures (principal- ly Russian) are styled a VOrloff. Orly (a 1'), Horly. Name given to various dishes. Usually slices of fish or meat dipped in batter and fried. Ornement6, e, pa. p. Ornamented. Orn^, e, pa. p. Decorate J. Orange. /. A kind of golden mush- room. Orphee (a 1'). Musical. Orsan. A dry French red wine from the Department of Drome. Ortie, f. Nettle. Ortolan, m. Ortolan, reed bird. Orvale, f.f Sage. Os, m. Bone. Os a moelle. Marrow bone. Oseille, /. Sorrel. Osmazome, m. Osmazome. Osselet, m. Small bone. Ostendaise, adj. Ostend (style). Osterberger. A still white wine pro- duced in Alsace-Lorraine. Oublie, f. A thin pastry (wafer). Ouest, m. West. Ouralien, ne, adj. Ural (style). Ours, m. Bear. Outarde, /. Bustard. Ouvre-bolte, m. Can opener. Ovale, adj. Oval, egg shaped. Ove, e, adj. Egg shaped. Oxymel, m. Sour honey. Honey and Pacha, m. Pacha. Piickchen (German) . Small package. Pagode, /. Pagoda. Paillasse, /. A grill over hot cinders. Paille (vin de). Straw wine (which see ) . Pailles, /. Straws. As, Failles au fromage, cheese straws. Paillg, e, adj. Straw-colored. Paillet (vin), m. A light red wine. Paillettes, /. Straws. (The word Pailles is more commonly used.) Pain, m. Bread. " bis. Brown bread. " bis-blanc. Household bread. " blanc. White bread. " choine. White bread. " d'epice. A kind of gingerbread. " de froment. Wheaten bread. " de la premiere fournge. Bread of the first baking. " de menage. Home made bread. " mollet. Light bread. " mousseau. The finest bread. " noir. Black bread. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 69 Pain rassis. Stale bread. *' rOti. Toast. " de seigle. Rye ibread. " tendre. New bread. Pain de veau. Veal loaf. Pajerete. A gold colored sweet Span- ish wine. Palais, m. Palate (of mouth), as Palais de hoeuf, ox-palate. Taste. Palace. Palatin, e, adj. Pertaining to the palate. Palermitain, e, adj. Palermo (style). Paleron, m. Shoulder bone (of cer- tain animals). Palma. Term applied to sherry, mean- ing "fine and dry." Palomet, w. A species of mushroomt. Palus. A red Bordeaux wine. Pamplemousse, /. Grape fruit. Shad- dock. Panache, m. Plume. Panache, e, adj. Streaked. Mixed with two or more kinds of vege- tables, fruits and creams. Of varie- gated colors. Panade, /. Bread soaked in milk and water and used in the preparation of forcemeat and stuffing. Bread soup. Panais, m. Parsnip. Pancalier, m. A kind of spring cab- bage. Savoy cabbage. Pandore, /. Pandora. Also, a kind of bivalve molluscs. Pane, e, pa. p. Breaded. Dipped or rolled in bread crumbs. Panee, f. Tea toast. Toast wafer. Panier, m. Basket. Panne, f. Leaf lard. Pannequet, f. Pancake. Pause caillette, /. Scotch haggis. Pantagruelique, adj. Gormand style. Panure, /. Grated crumbs, raspings. Panurette, f. A preparation of grated rusks. Paon, m. Peacock. Paonne, /. Peahen. Paone, e, adj. Peacock like. Paonneau, m. Peachick. Papaye, /. Papay (a South American fruit). Papier, m. Paper. Papier dentile. Lace paper. Papillon, in. Butterfly. Papillotes, /. Paper casings for sweet- meats, chop frills, etc. Mottoes. Paprika. Hungarian red pepper. Paque, /. Passover. Paque or Paques, m. Easter. Dimanche de Paques. Easter Sun- day. Paques fleuries. Palm Sunday. Paradis, m. Paradise. Parfait, e, adj. Perfect. Parfait, m. A kind of light ice cream. As Parfait au cafe, Parfait praline, etc. Parfait, e, adj. Perfect, Parfait-amour. A French liqueur from grated cedrat skins, Parfume, e, adj. Scented. Flavored. Pariade, /. Pair (of partridges). Pariser (Oerman). Parisian. Parisien, ne, adj. Paris (style). Parisian. Parmentier. Name of a French noble- man (Baron Augustin Parmentier) who introduced the potato into France in 1785. He also invented twenty different styles of cooking potatoes. Parmesan, m. Parmesan cheese (Ital- ian). Parmesan, e, adj. ; de Parme. Par- mesan (style). Parnasse, m. Parnassus, Part, /, Portion. Parures, /. pi. Parings, trimmings. Passe, e, pa. p. Strained. Passe-vin, m. Wine strainer. Passoire, /. Collander, Strainer. Passum. A sweet topaz colored Turk- ish wine. Past&que, /. Watermelon. Pasteten (Oerman). Patties. Meat and game pies. Pastetchen. Small patties. Pastille, f. Pastil, lozenge. Pastillage. f. Gum paste (for orna/ mental confectionery, etc.). 70 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Pastinake (German). Parsnips. Pastourelle, f. A kind of pear. Patagon, ne, adj. Patagonian (style). Patate, f. Potato, pate, /. Batter. Dough. Paste. (pate (Vancliois, f, anchovy paste; pate d' Italic, f., Italian paste, etc.). Pate brisee. Short paste. Pate feuilletee (or, feuilletage). Puff paste. Pate molle. Sponge (to make bread ) . Pfitg, m.. Pie (of meat). Pastry. Patty. " 'bouillant. A minced fowl patty. " de foie gras. A well known deli- cacy prepared from the livers of fat geese. " de noel. Mince pie. *' de Perigord. A pie made with fat goose livers and truffles, patisserie, f. Pastry. A pastry- cook's business. Patissier, m. Pastrycook. Patissiere, adj. Pastry. As, crSme patissiere a la vanille, pastry cream with vanilla. Patisson, m. A kind of squash. Also used, but incorrectly, for Girasole or Jerusalem artichoke. Patna Riz. Patna rice (the best Indian quality). Patras. A rich red Greek wine. Also a white Greek wine (resembling Rhine wine). Pattes d'ours, /. Bears' paws. Patron, ne, m. and /. Patron. Pauillac. A town and shipping point near Bordeaux. A district famous for its wines. A red Bordeaux wine. Paupiettes (Poupiettes), f. (Meat) rolls. Slices of meat rolled with forcemeat. Pavot, m. Poppy. The leaves of this plant are sometimes used instead of spinach. Pavot coq, Pavot coquelicot. Cbrn poppy, common red poppy. Pays, m. Ck)untry (in the sense of nation). Paysan, ne, adj. Peasant, country (style). Peau, f. Skin. Peel. Scum, froth. PeC; adj. New salted (of herrings). Pecari, m. Peccary. P§che, /. Peach. Avant-peche. Early Anne peach. Noyau de pgche. Peach stone. P6che de serre, /. Hot house peach. Pecheur, euse. Fisherman, fisher- woman. Pegase, m. Pegasus. Pele-mele, adj. Confusedly. Pelerin, m. Pilgrim. Pelican, m. Pelican. Pens6e, /. Pansy. Pension, f. Board and lodging. Boarding house. Pension bourgeoise. Family board- ing house. Pennsylvannien, ne, adj. Pennsylvania (style). PentecSte, /. Pentecost (Whitsun- tide ) . Also a Jewish festival. Pentelique, adj. Attic (style). P6pin, m. Grape stone. Perche, /. Perch. Perchtelsdorfer. A white Austrian wine. Perdigon, m. A kind of plum. Perdreau, m. Young partridge. Perdrix, /. Partridge. " grise. Common or gray part- ridge. " rouge. Red legged partridge. " de neige. Ptarmigan. White grouse. P&re, m. Father. Perigord. The former name of the de- partment of France now known as the Dordogne. Noted for its truffles, a la Perigord. With truffles. P^rigueux. A French tovm noted for its truffles and fine fowls, a la P6rigueux. Perigueux style. With truffles. Perle, f. pearl. Perl6, e, adj. Pearled, in pearl shape. Perlgraupen (German). Pearl barley. Perlhuhn (German). Guinea fowl. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 71 Persan, e, adj. Persian (style). Perseej to. Perseus. Persicot, to. A French peach liqueur. Persil, TO. Parsley. Persillade, /. Parsley seasoning. Parsley sauce. Persille, e, adj. Sprinkled with parsley. Peruvien, ne, adj. Peru (style). Peruvian. Pessac. A district fam'ous for its wines (Bordeaux) — ^as Chateau Haut Brion, etc. Pet-de-nonne, m. Ancient name for Queen Fritters. Petersilie (German). Parsley. Petit, e, adj. Small. Petit lait, to. Whey (the thin part of milk). Petit pain, TO. Roll (bread). Petit sale. Bacon. Lean salt pork. Petit sale a Tanglaise. English bacon. Petits-fours, to. pi. Small cakes. Petits pains ^ la pur6e. Very small rolls scooped out and stuffed with various kinds of savory purees. Petits pois verts. Green peas. Potencies. Scallops. P^tri, e, pa. p. Kneaded. Petrin, to. Kneading trough. Petsai. Chinese cabbage. Pfanne (German). Pan. Pfannkuchen (German). Pancakes. Pfau (German). Peacock. Pfeffer (German). Pepper. Also ragout (put after word as Hasen- pfeffer, ragout of hare). Pfeffer-Gtirken (German). Gherkins. Pfefferkraut (German). Peppergrass. Pfeilwurz (German). Arrowroot. Pfirsich (German). Peach. Pfirsich-Bowle ( German ) . Peach- bowl (cup). Ph6nix, TO. Phoenix. Phosphate, e, adj. With phosphate. Piantadella. A red Austrian wine. Pic, TO. Woodpecker. Picalilli, m. Picallili, mixed pickles. Picardin. A still red (dry) wine from the south of France. Piccolit. A sweet Italian wine (red and white). Pichet, TO. Drinking cup. Picholine, /. A small olive. Pickelsteiner Fleisch (German). A stew prepared with various kinds of meat and vegetables. Picolit. A thick sweet Austrian "straw wine." Pie, /. Magpie. Piece, /. Piece. Portion. Piece de resistance. The principal joint of a dinner. The main ex- hibit. Pi&ees montees. Mounted pieces. Set pieces. Centre pieces. Pied, TO.. Foot. Piedestal, to. Pedestal. Piemontais, e, adj. Piedmont (style), Pierre, /. Stone. (to.) Peter. Piesporter. A white Moselle wine. Pigeon, TO. Pigeon. " biset. Wood pigeon. " de rocher. Rock pigeon. " grosse gourge. Pouter pigeon, " engraisse. Cornfed pigeon. " massart. Wood pigeon. " pattu. Bantam pigeon. " ramier. Wild pigeon. " vierge. Squab. Pigeonneau, to. Squab. Pilau (pilaf), to. Pillau, a Turkish dish of rice and onions. Also an East Indian dish of meat and rice. Pil§, e, pa. p. Pounded. Bruised. Pilet, m. Pintail duck. Pilon, TO. Pestle. Drumstick (of poultry ) . Pilsen (German) . Name of town in Bohemia where PilSner beer was originated. Piment (German) . Allspice. Piments, to. Peppers. Piment de la Jamaique. Jamaica pepper, allspice. Pimentade, /. Pimento sauce. Pimprennelle, f. Salad-Burnet (herb). Pincer. To pinch. (Pincer la pate, to ornament or decorate pastry.) Pineau, to. A black grape. MARTYW8 MENU DICTIONARY Pineau (blanc, gris, noir). A native American wine (the two first white and the third red). Pinee, /. Salt cod. Pingouin (Pinguin), m. Penguin (bird of Arctic regions). Pinole. A kind of wheat-corn roasted. Pinson de neige, m. Snow bird. Pintade, f. Guinea fowl. Pintado. Pearl hen. Pintadeau, m. Guinea chick. Plot, w. Wine (in jest). Piquant, e, adj. Piquant, spicy. Piqu^, e, pa. p. Darded. Pique-assiette. m. A "deadhead" diner, a "sponger." Piquette, f. Wine made from the pressed grapes by adding water and sugar. Also wine made from dried raisins. Pisan, e, adj. Pisa (style). Piscovore, adj. Piscovorous, feeding on fish. Pissenlit, m. Dandelion. Pistache, /. Pistachio (nut). Pithiviers. City of France famous for its pastry (especially lark and almond pies). Pitoy. A red Burgundy wine. Plaisir, w. Pleasure. Planche, e, pa. p. Planked. Plante, /. Plant. Plaque k r6tir, f. Roasting pan. Plat, e, adj. Flat, level. Plat, m. Dish. As, plat d tarte, pie dish. Plat en argent. Silver platter. Plats chauds. Hot dishes. Plats froids. Cold dishes. Plat, e, adj. Flat, level. Plateau, m. Tray (butler's). Plebeien, ne, adj. Plebeian, common. Pleine-terre (en). Out doors. Plie, Plie franche, /. Plaice. Plie, e, adj. Folded. Ploeschowitz. A white Moravian wine. Plombiere. Ice cream with whipped cream (made with various flavors). Pluche, f. A garniture of chevril leaves for soups. Plush. A cele- brated French writer of the 17th century. Plum brandy. A liqueur from prune^B. Plume, f. Feather. Pen. Plume, e, pa. p. Plucked. Pluvier. m. Plover. Pluvier dor6e. Golden plover. Pluvier &. pattes jaunes. Yellow leg plover. Poche, /. Pastry bag. Pockejt. Poch4, e, adj. Poached. Pogle, f. Pan. As, poele a omelette, omelette pan. Poeler. A mode of braising meat. Poelon, m. Small skillet. Poelonnee, /. Skilletful. Poggiosecco. A red sweet wine from Tuscany (Italy). Poignee, /. Handful. Point, w. Point. a point. Cooked to a turn. Pointe, f. Point. Tip (of vegetables, as pointes d'asperges, etc.). Pointu, e, adj. Pointed. Poire, f. Pear. " d'angoisse. Choke pear. " d'hiver. Winter pear. " molle. Soft x>ear. Poireau, w. Leek. Poiree, f. Beet. Pols, m. Peas. " des champs. Field peas. " gris. Gray peas. " hatifs. Early peas. " nouveaux, petits pois. Green peas. " ram^s. Pole beans. Poisson, m. Fish. Poissonigre, f. Fish kettle, fish pan. Poissonnaille, f. Panfish (small fry). Poitriue, f. Breast. Poivrade, f. Pepper sauce. Poivre, m. Pepper. Poivre de Cayenne, poivre rouge. Cayenne pepper, red pepper. Poivre, e, pa. p. Peppered, with pepper. Poivri&re, f. Pepper-box. Pokelfleisch {German). Pickled or corned meat. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 73 Polenta (Italian). An Italian dish of cornmeal. Pollau. A white Moravian wine. Polio eon Arroz. A Spanisli dish of chicken and rice. Polio con Formaggio. An Italian dish of stewed chicken with Par- mesan cheese. Polonais, e, adj. Polish. Polony. A dry sausage of partly cooked meat (a corruption of bologna sausage ) . Polpetti (Italian). See Poulpeton. Pomeranzen-Bowle (Geriman). Orange cup. Pomerol. A red Bordeaux wine. Pomino. A dry red wine from Tus- cany (Italy). Pommard. A still red Burgundy wine. Pom me, /. Apple. '" d'Api. A smell rosy apple named after the Roman Appius. " d'amourr. Love apple. To- mato. " d'Armenie. Apricot. " d'or. Tomiato, " musquee. Musk apple. " sauvage. Crabapple, Pomme de terre. Potato. Pomme, m. Cider. Pomm6, e, pa. p. Shaped round like an apple. Pommette, e, adj. Decorated with small balls. Pompadour, f. Mistress of Louis XV., noted for luxurious living. Ponche, m. Punch. Poncire, m. A large thick rinded lemon. Lime. Pontac. A dry fruity wine made in British South Africa. Pont I'eveque. A French cheese of delicate flavor. Pontail, m. A species of sea duck. Pontet Ganet. See Chateau. Pore, m. Pork. Peau de jwrc. Crackling. Pore sale. Salted pork. Porcelaine, f. Porcelain. Porreau, m. Leek. Port de salut. A fine French cheese. Porte d'assiette, m. Plate stand, plate mat. " couteau. Knife rest. *' fourchette. Fork rest. " fromage. Cheese dish. " huilier. Cruet stand. " menu. Bill of fare holder. Portion, f. Portion. Porto. See Oporto. Portugais, e, arf/. Portuguese (style). Portulak (German). Purslain. Posset, m. Posset (milk curdled wit2i beer ) . Pot, m. Pot. Pot a la creme. Cup custard. Pot poivr6, m. Pepper pot. Potage, m. Soup. Potager, m. Soup pot. Cooking stove. Kitchen garden. Potagiste, m. Saup cook. Pot-au-feu, m. A famous French home soup. ISIeat broth. Potee, /. Potful. Potiron, m. Pumpkin. Poucettes, f. Pinmoney pickles. Pouchong, m. A kind of black tea. Pouding, m. Pudding. (Poudin au pain, bread pudding, etc.) Poudre, /. Powder. (Levure de poudre, baking powder.) Poudre, e, adj. Powdered. Poularde, f. Fat pullet (fattened female chicken 7 to 8 months old that has not started to lay eggs). Poule, f. Old chicken. Hen. " au-pot. Fowl boiled in the stock pot. " de Barbaric, d'Afrique, de Numi- die. Guinea fowl, guinea hen, pintado. " de bois, sauvage. Hazel hen. " de bruy^re, de Limoges. Wood grouse. '' d'eau. Moor hen, water hen. " de neige. White grouse. Ptar- migan. " de prairie, f. Grouse, prairie hen. 74 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Poulet, m. Pullet. Young (cock) chicken. {Poulet a griller, broiler; Poulet a rotir, roasting chicken, etc. ,) Poulet d'Inde. Young turkey. " de grain. Spring chicken. " Reine. Name given to fine specimens of young chickens. Poulette, /. A young hen. a la poulette. Egg dressing. With a sauce made of butter, flour, stock and egg yolks. Pouliot, m. Pennyroyal. Poupart, m. A kind of crab. Poupelin, w. A cheese cake. Poupetan. A pie made of either fish or meat. Pourboire, m. Tip. Pourceau, m. Pig. Pourpier, m. Purslane (purslain). Ponrri, e, adj. Decayed. Pousse cafe. Pousse caf6 (a "mixed drink"). Poussin, m. Pullet. Squab or hot ■house chicken. Poutarge, Poutargue, /. Botargo, pickled spawn of fish. Pouter, m. Pouter (a large breasted) pigeon. Praline, e, adj. When anything is mixed with browned almonds (as, clioux pralines, cream cakes with burnt almonds). Pralines, /. Burnt almonds (browned in sugar). Prannuan-Malvasia. A sweet topaz colored Turkish wine. Pr6, w. Meadow. Preignac. A white Bordeaux wine. Preisselbeer {German). Cranberry. Preisselbeeren {German). Cran- berries. Prepare, e, pa. p. Salted, corned. Pi-^-sale, w. Mutton raised on the salt marshes of France. President, m. President. Presse, /. Squeezer, pressing machine. As, presse citron, lemon squeezer. Presse, e. Pressed. Hurried. Pressis, m. Juice squeezed out. Presskopf {German). Headcheese. Pret, e, adj. Ready. {Le diner est pret, dinner is ready.) Prillken {German). Cakes. Primeur, f. Early season. Early fruit, early vegetables. Newness (of wine). Prince, m.. Prince. Princesse, /. Princess. Princier, ere, adj. Princely. Printanier, 6re, adj. ; k la printani&re. Springlike. With young spring vegetables. Printemps, m. Spring. Prinz {German). Prince. Prix, m. Price. a moitie prix. At half price. il prix fixe. At one price. Prodigieux, euse, adj. Large. Pro- lific. Professeur, m. Professor. Profiteroles, m. A kind of light cake filled with cream. Also served as garnish to clear soup (then filled with puree of chicken, etc.). Prophete, m. Prophet. Proprietaire, m. Proprietor. Prosecco. An Italian wine (red and white). Also a reddish yellow .straw wine. Provencal, e, adj. Provence (style). Generally implies that garlic or onion and olive oil have been used in preparation. Provence, f. Provence. Provisions, Provisions de bouche, f. Provisions, victuals. Prune, /. Plum. " de monsieur. Orleans plum. " de reine claude. Greengage plum. " de damas. Damson plum. " seche. Prune. Pruneau, m. Dried plum. Prunelle, /. Sloe. Wild plum. Pru- nelle (liqueur from wild plums). Jus de prunelle. Harsh wine. Prusse, /. Prussia. Prussien, ne, adj. Prussian (style). Ptisane, f. Ptisan (a decoction of barley). MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY 75 Puchero (Spanish). Spanish na- tional dish, (See Olla Podrida.) Puits d'amour. French pastry made of puff paste. Puligny. A still red Burgundy wine. Pulpe, /. Pulp. Pulverisirt (German). Pulverized. Punch, m. Punch. (Punch a^u rhum, rum punch, etc.) Pur, e, adj. Pure. Pur6e, /. Thick soup. Also mashed vegetables, as puree de pommes de terre, mashed potatoes. Purifi?, e, adj. Purified. Puter (German). Turkey. Puterhenne (German). Hen-turkey. Pyramide, /. Pyramid. Pyreneen, ne, adj. Pyrenees (style). Queux, ni. Name of a cook during the middle age. (Maitre queux, chief or master cook.) Quiche, f.f A kind of custard pie without sugar (eaten hot). Quignon, m. A double portion of bread. Quillet, m. A small almond cake. Quinquina, m. Quinquina (a wine from Peruvian bark). Quinte, adj. Fifth. Quitte (German). Quince. Quoorma. A very mild Indian curry preparation, Quotidien, ne, adj. Daily, As, Pain qiiotidien, daily bread. Quab, A Russian river fish. Quadrille, e, pa. p. Checkered. (Thin strips of paste laid across tarts, so as to form a sort of net.) Quality. /. Quality. Quark (German). A German cheese, similar to curd cheese. The French "fromage mou," Quarte, /, Quart. Quartier, m. Quarter. A fourth part. (Quartier d'agneau, a quarter of lamb. ) ^ Quartier de devant. Forequarter. Quartier de derri&re. Hindquarter. Quasi, m. Edgebone or aitchbone. As quasi de veau, a piece of veal cut from the end of the loin. Quass (quas. quaas). A Russian beer made of rye or rye bread (also of apples and pears). Quenelles, f. pi. A kind of paste dumpling (from the Suabian Jcnop- fle). Also meat balls. Queue, f. Tail (Queue de loeuf, Queues d^ecrevisses. Ox-tail, cray- fish tails, etc.) Rabiole, Rabioule, /. From the Ital- ian Ravioli. A sort of paste stuffed with a forcemeat prepared with various ingredients, as spinach, cheese, calf's brain, etc. Rable, m. Back, (Used only to designate the back of the rabbit or hare, as Rahle de lievre.) Rable, e; Rablu, e, adj. Thick backed. Racahout, m. Racachou. An Arabian preparation of roasted acorns (powdered with sugar and aro- matics ) . A mixture of potato flour, tapioca and cocoa flour, flavored with vanilla (prepared with milk as a drink for invalids and convalescents) . Racines, /. Roots. Vegetables (as carrots, turnips, onions, etc.), served as a garnish. Rack, m. Arrack (cordial). Radis, m. Radish. Radkersburger. A sweet white Aus- trian wine. Rafl[inade, f. Best quality of refined sugar. Raflin6, e, adj. Purified. 76 MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY Rafraichi, e, pa, p. Refreshed, cooled. Rafraichissant, e, adj. Refreshing. Rafraichissement, m. Refreshment. Ragoilt, m. Stew (spiced). Ragotitant, e, adj. Spicy, tasty. Rahm (German). Cream. Raie, /. Skate. Ray fish. Raifort, m. Horseradish. Raiponce, /. Rampiou. Raisin, m. Grape. des bois. Bilberry, black whortleberry. '* de Corinthe. Currant. " de Mars. Common currant. " sec. Raisin. Raisine, m. Grape jelly. Rakia. A Hungarian liqueur from perfumed grapes. Rale, m. Railbird. Sora. Rambour, m. A large early sour apple ( for baking ) . Ramequin, m. Ramekin (.a kind of cheese tartlet). Ramereau, m. Young ring-dove, young wood-pigeon. Ramier, m. "Wild pigeon. Ranee, adj. Rancid. Rancio. A Madeira wine from the Rancio grape. Ranhofer. A noted chef (author of The Epicurean ) . Rape, f. Grater. Rap6, e, pa. p. Scraped. Shaved, grated, rasped. Rappoltsweiler. A still white wine produced in Alsace-Lorraine. Rapure, /. Gratings. Rat, e, m. and /. Rat. Rasade, /. Glassful. Ra&sis, e, adj. Stale. As pain rassis, yesterday's bread. Rata, m. A slang name for stew. Ratafia, m. A liqueur flavored with different sorts of fruit. Ratatin6, e, adj. Withered. Ratatouille, f. Slang name for hash or stew. Ration, f. Ration. Raton, m. A kind of cheese cake. Ratonnet, m. Small skewers of meat (generally of mutton). Rauchfleisch (German). Smoked meat. Rauenthaler. A white Rhine wine. Rauschenbruch. A white Moravian wine. Rave, f. Turnip. Petite rave. Radish. Ravier, m. Radish plate. Side dish. Ravigote, /. A sharp sauce prepared with various herbs (served hot and cold). Ravioles. See Rahioles. Raya. A moderate grade of sherry. Raye, e, adj. Striped. Rayon de mjel, m. Honeycomb. Rebhuhn (German). Partridge. Grouse. Rebord, m. Border. Reception, /. Reception. R6chaud, m. Chafing dish. Rechauffe. e, adj. Warmed-up ( meat ) , recooked, redressed. Rechauffoir, m. Plate warmer. Recherche, e, adj. Exquisite. Dainty. Recolte, /. Harvest, crop. Recoupe, f. Coarse flour, broken bread. Recuit, e, pa. p. Cooked again. Redejeuner. To breakfast again, Reduit, e, pa. p. Boiled dovni, re- duced. Refait, e, pa. p. Warmed up again. Refascos. A dark red Austrian wine. Refection. Refection, meal, repast. Rofectoire, m. Dining-room. R6forme (a la). Reform style — named .after the famous Reform Club of London. Refrigerant, e, adj. Cooling, freez- ing. Refrigerateur, m. Refrigerator. Refroidi, e, adj. Cooled, chilled. Refroidissant, e, adj. Cooling. R^gal, m. Banquet. Feast. Regarni, e, adj. Regarnished. R6gent, e, adj. Regent (style). R^glisse, /. Licorice. R^gorg^, e, adj. Overstocked. Reh (German). Deer. Rehziemer (German). Saddle or haunch of venison. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Reims. A French department famous for its champagnes. Reine claude, /. Greengage. Reine margot. A thick chicken soup. Reinette, /. A kind of apple. Reis (German) . Rice. Reismehl (German) . Rice flour. Releve, m. "Remove" — title of the course of large joints of meat (also sometimes the larger poultry and other birds and occasionally large fish after soup). The word is a relic of bygone days when it was the cus- tom to have the table set with ed- ibles before the guests entered the dining-room. Immediately after the guests were seated and served with the soup, the latter was "removed" and replaced by the joint — either fish, butcher's meat or poultry. As that service is though out of date, the word is now a misnomer. Releve, e, pa. p. Removed. Turned up. Seasoned highly. Remois, e, adj. Reims (style). Remouillage, w. Second stock. Remoulade, f. A salad dressing. A cold sauce (made with eggs, mus- tard, vinegar, oil, shallots, parsley, capers, gherkins, etc. ) . Rempli. e, pa. p. Filled. Remue, e, pa. p. Stirred. Renaissance (k la). Renaissance (style). The revival of learning and art in the 16th century. The style of architecture which came into vogue at that time. Rendu, e. Rendered, produced. Renne, m. Reindeer. Renverse, e, pa. p. Tiirned out on a dish. Repas, m. Repast. Repass^, e, pa. p. Strained repeated- ly. Rf'publique, f. Republic. Repue, /. (Slancf.) Feeding, meal. Requin, m. Shark. Restaurant, m. A restaurant. A high class eating house. Originally the name of a broth invented in 1557 by a French doctor named Palissy. In 1765 a tavern was opened in Paris, under the title of "Restaurant" for the purpose of supplying this broth. Restaurateur, m. Restaurateur. Res- taurant keeper. Reste, m. Remains of a feast. Retrousse, e, adj. Trussed (poultry^ etc.). Turned up. Rettig ( German ) . Radish. Reveillon, m. A gastronomic fes- tivity which takes place in France on Christmas eve. Revenir (faire). To fry or to brown. Revention. A still red wine from; the department of Isere (France). Rhabarber (German). Rhubarb. Rheine, f. Rheine (a coloring mat- ter obtained from the root of the common rhubarb). Rheingold. A sparkling German wine. Rhin (Vin du), m. Rhine wine. Rhombique, adj. Lozenge shape. Rhone (Vin du). Rhone wine. Rhubarbe, /. Rhubarb, Rhum, m. Rum, Riblette, See GriUette. Richard, m. Millionaire. Riche, adj. Rich. Richesse, f. Riches, wealth, richness. Richelieu, A French cardinal and statesman of the reigns of Louis XIII and XIV, (15S5-3642), Many dishes are named after him, Riesling, A white Austrian wine. Rillettes, /. A French savory meat preparation used for hors d'oeuvre and savouries, Rilly, A French department famous for its champagnes. Rimini, A red Italian wine. Rince, e, pa. p. Rinsed. Rindfleisch (German). Beef. Rindfleischtee (German). Beef tea. Rindischnitten (German). Beef- steak, Ripa, A red drv wine from Tuscany (Italy). Ripaille, f. High living. Feast. Ripop§e, /. A mixed wine sauce. Rippchen (German). Chops. Cut- lets. 78 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Kisl pisi( Italian). A soup of rice and green peas. Risot, m. Risotto, an Italian dish of rice and cheese. Rissole, e, adj. Browned. Rissoles, /. Rich mixed fish or meat rolled in thin pastry and fried. Rissolettes. Same as Rissoles, but smaller. Rittersberger. A sweet white Aus- trian wine. Rivesaltes. A still red (sweet and dry) wine from the south of France. Also one of the best French liqueur wines. Riviere, /. River. Riz m. Rice. Farine (f) de riz. Rice flour. Robe, f. Skin. Pod. Gown. En robes de chambre, /. In dress- ing gown. Of creams served in paper cases ; of potatoes served in their "jackets,^' etc. Robert, f. A brown, spicy mustard sauce. (Named after a distinguished French chef and restaurateur of the last century.) Robine, /. A kind of pear. Also known as "Royale" and "Muscat d'aoiit." Rocambole, /. A kind of garlic. Rocher, m. Rock. Rocher de Cancale. Place on the west coast of France renowned for its oysters. Rogen ( Germ an ) . Roes. Roggen (German). Rye. Roggenbrod (German). Rye bread. Rognon. m. Kidney. Rognures, /. Remnants. Parings. As, Rognures de fevilletage, puff paste trimmings. Roh (German). Raw. Roi, m. King. Rohrennudeln (German). Macaroni. Rollchen von Schweinefleisch (Ger- man). Pork rolls. Roll mops (German). A rolled up pickled herring. Romaine, /. Cos lettuce. Ris, w. Sweetbread. As, Ris de veau, veal sweetbread. Romaine, adj. Roman (Ponche ro- maine, Roman punch, etc.). Romance (Sparkling). A wine pro- duced in the Burgundy district. Romanee Conti. A still Burgundy wine (red and white). Romankeintjes. A Dutch pastrj' of eggs, sugar and almonds. Romanoff. The family name of the Russian Imperial family. Romarin, m. Rosemary (an herb). Rompre. To break. To work paste or dough three or four times. Rondelle, /. Ring (for ranges). Also a vessel for carrying beer.f Ronger. To eat, to nibble. Roquefort, m. Roquefort cheese. Roquemaure. A French rose colored wine (dry). Roquette, /. Rocket, a kind of salad herb. Rosace, e, adj. Ornamented with roses. Rosbif, m. Roast beef. Rose, /. Rose. Rose, e, adj. Rose-hued. Rosen (German) . Roses. Rosenkohl (German). Brussels sprouts. Rosinen (German). Raisins. Rosolio (Italian). A liqueur flavored with roses, orange flowers and various spices. Rossignol, m. Nightingale. Rossini. A famous musician and gourmet. (Filet de hoeuf a la Rossini, beef tenderloin with goose liver and truffle sauce). Rossolnik. A Russian national soup. Rossolis, m. A spirituous liquor. Rostbrod (German). Crouton. Toast. R6t, m. Roast meat. Rot or roti, m. The "roast" or "game" course. Preferably of game, but often including whole roast poul- try, etc., and occasionally roast but- cher's meat. Sometimes, also, fish for Lenten dinners. Rota. A red Spanish wine. Roth (German). Red. Rothenberger. A white Rhine wine. Rothwein (German). Claret. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 79 Roti, e, pa. p. Roasted. RCtie, f. Toast. Rotisseur, w. Roast cook. Rotissoire, f. Roasting pan. Rotweinsauce ( German ) . Glaret sauce. Roucoule. A (still) red Hermitage wine. Rouelle, /. Round (of beef, etc.). Fillet. Round slice. Rouennais, e, adj. Rouen (style). Rouge, adj. Red. Au rouge. Red sauce. Rouge de riviere, m. A kind of wild duck. Rouge gorge, m. Robin. Rouget, m. Red mullet (a highly esteemed fish, called the "woodcock of the sea."). Roulade, /'. Meat roll. Rolled meat. Roule, e, pa. p. Rolled. Rouleau, m. Roller. Roumiain, e, adj. Roumanian (style). Roussatre, adj. Auburn-hued. Rousselet, m. Russet pear. Roussi, e, pa. p. Browned (only used for flour turned into roux) . Roussili, e, adj. Browned (meat). Roussillon. A still red (di-y and sweet) wine from the South of France. Roux, m. A preparation of butter and flour, used for thickening soups and sauces. Rovereto. A red Austrian wine (Italian Tyrol district). Royal, m. An egg custard used for garnishing clear soups. Also an icing {glace royale) made with whites of egg and icing sugar and used for coating and decorative l^ur- poses. Royal, e, adj. Royal (style). Royale. A kind of pear. Royans. A delicately-flavored small fish, similar to sardines. Ruban, m. Ribbon. As, en rudans, in ribbons. Rubane, e, adj. Decorated with rib- bon. Ribbon-like. Riibchen {German). Turnips, car- rots, etc. Ruche, /. Bee-hive. Riicken {German) . Saddle. Ruedesheimer. A white Rhine wine (sparkling) . Riihrer {German). Scrambled eggs. Runique, adj. Runic. Rumford, Benj. An American states- man and inventor of economical soups. Rusivica. A deep red pweet Dalma- tian (Austria) wine. Russe, adj. Russian. Russische, noun ; Russischer, adj. {German). Russian. Russischer Krustenpudding ( Ger- m an ) . Charlotte russe. Ruster Ausbruch. A sweet white Hungarian wine. Rustique, adj. Rustic. Rutabaga, m. Rutabaga, Swedish turnip. Ruy. A still red wine from the de- partment of Isfere (France). Sabayes. A Spanish white wine. Sabayon (Sabaillon), m. A kind of egg punch. Also served as sauce with hot puddings. Also a sweet dish by itself (prepared with wine — either sherry, Malaga or white — sugar and eggs). Sable, m'. A kind of pastry. Sabot au sang, m. A stew prepared in olden times. Sack, A wine used during the mid- dle ages. Originally produced in the Canary Islands. Safran {German) . Safron. Safran, m. Saffron, Saft {German). Juice (of fruit, etc. ) . Sago {German). Sago. Sagou, m. Sago. Sahne ( German ) . Cream. 80 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Saignaut, e, adj. Underdone. Rare. Saindoux, m. Lard. St. Andre. A red Bordeanx wine. St. Augustin. A fall pear. St. Bris. A white Bordeaux wine. St. Cancian. A white Illyrian (Aus- tria ) wine. St. Chef. A still red wine from the Department of Isere (France). St. Christophe. A red still Bordeaux wine. St. Ohrj'stol. A still red (sweet) wine from the south of France. St. Cloud. A city and castle between Paris and Versailles (France). A number of dishes are so named ( Ris de veau, St. Cloud, etc ) . St. Drezery. A red (sweet) wine from the south of France. St. Elie. A fine pale Green wine. St. Emilion. A red still Bordeaux wine. St. Estephe. A red still Bordeaux wine. A district from which come many well known wines — Chateau Montrose, Galon Segur, Rochet, etc. St. Etienne. A red still Bordeaux wine. St. Genies. A French rose colored wine (sweet). St. Georges. A red sweet wine from the south of France. St. Germain, m. A bartlett pear Potage St. Germain, a pea soup. St. Gervais. A red Bordeaux wine. Also a famous French cream cheese. St. Gilles. A still red dry wine from the south of France. St. Hubert. The patron saint of hunters. Many game dishes are named after him. St. Hippolyte. A red still Bordeaux wine. St. Julien. A red still Bordeaux wine. A district from which come many well known wines — Chateau Leoville, Gruaud Larose, Lagrange, etc. St. Laurent. A red still Bordeaux wine. Another district famous for its wines — Chateau Camensac, etc. St. Laurent des Arabes. A dry French red Avine from the Depart- ment of Drome. St. Loub&s. A red Bordeaux wine. St. Macaire. A Sw^iss wine. Also a Bordeaux wine. St. Magdalene. A red Austrian wine ( German Tyrol district ) . St. Malouin, e, adj. St Malo (style). St. Martin de Mazerat. A red still Bordeaux wine. St. Per,ay. A white win© (sparkling and still) produced in the south of France. St. Prex. A red dry highly spirituous Swiss wine. St. Saom. A still red wine from the Department of Is&re (France). St. Saphorin. A white dry Swiss wine. St. Verand. A still red wine from the Department of Isere (France). St. Vivien. A Bordeaux wine. Saisir (faire). To seize. To cook meat over a brisk fire to make it re- tain its juices. Saki. A Japanese rice liquor. Salade, /. Salad. Saladier, m. Salad dish. Bowl. Salamandre, /. Oven used for brown- ing or gratinating dishes. Also a flat iron instrument, which is made red hot and held over dishes that need browning. Salami, m. An Italian sausage. Salanga, Salangane, f. Esculent swallow (see nids de salangane) . Salarem. A red Portuguese wine. Salat (German). Salad. Salat-Bohnen (German). Beans used for salad. Salces. A still red (sweet) wine from the South of France. Sale, e, pa. p. Salt, salted. (Pore sale, salt pork). Corned (Boeuf saM, corned beef.). Salicoque, /. Prawn. Salmigondis, m. Salmagundi (a kind of old English meat mixture). Salmis, m. Salmis, a ragout of (feathered) game previously cooked. Jugged nare. MARTIN'S MENU DICTIONARY 81 Salpeter (German). Saltpeter. Salpicon, m. A mince of poultry or game with ham, tongue and mush- rooms, used for croquettes, bou- chees, rissoles, etc. Salsepareille, f. Sarsaparilla. Salsifis, m. Oyster plant. Salsify. Salurner. A red and white Austrian wine (German Tyrol district). Salut, m. Salutation. Salvaquin. A red dry highly spirituous Swiss wine. Saltz, m. (German). Salted. Salzgurken (German). Cucumbers pickled in brine (served with boiled or roast meats). Samen (German). Seeds. Samian. A famous wine from the Island of Rhodes. Samos, m. A Greek dessert wine. Sandre. Pike perch. Wlall-eyed pike. Sandwichs, /. Sandwiches. Sang, m. Blood. Sangaree, m. An East Indian punch. Sangler. To pack. To prepare the ice mixture for freezing. Sanglier, m. Wild boar. San Michele. A red Austrian wine (Italian Tyrol district). Sans. Without. San Sidero. An amber sherry-like wine fromi Sicily. Santa Venera. A red soft wine from Sicily. Sante, /. Health. Santenay. A still red Burgundy wine. Santenot-Volnay. A red Burgundy wine. Santos, m. A Brazilian coffee. Sapa, m. Grape jelly. Sapaceau, m. An egg punch. Sapide, adj. Savory. Sapid. Sapote, /. Sapota, Sapodilla (a West Indian fruit). Sarazin, See Sarrasin. Sarbotifere (Sorbetifere) , /. A pewter freezing pot or freezing pan. Sarcelle, /. Teal duck. Sarcelle ailes bleues. Blue-wing teal duck. Sarcelle ailes vertes. Green teal duck. Sardellen (German). Anchovy. Sarder (German). Sardine. Sardine, /. Sardine. Sargus, m. Porgy. Sarrasin, m. Buckwheat. (Gaieties de sarrasin, buckw^heat cakes). Sarriette, /. A savory herb. Sassafras, m. Sassafras. Sassela. A red dry Italian wine. Sassenage, m. A kind of cheese (simi- lar to Roquefort). Sasse, e, pa. p. Sifted. Satine, e, adj. Satin-like. Satyre, m. Satyr. Sauce, /. Sauce. The two founda- tion sauces are the brown and white sauces, Espagnole and Veloute. The auxiliary sauces are Bechamel and Tomato. Sauce (German). Sauce (meat). Sauce, e, pa. p. Sauced; covered with sauce. Saucier, m. Sauce cook. Sauciere, /. Sauce-boat. Saucisse, /. Sausage. As, Saucisses de Frankfort, Ftankfort sausages. Sauerampfer (German). Sorrel. Saucisson, w. A large sausage (some- times smoked and dried). Sauerbraten (German). Sour beef. Sauerkraut (German). Sourkrout. Sauer (German). Sour. Sauerlich (German). Sourish. Sauge, f. Sage. Saumon, m. Salmon. Saumoneau, m. Salmlet ; a very small young salmon. Saumur (sparkling). A wine produced in the Province of Anjou (closely resembles champagne). Saumure, e, pa. p. Pickled. Saupiquet, m. Spiced vinegar sauce. Saupoudre, e, adj. Powdered, dusted. Saur. Smoke-dried. Saure, e, pa. p. Dried or cured (in sinoke) . 82 MARTIN'S MENU DICTIONARY Saurin, m. A red herring. A freshly- cured herring. Saut6, e, pa. p. Tossed over the fire in a saute i^an with little butter or fat. Cooked quickly over a sharp fire. Sauterne, m. The generic name of the white wines (still and spark- ling) produced in Sauternes (Gir- onde, France) — ^Chateau Yquem, La Tour Blanche, etc. Sauto. A sweet Greek wine (purple and white). Sautoire, m. Saute pan, a shallow copper cooking pan. Sautorin. A red Greek wine. Sauvage, adj. Wild. Savarin (Brillat). Famous gastro- nomic writer, born 1755 ; author of the "Physiology of Taste." A cake soaked in syrup flavored with liquors. Saveur, m. Flavor. Savigny. A still red' Burgundy wine. Savoisien-ne, adj. Savoy (style). Savoyard, e, adj. Savoy (style). Savoyenkohl {German). Savoy cab- bage. Saxon-ne, adj. Saxon (style). Scarole. f. See escarole. Schabziger. A Swiss herb cheese. Schaf {German). 'Sheep. Schalet (cholet). A Jewish Sabbath dish prepared from different sorts of meat, rice and peas (or barley and peas), set on the fire on Friday and allowed to cook slowly till Saturday. Schalotten {German). Eschalots. Shallots. Schaltiere {German). Shell fish. Scharlachberger. A white Rhine wine. Scharzberg. A Rhine wine. Schattan. A white Moravian wine. Schaumbier {German). Cream beer. Schaumbiersuppe {German). Brothy beer soup. Schaumloffel {German). Skimmer. Schaumwein {German). Champagne. Scheiben (German) . Sliced. Schellfisch {German). Haddock. Scheukelli. A kind of pastry popular in Basle (Switzerland). Schiedam. A city in Holland famous for its fine liqueurs. Schiedam Schnapps. A Holland gin liqueur from grains flavored with Juniper berries. Schiersteiner. A white Rhine wine. Schildkrote {German). Turtle. Green turtle. Schinken {German). Ham. Schiraz (Vin de). See Shiraz. Schlesische, Schlesischer {German), adj. Silesian. ^chlesisches Himmelreich. A Silesian specialty of sauerkraut and pur€e of peas. Sdhlossberger. A white Rhine wine. Schloss Rametzer. A white Austrian wine (German Tyrol district). Schmalz ( Germar. ) . Lard. Schmorbraten ( German ) . Kettle roast. Rump of beef braised a la mode. Schmitsberger. A sweet white Aus- trian wine. Schnaps, m. Schnaps, a dram of strong spirits. Schnecken {German). Snails. Schneeballe {German). Snowballs. Schneehuhn {German). White grouse. Schneidebohnen {German). String beans. Schnell {German). Quick. Schnepfe {German). Snipe. Schnittchen {German). Small slice. Schnittlauch {German). Chives. Schnitzel {German). Equivalent to a thin slice. Schokolade ( German) . Chocolate. Schoppen {German) . A wine or beer measure (about a pint). Schrattenthaler. A red Austrian wine. Schwabischer {German) . Suabian (adj.) Schwamm {German). Sponge. Mush- room. Schwanberger. A light red Austrian. wine. MARTYN'S MENU J)TCTIONAIiY 83 Schwartenmagen (German) . Head- cheese. Schwarzbrod (German) . Brown bread. Schwarzwurzeln (German). Oyster plant. Salsify. Schweinefleisch (German). Pork. Schweinsrippen (German). Pork chops. Schweizer (German). Swiss (adj.) Scorscon^re (scorzonera), /. A kind of oyster plant. Scorzonera. Scubac, m. Usquebaugh (a liquor). Scuppernong. A native American wine (white). Sec, s&che, adj. Dry. Of champagne (using masculine sec), meaning that a little liqueur has been added to make it sweeter, Seche, e, pa. p. Dried. S^cherie, /. Drying room. S6cheur, m. A drying apparatus. Sect. A German name for cham- palgne. (From the Latin, Vino secco, dry wine). Seefische ( German ) . Salt water fish. Seewein. A white Austrian wine (German Tyrol district). Seigle, m. Rye. (Pain de seigle, rye bread.) Seiher (German) . Strainer, coland- er. Sel, m. Salt. Selin, m. Mountain parsley. Selle, f. Saddle. Baron (of beef). Sellerie (German). Celery. Selters, selterswa.sser (German). Selt- zer water. (Often mispelled selt- sericasser) . Seltz (eau de). Seltzer water. Semaino, f. Week. Semmel (German). Rolls (bread). Semoule, f. Semolina. Semoule italienne. A soup correspond- ing to the Mont-Frigoul. S^nateur, m. Senator. Senelle, /. Haw (fruit of the white thorn). Senf (German). Mustard. mit senf (German). In mustard. Septembre, m. September (month of). Septentrional, e, adj. Northern. Serail, m. Seraglio. The palace of the Turkish Sultan or of princes. Also used but improperly as harem. Sercial. A well known Madeira wine. Serdeau, m. The King's dish pantpy. Serpolet, m. Wild thyme. Serre, f. Hothouse. Servante, /. Servant. Service, m. Service. Servi, e, pa. p. Served. Serviette, f. Table napkin. En serviette. Served in a napkin, or dished up in a napkin. Setier, m. Setier (13 English pints — of wine). Setural. A white Portuguese wine. Sevigne. A clear soup named after Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Mar- quise de Sevign6 (1626-96^). Shiebbs. A white Austrian wine. Shiraz. A sweet Persian wine (red and white). Siamois, e, adj. Siamese (style). Siberien-ne, adj. Siberian. Siccatif-ve. adj. Drying. Sicilien-ne, adj. Sicilian. Sieb (German). Strainer. Sieblingener. A white dry Swiss wine. Si&cle, m. Century. Sieur, m. Sir, Mr. Signora (Italian). Originally, a lady of rank. Now meaning "Mrs." Silesien-ne, adj. Silesian. Sillery. A village near Rheims, France. Name of a French noble- man who was the first to put brand- ed champagne on the market. Sillssillat. A Swedish dish. (A kind of herring salad.) Simonthurn. A sweetish red Hun- garian wine. Singer. To dust with flour from the dredging box. To sprinkle flour over meat, etc., so as to thicken the gravy. Siphon, m. Siphon. S Irene, f. Siren. 84 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Sirop, in. Syrup. Sittersdorfer. A deep red Illyrian (Austria) wine. Skorzonern {German). Scorzonera. Slave, adj. Slavonic (style). Smyrne, m. Smyrna. Socle, m. Base. Pedestal. Soeur, /. Sister. Soir, rn. Evening. Soiree, /. Evening entertainment. (Soiree danmnte, an evening enter- tainment with dancing.) Soja (Soya). The fermented juice of the Soya bean. A very sharp In- dian flavoring sauce. Soldat, m. Soldier. Sole, f. Sole (fish). .Sole anglaise. English sole. Soleil. m. Sun, Soleils, m. A kind of small cakes. Solferino. An Italian village, the scene of two great battles, A clear soup with tomatoes and vegetables. Solperippchen {German). Spare ribs. Somlauer Bratenwein. A white Hun- garian wine. Sommelier, m. Wine steward. Sommite, /. Summit. Apex. Somogy. A red and white Hungarian wine. Sonoma (sparkling). A well known American wine. Sonner. To ring. Sorbet, m. Sherbet. Originally an iced Turkish drink. Now generally water ice with fruit or liqueur fla- vor (as, Sorhet a V orange, orange sherbet). Sorbet {German). Sherbet {Soviet von Ananas, pineapple sherbet ; von Pfirsichen, peach sherbet, etc.) Sorbetiere, /. See Sarbotiere. Sot-l'y-laisse, m. Chicken rump. Oy- ster of the chicken. (Lditerally translated, "The fool leaves it.") Soubisee. Soubise — a cream purge of onions served with various kinds of meat entrees. Named after the Prince de Soubise, an illustrious marshal of the reign of Louis XV. Sonde, f. Soda. Souffle, e, pa. p. Puffed. Light, {Omelette soufftee, puff omelet, etc.) Souillon de cuisine, m. and f. Scullion, kitchen girl. Soul, e, adj. Drunk, intoxicated. Soultzmatt (eau de). An Alsatian mineral water (similar to seltzer water). Soupe, /. Soup. Soupe, m. Supper. Soupi&re, f. Soup tureen. Source, /. Spring, Sous, Under, (As, sous cloche). Soux-noix, /. Round bottom of veal, etc. Souvenir, m. Souvenir. Soy. See soja.. Spaghetti, m. {Italian). Spaghetti. Spanferkel {German) . Sucking pig. Spanischer {German). Spanish, adj. Spanischer Pfeffer {German). Cay- enne pepper, Spargel {German) . Asparagus. Spatenbrau {German) . A Munich beer of fine quality, Spatzle, A Suabian dish of flour and eggs, Specialite, /, Specialty, Speck (German) . Bacon, Speckschwarte (German). Pork rind. Speculaci (German). Tea tarts (for Christmas tree). Speise (German). Sauce (sweet). Spermophile, m. Prairie dog. Spicken (German). Larding. Spick-speck (German). Larding pork. Spinat (German). Spinach. Spiritueux-se, adj. Spirituous (con- taining alcohol). Spitzen (German). Tips. Splendide, adj. Splendid. Spongada (Italian). Water ice with whipped egg whites (meringues). Spongieux-se, adj. Spongy. Spragel (German). Asparagus. Sprat, m. Sprat (a small fish). Springerle (German). Anise cakes. Spumante (Italian), adj. Sparkling (of wines). Squilette, m. Skeleton. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 85 Stachelbereen {German) . Goose- berries. Stachelbeerenwein {German) . Goose- berry wine. Stadtberger. A light red Illyriau (Austria) wine. Stcby. A Russian national soup. Stec'kriiben {German). Turnips. Steiiiberger. A white Rhine wine. Steinbutt {German). Turbot. Steinpilze {German). Mushrooms. Steinwein. A fine German white wine of strong and pronounced fla- vor. Stembruch. A white Hungariau wine. Sterlet, m. A fish belonging to the sturgeon family. Sterne {German). iStars. Stilton. An English cheese of superior quality. Stinte {German). Smelts. Stimulant, e, adj. Stimulant, stimu- lating. Stockfisch {German). Salt codfish. Stor (German). Sturgeon. Strachino. An Italian cheese. Strasbourg (Strassburg) . An Alsa- tian city ; renowned for its goose liver patties. Strausser. A white Austrian wine. Straw wine. The pressings of grapes which have been dried on straw. Very sweet, but only partly fer- mented wine. Stylet, m. Stiletto. Stroh {German) . Straw. Submerge, e, pa. p. Submerged, cov- ered with water. Suburbain, e, adj. Suburban. Subureck. A famous Tlirkish dish. Sue, m. Juice. Succulent, e, adj. Succulent. Sucre, m. Sugar. " de betterave. Beet sugar. " brut. Brown sugar, coarse sugar, raw sugar, etc. " de canne. Oane sugar. " d'6rable. Maple sugar. " k glace : glace de sucre. Icing * su?ar. Sucre de lait. Lactine. " d'orge. Barley sugar. " en pain. Loaf sugar, lump i-'ugar. " de pomme. Apple sugar. " raffine. Refined sugar. '* de raisin. Grape sugar. Sucre, e, pa. p. Sweetened. Sucrerie, f. Bonbons, sweets. Sud, m. South. Slid {German). South. Sud-est, m. Southeast. Sud-ouest, m. Southwest. Suedois, e, adj. Swedish. Suif, m. Suet (of mutton) ; tallow. Suisse, adj. Swiss (style). Suissesse. A French drink of ab- sinthe and orgeat (generally taken before dinner). Sultan, m. ; Sultane, /. Sultan ; Sul- tana (wife of the Sultan). Sultane, /. A West Indian marsh bird. Sultanes, f. Sultanas (small seedless raisins). Sultzmelt. A still white wine pro- duced in Alsace-Lorraine. Sulz, siilze {German). Brawn, jelly (meat), head cheese. Siilze von Schweinefleisch. Jellied pork. Sunbury. A red dry Australian wine. Superbe, adj. Superb. Superfin, e, adj. (Superfine. Superieur, e, adj. Superior. Su'ppe {German). Soup, broth. Supreme, adj. Best, most delicate. Supreme de volaille, m. Breast of chicken. Au supreme. Usually- — with a rich white cream sauce made from chicken broth. (Literally, "with the finest, best.") Sur, e, adj. Sour (of fruits, etc.), Surard, m. Elderberry vinegar. Sureau, m. Elder. Graines de sureau. Elderberries. Vin de sureau. Elder wine. Surlonge, f. Sirloin. (The English word "sirloin" was probably derived 86 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY from "surlonge" (though that word is now seldom used) — all stories of "Sir Loin" to the contrary notwith- standing). Surmoiit, ni. Unfermented wine. Surprise, /. Sui-prise. Surtout, m. Epergne (of a dinner service). Centrepiece. Siiss ( G erm a n ) . Sweet. Susse Glassgurken {German). Sweet cucumbers. Siissauer {German). Sweet-sour, adj. Suzanne. A famous French chef and culinary author. Suzerain, e, adj. Sovereign. Sylphe, m. Sylph. Syngnathe, m. Sangnat (a kind of fish). Syrien-ne, adj. Syrian. Szamorodnger Bratenwein. A white Hungarian wine. Szamorodni. A white Hungarian wine. Szegzardi. A red Hungarian wine. Table, /. Table. Table d'hote. Literally, in Europe, the table at which the principal meals are served to guests. Also a com- mon table for guests. An ordinary. In America it serves as a general title for a course meal at a fixed price. Tablier, m. Apron. Tabris. A sweet Persian wine (red and white). Tacaud, m. Frost fish. Tache, /. Spot, stain. Tachet6, e, pa. p. Spotted. Tadorne, f. Wood duck. Tafia, m. Tafia, a kind of rum. A messenger. A sauce served with brandy made in the West Indies from the sugar cane. Tagliarine (Tagliati). A kind of macaroni paste cut in fine flat shreds. Tailles, pa. p. pi. (Things) cut. Thin slices or crusts of bread placed in a soup tureen are called "tallies." Taillevent. A famous chef of Charles VII. of France (1430 to 1461). Author of the first cook book printed in French. Takey Ausbruch. A sweet white Hungarian wine made from the pressing of ripe grapes together with some dry grapes. Takey essence. A famous sweet white Hungarian wine made from drip- pings from grapes that have ripened and dried on the vine. Talleyrand. Several high-class dishes are so styled. The name comes from an old French ducal family. Talmouse, /. A kind of French pas- try, sweet or savory, made in the shape of parsons' caps. A cheese- cake. Tamarin, m. Tamarind. Tambour, m. Drum. Tamis, m. Sieve. Tammy. Woolen canvas cloth used for straining soups and sauces. Tamis6, e, pa. p. Rubbed through a sieve. Tanche, /. Tench, a fresh-water fish similar to the black bass. Tannin {German). Tannin. Tansy. A herb with strong aromatic flavor. Tapioca, m. Tapioca. Tapioka {German). Tapioca. Tari, m. Tari (a liquor obtained from palm trees ) . Tarpeien-ne, adj. Tarpeian. Terragona. A sweet full Spanish wine. Tartare, adj. Tartar (style), a la tartare, hot. spiced. Tartare, m. A tartar. A Turkish fried fish or cold meats. A salad dressing. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY ST Tarte, /. Tart (sweet pie). (Tarte aux fruits, fruit tart, etc.) Tartelette, f. Tartelet. Tartine, /. A slice of bread. Often used instead of Tartine de heurrc. Tartine de confiture, a slice of bread and jami, etc. Tartine de beurre. A slice of bread and butter, Tartre, m. Tartar, tartaric acid. Tas, m. Pile. heap. Tassajo. A South American name for dried meat or powdered meat. Tasse, /. Cup. Tassen (German). Cups. Tassenspeise (German). Cup cus- tard. Taube (German) . Pigeon. Taure, /. Heifer. Taureau, m. Young bull. Tavel. A French rose colored wine (very dry). Taverne, f. Tavern. Tcheque, adj. Czech (Bohemian). Teher. A sweet Persian wine (red and white). Teig (German). Paste. Teller (German). Plate. Teltow (navets de). Teltow turnips (German turnips of very strong flavor). Temps, m. Time. Tendon, m. Tendon. Gristle. Piece from the breast of lamb or veal, in which the gristle is found. Terlauer. A white Austrian wine (German T^rol district). Terma. A white light bodied Portu- guese wine. Termo Tinto. A red Portuguese wine, Terrapfene. f. Terrapin. Terragona. A section of Spain fam- ous for its vineyards. Terre, f. Eiarth. Terrine, f. China or earthen pot or bowl used for potted meats. Terrines de Nerac. Earthenware pots in which fat goose liver is cooked with truffles (served cold). e, pa. p. En terrine ; terrine, Potted, jugged. Terrinee, /. A potful. Tete, /. Head. (Tete de veau, calf's head, etc.). en tete-a-tete. Double. Face to face. "A party of two only." Tete de moine. A cheese made in the Jura (literally, "monk's head"). Tetenyer. A slightly sweet, deep red Hungarian wine. Tetine, /. Udder. (Tetine de veaur veal udder.) Tetragone, /. Tetragonia, New Zea- land spinach. Tetras. m. Grouse. Prairie chicken. Tetras de prairie, m. Grouse, prairie hen. Teuton-ne, Teutonique, adj. Teutonic German (style). The, m. Tea. Thee ( G erm an) . Tea . Theeletterchen (German). Tea tarts- (for Christmas tree). Theiere, /. Teapot. Thiergaertner. A white Moselle wine. Therid. An Arab soup. Thermidor, m. Thermidor (the 11th month of the year in the French re- l>ublicau calendar). Thessali?n-ne, adj. Thes.salian (Greek). Thibetan, e, adj. Thibet (style). Thon, m. Tunny fish, a sea fish of the Scomber (mackerel) family, usu- ally preserved in oil. Used prin- cipally as a hors d'ceuvre. Thon marine. Pickled tunny fish. Thym, m. Thyme. Thy mia n ( G erm an). TTiyme. Tiare, /. Tiara. Tiburou, m. Tiburo (a fish of the shark species). Tiede, adj. Lukewarm. Tiercain, m. Tierce, a cask. Tiffin. The name given in India to the repast taken between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning. The "de- jeuner a la fourcJiette'' of France. Tige. /. Stalk, ear, cob (as, main houille en tige. corn boiled on cob'i 88 MARTY^'^ MENU DICTIONARY Timbale, /. Literally "kettledrum" or "drinking cup." Paste crusts, filled with various ingredients. Also prepared with, forcemeat, noodles, etc. Moule a timbale. Timbal mould. Timbre, m. Icebox. Refrigerator, Tine, /. Tub, water cask. Tintara. A tawney red alcoholic Aus- tralian wine. Tinto de Rota. A dry red Spanish wine. Tire, e, pa. p. Pulled (as, sucre tire, pulled sugar) . Tire-bouchon, m. Corkscrew, Tisane, f. A herb tea. Tisane de champagne. Light cham- pagne. Titanique. adj. Titanic, gigantic. Tocane, f. New juice of grapes. Toile. /. Linen, cloth. Toile de menage. Homsepun linen. Toile a tamis. Sieve cloth. Tokai (Tokay), m. Tokay wine. Tomate. f. Tomato. Tomate, e, pa. p. Mixed with toma- toes. Tomaten {German). Tomatoes. Tomber a glace. To reduce the liquid until it has the appearance of a thick syrup. Tonalchile. Guinea pepper. Tonca, m. Tonca bean, Tonquin bean. Tonne, f., Tonneau, m. A large wooden cask. Topaz Villa Flor. An aromatic (dry and sweet) Portuguese wine. Topf {German). Pot. Topinambour. m. Girasole. Jerusalem artichoke. Toreador, m. Toreador. Bullfighter. Torres Vedras. A pale sweet Portu- guese wine. Torse, m. Trunk. (Body deprived of head and limbs.) Torte {German). Tart. Tortillas. Thin Mexican bread (cakes) prepared from Yucca or Manioc flour. Tortue, /. Turtle. Tortue fausse. Mock turtle. Tortue de mer. Sea turtle, sea tor- toise. Tortue de terre. Land tortoise, land turtle. Tortue verte. Green turtle. Toscan. e, adj. Tuscany (style). Toast, toste, m. Toast. Tot-fait, m. Flap jack (a cake). Toulouse (a la). A rich white stew of white meats, mushrooms, truffles, etc., used for filling crusts or for garnishing. Named after the Comte de Toulouse (reign of Louis XIV.). Tournedos. m. Small fillets of beef served as entrees. Tourne, e, pa. p. Shaped, cut. Soured, curdled. (Tourner les legumes, to pare and cut vegetables to a certain shape. Une sauet tournee. a curdled sauce), Tourte, f. Pie (sweet). Tart. Toui-teau, m. Cake. Tourterelle, f. Turtle dove. Tourtiere, /. Tart mold. Pie dish. Baking dish. Tout, e, adj. All, every. Toute-bonue, f. A kind of Bartlett pear. Traiteur. m. 'Caterer. Eating house keeper. Tranche, f. Slice of meat, melon. bread, cake, etc. En tranches. In slices, sliced. Tranche de lard. Slice of bacon. Rasher, Tranche-lard, m. Larding knife, Transalpin, e, adj. Transalpine. Transatlantique, adj. Transatlantic. Trappistine, f. Trappistine, a liqueur made from absinthe and various spices and herbs. Trautmannsdorf. An Austrian count (1749-1827) after whom several sweets are named. Travailler, To work. To stir, to knead, etc. Travesti, e, adj. Burlesqued. Dis- guised. Treble Palma. The highest grade of quality in sherry. Tr&fle, m. Clover. MARTYR'S MENU DICTIONARY 89 'Treille, f. Vine. Trempe, e, ^ja. p. Dipped. Ttemper. To dip, to soak. Tremper la soupe. To pour the soup over thin slices or crusts of bread placed in the soup tureen. Trempette, /. Slice of bread. Trianon (a la). Trianon (style). A garnishing in three colors. Tricolore, adj. Tricolored. Tripe, /. Tripe. Tripette, /. Small tripe. Trognon, m. Core, kernel. Trogslaver. A red and w^hite Bo- hemian wine. Trojer. A white Bohemian wine. Trompette, f. Trumpet. Tronc. m. Trunk (of a body, tree, etc. ) . Troncon, m. Slice. Tronconne. e, pa. p. Sliced. Tronque, e, pa. p. Truncated. Muti- lated. Trophee, m. Trophy. Trousse, e, pa. p. Trussed (of poul- try, game, etc.). Truflfe, /. Truffle. Trufife, e, pa. p. Truffled. Garnished with truffles. Triifeeln {German). Truffles. Truie, /. Sow. Truite, /. Trout, Truite au bleu. Brook trout thrown into boiling water and vinegar to make its skin turn blue. Truite de lac. Lake trout. Truite de ruisseau. Brook trout. Truit saumonee. Salmon trout. Truitelle, /. Troutlet (small trout). Ttumeau, m.'\ Leg of beef. Truthahn {German). Turkey. Tudesque, adj. Old German style. Tueur, m. Killer, butcher. Tunke {German). Sauce. Turban, w. Turban (Turkisth: head- gear). Oriental entrees of chicken and forcemeat dressed in the form of a turban. Turbit, m. Turbit (a variety of the domestic pigeon ) . Turbot, m. Turbot (a sea fish). Tur'botin, m. Small turbot. Turc, Turque, adj. Turkish. T'lirde, m. Thrush. Tiirkheimer. A German white wine (from the Neckar). Turneps, m. Ttirnip. {Turneps is though seldom used except for tur- nips grown for feeding cattle.) Turquet, m. Maize. Tutti-fruitti. An Italian expression for "various kinds of fruits." Various water ices or ice cream mixed with different sorts of can- died fruits. Tyrolien, ne, adj. Tyrolean. Tzar, Czar, m. Czar. Tzarine, /. Czarina. u Ucha. A Russian fish soup. Uchard. A still red (sweet) wine from the south of France. Ude (Louis Eustache). A famous chef of Louis XVI. Ulmer {German). Ulm. Umble, Umbre, m. Umber, grayling (a fish of the salmon variety). Umbrine. Kingfish. Und {German). And. Urbain, e. adj. City (style). Ure, m. A species of wild ox (now nearly extinct). Urne, /. Urn, vase. Ustensils, m. Utensils. Uvaggio. Any Italian wine made from mixed grapes. 90 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Vache, /. Cow. Vache a lait. Milch cow. Vachelin, or Vacherin, m. Vacherin, a Jura cheese, Vachelin, or Vacherin, m. Vacherin, with whipped cream. See also above. Vairon, m. Minnow. Vaisselle, /. Dishes, plates, table service (Vaisselle de poroelaime, china table service, etc.). Val de penas. A white sweet (also a dry subbitter) Spanish wine. Valence, /. Valencia. A section of Spain famous for its vineyards and its oranges. A red sweet Spanish wine. Valencien, ne, adj. Valencia (style). Valkyrie, /. Valkyrie. Valpolicelio. A red dry Italian wine. Vanille, /. Vanilla. a la vanille. Vanilla flavored. Vanneau, m. Plover ; lapwing ; pewit ; bustard. Vanner. To stir a sauce quickly and lightly (so as to make it smooth). Varenkis. A Polish side dish. Varie, e, adj. Varied. Variete, if. Variety. Varsovien, ne, adj. Varsovian. Of Warsaw. Vase, m. Pitcher. Vatel. A noted French chef af Louis XIV., who took his life because the fish for a royal banquet did not arrive in time. Vaudois, e, adj. Waadtlandish. Van vert. A still red (sweet) wine from the south of France. Veau, m. Veal. As Tete de veati^ calf's head. V^four. A renowned Paris restaurant. Name given to various specialties served there. Vegetateur, trice, adj. Vegetative. Veilchen Essig (German). Violet vinegar. Velours, m. Velvet. Veloute. A rich white sauce (one of the two foundation sauces). Veloute, e, adj. Velvet-like. Veltelin (Vin de). A red Swiss wine. Venaison, /. Venison. Vendengeur, m., euse, /. Grape gatherer. Venise, /. Venice. de Venise. Venetian style. Veuitien, ne, adj. Venetian (style). Verdeiho. A well known Madeira wine. Verdatre, adj. (ireeiiish. Verduresse, /. Green vegetables. Salad herbs. Pot herbs. Verdurier, m., ^re, f. Green grocer ; salad gardener. Verjus, m. Juice of unripe grapes or crabapples. Sour grapes, green apples. Vermeil, le, adj. VermillionL Vermicelle, m. Vermicelli, an Italian paste. Vermouth. A liqueur from worm- wood, sweet wine and various fruits, spices and herbs. Verrat, m. Boar. Verre, m. Glass. Vers6, e, pn. p. Served, poured. Vert, e, adj. Green. au vert. With green sauce. Vert-pre. With a green herb sauce, or a green garnishing. Vesicaire, m. A winter cherry. Veuve, /. Widow. Viande, /. Meat, viands. " blanche. White meat (poul- try and veal). " de careme. Lenten food. " creuse. Meagre diet. " neuve. Fresh joint (meat brought for the first time on the table). " noir. Dark meat (game). " faisand^e, hasard6e. Meat kept till it is high. Menue viande. Fowl and game. MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY 91 Vichy. A French watering place (Eaa. de vichy, vichy mineral water). Vicomte, m., sse, /. Viscount, ess. Victoire, /. Victory. Victorieux, se, adf. Victorious. Victuailles, /. Victuals. Vide, e, pa. p. Emptied. Drawn (poultry). Cored (as an apple). Viennois, se, adj. Vienna (style). Viennese. Vierge, /. Virgin. Vieux, vieille, adj. Old {a la vieille, or a la vieille mode, old style). Vigne, /. Vine. Vigue de Monsieur. A red Roumanian wine. Villageois. e, adj. Village (style). Villa Solto. An amber sherry like wine from Sicily. Villany. A red Hungarian wane. Villeroi. Name of a famous French family. Several dishes are so styled. Villeroux. A famous French chef who was made king of a tribe in India. Vin, m. Wine, (au vin hlanc^ done in white wine, etc.) Du vin dans sa primeur. New wine. Vin Douz Rosu. A sweet rose tinted wine from Mt. Le'banon, Palestine. Vin Dun Anno. Term applied to young or first year sherry. Vin Rancia. A still red (sweet) wine from the south of France. Vin Raucio. A red dry Spanish wine. Vinage, /. The act of adding alcohol to wine. Vinaigre, m. Vinegar. (Vinaigre de framhoises, Raspberry vinegar ; etc.). Vinaigrette, /. Vinegar sauce. Vinaire, adj. Wine, relating to wine (Vaisseaux vinaires, wine casks). Vinasse, /. Spoiled or bad wine. Vinee, /. Wine crop. Vineux, euse, adj. Vinous, pertaining to wines (oouleur v-ineuse, wine col- ored). Strong bodied wine (as, Ce vin est tres vineux, that wine is very strong). Vini da pasto. A red Italian wine.* Vini d'Oro. A bright dry wine from Mt. Lebanon, Palestine. Vino greco. An Italian white wine from Mount Vesuvius. Vino Santo. An Italian wine. For the making of "Vino Santo" the bunches of grapes are hung on strings until a few weeks before Easter when they are pressed for use as an altar wine at that season. Also drunk generally as a fine liqueur wine. Vino Secco. A Spanish white wine. Violette, /. Violet. Virginie, /. Virginia. Visp. A red dry full bodied Swiss wine. Vitelotte, f. Peachblow potato; red kidney potato. Viticulteur, m. Vine grower. Vivandier, m., &re, /. Sutler. Vlattero. A Greek liqueur. Voisin. Name of a noted Paris restaurateur of former days. Many dishes 'bear his name. Volaille, /. Poultry (sometimes used, but incorrectly, in place of poulet) . Vol-au-vent, m. A light round puff paste patty. Voliere (a la). Poultry or game cooked and dished up in their plum- age. Volnay. A red Burgundy wine (still and sparkling). Volontaire, m. Volunteer. Voluptueux, euse, adj. Voluptuous, luxurious. Von (German). Of. Vorace, adj. Voracious. Voslauer. A well known Austrian wine (red and white). Vrai, e, adj. Real, Vugava. A sweet golden Austrian: wine. <)2 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY w Wochholderbeeren (German). Juni- per berries. Wachtel (German). Quail. Waffeln (German). WaflBes. Wallershack. A sweet white Austrian wine. Walniisse-Einzumachen ( German) . Preserved walnuts. Walportzbeimer. A red Rhine wine. Warmer Hoppelpoppel (German). Warm cream bowl (cup). Wasserhuhn (German). Coot. Wasserkresse (German). Water- cress. Water-souchet, m. (From the Dutch icaterzootje) . A light soup pre- pared with fish and vegetables. Weidlinger. A white Austrian wine. Wein (German). Wine. Weinachtsbaum (German). Christ- mas-Tree. Weinbeerengallerte (German). Grape juice. Weinraute (German). Garden rue. Weintrauben (German). Grapes. Weiss, singular; Weisse, plural (Ger- man ) . White. Weisskraut (German). White cab- bage. Weissling (German). Whiting. Weizen (German). Wheat. Westfalische, z (German), adj. West- phalian. Westmoreland. An English states- man after whom several dishes are named. Westphalien. ne, adj. Westphalian. Whiskey, m. Whisky. Wickel (German). Roll (cake). Wickerer. A white Rhine wine. Wie (German). Like (similar). Wiener (German). Vienna. Wiener Schnitzel (German). Vienna veal steak. Slice of veal 'breaded and fried. Wild, adj. (German). Game. Wildkohl (German). Curled cab- bage. Wildresten (German). Game. Wildschwern (German) . Wild boar. Windbeutel (German). Cream puffs. Wiltinger. A still German wine from the Saar valley. Winkeler. A white Rhine wine. Wirfing (German). Savoy cabbage. Wiirfel (German). Dice. Wurst (German). Sausage. X Xanthurus. An East Indian fish, re- sembling the carp. Xavier. Name of a clear soup, intro- duced by King Douis XVIII., in honor of Count Xavier of Saxony. Xeres, m. A sherry. A Spanish wine, strong, deep amber color and aromatic flavor, so called from Xeres, near Cadiz. Xerophajie, f. The eating of dry meats. Yam, m,. Yam. Yack, m. Yak (a species of ox). Yering. A delicate red dry Australian wine. Yokola, m. A Kamtchatka dish. Ysard, m. Chamois of the Pyrenees. Yvette. (Crcme t/vette. violet cor- dial.) Yvorne. A gold colored, dry, sub- acidulous, Swiss wine. MABTYN'S MEAW DICTIONARY 9?^ Zahm (German). Tame. Zahnacker. A still white wine pro- duced in Alsace-Lorraine. Zakuska (Russian). A hors d'oeuvre (buffet russe). Zambaglione (Italian). Same as Saiaijon. Zamponi (Italian). Stuffed and salt- ed pigs' feet. Zeltinger. A white Moselle wine, Zephires. Small oval-shaped very light forcemeat dumplings (a kind of quenelles), poached and served with a rice sauce, Zephyrettes. Same as "Zephires" in diminutive form, Zeste, m. The outer skin of the orange or lemon. Zeste, e, pa. p. Perfumed with the outer skin of the orange or lemon. Ziemer (German). Haunch. (As, Hirschziemer, haunch of venison.) Zimt, Zimmt (German). Cinnamon. Zinfandel. A native American wine (red). Zingara (a la), m. (or, Zingari, or Zingarat). Gypsy (style). Ziska, A Parisian sauce. Zizanie, /. Wild rice. Zlatarizza. A rosecolor Dalmatian (Austria) wine. Zollen (German). Crusts. Zubehor (German) . Ingredients. Zucker (German). Sugar. In Zucker. Preserved (sweet). As, Kirschen in zucker, preserved cherries. Zuckerbrantwein (German). Rum. Zunge ( German ) . Tongue. Zungenscheiben (German). Sliced tongue. Zuppa al Brodo (Italian). toasted bread meat and (or broth with cheese. Zwetschen {German). Prunes. Zwieback (German). Bread cake) toasted. Baked bread slices. (Literally, "baked twice,") Zwiebel (German). Onion, Zymoscope, m. An instrument for ascertaining the degree of fermenta- tion of liquors. SE ENGLISH— FRENCH Including the German equivalents of a number of items For explanation of abbreviations, see page 1 1 96 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY A. Un, m.; une, /. (French). Ein ( Gernitin ) . Abundance. Abondance, /. Acorn. C41and, f. Admiral. Amiral, m. Adragant (gum). Gomme adragante. A Aerated. A6re, e, pa. p. African. Africain, e, adj. After. Apr^s. After dinner. Apr6s-diner, m. Afternoon. Apres-midi, m. After supper. Apr6s-souper, m. Aitchbone (of beef). Culotte, /.* Quasi, w.t Albumen (white of egg). Albumen, m. Alcohol. Alcool, m. Ale. Ale, aile, /. Algerian. Algerien-ne. All. Tout, e, adj. Alligator pear. Avocat. Allspice. Gewiirzkorner, piment (Ger- man). Almonds. Amandes, /. pi. (French). Mandeln (German). Burned almonds, almonds browned in sugar. Amandes grill6es ; amandes a la praline ; amandes pralinees. Almond comfit. Amande lisse. Almond milk. Lait d'amande (French). Mandelmilch (Ger- man). Almond oil. Huile d'amande. Almonds in shells. -Amandes en coques. Shelled almonds. Amandes cassees. Sweet-bitter almonds. Amandes douces-ameres. Almond syrup or milk. Orgeat, m. Almond shaped. En amande. Mixed with almonds. Amanda, e, pa. p. Alphabetic. Alphab^tique, adj. Alsatian. Alsacien, ne, adj. Alum. Alun, m. Ambassador, Ambassadress. Ambassa- deur, m. ; Ambassadrice, /. Amaranth (kind of spinach). Ama- rante, /. Amazon. Amazone, /. Ambre-colored. Ambre, adj. Ambrosia. Ambrosie, f. America. Amerique, /. American. Americain, e, adj. An. Un, m.; Une, /. (French). Eiu' (German) . Anchovies. Anchois, m. (French). Sardellen (German). Anchovy paste. Pate d'anchois, f. Ancient. Ancien, ne, Antique, adj. And. Et (French). Und (German). Andalusia (style). Andalous, e, adj. Angel. Ange, Angelot, m. Angelica. Ang^lique, f. Angoumois. Angoumois, m. (A kind' of apricot: a French city.) Anise. Anis, m. (French). Anis (German). Anise cakes. Springerle (German) . Annual. Annuel, le, adj. Antelope. Antilope, f. Antique (style). Ancien, ne. Antique.. adj. Aperitive. Aperitif, m. Appetite. Appetit, m. Appetizing, Appetissant, e, adj. Apple. Pomme, /. (French). Apfel (German). Cashew apple. Anacarde, /. Custard apple. Cachiment. Love apple. Pomme d'amour, f. Russet apple. Reinette, f. Shad apple. Alise, /. ; Corme, f. Stewed apples. Compote de pommes. Shaped round like an apple. Pomme, e, pa. p. Apricot. Abricot, m. (French). Ap- rikose, Aprikosen (German). Candied apricots. Abricots glac6s. Apricot jam. Confiture d'abricots. Apricot-peach. Abricot-peche, m. Apricot sherbet. Sorbet von Apri- kosen (German). MARTYN\S MENU DICTIONARY Apricotine (a cordial). Abricotine, /. April, Avril, m. Arabian style, Arabic. Sarrasin, e, Arabique, Arabe, adj. Arbute berry. Arbouse, /. Areca nut. Noix d'arec. Aril. Arille, f. Armenian (style). Arm^nien, ne,adj. Army. Armee, f. Aroma. Arome, m. Aromatic. Aromatique, adj. Arrack. Arack, Rack, m. Arrowroot. Pfeilwlirz (German). Arrowroot drink. Pfeilwlirz ge- trank (German). Art. Art, m. Artie. Artique, adj. Artichoke. Artichaut, m. (French). Artischoke (German). Artichoke bottoms. Fonds (or culs) d'artichauts. Jerusalem artichoke. Topinambour, m. ; Girasole, /. ; Patisson, m. ; Artichaut de Jerusalem, m. Winter artichoke. Artichaut d'hiver. As. Comme. En (as, Pointes d'as- perges en petits pois, asparagus tips as peas). Ashes. Gen d re, f. Asia. Asie, f. Asiatic. Asiatique, adj. Asparagus. Asperges, /. plural (French). Spargel (German). Bunch of asparagus. Botte d'as- perges. Asparagus tips. Pointes d'asperges. Aspic (garnished with or set in). A I'aspic, en aspic. Ass. Ane, m. ; Anesse, /. Assorted. Assorti, e, adj. (As, Gateaux assortis.) Assyrian. Assyrien, ne, adj. Astrachan. Astracan, adj. Athenian. Athenien, ne, adj. Atlanta. Atlante, m. Atlantic. Atlantique, adj. August (month of). AoUt, m. Aurora. Aurore, f. Australia. Australie, f. Australian. Australien, ne, adj. Austria. Autriche, f. Austrian. Autrichien, ne, adj. Autumn. Automne, /. Azure-hued. Azure, e. adj. Back. Dos, m.; Rable, m. (of hare). Plump back. Rablu, adj. Bacon. Lard fume. Petit saI6 (French). Speck (German). English bacon. Petit sale a I'ang- laise. Slice of bacon. Tranche (f.) de lard. Badger. Blaireau, hi. (French). Dachs (German). Baked. Gratine, e, pa. p.; cuit (e) au four; au four (French). Backen ( German ) . Baking dish. Tourtiere, /. Baking powder. Levure en poudre. Ball. Balle; /. ; Boule, /. Decorated with small balls. Pommete, e, adj. Balm. Baume, m. Balm-mint. Baume, m. ; Citronelle, /. ; Melisse, f. Bamboo. Bambou, m. Banana. Bauane, /. Common banana. Banane commune. Banker. Banquier, ere, m., f. Banquet. Banquet, m. ; Festin, m. : Gala, m. Bantam cock. Coq bantam, m. Baobob. Baobab, m. Barbel (fish). Barbeau. barbillon, m. Barberries. £pines vinettes, /. Barley. Orge, /. (French). Gerste, (5raupen ( Germ an ) . Barley water. Gerstenwasser (Ger- man). Winter barley. Brai, m. Baron, Baroness. Baron, m. ; Baronne, /. MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY Baron (of beef). Baron. (See French.) Base. Socle, m. Basil (herb). Basilic, Basiliqiie, m. (French). Basilicum, Baseler ( German ) . Basket. Corbeille, /. ; Panier, m. Basle (a town in Switzerland). B^le. Basque. Basque, adj. Bass. Bars, m. Sea bass. Bars de mer. Black bass. Bars noir. Basted. Arrose, e, pa. p. Basting. Begiessen {German). Bath. Bain, /. Batter. Pate /. (French). Masse {German). Bavarian. Bavarois, e, adj. Bay leaves. Feuilles de laurier ( French ) . Lorbeerblatter ( Ger- man). Beaker. Buie, Buire, if. Bean cake. Gateau de la feve. Beans. Feves, m. {French). Bohnen ( German) . Broad beans. F&ves des marais ; feves grosses. Flageolet beans. Flageolets, w. Kidney beans. F&ves de haricots, /. ; Faseoles, f. ; Fayols. Locust beans. Caroubes, Carouges. Marsh beans. Gourganes, /. Pole beans. Pois rames. String beans. Haricots verts. Small string beans. Feveroles, /. String beans mixed with flageolets. Haricots panaches. Tonca. Tonquin beans. Toncas, m. Wax and butter beans. Mange- tout, m. Bear. Ours, m. Bear's paws, Pattes d'ours {French). Barenatzen {German). Beard. Barbe. /. Bearded. Barbu, e, adj. Bearnaise sauce. Bearner sauce {Ger- man). Beaten up. Brouille, e, pa. p. Beautiful. Beau, bel, m. ; belle, f. ; beaux (plural), adj. Beaver. Castor. »?. Beaver tails. Biberschwanz {Ger- man). Beccafico. B^cfique, w. ; oiseau chypre, m. Becuna. Becune, f. Bed. Lit, m. Bedouin (style). Bedouin, e, adj. Bee-hive. Ruche, f. Beech. Hetre, m. Beechnut. Faine, f. Beef. Boeuf, m. {French). Rind- fleisch (German). Boiled beef (that has been used to make soup). Bouilli, m. Corned beef, salted beef. Boeuf sale. Loin of beef. Aloyau. Roast beef. Boeuf r6ti, Rosbif, m. Sour beef. Sauerbraten (German). Stewed beef. Boeuf a I'Stuv^e; boeuf en ragout. Beef tea. Rindfleischtee (German). Beefsteak. Bifteck, Beefsteak, m. { French ) . Rindsschnitten ( Ger- man ) . Beer. Biere, f. (French). Bier (German) . Beeswax. Cire, m. Beet. Bette, Bette commune, f. Beetroot. Betterave, f. Red beet. Bette rouge. Before. Avant. Belgium. Beige, /. Bengalese. Bengali, e, adj. Ben nut. Noix de ben, m. Bergamot pear, Bergamot orange. Bergamote, f. Berlin. Berlinois, e, adj. (French). Berliner (plural) (German). Bermudas. Bermudes, /. Berry. Bale, /. Berry shaped. Bacciforme, adj. Best. Supreme, adj. Best quality (applied to French peas especially). Extra-fin, e. adj. Betel nut. Betel, m. ; Noix d'arec, m. Betel pepper. Betel, m. Bilberries. Raisins des bois, m. Bill of fare. Carte, f. ; Menu, m. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 99 Bill of fare for the day. Carte du jour. Bird. Oiseau, m. Biscay (style). Biscaien, ne, adj. Biscuit. Biscuit, m. {French). Bis- kuit {German). Finger biscuits. Biscuits a la cuillere. Sea biscuit. Galette, f. Tea biscuit. Biscotin, m. Bitter. Amer, ere, adj. {French). Bitteren {German, plural). Bittern. Butor, w. Black. Noir, e, adj. Blackberries. Bales- de ronce* ; Mures (de ronce, /. ; Mures sauvages, f. {French). Brombeeren {German). Blackbird. Merle, m. Blackened. Charbonne, e, pa. p. "Black Jack." Caramel, m. Black and white (design or color). (En) demi-deuil. Blanc-mange (dessert). Blanc-man- ger, m. Marbled blanc-mange. Marmorier- tes {German). Blanched. Blanchi, e, pa. p. Blended (whiskey). Fusionn§, e, pa. p. Bloaters. Harengs fum6s, m. {French). Bticklinge {G&rnian) . Block. Bloc, m. Blood. Sang, m. Blood pudding. Boudin noir, m. Blossoms. Bliithen {German). "Blow out." Bafre, f. {slang). Les babines. Blue. Bleu, e, adj. ; Cerul6, e, adj. Marine blue. Outremer, m. Blueberries. Mirtilles {Frefich). Blaubeeren ( German ) . Bluefish. Coryph&ne, f. Boar. Verrat, m. Wild boar. Sanglier, m. {French). Wildschwein (German). Young boar. Marcassin, m. Board and lodging. Pension, f. Bohemian (style). Bohemien, ne; Tchecque, adj. Boiled. Bouilli, e, pa. p. {French). Zu kochen {German). Plain boiled. Au naturel. Boiled down. Reduit, e, pa. p. Boiling. Bouillant, e, adj. Boletus. Bolet, Bolet comestible, m. Bologna. Bologne, w. Bomb. Bombe, f. Bonbons. Bonbons, w. ; Sucrgne, /• Bone. Os, m. ; Quasi, m. Shoulder bone. Humeral (os), m. Small bone. Osselet, m. Boned, boneless. D6soss6, e, pa. p. Bonito (fish). Bonite, f. Bordeaux (style). Bordelaise, adj. Bordelaise (sauce). Bordelaise, f. Border. Bordure, /. ; Rebord, m. Fanciful border. Bordure de fan- taisie. Bordered. Borde, e, pa. p. Bottle. Bouteille, f. Small bottle. Flacon, m. Water bottle. Carafe. Bottom, m. Cul, w. ; Fond, m.* Bouquet. Bouquet, m. Bourage. Bourrache, f. Bourbon (style). Bourbonnien, ne, adj. . Bourdaloue (style). Bourdaloue, adj. Bowl. Bassin, w. Salad bowl. Saladier, m. Box. Caisse, f. ; Boite, f. (pronounced Iwart with vowel long). Brabant (style). Brabangon, ne, adj. Brace (of rabbits, etc.). Accolade, f. Brace side by side. En accolade. As, lapins en accolade. Brahminical. Brahmanique, adj. Brains. Cervelles, f. pi {French). Gehirn {German). Braised. A la braise; Braise, e; £tuv6, e, pa. p. {French). Ge- schmort {German). Branches. Branches, f. As, asperges en tranches. Brandy. Branderin, m. ; Cognac*, m. ; Eau de vie, f. {French). Brannt- wein {German). Burnt brandy. Eau de vie brul§ ; Brulot, m. Burned with brandy. Flambe au cosnac. LOFC. 100 AfARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Brandied peaches, etc. Peches a I'eau de vie, etc. Brawn. Fromage de cochon, m. (French). Sulze (German). Brazil. Bresil, m. Brazil nuts. Chataignes de Bresil ; Noix de Br6sil. Bread. Pain, m. Black bread. Pain noir. Brown bread. Pain bis (French). Schwarzbrod ( German ) . Brown pulled bread. Biscotin, m. Buttered bread rubbed with garlic. Pain frotte. Our daily br^^ad. Pain de quotidien. Finest bread. Pain mousseau. Bread of the first baking. Pain de la premiere fournee. Home-made bread. Pain de menage. Household bread. Pain bis blanc. Light bread. Pain mollet. New bread. Pain tendre. Rye bread. Pain de seigle. ■Slice of bread. Tartine, f. Slices of bread with butter. Beurrees ; Tartines de beurre, f. Soft part of bread, bread crumb. Mie, /. Stale bread. Pain rassis. Bread (or cake) toasted. Zwie- back (German). Unleavened bread. Pain azyme, m. (French). Matzoth (Hehrew) . Wheaten bread. Pain de froment. White bread. Pain choine ; Pain blanc. Bread crumbs. Mie de pain. Chapelure. Bread pudding. Ponding au pain ( French ) . Brotberg ( German ) . Bread soup. Panade, /. Bread water. Brotwasser (Ger- man). Bread tree. Baobab, m. Breaded. Pane, e, jja. ji. (French). Eingekrustet (German). Breakfast. Dejeuner, m. Breakfast stew. Pickelsteiner Fleisch (German). Breast (of a bird). Poitrine, /. ( French ) . Brust ( German ) . Breast of chicken. Supreme de volaille, m. Breast (of an animal). Brisquet, /. Bride. Braut (German). Brie cheese. Brie, m. Brill. Barbue, /. Brine (in which fish or meat is sauced or pickled). Marinade, /. ; Saumure, /. Brisket. Brisquet, m. (French). Brustkern (German). Brittany (style). Breton, ne, adj. Brittle. Cassant, e, adj. Broccoli (a kind of cauliflower). Brocoli, m. Broiled. Grille, e, pa. p. (French). Auf dem rost braten (German). Broken. Brise, e, pa. p., Casse, e. Coupe, e. Broth, Brouet. m. ; Bouillon, m. (French). Fleischbriihe (German). Broth in which fish has been boiled. Court-bouillon, m. White, broth. Blanche. Veal broth. Blond de veau. Brown. Brun, e, adj. (Of bread, pastry, etc.). Bis, e, adj. Browned. Gratine, e, pa. p. ; au gra- tin (French). Gebraunt (Ger- man). Brownish. Brunatre, adj. Bruised. Pile, e, pa. p. Brunswick. Braunschweiger, adj. (German). Brussels (style). Bruxellois, se, adj. Brussels sprouts. Choux de Brux- elles (French). Briisselerkohl, Rosenkohl (German). Buck. Daim, m. Buckwheat. Sarazin, m. (French). Buchweizen, Buchweizenmehl (Ger- man) . Bude (a city in Hungary). Bude. Buffalo. Buffle, m. Buffet. Buffet, m. Bull. Taureau, m. Bunch. Botte, /. (as, Bottes des as- perges) ; Bouquet, m. (as, louquet garni) ; Fagot, m., grappa (of grapes, raisins — as, une grappe de raisins). MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 101 In small bunches. En petites bottes, /. Bundle. Botte, /. ; Faisceau, m. ; Fas- cine. /. Burbit. Barbotte*, /. ; Lotte commune, /. ; Lotte de riviere, f. Burgundy (name of town). Bour- gogne, /. Burgundy (wine). Bourgogne, m. ; Vin de Bourgogne. Burgundy (style). Bourguignon, onne, ad. (Boiirguignotte is also used, but it is incorrect.) Burlesqued. Travesti, e, adj. Burnet, Salad burnet. Pimprenelle, f. Butter. Beurre, m. (French). But- ter (German). Anchovy butter, lobster butter, etc. Beurre d'anchois, beurre de ho- mard, etc. Browned butter. Beurre noir. Fairy butter. Feen-Butter (Ger- man ) . Fresh butter. Beurre frais. Melted butter. Beurre fondu. Montpellier butter, Beurre de Montpelier. Nut brown butter. Beurre noisette. Butter in pats. Beurre en pain. Butter in rolls, lump butter. Beurre en livre. Resembling butter. Butyrace, e, adj. Salt butter. Beurre salg. Butter dish. Beurrier, m. Butter pear. Beurre, m. Butter rings. Butterkranze (Ger- man). Butter sauce. Sauce au beurre. Buttered. Beurre, e, adj. Butterfly, Papillon, m. Buttermilk. Babeurre, m. ; Lait de beurre (French). Buttermilch ( German ) . Burning hot. Brulant, e, adj. Burnt. Brtllg, e, ?ja. p. ; Charbonn6, e, pa. p. Bustard. Vanneau, m. Butcher. Boucher, ere, m., f.. Pork butcher. Charcutier, bve, m., f- Byronian. Byronien, ne, adj. Byzantine. Byzantin, e, adj. Cabbage. Chou, w. (French). Kraut; Kohl* (German). Cabbage with bacon. Choux au lard. Headed cabbage. Choux cabus (plural) ; Choux pommes. Red cabbage. Choux rouges (plu- ral ) . Savoy cabbage. Choux de Savoie (French). Savoyenkohl ; Wir- sing (German). Savoy cabbage sprouts. Broques, m. Ttirnip cabbage. Chou-navet. Whiteheart cabbage. Chou blanc (French). Weisskraut (Ger- man). Cabbage palm. Arec d'Amerique, m. Cabinet. Kabinett (German). Cairo (capital of Egypt). Caire, m. Cake. Gateau, m. (French). Kuchen (German). Calf's brains. Cervelles de veau, f. plural (French). Kalbshirn (Ger- man). Calf's foot. Pied de veau, m. Calf's head. Tgte de veau, f. (French). Kalbskopf (German). Calf's knuckle. Jarret de veau, m. Calf's liver. Foie de veau, m. California. Californie, f. Cambrian (Welsh). (jambrien, ne, Camomile. Camomille, f. Candied. Candi, e, pa. p. Candy. Bonbons, m. ; Candi, m. Cane. Canne, /. Cantaloup. Cantaloup, m. ; Melon, m. Canteen. Cantine, f. 102 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY, Cantharellus (a kind of mushroom). Cantharelle, /. Cap. Bonnet, m. Caper. Capre, /. (French). Kapern (German, plural). Caperon. (See Capon.) Capon. Chapon, m. (French). Ka- paun (German). Semi-capon. Coquatre, m. Young capon. Chaponneau, m. Capuchin friar. Capucin, m. Caramel (burnt sugar). Caramel, m. With caramel, converted into cara- mel. Au caramel, caramelise, e, pa. p. Carapace. Carapace, /. Caraway seed. Cumin, m. ; Carvi, m. ( Fren ch ) . Klimmel ( German ) . Carbonated. Carbonate, e, pa. p. Carbonic. Carbonique, adj. Carcass. Carcasse, /. Card. Carte, /. Cardamom. Cardamome, m. (French). Kardamom (German). Carde (edible part of cardoons, white beet, etc.). Chard, /. Cardoon. Cardon, m. Caribou. Caribou, m. Carnival. Carnaval, m. Carob-bean. Caroube, Carouge, f. Carousal. Carrousse, f. Carp. Carpe, /. (French). Karpfen ( German ) . German carp. Carpe miroire. Hashed carp. Carpie, f. Small carp. Carpeau, m. Very small carp. Carpillon, m. Carrots. Carottes, f. (French). Mohren, Mohrchen (German). Winter carrots. Mohrruben (Ger- man). Cartridge. Cartouche, m. Carved. Depec6, e, pa. p.; Ttanch6, e; Denu^, e ; 6cuye, e. Casareep. Cabiou, m. Case. Caisse, f. (French). Kastchen (German). In cases. En caisses. Cashew nut. Anacarde, m. Cashew nut oil. Caraba, m. Cassava. Cassave, /. Castilian. Castillan, e, adj. Castle. Chateau, m. Cat. Chat, m. Caterer. Traiteur, ni. Catfish. Anarrhique, /. Caudle. Chaudeau, m. Caul. (See Caicl.) Cauliflower. Chouxfleur, m. pi. (French). Blumenkohl (German). German cauliflower. Carviol. Caviare. Caviar, m. (French). Kaviar (German). Caw (fruit of the white thorn). Sen- elle, /. Cawl, Caul. Cr6pine, f. Celeriac. Celeri rave, celeriache, m. Celery. Celeri, tn. (French). Sellerie (German). Knob celery. (See Celeriac). Wild celery. Ache, /. Cellar. Cave, /. Cellaret. Canevette, /. Centime (about 1-5 of a cent). Cen- time, m. Centrepiece. Surtout, m. ; PiSce montee. Century. Si&cle, m. Ceps. Cepes, m. Cereal. Cer^ale, /. Cerulean. Cerule, e, adj. Chafing dish. Chaufferrette, f. Rechaud, m. Chalet. Chalet, m. Chalice (now the communion cup, for- merly any cup). Calice, m. Champagne. Sect, Schaumwein (Ger- man). Channeled. Cannele, e, adj. Charcoal. Charbon de bois, m. Chard. Charde. Charlotte Russe (French). Russischer Krustenpudding ( German ) . Apple charlotte. Charlotte de pommes. Cheap. Au bon marche. Checkered. Quadrille, e, adj. Cheek. Joue, /. Cheese. Fromage, m. (French). Kase ( German ) . martytk^ menu dictionary 103 Camembert cheese. Camembert, m. Cheshire cheese. Chester, m. Cream cheese. Fromage k la crfeme. Goat's milk cheese. Cabrillon. Jura cheese. Vacherin, m. Neufc'hatel cheese, in the form of a bung. Bondon. Parmesan cheese. Parmesan, m. Roquefort cheese. Roquefort, m. Cheese dish. Porte fromage, m. Cheese rennet. Caille-lait, m. Cheese straws. Paillettes de from- age. Cherry. Cerise, /. (French). Kirschen (German). Candied cherries. Cerises glac6es. Dried cherries. Cerisettes, f. pi. Musk cherries. Cerises musquees. Ox-heart cherries. Bigarreaux, m. ; Griottes, /. Wild cherries. Aigriettes, f. With cherries. Aux cerises. Cherrybread. Kirschenbrot ( Ger- man). Cherrycake. Kirschenkuchen ( Ger- man). Cherry red. Rouge-cerise, adj. Chersite. Chersie, /. Chervil. Cerfeuil, m. Kerbel (Ger- man). Sweet chervil. Cerfeuil musque. Chestnut. Chataigne, /.* ; Gamande, /. (French) ; Kastanien (German, plur.) Candied chestnuts. Marrons glac6s, pi. Spanish chestnut. Chataigne com- mune. Sweet chestnut. Marron, m. (French). Maronen (German plur. ) . Chicken. Poulet, f. Hot house chicken. Poussin, m. Old chicken. Poule, f. Roasting chicken. Poulet a rotir. Spring chicken. Poulet de grain, m. (French). Hahnchen (German). Chicken mousse. Mousse de volaille. Chicory. Chicoree, /. ; escarole, f. Wild chicory. Barbe de capucin. Chilled. Frapp6, e, pa. p. (applied to champagne, etc.). Refroidi, e. pa. P- Chin. Menton, m. China. Chine. /. Chinese (style). Chiuois. e, adj. Chinese birds' nests. Nids d'hiron- delles de Chine (Consomme aux nids dliirondelles de Chine). Chitterlings. Andouilles. f. ; Andou- illettes, /. Chive. Ciboulette, /. : cive, civette, /. (French). Schnittlauch (Ger- man, plural). Chocolate. Chocolat, m. (French). Schokolade ( Germ a n ) . Chocolate with milk. Chocolat au lait, m. (French). Milchschok- olade (German). Chocolate pot. Chocolati&re, f. Choice. Choisi, e, pa. p. ; Friand, e, adj. Chopped. Gehackt ( German ) . Chops. Cotelettes, f. (German). Rippchen (German). Thin chop. Riblette, /. Chops (of pigs). Abajoues. /. Christmas. Noel, m. (French). Wein- achten (German). Christmas cake. Gateau de Noel, m. Christmas tree. Weinachtsbaum (German). Chrysanthemum. Chrysantheme, m. Cibol (a kind of Welsh onion). Cib- oule, /. Cider. Cidre, w.* ; mout, m.: pomme, m. (French). Apfelwein (Ger- man). Cider vinegar. Yinaigre de cidre, m. Cigar. Cigare, m. Cinnamon. Cannelle, /.* : cinname, cinnamone, m. (French). Zimmt (German). Candied cinnamon, cinnamon com- fit. Cannelas, m. Chinese cinnamon. Cassia. Citron. C6drat, m. (French). Cit- rone (German). Candied citron. Cedrat confit. Citron water. Citronelle. City (style). Urbain, e, adj. Civet. (See Chive). 104 MARTYN\^ MENU DICTIONARY Clams. Lucines, f. (French). Venus Muschelu ( G erma n ) . Hard clams. Clovis, f. ; Lucines orangees. Soft clams. Lucines papillons. Clam chowder. Muschelgericht (Ger- man). Clamp-fish. Clamp, m. Claret. Clairet, m. (French). Roth- wein (German). In English, the word '*claret" is generally applied to all red Bordeaux wines, but in French "clairet"' means only a pale weak wine. Claret sauce. Rotweinsauce (Ger- man). Clarified. Clarifie, e, pa. p. (French). Gelautert (German). Claws (of a lobster or crayfish). Pattes, f. pi. Clear. Clair, e, adj. (French). Klar (German). Clot (of milk, etc.). Caillot, m. Clotted. Caille, e, adj. Clove. Girofle, f. ; Clou de girofle, m. (French). Nelken, Nelkenpfeffer (German, plural). Clove bark. .Cannelle giroflee. Of clove. Giroflee, adj. Clove cordial. Ge^, iirznelken- Liqueur ( Germ an). Clover. Trefle, m. Cluster. Bouquet, m. Coagulated. Coagule, e, pa. p. Cob. Tige, /. Cochineal. Cochenille, f. (French). Kochinelle (German) . Cock. Coq, m. (French). Hahn (German). Old cock. Coquard, m. Cocks' c>mbs. Cretes (f.) de coq. Cockle. Bucarde, m. Cocoa. Cacao, m. (Do not use coco as that is applied more correctly to the cocoanut. ) Cocoa butter. Beurre de cacao. Cocoanut. Ooco, m. Noix de coco, /. Cocoanut kisses. Macarons de coco, /. vCod fish. Gade, m.: cabillaud, m. ( French ) . Kabeljau ( German ) . Dried salted cod. Morue seche (French). Stockfisch (German). Salt cod. Morue salee (French), Stockfisch (German) . CofEee. Cafe, m. (French). KafiEee ( German ) . After dinner coffee, black coffee. Cafe uoir. Black coffee with burned brandy. Cafe Gloria. Coffee with cream. Cafe a la cremo. Ground coffee. Cafe en poudre. Iced coffee. Cafe frappe. Coffee with milk. Cafe au lait. Mocha coffee. Moka, m. Small cup of coffee. Demi-tasse de cafe. Turkish coffee. Cafe turc. Virgin coffee (an infusion of the whole coffee bean ) . Cafe vierge. Whole coffee. Cafe en grains. With coffee flavor. Au cafe. Coffee custard. Crfeme au cafe. Coffee-house. Buvette, /.; cafe, m. Coffee ice cream. Glace au cafe. Coffee-house keeper. Cafetier, m. Cognac. Franzosischer Branntwein (German). Colander. Passoire, /. (French). Seiher ( German) . Cold. Froid, e, adj. (French). Kalt (German). Cold dishes. Plats froids. Colin (Virginian quail). Colin, m. Collation. Collation, /. ; Gouter, m. Collop. Escalope, f.; Griblette, f. Colored. Colore, e, adj. Column. Colonne, f. Combs. Crgtes, f. Commissary. Commissaire, m. Common. Bas-se, Plebeien-ne, adj. Condiment. Assaisonnement, m. Confectioner. Confiseur, m. Confectionery. Confiserie, f. Confusedly. Pele-mele, adv. Congealed. Gele, e, pn. p. Conger eel. Congre, m. Convivial. Convivial, e, adj. Cook. Cuisinier-&re, m. f. (French). Koch (German). Chief cook. Chef de cuisine, m. MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY 105 Roast cook. ROtisseur, m. Sauce cook. Saucier, m. Soup cook. Potagiste, m. Cooked. Cuit, e. pa. p. Apprete, e, pa. p. (French). Gekocht (Ger- man). " over. Recuit, e, pa. p. " in the ashes. Cuit sous la cen- dre, /. " in a braising pan. Braise, e, pa. p. '' in the oven. Etuve. e, pa. p. " plainly and simply. An nat- urel. " with rich meat gravy. Au gras. " slowly. Mijote, e, pa. p. Cooled. Refrigere, e, pa. p. Refroidi,-'' e, adj. Cooling. Refrigerant, e, adj. Refroi- dissant, e, adj. Coral. Co rail, m. Cordial. Liqueur, /. Core. Trognon, m. Cored (as of an apple) . Vide, e, pa. p. Coret (a kind of snail). Coret, in. Coriander. Coriandre, f. Cork. Bouchon, m. Corked. Bouche, e, pa. p. ' Corkscrew. Tire-bouchon, m. Corn. Ble, m. ; grain, m. Indian corn. Ble, m. ; Ble de Tur- quie. Sweet corn. Mai's, m. Sweet corn boiled on the cob. Mais bouille en tige. Corn salad (a plant). Doucette, f.; Mache, f. (Salade de maches). Corned. Sale*, e, adj. Prepare, e. Corned meat. Pokelfleisch (German). Cornmeal. Mais, maismehl (German). Cornstarch. Fecule de mais (French). Kornstarke ( Germ an ) . Cornucopia. Corne d'abondance. Country. Campagne, f. (as in con- trast to the city) ; Pays, m. (as one's native country). Country (style). Champetre, adj. Cover. Cloche, /. Covered. Convert, e, adj. Covered with sauce or forcemeat. ^Masque, e, pa. p. ; Nappe, e. Covered with water. Submerge, e. Covey (of partridge). Compagnie, /. Cow (milch). Vache, /. Crab. Crabe, m. ; Poupart, m. ( French ) . Krabbe ( German ) . Oyster crab. Crabe d'huitre, m. Soft shell crab. Crabe mou, m. Crab butter. Krabben butter (Ger- man ) . Crabapple. Pomme sauvage, /. (French). Holzapfel, Kirschapfel (German) . Cracked. Casse, e, pa. p. ; F61e, e, Creve, e (generally used for rice). Crackling, adj. Croquant, e. Cracklings. Craquement, m. Peau de pore, m. (French). Fettwlirfel (German) . Cracknels. Croquignoles, /. ; craque- lins, m. Crake berry. Camarine, /. Cranberry. Airelle rouge, f. ; canne- berge, f. (French). Preisselbeeren (German, plural). Cranberry, adj. Preisselbeer (Ger- man). Crayfish. £crevisse, /. (French). Krebs (German). Crayfish butter. Beurre d'ecrevissea (French). Krebsbutter (Ger- man). Cream. Cr^me, /. (French). Sahne, Rahm (German). Clotted cream. Caille, m. ; caille- botte, f. Whipped cream. Cr^me fouettee (French). Sahne (German). Vanilla cream, etc. Creme a la vanille, etc. Without cream (skimmed). £creme. adj. With cream or cream sauce, k la creme. Cream beer. Schaumbier (German). Cream of tartar. Creme de tartare. Oream puffs (pastry). Choux k la cr^me (French). Windbeutel (Ger- man). 106 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Cream bowl-cup. Hoppelpoppel (Ger- man). Creamy. Cremeux-se, adj. Creole (style). Creole, adj. Crescent. Croissant, m. Cress. Cresson, m. Water cress. Cresson. Cresson d'eau. Indian cress. Capucine, /. Crimped paper (in). En papillote, /. Crimson. Cramoisi, e, adj. Light crimson. Incarnadin, e, adj. Crisp. Croqiiant, e, adj. ; croustillant, e. Crispet. Craquelin, m.. Crockery. Vaisselle, /. pUir. Earthenware crockery. Faience, f. Crop (harvest). Recolte, /. (French). Kropf (German). Crop (wine). Vinee, f. Crowberry. Camarine, /. Crown. Couronne, /. Crullers. Plinsen (German). Crumb. Mie de pain, miette, /. Bread crumbs. Chapelure, /. Grated crumbs. Panure, /. Crumbed. Emiette, e, pa. p. Crushed. Broye, e, pa. p. (French). Gestoszen ( German) . Crust. Croiite, Crouton, m. ; Crous- tade, /. (French). Kruste (Ger- man). Garnished with crusts. Croutonn(?, e, pa. p. ; aux croutons. Crustless. Reroute, e, adj. Cuban. Cubain, e, adj. Cube. D6, m. Cucumber. Concombre, m. (French). Gurken (German, plural). Culinary. Culinaire, adj. Ctillis. Coulis, m. Cup. Tasse, /. ; coupe, f. (French). Becher, Ta.ssen (German, plural). Loving cup. Liebes Becher (Ger- man). Half cup. Demi-tasse, /. Cup custard. See Custard. Curd. Caille, m.: Caille-botte, f. Curdled. Caille, e, pa. p. ; coagul6, €. Cured. Saure, e, pa. p. (smoked) ; marine, e (in vinegar, etc.). Curled. Frise, e, adj. Curlew. Courlieu, Courlis, w. Young curlew. Corlieu, m. Currants. Grosoilles. /. ; Raisins de Corinthe, m. (French). Johannis- beeren (German). Black currants. Cassis, m. Common currants. Raisins de mars. Dried currants. Corinthen (Ger- man). Small currants. Groseillons, m. Black currant syrup or cordial. Cassis, m. Currant vinegar. Johannisbeer- Essig (German). Currant wine. Johannisbeerenweiu (German). Currant, adj. Johannisbeer (Ger- man), adj. Curry. Cari, m. Kari, m. Curry powder. Currie, m. Custard. Creme au lait, /. ; Coutarde, /. Cup custard. Pot a la creme, Flan a la cr^me (French). Tassen- speise (German) . Cut. Tranche, e, pa. p. " in pieces. D6pece, e, pa. p. " short. Tronqu6, e, pa. p. " in thin slices. Emince, e, pa. p. Cutlet. CCtelette, /. Rippchen (Ger- man, plural). Czar. Tzar, m. Czarina. Tzarine, /. D Dab (a small flat sea fish). LimanJe, Dainty. Friand, e. Recherche, e, adj. Dainty bits, small dainties. Frian- dises, /., plural. Dairy. Cremerie, /. ; Laiterie, f. MARTYJ^^'^ MENU DICTIONARY 107 Dampfuoodles. Dampfnouilles, /. Dandelion, m. Dent-de-lion, m. Pissenlit, m. (French). Lowenzahn {German). Danish. Danois, e, adj. Dark colored. Fonce, e, adj. Dash (of liquid). Flaquee (de), /. Date (fruit). Datte, /. (French). Datteln (German, plural). Daybreak. Aube, f. Decanted. Decante, e, pa. p. Decanter. Carafe, f. Decorated. Decore, e, pa. p. Deer. Cerf, w. ; Daim, m. (French). Reh (German) . Female deer. Daine, f. Young deer (fawn). Faon, m.; jeune daim. Delicate. Mignard, e, adj. ; Mignon-ne. Delicious. Deliicieux-euse, adj. Demijohn. Dame-Jeanne, f. Devilled (applied to dishes with sharp and hot seasoning). Diable, e, adj.; a la diable. Dice. De, m. Diced. En des (French). In Wlirsel ( German ) . Diet. Diete, f. Dill (pickle). Anett, m. (French). Dill (German). Diluted. Delaye, e, adj. Dining-room. Refectoire, m. ; Salle a manger. Dinner. Diner, m. Diplomatic, adj. Diplomatique, adj. Disguised. Deguise, e, pa. p. ; traves- ti, e, adj. Dish. Plat, m. Deep dish. Bassin, m. Pie dish. Plat a tarte, m. ; tour- ti^re, /. Dishes (meaning a service of dishes). Vaisselle, /. Dissolved. Aufgelost (German). Doe. Daine, f. Dolphin. Bec-d'oie, m. Domino. Domino, m. Dory. Dorade. /. Double, m. Double, m. (applying to meats and game — double portion, etc.) ; en tgte a tete. Dough. Pate, /. Dough crust. Abaisse, /. Yeast dough. Levain, m. Dove. Colombe, /. Ring-dove. Mansard, m. Young ring-dove. Ramereau, m. T'urtle dove. Tourterelle, f. Drained, figoutte, e, pa. p. ; Asseche, e (French). Abgelaufen (German) . Drawn (of poultry, etc.). Vide, e, pa. p. Dressed. Apprete, e, pa. p. Dried. Ass6che, e, pa. p.; Desseche, e ; Saure, e ; Seche, e. Drink. Boisson, /. Drippings. Degout, m. (French). Bratenfett ( German ) . Drop. Chiquet, m. ; Goutte. /. Dry. Sec, m. ; seche, /., adj. Duchess. Duchesse, /. Duck. Canard, w. ; cane, /. (French). Ente (German). Black duck. Macreuse, /. Blackhead duck. Canard &. tete noire. Blue-wing teal duck. Sarcelle ailes bleues, /. Blue wing duck. Morillon, m. Brant duck. Canard dit Brant. Canvas back duck. Canard canvas- back. Common or domestic duck. Canard domestique. Green wing teal duck. Sarcelle ailes vertes, f. Mallard duck. Canard dit Malart. Mongrel duck. Canard m$tis. Musk duck (sometimes incorrectly called "Muscovy duck"). Canard musqu6. Red head duck. Canard h tete rouge. Small duck. Canardeau, m. Tame duck. Barboteur, m. Teal duck. Sarcelle, /. Widgeon duck. Canard siffleur. Wild duck. Canard sauvage ; Ois- eau de riviere. Wood duck. Tadorne. f. Young female duck. Canette, /. Young male duck. Caneton, m. 108 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Young wild duck. Albran, m. Duckling. Canardeau, m. Duke. Due, m. Dumplings (small). Quenelles, /. pi.; Noques (French). Kloschen (Ger- man ) . Yeast dumplings. Dampfnudeln (Ger- man). Dampfnouilles (French). Dunbird. Oiseau niais, m. Dusted (with flour). Singe, e, pa. p. ; Saupoudre, e, Enfarine, e. Ear. Oreille, f. Ear (of corn). Epi, m.; Tige, /. Early. Hatif-ve, adj. (as, Pois hat if s, early peas). Junge (German). Earthuut. Arachide, /.; Bunion, m. Chataigne de terre. Earthenware pot, bowl, etc. Terrine, t Easter. Paque, f., or Paques. " Sunday. Le dimanche de Paques Economical, ficonomique*, adj. Edge (border). Bord, w. Eel. Anguille, f. (French). Aal (German) . Sea eel. Congre, m. Eelpout. Burbot, m. ; Barbote, /. ( French ) . Aalraupen. ( German, plural). Eggs. Oeufs, m. (French). Eier (German). Boiled eggs. Oeufs a la coque. Easter eggs. Oeufs de Paque. Hard boiled eggs. Oeufs durs. Molded eggs. Oeufs moulds. Poached eggs. Oeufs poches. Scrambled eggs. Oeufs brouilles (French). Riihrei (German). Shirred eggs. Oeufs sur le plat. Snow eggs. Oeufs a la neige. Soft boiled eggs. Oeufs mollets. Egg dressing. A la poulette. Egg nogg. Lait de poule (French). Eiertrank ( German ) . Egg sauce. Sauce aux oeufs. " white. Blanc d'oeuf. " yolk. Jaune d'oeuf. " punch. Eier punch (German) . Egg plant. Aubergine, /. ; Melong^ne, f. (French). Eierpflanze (Ger- man). Egyptian. £gyptien-ne, adj. Elderberries. Graines de sureau, /. Elder wine. Vin de sureau. Elixir, m. filixir. Embers. Braise, f. ; cendre, /. Empress. ImpSratrice, f. Emptied. Vide, e, pa. p. Encrusted. Etacrotite, e, adj. Endive. Chicoree, /. Endivien, En- diviengemusse (German, plural). England. Angleterre, f. English. Anglais, e, adj. (French). Englischer ( German ) . Entertainer. Amphitryon, m. Entertainment. Reception, f. Fete, f. ; Festin, m. ; Banquet, m. Evening entertainment. Soiree, /. Entire. Entier, m. Entrails (of fish, etc.). Entrailles, /. ; Brouailles, jf. Entree. Entree, /. See explanation in French section. Epicure (one who wishes only the choicest). Gourmet, m.; Gastro- nome, m. ; Friand, m. Epicurean. £picurien-ne, adj. Escarole. E^carole, /. Eschalots, fichallottes, f. (French). Schalotten (German). Essence. Essence, f. European. Europeen-ne, adj. Ewe. Brebis, f. Evening. Soir, m. Exquisite. Recherche, e, adj. ; ex- quis-e. Extract. Extrait, m. Eye. Oeil, m. ; yeux (plural). MARTYN'IS MENU DICTIONARY 100 Faggot of savory herbs. Bouquet garni, m. Falcon. Faucon, m. False. Faux-sse, adj. Family. Famille, /. Fan. fiventail, m. Farina. Farine, /. Gries (German). Farina fritters. Beignets de far- ine (French). Griessschnitten (German). Farm. Ferme, /. ; Metairie, /. Farmer (style). Fermier-ere, adj. Fashion. Mode, f. (See SUjle.) Fast, fasting. Jeune, m. Fast-days. Jours d'abstinence. Jours de jeune. Fat. Graisse, /. Fat. Gras-se, adj. Father. Pere, m. Fawn color. Fauve, adj. Feast. Festin*, m. ; fete, /. Wedding feast. Noce, /. Feather. Plume, /. Fecul. F'ecule, /. Fennel. Fenouil, m. (French). Fen- chel (German) . Fenugreek. Fenugrec, m. Fermented. Fermente, e, pa. p. Fetticuce. Doncette, /. ; Mache, /. Fieldfare. Grive, /. Fifth. Quinte, /. Pig. Figue, /. (Fr&iich). Feigen (German, plural). Figpecker. Oiseau chypre, m. Figure. Forme, /. Filbert. Aveline, /, Filled. Rempli, e, pa. p. Fillet. Filet, m. (French). Lende (German). Filtered. Filtre, e, pa. p. Finger biscuits. Biscuits a la cuil- lere, m. pi. Fins (fish). Nageoires, f. Fins of flat fish. Barbe, /. Fins of a whale. Bras, m. Fine. Beau (hel before a vowel), m. Belle, /. ; Beaux, pi., adj. Fine (small). Menu, m. First fruits, etc. Primeurs. Fish. Poisson, m. (French). Fisch (Germa^i) . Fishbone. Arete, f. Fish chowder. Gericht von Fischen (German) . Fish eggs. Frai, m. Fish kettle. Poissoniere, /. Fisherman, fisherwoman. Pecheur, Pecheuse. Flag. Drapeau, m. ; pavilion, m. Flank (of beef or codfish). Flanc, m. ; flanchet, m. Thin flank (of veal or beef). Bav ette (/.) d'aloyau. Flask. F]acon, m. Flat. Plat, e, adj. Flavor. Gout, m. ; saveur, m. O) coffee, arome ; of icine, bouquet, fumet ; of game, fumet. High flavor. Haut gout, m. Spicy flavor. Arome, m. Flavored (with spicy or savory herbs). Aromatise, e, pa. p.; par- fume, e. Flavoring. Assaisonnement, m. Flavoring, adj. Assaisonnant, e, adj, Flawn. Flan, m. Flemish. Flamand, e, adj. Flesh. Chair, /. Flesh colored. Carng, e, pa. p. Flesh-days. Charnage, m. Fleshy. Charnu, e, adj. Flounder. Carrelet, m. Florentine. Florentin, e, adj. Flounder. Carrelet, m. Limande, /- (French). Flundern (German, plural). Flour. Farine, /. (French). Mehl (German). Flower. Fleur, f. Flower girl. Bouqueti§re, /. Fluke. Limande, /.; Plie, /. Fluted. Cannele, e, pa. p. Foamy, ficumant, e, adj. Folded. Plie, e, pa. p. Food. Nourriture, /. ; Alimenbi, /. pi. ■; provisions de bouche. Prepared food. Mets, m. 110 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY Relating to foods. Alimentaire, adj. Foot. Pied, m. For. Pour (French). Fiir (Ger- man). Forcemeat. Farce, /. (French). Farce, Ftille (German). Forcemeat balls. Fleischpolster (German) . Broiled forcemeat. Griblette, f. Cooked forcemeat. Farce cuite. Fish forcemeat. Farce de poisson. Veal forcemeat. Farce de veau. Chicken forcemeat. Farce de vol- aille. Porequarter. Quartier de devant, m. Forest (style). Forestier-ere, adj. Foretaste. Avant-gout, m. Forget-me-not. Myosotis, m. Forgotten. Oublie, e, pa. p. Fork. Fourchette, /. Fountain. Fontaine, f. Fowl. Poule, /. (French). Huhn (German). Domestic fowl. Oiseau domestique oiseau de basse-cour, m. Fowl boiled in the stock pot. Poule au-pot, /. Frankfurt sausages. Saucisses de Frankfort (French). Frankfurter wiirstchen ( German ) . Fl-eezing. Gelant, e, refrigerant, e, adj. French. Francais, e, adj. (French) Franzosische ( German ) . Fresh, Frais, m., fralche, /., adj ( Fren ch ) . Frisch ( German ) . Freshened. Rafraichi, e, pa. p. Fricassee. Fricassee, f. (French) Frikasee (German). Fricasseed. Fricasse, e, adj. Fried. Frit, e, adj. (French). Ge backen ( Germ an) . Fritter. Beignet, m. (French). Krap fen, Krusteln (German, plural). Frog. Grenouille, /. (French) Frosch (German). Frog's eggs. Frai, m. Frost fish. Tacaud, m. Frosting (for cakes). Glace, /. Froth, ficume, /. ; mousse, f. Frothy, ficumant, e, adj. ; mousse, e, mousseux-se (especially of wines). Frozen. Glace, e, pa. p. (French). Gefroren ( German ) . Partly frozen. Frappe, e, pa. p. Frugal. Frugal, e, adj. Fruit. Fruit, m. (French). Frucht. obst* (German). Flmit vinegar. Obst-Essig (German). Frumenty. Fromentee, f. Galangale (a spice). Galanga, m. Game. Gibier, m. (French). Wild (German) . Game (course on menu). Rot, Roti, m. Small game (such as partridges, grouse, pheasants, etc). Menu- gibier, m. Large game. Gros gibier. Game, adj. Wild (German). Game hash. Hachis de gibier. Gander. Jars, m. Garden balm. Baume, m. Gardencress. Cresson cultive, m. (French). Gartenkresse (Ger- man ) . Garden party. Fete champetre, f. Garden rue. Weinraute (German). Gardener (style). Jardinier-ere, adj. Garlic. Ail, m. Aulx, pi. (French). Knoblauch ( German ) . Garlic sauce. Aillade, f. Garnished. Garni, e, pa. p. Garnishing. Garniture, f. Gastronomist. Gastronome, m. Gelatine. Gelatine. /. (French). Gelatine (German). Geneva. Gen&ve, f. (French). Genfer (German) . Geneva (style). Genevois, e, adj. Genoa. Genes, /. Genoa (style). Genois, e, adj. MARTYN'8 MENU DICTIONARY 111 German (style). Allemand, e, ddj. Old German style. Tudesque, adj. Gherkin. Cornichon, m. (French). Pfeffer Gurken (German, plural). Giblets. Abats, m. Abatis, m. Gigantic. Titanique, adj. Gilt. Dore, e, adj. Gin. Geuievre, m. ; eau de vie de genievre. Holland gin. Genievre de Holland. Ginger. Gingembre, w. (French). Ingwer (German). Ginger snaps. Craquelins au ging- embre. Gingerbread. Pain d'epice, m. (French). Lebknchen (German). Girasole. Artichaut de Jerusalem. Gizzard. Gesier, m. Glass. Verre, m. (French). Glas (German) . Glaze. Glace (de viande), f. Half glaze. Demi-glace. Glazed. Glace, e, pa. p. Glossy. Lisse, adj. Gluten. Gluten, m. Glutton. Glouton, m. Gnu (antelope family). Gnou, m. Goat. Bouc, m. ; bisque, f. ; ch6vre, /. Young goat. Ohevreau, m. ; chev- rette, f. Gold. Or, m. Golden house stvle. A la maison d'or. "Golden Buck." Fondu au fromage aux oeufs poches (French). Kase- schnitte mit verlorenen Eiern (Ger- man). Good. Bon-ne, adj. "Good taste." Bon gout. Goose. .Jars, m. : oie. /. Brant goose. Oie dit Brant. Canada goose, cravat goose. Oie k cravate. Domestic goose. Oie domestique. Mongrel goose. Oie metisse, f. Snow goose, white Brant goose. Oie de niege. White fronted goose. Oie rieuse. Wild goose. Oie sauvage, /. ; oie des moissons. Young goose. Oison. tn. Goosebreast. Gansebrust (German). Goose giblets. Gilnseklein (German). Stewed goose giblets with blood. Giinseschwarz ( German ) . Goose liver. Foie-gras, m. (literally "fat liver," but nearly always sig- nifying "fat goose's liver"). Gan- seleber (German). Goose neck. Gansehals (German). Gooseberry. Groseille verte; groseille k maquereau (French). Stachel- beeren ( German ) . Gooseberry wine. Stachelbeeren- wein (German). Gormand. Gourmand, m. Goshawk. Autour, m. Gosling. Oison, m. Grape. Raisin, m. (French). Wein- trauben (German, plural). Muscadine grape. Muscat. Sour grapes, green grapes. Verjus, m. Grape fruit. Pamplemousse, f. Grape jelly. Raisiue, m. ; sapa, m. (French). Weinbeeren gallerte (German). Grape juice, unpressed wine, unfer- mented champagne. Treille, f.; Tocane, /. ; Mout, m. Grape-stone. Pepin, m. Grated. Rape, e, pa. p. ; gratte, e, pa. p. (French). Geschabt, Gerieben (German). Gratinated. Grating, e, x>ff- V- Gratings. Rapure, f. Giravy. Jus, m. (French). Sauce, Tunke (German). Strong gravy. .Jus, m. ; fond, m. Wliite gravy. Fond blanc. With gravy. Au jus. Cooked with gravy. Au gras. Gray. Gris, e, adj. Grayling. Umble, umber, m. Grease. Graisse, f. Greased. Graisse, e, pa. p. Great deal, great many. Beaucoup. Greek (style). Grec-que, adj. Hel- lenique, Tliessalien-ne, adj. Green. Vert, e, adj. 112 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY With green sauce. Au vert ; Vert pre. Greengage. Reine claude, /. Greenish. Verdatre, adj. Green peas. Pois nouveaux, m. pi. Green turtle. Tortue verte, /. {French). Sohildkrote {German). Grenadin. Grenadin, m. Gridiron. Gril, ni. Grilled. Grille, e, pa. p. ; cuit sur le gril. Gristle. Cartilage, m. ; tendon, m. { French ) . Knorpel ( German ) . Grit. Fleurage, m. Ground. Broye, e, pa. p. ; moulu, e, adj. Grouse. Poule de prairie, /. ; tetras, .m.* ; tetras de prairie, m. {French). Birkhuhn ( German ) . Black grouse. Petit coq de bruy^re. Canadian grouse, spotted grouse. Gelinotte noire d'Amgrique. Hazel Gelinotte des bois. Red grouse. Gelinotte d'Ecosse. "White grouse. Lagopede, m. and /. ; perdreau blanc, m. ; perdrix blanche, /. ; coq de neige*, m. Poule de neige*, /. Young grouse. Grianneau, m. Gruel. Brouet, m. Gudgeon. Goujon, m. Guinea fowl, guinea hen. Pintade {French). Perlhuhn {German). Gull. Mauve, /. Gum paste. Pastillage, f. Gumbo. Gombo, gombaut, m. Gypsy (style), a la zingara ; a la gitana. H Haddock. Eglefin, aigrefin, m. {French). {Aiglefin and aeglefin not correct.) Schellfisch {Ger- man). Dried haddock. Merluche, /. Half. Demi, e, adj. {French). Halb {German) . Halibut. Fletan, m. ; grand fletan, m. { Fren ch ) . Heilbut ( German ) . Ham. Jambon, m. {French). Schin- ken {German). Ham mousse. Mousse de jambon. Small ham. Jambonneau, m. Hamburg. Hambourg, m. Hamburg (style). Hambourgeois,. e, adj. Hamper (small). Bannette, f.; man- nette, /. Hanover (style). Hanovrien-ne, adj. Hard. Dur, e, adj. Hare. Lievre, m.; base, /. {French). Hasen {German, pi.) Jugged hare. Civet, m. ; civet de levraut au sang {French). Ha- seupfeffer ( German ) . Hares (tamej. Kaninchen {Ger- man). Young hare. Levraut, m. Harem. Harem, m. Harlequin. Arlequin, m. Harvest. Moisson, m. : Recolte, /. Hash. Hachis, m. {French). Hack- sel {Gei'man) . (Put after word, as Wildhacksel. game hashj. Hashed. Hache, e, pa. p. Haslets. Fraisure, /. Fraisure d'agneau, lamb's haslets or lights. Hasty. Hatif-ve, adj. Hasty pudding. Bouillie, f. Haunch (saddle). Cimier, w. {French) . Ziemer ( German ) . Haunch (bone). Coxal, m. Havana, (style), Havanese, Havanais, e, adj. Havre (style). Havrais, e, adj. Hawthorn. Aubepine, /. Hazel-hen. Gelinotte, /. ; Poule de bois. Hazelnut. Aveline, f. ; noisette, /. Head. Tete, /. (as tete de veau,ca\i's hea d ) . Kop f {G erm a n ) . Headcheese. Fromage de pore, m. {French). Presskopf, Schwarten- magen, Sulze {German) . Headwaiter. Maitre d'hotel, m. ; premier garQon ; majordomo, m. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 113 Heady. Capiteux-euse, adj. Health. Sante, /. Heap. Tas*, m. Heart. Coeur, m. Hearth. Atre, m. Heated. Chauffe, e, 2^^- P- Heated over. Rechauffe, e, pa. p. Heath. Bruyere, /. Heath cock. Coq de bruyfere, m.; Faisan noir, m. (French). Auer- hahn (German). Heifer. Taiire, /. Helvetian. Helvetien-ne, adj. Hen. Poule, /. ; geline, /. Young hen. Poulette, /. Herb. Herbe, /. (French). Krauter (German, plural). Fine herbs. Fines herbes, /. Flavoring herbs. Aromates, m. Herring. Hareng, m. (French). Heringe (German). Freshly cured herring. Saurin, m. Frickled herring. Frigard, m. Pickled herring. Hareng maring. Rolled up pickled herring. Roll- mops (German). Smoked herring. Hareng saurt, m. (French). Buckling (German). Hickory. Hickory, m. Hidden. Cache, e, adj. High (well seasoned). Haut, e, adj. Hindquarter. Quartier de derridre, m. Hodge podge, or hotch potch. Hoche- pot, m. Hog-pudding. Cochonaille, f. Holland (style). Hollandais, e, adj. Holland punch. Holliindischer Punch (German). Home (style). Menagere (k la), f. Honey. Miel, m. (French). Honig (German). Sweetened with honey. Emmiell^, e, pa. p. Honey comb. Gaufre, m. Honey and vinegar. Sour honey. Oxymel, m. Honey cakes. Lebkuchen (Ger- man). Honey jumbles. Lekerli (German). Honeycomb. Rayon de miel, m. Honeyed, honey-like. Mielleux-euse, adj. Hops. Houblons, m. (French). Hop- fen (German). Horehound. Marrube, m. ; ballotte, if. Horn of plenty. Corne d'abondance. Horse radish. Raifort, m. (French). Meerrettig ( German ) . Host. Amphitryon, m. (at a feast) ; aubergiste, m. and /. (at an inn) ; bote, m. (at a hotel or private house ) . Hot. Chaud, e, adj. Hot dishes. Plats chauds. Hotel. Hotel, m. Hothouse. Serre, /. Hour. Heure, f. At all hours, k toute-heure. House. Maison, /. Houseleek. Barbe de Jupiter, /. Housewife. Bonne femme, /. Huckelberry. Airelle, f. (French). Heidelbeeren ( German) . Huckelberry wine. Heidelbeerwein (German). Hundred. Cent. Hungarian (style). Hongrois, e, adj. Hunter. Chasseur, m. ; giboyeur, w. Huntress. C'hasseuse, Chasseresse, /. Husk. Cosse, /. Hussar style, a la hussard. Hygienic. Hygienique, adj. Hyssop. Hysope, hyssope, /. Ice, ice cream. Glace, f. Ice cream. Gefrorenes (German) . Iced. Glac6, e, pa. p. Icing. Glace, /. Icing sugar. Sucre a glace, m. Imperial. Imperial, e, adj. Improvised. Improvise, e, adj. In. (1) a. as a la mode de, in the style of. 114 IIARTYN'S MENU DICTIOyARY (2) a, as a VhuHe, in oil. (3) en, as en tasses, in cups. In. In (German). Indian, East Indian (style). Indien- ne, adj. A I'lndienne. Indian meal. Mais jaune, m. Inn. Auberge, /. (small hotel) ; cab- aret, m. (when more of a wine house or beer house) ; caravanserai, cara- vanserail (an inn for travellers — used principally in the east). Wayside inn. Une auberge sur la route. Innkeeper. Aubergiste, m. f. ; buve- tier-ere (wine house or beer house) ; cabaretier-&re, m. f. (wine house or beer house). Invalid. Invalide, m. Ionian. lonien-ne, adj. Irish. Irlandais, e, adj. Isabella (style), a I'Isabelle. Italian. Italien-ne, adj. Italian paste. Pate de Genes; pate d'ltalie, /. Jacket (of potato). Chemise, f. Jacobin (style). Des Jacobins, m. Jam. Confiture, f. Japanese (style). Japonais, e, adj. Java (style), Javanese. Javanais, e, adj. Jawbone. Machoire, f. Jelly. Gelee, f. (French). Gallert, Sulz (German) . Jew's mallow (an Egyptian pot herb). Corette. f. John Dory (a sea fish resembling the bleak). Dorade ; dourade, f. Joint (of meat). Grosse-piece, f.; piece de resistance. Jowls. Abajoues, /. ; Joues (de cochon ) . Jugged. En terrine ; Terrine, e, pa. p. Juice. Jus, m.; Sue, m. (French). Saft (German). With juice. Au jus. Juicy. Juteux-se ; succulent, e, adj. Juniper berries. Grains de genievre (French). Wachholderbeeren (Ger- man ) . Jura cheese. Vacherin, vachelin, m. K Kale. Chou vert, m. ; chou frise, m. Sea kale. Chou marin, m. Kangaroo. Kangurou, kauguroo, m. Karthusian. Chartreux-se, adj. ( French ) . Karthauser ( German ) . Kernel. Noyau, m. Kettle. Bouilloire, f. ; bouillotte, /. ; chaudron. m. Double kettle. Bain-marie, m. Steam kettle. Marmite a vapeur. Kettle roast. Braten im topf ; Schmor- braten (German). Khedive (of Egypt). Khedive, w. Kid. Biquet, m. ; biquette, f. ; chev- rette, /. Kidney. Rognon, m. (French). Nieren (German, plural). King. Roi, m. Kingfish. Umbrine. Kingfisher. Alcyon, m. ; oiseau a col' lier, m. Kisses (a kind of sweets). Baisers, m. (French). Kiissen (German). Kitchen. Cuisine, /. Kneaded. Mani6, e, pa. p. ; petri, e ; brie, e : travaille, e. Knife. Couteau, m. Knuckle. Jarret, m. Kohlrabi. Chourave, m. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 115 Ladle. Louche, m. Lady. Dame, /. (French). Signora (Italian). Lady fingers. Biscuits a la cuillere. Lake. Lac, m. Lamb. Agneau, wr. (French). Lamm (German). Spring lamb. Agneau de lait ; ag- neau de printemps. Yearling lamb. Agneau tardif. Lamb fry. An English dish of lamb's liver, lights, etc. Lamb's fries. Amourettes, f. ; ani- melles d'agneau, f. (French). Lamm driisen (German). Lamb's lettuce. Doucette, f. : mache, f. Lamprey, lamprel. Lamproie, f. River lamprey, lampern. Lamproie de riviere. Sea lamprey. Grande lamproie. Laplander (style). Lapon-ne, adj. Lapwing. Vanneau, m. Lard. Lard, m. Saindoux, m. ( French ) . Schmalz ( German ) . Leaf lard. Panne, f. Larded. Pique, e, adj. ; larde, e (French). Gespickt (German). Larding pork. Lard a piquer ( French ) . Spickspeck ( German) . Freed from larding pork. Debarde, pa. p. Larding needle. Ecuille a piquer. Lardoon. Lardon. Large. Large, prodigieux, adj. Lark. Alouette, /. ; mauviette, /. Latticed. Grille, e, pa. p. Laurel. Laurier, m. Leaf. Feuille, f. Leafless. Defeuille, e, pa. p. Lean. Maigre, adj. Leaven. Levain, m. Leek. Poireau, m. House leek. Artichaut des toits. Leg. Cuisse, /. ; jambe, f. ; jambon- neau. m. (as. Jamhonneau de volaiUe ) . Keule ( German ) . Leg (haunch). Cuissot, m. ; cuisseau (as, Cuisseau de veau>, leg of veal). Leg of beef. Jarret de boeuf. Leg of lamb. Gigot d'agneau. Lemon. Citron, m. Limon, m. (French). Citrone, Limone (Ger- man). Candied lemon peel. Citronnat, m. (French). Citronat (German). Lemonade. Limonade, f. Effervescent lemonade. Limonade gazeuse. Lent. Careme, m. Lenten food. Viande de careme. Lentil. Lentille, f. (French). Linsen (German, plural). Lettuce. Laitue, /. (French). Kopf- salat (German) . Cos lettuce, Romaine, f. Licorice. Reglisse, /. Licorice water stick. Coco, m. Light (colored). Blond, e, adj. Clairet (of wine). Lights. Abats, m. pi. ; fraisure, /. (Also, though slang, mou, for lights or lumps of the calf or ox). Like (similar). See as. Wie (Ger- man) . Lily white. Lis, m. Lime (fruit). Citron, m. ; poncire*, m. Limoges (style). Limousin, e, adj. Lined. Chemise, e, pa. p. ; fonce, e. Linen (table). Linge (de table), m. Ling (a sort of codfish). Lingue, /. Liquid. Liquide, m. Liquor (liqueur). Liqueur, f. Lithuanian. Lithuanien-ne, adj. Liver. Foie, m. (French). Leber (German). Loach (fish). Loche, f.\ Lotte franc'he ; Lotte barbotte, f. Loaf (of bread), miche de pain; (of veal), pain de veau. Lobstpr. Homard, m. (French). (Do not omit e in front of this word — le homard, not Vhomard) . Hummer (Gennan). Spiny lobster. Langouste, /. Loin. Aloyau, m.; longe, /. (French). 116 MARTYN'S AiENU DICTIONARY Loin (and a few rack chops — of pork, etc.). fichinee, /. London. Londres, f. London (style). Londonnien-ne, adj. Lorraine jelly. Bar-le-Duc, m. Lota (fish). Lotte, f. Low. Bas-se, adj. Lozenge. Losange, m. ; pastille, f. Lozenge shape. Rhombe, w. Lukewarm, Attiedi, e, adj.; TiMe, adj. Lunch. Luncheon. Lunch ; dejeuner k la fourchette, m. Buffet lunch. Ambigu, m. Luxurious. Luxueux-ese, adj. ; volup-, adj. Lyons (style). Lyonnais, e, adj. Lyre bird, lyre pheasant. Oiseau lyre, m. Luxury. Luxe, m. M Macaroni. Macaroni, f. (French). Makaroni, Hohlennudeln (German). Macaroon. Macaron, m. (French). Makronen ( German ) . Mace. Macis, m. L'arille du mus- cadier, f. (French). Muskatbliithe ( German ) . Macerated. Macere, e, pa. p. Mackerel, Maquereau, m. (French). Makrele (German) . Salt mackerel. Maquereau sal6. Madam. Madame, f. Madeira. Mad&re, m. Maecenas. M6c6ne, m. Magpie. Pie, m. and /. Maidenhair fern (used in olden times for flavoring). Capillaire, m. Maize. T'urquet, m. ; ble de I'lnde (or des Indes), de Turquie, d'Espagne. Mallard (the common wild drake). Malart, m. Malt. Malt, m. ; Dr^che, /. Maltese. Maltais, e, adj. Mamma. Maman, /. Man. Homme, m. Mangle (the fruit of the mangrove). Mangle, f. Mango. Mangue, /. Mangold. Blette, /. Mangold wurzel. Bette champetre. Manila (style). Manile, adj. Manioc. Oassave, /. Manna. Aeromel, m. Manner. Manifere, /. Manor. Manoir, ni. Mans (style). Manceau-elle, adj. Mantuan (style). Mantouan, e, adj. Maple syrup. Sirop d'erable. Maple .sugar. Sucre d'erable. Maraschino (cordial). Marasquin, m. Marbled, variegated. Marbre, e, pa. p. Marbled texture (of meat). Entre- larde. e, adj. March (month). Mars, m. March pane. Massepain, m. (French). Marzipan (German). Marine. Oceanique, adj. Mariner's style. A la mariniere. Marjoram (sweet). Marjolaine, /. Wild marjoram. Origan, m. Market. Marcho, m. Marmalade. Marmelade, /. (French). Marmalade Eingemachtes (Ger- man ) . Marquis, Marchioness. ^larquis-e. Marrow. Moelle, /. (French). Mark (Ger^nan) . Marrowbone. Os a moelle, m. Marrow-like. Moelleux-euse, adj. With marrow sauce. A la moelle. Marseilles (stj'le). Marsellais, e, arf/. (French). Marseiller (German). Marsh. Marais, m. Marshal. Marechal, m. Marshmallow. Fromageon, m. ; gui- mauve, /".* Master. Maltre, m. Masterpiece. Chef d'oeuvre, m. Matured (of meat). MortifiS, e, adj. May (month). Mai, m. May wine. Maiwein (German). Mayor. Maire, m. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 117 Mead. Hydromel, ?n. Meadow. Pr6, m. Meagre diet. Viande creuse. Meal (or dish). Mets, m. Course meal at a fixed price. Table d'hote, /. Evening meal. Abendessen (Ger- man ) . Meal (during a halt). Halte, f. Midnight meal after a fast day. Medianoehe, m. Meat. Viande, /, (French). Fleisch (German). "Dark meat" (game, etc.). Viande noire. Dark meat pudding, blood pudding. Boudin noir. Meat extract. Extrait de viande ; glace de viande (French). Fleischfextrakt ( German ) . Meat jelly. Aspic, m. Meat juice. Jus de viande. Meat loaf. Frikadelle (German). "White meat" (poultry, veal, etc.). Viande blanche. White meat pudding. Boudin blanc. Rolled meat. Roulade, f. Meat stock. Fond, m. Medallion (used as a name for small dainty dishes). Medallion, m. Medieval (style). Du moyen age. Mediterranean (style). Mediterran- neen-ne, adj. Medlar. Nefle, f. Medusa. M6duse, f. Megars. Meg^re, /. Mellow. Mur, e, adj. Melon. M61on, m. (French). Melone (German). Melted. Fondu, e, adj. Melting. Fondant, e, adj. Menu. Menu, m. ^lerchant. Marchand, e, m., f. Mercury. Mercure, m. Meridional. Meridional, e, adj. Meringued. Meringue, e, adj. Meslin. Meteil, m. Mexican. Mexicain, e, adj. Mid-August. Mi-aoilt, f. Middling. Mediocre, adj. Mid-L-ent. Mi-careme, f. Midnight. Minuit, m. Milan (style). Milanais, e, adj. Mailander (German). Milet (style). Milesien-ne, adj. Military (style). Militaire, adj. Milk. Dait, m. (French). Milch (German) . Curdled milk. Caille, m. Tliickened milk. Bouillie, /. Millet. Hirse (German). Millionaire. Richard, m. Milt. Laitance, /. (French). Milz (German) . Mince pie. Pate de noel, m. Minced. Mince, e, pa. p. (French). G^ehackt ( German ) . Ministerial (style). Ministeriel-le, adj. Minnow. Veron, m. Minstrel. Menestrel, m. Mint. Menthe, /. Mirror. Miroir, w. Miss. Mademoiselle, f. Mr. Monsieur, m. ; sieur, m. Mixed. Mele, e, 2^^- P- ! melange, e ; mixte. Mixed (two or more kinds of vege- tables, fruit, etc.). Panache, e, pa. p. Mix with the hands. Manig, e, pa. p. Mixed drinks. Boissons melangges. Mixture. Melange, m. Mock. Faux, m., Fausse, f., adj. Modern. Moderne, adj. Moistened. Mouille, e, pa. p. Molasses. Melasse, f. Mold. Moule, m. (French). Form (German). Molded. Moule, e, pa. p. Monarch. Monarque, m. Money. Argent, m. Mongolian. Mongol, e, adj. Monk. Moine, m. Monk's beard (a kind of chicory). Barbe de capucin. Month. Mois, m. Moon. Lune, f. Moorish. Moresque, adj. Moose. £lan, m. Moril (a kind of mushroom). Morille, 118 MARTYW8 MENU DICTIONARY Morsel. Morceau, m. Mosaic. Mosaique, noun and adj. Moscow (style). Moscovien-ne ; Mos- covite, adj. Mother. Mere, /, Mottled. Bariole, e, adj. Mottoes. Cosaques, m. ; papillotes,* f. Mound. Mont, m. (French). Berg (German). Mountain. Mont, m.; Montague, /. Mountaineer (style). Montagnard, e, adj. Mountain cock, mountain grouse. Coq de bouleau ; coq de bruyere (French). Auerhahn (German). "Mountain oysters." See Lamb's Fries. .Mounted pieces. Pieces montees. Mouth. Bouche, /. Mouthful. Bouchee, f. Mugil. Muge, ni. Mugwort. Beifusz (German). Mulberries. Mures, f. (French). Maulbeeren ( German ) . Mulled wine. Chaudeau, m. (French). Gliihwein ( German ) . Mullet. Mulet, m. Red mullet. Rouget, m. ; mulet rouget. Muscalonge. Masque allonge. Muscovado. Moscouade. Mushroom. Champignon, m. (French). Champignons, Steinpilze ( German. plural) . Button mushroom. Mousseron, m. Common field mushroom. Agaric champetre ; champignon de prairie, Musketeer. Mousquetaire, m. Musk melon. Cantaloup, m.* : melon maraicher, m. ; melon musque. Muslin. Mousseline, f. Mussels. Monies, /. (French). Muscheln ( German ) . Must. Moitt, m. Surmout, m. Mustard. Moutarde, /. (French). Senf (German) . In mustard. Mit Senf (German). Mutton. Mouton, m. (French). Ham- melfleisch ( Gcrma n ) . Leg of mutton. Gigot. m. Rack, or "best end" of mutton. Carre de mouton. N Naiad (water fairy). Naiade, /. Nantes (style). Nantais, e, adj. Napkin (table). Serviette, f. Narcotic. Narcotique, adj. Nasturtium. Capucine. f. Pickled nasturtium. Ctipres capu- cines. National. National, e, adj. Natural. Naturel-le, adj. Nature. Nature, f. Navarre (style). Navarrais, e, adj. Neapolitan. Napolitain, e, adj. Neck. Cou : collet, m. (see also, rack). Back neck. Nuque, /. Nectar. Nectar, m. Nectarine. Brugnon, m. Neptune. Neptune, m. Nest. Nid, m. Bird's nest soup. See, nids de sal- angane (French). Netherlands (style). Neerlandais, e, adj. Nettle. Ortie, /. Neustrian. Neustrien-ne, adj. Nevers (style). Nivernais, e, adj. New. Neuf, ve, adj. : nouveau, elle. New Year's Cake. Eiserkuchen, Neu- jahrskuchen ( German ) . New Year's Eve punch. Kalter Syl- vester Punch (German). Nice (style). Nicois, e, adj. Night. Nuit, /. Nightingale. Rossignol, m. Nitre. Nitre, m. Nivernois (style). Nivernois, e, adj. Nonpareil. Nonpareil, le, adj. Noodles. Nouilles, f. (French). Nudeln (German) . Noou. ]Midi, m. Norman. Normand, e, adj. MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY 119 Normandy (a province of France). Normandie, /. North. Nord, m. Northern. Dii nord, m. Northeast., m. Nourishing. Alimeuteux, se, adj.; Nourricier, ere. Novelty. Nouveaute, f. Nubian. Nubien, ne, adj. Number. Numero, m. Numidian. Numide, adj. Nutmeg. Noix de muscade, /. ( Fren oh ) . Muskatnuss ( German) . Nutritive. Nutritif, ve, adj. Nuts. Noix, m. (French). Niisso {German). Nymph. Nymph e, /. Oak. Chene, m. Oatmeal. Farine d'avoine, /. (French). Hafergriitze (German). Oatmeal gruel. Haferschleim (Ger- man). Ocean. Mer, /. : ocean, m. Oceanic. Oceanique, adj. October (month). Octobre, m. Of. De (singular) ; des (plural). Of. von (German). Officer. Officier, m. Oil. Huile, /. Okra. Gombaut, m. ; Gombo, m. Old. Yieux, vieille, adj. Old style. A la vieille. Olives. Olives, /. (French). Oliven (German) . Olive-hued. Olivatre, adj. Olive Oil. Huile d'olive (French). Oliven Oel (German) . Olympia. Olympe. m. Olympian. Olympien, ne, adj. Omelet. Omelette, /. (French). Eier- knchen ( German ) . Puff omelet. Omelette soufflee. On. Sur (as, anchois snr canapes). One. Un, une (French). Ein (Ger- man). Onion. Oignon, m. (French). Zwie- bel (German) . Puree of onion.s (served with vari- ous kinds of meat entrees). Sou- bise. Opaline. Opalin, e, adj. Opera. Opera, m. Orache. Arroche, f. Bonne-dame, f. Orange. Orange, /. (French). Apf el- sine ( German ) . Orange cup. Pomeranzen-Bowle (German) . Orange flower. Fleur d'oranger. Orange flower water. Eau de fleur d'oranger. Candied orange peel. Orangeat, m, Seville orange. Bigarade, f. Orange sherbet. Sorbet a I'orange (French). Sorbet von Apfel- sinen (German) . Orange-colored. Orange, e, adj. Orangeade. Orangeade, /. Ordinary. Ordinaire, adj. Orient. Orient, m. Oriental. Oriental, e, adj. Original. Original, e, adj. Ornament. Ornament, m. Ornamented. Historie, e, adj.; Orna- mente, e*. Ortolan. Ortolan, m. Osprey (sea eagle). Huard, m. Ostend (style). Ostendais, e, adj. Ostrich. Autruche, /. Outdoor. En pleine terre. Oval. Ovale, adj. Oven. Four, m. Owl. Hibou, m. Ox. Boeuf, ni. Ox-palate. Palais de boeuf. Ox-tail. Queue de boeuf (French). Oschsenschwanz ( German ) . Ox-tongue. Langue de boeuf (French). Ochsenzunge (Ger- man). Oyster. Huitre, /. ; (French). Aus- tei-n ( Germ a n , plural ) . Oysters on half shell. Huitressur- coquilles. Huitres a I'ecaille. Oyster plant. Salsifis, m. ; Scorson- 120 MARTYN'S MENU DICTIONARY ere, /. (French). Sehwarzwurzeln, Skorzonern (German). Pagoda. Pagode, f. Pair (of partridges). Pariade, /. Palace. Palais, m. Palate (of mouth). Palais, m. Pale (of wine). Clairet, m. adj. Palermo (style). Palermitain, e, adj. Palm Sunday. Paques fleuries, f. Pan. Pogle, /. (French). Pfanne (German). Deep pan. Bassine, /. Pancake. Cr6pe*, /. ; Pannequet (French). Pfannkuchen (German, plural). Panfish. Fr6tin, m. ; Poissonaille, f. Papaw (South American fruit). Papaye, f. Paper. Papier, m. With paper frills. Papillote, e, adj. Paradise. Paradis, m. Parboiled. Blanchi, e, pa. p. (French). Abkochen (German). Paris (style). Parisien-ne, adj. (French). Pariser (German). Parmesan, adj. De Parme. Parmesan cheese. Parmesan, m. Parnassus. Parnasse, m. Parrot fish. Bec-de-perroquet, m. Parsley. Persil, m. Mountain parsley. Selin, m. Water parsley. Ache d'eau, /. ; berle, f. (French). Petersilie (German). "Sprinkled with parsley. Persille, >3, adj. Parsley sauce, parsley seasoning. Persillade, f. Parsnip. Panais, m. (French). Pas- tinake (German). Partridge. Perdrix, /. ; perdrices, plur. (French). Rebhuhn, Haselhuhn (German) . Common or gray partridge. Perdrix grise. Red partridge. Bartavelle, f. Red legged partridge. Perdrix rouge. Young partridge. Perdreau, m. Passover. Paque, /. Paste. Pate, /. (French). Teig (Ger- man). Pastil. Pastille, /. Pastry. Patisserie, f. Pastry bag. Poche, /. Pastrycook. Ptitissier, m. Patagonian. Patagon-ne, adj. Patate. See Batate. Patron. Patron-ne, m. f. Patty. Pate, m. (French). Pastet- chen (German, plural). Small patty. Bouchee, /. Pea. (See Peas.) Peach. Peche, f. (French). Pfirsich (German). C!ling stone peach. Alberge, /. Early Anne peach. Avant-p^che, m. Hot house peach. Peche de serre, f. Peach bowl (cup). Pfirsich-bowle (German). Peach sherbet. Sorbet von Pfirsichen (German). Peacock. Paon, m. Paonne, /. (French). Pfau (German). Peacock like. Paon6, e. adj. Peanut. Arachide, f. Pear. Poire, /. (French). Birne (Ger- m an ) . Bartlett pear. St. Germain, m. ; tout-bonne, /. Bergamot pear. Mouille bouche, f. Choke pear. Poire d'angoisse, f. Early pear. Hativeau, m. Musk pear. Muscadelle, f. Russet pear. Rousselet, m. Soft pear. Poire molle. Winter pear. Poire d'hiver. Pearl. Perle, f. Pearl hen. Oiseau d'Afrique, m. ; pintade, f. Pearled. Perle, e, pa. p. MARTYN'S AfENU DICTIONARY 121 Peas. Pois, m. (French). Erbsen (Gennan). Chick peas. Chiches, /. (French). Garbancos ( i^panish ) . Early peas. Pois hatifs. Field peas. Pois des champs. Gray peas. Pois gris. Green peas. Petits pois. Split peas. Pois casses. Sweet peas. Pois goulus ; mange- tout, m. Peasant (.style). Paysan-ne, adj. Peccary. Pecari, m. Pedestal. Piedestal, m. ; socle, m. Peeled. Epluche, e, pa. p. ; monde, e (of almonds, etc.). Pegasn.s. Pegase, m. Pelican. Pelican, m. Penny-royal. Pouliot, m. Pennsylvania (style). Pennsylvanien- ne, adj. Pentecost. Pentecote, f. Pepper. Poivre, m. (French). Pfeffer (German) . Peppers (in the whole condition). Piments, m. Cayenne pepper, red pepper. Poivre de Cayenne, poivre rouge (French). Spanischer Pfeffer (German). Guinea pepper. Carive, m. Crushed whole white pepper. Mig- nonette, /. Pepper sauce. Poivrade, /. Pepper pot. Pot poivre. Pepper wort, pepper grass. Cresson a.lenois. m. Chasse-rage, f. (French ) . Pfefferkraut ( German). Peppered. Poivre, e. Perch. Perche, f. (French). Barsch (German) . Sea perch. Bars, m. Perfect. Parfait, e, adj. Perfume. Parfum, m. Perseus. Persee, m. Persian. Persan, e, adj. Peruvian. Peruvien-ne, adj. Petrel. Oiseau de St. Pierre, m. Pewit. Vanneau, w,. Pheasant. Faisan, m. ; faisane, f. (French). Fasan (German). Golden pheasant. Faisan dor§. Young pheasant. Faisandeau, m. Phoenix. Phenix, m. Phosphate (with). Phosphate, e, ad;. Picallili. Picalilli, m. Pickerel. Brocheton, m. (French). Grashecht ( German). Pickle. Saumure, f. ; marinade, /. ; vinaigre epice, m. Mixed pickles. Variantes, /. Pinmoney pickles. Poucettes, /. /jZ. Pickled. Confit, e (French). Einge- macht (German). Pickled (sweet). Conserve, e, pa. p. Pickled (sour). Marine, e, pa. p.; saumure, e, adj. Pickled meat. Pokelfleisch (German). Pie. Meat, pSte, m. tiweet, torte, tourte, /. (French). Pastete (meat and game) (German). Piece. Pi6ce, /. Piedmont (style). Piemontais, e, a