Book_ COPVRIGHT DEPOSIT. M iitlttarg (§Yhn of tl)p iragnn 1900-1911 ,\ Copyright, 1912, by The Military Order of the Dragon Press of Byron S. Adams, Washington, D. C. t CI.A319L05 A / ^ / 3TorpUiorii This volume has been prepared as a souvenir for the Members of the Order. The Military Order of the Dragon was organized to perpetuate the memories of The China Relief Expedition of 1900. This expedition was organized for the relief of the foreign legations in Peking, and the following is a resume of the different cam- paigns : May 26th. The envoys accredited to the Chinese Government applied to their governments for guards for the protection of the legations in Peking. May 29th. American sailors and marines, under command of Capt. B. H. McCalla, U. S. N., landed at Taku, China, and proceeded to Tientsin. May 31st. Guards for the legations at Peking, consisting of 350 sailors and marines from American, British, French, Italian,, Japanese and Rus- sian warships, arrived at Peking. Of this force fifty were officers and men of the United States Marine Corps and five were United States sea- men under command of Capt. J. T. Myers, U. S. M. C, who took station as guard for the American legation. This detachment of Americans par- ticipated in the defense of all of the legations from June 20th until the relief column arrived on August 14th and held the Tartar wall between the Chien Gate and the canal, and thus isaved the legations. Casualties, six killed and ten wounded. June 10th. An expeditionary force commanded by Vice-Admiral E. H. Seymour, R. N., consisting of over 2,000 sailors and marines, the American, contingent of about 100 men being under the command of Capt.'B. H. McCalla, U. S. N., left Tien-Tsin for Peking. A.fter numerous engagements with Boxers and Chinese troops, both during the advance, which reached Lang- fang, and the retirement, the command returned to Tien-Tsin on the 26th. American loss, four killed and twenty-five wounded. July 13th. The combined forces, of which about 90O were Americans (Ninth Infantry and marines), attacked the walled city of Tien-Tsin, which was entered and occupied on July 14th. The American casualties in- cluded the commander of the American forces, Col. E. H. Liscum, Ninth Infantry, and Capt. A. R. Davis, of the U. S. Marines. August 4th. The combined forces of about 16,000 men, of which over 2,000 were Americans (Ninth Infantry, Fourteenth Infantry, Troop M Sixth Cavalry, Light Battery F, Fifth Artillery, U. S. Marines), under command of Maj-Gen. Adna R. Chaffee, left Tien-Tsin for the relief of the legations in Peking. August 5th. Battle of Peit-tsang. August 6th. Battle of Yang-tsun; American casualties nine killed and sixty-four wounded. August 14th. The American troops fought their way through the Chinese city of Peking and entered the Tartar city through the sluice gate. The Fourteenth United States Infantry was the first to scale the wall of the Tartar city, August 15th. The American troops attacked and carried in succession all the gates leading to the Forbidden City from the Chien Gate, and established guards to hold them. Capt. H. J. Reilly, Fifth Artillery, killed. August 16th. The city of Peking was divided for police land admin- istrative purposes into four sections under the American, British, Jap- anese and Russian commanders, and the permanent camp of the American troops was established in the Temple of Agriculture. August 19th. Expeditionary forces, of which 400 were Americans (Sixth Cavalry) under comm^and of Lieut. -Col. T. J. Wint, Sixth Cavalry, de- feated several thousand Boxers six miles southwest of Tien-Tsin. During August and September, 1900, the American troops sent out minor expeditions in the vicinity of Peking. They retained administrative con- trol of nearly one-fourth of Peking till May, 1901, by which time all American troops, except one company, as legation guard, had left China. The relief of the foreign legations in Peking, for which the China Relief Expedition was organized, having been accomplished, a formal final review of the American troops in Peking was held on October 1st by Major-General Chaffee, in honor of the Honorable E. H. Conger, Min- ister of the United States of America ; and, to perpetuate the memories of the compaign, the officers of the expedition orgjanized The Military Order of the Dragon. GENERAL CHAFFEE'S HEADQUARTERS IN GROUNDS OF THE TExMPLE OF AGRICULTURE. PEKING, 1900. GEN. ADNA R. CHAFFEE AND STAFF. Dr. Bennett. Dr. Hughes. Dr. Greenleaf. Dr. Lewis. Dr. Blanchard. OFFICERS OF U. S. MEDICAL CORPS, PEKING, 1900. Captain Ridgway, Lieutenants Burgess, Summerall, Hall and McCloskey, of "Reilly's Battery." f CHINA RELIEF EXPEDITION OF 1900. UNITED STATES ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. Major-General ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Commanding. PERSONAL STAFF. Lieut. R. B. Harper, Seventh Cavalry, A. D. C. Lieut. J. W. Furlong, Sixth Cav., Lieut. B. B. Hyer, Sixth Cav., Act. A. D. C. Capt. J. R. LiNDSEY, Fifteenth Cav., A. D. C. Lieut.-Col. W. C. Hayes, Vol., A. D. C. Lieut. J. L Latimer, U S. N., Lieut. W. H. McGrann, U. S. N. GENERAL STAFF. Chief of Staff: Maj. J. M. Lee, Ninth Inf., Lieut.-Col. J. T. Dickman, U. S. V. (Captain Eighth Cav.). Adjutant General: Capt. Grote Hutcheson, Sixth Cav., Col. H. O. S. Heistand. Inspector-General: Maj. J. M. Lee, Ninth Inf. Chief Quartermaster: Capt. F. DeW. Ramsey, Ninth Inf., Lieut.-Col. C. F. Humphrey. Chief Commissary: Capt. F. DeW. Ramsey, Ninth Inf., Maj. H. J. Gallagher, U. S. V. Chief Surgeon: Maj. W. B. Banister, Maj. J. Van R. Hoff, Maj. F. J. IVES': Chief Engineer Officer: Lieut. H. B. Ferguson, C. E. Chief Ordnance Officer : Capt. William Crozier, Capt. George Mont- gomery. Chief Signal Officer: Maj. G. P. Scriven, Lieut. H. W. Stamford. Chief Paymaster: Maj. W. B. Schofield, Major W. B. Rocfiester, Jr. Judge Advocate: Maj. C. H. Muir, U. S. V., (Capt. Second Infantry), Capt. Grote Hutcheson, Sixth Cav. Attached: Maj. S. M. Mills, Sixth Artillery; Lieut.-Col. J. S. Mal- LORY, U. S. V. (Captain Second Infantry) ; Maj. W. E. Craighill, U. S. V. (Captain, Engineer Corps) ; Capt. C. F. O'Keefe, U. S. V. Brig.-Gen. T. H. Barry, U. S. V. (Lieut.-Col. U. S. A.); Capt. R. T. Hazzard, U. S. V. quartermaster's department. Lieut.-Col. C. F. Humpfirey, Majors J. B. Aleshire, J. C. Byron, U. S. V. (Captain U. S. A.) ; Captains W. S. Wood, I. L. Fredendall (U. S. v.). subsistence department. Maj. H. J. Gallagher, U. S. V. (Captain U. S. A.) ; Captains W. H. Bean, Thomas Franklin. medical department. Majors J. Van R. Hoff, E. T. Comegys, W. H. Arthur, William Stephenson, F. J. Ives, W. B. Banister, W. F. Lewis, U. S. V. (Captain, U. S. A.) ; Captains I. E. Bennett, U. S. V., W. W. Calhoun, U. S. V.; Lieutenants E. R. Schreiner, C. E. Marrow, H. S. Greenleaf; Acting Assistant Surgeons Fred. M. Barney, R. M. Blanchard. M. H. Bowman, H. D. CoRBusiKR, G. H. Crabtrei:, C. F. Dickinson, J. T. Halsell, M. E. Hughes, F. E. Jenkins, F. J. Koyle, Charles Lewis, R. S. Linn, Clar- ence Martin, Albert Moser, E. C. Poey, C. J. Rowan, R. E. Sievers, H. H. Van Kirk, H. A. Wahl, R. N. Winn, F. F. Woodbury. signal corps. Maj. G. P. Scriven, Capt. C. F. O'Keefe, U. S. V.; Lieutenants H. W. Stamford, H. O. Hastings, Peter Bartsch, H. W. Capron. PEKING, 1000. THE SUMMER PALACE. GATE TO FORBIDDEN CITY, STORMED BY AMERICAN TROOPS. PART OF IMPERIAL PALACE. 10 FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. Toy on floor in Emperor's private room. LI HUNG CHANG AND RETINUE. 11 FIRST BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AT PEKING. Brig.-Gen. J. H. WILSON, U. S. V., Commanding. Personal Stafif : Lieut. G. S. Turner, Tenth Inf., Lieut. J. H. Reeves^ Second Cav. Third Squadron Sixth U. S. Cavalry. Battery F, Fifth U. S. Artillery. Ninth Regiment, U. S. Infantry. Two Battalions Fourteenth U. S. Infantry. Two Battalions First Regiment U. S. Marines. SECOND BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AT TIEN-TSIN. CoL. S. S. SUMNER, Sixtei Cavalry, Commanding. First Squadron Sixth U. S. Cavalry. One Battalion Third U. S. Artillery. One Battalion Fifteenth U. S. Infantry. One Battalion First Regiment U. S. Marines. SIXTH regiment OF CAVALRY. Colonels S. S. Sumner (Commanding Second Brigade), T. J. Wint; Majors E. L. Huggins, Alexander Rodgers; Captains A. P. Blocksom, W. W. Forsyth, De R. C. Cabell, Grote Hutcheson, R. B. Paddock (Died at Peking), Lieutenants J. T. Nance, C. D. Rhodes, F. C. Mar- shall, J. W. Furlong, T. M. Corcoran, G. C. Barnhardt, B. B. Hyer, H. A. White, A. Van P. Anderson, E. R. Heiberg, Malin Craig, W. B. Scales, Warren Dean, P. W. Guiney, Stuart FIeintzelman, W. L. Karnes, J. A. Baer, F. E. Buchan, W. S. Grant. third regiment of artillery. Captains Charles Humphreys, H. C. Danes, C. H. Hunter, C. A. Bennett; Lieutenants Archibald Campbell, W. S. McNair, G. H. Mc- Manus, William Forse, H. M. Merriam, O. L. Spaulding, Jr., H. C. Evans, Jr., H. B. Clark. FIFTH regiment OF ARTILLERY. Captains H. J. Reilly (killed at Peking), Thomas Ridgway; Lieuten- ants L. R. Burgess, C. P. Summerall, Manus McCloskey, Harrison Hall. ninth regiment of infantry. Colonels E. H. Liscum (killed at Tientsin), C. F. Robe; Lieut. -CoL C. A. Coolidge; Majors J. M. Lee, M. C. Foote, James Regan, E. B. Robertson; Chaplain Walter Marvine; Captains F. L. Dodds, C. R. NoYEs, R. H. Anderson, F. L. Palmer, A. W. Brewster, F. De W. Ramsey, M. L. Hersey, J. M. Sigworth, E. V. Bookmiller, F. H. Schoeffel; Lieutenants L. B. Lawton, T. W. Connell, H. F. Rethers, B. M. Hartshorne, Jr., F. L. Munson, Harold Hammond, I. C. Wel- BORN, J. B. Schoeffel, B. P. Nicklin, W. K. Naylor, E. R. Gibson, E. a. Bumpus, J. P. Drouillard, M. M. Weeks (Twenty-first Infantry), C. C. Kinney, G. S. Simonds, F. R. Brown, Reuben Smith, F. R. Lang, W. H. Waldkon, G. W. Wallace, Allkn Smith, Jr., W. P. Colkman, R. S. Clark, A. U. Loeb, P. A. Goodrich, T. M. Baines, Jr., E. T. Smith. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Col. A. S. Daggett; Major William Quinton ; Chaplain L. R. Groves; Captains W. B. Reynolds, F. F. Eastman, J. C. F. Tillson, Alfred Hasbrouck, Jr., C. H. Martin, J. R. M. Taylor, H. G. Learnard, Joseph Frazier; Lieutenants L. M. Nuttman, W. A. Burnside, F. M. Savage, P. H. MuLLAY, J. F. GoHN, J. L. GiLBRETH, R. M. Brambila, H. S. Wagner, C. P. Faulkner (Eighth Infantry), C. N. Murphy, F. S. L. Price, James Hanson, D. K. INIajor, Jr., A. N. McClure, R. F. McMillan, W. S. Sinclair^ C. E. Kilbourne, Jr., L. McL. FIamilton, H. E. Mitchell, E. E. Allen, P. K. Brice, G. R. Greene. fifteenth regiment of infantry. Col. Edward Moale; Captains J. A. Maney, W. F. Blauvelt, Edward Lloyd, W. N. Blow, Jr., Edmund Wittemyer; Lieutenants J. McA. Palmer, G. McD. Weeks, J. A. Lynch, J. K. Moore, F. G. Knabenshue, A. S. Cowan, E. M. Reeve, W. C. Johnson. officers of the u. s. marine corps Colonels R. L. Meade, H. C. Cochrane; Majors George Richards, W. P. Biddle, Randolph Dickens, L. W. T. Waller; Captains F. J. Moses, C. G. Long, B. H. Fuller, R. McM. Dutton, L. H. Moses, W. C. Neville, W. N. McKelvey, a: R. Davis (killed at Tientsin), T. H. Low, M. J. Shaw, P. M. Bannon, W. B. Lemly, S. D. Butler, Henry Leonard. D. D. Porter, G. C. Reid, R. H. Dunlap, A. J. Matthews, J. F. McGill, R. F. Wynne; Lieutenants W. G. Powell, W. H. Clifford, Jr., J. H. A. Day, William Hopkins, A. E. Harding, C. H. Lyman, C. C. Carpenter, L. M, Little, F. M. Wise, Jr., Wirt McCreary, S. A. W. Patterson W. L. Jolly, H. J. Hirshinger, J. G. Muir, H. R. Lay, C. B. Taylor, H. D. F. Long, W. C. Harllee, H. L. Mathews, D. C. McDougal, T. E. Backstrom, D. W. Blake, F. C. Lander, F. J. Schwable. medical corps, u. s. navy. Surgeon O. D. Norton ; P. A. Surgeons G. A. Long, G. D. Costigan ; A. Surgeons J. C. Thompson, J. T. Kennedy. 13 PEKING, 1900. DISMOUNTED PARADE OF THE SIXTH U. S. CAVALRY. ^^ Lieut.-Col. T. J. Wint. 6th Cavalry. Capt. De R. C. Cabell. 6th Cavalry. Lieutenant Fred. R. Buchan. 6th Cavalry. SOME OF THE CAVALRY OFFICERS, PEKING, 1900. 14 ,t * ^ ,r r H OFFICERS QUARTERS AND HOSPITAL OF AMERICAN GUARD (Peking). PEKING, 1900. AMERICAN OFFICER (Dr. Blanchard) IN SUMMER PALACE. 15 CHINESE PEASANTS BROUGHT IN BY CAVALRY PATROL (Yangtsun). NINTH INFANTRY GUARDING A GATE OF THE FORBIDDEN CITY. 16 REILLY'S BATTERY (Peking). AMERICAN LEGATION BUILDINGS (from the wall). 17 SIXTH CAVALRY OFFICERS AT YANGTSUN. fmfW'.'^'-'-' ^ " '-" " ^' r ^ "? w 3 PEKING. 1900. COL. ROBE AND OFFICERS OF THE 9TH INFANTRY. 18 PEKING, 1900. U. S. HOSPITAL CORPS. UNITED STATES NAVAL FORCE CO-OPERATING WITH CHINA RELIEF EXPEDITION. Rear Admiral GEORGE C. REMEY, Commander-in-Chief. STAFF. Capt. C. M. Thomas, Chief of Staff; Lieut. J. H. Shipley, Flag Lieut.; A.ides: Lieut. R. R. Belknap; Ensigns J. H. Holden, W. B. Tardy, M. H. Brown. Rear Admiral Louis Kempff, Senior Squadron Commander. STAFF. Lieut. Victor Blue, Flag Lieut.; Aides: Lieut. Ridley McLean; Ensign G. T. Pettengill. U. S. S. BROOKLYN. Capt. C. M. Thomas, commanding; Lieut. Commanders A. F. Dixon, B. O. Scott; Lieuts. J. H. Gibbons, J. L. Latimer, P. N. Olmstead, L. B. Jones; Ensigns C. L. Poor, W. H. Reynolds, C. T. Owens, W. T. Tar- rant, Charles Boone; Naval Cadets W. N. Jeffers, R. A. Abernathy, Hayne Ellis, F. D. Berrien, E. B. Fenner, H. L. Brinser, J. T. Beckner, G. W. Steele, J. F. Hellweg, C. S. Freeman ; Medical Inspector R. C. Persons; Assistant Surgeons F. L. Benton, A. G. Grunwell; Pay In- spector H. T. B. Harris; Chaplain Frank Thompson; Major W. F. Spicer; Lieut. P. S. Brown. 19 U. S. S. NEWARK. Capt. B. H. McCalla ; Lieut. Commanders J. M. Roper, J. K. Barton ; Lieuts. J. L. Jayne, H. F. Bryan; Ensigns A. W. Marshall, C. E. Gil- pin, D. W. Wurtsbaugh, R. N. Marble, J. S. Graham; Naval Cadets J. K. Taussig, C. E. Courtney; Surgeon A. C. H. Russell; P. A. Sur- geon R. M. Kennedy; Paymaster H. E. Jewett. U. S. S. OREGON. Capt. G. F. F. Wilde; Lieut. Commanders C. A. Adams, T. F. Burg- dorff; Lieuts. J. F. Schfll, R. H. Leigh, A. A. McKethan; Ensigns D. M. Wood, C. P. Burt, W. C. Asserson, H. J. Elson, G. W. Faller, C. P. Nelson; Naval Cadet C. H. Woodward; Medical Inspector G. E, H. Harmon; Paymaster S. L, Heap; Lieut. R. C. Berkeley. U. S. S. new ORLEANS. Capt. J. G. Green; Lieut. Commanders J. T. Smith, W. N. Little; Lieuts. W. J. Sears, L. M. Nulton, J. F. Carter, Chester Wells; Naval Cadets C. E. Morgan, P. B. Dungan, W. R. Sayles; Surgeon J. F. B. Cordiero; P. A. Paymaster W. B. Izard; Lieut. C. S. Hatch. u. s. s. yorktown. Commander E. D. Taussig; Lieut. Commander J. M. Bowyer; Lieuts. Howard Gage, C. S. Stanworth; Ensigns W. H. Standley, Arthur MacArthur, Pope Washington, H. E. Yarnell, H. C. Dinger, As- sistant Surgeon Edwin Davis; P. A. Paymaster Samuel Bryan; Acting Assistant Paymaster S. H. Knowles. U. S. S. NASHVILLE. Commanders R. P. Rodgers, N. E. Niles ; Lieut. Commander Alfred Reynolds; Lieuts. J. H. Dover, M. A. Anderson, R. H. Jackson, D. V. H. Allen, A. M. Cook; Ensign K. G. Castleman; Assistant Sur- geon Edgar Thompson; Assistant Paymaster C. J. Cleborne. u. s. s. monocacy. Commander F. M. Wise; Lieut. Commander W. S. Hogg; Lieuts. G. R. Clark, T. W. Ryan, N. E. Irwin, W. H. McGrann, R. D. Has- brouck; Ensign W. C. Davidson; Assistant Paymaster G. M. Lukesh. u. s. s. solace. Commander Herbert Winslow; Lieut. Commanders F. W. Coffin, G. S. WiLLiTS ; Lieuts, F. Boughter, J. E. Craven, H. C. Kuenzli, W. V. Pratt; Ensign R. Z. Johnston, Jr.; Assistant Surgeon Jacob Stepp ; Paymaster J. S. Phillips; Lieut. B. F. Rittenhouse. u. s. s. buffalo. Commander C. T. Hutchins; Lieut. Commanders H. H. Hosley, H. O. Dunn; Lieuts. C. P. Eaton, A. C. Dieffenbach, A. T Long, G. L. P. Stone, H. V. Butler; P. A. Surgeon C. F. Stokes; P. A. Paymaster John Irwin, Jr. ; Chaplain W. T. Helms. U. S. S. ZAFIRO. Ensign L. A. Cotton ; Assistant Paymaster George W. Reeves, Jr. 20 DISTINGUISHED \'ISITORS TO THE lAIPEKiAL PALACE cEorbiddt-n City.) •f.^ -ft^^^sd ,^ 4?| PRESENTATION OF UMBRELLAS TO GEN. CHAFFEE AND CAPTAIN TILLSON. 21 J^ PART OF IMPERIAL PALACE. PRESENTATION OF UMBRELLAS TO GENERAL CHAFFEE AND CAPTAIN TILLSON. 22 PEKING, 1900. THE TEMPLE OF HEAVEN. VIEW OF TEMPLE OF HEA^'EN. 23 PEKING, 1900. STONE BOAT IN SUMMER PALACE. THRONE-ROOM IMPERIAL PALACE. 2A ■ U. S. HOSPITAL SHIP "RELIEF. OFFICERS AND MEN OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS WHO WERE KILLED IN ACTION OR DIED IN NORTH CHINA BETWEEN MAY 31, 1900, AND MAY 31, 1901. SIXTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Killed in Action: Trumpeter Fred Corrigon. Died. — Capt. Richard B. Paddock; Corporal Charles Cooper; Pri- vates Clifford Haisley, Charles Ericksen, Elmer Ingham, Harry B. Shupard, Frank D. Thompson, King W. Walsh, Michael Bowler, Farrier Wilbert Ritchey. third regiment of artillery. Died. — Corporal John Hughes. Killed in Action. FIFTH REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. -Capt. Henry J. Reilly. NINTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Killed in Action. — Col. Emerson H. Liscum ; Corporals R. B. Slater,, Stephen O'Dea, S. A. Christenberry ; Privates John A. Potter^ George H. Buckley, John McPartland, Gotfried Svenson, Barney Gonyea, Robert B. Golden, Robert E. Walsh, John H. Porter,. James O. Hall, Oscar Olson, John J. Dreher, Alex Skogsberg, Casper Schwertfeger, James B. Taylor, Clyde J. Jamison, Fred E. 25 RlEFFANNACHT, JoHN P. SmITH, DeWEY RoGERS, JaMES J. O'NiEL, JO- SEPH L. Fritsch. Died.—Sergt. John M. O'Connor; Privates Jake H. Ammerman, EzEKiEL E. Hale, Henry Kirkland, David McDaniel, Morton Stalnaker, William Brayton, John J. Knitter. Walter Allen, James li. Burke, Oliver Ackerman, William Talbott, A.lbert Henig, John Sullivan, Samuel A. Womack, George S. Bell, Pat- rick Donovan, William Harvey, Charles Kildish, Eugene L. Lyon, Henry Morray, Michael Nevins, Joseph Knox, Daniel Reasoner, Charles Freideck, Ambrose J. Melonson, Dennis Shea, William H. W^ebb, William Kelly. fourteenth regiment of infantry. Killed in Action. — Corporals Frank Safford, John H. Hurst; Mu- sician Oran a. Kemper; Privates Daniel W. Simpkins, Laurence M. GooGiNS, Claude Smith, Robert C. Kerr, Wyatt C. Hicks, Roland L. Perry, Russell T. Elliott, W. E. Metzler, James C. Wiber, Roy W. Bergan, George C. Kaufmann, Archie J. Ranney, Henry J. Kysela, Clint W. Graham, James Rice, Lafer J. Alley, Philip M. Anderson, Alfred M. Messer, Edward B. Mitchell, Paschal Y, Smith, James Ouellette. Died. Privates George Cauit, Joseph Lyons, Clifford E. Bedford, Robert Horan, Alfred Power, William H. Connor, Hugo C. Krafft, William H. Gillespie, Charlie L. Organ. fifteenth regiment of infantry. Died. — Privates Albert Carter, Frank Clapin. HOSPITAL CORPS, U. S. A. Died. — Privates Coney J. Hathorn, John H. Ring, united states navy. Killed in Action. — Boatswain's mate T. Thomas; Gunner's mate B. Benson; Coxswain K. Thomas; Apprentice H. A. Broman; Landsman H. Severson. united states marine corps. Killed in Action. — Capt. A. R. Davis; Sergts. John Fanning, C. J. Kolleck; Corporal Thomas Kelly; Privates J. F. Lanigan, J. C. Hunter, Henry Morris, J. K. Miller, W. H. Nichols, J. H. Schroe- DER, Harry Fisher, C. B. King, A. A. Turner, R. E. Thomas, J. W. TuTCHER, John Kennedy, L W. Patridge, James McConkey. Died. — Quartermaster Sergt. H. J. Chisholm; Sergt. N. P. Nelson; Corporals Thomas Brophy, D. F. Wetherell; Privates G. R. Stephen- son, G. P. Farrell, Stephen Fisher, James Sayers, J. P. Sullivan, G. T. Leach, W. F. Fenton, A. R. Wood, E. P. Provensal. 26 ^ i->A\\v? 1^ CANAL, LOOKING TOWARDS TUNG-CHIH-MEN. THE SIEGE IN PEKING. The British Legation. Outside view of the Legation gate, with Nordenfeldt gun and barricades. The wall across the street in the distance is the wall of the Imperial City. It was pierced by the Chinese soldiers, and a cannon, protected by iron shields, placed there. The buildings along the wall at the right were also occu- pied by soldiers and "Boxers'" who, from this position, kept up an incessant rifle fire. 21 CUSTODIANS AND EUNUCHS OF THE ROYAL PALACE^GARDENS. CHINESE BELLES (Peking). 28 THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. Tai Mias, or Imperial Great Hall of Sacrifice. Emperor's Ancestral Temple. Most sacred. Pillars are 60 feet high and 18 feet in circumference. ^ . I .11 ^ THE SIEGE IN PEKING. The body of Captain Reilly, of the 5th U. S. Artillery, lying in the Front Gate (Chien- Men) building, surrounded by his men. Captain Reilly was killed during the attack on the "Forbidden City," the day after the relieving forces reached Peking. 29 THE SIEGE IN PEKING. Fortified "Ramp" back of the American Legation, leading to the American position on the city wall. Probably the hardest fighting of the siege took place on this section of the wall. At one time the American soldiers held the incline on the left and the Chinese soldiers the one on the right, and waged battle across the narrow space at the top, where each had built a barricade. THE SIEGE IN PEKING. In the British Legation. First Secretary's House, showing how it was fortified with bricks and sand bags. Men of the Signal Service on the roof. This house was constantly under fire and was hit by probably thousands of rifle bullets, besides solid shot and fragments of shells. i sJk^ THE SIEGE IN PEKING. In the British Legation. House and gate in the south stable court, ruined by shot and shell fired by the Chinese soldiers. The house was completely wrecked. MEMBERS OF THE LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND OF THE LEGATION GUARD PRESENT DURING THE SIEGE OF THE FOREIGN LEGATIONS IN PEKING MAY 31 TO AUGUST 14, 1900. MEMBERS OF THE LEGATION: Edwin C. Conger, Minister. H. G. SguiERS, First Secretary. William E. Bainbridge, Second Secretary. Fleming D. Cheshire, Chinese Secretary. MEMBERS OF THE LEGATION GUARD : Capt. J. T. Myers, U. S. M. C, Commanding Guard (wounded). Capt. N. H. Hall, U. S. M. C. Assistant Surgeon T. M. Lippett, U. S. N. (wounded). MARINES, U. S. S. OREGON. Sergeant E. A. Walker, Corporal J. O. Dahlgren, " Martin Hunt, Private E. J. Boydston, " John Butts, " Harry Fisher (killed), " Charles Greer, 31 Private John Herter, " C. B. HOBBS, " w. g. horton, " Herman Kehm, C. B. King (killed) " F. D. Moody (wounded), " Albert Moore, " M. L. M. Mueller (wounded), " C. C. Mullen, " G. F. O'Leary, " H. I. Preston, " Richard Quinn, " d. j. scannell, " R. E. Thomas (killed), A. A. Turner (killed), O. J. Upham, " C. R. White, F. A. Young. marines, U. S. S. NEWARK: Sergeant John Fanning (killed), Drummer J. A. Murphy, Private J. O. Ammann, R. M. Barratt, Gottlieb Brosi, W. L. Carr, Daniel Daly, H. W. Davis, E. J. Donovan, W. F. Donovan, G. P. Farrell, L. R. Gaiennie, H. C. Galligher, Harry Gold (wounded), T. F. Hall (wounded), John Kennedy (killed), A. J. KUHN, J. J. Lavin, J. C. A. Martin, J. H. Schroeder (wounded), France Silva (wounded), F. J. Tinkler, J. W. Tutcher, William Zion. sailors, u. s. s. newark. Chief Machinist T. Peterson, Gunner's Mate I. C. J. Mitchell (wounded); Seaman J. Sjorgeen, Seaman A. Westermark, Hospital Apprentice R. Stanley (wounded). 32 L CAPTURED CHINESE CANNON. THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. The Emperor's Private Temple, called "The First Gate of Heaven. 33 FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. Private living rooms of the Empress Dowager. THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. The Fifth Gate. Long Guarded by American Troops. 34 THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. Where 30 million taels of treasure was guarded by American troops, and later returned to the Chinese. THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. Entrance to the Emperor's Private Living Rooms. The lions are covered with gold. 35 1. Maj. Gen. Chaffee, Lt. Harper, A. D. C. in front of Compound Headquarters, China Relief Expedition. 2. Japanese Infantry. 3. Gen. Yainaguchi, Japanese Army. 4. 9th Infantry guarding gate of Forbidden City. 5. Indian troops. 6. Gen. Chaffee's Headquarters. 7. Major-General A. R. Chaffee, Brig.-General James H. Wilson, Lt.-Col. H. O. S. Heistand, Adjutant-General, Capt. Grote Hutcheson, Assistant Adjutant-General. (36) ^^^ % 1. Sixth Cavalry crossing Pei Ho River. 2. Field Marshal Count von Waldersee commanding allied armies after the relief of Pekin. 3. Troop "I," 6th Cavalry, Capt. Forsyth, commanding, at the American review at Peking. 4. The Taku Forts. 5. Lieut. Coleman, 9th Infantry, Lieut. Guiney, 6th Cavalry, British Officer; Lt.-Col. Hayes, U. S. Volunteers. 6. British Indian troops, 16th Bengal Lancers. 7. Maj. Jesse M. Lee, 9th Infantry. (37) CONSTITUTION OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON Article I, This association shall be known as the "Military Order of the Dragon." Article II. The purpose of the Order shall be to record the history and conserve the memory of the military campaign in China in the year 1900. Article III. The membership of the Order shall consist of four classes : Section 1. ACTIVE MEMBERS: All regular and volunteer com- missioned ofificers of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps^ Acting Assistant Surgeons and authorized Volunteer Staff Officers, who served as such, or as an enlisted man, in North China or in the Gulf of Pechili in connection with or as a part of any military operation and under the orders of the respective Army and Navy Commanders thereof between June 15th and December 31st, 1900, and all members of the Diplo- matic and Consular services of the United States in Tientsin and Peking during said period shall be eligible as Active Members in the Order, and shall become such upon payment of the fees and dues hereinafter provided. Section 2. HEREDITARY MEMBERS: The nearest male descend- ant, twenty-one years of age or over, of Active Members, may become Hereditary Members upon election by the Executive Committee and the payment of the fees and dues hereinafter provided. Hereditary Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office. Upon the death of the Active Member from whom the Hereditary Member derives eligibility, such He- reditary Member shall become an Active Member by heredity, and shall be transferred to the active list, with all its rights and privileges. Section 3. HONORARY MEMBERS: All members of the foreign diplomatic corps present on duty in Peking at any time during the period from June 15th to December 31st, 1900, all military and naval commis- sioned officers of other services than that of the United States present in North China, or in the Gulf of Pechili, and engaged in the military opera- tions thereat, between the dates above specified, may become Honorar}^ Members upon application as hereinafter provided. Honorary Members will be charged no initiation fees or dues ; they will not be entitled to hold office, except as hereinafter provided, nor to vote.. Section 4. HONORARY HEREDITARY MEMBERS: Male de- scendants of twenty-one years of age or over, of those eligible to Hon- orary Membership, may become Honorary Hereditary Members upon election by the Executive Committee as hereinafter provided. Honorary Hereditary Members will be charged no initiation fees or dues ; they will not be entitled to hold office, except as hereinafter pro- vided, nor to vote. Article IV. The Active Officers of the Order shall be elected from the Active or Hereditary Members and shall consist of: A President, a. 38 First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, who shall also be Treasurer, a Registrar, an Executive Committee, to consist of the President, ex oiHcio, the Secretary, ex oMcio, and seven other Members. Section 2. From among the Honorary Members the President may appoint an Honorary Vice-President for each nation represented in the membership, who shall hold office while he remains a member of the Order, unless he shall sooner resign said office. Section 3. From among the Honorary Members, the President may appoint an Honorary Secretary for each nation represented in the mem- bership, who shall hold office while he remains a member of the Order, unless he shall sooner resign said office. Article V. The Active Officers shall be elected at the date of the annual meeting and shall hold office for two years. Upon the occurrence of a vacancy the President shall fill the same for the unexpired term. Article VI. YAMENS : Washington, D. C, shall be the seat of the Chief Yamen of the Order. An annual meeting shall be held on the sec- ond Monday in June of each year at the Chief Yamen or at such sub- ordinate Yamen as the Executive Committee may designate. Article VH. The Executive Committee shall meet on the second Mon- day in December and June each year. A special meeting may be called by the President or by any three members of the Executive Committee. A majority of the Executive Committee, or the President and two other members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business. Article VHI. The Executive Committee shall authorize all expendi- tures and audit the accounts of the Treasurer, conduct the affairs of the Order and make suitable By-Laws. The By-Laws shall define the duties of the Officers, provide methods for the election of Officers, Hereditary and Honorary Hereditary Members, fix the amount of the annual dues and establish such other rules as may be necessary to properly conduct the business of the Order. The Executive Committee shall also provide appropriate regulations for such forms and ceremonies as may be deemed suitable at the annual meeting, and special meetings of the Order. It shall provide a suitable certificate of membership and an official seal. Article IX. The Executive Committee shall adopt a suitable insignia and lapel button which shall be the same for all classes and each member shall be entitled to wear the same, under such rules as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee. Article X. Application for membership shall be submitted to the Sec- retary. Satisfactory proofs of eligibility of the applicant must be fur- nished with the application. Applications for Hereditary and Honorary Hereditary membership shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for action. A single negative vote by any member of the Executive Committee upon an application for membership shall be sufficient for re- jection. Article XL On and after October first, nineteen hundred and four, the initiation fee for Active Members shall be three dollars and there shall be added to this amount two dollars for each full year that has elapsed since the organization of the Order, on October first, nineteen hundred. The initiation fee for Hereditary Members shall be three dollars. 39 Article XII. A member may be dropped from the rolls by the Execu- tive Committee, for non-payment of dues when the same remain unpaid for the period of one year. Any member, so dropped, shall be reinstated only upon payment of all arrears and upon action of the Executive Committee. Article XIII. Section 1. A member may be expelled upon a two- thirds vote of all the voting members of the Order. Section 2. A member, whether Active or Hereditary, shall be dropped from the rolls by the Executive Committee, who shall be shown in orders or correspondence published by the proper Executive Department, to have deserted the service of the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, or who has been dismissed from such service by sentence of court-martial, or who has been allowed to resign for the good of the service. Article XIV. This constitution may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership of the Order, not less than six months' notice having been previously given to the members of the proposed amendment. INTERIOR OF EMPRESS DOWAGER'S PALACE (Peking). 40 ALLIED TROOPS ABOUT TO ENTER THE FORBIDDEN CITY. LOOKING DOWN THE PEARL CANAL TOWARDS THE WATER GATE. 41 PEKING, 1900. AMERICAN CAMP. Men's Reading and Recreation Room. THE UNVEILING OF THE MEMORIAL TABLETS AT PEKING, FEBRUARY 13, 1908. 42 Residence of French Minister. 2. Men-of-war off Taku. 3. French infantry march- ing to Peking. 4. Tientsin-Peking railway. 5. Hotel Moulis. 6. Railroad station near Tongku under charge of Russians. 7. Bengal Lancers beheading a sheep for food. 8. Gen. Chaffee and Lieut. Harper. (43) *• OFFICERS OF THE ORDER. President, Lieutenant-General Adna R. Chaffee, U. S. A. (retired). Vice-Presidents, Rear Admiral George C. Remey, U. S. N. (retired), and Colonel William P. Biddle, U. S. M. C. Registrar, Lieutenant-Colonel George Richards, U. S. M. C. Secretary and Treasurer, Captain Charles D, Rhodes, U. S. A. Executive Committee, (Two years.) Rear Admiral Henry T. B. Harris, U. S. N. (retired), Major-General Charles F. Humphrey, U. S. A. (retired), Colonel Franklin J. Moses, U. S. M, C. Major Andre W. Brewster, U. S. A. (One year.) Brigadier-General James B. Aleshire, U. S. A. Captain Malin Craig, U. S. A. Captain Louis M. Little, U. S. M. C. 44 THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. Looking from the Second Gate back (south) toward the Chien-Men. Imperial Rice Granaries at the sides of the roadway. Ruins of burned Chien-Men in the distance. AU of this was closed to the public again on the return of the Court in 1902. PART OF IMPERIAL PALACE. 45 German troops. 2. Emperor's Summer Palace (Peking). 3. Gunboat "Helena'' off Taku, China. 4. German troops. 5. Indian troops. 6. Departure of United States troops from Peking, 1902. 7. Departure of United States troops from Peking, 1902. (46) 1. Fleet off Taku. 2. British trains on road to Peking. 3. Japanese troops. 4. Russian railway troops. 5. Marble boat at Imperial Summer Palace near Peking. 6. Gen- eral Yamaguchi, Japanese Army. 7. Capt. Reilly's funeral. 8. Taku forts. (47) 1. British Indian Troops passing in review before Field Marshal Count von Wal- dersee. 2. 14th Infantry marching from Peking to Yangtsun. 3. Taku forts. 4. Camp 9th Infantry, Imperial City. 5. Stone barricade erected on top of the Tartar wall, near the United States Legation. 6. Imperial Chinese Infantry. 7. Taku forts. 8. U. S. S. S. Brooklyn, Taku, August 20, 1900. (48) PEKING, 1900. FORBIDDEN CITY. THE EMPEROR'S THRONE. 49 MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON. American Members. (Rank on entrance in Order is given. Rank in brackets is rank on January 1, 1912.) Abernathy, Robert Andrew, Ensign (Lieut.) U. S. Navy. Adamson, Sydney Blair .War Correspondent. Aleshire, James B., Major (Brig.-Gen.) Quartermaster's Dept. Allen, David Van Horn, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Anderson, Alvord Van Patten, Captain 6th Cavalry. Anderson, Martin Augustus, Lieut. -Comdr. (Comdr., ret.) .U. S. Navy. Arthur, William Hemple, Major (Col.) Medical Dept. Baer, Joseph A., Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Bains, Thomas M., Jr., (civil life) Late Lieut. 9th Infantry. Baker, Charles Theophilus, Capt. (civil life) Late Q. M. Dept. Banister, William B., Major (Lt.-Col.) Medical Dept. Bannon, Philip Michael, Capt. (Maj.) .Marine Corps. Barney, Fred M., Actg. Asst. Surg, (civil life) Late U. S. Army. Barnhardt, George C., Capt 15th Cavalry. Barry, Paul A., 1st Lt. (Lieut., ret.) Arty. Corps. Barry, Thomas Henry, Brigadier-General (Maj.-Gen.) . . . .U. S. Army. Barton, John Kennedy, Commander (Eng.-in-Chief, ret.).U. S. Navy. Barton, Dale Scott ^ Hereditary Member. Bartsch, Peter, Lieut. Volunteer Signal Corps (Master Signal .Elec- trician, retired) U. S. Army. Belknap, Reginald Rowan, Lieut. (Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Bellairs, Edgar Gerald Correspondent Associated Press, Bennett, Charles Asa, Capt. (Lt.-Col.)^. Artillery Corps. Bennett, Irwin E., Capt T. U. S. Volunteers. Benton, Frederick Leslie, Surgeon U. S. Navy. Berkeley, Randolph Carter, Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Berrien, Frank Dunn, Ensign (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Biddle, William Philips, Major (Maj.-Genl.) Marine Corps. Blake, Daniel Warren Brickel, Lieut. (Capt., ret.) . ., .Miarine Corps. Blanchard, Robert M., Lieut (Capt.) Medical Dept. Blocksom, Augustus Perry, Capt. (Lt.-Col.) 6th Cavalry. Blauvelt, William Francis, Capt, (Lt.-Col.) U. S. Army. Blow. William N., Jr., Capt 15th Infantry. Blue, Victor., Lt. (Comdr.) U. S. Navy. BooKMiLLER, Edwin Victor, Capt. (Maj.) 9th Infantry. Boone, Charles, Late Ensign (civil life) . . .U. S. Navy. BowEN, William Starrs, Lieut. Arty. Corps (Capt.) U. S. Army. Bowyer, John Marshall, Commander (R. Admr., ret.) U. S. Navy. Bradley, John J., Capt 14th Infantry. Brambila, Robert M., Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Brewster, Andre W., Capt. (Maj.) 9th Infantry. Brinser, Harry Lerch, Ensign (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Brown, Fred Radford, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Brown, Philip Sheridan, Capt Marine Corps. Bryan, Henry Francis, Lieut. (Comdr.) U. S. Navy. BucHAN, Fred Erskine, 2d Lt. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Burnside, William A., Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Bulmer, Bayard Taylor, Lieut U. S. Navy. Burgess, Louis Ray, Capt. (Maj.) Artillery Corps. Burt, Charles Perry, Lieut U. S. Navy. Butler, Henry Varnum, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Butler, Smedley D., Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Byron, Joseph Charles, Late Maj. (civil life) Q. M. Dept. Cabell, De Rosey C, Capt. (Maj.) 6th Calvary. SO Calhoun, William Worthing, late Act. Asst. Surg, (civil life), U. S. Army. Campbell, Archibald, Lieut. (Maj.) Artillery Corps. Carpenter, Charles Carroll, Capt Marine Corps. Castleman, Kenneth Galleher, Ensign (Lieut.) U. S. Navy. Chaffee, Adna Romanza, Lt. -General (retired) U. S. Army. Chaffee, Adna Romanza, Jr., Lieut, (hereditary member), U. S. Army. Cheshire, Fleming D., Secretary U. S. Legation, China. Clark, Robert Sterling, late 2d Lieut, (civil life) 9th Infantry. Clancy, J., Chief Boatswain U. S. Navy. Clark, George Ramsey, Comdr. (Capt.) U. S. Navy. Clark, Henry Benjamin, Lieut. (Capt.) Artillery Corps, Clifford, William Henry, Lieut, (civil life) Late Marine Corps. Cochrane, Henry Clay, Colonel (Brig.-Gen., ret.) Marine Corps. Coleman, Willis Prague, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Colv^ell, John Charles, Comdr. (Capt., ret.) U. S. Navy. Cook, Allen Merriam, Lieut (Lieut. -Comdr.) U. S. Nav>. Coolidge, Charles Austin, Lt.-Col. (Brig.-Gen., ret.) 9th Infantry. Corbusier, Harold Dunbar, Acting Asst. Surg. (1st Lieut. M. R. C), U. S. Army. Corcoran, Thomas Michael, Capt U. S. Army. Gotten, Lyman Atkinson, Ensign (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Courtney, Charles Edward, Ensign (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Cowan, Arthur Sydney, Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Crabtree, George H., Lieut. (Maj.) Medical Dept. Craig, Malin, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Craighill, William Edward Lt.-Col. Engineer Corps. Crozier, William, Brigadier-General U. S. Army. Day, John Horace Arthur, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. Dean, Warren, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Decker, Corbin Jay, Surgeon (Surg., ret.) U. S. Navy. Deshon, George Durfee, Major Medical Dept. Dickens, Randolph, Major (Col.) Marine Corps. DiCKMAN, Joseph Theodore, Lt.-Col. (Maj.) 6th Inf., U. S. Vols. Dickinson, Clarence Fitzhugh, Acting Asst. Surg. (1st Lieut. M.R.C.), U. S. Army. Dieffenbach, Albert C, Lt. -Comdr. (Comdr., ret.) U. S. Navy. Dinger, Henry Charles, Lieut. (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Dixon, Albert Firman, Lt. -Comdr U. S. Navy. Dixon, John A. W Hereditary Member. Dodds, Frank Loring, Capt. (Lt.-Col.) 9th Infantry. Dravo, Edward E., Col Subsistence Dept. Drouillard, James P., Lieut, (civil life) Late 9th Infantry. DuNLAP, Robert Henry, Captain (Maj.) Marine Corps. Dunn, Herbert Omar, Captain U. S. Navy. DuTTON, Robert McMillan, Capt. (Maj., ret.) Marine Corps. Fames, A. G Correspondent. Eastman, Frank French, Major (Lt.-Col.) U. S. Army. Eaton, Chas. Phillip, Lt. -Comdr. (Comdr., ret.) U. S. Navy. Elliot, Duncan, Lieut. (Capt.) U. S. Army. Famel, Charles, Lieut. (Capt.) Philippine Scouts. Fenner, Edward Blaine, Lieut. (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Ferguson, Harley B., Lieut. (Maj.) Corps of Engineers. FoRSE, William, Lieut. (Capt.) Artillery Corps. Forsyth, William Woods, Capt. (Maj.) 6th Cavalry. Frazier, Joseph, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Fuller, Ben Hebard, Capt. (Lt.-Col.) Marine Corps. Furlong, John W., Capt. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Gallagher, Hugh John, Major (Maj.) Commissary U. S. Vol. Gamborg-Andresen, Carl, Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Geere, Frank, Lieut. (Capt.) Artillery Corps. 51 Gibbons, John Henry, Lieut. -Comdr. (Capt.) U. S. Navy. Gibson, Easton Rutledge, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. GiLBRETH, Joseph Lee, Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Lifantry. Gilpin, Charles Edward, late Lieut, (civil life) U. S. Navy. Gleason, Joseph M., Volunteer Chaplain (civil life) U. S. Army. GoHN, Joseph Franklin, Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Goodrich, Paul M., Lieut. (Lieut.) 9th Infantry. Graham, John Sisson, Ensign (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Grant, Walter Schuyler, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Greene, George R., Lieut. (Capt.) Artillery Corps. Greenleaf, Henry Simpson, Lieut, and Asst. Surg. (Maj. Med. Corps), U. S. A. Groves, Leslie Richard, Chaplain (Chap.) U. S. Army. Grunwell, Alfred Gilbert, Lieut. (Surg., ret.) U. S. Navy. Guiney, Patrick William, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Hall, Newton H., Major Marine Corps. Hallsell, John T., Acting Asst. Surg. (1st Lt. M. R. C.),. .U. S. Army. Hamberger, William Francis, Chief Carpenter U. S. Navy. Hanson, James, Lieut. (Capt.) 14'th Infantry. Harding, Arthur E., Capt Marine Corps. Harllee, William Curry, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. Harper, Roy Beveridge, Lieut. (Capt.) 7th Cavalry. Harris, Henry Tudor Brown, Pay Inspector and Commander, (Paym. Gen., ret.), U. S. Navy. Hasbrquck, Alfred, Jr., Capt. (Maj.) ,14th Infantry. Hasbrouck, Raymond De Lancy, Lieut. (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Hastings, Charles O., Lieut. (Master Signal Electrician), Vol. Signal Corps. Hayes, Webb C, late Lieut.-Col. (civil life) 3lst Vol. Infantry. Heap, Samuel Lawrence, Pay Inspector (Pay Direc.) U. S. Navy. Heiberg, Elvin R., Lieut. (Maj. Phil. Scouts) 6th Cavalry. Heintzelman, Stuart, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Calvary. Heistand, Henry Olcot Sheldon, Col., Asst. Adjutant-General, (Col. A. G. Dept.) Hellweg, Julius Frederick, Naval Cadet (Lieut.) U. S. Navy. Hersey, Mark Leslie, Capt. (Maj.) 9th Infantry. Hersey, Mark Leslie, Jr., Midshipman, U. S. Navy (Ensign), Hereditary Member, HiRSHiNGER, Herbert, J., Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. Hcff, John Van Rensselaer, Major, Surg. (Col.) .U. S. Army. Holden, Jonas Hannibal, Lieut. (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Hopkins, Williams, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. Howard, John H., Lieut 9th Cavalry. Hughes, Michael Edward, Acting Asst. Surg. (Lt.) U. S. Army. Humphrey, Charles Frederick, Brigadier-General (Maj. -Gen., ret.), U. S. Army. Humphrey, Charles Frederick, Jr., Lieut. (Capt.) 17th Infantry. Humphrey, Evan Harris, Lieut. (Capt.) 7th Cavalry. Humphreys, Harry Gass, Asst. Surg. (Capt.) (hereditary.) Hunter, Charles Hodge, Capt. (Col.) 3d Artillery, U. S. Army. Hutcheson, Grote, Capt. (Maj.) 6th Cavalry. HuTCHiNS, Charles Thomas, Capt. (Rear-Adm., ret.) U. S. Navy. Hyer, Benjamin Bremner, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Calvary. Irwin, Noble Edward, Lieut. (Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Irwin, John, Jr., Paymaster U. S. Navy. Izard, Walter Blake, Paymaster U. S. Navy. Jayne, Joseph Lee, Lt.-Comdr. (Capt.) . U. S. Navy. Jeffers, William Nicholson, Lieut U. S. Navy. Jenkins, Frederick E., Acting Asst. Surg. (Lt.) U. S. Army. Jewett, Henry Erhardt, late Paymaster U. S. Navy. Johnson, Arthur C Correspondent. 52 Johnson, Wait Chatterton, Lieut. (Capt.) 26th Infantry. Johnston, Rufus Zenas, Lt.-Comdr N. S. Navy. Jones, Lewis Burton, Lieut. (Lt.. Ret.) U. S. Navy. Karnes, William Lee, late Lieut, (civil life) 6th Cavalry. Kennedy, John Timothy, Asst. Surg. (Surg.) U. S. Navy. KiLBOURNE, Charles Evans, Capt Coast Artillery Corps. KiLLiE, Rev. Charles A., besieged civilian Volunteer Relief Corps. King, Harry L., Lieut. ( Lt.) 1st Cavalry. Kinney, Clifton C, Lieut. (Capt.) U. S. Army. Knabenshue, Frederick G., Lieut. (Capt.) 15th Infantry. KoYLE, Fred T., Acting Asst. Surg. (Lt.) U. S. Army. Lander, Frank Clifton, Lieut. (Capt.) U. S. Marine Corps. Lang, Frank R., Lieut. (Maj., ret.) 9th Infantry. Latimer, Julian Lane, Lieut. (Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Lay, Harry Randolph, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. Leahy, William Daniel, Ensign (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Learnard, Henry Grant, Capt. (Maj.) 14th Infantry. Lee, Jesse M., Brigadier-General (Maj. -Gen., ret.) U. S. Army. Leigh, Richard Henry, Comdr U. S. Navy. Lemly, William Belo, Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Leonard, Henry, Capt. (Maj., ret.) Marine Corps. Leu^is, Charles, Acting Asst. Surg, (civil life) Late U. S. Army. Lewis, William Figures, Major, Surg. (Maj.) U. S. Vols. LiNDSEY, Julian Robert, Lieut. (Capt.) 15th Cavalry. Linn, Robert S., Acting Asst. Surg, (civil life) Late U. S. Army. LiPPiTT, Thomas McCormick, Asst. Surg. (A. Surg., ret.)..U. S. Navy. Little, Louis McCarthy, Capt Marine Corps. Lloyd, Edward, Capt. (Maj., ret.) 15th Infantry. Loeb, Abraham U., Lieut. ( Capt.) 9th Infantry. Long, Charles Grant, Capt. (I.t.-Col.) Marine Corps. Long, Henry D. F. (civil life). Low, Theodore Henry, Major (Maj., ret.) Marine Corps. Lung, George Augustus, Surg U. S. Navy. Lyman, Charles Huntington, Capt Marine Corps. Lynch, James A., Capt 28th Infantry. McCreary, Wirt, Capt Marine Corps. McCloy, John, Chief Boatswain U. S. Navy. McDouGAL, Douglas Cassel, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. McElderry, Harry, Lieut. (Capt.) Philippine Scouts. McGiLL, John Fauntleroy, Capt Marine Corps. McGrann, William Hugh, Lieut. (Comdr., ret.) U. S. Navy. McKelvy, William N., Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. McLean, Ridley, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. McManus, George Henry, Lieut. (Maj.) Artillery Corps. McMillan, Robert Franklin, Lieut. (Capt.) Artillery Corps. McNair, William Sharp, Capt. (Maj.) Artillery Corps. Maigne, Charles Minnegerode, Lieut. (Lieut., ret.) 7th Cavalry. Major, Duncan Kennedy, Jr., Lieut. (Capt.) 8th Infantry. Mallory, John Skinner, Lieut-Col. (Lt.-Coi. U.S.A.), 41st Inf.. U. S. Vol. Maney, James A., Capt. (Lt.-Col.) 15th Infantry. Marrow, Charles E., Lieut. (Maj.) U. S. xA.rmy. Marshall, Albert Ware, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Marshall, Francis C, Lieut. (Capt.) 15th Cavalry. Martin, Charles H., Capt. (Maj.) 14th Infantry. Martin, Clarence, Acting Asst. Surg. (1st Lieut. M. R. C), U. S. Army. Marvine, Walter, Chaplain U. A. Army. Matthews, Hugh L., Capt Marine Corps. Michaelis Otho E., Lieut. (Lt.^i 5th Infantry. Mickle, Dabney Minor Correspondent. Mitchell, Joseph L., Chief Gunner U. S. Navy. Montgomery, George, Capt. (Lt.-Col.) Ordnance Dept. 53 Moore, John Madden Besieged Civilian. Morris, Willis Virlin, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Moses, Franklin James, Capt. (Col.) Marine Corps. Moses, Lawrence Harry, Major (Lt.-Col.) Marine Corps. MuiR, Charles H., Major (Maj.) 38th Infantry, U. S. Vol. MuiR, John Glover, Lieut. (Capt., ret,) Marine Corps. MuLLAY, Patrick H., Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. MuNSON, Fred Leigh, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Murphy, Charles N., Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Myers, John Twiggs, Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Nance, John Tarrance, Capt. (Maj.) .U. S. Army. Naylor, William Keith, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Neville, Wendell Cushing, Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. NiCKLiN, Benjamin P., Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. NiBLACK, Albert P., Capt U. S. Navy. Norton, Oliver Dwight, Surgeon (Med. Inspr.) U. S. Navy. NuLTON, Louis M., Comdr U. S. Navy. Nuttman, Louis M. (Capt) 27th Infantry. O'Keefe, Cornelius Francis, late Capt. (civil life), 36th Infantry, U. S. Vol. Olmsted, Percy Napier, Lieut. (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Owens, Charles Truesdale, Lieut. (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Palmer, Frederick Langworthy, Capt. (Maj., ret.) 9th Infantry. Palmer, John McA., Lieut. (Capt.) U. S. Army. Patterson, Samuel Auchmuty W^ainwright, Lieut. (Capt., ret.), Marine Corps. Payne, James Henry, Jr., Asst. Surg. (A. A. Surg.) U. S. Navy. Perley, Harry Otis, Major, Surg. (Col.) U. S. Army. Persons, Remus Charles, Medical Inspector and Commander, (Med. Dir.) U. S. Navy. Pettengill, George Tilford, Ensign (Lt. -Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Poey, Edward Carlos, Capt. and Asst. Surg, (civil life)....U. S. Vol. Poor, Charles Longstreet, Ensign (civil life) U. S. Navy. Porter, David Dixon, Captain (Maj.) Marine Corps. Powell, William Glasgow, Lieut. (Maj.) .Marine Corps. Pratt, William Veazie, Lieut-Comdr. (Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Price, Frederick S. L., Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Pringle, John, Interpreter to Captain McCalla. Quinton, William, Major (Brig.-Gen., ret.) 14th Infantry. Ragsdale, Earl James Wilson, Lieut, (hereditary) U. S. Army. Ragsdale, James W U. S. Consul. Reeve, Earnest M., Lieut. (Capt.) 15th Infantry. Reeves, George Washington, Jr., Paymaster (ret.) .U. S. Navy. Reeves, James Haynes, Lieut. (Capt.) 2d Cavalry. Regan, James, Lieut 14th Infantry. Reid, George Croghan, Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Reilly, Henry J., Lieut. (Lt.) U. S. Army. Remey, George Collier, Rear-Admiral (Rear-Adm., ret.), U. S. Navy. Rethers, Harry F., Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Reynolds, Alfred, Lt.-Comdr. (Rear-Admiral) U. S. Navy. Reynolds, William Herbert, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Rhodes, Charles D., Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Richards, George, Major (Col.) Marine Corps. Rittenhouse, Benjamin Franklin, Capt Marine Corps. Robertson, Edgar Brooks, Major (Col., ret.) 9th Infantry. Robertson, James Brooks Hereditary. RocKHiLL, W. W American Ambassador. Rodgers, Alexander, Maj. (Col., ret.) 4th Calvary. Rowan, Charles J., late Acting Asst. Surg, (civil life) U. S. Army. Ryan, Thomas William, Lieut. (Comdr., ret.) U. S. Navy. 54 Savage, Frank Marion, Capt 15th Infantry. Sayles, William R., Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. ScHOEFFEL, Francis Henry, Capt. (Maj., ret.) 9th Infantry. ScHOEFFEL, JoHN BERNARD, Lietit. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Schreiner, Edward R., Lieut, and Asst. Surg. (Maj.) U. S. Army. Scriven, George P., Maj. Sig. Corps (^Lt.-Col.) U, S. Vol. Shaw, Melville J., Capt. (Maj.) Marine Corps. Shipley, John Harry, Lieut. (Capt.) U. S. Navy. Silvers, Robert Elwood, Acting Asst. Surg. CLt.) U. S. Army. Sinclair, William Stanley, Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Smalley, Ernest Bertram, Lieut. (Lt.) U. S. Army. Smiley, Samuel E., Capt. (Maj.) 15th Infantry. Smith, Allen, Jr., Lieut. (Maj. Phil. Scouts) 9th Infantry. Smith, James Thorne, Capt. (Commo., ret.) U. S. Navy. Smith, Reuben, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Spaulding, Oliver L., Jr., Lieut. (Capt.) 3d Artillery. Spear, Ray, Asst. Paymaster (Paymaster) U. S. Navy. Stamford, Henry W., Lieut. (Capt.) Signal Corps. Stanworth, Chas. Semmes, Lieut. (Comdr., ret.) U. S. Navy. Steele, George Washington, Jr., Naval (ladet (Lieut.) .. .U. S. Navy. Steele, Theophtlus Breckinridge, Lieut. (Capt. C. A. C), 35th Infantry, U. S. V. Stephenson, V/illiam, Maj., Surg. (Lt.-Col.) . •. . .U. S. Army. Stepp, Jacob, Asst. Surg. (Surg.) U. S. Navy. Stokes, Charles Francis, Surg. (Surg.-Gen.) U. S. Navy. Stone, George Loring Porter, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Sumner, Samuel Storrow. Brig.-Gen. (Maj. -Gen., ret) U. S. Army. Tardy, Walter Benjamin, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Tarrant, William Theodore, Ensign (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Taussig, Joseph Knefler, Ensign (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Taussig, Edward David, Capt. (Rear-Adm., ret.) U. S. Navy. Taylor, Charles Bottimore, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. Taylor, John Rodgers Meigs, Capt. (Maj.) 14th Infantry. Thompson, Edgar, Asst. Surg U. S. Army. Thompson, Frank, Chaplain and Comdr. (Chap.) U. S. Navy. Thompson, Joseph Cheesman, Asst. Surg. (Surg.) U. S. Navy. Tillson, John C. F., Capt. (Lt.-Col.) 14th Infantry. Turner, Gaston Soulard, Lieut. (Capt.) 10th Infantr}'. Van Duzer, Louis Sayre, Lt.-(3omdr. (Capt.) U. S. Navy. Van Kirk, Harvey H., Acting Asst. Surg. (Lt.) U. S. Arm}^ Wagner, Henry Slocum, Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. Wahl, Hugo A., Acting Asst. Surg, (civil life) U. S. Army. Waldron, William Henry, Lieut. (Capt.) U. S. Army. Wallace, George Weed, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Waller, Littleton Walter Tazewell, Major (Col.) . .Marine Corps. Weeks,, George McD., Lieut. (Capt.) 14th Infantry. W^eeks, Marion Merle, Lieut. (Capt., ret) 21st Infantry. Welborn, Ira Clinton, Lieut. (Capt.) 9th Infantry. Wells, Chester, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. Wheatley, William F., Lieut 5th Cavalry. White, Herbert Arthur, Lieut. (Capt.) 6th Cavalry. Winn, Robert Newton, Lieut, and Asst. Surg. (Maj.) U. S. Army. WiNSLOw, Herbert, Comdr. (Rear-Adm., ret.) U. S. Navy. Wise, Frederick May, Lieut. (Capt.) Marine Corps. WiTTENMYER, Edmund, Capt. (Maj.) U. S. Infantry. Wood, Winthrop Samuel, Capt. and Asst. Q. M. (Lt.-Col), LT. S. Arm3>. Woodbury, Frank Thomas, Lieut, and Asst. Surg. (Maj.), U. S. Army. WuRTSBAUGH, Daniel Wilbert, Lieut. Jr. Grade (Lt.-Comdr), U. S. Navy. Yarnell, Henry Ervin, Lieut. (Lt.-Comdr.) U. S. Navy. 55 FORBIDDEN CITY, 1900. In the Emperor's Gardens. The "Twin Pavilions. INNER TOWER, CHIEN-MEN GATE. 56 1. U. S. S. "'Brooklyn.'" 2. Gen. Wilsun's .Headquarters. 3. American, Russian, and British Legations from the Tartar Wall. 4. U. S. A. T. "Thomas." 5. Col. Coolidge (9th Inf. Hdqrs.). 6. U. S. Transport off Taku. 7. Capt. Ramsey, 9th Infantry. ' 57) THE SIEGE IN PEKING. Gateway of the American Legation. Also showing one of the barricades across Legation Street. The Chinese soldiers had a similar barricade across this street, only about twenty yards beyond this one. RESIDENCE FIRST SECRETARY, FRENCH LEGATION (PEKING) 58 MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON. Austrian Members. WcjciK, Charles, Captain General Staff. MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON. British Members. Adye, Daniel Richard, Major 99 Deecan Infantry, Indian Army. Alexander, James Leslie, Major, 33d Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Alexander, Aubrey DeVere, D.S.O., Colonel Indian Army. Alexander, Charles Henry, Captain, 36th Jacob's Horse, Indian Army. Alston, Alfred Gilmore, Lieutenant Royal Navy. Anderson, Patrick Graham, Major 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Angelo, Francis William Peckenham, Colonel, 9th Hodson's Horse, Indian Army. Andrews, Sidney George David, Commander, R.N.R., Peninsular and Oriental Steam Nav. Co. Annesley, John Symth Royal Navy. Armstrong, Harold George Bewes, Captain, Royal Marine Light Infantry. AsHBURNER, Harley Wentworth, Captain, 106th Hazara Pioneer, Indian Army. Badham-Thornhill, George, Captain Royal Garrison Artillery. Bainbridge, William Frank, D.S.O., Captain. .51st Sikhs, Indian Army. Baird, Roy Feron, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Captain Ind. Med. Service, Indian Army. Bald, John Arthur, Captain 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Barnes, Arthur Allison Stuart, Major, Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment). Barr, Leslie Harry Rupert, H.B.M Consular Service. Barratt, Ernest Bird, Captain 34th Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Barratt, William Cross, D.S.O., Lt. -Colonel. .52d Sikhs. Indian Army. Barrett, Arthur Lennard, Captain, 126th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Barrow, Sir Edmund George, K.C.B., General Indian Army. Barrow, George DeSymons, Major 4th Lancers, Indian Army. Barry, John Frederick, Major, Supply and Transport Officer, Indian Army. Barwell, Edward Edgerton, Captain. .Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force). Batten, Frederick Graeme, Major 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Beamis, George Crofts, Captain Indian Medical Service. Beatty, Guy Archibald Hastings, Captain, 9th Hodson's Horse, Indian Army. Beddy, Percy Langdon, Captain 51st Sikhs, Indian Army. Berger, Ernest Lev/is Corbett, Major. .. .69th Punjabis, Indian Army. Bertie, Honorable Reginald Henry, Colonel, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. BiDDULPH, Hope, Major Royal Field Artillery. Bingley, Alfred Horsford, Lt. -Colonel, 7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Indian Army. Black, Bertie Norman, N. S Wales Naval Brigade. Bland, William St. Colum, Major Royal Garrison Artillery. Blane, Charles Forbes, Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Horse Artillery. Blenkinsop, Frederick Linton, M.B., Captain. .Indian Medical Service. Bogle, John Saville, Captain Q. M. Corps of Guides. 59 BoiLEAu, Guy Hamilton, Captain Royal Engineers. Bond, Wensly James Hodson, C.B., Lieutenant-Colonel, Supply and Transport Officer, Indian Army. BooKEY, John Thomas Brownrigg, C.B., Colonel, Indian Medical Service (retired). Bowlanger, Theodore L., Lieutenant-Colonel, Ordnance Staff Corps (retired). Bracegirdle, Leighton Seymour Royal Navy. Bower, Hamilton, Colonel 17th Cavalry, Indian Army. Branson, V. Henry, Captain 88th Infantry, Indian Army. Bray, Robert Napier, Captain, The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment). Brent, Arthur Ditchburn, Civilian Volunteer during siege of Peking. Brockman, Percy William Drake, Lt.-Colonel, 18th Infantry, Indian Army. Brooking, Harry Triscott, Lt.-Colonel. .. .61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Browne, Alfred Percy, Major 38th Central Horse. Browne, Alexander John Wogan, D.S.O., Major, Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Browne, Robley Henry John, Fleet Surgeon. Bruce, George David, Captain 61st Pioneers, Indian Army, Bruce, Clarence D., late Lt.-Col Comdg. Chinese Regiment. Bryson, Reginald, Captain. Indian Medical Service. Buck, Hart, War Correspondent, "China Mail," Hong Kong. Burne, Knightly Adolphus, Major. .51st Sikhs, Indian Army (retired). Burton, John Adolphus, Lieutenant-Colonel. . .Indian Medical Service. Cadogan, Henry Osbert Samuel, Major Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Campbell, Arthur Crawford Julian, Captain. .Army Pay Department. Campbell, Lorne Robert Henry Dick, C.B., Major-General, Indian Army. Campbell, Malcolm Sydenham Clarke, Major, Royal Garrison Artillery, Ordnance Officer 1st Class. Carpenter, Charles Murray, Captain Corps of Royal Engineers. Chaldecott, William Henry, Captain Corps of Royal Engineers. Channier, William St. George, Captain. .Supply and Transport Corps. Charrington, Erie, D.S.O... Royal Navy. Chatterton, George Davenport Latham, Major, 66th Punjabis, Indian Army. Chenevix-Trench, Richard Henry, Captain, Political Department, Indian Army. Cheyne, LIenry Balial, Captain. .... .1st Duke of York's Own Lancers. Chitty, Arthur Wilson, Captain, 126th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Clarke, George Stanley, Captain. .. .34th Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Cleveland, Henry Francis, Major Indian Medical Service. Clieve, James Francis, Hon. Lieut, and Quartermaster, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Climo, Skipton Hill, D.S.O., Major 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Colomb, George Henry Cooper, Major, 4th Goorkha Rifles, Indian Army. Condon, de Vere, Captain Indian Medical Service. Connor, Alexander G., son of Commander E. R. Connor. Connor, Harold Oscar, son of Commander E. R. Connor. Conran, William Loraine, Major, 125th Rifles, Indian Army. Cooke, Hugh William Fothergill, Captain, 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Cooke-Collis, Maurice Crosbie, Colonel Indian Army. Costello, James Lillie, Captain 51st Sikhs, Indian Army. Cotton, Arthur Stedman, Captain Royal Horse Artillery. Cox, Herbert Vaughan, Lt.-Colonel 69th Punjabis. Cox, Thomas Sands, Captain 16th Lancers, Indian Army. 60 Craik, James, Captain 19th Lancers (FAne's Horse), Indian Army. Craster, John Evelyn Edmund, Captain Royal Engineers. Creagh, Edward Cottingham, Captain, 57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Creer, Reginald Charles New South Wales Naval Contingency. Cripps, Arthur William, Major, Supply and Transport Corps, Indian Army. Cruddas, Hugh Wilson, Major 38th Dogras, Indian Army. CuBiTH, Albert George, Commander Royal Naval Reserve. Cumberlege, Archibald Farrington, Captain, Corps of Royal Engineers. Cummins, Harry Ashley Vane, Captain. .. .24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Cunningham, Percy Henry, Major 108th Infantry, Indian Army. Cutler, Howard Challoner, Captain 8th Rajputs, Indian Army. Dansey-Browning, George, Major Royal Army Medical Corps. Davis, Cecil, Lt. -Colonel, Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse), Indian Army. Dawes, Christopher Dering, Captain Indian Medical Service. Dawson, Arthur W., Major Indian Medical Service. Day, John George, Lieut. -Colonel Corps of Royal Engineers. Deas, Lionel Maury Ross, Major, Supply and Transport Corps, Indian Army. Delamain, Walter Sinclair, Lt. -Colonel, 123d Outram's Rifles, Indian Army. Dening, Lewis Ealos, Lieutenant, 33d Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Dering, Herbert Guy, 2d Secretary British Embassy, Washington, D. C. Dickie, John Elford, Colonel Corps of Engineers. Dickinson, Arthur Thomas Searle, Captain. .51st Sikhs, Indian Army. Dix, Charles Cabey, Lieutenant Royal Navy. Dobbin, William James Knowles, Lieutenant-Colonel, 51st Sikhs, Indian Army (retired). Dobell, Charles Macpherson, D.S.O., Lt. -Colonel, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Domenichetti, Francis Henry, Major. .. .88th Infantry, Indian Army. DoRWARD, Sir Arthur RasERT Ford, K.C.B., D.S.O., Colonel, Royal Engineers. Douglas, Stewart Ranken, Captain Indian Medical Service. Drake-Brockman, David Henry, Major Indian Army. Drew, Bertie Clephane Hawley, Lieutenant, 23d Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Du BouLAY, Noel Wilmot Houssemaune, Major, Royal Garrison Artillery. Ducat, Richard, Captain, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army. Duff, George Graham Kayll, Captain Royal Garrison Artillery. Dundas, Patrick Henry, Captain. .6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Dunsterville, Lionel Charles, Major, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army. Dupen, Arthur Philip Leslie Royal Navy. DuxBURY, Charles Douglas, Captain, 34th Prince Albert Victor's Own Poona Horse, Indian Army. Elderton, Ferdinand Halford, Commander. . .Royal Indian Marines. Edwards, Fitz James Maine, Major... 33d Queen's Own Light Cavalry. Eliott-Lockhart, Percy Clare, Captain Q. M. Corps of Guides. Elwes, Frederick Fenn, Captain Indian Medical Service. England, Thomas Percival, Major, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Entrican, James, Major Indian Medical Service. Erck, John Caillard Wentworth, Major, 83d Wallajahbad Light Infantry, Indian Army. 61 Esmond-White, Henry Fitzlawrence Plunkett French, Lieutenant-Colonel Indian Medical Service. Evans, Charles Harford, Captain Indian Medical Service. Evans, Herbert George, Lieutenant Royal Naval Reserves. Fairfax, Bryan Charles, A.D.C, to Lt.-Gen. Lyttleton, Captain, Durham Light Infantry. Fane, Vere Bonamy, Lt. -Colonel, 21st Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry. Fawcus, Hugh, Captain Royal Horse Artillery. Fenton, Alexander, Captain Indian Medical Service. Ferguson, Jan Willen Helenus, Imperial Maritime Customs of China (besieged civilian). Field, Charles Douglas, Captain 89th Infantry, Indian Army. Finch, Colin, Major, 1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse), Indian Army. FiNNis, Benjamin Hubert, Captain, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army. Flower, Oswald Swifth, Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers. FooKS, George Ernest, Lieut. -Colonel Indian Medical Service. FooKS, Henry, Lt. -Colonel Indian Medical Service. FoRDHAM, William Marshall, Captain, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army. Forteath, Frederick William Hughes, Major, Supply and Transport Corps, Indian Army. Furney, John Leared, Captain 22d Punjabis, Indian Army. Garstin, John Aylmer, Lieutenant.; ...Corps of Royal Engineers. Gartside Tipping, Robert Francis, C.B., Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Army (retired). Gaselee, Sir Alfred, A.D.C, K.C.B General Indian Army. Gaussen, James Robert, D.S.O., Captain, 3d Skinner's Horse, Indian Army. Gee, Frederick William, Major Indian Medical Service. Gellibrand, Henry Blake, Lieutenant Royal Navy. Gilbert, Gerald Edwin Lloyd, Major 34th Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Giles, William, Lt.-Colonel, Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army (retired). Gillespie, Alexander, Commander Royal Navy. Gillam, Oscar William, Sub. Lieut.. New South Wales Naval Brigade. Goldingham, Robert Elphinstone, Dalrymple, Captain, Corps of Royal Engineers. GoLDTHROP, Francis Herbert, Captain, 2:3d Cavalry (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Goold-Adams, Henry Edward Fane, Major. .Royal Garrison Artillery. Gordon, Ronald Steuart, Captain, 57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Grantham, Charles Fulford, Colonel, 33d Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Greany, Hugh, Lieutenant-Colonel Indian Medical Service. Gray, Frederick William Barton, Major 4th Punjab Infantry. Grey, Arthur James Herbert, Captain. .. .26th Punjabis, Indian Army. Grierson, James Moncreiff, Colonel, Royal Field Artillery (Brig.-Gen. Chief of Staff Officer 2d iVrmy Corps). Griffin, Cecil Pender Griffiths, D.S.O., Major, 1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse), Indian Army. Griffith, George Herbert, Captain Corps of Royal Engineers. Griffiths, Cha.rles, Lt.-Colonel 16th Cavalry, Indian Army. Grimston, Sylvester Bertram, Major, 18th Tiwana Lancers, Indian Army. Gwynne, James Hugh, Major Royal Welsh Fusiliers (retired). Hall, Percy Byng, D.S.O., Lieutenant, 34th Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. 62 Hallett, Theodore John, Lieut Royal Navy. Hamilton, John Archibald, Captain Indian Medical Service. Harold, Austin Edward, Lieut Royal Indian Marines. Harrison, William Albert, Captain Corps of Royal Engineers. Harriss, Stanley Arthur, Major Indian Medical Service. Hawks, Frederick Welman, Captain, Supply and Transport Corps, Indian Army. Hayes, Clarence Henry, Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (retired). Hazelton, Edwin Hills, Lieutenant-Colonel, Army Veterinary Department. Head, Arthur Edward Maxwell, Captain Royal Horse Artillery. Head, Charles Octavius, Major Royal Horse Artillery. Headlam, Edward James, Lieutenant Royal Indian Marines. Henderson, Edward George, Captain Corps of Royal Engineers. Hickman, Ernest Adams, Lieut, and Q. M. .. .2d Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Hixson, Herbert Onelow Nares, Lieutenant, New South Wales Naval Brigade. Hocken, Charles Agustus Frederick, Captain, 25th Scinde Horse, Indian Army. HoGGE, Arthur Fountaine, Colonel. .23d Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Holbrooke, Bernard Frederick Roper, Captain, 124th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Holland, Guy Lushington, Major. .. .34th Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Holman, Herbert Campbell, D.S.O., Captain, 16th Lancers, Indian Army. Hood, Ernest Frederick, Major, 7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Indian Army. HopwooD, Herbert Reginald, Captain, 33d Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Hudson, Charles Edward, Sub. Lieut Royal Navy Reserve. Hudson, Havelock, Major, 19th Lancers (Fane's Horse), Indian Army. Hunter, Charles George Woodburn, Captain, Corps of Royal Engineers. Hunter, Frederick Eraser, Lieutenant, 31st Duke of Connaught's O'wn Lancers, Indian Army. Hunter, Thomas, Captain Indian Medical Service. Hutcheson, George, Captain Indian Medical Service. Hutchison, George, Captain. .. .122d Rajputana Infantry, Indian Army. Iles, Francis William, Captain 10th Jats, Indian Army. Jackson, Ernest Montague, Major 88th Infantry, Indian Army. James, Charles Ashton, Captain, 126th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. James Ralph Ernest Hawesis, Captain, Royal North Lancashire Regiment. Jamieson, Aubrey James, Major. .6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Jeffreys, Frederick Vaughan, Major. .. .Corps of Royal Engineers. Jennings, John Gilderdale, Captain 66th Punjabis, Indian Army. Jeremy, Alfred Dutton, Surgeon Royal Navy. Jermyn, Turenne, Colonel Indian Army. Johnson, Alan Hilton, Lieutenant The Lincolnshire Regiment. Johnson, Frank Ernest, D.S.O., Lt. -Colonel Royal Field Artillery. Johnson, Gilbert Ward, Major, 58th Vaughan's Rifles, (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Johnson, Robert Ingelow Bradshaw, (Taptain. .Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Johnson, Ronald Marr, Captain Royal Horse Artillery. Johnstone, James Robert, C.B., Colonel Royal Marines. Johnstone, Beresford Asheton, Major... 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Jones, Eustace Henry, Captain Royal Field Artillery. Keary, Henry D'Urban, Lieut. -Col 91st Punjabis, Indian Army. 63 Keble, Ilion Arthur, Captain (resigned), 26th Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Kell, Vernon George Waldegrave, Captain, The Staffordshire Regiment. Kemball, John Shaw, Major 29th Punjabis, Indian Army. Kenrick, William Hamilton, Captain Indian Medical Service. KiLKELLY, Patrick Percy, Major Indian Medical Service. Knapp, Percival Ernest, Captain 51st Sikhs, Indian Army. KoE, Frederick William Brooke, Lieut. -Col Army Service Corps. Lamberton, Richard Stanley, Lieutenant, New South Wales Naval Contingency. Lang, Cecil Frederick Grant, Captain, 31st Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers, Indian Army. Lawrie, Frank Bruce Annadale, Captain, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Layard, William Twistleton, Captain, The Northamptonshire Regiment.- Leeds, Thomas Louis, Captain 59th Rifles, Indian Army. Leicester, John Cyril Holdich, Captain Indian Medical Service. Leonard, Alfred Wilberforde, Lieut. -Col., 98th Infantry, Indian Army. Lewis, LIenry Augustus, Captain Royal Garrison Artillery. Lindeham, Yelverton George, Sub. Lieut., New South Wales Naval Contingency. Loch, John Carysfort, Captain 3rd Goorkhas Rifles. Loch, Stewart Gordon, D.S.O., Captain Royal Engineers. Lofts, Harold Ernest, 1st Lieutenant, Marines Detachment New South Wales Naval Contingency. Low, Robert Balmain, D.S.O., Major, 9th Hodson's Horse, Indian Army. McCay, David, Captain Indian Medical Service. McClure, Herbert Reginald, Late Sub. Lieut Royal Navy McGarhen, Francis Stuart, Sub. Lieut Royal Navy. McIntyre, Hugh David, Lieut. -Colonel 8th Rajputs, Indian Army. McSwiney, Edward Frederick Henry, Col., Commandant 20th D. H., Indian Army. McSwiney, William Daniel, Captain (retired), 7th (The Princess Royal's) Dragoon Guards. Macartney, Henry Frederick Tucker, Major (retired), 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Macauley, Denzil Ibbetson Francis, Captain, 1st Lancers, Indian Army. Macdonnel, Hercules Nevill Francis, Captain, 7th Lancers, Indian Army. MacGilchrist, Archibald Currie, Captain. .. .Indian Medical Service. Mackenzie-Kennedy, Edward Charles William, Colonel, 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Manifold, Courtnay Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Medical Service. Manson, Bruce Edward Alexander, Captain, 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Marshall, Daniel Grove, Major Indian Medical Service. Maxwell, Hamilton George, Major 16th Lancers, Indian Army. Mayne, Charles Eric Mosley, Lieutenant, 33rd Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Meadows, Charles Alfred Gordon Pierrepont, Captain, 7th Rajputs, Indian Army. Meakin, Harold Budgett, Captain .Indian Medical Service. Megaw, John Wallace Dick, Captain Indian Medical Service. MiDDLEMASS, ROBERT WiLLIAM HuME, Captain, 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Miller, Alfred, Captain Indian Medical Service. Mitchell, Lionel Arthur, Captain Royal Army Medical Corps. Moberly, Hugh Stephenson, Captain 84th Punjabis, Indian Army. 64 Moore, Frederick Grattan, Captain, 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Moorehead, Arthur Henry, Captain Indian Medical Service. Morris, Frederick, Major (retired) Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Morton, Sidney, Captain 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Mould, George Thomas, Major (retired) Indian Medical Service. Murnin, Cecil Egan, Midshipman, New South Wales Naval Contingency. Murray, Edward Ferdinand, Pa3miaster Royal Navy. Murray, John George Patrick, Captain Indian Medical Service. Napier, George Samuel Frederick, Late Captain, Oxfordshire Infantry. Nicholls, Arthur, Lieut. -Colonel, 56th Infantry (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Nicolas, Robert, Captain 23rd Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. NoRiE, Evelyn William Meadows, Major, The Duke of Connaught's Own Middlesex Regiment. Oakes, George Richard, Major 88th Infantry, Indian Army. Oldham, Frank Trevor, Major Royal Field Artillery. Orr, Charles William James, Captain Royal Garrison Artillery. Orton, Ernest Frederick, Captain 37th Lancers, Indian Army. Osborne, Edward Oliver, B.S., Lieut Royal Navy. O'SuLLiVAN, Gerald Hope Wildig, Colonel Royal Engineers. Oswald, William Alexander, Lieut. -Colonel, 84th Punjabis, Indian Army. Owen, Charles Samuel, Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Pallin, William Alfred, Captain Army Veterinary Department. Parker, James, Captain 126th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Parker, Neville Thornton, Major, 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Parr, Harington Owen, Major, 7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Indian Army. Paul, Robert Sears, Major.. 126th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Pearson, Hugh Drummond, Captain Royal Engineers. Peart, (3harles Lube, Captain, 54th Sikhs (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Pell, Beauchamp Tyndall, Major The Queen's Regiment. Pereira, George Edward, Major Grenadier Guards. Phayre, Arthur, Br. -General, Commanding Meerut Cavalry Brigade, Indian Army. Phillips, Ivor, D.S.O., Major (retired) Indian Army. Picton, Reginald Ernest, Major Royal Engineers. Pollock, John Archibald Henry, C.B., Major-General, 51st Sikhs (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Poole, Francis Gordon, D.S.O., Captain, The East Yorkshire Regiment. Pottinger, Eldred Charles, Major Royal Field Artillery. Powell, Charles Herbert, Colonel 1st Goorkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment.) Prendergast, Theodore John Warrender, Major. . .Royal Engineers. Pridham, Geoffrey Robert, Captain Royal Engineers. Pringle, Hall Grant, Captain Royal Field Artillery. Purvis, Herbert John Edward, Late Captain, .. .3rd Bombay Cavalry. Pye, William Edmund, Captain 98th Infantry. QuERiPEL, Leslie Herbert, Lieutenant Royal Artillery. Quinn, John James Patrick, Major Indian Army. Radcliff, Samuel Garnett, Lieut. -Colonel, 93rd Burma Infantry, Indian Army. Radford, Oswald Claude, Colonel 4th Punjab Infantry. Rainsford, William John Read, Lieut. -Colonel, Royal Army Medical Corps. Rait, John Walter Forbes, Captain Indian Medical Service. 65 Ramsay, John George, C.B., Colonel 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Rawlins, Arthur Kennedy, D.S.O., Captain, 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Reid, Sir Alexander John Forsyth, K.C.B., Major-General, (retired), Indian Army. Reid, James More, Major Royal Army Medical Corps. Renny-Tailyour, Thomas Francis Bruce, Major (Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel), Royal Engineers. Richards, Henry Meredyth, Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Richardson, George Lloyd Reilly, C.B., C.S.I., C.I.E., Major-General, Indian Army. RiGBY, Gerard Christopher, Major, The Duke of Edinburgh's Wiltshire Regiment. Rivett-Garnac, John Stirling, Captain 16th Cavalry, Indian Army. Roberts, Melnotte Arthur, Lieutenant, New South Wales Naval Contingency. Robin, Nicholas Edmund, Major, 7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Indian Army. Roche, Henry John, Major 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Rose, Archibald Consular Service. Rose, John Latham, Major, 1st Goorkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment), Indian Army. Ross, Fleetwood George Campbell, Captain, 2nd King Edward's Own Goorkhas. Rouse, Archibald Henry Tylden, Captain, 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. RowcROFT, Ernest Cave, D.S.O.,. Major 35th Sikhs, Indian Army. Rowlandson, Alfred Turner, Major, 124th Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Rudkin, Hugh Ernest, Captain .. 120th Rajputana Infantry, Indian Army. Russell, Francis Deane, Captain, 1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse), Indian Army. Russell, Wilmot Peregrove Maitland Consular Service. Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley, Major Royal Engineers. St. John, Richard Stukely, Captain, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Infantry (Punjabis), Indian Army. Sargent, Alfred George, Captain Indian Medical Service. Sarel, George Benedict Molyneux, Captain, Prince of Wales' Own Lancers, Indian Army. Scott, Thomas Edwin, CLE., D.S.O., Major, 53rd Sikhs (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Scott-Eliott, Charles Reginald, Captain 64th Pioneers, Indian Army. Scott-Moncrieff, George Kenneth, CLE., Lieut.-Colonel, Royal Engineers. Seddon, Thomas Young, Major 34th Sikh Pioneers, Indian Army. Selwyn, Charles Henry, Major 12th Cavalry, Indian Army. Senior, Henry William Richard, Major, 20th Duke of Connaught's Own Punjab Infantry, Indian Army. Sexton, Edmund George, Captain, 1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse), Indian Army. Shea, Alexander Gallwey, Lieutenant, 51st Sikhs (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Simpson, William George, Captain Royal Marine Light Infantry. Singh, Pratab, His Highness Maharaja, Sir of Idar, G.C.S.I., CB., Hon'y Major-General, British Army. Skeen, Andrew, Captain 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Skipwith, Frederick, Captain 5th Goorkhas, Indian Army. SoADY, George Joseph Fitz-Maurice, Major. .47th Sikhs, Indian Army. Spain, Staunton W., Lieutenant, New South Wales Naval Contingency. Spencer, Dhanjibhai-Barjorfi, Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Medical Service. Sproule, Harry Hatton, Captain 4th Lancers. 66 Stack, Charles Spottiswoode, Major, 33rd Queen's Own Light Cavalry, Indian Army. Steele, St. George Loftus, Lieut. -Colonel, 2d Lancers (Gardner's Horse), Indian Army. Stewart, George Herbert, Captain Indian Medical Service. Stewart, John Alexander, Major 7th Rajputs, Indian Army. Stewart, Sir Norman Robert, Bart, C.B., J\Iajor-General (retired), Indian Army. Stirling, James David, Captain. .57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force.). Stockley, Hugh Roderick, Captain Royal Engineers. Stockley, Vesey Mingles, Colonel 16th Lancers, Indian Army. Stotherd, Edward Augustus Wood, Major, 30th Lancers (Gordon's Horse), Indian Army. Stokes, William Allen, Captain Royal Engineers. Swann, John Christopher, Colonel. The 101st Grenadiers, Indian Army. Swifte, Edmund Lenthal, Captain, 57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army, Teed, Arthur Seymour Hollond, Captain, 14th Murray's Jat Lancers, Indian Army. Thomas, John Lloyd Fleet Surgeon. Thompson, Frank Stuart Corbitt, Captain. .. .Indian Medical Service. Thompson, William Thomas Fetherstonhaugh, Captain, 57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army. Thornton, Charles Edwards, Major 16th Lancers. Thurston, Edward Owen, Captain Indian Medical Service. TiGHE, Stanislaus Michael, Major, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army. Toke, Roundell Tristham, Captain The Welsh Regiment. Torrie, Thomas George Jameson, Lieutenant, 27th Cavalry, Indian Army. Tours, Berthold George British Consular Service. Tribe, Charles Walter, Major 38th Dogras, Indian Army. TuLLOCK, John Arthur Stanford, Major Royal Engineers. TuLLOCH, John Walter Graham, Colonel. .126th Beluchistan Regiment. Turnbull, Walter Barrie, Major Indian Medical Service. Turner, Archer Lloyd Marischal, Lieut. -Colonel, Royal Garrison Artillery. Turner, George Harvey, Lieut. -Colonel, 124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. Turner, James Gibbon, Lieut. -Colonel 4th Lancers. Turner, Reginald George, Major Indian Medical Service. Twiss, William Louis Oberkircii, Captain, 9th Goorkha Rifles, Indian Army. Tylden-Pattenson, Edwin Cooke, Captain Royal Engineers. TwEDDELL, Henry, Major 4th Rajputs, Indian Army. Vale, Seymour Douglas, Lieutenant Royal Indian Marines. Vander Gucht, George Tristram, Captain, 3rd Skinner's Florse, Indian Army. Vaughan, Henry Bathurst, Colonel, 7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Indian Army. Vaughan, Robert Edward, Major, Supply and Transport Officer, Indian Army. Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick, Lieutenant, 55th Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force). Waddell, Laurence Austine, C.B., CLE., Lieut. -Colonel (retired), Indian Medical Service. Wakefield, Thomas Montague, Captain Royal Artillery. Waldron, Henry Francis Kelly, Lieut. -Colonel, 16th Lancers, Indian Army. Walker, Arthur Leslie, Midshipman, New South Wales Naval Contingency. 67 Walker, William Robert, Captain 62nd Punjabis, Indian Army. Walker, Percy Gerald, Lieut.-Colonel, 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis, Indian Army. Wallace, Edward Charles Lloyd, Captain, 30th Punjabis, Indian Army. Wallace, John Ross, Asst. Paymaster, New South Wales Naval Contingency. Walter, Albert Elijah, Captain Indian Medical Service. Walton,- Herbert James, Captain Indian Medical Service. Watling, Francis Hammond, Captain Indian Medical Service. Watling, Leonard Douglas, Captain 24th Punjabis, Indian Army. Watson, John James Curl, CLE., Major.. .Royal Army Medical Corps. Watts, Harry, Lieutenant Headquarters Northern Command. Waymouth, Ernest Glanville, Captain Royal Garrison Artillery. Westmoreland, Charles Henry, Colonel, 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Whitcombe, Ernest Gerald Robert, Major. .Indian Medical Service. White, Herbert Callander, Sub. Lieut., New South Wales Naval Contingency. White, William Westropp, Major Indian Medical Service. Whittall, Francis Vaughan, Lieut.-Colonel, Commandant 9Sth Russell's Infantry, Indian Army. WiLKiESON, Claude William, Major 61st Pioneers, Indian Army. Williams, Cecil Howard, Major ..91st Punjabis, Indian Army. WiLLMORE, William Southwick, Cap^ .1 Indian Medical Service. Wilson, Lancelot Machell, Captain Royal Field Artillery. WiNGATE, Alfred Woodrow Stanley, Major (Bvt. Lt.-Col), 14th Murray's Jat Lancers, Indian Army. WooDHOusE, Claude Gregory, Captain, 126 Beluchistan Infantry, Indian Army. WooN, John Blaxell, C.B., Major-General Indian Army. Wynne, George Watkin, Asst. Paymaster, New South Wales Naval Contingency. Wyville-Thompson, Francis, Lieut.-Colonel. .Indian Medical Service. Young, Charles Frederick Gordon, Colonel, 6th Jat Light Infantry, Indian Army. Young, Harry Norman, Captain, Supply and Transport Corps, Indian Army. Deceased Members. Carr, William. Connor, Edward Richard, Commander New South Wales Naval Contingent. Cooper, Henry Ashley, Major, 62d Punjabis, Indian Army. Elles, Esmond Claude, Lieutenant 2d Prince of Wales' Own Goorkha Rifles, Indian Army. McQueen, Malcolm Stewart, Lieut. 20th Punjab Infantry, Indian Army. Ray, MacCarthy Reach Emmet, D.S.O,, Major 7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Indian Army. Rotherham, Henry, Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Smith-Rewse, Geoffrey Bingham Whistler, Lieutenant 59th Rifles. Whitchurch, Henry Frederick, V.C, Major Indian Medical Service. 68 BRITISH LEGATION. iii.r^w hM *., NEW QUARTERS OF THE BRITISH LEGxATION STUDENTS. 69 INTERIOR OF THE BRITISH LEGATION COMPOUND. ^^W'- ':^ II BRITISH-INDIAN TROOPS. 70 OLD WALL, BRITISH LEGATION. ■'f ' ' r. y THE TEMPLE OF HEAVEN, PEKING (Camp of English Forces). 71 PACK ANIMAL OF BENGAL LANCERS. mM^'i,':X£i:')A,/Ai)jt,imLy ^, /^j/^,',z.^ */" M '^^m ^^^^^ M *«ftf'r '-^■'m^:A M '^^fi RMSi 80 81 VIEW ON LEGATION STREET. GERMAN OFFICERS' QUARTERS AND BANK ON THE RIGHT, BARRICADE ON CHINESE WALL NEAR AMERICAN LEGATION. 82 MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON. Italian Members. AccAMO, Enrico, Sub-Lieutenant Royal Italian Marines. Aghardi, Luigi, Lieutenant-Colonel 10th Bersaglieri Regiment, Allievi, Cesare, Captain Staff Corps, Command of the 11th Division (Bologna). Amoroso, Giacomo, Captain 18th Infantry Regiment. Angiolini, Alberto, Lieutenant 2cl Bersaglieri Regiment. Antonietti, Pietro, Lieutenant 69th Infantry Regiment. Arango-Regueral, Gaetano, Captain Commissary Department. BiANciiERi, GuiDO, Lieutenant Royal Italian Marines. Belloti-Bon, Luigi, Captain 69th Infantry Regiment. BoRGHESE, RoDOLFO, Sub-Licutenant Royal Italian Marines. Brioschi, Gustavo, Lieutenant Bersaglieri War Academy (Turin): Capoani, Giuseppe, Lieutenant 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment. Carezzano, Giuseppe, Lieutenant 25th Infantry Regiment. Chiarini, Raffaele, Lieutenant 5th Bersaglieri Regiment. CiGNOZZi, Adolfo, Lieutenant Royal Italian Marines. Colli di Felizzano, Annibale, Naval Lieutenant, Royal Italian Marines. Di MiCELi, Attilio, Veterinary Lieutenant Royal Italian Marines. Ferigo, Antonio, Captain General Staff. Ferrero, Carlo, Lieutenant 11th Artillery Regiment. Forteguerri, Bichi Ruspoli Alexandro, Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Italian Marines. Garoni, Vincent, Colonel Commanding Italian Contingent, now in General Staff. Mamola, Angelo, Lieutenant Quartermaster War Office. Manni, Vittorio, Lieutenant Quartermaster War Office, Massarotti, Giuseppe, Lieutenant Surgeon 20th Cavalry Regiment, Modugno, Vito Civil life, NovELLi, Enrico, Lieutenant 7th Bersaglieri, Orso, Felice, Lieutenant 2d Bersaglieri. Pietro, Marini, Captain Medical Department. PoNCiNi, Provino, Lieutenant 3d Bersaglieri, ScARDiNO, Carmelo, Captain of Infantry Now in the Congo Army. Serralunga, Pietro, Lieutenant 43rd Infantry Regiment. Servici, Giovanni, Captain 5th Bersaglieri. SiBiLLA, Girolamo, Lieutenant 5th Bersaglieri. Vallauri, Alcide, Captain Artillery. Verri, Pietro, Captain General Staff. 83 THE SIEGE IN PEKING. In the Methodist Compound. Flashlight picture of Capt. Hall of the American Marines, with the key of the Ha-ta-men Gate in his hand, two and one-half feet long. This kej^ was nearly 84 1. Lt.-Col. Webb C. Hayes, U. S. V. 2. Refugees after passage of allied armies to Peking. 3. Mr. H. G. Squires, Secretary of Legation ; Colonel H. O. S. Heistand, and British officers. 4. General Wilson and others. 5. Lt.-Cols. Dickman, Hayes, Heistand and Scriven. 6. Generals Wilson and Yamaguchi with Lt.-Col. Hayes and Lt. Turner, insoecting the Imperial Palace. 7. Camp of Sixth Cavalry (Tien- tsin). 8. Foreign officers leaving General Wilson's headquarters. (85) 86 PEKING, 1.900- Boxer Flag and copy of Pi'oclamation issued by Chinese Govern- ment, offering a reward for tlie heads of all foreigners. MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON. Russian Members. Arhangelsky, John, Lieut. -Colonel, 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Bacradze, Zaharig Dmitrievich, Lieutenant 12th East Siberian Regiment. Basoff, Boris, Lieutenant 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Batchinsky, Cazimir Ivanovitch, Captain, 9th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Belozor, Julian, Lieutenant-Colonel 22nd Rifle Regiment. Brgezinskiy, Zeopold Theofil, Captain, 9th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. CiTOViTCH, Alexis, Lieutenant East Siberian Artillery Division. Demidoff, Nicolas Bobruysky, Captain 226th Reserve Battalion. DouBELT, Eugene, Colonel 1st East Siberian Rifle Regiment. GoLOViEN, Count Victor Evanovitch, Lieutenant Navy. Gorbatshevsky, Nicolas, Lieutenant. .. .1st Railway Battalion of Usuri. luDiTSKi, Nicholas, Lieutenant 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Kekuatov, Prince Michael, Lieutenant, 1st Chitinsky Cossack Regiment. Krayevski, Julian, Captain Eield Intendance. Kragelsky, Joseppi, Lieutenant" 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Lesnenko, Afanas, Captain 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Makosei-Shibinsky, Antoine, Captain 3d Rifle Regiment. MoTORNOV, CoNSTANTiN, Captain ...... 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. NiKOLSKY, Eugene, Lieutenant 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. OsTAPENKO, George, Lieutenant 5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Petrov, Alexis Constantinovitch, Sub-Lieutenant Navy. PiNNOFSKY, EvGENY EvGExNiERicii, Lieutenant, 10th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Prussevich, Stanislas Pazlavowich, Captain, 10th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Reitlinger, Louis von. Lieutenant. . .5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Rybinsky, Czeslav Dronislavovitch, Lieutenant, 9th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Stempnievsky, Stanislaus, Captain. .5th East Siberian Rifle Regiment. Vesselkin, Peter N., Lieutenant Admiralty Corps, Navy. Wogack, Constantin de, Major-General. FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. THE THRONE ROOM. 88 d THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKING, 1900. The Second Gateway into the Palace. Where the Chinese troops made their last stand, on August 15, 1900. Marks of General Chaffee's shells. CHINESE BELLES (Peking). 89 PEKING, 1900. Ruins of a Christian Chapel and remains of fire where 13 Christians were burned to ashes because they refused to recant. BOXER PRISONERS (Tientsin). (Sixth Cavalry Fight.) 90 MILITARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON. Japanese Members. Abe, Akira, Captain 42nd Infantry. Akiyama, Yoshifuru, Colonel Cavalry. Amano, Kunisaburo, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Amano, Reijiro, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. AocHi, Tomesaburo, 2nd Quartermaster 16th Artillery. AoKi, Nobuzumi, Lieutenant-Colonel Artillery. Arita, Yasujiro, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. AsAN'O, RiKiTAROO, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. AsANO, Tatsuo, Captain 21st Infantry. Avs^AYA, Kan, Colonel 42nd Infantry. Baba, Masao, Lieutenant-Colonel Engineers. Cho, Sadakiyo, 3rd Quartermaster 5th Battalion, Commissariat. Doi, KusuYE, 2nd Quartermaster Land Surveying Department. DooKE, JiRO, Captain 21st Infantry. Ebihara, Kenjo, Captain '. Engineers. FucHi, Sanjy, 2nd Lieutenant ..Commissariat. Fujii, YosisuKE, 2nd Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. FujiMURA, Shigetada, Ist Quartermaster 41st Infantry. FujiOKA, ToKujiRO, 2nd Paymaster Intendance Department. FujiTA, Seizoo, 2nd Lieutenant Engineers. FujiTA, Shiro, 2nd Quartermaster 21st Infantry. FujiTA, YusABURO, 2nd Medical Officer 5th Division. Fukinbara. Resuke, Lieutenant 3rd Company, 5th Artillery. FuKucHi, Maritaro, Captain 21st Infantry. FuKUDA, Takuya, 2nd Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Fukuhara, Seiichi, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. FuKUMA, KiNUKi, 1st Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. FuKULOMi, Sankuro, 2nd Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. FuKUSHiMA, Yasumasa, Major-Gcneral Japan Army. FuKUYA, Yoyu, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. FuNABASHi, YosHTjo, Captain of Infantry, Adjutant-General Goto, Kuichi, 2d Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Harada, Heisuke, 3rd Surgeon 11th Infantry. Harada, Terutaro, Lieutenant-Colonel General Staff. Haraguchi, Hatsutaro, 1st Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Hasegawa, Gensi, 3rd Surgeon . . ; 4-''nd Regiment. Hashiguchi, Yuma, Major Infantry General Staff". Hasimoto, Syozoo, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Hattori, Saichi, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Hayasiii, Hikoichi, Lieutenant Infantry. .Adjutant to General Manabe. Hayasiit, Kota, Captain 42nd Infantry. IIayashi, Masasuke, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Hayashi, Nakanosuke, Major 1 1th Infantry. Hayashi, Takeo, 1st Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Hayashi, Syuntoo, 2nd Surgeon 42nd Infantry. Hayasht, Takesi, Captain 42nd Infantry. HiDEHiRA, Heita, 2nd Surgeon 42nd Regiment. Higashi, Masahiko, Captain 42nd Infantry. HiGUCHi, Chimata, Captain 21st Infantry. HiGUCHi, JuzABURO, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. HiGUCHi, Sabun, 3rd Paymaster Commissariat Department. HiNENO, Synjoo, Captain 11th Infantry. HiOKi, Eki, First Secretary Japanese Legation Peking, China. HiRABE, ToMOYA, Ist Lieutenant 41st Infantry. HiRAKATA, MoKUTARO, Ist Paymaster 5th Division. HiRANO, GoNNOSUKE, 3rd Pharmacist Officer 5th Division. 91 HiRANO, Sakari, 1st Lieutenant .21st Infantry. HiRATA, KiKUTARO, Ist Lieutenant 41st Infantry. HiRATA, ToKiMARU, Captain of Infantry Adjutant. HiRO, UiCHT, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. HiROSE, JusuKE, 2nd Lieutenant 11th Infantry. HiROSE, Tameki Chi, Lieutenant 21st Infantry. HiROTA, Yenshin, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. HoRi, Naotaka, Captain 16th Artillery. Horiye, Fukasi, Major .42nd Infantry. Horiye, Toragoro, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. HosHiKA, Kijoo, Captain 5th Artillery. HosHiNO, Bunichiro, 2d Lieutenant 11th Infantry. HosHiNO, OsAMiTsu, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. HosoNO, Kenyuw, Major Surgeon 5th Division. IcHiKAWA, Ryokuma, Ist Lieutenant Engineers. IcHiOKA, Tasshu, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. IiADA, Seijoo, 2nd Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Ikeda, Tsunahira, Major 5th Artillery. Ikeda, Yutaka, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Ikenowchi, Eitaroo, Captain 11th Infantry. Ikegami, Sinisachi, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Ikegami, Yasoji, 2nd Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Ikusima, Syun, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Imagawa, Motoguma, 1st Lieutenant Japan Army. Imai, Giichi, Captain 5th Cavalry. Imazu, Momotaroo, 2nd Surgeon 11th Infantry. Inouye, Masaru, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Inouye, Seikoo, Captain 5th Artillery. Inouye, Simato, Captain 41st Infantry. Inouye, Ujiye, Captain 21st Infantry. Inouye, Kenkichi, Lieutenant Engineers. Inouye, Hachio, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Inouye, Muneki, Major 41st Infantry. Iremajiri, Masatatsu, 1st Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. Irie, Kenjo, 1st Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. IsHiBASHi, Kenjo, Lieutenant-Colonel 11th Infantry. IsHiKAWA, Koo, Lieutenant 41st Infantry. IsHiMOTO, Si-iYTOKiCHi, 2nd Lieutenant Engineer Corps. Itamochi, Kunitaro, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Ito, Kajuro, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. [to, Sehei, Major )f Infantry Gei.cral Staff. Ito, Senzaburo, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. IwAi, Shinypei, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Jinsen, Benzoo, 3rd Surgeon. 5th Division. Kaburagi, Rihachi, Captain 42nd Infantry. Kai, Shiro, 3rd Surgeon 42hd Regiment. Kaita, Kiyoshi, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Kaizuka, JuTARO,lst Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Kameyama, Masaatsu, Captain Gendarmes. Kamibayasi, Gosuke, 2d Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. Kamomiya, Hisaya, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Kan, Yoshitaro, Lieutenant Engineers. Kambe, Taminosuke, 1st Veterinarian 5th Division. Kaneko, Shigeo, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Kaneko, Sukesaburo, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Kani, Iwakitsi, 1st Veterinarian 21st Brigade. Kashiwamura, Tamotsu, 1st Surgeon 41st Infantry. Kasima, Hisaharu, 2nd Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Katagiri, Shigeo, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Katayama, Kurajiro, Captain Commissariat 5th Battalion. Kato, Kizaemon, 1st Quartermaster. Railway Battalion. Kato, Tsutomu, 1st Lieutenant Infantry. 92 Kawabe, Itsuki, 3rd Paymaster 5th Division. Kawai, Kataro, Captain 21st Infantry. Kawai, YoHiCHiRO, 2nd Veterinarian 16th Artillery. Kawakami, Motomu, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Kawakami, Takinosuke, Captain Commissariat 5th Battalion. Kawamura, Hajime, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Kawamura, Junsaku, Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Kawanome, Junsai, 1st Surgeon Japan Army. Kawaye, Taneshige, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. KiKUCHi, INIoTOAKi, Captain 21st Infantry. KiMURA, Tadao, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. KiMURA, IsuKE, Captain 1 1th Infantry. KiTAGAV^A, KiYOSHi, 1st Surgeon 5th Artillery. KoBAYASHi, Katsuya, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. KoBAYASHi, TsuNETARO, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. KoDAMA, Heinosuke, Ist Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. KoDAMA, Tatsuke, 2nd Surgeon 42nd Infantry. KoMURO, Shizuka, 1st Lieutenant 16th Artiller}^ KoNDA, JiNPAZCHi, Captairi, Infantry Staff Officer. KoNDO, YosHio, 1st Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. KONO, OsAMU, 2nd Surgeon 11th Infantry. KocHi, NoBuiiiKO, Captain of Infantry Adjutant-General. KoGA, AoTA, Captain 16th Artillery. KosE, BuNicHi, 2nd Lieutenant 11th Infantry. KosHiMA, Itsusaburo, Captain 1 1th Infantry. Koto, Toraichi, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. KuBO, YosHiTADA, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. KuBOTA, Shotaro, 3rd Pharmacist 42nd Regiment. KuBOTA, Syokichi, 2nd Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. KuNiHiRO, EiiCHi, Captain 42nd Infantry. KuNiKAWA, Kango, 2nd Lieutenant 5th Field Artillery. KuRisu, Kakujiro, 3rd Surgeon 42nd Regiment. KuROGi, Mamoru, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. KuROSAKi, Enjiro, Ist Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Kuzuhara, Tamotsu, 2nd Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. Makita, Futoshi, 2nd Surgeon 5th Cavalry. Makitao, Sunao, Captain 41st Infantry. Manabe, Sakari, Major-General Japan Army. Murayama, To, Lieutenant Engineers, 5th Battalion. MoRiMOTO, Shiego, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Masaki, Masumi, 3rd Quartermaster 21st Infantry. Mataga, Nobumasa, 1st Quartermaster 42nd Infantry. Matsuda, Toshio, 2nd Surgeon 41st Infantry. Matsui, Ikuro, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Matsukawa, Butoku, 1st Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Matsumoto, Mokuya, 1st Lieutenant Gendarmes. Matsuoka, Kisaku, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry, Matsuoka, Mikuma, Captain 41st Infantry. Matsuo, Yoshita, 2nd Surgeon 5th Division. Matsuna, Gazo, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Matsuwra, Sowzow, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Mayahara, Takaichi, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Mayeda, Tameji, Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. Mayeda, Masajiro, Colonel, Surgeon 5th Division. Mayeda, Masashi, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Mayejima, Naganobu, 3rd Surgeon 5th Cavalry. Mekada, Tokuwo, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. MiKAMi, SoTARO, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. MiSHiMA, Shyokichi, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. MiTANi, IcHiji, 2nd Paymaster Intendance Department, 5th Division. MiTSUHATA, Sachio, 3rd Surgeon 42nd Regiment. MiwA, Shyuichi, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. 93 MiYACHi, KusuMA, Ist Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. MiYAHARA, KuNio, Lieutenant 5th Battalion Engineers. MiYAZAWA, UiCHi, 1st Lieutenant Heavy Artillery. MiYAKE, Kensai, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. MiYAKE, SiNOBU, Major Surgeon 5th Division. MiYASAKi, YuiCHiRO, Ist Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. MiYASHiTA, SoTARO, Ist Surgeou 42nd Infantry. MiYATA, HiSAiCHi, Captain 21st Infantry. MiYOSHi, Tetsu, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. MoRiKAWA, OsAMU, 2nd Surgeon 5th Division. MoRiOKA, Masamoto, Colonel 5th Cavalry. MoRiTA, Ikuzo, 2nd Surgeon 41st Infantry. MoRiTO, Hatsutaro, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. MoRiiYE, MoRio, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. MuKAi, Saisuke, Major 42nd Infantry. MuRAi, Tamekazu, 2nd Surgeon 42nd Regiment. Murakami, Yaov^aka, 1st Surgeon 5th Division. MuRATA, KoGORO, Ist Veterinarian 15th Cavalry. MuRAYAMA, Masaki, Maj or 1 Ith Infantry. Nagano, Kofu, 2nd Surgeon 21st Infantry. Naganuma, Ritsuta, 2nd Surgeon 5th Cavalry. Nagasaki, Bunnosuke, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Nagase, Matsutaro, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Nagata, Hisashi, Colonel Artillery Chief of Staff. Nagatani, Manichiro, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Nagura, Komajiro, 2nd Quartermaster 41st Infantry. Naito, Mitsuru, Captain 1 1th Infantry. Naito, Mitsura, Captain 42nd Infantry. Naito, Tatsujiro, 2nd Quartermaster 11th Infantry. Nakagami, Daijiro, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Nakagaw^a, Kosuke, Captain of Infantry Staff Officer. Nakagaw^a, Senjiro, 2nd Surgeon 5th Division. Nakaji, Seigi, Captain 42nd Infantry. Nakamura, Bensaka, 2nd Lieutenant 1 Ith Infantry. Nakamura, Hiroto, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Nakamura, Taro, 2nd Paymaster Japan Army. Nakamura, Tsuneta, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Nakamura, Yetsujiro, 2nd Surgeon 4 1st Infantry. Nakashima, Masatake, Captain of Infantry Staff Officer. Nakashima, Masayuki, Captain of Infantry Staff Officer. Nakashima, Junichi, 2nd Lieutenant 42:nd Infantry. Nanba, Seikichi, 1st Surgeon 5th Artillery. Naono, Ryokichi, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Narita, Atsushi, 1st Lieutenant. . .■ 5th Artillery. Narukav^a, Masataka, Captain 42nd Infantry. NiizuMA, Yeima, Major 21st Infantry. NiSHio, Miyaji, Captain Commissariat 5th Division. NisHi, Minoru, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Nishiyama, Hayashi, Major 21st Infantry. NiSHiBAYASHi, HiKoiCHi, Ist Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. NiSHi, Rensaku, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Nishiyama, Kojiro, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Nishiyama, Takeo, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. NiTAHARA, Shigeyuki, Lieutcnant-Coloncl Infantry General Staff. NoDA, Shuntaro, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. NoGAMi, EiTARO, 2nd Lieutenant 1 1th Infantry. Nogi, Shinzo, Captain ■ 11th Infantry. Nomura, Motokichi, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Nonaka, Chikara, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. NoRiTAKE, Katsunosin, Captain Engineers. NoTsu, Kenkichi, 2nd Surgeon 21st Infantry. NozAKi, Heijiro, Captain 1 1th Infantry. 94 NozAKi, HiSHiRO, CAptain 42nd Infantry. NuMATA, Dantaro, Captain 42nd Infantry. Obata, Tokiaki, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Oda, Kenta, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Odera, Tozo, 1st Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. Ogawa, Yoshio, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Ogura, Nobuchika, Major 41st Infantry. Ohara, Bumpei, Major of Infantry Adjutant General. Ohara, Yoshijiro, Colonel 41st Infantry. Okabe, Hiromu, Captain Engineers. Ohasi, Tsunejiro, 1st Lieutenant Artillery Corps. Okada, Nobumichi, Captain 21st Infantry. Okada, Shyozo, 2nd Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Okada, Tetsuyo, Captain 41st Infantry. Okahara, Tokizo, 2nd Lieutenant 5th Regiment, Field Artillery. Okamoto, Toshihito, 3rd Quartermaster 5th Artillery. Okamoto, Tamizo, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Oki, Hisashi, 2nd Lieutenant 1 1th Infantry. Okuda, Konjo, 1st Lieutenant 42nd Infantry. Okuno, Masajiro, 2nd Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Omuro, Katsu, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Onihsi, Shotaro, 3rd Paymaster 42nd Regiment. Ono, Naoyoshi, Captain 21st Infantry. Onoda, Shyosuke, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Oda, Genkichi, 3rd Quartermaster 42nd Regiment. Oga, Matao, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Okata, Rinsuke, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Ota, Sadakichi, 3rd Surgeon 5th Division. Ota, Tadahiro, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Otomo, Genkuro, 2nd Veterinarian 5th Division. Otsubo, Kyozo, 2nd Paymaster 5th Division. OzEKT, Kizo, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Sadanaga, Jisuke, 3rd Quartermaster 21st Infantry. Saiki, Koretaka, Major 41st Infantry. Saito, Sentaro, 2nd Veterinarian Surgeon 5th Division. Saito, Susumu, 2nd Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Saka, Hatsuye, Captain 41st Infantry. Sakai, Jiro, Major Paymaster 5th Division. Sakamoto, Shyoichi, Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Sakata, Genzo, Colonel, Paymaster 5th Division. Sakata, Kanji, Third Surgeon. . . .' 5th Division. Sakata, Naokichi, Captain 41st Infantry. Sakka, Hansuke, 2d Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Sameshima, Hajime, 2d Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Samoto, Tosito, Major 21st Infantry. Sasaki, Kakujiro, Lieutenant of Engineers. Sato, Kiyozo, 1st Surgeon 21st Infantry. Satoo, Fumi, 3d Surgeon 41st Infantry. Satoo, Hikoto, Captain '. 21st Infantry. Satomi, Giichiro, 1st Surgeon 21st Infantry. Sawa, Saburoo, Captain 11th Infantry. Sawano, Motonori, 3d Class Pharmacist Officer. Sayeki, Takasuke, 1st Surgeon 21st Infantry. Sekiya, Renjoo, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Sena, Yositoshi, Colonel of Artillery. Seya, Kinji, 1st Veterinarian Surgeon 5th Division. Shiba, Katsuhiko, 1st Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Shiba, Toyohiko, Captain 21st Infantry. Shibaoka, Buntaro, Major-Surgeon 5th Division. Shimada, Shigeru, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Shimase, Makoto, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. 95 Shimizu, Kiyoshi, 1st Lieutenant Commissariat 5th Division. Shimokawa, Saichi, Captain 21st Infantry. Shyoda, Taro, Captain 41st Infantry! SiBUTANi, JuiCHi, 2d Lieutenant 42d Infantry. SiGETAMi, WiCHi, Captain , 5th Cavalry. SiGETOMO, TosiYE, Captain , 42d Infantry. SiMAMURA, Kantaroo, Captain 42d Infantry. SiMO, Tetsusyo, Captain 42d Infantry. SiNODA, Navichi, 2d Lieutenant 11th Infantry. SiNODA, Tasuke, 2d Lieutenant 42d Infantry. SiNOA, Meisai, 1st Surgeon 5th Division. SiRAisHi, Kazusuye, Lieutenant 5th Artillery. SisiDO, Akira, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Soda, Kooichiro, Captain Engineer Corps. SoGAWA, Seiichi, Captain 21st Infantry. SooDA, Censaburo, 2d Lieutenant 16th Artillery. SuDO, Iwozo, 3d Surgeon 21st Infantry. SuGANO, Shyoichi, Captain of Infantry General Staff. SuGAWARA, Zenji, 2 Veterinarian Surgeon 5th Division. SuGiMOTO, KiiCHi, 1st Surgeon 41st Infantry. SuGiOKA, Naojiroo, Major 41st Infantry. Suizu, Kanjoo, 1st Lieutenant 42d Infantry. SuMi, JuNZOO, 2d Surgeon 5th Division. Suzukav^a, Shinichi, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Suzuki, Ranji, 1st Lieutenant. 21st Infantry. Suzuki, Koozoo, Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Suzuki, Saburoo, 2d Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Suzuki, Soraku, Captain Cavalry. Suzuki, Kenzo, 2d Paymaster 5th Division. Syoobara, Wimeichiro, Captain of Commissariat. Tachibana, Koichiro, Major of Infantry General Staff. Tadokoro, Namikichi, 1st Lieutenant 42d Infantry. Takahashi, Katsuhiko, 1st Surgeon 5th Cavalry. Takahashi, Yoshitada, 1st Surgeon 42d Regiment. Takahasi, Tooru, 2d Surgeon 11th Infantry. Takai, Keinosuke, 2d Lieutenant 42d Regiment. Takamiya, Toyokichi, 2d Surgeon 21st Infantry. Takano, Hiroshi, Captain 41st Infantry. Takao, Sigeru, Captain 41st Infantry. Takase, Seijiroo, Major 5th Artillery. Takatsu, Tomekichi, 2d Lieutenant 42d Infantry. Takatu, Tomekichi, 2d Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Takemata, Buhachi, 1st Lieutenant Engineers 5th Division. Takemori, Syooichi, 2d Lieutenant 42d Infantry. Takenaka, Yasutaro, Colonel 21st Infantry. Takenouchi, Tooichiroo, 2d Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Takeouchi, Masuzoo, Captain 21st Infantry. Takeuchi, Yeiki, 1st Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Takiyama, Takeshi, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Tamiya, Ichiro, Major Commissariat 5th Battalion. Tamura, Toranosuke, 2d Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Tanabe, Mitsumase, Major 42d Infantry. Tanaka, Shinsuke, Captain Infantry General Staff. Tanaka, Yakuri, 3d Veterinarian 5th Artillery. Tanimoto, Ruizoo, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Tasaka, Kanari, Captain : Hth Infantry. Tasaka, Kuhachi, Lieutenant of Engineers. Tashima, Kusunoshiu, 2d Lieutenant Commissariat. Teranisi, Hidetake, Captain 42d Infantry. TiDA, KuNisuKE, 2d Lieutenant • 42d Infantry. Tobimi, Taketoshi, 2d Surgeon 5th Division. 96 ToGE, Nabukichi, 2d Paymaster 5th Division. ToMiTA, SiGERU, Ist Surgeoii 41st Infantry. ToMiYAMA, KouNOSUKE, Captain . . . .'.' 41st Infantry. ToMOHiRO, Matasuke, 2d Lieutenant Commissariat 5th Battalion. ToRii, Sattaro, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. ToRii, TosiKATA, Captain 42d Infantry. TosHiMA, Kazunari, Ist Lieutenant 5th Artillery. TsuBOi, Chiyomatsu, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. TsuBOTA, Kyokuichi, 3d Surgeon 5th Division. TsuDA, ToKiWAKA, Captain 16th Artillery. TsuKAMOTO, Katsuyoshi, Major-Geueral. TsuTSiYA, Jenki, Captain Engineers. TuKULOMi, Sankuro, 2d Lieutenant 42d Infantry. Umayahera, Hiroshi, Captain 11th Infantry. Uyeda, Shigeo, Major, Veterinarian Surgeon. Uyemura, Takahide, 3d Surgeon 42d Regiment. Waga, Syojiroo, 1st Surgeon 5th Engineers. Wakei, Kei, Captain 1 1th Infantry. Wakosone, Reiji, Captain 41st Infantry. Watanabe, Akira, Major-General. Watanabe, Hirosuke, 2d Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Watanabe, Tametaro, Captain 5th Cavalry. Watanabe, Tomizoo, 2d Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Watanabe, Uichi, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Yagami, Eitaro, Captain 21st Infantry. Yamada, Kikachi, Captain 42d Infantry. Yamada, Toroo, Interpreter 5th Division. Yamagata, Mankichi, Captain of Infantry General Staff. Yamaguchi, Motoomi Baron, Lieutenant-General, Commanding 5th Division. Yamaguchi, Seiro, Captain 21st Infantry. Yamakawa, Josaburo, Major 16th Artillery. Yamamoto, Hajami, Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Yamamoto, Nobujiro, 2d Lieutenant Navy. Yamamoto, Tsuruichi, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Yamamura, Nobutoshi, 1st Quartermaster 21st Infantry. Yamanaka, Eitaroo, 1st Lieutenant 11th Infantry. Yamanoi, Keinosuke, 1st Lieutenant Commissariat 5th Division. Yamanouchi, Takeshi, Captain 5th Artillery. Yano, Chyunosuke, 1st Lieutenant 42d Infantry. Yashihara, Seichi, Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Yasima, Senpei, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Yasui, Fukashi, 3d Surgeon 21st Infantry. Yasumura, Niichi, 1st Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Yatabe, Sootaro, 3d Quartermaster 42d Infantry. Yayashi, Inosuke, 1st Paymaster 5th Division. Yeyuchi, Masaye, Major 11th Infantry. Yeyuchi, Toshijiro, 2d Lieutenant 5th Artillery. Yetoo, Sadao, 1st Lieutenant 5th Artillery. YoKOYAMA, Inosuke, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. Yokoyama, Jiro, 2d Lieutenant 41st Infantry. YoKOYAMA, Shigeo, Captain 11th Infantry. Yoshida, Genjiro, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry. YosHiDA, Nobuichi, 1st Lieutenant 16th Artillery. Yoshiga, Junjiro, 1st Lieutenant 41st Infantry. YosHiMURA, Shoichi, Ist Lieutenant 21st Infantry. Yotumoto, Otokuma, Lieutenant 41st Infantry. Yuhi, Mitsuge, Major of Infantry General Staff. Yuji, TooKiCHiRO, Captain 11th Infantry. Yukitomo, Tashihiko, 2d Lieutenant 41st Infantry. YuwATA, Einosuke, Ist Lieutenant 5th Artillery. YuwANAGA, Keisiu, Ist Lieutenant 16th Artillery. 97 LADY WAR CORRESPONDENT EN ROUTE TO PEKING. 1 PAOTINGFU, 1900. RUINS OF MISSION BUILDINGS WHERE EIGHT AMERICANS WERE BURNED TO DEATH. 98 CHINESE HORSE SHOER. CHIEN-MEN GATE (Peking). 99 I CANAL OUTSIDE THE TUNG-PIEN GATE. OUTSIDE TUNG-PIEN GATf:. 100 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT, CHINA BATTLE- FIELD COMMISSION, TO THE PRESIDENT, MILI- TARY ORDER OF THE DRAGON, ON THE DEDI- CATION OF THE BRONZE MEMORIAL TABLETS. Spiegal Grove, Freemont, Ohio, April 1, 1908. General : I have the honor to report the formal dedication of the bronze tablets authorized by the Congress of the United States and erec- ted under the auspices of the China Battlefield Commission, of the Military Order of the Dragon, ''to commemorate the service of the soldiers, sailors and marines of the China relief expedition of 1900, w^ho rescued their countrymen in the beleaguered legation in the Tartar city of Peking." The plans of the commission, approved by yourself as president of the society, called for the erection of six bronze tablets in Peking and one in Tien-Tsin. The tablets for Peking consisted of an historical tablet, memorial tablets to the killed and died, and roster tablets containing the names of organizations of the Army and Marine Corps and of the ships of the co-operating naval forces, together with the names of all officers participating in the expedition. The tablet for Tien-Tsin contained the names of the Officers and men of the United States Army and Marine Corps, who were killed or wounded in action at Tien-Tsin, China, July 13, 1900. Through the courtesy of Brigadier-General W. M. Crozier, Chief of Ordnance, and Brigadier-General C. F. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General, the commission was enabled to practical- ly terminate its labor with the placing in the hands of the Chief o£ Ordnance, of the plans and dimensions of the proposed bronze tablets, together with inscriptions and list of names which were authorized by yourself and the Secretary of War, to be placed on the bronze tablets. The bronze castings were made at the Rock Island Arsenal, and together with lugs and bolts neces- sary for securing them in either brick or stone walls as might later be desired, were forwarded by the Quartermaster-General's Department, direct to Peking, China, and delivered under plans and instructions for their erection at Peking and Tien-Tsin, re- spectively, to the Quartermaster in charge of the Legation Guard at the American Legation. lUI Through the personal interest and courtesy of Colonel Blunt, the Commandant of the Rock Island Arsenal, the seven tablets for China were all shipped nearly two years ago. But in the mean- time, the company of the 9th United States Infantry, which com- posed the Legation Guard, had been succeeded by a company of United States Marines, under the command of Captain W. H. Clifford, U. S. M. C, who was himself a member of the society, but had not been informed of the plans of the commission which contemplated simply the fastening of the tablets to the Legation Guard Compound, at practically no expense. Captain Clifford, upon being advised of the shipment of the tablets, and wishing to expedite the erection of them at once wrote to the Navy Department, through the Commandant of the Marine Corps, asking instructions and suggesting that the tab- lets be placed on either side of the Sallyport of the Legation Guard Compound. Captain Clifford's suggestion was at once approved by the commission, and he was so advised, with the additional information that the tablets would come direct and with all the spare parts necessary for securely fastening them to the walls, and that, as the entire expense would probably not exceed one dollar, it was hoped that there would be no delay in the erection of the tablets. Unfortunately the question of the estimated expense had al- ready been submitted to the Comptroller of the Treasury, with the result that for over fifteen months, the question of the proper fund to which the one dollar of estimated expense should be charged, was a matter of official correspondence between the Departments of State, Treasury, War and Navy, while the tablets remained unboxed in the store houses in Peking awaiting a decision. After the consultation with you at Los Angeles, I decided to visit Peking to erect the tablets, stopping en route in the Philip- pine Islands, to invite a representation of the officers of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, members of the society, to participate in the formal dedicatory exercises and unveiling of the tablets at Peking and Tien-Tsin respectively. The Commanding Officer of the Third Squadron of the Pacific Fleet, kindly tendered the use of one of the small gunboats to the commission to ascend the Yang-tse-Kiang River from Shang- hai to Hang Kow, but at the last moment, no members of the Order were able to visit Peking, and I proceeded to Shanghai alone, where the U. S. S. Villalohos, Lieutenant Adolphus An- 11D2 drews commanding, was ordered to convey me to Hang Kow, China, from which place Peking was reached by rail. It was a source of disappointment that members of the Order were obliged to abandon their intentions to be present at the dedi- cation for which arrangements had been made by Captain James H. Reeves, 14th Cavalry, the Military Attache in the American Legation at Peking, and a member of the Order. On my arrival at Peking Captain L. M. Gulick, U. S. M. C, commanding the Legation Guard, and 1st Lieutenant P. PL Brown, his efficient Quartermaster, at once perfected the arrange- ments for the erection and unveiling of the tablets "without ex- pense to the United States," at a total expenditure of $1.00 Mex. On February 13, 1908, the fine guard of Marines, composing the Legation Guard, was paraded in the presence of Captain Reeves, the Military Attache, and Surgeon E. C. Riggs, U. S. N., and members and student officers of the American Legation. The tablets were unveiled by myself as President of the commission, and turned over to Mr. Henry P. Fletcher, the first secretary and Acting Charge of the American Legation, who placed them in charge of Captain Gulick, as Commanding Officer of the American Legation Guard. On the following day I proceeded to Tien-Tsin, and after care- fully looking over the ground, under all the circumstances con- cluded that no more appropriate place could be found for the erection of the commemorative tablets to the officers and men of the 9th Infantry and United States Marines who participated in the battle of Tien-Tsin on July 13, 1900, than on the wall of the office of the American Consulate General, and adjoining the resi- dence in which the Consul General, Mr. J. W. Ragsdale, and his most patriotic wife, Mrs. Ragsdale, had shown such great kind- ness, not only to the wounded sailors and marines tmder Captain McCalla in the naval expedition toward Peking, but where also so many of the wounded of the battle of July 13th had been so tenderly cared for by both Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale. The foreign residents in the British Concession in Tien-Tsin had already placed a beautiful bronze tablet to the American dead, in Gordon Hall in the British Concession. I cannot close this report without calling attention to one of the handsomest acts of courtesy between comrades in arms, although soldiers of different countries, that has ever come to my attention, in connection with the Liscum monument erected on the bat.lle- 103 field in Tien-Tsin. Immediately after the death of Colonel Emer- son H. Liscum, the commanding officer of the 9th Infantry in the Battle of Tien-Tsin, and the officer highest in rank killed during the China Relief Expedition, the members of the 9th In- fantry subscribed for the erection of a simple shaft to mark the place where Colonel Liscum fell. In a former communication addressed to you, after a visit to the battlefield of Tien-Tsin, during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, 1 called attention to the Liscum monument in a paragraph as follows : 'Tn Tien-Tsin the battlefield occupied by the 9th Infantry and American Marines is now a concession granted to the Japanese Government by China, and the one-time swamp or lagoon in which our soldiers fought and fell has been filled up and laid out like the streets of a modern city. Within perhaps two hundred yards of the place marked by the officers of the Ninth Infantry as the spot where Liscum fell is a beautiful cavalry memorial, erected by the Japanese at considerable cost, in a cavalry barracks, to mark the site oc- cupied by their troops. Within a very short time, owing to the growth of the Japanese settlement in Tien-Tsin, the spot marked by the Ninth Infantry will be built over by the rapidly growing houses of the Japanese concession. 'When in Tien-Tsin I visited the Japanese Consul, and have every reason to believe that the Japanese authorities will gladly allow the erection of a simple marker in an oval made at the intersection of twO' of their streets, so that the Liscum marker could be preserved and be accessible to the many Americans visiting Tien-Tsin." You can imagine my surprise and pleasure on visiting the battle- field with the Japanese Consul, to find that the Japanese Govern- ment had changed its plans relating to the concession, in such a manner as to locate a Japanese Park, which was to include the Japanese consular offices and a beautiful Japanese monument to their soldier dead, to a location near the site of the Liscum monu- ment and in such a manner as to make a park of two full squares around the simple American monument. Since my visit, the ground had been leveled ofif, a substantial fence erected around the entire park, and, while retaining the center of it for the pro- posed Japanese monument, yet the American monument to Colonel Liscum occupied almost an equally prominent place in the park. I do not know whether it was the original intention of 104. Japan to lay out and beautify a park, but had they not done so, and had they not selected a site which included the Li scum mon- ument, then the Liscum monument would have been entirely ob- literated from view and in the rear of the houses of a Japanese real estate allotment. The Japanese Minister at Peking expressed his great interest in the American monument at Tien-Tsin, and invited me to ac- company him from Peking to Tien-Tsin, where he instructed the Japanese Consul to afford me every facility and to expedite the completion of the Japanese Park as rapidly as possible. Very respectfully, (Sgd.) Webb C. Hayes, President^ China Battlefield Association. Lieut-General A. R. Chaffee, U. S. A., President of the Military Order of the Dragon, Los Angeles, California. 105 Mrs. J. W. Ragsdale, Miss Effie Ragsdale, Lt.-Col. Hayes, U. S. V., Hon. J. W. Ragsdale, U. C. Consul General. Bronze tablet unveiled at Tientsin, China, in 1908, commemorating the oiificers and soldiers of the Army and Marine Corps, killed and wounded in action at Tientsin, July 13, 1900. Dedication of the Six Bronze Memorial Tablets placed in the walls of the gateway of the Legation Guard of the American Legation at Peking, China, Feb. 13, 1908, to commemorate the Service of the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, of the United States of America in the Relief of the Legation in Peking in 1900. The Tablets were unveiled by Colonel Webb C. Hayes, President of the China Battle- field Commission, and accepted by Mr. Fletcher, 1st Secretary and Charge d'Affaires of the American Legation, and placed in the charge of Captain L. M. Gulick's company of United States Marines, composing the American Legation Guard. O06) PEKING MEMORIAL TABLET. Commemorative of the Siege of 1900. (107) fill i^wrfPHP m T(n-: mm-M wrriiTprmf^ri ^ fUf! fTIP 0«^^IPfir f 4^4?/.T( Hf f^ .f!^- m-Pi^ p[iT4iKiT fsmmi m f0. i»^ a»PPf;l?7 |<^ USE rf|Xin«F/M.4^ t:. "1S^^^?^^M„ i'p:king memorial tablet. Commemorative of the Siege of 1900. (108) PEKING MEMORIAL TABLET. Commemorative of the Siege of 1900. (109) AND OFS-trtEliliAfraNGOAla.Fietw ■" -^iiiiitftisiyiif iw istAflflflff^ffift 1 1 ft] Wiiit||i|i|crffef G E I li|ilifilifcf i p R rftifilStti#f . r-eii,t4^.iii?' Maputo*-'! mammxu Bf^^SWfiif spf i' w I N gt I Kit rAlWttlOr PEKING MEMORIAL TABLET. Commemorative of the Siege of 1900. (110) (Ill) iLi]JJ;i.d^ii-Xii,p. ^^jJliiJi^. ..U.JJUIIB£j ii'ili^ijiflllJ*:^. iiCjij:fJfcliiii' iMii^ ,^ ili^l £;..i.r.UL-j.Jiii5^k!UJLklii;*3 AJAA^^,>2Aj&J^3»M,^J.,:>JMb sMSJiik£^3S^^S>] .U.3. PEKING MEMORIAL TABLET. Commemorative of the Siege of 1900. (112) i!M!NUfetaN;y.PkCAR^ ^■rvvr-.^yr^W; if , If i> I' a^?' i PEKING MEMORIAL TABLET. Commemorative of the Siege of 1900. (113) AMERICAN LEGATION GUARD PARADED IN FRONT OF GATEWAY, IN THE WALL OF WHICH THE MEMORIAL TABLETS HAVE BEEN PLACED. PEKING, 1900. AMERICAN CAMP. "THE BAND. 114 1 i 1 1 P^V 1 1 i3^^l hS^ 1 7 5^^ i - 3 1 Dedication cf tablets in commemoration of China Relief Expedition, 1900, and Boxer Siege. 1. Dr. C. E. Riggs, U. S. N. 2. Capt. J. H. Reeves, U.S.A. 3. Capt. L. M. Gulick, U. S. M. C. 4. Mr. F. J. Dearing, 2d Secretary Legation. 5. Mr. H. P. Fletcher, Charge Legation. 6. F. McCormick, Associated Press. 7. T. W. Haskins, 2d Chinese Secretary. 8. W. R. Peck, sttident. Location of Tablets in gateway of American Legation Guard Compound. 115 PRESENT DAY PEKING ■ »■ ,i| »» i.i iy " ^)JllW ii UW »i UUUlll WWI IlllUyWlllu!|U »-.>^ VIEW OF THE AMERICAN LEGATION. RESIDENCE OF THE A^IERICAN MINISTER. 119 EAST ENTRANCE, LEGATION QUARTER. -W^'' '"^^ GENERAL VIEW OF THE LEGATION QUARTER (Peking). 120 CHIEN-MEN STATION, PEKING-HANKOW RAILWAY, THE GENERAL HOSPITAL (Peking). 121 PART OF THE ITALIAN LEGATION. M Sh [I I III CHAPEL IN THE ITALIAN LEGATION. 122 l^'ra^ RESIDENCE OF THE AUSTRIAN MINISTER. RESIDENCE OF FRENCH MINISTER (Peking). 123 PEKING-MUKDEN RAILROAD, LOOKIxMG EAST FROM HATAMEN. DEUTSCHE ASIATISCHE BANK. 124 LEGATION STREET, GERMAN OFFICERS' QUARTERS AND BANK. RESIDENCE OF THE RUSSIAN MINISTER 125 . RESIDENCE OF THE RUSSIAN MINISTER. OUTER TOWER, CHIEN-MEN GATE. 126 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANK, LEGATION STREET. AMERICAN LEGATION GUARD. OFFICERS' QUARTERS ON TEIE RIGHT, AND HOSPITAL ON THE LEFT. 127 1^ 1 'i«^mB RECREATION HALL OF THE GERMAN LEGATION GUARD. RESIDENCE OF BELGIAN MINISTER. 128 RESIDENCE OF AMERICAN MINISTER. ■WiiiiM' WAGONS LITS HOTEL (Peking). 129 GRAND HOTEL DES WAGONS LITS (Peking). QUARTERS IN BELGIAN LEGATION (Peking), 130 it; - s on ro a , r,v.-T -' ^ .bb ^ ,,- PP 1 j]D. m nnjg 55 55 55 y_ Dwii ■■ ■■ A fi A IB 11 IB llfJ A II II ■ ■ B II II II II ■ ^g'^T" ''■■i --• " -^^j^ RESIDENCE OF TEIE BELGIAN MINISJER. RESIDENCE OF THE ITALIAN MINISTER. 131 RESIDENCE OF DUTCH MINISTER (Peking). NEW BUILDINGS IN THE GERMAN LEGATION. 132 CHANCERY OF THE AMERICAN LEGATION. GRAND HOTEL DES WAGONS LITS. 133 GRAND HOTEL DES WAGONS LITS. m 135 HHB .V 1 . 'i ^^^ ^^ JH ■^^H ■k/ .. .J 136 137 }Ul A8 >912