Pl^;^-£c,• F7 A^\9^ YSTAL^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf.. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. '^\j^ysiDG (Jysspiis ttJAYSIDE (iRYSTALS BY H. M. POOLE. As crystal rills flow fro??i the hills IVheii fields and woods are gay ; So crystal beams of joyance, slrea?n If on our coimnon way. HARD & PARSONS: N.EV7 YORK. j/i^i ^1 Copyright 1886, BY Hard & Parsons. LIFE CRYSTALS. ^[)e world Is full of crystals. ^wift or slow 0r dark or brlal^t tijeir varying formation ; Prom calm, pure [jeicibts of pure, untrodden snow, ^o fire-wroual)t deptljs of earliest creation. 0nd life Is full of crystals; forming still ^n myriad shaped results from pood and, seeming Y es ! forming everwhere ; in busiest st reef, Qn noisiest t^pon^ ; Q\)\ l;ow It would astound us, ^\)e strange soul cl^emlstry of some we meet Sn sll^bt and passing talf^ I For all around us, Deep, inner silence broods o er oems to be, ^!?e on^eis only can be!?oid Its voiceless mystery. Frances Ridley Havergal. THE sours DESTINY. Op o er tpe sljinlna ways of lln|jt ^bat flasl} across tl^e starry skies, up to creation s loftiest beial^t ^be patbway of tbe solrlt lies. vVbere countless constellations aieam, (^^ne soul tnunnDbant sbali ^ ascend, ^b^l' annf^ of Qife s eternal stream Wncl witb new forms of beinci, blend. ilo boundless solitude of space ^>\)q\\ fill man s conscious soul witb awe, But everyvvbere l;ls eye s^all trace @be beauty of eternal law. ^weet music |rom celestial isles ^>\)q\\ float across t[)e a^ure seas, KJnr] flowers, wl^ere endless summer smiles, ^ball waft t^elr perfume on tl^e bree|e. Ko empty void, no rayless n'ar)1\ Ko wintry waves by tempests tossed, Ko treasures ravlsi;)ed from ti^e sia^t, Vbo b!i^[)ted Ijopes, no blessina lost. Dut all tbot was or yet sl^all be, (^4;rouaf; endless transformations led ^Ijall bnow, tijrouar; Llife s sublime decree, W resurrection from tl;e dead. LiZZIS DOTEN. BEA UTY, (^\)e frailest leaf, ti^e mossy borl?, (^\)e acorn s cup, tl^e rainbow s arc, (^be swinainn spicier s silver line, ^\)e ruby of \\)e drop of wine, ^\)Q s[)minp pebble of tlje pond,. Deauty inscribes as wltf? a bond, \N\)\o\), in its momentary play, Would banf^rupt Rature to repay. R. W. Emekson. PEARLS AND DIAMONDS, Kot material jewels rare Will my sona tbein praises sina, — Wondrous tl^oual? tl;ey be and fair, ^ou^pt by beauties w[;o would wear, rriceiess are tl;ose of cur bin9; i\arer, purer, choicer far, brems my song v/ill sln^ of, are. .j^now you now tl}e ^ems a mean? ^een and unseen jewels bripbt; You've bebeld tijem oft, ^ ween, ^n \\)e aristenin^, pearly sl^een ; Pendant e'en at morn on nipl^t, From eacb beauteous s^rub and tree, Yieldlna worsbtp silently. 0nd ti^e unseen aems, you r?now, Wre +bs c)nes of priceless worti? ; bet us wear tf^enn well below, Wear tl^em wl^en or wpere we ao; Spirit ornaments on eartp Fit \\)e wearer for above, @bere to l?ave a crown of love. Hazel Wilde. MY OWN. ^omewl^ere on Qartlj, Larbed, sealed, mine from Its \)0\x? of bintj;, ^[)epe lies a sl^lnina stone, f)y own. rerbcrps it Is still In ti;)e quarry s l^old, yf} ! r me tree, wave in winter s cold ^wlfter above It ; in tl^e summer s [)eat Drop spices on It tiller? and sweet. Helen- Jackson. (H. H.) SIMPLE FAITH. )r)ere are some rjearts iii?e wells, areen-mossed and deep s ever summer saw ; 0nd iter IS coot ir^eir waTer is — yea, cool and sweet; Dut you must come to draw. <^'l;ey [^oard not, yet tf^ey rest In calm content, Wnd not unsoua!;t will aive ; ^pey can be quiet witf} tl;eir wealtl^ unspent, ^o self-contained tl^ev live. Oinc! tpere are some \\\^e sprlnas, burst (^o follow dusty ways, clnc! run mil) offered cup to cjuencr; \)'\s t[)irst ■ v\/[)epe tl;)e tired traveier strays; ^)i;at newer ask tl^e meadows If ll;ey want w1;at IS tbeir joy to alve; clnosl^^ed, tl^elr lives to otl^er life tljey grant, ^ ^o self-bestowed ti^ey live. Caroline Siencer. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 979 117 «i s ILVEI^Y Q^HOWEI^S.