lillillllllll ii^HllBBi --:0F:— -BY- ^T^i_ij=L r=?- H[E:rsrr^iisi^. Class _ Book_ Copyright N^- zdi JdS- COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr --:0F:— :BY:— UX_Jl_Ii^ F=?- I^ETlSriNJIlSKS. Entered according to act of Congre.'g, in the year 1893, by Julia Iv. Henning, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. RICHMOND, VA, 1893. ^ ^Zc^ ^j.jyj Geography of Virginia. MAP QUESTIONS. 1. Trace the outline of Virginia cm the map, and tell what object it resembles in shape. \ 2. Bound Virginia. 3. What river separates Virginia from Maryland V 4. What four mountain ranges lie on the boundary? 5. Into how many counties is the state divided ? 6. Name the largest {Rochui&'hcun)- What is its principal town? {Harrisoiihurg). 7. Name the smallest county {^/^le.V.)- What important city is situ- ated in this Co.? {AlexciJi dria). 8. What two counties lie east of Chesapeake Bay? 9. What name is often given to this part of the state ? ( TJie ''Eastern Shore.") 10. Name the most northerly county. What is its chief town ? ( Winchester). 11. What is the most easterly count}' ? The most westerly ? 12. Which border Chesapeake Bay on the west ? 13. Which lie on the Potomac ? 14. Which touch North Carolina ? West Virginia ? Tennessee ? Kentucky ? 15. Point out the county in which you live, and bound it. IG. Name its chief city or town. Its farm products. 17 What streams drain it ? 18. What ranges of mountains cross Virginia. 19. In what counties are Ba.lsa.Tn Mt.i White Top: Elliotts Knob; Peaks of Otter; Luraij Cave: JWitaral Bridge; jy'atural Twnnelf 20. Name the mineral springs of Bath Co.; of Rockingham Co. 2 CEOdRAPHY OF VIKGINIA. 21. Wliat rivers of Virginia empty into Chesapeake Bay, and in what general diiection do they flow V 22. Desc-ribe the James, the most, important river of Va. 28. Name its /Yz; £3 principal branches (C., A^., R., C. App.) 24. What rivers form the Roanoke ? The York "? The RajDpahannock? 25. Describe the Shenandoah river. 26. What three branches of the Tennessee R. rise in the southwest- ern fiart of the state? 27. Where is Lake Drummond ? 28. What small mountain-lake is in Giles Co. V 29. Where is Old Point Comfort V 20. Describe Hampton Roads. AVhat i.s it? 31. What two capes at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay ? 32. Locate the Dismal Swamp. 33. What health resort on the coast of Princess Anne Co. ? 34. Name and locate the capital of the State. 35. Name two seaport cities, and tell w^here they are. 3G. What town is situated at the head of York Rivea- V uilding, City Jail, State Penitentiary, City Almshouse, Richmond C*ol- lege, Medical College, Sie. Richmond has many large and exjjensive public school buihlings, and hei- free schools rank among the l>est in the country. Hollywood is the most beautiful cemetery. Norfolk (pop. ;)4:,871) is next to the largest city in Virginia, and is iu Norfolk county, on the Elizabeth river, eight miles from Hampiou Roads. It is the principal seaport city of Virginia, and is the place to which goods are sent from a large portion of the South and SoutliM^esl, to be shipped to other countries. It is connected with inland places l)y RAiLKOADs, with })laces along the coast b}- canals, and with foreign countries by lines of stkameks. Its situation is very favorable to coii- MERCE. It exports COTTON, LIMIJER, OYSTERS, ERCrrs and EARLY VF.OETARLE^* and carries on a large trade in naval stores and groceries. Among the public buildings of Norfolk are the City Hall, ^Tasonic Temple, Court House and Custom House. Petersburg (pop. •J-2,(;(S0) is in Dinwiddle Co., on the Appomattox ]{iver. '2'A miles south of Richmond. The falls in the river make good water-powe]', and the chief manufactures are toracco, FLorR, and iron. Cotton and tobacco are exported. This city exports more manufac- tured tobacco than any other city in the United States. Lynchburg (pop. l'.),7U9), in Campbell Co., on the south bank of the James River, is built on rising ground, in the midst of beautiful scenery. The water-power furnished by the river is of the finest, and tobacco, FLOiR, and IRON are manufactured. Roanoke (pop. 10,159) is situated in Roanoke Co., on the Roanoke Rivoi'. Its manufactures of iron are very important. Alexandria (pop. 11,339) is in Alexandria Co., on the Potomac River, seven miles beloAV Washington. It manufactures floi'r, jmachineuy, BRICKS, FERTILIZERS, and WOODEN-WARE, aud carrics on a large trade in coal. It is noted for its excellent schools. Portsmouth (pop. 13,2()8) is in Noj.folk Co., on the Elizabeth River, GEOGRAPHY OF Vll^GTNIA. IT opposite the city of Norfolk, witii Avliich it is connected by a ferry. At PortsTiioiith are a dry dock, a U. S. Navy-yard, and a Marine Hospital. The city ex2')oi-ts cottok, Lc:\rBER, and early vegktablks. Danville (pop. 10,:{05), in I'ittsylvania Co., on the Dan Puvov, is noted for its trade in touaoco. Manchester (pop. 9,2-i(;) is in Chesterfield Co., on James lliver, op- posite Iiichinond, Avith which it is connected hj several hridjijes. Tt manufactures touacco, cotton, pai'f.i;, vlotu, and inox. Staunton (pop. 0,975), in Augusta Co., is situated in the midst of a fertile and healthful region, and is surrounded by beautiful niountain scenery. It manufactures fi.otr, tobacco, and irox. Charlottesville (pop. 5,5!)1) is in Albemarle Co., on the liivanna lliver. It is the seat of the UNivEusrrv of Viroinia, one of the finest institutions of learning in America. Winchester (pop. 5,19G), in Frederick Co., has one of the largest bark and sumac mills in the country. Its manufactures arc considerable. Fredericksburg (pop. 4,528), in Spottsylvania Co., on the llappa- hannock Eiver, manufactures iron, flour, and paper. The city does a large trade in grain, Hour, tobacco, and marble. Bedford City (poj). 2,897), formerly called Liberty, is situated in Bed- ford Co., on the Norfolk A: Western 11. E. It manufactures tobacco and CIG.A.RS. Williamsburg (pop. 1,480), in James City Co., between the York and James rivers, is the oldest city in Virginia, and until 1779 was the capi- tal of the state. It is noted for its William and Mary College, next to the oldest college in the United States, and for its Insane Asylum, the oldest in America. QUESTIONS ON CITIES. Richmond — By whom was Richmond founded ? In what year ? When did it become the capital ? Where is it situated ? What makes Richmond an important manufacturing city ? What are its chief man- ufactures ? Name others. What makes Richmond an important place for commerce ? Describe the capitol building. Name other public IS (JEOGRAPIIY OF \ IRt^lxVIA. buildings. What can you say of the free schools of Ilichmond ? Name tJie most beautiful cemetery V Norfolk-What is next to the largest city in the state V Describe its situation. What kind of a city is Norfolk ? How i« it connected with inland places V With places along the coast? With foreign countries'^ V\ hat IS its chief industry ? Name its exports. What large trade does it carry on V Name some of its public buildings. Petersburg— Where is it? Names its chief manufactures. What tilings are exported ? What can you say of the tobacco traded Lynchburg -How is Lynchburg situated? How does the city get its water-power, and what does it manufacture? Roanoke— Locate the city, and give its important manufactures. Alexandria— Where is it ? Name its manufactures. What impor- tant trade has it? What of its schools ? Portsmouth — Describe its situation. What is a ferry ? Name three places of interest in Portsmouth. What are exports ? Danville — Where is Danville ? For Avhat is it noted ? Manchester — Describe its situation. What does it manufacture ? Staunton— How is it situated? Name its manufactures. Charlottesville — Where is it ? For what is it noted ? Winchester — Where is "Winchester ? What can you say of it ? Fredericksburg — Locate Fredericksburg. Name its manufactures. What trade has it ? Bedford City— What was the old name for Bedford City ? Where is it situated ? What does it manufacture ? Williamsburg— Where is Williamsburg ? Wiiat can you say of it ? For Avhat two things is it noted ? 1^1 GEOGRAPHY UF VIRGINIA. lu NAMES. AREA IN ACRES. 252,945 POPULA- NVAIF^ AREA IN ACRES. 173.'433 1 I'OPTJI.A- TION. Ac '-co-mac 27,277 KingWill'-iam 9,605 Ar-be-niavle 459,238 32,379 iLan'-cas-ter 80,486 7,191 A]-ex-au'dria 20,288 18,597 ILee 299,294 18,216 Al-lc-glia'-ii}' 431,787 19,283 :jLou'-doun 323,745 33,274 A niel'-ia 232,788 9,068 'Lou-is'-a 386,445 16,997 Aiii'-hcrst 300,013 17,551 ! Lun'-en-burg 367,535 11,373 Ap-po-inat'-lox 203,679 9,589 ''Mad'-i-son 234,745 10,225 Aii-giis'-ta (505,015 37,005 iMat'-thews 53,515 7,584 V)iu-k'-iiig-liaiu 351,785 14,383 iiMeck'-len-bnrg 414,263 25,359 Ijot'-c-tuiirt 394,092 14,759 1 Mid'-dle-sex 80,839 7,428 Bath 500.157 4,587 !iMout-gom'-er-y 239,033 17,742 Bed '-ford 493,990 31,313 jiNan'-se-mond 259,394 16,(5!)2 Bland 231,683 4,888 :Nel'-son 288,137 15,356 Brvms'-Avick 345,976 17,345 iNew Kent' 129,609 5,511 Buch-au'-aii 639,262 5,867 jNor'-folk 229,647 77,038 Car' -roll 350,090 15,497 !!North-amp'-ton 113,255 10,313 Ches'-ter-rRkli 293,074 30,311 iNor-thum'-ber-land 118,197 7,885 C!raig 338,781 3,835 Not'-to-way 234,96(5 11,582 Cul'-pcp-e'r 237,635 13,233 Or'-ange 213,007 12,814 Car'-o-line 335,354 16,681 iPage 174,572 13,092 Charles City 113,405 5,066 liPat'-riek 349,776 14,147 Char' -lotto 397,927 15,077 I'Pitt-svl-van'-ia 628,134 59,!)41 Camp'-bell 325,599 41,087 !Pow'-ha-tan 162,816 , 6,791 Clarke 109,173 8,071 : Prince Ed '-ward 218,273 17,694 Cum'-ber-laiul 189,886 9,484 i Prince George 171,016 7,872 Dick' -en-son 313,597 5,077 ij Prince Will'-iaui 220.685 9,805 Din-wid'-die 326,075 36,195 Princess Anne 139,070 9,510 E-liz'-a-beth City 29,897 16,1()S Pu-las'ki j 195,763 ' 12,790 Es'-sex 160,667 10,047 llap-pa-liaii'-nock \ 175,601 8,(578 Fair'-fax 259,362 16,655 Rich'-mond 117,252 7,146 Fan-qiiier' 413,697 22,590 Ro-a-noke' 195,581 30,101 Flii-vau'-na 180,009 9,508 Rock '-bridge 401,569 23,0(52 1^'loyd 238,348 14,405 liock'-ing-hani 606,775 31,319 Fraiik'-liii 453,200 24,985 Riis'-sell 370,153 16,126 Fred'-cr-ie.k 278,169 17,880 Scott 335,427 21,(!94 Green'-ville 186,738 8.230 Smyth 310,926 13,3()n Gray'-soR 261 ,686 14,394 Shen-aii-do-ali' 354,598 19,671 (iooch'-land 178,604 9,958 South-anip'-toii 369,618 20.0 7S (Jreene 107,016 5,(i22 Staf'-ford 163, 90S 7:.W2 Glouce.s'-ter 135,345 11,653 Spolt-syl-van'ia 258,879 14,233 Giles 240,347 9,000 Sur'-ry 138,131 M,25C) Hal'-i-fax 516,961 34,324 ; Sus'-sex 298,0(52 11,100 Han'-o-ver 293,569 17,402 ; Ta/.e'-well 355,847 l9,Sil9 Heu-ri'-co 161,816 103,394 War'-ren 139,391 8,2S0 llen'-ry 368,799 1S,20,S vVar'-Avick 42,766 (•|,(5.'")(l High '-land 264,911 5.352 Wash'-ing-toii 368,157 29,(120 Isle of Wight 191,4,51 11,313 West-more'-land 141,9S3 i x,:'>W James City 9,277 ; 5,r)43 Wise 454,872 '.(,345 King George 1 1 1 ,()76 6,641 Wvk 315,464 18,019 ''•ig and Queen 194,713 9,669 Y()rk ) 70,983 i 7,596 ERRATA. Area Augusta Co.— 627,015 acres. Rockingham Co.— 690,560 acres. Wythe Co.— 315,464 acres. C — M S5 _. t» 5 r^ It :s ?5 CO 50 re H ^ ^ CI, p; -/) rr -. t> -■ ca ^. s y- » c re z_ -. > C^ -^ ■— ■ ►"! td > f M M e ca w :: a ^_ V- —i 5 5'i" ^ Ci ^ ^ rr, P < X ''I =^o Q P ?= ^ e ^ ^ •< ^ ^ — " ^'»1 ■— ' ^ — r/j ^ '. J ?o ■^ J' *-U o ^^ y. c 1 i "*^ II^ — ! t^ ^ c o , W C;:! ^ 1 '^+ ^, 1 l^ ;^ ^ c < ^ r"* < n S o a: tr g O o 5' Scrq ^ < ^" pu - 1 ^O r/i C :a re » E5 T) ^ g^ r/. re g're p. ^g B o a ^3 5 '^ Ci ^ Cfi cm re J5 o- ■ U p. re^ CO OT n '^ M n li. '-' CD P B' O IT*- erf , ^. O ^^ l^g'g'r^pi fed 2. (Sl, PL, 2^ >j e-l- ® j» JO p p cq g © as ca ^ 5, ^^ g,M -.^ B.H M -" " o ^p-^x) a P pi E* OD ^ ^§ CO p {sra: ^Q J^ ty P CD !::h'5 w-( *^ ^ 2. to 2.^ S" ^ E ^ 4 W pen ff P P^M H 2 03 moved ING, r lessons- ::; P -j 00 Qj ss ►5 O"^ ^ >-s S' ffi OQ 0) •-J CD tS 1 H p 5-Pjob ^ cr-B p s s o3 a o Ko ci- o GO 2 CD p- giCD p E^ p 00 o^ ® i't^ 3 ,-0 O S H o 1 W% g tH s r« t?d „ o ® t= o ® ^ b§ ^w p -^ ^ p ^ CD CD ■-* 2 W ^" >-i -4 JO V. ^ <7t- EC C5 l:*- CD "^ O r»- P - CD >-i C5 p >ri P 00 - ^ 1 « iT-^- S^ 6D y S- P '-S i^^ -• so o P' " o p p p^ V! a. P M" cr- o"^ '-