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TOGtTHKR WITH >f AMES AND AGES OF DECEASED, PLACES OP NATIVITY, CAUSES OP DEATHS, DATE OF INTERMENT AND NAME OF CEMETERY IN WHICH INTERRED. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. TO WHICH ARE ADDED AREVIKW OK TEK YELLOW FEVER, ITS CAUSES, ETC., AND AN INTERESTINa AND USEFUI. ABSTRACT OP MORTUARY STATISTICS. ^ NEW ORLEANS : PUBLISHED BY THE PROPRIETOR OF THE TRUE DELTA, OFFICE NO, 103 ST CHARLES ST. 1853. % BnteredaccordingtoActofCongress,intheyearl853,byJoHNMAGiNN,8.iatheOfficeof the Clerk of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Louisiana. % |lcf)kfo of i\)t lelbto itkx, its Causes, '&L, WITH SOME REMARKS ON HYGIENE. BY J. S. m'fARLANE, M. D. The reappearance of yellow fever in New Orleans, in an epidemic form, after an absence of six years, has been productive of severe disappointment, and immeasurable grief to her inhabitants, if not to the whole civilized world. The uncommon intermission of six years in our periodical visitations, had inspired our citizens with the most confident but delusive anticipations of a perpetual exemption fi'om yellow fever, in an epidemic form, thereafter. And yet there were no just or reasonable foundations for such wild and chimerical expec- tations. It is true, that within late years, large numbers of medical gentlemen, of vast erudition and amazing professional talents and attainments, had flocked to New Orleans, for the benev- olent purpose of contributing their generous aid to its future protection from the deadly assaults of the fell tyrant, yellow fever. Voluminous reports, replete with highly scientific illustrations, had been presented ; pon- derous volumes had been written, calculated to demonstrate that under the future guidance of the new and more enlightened pilots who had seized the helm, the hygienic condition of our city would be meliorated to such an unparalleled degree, that yellow fever and cholera were to fly shrieking to India and Rio Janeiro ; and New Orleans, emancipated under their superior management, from all the ills which had formerly harassed and oppressed her, was to become healthy and delightful as the garden of Eden. These fascinating illusions were scattered broadcast throughout the United States, and the system of immigration to New Orleans underwent, within the last few years, a complete change. Formerly isolated young men seeking to improve their fortunes, took their lives in their hands and cast in their lot among us ; but within later years, stimulated by the delusive pros- pects of security which were so recklessly set before them, whole families, abandoning their household gods, and scattering to the winds the ashes of their domestic altars, turned their backs upon their native homes, and hurried to this El Dorado, reckless of consequences and heedless of all precautions. Added to this, from the immense foreign immigration to the United States, large numbers of strangers had arrived in New Orleans, a prominent seaport ; many in a destitute- condi- tion, and finding high wages and good prospects, had settled in our city. These and other circumstances, such as the entire absence of apprehension, which for- merly drove so many from our city, at the approach of summer, had made so large an addi- tion to our population, that it perhaps would not be a very extravagant calculation to esti- mate, that at the commencement of the late epidemic, yellow fever, there were not less than from thirty-five to forty thousand persons in New Orleans, who were strangers to its climate and liable to its periodical epidemic diseases. Tlie vast influx of strangers has always been considered by judicious observers, a source of danger to cities, and during the late World's Fair, in London, serious apprehensions were entertained, based upon past experience, and the records of history, that the accumulation of so many strangers in that city would be productive of plague or some desolating pesti- lence 'among her inhabitants. These apprehensions were not predicated upon the fear that pestilential diseases would be introduced by the strangers who were expected to visit the city of Ix)ndon, but that they would be engendered by the accumulation of a dense mass of human beings from every quarter of the v/orkl, crowded together into the already densely populated metropolis, and V YELLOW FEVER, forming a heterogeneous collection of incompatible social elements, exactly resembling the population of New Orleans, at the commencement of the late epidemic. But what are the warnings of history, or the teachings of experience to the rabid enthusi- ast '? — he who, closing his eyes to the transitory circumstances to which the absence of yellow fever for the last six years can only be reasonably ascribed, dreams of health and security to the citizen and stranger from subterranean drainage, deepened privies, ventilated houses and leveled lots, aided by a denuded and drained morass, of thirty or forty miles in extent, which has not felt the burning ardor of a vertical sun for at least one hundred years.* What can be expected from the wild vagaries of monomaniacs, who, wrapped in halcyon delusions, while they overlook the evils and dangers v.bich sorround them, obstinately refuse to contemplate the fact that cities, whose hygienic police almost approach perfection, pos- sessing subterranean drainage, with a soil immeasurably less calculated to produce disease than ours, and possessing a fixed resident refined population, have for ages been periodically devastated by epidemic yellow fevers. It would require one hundred years of steady, rational perseverance in hygienic police, to bring the city of New Orleans up to even the natural standard of salubrity of Charleston, Mobile, Pcnsacola or Galveston, and these cities are periodically visited by yellow fever; yet our Solons talk as if they could convert New Orleans into a terrestial paradise in a few months. To hear the ravings, and read the lucubrations of the visionaries who have done so much and are about to do so much more for the health of New Orleans, as to the effects of filthy streets, moisture and shallow privies, in the creation of yellow fever and cholera ; and consid- ering the effluvia and want of ventilation, it would appear not the least miraculous, in an age of miracles, that a virulent and pestilential yellow fever had not broken out in Noah's Ark, or that his family had not been swept away by cholera, on the retrogression of the waters of the deluge, and thus, by exterminating our race at one fell swoop, forever pre- vented the magnificent hygienic blessings which our public-spirited and philanthrophic benefactors intend hereafter to confer upon us. There is, however, one indisputable fact which cannot be overlooked by the medical philosopher. It is, that yellow fever has gradually abandoned certain latitudes and localities which were formerly subject to its frequent visitations, but these changes are no more to be ascribed to the puny efforts of hygienic exertions, or police regulations, than its appearance within a few years past in large and populous cities, which it had never formerly visited ; on the contrary, it maybe safely averred, that there are at present, in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, ten thousand times more poverty, misery and crime — ten thousand times more filth, offal and impurity, than there were when those cities were habitually visited by desolating yellow fever, while we possess no data which enables us to indicate that the hygienic police of Rio Janeiro is in the sHghtest degree more neglected than it has been for an hundred years past. In all those large cities of the United States, where yellow fever formerly prevailed, as in New Orleans, it grew with the growth and strengthened with the strength of an increasing, but heterogeneous and incompatible population, and it never appeared in this city until our own countrymen began to settle here, some fifty years since. In the course of years in other cities, it has diminished in frequency and severity ; and in time, as the population became more homogeneous, it gradually subsided, until, in the most of them, it has become almost extinct. Such, we may humbly hope, will eventually be the case in New Orleans ; but let us not confide the health and destinies of our city to the hands of hygienic visionaries. It is, perhaps, a safe maxim to distrust first impressions — to do nothing in a hurry. In former years, yellow fever was referred to the unpaved streets — the decaying gunwales of flat-boats, which formed our only sidewalks, and to our low wooden and decomposible dwellings, and our exposed batture. These causes have, to a great extent, been removed at an awful and almost ruinous cost to the inhabitants. Our streets have been paved with gi'anite, commodious brick sidewalks have been laid, magnificent and indestructible mansions and palaces have usurped the place of our low and perishable buildings, and costly wharves protect the batture from elemental influences. And what has been the result ': Yellow fever has, within the present year, assumed a form infiuit :'ly more aggravated, commencing earlier and lingering later than it ever did before. What terminated its career then? Have equinoctial tempests or elemental commotions — *lt is a remarkable fact, that about six years since, a large portion of the swamp in the rear of New Orleans was rapidly exposed by felling the tress and draining off t)ie water, and forthwitli, violent remittent and iutermitteut fevers became prevalent, until last summer. ITS CAUSES, &C. V have frosts, snows or reduced temperature, duly commissioned, been empowered to say to the fell destroyer, "so far shalt thou go and no larther ?" No ! nothing of the kind has oc- curred. Do not our shallow privies, our unventilated hovels, our stagnant pools and un- drained lots still exist ? Are not all the causes, moisture, filth, offal and vegetable decomposition — which our wise teachers inform us engendered yellow fever last summer — do they not all still exist, even to an elevated temperature ? Who, then, will explain, that in a city where one short month before, a devastating epi- demic yellow fever was cutting off two hundred persons per day, that in "a little month" afterwards, when sporadic cases were still frequent, that thousands of strangers entered our city, inhabited the same chambers and occupied the same beds, where, but a few days before, hundreds of victims had poured out their lives with fatal black vomit ; or found an asylum in hovels, which had never felt the vivifying influence of ventilation since their first erection, and all this with perfect impunity. It is with all the lights before us, an incomprehensible mystery. These remarks are not made in a captious spirit, nor are the opinions which I feel bound to proclaim, adopted to impede the march of rational improvement, or to throw obstacles in the way of sober and practical reformation. In reference to the growing importance and future destinies of this great emporium of population and commerce, it is perfectly within the scope of sound and wholesome legislation to enact laws by which all necessary amendments in our condition shall be accompUshed pro- gressively and systematically. Let no house, says common sense, be erected over pools of standing water, or without siich elevation of the soil beneath as shall prevent one from collecting there in future. Let privies be dug hereafter at a standard depth, if deemed necessary; let the streets, yards, and, indeed, every portion of the city be cleansed and purified, and kept so, and, in short, let every necessary reform be accomplished vmder the superintendence of capable functionaries, with proper qualifications, and, if necessary, under appropriate penalties. These hygienic reforms are due to our own comfort and enjoyment ; they are just, proper and meritorious.; our own self-respect should encourage them, and they are in accordance with the civihzation and refinement of the age, although they will never arrest the visitations of yellow fever — but do not, in a moment of terror and excitement, give the lives and prop- erty of the people of New Orleans over, bound hand and foot, to the tender mercies of medical fanatics, with power to enter our houses, or perchance to tear them down, if not erected in accordance with the standard which their wild imaginations may induce them to adopt — or to invade our privacy and interfere with every domestic right, privilege and regulation. The bill for the establishment of a "Health Department" is taken altogether an ex post facto act of legislation, onerous and extravagant in every particular; it is replete with evils to our citizens and will prove a curse instead of a blessing, and should rouse the people to a de- termined opposition. Such wild and chimerical schemes have been projected before this, and a lack of cool and steady legislation has accomplished unmitigable evils. In a period of comparative calm Quarantine laws were formerly enacted — in haste after a desolating epidemic, having been found to be useless, they were abolished, and now our rulers are invoked by the wise men of the East, who have come amongst us, to reenact them. Let them pause and ponder well before tliey do so. But above all, do not permit the perpetual solicitations of closet dreamers to induce our authorities, without proper precautions, hastily to lay bare the fifty miles of swamp which constitute the rear of our city ; if it be done, depend upon it, they will rue it when too late.* While on this subject, it may not, perhaps, be irrelevant to make the following statement : Shortly after the dreadful cholera which devastated New Orleans in 1832, I had the honor of being elected Alderman of the P'irst Ward (comprised between Canal and St. Louis streets,) to fill the seat which had been previously occupied l)y Col. Wm. Christy. Of course great alarm and excitement existed in relation to the terrible visitation with which • our city had so recently been afHicled. Among other projects for meliorating our condition, the draining and reclamation of the swamp in the rear of the city, was included, and the Draining Company was established. I, as a medical miin, was consulted on the subject. I suggested, if the attempt were undertaken, that the work should commence at Lake ♦New Orleans, in latitude 29 deg. 57 min. 30 sec, is situated on the left bank of the Mississippi. With the adjacent towns and villages, having the .same topographical peculiarities, it occupies a longitudinal space.of more than ten miles, extending back from the river about half a mile. The remaining space, from the rear of the city to Lake Pontchartrain, from four to five mile.?, is a pestiferous swamp, filled with funereal looking cypress trees, and generally covered with water. VI YELLOW FEVER, Pontchartrain, to levee a section at a time along the margin of the Lake, to reraore the trees, drain oif the water and fill the enclosed space with soil, excavated from tiie Lake shore, which would furnish inexhaustible supplies ; this course to be pursued laterally to the extent to which the company intended to progress, and then to proceed towards the city in the same manner, a section at a time, employing temporary and portable railroads, as the work receded farther from the lake and approached the city, but still preserving the intervening curtain of trees, with their impervious festoons of moss always intact and inviolate, and the water which covered the swamp undisturbed, so as to protect the inhabitants of New Orleans from the pestilential exhalations from the denuded swamps, as deadly as those of the Pontme marshes, or the deleterious consequences which might be apprehended from the proximity of an extensive and humid plain of so great an extent, should the work be prosecuted with rapidity. But my colleagues were astonished at the calmness of the proposition, and its prospective character ; it would take years to accomplish, and something viust be done at once; the sanitary furor was at its zenith, as it is at present, and nothing would do but imme- diate and universal exposure and reclamation of the swamp from the city to the lake, and now we have the consolation of reflecting that instead of a beautiful and level esplanade, ex- tending from the city to the lake, susceptible of complete and perfect drainage, covered with flourishing farms and gardens, which those at the termini of the various roads to the lake have demonstrated to be of unusual fertility, ornamented with spacious and magnificent parks, and adorned with picturesque cottages and gorgeous palatial residences ; thus forming a per- manent basis to the city of New Orleans; and all at a cost not, perhaps, much exceeding the perpetual labor and expense of the draining machines which have been necessarily employed ever since ; we occupy but a narrow strip along the margin of the river, receding constantly and indefinitely from the centre of business. And now, after rivaling the labor of the iJanoides for nearly twenty years, nothing of any importance or utility has been accomphshed, and the old dreary morass still glares out upon our inhabitants as if watching for and ready, if disturbed, to spring upon its prey ; and a fer- tile subject to awaken anew the feverish impetuosity of a new set of misguided enthusiasts; and such will forever be the consequence of hasty and undigested legislation. There is no fact better substantiated in medicine, than the deleterious results of a combina- tion of heat, moisture and vegetable decomposition, in the production of intermittent, remit- tent, lake, swamp, typhoid and congestive fevers, and in the deadly morass in the rear of our city, we have those causes combined in fruition, and I do not hesitate to declare it as my solemn conviction, that if urged on by the clamorous importunity of ignorant advisers, or infatuated enthusiasts, our City Council permit themselves to be driven into a hasty and reckless ex- }30sure of the swamp, they will inflict an injury on New Orleans far transcending in severity all the periodical epidemics to which she has been heretofore subjected; because perma- nent ; an injury which will be felt by our children and children's children for a century to come. Besides, these fitful and spasmodic hygienic eiforts, appearing like the results of terror or perturbation, are undignified and unworthy the high purpose and firm resolve which should characterize the proceedings of a calm and intelligent deliberative body ; a cool, steady and unfaltering determination to do all that can be accomplished to meliorate the sanitary con- dition of our city, and to protect our citizens from danger, should mark the action of our municipal councils. Let this course be pursued with a moderate but unflagging fixidity of purpose, and in due time every necessary; object will be accomphshed, and our citizens, so far as human efforts can achieve it, be rendered secure ; but no turmoil, no confusion^ no hasty legislation of stringent apphcation and doubtful utihty. Let everything be done " with decency and in order." One inevitable evil of hasty legislation on the subject of hygiene is, that after a time the people not perceiving benefits commensurate with the labor and expense: with the disapoint- raent of the extravagant hopes which have been excited, public enthusiasm cools down, and the clamorous demagogue who expected to be borne into power on the wave of popular ex- citement; finding that it can no longer be made available abandons his exertions, — general indifference succeeds — the whole affair becomes obsolete, and no permanent good is accomplished. Such I fear will be the result of the present paroxysm. In Hygienie or -sanitary legislation, each successive step should be the precursor of another but "too much should not be undertaken at once, — nothing should be at first attempted which could harass or oppress the citizen, and render improvements irksome ofieusive or unpopular, — improve- ments should be so conducted that the people and their functionaries should accord in feel- ing, and thus, moved by the same aspirations, they will proceed cheerfully hand in hand, in the accomphshment of the great and beneficent objects which they mutually have in view, and thus operating together, all they desu-e Mill much more certainly be affected. f Yellow fever is a disease nui generU, and unlike all other diseases, and in vain have all the enlightened nations of the world made the most powerful exertions to disarm it of its terrors, ITS CAUSES, &C. VJi n vain have the most niiinificient rewards been offered for a mode of treatment, or prophy- 1 actio sj'stem which shall protract or relieve the human family from its deadly ravages. — In vain have Medical Commissions consisting of the most able and enhghtened physicians with a devotedness peculiar to our profession and with the coui'age and constancy of a forlorn hope, leaving their salubrious abodes, hurried to the dread seats of pestilence, and offered up their lives to the advancement of our profession and the good of mankind. — Nothing absolu- tely nothing has yet been accomplished. And why ? Because nothing in relation to the specific character and successful treatment of yeUow fever can be acquired by books. It is at the bed- side alone that the direful disease can be known, for each particular case forms the subject of a distinct and independent study apart from all others. What instructions or beneficial ideas can we convey to the physician at a distance of the horribly msidious disease when we describe a patient with a cool and moist skin, a calm and regular pulse, quiet respiration, a clear and intelligent eye, and a lively and vigorous intellect, free from all pain, and apparently abundant excretions from every eniunctory, and yet his earthly destiny is absolutely set and sealed, and his claims to be an inhabitant of this world as effectually closed as if the clods of the valley were already rumbling on his coffin. And there is pei-haps nothing to give a key to this horrible mystery, to the uninitiated, and to the medical attendant nothing, except on examining his secretions they will be found to be colorless, odorless, and watery, with a slight floccula floating ou the surface, and an occcasional outburst of the deadly herald black vomit. And these are the cases that daily meet the eye of the medical practioner, during an epi- demic yellow fever. Is there then anything surprising in the fact that nothing comprehensible or profitable, in the management of yellow fever, has ever yet been written, and that all the various systems which have from time to time been ushered forth with so much confidence by those who had never seen the disease have regularly exploded, and perishf d still-born. We are therefore as yet not even at the threshhold of science, in our knowledge of the nature and treatment of yellow fever; every effort, so far as proclaimed to the world, has been but the futile struggles of empiricism, — a succession of desperate experiments. After these candid acknowledgements, it is hardly to be expected that I should pretend to offer a system of successful practice, where all others have so signally failed, nor will the limits of this paper permit me to elaborate much on this branch of the subject. Suffice it to say that in a very long and extensive practice in yellow fever, I have never seen a patient die where the intestinal excretions have preserved a natural character, hence my whole object in the treatment has been to preserve the integrity of the di^gestive functions. If the physician can accomplish this, .all other symtoms will speedily subside and the patient soon recover. Nor can I sufficiently deprecate the use of Castor Oil as an aperient so universally employed by physicians and families in the early stages of yellow fever during the past summer. Never do I recollect being called to a single case (except in intelligent and confiding families who would do nothing without the advice of a physician,) where the patient had not taken a dose of Castor Oil, and rarely did I confer with physicians without being informed that they had com- menced the treatment of their cases with a dose of Castor Oil. The consequence too often was that from the nauseous character of the remedy, and the disgust with wnich it addresses itself to the palate and imagination of most patients, but above all from its acrimony, it was frequently reject(^d ; it had then to be repeated ; often with the same result, by which hours full of destiny were lost, and permanent irritability of the stomach was estabhshed, which could never be controlled until black vomit superseded, and death closed the melancholy scene. •Where the Castor Oil was retained hypercatharsis with gastric and intestinal irritability, too frequently ensued, the premonitory harbingers of the same fatal consequences. It may appear to the unreflecting unwarrantable captious and fastidious to condemn the employment of Castor Oil in yellow fever, but when we recollect that the pulpy portion of the paluia christi bean, from which the Castor Oil is obtained is surrounded and closely invested with a cuticle or skin, consisting of one of the most acrid and virulent emetics in the world, and which I have more than once known to produce actuaJ gastro-enteritis endangering life, and when we reflect on the tremendous pressure to which the bean including this acrid invest- ment in the preparation of Castor Oil on a large scale is subjected, we may well apprehend that the oil is more or less impregnated with the acrid qualities of the envelope, and as we possess remedies, less disgusting and quite as unerring, it would appear but an act of pru- dence to abjure a remedy in yellow fever whose pecuUar inappropiateness may justly be suspected. It has been so long the custom to deride and vilify the character of New Orleans, on the score of climate, health and morals, not only in our own country, but throughout the world, that afler some feeble efforts to set ourselves right before our unjust censors, our citizens and Viii YELLOW TEVER, writers appear to have given up the struggle, and ceasing to defend us, have settled down into quiet and uncomplaining resignation. And yet, except during epidemic seasons, which do not affect our resident citizens, New- Orleans may proudly compare in point of health, morals and climate, with the most favored portions of the globe. Every evil with which we have to contend with is introduced by strangers. Go and survey the seats of impurity, — who are their conductors ? who their occupants ? who their supporters, and who their frequenters? Strangers; who periodically visit this city. Who are the principal agents in distributing deadly alcoholic potations to the inhabitants of New Orleans, froai the infamous aud grovelling doggery, up to the ornate and gorgeous sa- loon ? and who are their principal frequenters ? Strangers, almost all strangers. Who fill our recorders offices, our watch-houses, and our prisons ? Strangers. How often has it come with- in my knowledge in the course of a long residence in New Orleans, that men who were con- sidered moral, orderly and virtuous, and who were even models of piety and religion at home, having heard so much of the immorality of New Orleans and believing from what they have so often heard uncontradicted, that there is no such thing as law- or propriety in New Orleans, so soon as they arrive here, being removed from the censorship of families and neighbors, have given the reign t* all their depraved desires, appetites and passions, and as was to have been expected, the sudden change of habit has been at once productive of disease, too often terminating fatally, thus contributing to swell our bills of mortality, and to add to the opprobrium which common rumour has affixed to our name. Thus are we not only chiefly indebted to the " floating population," who come amongst us for the principal portion of our crimes and diseases, but those evils are again employed abroad to depreciate the salubrity o^our climate and the morality of our population. But let the distant libeller, come and contemplate the actual condition of our resident popu- lation whose orderly and virtuous lives may proudly compare with those of any people; let him visit on the Sabbath the temples of the most High, filled to repletion, with devout and orderly congregations, let him investigate the domestie peace and propriety which charac- terize the Uves of our examplary citizens, and he will there discover locations rarely assailed by disease, and enjoying health fully equal, if not transcending that of any other of the popu- lous and boasted ciiies of the globe. It is high time that the people of New Orleans should repel and repudiate the slanders which have so long been unresistingly hsaped upon them, and which have created such foul and false impressions abroad, and fix the charge of vice and insalubrity where it properly belongs — on those who, comhig temporarily among us, and stimulated by what they have heard^and read concerning us, indulge, while here, in every evil propensity and passion, until they are overtaken by those retributive diseases which have been ordained as the punishment of vice and immorality. Let visitors to New Orleans five sober, orderly and virtous lives while here, and not con- vert the entire period of their residence among us into one continued saturnalia, and they will enjoy an exemption from disease fully equal to that of the places from whoice they came. These are bitter truths, but they are not the less truths, and have no reference to epidemic visitations, when acclimation, so necessary to the protection of the stranger, has to be under- gone bv the virtuous and the vicious alike ; but still the strauL'er is the suffeier. One prominent cause to which may be referred the false aspersions which have been heaped upon the health of New Orleans is the following : If five thousand young men, equally selected from all the principal cities of the United States were to come to New Orleans and remain during an epidemic, and one hundred were to die 'of yellow fever, although being strangers and unknown, no note would or could" be taken of them here, except to minister to their necessities and sufferings, and to extend those Influences of sympathy and benevolence, for which the people of New Orleans are so remarka- ble; yet, in the cities whence they came, extensive circles would be thrown into grief and mourning ; their sable habihments attracting the attention of surrounding friends and neigh- bors would naturally lead to enquiry and comment, and the ultimate conclusion to which the whole community would arrive would be, that large numbers of their young fellow citizens, in the bloom of youth and hope, had perished untimely in that deadly and pestilential hole. New Orleans ; and thus five or six fatal cases, out of several hundred, are frequently so col- ored distorted and magnified as to affix, in a distant city, and indeed throughout the world, an indelible stigma on the salubrity of New Orleans, for nothing fkvorable is ever said about the hundreds of survivors, who are forever afterwards exempt from the disease. The contemplation of this subject naturally brings to my mind the fact, that within the last few years, but particularly during the late epidemic, strenuous efforts have been made to institute a doubt that acclimation is a perpetual protection from yellow fever forever after ; and some physicians, who have witnessed comparatively little of the disease, have not hesi- ITS CAUSES, &C. iX tatcd to declare that they have seen the same person attacked with yellow fever several times, and this new doctrine and its natural corollary have been carried so far that it has been boldly asserted that having been born in New Orleans affords no certain protection from yellow fever. Next to an attempt to demonstrate the contagiousness of yellow fever on doubtful or questionable data, any effort to shake the confidence of the people of New Orleans in the prophylactic security afforded by birth-right and acclimation, I consider the most unpardonable and reckless, not to call it by a harsher name. If acclimation has ceased to be a protection from yellow fever, we must not be blamed if we refer the terrible dispensation cliiefly to those who have made the melancholy discovery. In former years, before the dreadful abuse of (luinine became so general, when a patient had passed safely through an attack of yellow fever, (and how many thousands are there now in this city to avouch the fact) it was considered, and was a guarantee of health for many- years after. Indeed so thorough, searching and beneficial were the results, that persons laboring under previous infirmities, and even hereditary diseases, became from that moment perfectly restored and renovated. Convalescence was rapid, and restoration to health proverbially speedy and perfect; but since the introduction of the appropriately named "abortive treatment," by enormous doses of quinine, conjoined with powerful narcotics, the patients who recover from yellow tever frequently remain miserable valetudinarians, while blindness, deafness and insanity too frequently follow in the dismal train. And how can it be expected to be otherwise It is impossible that so deadly a disease as yellow fever can suddenly assail an individual without his condition having previously undergone some morbid changes of vast and vital import. That this is the fact is demonstrated in numberless instances, where persons have left an infected city who, after many days, have been attacked by the disease. If no important changes had been effected in the system before the departure of an indi- vidual from a pestilential atmosphere, then his mere escape without being attacked should be a certain and universal protection. If, then, the system of an individual has undergone morbid changes long previous to an attack of yellow fever, is it any wonder that the mere cutting off the fever, (the fever itself being merely the means which nature adopts to complain of the ravages which the system has previously undergone,) is it any wonder, I ask, that patients so cured, without any lefer- ence to the mate-ries morbi which have led to the attack, merely arresting the consequence, but leaving the morbific causes in full activity, can it be a matter of surprise that convales- cence is tedious ? that other diseases should supervene, or that the patient should even be attacked again? Hence it is, that under the modern or "abortive practice," our watering places in the neighborhood have been crowded with emaciated convalescents from yellow fever, many of whom hilve cause to lament, in a ruined constitution or impaired faculties and intellects, the pernicious conseably out of the large augmentation of medical gentlemen, highly scientific, no doubt, but who have, in all likelihood, acquired the principal portion of their knowledge of yellow fever from books written probably by those who never witnessed the phenomena of that disease, is the effort to resuscitate the pernicious and long exploded doctrines of conta- gion and transmission. These obsolete " Gorgons and' Chimerfts dire " ,, are now sought to be resurrected, in order to inflict upon New Orleans a useless and pernicious quarantine system, whose only consequences would be the squandering of immense sums of money ; the infliction of a deadly injury to commerce, and the dispensation of extensive patronage. The doctrines of the contagiousness or transmissibility of yellow fever have been contem- plated and discussed in all their phases, by men of the most stupendous abilities, and of all countries, and it is impossible in a brief article of this kind even to name the various authori- ties who have furnished profound and elaborate productions on the subject. > Suffice it to say, that all parties, for a long time past, have appeared to ignore the doctrine of contagion and transmissibility of yellow fever, and quarantine restrictions have, for good and sufficient reasons, been gradually falling into desuetude and being abandoned. ITS CAUSES, &c. x; . » It is not to be expected, after the immense labor and talent which have been expended in the investigation and discussion of these questions, in every quarter of the globe, that the unpretending individual who pens this article can throw any new light upon the subject; he caa but aili\ his testimony to what has been so ably and so olten fully denjonstrated, and say that; born and reared in a Southern seaport periodically visited by yellow fever, and after thirty years' residence in New Orleans, he has never seen the slightest evidence that yellow fever was either contagious or transmissible. There are some minds so microscopically constructed that very obscure objects become to them perfectly visible; they can detect hideous monsters and loathsome reptiles in a drop of pure water ; if they have to cross oceans, or circusnuavigate tlie globe to seek imaginary objects to engage their admiration or inspire them with horror, they revel in their discoverv, and yield themselves up in au ''agony of joy" to the hideous delusion. With them, " 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view." But it unfortunately happens that minds thus constituted can i^rely be broiight to contem- plate the palpable, tangible, and cognizable realities immediately around them. If, for instance, they bear that a man died on board a ship from Rio Janeiro, or that a pilot saw or heard of a sick man on board of one, or if a man subjected to every exposure happens, while employed on board a .ship from a distant port, to fall sick, while hundreds of Others are dying all around in other situations, it is enougli— rtheir imagination does the rest — the yellow fever was certainly brought from Bio Janeiro. But if we remind them of the fact that New Orleans was frequently visited bv vellow fever ages before it ever occurred in Rio .laneiro, it is soon discovered that a vessel from Rio Janeiro had touched at some West India port. Quarantine was formerly a portion of the burthens of New Orleans, and \»os abolished because it was found to afford no protection. It has been discovered to b:- useless during the past summer in Natchez and Oalveston, where yellow fever commenced simultaneously with its appearance in Mobile, which latter city was not visited by the disease (notwithstand- ing constant ani uninterrupted intercourse of every description, persons, merchandize steamers and sailing vessels in large numbers passing daily to and fro) until three calendar months, a quarter of a year after its appearance in New Orleans, not more than two hundred miles distant. But this is too common-place a demonstration, too plain, too palpable, to satisfy the exalted abstractions of our new teachers ; tlicy require distance, doubt, mystery and romance to engage their attention or convince their understandings. With such men it is useless to argue ; reasoning cannot enlighteti them nor demonstration convince them. II the occurrences in New Orleans during the past summer have not taught pur citizens that veliow fever is not contagious they would not be convinced if one were to rise from the dead> We have seen from one to fifty thousand persons enter New Orleans during the past two months when cases of yellow fever v/ere daily occurring, — for they were reported on the 10th of November, — and when none could doubt that every house, hovel, yard, street, lane alley, court, highway and by-way of our city were saturated with the causes of yellow fever, for it had just been ravaging every part of the city, and nothing known to us had occmred to neutralize its virulence. Why, then, did not the disease, with this vast accession to our population, recommence witli redoubled mortality ? As late as the 10th of November the public prints announced ten deaths by yelloir fever during the preceding week, among a mass of at least forty thousand strangers, in a city where everything was saturated with the exhalations from yellow fever,and nc epidemic ensued,' ♦Mortuary statistics in a brief paper like this would be of little use, e.xcept they pointed to some ulterior benefit; but it may be of .some importance in contemplating the probable utility of quarantine liiws. to glance at tlie ])ast oijcnitions of yellow fever in New Orleans. In the Southern Medical Reports, page 12;j, in the statistics of yellow fever, collated by Dr. Simonds, it will be perceived that epidemic yellow fever ])rtvailed in New Orleans during the following yew i-s, viz • in 1821 182!i, l'^-S'2, '33, 'U, '35, mild ; '37, violent ; "■>,'.>, violent : '41 , violent ; '42, '43, '44, mild, and 47 violent. ' From ls47 there has been no epidemic until the late fatal visitation of 1<^.54. Let it be borue in mind, prominently by our authorities, that, according to the above records, the correct- rtess of which is beyond the shadow of a doubt, no ei)idemic yellow fever occurred in New Orleans from the abolition of the former quarantine establishment in the winters of 1824 and '5 to 1S32, making a period of £b:year.s, but that sporadic cases, sometimes amounting to hundreds, have occurred almost annually. If yellow fever can be affected by quarantine laws, and in consequence of their absence it has entered our city almost every year, why has it not become epidsmlc every year? If it be contagious, why has if not spread thronghont the city every year ? Xli YELLOW TEVKR, But an unfortunate ship, which has crossed two oceans, and been almost a quarter of a year making her voyage, with a crew in perfect health, must be charged with introducing yellow fever into New Orleans, because the frien3s of Quarantine and believers in contagion and transmission have surrounded her with doubt, mystery and apprehension, while we have forty thousand living evidences among us that yellow fever is not contagious, and that unventilated hovels, saturated with the consequences of recent disease and death, with every favorable atmospheric pecuharity, cannot create an epidemic. If yellow fever were contagious or transmissible by shipping, then quarantir.e establish- ments would be charnel-houses ; the arresting and detaining people in health at tuch places would be legalized murder. Every attendant would be swept away, and their placet* con- stantly replenished by other victims, to share the same fate. The whole process would be a vivid example of "binding the living to the dead." But what are the real facts of the case? A ship arrives at Quarantine with yellow fever on board, or cholera, if you please. The sick and well are taken on shore ; the sick die or recover, and the well, who have been formerly mingling with the sick on board the vessel, in the very focus of conti^gion, after being retained for a specified time in pretty close con- tiguity with the dead and dying, with perfect impunity, are permitted to proceed on their way, while physicians, nurses and attendants, utterly unscathed, pocket their fees, and quietly smile at the whole proceeding. This is the history of Quarantine, and those its useless consequences. There was some show of reason in the course pursued at some quarantine establisment of which I have read during the past summer, where they kept an armed force, who tlireatened to fire on any vessel which should attempt to land. The people at the quarantine ground had no idea, if the yellow fever were really contagious, of being made martyrs of; they thought it as well to keep it even from the quarantine ground. If yellow fever were contagious, or if it originated from or were propagated by filth, offal, or vegetable decomposition, or alluvial deposit, then would epidemics occur annually in New Orleans, for the latter causes have always existed ; and statistical records from sources ■which defy doubt or suspicion, viz: the Charity Hospital, show that occasional cases, some- times amounting to hundreds, occur almost every year in New Orleans, without propagating the disease among our population. Why, then, should two, three, or a dozen cases in or from a ship do it ? But I must hasten to a conclusion. From all I have heretofore said, it can be readily understood that the following are my opinions: 1. That yellow fever is not contagious. 2. That it is not produced by filth, offal, vegetable decomposition, or an alluvial soil, because it has occurred in the most clean and pure situations, and in cities based upon sand and granite. 3. That it is distinct from, and unlike every other fever. 4. That quarantine regulations will have no effect in preventing its visitations. 5. That efforts by subterranean drainage, and other projects looking to the removal of animal and vegetable decomposition, will have no influence in arresting or preventing it. 6. That it will eventually, in Kew Orleans, wear itself out and disappear, even with an increase of the causes to which it has been heretofore referred, as it has done under similar circumstances in so many other cities. Amid the darkness and gloom which have from time to time overspread our city, we have, therefore, still the star of hope beaming out, and we should not yield to despair, or even permit the past to intimidate or discourage us. Other cities have been subjected to desolating epidemics — they have survived those visitations, and have become healthy, populous and mighty metropolises. Our city has progressed in extent and population, and with a rapidity far exceeding the anticipations of the ancient inhabitants. Increasing commerce, accumulating wealth, and projected improvements, bid fair at no very remote period to render New Orleans one of the mightiest of cities, if not the empo- rium of the world. We have, then, nothing to deter our citizens from exertion, but every thing to encourage us, if the authorities of New Orleans and the State attempt nothing rash, doubtful or op- pressive, but pursue a steady and rational system of gradual improvements, so as to enable our local condition to keep pace with our high destinies. To the Medical profession I would beg leave to say : Although often foiled in our recent encounters with the deadly foe, let us not despair. Antaeus-Hke, when cast down, let us arise and renew the struggle, let us redouble our dili- gence, and multiply our devoted exertions for the health and happiness of our race, and perchance some remedy may yet be devised or discovered to enable mankind to defy the ITS CAUSES, fcc. siii deadly and insidious destroyer, yellow fever, and to realize the beautiful prediction of the poet — " What dire necessities on every hand Our aid, our strength, our fortitude require; Of foes intestine what a nun'crous band Against this little throl) of life conspire ; But reason Khali elude their ire Kre long, and turn aside death's leveled dart, Soothe the shtufi pain, allay the fever's fire, Aud yet bestow soft niglits, and balmy days impart." STATISTICAL RECAPITULATION. PLACKS OK NATIVITY. d a} t> o to 1 a. 6 o «.< a W o -a C Ph 5q 3 'E. d 1 -a "3 Ph 1 a o PL, d o ►J ci d '5 o )J 5 O 28 15 20 48 42 U1 495 1 1462 951 363 210 12 4 6 3532 Germanv 527 6 ^ 15 18 51 .. 485 628 584 3 84 5 6 1 2344 Other foreign nations. . . . U. States, except La Louisiana Unknown 224 36 432 152 298 4 15 16 30 38 12S0 ISS 37 128 70 85 s 19 113 •• 5 6 til 153 343 168 6 270 128 4 961 13 29 1102 575 115 729 713.. :■ 188 153 393 3-^32 Total 300 2112 106 '',046 2117 2212 2018 14 IIS 430 206 47 ?i 12151 1 — Of the number born in Louisiana 628 were under one year of age. ' Abbreviations. — "f," fever, of all kinds ; " u," unknown, or not stated; "o," diseases known to be other than fever. The order of notation is — Name, age, plucc of naticHy disease, date of iiitcnnent. LIST OF MTEMENTS. St. Patrick's Cemetery. Allen maty, 8 years, unknown July 5 Adams ms'ryj'il'a, 22 yea s Ohio, ftver juiy 16 Allan edward, ffiyenrs, Ireland, fever juiy 27 Allen mana, 2(1 years, Ireland, fever august 5 Anthony ann, 3 yeari. unknown august 9 Adams m»rgi'et, unknown aueust IS Adam- margaret. 10 years. Ireland, fever august 13 Ambrose John, 23 year^. u. f.-ver august 11 Atkinson rank, .^2 years, Ireland, fever august 15 Armstrong martin laM'ience,4'ly lreland,fever august 21 Alpnon-e siter, 27 year . Ire and, fever august 23 Allen eliza, 18 years, Ireland, fever augu t 2.5 Atwell henry. 54 years, Ireland, fever sept 5 Austin frances, 26 years u, lever sept 7 Ahern wiUiam, 22 years, Ireland, u sept .'< Anderso.". John, IS, N. 0, u oct 9 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. Ast rosanna. 22 years. Germany, o mav 1 Altman F, child of u, o may 24 Ancra william. li year«. New Orleans, o June 18 Anapola F, VV, 2t year.«, u, f-ver august 29 A sat matthew. l^years.u, fever tept 16 Arjnstror g george. 54 years, u. o sept 22 Adelheid cathiine, 61, Germany, u oct 14 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No, iJ. Arnous nicolaus, 48 years. France, fever June 7 Adsan. child, 7 month-, u. o juna 9 Adam mr , child of u, o June 14 Alter e wiliiajj, 25 years, u, fever July 15 AUi-n herman, 30 yeirs, u, o July 20 Auguste, ^5 years, Fraiice, fever July 20 Andrews george, 24 j'eats, u, fever July 25 Adelaide, slave,, ">7 yeais, u, o July 31 Atbresh george, 25 years, Germany, fever July 31 Andreas philiip, 15 ye rs, u, (e ei august I Avert harmon, 25 years, u, ievex angust 8 Arman mr 33 yeais, fe er august 8 Albers g^f hard. 17 year, u fever august 10 Augisteobuce, 31 years. France, fever augu t 12 Avoy annette, 7 year;", Spain, tever august 12 Andress mrs. child of, 8 days, u. o august 14 Armstrong sophia, 18 years, Ireland, fever august 14 Aupin phillip, 19 jiears. I" ranee, fever august 15 Abbott John, 22 year--, Ireland, fevel august 18 Alouxjjseph, unkio'vn, fever august 18 Agnes, s ave, unknown, o august 19 Auguste, France, fever august 19 Ancelin prosper, 64 years, Holland, fever august 19 Armstrong miss, 1^ years, Ireland, fever augu.st 19 Albert John, 30 y ars, u, fever august 19 Auguste pierr, ,39 y ars. Franc-, fevei august 19 Ahern D, unknown, fever august 20 Adams ann, 27 yeais. Kentucky, feret august 21 Alhrecht H, 25 years, u, tever august 21 August andrew, 35 years, Germany, fever august 21 Arm.strorg cathetin-. 17 years, Ireland, fcver august 22 Adeline, 20 years, u.fefver augu.'t 22 Arab, a slave, unknown, fever august iS Alexaiidsr george, 30 je»u, Bavaria, fever august 21 Achet antoine, 22 years, France, fever augasf 35 Alexander eilen, 22 years, Ireland, fever august 27 Auguste Zackler, 6 montlis, u, o august 27 Atlyger Joseph, 34 y.-ars, Pennsylvania, fever august 2S Atkinsv)n ann. 23 years, Ireland, (ever august 28 ^-ilen henry, 22 y-ars. United .States, fever augu-t .30 Atkinson jime , 24 ye.irs, England, fever august 30 Atkiwon lias, 29, Tennessee, f august 31 Allen thomas, 30, u. f augu t 31 Armstrong george, 60, Ir'-land, f sept 1 Asshe lotiisa, 2, Se^ Orleans, o sept 1 Amendt louis. 1, •• o sept I Aikensy margaret, 24, u, f sept 4 Albensladt a, bert. 44. Germany, f sept 4 Anustrongjane, 50, Ireland, f sept 6 Armand se astian, 48, France, f sept 6 Abadre Joseph, 6, u, f sept 7 Adeline, slave, unknown, o sept 5 Armstrong John, 22. Ireland, f sept 12 A Ibensdat margaret, .5, Germ.-xny, f sept 15 AUis lienry. 2m, New Orleans, f sept 17 Ann. slave, 8m, " o sept IS Acker george, 38. u, f sept 23 Afrey, a slave, 12, u, o sept 22 ^i-Jbert, a s ave, 55, u, o oct 14 Al en alexander. 49, Mass., o oct 30 Charity Elospital. Appertieorge, 37, France, o june 7 Adeline, sUre, 35, u. o june 10 Anderson William, 50, England, o june 27 Allister John, 23, Ireland, f juiy 5 Aiigerer le n*ia-dt, 18, Germany, f juiy 17 Andrie frangiis, 17, F ance, f juiy 17 A'lis el-zabeth, 2,5. u, o juiy 17 Allen John, 40. Ireland, f juiy l.i allinacher susan. .30. Prus.«ia, f juiy 21 Antunny ann M 2.3. Germany, f juiy 23 Allen lionorah, 3,0, Ireland, f juiy 2ti Ashton iiiary, 20, Kngland. f juiy 30 Ambro nury, 19, lielimd, f juiy 31 Alten'-ach andreas. 22, Germany, f august 2 Ahearn joh . 24, Ireland, f august 5 Ambrose inichael, 23 Ireland, f august 5 Allrast august. 19, G-'rmany, f august 7 Albert louis. 24. G-'rmany, august 9 Adkins rohert, 39, Maryland, f august 11 Armstrong John, 23. Maine, f augmt 11 Adams caiherine, 20, Ireland, f august 13 Armstrong sa'ah. 19 Ireland, f august 15 Allen jariies, 24. Massachusetts, f august 16 Anders John, 25. Garnianv. f august IS Alhndge anthc ny. 21, Irelind. f aagust 18 Allen ihomas. 2;>, " f augu-t 20 Alvarez antoine, 20. Peru, f august 21 Ackermann patsa, 31, lermany, f august 24 Abhottjohn, 24, New .Jersey, f august tS Aluiister carl 2S, Switzerland, f august 2S Atkinson bennett, 32, Pennsylvania, f august 20 Anderson thomas, 23. Kuasia. f oct 6 Odd FellofT's) Reat. AuUjuliaB, 1.3,u. r jnly 1C Angle a tayUr, 7n>, u, f jnly 27 Ankrim John, 36, Ohio, f august 2S [ 2 ] Lafayette Cemetery. Armstrong John, 17. Canada, o' Allen mr, ohiidof. unknown, o Ander.son mrs. V. H. unknown, o Alexander, a slave, unkcown. o Anna Isabella, a slave, 3, Hew Orleans, o Annier anna Tir^inia, 2, " o Ad >lph'' jean, 27, u. f Aclam jolin. child of. New Orleans, o Awcoct Stephen A. 5, Canada, f Arr iiirs. slave of. u, « Alvobroel T. K, slave of, u, o A chison anna, 60, u, o Ahem ^nn, 20, u, f Ambrose madam, 21, Germany, f Aulin Caroline. 23. Prance, f Apha't tLer>:'S3. ,ju, Germaaj .f And'^rson K. 75, b'anover. o Annlnt frederick, 4U, Germany,? .A gen James. 22. Ireland, f Aultman conra''. 34, u. f Alexander henrj', 17, Germany f Alb-irt edward. ."). ii, o April barbara. 24, (icrmany. f All geor.-.e ]ien-y. 4ra, New Orleans, o Anoeron wiliiam, 3. New "rieans, o Ad-ainfred rick.3, G-rmany. f ^ Abernithy jnhn, .7, Ireland, f ' AUia /Alphozti, 21, u. t Ancalte elizabetli ann, 3, u, o And-ew, 25, ."^c tl'.nri, f Allison mary, 27, Ireland, f Ameger roinai U. IB. u. f Aberneths John, 2.'), Iielaud, f Ackermann a lam. 23, (jtrmany, f Arthur mr. 21. u. f Aucock, 35. Kr gland, f Anderfon ohn. 30 u, f Abadin ?u Uaume, 27, France, f Asburry, a slave, 3U, u, f j^bel martin, 24, Germany, f Allen mary, 2i. u, f Amudt ereorge 23. u, f Ahean Biiza, .37, Co.-k, Ire'and, f Armstrong fi exander, 24. Ireland,? Aulom made'ine. 9 mo, N. O., o Agel ann. adu't, u, f Ailing a; tene* S, 26, Germany, f Allei C, ch Id of, 8 day.i, N. 0, o AgoUe mary ann, 2i, JV . O. u St, Vincent tie Paul. Alborschultz Jacob, 6, Baden, o Apel raoo e, 4 :uo u o Alcinda Charles, 7 days, N. O., o Arsine, a sUve, u, o Auguste, j'lave. 2. u. o Antoinette maris. 1, u, o Aime •, m grefs, 25, u, o About ant ine, .50. u, o Aquila aiitoine, 35, u. o Antoine mrs, infant of, u, o Alice, negiete. 2. u, o A'exandre. United States, o Abraham, 70, n.o Adicks anna S, 7i u, o Ayinard chailes. infcnt of u, o Anna, a slave. 2i. u, o Aiysle, jem, 3y, u, o Antonio, birber, Germany, o Ahtmiiya rar, infai.t of u. o Arnold iouisM. .'^i weeks. N. 0., Arga;iie, 30, Germany, f Anels ni'guel, IS, Italy, f Augustin. u.o Aiple Caroline. 14. u, f Ayile clara, .32. u. f Atkinson J D, u, o Aubry c ar es. 20, France, f Aseiier ju'es, 30, u f Antoinette marie, 15 months, u, o AdamC, u f Archer wi liam, 25. England, f Abril luciano. 3|), .Spain, f Auld margre , 40, Ireland, f Antra Joseph, 9, Sicily, f Atlaw frank, 32, (Jerraany t AuguSte nicolet, 39, u, f Anatra V; 8, Ita'y, fever Anderson marque, 22, Ireland, f Alherstel chrisiina, 16. Germany, f Auguste, 35. Prance, f Allen, 25. u. f Aul I eter. 27, Germany, t Allen david, u. f Armbtunt george, 19, Germany, f Adam, 21, Geimany, t may 17 may IS may 25 may 29 June 9 June 16 June 20 June 29 July 1 July 3 July 6 July 14 July 17 .iuly 19 July iO July 27 July 30 augusi 1 augu-t 2 !>ugu.st 5 august (i august 7 august 8 august 9 august 10 august 11 ausust 11 august 12 .'lugu.tt 12 august 13 august 13 august 15 avgu t 16 august 17 august 17 august 19 8UgU:,t 19 august. 20 aU::ust 21 augu-it 22 august 'Ji augu.-t 25 autust 25 augu.st ;'5 aUiU.st 25 sept 2 sept 7 sept 21 Oct 27 may 2 may 3 may 5 m^y 9 may 13 may 22 luiiy 22 may 26 )uay HO may 11 may 15 may 16 may 18 may 21 may 21 may 22 juy 6 j'liy 7 jaly 14 July 24 July 20 ju;y 29 July 29 July 26 august 3 august 3 august 4 august 5 august 7 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 15 august 16 august 17 august 17 august IS august 20 august 21 august 22 august 22 august 23 august 25 august 25 augun 25 Auxlonat A . u f Anatra Angelo. 40, u, f Amint sal to. u, t Aubray cathrine, 28, Ireland f Ar.md cath^rina. 14, Germany, f ySdlung, infant. New Orleans, f Artique jiseph, 22, u, f Arrand nugu"ta. 9. u. t Asoa edward, 25, u, f Adam Catherine. 33, France, f Angustin, 75. u o Ah"ris nicho^as, 31. of A.:elle, Sdays. i^. O,, o And.'e«is miche), 38 '-Germany, o jilphonso Francisio, 3.5, Portugal, o St. Lqinis IVo. 1. Augustine female, 10, N.O., f Arena Gravier. o f Alava marie, 14 ino , u o Aliena r mile, 4, u o Aimee. 00, u o Ai:der-on marie G.,25. o Arnoul A>n.-ul.7, N. O.. f Arlmuu Joho, 36, Germany, f St. liOuis Ko. 2. Au.-uste Louis. 3.S, N. O. u Aynes jno l.,ouis. 40, o f Augu-t n, 76, u o Arnand charles. 22. u f Azur prosper. 36. u o Arnoul pierre,61, u o As'erie ramie, topping 3, u o Arthur M, child of, S mo., uo Auffray trere.sa,24. uo Aicard Justin. 19 mo.. Araiza raarg;ierite J, 10, u o Anna mime, chilli of, 2 m >, u o Augustine hen, mulatto, IS, o Anneite slave. IS. u o Augn-tine, child of Mme Pitre, 11 mo, o Abbadie maria, 2, u o Alford. -ister mary, 41. Ireland, f Archinard loui< h-inrielte, 10 mu., uo Alle f L. ophe -a. 22, u o Alley L. Ophelia, chiid of, u o Protestant. Avme'i, a slave. 30, u f Anderson juUa, 4, i\. O. o Alfred, a siave. N. O. o A' si line miss, u f A.shbrand I.. <;. 25, New Tork, f Arthur m iton, 56. United States, f A'termai f.ank. u f Ad'.uis rob't . .50, Scotland, f Arimdale .iaraes M.. 23, u f Allen A G. 28, Maine, f A), en John. 47. Virgii ia, f Ashbadge mary jH,22mo.. N. O., f Hebrew, Lafayette. Auvbach Jacob, 20, Germany, f Aldendort >S.26, Getmauy, f august 25 august 26 august 29 august 30 sept 1 sept 3 sept 6 sept 12 fiept 15 sept 17 .^ept 25 sept 23 Oct 1 oct 8 oct 24 august 6 July 12 June 7 oct 1 sept 30 oct 9 sept 4 sfpt 13 oct 1 august 23 august 7 august 8 July 17 July 10 June 5 June 3 may 25 may 10 may 9 may i may 6 oct )8 oct 3 sept 5 sept 5 sept 20 .sept 25 Sep'. 25 august 6 auau-,t 13 august 13 august 10 august 21 august i,7 august 28 august 'iS sept 3 sept 5 s^pt 7 oct 21 august 9 august 10 ♦ St. Patrick's Cemetery. Broderick, michael 3 weeks. New Orleans, o may 2 Boyle, mary ann 1 year. New O lean', o may 5 Burke, patrick 6 mouth". New Orleans, o may 12 Berry, michael 3 moiiths. New Orleans, o may 13 Barry, elizabeta 2 years. New Orleans, o may, 19 Byrne, jo'eph 21 years, Ireland, o may 24 jBelton, edmond I), 3 monrhs. New Orleans, o may 2^ Blake, thomas 1 year. New Orleans, o may i'5 Byrne. Catherine unknown, o may 28 Brrnanghim. thomas 35 years, Ireland, o June 1 Barren, ellen 02 years. Ireland, o June 4 Bannisan. denis New Orleans, June 7 Brady. elizi43 years, Irelanu, fever June 10 Byrne, Catherine ol years, irelaad, u June 15 Brown, william 2.) years, u. o June 18 Byau michael New Orleans, o June 18 Breonan. patrick 3 years, New Orleans, o june 18 . Batterton, anastasi 56 years. Ireland, n june 20 Bassanick. .inseph 18 mon hs. New Orleans, u june 22 Butler, John 5 mouihs, unknown june 26 Satret, Agnet unknown, o juae Zk [ 3] Brooks, daniel unknown June 2S Brady, Charles New HrleanF. u July 1 Barry, John 21 years, Ireland, fever July 2 Barry, patrick 23 year*, Ireland, fever July 8 Byrne, honora 24 years. Ireland, fever July 12 Barrett, Christopher 23 years, Ubiand. fever July 6 Brady, bridge! 22 years, Ireiana, fever July U Barnes, ellen unknown, o July 14 Byrne, martin 22 years, Ireland, fever .inly 15 Baeley, dennis 32 years, Ireland, o July Hi Brady, patrick 24 years, Ireland, fever July 16 Barry, betsy 21 years, Ireland, fever July 17 Burke, William 31 year.«, Ireland, fever July 17 Byrne, Patrick 25 years, Ireland, fever July 17 Brien. John 18 years. Ireland, ever July 19 Brown, thoni is 22 year.-, Ireland, fever July 19 Brady, aim 25 years. Irpland. f^ver July 13 Brien. thomas 18 years, Ireland, o July 20 Byrne, thoDias 1-* years, Ir-land, o July 'JO Byrne, margaret fti years. I-eland. fever July 20 Bergir. B. mrs. 50 years. I>elind. o July 21 Branagan. patrick 22 years, Ireland, fever July 2.3 ttus^nell. anna 22 y ars, Irel'jnd, fever July 23 .Buckle}', sally 24 years. Ireland, fever July 23 Brenan. Joseph twins of, jSe" Orleans, o July 24 Breen, margaret 10 years, Ireland, fever July 24 Brad ey, hoiora 25 years Ireland, fever July 25 Barret, patrick 2H years, Ireland, fever July 25 Berraingham. bridg-t 20 years Ireland, fever .iuly 2C Boyle. Cornelius 30 years, Ireland fever July 27 Boyd, margaret 25 years. Ireland, fever July 28 Butler, daniel 28 years. Ireland, (over julv 28 Barrett, timothy 21 years, Ire'and, fever July 28 Baldwin, marsaret 24^ ears, Ireland, fever July 2< Boyle. James 25 ye t", Ireland, u July 29 Bleake. jarnes oO y»ais, Ireland, 'ever July 29 Beregan. edward .50 ye 'rs, Ireland, fever ju'y 29 Butler, niary aun 6 cionth-. Mew Orleans, n July 30 Boyd, annjane 9 years, heUnd, fex-er July 30 Mrennan. tliomas 22 years, Irela' d, fever July 31 Byrne, michael 21 yeas, lri ears. Ireland, .'ever august 3 Bourke. william 25 years. Ireland, li?ver auguit 4 Byrne. Catherine 30 years, Ireland, fever augu.st o Brown, abigail unkiiown. fever august 5 Brooks, Catherine IS years, Ireland, fever august 5 Beley, rose CO years. Ire and, fever august 5 Belton, .iane 1 year. New Orleans, o august 5 Biggin, Jeremiah 3 i years, u, fever august n Bolton, edwa'd C. ui. known, augus. G Bongrove. inadame 23 years u. fevr augu-t (i Booihe. John 35 years, . ngland, fever august 7 Brakin, martin 26 years, Ireland, fever august 7 Butler, mart- 14 years. Irelai d. fever eugust .S Brady, elizabeth 30 -etrs. Ireland^ ever august ,S Boyle, mary ann 19 years. Ire and,*feveT august 9 Broderick, John il years, Ireland, fever august 9 Brosneban. patrick 7 years, Ireland, u august Bouike, Catherine 22 vears. Ireland, fevor augmt Brosnehan, jeremiah 13 years, Ireland, (ever august 9 Brown, John 22 years, Ireland, fever augi!st 9 Brosnehan, honora 16 year', Ireland, fever august 9 Byrne, John 25 years. New Orleans, fever augus' 10 Britt Cornelius 35 years, Ireland, fever august 11 Byrne, mary Ireland, u august 11 Bracken, jam-s 33 years, Ireland, u aOgust 11 Byrne, michael 11 rays. Aew Orleans, o r.ugut 12 Brown. John •■'O years. Ireland, li^ver august 12 Bradley, rars. Irel.ind, fever. august 13 Bourke. daniel 20 years, Ireland, fever augun 13 Byine, diaries 30 y^ars, Irel.ind, fever august 14 Britt. John 23 years, Ireland, fever august 14 Rolyn John 3U years, I eland, fever august 14 Br' gan, margaret 20 years, Ir-land, fever august 14 Bahan, michael 24 years. New OrKan, fever augi,st 15 Bam , bri get infant. New Orlear s, u tugust 15 Ber'i?et. j.inies 22 years, unki own augusi 15 Barry bridget iO years, Ireland, lever autustlS Borland, patrick 35 years, Ireland, fever august 15 Broderick. James 26 years, Ireland, lever august 16 Barry, John 23 years. Iceland, fever autust 17 Bourke. bidget 35 years. Ireland, fever august 17 Burns, patrtck 10 years, Ireland, o august 17 T'elton, jimes in;ant, New Orleans, u august 17 Bourke, margaret 20 years, Ireland, fever august l.S Brown, wUi .m lO years, Ireland, ttyec aucus: 18 Butler robert 19 years. Irerand. u nugust IH Butler, ellen 26 years. Ireland, fever august l.S Bray, margaret 15 years, u, fev.rleans, f aagust 17 Brignaville J.B. .35, Italy, f august 18 Barker H. P, 33, TMinessoe, f august 18 Bowhane patrick, 26, Irelcnd, f august 18 Bond nicholas, 25, u, f august 18 Burk mary, 2, Ireland, f august m Bealer constontine, 20, Germany, f august 18 Brennan margaret, LS, IrelaaO, t august IS Briel regitia, 26, tierm^ny, f ' august 13 Butler ttiomas, 27, Ireland, f august 19 Buhl Charles E, 24. Connecticut, f august 19 Boake Charles, 21. Germany, f august 19 Bocker Charles, 21. ' f august 20 Binder bernard, 22, " f augu.st 20 JJoad matilda, 17, " f august 20 JBlackbuiQ nr, 10, Ireland, f august 20 Boyle hugk, 35, " f august 2 Biaize jean, 45. Germany, f august 20 Borden mary, 13, Ireland, f august 21 Bullen mrs, 64, Kngland, f august 21 Bailey daniel, 35, Maine, f august 21 Boyle ai, '2)j, Ireland, f august 21 Blanche mrs, unknown, f * august 21 Butt Jacob. 24. Germany, f august 21 Bradford N . G. 35, u, f august 21 Burney lewis, 14, u, t august 21 Bosht elizabeth, 22, unknown, f august 21 Beff charlas, 26. Germany, f august 21 Blassy henry. 27, u, f august 21 Bohlig amand B, 10, Germany, f august 21 Bristol august, 1, New Orleans, o august 22 Bodftnstein John. 20. t- ermany, f august 22 Burke michael, 35, Ireland, f august 22 Boyle John, 25, " f august 22 Blanc Charles. 30, u, f angust 22 Bellbridg,>t, .30. Ireland, f august 22 Bones frederick, 37. u. f august 22 Burk Charles henry. 34, u, f august 22 Besancon o\r, 49. Switz*>rland, f august 23 Burns John, 30, Ireland, f august 23 Brand. 1 fre-terick, 18, liermany, f anguat 23 Barjscci G. B, 46, Tuscany, f ausust 23 Burmester rebecca, 64, Germany, f august 23 Borneaus charles. ,32, France, f august 23 Buclgjr antonio. 30 Germany, f august 24 Buftingtou henry, 22, Virginia, f august 24 Bess Christopher. 26, GerTiany, f august 24 Burr thonias, 33, Scotland, f august 24 Brandenburijher A, 24, Germany, f august U Birchheid george, 23, " f augast 24 Bacon John, 36, u, f augu-t 25 Brand martin. 21, Germany, f august 25 Barry jane, 10, New Orleans, f august 26 Barousjean, unknown, f august 26 Bannins jane, 22, New Fork, f august 26 Buck mary ann, 17, ' f august 26 Biwer frederick, 3, Germany, o august 26 Becker johar , 28, " f august 25 Burrows peter, 30, Ireland, f august 27 Barnes wmnev, 40, Irelaad, f august 27 Bosht John, 25, Germany, f august 27 Berquiand Felix. 46, u. f august 28 Bryan eliza, 25, Ireland, f august 28 Block francis, l>i, Bremen, f , august 28 Barton Johanna, 31, it ngl and, f " august 2S Bakeman valentine, 19, uermanp. f august 29 Borther paulina, 11 " f august 29 Brette mary ann, 11, England, f augut 29 Brownrigg westiy, 13, u, f august 29 Bremierharmoa, 32, Germany, f , august 30 Bareaux agatha, 23, Germany, f august 30 Benson mary jane, unknown, f august 31 Brown william. 40, Ireland, f august 31 Blancqhenrv, unknown, f sept 1 Bill, a slave, u, f sept 1 Barrier Hlaude, France, i sept Berand jean, .33, u, f sept Bohil anton, 8oa, New Orleans, o sept Byrnes mrs, 35, Ireland, f sept Berthelot henry, 25, Germany, f sept Bener auguste, 20, " f sept Bruao Joseph, 23, Frhn-e, f sapt Bremraer Christina, 3m, New Orleans, o * sept Bone G, .3,5, France, f sept BruiK^ecker frank, 18, Germany, f sept Bailey anne, 21. u, f sept Bauer frederick, 39, Germany, f sept Beche ni's. child of, I^ew Orleans, f sept Blin mr, unknown, f sept Berniard ii-r, 2J, France, f sept Berteaud frauds, 40. France, o fept Blanck Catharine, 27, u. f sept Boslen Jacob. 25, New York, f s ei-t 10 Brunuertniargaret, 2, New Orleans, o .^ept 11 Burns John. 3, Ireland, f sept 12 Bradley ihomas, 13, Ireland, f sept 12 Burnholtz mrs, 70, Germany, f sept 13 Boggs alexander, 36, u. f sept 14 Bbcklej jaque», 27, Germany, f sept»14 B;a';k eliza, 10, rvew Orleans, f sept 16 Bonn eliza. 22, u, o .sept 17 Beraud louis, 19, Franc». f sept 18 Blake william, slave rf .35, Maryland, f sept 19 Burnes eliza. New Orleans, f sept 19 Braum louisa, Im, " o sept 23 Burnes christian, 5, Ireland, oct 1 Brown mr, infant of, N. O , 0, oct 1 Boolt 1', 1, N. O , o oct 2 Beusclipeliz b-tli, 3 mo. N. O., o, oct 8 Barry pat, nfant f, N.O,o oct li B gin mar;, 50, Irt>i>-nrt, o oct " Brown ann, 31, Eng'and, o oct " " Brown mr.s, child of, 7 days, N. O, o oct IS Barees Jacob, 50, u, o oct 18 [ 5 ] Charity Hospital Cemetery, Burnj mary. 35. Ireland, o Boylan michael. 14. Ireland, o Beins aufrust. 28. (Teimsnv, o Barry anne,.5S. Ireland, o Barrett wihiamH. K. Kngiand, o Bridget thomas. 29, Fngland, o Brasch John G, 31, Ge.many, o Burden jchn, 50, Ir^l nd, o Bruritz herm«n, 20, Germany, f Bolt daniel, 28, Pennsylvania, o Bias peter, 53. G.Tmany. f Barry danie ,23. Ireland, o Bango mateo, 38, Sp?in o Byrnes charW. JO, Ire anr, o r Byrne.'j mary. 20, " f Barth j .hn. 2X, Germany, f Babcock ca'harine, 23, Ergland, f Barto jean. ,32. France, o Burb Julia, 35. Ire and, o Beck Phillip, 30. France, f Budecke heinrich.25. Germany, f Buckley jobanna. 20. Ireland, f Burk liiwrence, 19. •• f BrowB george, 17, " f Blansfield Judith, ,35. Ireland, f Beck philiipine, 22. Fran e, f Brennarj margaret. 25, Ireland, f Barcela jose, 38, Min -.rca, o Brinktn ir kasper, I.S. Pru-.sia f Barrjr Catherine, 65, Kngiand, o Bomin kelmai- Joseph 2l), Prussia, f Berg barbara, 23, Gi rmany, f Boring wilhe'ni, J. " f Boy ' .susan. 40. Ireland, f Buckley marv. 2.3, • f Baunjohan. 25, Denmark f Bauman peter 26 Germany, i Boyd owen. 35 Ireland, f B.irry eliaa, 20, •• f Beirer beinhardf. ,34. France, f Byrnes rose. 32, Ire. and, o Bauer Jacob, 19. Germany, f Eerdixh chri tian, " f Byrnes martin, 21, Ireland, f Blasenichi giuseppe. 22. austria, f Bamberger ann. 2S. Germany, f Blown John. .59. Irelan.', f Bradshaw John, 13. Fngland, f BamH-rger j .han. 36, Germany, f Bassett henry, 22 Mas-sa.-hu>;ett8, f Brady michael. ,33, Ireland, f Bu'k bridget, 20. '■ f Beiler marianna. 31, Germany, f Baker darid M. 22 Penns Ivania f Byrnes willism, 2(1. Irtl.n •. f Bulf-rmulier edward. 21, Germsny, f Brinkman frederick. 40, Prussia f Benters anton J, 24. G rmany, f Battle denis. 45. Ireland, f Braun Jacob, 19. Gerraa->y, f Burke pa-rick. 30 Ireland, f Broxsee William, 28, Germany, f Buzeman anna. 22. " f Br»ndhurghchatle»,2.3. '■ f Bab t dorothea 25. P ani-.e. f Browne ann*. 20. Ireland, f Braun car), 2G, Germany, t, Becker carl 37, " f Bergjis, ph, 27, Prance, f Byrnes edward, .33. Ireland f Burman ulrich. 20, Switzerland, f Blardes j,hn, 2S, Majachuetts.f Bauke frederick, 49, Piu sia, f Barrett robert C. 19. Tenr eseee, o Browne ma.y anne ,37, Ireland, f iSalochi guhermo, .38 Switzerland, f Burnet richard. 22, u. f Boatt-ch- robert L. 26, Germany, f Buckley honora, 26. Irelind, f Burke mathew. 20. " f Broctmo^ peter, ZS. Deamark, f Bischoil f(anfzM,64, Germany f Braun Jacob, 3,5. " f Bolton margaret. 2i. Ireland, f Baioginseppe, LS, .Sicily, f Bacad John, 2i, IreUnd, f Boyle William. 2'). " f Brunk michel. 27, Germany, f Barrett cathen; e 21, Irelan I. f Bounian alfr- d. 25. dwetion f Brennan John. 20. Irflimd. f Boner Jacob, 29, Switzerland, f Behan William, 29 Ohio, f Bu'k ellen, 20, Ireland, f Bflcher william. -tC. New York, f Ba-tonpatDck. 49, Ireland, f Bacher L, 23, Germany, f Bauman henry, 32, Wisconsin f B-di Julian .21, (iermany, f Bon r nia?daline,28, Ptu.s3ia f Bau^r henry P, 26, Germany, f Bischoff hemnch. 39 •• f Bohr peter, 35, Prassia f Buike charl-s, 23, Ireland, f Br.is.sel andre^is. 23. Germany f Bauman wilhelm. 20. " f Brannigan margaret. 23. Irehnd f B«-lcherg-orge. 1'2. (iermany. f Bauihananne. 36, Switz-rland f Brady patrick,i.2?, Ireland, o Barnes William, 22 fotl.ind o Burko brioget, 23. Ireland f ' Burke peter, 21, Ireland. '{ Billir,g,-r peter, ,32, Germsuy, f Barre'.t John, 24, Ireland, f Bist^ffy ontoine, 40, (ienoa n Barry thoma=, let, Irel.nd, f Ba-itien James, 32. France' f Betterly Joseph, 21, Uoheinia f Buhl call, 25, Germarsy. f Bauman chrisiina, 21, France f Bass samuel, 23. Ireland, f Beri-arden wentzel. ,3fJ. Prussia f BenCpr f!eorg^ 31. Germany, f ' Beckler johan. 21. •• f Bow Julia, 21, Ireland, f Barion patrick, l!0. Ireland, f Birche Xavier, 22 Prussia, f liulniann maria, 23. Franco, f Bacbee simon. 24, ICentu ky. f Bollard henrv, 22, New York f lulv ■>() Biddie ann, 20. Ireland, f lulv -'o Byrn?s andrew. 24. lieland. f - ■' Brenques bertrand. 55, Prance f Baker John. 31, Ptu«s a. f Bonnian diederich. 21, Gern-any. f Biun.an .jo.seijh, 4,3, " f Buck Xavier, 2 S, " g Bellar Oank, il, Pru'sia, f Bchfincher pet-r, 20, Fr nee f Brown margaret, 2 •■, Ireland, f Bryan dmiel, 24. Irelsnd. f Barker William. 22. New York, f Bonsoin eugene. 18. France f Byrne hugh. 23. Ireland, f Bro'-er ck pa'rick, 23, Ireland, f Blake »n!i, 20. ■• f Barkley james. 18. •• f Beilz I'h.lip. 40. Germanv, f Bunzell johan, 17, " " f Barrett michjel, 19, Ireland, f Bi.ylan jimes. 2i. " o tu'ler waher, 24. " f Byrnes thomas, 36. Kentucky. { Brown wil iam. 20. Ireland. ( Braun carl. 2S, Germany, f Benoist Charles, 31. France, f Bose heinrich, 48, Germany, f Barden wolden, 31. " f Byrnes charles, 4S, Ireland, f Barry james, 25, Ireland, f Brennan thomas, 48. Ireland, f Byrnes Catherine. 40. " f Butler tnomas. 18. " f Burgiihardt Joseph, 32. Gerraanr, o Burghhardt John, 3/, " f Beck barbara, .^2, Frapce, f Bohner eliza, 22, Germany, f B lyl- james. 27. Canada f Brady cbarles, 50, Ireland, f Brown j hn, 23. Scotl.nd, f Baier margiretha, 24, Germany, I Brooks j -hn, 6, Ireland, f Brown valentine, -.2, Ireland, f Barry alics, 2<, Ireland, o Buketal edward, 23, Germany, f Butiia p^'iiip. 21. France, f Butlf r elward. 2i, Ireland, f Braun johar, 19, aolland. f Bray john, 22. Ireland, o Byrni-8 patrick. 25 . Ireland, f Brown jo'^n, 23. Prus-ia, f Bray witliau , 32, Ireland, o Bnt.erti-lddarid,23, Ke» York, f Br-cadet jean, 4,o, F,-ance, o Broeadet jean. 45, France, o Bader george, 40, Germany, o Hebrew, Lafayette. Bark camuel. 35. Poland, f Budenhe'm II . .32. GHrmany, f Bort-'nlieim. .3.5. (ierm'ny, f B-»r polina. 24. Germany, f Bern eimon, 45, Germany, f may 2 may 2 may 4 may 2 may 7 may 19 may 21 jure ("> .iune 7 June l.S June 18 June 18 June 22 June 25 June 2> July 1 .July 1 July .-^ July 9 July 10 July 11 July 11 July 11 juiy 12 July 12 July 12 julv 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July IS July 19 July 20 20 ju y 20 July 20 July 21 j i!y 20 July 21 juiy 22 July 23 juiy 23 July 21 julv 24 juiy 24 July 24 July 24 July 25 July 25 ju y 26 July 2'5 July 28 July 2^ July 28 July 29 July 29 July 29 July 29 July 29 July 31 July 31 July 31 July 31 July 31 July 31 July 31 July 31 angust 1 august august august aunust august augun august augu- 1 augu t august august august augu-st augu-t august augu-t 4 august 4 august 4 aigust 4 august 7 august 7 august 8 august 8 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 autust 9 august 9 august 9 august 3 au»ust 9 august 9 august 10 august- 10 august 10 august 12 august 12 august 12 august 13 august 13 august 13 august 14 august 14 august 14 au.ust 15 augu-. Pennsylvania, f Brown francis, 9m, New Orleans, o Benson Georse. unknown, f Barbot louis.32. u, f Bean John, 36, England, f Lafayette Cemetery. Birhinneyon Catherine. 40, Germany, o Benvit Joseph M. New Orleans, o Burt John M, child of. " o Barker K. louisa, 9, Germany, o Brandh julia. 40, Ireland, o Baker charl s. 2 u, o Billy, a slave, 60. u, o Bowies marsa-et. 25. u. o Brand mat ias, 9m, New Orleans, o Blaft ann maria, 6w, " t" Bsrg anton, 2. " o Brad^ anna, 2, u, o Banscher heinrieh, 23, Germany, o Burckhard pauline. 2, New Orleans, o Burche.a K. child of, 18m. u, o Born mary, 19. u, o Bruncke Caroline, 15d, u, o Bowen iaabella. ISin. u. o Buesbois phllomene, 3. u, o Banwart I'uraa. .3 Germany, f Bickle michael. 16. New Orleans, f B'rgold s-basiian, 1. " o Berrerons ernpst L, Gw, o Behl Jacob 35. Germary, o Berger pet-r. 17m, New Orleans, u Bggins eliiabe'h ann, 23, iNew Orleans, f Barbarra lucretia. u. o Booth matilda. 15m. New Orleans, o Bayer urator, 5m, ■■ "., ^ Bar'e (xeoigina, 17m, Jeffer.son City, t Brown C,Sd, New Orleans, o Brill george, 19. Germany, o ' Bedell jane, 19. Ireland, f Buckley agnes, 17, England, o Bauinijartner peter, 1, New Orleans, o Binganie : ^%'-4't. 23, Maine, o B-^rnell, ^ slave. 30. i'. f Bultrraug margaret E, 1, u, o Bartha phillipr e, 17. France, f Brown calherin", 16. Germany, o Brenn n ann. 38. Ireland, f Brauningerlaura. 23, Germany, i Buer antoine, 40; " f Bouman fredrika. 40, " f Behon sarah. 12. New York, f Breckhart jai-ob. u, o Buckhart jscob. 36. Germany, f Bernard, France, o Bo^ man james. 40. u, f Burke richarH. 23, u, f Barr n .1. C. Germany, f Bitheimer adarn. 12, Germany, f Bartess matia, 28. ' ■ Burrows henry .^eh. New Orleans, o Boemen anna. 23, Sweden, f Boevi ger J, 21, Germany, f Bauman augUJtU'", 50, " f Brandon august, 2J, '' f Braum th^resa, !■', " f Braunhinger gottfred, 26, Germany, t Eahanelizaboth. 20. " t Brisonge'N 1. u. f Brown gile . 6. Holland, f Beldenjame?. chi dof New Orleans, o Burke james, 28, Ireland, f Brocknick elizabeth, 53, u, f Bieber N, 32. Germany, f Beeb lou'sa, 32, " t Buhr francis, 31, " f Buckley caherine. 20, Ireland, f Baumgar'ner elvena. I6ra, u, o Burrows louis, Iw, u. o , „, . . Ba'rin warren, 18, tn'ted States, f Brathus bridg-t, 33 Ireland, f Boan Joseph. 6m. New Orleans, o Blu augus . 30, Germany, f Bernhard. IS, " f Borlindorf ancient, 25, " f Babgor o'lo. 23 " f Bathner fritz 6m, " . ' Bau-amm-ir hemry. 53. u. f Bodel wiiiam. 25, Ireland f Bothn^r christi e, 22, Geimany, 1 Buhr georg". 32. "' f Baillyjul-s. 10, u.o Betner el zabeth, 24, France? f Boane francis, 45, u, f may 30 June 8 augu.st 17 august 26 august 23 august 31 sept 7 may 4 may 4 may 5 may 7 may 7 may S may 9 may 9 may 13 may 18 may 18 may 19 may 22 may 27 may 28 1 3 line 4 .lune June June Jn>e jiioe y jui e 10 lune 11 June 13 June 10 June 18 June 19 June 19 June 21 June 23 June 29 June 29 July 5 July 6 July 6 July 12 jujy 13 July 13 July 16 ji ly 17 .iuly 18 July 19 July 19 Jul' 19 July 19 July fO July 20 •u'v 20 July 21 July 21 }\i\v 22 July 22 July 22 July ?3 July 23 July 21 julv 23 July 23 July 23 July 23 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 25 July 27 July 27 July 26 .iuly 26 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 30 July .30 July 30 .iuly 31 July 31 julv 31 July 31 ausust 1 august 1 august 2 au2Uirouse chares. 22, Germany, f Buck usella, 15, '[ f Baos johan. 24, . „ ,, ' _ ,* Benfleet mr, child of New Oueans, o Bell rebecca sarah. u,f Brannan Patrick, 16, Ireland, t Bergin John, 18, Ireland, f Buc't anton, 47, Germany, f Bacheriin andolph, 25, Hanover, t Brown adolph. 35, Ge rmany, f Bernardgeorge. 5, l>.ew Orleans. 1 Baum^n frederi^ck C, 21, Germany, f Bacti Jacob, 13. [^ ' Bach William, 28, „ r Bowman care ine C, 25, ' B.ker Charles, vS. Germany, f BBehan ellen, 18 „ „ Burk maiy. 13. . United States, f Bock<^r H,36. GIreland, f ^ Brack, n owen, 2e, 29, ' t Buchio phiiij-pinnia, 23, Germany, f Borgh-.rd soph'aU, 45, ^ew York, ! t'urnett will am4. New \ork, t Burnett albert, lerraany, f Barbarind micha3, Ireland, f B^th sr.uza, 23, u.el. 23, Germany, t Bslltamuel, 7, In f Bouerrars. M, 24.diana, f Baumbach james u. f Brunning anna J.. 23, Germany, o Bail Joseph, 31, Ir27,u. f Brirer elizabeth, eiard, f Baldwi- thoiaas, 26, Germany, f Bower george, 3z25, New york, f Burns eliz-. )9, 1' Germany, f Bouche ferdinctjreland, f Bernar' G. 24. nd. Fiance, f Brown edwardGermany, f Burns richard,. 24, f Buck Caroline, 2i,Irlanfl,f Berthner gu^t^ve, 25, " f Bergod au^'ustine. (6. " 1 Biu>t frederick, 26, u, f Biennan ann, 20, Kngland, f Bucks max, 16, Germanv. t Bake ck Catherine, 30, Germany, f Boulav J A. 20, France, f Beety maria, ISm, Germany, t Buckley wiiliam, 28, Irela^ d, f Berbackio'eph. 22, Fiance, f Bernard John, 2.5, Swiizerland Btown g-oige, 35, Germany, f, I Bellinger charles, 32, u, f Buthar henry, 32, Germany, t Betz adam, 40, Germany, f Bir et Joseph, u, f , Barriei-re mr, u, f Boaning case, 26, Germany, f Baner gotlib. 33. - t Barry lawrence. 16, Ireland, f Burns patrick, 11. Ireland, f Barrere ■ France, f Blew louis, 7m. u, f Bucio pet-r, 21. France, f Borgh frederick, 25, G-rmany, f Broussard emelie, 25, u, f Banschbach there^a. 20, Germany, 1 Beisel jeannetia, 10, " t Baelis Catherine, 39, New Jersey,, f Bablert michael. .34, Germany, t Bynes John. 22- , ., , ''.,. * , Baumgartner B, child of. New Orleans, o Beriy nancy ann, 14, Ire. and, t Bunglenjolin. 40, u, f Brutrn adolpheis, 7m, New Orlearts. o Be^rd S. 2. New Orleans, f Brennanjohn. 22, Ireand, t Benset elizabeth, 35, Geimany, f Brewer frederick W, 3. New Orleans, o Beger Kalene, Germany, f Brechtle friiz. ;6, " f Beat y John, 30, Ireland, f Blare caral, 24. Germany, i Binzing Josephine, 3, u, f B'ady Bridget, 19, Ireland, f Banun conrad, 2<. Germany, f bran on, 35 G rmany. jO Beangerd.mrs. child of 3 m), N. O , o Brobest seorge. 21. Germany,' f Beck giltert. Geimany.f Brooks m j, adult, u, f Bu.bet h^nry, 5 days, N. 0.,u Bar>y , 21, Germany, f Buf-kmeyer Caroline, sdult, u, f Bode conrad. 23. Germany, f Braurn maris. 16 days, N. ''.. o Botet mary, 21, Un.ted Stites, o augu-t ^ august 3 august 3 august 4 august 4 august 5 august 5 august 5 auguet 6 augu.st 6 august fi august 6 august 6 august 6 " august 6 august t! august 6 auguft 7 august 7 august 7 august 7 august 7 augnst 7 august 7 angust 7 august 7 august 7 august 8 august i> auiiust S august S auiust 9 august 9 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 11 august 11 august 1 1 au^u>t 11 augu t H augut 11 augu.st 12 august 12 august 12 august 13 august 13 angust 13 august 13 august 13 august 13 augu,~t 14 augiLst 14 august 14 august 14 august 14 august 14 august 14 august 14 august 14 august 10 august 16 august 16 august 16 august 16 august 17 august 17 august IS augu^t 20 august 20 august 20 august 20 august 21 august 21 august 21 august 21 august 22 august 2? august 25 august 2^ • august 26 august 27 august 28 august 27 august 29 august 29 august 30 august 30 august 35 augu.st 31 august 31 sept 1 s^pt 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 sept 3 sept 4 [ 7 ] Baenrmr", child ol, N 0. o ?« t i Bou?.td michael, child of. 3, N O, o sept 5 Bau nfchmit .lohann, 31, Germany. 1" tept 6 BoUs^oige. 13, u, f sept II Bell louis. 26, Orcrniaiy, f s pt '2 Brener^ lienrv, IJO, Germany, f sept 17 Batba-y si ve, 58. u. o sept 19 Boydmr, ch Ido*. N.O., o sept 23 Burgendef fraiicoi?, 42. Franc?, f sept 27 BoitsErab miry, 70, Germany, o sept 2S Braetz John. 7, N'. t> . o oct 5 Besinsin heini-ich, 21 mo, IS O,. o oct 11 Baker tianklin c, 13 mo. N. O , o oct 17 B ►gl •rmr>, 2tj. (iermany, o oct 22 Ba« ine Caroline, 1, N. O., o oct 29 St. Vincent de Paul. Baily Vzzv. 19. u, o m-iy 3 Bftjy. 14, u, <> may i BoIIrainkall niargerite, 8 mo, N. O., o may 7 Brezen'ino oh iirles 55. Germany, o may 7 B'anchard Joseph, u. may 7 Betthrainmatii, 28 mo. u, o may 12 Bam^din marie, 6 mi.u, o may 16 Boniface nmif. 8 mo, u, o iray 17 B; s marie, .j u. o may 18 Betard Xaviei, 1, ii, o may 25 Balth mr, infant of, u o, iiisy 25 Baegen jean, 20 mo, Germany, o may 27 banty marie L 2, N 0.,o ma 29 Biouvert louis A, 4. u. o may 30 BiUec A. 5mp, N. O , o may 31 Btrthold eli7.a>-eth. 15 mo, N, O, o jui e 7 Bruser Jul anna. 8 mo. u. o June 8 Boyar hernard P. i4 mo, u, o June 17 Brown j-an. 13, u, o 3une 18 Bais ie n B. 4. n, o June 19 Bock louis, 22, u, o June 23 Braum h nry, 1, u, o June ^3 Bornha-t georgr, 8. u, f July H B'air j'lhn. 2t, Siotlsnd. f July 13 IJaungart mrs. 4 , G riuaiiy, f July 16 Brown Thoinas. 26, lreUn(),f July IS Black, daniel, 32, .«coilone, f juy 30 Brancell annii. 28, u. f august 1 Broosas Caroline, 34 u. f au?u3 1 Uru h charle:v. 3?', u. f august 2 Beeker caibctine, 1. Louisiana, o au.us' 2 But.er bridget. 17. Ireland, f auiju^t 3 Haznot henry, u. f augu t 4 Btiikiian . I \\\ 70. Germany, o augUNt 5 Hecl(^r georg^ G^raa y, f augu.st .1 Bannjus e algertine. u. o august 5 Br>un 11, JB. Geimany, f august 5 Bileir J, in;ant of. u, f, august .5 B If rt honora, u.o augast 5 Bautiirr clara. 26. Franca, f augu-t 5 Brown cathaiina. 21. Wermany.f august 5 BranLraan clara. 20 Getma .y, f august 6 Bank John. 30 Witenbnrg, f auiust 6 Buxel H, 40. (Germany, f august 6 Brown ims John, 26, Irchnd.f auaust 7 Bienan el zaleth, 6 mo, N. 0.,f august 6 Barnkmaria, 34, Germany, o auguit 7 Baer Pierrv, ,33. u. f augus' 8 Bu sh louia. 5 dnys, N. O., f august 8 Bruce ellen. 23. Ireland, f augu-t 9 Brown John, 30, Ireland, f august 9 Belh in louis. u, o augu.t 9 Biinkman F, 23 Germany, f august 10 Brodenchelf george 32, Franc?, f august 10 Bender ioann.i. 23. Germany, f au^iusi 10 Baker Jacob. 8 G rraany, f atgmt 10 Botte jean (iarmany, f august 10 Bequine ju'e<, 29, u, o augu't 11 Brou sard geo-ge. 34, France, f august 1» Boxeli mane. 44, Germany, f august 15 Ba.-ry Stephen, 5, Ire'and, f augu, Germa' y, f august " B own William. 26. N. O . f august " Bremen augu.'. O, f sept -5 Buler marie T. •<4, Germany, f sept 28 Bay anna maria. 6 weeks. N, O . o sept 21 Benedict mrs, u, o sept 23 B-iain hi-iena. ,36, France, f oct 2 Brunei- John U.7 mo'ithj. New Orleans, f oct 1 Bttlker lien'ii tte. 9 months, New Orleans, o oct 4 Brandel barbe. unknown, o ' oct M Backer, unki. own. o oct 8 Braslorjanies, 7 days. New Orleans, o oct 9 BuJun 11., G raonthsj unknown, o oct 10 Brossaid A . 21. France, o oct 10 Barnes george. 4. New Or,eans»o oct lH Bichol geo-ge. 8 days, >few Orlnans. o oct 18 Beslfiy timothy. 6 days. New Oileani, o oct 24 Brady Wm. H, II mo. La., o " Backer marie. 87, Germany, o oct 25 Bozan victor, 7, unknown, t oct 29 [ 3 ] St. Loais No. 1. Bo'5 bertrand, 21, Garonne, f Bilna jean munez, 18, u, f Bone pierie, 19, u, f Boisblano marie •■ c. 3, f Bast en caticho, 50. v, o B3':t;e -wi'liami, 7, u, ■-> Bouny m", slave of. 50. u, o Boutte t:burie W. 3 mo, u, f Babcock rame L, 29, u. o Belt s)ave of P .• l a, u, o Bacon, 43. u, o Blanchard incona, u', u, o Bal eiB A, 1 mo, u, Bienvenu M. I, child of, 10 day.' Boker louis.fi, n, o Bfocird allied, l,f Bell ida, 5, a, f BTetnn ?lice B L L, 9 ii, f Bouligny felU, 31, u, o augiLst 21 ai-KUst 24 auKU~t 22 July 2i juoe 6 June 9 may 15 may 18 o:t 1 may 3 sei t 3i) oct 24 Oct 24 oct 20 oct 14 sept 5 sept 9 sept 20 sept 19 Berbineua abraham L,6. u, f Bi ru-tt cha'les. 33. u. o Bennett aususlu . 20. N . O., o Brickev will a'j>, 30, u. o Bradash fanny, 2. u, o Beverly, a slav.r, u, f sept 13 sept U sept 11 sept 15 .lept 15 sept 13 St. Louis No. a, Blanchard ferreil. 24, u, f Bertrand widow, 70, u. o Beitiand mury ami. 37. u, n Bozan ogcar, two months. New Orleans, f Box luchi p^ter, 25, ui Known, f Belger ph'lip, 24, Louisville, t Bonffella d,>n jedro. -0, vmknown. f Bagni lorenzo, IS, Ualmatia. f Brunftt victor. 1:9, uv,known,f Blin abbe 58 unknown, f Beer bertr?nd. 2i, unknown, f Bozant loui.s, 1. New Orleans,© Bontait, J. B., J2. unknown, f Bonnean M , child of 15 day.><. New Orleans, o Bossiete astfid^, 48, unknown, f Bourdelle mme, 29, fiance.f Beneieau maae (J. M.. 8 mos, unknown, o Baccock. george eramett, 7 incs, unknown, o Bertrand widow, slave o'', 41, unknown, t Burthe antoineite K.. S7, unkn.wn, o Basiie mine, slave of 35, unknown, o Bone louis charles, 6 mos, unknown, f Bciustique jitiv er, 19, ur known, o Blandin as toine, two month.'!, u, £ Bertin mar e loui^e, 6 months, u, o Bel emiii-. 13 month.', unknown, o Barbaantoine, 22, unKnown, o Blasco msinuei, .slave ot. unknown, o Brulard mme ecienne, .35, unknown, o Bell bet jamin, 6i unknown, f Byrne james H ., 10, unknown, o Barthelemy, mu.stto, 3G, unknown, o Barellefranccis 50 Switzerland, o Baptiite jean, 23, unknown, o Bounehaithazat, 16, unknown, o Beaulieu eug-nie, 45, unknown, o Benit victor, 5, unknown, o Boisblanc octave, 11, unknown, o Blanc evaii>te. fS, unknown. o Bas'.ad mme S.,25„ unknown, e Ban J.. 41. wnki.own, o Boune manuel child of, IJ days, unknown, o Boury Cecilia, b uionth-f. uaknown, o Barbel, 32. unknown f Bugard, jolin \u\xU. 7, unknown, o Bo eUo mme. child ot. unknown, Becluchand widow, 63, unknown, f Protestant. Bouligney adele, s'ave, 50, unknown, o Bonfjrd Isabella. 8, Kew Orleans, o Burke eliz^beth F , 28, New Urleins, o Black plioobe, 45, New Orleans, o Baker catharine, 13, Alabama, f Baringer mr- D , child of. New Orleans, o Batlersi as, 35 unknown, o Buriesselizabeth L., 40. New York, f Bigalow, Ur. A. D., unknown, f Brown Wra. D . 2'. Connecticut, f Barton W. C..20, New York, f Brewste'mary 56 Vermont, o Biake anna, 2, New Orlean,", i Baisett P. L., 32, unknown, f Buddy John, unknown, f Bennet gr tisua, 24, England, f Biofes thoma(i,L., 28, Lubnown, o Brook.s george Jl , unkmwn. f Bertho e robert, 20, ^ew York, f Brush C..6, New Orle&ns, o Bridges harriet,45, (is-ofgia, f Bakm james. 24. unknown, f Barlow mr . 38. New York, f Blackburn Joseph, 29, England, f liorrdor^ules, u, f sept 3 sept 3 sept 1 aug 12 aug 9 f ug 23 aug 7 aug 7 aug 16 au< 16 aug 16 aug 28 aug 29 aug It aug 19 aug 14 aug 6 July 24 July 22 July 5 July 6 July 8 June 21 jui,e i3 June 16 jane 16 June 17 jime 5 June 8 may 24 may 27 may 2 may i may 5 ocl 26 oct 17 oct 18 oct 20' oct 12 Oct 8 Oct 6 sept 17 sept 13 sept 13 sept 25 may 29 j'jne 15 June 23 July 6 julv 13 July 16 July 30 July 31 aug 8 aug 9 aug 9 aug 11 aug 13 aug 13 aug 15 aug 17 aug 20 aug 21 aug 22 aug 27 aug 28 aug 29 aug 39 sept i St. Patricli's Cemetery, Crowley, ellen .'^O y«ars, Ireland, o Conrers, ellen 2 years, bt Lnuis. o Cummins, edward 7 years, Ireland, o < allaghan, John 12 days, New 0.1eans, o Chirk, micha^i 18 years, Ireland. o Cully, Owen ~^ 40 years, Ireland, o Corcoran, mary 32 » ears, Ireland, o Conners, raaria 2 years. New Urleans, o Carlen. jane 30 years, Ireland, o Callaghan, el, en 8 months New Orleans o Cuniff. pitrick 4 months Nev/ Urleans o Corcnran, mary 12 weeks Kew Orleans o Commotbrj. perer unknown o Cain Catherine 4 years New Orleanj o Clancy, james Ireland o CoUm.s, Julia 3 year.i New Orleans o Cow an, .-ylvesler 40 years Ireland o Collin.s, aim Ireland u Carmichael, jjhn (homas Ireland u Conway, richardSS years Ireland o Cnrriean, ebzabeth 10 months iNew Orleans o Carroll, tliomas 23 Ireland fever Cronan, jerf miah 50 years Ireland o Crony, margaret 15 i ears iieland fever Conners, Catherine 1 year New urleans o Corcoran, msrgaret New Orleans u Ceman. patr ck35 year* Ireland o (Jasev-'bridget 3year3 New Urleans o Clark, james 8 moiiths New Orleans u Collens, mary jane 15 months u o Corcoran, jane 32 years u o Callagban, margaret 5 months u o Conghlin, patrick 25 years Ireland u Cosgrove, james 24 > ea s u u Conneli, ann 8 days New Orleans u Curtis, bridget 20 y ars Ireland fever Coughlan, John 3 months New urleans o Crowlv,michael 5 days Ne^- Orleans o Carapton. John 25 years Ireland .ever Callaghan, mary hvland u Coughlih, patr'ck 30 years Ireland fever Coleman, p^ter 22 ye rs Ireland fever Campbell, L New Orleans u Campbell, mary 20 years New York U Conlan, JAmes 2i years I.-eland o Conntr, mary in ant New Orleans fBvor Caffiey. pattick 28 years Ireland fever Carroll, John 'iZ years Irelac d lever Carey, mary 23 years Ireland fever Conner, mirgiret 9 months New « 'rleans o Conner, mary ann 10 ■, ears New Orleans lever CruU, willi.ira 27 years Ireland fever Casey, sarah 3j ye. r.s Ireland fever Cror.an, John 8 years Ireland fever Corbit, henry lord 50 yeais Ireland fever Chapman, John 25 years Ireland fevei Collins, John JSew (.)r!eans u Coll, y, mary New Orleans u Carl, William 35 years Ireland fever Ca^ey, Catherine 13 years Ireland fever Connelly, ann 8 days New Orleans o Connelly, George 5 years Ireland lever Cailaghat'. ann unknown o Casey, roger4Pye rs, Ireland, fevor, Casey, John 42 yeirs, Ireland, fever, Corcoran, roger 27 years. Ireland, fever. Cuff. John 24 years Ireland, fever' Conrey. Patrick 23 years, Ireland, fever, Cradie, law.ence 14 yeirs, Ireland, u, Cleary, mars ret 18 years, Ireland, fever, Conway, bridget 26 years. Ireland, f^ver , Caiman, patrick 32 years. Ireland, fever, Callahan, michoel 20 years. Ire and, fever, Carroll, M. mrs. 24 years, Ire and, fever, Callahan, p?.trick lUyear-, Ireland, fever, Cummings, arthur 25 years, Irciand, fever Cavanaiigh. luke 22 ye is, Ireland, fever. Carson, mary nun Ireland, u, tiallahan, patrick 35 years, Ireland, fever, Carrol n, ann 24 rears. Ireland, u, Cummints, margaret 29 years. Ireland, o, Callin, thomas 9 months, > ew Orleans, o, Conioy, cuari«a 23 yoara, Ireland, fever. may 2 may 4 may 10 may II may 11 may 11 may 11 may 17 may 18 may 20 may 20 may 27 may 28 may 29 mav 30 may 31 June 1 June 8 jure 9 June II June II June 18 June 18 June 18 June 20 ;une 20 _ June 22' June 23 June 21 June 24 June is June 27 June 28 June 29 julv 1 Jul/' 8 July 10 July July 10 July 10 July U July 4 July 7 July 8 July 12 July 13 July 13 July 18 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 14 July 14 July IG July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 19 j iy 22 July 22 July 22 July 22 July 22 July 22 July 22 July 23 July 25 July 23 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 25 July 25 ju'y 25 July 25 July 26 July 2S July 26 July 27 July 27 [ 9 Gaton. ann 9 years. Ireland fever. ju^y 27 ©aUdU. juhn 10 y.-ars, Ire and, f ver, July 2S Caiatrj-, mary IS years, Ireland, (ever, ju y 28 Callahan, tnatthen 24 years. Ireland, fever, July 2S Clancy, Catherine 17 years, New Urieanj, o, July 29 Coylo, William S mouth'. New Orldans, fever, July 29 Conn«ll John. 22 years. Ir.iland fever, July 29 Carli 1 patri a, 2r years, Ireland fovar, July 30 Conner bridget, 30 yearii, Ireland, tisver, July 30 Collin, michael, 24 y-ars Ireland, favr. July 31 Commofjrd cathtrme, 25yf'ars, N, O. fdter, July 31 Oooiy lawrence. 10 years, Irelaad lever, July 31 Coglilan patricit, 22 year . Ireland, fever, juiy 31 Conway honora. 50 years, lrelai\.d. f^ver, July 31 Cleaty putrick. 7 years, Ireland, fa /er, august Oaoy feridgf t, 11 years, Ireianrt, fever, august Connelly margaret, 1 month. N. Orleans, o, august I Casey mary. 22 y^ars. Ireia.sd. fever, august 2 Cole Patrick, 24 yuars, Ireland, fever, august 2 Collins jame», 21 y ars, Ireland, (ever. augmt 2 Caroline ma y, 2.^ years, Ireland t-'^ver, august 3 Coniey thomis, 40 ye^r*, Ir land, friver, aug.i^t 3 Cooney patrick, 20 yean. Ireland, fever, argust 3 Curry John. 30 years, Ireland, lisrer, aut 3 Cnllen jame?. 27 \ ear-i, IreKnc . f ver. august 4 Carrigan mary. 22 years. Ire and, fever, august 4 Done y John, 2-i years, 1 eland, fever, august 4 Coates frances jansey, 21years.lreland,fever, august 4 Cusar pjtrick, 23 years, Ireland, u, august 4 Crawford thorn s, 20 years, Ireland, fever, auust 4 Callaghan mary, 16 years Ireland, u, august 5 fJoozenb.idget luaria, 19 years, reland, u, au.;U!'t 5 Cox michsel, 18 years, Ireland, fe er, august 5 Cloyns martin, 32 year-, Ire;an ', u, august 5 Curren michael. 35 years, Ireland, u, august 5 Cleary michael, 4 years. IreJand. u, august 5 Curley W. Ireland, fever, augu-t 5 Cloary margaret. 21 year.s, Ireland, fever, august 5 Connell mary 21 years, Irelan , fever. august .5 Collins John, 30 \ ears, Irelana, fever, august ft Cady margaret 22 years. Ireland, fever, august 5 Cummins joieph. 17 years, Ireland, o, augu.t 6 Caaavan ma y, Ireland, fever, • au^u*t 6 Cannon michiel,u knuwn, fever, august 6 Carter frederick. 24 years. B.sto.T, fever, august 7 Cleary ann, 20 years Ireland, feTer. august 7 Clark ncholfs, i2 years Ireland, u, auguit 7 Cou on winnifred. 11 ii.onths, St. Louis, u. august 7 Costile willUm. 7 years, unknown, au^u^t 7 Cunningnam jani'^s, 13yca s Ireland, fever, august 8 Cosiallo Patrick, 25 years, Ireland, fjver. au^ust 8 Cunninshammichael, 22 years. Ireland, f -ver august .S Connor mary, 23 years, Ireland u, augu-t 8 Caliill mary. 56 years, Ireland, o, aaisust 9 Conn r micli'tel, Ireland, u. auaust 9 Cain jotin. 30 years. Ireland, fever, august 9 Coughlin mary. 2i years. Ireland fever, august 9 ClarK Patrick, 24 Tears, Ireland, fever. auiuit 9 Conoloy martin. Ireland, fever, august 9 Connor patiick, Iceland, u, auiu t 9 Campton margaiet, infant, N. Orleans, fever, august 9 Couney a n, 19y. ars, Iivland, fever. august 10 C&vanaugh John, 19 years, Irela d fever, august 10 Chandler elizaboih, 5.T years, Ireland, fever, augu t 10 Curley John, 2S year , Ireland, lever. augusc 10 Calla^hanjohn, Ireland, fsv^r. august U CoUoa thi.mas. 22 year:. Ice and, fever, august 11 Carey John, 20 yrars. Ireland, fa. er, au.ju»t 11 Crampton Joseph. 20 years, Ireland, fever, auuLst 11 Cottar jam s. 30 years. Ireland, fover, augut 11 Cnvanaugh robert. 32 years Ireland, fever, august 12 Corbnt Catherine. IS years, Ir-land, fever, ausust IX Cain John. 27 years, Ireland, ffver, august 12 Cassidy mary. 20 years, Iceland, fever, au ust 12 Connelly thoIn^s,2i 3 ears, ft ver, august 12 Chawlrmauiice 20 years, Ireland, fever. au.ust 12 Clancy James. 11 years, Ireland, fever, august 12 Casey ann, 18 years, I eland, fever. august 12 Clark ossy, 18 years, Ir> land, u, august I'i Cassidy bdwaVd, 30 years, Ireland, fever. august 13 Carrella John H, unknown, fever, august 14 Coleman Diichael, 27 years, Ireland, fever, august 14 Cournan ellen, 23 years Ireland, fever, august 14 Clark John. 53 years. Ireland, f-ver. august 14 Cunningham ann, 30 years, u, fever, august 14 Oiark John. 22 y»ars. Ir land, fover, august 15 Clark .susan, 18 years, Ireland, ferer, august 16 Curran James, .35 years, Ireland, fever, august 16 Chittenden emma, 8 years, Ir land, feyer, august 16 Connor david, 24 years. New Orleans, o augu Kept 7 sept 8 sept 9 sept 9 sept 10 sept 10 sept 11 sept 13 sept 13 sept l.? sept 13 sept 13 sept 16 8ept.l6 sept 18 sept 19 sept 20 sept 21 sept 23 sept 2S sept 27 sept 28 oct I oct _ 2 oct 5 oct 9 oct 10 oct 13 •ct 28 Cypress Groire Cemetery, Cary ann. 1, u. o Cavanagh margaret, 4ra, New Orleans, a Cullum elizabeth, 27, Ireland, f Cassedy james, child of, New Orleans, o Curly William, child of". 1. New Orleans, o Curry John, child of 4m, u. o Castello elizabe'h, 3, New Orleans, o Campbell P. S, child of 4i, u, o Colhan morris. 25. Mississippi, o Clough Samuel, 45. u, o Creigher fusan. unknown, f Caldwell denis, unknown, f Collins mart jane, 30, Kentucky, f ClouetO. b. 30. Pennylvama, f Cross mrs, chi d of, 9m. u, f Coun W. D. F, 24 u. f Cuuamings waiter C, 27, u, f ChuichD. 41. Boston, f Conner C, 53. u, f Clency C, 25, u, f No. 1. may IS June 7 June 24 June 26 June 28 June 29 July I July S august 7 auguit T august 19 auguit 12 august 15 august 16 august 16 august 20 august 20 august 22 august 24 august 24 [ 10 ] Campbell randall. 20, Scotland, f Clarengar albert. 19, Ohio, f Connor minor. 15, u, f ColJins niary jane, ^ ew York, f Christenson char otte 2, u. o Ciutis jeise roj. Sw, N'ew Urieans, f Crowell Jew:?, -7, Ma--3dchu£eHs. o Collins Mrs., 29. Ire and. o Cypress Grove, No> !3« (Jhaplain A. G. chiid of, 1, Nev» York, o Child, slaye, u, o Carjoageor?e, 4, u, f Crieser .1, child ot, u, o Couiin mary ann, 2, u, o Corinne, slave, IT. u, o Clifford Patrick, 3S, u, f Clittbrd mary, 4U. Ireland, f Chinaman, unknovcn, 'i6, u, o Cos jaraes, 45 u, o, Clau,e pierre, 30. u. o CouUps rairgaret, 26, Ireland, f Clifford iiiichsel, 12, •' f Clark James. 21, u, f Cory j)hn,3u, Scotland, f \ Caute pierre, u, t Charle.-, unknown, f Connors edwatd. 31 u, f Campbeil John, 19, Scotland, f Crimpi eugcne, 28, u. f Camps daniel, 40, u, o Chariot louis, 2U. u, f Connelly margaret. i3, Ireland, t Chiid, unknown, (jermany, f Closa A, 26, u, f Casnare mr, slare of, 55, u, o Contap ie L, 27, u, f Catherine, 23. u, f Carpet miehael, 14, Ireland, f Collins Johanna, ,-.7, ' f Cavaaagh miehael, 17, " f Connor John, 2o, ' f Connors ann, 30, " f Colin, f me, unknown, f Coles Samuel, 42. Mew York, f Clay eugsne, 24, France, f Creed mary, 7. Ireliind, f Cocklan andrew, 45, ' f Concklin luke, 17, " f Cris^e Caroline, 23, u. f Oar^nagh charlcs, 15, IreUnd. f Coun doroty, 21, " f Coleman iouisa, 26, n, f Chi d, infant. New Orleans, o Cansy augustine, 45, Italy, f Conaois cati^erine 23. Ireland, f Cavanagh raicha-l. 16, ltel?nd, f Child, still-born. New Orlsans, o Cremers louis. 2S, G,?rmaiiy, f Coneon Bapiiste, France, t Charlotte, si are, u, f Clark John, 25, Germany, f Conner jjnies, 25, Ireland, t Cranferny John, 30, Germany, f Child, orph n. u, f Carpenter henry, 14, New York, f Child, Infant, iNew Orleans, o Calhern m ^ry, 17. Ireland, f Charles, a slave, 9, u, f Clark mary, 26, Ireland, f Collman eeorge, 2S, Germany, f Concha ga:,riel, 23. Franc,>, f Callinanjames 21, Ireland, f Cahill jonn, 30, Ireland, f Conti Philomene, 17, France, f Conti philas, 25. France, f Call jeseph, 37, I.-eland. f Child, utiknown, 3m, New Orleans, f Clinton Joseph, 2;i u, f Crossen thoinas. 24, Pennsylrania, f Clew- John. 30, iingland, f Cudermary, 16, Germany, o Ceute eupLe ; ie, 11, France, f Col-;man Catherine, 8, u, f Cresser leonora, u, f Cott ;n david, 25. Ireland, f Clark mary. 35. Ireland, f Child, 3m, New Orleans, f Carrlgin A. J. Iralane, f Conway mary. 20, Ireland, t Child, Mave, 2. u, t Cauley O. .J, u. f Conner Johanna. 21, Ireland, f Clews mary, 23, u, f Child, 2, .reland,f Child, 1, New Orleans, o Curley barney, 35, Ireland, f august 25 august 26 augmt 30 aui;ust 31 sept 4 sept i oct i3 oct 28 may 7 may 12 may 23 June 2 June 17 June 25 July 15 juiy i6 julv li> July 19 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 2 1 July 29 august 1 ^ugust 3 au.! ust 1 august 4 E.ugiist 5 aujust 5 august 5 au^-ust 5 august 8 august 8 august 8 august 10 auaust 10 august 11 august 11 august 11 atiiust U august 11 august 12 august 13 augu-it 13 august 13 augojt 13 august 13 august 13 august 14 august 14 august 15 august 15 august 15 august 15 august 15 august 15 august 15 august 15 august 15 augiL-t 15 august 16 augu-t 16 avgn.it 16 august 16 augu>t 16 august 16 august 17 august 17 august 17 augujt 17 august 17 august 18 august IS august 18 august 18 aiigust 18 august IS august 18 august 18 august 18 august 19 uugust 19 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 19 ' atigust 19 august 20 sugust 20 august 20 suguit 20 august 20 august 2t august 20 august 20 Charles, slave, 5.5, u. f august 20 Coster uatilda, 14, Germany, f august 20 Connor ann, 20. lr.land, f august 21 I asler aariann,25 Germany, f august 21 Chamberlain giibert, 27, New YoTk, f augu-st 21 Camp-eil robe:t. 22. Eng and. t august 21 Conture auguite. 42. u. f august 21 Child, slave. lOm. ..x ew Orleans, f august 21 Cocks alfred. 27, n, f august 22 Calbo jnadam, CS, u, f august 22 Cameron henry, 39, New York, f august 22 Cummlrgs g-o^e, 3, Georgia, f august 22 Clark cather ue, 23, Ireland, f august 22 Crammer caiherii e, 23, u. f august 22 Curley raatgatet. 35, Ireland, f augu t 22 Cuder nargarc-t, 7, France, f august 22 Colyer Franci.<, 36. ilissou.i, f august 23 Chares, slave, u. f august 20 Counity jtil'a, 20. Irelan,:", f august 20 Clark rars, 30, Ireland, f august iO Ciiick potonia, ,3il, u, f august 23 C irriganjames. 32, Irsland, f august 23 Comm ur louis. 7. u. f august !M Child, infant. New Oilean?, f august 24 Collin-i charSe.s, 24 u, f august 24 Clarkley patrick, 22, Ireland, f august 25 Cole Joseph, 24 Germany, f august 25 Child, slave, Sd, New Orleans, o august 35 Conr.elly maiy. 24. Ireland, f august 25 f'unnirigham alexander. 2H, u, f august 27 Clark eiizaheth. 5. Iceland, f august 27 v./ hi d, unknown, o august 27 Cnllequon dominick, unknown, f august 27 Child, 3, u, august 27 Child, infant. New Orleans, o august 27 Chiid. 3m. New Organs, o august 28 Curian t-lizabeth, 20. Ireland, f august 28 Child, 2m. New ( irleans, o august 28 Carlisle andrew, 30. Germany, f august 28 Coh-n H. 35. Poland, f august 23 Ca'isidy John, chiid r){. u. o august 28 Codraore fra' ci , 26- Ireland, f augusi i8 C nlyjo!in. 21, Ireland, f august 28 Ciarke thomss, 33, England, f august 23 Cluld, 2m, New Crleans, o august 30 Conneil lionora, .^0, Ire and, f augut 30 Carro'l bridge*, 20, Ireiand, f augu>t 31 Caffery martin 70, Ireland, f august 31 Co.tle mary, 29. ^•ng:and, f augu-t 31 Chiid, 3.11, New Oneans, o august 31 Goutman roortell, unknown, f sept 1 Catherine, 2^ (Germany, f sept I Child, 2, Nf: w Orleans, f se; t I Cli.wson Johnson, 30, Denmark, f sept 2 Child, orphan, unknown, o sept 2 Todger emihe, 30, Germany, f sept 3 Chiid, 11, u, o sept i Coutegej an, 18, u. f scpt 5 Calloway James, 23, Perm«ylvania. f sent 5 Child, orpha', 6m, New Orleans, f sept 5 Cucevat charles, 16, Italy, f sept 6 Cof gan \?illiam, 45, Ireland, f s-pt 10 Collins edward, 22, u, f sept 14 Casey bridget, 23. Ireland, f sept 14 Camme 1 John, 18. iNew Jersey, f sept 15 Child, 6w, N ew Orle,-ins, f sept 15 Compton William, unknown, f sapt 15 Catvnor mr, Ita y, f sept 15 Cnnneron James, 27, Ireland, o sept 17 Connell cathe ine, 20. Ireland, f sept IT Carrigin sarah, 27. Ireland, f sept 17 Cannak mrs. 26. L'nited States, o sept IS Carter mrs, unknown, o sept 18 Child, 2w, New Orleans, o itept 18 Child, Im, ■ o sejt 19 Ccnstfint bernard, 31, u, f sei t 20 Colt david H, 40, New Fcrk, o sept 20 Child, unknown 14, u, f sept 20 Child, still born. New Orl-anp, o sept 26 Child. 6, raontlis. New Orleans, t sept 27 Child, itillborn. New Orleans, o sep\l 30 Child, pphan, 1 month. New Orleai>s, o sept 30 Coats ralph. England, f sept 30 Carey mary, 22, Ireland, f oct 2 ConstanG, 51. France, o oct 7 Child, a slave. New Orleans, o oct 3 Chiid, unkno\i n, 4 weelss. N . O, o oct 9 Child, still born. New Orleans, o oct 10 Carter henry. IS m^!lths. unknown, o oct 12 Child, still born. New Otl. an*, o oct 17 Colignon leopold. IS. F'ance, f oct 13 Child. 3 weeks, New Orleans, o oct 20 Cavanaug^ bridget 7 months, New Orleans, o oct 21 Child, 3 weeks. ;> . O,, o oct 20 C wanaugh b ic'gst, 7 mo, N. 0., o oct 21 Colahan n tiick. 5 mo, N. O,, o oct 23 Child. sttU born, ^^, O., o oct 2S Child, sull born, N . O , o oct 23 [ 11 ] Child, infant. N.O., o Child, 6 no. N.O., o Child, s iU born, *i . O., o Oct 24 Oft 27 oct 27 Odd Fellows' Rest. Co'pinan el!en. unknown, f ausust 1* Clark mi«s A. M, 27. Bnijland, f august ."0 Clawson F. C, child of. Mm, Mew Orleans, o sept 10 Charity Hospital. Curtis elizabsth, GO, Penniylvania. o may 1 Ci.rceron diaries. 26, France, t may 2 Crow-11 neheiuiah, 2J, Ireland, o may 9 Carrmarv anne, 7. u, t may 13 Co.stellojane. 33, Ireland, o niay 1.5 Carr jam- s. 21, leland. f may 18 Carrif-an .ioi-in. iS. Ireland, o may 2S Cobutn John, 45, Ireland, n June G Cumm ugs thoniae, 25. Noya Scotia, t June II Clark francis, 30. Ireland, o lune 16 Cody bernard, 3ii. u. o juna 18 Curr^u timothy; 2S, Ireland o jun'^ 20 Cantieid John, 48. >iew York, 9 June 24 Corbally lictiard, u o iune 28 Oamptiell duncan. ::7. Scotlaud. o June 28 Curran hufrl«, 26. Ireland, o June ;9 Connel'y ■ Ji^irles. 25. Scitland. f June 29 Cardiviili' jah» 19. Eiialand, f juiy 1 Cronan ni-ry, 50. Ireland, f july 4 Ohdsefranci^. 24. S.otl'nd, f ' july 5 Cormick jf.hn, 2i, Massachusetts, f july 6 Crowley edw;\rd. 70, Irtiland, f . july 7 ConrdV thoma', 30. Ireland, f juiv l*- Cantield ellei,,36, Ireland, f ju:y 15 Conrad louisa, 27, ri rm.!ny, f ju y 17 Carrifin maxy. lf>, I'''-lard. i july 17 Cunnirgham Catherine, 16, Ireland, f july IS Corcoran j 'lin, 19, Ireland, f july 19 Canietingbxrh-ir;!. 24. Ireland, o ju'y 20 Cahill jucliih, 30, Ire and, f ju y 21 Carroll maty. 20, Ireland, f ju y 23 Corri^nn pifrre.24. bwltzerlaHd, f ju y 24 Ca-ev all- n 19. Irelard, t july 24 Crowlty d^nis, 40, Irelar^d. f ju y 24 Carlin an". 21, Ire an'', f ju y 2'- Cone V lol man, 10. Iieiand. f ju y 2.5 Cuniu'k frederi k. 27, Pruf>ii, f juy 25 C'ampbHll thomas, 30. Ireland, f july 25 C:arey John, ■ Irelan"^. f july 25> Clop ane rapiiael. 38, Austria, f ju y 20 Ca>ra->'y jairea, 28, Ireland, f july 2G Ciinninijham jaiups. 25, Iri^Jand, f juy 27 Conwaj bridj.t, l.S, Ire an- . f july 2^ Cr^siner augu-t, hn, GO, n o august Covey patiick, 20, Ireland, f august Cluck margaret. Germany, f august Cape Lcui^a, 8.u » august Coffee ellen, 30. Ireland, f augut Clark mrs Ireland, f augu-t Cain ana. 20. Ire and, f august Connor mis;, 20. Ire'and. f augus' Carroll bridget, 26, Ireland, f aug^ist Caaghlin thomas, 20, Ireland, f august Curran John, 20, Ireland f august Connell thomas, 28, Iceland, f august Child, u o argost Oorbret mary, 42. Ireland, f august Crilerphilip, 17, Germany, f august Carroll patrick, 30 Ireland, f august 8 Campbell mary. i3, Ireland, f augu^it 8 Ctiittenden niary,52 England, f augut 9 Chittenden marv. 29, Ger.iiany, f august 9 Carroll eliza .J, 15, Ohio, f august 9 Carroll rob -rt. 12. 1 hio, £ august 9 Carroll margaret. IS. Ireland, f august 10 Clement lore' franklin. 22 mo., N. O. o august 10 Clauss cbarles. 19, Gent any, t' august 10 Coffer Patrick. 15, Ireland, f august 11 Child, 1. u o august 11 Conrad michael. 29, Germany, f august 11 Carroll william, 14. Ohio, f august 11 Caroline, a slave, 16. u f august 11 Crousy augusta, 26, Germany, f august 13 Cerman Catherine. 2, Germany, f a' gust 13 Cline Paver, 22, u f , august 13 Coniff jimes, 25, Ireland, f • august 14 Connell margr t.fiO.u f august 14 Connell Julia, 40. Iraland, f augu-t i5 Child, still bom. v, O , u ausust 16 Campbell, DM. 27. Tennessee, f august 17 Clear margaret, ad\:lt,uf august 17 Conner owen, 26, Ireland, f august 18 Cunningham daniel, 36, Ireland, f august l.S Courtade Z, 23, Prance, f augu.st 20 Connor mary, 20. Ireland, f august 20 Cotijjohn D. 2^, New York, f august 20 CopelyjohnH, 18 Ireland, f Cas-ien edward, 30, Ire'and, f ClilTord edward abott, 18, Mass., f Connell johanaugh, 2,5, Ireland, f Cavanaugh bridget, 22, Ireland, f Canty mary. 35, IrelanH, t Chu-3 fritz. 28, France,! Connor ttiomas, pdult. Ireland, o Conn«r thomas. 23 u f Carter Henry 32. Giiinany. f Connelly ann, 28. Ireland, f Croup frank. 33, Germany, f Cranes cavet, u f Comniin ress, 25, Irelan'', f Colon mrs C. child of. N. O , o Child, .still born, N", O., o Clarerie, J B, adu t u f Cenae jean, adult, u f Carroll thomas, 10, Ohio, f Child, stiiU born, u, o Child, a foundling, 10. months, u, o Camphil mary. 18, u t Calhm james. 27. Ireland, f Carroll thomas 45, Ireland, f Cavic jaines, 30, u, f OarwelJ michae', 20. u, f Child. 1. u. f Connor william, 1. New flfleins, o (!link char es i hild of, 3 weeks, N. O-, o CharlesH,20, Ke tucby, f Cunningham a ice. 4 months, N. O., o Condon ihomas. 20 Ire and, f Cholewoz, 28. Germany, f Clirkson aUxan er, .37, Scotland, f Cooper peter, 26. Germany, f Conway william, 3). Kentucky, f Camii John W, 24, u, f Child, s ill bor' . vew Or'eans, o Child, a slave, 6 months, N. O., o Ct nnell Catherine, 20, Ireland, f <'arr6ll mary. 34, Germany, o Cornelia, .-.lave. 2, u. o Child, a slave, u, f Cressry James. 67. England, f Charlotte, asavs. ISmmihs. u. o Child, a slave. New I'rleans. o ChilJ. aslave. N,'W Of eans. o Coifee mary. 2. New Or eai s. o Cuni,- gliam ii L. 2 month-:. N, O.. o Come smts.. child of. New Orleans, o Charles, a slave, 50. unknown, o Child. New Urlean*, o Charles, a flave, 5 months, N«w Orleans, o Child, New Orleans, o Carroll mr. B. 40, Ireland, o Cumraings John, 13 months, N. O., o St. A^incent de Paul. Camel ellen, 4 months, u, o o'hild. slave, u. o Carma niaria, 73, Italy, o CarcAno mary, 6 months, u, o Catharina maria, 10 months, N. O. Chrid, isew I'rleans, o Charn'iy, 18, unknown, o Charpeiiter Jer.ne. u, o Charlotte, u. o Child. slavS, 2 days, u, o Crousi ille marie L, 3 jnonths, N. O., o Cnapan mrs, infant of, N. 0..O Co'gn margueritte. 8. Germany, o Cosia alice K, 14 m , u, o Cervilla thomas, 5 mo, u, o Costeran Jules, 9, u, o Child, u. u Cornrull' wm, 1, Louisiana, o Child, u, o Cray lucy J. .55. Ireland, o Child slave. 9, mo, u,o Child, slave, u. o Ciimpagnan oii. u. f Child. 14, mu. u, o Ctiild. s'aVH. u. o Congo jpan B, 90. u. o Cornfield mr, infant of, u. o Child, slave u, o Child. 1, unknown, o ClarJe,]! niontus, u, o Clara, 46, u, o Claude J B. 28, u. f Clay ate marie, 15, months, u, o Clark james 6. u. s Child, s ill bnrn. u. o Ohi:d. slave, unknown, o Child, 2, n. o Castorich nicholas, 32, Italy, o august 20 august 21 august 22 august v'2 aueust 22 august 2S august 24 august 23 august 2 august 24 august 2( august 24 august 24 au°ust 25 august 24 august 25 august 2<'> august 25 august 25 august 26 auguit 27 august 27 august 27 august 27 , august 28 august 28 sept 1 sept 1 sept 3 sept 4 sept 6 sept 6 sept 8 iept 9 sept 10 sept 11 sept 9 sept 12 sept 16 sepi 17 sept 13 sept 18 sept 21 sept 24 sept 25 oct 2 oct 7 oct 9 oct 6 oct 13 oct 13 oct 25 oct 2.S oct 25 oct 30 oct 31 may 1 may 2 may 3 may 3 m ly 5 may 5 may 8 may 8 may 12 may 13 may 15 may 19 may 21 luay 24 may 24 may 24 may 25 may 27 may 31 junu 5 June 11 June IG June 16 June 18 June 22 June 28 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 30 July 2 July 5 juiy 5 July 6 July 9 July 10 July 13 I 13 ] m^^ Child, slave, 22 days, u, o July 14 Chile, slay?. 15, days. New Orleans, o July 14 Child, unknown, o July 15 Chute inary, G days, u, o July 15 «!hild, 1 da7. Nhw Orleans, o July 1(5 Child, 4 days, unknown, o July 18 Canepa andrea, 80, Italy, f July 20 Caiiepa agestino, 35, Italy, f July 20 Cassani mrs. infant of, u, o July 21 Child, infant, u, o July 22 Claire P 11.. 23, France, f July 25 Culien henry, 32 u. f July 25 Canneper marie, 7. Italy, f July 27 Child, 1 month, u o July 27 Child, unknown, u, o July 27 Christian, 19 France, f juiy 28 i're.ipel t'. :'S, u. o July v9 Carmelj, 30. u, o July. 30 Child, u, o .iu y .30 Child, 6 mrinths, u, o July 31 Cnaive j(S4ph, u,t august 2 Constms louis, 15, Marseilles, f august 3 Cicerie Francis, i, Italy, 1 augu.ft i Cababza. J B. 20, u,f augu-it 5 Cum umgi Catherine, 1, u. f august 5 ., f august 17 Clemenco mr, 25, Ftauce, f august 25 Caroline, 2i. u, o august 25 Conner lanna 11 months, u, o august 25 Casei John, 18 months, u, f aueust 25 Child, still born u, f august 2t) Contie^s j-shn. 27. Ireland, f ausust " Child, s ave. u, o august " Callenson margaret. 22. Ir-^Iand, f august 2(3 Chant D ckhan. 38, Fru.ss.a, 1' august ■• Child, still corn, N 0. f august 27 Child. 8, months, u, o august •" foiti.sj hn, 10. u, o august " Chol-a louis, 7. u o august " Cosgrove michael. 10, Ireland, o august " Car William. 10. u, «' augj^ " OamsUichi M; 40, u, f Child, 6, u, f Charles. 24, Germany, f Cesar Simonin, u, f Carrellellen, 1, New Orleans,*} Cole theophile, 2T, France, o Cushan patrick,2i, 'reland, o Child, orphan, 18 months, Germany, o Charley octave, 2. u, o Cambreis ioseph, 21, liermany, f Canepa J. 5 Italy, fevar Chamhifrlain george, 8, N. O, f (!hild. slave, u, o % Child, unknown, u, o Chiid, gritf, 4 days, N. C, o ^K'otistine Josephine, Savorie, o 'Child, orphan, 4. France, f Child, orphin, 3, United Stale', f Cauray tnomas, 28, United States, f Child, -lave, unlcnowB, o Chasey mr. u, f Castaing J, 24, Prance, f OutWr jn»eph, 33, England, f Child, still born, New Orlean?, o Claude,,30, u, f CarnpiUier anna, u f Child, orphan, 1, Gernnny, f Child, 8 days, New Oileans, o Chasey Jules 14, France, f 4 Constant george, 22. Prence, f ' Charpentier F, 40, New Orleans, o Creigh elizi, 20, England, o Carmelle, 4 mouth*, u, o Cook h-Uen, 10, u, f Child, unknown, u, o Child, slave, u, o Cabellero juan, 23, Spain, f Connel margar.?t. unknown, o Cavang mary, 58. Ireland, f Chid,. slave, u. f Thanlan adolpbe. 22. u. f Coek lousa D.. 7, u. f et James, 22 months, u, o CourUde«M., 25, unknown, f Canon samuel.7 mon'hs u,o ' Cistipgrae. 28, unknown, o Caraby M. L. child of, 14 months, N.O ,o Caropleron mme, slave of.ju. o (JhanJuri-^r efnelina. 2, u. o Car'S.iat prosper. 30. t Cochran", maria T.. 6 months, o Catalcugaeeraelie, 3, u, f St. Louis No. 2. Caroline, .slave, 49, unknown, f Collier ..phelia H.,5J, u, f CordeviJIe, slave of, 22, u, f Chevalier marie B.,1, N.O.,o Cobbin richard.22, u. f Cornu paul, C. New Orleans, f Capeila jnhn R... 2, unknown, f Conitchus rosa, 3, New Orleans, o Oamelleri andrea, 20. Malta, f Conveiiio raar e, 3. unknown, f Carve-e Iniii-', iiifa;!t of, 3, u, f Clce 1, unknown, o Cape la D. aiitonio, 20, Spain, f Chaljrd desiree louise, 2, u, o Cabr. O., f Clifford, Luta B, u. f CU. I; /v. C . ai Nhw York, f Connolly mercer, 21, Natch-z,f Crawford wi'liam, 2, u, o Ch 1 Ir- n, twins. N. O., u, o Child; 9, u known, o Cruger VVC.W, «, o Hebrew on the Ridge. Cliflbrd abram marks, son of. La., o Hebrew, Lafayette. Child, atill bom, N. O , o ■ Cchii i'M7. ti-t-rmany,f Caprlan rnsa, 20. France, f Cohn H. 30. Germany, f ChiU.sti.l born. New Oil-ans.o Child. 8, d .ys New Orleans, o Child, s, 11 bom, N.O ,o Chiid.4. New Orleans, o Carberhein A, 30, Gerinany. f Carb^rhein A. ch Id of, 2. u, f <;hild. 2, i-x 0,u, Child. 8 days, N 0, f Child, 1. ^. O., o Child, 1, S. O., o Child, 2. ^f. O., o Child, 6. N O., o Child,4, N 0.0 may 24 may iC may 10 mav 12 Oct 24 oct 211 oct 9 oct 10 oct 5 oct 4 oct 14 oct 11 oct 25 may 7 may 10 may 12 may Hi may 17 may 17 may 27 June 5 July 2i July 28 august 8 augu!t 12 august 18 august 18 augast 20 august 20 august 24 august 25 august 29 .sept IS sept IS oct 10 oct 18 oct 18 oct 35 June 12 June 21 July 25 aurcst 7 august 7 au.iust 9 august 1.3 august 19 augu-c^.) au u.st ol sept sept sept sept 21 sept B.jpt 25 D St. Fairiclc's Cesnetery Dillon are'ine. 1 year. New Orleans, o Bunnee iaargar.?tanne. Idir onths.N Or eans.o Donen ca herine. 2(5 years. Irtland, o ~ Dunn sarali, 3^1 years. Ireland, o D'lyle ellen, unknow ,o Dillon adeine. I el nd, u Dowling j 'meo patrick. 5J years, N. Orleans, o Dake jtepher.. 5 luonths. New tirleans. o Du n mary, 10 months. New Or'eans, o Buyer thomas, 25 years, lrel?.nd. o Dunne Catherine 17 months. New Orleans, o Daly mary ant). 18 months. Ireland, o Dowling mnrsaret, 16 m' ntns, jNew Orleans, o Duffy catbeine. 45 years. Ir-Jand, o Dutty bernar , 36 years, Ireland, o Doyle Catherine. 28 year^, u, o Duffy henry . "A years, Ireland, o Bay j ihn, Irelai.d, u Dav ens thomas. unknown, u Duffy mary ann, 2 years, Ireland, o Donlan andrew. New Orleans, o Dono hii:> e.lbn. N>-w Orleans, o Deniaiii mcliael. 9 weeks. New Orleans, u Dalton Patrick. 21 years, Ireland, (ever Duffy ic'sanna, 2i years, Ireland, fever may 1 may 7 may 22 may 20 may 2-S June 7 j'lne 10 June 11 June 11 June 11 June 1-1 j une 19 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 27 June 23 .iu:)e 29 .iune 30 July 1 July 2 jnly 9 July 4 juiy 8 July 14 Dwyer michael, 18 years, Ireland, fever Donovan thomas, 20 ye<:r.-<, 1 1 eland, level Duncan mary, 10 years, Icelai d, fever Donovan corneli;is, 28 years, Ireland, fcver Duffy susannaL', 12yt.'ars, Ireland, fever Dwyer Catherine. 7 days. New Orleans, o Donohoe michael, 25 years, I, eland, iever Doherty mary, 18 year-, Ireland, fever Daly pa'rick, 8 years, Ireland, fever ''oud ihoiras, 21 years, Ireland, iever Delaney ellen, 17 years, Ireland, lever Doyle ca'herine. infant, New Orleans, u Downe michsel, 30 years, Ireland, fever Dnffy niar^aret. 17 j ears. Ireland, fever Donoghue raich^el. 21 years. Ireland, fever Dolan michsel P, 25 years. Irela d. fever DrJscoll ellen 0, 29 years. Ireland, fevei Daley bndgel. IS years, Ireland, u Di Ion peter, 30 yeai.s, Ireland; fever Day sa-i ue!, 16 years. Ireland, f-ver Dium jamss, 24 years, Ireland, lever Doyle margaret, 30 years. Ireland, fever Daley daniel, 19 years, Ire-and. fever Doyle ihoiiias, 32 years, Ir.-land, fever Dunn m chael. 25 years, Ireland, Jever Denneen thomas, 40 years, Irelai.d. fever Doran margaret. 23 years, Irelind. fever Doyle James, 35 years, Ireland, fever I'owd maiy, 20 years. Ireland, fevt r Doyle thoii-as, 35 years, Ireland, f'lVer Donne I5 John, 27 vears, Ireland, (ever Djonegan jam s. 35 years. Ireland, fever Down Patrick, 3 years, Irelan •, fever Devine m^ry, infant. New urieans. u J odd rnary, 15 months. New Orleans, u Dermedy michael. 25 years, Ireland, fever I ernan mary ann. Ibyear^. Ireland, fever Davern ann, 20 years, u, fsver Donovan pRtrick. 3.S years. Ireland, fever Du'-nmarg. re , Irejand, u Doyle John. 27 years. Ireland, fever Duun niatthew.37 jeais, I -eland, lever Dooley michael, 40 years, Ireland, u Daly ric!;ard, 22 years, Ice and, fever Daly thomas, 2 J years, Ireland, f;-ver Downey pet r, 29 years, Ireland, f a'avis honora, 30 ye^rs, Ireland, f Dillon bartholuraev/, 35, Ireland, f- Doyle ellen. Ireland, f DoughUn John, 40, Ireland, f Doyie alexander, " f Doherty niiihael. 40. " f Dolin jamt;S 25, " f Dunn mary, 26. " f Duiiipsey patri.ik, 35 " f Dowdpet'r.2i. " f Donlan John, 38, " f Doyle mary, ' f Dogan j hn, " f Da%>. es lizzy, " f D.egiji terencc?. 22, " u D^y.ebridg^t, 70. ''■ f Doy.e William, 21 " f Dutnas margaret. unknown, Drog.ui patiick, 28. Ireland, { DfOgan Patrick, 2S, " f Do .vley richard, 35, " f D;3b o johi), 35. " f Dunn thoma^, 21 " f D<., o Duna ed> ard. 45, Ireland. o DwyeT henry. 45. 'reiand. o Dowd thomas, .5. heland, o august 27 august 28 august 29 august 29 august 29 augu>t 29 ai'gust 30 august 30 august 31 august 31 august 30 »ept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 .sept 2 iiept 2 sept 2 sept 3 sept 3 .'ept 4 sept .5 sept 5 sept 5 sept sept 5 sept 6 sept 6 sept 6 sept (5 sept 7 sept 8 sept 9 sepc 11 sept 12 sept l!> stpt 1(> sept 21 sept 22 sept 23 ret 8 oct 13 oct 21 Oct 21 oct 27 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. Dumser L. chi'd of, lOm, New Orleans, o may 2 Donagin ann. 32, u, o may 18 Dougfcs ma, y j me. 1, New Orleans, o j ne 7 Dalton eleanor. 6o, Ire'and, o June 18 Dippel Julius 1. New Orleans, o June 27 Douglas jimes. child of. u, o jiily 23 Duncan. J. and ^. A child of. New Orleans, o July 24 Darken henry. Germany, f juiy 29 Dal-on G-. A. 21. Wisconsin, f ju y .30 Davis rii'rla, 29, Ensl '.nd, f _ august 10 Dougherty v.'iichael. 18. Ireland, f august 11 Devoraux charles, child of, New Orleans, f august 14 Deboraux. unknown, o august 14 Dougherty willia'n, 17, u, f august 18 Dougherty John, 1.5. u. f au'iust 19 Uoii^herly morris. 8, Ireland, f august 24 iJu. kail annette. 6m, u. f sept 4 Dew-son ch..rles, 30, u, f .sept 9 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 3. Donnelly jim««, 55, Ireland, • may 8 Dow lau-a ./. 3. u. f may 19 Dufaure Be'nard. 47, u, o may 21 Dolen John, child of u. o may 24 Danavi Stephen, 22, u. o ju e 1 Durand P. N. slave of U. u. o June 3 Darant mr, child of. 5m, u, f June 21 Ducross mr. slnve of u. o July 1 Don.ighueell-n. 19, Ireland, f July U Duncan adam. 24, n, f .iuly IC Dichlf ederick. 25 Germany, f July 20 Diirioly simon. 35, u. f July 29 Dolby John. 35. u. f jnly 29 Derbyshire Catherine. 22. England, f July 31 Dennis hanry. 28, Germany, o July 31 Digs mr, sUve of. u. o august 1 Dillard mr. 'lave of u. f august 1 Doninie frana, 28, u. f augast 4 Dounhour mark,35, u, f august 5 Derbish wilhelm, lOm. u, o august 6 Dahraen G. child of 6m, u, f august 7 Dner Frincois, 21. France, f august 7 Daze l'yprian.20: u. f august 8 Deltfc johan, 4m, u. o august 8 Derwen john. 30. Ireland, f august 10 DunnjoDn,21, " f august 10 Dir»2ee souchet M, .37, u. f august 10 DoUins Wilson. 24. Kentucky, f august 10 Durham John, 30, Ireland, f august 10 Dowell bridget, 40, u, f Dowd John, 37. u. f Dillan ann, 8. u, f Dinaclara campo, 20. Italy, f Dowere adam, 2 New Orleans, o D.ilpin Xavier. 14, r ranee, f I 'orer august. 20 Germany, f Dnghert mary, 25. Ireland, f Dutch cathe-ine.22, GTniany, f Jteniise louis. 67, Prance, f Dolan ann. 40 Ireland, f i)urkey daniel, 28, " f Dougherty ann. 20 " f Diuchsphar John, 20. Germany, f Doinier jacolv .36, France, f Duffeney William, 22, Ireland, f Droghan nora. 22. " f Donoghue laurence, " f Drees hann«h, 22. u. f Daniels William. 22, England, f IJoll-ry icartha. 23, Ireland, f Dutch Joseph, 29. u, f Dumalcharlas. 21. Prance, f I) ggs mr, slave of u, f Dea mary. 21. Ireland, f Da?an John. 2.5. " f Delhinger Gottleib. 26, Germany, f Dwyer ann. 18, Iteland, t Dowell bridger. 16, " f Doyle John, 'ii, " f Dubrun^ire ernest. 22, Germany, f Dwyer ellen, 20. Ireland, i' Drew george. 2S. Missouri, f Distone honorah, 27, France, f Delia, 16. u. f Deaganmary. 44. Ireland, f Deriner trederick. 32. Germany, f Dihan John. 30. Ireland, f Dinckgreve herraan, 28, Germany, f D.ivis Joseph. 19, >ew York, f Delliunty margaret, Ireland, f Dufnir victor, 18, u, f Dufont mary ann, 4m, New Orleans, f Debar james. u, f Donovan patrick,6h, Ne r Orleans, f Dorstortf william, 23 Prussia, f Dicht raargaretts, 2-<, Germany, f Daviznr-n madam, 35, France, f Donovan, m ry ann. u, f Deacer nerneta, 12, Germany, f Damsf Patrick. 11. u. f Dickerman Justine, 16, Hanover, f Danul. a slave, u, f Dasilva juan, 60. u, o Duncan edward, 13, Ireland, f Delanyfllen, 19, ' f Delian Catherine, 21, Scotland, f Daniels patrick, 37. Ireland, f Dunbar S. unknown i Donegan james, 20, Liverpool, f Dcorlamary ann, 17 Switzerland, f Dunbar J. H, 25, Ire'snd. f D gnero fafeien. 35. U: f Dii:ard W. L. 38. a, f Doyle ellen, 12, Ireland, f Dmigherty james. 16, Ireland, f Dipley margaret. 22. u. i Delany minerva. 31, bt. Lr.uis, f Donovan jerry, 60. Ireland, f Doll phillip, unknown, f Donovan ierrjff .-5, Germany, o Daly William, 28. Ireland, f Dolan mary, 30, Ireland, f iiangale Joseph, u. f Delany patri-k. 2 rao. N. 0., f "ocrnsr Jacob, 6 mo. N. O , o Davi^ Isaac 19. I*ennsy v.inja, o Davis Isaac. 19. Pennsylvania, f Daly mary, IS mo, N, O., o Odd Fellows' Rest. Douglas william A. lira, u, o Da lie V. 35. u. f Dickinson thomas. 25. u, f DaffiaT. J,3lJ, u, f Charity Hospital. Deloynes edward. 33. France, o D»y margaret. 26. Ireland, o Duhonin victor. 22. France, o Donnat Irangiis. 32. " o Doyle J, 17. Ireland, f Dinkle peter. 30, Pru-sia, o Derkes franz. 28, " f Dutling^r john, 26, Germany, f Doyle john. 2i. Ireland, o Dunnigan mary. ,36, Ireland, f Doyla Patrick, 27, " f august 11 august 11 august 11 august 12 august 12 auguit 13 suiust 13 august 14 august 14 august 15 august 15 •ugust 1,5 august 15 august 17 august 17 august 17 augu^t 17 august 17 august 17 august 18 augU't 19 august 19 august 19 august 20 august 20 august 20 august 20 august 20 auKUst 20 august 20 august 20 august 21 august 21 august 21 august 21 auiust 21 august 22 august 22 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 24 august 24 august 24 august 24 august 25 august 25 august 25 august 25 august 25 august 26 august 26 august 27 august 23 august 28 august 28 augu-t 28 august 31 augusf, hi sett 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 .-ept i sept i. sept 4 sept 7 tept 11 sept 14 .sept 15 sept 10 :,ept 19 sept 25 sept .a oct 7 oct 20 oct 20 oct 2C mey 3 august IS august 27 sept 13 may 1 may S may 9 may 18 June IS .lune 16 June 20 vjune 21 June 22 June 23 June 25 |[ 16 Daniels margaret, 25, " f Dowlan John, 22, Sweden, f Uempsey james, 21, Ireland, f Dixon John, 28, Scotlar.d, o Doepke William, 26, Germany, f Douney bridget. 16. Ireland,? Donaghoe Cornelius, 30, •' f De cheaferiroalie, 47, Mexico, o Doyle eliza, 17, Ireland, f Donneliy j'lhn, " f Dooley patrick.21, Ireland, f Daley mary, 25, " f Donniger Catherine, 22, Germany, f Dorman call, .' 6, Prussia, f Dykeii henry, 50, Engiand, f Daily thomas, M, Itejand, f Dunn james. 30, " o DowUng richard. 23. ' f Dabit norman. 21. Massachusetts, f Duffy John. 26. Ireland, f Dixon janr, 1-, Scotland, f Donaby mary, 21, Ireland, f Doran mary, 21, " f Dowd margaret, 16, " '' Dombeig-r bernhardt, 42, France, f Dunkel Joseph, 56. Switzerland, f Daniels thoma«, 20. Ireland, f Donoghue bridget. 29, " f Dooley william, 21, " f Donoihue nichoia*, 25. " f Driscoll ellen, 29. - f Deiderich frantz, 22. Prussia, f Deiderich Jacob, 21. " f X'empsey mary. 30. Ireland, f Derling jotn, 3.3, Germany, f Deirsjohan. 26. " f Donoghue ann. 26. Ireland, f Danahy michael, 27. ' f Disrell jactb. 19. Germany, f Ducay trance, 20, France, f Devine paul. IS, Ireland, f Duffy alice. 25, " f Dooly michael, 21, " f Devereaux thomas 23. Jreand, f Dunne henry. 16. England, o Dunn Jeremiah. 30, Ireland, f Ditzler simon, 40, Prussia, f Dunn Jacob. 23. Maire. f Dunne patrick. 24, Ireland, f DavL" Patrick. 30, " f Dougherty james, 25, " f Doll simo.i, 21, " f Daily robert, 24, ' f Duga pierre, 29, France, f Duffy jame.t. 26, Ireland, f Duignan patrick. 14, " f Daily michiiel, 37, " f Dunlap William, 28 " f Doll florian. .30, Germany, f Daca jo^e, 2>. Spain, f Ducley martin. £0, Ireland, f Donoghue ann, 28, " f Dicola samu-l 40, Sicily, f Delany michael, 2.5, Irtlant', f Dnle J. H, 32. England, f Dillon chaile.f. 23, Ii eland, f Davory j^hn. 23, f Daly george S, 24. Ohio, f Dwyer marv, 24, Iceland, f Daly harriet. 20, • f Dennihan Johanna, .50, Germany, f Daly james. 19. Ireland, f - Deurh car-'line. 26. Germany, f Dennis j'l'eph, 2S. Maine, t' Dumont jaques, 00, France, f Daily el, en. 30, ■■ f Degan conrad, 42. Germany, o Donoghue michael, 40, Ireland^ f Dunser peter. 27. Ge-many, f , Duaser era, 32, •• f Dejane dommique. 33, France, f Drury eliza, 22, Ireland, i Dooly Catherine, 21, Ireland, f Dobson n\athew, 28. " f Denrr.an catherin.'JO, " f Dolanjames, 27, " f Debott michael, 30. Germaiiv, f 'Dalberry chailes 33, Sweden, f Drady mary, 35. Ireland, f Downing jarres, 21, " f Degittjohn, 28 " f Dempsey denis, 22, " f Daver michael, 23, " f Dool John, 53, " f Duffy james, 22, " f Dscsey peter, 25, " f Dansjuan, Spain, o Dnntlouis, 2S, Sardinia, Donohue mary, 40, Ireland, f June 27 July 6 July 7 July 7 juiy 8 July 9 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 16 July 17 July IS July 18 July 18 July 19 juW 19 July 20 July 20 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 juiy 22 July 22 July 24 juiy 24 .iuly 24 July 24 July 25 July 25 juiy 26 July 27 ju'y 27 July a7 July 27 July 28 July 29 ju'y SO July 31 July 31 July 23 august 1 august 1 august 1 august august 3 august 3 august 3 august 4 august 4 augu.st 1 augus: V august 5 august 5 august 7 august 7 august 8 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 augu>t 10 august 10 august 13 august 14 august 15 august 15 august 13 august 16 augut 6 august 16 august 16 augmt 16 august 17 august 17 august 18 august 18 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 2 I augu-t 21 august 22 august 22 august 22 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 24 augu't 25 august 27 august 27 august 31 sept 1 sept I sept 1 Diamond Joseph, 44. Vermont, f sept 3 Dary andrew, Ireland, f sept 6 Day ns John, 21, I. eland, f sept 11 Duffy pe(er, 40. Ireland, f sept 11 Dudley ann eliza. 47. New Jersey, f sept 12 Dudley george. 4S, Ir land, f sej^t 13 Dubonjon^n, 30, Ger^ny, f sept 13 Duncan robe t £. 21, Maine, t sep" 17 Dernn William, 24. Ireland, f sept 17 Dimtra Joseph, 46, tiardinij, f sept 2U Dougherty vat icK.24, Ireland, f sept 22 Duff thomas. 46. Scotland, f nept 24 Dcr-ey ann. 17. Irelard, f oct 3 Tougherty daniel. 15. Irt-land, f oct 9 DaTis emily. 42. Alabama, f oct 17 Devet manuel. 27, England, f oct 21 Devet manuel, 27. England,,f oct 21 Da'-l mathias, i7, Saxony, f oct il Del in mary. 53. Ireland, o oct 30 Dunker wilhelm. 2">, Germany, f oct 23 Lafayette Cemetery. Doff louisa, 8 mo, N. O., m3y 2 D vg ajs maro ann, 1. u, o m y 19 Doty mr, «hi!d of. N.tl.. o June 1 D oby ins S D. child of. K . O.. o June 1 Dunnell H. child of N. 0., o June '• I rees henry, u. o June 18 Dre^sio catherina, 20. u. o June 19 Deveniler barnard. Germay, f June 26 Dolwar elesabell . 36, Germany, f June 23 Daneclioneai.s danii;!. 3 .Norwaj, o July 5 Dulan michae , 23. Ire and. f July 10 Duraegar jane,6, Ireland, o July 13 Daniel a slave. 45. u. o juiy 14 Donal A 0, 40. Ire'and. f juiy 17 Dougherty jai es. 35. Baltimore, f July IT Dunjgm michae , u, o juiy 18 DoiiLg j cob. 55, (^ermany, f ju'y 18 Delmyer jo.-eph, 35, Germany, f July 19 Damrin H, child of N. O., o July 19 I'reher george. 48, GeTmany. f July 23 Din;iliiiger francis. 19 mu, in . O., o July 22 Der george, 24, u. f juiy 25 Ducebecuer mary, IS. Germany, f July 23 Di-.niy C. 35, Irebnd. f ju y 27 Dounsi Catherine. 15. u, f ju y 28 Dowe Sophia. 49. Germarj-. o July 29 Dirkens elizai eth, 19 mo. A'. O., July 30 Dawson Catharine. 25. Ireland, f July 30 Downey patsick, 35, Ireland, 1 July 31 Du- ocho mr. child of u, o juiy 31 Duff, Ire and. f auiU^t 1 Dor>ey margar t, 24, Engand, f aujust 1 Doyle j mes, 70. reland. f august 1 Danman nichol'S. 25. Gtrmany, f ^^ugust 1 Tyskoff Julia, 13. iingland, f august 2 DoiliiJgBf gotleib, 5 cays, X. O., o august 2 Dykoff )o n. u, f augu t 3 Donald mary. 22. Ireland, f august 2 Doyle edward. 21, Ireland, f august 2 DoFd louis . 2y. Germany, f august 2 Doty charle- P, 2, u. o august 3 Dyer michafl. 30. Iteland. f august 3 Donahoe Joseph. 26, Ire and. f august 3 Delasire Joseph. 45. u, o august 5 Dids Caroline. 65. Germany, f au.ust 5 DiUman peter, 40, Germany, t august 6 Donaldson J. c6, Scotland, f augus. 6 Dunn ellen, 30, Ireland, f augut 6 Donnelly nal, 41, Ireland, f august 7 Dixon alexander, 22, Ireland, f august 7 Donohoe bricget, u, o aUgus 7 Drube henry, 2.5, u, f august 7 Dunn Iridget, 13, u, f august 7 Derby ellen V. 19. P.ttsVurg, Penn, f august 7 D;..9 mary. 25. Ireland, f augast 8 Dei'trich A T. u. august 9 Derrney dennis. 38, Ireland, f august 10 Duncan henry, 4 .United S'ates, f au^ast 11 Dcnaldan ttrrence. 25. Ireland, f august 11 Dealman l;arnbart,26 Germany, f augu.st 11 Donald james. 55. Ireland, f august 11 Doedluie anton.3, Germany, f august 11 Dietenlrach ired, M . O., o august 11 Darrah jane. 36. Ireland, f august U Dulasamy Johanna. Ireland, f ausust U Dazet joseth, 35, France, f august 11 Dorsey John, 35. Ireland, f august 13 Doty Silas, 35. Michigan, f august 13 Dounner mrs, carilme, 32. Al«ase, France, f auuust U Ducas^e paul. u. £ august 14 Drambe Joseph, 40, u, f augtist 15 Davis jolin. 19 mo. u f august IS- Dazet mrs marv, 42. Frani-e, f august 16 Doty mary A. 23. A»a sa<-hu-etts, f augurt 17 Drews henrietta, 30. Germany, f august 17 Dutt george, adult, Germany, f august 17 [17] Dohh rev mr, 40, Englan**, f I) ew- eu- a e, 31, U. rmany. f Distc johaii ■•.llimo. N ..,o Un'fe ja "".^42 'tla d, f De^vid, a 1 ve, 19. u. o Dioffch i 2!,u, t Denn r John %'> Ha many, f Peseng r cet r . f D >ir elizabeii. 27. CJprmany f Dtd i>rilr tz,3U. u.f Drfcl ous I-'. 22, (ii rm<.ny, f Dush j-)" ph, 10 day-, N 0.. u Dentpzxavier. child of, 7 days, K. 0.,o Donaho Patrick, 2.i. u, f Dr z wllia M, 1 ay, f^. O.o Doke. for j '«e['h, 1 mo.N.O., o Doe-en. r eliza etb, A . O., o Doy e " i liaiii, 9. fv . O., o .Dau-chir philip, 2k, W . O., o *Dyke mui m r , 13, N. u„o Dregi John, 37, Ger any, f Lonovau peter, 3 rao, N O,, o St. Vincent de Paul. DieftefaTi" jorino A, 1, o, o Dohlgr ca h rin •, u, o Deb m man', u, o Drevill- eii.il?., 6 rao, u, o Doran J, infant nf, 9 rao, o Duiiuer <»ra 1 «,2. u, o Di»on henry, 19 mo, u, f Dangler mr.s, inf'a t of, u, o Dur.ng chriitoph r, 86, u, o Puliou P, inf ntof, u, o DaTK^son N, u, o Daliin 11 r<. 31, v, f Due ling jam-.-, 2, FrPl»»id,o Du. Ion ja iies,6, ir^ lall'^, o Dien' an- Joseph, 66, i? ranee, f D %ree, 3i, u, o Dol eig r ^a'thiat.22. France, f Deil ge rg' , 25, li rmaiiy, o De»maf gcrt joi ph, h r.inc .f Dama .lin mr. fan t if, Vi rinany, f Di^ndoun- F. 14. Ftao e, f Delake' .1,22. Ireland, f Dyiu lien ad m. 25. l';ivaria, f Duri"g pair cl< .35. relani,f Djjle ca h rin , Inli d,f Dy Win 1 uren / . 4i. Germany, t Droll 11 a l-- ainr. 44. u, I Ddvia oseph, 21. u, f Dallon Joseph, 21, tr land, f Dubo - J, 2-*. I- r^n - , f Da l>in n cholas 32 u.f Dul mgliic n.33. K ranra, t D( lligna/. 21( Gt^roiany, f Du OS m r >-, u. f Delany ichael 30, Tr land, f Deiisj 8^ph,2i). France, f Den' i- car lin ,24, Germany, f Droll U, &it. u. 1 Dragen bar ara, 1. f> O ,o Dafery ma sar t, 2.3, Ireland, j Diii-rwn y j nn. U. ranee, f Dozl.nt j hn (x, 29. G r.nany, f Deckel >• ill a ■, 3 - eek-, N. O., o Duckeis r> I, 23, gland, f Dor^ "in jac b, 1 d 'y, iN. O., o Duli nantoin-. 21, N.<> ,f Dour jea . 19, t ra ce, f Duckett G, 1 II o, u. f D^n van joiin, 31. r land, f Dyew r uustave, 17. Fr nee, f Deiiri h ,o Punser c tr trine, 14 mo, N O , o Dun.ser John J, 8, Germany, o Deve.iii ra ry, 6, Iral nd, o Domingo j seiih, Spain, o Dunn henry, 7, u, o Uunbah j'aii e, 29. Germany, o Demang • chail s, 30, u, o Dill li.sbeitre, u, o DoFghtier John G, 18 mo, n, o St. Louis No. 1. I^uBeil lamai^d N,7i,u,f Daussat paul n, 19. u. f Domec u.3 j-an, 42 G rmany,f J'unkes jo-eph, 42. G. rio ny, { Delpi* eugene, s Ive ae M A, 3, u, o D.ib.euil eiiza. 2. u. o Ducbene > mon, 19. f rince, f DeVize raynioi'd mm , 45, u, o D.,nker3 nm e.2S, (iermTe of. 37, o DaTid t M s ate o . u, o Du'ino «2tlie chi mette, 75, o DeUla c adoiphe. 22. Lousiiaaa, f De sau I 's «iic-. 10, u, ■> De cndet augu-te, N . O., o Dor'oiiourtdumas, u, o St. Lonis No. 2. Della'-d mr, child f. llmo.o De unaj e eon re, 7 , u, o Dari sm thide.2, u, o Duhoij le^nard, 2. m, r Drez hei ry, 55. ranee, f I uncan he rii-t «, 14, u, f De i j an. 2 u, f I u euil Ira coi T if thi-i andre, 45. u, f Dcvi « jo-aphine. 66. u.f Desliirg s a gela c air^, 32, u, o liiiTouseau ju^tins, ., u. o Da ftis it. mut«, »laye oi^ 1, u, o aBgu't 24 a.ugust 24 august 24: aujBst 25 august 25 august 26 aueu t 26 august 26 august i(> august 27 augu t '9 august 30 augusi 30 auenst 3 J august 31 au.ust Jl august 31 august 31 sept 1 sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept _ sept 5 sept 7 sept 8 sept 8 sept S sept 8 sept 9 sept 11 sept 11 sept 11 sept 14 £ept IT sept lO sept 52 .sept 25 sept 24 oct 9 oct 16 oct IS oct 2* fept 3 •ept % aneust 13 august 10 augu t 7 aucu-t 15 august l.{ august 28 august 14 august 24 august 30 juiy 3« ju y IS July IS July IS June 2S June 19 may f may 8 may 2 m»y t oct S oct 28 01 1 17 oct 18 oct 1$ sept 19 sept It sept 2t> sept 27 august 3t augu-t S august S august S9 august 29 augu t L august 2$ august « august SI augusit S august ST juy IS July IS July » JBcatt [ 18 1 Delay J B, 45, u, o Dep'smme^a nof,2.u,o DtlTa'I'e mr s ave eiigftne -liivx n ,u, o Du r jiK ph ne i'.20 u. o De lattai carhevi e (t, 3. u, o Dera snn .'^. f^., o lianiel, a ^lave, N O ,o , Dwinins N ,50, Tennes-ieft, f DeC,imi) nir', 35, i'enr,sylriiii->, f Dnrbr rfge eli beth.22, New Jertey, David, fm c, .'ie, N O .o Downs cr ri*" 'a ■*■ 8, u. f Dra"«^K,3li. N, v., f Davis mr- M T, 63, ^entuckr, f Da is willam, 45, Virgi ia, f D'-wat A li, 35, S otlai d, t Durrell sin uel, Ohio, f I'avi.- mrs '' H, jr. Za, virg'.nia, f D n-ch tt W,2i, Ocrmany.f DoswhII T,ro ored, child o'', u, o Dunnng henry, 58, N. T., t Ea i 1 r, u, o T avny. rt thomas.u, f Dalh-teo "thoii 1, 43, HambuTg, f D' rden rar«, n, f Durb idg j, 2', N^ew Tork, t D wit horn >, 27, Ind «na, f Drew lyiuan S.37, Massnchusptt", f Du in jo n.40, nas-achmeits, f Dalton, rbild of, N () , o Darden 1 z beth, 3, u, f D ri'-treub'H, a slave,iS, u, o D ck, a^li(■e, 48, u, o Hebrew, Lafayette. Drewfou'ssl-ima", 36. Germany, f Dr wf >us may ■, .%. (iermany.f Dreu-a A i> 27, Ge.many, f E St. Patrick's Cemetery. Fdd'nselizr>beth,aS, Ireland,© Elea'V cath-T iiH, 1, u, o Egan'john. 23. ''elaiid, o Edgans jami^f. 2S, reiand. f Bga 1 » o a, 4 , Irel n , f EngHjh ma y ann. ."i mys, N. O., o Eng'and .iacob, u. (Germany, o Eagan Catherine, .35, Irelarrd, f Eagan denis, 32 Trel r d, f Eagan br dget, 22. 1 eland, f E^an John, 22, Ire ind, f Egechianbr'iher, 22, France, f Egan michae , 30 Ireland, o Elwa d Bridg'-t, "4, Trel .nd, o Eagan m rtii , 23. Ireland, f Eagan raarv, 1" d lys > O , u Btgan jaM'Bs, 2'\ I eland, f Ex e m ry, inant, N . O., o Eagan in chaei, 22, u, o Cypress Grove, No. 1. Eagan .iames, infant, N. O , • Evins 1 u sa, 2, u, o Fngeb'ch, id(,fmT, 2,1^0 Errie.i' he, ry, 3 N. U., E1U< raary (', S, u o Etlhacdt St Clair, 3i, N, O., o June 2S jti > I j'le 19 iuv 21 June 17 June 3 ju. e 4 ma 22 m^y 2> cav 9 I) ay 13 ma 2 oc 2! 00 1 20 fept 7 sept 8 sept 23 sepi 22 sei t a sept 14 Sdpt li June 27 July 24 ju y 25 j.^y 25 j Iv 27 July 39 avgu t i august .7 augu<- 15 augu t 16 august 18 augut 2 august 3 august 13 augu-t 21 aug st 2-t august 17 MUgUIC ^8 sept !> sppt 6 aept 7 sept 13 mav 13 may li juns •< June 13 July 27 Evans A B, u f Edwards wi liam R, 19, Ohio, f ' dmo dg e z he'h, u, f Fm y William. 27, N.r.,t Ell hardt loni », 5 u, f Eatraue F, 22. u, f Cypress Grove, No. 9. Eka't ^, chi'dor, U. N. O.. f E ne t Mr. child ol, 1, u o Edwards 'ouii .). il, Kngland, f BIlis «> r. 9 m-^nths, u. E 'an maiy e z (, 3 n onths, u, o 'is 1 m ng'r ra r , 3 u, o E ch ■ ad iiarg ""t, 21, Germany, f Bual 1 avina, 25, o,f )•* ho tz el z , 14, u, f Edwards inr. aav o>, 3\n, f Edwards edwaid, 20, u f Brward samufi, 23, u, Engh^nien nnn, 26 (iermany, f Es on a»g s'e 4, fiermany, f Blward.s wi liam, 21, ueUnd, ( Estry J >1 A. Ini el • ta'ps,f Bine t n-artha. 1 , England f ^ rn.'st iacr.b 41', < J rmany f Bs'ngjaMb,22 iiermany, f Egan i>a ric'< 28. r-ianU, f Kltenger calhrme, 6 Uermany, f Kdwa d sl V-, u. f Ennisann,25. Ireland, f El hiltz -npnia, 48 Germany, f Ernile I'o man. 21. Gt-rmmy. f Fthen chri-tian 32 (ierirany, f Eg»' mary. 30. Ir^-'and, o "Echman edmond, Germany, f >" vmond, cloor-d. u. f Edwa d- miry, 20, ''''ales, t Khrhaid phil in n, 40 Kremeii, f Egan char e, 37 Ire and. f Erha-dt tVedriik, 4 i, Gwrmnny, f Enrick wilham.24. B d n,f Egan thoma.s, 35, Irelan I. f Rckhari gust-n , 9 iuo,i h», N. O.. o Echman micha-l, 31, u, f Elina, 14 months, u, o Odd Fellows' Rest. Blliswill.amH, 8,u, f Haston A A, 26, u, f Ergland m ry ann, 2), England, f Blhott.rjba.t, u, o Charity Hospital. Elliot* William. 22 England, f Echavdt christnphere, 25, Priis ia, f Bciier .T, han 2 ', ' w 'zsilaiid, f E rod jihn, 4.3, Ohio, f Eh-rdth-nrich, 2'. Go many, f Bvevptt ann 19 M sissippi, f Eliot thmas 41 Ireland, f Bnnis peter. 18 I e'and, f Exb r< carl 39, Germany, f Fer.Jf johan, 27 Germmy, f Ehrabchi ja ob 1", Germany, f Br y michae', 33. Ire ad, t Brly ja 1 e.>! .34 re and, o Eich < i. h lis K. Fianc-.f EcHman anna 21, ''Pimmy. f Eibel andr a.*, H Ge manv. f Ehni j.hn G. 26, '■'aine f E s nger s:,ba»'ie' . .33, Gprmsny, f »■ kem-ye* edward, 30, Germany, f E gi?I godfrird. .33. 'TPrm>ny, f Bdwards John, 30, Ens and, o Lafayette. Edgar ma'hew, 10 •^'onths, N. O, o F.iigina a save 5, u. o Ei ter'ing cr 8 m irths N O.. o Be > hoelzi>r i" iza. Ge many, f Fva ma i', G , G-er any, ( Eh rig , e i d oi. N () . o Engeman o^'anm, 27. TriKsia, f Bo z ired pliz^hpth, 3. u, f Eluid fa' hart, 5'., Germany, f El'w ne cathi rine 7 Germany) f E'kenge- william R, 32 n f Fatart thpr«. 2 N O. f E le w o^ I . r4 O- many, f Brifi^t j o. 45 G rmany f Enni« jo n.45 (r^rmany, f Ellatsay henry, 37, Qeimany. f august 'J augu«t 13 august 26 angust 27 sept 3 sept 21 may 15 July 3 July 21 juiy as juy 30 august i august 8 august 8 august 11 august IS august 14 august 14 august 14 august IS aug s 16 augrst 18 augu-t 18 augiist 19 august 21 august 20 august 20 augjst 21 august 1 august 21 august 21 august 33 august 23 august 'i3 augi.at 27 ail gust 31 .sept 3 «ept S sept 3 sept 19 sept 13 oct 6 oct 6 oct 19 juue 21 augu t IS se-t 2 o«t IS may 2t July 21 July 28 July 31 august 1 augirst 2 august 3 august 5 ausinst 5 august 7 august 10 avgust It august 17 a gust 2T august 31 seit 1 sept 8 c«pt IS oct 8 ort 16 oct 2J may 23 June 7 June 16 July 1 jnly i July 10 July IS July IS ]uly 19 luly 29 ^"'' S juySg July 30 July SI July 31 jujy SI I 19 Elliott R D, child of, N. O., o Eniii- rachel. J8, Germany , t Erin Carolirw, 20 miintns. u, f Hverburt chi»tiar,. 16 Germany, f Ehle c emc t ne, 30, G8iinany,f Banst nirs. 60. u. f Bngle (.hr s'inia 2 ', German, f Brrman an hony 41, Fra..ce, f Bhotnan n aria 40 Prance, f Ehoman I'StlieiiiiP, 2 Kranra, f Eisworth henry. 20 GBrmany, f BnglesalinH, 18, (Jermany, f Bngls mari? at a, 18, u f Bika .ifCob.Si. G-rniany, f Bisholdch rles XS Germany, f Bsskews U B, chi d of, u, t Bart^ John. , u. f Elizabeth. lOimmhf, N. O., f Eliza, Slavs 2i, u, o Eck magdalina, u,o Entrco C K, u. o Brgfl freder c<,lSmonths, Ftante, o Bdward, ilava, 6i;, u, o St. Vincent de Paul. Bliiabeth. 1 month. N. O., o Elis mar7,4, u, o Eyertliiabeth. 4J, K. 0., o Eliza,. 'is, u, o Brole drolhea, u. o Elenzens cha les, !'2;U,f Bngenie ]>ailhac 20, I- ranae, f Edwaid amilia, 2. N 0,o Bnny mme 4S, Fian' e, i Bliot suzamme, 20, Ireland, f Bbuabuliz mane, 29 rermany, { Emanuel fleuret. .'5, France, t' Ely pattict M,?l, Ireland, f Bagan sttphen, 12 Iieland. o Bnyi 8 John M 31. EBg'and, f England William. v6. Switzerland, t Edinger chrisline, 34, Germany, f Elounese, 35. u, f Bugerrif. IS. u, f Bike caiherii.e, 19. u, t Brnest, 18 months, u, f Bra joi«pk De'l.u. t BbBihartrairgret, 22. Germany, Eckeist J, infant o(, u, i' BugeEe, u, o Esther, 30, u, o Brhart, 40, r ranee, f Bxhelhorn'^ nionroe. 22, Hanoyei, f Ellen Charles, 32, u. f Eith wilhelra. 4, ci »rmany , f E3chba»ch Barnlaid. 10, Switzatland, t Etienne joieph D, 30, France, f Bber Jacob. 8, Gaimany, f Ernst margret E. 14, u. o B«post «alTador.2', Italy, f Bpleyafred W, u, f Blvina, f w e. u, o Bnett henry, 4. u. o Bciat Joseph, 22, u, f St. Loni«, No. 1. BffretBlmire. 27, n. f Bngne* Uyppohte, SS, u, f St. Liouis, No. 2. Endrian iro^a, 2* u.o Bxcoxaga juan, ,3'), Spain, o Bvariste mme, child of, 5 rao, u , o Edward Pothinr, 5 mo, u, o B.iieve Urs'n, 6'1 u, o Biican .1, I'J, u, f Biuchelyer louUa, 1 month, X. O., Protestant. Blkin B.lward G. 3. u. t Blizabeth. a s'are. u, • Baston Joseph, BngUnd, f Bly wm francii, N 0. t; Bl.za, aslava, N. O., t Ellen, u, 1 Eliza, colore^', u. o Bdward mr, 61, u, o Eggieston jos H. vO, Tfalaad, f Evans Oliver, 3 >, u, r BlIardT. 22. Ung'und. r Bcksein John, 26 Germany, f B'izabetli, a siave, n, r Baihatt wni S, IJO, Ohio, o jnly 31 august 4 augu t 6 au.Mist 6 ai>gu.st 9 au ust 1,3 ai>gu>t 13 august 14 a g'l t 18 ai'gust 18 aueu.it 20 august i2 augu-t 22 aliens 2i aug is' 24 ai gu^t :fi4 aug St 30 Sep, 12 sept 16 tent 18 oct 21 Oct 25 oct SI Biay 9 may 21 June 21 julv iO July 20 July 29 ju y 30 augu t 1 august 4 august 6 august 5 auguet 7 august 9 august 9 augu«t 10 auguears, Ireland, fever, august 10 Fitzsimmons. bri'iget 17 years, Ireland, fever, august 11 Farrell. mich«el 27 years, Ire'and, fever, august II Flinn, iohnSl years, Ireland, fever, august 12 Finn, maiv. lieland. u augu-t 12 Ford, margaret 20 y< ars, Ireland, fever, august 14 Foley, mary. I eland, fever. august 14 Fody, niichael 40 years. Ireland, fever, aunust 15 Flood, janibs 34 jears, Irelai d, fever. august 16 Flanagan, mary 30 years. Ireiand, fever, august IS Fanery, John, unknown, august 16 Foley Catherine, 30 years, Ireland, fever. august 17 Fleiiing bridget, 15 years, Ir- land, fever. august IS Fahy Catherine, (j5 yean, 'reland u august 19 FitzsibboH edward, 20 years. Ire and, o augu.st 19 Fann-n marj. 25 years. -Irelaiid, 'ever. su^' ^t 19 Faushnan mary ann. iJyears Ireland, u august 19 Fsrrellv matthew, 23 year , Ireland, fever, august 20 Fitzum'mon^ jane, 23 years Ireand, fever august 20 Fuller iiinrtaret, 3 vears. New Orleans, fever auu-l 20 Fleming mr, .30 yBa'r>, Irel.-nd. fever ausust 21 FIvnii thomas, 23 yp'>rs. Ireland, ever, atgust 21 Fannin n.ary. 22 years. Ireland f-ver. ausuat 22 Feeney margaret. 40 jears. lr- fan*. New Orleans, o »ept 7 Farrell patriek. 27 year.^, Ireland, u sept 8 Fallon thomas. 20 year, 'reland, f*rsr, «ept 10 Foard mary. .34 years, fever, i«pt 11 Fox peter, 24 years, o tept 12 Farren Ihomas, 30 yeart, u lept 13 Farrel Patrick, 35 ye 'r«, fever, lept 13 Frey John. 23 year.", fever, sept 16 Faeney la^ra. 5 years. New Orleani, u sept 19 Foulkes elizabath, S, N. 0..f tept 29 Flanegan ihomas, 2 i, Ireland, f act 5 Finnegan ma' gar' t, unknonn. o oct 15 Finneran iames, child, N. O , o oct 22 Finnisan thomas, child, M. O., o oct 26 Fleouing M . Ireland, f oct 30 Fahy mary ann, A . O., o oct 30 Cypress GrOT-e Cemetery, Ko. 1. Flemming robe't. o june 4 Freret G A, child of 2m, New Orleans, f june IC Flannigan nir, child of. 9. Scotland, f august 8 Frank mr. chid of. o august 8 Farrell calherii e, .'V3, Ireland, i" augus- 10 Fina emily, 16, f august 11 Fronome herman. 24. Ireland, f august 13 Fraeer anr, 34, Ireland, f august 13 Piynn frank. 29. " f august 14 Fraser ann, IJ, United State.s, f august 14 FcrgiLson S A, 3, f august 19 Frith mrs. 40, f august 27 Fisher Harriet, 18, f auguit 31 rrasergeorg,..27. o sept 9 Filkins W U. 37, New York, o sept 18 Frellson mrs J, 32, u, o sept 30 Cypress Grove Cemetery, IVOi 2. Farrell dennis, 36. Ireland, o may 11 FlfcStwick mr. child of, 3, o may 22 Flack mr, slave nf 2. o may 28 Forbes henry, 5, Vermont, june 13 Foster John, 9m, o June 18 Faquhon Joseph, 2, Scotland, f .June 20 Fade fredeiick, ."iO, Germany, o june 30 Flicltet chri>tina. 17, o July 8 Ferguson Catherine, o July 11 Fagan thomas. 33, Ireland, f july 13 Flax John. 63. f july 27 Fo t Joseph. 10. f July 30 Fiscli gi». Irfland, f august 13 Frazer thoimas. 12, Irijland, f 8Ugu~t 14 Favot anioine, 46. Italy, f august 14 Fuller barthnldmew. 54, Germsny. f august 14 Fitzpatrick thoniaj 4. N*wyork,f auaust 1.1 Fsgael thomas, 32, (iermany. f augu-t 15 Farrgher thomas. 28. Euslnnd, f august 15 Farkon mary. 2 . Ireland f august 15 Fox William, 3;), Bngland. f august 16 Francois bill, 18, Germany, f august 16 Flsnagin terence. 27. Ireland, f aiigast 16 Fordhara Stephen. ?0, Irel nd. f august 17 Jlvmiiig Joseph, 2, IreUad, f august 17 Floris ellen, 3, Germany, f Fenach octave. 2u. Geimanr.f Foots henry 20. f Flood mr, 25, Ireland, f Fir t rebecca. 3ra, ^ ew Orleans, o Perr s ewen.67. Irelai.d. f Faulh icK jo'n. 31. Germany, Fights anna, 25 (i rniany, f Penis owen. 67, Irei: ud. f Fleming ellen, 26, Iielnnd. f Flat n g 'ti inary, 21, Ireland, f Finn niicha 1,36, Ireland, f Pink towlen, 26, Germany, f Forangwr gaetane, .36, Spain, f Ford William. ■ 5, A u-tria, f Fenian be' nard, .30, Ireland, f Fisher charles, 30, Germany, f Flora, slive, 3, o Fi^so le, 14, f P sher W, child of. New Orleans, o Forrester george, 22. London, f Palvey patriek, 22. Ireland, f Fridani edward,23, Germany, f Francisco John, 24, N ew Jersey, f Fowler rubert, (>e many, f Frances, 19, Ireland, f Favre alexander, 18. f Perrier aUxander. 40. Scotland, f Fisber Catherine, 20. Tnited States, f Folk anthony. 20, (iermany, f PredthU. 22, Germanv.f Fenlin patriek. 28, Ireland, f Foshag raargarita, 18, f Fentage S O, 2, o Felix amos, 15. Louisville, f Penner charles, 3™, New Orleans, o Fitzpatriok, James, 36, Ireland, f Pink barbara, 55, France, f Fagael adam, 23, Germany, f Frisotmrs. 28. Germany, f Floken fredriki. 31. r h-acia, f Ferrantpierre. 29. France, f Fraser james, 23, Scotland, f Frost conright, 15, Germany, f Faver mrs. 55, Germany, f Fritz, 2-t, Holland, o Fabre charles. 42, France, o Ford batesta, 25 Spain, f Fraley mary, 22, Germany, f Ford mary. 25. Ireland f Falcher P P. 18. Germany, f Fisher kerr. 56. Germany, o Fisher eliza. 24, " f Fisher clara, 3in, New Orleans, f Fulton A J 21 f Filer michael. 44. Germany, f Piiron Joseph. 8, Germany, o Odd Fellows' Rest. Foster W H, child of, e Fulda jalia J, 7m. New Orleans, o Forrest mary, 14, f Freleigh B. 30, t Forney G. 19, f Fleming R. f Polger J., infant of, two months, N. O., o Charity Hospital. Fischer marianne, 32, France, o Finnigan ro-anna. 30, Ireland, o Fisher theresa, 43. Germany, f Finneran thomas. 56. Liverpool, o Fund martin, 50. Switz^iland. o Fl«mming thomas, 18, Ireland, o Foelerjo>eph, 25. France, f Fry John. 39, .Switzerland, f Feiztdavid. 26, Germany, f F-irguson wil iam. 14. Ireland, f Fitzhenry mary ann. 26 "' f Fx michael. 30, " f I'aivrc j-an.2S. France, f Farrell Judith, •sO. Irela d, f Fischer george. 22, Germany, f Flynn Ihoma^, 30 Ire and, f Franklin henry. 31, Kng and, f Fischer heinrich 26. Germany. 1 Flynn John. 20. Ireland, f J'ce'ckne hein ich. 43, Germany, f Frinzel barbara. .35, " f Plynnmary. 24, Ireland, f , Farrell margaret, 27. Ireland, f Fiufier y patriek. 22. " f Frei victor, 10. Swjtzer'and, f Fmigan niicliael 27 Ireland, f Foley William. 21 Irel nd, f Francisco 'homas, 28, Spa n, f Frisler henry ,22. Kentucky,? Flynn john, 29, Ireland, f august 17 auga'it 18 august 19 augu t 19 august 19 august 19 august 30 august 29 august 20 august 20 augus' 20 august 20 august 20 august 21 aug^t 21 aagu;jt 21 august 21 august 22 august 22 august 22 august 22 august 23 august ^2 august 22 august 23 august 2lAl«n>t, 20. r raiicu, f Pahy maty, 21 Iri'iaiid I' Fling jo.tepli, 12, (lorinaiiy. ' Prani'Ltco ni'iiiunl. 2(V. W(lvt.^rn States, I Fit/.patrioli jt«r(.iiiiali, ZO, Ireluud, C Foy brianiM. 21. " f Fiizpatriok juliii. 2S, " f Prie.ii'h jiMopli, 20, Swfdi'n, f Fromnnl peter, 39. Kiaiico, f Frothiuan liannah, 2(. SwiliEtirland, f FarreH ca'h^irine, 20, Irol.^iid, I' FourhI iiian 0,.'i2. Crnncn, f Fink Inilwii;, 27, H. riiiaiiy, f Fronrt eiiBHne. .V>, Swit/.^'rlund. o Fahy wl liani, .'11. Ireland, o Fleiiminif briilget, 30. Ireland, f F(wi»r ioi>ert. 30, " f Findler barbura, 20. Oeirmaiiy, f FerKuson thonias, 21>, Iruland, I' Fritit John. 3(1. (Jermany.f Frai»on j»h»ii, 2^, Prus.iia, f Freib«rjohn. ly, Kranca, f Fridliuic «fa ine. 27, Uernnany, ( Finnay jamn.4, 19, Ir«laid, i F*rd inichaxl. 83, f Foi robert. 2-t. " f Francii W. t Fallon bryan '.V>, Ireland, f Vlaik johan. 2y brid ot 19. Ireland, f I''isclior niarin. .T7, Ijerminy, t Ka((»n John. 24. Ireland, 1 l''!oro.i antoino, 22. Mexico, f J'Viilan jiban, 29, Iruiand, f Keinley joiepb. 20, hngUnd, f I'arloy owen, 30, Ireland, f I'Vhaibacher andreas. 2rt. (iormaoy, o KoKaily daninl. 30, Ireland, f KmII/. RBors". SS. KrancM, f Kitr.Rnrald inartta-ot. IB, Ireland, f •■'••riilee wo f^en. >1. (lermanv, t i''redHiii-k niury aiine. '1<*<. Ireland, o Follkamp lobnn, 2 '. (iarnianv. f Fitzpalrick patrick, 37. Irxland, o Friel williani. 33, Ireland, o Iiafayotte. Felton wm, child of. New Orleans, u Fiilier maiy, 9m, o "rtlh Jacob, 8,0 Farriu C, 21. Now Orleans, o FLiher cather'na. "0, New Oileaui, o Fletchiniter^olin. 2. o Fitzpatrick j inula. .TO. Ireland, o Furtch ledrich, N«w O lean.'i o Fanny, a .ilave. 2. New Or.eani, o Fueleania U, 40. Ireland. 1' Frntcher herman. 6m. New ()rlean.i, o Fanin ihoni *, 30. Ireland, ( Kroitz niagdolina. (>1, t Ferriiter maisirnt. aft. Ireland, t Fruhthuler nir. child of, o Ferich Ireder ck, 20, Uerraany. o Franztfl John, tiA, " 1' Flaner cbarloite. TO. Rnirland. f Fricli nichola'. 30, Ueriuany, f Frlch nathan, 10. " f Fi«her Willi" Ml. lin, o Kisher jno. 32, Kn;? and. f Fi-ninmary. 19 Ireland, f Frutz johann, tiH, Uernikny, f Flin« ber ard, ft,'), f Frautz maifdalena, 13, f Fisher conrad. 22. f Pisber jn >. C. f Fie/itt audrevT. 1, New Orleans, o .inly 2S July 29 .inly 29 July 29 .inly 29 jn y . July 30 jiily 31 July 31 July 31 July .31 august 1 auKUNt I au;iust 1 anguvt 3 auKuit auKUst nuKu-t august RllUU.st auKU.st auKu.st auKUst auKUMt 10 kuk'uxt 10 anKust U nuKUit 12 august 12 auKUst 12 avgu.st 13 iiuKust 14 auKUKt 14 aUKUKt 14 aui;ust 14 august l.'V auKUst lA august )A auuu.st 16 auRust 17 august IK autfust IK angUHt "0 auKUst 21 autcust 29 august 23 august 2.1 •UKUst 2S august 2H aiurust 28 angust 3U august 30 sept 3 sept 4 sept 8 sept 9 .sept 11 .sept 22 Oct 2 oct 3 oct •> Oft 7 oct 11 oct 14 oct Ift oct 26 L oat 3U ina.v 6 may 14 may 14 June y mine 9 ^une 14 June IS June 18 June 18 June 18 juna 21 June 24 July 1 July a July 7 July 7 July 14 July 13 July 16 ju y 16 July IK July 19 .iuly 19 ju.y 19 joly 20 July 20 July 20 July 21 July 21 Fojt WJM, S7, Ireland, f . july K Kerlay elizabeth. 9rn. o jnly 22 Fitzpatrick jnmes. 20. Ireland, f jul.v 23 Kaneigh bridgiii, 2&, " 1 july 2.'$ Kreshmaii Irederick, 21, GermMiy. I July 24 Fard ht-nry, 23. (T«rni«ny, f july 24 Fru'h b«rbara,.34. " f july 25 Krederkingchrisduo. 53. f july 2fl l'\ii/.jno,.(0 Uornmny, f July 25 l'itzi!rn d neo ge. 2'>. Kngland, f inly 20 l-'loc esr tr.'d.irick W,20, lilernmny, f july 27 Font fredericJi, f july 27 Kczen John. 3, New Orleans, o july 38 Frantzvfl hmry, IK f july 2!) Fo niarunrtit, .30, Ireland, f july 30 t itzsininioiis Ih.iin ». ,10. Inilnnd. f august I Fluischiiiiinn 1 rdinind. 21, (j>rniany, f Flushl-nik Unr.., JS, (iorniaiiy, f Kishor niury. 2,'<, Uerniuny. f (■'loischman augus'o. 2S. (iormany, f , Farrannielo, 22. Krance.f Flush H.i/.abolh, 40, u, f Kiizsiniinons Joines, 22, Now To Tit, o Kiaher 1., W . ,10, Masaiichukolts, I Prinz ann, 19, u, f Ki'giU niary ann, 17, (Sermiuji f Frtulerking hermm, 26, u, f Forvig bn bara, 14, u, 1' Flynnj hn. unltmiwn, f Frederick, Corley. 10, u, f Fni,{ Frant f anci ca, 35, Germany, f Fourth Uerman.SS, (ieriuany.f Fo a^on charies, 3, u, o Fitzgerald m ry, 20, Ireland, f Fe.tz frai cois, Si, Prarce, f Foughan- M , 32. Irelan'1, f Forol-ss jo-iThiiiie, 9 Tmnths, N. O., o Fran i-u. W ,21 Switzerlmd.f F^rranH jean, [>', Fr nee, f Fefi loui.-,20, Frarce, f Four- ow -I , 23, Fia- ce, f Franco s, 65, unknown, o • Fovra matnie\f.2', Germany, f Fresh anloine'te,6 months, u, f Foster -V V , 1, Ge many, f Furih F ,20, G-rmany,f Flinn jjmes, CS. Germany, f Federa Ioujs, 61. unknown, f Feai>micT e , 2}, Irelant, t' Finn jale' , 23 ireland, f Frant s-imon 25, ' erniany, o Fort desire ites, unknown, f Fitz anna V.. IS. Germany, f Feilmayer mary.SO France, f Fransiqua deside, 18 u, o Francis mr., unknown, f Frist rars . 23 unknown, f Finn j ihn. ui krown, f Fovrt J5hn, 30, r^iand, f Fecke wm , 19, England, f Florans P. , 20. u. f Fitzpatrict n.ichael, 12, Tteland, f Foley Patrick, 35, reland, f Fiivre mme 44, u. f Frederick man vai , 32, "ermany, f Purlin laurenc?, 2.'). u. f Fe'ch Jacob, 13. G-rmany, f Froclt'h marie, 6 months. N. O., o Frasch bernhard.2'i Germany, t Fiste lienrj . 3i. Germany, f Fremmy Jacob, unknown, f Forbs adner, 39, tiermany, f Faist xavi r, 2.5, Gertiisny, f Foundland ch rles, 3 nionthj, N- 0.> o Pleury laurwnt, 40, France, f Frano^ mrs 35, Germany, o Fremel bapti6rmrles, 19, Germany, I Fraiicois mr, 2', France, o Fleicu joach m,.18 months, u, o Ftiighanjohan G., 36, u, o St. L,oui«, No. 1. Fautet arnanld, 61, France, f Fuchs elizibe!h,80, u, o Fomia uim>, unknown, f Fleming maria th-resa, 5 months, u, f Fisse theophile, 2, o Fanney marie, 1, o Filhucan. SO, f Fonrergne leopo'd. 2, o Fortier thomas. 20, f Foriier alicis, 22, Louisiana, f Fertat, 56, unknown, o St. Louis, No. 3. Fa«rot C. B , 2, w, o ForstaU charies, slave of, 20, u, f July 17 July ••9 July 31 aug aug aug aug aug aug 5 ang aug 5 ang 5 aug 5 aug 6 aug 6 aug 8 aug 8 a^g 8 aug 9 aLg 9 aug 9 aug 11 aug a aug 11 aug 11 aug 11 aug 13 aug 15 aug 16 aug 16 aug IS aug 15 aug 16 aug 17 aug IS aug 18 aug 19 aug 19 aug 19 aug 29 aug 21 aug 22 ' a\ig 23 aug 21 aug 2! aug 27 aug 29 aug 30 aug 30 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 sept S fept 3 sept 5 sept 10 sept 16 sept 17 sept 27 oct 25 oct-26 aug 31 aug 12 aug 26 July 9 may 5 sfpt 1 sept 7 sept 21 sept 20 sept 19 Oct 30 aug 8 aug 28 Fontaine august*, 42, France, f Fuselieraglae, 45, u, f Foret rosalie vpginie, 1, u, f Fabriga.s inacio, 2, u, o Fores mr, cnild of, 8 months, u, o Fartariil aga he, 101, u, f Finia ant lire, 40, f ranee, f JTlers theophile, 37, u, f Felicite mrs, "2. u, o Fleury F , slave of. 2t, u, o Fritcher leomina. I.S months, u, o Fortier marie rn.se, 100. u, o Fley.ei mr, slave oC, 0, u, o Fran-oise, mulatto, 5, 'i, o Fauster mme, child of 8 months, n, o Ferna dez J., slave of 40, u, o Francoi^e, mula'to, 22, u, o Fernand z jo; quin. , u. o Faucher wir'ow, -lave ot, u, o Francois 'ean, 43, u, o Fabiani Z anto n^, 2?, u, o Fernando manuel, cf.ild o£ u. o Fletcher Vienrr, 02. u, f Fabria- ventuia. 18, u, f Farinde esttlle Ji., 5, u, f Protestaat. Fa'sman H., infant of, H. 0..a Fayaid dinah. 44. ", o Frederick michael, 38, Maryland, o Farley swasey, 20, u, f Fisher mrs sarah R., Kentucky, f Ferguson P , 45, u. ( Fi her barbara. 17, Kentucky, f Ferguson p«t-r D., 35, Sooiland, f Fitzpatrick , 21, Alabama, f Feazell michael, 8 months, N. O., o Friend N. J , Vir inia, f Foster laura I... 25, Kngland, f Freeman H H , 24, New York, f Fersti-on . ears, Ireland, fever, jnly 29 Green John, 15 years, Ireland, u July 30 Gaffrey mrs. 50 ears reland. faver, july 30 Garrety budget. 30 years. Ireland, feyer, july 31 Grat mary, 45 years, Ireland, f ver, august 1 Gray patrjck, 22 years. Ireland, fuver, august 1 Gilmore ann, 25 year.<, Irelard, T-ver, a^igust 1 Gra'- Catherine, 40 yean, Ireland, fever, august 1 t:»riffiih .homa-. 27 years, Ireland, fever, august 1 tiroutiey Patrick, 27 y&ais, Ireland, u aujiust 4 [ 23 ] Cfoodwin. thoraas, 21 years, Ireland, fever, G-Unn John, 25 years, Ireland, f«v-r, G-roity ehirlotte, 50 years un'nown, fever, Gordon mrs, 25 yea s, Trrland, fever, Grady pwar. liO yoars, I e ai.d. o Goreland c therinH. 3ii years ifelin'l, fever. Gray Ojargaret, 24 yea S Ire'a'id, fev r, Gly«>n honora. 31) jears, Ireland, fever, GilJen jane, infant. New Orleans, o Ga'key malaci.i, 26 > ears, Ire'and, fever, Garveyjohn,7 years. Ireland, o Gahi^an ann, 20 j ear-i. Ireland, fever, Grayjulia. 75 yed^s, Irel nd, u Green ellen. 3 nion hs, New O-leans, o Gorman ma'y, 20 years Ireland, fever, Gernonj mes. 21 ye. rs, Ireland, fever, • Gsrvey mary. 1 year. New Orleans, o Glaas m wtnney. 38 yars. Ireland, fever, Grey ma'y, I.eland. fov- r, Gorram James. 15 jeirs, Ireland, fever, Gordon daniel. IQieirs, Ireland, fever, Gahaganiu'chael, 50 \ear-, Ireland, G ilden peter, Irel tnd fever, Gleeson brid^et, .56 years, Ireland, 'ever, Gallagher John, 12 years. Irflmd, fever, Gordon gpo'ge, 28 ^ ears. New Or eans, fever, Gauin Thomas, 3 years. New Orleans, u Gtaham John B. 26 years. I eland, u Garrety mary. 22 yesrs, Ireland, fever, Glfnnon michael. 14 months, New Orleans, o Gillen bridget. 30 years, Ireland, fever, Glance mary, 15 years, f-ver. Golden peter ll yea s, Irelnnd, fev«r, Gaffney andrew. 2S ye rs, leland, fever, Goodwin maiy. 15 yf- rs, Ireland, iever, Grey patrick. Ireland, u Gunnjobn. 16 years, u Garvin patrick, 2S years, Ireland, u Golden m chael, 9 years, fever, Gallagher William, 23 y^ars, Ire'and, f.iver, ' Gallagher catherin", 9 months, N. Orleans, f Graham thoma . 20 yeirs, Ir- land, fever, Gorman thornas, 16 years, Ireland, u GoMen catherin". 8 y^ars, Ireland, fever, Golden patrick. Ireland, fever, Galvin eller. 38 years, o Grath owen M., v, Irt-lanH,f Golden constantin". Ireland, o Gleason mathew, 14, N. O., o Gaughm bndget. 38. li eland, o Gough colunibiis. 14, Scotland, o Guckin brii'get, 22, Ireland, f Oorden ma y ann, chi d, N . Q., o Guckron mich e', 7. Ireland, o Guchin pUrick, 25. Ireland, f Gilmore John, child, N 0.,o Glinn John, child. N . O , o Gutm barney, chi d, N. 0.,o Cypress Grove No. 1. Gardiner John, Ireland, f GUsanel'za, 2w, o Grpg ion, James, c^^'ild of 4, New Orleans, o G eeson hannah, 72. New York, o Groves g»orge 23 f G.iswold Wdlt r R. 34, o Gallag'uer tli'imas.24, Ire!and, Good peed joh". 25, f Griflin bndget. 19. f Griffin cathe'ine, 19, Ireland, f Griffin D, 30. f Gardiner elizabe'h, f Guthrie Stephen. 19, Ohio, f Griffi h Isaac. 28, f Gregson J. child o"", 4m, o Griffiths William, 43, o Gibbs James 38, New Jersey, Glassen peter, infant of, W. O,, o august august a' guist august august august august aug august august _ august 10 aug St 12 augu-t H august 12 august 12 augu-t iH august 13 august 15 august 15 august 15 auiust 17 august 17 augut 17 august 18 august 19 august 21 angusi 22 august 22 augyt 2,'i augUsf 23 aug jst 2() august 26 august 27 august 28 august 28 august 28 august 29 august 'M august 31 august 31 sept 3 sept 4 sept 6 sept 7 sept 9 sept 24 sept 29 oct 3 cct 5 oct 5 oct fi oct 9 oct 14 oa 24 oct 19 oct 27 may 22 June 2 June 15 julv 18 July 18 j Hy 2d august 8 auiust 17 aug I St 18 augu.'t 21 aiig .,t 23 au ust 27 augu"! 26 sept 9 sept 7 sept 18 oc 6 oct 7 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 2., Grain emma IS, 18, o Grasih mLs-, o Gottenik Stephen, 6, o Geaf edward, I. o Gal« tholYias, .^3. o Gruner antoine, 2, €r«rinanf , o Godfrey, slave, .50, o Galvin james, 30, o Giraud francois, o Gruner raul.f Ga' f'omp ny, slave of, o Giroun marie, f Gill robert, 21, f Gabel mary, 6m, f Garride ur-ula, 22, Wexieo, f Guuian adam, 23, IieWwl, f sept 18 sept 22 June 4 June 12 June 24 June 24 ju y 2 July 19 ju'y 26 July 29 ju.y 29 jnly 31 august 2 august 2 aufU'.t 4 august Grasse W. child o'', 1,0 Gattroy auguit, 2, f Ganger jnr, f G o ch margaret, 38, o Gagan ilninas, 8. Ireland, f Guichen M, 24, New Yoik, f (i rant peter, 30, f Grady mary, 9. Ireland, f Grofle mr, 37. Germany, f Gmsse mrs, 27, '' f Green william, 26, f Graham william, 2S, Ireland, f Gochim nicholas, 25, Germany, f Geiger emnia, 3J, Germany, t' Geiiz»ll mary e'iza, 9, Germany, f Graff michael, 25, b'ermany. f Gleason mary ann, .3. I'eland. f Galloway thomas, 16, Ireland, f Go>hirg A. 25, Germany, f Goodwin Catherine, 25, Ireland.f Green .james, 13. Ireland, f Girl, orphan. 9. German , f Gem Heiner, 53, Germany, f Greegle uaria. 26. Germany, f Gaie mr, 42, Franc?, f (■{(idard auguste. 35, Germaav, f Gibb nsmary, 26, Ireland, f Grusseiraier clara, 24. Germany, f Graff John. 58, Germany, f Gree,n mary, 24, Tennessee, t Gillan margaret, f Green patrick, .55. Ireland, f Gilligan mary. 24. Ire'and, f Goetlai" mr, 18 Germany, f Grauzch eiizabeth, 53, Germany, f Garen honorah, 2.5, Ireland t Galway michael, 22. I eland, f Grome John, 25, Germany, f Grant lafayette, 2, Ireland, f Gahagan patrick, 16, Ireland, f Gieen francis, 24, f Gill albert, 29, Germany, { Goetz iacob, 33, Germany, f Gartami-i iohn, 36, Germany, f Guttle paulina, 10, France, f Green duft", 36, Vt rmont, f Gaylia antonio, 30, f Grosch madaline, 40. Germany, f Gunthier frederick, 25, Germany, f Gorttn Charles, 36. Germany, f Goodable jatoh. 30. France, f Gening jonr, 2.5, Germany, f Gannon bridget, 16. Irel nd. f Gibbons patrick, 26. Irelsnd, f Gros.s henry, 28. Germany, f Gannrn John. .32, Ireland, f Green mrs, 22, Irelsnd, f Garrison william, 49, Canada, f Graves John, 24, f Geringi henry, f Gager andrew, 20, United Stages, f Getzen William, 19, Germany, f Gref n g^orge, 24. f Gort phi lip, 15, f Goth m s, 40, (lermanv. f Gluger adam, 32, Germany, f (Jr-gan A, 31, Ireland, f firiffen ca.her ne, 20. Ireland, f Gr swold mrs. in&nt of, N. 0.,o august 5 august T august 7 augu-t 7 aigu t 8 august 10 aug .St 18 aug St 10 aug 'St 10 august ItJ sugust 11 august 12 august li august 12 aug St 12 angiist 12 august 14 august 11 august 14 augu.t 15 august 15 augu>t 15 august 15 august 15 a gust 16 august 16 augast 17 august 17 augast 17 aug St 17 augusi 17 august 18 augu t 18 augu t 18 august 18 august 18 august 19 august 19 august 2i) august 20 aug SI 20 auaust 21 august 21 august 21 august 21 augu t 21 augu t 21 augu-t 21 august 22 au^u t 22 augUit 22 ai.guit 22 august 22 august 23 augu>t ^3 august 24 august 24 augu.t 2i augu-t 24 august 24 au ust 24 augu t 25 august 25 auju t 25 august 26 august 26 august 26 au? fit 26 augu t 27 august 28 august 28 august 28 august 29 augu t 29 august 29 ausust ?9 au ut 30 iiKU t 30 august 30 august 31 au-ust 31 sept sept X sept 1 •ept 2 sept 3 »ept 5 sept' 7 sept 10 s pt 13 sept l4 »e >i li sept 15 sept Is sept 29 sept 30 oct 2 [ 24 ] G-ra^on victoT, 5 mon'h'. N. 0-. o Gibbsarah. SI. Ire and, I Gardon robert M, 'il, Scotland, f Odd Fellows' Rest. r-i-raves charles A, 30, Mississippi, o Gunnegle W D. 2, o G-ray mr^namuel. 28. England, f Gunderresn John, 22, f G-jtson J W. 48. i\ew York, f Oross Jacob, 22, Baltimore, f Gay F D, England, f Glovei James, 33, 1' G.ush mr, child of. 6 days. New Orleans, o Goettz mrs. infant of, N. O., o Charity Hospital. Getz Johanna 41, Germany, o Goetschel pierre, ■'■0, Pru sia. o Gilighan Patrick. 21. Iri^land, 1" Gantz mel nda, 21, Ireland, f Gruhe lienrich, /8. Germany, f Griffen thomas, 20. Ireland, o Glynn jot'n, 26, Ireland, o Garrick emilie. 40, Belgium, f Grant barney, 19. Ire and. o Gisenpcol Irank, 22 Germany, f Galv n george. 25 Ireland, f Gorman joha, 36, Ire aiid, f G-arrey bridjet, 2;-t, Ireland, f Gsrien peter, .35, Germany, f Gaul godfrey, 21, Massachusetts, t Gillick mary, 22, Ir land. 1 Gaiyey richnrd. 28, Ireland, f Garrett melice, I'J, Hew Orlean?, f Gordon bridjet, 18, Ireland, f Griffith mictiael, 28. Ireiani, f Gorman bridget. 16, Ireland, f GiooJy wi liani. 34. Ireland, f Gra s freoerick, 16, Germany, f Goodshell pierre, 61, France, f Gelb adara. 22, Germany, f Gibbons jjnn, 26. reland. o Guler christian, 4.3, Switzerland, f Gleason thomas. 22, Ireland, o Grilled giovarni 34. .'•icily, f Glennan tt omas, ;7, Ireland, f Giblan Phillip, 2i Leland, f Grills Charles, 22. New York, f Grant peter, 24, Ireland, f Gorman bridget. 21, Ireland, f Garan John, 20, (iermany. f Gillan mary. iO. Ireiand, f Graham p ter, 28, Sco:land, f Gilbert marie, 25, Prussia, f Galvan b idget. 19, Ireland, f Golden mary, 33, Ireland, f Gilbert mary, 28, Ir-'land, f Gleason iuke. 3.5, Irelai d. f Grogan thomas. 23, Ireland, f Grace ja • es 30. Ire)ard!»f Godien mary 40. Ireland, f Gilroy bernard. 21, Ireland, f Gebain frank, 30. IreUnd, f GalTin edward, 34, Ireland,, Garity peter, 5", ireiand, f Graz johan, 32, Germany, f Gagan thcmas, 28, I eland, f Gra tan j^hn, 24. N . Wales, f Gotleiti Jacob, 17, G -rmany, f Goidfoy e samuel. 23. Germany, f Gutzlec a' gust, 26. Germany, f Grego re jean, 22, France, i Glimmerlin charles, 28. Germany, f Geiser everh rdt, 19, Germany, f Grotzhaun cari, 31. ermsiny. f Glennan ann. 4 ■, Ire and. i Gilraore mary, 20 Irelai d, f Gaffiie> mic'i el 24, Ireland, f Goldiug ridgef, 26. Iielan), f Goetz eonhardt 28, yermany, f Greb ioha ,31, Germany, t' Gre ner Sophia, 40. G rmsny, f Gard ne, jimes, 25. Ireland, f Gavan n.ary. 20. I.-eland, f Garran johan. 22, Ireland, f Graf, j hn R. 27, Switzerland, f Gibson roberi. tZ 're an-i, f Gardiner jo eph. 24, Germany, f Gannon micnae . 43. Ma saoliusetts, f Gilioo y a n, 19. Ire and, f Gill phi ip '', 53, vtaryland, i Gihsonfiederi k. 30. T eland, f Glare samuf 1, 26. England. ' Gr\indermiin wi' iam. 38. Prussia, { Gunu thomaj, 27, Ireland, f Oct i Gillispy ann. .30, Ireland, f Oct 8 Giig'man pa'ri.k. 44. Ireland, f oct 29 Gieason ma'garet. 23. Ireland.! Gundlaugh anna rars. Germany, f Godby eraanue', 45, England, f (rey^r erne3t.36. (iermany. o June 21 Genaud atmand. 43. Kranse. f July 31 Gomez casimer,36. Spain, f august 12 Gordon alexander, 21, .s,'.otland, f august 20 G.aei conrad, 50, isermany. f- lugust 2') Gracia eliza 40 Ireland, o august 26 Geg^n frsncois. 31, France, o augast 24 Gr.he ferdinand, 35. Prusia.f august 31 Giles martha. 44, Kng'and. o sept 10 Garg^n thomas, 21, I. eland, f oct 12 GibDs James, 38, New Jersey, o Gratt herm n. 33, Germany, f Gauzhjtngottleib, 26. Germany, f Griffin benjamin. 2 . Ohio, f may 13 Gray thomas. 33 England, f may oO Gardiner ja mi s, 23, Ire and, o June 16 (ialvin ma=y. 40. Ir land, o June 18 Grant beraatd, 3^, Ireland, o June 16 June 23 Lafayette. jutie 25 June 25 Geiger philip, 45, Germany, f June 29 Gratf leopold. Grrmany, o July 5 Gardner William. 2, o July 6 Gratih mrs. child of, o July 11 Gardner wilie E, o July 15 Gei^Btt peer. SS.New Orleans,© July 16 G^rreyhty E, child of o July 10 Gardner philiip. 63, Germany, o July 17 Gier cath'rr 1 e, 3, o July 10 Guidojnco July 17 Gabeit barbara. 16ra, New Orleans, o July 18 Grooes e izabeth, 3, Germany, o July 18 Grun'er henr.v, f July 20 Gurner John, 39, o July 21 Grieser henrie te. 4m. New Orleans, o July 21 Guthrie jno. 5m, o July 22 Gaspard janes, 36. England, f July 25 Gardiner miss. 43. f ^ July 25 Green mrs, child of New Orleans, o July 25 Gergin Frederick. 3, Germany, f July 25 Goner geoige 20. Germany, f July SB Gallagher Catherine. 30 Ireland, f julj' 28 Gerlick edwin. 27. Germany, t July 28 Gerber jno. 26; Germany, f jiily 29 Gray marj celestine frsncis. o July 30 Gideon mrs. Uniied States, f July 30 Greene maria. f w. c . 49. o July .30 Giiigan jno. .35, Ire'and. f ju y 30 Gosa Johanna. 21 . Germany, f July 31 Grei n mari 18. Ire and. f ' July 31 Grattan walker H, 27. f July 31 Grafain josephin^, 19, Germany, f July 31 Gross John, 42. Germany, f July 31 Gessler mari. 21. Germary, f asgust 4 (irifFen kaiherine, 14, New Orleajis. o august 5 Greenland stei hen. 41. f august 5 Griner adara. 19, Germany, i august 7 Gill mrs. 30. Ir. la' a t augast 7 Grogan pa rick, 20 Ireland, f augssl 8 Gearing mar'in, 25 Germany, f august 8 Gr- en William, 25. ( harleston. S. Carolina ausugt 8 Grant elizabtth. 20. I eland, f august 8 Ghore cati e ine. 40, Irelai d. f ♦ august 9 Goodhigli henry, lb. I'^eland, f august 9 Grouse williim. 24. Germany, f august 10 Grocer H. 60, Germany, f angust 11 Gals marian .36. Germany f augu-t 12 Green matthew , 25 Ireland, f august 12 Gormana ann. 24, Ireland, f aiigu.st 12 Goodman hunt ne. 27, Germany, f august 12 Gamble george, 14, Irelai, d, f august 12 Ggm elizabe h, 24. Bostori, Massachusetts, f augu t 12 Glenn barbara. 65, Germany, f aujiUSt 15 Gibson emily elen-, 2, f august 16 Green C, 37, Germ ny, f august 17 Graham margaret, Ini, New Orleans, o augu t 17 G.iughl n th' in-.s, 3, New Orleans, f august 18 Gregory sarah. o august 18 Girinth B, li, Gern'any. f august 18 Griham mrs. 25, r eland, f augusc 18 Gates fr nk. 20, Ge many, f august 18 G hortlingji.o. 5, Germany, f augu^t 19 Green maria, 24. Geinian , f augut 19 Gurlzler Catherine, ;5. Germany, f august 19 Gurter eiizabeth. 30, Geimany, t august 20 Goodman anscn. 8, r august 21 Gentry Joseph, 5. f augut 23 Gales 8 phia. IS. Germany, f august: 8 Gibbs A A, 30, t august 23 Gaunshtimer epha. 20, Germany, f august 22 Germich marian;', 17. Germany, f auguit 2S Qt'1031 joha, 2% Getmanr, f august 29 august 29 sept 1 sept 5 sept 18 sept 12 sept 15 sept 16 sept 25 oct oct oct oct o*t oct oct oct oct oct 16 oct 16 oct 2S oct 27 oct 29 may 1 may 8 may 10 way It may 18 may 22 June 3 June 6 June 10 June 20 June 26 june 26 June 28 June 28 July 5 July 9 July 10 July 13 July 14 July 18 July 13 July 19 July 22 July 24 ju y 24 j^ly 25 July 26 July 27 July 27 July 27 July 27 July 28 july 29 July 29 July 29 July 29 juiy 30 July 31 augast 1 august 1 f august 2 august 5 august 3 augu'it 3 august i august 4 augast 4 august 4 august 5 august 6 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 6 august 6 augu-t 6 augut 6 augu«t 7 august 7 , august 7 august 7 august 7 august 7 augu>t 7 august 7 augutt 8 august 3 augusc 8 august S august 9 [ 25 ] Crhore Hellen. 2, f ftranzin hernian, llm. New Orleans, o Otaiwt'eler m'chael, 25, Germany, f Giner F. SS. Ge many, f Croldine John, 2', Ireland, f , I'eland. f Gier edmond, ' 5 Irelani, f Gutz fredfrick, 30, Germany, f Gordon William M. 51, f Oreen rohert. adult, Ireland, f Grille F, 27, France, t Gukes John, 29,f •Gallagher henty, 13d, N°w Orleins, o Oipfell Tsnde rlin, 55, Germany, o Gardner M B. f Gerhart D, child of, o Gros.'teni ier mrs, child of. Jeffarson City, o Geddy mary, 1, N O., o Grace pierce. 43, Ireland, o Gantram Julia. ', N. O , o Glenn hen-y. Kentucky, f Gore mr?. infant of, N. O., Gray jamf s. 36, Ireland, o Garvin th ima.s, ', Iowa, o Graf ferd nand 31, Ge»many, f Gfiffenmrs, infant of N.O.o tiriffen louis, infant of, N. O., St. Vincent de Fanl. Grere J. T, 1, u, o Giraud mr. child of, N. O., o Grauer Catherine, 3.5, Germany,© Grafraathea/. 8 month«, u, o Gerard loui-. 16 months, u, o Garland emile, 3, u, o Grata mary, 4, Germany, o Gla.-e frederick, 8 m nths, N. O., o Gardinier,? paill, 3 mnnth.i, N. O , o GAnlnich Ursula. 10 month.s, u, o Gastal mis jean, 6.5, Krance, f Grorham Johanna K , 2, .' t. Loui?, o Goning 'homas, 4'l, l»elnd, f Guere silvestre, 3J, N. O , f (rla=8ing e)izabeth, 60, Ireland, f Gitligan John. 43, u, f Gallagher Catherine, u, o Gibbnn richard. 31, Ireland, f Guiomand F . 50, Bretagre, f Gener anne M , 29, Germany, f GoinirF., 19. u, f Glachin daniel, 22, G»rmany, f George Jordan. 38, Germany, f Glafs georg-! R., 28, Ireland, f Green .K, 26. u, f Garciosa galle S., 2?, Italy, f Glaas mxi M.. unknown, f Gentil joieph. 2.3, .Sicile, f Gas penitike. .511, Germar y, f Goerger mi-hael, 2^1, Germany, f Gshr'ejn P .21, unknown, f Gehrling ferdioand, 9, u, f Gibson mr.s. 11. Ireland, f Ga^pard johan. 58, u, f Girodmfi, -nfant f, u, o GraTiam jam-s. 24, Ireland, f 'Gail victo.-, 4.3, (iermany, f Greener august, '8, Saxony, f Gerard annette, 24. ti. f George Catherine, 30. G-rmany, t Gleudoif berna d 14, G-rra^ny, f Gallioz alexand e, 21. S«Toie, o Gtinainger J (J , 42, Germany, f Gatyiet J . B . u. f Gendry P.. 33, Pru'.iia, f Gaily P ,22. I elaid.f Geioule 1' ui', 12, u, f Guilot jute . unknown, f Gradv Stephen. 49, Ireland, f Genger ida. ,5. Gerr«any , f Ginger rosine. 10, Germajy, f •tieorge F., 4,3. France, f Godart rr> e, 36, -reland, f £ augu't 10 august 11 augus' 11 august 13 augus* 15 august 15 august 1 5 august 17 august 18 august 18 august 19 augut 20 augu-it 21 augu»t 23 august 23 augut 23 augtist 26 augu«t 26 august 26 sugist 28 augu t 29 augu t 29 august 31 sept 3 sept 8 sept 5 sept 11 sept 15 Sep' 17 sept 18 sept 20 tert 28 Oct 3 oct 4 Oct. 9 oet '2 Oct 17 oct 17 Oct 21 Oct 2! oct -^3 Oct 30 nnj 3 may 9 may 13 may 17 may 30 Bnay 30 June 1 June 11 June 15 June 'i''. juy 17 July 18 July 21 July '2i July 24 July 25 July 28 ju.y 29 July 30 juy 3' JBly 31 a»g 1 at'g 4 aug 4 a g 5 aig 5 aug 7 aag 8 avg 8 aug 8 aug 8 auE 8 aug 9 aug 9 ang 10 au^ 10 aug 11 aug 11 aug 13 ang 13 aug M aug 15 aug 5 a' g IC aug 16 aug 17 aug 17 aig 18 aaj; \i Geig'^r willi-im, 10, Germany, f auf 19 Gr swold lang", 2 . uni.no« n, f »ug ?9 Gumb-- h John. 10 G'r'ni.ny, f aug 21 Gra^tG W . 23. Ge mn ,f » G ook b pi e, 30, Ge'mi-y, f " Gontny, f. aug 2i Grdn r torn, 3i. Gernia y, f " Ginz P , 2S Germany, f " Glaly e'U ar 1. 11 months, N. O., o " Ge.g^r .1. B . 29. u, f aug M Gutre cathe i e *! , 42. Germany, t " G I *^ser 30, Francr, f ang 25 Guill 'met cele inc,3uf '" G«i er A , 42 Germ. ny. f " Geirg- mr, 24, C n''a, f auT ST Gr ff johani.e, 4i>, G rma"y, f aug 29 Guiler jihn. >■, Gi»rra n ,f aug 31 Gulick m ry, 3 mo ths, N. O., o sept 1 Gidarteuje e, 3 F a ce, f sept 1 Godard august, 40 u, f sepi; 1 blo'her rosin . 3, '-erm'ny, f sept 2 C- ar ien elizabeth. 21. Germsny. f " Gran(?iller ma ie L., 14. f ranee, f sept i Gee mr*. 6. .t-rm'ny f sept 5 Grold, 12 German? f sept » Glas mare 22mon-h( N.O.o sept 11 G'ima inrs. in'?nto. u, o oept M <-r b« Christopher. 23. u. f sept 18 Ge ger charles, 4 nonihs, N. O., O sept 19 G«orge. two years, u, o sept 19 Gomez ir ari-no. 14, Spain, f sept 23 G abrie'.34. u. o oct 4 Gi uel rar, infant of u, o oct 6 Grieff mr. infant of u. o oct 22 Grand-Jean nicohg, 52, France, o oct 31 St. Lonis No, 1. Gillilca bri-'get 40. u, f ang 9 Gr-not henry 10 months, yx, f aug 23 Gi'lom je»n, 37, France. f aug 25 Gendaren mmp,35, Fance, f july ^8 (xayol a'icp, 17 mon hs, u, f aug 30 G irin augu>le, 8, France, f july J6 Gtrdarm mme. 35, France, f july 28 Garcia henry clay, 2, u, o may 18 G lesesjean. 79, u, o sept 5 Guyattepaul, 1 month, u, o sept 34: Ganet anne, 20, u, f gept 19 St. Lonis No. 2. Gigue' mme E, u. o june 28 Gr rg^ Charles, 70, "t. Boraingo, o June 10 G 'and pre Charles, adopted chad of, o June 4 Gueux ad le 15 months, u, o may 20 G rmai i aristilt>. 2. u. o may 22 Germain !(uguste 72. u, o may 23 (iilles augu-te 7 m n t.s, u, o may 24 (insp-rjam lii. 2. u. o may 9 G >urd^t adele. sla-e of ■'8 months, u, o m^y I Giurdet a'e e.slare ■ f 8 u. o »ay 2 G .tt-i.. f aug 28 Gi «t marie, 5, New York, f " Gi'obert bartbolomew. 22 months, u, o aug It (iardere fe gu . sla' f of 16, u, o aug 21 Gauthraux rev abbe, 30. Louisiana, f aug 25 G ro^iT george wasnirgton. 2, u, o aug 30 Grabierasetaphino.l'S. t'alurmo, f july 30 (ras arj ei'g-'ne, child o(",8 days, K. 0„o july 18 (Jilice anne. 2", • , o july 19 Gar de< mr. chi d •(, 1, u, o julv 10 G mez mme. slave nf, .3, a, o June 28 Giquel mrae E , 37, ii, o " G atig- c rar'-s, 70, St Dtning't, o june 19 Grandpre cha'les, a-'opted child of, o June 4 Gueux adele, 15 montks, u, o may 29 [ 26 Pvotestaut. Gibsons temple. 2, New Orleans, o Garitan math'W, 45. Ita'y, o G 'ff emma ada, New Orleans, o ' Goe man rose la, 1 mo New Orleans, o G esman 'osa. 1 m ■. New Orleans, o Gi mour m* y.6 day-'. New Orleans, o G• ew Orleans, ft^ver, July 28 Harrl gton micha 1, 28 years, Ireland, o July 29 Haynes John, 29 years, IreUr d, f.-ver. July 89 Bayi's timothy, 22 years, Ireland, fovep. July 29 Hayes edmund. 3 months. New Orleans, u jily 30 Ilutst ellen. 23 years, Ireland, fever, july 38 Hicfcty bridge', 20 years. Ireland, fever, july 30 iianlon elizabelh, 15 years, Ir land, lever, july 31 H n-iersrn Catherine eliza, 6 months. N. 0., july 31 Hurley m'rtin, 30yeirs Ireland, fever, july ,31 Henne-.sy danie', 3 years, Ireland, fever, July 31 Horsan Catherine, 30 years. Ire and, fever, august 1 Hoin John, 24 years, Ireland, fever, august 1 Hagerty margaret, 21 years, Irel'nd.'fevar, august 2 Harocy thomas, 24 years. Ire'jnd. fever, august 2 Hegan wm. 23 ye^rs. Ireland, fever, au ust 3 Haysjuia, 46 years, Ireland, fever, aigust 3 Harvey michael. 20 years. Ireland, fever, august ,3 Healey thomas, 27 years, Ireland, fever, aigust 3 Harrington thomas. 23 years, Ireland, u august 3 Barrett John, 1 y»a', o august i Hughe' robert, 36 years, Ireland, fever, august i Hogin W .J, adult, Ireland, fe er, august i Bennessy John, .30 years, Ireland fever, august 5 Beady mary, 2 ' years, Ireland, fever, august 5 Hardy 'homas. 19 years, Ireland, fever, august ft, Ejde betsey. 40 years, u august 7 Bughes brother. 35 years. Ireland, fever, august 8 BAys robert. 77 years. Ire and, o august 9 Heirne ann, 28 y»ars, Ireland, feve', august 9 H ujh mariln, 10y»*ars,Irelat\d, fever, autust 9 Hug mary ann, 55 years, Ireland, f'-ver, august 10 Bug rosaline. 19 years, Ireland, fever august 10 Herbert James, Ireland, u august 10 Bogan dennis, 20 years, Ireland, fever, august 10 Began michiel, 30 years. Ireland, fever, august 10 Hand peter, 27 years. Ireland, fever, august 10 Bussey mary, 30 years Ireland, fever, august 11 Bawley ann, 17 years, Ireland, fever, augu t H Ba'tigan thomas, 75 years, Ireland, fever, august 11 Boward eliza, 19 ytar,s, Ire and. u august 12 Bennessy margaret, 22 years, Ireland, fever, august 12 Bogan ann, 20 years, Ireland, u august 12 Hoey James, 27 years, Ireland, fever august IS Hagan John, 32 years, Ireland, fever ' august 14 Haslet dennis. 30 years. Ireland, fever ' august 14 Hogan ellen. 14 lear.s, Ire'and. fever august Ifi Banian ellen. 55 years. Ireland, fever august 17 Bart James. 14 vears. Ireland, fever august 18 Bannon laura. 7 months. New Orleans, u august 18 fleig edward, 13 years, fever august 20 Bodga cath-rine maria, 8 years, I'-eland, fev. august 21 Bayes John, 8 years. Ireland, lever august 21 Bogan sarah. Ire and. fever aiigust 21 Bart th mas. 21 ysars. New Orleans, u august 21 Hayes michael. IS years Ireland, u august 21 H^yes daniel. 32 years, Ireland, u august 22 Hillery frank 20 years, Ireland, o august 22 Bannigan daniel, 20 years, Ireland, o august 22 Boran Joseph. 26 years, Ireland, u august 22 Harrold John, 3i years, Ireland, f-ver, august 23 Hanly thomas. 31 years. Ireland, feyer. august 23 Harrigan jiatrick, 20 years, Ireland, fever august 23 Bogan ann, 4' y-^ars, Ireland, fever august 23 Ililielizabeth. 19 months, New O. -leans, u august 23 Hayei garrett, 50 years, Ireland, u august 23 Bogan owen, .la years, Ireland, fever august 24 Bawley martin, 25 years, Ireland, fever august 25 Baden michael. 18 years, Ireland, fever august 26 Hennessy Catherine. 34 years, Ireland, fever august 26 Hanlin Catherine. 19 years, Ireland, fever august 26 Harding ann. .25 years, Ireland, fever august 27 Hughffs michael. 14 years, Ireland, fever august 27 Hawley michael. 23 years, Ireland, fever august 36 Hayes mary. ,30 year-i, Ireland, fever august 29 Haly bernard, 32 years. Ireland, u august 29 Ilendeson nichola=, 19 years. New Orleans, f august 31 Hogan bridget. 36 years. Ireland, fever sept 1 Ilodgins William. 18 years. Ireland, fever s.ept 1 Born mary, 27 years, Ireland, fever sept 1 Haley mary. 22 years, Ireland, fever sept 1 Bart theresa. 23 years, Ireland, fever sept 1 Bart thomas, 29 years, Ireland, fever sept 1 Higgins marv,'24 years, Ireland, fever sept 1 Hennigan thomas, 30 years, Ireland, u sept 2 Hanley daniel, 32 years, Ireland; fever .sept 5 Hardiman Patrick, 21 years, Ireland, fever sept 7 Hassey John. 39 ■ ears, fever sept 9 Hickey awrence. 22 years, u sept 9 Heart edward 9 moulhs. o sept 9 tlaierty michael, 3i vears, Ireland, fever sept 13 Haflf rney t omis. 25 yeare, Ireland, fever sept 13 Hartnett'j nies Si years, Ireland, fever sept 15 Bays phi ip. u, f oct "> B.nly tho las, childof. N O, o loct W Healy jaines, 4, N O, o oot 7 [ 27 ] Hedrnmon don ), 3."). Trpland.t ect 10 Hendrick ohn, child, N O, o oct 20 Hart.ill ellen, '6, u, » oct 21 Hickey corneiu-, chi'd, N 0. o oct 2S Hoaan John, 23 Ireland, f Oct Hughes -tephrn, 24, Irelaud.f sapt 21 Hanerty mary, c ild, N O, sept 26 Higgen'ijulid, chi'd, N O, o sept 27 Hioe thomas, ' C, Iceland, f oct 1 hallacy patrick, 3U, Ireland, ( oct 2 Cypress Grore Cemetery, No. 1. Hill C, child of, unknown, o lielmhe johann, A years, o Howard wi Uara S. 33 years, Tennessee, o Harris wm R. 1 ' ear. o • Helper lewis. 2 years, o Hammonilirnncis L. 4 months, o Heitman ."ophia. 26 years, (Jermany. fever Hunt-r david, unlcmwn. fcjver ' Henkoinp mr. Grennany. lever Hukill 11 B mri 26 years, fever Hoffman mrs. 56 years, ftvfr Harri-on John b , .'5 years, Virginia, fever Hart Junes. 21 years, England, o Hamburger niary unknown, o Hotfnanmrs 2:i years, fever, Huskill clay, 18 years, fevet Home E T. 2 years, fever Hoose elansoR. 22 years, lever Holliday D L. unknown fever Hood iho "as. 2.5 years, England, fever Hoffman L, GO years, o Bood anna, 20 year*. Entfland, fever HinWelbein n'icel, 22 years, Germany, fever, Hi^gins mar in, 27 years, fever Bourreguet ) ierr-'. unknown, fevet Haab adam. li years, o Hartzm^n ju la. 19 months, N. O., o Halloran nicholas, TJ, u, o Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. Harris mr. child of. 15 months, o Hall marsaret. 2 years, o Hetfron raary, 4 years Ireland, fever Hel-'n, 3 weeks, New Orleans, o Hoffman wil'iam, 38 ye r-;. New Jersey, o Hirstin- Christ na. 4 months, He.ss ludwig, 5 inonih^ o Holhost G A, 1 year, o Huker william, 23 years, ferer Hinfonjohri F.'.H rears, fever Herbert Jacob, 20 yesrs. fijver. Harrison edwin ui kmwn, fever Harriet, slave. 20 years, u Hook mrs. unk own. fever Hunter <^avid. 3 years (ever Hewitt eliza. u' known, fever Hasforth mrs. 25 year<. o Ha- belt robert .33 years, fever Herrell sarah. Ireland, fever Uandlin mr. Ireland f Hertman augut 5 august 5 august augu t august august august ai gu't august august 10 august 11 august 11 augu.st U august 11 august 12 august 12 au ust 12 august 12 august 12 august 12 su^us' 13 august 13 avgu^t 13 aiiijust 13 ai.gust 14 aiigu t 14 au ust 14 augut 14 ai'gut 16 august 1.5 august 1.5 aU:ru.«t 15 BU ust 1.1 august 15 augast 16 august 16 august 16 Hermann mrs, 45, Germany, f HcKholti mr, 30 Germany f Huberling rnrs, 29, Bavaria, f Harris A W. 10, Indiana f !!■ me mr, 2.5. New To k. f Uirsh michael. .34 Germany, f Huston Joseph. 8, f Highlander John, 21, Ireland, f Harnan patiioU, 27, Ireland, f llammo dpeto'. 11. f Hedricks jihn,21 Ohio; f Holmes William, 28, Ireland, f Ilatry augustus, 5, f llait frederick. f Harden mary, 18, f Hamburger jol-n, 45, Germany, f Ilues'ey Josephine. 25 Germany, f Ilarrigan bridget. 30, Ireland, f llogan hanover 2.5. Irelanrf, f Ilormingangelina, 'f2. (Germany, f Hawkins william, 40, Ireland, f Harris thomas. Id New 01>an.s, o Hayes cathniine 18 Ireland, f Haus mary a"ri. 21, Germany, f Hern John. 29. Eng's^n-'. f Hensen Catherine. 15. Ireland, f Mo'ner rosau"a 26. Ireland, f Hayne ma>y, 20, Ireland, f Harding thomas. f Hecks thomas C. 26 Uni'ed State'. .<■ Heimpeil carl. 24. Germanv. f Heinzman mi'cheil, 25, Germany, ( Harriet, slave, 25, o Bassman ewi--, 20. G'»rmany,f Hanse!ljoh una 35, Germany, f Hower matilds, f Hnmniell sarina, .32. Germaiiy, f llersen jasea, 11. Mi souri. f Herli t georg-. 25. Germany, f Harnish Pr.. Gorma- y f Huth A. 26. (j'ermanyf Howard william. 31. United States, f Ilenman chris i n. 54. 'Germany, f Howard ge rge. 8. Ire and, f H<=ss John. Germany,!' Haeberli' g phi lippa. 23. f Hulfe william. Wi. Germany, f Hugh jame\ 16, Ireland. f Hiedraa^ j hn. chi'd of. New Orlean-s, f H mmel theodTe, 26. (iermany, f Holz rmrj I , XJ, Germany, f Heists n.is , 20, f Hughes l^omas, 25. Ireland, f Ilannan frederick-. .'!0. G rirany, f HoiV emeir so- hie, 26. Germany, f Hawkins Catherine, IS, Ireland, f Hays John. 23. New York, f Hureni'l domi^to. 20. Spain, f II ss n agdalena. 24 Grmany. f Howard elizTbeth, 15 days, jNtw Orlean-s, f Heimenz I'le'^erick. 26. f Hart A W. 26. u, f Htidman herm-n, 26, Germany, f Her ry. a 'lave, f TToff'man rhristi n, 17. Germany, f IIcnri"b anna rr-ai-ia, 45. Germany, f I'einri'-h mrs, child of 8 d^ys. NewOrleans,o Heker ra herin", 19, Gem any, f Hunt thonia^. 26. Ire^an"". f Handlyjohn. .30, Ir»^lar d.f Hiel-man mi-bael. 7 -ft-eeks, Kew Orleans, f Henck tranris, 60, (Germany, f Herold mr. 32. Germany, f buber Joseph, 20 Ger.uany, f il tern j^hn, 21, G r any f Ilappr^lt chri'tina, 61, Germany, f Hoag jos"ph. 32, f Hermon elizab"th, 14, Germany, f Hopt er John, 30, New To'k. f Ho'r'en michael, 45. Ireland, f Huber John. 29. f BuU John, .35. Switz-rland, f J'igg ii-i joseph'n-, 3 weeks, New Orleans, f Haily jo n, 20. Ir-Ia- d. f Huber m'gdalira. ! day, N^w Orleans, o I'uick mrs 56, Germanv. f H' mi hrev r •'-ert J. 19, Vain», f Ba'ser joh",.3. New Or ears, f Hirchhei'" frede'ick. (Je'inany, f Hillman adam 20. Ge ma'-y. f. llass regina. 8. (lern anv f Boelz-r fr derick. 28 Ge'many, f Ilolbeck elizibeth, 3'. (iermany, f Ilamet rrori-. 17, .- witzerland, t Uenson jane, 14, fouisviPe. f Bobson • ernar-', 5 G rraauy, o H rn Pickering. 28. Ma.-s, f Harper mrs, 62, u, o aueu.t 21 august 21 august 21 aueust 21 aug 'St 21 august 21 au?"st 21 august 22 augu t 22 august 22 august 22 .■>ugu t 22 augu t 22 augu t 22 augi'.st 23 aLgu«t 23 ?u-ust 23 at gust 23 aug"st|2S augu t 23 august 23 auvust 23 august 23 august 2* august 24 august 24 august 24 autust 2( august 26 augijst '.'5 august 25 ausU't 25 aiKUst 25 aui!ust 25 augu*t 26 august 26 august 27 august 27 august 23 august 28 avguU 28 august 28 au ust 28 august ?8 aiuu-" 28 august 28 august 28 augu4 28 august .30 august 3} sept 1 sept 2 sept 2 sep*^ I seP' ^ sept 4 sept 4 sePt sept 5 sept ' sept ' s.'pt " .sept 10 sept >e(t sent 10 10 U . 12 sept 12 "''Pt 14 ■•Pj 15 Sep 1- .ept i sept , -«fP'24 «<'Pt 26 sept 3j [ 28 3 Bobson eraMy, 10 mo. V O, f sept 27 Heipitein thomas, 7, Ger nany, f sept 29 Hart e-^ward, ■<, Trelai'd, o cct i Henry John, 35, Pru5>ia, f oct 1 Hopper tnoni «, 60, ^ew York, o oct 3 Hu^'y jo n. 9 mo, ii, o oct 7 Harlmaun frcdftr ck, 1,N. 0.,o oct 9 Heckhrildtz I uis, V, u, o oct 16 Hrfi-Kerann. 13mo, N 0,f oct 18 Hill henj. H. 30, > orth ■ .rolina, o oct 19 Hill berj. H 31), N.jrth i ^rolina o oct 19 Henry, slave, 6tl. u, o oct 27 Odd FeUows' Rest. Hinson ferdirand, 33, Denmark, o jutie 1 Bsrtford n,30, u,r June 31 Higbee maj r, 30, u, f ausu't 15 Jii bert V, 0, Oh o, f augu't 16 Hope wi liam, 23, coland, f augus^ 22 Hotemary, 19, coilind, t au,:ust 24 Hatche 1 .) JM, 27, Virgiuia, f august 30 Hopkins Francis L, u, f oct 21 Charity Hospital. Hoffman heinricb, 2S, Pru'ia, o jray 1 Eansctiu lou - (1, 35, F ai.ce, o m y 7 Hore thoma , 22. Irt* and, t mav 5 Hick^ jshn, 60, Ir land, f may 17 Humphrey a e>an er. 52, "Scotland, o miy 22 Henry jo'ir, 21, Nova cotia, f ma" 31 Higga I John, 30. Ir and o June 3 Bart th^mas, 25, K gland, f June lu Hunt johanni, S. Ir^lind, f June 11 Hon- r johan, .W, Fiance, o June U Hidderbra' dt nton, 40, Gem any, o June 13 Hart jane, 22 Ohio, o ju"e 17 Hunt bridgff, 17, Ir 1 n^.f June 19 Hahn I' a htrm ,2). Germany, f june 25 Hackelback j .^ti^h, 35, f ranee, f june 26 Housang michae', 4i', B v ria, o june 26 Hickey joh , 23, Ir and, f ' jurje 27 Hickiran b ijjmin F, 45, Virginia, o June 2S Henry marlh . 17, K g- id, f july 4 Hu.ssev bart 1 m^-w, 30, Ire and, o " 5 Hurs barbara. 45, Ir Ian , o "6 Hici(-y br dg t. 60, Ir la' d, f " 10 Hurley mary, 22 1<^ an .o "11 Binkii s ha s. 45. D-r mark, o " 11 Hughes jo n 21. Ir and, f " 12 Hay- John, 23. 1 elann, f " 12 Hoifm n niichai'l 2J. Germany, f " 12 Hars r jo-ppli,33, Ger.i a y, f " 15 Hai d t' oma-, .36, i a a, ' " 16 Hamu Ign ford. 30, G rmirv, f " )6 Jlfnoha pet- ,4S, Ir*- aid f •• 17 Han.be ' ein ici.3I.G rii'any, f " 17 Hche' ra h rinn, 20 Germ ny. f •• 17 HenecVlan dpi r^c , 2?, G rmauy, f " 19 Harl'y i ichal 40. Ire ii' d. f " 19 Hotf. fr sntori,40, G r.' any,/ " 19 Himberltr pi" 1 i\ 21 Gi-rn any, f " 19 H'lm ^n a exai der 23, Kra ce, f " 19 Hennessee tri g i. 2(j. Ire and, f " 19 Hoolihan obn, 32. ire ar d, f " 20 Haly j hn, .30, 1 '..n ,♦ * 20 Howard jo n. 30. Ir land, f " 20 Heimm eid9. 2i. Gcniitny, f " 20 He'd'rfor c eiaen , 20, Ge-many, f " 21 Haler j mcs. 20, Irel n'<, f " 21 Hoc aeiia Au ol, 20, Ir land, f " 21 Hastings Willi m, 19, Ire ai d, f " 22 Hiitz.nan n.ar'a 2^. Germany, f ■ "22 Hinds henry, 30. Ircl nd,f " 23 How rd e'iwaid, 30. Irt- an'',f " 23 Hopp 1 ch rl^-, 3 , Deimirk, o " 25 Bingle johni , 51. Germany, t' " 25 Ho tz ffancois, 2), K a c^, f " 26 Heb-rt v^roni a, 23, G rmanv, f " 26 Huch augnite. 2i. G rma ly, f " 27 Hanley ' ani ah. 37, Ir-i. nH, f •• 27 Hi'bereh rdi,4'l, A us' ria, f " 33 Hartm n dura, .S2, Ge many, f " 28 Ho andf r joh , 19. (ier .ny, f " 28 Henderson j >hn. ly, G rtpany, t" " 28 Biggins morris, 27, 1 land, I "28 Hies jano, 60, Irpl nd, f " 29 Haffy citherii e, 23. r and, f " 2J Hiuifer j sephi , 19, Ger.uany, i " 29 Hoey thoma^, 2o, Irfl "d, f " 30 H idpm m au uste, 21, Frus ia, f " 30 Hendergon wil iai' , 2', Pcotund, f " .30 Herr.'on hei rich. 25 G^ many, f " 31 Bigg n< raarg 'ft. 16. Irelocd, f " SI Bigginsow n . 2"> r^ s'nd, t' " 31 Hoy er goft'Ve . 27 .Germany, f •' 31 Beane. y bridget, 30, Ireland, o " 31 Haze heinrich, 33, Germ ny,f Ilocbendet K-org«, 23, Prance, f H n y thoma', 19, Ire and. f Hafrooo mi-ry. 19, Ire and.f Hopkins John, 29. Ireland, f H ngest Julius, 30, HrUand, f Harsom go ge, 21. Germ ny,f H rm n ca 1 30. F a ce, f Horner j mes, 34, l.dia a, f Hib er j han, 3 , G rm nv, f Haidf wi'liam. 19, G rmany, f Hill richard, 45, Bnglind, { n u hj .hn.50, Irs . nd, f Hermann, G rm rv. f H»fdersnn s r h, 3(6, Trelind, f H rfman joh'>n, .38, Germ ny, f Ha aty 1 ary, 20. 1 e and. f Iluck rosina, 19, G rmany, f Holly jeremi h. 22. Ire and. f Herma. n wi be in. 2'), -e'luiny, f Hmes caherie. 23, Ir.^1 nd, f Hi' 2op Joseph, 32. ngl nd, f Hafrats eiiz'", 22, Eng -nd, f H,.trau3 el:z ,21, Ir. land, f H nch peter, 26, Gern any,f He'ber ' em" d , 46. Germany, f Hsrro 1 jo'n,23, Ir lud. f Halerae\erre nh^rdt, 25, Prus ia, f Hagel j cob, 23, Gerrainy, f Holt B andre ,28, Ire' nd, f He^'e beredick, 42, Germany, f Har iso" henn ,2^!, N . > ., f Fegin romin. 44. Germany, Haack jabob, 47. G rmany, f Hn ze' anz, 31, Fr nee, f Hartford fr n. is, 24, !-■ 1 nd, o H g n j in-, 26. Ireland, f Huderaann i emniius. 25, Germany, o UHvahan mich'>el, 5, I. eland, f Hertzer anton, 23. Germany, f Hsrver mavgret, 40, Ire and, f Hig-T barb irH, 2i, Germai y, f Hai-Varo margret, 24, Ire and, f Hetz care, 48, Ge'many, f Holdst rj hn. 25. Germany, f Hoi-;e een-ich, 28, Switzerland, f Hornsby wil lam. 4C, Kigl nd, f Hemmtn anton, 26. Switzer and, f Hae.slcon fri'z, 21, Germany, f Harper wilHam, 23. Ireland, f Hen itt margret. /6. Ire'and, f Holzer Franz 55. Germany,! Hams John, 22, Ire an-t, f Heffra n c»rl. '.'4, Germany,! Horzb idg t, 22. Ireland, f Henn'gan ja'^ob, 3, Germ-ny, f Baner chrLstnpher, 25. Germany, f Hanck johan, 25, Germ,!ny, f Parrison mich 1, £0, t Heintz Joseph, 36, France, f Hot enger dan'l, 3 , Germ-ny, f Hinden'ang j"han, 2 , '>ance, f I'o'tz jame-, 14, Kngiand, f Hayden hugh,34, Ire'and, f Henchen carl, ' I, Germany, o Hart patriclr, 7. Ireland, o He n zmiriine 27. France, o He g Jacob 29, F anco, f Hu?h-s henry, 42. Ire a^d, f \\^\ e eu-ene, 2.3. Prnnce, o Hamilton j hn, 23, Ireland, f Hige si-b fer cati erine. 29, Prussia, o Hi^rtman michel, 25, France, o Lafayette Cemetery. Hurte lardwich, 5. Geriaan^, o He»' esmary. 22. Gtrmsny. f Helly waiter J, 13 ironth , u. o Hippwell margaretts, 7 day, N. O., o Hi 11 ann adsm. 19 G'-rmany, f Hi mann barh?ra. iO Grmaiy.f Hnnicum elizab th. 17. Germany, o Bigg ns Charles. 30. 1 ean.'. f Hughany mnr'jn, 15, Ire and f Heimke deury. 27, Germany, t Sitigust 2 •• % - 5 •' 3 " 3 " » •■ 16 " 13 " 12 '• 16 " 16- « 16 " 17 « 18 " 19 " 19 " 20 " 20 " 20 - it " 24 '■ 26, " 26 •■ 27 " 27 " 2-8 ■• 29 " 30 " 30 sept I • 2 " 2 " 2 •■ 3 - $ " 11 august 3 august 3 august 3 a ugust 4- august august august august august august august auSust august au.gast august auguiic 10 august 10 august 3 angust 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 12 august 13 august 13 august 14 august 14 august It sept 11 sept '6 sept 16 se; t 17 sept 2o sept 22 sept 23 sept 26 iept 30 oct 2 Oct 4 oct 5 Oct 7 oct 9 oct in oct 27 oct 29 July 12 July 13 July 15 July 16 ju y 16 July 17 July 17 .iuly 18 July 19 July 19 [ 29 ] Hees Catherine, 19. Grermany, { jnly 20 Huthern maria, 35. u. f july 20 IIolTinan albert, u. f July 20 Hartigan eilen, IS, Ireland, f ju.y 21 Harlhy nirs., 29. Ire. and. f july 21 Uennerfeon clara M., 5 I. Germany, f ju y 21 Hauser Catherine. l.'J, Germany, f July 22 Hett^rdale j jhn, 16 mouths, u. o July 22 Hardtnan anna, 2. u f , ju y 22 Harinona joun, 30. Germany, f July 23 Hubbard n)ary, i'i, Gerniany, f July 23 Batt leo, ti3. (iermany, o ju y 23 Han.ser jvicob, 30, Germany, f july 24 Hibbert William henry. M. tt, f julv 25 Hambacker er estine, 20, u, f ju'y 25 Hin.son hiinrich. 4 months, N. O., o July 25 Hover pe er, 3U, Geimany, f ju y 25 Hambacker elizabeth, 14, Germany, f July 25 Harmon michael. 26. If land, f ju'y 25 Hig^ansells, 38, Irela d f july 25 Hyers lucaa 36. Germany, f July 25 Hocsper Caroline. 14. Germany, f July 25 Hannah, U. Irela d, f ju y 25 Helm .n John, Germany, f July i<5 Harris mrs E. S , 62, u. f July 27 Uogan thvma". 55. Ireland, f july 27 Hogan elien. 18, Ireland, f July 27 Harris william, .SO. England, f July 27 Hellman jacoi. 10. (iermany, f juU 28 Haleran mis , 2S. Ire ai d, f July 28 Hirmeyer Julius. 40. Germany, f July 28 Mamback. r adam, 2ii, u, f July 28 dahn richa: d; 25, (jermany. f July 28 Hunler jack»on, 21. England, f July 29 Henstin raargaret. Dublin, Ireland, { juy 29 Heibsr John, 65, Germany, o july 29 Hellmanmary, 22 Germany, f july 30 Hellraaneiizabe h 5 Germany, f July 30 Hennan James, 22, Ireiand, 1 July 31 Hyd- mrs., 40, Irelan 1, f august 1 Hifl'man Jacob, 17. Gerniary.f august 1 Habschuiuard zeiiu k, 28. G ermany, f august 1 Hooper Catherine, 18 u. f august 1 Hamilton benj. T . Un.ted Statei, f august 1 Benry made ine. 30, Germony, o august 2 Hibbinger ctrisfo.iher, 24, Germany, S august 2 Heranedward. 23. u. august 2 Heffner Jacob. IS. Germay. f augast 2 Hanks gadilipe. 16 (J^-niiany, f august 3 Heilenger frani-is, 70. Germany, f augu^t 3 l'ughe.shenry 24 Ireland, f august 3 He.ss Jonas, 20. Ge many, f august 3 Herman clenif-ntine. G rinany, f august 4 Hallingar francis. 23. G rmany, f august 4 Herman U. 30, Germ 'ny. t august 4 HamiltMn,«arah,40. G-rmary, o august 4 Hollender ju ius 20, Germa y, r august 4 Huber adiia. 25 G imany, 1 au ust 4 Hanmgan eliza, 21). Ireland, f august 6 Hennesey John. 27. Ir^and. f au-U^t 5 Henry, a slave, u f august 5 Hammittjihn, 33, u. f august 5 Hennery ann, 4 uionh^ N. O. o august 5 Horton olivii, I. New Y^ork o august 5 Haneyclan thaodore. 32. Ireland, f august 6 Holerichrei ihalt, 2 I. Germany, f august 6 Hertz eva. tier,, any. f august 6 Huber jonan (i. 47 Germany, f august Hannegan patrick. 26, Ireland, f august Hern W, ciiild of. Now ■ nens, f august Hess anna ch'i ina, 10 Germany, f auguit HornkerU, 12. Germany, f august Hellman J. 7. (Terniawy, f augu-t Hiibbird niarv. 2.3. u, f aug .st Haerkel ,Ge'many,f august Hanselnian heniiet a, 34. Garrrany. f augu.st 7 Harris nhilon.enlar. 26. Go many, f august 8 Houst n mary. 18. Germany, f aui.ust 8 Hoodlouis. 21. Germany, f august 8 Iloens Catherine. Germany, f au;u t 8 Hays jerry, 2.';. Ireland, f au ust 9 Hess mary ann. 1.1. (ie'toany, f au mt 9 He IVneg henry. 2. New Orleans, o august 9 Hansman sop- ii. 8, u, o august 9 Hansersophia 3 u.o au u t 9 Hild jos-ph. 14. >•'rallc^f augu t 9 Hi.ginsjo-eph. 20. u. f august 9 Ha pin i atiirk. 3 . Ireland, f august II Hawkins mrgaret 19 I eland, f august 11 Bog martin. 35. Ir- Ian 1. f au-u-t U Henksick h nr< . 34. Germ>ny. f au ust 11 Hoppinseliza 35 Uni e 1 States, f august 13 Hut-erjihn, :6 G-rm»'.v. f augu-t 13 Pogingefer be-nard. 6 Germany, f a gust 1.3 Hook Charles. 5. N w O- eans, o auuust 13 Hauierreinh>'d,'3. u, f august 14 Hay- ma t.n, 35, Irelan.*, f aug st 14 Heady mis ev •. 24, u, f «ugust 11 Ilonra ann maris. 70, Germany, f Hubert S, 40, (iermany, f Husser maria, 1. u.o Hanch ,1, 22. (iermany, f Hariy jokn, ?i months, u. o Hickey niurgaret, lr.jlRnd. f Ilamer thonii-'. child of, New Or'eatis, o Haregan anthony. adult, (iermany, f Hays marv. 6 New Orleans f Hsssin Patrick. 40. Ireland, f llabef(ier maria M. 11 months, N, G., o Uausser peier, 27. Gnrmany, t Uolfiiian anna, 35, Germany, f Horn Klizibeth. 22. New York, f Herbert John, 26. Ireland t' Hefr-ns margaretta. 65 Germany, f llaynes wm ."i ., 45, United States, o Harr, a slave. 85, u, f Hinkle William, u, f Hawks rats, slave of, \i, o Harmingdt Bernand, 48, \i,t Haivu Krance, r-, Hcuser william. u, o Hanagin m s. child of , u, f Hartman peter, 2, u, f Hanklmew. eliza cath. 56. Germany, o Har ann O, 3 months, N 0.,o no!«y mrs, child of. N. O., Hogangester angans u, o, Har John, 3.5. N. O ,f Hermann con tant ne, 3. u, o Homer .7, 5 days, N. O., o Helfner michael. 2 mnths, N. O., o Horwang george. 29. Germany, f Herr henry, ch'ld of. u, o Harrison Isaac. 9, u. o Hahn George (', fc-hip Georg", o Huhnehlaned gertards, i6. Germany, f Fe Imaan johmnes, \i, (iermany. f Hildebrand conrad. ch 'dot. N. U., o Hutching?r james, 30. Ire'and, t Hick jasof, 3 '. (ie mary. f Heyerasrar, 21, Germany, f Holland marce 1, 3C), Lou siana. f , Hackett marv. 20. Dublin Ireland, f Horn Jacob. Si, Norway, f Howard nathaniei, ."4. Washington. D. C, Hoftmer.fr christnph'^r. 33. Germany, t He 1 and. charles, 19. United St,tes, f Heaiswonh l*ncelet. 35. Ir^l nd, i llinna j'hdnna. 25. Hamburg, f Hemmellmi'sa.u. f Henry. aduK, Germany, f Hyde william, .53. Gf ripany, f Huber «ophia, 21, Germ ny, f Hannah saml S. 21. United States, f Hirnniel louisa. 6 dajs.N. O. o Hotf.uan mrs. child of. N. 0.,o Hotti an ratherine.5. u. o Herman John N. 25, (iermany, o Ualueliza, 20, Ireland, f Hoffm n Josephine. 10, Germany, ( Heil joh nna, 54. o. f Henry james h. 2i, Pennsylvaiiia, f Panser henrelte. 5 v 0. N O, o Hurnel elizj, 1 m- nth. u. f Hook m.'Canie, i■^. Germany, f Herborger ema, 9 davs. New Orleans, o Hetl'ner ann maria, 20. Switzerland, f H^nizba tz, ^. f Hoflfioan gustave. 14. Nassau, Gar., t Uariman peler. f day* N. O., o Ho leler harbara. 22. Bavaria, f Han', nicholas.3. u. ( Huber thomjs. 4.!. (ii rm'nv. o Ho-id. male of ship Cliisen, 3<>, S'lem Ma; Horn, mary eliza, 2. Memphis, Tennessee, Hollinan n.f lluys ann B C. 1 mo, New Orleans, o Hawks rosina, 8 mo, Nev/ Orleans, o St. Vincent de Paul. flueb Jacob. ICmon'hs, England, o ilimens Anniasthesia. u, o H. hlen Au';uste.41, u, o HeT etta. 40. u. o H-imber!rus«ia,o Hagart chatle.", 1, United Stat<.«, o auiust 14 ai gust 16 august 16 augusP l7 august 17 august 17 august 18 au,.ust 18 august 18 august 18 augut 19 augu!U 19 august 19 august 20 august 21 august 21 Buy 4 may 8 may 10 may 12 may 13 may 14 may '3 may 15 II. ay )6 may 24 may 26 nny 23 may 29 may 30 ■ une 3 June 3 June 6 June 9 June 9 June 16 June 19 June lO June 10 June 12 august 21 augus' 22 august 22 augus. 22 august 22 august 2 J C august 24 august 21 \f eugust 24 " august 2> augast 25 august 25 august 25 ingiLst 2S august 27 august 23 august 23 augusi 29 lugust 29 • ugust M august 31 "P' I sept 3 sept 6 , seut 6 sept 6 sept 6 sept 8 sept 8 sept ' sept 21 sept 24 sept 19 sept 25 sept 2C 98., o .sept 28 o sept £0, oct 4 oct iiO oct 21 [ 30 Horper Sophia. 2', u, o Hora-' «dwar t,6, u, n Henriac n r infuut c f, u, o Hopkiin eliza, 1 , u- o Han-y1 'h' ,9, M «) , o Halter chail>, 2, u, o Hamberiin jiu , infant of, u, o Hoys honir h, u, f Henry, flare 18 months, u, f Hauseman ca h rina I,, 17, Hanover, f Ho)«r be tzer, 25, Germany, f Hoffin n iinrtni. 1!. u, f Helieii an conrad, 21. xi^ f Hues frede ic ' , 23, I'rus'ia, f HarriTOn j iiits, i^. Kngliml, f Hartzemmi, ,, 12 monihs, u. f Herling joie h, '8, Fiance, f Hatifer H, infjn of u, f Holtz- anna. 2', G*rit!any, f Huell arthur, 7. It 1 , f Hullott John. 27 London, f Mildelr.tn' M 55 Ba 'en, f Hambergin P. i9, Haden, f _ Holrs'et mirlin 30, -ermany. f Heifs j a ne. 40 lie'and f Hugh's John 62 Knrand. f He e.'mm e iz b^th 4.3, Germany, Hays joKn, 25 leai<),f Hofer ma ia in , 13. Germany, f HiSk^^r ti.il u, f HewdP.6 lea d. f H'USiB Interns, 23, Germany, f Hu'zer H, .35 ierb t Joseph, 22, ■, f Harernmr-, 26, lrr,lan'',f Hof'T mir . 40, G rmany, f Halls jane, Ir i nl. f Horth-! m », inf -nt of, u. o Heide-nann U, 29 Germany, f HpII josevh, 4tt Germany, f Henn w U an 5 ', u f Hisbon margare o, n,f HitlKr J, 38, G. rmany, t Huel.e, i fant 1. Me v Orleans, o Hanbe I phil p'n. i6, G-rraany, f He!;sineneliz<.21, G rma y. f Hanben k rl, lo icrmanv, t Hefferson jihn, 48. rela d. f HaT^patri lt,2o I.elanl. f Hois' wiMam. 22. urman", fever. H^nU micha.-l,43. G- rM.any, o H-pier Kap her. 4, u, f Hand j cob 6 , German , o Haees M, 23 G m n^ o Hei'man august, 8 Germany, f Hi'-kney mic a •' 22 lielind. f Hoffman W, k m , u. o Boftmanli?a 44 (i-^rmany. f Haas pahm;na, 15 Germany, f Hu^say m.ry, 2; I- land f Huok-r maigtreia, 26, .bwitzeiland, f Jlonorie, 3. u, 1 lIutsAr. anna,2-<. Gormmy, f ' Hart cath r n^, 40. Irelan ', f Hickey margar.t, 24, Ire.'an ', f Heal John, 16 u. f Hasniyer Bonnif ac-. 27, G?rmany, f Hepp Catherine. 27, Gernuny, f Haley peter, 10 Fiance, f Homan majdtUin 1 mo. New Orleans, I H:ckey M, i m->. u. o Haui^n jeanpierre, .33. Denmark, f Hittnian ada^ii, 43, u, f Hambert abrah 'm, 43, Germany, t Bauzr^r rat, 72, Gerraany, f Hetrun J, 4G. u, f He wes m irgaret. 3, u^ o Heninger antoine, . Germany, o Heyber jaco*-, 7. Germany, i Byten mrs, 37, u, f Hazemn J, 24, Ge many, f Harri on niicha^i, 23, Canada, f Eolbe tson michael. 25, Germany, f H.iynes sarah, 19, Irol nl. f Holland ann. 35 Ireland, f Hi^gins conrdd, 42 Ge-raany, f Heiiiayer charles, 22. Germany, f Hauschiel • auguu. IJ, Germany, f Hour.< mary, 31, n. f Hanson he ly, 21. Germany, f Hamshen henry, 45, Germany, f Bolbert R, 4", Ireland, f Hersti J G, 17, u, f Hed.n miOfi. 33, Germany, f Hydole chr s'it 14 auifu t 1< august 15 EUgu t 5 sugn t 16 augus 16 augu au u-t 4 august 24 aneust 24 august 24 august 24 august V5 august 23 august 23 august 26 a gust 26 augu-t 26 au!<«^t 26 august 26 Fumys jnhnnna. 29, Germany, f HenmaMi .M M n B. 10, u,o H'-pe marv. 31, Germany, f Hock n ayde aine. 33, Germany, f Hmmer b nhard, 40. Germany, f Hag 1 s II l,e , 12, Germany, Hay 1-8 John, 7. u. f Hornstedsoph a. 20, Swe^m. f Boiper edwaid, 18 mo u, f Hardel phiilipe, 21, Gr rmany, ( Haiiesmtn Car lina, 21 mo u, f Hampeil n.?ry l!,5 . o, Aew urleaoj, Hud. n wi 1 am. 39 Ireland,. 1' Hems ken n.a tin, 21, U S. f Hynt e mrs, i', u, f Handrichj louis. 5 , France, f He.sfelc jolm. 25. Germany, f Hallf-y ames, 24 Scot and. f Houbert Jacob, Liermii y. f Hayes catlierne, 40. Imand, t Hoffman carolinf .2, O. o Hj.lowny m^rj, 36, u, t Hon re 4, u, o Handriohy henry 21, Frunce, f Han richmr-, 5', France, f Hu'z j isephine, 3 mo, Geimany, o Henry, u, o Hart henry, 7, u, o Hye har barbor<. 4 mo, N O. Hearcey micji e', 20, IreUud, 8 Hnnoreite I, u s, 34. France f How jea ne 5. Germai.y, o Henry hern an. u. o Henry, a slave, 40. u,o Heart thomas, 6 u, o Har ison F, i2. u, f Hu lig n in , infant ot, New Orleans, o Ua. tz marie, 2. u, o Harr et, :-7. u. o Ha pin elizabcth. 55, Irefaod,© Heltmire aniar, inf,nt, 1^ U, Patriott, a -lave, u o Hughes peter, 40, IteUnd, o St. Lonis No. 1. Hanny Franco's, 37. N O, o Hie a E E elizi e h. 4,u. f Hickey nime.l9. Ireland, f Haixe jihn. 19. Canton, r Ueiirs j i-eph, 6 mo, u, o Herr m^n h nora L. 6, tt, O Hara g "Ctave, 2 mo, u. o Uatiiug William, 3, f St. lionis Ko. 2. Hermann father samuil. 76, u.o Han *,25, Geimnny. f H us, r, b,44, Ge'ini^ny f Ho ho y feid n-i d. 19 New Orl^n«. o Himler moses, 43, Ge.many, f Protestant. Hartendo-f mary. 45. u.o liun er geoigr W. ;J months, N. O., hi^l . nn. 3, ^e^^ ('rean-,o flaleieorge jr 2J, New t'r'e ns, o H rd n arv O. ^ ew (iileaiis, o Hurdson M F. 2. ■ ew Or!ean-<. o Helm mrs M A. 28. u. f 11)1 nah san.uel 45. United States, f Hamilton E G 38 V rgii.ia, { Hope ade ine .1 . ?, u, f Hod!?-s capt i . 56,u, f Hogfedon J C, u, f august 27 august 2? aututt 23 august 23 august ^9 august 30 augu.st 30 sugdst 81 august 31 sept 2 sept 'i .s^pt 2 sept 2 sept 4 sept 4 .sopt S sept 6 aept 7 sept 7 sept 8 sept S sept 9 sept 10 sept 11 aept 11 sept 12 sept 15 tept 16 sept 16 sept 17 sept 23-, sept 26«1 cct 9* oct 15 Oct 19 oct 22 oct 25 oct 2S oct 26 oct 30 oct 16 oct 29 oct 29 august 12 august 23 augu t 6 BU;a»t 14 June 11 may 17 oet 6 sept 30 June 3 raav 27 may 6 may 1 may 1 sept 18 stpt 16 august 29 aug-tst 9 auaust 19 august 27 autu-t 19 juy U June 19 July 31 augu-t 51 sept 19 august 4 august 8 august 12 august 14 augu.st 20 august 23 may 4 may 27 jo&» 4 June 16 ju'y 3 July 18 July 2» .iuly 29 august 7 august 8 augu-t 11 august U [ 31 ] Jlustcr trm H, 35 KontBcVy, t auguit U Hamilton jimes V. 4 m n h-', N. 0„ o aiwut 16 Hamphcy jitine, 21, Alabama, o august 19 forn Joseph, 25. Ir land t augu-t 20 all V w rren. 21. N«w Yor'f. f aiigu-t 20 Hammond mary a n, 4, Ivew Orleans, o august 21 Harri-on li M. u, f ausust 2.? Hubbell L. u, f augu.st 24 Hill inr. 47, Iceland, f 8Ugu>i aj Hei ey henry. .^5 Vl,iSsachtKett9, f augii»t 27 Hyde fnoch, u. f august 28 Haunah m s 40. u, f augu.st 30 Heiwey c a'lps '*^, i3, Ma.'»achu9ett3, f augu^t .ft Higan richa'd. H.0 sett 2 Houghton Q 0. 20 New Tjtk. f sept 3 fluey fndfw. u, f sept 4 Houston .1 B. 8 ii, o sept 5 Hdnslay Hrlucl-n, 29 Kentucky, f sept 13 Harrii .■^u ."ex -lav , 23. u . t" sen 17 Hill U K W. .W, u f sept 18 Holmes newltt' d. 51 Has chnsetta, sept 19 Helier sir.s A .M..'i6. Gi ra.ny, o sept 21 Hertz i;r .John C, 6i (ia many, o sept 26 Henry a i-Uve, 23, u. o Oct 5 Howell henry. 3. Ne v Orleans, o oct 16 HeB'iett... 9. u. o «ct 29 Uammsr c^ptaia, ti. o oct 29 Infant slave New Orlesn", o li fant slave, ew Orleans, o Infant .Slav. 7d-y«, iJewOr.eans, o Icif nt, unknown, o Indian baptiste, «. f sept 28 oct 5 oct 9 oct 14 oct 23 St. Patrick's Cemetery. If win robert. 36 Ireland, f august R Isabel, girl. Ir«land, f aufust 13 Irwin William jamei, 2i. New Orleaok?, f august 26 Gy-press Grove Cemetery, No. 1. Iiwia alexander, 27, u. t august 10 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. H, Ibale there-a. 8 month«, a, o au?u t 15 Intherlie. 21, Hurgary, f august 16 Irwin Ihomas. 31, Ireland, f august 17 Imhoppnr josuph. 36. Germany, f au u.^t 19 HIester eliza. 22, I lino.s. f au^us* 19 Irwin William 5, Irela d, f august 21 Itter jean. 33. Pi nee. f sugu-^t 22 Imax W, 27. ('iermany, f august 2i Illing theresa.4. u, o oct 13 Haie mr, child of, ", o , oct 14 lafant slave. Mew Orleans, o oct 2i Infant .slave, 5 d y-i. New Orleans, o • oct 23 lafiutslave. New O'lean^, o oct 23 Protestant. Infant slave. New O leans, o Irwin waiter, 1 month, ew Orleans, o Infant, still-born. New Orleans, o St. Lonis No. 1. Infint" manual, 30 ''pain.o Idehele Joseph, 31, Germa ly . o St. Loais No. 2- Ihuardon mr, 41, u, o 0»ia Fellows' Rest. Jnare augustus u, f Charity Hospital. IbemI g?orge, 28 (^rmany. f Inters phillip. 22. Ge ma y, f Irwin mary, .iO. I • Ian , f Irosdocf William. 27 I'rus.ia. 1 lion wi liam. 17 Germany, f Ingram hirain. Peiin y.tania, f ^vorgar jo Ivre barbier 40. F'-nce, f "^ Itlman joh m, 21 Germany, t Infant, unknown, o Isringham wm 45, u, o Xirfiuit slave. New Oilean«, o July 21 au^ t 5 oct 22 aneust 30 June 7 sept 5 august 22 June 3 au ust 12 a^su t 12 august 21 auau.it 30 ^ept 4 august 1 augu.it 25 may 5 may 8 my 20 aug'ist 9 august 15 augut 20 august 2S sept 10 sept IS sei-t 26 St. Patrick's Cemetery. Jose mary eecilia. 15 monthi. New Orleans, o may 9 Jo CO ohn. 25 ye irs. Ire and o may 27 Jiwes bricget. 3'> year-. Ireland, o june 14 James edinon'V 2i years. New tireans, o June la Jones maria, 25 years, Ireland, fever July 25 • udg? niichirl.23y ars, Ireland, f ver, July 31 Joacnim brother, 19 years. France, fever sugu.st Ki Juiiam eliza. 33 y^ar.s. feier ausiiist 26 .'uricK John. 2i years. Irelind, fever august 27 Joice Patrick. 16 years, fover »ugust 30 Jiinning james. 27 years, ^ew Orleans, fever august 31 Jennings margaret, 22 years, u sept 4 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1, Johnson andrew, 4ra, o John. 3i. o Johns mary. New Orleans, o Johnson mary ann. 4. o Jthns bruche-. 2i, Frankfort, f Jack'On samuel, 18, Iceland, f Jouy madame, f Cypress Grove Cemetery, James mr, son nf, o Jacques, slave, 23. o John.-on mrs. 15. Ireland, o Jones John J. 45, England, o Joseph lou sa. li, o Jones edwin, o Joachim conrad, 21. Germany, f Jaiison augu.stus, 31. Germany, f J roline B, :V>, Alabama, f Jot, a slave. 25, u.f Jewett j seph. .50. France; t James nury. 1 u. o Johnson mary. infant. New Orleans, o Jones eleanor, 3J. u, o John, a slave. 26 u. o Ji^nes Catherine. 6 days, New Orleans, o Jemmtr christian, 18 months, N 0,0 Jones mrs mary, 40, Baltimore, f John, a -lave, 43. u, o Jackson j cob ( ', 32, Norway, f Jameltoii mr, chili of. New Or'eans, t Joseph pi^asjen. 2 , France, |r Je ni e. a si ve, ti5. u. o Jtn ins M, cMld of, 7 days, N. O , o J unc < jo eph. France, f Joery loui. , infant. New Orleans, o Jdseph. orphan, 3, Gerraany, o may 4 may 12 June 2 July 28 august 5 august 15 august 19 No. 3. June 4 June 13 jane 26 July 10 July 12 July 13 July 23 July 26 augu.st 4 august 10 augustilO august 11 may i may 7 m»y 11 may 10 may 12 July 22 July 24 July 25 July 26 augrU't 2 august 5 august 5 august 6 autuH 8 au. u t 9 aueust 13 august 13 august 13 august 14 august 15 auga'>. SO, Krance, f Junou a gii t<^, 31. Swilz^r^and, Jack m c i« 1 27, Alabami", f Jnhri>on c itlieri ,e, 21, Uiingary, f Jorda I j mes. 52, Hai e, I JoJinso c ris o hei, 19 Ireland, f Jansc n johari, 17, <>ermany, o Jean:< we t t-y, 2 , i h i>, f Jenniig tath rne, 35, Ireland, f Jan.s njoh n, 52, Sweden, f Ju gnif car . 2i, Frus-ia, f JacKs ja 'S, 21, Ireland, f Jonps ju i^s, 18, Alabima, f Jung r j il an, 43, i rus'iia, f John^ti joh II, New York, f Jones William, 32 Bngl nd, f Jennirg" John, 35, Ireland, o J< nes charle-, 34, Kng and, cholera J' hnston mary, 35, Ireland, i Jackson m chael, 34, u. o Jourdbn Catherine, child, N. O., o St. "Vincent de Paul. Jennirgi B henry, 8 months, N. O., a Joseph, negro, 22. u, o Julie, negrr.ss. u, o Jennmg (t H 8, Cincinnati, o Jarvis iii', infmt of. u, o Jon»8 mrs. infant of, u, o Jacob Johanna. 4, u, o Joerne wilhelraino, 21: New Orleans, o Ju i\, slave, 35, u, o John a slate. 5li, u, o Jaques augu t H, New Orleans, o Jahrn^s J F, 29 Gtrraany, f Jean Jeanne P, 24, Franca, f Joseph mr. 20. u, f Jaren mary, ■,i8. I eland, f Jean sails. •%. France, f Junz P. S6. (iernany, f Job cathtriiie, 28, Ireland, f Juny A, 35. u, f Jeird henrv, 31, France, f Jocejohp,24, Louisiana, f Joaquin Charles, 5 days. New Orleans, o Johnsm Sophia, 19. Germany, i JoUj g va entire, 20. Germsny, f Jamai-i marie, M mouths, u, f Jones John u, f •leep mr. 26. France, f Jo eph.infrin , u, o Johnson jhan 31, Sweden, f Julia, slavr , 4, u, o Jorney John, 7, u, o July 29 august 2 m»y 8 July 5 July 17 July 29 august 2 aug.jst 3 august 3 august 4 august 7 augut 10 august 10 august 13 auguit 17 augu.t 17 augut 21 augu-t 22 augu t 27 august 27 sept 2 sept S sept 9 cot 2 Oct 5 oct IS oct 2 Oct 10 may 19 may 24 June 5 June 6 June 21 June 22 June 22 July 3 July 6 July 55 July 26 juy 29 augu t ti aagust 9 august 10 auguit 14 augu t 15 august 19 a,ugust 20 augmt 21 august 21 august 23 august 26 august 26 auiust 30 augast 31 sept 5 sept 2ti sept 23 sept 2! sept 27 .Johnson rrr. s'ave of u, o oct IT Jones L, infmt ot, i> ew Orleans, o oct 18 Jo eph, 2, u, o oct 2i) John, S, u, o Oct 24 St. Louis No. 1. Jourdan arthur. 22. New Orleans, f ausust 31 Jeanne prosper. 36. u o august 25 Juillette. lare. II m^^n hs. u, o ;une 19 Jtlie aii>tide, 22 months, u, o oct i'i St. Lonis No. 2. Jonan m^lanie, 2 m<^nths, u, o august 11 .1 annet leopold J B, 1, u, f august 26 Jonns a ice, 2i. u. o august 30 Jourdan H, child of. 2, u, o august 31 Jules oscar. 3, u, o july 11 Jo eph eugenie F, 18 months, u,o july 3 Joseph josephin . 20, u, o June 17 Jeaune Willi m, S weeks, u, o June 8 Joseph c) arlotic, 18, u, o sept 30 Julien achil'e, 22, u.o oct 22 Julien mnie franc 'S. 27, u, o oct 1$ Jacquetmr, lave of. 8 months, u, o oct 20 Joseph edivard, 55, St. Domingo, o oct 30 Hebrew, on the Ridge. Jaquea JP.26, Holland, f oct 1 Hebrew. Lafayette. Jackson lelmer, 21, Uermany,Jf august 9 Protestant. John,'co'oTed infant, Kew Orleans, o july 17 James edwsrd, fmc, u, o august 1 Jackson Dr F M, u, f august 3 Janr, a s'ave. New Orleans, o august 20 Jf shua, 42, u. f august 20 Johnson S, ; 0, u, f august 29 Johnson John, Ireland, o august 27 John, a Slav, u, o sept 6 Jones C C, 49, Ilinoii, f sept 9 Jnhnson, a flave, 35. u. o sept 14 Jacobs amy. slave. 80, Missouri, o oct 5 Johnson U d'n, 70, u, o oct 18 Jtckson John, 24, Kentucky, f oct 21 Cypress- Grove Cemetery, No. 2. Joseph dt^zi, 19. u, f august 11 Janes rih 1. u. f augut 13 Jenkins m ■ y, 9. England, f august 14 Jhan alphonse, 2li. France, t august 14 Jeffrey mr. 24, n, f august 15 Jenkins thoraas, .50, Ireland, f august 16 Joe. slave, 30, .,, f august 16 John, slave, 30. u, f august 17 JoUez jaques, 25, France, f august 17 James. 20, Ireland, f august 17 Jones James, 40. Ireland, f a> gu.et 18 Jerry, a ^ la i e, 40, u, o august 19 Jankson j ihn. u, f augu t 21 Jaques, 25, Fiance, f august 21 JenesHiM,22 G-iirgia, f august 21 Jamison ce e,2i, Ireland, f august v 1 Jenning- wm a, .55, u, f august 21 Jacob i>, chil of New Orleans, o august 22 Jac net Irar cni-, 35, France, f august 22 Jul us anna, 3^, u, f august 24 Josephine m d m, 32. Germany, f august 24 .Teen lohn. 3 . Gtrmauy, f ausust 25 Jurlingchris i.n, 18, i^erraany, f sept 4 Jaqu s pit-rre, France, o sept 9 Joi cbim J, 33. France, f sep 17 Jackison elic, 3, New i rleans, o June 12 Ja nest mrs, inf ears, Ireland, o may 26 Knox sarah, unknown, o may 28 Kelly James, 14 years. Ireland, o may 2S Kenny edward. 20 years, Ireland, o may 29 Kelly mary. 22 years, Ireland, o June 1 Kelly bridget. New Orleans, o June 3 King timothy, 15 months. New Orleans, o June 5 Keily mary ann, Ireland, fever June 7 KeaTns michael. 2J years, Iieland. u June 10 Kenna edward M, 15 mon hs. New Orleans, u June 14 Kenny John, 33 years, Ireland, o June 15 Kelly peter S, 7 months. New Orleans, o June IS .Kearny mary jane, 6 m'^nths. New Orleans, o June 23 Kelly bridget, unknown, u June 28 Ke'ly mary ann, unknown, u June 29 Kflly honora. 27 years Ireland, o july 9 Kelly honora, 27 years, Ireland, u july 9 Kelly matthew. 20 years. Ireland, o july 10 Keenan mary. 35 years. Ireland, fever July 10 Kelly ellen. 18 years, Ireland, fever july 11 Kelly ellen. 25 years. Ireland, leer july 11 Kennedy jame», 85 years. Ireland, fever July 11 Kill gettj hn, 3 years. N-w Orleans, u July 6 Kenny michael, 8 years. Ireland, fever July 12 Kennedy mary. 35 years. Ireland, fever July 14 King Stephen. 32 years, Ireland, fever July IC Kanepatr ck, 21 years, Ireland, lever July 18 Kidney John, 31 years, Ireland, fever July 19 Kearns thomas. 24 years Ireland, fever July 19 Kelly jame.s. 50 jears, Ireland, fever July 20 Lelcher patrick, 3? years, IreUnd. fever July 20 Kennedy denni . 28 years, Ireland, fever, July 20 Kelly Patrick. 27 \ ears, Ireland, o July 22 Kilson mary. 21 years, Ireland, o July 28 Kona timothy, 21 y»ers. Ireland, fever July 22 Kent eraily, 26 years, England, fever July M # 33 ] Keenan, Catherine. 20 years, Ireland, fever juir 21 Kennedy thornas, 40 years. Ireland, foyer July 21 Kilroy wm, 10 diys. New Orleans, u July 24 Kidney maty. 31 years, Ireland, fever July 2i) K«eff Julia, -W years, Ireland, fever ju'y 27 Kennedy michael, .5J years. Ireland, u juy 29 Keily Catherine, 22 years, Ireland, fever July 29 Killey winney, 20 years. Ireland, (ever July -iO Keiley inicliael, 2.S yca-s. Irel?nd. level July 30 Kelly John, £'> years. Ireland, u july 30 Kinnan john.27 ytars. Ireland, fver July 30 Kelly jotin, 55 years. Ireand lever July 31 Kelly inargaret, l.S months. Ireland, fever ausust I Kidney thornas. 2.'> years, Ireland, fever august 1 Keegin mary, 20 years. Ireland fever august 2 KeotiFy Patrick, 20 years. Ireland, fever august 2 Kidney ellen. 2'> years, Ireland, fever aui;u.st 3 K»ne owtn. W years, Ireland, fever august 3 Keton david, ly years, Ireland, fever august 3 Kane dennls. 25 years. Ireland, fever august 3 Kearn! Patrick, id years. Ireland, u august 3 Kensy michael, 00 years, Ireland, u august 3 Kellahy mary, 22 years, Ireland, fever august 1 Kennedy ann. 24 ye irs. Ireland, fever august 1 Kenny Catherine, 20 years, Ireland, fever august i Kelly ellen, 40 years, Ireland, fever august 5 Kelly Patrick, 31 years, Ireland, fever august 5 Kearny agnes J, 18 years. New York, o august 5 Kiieeland pa'rick, 32 years, IreUnd, (ever. august 5 Kennedy michael, 25 years. Ire and, fever august 5 Kenny ann. .30 years. Ireland, fever august 7 Kean John, .30 years, Ireland, fever august 8 Kennedy mary, 27 years, Ireland, fever august 8 Kelly george. 1 yea . Is' ew Orlean.s. o august 3 Kernes Patrick. .30 years. Ireland, fever august King Christopher, 20 years. Ireland, o august 10 Kingsley michael. 22 years, Ireland, fever augu-t 10 Kennedy patrick, irtfant. New Orleans, fever august 10 Kennedy jaines, infant. New Orleans, fever august 10 Kelly John. 35 years. Ireland, fever august H Kirvan James. onths. Ireland, u august 20 Kennedy .iames, 42 years Ireland. ;ever august 21 Kaftree honpia, 32 yeas. Ireland, fever august 20 Keeler James, .3.S years. Ireland, u august 2) Kennedyjames P. 20 y-ars, Ireland, u august 22 Kelly alice 00 years, Irela-id, fever aiiaust 22 Kennedy mary. 15 years, Ireland, o august 22 Kelly ann. .35 years, Ireland, fever august 23 Kinna mary. .30 yo.irs. Ireland, u aueust 2^! Xelly mary, lOyears. Ireland, u ausust Zi Kelly richard P. 27 years. Ireland, fevr, august 25 Kernan louis. Snion'h.«, New Orleans, fever ai;:rust 26 Kelly m:chael, 45 years, Ireland, o august 26 Killelee James, ,30 years. Ireland, fever august 26 Kelly malachi. 30 years. Ireland, fever august 26 Kelly bridget. .32 years, Ireland, o august 27 Kane mary, 18 months. New Orleans, u august 27 Kelly James. 13 years. Ireland, fever augu-t 28 Kane michael. 10 years. Ireland, u august 29 Kelly barney. 14 years. Ireland, u august 59 Kirby mary snn. 3 months. New Orleans, o augu.st 29 Kelly Catherine, .38 years. Ireland, fever sept 3 Kelly Catherine, 20 years. Ireland, fever sept 6 Kirwan John. 1.^ years Ireland, fever sept 7 Eernan margaret, 52 years, Ireland, fever sept 12 Kelly bridget. 22 years, Ireland, lever sept 12 Kilrayssay patrick, 28 years, u sept 13 King William, fever sept 15 Kearnsmary, 21 year.s, Ireland, fevei sept 16 Kirby margaret, 28 yesr^, lieland, fever sept 13 Kernan patrick .^3, Ireland. • sept 20 Killoon bridget, 10, Ireland, o sept Vi Keenan martin. 33, Ireland, f sept 21 Kenedy Patrick, 5, u, o oct 1 Kifferiohn, 28, Ireland, f oct 6 KiUynitf William, 30, Ireland, f oct 10 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No, l. Kauser williara, 7m, New Orleans, f Kennedy Johanna, 24. o Knopflanch adeline, 19, o Kilpatrick John. .30, o ^ Kelly James B, New York, f " Keen william, 3.5, f Klein mrs. 40, o Khun michael, 19, f Kelly Patrick. 21. f Kendrick mrs, f Kuntz Catherine. 36, Germany, f Kirby william, 26, o K-idy ■WE.20, f Knoplock John, u, f Kewith mrs. child of, ii. o King James. .39, Scotland, o June 26 July 4 July 27 august 4 august .5 august 6 aueust 9 august 17 august 18 august 29 sept 2 sept 9 sept 10 oct 2 oct 26 oct 30 Cypress Grove Cemetery, Ko. 3, Kiesel A G. Im. o Keegan James. 40. Ireland, o Kendall wm, slave of 21, o Kernon D, slave of, IJ, o Kelty mrs, slave of o Kitchen jane, Im, o Keating mr, slave of, 10m, o Kalhert helena. 6m. o Klein mary ann. 10m, o Kriedell gustave, o Koeppens christian, 29, f Kraemer ann, 22. Germany, f Krausraan margaret, 23, Germany, f Koenitz einst, 27, Germany, f Kingsly mr, 40.f Kinkle mr, Ireland, f Kliber Joseph. 30. f Keeanan, A, 35, f Kestmegar may, 19, f . Koniger jacob.'f Kohn mrs, 25,r,Germany. f Kelly ellen. 7. Ireland, o Kilfoil margaret. 30. Ireland, f Kesskaelizabeth, 2S. Germany, f Kiestler emma. GO. Germai.y, f Kennedy Patrick, 23, Ireland, f Kinsella John, 19. Ireland, f Kane henry. 26, G rmany, f K-lp mary. 27, Germany, f Kay Jonathan. 4,f K,iepner frederick. 4'\ Germany, f Kaller agnes. .32, Germany, f Kenton frederick W, 9, f Kcheman emil, 15. Germany, f Kopperman charlotte, 17, (Jermany, f Kunzell mrs. 24. Austria, o Karif robert, 27, Ireland, t' Kaylehugh. 39, Ireland, f Kans M. Germany, f Klein peter charles. 21, Germany, f Kearney edward, 29, Ireland, f Kern mrs, 30. Germany, f Kiuitz, elizabeth. 24. Germany, f Kalteyn loiiisa. 50, Germany, f Kenner Catherine, 26, Ireland, f Killy John, f Kuiizel mr, 26. Germany, f Kellv aiigustine, 20, Ireland, f Keithley n r. 56. Germany, f Knox Joseph. 19. France. { Kober adolph, 22, Germany, f Kerchival SI, f Kelly bernard.34, Ireland, f Kirkendrake John. 22. Germany, f Kay thos J, 11. England, f Kinney C F, 'M. Germany, f Keiser henry. 18. Germany, f Keitz Johanna. 66. Germany, f Kreethe lene, 30, Germany, f Kent John, f K neadon daniel, ,3,5. Ireland, f Kat'ng mary, 8m. Jlississippi, f Keniierly christ.. Gf-rmany. f Keating major, slave of. 7. f Keiser theresa. 20, Germany, f Killcurnjohn, .36, Ireland, f Keef anna, 40. Ireland, f Kelly James, 20, " f King mary. 20, " f K.efmichatI, ;», " f Krobel K, 20 Germany, f Knowel Fritz. 24, Germany, f Keenan Julia, 23. Ireland, f Krecbeler Julias, 31, Denmark, f Kennedy micliael, 33, IteUnd, f may i may 5 may 23 June S June June 18 June 10 June 23 July July 3l augu.st august 2 august 3 august 4 august 5 august 7 august 8 "iugust 8 august 8 august 10 august II august 12 august 12 august IS august 13 august 13 august 13 august 13 august 13 august H august 14 august 14 august 15 august IG august 16 august It; august ItJ august 17 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 18 augu-t 18 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 20 august 20 august 20 august 21 august 21 august 2L august 21 august 22 aug :st 22 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 21 ausust 24 august 24 august 24 augtist 24 august 25 august 26 august 27 august 20 august 29 augtut 30 august 30 august 31 aufust 31 f 34 ] Kerns el'za, 19, " f Kr.ell Jenore, 45, Germany, f Kelly mary ann, 2m, New Orleans, o Kittle johan, 27. Germany, f KohlhofF marie, 23, •' f Kesler John. 27, f Kenter frederick. 52, Ireland, f Kenter wi liam. 22, Germany, f King mrs, ii. f Knox mariha. 13, f Kay jaraes, 38, England, f Kir?phoebe, 2m, New Orlearg, u Kelly bridge! , 28, Ireland, f Kissane John, 19, " f Kamer johan. 48, Germany, f Kaltv^asser christian, 22, Germany, i Sinner rosina, '25. Gei-many, f Kilieenniichael, 20, Ireland, f King mary. o King William, i ^ ^ , Kopper mr, child of, 14d, New Orleans, o Kennedy Oliver, 20, New York, f Kaizer ludwig, •.6, Germany, f Kearnif elizat eth, 14 mo, Mew Orleans, f Kering eugene. 14 diys, New Orleans, o King bartlett. 30, Ireland, o Kennedy J i-'.SO, u, o Kelly ann, 15 mo. New Orleans, o Odd Fellows' Rest. Kohler Josephine. 17, f Keating thomas, ^16. f Kohlen Charles. 2S. Germsny. f Ku!>n carl, 3 months. New Orleans, f Kimbrougn W G, 2J, f Charity Hospital. Kinstle zepturin, 3.j. Germany, o Kelly mary. 42. Ireland, o Kelly bridget. 24. Ireland, o Kelly >nary, 27, Ireland, f Kelly edward. 25. Ireland, f Kelly leorge. 20, I'eland. f Kerns jhn 25. Ireland, o Kramme heLnrich.27. Germany, f Kelly mary. 18, Irelaiid. f Kennedy michael,25. Ireland,! Kennaly margaret, 21, Ireland, t Kill frederick. 19, Germany, f Krugg carl, 23. Prussia, f Kelly michael, 30, Ireland, f King david 28. Ireland, f Kerchoff heinrich, 20, Germany, f Koehler frederick. 2-(. Germany, t Kelly thoma*. 24, Ireland, f Klein frederick. 28. France, t Kelly michael. 30, Ireland, f Kirsch Jacob, 17, France, f Klfi- e gertrude, 32, Prusia, f Kirvach johan, 46. Saxony, f Klegett e len, Ireland, f Kline johan, .32. Prussia, f King magdalena, 47, Ireland, f Kefart michael, 30. France, f Kauffman chri lian 33. Gern^any, f Krager louisa, 20. Germany, f Kilbertus marie, 25. Prance, f Kern- margireiha. 30, Germany, f Kees Jacob, 30, France, f Kliney pattick, 30. Ireland, f Kaper george, 40, (Germany, f Kleltamelia. 25. Vru-sia. f Kister michael, 27 Germany. f Kerns patrick, 40 Ireland, f Kaas francis. 19. (Germany, f Kastenbine carl. 26, Denmark, f East dehkja, 10, Germany, f Klynes bridget, 16. Ireland, f Kelly jah 1,28, Ireland, f Kelly William, 24. Ireland, f Kane eJlen. 18, Ireland, f Kehoe bridsiec, 28, Ireland, f Karcissagilman, 34. France, f Kolinej-'hn 23 Ireland, f Keati gjohn, 56. Ireland f Kelly jame<. 25. Irela'^d, f Katirg francis, 23. Ireland, f Koncherenten an a M, Germany, t Koehler george, 30 Germany, f Kelly Charles. 25, Ire acd, t Keegan James. 27. Ireland, f Kearn'i John, 24, Ireland, f Kenni dy acn, 21, Ireland, f Koeing f. ederick. 3J. Germany, f Kline caiherine, 20 Ireland, f Koeler charlfs, 25, Germany, f Kftup call, 68, Germany, f sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 sept 3 sept 4 sept 6 sept 6 sept 7 sept 9 sept 9 sept 10 sept 12 sept 12 sept 14 sept 19 sept 20 sept 21 sept 22 sept 23 oet 25 oct 5 oct 26 oct 28 oct 30 august 5 august 22 august 26 august 30 sept 4 may 24 may 25 June 20 July 1 j»ly 4 July 12 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 19 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 22 July 22 July 24 July 22 July 24 jnly 25 July 25 July 26 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 29 july,'29 July 30 July SI august 1 august 1 august 3 august 4 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 7 august 7 august 8 august 8 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 13 august 14 august 14 august 15 august 15 august 16 august )6 august 16 Kelly peter. 25, Ireland, f Klother mina, 29, Geimany, f Kieffer carl. 31. France, f Slump amanta, 22. Germany, f Kearney Johanna, 22, New Tork,f Kerr John, 2S. Ireland, f Keiz maria, 4O, Germany, f Kerr Christina, 27, Georgia, f Kauffman Joseph. 30, Au'.tria, f Keirn adam, 20. G rmany, f Kuhn heinrich, 24, Germany, f Klines andy, 22, Ireland, f Kelly miles, 25, Irelaid, f Kelly mary, 20, Ireland, f King, ira, 19. New York, f Kitterick alexander. 21, Ireland, f Kraemar christma, 23. Germany, f Kraemar catheri' e, 20, Germany, f Keating thomas, 30. Ireland, f Kern adam. 25, Germany, f Kerl lueus, 40, Germany, f Kondat adam, 21, Swiizerland.f Keisler anton, 33, Germany, f Karndt wilhelmina, 25. Prussia, f Kraut hilarius. 35. Austria, o Kraut Catherine, 25, France, f Kelly barney, 23, Ireland, f Klein elizabeth, 24, Germany, f Kearney james, 40, Ireland, f Keiser ca'herin'', 13, Germany, f Keiser johan. 17, Germany, f Krotz george. 27. Germany, f Kan« John. 20, Ireland, f Kempf michael, 23. Germany, f Kennedy timothy, 23, Ireland, o Kirwan John, 26, Ireland, f Koung andrea.s, 21, Germany, f Klus?man heinrich, 25. Pru-sia, f Kennedy ellen. 28, Ireland, f KoUenberger Caroline. 33, Germany, o Kani,r patrick, 24. Ireland, f Kranhuper mathias, 38. Austria, o Lafayette Cemetery. Konepas ino, child of, 1, New Orleans, o Kern Isabella, o Kitty a slave, o Kimball electus S. 15m. o Keppel mrs. New Orleans. Ketlerring mary, 5m, o Kelling carolne. New Orleans, o Kilkinney bridget 40. Ireland, o Kirthman jno, cnild of New Orleans, o Koeing helena, cl-ild of New Orleans, o Kilch nicholas. 35, Germany, o Kriet e juli'-s, 2. New Orleans, o Kn^eht 0, child of, o Kilkinney bridget, 17, f Keifner henry, chid o , o Karleykint nicho as, 22. France f Kroesell elizabeth. New Orleans, f Keil alexander. 6. Scotland, f Killern patrick, 25, Ireland, f Keer james, 16, Scotland, f Kelly margaret, 3.5, Ireland, f Knowland mrs. 40, Germany, f Koetn neyitz, 28. Germany, f Ki-rmary, 19, Scotland, f Kaiser Jacob, jr, 19, New Orleans, o Keenan John, 40, Ireland, f King William G, 33. Tenne.ssee, f Kanaan ellen, 25, Ireland, f Kennedy thom Koester rudolph. 2S, (Germany, f august 27 Kitzmann ju isnna. 27, Germany f august 29 Koltz christian, 23, Bavaria, f augu.it 31 Ke.jnair catheri' e. 65. n, o sept 2 Koch raathias, 27, Germany, f sept 12 Kieffer simon, 22. Germany, f sept 13 Khorzra mrs margareda, u, f sept 17 Koefmrs. Germany, f sept 14 Keener V and E, child of, N. Orlsanj, a sept 26 Kuhn francis. 9, New Orleans, t sept 29 Kenningbocker miss H, 18, Germany, f oct 5 St. Viucent de Paul, Kellerman mr, child of. unknown, f may 9 Klein apolonia, 14, New Olleans, o may 20 Kriegel barbara, 2u, o June 2 Kolta mr. infant of, u. o juue 10 Kelly James, 25. u. o June 11 Kable ber:he, ll months, u, o June 22 Kennedy raary, 35, u. o June 25 Kelly enora. 9, Ireland, o July 1 Krebs mr, 30, Hanover, f July 8 Kette, maiy fl, 25, Hanoyer, f July 10 Kennedy mary, 14, u. f July 14 Keiting marie, 23, Germany, f July 17 Kapp, Johanna. 64. (iermany, f jul'^ 17 Keliuan optelma, 3 months, u, o • July 22 Kreinhagen Louis, 18, Germany, f July 30 Kiffdenis, 25, Ireland, f august 2 Krober caroUne, 60, u, t Kune John, 19, Germany, f Kochla, Catherine, 25, u. f august 4 Koch F. 28, Germany f august 5 Kinger Jacob, 43, Germany, f " Krots fraats, 22, unknown, fever august 6 Kerslen, elizabeth, 22. Germany, f Kennedy mary, 20, Ireland, f august 7 Kelly John. 26, Ireland, f august 8 Kupper engelbert, 25, Pru-^sia, f august 9 Kleine, Catherine, 13, Germany, f Koch herb-rt, 28, Germar y. fever Krienhazen ernestine. A. 46, Germany, f august 11 Keff James, 19, Ireland, o " Kline francos, 21, Baden, " Krienhagen B, unknown, f augiLst 13 Koiner george, .57 u, fever Kunlyhmaii marie, 46, Germany, " Kovner eiizabelh, 44, Get many, f august 14 Klees, F, 3, u, o Kuotz Charles, 21, Germany, f august 17 Kuntz henry, 62. Germany, f " Kleining henrietta, 23, Bremen, f Kleinloyer jnhanna 16, Germany, f " Kleine franciji, 16, Germany, t august 18 Kentz mr, inlant of u. f august 18 Keening James, 26, , Ireland, f Kearnes, Catherine. 15, Germany, f KearngeoT^e, 17, Unite,-! 3tat-s, o Kniepun chirles, 9 months. New Orleaa'j, o Karn raargaret, 44, Germany, f Kroff-ir, mrs, 42, unknown, f Kierler valentine, 2 . Germany, f Koops John. G'irmany. f Kella, george. 17. Ireland, f Keep, denis O, 22, Ireland, f Ki'lle, barbara, 9 Germany, f Kunez an(frew,«. 17, Germany, f Kessel marianne, 2i, unknown, f Kontz nicola', 23. Germnny, f Krouge, valentine, 52, Germany, f Keefe .sarah. 1 y ar, Maine, o Kink georg-, 24. Germany, f Kemper mrs. marie. 26 unknown, f Kraish, P, 40. uitnown. t Keane rairhael. 18 months. New Orlaaas, o Kennedy mrs, inlant of unknown, o Kluskv. mrs. 7, unknown, o Klein Adolpbe, 21, France, o Kioes, Jacob, 7 days NO,o Kramer anna, 2, unknown, o St. Lonis No. 1. Kernion M II, slave of, 12, u, o Kerhion J huchet, 75. u, o Killebiand william, 2, u, f St. Louis No. 2. Kernion Jeanne, 5. u. f Kerr roberf, child of. 2, n, o Kennedy morris, 2, u, o Klein M, 30, u, f Protestant. Kaufnian John. 32, Geimany, o Kidder T H, 42, u, o Krail george. 2. New Orleans, f Kleine g="orge F,28, u, f Krou'e C H, 35, u. f King miss M W, 30, England, f Hebrew, Lafayette. Kaufman malhew. 20, Germany, f Klein L, 31. Germany, f Kaiser E, 24, Germany, f Kaufman mrs, 31, PoFen, f KrugerL, 40, Poland, f Hebrew, on the Ridge' Kokernot mitiam V, 2, New Orleans, f aagast2S august 30 august 31 sept 1 sept 2 sept, 5 sept 8 sept 9 sept 10 sept, 11 sept 15 sept 15 sept 2£ oct 7 oct 7 oetl9 oct 25 oct 29 June at oct 29 sept 23 august 30 July 22 July 13 July 12 July 11 July 12 august 7 august 13 august 24 august 28 July 16 august 6 august 15 august 16 august 28 sept 19 St. Patrick'8 Cemetery.. Laheym.argaret. 3 months. New Oilaans. o may 1 Lowry John, 2 En;;land. o may 13 Littie sarah, 2 months, New Orleans, o may 14 Lynch patrick. 40, Ireland, o may vO Lyons elizabeth, 15 months, New Orleans, o may 21 Law ess waiter, stillborn child of, Ireland, o June 9 Linnen peter, 6, New Orleans, o June 14 Lamer c>lheiine. New Orleans, o jime 16 Leahy patrick, 11 mos. New Orleans, o June 20 Lynch John. 27. Ireland, o June 20 Lwston bridget. unknown, o June 27 Lynch Catherine ros^, unknown, o jnne 28 Laha i Patrick. 53, Ireland, o j"[y 9 Leonard patrick, 26. Ireland, i Ji»y }* Lally peter. 10 we^k... New Orleans, o « July 12 Lyo"s William, 12, Ireland, o July U Lanirey James. 21, Ireland, f Jti'y 21 Lehen james, 2.3, Ireland, f ju'y 21 Lv nam patrick mrs, Ireland, f J^'^ „ Leahy eliza 8, Ireland, o J" y ^ Lidwith mary, 26. Ir -land, f ju y ^ Ludrigan ann, 19. Ireland, f JU y a Lunny Christopher, 2U, Ireland, f July 27 Lynch ell-n, 20, Ireland, f July X Larbin thom^.s, 27, Ireland, f ju y 29 Linch julia, 50, Ireland, f iU y * Lynch mary ann, 9 days, New Olleans, o July * [ 36 ] liellis John, 37, Ireland, { liinch elizabeth, 21, Ireland f liUTiey James, 25, Ireland, f Lawl-r timothy, 26. Ireland, f Logan thomas. 8 Hays, New Orleans o teary lawrHnce, 2S, Ireland, f Lillie natrick, 26. Ireland, o Laughlin elizabeth, 1 mo, New Orleani JLangley edward, 25, Ireland f 1.5rton michael. 3 days, New Orleans,© Xiowe thomas. 24, Ireland, f Lanasan thomas, 22, Ireland f Lee James E, .32, Ireland, f Lynch catherinp, 45, Ireland f Lpo John, 54, Ireland, f Larkin roary, 45, Ireland, f Leonard john, 19. Ireland, f Lucen mrs, .30, unknown, o Laton maty, 30, 'reland, f Laffin Iridgat, 21, Ireland, f Lacgton John, 45, Irelani, f Lorrimore frances, 20, United States, f JLeeeliza, Ireland, o Lyens michael, 22, Ireland f Leahy william. 12, Ireland,!!' Lynch ellen. 30. Ireland, f Lannigan wm. 18, Ireland f Leary Johanna, 35. Ireland, r Lynch James, 10. Ireland, f Lawlet Ihoma', 28, Ireland f Lester Catherine. 20 Ireland, f Lennon wm. 60. Ireland, o Loltis rose, 1, New Orleans, o Leonard ann. 17, Ireland f Laney John, 60, Ireland, f Lynch raargaret jane, 2i. N. 0., o Lambert mary ann, Ire'land f Larkin patrirk. 4, Ireland, f Lenahan mary, 50. Ireland, f Lynch Catherine. 18 months, N. O. f Lee jaraes, 18, Ireland, f Lynch michael. 60, Ireland, o Leo John, 19, unknown, f Lynch Catherine, 60, Ireland, f Lain michael, 27, Ireland, f Loughran James, 16. Ireland, f Lahyjjhn. 7, Ireland, f Larkin Catherine. 20, Ireland, f Lanegen daniel. 24, Ireland, f Lally Patrick, 28. Ireland f Lovett Johanna, 20. Ireland, f Lynch peter, 11, Ireland, f Lare patrick, 24, Ireland, o Lynch John, Ifi, Ireland, f Larkin john. 8, New Orleans, f Lyons mary, 22, Ireland, f Ledding thomas. 60. unknown, f Leonard Catherine, 45. unknown, f Lorg mary. 9 months, unknown, o Lynch Catherine. ?5. Ireland, o Luckey arthur. 50, unknown, o Lafardy mary. 3, New Orleans, o Landigan jane,2S. Ireland, o Leahy patrici. 37. Ireland, t Lynch michael. 15, Ireland, o Low elizaheth, 22, Ireland, o Xievin michael. 25. Ireland, f Lee ellen, child, New Orleans, o Lacabe mr. child of 9 mo. New Orleans o Lawrence jane D. unknown, o Levis rer, child of. 1. unknown, o Leary albert G. 41. unknown f Lytle J HE. 24, United States, f 7 rr^ i"^-''^'V " °*°- ^^^ Orleans, o i.ee 1 JI, 2/. unknown, f • Luht apollonia. .55. Germany f Lame madam^. .00 unknown" f Leichtconrad. 15. Germany f Lattj3geliasB, .3, New Orleans, f . Cyprees Grove Cemetary, No. Login John, 35, Ireland, o Labadie mary. 9.3. unknown, o Lacosfe P. L. 22. imknown. o Langhausen mary, U, N O o Lewis michael. 38, Sweden o Long William, inf.nt. unknown, o Linsher chatles A. IJ unknown, o J-ightly mary ann. 3, unknown, o i.um mary, unknown, f Leberect john, 2.5, unknown t Little jeremia. 20, N. T. o Lambert wm. slave, of unknown o Xambert margaret, 35, Ireland I July 31 atigost 2 angn-t ■august august augu-t august august august august ausust august august august ausrus' august august 8 august 9 augast 9 august 10 august 10 augu4 II august 11 august 11 august 13 auaust 14 august 14 august 14 august 15 august 17 august 18 august 18 august 19 august 20 augu't 20 august 20 august 20 august 20 august 20 august 21 august 21 august 21 augast 22 august 22 august 23 august 23 august 25 august 25 august 27 august 27 august 28 august 31 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 .sept 8 sept II sept 12 sept 15 sept 16 aept 24 sept 26 Oct 9 Oct 9 o-t 20 Oct ; 5 oct 22 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. ■may 1 junt^ 4 July 2 ausust 9 august 10 augast 13 august 23 august 28 sept 2 sept 5 sept 30 may 6 may 7 may 8 may 15 may 22 may 28 June 6 June 8 June 24 July ;3 July 26 July 29 July 30 Loyehf lenora. unknown, f Leup mary. unknown i Lily mr. unknown, f Ludwig lewis, 2i, unknown, f Lartigue armand, 46, France f Labougois lewis, 25. France f Latour C sla^'e of. .35. u o ' Lo-bell le'.pold,.3.5. Prussia, f Loughreyjohn, ?.0. unknown, f i^-nert mr . unktiown. f Leonard bridget, 30. unknown, f l>ynch Conner, 50, Ireland f Lambert mr slave of 2. unknown, o Lrfngdon sophi.. Franc. I Lmdsay Patrick. 6. Ireland, f Lynch henry, 24. Ireland, f Lymun pa'rick. 25, Ireland, f Latemersarah. 22. Ireland, f LocWrt michael, 18. Prance, f .Lamblm .1. W. 45. unknown, f Lickhbui r sarah. 21, Germany, f Lar: .here edward. 2\ Helgium. f Laborde germain, 18. Fiance, f Leahy Catherine, 22. Ireland, f Longthnma-'. 21, Ireland, f Larkin Patrick, 15. t, eland, f Lechfort mari'-. 21, Germany, f Lttnegotlib Germanv. f Lewis nicholas, 4.3. Ffance. f Lynch miss. 23. ."^cotiand, f Loght John. 3 weeks N . O o Lenz (r. .30. Germany f Lar jos-ph. 31, Germany, f Laknosky an'on. 27. Pussia Lawless A. 30. Ireland, f Lusk frances, 29, Germany, f Luag Daniel. 20 " f Lombardi Caroline 20 Switzerland, f Lich John, 2? London, f Lochan mrs 26, Ireland, f Lehrbazt otto, 26, Prussia, f Lasse ifedeiick, 22. Genranv f L««g.)ames, 20. England, f Lynch John. 27. Ireland, f Lathermore margaret, 13, Ireland, f Loses mary. ,30. Germany f Larkin mrs. child of. 2, N. O o Leight valpnfine, Geimanv. f Lafarge J. M 25, France, f Lenon mr. 33. unknown, f Lederer charles. 26, Germany, f Lambert D. unknown, o Leeds John. 26. Germany f Lorbet jpseph. 2.8, France, f Lyons Patrick, unknown, f Lentzfrilliam, 21. u f Lynch john, 7. Ireland, f I^antz louis, 4, Germany, f Lambert gasper. 25, Germany f Lewisksmp elizibe'b, 21, Germany, f Lilhiot nchard, unknown, f Ludeman Carolina, 44, Germany f Loftus ann. 34. Ireland, f Laville george, France, f Lougblinj.ohn. 21, Ireland, f Lash frederick. .34. Germany, f Langaon mrs. 25, Ireland, f Langaon mrs. child of, N O , o Labenelle Joseph, 16, Louisiana o l^avel henry. 2, New Orleans, f J-ong Patrick. United States, o J^ong William, " '■ o Lynch John, 15, months, N O,. f Laiighoffcatharin", 6 weeks, N. O o Lena child, .3, Germanv. f Lockert mrs, child of, d months, N. O g Lawl^r Patrick. 12, Ireland, f Lloyd William, 35, unknown, Odd Fellows' Rest. Love Sarah, unknown, f Loftus m»ry. 17. unknown, f Lange albert. 30. Germany, f Langelier A J. 27, England, f Little david, 33, unknown, f Charity HospitaL July 31 aug 1 aue 3 aug 3 aug i aug 5 aug a aug 8 aug 8 ang 10 aug 10 aug 12 aug 12 aug 12 aug 13 aug 13 aug 13 aug 14 aug 14 aug 14 aug 14 aug 15 aug 15 aug 17 aug 17 aug 17 aug 17 aug 17 ang IS aug 18 aug 19 aug 19 aug 19 aug 20 aug 20 aug 21 aug 21 aug 21 aug 21 aug 22 aug 22 aug 22 aug 22 aug 23 aug 23 aug 23 aug 23 aug 23 aug at aug 25 aug 25 aug 27 aug 27 aug 28 aug 28 aug 28 gug 28 august 29 augast 31 sept 2 sept 2 sept 7 Eept 7 sent 9 sept 12 set 13 sept 14 sept 14 sept 14 sept 25 sept 25 sept 25 sept 26 oct 1 Oct 2 oct 16 oct 18 oct 30 July 23 august 11 august 12 august 22 sept 8 Lescu-e William. 47. Pa , o Laffosse .Trachim. 30. France o Laporte Jules. 2'<, France, o Lacy Marcaret. 23. Ireland, o LoverditchJu'n. 23 Austria o Lawlc-r Patrick, 49,Ieland, o L.vos Ann, 25, '■ Lensel C. 47 Geruany. o Lombard Etienne, 50 uukonwn, o may 3 may 5 may 9 may 19 may 25 may 29 June 10 June 4 June 2 as. 40, \irginia, f july 27 Larkin patrick, 27, Irnland, f july 2'5 Lamer Edward. KS, Ohio, f july 28 Lenkugsl t"ianz,22. Germany, f July 2-i Lyndhurst, wilhelra, 21, '" f july -^ Landrigan thomas,2S, IreUnd.f ju'y 2J Lowry ridget, 24, " f july 29 Lindhorst marias, 27, Germany, f july 29 Loftns cathrine, 22, Ireland, f july 29 Landrigan bridget, 28, Ireland, f july 30 Lurshman barbara. u, f august 1 Lyser jacoO. 25, Germany, f august 2 Lyon.s daniel. 3,5, Ireland, f august 2 Lang ihen charl, tte, 35, Germany, f august 3 Larkin John, 80. Ireland, f august 4 Lannigan Patrick. 30, Ireland, f august 4 Lett Johanna H, 32. Hussia,f august 4 Lempert martin. 30, Germany, f au? st 4 Looby michael, Z5. EDgUnd, f augast 4 Lowry marg eel- stine. .37, New Orleans, f auijust 21 Lamb george W. 3.5, Maine, f augu-t 22 Leslie amelia. 28. Germany, f august 22 Lynch jerry, 35. Ireland. ( augu.st 23 Leippe carl, child ol, unknown, o august 23 Lamb biidgei. 2.5. Ireland, f august 24 Lee John, 19. Germany, f august 24 Lamourelle V. unknown. augu-t 27 Lawrence 1 enry. 18. United State', f august 28 Lashley Charles. 17, ZanesviHe, Ohio f augusi 28 Layhurn james. 25, Penn,^ylVal.ia, ! s .uust 30 Lewis jjlin. 18. England, i ■•.-.iist 31 ^ Lewis, a slave. 5, unknown, o sept 2 * Louis fraucis. 7. Germany, f sept 2 Logan A rudney. 3s. c harleslon, S. C. o sept 6 Lehman gu^tale, 2S months. N. O., o sept 12 Lloyd losabella. S. unknown,© sept 21 Lashley robert, 45, District cf Columbia, f sept 19 [ 38 ] Lightmyee J, child of, Wew Orleans, o sept 24 Leslie william, Qi, New Orleans, o sept 26 Iiullbury L P, 20, Sweden, o sept 28 •1.0968 eizab^th, 9 Germany, f sept 29 Ladiz rar, child of, New Orleans, o sept 29 Jucasjine. 4 m ntbs. unknown, o oct 3 licdig mr 19. New Orleans, o oct 30 Xrf)vernhgen henry, 36. Germany, « oct 17 Lewis ci herine, U mo, New Orleans, o oct 17 Leslie augdstus, 1, New Orleans, o oct 20 Louisa, a slave, 6 months, N. 0.,« oct 21 4) St. Tinoent de Panl. Lasinager, phillipe, 3, n, o may 3 Laiten. eugen, 6, Paris, o may 10 Lightner, michael, 7w, M O, o may 11 Lartenherman, adam, 3 u, a, may 17 Leich. elizabeth, 11, n, o, may 19 Lucas, fclix, 1, u o, may 24 Lafitte, rosalie, 22, u. o, may 30 Lafitte, alphonse, 3m, n, o, June 2 Louis, — , 14m, u, o, june 11 Louise, marie, 3 1, u o, June 11 Louisa. Sophie, 2, u, o, june 11 Leighlin, ursine, u, q, june 16 Laughlin, jno, 1, u,o, june 16 Louise, marie, 6'), u, o, jure 18 Louis, j an, 76, ii, o, june 19 Lister, John, 2, United States, o, june 21 Lorensen, laureta, 11, Denmark, o June 28 Louise, 2, u.o july 15 Lafon, marie, 21m, N O, f, July 20 Lang, Joseph, 44, Germany, f, july 22 Lehlr, adam, 2.3, Prance, f july 23 Lyenderfcer, kasharna, 20, Germany, f july 26 Lee, Catherine, u, f, july 26 Laurens, mary. u, f, july 27 Lawlan, jimes, 10, Ireland, f, july 28 Lesage, louis, 35, f. july 29 Lorraine, pierie, 60, France, f, jijy 30 Lucich. marco, 18, u, f, aurust 1 Lahna, henretta, 28, Germany, t, august 1 Lang, marie, 24, Prance, f, august 1 Livaudais, c instance, n, old age, august 2 Lindergin, jame--, 8, Ireland, f, august 3 Lang. Chretien. 34, u, {, august 4 Laurentz.aga, 16, Germany, f, augu.st 5 Larking, Catherine. 25, u, ». august 6 Locker, bartara, 30, Grermany,£ august 6 Lungsman, mr, infant of, u, f, august 7 Lynch, mane, 12, Ireland,/, august 7 Leangan, marie, 22, France, f, • august 7 Lane, moris, 33, Ireland, f, august T Lade Joseph Z, 36, Neusback,£ august 8 Lesker, william, 32, t 31 Lemelle cormelite. 50, unknown, f august 31 Lemonnier mme, s'ave of, 40, unknown. r> august 31 Lapeyre jema, 6. unknown, f July 24 Lanna vidas, 70, unknown, o july 19 L'lisprit marie, 50, Louisiana, o July 8 Lavigne r«se, 18. unknowp, f june 30 Lawrence H. slave of, 8 mo, unknown, o june 20 Lange livingston cheri, 15 mo. u. o June 12 Lambert mine jean. 75, unknewn, o june 9 Lomine mr, slave of, 9 mo, unknown, o may 15 Lenas sarah, 16 mo, unknown, o may 18 Lambert jsan baptisite, 66, St. Domingo, o may 21 Lbzerd jean louis, 2, unknown, o may 24 Lubin pierre, 55. New Orleans, o may 26 Lizer florentme K, 6 mo. unknown, o may 27 Lazare Josephine, ^, ui,known, o may 28 Louts Caroline. 35. unknown, o may 11 Lamotte anne. 19, i'cDonoughvillo, o may 7 Legaros celestin. 40. unknown, o sept 6 Laileux alfred H 3i. unknoun, o sept 9 Laforit leon, 22, unknown, f sept 29 Lamothe elizabeth; 76. unknown, o sept 24 Laudun thomas edsar, 2. unknown, o sept 23 Labarre esttlle. 7. unkf.own.f sept 19 Labarre robert, 4. unknown, f sept 18 Lydie, s'ave. 18, unknown, o aept 22 Laiigne jame; edward, 3, unknown, o sept 14 Loucrissy marie, 65, unknown, f sept 13 Protestant. Lyons eliza, 2, New Orleans, o may 14 Lewis mr, infant of. New Or'eansi o may 22 Lewis Sophia, 2", Philadelphia, o may 29 Leyton georgf, .38. unknown, o June 28 Lee thomas. 26, unknown, o July 19 Lewis C A, 4. ui known, o July 26 Lott ann D. 4. New Orleans, o July 20 Lilly marg ret, 50. Iceland, f July 25 Lererich geor^e H, unknown, f august 4 Lee cathan, 28, Pennsylvania, ( augwt 7 [39 J Ladiare R, 45, Louisiana, f Lambeth horace, 6, Mixsis ippi, f Lam)>eth sinan H, 43, Virginia, f Lawsophii, unknown, f Leitch anjw, S6, Ireland, f Lambeth f nny, 18, Virginia, f Lanning C P, ^5, Nfiw Jersey, f Lyon Surah J, uninown, f Lawtoiihenry C, nn vnown, < LDckett ™r, slave of, unknown, o Lovy marie, i, unknown, o Lazarus, a slave, unknown, o Labbe mrs harrJet, unknown, f Hebrew, liafaycttc. Leryrosalia, 21. Germany, f Lonssfield henry, 78, Germany, o Lisberser mayer. 81, Germany, f Licherisf-in , (jermany, f Lochman A 25 Poland, f Levy D A, 20, Germany, i Levy aron. 22. Germany, f Levy babatt. 19, unknown, f Lowensten eliza. 35, Germany, i Levy anthony, 22, Germany, f Hebrew on the Ridge. Lsvy rebecca, 35, Holland, o M St. Patrick's Cemetery. Moran denis, 2 New Orleans, o Murthu jam. 8m, Nf w Orleans, o McGrath, 1. Louiville. f. McDonough tlioraa.'*. Id, New Orleans, o Mclntyre michael. 21m. NtwTork.o Mujphy marv. Hi, Irtjland. o Murry williani. 8m. New Odeans; o Morris lewis. 49, Kranco, o Mooie biidget. 28, Irela- d, o Murphy ai.n, 22, I r land, o Markey thoras.s, 16d. 1\ ew Orleans, o MeOarihy mary. (jm, New Orleans, o McGrath John. ISm. New Orleans, o Moore ^atherin^. 1 New Orleans, o McLaushlin Patrick. 22. Ireland, o Murray ann. New Orleans, o Marin eller, 24. Ireland, o Maimin patricK, 37. Ireland, o McGee mary ann. iSm. ^ew Orleans, o McClary mary, 26, Ireland, o Murphy micba'^l. 18, Ireland, o McGeaarthur, 2fi, Ireland, o Murry James, 21, Ireland t McUann mary ann New Orleans, u McDonou;.'h betty, 17, l'?lani. o Mullen William. M), Ireland, o McLaughlin br.de.-t. 5d. New Orleans, u Murly ra.«ry ann. Gin, New Orleans, o Martin mar^aret. New Orleans, u Markey peler. ?<. d o Meagher elleu, IC u. f McCarthy mi 'haol. 26, u, o Meashbr patrick . 30, u, o Mahon thomas J, 30. Ireland, u Mays daniel, 7, ii, o Maguire mary. 18 Ireland, f jMorgin John, 35, Ireland, t' McGrath, intant, son of. New Orleans, u McCann margaret. 19. Ir<;laa; , t' Murphy michael, 20. " u McUambrid' e John. 26, ■• o McFarlane John. 45, " f McPhalon bridpet. 44, " f McGinn Catherine, 16, " o McFarlane jimes, 18, " f Mae Willi m. lOrri, New Orl-ans. o Maddox morrb. 3, New Orleans, f Melio John, 2, Kngland, o Murrayjames, iO. Irelano. f McCoy bridget. G". New Orleans, o Mackinhoe jire, 25. Ireland, f Monroe ranriaret. 2.3, " f McGarvely margarrt, 10. " f Mor/i-iey jolin. int'int. New Orleans, o Murray ann, GO, Ireland, f MoFhelan Catherine, u, Ireland, f Mc2. " u Mu'veney Patrick. 25, " f McUenry catli-^rine,35, " u Manin mar. a, 21, " f McQuade maiy, 4.'5, " f McCavan trancis, 5m, New Orleans, o McCarly James, 21. unknown. Moorey Patrick, 24. Ireland, f McAulifta eliza. •i'5. " f McKenna john,21, Halifax, u McLaughlin ann, 25. Ireland, u McCarty hnnora, .W, " u Mulkahy thomas. 28. " f Mcl'ermo't Joseph. 24, " f McMahon James, 22, " f Murphy Julia ann, 8m, New Orleans, o Moore mary, Ireland, f McBiide mary, 20, England, f Mcu'auley frank, 53. Ireland, f Masiterson James, 26. " f McCarty michael, 28, " f McCarty ellen, " f Moran Patrick, 24. " t McCarty michael. 28, " f McHaffrey francis, " f McNulty thomas, " o Manning bridget. 2r>, " a Murphy denis. 21, " f Mack .iames. 40, " f Murphy Patrick, 28, " f Murphy thomas, 30, " ( McGenis owen,3,5, " f Madden maty, 1. New Orleans, a Mahoney michael. 30, Ireland, f McMahone mary, 28. ■' f Mai' ney elizabeth, infant, New Orleans, f McGarvey ellen, .50. Ireland, f Mulligan nancy, .'JO, " f Meighanjohn, 19, " f McMahon daniel, 35, " t Mullon j^mes, 28. " f Mullen Catherine, 60, " f Magrath william, .32, " f Monaghan Catherine, 19, " f Martin Patrick, 20, " t" Martin jolin, ^4, " f Moran daniel, 25, " f McDonnell John, .3. New Orleans, f McMahon rose, 30, Ireland, f Mar'in mary B, 24, " f McKenna citherine, 25. " f Mitchel bridget. 50. " f Muriy Patrick, 3U, " f McHugh edward, 23. " f McGracQ patrick, 30, Muri hy John, 2.3. McLeddv ann. 19. Mclone elizabeth, .30, McO-rmotc Patrick, 28, Maloney catn* rine, 15, McUugh fanny. 16, Mc(!arty John. 50. Monaghan ann, 25, McCristal jane, 24. Monaghan susan, 20, Meany david, 24, Martin janies. 23. Mack bridjet. 13, Murphy elizabeth, 20, Mitrhel biidget, 14, McUue david, 18, " o Murphy bridget, 60, " f Muldoon mary. 22. " h Mcliralh Jeremiah. 17, " f Mahoney James K. 15, " f McDermott John. 22, " f Morris ed ward. 24, " u Moran jim'>?, 25. " u Murphy patrick. 32, " f McDonnell michael, 31, " f Mcllenry neil, 31, " f McMahan philip, 2, New Orleans, o HcUale patrick, 2h, " u Maurio pa'rick, 44, Ireland, f MuIviUo margiret, u, o Murray janies, 2S^ Ireland, f iuly inly iuly lUly )nly iuly iuly u.y Illy ."Jy iuly iuly july luly Iuly July i«ly uly uly iuly iuly uly iuiy iuly July iuly tuly .uly iuly iuly iuly iuly iuly iuly July iuly uly uly iuly iuly u y iuly iuiy ily ily Ily ily Ily Ily iuly iuly ily iuly luy iuly iuly My --"ly july august august august august august august august august august august august august august august august au;ust august august august au.ust august august august ai)gut 8 Mairooney eil'/n, K, " o august 8 McCarthy ann, 32, " f august 8 Marrion John, 22, u, f august 9 Mulvey jane. 25, Ireland, u august 9 Mcbruire williani, 97n. New Orleans, o august 9 Murphy John, 2-;, Ireland, t august 9 Mahon bndget, 22, " f atgait 9 McCorraickthomHS, 22, Ireland, f august 9 McCormcik mirgaret, 18, " f august 9 McCraighan john. 30, " f august 9 Murray williara, 18, " f august McGee John. 19, " t' august McNamara anthony, 21, " o august Mitchel Patrick, 24, " f august Murphy patri.-k, 26. " f august ManniM Catherine, 24, " f augu.st McGuite jimes, 40, " f augu.st Murphy James, ■' u august Mariuion huga, 24, " o august McCormack edward, " f august McCormack John, 20, " f august Moonay Patrick, 25, Ireland, o. august McDonald rose, 12, Ireland f august Moore james. 30, Irel?ncl, f august McGroey patriclt, 11, Ireland, f august Murray John, Ireland, f- august McDonnell michasi, Ci, f august Murray James, Ireland, august McCarty John, 20, Ireland, f august McCaffrey wm, u, o august Murphy ellei', 20, Ireland, f auijust Monaghan patricK. 22, Ireland, f august McGreevy patrick,3.% Ireland, f augu-t McCarthy john, 16, Ireland, f ausust McDonnell Patrick, 28, Ireland, f august McK,een thomas, '2S. Ireland, f august McUetmott.eliza, 20, Ireland, f august McCarthy John, 24, Ireland, f aug,,.-,t Meany Avm, 18, Iiel nd, 1' suguat McCarthy 0;>therine, 24. New Orleans, f august McCaffrey ellen. 22, N 0. f august Murtagh thomas. 25, u, o august Marshall ma-y ann, 14, New Orleans, r august McDougail Julia, Scotland, f an^ust Murray edward. 24, Irnland, f augjst McCarthy jiTne.s, 5, Ireland, f august Malone d-iiby, 23, Ire!: nd, f augu t Murphy peter, Ireland, f aiig .st Master.-on neter, Ireland, f august McOonoiigh mary. 22 Ireiand, f august Atuibray ann, IS, Ireland, f aug ist Mclieane hugh. 43 Irel .nd, f august Mulhern t'uaddeus, 46. u, o augu.st Moffat bridset. u. o au^just Mcl^aughl n Dennis, 22, Ireland, f august Murphy ill^n, " o august Mayn-han ellen. 32, Ireland, f august McCiuinn bridgat, 24, Ireland, f august McGuinn mar , infant, JNew Orleans, o au.ust McConnell Patrick, ,35. le'and, f august Morrison michael, 27, Ireland, t august McGinnis jol]!i. 19 Irel,n", august Mc ntee janjes. ,'::5, Ireland, f august McVhy char PS". 3 -ic.jtland, f august Vo.rre John, 21. 1.-tiland, f a*-gust Murphy thimss. 7w, i\ew Orleans, o august McG-rath mary, 25, freland, f august Martin, mrs. child of. 2i, New Orleans, o august McVey, mrs, 25. Scotland, f august Monvson dennis, .JS, Ireiaiit*, f august Madcen timohy, Im, New Orleans, o august Murray Christopher, 27, Ireland, o august Murray pa'ric:. 7 u, o august MoGovern James, 32, Ireland, f august McGoey j*nies, 9. Ireland, f august Mason margaret, Cm, New Orleans, f august McDougaUmargaret, 11m, New Orleans, o august McGee el'zabeih, 19, Ireland, f august Murphy michael, 25, Ireland, o august McDermott thomas. 32, Ireland, f august Mclntyre james. 15, ^ew Orleans, o augu,st , McOall wm J 2, ^ ew Orleans, o august • McGee isaoella, 21, Ireland, o august Mahan ann, 23, Ir'-land, o augusi 20 Malone John. 37, Ireland, o '■ McAnlitt' mrs, 57. Ireland, f " Moriatty hugh, 26, Ireland, f " Manguan thomas, 12. u, f « if«lUea thomas, 3, Kew Orleioj, f ■' Molaghan patrick. New Orlean?, f Maher snargaret. (JO. Ireland, f McKeon thomafi. 28. Irfland. f Muldson maiy. 34. Ireland, f Murray Jeremiah. 9, Ireland, o Murray Catherine, 20, Ireland, f Mal'oymark, 'SA. Ite,i,nd, f McCarlin michael. 6, u, f Maylon John. 21. Ireland, f McCormick pairicV. 21, Ireland, u Mu'cfthy bridget. 28, IreLnd, o McGee frarces. 17, IreL,nd,r Murphy elizabeth. 3 ', Ireland, o Markey James. 26, Ireland, f Maddeu John 8d. New Orleans, o McDermott, michsel, I Ireland, o McGuire patrick, 45, Ireland, u Morrissey patrick, 50, Ireland, f McHughann, 13, lieland, t McBride susan, Irel.Tnd, f Martin bridget. lOd, New Crleans, o Melloy briget, 2.3. I'eland. f Martin margaret. 25. Ire and. o Mu loway wni. infant, New Orleans, f DcDonough patrick, 22. Ire'and, t Mandl n C miss.l'.i. Ireland, f Mcln ire rose, 23, Ireland, f McGov rn janies, 40, Ireland, f Menayjimes henry. 1. New Orleans, o McKenna catriek, 28, u, o McGee, Dennis. 27. Ireiand.o Mullen margaret. 9m. New Orleans, o McJoany michael, 2. Ireland, u Mc Bride mary, 19, Ireland, f Melcahy michael, L'6, Ireland, f Murray dennis, 25, Ireland f McMahon jame«, 2 Ireland, f McNara john. 5, Ireland, f Mealac mrs, 22. u, 6 Mooney samuel, 30, Ireland, f McAvoy margar»-t, i!'; Ireland, f McGan charles.Sm. New Orleans, f Murphy daniel, 12. u, o, Mahan john. 18, Ireland, o, Mnore edward. .30, Ireland, o Murtaugh marcilla, 14, u, o McGan charles, 7jn. ^ ew Orleans, o McCcnnell bernatd, 25, Ireland, f Mehan michael. 4. New Orleans, o ♦WcGinn Catherine, 21, Iieland, f Murray William, 23, Ireland, f Murphy thomas, il. Ireland, f McVey. William, infanr. New Orleans, o McClusky Joseph, 3, \ew Oileans, f Murray palrick. 45, Ireland, o Monaghan thomas, i6, Ireland, o McGoone b.idgei, 40. IreLind, f Murphy elizabeth, 15m, New Orleans, o JilcGee Iianiel, 26, Ireland, f McG.;ey thomas. 72. Ireland, o Merl.y wi liain il, 4, Ireland, f Maguire michffl). .30, Ireland, f Minpgue edward, 25, Ireland, o McKurker marj' ann, 4, u, t SlcGarymary, 38, Irela.d, f McKurker mary jane, inf-nf. New Orleans, JlcGinii hugh, 21, Ireland f Monaghan caihsrine,'25, Ireland o McDer^iott bridget, 18, Ireland, f MuUt n John. 28, Ireland, f Melea briiJget. inr'ant. Mew Orleans o McLaughlin j me.s, 28, Ireland, f McGoey bridg t, 13. Ireland, f Mahan peter. 24, Irelat.d, f Murphy james, 2i. Ireland, f McDonald owen, 26 So tL^nd, f McGrath pat.-ick, .'54, Ireland,! McDonogh wA), 28, Ireland, f Manning julia, u, o Maloney marg.iret, 26. Ire'and, r McGalhy owen, 28, IreJa.id, f Maurice ellen, infant. New Orleant, o McGuire edward. 25, Ireland, f Martin patrick, 20. Ireland, Malone bridgrti. 27, Ireland, o Morris jan.es. 45, Ireland, o IMuvphy mich,el. infant, New Orleans, o Mclnerny margavt, .36, Ireland, o McGuire berrard, 22, Ireland, f McLaughlin michael. 24, Ireland, f *, ch Id, New Orleana, o Waloney Johanna, 8, Ireland, o McMahon Aniie,30, Irelsnd, o Wuxphy, may ann, 13, New Orleans, o Mackey thomas, 21, Ireland, f Murphy pa'rick, 38, Ireland, o Mahon patrick, 21, Ireland, o Morrison John, child. New Orleans, o JtfcDermott anne, 30, Ireland, o Afurphy michael, U>, Ireland, f Cypr«8» Grove Cemetery, Mo, 1. McFarlane T, child of, 2. 11, may S Ataeii mr, child of, 7 days. New Oileans, o may R Mehan ellen, 1, >ew Orleans, o may 10 Macias maria V, n, o may 23 ifar^ae aithur, I, New Orleans, o June 7 McGat K T, child of, 8 mo. New Orleana, o June a Metz louis, child of, U, New Orleans, o jure 15 McCuid mrs, child of. New Orleans, o June 21 Mylnnd henry. 26, u. o July U Morris ellen, 38, u, f July 15 Meyet niitiam, 28, m, f juIy 21 Martin John A, 45, Ireland, o juiy 22 Mathews mary A, 6, u. f July 2.'5 Moffat John, child of, 9 mo. New Orleans, o July 23 Multz louis. 22, France, f july 26 McCuUum robert. 38, Ireland, f july 18 Milier robert. 30. a, f august 9 Michael rar. child of. 4, u, o august 9 Maher margaret, 22. England, f augus* 10 -McFadyen alexander, 39, Scotland, f augiLst 13 Marsh sarah, 7. u, f august 18 JtfcFarlane thomas, 30. u, f august 19 McGuire james, 31. u. f august 20 Moncar william, 28, England, f august 23 Milligan james, 25. u, f august 27 Murray david, u,f augu-st S9 Mount nina. 4, u, f august 30 McO'onnell robert, 2 mo. u,o .••ept 4 Moiton peter, 26, Missouri, f sept 10 McAllister william, 26. Baltimore, f sept 17. Martz maria, Germany, o Oct 1 Marshall william. 67, ^.aine, o tct 28 Manning james, 22, Iceland, o Oct 30 Masterson william, 25, u. o oct 30 Mason D D. 25, u. o may 21 Maglone B. child of. 3. New Orleana, o July 31 Milburn albett, 12, Kentucky, f august 3 MiUbu:n ellen. 14, u, f august 6 Millburn alice, u, f august 8 Maes mngdalena, 22. Germany, f august 12 Madeley richard. 28, ■ ngland. f august 18 Maxwell, chi dof. 4 day«. New Orleans, o august 18 Murphy mrs A F, 24, u, f august 21 Morrison james 21 , u, f august 27 Mills Charles. 26, New York, f sept 2 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 3. Madden D, slave of, 2. New OrIean», o Moore M. child of. 4 mo. New Orleans, o Man unknown, 35. u, o May mrs. slave of, u. o Mai, unknown, 40, u, o Man unknown. 45, u, o Micheefer Joseph. 2, Germany, f McKreesen. cluld of. 3 mo, u, f Murphf maria, 9, u, o Man unknown, u, o Man unknown, a, o Milly. slave, 10, u, o Man unknown, 40, a, o Montarrat mrs, child of 4 dsy^, u, o Uagiego maria. 9 months, u. o Moore robert, 22. Ireland, o Man unknown, 23, u. o McKreeser, chil<* of, 8 monthd, o. o Man unknown. 36, a. o Maria Inuisa . slave, 3, u, o Man unknown, 35. u, o Moorehouse ben. 38, Bcgland, o Man unknown, u. o Man unlinown, 35, », o Man unknown, 85, u. o McCormick eliza, Ireland, 9 Mbn unknown, u, o Man -lave, 25, u, o Majcwelt margaret, li, a, o Mas vuknown, 36, u, o G " Martin mr, slave of, u. o July 7 .s«pt 25 Mailer mr 0, child of, u, o .July 8 sopt 28 Man unknown, 13. n, o July 12 oct 1 Muirjohn,21, u, f july 12 oct 1 Man unknown, 30, u. o jnly 13 oct .'5 Man unknown, 35, u, o July 13 oct 8 McKerrall mr, slave of. u. o July 7 oct 3 McFaddengeorge, 32, u. o July Kf Oct 8 Miser georg^i. u. July 15 oct 10 McDermottcathsrine, 40, Ireland, f jnly IS oct 11 Man unknown, 40, u, o July 19 oct 12 Man unknown, ZS, u, o jnly 19 oct 13 Man unknown, 35. u, o July 29 oct 13 McShane John. 2\ Ireland, f July 19 oct 21 Man unknown, 3'>, u, 1 July 21 oct 'IS Man unknown. 30. u. f jnly 22 oct 28 Man unknown. 20, Germany, f July 24 Man unknown, 25, Iceland, f July 25 Meyer william. u, t July 27 Mathews may, 10 months, u, f ju y 27 Man unknown. 25, u, f July 27 M.'ssey John, 23, Kng'and, f July 28 McLoughlin william, 2, Irelaad, f july 28 Mancen J, childof. u, o July 2r Mulier mrs, 23, u, f august j McKensey A, Ireland, o august i McHugh mr, Ireland, f august i Mu«grove mr. slave of. n. o auiust j MacKley william, 22, u. f august j Murphy John, u, f august 2 Miller waiter, 3i, Germany, f august 2 Man unknown, 26, u,f august $ Mathews Julia. 7. u, f august 4. Meno freaerick W. 19, u, f august 4 Massat mr, u, f auguit 4 Michel ernestine, 26, n.f august 5 Malarky ellen, U, Ireland, f august 5 M.esraer irederick, 51, u, f august 5 Man unknown, 35, Germany, f august g McFarlane J J, s ave of, 4, u. o august 5 Man unknown. 12, u, f august g .Mathews ann, 8i. u, f august 5 Murray jo n, 25. u, f august 7 Mulier william, 5 months, u, f august j Meyer Jacob, u, f august g Moran Catherine. 19, Ireland, f august g Man unknown, 36. u, f ausust g Man unknown, 30, u, f august g McDermott John, 30. Ireland, f august Ig Maas henry, 32. u, f augun lo Morther Ire. erick, 25, u, f august I9 McDermott bridget, 30, Ireland, f august l(j McKlroy thomas, 32, Ireland, f august lo Marl wilhelmina. u, f august iQ Mendtzen ann. 30. u, f august l(j M urphy phil ip, 17, u, f august lo Malony patiick, 24. u. f august li JM ullen patrick, 6, Ireland, f august li Montons giacomas. u, f august ll Mason P L, slave ot, u, f august U MichfeHt Johanna. Germany, f august li Mouse. H, f august ll McCuing hannah. 19. New York, f augusi li V orris Johanna. 25. Germapy. f august II Man unknown. 25, u. f august I3 Much Joseph, 23, Germasy, f august I2 Montcory Vincent. 31, France, august Ig Mulier johan. 18. Germany, f aujUft I2 may 5 Mager peter, 53, G«rniany,f augnst l2 may 6 Masson pierre, 44, France, f august I2 may 9 Martin henrick. 34. Germany.^f auanst Is may 10 Man unknown, u, f augiLst I3 may 13 Michaud charles. 40. Germany, f august I3 may 14 Murphy james, 23. Ireland, f august I3 may 14 IMoerang margaret. 27. Germany, f august Jj may 20 McManus John. 26. Ireland, t august I3 may 20 McDonald james. 28. u, f auguit I3 may 21 Moi»s» Johanna, 17, Ireland, f august I4 may 21 McDonnell John, 40. Irelind, f augast I4 may 25 Marand jean, u, f august U may 25 Modeste alphonse. 40. France, f augi st U may 26 Martin ^arrett, 25. Ireland, f august I4 may 29 McDermott eliza. 5, u, f august U ju e 1 Marie armand, 33. Franc«, f augu-t 1.% June 4 Murphy corneliu.< F, 30. Ireland, f august 1.5 June 7 Man unknown. 36. Ireland, f august I5 June 7 Mildner james. 23 Germany, f august 1< June 3 McGauly John, 2:J, Ireland, f august IS June 9 Manunkn.iwn, 35, Pru>»ia, f august I5 june 10 McLaughlin winney. 20. Ireland, f augiist 15 jure 19 Mitchell elizabeth, 10. u. f august 16 June 30 Mitcnell emily, 6, u. o august IS June 21 Moorehouse henry, 27, Germanr. f august 16 June 22 Ma- n marie, 26, G.rjnany, f augu-st 16 June U Morris william, 25, Tre.and. f august 16 June U Musich george, 25. (Jermany. f augu.>t 16 July 1 Michler sophia: 25. (rermany, f august lit July Martingeorge, SV, F«nnsyl/ani». f augiKt IS [ 42 ] JIan unkjiown, 25, u, f Mill'- ciiristian. 2C, u, < Muhlrson Joseph, 1, Germany, o Man unknown, u. f , Moses malier. 27. Germany, f McGaugh thomas, 2j, Ireland, f . . Martin ricliard, 40. Ireland, f Miller gaorge. 8, Germany, f Mulligan thoinas, 19, Iieland, t' MorriMfranci-, Ireland, f , ,. M?.rt n irrs, child of, u, f iMou-itcn genrge. 42. u, f Maille nirs, 26, France, f M^n mary, 25, Ireland, t Mpri^on mary, 17. In land, f W jUf r mcholis,23, G-rmany, f MourianC «, 22, Poland, f Miljey mary, 53, I eland, t Miller godt'rey, 12, Germany, f Morilz chrwtian. .'i4, Germany, f Meling Caroline, 20 Prussia, t Murphy cathrir.e, 24, Ireland, f McLoughlin catht^rme, 21, Ireland, t Mariftz Jacob, '2% Germany, f Miller Joseph, 54, Germaiy. f Jlafbrai.y edwird, 35, Ir^iand, f Morris morris. 30, Ireland, f McGould Jacob, 40. n, f Mil e,r ham s, 26, United States, f Mq,?ne mr, 32, Fran'-e, i Meyer richard, 25, Germany, f M (iarry mic aul, 26, Ireland, f Mathai francois, n, t McManus mathew. 25, Ireland, f Man unknovvn. u, f McCormick jihn, 40. Ireland, f Montgomery ro'oert, 22, .Scotland, f Murpny John. 26. Irelai d, f Milhfand ellen 21, Ireland, f McGee tlioraas, 25, Ireland, f Milling m-, child of, 5 mo, New Orleans, o Michaud. 22. Italy, f Miller lur. 23, u, f Mereymorn.s.fl 'oo. New Orleans, f Mull^r Charles. 24, Germany, f Mandignee mathew, Germanjr, f JMitkler elUn, 52, Gorinany, f Miller jaquo, .50, Germany, t" . Mfeir henry, 46, Germany, f Martin John. 2, New Orleans, f McGiven mr. slave of. 1 1, u, f Mill, r eva. 37. Germany, f Maringo A, 40. Germany, f Mjller cithriiie. 28, Germany, f Mlillin James. 22, 1'eland. f Minerva, a tlave, 3 ', u, f MeClellan i'i?:ic,25, Ireland, f M.nrgay madiiin, 30, u, f Milions ellen, 13, Ireland, f May John, 26. Ireland, f i^'allisffederick, u,f Miller charles. 7. u, f M. yeralexand r. 2S. Germany, f Mullet jsannotte. 2 J. Krance, ; Michel isabelli, 10. New.York, f SSaJorxy henry. 2i, Ireland, f Marachi. Itaiy. f Man unUnown. Ireland, f Murphy hannah. 20, Ireland, f Man unknown, S5, u, f Mulligan william. 29, Ireltnd. f McOormick daniel.32, Scotland, f Mdoney John, 20, Uni'ed t)tates,f Megraw cdward, 17, Ireland, f McKeirigan j )hn, 22, Ireland, f Muller henry, 2, ", o McMahon ellen, 25, Ireland, f Matilda, 48, Ireland, f Meyer carl, 22, (Jermany, f Murray hing-dale, 45. Pennsylvania, f Murray ellen. 16, Ireland, f Morris albert. 26, Germany, f McNamam jnhn, ,j2, Ireland, f Man unknown, u. f Munch peter. 30, Germany, f Mit.'heli rar. in. u, f Wilier winson. 28. Germany, f McGar^agan Catherine, 50, Ireland, f Men^t John. 32 France, f Meekingam. 6, Ireland, f Murpb P, child of u, o McG.»ugh»y Caroline, 15, Alabama, f Meyer amilie, (iermany, f Mack wil.iam, 40, Irt-land, f Miller william, 70, New Jersey, f Miller John, 23. Ilnitea States, f MijGrane phi'lip, 34 Ireland, t Morris cacoline, 19, Germany, £' august 16 august 16 august 16 august 16 august 16 august 16 ' augu.^t 17 augu't 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 13 august 18 august 18 august 13 auguft 13 augu't 19 august 19 au'^ust 19 august 19 august 19 augu.st 19 augu- augu.-t 29 Mari unknown, 40, u. o Mc lonkey margaret, 20, Ireland.'f Mc Kinney thnrn^s. ::4, u. f McCarthy jim. 27. Ireland, f Mager Jacob. 17, Germany, f Myers johu, 22. Germany, } McDernnit n ichael, Ireland, f McLan.^ jame-, 21, Ireland, f McClusky James, 33, Ireland, f Mosercharles, 34, Gerniiny, f Mitchell Sophia, u, f Murdock alexander. 22, Ireland, f Mitchell mr, 30, Ireland, f McGregor James, 30. bcoiland. f Masty came ia, 10 u, f Miller christian. 28, Germany, f Xather Jacob. 45, G-^rmnny, f McCulloch jaraes, 2i, u, f Mathers joh: , 33, Geruianv, f Malon y thomas,22, Ireland, f Man unknown, 30, u, o Marshall Dr S .1. 26, Unite 1 Stales, f Moginnis maigaret, 50, Ireland, f Momcs, a slave, 30, u, o Man unkrown. 35, u, o Miller Christopher, 40, Germany, f McGarry bernard. 40, Ireland, i Muller J, u, f Man unknown, u, f Jlaloi.y Julia, ;0, Ireland, f McDonough william. SO. Ireland, f Milan ntichae., 6, u. Marie, orphan, 3 no, N ew Orleans, o McCarthy frank, 26, Ireland,, f Morrison nirs, 40. Dubi,n, f Moore richard. 35, Unled States, f Mason j^mes. 40, Ireland, f Michael, 38, Germony, o Montferrant catheriie, 90, St. Domingo, o Meltzger thfodore. u, o Millery barba. 40, Gorraany, f Meyer Jacob, 21. Gtrmany, f McGra[h peter, ."/O, Ireland, f Miller Josephine, 6 mo, Ne w Orleans, o Man unknown, 12, u, o Mackpy John. 37, Ireland, o Morrina louis, child of 14 days, N. O., o Maloney michael, 2<, Ireland, f Michels louia, 3 mo, Germany, o WcDarby cathrine, 40. Ireland, f Murdoch henry, 15 mo. New Orleans, o Mullen John, 40. Neiv York, o Miller christine, 10, Germany, f May mrs, infant of New Or.eans. o Montgomery M L, Oh, St. Louis, f McGcehan C, 23, u, o Magloire D, 32, France, f Moore mrs, 30, u, i Mary, 1, u, o Mary jane, 10 mo. New Orleans, o Man unknow". 28, u, o Muster John. 7, St. Louis, o Man unknown, 35, u, e ' Man inknown. u. o Malter mary, 6, Switzerland, o jM an unknown, 30, u, o Man unknown, .35. u, o ?fc(iarry clar;i, New Orleans, o Merde, slave, u, f Mitchell mts, child of. New Orleans, o Mehrer anna maria, u, o Milzer Joseph, 5, u. f Mary, 4, u, f Wary anne. 6 mo, New Orleans, o ]\lay fred?!rick, 34, Germany, o Man unknown, u, o Charity Hospital, McCIoskey thomas, 43, PInsylvania, o Marston eli.'s, 61. ma-s, o Morley michael. 23. Irelr-nd, o Murray thomas. ^3. Trejand. o Moorejohn. 25, England, o Mullen mary, 40, Ireland, o Montouse jean. 34, France, o Maher Catharine. 22, Ireland, o Mc<;uigan, jame.i.* 26, Irebnd, f '•'Fir.st case at the Hospital, McGabe peter, 27, Ireland, o Man unknown, u o Moore jame«. .30, Ireland, f Mahonyn\ichael, 16 Irelatid, f Murrhy Joseph, 25. Ireland, f McNam'ma Michael, 40, Irfland, f McGilway betnard, 50, Ireland, o Moeppent franz, 42, Germany, f Marony patrick, 73, Ireland, f august 29 august 29 »u-u-t 30 august SO august 30 august 31 august 31 august 31 august 31 august 31 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 sept 2 sept 3 sei t 4 sept 4 3*>J)t 4 sept 5 sept 5 sept 5 sspt 5 sept 6 ?ept 7 fept 7 sept 8 sept 9 sept 9 sept 9 fept 18 sept 10 sept 11 sept 12 sept 12 ;ept IS sept H sept H sept 14 sept 15 sept 16 sept 15 sept 15 sept 16 sept 17 sept 21 sept 21 fept 22 sept 23 sept 26- sept 2S sept 2o^ sept 23 sept 28 sept o8 oct 1 cct 5 oct 6 oct 7 oct 8 oct 9 oct 10 oct 10 oct H oct 12 oct 13 oct 14 oct 15 oct 16 oct 16 oct 15 oct 23 oct 27 oct 31 may 1 may 1 ni:iy 3 may 5 may U may 17 may 21 may 27 may 27 may 25 j une 3 June 3 June 7 June 9 June 9 jnne 14 June 17 June 17 [43] Miller george. 25, New York, f iI/;Cartny wiliam, 42 , Irelaud. o Mam i:.!;john, 35, " o isauskoper ca'lieiine, 50. O-ermany, o Mai-fh,ill clara, 21, Knnce. o WcCEr>liy thomas, 49. Irt^laiid, o Man unkiiowi), u, o • Mouts wi,l nni, 21, Louisville, o J^:cLo\lsh^ll j jJin, 34. Ireland, o McFadden .^Iive ol'. W. u, o McQu.iid cr,.-uel.us, M. Ireland, I ilcAiRinn iiiar!:-.ret, 2S, " f Worisoa mary 25, " t Merer a dele, 22. France, f Murray j >hn. 40, Ireland, i JKiller j jhan, 45, SwitzoiUnd, o Man uuKnown, u, o i(crer maris, 28. Germany. ' Mullet leojjold, 20. " f McDetmott peier. 22. Trelau?;. 1 Madden patricK, 21, Ireland, f McUUia thomas, 40, " f, Me'tt mathias. 26, FriKsia. f McCarthy jihn, 37. Ireland, f McCate jaiues. 27, " o Mcfiovern catherne, 17, Ireland, t McUutfjohn .'is, " f . McCarthy ed'vard, 35. " f Man unknown, u. o Muilerkasf er. 47. iTermany, f Mc'Joy pe'e.-, 25, Irelr.nd. o Mannion bri got, 18. " f Maluy audreiv J. 23, Hew York, f McGr.-\th miehae^ 35, Ireland, f Mulier m-.r in, 21, Germa .y. f >iuiitr chris.ina, 44, Germany, f Blathew- •;.ii ■tzh, 22. En.'iatid, f Siooly j MJii. 22. Ireland.f Mahltsed auijait, 30, Germany, f Murphy j .lai, 30 Ireland, i' McCarthy mary ar.n, 30, ire and, f Murphy jir.r, 24. " f MrArdejohn, la, " f MuIler katherina, .59. Germany, f Murphy arme, IS, in 1 md, f Mass.nkJi andees. 2'^, liermany, f Meister johan, 38, Ger^anv, f McLaugii'in wiiliam, 22. Ireland,!' Man unknown, u, GO • ■ ". r Mulhanan mat; da. 13 ' " 1 Mai .ney brid at. 26, " 1 Man unkuown. 60. u. o McCabe jobn,30 " f Murray uridget, CO, " i' McAnertv j iUe, 17, " f McNU jauies, 28, ' f Wa'hewa patrick, 26, " f Mr'.'arthy char ei, 45. V i' Jiullt-r j >cq es, 34. Fiance, f McGhen j hii,23, IrtUnd, f Murray jimes, 35, " 1' Maker ,inne,3), " f M=;u miinowii ,u, f ilac.us roniel. 18, iiermsny. Mul.-ahi'a iiiH.i^.iot 2S, Ire and, t" MefKe.' n-arif. 32. Geniiany. f Jleirer peif r, 6'), " f Mc'J Mth m.cha'?), SO,Irei,nd, f Muri'liy daninl. 40, McOernio t bridije , 20. Irel5»d, f Merrallo marsater, 28. f rnce, f Maliou jnaifaret, 17. liel:-nd,f Mi-irer etttl. 2J,Gervitiny, f Mail uiiknov. n, u. 1' ilaher micha' 1. 20. Ireland, f Murphy Catherine. 25, " f McCiuly martin, 17, De'aware, f McKever Joseph, 23. K: island, 1' McVey j>hn-.'9, Sctl r.d, f McD.nalJ John, iU. Irel nd, f WcCiuaid edvs-ard, .30. Ireland, f Murphy patrick. 24. Ir lan,d. f Mfguite marihi, 0. Iceland, o Monaghan uilliam. 22, " f McGrath patricj.21, i.'ela' d, f Mulier daniel. 51, swiizerland, f McMull-;n rosannna. 17. ireand, f Morri.s richard, 27. Ir>-1 md, f M'.hcr honora, .4. Ireland, f Maltan iohan, 3J. Germany, f Miltz heii rioh,26. Germany, f Miirp! y vril.i-m, 19 n-Iand, f Magarvet nury, 19, Ireloid, f k Moench ludwig, .30, Germany, t McFiiddeu mary, 16, Irelar.d, f McGarry e'izibeih,26. Ireland, Morganlather marja, 19, (iermany, f Madden margaret, 20, Ireland, t June 18 June 19 June 19 juue 20 June 'J.( June 2.'> ju e 23 June 2*^ July 1 July 2 July 3 ju y 3 .iu y 4 juiy 6 July (i ju y 6 July 7 July .-. juiy 8 juiy y July 9 July 9 July 10 July 11 ju y U July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 13 July 13 July 13 julylo July U juv 15 j„jy In juIy i5 July 16 juiy 17 ju;y 17 ju y 7 Jul/ 17 July 17 July 18 ju y 18 July 18 July 18 juiy 19 julr S:0 jay 21 joly 21 July 21 jtilv 21 July 21 July :l July 22 July 21 July 22 JU V i2 july 24 July 25 July a-. July 2d July 27 juiy 28 ju'y 29 July 30 ju'y 31 augujt 1 Mandierpaiil. 22. France, f Murrey wiUiarn, 40, Ireland, o Mi«r got'ib. iO. Germany, i Mio; carl, IS. Germany, t' Murray rosp. 16, Ireland; f ilaiizer katiierine, 22, Germany, f Meckler jjhan, 12. (iermany, f .Voeris w.lhelm, 21, Prussi:i. '' MrtJorinick douald. 30, :r cotland. f Mulier carl. 35. Saxony, f JlcGrane b idj;.-*.'!!!, IroUnd, f Meiners pete.. 29, Germany, 1" Man u.^knou•n. ii. i Alotris edwin. i'j. Knt'hnd, f McLean ann, 20. Ireland, f Mulligan Simon. 2S, Ireland, f Mo.^es charl s. l'd. liermany. f Mu ler/jhan. 2S. (iermany, I' 4Meier tiederiek. 20, Germany, f Alisiihani eva 21. Germiny. {' McCanu pSilif,, .:;.5. Scotltnd, f Marshall jane, 2i, Dcl.iwarp. o McUermott an=e. 21. 1 reiand, f Man unkroK-n. Irelmd. f Afalouey nric-;et, 21, Irel nd, f McLeve eunene. 33. Fran;-, f McCoUen joh: . 2-i. Scoll.nd, f JicLou^hlm wi) iam, 2^. Ireland, f Midang.-tts antome, .35, France, f .May John, 20. Uhi \ t Marti eche michae!. 24, .Auitria, f Jlclionna thoma.s, L'9, Ireland, f Muir.,y ca:h.rinc-,2.3. Ireland, f Michafler Catherine. 221 Germany, >I .oney michaei, 35. Ireland, f ."rturphy c-;!ierine. 17, Irelnnd, f Murphy niri^iret. 2 . Ireland, f Mananl louLs. 24. Francr t Jlurcay pe'er. 27. Ireland, f ilclieiiua m;chael. 36. helmd, f Morgan m.ti.-aret. 19. Ireland, f ftiUike JHCcjues, 17. (Jermany, f Mierr j-ilian. in, Germany, f Masni>s jnhn. Ark^-nsa-.', f Mcin-yiv Jil.n. 2(. Ir..-lHiid, I' .McNeill iiury. 25. Ue an-i, f Motiati iiiarLaret. 17, Ire ar.d, f j'.loorr, Joseph. 19. Irel.pd, i Mooney r b,rr. -M. Ireland, f JHuLler johan. 2i. (ietmany. f Man unk; own. u. o Morre th. mas. 2l In^lsnd. f Meiers cirl .^3. Prus ia, f Mon-n loui?. 23, France, f Murphy bridge;, 21. litland.f Ma unknown, u, f Marin ger.rge. 22. Ireland, f Ki:l:er mar^ratet 1^, Irel.uid. f Mar, ha'.s j.-a.!. 34. F-anc-. f Melhn ./am"s. ■:fi. IreUnd, f •■ M'n Uukn-WM, 2j. 'danifla. f M.".Gr«ty pitp ck. V6. Ireland, f Afurphy bridg-t. :'S. IreHua. f M o..ey William. 33. Irthrid, f Mcjjo. aid pairicii, 3i Ir linrf. f .WoiJarty nioliol". 22. 1 eland, 1' At; or?^ James. 37. Ireland, f M yer i-i:ham, 24. (i rman ,f Mclnty e a-chibald. 30, Oaradi-, f McGregr mari«iet. .3 Kn?land, f MitcNelljihn, 4 .Ireland.!' Aloiiie j hi. 30. Ireland, t' M.irpliy marm.et. 2i. l.elavd. f ileief-ri hirJt. .'0, Ge niany.f McMahon jaraei. ".O, Ireland, f .Mather .oep!i, 20. Ireland, f Mclntyre p^t^r. ■«. 1*k-\v York, t Mrt'rack-n. 34. Xor h Caro jna, f Jl. thews mirgaret.60. Ireland, f Miitm jame.s. 17. Ireland, f Aleir nnna M. 19. .Swnz-erland, f Marine artoin-. 42. Havana, f Mcl'er adam. 37. Germany, f Mr(rf»v n.ara. 47, Engl nd. f .Mc(ir!itli mary, 30. Ireland, f MtViit e rolert. 33, Ireland, f Msrt.n palrick. 31. Irel md. ;' Mori^e antiii. 21. France, f -Man unknown, u. f Marechal louise. 23, Germany, f Mendins tiotleib. 26. Geiiuiny. f McNutly mich»el. 38. Ireland, f -Moseley elsey,24. Delaware, f ■ Masse rcrnelm . 27. iTerm.'nr. f McDonald Catherine. 23. Ireland. o Maltraite nicolaus. 40. France, o McKenna John, 29, Ireland, f Mulany jimes, 35, Ireland, august 2 auguet 3 aui'ust 4 »iigu.st ■i au^u4 4 angust J august 4 a :gust 4 august 5 august 5 euguit 5 ."tlLJUst 5 aui;u't 5 auius t 5 a UK lis t 5 au I 5 au?u.st G augu.s t i> augus : 7 august 7 ai,gust 7 ai gus t 7 ai.'giist 7 au;!us t 7 augus t 7 augu- t 8 i^Ugl!- t S augu I .5 au-u.s • .S auiiu.- t 8 augu- t 8 augu> t 8 ai gus • 9 au.;iis 19 aUKl.s t 9 ^ugu-s t 9 augus t 9 auiiust 9 august 9 ai.gus t 9 aumsc 9 august 9 augu t 9 augu^ t 9 augu.s t 9 augu- t 9 auaust 9 august 10 august 111 august 10 august 1ft auguit 10 august 10 aiigust 11 aug ist 12 august 12 ai gust 12 uugu t 12 august 13 augut 15 auguxs 16 augus-, Ifl augutt la- st: gust 16 august 16. august 16 august 17 augu-t 17 aiigu-t 17 august 18 [ 44 ] Moc* andre, 46, Frarce, f angu't 18 Muller margaiet, ;0. Switzerland, f august IS Mitchell anna. 30, Ireland, f au^st :.S McMullen jaraes.rO. Ireland, f august 18 Merer ludwig, 27, Germany, f august 18 McGcath John, 30. Ireland, f august 18 Murphy mary, 18. I. eland, f august 18 McKeon patrick, 24. Ireland, f august 19 Munt'ord wiiliani, 27, Ireland, f august 19 Murphy b-rnard,60, Ireland, f august 19 Murphy thoin f, 25, Ireland, f august 20 Mot'ey Joseph, 44. Maine, f august 20 McGovern anna, 22, Ireland, f august 2t» Marshall thomas 28, Ir. land, o august 20 McCormick michael, U, Ireland, f august 20 Mahoney thoraas, S.'i. Ireland, f august 20 McLone Catherine, 23, Ireland, 1 august 21 Morehead nlfred, 45, Pennsylvania, 1 august 21 Murphy michael, 24, Ireland, f august 21 Ma.skiiljotin, 21 Kngland, f august 21 Murray James, 9, u, f august 21 Masse ju.n, 41. Spain, f august 21 Massyjahn, 26, Ireland, i august 21 Marceaux L P, 50. Franee, i august 21 Moore hugh. 18 New Jersey, f augu>t 22 Mitchell brid^et, 20. Ireland, f august 22 Mulvany thomay. 35. Ireland, f august 22 Mulhallbridget, 29, Ireland, f august 23 Mulligan bridget, 17, Ireland, f augu-^t 23 Moorgatedani 1,21, Switzerland, f august 23 Moore ann, 15, IreUnd. f august ri Moeller John D, 19, Germany, f august 20 Martin charles. 27, Prussia, f august 26 McKinney patriek, 33, Ireland, f august 28 Mitchell, William, ;«, Scotland, f august 29 Murtagh iohn, .30, Ireland, o august 31 Mu ler michael, 24, Germany, f auguit 31 Malone bernard, 28, Ireland, f august 24 McGovern barney, 25, Ireland, i Morris,70Beph, 21, Germany, f Moran peter, 22, Ireland, f McQaideiame . 33, Ireland f Mainyrobert, 18, New Zealand, f Mavanu) antonio, 33, Spain, f McFarland peter, Ireland, f Meyer Herman, Germany, f Mulligan patri k, Ireland, f Maguini.'s mi-hael, 26, Ireland, f Moriarty G, 65. Ireland, f Murphy mary, 20. Ireland, f Maginnisi edwara, 34, Ireland, f MeOarthf bridget, 51, Ireland, f McEvoy daniel, 31, Ireland, f McKenzie John, 22, Ireland, f Maderache vico, 22, Dalmatia, i Martin daniei, 24. Ireland, f Mengels henry, 24, Germany, f Murray wjlliam, 17, Ireland^ f Msney wil'i m, f3, Ireland, f^ Morris michael, 25, Ireland, f Muller daniei, 23. Pinssia, f Man unknown, u, f Miller thomas, 45, Scotland, o Murphy William 45, Ireland,© Murphy thomas, .36, England, o Man unknown, u, o, Mcl.eon philip, 40. Irelan'^, o McLoughlin^ohn. 26, Ireland, f McKeniie ro ert,21. Prince Edward's Island, f Merer johan G, 22, Germany, f Mulleraprolina, 27, Ge many, f Mehancatheri-^e, 25. Ireland. 1" Maloney jaraes. 47. Ireland, o Mehne mary. 32. (rermany, f Man unknown, 35. u. o McEvoy bridtet. 28. Ireland, o McKevitt thomas, 19, Ireland, f McCartney anne, 29, Ireland, o Moffi'.t iames. 33, Ireland, f Miller jonalhan, 37, New Jersey. « Minuchi Donrenico, 25, Corsica, f Murphy morris. 20, Ireland, f Man unknown, u, o Man unknown, u, o Meier george. 46, Germany, o Msginnis Stephen, 23, Ireland, f Mathiew paul, 24. France, o Mooney richard. 25. Ireland, o McGrail patrick, 21, Ireland, f McFadden James, ,H.3, Ireland, f McDonald edward.25, Ireland, f MeCabe patrick, 21. Ireland, o Mainwald herman, 2.8, Prussia, f Monaghan edward. 27. Ireland, f Mingva n frederick, 36, (iermany, o Mosco Johannes, 24, Greece, f Moir eilen, S3, Ireland, o Moss Oliver, 45, Rhode Island, f sept sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 sept 2 sept 3 sept 4 sept 6 sept 4 sept 6 s-pt 6 sept 7 sept 8 sept 9 sept 7 sept 9 sept 10 sept 12 sept 15 sept 16 sept 17 sept 17 sept 19 sept 19 fept 20 sep. France, o MuUer w^il.iara, 26, Germany, o Morrison george. .55, Ohio, o McMahou ellen. 50. Ireland, o Maneriikg thomas, 2.', Scotland, o Lafayette Cemetery. Mazarlck J3me<, 24, Ireland, o Weder lonis. 9. u.o Meyer Catherine, 1. u, a M ria, slave, 3m, N O, o Muller John hen'y, 43, Germany, a McCauly jilie, 2, I-eland, o M lis thomas, 9n), NO o Mitzer Jacob, 50, Garmany, o Mundus M,9d. N O, o Wongnot Charles, 32. France, o Mill'^r .M, child of. 9w. N O, o Maxwell P, slave of. 4, u, o McZurve Catherine. 4, u, o MiltordH E, child of, u, o Marshall sarah J, 7m, N O, o Many mathias, 14m, N O. o McDonagh sarah, 17. u, o Myr barbara flich, 33, Germany, f Moyers Catherine, 1, N O. o Mi chell John, Eng'and, o Mclnrae H, child of, N O, o Man unknown, u, o Meers felix, 9m, u, o WcKuen anna. 2, Ireland, o Mays ellen, 15m, N O, o Miller Caroline lee, 19nfi, u, o Meyer marais, 16, Germ ny, f Mc Joy John H, 32, Philadelphia, f Werk enrisfan, 67, u, f Vichelienri, 10m, N O. o Martin 'amue'. 26, Ireland, f Moon James, 28, Ireland, f Morii on John, 18m, u, o Murphy uiargaret. 55, Ireland, f Mein eliza-eth. Ge-many, f Moore susann^h, 16m, u, o Musgler j hn,7d. N O, o Marshall mr. slave of, u, o MuUer heinric*i, 1, u, o y oots mrs. 19. Germa-^y, f KcConnell peter. 16, Ire'and, f Vorrisrobert, 38, Ireland, o Mul'e' christian. 2' . Germany, f Mars frederi'k. 32 Germany, f Miller mist M. 26. G.-^rmory, f Murphy ann. 3 '. Ireland, f Murphy martin, 28. Ireland, f Melchier Jacob, u. f Miller suspn. 40, Germany, o Mulh^nny john,35, Ire'and, f Mclni-rmary, 40. Ire'and. { McKinney jno M. 29. Scotland, f McCar y margaret, 20, Ireland, f Mc'ullough A. rhild of, u. o McGonvillejohn. 22, u. f Morrison ann. 16. Ireland, f llurphr Biary. 19, Ireland, f t an link now n. -'6. u, o Merschle ann. 50. Bavaria, f Mushot chsr'e^. 45. G,Traany, f Jfuth margaret, 22, Germtny, f Myer trank. 37. Germiny, o Muller Catherine. 60. u. f Minot ra rick, .30. Ireland, f Maker bridget, 2.5, Ireland, f Meyer adara* 21. Germany, f McCarty michael. 34, u, f Moran sarah, 40. Ireland, f Mimeth Caroline, 2, France, f Mohr Gof'ed,26, Germany, f Mofselizjbeth, .3, NO, f Miller f ed. 13, Germany, f Muth willi°m, 31), Germany, f Multer jofieph, 28, Germany, f Manning mary, 25. u. f Miller andrew, 8, Germany, f Mi'ler wiliiam 24. Germany, f Mullet ellen. 2.3. Ireland, f Manahanbridgft. 25, Ireland, f JVan unknown. 35, u, f Meyer Joseph. 50. Germany, f McKarn mrs. u, f McVicar raaria 5, Scotland, f McPadden james, u, o Mees el'za, 20, u, f Mitchell benjamin, 5m, NO,* Mason aadi«w, 27, Italy, f octSS oct iS oct ift oct 27 oct 30 ect 30 oct 31 oct 31 fisay 3 may 7 may 8 may 10 may 12 may 17 ruay 18 may 19 may 30 may 22 may 2t may 27 June June 3 June 7 June 7 June 4 jane 6 June 1(> June 14 June 15 jur-e 16 June 20 tune 21 June 21 June 25 July 2 July * July 3 July 4 July 5 July 5 July 8 July 1() July 11 July 13 July 14 . juiy 14 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 19 July 19' July 19 joly 19 jnly 19 July 19 July 19 July 20 juiy 20 July 19 July 19 July 2a j»riy 21 July J2 July 3* jvly 2S jnly 26 jnly ar jnly 38 [ 45 ] Meley Patrick, <6, lr«)and, 1 Matthewt ann, 4.5, Ireland. 1" Muriay david, *C', Scoiland.f McCaitby ellen. 30. Ireland, f Miller fredenka, 'J.0, Germany, i Meyer elizateth, 70, Germany, o Kathews mary, U, Ireland ' , . McMonahan darby, 28, Ireland, f McKerr M, 23, Ireland, f Miller michael, 42, ««rmany^ ( McKinney patnck, 40, Ireiand. f Murphy luaraarft, I'J, Ireland, t Meyer Jacob, 3, Germany, t McOann cather ne 34. Ireiand, f McKee James. 30. Ireland, » Ma.tis !urs, 25, Germany, f Miller v^iUiam, 30 Germany, I Mulhalland patnck, 2U, Ireland, t McNally John, 20. Ireland, 1 Martin pbilip, 6, Swiizerland. f McAnnelly sarab, 30, Ireland, t Man unknown. 32. u, t Meyer Herman. 28, Germany, f Miller eli. 35, G«rn.ar,y,f Mahf barbara.28, Germany, f McDei roott James, 35 Ireland, f McGinni? Catherine, 19, Ireland, t Minte Tiile 35, France,! Meyers Jacob, 34, G^rrnany, f Mens r Catherine, 37. Germany, t Maddans henrietta.31. Germany. 1 MeatK miss gannifaTer. v9, 9erraanr, Mitchell William, 40. Ire and, f McConnift' mary, 20, Ireland, t Mc'.nvoy mary, 25, Ireland, f McCabe ann, 40, IreUnd, f Man unknown, u, o Merino jean Joseph, Z9,«, » Millar jotn, 25, Germany, f Millar nichlows. 14, Gern.any, f Marker Enrra. 23, Germany t Madden William, 31 l.elarid.t Mayhazor francis, 6m. United 3Ut«.i, f Jfc'oUahan John. 22 Ireland, f Moritottomachy,2S u, t Miller mary, 30, Germaijy.f Maher Catherine, 19, Irelaiid, f IVgnon James. 32, Ireland, f Mohong dory, 18. Ireland, t Miller memry, 23, Swilzerland, f Mays ann, 24. ltel?.nd, f Mays ann, u, f Megel ann maria, 20, Gerraany, f Marcus, a slave, u, » Monarty mrs B. 40, Ireland, f Minsserman harmeri, 9, N V.t Meyer her man, 36, Germany, f Muid jchan Germany, f Magolena miss 31, Bararia, t Myer3suia,2, B.vaiia, f Meehan ellen, lb. Ireland f Moriel jagnaty metmer, 35, France, i Moriarty pat.ick, 40, Ireland, f McMahon mary, 1:0, Ire, and f JlcMahon mart.a,22, Ir-laud. t Meyer lobert. 31 Hungary, f MciJovern, 6U, Virginia, f McCoan bridget, 29. Germany. I Miller francis. 38, Switzerland, i McGives marearet. 20. G rraany, t Muiler mr., 40, Germany. 1 Michum A S. 29. Philadelphia, f Mint drummond, 2im, N 0. f McGovern Catherine, 35, u, f Mulholland James. 12, Ireland, f Marke caspfT, 46. Germany,] McCormic daniel, £0, Ireland, t Murray thomas, 22, Ireland, f Mansfield William, 17, derraany, f Millai A, 20. Germany, f McGray thomas, 9, Ireland, f McCarty John, u, f McCarty br-dfet, I8m, memphis, o Meeker simon, 62, Germany, f Man unknown, 45, Germany, f McKenna mary, 60. Ireland, f MerkiO frederick, 24, Germany, 1 Meyer francis, 65, Germany, f Mund christian, 25, Hanover, f Man unknown. Germany, f Malav ellen. 25. Ire'and, f MuUer Charles, 10, Germany, f McGr«ttin James, 2«. Ii eland, f Murphy mary. 14, Ireland, f Miller Pauline, 40, raisouri,f ^ McNeilly georgp,26, England, f Mui ann, 20, Ireland, f ilahei margaret, 20, Ireland, f July 29 July :50 July 30 Jul J :-0 July .30 July .30 July 30 nily 30 July .30 juIy 30 July 31 July 31 July 31 julv 31 July 31 July 31 august 1 august 1 august 1 augist 1 august 2 Meyer sophia. 2mo, N. O. f aujust 14 Miller ann, 36, England, f augu«t » Mayer fredrick, 4, Germany, f august 16 Mylinsaugusta,21, (Jermany, o august Itt McSisnas francis, 21, Ireland, f august 16 JlcMaiius winorefurd, 28, u, f august 17 Mertf z ileiich. 25. Germany, f august 17 McKenen bridget, 22, u, f august 18 Mattcatnerina. 24 Germany, 1 august 19 Mazau.ski Jacob, 21 Berlin,!' " Meter irancis J.. 3 Germany, f '■ Mix ploebe E. 16 Indiana, f " Montant bertrand, u. o " Morehead charles, B 21 Kentuckr, f Murphy andrew, 36 Ireland, f august !• Wcliride ratiick, 21 Ireland, f McGartlan barney. 24 Irel»nd, f Mayer hokin, 26 Germany, f auRU:rt 22 Meir henrietta mrs, u.f A, lies Joseph, 40 England, f august i8 Murphy Christopher, SODnblin. baUti i, o Mcrehead emma, 16 Kentucky. f '' Mcllhenyjohn. 26 Maryland, f Mahan John, 16 Ireland, f august 24 Morebead charles D., Kentucky, f Myersmargaret, u, f aogust S McManiiy ann, 14 Ireland, f IWorehead eliza. 40 Kentucky, f " Meyer martin. 55 Germary.i august &» Mohan james, 21 Ireland, 1 McGillniary ann, IN. 0.,f august 27 Morgan francis, 24 Pa , 1' McKensey thomas, U- S.,f " McDonough mrs 38 Ireland,© august 39 McCuUy edward, 39 New York f Minder maria, 34 Germany, o '' McRey wm 1-, 20Miss.,f august 21 McDonough Joseph, 6 Ireland, f Sept. I Melian patnck, child of 5 days, N. O., « Sept. 1 McDerniot thomas. 35 u, t {"ept 3 Morr son edwin, 28 u. f Sept 2 Marshaw augustus, 15 Germany, f Sept 3 Meyer louis, 30 " f Sept 3 >;orbjohn. 34 France, f sopt 7 Morar margaret, 23 Ireland, f sept $ Mcliarclin jan es. 17 " ept S Muncnor Ida, 9 Germany, f sept 8 Myle.slawrtncp, 40 Ireland, sept 9 Merry mrs. child of N.O,o sept 9 JfcMahon r Hen, 33 Ireland, f aept 10 Mencke go lieb, 48 Prussia, f aept 13 Marsh li thomas A , . 2 Virginia, f .sept 17 Mazing, Id Germany, f .sept 14 Mister george, 51Fran/e, f s»pt 19 Mackev james 22 New Jersey, f sept 21 Mill r jolin L , 32 Pa„f sept 24 MrCarty anncra, 60 IreUnd, o sept 2'i Miller james, 20 New Tork, f sept 25 Mcliaflin William, 19, Ireanff, f sept 26 Meyer sophia B, 19, Germany, f sept 2C McGorn daniel 11m, N O, oct 9 McGaf.en margaret. 64, Ireland, f oct 10 Miller seorge, infant of, N 0, o oct 10 Me ZEser antonia,8d, N O. o oct 16 Milchell J A, infanto ,N O, o oct 20 Miller Catherine, 2, M O, o oct 21 Maclin mrs, infant of, N O.o cct 2^ Murty I'-rs, infant of, N 0,o Oct '2i Man unlino^rn, (fermany, o oct S7 Man tegro, 70, u, o Oct 28 St. Vincent de PawJ, Marcelin , u, o may 1 Meyer kunogundo, 4. u,o may 2 Man black, u, o may 5 Man unknown, u, o may 7 Ma«s valentine, 1 honr. New Orleans, o may 7 May John. 9 mo. New Orleans, o may 9 Marie, t g.itte. 2. u, o may 7 Mani,er Christopher, 10, Germany, o may 8 Micke, a slave, 40, u, o may 9 Mendin frederick, 9. u. o may 12 Meralde mr, chjd of, 2J, u, o may 13 Moxee Joseph, 20 months, u o may 16 Morent laurent, 2^ u, o may 15 Magdelaine. 2i. Germany, o may 13 Myer antonia. 5. u, o may 21 Marie, negress, 23, u. o may 22 Matilda, negress. u, o may 27 Martial fell ite, 90. u, o may 30 Marcelin, 4 raontns, u, o june 2 " Monaghan mary, 2, u. o June 6 McMuIler micie. 33. Scotland,© jnne 11 " Moners catherin-. 2, Giimauy. o , June 18 august 13 McGrap marie, 7. New Orleans, o June 21 aug'ist 13 Mutfria frances. 14 months, u, o June 21 auguu 13 Moriarty charles, 25, u, e J""*' "J* august 11 Mangee ioui«e. 2, u, o JUB^ S" august august august au^fust august august august august august august august augu.st augu,"t august august august august augu t august august august august axiguit ausust august august august august augiLst august august august august august 8 august 8 august 8 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 augiLst 11 august 11 august 11 august 12 Mayer Jeanne, 43, Germanj-, f Jf eir, infant, u, o Man black, u, o May barbar.i, 23, u, f Mussa sab ador, u, o Metting cliri.stiaii, Grermany, o Marie, 1 month, ti. o Mil er maria, 1. New Orleans, o Man*, ^i- "• t M"i'l'<'n philipp, 17, Germany, f Mi?ley au<3rea, 30, Germany, f Manaer F, 55, Geiniany, f Waager elizabeih, 23, Germany, f Me;cher chrislim. ftl, Germ^iny, o Jidrlle IS francois, 18, u, o Muiler docothe ,. 20 months, u, f Mailsnder charles, 29, Ireland, f Miller zanna, 4, G rmany, o Miller jicob, l.'J, Germany, f Marttan j>.cqutj.s, G5, Pri»nc>^, f McKennndy uiargerite, 40, Ireland, f Mayer aibina. 24, Germany, f McGfath Catherine, 35, Iceland, t Jilontegut je m, 23 i), f Tileyer Joseph. 21. Geimary, f M ulltjr mack, 2.', Germany, f MuUer catne.-in'^, 30. u, f Mnia*i adolph?, 2S, u, f Merits cel-.stin, 31, Pranc, f Muiler nicolas. 23, Gdrm-my. I Montai.er P A. GO, u, o . Moran Diary, 17, u, i" McMan esiher, 42. Ireland, f Mazier L H,42. u, f JIartitalich ginvani, 23. Italy, f Maicr geo i>e. 22, Gerir.any, !' Maynr antonio, .57, Aiermany, f Maxtidld William, 22, u, f Meyer F. 2.>. Hanover, f Megard claude. 40. Prance, f Mclvale richsrd .30, Ireland, f Meyers bernard, 3,S, Germany, f Magdelena, u. Moore mafgaret. 2 , Scola.id, f Massi'-re ar^ine G. 32. u. f Meinegir Sophia. 10, Bad-n. f Murphy inary. 20. Ireland, f Muiler marie, l.i, Ireland, f Miller christian, 34, Germany, f Meier hunt, LS, n, f Monahan jobn. 8 mo. New Otlean?, o Marr, 25, IreJ.and, t Muiler george, u, o McGratn jolin, 10. u, o Moore John K, 30, Tenne-see, f Man unknown, 7, u, o MCfMihan raary, 22, Ireland, f Mary, 2-3, Germany, f Magee wiiliam, 30, Ireland, f Mc.WuJIen wilJiara, 24. u, o JMcDonald ca'herine, 30. .Germany, f Martin F. I'J. u, f Mallonay Johanna. 46, Ireland, f Miller magdelame, 21, France, f Menque H, 19, Ge many, 1' Marie, u. o Mechele R, 53, Germany, f Mesini. 19, Ireland, f Magee John. 21 , Irel.^nd, f Maroh denis. 22. Ireland, f Munkling F 30, Germany, f Man unknown. 30 u. o Mazute mre l.iuis, 3G, u. f Meghart honora 20. Ireland, f Morin francois, 20, I'rance, f Manuray ciamer, 19, Germiny, f Micelli. u, f Man unknov.n. u, f Man unknown, u, f Man unkno J n, u. f Miller hecry, 45, Sweden, f ]MidleJ3,40, United States, f [ 46 ] July 5 July 4 July 10 July 11 juiy 12 July 15 July 17 ju y 18 July 19 July 21 July 21 juy 23 July 23 July 25 juy 26 .iuy 20 July 26 July 27 gu.y 2-1 Ju y 2S ju y 28 July 29 July 30 July 30 July 31 July 3i July 31 august 1 august 1 august 1 auiiist 2 august 2 august 2 august 3 august 3 august 3 august 3 august 4 august 4 august 4 augdst 4 august 4 auu-ust 5 aniiLst 5 august august 6 august 6 auKust 6 august 7 august s aujust S augu.st 8 august 8 august b august 9 august 'J august 9 august august 9 august 10 august 10 august 10 augujt 11 augu-it 12 aiigu-t 13 augu.st 14 augiist 15 august 15 august i5 augu.st 16 augu-it 16 augi;st IG august 16 august 16 august 16 august 16 august ir august : 17 august 17 august '"' august 18 august 18 august 19 august 19 august : 20 augu-t 20 august 20 august 20 august : 20 august : 21 august 21 august ; 21 august 21 august 21 august ; 21 august ; 21 august '. 22 august 22 Msriane, 7, u. o Man. jjUve, 22. u. o Mezef Icuisa S. 18. Hanorer, f eshany maty. 28, Ireland', f Maiste paul, 22. France, f Munch george, 23. Getmans-, f ' artin maiie R. 11 rno. u. f Meires margatet t . 32. Germany, f Meon ana A1, 21 ni i. Germany, f Jieyer hannah. 30, n, f liansel mnias,31, Ireland, f 4!nsied j)hn, 21, Ge.many, t Muiler i-i. 85, u, o Jl*cKay J M. 2, u. o Ma.^cari vincent. 17. u, f Mary ignacio. 25. u. f Man unknown, 25, u, f ifcg;ipre raaix. 30. u. f Maguet marii J. 27, n, f llorth bridget, 9. tiermany, f Jiesh.-iny n ary, 45, Ireland, f Matter christian, 52. Germany, f >uiier george S, 22, Germany, f Mayers charles, S.'i, Gernriny, t' "'orance mr, child of, II mo, u, o Muth Iv, 2-', Germany, f McGuire patiick, 10. n, f McDonal.! mary /, 19, Ireland, f Maas valton, 47, Germany, f Magde'aine. 2, u. f Maas charles. 32. u, f Mayer theodore, 16, Germany, o :\lcGintz James, 21, Ireland, f Man unknown. 50. Ireland, o Jloulin mme de, 32, France, o Meyer madel.iine, 26. Gtrmany, f .Mohie John, 2i mo. Kew Orleans, f Meyer .sophie, 23. u, f Mo.ioy edward, 22, Ireland, f >[c' arty margaret, v3. Scotland, f JIcGu're mary. 34, Irel.ind, f Jl-iyer cat, 21. Germaiy, f Maskil mr.-^, 32. Prus-'ia. t ^Ia,tin ahraham. 29. Erg and. f Aiannan tin mas. 15. Ireland f jfiry zavier.33, Franc, f ;Marel pre. 40. Frarce f McCormick nir. 26. Ireland, f Mangen francois. 33 J- ranee, f .Nliller William, . 0. Germany, f Mignol anna, b, Uniltd States, f Jlagnoi david. 31. Ire and. f Murphy mrs jul.i'U, Ireiand, f Jlilier wiliiam,33, JSorth Carolina, f .Mulder charlotte, 23, Germany, f McC'arty davld, l,u,o Meyer jos,-vh. 50. France, o il juhot cbaries. 15. New Orleanf, o Meraanu-s bridget. 22, Ireland, t Jlagny julie E, 45. u. o iloi.ers Oliver. 27, u. f Miller mr, intUnt of. New Orleans, o Moreau loasser it, 18, France, i' Jliiler elizabeih. u. o Mmrgcmery ar,n, 10, Irelard. o Morgan William. 9, u. o JIandeville frcsine C. 48, u, a Mackeyjohn, 4 dajs.New Orleans, o M".r;erite, s:ave. u. f M)rchin 1. Martin jean marie, 22, Ireland, f >" hurier robert, 25. u, o Mons ier K, 35, France, f Moetzgi-r juLana, v^, Germany, f Martiupz irancois L IJ mo, u, f 2> iotcu franco;s Is', i'6, u. f K iot in mii,e. child ot, o Marie louise. 2i, o Maury M. child of, 2. o Afarigny blaise, 10, v.. o MoiUreuil mandee, 79. o Mauriol mr, child of o IMioton narie, 3, New Orleans, f Mussonodiie, 4, u o St. Lionis No, 2. Marcel Cecilia, 5, New Orieanp, f McKay J A, child of, 7 rihys. u,o MarteUini charles, 3", Poland, { august. 22 atigost 22 august 23 august 2? august 23 august 1.3 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 23 august 2-3 august ■ 4 august 24 augurt 24 august 24 august 24 august 24 august 25 augu-t 25 august :5 august 25 ausust 25 august 26 august 26 august 10 august 26 august 26 august 27 august 27 august 27 august 27 aueust 28 august 28 august 29 august."29 august 3ll ausust ol august 31 sept 1 stpt 1 sept 2 sepit • 2 sept 3 sept 3 sept 3 sept 4 sept 4 sept 5 sept 6 sept 6 tept e sebt 6 sfpt 7 sept 7 .sept 8 sept 9 sept 10 sept 11 sept 11 sept K sept 16 sept 16 sept 17 .lept ?S sept 23 sept 25 s-pt 25 Oct 4 Oct 6 oct 15 ■Oct 23 Oct 25 oct 27 august 19 Bugust • i EUgUSt 11 august 26 augu.st 22 ju'y 26 July .30 June 24 June 7 may 1$ may 2 oct 23 oct 9 cct 10 sept 6 sept 8 sept fi august 23 august 18 [ 47 1 Miler S almanzet, 5, New Orleans, f JIol' anionic. 'M u, o McFad l>-n sister octavia. 40. Ireland, f Avorijan dani-1, 3i, u. f Marteaux marie, 53. Bordeaux, o Mas don jose. 28, Spain, f Wons benet. 24. u, f Moulin bjsile, 28, u. f Mouse caiherine, 40, Prance, f Mascaro raphie!, 44, u, f Mayerus .\ , i-i, u. f Watquf^z p'dro, 20, u, 1 M^rie Ionise, 80. u,o Mintouch nuiry, 19, Ohio, f Morin amniiee, 16, •■'raiice, f Morphy edou^rd, 2, u, o -Vouton marie, 1, u, . y'azuchi celar, 40, Italy, r McCormick m (', (-hild ol'. u, o Marionnet a exander, 2, New Orlean«. o JMcKane marie aline. 1. u. o Meliclirin j'annelte, 17, u, t ifornee sustave, .HO, u, o Maclean a'e ■ andrine, 2. u, o Itondiverri Josephine, 2. u, o McKeeyer Alexander, 75. u, o Ma'rie elma. mulatto. 2. u, o Marie, mulatto, u o JKilon mme. 22, Louisia-a.o Mohthon milein. child of. 1, u, o Moreaupaul, child of. 2i. u. o Killer Caroline, slave of, u, o Miehon alexandT, 20, u. o Morin if, slave of 8, u, o Morin mme estell-^, child of, 1 mo, o A aillot pierre, 78, 3t. Domingo, o Maty georgiana, black, 9 mo, u, o Miaton mme E P, 26, u. o Mazln annette, "lave of Hi, u, o Meerau paul, 3.S, u. o • arie marsuerite. slave, u, o Jtolano Dr D B,43, u. o ."'ichondet hortease, 2i, France, f Magnon laure. W mo, u, f MaTguez manuel, 24. u, f Medina Josephine, 10 mo.o tiarchaud J. child of. 2. u, o Magdeleine. ^lave, 70, ii. o Masc'jiall paul. 2. u, f Marie louise, s'ave ot mr Tio, 60, o Motzenbecker eiigene. 1. u. f Montegut jules. 31 unknown, o Protestant. Moody William, 8 nio, u, o Meade wiliiaai. 13 mo, New Orleans, o Manuel, siive, !< mo, u, o Maria, slave, u, o Meyer charle^, 44, Germany, o Hary, slave. 17. «, o Mushett William, 3, New Orleans' o Moss Joseph H, 5, u, o Mackenzie willy, 7U, u, o Mldison A. infant of.jNow Orleans!, o Mary, a slave, 16. New Orleans, o Miller loui-, 3. ;\'ew Orleans, o Macon mary B. 28. Virginia, f Mitchell John '\V, 25, Norto Carolina, f MeUulley inrs A A. 22, u. f Meriman marshall. 19. Maine, f Morton aiffed. 28. u, f Mason nia.-y, VirRinia. f Mitchell B F. .30, Maine, f McCraw willi^m, u, f Murtaugh sarah aan. u, f MaUnda,42. u. f iicElroy thoiiias, 30, United States, f Mi hado C, 44, u, o Murphy J west, 25, Philadelphia, f McmiUeii raary, 28, u, t Me.'isiam S J, u, f Marth, slave of. u. o McLellaii *illiam. 23. u. f McUonnell atthiir. u, f Manstield mary. I'J. ii. f McTntyre william, Scotl'nd, f Marshall James M, 23, u. f Millard miss sarah u, 34, New England, f MuTisoci flotence. 23, New Orleans, o Morgan U M. u. f Martin Joseph M. 42. u. o Milned aan. a slave, u, f Mor^aa augustu^ D, u, f Marian, a slave . u. o Me Arthur jamea. 29. Scotland, f Moore david. 12, United btates, f Mary jane, glare. New Orleana. c> august Id august 17 aiuust 17 august 17 augu-it 3 august 11 oc 5 august 'ii august 21 august 21 august 22 august 32 august 25 august 25 au.'ust 27 July 19 July 19 July 22 julv 23 July 23 July i3 July 13 July 3 June 29 July 1 June 20 June 17 June 17 June 5 June 6 June 6 June 7 may 29 may 2d ■ maj' 9 may 10 may 1 may 7 Oct 24 oct 10 act 6 ,sept 6 sept 7 sept 8 sept 9 sept 24 fiept 23 sept Id sept 13 srpt 12 sept 25 oct 31 may 2 may 4 , may 10 may 12 may 13 may 18 may 18 may 29 June 9 June IS June 18 July 17 July 23 juy 30 au^st 1 august 3 august 3 augu-t 5 august U augu-t 10 augu-t 19 august 19 august 19 augtut 20 august 21 august 21 august 24 august 24 august 22 august 26 august 27 august 27 august 27 august 28 august 29 august 30 sept 2 sept 'i sept 4 sept 4 sept 15 sept 27 oA 7 Hebrew, Lafayette. Meyer T. 34. Germany, o HI ar' in noberger, 20. Germany f Mayer Caroline, u f Mendeljo-eph 4.5, IlamVerg. f Mayer Joseph, 21, France. S Mary. 20. Germany, f Marcus Joseph, 19. Pcsen. f Mayer abraiam. 20, Prance, r Manheimer . 35, Germany, f Majer janett. .50. u. f M ndel J, 23, Germany, f IUark< aaron, 3d, Germany t Mish benjamin, 22, Poland, f Marks aron, .32. Poland, f Hebrew on th« Ridue. Mo-es charlotte L, 31, Luxemberg, f Moses matilda, 9, Luxemberg, f Meyer marks. 62, Germany, f June 16 ju.y 26 augu.st 7 augu>t 7 augu.-t 9 august 16 augus* 17 august 17 augu-t 22 august 23 august 27 augu-t 28 august 28 tept 24 august 8 Kugust 14 august 18 N St. Patrick's Cenietery. Nelson John. 7m. N O. o Noriis pairi-k, 29 unknown, i N a,' > Joseph, 7d. N O, o Krstir martin, :8 lieland, o Nestermaitin, adult. Ireland, f Niil ghton thomas, lieiand.f Noonan ellen, 11. Ireland, o Noolan Patrick, 30, Ir*lird, f Nichols fr:daet. 30, Ireland, f Nowlaw peter, 70, Ire'and, o Nugent thomas, 35 Ireland, f NortuK Patrick, Ireland, f Nolan j"hn, 65, Ireland, o Naughton John, Ir.-^land. f Noonan ell n. ^2, Ireland, f Nediey mary ar.n. 12. New York, f Nugent ann. 26, Ireland, t Newman j )hn, 23, Ireland, f Norton peier, irfant. N O, o Nelson patrick, 22, Ireland, o *■ Nowlan bridget. 13. u. o Noolan james, 2.3. Ireland, f Neeiand mary, 6, Ireland. J Noiandmichael, 3.3, Ireland, f Nurry ann. .8. Ireland, f NuMiery thomas. 35, u. f Melry edward, 2.'<. Ireland, t Navin Ihomas, 4ra, N O, o Nrlan thomas, infant, Jii O. o Noona bridgst, 27, Ireland, f Nilaiid mary, 4m. > <>. o Naughton sally. 35, Ireland, o Cypress Grove No. 1. Nelson peter C. 38. Denmark, o Nixon rars. child of. 8 days, New Orleans, o Niesaus S i'. 36, u. ( Norcro.-s J II. New Orleans, o June I June 25 ju y 14 July 15 July 15 juiy 17 July 2Q July 21 July 25 July 25 July 11 august 3 august 5 august 1.3 august 18 august 20 august 20 August 21 augu-t 23 august 22 i.ugus 28 august 30 sept 1 sept 2 sept 5 s-pt 6 sett 6 .sept 1 .3 sept 13 fept 23 hept 24 oct II may 16 se , t 23 sept i oct 1 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 2. Nitle francois. 9 mo, u, o may 13 Nelson henry. 56. u. o may 16 Navo peter, i. u. o . June 38 Nelson William N. 26, u.f august 7 Nestle Jacob. 24. Geimany, f august 8 Nel.-on ann. .30, Ireland, f august 11 Nanman george. 23. Gern.any. f august 11 XilsaH Charles. 'M. Germany,!' august 14 Norber madam. 39, u. f august 17 Nigan madam. 35. France, f august Id Nutzker maria. 27. Germany, f august 18 Newton ja>nes. 4. United .States, f august 19 Nepenlhal ji-eph, 45. Germany, i august 20 Nolan michael. 16. Ireland, f august 20 Nicholas louis. 2, New Orleans, f august 20 Nald louisa, 24. u. f august 22 Nuhnn mich,iel, 27. Ireland, f aueust 22 N olan ann. 47. Ireland, f august 22 N icholas. 39, Italy, f augu.st 25 Newman augusta, 14, u, t august 26 Norris thomas J, 23, u, f sept 1 Nile-i maria, u. t sept 4 Neison Jacob, 40. 3faine, r sept 8 Nakon henry, u. o sept 9 Naoson henry A 32. BeUium, f sept 20 New, a slave, 60. u. o 0-t 2 Ni'S chrhtiana. 1 mo. New OrleaDK.o oct 19 [ 48 ] Odd Fellows' Rest. NiUon C, 45, New York, f Norris virgil, 35, a, f Kicol geotge, 38, Scotland, f Charity Hospital. Nock anton, 21, Germany, o Nolan jimes, 26, Ireland, o Nenseomen annah. 43, G-ermany, f Nusbiuin j ohan, 40, Swiizerland, f Nasherty michael, 24, Ireland, f Xealich wiihelm. S5. Germany, f Noll andreas.oO. Germany, o Nolan bridset, 45, Ireland, f Neithern elizibeth, 23, Germany, f Nacimer phillip, 26, Germany, f Nolan James, 23, Ireland, f Nujent michael 19, Ireland, f Nairy miry, 23, Ireland, f Nicolaus Clemens, 29. France, f NeiJerarnt frecierick' 26. Girmany, f Narill bridges, .35, Irelind, f Norrsnmachsr j->senhine, 64, Germany, f Nolen Patrick 23, Ireland, f Nuthan heinrich, 18, Germany, f Nicola j.saph, 30, Pru--8ia, t Nixon thomas, 19, Eng.and, f Noel auguste, 24. France, f Noon raary. 21, Ireland, f Nicholson John, 26, Ireland, t Nickel wiihelra,29. Germany, f Nonemacher, henrie, 25, Germany, 1 Nugent mary, 30, Ireland, f Noon michael. 50, Ireland, f Newman georte, 19, France, f Nugent Johanna, 24, Ireland, f Navill jjhn, 24, Ireland, f Nathan william, 27. Ireland, f Nerrin jean, 25, Switzerland, f Nairy maiy. ."iO, Ireland, i Nairy wm, 23, Ireland, f Noonan margaret, 17. Ireland, f Nolan Catherine, 36, Ireland, f No an Charles, 38, Ireland, f Neill Catherine, 25, Ireland, f Neidman Jacob, 25. Prussia, f Nugent William. 26, Ireland, f Nicholas barbara. 26. Ireland, f Neuenberttand,21. Prussia, o Nelson andreas, 23, Sweeden. f Nagel thomas. 2.5, Ireland, f Nastor Joseph, 24, Austria, o Lafayette. Nolan mary jane. 4, u, f Newry elizabeth. ii. o Naltmg fr^derick, 14, Germany, f Norman sarah louisa, 7, New York, ( Nolton mary. 25, Prussia, f Neit:ing flrederick J. 7m, N O. o Noqnis pierre. 40, France, o Newmeyer louisa, 1, u, o Nel.son. a slave, 3.3, mtssissippi. f Neliis george. 26. Germany, f Nolan thomas, 46. Irelam. i Nolan patr ck, Ireland, f Nestle Jacob, 23, Germany, f Noremtick Catherine L, 18, GarnutBy. f Nelljame'. 75. Germany, f Nold antonia. 29 Germaay, f Nagle Caroline; 23 " f Nagle madeline, 57. u. f Nenn auslm, 45 Germany, f Noland thomas. 45 Ireland, f Noffennode John, 3> England, f Naael joan. 17 Ger'aany, f Nicholson margaret. 20 mo, u, f Neal John charles, 19 u, f Nuitz john,4 New »lrleans, f Nicolau* frederick, 19 mo New Orlesivi. o Newlire francis. 33 England, f Needman C,,30 u, f NumG \V,B„ 2u,o Nagel P. infant of, N O, o Nugal george, child of, N O, o St. Vincent de Paul. Nieseens J, infant of. u, o Nalson andrew, Denmark, o Nelson frederick, 21 mo, u, 9 h annaraasher eya K, 20, Germany, f >' agel pater, 19, Germany, t Nenniger F, 40iS, Germany, f N colas germa^n, u. f Naff era'l. 15, Germany, o august 21 august 24 sept 2 may 16 may 24 June 29 July 1 July 9 July 12 July l.> July 15 July 16 July 16 July 13 July 19 july 21 July 21 July 23 July 28 ju!y 28 July 28 auguit 1 august 1 august 3 augiut i august 5 august 6 august 7 august 7 august 9 august 9 august 14 august 14 august 12 angust 16 august 16 augu-it 17 augut 17 august 21 august 22 august 23 august 25 august 29 sept 8 sept 9 .lept 11 .sept 13 sept 18 oct 27 may 1 June 2 June 21 July 3 July S July 16 July 16 julv 22 July 26 august 6 r august 6 august 6 august 7 august 9 august 10 august 11 augu-t 12 august 14 august 16 august 17 august 17 august 18 august 25 august 28 august 30 .sept 3 Sept .1 sept 4 sept 5 oct 13 occ 28 June 4 june 4 July 2 ju'y 25 July 26 august 1 august 2 atigtMt ii Nell margerltte. IT. u, Nael margaret, 17, n, f Noon helen, 8. Ireland, f Nieaud R, 55. u. o Noulan bapt sie. 25. n. f Nervost alexandre. 2S, France, f Nippers michael, 25, Germany, t Nisens Jacques, 35. u, o Nebester, 26. United States, o Night jean. 32, Franca, f Nlcaud, 30, u. f Ney mari", 6, u, o Navi Christine. 49, Germany, f Nicolet francois. 3 mo, New l.>rleaB». f Nawden Christina, 18 mo, Baden, o Noone John. 17, England, f Noone tins, 35. New Orleans, o Nooning teni, 3 days, .New Orleans, St. Louis, No. ] . Noe bernard, 90, u, o Norwood marie M. 6, u, o Nigoul mile antoinette, 40, u, o St. Louis, No. 2. Neto raphael,40, Spain, f Protestant. Narraye frederick, 4, u. o Neville fanny. 3i. New Orlean--, Ndylor J. child of. New Orleans, o Nye Dr A R, 27. New York, i Nancy, 4 days. New Orleans, o Neafus eliiol. 2J, New Orleans, o Nancy, a s.ave, u. o Nash rose, a slave, u, o Hebrew, Lafayette. Nuburger fanny, 19, Geermany, f Nathan Isidore, 26. Germany, f Nathan Julius, 24 Germany, f Nonette frank, 20, Germany, f St. Patrick's Cemetery. O'Oonnor timothy, 21 mo., Algiers, u O'Brien ellen, 13 Ireland, o 0'Brien;;3hB. 3 mo,, u, o O'Brien mary, 35 Ireland, o O'Brien son of above, u. o 0' Neil John, 32 Ireland, f O'Brien P, New Orleans u O't^hae Cornelius, 24 Ireland, f O'Connor honora, 45 Irelind, f O'Connor wm.. 13 " t O'Brien John 32 " ( t)berly therisa. New Orleans, o O'Keefi arthur. 2U Ireland, f O'Keefe ellen, 34 " f O'Keele ana, 17 - t O'Connor wm„ 32 " f O'Brien mary, 1 New Orlean-s, f O'Donnell Catherine, . Ireland, o Owens edraund. 20 u. f O'Brien John, 23 Iieland, f O'Brien msrtin, 6 mo„ New Orleans o Owens aDn,20 Ireland, f O'Connor michael, 40 Ireland,© O'Callagban timothy, 20 Ireland, f O' Keefe daniel, 26 " f O'Hara martin, l6 " O'Connor Catherine, 19 " f O'Brien henry, 40 lieland. • O'Connel D, D, .50 " f O Brien edward, 48 " f O'Neil ellen, 17 ' f O'Nielwm.,22 " f O' Sullivan Catherine, 21 Irelwid, f O'Neil John, A ' o O'Btien ann, 26 " f O'Neil ellen, 20 u.f O'Grady jobn. IroUnd. o O Conn-ir richa'd, Ireland, n U'Keefthemas 13, Ir-land, f O'Brien mr, Ireland f O'D'-nohue bridget 13 Ireland, f OBiisn george, 30 Ireland o O' Conner david, 30 Ireland, f O'Donnell jerem ah, 24 Iialaad • [august 8 august 9 august 9 august 2S august ^ august & august 27 august 2i> august 28 august 30 sept 3 sept 5 sept 8 sept 10 sept 12 sept 18 sept 30 oct a may 2 may 14 oct 31 sept 9 may 25 may 27 July 15 august 1 august 1 august S august 9 oct 4 July 10 July 12 July 16 august IS [ 49 ] O'Neil richard, 29, IreKind.o 0'Conn->ll margret. !>, Ireland. o O'Brien jaine-., 6 Ireland, f O'Brien inary, 30, I-ela d, f O'Uonnell patri.-k, 45, Ireland, f O'Hara dolly, 21, Ireland, f O Uaraell-n, 26. Ireland, f 0'Kowk-»ianc. u Ireland, f O' Donne. lj)hn.-», Irelmd. f O'Connor a by, 17. Ireland, f O'Connar W. T 25, Irexndt > I'Brien jainps, c.Mid, New Orleans O'Urion jo.in vv , 36, u, o •THrien curiinlius, 1 ■, Irel'nd, f O'Douueli arthur, o3, Ireland, o Charity Hospital. O'Neil! Johanna. 25, Ireland, o Oliver louin, GO, Portugal, o O'Nnill Patrick, 42, Irelind, f O'Brien a'thony, i!J. frelind, f OxbHjry petar. 31, Ireland, o Ott" j>han. 27, Garmaiiy. f O'Brien juHa. 29, Ireland, f Ohnesog nicholij', 2S, G<^rmany t O'Don^U hugh,27, .'Scotland, f O'Donnell bndsct, 36, Ir. land, o O'Donneli miry, 13, Inrlan"!. f Oclesha wilUam, 2''., Kng.and, i O'Keefe margiret. 19, Irclind, f Osward calhrino, 3G, Germany, f (lii-er William, 16, Ire and, f O'Hara ratrick, 33 Ireland, f O'DonntU J5hn, 31. Ireland, f Ottnart franz, Germany, f O'Donnell winnay. fO, Ireland, f O'B ieu John, 24. Ireland, f Otil-lb valentine, 25, Germany, f Onmaum ciiarle^, 21, Prance, t Otiane marie Ionise, 40, Fra.c»>, f Otivai'Je raimond, 19, Fraace. f O'Oonner patric!:. 33. Ireland, f Owi n lavin. 24. Ireland, t O'Neill eii!f".e, : 8, Irel nl, r O'<'onnor mlc!iael, 22. Irclind, f O'Xe U diniei. 2 , Ireland, f Ottnjohan G, 30. (x-rmany, f O'Neill II. ar-, 22, Ireland, i O'UonneU joiui. 40. I e:and,f O'Connor )enis, '22, [;«land, f O'Keef; micha»l, 46. Ireland f O'Donn llinathew, 30. Ir. 1 nd.f O'Connell joh:i, 30. Ireland, o O'Brien michael, 40, leiaiid, a OUanps-ter, 19, J'en nark f t>rtail roxanna, 3-, Ireland, f O'Brian robort. 2fi, Ireland, f Oethe johah, 37, swiister and, f O'Brien mar'.in, 21, New York, f 4)'Conne'l John, 32, Ireland, f august 22 august 22 aususf. 24 augn.st 25 august 2^ august 2S • augu>' 2l> aufjii.it 29 nep'emb r 1 septrti" bar 3 September 5 Hep lumber 2'; octobei 2 o lober 6 oc:ober 10 may 9 may 17 June 2 July U ju y II julj' 17 July 17 July 17 juiy 13' j ly 20 July 22 July 25 July 29 July 30 July 31 July 31 augut 3 august i august 4 august 7 augu t 7 august 9 august I'.i augu t 13 auga t 13 aug.ist 13 augut 13 8Ugu=t 13 augast lli august 17 august IS augist H f ugust '22 august 23 au^,ust 2^j sept 4 sept 6 isep: '.S se t 28 sept 29 oct 1 Oct 8 oct 8 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. 0-Rourbe'.I; as. n, f * juiy 2G Onuss 0, 23, u, f august 15 O'Hare michai-l, child of,2 months, N. O., o august i9 Osch-e datiel,25, u, f octjber 3 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. '2, O'JTeiU ha-tiet. IJ. Ireland, o ON^illflizabetii, IBm. u. o O'Con' or i-atric!', 50 Ireland, o Otto tberbardt, 22, u, i Oaihenrich. 27, u. f Ober thera.sa, 31, Germany, f Owen richard, '28, Wal «, f O'N-il br.dget,:i6. Obio, f Ormord sa. ah, 25. Ireland, f Ouracha gtoige, 20, France, f Oram mi.is, u I O'SulUvan jerry, 31, Ireland, f O'Donnell ami, 19, Ireland, f O'Donneil math«w, »', England, f iMsich ctharina, 9:r. N O, f Ochilberry carmany, f Ogden henry. 35, United '^fates, f Obeli caturine, 24, Germany, f Ottem pa'er, 25, Germany, t' Olb Weld n, 26. Ge-mafty, f O'Brien bridget, 2-, Ireland, t H may 15 julv 9 July l.S august .5 ai'gust 10 august 12 august 13 august Li augut 14 august 14 augu t 19 august 20 auiu^t 21 august il august y.i august 21 ausu t 2> an.'ust 27 bugn.st 30 au'.'ust S'J augUit 31 S:^|.t 1 sept 2 sept 2 8')t 2 te^t 7 ■opt O'Neil Caroline, 9, u, o «ct T Oljen christian W, 35, Danmark, f o«t 15 St. Vincent de Paal. O'XnergeorgA. 2 m,u, 0, may 1 O'Brie.T ell .n, 30. IreUnd, o may 9 Oicar, negro, lij, u, o may 15 Osin'in birbira, 47, u, o m^y 96 Otto mrsi 36 Germany. o june T O'Neil pair ck, 45, leelmd. f july 2 Orf anton, 40, Gernnny. f jmy 3u O'Oonner marny, 4.MreUnd, f august 2 P'Conn-jl/) IP. 3 months, Ireland, f a'-gint 5 OursD anvunio. 2-i, u f auiust 14 Obrfrphilipa, 1 <, Germany, f ^ugusl 15 O'Donnell M. 22. jreland, . angust 16 Oursi'. allarce. 2j? u, 1' auguH 49 OUvie, 9 months. N. O., f august 17 Olivier mary A. 7, Ireland, f au^us; 20 Oehr anthony. 25. Germany, f august 21 Or ron chiles, 00 Ireland, 1" august £8! O'Brieu timotliy.a^. Ireland, f august 2* O'Neil b-idgi't.51, Ireland, f august 26 «Ov r A. 6;, (Jermany, f august 87 Overfreda.3i, Germany, f September 2 Oi hicto', 2i, Francs, f September 19 Oubry J,josaph, 41, France t septamber 22 Lafayette Cemetery. Oser th-^resa, 10, N. 0., o Ones henryclay, 17 months, N. C, o Onser C3therin=i, 50. Germany, f Oats ha'riet, 6 months, \ . O , o O'Brien cornelin.", .'52. Ireland, f Otto t'.Bd^rick, 60 Germiny, f Omond v^Ientinee.Uema^fl. f Odemoald benedict, tO. G rmany, f Oconner m-^rtha. 3t. Ireland, f Ovingfn mrs, 35, Irolan^. f Otawa'l chrisaniT 4.5, Germany, f Oran nichi'as 2. Germany, f • OHilly mary, 12, u. f O'Brien palrick, 60, u, f U'Keliy anna belli. 9, u, f Obermai henry, 2'i. Ohio, f O'Brien anfi, 52. Ireland, f Olive B, 9', Lou's ana. o Oltouke mr. i fin of, N, O., o Oriug gaorge, 8 montls, N. O., o may 5 may 2* ju,y 12 July 2a inly 21 august L august 8 august 3 august S august C august T augast 12 au ust H august SS September 3 September 13 eeptemb'sr 21 Oct ber 12 October 19 October 21 St. X'Oais IVo. 1. Osborne georg^. u, u, o Olivier Joseph, 2. u, o Orvoift, 2u, France f St. Lonis Ko. 2. Orttto ranl.^iave, 90. .Africa, o O.ivie jene, child o , 6 days N. O., o Protestant, Olivr ann K. 13 months, N, O., o Oliver miss, 2 <, a, f Olrns-ed ». It. u. f * Oln^sted mrs, sarah, 6% Oonii,T Odd Fellows* Rest. Olff Caroline jane, 2, N, 0., o au°ust 19 august 29 august 21 argDst 89 September 11 juir 6 aug St 2S {.ugust 37. septemta T Mpt U St. PatrickVs Cemetery. Powers brit'get, 2. New Orleans, o may S Pri^ur James I osy. New Orleans, o miy 6 Price richard hir ison, 6 months, N . O., o may IS Pr eur ann m irie, 15 montlis, N. O . o may 39 Phe an cath'-ri-e. 3. u, o July 8 Prior daniel, 4.i, Ireland, o July 15 Pe erson mer^i t, infant. New Orleaiu, o July 17 Pluiikettj mes, 27 Ireland, f July 22 Parsons j-hn. 2-'. Ireland, o July » Peterson caher.ne, 26. Ireland, o ju 7 W Peterisn caih-rine infint. New Orleans, o ju y 29 Perryman wi liam. 13, Ire and, f July 30 Powers robert 2"). Irel^d, f august 2 Phelar. James. ;!2 Ireland, f , august 4 Purcelt patri k. 21. Iieiand, f ausust 4 Poland ia«rtin, u, f aagust 6 [ -50 Phelan ann, i?, o Proctor John. 25, Ireland, f PbeUn niarg^ret. 32, Ireland, o Pipiron brother, u. f P unkott thoBias, Ireland, o Peleron John, 28. Sweden, f Phillips nia-ry, 35, Irf land, f Perallmrt n, 32, u, o Poweriipatrick, 3.3, Ireland, o - Power bridg-t. 27,*lreland, u Fr'ce bridget, 34, u,o Phtlaii niary, 25. Irel;ind, f Pefirfecat or ; e, 30, G i-manj-, f Po.^eriipalrick, 27, ireland, o powers Julia, U. lrel;md, f Pollyhecy ioseuh' ."iS. Ireland, o Pott.'i mary, child, New O.-leaci, o ' Cypress Grove, No. 1. Pepp joV;n. 4S, n^nover, o Pratt edwin H, 32, Ireland, f ]'on!tein heleii, 1. u. o 1- laistert henry, 19, u, o Prait eliz heili, 2, n, o Pefer, chili ofinr, 1, Kew OrleRn3, o .Velry jolin, \\. New Orleans, o Polly wil iani, 26, u, f _ Patterson samue!, 19. Miasissippi, t Price thomas, 8 mo, xi, o Pr ce bannah. 13. indi=na,f Price robert ad.er, 5. Indian*, f Price roberf. 1 .Kentuky. f Parker sarah A, 25, K- mucky, f Petzmever frank, 24, u, f Price ju! a, Kentucky, f Pries sarsh, 82 u. o Pona n>adacie. 25, u, f > Pampolin panliiie. u, 1 Precions W R, 43, u. f Perkins abner, 32, > tw York, f august 7 august 8 augu t 9 august 11 august 13 augu t 21 au^'ust 22 august Xi august 23 august 29 tugust 29 august 30 august 'i\ .■fept 4 sept 7 se^t 17 oct 10 may s may 9 may 9 Cypress Wrove, Ko. %. Perril'-t slave , 36, u o Porcp, f.m, c, 24, u o Perkins A >- f live of 2 uo Price Walsh & co, si?.Te of 40, u t Pri^fcton n>is u u f Phillips u f Patrick mr. 3\ u f Faist theodore, 28. Gernrianv, f Pcrringer cuthor n-, -fS, (xerniany, f Peters Valentin >, 29. Francp, f Poua ean peter, 26, (lemany, f Petersen henry, 5, u, i Pat 1 m, 19,uf ptitzif f ederik, 28, n, f Pa' ierguorg ni 1, u. f Pavadoue caiuila, 25 u, j Prevo t jos ph, u, f Vratzic hm , 23. u, f Pattapr I Christiana, 46, 'Wellenb^g, f Verrman F P, 23 Germany, f Paul William, 36, u f. Prolyl frani; i«, 4'', G3rm^ny, f Parkf r W D, 33, United Slatas, f Phillips eUzab-th, u f Pag* doctor, uo Phil ip< augustu'. 3, u o Petersen conrad. 40 Germany, f Phillipjae j s^ph, 18 Switzerland, f Perone auguste, u f Piumer mictiael, 12, Ireland f Phillips Caleb, 8 wee>- s, u o Pomemy joseph,39. Frarce, t Paul e;;zab<'th, 25. United States' f Prendergast toby, 15, u f Pitree eiz^beth, 23 Germany, f Peterson rar. .slave of 40, u f Pairant mr, 31. France, f Plistprji ob, 19, Germany, f Primii tlave 40, u f Pincel chri.tian, 33, Germany, f Pow'U peter, 2 Germ-ny, f Phink fridolm, 62. Gt-rmany, f Pauke christian. 2?, G^-rmany, f Pitman mr 24. Kentucky, f Pascal T ,C, 28 .Germany, f Pier e a phonse, 18. Francp. f Po lemaugb 1 ert. 24. Germany, f PitchHii charle , 4 , New York, f Prein elizabeih,31. Gfrnti ny,f Pruneng eb r conr d, 28, Germany, f Prognour wil iam. 22, Kraa e, f Peterman nici^Us, 30, Germany, f Pope ni3ry,35, n, f Petersotj hugo, 29, Germany, f peite aataiue, 39 Fiance, f Ponejgh francoig, 20. Germany, f auguBt 28 Peter afla-e 35, u, f auruj.t28 Phelm, John, 26 Ireland, f augu.st 29 Poubnius rascal, 13, * lance, f august 89 P«reiM,40, France f august 29 Pierre. 35 Iraly.f august 39 P.lgrain i. i ! am, 19, u. f august 30 Poulterfjederic- ,2, M 0.,i august 30 Paitison mr, f.S. 'r-1 nd, f aqgust 3ft Pender P. H, 2, N, O., o September 2 Pet^r, a slave, 63, N. Carolina, o septembej 3 Pierrug'.;leo T, 4, N. O,, f septeuBber 4 Porent S. 3,', u, f September 4 PhiUips palritk, 15, 'Ireland, f September 7 Pow.fr janii-s, ;2 Ire and f September 9 Poully pholan, 4. Germ ny, f septemb=ir 9 Pors ferdiii.'.nd. 19, Germany, f September 10 Pans t francois, u. f September 11 Pluugan .nary, 2 months u, f September 13 Pepin joserh, 2'>,GreTe f September 14 Pe issier mariaus. 29, France, f sept- mb-r 14 Pov.'er mary, 3J, Ireland, o September 16 Paum^r emiline, 8 months, K. O , O septejiiber 17 may 16 , Peck dav d 23 Connecticut, f septembar IS may 20 Pos>)y ann, 2S, Dublin, f September 26 Bala rar, u, f septem er 27 Powers James, 27, Ireland, f jepttmbei 17 Peters george, u,o octob-r 1 Prince albrrt, 3, u, o October 8 Pickering Thos,B, 36, Virginia o October 7 Ponier, infant, 7 weeks; N . O-, o October It may 26 June 6 July 4 July 22 august 7 august 7 august 7 aug^ist 8 au-:u-t 9 aui,ust 9 aumst 9 august 12 august 2» august 23 sept 1 'ept 15 may 8 may 29 June 13 June 27 jun-^ 14 jU'y 21 MlXUSl 1 augu'^t ;'. augu t 4 biigust 4 august 4 aulust 5 august 7 august 8 aug ist s august 10 angiist '0 august 10 augu t 11 august 12 august 13 sugust 14 august 14 august Is august 27 august 15 august '5 auKUst 15 august 17 augu-t 18 august 18 august 18 august 19 august 19 augusr 20 augu t 20 august 20 august 21 auS'Jit 22 augu-t 22 augu t 22 august 22 august 2^ august 23 augus' 24 august 24 august 24 augu-t 24 august 26 august 26 august 26 august 26 august 26 augu-t i7 august 23 Odd Fellows' Uest, Peterson P G W, 2, u, o Perkins mary F, 3, u, f July 8 august M Lafayette. Philip, a slave, 24, New Orleans, o may S Pow-r; Catherine, 18 mo, St. i.ouiic, o may IT Powell frsncis G. fi, u, f miy 19 Pboeriix frani!, 17 mo, i-ff^w Orleani. o may 26 Peet r on aiginlius, 28, Germany, f July 6 Peals j;hu, Ge raai,y, f July 26 Plitt ciiatley. 27, u, f July 2S Verisoree just'ne, 28. France, f July 26 Powers madel ne, 20, Germany, f July 26 Probst fredciic. 3 cays. New I'rleans. o July 2S Pet eter mars'. 18. Ge.many.f juiy 29 Patch cA'herin-. 35, irelano, { July 30 Pe?fer siph a. 27, Germany, f august 1 Peity mrs, 53 u, f augu-t Par umf,re ludw g 2S. Germany, f august Pirbey joh , 5O, I'^i g and, f august Pearson mary, 43, Ire, and. f august Poussant nicho as, 33, 1 ranee. «> august Podrier mrs »• n, 21, Ire and, f august Pouin Jul a, 3), Ireland, f august Perliison micae!, 30, Ireland, 1 august P.-^terson ai;gu-tus. 13, Irelan'i, f august Peter-on wil iam. 13. u f augast Per ig re tranco's. 22, Prance, r ausust Pe ry g-oi^ ■ -w.shingtcn, 2, New Orleans, f august Pu'sYtederick, u, f august Pooler margiret, 20, Ireland, f august Pilkie M, child or New ()rloans, o august 9 Prahsum henry, 31, Ge. many, f august 10 Pre->ler paul, 14. u, 1 august 11 Petre ant\ maria, 49, Germany, august 21 Paussaint c ro ir.e, 40, t r.>nce, f augu't 13 Provetor ann elizii, 32, Pennsylvania, f august 12 Pedy fran, i^s, 46. Germany, f august 13 Perrera Jerome, 2. u f august 14 Philbrick S W, 37, Mains, o avgu^t U Prell T, 24. u. f augusi 14 Paul eva. 23. Germary. f august 15 Pine John. 3.', Germany, f auausi 17 Puig nari isso. 2 mo. u. f august IT Plitt g-iorge. 58, Ge' many, f august 18 Pu'baur matia, 36, G.rmany, f au'.;ust iO Pus-^ a .-lave, 10, u, o august 21 Packard cu.ler, 32, Massachuietts, f august 21 'Prosper c mpugnes, adul', u, f augu-t 22 Pe by ameh3,u, f august iZ Po lenough alhert, 21. Germany, f august 3S Peter georg^, 36. Germ ny. t august 25 PoUenaugli albert. '24 Germary, f august 2S Pressler nicholss. .'.6. G-rmany, f augus- 26 PacVer bri'-'get. u, f aug.iSt 27 Pursale j 'hn, 17 m^, Ne'w Or'eans. o august 30 Peirre jean. 9 days. New Or ear.s, » august 31 Pens er wjlliam, child f, 4 hours, N. 0., sept 2 Peffer ge rge, 49. Germany, f sept 3 Preston j hn G, 2 , Virgil ia, f sept 9 Prandervi le joiin, 12 hoir , sV. O., o sept • Percey James L, 32, iVIassichttsetts, f sept 2* Pauli eiizabeth, 50, Germany, o rept V Panerschmit geoiga, 9 mo, N. 0-, « oct 1( I f^l ] Charity Hospital. Pompee, a slare, 00, u, o Plubean mirie .f, S6, Be giura, o Purcoil n ary , 3G, Ireland, o Powers thoinaj, 00, Irslaud, o Prim cathri e, 22, Belgium, f Paddick anthony, 57. (iennany, o Picken John, 25. Ireland, f Praught rosanni), 20, Ireland, f Patti3cmeUzabeth,2'l, u, f . Preston ohristopher, 45, Knelmd. I Porskens "tthrine, 19. Pru>;ia, f Power tliomas, 25, Ireland, f Pounnier marcel, 37. France,! Peter- on nelson, V5. Denmark, I" Pernell august, 34, France, t Pf ter jn epli. 50. Franc-, f Powers Patrick. 21, Ireland, t Plomb^ck frances, 24. Denmark, r Perle ed-tt-ard. 19, Ireland,! Pabst ca'herina, 24, Grermany, f Pounder james, 17, Knjland, f Patterson louis, ^6, Germany, t Peidnoil edward, 29 , France, f Pbike wilhelm 2i, Prussia, f Plantzjohan, 35, (Jeimany.t Palm sigi-niond, 25, Germany, t Peters .-arah, i5, Englasd. f Poppenheim adeline, 25, Germany, t Peterson charlt^s, 30, bweden, f Pool John, u.o Parker darid, 30, Virginia f Peconden jean, kO, France, f Plumo anianda, 2a. Tennessee, f Power jo.seph, 22, Irela: d f Plindler Sebastian, Germany, f Purcell thomas,24, Irelai d. f. Pfefl'er Jacob, 50, Germany, o Patterson charles P. 47, Sweden, o Ponds newton, 27. Ohio, o Peters coi.staitine, 23, France, f Patridge james, 4C, Maryland, 1 Powell george. 23, England, f Patterson j seph. 50, Louisiana, I Pichardie prine D, 21. France, f Powers Charles, 23, Germany, f Protestant. Piunkett dinah, tiO, Virginia, o Pearsailmary P.I9, u, f Petty elizibetb J, 26. u, o Potter lyraan, 43, Ohio, o Pase rar?, u, f Perry charVs B. u, f Phelp- mrs O, 22, Ma'.sscliusettj, 1 Patterson thomas, 22, Pennjylvania, f Pierce Caroline, u, f Powers John, 34, u. f , Phelps G 11, 40. Connecticut, t Piunkett William. 77. Noith lyarolina. t Potter edward .J. Ma>«. chusetts, o Patten francis P, 35, Mississippi, i Porter Joseph, u. t' Pi-rre , 1 1. I'ennessee, f Price H P, '3. New York, f Payne marv hunt, Algier.<, o Phillips captain, 40, u, t St. Louis No. I. Pervordedar fee, 23. Spain, t Pioholon mr, 2.5, u. f Paul Joseph. 36, u, f Pory .M A. 52. u, f Poioque mme, 2p. u, o Pacovich Catherine. 27, u, o Picone jean, 44. Italy, o Pandelly Keorse, child of, N. O., o Pont rarhael. 34, u, o St. Louis No. 3. Paquet marie. 25. n, o Peregrina sister. 22. Prussia, f Pederra Josephine, 2, u, f Pr»tin nianuel, 16. t-pain. f Placu'.e, mulatto, 3. u, o Pou on alexina, 4 rao, u, Pil e rrmand. siave of, 18 mo, u, o Pouponne, chi d of, u. o Pevrat marie, o. u, o Petatd p.ususie doniinique, 4S, u, o Pinssan ntemi, 12, u. o Parodi oarmelita, 9 mo, u, o Pegurz, mul.itto, 57. u, o Prieu: a txandre.OO, u, o Periand martin, 1. u, o Paequier chiistophe, 32 France, f may 5 may I'J June IH June 20 June 22 July 1 July 2 July 8 July 9 July ;'0 ju'.y 22 ju y 24 July 26 august 2 august 2 augiLst 3 august 7 august 7 august 10 august 10 augu-t 12 august 12 sugu-t 14 august 14 avigu-t 15 augast 18 augu.st IS august 20 augn-it 23 august 27 august 29 augast .30 august x\ august 31 sept 5 >ept 8 sept II Kept 1 5 sept 25 oct 1 oct 4 oct ll oct 19 oct 19 oct 25 may 22 July 7 July 20 July 24 July 31 augu»t 3 august 5 august 7 august 13 august 20 august 22 aiv^usT 24 august 'i6 august 2S august 30 august 30 sept 2 sept 6 Oct 5 sept 3 august 11 august 30 July 23 may U oct 17 sent 5 sept 19 eept 2 august 4 augast 3 august 19 July 30 June 17 June 5 may .30 mav 30 may 22 may 22 may 24 may 12 may 13 may 14 may 4 sept 30 Falle arthur, 20 mo, u, o Prevft edward. 23, u, f Passf bon msrie A, 2 dayf, u, o Tanly, slave of .It iJuiii-antel, 61, u, o Pasca' Joseph, IS -.1 o, u, f Pons francLSca. 20 mo, u, f Prudliomme T mile, 2a, u,f Pemberton lenni, 3, u, o Pyramhtie magdeleiue. 50, u, o St. Vincent de Paul. Pfiermsnn Crederick, 7, u, o Pechin eugen, 1, u, o Pranel G. l2 days. New Orleans, Pierre, neg o, 13, u, o Philis, 35, u, o Price raathilda, 5, u, o Petrorich John, 45, u. Pierre, 1 mo, Kew Orleans, o Paris elizabith, u, o Parrers inichael, 26, u, f Philomene. 6 nio, u, o Paehlman lieinrich, 21, Germany, J Par er etiene, 18 nio, u, o Pom.iiriens F, 37, Germany, f Palhiac jpan, 45, u. f PaUnoack henry, 7, Germany, f Pylie janny, 23, Germany, f Peter anna. Germiny.f Pozzany drminique, 45, Italy, f Failhac j anne. 45. Fr-ince, f Pelegrin einile, 19. France, f Pintajoseb, 00, aicile, t Pyotzenierten » , 2.5, u, f Parker williim, 27, England, f Hrous'i jean. 25, It'ly, t Platz lawrence, 19. Germany, f Prufc!' F, 29. France, f I'urutina cammatia, 10 ino, u, f Pino sevftrio 40, Italy, I Po-tunie j rirg.t, 11. Ireland, f Quickli-y owen, 21. Ireland, f Quinn martha, 26, Ireland, f Quinn patrick, 25, Ireland, f Quinn julia, 23, Ireland, f Lafayette Cemetery. Quinn .iohn, 30, Ireland, f Quinn juhn, SO, Ireland, f Quirk sUFan, 1, u, o Quinn mary, 54, Lreiand, o St. Vincent de Fault Quisot, 10, u, f Quarranto G, Austria, f Quinlifian eliza. 34, Ireland, f •Querlien F, il, Germany, f St. Louis, No. 1. Quevaiut rcxsiete, 30, n, o St. Patrick's Cemetery. Kyan thomas, 7 mo, Ireland, o KatclifFe j^mes, 1 week. New Orleans, o Jliordtn mary, 2 weeks. New Orleans, o Bus^ell margaier, 22, Ireland, f Kogers patrick, 35. 1. eland, o Byau martin, 20. Ireland, o Biley cajherine, 3, u, o Heed jane, 26, Ireland, f Hiley owrn, 30, Ireland, f • Beagan Joseph, New Orleans, f Rourke luke, Ireland, o Kyan Catherine, 30, Ireland, o Kooney thomas, 9 weeks. New Orleaas, o Keilly patrick, 32. Ire' and, f Bay michael, S5, Ireland, t Bichardscn patrick, 2S, Ireland, f Byan John, i9, Ireland, f Billey margsrer, 1, Boston, f Beilly ro e, 35. Ireland, f Koberts ann, 25, Scotland, o Bafferty John, Irel nd, f Kiley rose, 20, Ireland, f Biley thomas, 26, Ireland, o BSjder John, 16, Ireland, f Biordan raichsel, 35, Ireland, f Segan mary min. Ireland, o Bichards mary, 30, Ireland, f Beddin^ton ricliard, 28, Ireland, o Biley wil'iam, Ireland, o Bodri^uez jise, 30, France, f Botchford m ch'»el. i8, Ireland, f Bil?y peter, 28. Irehird, t Biley ro er, 25, Ireland, f Keduingtr n thomas, u, o Began j hn. 3t, Ireland, f Byan anasta.'-ia, Ireland, f Byan Catherine, 26, Ir*!au(j[, f Booney daniel, 40, Ireland, f Bugu< nolos John, 24. u, o august 28 Kyan T B. 32, Ireland, f august 31 Roaclie margaret, H, New Orleans, f" august 31 Roache daniel, 2i. I'.ev^ Orleans, f august 31 Riley margaret. 17, Ireland, f fept 2 2. Rh J, F, chill of, N, O., o July 2* Ki-hl Catherine 26, u,f - august ^ Robinsen ann. 39. England, o augustt 2 Rugg'es B B, 2S, u, f august 1" Ranney moses. 47. U, Stated, f august 20 Roch frederick, 2d, Germany, f august 2!> Richards mary iil, 5, u, f august 25 Kic.hards ellioit,?!, u. f augnst 2r Raitiilexande'-. u, f sept 1 Rolinson charle.s, 6 weeks, JT. 0., a sept 6 Bo-'gers riohard K, 28, Va, o sept 8 Biley hugh, .6, Ireland, f oct 9 Rhodes O, 6 u, o oct 19 Cypress GrOve Cemetery, No. 2. Rostheln, u. o may 6 Boca raanuel,. 53, u, o may 8 Kees peter; child { f, 3, u, o may 11 Ru'herforrt mr slave of. 39, u, o may 13 Nahan mrs, child of, u, o may 20 Rowls J B.slaveof. u. o June 2 Richert C chi d'f u, o June 21 Bshase h'rraan. Geimany, f June 24 Keed ths 0. 57, u,o juIy 1 Reesby hrnrietta. 2i. u. o July 4 Eoqerts willism, 45. Wales, f juiy 7 Rackahr U, 19, Germany, £ July 11 Roth .Tohn,24, 'iermai y, f july 26 Reaianfredr, 18. Germany, f august 4 Bend phil ip. 36. u. o augu't 6 Ruth John, Germany, f august fi Reneck emile. 22. u. f august 8 Rencher mary, 30. Ireland, f august 8 Ka','enttein ultra, 14, Germany, f augusj 10 Riche hertholmew. 53, Germany, f august )ft Ra.;«nsti inmartin, 14, Germany, f august 10 l^edington martin 3 , Ireland, f august 10 Roux L. H, 5 noonths, u, o august 10 Bearden Johnna, 19, u, f augusst 10 Biley, joiin. 26, u.f august 11 Rpnieraugu^ie, 92, France,f augir-t 15 Rhaon thoma"', ;^0, Ire and, f augi^st II Bocbnerrar, 3:;, Germany, f august 12 Romberg trederick, 44, Germany, f auaist 13 Reives bridgit, 28. Ireland, f augut \S Boiix adolpe, 4, u, f august 13 Bota martin. 1 u. f augU't IH BuntrhonOjan-es, 38. Ireland, f august 14 Bub chiis'ian..50. Germany, f august 14 Bourne michael. 4, N O , f august 14 Ryan Jan^es. 25, Ireland, f aigu.st 15 Rcinier jane, 5, u, f a.igust 15 Ronetz pierre, '6. France, f august 15 Qectanuse iziheth. 4. ii,f august 15 Be'io"j'hn, lesmany. s august 15 "Kothii josei'h, 16, France, f ai;gu9t 16 Rub's e iZ'ibeth, 18. Germany, f august 16 Beile julia, 30, Germany, f auguit U June 17 July 3 July 21 July 26 august 3 augest 4 august 7 august 25 .iuly 21 July 22 august 5 augnst 26 July 13 augu^t 6 august 9 Rivgust 15 may 20 may 22 may 26 June 11 June 11 June 24 June 20 July 7 julv 13 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 31 august -1 august I august 1 august 1 august 2 august 3 august 4 august 4 august 5 august 7 august 8 ausu-t 8 august 9 august 10 aug St 12 augu't 12 august 12 augu't 12 august 12 rfugiist 13 august 13 august 13 augu-t IH august U august 15 [ 53 ] Ripp eliz«, 1", Germany, f Ruhl antlreas. 29, Fermany, Roesh jobu. . 1, trerinany, f Redick williauj. 17, u, t" Risk randolpb, .3f>, Switzerland, f Razenlice henry, iZ (} Tniany, f Ritci ie wil iain, 49, K, G4, Gerinrny, t Kesinber eniilie, u. f Regent pierie, 30, France, f Hstherson g^orge. 22, u. f Reit'leaTis, Uermany, f Reader michae), Gnrmay, f KaV3' Rest. Robinson jelin, 27, u, o Rook mary jane, 2, N. 0., i Richta daniel, u, f Richter Catherine, u. f Rutthalf John, 2. u, f Ri^ fling Caroline, 3, u, o Robinson A. F. m:s», 16; DngUnd, f Charity Hospital. Riley patrick, 20, Ireland, f Reese thomas, 53, Louifinna. o Riley briilget, 17. Ireland, f Roach cathrine, 60. Germany, » Riley michael. 25. IreianH, o Robinson arcbioald. .36. Ireland, o Riley tatrick. 30, Ireland, f Kiley bridget. 22. Ir.-lanrt.f Rochford valcnt.ne. 32. Irtl'iid, f Riley John. 23, Uebnd, f Rrsh«l wilhe)m. ?5, Germany, f K-dm..nd jsaie^-,36. Iri'land.f Holb chilipian 22. Gi-rmany, f Rolbcc er N, 27. Germany, o Reynolds "lonSo. 22. Vermont, f Rew..r Patrick. 2', Ireland f . Ryan mlcbael, 30, Irelaud,f Ra-ro cathrine, 18, u. f Hell wilKam, 24, Ireland, f augaiit 18 laugiist 18 august 18 augiLst 19 aiigu«t 19 august 19 ^uuu^t 19 august 19 anrust 'M august 20 ai'gust 20 augu»t 20 augii-t 20 augu-st 20 august 21 august 2l august 21 august 21 angusc 52 august 22 august 22 august <3 August 23 august 24 august 14 august 2t august 24 aegu^t 24 august 26 august 26 august 25 august 27 aiigut 27 augiist 27 auSust 28 august 28 august 28 august 28 aueust 29 august 30 sep .sept 3 sept 5 sept 6 ^ept e *ept 6 .sept U sept 9 sept 10 .sept 10 sept 12 nejit 12 .sept 11 sept 14 sept 16 sept 17 sept Ir sept 22 sept 23 Oct 4 oct 2 oct 7 oot 19 oct 21 oct 24 oct is oct 30 June 6 June 20 July 25 July 31 august 4 august ?o august 21 may 16 may 19 June 15 June 19 June 26 .iune 20 June 29 .inly 1 July 1 July 1 .iiily 6 July 9 July 9 July 9 July n ju y 12 July 12 July 12 July 13 Heed patrick, 23. Ireland, f Reiser martin, 1.3. Germany, f Ren am thomas, i'J, Ireland, f Eehier wilhelm. 2>j. Germany, i Riley John. 10, Ireland, I Keilly michael, ,30, Ireland, £• Ro.es ficdeiick, 23, Gem any, { Hiley joli;.)i,25, Ireland, i Kyati patri.-^j, 13, Ireland, f Robi.ison William. 22, Sco'land,!' Key Ii O, 21, Ireland, f Ri z crl. ;{8. Germany, f Ruth m^rgaret, .32, Germany, f lliley JLimes. 21. Ireland, f Kelt ma;i^, 44, Germany, f Rochler miria, 2B, Germany, f Ruterbhsh John. 49. Germany, 1" Rogers jr-hn, 27 Ireland, f Ramus cliarles, 23, Kngland, f Ryan eliz*. 21, Ireland, f Kfcdm nd cntlierine, 22. Ireland, f Reilzen-tein matia von, 2J, Germany, f Keef agues, 17. Germany. •' Ro ertson anno. 21, Ireland, f Reitz ftanz, 22, Pru-sia, f Riley michael. .50, Ireland, f Riber jarob, 45, Germany, f lledmond patrick. 27, Germany, f Kiordan clen, IH, IreUnd, 1 R;ilJy michael, 16, Ireland, f Ryan pa'.rick. 20, Ireland, t" Remmes P W, 15, Louisiana, o Riley martin, 20, Ireland, I Riley raargaret, 20, Ireland, i Rittcr cathrine, 19, Germany, f R>».s,-lar Ir derick, 3i.Germauy,f Roe cathrine. 40, Ireland, f Riley anna, 20, Ireland, f Rochford ann, 47, Ireland, f Ryan patrick, 19. Ireland, f Ryan maxgriet. 58, Ireland, o Roach ii.oni-, 2fi, Ireland, t Roach John, 2j, Ireland, f liyan sabina, 10, Ireland, f Ryan michael, 27, Irela d, f Roach eliza, 2.5, Ireland, t Russ johan, I'J, Germany, f Richoiii (erdirand, 21, Germany, f Ros William, a"*. Ireland, f ReiUy michael. 25. Ireiand, f Ryan William, 35. Ireland, t R;ipp Josephine, 22. Germany, f liaisler margntet. 20. Germany, f Rigan mary. 30. Ireland, i R, st andreas, 29. Gernany, f Rigeii Joseph, 35. Germany, f Robin-on John, 40, Virginia, o Ruth johan, 32, (ierraany, ( Rifijier marie, 32, Germany, f Ros, elizabeth, 27. Germany, f Rub michael, .59, Germany, f Riiider peter, 33, Germany, f Riordan timothy, 34, Ireland, f Kep inhan, 30, I'ranee, f Roc klein augU'te. i3, Germany, f Rockpettr. 51. Prussia, f Heed george, .37, u. 1' Rebon cail, 27, Germany, T f Rock luaiy. 18. Germany, f Rcss John. 47, Ireland, f Meibel Joseph. 36. France, f Rardeif Samuel.. 'io, Germany, f Rickerley ann, 22. Ireland, f - Rachell carl, 20. (Germany, f Rodgers patrick. Zi, Ireland, f Rooney frank. 48. Irelanc. f Rohr ignaze. 32. i jaco*!. (-Termariy. f Russell margret 23. Ireland, f Ros-innoUe jean 29, France, f Ray ann, Ireland, f Riley edvi ."rh 'ii, Ireland, { Ribler b-therine, 24, Germany, f Reynolds alonzo B, 10. u. t' Ric^aid-; elizaueth, 37, Wales. I Bitier dora. 35. Germany, f Reddy mic.)l,27, Ireland, f Bogan doniel, Ireland, f Richards elizabeth, 20^ Ireland, 1' Reardon cat'-eri^e, 22, Ireland.!' Rallfs ann, 28, Fermar.y. t' fceike aususte, 18, Germany, f Russell Joseph, 25, Ireland, f Reilly bridget, 23. Ireland, f Reiily wiliiam. 30, Ireland, f Reiliy mary, S, u, o Ranche j2sta, 41, Germany, i Root madison, 40, u. Ryniger belchaser, 31, Germanv, t R ugm J H, 29. u.o Rus'emerj^hann, 25, Germany, f Reed jane, 19, Kngland, t Behmseraile, 16, Germany, f Racker, 52GerSany, f Botfayer rogers, 36, iiermany, f Rothfos, christain. 22. Germany, f Ryan John, c2ildofN. 0,o RoTolt george, 7, Germany ,;t Ross mrs, 40. u, f Rapper! vendal, 24, Germany, f Ronim florentine, 38, Germany, f Richrrdson wiliiam, 2i, Germany, f Rosa eva. 9. Germar.y.Jf Reed ailma, 30, '-lermany, f Bira>-rs august, 40, u, f ReyBolds jirres L, u. f Bidgaway richard. 19, Ohio, f Bancan jjans M, France, f Reynolds thomas, Engldind, f Rein frank, 13 mo, N. O o Roy gavier, 33, Fiance, f sept 17 sept 19 sept 19 sept 23 sept 26 sept 28 sept 28 sspt 28 Oct 4 oct i oct Oct 7 7 8 oct 14 oct 15 oct 16 oct 17 oct 19 oct 19 oct 29 oct 19 oct 25 oct 29 oct 31 may 3 may 10 may 13 may 25 may 24 juue 2 June 9 June 12 June J 5 June 18 June 25 June 20 July 6 July 7 July 7 ]uly 10 July 15 July 22 .iuly 23 July 23 Iuly 25 July 29 July 29 .iulv 31 .iuly 31 July 31 august 1 angust 1 august :i august 3 august 4 augMt 6 -JUiZUSt 5 august 5 august 5 auguss august august august aui,U3t august august august - august 8 august 8 aufust 8 august 8 august 9 august 9 august 9 augttst 9 angustt 10 august 10 august 11 august 11 augi^st 11 august 11 august 12 august 12 august 13 august 13 august H ausust 13 august 1^ august 13 august li august 13 august 13 august 15 au-u.-t 15 aufu t U Ringer auju-fe, 7, u, f Rehm f^rdenand, 21. Germany, f Rose plasa. i3 mo, N O, f Reum rowh y P, 23, Ireland, { Rea mathew, 2S. Ireland, f Kajjson cliristain, 12, Germany, f Rtnton an-n;", u. f Reynolds richard. u, f Re: ves sarah. 40. Philadelphia, f Reihiw fr d -rick, ^8, Germany, f Reynolds John, infant u, f Kai*el e tieliie. Germany, f Rol. John, 19. Germany, f Rorliii.an petrr. 36. Br. varia, f Robinson ann. 2'. Kngland, f Rilter jaceb, 24. Germany, t Rude francis S, II mo, N O. t Bucnpp ernest, 23, Germany, i" Koman, adult u, f Raiiblen. chi d of. NO, o Banner george. 24. Germany, f Rentcn John. 33, Scot'and. f Ravmond ranch. 49. Geimany, f Rant c therine. 22, Germany, f Benton gorge. 14, U States, t Bokard Dr. u, f Boof William, 3?, Ohi". f Eiley mrc . child of 6 mo, u, f Robertson emeli^, 10, Ba timore, f Benion raf ry, 17 rao, N O, o Bobert a .slavf , u, o Bilev jane 4, N O, o Beaf valentine, 7 days, N O, o St. Vincent de Panl. Rita, f slave. 61, u. o Hose marie, 76. u. o Randellis chas, Germany, o Botherborg sareh. 5d, IN O, Beis Valentin, 34, u, o, Robertson rose, 44, u, o Bies michae), 10m, u, o . Bahn Jacob, 42, Germany, o Bicker henry, 40, u, o Ramires seciendina. 23. u o, Bthernektr fri.ncois, 8m, u, a Bachei, 4.5, u, o Biez malie C. 45, u, o Easi iliaire j-an B P, 55, u, f Biviere adolphe. 10m, u, o Bene, slave, 4, u. o Rickey raaria. ISm, u. o Hobertson charlea, 45, u, o Rosalie, 70. v, o Bdellnert barbara. 12, D, f Bo he F,42. Germany, f Bfjac a'as, 26, Ireland, f Began wi liam. 18, Ireland, f Baphardt herfern, 4ra, u, o Beider anna, 36, u. f ., Bandal charles, 27, Sweeden o Ridale John, 2i, u. f Ramen^y F, 45. Germany, f Reynend s ndrea-, 32, u, f Bains antoine, 37. France, f Beieer G, 14m, Germany, o Bith henrich 15, Germanv, f Rothard elbett, 40, Canada, f BholngF. 2, u.o Rpntell c' ristian M, 47, Germany, f Khunhardt jiiiius, 15, Germany, f Ryan mary, 30. Ireland, f Beiner i'. 23, Germany, f Boumbarhem theresa, 24, 6en<:a, f Bo-s george, 45, Boston, o Reimann an'ob e. 3m. u, o Rohres michael, 27. u. f Rice William, 11, Ireland, f Bohde louise. 23, Germany, f Rowley -nilliam, 22, Baltimore, f Rice mary, 27. Ireland, f Reefz elizabeth, 28. France, o Rdehrle anna, 18, Germany, f Rice pat, O.Ireland, f iloraeo rcsario, 14, S.cile, f P»ayes michael, u, f Beiss John, 36. France, f Eavipre ann marie, 30. Beige, f Eowale jerem ah. 45, Ireland, f Bicksmarii, 27. Germaiy. f Brian bosalie, 35. Prance, f BovaJapcn-a, 4. u, f Bobert-oD 'uzaoe. 3.5. Virginia, f Keinbcl: G. 28, Germar-y, f Boman c* ristian, 31, Gera;iany, f Rachel, 6, u, o Russeler helena, 15, Gretmany, f angust l' august 1^ august 2" august l9 aug'ist 20 august i" august 20 august 2^ august 22 augQst 22 august 2» august 2* august 25 august 27 augut 20 august 29 august 31 sept 3 .sept 3 sept * sept * sept 4 sept 5 sept lO sept 14 sept 15 sept 15 .sept 2| tept 2* fept 25 sept 25 r«pt26 sept 26 may o may 19 may 21 may 22 may 26 .may 29 may 30 June 3 june 12 June 16 June 17 June 17 June 18 .iune 17 June 25 July H July 10 July 12 ju!y 24 .iuly 25 July 28 July 28 July 29 august 1 august 1 aujiist 2 august 2 august 6 august 6 august 7 august 8 august f* august 8 august S august 9 august 10 august 10 angust 11 august 12 august 13 august 15 aui;nj; 17 augnsT 17 august 17 august 18 august 18 augiLst 18 august 19 august 20 augtist 23 august 21 august 24 august 25 ausust 25 august 25 august 26 august 26 august 26 ausust 29 auguot 37 [ 55 1 Row samiiel. 2m, United States, o Rennnhang mr. 40, u. t ilafetconrad, 20, Ireland,! Kanela, infant, u. o, Rurt'ans er cUarlnfe. 31, France, I Uai.Kket l..iii«. ■■'3, GiV'nany, I Redmind John. 9, u.o Kedmin henry. 2 . Jjer'nE-ny, f Kans atithony, 25. Bast Indies, f Kegina. 29, u, f Romeo, negro, u, o Hi.oa!e, 27. /ranee, f Roy sern, 2 , u. o RavigQOt thoodore. 32, jance, c Bomau chas V, U months, u, o Ripeur, u, f „„ „ Richard jusline 39, France, o St. IjOiais, No. S. Robea louis, 10 ■no'-<|i«> « ,0., o Bavellepatnch-, 27, IteUnd, f Buboin anbin, 13, raomh^ u, o Robert eugeae. 7 months, n,o Bobine aiphonsione, IJ- u, o Rina dy char es. 23 bneste, f Bosue cithsrine, 7;, u, f JlotaachiUo,2,5, u. t RachardsDB jS^'te 19. n,j BacU-lmarisJ, 5U. u, o Robert masde lue 0,«. Ru.-sBtate,chUdol,12,u. o R ymond, rauUat p, 1. u, o BeroyUfaye te,'&. u, o RTvardecharlyF.^O.u.o RawlinH jjm*'S "'* . -S' "■ " ., Balc.w ch trippo. 47 Delnait.e. o Robert norbert, 46. », t , „ , Ren-icU« iph washing>o»,d. n, I Bobartjean, 3'. u. o Protestant. Hooer(3Jo-n,mrntof,N.i;., . Hydsrjamcii, 5 I.Ireland, o Roberts joJephL.u.o , Bob.rt sept R sept 5 sept 5 fept 5 sept 10 sept 12 sept 14 sept 1,5 sept 25 sept 27 sept 2^ oct 1 OCt 4 oct IS oct 30 «ept 3 august 13 august 25 august 25 . may 3 oct 27 sept 4 august IS august 16 aug\ist il august 19 auSusc 14 august 30 auguet 24 august 21 august 21 juy 11 July 7 June 2;; June 25 June 5 June lo may 9 may 6 OC! 17 oct 2l »tpt 9 sept 20 may 12 m y 21 may 35 j ;iue 3 June 9 juy '6 July 23 July aii august 5 august 6 august 7 august 11 august 13 augu.st 15 august 17 uugust 19 august 18 august 21 august 21 augint 25 September 2 teptember 9 September 10 octoljer 5 October 12 July 14 July 23 august 5 august IS august 37 St. Patrick's Cemetery. Sweeney wiUiim, :8, N 0,o Short bridget, N O. oUm SliieWs roargaret, 40, Ireland, o may Smith niary, 2w, >. 0. o Shoa. janies, 18. ii, u, o Shannon briJget, N O, o Smith margsiret. 18m. N O. o ShiTowin niargaret, 23 Ireland, o Smith auii, N t),o SuJiivan thoinas. 40. Ireland, o Scanlan Catherine, u. o Simmons John, u. o Stevens James, u, o .SuUiviU timothy. 38, Ireland, f Slarbehill jrmes. 26 lre!a»d. f Shnppard wm. 4in. N U, o Spain John, 19. u. o Su'.liran John. 2. u. o Sullivan denlf. 15m. N O. o ShPriaaii mary, 39, Ireland, o Sullivan John, 23, Ireland, f Mtew.ird ellen. 36, lr,--land, f St^ n-ion Patrick. 35, Ireland, f Shannon janie-.TK, Ireland. 1 Silk timoihv, 23, IreUnd, t Sullivan wm, .W. Ireland, f Sheridan rose, 25. Ireland, f Short edward, 20, Ireland, f St .lohnellen, 15, Ireland, t Shawan John. 22, Ireland f S „nth mary. 54, Ireland f Salmon John. 29. Ireland, f Stanley james, 13d. N. O. p Shus'er mary carlin. 24, Ireland, f Sbauahan we.sly, 35, Ireland, f Sherwin marv, 20. Ireland, I Smith mrry. 20. Irelana, r » Shein John. 37, Ireland, f Spencer michael, 30, f Smith mary, 26, Ir land, t Spencer Johanna. 8d. N O, o St .John wm.50 Ireland, f Slieehan patrick. 2H, Ir la'-d, f Sullivan mary 45. Ir-land. f SiiUivantt-phn. 25. Jreland, r Stretch Patrick, 22, Il eland, o S u-eeney John, 35, u, f . StiU A, N O. still born, Shannon winilrtd, N U, t Sullivan margaret, ^ O.f Sul iran mirh^el, 40, Ireand, f Sc ..lly dani d, 20, Ireand, f Sweeriey tliomas, 21, Ireland, f S.;ndefs atherine, 24, u, o Srndersmary, CO, lr6lar,d,o Sheenaneliza,20, ire an.l.f Sheriuan mariaret, ■..2 Ireland, f S oithca'heriiie.G. I>e!a' d. r Shane mar>.'aret,2i, Ire and. 1 Sullivan philip. 32, Ireand, f Sheridan m'rgarot. 17. Iceland, f Sullivan miies. 47. Ir^ -nH, f Sullivan mary, 43, Ite and, f « Sart il alice, u, « ^ . . Sheehan f :anV, 2'i, Ire. and, o Sanbury sarah. 2', u. f Sanisbuey s r^h. u, u. I She^. John. 32. Ireland, f Sharkey thomai, 20. Ir'^l'""' ' Skiuner capt, son if, 5, N O. Skinner James. 3i. N U,o Simp. on jai.es, 14m, N O, f Smith mary. 2 J. lrj>lard,_f Sh.nahan michael. 8ni, j.M U, f ?avag: johu N. 65, u, f SnUivaneUen.60 Ir-land. o Sherbck edward. 19, hiverpol, f SI. vein elice, 9", Ireifnd, o Sullivan jjhn, int. nt,N *\ o Sheeuan terry, 36, Irfl md, 1 Sheeuan -am J. 24, Ireland, t Sul Ivan Patrick, 50. Ird.a id. o Shfridan michael, 26. Ireland, o Scot bridget,26, Ireland, f Sullivan julia. 15d, N «t 28 august 30 august 31 tept 1 sept sept sept sept tept [ 56 ] Skivingtonjohn, 4S, Trtlmd, f Sheridan miry ann, 5w, N O, o Scaulananne, Ire a^id, o Smith mary ann. u, o Khea John, 7, Ir land, o .shi^da ch-r «-. Ki-gia'^a, o Sullivan george, 13, N O, o Speehai mary, 2. > O.o au>maii hary. N O, o sept 10 Si'pt 19 sf-pt 27 sept 29 oct 4 Oct 9 Oct 12 oct 27 oct 30 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. amith marv. Florldj. o awainj"'" cfiild ot iv U, o Sinit'iira, ch'ldnf, u. o Muhllewi».2i. Ke tucky.o Schny'er fer-iinand.SS, u, o .Schmidt daiiiel.vV.u, o Skillings williom, 32 u, f So stein jor.n A, 1. r, o Simmons jamef, 25 Ireland,! Schu'tz J, child of, 9m u, o Stannui ba th F, 19, Irel-n^, f Swaney w illiam, 23 ISiew lork, t Simmnni mrs, 70, Scotland, Stone j ad m, 2, u, f Symes jan ,25. u, f Stev.ns John, 55, Scotland, f Simpson martha, 6U, S C, f Sunderland, margaret. 11. Indiana, f Scott J W. •27, Garraany. f Sch*tlgerj->^eph.42 u. t .-ichwii g John augus' 15 august IS august 20 augUit 21 augu-t 21 sept 1 sept a sept 22 oct 11 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No, 3. Siiier cha lei", 9w, N O. o Schm.d trai,k. child of, 1, N O. f Smith fr nee- ca, SS, u, o Sralt'n pliza, 1 u- 0, Scott Alex, slave of. u, o Sinclair elizi. u, o Smith ra-r^ar-**. 49, u,f Stanton luke,60, n. o Schroer r johan, 21, u, o Sho m k^ r jo eph, 41. u, Mmmoas m r jane. »7, lientucky. f Stacklo <• i sac. 61. u, o Staker alber IJ, u, o Smith george, 7niu.o ,Mein a exmrter, Scotl rd, f Staiii 1 iu< imaz , Loiido.i, f Sally, f m c, u, o Schnadt Phillip. 30. u, f .Simps n James, 8, ■ , o Sch linger . nt n, 9. u. f .-mith wil i m, 9, u, 1' Simi hn, b7, --c tl n'l,f Smith josiuh. 27, l!-weeden,o Seal on J C, Ireland, f Sta tt,- j hii (J, 30. N««r York, f S»rt fr deri k, 5t u, t Speaker mathew, 25, u. f Span citlirine,. 5, u, t Smilden jacob,3l, 'iermany.o Stolpe fr- rat., 20. G rmany, f* " Sohner .snphia 22, G^rmi-ny, f Siraud elizabt-tii. 43, Gerni.in-, f " Sanqu.nnttti pie ro. 17. Italy, f feifiert inagd 1 en. 36, Germany, f Splick mat a-. 23. u, f " Snider P, Ge'inaiiy, f " Sheppard he ry, 3>v, NO, o august IS Shei Catherine. 21, Ire'and. f " Slieean m- rga 32, IreUnd, f Sheean will am, 2j Irtland. C Sard jean, 21, Fr nee, t Simon jo.^eph, 1', u, f Sciim.dt F W, 39. trerminy, t f'tPeiibach jobn, 41, Gerina ly, f " Sihliur ann. 2 l, G'rn.any, f " Storche wilhslm. 16. Germany, f " Sheru.eyer jos p*", .50. Germany, f " Stiven calvori, 24.U. f Smer-roberi,2i, Ireland, f Skatis M, G. rina y. 1 Spuno uxrj., child of, 2 " Scnmidt herr, 27, Gerra.iny, f " Susin, 10, liermany, f august MT Sutlen honor n, 23. Ireand, f Souerling loui«. 40, Ptu.ssia, f " Smith M, 21, u.t SliVen slexant'er, 45, Scot',and, f Semi le r bcr , 2:3, PenR.sylvania. f " Sc'iwei zer J, 3, ^1 inoi-, f " fchutts doroti ey, 10, Ijermriny. f " Somers iianitl. 3.5, Ir and, f ." Smthwiila , 2 , Ire anu, f " Se f rt mana. 21' [ 57 ] H1\arv'el j iiin,29, Germany, f titewart mr. 26, Maine, f binclair william, 20, Ire and, f Smith mary, 18. Germany, f Shanny anne, 35. Ireland, f Schmanjicob, 2i, Germany, f Steiger christian. 21, Germany, f Sonuler henriafa, 18. Germany, f Sountay francois, 63, Prance, f SleTenjam".^, 35. Ireland f Sweed Charles, :iO. Germany, f 5tuwart mr, slave of, u, o Schliiig« armand. Cm, N O, o Sharwiii george, 2-1, England, f Smith anna, 111, Ir land, f Schlimmer peter, .3, Germany, f Slaven jane, 25, Ireland, f Sharif marganne, 27, Germany, f Sole child li. ; . N O, o Stafford ellen, 2, New York, o Schatie John, 25. Gerruiny, t Sourhereng lo"i3, 14, Germany, f ■Saroyen clair.SS, savoy, f Sohultz bartha, 14. Germany, f Scantling bri'tget 29, Irelana f Smith peter, ;i5. u, f Schneider rar, child of, N O, o Santong victorine, 28 Germany, f Sutherland danial, 30. Germany.! Sa tman mr, child of, N O, o Souberan lucien, n, o Spencer isaac. child o'. N 0. o (Sn'iel leeding. 33 Germany, i Schneider C Germany, f Snith John. 22, Germany, f Sehweigar vincei t, 11m, N O, f Sarri«on christiao, 13, u, f Sherman Joseph. 23. New York, f Shefler wilhe mina, 4m, N O, f Schal'er mr, child of. 10m, N O, o Speaker j >bn, 46, Germany, i Sullivan peter, 28, Ireland, t Sinclaire Josephine, lim, N O. o Salvea miss, 25, Germany, f Schiiider Julian, 8, u, o Schneider charles. H O, o Somruers do'othea. 63, u, f .Sommers fcedetick, 22, u, o Salmuth albert, 3, Germany, f Susan, sla-e. CO. Tennessee, o St Johns mrs. infant of, N O, o Schaefet gao, child of, N O, o Schramm Jacob, 36, Germany o, Sch-Umeyer E P, 50, Germany, o Seichner J U. 4, u, o Sarjby chri'tina. u, o Stinson matilda, 3, N O, o Snphy, a slave, 18, Virginia, o Sherman emma, 5m, M O, o Smiih William, 36. u, o Sam, slave, u. o Stackpole jane T H, 39, Germany, o Scott m^ry jane, 7m, N (), o Swan bridget, 3.', Ireland, o Odd Fellows' Rest. Safley raaJy. G8. u. o Smith anna. 30, Nassau. N. P., o Swatton jo'in, 32, Germany, o Stewart William M, Ireland, f Seguin eugene. 35, u,o Shie.lds anianda M,4, u, o Stahl f.cderica, 29. Germany, f Slack mrs, 20, New York, f Slack rar», child of 5 weeks, N O., t Schwartz elizabsth, 10 m ', u, o Sibbens jamcs. Vorraont, f Syple Jacob, 60 u,f Syple lewis, 2-',n, f Smith merritt, 43, u. f Solibach chr stian, 30, Germany, f Smith William, u. f Stewart S M, 30, u, f Stcumph Josephine, 4 tdo New Orleans, o Smith thoma.s, 5, England, o Charity Hospital. Stevenson Isuta. 22. Tennessee, o Stantou Patrick. 23. Ireland, o Sinnott Christopher, 37. IreHn-l, f Sho'iiback cathri e, 25, Germany, » Siez'ief i-dolphe, 17, Jiremea, f Sc lily mary. 25. Irel, nd, f ShiiU< John, 50. Ireland, o Sta 'on cdiiiond, 2;i, Ir Und. o Stu.lT katherina, 2'i, Germany, o Schibie appol na, 22, F ance, f Stone wil'.iam ^,48, maryland, o I august 27 august 23 aueust 29 august 30 august 30 august 31 augu,st 31 august 31 sept 1 .sei.t 1 sept 1 Kept 1 sept I sept 2 sopt 2 Srpt 3 fejit 3 sept 3 .sept 3 sept i sept 4 .sept 5 sept 7 sept 9 sept sept 10 sent 10 sept 12 sept 13 sept 13 sept 14 sept It .sept 14 sept 14 sept 16 sept 16 sept 16 sept 20 sept 21 sept :'2 sept 24 sept oct 1 Oct 1 Oct 4 Oct 7 oct 9 Oct 14 oct )5 Oct 15 oct 18 oct 18 cct Zl oct 26 oct 2.S oct 28 oct 28 ocl 29 may 27 June 12 June 15 June 23 July 17 July 22 July 28 august 5 august 5 august 7 august 18 august 20 august 2U august 26 august 26 augmt 27 sept 1 sopt 4 sept 1 may 15 may 19 may 27 nay 18 m-.y 28 luoy 29 may 29 "un-i 5 •ma 12 une 17 I 13 Stanley henry, 47.|!r^land. o Sillery chatles. 38, Ir> la'd, f Scberzinger carl, 19, Germany, o Simpkins george. 3?, Pennsylvania, o bevers jemima, 27, K ngland, f Shea mary. 15, Ireland, f Shea ann, 25, Ireland, o Schoffer b rnhardf. 5.3, Prussia, o Shea michael. 13 Ireland, f Sheapa'rick: 31. Ir^lanri, f Shannon willianx .1. 3i. Ireland, o Steward da id, 24, Pennsylvania, Stefan John, 27, Germany, f Smith wiiliara. 35. Enghnd, f Smiih mary. 2i, Ireland, f Sailer jihn B, 39. G-rmany, o I^chentzer nichohs, 24. Germany,f Seiler christian, 18. Germany, f Su 1 van mary, 24 Ireland, f Sutton Patrick. 55. Ireland, f Swif John. 21, Ielin-',f Kander rosin -, 13, Germany, f Schmidt Gotlfred, 30, Germany, f S hurry solonnn, 4J. Germany, f Smith ludwig, 25, Germany, f Scanlan pattick, 16. Ireland, f Slean peter, 24, Ire'and, o Sc'iriber baptiste, 30. Sni'zerlapd, f Sch^rcas auguitine, 16, Pru<«ia,f Swappssusan, 16, Mj.souri, f Shultz adam, IS, GTmany, f Schrittner jo eph, 33, Germany, t Strauz fr-!derick, 21, Germany, f Staples John, 36. aMi e. f Stinley John, 25, New York, f Scholsen emile, 22, Germainy, f Scholjoh'.n, 50. Prussia, f . ^ Sosirenson senz. 23. lenmark, f Scherer barbara. 36, Germany, f Siritr frederick. 44, Germ.^ny. f Sbaughnessy michael. 2-'>, Ire and, f Spirydovitch rauner. 2S, ifu^sia, f Scheleher Caroline, 2j, France, f Scholt michael, 23, France, f Sullivan mary. Ireland, f Scott giovani, 25, Italy, o Snellmary ann, 36, Ireland, i Sheaver george. 27, Germany, f Sander august, 19, (lermany, f Swift mary, 2S. Irelmd.f Size mary, 24, Ireland, o Steenshall gaspaid, 2?, Germany, o SlDsne mary, 26, Ireland, f Schweppe marianna. 2!. Germany, f Schultz gitleib, 44, Gerrainy, f Sanerlind anion, 31. Prussia, f Sinegiligiov.nni. VI, Italy, f Scott William, 50, u. f Schananler martin. 31. Ge»maay, f Sr.sonjjhn. 20. IreUnd, f Schmall wilhelra. 21, Germany, f Scherr a"idrea°. 36. Germany, i Shanahan patrick, 21. Ireland, f Swespey jame.s, 20, Ireland, f Sheldrake thoinas. 23, BngUnd, t Simon John, 23, Ireland, f Slattery wiUiara, 26, Ireland, f Scherzer joeph, 29, G- rmany, f Stauher John G, 3~<. Switzer and, f Smidth acgmtus, 24, Germany, f Shiebra ambco, 23, Germany, f Sullivan mary. '2i, Ireland, f Schoeflcr ni. a- 26, Pru, Irel md, f Shea fiaiiinh. 20, Ireland, f Schoeffer johan, 26, Grni'ny, f Schmidt Joseph. 22. Germany, f Simon raimond, 23, Gerrmny, f Schwartz christian. 5% Germany, f Sliultz johm, 19, Germany, f S=iliman barbara, 2<), Germany, f Sharin Catherine, 20, Germany, f Stephens v/illiam, 17. Illinois, f Schmidt gerUardt.26, Germany, f t^aillie louis, 24, Frtnce, f Sweeney mariin, 30, Ireland, f Sheildsjohn 21. England, f Siuith Patrick, 30, Ireland, f Smith margiret. 22, Iieland. f Schmidt peter, 31, Fruvsia.f Shanly kate, 17, Ireland, t" Scully betsy, 23, Ireland, f Schauffer.i*cob. 42, Germany, f Smith John, 22, I eland, f Sheaellen. 19. Ir land, f Stritch peter, 30. Ireland, f Summers 'homa», 53. Germany, 1 Simon phiiip, 25, Germany, f Sharkey thomas, 30, Ireland, f Smith John, 27, Gfrmany, f Smith Catherine, 23, New lork, f Smith susan, 20, Ireland, f Silk William. 17, Ireland, f Schmidt simon, 23. Germany, f ,Sween»y peter. 30, Ireland, f SchauflFe marian, 47, France, f Stultz august, 25. Germany, f Siefling leopold, 30, Germany, t Smith marvin, 2l>, Canada, f Siubbsftederick, 21. England. I Schmidt magurita. 23, Germany, f Schaffranch christian, 39, Germany, Sullivan John. 23, Ireland, f Spellen hermann, 27, Prussia, f .Srhinrilsr fredereiek, 27, Switzerland, f Schriebers Catherine, 20, (Jeimany, t' Sling daniel. 20. Ireland, f Shelton daniel, 25, Ireland, f Shig?tein henrich, 24, Germany, f Schreidinger Christopher, 30, Germany, i Siemers heinrich. G-rmaoy, o Schonberger pet^r, 40, Prussia, f Sinclair thomas, 25. Scotland. C Smith edward, ?3, Kentucky, f Strauss g.^orge, 42, Ge'raany. f Schmdl^r ferdinand, 25. Switzorland. f Shaw jamos,23, Ohio, g Salari giovarni 29. Sardinia, f Schumner Joseph, 19, Bohemia, f St Martin aiuseppp, 18, Spicily, o ,Sch)iver b"nedicl, 26. Gem any, o Stophm will am. 25, Germanv. t Staunton jotianna 30. Ireland, f Slatery henry S, 21, New lork, o Sbivar' Caroline, 59, Germany, o Squarchi bartholnraew, 2S. Tuscany, f Schmi(*t jean B, 23. Prance, i Schweiger augu^te. 25. Fiance, f Schmidt herman, 25, .Saxony, t Sprerin august, 32, Germany, f Sisa lorenzo, 52, Spain, f Swift James. 28, Ireland, f Straub johan. 40, Prussia, f Scott John, 42, Ir^'and, o Schmidt johan, 25, G-rmany. f Strausbourger louis. 18. France, f Scherck phiiip, .38, Germany, o Sweeney michael. 26, Ireland, Lafayette Cemetery. Shelby 'ames, u. o Schafer johann, 5 rao, N O, o Scneider daniel, 55. Germany, o Stahl el'en adeiia. u, o Smith mary ann. !6. France, o Schefferlat august. 3 mo. N O, o Smith michael, 8, Canada, o I- till laura, u. o Schu micher w'lhim K . 7. N O, o Schaefer John, 33, u. o Stewart robert, 44, u, o Snrali a slave. 19,u,o Schopetdanic^l 5 mo. august 8 augu t 9 august 9 august 9 PU!USt 9 august 9 august 9 augu't 9 augut 10 sugust 10 au,'u?t 1" august 12 aug jst 13 august 13 august 13 august 14 august 15 august 15 august 13 august 16 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august IS august 18 august 18 august 18 augu't 18 august 20 august 22 august 25 august 21! august 27 august 29 august 31 sept sept 1 sept 2 sept 2 sept 2 sept 3 sept 4 sept B ^ept 7 sept 8 sept 10 sept 10 sjpt 10 sept 13 sept 14 sej t 15 sept 14 sept 17 sfept 17 .sppt 19 s»pt 19 sept 26 sept 27 sept 27 sept 30 oct 5 oct 9 oct 11 oct 13 oct 13 oct 14 oct 14 oct 21 cct 25 oct 25 may 1 may 2 may 6 may 7 may 10 may 14 may 17 m«y 12 may 19 may 27 may 29 June 1 juue 3 Spruer hannab, 40. Germacy, f Schr-'mp.t henry, 9mo, u o Shannon william, 7 mo. N O, o Spi-i michael. child of 14 mo, N O, o Schwenk raadeline. n. o Satherie mr, slave of u, o Seea mary ann, 2 mo. N O, o Shenhim daniel u. f Smith William. 56. Germany, Sh-.w mrs, child of M O, o Sally a slave u. o Sallna a slave, u. o Schroder solorine, 1 , u, o Sirher mrs, child of. N 0, o Somer C ch^ld of. N o. o Stumpf michl. 5 mo, Bavariao Schmidt kare, 20, u, o Struc.'U Josephine, 3 week.'f N O, o Schilling mrs, child of. N O, o Sche eoer John u, o Schners r:giia42. Germany, f Schmidt mary ros'. IS i' o. u.o Strunhamer august is, Germany, f Swauny james 9 days. N O. o Spires lichard, 15, England, f Springsialee A S, 23 Gi many, f Scherer ferdiaand 48, Germany, f Schevner fendeur u" 43. Germany, / Soiue; rosine. 23, Germany, f Shellar Jacob, 16 Ge'-many, f Sarah a slave, 17, u. f Se'ivers frnncis. 12 days, N 0,o Slrlir monduiu C, 10, Holland f Sarah a slave, u. f Shorter John. .34. Ireland, f Scheifer marie P, 20, Germany, f Schafer august. 18. Germany, f Schweizer magdelej.e. 3.5. u, o Shelehin mr. Germany, f .Shay Catherine, 5. Ireland, f Schontz nicholas, 25, Germany, f Schiender maria E. 22, Germany, f - Scheifer Jacob, u, f Smith barney, 30, Irelind. f Swei'zer andrew, 50. Baden, t Schutte auguste, 26, Germany, f Sheeham G. 39 . Ireland, t Smith samuel .1. 28. u, f Simpson ann, 28, N <>, f Shihan patrick. 22, N O, Stilger andreis, 27, Germany, f Shaw mary, 21 Ireland , f Smith John 53, Germanv, o Shehan mr,< ,33, Ireland, f Schmidt lot'.ehle 50. u. f Sparer kath^rine. 17 Germany, f Sarah mrs, 40, Ireland, f Scheffer michel, u, f Sireeghart harriete, EO, Garmary, f Sireeghartmr, child of 8, U Stttos, f Spade mattice, 28. Germany, o Shaiton John. 32. Germany, f gnultz raarg ret 44, Germany, f Simon Af, u. f Smith ann maria, 24, Tenns, f .landman mary am, 17, France, { Spuker G >>., 23, Austria, f Spitt john,40. G'rinany, f Schiceiz henry, 46 Germany, f Standley henry. 4 mo, u o Smith mary 66, Scotland, f Schneider g^or e, 31 Germany, f Spires William. 23 England,.f Smith jnary 5. Ireland, f 3 mith janB.u, f oeiler maline, 4, Germany, f Stallman francisca, 40, Germany, f Schotz rrinhold 14. n, f Smith John. 23, Rngland. f Sullivan John. 25. Ireland, i Saler xaper. 25, G?r" any, 1' Strodel george. 21. Germany, f Sh ney robert, 26, Germany, f Scherer Catherine, 20, Germany, f Schinlerger lou-siO. France, f Schweigert carl, 6, Gerracny. f Smith, Get '»'>ny, f SchuUsy michael, 20, Ireland, f Siekard Christine 20, i-erm.ny, f Standley james, 40, Ireland, f Smith willia'n.7!, u. o Spatel michel. 33. G.>rmany, r Swagsrmary. 51. GetMiany, f >*tacks agaiha, 18. Gerin; ny. { Schut-er job •, 20. Germany, f Seleston h" nna'i, 69, Germany, f Ste'Pa! louu, 22, (Terman>, f Seivin francois, 26. France f Smith wUliam J, 21 Kentucky, t June U June la June 16 June 16 June 20 June 20 June 21 j une 21 June 21 June 23 June 22 June 22 juno 23 June 29 June 28 July 1 juy 1 July 1 julv 4 July 6 ji:ly 8 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 14 ju'y 15 July 16 July 18 July 18 ju'y 48 July 19 July 19 July 17 July 19 July iO July 20. July 20 July 20 July 21 July 21 iuly 21 July il July 22 July 22 iuly 23 ju'y 23 July 22 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 25 July 23 July 25 ;uly 25 .Tuly 2i u'y 26 July 25 July 36 July 26 July 27 July U6 July 27 julv 27 July 27 jnly 28 July 18 July 29 July 29 July 20 jnly 30 July 30 July 81 July 31 July 31 ai:gust august auguss august auiust augut august august " august 3 august 3 august 3 sugust 3 august 3 august -3 august 3 an ust 3 august 4 august 4 august i augiut i 59 J FcnMy hannah, 23. Ireland, f Suliier ^ames, 9, Germany, f Schitzer matilda, 24. (rrjrniany, f Sanders duinond, '29. Prussia, f Seider Catherine, 21. Germany, f Sanguirere rosilia, 3 iiio. N 0. o Short John, 2', (iermany, f Pchellerlelden. 19, (jermany, f Seiberi johan, 22, Germany, f Smith edwavd A, 0. N 0. o Schmidt iiicholas, 25 Germany, 1 Smitn Joseph 23 W»many. f Shorror nlizal 40, Germany, f Suvsuni; nicholas, 48, France, f Sheeback her.rietta, :)6,Germay, 1' Spindlerchristain, IS. Germany, f Scully Patrick. :i7. Ireland, f Schiline^iin henry'. S ■ Germany, !" Scauiin Cornelius, 20, Ireland, t Schrub iiicholas, 36, Prance, f Scanlin pa'rick, 30, Ir>-land, I Saiiber>chuarty snn, G,u, Schwarb herman , Gerioany, f Stellbury felix. 46, Germiny, f Staunton michl, 19. Irda/id, f Swertfield j seph 37. Gf rn any, f Spary daoiel, i2. Germany, f Stauler lucinda. 45. Germany, f Scanlin maty, 30, Ireland, t Skahern mary 8. Ireland, f Scintate f>ancoi.^.28. Prance, f Sarvig brrbara, 14 u. Summeriion wiiabai-, 36, Gerniiiiy, t Sawyer jieob, 28. GeriUiiny, f Simp augu»t ausust 5 august 5 aii'iU'it ,1 august 5 august 5 august 8 august 5 august ."i august 6 august 6 august august 6 august 7 august 7 augiLst 7 august 7 augu't 7 augv«;t 6 august 7 august 7 augiLst 7 august H augut S august 8 august 8 aiigu-t 8 auKU au-; 16 aug 10 aug 16 aug 16 aug 17 aug 18 aug 18 aug IS aug 19 aug 16 aug 19 aug 19 aug 20 auK 20 aug 29 aua 22 aug 22 aug 23 aug 23 aug 23 aug 25 aug 25 aug 25 aug 26 aug 6 auR27 aug 27 Shaeives michael, 31. Franco, f Sontaive aver, adult, u o Sebert Louisa. 3';, New Orleans, u Surr exor, 17, ti^erm^ny, f Schappert ■ tto, S day-. New Orlean.s, f Stocton richard, 50. o t Stall rusina. 24 G>-rman»-. f Pummors wilh-lmina, 20, o f Simon, a slave. 30, u o ShamofTev thomas, 30, Germany, f Schnider pe'.er. 7 days. Ne-* Orleans, u Scanlin owin, 40, Ireland, f Stricke' Charles. 11m, No > Orleans. { Sta'er charies, 3m, jvew Dr'eans, u Sptornsusan, 20 Germany, f , Shaff'c.r Louisa, 21 u o Schroeder Sophia, 24. o f Spezerer jolu , 15 days. New Orleans, u Sh^pparrt thos W, 30, Antagua. West Indies Strode herm;n, 28. German)', f Schantz andrew. 20. Germany, f Sharneru george. 20, P auce. f Penn franci-. 18m. Now Or.'<-an<', u Siler mary. 9m. New Orleans u Smith John, 03 o f Shine marv ann, .'0. u o Shall m'.s. slave of, 6*", New Orleans; u Spinge' Jacob. 7d. New Orleans; u Scandlin maria, 40. TreianJ, t Strouse H infant nf N"e.i Origins, u Scheffer christian, 36 Berlin. Germany, f St. Vincent de Paul. Sporell barbara, 58 Germany, o "Schmidt xavier, child of. u. o Spillman emily, 14 I'lO, New Otisans. o Sharon joserhine, 18 mo, u, o Sam a'bert.8m?, Germany, o Sticker conrad. 11 mo, u, o Pent z eniilie. 2i, Ui o Seipert magdeiain°. 60, Germany, o Shu'.tz jihn, 4J, u, o Schrfiu«-r frei-erick, 1, u, o Sullivan suzane. 19. u, o Star-h j sepn, 28, u, o, Sptrell John, 10 mo, h, o Simon eti'-nne, 8 mo, u o Spenc-r emiiie, 15 mo. New Orleans, o Semreson mary, 2, u, o Shultz captain, infant of u, o Slopp John, New Orleans, o Shultz stenpen, 8, u, o Sylvain. 16 mo,u. o Sophie, negress, u, 1 Shafi francis, 4, New Orleans, o Sabatier pierre, 45. France, o Schwamps J. infant oi. u. o Schultz henry A, 5 mo, u, o Spengler > ugiisfe, 33, Germany, o Strong William, u. f Sanders carl, 22. Germany, f Schnneying gustave, 11, Germany, o Schneyring Caroline, 2, Germany, f Schmidt barbara, u, f Sam andrew, 60. Virginia, o Schneiring marie, 10, Germany, f Smith eliza. 3, u, o Sahn george, 25, Germany, f Sweetman bridget, I-eland, ( Scoot ellen. 23. I'.ngland, f S r.quirot nicolas, 17. Geneva, f Smith augusta. 22, Ge:mary, f Hchirbtrg. 33, Germany, f Sttiner J Joseph, l.l mo. u, o Schnell maria S. 66. u,o * Seheffel anton, 43. Germany, f Sigara antonio, 14 mo. u. o Stienreitz frantz, 29. Germany, T Six rose, 23. G*- rm ny. f Stempa mathild ■, 5. Prussia, f Srhei'sal John. 66. Gf rmany, f Spindler marthn, 26, Germany, f Solomee marin. "28. u, f Ptrass John. 24, Germany, f Stable thomson, 21, G«rmany, f Schf llitig William, 4, Germany, f Pmith joon. 19, G rmany, f Sexton michael. 22. Ireland, f Sampson William, 20. New Tork, f . SchlosMtien P, 23, u, f Swilieng John, 4S, Germany, f Smith stephan, 38, Germany, f .''ohcff katharina bO, Germany, f Schneider william. 24, u, f Sullivan dsniel, 3o, u. f Stroh peter, IS. Germany, f Stave James. '.My Ireland f Sal Jacob, 3. (Jermany. f Simon* K B, 34, France, f srtig aug aug ai:g aug sept sept sept Sep* sept ^ept Jfpt eept sept tept sept sept s-pt sept sept Snpt ^e• t sept sept sept sept ret Oct may. 9 may 11 may 16 may 18 li.ay 19 may 20 may 20 m^y 22 niay 23. may 35 may 27 may 28 ma- 30 June 6 June 8 June 11 June 12 June H June 15 June 17 June 30 July 2 .nily 4 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 12 July 14 July 17 July 18 .iuly 18 July 19 July iO July 2! July 21 j'jly 24 July 24 July 27 July 27 July 27 ju y 29 July 29 July .SO July 29 july .30 July .% July .30 .iuly 31 juiy 31 august 2 august 2 augu^t 3 august 3 august 3 august 3 au,ust 4 august 4 august 4 august 4 august 6 aLgust 6 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 6 august 6 [ 60 ] Sen aug:a?te, 5, u, f Sweden fidonia, 6, Germafiy, o Sindal Catherine, 36, Germany, f Scholan Caroline, 22. Germany, f Saumorie etienne de la u, f Strangel leon, 20. Germany, f Spennirg jette. 16, Bavaria, f Sympson thomas, 27. Ireland, f SoniBg magdeiaine, 38, France, f Simon andre, 21. Belg que, f Sohnelle anna R, 58 Germany, t Seetield william, 30. Germany, { Sullivan timothy, 50, Ireland, f Sniesland Joseph, 35, France, r Seim Joseph. 5S, Bavaria, o Shultz mr, infant of, u, o Schnelle franchet^e, 16, u, f Schort carl, 13, Germa; y, f tichut theresa, 21, France, f Schuifana magdeiaine. Ireland, f Schreberg Joseph, 26 Germany, f Sever giopani, 21, u, f Steber christian. 24, Germany, f Sullivan mrs, child of. New Orleans, o Schmidt mr, child of, u, o Schmidt heinrich, 34, Germany, o Strer nicola.s, 28, Germany, o Sandle mr, infant of, u, o Straw peter, 49, Germany, f Sohneder nitrgaretha. 18, u, f Sanderly edwatd, 25, u. f Stroher P, 50, Germany, f Serikner berda,4, Germany, f Schuldergars johan, 26, Germany, s' Spirtliel nicolas, 18 Germany, f Stoby j .banner' 45. Germany, f Schnieder b, 17, Germany, 1 Spi ler John, 34, Germany, f < Schmid) maria A, 30, Hebcetia, f Schoiidt William, 16. Germany, f Sabastien J, 19, Germany, f Sohelling B, 11, Germany, t Sohelling johsnna, 34, Germany, f Schmidt 6, ir fant of, u, o Smidt james, 58, Ireland, f Steine george, 24, J'rance. f Smidt Catherine, 30, Germany, f Seitz cartz. 24 England, f Schev)lle F, 20, Germany, f Stroter peter, 15, Germany, f Shaftranch. 1 djy. New Urleans, o Schrrck oeguethe, 21, Germany, f Stroher Jacob, 20, Germany, f Schritner graca 27, Germany, f Smidt John, 21, Germany, i Sirhcie Salvador, 26, u, t' Stegemann B , 29, u, f Saumi'r ernest, u, f Steicker antoine,, 0, Germany, f Stand georgifia, S, New Orleans, f Schaffmit herman, 25. Germany, i Stoly A, 20, Germany, i Schule Catherine, 30, u, f Stegeinan A, 14 mo, u, o Sperkle louis, 32, Germany, f Scale charies, 27, Prussia, f Schiffer regius, 23, Germany, f Schaetter J, 32, Germtny, f Stegm ille magdeiaine. u, f Schmidt stephan, 32. Germany, f Smile John, 30, Germany, f Scott edwaid, 43, Germany, f Steinger.peter, 16. Germany, o Stum george P, 4 davs, New Orleans, f Soeffer konrad, .-C, Germany, f SeitFcr honoia, 36. Gfirmany, f Saincher eliza, 60, Germany, f Scheider E, 7. u, o Sybra juan. u, o Schmaltz jis?ph, 16, Germany, t Schmallz adam, 25, Bavaria, f Stobe george, 32. Germany, i Schill G, 10, Germany, f Stall george, 59. Germany, o Schutte dorothps, 22, Piussia, o Sapper jean. 24. Germany, t Schrecfc wi liam, 35, Germany, f Saway e ie, 22, Canada, f Smith jane. 30, Ireland, f Serong.s henry W, 29, Germany, f Savoie frederick, 28, Germany, f Sm:th george, 28, Kn;land, f Scholl»n dedrick. 12 mo, u, o Safart caiherin", .35, Germaf y, f Sibelos narcisce, 24. Fr nee, f Schsnoler niichel, 26, Germany, f Scomm-nberg george. 42, Sui«e. f Sett alexandre, 2.3, France, r Scelery patrick, 23, u, t august august august august august august august augu.st august ausut august augast _ august 9 august 9 august 9 august 16 august 19 augu t 10 august 10 auguit 10 august 10 august 10 august 11 august 11 august 11 august II august 11 august 12 august 12 august 13 august 13 august 14 augu-t 13 august 14 august 15 augu t ].'> ausust 1,5 augu t 15 august 16 august 16 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 17 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 18 august 19 august 19 august 20 august 21 august 22 august 23 august 21 ansust 25 august 26 august 28 auguat 28 august 30 au.;ust 30 aiieUst 30 au. ust 31 august 31 august 31 august 31 august 31 augu t 31 august 31 sept 1 sept 1 sept 1 sept 2 sept 2 sept 2 Schweitzer jean. 43, Switzerlatid, f btoll can, 12, Germany, f Scanberry antoi io 18, Malta, f Smoker, 22, England, f Schat Catherine, 6, Germany, f iSimmeh Joseph. 27, Irelan;, f Schill george, 43. Germany, f Pchpiedtvsebastien, 45. Germany, f SchuSelh alice. 18, Ireland, t SenmaJer Catherine, 25, Germany, f Rfnll christino, 48, Germany, f Sahaly james, 24, Uuited States, f Schmidt heinrich, 28, Poland, f Seipkeingmary, 18 mo, NewOrl^ana. o Shea ijiarga''et, 25, Irelanc. f Stoht William, 2.'., Germany, f Schafier Jacques, 30, Prussia, f Soira chrisiina W, 4. Kevr Orlean.'i. f Smith John. 44, New Orleans, f Schmiut F B, 3 mo. New Orleans, o Scherer peter, 17, u, o Smith ann, 4 rnn. New ^rleana.o Schandler joban K, 8. New Orloaas 3 Senecal august, 9. u, o Scherer andre s, 2J, Germany, f Shallaid L, infant of, u, o S weney John. 15 mo, u, f St. Louis No. 1. Phomord M. infant of u, f Lhnvitzer mme, 23, France, o Scrbet jean, 14, Pyrenees, J Sabois ernest, 2, u,f Sisfacjean, 32, France, f St. Amant jjan B, 57, France, f St. A mant unir phon mme. 54, u. i> Senges mme Y alex. 22. Pyrenees, f Sullivan william, 36, Ireland, f Sassiere franrois, 34, France, i Spoiding chris'ophe, 23, France, f Sossiere C marie, 5 mo, u. o Simonin hermiuie, 15 mo, u. o St Aurinmr, slave of. 28, u, o Schiapzo mateo, 18. Spain, f St. liouis No. 2. Salqador fr-nco'se, 28, u, o Sagot (ratcoise F, 22, New Orleatia. a St. Borne widow, slave of, 32, u, o Schreiber t ierre A, 65 u. o Union loui«, 4i, New Orleans, f Songy claia. .slave of. 50. u, o Sewe 1 hono;ia 22. u. f Sorrazin zulime. 9, u. o Sabaler 1> antonie, 25, Spain, o Sheffer henry. 44, u. o Smith orianna,27, Louisiana, f Protestant. Scott louisa, 16 mo. New Orleans, o Sam, a sIsTe, u, o Sevenson Catherine. 16 mo, u, 9 .Shanon enai y, 7, New Orleans, o Smith mrs mary ann, u, o Story B, slave of, 1, New Orleans, o Stewart G, slave of, 63, u, o Si earing. I T, slave of, 8. New Orlaaus, o Stephens maria I., 20, u, f ^ immons John, 19, Kentucky, f Sarah, a^iave, 14 mo. New Orleans, o Schmidt mr, slave of New Orleans, f Sloa's. child ff 6 aays. New Oileanj, o Smith mrs mary. 55. u, o SeaiingW S, 20, u. f Smith W s'eel. 24, Virginia, £ Sn> thin charies, 5 i. u, f Segler G H, 43, Baltimore, f Shi mway charies P. 37, Connecticut, f SiddallJ.u, f Sanders james, u, f Sprowl B B, 28, Loviisiana, f Slawson J B, 18, New Orleans, f Smith william, u, f Sters T H, 24. New ToiJf, f StewartWK,74, u, f Sands mrs, u, f f ervert maria, 20. u, f Stewart M T V, 14, u, f bherd-n james, u, f SylTB teredward, u, f Smedes thorn's I.. 20. New York, f Slone Dr W K. 45, Kentucky, o Stuart a'exrrder. 4U, Maryland, i Stow por er, 22, Massachusetts, f Seibrecht eliza, 32, Wa. may 20 may 28 may 29 June 11 June 1.3- July 5 July U July 14 July 24 July 24 July 27 July 30 august 7 august 18 august 10 august 12 august 14 august 9 august 14 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 19 august 20 august 21 august 21 augu't 22 august 24 august 31 august 31 sept 4 sept )4 " sept 19 sept 19 sept 25 oct 17 oct* 17 [ ^'1 ] Hebrew, Lafayette. Selizman T, S mo. New Orleans, o SirausBr ros. 21. Gerninny. f Sh fl'enbfrg eliza. 16. (ierinaiiy, I Samuels israi^l, 28, rolnd. f ShonfieM j ihn, 70. (Jermany, o Stsdeker Jacob. Solomon evelin*, 2. New Orlean.". f Solomon charier 6. f2. Ftanre, f St. Fatriok'8 Cemetery, Tierney nora. 13 mo. Ireland, o Twomy rose, 21, Ireland, f Tiilly Catherine, 24. Ireland, o Thomas John, 21, Ireland, f Taylor wiUiini, 1, New Orleans, f Towney j-ime<. 25. Ireland,© Turntr patrick, 2.S, Ire and, f Toole terpuco. 22 Ireland, f TooIe Catherine. 21, Ireland, f T,iatV) John. 22. u. f Tttte James, 2, Ireland, o - Taharey machael, 28, Ireland, f Tookey martin, 20. Ireland, f Tev.'lin mary, o5. Ireland, t Turbittthoraai. 1,5. Ireland, f Travers patrick, 53, Ireland, f T(.,rchy c >rneliu«, 3 mo. New Orlrtan\. o Tralton alice, 25. u, o Treanor janifd, IS mo, New Orleaiw. o Ttevi^ e.iward. 8, New t.rleans, f Trenan isaac, infant. New Or.oaiu. o Treaner John. 34, Ir»^land, f Twokig david, 26, Ireland, o Tobin Patrick, 2), Ireland, f Thompson robert, 24, Ireland, f Thompson thomas W. NHwTork, I Twolig James, 50. Ireland, f Tobin bridget, 2i. Ireland, f Tyrnan catherme, 15. Ireland, f Tay'or E mrs, 23, u. f Torpy alexandet 10, u, o Tier John, u, o Tuany John, u, o, Thompson james, child, New Orleans, o Thar.nan John, Ireland, o July 1 July 20 .iu'y 36 July 29 august 5 august M augu.st 15 aui^ust 16 argust 19 aUG;ust 20 aug St 20 «ept in sept 20 ftugu^t 22 ^'Ugiist 23 July 2 July 4 July 22 July 29 July 30 July 30 July 31 July 31 august 4 august 4 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 9 au^U!(t 13 august 13 august 15 august 17 augU't 17 august 18 august 20 august 21 august 22 august 25 august 25 august 26 sept 5 sept 6 .sept 6 sej.i 10 .sept 12 sept 11 sept 23 .S5»pt 26 oct 31 Cypress Grove Cemetery, So. 1. Thews eliza B. 61. South Carelina Thompson Catherine. 24. u. f Torrey D F. 23, Massachusetts, f TruiDphy maria. 2.S, (Jermany. •Thomii' richard.5'', u. I Tims hiraui, 2S. Hamburg, f Tot-nham B, 47. Ireland, f Tee henry, 32, u, 1' June 9 July 18 august 16 auttu^t 22 august 22 august 24 august 30 sept 8 Cypress GrOT-e Cemetery, No, H. Thomas mr. slave of, 27, u, o may 15 Thomas, slare, 60, u. o may 16 TaUot mr, slave of. u. o may 29 Thompson William, 45, u, o July 4 ^Ibere^ia, 9, u. f ju'y 31 ^Soy John, 30, I'.f august 1 Tomberg matilda, 20, Gennany, f august 4 Thompson octave, 7. u, o august 6 Fitti bertha. 22, u. i august 8 Tieberling barbara, u. f avgu^t 10 Thaise henry, 22. Hesse Darmsiadt. f august 12 Thaise henry, 21, (is>many, f august 12 Treech juiilet 27, France, f august 13 Ttijohanphillip, .''O. Germany, f augu t 15 Thomas sarah. 45. Ireland, f august 15 Thompson chiistiau 11, 33, fiavaiia, 1 august 15 Tit mr. 22. Pfus?ia. f august 15 Tuckeiberger emi.e. u. f ai gust 16 Toaks William, 17 Kngland. f august 10 Tierney michael, 9, Ireland, f august 17 Tape deiz. 21, u. f august 18 Togeath edwa(d, 22, Maryland, f auguat 19 Trisberge* (;. Germany, f august 19 Thompson John. 22. New York, f august 21 Tiernan thoma--. 30, Ireland, f angust 21 Taylor A ]», u, f argust 2t Thomas william, .30, Ireland, f august 22 Taylr r mary, 24, Ohio, f august 22 Th mpson tliomss. 30, u, f augast 25 Thunn thomas. 22, Germany, f Thornton, slave, 40. u. f Timmons mary ann. 33. u. f '■ Trepal woibery. 24. Germany, f august 27 Tschndi honrick. 20. Sweden, f august 28 Tresbuffjo'eph, 28, Germany, f august 28 Thast-r edward, 4. Germany, f august 29 Trisberuer mr-'. u, f augist 30 Thurraanj coti. childof, 2, N.O., f august 17 Thonia-i ann. 7, Ireland, f august .30 Tobin ma'giret. 16. Ireland, f august 30 Turnnv marianne. u. f s.;pt I Thun inina, 20. Germany, f sfpt 2 Thompson james, 23. Ireland, f sept 2 Thillmrin lienry. 27, Bremen, f sept 7 Thomas james, 6 mo. New Orleans, f sept 7 Thun Pierre. Germany, f sept 12 Town William, 42. North Citrolina. f sept 14 Tho'iipson Georgina. 2, New Orleans, o sept 14 Tobv, I."). f,ouisiaua, f .s-pi 15 TarTillo, 38. Spain, o oct 2 Troiive honore, 28, u, f oct 11 Odd Fellows' Rest. Towne .imoc, u, o may 20 Towne mr, child of u, o jaly 5 TwiUy wjuiam. 17, u. f august 18 Tfgjfcs mr-'. u, f august 20 Tigges c-rre, 34, France, t Theodore ami, u o Tabony anais, 49. u, f Termamann gasparJ, 23, Germany, f Teriaa henrj,3i', (Germany, f Tabary thomas. 22. Ireland, f Thas eville John, 33, United States, t ■Tuvshinuolis*-p. 3i, u } Trete pre, 40. France, f Tobin bridgett, 25, Ireland, f Trim geofge. 10, u. f Topineau emile, 33, France, f Thum philipim, 4S. Germany, f Trout simon. 3 mo, Louisiana, o " ■ Tomby anna. 15, Ireland, f Talb'er mary ■!, 2^ Ireland, f Tunglbut christian, 9 mo, u, o Tabarea wiiliam, 25, United States, TIasade carle, 48, Germany, o £>4gBSt U av.gust IS august 11 august 16 august 19 august 21 august 24 august 26 august 27 august ■,:9 augu t 30 aug'ist oO august 30 sept 2 sept 3 s-pi 3 august 4 EUgUSt 8 august 14 oct 3 Cypress Orove Cemetery, Ko« 2« Ullmer charier, 24, Switzerland, o June 9 Univer.se george. 35. England, f august 25 Charity Hospital. Urban cyrus .J. 23. Pennsylvania, t July 9 Unhofer carl,25 Germany, f July 22 Uchlman wilhelm. 35, Prussia, t July 28 Usiander albertus, 28, Germany, f august 21 Ulray charles, 41. Pennsylvania, o oct 2 Usher willism, 22, Engiand, f oct 23 Lafayette Cemetery. Urlnering joharn, 17, u. f July 17 Urilde, a slave, 27, u, f July 17 Uiiricks henry, 28, u, f July 25 Uzer louis, u, f July 27 Ur^anservet 48, u, f august 6 Ulraer John D, 4, u, o augu-t 12 Ubelkel John. 4, N O, o august 13 St. Vincent d* Paul, Use james, 10, a, f august 21 Uroher clara, 7, u. f august 26 Ulmi martin, 25, Germany, f _ augubt 29 St. Louis No. 1. Ulrich nicolas, 22, u, f august 22 St. Louis IVo. 2. Ursule louise, 14, u, o July 14 Protestant. Ure, u. o way ?S St. Patrick's Cemetefy. Vehy peter, 20, Ireland, f august 4 Taughan mrs. Ireland, o augusi 5 Victor maria. u. o august 15 Vizard thomas, 42, Ireland, o august 18 Cypress Grove No. 1 Valette celina, 7. u. o sept 1 Cypress Grove Cennetery, No. 8. Valincost hannah, 43. u, o Vtncienfia mar , 4m, u, o A'incent. 8d, NO,® Vincent celestine, 5d, u, o Vail james, 36. Kngland, o Veno saU'adore, 24. Italv, f Vincent nicholas, 61, «, o Vitomagemr, 7, u,v Vesmen isadore, 2m, u,f Viola louis, u, f Valentine samuel, 26, Ireland, f Vallattheur.ttta. 4, France, f Vineo elizab- th. .30, Germany, f Vallett henry, 23, France, f Vosel-rjohn G, 43, G rmany, f Venchl antoine, 34, France, f Varlett A,27, France, f Var eit mrs child of 8m, N O, f Victor, 25, Italy, f Von Epr n mad m, 46. u. f Vieger antoine, 46, Germany, f m^y 10 may 19 may 20 msy 30 June 28 .'Suly 21 July 30 juiy 31, august 8 august 12 august 13 august 14 august 16 august 17 augu t 19 august 20 august 2) I G3 ] Vfcllette inaria, 46, Frarte.f Vanderlinden catiierine, 3, u, e Vejener J W. lOin, N O. o Vicllang magd line, 32, Germany, f Vaiitier i ieri-^, 22, u, f Vi'ter frank. 2m, N O. f Vigues S, 25, Fran-e, f Vosel miry, 4m, u, o Vecht phiiibsrt, 12, Germany, f ValpayoU pauiine. 3W, u, f Vitrae M, child of, N 0, o Odd Fellows' Rest. V'ancstsm D, child of. N O, • A'anostorn either, 2, N O, o Vo-13 rodolph. u, f Van Btinthuisan W, 41, «. o Charity Hospital. Vanderlinden ioU.in. •')2. Switzerland, o * Vaughan marv, 25. Irelar.d. f VoniniSBt christian. 30, Switzerland, f Van Isaac, 18, u. f Toeling Jasper, 32, GTraany. f Vonentroeck c:.rl, 54. Ho land, f Vo'k frtfderick, 26. l'Z heinrich.2J. G-rmany, f Volker j«hn, 50, Germany, t Volgrirgar ludvig, 22, France, f Vance jinies, Jo Ireland, f Voltz magdalin«, 22 "icrmany, f Vole mane F, 38, 'jermany, f Vogel carl, 2.3, Saxony, f Varferdin jicque-, 23, Prance, f Vosel wilhelm, 40, Prussia, f St Louis No I Vitorine, 60, u, o Vean stoTen 2. u. o Villeneuve domiuiqv.e, 17, France, f Vino cecile, 2m. u, o Vincent, 39, u. o Tela Joachim, 23, u, o St. Iionig !Vc. 2- Vinet pierre gustave, II, n, f Vincent jose, 11. Mahon, f Vi'ry L A. slave of. lOra, u, o Verret ensebe. lOJ, u, t Vinent seba^t en. 30, u, f Valleiy aga'e. 1, u, o Verrot ju es. 6. Louisiana, f Valderic laurent. 17, u, o Vessier rame, 42, u. o Vinet theodule. chiM o*, u, <^ Valvis eulalie, 75. St Domingo, o . Vainet aun-lia. 19. u, f Vinnet albert, 5, N O, f Viallu ftanci?co. 60, u, o Protectant. Vance 6 W. 23. I'eland, f Vance ann S, 33. u, f Valk rev george, 22, Germany, f Vance jor.athJn, 15, Ire'and, f St. Tiuceut de Paul. V alirn mrs, infant of, u, o V aniens rosalie, 1, u, o Vrinbert phi:i| p, 3rn. u, o Vre de la commune mme, 00, u, o Victoria, slave, 8m, u, o Vilmsn brtheiln?, 49, France, o Victorine. 24, u, f Vatishen mr<. GO, u, f Valdes viente, Germany, f Vigano caroiinw, 13, Germany, f Vaughn jane, 10. Ireland, f Vealhirna raari>,23. (ietmany, o Vergas leona, 18, u, f Vauihlin vilenda, 18, Ireland, f Valtz rofine, 19. France, o Valentin jan'an. 18. Germany, f Valleria mm" vre de la, 29, u. f Vedymeia r^-gina. 30. Germany, f Vbentkar charlotte, 32, u, f Valerin louise, 1, u, f Viamersr eiizabeth, 42, Germany, f Vangoudje.in B, 45. Fiance, f ViUeium g,or:.'e. u, f Vitrae M, chi'd of. N O, o Taught amily, 2, Germany, o Lafayette Cemetery. \ Va??l mig daline, 53, Geimany.o Veien el!e n», 7m. N O, o Viindarbro ok P, chiM of, N O, o august 22 august 25 sept 2 sept 3 s-pt 4 sept 5 sept 6 .sept 9 sept U oct 19 may 4 n)ay 2(i ssrt 4 sept 9 July 1 July 7 July 11 July 12 July 17 July 24 July i9 !Ultca^t 1 august 2 aiiijust 3 august 9 august 10 a gust 19 august 27 Oct 8 oct 13 augu«t 19 august 13 august 20 august 25 augui' 30 oct 27 aug\ist 31 august 23 august 3 august 17 august 22 august 31 augu.st 27 julv 3 may 29 may 14 sept 5 sept 9 sept 18 sept 25 angiLot 25 .sept sept may 1 may 10 jime a June 19 July 7 July 20 July 23 august 3 august 5 august 10 august 12 august 14 augtist 14 !>ugust 17 august 18 august 19 august 19 auguiit 22 august 24 august .30 august 31 sept 5 sept 7 sept lU Oct 8 may 17 June 26 July 16 Vogel elizabeth. 10m, N 0. o July IC Verner lorind 411. Germany, f July 17 Volker mary C, 5.5, u. f July 18 Volker christian, 2 i, u, f July 20 Var.denbergrr Citherine."26, France, f July 26 Voelkel michel. 14, Germany, f July 28 Veil david, 63. Garmnny, o July 29 Voegele adolphe, 24, Germany, f august 3 Voegele louis, ,"6, Germany, f august 4 Vagle henrietta, 4, Prussii. f august 9 Vinclare henry, 46, Germany,!' ai gust 10 Vieler elizabeth, 26, u. f augus* 12 Viu^ht jno mi^ton. 23, Illinois, f Vrsg-lmathin NO,o augost 13 Voelkel victoria. 25, Baden, Germany, f august 14 Vagr^l cresveniia 34, u, f august 14 Vid an leonard, u, f a-..gust 15 VoelUerteresa, 20, u, f augmt 16 Vij j ise;)h, u. f ausu I 19 Van Horn William, u, f august la Voss h -nrv, 22, G rmany, f a gust 22 V,»n Wick A, 45, Georgetown, D C, i" august 26 Vaught dan, .50, Kentuckv, f august 31 Vail .1. 19, u, f ' ' .s«pt 9 Vance William, 17, Ireland, t sept 9 Vincjnt mary, Itn, N 0, o oct 6 Hebrew, Lafayette. Vartimer mr, Germany, f august 16 •w St. Patrick's Cemelery. Weeks ann. 25, unknown, o may G WalsU John. tS, Ireland, o m^y 7 Woull'e robar . 16. New Orleani, o may U WaddeU thoma'. 2 weeks, >J. O, o may 18 "Walsh jame.s. New Orleans, o June 17 Washington John. 22 mo. N. O., o June 20 Wheelehan edraond, 1, New Orleans, o June 20 Ward mary, 2, >iew Orleans, u June 23 Wall margaret. 7 mo, u, o July 11 Whelan mary. 23, Ireland, f July 11 We lington Catherine, 4, New Orleans, o July 6 Wheelan philin, 21, Ireland, f July 18 V/heeler elizibath, 28. Ireland, f July 18 Walsh mary, 40. Ireland, f July 20 Weber henry, 35. Ireland, f July 22 Weir ann, 7 mo, New Orleans, o July 2;i Walsh ellen, 20, Ireland, f July 23 Wheelehan mrs, 25, Ireland, f July 24 Ward John, 50, Ireland, f July 27 "White Catherine, 25. reland, f July 28 Wilson thomas. 1. New Orleans, u July 28 We'shrot>ert. 55, Iieland,f July 28 W< alsh margaret, 13, Ireland, f .iuly 29 TO-elsh Catherine. 6, Ir. land. 1 July 29 Ward John, 31, Ireland, f July 30 Walsh Catherine. 30, Ireland, f .iuiy 31 Weldon niichael, 23, Ireland, f July 31 White Patrick. 2, New Orleans, e ausust 1 Walsh brideet, 30, Ireland, f cugust 3 Wh'lin rar. 30. Ireland, f august 4 Ward infant. New Orlean.'^, o august 9 Williams frank. 27. St. iMichuol.-, f august 9 Warton anthonr, 55, Ireland, f august 10 Wa:sh ma'garet. 9, Ireland, t" august 10 Wheelati Johanna, 21), Ireland, f august 10 Whealan mary. 40. u. o august 11 • Wal.sh Patrick, 22, Ireland, f august 14 Ward alic". 35. Ireland, f august 15 Williams John. lO. Ireland, f august 16 Wheeli^r anu, u, o august 15 "Wright William. 29, Ireland, f august 17 Ward elizabeth. 35. Ireland, o august 18 White jo-eph. IS mo, New Orleans, f august 18 Weir John, 19, u, o • august Walsh margaret, 22. Ireland, f augu-t 20 Woodburn ann. 19. Ireland, f augast 20 Ward Patrick, 30. Ireland, f august 21 Wheelehan John. 2">. Ireland.o august 21 Whec'lehan michael, Ireland, u august 22 Wi liamsjohn. 2H. Ireland, n august 23 White juhn, 26. Ireland, o august 25 Wheelehan jane. 29, Ireland, o august 27 Wall michael, 26, Ireland, u august 27 White george. 35. Ireland, f august 8 Ward William. 20. Ireland, f suijust 28 Ward sera. 19. u. f augu-t 28 Winter bridg-'t. 35. Ireland, u august 29 Wall ann, 1, New < irleais. f august .30 Wester wiliiam, -5. Ireland. f august 30 Walsh William, 45, Ireland, f sept 3 Watsonmargaiut. 2, U.O sept 9 64 "Wilsenden James, 23, England, 1' sept 14 Whalinmary, Ireland, , sept W Walsh thoraas 31, Ireland, f sept 16 Wallace John, 22, Ireland, t s«pt 19 Walsh tUomas, child. New Orleens, o sept 22 Wolf Patrick, 21. Ijeland, f sept 25 Wa'sh jane, child. New Or'eans o .sept 29 WeUh rose, cnild. New Orleans, o oot H Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. Williams miry ann. 4. u. o Whitaman G. child of. K O. o Wu hjusiim ciroiine, 19, u, f Walters otto, 21, u, f Walker alexender, u, f Wallace 0. child of. u. f Welch ai/ian^a,' , vi, f Wil.soii em no a, 19. u. f Wei hauser henry. 67, Germany, f Wright William, 54, u o Williams georte H, 43, Philadeiphia, J' Wasnigar rmilie, 24, u f Wolff albert T, u, o Wardle rar, child of. 6d, N O, o Wouton mr, 4.5, u, o Wi fon J tl,30, Kngland, f Wilson ann, u, o Wilson Joseph, u, f Win'^ on J 11, infant of, 5d, JI O, o Williams mr, child of, u. o Whipple robert, u, o Cyprces GroTc Cemetary, IVc. Wherman F, child of, 2w, u, o Woman unknown, u, o Wittfj C E L, 14m, u, f Waltter <;, child of, 6m, u, o White W, f ra c, fO, u, o Walt John, 15, Switzerland, o Webber P J, 54, u, o Wallace mr, child of, u, o Waffron william, 72. u, n Woods mrs, slave of, u, o WiDii Patrick, 28, u, o Waldefcr nir.<, u. o Wameciie henreich, 18, u, f , Wagner John, 23 u, f Welch willism, 45, Ireland, o Wagner fredsrirk, 24, u, f Wolt carl, 25, Germany, f Wa'lman george, 40. Germany, f Wright D 6, slave of,--2lJ, u, o Weber Joseph, 21 Germany, f Waidman elizi, 24, u. f Whitz marie, u, f Wilson rar, 35, Ireland, f Wallers james, 21 St Louis, f Woman unknown. Germany. f Wells adam.25, France, f Weschinan louise, 23, u, f Wahn peter, n, f Weaton mary, 19, u, f W'se KT, 35, u, f Wilfisjohn, 30, u, f Wor-t«r rar. 37, Switzerland, f Walsh John 25, Engiaud. f Weiteng r au^usta. 23. Wertemburg, ( Welch tredeii :k. 24, Germany, f Waldhitk leonar-^, 2, Germany, f .Wil ion Charles, 23, tiwteden, f Weber A, 2, v,o Warnhara nancy, 30. Kentucky, f Wright william. 21, Ohio, t Whitman F, 38, Germany, f Wagners. 21, u, f Wi-r Catharine, 50, Germ'iny.f Wright mr. United States, f Williams josepb. 19. ^ew York, f Web:-r christian, 30, G-rmany. f Woman unknown, 22. Germany, f Wilson harris, 28. Germany, f Weber leonora, 2C, (verraany, f Weigner cathrine. 50 Germany, f Weichling barbara, 29, Germany, f V/oman unknown, 23, u, f Wunderlich mary ann. 18, Germany, f Woman unknown, 45, Germany, f Wills ann maria, 28. Germany, f Wutm^icher anna. 21. u, { Wolf j )S-ph. 25. Germany, f Winter libefcus, '65, u, f We'ch mr, 25, u. f AVri^'ht henry. 42, Krgland, f Wareha a iiaac, 4C n, f Wa'ii.g mrs, slave of, u, o Wolchjohn.30, u, f Webe;" mr, 45. Germany, f WaddeU mary jane, 37, Ireland, f may IG jnne 9 July 27 July .30 august 15 august 18 aiigu-t 20 augu.st 21 august '29 sept 2 sept 5 sept 5 sept 15 sept 21 sept 27 sept 30 Oct 3 Oct 5 oct 28 oct 30 oct 31 2, I may may 1 may 2U mav 25 June 2 jun'S 12 June 17 June 19 June 20 June 21 .iuly 1 July 11 July 13 July 18 July 19 July 19 July 31 august 1 august 2 august 3 august 5 august 8 august 10 auugst 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 august 10 augast 11 KUgu.st 11 august 12 august 13 august 13 august 13 august 14 august IS august 15 august 15 august 16 augutt IS augu t 17 august 18 a^gu,st 18 ausiust 19 august 9 august 19 august 19 august 13 august 19 august }9 august 20 august 21 aug ,st 22 augu-t 23 august 24 august 25 atigust 26 WaddeU james, 21, Ireland, f " Will francis, 7, Germany, f AVeismer andrew, 27, Germany, f august 27 Watson ani. 30, England, f august 28 Whitley P, u, f Walhnan j>hn, 67, u, f " Wiedich henry, u, f " Whitloclt M. u. f Wolle julia-, 32, Germany, f Wall james, 22. re anr*. f au' ust .'1 V/inter elizabeth, 36, Germany, f august 31 William.s wiliiam, 37, u, f sept 4 Waugh S A. u, f sept 5 Williamk John, 32, Baltimore, sept 5 William, a s avo, u, o sept 5 Wilson w", 9, u. f sept 8 WettaffM, u, f sept 9 White henry, 20. Eng and. f sept 10 Welehen 11-, 3m. N 0,0 -ept U Wolfal! jo eph, 21, Bavaria, f sept 17 Weis! eme-ia, 2m, 14 0,0 sept 18 Werlein ma ina, 5.'Mi-sLs8ippi, f sept 20 William, a slaved u, f sept 25 Odd Fellows' Rest. Wright W H, 46, T> nnsylvania, o may 2 Wasson C II, 3, New Orleans, f June 12 Wubbenhart henry, 26, u, f augnst 18 Webber C A. 32, u, f augu>t 22 Wolkman mitilda, .'<, u, o august 25 Winston O P. ,33. New York. ' sept 30 Williams el za. 35, Ire and. o 0':t 2 Walsh davi'l, 33, Irelan-!, f oct 5 Weston resaliue, 8, St. Louis, o oct 21 Charity Hospital. Wilson elizabeth. 45. Philadelphia, f may i Woertii2ChcGri-iian, 21 Germany, u m3y 11 Walsh nicholas. 29 Ireland, u may 12 Woetle gerhard d., 25, Germany, f may 30 Welch biidiret, 8, 1 eland, f July 9 Wernet N „ 31, Germany, u July 9 Wilson John, 59, Pcissia, f July 12 Woman unkpown. u f July 15 Waters mary, 24. Maryland,/ July 15 Woman, unknown, u f July 16 Welchedward, 29, Ireland, f July 16 WhetU, a.' OdrmsDr' f W^barjtihan, 2U. Uorniaiiy, f W»lsh nncha^l. 31 Ireland, f Ward jam^s, 31. Missouri, f WaluTy 31 aug 2 aug 3 auK i ang 6 Mliile mrs, child of. New OrlaaM. [ Wall michael. 26. Ireland, f We.sttbrl»nd henry. .32. Germany, f White James Y. 22. Scotland, f Wheelan patrick. 25, Ireland, f Wenimer leorae. 1. uo Water< bridge', 31. u f AVin heimer louis. 8d. New Orleans, u AA'elpota frederick. 30. Prussia, t Wild Catherine. 22. u f * Wild pierre, child o*', u f ''illi'< Joseph. 12. Wilmington, Del, f Watt francis, 23. Germany, f Wolf h-nry C. 27, Kentucky, f West Ihomas. 2S. England, f Whelan Julia, 35, Ireland, f Willis Joseph. 47. Philadelphia, f AV'iilis gporge, 17. Philadelphia, f AVells wm, 3. United States, f AYheeler viginia K. 5. Unittd 3tate.i. u AValk-nholst mr, 26. u f Wood mary. 27, Ireland, f AV'oods J, 24, Ne«- A'ork. ! * AYet aug 7 aug 3 aug 9 aug 10 aug II aug 12 aug 13 aug U aug IS aug IT augl« aug 19 nvgW aug 21. aug 22 aug 24 auK 2i aug 21$ aug 27 aag 2.S aug 27 sept 1 sept 3 sept 4 cept 1.5' sept IC sept 20 sept 26 sept 2S oct 11 oct 2.5 oct 29 sept 1 august 13. ajigust 27. July 23 June 2S June 22 may 23 sept 4 sept 9 sept 23. may 19 may 22 may 31 June 4 June 7 June H June 1.1 July 6 July 9 July 15 July 15 July 18 July 24 July 2,S July 29 ju.'y 30/ July 30 July .31 July 31 July 81 august 1 august 2 .' 'X [66] TFairen Christopher, 49, Ireland, f Weigald raarie, 21. Germany, f Wakefield R, 22. England, f Walsh bridget, 35. Ireland, f Wirth lawrence, 40, Germany, f Weitzel, 36, Germany, f Warner W, 19, Germany, f Wibker george. 63, Germany, f Woman unknown, 27, Ireland, f Wilson eliza J, 7 mo, u, o Walsh masgaret, 23, Ireland, f Wagner maria.s, 30. Germany, f White mary, 17. Ireland, f Woman unknown, ID, Ir-fland, f Williams mary. :W, Ireland, f Wahhaed margaret. 2S, Germany, f Wreith louis, 12, Germany, t' Wise P. 32. Germanr, t' Weine henry, 1(1. Germany, t Weodly sabastain. Germany, o Winther ro.sa, 24. Germany, f Wagner there-a. 8, Germany, f Weber henry^l9, Germany, f White boy, u, o Wilson elizabeth. 30. South Waldes, f Wright John A. 17, Louisiana, o Winther John. 5 ran, u, o Walter jobn. 20, France, f Whi'itshire charles. 23. Garmany, f Werner F, 20. Germany, f Werler leopold, 22. Germany, f Wirth F, 21. Germany, f Weithermann charles. 30, Germany, f Ward John. 39, u. f Wedgmia P. 28. Germany, f Witteman marie. 55. Germany, f Woerhole john, 27, France, f Worderman A M, 27, Germany,© Webber peter. C3, France, f Wil i^m^ M. 34. Denmark, f Webber louis. 2.i. France, f Wolf tritz, 24 Germany, f Wolf Jacob. 30, Germany, f William^ mary. 9 days. New Orleans, f white William, 2S, Ireland, f Wagnei bridget. 31, Ireland, f Woobs george. 2 weeks. Mew Orleans, o Woman unknown. 40. u. f Welching frederick. 29. Germany, f Wand Joseph. 60. England, f Wright James W, 8, Ali.ssouri, o Walls mrs. 20, i'^rmany, o Williams elizabelh, 21. Ireland, f Wassman david. 30. Germany, f Willi»ms helen. SO. United States, f Wright ann, 10. v. is.souri, f WoU'reyed patrick. 23. u. f White alexandre, 2.'>, England, f Wolff johan, 47. Germany, f Wistler louis, 48, Germany, f Woltf margaret. 19 mo, u, o Weise louise, u. f Winebret Catherine, 74, Germany, f Wiisdotf heury, 34. Germajiy, f Warnota nicola-, 32, Sicile, f Wetta michel. 22, G rmany, f Wicker panona, 20, France, f Walaser andie. 30, Suisse, f Wirtz michael. 38, Germany, f Wright elizabeth. 12, u, f Wall James, u, o White emile. 10, u.o Wilrich rudolpe. 9 mo, u, o WUUams ludwick. 8 days, N. O., o Protestant. Wheeler D. infant ol New Orleans, o Woodrnff emma. New Orleans, o Williams mar.'aret, 6, Nsw Orleans, f White amelia. 70. u, o Waters williaMj. 45. New Orleans, o wfiite W H. slave of, xsew Orleans, o Wells otis G, 1. New Orleans, o Woolen ellen, 50. Virginia, o Walkinshaw anna, 22, Ireland, f Watson godfred. u, o Warren Virginia, 23. New York, f Wells elizab»th, 22 days. N. O , o Westmore mrs mary, u. f Webster William, u, f Washington henry. 36, u, { Williams John. 35. St. Louis, f Watson sopronia L, 8, u, f Watson donald, 30, Connecticut, f Williams, child i^f, 7 days, N. O., o Watkins henry M, 35. u, f Waniek allzabeth ann, 20, Baltiisoce, I august 2 august 2 august 5 august 5 august 5 august 6 august 6 august 7 august 7 augu.st 9 august 9 august 9 august 9 augUit 9 august 9 august 10 august 10 august 11 august II august 13 august 14 august 14 august 13 august 15 august 16 august 16 august 17 august 17 august 18 august 18 augu.st 20 august 21 august 22 august 23 august 25 august 25 august 27 angHst 23 august 29 august 31 .sept 1 sept 1 pept 2 sept 3 sept 3 .sept 4 sept 4 sept 4 sept 5 sept 7 sept 7 sept 7 sept 8 sept 9 sept 11 sept 11 sept 19 sept 10 oct 9 Oct 23 June 23 July 17 July 22 July 24 Jul? 26 august 6 august 6 august 14 augu.st 14 august 17 augast 17 august 20 augu.st 20 august 24 august 25 august 3U august 30 .sept ) fept 8 8«pt IS Wakeman mrs jarau»l, u, f Williams raarr. 3 mo, N. O., f Warrick Virginia, 24, Louisiana, o Weise O. infant of. New Orleans, o Wartield perry S, 34. u, o Hebrew, Lafayette. Worms ros. 8 mo. New Orleans, o Worms isaac, 34, Germany, o Walhein phil, 23. Germany, f Wolf henriette. 23, Germany, f Wolf samue. .38. Germany, t Wolf Solomon. 68. Germany; f Wolf hannah. 25, Germany, f Weil l«ihner. 29. Germany, f Wolf theresa, 62, Germai-y. f Wolf Sarah. 2d. Germany, f Wo f johan, 23, Germany, f Werl theresa. 40. Germany, f Wolf morris, 7, u, f Wolf B, 21. Germany, f Worms harriet, 32. Germany, f Worms raphael, 33. Germany, f Wet! S H, 35, Germany, t sept 21 oct 2 oct 84 oct 30 oct 31 m^ 30 July 19 July 20 jucy 26 >»ugust 8 august 9 august 9 august 10 august 2 august 12 ausust 12 august 12 august 13 august 14 august 29 august 2,3 august 27 liafayette Cemeterj". Xavier ferdi. 30, Germany, f September 6 St. Patrick's Cemetery. Toung edward. 4 mo, New Orleans, o sept 16 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No, 1. Toung John R. 28, Ireland, f Young edward. 2. u, o July 31 sept 9 Cypress Grove Cemetery^ No, 3, Young A A. slave of, 35, u, o augast 5 Yager Christine, 26. Germany, f august 16 Young henry tj, 28, Germany, f august 17 Yelti thomas, 22. Germany, t august 20 Ysler F, 40, S wed" n, f august 25 Young frank. 20, Germany, f august 29 Yates mr, child of. New Orleans, o oct 30 Charity Hospital. York henry, 40, New Jersey, f Young frederick. 2R. Gern,any, f Yerger s.iphia. 27, Germany, f Y ns mane, 26. Germany, f Toung lewis, 23. France, f Yeigar frederick, 28, Germany, f Young Jacob. 25. Germany, f Yancy thoiuas, 27, Ireland, f Young alexis, 34, France.! Lafayette Cemetery. Yom Stephen, child of, u. o Young margaret, 22, Germany, f Young thomas, 2{, Germany, f Yager johannis, 20, Germiny, f Young adolph, 36, Germany, f Yardy norman, 21, u, f Young caro ine, 20, u, f St. Vincent de Panl, Young Josephine, 17, Virginia, 1 St. Louis No. 'i. Tost magdeleine, 71, unknown, o Protestant. Tost. Virginia S, 8, New Orleans, o Tager volney, 26. u, f Young margaret. 20. England, f Young G WB. .30. u. o Ycst J B, 25, Ya, f may 27 July 28 august 2 august 3 august 9 august 17 august 17 august 24 august 21 July 6 aa'^ust 1 august 4 august 12 august 13 august 18 august 19 sept 2 may 31 jiUy 11 august 9 augast 2.5 august 27 s»pt 3 RD 1 6ft [67] St. Patrick's Cemetery. ZimiT.erman jacob.'S'', Swnden. o July 6 Zillon mary, IS mo! New Orleani, o July 14 Zaelly blazi, 40, u, o august 7 Zately thomas, 24, Ireland, f august 26 2illigan James, Ireland, f august 26 Cypress Grove Cemetery, No. 1. Zeigler S, 21. Germany, f Zalalia alexander, Ualiuatia, o ZuDD adolphe, '2S, u, f Zungenbuhler marT, 76, n. f • Zoebel margaret. 24. Germany, f Zeff-^n John, 4i'. Germany, t Zingarotf margaret, Germany, f Zimmerman caro'ine, 22, G rmany. f Zimmerman benedict, 24, (Germany, f Zellger Henrietta, 21. (iermany, f Zimmerman meno, .?.'5. (Jermany, f Zimmerman gustave, 6, (Jermmy, f Zeetanus frederick, 13, Bavaria, o Zamaria I . 19, u, f Zegman fritz 2.>, Germany, f Zmk antonio. 29. Germany, f Zink mrs, u. o Odd Fellows' Rest. Zelnian leander, 33. Sweden, f Charity Hospital. Zeer anna maria. ,36, France, f Zink con-taniine, 1!^, Germany, f Zeilman frederick, 39. u. f Zorn etch, 21, Germany, f Zimmerman iacob, 22. u, f Zivick louis, 22. Aiutria, f Zei» peter, 2J, Germany, f augmt I augu:it 21 augu.it 23 Cyprees Grore Cemetary, No. 2. august 1 august 6 august 8 aU::USt 14 august 16 august 16 august 19 august tl august 2.'> augu-t 27 augu-t 30 sept l.^ aept )6 iiept 19 august 28 may 21 may 31 June 18 iulv 9 July 21 July 29 august I Zaffer barman, 27, Qermany. f augu t i Zerer landolin, 25. Germany, f august 7 Zink Ihere.ia, 27, Prussia, f august 8 Zameti francois, 24. Malta, f auguit 9 Zocroli antonio, 22. Italy, f august 13 Zotfe rodolph. 2i, Switzerland, o lept 2^ Zwiker georgn. Saxony, f oct 12 Zani adele, 30. Greece, f oct 21 St. Louis No. 3. Zayas antainette, 2i, u, f July 26 Lafayette Cemetery. Zinc whilemjne, 6 mo. New Orlean.s, o may 8 Ziegler alexander, 14 mn, N. C , o may 20 Zimmer johan baptiste, 18, Germany, f July 27 Zavery mr, 40, France, f July 28 Zreeler wilhelming. 27, Germany, f July 29 Zins michel. 19, Prance, f august 2 Zaum johan. M. Germany, f august 4 Zink christian, 2, u, o august .% Zimmerman Joseph, 27, Germany, o august 6 Zally mrs, child of. New Orleans, o august X Znlich Dr -I W. 61, Hamberg. Germany, f august 10 Zulich Dr leopold, 36, Hamberg, Germany, f august 11 Zimmer mary, 21, (rermany, f august I ! Zebb madelena. .^3, Germany, f august IJ Zimmerman anthony. 19, Germany, f august 14 Zim mrs, u, f august 14 Zimmerlie eliz, 40, Germany, f august 16 Zujangne firman, France, f auvast 19 Zinks mrs cecelie, 50. Barlen, f august 27 Zailly pauline, 5 mo, N. O., o aept IS St. Vincent de Paul. Z»yler nicolas, 37, Germany, o July 24 Zilber ecbenez. u. t July 31 Zinszer wiDiam. 35, u. f august 8 Zwas Jacob. 2. Germany, o •"gust 9 Zemisk', 42. Poland, r august 20 Z'-iszer barbara. 19. Germany, f aufust 24 Zinguei chii. 5,0 V-. -^ ^9^ * V »*v;j* ^ ^i- ,^^\ ■i> -l^^-, \^ ( . . ' ^^ ^ .V ^. A C *. ^-■. ',\^~ - »i^» .c^^vP. -^^z"^^: A^u. \m^: