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Although first scholar of his class, his greatest achievement was not that of scholarship. A classmate has said of him : "I doubt if he committed a single act in college which he would wish concealed from his oldest friends : so consistent was his life with his profession of Christian principles." The integrity of such a character, to- gether with his sound mind and high ideals, made him a great power for good among his associates. After a useful experience in academic teaching, he was called in 1871 to the chair of Physics and Chemistry in Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. He occupied this position for ten years. Efficient along various lines, Professor Chandler's work was peculiarly valuable to a college not at that time rich in resources ; and he left upon it a permanent impress of his abilities and character. From Antioch, in 1881, he went to Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin, as professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. In this service he remained until 1906, being then retired as Professor Emeritus. The words of one formerly a student at Ripon are an impressive tribute to his value and influence : "He was a rare teacher. He knew his subject and spoke in terms of his pupils. Being thus found in fashion as a pupil, we highly exalted him as a teacher. He imparted that intangi- ble force which is the true essence of a teacher : teaching what he was, not voluntarily but involuntarily. We remember rare pauses and parentheses in recitation — the getting oflF the Memorial track, which is characteristic of a teacher whose tracks are laid into the souls of his pupils, as well as into the more definable lines of a text. He was a teacher who lived in his pupils, made better by his presence; a teacher who scorned all aims which end in self. He revealed himself who was, to us, even better than the mathematician. Scientist, yes, but also something of a mystic in the best sense. A college is essentially its men who teach and are taught; and in this sense Ripon College is very much Professor Chandler." Though mathematics and applied science were the channels of Professor Chandler's most marked abilities, he was a good classical scholar. An habitual reader of the best English wri- ters, his teaching in these branches, during his academic experience, had been thorough and effective. Accurate and demanding accuracy, he possessed the rare gift of clear ex- planation, reenforced by characteristic illustration. His habits of mind were direct and forceful, as of a man with something to impart. His literary productions in the classroom were en- livened by a vivid imagination and a keen sense of humor. Something poetic in his nature also found expression at times, in quaint guise. With a keen love of nature and reverence for the creative plan, he saw in it the vital truths : love, faith, and promises to which the eyes of many are blinded. Deeply in- terested in the church, he took an active and important part in its work, wherever he might be, and won the respect and affection of many whom he did not reach through professional channels. After 1906 he returned to the town he loved and in which he was born. He devoted himself to its interest ; a loyal citizen, always, with high civic ideals. Wise and broad- minded, his counsel and efforts were applied not merely to present but to future welfare. An educator, he gave largely of his experience to the problems of the public schools and served upon the School Board for a number of years. In the midst of many other interests and duties, he devoted himself to the writing of the present History — a labor of love for the people dear to him. It is difficult to estimate adequately this great service — a service which speaks strongly for itself, but which in all its detail of tireless, persistent effort. Memorial can be realized by few. Its value will be wholly appreciated only by following generations. To them will come a knowl- edge not only of its historic worth, but a knowledge also of the man who so greatly loved the history and people of his birthplace. Of such a son as Charles Henry Chandler, New Ipswich may be justly proud — a son who represented the highest standards of honor, and whose achievements were possible because of an unfaltering fidelity to his ideals. Katharine Preston. PREFACE r^ OR many years citizens of New Ipswich have felt the need ^ of a history of the town which should not only give the history of the last half century, but should put in accessible and permanent form the many facts and traditions which have come to light in later years. This feeling took tangible form from the offer of Professor Charles H. Chandler to give his services as a historian, and in October, 1907, a meeting of those interested in this project was held at the Library. A Committee was chosen to aid as might be needed, consisting of Caroline F. Barr, Sarah F. Lee, Frederic W. Jones, Anna A. Goldsmith, and Edward O. Marshall. It was thought most convenient for Professor Chandler to have his office at my house. For more than four years each morning he came to his task, and each hour until the twilight was filled with the work of a mind trained to systematic and patient, accurate labor. His purpose was to make the work largely a Genealogy of the older families of the town. This necessitated research and inquiries that would have discour- aged one less persistent and determined. He deemed the conclusion of the work near at hand, but while away seeking for final data, at Leominster, Mass., his life ended. March 29, 1912, while conversing with a friend he ceased speaking, and "was not, for God took him." His children, Professor Elwyn F. Chandler and Miss Edith B. Chandler, at once felt that they wished to ensure the com- pletion of the work which had become so dear to their father's heart. Through all these years I had been able to keep in touch with Professor Chandler's methods of research, and they asked me to finish the History as he would have done it. I consented to try to do this so nearly as I should be able. Fortunately the chapters relating to the earliest history were completed ; all the genealogy was outlined and many family records had been written in full. His children, therefore, were able to assist in the revision and completion of all that he Preface had planned in that department. It is their wish that this History should be a tribute to their father's memory, and for its completion they have given a trained proficiency that could not otherwise have been available, have taken time needed by them for rest, and have given more than five hundred dollars in money. For the imperfections of the Index I alone am responsible. My only regret is that my part of the work has not been done in a better way. It is given to the town which has been the home of my lifetime with the hope that it may help to quicken and cherish reverence for those who laid the broad founda- tions on which later generations should build the structure of education and enterprise which has given New Ipswich its honored place among New England towns. Personal thanks are due from me to the children of Pro- fessor Chandler, who have done all that was possible to lighten my labors, to friends who have aided me by literary criticism and in proof-reading, and to the intelligent and helpful advice of the Sentinel Printing Company. Sarah Fiske Lee. New Ipswich, N. H. Preface BY PROFESSOR CHARLES H. CHANDLER The following page in Professor C. H. Chandler's hand has been found, which evidently he intended to insert in the preface : "Little more than half a century ago, by the careful and patient labor of two efficient sons of New Ipswich was pro- duced a town history, now a rare book but still mentioned with rare encomiums by students and lovers of local history. At the time of the loyal labors of Mr. Kidder and Dr. Gould the facilities for work like that which they so successfully ac- complished were far less than at the present time. Many old documents, then only to be found after long search, have now been collected and laid open to the student in convenient form ; the work of national surveys has given accurate measurements in place of the estimates formerly necessarily used; and the accessible volumes of family history are probably twenty times as numerous as those which were published prior to 1850. "It has therefore seemed best that a volume presenting the last fifty years of New Ipswich history should not be entirely confined to those limits, but rather that the special field should rest upon a second presentation of the story of earlier times, with such additions and amendments as the suc- ceeding years have made practicable. "In order, however, to avoid an undue extension of the volume it has been thought best to follow a medium course, abbreviating much that was fully related by the authors of the previous volume, and in cases where the importance of the topic or the close dependence of later history upon it makes such abbreviation undesirable, by the kindly consent of near representatives of the authors considerable extracts have been made in the language retaining its attraction for those who remember the former history." Preface NOTE It was the original intention of Professor Charles H. Chandler to prepare one large map of the town, showing on the same map the town with its villages, and all the roads, houses, and former houses, and also the lot lines, and he personally traversed with compass in 1908 or later every road in the town (except a few in the northwest corner and west of the mountain) in making surv^eys for this map. There are doubtless some accidental errors, but it may be considered as in general a very excellent map ; it is probable that there are few portions where any distances are more than a dozen rods in error. The final drawing of all the maps was done under the direction of E. F. Chandler, and it was found advisable to make separate village maps on a larger scale ; the surveys for these were accordingly made by E. F. Chandler in August, 1912, and they are in general accurate within two rods. It was also found that it would detract from clearness to place the lot lines on the town map, so their general location has been shown on a separate plan. Chapters I, II, III, IV, and V of the history had been com- pletely written by Professor Charles H. Chandler, and were finished except for such small amendments as he would have made in the final revision ; the material had been collected by him for large parts of Chapters VI to IX, but the final ar- rangement and writing of the greater portion of each of these has been done by Miss Sarah Fiske Lee. All the work on the history, from its first inception to its conclusion, has been greatly forwarded by the indefatigable efforts of Miss Lee; her complete knowledge of local conditions and relations, her enthusiastic assistance, and her keen-eyed examination of every statement have been indeed indispensable. E. F. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. — The Old Country Road — Later Roads and Early Settlers. The Old Country Road; New Highways; the Turnpike 1-19 CHAPTER H. — New Ipswich in Various Forms — Grants, Claims, Charters, and Surveys. Error in Early Grants; the Massachusetts Claims, Gorges and Mason Claims; Survey of State Line ; the Ipswich Grant ; Changing Boundaries ; Early Settlers; Fear of Indian Invasion; John Tufton Mason; Ma- sonian Proprietors; Col. Blanchard's Changes; Masonian Char- ter; Final Incorporation 20-43 CHAPTER III. — On the Way to Maturity — Proprietors and Lots. Origin of the Settlers; First Proprietors' Meetings; Assignment of Lots; Table of Lots; Proprietors' Work Ended ; Plan of Lots and Principal Roads 44-56 CHAPTER IV.— The Old School-houses. First School in 1762; Grammar School ; Division into Districts ; Town Appropriates Money; First School-houses; Location of District Bounds; School-house Locations ; Consolidation of Districts ; School Appropriations ; Wages of Teachers ; Prudential Committee ; Superintending School Committee; Statistics .... 57-72 CHAPTER V. — The Revolutionary Period. The First Uprising ; Roll of Men Who Went at the First Call ; Capt. Towne's Com- pany; Call from Gen. John Sullivan; New Hampshire's Lead- ership; Praise from Gen. Washington; Help Given to North- ern Army; Capt. Smith's Company; reinforcements for Ticon- deroga; Continental Army; Col. Heald's Detachment; Capt. Briant's Company; Col. Hale's Regiment; Three-Months Men; Equipment of Soldiers; Ephraim Adams' Resolution; Bounties and Pay; Depreciation of Currency; New Ipswich Tories; Committee of Correspondence 73-106 CHAPTER VI.— The Civil War— 1861-65. Action of the Town ; Bounties for Volunteers; First Recruits; Record of Sixth Regiment ; Thirteenth Regiment at Richmond, 1865 ; Work of Women ; Death of President Lincoln ; Freedmen's Aid ; Prices during Civil War; Union League; Soldiers' Monument . 107-121 Contents CHAPTER VII. — Ecclesiastical History. First Meeting-house; Seeking a Minister; Church Organized and Mr. Stephen Farrar Ordained; Meeting-house Completed 1770; Assign- ment of Pews; "Great Revival" in 1785-86; Death of Parson Farrar; Mr. Richard Hall Ordained; Sunday School in 1818; Ordination of Mr. Charles Walker; Pastorate of Rev. Samuel Lee; Meeting-house Remodeled; Centennial Anniversary of Church; Ordination of Mr. Calvin Cutler; Several Brief Pas- torates; Church Burned; Program of Stated Meetings; Baptist Church; Organized, List of Pastors; Unitarian Church; Meth- odist Church ; Second Congregational Church . 122-136 CHAPTER VIII. — New Ipswich Academy. Incorporation; Buildings; Gifts from Boston Friends; New Building; Change of Name ; List of Preceptors ; Faculty Sketches ; Alumni As- sociation ; Present Condition 137-143 CHAPTER IX. — Miscellanies. Manufactures; Library; Coun- try Club; Children's Fair; Revere Bell; Cemeteries; Stearns Lecture Fund; Homestead Inn; Iowa Colony; Drinking Foun- tain ; Telegraph and telephone ; Sidewalks and Street Lights ; Post Office; Free Masons; Fire Department; Children's Oak; Portraits in Town Hall; Census Returns; Valuation of New Ipswich, 1914 144-157 Genealogy 171-720 ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Professor Charles Henry Chandler The Soldiers' Monument .... Group of Churches New Ipswich Appleton Academy . The Library Forest Hall, Residence of George R. Barrett Maps : The Old Country Road The Grants . Plan of Lots . New Ipswich . Center Village Bank, High Bridge, and Smith Villages frontispiece opposite 113 129 137 147 215 1 . 20 . 55 opposite 161 . 162 . 164 HISTORY OF NEW IPSWICH NEW IPSWICH CHAPTER I "THE OLD COUNTRY ROAD" — LATER ROADS AND EARLY SETTLERS AT a meeting of the Proprietors of "Upper Ashuelot," (now the city of Keene,) held at Concord, Massa- chusetts, on the last Wednesday of May, 1735, a committee was appointed to "join with such as the lower town pro- prietors shall ap- point, to search and find out whether the ground will admit of a convenient road from the two townships on Ashuelot river, down to the town of Townsend." On June 30, 1737. a meeting was held at the meeting-house frame, and ''Jeremiah Hall was recom- pensed for his services in searching for, and laying out, a road to Townsend." At that time the Townsend grant extended farther to the north and west than in later years, and embraced about 800 acres now included in the southeastern corner of New Ipswich, shown upon an ancient map of the town as granted by Massachusetts. That map shows a straight line dotted di- rectly across the map and bearing the explanatory note "This Single Prick^ line is the Clear^ way to Ashawelott." This line enters the town from Townsend a short distance north of the site of the "Wheeler tavern," runs northwesterly 1 2 History of New Ipswich though the region now occupied by the Center Village, and, passing a little south of the position of Wilder Village, crosses the western line of the town a half-mile south from its northwestern corner. Without a doubt this perfectly straight road was easily constructed upon paper, but it is somewhat remarkable that the turnpike, constructed almost seventy years later, should have followed so nearly the early line, in no place departing from the route there marked greatly more than half a mile. But the former New Ipswich history, recalling the construc- tion of the turnpike, declares that "its location was as bad as it well could be ;" and it is not strange that the committee of the Keene proprietors chose a route less steeply inclined, even though it were somewhat more devious, as is shown on the small map presented above. For the road there shown, called in the records for many years the "main road," or in earlier times the "old countrey road," is undoubtedly a part of the Keene road of 1735-37, preceding the first permanent settler in New Ipswich by at least a year; and the preliminary temporary residence of two or three others, which may have been in the summer of 1737, may safely be said to have been of later date than the location of the road reported by Jere- miah Hall, but of course at first hardly more than a marked trail. The "old country road," the first token of civilization established within the town bounds, naturally had a great in- fluence in locating the sturdy pioneers in the wilderness, as is indicated by the positions of the homes of twenty early settlers placed upon the map with the belief, after careful examination, that they were the earliest twenty resident "fathers of the town." That the position of this road was well chosen is shown by its long continuance, more than three of the four miles of its length within the town bounds being still open for travel, and a considerable part of the abandoned portion ap- parently owing its abandonment to other causes than unwise location. The records show some slight changes in its loca- tion from time to time, but practically the present position of the part still open is as it was when Abijah Foster settled but a few rods from its faint line of communication almost 175 years ago. The more definite course of this early high- way, so early that more than twenty years after its location the town voted "not to fell the trees on the main road The Old Country Road through the town," may be traced upon the larger map in this volume, and any difficulties in following it may be re- moved by reference to the following descriptive notes. It entered the town only a little distance south of its pre- viously mentioned successor, the turnpike, that is a little south of the site of the house of entertainment long known as "Wheeler's tavern," giving to Timothy Heald, a few years later, a desirable position for establishing his home in the northern part of 186 A. D. Passing on a mile toward the northwest, from the first half of which the road is practically obliterated, the home of Jonas Woolson appears in IV : 2, S. R., the present propertv of the Country Club, and but a short distance farther, in V: 2, S. R., that of his early asso- ciate, Benjamin Hoar, now the Preston place. Crossing the river, where later the first bridge of the town was to be built, the old road passed the place soon to be the home of Moses Tucker, continued over the hill and then between the loca- tions of the first meeting-house, denoted on the small map by a square and affixed cross, and the first burying-ground. both situated in the eastern part of A^III : 1, S. R., to the house long the home of Judge Farrar, and now the summer residence of Charles S. Brown. Descending the hill and past the present grounds of the Academv. the road unites, where the Soldiers' Monument now stands, with an east and west road eight or ten rods in width, as laid out upon the early map before mentioned, and extending upon that map from the eastern line of the town directlv westward through the centre of that portion of the town, four miles square, which had been divided into lots. This road is denoted by a dotted line upon the preceding small map, but no indications have been found that it has ever been used as a highway except for the distance of a little less than a mile between the sol- diers' Monument and Davis Village. Along the western part of this extent the Avails still stand, and the coincidence of the eastern part with the "old country road" from the monu- ment to School street and on past the Preston house until the latter is turned aside by the steep ascent, gave a broad space, in later years known as the "Village Green." around which in due time, despite its marshy location, the activities of the town largely clustered. On the north side of this broadened "country road," but not very far distant from it, on 33, N. D.. a little westward 3 History of New Ipswich of the site of the former bank, and perhaps a little toward Union Hall, stood the earliest dwelling erected in the town, that of Abijali Foster, and directly opposite upon the south side of the road was the home of Joseph Kidder, where since has been the dwelling of Judge Champney, and later the home of John Preston, Esq., and his descendants, IX: 1, S. R. Continued progress due westward in the broad central road of the early survey being here forbidden by the steep ascent, a southerly detour of a few rods was necessitated, the first part along the broad, grassy road still open in the rear of the Preston land, and the later return to the direct course on a line still traceable under favorable conditions, through the northern end of the small triangular wooded spot lying across the road from the open space north from the old "hill burying-ground," and south from the site of the second and third meeting-houses. As this open area was without doubt included in the "common land" left for a highway, this de- tour, now seeming so considerable that the location of the "country road" is not always recognized, did not really ex- tend at that place beyond the limits of the broad central road as surveyed. But that proposed straight highwav vv'as followed by the Keene surveyor only a very short distance. It may, indeed, have gone directly across the later meeting- house site, at least until the erection of such a building caused travel to be carried on a little farther west. At all events, from very nearly that spot the road entered upon an almost direct northwesterly line across the lot upon which the meeting-house afterward was built, 37 N. D., later the prop- erty of Oliver Proctor; then past the site of the first dwelling of Isaac Appleton on the southern side and that of his second house, still standing and bearing over its entrance the figures 1756, upon the northern side, both in 41, N. D. Be- tween these two sites the old road crossed the line of the present turnpike, and from the meeting-house site to that point of crossing all traces of the ancient highwav have dis- appeared. Continuing the same general northwesterly direc- tion it passed in 46, N. D.. the future home of Reuben Kidder, on the east, and a little farther that of Samuel Perham, an employee of Mr. Kidder, upon 50, N. D., on the west. The remaining route, through lots 51, 52, and 56, N. D., to the northern line of the town is not known to have passed other early dwellings. The last quarter-mile or more before leaving 4 The Old Country Road New Ipswich was not along the present Temple road, but by the "Todd road" diverging toward the west, now legally discontinued, but still clearly defined and passable. The effectual charter of New Ipswich, known as the Masonian charter, of which an account is given later in this volume, was issued in 1750, and in it are named thirty grantees, thirteen of whom are designated as being ''of a place called New Ipswich," and their names are included in the twenty names presented upon the preceding small map. The names of two sons of one of the grantees named in the charter as a resident of Ipswich, Mass., and one son of an- other grantee of the same town, a brother and an employee of one of the New Ipswich grantees, and two other early settlers, constitute the twenty pioneers in New Ipswich who. as far as careful examination determines, were resident in their new homes before the close of the year in which the charter was granted. Nine of this number made their homes beside the old "country road," and of the remaining eleven seven were apparently within a half-mile of that route. There can be no doubt of the determining influence of that road, then hardly more than a trail, upon the location of the early settlements in the northeastern corner of the town, and an examination of the records giving in order the story of later roads, demanded by the increasing population, presents quite clearly the direction and progress of advance. Unfortunately, whatever local records may have been made prior to the Masonian grant, they have entirely disappeared, and the lines of intercommunication between the twenty families which gathered in those early years can be learned only by inference, occasionally aided by traces of old path- ways by which the early pioneers, like their immediate suc- cessors, were prone to connect their homes, by the nearest or most practicable route, to the older main line of communi- cation with the towns and settlements above and below. But the later records containing references to "paths" and some- times officially legalizing highways "where the people now travel" suggest that the stern demands of daily life left the first occupants of the coming town but little time or energy for public labors, especially after it was found, as related in a later chapter, that the title by which they held their lands was far from secure. They might be expected to content themselves for a time with paths not greatly surpassing the History of New Ipswich trails of their Indian predecessors, and so the roads located by the most convenient footpaths from cabin to cabin, wind- ing deviously around the varied obstructions of the wilder- ness, might almost be said, like Topsy, never to have been made but to have "growed." But with the Masonian charter came an assurance that the work was to continue, and on June 20, 1750, only two months after the signing of that charter, the proprietors of the township voted to build a bridge "near where the former bridge was built," that is, at the crossing of the river by the "country road," and less than a year later a second bridge was voted "near the mills," or practically in the place now held by its successor below the "High Bridge." Abundant provision for meeting the principal obstruction to free com- munication between the different parts of the settled region having thus been made, at the same meeting in May, 1751, Timothy Heald, Joseph Stevens, and Reuben Kidder were chosen a committee to lay out and repair highways, and were directed "to lay out a way from the saw mill &c. up by the Path leading to John Brown's and also to Abijah Foster's as it will best accommodate both, and if said Committee thinks Proper to lay out a way to Archibald White's, as also to Aaron Kidder's." The exact position of the home of John Brown is uncertain, but it was in the northeastern part of the town, near the locality afterward long occupied by the family of Supply Wilson, and most probably near the site of an old cellar in 31, N. D., still faintly visible upon the east side of the Temple road a little farther north than the house of Ralph E. Parker. Abijah Foster must have lived at that time on the present site of Davis Village, 45, N. D., which must have made the duty of the committee to "accom- modate both" somewhat difficult. Archibald White, upon 19, N. D., afterward occupied by the Prichards and later by the Tenneys, was in the same general region as John Brown, and there are indications of an early road connecting them. Aaron Kidder was upon XV: 1, S. R., a mile beyond Abijah Foster, and very probably the now long-closed road through XIII: 1 and XIV: 1, N. D., north of the house of George S. Wheeler, was located at that time. In obedience to instructions given at this meeting that the committee should "view and lay out a Road from the line of said township so as it will accommodate the travelling up to G New Highways Peterboro and lay the same before said Proprietee at the next meeting," the committee a month later recommended action at once adopted by the meeting, and it was "Voted to Except the countrey Road as it is Layed out from Timothy Healds or the province line near his house and up by Ruben Kidders & to the line of Striptown or Peterborow Slip so called near about the road wheare people now Travil and as marks direct." At the same meeting it was voted to "lay out a road Down from the mills by Benjamin Hoar to the Town Road by Timothy Healds," which seems to be the authority for the present road from the Taylor house on the turnpike up through Bank Village to the crossing of the "country road" and the road to the Gibson corners. In the following year, 1753, a desire for nearer relation to the neighbors at the west was manifested by a vote "to lay out a way through our town to Rowly Canada line ;" and a year later it was "Voted to turn the road that goes to Rowly Canada through Oliver Proctor's lot to the road that was formerly laid out and travelled in." As no record of the position of the "former road" has been found, it is perhaps a fair inference that the removal of a portion of the road to Rowley Canada (Rindge) from Oliver Proctor's lot, 37, N. D., located it in the broad road extending due west before men- tioned as shown on the map of the Massachusetts grant, and still plainly existent from the Center Village to Davis Village, and that it continued on the road provided for Aaron Kidder two years earlier, and thence through the uninhabited wilder- ness, over the mountain between the Barrett and Pratt peaks practically as shown upon the map. This road can be traced with difficulty through the thick undergrowth, but the dwell- ings upon it farther west than the Ephraim Adams farm, 61, N. D., have been very few. On November 24, 1754, the proprietors by a single vote accepted four miles of road or more, probably including many short roads and "paths" previously used, but having no legal existence as highways. This long and devious thoroughfare commenced in 1 : 3, S. R., upon the "country road" about one-fourth of a mile after its entrance from that part of the Townsend grant which had become Mason, and extending to the north and west, passed the house of Ebenezer Bullard in 1 : 2, S. R., and of Joseph Bullard in H : 2, S. R., through H : 7 History of New Ipswich 1, S. R., not yet the home of Moses Tucker, still resident on the "country road," and through III : 1, S. R., to Chandler's mills in IV: 1, S. R., immediately below the site of the pres- ent factory below the High Bridge. Thence the road con- tinued northwesterly a little north of the present position of the road, and entered upon the route to be occupied a half- century later by the turnpike a short distance eastward of the position of the present bridge across Kidder or Saw Mill Brook. From that point the road has remained practically unchanged in position, through lots 21, 25, 29, 30, 31, and 32, N. D., to the Temple town line, passing the homes of Ephraim and Benjamin Adams, Jonathan Stevens and John Brown. The year 1755 saw the birth of several new highways, testifying to a considerable advance of the populated region toward the south and the west, two of which are here given in detail. The first of these extended from the northeast corner of the lot of Zachariah Adams, X : 3, S. R., past the house of Abijah Foster, who had built his third residence on IX : 2, S. R., the present residence of Walter S. Thayer being across the road from its site, and continued on an easterly course not very distant from: the present road to the Congregational church, although that later road is much more nearly straight than the ancient highway, four sections, to- gether constituting more than half its length, having been moved northerly or southerly in some places as much as twenty rods. The early road passed the site of the coming church near the present southern limit of the common, and ended in "the road that goes out of the Country road to the dwelling house of Benjamin Safiford," which was thirty rods or more south from the church site. The road designated as going from the "country road" is now obliterated for a con- siderable part of its length, but is still known as "Safford lane." The cellar of Zachariah Adams, still remaining in a pasture rapidly becoming forest, is shown upon the map. The second new road, apparently accepted very largely in anticipation of expected new residents, began "at the South of lot Number 187, at the head of the road that goes from said lot to the east line of said Township." Lot 187, as also Nos. 44, 29 (or 2), 28, and 24, through which the road from the east township line passes, lie in "New Laid Out" range of lots, and there appears no record of residence in any of those southeastern lots at as early a date as that action. 8 New Highways Perhaps, however, the travel to and from Townsend, then holding the position of a connecting link with the older set- tlements, may have called for the new road to "the old meeting house hill so called" eastward from the site of the present Academy. From 187, ere long to be occupied by Col. Thomas Heald, and later by the Estabrooks tavern and by Job Davis and his son John U. in succession, the new road passed through lots 12 and 1, N. L. O., then the property of Samuel Whittemore, to the "south side of Jesse Fletcher's house said house standing on lott No. 4 in the 5th range," long after the farm of Dr. Stillman Gibson, then turned toward the north, and in VI : 4, S. R., crossed the North Branch of the Souhegan at a point still marked by remaining stone- work of a bridge, passed, in VI : 3, S. R., the place soon to be known as the home of Peletiah Whittemore, later the sum- mer home of Dr. F. W. Jones, in VII : 3, S. R., the future site of the home of the Shattucks, the Farwells, and the Wil- lards in succession, and finally along the western line of VII : 2 and VII: 1, S. R., passing the house of Benjamin Safiford and ending at the "country road," having in its progress legal- ized as a highway "Safiford lane," mentioned in the record two months earlier, but then probably a private way. In the same year a road was accepted "beginning at the Country Road neare the Bridges by Joseph Kidder's meddow so on the Comon land to lott No. 29, N. D.," that is, referring to present conditions, from the bridge between the Baptist church and the Soldiers' Monument eastward past the Dr. Preston house, afterward that of Seth King. Thence the road continued as at present across the turnpike, "over the saw- mill Brook and on as marks direct into the road that from mr. Jonathan Stevens to the mills and so in that road to said Stevens house" (26, N. D., later owned by Mark Farrar, and at present by A. E. Jowders). The road thence passed on the south side of the Stevens house to lot 22, N. D.. where it passed on the north of the Benjamin Knowlton — later the Chickering — house and northerly across the corner of lot 23, N. D., the future home of Capt. Ezra Towne, to 19, N. D., the home of Archibald White. In 1756 a road was accepted "from Abba Severons to the North end of Zachariah Adams' Lot." but the location of the beginning of that road is not quite definite. Abba Sev- erance had a lot in the northeasterly part of the town, but 9 History of New Ipswich the lot named in the road record must have been in "New Laid Out" range, probably lot 64, since the road ran northerly through the lot of David Nevins, XI : 4, S. R., and, as it can now be seen, along the eastern end of the south burying- ground, which was not established until twenty years later. Having crossed the river a short distance north of the present burying-ground, it continued its northerly course nearly upon the line between the tenth and eleventh south ranges for almost half a mile, and then turning eastward across X : 3, S. R., it soon connected with the road to Abijah Foster's, and seemed about to become a principal highway. But its route is now entirely obliterated, except its first quarter-mile, which is perhaps still the road to the farm so long owned by William Wheeler and his sons, and the brief extent be- side the burying-ground, which was longer retained in use by the later opening of another road extending in a more westerly direction than the first road, past the "Spaulding house" on XI : 3, S. R., a short distance to the west, and. at the northeast corner of the lot of Robert Crosby, later the "Fox farm," XII : 3, S. R., uniting with a road, accepted in 1759, along the eastern side of XII : 2, S. R., then the property of Amos Taylor, but afterward for many years known as the "Bucknam farm." A road from Amos Taylor's had been accepted at about the same date as the one from Abba Severance's, running easterly across XI: 1, S. R., and northerly along the east side of the same lot to a point on the broad central line of the town before mentioned about a quarter-mile west from the meeting-house, then in process of construction. This road was long known as the "malt- house road," and the cellar of the malt-house still remains on the east side of its namesake thoroughfare and a quarter- mile south from the central road. The "malt-house road" is still easily followed, but only the part lying on the west side of the road from Davis Village is now open. The three roads together for a considerable period furnished the favorite route to the meeting-house for the residents in the south- western part of the town. Apparently there were two or more dwellings on this road south of Amos Taylor's, but the names of the residents do not appear. In 1757 money was voted to make a road between Zacha- riah Adams's and Thomas Adams's, and as a bridge was nec- essary upon this way it may be inferred that the residence 10 New Highways of this latter Adams was on the southern side of the North Branch of the river. Probably this road through the greater part of its length was the road to Smith Village over "Apple- ton Hill," in nearly its position until its improvement fifty years ago by removal a little way toward the east. At the meeting in 1757, however, the needs of other than the newer portion of the township were considered, as a new road, now nearly if not quite obliterated, was recorded ex- tending from the road accepted two years before between Jonathan Stevens and Benjamin Knowlton, northerly to the central part of 27, N. D., a lot now long vacated, but then the home of Benjamin Proctor; and also another road be- ginning at the road between Benjamin Adams's, 25, N. D., (now Reed Tenney's,) and Jonathan Stevens's, 26, N. D., (now A. E. Jowders's,) extending westward to Benjamin King's, 34. N. D., (now H. Rafeuse's,) thence westerly and southerly to the mill upon "Saw Mill Brook," and south through Oliver Proctor's lot, 37, N. D., to the "country road." The follow- ing condition affixed to the acceptance of that road brings into clear recognition one difference between those days and this age of automobiles : "The road from the mill brook to Oliver Proctor's house and to the main road shall be a bridle road free from any incumbrance of the sd. Proctor's except good gates which are to be built and maintained at his cost except the outside gate next y® main road which is to be built by the Prop'^ and maintained by said Proctor." The highways of the town seem to have been but slightly extended during 1758, but the records present the acceptance of two short roads ; the first from the home of Abba Severance, then resident in 14, N. D., for many years the "Mansfield farm," through 18, N. D., owned by Peter Fletcher, to the house of Benjamin Knowlton, on 24, N. D., thus nearly completing the present "back Greenville road" to the town line ; and a short road now traced with considerable difficulty, from, the home of Benjamin King, 34, N. D., to the southwesterly cor- ner of Joseph Stevens's lot, 35, N. D. Three roads of 1759 in as many different sections show the steady progress during that year. The first extended from Ebenezer Heald's in III : 4, S. R., northerly "to y® Main Road." Indications of several cellars remain on or near its line, but the road has now practically disappeared, as also the probably older road of which no record appears, half a 11 History of New Ipswich mile or more in length, running southerly from Ebenezer Heald's to Col. Thomas Heald's, 187, N. L. O., on the "South Road" located two years earlier, as previously stated. A second road of 1759 continued the "South Road" a mile farther westward, from the home of Simeon Fletcher, who had succeeded Peter Fletcher, resident upon V : 4, S. R., in 1755, past the farm perhaps already owned by John Brooks, but since Revolutionary days occupied by successive genera- tions of the Goen family, to Smith Village, which, however, it did not enter as at present near the bridge, but farther southward, where since 1838 the Smithville school-house has stood. The third road of that year shows the advance of the line of settlements toward the western part of the town by the provision for a road, still traceable, between the lots of Thomas Fletcher, 45, N. D., and Ichabod Howe, 49, N. D., to the "country road a little south of Reuben Kidder's dwell- ing," and at its southern end connecting with the Rindge road of five or six years' earlier establishment. A portion of the southern Rindge road also took its place as a road from Thomas Adams's house, one of the very few then on the present site of Smithville, to the home of Simeon Hildreth on XII : 4, S. R., later the "Chandler farm." The records of 1760 and 1761 show few new roads, but one should perhaps be mentioned from the home of Simeon Gould, 40, N. D., through the Joseph Stevens lot. 35, N. D., for many later years the "Wilson farm," to the "road to the meeting house" along the eastern side of Stevens's lot. Dur- ing the earlier period of Mr. Gould's residence, probably quite brief, it may be assumed that the route of his Sunday travel was along the still remaining path extending southerly through 43, N. D., the home of his brother Nathaniel, and 38, N. D., ten years later the home of Francis Appleton, and thence probably on or near the line of the road, the northern half-mile of which is now unused, to the mill road, already three or four years old. In 1762 the settlement of Nathaniel Carlton upon the farm long the home of Phineas Pratt and later of Amos J. Proctor, XIV: 2, S. R., called for the road, still in constant use, ex- tending westerly and northerly from the Carlton home and joining the Rindge road at a point a little westward from the old school-house of the "North District," No. 7, serving for many years as a poultry-house on the farm of George S. 12 New Highways Wheeler; and the progress of settlement in that part of the town is further evidenced by the record, less than a year later, of roads from the home of Isaac Howe to those of two of his neighbors on this frontier line, William Spear and Thomas Brown. Mr. Howe was the predecessor of Samuel C. Wheeler in the possession of 57, N. D., living in the wooden house, or at least on the same site, occupied by Mr. Wheeler until his erection of a brick dwelling a little northerly on the turnpike. William Spear's lot was the next to Mr. Howe's on the west, 61, N. D. His house long ago vanished, and the road by which it was approached can be followed only by careful search. The position of Thomas Brown is not quite certain, as the name is recorded as that of an early resident of 58, N. D., the nearest lot to that of Mr. Howe upon his north, and also in the same manner, on a different record, as living upon 70, N. D., a half-mile farther toward the west. It seems probable that he first settled upon the more distant lot, removing later to the more eastern one. If so, no successor chose the more elevated residence, while the nearly unbroken line of dwellers in the somewhat more accessible location testifies to its more desirable character and makes the assumed removal probable. But the road upon which Mr. Howe would have sought lot 70 would have taken him through lot 58, and is clearly evident through its full extent, although entirely impassable after crossing the turn- pike ; a new road leaving the turnpike some distance farther west than the old road now offers somewhat easier access to the house on 58, in later years known as the "Gilson house," which is now at the end of the road. For many years the road there divided, one branch extending to the "old country road." a quarter-mile north of Reuben Kidder's, and the other to lot 70, as above stated, but midway thither sending off a branch meeting the north line of the town at a point near the common corner of Temple and Sharon. That the farther of the two lots was the home of Mr. Brown at the time now considered is made more probable by the record of acceptance, two years later, of a "Bridle Road Beginning at the southwest corner of Josiah Walton's lot thence on the west line of Josiah Brown's lott to the Road from Thomas Browns Down to Isaac How's." The value of those roads in the early days is indicated by a vote passed eight years later to "Except the Road from Ringe by Josiah Browns to 13 History of New Ipswich Edmund Briants," evidently composed of both the roads just mentioned as divergino- from lot 58, and also nearly three miles of road now nearly or quite unused, but in early days passing the homes of Timothy Stearns, 151. A. D.. Henry Fletcher, 152. A. D.. David Rumrill. 138, A. D., and others, and leaving the town three-fourths of a mile south from its northwest corner. In 1764 a road was accepted from the north line of the town past the house of Capt. Joseph Parker in 44, N. D.. afterward the site of the New Ipswich AVater Cure, to the home of Simeon Gould in 40, N. D.. where it joined the earlier road to the embryonic Center Village. There are quite clear indications that before this new road was opened there had been a primitive thoroughfare from northern lo- calities which passed by Simeon Gould's and was probably continuous with the southerly path previously mentioned as passing the Francis Appleton house. Very possibly the tra- ditions of the youthful matrons of Temple who were accus- tomed to come, in equestrian style of those days, to the Sunday services of New Ipswich, antedating those of their later settled homes, may have survived in recollections of the passage through that woodland path. At the same meeting was accepted a road commencing at the road "from Dor- chester Canada" Cnow Ashburnham) a little north of the house of Hezekiah Corey on 79. A. D.. and extending south- westerly to the house of Joel Crosby on 81. A. D., the lo- cation of which is still preserved by the remaining traces of a cellar upon the west side of the old road, now barely passable at that point, which leads from Smith Village to the old "Breed farms," 80. A. D.. now owned bv Frederic and Willis Mansfield, and 82. A. D., at the end of the road, long the home of the retired seaman. Samuel Chandler. By action taken in 1765 and somewhat modified in 1767 and 1770, provision was made for the convenience of a sec- tion of the town near the southern line, along which settle- ment was apparently advancing at that date, but in which the means of intercommunication seem in most places to have been private roads not yet legalized by the town. The various votes of that period of adjustment located two roads ; first, a part of the present southern road to Rindge. extend- ing from the eastern side of XII : 4, S. R.. then the home of Lieut. Stephen Adams, Jr., and later the property of Roger 14 New Highways Chandler and his descendants, through a corner of XIII : 4, S. R., then the home of Col. Joseph Parker, and onward through the land of Simeon Wright, 98, N. L. O., later the home of Roger Ryan, John Nutting, and Almon A. Hill in succession, to a point somewhat west of the summit of Binney Hill, 100, N. L. O., where were then the homes of John Walker and Oliver Wright. From that point it would seem that a passable way, private or accepted by the town, may be assumed as offering passage to the "Governor's Road," extending from "Governor's Hill," as the western side of Binney Hill was termed, across the state line at lot 86. A. D. The second road of that location and period diverged southerly from the first road just given near the line be- tween XI : 4 and XII : 4, S. R.. passed just west of the barn of Samuel Parker, whose home was on XI : 4, where a cellar, now entirely evident, probably marks the place of his resi- dence, through the land of Simeon Hildreth, a part of XII : 4, whence the traces of his cellar were removed more than fifty years ago, to the home of Dea. James Chandler on the summit of "Page Hill," XIII : 2, N. L. O., thence through the farms of Jesse and Abraham Carlton, 85, A. D., later the Stone farm, and that of Stephen Adams, Sr., 84, A. D., for many years the Blanchard farm, and finally reached the lot of John Wheeler, 86, A. D., at or near the state line, where in due time union was made with the "Governor's Road" before mentioned. The part of that road lying north of Dea. Chandler's has long been discontinued, having been replaced by the road ascending Page Hill from Smith Vil- lage more directly, but the old way is easily followed through most of its extent. The more southern portion of the road was subjected to frequent minor changes of position in early years, but the road practically the same still continues to do the duty for which it was designed. In 1768 it was voted "to open the Road through m"". Joseph Kidder's Land to accomodate the South East Treavil to the Meeting House" and also through Benjamin Safford's land to his barn ; that is the half-mile of road known in the former history as Main or Barrett street. In 1770 the facility of communication between the north- ern and southern lines of farms advancing toward the moun- tain line at the west was much increased by a road from the 15 History of New Ipswich road between XIV: 2 and XV: 2, S. R., built for the ac- commodation of Nathaniel Carlton eight years before, to the region soon to be the home of Stephen Hildreth, if he had not already arrived ; there seems to have been some practicable route not definitely recorded between his home, XIV : 2, S. R., and the road to Binney Hill. At this date the greater part of the town had acquired so complete a network of streets, including no small number concerning the origin of which no record has been found, that a further continuance of the record of the creation of additional thoroughfares does not seem expedient, as it will not throw sufficient additional light upon the progress of the town. Occasionally, however, a record of later date seems to have relations that ought not to pass unnoticed. In 1771 the "bridle road" toward Rindge extending from Simeon Wright's to John Walker's was made an "Open Road" and continued to Rindge line, passing, by an old route now traceable through the woodland with considerable difficulty, a short distance south of Binney Pond and on to the Rindge line not more than forty rods farther north than the present road past the ruins of the old school-house of the union New Ipswich and Rindge district. A branch from that road not far west from Binney Pond turned northerly to lot 106, N. L. O., the home of "Capt. James Preston," later of Richard Wheeler. The last quarter-mile of that road is located with- out difficulty. In 1775 a road from the house of Aaron Chamberlain, (now of I. E. Aldrich,) 56, N. L. O., to the road from Smith Village to the Breed farms was accepted. Doubtless that was the more northerly of the two roads which might be thus described, that is the one meeting the Breed road at the old "Collins house," 60, N. L. O., now closed. The south- erly road meeting the Breed road near the Breed house on 80, A. D., then occupied by Daniel Ramsdell, was voted in 1843. The road easterly from the Chamberlain house to the Ashburnham road was not voted until 1832. the only high- way to that farm before that date being the one first pre- sented above under the date of 1775. In 1780 the road was accepted from Col. Thomas Heald's house upon 187, N. L. O., later the Estabrooks tavern, south- erly to Abel Hildreth's on the Ashl)y line. 68, A. D. 16 The Turnpike In 1816 the demand for a more direct route from the eastern part of the town to the Congregational church re- cently erected on the spot now held by its successor was satisfied by the construction of the road from the hill west of the farmhouse of Benjamin Champney to the church. In 1817 the present road ascending Page Hill from a point upon the Rindge road about one-fourth of a mile southerly from Smith Village and meeting the old road be- tween the Joseph Warren house and that of Stillman Gib- son, previously the property of Dea. Joseph Chandler, on XIII : 2, N. L. O.. was accepted. The southerly branch road to the house of Jeremiah Prichard, since for a long time known as the "William Wheeler farm," was made at the same time. In 1828 the river road from the High Bridge to the Mason fnow Greenville) town line was constructed, and in 1836 the road extending southeasterly from the Congregational church and meeting the road from the Bank Village to Dr. Stillman Gibson's at "the whirlpool." That part of the Rindge road passing just westerly of Smith Village which lies farther north than the shop built by Charles Taylor, but now owned by Hughes, was built in 1847, and the southern portion three years later. In 1853 the road from the western part of the Bank Vil- lage to a point on the turnpike about midway between the Center Village and the High Bridge was built through VI: 1, S. R.. and also the road from the northern end of Gibson Village to the "Willard house" near the center of VII : 3, where it connects with the old road of 1755 running past that house. The record of the prominent roads of the town would be far from complete if the story of the turnpike, following approximately the line appearing earliest upon maps of New Ipswich, were omitted. Although that enterprise, designed for public convenience and private emolument, long ago met the fate of similar projects elsewhere, it really for a time was a noteworthy element in the activities of the town, and it seems strange to those who can recall the middle of the preceding century that members of the younger generation hardly know accurately what its name means, or that it ever was anything more than a street of the Center Village. But this promising highway, entering New Ipswich at the Wheeler 17 History of New Ipswich tavern in 5, A. D., and leaving it near the northwest corner of the town, was a noted route for rapid travel a century ago, and still more valued by the owners of the four- or six-horse wagons which in those days conveyed the farmer's crops to market, and the desired goods, bought in the same lower country towns, on the return trip. But the turnpike and the four rather noted taverns scattered along the nine miles of its length within the town, elements in the circulatory system of those earlier days, have no place in the age of railroads and have disappeared. The story of the turnpike, written by one who clearly remembered the days of its activity, is here copied from the former history of the town, "At the very commencement of the century the 'Third New Hampshire Turnpike' was projected. It was very strongly opposed by those in the westerly part of the town through whose lands it was to pass, and who wished to have it take a more southerly route, and gave rise to some riotous proceedings by no means creditable to those concerned. One party sustained the contractors in breaking through the lands, while another did what they could, by threats and annoy- ances, to drive oflf the working party. Ploughs, shovels, and other implements were carried off or mutilated, and not a few bruised heads and lawsuits resulted. "The turnpike was fifty miles long, extending from Townsend to Walpole. Its location was as bad as it could well be, and was laid out on the idea that the most direct course was both the shortest and the most expeditious ; hence there was the tugging directly over the summit of steep hills, when it would have been as near to go round them on nearly level ground. The contract for constructing it was chiefly taken by Col. Bellows of Walpole, assisted by Squire Hartwell and others ; and sections of it were undertaken in this town by Seth Wheeler and Maj. Adams. It proved an unprofitable enterprise. It cost about $50,000, divided into shares of $200. A very small dividend was declared for a few years; but in 1813 the stock had depreciated so much that it sold for twelve dollars a share ; and about the year 1819, for some small sum, which was raised b)'' voluntary sub- scription, it was made a free road and adopted by the town. The toll-gates were placed, one at the foot of the hills in Mason, and the other near where the Rindge road turns off 18 The Turnpike above the Flat Mountain. The people above this latter gate, however, did not choose to pay toll for coming to the village, and therefore cut a road around it. Travellers and teams soon learned to avail themselves of the same loophole, and the directors found it more judicious to allow the citizens and their neighbors to travel two or three miles free, and catch those who travelled long distances ; so the gate was removed westward to near the borders of the town." 19 CHAPTER II NEW IPSWICH IN VARIOUS FORMS— GRANTS, CLAIMS, CHARTERS, AND SURVEYS \o ^j j*/..... N — AUCO Orijio«l r«pol4eW^^«l•*. EFGHJK Am»nd«J 9ranf I.MNO 5acond 9»-an*. ■ LPOR Pfssenf fxntndtfim^. _ ^ ^l ^HE early his- i -'- tory of New England shows that many a town, when it first lawfully received a dis- tinctive appel- lation, was of far too broad extent for a per- manent unity oof feeling in local matters, and so with passing years it became expedient to recognize the more or less divergent desires of different sections, and to make such divi- sions as would permit local differences and yet retain harmo- nious action upon broader common interests. Such were many of the early New England units. But New Ipswich had no such experience ; it was never a part of an earlier town, nor did it witness the birth of a younger town in its own area. It might, therefore, seem that its form must have been ever the same, and that no such rather complicated figure as is presented in the margin could have a place in its his- tory. But this graphic presentation gives no suggestion of the division by some stress within a larger unit ; the causes of the varying boundaries must be sought at a distance. Space cannot be taken here for a full discussion of the vary- ing interests which had a part in the decision of the loca- tion and conditions of New Ipswich, and without doubt some threads in the tangled web of causes and effects left no clearly formed, intelligible figures in the result. 20 Errors in Early Grants But perhaps a brief presentation of two of the more po- tent causes of the tardy determination of the town bound- aries will satisfy the general reader. These causes were, first, the general ignorance of the English authorities in re- lation to the immense American areas under their rule, and second, the long continued hostility between the parties of the Puritan and the Cavalier. The permanence of the first of those causes is suggested by a map of the New England region published as late as 1768 in an atlas evidently prepared for the use of the upper classes in England, as its price was six guineas, in which the name "New Ipswich" was applied to the southern part of Winchendon, Mass., previously known as "Ipswich Can- ada," while the true New Ipswich, which at that time had been an incorporated town for six years, was shown, as on an older map of 1748, as a square designated by the words, "To Ipswich," which was so misplaced by a rotation of twenty-five degrees that its southern and eastern sides crossed the state line, thus locating one-twentieth of the area of the town, at its southeastern corner, in Massachusetts. But this was a very insignificant error in comparison with those of the early grants, apparently sometimes the result of care- lessness, but more frequently due to a more or less defined l)elief that the American rivers flowing into the Atlantic necessarily flowed approximately parallel from the western region, so that grants of land might conveniently be bounded by these streams and by lines running westwardly from their headwaters to the Pacific Ocean, the distance to that body of water being entirely unsuspected. Evidently any consid- erable deviation of the rivers from their assumed parallel di- rections must superimpose two or more grants and present for decision very difficult problems of ownership-. The case of New Ipswich presented difficulties due in part to a care- less overlapping of grants, but in part also to the unwarranted assumption concerning the lines of river courses, both the errors of "the Council established at Plymouth in the County of Devon, for the Planting, Ruling, Ordering and Governing of New England in America," in whose charter granted by King James I, November 3. 1620, the territory included in the grant was defined as "lying and being in breadth from Forty Degrees of Northerly Latitude from the Equinoctial Line to the Forty Eighth Degree of the said Northerly Latitude, in- 21 History of New Ipswich clusively, and in length of and within all the breadth afore- said throughout all the Main Lands from Sea to Sea." Two grants made by that "Council of Plymouth" demand attention in considering the troubles of the settlers in New Ipswich more than a century afterward, although later ac- tion of King Charles I and also of King William and Queen Mary complicated the question to some extent. On August 10, 1662, the Council granted to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Capt. John Mason, both members of the Council and the one first named its president, all that part of the main land in New England lying upon the sea-coast betwixt y^ rivers of Merrimack and Sagadahock, and to the furthest heads of the said rivers, and soe forwards up into the land westward until three-score miles be finished from y** first entrance of the afore- said rivers, and half way over; that is to say, to the midst of the said two rivers w'"* bounds and limitts the lands aforesaid together with all the islands and isletts within five leagues distance of y" premises and abutting upon y'' same or any part or parcell thereof. Later grants to the same parties apparently cover the same ground in part, but confirm the center line of the Merrimack river as the southern boundary. But upon March 19, 1627/8, the Council granted to "Sir Henry Roswell, Sir John Young, Knights, Thomas Southcott, John Humphreys, John Endicott, and Simon IVhetcombe'' all that part of New England in America aforesaid, which lyes and ex- tends between a great River there, commonly called Monomack alias Merrimack, and a certain other River there called Charles River, being in a bottom of a certain Bay there commonly called Massachusetts, alias Mattachusetts, alias Massatusetts Bay, and also all and singular those Lands and Hereditaments whatsoever, lying and being within the space of three English Miles on the South part of the said Charles River, or of any and every Part thereof; and also all and singular the Lands and He- reditaments whatsoever, lying and being within the space of three English Miles to the Southward of the southernmost part of said Bay called the Massachusetts, alias Mattachusetts, alias Massatusetts Bay; and also all those Lands and Hereditaments whatsoever which lye and be within the space of three English Miles to the Northward of the said River called Monomack, alias Merrimack, or to the Northward of any and every part thereof, and all Lands and Hereditaments whatsoever lying within the limits aforesaid North and South in Latitude, and in Breadth, and in Length, and longitude, of and within all the breadth aforesaid throughout the Main Lands there, from the Atlantick and Western Sea and Ocean on the East part to the South Sea on the West part, and all Lands and Grounds, Place and Places, Soil, Woods and Wood- Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Waters, Fishing and Hereditaments 22 I The Massachusetts Claim whatsoever, lying within the said bounds and limits, and every part and parcell thereof. A year later this grant was confirmed by King Charles I, who at the same timie constituted the grantees and others who had been admitted during the year as their associates, a corporation bearing the title "The Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England." Obviously the strip of land three miles in width along the northern bank of the Merrimack River which was in- cluded in both of those grants was certain to cause trouble sooner or later ; but the unrecognized fact that the river flowed in a southerly direction instead of toward the east until within about thirty miles of the sea was still more threatening, as it was uncertain which grant included the large extent of land lying westerly from that part of the Merrimack above the point of change in its direction. While the doubtful ter- ritory remained inhabited only by Indians and hunters no practical questions demanded solution, and the location of the "furthest head" of the river from which, according to Gorges and Mason's grant, the bounds were to extend "soe forwards up into the land westward," was left unsettled, al- though the claims of each party were known. Massachusetts claimed the three-mile strip on the eastern side of the river nearly to Lake Winnipisaukee, where, as was claimed, the river was formed by the union of two smaller streams, while New Hampshire asserted that the name had never been rightly applied to the stream above the farthest incoming of the salt water at high tide, which was near Haverhill, Mass. For many years there was no appeal to English authority ; but had the attention of the home powers been invoked there seems little doubt that there would have been a clear division along the party lines so sharply drawn in the middle of the seventeenth century, the Royal-Episcopalian sentiment favor- ing Gorges and Mason, and the dissenting element which brought the Commonwealth into power their fellow-partisans in Massachusetts. At all events it is a striking coincidence that 1653, the year in which Cromwell turned the key behind the Long Parliament, also saw the name of Governor John Endicott cut upon a rock, afterward covered by the rising waters of Lake Winnipisaukee, as establishing the north- eastern corner of Massachusetts. 23 History of New Ipswich The Gorges and Mason claim was divided at an early date, the doubtful section being taken by Mason, but neither he nor those to whom, later the Masonian claim was as- signed thought it advisable to enter upon a vigorous contest. But about 1725 settlers began to multiply on the disputed region by virtue of grants from Massachusetts, which was not at all averse to securing that possession which so often proves to be "nine points of the law," and an era of pro- tests, committees, and commissions ensued, with a final refer- ence to the King, George II, who on March 5, 1739/40, decided that the river should be followed only as far as its course was from the west, and in determining the point of departure from the river, he gave New Hampshire a strip fourteen miles in width which she had not claimed, including of course New Ipswich, in which the only settlers were Abijah Foster with wife and daughter and probably infant son Ebenezer in their new home near the spot to be afterward occupied by Union Hall. Perhaps Jonas Woolson had re- turned from his winter sojourn in Littleton, Mass., and may have been at work preparing a home for his future wife where now stands the home of the Country Club, or he may have been in company with Benjamin Hoar, who had come with similar purpose to the next lot toward the river. Immediately after the decision of the king, Jonathan Belcher, governor-in-chief over both provinces, sought a joint survey of the common state line from the designated point, three miles north from Pawtucket Falls, due west to the Hudson River. New Hampshire at once assented, but for some reason the Massachusetts authorities delayed action, and on March 24, 1740/1, Surveyor Richard Hazzen with chainmen and other suitable assistants entered upon that duty, which he completed seventeen days later. A few lines from his private journal are here quoted which shoAv the changes in town boundaries made necessary by the establishment of the new line, that the line might not divide any town. In the Course from the point where I first Set out the Line Cros' through part of Dracutt and Nottingham, and leaves but a small part of Dracutt Northerly of it; but, the Greatest part of Nottingham, the Greatest part of Dunstable falls on the Northerly side and but a Small part of Groton, and Townsend; the Greatest part of the Towns of New Ipswich Rowley Cannada & Sylvester, fall Northerly of the line, by the best Information I can gett : the Greatest part of Winchester if 24 The Ipswich Grant not all falls on the Northerly Side, and a third part of the lands of Northfeild, if not more, tho but Two Houses Only: There are many other Towns further North which were beyond my observation laid out & peopled by the Massachusetts Bay. The result of the conditions which have been considered upon the formation of New Ipswich may now be presented in more definite form, and perhaps the motive of the initial step can be stated no better than in the words of the early American historian, Dr. William Douglass, quoted in the for- mer history of the town as follows : "About the middle of the last century, the General Assembly of Massachusetts was in the humor of distributing the property of much vacant or Province land; perhaps in good policy and forethought, to secure to the Massachusetts people, by possession, the property of part of some controverted lands." .... "Our Assem- bly, at that time, were in such a hurry to appropriate vacant lands, that several old towns were encouraged to petition for an additional new township ; and when they were satiated, the As- sembly introduced others, by way of bounty to the descend- ants of the soldiers in the Indian War of King Philip, so called, (1675,) and these were called Narragansett tozvnships; and others to the soldiers in Sir William Phipps' expedition into Canada, (1690,) which were called Canada townships^ Many of those grants were made in 1735/6, and on Janu- ary 15 of that year New Ipswich was granted to petitioners largely from Ipswich, Mass., whence the name of the new social unit, not yet a town, although later events destroyed the original predominance of settlers from Ipswich and neigh- l)oring towns. The grant was made in the following terms : PROVINCE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Jany 15th, 1735-36. In the House of Representatives. In answer to the Petition of John Wainwright and John Choat Esqr. Representatives of the town of Ipswich, In behalf of sundry in- habitants of sd town, Voted that the prayer be granted and that John Wainwright and John Choat Esqrs, with such as shall be joyned by the Honorable board be a committee at the charge of the Grantees and such of the Inhabitants as they shall think proper, to lay out a township of six miles square in some of the unappropriated lands of the Province and that they return a plat thereof to this court within twelve months for confirmation, and that for the more effectual bringing forward the settlement of the sd new town; Ordered that the said town be laid out into sixty-three equal shares, one of which to be for the first settled minister, one for the ministry and one for the school, 25 History of New Ipswich and that on each of the other sixty shares, the Grantees do within three years after the confirmation of the plan settle one good family who shall have a house built on his home lot of eighteen feet square and seven feet stud at the least, and finished; that each right or Grantee have six acres of Land brought to and plowed or brought to English Grass and fitted for mowing, that they settle a learned and orthodox minister and build a convenient Meeting house for the public worship of God, and that said committee take bond of each Settler of forty pounds for his complying with the conditions of settlement, and that each settler that shall fail of performing the aforesaid conditions shall forfeit his share or right in the new town to the Government and the same to be disposed of as they shall see cause. In Council read and concurred and Thomas Berry, Esqr. is joined with the committee in the said affair. Consented to, J. BELCHER. In accordance with the above action a township six miles square was soon after laid out by Surveyor Jonas Houghton of Ipswich, and the plot, a mere outline, was returned to the General Court for approval. In the record of action thereon it is described as "bordering Southerly on a township laid out to Tileston and others, Canada Soldiers, and adjoyning to the town of Townsend," but apparently the word "adjoyn- ing" was not to be taken literally, as it was voted that it "be accepted as it is reformed by the pricked lines as within set forth so as it adjoyns to Townsend," showing that, as was often the case in the early township surveys, such land was chosen as seemed most desirable to the grantees with little consideration whether the strips lying between the new town- ship and its nearest neighbors were sufficient for the forma- tion of other new townships in due time. In this case, how- ever, the General Court deemed it advisable to leave no such intermediate space, and so removed the new township nearly four miles eastward, at the same time changing its form from a square to a figure not far removed from a rhomboid in order that it might conform to the western line of Towns- end, then considerably larger than in later years. The embryonic New Ipswich is represented in the initial diagram of this chapter by the square ABCD, and its figure after legal birth by EFGHJK. The exact position of the square is somewhat uncertain, but probably it included a little more than one-half of the present New Ipswich, its eastern bound- ary line passing a little eastward of the summit of Kidder Mountain, thence southerly just east of Davis Village and through the site of Smith Village, and crossing the state 26 The Changing Boundaries line in the region long known as the "Breed farms," lots 80, 82, A. D., it located the southeastern corner, C, in Ashby, a few rods south of the state line. The other corners were situated approximately as follows : The northwestern cor- ner, A, in Jaffrey, a mile northward from Squantum Village; the northeastern corner, B, in Temple, south of Temple Mountain, but a mile eastward from Spofford Gap ; and the southwestern corner, D, near the point where the state line crosses the eastern side of Monomonac Pond. According to the plat of Surveyor Houghton the direc- tion of the western side of the square was N. 12° E., but as at that date the western variation of the needle was not far from ten degrees, the deviation of the southern line from a true east and west direction must have been about two de- grees, which agrees with later determinations as nearly as could be expected. The accepted position of the town after its removal to the east between its prolonged northern and southern bound- aries is less uncertain than that of the square, but the existing early records are not such as can give great accuracy. That its northwestern corner, E, was in Sharon, and about three- fourths of a mile southerly from the site of the present brick schoolhouse ; the northeastern corner, F, in the southwestern corner of Wilton, near the Temple line ; the southeastern cor- ner, H, a few rods beyond the Massachusetts line, and nearly south from the site of the "George Ramsdell house" east of Whittemore Hill, on 70, A. D. ; and the southwestern corner, /, about three-fourth of a mile west of the present south- western corner near the Rindge turnpike, is nearly correct. The records of the Massachusetts Proprietors are not known to be in existence, and the details of the work of the early years is very imperfectly known. It is evident, however, that the conditions in respect to improvement of shares within three years were by no means fulfilled, probably to a great extent because the title to the lands soon became understood to be very uncertain. The most valuable of the early papers which have been found is perhaps the map mentioned on the first page of chapter one. It bears no date, but the words "Province Line on this Side" written a little way beyond the northern line of the township show that it antedated Hazzen's survey of 1740-1 ; and the abbreviated name of some tree at nearly every lot corner indicates that the survey was 27 History of New Ipswich made while yet the entire town was practically a wilderness. Only 128 lots are designated upon the map, those included in the North Division and the South Ranges, comprising a block four miles square. The positions of the streams, as given on this early map, make it certain that the lots are identical with those bearing the same numbers on later maps, but by some error, probably of a draughtsman who constructed the map from the notes of the surveyor without visiting the land himself, the portion of the township there represented is made its southeast corner, and a now somewhat indistinct line of writing seems to declare it to border on Dorchester Canada, located where now are Ashburnham and Ashby. Without doubt those lots numbered in the earliest survey should have been represented one mile from the southern line of the town, thus leaving a strip not divided into lots one mile in width along the north line of the town, as well as the south line. The boundaries of the lots were naturally laid out parallel to the township lines, and hence there were no rectangular lots, a condition continuing to the present day to the great discomfiture of surveyors seeking boundaries de- pendent upon early lot lines, an inconvenience greatly in- creased by a small angle in the Townsend line, necessarily transferred to the New Ipswich line and thence to the approx- imately north and south boundaries of lots throughout the en- tire block now considered, and containing about one-half the area of the town. It may be here added that the later division of the remaining half was so made as to give additional variety to the angles, and to make reference to ancient land- marks still more difficult. But despite the serious defects mentioned, that ancient map is very valuable, if for no other reason than its presenta- tion of the names of those owning the lots settled in the early days of the town, there being only four lots of the entire number in the sixteen square miles the ownership of which is not designated. But it is somewhat surprising to find how few are the names continuing from "Old Ipswich" far into the history of New Ipswich. It is not certain that even one of the sixty-one lot-owners whose names are borne upon that early map became a resident in the town, although apparently William Brown, the owner of lot 30, N. D., after- ward long the home of his son Ebenezer, probably came to New Ipswich about 1763 and remained several years. Thomas 28 The Early Settlers Dennis, owner of lot 57, N. D., appears as owner of the same lot in 1750, but he resided in town very briefly, if at all. Thomas Adams and Isaac Appleton, however, earnestly con- tinued their interest in the town, were the two largest land- owners at the time of its second birth, and although neither of them changed his own residence to New Ipswich, their sons, Benjamin and Ephraim Adams and Isaac and Francis Appleton, were among the prominent citizens of their genera- tion. No descendants of any of the four Ipswich grantees here mentioned have continued one of these family names in town to the present time, although it is by no means im- probable that some of the later settlers bearing the names Foster, Howe. Knowlton, Potter. SaiTord, Smith, Start, or Warren, may have descended from kinsmen of the early lot- owners. But a considerable amount of careful search has failed to disclose any lines of direct descent. Two conditions joined to cause such a change, so unusual in New England history. Those early settlers were by no means fickle and impetuous men, expecting, like many who have in later years left New England for the West, to acquire wealth in only a few years, and in default of such success ready to remove again. In a large majority of cases they were earnest, deliberate workers, planning to secure by sturdy, continued efifort, a comfortable home in which they might rear children like themselves among whom, in the home they planned to make, they might pass their later years. Such plans do not change for nought, nor from sudden impulse. But in the case of New Ipswich and other towns granted by Massachusetts at about the same date, in the southwestern portion of New Hampshire, a special potent condition had a place. The claim of John Mason, presented earlier in this chapter, at the time now under consideration more than a hundred years old. and in the hands of John Tufton Mason, sixth in the line of descent from its original owner, was so long neglected during the time of special strength in English councils of the dissenting party that apparently it was al- most forgotten, and after the English Restoration its possible value found recognition very slowly. But at about the time of the rapid creation of Massachusetts townships in the dis- puted territory, perhaps indeed caused by that forward move- ment, the ancient claim became more real in public thought, with a resulting delay on the part of grantees to enter upon 29 History of New Ipswich their distant possessions and a sad loss of enthusiasm on the part of those who had entered upon the work of wresting from the wilderness a home which, after all the faithful labor, might not be theirs. And when immediately after the first three or four little spots had been opened beside the old "country road" the surveyor ran the line which so clearly might utterly invalidate all their claims, it is not surprising that enthusiasm weakened and the advance nearly ceased. Still a few settlers came from various places ; Jonas Woolson from Watertown in some way succeeded to the lots of Mark Howe, an Ipswich grantee, Benjamin Hoar from Littleton secured the lots of Robert Potter, another Ipswich grantee, but made his home on the "country road" near the home of Jonas Woolson, Joseph Stevens from Townsend instead of Jeremiah Smith, and so on until there may have been a dozen or more dwellings in the eastern part of the town. But in 1748 the second adverse condition appeared. Hitherto the settlers had seen little of the Indians, and no trouble in this respect had been experienced, nor at this time did the Indians enter New Ipswich. But they came with hostile pur- pose altogether too near the few isolated houses of the little settlement to make it seem expedient for the families to remain thus exposed. A party of about eighty Indians burned the house of John Fitch near the southern line of Ashby, and carried him with his wife and children to Canada, where they were held prisoners for several months. The inhabitants of New Ipswich with a single exception fled to a blockhouse at Townsend, where they remained several weeks, until they learned that the Indians had passed the Connecticut River on their way to Canada. The one resident who refused to abandon his home was Capt. Moses Tucker, who had won his title in previous contest with the Indians and disdained a retreat. The meeting-house which, in accordance with the conditions of the grant, had been built on the north side of the "country road," midway between that road and the sum- mit of the hill just east from the present Academy, was burned during their absence. It cannot be denied that the prospect of a long continu- ance for that little group of families, dwelling in a few cleared openings in the wilderness scattered over an area perhaps two by three miles in extent, was by no means hopeful. The details of the condition are practically unknown. Probably 30 John Tufton Mason no official records were made within the settlement — the methods of life were too primitive to require them ; the greater part of the Proprietors were still resident in Ipswich, Mass., where Thomas Norton, a graduate from Harvard College, was their clerk and treasurer, and undoubtedly kept a record of the Proprietors' meetings ; but very few facts concerning their activities are now known. Some light is thrown upon the early activities of the settlement by a later petition signed by twenty-eight of the sixty-one grantees or their successors, who in 1767 asked of the General Court compensation for their losses caused by the failure of the title which they had received from the Court, and relying upon which they had "built a Meeting House, a saw mill, Bridges, &c, besides Ex- pending a great deal on their Several Rights." However, ere long the fathers of the town, who with their wives and children could not have far exceeded one hundred in number, found a way by which they might "out of the nettle danger pluck the flower safety," but the presentation of that process demands the recall of John Tufton Mason, before mentioned, who in 1746 was thirty-three years of age and was a captain stationed at Louisburg. Apparently the founding of towns and similar activities were not his chosen avocation, and he desired that he might, for a due considera- tion, transfer his title to the government of the Province, a change which he believed would be "Expedient to the Well- fare of the Inhabitants." But failing to effect such transfer, apparently, in part at least, by reason of an Entail in John Mason's will, he proceeded, according to a letter believed to have been written by George Jaffrey, afterward clerk of the purchasers, to John Tomlinson, to dispose of it as stated in that letter below : In June 1746 Cap* Mason at his own Expence had a Common Recovery pass'd at y^ court of Common Pleas to dock y^ Entail of his Ancestor's Will, and being determin'd to make Sale of his Right in New Hampshire which descended to him by that will he generously offered to Sell it to People of New Hampshire before any others, from a just Apprehension of y^ pernicious Consequence the Selling it to our friendly Neighbors would be to all y^ Inhabitants within a short time after y^ Process of y"" Common Recovery was Compleated Cap* Mason offered to make Sale of his Said Right to Gentlemen whom he know were Friends to the Prosperity of this Province or nearly related to Such & none refused to purchase of him, and of those Persons I believe every man in a political or private Capacity Sollicited the mem- 31 History of New Ipswich bers of y' Assembly to Comply with your Agreement with Mason. Cap* Mason being then under Order to repair to his Post at Louis- bourg in a few days, hasten'd y^ Coming to a Conclusion of the Sale in his Right, and a meeting was proposed at his Request to agree with him upon the affait, & when met it was proposed to defer y^ matter, to See if y" Assembly who were then Sitting would not comply with y*" Agreement but Cap* Mason considered y" length of time Since it first lay before them and more than a month since y^ Common Recovery pass'd to dock y* entail, and y* disdainfull usage his personal Applica- tions met with from y* Assembly that he was then Resolved to have no further communication with them upon y^ affair so nothing further could be offered upon that head — there were twelve of ye purchasers present and it was proposed that you should have a part equal to any of y* purchasers and Cap* Mason reserved and equal part for you and an equal part Designed for Jn° Rindge and the Sum in Consideration of y^ Sale was by halfe as much more than you agreed with Mason for y*" Government, then the Form of a Deed was y*" Subject of Considera- tion Coir Atkinson was to have ^^, conveyed to him one for himselfe & two of w'''' intended to be reconvey to Mason one of w"" he designed for you another for 'himselfe M H. W — th -45 his own and for Jn° Rindge then a minor — the other ten part to y" Persons named. The plan sketched in that letter was carried into effect upon July 30, 1746, the consideration named being £1500, for which sum John Tufton Mason conveyed the broad expanse of country with western boundary still somewhat uncertain, but including many settlements from whose inhabitants the establishment of the northern line of Massachusetts had taken all legal title to the farms upon which they had labored, to new owners afterward known as the "Masonian Proprietors." The twelve purchasers named in the deed were "Theodore Atkinson, Richard Wibird, John Moffatt. Mark Hunking Wentworth, Samuel Moore, Jotham Adiorne jun"" & Joshua Peirce Esqrs. Nathaniel Meserve. George Jaffrey jun'" & John Wentworth jun"" Gentlemen all of Portsmouth aforesaid & Thomas Wallingford of Summerworth in said Province Esq"" & Thomas Packer of Greenland in y** Province aforesaid Esq'," but in fulfilment of the arrangement with ATessrs. At- kinson and Wentworth at the time of the purchase, John Tufton Mason, John Tomlinson, and John Rindge were soon added to the numbers, and before action was taken in respect to New Ipswich the list was further lengthened by the names of Samuel Solley, Clement March, Matthew Livermore, Wil- liam Parker, and Joseph Blanchard, the last three being given membership in return for legal assistance and advice. Daniel Peirce and Mary Moore succeeded to the ])lace of Samuel 32 The Masonian Proprietors Moore, and since Solley and March together had but one right, and the same ownership appears between Tomlinson and Ma- son, the power holding the fate of the town contained only eighteen units, although bearing twenty-one names on its roll. It may reasonably be inferred that the renewed assertion of the Masonian claim, and the sale of the land to an able and influential body of proprietors, who could not be expected to release to the former owners the land they had thus legally acquired, caused the Ipswich proprietors to think that their own entire loss was unavoidable unless the vigorous denials made in some quarters of the legality of certain steps in the claim and procedure should produce in some way a more favorable outlook, and so they remained quiet awaiting re- sults until the methods of the Masonian Proprietors awakened a new hope. The first act of the new owners was to release by a quitclaim all title which they might have to sixteen towns in the eastern part of New Hampshire included in the Mason- ian claim, even though Massachusetts had won the disputed region westward from the Merrimac, and they then also adopted a liberal and conciliatory policy to any Massachusetts grants whose inhabitants acknowledged their changed condi- tion and desired to retain the lands and improvements in- dividually held by them. For some reason, which perhaps the lost records would make evident, New Ipswich seems to have been inactive in the matter, the first movement being revealed by the record of a meeting which escaped the general fate of other records. At a Legal Meeting of the Prop" of New-Ipswich at the Dwelling House of Joseph Newhall in Ipswich on Tuesday the 14th of February A D 1748— Col° Thomas Berry Moderator — Voted That Col° Daniel Appleton Col" John Choate & Col° Thomas Berry be a Committee fully Authoriz'd & Impower'd in the Name & Behalf of the Proprietors to Treat with the late Grantees of Mason's Grant so call'd, or with Col" Joseph Blanchard or both as they shall see meet respecting their Supposed Title to s"* New Ipswich and to make a full & final Agreement and Settlement of any Differences or Disputes that are between y* s^ Grantees of s** Mason & y* s** New Ipswich Prop" relating to y* Title & Settlement thereof; and what they, or either two of them do on the premisses to be Binding to the Proprietors. And if they Apprehend it not best to Agree, then to Report to the Prop''" (as soon as may be) what may be best further to be done. The. Norton Pro Cler. 33 History of New Ipswich Joseph Blanchard, named in the vote at Ipswich, had acted as agent of the Masonian Proprietors in the settlements with various neighboring towns, and the case of New Ipswich was put into his hands. The following letter written by him to that body is instructive. Gentlemen Coll" Choat & Coll° Appleton a Com*"" On Behalf of New Ipswich has bin With me Treating Ab* your title to that township And are disposed to Accom'odate Matters if they Can the lines of the town may be Continued, nea the Same, & you will See by their plan 120 Lotts are Lay'd out & Drawn they Request to hold them lotts as Lay'd out and their Town Lines to Stand, of. Which the northeast Corner; I must take off, I Expect it will Intersect and Cut off ab' 8 Lotts, it Should Shut Home to the province line & in Liew of What I take off on y*" East made up as per a plan I Send you the Seasonable & Effectuall forwarding the Settlem* they Are Willing to. But they are not Willing to Comply with the quantity to be Reserved therefore I have for that Article in Special Referred to your detemination, And to have them Easyly dealt with & their being Accom'odated, in the best way will be very pleasing to y'' Hum' Ser* J. Blanchard. Dunstable March 3". — 1748 As may be seen, the foregoing meeting was just before the Indian fright which so nearly depopulated New Ipswich for some weeks, and probably delayed negotiations for a longer period ; but they were certainly resumed and on June 16, 1749, the Masonian Proprietors authorized Joseph Blanchard to lay out several towns, among which were No. 1, (Mason,) No. 2, (Wilton,) and also "the lands lying between Peter- borough on y^ north the said new Towns on y^ East and so far South as to leave a Town on Square lines joining y'^ Province line of Six miles Square in and adjoyning to New Ipswich and to Extend westerly even with y^ west line of Peterborough." But this description in some way was greatly modified, and nearly a year later Joseph Blanchard, present- ing that vote as his authority, issued the Masonian Charter making the town only about five-sixths as large as the "six miles square" specified therein. Neither was its form a square, as the descriptive term "on square lines joining the Province line" would certainly indicate. Nor was its change from that form made in order to conform to the oblique angles of the Massachusetts survey and thus retain unmutilated the first lots, as desired by the inhabitants who had improved them. 34 Colonel Blanchard's Changes But the "old Townsend line" inclining northeasterly was re- placed in the eastern town boundary by a line inclining north- westerly to about the same degree, and crossing the former line two miles or more from the Province line, which cut from the northeastern part of the town eight entire lots and a part of eight others, together amounting to more than 800 acres and including the present site of the village of Greenville, and added at the southeastern corner a triangular area of some- what smaller dimensions. Apparently the change was made to the advantage of Mason, Wilton, and "Peterborough Slip," (now Temple and Sharon,) authorized by the same vote as New Ipswich, and it is also probable that the southern line of Peterborough was found to be nearer the Province line than had been anticipated, thus leaving scanty room for "Peterborough Slip" between Peterborough and New Ipswich, if the latter town should be allowed its original dimensions of six miles from north to south. There can be no doubt that it was supposed that the block of lots comprising the North Division and the South Ranges could be left unchanged, except those now forming a part of the town of Greenville, and that there remained an undivided strip one mile in width between the original lots and the Province line. The square town authorized by the Masonian Proprietors would have included a like strip one mile in width along the northern side of the town but north of the retained block of lots. This strip Blanchard made a part of "Peterborough Slip." The former historian of New Ipswich writes as follows concerning the unexplained change : When we consider his non-compliance with these conditions, and the injurious change made in this township, both by curtailment of its ter- ritory and change of its location, we cannot but surmise some fraud or injustice on the part of Col. Blanchard, as well as a strange disregard to their rights and interests on the part of the grantees. We do not learn, however, of any misgivings at that time. On the contrary, both the contracting parties seem to have been satisfied ; as is evinced on the part of the Masonian Proprietors by their giving Col. Blanchard a right in the township with themselves ; and on the part of the grantees by the liberal compensation they voted for his service. It perhaps, however, may justly be considered that the grant of a township right made by the Masonian Proprietors to Col. Blanchard was really made at the expense of the grantees, as it added the land held by this eighteenth right to 35 History of New Ipswich the number otherwise to be reserved by the grantors, and the grantees were in no position to refuse compliance with whatever terms the representative of the Proprietors saw fit to offer. One of the honored sons of New Ipswich whose views receive weight from his official position, the younger Judge Timothy Farrar, left in an interleaved copy of the for- mer history a review of those early transactions, from which the following estimate is copied : — Such was the state of things when the town came within the juris- diction of New Hampshire, and the land within the claim of the owners of the Masonian patent. Their true policy and their practice was to quiet all possessions and all active claimants, so as to raise no interested body of opponents to their absolute title, and enable them to appropriate quietly all the ungranted lands. They obviously intended to pursue the same course here. But their agent, Col. Blanchard, was a land surveyor and speculator, and he found the simple-hearted young men, who had taken up and improved their lands, were only anxious to retain their possessions, and the non-resident Massachusetts Proprietors, having neither residence nor possession, were passive in their position. He therefore undertook to make a speculation for himself and his principals by regranting the township contrary to his instructions. In doing this he satisfied such of the Massachusetts Proprietors as either by them- selves or their proxies came forward, made grants to such new friends as he wished, reserved eighteen full rights to himself and his employers, and changed the location and curtailed the limits to suit their interests. A letter of Col. Blanchard to the Masonian Proprietors and their reply are given below, as casting some light upon the spirit prompting their action. Apparently the original plan was to reserve for the Grantors one-half of each town- ship, to be held without payment of taxes of any kind, await- ing the so-termed "unearned increment" of the present day which would arise from the labor of the grantee owners of the remaining half, and only the refusal of the grantees forced their acceptance of from sixteen to twenty shares out of an entire number in each town of from sixty to eighty. Evi- dently there was a line beyond which the proposed "alarm" was not effectual. The venerable Society of Mason Hall — Gentlemen — In pursuance of your desire I have proceeded to measure the Lands directed to make Setlement on, and find enough for five townships : have not time to transmitt you a plan but shall Send it next week T have Wrote to the Prop" Clerk of Groton and the Prop"'' Clerk of townshend. Intimating y* Authority you gave me, Particularly that at 36 Colonel Blanchard's Changes my Discretion I was to Admitt Inhabitants, and if they inclined to Setle I should Accommodate them as far as I Could in faithfuUness to my trust provided I had their Answer in twenty days to the Same purpose I have Wrote Coll" Berry one of y'' Principal Prop''', of New Ipswich & to Severall of the Prop"'^ of Rowley Canada desireing them to Communicate it to their prop" Desireing a positive Answer — This has Sufficiently Allarm'd the vicinity, And Application has already been made for twice the Quantity of Land you left with me to Dispose of All the Inhabitants of New Ipswich And Rowley Canada (both of which fall within my Diocess) have Applyed to be Continued As Setlers under Your Conditions And many others of y" Prop" of each town, I ap- prehend I Shall Quietly Succeed, unless Coll Berry be Poutey & Sullen on Behalf of New Ipswich, Which Since I have entered upon it Desire under your directions my Liberty may be Continued to Setle with him, or Any Others that Shall be Obstinate : I can readily Compound that the Eighteen Shares proposed As Owners to Draw one third of Each town Clere, have proposed to Equalize the towns Quantity for Quality, And the Setlers to Draw lotts which towns to fall into, a Sufficient Sum of money Advanced on entrance to pay the Charge of Survey Roads a Meetinghouse and for preaching the first Six months to begin the Setlement next June at furthest if peace In Six months from Draw- ing their Lotts to have Housen built and Inhabit there, and so to make a progressive Improvement for four years Stating a Certain Quantity for each year & for them by Indenture to your Lordships on failure at any time of any part to Surrender the Whole under a Sufficient Penalty : by the Same Indenture to pay by the Setlers all town Charges, untill Your lotts are Improved and so fait them to become Chargable According to the Incombe; In Case a Lawsute Should Arise from Other Claimers you to be at that Charge, (which I had not your Special! Authority for) excepting that your Quitclaim to be their title with Severall Other Contingent Articles of Duty on their part which all who have Applyed readily Concur with — if this be not Acceptable or anything further Occurrs to your minds for my Direction you may Write by Cap' Goffe & may be Assured of my faithful Complyance I have Likewise proposed An Injunction that they Joyn with the non Setlers in Applying to the Gov' & Council for an Incorporation And as soon As I have Answer from the Massachusetts Claimers Shall fill up the lists of y^ Severell Towns — The Writings I am not Capable of forming, shall depend on them being done at Portsmouth. — The Prop" of Souheegun West, Since I was at Portsmouth have Divided their Com'ons & I hear bid Defiance to your Title, if no Notice be taken of them I apprehend it will have An ill effect p'haps create you a Squable with many other towns, and your Setting up your Bristles early might put an end to it. (but as to y' you know best what to do.) I have Nothing to add but Wish you Success in the Affairs before you And rest Y"' Hum' Ser* at C"'"'^"^ Joseph Blanchard Dunstable Nov' 30*" 1748. To the Hon' Theodore Atkinson Esq' moderator &c please to Com'unicate the aforewritten Y" ut Suora T B 37 History of New Ipswich Portsm" Dec' 3" 1748 S' We have both your letters before us as to that of y^ 30"" of the last month for which we are obliged we greatly approve of your Scheme & y' Progress you have made and hereby give you full Power of agreeing with any Person of note that can be Serviceable in Secureing y" Peace & Quiet of the Settlers either in new Ipswich of other Town as to Souhegan West if they should be troublesome they can expect no favour from this Society and we shall soon prosecute Some of the foremost in the Opposition which if you think proper please to inform them of and let us know the men as to our bearing the Charge of a lawsuit in contesting mason's Right we set out upon that footing at first & in Case any Suit is Commenced we expect to pay that cost, we are now finishing the Grant of the Town above souhegan & think that a vote of the Proprietors at a Regular meeting better than any other Con- veyance you will see our's to Cap* Gofife & Associates with the particular Reservations & Articles — this is the Method prescribed by y*" Gentlemen of y^ law and is the most Customary & familiar way for such Proprieties to Act in — I am in behalfe & at y" Request of y*' Society y' purchased mason's Right y' very Hum"' Serv* Theodore Atkinson. P. S. with respect to y* affairs of Cohas between Gofife & Dunkin & y" Proprietors it is referred entirely to your adjustment & Settlement as you think is just the Society desire to see you as Soon as possibly you can leave your private affairs and bring all y" Plans you can procure that will give any insight to their Concerns — Gofife has ofifered but one third but we think one halfe for y" Proprietors y" ut Supra T Atkinson To Joseph Blanchard Esqur at Dunstable Copy Examined & Geo: JafTrey jur Prop" CI It may be believed that the process of adjustment and agreement progressed rather slowly between the Masonian Proprietors and the would-be Proprietors of New Ipswich ; but a little more than two years later each party seems to have concluded that the probability of further concessions by the other would not justify further delay and the second birth of New Ipswich took form in THE MASONIAN CHARTER. Province of ] Pursuant to the Power & Authority Granted & Vested New Hampshire^ in me by the Proprietors of Lands purchased of John Tufton Mason Esp"" in the Province of New Hamp- shire aforesaid by their Vote the 16'" of June 1749, passed at their Meeting held at Portsmouth in said Province — I Do by these Presents give & grant unto Reuben Kidder, Archible White, Jonas Woolson, Abijah Foster, John Brown, Benj" Hoar jun' Timothy Heald, Joseph Kidder, Joseph Bullard, Ebenezer Bullard, Joseph Stevens, Henry Pudney, John Chandler all of a place called New Ipswich, Hannah Dinsmore, Peter Powers, Daniel Emerson, David Nevens, all of 38 The Masonian Charter Holies, Zaccheus Lovewell, Joseph French, both of Dunstable, & all in the Province of New Hampshire, Jon* Hubbard, John Stevens Esq"" of Townshend, Isaac Appleton, Thomas Adams, Robert Choat, William Brown, Nathaniel Smith, Col" John Choat, Francis Choat, Thomas Dennis all of Ipswich, Andrew Spaulding of Westford, Isaac Patch of Groton, William Peters of Medfield, John Marsh of Mendon, & Benj" Hoar of Littletown. To them, their Heirs & Assigns, on the Terms Conditions, Reservations & Limitations, & in the Respective Proportions, hereafter expressed, all the Right, Title, Interest & Property of the Grantors aforesaid, of, in & to that Tract of Land, or Township lying in the Province of New Hampshire aforesaid Extending Six Miles in length, & five Miles in Breadth bounded as followeth, beginning at the line between the Province of New Hampshire aforesaid and the Province of the Massachusetts Bay at the Southwest Corner of the Township call'd No. 1, from thence North Eighty Degrees West Six Miles to the South East Corner of the Township called South Manadnock or Manad- nock Number one, from thence North by the Needle five Miles to the North East Corner of said South Manadnock, from thence South Eighty Deg' East by the Line of Peterborough Slip, Six Miles to the North West Corner of No one, & from thence South five Miles to the Bounds first Mentioned. To have and to hold to them, their Heirs & Assigns Excepting as aforesaid, & on the following Terms & Conditions with the Reservations aforesaid, the Lots already laid out, & the several Pro- portions of Common Land, yet to be divided out to each one as followeth, [The assignment of lots to the individual grantees here follows in the charter, but will be given later in a tabular form more convenient for reference.] That is to say that Eighteen full & Equal Shares in said Town in the following Manner viz' Thirty Six Lots of Eighty Acres each already Laid out & Eighteen Shares in the after Divisions to be drawn for in some Equitable Manner, that is to say two Lots of Seventy Acres each for each Share to be reserved for the Use of the Grantors, their Heirs & Assigns forever, & the Like Number of Lots & Quantity of Land for each Share of each Grantee holding in the after Division, & the Remainder besides what is before Granted to be to the Use of the Grantees — that the Division of the two Seventy acres Lots for each Share be laid out, & Equitably Coupled together & drawn for in some open Equitable Manner at or before the last day of August 175L and that the aforesaid Eighteen Shares reserved as aforesaid for the Grantors be Exonerated, acquitted & fully Exempt from paying any Charge towards making a Settlement, & not held to the Conditions of the other Shares respecting a Settlement nor liable to any Tax or Assessment or Charge, until improved by the owners or some one holding under them Respec- tively, that the Grantees at their own Expence make Settlement, be at the Charge of dividing the whole of the Lands, Clearing & making feacible Roads & that all the Lots in said Town be Subject to have all necessary Roads lay'd through them as there shall be Occasion free from Charge, that the Grantees according to the Number of their Shares or Lots herein after named make Settlement in the following Manner viz' that within two Years from this Date on each Settling Lot or Share there be three Acres of Land Cleared & fitted for Mowing or Ploughing & have a Comfortable Dwelling House, the Room to be at least Sixteen 39 History of New Ipswich feet Square, & a Family or some Person dwelling in each House, & that within five Years from this Date there be nine Acres more cleared inclosed & fitted for Mowing or Tillage on some Lot to each Settling Right as aforesaid, that the Grantees to make Settlement, & the Number of each be as foUoweth viz' Reuben Kidder to make Settlement on three Shares or Rights, Archible White, Jonas Woolson, Abijah Foster, John Brown, on one Share each, Benjamin Hoar Jun'' on two Shares, Timothy on one Share, Joseph Kidder on one Share, Joseph BuUard one, Ebenezer BuUard one, Joseph Stevens one, Henry Putney one, John Chandler one, Hannah Dinsmore two, Peter Powers one, David Nevens one, Jonathan Hubbard one, John Stevens one, Isaac Appleton Six, Thomas Adams five, Robert Choat one, William Brown one, Nathaniel Smith two, Francis Choat one, Thomas Dennis one, Andrew Spaulding one, Isaac Patch one, William Peters one, John Marsh one, & Benjamin Hoar two in manner as aforesaid. — That each of the Grantees at the Executing of this Instrument, pay fourteen Pounds Cash old tenor, to pay the Charges risen and Ariseing in said Township, to be Deposited in the hands of some Person chosen by them for that Purpose — That a Convenient Meeting House be Built in said Township, within Seven Years from this Date as near the Center of said Town, and at such place as the Major part of the Interest of Grantors and Grantees shall Determine by a Major Vote in publick Proprietors Meeting called for that Purpose, Giving forty days Notice of such Meeting, and ten Acres of Land reserved there for publick Use — That the aforesaid Grantees or their Assigns assess such further Sum or Sums of Money in equal Proportion to each Grantees Interest, Exclusive of the publick Lots as shall be Necessary for Compleating any of the publick Articles aforesaid, & for such further Payment of any Sum or Sums that shall by the said Grantees or their Assigns be raised for hireing Preaching, or settling & Support of the Minister there and on Failure of Payment for the Space of three Months for the Space of three Months after such Tax is agreed upon & Posted up at such Place or Places as the Proprie- tors, the Grantees aforesaid, or their Assigns shall appoint for calling Proprietors Meetings, that so much of such Delinquents Right be Dis- posed of as will pay such Tax or Assessment & all Charges arising thereon. That all White Pine Trees fit for his Majesties Use for Masting his Royal Navy Growing on said Land be and hereby are Granted to his Majesty his Heirs & Successors for ever, and in Case any of the s" Grantees or their Assigns, shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the Articles, Matters and Things aforementioned by him respectively to be done he shall forfeit his Share & whole Right in said Township & every part thereof to those of the said Grantees or their immediate Assigns that shall have Complyed with the Conditions on their parts herein Exprest. and it shall and may be lawfull for them or any Person or Persons in their Stead, & by their Authority, to enter into & upon the Right or part of such Delinquent Owner, & any and every part thereof, in the name of the whole of the Settlers that shall fulfill as aforesaid, and him utterly to amove. Oust & Expel for their Use, their Heirs & Assigns Provided they Settle or cause to be Settled each such Delinq*" Right or Share, within the Space of One Year at the furthest from the 40 The Masonian Charter Period of such Condition, Articles, Matters & things that is by this Instrument Stipulated to be done as the Condition of this Grant, & fully discharge & Comply with all the Duty & Expence such Delinquents ought to have done, & every part of Duty enjoyn'd, such Right to be finished at the Several Periods thereof, & in Case the said Grantees or their Assigns that shall fullfill their parts as aforesaid, & shall omit & neglect for the Space of one Year as aforesaid, improveing, Building, & Settling and fullfilling every part as herein is Conditioned to be done that all such Share & Right as are thus delinquent in said Township, & every part & Parcel of such Delinquents shall be forfeited, revert & belong to the Grantors of the Premises their Heirs & Assigns with full Authority to enter into and upon all such Delinquents Rights & the Posseesor thereof utterly amove, oust & expel for the use of such Grantors, Provided there be no Indian Wars within any of the Terms & Limitation of time aforesaid for doing the Duty Condition'd in this Grant, and in Case that should happen the same time to be allowed for the Respective Matters aforesaid after such Impediment shall be removed — Lastly the said Grantors do hereby promise and engage to the said Grantees their Heirs & Assigns, to defend thro' the Law to King & Council, if need be One Action that shall & may be brought against them or any Number of them, by any Person or Persons whatsoever Claiming the said Land or any part thereof by any other Title than that of the said Grantors, or that by which they hold & derive their's from Provided the said Grantors are avouched in, to defend the same, and that in case on final Tryal the same shall be recovered against the Grantors, that such Person or Persons shall recover nothing over against the Grantors for the Lands, Improvments or Expence in bringing for- ward the Settlements, and further that the said Grantors will pay the Necessary Expence of time & Money that any other Person or Persons shall be put to by any other Suit or Suits that shall be brought against them or any of them the said Grantees for tryal of the Title before any one Suit shall be fully Determined in the Law — To all which Premises Joseph Blanchard Esq'' Agent, for & in Behalf of the Grantors hath hereunto set his Hand & Seal this seventeenth day of April 1750— Joseph Blanchard — [L S] It is evident that the Masonian Charter definitely located the boundaries of the township, but later survey showed a considerable difference between their location and that which was expected at the time of their adoption. As has been told upon a previous page, it was supposed that the Massa- chusetts survey had placed the block of lots assigned in charter midway between the northern and southern lines of the town- ship, and thus had left an undivided strip one mile in width between those lots and the southern boundary, and a like strip on the northern side, which latter strip Col. Blanchard had made a part of Peterborough Slip, leaving, as was sup- 41 History of New Ipswich posed, the northern line of the northern tier of lots coinci- dent with the northern boundary of the township. Had that been the case, the township would have been represented on the diagram, by the rhomboid LMNO, but unfortunately the assumption was not in accordance with facts. The block of lots had been laid a considerable distance farther toward the north than was intended, perhaps as much as fifty rods, al- though the inaccuracy of the survey in the early wilderness and the conflicting statements in diiTerent records make the estimate of the displacement subject to considerable uncer- tainty. There can be no doubt, however, that it was suffi- cient to make the northern slip less than a mile in width and to cause the northeastern corner of the Masonian grant to fall forty-eight rods farther south than the northern line of lot 24, in which said corner fell. The problem of equitable boundaries was somewhat further complicated by the triangular slip cut from the south- eastern corner of New Ipswich by the establishment of the Province line. The width of that strip is uncertain, but prob- ably at the eastern extremity, where it was widest, it was not more than twenty rods, perhaps even less. But whatever that loss may have been it should have resulted in an equal removal toward the north of the northern boundary made by the Masonian Charter parallel to the Province line, and the strip of land cut from the northern ends of the lots should have narrowed toward its eastern end. Instead of that, for some inexplicable reason, exactly the opposite is true ; each lot, proceeding toward the west, had one acre less cut away by the northern line than was lost by its eastern neighbor. The entire unwarranted removal from the twelve northern lots, remaining after the loss caused by the new eastern line, was about 220 acres. In view of those losses, whether due to haste and difficulties of accurate survey through the wilder- ness or to dishonest acts of interested parties, it may be well to recognize that in accordance with the frequent practice of early surveyors to be "sure to give full measure," the town, both in length and in breadth, very appreciably exceeds its charter dimensions of five by six miles, its area being between thirty-two and thirty-three square miles. Its Masonian figure, retained until the present time, is presented upon the diagram showing its successive changes of form by the figure LPNO. 42 The Incorporation There remain to be mentioned, in this record of official transformations, only two further changes. The first of these is an evolution though an Act of Incorporation bearing the date September 9, 1762, and signed by Governor Benning Wentworth, a brother of John and Mark Hunking Wentworth before active as Masonian Proprietors, and countersigned by Theodore Atkinson, Provincial Secretary, also of the Mason- ian board and long its presiding officer. This document changed the mere proprietary organization with no officers except a temporary moderator chosen for each meeting, a clerk, a treasurer, and such committees as any business asso- ciation might appoint, into a complete town with all the politi- cal and governmental abilities of such a New England unit. The new town, however, had no promise of an existence to be continued beyond January 1, 1766, and for some reason, perhaps a mere error of the penman, it bore only the name "Ipswich." A second similar act, dated March 6, 1766, but for some unknown reason neither recorded nor transmitted to the town until the following year, restored the complete name borne by the early settlement ; and no period having been assigned to its life, the New Ipswich of to-day derives thence its legal powers. 43 CHAPTER III. ON THE WAY TO MATURITY — PROPRIETORS AND LOTS ^TpHE Masonian Charter gave to the new Proprietors of the -*- "place called New Ipswich" a right to the land upon which, if prospered, they might expect to found a New Hamp- shire town, and the word "town" appears twice in that char- ter. But more frequently, and more correctly, the new land thus transferred was designated by the word "township," since New Ipswich had really neither civic existence nor legal name, which, however, it attained at an earlier date than any of the surrounding New Hampshire settlements mentioned in the charter as "Number One," (Mason,) "South Monad- nock," (Rindge,) and "Peterborough Slip," (Temple and Sharon) ; the Province line separated it from "Dorchester Canada," now included in Ashburnham and Ashby. As shown in the charter, only thirteen of the thirty mem- bers of the new body were resident within the limits of the township, the homes of the complemental seventeen being scattered in nine different places, but only four in Ipswich, Mass., and of the thirteen named as already resident in New Ipswich, only two, Abijah Foster and Henry Pudney, had come from that mother-town. The silence of the records in relation to Henry Pudney shows that he was not a resident for a sufificient period to affect the town in any way; of the four proprietors resident in Ipswich, Robert Choate apparently never became a citizen of the new place, while if Thomas Dennis ever really had a home in New Ipswich, his residence was too brief to leave decisive evidence. The history of the period of proprietorship and the pass- age of New Ipswich through youth to the attainment of its majority as a town was not wrought out by Ipswich men as largely as the name would suggest. Abijah Foster was the first settler within the township bounds. He built three houses as his three successive homes, and his blood has flowed in the veins of many sons and daughters of the later New Ipswich generations. Thomas Adams and Isaac Appleton however, were the two largest land-owners among the pro- 4A Origin of the Settlers prietors, each being the possessor of between two and three square miles, and although probably neither of them ever relinquished his Massachusetts citizenship to forward in per- son the growth of the Granite State, they were each repre- sented by two sons resident for many years on the family possessions, and the two names were prominent in the town activities of several generations. In default of Ipswich blood, the question arises, Whence in fact came the early vigor of the settlement and of the en- suing town? From what region came the men who gave New Ipswich a place among the most active and progressive New Hampshire towns? A few came from Ipswich in the years soon succeeding the Masonian grant and a few more from other parts of Essex County. But of the names ap- pearing on the records of the expected town during its twelve years of active development into fitness for that designation, three-fourths came not from. Essex, but from Middlesex County, and especially from Concord, whither so many an- cestral lines converge from all sections, and from the line of towns between Concord and Boston. A brief quotation from Walcott's "Concord in the Colonial Period" seems to have a place here. The Kentish infusion was very strong in the early population of Concord, and, indeed, of Middlesex County. The proud distinction of the Kentishmen was the tenacity with which they held to their rights and customs, and the unhesitating courage, re- gardless of difficulties or consequences, shown in their defence. They formed the foremost rank at the battle of Hastings, and made terms with the Conqueror at Swanscombe. It is by no accident that the people of Middlesex County have been equally quick to rise in the defence of their rights, and to put down the oppressor; for the people of Middlesex derive their origin, in a great part, from the freest and most independent of English counties. The patriots of Concord Bridge, Lexington, and Bunker Hill found their prototypes at Hastings and Swanscombe. It is believed that New Ipswich, during its twelve years of life as a pure democracy managed directly by its Proprie- tors, somewhat more than trebled its population, and that, although the rate of increase in later years was less rapid, before the opening of the Revolutionary contest the number of inhabitants was nine hundred or more, which is about the same as at the present time. Naturally the incoming move- ment of residents was largely from the regions whence had 45 History of New Ipswich come the earlier settlers, and the story of the town's part in the seven years of natal strife, presented in a later chapter, certainly accords with the belief that Kentish blood had lost naught of its power during its sojourn in Middlesex. But the first work of the new proprietors was not warlike. There were no indications that the locality had ever been a favorite abode of the Indians, and the settlers made very few preparations to meet an attack. Ephraim Adams, son of Thomas Adams recently mentioned, had "flankers" about his house, still standing near the crossing of the Turnpike by "Saw Mill Brook" on 21, N. D., and perhaps the house of Moses Tucker, on VI: 1, S. R., or his later dwelling on I: 2, S. R., gave him similar protection during his experience as sole resident of the township in 1748. But no public structure was ever thought needful for safety, nor did the Proprietors see fit to repair the flankers around the Adams house when for some reason their attention seems to have been called to their weakened condition. Evidently the first duty of the settlement, awakened to fresh activity by its renewed title to its land and its enlarged membership, was to complete an equitable division of the township among the Proprietors. About one-half of its area, the North Division and the South Ranges, had been divided under the Massachusetts grant, and the divisions were re- tained, although, as stated in a previous chapter, the bounds of the Masonian grant had sadly mutilated the North Divi- sion. Apparently a few additional lots had been also assigned, but about one-half of the entire township remained to be surveyed and drawn by the grantors and grantees not later than August, 1751 ; this division was ultimately accomplished, but it was by no means an easy duty, nor, although the rec- ords are nominally complete, are the methods and principles of the division easy to follow. The first meeting of the new Proprietors was held one year before the charter which con- stituted them Proprietors was granted, but it proceeded to business, as is shown by a copy of the record. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Township of New Ipswich lying in the Province of New hampshire in New England Appointed by Joseph Blanchard, Esq'. Agent to the Claimers of the Patant under John Tufton Mason, Esq', who are Grantors of said Township Heald at the House of Cap*. Joseph French in Dunstable in said Province on the 16 : of April A : D : 1749 : Colonel Joseph Blanchard chosen modera- 46 First Proprietors' Meeting tor for said meeting. John Stevens chosen Proprietors Clark Colo' Blanchard chosen Treasurer, and it was Voted as Follows (viz) that all the Lotts that was heare to fore laid out in said township and are now Taken off by the other Townships (viz) by the Township Nomber one and Nomber Two : shall be by a Committee to be chosen for that Purpus Laid out in the Common land in said Township and Quallefied by said Committee. Said Lotts that are to be laid out are to be laid adjoyning to the other lotts formerly laid in said town and as con- veniant for settling as may be and that those persons formerly owning s* Lotts Being Grantees to Have s** Lots which are new laid out in Lue of the Lotts Taken off as a fore said Also Voted that if any of said grantees have or had any lands in the Township or any part there of formerly called Townsend and now falls into the Township of New Ipswich shall have a whole wright or part there of laid out in the same place to them said Commitee Quallifying the same Eaqual to other shares. Voted that the whole of said wrights in said Township to be but Sixty three also Voted that the said Committee Do as soon as may be with a Surveyer under oath Proceed and lay out to each of said Sixty three Rights Two Seventy acre Lotts and that thay copple the same togather makeing them as neare as may be of Equel valine, and that said lotts Be Prepaired to be Drawn on the Last Tuesday of October next at this Place at ten of the Clock in the morning. Voted that the Lotts Taken off the Towns afore said be Laid out and Compleated fit for a Draught by the Eight of May next. Voted and Chose for a Com*"", to Lay out the Lotts Taken of as afore said Major Jonathan Hubbard and John Stevens But wheare the said Stevens hath lands to lay out then Benj". Hoar to Help lay out s" Stevens land. Also John Stevens chosen Surveyer for said Service. Voted that the Com'"", and Surveyer afore said be Directed to lay out to m"'. Benj\ Hoar a Lott adjoyning Oliver Hoars lott Equel in Vallue to his former lott laid out in or near the same place. Voted to chuse five men as a Com*"", to lay out and Copple the Seventy acre lotts afore said Chose for said Com*"". M'.'. Jsaac Appleton Jona- than Hubbard Ruben Kidder Benjamin Hoar of Littleton and John Stevens. Voted that said Com*"", shall have for there Service in laying out said Lotts and Coppicing the Same while thay are in said Township about said service thirty shillings per Day old tenour voted to pay Colonol Blanchard for his Service and Expence in Pro- cureing said Township and granting out the same Two Hundred and Ten pounds old Ten"". Voted to Rayse on Each of the forty Two Settleing Rights in said Township fourteen pounds old Ten^ to Defray the Charges of the Same Voted to Chuse a Com*"", to agree for a mill place if need be and also to agree with Sum proper person to Build a Cornmill and Sawmill in said Town in the most Conveniant place to accomidate the Proprietors. Chose for said Com*"". Ruben Kidder Deak° Benj". Hoar m. Isaac Appleton and John Stevens. A true Coppey Attest John Stevens Proprietors Cler 47 History of New Ipswich Evidently the Proprietors present at that initial meeting had definite plans in the charter issued a year later. But in that charter appear other acts which are not recorded until June 20, 1750, two months after the date of the charter. At that later meeting, held at the house of Benjamin Hoar in New Ipswich, Thomas Dennis, Francis Choate, Nathaniel Smith, and William Peters were admitted as Proprietors, but their names appeared upon the list given in the earlier char- ter. References are made to the lots held by the new mem- bers under the Massachusetts grant which are not in accord- ance with the old map showing that first assignment of lots. Apparently action universally held desirable was not delayed by close adherence to technical order. Apparently the divi- sion of the common land into seventy-acre lots, ordered at the first meeting, was modified in accordance with that prin- ciple. Under the Massachusetts grant the township was six miles square and land seemed to abound. Surveyors were accustomed to make abundant allowance for "uneven ground and swag of chain," and in that survey they seemed to have made an allowance for the obliquity of the angles of the lots nearly twice as large as was required. Moreover, much space was left for roads between the lots, and finally the Masonian township was only five-sixths as large as its pre- decessor, and the "common land" was not sufficient to allow the later lots to contain seventy acres each, Avherefore the committee, in violation of their instructions, laid out lots containing nominally only sixty-six acres, which action in due time was formally accepted. Even after such recognition of necessity the difficulty seems to have persisted, as is indi- cated by the official records and maps presenting lots upon one side of a straight line as being considerably wider than the lots extending between the same limits upon the other side of the line. In most places the discrepancy may have been merely the result of greater care in measurement and an omission of such allowances as had place in the earlier surveys, but in one section of the town, where the lots were probably laid out latest, or where, as later records indicate, the survey was not fully completed except upon the map, apparently a more heroic treatment was believed to be de- manded, and the remaining land was forced to meet the de- mands. There seems to be no escape from the conclusion that the narrow lots comprising the western two miles of the 48 I Assignment of Lots "New Laid Out" must be considerably narrower than the recorded dimensions. This belief is supported by a vote passed in 1757, after ineffectual attempts at a preceding meet- ing, "to Run the line through the township thats not yet run on the New Laid Out Land," for which action a committee was chosen. No report of that committee is to be found, but more than ten years later, in 1768, the matter again rises and a second committee was chosen "to Examan the narrow Lotts so called," and three years later a report from that committee or one of later appointment simply stated the correct num- bers of the lots from 98 to 109, which were said to have been previously uncertain on account of trees falsely marked at lot corners. But the real difficulty, without doubt a re- sult of a too liberal distribution of the agrarian wealth be- lieved to be almost limitless, was apparently kept carefully unacknowledged, like many an analogous transaction of later years. The complete assignment of town lots, as shown in the record of John Stevens, Proprietors' clerk, is presented in the following table, with a few entirely obvious errors corrected, and a few changes also inserted, as borne upon the record of later action taken to remedy cases of injustice, most of which were cases due to the unexpected difficulty in the north line of the town before stated at considerable length. 49 History of New Ipswich Grantors Atkinson, Theodore Blanchard, Joseph Jaffrey, George . Livermore, Matthew Meserve, Nathaniel Moffat, John . Odiorne, Jotham Packer, Thomas Parker, William Peirce, Joshua Peirce, Daniel Moor, Mary Rindge, John Solly, Samuel March, Clement Tomlinson, John ) Mason, John Tufton^ Wallingford, Thomas Wentworth, John . Wentworth, Mark H. Wibird, Richard . . North Division 43, 61 South Ranges 29 62 14 23 58 13 59 38, 39 II: 4, IV: 4 vil :' l" V: 1 XIV: 2 V: 3 VII: 4, XIII: VlII: 3 XV: 3 IX: 3 XV: 4 IV: 3, VIII: 4 VIII: 1 New Laid Out 107 24, 172 10 102 44 9 11 64 60 56, 109 28, XIII: 2 After Division 84 155, 157 173 126, 128 93 80, 81 68, 95 82, 83 160, 161 89, 90 167, 169 176, 177 181, 182 163, 164 85, 86 87 67, 94 162, 165 50 Assignment of Lots Grantees North South Ranges New After Division Laid Out Divisions Adams, Thomas . . 17, 18, 21, X: 2, XIV: 4, .... 70, 156, 158, 22, 24, 25, XVI: 1 166, 168, 50, 51 178, 180 Appleton, Isaac . . 9, 41, 42, III: 2, VI: 2, 69, 72 72, 116, 117, 63 VIII: 2, XI: 119, 123, 64 1, XVI: 2 138, 139, 170, 171, 183, 184, ^ of 185 Brown, John . . . 31, 60 65 .... Brown, William . . 30 VI: 4 . • • 120, 144 Bullard, Ebenezer . II: 2, II: 3 129, 130 Bullard, Joseph . . I: 2 179 ..---Chandler, John . . III: 1, IV: 1 105, 108 Choate, John . . . 27 113, 114 Choate, Francis . . VI: 3 66 97 Choate, Robert . . 1 : 4, X : 1 n Dennis, Thomas . . 56, 57 67 Dinsmore, Hannah . 54 VII: 2, IX: 4 125, 137 Emerson, Daniel . . 71 112 133 Foster, Abijah . . 33 I: 3 152, 159 French, Joseph . . III: 4, X: 3 . 146, 147 Heald, Timothy . . 65 66, 142, 186 Hoar, Benjamin . . 26, 36, 53 16, 104 69, 135, 136, Hoar, Benjamin, Jr. 40 II: 1, V: 2, VI: 1 65, 66, 74, 149, 150 Hubbard, Jonathan . 47 IX: 2 88, 92 Kidder, Joseph . . 48 IX: 1 148, 151 Kidder, Reuben . . 46,55 III: 3, XIII: 1, XIV: 1, XIV: 3 76, n, 96, 131, 132, y2 of 185 Lovewell, Zaccheus . .... XI: 2, XI: 3, XII: 3 186 115, 140,143, 145 Marsh, John . . . 37 32 Yi of 153 Minister, — first . . XIII : 2 106 75 Ministerial .... 20 XVI: 4 Nevins, David . . . XI: 4 V: 4 187 78, 79 Patch, Isaac . . . 15 Peters, William . . 70 1, 12 7 Powers, Peter . 71 Pudney, Henry . . 49 122, 124 School 110, 111,134, 174 Smith, Nathaniel 45 XII: 4, XIII: 3, XVI: 3 103 91, 154 Spaulding, Andrew . . XII: 1 y^ of 153 Stevens, John . . . 28, 34, 52 X: 4, XII: 2, XV: 1 98, 99, 101 5, 127, 141 Stevens, Joseph . . 35, 44 VII: 3 . White, Archibald . 19 175 Woolson, Jonas . . IV: 2, XV: 2 .... 118, 121 History of New Ipswich This history of the township, as shown in the records of the meetings of its Proprietors, is full of interest to those whose personal relations to the town give a vision which recognizes the outcome of the everyday plans and acts of their ancestors. They may not have been large men, but they were earnest men, and although sometimes perchance the Kentish tenacity of grasp upon that which they believed to be their own may have had an unlovely aspect, yet in it lay much of the honorable history then unwritten. Largely isolated and thrown upon their own resources, they felt themselves sufficient. They rarely sought the aid of authority from without in the settlement of their dif- ferences; the threatened appeal to courts seems to have been made rarely, if ever, in that time of pure democracy. New Ipswich in those days had no rulers ; its few officers had no stipulated terms of service, but were removable at pleasure with no delay beyond that of the few days' required notice for a meeting of the Proprietors. There were really only two officers, the clerk and the treasurer. In 1751 Jonas Woolson, Ebenezer Bullard, and Joseph Kidder were made a "Committee to Draw Orders on the Treasurer for any sum or sums of money that shall be voted to any person or persons by the proprietors for service done for them," which commit- tee was later mentioned as the committee to "take care of the prudentials of the place," and in 1753 Reuben Kidder, Ephraim Adams, and Benjamin Hoar succeeded to the same duties under the latter title. But that step toward the crea- tion of a board of selectmen was not permanently approved, and in October of the same year it was voted to "dismiss the Prudential Committee formerly chosen." In 1754 Francis Appleton was chosen a "Referee to peruse the accounts laid before the Proprietors," and in later years this forerunner of an auditor was occasionally appointed. Evidently orderly conduct of a meeting of the Proprietors required a presiding officer, and such meetings were quite frequent. But sixteen different moderators presided over one or more of the thirty- seven different meetings recorded during the twelve years before the incorporation of the town, and of these no one was chosen more than four times. Such public duties as could not be completed in a full Proprietors' meeting were usually placed in the hands of special committees whose work was usually not considered complete until formally approved at a succeeding meeting. 62 Proprietors' Work Ended In the years of laying foundations necessarily the recorded action was largely in relation to three matters that might not safely be deferred. The division of the town among the grantors and the grantees came first, and the adjustments demanded by the encroachments upon the lots by the new boundaries of the township were very difficult to make when the "common land" of the Proprietors was exhausted. The question remained open till the incorporation of the town and for ten years afterward, during which latter period the records of Proprietors' meetings, held only at intervals of about one year, were nearly occupied by that topic. Practi- cally, however, all that is of interest at the present time is given in the preceding table. The location and maintenance of highways formed a sec- ond matter for consideration almost equally imperative in its demands, which has been presented in the first chapter of this book; and the requirements of the charter in relation to the building of a meeting-house and the settlement of a minister, conditions without doubt in accord with the per- sonal views of by far the greater part of the proprietors, formed a third subject for long discussion prior to efficient action. This matter is presented later in connection with other church matters. On April 5, 1762, it was "Voted to apply to the General Court to get the Place called New Ipswich incorporated," and also "Voted Capt. Reuben Kidder to go down to Court to get the Incorporation effected and that the said Kidder shall Proceed in the aflfair as he shall think best & that his Necessary Charge shall be Paid by the Propriety." The act of incorporation, as given on a previous page, was issued on the ninth of September following, and the activities of the Propriety ceased except as far as action was requisite in re- lation to the settlement of claims mentioned above and the disposal of the meeting-house. The successive Proprietors' clerks and dates of service were: John Stevens, 1749-1752; Benjamin Adams, 1752-1755; Timothy Heald, 1755-1761; Ichabod How, 1761-1768; Isaac Appleton, 1768-1772. The treasurers were: Joseph Blanchard, 1749-1751; Jo- seph Stevens, 1751-1755; Benjamin Hoar, 1755 — , The last Proprietors' meeting found recorded met Decem- ber 17, 1772, but by successive adjournments continued until 53 History of New Ipswich December 30, when it adjourned for a fortnight, and no further record follows the name of Isaac Appleton, Proprie- tors' Clerk. Perhaps the story of New Ipswich prior to its attainment of a legal majority may best be closed in the words of the former historian of the town, who wrote of the period : We find the whole number of tax-payers to be ninety-five. They were all in the prime of life, the oldest of them, Capt. Tucker, being only fifty-eight years of age. Among them we find four widows, show- ing that the universal destroyer had already commenced his work here, and ten or twelve had already become tenants of the old burying- ground; besides which, tradition says there were five buried near the head of Safford lane, previous to the opening of the old cemetery in 1753. Among these were a son and daughter of Ebenezer BuUard; a son of Joseph Bullard; two sons and a daughter of Benjamin Adams; the wife of Ephraim Adams; a daughter of Benjamin King; two sons and a daughter of Benjamin Hoar; Samuel Perham, his wife and a son; Abijah Foster, the first settler, and one of his sons had died in the army. 54 CHAPTER IV THE OLD SCHOOL-HOUSES TO one whose childhood and youth was spent in a country town of New England few memories are more distinct than those of "the little red school-house," in or near which were received so many impressions leaving indelible traces on his character that such educational experience seems to him almost an essential part of a complete life. The district school, despite its undeniable serious defects, did a work that could hardly have been done equally well in any other way, a work of education for the citizens as well as for their chil- dren sometimes amusingly democratic in the development of its details. It is proposed here to present its growth in New Ipswich, as presented in the official records. The former history prefaces the story with these words : "The cause of learning has been well sustained, and has done much for the reputation of the town ; not so much, however, in its earlier history, as could have been desired. In the grant of the township it was provided that one right should be set apart for the support of schools; and thus, with enlightened foresight, the Proprietors did all that was incumbent upon them, to furnish the means of education to the settlers. But we have no intimation that any school was kept until after the incorporation of the town, fourteen years after the actual settlement. It is true there could have been very few who were not either too young or too old to attend schools at that early period, and those few must have been widely scat- tered. Doubtless they received private instruction at home from their parents, who, we have abundant evidence, were intelligent and well-educated people. In 1762, the year of all others most memorable in the history of the town, it was 'voted that a school be kept in town three months this year. and no more, as near the meeting-house as a house can be provided.' " This action was taken at the second meeting of the town, held only about a month after the first meeting at which the only business was the organization by election of officers un- der the charter of incorporation. The article in the warrant 57 History of New Ipswich for the second meeting under which the action concerning the school was taken read as follows : "To see if the Town will vote the Number of months the school shall be Kept in said Town and what part or parts of said Town it shall be Kept in," which would seem to suggest that the school was already established in some form. The records give nothing further for two years, but Octo- ber 8, 1764, it was "Voted to hire three months Schooling this fall and Winter Coming." The next year an advance was made, and it was "Voted to have four months Schooling this fall and Winter coming at several places at the Discres- sion of the Select men viz four and if any persons Refuse to provide a place for Schooling after Sutable Notice from the Select men that quarter shall be Destitute & the other parts shall have the Benefit that do provide a sutable place." The year 1766 was the period of governmental interregnum between the expiration of the first town charter and the re- ception of the second, during which no records were written, and it is uncertain whether the school was continued, and in 1767 the vote provides school for only three months, the divi- sion however evidently being maintained, as the selectmen were to "order where the school shall be kept." In 1768 ac- tion was taken earlier and the idea of a permanent division into school districts seems to be in evidence, as on March 14 it was "Voted to Divide the Town into Destricts for the benefit of Schooling & Each Destrict to have their proportion according to there pay. Voted to Choose a Committee to Di- vide the Destricts & proportion ye money Choosen for said Committee Lieu*. Aaron Kidder. Lieu^ Nath. Stone Lieu^ Joseph Bates Cap^ Moses Tucker m'". Samuel Whittemore m^ James Chandler & Reuben Kidder Esq"". Voted to Raise twenty Pounds Lawful money for the Benafit of Schooling this year." A new element appears in 1769 when it was "Voted to Raise Twenty Pounds Lawful Money for Schooling", but it was added "Voted to Indemnifie the Select men from, all fines that they may be Exposed to by their not providing a Grammer School Master." This somewhat peculiar action was an attempt to avoid compliance with a law requiring towns above a certain population to maintain a grammar school where Latin might be taught, an additional expense naturally objectionable to a large part of the citizens. The 58 The Grammar School same action was taken in 1770 and 1771, but in this latter year a formal protest was entered for record by Ebenezer Champ- ney, Benjamin Hoar, John Button, Isaac Appleton, William Shattuck, and Thomas Farnsworth, and on the following year seventeen men signed a dissent against similar action as being "Repugnant to the Law of the Land in such case made and provided." Probably it was on account of this protest that at a meeting a few months later it was "Voted that the Grammer School shall move to the Several Distrects beginning at the middle Distrect & so on, to the next highest Distrect accord- ing to their pay and in the same manner the several Distrects in said Town, the East Distrect being the least is to have a months schooling and the other Distrects as much longer as their pay is more." This arrangement after a few years seems to have been changed by an appropriation of £20 for a gram- mar master in the middle district, where grammar scholars from all parts of the town might go, an arrangement which seems to have soon been made unnecessary by the founding of the Academy. The vote for this grammar school was re- freshingly frank, as the record says : "Voted to pay the mid- dle district £20 towards keeping a grammar school through the year so as to keep the town from being presented and the town have liberty to send to said school." Although a committee was chosen to divide the town into districts in 1768, no record of their action appears, and the first assignment of money was recorded in January, 1770, and apparently that was stated to be in obedience to a vote passed only a week previously in accordance with which the selectmen divided the school money voted the preceding March. This action of the town was as follows : Voted to Divide the Town into Distrects for the Benefit of Schooling our Children. Voted to abide in Distrects during the Towns pleasure. Voted that the West part of the Town be a Distrect for a School according to their Request (viz) to have their proportion of the money Raised in Town for that use according to their pay with appropriating the money wholly to the use of a School. Voted that the Northeast part of the Town be a Distrect for a School Beginning at Dea". Ephraim Adams's to m'. Smith's m'. Francis Appleton and to m^ Bakers to the Northeast part of the Town under the same Scituation with the first Distrect. Voted that the East Side of the River be a Distrect for a School (Exclusive of Cap*. Hoar) to the East side of said Town under the same Scituation with the first Distrect leaving it to the Selectmen 59 History of New Ipswich wheather m'. Horsley's pasture be annext to them or Joyn to the South Distrect. Voted that a Distrect be formed on the Country Road from Cap*. Hoar's on to m'. Farnsworth with familys adjoyning said Road under the same Scituation with the first Distrect. Voted that the South East part of the Town be a Distrect from Mr. Wilkins to Sam'. Foster's to m'. Breed's and all to y* East under the same Regulations with the first. Voted that the South West part of the Town be a Distrect for a School taking m. Zechariah Adams Tho. Spaulding & Joseph Parker and so to the South west corner of the Town, and to the East to the Famelys above mentioned Leving it to the Select men wheather they shall not have some help of the Towns money to make them Equal with other Distrects in proportion to their Children Voted that each Distrect shall Choose a man to take the Names of the men in Each Distrect an Cary the list of Names to the Select men. Voted that the Select men give of to the men so choose by the Distrects the proportionable part of money to Each Distrect That is Voted by the Town for the use of the School. The second of the votes given above concerning the new departure seems to indicate a feeling of uncertainty in rela- tion to its wisdom and consequent permanence, although it was expected to continue without further action as long as it should prove satisfactory. But no provision for the needed buildings was made at that time, and an article in the warrant for the annual meeting two months later, "To see if the Town Raise money to build School Houses in the Several Districts in said Town according to their particular pay," was dis- missed without action. But at the next annual meeting the schools received especial attention, as shown by the number of votes relating to different included matters. Voted to Raise forty Pounds lawful Money to be laid out in Schooling. Voted to Employ an English School Master nine months this year. Voted to Raise money to Build School-Houses in the Several Dis- trects in this Town. Voted not to alter the Distrects. Voted to Raise Twenty Pounds more for Schooling. Voted to divide the money among the Several Squadrons according to their pay. Voted that Each Squadron draw their proportion of the money Raised to Build the School-Houses according to their pay. And after these was passed the vote which called out first the protest of Mr. Champney and others. But the action at this meeting was more liberal than the general desire for schools would sustain, and at a meeting 60 The First School -houses the following September it was "Voted that Twenty Pounds that was Raised for Schooling be used for Defraying the Town Charges." The tax lists show that the sum raised for building school- houses in accordance with the vote on that matter was £80, a sum that it would seem could hardly have been sufficient for even the simplest buildings, but no further action concern- ing the subject appears during a period of eighteen years, at the end of which time, in 1789, it was "Voted to raise three hundred pounds for the purpose of Building and repairing School Houses in New Ipswich," but three months later the action was modified by a vote that "the Selectmen shall not assess the Town for the three hundred pounds voted to build and repair School Houses till the last of Sep', next to give those who are delinquents opportunity to pay their propor- tion. And in case each district do not make it known to the Selectmen that s^ delinquents have paid their proportion s'*^ Selectmen are to proceed to make s'^ assessment." The exact purport of this vote is rather obscure, but it had delayed the assessment, and for some reason no subsequent assess- ment of that money is to be found. At the annual meeting in 1800 it was "Voted to raise £630 to build school houses," but here again the sum is not in- cluded in the recorded assessments of the year. It seems probable that it was determined to leave the decision in re- spect to building to the districts separately, as it had already been voted that the expenditure of the assessed money should be left. The records of the "Southwest District" show that this district had just completed a new school-house. The districts formed in 1770 with so much hesitation and uncertainty, with no expressed sanction of law, and with exceedingly indefinite powers, were a necessity of the condi- tions of the time, and a part of the great movement in all parts of the state by which the district school system came into existence, to be recognized by the state and given defined duties and methods of performing them only after a consider- able period of years. The six first districts, from which eight others were in due time developed, were destined to more than a century of vigorous life ; and if it prove true that present conditions, which have made a diminution of their number necessary, also demand a complete reversion to the earlier methods, it is 61 History of New Ipswich evident that the greatest care is needed to retain for the scholars in the larger and far better equipped schools the sturdy self-reliant tone which has been characteristic of the New Hampshire country boys. The boundaries of the six original districts were not very closely defined in the creative vote, and it seems probable that at first each citizen was allowed to choose with which dis- trict he would connect himself, and in many cases when ad- joining districts had their schools at somewhat dififering times, the children not too far from the dividing line attended in both districts. In fact, this arrangement was sometimes made in order to allow such mutual helpfulness, with a resultant increase of the scholars attending each school such that a well-known New Ipswich teacher of eighty years or more ago, who bore the names of two early settlers in the town from whom he was descended, Reuben Kidder Gould, said that he had taught in every district of his time, and he had hardly ever had less than forty scholars in any school, the number often rising to fifty or sixty. An examination of scattered records giving the names of certain residents of some school district leads to a somewhat more definite location of the district bounds than can be de- termined by the initial record alone. Apparently the "West District" did not greatly vary from the district which in the days of the greatest number of dis- tricts was termed the "North District," or officially was No. 7, except by including the later No. 8, which was not yet sufficiently settled to receive separate consideration. The "North East District" seems to have been very nearly identi- cal with the later "Wilson District," or No. 2. The East District was the later No. 3, or the "Wheeler Tavern Dis- trict," with the houses on the road past the site of the present Country Club house afterward included in District No. 11. The "Middle District" was No. 1, with an extension to meet the "East District" a little east of the bridge at Bank Village. The "South East District" included No. 4, (the "Gibson District,") and all of No. 5, (Smithville,) except the part on Page Hill. The "South West District" included the remaining part of No. 5, the whole of No. 6, (the "Tenney District,") and the few families beyond Binney Hill in the later No. 9. The first addition to the original six was the "North West District," which in some unexplained manner received £2 62 District Divisions 10s. 6d. of the £30 raised in 1770 for use in 1771, but then disappeared for six years, at the end of which it again ap- peared and remained as No. 9. In 1782 the Smithville Dis- trict was formed by a vote that "there be another School District near Thomas Spalding's." The residence of Mr. Spalding was the first on the road running westerly from Smithville by the house long owned by Timothy Fox and his descendants. The district was known as the "New District" until 1795, when its recorded name becomes the "Mill Dis- trict." In 1786 it was "Voted to set ofif James Preston, Thad- deus Taylor, Peter Baker, and Asa Brown in a school dis- trict," and the "Little South West District" afterwards be- coming the "Southwest corner District" was formed, later being No. 9, and forming a Union district by uniting with the adjacent district of Rindge. District No. 10, known some- times as the "Carr District" and sometimes as the "District over the mountain," was formed in 1820 by a committee authorized by vote of the town to make needed changes of that character. The erection of the cotton factory, and the subsequent development of the mills early in the nineteenth century, necessarily was accompanied with a considerable in- crease of inhabitants in that portion of the town and a result- ing call for a new district. This reasonable request was ignored or refused for several years, but in 1824 District No. 11 was formed on recommendation of a competent com- mittee of investigation, and this constantly increasing district was divided in 1840 by the formation of District No. 12, about the High Bridge. After a somewhat continued struggle District No. 1 was divided in 1842, District No. 13, containing the part of the district about the Congregational church and along the street from the church to the foot of Meeting House Hill, being cut oflf from the southern portion, and District No. 14, lying about Kidder Mountain and the Saw Mill Brook, from the northern portion. This last district, however, was situated upon two roads meeting but a short distance from the school-house of No. 1, and after three years of vain at- tempt to agree upon a site for a school-house, in 1845 it was returned to its former relations. There is considerable uncertainty in respect to the loca- tions of the early school-houses. The former history says that at the time of its publication there were no traditions of any such buildings of an earlier date than 1771, when £80 63 History of New Ipswich were voted for their erection, the schools prior to that date having been kept in private houses, the earliest in the resi- dence of Reuben Kidder, which was probably the most com- modious dwelling of that day. Tradition gives the name of William Shattuck as its teacher. Evidently the normal position for the building of the "Mid- dle District" was designated in the first vote for a school nine years earlier, "as near the meeting-house as a house can be provided," and the former history locates it a short distance to the northwest of that early temple, and says that it later became a carpenter's shop. Probably that building met all the needs of the district until the erection of the house which the same authority places "in the orchard opposite the north- east corner of the old burying-ground," adding that "after the road to the turnpike was built, it was removed down the hill, and placed at the corner of Mr. Hill's garden." This road to the turnpike was built in 1802, and the new location of the school-house after its removal soon after that date seems to have been the corner diagonally opposite to the present Baptist church, and only a few rods south of the brick building which succeeded it in 1829, and was converted into a blacksmith shop after the erection in 1857 of the present house upon the hill. No records or traditions disclose with certainty the posi- tions of the early school-houses in Districts Nos. 2 and 3 ; but the situation of the present and past highways in those districts makes the conclusion almost unavoidable that the only positions for the general convenience of the district must have been very near those of the buildings in use during recent years ; a conclusion also in harmony with some inci- dental references to those school-houses in early records re- lating to the roads. The school-house in District No. 4 was preceded by one about half a mile south of the "Gibson Four Corners" on the road to Ashburnham, but no more definite information con- cerning its location can be secured. A school-house which was probably the first in District No. 5, although it was possibly preceded by one at some point more in accordance with the vote creating the district "near Thomas Spaulding's," stood very near the millpond on the south side of the bridge, practically on the spot now occu- pied by the store and Smithville postoffice, and served the 64 School-house Locations district until 1838, when the present house was erected at a cost slightly exceeding $400. According to tradition, this structure, which for a time was considered the model school- house of the town, had birth in the motion of a citizen of the district that "we build a white house with green blinds and a pretty one," which was duly adopted by the district. The original school-house in District No. 6 stood a few rods west of the house long occupied by different members of the Chandler family, situated about a quarter-mile west of the South burying-yard. This was succeeded, probably in the last years of the eighteenth century, by a building half a mile farther west near the point where the long-disused road to Ashburnham over Nutting Hill in that town branches from the Rindge road which passes over Binney Hill. The third house, built in 1838 on the spot occupied by the second at a cost slightly less than $200, became a dwelling after the clos- ing of the school in that district, and was destroyed by fire a few years ago. It is not certain where the first school was held in the district afterward No. 7. It is reported to have been in the first house of "Davis Village" on the left hand of one ap- proaching from the "Hodgkins Four Corners," now the resi- dence of William E. Davis, but whether a part of that building was built for that purpose, or it was a case of continuance of the previous conditions when all the schools were kept in dwelling-houses, tradition is silent. An early school-house whose foundations are perhaps even yet visible was located on a road now discontinued, but for- merly extending westward from the termination of the road branching northward from the turnpike about a quarter-mile east of the site of the old "Peppermint Tavern," and crossing Flat Mountain nearly half a mile north of the turnpike, and rejoining that road a few rods west of the house of Aaron Brown and his son Hermon, the school being situated where the two roads were so near together that the late Rev. John S. Brown related his recollection of plainly hearing from his home the blows of the rod applied by a sturdy school- ma'am to the back of a delinquent lad, whose cries of pain and promises of amendment added to the awe of the little fellow, as yet too young to go where such methods of instruc- tion were still in full vigor. Probably it was after the sepa- ration of the region beyond the summit, and the formation 65 6 History of New Ipswich of District No. 8, that the No. 7 school-house, now in existence but used as a henhouse, was built near the house long occu- pied by George W. Wheeler, and at present by his son George S. * * * * (At this break in the manuscript Prof. Chandler evidently intended to insert descriptions of other school-houses, but as it is now difficult to learn those facts and the location of each is plainly marked on the map of the town, and as most of the structures were plain and unpre- tentious, a description of each one is omitted. — S. F. L.) In 1896 the town voted "To have the Selectmen sell No. 6 and 7 school-houses and convert the No. 13 school-house into a storehouse for road machines and other tools." In 1899 the town voted "to give No. 8 school-house to the inhabitants of Wilder Village, so-called, if they would move it, provided the town could use it for school purposes if they would." A review of the appropriations made by the town for the maintenance of its schools, despite the proverbial lack of gen- eral interest in a presentation of columns of figures, is found to speak more clearly than other methods concerning the town's fidelity to the interests of the successive rising gene- rations. It exhibits a steady rise in amount, or at least a rise broken only by occasional brief displays of economy, sometimes evidently demanded by existing conditions, as in 1775, when the necessities of preparation for the coming strug- gle with England caused the town to take for such purposes three-fourths of the highway appropriation and one-half of that previously granted for schools, or as during a portion of the Civil War, when the school money was diminished twenty per cent. Omitting such cases and an occasional increase for one or two years, probably equally explainable if the facts were now known, the appropriations have increased as fol- lows : The £20 of 1768 and the £40 of 1771 before mentioned were increased to £50 in 1773 and £60 in 1775, this last being reduced to £30 a few weeks later, as has been said. The nominal appropriations through the earlier years of the Revo- lution greatly increased despite the demands for military ex- penses, on account of the depreciation of the lawful currency, the grant for schools in 1780 being £5000. But since the 66 School Appropriations price allowed for work on the highways in payment of taxes was $40 per day, the aspect of those figures is changed. In 1781 there was a reversion to silver money and the school appropriation was £60. The schools of 1783 had £70, of 1784 £100, of 1787 £120, which dropped through the £110 of 1788 to £100 in 1789 and the succeeding six years; it rose to £125 in 1796 and £150 in 1797, at which grade, changing to its equivalent $500 in 1801, it remained during eight years. Although in 1806 and the succeeding two years it temporarily rose to $700, that permanent elevation was not attained until 1825. The year 1833 gave $800, which rose through inter- mediate allowances of $840 and $850 to $900 in 1841, and $1000 in 1845. After rising and falling, in six years apparently $1500 was adopted as a minimum appropriation in 1851 ; the grant has not fallen below that sum since that date save in the three years of the Civil War before mentioned. The prosperous years of 1868 and 1869 saw a rise to $1800 and $2000 grants, the last-named remaining permanent for seventeen years with the exception of two years at $1900, and one at $2500. The year 1886, however, gave only $1500, 1887 $1800, 1888 $2000. Since that time the appropriation has varied about equally between $1500 and $1800; until 1907 again set the figures at $2000, and 1908 broke the record by voting for $2250. A comparison of these later sums with the earlier one raises a mental query concerning the way in which those smaller sums met the supposed needs of the schools, and an examination of some of the old district records may go far to solve the problem. The report of the "Trustee" of the "South West District" reported the expenses of the year 1798. There had been but a single term of school, which was kept by a "master" at three dollars per week, and with a term nine weeks in length instruction for the year required ^27, besides payment for the master's board, which called for $9.97 more. The twelve cords of wood consumed during those nine weeks in the huge fireplace occupying one corner of the school-room was probably cut enough by the boys of the school to allow it to be placed upon the fire, but nevertheless $9.69 more of the school money was used before the fuel reached the school-house. Repairs to the building cost $4.84 more, and the entire expenditure was $51.50. In later years there were nearly always two terms even in the smaller dis- 67 History of New Ipswich tricts, but the summer school usually called for only $2 per week, equally divided between the "mistress" and the one who at the school meeting had "bid off" her board. As the term in the smaller district was usually only seven or eight weeks in length, there would be nearly or quite the sum of $40 remaining for the winter term, which with wood at little over one dollar per cord, and teacher's board requiring from seven to nine shillings, that is ffom $1,167^ to $1.50 per week, would pay a young man, often only sixteen or eighteen years old, or a more experienced woman for perhaps ten weeks' service. Even as late as 1850 the necessary expenses were still so moderate that the records of the Smithville District, which at that time had sixty names on its school roll in the winter and three-fourths as many in the summer, and employed a "master" and "mistress" of long and successful experience, show the possibility of providing for six or seven months' schooling with the one hundred and fifty dollars which was the amount usually received from the town. From the days when the schools were entirely under the control of the selectmen, subject only to the vote of the town, as fully as were all other town interests, to the conditions of the twentieth century, is a long course passing in its progress through a period analogous in some respects to the times of "States' Rights" agitation. The school districts of 1770 could hardly be called civic entities in any sense whatever. They were simply geographical divisions of the town made for the convenience of the scholars, but entirely under the control of the central magnates, the selectmen. Although the vote of that year directed the choice of a man by each district to receive the money assigned for its use, it is evident that for a time this was not done, and the money was placed in the hands of some one chosen by the selectmen as their agent for expending the money, or as a "trustee," this name con- tinuing after he was chosen by the district, as is shown in the old district records made after the districts had assumed civic personality. But the time of this assumption is uncer- tain. The term "prudential committee" first appears in the town records in 1828, when it is voted that they be chosen by the districts, and District No. 1 employed that term in the following October; but the new phrase, probably origi- nated by the Legislature in making formal recognition of 68 District Rights the district system, did not reach District No. 6 until six years later. With the district's step into full life came a marked dislike of any outside supervision, manifested in occasional attempts to disregard all town authority. This "district rights" feeling was shown by the insertion of articles in the town warrant like the following considered about 1840: "To see if the town will dispense with any part of the work of the Superintending School Committee, so far as relates to examination or inspection," which suggests entire ignorance of any state control of school activities. Probably this diffi- culty was recognized later, for in 1854 the following action of the town was recorded : "Voted to accept the following resolution. Whereas the laws relative to the Superintending School Committee are unjust in their inception, and arbitrary in their enactment, inasmuch as they deprive the people of their right of controlling their own schools, therefore. Re- solved that the Representatives of this Town be requested to use their influence to procure such an amendment of School laws as shall restore the District their rights which have been unjustly taken from them." The records give nothing further concerning this action which seems so inexplicable in these days of the centralization of power; but some of the older citizens of the town remember that only a few weeks before this action there had been very serious trouble in one of the larger districts of the town, where a considerable majority of its citizens had become dissatisfied with the teacher of their school, and had applied for his dismissal by the superin- tending committee. In reply to the petition an investigation was held before this committee at which both the petitioners and the teacher were represented by legal counsel, and during two or three days witnesses were examined under oath. After due consideration the committee declined to assent to the request, and the petitioners established a private school for their children, who constituted about three-fifths of the school. As the committee at that time consisted of the pastors of three of the four churches of the town, who were known to have differed in their views of the question, and as the divi- sion in the district unfortunately was along church lines, the dissension ran through the town and probably gave the votes required for the passage of the resolution. The representa- tives elected at the meeting which passed this resolution were Hosea Eaton and Jonathan Hall, the latter being the 69 History of New Ipswich Methodist pastor and a member of the school committee which had considered the petition. The records of the Legis- lature show that he presented a bill concerning the duties and privileges of superintending school committees, which was referred to the Judiciary committee, and soon after upon the recommendation of that committee indefinitely postponed. The superintending school committee seems to have been evolved quite slowly from the earlier condition of rule by the selectmen. The term first appears in the town records at about the same time with prudential committee, in some men- tion of its reports, but the names of the men composing this committee do not seem to be recorded until 1833. But its forerunner is in evidence thirty years earlier, as in 1803 it was "Voted to appoint a committee to inspect the several schools in town," and they "chose the Rev^. M''. Farrar, B. Champney Esq. Supply Wilson, Seth Wheeler, Josiah Davis, Jun*". Dea°. James Chandler, Thaddeus Taylor, Lieut. Noah Bartlett, Maj''. Benj. Williams and Isaac Appleton Jun'".," evidently one from each of the nine districts then existing with the addition of the pastor by virtue of his offtce, although no mention is made of that condition of selection for several years. But the committee was appointed every year, being varied by the addition of sundry members ex officio, such as the preceptor of the Academy, the Baptist pastor, and the selectmen. The year 1808, however, seems to have had a faint vision of a future improvement, as the committee for that year was smaller and evidently selected on account of their fitness instead of for geographic reasons. The members were: — "The Selectmen, Rev*^ Stephen Farrar, the Hon. Tim°. Farrar Esq. the Preceptor of the Academy, Benjamin Champney Esq. & Nath^ D. Gould." It was also "Voted that said committee inspect the several schools on the first & last week of keeping, also call upon the Master for his credentials." This last vote suggests an inquiry concerning the nature of the "credentials" required in those days antedating all superintending committees, normal schools, or other official examiners provided to stand sponsor for satisfactory scholas- tic ability. A few aged persons still recall the days when the certificate of any liberally educated person, as the members of the "learned professions" were supposed to be, was deemed sufficient. The last member of the specially qualified com- 70 The School Committee mittee, elected a century ago, furnishes an apt illustration. At the meeting of the Academy alumni held in 1861, Nathaniel D. Gould, probably the oldest of the large number present who were former students, was elected to preside over the fes- tivities, and on taking his seat began his extemporaneous in- augural by saying, "I claim to be one of the Alumni. Sixty- four years ago, I spent two weeks within the walls of the building first erected by the founders of the Academy." He did not at that time state publicly what motives prompted that brief academic career, but it was soon divulged that at least that period of attendance was necessary to obtain the preceptor's certificate of his fitness to fill a teacher's desk in some neighboring district school-house. The ponderous committee of from nine to twice nine mem- bers was chosen annually under names varying a little from year to year but with the same power, or lack of power, as at first, until 1827, but is not recorded in 1828, in which year two new terms appear, probably as a result of state action in formal recognition and authoritative regulation of the dis- trict schools previously evolved. New Ipswich "Voted that the Prudential Committees be chosen by the respective school Districts," and at the same time the superintending committee begins to be in evidence by the acceptance of its annual re- ports and the occasional appointment in some years of one citizen from each district "to visit schools in conjunction with School Committee." The new office did not acquire sufficient importance in public estimation to have its choice or appointment recorded among that of other town officers until 1838, and therefore the first incumbents are now un- known ; but there seems to be little doubt that it was practi- cally composed of the pastors of the several churches of the town, when their number was sufficient to form it, since such was the case for some years after the record of its membership begins, and it is recalled by some who were scholars in those years that in common speech there was no mention of visits from "the committee," but that there were periods when it was expected that "the ministers" would come in. (From 1848 to 1854 the committee consisted of three men ; from 1854 to 1885, of one man, usually elected by ballot, otherwise appointed by the selectmen. Beginning with 1886 71 History of New Ipswich the committee has been composed of three members as in earlier years, and since 1890 one of the board has been a woman, an innovation which has proved of benefit to both scholars and teachers. In 1835 there were four hundred children in our schools. Now in 1913 there are one hundred and thirty names on the records. As the population decreased the number of schools less- ened, and from the thirteen schools in 1883 the number has diminished to four in 1913. Following the change now nearly universal, our schools, ere many years, will be thoroughly graded, and necessarily consolidated. Thus, with the further advantages of the training at our Academy now open to every child in town, we may feel that the educational outlook for future generations is well up to the standard set in the earliest years. — 6^. F. L.) 72 CHAPTER V THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD AT the time of the publication of the former history of New -^^ Ipswich there were still a few Revolutionary soldiers surviving, and a very large number who had heard the story of that strife from the lips of those who participated in it. There still remained a spirit in the tale which must needs have weakened and become faint, as the events of those criti- cal years have been obscured by later contests until they seem almost to have their place amid the tales of ancient his- tory. But on the other hand the last half-century has seen the scattered records of Revolutionary events collected and published, giving a story which may indeed be somewhat more prosaic than oft-repeated olden tales, but presents greater assurance of certainty. There are many problems still unsolved. Not only were there parties of New Ipswich patriots who devoted their energies for a longer or shorter period to the contest for free- dom, of whose names no list is known to exist and of whose activities while away from their homes we have no record save the uncertain one of tradition, but it is often uncertain to whom carefully preserved official records refer. The prac- tice, common at that time and unfortunately not yet by any means extinct, of giving a son the name of his father without any change, an abundant source of error in all historical work, combined with the frequent omission of the affixed "jr." in the case of records made at a distance from the home of the father, causes frequent uncertainties, several of which it has not been found possible to remove from the following reg- ister of the Revolutionary work of New Ipswich. A second fact is productive of still greater uncertainties. In the early days of this country middle names among the common people were almost unknown, and as a result the number of persons bearing identical names was very large. The concurrence of a name in each of several neighboring towns was not at all infrequent, and as the members of a company formed for military service were rarely from a single town, a familiar New Ipswich name upon a company roll is by no means 73 History of New Ipswich conclusive evidence of New Ipswich service in that company. While careful search has been made for determining evidence in such cases, it is most probable that some questions have been incorrectly judged, with an admission to the roll or exclusion from it as a result. New Hampshire has done especially valuable work in this prolonged and oft perplexing labor of search, comparison, and publication ; and a few lines from the pen of Isaac W. Ham- mond, the editor and compiler of the Revolutionary Rolls and other documents of that period, and a man guided by a true antiquarian spirit, may perhaps fitly introduce the rec- ords of the men of New Ipswich, beginning with the firing at the North Bridge of "the shot heard round the world." Of that time he writes: Companies were formed and drilled, and when, on the nineteenth day of April, 1775, the crisis came, the men of New Hampshire dropped their implements of industry, seized whatever they could of implements of warfare, and by companies, by tens, by fives, and by twos hurried to the front. The same spirit pervaded the women, many of whom spent the nights of the nineteenth and twentieth in making clothes, bak- ing bread, and moulding bullets for their husbands and sons, bidding them good-bye at daylight, with a God-speed upon their tremulous lips; and while the men went forth to repel the invading army, the women tilled the soil, spun the yarn, and wove the cloth that clothed the family. The number of men who went from this state to Cambridge at that time is unknown ; many were not organized in companies, some returned after being absent from one to two weeks, and many enlisted for eight months, forming the nucleus for the regiments of Stark and Reed, which did admirable service at Bunker Hill. Very few rolls of those earliest companies have been found. Probably in very many cases no rolls were ever written, but the men gathered and united under those among them, selected at the time, because they were of those "born to command." But the "Roll of the men who marched from New Ipswich before daylight on the morning of April 20, 1775," attested by their captain, is preserved among the state archives. It contains ninety-eight names, including that of their pastor, whose time of service, recorded with those of his parishioners and fellow-soldiers, is more than twice as long as that of any one of them, except those who before returning home enlisted in other companies. The list of names is given below ; and it is believed that each name borne upon it is that of a resident in the town. 74, The First Uprising The spontaneous, indignant uprising, the almost instantaneous departure to protect or avenge their brother patriots, waited not to seek more distant organizations ; then was the time when the town moved as a unit. Days Days Thomas Heald Capt. 13 Hezekiah Corey Ensign 6 ♦Ezra Town Lieut. William Start Clerk 13 Joseph Parker 13 Isaac How Seg't 13 Saml. Whittemore 3 Tim" Farrar 5 Simeon Hildrith 7 Jno. Wilkins 5 Eben'' Brown 2 Dan' Mansfield 5 Jonas Wilson Jr 7 Peter Fletcher 5 Simeon Gould 4 Jno. Sartell 8 Jona. Davis 4 Abel Miles 13 Francis Fletcher 10 Wm Speer 6 Joseph Pollard 13 ♦Elijah Davis 13 Nath' Pratt 9 David Sanders 8 Edm"* Bryant 5 • Joseph Warren 5 William Hodgkins 5 Moses Tucker 2 James Chandler 5 Thomas Fletcher 5 Jon. Brookes Serj 13 Dan' Clary 6 Jno. Cutter 11 ■'Isaac Farwell 5 Nath' Swain 9 Tim" Farwell 5 Tim° Wheelock 4 iSTath' Melvin 8 Joel Wheelock 8 Jno. Walker 5 Nath> Reed 5 Wm Kendall 8 Jesse Carlton 13 Danl. Stratton 5 Jno. Brown Jr. 7 James Tidder 13 Joseph Wright 7 *Nath' Carlton 13 *Samuel Soper 13 Allen Breed 13 Stephen Davis 5 Jona. Wheet 7 Robert Campbell 3 Whitcomb Powers 13 Thos Brown 13 Joseph Bates 5 Jonas Wheeler 7 Chas. Barrett 1 *Josiah Walton 13 Isaac Appleton 5 Leonard Parker 7 Reuben Kidder 5 Joseph Tinney 5 Jere'' Underwood 7 Wm Faris 7 Benj. Pollard 13 Ephraim Foster 8 Abr™ Abbott 13 Daniel Foster 13 Josiah Rodgers 5 Samuel Foster 8 Saml Haywood 5 *Timo. Stearns 13 Thos Farnsworth 8 Benja Gibbs 8 Stephen Parker 5 ♦Supply Wilson 13 Nath' Stone 5 Saml. Kinney 13 Timo. Fox 4 Jno. Melvin 5 Nath* Farr 13 *David Melvin 13 Saml. Bartlett 3 Josiah Davis S James Barr 3 Benja Hoar 7 Amos Boynton 7 75 History of New Ipswich Aaron Chamberlain 9 Elear Cummings 5 Rev. Stephen Farrar 30 Isaac Clark 5 Elijah Flagg 6 Wm Shattuck 3 *Josiah Brown Sgt. 13 Eph" Adams Jr 7 *Benj. Williams 13 Robert Harkness 7 Attest Tho« Heald ♦Those marked with an asterisk enlisted in Capt. Archelaus Towne's company for eight months. It may be seen that ten of the names in this initial list are marked as of those who had enlisted in the company of Capt. Archelaus Towne, who was a resident in Amherst. But none of their names appear on the roll of his company, the organization of which did not commence until April 28, and then proceeded somewhat more slowly than was perhaps thought proper by these members of Capt. Heald's command. At all events, on April 23 one of their number, Ezra Towne, by request of the Committee of Safety, commenced the or- ganization of a company and had thirty names upon his roll on that day, which number rapidly increased to sixty-five, and this roll included the remaining nine names starred upon the roll of Capt. Heald, Josiah Brown being first lieutenant, Benjamin Williams first sergeant, and Supply Wilson first corporal. This was the fourth company in Col. James Reed's regiment, and its term of service is recorded as terminating on August 1. But the former history of the town states, probably on reliable authority, that "they continued to form part of the army employed in the Siege of Boston" until the departure of the British fleet. This company had a notable part in the battle of Bunker Hill, belonging as it did to the regiment of Col. James Reed, which was a part of the little force "at the rail fence and on the bank of the Mystic" of which the historian Drake says, "The weight of the first and second attacks was borne by the defenders of the rail fence, where Gen. Howe in person attacked, with the very flower of his army, supported by artil- lery." And it is said in the account of the battle made by the Massachusetts Committee on Safety, that "The retreat of this little handful of brave men (under Col. Prescott) would have been effectually cut off had it not happened that the flanking party of the enemy, which was to have come up on the back of the redoubt, was checked by a party of provin- cials, (Stark's, Reed's, and Knowlton's men,) who fought with 76 Captain Towne's Company the utmost bravery and kept them from advancing farther than the beach." An examination of the roll of Capt. Ezra Towne's com- pany, as given below, shows thirty-five members enrolled from New Ipswich, eighteen from Temple, four from Washington, three from Peterborough, two from Mason, two from Nelson, while one remains with his home unmarked, but other evi- dence shows that he was a fourth from Peterborough. Ben- jamin King is recorded from Mason, but he had probably but just removed from town and in July is found in the roll of a Massachusetts regiment credited to New Ipswich. As shown by the note at the close of the roll its original is to be found in the Massachusetts archives ; and it has been copied for insertion here rather than the one in the New Hampshire archives on account of the interesting facts con- cerning residence not given on the New Hampshire roll. The two lists of names differ sufficiently to show that neither is a copy of the other, and yet they are practically the same, the differences, with the exception of "Arthur Kirkwood" in one being "Archer Churchwood" in the other, being such errors as might result from misunderstanding of a name un- familiar to the recording officer. There is, however, one rather more important difference in respect to the date of the death of David Scott, which according to the New Hamp- shire record should be "kill'd June 17," while the Massa- chusetts one gives June 16 as the day of his death. The color of the ink in this record suggests a comparatively recent date for that inscription, and the greater probability of death on the day of the battle has caused a change to be made to the New Hampshire date in the roll here given. The loss sustained by the New Ipswich company in this so sharply contested struggle is not recorded, and tradition after this length of time cannot be very reliable. But it seems to have been much smaller than would have been expected in such conditions. Apparently there was no other death beside that above mentioned, and the names of but few wounded men are known. Josiah Walton was not expected to recover from a severe wound in his shoulder and neck, but his recovery proved sufficient to return him to his place in the ranks before the discharge of the company from ser- vice. Asa Adams was also seriously injured, but the former history gives no more names, and other sources fail to make more definite the statement that "several were wounded." 77 History of New Ipswich w « O o w H -t-> t- s^ .2 '"' be V c a O 3 t3'ffi u ILI U CO Sh acQ ^% £•§ 9 " 2 cs B Ph S| o P o S s S o a ^^-^-T^-^.-M >^^ bfl U) M^ ^ rt o ni t*-= ^ bo OS bo^ ^rtrt^SjrtrtoJrt^boCrtbo [i^ IXn fe V; 1- rr u [j^ fl^ flH fe tL^ J- I- J^ J- ^ I- I- u ^^ 'eqm«M O 00 CM^ O ON CO ON t^ t^ ON 00 t^ vo U-) -<^ f^ t^ On 00 f^ l^ On 00 OD 00 "^ 7 I I M I II I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 t> (U e E-a-^ SEEESESSa-agg ^E-§ E E E E E-^-o E E E u.uw.ui-iu;-oooiooo"^"^^r^^'-'"^<^'!20LoooiocMr^^t^ONrviTi-t^T-i • --M • --g, •• -y •••••• -.y -.y •• -.y E •^T'5'0--^-Ci^^^t-n'^"S5bc*-'boo^o- a'O o o- bio o § g §^ §3:°3 § § s B = ^ § S^ S| ^ E ^1 g-o o E 2 POO> l-^ !-■ U V-' U U >> iJ >> t.' U >>>>>>>>>> iJ >%>> u; U U t) l-l Ih' u: V," aJ2 a o- a, & a o- « o, « o. o, « /* v2 JS J2 <=^JS J2 a.o.a,aao.aa. • • • •■& "S^ 'r^ •■&•••• « a,'g<'g4; -w S i^ 'r -^g •o^'^C.Sa; <$.^^ ^JO^ r-^ E '^ n^ "3.2 c--r-S-S ^ aa!-g^.„ ^^ « -^i^-js ^ a: .« 2 o g as h: ns ^'C-c c ^ en J2 c — .^ c a;;^ S7> J^rs c c-tJti*-'^^ E ?^ i-j::--^i- > u oj 'ioo'"«^'^rt3~i^iuS->o0"'"!^OOOf3 rx. 1^ fT, fT. fr. r---. Tt Lw u ^fr, L^ 1-1 t. 1^ UiTt. Uc U. Ui i- ^.^-Tt, u l^fr.rT.h. u ^ u fr , |J SS,EBSESE6S^eEESEEEo.EEE-SSSEEEEaS o ■ J3 J3 Jl J3-C J3 o u o o o u JS Jl J2 CJ (J o - ^ - be bo P ^ W) be S^'^ii ^ ^ ^ ^ & ^ ^ S:1.^?2^E^^^&^^, EE?:&^1^^EEEEEE&i2^&|55Eg V aj^"iu(u(un;(ua;iui>q,-HrgcviCNicg 00 t— > rt C C v 5p -,-1 i- a -P O *j Td -o o.'O r ^- 1- 1— ( 1- i; O O o ir o o 3 1-, t- QOO . C o ■ be be -.JJ 3 3 ^ o ° ° 'V O. rt tn rt -S -i^ o I- i» lu - b.i.S-i-'^b.aj^ — \^ ^ > ^ o ^ TO o^^oo«foJS«:;:3jscii> >, J3 u.J=>, t-oi-tSoca^ PO^OPO(^<^J^■*■*•*T^TJ-TJ•(r50000^^1C^^^OlOlOlO^OfOcou^OOOO^OOOOOO\Ol^) ^^.= -5'^ E g £ &^->-?l:i-> S iii-s ^ § Eii-s"2 £•> « = It i I I S CL, Q ;$ Q < ^£.w W >2,^ O pq [x^ h2>Q ^^co fLHP^HH(iHm^S,b^ C crj H c/2 W History of New Ipswicb The roll of Capt. Jonathan Whitcomb's company, also in the regiment of Col. Reed, bears the names of Moses Tucker, Abel Estabrooks, and Sergt. Amos Boynton, and the roll of Capt. Benj. Mann's company in the same regiment the names of Nathaniel Farr, Simeon Hildreth, and John Thomas. The next military activity of New Ipswich, manifested very soon after the battle of Bunker Hill, is recorded in the former history in the following words : "It was supposed that the British would march out to attack our lines at Cambridge, and a company of about thirty left town immediately, and soon reached the army ; but after a short stay, finding their services could be dispensed with, they returned home." No further record of this expedition has been found. Very prob- ably the company did not really enter the service, and their names were never recorded. No further service is known to have been offered from the town for several months ; but near the close of the year a very urgent call was made, to which a response was given with no less promptness and ardor than had characterized the previous action of the town. The urgency of the need is presented by the following extract from a letter of Gen. John Sullivan, in command at Winter Hill near Boston, to the New Hampshire Committee of Safety, bearing date November 30, 1775. "I have by command of General Washington to inform you. That the Connecticut forces (Deaf to the entreaties of their own as well as all other officers & regardless of the con- tempt with which their own Government threatens to treat them on their return) have absolutely refused to tarry till the first day of January, but will quit the lines on the 6th of Decemb'". They have deceived us & their officers by pretend- ing there would be no difficulty with them till they have got so near the close of their term ; and now to their Eternal In- famy demand a bounty to induce them to tarry only the three weeks. This is such an Insult to every American that we determined to release them at the expiration of their term at all hazards & find ourselves obliged immediately to supply their places with Troops from New Hampshire & Massachu- setts Bay." The call upon New Hampshire was for thirty- one companies, a little less than two thousand men, to serve until the fifteenth of January. The Committee met on De- cember 2, and the companies were raised and forwarded with such alacrity that only six days later Gen. Sullivan wrote to 80 New Hampshire's Leadership the Committee saying: "General Washington and all the other officers are extremely pleased & bestow the highest encomiums on you and your troops, freely acknowledging that the New Hampshire Forces for bravery & resolution far sur- pass the other Colonies & that no Province discovers so much zeal in the common cause." It is very unfortunate that no record is known to exist of the New Ipswich men who had a part in this act of relief to the army and of rebuke to those who had failed to accept their opportunity for special service. There is a roll of the commissioned officers of each one of the thirty-one companies, in which New Ipswich is credited with one company of which Eleazer Cummings was captain, Henry Forgerson first lieu- tenant, and Ezekiel Goodale second lieutenant. Blood's his- tory of Temple gives the names of eighteen men of that town who enlisted at that time for a period of six weeks and the nam,e of Ezekiel Goodale is among them. Moreover, at a later date he is termed "Lieut. Goodale." It may therefore be concluded that New Ipswich and Temple united in the formation of this company ; and as the former New Ipswich history states that the New Ipswich contribution to its ranks numbered twenty-six, there remain twenty men of the full company who came from some other place or places not yet identified. The year 1776, during which the issues of the contest were so unmistakably defined, witnessed the response of New Ipswich men to six calls for service in what was really, though still but dimly, becoming recognized to be a national army. Concerning the first of these no record of details is known to exist, and tradition has so faded that nothing concerning the part of New Ipswich can be added to the few lines given in the former town history, where it is said : "In February of this year a call was made for men to reinforce the army attempting the conquest of Canada. Seventeen men were raised, who proceeded, under Capt. Towne, by the way of Lake Champlain, as far as St. Johns ; but the failure of Arnold's attempt on Quebec, and the retreat from Montreal, terminated the expedition, and they returned." The practi- cal truth of this tradition is certified and a few additional details are furnished by a petition of Capt. Towne now in the New Hampshire archives and published in the State Pa- 81 History of New Ipswich pers which have given so great aid in the preparation of this chapter. The petition is as follows : To the General Court of the State of New Hampshire The Petition of Ezra Town of New Ipswich in said State humbly shows that he in January AD 1776 commanded a company in the service of the United States, and that his Men went into Canada then to Albany in the same year and on the first of December in the same year his company marched to Pennsylvania and continued there until the first day of Jan'' following and soon after his company was dismissed without rations or any subsistence money to carry them home. New Ipswich 30'" Jan'' 1786. Ezra Towne This petition receiving no favorable attention, two years later he presented another containing the additional facts that his company was in Gen. James Reed's regiment, and that they were discharged at Morristown, N. J., February 13, 1777. The next call for aid was from the Northern army on Lake Champlain ; and during the spring Capt. Joseph Parker raised a company which joined the army in July. Eighteen men of New Ipswich are said in the former history to have enlisted in this company ; but it is by no means an easy task to determine which fourth part of the ninety-three names borne upon its roll were from the town. Capt. Parker was the only one of the commissioned officers included in this portion of the company, as Ensign John Taggart was from Peterborough, and the Lieutenants, Daniel Rand and David Hunter, bear surnames not found in the New Ipswich records of that date. The following list, however, seems to contain the New Ipswich section of the company. Joseph Parker, Capt. Simeon Bullard Serjt. vSamuel Parker Isaac Preston, Corp. Whitcomb Powers Allen Breed, Corp. William Scott Jonas Adams, Corp. Nathaniel Stratton Stephen Adams Peter Shattuck Ephraim Adams Nathaniel Melvin Allen Breed Jr. James Wilson James Chandler Levi Spaulding Simeon Hildreth Jonathan Wheat Leonard Parker John Thomas The period of this company's service is uncertain; they were mustered in July 18, and are believed to have served through the autumn. 82 Captain Smith's Company In the following September a company enlisted from New Ipswich and neighboring towns included with it in the militia regiment of Col. Enoch Hale was united with seven or more companies raised from dififerent militia regiments and marched under the command of Col. Nahum Baldwin to reinforce the army in New York. This company was under the command of Capt. Abijah Smith of New Ipswich, Lieut. James Crombie being from^Rindge, and Ensign Robert Fletcher from Temple. They served about three months, during which they were in the battle at White Plains, but were not so situated as to suffer. The entire body returned home early in the winter. The same difficulty is presented in this company as in that of Capt. Joseph Parker, but it is believed that the following names form nearly the correct list for New Ipswich. Abijah Smith, Capt. Benjamin Adams Abel Estabrook Eli Adams Jonathan Kinney Ephraim Adams John Knowlton Thomas Adams Stephen Pierce Isaac Appleton Nathaniel Stone Benjamin Cutter Supply Wilson John Cutter Joseph Wright Jonas Button Under date of Oct. 24, 1775, Oliver Prescott wrote to Henry Gardner: "Twenty-six men march this day from the town of New Ipswich" to Ticonderoga. — American Archives, Vol. 2, p. 1227. In October there marched from the counties of Hills- borough and Cheshire, on the requisition of General Gates, a small body of men to reinforce the army at Ticonderoga. It is doubtful if the only roll of this force which is known to have been preserved, and which was discovered in the Pen- sion Bureau at Washington, is at all complete, as of the thirty-nine names which it bears are those of Lieut.-Col. Thomas Heald and Adjutant Isaac How of New Ipswich, a captain and a lieutenant from Rindge, the same from Temple, eight sergeants, a corporal, and only twenty-four privates. In this roll the residence of each man is stated, and New Ips- wich is credited with Sergeants William Strate, John Brooks, and Benjamin Williams, and Privates Josiah Brown, Peter Fletcher, Francis Fletcher, Edmund Towne, Stephen Parker, Thomas Farnsworth, Timothy Wheelock, Joseph Wright, Joel Wheelock, Timothy Stearns, Henry Fletcher, Daniel 83 History of New Ipswich Adams, and Nathaniel Pratt. This detachment was absent about three months, having been on duty at Fort Independ- ence. The conditions of the next call for troops are thus stated in the first volume of "Revolutionary Rolls" of New Hamp- shire. "In answer to a requisition from General Washington, the legislature on the fourth day of December, 1776, 'Voted, That five hundred men be Draughted from the several Regi- ments in this State as soon as possible, and officered & sent to New York.' * * * * 'pj^g cause of this call was, that the terms of service of the troops in garrison at Fort George and Ticonderoga would expire on the last day of December, and if their places were not filled those posts would fall into the hands of General Sir Guy Carleton." Francis Towne of Rindge was captain of a company in Col. David Gilman's regiment of this levy, and the roll of his company bears the following names the same as those of residents in New Ipswich, and names which appear on other rolls with those of New Ipswich soldiers. Simeon Gould, Serjt. David Sanders Stephen Parker, Serjt, Thomas Adams John Bryant, Drum'. William Priest Isaac Adams Isaac Proctor Elijah Mansfield Daniel Adams Abel Dutton Edmund Towne Asa Gibbs Peter Fletcher Asa Perham The record of New Ipswich soldiers of 1776 closes with the names of Thomas Brown, Josiah Fletcher, Simeon Gould, William Hodgkins, Henry Knowlton, Abner Preston, Jesse Walker, and Jonas Wheeler, found upon the roll of the com- pany of Capt. Samuel Atkinson "stationed at Coos in Haver- hill under the directions of the Committee appointed for said purpose Decemb'" 1, 1776," and they are added to the previous lists of the year on similar evidence to that which seemed to demand the same recognition of the list immediately preceding. It may justly be claimed that New Ipswich, during the year of the nation's birth, held a worthy place in the state of which it has been written that "New Hampshire performed her share of the work of 1776 in full, as she had the year before, responding ably and patriotically to every call made 84 The Continental Army upon her for men. In several instances her troops remained in the service beyond their terms of enlistment, notwithstand- ing they w^ere of necessity scantily fed and clothed, and poorly provided with protection against the inclemency of the weather. In no instance, when the exigency of the occasion seemed to require their services beyond their terms of en- listment, were they appealed to in vain." The next year was entered with the same spirit, and with a clearer realization of the true issue. The last town meeting called in New Ipswich 'Tn His Majesty's Name" was the annual meeting held in March, 1775. No authority had been named in the warrants for the numerous meetings necessi- tated by the conditions of the succeeding two years, but the annual meeting held March 10, 1777, was called "In name of the Government and People of the State of New Hampshire." During this year the military interest of the state naturally centered upon the Northern army and the movements in the region of Ticonderoga. The strengthening national thought was evidenced in the three New Hampshire Continental regi- ments commanded by Colonels Joseph Cilley, Nathan Hale, and Alexander Scammell. The comparative inefficiency of brief periods of service had been demonstrated by sad ex- perience, and some more systematic method of filling the ranks had become necessary. The return of Enoch Hale of Rindge, colonel of the Fourteenth Regiment of militia, made early in this year, shows the radical change in conditions since the day of the "Concord Fight." A portion of it is given below : — State of New Hampshire To the Hon"'* Committee of Safety for said State Pursuant to orders Received in April A. D. 1777 directing me to Raise one hundred and nineteen men to serve in the Continental Armey for three years or during the war I have Proportioned the men to the several Towns or Companys in my Regiment as follows (viz) New Ipswich 22 Marlborough 6 Rindge 17 Stoddard 6 Temple 13 Packersfield 5 Peterborough 14 Washington 4 Jaffrey 14 Slip Town 2 Fitzwilliam 8 Dublin 8 119 85 History of New Ipswich New Ipswich Returned Twenty one men Silas Gill Jacob Potter Ephraim Foster Ephraim Severance John Yeaman Moses Farnorth Levi Adams Ithamar Wheelock Jonas Adams William Prichard Rolins Colburn Abner Preston & Nath' Hase William Hueitt in Capt. Farwells Com'y Col" Silleys Regiment — and Asa Gibbs Daniel Foster Asa Pearham Ebenezer Fletcher & Sam' Foster John Johnson in Cap* Carr' Comp'y Col" Hale' Regiment — they likewise Returned William Scott in said Carr' Company that they hired from Peterborough Slip Being one that Sliptown Returned and say that Sliptown neglect to pay back their money. It should not be inferred that the men responding to the definite call upon each town had been secured by means of a draft. In fact, the payroll of Capt. Farwell's company dated nearly a year later has several of the names in this list credited with service beginning at an earlier date than the time of the reception of the order to Col. Enoch Hale mentioned in his return, but probably they had not been reported to the Committee of Safety before the order for new recruits had been issued. This later list differs from the one given above by having the name of Samuel Potter, which other records show correct, instead of Jacob Potter, and by the absence of the name of John Yeaman and William Hueitt. What was undoubtedly an error is also corrected and Moses Farnsworth appears in place of the earlier abridged form. Bunker Clark, who was certainly a resident in New Ipswich, is credited to Packersfield. William Hewitt appears in other places as a member of that company and receipts for his bounty and wages at Valley Forge in 1778. John Yeaman also is found (with a slight change in his name) in another company of the same regiment. Capt. Isaac Farwell was of Charlestown, and is probably not the Isaac Farwell who went from New 1 Ipswich at the time of the Concord alarm. The first lieutenant ' was James Taggart of Peterborough, the second lieutenant Jeremiah Pritchard of New Ipswich, and the ensign Jonathan Willard of Charlestown. Rawlins Colborn and Levi Adams held warrants of first and second sergeants. The company of the Second Regiment containing the remainder of the April levy was commanded by Capt. James Carr of Somersworth, 86 Reinforcements for Ticonderoga the first lieutenant being Samuel Cherry of Londonderry, the second lieutenant Peletiah Whittemore of New Ipswich, and the ensign George Frost of Greenland. The service of these men did not terminate in three years, as the names of several of them are found later to continue "during the war." But now attention, which had been tempo- rarily somewhat diverted from the region of Ticonderoga, was abruptly recalled. "On the evening of the 2d day of May, 1777, dispatches were received by the committee of safety of this state, informing them that the garrison at Ticonderoga was in danger of being taken by the enemy, and urging that the militia be sent forward at once to reenforce that important post." Messages were at once sent to the colonels of the regiments situated along the western line of the state urging them "by all that is sacred to raise as many of your Militia as possible and march them, to Ticonderoga." Col. Enoch Hale was not one of those nearest to the seat of danger, and therefore specially called upon, but none the less fifty-four men were gathered from that regiment who marched on May 6 for Ticonderoga, under the command of Capt. Josiah Brown of New Ipswich. It is impossible to be perfectly sure how many of this company were from New Ipswich. The former history speaks of this as "a company of twenty-four men," which probably is the traditional number of its New Ipswich members. The entire roll is here presented, and those names which are doubtless the names of New Ipswich men, or which from other facts seem most probably to be of that town, are marked with an asterisk. *Josiah Brown, Capt Jos. Stanley Asa Sherwin, 1st Lt. Moses Hale ♦Samuel Howard, 2d Lt. John Emery *Benj. Williams, Ens. Abel Piatt Jona. Ingals, Serjt. Saml. Chaplin *Ezra Morse, Serjt. Moses Chaplain Abraham Brooks, Serjt. Peter Webster William Robb, Serjt. Amos Ingals *Abel Easterbrooks, Corp. *Thomas Brown Jona. Putnam, Corp. *James Tidder Jona. Morse, Corp. *Nathl. Pratt Israel Keys, Corp. *NathI. Farr Silas Angier *Jona. Parker David Adams *John Wheeler ♦Samuel Adams *Isaac Farwell William Thomson sv*Daniel Clary 8?' History of New Ipswich * Nathan Cutter *Saml. Walker *Jesse Walker *Elijah Davis *Peter Shadduck *John Thomas *John Yarmon David Townsend John Patten *Richard Stickney Eben Severance Benja. Severance Jona. Marshall *Danl. Morse Joshua Greenwood *Asa Pratte Thos. Smith Thos. Davidson Joseph Farrar Jason Rice Eben Spaulding John White Aaron Beals Most of this company continued in service at Ticonderoga about six weeks, and were then discharged. But they had hardly scattered to their homes when the capture of Crown Point and the rapid advance of Burgoyne upon Ticonderoga made the crisis more imperative in its call for aid from the militia. On June 29 Capt. Brown again started at the head of a company of forty-eight men, this time a solid company of the town; having reached Number Four (Charlestown), they were ordered to return, and arrived at Rindge on July 3. But here they were overtaken by orders again reversing their course, and the first anniversary of the Declaration of Inde- pendence was spent while following again the route westward. Only as far as Rutland, however, for there they met the army in retreat. Apparently about half the company returned home directly from Rindge, as they are credited on the roll with only five days' service and were discharged on the third of July instead of the twelfth. The roll is given below : Josiah Brown, Capt. Edmund Bryant, Lieut. Isaac Clark, Lieut. Hezekiah Corey, Ensign John Brooks, Serjt. Thomas Brown, Serjt. Josiah Walton, Serjt. Elijah Davis, Serjt. Elijah Morse, Corpl. Stephen Hildreth, Corpl. Allen Breed, Corpl. Nathan Wesson, Corpl. William Kendall Ebenezer Bullard AVilliam Hodgkins Asa Parker Ephraim Stevens Joseph Felt Whitcomb Powers Jona Easterbrooks William Spear, Junr. Nehemiah Stratton Phineas Adams John Knight John Thomas Peter Shattuck Joseph Pollard Edmund Sawtel Jonathan Davis Stephen Adams Leonard Parker David Melvin 88 Colonel Heald's Detachment Amos Wheeler William Richards Nat. Carlton Timothy Fox Nat Swain Josiah Rogers Zebediah Whittemore Joseph Tinney Nat Melvin John Warner Peter Fletcher John Cutter Stephen Parker Wm Spears Josiah Fletcher David Elliot Thirty of the members of this company were provided with horses, and it is said that the march was largely taken by the "ride and tie" method. Apparently the other companies of Col. Enoch Hale's reg- iment did not turn out in response to the call to Ticonderoga in as large numbers as that under Capt. Josiah Brown ; but a detachment of the regiment marched under command of Lieut. -Col. Thomas Heald of New Ipswich, Francis Fletcher, the adjutant, being also from that town. This detachment contained portions of five companies, and the names of New Ipswich men are found on the roll of each of those companies, although it is impossible to determine with certainty they were not residents of other localities bearing the same name. But no evidence appears to cause the following names to be refused as New Ipswich soldiers. In the company of Capt. Salmon Stone of Rindge : Reuben Russell, Samuel Russell, Samuel Walker, John Knowlton. In the company of Capt. Roger Gilmore of Jaffrey: Thomas Adams. In the company of Capt. Silas Wright of Stoddard : Asa Adams, Eli Adams, William Button, Henry Spaulding, Jotham Hoar, Stephen Parker, John Harkness, Amos Prichard, Jonas Wheeler, Samuel Haywood, Benjamin Safford, Josiah Davis,. Simeon Blanchard, Richard Wheeler, Jesse Walker, John Sartwell, (probably Sawtell,) Simeon Hildrick, Josiah Fletcher. In the company of Capt. Alexander Robbe of Peter- borough : William Scott, William Blair. In the company of Capt. James Lewis of Marlborough : Moses Tucker, Ezra Town, Oliver Wright. These men in Col. Heald's detachment, like those under Capt. Brown, served not more than fourteen days, and about half of them only five days. A company also marched on the same errand from Fitz- william and towns adjacent, under the command of Capt. 89 History of New Ipswich 1 John Mellin, and on the roll of this company appear the names of Moses Tucker, Oliver Wright, Samuel Soper, and Abel Estabrooks. It is evident that the distinction between father and son was neglected in respect to the name of Capt. Tucker ; but even that explanation is insufficient for the name Oliver Wright, which not only appears in the rolls of Cap- tains Lewis and Mellin, and as both ensign and private in the latter company he was apparently promoted, but also on the rolls of the companies of Capt. Christopher Webber and of Lieut. Henry Adams, which also made brief expeditions to relieve the endangered Ticonderoga. There can be little doubt that the Oliver Wright in at least one of these com- panies was of New Ipswich. The threatening advance of Burgoyne after his successes at Ticonderoga and Hubbardton left to the Americans no escape from more strenuous endeavor than the recent move- ments had proved to be, and on the tenth of July a company of seventy-one men, of whom thirty-seven were from neigh- boring towns, mostly from Peterboro or Temple, left New Ipswich and joined the Northern army under General Gates at Stillwater. The thirty-four men believed to be from. New Ipswich were as enrolled below : Stephen Parker, Capt. Richard Wheeler Benjamin Williams, Ensign. Amos Wheeler Archibald White, Sergt. William Upton Whitcomb Powers, Corpl. Edmund Sawtel Samuel Lewis, Corpl. Nehemiah Stratton Samuel Lowell, Drummer. John Knight Simeon Hildreth, Fifer. Francis Appleton Allen Breed Jotham Hoar Allen Breed, Jr. Samuel Wheeler Samuel Walker Daniel Foster Benjamin Safford Richard Stickney Josiah Walton William Blair David Rumrill Levi Spaulding Zebediah Whittemore Henry Spaulding Peter Fletcher Abel Dutton Ephraim Stevens Silas Taylor Jonathan Parker Eli Adams This company's service extended through two months, during which it had a part in the battle of Bennington, and it was discharged on the twenty-sixth of September. A few of the names are doubtful, and are claimed by other towns having citizens bearing the same name, 90 Captain Briant's Company The former history of the town gives a brief account of an attempt to divide the American force made by the British at about this time, in the form of a false alarm concerning a projected raid from the north for the purpose of chastising the towns along the Connecticut river. The plan succeeded in New Ipswich to the extent of starting a party of eleven men northward to take a part in the needed defence, their absence continuing about a month. No names are given ex- cept that of their commander, William Clary; and no record of its doings having come to light, it is necessarily left with- out further mention. At almost exactly the time of the discharge of Capt. Parker's company another company of fifty-five men was formed and marched from the town to join the army at Sara- toga. All the commissioned officers were of New Ipswich, as were the greater part of the other members, only about twelve being from other towns. The roll, omitting the names from other towns, is here given : Edmund Briant, Capt. Ephraim Hildreth Moses Tucker, Lieut. William Hewett Isaac Clarke, Lieut. Amos Prichard Simeon Gould, Serjt. Samuel Parker John Brooks, Serjt. Nat Pratt William Start, Serjt. Joel Russell Joseph Tinney, Corpl. William Richards Joseph Pollard, Corpl. Nat Stone Thomas Brown, Corpl. Joseph Stickney Nathaniel Swain, Drum. William Spear Jonas Wilson, Fife Peter Shattuck Francis Appleton David Sanders Ephraim Adams John Scott Phineas Adams Edmund Towne Aaron Chamberlain James Tidder Henry Carlton John Thomas John Clarey Jonas Wheeler Francis Fletcher Jesse Walker Thomas Farnsworth Elijah Morse William Farr Abel Miles Robert Harkness Jonathan Wheelock Stephen Hildreth This company was discharged on October 25, but that brief month of service included the time of the battle of Still- water and the surrender of Burgoyne, and so to the people of New Hampshire it ever seemed the "beginning of the end." 91 History of New Ipswich And in truth the frequent calls for service of a few days or a few weeks had ceased, and during the first half of the year 1778 attention to necessarily neglected home duties could be resumed. Still, as early as June, 1777, Governor Nicholas Cooke of Rhode Island had applied to the legislature of New Hampshire for aid against three thousand British troops from whom an attack seemed imminent, and about three hundred men were sent in response to the call. But no names recog- nizable as being of New Ipswich men are found on the rolls of those companies, and the officers whose places of residence are recorded were from somewhat distant localities, from which it may reasonably be concluded that New Ipswich had no part in that expedition. Just before the close of the six months which was the term of enlistment of that detach- ment, another message from Governor Cooke was received asking that troops might be sent to take their place, and stating "that they would be in a deplorable condition without continued military aid from New Hampshire." This request was considered by the state authorities and on January 1, 1778, the House of Representatives voted to send the needed assistance. But the enlistments seemed to be less prompt than at the time of the previous call, and while the exact time of the departure for Rhode Island is uncertain, an order to the colonels of militia, passed on May 29, to draft three hundred men for that service shows that there was probably nearly six months interval between the call and its full an- swer. This second levy of troops was discharged December 30, having served for different periods, but few longer than six months. The three hundred men comprised six compa- nies, one of which, commanded by Capt. Simon Marston of Deerfield, bore upon its roll the following New Ipswich names : Joseph Farrar, Timothy Farrar, Joseph Felt, Simeon Gould, Samuel Morse, whose periods of service varied from three to six months. This regiment, apparently raised with great difficulty, al- though the lists of recruits and of the bounties paid them make it probable that the required men were secured without resort to the draft, was yet insufficient to drive the British forces from the state, and in August New Hampshire sent a brigade to assist, containing five regiments and amounting to a little over one thousand men, who served three or four weeks. One of these regiments, containing only one hundred 92 Colonel Hale's Regiment and twenty men, was commanded by Col. Enoch Hale of Rindge, the major and adjutant being Joseph Parker and Isaac Howe, both of New Ipswich. Each of its three compa- nies contained men from the same town, the greater part of them being in the company of Capt. Robert Fletcher of Tem- ple, the roll of which is here given omitting names of men believed to be from other towns. Moses Tucker, Lieut. John Knight Benjamin Williams, Ensign Joseph Pollard Simeon Gold, Serjt. Maj. Nehemiah Stratton John Brooks, Serjt. William Spear Leonard Parker, Serjt. Thomas Spaulding Whitcomb Powers, Corpl. Peter Fletcher Jonathan Davis, Corpl. James Tidder Francis Appleton John Thomas Stephen Adams Jr. William Webber Allen Breed Josiah Walton Ebenr. Bullard Jonas Wheeler Nathan Cutter Samuel Wheeler — Nathan Champney Abel Button ~~ Henry Carlton Samuel Farnsworth Benjamin Gibbs David Haws -William Hodgkins Daniel Kenney Jona. Kenney The second company, commanded by Capt. Samuel Twitchell of Dublin, seems to have contained the following New Ipswich men : Ephraim Adams, Benjamin Cutter, John Knowlton, Daniel Morse, Ezra Morse, Isaac Proctor; and the third company, commanded by Capt. James Lewis of Marl- borough, had Moses Tucker, first sergeant, and Samuel Adams, corporal. Still the Rhode Island problem remained unsolved, and in June, 1779, the regiments of militia were called upon to fur- nish a third time three hundred men for the same duty. Of this number, Col. Enoch Hale was directed to raise eighteen, and if New Ipswich maintained the same ratio to the other towns of the regiment that she had two years previously, the town quota was necessarily three ; it is recorded that on July 5 that number of men were mustered into service for six months to the credit of the town by Col. Thomas Heald, one of them, however, coming from Temple, one from Westmore- land, leaving only Isaac Taylor as a New Ipswich resident, and he in other places is credited to Temple, unless there were two soldiers bearing that name. 93 History of New Ipswich A little later the following men were mustered in to aid in filling the three New Hampshire Continental regiments, all being credited to New Ipswich, although some of them may have been so in the most technical sense only. The list was : Jonathan Parker, James Whipple, Hezekiah Wetherbee, Heze- kiah Sartwell (Sawtell probably), Asahel Powers. No record is found of the New Ipswich men who joined the expedition against the Indians near Seneca Lake, nor of the thirty-one others who went under Capt. Joseph Parker on the enduring Rhode Island concern, both mentioned in the former history as among the activities of the year, and therefore nothing can be added to the brief mention there given. The review of the events from 1775 to 1779 shows a change analogous to that which the older men of the present recall in the later years of the Civil War. The enthusiasm of the first months had paled, and however firm the determination yet remained, the expectation of marked victories to be achieved during a few weeks' campaign had passed like the dreams of childhood. The picturesque element in the strife had disappeared, and the necessity of an equable distribution of the burdens of the war in constantly increasing measure controlled the methods employed for the maintenance of the army in the field. Soldiers still were found to fill the quota required of each regiment or town, and this without resort to a draft; but the nominal volunteering became more and more a business proceeding, a service in the field in response to a bounty which greatly tended to equalize the burden. The following statement by the editor of the Revolutionary Papers before mentioned indicates the extent to which the commer- cial element had of necessity become closely incorporated with patriotic movements of that date. He writes : "On the 16th day of June, 1780, the legislature passed an act ordering six hundred men to be raised to recruit the three regiments in the continental army from this state. The com- mittee of safety was directed to give orders to the regimental commanders to raise their several quotas. * * * The men were to furnish their own clothing, knapsacks, and blankets, and serve till the last day of December next follow- ing, or be liable to a fine of five hundred dollars. They were to be paid forty shillings per month 'in Money equal to In- dian Corn at Four Shillings a Bushel, Grass-fed Beef at Three 94 Three-Months Men Pence per Pound, or Sole-Leather at Eighteen Pence a Pound.' They were also to have five pounds each for clothing money, two dollars in paper currency per mile for travel, and money for rations until they could draw continental rations." In response to this very definite proposal the six men required of New Ipswich volunteered. They were John Goold, Allen Breed, Henry Carlton, Peter Bullard, Ebenezer Bullard, and Samuel Walker. These men 'probably served in New Jersey. Before the close of the month of June, the legislature voted to raise 945 men for a term of three months, to reen- force the army at West Point. Sixty-three of this number were to be furnished by Col. Enoch Plale's regiment, from which it would seem that the quota of New Ipswich was either eleven or twelve. A careful examination of the rolls of the sixteen companies composing the two regiments into which this levy was divided fails to determine with full satis- faction the names of the New Ipswich men there included. But the following list is probably approximately correct. In the company of Capt. Benjamin Spaulding: Daniel Adams, Ensign, Isaac Preston, Sergt., Jeremiah Underwood, Abel Button, John Breed, William Upton, Eli Upton, Asa Pratt. ' • In the company of Capt. Jonas Kidder: Simeon Fletcher. Jonathan Davis, Joseph Davis. Some time during the year a sally of tories from Canada into the state of Vermont, proceeding as far as Royalton, awakened a spontaneous movement like those of the earlier years, and sixty-five men, all or very nearly all of whom were from New Ipswich, started on horseback to meet the especially offensive attack. This force, under the command of Lieut. -Col. Thomas Heald, was divided into two companies, the rolls of which are given below. They were gone only four days, during which the smaller company travelled forty- five miles, for which they presented an account amounting to £34 10s., and the larger thirty-five miles, with an account of £90 2s. They were : Edmund Bryant, Capt. Silas Davis Isaac Clark, Lieut. John Gould Benjamin Williams, Lieut. Joseph Stickney Jr. Jeremiah Prichard Benjamin Adams Jr. Thomas Brown John Adams Josiah Walton Amos Baker John Brown Jr. Samuel Speer 95 History of New Ipswich William Speer Jr. John Cutter William Prichard Jonathan Fletcher Ephraim Adams Jr. Elijah Davis Joseph Parker, Capt. Moses Tucker, Lieut. James Chandler, Ens. John Brooks, Sergt. Leonard Parker Allen Breed, Sergt. William Paris Ebenezer Knight Enos Knight Jr. Samuel Cummings Ebenezer Fletcher Thomas Spaulding Timothy Fox William Shattuck Jonathan Twist William Hodgkins Levi Farr Nathaniel Farr Isaac Bartlett Jotham Hoar Josiah Brown Thomas Kidder Thomas Fletcher Jr. William Clary- Edmund Town Ephraim Hildreth • Joseph Warren Jesse Walker Amos Boynton Joel Baker Stephen Pierce Samuel Fletcher Stephen Adams Jr. John Pratt Edward Pratt Nathaniel Pratt Isaac Farwell Edmund Farwell John Cowing Robert Cambell Thad Taylor Reuben Taylor Hezekiah Hodgkins John Wheeler, Jr. It may be noticed that two of the names on the Royalton Alarm list, John Gould and Allen Breed, are also included in the six names of men enlisting on the six-months call of the year, and recorded as serving from July 2 to December 14. Evidently therefore the Royalton event was earlier than July. The records mention it as an occurrence of the year 1780 several times, but give no more definite date. In February, 1781, the town was called upon to furnish twelve more soldiers for the Continental army, and is credited with the following recruits, eight of whom had before been credited with from one to five terms of service. Nehemiah Stratton Phineas Adams Samuel Walker Peter BuUard Amos Baker John Adams Stephen Adams Jesse Walker John Bullard Joel Baker Joseph Proctor John Thomas A few names more complete the roll of names found on record of New Ipswich Revolutionary soldiers. The "Muster 96 The Soldier's Equipment Roll of a Company of Men Commanded by Capt. Othniel Thomas In Colo. Runnell's Regt. of New Hampshire Militie (1781)" found in the Pension Bureau at Washington, D. C, contains the following names of soldiers, two of whom are said to "go for" the town of "Ipswitch," and four for "Ips- wich :" Reuben Baldwin, James Turnar, John Goold, Paul Sticknee, Ephraim Hildreth, John Gould, Jr. In a New Hampshire record New Ipswich is credited with Silas Whitney and Ezra Meriam, recruits of July 15, 1782. From the Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls preserved in the State House at Boston the following names of New Ips- wich men are taken. Col. William Prescott's regiment, Capt. John Nutting's company, Samuel Cummings ; Capt. Joseph Moor's company, John Sawtell ; Capt. Abijah Wyman's com- pany, Samuel Kinney; Col. Jonathan Brewer's regiment, Capt. Thomas Drury's company, Abraham Abbot. Seth Wheeler was lieutenant in the company of Capt. John Parker of Litch- field, in the regiment of Col. Timothy Bedel, with the North- ern division of the army under Gen. Montgomery in 1775; and captain under the same colonel on service in Canada from December 15, 1777, to March 3, 1778. It is believed that the foregoing is practically a complete outline of the work of New Ipswich in the field during the birth-struggle of the nation. In comparison with the broader and more fierce contests required in later years that the nation might continue to live, perchance in the thought of some this earlier story is almost insignificant. In truth, that initial strife presented very little of what is sometimes called the "glory of war." In the provincial army gorgeous uniforms, or in most cases any costumes that could receive such a name, were conspicuous by their absence. The graphic description of the departure of Capt. Stephen Parker's company for Still- water in 1777, given in the former history of the town as related by one who remembered the event, tells the thought- ful reader so much of the home conditions of those days left unwritten that it is repeated here. "To a man, they wore small-clothes, coming down and fastening just below the knee, and long stockings with cow- hide shoes ornamented by large buckles, while not a pair of boots graced the company. The coats and waistcoats were loose and of huge dimensions, with colors as various as the barks of oak, sumach, and other trees of our hills and swamps could make them, and their shirts were all made of flax, and 97 8 History of New Ipswich like every other part of the dress, were homespun. On their heads was worn a large round-top and broad-brimmed hat. Their arms were as various as their costume ; here an old soldier carried a heavy Queen's arm, with which he had done service at the conquest of Canada twenty years previous, while by his side walked a stripling boy, with a Spanish fusee not half its weight or calibre, which his grandfather may have taken at the Havanna, while not a few had old French pieces, that dated back to the reduction of Louisburg. Instead of the cartridgebox, a large powderhorn was slung under the arm, and occasionally a bayonet might be seen bristling in the ranks. Some of the swords of the officers had been made by our Province blacksmiths, perhaps from some farming utensil ; they looked serviceable, but heavy and uncouth. Such was the appearance of the Continentals to whom a well-appointed army was soon to lay down their arms. After a little exercising on the old Common, and performing the then popular exploit of 'whipping the snake,' they briskly filed off up the road, by the foot of the Kidder Mountain, and through the Spafiford Gap, towards Peterboro, to the tune of 'Over the hills and far away.' " Furthermore, it may be thankfully realized that the weap- ons of the warfare of those days were such as gave compara- tively slight occasion for scenes of such appalling glory as are depicted in the panoramas of mutilation and death at Gettysburg and other battles of the Civil War. At the close of the Revolution the population of New Ipswich was 1033, of which number only 206 were ratable polls. But this small population sent into the field for a longer or shorter time about 275 men, no small number of whom, either by a single enlistment or several briefer ones, served nearly or quite three years. As has been seen, the collection of scattered records has necessitated a considerable modification of the traditional number of New Ipswich sol- diers, but these documents give very little aid in any attempt to make more definite or complete the record of deaths and injuries among the New Ipswich men that is given in the former history. It is there stated that "but one or two were killed in battle ; eight or ten were very severely Avounded. among whom were Josiah Walton, Ebenezer Fletcher, Jeremiah Fletcher, and Jonas Adams ; and about twenty died of sick- ness in the army, or soon after they were brought home, of whom were John Adams, Simeon Hildreth, Daniel Hall, 98 Deacon Adams's Resolution Samuel Campbell, Jonathan Wheat, Samuel Foster, Ephraim Forster and Asa Perham." David Scott is recorded as having lost his life at Bunker Hill, but although he was in the com- pany of Capt. Ezra Town, there seems to be very little doubt that he was of a Peterborough family and resident in that town. It is very evident that by far the most serious sufferings which assailed, weakened, and often, despite the power of patriotism and indomitable Anglo-Saxon energy, discouraged the body of the soldiers so that the unconquerable leaders knew not how to meet the apparently impending disaster, were not those which are met where the excitement of the contest gives courage and endurance, but those due to lack of proper clothing, food, and shelter ; to weakness and disease due largely to the inability to supply such necessities, but sometimes, it would seem, in part to a lack of appreciation of the greatness of the need by the provincial authorities. A characteristic incident is related of a leading citizen of New Ipswich which so well illustrates this difficulty that it is here again told. Dea. Ephraim Adams, although in the second half-century of life at the time of the first call to arms, did not hesitate to take the field with his juniors, but in the later years of the war was called to different duties by his fellow townsmen, and it is said that "while representing the town in the Provincial Congress, he attempted one day to call their attention to procuring suitable clothing for the soldiers during the then approaching winter, but without much success. On the following day he rose in his place with much solemnity, and read a resolution, in substance that it was the opinion of that body, that the soldiers from their state should have wool grow on their backs, to protect them from the cold during win- ter. This drew the attention of the House immediately, and a committee was chosen, of which he was the chairman, and his wishes were promptly carried into effect." It was a year or two previous to that incident, that a record still extant tells of the discharge of twenty-one newly enlisted soldiers because of their lack of clothes. Still such incidents must not be considered without recog- nition of the almost insuperable difficulties before the home authorities at almost every point. Not the soldiers alone suffered ; their absence from the work so strenuously demanded in a new country of course demanded of their families exces- 99 History of New Ipswich sive labor and the loss of absolutely needed comforts in very many cases ; and still farther, the power of production was so much lessened that the provincial governments often knew not how to find the money imperatively demanded. Of course money rapidly disappeared, and, as is always the case under such conditions, the paper currency began to depreciate in value, making necessary a constantly increasing issue, with a resultant still more rapid depreciation, the lawful currency falling from nearly its full face value at the beginning of 1777 to only one hundred and twentieth of that value at the middle of 1781. Supplies for the army were levied in kind, and in 1781 each town in the state was assessed a designated weight of beef for the support of the army, of which assessment New Ipswich was required to provide about one-eightieth part, which was 17,164 pounds. Another necessity, according to the ideas of that period, and especially for men working severely or especially exposed, was a supply of rum, and of this the town was called upon to find 122 gallons. Under such conditions it is no cause for wonder to read in the New Ipswich town record the record of action taken in January, 1782, when it was "Voted that the Selectmen shall procure clothing for the former Continental Soldiers, if they can." As the chairman of the selectmen that year, however, was Deacon Adams before mentioned, it may probably be assumed with safety that the selectmen could do it. The incident related on a later page, in the Locke genealogy, illustrates the exer- tions that were made to meet the necessities of the times. Through this period of intense stress, when often the issue of the strife must necessarily have seemed doubtful, if not hopeless, to the Americans, New Ipswich kept steadily on, supplying about one-eightieth of whatever men or money or supplies were the part of New Hampshire. Evidently as the expectations of early success, born while the untrained Pro- vincials pursued the fleeing troops from Concord to refuge in Boston, faded and it became recognized that the war could not be carried on by a series of brief enlistments in response to some special peril, the question of recruits took precedence with a multitude of financial problems almost insoluble. At first enlistments were abundant without the payment of bounty or with a small one of perhaps £2, designed probably to meet any little expenses due to the sudden change of life. 100 Bounties and Pay But before the year 1776 had passed the state offered a bounty of £20, although its value ere long was somewhat diminished by its payment being deferred for four years during which it was to draw interest at six per cent. But the necessity of an increased inducement became evident, and many devices were employed to enable the town to meet the requirements. New Ipswich secured the twelve recruits sent in response to the call in February, 1781, by dividing the town into twelve classes, each of which was to furnish one soldier by such means as might be found most expedient. The town records contain receipts for bounties signed by most of the men pre- viously named as sent on the call of April, 1777, and a few others not found in that list, each of whom seems to have received £20, although at that time the bounty for a three- months man was apparently £30. The next year the names are recorded of nineteen citizens headed by the pastor. Rev. Stephen Farrar, who had subscribed the sum of £118 for the purpose of hiring soldiers. As the pressure became more stringent the bounty rose to £40, £50, £60, £70, and probably if search were made in the right place, still higher rates might be found. The rate of pay promised to the soldiers, which at first ranged from £12 per month for a captain to £2 for a private, gradually rose, although only for privates and non- commissioned officers at first, but the usual rate for privates, although not entirely uniform, was apparently about £3 per month in 1776, £4 in 1777, and £5 in 1778. But now the pound which in lawful paper currency was at the beginning of 1778 worth a little more than six silver shillings, sank so rapidly that at the close of 1779 its purchasing value was little more than ten pence, so that the rise of pay in some regiments even as high as £12 per month really relieved the severity of the soldier's condition very slightly. Evidently this could not continue without absolute ruin, and payrolls of the next year show an effort to remedy the injustice, the sum due to each soldier being multiplied in one case by 67, and the product placed to his credit. And very soon rolls were made out known as "depreciation rolls" in which the attempt was made to transfer the loss from the soldier to the authority which had promised to pay him a certain sum. But the immense amounts resulting from this process in many cases could not be found; the "times were hard" to an 101 History of New Ipswich extent never seen by the people of New Ipswich at any earlier or later date. In many cases the government was unable to supply rations, as is shown by records now on file in which against each soldier's name is placed not merely his wages, earned and promised, but remaining unpaid, but also the num- ber of rations, often larger than the number received, for each of which he was to receive the sum of eight pence. A consideration of these facts may perhaps lead to the con- clusion that even though the risk of sudden death or cruel mutilation was less in wars of the eighteenth century than in those that have followed, it does not follow that the men of those days were less worthy of respect for their bravery in war. They fought and conquered against fearful odds, and as has been said earlier, their courage was maintained under conditions in which they had little support from the excite- ment of personal combat. Of course it could not be expected that New Ipswich in a period of revolt against constituted authorities as audacious as the American purpose appeared to be, should have had no citizens who hesitated, or perhaps refused to enter into or approve the movement. Nor is it at all at variance with the lesson taught by all such uprisings that some of the most influential and prominent citizens should have been in this conservative class, which has been designated by the offensive term "tories." It is now generally recognized that even though the sturdy resistance to the pur- poses and efforts of men like Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson was a national duty, and the overthrow of their forces an ethical, as well as political necessity, none the less they were moved by a sense of duty ; and it should also be recog- nized that the more or less positive "tories" of New Ipswich were not necessarily bad men, even though they must be considered to have been at that time bad citizens. Probably they believed the Revolutionary movement, a defiance of a nation believed to be the strongest of the world, by a handful of scattered colonists, to be utterly hopeless and certain to make any conditions which furnished ground for complaint much worse. Further, some of them held offices, and had long felt the support of the enacted laws against popular feeling to be their duty, and the natural result followed. Fortunately, however, this conservative element among the leading citizens of the town did not hold the "tory" principles so aggressively that 102 New Ipswich Tories very serious results ensued, although temporarily the names of Barrett, Champney, and Kidder were not held with what seems to the present time the excessive respect, almost rever- ence, that those days accorded to the leading families. But the town records show that on May 22, 1775, the po- sition of the head of one of these families was considered, and it was "Voted that Charles Barret be not confined also that his plans and Principles are Notwithstanding Erroneous." It is not entirely easy to determine the relation between this action and the fact that the name Charles Barrett is on the roll of the men who had marched only a month before in response to the Concord alarm, although he is credited on that roll with only one day's service, a shorter period than that of any other of the ninety-seven names on the roll. Possibly his speedy return was a potent cause of the town's attention to his case. But whatever stress may have come in those days upon the bonds of town fellowship, they were not broken, and he is found, no later than in 1787, to have been con- sidered a sufficiently loyal American to represent the town in the legislature, which position he held continuously during seven years and also by two isolated elections afterward. Judge Ebenezer Champney is said by his biographer in the former town history to have been "a moderate tory, and dep- recating a resort to arms, believed that with wise and pru- dent counsels all causes of disaffection might be satisfactorily adjusted. He wished to preserve his loyalty and the peace of the country; but like many others who forebore to take part in the contest, he lived to acknowledge the beneficent effects of that struggle which gave us our liberties and free institutions." There were several potent conditions tending to hold Col. Reuben Kidder from joining the provincial cause. His mili- tary position, his commission as "His Majesty's Justice of the Peace," and his large estates, all of course acted against any bias of his judgment in that direction. He is said to have "always expressed his opinions freely as averse to the war, and therefore must have been extremely unpopular, still the respectability of his character seems to have preserved him from any of the annoyances which many of the loyalists of that day had to encounter." Tradition, however, gives one incident which forms a slight exception to what was doubt- less the general truth of the last statement. It is told how 103 History of New Ipswich a soldier returning home from his term of service stopped over night at the Colonel's inn, and relating his experiences to an admiring group, referred to General Washington in terms which chanced to be especially offensive to his host, who responded with a very emphatic execration upon the leader of the rebels, and received a reply in the form of a clenched fist. The Colonel was said to have arisen from his hearthstone and maintained a discreet silence. It cannot be doubted, however, that less prominent loyal- ists were more emphatically admonished of the error of their ways than those who had long been recognized as able and worthy leaders of the town, but with later years their stories have passed into oblivion. The former town history pre- serves the record of one case which was probably especially obnoxious to the town. It chanced that a deserter from the British forces was captured in New Ipswich, and before being returned to Boston was confined for a short time at the tavern of Jonathan Dix, then standing on the site now held by the house occupied for more than forty years by Rev. Samuel Lee. The popular disapproval of the tavern-keeper's part in that incident was expressed, not only by hanging him in effigy, but also by other methods of annoyance, some of which probably would hardly bear relation in detail, so annoying that he soon left the town and the country ; and his property in due time was confiscated to the state. The former history names one member of Capt. Towne's company whose fears amid the shot which greeted them be- fore their ascent of Bunker Hill were sufficient to overcome not only whatever patriotism may have prompted his enlist- ment, but also the personal pride which had been manifested by abundant boasts before reaching the line of danger, and on the plea of sickness he sought release from duty, and also some one to accompany him. The first part of his request was granted, but the courage to go alone was supplied by Capt. Towne's threat that "if he did not instantly scamper he would run him through," and the induced activity was sufficient to give rise to the tradition that he never stopped running till he reached home. If this was really the case, his rapid departure from the region of peril must have been of considerably greater length than the fifty miles intervening between Charlestown and New Ipswich, as the company roll gives Washington as the home of Peter Lowell, and thus no stigma rests upon New Ipswich. 104 Committees of Correspondence The former history also names one soldier who traitor- ously deserted from his company, went over to the British, and was included in the proscribing act of 1778, with the penalty of death if he returned. The latter part of this story of course must have rested upon the record, but, as the name of Daniel Farnsworth does not appear on any of the 3500 pages of company rolls and other Revolutionary documents, supposed to include all that have been found, the question unavoidably arises whether he really broke the soldier's pledged faith, or was only one of the tories who by some act more offensive than that of most of his fellow loyalists brought his name, like that of Jonathan Dix, upon the roll of proscrip- tion. There is much of interest that might be drawn from the town records suggesting the caution and discretion with which the questions arising amid the difficulties which were ever demanding resolute decisions were considered. Conclusions were sometimes reached which now seem to have been errone- ous, but the marvel of the record is that, walking in a path so nearly untrodden, the leaders of the town should have decided so wisely as the result proves that they did. The device adopted by the colonies at the time when it was sought to deprive them of such measure of self- government as they had previously been granted was the or- ganization of the town and state "Committees of Correspon- dence," called sometimes by other names but practically the same in effect, with powers so undefined as to be capable of almost instantaneous abridgement or expansion, as the con- dition required. This has been regarded with wonder and admiration by students of history because of its general es- cape from the errors of action the probabilities of which nec- essarily inhere in such form of control, and especially at the successful and peaceful passage from this temporary and un- lawful expedient to a formal government fitted to endure. Those things could not have been but for the wonderfully balanced powers of perception and of judgment developed by the severe but most instructive experience of the Pilgrim and the Puritan settlers whose children guided the early steps of the colonies. The consideration of the story of the part borne by New Ipswich in this struggle which marked an epoch in the world's history must not close without naming the men of the town who did the work of these committees within its bounds, as written in the town records. 105 History of New Ipswich March 13, 1775. "Chose as Committee of Correspondence and inspection Ephraim Adams, Joseph Bates, Josiah Brown, Isaac How, John Breed, William Shattuck, Eleazer Cum- mings, Edmond Briant, Benj. Knowlton." May 29, 1775. "Nathaniel Stone was substituted in place of Josiah Brown and the Committee was made a Committee of Safety." Oct. 27, 1775. "Chose a new Committee of Inspection, Safety and Correspondence. Chose Ephraim Adams, Paul Prichard, Peter Fletcher, Samuel Whittemore, Joseph Bates." Mar. 11, 1776. "Chose as Committee of Inspection, Safety and Correspondence, — Josiah Brown, James Chandler, Benja- min Gibbs, Thomas Brown, Josiah Walton." July 8, 1776. "Samuel Bartlett was substituted in place of Thomas Brown." Mar. 10, 1777. "Chose as new Committee of Inspection Safety and Correspondence, — Thomas Heald, Nathaniel Stone, Benjamin Hoar, Isaac Appleton, Ephraim Adams." Mar. 9, 1778. "Chose as Committee of Safety, — Samuel Whittemore, Francis Fletcher, Josiah Brown, Paul Prichard, Benjamin Williams." Mar. 8, 1779. "Chose as Committee of Safety, — Jonathan Davis, Benjamin Adams, Thomas Heald, Josiah Walton, Thomas Brown." 106 CHAPTER VI THE CIVIL WAR— 1861-65 npHE patriotic spirit which had been shown so abundantly -*- in the Revolutionary War, and continued through the Wslv of 1812, became strongly tinged with opposition to slavery. This intense feeling was evinced by the long dispute through- out the country which culminated in the Missouri Compro- mise. New Ipswich was ever at the front in all that had to do with liberty of act or thought or person. Later in the earlier half of the nineteenth century this feeling was shown, though in a less obtrusive way, by Anti-Slavery and Aboli- tion societies. Thus it was ready to be aroused to new life by the outbreaking of the Civil War in April, 1861. Public spirit was at white heat. A special town meeting was called May 1, 1861, "to see if the town will vote to appropriate such sum or sums of money as will be necessary to arm and equip such persons as enlist from the town of New Ipswich for the defence of our country in the present crisis." At this meeting no definite action was taken, but another meeting was called to meet on May 21, with a broader outlook. Three articles with very practical points were offered : "To see if the Town will raise money or authorize the selectmen to borrow money to arm and equip a voluntary company, and to provide uniforms for the same." "To see if the Town will take measures to provide for the families of such persons as may be called into actual service." "To adopt any other measures which may be deemed proper to aid in quelling Rebellion, arresting traitors, if un- fortunately any should be found in our vicinity, and provide such sums of money as may be necessary to accomplish the object." At the meeting three resolutions were adopted : "Resolved, that a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars be raised by the town for the purchase of materials for a uniform for the Military Company now formed in town and that the selectmen be instructed to assess the same upon the polls and taxable estate in the town. The 107 History of New Ipswich cost of each uniform to the town not to exceed the sum of ten dollars, and the property in the uniforms to be vested in the town, said uniforms to be loaned by the town to the company, as long as they shall be or- ganized and shall perform military duty." "Resolved that the selectmen be instructed to render aid to the families of such residents of this town that have enlisted in this state or any other, or that may enlist for the term of three years, or the war, and be actually called into service by the Authority of this State as may from time to time be necessary, and that a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars be raised for that purpose to be assessed upon the polls and taxable estates, whenever such sum or any part of it may become necessary." "Resolved that a Committee of five be appointed, whose duty it shall be rigorously to prosecute any person or persons who may be deemed by them guilty of Treason to our Country in this hour of peril, and that the sum of one hundred dollars be appropriated to pay necessary expenses. No part of said sum however to be received by said Com- mittee for their own services, and all bills to be approved by the selectmen." The committee appointed by the moderator, Hosea Eaton, and accepted by vote of the town, was John Preston, Nathan Sanders, William Prichard, James Chandler, John U. Davis. Another town meeting on October 31 was called "To see if the town will vote to raise money to aid the families of volunteers agreeable to Chapter 248 of the Pamphlet Laws passed June session 1861 or anything relating thereto." At this meeting "The following resolution offered by John Preston Esquire was passed unanimously. Resolved that the selectmen be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town from time to time such sums as may be necessary to pay to the full extent authorized by law the families of soldiers, and that in so doing they give the most liberal construction of the law in deciding upon those entitled to relief." No war action was taken at the annual meeting of 1862, but on August 12 the town was called upon to say "what the town will do in relation to paying a bounty to volunteers should any hereafter be called for to fill up the quota from this town for the present war," and it was voted "That a bounty of one hundred dollars be paid by the town to every volunteer who shall be accepted and mustered into the service of the United States for the term of three years or during the war under the recent call of the President for three hun- dred thousand volunteers, and also that a bounty of fifty dollars be paid by the town for each of so many volunteers as may be necessary to supply the quota of men required 108 Bounties for Volunteers for service for the term of nine months, and that the select- men be authorized to borrow so much money on the credit of the town as may be necessary to pay all such persons who may be accepted and mustered into the service of the United States, under the said requisition of the President, and also that the families of those who volunteer for the nine months shall have the same aid allowed to them by the town as is now allowed to the three years men." Again in 1863 the annual town meeting- took no action in reference to the war, but on August 31 three articles were presented for the consideration of a special meeting. "To see if the town will vote to pay to every man belonging to New Ipswich who may be drafted under the law of the United States and may be mustered into the service of the United States or to any Substitute of any man so drafted the sum of three hundred dollars in ten days after such drafted soldier or his substitute shall be mustered into such service, and also furnish aid to the families of drafted men or sub- stitutes." "To raise money by a loan or otherwise to pay such sums as may be required to carry into efifect the provisions of the above article and to raise any committee or committees nec- essary." "To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of one hun- dred dollars to all volunteers from New Ipswich who are now in the service of the United States who have not received a town bounty, and likewise to the heirs of those who have died in the service." To the first question the town replied by the following resolution offered by John Preston, Esq. "Resolved that the town will pay to every soldier who may be drafted, accepted and actually mustered into the service of the United States under the recent conscription law of Congress the sum of three hundred dollars in ten days after said drafted soldiers shall have been mustered into said ser- vice, and also that the town will pay for a substitute for any such man so drafted a sum not exceeding three hundred dol- lars to be paid when such substitute shall have been accepted and been mustered into said service ten days." To meet the second one it was "voted that the selectmen be a committee to borrow on the credit of the town so much money as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of 109 History of New Ipswich the above act, and that they be the disbursing committee." The remaining article was indefinitely postponed. November 25, 1863, the problem had taken the form pre- sented in the warrant for another meeting: "To see if the town will raise money by loan or otherwise to pay a bounty for a sufficient number of volunteers to meet the requisition upon the town under the recent call of the president of the United States for three hundred thousand volunteers or to take any measure to raise a sufficient number of men to avoid the necessity of a draft on the fifth of January next." It was "resolved that the town treasurer be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town the sum of seven thousand two hundred dollars to pay as a bounty for eighteen volun- teers, the number of men required of the town, and that the treasurer be further authorized to take the transfer of the said volunteers of the bounty from the State and the United States and to collect said bounties and make payment of the same as far as may be to liquidate said town." This action was taken on the motion of Esquire Preston, as was also a vote of thanks to "Hon. Hosea Eaton for his prompt action in procuring volunteers to the number re- quired of the town." At the annual meeting in March, 1864, it was "voted to pay the sum of three hundred dollars to all veteran volun- teers that have or may reenlist." On August 4 the town met the question of filling its "quota for five thousand soldiers called for by the United States 18th of July 1864" with a vote "that the selectmen be authorized to fill the quota of the town for the present call for troops, and also be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town such sums of money, not exceeding fifteen thou- sand dollars, as may be necessary for that purpose." The condition at the time of the presidential election in the following November and the frame of mind at that time is lecalled by an article in the warrant for that meeting: "To see if the town will continue to pay a bounty in anticipation of a call that may be made by the President of the United States for soldiers," and still more plainly by the answer of the town when it "voted that the selectmen be authorized to pay bounty for soldiers, the amount of money to be paid to be left to their discretion." The whole amount expended by the town as given in the 110 The Sixth and Thirteenth "Report of the Commissioners upon the War Expenditures of the towns and cities in the State of New Hampshire" was $13,150. Selectmen, 1861-65: 1861-62, George W. Wheeler 2d, George Whiting, Sewell O. Chandler; 1863, John U. Davis; George C. Campbell, Charles B. Preston ; 1864, John U. Davis, George C. Campbell, Emerson Howe ; 1865, Emerson Howe, Reuben Taylor, Horace Wheeler. Within a few days after the first call for troops a squad of men were drilled on the common near the church twice a week by Capt. Jonas Nutting of the state militia. Capt. Nutting, himself past middle life, was one of the first to enlist and was soon followed by four of his sons. In Novem- ber the New Ipswich men were mustered in at Keene. De- cember 25, the Sixth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, for which New Ipswich furnished twenty-three men. was ordered to Washington and began the soldier's life, which was to continue for three years. "The Regiment during its term of service in seventeen different states was in 21 engagements, meeting all the re- quisitions of duty however onerous or perilous with cheerful and ready efficiency. While it is not asserted that the Sixth was the best regiment sent out from New Hampshire the claim may be made, and can be maintained, that it was equal to the best. Its record has added a brilliant chapter to the history of New Hampshire's always glorious achievements in war." (Revised Register of the Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion, 1 861-66. A. D. Ay ling. Adjutant General.) New Ipswich was also specially interested in the Thirteenth Regiment, as nineteen of her men were in the ranks, having been enrolled in October, 1861. The regiment was in "more than twenty engagements, beside days and days of skirmish- ing.'" It had the proud distinction of being the first Union regi- ment and its flags the first flags of the Union army to enter Richmond on its occupation April 3, 1865. "At once the Brigade was engaged in restoring order, putting out fires and gathering into Libby prison more than two thousand soldiers of Lee's army." Later in May it had the honor to receive Gen. Sherman's army as it passed through Richmond. "Its character for efficiency, patriotism, intelligence, bravery, and 111 History of New Ipswich trustworthiness made it surely one of the nation's most prom- inent historic Regiments." (Ayling.) Meantime the women of New Ipswich were bravely doing their part. A Soldier's Aid Society was organized in October, 1861, and carried on its work with vigor and enthusiasm. To the army in the field were sent woolen garments, stockings, "comfort bags" — more than five hundred — and in large amount dried apples and other fruits. To the hospitals were sent pillows, dressing-gowns, lint, bandages, cordials, and all that could be found in a New England home for the comfort of an invalid. To all were sent newspapers and writing ma- terials. If sometimes a letter was added to a package the recipient thought himself specially fortunate. House mothers gave until only enough was left of their treasured supplies to meet the needs of their own households. It must be remem- bered that supplies of all kinds were held at fabulous prices ; that stockings and nearly all garments were made by hand, bandages rolled, and lint scraped in the same way; but the hearts of the workers were warm and for four years they lived at high pressure. At length, after four years of strife and sufferings in camp and on the field, four years of wearisome suspense and fear in the homes of all the land, the struggle was ended. Lee had surrendered, and there was jubilant rejoicing in this quiet, lit- tle village ; ringing of bells, firing of cannon, illuminations, con- gratulations of all who met in the street. The day was given up to varied expression of joy. That was Monday, April 10; Saturday, April 15, President Lincoln died and joy was changed to bitter sorrow. On the Sabbath the church was draped with black. Mr. Cutler, the young pastor, in the church service voiced the griefs of all hearts. After the close of the war the wants of the Freedmen — so helpless in their sudden release from the care as well as the bondage of their masters — appealed the more to the people of the North, since the conquered South was unable to care for them, and for years relief was given until help could be ren- dered by organized charities. By the payment of $200 a year New Ipswich for three years supported a teacher for the Freedmen. Prices During the Civil War. — From an expense book, 1862-65, we quote these prices, most of them in the hand- writing of William W. Johnson: Aleal (bag), $3.90; sugar (pound), 30 cents; molasses (gallon), $1.(X); kerosene oil 112 ■•■'■^^C' BIP r— EntCTCD Thk Soldiers' Monument Tlie Union League (gallon), $1.10; nutmegs (pound), $2.00; butter (pound), 50 cents; cotton cloth, unbleached (yard), $1.00; gold, $2.85j/^. In Boston flour by the carload was sold per barrel $25.00. During the Civil War there were in the Northern States many sympathizers with the South who used all their power and influence to have the Confederacy recognized by foreign powers. To counteract the effect of this party the Union League was organized. It included patriotic men who for age or any other reason were unable to go to the front, but who by every means in their power bravely upheld the cause of Liberty here in the North. A branch of the league was or- ganized in New Ipswich. Its work, though necessarily quiet, was effective and a power in the region. Prof. E. T. Quimby was the president of the local league and Prof. C. H. Chandler held some office, probably that of secretary. No records can be found which give any clue to the number of members. In 1878 a soldiers' monument was erected on the Village Green at the foot of the Academy campus. Its height is twenty-two feet and six inches — a simple granite shaft above a base standing four-square, bearing this inscription on the north side : NEW IPSWICH TO THE MEMORY OF HER BRAVE SONS WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR THEIR COUNTRY DURING THE WAR OF THE REBELLION ERECTED 1878 The following names are inscribed on the other sides of the base. William L. Weston Allen A. Nutting John Pike John F. Knowlton Abner p. Cragin John K. Walker Warren P. Locke Josiah P. Wheeler Walter Ray Warren C. Nicholas Patrick Ready Andrew L. Swallow John P. Shattuck William A. Mansur Francis Nutting Albert H. Davis George H. Nutting Edward E. Davis Charles L. Nutting 113 History of New Ipswich NEW IPSWICH SOLDIERS I> Appleton, Eugene F. Avery, James E. . . Baxter, Albert F. . Blanchard, Edwin F. . Blanchard, Thomas W Blood, Luther . . . Bolton, Charles L. . Boodry, Augustine W Bucknam, John B Carr, Edward J. . Chamberlin, Charles Chandler, James O. Cragin, Abner P. . Davis, Edward E. Davis, Albert H. . . . Donley, Michael P. . . Eddy, John Edwards, George F. . Fisher, Albert G. . . Fletcher, Benjamin M. Fowler, Archibald C. . Fowler, John H. . . . Freeman, Sherwood A. Frissel, William B. . . Fuller, Andrew C. . . Garland, James . . . Goulding, Charles H. . Greenleaf, Paul . . . Dublin, N. H. . . Peterboro . . . Central Falls, R. I. New Ipswich . . Westmoreland Groton, Mass . Paisley, Scot. . Pawtucket, R. I. New Ipswich . New Ipswich . Newbury . . Pittsfield . . . Temple Ashby, Mass. Trim, Ireland Northboro . New Ipswich Francestown Albany . . Madrid, N. Y. Thetford, Vt. Westminster Ellsworth, Me. Millbury, Mass. Pittsfield . . . 24 23 18 19 18 26 23 18 20 19 33 24 23 24 24 38 18 23 35 19 41 23 36 29 31 24 24 Residbncb New Ipswich 114 New Ipswich Soldiers THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Rbgt. Co. 1 N. H. Inf., G 1 N. H. Inf., G : N. H. Inf., G Mass. H. Art. H N. H. Inf., G N. H. Inf., G Mass. Inf. H ' N. H. Inf., G I N. H. Inf., I N. H. Inf., I N. H. Inf., D I N. H. Inf., I N. H. Inf., G Minn. Inf., F N. H. Inf., K N. H. Inf., E N. H. Inf. Mass. Cav., M U. S. Sh. Shooters 1 N. H. Inf., G i Mass. Inf., F ' Mass. Inf., F 1 N. H. Inf., G N. H. Inf., K 1 N. H. Inf., G N. H. Inf., K N. H. Inf., G N. H. Inf., K Remarks. Discharged disabled May 5, 1863. Discharged disabled Feb. 28, 1863. Wounded and missing at Get- tysburg July 2, 1863. Wound, sev. at Fort Harrison, Va., Sept. 29, 1864. Wound. Mar. 8, 1865. Disc, for wounds Dec. 22, 1865. Wound, sev. at Cold Harbor, Va., June 7, 1864. Died of disease, Falmouth, Va. Discharged disabled May 28, 1863. Discharged disabled May 26, 1863. Died at Fortress Monroe of wounds neglected while in prison. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va. Capt. Co. E, Apr. 6, 1865 . . Enlisted as Musician .... Discharged disabled June, 1862. Discharged disabled June 6, 1863. Afterwards served Co. C, 1 H. Art. Discharged Nov. 28, 1864. . Discharged disabled Jan. 23, 1863. Discharged disabled Aug. 8, 1861. Discharged disabled Oct. 4, 1862. 115 Mar. 11, 1874 Dec. 7, 1862 Dec. 13, 1862 May 31, 1910, at Tilton Aug. 11. 1866 Sept. 11, 1871 Rank Whkn Discharged Corporal Corporal Captain Captain 1st Lieut. 1st Sergt. History of New Ipswich NEW IPSWICH SOLDIERS IN Hickoch, Thomas J. Hubbard, John . Hull, Charles H. . Isaacs, Charles E. Judkins, Samuel E Knowlton, John F. Knowlton, William R LeRoy, David . . Locke, Warren P. Mansfield, Jonathan N. Mansur, William E. Marvin, James H. McConnell, Jonathan McDonald, Michael Nicholas, Warren C Nutting, Charles P. Nutting, Charles S. Nutting, George H. Nutting, George P. Nutting, James Francis Nvitting, John C. . . ■ Nutting, Jonas . . . Nutting,- Allien A. . . Oliver, Lucius C . . Peavy, Wallace . Pike, John . . . Potter, George F. Pratt, Charles H. Pratt, Daniel F. . Proctor, Amos J. . Born Agb Cambridgeport, Mass. Mason Lowell, Mass. . . . Plymouth, Mich. . . New Ipswich . . . New Ipswich . . . Westboro, Mass. . . New York City . . Fitchburg Temple . . Williston, Vt. Paisley Scot. Lowell, Mass. New Ipswich New Ipswich New Ipswich New Ipswich . . Ashburnham, Mass New Ipswich . . Ashburnham, Mass. Westford, Mass . New Ipswich . . New Ipswich . . Peterboro . . Haverhill, Mass. New Ipswich . Marlboro . . Marlboro . . Stoddard . . . 116 Residencb 20 20 27 18 22 19 41 34 22 43 51 28 38 20 28 24 23 25 25 18 28 56 18 22 19 45 26 24 22 31 New Ipswich Enlisted June 13, 1861 June 14, 1861 Oct. 15, 1861 Feb. 16, 186S July 19, 1861 Aug. 18, 1862 Aug. 15, 1861 Oct. 31, 1861 Nov. 7, 186! Oct. 27, 186] Oct. 15, 186: Nov. 23, 186: Aug. 12, 186: Nov. 21, 186 Aug. 13, 186; Aug. 29, 186 Oct. 29, 186 Aug. 15, 186 Aug. 20, 186 Oct. 15, 186 Sept. 14, 18f Nov. 30, 18e May 25, m Aug. 9, ISf I Mar. 14, 18f Oct. 28, 18f July 14, 1» Aug. 14, I8t Aug. 16, la Aug. 14, 18* , New Ipswich Soldiers THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 11 Mass. Inf., K 10 Mass. Inf., K 6 N. H. Inf., K 6 N. H. Inf. K 13 N. H. Inf., G 24 N. H. Inf. E 6 N. H. Inf., K 32 Mass. Inf., B 6 N. H. Inf., K 6 N. H. Inf., K '6 N. H. Inf., K 13 N. H. Inf., G 3 Mass. Cav., M .13 N. H. Inf., G •4 N. H. Inf., C 6 N. H. Inf., K 13 N. H. Inf., G 3 N. H. Inf., E 6 N. H. Inf., K 4 N. H. Inf., I 6 N. H. Inf., K 2 Mass. Inf., D 3 N. H. Inf., G 1 N. H. Cav. M 6 N. H. Inf., K 6 Mass. Inf., H 3 N. H. Inf., G 3 N. H. Inf., G 3 N. H. Inf., G Missing at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1861. Appt. Captain Jan. 13, 1863. . Discharged disabled Jan. 13, 1863. Totally blind from spotted fever. Discharged Apr. 1, 1863. . . Died Newport News. . . . Musician, discharged disabled Jan. 23, 1863. Killed at Bethesda Church, Va. Killed at Petersburg, Va. . Died from wounds Discharged June 29, 1865. . . Discharged June 6, 1865. . . Killed at Cold Harbor, Va. . Discharged Sept. 27, 1864. . Died of disease, Roanoke Is- land, N. C. Died of wounds, Washington, D. C. Appt. 1st Sergeant Oct. 11, 1862. Disch. dis. Mar. 11, 1863. Died of disease, Annapolis, Md. Appt. Sergeant. Discharged May 15, 1862. . Appt. Sergeant. Killed. . . First Lieut. Co. I, Mar. 1, 1865. Mustered out June 1, 1865. Wounded Nov. 12, 1864. Mustered out July 15, 1865. Died of disease, Winchester, Ky. Wounded June 18, 1864. . . Discharged Sept. 18, 1865. . Discharged disabled Jan. 28, 1863. Discharged disabled May 28, 1863. 117 Mar. 4, 1863 June 3, 1864 July 7, 1864 Sept. 25, 1862 June 1, Mar. 29, July 4, Mar. 20, 1864 1862 1864 1874 Jan. IS, 1862 June 20, June 9, 1873 1863 Apr. 12, 1863 Rank When Discharged 2d Lieut. 1st Lieut. 1st Lieut. Musician Sergeant History of New Ipswich . NEW IPSWICH SOLDIERS IN Ray, Walter . . . Reddy, Patrick . . . Robinson, Charles 1st Saunders, Edward A. Shattuck, George W. Shattuck, John B. Sheldon, Charles B. Simons, Willard . Simpson, James . Smith, Augustus . Smith, George 3rd Smith, Gideon H. Spear, Joseph A. . Stratton, Charles H Stratton, James S. . Swallow, Andrew S. Tebbits, George B. . Thayer, Edward A. . Walker, John K. . . Walton, Charles . . Weston, William L. Wheeler, Josiah P. . Whitney, John H. Wilson, George W. Wilson, William H. Wright, Albert F. Wright, Charles A. Wright, Edward . Weston, Frank Manchester, Eng. Ireland Mason Westburne, N. Y. New Ipswich . . Temple . . . . Groton, Mass. . New York City Underbill, Vt. . England Central Falls, R. I. New Ipswich . . New Ipswich . . New Ipswich . . . Dunstable, Mass. . . New Ipswich . . . New Ipswich . . . New Ipswich . . . Rindge Westminster, Mass. . Dudley, Conn. New Ipswich New Ipswich Mason . . Mason . . . Westford, Mass. Nashua, N. H. 18 36 45 18 18 26 30 25 30 22 27 21 25 15 19 20 18 25 45 18 28 23 18 21 19 19 38 Rbsidbncb New Ipswich Enlistbd Dec. 7, 186 Nov. 12, 186 July 31, 186 Nov. 12, 186 Oct. 21, 186 Sept. 5, 186 Dec. 3, 186 Oct. 15, m. Nov. 12, m. Dec. 23, m. Nov. 10, 18(i Dec. 16, 18< Oct. 7, 18(, Aug., m June, 18c Oct. 16, 18i Sept. 20, 18f Nov. 12, 18 July 12, 18 Oct. 14, 18 Nov. 12, 18 Aug. 29, 18 Aug. 9. \i Sept. 13, \i Aug. 13, \i Nov. 12, Vt Nov. 12, U May 20, 1{ Apr. 23, II 118 New Ipswich Soldiers PHE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Kank Whbn RBGT. Co. Remarks Died DiSCHARGBD N. H. Cav. M. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864; killed, Lacy's Springs, Va., Dec. 26, 1864 Corporal N. H. Inf., K Died of disease, Milldale, Miss. July 30, 1863 Corporal N. H. Inf., E Discharged disabled Feb. 11, 1862. Mass. Cav., M Discharged disabled June 16, 1862. N. H. Inf., K Discharged Dec. 11, 1865. . . N. H. Inf., I Died of disease Aug. 9, 1863 N. H. Cav. M Tw^ice captured. Discharged June 14, 1865. N. H. Inf., K N. H. Inf., K Discharged Jan. 31, 1863. N. H. Cav., M Captured. Killed Columbia Furnace. Oct. 6, 1864 Sergeant N. H. Inf., A In prison more than six mo. Mustered out Oct. 28, 1865. N. H. Cav., M Mustered out July 15, 1865. . 1st Serg. Corporal N. H. Inf., D Mass. Inf., F Lost leg at Roanoke Island, but served through the v^^ar in Vet. Reserve Corps. Mass. Inf., G Killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862 N. H. Inf., K Died of disease July 4, 1862 N. H. Inf., I Discharged disabled Sept. 13, 1862. Apr. 24, 1867 Mass. Cav., M Capt. Co. H, 1st Lousiana Cav. Captain Resigned Dec. 14, 1863. Mass. Inf., B Killed Oct. 21, 1861 N. H. Inf., K Discharged Mar. 4, 1863. . . Sergeant Mass. Cav., M Discharged disabled June, 1862. Accidentally killed on cars while a prisoner enroute from Andersonville to Sa- vannah. Sept. 13, 1864 N. H. Inf., G Mustered out June 21. 1865. . Wagoner N. H. Inf., K Discharged May 12, 1865. . . iN. H. Inf., G Discharged Sept. 18, 1865. . !N. H. Inf., K Discharged disabled Oct. 16, 1862. In. H. Inf., K Mustered out July 17, 1865. . Sergeant In. H. Inf., G Discharged for wounds Oct. 28, 1862. Died at Rindge. Feb. 25, 1873 Mass. Inf., E Disch. June 24, 1864. Cap- tured at Malvern Hill July, 1862. In Libby prison, pa- roled Aug. 7, 1862. 119 History of New Ipswich BORN IN NEW IPSWICH, Namb Aiken, George H. . Aiken, John C. . . Ainsworth, William P Austin, Albert T. . Baldwin, Edwin T. . Boyce, James L. . . Brown, Marshall L. . Chapman, Charles . Cragin, Clark . . . Emory, George E. . Felt, George D. . . Fuller, Granville L. . Hardy, William H.. Harvey, Charles L. . Hildreth, William H. Joslin, Charles . . . Lawrence, Charles A. Lee, Samuel W. . . . Livingstone, Harrison M Matthews, Frank . Maxwell, Henry F. Preston, George P. Preston, Seth . . Prichard, George H Stearns, John E. . Tenney, George F. Tyler, Humphrey M Wheeler, H. B. . Born New Ipswich Agb 18 19 37 18 28 22 24 25 18 27 26 18 26 33 21 22 33 16 22 21 20 38 21 32 25 20 38 28 Credited to Amherst . Milford . Nashua . Mason Nashua . Walpole . Keene . . Dublin . Jaffrey Lowell, Mass Temple Manchester Sharon Chesterfield . Ashby, Mass. Deering . . Nashua . . Chicago . . Mason . . Peterboro Woburn, Mass Jaffrey Mason Hillsboro Mason Hollis . . Milford . Peterboro Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862 Aug. 21, 1862 Dec. 2, 1861 Sept. 27, 1862 June 4, 1861 Nov. 21, 1862 Nov. 12, 1861 Aug. 23, 1862 Oct. 8, 1861 Dec. 5, 1861 Apr. 30, 1861 Oct. 1, 1861 Oct. 15, 1861 Aug. 29, 186h Aug. 26, 186^1 Aug. 29, 186 Sept. 30, 180 Aug., 186 \ Sept. 2, 186'! Aug. 30, 186 :, Sept. 10, 186 ' Oct. 22, m Oct. 2, m , Aug. 12, 18 Sept. 15, 1{ Sept. 1, 18( Sept. 3, 18< Aug. 12, 18 120 New Ipswich Soldiers BUT ENLISTED ELSEWHERE. Regt. Co. Remarks Died Rank When Discharged N. H. Inf., H Appointed Hospital Steward. Mustered out June 1, 1865. 1 N. H. Inf., H Twice wounded. Mustered out June 7, 1865. 1st Serg. ;N. H. Cav., M Killed Fort Royal, Va. . . . May 30, 1862 I N. H. Inf., C Died of disease, Port Hudson, La. Aug. 1, 1863 N. H. Inf., C Leader of Baldwin Cornet Band. N. H. Inf., E Mustered out Aug. 20, 1863. . Aug. 25, 1863 N. H. Inf., E Mustered out July 17, 1865. . Asst. Surgeon N. H. Inf., F Discharged disabled Jan. 16, 1863. N. H. Inf., D Mustered out Oct. 29, 1864. . N. H. Inf., D Mustered out Oct. 28, 1865. . 1 N. H. Inf., G Died of wounds Nov. 6, 1862 \ N. H. Inf., A Mustered out July 20, 1865 . Jan. 18, 1869 i N. H. Inf., K Discharged disabled June 2, 1865. N. H. Inf., C Discharged disabled Nov. 29, 1862. Mass. H. Art. H Mustered out June 17, 1865. . N. H. Inf., C Discharged Sept. 1, 1865. . . N. H. Inf., B Twice wounded. Appt. Capt. Co. B, Nov. 2, 1864. 111. Cav. F N. H. Inf., C Appt. Serg. Mustered out Aug. 20, 1863. N. H. Inf., E Mustered out Aug. 23, 1865. . Corporal Mass. Vol. B Mustered out June 4, 1865. . N. H. Inf., K Discharged on account oi wounds Jan. 26, 1863. N. H. Inf. B Mustered out Oct. 28, 1865. . Dec. 19, 1867 Sergeant N.H. Inf., D Twice wounded. Discharged disabled Oct. 25, 1864. Aug. 19, 1864 t N. H. Inf. C Mustered out Aug. 20, 1863 . 1 N. H. Inf. E Discharged Aug. 13, 1863. Died at Townsend. Aug. 27, 1863 1 N. H. Inf. F Mustered out June 10, 1865. Died at Togus. May 26, 1887 Sergeant 1 N. H. Inf. G Wounded. Mustered out June 22, 1865. Died at Rindge. Feb. 28, 1884 Lieutenant 1 i 121 CHAPTER VII ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY IVTEW Ipswich was originally settled by men who feared "^^ God and recognized their obligation to sustain the in- stitutions of religion. Previous to the coming of the settlers under the Massachusetts Grant men were sent forward "to erect a convenient meeting house," and the first structure of any kind reared within the territory of the town was for religious worship. The Masonian charter (June 16, 1749) specified that the Grantees reserve ten acres of land there, i. e., around said meeting-house. "And said Grantees shall within seven years settle a learned and orthodox minister in said township, and for whom suitable provision shall be made." The site of the first meeting-house was located by the son of Judge Timothy Farrar at the time of the church cen- tennial (1860) as being on the hill east of the Farrar house "on a small plat ten rods S. 6° 30' E. from the highest point on the hill." This building was burned in the winter of 1748. Among the papers of Prof. Chandler I find this note (authority not given) : "The meeting-house stood on the Farrar's hill and was thirty feet square, built of logs being nicely hewn and roofed with bark. The superior elegance of this temple excited the wonder of the neighboring towns." In 1752 the town voted to build a meeting-house, and after much discussion it was decided to place it on "Lott No. 1 in the 10th Range." Meantime, (October, 1753,) it was voted to "meet at the house of Joseph Kidder for the future," which stood on the site of the house now occupied by Mrs. Frank W. Preston. This house was finished in February, 1759. At once it was voted "to sect ye meeting house" and a committee was chosen for the purpose. As seats were as- signed to individuals in the supposed order of their social standing, it would seem to modern estimate that there would be an abundant opportunity for criticism, but the majesty of the law, even as represented by a committee chosen from one's social peers, was then of more practical power than at the present day. 122 Rev. Stephen Farrar While waiting for an abidingplace the town had sought to find a minister and a call was given to Mr. Peter Powers, which he did not accept. Also Mr. Deliverance Smith declined to settle here, although it was voted to give him "53 pounds 6 shillings & 8 pence Lawful Silver money as yearly sallery if he settles with us so long as he sustains the Carator of our Gospel Minister." We will believe that a kindly Providence prevented these two men from coming to this town that a better influence might be brought to it in the person of Mr. Stephen Farrar, who was called "to be our Gospel Minister in this place," November 28, 1759. His "Sallery was to be 40 pounds Starling money of Grate Britton and 30 cord of good wood, Cord wood length to be delivered at his house anually." This call was accepted by Mr. Farrar July 30, 1760. The formal organization of the church took place Octo- ber 21, 1760, and the following day Stephen Farrar was ordained and installed pastor of the church. It is not an overstatement to say that no one event in the history of the town has been of greater importance. The influence of this young pastor in the formative period of the growth of the town, coming here in the vigor and enthusiasm of early man- hood, aided by the prestige in those early days accorded to his profession, has made itself felt to the present day. The bond between pastor and people was strong, and increasing year by year was broken only by his death. The church at its organization consisted of twenty-one members; to these, before 1772, thirty-eight others were added. The records are tantalizingly imperfect. Save a par- tial record of admissions and baptisms, only one item of business is recorded previous to 1800, and all the records are written on four leaves measuring six by four inches. In that year a bound volume was obtained which contains the records of 1800-1834, but they were written with no regard to chrono- logical order and the confusion is misleading and discouraging. Fortunately for the historian of the future, the contents of this volume have been transcribed in proper order and are now accessible. Within three years the growing population of the town made the meeting-house too small for its needs, and in 1762 an article was in the warrant for town meeting "to see if they [the Proprietors] will make preparations for Building a meet- 123 History of New Ipswich ing house." Controversy as to the location and dimensions of the house ensued and it was not finished until 1770. When it was "erected and covered," after long discussion it was decided that the "Pews shall be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder." This auction was held November 25, 1768. A list of the buyers is given. Charles Barrett £82 Is. No. 29 A body pew, pews on three sides. Thomas Heald £80 1 Next to S. door. Francis Appleton £80 7 Next to East door. Benjamin Adams £80 10 In amen corner next to N. E. pew. Moses Tucker Jr. ) ,-o on n j r 1.1 i Tj • ■ ^xru ^ vi/o 30 Body pew, corner of block. Benjamm Wheat \ j f > Ephraim Adams £77 9 N. W. corner pew. Jonathan Dix £76 16 N. E. corner pew. Nathan Cutter £71 11 Amen corner, next to B. Adams. Timothy Fox £66 34 Body pew, corner of block. Peter Fletcher £64 31 Body pew, corner of block. Eleazer Cummings £58 12 Amen corner, next to pulpit. Josiah Brown £43 21 S. W. corner pew, next to stairs. Andrew Spaulding £42 4 S. E. corner pew, next to stairs. This house was directly opposite the old cemetery. The "Great Revival" began in the winter of 1785-86 and continued nearly a year. Early in the winter, at the quarterly fast which the church had been accustomed to observe for several years, an unusual number were present, and the pres- ence of the Holy Spirit was manifest in power. The people could not go away "but remained to converse on their own personal religion." Through the winter the work went on. The season was one of great severity, but people went on the crusted snow through the fields from one meeting to another at a later hour. It is said that even the sick were carried on beds. Sometimes Mr. Farrar preached in a barn with the hearers seated on the floor and the scaffold. Ninety- eight persons were added to the church within two years. Mr. Farrar's pastorate was not marked by any other events of special interest. He lived the quiet life of a country minister, doing his duty to all, and was a power for good in giving tone and direction to every project for the benefit of the town. To him revered and beloved as "the Good Parson," June 23, 1809, the end came suddenly, and he went to join in another world those of his flock to whom he had shown the way to the heavenly gates. Rev. Seth Payson preached the funeral sermon from the 124 Rev. Richard Hall words, "And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him." The town paid the ex- penses of his funeral and placed over his grave a marble slab with the inscription, The people of his charge leave this stone To mark the place Where they have laid him. On the one hundreth anniversary of Mr. Farrar's death a simple service was held at his grave. An appreciative sketch of his character and influence written by Miss Katharine Preston, who is of his lineage, and read by Rev. C. R. Pea- cock, a poem by Dea. James Roger, formerly of Edinboro, with prayer by Rev. W. R. Thompson, fitted the quiet sunset hour, serene and beautiful, typical of the close of the life which we met to commemorate. Each year on June 23, a young woman whose heart is filled with reverence for those who laid the broad foundations of all that is good in the town places upon Mr. Farrar's grave flowers gathered from the garden of his lifelong home. Immediately after Mr. Farrar's death the town looked for a successor. One or two candidates were heard, but it was not easy to find a man who would fill the place of the lamented and revered pastor. One candidate, so tradition relates, was rejected because he wore white stockings, so unlike the black and inconspicuous garments which were worn by Mr. Farrar. December 5, 1811, a call was given by the town to Mr. Richard Hall, and he was ordained March 12, 1812. In August of that year he strengthened his relation to the people by his marriage with Lucy, eldest daughter of Hon. Timothy Farrar and niece of Rev. Mr. Farrar. Before Mr. Hall came to the church a revival was in progress which was greatly helped by his ministrations. In 1821-22 there was another revival of great power, and as the fruit of the two there were added to the church about one hundred and fifty persons. During his ministry a creed and confession of faith was adopted, and all who were admitted to the church were required to subscribe to it. It embodied very strictly the theological tenets of the day. The meeting-house became too small, and also so dilapi- dated that a new one was needed. The new building on the spot where the present one stands was begun in 1812, and 125 History of New Ipswich completed in 1813. "Modeled after Park Street meeting-house in Boston, it was a stately building with graceful spire, a perfect type of the colonial church and dear to the heart of every one within sound of its sweet-toned bell." In 1818 the first Sunday School was organized by the women of the church. During the following winter it was suspended but revived in the following spring, and has continued to this day, the instrument of untold good. The widow Abigail Davis was the first superintendent. Mr. Hall died July 13, 1824, after a prolonged illness. "His ministry was faithful and successful." "His mental powers were above the ordinary grade, and he was noted for his decision of character." In 1823 a Religious Society was formed to cooperate with the church by having special care of financial matters and of general temporalities. It began with one hundred mem- bers, and George F. Farley was the first secretary. Thus at the termination of Mr. Hall's ministry the official connec- tion of the town with the church ceased. After much indecision and discussion the church gave a call to Rev. Isaac R. Barbour October 4, 1824, and the in- stallation took place March 8, 1826. On August 22, of the same year, on account of the health of his wife, he asked a dismission. This request was granted only too willingly. In choosing a successor to Mr. Barbour the church and society were unanimous in the choice of Mr. Charles Walker, who came here directly from Andover Theological Seminary. The salary offered was $700, and he was ordained February 28, 1827. His ministry was conscientious and successful, es- pecially in enlisting a more general activity in the church. Protracted meetings were held repeatedly, and conversions were numerous. June 21, 1827, a committee was chosen to visit the members of the church "to converse particularly on the subject of religion." A committee of discipline was chosen which did its work too faithfully for the peace of the church. Members were disciplined for the most trivial causes, and long-continued discussions were wasted on trifles light as air. During the ministry of eight years there were one hundred and six church meetings on business, many of them beginning at nine o'clock in the morning and continuing until late at night ; also there were five councils or references, be- 126 Rev. Samuel Lee sides those of ordination and dismission. Mr. Walker was dismissed August 26, 1835. Rev. Charles Walker was born in Rindge, N. H., November 21, 1795. His father was a farmer of moderate means and the son had to earn his education by his own exertions. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 182.3 and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1826, being then more than thirty years old. A man of fair talents, an impressive preacher, and of a gentle spirit. After leaving this church he was settled March 9, 1836, at Windsor, Conn. The last years of his life were spent at Groton, Mass., where he died October 23, 1847. At a meeting of the church January 18, 1836, "A subject was presented by the Moderator for consultation, as to the propriety or expediency of calling a man to settle with us as a minister of the gospel without attending to the usual pre- liminary course of probation." "After some little consultation it was moved and seconded that we present Rev. Samuel Lee of Sherburne, Mass., a call to settle with us in the work of the gospel ministry. The above motion was carried into effect by vote of the church." The church knew of Mr. Lee only from the report of a committee who had attended a protracted meeting at Ashburnham, where he had been called to assist the pastor. The call, one of several under consideration at that time by Mr. Lee, was accepted, and the installation took place on May 5, 1836. Early in his ministry some changes took place. So far as is known it had always been the custom of the church that candidates for membership should appear before a public church meeting, relate their religious experience, or read a paper which they had written, and then be questioned by any member of the church. This in itself was an ordeal from which nearly every one would shrink. In July, 1837, it was voted "That candidates for admission to the church meet the Committee of Examination, and if by them approved, be propounded three weeks at least previous to the time of admission." Another revival came to this church in 1841-42, but unlike some of previous years there was no excitement, but a calm, intense earnestness which continued during nearly two years. "There were added to the church one hundred and ten per- sons, several husbands and wives side by side, and most of 127 History of New Ipswich them persons in middle life." In 1857-58 there was again much religious interest, fifteen being added to the church, beside a much larger number of students of the Academy who would join their home churches. Notwithstanding this increased religious interest other agencies were at work. In 1841 the use of wine at the com- munion table was brought before the church. After pro- longed discussion and thought the church voted to continue the use of wine as had been the custom ever since the time of Christ. The vote stood eighty-four in favor of the use of the wine, four against it. Thus that special question was defi- nitely settled. But the germ of discord grew with the years and the church became divided on many questions. Advice was asked and given by two ecclesiastical councils, and at the suggestion of the second, many of the dissatisfied mem- bers asked for dismission and recommendation to other churches, although it is certain that at Mason Village they did not receive a cordial welcome. The meeting-house, built in 1813, had become dilapidated and in need of repair to render it comfortable or pleasing to the eye. In 1851 it was remodeled by raising the floor and removing the galleries, thus making the auditorium specially fine in its acoustic properties. The beautiful proportions of the former spire were retained, and from its height came the tones of the sweet-voiced bell presented in 1815 by citizens of the town. Within a few years it has been learned that this bell came from the foundry of Paul Revere. This building was burned July 15, 1902. The church celebrated its centennial anniversary October 22, 1860. An historic discourse had been prepared by the pastor, but as on account of ill-health he was not able to deliver it, it was read by Rev. Mr. Fisher of 1^'^ason Village, Rev. Mr. Bell of Ashby, and Rev. Isaac Stearns Perry of Bellows Falls, Vt. The following was the programme pre- pared by the committee in charge. Gathering at the site of the old meeting-house. Prayer and brief address, 10 a. m. Procession to the church. Historical Discourse, 11 :00 a. m. Dinner in the basement of the church with addresses. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the church. 128 Rev. Calvin Cutler A flag had been reared on the site of the first meeting- house on Farrar Hill, which could be seen from the place of gathering. There are those living who remember the under- pinning stones of that house, and can identify the spot. Mr. Lee's health failing, he resigned his pastorate and was dismissed December 9, 1860. Save the life-long pastorate of Parson Farrar, that of Mr. Lee was the longest recorded in the history of the church and its influence was proportionate, especially in connection with the Academy. One who was often a member of the congregation said of him : "Mr. Lee has a logical and metaphysical mind ; is an independent and liberal thinker; announces his convictions with great decision and earnestness; is a faithful and devoted pastor; an active and enlightened friend of education ; and is greatly beloved by his people." Another adds, "His prayers carried one into the presence of a helpful Heavenly Father." January 23, 1861, an ecclesiastical council met for the pur- pose of authorizing the union of the two Congregational churches here existing. From their result we quote : "Voted that we approve the basis on which the two churches have agreed to unite, and that we consummate the union here in- tended." Soon after this union the church received a legacy from the estate of Mrs. Dolly Everett of $4,000. The dwelling-house of Mrs. Everett was given the church for a parsonage. After a long period of hearing candidates, a call was given to Mr. Calvin Cutler, which he accepted, and he was ordained March 12, 1862. After a pastorate of five years Mr. Cutler asked a dismission, and although the church voted "that we earnestly request him to withdraw his request for dismission," he felt that "his work here was done." A council of dismis- sion met April 11, 1867. Mr. Cutler gained in a marked degree the aflfection and confidence of the church and they parted with him most reluctantly. He became the pastor of the church in Auburndale, Mass., and remained there until his death. January 1, 1868, Rev. Prescott Fay was installed pastor of the church, and dismissed October 6, 1869. Several of the succeeding pastorates were so brief that there is little to record save the date of the commencement and the closing of the ministries to the church. 129 10 History of New Ipswich Rev. B. F. Ray began his work as a pastor July 10, 1870, and was most earnest in his efiforts to aid the church. He died here January 7, 1872. Rev. Thomas S. Robie became acting pastor in April. 1873, and retired April 1, 1874. Rev. B. N. Seymour became acting pastor September 27, 1874, and retired March 10, 1878. Rev. Horace Parker became acting pastor March, 1879. having previously supplied the pulpit for nearly two years ; he retired June 1, 1880. Mr. Sumner G. Wood was ordained and installed as pas- tor December 30, 1880, and dismissed February 14. 1883. From here he went to Fall River, Mass. Rev. George F. Merriam became acting pastor here in connection with his charge in Greenville, June, 1883, and retired in 1891. After a pastorate of more than thirty-five years at Greenville he was called to the historic church in Deerfield, Mass., but soon failing health caused his resigna- tion, and he passed the remainder of his life with his children. He held the pen of a ready writer, and his services were much in demand for the writing of biographical and historic articles for the press. His ministrations to this church were most helpful, and his memory is precious. He died August 5, 1912. Rev. G. W. Johnson became acting pastor December 27, 1891, and resigned August 11, 1892. Mr. A. L. Parsons became acting pastor October 2, 1892. He died suddenly March 25, 1894. Rev. H. H. Loomis became acting pastor September, 1894, and resigned July, 1896. Rev. G. F. Bradford became acting pastor September, 1896. Resigned July 1, 1900. Mr. H. A. Barber, although still a theological student, be- gan the supply of the pulpit December, 1900, was ordained here August 22, 1903, and resigned July, 1904. Rev. Lyman Mevis was acting pastor from December, 1904, until October, 1905. Mr. Charles R. Peacock supplied the pulpit in November, 1905, was ordained here July 30, 1908, and resigned Januarv 15, 1911. Rev. Orlando M. Lord was invited to become pastor of this church July 27, 1911, and retired May 1, 1914. The invested funds of the church amount to about $12,000. 130 The New Church July 15, 1902, our church was struck by lightning and wholly destroyed. While the flames were still burning Mrs. George R. Barrett promised a gift of $5,000 toward building a new church. Later she purchased two pews, paying for them $1000. The bell which she gave to the town at the same time bears her name, Elizabeth M. Barrett, and was rung for the first time by the donor and her granddaughter. Mrs. Barrett added a personal touch to the value of her gift by having the furniture for the pulpit made to order from, designs of her own choice. Other friends were generous, and August 22, 1903, the new church was dedicated. It is convenient and with its pleasant interior and sweet-toned organ meets the wants of the congregation, but to the older people it can never fill the place of the former edifice, so suited to this old colonial town. The church observed the one hundred and fiftieth anni- versary of its organization August 25, 1910. In the morning there was a brief service at the site of the old meeting-house, and at the church an informal reception dinner, served at noon, was followed by brief addresses by friends and neigh- boring ministers. In the afternoon religious services were held in the auditorium ; the sermon was by Rev. G. Ernest Merriam, son of a former pastor. An interesting history of the church written by Miss Katharine Preston was read by Rev. C. R. Peacock, and a large choir led in the singing of old hymns. So far as can be learned there have been admitted to this church 1557 people. For many 3^ears the records were so imperfect that we may estimate the total number to be at least 1800, probably more. A catalogue of members is in process of preparation, giving dates of admission, dismission, and death so far as they can be learned. From the families of this church there have gone missionaries, ministers and min- isters' wives, and teachers beyond computation. In 1843 the number of members of the church was 402, thus making it the largest but one in the state. A program, of stated meetings may be of interest. Sunday morning services at 10:30 o'clock; Sunday School, followed by exchange of books at the two libraries, filled the time until the afternoon service, which lasted until 3 o'clock. A third service was held in the evening at the brick school- 131 History of New Ipswich house, or later in the chapel and more recently at the church. Weekday prayer meetings were held Wednesday evening in the school-house ; Thursday afternoon at the church ; Friday afternoon in Davis Village at a private house, and Saturday evening at the school-house. This was previous to 1860. The meetings at Davis Village were distinctive. Rev. Perley B. Davis writes of them, "The Davis meetings began at the home of Joseph Davis in 1810 for the benefit of the three Davis brothers, their two sisters, and their families. Later, they were held at four or five different houses, and I do not know how long they were continued, but certainly for more than fifty years. In the summer time the brothers and sometimes one or two others would leave their farms and gather, in very humble apparel, for the hour's service. The women would come wearing a calash. In the winter the meetings would be larger. The rooms were lighted by an open fireplace and tallow candles. The singing was from the village hymnbook and was, I think, not very artistic." In the autumn of 1860 a semi-centennial meeting was held at the house of Joseph Davis, the place of the first meeting. "The Maternal Association organized May 15, 1817, was the earliest in the country." (Sketch of New Ipstvich, i8^5. Rev. Charles Walker.) The mothers met once a month for discussion concerning the training, physical, mental, and re- ligious, of their children, and every three months the children were brought to the meetings to exemplify methods and their progress in the Bible and Catechism." (K. P.) One woman still preserves a copy of the Life of Mary Lyon given her for perfectly committing to memory the Westminster Catechism. Fast days were numerous and were kept by all the con- gregation. Their observance was no idle form. Very little food was provided for breakfast, and only a moderate meal for dinner, and with a church service, the absence of work save that of necessity, and the entire absence of amusements, the day seemed almost as distinctive as the Sabbath. Few churches have had better examples in those who have guided their labors and influence for the past one hundred and fifty years. May we never lower the standard of earnest, honest work for God and the world. 132 The Baptist Church The Baptist Church In the latter part of the eighteenth century a few persons in New Ipswich, uniting with others in Temple, Jafifrey, and Rindge, formed a Baptist church. Meetings were held in private houses and later in the old meeting-house formerly used by the Congregational church. In 1815 a house was erected by Deacon Aaron Brown, chiefly at his own expense. 'Tt stood on the north side of the road to Mill Village [now Smithville] a few rods from the Academy corner, a small, plain structure." "In 1850 it was taken down and removed to its present location at the center of the village. A base- ment and spire have been added, and it is now an ornament to the village." Its cost, $2600, was paid before its dedication. In 1814 the members living in Temple united with those here and formed the Baptist church in New Ipswich of thirty- three members. Elder John Parkhurst, the first pastor, was installed March 10, 1814, and remained until 1821. The succeeding pastors were: Ferris Moore 1821-24 Joseph Elliott 1824-27 Benjamin R. Skinner 1827-28 Calvin Greenleaf 1828-30 Asaph Merriam 1830-36 Johnson Howard 1836-39 L. M. Wilmarth 1840-42 Jacob Weston 1842-43 Harrison W. Strong 1843- A. H. House 1850- E. W. Pray 1853-54 Edwin Dibell 1854-60 Church closed much of the time for several years. E. J. Emery 1866-67 A. Snyder . 1867-71 L. M. Barnes 1876-78 J. M. Coburn 1879-80 W. R. Thompson 1880-87 J. M. Coburn (d. Feb. 27, 1889) . . . 1887-89 Elisha Sanderson 1889-95 H. N. Wiggin 1895-99 C J. Wilcomb 1900-03 T. V. Caulkins 1903-07 J. W. Tingley 1908-10 C. L. Eldredge Nov., 1910-14 133 History of New Ipswich So far as can be learned from the records the total mem- bership since the organization of the church in 1814 is 405. Present membership, 27. Rev. C. L. Eldredge, Pastor. Mary E. Blanchard (Mrs. Edwin F.), Clerk. Dea. William H. Wilson, Treasurer. Like all country churches in New England a majority of the members are women, and the work of sustaining the various church activities largely rests on them. The women of this church have met their demands most nobly. By the work of the "Ladies' Aid Society" and help from friends out of town the church has been kept in good repair. For some years they have wished for a bell which would tell of the hours of their service, and for a clock which should be of use to the village. Some friends, children of former mem- bers, under the influence of Mrs. Dixon D. Wheeler became practically interested, and November 19, 1910, Mrs. Frederick Jones (with the help of a stronger hand) rang the new bell for the first time. Mrs. Emma L. Tucker has solicited funds for the purchase of a clock, which is now placed on the church. It first struck the hour at noon September 26, 1912. The welfare of the village is largely helped because this place of worship is easily accessible, and is open to many who cannot go to the more distant Congregational Church. The church deserves great credit for its courage and energy in continuing the services, Sabbath and midweek, though with limited numbers. Unitarian Church In 1833 a number of the people of the town united to form a Unitarian church. Mr. Charles Barrett erected near High Bridge a fine building with a handsome interior. The ministers who officiated there were Rev. Mr. Harding, Rev. Reuben Bates, Rev. Warren Burton. Mr. Bates left in 1835. No list of members of this church can be found, but the following list of parents whose children were baptized by Rev. Mr. Bates may be of interest: Ayers, John and Mary B. ; Barnard, Loring and Sarah ; Clark, Benjamin and Martha ; Farwell, Moors and Sarah ; Porter, Samuel and Elvira C. ; Prichard, Jeremiah and Nancy ; Webster, Jonathan and Abigail. After a few years the church was weakened by the death of its principal supporters, and soon became extinct. 134 The Methodist Church Methodist Episcopal Church The records of this church having been destroyed, its his- tory can be learned only from the reports of various Confer- ence meetings. The church was organized in 1842 and the meeting-house in the Center Village was dedicated June 25, 1842. In 1849 the Sunday School had 95 scholars, and a library of more than 150 volumes. That year a church was built in the Sou- hegan village. "About this time the members of the church formed themselves into a society to have charge of the finan- cial concerns of the church. The first signers were Rev. Jonathan Hall, Amos Merrill, Joseph Turner, Nathaniel Bar- rett, Ezra Webber." In 1854 there was often an attendance of 200, and the Sunday School was prosperous. In 1872 there was a membership of 38. Removals for various causes, and the gradual introduction of French Canadians to take the place of the American and Scotch families at High Bridge, all tended to lessen the atten- dance, until in 1889 the society felt that it could no longer support a pastor. For more than fifteen years the pulpit was occasionally supplied by pastors of neighboring churches ; but in November, 1905, the church was finally closed. For many years this church had a special field of useful- ness, ministering to the spiritual needs of many in those vil- lages who could not attend church elsewhere. "October 13, 1907, Rev. George H. Hardy of Ashburnham, assisted by other clergymen, conducted an impressive fare- well service in the church. The audience filled the house. Thirteen days later, for the sum of $150, the church building became the property of Bank Village. The library and book- case were presented to the New Ipswich Baptist church, and the communion service to the new Finnish church in town." (A. A. G.) During the sixty-four years of its existence the church was under the care of thirty clergymen, nine of whom, each remained less than a year, and three of them each only a year. The other pastorates were : J. W. Guernsey 1846-48 Jonathan Hall 1849-51 Jonathan Hall 1852-55 S. G. Kellogg 1856-58 A. P. Hatch 1859-61 135 History of New Ipswich The church was closed several years between 1862 and 1870. Irad Taggart 1870-72 Jacob Spaulding 1872-75 Israel Ainsworth 1875-77 G. M. Curl 1877-79 The Second Congregational Church October 9, 1851, a Second Congregational church was or- ganized, consisting of persons dismissed by advice of council from the Congregational church in New Ipswich and some others from neighboring churches. The number of members was fifty-seven. The pastors were : Rev. Josiah Ballard, installed July 14, 1852, dismissed April 26, 1855. Rev. William Russell, installed June 25, 1856, dismissed September 22, 1858. Rev. Sylvanus Hayward supplied the pulpit for a year or longer, but was not installed. January 23, 1861, an ecclesiastical council met and "con- summated the union of the two churches here existing." 136 CHAPTER VIII NEW IPSWICH ACADEMY TN 1790 the main road from Townsend and the region -*~ toward the seaboard was Httle more than a bridle-path, scarcely passable for a carriage, but the adventurous traveler who persisted in pursuing the upward path found his reward. New Ipswich had not only a large and flourishing church, but an academy incorporated, and in so successful operation that at Dartmouth College in 1791 "There were no less than ten students from New Ipswich." As early as 1762 there was a public school in New Ipswich and in 1772 a migratory grammar school, the master going from one district to another. June 18, 1789, by act of the New Hampshire state legislature, this school was incorporated as New Ipswich Academy, for the purpose of promoting piety and virtue, and for the education of youth in the English and Latin and Greek languages, in writing, arithmetic, music, and the art of speaking, practical geometry, logic, geography, and such "others of the liberal arts and sciences or languages as the Trustees shall direct." Hon. Samuel Appleton wrote many years ago of the early trustees : "The zeal they had for education was so great that some of them even mortgaged their houses and lands to raise money to educate their children." "The first sixty-five years of the existence of the Academy were marked by con- tinued donations of money, books, apparatus, and labor from the loyal citizens of New Ipswich and the trustees and alumni of the academy, and the marked success of the graduates of the school in all walks of life attests its vigorous internal growth during that period." (Prospectus, ipio-ii.) This was the second academy incorporated in the state, Phillips Exeter being five years its senior, although the town of Exeter is a century older than New Ipswich. It is the third in the United States to be co-educational ; Leicester Academy and the Derby School at Hingham — the first school in America founded by a woman — were, so far as can be learned, the only co-educational institutions in the land before 1789. 137 History of New Ipswich The first academy building, erected in 1789 about one hundred rods north of the meeting-house, was on land donated by Rev. Mr. Farrar, and was a one-story building 40x38 feet. It is now a dwelling house owned by Dea. William H. Wilson. In 1816 it was thought wise to erect a new building nearer the geographical center of the town. As the town was then realizing the need of better accommodations for town meet- ings, an arrangement was entered into by which one building should answer both purposes, the lower story being used by the town and the second story by the Academy. In 1831 a fine bell was given the institution by Mrs. Dolly Appleton Everett, and for more than eighty years it has noted the hours of the school. During the administration of Mr. Shedd a house was built for the use of students who wished to board themselves. After the building of the present academy this house was moved to the spot now occupied by the girls' dormitory, and was used as a boarding-house, for many years being well filled, one or more of the faculty being in charge. "Soon after the centennial celebration, a meeting of New Ipswich gentlemen residing in Boston was held at the house of Jonas Chickering, which resulted in a subscription in aid of the Academy amounting to $7000, viz. : from Samuel Apple- ton $4000, Samuel Batchelder $1000, Jonas Chickering $1000, Nathan Appleton $500, Frederick and Edward Kidder $250, Edward W. and George M. Champney $250. As the trustees were satisfied that the school could not be successfully con- tinued without a new building the subscribers consented that their contributions thereto should be applied for this purpose, provided the residents would contribute to purchase the nec- essary land and lay the foundations. Some rivalry arose be- tween the advocates of a southern or a northern locality, but the northerners finally prevailed and secured the beauti- ful location between Preston and Farrar streets, facing the Village Green, and containing about three acres. The corner- stone was laid August 11, 1853, at which an address was made by Rev. Mr. Lee, and speeches by others present ; original hymns were sung, etc. The building was occupied by the school March, 1854, and was appropriately dedicated Septem- ber 6, 1854, the address being given by Rev. Frederick A. Adams. The edifice is of brick and slated, containing five recitation rooms [now changed to four], apartments for the Library, Cabinet, and Philosophical Apparatus, and a large hall to seat about six hundred persons. 138 The Appleton Endowment "In consequence of the numerous and important dona- tions from Samuel Appleton and others of the family, the name of the academy was changed to 'New Ipswich Appleton Academy' in June, 1853, about the time of Mr. Appleton's death, and his executors decreed the sum of $20,000 from funds left by him for similar purposes as an endowment. This, with other donations from non-resident sons of New Ipswich who desired to give some token of their local attachment and their interest in the prosperity of the Academy, were an- nounced at the dedication. Among them were an electrical machine from Ira Holden of New Orleans, air-pump and mi- croscope from Jeremiah Prichard, Jr., pianoforte from George N. Davis of Boston, barometer from Timothy Perry, 100 vol- umes of books from Charles D. Gould and Joshua Lincoln, several thousand specimens to found a cabinet of natural his- tory from Dr. A. A. Gould of Boston, a bust of Samuel Apple- ton from Mrs. Appleton, an epitome of the history of the academy written on a large sheet to be hung in the hall by Dea. N. D. Gould. "In a cavity of the corner-stone laid under the southwest corner of the building is a leaden box six inches square and three inches deep, containing a calatogue of the Academy for 1852-3, circular for 1852-3, regulations of the police of New Ipswich, invoice of the polls and estates of New Ipswich, report of the Superintending School Committee, 1852-3, Scien- tific American, Daily Evening Traveller, Aug. 10, 1853, Daily Advertiser, Aug. 10, 1853, Barnums Illustrated News, Aug. 13, 1853, Farmer's Cabinet, Aug. 4, 1853, bills of the New Ipswich Bank, coins of the United States, 1853, Boston Semi- Weekly Post, Boston Daily Journal, and a history of the building, with the names of the Donors." (T. F.) During Mr. Westgate's administration the small building south of the Academy was provided for the use of pupils in drawing and painting. This was sometimes called the "Gas House." In 1868 the building north of the main cemetery, formerly used as a church, was moved to the lot east of the girls' dormitory and used as a gymnasium. Later it was sold and taken away. At the Appleton Alumni reunion, February 14, 1912, Mrs. James Barr Ames gave to the trustees the dwelling-house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Ames, thus carrying out the purpose of her late husband, who was a trustee and generous friend of the institution. The 139 History of New Ipswich present academy building was first occupied in March, 1854, and thus has been in use for sixty years. The following is believed to be a complete list of the preceptors. John Hubbard 1789-95 Samuel Worcester 1796-97 David Palmer 1797-98 Peter Cochrane 1799- VVarren Pierce 1799-1801 Closed two years. Joseph Mulliken 1804-07 Benjamin White 1807- Oliver Swain Taylor 1808-11 Luke Eastman 1812 Hart Talcott 1813 Jesse Smith 1814-15 Horace Hatch 1816 Elijah Demond ........ 1817 Earl Smith 1818-20 Amasa Edes 1820-22 Rufus A. Putnam 1822-25 Cranmore Wallace 1825 Luther Smith 1826 Seth H. Keeler 1827 Robert A. Coffin 1828-33 Asahel Foote 1833 Stephen T. Allen 1833-34 Charles Shedd 1834-41 Josiah Crosby 1841 James K. Colby 1842 Abner S. Warner 1842-44 Edward A. Lawrence 1844-51 E. T. Quimby 1851-65 E. T. Rowe 1865-66 E. W. Westgate 1866-71 John Herbert 1871-74 William A. Preston 1874-1903 John Preston 1903-04 Charles P. Poor 1904-05 Herschel W. Lewis 1906- The teacher in charge of the Academy was first styled rector after the Scotch custom, then preceptor, and during these later years, principal, or more familiarly, Prof. Many of the principals were men of marked ability and worthy of note. John Hubbard, son of Jonathan, was the first preceptor, and "soon brought the school into public favor." "A public- 140 Faculty Sketches spirited citizen, the town is much indebted to him for the spirit he infused and the institutions he founded. He was noted for his musical taste and talents." "It was during the administration of Mr. Mulliken in 1806 or 1807 that Miss Allen, daughter of Rev. Mr. Allen of Bradford, Mass., and afterward the wife of Thos. A. Mirrill, D. D., of Middlebury, Vt., was engaged as preceptress. She was an accomplished teacher and had a large class of young ladies whom she instructed in the higher branches of litera- ture, and in the collateral branches of refinement and taste then taught in the best schools of female education. The spare rooms in the Academy were not large enough to accom- modate her school, and she used the hall in Mr. Barrett's house for a schoolroom. No female school of a higher charac- ter than hers has ever been taught in this place, and few any- where else." (T. F.) Oliver Swain Taylor, a native of this town, born Decem- ber 17, 1784, died April 19, 1885, at Auburn, N. Y. "He ex- ercised the duties of the position with much success, and the school reached an unusual degree of prosperity." After one of those periods of depression which are certain to occur in all associations, under the care of Mr. Coffin, as- sisted by his wife, the Academy "rose to a high pitch of prosperity," which was maintained by his successor, Mr. Allen. Judging from accessible records the greatest number of students was in 1838, during the administration of Mr. Shedd, as there were 278 different students during that year. Tradi- tion tells of his success and popularity as a teacher. Under the leadership of Mr. Quimby the school reached a high standard of activity. His influence over many of his pu- pils was very great. Prof. C. H. Chandler, whom we mourn, said that his school life here was of more value to him than his college course. Mr. Herbert came here immediately after graduating at Dartmouth. Though so young, his discipline was worthy of note ; "like one of the forces of nature, quiet, unostentatious, but powerful and all-pervasive." "Mr. Preston was a rare scholar and his instruction was of a high order. Of brilliant and versatile mind, he possessed the true genius of teaching. Himself a poet, his instruction in Latin, Greek, and English poetry is to be remembered as 141 History of New Ipswich a rare privilege. Mr. Preston's teaching was supplemented in the department of mathematics by that of his brother, Mr. Frank W. Preston, no less gifted as a scholar and a teacher." (A former student.) In 1810 there were eighty students, thirty-five of whom were young women. At that very year in the (then) town of Boston, girls were allowed to attend the public schools in the summer only, and not then unless there were seats left vacant by boys. "Mrs. Preston (Betsy Champney) gives the following names of the members of the school in 1787: Samuel Farrar, (Andover,) William Sherwin, Thomas Cordis, (Boston,) Eben Lawrence, (physician, Hampton,) Rev. John Miles, (Grafton,) Rev. David Kendall, (Hubbardston,) Thomas Hazen, (Shir- ley,) Polly Farrar, (Mrs. Dakin,) Nancy Lawrence, (Mrs. L Brown Farrar,) Dolly Appleton, (Mrs. Everett,) Jesse Apple- ton, John Ware, John Sparhawk, Polly Hartwell, (Mrs. Bel- lows,) Milly Woods, (Pepperell,) Crombie." (T. F.) In 1790 tuition was 12 shillings per quarter; in 1805 from 17 to 25 cents per week at discretion of the preceptor; in 1835, $3.50 to $4.00 per term, and needlework 25 cents to $1.00 per term ; in 1879 tuition was $6.00 or $8.00 per term. Now it is $40.00 per year, "In 1852 Monochromatic, Calligraphic, Mezzotint, or Crayon drawing was $3.00 per term." In 1845 the price of board was $1.33 to $1.50 per week. "Instruction was given in music, vocal and instrumental, penmanship, elo- cution, and book-keeping, and there were lectures on Anatomy and Physiology, Geology and Botany." Before the days of state normal schools, there was a "Teachers' class" giving instruction in the theory and practice of teaching, and the best methods of governing schools. In 1851 Mr. Quimby, the new principal, was requested to outline a course of study, both English and classical, which, when completed, should entitle a student to a diploma. In 1890 a reunion of Appleton alumni was held in Boston, an association formed, and a board of officers chosen with Mr. John Herbert as president. This was followed in a short time by a meeting at New Ipswich, and a great deal of en- thusiasm was aroused. Now the meetings are held in Boston in mid-winter once in five years, and in the summer midway between the Boston meetings one is held in New Ipswich on the familiar campus. A dinner is served in a large tent, with 142 Present Conditions after-dinner speaking, an informal social evening in Academy hall, and much interchange of reminiscences and the life- history of friends. In 1891 a catalogue of the alumni was published containing more than 1500 names. We may well be proud of our alumni. Scattered throughout the world, many of them have made their names famous, and wherever they may be found they are, with few exceptions, helping the world along in the right direction. In the latter part of the last century the school passed through a period of depression, as it had several times pre- viously in its history, and the number of pupils became small. With the coming of the new century several new trustees were added to the board, who contributed liberally to its im- provement. Over $5000 was spent in repairs. The building was renovated ; laboratories, chemical and physical, equipped with the needful apparatus ; new floors laid ; a furnace in- stalled which provides a comfortable temperature ; important additions made to the library, and everything brought up to modern requirements. The Academy has a fund of about $50,000 carefully invested. We now have a man as principal and two young women as assistant teachers, all college graduates. To quote from the annual prospectus, "The course of study at New Ipswich Appleton Academy is designed primarily to give the students an all-round training and to develop their practical as well as their mental abilities, that they may become good farmers and good business men, as well as good lawyers, doctors, or teachers. To this end two courses of study are laid out, desig- nated as the College course and the General or English course. A special elective course in Science is provided for those who desire to enter a scientific school." To these is added more recently a course in domestic science, to be followed so soon as possible by one in practical agriculture. The general intelligence and literary cultivation of the people of New Ipswich is spoken of by strangers as unusual for a country town. This is due in very large measure to the opportunities given by the Academy for a larger education and broader knowledge of the world of literature and science. May the sons and daughters of Appleton cherish the mem- ory of their Alma Mater and help her to be more and more a blessing to future generations. 143 CHAPTER IX MISCELLANIES Manufactures ^ I ^HE necessities of frontier life made it essential that the -*- abundant waterpower of the region should be utilized for the daily needs of the people and, later, its use for manu- facturing purposes has been one of the chief sources of the enterprise and prosperity of the town. The earliest known record is of a sawmill built by the Massachusetts proprietors prior to 1741, probably on the site of the Farrar mills. To carry grain ten miles to Townsend over the rough road was burdensome, and a committee representing the town con- tracted with John Chandler of Westford to build a sawmill which should be "ready for service by the last of October, 1750, and the corn mill in October, 1751." In 1768 these mills were purchased by Capt. Eleazar Cummings. Zachariah Adams and John Breed built the mills in Mill Village (now Smithville) as early as 1764. Though burned at least three times, they have always been at once rebuilt and constantly in use. The plant is now owned and used by Charles Wheeler and sons. Farrar's mill on Saw Mill Brook, built about 1790, was first a gristmill. In 1816 a carding machine was added. The mill privilege has been used by Hervey Batcheller, and later by Warren Pratt for making cigar boxes. On the opposite side of the road, and on the same stream, a mill was built later for making potato starch, but it was not a financial suc- cess. The name still clings to the beautiful little sheet of water, and it has been the place where the boys of the village have taken their first lessons in the art of swimming. In 1860-65 cotton batting was manufactured there. About 1870 Charles C. Bellows purchased the mill privilege and there made washing machines, spring beds, and creasing machines. After the death of Mr. Bellows, the work was carried on by F. N. Gibson for many years. It is now used as a grist and sawmill by W. D. Ashley, who has rebuilt the dam that he may secure a larger and better amount of ice for sale in summer. 144 Miscellanies In 1776 a "Clothier's Works and Fulling Mill" was built on the present site of the Waterloom mill. In 1800 it was purchased by Ephraim Hartwell, who there made linseed oil, and oatmeal for the druggists of Boston, who had previously imported the article. This was done under the direction of James Barr of Scotland. They also manufactured malt. "Before the year 1800 John Putnam, under the patronage of Ephraim Hartwell, commenced the manufacture of scythes. He first had a trip-hammer at Mill Village, but later erected the works down the stream." It is perhaps on this account that the mill is spoken of as the "Old Iron Works." In 1810 the mill became a cotton factory, and in 1826 it was converted into a sawmill. Bedsteads, washing machines, churns, etc., were made there and many varieties of work which come under the head of wood-turning. It is now owned by Albert F. Walker & Son, who are developing a fine and growing business. About 1845 Charles Taylor built a sawmill and manufac- tured doors, blinds, window sashes, chairs (cane seat), and churns. The plant is now owned by Charles Hughes, who uses it as a gristmill and also for wood-turning. In the old sawmill Jonas Nutting and Stephen Sylvester made wooden chairs, and also used it as a saw and gristmill. Balch's mill, formerly Gibson's, built about 1800, is now owned by A. L. Balch, who uses it as a sawmill and also does wood-turning. The Waterloom mill in Bank Village, a substantial brick structure erected in 1821, was originally 84 feet long, 40 feet wide, and three stories high, each story being ten feet high, well lighted, and all in one room. Some years later the build- ing was considerably enlarged. At first there was woven sheeting, and later jeans and flannels, and a fine, heavy quality of blue denim, which found a ready sale in foreign markets. The Columbian Manufacturing Company bought the mill in 1855. In May, 1895, the building was condemned as unsafe, was dismantled, and the machinery removed elsewhere. This mill is said to have been the first one in New Hampshire in which power looms were used. The first mill at High Bridge went into operation about 1825, and was burned August 31, 1838, with an estimated loss of $30,000. It was rebuilt and again destroyed by fire in 1872. In 1875-76 the present beautiful brick structure was 145 11 History of New Ipswich erected and put in operation on the same site near the Souhe- gan River, from which it largely derives its motive power. This mill is 150 feet long, 60 feet wide, and five stories high, with a picker-house and a cotton-house attached. A large and handsome tower ornaments its front and affords a fine en- trance to the building. At the present writing (1913), the mill has 5800 spindles and 148 looms in operation, requiring the employment of 80 hands. It is lighted by electricity, and its whole equipment is up-to-date and of the most approved kind. Men now run from sixteen to twenty looms where formerly they could run only four looms. The mill uses 90 bales of cotton per week, which is converted into 800 cuts of blue and mixed denim and striped cheviot. The plant has a waterwheel of 300-horse power, and when the supply of water is short, two engines in the basement of 250 and 80-horse power keep the machinery in action. The mill is operated almost without interruption, and at the present time is the town's largest and strongest business enterprise. Careful re- search shows that ten cotton mills have been operated in town. At present there is only one, that at High Bridge. "During the Revolution window glass was very scarce." An establishment for its manufacture was started just over the town line in Temple, but it was financed and directed by New Ipswich men. At the close of the war glass was im- ported at very low prices and the enterprise was financially a failure, but its promoters have the glory of manufacturing the first glass in America. There are many specimens of the work to be found among the ancient treasures in our homes. "A tanyard was very early established on the west side of the Jo Kidder brook, and the north side of the road, where the blacksmith's shop now stands. By whom the business was carried on, I do not recollect. The building was after- ward turned into a pottery establishment, and brown earthen- ware was made and burned in a kiln there near the close of the last century, after the suppression of the tannery." (T. F., I855-) For many years the making of cigars was a prominent in- dustry carried on by Stephen Thayer and Moses Brickett, who each employed forty or fifty people, also there were several smaller establishments. Tinware was made by Sanders Bros., Albert Thayer, Charles R. Fletcher, and others. 146 J Miscellanies Tradition tells us that at the "Forge" there were made nails and stove-castings, and it is said that the iron fence before the Barrett mansion was made there. Bakehouse Village was so named because in 1785 Samuel Batcheller had a bakery there. This business was carried on there and in the Center Village by various parties until the later years of the last century. Among other manufactures in the past we may note : broadcloths, satinet, velvets, ticking, wagons, windows, doors, chairs, carriages, blinds, coffins, printing-sticks, barrels, matches, trunks, saddles, harness, shoes, hats, guns, earthen- ware (1792), ink, essences, ashes (pot, 1795, and pearl), soap (hard and soft). Library In 1793 a town library was established by subscriptions and held in shares. This library of three or four hundred volumes was burned in 1812. In 1866 the women of New Ipswich, under the leadership of Miss Caroline F. Barr, took measures to raise funds for a public library. Former residents and all interested in the town were asked to help us, and we used all means in our power to raise money. At first we were given a room in the Bank building, but when those quarters became too crowded measures were taken to provide suitable accommodations elsewhere, and the beautiful building which was first occu- pied in 1895 is not only a delight to the eye but helpful to the village as a rallying center for much that is both pleasura- ble and uplifting. We have a carefully selected and well-balanced library of more than 6000 volumes ; a reading-room with best periodi- cals ; a fine reference library ; a department for the children with table and chairs of suitable size, games and periodicals to attract them ; an Arts and Crafts department of more than 140 volumes; a Farmer's shelf; nature books in wide variety; a well-chosen Biblical library; and the object of our greatest pride, a case devoted to books written by natives or residents of New Ipswich and containing more than 80 volumes. We have complete files of the Farmers' Almanac for the last cen- tury and catalogues of our Academy. The rooms are open Wednesday and Saturday in the afternoon and evening. Books can be taken out by anyone resident or visiting in the 147 History of New Ipswich town, and there is no fee. The shelves are accessible to all, a privilege highly prized by those who are accustomed to select from a catalogue only. In 1902 Mrs. Sarah (Fletcher) Hubbard left a bequest of $4,000, $1,000 of which was to be spent at once for books; her will named the committee who were to select them, and the books purchased with this bequest were to be called "The Helen Fletcher Collection" in memory of her sister. The building was not large enough to accommodate this addition and an annex was built and paid for by Prof. James Barr Ames, who then paid the salary of the librarian. William Boynton, a trustee, left $5,000 to the library, the income to be used for books and periodicals. Samuel H. Went worth, a former student of the Academy, left $1,000 in memory of his sister, Mrs. Lydia C. Wentworth Lee. Henry Ames Blood, a former resident, left $10,000 in trust to his widow for the use of the library. The recent deaths of mem- bers of his household make this available for use so soon as the estate is settled. "An ideal village library in appearance, management, and influence." The good done here cannot be overestimated and it will go on. Country Club Our fathers, unwittingly it may be, chose a beautiful situ- ation for the town of their care and hope. Standing nearly at the base of the foothills, it combines the power and majesty of the hills with the charm and beauty of the river and the plain. When during the latter part of the last century dwell- ers in city homes learned the value of country life in the sum- mer. New Ipswich thus received her full share of guests. It is said that one year there were six hundred summer so- journers in town. Families who came here repeatedly became so attached to the region that they purchased houses or farms to be occupied in summer as homes. Thus a new element came into our social life, and the young people must be amused. A croquet ground was laid out in the Barrett mea- dow, of such excellence that it received complimentary notice in the New York Independent ; tennis courts were laid out in the same field ; bath-houses built at the river. Most important of all was the organization of the Souhegan Country Club. In 1899 eight men bought the Jonas Woolson 148 Miscellanies farm on "Sol Davis Hill," and they now lease it to the club. The house, built in 1743, retains the vast fireplaces, the huge chimney, and the steep and narrow stairs; otherwise it has been modernized most tastefully. The men's room is fitted up in the fashion of an English grill-room. The view from the lookout is one of the finest in this town of glorious views. There are golf links and a tennis court. The clubhouse is open for the entertainment of members and their friends every Saturday during the summer, and daily through the month of August, and is a delightful social center. There are more than one hundred members, including people of neighboring towns, and others who are interested in the life of New Ipswich. The owners are Edward O. Marshall, Ralph E. Parker, Frank W. Preston, and John Preston, of New Ipswich ; Frederic W. Ely and Herbert J. Taft of Greenville ; Simpson C. Heald of Wilton ; and John W. Bemis of Temple. The Children's Fair Among all the reasons for our pride in our beloved town, not the least is the fact that the Children's Fair was invented here. Rev. Calvin Cutler and Prof. E. T. Quimby of the Acad- emy, while considering ways in which the children of the Congregational church might be interested in the various charities of the church, evolved the plan which later took form as the Children's Fair. Each child was encouraged to earn money during the summer. A boy had a space given him for a garden where he raised vegetables or what he chose. Girls had other ways of earning money, and later there was a fancy table devoted to their contributions. Wednesday in early October the large room under the auditorium of the old church was open early in the morning. The posters had said "Donors admitted free," and every child had the proud consciousness of being a "Donor," spelling it with a capital D. Each gift was labeled with a number, the name of the giver, and the object to which the proceeds of its sale were to be given. The vegetables and fruits were placed on a broad table which extended nearly the length of the room, to be seen and admired by all. Tables were laid for a dinner, and at noon every seat was taken. The baked beans, brown bread, cold meats, doughnuts, pumpkin pies, 149 History of New Ipswich were all of the best quality and very tempting to the appetite of those who had come perhaps from a neighboring town. At another table sandwiches and food that could be taken in the hand were provided for a nominal price for those who did not go to the dinner table. After dinner the children recited their "pieces," perhaps written for the occasion, and dialogues and singing filled an hour. Then came the event of the day — the Auction. Each donation was held up on high by the auctioneer, bids were called for and came thick and fast with good-natured rivalry and fun. The day was given up to the children and they en- joyed it to the full. On the Common the boys played base- ball or kindred games, watched by many who were not in- terested in the auction. In more recent years similar fairs have been held in other towns as they have seen the success of this original institution. The first fair was held in 1862, and without a break they have continued for more than fifty years. The amount of money raised during that time for various benevolent objects is $4,265, and it is distributed between twenty-eight different charities, mostly out of town. These are the gifts. The good gained by the givers cannot be reckoned here or in the present years. The Revere Bell In 1815 a few individuals by private subscription raised the sum of $593 for the purchase of a bell, which we have recently learned was from the foundry of Paul Revere. The following correspondence is of interest. 55 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston. To the Town Clerk, New Ipswich, N. H. Dear Sir: I am trying to trace the bells cast by Paul Revere, a complete list of which has recently been found, contained in his old stock-book. In the year 1815 a bell weighing 1116 pounds was sold to the town of New Ipswich, presumably hung in the parish church. I shall be greatly obliged if you can ascertain for me whether this bell is still in use, or if otherwise, when it was destroyed. Thanking you in advance for this favor, I am Yours very truly, March 8, 1910. Arthut H. Nichols. An answer to this letter was sent at once, saying that the bell was destroyed when the church was burned. Dr. Nichols answered as follows: ^^q Miscellanies Dear Mr. Phelps: ^^^^h 14, 1910. I am very grateful to you for your courteous reply to my inquiry about the old Revere bell of New Ipswich. The very full and accurate history given will be very helpful to me. The bell was sold by Paul Revere May 2, 1815. Its weight was 1089 pounds, that of its tongue 27 pounds. You say that it was sweet-toned. I do not doubt that it was of superior quality, for about that period Revere was casting his best bells, and the weight of your bell was above the average. It is a pity to have lost such a historic object. I shall take pleasure in mailing to you a copy of my paper when published. Yours very truly, March 8, 1910. Arthur H. Nichols. Cemeteries The earliest cemetery was on the Farrar Hill opposite the first meeting-house. In 1752 the Hill burying-ground was laid out. In 1778 the South cemetery near Smithville was devoted to the burial of the dead, and John Breed was probably the first person buried there. The land for the Main cemetery was bought in 1809 and Mrs. Elizabeth Appleton was buried there in October of that year. Twice since then needed additions have been made by the purchase of land in the rear of the cemetery until now it comprises a territory of about ten acres. In 1849 public-spirited citizens, prominent among whom were Mrs. Henry Isaacs and Dr. T. H. Cochrane, greatly im- proved the appearance of the Main cemetery and for many years it was attractive ; but lacking the care that is needed by all public domains, it grew to look neglected and unsightly. In 1889 Capt. G. H. Hubbard had taken a lot for himself and family, and he said "I would give $300 toward improving that place if anyone else would help." Finding that he meant all that he said two women, Mrs. S. T. Ames and Miss Sarah F. Lee, aided on some points by the wise advice of Mr. George R. Barrett, took the matter in charge and within six months the whole appearance of the cemetery was changed. A high and long bank which had been deeply washed by rain was turfed and made most beautiful. Trees were trimmed, shrubs were cut down, thus revealing monuments which had been concealed for years, tombs the walls of which were broken were closed and made sanitary, headstones were cleaned and 151 History of New Ipswich set in straight lines, and a quagmire was cleared and became a beautiful pond. Funds for this work were contributed by persons out of town whose relations are buried here. The amount expended was more than $900, besides the first gift of $300 and $200 given by the town. Several citizens have left liberal amounts of money for perpetual care of their lots. It is hoped that the town will appoint a cemetery com- mission as has been done in many places. In that case many other lots would be left in care of the town. In 1906-07 Prof. C. H. Chandler copied all the inscriptions on the gravestones in the three cemeteries in the town. They are arranged, indexed, and will eventually be given to the town by his children. At that date there had been 1673 burials, besides many that are not marked in any way. Stearns Lecture Fund In 1899 Capt. Albert Stearns of Syracuse, New York, whose boyhood was passed here, gave the town $3,000 as a fund, the income of which should be devoted to lectures and entertainments, musical or otherwise. In 1907 Capt. Stearns added $2,000 to the fund and again in 1912 another gift of $2,000 was added to the endowment, making $7,000 in all. These entertainments have been both instructive and amusing and have given pleasure to large audiences. Homestead Inn Among the many charities of the present time there is no one more beautiful than the sharing by fortunate ones of the fresh air and sunlight of the country with those to whom it is denied in the crowded city. Some twenty years ago Rev. George J. Prescott, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Boston, purchased the house formerly occupied by Rev. Richard Hall and later by Mrs. Clary; members of his parish and others supplied money for the needed changes and furnishings, and it became a house of refuge for weary shopgirls and self-supporting women who need the rest and tonic of quiet, fresh air, abundant food, and social cheer. All this is given them for a nominal sum that their self-respect may not be troubled. This summer vacation 152 Miscellanies house receives thirty guests and sometimes a larger number. Every Sunday morning there is an Episcopal service in the little chapel, which is open to the people of the village who wish to attend. Many a weary woman after spending a few weeks here goes home cheered and refreshed and ready to meet the work another year. The Neiv Ipswich Colony in Iowa In 1836 four families emigrated from this town and church to Denmark in what was then Wisconsin Territory, now in Iowa. Within a short time they were followed by eight other families. They all carried with them the same standard of right living and wise planning for the best interest of those who should come after them that they had known here. Those who "laid out the town of Denmark, which is three-fourths of a mile square, into town lots for building, donated one-half of those lots to the purpose of Education." In the building of a church and of an academy they followed as closely as possi- ble the example set by the founders of New Ipswich. This is the oldest Congregational church in Iowa. They were early known as champions of freedom. "Under the leadership of their pastor. Rev. Asa Turner, they joined with others in the election of Governor Grimes in 1854, which changed the politi- cal history of Iowa and gave birth to the Republican party in the nation." Dr. Turner and Rev. Mr. Lee were classmates at Yale College and lifelong friends. His pastorate continued for thirty years ; and his influence led to Iowa the eleven young men from Andover Seminary who formed the "Iowa Band," one of whom, their historian, was Rev. Ephraim Adams, a son of New Ipswich. Drinking Fountain At the foot of turnpike hill, going west from the village, is a drinking fountain for the use of horses and also of human beings, with this inscription : "Presented to the town of New Ipswich by Capt. John S. Hubbard of Concord, N. H., Sept. 12, 1893." This generous "cup of cold water" is a blessing to those who pass by and "its draught Of cool refreshment drained by fevered lips," 153 History of New Ipswich shall for many years invoke blessings on the head of the giver. Telegraph and Telephone A telegraph line was established here in 1877. A telephone line was built from Greenville to the Center Village in 1901, by F. W. Preston, John Preston, Wilbur L. Phelps, and Eugene B. Beard. They owned it for five years and then sold the line to the New England Telegraph and Telephone Co. It has been extended during the past few years, having more than sixty subscribers here, so that it now practically covers the town. {A. L. P.) Sidewalks and Street Lights Many years ago (1872) the wife of a minister who had just come to the Congregational parsonage deplored, with abun- dant reason, the absence of sidewalks in our village. Under her active leadership in many and various ways money was raised to make good sidewalks, to set out shade trees, and to provide street lamps. Within a few years an association has been organized to carry on this work still farther and several dilapidated buildings have been purchased and taken down. This Village Improvement Society has lately become an in- corporated body capable of holding real estate, and as such it has received the gift of Union Hall. It is hoped that the rent of this hall will add materially to the income for various uses. The town now has charge of lighting the lamps. PostoiRce A postoffice was established in New Ipswich in the autumn of 1800. The following is the list of postmasters and the date of appointment given by the Postoffice Department in Wash- ington. Samuel Batchelder Jan. 1, 1801. Benjamin Champney Feb. 2, 1802. Sampson Fletcher July 8, 1822. Josiah W. Spaulding March 23, 1839. Charles Hastings, Jr March 10, 1843. Charles Chickering July 31, 1845. Edward M. Isaacs April 23, 1849. John Peabody Feb. 3, 1855. John U. Davis July 23, 1855. 154 Miscellanies John G. Leonard Oct. 24, 1857. Charles A. Whitney May 31, 1861. Henry O. Preston June 13, 1878. Charles S. Brown Aug. 24, 1885. Joseph E. F. Marsh, Jr Feb. 10, 1890. Bessie M. Tarbell July 22, 1893. Bessie M. T. Thompson .... June 29, 1896. Bessie M. Cushing Sept. 27, 1909. Samuel Batchelder had the office at his store in Bakehouse (now Davis) Village. Benjamin Champney at first had the office in his law office, a small building "situated under the shade of a large willow tree on the north side of the road just across the brook, near the late Dr. Barr's residence." Later it was at the old corner store, and in 1822 was removed to the house of Mr. Fletcher across the street. Tradition tells us that Mr. Hastings had the office in the building east of the Appleton Inn, formerly the apothecary's shop of Dr. Preston. Mr. Chickering occupied a room in the old hotel. Mr. Leonard had the office at the Nichols house east of the old hotel ; Mr. Isaacs, at the old corner store, where has been its abiding-place since 1861, so long that the stone doorsteps have been hollowed by the tread of many feet. For many years we have for such a small town been exceptionally fortunate in our postal facilities, three mails each day to Bos- ton and as many in return. A postal car on our branch rail- road makes it possible for a letter to go from New Ipswich to Chicago as quickly as would an individual. In 1801 one letter was received. Who was the recipient of this historic document? In 1913 the number of letters sent away was approximately 30,000 and a much larger number was received. In 1884 a postoffice was established at Bank Village; postmasters, Charles L. Tarbell, 1884-1895, Ida M. Frye, 1895-. In 1892 a postoffice was established at Smithville (formerly Smith or Mill Village) ; postmasters, Lyman M. Chandler, 1892-95, Carrie B. Chandler, May, 1895, Herbert W. Chandler, December, 1895-. Free Masons Bethel Lodge, No. 24, A. F. & A. M., was instituted in 1815, the members constituting it having been dismissed from a lodge in Ashby. John Everett was the first master, 155 History of New Ipswich and N. D. Gould was his successor. For many years their meetings were held in what was long known as "Silver's store." In 1903, through the untiring efforts of the late Frank W. Preston, assisted by the generosity of Mrs. George R. Barrett and others, the entire building was purchased and fitted up in a way suitable for their needs and convenience. Its members are few and widely scattered, and the scythe of time has made sad inroads in the lodge during the past few years. (A. L. P.) Fire Department Arthur E. Chase, chief of the fire department, states that "the firemen number four engineers and seventy-eight men, with three hand fire engines," and also that "the town com- pared to its population is one of the best-equipped towns in the state." The Children's Oak Nearly fifty years ago the building originally erected for the use of the Methodist church and later occupied by the Second Congregational church was purchased by the trustees of the Academy and moved to the corner east of the girls' dormitory to be used as a gymnasium. In the journey the old oak tree beside the road was in the way and plans were made to cut it down. Mr. William Preston, with his reverence for the old land- mark, felt that such a sacrilege should not be allowed, and he at once purchased the tree of its owner, and added a touch of sentiment by giving it to the children of the district school nearby, thus ensuring its perpetual ownership and care. Others older than the children are Mr. Preston's debtors for this graceful conservation of an important unit in our forests. Some years ago an expert estimated the age of the tree to be more than 250 years, thus making it our oldest inhabitant. The Children's Oak ! may its beauty continue for other centuries. Portraits in the Tozvn Hall A fine portrait of Judge Timothy Farrar was given the town in 1870 by the widow of Hon. Charles G. Atherton and it was hung in the town hall directly behind the speaker's 156 Miscellanies desk. In 1895 Mr. Frank W. Preston and family gave several other portraits of deceased citizens of the town. Others have been added, until now the walls are well filled with pleasant reminders of those who formerly were prominent in town affairs. A list of them is given in the order in which they are arranged. Hon. Timothy Farrar Stephen Thayer Rev. Samuel Lee Benjamin Champney George Barrett John Preston Henry O. Preston William A. Preston George W. Wheeler, 2d. Frank W. Preston Stephen Wheeler Charles R. Fletcher Rodney Wallace Charles A. Whitney Francis Prichard Nathan Sanders William W. Johnson George Sanders Peter H. Clark Albert Stearns James Clark Isaac C. Stearns John C. Hildreth George H. Hubbard James Chandler Elihu T. Quimby George C. Gibson Silas Bullard Stillman Gibson Eli Foster Samuel Gibson George C. Campbell Census Returns The Department of Commerce and Labor gives the census returns ol population for the town as follows : 1790 1,241 1860 1,701 1800 1,266 1870 1,380 1810 1,395 1880 1,222 1820 1,278 1890 969 1830 1,673 1900 911 1840 1,578 1910 927 1850 1,877 Valuation of Nezv Ipswich, 1914. Number of polls, 222, value $22,200.00; improved and unimproved land and buildings, value $576,460.00; number of horses, 184, value $23,402.00; mules, 4, value $680.00; oxen, 6, value $660.00; cows, 294, value $13,196.00; neat stock, 25, value $873.00; sheep, 4, value $24.00; hogs, 11, value $144.00; fowls, 1156, value $891.00; vehicles and auto- mobiles, value $7,529.00; stock in trade, value $29,802.00; money on hand, at interest, or on deposit, $14,145.00; mills and machinery, value $138,842.00; undesignated buildings, value $12,400.00. Total valuation, $841,248.00. Soldiers' exemption, $4,250.00. Rate percent on $1000, $12.30. 157 Maps of New Ipswich Map of New Ipswich INDEX TO NUMBERS. 1 School-house No. 9. 50 Ramsdell, Willis 2 Brooks 51 Lahtanen 3 Brooks, Walton 52 Nykanen 4 Maxwell 53 Nelson, C 5 Brooks, A. N. 54 Davis Bros. 6 Harris 55 Davis, Gardner 7 Sylvester 56 Whitney, W. D. 8 Emerson 57 French, Orren 9 Taylor, Jona. 58 Russell, C. L. 10 Tenney 59 Davis, Edward H. 11 Tenney 60 Hosmer 12 Tenney 61 Hodgman, Lewis 13 Hill, A. A. 62 Tracy 14 School-house No. 6. 63 School-house No. 3. 15 Tenney 64 "Wheeler Tavern" 16 Carlton 65 Winship and Hodgman 17 Chandler, J. L. 66 Barrett, Charles 18 Underwood 67 Wheeler, Seth 19 Chandler 68 Davis, Solomon 20 Knowlton 69 Woolson. (Country Club) 21 Wheeler 70 Preston, W. E. 22 Chandler, Roger 71 Preston, John 23 Page 72 First Church 24 Herskanen, John -73 First Burial Ground 25 Conant 74 Wolcott, J. 26 Wheeler, John 75 Sargent, G. W. 27 Blanchard, William 76 Bucknam, W. T. 28 Collins, J. 77 Thayer, W. S. 29 Parmenter, 0. 78 Jones, F. W. 30 Goen 79 Adams, Zachariah 31 Chamberlain 80 Hildreth, J. B. 32 Collins, J. -81 South Burial Ground 33 Mansfield Bros. 82 Erickson, H. 34 Breed 83 Nelson 35 Jaquith, G. R. 84 Wheeler, R. 36 Wilkerson, C. 85 Sawmill 37 Kivela 86 Aho, John 38 Jaquith. G. R. 87 Finnish Hall 39 Siren, J. 88 Lampi, M. 40 Whitney, Newton 89 Lampi 41 Johnson, Nile 90 Jalkanen, Aron 42 Mansfield, A. F. 91 Walker, S. B. 43 Perry, C. R. 92 Nelson, C. 44 Willard, Leon 93 Parmenter, J. 45 School-house No. 4. 94 Farwell, D. 46 Linna, Matti 95 Farwell, D. 47 Matson, Matti 96 Antilla, A. 48 Ramsdell, Daniel 97 Kaiku, K. 49 Warren 98 Finnish Church 160 SHARON ASHBURNHAM Map of New Ipswich INDEX TO NUMBERS. 99 Somero, L. 100 Somero, L. 101 Locke 102 Gedenberg, M. 103 School-house No. 7. 104 Wheeler, G. S. 105 Wheeler, G. W. 106 School-house 107 Burrows 108 Kasti, Peter 109 Lougee 110 Lougee 1 12 Lougee 113 Coleman 114 Davis, W. E. 115 Aho, Emanuel 116 Aho, Isaac 117 Cutter 118 Cutter 119 Drywood 120 Mastin 121 Tenney, Alfred 122 Tenney, Barnard 123 Jowders, Fred 124 Chickering 125 Tenney, O. 126 Sawyer, C. E. 127 Flagg 128 Bourgault 129 Bourgault 130 Phillipi, John 131 Tenney, A. R. 132 Knowlton, J. C. 133 School-house No. 2. 134 Somero, J. 135 Abbott, Reuben 136 Parker, Ralph E. 137 Wilson 138 Wilson, Isaac 139 Tenney, O. 140 Wilson 141 Stowell, H. B. 142 Stowell, H. B. 143 Stowell, H. B. 144 Matilla 145 Prindle 146 Rafuse, H. C. 147 Ashley, W. D. 148 Withington, H. 149 Appleton, Isaac (1756) 150 Molloy 151 Chandler, G. W. 152 Kidder, Reuben 153 Boynton, Earl 154 Peavey 155 Boynton, Earl 156 Gould, John 157 Gordon, Robert 158 "Peppermint Tavern" 159 Leel, David 160 Brown 161 Walton 162 Brown, H. 163 Kaskine, E. 164 School-house No. 8. 165 Proctor's Mills 166 Proctor, A. J. 167 Blakey 168 Hanson, E. 169 Frederick, E. 170 Hood, Helen 171 Wilder Chair Shop 172 Wallace, G. R. 173 Nichols, W. K. 174 Carr, Ezra 175 Miller 176 School-house No. 10 177 Spaulding 178 Wright 179 Carr, Emory 180 Carr, James 181 Thayer, W. S. 182 Salo, Peter 183 Aldrich, I. E. 184 Taft, H. J. 185 Jones, F. 186 Gibson, F. 187 Putnam, R. 188 Balch's Mills 189 Walker, A. L. 190 Corbett 191 Walker's Mills 192 Antilla 193 Sawmill 12 161 CENTER VILLAGE N P Englr-e Hous« Old Buna) Ground Old Mcttms House Q R School Houss BricK School Hous* S Union Hall T Bank U V w Library Old Corner Store Clarks Hot«l X Y z Appleton Inn Masoni'C' Hall BlacksmiTh Shop Index to Map MAP OF CENTER VILLAGE. 1 Palme 36 Barr, C. F. 2 Brown 37 Champney, E. & B. (office) 3 Perrin 38 Homestead Inn 4 Gordon, P. F. 39 Fox, E. M. 5 Cummings, J. W. 40 Barr, C. F. 6 Ames, R. 41 Brooks, H. M. 7 Spofford, H. 42 Farwell, H. E. 8 Ames 43 Chandler, J. C. 9 Gushing, F. A. 44 Pratt, C. H. Roger, J. 45 Hudson, D. 1 Preston, J. 46 Prescott, G. J. 2 Davis, J. 47 Champney, H. T. 13 Taylor, M. 48 Phillips, J. W. 4 Congregational Parsonage 49 Wilson, W. H. 5 Lowe, G. N. 50 Pratt, W. H. 6 Hardy, G. H. 51 Hardy, F. E. 7 Obear, C. H. 52 Phelps, W. L. 8 Taylor, E. M. 53 Russell, M. A. 9 Gould, E. L. 54 Travis, A. L. '0 Knowlton, C. L. 55 Robinson, E. M. >1 Barrett, G. R. 56 Hudson, E. M. '2 Barr, L. M. 57 Thompson, W. R. J3 Tucker, E. L. 58 Barnett, J. !4 Parker, E. M. 59 Thayer !5 Batcheller, H. 60 Royce, H. S. '6 Farwell, E. H. 61 Wheeler, J. A. 7 Coleman 62 Balch, M. M. !8 McKown 63 Wright, A. F. »9 Preston, F. W. 64 Hastings, G. W. 50 Brown, C. S. 65 Lawrence, E. A. !1 Hardy, L. M. P. 66 Beard, E. B. !2 Tidder 67 Silver ;3 Lee, S. F. 68 Whitney \4 Pollard 69 Presby 15 Kayser 163 History of New Ipswich BANK VILLAGE and HIGH BRIDGE VILLAGE School HouK No II Pi>»1 Office Wattrloom Mill Bonk MfrhDdiar CHurch School Houx No 12 HIjh Bf-idj* Mill SMITH VILLA fcala mfttr School House No. Whederj Mill eiacksmifh Shop Engine House Stor. •nd Po5t Off 8lonchord» Mil Hughe* Mill N <>■ 164 Indexes to Maps MAP OF BANK AND HIGH BRIDGE VILLAGES. 1 Heywood, S. M. 2 Marshall, E. 0. 3 Tabraham 4 Knight, D. 5 Johnson's Store 6 Tarbell, M. H. 7 Goldsmith, A. A 8 Muzzey, E. 9 Vincent, P. 10 Fournier 11 Belanger, A. 12 Taylor, B. G. 13 Vincent, J. 14 Fortin, Louis 15 Rochon, A. 16 Chouinard, L. 17 Fontaine, J. 18 Duval, D. 1 Taylor 2 Ferrin, A. 3 Chandler, A. E. 4 Davis, R. H. 5 Gushing, G. 6 Blanchard, E. F. 7 Wheeler, C. 19 Brunault, F. 20 Fournier, E. 21 Barrett, J. 22 Ely 23 Whiting ^^--"^ 24 Tindall C 25 Moore \ 26 Clark \ 27 Corporation boarding house 28 Wilson /■ 29 Corporation / 30 Corporation 31 Corporation 32 Corporation 33 Corporation 34 Bourgault 35 Bourgault 36 Bourgault I VILLAGE. 8 Wheeler, E. R. 9 Hendrickson 10 Hughes, C. 11 Blanchard, G. 12 Hildreth, J. L. 13 Howe, G. 14 Shirland 165 Genealogical INTRODUCTION. After my father's death, when the question of the com- pletion of the History of New Ipswich came up, it was under- stood that he had said that is was "nearly done." It was, so far as the gathering of available data was concerned, but it was like the gathering of threads which were dropped before the knot was tied. My father had often mentioned the invaluable aid given him in this work by Miss Lee, and accordingly she was asked if she would undertake the completion of the historical part, to which she consented. It seemed best that I should take up the genealogical part, and I did so. I found that many families had been written up in great detail, (full data having been received,) with the probable intention of future conden- sation to proportions suitable for this book. Other families had been partially written up awaiting further data, while a large number of families had not yet been written up at all because of a lack of authentic data. As a result, some of the families have not received here the attention justly due their importance in the town. Even the completed work was found to need careful re- vision, for old age leaves its marks on the works of one's hands and brain, such as the exchange of figures in copying dates, but these and other mistakes we have endeavored to discover and remove. The task of a genealogist is not an easy one ; in many cases people to whom letters requesting information about their families are sent reply six months or a year later saying that they know nothing of the family, but that perhaps a certain cousin can give the information, and then another six months may bring a similar answer from the cousin ; in other cases someone apparently very much inter- ested in the genealogy may give data showing that his aunt was married at the age of two years, died twenty years before she was born, or some other equally impossible combination of dates ; less absurd errors will often pass undetected. It has not been possible to avoid all mistakes in such a work as this, but lenience is besought in the criticism of what may be found amiss. 169 History of New Ipswich In writing a town genealogy there are manifold questions as to how much should be included. It was decided to insert no family unless two generations of voters bearing that name had resided here. This rule eliminated several who, though living here but a few years, were marked factors in the town's history, but some line had to be drawn. To many readers the ancestry of residents of the town has very little interest, but to the historian and genealogist it is of great value ; so the ancestors of each family name have been inserted as far as they could be discovered. I wish to thank Miss Sarah Fiske Lee for her aid, without which this work would have been impossible, Miss Caroline F. Barr for her generous support of the work, the other mem- bers of the Town Historical Committee, and many others who have given aid in gathering the material for this book. Edith B. Chandler. Springfield, Missouri, September 20, 1913. 170 GENEALOGICAL RECORDS OF PRINCIPAL NEW IPSWICH FAMILIES ADAMS (Henry). Adams was a common name among the early colonists in New Eng- land, and descendants of three seventeenth-century immigrants bearing that name are found in New Ipswich. Henry' Adams is believed to have come to Boston with his wife, eight sons, and a daughter in 1632 or 1633, and to have settled at "Mount Wollaston" in what was afterward the town of Braintree, where he died Oct. 6, 1646. His wife's name is not known. 't.c^^^'^ 9,c^u*v>--- Thomas' (Henry'), b. England, 1612; d. Chelmsford, July 20, 1688; m. Braintree, 1642, Mary Blackmore (?). He removed to Concord in 1646, and settled in what is now the west part of Chelmsford in 1650 or a little later. He held nearly all the important town offices and rep- resented the town in the General Court. Samuel" (Henry'), b. England, 1617; d. Chelmsford, Jan. 24, 1688/9; m. (1) Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Graves [d. Oct. 8, 1662 or 1664] ; (2) May 7, 1668, Esther, dau. of Nathaniel Sparhawk of Cambridge [d. Nov. 4, 1745]. Resided in Charlestown, later removed to Concord, thence to Cambridge. Timothy' (Thomas^ Henry*), b. Concord, Feb. 15, (or Apr. 2,) 1648; d. Chelmsford, July 1, 1708; m. Mary . Joseph" (Samuel', Henr/), b. Nov. 27, 1672; d. Jan. 22, 1717; m. Mary . Resided at Chelmsford. Thomas* (Timothy', Thomas*, Henry*), b. Chelmsford, 1675; d. Dunstable, Feb. 18, 1746; m. Judith [b. 1680; d. Apr. 15, 1754]. He was a carpenter and passed most of his life in Dunstable. Three of his sons came to New Ipswich. Benjamin' (Joseph*, Samuel*, Henry*), b. Dec, 1701; d. Oct. 30, 1738 or 1739; m. Olive . Resided in Chelmsford. 1. Stephen^ (Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henry^), b. Chelmsford, Feb. 5, 1715; d. Andover, Vt., Aug. 3, 1801; m. Rebecca [b. 1715; d. Andover, Vt., Sept. 29, 1813]. He is said to have come to New Ipswich about 1750, but the reputed places of birth of his children would indicate that he was not a permanent resident until some years later. He is believed to have lived for a time a little north of the present site of the Congregational church near the place long occupied by Stedman Houghton, and also for a time near the south line of the town on the place long known as the Blanchard farm, (84, A. D.) In 1771 he bought land in Hollis 171 History of New Ipswich and perhaps lived there for a time before his final removal to Andover, Vt. Children — the first nine born at Dunstable, the last three at New Ipswich : 4. i. Stephen, b. Dec. 29, 1738. He was of New Ipswich in 1769, when he sold land to Oliver Wright; he was in Capt. Ezra Towne's company at Bunker Hill and served later in the Revolutionary struggle, becoming lieutenant, but the number of soldiers bearing the same name makes his record somewhat indefinite. 5. ii. Civil, b. Nov. 23, 1740. 6. iii. Olive, b. Jan. 25, 1742/3. 7. iv. Silas, b. June 8, 1745.+ 8. v. Levi, b. Apr. 2, 1747.+ 9. vi. Phinehas, b. Oct. 15, 1749. He was a member of Capt. Towne's company, also it has been said that he was killed at Bunker Hill; but as his name is found upon a receipt signed by the members of that company in the following October, it would seem that he survived that battle and served later in the war, as given on the rolls of Capts. Briant and Brown. 10. vii. Rebecca, b. Jan. 2, 1752. 11. viii. Hannah, b. Nov. 8, 1754. 12. ix. Jane, b. Nov. 28, 1756. 13. X. Jonas, b. Aug. 18, 1758.+ 14. xi. Luther, b. about 1760. 15. xii. A son, name not given. 2. Zachariah^ (Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henry^), b. Chelmsford, Nov. 5, 1718; m. Anna . He lived in Dunsta- ble in 1744, but was in New Ipswich before 1754 and built a sawmill, probably at Smithville. He lived near Hodgkins corner, his house being at the north end of lot X : 3, S. R., a few rods west of the brook and perhaps twenty rods west of the present road to Smith Village, but upon an old road running in nearly a westerly direction which has long ago disappeared. He sold sixty acres to Eleazer Cummings in 1773 and his name disappears about that time. 3. Thomas^ (Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henry^), b. Dunstable, 1727; d. West Windsor, Vt., June 9, 1800; m. Ruth Eliot [b. 1730; d. West Windsor, Vt., Feb. 4, 1806]. He was at New Ipswich as early as 1754, but left little to tell his history. He removed to Andover, Vt., and thence to West Windsor, Vt., where he seems to have been more in evidence, as he was listed higher than any of his fellow-townsmen in 1782. Children — the first three born at Dunstable, and the later two at New Ipswich: 172 Adams (Henry) 16. i. Ruth, b. Dec. 19, 1749; d. Jan. 21, 1826; m. about 1771, Simeon Bullard (G. 3). 17. ii. Phebe, b. Dec. 31, 1752. 18. iii. Abel, b. Feb. 25, 1755.+ 19. iv. Isaac, b. May 9, 1761.+ 20. V. JuDAH, b. Mar. 12, 1764. 7. SiLAS^ (Stephen^ Thomas*, Timothy^ Thomas^, Henry^), b. June 8, 1745 ; m. Susanna . He is said to have given Revolutionary service, but his name does not appear upon the roll of any New Ipswich company. It appears, however, as that of one of the Committee of Safety at Dun- stable in 1776-77, and the record of his children's births in the town ceases during the time of the war, although one birth in 1777 is found in another record. It may be inferred, therefore, that he returned to his native town and made that his home during those years. In 1786 Silas and Susanna "of New Ipswich" sold land to John Pratt, Jr., and his name is not found after 1788. Children — born in New Ipswich: 21. i. Susanna, b. Jan. 30, 1772. 22. ii. Jane, b. Jan. 27, 1775. 23. iii. Rebecca, b. Jan. 20, 1777. 24. iv. Hannah, b. May 29, 1783. 25. V. Sibil, b. May 19, 1785. 26. vi. Lydia, b. Jan. 18, 1788. 8. Levi^ (Stephen^, Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henry^), b. Apr. 2, 1747; m. (1) Mary Abecca Perry; (2) Lydia Patch. He was in Capt. Towne's company, and at different times served to the extent of four and one-half years during the war. He removed to Rindge, thence to Andover, Vt., and Ludlow, Vt. Children — those of the first marriage, seven in number, a part born in New Ipswich and a part in Rindge, those of the second marriage at Andover, Vt. : 27. i. Becca, b. Mar. 19, 1772. 28. ii. Asenath, b. June 13, 1774; d. Milton, Vt, 1860; m. (1) Thomas Chandler of Chester, Vt. ; (2) Oct. 29, 1812, Lynde Sargent, also of Chester. Three children. Abigail, b. Apr. 23, 1776. Rhoda, b. Feb. 18, 1778 (?): d. Proctorsville, Vt., Feb. 5, 1873; m. Aug. 10, 1796, David Dickinson. Ten children. Phinehas, b. July 24, 1782 ; d. Moriah, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1838 ; m. Apr. 24, 1809, Hannah Kibling. Seven children. Ebenezer, d. aged eighteen years. James, b. Apr. 5, 1789; d. Feb. 22, 1885; m. Apr. 28, 1817, Nancy Pingry of Shrewsbury, Vt. 173 29. in. 30. iv. 31. V. 32. vi. 33. vii. History of New Ipswich 34. viii. Charles, d. unm. 35. ix. Mary Abecca, d. unm. 36. X. Roxanna, b. Oct. 22, 1802; m. Oct., 1824, Reuben Emery of Ludlow, Vt. Zl . xi. Lydia, d. unm. 38. xii. Stillman. 39. xiii. Dorcas, m. Otis Archer of Bridgewater, Vt. 13. Jonas® (Stephen^, Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henryi), b. Aug. 18, 1758; m. Phebe Hoar (9). He also is said to have been wounded at Bunker Hill and to have re- ceived a pension in his later years ; but as his name does not appear upon Capt. Towne's roll, it is probable that the wound was received during one of the later terms of service credited to him. He removed to Jaffrey in 1784, and later to Andover, Vt., where he died. Children : 40. i. Lucy C, b. New Ipswich, Mar. 22, 1784; d. Westminster, Vt., Feb. 4, 1813; m. Dec, 1803, Cyrus Dickinson. Two children. 41. ii. Jerry, b. Jaflfrey, Aug. 15, 1785; d. Weston, Vt., Dec. 20, 1873; m. Feb. 21, 1816, Dorcas Austin. He represented Weston in the legislature, and was a captain. Five children. 42. iii. Jonas, b. Jaffrey, Aug. 25, 1785; d. Sept. 28, 1790. 43. iv. Phinehas, b. Jaffrey, Oct. 20, 1789; d. Dec. 18, 1845; m. Feb. 5, 1813, Rebecca Gibson. He lived in Grafton, Vt., and Ludlow, Vt. 44. V. Molly, b. Jaffrey, Sept. 2, 1791; d. Weston, Vt., Mar. 15, 1857, unm. 45. vi. Nancy, b. Jaffrey, Feb. 25, 1794; m. Mar. 9, 1814, James Estabrook. Settled in Elizabethtown, N. Y., and removed thence to Iowa. Ten children. 46. vii. AcHSA, b. Andover, Oct. 29, 1799; d. Apr. 8, 1879; m. July 26, 1818, David Austin. Six children. 47. viii. Laura, b. Andover, Apr. 18, 1802; d. June 1, 1879, unm. 48. ix. Alvin, b. Andover, June 16, 1804; d. Watertown, Mass., Sept. 1, 1877; m. Nov. 10, 1831, Ann Rebecca Bridge of Boston. He was founder of the Adams Express Company. 49. X. Stillman, b. Andover, Aug. 26, 1806; d. Apr. 10, 1807. 50. xi. Orson, b. Andover, Dec. 13, 1807; d. South Boston, Nov. 7, 1869; m. July 28, 1834, Cynthia Frescott. He lived in South Boston. 14. Luther® (Stephen^, Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henryi), b. about 1760; d. Jan. 12, 1842; m. Oct. 2, 1792, Fanny, dau. of Josiah and Esther Stanford of Dublin. He lived in Dublin and removed thence to Weston, Vt., about 1802. Children — the first four born before the removal : 174 Adams (Henry) 51. i. Polly, b. Jan. 8, 1793; d. Apr. 13, 1877; m. Mar., 1816, Robert Nichols. She lived in Concord, Vt., where she died. 52. ii. James, b. Aug. 2, 1795 ; d. young. 53. iii. Luther, b. Nov. 6, 1796; d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 8, 1878; m. Mar. 20, 1822, Ada Brown. He settled in Littleton, N. H., but later lived at St. Johnsbury. Nine children. 54. iv. SiRENE, b. Apr. 1, 1801; d. North Littleton, N. H., Apr. 13, 1841 ; m. Ira Caswell. Five children. 55. V. Elvira, b. Mar. 30, 1803; d. Fond du Lac, Wis.; m. Mar. 20, 1828, Daniel Howe. Four children. 56. vi. Mercy, b. June 3, 1805; d. June 7, 1840; m. Levi Ball of Concord, Vt. Removed to Sutton, Vt., in 1839. Four children. 18. Abel*' (Thomas", Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas", Henry^), b. Feb. 25, 1755; d. July 12, 1821; m. Feb. 2, 1780, Hannah Proctor of Dimstable. He lived at West Windsor, Vt. Children : 57. i. Hannah, b. Dec. 20, 1783; d. P^eb. 13, 1826; m. Mar. 23, 1802, Bezaleel Bridge of Windsor. 58. ii. John, an adopted son, b. June 4, 1785. 19. IsAAC^ (Thomas^ Thomas*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Henryi), b. May 9, 1761; d. Nov. 12, 1824; m. Nov. 7, 1780, Mary Blanchard of Ashby. He served in the Revolution, but his record is somewhat difficult to ascertain, as there were two soldiers bearing the name. Afterward settled at West Windsor, Vt. Children — all born at West Windsor: 59. i. Isaac, b. May 3, 1784; d. May 23, 1784. 60. ii. John, b. Aug. 27, 1785 ; d. May 27, 1792. 61. iii. Isaac, b. Sept. 7, 1787; d. June 19, 1789. 62. iv. Polly, b. Jan. 13, 1790; d. May 6, 1855; m. Feb. 4, 1808, Daniel Wetherby. 63. V. Ruth, b. May 3, 1792; d. Nov. 19, 1840, unm. 64. vi. Phebe, b. May 4, 1794; d. Aug. 8, 1845. 65. vii. Abel, b. Jan. 17, 1797. 66. viii. Ira, b. Sept. 6, 1799; m. Mar. 6, 1823, Hannah Robinson. 67. ix. JuDES, b. Feb. 17, 1802; m. (1) Jan. 7, 1819, Elijah Robinson of Windsor, Vt. ; (2) Woodward. Oliver" (Benjamin^ Joseph', Samuel", Henry^), b. Oct. 27, 1729; m. Dec. 2, 1756, Rachel Proctor of Chelmsford. He lived in Chelmsford and was a Revolutionary soldier. Oliver^ (Oliver", Benjamin*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry^), b. Jan. 7, 1767; d. Rindge, Dec. 28, 1813; m. Betsey Marshall of Chelmsford. Re- sided in Chelmsford and in Rindge. Marshall' (Oliver", Oliver'', Benjamin*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'), b. Rindge, Mar. 14, 1801; m. May 9, 1826, Sarah G., dau. of Thaddeus and 175 History of New Ipswich Dorothy (Coolidge) Richards of Rindge. He was a woolen manufac- turer at New Boston and later a farmer; deacon in the Presbyterian church. 68. Joseph G.^ (Marshall^ 01iver^ Oliver^ Benjamin*, Joseph^ SamueP, Henry^). b. Dec. 12, 1836; m. May 10, 1858, Martha W., dau. of Samuel and Martha (Stone) Perry. He was a merchant in Natick, Mass., whence he came to New Ipswich in 1878, and conducted the "Corner store" for a few years. 69. Eugene Francis^ (Joseph G.^, Marshall^, Oliver^, Oliver^, Benjamin*, Joseph^, SamueP, HenryM, b. Natick, Mass., Oct. 14, 1859; m. 1892, Annie P., dau. of William P. Felch [d. Sept. 9, 1896]. He left New Ipswich in 1883 and has since been in the grain business at Manchester except during three years passed upon a cattle ranch in Nebraska. He was town clerk in 1882. Child : 70. i. Beulah, b. Mar. 9, 1894. It should perhaps be added that this family of patriotic instincts is the same as that of those patriots in higher positions, President John Adams and his cousin Samuel, the line of descent being as follows : Henry,^ Joseph^ Joseph^ John"*, President John\ ADAMS (Robert). Robert' Adams, b. 1602; d. probably Oct. 12, 1682; m. (1) Eleanor (Wilmot?) [d. June 12, 1677]; (2) Feb. 6, 1678, Sarah (Glover), widow of Henry Short [d. Oct. 24. 1697]. In 1635 he with wife and two children came to Ipswich, where he was a tailor, but in 1640 he was at Newbury, where he obtained a large farm and other property. Abraham^ (Robert'), b. Salem, 1639; d. Newbury, Aug., 1714; m. Nov. 10, 1670, Mary, dau. of Richard and Joanna (Ingersoll) Pettengell [b. July 6, 1652; d. Sept., 1705]. Isaac' (Abraham^ Robert'), b. Newbury, Feb. 26, 1678/9; d. 1738/9; m. (pub. Feb. 24, 1707) Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Burpee) Spofford of Rowley [b. Feb. 12, 1684; d. Sept. 3, 1775]. He was a weaver and afterward a farmer in Rowley and in Boxford successively. Isaac' (Isaac', Abraham', Robert'), b. Rowley, May 25, 1713; d. Mar. 20, 1797; m. Apr. 1, 1743, Mary (or Mercy), dau. of Dr. David Wood [b. 1720; d. 1794]. He settled at Boxford in 1738, where he was select- man fourteen years, representative four years, and captain. David" (Isaac*, Isaac', Abraham', Robert'), b. Boxford, June 20, 1747; d. Nov. 17, 1831; m. May 5, 1773, Phebe, dau. of Dea. Abner and Sarah (Coleman) Spofford of Byfield [b. Jan. 6, 1757; d. Feb. 17, 1822]. He settled in Rindge at about the time of his marriage. He served in the Revolution, and was afterward captain in the militia. 176 Adams (Robert) 1. MooDY^ (Dav^d^ Isaac*, Isaac^, Abraham^ Robert^), b. Rindge, Mar. 25, 1784; d. Feb., 1868; m. Jan. 18, 1814, Betsey, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Batchelder (24). His name ap- pears upon the New Ipswich records not very long after he reached the age of twenty-one, but he ma)'- not have become a permanent resident until the time of his marriage. He lived in the Center Village the succeeding three years, and then for twenty years was proprietor of the "Peppermint Tavern," leaving it only when the changed methods of travel had left no patronage. During the remainder of his life he lived in the Center Village, nearly opposite the Barrett mansion, and for a few years was associated in business with Isaac Sander- son at the slaughter-house occupied for that purpose for many years near the foot of the old Meeting-house Hill. Children: 2. i. Elizabeth Woodbury, b. Sept. 18, 1815 ; d. Oct. 29, 1885, unm. 3. ii. William Moody, b. Feb. 9, 1818; d. Oct. 3, 1826. 4. iii. Myra Jane, b. Sept. 9, 1823 ; d. Oct. 12, 1826. 5. iv. Myra Jane, b. Feb. 18, 1828; d. Mar. 30, 1890; m. Jan. 8, 1852, George Boyden (2). They lived for some years in the neighboring house, and then removed to Washington, D. C. 6. V. William Moody, b. June 18, 1830; d. Oct. 30. 1830. ADAMS (William). William' Adams, b. Shropshire, England, Feb. 3, 1594; d. 1661. He came to America in 1628; was at Cambridge in 1635 or earlier; freeman in 1639; removed to Ipswich, Mass., before 1642, probably living in the part which is now Hamilton. His widow was living in 1681, but her name is not known. Nathaniel- (William*), b. Ipswich, 1642; d. Apr. 11, 1715; m. June 30, 1668, Mercy, dau. of Thomas Dickinson of Rowley, Mass. [d. Dec. 12, 1735]. It is possible that he was the son of William^ and grandson of Vvilliam\ and that all the following generation numbers should be one larger. Thomas' (Nathaniel', William'), b. June 14, 1672; d. Oct. 14, 1729; m. Bethiah [d. Jan. 12, 1742]. Thomas' (Thomas', NathanieP, William'), b. Aug. 31, 1699; d. 1765; m. Apr. 17, 1722, Deborah, dau. of Thomas and Margery (Goodhue) Knowlton [b. Dec. 31, 1698; m. (2) Feb. 6, 1770, William Wigglesworth of that part of Ipswich which is now Hamilton, in which Thomas Adams had also lived]. He was early interested in the settlement of New Ipswich, having two eighty-acre lots under the Massachusetts grant, which he probably lost, but he held five shares under the Masonian charter, giving him a title to more than two square miles of land, upon 240 acres of which, at least, his sons were the original settlers. 177 History of New Ipswich 1. Ephraim^ (Thomas*, Thomas^ NathanieP, William^), bapt. Oct. 18, 1724; d. Mar. 26, 1797; m. (1) Apr. 6, 1749, Lydia Kinsman [b. about 1728; d. Nov. 5, 1760] ; (2) Nov. 18. 1761, Rebecca, dau. of James and Elizabeth (Burnap) Locke [b. May 13, 1735; d. 1822]. He was a soldier against the French about 1746, and after his return from service was married and came to New Ipswich, probably at the same time as his brother Benjamin, and settled upon N. D., 21, where his house, built at that early period, is still standing, another house of more recent construction having been added to it at the west side. This house was surrounded by "flankers" for protection against the Indians. There is, however, no tradition of their having been attacked, and in 1757 the town voted not "to repair Mr. Adam's flankers in order for defence." He was a leading citizen and had great influence in public matters, due not only to his sound sense but also to the clear and quaint methods in which his views were presented. He was not elected to office as frequently as his brother, being a selectman for only a single year, but he was relied upon in times of special stress. He represented the town in the Pro- vincial Congress and for five years in the state legislature, was chairman of the Committee of Inspection, Correspondence and Safety when it was first chosen, and also at a later time when its duties were very arduous and its power was necessa- rily almost dictatorial, so that skilful management was almost as essential as earnest purpose ; and in general his record bears the mark of a conscientious, patriotic, and well-balanced man. He also served in the field, but evident carelessness in the com- pany rolls makes it impossible to determine with certainty between his name and that of his oldest son. There seems to be no doubt, however, that he was in Capt. Smith's com- pany at the battle of White Plains. He was one of the two deacons elected at the organization of the church. Children : 3. i. Ephraim, b. Dec. 26, 1749.-|- 4. ii. Thomas, b. Sept. 12, 1751; d. Oct. 11, 1820; m. Dec. 18, 1777, Molly Farnsworth [b. about 1756; d. June 24, 1842]. He served in the Revolution, and probably was the one bearing the name upon the company roll of Capt. Abijah Smith or of Capt. Francis Towne or of both. 5. iii. Stephen, b. Nov. 6, 1753. He is said to have enlisted from Rindge in the company of Capt. Philip Thomas in 1775, but identification is hardly practicable on account of dif- ferent soldiers bearing the same name. 178 Adams (William) 6. iv. Daniel, b. Aug. 24, 17S5.+ 7. V. Lydia, b. July 16, 1757; d. Oct., 1800; m. Nathan Wheeler [b. Concord, Mass., Jan. 9, 1744; d. May 7, 1834]. Res. in Temple. Children : i. Nathan Wheeler, b. Oct. 20, 1781 ; he was a prominent citizen of Temple and a deacon, ii. Lydia Wheeler, b. Aug. 19, 1783. iii. Josiah Wheeler, b. May 11, 1786; m. Dolly Shattuck. 8. vi. John, b. Nov. 10, 1762; d. Dec. 9, 1763. 9. vii. John, b. Feb. 29, 1764; d. 1781 in the army, where he was probably the one who enlisted in the February of that year "for three years or the war." 10. viii. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 2, 1765.+ 11. ix. Rebecca, b. July 27, 1767; m. Jan. 20, 1802, Abel Shedd. 12. X. James, b. May 20, 1769; m. Nov. 3, 1795, Ruth Conant (9). Res. Grafton, Vt. 13. xi. Betsey, b. Mar. 13, 1772; d. Apr. 14, 1816; m. Feb. 7, 1779, Dr. Luther Jewett of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Eight children. 14. xii. QuiNCY, b. Sept. 29, 1775.+ 2. Benjamin^ (Thomas*, Thomas^, NathanieF, William^), bapt. Aug. 6, 1728; d. May 5, 1815; m. (1) Apr. 18, 1751, Pris- cilla, dau. of Joseph* (Thomas^) and Priscilla (Warner) Adams [b. Jan. 3, 1729; d. Feb. 19, 1791] ; (2) Feb. 19, 1795, Susannah, dau. of Stephen Ralph and widow of David Everett of Princeton, Mass. [d. May 2, 1815]. He came to New Ips- wich with his brother Ephraim or very soon after, and set- tled upon the same lot and the adjoining lot at the west, N. D., 25, since occupied by Benjamin A. Clark and by Reed Tenney, where the two brothers held their land in common for many years, although later Benjamin removed his home to the last- named lot. He, like his brother, was a valued citizen and an approved holder of official positions, being Proprietors' clerk before the incorporation of the town for several years and town clerk afterward, and selectman for nine years. He served upon at least tv o calls for troops in the Revolutionary strug- gle, and faile'' ave a part in the contest at Lexington only because th uprising was so general that, with some other men x Ipswich and other more distant towns, he was dismi^ reaching Cambridge. He was in the company of Ca^ and while encamped near White Plains his blanket ■< from him while asleep, the re- sulting exposure ca. -long lameness and ultimately a complete inability to was chosen a deacon at the same time as his brothe. "< : 15. i. Joseph, b. Feb. 3, L ^0, 1752. History of New Ipswich 16. ii. Priscilla, b. Mar. 15, 1753; d. Feb. 17, 1777; m. Oct. 12, 1772, John Warner. 17. iii. Sarah, b. Feb. 1, 1755; d. Mar. 15, 1755. 18. iv. Benjamin, b. Feb. 7, 1756; d. May 6, 1758. 19. V. Mary, b. Mar. 1, 1758. 20. vi. Deborah, b. June 5, 1760; d. July 19, 1760. 21. vii. Hannah, b. Aug. 27, 1761. 22. viii. Benjamin, b. Sept. 9, 1763.4- 23. ix. Joseph, b. Dec. 13, 1765. -f- 24. X. Sarah, b. Aug. 11, 1768; d. Nov. 20, 1768. 25. xi. Eunice, b. Mar. 8, 1770; m. Nov. 17, 1799, Aaron Appleton (6). 3. Ephraim** (Ephraim", Thomas*, Thomas^, Nathaniel-. William^), b. Dec. 26, 1749; d. Apr. 15, 1825; m. (1) 1772, Elizabeth, dau. of Timothy and Dinah (Pierce) Stearns of that part of Lancaster which is now Leominster [b. Nov. 11. 1751; d. Mar. 29, 1810]; (2) Bridget [b. about 1747; d. Oct. 25, 1813]. Soon after reaching the age of manhood he set- tled upon a lot then entirely wilderness, N. D., 61, which was occupied by him and his descendants for 125 years, but under later conditions has passed into the hands of Antti Raketti, sometimes preacher at the Lutheran church erected in that part of the town by the Finnish townsmen, a possession cer- tainly in harmony with its occupancy for more than sixty years by father, son, and grandson in succession, all deacons in the Congregational church. The house prepared for the new home upon this lot was situated a little farther west than the present house, built by the owner of the farm in the next generation, nor did the road end at the house as it has now for many years. In early days the road divided, one branch passing directly over the mountain, being the first road opened to Rindge, and the other turning northward to the region afterward occupied by the "Peppermint Tavern." The ruling spirit of this home is perhaps sufificiently evidenced by the calls to service made upon its head by the neighbors who knew him, as he served the town as selectman for sixteen years and the church as deacon for an equal period. He responded to the Concord alarm in 1775 and to the Royalton call in 1780. Children: 26. i. Ephraim, b. Oct. 15, 1773.+ 27. ii. Isaac, b. July 13, 1775.+ 28. iii. Lydia, b. June 7, 1777; m. William Perkins of Leominster, Mass. Res. at Enosburg, Vt. Thirteen children. 180 Adams (William) 29. iv. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 13, 1778; d. Feb. 22, 1868; m. (1) June 21, 1801, Joseph Spear (8) ; (2) Dec. 19, 1820, John, son of Samuel and Lizzie (Cummings) Cross of Litchfield, N. H. [d. 1825] ; (3) Joseph Joslyn of Jaffrey. 30. V. John, b. Feb. 10, 1781.+ 31. vi. Rebekah, b. Nov., 1782; m. Feb. 3, 1803, Aaron Knight. 32. vii. Sarah, b. July 30, 1784; d. Mar. 19, 1814; m. Nicholas Richards of Enosburg, Vt., where she lived and died. Three daughters. 33. viii. Susanna, b. Nov. 4, 1785; d. Nov. 6, 1819; m. Thomas Stearns of Leominster, Mass., later of Enosburg, Vt. [b. 1789; d. Feb. 27, 1832]. Five children, one of whom, Thomas Adams Stearns, b. Sept. 2, 1812, lived in New Ipswich for a few years when a young man, but removed to Jaflfrey, where he d. July 28, 1879. 34. ix. LuciNDA, b. Jan. 26, 1788; d. 1848; m. May 14, 1807, Jonas, son of James and Sarah (Stearns) Boutelle of Leominster, Mass. Res. at Enosburg, Vt. 35. X. Melinda, b. Feb. 8, 1790; d. 1868; m. Feb. 6, 1817, Asa Knight. Res. in Hancock, where she had eight children; later in Milford and New London. 36. xi. Timothy Kinsman, b. Sept. 30, 1791. -f- 37. xii. Benjamin Stearns, b. Aug. 6, 1794. He married and re- moved to Tennessee. 38. xiii. Cynthia, b. Sept. 5, 1796; d. 1883; m. Hiram, son of Judge Amos and Anna Fassett. Res. Enosburg, Vt. 6. Daniel® (Ephraim^, Thomas*, Thomas^, NathanieP, William^), b. Aug. 24, 1755; d. about 1790; m. Sarah, dau. of William and Sarah (Locke) Clark [b. Townsend, Mass., Nov. 21, 1754]. Her mother and her husband's stepmother were sisters. He removed about 1778 to a part of Fitzwilliam which is now Troy. Children : 39. i. Stephen, b. Oct. 29, 1779; m. Dec. 1, 1803. Res. at Hinesburg, Vt. Eight children. 40. ii. Daniel, b. Mar. 22, 1781 ; m. Dec. 3, 1806, Mercy Olney. Res. at Zingwick, Quebec. Seven children. 41. iii. William, b. Mar. 10, 1783; d. Oct. 15, 1851; m. (1) Susan Raymond; (2) Betsey Tarbell; (3) Phebe Hatch. Res. in Boxboro, Mass., and later in Westford, Mass., where he died. 42. iv. Thomas, b. Mar. 9, 1785; d. Sept. 12, 1841; m. June, 1805, Sarah Sawtelle of Jaffrey [d. Oct. 25, 1828]. Res. at Jeffrey. Ten children. 43. V. Sarah, b. Jan. 25, 1787; m. Mar. 11, 1805, John Frost [d. July 4, 1847]. Res. at Jaffrey. Nine children. 44. vi. Lydia, b. July 13, 1789. Res. at Nashua. 45. vii. Samuel, b. Apr. 30, 1791. He removed to Canada, and was last known as a soldier in the British army in 1812. 181 History of New Ipswich 10. Ebenezer^ (Ephraim^ Thomas*, Thomas^ Nathaniel, William^), b. Oct. 2, 1765: d. Aug*. 15, 1841; m. (1) July 9, 1795, Alice, dau. of Dr. John Frink [b. Rutland, Mass., Mar. 1, 1769; d. June 20, 1805] ; (2) May 17, 1807, Beulah, dau. of Dr. John Minott [b. Concord, Mass., June 28, 1775]. He pre- pared for college at New Ipswich, and graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1791. He was principal of the academy at Leicester, Mass., for fourteen years, of an academy at Port- land, Me., two years, instructor at Phillips Academy, Exeter, two years, and in 1809 was appointed professor of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew in his Alma Mater, but a year later was transferred to the chair of Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy, in which he remained until his death thirty-one years later, although during the last eight years he was relieved of its duties and remained as professor emeritus. In all of those positions he was an eminently successful teacher and a highly respected citizen. He was postmaster at Leicester. Had athletics held at that time such a place in college activities as they now claim, he would without doubt have had additional claims for popularity, as it is related that at the age of nine- teen he was selected as the champion to maintain the honor of New Ipswich against the challenge of three brothers from Ashburnham who came across the state line upon town- meeting day to win the honor of a wrestling victory over the boys of New Hampshire, but were forced to admit the defeat of their best man by the embryonic professor from a muscular New Ipswich family. That his mental activities were not limited by the walls of his class-room is evidenced by his being an original member of the Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences, and also by his connection with many other societies, including the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the New Hampshire Historical Society, the Royal Society of Northern Antiquities, and the American Antiquarian Society. Children, the first five born at Leicester and the last two at Hanover : 46. i. Alice Amelia, b. June 2, 1796; d. Portland, Me., Feb. 11, 1820; m. June 16, 1819, Rev. Thomas Jewett Murdock. 47. ii. Adeline Augusta, h. Jan. 17, 1798; m. June 28, 1819. 48. iii. John Frink, b. Nov. 3, 1799; m. July 2, 1835, Elizabeth Lovell Walker. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1817, and became a lawyer at Mobile, Ala. Three children. 49. iv. Charles Augustus, b. Oct. 2, 1801; d. in South Carolina, Mar. 9, 1824. 182 Adams (William) 50. V. Harriet Russell, b. Sept. 14, 1804; d. July 30, 1830; m. Nov. 14, 1826, Hon. John Aiken, who graduated from Dartmouth College in 1819, was a lawyer in Manchester, Vt., and a business man at Lowell, Mass., and at Boston. Charles A. Aiken, professor of Latin at Dartmouth College 1859-1866, was their son. 51. vi. Eliza Minott, b. Feb. 9, 1810; m. Aug. 23, 1833, Ira Young, who graduated from Dartmouth College in 1821 and suc- ceeded to the chair of Prof. Adams upon his becoming professor emeritus. Charles A. Young, professor of Physics and Astronomy at Dartmouth College 1866-1872, and later at Princeton, N. J., who succeeded to a portion of the duties of Prof. Ira Young, was their son, and Anne S. Young, professor of Astronomy at Mt. Holyoke College, is their granddaughter. 52. vii. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 6, 1813; d. July 23, 1837. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1831. 14. QuiNCY® (Ephraim^, Thomas*, Thomas^, NathanieP, William^), b. Sept. 29, 1775; d. about 1815; m. Dolly Elliot. He lived upon the paternal farm for a few years after reaching manhood, but about 1805 he exchanged farms with Francis Cragin of Temple and removed to that town, where he lived for about ten years before receiving fatal injuries by falling through his sled. Children : 53. i. John Quincy, b. Dec. 18, 1800. 54. ii. Maria, b. Nov. 14, 1802. 22. Benjamin^ (Benjamin^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Nathaniel^ William^), b. Sept. 9, 1763; d. about July 1, 1825; m. June 22, 1794, Olivia (1), dau. of David and Susannah (Ralph) Everett [b. Princeton, Mass., July 22, 1768]. He passed most of his life upon the paternal farm, (N. D., 25,) but for a few years soon after the opening of the turnpike through the town, in the early years of the nineteenth century, he kept a tavern in the old parsonage at the corner (N. D., 37,) where the road turns to Mill Brook. It was an exceptionally orderly house, as might be inferred from the fact that he is said to have been the first man in the town to carry on his farm, without the use of rum. He was interested in military matters, and at- tained the rank of major, by which title he was known until his death. Children : 55. i. David Everett, b. July 4, 1795; m. Sept. 28, 1833, Nancy Walker (J. 9). 56. ii. Olivia, b. Sept. 6, 1796; m. Rev. Robert Page [b. Readfield, Me., Apr. 25, 1790; d. Jan. 12, 1876]. He was a pastor in 183 History of New Ipswich Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Ohio, in which last state they died. Seven children. 57. iii. Clarissa Priscilla, b. May 12, 1798. She became a perma- nent resident in Keene, with her aunt Eunice (Adams) Ap- pleton, when only a child. 58. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. Mar. 1, 1800; d. July 28, 1886; m. Feb. 20, 1828, Louisa Ruth, dau. of Isaac and Mercy (Dana) Redington of Walpole and Keene [b. Aug. 13, 1805 ; d. Mar. 12, 1883]. He went in childhood, like his sister, to the home of his aunt Eunice Appleton in Keene, in which town he lived until 1853, when he removed to Chicago. He had eight children, one of whom, George Everett, graduated from Harvard College in 1860, and from Harvard Law School in 1865 ; he entered upon legal practice in Chicago ; was a state senator 1881-83, and a representative in Congress 1883-91. 59. v. Charles, b. Dec. 21, 1802; m. Susan, dau. of John and Susan (White) Shedd of Rindge and Jaffrey. He was a tanner at the foot of Meeting-house Hill for several years about 1830, but removed to Derby, Vt., before 1835, and later to the New Ipswich colony at Denmark, Iowa. Children : i. A daughter, d. in childhood, ii. A daughter, d. soon after marriage, iii. Charles Kendall, h. Jan. 24, 1835 ; d. Red- lands, Cal., July 26, 1902. He graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1861, and was a member of the faculty of that institution until 1885, at first as an instructor, but rising to the professorship of History, and being also Dean of the School of Political Science, and at the same time a professor "in absentia" at Cornell University, to the pres- idency of which he was called in 1885, but resigned in 1892 to accept the presidency of the University of Wisconsin, which he held for nine years. 60. vi. SoPHRONiA, b. Mar. 11, 1804; m. May 20, 1828, Dr. Hibbard, son of Dr. Luther and Betsey (Adams) (13) Jewett. She also passed her youth with her aunt Eunice in Keene. 61. vii. Eunice Augusta, b. Aug. 30, 1805; d. Dec. 22, 1846; m. Jan. 3, 1833, James Adams, son of Capt. Abel and Rebecca (Adams) (11) Shedd. 62. viii. Frederic Augustus, b. July 19, 1807; d. Apr. 8, 1888; m. Oct. 23. 1839, Mary Jane, dau. of Col. David McGregor Means of Amherst [b. Jan. 1, 1811; d. Mar. 28, 1882]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1833, and from Andover Theo- logical Seminary in 1837, teaching during his professional study, being a tutor at Dartmouth in 1836-37. He was pas- tor at Amherst for three years, and then devoted himself to teaching in academies and private schools in Byfield, Mass., Orange, N. J., and Newark, N. J., until 1882. He died at East Orange, N. J. He was a trustee of New Ips- wich Academy 1837-44. He had three daughters who died young, and one son, Frederic, b. Oct. 9, 1840; m. (1) Oct. 184 Adams (William) 27, 1870, Ella, dau. of John S. King of Putnam, O. [d. Nov. 14, 1896] ; (2) July 20, 1904, Ella, dau. of Morris K. King of Norfolk, Va. ; six children. 63. ix. Emily Appleton, b. Feb. 3, 1810. 23. Joseph*' (Benjamin^, Thomas*, Thomas^, NathanieP, William^), b. Dec. 13, 1765. He married, and probably left New Ipswich immediately after, as his name appears on the town records only in 1787. Children : 64. i. Isaac. He was a minister, and d. leaving one daughter. 65. ii. Hiram. He had two children. 66. iii. Mary, m. Johnson. One son. 67. iv. Minerva, unm. 26. Ephraim^ (Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Nathaniel, William^), b. Oct. 15, 1773; d. July 16, 1833; m. (1) 1800, Sally, dau. of James and Sarah (Stearns) Boutelle of Leominster, Mass. [d. Enosburg. Vt., July 29, 1814] ; (2) Dec. 29, 1814, Polly, sister of his first wife [d. about 1830] ; (3) Salome (Grant), widow of Rev. James Parker, who survived him. In 1796, when he was not yet 23 years of age, he with his brother Isaac and two fellow-townsmen, Charles Barrett and Nathan Wheeler, with the spirit which in later years set- tled the western areas of the country, went to northern Vermont, and bought 1000 acres of land in "Knight's Gore," now the eastern part of the town of Bakersfield, and settled there, keeping "bachelor's hall" while clearing and planting their land during thiee seasons, but returning to New Hamp- shire each winter and there teaching school. Communication with the towns upon the lake to the west was not difficult, and the young men had visions of a thriving town in the future centering in Knight's Gore. But as the forest was cleared, it was found that the surrounding mountains forbade advance to the east, and that the busy town would never lie as they planned. This experience, familiar in later years to so many who have deserted the eastern states and sought homes in the unsettled West, caused a complete abandonment of the Knight's Gore enterprise. But Ephraim Adams did not resume residence in New Ipswich ; he went a few miles farther to the north and settled in Enosburg, whither he soon took his young wife, and where all his children were born. Children : 68. i. John, b. Dec, 1801; d. Nov. 30, 1802. 185 History of New Ipswich 69. ii. Ephraim, b. Dec. 27, 1802; d. Oct. 20, 1837; m. May 26, 1825, Lydia Wheeler. He was a farmer and a tin-peddler. He removed to Fitchburg while yet a young man. Three children. 70. iii. James B., b. Oct. 14, 1805; d. 1869; m. Mehitable Pope. Res. in Troy, Vt. Three children. 71. iv. Fidelia, b. 1807; d. 1808. 72. V. George, b. Dec. 27, 1809; d. Apr. 27, 1891; m. (1) Feb. 27, 1833, Arvilla Stevens [d. May 13, 1843] ; (2) July 13, 1843, Mrs. Elmira (Stevens) Stone [b. Feb. 5, 1805; d. Feb. 5, 1888]. He lived in Enosburg, Vt., which town he repre- sented in the Legislature in 1876. Six children. 1Z. vi. Julia, b. 1812; d. Aug., 1817. 74. vii. Thomas Spencer, b. Feb. 3, 1816. Res. in Boston. 75. viii. Sally, b. Feb. 20, 1819; d. June 2, 1837. 76. ix. Benjamin Stearns, b. Aug. 27, 1820; m. Apr. 16, 1843, Susan S. Pierce [b. Brighton, Mass., June 2, 1822]. Res. Troy, Vt. n. X. Henry Martyn, b. Nov. 20, 1823 ; d. Aug. 13, 1856. He gradu- ated from Amherst College in 1851, and from the Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut in 1854. He was ordained soon after, at Enosburg, and sailed for the Gaboon Mission in Western Africa, where he labored less than two years before his death. 78. xi. Joanna K., b. Apr. 12, 1827; d. Dec. 27, 1891; m. Mar. 31, 1847, Samuel Henry Dow of Enosburg [b. Dec. 6, 1822; d. Mar. 27, 1907]. 79. xii. John Scott, b. Jan. 22, 1829; d. Oct., 1858; m. Cordelia Ab- bott [d. Mar., 1849]. Res. Gardner, Mass. Two children. 27. IsAAC^ (Ephraim®, Ephraim^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Na- thaniel, William^), b. July 13, 1775; d. July 7, 1849; m. Dec. 8, 1803, Sally, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Hawks) Perkins of Leominster, Mass. [b. Dec. 10, 1779; d. June 26, 1856]. He had a part with his brother Ephraim in the Knight's Gore settlement, as related above, but unlike his brother, he re- turned to his native town and there passed his life, succeeding his father not only in ownership of the paternal farm but also as selectman in 1805, and as deacon in 1814. He was also an Academy trustee. Children : 80. i. Sally, b. Sept. 29, 1805; d. Mar. 18, 1879; m. Dec. 26, 1837, Nathan, son of John and Sarah (Merrill) Perley [b. Haver- hill, Mass., June 11, 1794; d. June 18, 1882]. Res. Enos- burg, Vt. Children: i. Ellen S. Perley, b. Feb. 18, 1839; d. Aug. 10, 1845. ii. Laura Perley, b. Mar. 8, 1842; d. Jan. 14, 1879; m. Feb., 1865, Edward H. Smith; one child, iii. Ephraim Adams Perley, b. Aug. 29, 1844; d. Jan. 19, 1905; m. Sept. 10, 1879, Susan Paul ; one child, iv. Ormond T. Perley, b. Sept. 19, 1846; d. Sept. 13, 1882; m. Laura Annette Stone. 186 Adams (William) 81. ii. Henry, b. Nov. 23, 1807.+ 82. iii. Marinda, b. Nov. 25, 1810; d. Jan. 19, 1879; m. Dec. 11, 1833, William Dana Locke (12). 83. iv. Ephraim, b. Dec. 13, 1812; d. Aug. 1, 1816. 84. V. Elizabeth Stearns, b. Jan. 18, 1816; d. Aug. 7, 1818. 85. vi. Ephraim, b. Feb. 5, 1818.+ 30. John'' (Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Thomas^ Thomas^, Na- thaniel, William^), b. Feb. 10, 1781; m. Rebecca, dau. of James and Sarah (Stearns) Boutelle of Leominster, Mass. Res. at Enosburg, Vt. Children : 86. i. John. 87. ii. Fidelia. 88. iii. Emily. 89. iv. Charles. 90. V. Cyrus. 91. vi. Joseph. 92. vii. Ephraim. 93. viii. LuciNDA. 94. ix. Josiah. 95. X. Rebecca. 36. Timothy Kinsman^ (Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Thomas*, Thomas^ Nathaniel, William^), b. Sept. 30, 1791; m. Alary Nichols. Res. at Enosburg, Vt., and removed thence to Minnesota, where they passed their lives. Children : 96. i. Clarissa. 97. ii. Cynthia. 98. iii. Mary. 99. iv. Bartlett. 100. V. Melinda. 101. vi. Dorothy. 102. vii. Elizabeth. 103. viii. Stearns. 104. ix. Thomas. 81. Henry^ (Isaac'', Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Thomas*, Thomas^ Nathaniel, William^), b. Nov. 23, 1807; d. Oct. 21, 1892; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1835, Deborah Clark (4) [b. Oct. 12, 1811; d. June 18, 1865] ; (2) Aug. 5, 1875, Mrs. Adeline Proctor. He was a farmer, succeeding to the farm of his father and his grandfather, and like them he was a deacon, being chosen to that office upon the formation of the Second Congregational church in 1851, and holding that position until the reunion of the two churches ten years later. He passed his later years at Decorah, Iowa. Children : 187 History of New Ipswich 109. i. Louisa Deborah, b. Dec. 23, 1837; m. Oct. 9, 1860, George Thompson Hastings [b. Nov., 1836; d. Nov. 15, 1885]. She res. with her sister in Decorah, Iowa. One daughter who d. young. 110. ii. Mary Hannah, b. Feb. 11, 1844; m. Dec. 25, 1863, Samuel Allen Thayer (9). 111. iii. Henry C, b. June 7, 1846; d. May 12, 1850. 112. iv. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1848; m. Oct. 8, 1869, Newton Henry, son of Cyrus and Mary Ann (Weaver) Adams [b. Suffield, O., Oct. 6, 1849]. He is a dealer in grain and seeds at Decorah, Iowa. Children: i. Burton Henry Adams, b. Aug. 29, 1870; m. Mrs. Winnie Landers; he is in business with his father, ii. Grace Deborah Adams, b. Nov. 18, 1875 ; m. Severt Rebay Ringoen, a cashier in Decorah, Iowa, iii. Walter Clark Adams, h. Apr. 8, 1882; m. Marie Gene- vieve Cutler; res. in Decorah, Iowa. 85. Ephraim^ (Isaac^ Ephraim", Ephraim^ Thomas*, Thomas^ Nathaniel^, William^), b. Feb. 5, 1818; d. Nov. 30, 1907 ; m. Sept. 16, 1845, Elizabeth Sylvia, dau. of Jabez Avery and Elizabeth (Ingalls) Douglass of Hanover [b. Jan. 1, 1821 ; d. July 12, 1905]. He fitted for college at New Ipswich Academy and Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and was one of fifty students who left that institution upon being forbidden to form an anti-slavery society there. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1839, and from. Andover Theological Seminary in 1843. He was one of the noted "Iowa band" of eleven young men who in that year left Andover for service under the American Home Missionary Society in the region with unfamiliar name "divided between the Indian, the pioneer and the bufifalo," where they believed that they were "needed and most needed." In the work of that band this son of New Ipswich is abundantly testified to have done his full part, not merely as a minister of the gospel, but in all the activities of the territory and the state which, built in from the foundation, have given that state its honored position. He was ordained at Denmark, was pastor at Mt. Pleasant, Davenport, Decorah, and Eldora, and was also for many years missionary superin- tendent, and for some time engaged in active labor for Iowa College, of which he was one of the founders and president of the trustees for many years. The ability of this service was formally recognized in 1882 by the degree of D. D. After 46 years of strenuous and successful endeavor he nominally retired from active labors and was granted 18 years of a rest, by no means slothful or useless to others, which normally 188 Adams (William) has place in such a life, and which his able and equally faith- ful companion in almost sixty years of service was spared to pass with him in their home at Waterloo, where they died. Children : 113. i. Theodore Douglass, b. Davenport, Iowa, July 31, 1846; d. Decorah, Iowa, Sept. 5, 1872; m. May 30, 1870, Elizabeth Sawyer. 114. ii. Elizabeth Camilla, b. Davenport, Iowa, Oct. 20, 1848; d. Feb. 22, 1877. 115. iii. Henry Carter, b. Davenport, Iowa, Dec. 31, 1851; m. Sept. 3, 1890, Bertha, dau. of Asa H. and Harriet B. (Hammond) Wright [b. Port Huron, Mich., Apr. 11, 1865]. He gradu- ated from Iowa College in 1874, was at Andover Theological Seminary for a year, and afterward a fellow at Johns Hop- kins University and a student in Germany at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin. He has been a lecturer on Politi- cal Economy and Finance at Cornell University and the Uni- versity of Michigan for several years, and for a time at Johns Hopkins. He was elected professor at the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1887, and has made his home at Ann Arbor. He has also been statistician to the Interstate Com- merce Commission, and has had charge of other expert work for the government. He is author of several ap- proved works on living public questions. He has received the degree of Ph. D. from Johns Hopkins, and of LL. D. from Iowa College and the University of Wisconsin. Chil- dren : i. Henry Carter, b. Oct. 8, 1891. ii. Theodore Wright, b. Jan. 20, 1896. iii. Thomas Hammond, b. Sept. 1, 1901. 116. iv. Sarah Sidnie, b. Hanover, Nov. 20, 1857: d. Decorah, Iowa, June 9, 1865. 117. V. Ephraim Douglass, b. Decorah, Iowa, Dec. 18, 1865; m. June 8, 1893, May Stevens, dau. of William and Jane Elizabeth (Stevens) Breakey [b. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 6, 1867J. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1887, and was afterward a graduate student, receiving the degree of Ph. D. in 1890. He was a member of the faculty of the University of Kansas for eleven years, and since 1902, professor of European History in Leland Stanford Uni- versity. He is the author of several books. Children : i. James Douglass, b. Apr. 6, 1894. ii. Sidney Francis, h. July 9, 1895. iii. William Forbes, b. Feb. 25, 1898. AINSWORTH. Edward' Ainsworth, b. in England about 1652; d. Mar., 1740/1; m. Jan. 11, 1687/8, Joanna, dau. of Joshua and Joanna (Evans) Heming- way [b. Sept. 21, 1670; d. Dec. 23, 17481. Res. in Roxbury, Mass., until 1702/3, when he removed to Woodstock, Conn. He was a farmer. 189 History of New Ipswich Edward' (Edward'), b. Roxbury, Aug. 18, 1693; d. June 16. 1758; m. Apr. 5, 1722, Joanna, dau. of Matthew and Margaret (Corbin) Davis of Pomfret, Conn. [b. Oct. 22, 1696; d. Apr. 25, 1753]. He was a pros- perous farmer at Woodstock, Conn. William' (Edward', Edward'), b. July 12, 1733; d. Nov. 14, 1815; m. May 29, 1753, Mary Marcy [b. 1783; d. Nov. 23, 1815]. Res. at Lev- erett, Mass., until 1802, when he removed to Wales, Mass., where he died. Laban^ (William^ Edward', Edward'), b. July 19, 1757; d. Mar. 16, 1858; m. Dec. 4, 1787, Mary, dau. of Jonas and Mary (Hall) Minott of Concord, Mass. [b. Feb. 1, 1761; d. Feb. 3, 1845]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1778, was licensed to preach in 1779, and served as army chaplain for a time. He preached a short time in New Jersey, but in 1782 he entered upon his pastorate at Jaffrey and there continued until his death, more than seventy-five years later. 1. William^ (Laban*, William^, EdwarcP, Edward^), b. Aug. 24, 1792; d. June 14, 1842; m. Sept. 29, 1818, Mary Morse Stearns. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1811. Tie studied law and practised at Jaffrey until 1831, when he was elected cashier of the "Manufacturers' Bank," which had been established a few years before in the small brick building upon the north side of the street opposite the short street leading down to the "Waterloom Factory," as it was then named, and he continued in the successful management of that enterprise until his death. He was also a trustee of the Acad- emy dviring most of his residence in town. He died at Con- cord while representing the town in the Legislature. Children : 2. i. Frederick Smith, b. Apr. 17, 1820.-)- 3. ii. Mary Minot, b. Feb. 24, 1822; d. June 9, 1890; m. Oct. 17, 1849, Theodore P. Greene, afterward an admiral in the U. S. Navy. 4. iii. William Parker, b. Dec. 22, 1825; d. May 29, 1862, unm. He was treasurer of the Nashua & Lowell railroad, but resigned that position to serve in the Civil War. He was captain of a New Hampshire company attached to the 1st Rhode Island Cavalry. He was killed in a charge at Port Royal, Va. 5. iv. JosiAH Stearns, b. Aug. 7, 1832; d. Oct. 23, 1833. 2. Frederick Smith® (William^ Laban^ William^, Ed- ward^, Edward^), b. Apr. 17, 1820; d. Oct. 5, 1878; m. Apr. 22, 1856, Mary C. Harris [d. 1893]. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1840, studied medicine, and received his degree from Harvard Medical School in 1844. He practised in Boston, and also served as surgeon of the 22d Massachu- setts Regiment and as brigade surgeon from 1862 to 1865. Child: 6. i. William, b. June 29, 1861 ; d. June 12, 1863. 190 Ames (David) AMES. It has not been found practicable to present the citizens of New Ipswich bearing this family name as members of a single family, but the lineage is given below as far as it has been ascertained. AMES (David). David' Ames, b. Oct. 14, 1752; d. Sept. 24, 1834; m. Margaret, dau. of Dea. Samuel and Janet (Morrison) Mitchell [b. Aug. 14, 1751; d. May 27, 1822]. He removed from Peterboro to Hancock about 1779, and afterward resided there. 1. Jacob^ (Davidi), b. May 20, 1776; d. June 22, 1825; m. Mar. 7, 1799, Melia, dau. of Joseph and Mittie (Cummings) Symonds [b. Oct. 24, 1778; d. Jan. 13, 1836]. He was a car- penter and auctioneer at Hancock, where he was a prominent citizen and captain of the artillery company. He came to New Ipswich in 1823, but lost his life two years later by a fall from a building which he was erecting. Children : 2. i. Asa, b. Sept. 4, 1800. 3. ii. Oilman, b. 1802.-|- 4. iii. Amelia, b. 1802; m. June 12, 1828, Oeorge Barr (6). 5. iv. Lavinia, b. Feb. 11, 1805; d. June 6, 1870; m. (1) June 2, 1835, Ephraim W. Blood'; (2) Feb. 9, 1842, Sampson Fletcher (13). 6. v. Jacob, b. Sept. 7, 1806.+ 7. vi. WiNSLOW, b. 1808.+ 8. vii. Lucy Matilda, b. 1811; d. Aug. 29, 1817. 9. viii. John, b. Sept. 15, 1815.+ 10. ix. Oeorge Leonard, b. 1819; d. Sept. 12, 1838. 11. X. Arethusa, b. Feb., 1822; d. in infancy. 3. Oilman^ (Jacob^, David^), b. 1802; d. Mar. 27, 1862; m. (1) Oct. 6, 1825, Ann E., dau. of Jeremiah Bacon of Hancock [b. about 1802; d. Apr. 11, 1834]; (2) June 4, 1835, Hannah Newhall (20). He was a carpenter at Bank Village. Children: 12. i. Elizabeth Ann, b. July 8, 1826; m. (1) Dec. 23, 1849, Richard Baxter, son of Dea. Asa and Betsey (Russell) Simonds of Hancock; (2) Nov. 4, 1862, William W. Johnson. Three children. 13. ii. Sarah Jane, b. 1828; m. Daniel P. Ramsdell (13). 14. iii. Leonard, d. young. i 15. iv. Charles B., b. about Apr., 1834; d. Aug. 13, 1834. 6. Jacob^ (Jacob^, David^), b. Sept. 7, 1806; d. Aug. 27, 1889; m. (1) Rhoda Coburn of Dracut, Mass. [b. about 1807; d. May 1, 1880] ; (2) Oct. 14, 1880, Mrs. Lucy Ann Keyes of 191 History of New Ipswich New Ipswich [b. Peterboro, Jan. 4, 1829; d. Jan. 24, 1908]. Res. in Dracut and Lowell, Mass. Children : 16. i. RoMANZo, b. Sept. 21, 1833; d. Oct. 2, 1852. 17. ii. Gilbert, b. Aug. 28, 1835; d. Sept. 14, 1836. 18. iii. Jacob, b. July 14, 1837; d. Dec. 15, 1841. 19. iv. Charles, b. June 4, 1839; d. June 20, 1857. 20. V. Eveline Aurelia, b. Sept. 3, 1841 ; d. June 28, 1852. 7. WiNSLOw^ (Jacob^, David^), b. 1808; d. Feb. 9, 1888; m. (1) Sept. 10, 1835, Lucy R., dau. of Elisha Barret of Mason [d. Oct. 21, 1838] ; (2) Sept. 11, 1839, Harriet, dau. of James H. Wood of Mason [b. Mar. 14, 1816; d. Dec. 2. 1881]'. He lived many years in Nashua, but removed to Jersey City. N. J., in 1869, and thence to Montclair, N. J. Engaged in iron works. Child : 21. i. James H., b. Apr. 23, 1841 ; m. Lucia, dau. of W. W. Pratt of Jersey City. Also engaged in iron business. 9. JoHN^ (Jacob^. DavidM, b. Sept. 15, 1815; m. (1) Oct. 12, 1843, Sarah T., dau. of Luke N. and Mary Perry of Wor- cester, Mass. ; (2) Jan. 3, 1859, Cynthia, dau. of Liberty and Rachel Rice of Brookfield, Mass. A tanner and currier, and later a farmer. Res. Warren, Mass. Children : 22. i. Mary Lavinia, b. July 18, 1844. Res. Warren, Mass. John, b. Dec. 1, 1845. Res. California. Leonard Herbert, b. Apr. 4, 1848; d. Sept. 9, 1850. Sarah Emma, b. Feb. 9, 1850; m. Edward L. Foskit of Warren. Two children. Helen Gertrude, b. July 14, 1853; d. Mar. 4, 1892. Carrie Emeline, b. Oct. 29, 1860. AMES (Elijah). Elijah Ames, m. Prudence (?). Jonathan' (Elijah'), b. Sept. 20, 1771; d. July 16, 1818; m. Dec. 9, 1797, Sarah Tarbell. Res. at Pepperell, Mass. 1. Samuel Tarbell^ (Jonathan^, Elijah^), b. Mar. 23. 1810; d. Cambridge, Mass., May 25, 1897; m. July 14. 1843, Mary Hartwell Barr (16). He removed in 1842 from Pepperell to Boston, where he was in the wholesale woolen business and later in real estate. Res. in Boston and Medford, summers in New Ipswich. Children : 2. i. James Barr, b. June 22, 1846.-!- 3. ii. Mary Frances, b. Medford, Apr. 8, 1856; d. Florence, Italy, June 18, 1907; m. Nov. 29, 1881, Heman M. Burr. Children: i. Roger Ames Burr, b. Aug. 28, 1882; m. in Berlin, Ger- 192 23. ii. 24. iii. 25. iv. 26. V. 27. vi. Ames (Elijah) many, Oct. 27, 1908, O. A. O. Siemers ; two children, ii. Francis Harden Burr, b. Sept. 14, 1886; d. Dec. 5, 1910. iii. Mary Hartwell Burr, b. Dec. 1, 1898. 2. James Barr* (Samuel T.^, Jonathan-, Elijah^), b. June 22, 1846; d. Jan. 8, 1910; m. June 28, 1880, Sarah Russell [b. Sept. 22, 1851]. He graduated from Harvard Colleg-e in 1868, from Harvard Law School in 1872. He was a tutor and in- structor in Harvard 1871-73. Admitted to the bar in 1873, he never practised but was connected with the Harvard Law School ever after as assistant professor and dean. He has been called the foremost teacher of law of his time, being not only an exceptionally broad and accurate scholar, and a profound student of the history of common law, but also having special ability in the development of clear and exact thought in those under his instruction. His writings published in legal periodicals and elsewhere are authoritative. He re- ceived the degree of LL. D. from six universities. Children : 4. i. Robert Russell, b. Feb. 12, 1883; m. May 27, 1911, Margaret F. Glover. One son. 5. ii. Richard, b. May 26, 1885 ; m. Dorothy Abbott. One son. APPLETON. Samuel* Appleton, b. Little Waldingfield, Suffolk, England, 1586; d. Rowley, Mass., June, 1670; m. (1) Jan. 24, 1616, Judith Everard [d. about 1630] ; (2) Martha . He was in Ipswich with wife and five children in 1636, and was deputy to the General Court the following year. His services in that capacity, however, terminated during the same year, apparently because he was not considered to be sufficiently intolerant in relation to Mrs. Hutchinson and her adherents. Samuel^ (Samuel*), b. Little Waldingfield, 1625; d. Ipswich, May 15, 1696; m. (1) Apr. 2, 1651, Hannah, dau. of William Paine of Ipswich; (2) Dec. 8, 1656, Mary, dau. of John Oliver of Newbury [d. Feb. 15, 1698]. Isaac' (Samuel", Samuel*), b. 1664; d. May 22, 1747; m. Priscilla, dau. of Thomas Baker of Topsfield [d. May 26, 1731]. Isaac* (Isaac', SamueP, Samuel*), b. May 30, 1704; d. Dec. 18, 1794; m. (1) pub. Apr. 25, 1730, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Sawyer of Wells, Me. [b. 1710; d. Apr. 29, 1785]; (2) Dec. 11, 1785, Mrs. Hephzibah (prob. Swain) Appleton, widow of Dea. Joseph* Appleton, (Oliver', SamueP, Samuel*), [d. July 7, 1788]. He was the largest proprietor of New Ips- wich, having six shares ; but he is not believed to have been an actual resident in the town. 1. IsAAC^ (Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueU), bapt. May 30. 1731; d. Feb. 26, 1806; m. Apr. 24, 1760, Mary, dau. of Joseph 193 History of New Ipswich Adams of Concord [b. Mar. 14, 1742; d. May 22, 1827]. He came to New Ipswich about 1750, and settled upon one of the 24 lots owned by his father (N. D., 41,) building his house near the southeast corner of the lot, upon the west side of the old "country road" not far from the point where the turnpike was to intersect it fifty years later. But in 1756 he removed a short distance farther up the country road and there built the house which still bears over its entrance the date of its erection, and which was to be his home for half a century, during which he was a power in the town for all that tended to true prosperity. He held the office of town clerk and of selectman each for several years and was a deacon for thirty years. He responded to the call to arms from Concord, and also served under Capt. Smith. Children — all born in New Ipswich : 3. i. Isaac, b. June 6, 1762.+ 4. ii. Joseph B., b. June 25, 1764; d. Keene, Dec. 2, 1791. He grad- uated from Dartmouth College in 1791. 5. iii. Samuel, b. June 22, 1766; d. July, 1853; m. Boston, Nov., 1818, Mary, dau. of John Lekain, widow of John Gore [d. May 19, 1870]. The years of his childhood and youth were passed upon his father's farm, where his monetary resources bore little similarity to those of his later life. Many years afterward he related the story of his first trip to Peterboro in his fourteenth year, which he made on foot while aiding in the management of a drove of cattle, for which assistance his father had received in advance the sum of "ninepence" (I2y2 cents). But at the end of the stipulated ten miles an extension of the contract was nego- tiated, by virtue of which he continued service over an additional ten miles, and placed in his own pocket in return therefor "fopence ha'penny" (6% cents). It was probably a little before his arrival at his majority that Hon. Charles Barrett (5) suggested that he should remove to his settle- ment in the Maine forests, then known as Barrettstown, and presented him with land for a farm, such as he was selling to the other settlers for one hundred dollars, which proposition he accepted, and labored upon his new domain for about three years, also acting as Mr. Barrett's agent. He did not, however, choose a permanent farmer's life, but returned to New Ipswich, was one of the earliest stu- dents at the newly founded Academy, and received from Principal John Hubbard the first certificate of ability to teach issued from that institution. He availed himself of the privilege thus conferred for only two or three terms, and about the age of twenty-five he opened a store in Ash- burnham, Mass. This business he transferred the following 194 i Appleton year to his native town, and occupied the low store-building standing until recently at the foot of Meeting-house Hill, which Mr. Barrett had built for his use. In 1794, by advice of that discerning friend, he removed to Boston, and en- tered upon a quarter-century of eminently successful com- mercial activity in that city, accumulating a fortune reck- oned among the largest of those earlier days, and maintaining in all things a spotless reputation. Near the close of his life he declared that Mr. Barrett's confidence and aid were the origin of his wealth; and he gave form to his grateful appreciation in gifts to the descendants of his thus avowed benefactor amounting to $10,000. He retired from active business about 1820, and for more than thirty years his useful life was occupied with worthy interests of the city and the bestowal of discriminating assistance upon deserv- ing benevolences. His estate, according to the estimate of his will, amounted to almost $1,000,000, of which $200,000 were bequeathed to "Scientific, literary, religious and chari- table purposes" at the discretion of his executors. In the history of the Academy, previously given in this volume, it is shown how he probably saved its life at the time of a serious crisis, and also gave later aid commemorated by its assumption of his name. 6. iv. Aaron, b. Aug. 6, 1768; d. Keene, June 20, 1852; m. (1) Nov. 17, 1799, Eunice Adams (W. 25) ; (2) Keziah, dau. of Nathan Bixby of Keene [b. about 1798; d. June 4, 1870]. He was a successful merchant in Dublin, but in 1814 he removed to Keene, where he continued his business as a general merchant, and also was interested in a glass factory. He was one of the largest tax-payers of the town. 7. v. Dolly, b. Sept. 6, 1770; d. Jan. 16, 1859; m. Dec. 29, 1799, David, son of David and Susannah (Ralph) Everett of Princeton, Mass. [b. 1769; d. Dec. 21, 1813]. Mr. Everett was not a son of New Ipswich, but Dea. Benjamin Adams (W. 2) was his stepfather, and Maj. Benjamin Adams (W. 22) was his brother-in-law, which facts, together with his preparation for college at New Ipswich Academy and his marriage, made him a citizen of the town in spirit, and his widow's long residence in town after his death seems to give his life a place which demands recognition. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1795 and afterward resided in Boston, except for a few years in Amherst, N. H., and a few months in Marietta, O., where he died. He was in practice as a lawyer, but was also largely occupied with political and literary activities, being connected with several newspapers and also publishing works from his pen as di- verse as dramas and theological essays, all showing good mental power and exceptional adaptive ability. But nothing from his pen is likely to be remembered longer than the lines beginning 195 8. vi. 9. vii. 10. viii 11. ix. 12. X. 13. xi. 14. xii. History of New Ipswicb "You'd scarce expect one of my age To speak in public on the stage," which he wrote while teaching in New Ipswich, during his preparation for college, to be spoken by Ephraim H. Farrar (17), then a lad of seven years, at an exhibition of his school. Mrs. Everett returned to New Ipswich after her husband's death, and lived in the house a little below the central burying-ground which she bequeathed to the Congre- gational church for a parsonage. Moses, b. Mar. 17, 1773.+ Mary, b. June 22, 1775; d. Dec. 16, 1853; m. Oct. 3, 1809, Joseph Barrett (2). Ebenezer, b. Oct. 17, 1777; d. July 7, 1780. Nathan, b. Oct. 6, 1779.+ Emily, b. Nov. 7, 1781; d. Burlington, Vt, June 4, 1809; m. Nov. 6, 1804, Moses Jewett [d. Columbus, O., Aug. 12, 1847]. Eben, b. June 7, 1784.+ Emma, b. Apr. 14, 1787; d. Dec. 30, 1791. 2. Francis^ (Isaac*, Isaac^, Samuel^, SamueP), bapt. Mar. 25, 1733; d. Jan. 29, 1816; m. May 5, 1758, Elizabeth Hubbard of Ipswich [d. Nov. 7, 1815]. He came to New Ipswich a little before 1770 and settled on the lot next northeast of that of his brother, N. D., 38, where he lived quietly, scarcely en- tering any public activities, although he enlisted at least once in the Revolutionary service, and was present at the surren- der of Burgoyne. But his son also had a part in the contest, so that it is uncertain who is designated by the common name upon the company rolls. Children — born in Ipswich with the exception of the youngest : 15. i. Francis, b. May 28, 1759.-f- 16. ii. Isaac, b. Jan. 14, 1761.-f 17. iii. John, b. Mar. 28, 1763.-|- 18. iv. Mary, b. 1764; d. New Ipswich, 1820. 19. V. Elizabeth, b. 1767; d. New Ipswich, Nov. 27, 1850. 20. vi. Jesse, b. Nov. 17, 1772.-|- 3. IsAAC^ (Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueU), b. June 6, 1762; d. Dublin, N. H., Aug. 19, 1853; m. Dec. 9, 1788, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer Twitchell of Dublin. Children — all born in Dublin : 21. i. Sarah, b. Mar. 5, 1790; m. James B. Todd of Byron, N. Y. 22. ii. Joseph, b. Dec. 5, 1791.+ 23. iii. Emily, b. May 15, 1794; d. Sept. 9, 1842; m. June 9, 1825, Samuel Estabrook. 24. iv. David, b. July 16, 1796; d. Mar., 1870. 196 Appleton 25. V. Mary, b. Mar. 12, 1800; m. (1) Jan. 30, 1823, Cyrus B. Davis; (2) Mar. 10, 1853, Asa Holt of Ashby. 26. vi. Samuel, b. July 12, 1803.+ 27. vii. Isaac, b. Feb. 21, 1806; d. Nov. 26, 1827. 28. viii. Harriet, b. Dec. 1, 1811; m. May 27, 1844, Rev. Henry A. Kendall of Dublin. 8. Moses® (Isaac^, Isaac*. Isaac^, SamueP, Samuel^), b. Mar. 17, 1773; d. Waterville, Me., May 5. 1849; m. 1801, Ann Clark [d. Jan. 4, 1864]. Children — all born at Waterville: 29. i. Ann Louisa, b. Sept. 26, 1802; m. May, 1826, Samuel Wells of Portland, Me. 30. ii. Samuel, b. Sept. 30, 1803. 31. iii. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 14, 1805 ; m. June 22, 1830, Samuel Plasted of Waterville. 32. iv. George Alfred, b. June 15, 1809; d. Nov. 5, 1811. 33. V. Moses Larke, b. Feb. 3, 1811.-|- 11. Nathan® (Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, Samuel^), b. Oct. 6, 1779; d. July 14, 1861; m. (1) Apr. 13, 1806, Maria Theresa, dau. of Thomas Gold of Pittsfield, Mass. [b. Nov. 8. 1786; d. Feb. 10, 1833] ; (2) Jan. 8, 1839, Harriot C, dau. of Jesse Sumner of Boston [d. Oct. 10, 1867]. Children — all born at Boston : 34. i. Thomas Gk)LD, b. Mar. 31, 1812. 35. ii. Mary, b. Oct. 18, 1813 ; m. Dec. 26, 1839, Robert James Mack- intosh of London. Charles Sedgwick, b. Oct. 9, 1815 ; d. Oct. 25, 1835. Frances Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1817 ; d. July 10, 1861 ; m. July 13, 1843, Henry Wadswrorth Longfellow of Cambridge. George William, b. Oct. 1, 1826; d. May 25, 1827. William Sumner, b. Jan. 11, 1840.+ Harriot, b. Nov. 16, 1841; m. Nov. 17, 1863, Greely Steven- son Curtis of Boston. 41. viii. Nathan, b. Feb. 2, 1843. 13. Eben® (Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueP), b. June 7, 1784; d. Lowell, Apr. 29, 1833; m. Oct. 12, 1809, Sarah Patterson [d. July 12, 1837]. Children: 42. i. Sarah, b. Liverpool, Eng., July 12, 1810; d. June 5, 1837. 43. ii. Samuel, b. London, Eng., Dec. 26, 181 1.+ 44. iii. William Stuart, b. Cambridge, June 1, 1814.-|- 45. iv. Caroline Francis, b. London, Eng., Aug. 27, 1817; m. Dec. 17, 1844, Samuel Blatchford of Auburn, N. Y. 15. Francis^ (Francis^, Isaac*, Isaac^ Samuel'-^, SamueP), b. May 28, 1759; d. Dublin, July 16, 1849; m. June 2, 1789, Mary, dau. of Noah Ripley of Barre [d. Aug. 2, 1840]. He served under Capts. Briant, Stephen Parker, and Fletcher in 197 36. iii. 37. iv. 38. V. 39. vi. 40. vii History of New Ipswich the earlier years of the Revolution, unless, as has been earlier suggested, a part of this service should be credited to his father. In 1779 he removed to Dublin, where he passed the remaining 70 years of his life, and where he was a deacon for 36 years. Children — all born at Dublin : 46. i. An infant, b. Mar. 9, 1790; d. Mar. 10, 1790. 47. ii. Mary, b. Sept. 22, 1792; m. Feb. 16, 1813, Jonathan Warren of Dublin. 48. iii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1795; d. Sept. 11, 1798. 49. iv. Ashley, b. Dec. 23, 1796.+ 50. V. Francis Oilman, b. Feb. 24, 1799.+ 51. vi. Eliza Ann, b. May 28, 1801; d. July 19, 1840; m. Dec. 31, 1823, John Gould (32). 52. vii. Serena, b. June 1, 1804; m. June 28, 1832, Thaddeus Morse of Dublin. 53. viii. Sophia, b. Nov. 15, 1806; m. Apr. 19, 1832, Thomas Fisk of Dublin. 54. ix. Jesse Ripley, b. Apr. 25, 1809.+ 16. IsAAC^ (Francis^ Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, Samuel^), b. Jan. 14, 1761; d. Aug. 27, 1838; m. June 2, 1791, Hepzibah Foster (8). He lived at the north end of Smith Village, S. R., X: 3. His house was the first upon the right hand side of the road from the Center Village, but it now occupies the second place on the same side of the road, Capt. Nutting, who oc- cupied the place for many years, having moved it down the hill about 1850, and built the present house upon the site of the Appleton house, and another house having been erected still nearer the Center Village. Children — born in New Ipswich : 55. i. Isaac H. 56. ii. Emily, b. 1800; d. Boston, Dec, 1866; m. May 23, 1850, Joseph Noyes of Boston. 17. John*' (Francis^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueP), b. Mar. 28, 1763; d. Feb. 16, 1849; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Ephraim Peabody of Wilton [d. Oct. 28, 1809]. He succeeded to the occupancy of his father's farm. Children — born in New Ipswich : 57. i. John, b. July 12, 1804.+ 58. ii. Elvira, b. Apr. 6, 1807; d. Apr. 24, 1852; m. June 3, 1830, George C. Gibson (3). 20. Jesse^ (Francis^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueP), b. Nov. 17, 1772; d. Brunswick, Me., Nov. 12, 1819; m. Apr. 25, 1800, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Means of Amherst, N. H. [d. 198 Appleton Boston, Oct. 29, 1844]. He prepared for college in the acad- emy while at home, and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1792. He then taught for two years in Dover and in Amherst, studied theology, and began to preach at the age of twenty-three, and two years later was ordained at Hampton, N. H. After ten years he left that post to .accept the presi- dency of Bowdoin College, which he held until his death, per- forming not only the duties especially appropriate to that office, but also, as was necessarily the custom at that time, giving instruction to a very considerable extent. As a preacher, as a teacher, and as an executive officer he was eminently successful, and his personal relations with the stu- dents were exceptionally kind and valuable. He received from his Alma Mater and also from Harvard the Doctor's degree in Divinity. Children — the earlier three born at Hampton and the later at Brunswick : 59. i. Mary Means, b. Oct. 27, 1801; m. May, 1832, John Aiken of Lowell. 60. ii. Elizabeth Frances, b. Apr. 22, 1804; d. June 2, 1839; m. May 24, 1827, Alpheus Spring Packard of Brunswick. 61. iii. Jane Means, b. Mar. 12, 1806; d. Dec. 2, 1863; m. Nov., 1834, Franklin Pierce, afterward President of the United States. 62. iv. William, b. Nov. 7, 1808; d. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 19, 1830. 63. V. Robert, b. Dec. 4, 1810. 64. vi. John, b. Aug. 4, 1814; d. Oct. 19, 1817. 22. Joseph'' (Isaac®, Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^ SamueP, Sam- uel^), b. Dec. 5, 1791 ; d. May 9, 1840; m. Mar. 24, 1818, Han- nah, dau. of Elisha Knowlton of Dublin who m. (2) Jan. 23, 1844, Oliver Barrett of New Ipswich. Children : 65. i. Joseph B., b. New Ipswich, Mar. 9, 1819; m. Sept. 18, 1844, Abby H. Hunt. 66. ii. Mary Theresia Gtold, b. New Ipswich, Oct. 20, 1820; m. Apr. 20, 1843, Edward F. Preston (50). 67. iii. Isaac Henry Clay, b. New Ipswich, July 20, 1827; d. Mar. 28, 1830. 68. iv. H. Celestia, d. 1859 ; m. June 26, 1848, N. Oilman Bagley [b. Candia, N. H., July 19, 1813; d. Aug. 6, 1909]. Res. in Sharon. Children : i. David Bagley. ii. Mary Celestia Bagley. 69. V. Henry Clay, b. 1835; d. Feb. 25, 1837. 70. vi. Eugene, b. about 1838; d. Mar. 11, 1874. 26. Samuel'^ (Isaac®, Isaac^, Isaac*. Isaac^, Samuel^, Sam- ueP), b. July 12, 1803; d. June 20, 1830; m. Mar. 20, 1827, 199 History of New Ipswich Emily, dau. of Joseph Hayward of Dublin, who m. (2) June 5, 1833, Calvin Aiken of Francestown. Child: 71. i. Mary Jane, m. Farr of Portland, Me. 33. Moses Larke^ (Moses*', Isaac^ Isaac^ Isaac^, SamueP, SamueP), b. Feb. 3, 1811; d. Bangor, Me., Sept. 25, 1859; m. Mar., 1835, Jane Sophia, dau. of Thomas A. Hill of Bangor, Me. Children: 72. i. Edward Larke, b. Sept. 8, 1839; d. Boston, Oct. 25, 1868. 73. ii. Francis E., b. 1841. 74. iii. Alice G. 75. iv. Margaret, b. 1855. 39. William Sumner^ (Nathan^, Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueP), b. Jan. 11, 1840; d. Apr. 28, 1903; m. Berne, Switzerland, Aug. 12, 1871, Edith Stuart Appleton (92). Chil- dren : 76. i. Eleanor Armistead, b. Paris, France, May 11, 1872; m. Apr. 12, 1904, Maj. Robert Hargreave Eraser Standen [b. in India, July 2, 1871]. She resides in Ireland. Children: i. Edith Appleton Standen, h. Halifax, N. S., Feb. 21, 1905. ii. Anthony Standen, h. Temple Ewell, Kent, Eng., Sept. 9, 1906. iii. Marjorie Standen, b. Temple Ewell, Kent, Eng., Oct. 20, 1907. 77. ii. William Sumner, b. May 29, 1874. 78. iii. Marjorie Crane, b. May 19, 1875 ; d. Nov. 19, 1913. 79. iv. Dorothy Everard, b. Jan. 10, 1878; m. Dec. 8, 1904, George Francis Weld [b. Apr. 22, 1866]. Res. Santa Barbara, Cal. Children: i. Dorothy Weld, b. Jan. 31, 1906. ii. Anna Weld, b. July 26, 1908. iii. George Francis Weld, b. Nov. 4, 1910. iv. Sumner Appleton Weld, b. June 24, 1912. 80. v. Gladys Hughes, b. Nov. 22, 1881. 43. Samuel'^ (Eben*', Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, Sam- uel), b. Dec. 26, 1811; d. June 4, 1861; m. (1) London, Eng., Sept. 24, 1839, Julia, dau. Daniel Webster of Marshfield, Mass. [d. Boston, Apr. 28, 1848] ; (2) July 28, 1857, Mary Ann Whiting [d. Oct. 27, 1870]. Children— all born at Boston: 81. i. Caroline LeRoy, b. Oct. 3, 1840; d. Nov. 19, 1911; m. (1) Newbold Edgar of New York [d. Ems, Germany, July 26, 1869] ; (2) Newport, R. I., Sept. 7, 1871, Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte. 82. ii. Samuel, b. Nov. 25, 1841 ; m. (1) Philadelphia, June 22, 1863, Mary Ernestine, dau. of J. J. Abercrombie of the U. S. Army [d. Aug. 27, 1869] ; (2) Oct. 9, 1872, Anna Maybin Jones of Southboro, Mass. 83. iii. Julia Fletcher, b. Feb. 8, 1844; m. Apr. 12, 1871, Walker Keith Armistead of New York. 200 87. ii. 88. iii. 89. iv. 90. V. 91. vi. 92. vii Appleton 84. iv. Daniel Webster, b. May 6, 1845; d. Boston, May 23, 1872; m. Mary Freeman of Ayer, Mass. 85. V. Mary Constance, b. Feb. 7, 1848; d. Mar. 15, 1849. 44. William Stuart^ (Eben*', Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac', Sam- ueP, SamueP), b. June 1, 1814; m. Nov. 27, 1838, Georg-iana Louisa Frances, dau. of George Armistead of the U. S. Army. Children — all born at Baltimore: 86. i. Louise Armistead, b. Dec. 6, 1839; m. Berlin, Prussia, Oct. 15, 1871, Frederick Irving Knight of Boston. Sarah Paterson, b. Nov. 2, 1840; d. Aug. 4, 1841. William Stuart, b. Nov. 1, 1841 ; d. Jan. 6, 1845. George Armistead, b. Aug. 11, 1843. Eben, b. Aug. 19, 1845; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Isabel, dau. of John Slade of New York. Georgiana Louise Frances Gillis Armistead, b. July 15, 1847 ; m. Sept. 2, 1869, George M. Hunter of Wilmington, Del. Edith Stuart, b. June 11, 1849; d. Jan. 19, 1892; m. Berne, Switzerland, Aug. 12, 1871, William Sumner Appleton (39). 93. viii. Margaret Armistead, b. Feb. 19, 1851; m. Feb. 23, 1871, George Livingston Baker of Boston. 94. ix. Caroline Frances, b. July 4, 1853; d. Sept. 21, 1857. 95. X. Alice Maud, b. Sept. 24, 1859. 49. Ashley'^ (Francis®, Francis^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueF, SamueP). b. Dec. 23, 1796; m. Jan. 27, 1823, Nancy, dau. of Thaddeus Metcalf of Keene. Children — born at Granby, Vt. : 96. i. George Ashley, b. Nov. 23, 1823; m. May 11, 1851, Fanny Reed, dau. of Rev. John Wooster of Granby. 97. ii. Francis Gilman, b. June 15, 1825; d. Apr. 27, 1849. 98. iii. Nancy Metcalf, b. Oct. 26, 1831 ; m. June 20, 1855, Oliver L. Richardson of Atlanta, Ga. 50. Francis Gilman^ (Francis®, Francis*^, Isaac*, Isaac^, SamueP, SamueP), b. Feb. 24, 1799; m. Sept. 29, 1825, Mary, dau. of Joseph Haywood of Dublin. Children — born at Troy, N. Y.: 99. i. Alfred Curtis. 100. ii. Mary Elizabeth. 101. iii. Frances. 54. Jesse Ripley^ (Francis®, Francis^, Isaac*, Isaac^, Sam- uel, SamueP), b. Apr. 25, 1809; m. (1) Apr. 13, 1841, Louisa, dau. of Thaddeus Mason of Dublin [d. Nov. 3, 1844] ; (2) Mar. 11. 1852, Abbie Sophia, dau. of Calvin Mason of Dublin. Children — born at Dublin: 102. i. Ellen Rebecca, b. Nov. 30, 1853; d. Sept. 14, 1859. 103. ii. Charles Francis, b. Apr. 6, 1856. 201 History of New Ipswich 57. JoHN^ (John^, Francis^, Isaac*, Isaac^, Samuel^ Sam- uelO, b. July 12, 1804; d. Feb. 7, 1891; m. Feb. 6, 1834, Sarah, dau. of Hon. Samuel Allen of Northfield, Mass. He prepared for college at New Ipswich Academy, entered Bowdoin Col- lege at the age of fourteen, and graduated in 1822. He was a teacher for a brief period after graduation, then entered upon the study of the law, and when only twenty-two years old was admitted to the bar at Amherst. His life thereafter was spent in Maine, at first at Dixmont, later at Sebec, and after 1832 at Bangor, where he was for many years one of the lead- ing practitioners of the state. In 1852 he was appointed a justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, and ten years later became chief justice of the Supreme Court, which position he held for a period of 21 years. He paid special attention to the law of evidence, and his published writings in that field had great influence for the removal, in both state and national courts, of the former legal disability of parties to a suit, either civil or criminal, to be heard as witnesses. He was a trustee of his Alma Mater, from which he received the degree of LL. D. in 1860. Children : 104. i. John Francis, b. Aug. 29, 1838; d. Aug. 21, 1870. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1860. He was brevet brigadier- general in United States Volunteers, and held the position of United States District Judge in the Eastern District of Texas. Sarah Peabody, b. July 2, 1841 ; d. Jan. 24, 1844. Frederic Hunt, b. Jan. 14, 1844; m. Feb. 18, 1892, Mary Allie Gibson (20). He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1864, and received the degree of LL. D. He was a lawyer at Bangor, Me. Edward Peabody, b. June 11, 1846; d. July 6, 1869. Henry Allen, b. Jan. 7, 1849; d. 1903. BACON. Michael' Bacon, d. Apr. 18, 1648; m. Alice [d. Apr. 2, 1648]. He came to New England, probably from Suffolk county, England, in 1640, and was one of the early settlers at Dedham, Mass. Daniel"" (Michaer), probably b. in England; d. Sept. 7, 1691; m. Bridgewater, Mass., Mary, dau. of Thomas Reed of Colchester, Essex county, Eng. [d. Oct. 5, 1691]. Res. successively at Dedham, Woburn, Bridgewater, and Newton, in which last town he died. Daniel' (DanieP, Michael'), probably b. at Bridgewater; m. Aug. 1, 1664, Susanna, dau. of Michael Spencer of Salem. He lived at Boxford in 1660, but removed to Salem, where he was a shipwright in 1664. Michael' (Daniel^ Daniel", Michael'), b. Salem, Oct. 23, 1676; m. Margaret . Res. at Salem. 202 105. ii. 106. iii. 107. iv. 108. v. Bacon 1. Retire^ (Michael*, Daniel^ Daniel^, MichaeP), bapt. Salem, Apr. 17, 1720; m. (1) Boxford, Mass., Apr. 14, 1741, Mary, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Goodline) Hale [b. Feb. 25, 1722; d. about 1762]; (2) Rowley, Mass., Aug. 27, 1764, Margaret Burnham of Ipswich, Mass., who died in 1808, at which time it was said she was 100 years, 5 months, and 21 days of age, and had "drank nothing stronger than small beer for fourteen years before her death." He probably lived in Boxford, Mass., until after his second marriage, and he ren- dered military service in 1758, but in May, 1771, he came from Ipswich, Mass., to New Ipswich, and his name appears on the tax list until 1787. He lived on the southern part of XI : 1, S. R., on the old "malt-house road" not far from the present road from Hodgkins corner to Davis Village. He also had a large tract of land in Sharon, and perhaps he occupied it for a few years before making his home in New Ipswich. Children : 2. i. Hannah, bapt. Apr. 22, 1744. 3. ii. Susanna, bapt. May 27, 1744; d. young. 4. iii. Sarah, bapt. Jan. 25, 1747; d. young. 5. iv. Sarah, bapt. Nov. 6, 1748. 6. V. Jacob, bapt. Feb. 17, 1751. 7. vi. Susanna, bapt. July 17, 1757. 8. vii. Molly, bapt. Oct. 8, 1758. 9. viii. Hetty, bapt. May 23, 1762. BALCH. John* Balch, d. Salem, Mass., 1648; m. (1) Margery ; (2) Agnes (or Annis) Patch. He came from Somersetshire, England, in 1623, landing at Weymouth. He settled at Salem, and was made freeman in 1631, the earliest date of such action. In 1638 he built a house in the region which is now Beverly, which house is still standing and in the possession of the family. He was one of the first board of selectmen. Benjamin^ (John*), b. of first marriage in winter of 1628/9; d. after Jan., 1714/5; m. (1) about 1650, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Gardner [d. Apr. 5, 1686] ; (2) Feb. 5, 1689, Abigail, widow of Matthew Clarke of Marble- head, Mass. [b. about 1635; d. June 1, 1690]; (3) Mar. 15, 1691/2, Grace Mallet [d. before 1704]. Res. in the family home. John' (Benjamin^ John*), b. July 18, 1657; d. Nov. 19, 1738; m. Dec. 23, 1674, Hannah, dau. of Philip and Joanna Veren [b. 1655]. He was a carpenter and farmer on the ancestral farm. He was selectman, representative, and a lieutenant. David' (John', Benjamin', John*), b. Oct. 1, 1691; d. Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 25, 1769; m. (1) Apr. 29, 1713, Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Wallis) Perkins [b. Feb. 10, 1692/3; d. Jan. 1, 1747/8]; (2) Nov. 14, 203 History of New Ipswich 1752, Esther, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Perkins) Dwinel of Topsfield [b. May 1, 1720; d. Jan. 13, 1815/6]. Res. in Topsfield. John' (David', John', Benjamin', John'), b. Nov. 2, 1716; d. Dec. 31, 1774; m. June 17, 1740, Rebecca, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca (Curtis) Smith [b. about 1714; d. Mar. 1, 1794]. He was a tanner and currier in Topsfield. Robert' (John", David', John', Benjamin^, John'), bapt. July 28, 1745; d. Aug. 3, 1830; m. Nov. 28, 1769, Sarah, dau. of Dea. Solomon Dodge [b. June, 1752; d. Mar. 16, 1822]. He was a farmer in Topsfield, but re- moved to New Boston, 1791. John' (Robert*, John^ David', John', Benjamin', John'), b. June 25, 1779; d. June 20, 1822; m. Deborah Kenniston of Weare. He was a farmer at Jericho, Vt. John Jefferson* (John', Robert^ John°, David', John', Benjamin', John'), b. June 27, 1804; d. Mar. 10, 1879; m. Nov., 1827, Abigail J. Mudgett. Res. New Boston, but removed to Lyndeboro in 1862. 1. Moses M.'' (John^ John^ Robert^ John^ David*, John^ Benjamin^, John^), b. Sunapee, Sept. 11, 1831; d. June 5, 1914; m. Nov. 20, 1856, Harriet Elizabeth, dau. of Asa and Polly (Tapley) Stiles of Wilton. After reaching the age of man- hood he lived five years at Weare, then in Temple until 1878, after which time he was a citizen of New Ipswich. He had previously owned and conducted a saw and grist mill, and despite the loss of the greater part of his right hand while sawing, he purchased the mill at the Gibson Village, and con- tinued a similar industry for ten years. His home of later time was the house in the Center Village upon the north side of the Turnpike, long the dwelling of Charles A. Whitney. Children : 2. i. Anna Jane, b. Oct. 11, 1858; m. June, 1908, Frank J. Mc- Laughlin. Res. in Peterboro. 3. ii. Ella Minerva, b. July 3, 1862; m. Jan. 24, 1883, Albert F. Walker (S. 33). 4. iii. Abbie Louise, b. Feb. 1, 1870; m. Apr. 26, 1892, Wilbur L. Phelps (4). 5. iv. Albro Leslie, (adopted) b. Jan. 8, 1878; m. June 25, 1902, Mary Louisa Mansfield (33). Child: i. Hasel Elisabeth, b. Aug. 25, 1905. BALLARD. 1. JosiAH^ Ballard, b. Apr. 14, 1806; d. Dec. 12, 1863; m. Oct. 16, 1835, Elizabeth Dorothy, dau. of Rev. Dr. John Mil- ton and Abby (Morris) Whiton of Antrim, N. H. [b. Mar. 7, ^ 1811 ; d. Aug. 10, 1862]. He was the son of William and Mary (Abbot) Ballard of Peterboro, where he was born and where 204 Ballard he attended the district schools until he was sixteen years of age, when he went to Boston and there learned the mason's trade, at which he labored for several years. He then entered the academy at Monson, Mass., fitted for college, and gradu- ated from Yale in 1827. After a brief period as a teacher in the academy at Westfield, Mass., he commenced the study of theology with Rev. Dr. Whiton at Antrim, was ordained in 1835, and held pastorates at Chesterfield, Nelson, and Sudbury, Mass., before coming to New Ipswich in 1852 and becoming the first pastor of the Second Congregational church, just or- ganized as related on a preceding page. The unpleasant con- ditions then existing caused him to believe it well that he should sever his connection with that church a little before the close of his third year of earnest labor as its head, and he afterward served the churches in Plympton, Mass., and Carlisle, Mass., at which last-named place he died. To the end of his life there were plainly manifest the characteristics of an earnest, self-made man. Children : 2. i. Edward Otis, b. Apr. 19, 1837.+ 3. ii. Catherine Elizabeth, b. Nelson, Apr. 9, 1840; d. Apr. 3, 1877; m. Jan. 23, 1864, Emory B. Smith, a lawyer of Platts- burg, N. Y., and later of Boston. Res. Melrose, Mass. Children: i. Walton Ballard Smith, b. Sept. 24, 1866; m. Nov. 23, 1893, Edith Hoffnagle; res. Attleboro, Mass.; four children, ii. Bertha Leland Smith, b. May 12, 1868; m. Nov. 13, 1897, Carl Smith; res. Attleboro, Mass. iii. Catherine Elisabeth Smith, b. Mar. 13, 1877; unm. ; res. Maiden, Mass. ; she is connected with the Massachusetts State Board of Charities. 2. Edward O.- (Josiah^), b. Apr. 19, 1837; m. (1) Sept. 24, 1859, Lauretta Sophia Thayer (6) ; (2) Sept. 4, 1884, Katherine Agnes McConnellogue. He studied at New Ips- wich Appleton Academy, and in 1854 went to Boston, and has passed his life in mercantile and insurance industries. Res. Marlboro, Mass. Children: 4. i. Herbert Edward, b. Aug. 21, 1863; d. Aug. 11, 1864. 5. ii. Clarence Eugene, b. Oct. 9, 1866; d. Feb. 11, 1867. 6. iii. Ettie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 9, 1869; m. June 2, 1892, Dr. Eddy B. Swett of Marlboro, Mass. Res. Grasmere, N. H. Six children. 7. iv. Agnes Anna, b. Aug. 30, 1870; d. Oct. 15, 1870. 205 History of New Ipswich BANCROFT. Thomas^ Bancroft, b. England, 1622 ; d. Lynnfield, Aug. 19, 1691 ; m. (1) 1647, Alice Bacon who d. soon; (2) Sept. 15, 1648, Elizabeth Met- calf. He settled in Dedham, removed to Reading about 1650, and thence to Lynnfield. He was a lieutenant with record of honorable service. Thomas' (Thomas'), b. Dedham, Sept. 24, 1649; d. July 12, 1718; m. Apr. 10, 1673, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Poole [d. May 20, 1723]. He removed to Reading before his marriage. He was a deacon, and also a lieutenant with the record of having saved the garrison at Exeter from an Indian assault. Thomas^ (Thomas^ Thomas'), b. Reading, Sept. 8, 1673; d. Nov. 9, 1731 ; m. Aug. 1, 1694, Mary Webster. He served in the Indian wars, and like his father and grandfather, was a lieutenant. He was repre- sentative in the General Court at the time of his death. Benjamin* (Thomas^ Thomas^ Thomas'), b. Reading, May 6, 1701; d. Apr. 3, 1790; m. Anna, dau. of John and Anna (Tarbell) Lawrence of Lexington [d. July 21, 1787]. He lived in Charlestown, and removed thence to Reading, where he was a tanner. He was a captain. Benjamin" (Benjamin*, Thomas^ Thomas', Thomas'), b. Sept. 29, 1724; d. Oct. 27, 1804; m. Oct. 18, 1749, Alice, dau. of William and Mary (Farnsworth) Tarbell [d. Nov. 29, 1781]. He also was a tanner in Groton. He was a deacon. Joseph" (Benjamin", Benjamin*, Thomas", Thomas^ Thomas'), b. July 3, 1760; d. Townsend, Oct. 21, 1815; m. Susannah, dau. of Nathan and Mary (Patterson) Hubbard [d. July 17, 1825]. He was also a tanner, living in Groton, Lunenburg, and Townsend successively. 1. Jambs'^ (Joseph^, Benjamin^, Benjamin*, Thomas^, ThomasS Thomas^, b. Sept. 27, 1803; d. Mar. 18, 1884; m. (1) May 28, 1829, Sarah W., dau. of Oliver and Lucy (Welling- ton) Kendall [b. Mar. 3, 1810; d. Jan. 23, 1861]; (2) Dec, 1865, Jemima, dau. of Emerson and Jemima (Foster) Hale of Rindge [b. July 26, 1822; d. May 7, 1910]. He came from Ashby to New Ipswich about 1833, and lived in Wilder Village about twelve years, near the High Bridge for two years, in the Newhall house formerly standing at the corner near the town house, and in 1849 he settled at Hodgkins corner (S. R., X : 2,) where he lived until his removal to Rindge in 1857. He was a carpenter, and a man whose unfailing smile and helpful kindness attracted the young to the church in which he was a deacon, and is well remembered as conducting strangers to seats with a reverent, noiseless footfall along the aisle. Children : 2. i. Nancy R., b. Dec. 23, 1830; d. Sept. 23, 1833. 3. ii. Henry A., b. June 2, 1832; d. May 27, 1848. 4. iii. Nancy R., b. Sept. 27, 1834; d. Dec. 11, 1906; m. Nov. 11, 1852, Ivers H. Brooks (27). 206 Bancroft 5. iv. Susan R, b. Oct. 25, 1836; d. Jan. 3, 1885; m. June 6, 1867, Albert Conant. Children: i. Alice Bancroft Conant, m. Frank Wadleigh of Milford. ii. Ann Sanborn Conant, m. Ernest Horton of Boston, iii. Harry IVinthrop Conant; he graduated from Amherst College and Harvard Law School ; res. in Somerville, Mass. iv. John Bancroft Conant; he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is an electrician at Dallas, Texas. 6. V. Cecil Franklin Patch, b. Nov. 25, 1839.+ 7. vi. Mary H., b. Apr. 3, 1841; m. July 15, 1869, Thomas, son of John and Eleanor (Spence) Annett [b. Dec. 1, 1831; d. Feb. 22, 1903]. Res. East Jaffrey. Children: i. Sarah E. Annett. ii. Elsie C. Annett. iii. Marietta E. Annett. iv. Markwell Annett. v. Cecil B. Annett. 8. vii. Caroline, b. Oct. 15, 1842; d. Sept. 12, 1865; m. Mar. 15. 1860, George S., son of William and Ruthv (Shedd) Kimball of Rindge [b. Mar. 1, 1839; d. Jan. 17. 1862. at Annapolis, Md., where he was a member of the 6th N. H. Regt.]. Two children who d. young. 9. viii. Henry A., b. Feb. 13, 1849. He lives in California. 6. Cecil Franklin Patch* Qames'^, Joseph*', Benjamin^, Benjamin*, Thomas^, Thomas-, Thomas^), b. Nov. 25, 1839; d. Oct. 4, 1901 ; m. May 6, 1867, Fannie Adelia, dau. of Capt. Timothy Kittredge of Mt. Vernon, N. H. [b. Feb. 12, 1844; d. Mar. 29, 1898]. He prepared for college at New Ipswich Appleton Academy and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1860. He was principal of Appleton Academy, Mont Ver- non, N. H., for four years after graduation, was a student at Union Theological Seminary and at Andover Theological Seminary for three years, graduating from the last-named in- stitution in 1867, principal of the Lookout Mountain Institute, near Chattanooga, Tenn., during its brief life of five years. In 1873 he entered upon what may properly be termed, from its breadth and complete success, his life-work as principal of Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass., where he labored until he met his death, as he often said he desired, "in the harness." His entire life was by no means included in his professional work ; to an unusual extent he was identified with the busi- ness interests of the town and of its citizens, until he was termed "the first citizen of the town." He had a share in the management of the neighboring State Almshouse at Tewks- bury ; his counsel was valued in the directorates of bank and of insurance company, and he was one of the trustees of Dart- mouth College, his Alma Mater. He received as honorary degrees Ph. D. from the State University of New York, 207 History of New Ipswich Litt. D. from Williams College, and LL. D. from Yale Uni- versity. But neither these honors nor his election to the pres- idency of the "New England Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools" testify as surely to the strength and breadth of his work as the practically unanimous testimony of the six thousand students who came under his care ; these give his work broader and longer power than has fallen to the lot of the efforts of any other native of the town. Children : 10. i. Cecil Kittredge, b. Dec. 15, 1868. He graduated from Phil- lips Academy in 1886, from Yale College in 1891 ; taught at Morristown, N. J., for two years, and after a year in Eu- rope and another as tutor and instructor at Yale became instructor and registrar at the institution so long controlled by his father. 11. ii. Frances Marsh, b. Sept. 12, 1872; m. Sept. 5, 1900, Rev. William Joseph Long. She graduated from Smith College in 1894, and taught at Andover in Abbot Academy for three years before her marriage. Res. in Stamford, Conn. Children : i. Lois Long. ii. Frances B. Long. iii. Brian Long. 12. iii. Arthur Kendall, b. Mar. 10, 1874; d. Aug. 9, 1880. 13. iv. Phillips, b. Apr. 21, 1878. He graduated from Phillips Acad- emy in 1898, from Yale College in 1902, and has since been occupied by financial duties at Phillips Academy. 14. V. Mary Ethel, b. May 22, 1882. She graduated from Smith College in 1904, has taught in New Haven, Conn., and in Abbot Academy in her native town. BARR. 1. James^ Barr, son of George and Mary (Whitehill) Barr, of Kilbarchan, county of Renfrew, Scotland, b. Dec. 12, 1752; d. Mar. 7, 1829; m. 1783, Molly Cummings (12) [b. Dec. 2, 1764; d. Feb. 23, 1845]. He came to New England when about 21 years of age, and after traveling for a time in the new land settled in New Ipswich, succeeding Joseph Bullard in the occupancy of the lot on Knight's Hill, (II : 2, S. R.,) and be- ing associated with Eleazer Cummings in his malting industry, j and in the manufacture of oatmeal, having brought from Scot- land a knowledge of methods of preparing and hulling the oats, before unknown in this land. But after the death of Joseph Pollard Mr. Barr removed to his farm at the end of the road on the east side of Page Hill, (64, N. L. O.,) which was his home for about forty years. The last few years of his life he lived on the "Warren farm" at the summit of the hill.i Children : 208 Barr 2. i. James, d. in infancy. 3. ii. Nancy, b. July 25, 1784; d. July 9, 1857; m. Jeremiah Prich- ard (17). 4. iii. Sarah, b. May 25, 1788; d. Sept. 29, 1864; m. Dr. William Lovejoy. Res. in West Townsend, Mass. 5. iv. James, b. May 23, 1790.+ 6. V. George, b. Feb. 6, 1792.+ 7. vi. Caroline Mathilda, b. Jan. 6, 1794; d. Oct. 3, 1874; m. Asa Prichard (22). 8. vii. CuMMiNGS, b. May 9, 1795. -f 9. viii. RoBENA, b. Feb. 22, 1799; d. Dec. 20, 1873, unm. 10. ix. Charlotte, b. Mar. 13, 1801; d. Aug. 27, 1842, unm. 11. X. William, b. Feb. 7, 1803; d. West Townsend, Mass., unm. He left New Ipswich soon after attaining his majority. Res. for some years with his brother George, and in va- rious other places. 12. xi. Mary Whitehill, b. Dec. 15, 1805; d. Nov. 19, 1830, unm. 13. xii. John, b. Mar. 10, 1808.+ 14. xiii. Esther Jane, b. Dec. 4, 1810; d. July 26, 1837, unm. 15. xiv. Charles, d. in infancy. 5. James^ (James^), b. May 23, 1790; d. June 6, 1845; m. Apr. 21, 1824, Laura Livermore (Bellows) (3). After due at- tendance at New Ipswich Academy he studied medicine with Dr. Haskell of Lunenburg, Mass., and Dr. Twitchell of Keene, and received his degree from Harvard Medical School in 1817. He then entered upon practice in his native town, and in close attention to his professional duties passed his life, attaining high success, and continuing his desired attention to the needs of the sick, despite the weakness of fatal pulmonary disease, almost until the end. Children : 16. i. Mary Hartwell, b. Jan. 16, 1825; d. May 27, 1893; m. July 14. 1843, Samuel T. Ames (E. 1). Sarah Jane, b. July 11, 1827.-|- George Lyman, b. Mar. 12, 1830.-)- James Walter, b. June 7, 1833; d. Apr. 19, 1834. Caroline Frances, b. Feb. 27, 1835 ; resides in New Ipswich in the former home of her great-grandfather, Ephraim Hartwell. James Henry, b. Sept. 16, 1837; d. Sept. 19, 1838. Ellen Maria, b. Nov. 10, 1840; d. Feb. 7, 1895. She was a teacher in the high school of Medford, Mass., for some years and then established in Boston a successful private school for girls. Her later years were largely occupied in traveling. 6. George^ (James^), b. Feb. 6, 1792; m.. June 12, 1828, Amelia Ames (D. 4). He removed to New York State. Children : 209 IS 17. ii. 18. iii. 19. iv. 20. V. 21. vi. 22. vii History of New Ipswich 23. i. Sarah. 24. ii. Caroline. 25. iii. George. One or more others. 8. CuMMiNGS^ (JamesO, b. May 9, 1795; d. 1854; m. Eliza, dau. of Nathaniel, Jr., and Ruth (Eliot) Peabody of Middle- ton, Mass. He went to Lowell, Mass., in his early manhood. He was an engineer in the fire department of the city for a time, and was a contractor in canal work, etc. Children : 26. i. Eliza Jane, b. 1829; d. 1881; m. Charles Cheney of Man- chester. Children: i. Evelyn Cheney, b. 1854; d. 1878; m. Franklyn P. Johnson ; two children, ii. Myra Cheney, b. 1859; m. Charles Dougan; one son. iii. Maud Cheney, b. 1870; m. Morris C. Austin of Goffstown ; two children. 27. ii. Ellen Maria, b. 1833; d. in infancy. 28. iii. George Cummings, b. 1834; d. 1896; m. 1868 Mary Frances, dau. of John and Mary (Bean) Brown [d. 1906]. He lived in Manchester after 1852. Child : i. Florence Goodwin, b. 1881. 29. iv. Ellen, b. 1837; d. in infancy. 30. V. John Mortimer, b. 1840; d. 1842. 13. JoHN^ (James^), b. Mar. 10, 1808; m. . He left New Ipswich in early manhood, going to Gouverneur, N. Y. Children : 31. i. John. He enlisted in the Civil War, and was killed at Fort Pillow. 32. ii. Moses. There were several other children. 17, Sarah Jane^ (James^, James^), b. July 11, 1827; d. Feb. 5, 1897; m. Mar. 15, 1847, Sanford B. Perry [d. Sept. 12, 1884]. Children: i. Frederic, Barr Perry, b. May 7, 1848; d. Feb. 3, 1908; m. Oct. 18, 1881, Sarah A. Proctor [d. May 28, 1914]. Chil- dren : i. Helen C. Perry, b. August 10, 1882 ; m. Francis B. Reynolds; one son. ii. Sarah Barr Perry, b. Nov. 2, 1884; m. Bryan Bell. iii. Bertha Perry, b. July 6, 1889; d. ii. William Nelson Perry, b. March 9, 1852; d. Nov. 21, 1899; m. Feb. IS, 1884, Laura O. Barker. Children: i. Ruth Barker Perry, b. Jan. 29, 1885; m. Edmund F. Saxton. ii. Elsie Barr Perry, b. Jan. 6, 1888; m. Harold M. Nichols. iii. George Sanford Perry, b. Nov. 6, 1889. iii. George Barnum, b. Apr. 12, 1861 ; m. May 24, 1899, Helena S. Lewandowska. Is a dentist in Chicago. 18. George Lyman^ (James^, James^), b. Mar. 12, 1830; d. Apr. 1, 1877; m. Nov. 20, 1851, Elizabeth Maria, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Crocker) Lawrence [b. Medford, Mass., 210 Barr Aug. 5, 1835; m. (2) Apr. 21, 1880, George Robert, son of George and Frances (Ames) Barrett (19)]. He early entered business life as a clerk in a dry goods store at Boston, but soon undertook a similar business for himself, and in a few years became a member of a large distilling firm at Medford, Mass. He retired from active business in 1867, and divided his time between city matters (having control of its fire de- partment for several years), and historic antiquarian pursuits, the collection of rare books, coins, etc. Children : 33. i. Elizabeth Lawrence, b. Mar. 3, 1854; m. 1880, Eugene A., son of Jean Baptiste and Madeline (Nehr) Kayser. Res. Newton, Cambridge, and Boston. Children : i. Paul James Barr Kayser, h. Nov., 1881. ii. Robert Barr Kayser, b. Oct. 25, 1889. iii. George Barr Kayser, h. Jan. 15, 1891. iv. Elizabeth Barr Kayser, b. July 15, 1897. 34. ii. Laura Maria, b. July 22, 1859; unm. Res. Boston. 35. iii. Caroline Hartwell, b. Nov. 13, 1864; m. Apr. 20, 1897, Winthrop Rowland Wade of Boston. Res. Dedham, Mass. Child : i. Winthrop Howland Wade, b. Feb. 18, 1898. 36. iv. James Cummings, b. Mar. 15, 1867.-|- 37. V. Daniel Lawrence, b. Nov. 17, 1869; m. Sept. 23, 1908, Mrs. Morrison Eggers of Pittsburg, Pa. He graduated from Harvard College in 1896, and later from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is an electrical engineer in Pittsburg, Pa. 36. James Cummings* (George Lyman^, James^ James^), b. Mar. 15, 1867; m. (1) Nov. 5, 1890, Sally, dau. of George Gordon and Helen (Devens) Crocker of Taunton, Mass.; (2) June 1, 1910, Lalla (Griffith) Fairfield, dau. of Collin McLeod and Frances (Chandler) Griffith [b. St. Albans, W. Va., Jan. 17, 1873]. He graduated from Harvard College in 1890, and upon graduation entered the scientific study of electricity with the Thomson-Houston Company, in connection with which he held very responsible positions in relation to the application of electricity to coal mining. In later years he has been en- gaged in the railway supply business at Boston. For several years he held commission in the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, is prominent in the recent work in aviation, and is a member of leading clubs in Boston, New York, and Washing- ton. Children : 39. i. Helen, b. July 29, 1891. 40. ii. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1893. 41. iii. James Cummings, b. Mar. 3, 1898. 211 History of New Ipswicli John Barr, who lived for a time in the house opposite the Barrett mansion and elsewhere, was apparently of a different family from the one here given. BARRETT. Humphrey* Barrett, b. 1592; d. Nov. 7, 1662; m. Mary [d. Aug. 15, 1663]. He is believed to have come from County Kent, England. He settled at Concord in 1639, where he had a farm of three hundred acres and a "house lot" of twelve acres near the centre of the town. Humphrey" (Humphrey^), b. England, 1630; d. Jan. 3, 1715/6; m. July 16, 1661, Elizabeth Paine [d. Dec. 21, 1674] ; (2) Mar. 23, 1674/5, Mary, dau. of Luke and Mary (Edmunds) Potter [b. 1656; d. Nov. 17, 1713]. He was a deacon in the Concord church, ensign in the foot com- pany, and represented the town in the General Court in 1691. Joseph^ (Humphrey', Humphrey'), b. Jan. 31, 1679; d. Apr. 4, 1763; m. Dec. 24, 1701, Rebecca, dau. of James and Rebecca (Wheeler) Minott [b. Feb. 9, 1685; d. June 23, 1738]. He was town treasurer, and also captain of the foot company. He was one of the original grantees of Grafton. Benjamin' (Humphrey^ Humphrey*), b. May 7, 1681; d. Oct. 25, 1728; m. Jan. 3, 1704/5, Lydia, dau. of James and Rebecca (Wheeler) Minott [b. Mar. 12, 1686/7]. Like his brother, he was a farmer and general business man, and one of the original grantees of Grafton. John* (Joseph^ Humphrey", Humphrey*), b. Feb. 14, 1719/20; d. Apr. 19, 1790; m. 1744, Lois, dau. of Joshua and Lydia (Wheeler) Brooks [b. June 29, 1723; d. Apr. 12, 1805]. He was in service at the North Bridge Apr. 19, 1775. Thomas* (Benjamin^ Humphrey^ Humphrey*), b. Oct. 2, 1707; d. June 20, 1779; m. about 1730, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Ruth (Brown) Jones [b. Mar. 23, 1715; d. Jan. 30, 1804]. He was a prominent business man of Concord and a deacon. Col. James Barrett, commander of the Provincial troops in the "Concord fight," was his younger brother. Joseph^ (John*, Joseph', Humphrey", Humphrey*), b. Jan. 5, 1745; d. Dec. 20, 1831 ; m. Sarah, dau. of John and Lucy Brooks. He removed to Mason in his early manhood, and settled upon the farm which has descended to successive generations of Barretts. He held all the more important town offices, and represented the town in the Legislature for several years. His inherited military traits are shown by his title of captain. 1. Charles^ (Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey^, Hum- phrey^), b. Jan. 13, 1739/40; d. Sept. 21, 1808; m. 1764, Re- becca, dau. of Samuel and Dorcas (Prescott) Minott [b. Jan. 14, 1744; d. 1838; m. (2) about 1810, Francis Cragin ('l)]. He left Concord in early manhood, and after a brief sojourn in that part of Mason which is now Greenville, where his characteristic business habits were foreshadowed by his part 212 Barrett with a brother in the erection of a saw and grist mill, at about the period of his marriage in 1764, he settled in New Ipswich. At first he was near the Mason line, (1 : 2, S. R.,) in which neighborhood he quickly became a leader; in 1780 he removed to the Center Village, and purchased the Joseph Kidder lot, (IX: 1, S. R.,) then considered a proverbially poor tract of land, but destined to show very different capabilities under the handling of its new manager. He there built for his resi- dence the "Bullard house," just north from the well-known Barrett mansion of later days, which he built 25 years after for the second bearer of his name. The business operations upon which he entered seem al- most petty when compared with the activities of the twentieth century, but at that period a journey to New York was a greater undertaking than is a trip to the Pacific coast in the present days. The settlement of Barrettstown, now known as Hope, in Lincoln county, Me., the erection of the mill upon the neighboring George's River, the construction of canals and locks upon the same river, the aid given to the glass manu- factory just across the Temple line upon Kidder Mountain, and the cotton mills of the town, said to have been undertaken at his suggestion and with his cooperation, all these were en- terprises to be promoted only by a man of broad outlook and exceptional business confidence and sagacity. That he had ability to know when he saw a man, is illustrated by the incident related in the account of the Appleton family on a previous page. This power doubtless had a part in making it true that his failure to take a position satisfactory to his fellow townsmen, in the "times that tried men's souls" when the nation had its birth, did not permanently alienate public feeling, as is conclusively shown, not merely by his repeated elections to represent New Ipswich in the Legislature, and in the convention called to ratify the national Constitution, but also by the votes from a larger territory giving him place as a state senator and as councillor. Children : 3. i. Charles, b. Jan. 8, 1765; d. June 10, 1766. 4. ii. Dorcas, b. Apr. 20, 1767 ; d. Jan. 31, 1818, unm. 5. iii. Charles, b. Sept. 24, 1773.-|- 6. iv. George, b. Feb. 27, 1777 ; d. Aug. 14, 1812, unm. 7. V. Rebecca, b. Sept. 4, 1779; d. May 11, 1834; m. Dec. 5, 1795, Hon. Samuel, son of Rev. Samuel and Anna (Kendrick) Dana of Groton [d. 1837]. Children: i. Charles Dana. ii. Anna Dana, m. Col. John Sever, iii. George Dana. iv. 213 History of New Ipswich Rebecca Dana, m. Kilby Page. v. Samuel Dana. vi. Martha Barrett Dana, m. Gen. George C. Greene, vii. James Dana. viii. Thesta Dana, m. Gen. James J. Dana. 8. vi. Seth, b. May 20, 1784; d. Jan. 9, 1792. 2. Joseph*' (Joseph^ John*, Joseph^ Humphrey^ Hum- phrey^), b. Mason, Jan. 25, 1774; d. Oct. 31, 1852; m. Oct. 3, 1809, Mary, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Adams) Appleton (9). His name appears upon the town record at about the date of his marriage, but soon after he removed to Bakersfield, Vt., where he was a farmer for ten or twelve years, during which all his children were born. About 1821 he came to New Ips- wich and occupied the Appleton farm, his wife's early home, for twenty years, removing thence in 1842 to the John F. Hills place upon the Turnpike, afterward the residence of his son-in-law, S. W. Bent, where the last ten years of his life were passed. He was a quiet, unassuming man, but one whose opinion was prized, especially in the church, although he de- clined official station when chosen deacon. Children : 9. i. Joseph Appleton, b. July 22, 1812; d. Apr. 20, 1833. He was a student in Yale College at the time of his death. 10. ii. Emily Maria, b. Oct. 23, 1814; d. June 11, 1833, unm. 11. iii. Mary Narcissa, b. Aug. 24, 1816; d. May 28, 1872; m. Aug. 3, 1836, Samuel W. Bent (1). 12. iv. Dora Everett, b. Jan. 10, 1820; m. June 23, 1842, Dr. Edward, son of Dr. Matthias and Rebecca Spalding. She lived at Nashua, where she had three children. 5. Charles® (Charles^, Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey-, Humphrey^), b. Sept. 24, 1773; d. Sept. 3, 1836; m. at Concord, Mass., Oct. 15, 1799, Martha, dau. of Jonas and Mary (Hall) Minott [b. Oct. 17, 1771; d. 1842]. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1794, and soon after entered into trade at the foot of the old Meeting-house Hill in partnership with Samuel Appleton, whom after a few years he followed to Boston, and there continued busily engaged in commercial matters until 1814, when he returned to his native town. For the remainder of his life he was a prominent figure in its activities, having a leading place in the formation of the man- ufacturing companies and in the establishment of the bank, representing the town in the Legislature for several years, and being practically the founder of the Unitarian church and the leading supporter during its brief life. Children — the first three born in New Ipswich, the last two in Boston : 214 13. i. 14. ii. 15. iii. 16. iv. 17. V. Barrett George, b. Dec. 15, 1801.+ Mary Ann, b. Nov. 12, 1802; d. Aug., 1875; m. (1) May 1, 1820, Silas Bullard (J. 8) ; (2) Sept. 13, 1838, Alfred C Hersey [d. Mar. 8, 1888]. Juliet Maria, b. Dec. 22, 1804; d. May 22, 1808. Charles, b. Jan. 11, 1807.+ Edward Augustus, b. June 17, 1811; d. May 2, 1834. 13. George^ (Charles®, Charles^ Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey-, Humphrey^), b. Dec. 15, 1801; d. Oct. 4, 1862; m. at Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 1, 1831, Frances Hall, dau. of Ambrose and Hannah (Allen) Ames [b. Nov. 18, 1809; d. 1887]. In early manhood he entered into business in Boston, and thus continued until 1842, when he returned to New Ipswich and assumed the cashiership of the bank, which he successfully managed until removed by disease. He lived for a few years after his return in the brick dwelling built by his father at Bank Village ; after the removal of the bank to the Center Village, first the "Bullard house" and afterwards the family mansion became his home. Children : 18. i. Edward Augustus, b. May 18, 1834.+ 19. ii. George Robert, b. May 17, 1844; m. Apr. 21, 1880, Elizabeth M., dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Crocker) Lawrence, and widow of George L. Barr. For a few years he was occu- pied in the sale of books, but afterward devoted himself to the collection of historical letters, broadsides, and en- gravings relative to the Colonial and Revolutionary period, of which rare treasures his collection is exceptionally large and valuable. His interleaved and illustrated copy of Ban- croft's History is unique in its magnitude and value. While preferring a city residence during the greater part of the year, he is still of New Ipswich, retaining and keeping in order the family mansion and serving as president of the trustees of Appleton Academy. 16. Charles^ (Charles**, Charles^, Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey^ Humphrey^, b. Jan. 11, 1807; d. Feb. 9, 1862; m. May 31, 1830, (by Ralph Waldo Emerson,) Abby B., dau. of Edmund (builder of the old ship Constitution) and Mehit- able (Lambert) Hart [b. Nov. 17, 1809; d. Nov. 24, 1877.] At the age of five years he lost his hearing from the action of medicine given during a severe illness. He was educated in the asylum for deaf-mutes in Hartford, Conn., and he was treasurer of the New England Gallaudet Association of Deaf- Mutes from its formation in 1852 until his death. For a few years he was engaged in trade at Bank Village, William W. 215 History of New Ipswich Johnson being his partner, and he resided in the brick dwelling-house erected for him by his father at the time of his marriage ; after the death of his mother he removed to the homestead mansion ; this he sold to his brother George in 1848, and passed his remaining years in Boston. His bodily deprivation could not shut him within himself. Of him it was said : "To all who were permitted to know him his short and comparatively uneventful life suggests many sweet and beau- tiful memories — memories of gracious, kindly intercourse, of serene cheerfulness, of Christian content." Children — born in New Ipswich : 20. i. Julia Maria, b. May 11, 1832; m. Dec. 21, 1858, Charles, son of Reuben and Mary (Wetherbee) Marsh [b. 1829; d. July 9, 1886]. She lived in Boston. Children: i. Edith Barrett Marsh, h. Mar. 24, 1863; m. Oct. 21, 1884, George Binney. (Children: i. George Hayward Binney, Jr., b. Jan. 20, 1886. ii. Edith Marsh Binney, b. Jan. 10, 1888; d. March 6, 1895.) ii. Mabel Minott Marsh, b. Mar. 4, 1867; m. June 9, 1888, Arthur N. Milliken. iii. Charles Reuben Marsh, b. Mar 2, 1872; d. at Sharon, Mass., Mar. 16, 1908. 21. ii. Mary Darracott, b. June 28, 1840. 22. iii. Charles, b. July 21, 1844; d. Aug. 31, 1845. 18. Edward Augustus* (George^, Charles®, Charles^ Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey^, Humphrey^), b. May 18, 1834; d. Mar. 11, 1883; m. Sept. 26, 1860, Georgianna M., dau. of Wells and Maria (Bailey) Chase [b. 1840; d. 1883]. He was in business in the West for a few years, but passed the later years of his life in the family home. Children : 23. i. George Wells, b. Aug. 1, 1863.-}- 24. ii. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 14, 1865. -|- 25. iii. Frances Ames, b. Nov. 10, 1867; m. May 24, 1893, George Augustus Hopkins of Boston. Child : i. Barrett Hopkins, b. Jan. 30, 1906. 26. iv. Blanche, b. Dec. 26, 1872 ; d. May 2, 1874. 23. George Wells^ (Edward A.*, George'', Charles^ Charles^, Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey^, Humphrey^), b. Aug. 1, 1863; m. Jamestown, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1890, Caroline Whitney. He was engaged in banking, and later in the in- ternal revenue service. Children : 27. i. Agnes, b. June 13, 1902. 28. ii. Frances Ames, b. Nov. 22, 1903; d. Dec. 16, 1906. 29. iii. Jean, b. Mar. 3, 1912. 24. Charles Edward'' (Edward A.^ George^ Charles^ Charles^ Thomas*, Benjamin^, Humphrey^ Humphrey^), b. 216 Barrett Sept. 14, 1865; m. May 31, 1894, Beulah Gertrude Hildreth (30). He is bank cashier in Winchester, Mass., where he resides. Children : 30. i. Hildreth, b. Apr. 27, 1899. 31. ii. Rebecca, b. May 24, 1904. BARTLETT. Joseph^ Bartlett, d. Dec. 26, 1702; m. Oct. 27, 1668, Mary Waite [d. Dec. 21, 1721]. He was early at Newton, Mass., whither he probably came from Cambridge. His home was on the side of the hill where now is the Baptist Theological Seminary. Joseph' ( Joseph'), b. Mar. 5, 1673; d. 1734; m. (1) Hannah [d. Dec, 1730] ; (2) 1732, Mercy Hyde [b. about 1671; d. June, 1750]. Joseph'' (Joseph^ Joseph'), b. Apr. 8, 1703; m. Feb., 1731, Zebiah 1. Samuel* (Joseph^, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Mar. 9, 1732; d. Jan. 27, 1812; m. (pub. Sept. 1, 1760) Elizabeth, sister of Isaac Appleton (1) [bapt. Oct. 24, 1736; d. May 4, 1817]. He seems to have lived in his ancestral town of Newton until 1771, when he came to New Ipswich and settled upon XIII: 2, S. R., afterward long the home of Richard Wheeler, and there he passed his life. Children : 2. i. Isaac, b. Oct. 8, 1761. Samuel, b. July 18, 1763. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 9, 1765 ; d. 1790. Daniel, b. Jan. 8, 1767. Noah, b. Dec. 25, 1768.+ Lydia, b. Feb. 3, 1771. Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1773; d. Jan. 28, 1790. 9. viii. Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1776; d. Nov. 27, 1803; m. May 16, 1802, Timothy Fox (2). John, b. May 7, 1779; d. Oct. 4, 1802. Mary, b. Dec. 9, 1781; m. Aug. 21, 1817, Daniel Giles (4). 6. NoAH^ (Samuel*, Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Dec. 25, 1768; d. Sept. 14, 1809; m. Nov. 17, 1799, Mary Hills (3). He remained at the home of his boyhood, and although he died in middle life he became a leading citizen. He was town clerk for two years, a selectman during the last twelve years of his life, and also represented the town in the Legislature the last seven years. He was elected a deacon two years before his death. Children : 12. i. George Everett, b. May 17, 1801 ; d. Sept. 24, 1820. 13. ii. Lydia, b. Aug. 14, 1802; d. Nov. 11, 1804. 217 3. ii. 4. iii. 5. iv. 6. V. 7. vi. 8. vii. 9. viii 10. ix. 11. X. History of New Ipswich 14. iii. John, b. Jan. 22, 1804; d. about 1826, unm. He had purposed to enter the ministry, and had studied at Andover Theo- logical Seminary; but before the completion of his course of study he, the last survivor of a family which had per- ished from consumption, was attacked by the same disease, and while on his way south in hope of relief, he died in New Jersey. What remained of the family property he bequeathed to the American Board of Missions. BATCHELDER— BATCHELLER. The New Ipswich records and gravestones present this family name in several varying forms, but an examination of early records forbids the conclusion that such orthographic variations necessarily indicate dif- ferent origins. The New England families bearing some form of this name appear to have descended from several different emigrant ancestors; but the two branches appearing in New Ipswich are found to have sprung from a common stock, despite the fact that, with by no means infrequent variations, each of them has adhered to its chosen one of the two forms given above. The name of their common ancestor is uncertain, but probably was Joseph. He is not known to have removed from England, but it is be- lieved that three of his sons, Joseph, John, and Henry came from Canter- bury, Kent, England, about 1636, and founded the Salem branch of the family. Henry and his wife, Martha, however, left no issue; the de- scendants of both the other brothers have had a part in the building of New Ipswich. Joseph^ Batcheller, d. about 1657; m. Elizabeth . He is be- lieved to have made a home in that part of Salem which was afterward set off as Wenham. JoHN^ Batchelder, b. about 1610; d. Nov. 13, 1675; m. Elizabeth [d. Nov. 10, 1675]. He had a grant of land in 1639, in that part of Salem which is now Beverly, and was made a freeman in the following year. John' (Joseph'), bapt. Jan. 20, 1638; d. Mar. 22, 1729; m. (1) July 12, 1661, Mary Dennis; (2) May 4, 1666, Sarah, dau. of Robert Goodale of Salem. He probably resided near the place of his birth. John' (John'), b. June 23, 1650; d. Aug. 6, 1684; m. Aug. 14, 1673, Mary, prob. dau. of Zachariah and Mary (Dodge) Herrick [b. Oct. 10, 1654; d. Aug. 19, 1684]. He was a cooper living in that part of Salem which is now Beverly. Ebenezer' (John', Joseph'), b. about 1673; d. 1747; m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Tarbox of Lynn, Mass. Jonathan' (John', John'), b. Mar. 29, 1678; d. Apr., 1740; m. Ruth, dau. of William and Ruth (Hull) Raymond |b. 1690; d. 1736]. He was a prominent citizen, and represented Salem in the General Court. JosiAH^ (Ebenezer", John', Joseph'), b. Wenham, 1709; d. 1786; m. 1740, Hannah Kimball. He passed his life in Wenham, but all his chil- dren removed to New Ipswich, the sons before his death, and the daugh- ters with their mother in 1787. Children : 218 Batchelder — Batcheller 1. i. Hannah, b. Feb. 11, 1746/7; d. Jan. 2, 1827. 2. ii. Joseph, b. Feb. 19, 1748/9.+ 3. iii. Abigail, b. May 28, 1751; d. Dec. 8, 1838. 4. iv. JosiAH, b. Dec. 19, 1753.+ Jonathan- (Jonathan^, John^ John'), b. 1720; d. Oct. 19, 1776; m. Apr. 10, 1745, Hephzibah, dau. of Daniel and Lucy (Dodge) Conant [b. Beverly, Oct. 16, 1729]. He was lieutenant in the company which marched from Salem on the Concord alarm, 1775. 2. Joseph^ (Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John-, Joseph^), b. Feb. 19, 1748; d. Wallingford, Vt., 1812; m. (1) Dec. 31, 1771, Elizabeth Merry of Marblehead, Mass. [b. Aug. 10, 1752, N. S. ; d. Feb. 1, 1809] ; (2) Rebecca , who soon became in- sane. He came to New Ipswich in 1780 and followed the busi- ness of a carpenter and cabinet maker, the occupation of many members of the family, until his removal from town after the loss of a home caused by his wife's insanity. His first place of residence in the town was on or near the site afterward occupied by the house of Rev. Stephen Farrar, a short dis- tance northwesterly from the church, but he soon built a house nearer the church in a southeast direction, long occu- pied by his family, afterward by the widow Fisk, and now the summer home of Henry T. Champney. Children : 6. i. Joseph, b. Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 27, 1773. -(- 7. ii. John Merry, b. Marblehead, Mass., Mar. 14, 1775; d. Oct. 13, 1849; m. Mary Simonds of Billerica [b. about 1777; d. Dec. 22, 1861]. He passed his life as a carpenter and cabinet maker, his first home after marriage being in a small house near the brook crossing* the road a little to the east of the present Baptist church, until he built a house between the present sites of the two cottages upon the north side of the turnpike fifteen or twenty rods below the crossing of the road from the starch factory. Child : 2)7. i. Frederic M., b. about 1805 ; d. Sept. 19, 1830. 8. iii. Elizabeth, b. Wenham, Nov. 1, 1779; d. Feb. 6, 1842. She passed her life in New Ipswich, living for many years in the family of her youngest brother, and conducting a very successful business as a tailoress, often having four em- ployees in her shop. 9. iv. Hannah, b. New Ipswich, July 30, 1782; d. Feb. 4, 1838. She passed her life as a tailoress in her native town, living for many years on the spot afterward occupied by the school- house of District No. 13, and also caring for her aunts, Hannah and Abigail, often called the "two old bachelors and the two old maids." 10. v. JosiAH, b. Sept. 2, 1783; d. Mar. 25, 1784. 11. vi. JosiAH, b. Jan. 30, 1785; d. Feb. 4, 1785. 12. vii. Polly, b. May 2, 1786; d. May 6, 1786. 219 18. ii. 19. iii 20. iv 21. V. History of New Ipswich 13. viii. Polly, b. Nov. 30, 1787 ; d. Nov. 30, 1787. 14. ix. Oliver, b. Jan. 6, 1791; d. July 1, 1816; unm. He was a cabinet maker. 15. X. Moses, b. June 22, 1793.+ 16. xi. Hervey, b. Nov. 28, 1795.+ 4. JosiAH^ (Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph^), b. Dec. 19, 1753; d. May 2, 1812; m. Ruth Fletcher (37). He came to New Ipswich at about the same time as his brother, and was the village blacksmith for many years, living in the house upon the west side of the street running southerly from the Baptist church, and since occupied in succession by Dea. John Clark and his son Peter. His shop was situated just across the street from his house, and was destroyed by fire in 1812. Children — all born in New Ipswich: 17. i. JosiAH, b. Nov. 20, 1787.+ RuTH, b. Mar. 27, 1789; d. June 1, 1811. Peter, b. July 20, 1794; d. New Orleans, La., while a young man. William Kimball, b. Aug. 4, 1798; d. Aug. 4, 1811. Washington Adams, b. Apr. 30, 1808.-|- 5. Samuel^ (Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^, John^), b. Jan. 1, 1755; d. Feb. 17, 1814; m. (pub. Jan. 13, 1782) Elizabeth, dau. of Peter and Mary (Rea) Woodbury [d. Feb. 11, 1835] and also great-granddaughter of John and Hannah (Tarbox) Batch- eller, brother and sister of Ebenezer^ and Sarah (Tarbox) Batcheller. He served in the company with his father at the time of his father's death. He removed from Beverly to New Hampshire in 1785, and commenced business as a baker in a very small way in the house long occupied by Benjamin Davis in the Davis Village, (northeast corner of XIII : 1, S. R.) He also had a small store, which in time came to be managed by his sons. He prospered in his business, and upon the open- ing of the Turnpike he erected the "Peppermint Tavern," (61, N. D.,) which for a long time had such a reputation as being the best public-house between Boston and Keene that travel- ers and teamsters, whose wagons drawn by four horses served the public in place of the freight trains of the present, would often shorten or extend the day's journey in order to rest at it. Children — all born at New Ipswich, except the eldest: 22. i. Samuel, b. Jaffrey, June 8, 1784.+ 23. ii. Peter, b. Sept. 12, 1786.+ 24. iii. Betsey, b. Jan. 16, 1789; d. 1857; m. Jan. 18, 1814, Moody Adams (R. 1). 220 Batchelder — Batcheller 25. iv. William, b. May 24, 1791; d. Nov. 18, 1811. 26. V. Nancy, b. June 20, 1793; m. Rev. Phineas Pratt (2). 27. vi. Daniel, b. 1795; d. 1796. 28. vii. Mary, b. Apr. 18, 1797; d. Feb. 9, 1879; m. Silas Wheeler (75). 29. viii. Czarina, b. Dec. 22, 1800; m. Joel Parker. 30. ix. Fanny, b. June 16, 1804; m. Rev. Jonathan Tucker of Saco, Me. 6. Joseph^ (Joseph^, Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph^), b. Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 27, 1773; m. 1796, Hannah, dau. of Samuel Trull. He left his native town soon after reaching his majority, and pursued his father's calling of cabinet maker in other parts of the state; for a time he resided in Billerica, where his wife died. Children : 31. i. Joseph, b. Apr. 25, 1797. 32. ii. JosiAH, b. May 28, 1799. 33. iii. Hannah, b. Oct. 28, 1800; m. June 25, 1822, James H. Fames of Reading, Mass. 34. iv. Sophronia, b. May 20, 1802; m. May 17, 1825, William Taintor of Boston. 35. V. Eliza, b. Feb. 20, 1804. 36. vi. Brooks Trull, b. Jan. 7, 1813. 15. Moses® (Joseph^, Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph^), b. June 2, 1793; d. Jan. 12, 1829; m. (pub. Jan., 1818) Lucy M. Nash of Dorset, Vt. He was a carpenter in Williamstown and died there. Children : 38. i. Harriet M., b. Jan. 19, 1819. 39. ii. George H., b. Jan. 7, 1820. 40. iii. Kimball, b. May 22, 1821. 41. iv. Addison, b. Nov. 16, 1822. 42. V. Eliza May, b. May 8, 1824. 43. vi. Alva N., b. Mar. 2, 1826. 44. vii. Alvin B., b. Mar. 2, 1826. 45. viii. Oliver, b. Dec. 2, 1828; d. June 25, 1830. 16. Hervey'' (Joseph^, Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph'), b. Nov. 28, 1795; d. Sept. 16, 1857; m. Apr., 1832, Sally, dau. of James and Nabby (Childs) Buchanan of Waltham, Mass. [b.Apr. 1, 1805; d. June 10, 1865]. He continued the family industry as carpenter and cabinet maker, and lived in the house at the foot of Meeting-house Hill around which the road to the Baptist church and postoffice bends. Children : 46. i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Apr. 11, 1833; d. Aug. 20, 1909. She was educated at New Ipswich Academy, and at the age of nineteen began her work as a teacher in which she con- tinued until near the close of her life, a period sufficient 221 50. 51. ii. 52. iii 53. iv. 54. V. History of New Ipswich to make further evidence of success superfluous. Her work was largely in the cities of Boston and New York, and the latter was her home after the end of her work. 47. ii. Hervey Buchanan, b. May 16, 1836; d. Jan. 28, 1912, unm. His life was largely occupied with the duties of a pro- fessional nurse in New York. 48. iii. Mary Abigail, b. Apr. 13, 1838; d. Mar. 9, 1842. 49. iv. Oliver Merry, b. May 1, 1840; unm. He is a business man in Minneapolis, Minn. 17. JosiAH^ (Josiah^, Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph^), b. Nov. 20, 1787; m. Rebecca Billings. He was a blacksmith, and for a time was his father's partner. Children : Ira Alonzo, was fatally scalded in early life. William Kimball. Ruth Ann, m. (1) about Mar. 1, 1836, Levi Ward [d. Mar. 22, 1836] ; (2) Chase. Mary Rebecca. Martha Maria. 21. Washington Adams^ (Josiah^, Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John^ Joseph^), b. Apr. 30, 1808; m. his cousin, Adelaide Fletcher (63). He removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: 55. i. Adelaide A. 56. ii. Clara, d. unm. 57. iii. Josephine, d. unm. 58. iv. LuciLLA, d. young. 59. v. Eugene, d. young. 60. vi. Henry Kent.-|- 22. Samuel" (SamueP, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John-, John^), b. Jaffrey, June 8, 1784; d. Feb. 5, 1879; m. Aug. 26, 1810, Mary, dau. of Gen. John Montgomery of Haverhill, N. H. [b. Mar. 5, 1780; d. Apr. 24, 1869]. He early showed his mercantile instincts, and at the age of sixteen he practically conducted his father's store. At the age of twenty he opened a store in Peterboro, later removing to Exeter, but in 1808 he returned to New Ipswich and occupied the store on the Turnpike at the corner of the Temple road until it was burned in 1812, when he built the brick building known since that time as "the corner store" and traded there until his removal from town. While still a young man he became greatly in- terested in the manufacture of cotton goods, then taking form in the town, entered upon it, and for the rest of his life was especially devoted to that interest. With the birth of Lowell he went thither and came to have a very prominent position in the manufactures of that city and of other places, being 222 Batchelder — Batcheller president of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, the Ap- pleton Company, the Essex Company, the Everett Mills, the York Manufacturing Company, and the Exeter Manufacturing Company, together possessing capital, truly enormous in those days, of $5,000,000. His own inventions had no small place in the prosperity of the various undertakings in which he was so earnestly engaged for a period of 62 years, and during those years of constant advance in methods his mind kept pace with the increasing demands of the market and he wielded a facile pen in support of his own views. His tastes were literary, and he was a frequent contributor to magazines and journals, even till he reached four score years and ten. He represented New Ipswich in the Legislature for six years, and he afterward sat in the Massachusetts Legislature. He resided in Lowell for several years and was one of the first board of selectmen of that new town. He removed to Saco, Me., in 1831, and there made his home for fifteen years, after which he established himself in Cambridge, Mass., where he was a member of its first board of aldermen and resided for a third of a century. Children : 61. i. John Montgomery, b. Oct. 12, 1811. + 62. ii. William, b. Dec. 12, 1813; d. May 21, 1857; m. Nov. 14, 1842, Caroline Augusta, dau. of Dr. Thomas G. and Sarah (Cutto) Thornton [b. Saco, Me., Aug. 14, 1814; d. Saco, 1899]. He prepared for college at Lancaster, Mass., and entered Harvard College in 1830, but did not complete his course of study. He resided at Andover, Mass., where he was an amateur farmer. 63. Hi. Mary Anne, b. Aug. 2, 1815; d. Lowell, Oct. 31, 1827. 64. iv. Horace, b. Oct. 11, 1817; d. Saco, Feb. 11, 1842, unm. 65. V. Isabella, b. Sept. 2, 1819.4- 66. vi. Edward Everett, b. Sept. 19, 1821; d. Sept. 24, 1821. 67. vii. Eugene, b. Nov. 13, 1822. + 68. viii. Francis Lowell, b. Apr. 2, 1825. -|- 69. ix. Samuel, b. Jan. 9, 1830.+ 23. Peter" (SamueP, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John-, John^), b. Sept. 12, 1786; d. Sept., 1867; m. Margaret Mitchell. Child : 70. i. A daughter, m. Bradford. Res. in Francestown. 60. Henry Kent^ (Washington Adams®, Josiah^, Josiah*, Ebenezer^, John-, Joseph^). He resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 71. i. Estella, a teacher in Brooklyn. 72. ii. Harry. 7Z. iii. Adeline. 74. iv. John. He has two children, Blanch and Hattie. 223 History of New Ipswich 61. John Montgomery^ (SamueP, Samuel^, Jonathan*, Jon- athan^, John^, John^), b. Oct. 12, 1811 ; d. July 8, 1892; m. (1) 1843, Mary Elizabeth Wood; (2) Eliza Constantia (Bird) Beardsley [d. 1898]. He was a civil engineer at York, Me., and at Lawrence, Mass., and for a time had charge of a mill in Ipswich, Mass. He then became connected with the United States Coast Survey, and was active in the investigation of a great variety of scientific cjuestions, in which he was asso- ciated with many of the leading American scientists. He was the inventor of many valuable scientific devices. He was elected member of the American Academy, and was also a member of many other scientific societies, retaining his earnest and active interest in such matters to the end of his long life. Children : 75. i. Horace, b. Saco, Me., 1844; d. 1844. 76. ii. Isabella, b. Sept. 28, 1846. Resides in Boston. n . iii. Arthur Montgomery, b. 1851 ; d. 1856. 65. Isabella^ (SamueP, SamueP, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John^, John^), b. Sept. 2, 1819; d. Aug. 6, 1901 ; m. Dec. 3. 1851, Thomas Potts James of Philadelphia. She lived in Philadel- phia until 1869, then in Cambridge until 1885, and afterward in England, her home being at Ottery-St. Mary, Devon, where she died. During the Civil War she devoted much time to the Sanitary Commission and hospital work, being prominent in patriotic activities, and she was afterward presi- dent of the Pennsylvania Freedmen's Commission, and also interested in other similar work. In later life she was largely engaged in antiquarian, historic, and genealogical study, and was a member of many societies of that general character. A worthy ode from^ her pen sung at the Centennial Celebra- tion of New Ipswich may be recalled here. Children : i. Mary Isabella James, b. Burlington, N. J., Sept. 19, 1852; m. Feb. 4, 1885, Silvio M. de Gozaldi of Denno, Tyrol, Austria. She lived in Europe until 1898, and since that time in Cambridge, where she succeeded to her father's home. Four children, ii. Montgomery James, b. Philadelphia Dec. 20, 1853; d. Phila- delphia Dec. 24, 1895, unm. He graduated from Harvard College in 1876, receiving the degree of S. B. He was a civil engineer in Mexico and in South Africa, served in the British army during the Zulu war, and was afterward in the employ of King Leopold of Belgium in the Congo State. 224 Batchelder — Batcheller iii. Clarence Gray James, b. June 30, 1856; d. Mar. 13, 1892, unm. He pursued special work in chemistry at Harvard College, and was afterward a manufacturing chemist in Philadelphia. iv. Frances Batchelder James, b. Sept. 26, 1859; m. John Rose- Troup, son of Gen. Sir Colin Troup. She resides at Ottery- St. Mary, Devon, England. One son. Q . Eugene'^ (SamueP, SamueP, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John2, John^), b. Nov. 13, 1822; d. Oct. 8, 1878; m. June 16, 1864, Caroline Augusta Deshon [d. Sept., 1904]. He studied at Harvard Law School, receiving- the degree of LL. B. in 1845. He lived at Dover, Mass. He was greatly devoted to English, French, and German literature, and had the poet's place at the centennial celebration of his native town. A very con- siderable number of poems were published. Child ; 78. i. Maude Augusta, b. Apr. 28, 1872; m. Apr. 14, 1909, Charles Peter Vosburgh of New York City. She studied at Rad- cliflfe College, and follows on practically the lines of her father's literary pursuits. 68. Francis Lowell^ (Samuel^, SamueF, Jonathan*, Jona- than^, John^ John^), b. Lowell, Apr. 2, 1825; d. Feb. 9, 1858; m. Dec. 2, 1851, Susan Cabot, dau. of Charles Chauncy Foster [d. Apr., 1900]. He prepared for college at Saco, Me., studied at Harvard College and Harvard Law School, receiving the degree of A. B. in 1844 and LL. B. in 1848. He practised law in Boston for some years, having his home at Cambridge, until failing health caused him to seek a milder climate at Hibernia, Fla., where he died. Children : 79. i. Amy, b. Sept. 9, 1852; d. July 5, 1881, unm. 80. ii. Charles Foster, b. July 15, 1856; m. Laura P., dau. of Lin- coln R. Stone of Newton. He prepared for college at Cambridge high school, and graduated from Harvard Col- lege with the degree A. B. in 1878. He devoted himself to ornithology, and for many years was president of the National Ornithological Society. He has four sons : Philip Stone, Francis Lowell, Charles Foster, and Lawrence. 69. Samuel^ (Samuel^, SamueF, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John^, John^), b. Jan. 9, 1830; d. Apr. 24, 1888; m. June 20, 1867, Marianne Giles, dau. of Gov. Emory Washburn [b. Wor- cester, Nov. 24, 1831]. He was a lawyer in Boston. Children : 81. i. Emory Washburn, b. Apr. 4, 1868; d. Aug. 20, 1869. 82. ii. Samuel Francis, b. Mar. 10, 1870. He graduated from Har- vard College and Law School, A. B. 1893, LL. D. 1898. He is a lawyer in Boston, and is also engaged in historical and literary pursuits. 83. iii. Mary Emory, b. Mar. 25, 1873. 225 History of New Ipswich BATEMAN. Thomas^ Bateman, d. Feb. 6, 1669; m. (1) Martha [d. Aug. 3, 1665] ; (2) Jan. 27, 1668, Margaret Knight [m. (2) Feb. 7, 1670, Nathaniel Ball; d. Apr. 18, 1709]. According to tradition he came from England in 1630 and settled in Concord, Mass., in 1635, and there is little doubt that he was the man to whom the Concord records given above relate. The record of his children is apparently incomplete, but circumstantial evidence strongly supports the following line of descent. Thomas'' (Thomas'), m. Apr. 25, 1672, Abigail, dau. of George and Susanna Meriam [b. (probably) July 15, 1647; d. July 14, 1684]. He lived in Concord, where he was known as "Sergeant Bateman." John' (Thomas% Thomas'), b. Apr. 12, 1679; m. Elizabeth [d. Nov. 20, 1715]. He lived in Concord. John' (John', Thomas', Thomas'), b. Oct. 18, 1706; m. Feb. 10, 1731/2, Anna, dau. of Timothy' and Lydia' Wheeler [b. Nov. 26, 1713]. He also passed his life in Concord. Jonas® (John*, John', Thomas^ Thomas'), b. June 17, 1735; m. Jan. 27, 1757, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Fletcher [b. Sept. 20, 1736]. He continued the family in Concord. Jonas" (Jonas', John^ John', Thomas', Thomas'), b. Nov. 21, 1769; d. Oct. 17, 1824; m. 1791, Lydia Buttrick [b. 1763; d. Mar. 9, 1845]. He removed from Concord after the birth of his first child and settled in Chelmsford, Mass. 1. Charles'^ (Jonas^, Jonas^, John*, John^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. about 1793; d. May 7, 1861; m. 1817, Czarina Thompson of Swanzey [b. about 1800; d. May 17, 1853]. He came from Harvard, Mass., to New Ipswich about 1823, and passed his life in the town as blacksmith, for many years in the shop at the west end of the Village Green, under the wil- low near the Jo Kidder Brook, and later in other places in the Center Village. His first home was in the old tavern building of Jonathan Dix, and after its destruction by fire in 1826 he built upon its site the present house long the home of Rev. Samuel Lee. He was a selectman in 1843. Children : 3. i. Lucy Williams, b. Swanzey July 10, 1819; d. July 3, 1890; m. May 16, 1847, George E. Nutting, who for a time was a butcher on the Woolson farm, IV : 2, S. R., but later re- moved to Jersey City, N. J. She had two daughters while resident in New Ipswich, both of whom died young. 4. ii. Amanda Malvina, b. Harvard, Mass., Nov. 5, 1820; d. Apr. 3, 1902; m. Mar. 25, 1852, Charles Boardman. Res. in Bos- ton, where he was in the employ of the Boston & Lowell railroad. 5. iii. Ann Maria, b. Harvard, Mass., Dec. 10, 1821 ; d. May 6, . 1893; m. Mar. 8, 1849, Isaiah W. Barnum of New York city. 6. iv. Arabella Semira, b. July 20, 1823; d. Jan. 2, 1824. 7. v. Josephine Angelia, b. Nov. 27, 1824; d. Aug. 2, 1825. 226 Bateman 8. vi. Arabella Augusta, b. Mar. 14, 1826; m. (1) May 16, 1847, Samuel S. Brown (J. 1) ; (2) John Warner. 9. vii. Charles Thompson, b. July 17, 1828; d. Sept. 27, 1828. 10. viii. Charles Augustus, b. Aug. 20, 1830.-(- 11. ix. Alfreda Thompson, b. Sept. 21, 1831; m. Mar. 16, 1854, James R. Elliot of Mason. He was a publisher in Boston. Res. in Everett, Mass. Children : i. James Elliot, d. aged 2 days. ii. Arthur Elliot, d. aged 4 years, iii. Grace Elliot, h. May 28, 1860. Supervisor of public schools of Everett. 12. X. Semira Jane, b. Apr. 13, 1833; d. Sept. 23, 1861. She had a large tailoring establishment in Boston. 13. xi. George Frederic, b. about 1835. + 14. xii. Andrew Plummer, b. Mar. 10, 1837.+ 15. xiii. Harriet Josephine, b. Dec. 1, 1838; m. Sept. 21, 1865, George H., son of Charles Bullard. Res. Dorchester, Mass. Chil- dren : i. George Arthur Bullard, h. July 14, 1866; unm. ; he has an advertising agency in Boston, ii. William Osgood Bullard, h. May 30, 1868; unm.; he is in the employ of a boot and shoe house in Boston, iii. Clarence Paul Bullard. b. Sept. 11, 1872; d. Feb., 1874. Three other children who died young are not borne upon the record. 2. JoHN^ (Jonas®, Jonas^ John*, John^, Thomas^, Thomas^). He came to New Ipswich a few years later than his brother, and worked with him several years, afterward removing to Ohio. 10. Charles Augustus^ (Charles^ Jonas*', Jonas^, John*, John^ Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 20, 1830; d. Oct.,' 1906; m. Aug. 20, 1854, Elizabeth Miller of Fitchburg, Mass. He was a hardware dealer in Charlestown, Mass. Children : 16. i. Harriet, d. aged 4 years. 17. ii. Frederic, d. in infancy. 18. iii. Leon Herbert, d. aged 26 years. He entered Tufts College, afterward studied law and had begun practice in Boston. 19. iv. Frank Elliot. He graduated from Tufts College in 1887, from Harvard Medical School in 1894, and is in practice at Somerville, Mass. 20. V. Ernest, d. aged 17 years, while a student in Tufts College. 13, George Frederic^ (Charles^ Jonas*', Jonas^ John*, John^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. about 1835; d. in Colorado. He went westward in early manhood, settled in Colorado, and "grew up with the state," living in different places, but finally becoming a dealer in tin and hardware at Salida. Children : 21. i. Semira, d. young. 22. ii. Alfreda, d. in infancy. 23. iii. Frederic. He succeeded to his father's business. 24. iv. Walter. He is also in the family business. 25. v. Josephine, m. and has a family. Res. in Salida. 227 27. ii. 28. iii. 29. iv. 30. V. 31. vi. History of New Ipswich 14. Andrew Plummer^ (Charles^ Jonas^, Jonas^, John*, John^ Thomas^ Thomas^), b. Mar. 10, 1837; d. June, 1906; m. Mary Page of Westminster, Mass. He was a dealer in tin and hardware at Winchendon, Mass. Children : 26. i. Jennie Louise, b. 1858; m. Frank W. Puffer of Fitchburg, Mass. One daughter. Myra, b. 1860; d. Nov. 8, 1907; m. Oilman Fogg of Charles- town, Mass. Harry Osgood, b. Nov. 24, 1879. Five children. He suc- ceeded to his father's business. Hattie, b. 1872; d. aged 4 years. Clara, b. 1875; m. Frank R. Smith of Grand Junction, Colo. Gertrude, b. about 1882; m. Alvin E. Donnie of Bellows Falls, Vt. BATES. John' Bates, b. about 1642; d. about 1720; m. Mary . He was a cooper and yeoman at Chelmsford, Mass. JoHN^ (John'), d. about 1722; m. Deborah . Res. at Chelmsford. Edward" (John^ John'), b. about 16%; m. Mary, dau. of John Snow of Nottingham, Mass. Res. in that part of Chelmsford which is now Westford. 1. Joseph* (Edward^ John^, John^), b. Nov. 3, 1726; m. (1) Phebe ; (2) Dec. 12, 1781, Mary Davis. He came from Westford, Mass., to New Ipswich in 1751 and bought of Abi- jah Foster the lot upon which he had built the first house of the town, 33, N. D., including most of the land now occupied by the Center Village north of the Village Green, now marked by the soldiers' monument. He perhaps had a store earlier than that of Jonathan Dix, who has generally been considered the first trader in the town. If so, it probably was on the site of the present Appleton House, and was sold with the farm to David Hills about 1772. He was a very energetic chairman of the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection in 1775, and he gave military service in the Revolution at least on the occasion of the Concord alarm. He is said to have been a lieutenant and to have been present at the capture of Bur- goyne, but his name does not appear on the State Revolu- tionary Rolls of that time. He removed to Jafifrey about 1778, and was a member of the Committee of Safety in that town for that year, and later held important town offices. About 1801 he removed to the northern part of the state of New York. Children : 2. i. Joseph, b. May 29, 1757; m. Apr. 7, 1795, Lucy, dau. of Job Dodge of Jaffrey. He gave Revolutionary service. Child : i. John, m. Susan Kidder; res. Potsdam, N. Y. 228 Bates 3. ii. Hannah, b. Sept. 10, 1759; d. May 14, 1762. 4. iii. Philip, b. July 8, 1763 ; d. Dec. 4, 1764. 5. iv. Hannah, b. Oct. 26, 1765 ; m. Lieut. Daniel Emery of Jaffrey. 6. V. Sarah, b. Jan. 1, 1767 ; d. Dec. 18, 1787 ; m. Alexander Ernes of Dublin. Child: i. Sally Ernes, d. Sept. 12, 1838; m. Farnum Fisk; res. at Potsdam, N. Y. 7. vi. Peter, b. Mar. 21, 1770; m. Elizabeth Milliken of Sharon. Removed to Potsdam, N. Y., 1808. Eight children. 8. vii. Anna, b. Aug. 13, 1775. [Here the New Ipswich record of births ceases, but the History of Jaffrey gives additional names without dates of birth.] 9. viii. Samuel, d. Oct. 14, 1838; m. June 21, 1810, Jenny, dau. of Moses Cutter of Jaffrey. Res. Bradford. 10. ix. Nancy, m. Apr. 21, 1803, Alexander Milliken of Sharon. 11. X. Isaac, m. Oct. 14, 1796, Charlotte Bryant. Removed to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., and thence to Springfield, 111., in 1831. Children: i. James, b. Mar. 2, 1803; res. Potsdam, N. Y., and Springfield, 111. ii. Oliver; res. Potsdam, N. Y. ; four children. Six more children of Isaac were born in Potsdam. BELLOWS. John^ Bellows, b. about 1623; d. 1683; m. May 9, 1655, Mary, dau. of John and Mary Wood of Concord and Marlboro, Mass. [d. Sept. 16, 1707]. He is believed to have come to New England at the age of 12, in the "Hopewell," but with whom he came at that early age is unknown. His name first appears in the Concord records in 1645, and his life was passed in that town and in Marlboro, which last-named town was the place of his death and that of his wife. Benjamin' (John'), b. Concord, Jan. 18, 1676/7; m. Jan. 5, 1703/4, Dorcas (Cutler), widow of Henry Willard [d. Sept. 8, 1747]. He Hved in Lancaster, Mass., whence he removed about 1728 to Lunenburg, Mass., where he and his wife died. Benjamin' (Benjamin^ John'), b. May 26, 1712; d. July 10, 1777; m. (1) Oct. 7, 1735, Abigail'' Stearns of Watertown (John', Samuel^ Isaac'), [b. June, 1708; d. Nov. 9, 1757]; (2) Apr. 21, 1758, Mary (Hub- bard), widow of John Jennison of Lunenburg, Mass. [b. Groton, Mass., Apr. 12, 1725; d. Feb. 21, 1794]. He went with his parents to Lunenburg, Mass., in 1728, and remained there until the age of forty, being a leading citizen and elected to all the important town offices. But in 1752 he removed to Walpole, N. H., incorporated in that year, and in this new enterprise he held so prominent a place that he was termed the founder of the town. The neighboring Bellows Falls perpetuate his name. In the necessary contests with the Indians he was brave and skilful, and held the positions of major and colonel. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., the Uni- tarian divine and president of the Sanitary Commission during the Civil War, was descended from Benjamin' by the line of Joseph^ John^ Henry W.*. 229 History of New Ipswich Benjamin^ (Benjamin', Benjamin^, John^), b. Sept. 25, 1740; d. June 4, 1802; m. Nov. 4, 1766, Phebe, dau. of Lieut. Caleb and Phebe (Lyman) Strong and sister of Governor and Senator Caleb Strong of Massachusetts [b. Jan. 2, 1740; d. Jan. 15, 1817]. He succeeded to his father's place as leading citizen of Walpole, and in addition to town honors he was a member of the state council, and also as Presidential elector voted for George Washington, and later for John Adams. His service in the field during the Revolution was long, and he rose to the position of general. Caleb^ (Benjamin^ Benjamin', Benjamin^, John^), b. July 29, 1767; d. Apr. 17, 1822; m. Mar. 6, 1791, Mary Hartwell (2). Like his father and grandfather he passed his life in Walpole, which, however, had then become too large to allow any man so pronounced leadership as they had exercised. He, however, held important town offices and was a colonel in the militia. He was a farmer and owned a very large amount of land. He had twelve children, of whom four may be claimed by New Ipswich. 1. Ephraim Hartwell, b. Jan. 29, 1792.-J- 2. Benjamin Franklin, b. Oct. 22, 1795; d. Dec. 24, 1818. Little is recorded concerning this member of the family, who died | in early manhood, but apparently he was a resident in New Ipswich for several years, as his admission to the church six years before his death is a matter of record. 3. Laura Livermore, b. Sept. 17, 1804; d. Jan. 9, 1878; m. Apr. 21, 1824, Dr. James Barr (2). 4. Charles Cotesworth, b. May 6, 1813.-1- 1. Ephraim Hartwell^ (Caleb^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Benjamin^ John^), b. Jan. 29, 1792; d. Jan. 5, 1861; m. Nov. 24, 1818, Sarah, dau. of Roger and Mary (Hartwell) Brown, a cousin of her mother-in-law [b. Oct. 15, 1786; d. Feb. 15, 1866]. He was adopted by his grandfather, Ephraim Hart- well, at the age of two years. New Ipswich became his home, n\ and in due time he attended the Academy. He removed to Concord, Mass., where he was a manufacturer of cotton cloth. That heredity had its place in forming his character is in- dicated by his captaincy of a military company in Concord. Children : 5. i. Benjamin Franklin, b. Oct. 9, 1819; d. Feb. 27, 1823. 6. ii. Mary Brown, b. Nov. 14, 1821; d. June 19, 1837. 7. iii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Mar. 6, 1823; d. Oct. 28, 1909. |l| 8. iv. Ephraim Hartwell, b. Jan. 10, 1825; d. Dec. 16, 1825. ff' 9. v. Ephraim Hartwell, b. Aug. 18, 1826; d. Apr. 22, 1905; m. Apr. 30, 1848, Jane L. Read [d. July 30, 1849]. Res. in Cuba for twenty years; later after 1880 in Salem, Mass. j i An inventor and manufacturer. 10. vi. George Lyman, b. Apr. 6, 1828; d. Nov. 26, 1863, unm. He was in business at Boston for some years, and later at Chicago. He served in the Civil War, entering as captain in the 51st Illinois Regt., and was promoted to major. He was killed at the battle of Missionary Ridge. 11. vii. Frances Maria, b. Feb. 18, 1831; d. Jan. 15, 1835. 230 Jl 12. 13. ii. 14. iii. 15. iv. 16. V. Bellows 4. Charles Cotesworth^ (Caleb^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^ Benjamin-, John^), b. May 6, 1813; d. Sept. 7, 1872; m. Oct. 7, 1838, Abby Parker Champney (40). He followed mercan- tile pursuits in Dubuque, Iowa, Toledo, O., and Buffalo, N. Y., and was also occupied with useful inventions. He was en- gaged in the work of the Sanitary Commission during the Civil War. All of these activities forbade for a large part of the time his permanent residence with his family, which for many years occupied the house built by Rev. Stephen Farrar a little northwest from the old meeting-house on the hill. Children : Mary Narcissa, b. Feb. 1, 1841; d. July 15, 1842. Richard Mott, b. July 6, 1843; drowned July 18, 1857. Mary Abby, b. May 10, 1845; d. July 27, 1914; m. Nov. 23, 1867, Dr. Francis N. Gibson (1). Charles Parker, b. Apr. 27, 1848; d. Oct. 1, 1863. Ellen Phebe, b. Nov. 13, 1851; d. Mar. 8, 1864. BENT. JoHN^ Bent, b. Penton-Grafton, County Essex, England, 1596; d. Sept. 27, 1672; m. about 1624, Martha ; [d. May 15, 1679]. He came to America in 1638, and settled in Sudbury, Mass., where he died. John' (John'), b. Jan., 1636; d. Sept., 1717; m. (1) Hannah, dau. of John and Anne Stone of Cambridge, Mass. [b. June 6, 1640] ; (2) Martha, dau. of Matthew Rice [b. Aug. 17, 1657]. He lived in Framingham, his name being the first upon the petition for its formation. David^ (John^ John'), b. Framingham about 1691; d. Framingham, Feb. 15, 1730; m. Jan. 1, 1713, Mary, dau. of Capt. Thomas Drury. David* (David^ John^ John'), b. Mar. 30, 1730; d. Rutland, Mass., Jan. 15, 1798; m. (1) Apr. 3, 1751, Lucy, dau. of Peter Moore of Rut- land; (2) Oct. 2, 1783, Martha, dau. of James and Elizabeth Browning of Rutland [b. Nov. 21, 1744; d. July 9, 1817]. He was a blacksmith and farmer in Rutland. He served as a captain in the Revolution. Samuel Browning' (David', David', John', John'), b. Nov. 27, 1784; d. Middlebury, Vt, Dec. 4, 1858; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1807, Hannah, dau. of Oliver Watson, Jr. [b. Feb. 13, 1786; d. Sept. 7, 1813]; (2) Mar. 13, 1816, Catherine, dau. of Rev. Joseph Avery of Holden, Mass. [b. Feb. 3, 1788; d. Oct. 3, 1865]. He was a manufacturer of machine cards in Middle- bury, Vt. 1. Samuel Watson® (Samuel Browning^, David*, David^, John^, Johni), b. Rutland, Oct. 27, 1811; d. Feb. 6, 1861; m. Aug. 3, 1836, Mary Narcissa, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Apple- ton) Barrett (11). He passed his boyhood in Middlebury; about 1827 he went to Boston, and five years later commenced business as a dry goods merchant. He went to California in 231 History of New Ipswich 1849, and soon after his return in 1851 he removed to New Ipswich and located upon the farm of his father-in-law, Joseph Barrett, to the management of which he gave careful attention during the rest of his life. Children : 2. i. Samuel Arthur, b. July 1, 1841.-}- 3. ii. Joseph Appleton, b. Feb. 22, 1843; d. Aug. 12, 1869. He graduated from Yale in 1865 with honorable record, and entered upon the study of law in Columbia Law School; his failure in health forbade the completion of his course of study. 2. Samuel Arthur^ (Samuel Watson^, Samuel Browning^, David*, David^ JohnS John^), b. July 1, 1841 ; m. Aug. 30, 1890, Mary Edna Thompson of Bridgewater, Mass. He graduated from Yale in 1861, and from Harvard Law School in 1865. He practiced in Boston for some years, and was at that time an active member of the school board of the city. He was in Europe from 1870 to 1878, and after his return for a few years was superintendent of the schools of Nashua and afterwards of Clinton, Mass. During those and later years he has been especially devoted to literary pursuits, a considerable amount of his work having been published. Child : 4. i. Mildred, b. Nov. 6, 1891. BIGELOW. John* Bigelow, b. about 1617; d. July 14, 1703; m. (1) Oct. 8, 1642, Mary, dau. of John and Margaret Warren [d. Oct. 19, 1691]; (2) Oct. 2, 1694, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Bemis. He was an early resident at Water- town, Mass., his marriage being the first recorded, the record being as follows: "1642-30-8 John Bigulah and Mary Warin joj^ned in mariag." He was chosen selectman several times. Inventory of his estate, £627, 12s. Joshua' (John^, b. Nov. 5, 1655; d. Feb. 1, 1745; m. Oct. 20, 1676, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Mary Flagg [b. Mar. 22, 1657; d. Aug. 9, 1729]. He lived in Watertown during most of his life, but d. in West- minster, Mass., whither his youngest son had removed. He was wounded in King Philip's war, for which he had a grant of land in Westminster. Joshua' (Joshua^ John*), b. Nov. 25, 1677; d. May 9, 1728; m. Oct. 7, 1701, Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel Fiske. He lived in that part of Water- town which is now in Weston. 1. John* (Joshua^, Joshua^, John^), b. June 24, 1715; d. 1787; m. Nov. 29, 1739, Grace Allen. He lived successively in Weston, Stow, Acton, and Westford, Mass., and in the last year of his life he came to New Ipswich, whither his son had come the preceding year, and he is said to have remained un- til his death. 232 Bigelow 2. SiLAS^ (John*, Joshua^, Joshua^, John^), b. Stow, Mass., Mar. 17, 1750; d. May 17, 1797; m. Rachel Pitts of Townsend, Mass. [b. Dec. 25, 1755; d. Jan. 4, 1829]. He had lived in Westford, Lunenburg, and Ashburnham, Mass., before coming to New Ipswich. He bought the house of Samuel Whitte- more on lot 1, N. L. O., enlarged it and became an innholder there. It is uncertain whether the old "Bigelow tavern" build- ing is still included in the ruined house yet standing a little eastward from the "Gibson schoolhouse." Children : 3. i. Silas, b. Jan. 9, 1775; d. Aug. 31, 1801. 4. ii. Daniel, b. Apr. 3, 1776; m. Betsey T., dau. of Jonathan Wil- kins of Amherst. He remained in New Ipswich but a few years after reaching manhood. Ten children. 5. iii. Samuel, b. Nov. 11, 1777; d. by drowning while engaged in lumbering at Holland Purchase, N. Y. He, too, remained in town but a few years. 6. iv. Joel, b. Feb. 27, 1779; d. Aug. 2, 1807, unm. 7. V. John, b. July 7, 1781; d. Nov., 1809, unm. 8. vi. An infant, b. and d. Aug. 1, 1783. 9 vii. Joseph, bapt. Nov. 13, 1785; d. June, 1786. 10. viii. Betsey, b. Nov. 8, 1788; d. Nov. 25, 1867; m. 1804, Danforth Walker (S. 6). 11. ix. Milly, b. Feb. 17, 1792; m. Sept. 23, 1813, David Walker (S. 8). Res. in Middlebury, Vt. 12. X. Luther, b. Jan. 13, 1794; d. Oct. 6, 1832. He was a doctor in Carthage, Tenn., and Nashville, Tenn., in which last place he died. BINNEY. John' Binney, d. Nov. 10, 1698; m. Mercy [d. Jan. 19, 1708/9]. He came to Hull, Mass., about 1769, probably from Worksop, Notting- hamshire, England. He is styled "fisherman" and "gentleman." JoHN= (John'), b. May 31, 1679; d. Hull, June 30, 1759; m. (1) May 31, 1704, Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Shaw) Paine [b. about 1685; d. Jan. 14, 1757]; (2) Dec. 15, 1757, Mrs. Sarah Crosby of Boston. John' (John', John'), b. Hull, Apr. 23, 1705; d. Lincoln, Mass., Aug. 14, 1760; m. Oct. 21, 1726, Hannah Jones. He was a doctor. He removed from Hull to Mendon about 1730, and to Weston or Wayland about 1745. 1. John* (John^, John^, John^), b. Hull, Dec. 21, 1727; d. Jan. 23, 1784; m. (1) Dec, 1753, Elizabeth Ward of Mendon [d. Sept. 3, 1756] ; (2) (pub. Oct. 21, 1757), Dinah, dau. of Gamaliel and Mary Beaman of Lancaster, Mass. [b. Sept. 20, 1728; d. Dec. 24, 1791]. He was a farmer in Weston, Lincoln, and Marlboro, Mass., before coming to New Ipswich in 1781. 233 History of New Ipswich He lived upon the summit of the hill which took his name, on lot 100, N. L. O. Children: 2. i. Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1756; d. Hillsboro, N. H., before 1802; m. Jan. 3, 1782, Elijah Fiske of Natick. Eight children. 3. ii. Mary, b. Sept. 24, 1759; m. (1) Solomon Rice; (2) Ebenezer Parker. Three children. 4. iii. Moses, b. Sept. 19, 1761.+ 5. iv. Abigail, b. Apr. 11, 1763; m. after her sister's death, Elijah Fiske, then a resident of Hillsboro, N. H. 6. V. John, b. May 25, 1764.+ 7. vi. David, b. about 1769; prob. d. young. 8. vii. Thomas, b. Apr. 24, 1771; d. Dec. 10, 1853; m. (1) Mar. 7, 1796, Lucinda, dau. of Col. Richard Roberts [b. Dec. 4, 1776; d. Mar. 10, 1845]; (2) May 7, 1846, Hephzibah, dau. of John and Grace Davis of Whitingham, Vt. He removed from New Ipswich soon after 1800, and was a farmer in Barre, Mass.. Westminster, Vt., and Wilmington, Vt. 4. MosES^ (John^ John^, John^ John^), b. Sept. 19, 1761 ; d. Concord, Mass., Sept. 28, 1788; m. June 8, 1786, Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth Hosmer of Concord, Mass. [b. Jan. 21, 1765 ; d. Mar. 3, 1847]. Res. Concord, Mass. Children : 9. i. Polly, b. Oct. 17, 1787. 10. ii. Betsey, b. May 18, 1789. 6. JoHN^ (John*, John^ John^, John^), b. May 25, 1764; d. New York state, Aug. 6, 1844; m. (1) June 6, 1793, Anna Walker (J. 3) ; (2) Jan. 25, 1816, Lucretia Fox (9). He suc- ceeded to his father's farm on Binney Hill. Children : 11. i. Mary, b. Feb., 1794; d. Oct. 11, 1794. 12. ii. John, b. about 1795; d. in infancy. 13. iii. Moses, b. Aug. 20, 1796; d. Somerville, Mass., Jan., 1880; m. (1) Phebe, dau. of John and Susanna (Page) Wetherbee of Rindge [b. Mar. 8, 1793 or 91 ; d. Nov. 10, 1837] ; (2) 1838, Elizabeth Perham of Boston. He was a leather dealer in Boston, and a leather cushion maker in Cambridge. He had seven children, of whom most died young. 14. iv. Polly, b. June 19, 1798; m. Apr. 12, 1819, William Merriam of Princeton, Mass. Five children. 15. v. John Walker, b. Aug. 4, 1800; m. May 9, 1826, Susan, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Hartwell) Wood of Rindge [b. 1792; d. 1873]. Res. in Keene, where he was a deacon. 16. vi. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1802; m. Sept. 26, 1833, John Evans, a farmer in New York, Indiana, and Florida. Two children. 17. vii. Sarah, b. Nov. 6, 1804; m. Jan. 25, 1825, Emory Conant, a farmer of Sudbury, Mass. Six children. 18. viii. Anna W., (first named Ruth, but legally changed,) b. Mar. 27, 1807; d. Jan. 9, 1844; m. Aug. 28, 1832, Jonathan Rand of Keene. Three children. 234 Blanch ard BLANCHARD. The early ancestral line of this family is not easily determined, as the apparently reliable published statements are somewhat contradictory. But the following facts of colonial days appear to be satisfactorily evi- denced. JoHN^ Blanchard, b. in England; d. 1693/4; m. (1) about 1657, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Rose (Clark) Hills [bapt. Oct. 21, 1627; d. about 1662] ; (2) Hannah, dau. of Richard and Alive Brackett, and widow of Samuel Kingsley [b. or bapt. Jan. 4, 1633/4; d. July 3, 1706]. He res. in Charlestown, Chelmsford, and Dunstable. He was a deacon. Thomas' (John'), b. 1668; d. Mar. 9, 1727; m. (1) Feb. 13, 1688/9, Tabitha, dau. of Michael and Isabel Lepingwell [b. May 18, 1661 ; d. Nov. 29, 1696]; (2) Oct. 4, 1698, Ruth, dau. of Peletiah' Adams (Thomas', Henry') [b. Mar. 8, 1673]. Joseph' (John'), b. Nov. 1, 1672; d. 1727; m. May 25, 1696, Abiah, dau. of Joseph Hassell [b. about 1676; d. Dec. 8, 1746]. He was a leading man in Dunstable, and bore the title of captain. William' (Thomas', John'), b. Sept. 5, 1714; d. Feb. 17, 1805; m. Feb. 28, 1733/4, Deliverance, probably dau. of Nathaniel and Lydia Parker [b. July 28, 1714] ; but possibly dau. of Samuel Searles of Dunstable, and widow of Parker. Res. in Dunstable and in Litchfield. He was taken prisoner by the Indians, while in service at the Ashuelot garrison, and was held some months. 1. Joseph^ (Joseph^ John^), b. Feb. 11, 1704; d. Apr. 7, 1758; m. Sept. 26, 1728, Rebecca Hubbard, dau. of Major Jona- than and Rebecca (Brown) [b. Feb. 11, 1710/11; d. Apr. 17, 1774]. Although he was never an actual resident in New Ipswich, he was so closely connected with its early history that he rightly has a place in this record. As agent of the Masonian Proprietors he signed the Masonian Charter giving title to the land. He was owner of one of the 63 original rights and was the first treasurer of the Proprietors of the town. Very probably he might have had a part in its develop- ment but for his death a few years later. He was a colonel. 2. Simeon* (William^, Thomas^, John^), b. Groton, Mass., June 11, 1747; d. June 22, 1822; m. Feb. 28, 1776, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Shattuck [b. about 1752; d. Feb. 9, 1844]. He settled in New Ipswich a little before his mar- riage, and bought a farm upon the Massachusetts line (84, A. D.,) where he passed his life. He served a few days in the company of Capt. Silas Wright of Stoddard which marched upon one of the Ticonderoga alarms in 1777. Children: 3. i. Simeon, b. Nov. 25, 1776.-|- 4. ii. Betsey, b. Nov. 25, 1778; m. Sept. 6, 1797, Simeon Wright. 5. iii. Levi, b. Dec. 17, 1780.-]- 235 History of New Ipswich 6. iv. Louisa, b. Jan. 1, 1783; m. Jan. 22, 1805, Isaiah Wright. 7. V. Sarah, b. July 24, 1785; d. Jan. 18, 1859, unm. Res. New Ipswich. 8. vi. William, b. May 3, 1788.+ 9. vii. James, b. Apr. 29, 1790.+ 10. viii. Charlotte, b. Aug. 16, 1792; m. Dec. 12, 1815, David Whitney. Res. Ashby, Mass. Children : i. James N. Whitney, ii. Lucius M. Whitney, iii. George S. Whitney, iv. Mary C. Whitney, v. Harriet M. Whitney, vi. Charles E. Whitney. 3. Simeon'^ (Simeon*, William^, Thomas^, John^), b. Nov. 26, 1776; m. Submit Winship. He settled in Roxbury, N. H. Children : 11. i. HosEA, b. Mar. 20, 1801. 12. ii. Charles G. 13. iii. Nancy. 14. iv. Susan. 15. v. Sarah. 16. vi. Amos M. 17. vii. Joseph Winship, b. Dec. 21, 1822. 5. Levi^ (Simeon*, William^, Thomas^, John^), b. Dec. 17, 1780; d. Mar. 12, 1857; m,. Apr. 16, 1807, Hannah, dau. of Kendall and Hannah Nichols [b. Jan. 28, 1791; d. Oct. 28, 1871]. At about the age of twenty-five years he settled in the western part of Sharon, where he had a sawmill for twenty years or more, returning to New Ipswich in 1829, and after a brief residence near Kidder Mountain (N. D. 55,) he settled in the Pratt Pond region, living for several years upon the farm at the end of the road just east from the pond, (XV: 3, S. R.,) and afterward with his son Oilman, one lot farther to the north. Children : 18. i. Betsy, b. June 5, 1809; m. Oct. 31, 1833, Nathan Stone (26). 19. ii. Marinda, b. Mar. 8, 1812; m. Dec. 24, 1835, Lebanon Brown (T. 87). 20. iii. Elvira, b. July 21, 1814; d. Jan. 3, 1876; m. Dec. 4, 1834, George W. Wheeler (64). GiLMAN, b. May 4, 1817.-}- Hannah, b. Aug. 20, 1819; m. Apr. 6, 1848, Hosea Snow of Keene. Child : i. Francella Maria Snow. Levi Monroe, b. June 16, 1822.-|- Clarissa, b. July 29, 1824; d. Apr. 7, 1895; m. May 2, 1851, Elijah Edwards of Natick, Mass. Children: i. Franklin Elijah Edwards, ii. William Alfred Edwards. 25. viii. Julia Ann, b. Sept. 17, 1827; d. Mar. 31, 1845. 26. ix. Horace Kendall, b. June 9, 1830.-}- 27. X. Charles Rodney, b. June 10, 1832.-|- 28. xi. Sophronia, b. Aug. 22, 1835. 236 21. iv. 22. V. 23. vi. 24. vii. Blanchard 8. William^ (Simeon*, William^, Thomas^, John^), b. May 3. 1788; d. Mar. 31, 1869; m. Susan Farnsworth (19) [b. about 1787; d. Dec. 23, 1873]. He passed his life as a farmer, suc- ceeding to his father's farm. Children : 29. i. Louisa, b. July 14, 1811; m. (1) Austin Dinsmore; (2) Johnson; (3) Jonathan Sherwin. Children: i. Maria Dins- more, ii. George A. Dinsmore. iii. Mary Jane Dinsmore. iv. Louisa, d. young. 30. ii. Susan, b. Jan. 29, 1813; d. Jan. 29, 1846; m. May 7, 1833, Webster Reed. Res. at Maiden, Mass. Children : i. Charles Reed. ii. George Reed. 31. iii. Harriet Maria, b. Oct. 2, 1814; d. Sept. 7, 1900; m. Sept. 29, 1836, John C Hildreth (10). 32. iv. William Hale, b. Feb. 8, 1816.+ 2,2>. V. Eben H., b. Apr. 11, 1818; d. Aug. 7, 1819. 34. vi. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 19, 1819; d. Aug. 27, 1853; m. William Billings. She lived in Worcester. Children : i. William Billings, ii. Clarence Billings. 35. vii. Andros J., b. Apr. 15, 1821; d. Mar. 2, 1907; m. 1856, Eliza- beth, widow of Hiram Shepard of Worcester, Mass. He left his home at the age of nineteen and was engaged in the manufacture of shoes at Hartford, Ct., Albion, N. Y., and Worcester, Mass., successively until 1866, when he returned to his native town, and passed his remaining years on the farm of his boyhood. 36. viii. Asenath Taylor, b. Oct. 28, 1822; d. Mar. 12, 1914; m. June 5, 1844, Richard H. Davis (107). 2)7. ix. Henry C, b. Mar. 5, 1824; m. 1847, Sarah Jane Emory [b. Sept. 20, 1824; d. Aug. 26, 1902]. He was a farmer at Sherman, Wis. Children : i. Ernest D. ii. Edith, m. C. G. Sedgwick. 38. X. George H., b. Nov. 3, 1825 ; m. Vianna L. Wood. He was a machinist in Worcester, Mass. Children: i. George; he is a provision dealer in Worcester, ii. Emma. 39. xi. Lurena B., b. Jan. 20, 1829; d. Sept. 24, 1863; m. Kendall Bailey. Res. Templeton and Gardner, Mass. Children : i. Ada Bailey, ii. George K. Bailey; res. in Boston. 9. James^ (Simeon^ William^, Thomas^, John^), b. Apr. 29, 1790; m. June, 1822, Lydia Brown of Ashby. He lived in Peterboro. Children : 40. i. Nancy. 41. ii. Jason. 42. iii. Joseph. 43. iv. Maria, d. Feb. 7, 1859; m. Horace Davis (98). 44. V. Elizabeth. 45. vi. Myron. 46. vii. Caroline. 237 History of New Ipswich 21. Oilman^ (Levi^ Simeon*, William^, Thomas-, John^), b. May 4, 1817; d. Mar. 28, 1894; m. Jan. 2, 1844, Sarah Eliza- beth Wheeler (40). He passed his life as a farmer on XV: 2, S. R., where he also had a sawmill. Children : 47. i. Julia E., b. July 26, 1845; d. May 1, 1847. 48. ii. George Oilman, b. May 13, 1849; d. Aug. 14, 1872. 49. iii. Emma L., b. Jan. 12, 1858; m. (1) Jan. 31, 1876, Fred A. Wheeler (167), from whom she was separated by divorce; (2) Sept. 15, 1893, George H. Woodward [d. Dec. 26, 1896] ; (3) Feb. 20, 1901, Freeman S. Tucker [d. June 1, 1903]. Three children. 50. iv. Carrie M. H., b. June 19, 1862; m. Apr. 16, 1884, Herbert W. Chandler (122). 51. V. Guy Clifford, b. Feb. 21, 1868.+ 23. Levi Monroe® (Levi^, Simeon*, William^, Thomas^, John^), b. June 16, 1822; d. June 15, 1893; m. Apr. 22, 1845, Eliza Nutting, dau. of EzekieP [b. Dec. 5, 1819; d. Apr. 1, 1891]. He lost one arm while a young man by an accident in the shop in which he was working, but still supported him- self and family by agricultural and mechanical labor in New Ipswich and Ashby. Children : 52. i. George Monroe, b. Dec. 15, 1849.+ 53. ii. Herbert J., b. June 5, 1856.-}- 26. Horace Kendall® (Levi^, Simeon*, William^ Thomas^, John^), b. June 9, 1830; d. Nov. 23, 1899; m. (1) Nov. 2, 1856, Mary Ellen, dau. of Jacob and Martha Puflfer of Leominster, Mass. [d. Feb. 20, 1888] ; (2) Sept. 23, 1889, Mary J. Cochran of Clinton, Mass. Children : 54. i. Mary Frances, b. Aug. 29, 1858; m. Feb. 10, 1879, John Trimble of Clinton, Mass. Children : i. Frederick Elnion Trimble ; he died while returning from service in the Cuban War. ii. Walter Henry Trimble, iii. Albert Everett Trim- ble, iv. Mabel Frances Trimble, v. Elmer Trimble. 55. ii. Arthur Horace, b. June 8, 1859.+ 56. iii. Cora Adelia, b. Aug. 12, 1863; m. Nov. 28, 1888, William H. Benson of Clinton, Mass. Children : i. George Edward Benson, ii. Arthur Frederick Benson. 57. iv. Carrie Bernice, b. Nov. 21, 1870; m. Nov. 6, 1889, Myron F. Scott of Clinton, Mass. Children : i. Harold Floyd Scott. ii. Bernice Marion Scott. 27. Charles Rodney® (Levi^, Simeon*, William^, Thomas^, John^), b. June 10, 1832; d. Apr. 13, 1908; m. May 2, 1858, Matilda Miller [d. Jan. 25, 1907]. He lived in Rindge and in Ashby. Child: 58. i. Charles M., b. East Rindge, May 13, 1864.+ 238 I Blanchard 32. William Hale^ (William^, Simeon*, William^, Thomas^ John^), b. Feb. 8, 1816; d. Nov. 1, 1859; m. 1839, Hannah Conrey [b. about 1815; d. July 16, 1866]. He was a machinist at Nashua in his early manhood, but in 1845 he returned to his native town and passed his remaining life upon the paternal farm, except four years during which he lived at Smithville in the most easterly house in the village upon the road to Gibson Village. Children : 59. i. Josephine, b. Nashua, Sept. 17, 1841; d. Dec. 16, 1854. 60. ii. Edwin Franklin, b. Feb. 18, 1845.+ 61. iii. Jennie H., b. Sept. 7, 1854; m. Jan. 1, 1877, William Rayner. She has lived at Andover, Neponset, and Newton. Chil- dren : i. William A. Rayner. ii. Edwin R. Rayner. iii. Fred I. Rayner. iv. Harry W. Rayner. v. George F. Ray- ner. vi. Herbert C. Rayner. 62. iv. Susan J., b. Apr. 13, 1858; d. Apr. 16, 1863. 51. Guy Clifford'^ (Gilman*', Levi^, Simeon*, William^, Thomas^ John^). b. Feb. 21, 1868; m. Nov. 28, 1889, Ida L. A. Partridge. He lives at Smithville. Children: 63. i. Grace E., b. Apr. 19, 1894. 64. ii. Helen L., b. Dec. 14, 1895. 65. iii. James M., b. Dec. 19, 1897. 66. iv. Inez, b. Oct. 13, 1901. 52. George Monroe^ (Levi Monroe'', Levi^, Simeon*, Wil- liam^ Thomas^ John^), b. Dec. 15, 1849; m. 1872, Hattie E. Lawrence of Ashby, Mass. [d. Feb. 18, 1904]. He lives in Ashby. Children : 67. i. George Levi, b. July 12, 1873. 68. ii. Fred Monroe, b. Dec. 23, 1876. 69. iii. Amos Andrew, b. Dec. 12, 1879. 70. iv. Cora Martha, b. Mar. 17, 1884; d. Jan. 15, 1904. 71. v. Grace Amanda, b. Oct. 8, 1889. 53. Herbert J.^ (Levi Monroe®, Levi\ Simeon*, William", Thomas^, John^), b. June 5, 1856; m. Lizzie Booth of Ashby. Children : 72. i. Nelson Herbert, b. Aug. 5, 1875. 7Z. ii. Francella Eliza, b. Mar. 15, 1877. 74. iii. Horace Levi, b. Jan. 14, 1879. 75. iv. Linnie Etta, b. Jan. 23, 1881. 76. V. Elmer, b. June 18, 1885. 55. Arthur Horace^ (Horace K.*', Levi% Simeon*, Wil- liam^ Thomas^ John^), b. June 8, 1859; m. Isabella Colton. He lives at Clinton, Mass. Children : 239 History of New Ipswich n. i. Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 30, 1881 ; d. Jan. 25, 1886. 78. ii. Cora Bernice, b. Jan. 10, 1884. 79. iii. William Colter, b. Oct. 4, 1889. 80. iv. Arthur Perley, b. July 12, 1892. 58. Charles M.^ (Charles R.^ Levi^, Simeon*, William^ Thomas^, John^), b. May 13, 1864; m. Oct. 19, 1898, Sarah J. Gnider. Res. at Natick, Mass. Children : 81. i. Dorothy Alice, b. Oct. 2, 1907. 60. Edwin Franklin^ (William Hale^, William^, Simeon*, William^ Thomas^, John^), b. Feb. 18, 1845; m. Oct. 21, 1868, Mary E. Knowlton (72). He succeeded to his father's home in Smithville, and has lived there except during a few years of his early manhood. He also occupies the shop and water- power a few rods above the Smithville bridge, where he has facilities for various kinds of woodwork. He has held the office of selectman for several years, and has also represented the town in the Legislature and in Constitutional Convention. He served in the Civil War for a year, 1864-65, in the 4th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. Children : 82. i. Susie E., b. July 25, 1869; d. July 6, 1903; m. Sept. 17, 1890, Elwood E. Livingston. Res. in Fitchburg, Mass. Child : i. Ruth Harriet Livingston, b. July 6, 1892. 83. ii. Edith A., b. Mar. 1, 1874; m. 1897, Charles W. Woodward. Res. in Fitchburg, Mass. Child : i. Mildred Mary Wood- ward, b. Apr. 24, 1898. 84. iii. Alice M., b. Feb. 23, 1877; m. Oct. 28, 1897, Charles Hardy. Res. at Concord Junction, Mass. BLISS. Thomas^ Bliss, of Belstone parish, Devonshire, England, b. 1550-60; d. 1635-40. He vras a Puritan, ruined in health and estate by the perse- cution of Archbishop Laud. Jonathan^ (Thomas'), b. at Belstone, 1575-80; d. 1635-36. He was a victim of the same persecution as his father, and died from a fever contracted while in prison. Thomas^ (Jonathan", Thomas'), b. at Belstone; d. Rehoboth, Mass., June, 1649; m. probably a widow Ide (or Hyde). He came to America in 1636, and having landed at Boston, went to Braintree, Mass., thence to Hartford, Conn., and then back to Weymouth, before settling with others at Rehoboth in 1643. Jonathan^ (Thomas^ Jonathan^ Thomas'), b. about 1625; d. about 1687; m. Miriam Harmon. He probably came to America with his father. He was a blacksmith at Rehoboth. Jonathan" (Jonathan^ Thomas', Jonathan^ Thomas'), b. Rehoboth, Sept., 1666; d. Oct. 16, 1719; m. (1) June 23, 1691, Miriam Carpenter [b. 240 Bliss Oct. 24, 1674; d. May 23, 1706]; (2) Apr. 10, 1711, Mary French of Reho- both. He was a blacksmith and a leading citizen of his native town. Ephraim" (Jonathan^, Jonathan\ Thomas^ Jonathan", Thomas'), b. Rehoboth, Aug. 15, 1699; m. Dec, 1723, Rachel Carpenter. He held a lieutenant's commission. Abadial' (Ephraim", Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Thomas^, Jonathan^ Thomas'), b. Dec. 15, 1740; d. Calais, Vt., June 10, 1805; m. Nov. 6, 1759, Lydia Smith of Rehoboth [b. 1740; d. Mar. 27, 1820]. He was a farmer in Rehoboth, and also at Calais, whither he removed about 1798. He represented Calais in the legislature. Abadial* (Abadial', Ephraim°, Jonathan", Jonathan*, Thomas^ Jona- than^ Thomas'), b. Rehoboth, July 8, 1768; m. Jan. 20, 1785, Sybil Whea- ton [b. Feb. 28, 1755; d. June 13, 1850]. He remained in his native town, not removing with the rest of his father's family to Vermont. 1. James Wheaton^ (Abadial^, AbadiaF, Ephraim^ Jona- than^, Jonathan*, Thomas^, Jonathan^, Thomas^), b. Rehoboth, Nov. 8, 1792; d. June 17, 1867; m. Jtily 27, 1817, Dolly Claflin [b. Rome, N. Y., Mar. 14, 1798; d. May 16, 1870]. He came to New Ipswich in 1821 and settled in Bank Village, where he was a machinist and carpenter. He built himself a house upon the north side of the main road, it being the second house northerly from the brick bank building. This was his home until his death and has since been occupied by his descendants. He was a skilful and trustworthy mechanic in largely varied lines of work, as is evidenced by his long-continued connection with the cotton factories. He superintended the erection of three of the factories upon the Souhegan, the "Waterloom," now standing unused in the Bank Village, the "Souhegan," standing until its destruction by fire in 1838 on the site of the present Columbian factory below the High Bridge, and the first of the factories of the same company at Greenville. Nearly all of the machinery in those mills was made by him or under his inspection in the machine shop connected with the "VVaterloom" mill, and he was manager of all those mills until a division of such duties in 1835. Children : 2. i. Mary B., b. Nov. 19, 1819; d. in infancy. 3. ii. Harriet Newell, b. Nov. 1, 1821; d. Feb. 26, 1907; m. Aug. 30, 1842, Dr. Jeoffard E. Goldsmith [b. Wilton, June 14, 1817; d. Sept. 28, 1843]. He had taken his medical degree at Harvard Medical School, and had settled in Rindge, but his brief practice was closed by a fatal illness. She re- turned to New Ipswich and was a successful teacher for many years, and the same is true of her only child, Anna Augusta Goldsmith, who was also one of the first women to receive election as a member of the school board of the town. 241 17 History of New Ipswich 4. iii. Sarah Claflin, b. Mar. 24, 1824; d. Nov. 23, 1895; m. Oct. 12, 1853, Andrew Henry, an engineer on the Fitchburg railroad for more than thirty years [b. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 22, 1821]. Children: i. James Wheaton Henry, b. Sept. 25, 1854; d. Nov. 26, 1911; he graduated from Dartmouth College in 1878, and was a teacher in Missouri and Cali- fornia, ii. Anne Claflin Henry, b. Dec. 11, 1856; d. June 2, 1858. iii. William Claflin Henry, b. Mar. 6, 1859; he is treas- urer and manager of the Waltham Clock Co. 5. iv. James Wheaton, b. Mar. 1, 1826; d. Mar. 29, 1826. 6. V. Martha Ann, b. June 29, 1828; d. Oct. 28, 1828. 7. vi. George Barrett, b. July 12, 1830; d. Temple, Feb. 9, 1888. He was a machinist. 8. vii. James Henry, b. Sept. 27, 1834; d. Jan. 29, 1888; m. Oct. 31, 1874, Elvira L. Lane. Children : i. Anna Sophronia, b. July 23, 1875 ; d. Dec. 23, 1875. ii. James Henry Wheaton, b. Nov. 3, 1876. BLOOD. James' Blood, d. Dec. 17, 1683; m. Ellen [d. Aug. 1, 1674]. He is said to have come from England and to have settled in Concord, Mass., about 1638, and to have made that place his home until his death. Richard^ (James'), d. Dec. 7, 1638. He was a prominent original proprietor of Groton, Mass., holding the offices of selectman and town clerk. Robert' (James'), d. Oct. 27, 1701; m. Apr. 8, 1653, Elizabeth, dau. of Maj. Simon Willard of Concord [d. Aug. 29, 1692]. He was a large landowner in that part of Concord, Mass., which is now Carlisle. James' (Richard', James'), d. Sept. 16, 1692; m. (1) Sept. 7, 1669, Elizabeth Longley; (2) after 1675, Abigail . Res. Groton, Mass. He was killed by the Indians. Josiah' (Robert', James'), b. Apr. 6, 1664; d. July 2, 1731; m. (1) March 4, 1688, Mary Barrett; (2) Feb. 3, 1690/2, Mary Tory. Res. Con- cord, Mass. John* (James', Richard', James'), b. March 16, 1689; d. Aug. 23, 1758; m. July 13, 1712, Joanna Nutting. Res. Groton, Mass. Stephen' (Josiah', Robert', James'), b. Feb. 22, 1703/4; m. Mary . Res. Concord. Caleb° (John^ James', Richard', James'), b. Nov. 23, 1734; d. Dec. 9, 1804; m. (1) Nov. 1, 1753, Hannah Holden [b. July 6, 1735; d. Sept. 1, 1773]; (2) March 3, 1774, Elizabeth Farnsworth [d. Dec. 9, 1819]. Res. Groton, Mass. Francis' (Stephen', Josiah', Robert', James'), b. March 18, 1735/6; m. Elizabeth Spaulding of Pepperell, Mass. He removed from his native town, Concord, Mass., in 1763, and settled in Temple, where he passed his life, acquiring a large property for those days, holding nearly every office in the gift of the town, sitting in the Senate and Council of the state, and holding a commission as brigadier-general. Timothy" (Caleb', John', James', Richard', James'), b. Sept. 8, 1778; j m. Nov. 15, 1798, Sibbel, dau. of Levi and Sibbel (Gibson) Woods of Pepperell, Mass. [b. Apr. 23, 1777; d. July 28, 1812]. Res. Groton, Mass. 242 6. 11. 4. iii. 5. iv. 6. V. 7. vi. Blood Ephraim' (Francis^ Stephen^ Josiah', Robert^ James*), b. Mar. 6, 1779; m. (1) Patty, dau. of Oliver Whiting of Temple [b. Feb. 13, 1780; d. Jan. 17, 1800] ; (2) Apr. 6, 1802, Rebecca, dau. of Caleb Maynard of Temple; (3) Goldsmith. Res. Temple. Ephraim Whiting' (Ephraim", Francis^ Stephen^ Josiah", Robert^ James'), b. July 26, 1799; d. Dec. 29, 1837; m. (1) June 8, 1828, Fanny, dau. of Oliver Whiting, Jr., of Temple [b. Mar. 17, 1807; d. July 18, 1830] ; (2) June 2, 1835, Lavinia Ames (5). Res. Temple. 1. Calvin^ (Timothy^, Caleb^, John*, James^, Richard^, James^), b. Sept. 10, 1806; d. Nov. 2, 1894; m. (1) ; (2) Caroline, dau. of Stephen and Asenath (Shedd) Woods of Pepperell, Mass. [b. Aug. 1, 1814; d. March 20, 1895]. He came to New Ipswich about 1858 and settled upon the Abijah Smith farm, (34, N. D.,) where he passed his life. Children : 2. i. Luther, b. March 20, 1836; m. (1) Walker; (2) . Res. South Easton, Mass. Three sons of first marriage. Elizabeth, m. James Hitchings. Res. Groton, Mass. Sarah, m. Luther Blodgett. Seven children. Calvin, m. Nov. 22, 1864, Nettie E. Wright of Pepperell, Mass. Res. Ayer, Mass. Stephen Dana, b. Dec, 1842.-|- Albert, b. May 28, 1845.+ 6. Stephen Dana^ (Calvin^, Timothy'', Caleb^, John*, James^ Richard^, James^), b. Dec, 1842 ;'m. Nov. 27, 1867, Jennie E. Withington. Res. New Ipswich. Children : 9. i. Orange Adams, b. June 16, 1869; d. Oct. 21, 1869. 10. ii. Alice Cordelia, b. Oct. 8, 1870; m. May 25, 1891, Andrew H. Willard, Jr. (14). 11. iii. Henry Herbert, b. Apr. S, 1873; d. Aug. 25, 1876. 12. iv. Gilbert Calvin, b. Nov. 19, 1874. 13. V. Caroline Isabel, b. Dec. 29, 1876. 14. vi. Eugene Nelson, b. June 13, 1879. 15. vii. Waldo, b. May 30, 1881. 16. viii. Oscar, b. Oct. 8, 1884. 17. ix. Mabel Elsie, b. Jan. 12, 1887; m. Dec. 8, 1908, C. Alvah Farwell. 18. X. Edith May, b. Sept. 21, 1891. 7. Albert^ (Calvin'^, Timothy^, Caleb'^, John*, James^, Richard^, James^), b. May 28, 1845; m. Sept. 12, 1872, Sarah Jane, dau. of Albert Taylor [b. Jan. 20, 1852]. Res. New Ipswich. Children : 19. i. George A., b. May 12, 1875 ; d. Sept. 12, 1897. 20. ii. Charles A., b. Oct. 25, 1877; m. Oct. 11, 1899, Lottie A. Thompson of Fitzwilliam. He is a clerk in Fitchburg, Mass. Six children. 243 History of New Ipswich 8. Henry Ames^ (Ephraim W/, Ephraim^, Francis^, Stephen*, Josiah^, Robert^, James^), b. June 7, 1836; d. Dec. 30, 1900; m. (1) August 15, 1862, Mary Jane Marshall (7); (2) Oct. 14, 1880, Mary Ellen Miller of Salem, Mass. [b. about 1842; d. Aug., 1905]. He passed his youth with his mother in New Ipswich, preparing for college at xA.ppleton Academy. He then entered Dartmouth, graduating in 1857. The follow- ing years were devoted to writing the History of Temple, published in 1860. After teaching for two years he removed to Washington, D. C, where he passed the remainder of his life, being for many years a clerk in the State Department. He was favorably known as a writer, especially of short poems. Child : 21. i. Royal Henry, b. July 29, 1884; d. Oct. 18, 1892. BOLTON. 1. James^ Bolton, b. about 1804; d. Mar. 21, 1874; m. Margaret McGregor [b. about 1810; d. Mar. 27, 1874]. He lived in Paisley, Scotland, where he was a weaver of Paisley cashmere shawls. He came to America with his wife and younger children in 1859, his older sons having come, one by one, somewhat earlier. They settled at the High Bridge Vil- lage. Children : 2. i. Alexander, b. about 1835. -|- 3. ii. James, b. about 1837 ; d. young. 4. iii. Charles S., b. about 1838.+ 5. iv. George G., b. about 1840.+ 6. V. John S., b. about 1843.-f- 7. vi. Margaret, b. about 1845 ; m. Henry Wilkes. Res. Lawrence, Mass. Four children. 8. vii. James, b. May 1, 1847.-[- 9. viii. Thomas King, b. about 1849.+ 10. ix. Lizzie K., b. about 1851; m. Walter Thorn, an artist in Bos- ton. 2. Alexander^ (James^), b. about 1835; d. Dec, 1908; m. Margaret Bisland. He was the first of the family in America, coming about 1854, and working for a time in the Columbian mills, but later removing to New York city, where he was occupied with stoves and tinware and also as a plumper. Children : 11. i. William. 12. ii. Cora. 244 Bolton 4. Charles S.^ (James^), b. about 1838; d. about 1905; m. Abby Eldredge of Bangor, Me. He was a soldier in the British army, but purchased his discharge and came to America about 1856. He was for a time a machinist at Andover, Mass. He served through the Civil War in the 17th Massachusetts Regi- ment, and was crippled for life in one of the last battles. He resided in Boston, and was for many years the superintendent of Faneuil Hall. Children : 13. i. A son, d. young. 14. ii. Fred E. Res. in Boston, of which he is an assessor. 5. George G.^ (James^), b. about 1840; m. Lizzie Sterling. He was a teacher, and later has been engaged in the tuning department of the Smith Organ Co. Res. at Boston. Four children. 6. John S.^ (James^), b. about 1843; m. Nettie Taylor. He was a machinist at Lowell, Mass. He removed to California in 1864, and lived there until 1906, when he lost his life in the earthquake of that year. Children : 15. i. Walter, d. about 1900. He was an organist. 8. James^ (James^), b. May 1, 1847; m. June 10, 1870, Mar- garet White of New Brunswick [b. Feb. 8, 1846; d. Feb. 15, 1910]. He has been in the employ of the Columbian Co., ex- cept a very few years, since his arrival in America in 1859. Children : 16. i. James Benjamin, b. Mar. 31, 1874; unm. He was a drug- gist in Ashland, Ore., and removed thence to California. He is supposed to have perished in the earthquake of 1906, as nothing has been heard from him since a brief time be- fore that event. 17. ii. Oscar King, b. July 18, 1877; d. May 22, 1908; m. (1) May Richmond; (2) Maude Laporte. He was a decorator and paper hanger in Boston. Children, one of each marriage : i. Raymond, ii. Mildred. 9. Thomas King^ (James^), b. about 1849; m. Jan. 4, 1875, Lizzie Brooks (54). He is a druggist and jeweler at Ashland, Ore. Children: 18. i. Walter. 19. ii. Winnifred. 20. iii. Jean. 245 History of New Ipswich BOYCE. Joseph* Boyce, b. about 1609; d. 1684/5; m. Ellenor [d. about 1694]. He was a tanner in that part of Salem, Mass., which is now Peabody. Joseph' (Joseph'), bapt. Salem, March 31, 1644; d. 1709; m. Dec. 4, 1667, Sarah Meacham. He was a tanner and succeeded to his father's home. Joseph' (Joseph', Joseph'), b. about 1672; d. 1723; m. about 1695, Rebecca (Trask), widow of Samuel Potter [m. (2) 1731/2, Benjamin Very of Salem]. He was a tanner and miller on the paternal homestead. JoHN^ (Joseph^ Joseph', Joseph'), m. Jan. 18, 1728, Elisabeth Osborne of Salem. He continued the family industry of tanning for a time, and then became a seaman, removing to Smithtield, R. I. He served in the French and Indian War. Paul' (John', Joseph', Joseph', Joseph'), b. about 1736; d. 1817; m. (1) Hannah Staples [d. 1803] ; (2) Phyllis, widow of Nicholas Cooke [b. Oct. 31, 1738; d. March 21, 1815]. He removed from Smithfield, R. I., to Richmond, where he was a large landowner. He served in the Revolu- tion. Silas' (PauP, John^ Joseph', Joseph', Joseph'), b. Richmond, Nov., 1770; d. Oct. 1, 1818; m. 1798, Comfort, dau. of Moses Allen [b. about 1774; d. Sept. 29, 1838]. He succeeded to his father's farm. He studied medicine and was called doctor, but never practiced. 1. Paul^ (Silas^ PauP, John*, Joseph^, Josepli^ Joseph^), b. Richmond, IMarch 6, 1804; d. March 30, 1850; m. March 24, 1829, Hannah Russell Hannaford [b. Northfield, Oct. 3, 1808; d. Peterboro, May 10, 1889]. In early manhood he came to New Ipswich and for some years he had a small iron foundry, trip-hammer, etc., in the shop formerly standing on Saw Mill Brook at the south end of the Adams lot (21, N. D.) Later he was engaged in the manufacture of friction matches in the building formerly facing on the north side of the Village Green, which had previously been the hat shop of Seth King. Children : Harriet Newell, b. Apr. 20, 1830; d. March 14, 1860. Diana Perry, b. Sept. 30, 1831 ; m. May 28, 1850, George W. Conant (20). Silas, b. July 14, 1833.+ LucY Jane, b. Sept. 24, 1835; d. Rindge, Jan. 14, 1890; m. George W. Cragin. Five children. MosES Allen, b. Jan. 20, 1838; d. May 19, 1839. James Lysander, b. June 9, 1840; d. Aug. 25, 1863. He served during the Civil War in the 16th New Hampshire Regiment, and died soon after reaching his home. 8. vii. Jacob Francis, b. Sept. 7, 1842; d. Oct. 20, 1843. 9. viii. Charles Allen, b. Feb. 21, 1847; d. July 15, 1876. 246 2. i. 3. ii. 4. iii. 5. iv. 6. v. 7. vi. Boyce 4. SiLAS^ (Paul^ Silas®, Paul^ John*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Jo- seph^), b. July 14, 1833; d. Washington, D. C, May 23, 1910; m. (1) Sarah A., dau. of Charles and Sarah (Jones) Baldwin [b. Oct. 15, 1833; d. Dec. 20, 1893] ; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Bartlett) Everson. Children : 10. i. Frederick P., b. 1857 ; d. Oct. 10, 1858. 11. ii. Harriet Angeline, b. May 17, 1859; d. June 8, 1912; m. John W. Cummings (142). 12. iii. Sarah Almira, b. Dec. 5, 1861; d. Feb. 29, 1884; m. June 15, 1879, John F. Hedge. One child. 13. iv. Lydia Josephine, b. July 28, 1868; d. Feb. 12, 1905; m. Oct. 6, 1901, Charles H. Williams. BOYDEN. Thomas^ Boyden, b. about 1613; m. (1) Frances [d. Mar. 17, 1658]; (2) Nov. 3, 1658, Hannah (Phillips), widow of Joseph Morse [d. Oct. 3, 1676]. He came from Ipswich, Suffolk, England, and lived successively in Scituate, Boston, Medfield, Groton, and Watertown. Jonathan' (Thomas^, b. Boston, Feb. 20, 1652; d. May 30, 1732; m. (1) Sept. 26, 1673, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Abia Clark of Medfield, Mass. [b. Mar. 12, 1649]; (2) Anne [d. 1735]. He was one of the early settlers of Dedham and of Medfield. Jonathan' (Jonathan^ Thomas^), b. Medfield, July 30, 1674; d. Mar. 3, 1719; m. (1) Nov. 7, 1698, Rachel, dau. of John and Hannah (Adams) Fisher [b. Mar. 24, 1680; d. Mar. 31, 1712]; (2) Feb. 12, 1713, Esther, dau. of John and Mary (Wood) Thurston [d. Mar. 10, 1755; m. (2) John Turner]. Res. Medfield. John' (Jonathan', Jonathan', Thomas'), b. Sept. 30, 1702; d. Dec. 24, 1754; m. Oct. 19, 1728, Prudence, dau. of Ebenezer and Prudence (Stet- son) Leach of Bridgewater, Mass. [d. May 22, 1759]. Res. Walpole, Mass. JoHN° (John^ Jonathan', Jonathan', Thomas'), b. Oct. 4, 1734; d. Apr. 25, 1813; m. (1) Nov. 3, 1757, Hannah Hartshorn [d. May 22, 1759]; (2) Aug. 2, 1761, Sarah Foster [b. about 1740; d. Apr. 9, 1762]. Res. Walpole, Mass. Elijah* (John^ John', Jonathan', Jonathan', Thomas'), b. Oct. 19, 1763; d. July 22, 1814; m. Nov. 17, 1791, Amity Fisher of Walpole [b. Feb. 13, 1766; d. Oct. 29, 1841]. He removed from Walpole, Mass., to Marlboro about 1806. 1. Oliver^ (Elijah®, John^, John*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^ Thomas^), b. Apr. 28, 1798; d. Dec. 11, 1854; m. Dec. 31, 1821, Eliza Prescott [b. about 1793; d. July 7, 1869]. He came to New Ipswich about 1840, and after a few years bought for his home the house on Barrett street second below the Congrega- tional parsonage. He was a farmer and mechanic. Children : 2. i. George, b. June 26, 1826.+ 3. ii. Henry K., b. and d. Apr. 8, 1831. 247 History of New Ipswich 2. George^ (Oliver^, Elijah^, John^, John*, Jonathan^, Jona- thanS Thomas^), b. June 26, 1826; d. Sept. 30, 1905; m. Jan. 8, 1852, Myra Jane Adams (R. 5) [b. Feb. 18, 1828 ; d. Mar. 30, 1890]. He succeeded to his father's home, and was maker of cigar boxes. He removed to Washington, D. C, about 1872. Children : 4. i. Frances Cornelia, b. Sept. 21, 1856. She removed with her parents to Washington, and became a successful teacher. BOYNTON. William BoYNTON^ b. 1606; d. Dec. 8, 1686; m. Elizabeth Jackson [d. 1687]. He was a son of William Boynton of an ancient family of Yorkshire, England, and came to New England in 1637. He settled in Rowley, Mass., where he is mentioned as a plumber, and also as a tailor. He was probably the first schoolmaster in the town, and taught from 1656 to 1681. John Boynton\ b. 1614; d. Feb. 18, 1670; m. about 1644, Ellen Pell of Boston [m. (2) Aug. 30, 1671, Dea. Maxmilian Jewett of Rowley]. He was also a son of William of Yorkshire, and he came to New England at the same time as his brother. He also settled in Rowley, where he was a tailor. Joshua' (William'), b. Mar. 10, 1646; d. 1736 or earlier; m. (1) Apr. 9, 1678, Hannah Barnet [d. Jan. 12, 1722]; (2) Nov. 29, 1725, widow Mary Syles [d. July 28, 1727] ; (3) Oct. 30, 1727, Mary, widow of Simon Wainwright of Bradford, Mass., and later of John^ Boynton (John'). He removed to Newbury, Mass., in early manhood, and lived there upon the same farm for more than fifty years. He served in the Indian wars. Joseph' (John'), b. 1644; d. Dec. 16, 1730; m. (1) Sarah, dau. of Richard and Ann Swan of Rowley [b. 1646; d. Feb. 27, 1718]; (2) Mar. 11, 1720, Elizabeth Wood. He was town clerk of Rowley and its rep- resentative in the General Court. He removed to Groton, Mass., about 1715, but returned to Rowley some years later. Joshua' (Joshua^ William'), b. May 4, 1679; d. Oct. 29, 1770; m. May, 1708, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Gerrish) Dole [b. Newbury, Nov. 14, 1681; d. Dec. 26, 1777]. Res. Newbury. Joseph' (Joseph^ John'), b. Mar. 23, 1669/70; d. Nov. 25, 1755; m. Jan. 30, 1692/3, Bridget, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Hazen) Harris of Rowley [b. Nov. 26, 1672; d. Oct. 14, 1757]. He was a housewright in Rowley and a deacon of its church. Joshua' (Joshua', Joshua', William'), bapt. Jan. 20, 1717; d. Feb. 4, 1763; m. Apr. 14, 1743, Martha, dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Palmer) Stickney of Rowley [bapt. Aug. 15, 1714]. Res. Hollis. Nathaniel' (Joseph', Joseph', John'), b. Dec. 11, 1694; d. before 1759; m. (1) 1720, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Dorothy Perham [d. Sept. 16, 1733]; (2) Sept. 13, 1735, Elizabeth Shedd of Billerica, Mass. [m. (2) Aug. 15, 1759, Thomas Heald of Westford, Mass]. Res. suc- cessively in Littleton, Mass., Westford, Mass., and Pepperell, Mass. He was a housewright and farmer, and for many years he was town clerk of Westford. 248 Boynton Elias' (Joshua^ Joshua', Joshua', William'), b. Feb. 24, 1755; d. Jan. 20, 1842; m. Mar. 31, 1781, Elizabeth, dau. of Gen. Francis Blood of Temple [b. Jan. 5, 1762; d. Oct. 13, 1853]. He removed from Hollis to Temple soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, in which he had rendered service at Bunker Hill and at the capture of Burgoyne. He vi^as a prominent citizen of Temple and a captain in the militia. Three of his sons became citizens of New^ Ipswich. 1. Abijah^ (Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Joseph^, John^), b. Mar. 24, 1740; d. Dec. 26, 1821; m. Mar. 23, 1769, Sarah Chamber- lain of Westford, Mass. [d. Oct. 2, 1818]. His name appears upon the New Ipswich tax list in 1764, and he was probably a resident at that time. But he passed most of his life in Pepperell, Mass., where he was a farmer and cabinet maker. He responded to the call of April 19, 1775, and he afterward served as a lieutenant. Children : 7. i. Sarah, b. Mar. 8, 1770; d. Dec. 13, 1848; m. James Parker [b. Apr. 10, 1769]. Res. in Brookline. Eight children. 8. ii. Abigail, b. Oct. 3, 1771; d. Feb. 11, 1851; m. Feb. 27, 1798, Jesse* Shattuck (Samuef, Samuef, Samuel^ John', Wil- liam'), a farmer in Pepperell. Seven children. 9. iii. Betsey, b. Aug. 11, 1773; d. Nov. 2, 1853; m. Asa Ames. Two children. 10. iv. Abijah, b. May 3, 1775; m. Feb. 23, 1800, Eunice Shepley. Nine children. 11. v. Abel, b. 1777; d. 1798, unm. 12. vi. Eli, b. May 24, 1780; d. Aug. 7, 1856; m. Dec. 17, 1809, Mary McDonald [b. Brookline, Sept. 10, 1780; d. Apr. 14, 1882]. Six children. 2. Nathan^ (Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Joseph^, John^), b. June 16, 1742; d. Oct. 7, 1823; m. Lucy Smith. His name appears on the New Ipswich tax list of the same year as that of his brother Abijah, and continues for three years, but he soon re- moved to Plymouth, Vt., and thence to Cavendish in the same state. He was a joiner. Children : 13. i. Lucy, d. Cleveland, O., Feb. 17, 1842; m. (1) Mar., 1787, Sam- uel Foster; (2) Sept. 3, 1794, Levi Stevens [d. Feb. 21. 1842]. Thirteen children. 14. ii. Nathan, b. 1772; d. Providence, O., Aug. 4, 1838; m. Lydia, dau. of Aaron, or of Dr. Isaiah Parker, two brothers from Chelmsford, Mass., who resided in Cavendish [d. Port Huron, Mich., July 12, 1837]. Seven children. 15. iii. Nathaniel, d. 1840. He was a manufacturer of sewing silk in Boston. Eight children. 16. iv. Charles. Three children. 17. V. Jonah, b. Feb. 3, 1783; m. 1808, Phebe Russell of Albany, N. Y. He was an architect at Albany. Eight children. 249 History of New Ipswich 3. Amos^ (Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Joseph^, John^), b. 1744; m. Jan. 9, 1770, Mary Parker. His name is borne upon the New Ipswich records of the same years as those of his two brothers, and the three probably came from Westford at about the same time. But his name continues until 1781, although he seems to have finally removed, like his brother Nathan, to Plymouth and Cavendish, Vt. His activities during the Revolution seem to be located by the record of his military service for a considerable part of that period. His name is found upon the roll of volunteers aroused by the Concord alarm, but his later enlistments, concluding with one for the period of three years, credit him to Fitzwilliam, from which he probably re- ceived a bounty. Children : 18. i. Isaiah, b. Oct. 20, 1770; d. June 12, 1851; m. (1) 1796, Re- becca Page of Plymouth, Vt. [d. May 12, 1816]; (2) Hannah Parker. Nine children. 19. ii. Mary, m. Williams. Removed to Illinois. 20. iii. Joseph, m. . Removed to New York. 21. iv. Abigail, b. Sept. 11, 1777; d. Jan. 30, 1854; m. Moses Pollard. Res. Plymouth, Vt. 22. v. Amos, d. Ludlow, Vt, about 1860; m. Mirey Perry. Five children. 23. vi. Lydia, m. Weston. 4. Earl*^ (Elias^, Joshua*, Joshua^, Joshua^, William^), b. Apr. 20, 1788; d. Aug. 25, 1871 ; m. Nov., 1808, Sally Fisk of Temple (2). He came to New Ipswich in 1811 and passed his life as a farmer on the "country road," at first upon 52, N, D., his cellar still remaining upon the east side of the road near the separation of the "Fish road" from the "Todd road." Later he removed southerly to the house near the division line between 50 and 51, N. D., a little south of the road diverg- ing to the "Pevey place." Children : 24. i. Mary Caldwell, b. May 19, 1810; m. William J. Fisher. 25. ii. Sally, b. Jan. 4, 1814; d. Mar. 1, 1815. 26. iii. Sarah, b. Jan. 2, 1816; d. Apr. 30, 1906; m. Dec. 31, 1835, Albert G. Thayer (2). 27. iv. William, b. Jan. 15, 1818; d. Feb. 10, 1905. He passed his life in New Ipswich, engaged in various occupations. He was greatly interested in the town library, and so disposed of the sum of $5000 in his will that it will ultimately revert to that institution. 28. V. Isabel, b. Dec. 20, 1821; d. Jan. 10, 1892; m. July 21, 1841, Nehemiah M. Smith [b. about 1814; d. Apr. 17, 1885]. He was ai baker, carrying on his business in the Center Village at the stand upon the north side of the turnpike. 250 Boynton 29. vi. Francis, b. June 6, 1824; d. Sept. 2, 1888; m. Apr. 14, 1847, Rhoda Butters. He was a plumber and tinsmith at Hyde Park, Mass. Children : i. Henry, d. Wichita, Kan. ii. Albert. 30. vii. Martha Ann, b. June 16, 1826; d. July 29, 1827. 31. viii. Emily M. B., b. Aug. 16, 1828; d. Oct. 9, 1912; m. Solomon Augustus Russell. 32. ix. Charles Hastings, b. Nov. 10, 1830; d. Apr. 14. 1896; m. Orissa Clark. He was a hotel-keeper in Temple. Three children. 33. X. George Henry, b. Nov. 21, 1832; d. Sept. 19, 1870; m. twice. He was a photographer at Boston. 5. Oliver^ (Elias^, Joshua*, Joshua^ Joshua^, William^), b. May 8, 1799; d. May 2, 1879; m. Jan. 25, 1820, Mary Howard. He was a farmer, having his residence in the Cen- ter Village, for a considerable time in the large house upon the southern side of the turnpike near the Jo Kidder Brook. Children : 34. i. William Elias, m. Mary E. Grover. He was a farmer in Jaffrey. Three children. 35. ii. James F., m. Harriet R. Tapley. 36. iii. Mary I., m. Clifton C. Stark. He was a cigar maker in New Ipswich, but removed to Hyde Park, Mass. Children : i. Henry Stark, ii. Ellen Stark. 37. iv. Elizabeth, m. James P. Carroll. He was a cigar maker, living for some years in the house above named as the home of his father-in-law. Removed to Boston. Children : i. Sarah Carroll, ii. Margaret Carroll. 6. Spaulding*^ (Elias^, Joshua*, Joshua^, Joshua^, Wil- liam^), b. Sept. 15, 1801; d. July 1, 1869; m. Nov. 29, 1823, Lavinia J. Wilder. He lived for a time on XV: 2, S. R., and later in the Center Village. He was a peddler of tinware and similar articles. Children : 38. i. Hannah H., b. Aug. 5, 1828; m. (1) June 29, 1848, Nathan C. Lear; (2) Charles Frost of Orange, Mass. 39. ii. William Spaulding, b. Apr. 14, 1830; m. July 30, 1857, Ase- nath L. Webb. Children : i. William F. ii. Edwin S. iii. Walter K. 40. iii. James Hildreth, b. Apr. 3, 1832; d. Feb. 9, 1896; m. (1) Aug. 9, 1853, Eliza F. Grummet; (2) . He was a car- penter and tinworker. Children : i. Clara F. ii. Effie L. 41. iv. Lavinia J., b. Sept. 10, 1834; d. Feb. 27, 1869; m. (1) Jan. 6, 1853, Robert Paine [d. Sept. 4, 1856]; (2) Apr. 6, 1857, Joseph Poleicho. 42. V. Susan A., b. May 12, 1839; d. Aug. 31, 1881; m. Mar. 5, 1859, Noah P. Shipley. 43. vi. Mary E., b. Mar. 30, 1844; m. Dec. 2, 1856, Michael Harrigan. 44. vii. Theresa L, b. Aug. 2, 1851; d. Jan. 13, 1869. 251 History of New Ipswich / i. Y^ BREED. ^^ ^r^ tfiCA^' ^ Allen' Breed, b. 1601; d. Mar. 17, 1691/2; m. (1) ; (2) Mar. 28, 1656, Elizabeth, widow of James Ballard and later of William Knight of Lynn, Mass. He came from England in 1630 with his first wife, whose name is not known, and his two oldest children and settled at Lynn, where he remained until his death, except during a few years spent at Southamp- ton, L. I. He was a farmer and was a selectman of Lynn. Allen' (Allen'), b. 1626; d. 1704-1707; m. Mary [d. Nov. 30, 1671]. Res. in Lynn. Allen' (Allen^ Allen'), b. Aug. 30, 1660; d. Dec. 27, 1730; m. May 22, 1684, Elizabeth Ballard [d. July, 1743]. He was a farmer and wheelwright at Lynn. John" (Allen^ Allen% Allen'), b. Oct. 10, 1689; d. Apr. 16, 1774; m. Jan. 2, 1717, Lydia Gott of Wenham, Mass. [b. Apr., 1699; d. Aug., 1789]. He was a yeoman and coaster. Res. Lynn. 1. JoHN^ (Johns Aliens Allen^ Allen^), b. Sept. 13, 1720; d. July 25, 1780; m. 1743, Jane, dau. of Elisha* and Jane (Breed) Newhall [b. Aug. 9, 1721; d. 1790]. This marriage forms a part of a somewhat complicated union between the families engaged, as Elisha* Newhall and his brothers, Ebene- zer, Samuel, and Daniel, and their sister Susannah, had married members of the Breed family, three of whom, at least, Jane the wife of Elisha, Elizabeth the wife of Ebenezer, the ancestor of the Newhalls of New Ipswich, and Joseph the husband of Susannah, were children of Joseph* Breed, and Keziah the wife of Samuel was his niece. John came from Lynnfield to New Ipswich about 1764, and settled near the state line upon 82, A. D., and developed an excellent farm there at the end of the highway. Children : 4. i. Allen, b. Jan. 19, 1744.-f Lydia, b. Sept. 25, 1745; m. Daniel Mansfield (2). Rebecca, b. Sept. 2, 1747; m. Peter Shattuck (6). John, b. Aug. 28, 1749. Jane, b. June 23, 1751. Susanna, b. Apr. 24, 1753. Elisha Newhall, b. Apr. 21, 1755. 11. viii. Martha, b. Oct. 9, 1758. 12. ix. Timna, b. Mar. 19, 1762. 13. X. Deliverance, b. Mar. 24, 1764; probably "Delia," who d. 1816. 2. Nathaniel^ (John*, AllenS AllenS Allen^), b. July 22, 1728. His name appears upon the New Ipswich tax-lists from 1781 until 1789, but most of his life was spent elsewhere. He was resident at Easton, Mass., in 1757, but removed to Sudbury, Mass., in 1760, and thence to Packersfield, now 252 5. ii. 6. iii. 7. iv. 8. V. 9. vi. 10. vii I Breed Nelson, five years later. In 1775 he enlisted as surgeon of the company leaving Nelson, and appears later as surgeon's mate of the regiment of Col. James Reed. Children : 14. i. John, b. Oct. 15, 1757. He enlisted from Nelson at the same time as his father, but upon reaching Boston he was en- rolled in the company of Capt. Ezra Towne. At Bunker Hill his hat was struck by a bullet, and also his cartridge- box. He enlisted several times before the close of the war. He continued his residence in Nelson until 1828, when he removed to Sandy Creek, N. Y. 15. ii. Thomas K., b. Apr. 10, 1761; d. Feb. 2, 1849; m. Dec. 15, 1791, Polly Keyes. His place of residence appears to have been quite changeable. He seems to have lived in New Ipswich from 1783 until 1788, then for some years in Nel- son, afterward in Antrim, and later still in Lowell, Mass. He enlisted several times during the Revolution, serving in companies from Rindge, Fitzwilliam, and vicinity. 16. iii. Abigail. 3. JosiAH^ (John*, Allen^ Allen^, Allen^), b. Lynn, Dec. 16, 1731; d. Dec. 12, 1790; m. (1) Dec. 18, 1755, Mary^ (Jo- seph*, Joseph^ Allen', Allen^) Breed [b. Jan. 6, 1733; d. May 7, 1767] ; (2) June 30, 1768, Hannah, dau. of Henry Bacheller [b. 1729; d. Aug. 16, 1805]. He was in the contest of Apr. 19, 1775, and was captured by the British, but was later ex- changed for a captured lieutenant. He did further service in Massachusetts troops. Res. in Lynn. Children : 17. i. Mehetable, b. Jan. 8, 1757; m. Theophilus Bacheller. 18. ii. Allen, b. July 14, 1759.-f- 19. iii. Nathaniel (twin), b. Aug. 30, 1761. 20. iv. Charles (twin), b. Aug. 30, 1761. 21. V. Joseph, b. Mar. 29, 1764. 22. vi. Mary, b. Apr. 29, 1772; d. Nov. 17, 1813. 4. Allen« (John^ John*, Allen^, Allen^, Allen^), b. Jan. 19, 1744; d. Apr. 16, 1806; m. Jan. 15, 1767, Lydia Mansfield (1). He came to New Ipswich, probably with his father, about 1764. He seems to have lived upon his father's farm, and to have succeeded him in its ownership. Apparently he was in service during the greater part of the Revolutionary war, although it is difficult to certainly distinguish in the records between his service and that of his cousin bearing the same name. Children : 23. i. Lydia, b. Jan. 8, 1768; d. Feb. 1, 1807, unm. 24. ii. John, b. Dec. 1, \769.-\- 25. iii. Elisha Newhall, b. Dec. 30, 1771.-+- 253 History of New Ipswich 26. iv. Allen, b. Feb. 8, 1774.+ 27. V. Jane, b. Dec. 9, 1775. 28. vi. Enoch, b. Apr. 2, 1780.+ 18. Allen« (Josiah^ John*, Allen^ Allen^, Allen^), b. July 14, 1759; d. Apr. 2, 1842; m. July, 1781, Lucy, dau. of Reuben Taylor (10) [b. Jan. 10, 1762; d. Mar. 23, 1825]. When his father enlisted at Lynn, he came to New Ipswich and served in the companies of both Capt. Joseph Parker and Capt. Stephen Parker, and in later service held a lieutenant's com- mission. Children : 29. i. JosiAH, b. Apr. 25, 1782; d. Mar. 5, 1855. 30. ii. Mehetable, b. Dec. 8, 1783; d. Feb., 1856. 31. iii. Lucy, b. Dec. 17, 1785; d. July 2, 1819. 32. iv. Mary, b. May 20, 1789; d. May 26, 1869. 33. V. Milly, b. Feb. 28, 1790. 34. vi. Allen, b. Jan. 20, 1792; d. Mar. 13, 1827. 35. vii. Rachel, b. Feb. 8, 1794. 36. viii. Hannah, b. Dec. 14, 1795; d. 1856. 37. ix. Ira, b. Dec. 23, 1797; d. Jan. 9, 1823. 38. X. George Washington, b. Jan. 14, 1800. 39. xi. Harriet, b. Feb. 28, 1802. 40. xii. Lucretia, b. July 15, 1804; d. Aug. 15, 1804. 41. xiii. Reuben Taylor, b. July 28, 1806. 24. JoHN^ (Allen«, John^ John*, Allen^ Allen^, Allen^), b. Dec. 1, 1769; d. June 28, 1807; m. Nov. 16, 1797, Abiah Lamp- son [b. June 2, 1777; d. Apr. 14, 1808]. He was a farmer upon the next farm eastward from that of his father (80, A. D.) Children: 42. i. Abiah, b. Aug. 17, 1798; d. Sept. 1, 1883. She resided in New Ipswich and in Ashby, Mass., and was for many years a nurse and general helper in times of need. She was the last member of the family here recorded as resident in town, and the date borne upon the marble stone marking her grave is separated by more than fifty years from the date upon the latest of the long line of olden slate stones in the South graveyard at the end of which it stands. 43. ii. John, b. June 8, 1800. 44. iii. Moses, b. Mar. 12, 1802. 45. iv. Daniel, b. Apr. 8, 1804. 46. v. Susan, b. Mar. 10, 1807. 25. Elisha Newhall^ (Allen«, John^ John*, Allen^ Allen-, Allen^), b. Dec. 30, 1771; d. Mar. 6, 1802; m. Rebecca [b. about May, 1779; d. Oct. 14, 1806]. He probably passed the years of his brief manhood on the ancestral farm. Children : 254 Breed 47. i. Elisha Newhall, b. Feb. 14, 1802; d. Sept. 20, 1805. 26. Allen" (Allen«, John^, John*, Allen^, Allen^, Allen^), b. Feb. 8, 1774; d. Mar. 8, 1849; m. Esther Lampson of Little- ton, Mass. Children : 48. i. Esther, b. Sept. 24, 1797. 49. ii. HuLDY, b. May 25, 1799. 28. Enoch^ (Allen«, John^ John*, Allen^, Allen^, Allen^, b. Apr. 2, 1780; d. June 26, 1811; m. Dec. 29, 1807, Sarah, dau. of John* and Susanna (Page) Wetherbee of Rindge [m. (2) Dea. Adin Cummings of Rindge]. Res. in Rindge. Children: 50. i. Joseph Baxter, b. Nov. 27, 1808.+ 51. ii. Marinda, b. 1810; d. young. 50. Joseph Baxter^ (Enoch^, Allen^, John^, John*, Allen^, Allen^ Alleni), b. Nov. 27, 1808; d. Sept. 23, 1864; m. June 6, 1833, Mary Wilson (16). He was a merchant in Rindge, and was a deacon there. Children : 52. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 8, 1834; m. Jan. 12, 1860, John C. Spenser. Res. Geneseo, 111. 53. ii. Martha Jane, b. and d. June 8, 1834. 54. iii. Sarah Marinda, b. Nov. 15, 1835; d. Dec. 3, 1835. 55. iv. Marinda, b. Oct. 10, 1836; m. Nov. 3, 1865, John L. Combs. Res. Geneseo, 111. 56. V. Harriet Wilson, b. Aug. 9, 1838; d. Sept. 5, 1839. 57. vi. Augustus Baxter, b. Sept. 12, 1840; d. May 31, 1863, while serving in the Civil War. 58. vii. George Henry, b. May 28, 1844; m. Caroline A. Albro of Providence, R. I. Res. Geneseo, 111. The readiness of the members of this family for Revolutionary service suggests mention of the fact that Ebenezer Breed, the owner of the larger part of Breed's Hill, upon which the battle of "Bunker Hill" was fought, was a kinsman of the New Ipswich family, his lineage as follows : Allen\ John", Ebenezer^, John^, Ebenezer^ The early disappearance of this family from the town, probably largely due to the tendency of its members to consumption, the wide dispersion of the descendants of the residents in New Ipswich, and also the prevalence of two or three given names causing an exceptional un- certainty in the interpretation of records, have together made entire accuracy hard to attain. It is hoped, however, that the resulting errors are not very great. BRIANT. Abraham Briant\ m. (1) 1664, Mary, dau. of Dea. Thomas Kendall of Reading, Mass. [d. 1688] ; (2) Ruth, widow of Samuel Frothingham of Charlestown, Mass. [d. 1693]. He was a blacksmith in Reading. Dea. Kendall had no sons living to adult age, but each of his eight daughters married and had a son named Kendall. 255 History of New Ipswich Kendall' (Abraham'), b. Sept. 8, 1680; m. 1704, Elizabeth, dau. of Maj. Jeremiah and Mary (Smith) Swain. He followed his father's occupation as a blacksmith. 1. Kendall^ (KendalP, Abraham^), b. Mar. 7, 1709; in. Oct. 5, 1736, Mary Parker. He followed the family trade of a blacksmith in his native town until middle life. In 1754 he and his wife were dismissed to the church in Concord, Mass., but his residence there must have been brief, as his name does not appear upon the Vital Records of that town, and he came to New Ipswich as early as 1763, apparently from Pepperell. He purchased a small farm from Col. Reuben Kidder, (46, N. D.) The probable location of his house may still be seen on the eastern side of the old "country road" about midway between the Kidder cellar and the house nearer the Center Village which has bpen developed by additions from the ancient smaller dwelling of Col. Kidder's negro slave, Caesar. Near the Briant house was his blacksmithy. No list of children of this family has been found. 2. Edmond* (KendalP, KendalP, Abraham^), b. June 3, 1744; d. Sept. 28, 1786; m. (1) Abigail Fletcher (7) ; (2) Dec. 30, 1778, Hannah Sprague [b. about 1748; d. Sept. 7, 1830]. He continued the family calling in his father's shop and later in Smith Village. He served three times during the Revo- lution, first in response to the Concord alarm, second as lieu- tenant in the company of Capt. Josiah Brown in 1777, and third, later in the same year, as captain of another New Ips- wich company. It is characteristic of the enlistments in the earlier years of the war that these three terms of service to- gether covered a period of only about six weeks. Children : 3. i. Joseph, b. Sept. 25, 1765. -|- 4. ii. Edmond, b. May 20, 1768; m. Nov. 27, 1788, Nabby Fox (3). 5. iii. Abigail, b. Jan. 6, 1775. 6. iv. Aaron, b. 1783. 3. Joseph^ (Edmond*, KendalP, KendalP, Abraham^), b. Sept. 25, 1785; m. Anna . Children: 7. i. Joseph, b. Jan. 8, 1786. 8. ii. John, b. Apr. 25, 1788. 9. iii. Anna, b. June 13, 1790. 10. iv. Benjamin, b. Aug. 20, 1792. The New Ipswich tax lists bear also the names of Amos, Edward, James, John, and Nathan Briant, who were perhaps residents for a year or two at about the time of the arrival of Kendall Briant, and were probably his kinsmen. But no record of such relationship has appeared. 256 Brooks BROOKS. This name has been borne by citizens of New Ipswich descended from two immigrant ancestors, Thomas and Henry Brooks ; but as ac- cording to reliable tradition these ancestors were brothers, their de- scendants are here presented together. Thomas^ Brooks, b. County Suffolk, England; d. Concord, Mass., May 21, 1667; m. Grace, dau. of Capt. Timothy Wheeler of Concord [d. May 12, 1664]. He was a preacher in London and came to America in 1634, remaining at Watertown, Mass., for a time, but soon removing to Concord, settled in that part which is now Carlisle. He was a deacon, and represented the town in the General Court for several years. Henry^ Brooks, d. Apr. 12, 1683; m. (1) Susanna [d. Sept. 15, 1681] ; (2) July 12, 1682, Annis Jaquith. He is believed to have come to America with his brother Thomas, and to have removed to Concord a little later than Thomas. But he resided there only a few years, as the birth of only one child, in 1641, is recorded there. He was a proprietor of Woburn, Mass., in 1652 and apparently resided there. Joshua" (Thomas^), b. England, 1625; d. Concord, Mass., Oct. 10, 1698; m. Oct. 17, 1653, Hannah, dau. of Capt. Hugh Mason. Res. Con- cord, Mass. John" (Henry^), b. England, Jan. 1, 1624; m. Nov. 1, 1649, Eunice, dau. of Dea. John and Joanna Monsal. Noah' (Joshua", Thomas'), b. Concord, 1657; d. Feb. 1, 1738-9; m. Dorothy Wright of Sudbury, Mass. [b. about 1663; d. Mar. 15, 1752]. Res. Concord. John' (John^ Henry'), b. March 1, 1664; d. Aug. 7, 1733; m. Feb. 25, 1684, Mary Richardson. Thomas' (Noah', Joshua', Thomas'), b. May 28, 1701; d. Dec. 22, 1790; m. June 24, 1725, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Dorothy (Wooster) Dakin [b. Oct. 22,, 1704; d. July 3, 1784]. Res. Lincoln, Mass. Nathan' (John', John', Henry'), b. Nov. 1, 1706; d. Jan. 6, 1751; m. Sarah, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Fowle) Wyman. Res. Woburn. Aaron^ (Thomas', Noah', Joshua', Thomas'), b. Concord, Aug. 24, 1727; d. Feb. 23, 1811; m. Jan. 2, 1755, Mary Stone. William"* (Nathan', John', John', Henry'), b. Mar. 3, 1737; d. Oct. 11, 1804; m. Mar. 29, 1759, Abigail Kemp On attaining his majority or earlier he removed to Hollis, of which he was one of the proprietors. In the Revolution he gave two terms of service, once as lieutenant; he enlisted a third time as captain, but was not called upon to leave the state; later he removed to Lyndeboro. 1. Stephen*^ (Aaron^, Thomas^ Noah^, Josliua-, Thomas^), b. Lincoln, Mass., Mar. 22, 1759; d. Jan. 30, 1848; m. June 7, 1791, Rachel Taylor (20). In early manhood he settled in Rindge near the New Ipswich line where the road over Binney Hill enters the Rindge turnpike, but in 1798 he exchanged farms with his brother Aaron and removed a half mile east- ward to the farm for many years owned by his descendants, (97, A. D.,) where he passed an honorable life ; his house 257 History of New Ipswich was the western one of the two houses now standing. He rendered service at least three times, 1775, 1777, 1780, before leaving Massachusetts. Children : 3. i. Rachel, b. July 6, 1792; d. Feb. 20, 1795. 4. ii. Stephen, b. Oct. 31, 1794; d. Mar. 24, 1795. 5. iii. Stephen, b. Jan. 27, 1796.+ 6. iv. Joseph, b. Aug. 31, 1798.+ 7. V. Walton, b. Sept. 4, 1800.+ 8. vi. Rachel, b. Dec. 29, 1802; m. Feb. 11, 1847, Joseph Davis, son of Ebenezer B. and Huldah (Lawrence) Davis of Rindge. She was his third wife. 9. vii. Harvey, b. May 30, 1805.+ 10. viii. Oliver, b. May 14, 1810; d. Feb. 25, 1895; m. Eliza C. Farrar [b. Oct., 1811; d. Nov. 28, 1892]. He passed his life in Denmark, Iowa, of which he was one of the first settlers and where he was a deacon. 11. ix. Newton, b. March 13, 1812.+ 2. Aaron^ (Aaron^, Thomas*, Noah^ Joshua^, Thomas^), b. Lincoln, Mass., Jan. 10, 1765; d. Aug. 4, 1823; m. Mary Taylor (23). He came to New Ipswich about 1790 and set- tled on the farm next south of that of Thaddeus Taylor, (97, A. D.,) where he lived for a few years and then exchanged with his brother Stephen as before stated and lived in Rindge until his death. William" (William^ Nathan*, John', John^ Henry'), b. Hollis, May 1, 1760; d. Greenfield, Sept. 5, 1843; m. (1) Deborah Parker of Groton, Mass.; (2) Hepzibah Draper. 5. Stephen'^ (Stephen'^, Aaron^, Thomas*, Noah^, Joshua^, Thomas^), b. Jan. 27, 1796; d. Apr. 2, 1876; m. May 22, 1823, Narcissa Tweed Pratt (John, 7). Res. Ashby. Children: 12. i. Amelia Elizabeth, b. Feb. 2, 1826; d. July 7, 1864; m. Dec. 19, 1861, Franklin Wyman of Westminster, Mass. She attended the academies at New Ipswich and Groton, Mass., and taught for several years before her marriage. Res. Westminster. Child: i. Alfred Aurelius IVynian, b. Oct. 26, 1863; d. Nov. 9, 1907; m. Flora Wright of Fitchburg, in which city he was a successful business man. Six sons. 13. ii. Myron Dwight, b. Aug. 26, 1828; d. Jan. 29, 1832. 14. iii. Ellen Mariah, b. May 16, 1831; d. Jan. 26, 1832. 15. iv. Louisa Langdon, b. June 25, 1833. She attended New Ips- wich Academy, graduated from the Westfield (Mass.) Nor- mal School, and has passed her life as a teacher and reader. Res. Boston. 16. V. Horace Stephen, b. July 22, 183S.-f- 17. vi. Myron Dwight, b. May 9, 1838. -f 18. vii. Henry Winslow, b. May 17, 1845.-}- 258 Brooks 6. Joseph'' (Stephen^, Aaron^, Thomas*, Noah^, Joshua^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 31, 1798; m. May 5, 1825, Emily Taylor (46). He was a farmer in Rindge. Children: 19. i. Warren Taylor, b. Sept. 21, 1827; d. Oct. 2, 1827. 20. ii. Emily Taylor, b. Mar. 25, 1829; d. June 24, 1852; m. Apr. 25, 1850, Samuel, W.', son of Walter' (Lyman^ Joshua', Jo- seph^ Joshua', William^ Robert') Fletcher of Westford, Mass. He is a merchant in West Rindge. One son. 21. iii. Calista A., b. Aug. 19, 1831; m. Pliny F. Towne (39). 22. iv. Caroline M., b. Sept. 28, 1834; m. Nov. 9, 1852, her brother- in-law Samuel W. Fletcher. Four children. 23. V. Charles B., b. Nov. 2, 1841 ; d. Council Bluffs, Iowa, July 18, 1871. He served in the Civil War in the 9th N. H. Regt. 7. Walton^ (Stephen*', Aaron'', Thomas*, Noah^ Joshua", Thomas^), b. Sept. 4, 1800; d. May 5, 1881; m. Mar. 28, 1822, Arethusa, dau. of Thomas Piper [b. April 19, 1803; d. Apr. 30, 1895]. He succeeded to his father's farm, living in the eastern of the dwelling-houses upon it. Children : 24. i. Nancy Piper, b. Aug. 20, 1823; d. Feb. 23, 1898; m. Sept. 23, 1841, George W. Stearns. 25. ii. Eveline Jewett, b. Sept. 14, 1825; d. May 6, 1901; m. June 17, 1846, Joshua Chadwick Towne of Rindge [d. Feb. 3, 1893]. 26. iii. Harriet Taylor, b. Sept. 14, 1828; d. Nov. 3, 1831. 27. iv. Ivers Harvey, b. Apr. 27, 1831. + 28. V. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 21, 1833; m. (1) Oct. 2, 1851, George Raymond Thomas [d. May 20, 1873]; (2) Oct. 1, 1884, George G. Williams (16). Res. Rindge. Five children. 29. vi. Albert Newton, b. June 6, 1836.-f- 9. Harvey'^ (Stephen*', Aaron^, Thomas*. Noah^, Joshua^, Thomas^), b. May 30, 1805; d. Jan. 20, 1899; m. Lois Burgess of Ashburnham, Mass, [d. Jan. 19, 1892]. Res. Gardner, Mass. Children : 30. i. Harvey P. 31. ii. Euclid L. 32. iii. Newton. 33. iv. LUELLA. 11. Newton' (Stephen^, Aaron^ Thomas*, Noah^ Joshua^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 13, 1812; d. Feb. 28, 1898; m. June 2, 1841, Harriet A. Campbell (6). He left New Ipswich a few years after attaining his majority and was in Boston or its vicinity for about ten years, returning to his native town in 1846 and purchasing for his home the house built by John Crosby at about the close of the preceding century, standing next to the 259 History of New Ipswich Barrett mansion on the south. This was his home for about thirty-five years until, after the death of his wife, he left the town, passing his later years with his son in Chicago. He was a man of artistic temperament and for a considerable time was occupied in the production of oil portraits. After the development of the daguerreotype, however, he turned his attention in that direction, and at a very early date made use of the gallery upon wheels for offering the later forms of that line of work to the public. He was a trustee of the Academy for a considerable period. Child : 34. i. Newton Vinelle, ,b. Aug. 3, 1845; m. (1) Mary J. Reynolds [d. May 3, 1892] ; (2) Mar. 23, 1896, Mary Partridge Frank. Res. in Chicago. One son. James Hosley' (William^ William^ NathanS John^ John% Henry'), d. in Greenfield, Dec. 30, 1885; m. Sabrina H. Person of Prancestown. Gardner Towne' (William', William', Nathan*, John', John', Henry'), b. Hancock, May 18, 1794; d. Fitchburg, Mass., June 3, 1841; m. Mina Gove [b. about 1794; d. Oct. 31, 1879]. 16. Horace Stephen^ (Stephen^, Stephen*^, Aaron^ Thomas*, Noah^, Joshua", Thomas^), b. July 22, 1835; m. Ashby, Mass., Sarah Elisabeth Rice. Res. in Springfield, Mass., and is a farmer in Ashby. Has been a teacher and member of the Legislature. Children : 38. i. Frederic Pratt, b. Springfield; m. Dec. 18, 1906, Ada Comer Waterman. He graduated from Boston School of Phar- macy and has been successful in business. Res. Norwood, Mass. 39. ii. Mabel Rice, b. Sept. 1, 1868. She graduated from Worcester, Mass., Normal School and is a teacher in Worcester. 40. iii. Lucy Hubbard, b. Ashby, Mass., Feb. 8, 1880. She graduated from Worcester Normal School and is a teacher. 17. Myron Dwight^ (Stephen'', Stephen'', Aaron^, Thomas*, Noah^ Joshua^, Thomas^), b. May 9, 1838; m. in Boston, May 28, 1867, Susan Ann Field. He has been a busi- ness man in Boston, Florida, and Georgia. Child : 41. i. Amy Louise C, b. May 12, 1870; m. June 12, 1899, Dr. Fred- eric S. Snow. One daughter. 18. Henry Winslow** (Stephen^, Stephen^, Aaron^ Thomas*, Noah^ Joshua'-, Thomas^), b. May 17, 1845; m. (1) June 11, 1868, Jeannette Wilson Wright [d. Dec. 20, 1877] ; (2) Feb. 23, 1880, Lucy Reade Wright [d. Oct. 26, 1905]. Res. in Chicago, where his children were born. Children : 260 Brooks 42. i. Maude Wright, b. Apr. 10, 1869; d. New York, Feb., 1896. Graduated from Normal School in Philadelphia and was a teacher. 43. ii. Robert Montgomery, b. Nov. 6, 1872; d. Johnstown, Penn., Jan. 27, 1897; m. Oct., 1896, Margaret Donnegan. He was a civil engineer. 44. iii. Henry Winslow, b. Dec. 20, 1877; m. Mar. 23, 1911, Lucy Bennet Claxton. He graduated from a business college in New York city, where he had entered upon a business life. 27. IvERS Harvey^ (Walton^, Stephen*^, Aaron^ Thomas*, Noah^ Joshua^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 27, 1831; m. (1) Nov. 11, 1852, Nancy R. Bancroft (4); (2) Jan. 1, 1908, E. Urania Wright. He has been a farmer in Rindge and in Ashby, Mass., and has held the office of deacon. Children : 45. i. Ancil W., b. April 2, 1855; m. Nettie M. Frost of Ashby, Mass. Three children. 46. ii. Mary Eveline, b. Sept. 14, 1858; m. Howard P. Lamb of Rindge. Four children. 47. iii. James William, b. Apr. 17, 1861 ; m. M. Emma Walker of Fitchburg, Mass. Four children. 48. iv. Jennie Harriet, b. Sept. 19, 1863; m. Edward R. Wilder of Fitchburg. Four children. 49. V. Helen, b. June 13, 1866; d. Sept. 25, 1890; m. Charles J. Hubbard of Ashby, Mass. Two children. 50. vi. Frederick Eugene, b. Nov. 7, 1867; m. Nellie E. Whitney of Ashby. Three children. 29. Albert Newton^ (Walton^, Stephen^, Aaron^, Thomas*, Noah^, Joshua-, Thomas^), b. June 6, 1836; d. Sept. 25, 1881 ; m. Oct. 22, 1857, Clementine M. Hale of Rindge [b. Mar. 23, 1841]. He was a farmer and succeeded to the family estate. Children : 51. i. George Henry, b. Feb. 29, 1864; m. Dec. 23, 1896, Esther Jane Green [b. Ashby, Mass., Nov. 20, 1873]. Res. Ashby. Children : i. Ruth Elizabeth, b. Nov. 16, 1904. ii. Clara Helen, b. Nov. 8, 1906. 52. ii. Oliver Newton, b. Jan. 12, 1866; m. Sept. 5, 1893, Martha Bell, dau. of William and Isabel (Maxwell) Corbett [b. Apr. 18, 1877]. Res. Ashby. Children: i. Minnie Arthusa. ii. Walton Albert, iii. Laura Abbie. iv. Hazel Emma. 35. Frederick A.** (James H.'', William", William^, Na- than*, John^ John^ Henry^), b. Nashua, Mar. 20, 1836; d. Apr. 18, 1882; m. Sept. 15, 1860, Helen M. Mansur (15). He came to New^ Ipswich in early manhood and until his death conducted a private express to Boston, living during nearly the entire period at New Ipswich, but for a few years at other towns upon his route. Child : 261 History of New Ipswich 53. i. Lena A., b. July 20, 1861- m. May 11, 1891, Frederic Preston (110). 36. Square Gage^ (Gardner^, William^, William^ Nathan*, John^, John^ Henry^), b. Alerrimac, April 4, 1833; d. Dec. 26, 1907; m. Dec. 30, 1855, Sarah L. Griggs of Roxbury. He re- sided for a short time in Bank Village. Six children, the youngest of whom, Herbert Griggs, succeeded to his father's business in Roxbury. 37. Edward Chase^ (Gardner^, William*', William^, Na- than*, John^ John^, Henry^), m. March 13, 1848, Hannah Merrill, dau. of Charles Porter [b. Mar. 4, 1826; d. May 6, 1881]. Lived on the "Moses Wilkins" farm 1861-72. Chil- dren : 54. i. Lizzie, m. Jan. 4, 1875, Thomas K. Bolton (9). 55. ii. Charles Edward, d. July 27, 1873. 56. iii. Susan P. 57. iv. Gertrude. BROWN (Abraham). Abraham^ Brown, d. about 1650; m. Lydia [d. Sept. 27, 1686; m. (2) Nov. 27, 1659, Andrew Hodges of Ipswich, Mass.]. He was a very early settler at Watertown and a leading citizen. Jonathan- (Abraham^), b. Oct. 15, 1635; d. 1691; m. Feb. 11, 1661/2, Mary, dau. of William and Susanna Shattuck of Watertown [b. Aug. 25, 1645; d. Oct. 23, 1732]. Benjamin' (Jonathan^ Abraham'), b. Feb. 27, 1681/2; d. Mar. 11, 1753; m. Feb. 27, 1702/3, Anna, dau. of Capt. Benj. and Elizabeth (Bridge) Garfield of Watertown [b. June 2, 1683; d. Sept. 13, 1737]. He lived in that part of Weston afterwards a part of Lincoln. William' (Jonathan^ Abraham'), b. Sept. 3, 1684; d. Oct. 28, 1756; m. (1) Jan. 10, 1704/5, Hannah Pease of Cambridge, Mass. [d. Mar. 10, 1717/8]; (2) Dec. 11, 1718, Sarah, dau. of Jonas and Grace (Coolidge) Bond [b. about 1699; d. June 10, 1777]. He was a member of the first board of selectmen of Waltham, Mass. Joseph^ (Benjamin', Jonathan^ Abraham'), b. Feb., 1717/8; d. Apr. 2, 1788; m. Feb. 7, 1744/5, Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Munroe of Lexington [b. Jan. 21, 1723; d. Mar. 18, 1793]. Res. in Lincoln and Waltham. 1. Isaac* (William^, Jonathan^, Abraham^), b. Dec. 5, 1711; d. Oct. 6, 1759; m. Apr., 1736, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Prentiss) Balch [b. about 1714; d. Apr. 29, 1782; m. (2) May 22, 1760, Nathan Brown of Lincoln, Mass.] He may not have been a resident in New Ipswich, but his imme- diate family is so closely identified with the town that it is here presented as though he were himself a townsman. His 262 Brown (Abraham) widow is said to have spent her last days with her youngest son in New Ipswich. Children : 2. i. Mary, b. Mar. 17, 1738/9; d. Nov. 18, 1740. 3. ii. Isaac, b. Apr. 14, 1740; d. Nov. 16, 1740. 4. iii. Mary, b. Aug. 22, 1741 ; d. Oct. 7, 1742. 5. iv. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 3, 1742; d. young. 6. V. Eunice, b. Oct. 10, 1744; d. Sept. 9, 1818; m. 1764, Rev. Stephen Farrar (1). 7. vi. Isaac, b. June 24, 1746; d. about 1752. 8. vii. Moses, b. Apr. 6, 1748; d. June 16, 1820; m. (1) Oct. 16, 1774, Elizabeth, dau. of Osmyn Trask of Beverly [d. July 7, 1788] ; (2) May 3, 1789, Mary, dau. of Rev. Matthew and Anna (Perkins) Bridge [b. Sept. 7, 1760; d. Feb. 21, 1843]. He graduated from Harvard College in 1768. He was a merchant in Beverly, Mass., was a captain in the Revo- lutionary War, president of the Provincial Congress, mem- ber of the Legislature, and a Presidential Elector in 1808. Three children. 9. viii. Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1749; d. Nov. 30, 1824; m. June 1, 1769, Ephraim Hartwell (1). 10. ix. Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1751. 11. X. Aaron, b. Sept. 16, 1752; d. Nov. 14, 1811; m. (1) 1774, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Rebecca (Whitney) Stowell of Waltham, Mass. [b. June 14, 1752; d. Aug. 4, 1797]; (2) Dec, 1799, Thesta, dau. of Hon. Stowell Dana of Brighton, Mass. He was a merchant in Boston, and is said to have removed to New Ipswich in his later life, but neither records nor tradition give further details. Nine children. Ephraim° (Joseph^ Benjamin^ Jonathan^ Abraham^), b. Lincoln, Mass.. Aug. 30, 1756; d. Mar. 3, 1813; m. Oct., 1779, Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Wyman of Wayland, Mass. Eleven children. 12. William^ (Ephraim^ Joseph*, Benjamin^, Jonathan-, Abraham^), b. Lincoln, Mass., May 22, 1807; d. Jan. 8, 1877; m. June 10, 1830, Lucy Taylor (45). For several years after his marriage he had a general store at what is now Smithville, succeeding Peter Felt in the house at the corner around which the road from the Center Village turns toward the "Fox place" and the present "Little Finland." Jeremiah Smith, from whom the village was later to receive its name, was asso- ciated with him for a time, but the firm was not of long dura- tion ; after its dissolution Mr. Smith opened just across the street a store which was to have a longer life than any other store of that village, while Mr. Brown entered the colony of New Ipswich people then forming a settlement in Iowa, to which his wife gave its name, Denmark, and there he spent 263 History of New Ipswich his remaining forty years of life, having a part in founding and shaping a New England town upon what was then al- most the extreme frontier. Children : 13. i. William Taylor, b. Apr. 17, 1831.+ 14. ii. Charles Kendall, b. May 9, 1833.4- 15. iii. Edward Hills, b. May 9, 1836. -|- 16. iv. George Stewart, b. Feb. 16, 1838.+ 17. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 21, 1841; d. Feb. 14, 1911; m. Feb. 7, 1870, John J. Day. Res. in Denmark, Iowa. They had no children but adopted in her infancy, Lilian Anna, b. Aug. 9, 1879; m. Feb. 5, 1902, Charles Wharton; she resides upon the family homestead in Denmark. 18. vi. Harriet Rebekah, b. Oct. 29, 1844; m. Feb. 7, 1870, Newton L. Mills [b. Gustavus, O., Mar. 23, 1845]. 19. vii. Lucy Henrietta, b. Nov. 30, 1846; d. Eldon, Iowa, Aug. 21, 1907, unm. 20. viii. Ellen Sophronia, b. Mar. 14, 1853; m. Feb. 15, 1883, Rev. Dallas D. Tibbetts. Five children. 13. William^ Taylor (William:'', Ephraim^, Joseph*, Ben- jamin^, Jonathan^, Abraham^X t». Apr. 17, 1831; d. Aug. 30, 1894; m. (1) Apr. 23, 1856, Almira Jane Dudley [d. Dec. 12, 1891]; (2) Feb. 22, 1894, Mrs. Martha Sutter. Res. in Den- mark, Iowa. Children : 21. i. Olive E., b. July 25, 1859; d. Aug. 2, 1909; m. J. E. Trevett. Walter W., b. Aug. 20, 1862. Laura L., b. July 23, 1864; d. Feb. 26, 1897; m. Hiram Ken- nedy. Bertha G., b. Feb. 10, 1866. Frank O., b. June, 1868; d. Oct. 20, 1868. LiLiA, b. Oct., 1870; d. Jan., 1871. 14. Charles Kendall^ (William*^, Ephraim^ Joseph*, Benjamin^, Jonathan^ Abraham^), b. May 9, 1833; d. Fairhope, Ala., June 17, 1909; m. Nov. 1, 1860, Harriet N. Briggs [b. Utica, N. Y., June 11, 1836]. Children: 27. i. Frank L., b. Dec. 26, 1861. 28. ii. Nellie M., b. Sept. 28, 1863. 29. iii. Anna D., b. Feb. 9, 1868. 15. Edward Hills^ (William'', Ephraim^, Joseph*, Benja- min^ Jonathan^, Abraham^), b. May 9, 1836; d. Middletown, Iowa, July 18, 1911; m. (1) Oct. 23, 1856, Clara Ellen Dudley [b. Oct. 23, 1856; d. Oct. 31, 1888]; (2) Jan. 14, 1889, Mrs. Anna Diemer. Children: 30. i. Arthur Allen, b. Oct. 13, 1857; m. Alice Purcell. He is a farmer and veterinarian at Columbia, Mo. Four children. 264 22. ii. 23. iii. 24. iv. 25. V. 26. vi. Brown (Abraham) 31. ii. Clarence Edward, b. May 1, 1859; m. Lesta Purcell. He is merchant, Nevada, Mo. 32. iii. Etalea Latoria, b. Apr. 2, 1866; m. William Taylor. Res. at Keene, Tex. Five children. 33. iv. Charles, b. Aug. 7, 1872; m. Clara Van Syke. He is a well driller at Rocheport, Mo. Five children. 16. George Stewart^ (William.*', Ephraim^ Joseph*, Ben- jamin^, Jonathan^, Abraham^), b. Feb. 16, 1838; d. Geneseo, 111., Feb. 19, 1888; m. Feb. 24, 1870, Sophie E. Mills of Lewis, Iowa. Children : 34. i. Fred Oliver, b. Dec. 3, 1870. 35. ii. William G., b. July 2, 1875. 36. iii. Edward F., b. July 2, 1875. 37. iv. Edith Julia, b. Dec. 20, 1879. BROWN (John). JoHN^ Brown, b. England, 1608; d. Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 13, 1677; m. Mary . He came to America in 1635, and had settled at Ipswich as early as 1640. He was a farmer and tailor. John' (John'), b. about 1639; d. Apr. 9, 1727; m. (1) Hannah [b. about 1650]; (2) Elizabeth ; (3) Hannah [d. Nov. 17, 1727]. Res. Ipswich. William' (John^ John'), b. 1683; d. about 1753; m. Apr. 17, 1703, Dorothy, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Giddings. He was a weaver at Ipswich. William' (William^ John=, John'), d. Dec. 31, 1799; m. Jan. 1, 1726, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Susanna (Dutch) Kinsman [b. Nov. 11, 1707]. Res. Ipswich (prob. 1713-76). 1. Ebenezer^ (William*, William^, John^, John^), bapt. Oct. 14, 1744; d. June 7, 1814; m. Mar. 24, 1768, Elizabeth Per- kins [b. about 1745; d. Mar. 19, 1837]. He came to New Ipswich about 1776, and settled upon lot 30, N. D., where he was a farmer and also a blacksmith. Children : 2. i. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 19, 1769.-t- 3. ii. Isaac, bapt. Nov. 18, 1770. 4. iii. William, bapt. Nov. 15, 1772. 5. iv. Elizabeth, bapt. Apr. 11, 1775; d. Apr. 30, 1775. 6. V. Elizabeth Perkins, b. Apr. 21, 1776. 7. vi. Eleazer, b. 1778.-]- 8. vii. Lucy. 9. viii. James. 10. ix. Susan, b. about 1786; d. Apr. 21, 1857. 11. X. Sarah. 12. xi. Abigail, b. July 1, 1790; d. Oct. 23, 1873; m. Jan. 2, 1812, Daniel Spaulding (26). I' 265 History of New Ipswich 2. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer^, William*, William^, John^, John^), b. Feb. 19, 1769; d. May 20, 1849; m. (1) Feb. 25, 1796, Lydia, dau. of Daniel and Lydia (Breed) Mansfield (7) ; (2) Cynthia Holbrook. He was a clothier in Rindge and a deacon in the church of that town. Children : 13. i. Ebenezer Wilder, b. Feb. 22, 1797; d. Jan. IS, 1839; m. Nov. 29, 1821, Eliza, dau. of Thaddeus and Dorothy (Coolidge) Richards. He succeeded to his father's business. Children : i. Franklin Wilder, b. Aug. 24, 1822; d. Aug. 4, 1827. ii. Eliza Ann, b. Oct. 19, 1830; m. Warham H. Rugg. 14. ii. Franklin, b. Apr. 17, 1799; d. Oct. 24, 1819. 15. iii. Eliza, bapt. Feb. 4, 1810; m. Horace A. Breed of Fitchburg, Mass. 7. Eleazer*^ (Ebenezer^, William*, William^, John^, John^), b. 1778; d. July 24, 1855; m. Feb. 6, 1806, Hannah Morgan [d. Jan. 25, 1867J. In middle life he became interested in cotton manufactures, then steadily increasing in New Ipswich, and about 1825 in connection with Samuel Batchelder he estab- lished a factory for the manufacture of tickings, between the sites of the mills known at different periods as the "Upper Factory" and the "Lower Factory," as the "Waterloom" and "Souhegan Mills," and still later as the "Columbian, No. 3" and the "Columbian, No. 2." "Brown's Factory" was active until, in the changing methods of competition, the smaller mills were unable to maintain a profitable activity. For a considerable period the tax assessed against Mr. Brown was exceeded by that of only one fellow townsman. He was in- terested in military afi:'airs, and his command of one of the militia companies caused him to be generally mentioned as "Capt. Brown." Children: 16. i. Hannah Maria, b. Dec. 9, 1806; d. 1819. Elvira, b. July 25, 1808; d. 1809. Elvira E., b. Jan. 1, 1810; d. 1810. Louisa Reed, b. Mar. 4, 1811; d. Macon, Ga., Mar., 1838; m. R. R. Graves. Lucy Ann, b. Jan. 8, 1813; d. Oct. 22, 1909; m. Jan. 13, 1836, George M. Champney (16). George, b. Apr. 14, 1815; d. 1816. Henrietta, b. Jan. 16, 1817; d. Macon, Ga., 1848; m. Dec. 25, 1837, Edwin Graves. 23. viii. Charles Bradford, b. Oct. 8, 1818; d. Feb. 11, 1825. 24. ix. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 28, 1821 ; d. Feb. 21, 1825. 25. X. Horace Willard, b. Oct. 31, 1822; m. Aug. 6, 1849, Harriet N. Tucker. 26. xi. Sarah, b. Dec. 8, 1824; d. Dec, 1824. 266 17. ii. 18. iii. 19. iv. 20. V. 21. vi. 22. vii Brown BROWN (Jonathan). Jonathan^ Brown, of Westminster, Mass., is assumed to have been descended from Nicholas Brown of Westminster and Reading, but no certain evidence of such descent is known. He m. Mehitable, dau. of James Hay. Res. Westminster, Mass. Jonathan^ (Jonathan'), b. about 1740; d. Mar. 14, 1820; m. Huldah Hawkes [b. about 1743; d. Jan. 1, 1818]. Res. Reading and Westminster, Mass. Jonathan'' (Jonathan", Jonathan'), b. Reading, Mass., Aug. 30, 1765; d. July 24, 1840; m. Beulah, dau. of Elisha and Beulah (Taylor) Jackson [b. about 1772; d. Nov. 24, 1839]. He was a farmer in Gardner, Mass. Charles' (Jonathan^ Jonathan^ Jonathan'), b. Mar. 12, 1800; d. Oct. 16, 1863; m. Susan Morehead of Gloucester, Mass. He was a grocer in Boston. 1. Charles Severance^ (Charles*, Jonathair . Jonathan^), b. Boston, Nov. 18, 1844; m. (1) 1867, Frances, dau. of Adrian and Abbie (Harding) Partridge [d. New Ips- wich, 1889] ; (2) 1891, Ruth, dau. of Ephraim Miller of Salem, JVIass. He has been engaged in carriage service in Boston since 1872, but passes his summers in his country home in New Ipswich, formerly the home of Judge Timothy Farrar, (VIII: 1, S. R.) Children: 2. i. Albert Edward, b. Feb. 19, 1871; m. Oct. 29, 1894, Grace Joanna Thayer (20). He is an electrician in Hartford, Conn. 3. ii. Susan Morehead, b. Jan. 1, 1885. 4. iii. Philip, b. Nov. 18, 1892. BROWN (Joshua). Joshua Brown', m. Prudence Welch. They came from England to America and settled at Coventry, Ct. Benjamin" (Joshua'), m. Jerusha Edwards of Coventry. Benjamin' (Benjamin^ Joshua'), b. Coventry, Feb. 1, 1787; d. Sept. 23, 1857; m. Azuba, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Butterfield) Searles [b. Townsend, Mass., Feb. 19, 1790; d. Nov. 29, 1839]. He came to Townsend, Mass., in early manhood, and passed his life there as a farmer. 1. Samuel S.'* (Benjamin^, Benjamin^, Joshua^), b. Oct. 27, 1814; d. Sept. 7, 1876; m. May 16, 1847, Arabella Augusta Bate- man (8). He came to New Ipswich while yet a young man and was actively engaged for many years as a teamster, his home being one of the houses formerly standing upon the north side of the turnpike easterly from the High Bridge, which were afterward destroyed by fire. Children: 267 History of New Ipswich 2. i. Arabella A., b. Nov. 9, 1848; m. Nov. 20, 1878, Joseph Allen, son of Joseph B.' (Stephen", Joseph"*, John^ John^ Isaac", Isaac^), and Mercy L. (Covell) Cummings [b. May 16, 1847], a machinist in Orange, Mass. Two children. 3. ii. Charles S., b. Jan. 17, 1851; d. Apr. 12, 1902; m. Apr. 27, 1872, Clara L., dau. of Daniel W. and Nancy (Parkhurst) Rugg of Fitchburg, Mass. He was a tinsmith at Taunton, Mass., for many years. Two children. 4. iii. William H., b. May 19, 1852; m. Oct. 6, 1875, Isabelle McNabb of Clinton, Mass. He was a tinsmith, but later has been superintendent of the waterworks at Shirley, Mass. Three children. 5. iv. James E., b. Apr., 1854; d. June 12, 1854. 6. V. James Frederick, b. May 10, 1855 ; m. June 13, 1886, Etta E., dau. of George V. and Lorena (Warner) Davis [d. Apr. 7, 1909]. He is a marble worker and undertaker at Shirley, Mass. BROWN (Thomas). Thomas^ Brown came from England, and he settled in Concord, Mass., in 1640. He died Nov. 3, 1688, and his wife, Bridget , Mar. 5, 1681. BoAr (Thomas'), b. Feb. 14, 1641/2; d. Apr. 7, 1724; m. (1) Nov. 8, 1664, Mary, dau. of Edward and Jane Winship; (2) Oct. 10, 1716, Abigail (Ballard) Wheat [d. July 20, 1726]. Thomas" (Boaz", Thomas'), b. May 12, 1716; d. May 13, 1739; m. Rachel Poulter. John' (Thomas", Boaz', Thomas'), b. Sept. 18, 1694; d. Mar. 6, 1750; m. Feb. 23, 1714/5, Elizabeth, dau. of Judah and Grace (Brooks) Potter [b. July 23, 1699]. Two of his sons were among the early settlers in New Ipswich. 1. JoHN^ (John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. July 1, 1724; d. 1803; m. Elizabeth Bateman. He came from Concord to New Ipswich during the early period of the Revolution, and settled in an elevated position between Barrett and Kidder Mountains, only two or three hundred feet below their sum- mits, very near to the crest of the turnpike which was destined to cross the range more than a quarter-century later. His children, of whom only the youngest was born after his arrival in New Ipswich, were: 3. i. Elizabeth, b. June 30, 1753; d. Feb. 24, 1812; m. Lieut. Samuel", son of Dea. Ephraim* (Thomas", Thomas^ Thomas'), and Abigail (Wheeler) Brown [b. Feb. 18, 1752; d. Oct. 29, 1818]. Eleven children. 4. ii. John, b. Dec. 5, 17S5.+ 5. iii. Thaddeus, b. Mar., 1758. 6. iv. Asa, b. Apr. 10, 1759; d. Feb. 25, 1834. 268 I Brown (Thomas) 7. V. Anna, b. May 8, 1761; d. Apr. 28, 1825; m. Dec. 6, 1785, Willard Spaulding [b. 1761; d. 1822]. 8. vi. Rebecca, b. Mar. 17, 1763; d. Mar. 13, 1813; m. Josiah French [d. 1840]. Five children. 9. vii. Joseph, b. Feb. 21, 1765.+ 10. viii. Hannah, b. Apr. 28, 1767; d. Feb. 15, 1852; m. Apr. 16, 1795, Aaron Brown (19). 11. ix. Reuben, b. Mar. 15, 1769.+ 12. X. Hepzibah, b. Aug. 27, 1771; d. 1834; m. Nov. 17, 1796, Stephen Davis (58). 13. xi. Thomas, b. June 25, 1774. 14. xii. Polly, b. Aug. 24, 1779; d. Feb. 24, 1832; ni. about 1798, Samuel Wyman. 2. Josiah^ (John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Jan. 30, 1742; d. Mar. 18, 1831 ; m. Oct. 31, 1765, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (Heywood) Wright [b. Nov. 27, 1744; d. 1821]. He came to New Ipswich immediately after his marriage, and settled upon Flat Mountain, half a mile eastward from his brother, (62, N. D.,) and soon became a prominent man in military and in religiotts matters. His name is borne upon the Concord roll as that of a sergeant, he was first lieutenant in Capt. Towne's company at Bunker Hill, and claimed to have fired the last gun before the retreat ; and he afterward was captain in command of a company largely composed of his fellow townsmen which responded with great prompt- ness to the calls for immediate aid as related in the earlier part of this volume. He was one of the foremost in the organization of the Baptist church, in which he was made the first deacon. Like many men of intense vision and prompt action, he may have lacked something in breadth of view, but conscientious and faithful, he was one of those men whose work in the evolution of a new society can hardly be over- valued. Children — all born in New Ipswich: 15. i. JosiAH, b. Oct. 1, 1766.-1- 16. ii. Joseph, b. Oct. 10, 1767.+ 17. iii. Jonas, b. Mar. 4, 1769.-|- 18. iv. Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1770; d. Apr. 20, 1822; m. Reuben Brown (11). 19. V. Aaron, b. Dec. 8, 1772.-f- 20. vi. Amos, b. Sept. 11, 1774.-|- 21. vii. Abner, b. July 27, 1776.-^ 22. viii. Rebecca, b. July 5, 1778; d. June 9, 1853; m. Nathan Perry. 23. ix. Levi, b. Aug. 6, 1780; d. Sept. 10, 1840; m. May 15, 1803, Betsey Temple. 24. x. Nathan, b. July 25, 1782.-1- 25. xi. Heywood, b. July 2, 1784.-|- 269 History of New Ipswich 26. xii. Betsey, b. Feb. 7, 1787; d. July 11, 1793. 27. xiii. Abigail, b. June 22, 1790; d. Apr. 24, 1864; m. Asa Farnsworth. 4. JoHN^ (John^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Dec. 5, 1755; d. Nov. 17, 1830; m. Nov. 9, 1780, Patty Wright. He came from Concord, probably with his father, in the later part of his youth, and remained during the earlier years of his married life. Later he removed to Sharon, and in 1817 he sold his farm in that town and removed to Alexander, N. Y. He had received a good common-school education before leav- ing Concord, and during his life he often added to his agricul- tural labors the duties of a Baptist minister. Children : 28. i. Abigail, b. Sept. 1, 1781; d. June 21, 1803; m. Apr. 19, 1801, David Nay [b. 1781; d. 1803]. One child. 29. ii. Patty, b. 1783 ; d. about 1803, unm. 30. iii. Cyrus, b. Mar. 20, 1785.+ 31. iv. John, b. Mar. 5, 1787.-|- 32. V. Edward, b. 1789; d. May 2, 1863; m. 1818, Almira Jones [d. 1868]. 33. vi. Sally, b. 1791 ; m. 1818, George Adams. 9. Joseph^ (John^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Feb. 21, 1765; d. Dec. 16, 1840; m. (1) Sept., 1795, Rebecca Walker [b. 1770; d. 1811]; (2) Nov. 5, 1811, Lucy Proctor. He was a Congregational minister at Shapleigh, Me., 1795, at Alfred, Me., 1805, at Cavendish, Vt., 1812. Children : 34. i. Mary, b. Oct. 8, 1796; d. Mar. 7, 1866; m. Dec. 31, 1819, Israel Moore. Three children. 35. ii. John, b. July 5, 1801; d. Feb. 22, 1843; m. (1) Nov. 10, 1829, Clarissa B. Whipple [d. 1832] ; (2) Harriet Doolittle. He was a physician. He had one son, John Henry, b. Aug. 15, 1830. 36. iii. Lucy Amelia, b. Feb. 15, 1813; m. Apr. 11, 1839, Anson Spaulding. Two children. 37. iv. George Wellington, b. Oct. 4, 1814; m. (1) Dec. 2, 1841, Sophia Soper [d. 1843] ; (2) Mar. 7, 1849, Irene Woodbury. Three children. 11. Reuben^ (John^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 15, 1769; d. July 17, 1853; m. July 1, 1793, Sarah Brown (18). He removed from New Ipswich to Whitingham, Vt., about 1800, and thence ten or twelve years later into Canada, settling in a new town which received the name of Browns- ville in his honor. He was a prosperous farmer. Children : 38. i. Charles B., b. May 10, 1796; m. Nov. 14, 1816, Sophia Stone. He was a minister. 39. ii. George, b. Aug. 24, 1797. 270 Brown (Thomas) 40. iii. Reuben, b. 1798. 41. iv. Olive, b. May 11, 1801; d. July 6, 1883; m. Jan. 21, 1819, Zenas Carey. She lived in Pamelia, N. Y., and Richland, N. Y. Seven children. 42. v. Jesse, b. Oct. 22, 1802. 43. vi. Betsey, b. Mar. 4, 1804. 44. vii. Abner, b. July 27, 1805; ,m. Sept. 27, 1829, Lucy French [b. 1805; d. 1882]. Nine children. 45. viii. Hannah, b. July 27, 1805. 46. ix. Sarah, b. Mar. 13, 1807. 47. X. John Bateman, b. Mar. 10, 1811; m. Sept. 13, 1837, Mary Herrick. Three children. 48. xi. Lyman Lockw^ood, b. Mar. 18, 1815. 15. JosiAH® (Tosiah^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz-, Thomas^), b. Oct. 1, 1766; d. Jan. 20, 1858; m. Apr. 19, 1792, Milicent, dau. of Edward and Thankful Wright [b. June 25, 1767; d. 1849]. He removed to Whitingham, Vt., where he passed his life as a farmer. Children : 49. i. JosiAH, b. Sept. 24, 1793; d. July 19, 1794. 50. ii. Cyrus, b. Apr. 20, 1795; d. Sept. 21, 1797. 51. iii. RuFus, b. Jan. 12, 1797; d. Aug. 9, 1875; m. (1) May 1, 1820, Polly Smead [b. 1802; d. 1839]; (2) Ruth (Greenwood) Belknap, 1841 [d. 1847] ; (3) Dec. 13, 1848, Mrs. Eliza M. Winn, dau. of Abiatha and Betsey Edwards. He lived in Whitingham. Four children. 52. iv. Peter, b. July 28, 1798 ; d. July 30, 1798. 53. v. Clement, b. May 23, 1800; d. Aug. 7, 1849; m. 1823, Polly Fames. 54. vi. Milicent, b. July 3, 1802; d. Feb. 24, 1803. 55. vii. Abram, b. Dec. 10, 1803 ; d. Dec. 19, 1803. 56. viii. Edmund, b. July 13, 1805; d. Oct. 11, 1866; m. May 5, 1831, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Potter and Elizabeth (Brown) Prescott. He lived in Whitingham. Six children. 57. ix. George Witherell, b. Mar. 18, 1810; m. Oct. 4, 1832, Frances E. Bemis. 16. Joseph'' (Josiah^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Oct. 10, 1767; d. Mar. 2, 1827; m. Sally Preston (10). Like his brother Josiah he became a farmer in Whitingham, Vt. Children : 58. i. Joseph Wright, d. July 18, 1855. 59. ii. James Preston. 60. iii. Jemima. 17. Jonas'* (Josiah^, John*, Thomas^ Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 4, 1769; d. Feb. 23, 1836; m. Feb. 20, 1796, Lois, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Russell. He too passed his life as a farmer in Whitingham, Vt. Children: 271 L History of New Ipswich 61. i. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 29, 1796; d. Mar. 4, 1849; m. Clarissa Fowler. 62. ii. Nancy, b. Mar. 16, 1798; m. James Peebles. 63. iii. Gratis, b. Apr. 16, 1800; d. Apr. 22, 1868; m. Joseph Eames. 64. iv. Harvey, b. Dec. 15, 1801; d. Feb. 13, 1874; m. Lucena Fuller. 65. V. Abigail, b. June 25, 1803; d. Mar. 3, 1873; m. 1823, Joseph Peebles. 66. vi. Leonard, b. Sept. 24, 1806; m. Feb. 9, 1834, Lucinda Martin. Five children. 67. vii. Lois, b. Aug. 25, 1808; m. Jan. 29, 1829, Daniel Fowler. Five children. 68. viii. Jonas, b. Apr. 8, 1810; d. Apr. 20, 1856; m. Emeline Aldrich. 69. ix. Russell, b. Feb. 21, 1812; d. May 7, 1835, unm. 70. X. Martin, b. Nov. 7, 1813; d. July 11, 1861; m. Mary A. Stacey. 71. xi. Abel W., b. Nov. 2, 1817; m. Lucy Horsley. 19. Aaron*' (Josiah^, John*, Thomas^ Boaz-, Thomas^), b. Dec. 8, 1772; d. Feb. 15, 1828; m. Apr. 16, 1795, Hannah Brown (10) [b. Apr. 28, 1767; d. Feb. 15, 1852]. He was a farmer, occupying the farm of his father-in-law, John Brown, on the crest of the mountain. He also for a few years after the construction of the turnpike kept a store near his home. He sturdily maintained the activities of his father, Capt. Jo- siah Brown, being a lieutenant and also a prominent supporter of the Baptist church, and like his father, a deacon. Children : 72. i. Betsey, b. Jan. 23, 1796; d. Jan. 26, 1804. IZ. ii. Aaron, b. Sept. 28, 1797; d. May 22, 1798. 74. iii. Addison, b. Mar. 11, 1799.-^ 75. iv. Hermon, b. Dec. 28, 1800.-^ 1t. V. Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1803; d. Dec. 1, 1837; m. 1836, William Billings. n. vi. John S., b. Apr. 26, 1806.+ 20. Amos'' (Josiah^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz-, Thomas^), b. Sept. 11, 1774; d. May 10, 1864; m. Apr. 5, 1803, Sarah Tar- bell [b. 1782]. He was also a farmer, and the fourth of the brothers at Whitingham, Vt. Children : 78. i. Elliot, b. Aug. 15, 1804; d. 1902; m. June 7, 1826, Polly Kings- bury. He was a physician. Seven children. 79. ii. Alois, b. Dec. 1, 1805; m. (1) Mary Goodenough ; (2) Phila F. Tenney. 80. iii. Amos, b. July 9, 1807; d. Apr. 2, 1810. 81. iv. Sally, b. Aug. 13, 1809; d. Dec. 4, 1849; m. T. G. Davis. 82. V. Clarissa, b. Oct. 11, 1811; d. July 24, 1855; m. Dr. Allen Carkins. 83. vi. Hannah, b. Jan. 5, 1816; d. June 13, 1817. 84. vii. Amos A., b. Oct. 18, 1817; d. Jan. 2, 1869; m. Nov. 28, 1839, Mary R. Temple. 272 Brown (Thomas) 21. Abner« (Josiah^ John*, Thomas^ Boaz^, Thomas^), b. July 27, 1776; d. Apr. 4, 1824; m. (1) Dec. 10, 1805, Polly Jaquith; (2) May 16, 1815, Polly Ayer, dau. of Ebenezer and (Hevey) Ayer. He succeeded to his father's farm, and like his father, held the office of captain. Children : 85. i. Mary, b. June 23, 1807; d. Nov. 6, 1835. 86. ii. Almira, b. Apr. 30, 1809; d. Jan. 23, 1857; m. June 9, 1833, John G. Wilson (26). Two children. 87. iii. Lebanon, b. Jan. 23, 181 1.+ 88. iv. LuRENA, b. Dec. 19, 1812 ; d. July 6, 1833. 89. V. Abner Hartwell, b. July 6, 1816.-t- 90. vi. Marshall H., b. Mar. 1, 1817; d. Apr. 16, 1835. 91. vii. Fidelia O., b. Dec. 13, 1820; m. 1840, David M. Dodge. Two children. 92. viii. SopHRONiA P., b. Nov. 4, 1822 ; d. Oct. 18, 1826. 24. Nathan^ (Josiah^ John*, Thomas^ P.oaz^, Thomas^), b. July 25, 1782; d. Jan. 21, 1862; m. June 3, 1806, Betsey Gold- smith. He remained in New Ipswich for four or five years after attaining his majority, and then joined his four brothers at Whitingham, Vt., where he was a successful farmer. Chil- dren : 93. i. Nathan, b. June 22, 1807.-f- 94. ii. Sophia Burnham, b. Oct. 27, 1809; m. May 23, 1833, Jonathan Ballard [b. 1798; d. 1862]. Five children. 95. iii. William G., b. Mar. 3, 1812.+ 96. iv. JosiAH W., b. June 15, 1815 ; d. July 5, 1816. 97. V. Mary E., b. Sept. 9, 1818; d. Sept. 9, 1872, unm. 25. Heywood^ (Josiah^ John*, Thomas^ Boaz^, Thomas^), b. July 2, 1784; d. Mar. 2, 1867; m. Feb. 5, 1809, Sally Wolcott [b. 1788; d. 1876]. His eldest child was born at Lewis, N. J., the second at Concord, Mass., but the greater part of his life was passed at Acton, Mass. Children : 98. i. James Madison, b. Feb. 8, 1810; m. (1) Aug. 17, 1839, Laura Keyes [b. 1802; d. 1848]; (2) Dec. 26. 1848, Amanda Pingrey [b. 1826]. He lived at Littleton, Mass. Ten chil- dren. 99. ii. JosiAH WoLCOTT, b. May 18, 1812; m. Oct. 23, 1842, Harriet Newell Parker [b. 1821]. He was a minister, and lived successively at Concord, Mass., Derry, N. H., and Manches- ter, Vt. Ten children. 100. iii. Louise Sacharissa, b. Apr. 3, 1815; m. June 1, 1835, John Wetherbee [b. 1807; d. 1867]. Two children. 101. iv. Jane Ann, b. Apr. 9, 1817; m. June 1, 1835, George Baker Oxley [b. 1807]. 19 273 History of New Ipswich 102. V. Samuel Heywood, b. Aug. 3, 1819; d. Dec. 14, 1880; m. Apr. 30, 1850, Elethina Burnham [b. 1822; d. 1863]. He lived in Acton and in Littleton, Mass. Three children. 103. vi. Sarah Wright, b. Jan. 8, 1822 ; m. Nov. 29, 1849, S. Augustus Child [b. 1822]. Four children. 104. vii. Augustus Winslow^, b. Aug. 29, 1824; m. Apr. 4, 1848, Lovey Blodgett [b. 1827]. Ten children. 105. viii. Mary Baker, b. Mar. 4, 1827; m. Nov. 28, 1848, Moses F. Greenwood [b. 1827]. Six children. 106. ix. Harvey Darkman, b. Aug. 14, 1831 ; m. July 4, 1855, Jerusha C Little [b. 1834]. Five children. 30. Cyrus^ (John'', John^ John*, Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas\), b. May 20, 1785; d. Oct. 30, 1846; m. Dec, 1810, Milla, dau. of Benjamin and Rebecca Lawrence [d. 1849]. He passed his early manhood in Sharon, but at about the age of thirty-three he removed to Pembroke, N. Y. Children : 107. i. Joshua L., b. Aug. 12, 1812; d. June 20, 1860; m. (1) Nov., 1835, Eliza A. Colby [d. 1836]; (2) Dec. 1, 1842, Diana Osborne. Three children. 108. ii. Abigail W., b. Dec. 8, 1815; d. Jan. 4, 1836; m. Feb., 1835, Daniel W. Noble. 109. iii. John W., b. May 7, 1817; m. Jan. 1, 1838, Lorette R. Noble [b. 1818]. Eleven children. 110. iv. Harriet M., b. Aug. 2, 1819; d. Aug. 4, 1880; m. Dec, 1841, Joseph M. Gowing. 111. v. Martha W., b. Apr. 3, 1822; m. (1) Oct., 1843, Robert Den- ham; (2) Jan. 3, 1865, Mark Kidder [d. 1884]. 112. vi. Cyrus, b. Dec. 12, 1824; d. Jan. 19, 1849, unm. 113. vii. Sarah Theresa, b. Sept. 23, 1827; d. Jan. 4, 1863; m. Nov. 20, 1850, Nathaniel W. Stowell. Three children. 114. viii. Edward Dana, b. Oct., 1829; d. July 12, 1850, unm. 115. ix. Levant R., b. Mar. 3, 1832; m. (1) Mar. 28, 1854, Laura A. Warner [d. 1877]; (2) June 2, 1882, Emma L. Sweeney. Four children. 31. John'^ (John^, John'^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz-, Thomas^), b. Mar. 5, 1787; d. Dec. 22, 1852; m. Oct. 12, 1817, Mary Skel- don [d. 1884]. During most of his life he was in Buffalo, N. Y., or Darien in the same state. Children : 116. i. John J., b. Toronto, Ont, Jan. 29, 1819; m. (1) Feb. 23, 1845, Rebecca A. Hadley [b. 1820; d. 1868]; (2) July 12, 1871, Harriet J. Gallup. He was a doctor, naturalist, and teacher. Five children of the first marriage. 117. ii. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 10, 1820; m. May, 1856, David Flint [d. 1872]. One daughter. 118. iii. George, b. Apr. 3, 1822; d. Mar. 22, 1833. 119. iv. Thomas, b. Aug. 11, 1825; d. Aug. 17, 1834. 120. v. Sarah J., b. Mar. 24, 1827; m. Dec, 1854, James Coalsworth. Three children. 274 Brown (Thomas) 121. vi. Edward, b. Aug. 10, 1830; d. June 7, 1864; m. Sept. 5, 1853, Sarah Winans. Three children. 122. vii. Cyrus, b. July 8, 1832; d. Aug. 13, 1863; m. July 7, 1855, Sabrina Hutchinson. He was a civil engineer. He served in the Civil War as a lieutenant in the 100th New York Regiment, and was fatally wounded at the storming of Fort Wagner. 123. viii. George, b. Apr. 10, 1834; m. Apr. 5, 1860, Carrie Garlock. Two children. 124. ix. Abigail, b. Feb. 8, 1836; m. Apr. 5, 1860, Charles Davis. Two children. 125. X. Millie, b. May 24, 1839; m. Apr. 3, 1861, Hon. Henry M. Rich. Two children. 126. xi. Daniel C, b. Apr. 15, 1841 ; m. Sept. 18, 1876, Louisa Brown. Three children. 74. Addison'^ (Aaron®, Josiah^, John*. Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 11, 1799; d. May 11. 1872; m. Dec. 13, 1832, Ann Elizabeth, dan. of Abijah and Elizabeth Wetherbee. He graduated from Harvard College in 1826. studied at the Har- vard Theological School, and was pastor of the Unitarian church in Brattleboro. Vt., for many years. He was after- ward a teacher in Brattleboro and editor of the Vermont Phoenix. Children : 127. i. Frances Allen, b. June 15, 1834; d. Aug. 27, 1870, unm. 128. ii. Ann Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1836; d. Feb. 9, 1862; m. May 3, 1853, Christian Schuster. Two children. 129. iii. Addison, b. June 6, 1838; d. Mar. 3, 1865; m. Feb. 7, 1863, Florida S. Starr. 130. iv. Charles Wetherbee, b. Nov. 7, 1840; m. Aug. 20, 1867, Eliza- beth, dau. of Nehemiah and Lucretia Starr [b. 1846]. 131. V. Mary Hannah, b. July 5, 1842; m. (1) July 31, 1863, Capt. Dennis W. Farr [d. 1864] ; (2) Feb. 7, 1867, Col. Augustus T. Dunton. 75. Hermon'^ (Aaron®, Josiah^, John*. Thomas^, Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Dec. 28, 1800; d. Aug." 23, 1876; m. Sophronia, dau. of Samuel Potter and Elizabeth (Brown) Prescott. He occupied the family farm upon the mountain, and succeeded his father and grandfather as deacon in the Baptist church. Children : 132. i. Addison Prescott, b. Aug. 2, 1827; m. Dec. 26, 1850, Frances Louisa Chase [b. 1829]. He lived in Bellows Falls and Brattleboro, Vt., and in Worcester, Mass. Three children. 133. ii. Hannah Elizabeth, b. May 21, 1829; d. Sept. 14, 1831. 134. iii. Joseph Aaron, b. May 8, 1831 ; m. Feb. 8, 1854, Lucy A., dau. of Benjamin F. and Mary E. Davis. 135. iv. John Humphrey, b. Mar. 22, 1834; d. Feb. 23, 1845. 275 History of New Ipswich 136. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. Mar. 16, 1836; m. May 21, 1857, Charles H. Burrough [b. 1832]. She lived in Boxboro, Mass. Six children. 137. vi. Alfred Hermon, b. July 14, 1838; m. Jan. 20, 1872, Margaret E. Gale [b. 1851]. Three children. Res. Canterbury. 138. vii. George Stillman, b. Nov. 12, 1840; d. Dec. 11, 1840. 139. viii. SoPHRONiA Eliza, b. Aug. 20, 1842; d. Sept. 16, 1842. 140. ix. Hannah Eliza, b. Nov. 19, 1843; d. Sept. 13, 1845. 77 . John S/ (Aaron^, Josiah^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz", Thomas^), b. Apr. 26, 1806; d. 1902; m. Aug. 16, 1836, Mary, dau. of David and Orra (Bliss) Ripley of Greenfield, Mass. He graduated from Union College in 1834, taught eight years, and then after a couple of years with the Brook Farm com- munity he became a Unitarian minister, first at Fitzvvilliam, N. H., whence he removed to Ashby, Mass., and then in 1857 to Lawrence, Kan., where his ministerial duties were supple- mented by various editorial, official, and agricultural occu- pations. Children : 141. i. Sarah Alvord, b. Jan. 23, 1838. She was an Indian teacher at Lawrence. 142. ii. William Ripley, b. July 16, 1840; m. Oct. 28, 1868, Lizzie E. Balcom [b. 1845; d. 1884]. He graduated from Union College in 1862. Res. in Earned, Kan. He has held the offices of district judge, representative in Congress, and register of the U. S. Land Office at Leavenworth, Kan. Three children. 143. iii. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 15, 1842; d. June IS, 1880; m. Aug. 16, 1871, Harriet, dau. of William and Sarah Bell. He was a farmer at Lawrence, Kan. Three children. 144. iv. Mary Whiton, b. Jan. 15, 1845; m. Apr. 4, 1867, Alfred, son of Edward B. and Nancy Whitman [b. 1842]. Seven chil- dren. 87. Lebanon'^ (Abner*^, Josiah^, John*, Thomas^, Boaz-, Thomas^), b. Jan. 23, 1811 ; d. July 21, 1846; m. Dec. 24, 1835, Marinda Blanchard (19) [b. Mar. 8, 1812]. He removed to Keene about 1838, and there remained until his death. Children : 145. i. Marshall Lebanon, b. Apr. 18, 1837; m. Nov. 10, 1869, Mrs. Helen (Adams) Child. He was a physician at Winchendon, Mass. One daughter. 146. ii. Milan Howard, b. Nov. 11, 1839; d. July 16, 1840. 147. iii. Mary Miranda, b. Keene, N. H., May 21, 1841; m. Feb. 9, 1865, William D. Parlin. 148. iv. George Abner, b. Keene, N. H., June 8, 1845; m. June 22, 1867, Ida Lavine, dau. of Reuben and Mrs. Caroline E. (Cowles) Steward. Six children. 276 Brown (Thomas) 89. Abner Hartwell^ (Abner^, Josiah^, John*, Thomas^ Boaz^ Thomas^), b. July 6, 1816; d. Apr. 21, 1851 ; m. Apr. 13, 1847, Susan Augusta Shurtleff. He was a doctor. Children — born at Hanover, N. H. : 149. i. Abner Hartwell, b. Dec, 1848; d. Sept. 20, 1849. 150. ii. Susan Anna, b. Aug. 19, 1850; d. May 16, 1885. 93. Nathan^ (Nathan^ Josiah^ John*, Thomas^, Boaz-, Thomas^), b. June 22, 1807; d. Jan. 1, 1886; m. (1) May 6, 1830, Eliza Whitney Ballard [d. 1871]; (2) July 24, 1872, Charlotte A. (Worth), widow of William Marlett. His pa- rents removed from New Ipswich to Whitingham, Vt., in his early infancy, and his boyhood was passed in that town. He entered Williams College at the age of sixteen, and graduated as valedictorian in 1827. The following five years were passed in teaching, editorial work, and preparation for the Baptist ministry, to which he was ordained in 1832; he sailed as a missionary to Burmah in the same year. In 1835 he was ap- pointed to a new mission in Assam, where he gave twenty years of eminently successful and honored labor. He re- turned to America in 1855, and for fifteen years was editor of the American Baptist, but in 1872 he responded to the call of Japan and gave the last thirteen years of his life to mis- sionary service there, bearing the same stamp of earnest ac- tivity and consecrated scholarship. Children : 151. i. Dorothy Sophia, b. Charlemont, Mass., May 6, 1832; d. Sept. 29, 1838. 152. ii. William Ballard, b. Maulmain, Burmah, June 7, 1835; d. Aug. 10, 1835. 153. iii. Nathan Ballard, b. Sadiya, Assam, Sept. 8, 1836; d. Feb. 11, 1841. 154. iv. Eliza Whitney, b. Sadiya, Assam, Sept. 30, 1838. 155. V. William Pearce, b. Sibsagor, Assam, Dec. 12, 1842. 156. vi. Nathan Worth, b. Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 22, 1877. 95. William C.^ (Nathan«, Josiah^ John*, Thomas^ Boaz^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 3, 1812; m. Oct. 10, 1839, Eunice Fisher. He entered Williams College in 1833, but his health did not permit him to complete his course. He was a teacher for several years, and then was engaged in editorial work for about twenty years, having charge successively of the Ver- mont Telegraph and the Voice of Freedom, both being anti- slavery papers published at Brandon, Vt., and later he had charge of the Chicopee (Mass.) Journal. Children : 277 History of New Ipswich 157. i. Ann Judson, b. Aug. 8, 1840; m. (1) Dec. 11, 1869, Capt. Frank Preston [d. 1880] ; (2) Oct., 1881, James A. Durfee. Two children of first marriage. 158. ii. Addison W., b. Nov. 25, 1841; m. Nov., 1864, Jula M. Barr. One daughter. 159. iii. Francis Fisher, b. Dec. 1, 1843; m. June 26, 1867, Susie Sea- man Brooks. Ten children. 160. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1849; m. Oct. 9, 1875, Moses W. Lyman. 161. V. Frederick C, b. Sept. 21, 1854; m. Mar., 1878, Ada L. Slyter. BUCKNAM. William^ Bucknam, b. Ipswich, County Suffolk, England, 1602; d. Maiden, Mass., 1679; m. (1) Prudence, dau. of John and Prudence Wil- kinson; (2) Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Mary Knower. He came to America in the Abigail, one of the Winthrop fleet, both of the women whom he afterward married coming in the same fleet with their parents, although John Wilkinson is believed to have died during the voyage. William Bucknam settled in that part of Charlestown called "Mystic Side," which is now Everett, where he was a carpenter, but later he became a farmer with a goodly farm in the region now constituting Maiden. The only child of his first marriage died unmarried, but through ten children of his second marriage he founded the American family of his name. JosES^' (William^), b. July 3, 1641; d. Aug. 24, 1694; m. (1) 1664, his cousin, Hannah, dau. of George and Elizabeth Knower [d. 1673] ; (2) Judith, dau. of Lionel and Susanna (Whipple) North of Salisbury, Mass. [b. 1647], who survived her husband, and m. Capt. John Lynde of Maiden. Joses Bucknam was prominent in town affairs, was a lieutenant in the militia, and served in King Philip's war. JosEs" (Joses-, William'), b. July 1, 1666; d. Apr. 5, 1741; m. Feb. 24, 1691/2, Hannah, dau. of Capt. John and Hannah (Andrews) Peabody of Boxford, Mass. [b. May 6, 1668]. He lived in the part of Maiden which is now Everett, where he was a farmer and also a weaver, having erected a mill for making cloth, the first manufacturing enterprise under- taken in Maiden, and which was continued on the same spot by three generations of the family. Edward^ (Joses', William'), b. of second marriage; d. 1773; m. 1716, Rebecca, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Green) Sprague. Res. in that part of Charlestown which is now Stoneham, and was one of the original members of the First Church of Stoneham, formed in 1729. Joses' (Joses', Joses^ William'), b. Apr. 17, 1692; d. Aug. 25, 1757; m. Aug. 27, 1713, Phebe, dau. of Edward and Abigail Tuttle [b. Boston, Aug. 12, 1690; d. May 6, 1767]. He lived upon an estate descended from his great-grandfather Knower. He was a respected and influential citizen, especially in the church, of which he was a deacon. Like his father, he was both "yeoman" and "weaver." Edward' (Edward', Joses', William'), d. 1801; m. Jan. 5, 1742/3, Sarah, dau. of Dr. Isaac and Sarah (Wright) Hill. Res. in Stoneham, Mass., and was a deacon in the First church for 35 years. Joses" (Joses*, Joses', Joses^ William'), b. 1714; d. soon after his father, not having completed the administration of the estate; m. Mary, 278 Bucknam dau. of Bunker and Martha Sprague of Maiden [b. Jan. 12, 1725/6]. He lived in Maiden. James= (Joses^ Joses^ Joses^ William'), b. Jan. 23, 1724/5; d. 1799; m. Sept. 17, 1747, Mary, dau. of John Goddard of Roxbury [d. 1790]. He lived in Maiden and in Medford. Aaron" (Joses^ Joses', Joses% William^), b. Feb. 23, 1728/9; d. 1778; m. (1) Nov. 5, 1760, Alice, dau. of Richard and Martha (Barrett) Skinner of Lynn and Marblehead [b. 1730; d. Aug. 24, 1767]; (2) May 1, 1768, Joanna Floyd of Chelsea. With the exception of a few years at Chelsea, his life was passed in his native town, where like his father and grand- father he was both a "yeoman" and a "weaver," but he sold the shop and waterpower, thus ending a family industry. He served in the Revo- lution in 1776 and 1777. Ebenezer" (Edward*, Edward^ Joses^, William*), m. Rachel, dau. of Dr. Thomas and Miriam (Gray) Hartshorn (Rachel Hartshorn by adop- tion) [b. 1762]. Res. in Stoneham, Mass. JosEs" (Joses°, Joses^ Joses', Joses^ William'), was the oldest son of Joses° but the date of his birth is not known ; m. Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 19, 1786, Nabby, dau. of William and Phebe (Brown) Hay. He lived at Medford at the time of his marriage, but removed to Mason, N. H., where he died. He was a selectman for thirteen years, and twice repre- sented the town in the Legislature. He had served in the Revolution, and received a grant of land at Glenburne, Me., to which his widow and a part of his large family removed. Joanna" (Aaron^ Joses', Joses', Joses', William'), b. Sept. 11, 1769; d. July 26, 1843; m. Feb. 6, 1788, Phineas Pratt (1). 1. Ebenezer® (James^, Joses^ Joses^ Joses^, William^), b. Nov. 9, 1762; m. May 29, 1785, Hannah Varder of Medford. He lived successively at Maiden, Medford, and Charlestown, and for a few years, beginning in 1821, he was a resident in New Ipswich, living on or near the road from the turnpike across Sawmill Brook. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and was known as Lieut. Bucknam. 2. Benoni® (Aaron^, Joses*, Joses^, Joses^, William^), b. Aug. 24, 1767; d. Sept. 8, 1833; m. Jan., 1793, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard and Mary Floyd [b. 1773; d. Apr. 19, 1855]. He came to New Ipswich at about the time of his marriage, and settled exactly at the geographical centre of the town, (XII : 2, S. R.,) where he passed his life as a farmer. Children : 5. i. Benoni, b. Sept. 15, 1793.-}- 6. ii. Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1795; d. Nov. 8, 1828; m. Jan. 16, 1814, John Russell. 7. iii. John, b. May 30, 1797; d. Aug. 25, 1798. 8. iv. John, b. Oct. 2, 1799.-{- 9. V. Sally, b. Nov. 14, 1801 ; d. July 8, 1863 ; m. Joseph Knowlton (25). 10. vi. Susan, b. Feb. 7, 1804; d. Feb. 24, 1883, unm. 279 History of New Ipswich 11. vii. William, b. Nov. 8, 1806.+ 12. viii. Aaron Skinner, b. Aug. 30, 1809.+ 13. ix. James, b. Oct. 12, 181 1.+ 14. X. Alice Marinda, b. Mar. 9, 1813; d. Apr. 21, 1856, unm. 3. Edward^ (Ebenezer^, Edward*, Edward^, Joses^, Wil- liam^), b. Stoneham, Mass., Aug. 4, 1789; d. New Ipswich, Nov. 25, 1880; m. 1814, Sarah, dau. of Nathan and Priscilla (Hadley) Willey [b. Medford, Mass., Nov. 3, 1789; d. Sept., 1881]. He lived in his native town nearly ninety years, at- tending to his professional duties as a civil engineer until the last two years. The closing years of himself and his wife were passed in New Ipswich, at the home of Daniel B. Gil- son, (58, N. D.,) Mrs. Gilson being a daughter of his son Dexter Bucknam. 4. Caleb'' (Joses^ Joses^ Joses*, Joses^ Joses^, William^), b. Nov. 16, 1795; d. Aug. 3, 1874; m. (1) Dec. 12, 1818, Debo- rah Barrett [b. 1800; d. Jan. 5, 1820] ; (2) Dec. 26, 1820, Louisa Brooks Snow of Mason [b. Nov. 30, 1801; d. July 29, 1878]. The home of his youth was in Mason, although he is said to have been born on board a ship on a voyage from Ports- mouth, N. H., to Norfolk, Va. Until he was thirty-three years of age he lived in or near Mason, but was for a little time at West Townsend, and is recorded in New Ipswich for a few years following his second marriage, apparently liv- ing near the intersection of the old "country road" and the Turnpike. In 1828 he removed to "the West," stopping for ten years at Pontiac, Mich., and being county sheriff during most of the time ; thence he removed to Dubuque county, Iowa, where he purchased land and founded upon it the town of Cascade, which he saw increase from a mere Indian trading- post to a thriving town, near which in an honorable position stands his monument. Children : 15. i. Deborah, b. Dec. 31, 1819; d. about 1870; m. Sept. 27, 1836, Artemas Russell. Six children. 16. ii. Eliza A., b. Oct. 18, 1821; m. Mar. 14, 1838, George Grimes Baughart, a successful business man in Pontiac and Cas- cade. Six children. 17. iii. Magnus Johnson, b. Aug. 10, 1822; d. 1894; m. Harriet Winchell. He lived in Cascade, and removed thence to California. Three children. 18. iv. Mary Snow, m. W. S. Hall. Four children. 19. V. William D., b. Oct. 16, 1825; d. 1879; m. (1) Chadwell; (2) Mary Tolman. He lived in Cascade. Eight children. 280 Bucknam 20. vi. Elvira G., b. Jan. 8, 1833; m. Sept. 6, 1848, James Cooley. Twelve children. 21. vii. Harriet Augusta, b. Mar. 3, 1835 ; m. Charles Winchell. Lived at Exira, Iowa. Two children. 22. viii. Conelia Maria, b. Mar. 3, 1837; d. June, 1838. 23. ix. Charles Eliott, b. June 6, 1838; d. 1840. 5. Benoni^ (Benoni^ Aaron^, Joses^ Joses^, Joses^ Wil- liam^), b. Sept. 15, 1793; d. Feb. 10, 1889; m. Anne Coy. Soon after marriage he removed to Butternuts, Chenango county, N. Y., where he was a farmer, as he was later at Gilbertsville, Otsego county, in the same state; increasing years caused him to follow his son James Orren to Tripoli, Bremer county, Iowa, where his wife died within a year, while he survived his son, but remained in his former home with a granddaughter till he attained the age of ninety-six years. Children : 24. i. Horatio, b. probably at Butternuts, where he married and passed his life, dying of consumption and leaving one son, Charles, who died from the same disease. 25. ii. James Orren, b. Gilbertsville; d. from accidental discharge of a gun two days before completing his fifty-sixth year. At the age of thirty-four he removed with a colony of settlers from New York to Iowa, and passed his remaining years at Tripoli. He was an earnest Baptist worker and temper- ance advocate. He married and had at least one daughter, who married Nape, and succeeded to her father's home. 26. iii. William Otis, b. July 28, 1818; m. May 4, 1841, Persis Ann Clark. Children : i. Ellen Maria, ii. Williain. iii. Thomas. iv. Fanny H. 27. iv. MiRANDAE, d. young. 28. v. Sarah, b. Unadilla, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1824; d. Feb. 1, 1890; m. (1) Rev. Russel; (2) July 8, 1882, Rev. Samuel Poin- dexter, with whom she lived at Shapleigh, Me. She was a successful music teacher. 29. vi. Harriet Newell, b. June 16, 1828; m. June 16, 1858, Lewis P. Norton. She lived in Westfield, Mass. Child : i. Lewis F. Norton; he graduated from Harvard College in 1886, and is a lawyer in Boston. 30. vii. Dwight Livingston, b. Nov. 11, 1833; d. Sept. 1, 1843. 8. John'^ (Benoni'', Aaron^ Joses*, Joses% Joses^ Wil- liam^), b. Oct. 2, 1799; d. Apr. 28, 1877; m. Dunbarton, N. H., Apr. 13, 1826, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary (Robertson) Washer of Amherst, N. H. [b. Feb. 4, 1804; d. June 22, 1889]. He learned the business of butcher of Jeremiah Prichard at Concord, N. H., and followed it at New Ipswich for many years, living opposite the southeast corner of the old burying- 281 History of New Ipswich ground upon the hill, where, after age made him less vigorous, he worked diligently repairing shoes. Children : 31. i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Mar. 25, 1827; d. Sherbrooke, Quebec, Dec. 11, 1896; m. Hiram C. Wilson [b. Bradford, Vt., Jan. 10, 1827; d. Sherbrooke, Quebec, Nov., 1900]. He had a large music store at Sherbrooke. Four children. 32. ii. Helen Miranda, b. May 27, 1833; m. Sept. 1, 1853, Charles, son of Samuel and Harriet (Conant) Jenkins of Townsend. She lived in Mason and Greenville many years, her church membership in the Greenville Congregational church ex- tending through more than half a century. Four children. 33. iii. Martha Jane, b. Apr. 6, 1836; m. July 31, 1862, Braman I. Wilson of Alstead, N. H. [b. Oct. 29, 1836]. He enlisted in the 9th N. H. Regt. eight days after his marriage and was appointed sergeant; but he served only a few weeks, as he died at Pleasant Valley, Md., Oct. 23, 1862. One child, Carrie B. Wilson, b. May 1, 1863; lives with her mother at Leominster, Mass. 34. iv. John Benoni, b. June 20, 1842.-|- 35. v. Harriet Louise, b. June 20, 1842 ; m. Aug. 19, 1862, Harrison D. Evans, son of Horace and Lavina (Washburn) Evans of Peterboro [b. May 2, 1836]. He had entered Dartmouth College, but in his sophomore year he left his studies and on the day before his marriage enlisted in the 11th N. H. Regt., in which he served almost three years, his wife at the same time being a teacher in the South. After the war they lived in New Ipswich, Sharon, and Milford, but since 1880 their home has been at Ayer, Mass. He was at first a farmer, but later became engaged in the nursery business. Children: i. Minnie H. Evans, b. Dec. 11, 1866; she is a milliner, ii. Jennie May Evans, b. Sept. 9, 1869; m. William McLean, who has since died. iii. Harrison E. Evans, b. Aug. 8, 1881. 11. William^ (Benoni'', Aaron^, Joses*, Joses^, Joses^ Wil- liam^), b. Nov. 8, 1806; d. Aug. 11, 1871; m. Sept. 15, 1841, Ruth Taylor (39). He was a farmer living a quarter-mile south from the Congregational church. Children — born in New Ipswich : 36. i. William Taylor, b. Dec. 12, 1842.4- 37. ii. Harriet Asenath, b. Dec. 12, 1843; d. Mar. 15, 1856. 38. iii. Samuel Lee, b. July 7, 1844.+ 12. Aaron Skinner^ (Benoni®, Aaron^, Joses*, Joses^, Joses^, William^), b. Aug. 30, 1809; d. Mar. 13, 1889; m. (1) Jan. 23, 1839, IVlary Ann Pierce (13) ; (2) June 27, 1866, Mrs. Rebecca (Wheeler) (115) Weston. He was a farmer on the paternal farm. Children : 282 Bucknam 39. i. Harrison Aaron, b. July 14, 1841; d. Sept. 24, 1894; m. Ellen M. Walton of Boylston, Mass. He lived in Leominster, and afterward in Fitchburg, where he died. 40. ii. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 19, 1844; d. Apr. 9, 1898, unm. 41. iii. James Pierce, b. May 16, 1849; d. Jan. 19, 1859. 42. iv. Eleanor Elizabeth, b. July 8, 1854; m. Frank O., son of Quincy and Amanda Kendall of Ashby. They live in Ashby. 13. Jambs'^ (Benoni*^, Aaron^, Joses*, Joses^, Joses^, Wil- liam^), b. Oct. 12, 1811; d. Jan. 10, 1890; m. (1) July 17, 1838, Mehitable, dau. of Phineas and Joanna (Waite) Pratt (11); (2) Nov. 28, 1844, Almira Dunklee [b. Apr. 8, 1818]. He was a tanner and currier in Rutland, Vt., for ten years, but in 1849 he removed to Pittsford, Vt., where he remained until his death. Children : 43. i. Annette F., b. Dec. 22, 1839. 44. ii. Alice Miranda, b. June 23, 1844; m. Nov. 25, 1874, Frank A. Newton [b. July 8, 1850; d. Mar. 14, 1896]. She lived in Northfield, Mass. One child, Carrie D. Newton, b. Feb. 3, 1876; d. Feb. 25, 1876. 45. iii. James. 46. iv. Marion A., b. Apr. 15, 1852. 34. John Benoni^ (John^, Benoni*', Aaron^, Joses*, Joses^, Joses^ William^), b. June 20, 1842; m. Jan. 1, 1866, Mary E., dau. of Horace and Lavinia (Washburn) Evans of Peterboro [b. Nov. 23, 1845]. He was for several years a travelling salesman, and afterward a painter. They have lived in Mel- rose, Lynn, and Swampscott. Children : 51. i. Frank A., b. Nov. 9, 1866; m. Elizabeth French. He has lived in Melrose and in Swampscott. Three children : i. Frank W., b. Dec. 21, 1893. ii. Mary C, b. Apr. 27, 1895. iii. Sarah, b. July 16, 1896. 52. ii. Arthur B., b. Sept. 5, 1868. Lives in Chicago. 53. iii. Carrie, b. Nov. 28, 1870 ; d. Oct. 24, 1876. 54. iv. John F., b. Sept. 22, 1872; d. Oct. 19, 1872. 36. William Taylor^ (William^ Benoni^, Aaron^ Joses*, Joses^, Joses^, William^), b. Dec. 12, 1842; m. Dec. 30, 1867, Josephine Maria, dau. of James and Hannah (Wood) Simonds (5). He succeeded to his father's farm. He was a selectman several years. Children : 55. i. Katherine Maria, b. Jan. 27, 1871; m. Aug. 16, 1905, Rev. Henry A. Barber. She lives in Rye. Children : i. Alfred William Barber, b. July 24, 1906. ii. Katherine Louise Barber, b. Sept. 27, 1907. 383 History of New Ipswich 56. ii. Mary Abbie, b. Oct. 19, 1876; d. Feb. 18, 1911; m. Mar. 29, 1899, George W. Sargent [m. (2) Jan. 1, 1912, Helen Churchill]. Res. in New Ipswich. Children: i. Eleanor Maria Sargent, b. July 23, 1903. ii. Marjorie Josephine Sargent, b. July 20, 1908; d. Oct. 6, 1909. iii. Robert Wil- liam Sargent, b. Feb. 10, 1911. 38. Samuel Lee^ (William'^, Benoni^, Aaron^, Joses*, Joses^ Joses2, William^), b. July 7, 1844; m. July 26, 1881, Mary J. Wilcox. He lives in Leominster. Children : 57. i. Glen Taylor, b. May 14, 1882. BULLARD. No less than seven of the early settlers at Watertown, Mass., some of whom certainly were brothers, bore this family name, but the tradi- tions concerning their relationship are not reliable. Descendants from two of these pioneers settled in New Ipswich, as shown below under their ancestral names. BULLARD (George). George^ Bullard of Watertown took the freeman's oath in 1641 ; d. Jan. 14, 1688/9; m. Beatrice . He lived in the western part of the town, which is now Weston. Jonathan' (George'), b. July 12, 1647; m. (1) Dec. 22, 1669, Dester, dau. of Joseph Morse of Watertown; (2) Mar. 23, 1721/2, widow Eliza- beth Barns of Marlborough. Jonathan' (Jonathan^, George'), b. Dec. 25, 1672; d. Sept. 14, 1719; m. Anna [m. (2) Edward Harrington]. He lived in Weston. 1. Ebenezer* (Jonathan^, Jonathan-, George^), b. Weston, Oct. 14, 1719; d. New Ipswich, May 11, 1768; m. Mary . He was one of the earliest settlers in New Ipswich, probably preceded by only three or four. He settled in the extreme eastern part of the town, (I: 2, S. R.) Children: 2. i. Asa, b. Dec. 7, 1743 ; d. Sept. 12, 1765. 3. ii. Simeon, b. Aug. 19, 1745.+ 4. iii. Keziah, b. Apr. 22, 1747; d. June, 1843; m. (1) William Start (3) ; (2) Mar. 20, 1788, Ezra Towne (1) ; (3) Feb. 13, 1800, Jonathan Hartshorn [d. 1812]. She then removed to Cam- den, Me., where she lived for more than thirty years. 5. iv. John, b. June 10, 1749. 6. V. Ephraim, b. Apr. 13, 1751; d. Dec. 1, 1752. 7. vi. Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1753. 8. vii. Ebenezer, b. Apr. 1, 1756. 9. viii. Sarah, b. May 28, 1758. 10. ix. Susannah, b. Feb. 13, 1761; d. Mar. 18, 1765. 11. X. Asa, b. Apr. 18, 1765. It is stated in the former history that he graduated at Dartmouth College, was principal of the Franklin school in Boston, afterward studied medicine and 284 Bullard (George) was a successful practitioner, and that he died at Mt. Vernon about 1826. But the Dartmouth General Catalogue gives the name as that of a graduate of 1793, who received a medical degree at Harvard, and died in 1836, aged 61, which makes it doubtful whether he was Asa, the son of Ebenezer. 3. Simeon^ (Ebenezer*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, George^), b. Aug. 19, 1745 ; m. about 1771, Ruth Adams (H. 16). Children : 12. i. Ruth, b. Aug. 7, 1772. 13. ii. AzuBAH, b. July 20, 1774. 14. iii. Caleb, b. Sept. 7, 1776; d. Jan. 1, 1777. 15. iv. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 7, 1780; d. Jan. IS, 1811. 16. V. Mary, b. May 20, 1782. 17. vi. Sarah, b. Feb. 20, 1784; m. Luther Bowers. 18. vii. AsAHEL, b. Mar. 15, 1786. BULLARD (John). JoHN^ Bullard, of Watertown, was one of the first settlers at Ded- ham, signing the "Dedham Covenant" in 1636. He was also one of the original proprietors of Medfield, to which he removed about 1650, and where he died July 4, 1668. He m. (1) Magdalen [d. Mar. 20, 1661] ; (2) Ellen, widow of Thomas Dickerman of Dorchester. Joseph- (John^), b. Apr. 26, 1643; m. Sarah . He succeeded to his father's farm at Medfield. Ebenezer" (Joseph", John^), of Medfield, d. 1765; m. Susanna [d. 1763]. 1. Joseph* (Ebenezer^, Joseph^, John^), b. Medfield, Jan. 16, 1719; d. Mason, N. H., Mar. 3, 1792; m. Mar. 22, 1754, Sarah Proctor of Westford, Mass. [b. Feb. 25, 1729; d. Nov. 5, 1820]. He settled in New Ipswich at about the same time as Ebenezer of the preceding family, who was probably his kinsman, although, as is shown above, their connection through the family name must have been very distant. The two lived together, however, for ten or twelve years, but upon his marriage Joseph settled on the next lot to the west, (II : 2, S. R.,) and soon after he removed to Mason, where he passed his life upon a farm which has been occupied by successive generations of his descendants. Children : 2. i. Silas, b. Apr. 2, 1755.+ 3. ii. Isaac, b. June 29, 1757; d. 1760. 4. iii. Peter, b. Apr. 23, 1760. He lived successively at Wyoming, Pa., and Marietta, O. 5. iv. Eleazer, lived at Cincinnati, O. 2. SiLAS^ (Joseph*, Ebenezer^ Joseph^, John^), b. Apr. 2, 1755 ; d. May 15, 1835 ; m. July 1, 1782, Avis Keyes of Ashford, 285 History of New Ipswich Ct. [b. Dec. 30, 1763; d. Mar. 23, 1836]. He lived at Mason, where were born fifteen children : 6. i. Joseph, b. Apr. 2, 1783.+ 7. ii. Sampson, b. Oct. 24, 1784.+ 8. iii. Silas, b. Sept. 5, 1786.+ 9. iv. Amasa, b. July 22, 1788; d. Aug. 25, 1808, at Copenhagen, Denmark. 10. V. Isaac, b. Nov. 1, 1790.+ 11. vi. Sally, b. Feb. 21, 1793; m. Feb. 27, 1812, John Felt of Tem- ple [b. Apr. 20, 1789]. She lived at Wilton, N. H., and had seven children. 12. vii. Eleazer, b. Nov. 9, 1794; d. July, 1825. 13. viii. Jesse, b. Nov. 3, 1796; d. July 21, 1797. 14. ix. John, b. May 20, 1798; d. May 20, 1798. 15. X. Caleb Emerson, b. Aug. 29, 1799.-|- 16. xi. Charles Keyes, b. Feb. 22, 1801 ; d. May 7, 1860, unm. After a successful business life he came to Nevi^ Ipswich and bought for his residence the house built by Charles Shedd just north from the town hall, and here passed his later years with his sister Clarissa and her husband. 17. xii. Clarissa Page, b. May 26, 1802.+ 18. xiii. Abigail Brooks, b. Dec. 20, 1804; m. Elias Taylor of Jaffrey [b. Dec. 7, 1797]. She lived at Jaffrey, and had seven children. 19. xiv. George, b. Oct. 26, 1806; d. May 5, 1807. 20. XV. Harriet Keyes, b. Dec. 22, 1808; m. Nov. 2, 1828, John M. Maynard [b. Jaffrey, May 12, 1801]. She had five children. 6. Joseph'' (Silas^, Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph-, John^), b. Apr. 2, 1783; d. June 9, 1843; m. Oct. 23, 1809, Lucy (Felt) Cragin of Temple [b. Nov. 26, 1780]. He lived in Rindge. Children : 21. i. Lucy, b. July 20, 1810. 22. ii. Amasa, b. May 2, 1812. 23. iii. Elvira, b. Sept. 19, 1815. 24. iv. Silas, b. Aug. 29, 1817. 25. V. Stephen Felt, b. June 8, 1823. 7. Sampson^ (Silas^, Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph^, John^), b. Oct. 24, 1784; m. Nov. 8, 1818, Ivah Patterson [b. June 5, 1798; d. July 16, 1854]. He lived successively at Boston, Con- cord, N. H., and Littleton, N. H. Children: 26. i. Enoch P., b. Sept. 16, 1819. 27. ii. Caroline I., b. Apr. 9, 1821. 28. iii. George H., b. Sept. 6, 1823; d. May 17, 1840. 8. Silas'' (Silas^, Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph^, John^), b. at Mason, N. H., Sept. 5, 1786; d. Feb. 5, 1835; m. May 2, 1820, Mary Ann Barrett (14). He lived in Boston. Children : 286 Bullard (John) 29. i. Mary, b. Nov. 6, 1821; m. John S. Dwight of Boston, a musical critic and publisher. They were at Brook Farm before their marriage. 30. ii. Charles Barrett, b. Nov. 22, 1823 ; m. Isabel Gould. Two sons. He went to California in 1849. He had a farm at Shirley, Mass., and passed his last years in New Ipswich. 31. iii. Martha Ann, b. Dec. 26, 1825; m. Charles Reed. Res. at Boston. 32. iv. Sarah Jane Wollstonecraft, b. Sept. 11, 1828; d. Oct. 13, 1904, unm. She made her home in the old Barrett man- sion during the last twenty-five years of her life. 10. IsAAc*^ (Silas^, Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph^, John^), b. Nov. 1, 1790; m. Sept. 10, 1816, Nancy Fay [d. Feb. 24, 1827]. He lived at Mason. Children : 33. i. Charles A., b. Jan. 9, 1819; d. Nov. 4, 1850. 34. ii. Mary Ann, b. Mar. 26, 1820. 35. iii. George C, b. Sept. 25, 1822; d. Dec. 24, 1826. 36. iv. George F., b. Jan. 7, 1827. 15. Caleb Emerson^ (Silas^, Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph^, John^), b. Aug. 29, 1799; m. June 2, 1821, Sophronia Kmiball of Nelson, N. H. [b. Aug. 10, 1801.] Children: 37. i. Benjamin K., b. Jan. 22, 1826; d. Aug. 18, 1829. 38. ii. Abigail A., b. Oct. 19, 1828. 39. iii. Franklin K., b. Jan. 20, 1834. 40. iv. Louisa S., b. June 27, 1837. 41. V. Mary C, b. Jan. 3, 1841. 17. Clarissa Page^ (Silas^ Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph^, JohnO, b. May 26, 1802; d. Aug. 8, 1879; m. Feb. 5, 1819, Charles Granger [b. Suffield, Ct., June 8, 1799; d. New Ips- wich, Nov. 21, 1865]. She lived at Mason and at New Ips- wich. Children : i. Catherine A. Granger, b. May 13, 1821 ; m. John H. Coy. ii. Charles H. Granger, b. Mar. 31, 1823. iii. James W. Granger, b. Sept. 30, 1825; d. Jan. 24, 1864. iv. Mary Ann Granger, b. Dec. 10, 1829; m. Aug. 9, 1849, Frederick H. Moore. V. George E. Granger, b. Mar., 1832; d. Aug. 5, 1832. vi. Martha M. Granger, b. Oct. 3, 1833; d. Dec. 14, 1902; m. Apr. 6, 1859, William A. Preston (70). vii. Caroline E. Granger, b. Sept. 7, 1840; d. 1905; m. Apr. 2, 1874, James White Moore. BURROWS. 1. William^ Burrows, b. about 1728; d. 1825. He is said to have come to New Ipswich from Hartford, Conn. His 287 History of New Ipswich name first appears upon the town records in 1785. He first settled near the south line of the town, a little east of the point where the river enters from Ashby, on lot 74, A. D., but apparently remained there only a few years, removing to the Francis Fletcher farm, (XIII : 1, S. R.) The place of his home there, upon a road now almost impassable, extending from Davis Village to the house of George S. Wheeler, can still be recognized, but the house was suddenly destroyed by its owner about sixty years since to prevent its appropriation by the town authorities for the use of sufferers from smallpox. Children : 2. i. William, b. about \766.-{- 3. ii. Hannah. 4. iii. Joseph, m. July 12, 1790, Lydia Preston (9), and removed to Whitingham, Vt. It is not certain that he was a son of William, but as his name appears upon the town records but a little later than that of his assumed father, and earlier than that of William, Jr., the assumption seems reasonable. There are known to have been other children, probably never residents in the town. 2. William^ (William^), b. about 1786; d. Mar. 10, 1807; m. 1789, Sarah Fletcher (30) [m. (2) Richard Wheeler (13)]. He was a farmer on the same farm with his father. Children : Sarah, b. June 7, 1790; m. Sept. 13, 1818, Oliver Harris (1). Lydia, b. Oct. 17, 1792; d. July 10, 1818; m. Nov. 27, 1815, Rev. John Parkhurst. Ruth, b. Oct. 14, 1795; m. Jan. 4, 1816, Jonas Button. Celia, b. May 20, 1798; m. Feb. 22, 1820, Rev. John Parkhurst. Laura, b. Apr. 8, 1801; d. Mar. 6, 1820. William Fletcher, b. Apr. 24, 1804. 11. vii. Elvira, b. June 28, 1807; d. Feb. 28, 1850; m. 1832, Leonard Hastings (2). BURTON. Boniface' Burton was one of the earliest settlers of Lynn, Mass., where he died June 13, 1669, at which time he was said to be 113 years old, but a historian of that time adds the remark "I am afraid that much exaggeration was formerly used with respect to the ages of old people." John^ (Boniface'), d. Oct. 14, 1681. Res. Salem, where he was free- man in 1638. He was a Quaker and suffered punishment for his belief. Isaac^ (John^ Boniface'), d. 1706. Res. in Topsfield and in Salem. John'* (Isaac', John^ Boniface'), d. 1750. JoHN° (John', Isaac', John', Boniface'), b. about 1711; d. Feb. 11, 1791; m. May 14, 1734, Abigail Paine of Salem [b. about 1713; d. Aug. 28, 1796]. He resided for a time in Middleton, Mass., and removed thence to Wilton. 288 5. i. 6. ii. 7. iii. 8. iv. 9. V. 10. vi. Burton John* (John', John', Isaac', John^ Boniface^), b. about 1738; d. Nov. 18, 1816; m. at Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 7, 1756, Rebecca Gage [b. about 1739; d. Aug. 17, 1831]. He was a farmer and miller in Wilton, where he held the office of selectman and town clerk. He was called deacon. John' (John°, John^ John', Isaac', John', Boniface'), b. March 25, 1767; m. (1) Jan. 27, 1791, Eunice, dau. of Dea. Peter and Rebecca (Russell) Heald of Temple [b. Apr., 1771]; (2) April 20, 1836, Susannah Carter of Wilton. He removed to Andover, Vt., where he was captain of militia, but returned to Wilton in 1808. Dexter^ (John', John", John', John', Isaac', John', Boniface'), b. at Andover, Vt., Oct. 16, 1802; d. June 3, 1855; m. April 20, 1824, Clarissa O., dau. of Jesse and Sarah (Tidder) Spofiford of Temple [b. June 12, 1803]. Res. in Lyndeboro, where he was selectman for several years. 1. Dexter Lionel^ (Dexter^, John^, John^, John^, John*, Isaae, John^, Boniface^), b. Apr. 10, 1825; d. May 3, 1896; m. Dec. 16, 1853, Emily Frances, dau. of Jonathan and Mary G. (Newcomb) Ward of Hampton Falls, N. H. [b. Dec. 21, 1828; d. Feb. 25, 1908]. Children: 2. i. George Dexter, b. Oct. 26, 1855 ; m. Jan. 16, 1893, Frances R. Jones (61). Promoter of the Burton Stock Car and many electrical devices and machines. 3. ii. May Eva, b. Jan. 9, 1858; m. (1) Mar., 1876, Jeremiah Kittredge Chandler (R. 97) ; (2) June 17, 1908, Stephen W. Wheeler. 4. iii. Ida. 5. iv. Nellie. 6. V. John. CAMPBELL. 1. Robert^ Campbell, a native of Scotland, was in New Ipswich as early as 1760. His name appears upon the tax- lists of the town from its incorporation until 1791, soon after which he probably died. He lived upon the "J^sse Stearns farm," (7, N. L. O.) No record of his family has been found except that of the census of 1790, according to which it then consisted of three males above sixteen years of age, one male below that age, and five females, but the name of only one child is known. 2. Caleb^ (Robert^), b. about 1741; d. 1800; m. (1) Nov. 26, 1789, Nabby, dau. of John and Elizabeth Wilkins [b. Aug. 8, 1769] ; (2) Apr. 22, 1794, Lydia Stratton (S. 4). He suc- ceeded to his father's farm. Only two children are recorded, but a third is probably known. Children : 3. Caleb, b. about 1791. -|- 4. Mary, m. Dec. 22, 1817, Samuel Cragin (13). 289 20 History of New Ipswich 5. Lydia, m. May 7, 1812, John Kinsman of Fitchburg. She is not recorded, but probably was daughter of Caleb. 3. Caleb^ (Caleb^, Robert^), b. about 1791 ; d. Feb. 5, 1863; m. Nov. 25, 1813, Lucy Taylor (29). He passed the greater part of his life as a farmer on the road to Smith Village, his farm being on the site of the third home of Abijah Foster, (IX:2, S. R.) Children: 6. i. Harriet Atwood, b. Mar. 26, 1815; d. July 1, 1879; m. June 2, 1841, Newton Brooks (11). 7. ii. Mary Ann, b. Apr. 27, 1816; d. Sept. 19, 1886; m. Apr. 10, 1834, Samuel Gushing (1). 8. iii. Maria, b. Dec. 18, 1820; m. Cheseldon Perry, a hotel pro- prietor at Brattleboro, Vt. Eleven children. 9. iv. George Galeb, b. Jan. 1, 1823; d. Mar. 12, 1885; m. July 14, 1844, Abby Jane Newton. He succeeded to the paternal farm, but made the home of his later years at the Genter Village, in the house long occupied by Moody Adams nearly opposite the Barrett mansion. He was largely interested in the lumber business and was one of the selectmen. 10. V. Eveline, b. Nov. 14, 1824; m. John Perry. Res. at Brattle- boro, Vt., and removed thence to Wisconsin. Three chil- dren. 11. vi. Myra, b. Apr. 25, 1826; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar., 1900. 12. vii. Lucy, b. Aug. 1, 1830; m. Benjamin H. Ghase, a jeweler at Brattleboro, Vt., and at Ghicago. 13. viii. Emily Frances, b. Dec. 17, 1832; d. June, 1884. She gave the service of many years to the Faith Home for Incura- bles at Brooklyn, N. Y., and died in that institution. 14. ix. Helen, b. Feb. 17, 1835; m. William Mills, at that time a worker in the Y. M. G. A. at Providence, R. I., and later an Episcopal clergyman. 15. X. Abby Henrietta, b. June 1, 1837. She is superintendent of the Faith Home for Incurables at Brooklyn, N. Y., which she with her sister Emily Frances established in 1875, and which has done a most beneficent work for many years. CARR. Thomas^ Garr of Sudbury, Mass., m. Nov. 2, 1741, Grace Sherman of Marlboro, Mass. He was a farmer, and his farm, originally of 300 acres, remained in the family for four generations. Thomas^ (Thomas^, b. Sudbury, Dec. 20, 1742; m. Abigail Lovering. He had a part in the Revolutionary uprising of April, 1775, and served in the field during later years. John' (Thomas', Thomas'), b. Feb. 21, 1773; d. Mar. 23, 1855; m. Dec. 24, 1797, Dorcas Haynes [b. about 1771; d. Oct. 29, 1840]. He served in the War of 1812. 290 Carr 1. Emery* (John^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Sudbury, Apr. 3, 1799; d. Nov. 24, 1880; m. Mar. 30, 1825. Abigail Rice of Stow, Mass. [b. Sept. 13, 1800; d. Nov. 24, 1888]. He lived in Fitchburg, Mass., during his early manhood, but in 1834 he came to New Ipswich and built a sawmill a little south of the "white school-house" on the Turnpike, on 146, A. D. At a later date he moved southerly a mile and a half and made his home near the Rindge line, (131, A. D.) Children: 3. i. Rebecca Smith, b. Sudbury, Feb. 4, 1826; d. Apr. 3, 1844. 4. ii. James Emery, b. Dec. 30, 1827.-f- 5. iii. Abby Ann, b. Jan. 28, 1830; d. Nov. 3, 1831. 6. iv. Ruth Rice, b. Dec. 11, 1832; d. Aug. 26, 1849. 7. V. Joseph Fletcher, b. Apr. 28, 1835. 8. vi. John W., b. July 25, 1837; d. Mar. 2, 1842. 9. vii. Edward J., b. Aug. 12, 1841 ; d. Mar. 18, 1842. 10. viii. John Edward, b. July 23, 1843; d. Aug. 9, 1906. He served during the Civil War, in the 13th New Hampshire Regi- ment, and later in a Pennsylvania battery. Afterward res. in Carlisle, Mass. 2. Ezra* (John^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Sudbury, Feb. 21, 1807; d. 1875; m. (1) Oct. 6, 1842, Belinda Walker (J. 14); (2) June 3, 1875, Mary, widow of Ezra Scollay, and previ- ously of Paul Moore. He succeeded to the Jesse Walker farm on the west side of the mountain, upon the old Rindge road, now abandoned, (152, A. D.) 4. James Emery^ (Emery*, John^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 30, 1827; d. Apr. 9, 1911; m. Jan. 12, 1858, Irene Amanda, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Cass) Dan- forth of Rindge [b. Oct. 23, 1840; d. Apr. 5, 1904]. He for many years had a mill very near the Rindge line, largely oc- cupied by the manufacture of shingles, for which purpose he introduced improved machinery before unused in the state. He was a selectman 1879-81. He removed to West Rindge in 1885, where for ten years he had charge of the mills and farms of the Butterick Publishing Company. Children : 11. i. A daughter, b. and d. June, 1859. Ida Amanda, b. Apr. 24, 1860; d. June 26, 1880. Leslie James, b. Nov. 17, 1862; m. Hattie Hayward. A farmer in Hancock. Two children. A daughter, b. and d. 1864. Emma Lillian, b. Apr. 17, 1869; m. Frank A. Wing, a civil engineer. Three children. 16. vi. Theodore Parker, b. Aug. 14, 1870; d. Mar. 18, 1912; m. Bessie Hazelbarger. He was a farmer in Ashby, Mass. 291 12. n. 13. iii. 14. iv. 15. V. History of New Ipswich 17. vii. Ernest Edward, b. Sept. 17, 1871; m. Nettie Barker. At the age of fifteen he was adopted by Waldo Wilson, and his name was changed to Wilson. He is a farmer in Car- lisle, Mass. Two children. 18. viii. Roy Davis, b. Nov. 2, 1873; m. Fanny Carey. He is an engineer in Winchendon, Mass. One child. 19. ix. Amy Henrietta, b. May 21, 1876; m. Arthur Bennett, a machinist in Providence, R. I. 20. X. John Earl, b. May 13, 1882. He is an engineer in Provi- dence, R. I. 21. xi. Edna Dean, b. June 23, 1883; unm. Res. East Templeton, Mass. 22. xii. Harlan, b. Dec. 13, 1884; d. July 17, 1886. CHAMPNEY. Richard* Champney, descended from Sir Henry Champney who fought under William the Conqueror at the battle of Hastings, came with his wife Jane from Lincolnshire, England, to Cambridge, Mass., in 1634/5, and settled in the part which is now Brighton, where he was made freeman in 1636, and was a ruling elder in the church. He died Nov. 26, 1669. Daniel= (Richard'), b. Mar., 1644; d. 1699; m. (1) Jan. 3, 1665, Dorcas, dau. of Thomas and Dorcas Bridge [b. about 1648; d. Feb. 7, 1683/4] ; (2) June 9, 1684, Hepzibah, dau. of Elijah Corlet and widow of James Minot. Res. in Cambridge. Daniel' (DanieP, Richard'), b. Dec. 14, 1669; m. Bethiah Danforth. Solomon' (Daniel', DanieF, Richard'), b. Mar. 17, 1701/2; d. 1760; m. (1) 1723, Elizabeth Cunningham; (2) Abigail Crackbone [b. about 1710; d. Jan. 18, 1785]. He began life as a mechanic, but entered the English army and was serving in Castle William, Boston Harbor, at the time of his death. 1. Ebenezer'' (Solomon*, Daniel^, Daniel^, Richard^), a son of his father's second marriag-e, b. Apr. 3, 1744; d. Sept. 10, 1810; m. (1)"* Abigail, dau. of Rev. Caleb Trowbridge of Groton [b. about 1740; d. 1775]; (2) 1778. Abigail Parker (S. 2); (3) Mar., 1796, Susan Wyman [d. Sept., 1796]. He was born in Cambridge and graduated from Harvard College in 1762. He then studied divinity and preached about two years, after which he left that profession, studied law, was admitted to the bar at Portsmouth in 1768, and settled in New Ipswich, where he passed his professional life except during six years when he was located at Groton, which town he rep- resented in the Legislature. After 1795, he was Judge of Probate for Hillsborough County. For some years he was the only lawyer between Keene and Groton, and necessarily rode over a very extended circuit. By successive purchases U 'OClAillHi^- 292 Champney he obtained the farm situated west of Bank Village, since owned by his grandson, Hon. John Preston, and he built upon it the farmhouse which was destroyed by fire. He lived in this house for some years, but later he removed to the house upon the hillside across the street from the present Baptist church, which was for so long a time the home of Esquire Preston. This home was conveniently near Judge Champ- ney's office, situated, like his home, upon the old "country road," just east of the Joseph Kidder Brook, and facing upon the Village Green. Children : 2. i. Benjamin, b. Aug. 20, 1764.+ 3. ii. Francis, b. Jan. 27, l766.-\- 4. iii. Abigail, b. May 4, 1767; d. 1805; m. Dec. 10, 1789, Thomas Gardner of Groton. Seven children. 5. iv. Hannah, b. Sept. 23, 1768; m. Feb. 2, 1792, James, son of James Prescott of Groton. Ten children. 6. V. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1770 ; d. Aug. 27, 1775. 7. vi. Sarah, b. Dec. 25, 1771 ; d. Aug. 20, 1775. 8. vii. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 5, 1774; d. Aug. 29, 1775. 9. viii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6, 1779; d. June 19, 1869; m. Jan. 21, 1798, Dr. John Preston (14). 10. ix. Ebenezer, b. July 19, 1780.+ 11. X. Jonas Cutler, b. Apr. 17, 1783.+ 2. Benjamin^ (Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Aug. 20, 1764; d. May 12, 1827; m. (1) 1791, Mercy Parker [b. July 3, 1765; d. Apr. 4, 1795]; (2) Oct., 1809, Rebecca Brooks [b. about 1782; d. Aug. 15, 1849]. He studied law in his father's office and commenced practice in Groton during his father's residence in that town. He re- turned to New Ipswich in 1792, and until his decease he was an influential citizen. He was postmaster for twenty years, a selectman for eight years, and was one of the pro- prietors of the first cotton mill in the town, this being also the first in the state. He succeeded to the home of his father in the Center Village. Children : 12. i. Sarah, b. July 22, 1792; d. July 15, 1864. Maria, b. July 23, 1793 ; d. Nov. 1, 1796. Benjamin, b. Mar. 12, 1795; d. Nov. 13, 1813. He had en- tered Dartmouth College the year preceding his death, but a stone thrown by a fellow student struck his head and ultimately caused his death. Edward Walter, b. Aug. 18, 1810.-|- George Mather, b. Mar. 6, 1812.-[- Maria Louisa, b. Nov. 14, 1813; d. July 9, 1881; m. Dec, 1837, Francis K. Cragin (23). Res. Woburn, Mass. 293 13. ii. 14. iii. 15. iv. 16. V. 17. vi. History of New Ipswich 18. vii. Ellen Eliza, b. Oct. 17, 1815; d. June 5, 1888; m. Dec. 31, 1840, John Clough [b. Jan. 26, 1809; d. Nov. 27, 1879]. He was a physician and practiced for a few years, 1837-40, in New Ipswich, after which he devoted himself to den- tistry in Woburn, Mass. Child : Sarah Maria Clough, h. Apr. 11, 1842; m. Robert J. W. Phinney. 19. viii. Benjamin Crackbone, b. Nov. 19, 1817.-J- 20. ix. Mary Jane, b. 1819; d. Mar. 2, 1837. 21. X. Henry Trowbridge, b. Sept. 19, 1825; d. Nov. 17, 1913; m. (1) Nov., 1849, Lydia Parshley [d. Feb. 21, 1896]; (2) Apr. 30, 1896, Amelia K., dau. of Vernon and Helen (Smith) Hanson of St. John, N. B. He was a successful merchant in New York city until failing health necessitated his re- tirement. Res. West Medford, Mass. 3. Francis® (Ebenezer^, Solomon'*, DanieP, DanieP, Rich- ard^), b. Jan. 27, 1766; d. 1837; m. 1786, Abigail Trowbridge. He lived for a time on the "Woolson farm," (S. R., IV: 2,) said to have been the first farm cultivated in the town, but he removed to Groton in middle life and resided there until his death. Children : 22. i. Francis, b. 1788; d. 1791. 23. ii. Samuel, b. 1789; d. 1793. 24. iii. Abigail, b. 1793 ; d. 1793. 25. iv. Fanny, b. 1793. 26. V. Francis, b. 1794. 27. vi. Abigail, b. 1796. 28. vii. Samuel, b. 1798. 29. viii. Ferdinand, b. 1800. 10. Ebenezer'' (Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieF, Richard^, b. July 19, 1780; d. Nov. 16, 1829; m. 1803, Mehi- table, dau. of John and Maria (Nichols) Goodridge of Fitch- burg, Mass. [b. Aug. 29, 1782; d. June 24, 1840; m. (2) Isaac Bigelow of Leominster, Mass.]. He was a farmer upon the eastern part of the farm of his father, afterward owned suc- cessively by William Prichard and his son Francis W. Eight of his grandchildren, bearing the family name, served in the Civil War. Children : 30. i. Ebenezer Nichols, b. May 8, 1804; d. July 21, 1807. 31. ii. Jonas Cutler, b. Jan. 29, 1806.-f- 32. iii. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 8, 1808.+ 33. iv. Fred William, b. Oct. 18, 1809; d. Apr. 16, 1810. 34. V. Julius Beresford, b. Feb. 12, 1811.-|- 35. vi. Samuel Parker, b. Oct. 24, 1814. -f 36. vii. Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1816; d. Mar. 10, 1816. 37. viii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 9, 1817; m. Dec. 15, 1843, Daniel Coburn of Lowell, Mass. [b. Dracut, Mass., Sept. 14, 1819]. She lived in Lowell. Five children. 294 Champney 38. ix. Lewis Clark, b. May 19, 1819.+ 11. Jonas Cutler^ (Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Apr. 17, 1783; d. Feb. 7, 1824; m. Phebe Parker (S. 14). He was a farmer upon the "Woolson farm," previ- ously owned by his brother Francis. Children : 39. i. Horatio Nelson, b. 1809; d. May 10, 1849, unm. 40. ii. Abby Parker, b. Aug. 29, 1813; d. Oct. 14, 1894; m. Charles C. Bellows (4). 15. Edward Walter^ (Benjamin*', Ebenezer^ Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Aug. 18, 1810; d. May 1, 1886; m. (1) Oct. 8, 1845, Caroline L. Floyd [b. 1820; d. Oct. 6, 1865] ; (2) Apr. 8, 1868, Esther Agnes Frost [b. Feb. 7, 1837]. He was a successful wholesale dealer in dry goods, associated with his brother George M. in Boston for many years. Res. at Woburn. Children : 41. i. Walter Frost, b. Jan. 29, 1869. 42. ii. George Kuhn, b. Oct. 17, 1872; d. July 8, 1877. 16. George Mather^ (Benjamin®, Ebenezer^ Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Mar. 6, 1812; d. Jan. 4, 1882; m. Jan. 13, 1836, Lucy Ann, dau. of Eleazer Brown (20) [b. Jan. 8, 1813; d. Oct. 22, 1909]. For many years he was a partner of his brother Edward W., in the wholesale dry goods trade of Boston; and in later years devoted his attention to literary pursuits, being also librarian of Winn Library at Woburn, where he made his home. Children : 43. i. Georgiana, b. Sept. 29, 1837; d. Aug., 1838. 44. ii. George Edward, b. Feb. 12, 1839; d. Apr. 20, 1842. 45. iii. Edwin Graves, b. Aug. 24, 1842.-f- 46. iv. Ellen Frances, b. Mar. 2, 1844; m. Feb. 24, 1883, Edward D. Hayden [d. Nov. 15, 1908]. 47. V. Anna Louisa, b. Mar. 8, 1846; m. Dec. 22, 1870, Henry T. Remick. One daughter. Bertha Remick, b. Dec. 15, 1872. 19. Benjamin Crackbone^ (Benjamin^ Ebenezer^ Solo- mon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Nov. 19, 1817; d. Dec. 11, 1907; m. (1) July, 1853, Mary CaroHne Brooks [b. July 17, 1829 ; d. Oct. 24, 1876] ; (2) June 26, 1879, Margaret Steven- son [b. Feb. 26, 1841; d. Nov. 17, 1895]. lie was an artist of recognized ability. Res. in Boston. Children: 48. i. Benjamin Kensett, b. Dec. 15, 1854. 49. ii. Grace, b. July, 1856; d. Dec, 1863. 50. iii. Edith, b. Dec, 1859 ; d. Dec, 1863. 51. iv. Alice Cone, b. Dec. 14, 1869; m. Feb. 5, 1896, Arthur C. Wyer [b. July 9, 1871]. One daughter, Alice Brooks IVyer, b. July 27, 1898. 295 53. ii. 54. iii. 55. iv. 56. V. History of New Ipswich 31. Jonas Cutler'' (Ebenezer®, Ebenezer^, Solomon*, Dan- iel, DanieP, Richard^), b. Jan. 9, 1806; m. 1828, Evelina B. Allen of Boston. Soon after the death of his father he went to Dover, N. H., and there learned the machinist's trade, which he followed through his life with excellent success, meeting the demands of the passing years with new imple- ments and methods of manufacture. He lived for many years in South Adams, Mass. Children : 52. i. Evelina B., b. Feb. 8, 1829; m. June 25, 1848, B. T. Sanders of Pittsfield, Mass. Eight children. Jonas A., b. Nov. 24, 1831.+ Jane E., b. Nov. 24, 1831; m. May 18, 1854, David Leach of Manchester, England. One son. Fred W., b. Aug. 25, 1833.+ Eliza M., b. June 1, 1835; m. Nov. 24, 1858, Chad. Field of Chester, Mass. Three daughters. 57. vi. Orcelia H., b. Aug. 9, 1837; m. Feb. 25, 1863, Leroy Perkins of Burlington, Vt. 58. vii. Lewis C, b. Dec. 2, 1839.+ 59. viii. Sarah A., b. Feb. 22, 1843; m. July 9, 1864, George W. Dodge of Pittsfield, Mass. One daughter. 60. ix. Augustus, b. about 1847; d. about Aug. 5, 1864. He served in the Civil War, vv^as wounded at Spottsylvania, and had not recovered when in a succeeding engagement he was wounded and taken prisoner. He died in a hospital at Petersburg, Va. 61. X. Augusta, b. about 1847; d. young. 62. xi. Armenia. 32. Ebenezer'' (Ebenezer*', Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Mar. 4, 1808; m. June 17, 1829, Sarah Nickles [b. Billerica, Mass., Mar. 10, 1811]. He was a ma- chinist, and for about twenty years was engaged in that industry at Lowell, Mass. In 1840 he became a farmer at Carlisle, Mass., which town he served as selectman and in other official positions. Children : 63. i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1831; m. Apr. 23, 1853, Tim- othy Adams of Carlisle. Four children. 64. ii. Mary M. G., b. Apr. 19, 1833; m. Dec. 9, 1853, A. G. Munroe of Marlow, N. Y. Three children. Ebenezer Nichols, b. May 3, 1834; d. May 23, 1835. John Holland, b. Nov. 8, 1836.-}- Clarissa E., b. Feb. 18, 1838; m. Feb. 7, 1859, Marshall M. Mason of Concord, Mass. One son. George Henry, b. July 5, 1841 ; d. May 16, 1842. Charles Frederick, b. June 2, 1844; d. Mar. 16, 1848. 70. viii. Frances Ellen, b. June 11, 1846; d. Sept. 14, 1846. 71. ix. Lewis Edwin, b. Oct. 15, 1849. 296 65. iii. 66. iv. 67. V. 68. vi. 69. vii Chatnpney 34. Julius Beresford^ (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Feb. 12, 1811; m. (1) Sept. 10, 1833, Sarah P. Bradford [b. Duxbury, Mass., June 13, 1813; d. Jan. 16, 1850]; (2) Content Almy. He also was a machinist, commencing to learn the trade as an apprentice with his brother Jonas, and spent most of his life in railroad service, as master mechanic on the Fall River & Boston rail- road until 1855, and afterward on the Chicago & Rock Island railroad. During the first of these engagements he lived at Fall River, where he was elected alderman. Children : 72. i. Julius Jackson, b. June 30, 1836; d. July 11, 1836. 7Z. ii. Oscar Bradford, b. May 30, 1837. + 74. iii. Helen Marion, b. Dec. 30, 1838; d. July 15, 1839. 75. iv. Edgar Lewis, b. Dec. 30, 1838; d. Nov. 19, 1864. 76. V. Ruth Anna, b. Sept. 23, 1852; d. Mar. 30, 1864. 77. vi. Julius Beresford, b. Feb. 2, 1855 ; d. Nov. 4, 1861. 78. vii. Abby Parker, b. Feb. 7, 1857; d. Feb. 16, 1864. 79. viii. Mary A. Livermore, b. Apr. 3, 1859. 80. ix. Lizzie Preston, b. Oct. 26, 1862; d. Aug. 31, 1863. 81. X. Frank Preston, b. Dec. 29, 1864. 35. Samuel Parker^ (Ebenezer*^, Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, Daniel-, Richard^, b. Oct. 24, 1813; d. Sept. 22, 1866; m. Oct. 10, 1837, Susan, dau. of Oliver Adams of Worcester, Mass. [b. July 28, 1814]. He learned the watch and jewelry business when a young man and conducted it at Grafton, Worcester, and Somerville, Mass., in succession. Children : 82. i. Preston Adams, b. Feb. 23, 1841; d. Aug. 11, 1864. He served in. the Civil War, after a short term in the Rifle Battalion re-enlisting in the 25th Mass. Regiment, in which he was a sergeant. He was taken prisoner and confined at Belle Isle, Americus, and Andersonville, in which last prison he perished of starvation. 83. ii. Samuel Goodrich, b. Jan. 8, 1843; d. Oct. 19, 1864. He also was a soldier in the 25th Mass. Regiment, served his full time, but contracted yellow fever and died in quarantine before reaching his home. 84. iii. Susan Mehitable, b. Dec. 16, 1846; m. M. Goodrich of Fitchburg, Mass. 85. iv. Eben Fremont, b. Sept. 7, 1850. 38. Lewis Clark^ (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^, Solomon*, Dan- ieP, DanieP, Richard^, b. May 19, 1819; m. Apr. 18, 1846, Mary E. Ball [b. Holden, Mass., Apr. 15, 1824]. He learned the watchmaker and jewelry trade of his brother Samuel, and followed that occupation at Troy, N. Y., during most of his life, although he was at Boston for a few years about 1860, 297 History of New Ipswich and entered upon the manufacture of daguerreotypes for a brief period in the earliest days of that industry. Children : 86. i. Mary Adella, b. Mar. 9, 1847. 87. ii. Elizabeth Ella, b. July 4, 1849. 88. iii. Julius W., b. Jan. 4, 1851; d. Jan. 5, 1855. 89. iv. Emma, b. Feb. 27, 1853. 90. V. Frances J., b. Jan. 8, 1856. 91. vi. Richard L., b. June 19, 1859; d. June 19, 1859. 92. vii. Harvey Young, b. Apr. 20, 1860; d. June 22, 1860. 45. Edwin Graves^ (George M.^, Benjamin", Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Aug. 24, 1842; m.. July 21, 1880, Martha Ann (Wilson) Capron. Children: 93. i. Margaret, b. Aug., 1882. 94. ii. George, b. Oct., 1884. 53. Jonas A.^ (Jonas^, Ebenezer^ Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Leominster, Mass., Nov. 24, 1831; m. Jan., 1851, Koralia E. Haskel of Montague, Mass. He served in the Civil War, being a captain in the 21st Mass. Regiment, with which he served through its entire campaign, and returned with the rank of major. He was in nearly every battle between Richmond and Petersburg, and was once wounded. Soon after his return home he was elected to rep- resent the town of Adams, Mass., in the Legislature. Chil- dren: 95. i. Jane E., b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 22, 1860. 96. ii. Jonas A., b. South Adams, Mass., Oct. 8, 1862. 55. Fred W.^ (Jonas C^, Ebenezer", Ebenezer", Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Hancock, Mass., Aug. 25, 1833; m. Nov. 3, 1859, Almira J. Hayle of Tolborton, Ga. He was in Georgia in 1860, and voted the Bell and Everett ticket. At the beginning of the war he was forced to leave the state and narrowly escaped with his life. He engaged in gunboat ser- vice as a chief engineer, and had a part in the capture of New Orleans by Gen. Butler. Later he served as a lieutenant. Children : 97. i. Harriet B., b. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 17, 1860. 98. ii. Mary L. A., b. South Adams, Mass., Aug. 30, 1865. 58. Lewis C.^ (Jonas CJ, Ebenezer", Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, Daniel^ Richard^), b. Hancock, Mass., Dec. 2, 1839; d. City Point, Va., June 20, 1864; m. Oct. 2, 1862, Kate A. Lyons of Constable, N. Y. He served in the Civil War as a corporal in the 12th Mass. Regiment, and after passing safely 298 Champney through eight battles and numerous skirmishes was fatally wounded at Petersburg, Va. Child : 99. i. Lewis H., b. South Adams, Mass., July 20, 1863; d. Sept. 30, 1863. 66. John Holland^ (Ebenezer'^, Ebenezer*^, Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieP, Richard^), b. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 8, 1836; m. 1857, Elizabeth R. Heald of Carlisle, Mass. He enlisted in the Andrew Sharpshooters and served for two years in the Civil War, having part in the battles at South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. He was honorably discharged on account of disease. Children : 100. i. Adriana Elizabeth, b. Feb. 11, 1858. 101. ii. Anna Belle, b. Sept. 17, 1860. 7Z. Oscar Bradford^ (Julius B.'^, Ebenezer^ Ebenezer^, Solomon*, DanieP, DanieF, Richard\) b. Black Rock, N. Y., May 30, 1837; m. Aug. 23, 1863, Julia Cushman of Duxbury, Mass. He volunteered at the time of the first call for soldiers in the Civil War and served for two years in the 20th Illinois Regiment, his service being terminated by a severe wound re- ceived at Pittsburg Landing, necessitating his discharge. Child : 102. i. Sarah Cushman, b. Mar. 4, 1865. CHANDLER. This name has been represented in New Ipswich by descendants from at least two emigrant ancestors, not known to be fellow-kinsmen, William of Roxbury, Mass., and Roger of Concord, Mass., whose families will be presented separately. CHANDLER (Roger). Roger^ Chandler, b. about 1637; d. Concord, Mass., Jan. 11, 1716/7; m. Apr. 25, 1671, Mary Simonds, probably dau. of William and Judith (Phippen) Simonds [b. Woburn, Mass., Dec. 9, 1647; d. Concord, Aug. 29, 1728]. It is believed that he was the son of Roger Chandler of Dux- bury, Mass., who m. at Leyden, Holland, July 27, 1615, Isabella, dau. of James Chilton of the Mayflower, but this is not absolutely proven. He came from Plymouth Colony to Concord in 1658, and resided there until his death. He was a builder and general mechanic, and a house built by him for Dolor Davis, ancestor of the Concord Davis family, was de- stroyed by fire only a few years ago. Samuel^ (Roger'), b. Mar. 5, 1673/4; d. Apr. 27, 1743; m. Dec. 11, 1695, Dorcas, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jones) Buss of Concord [b. Jan. 26, 1672; d. Jan. 13, 1757]. He succeeded to his father's farm, and was a prominent citizen of Concord, being town treasurer, selectman 299 History of New Ipswich and representative, each for several years, and was largely interested in the founding of Lunenburg, Grafton, and Templeton. James' (Samuel', Roger'), b. Aug. 28, 1714; d. Dec. 8, 1792; m. (1) 1737, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Wright of Concord [b. Apr. 9, 1720; d. May 4, 1746]; (2) July 2, 1747, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Tompkins) Flagg of Concord [b. Jan. 21, 1716/17; d. May 22, 1753] ; (3) Apr. 14, 1756, Mary, probably dau. of David and Mercy (Hunt) Whittaker of Concord [b. May 16, 1716; d. Dec. 2, 1791]. He succeeded to the ancestral farm. He was selectman for several years, and despite his advanced years served in the Revolutionary force. He was also a member of the Committee of Correspondence. 1. James* (James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Dec. 24, 1740; d. May 10, 1824; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1765, Mary Melvin (4) ; (2) about 1808, Deliverance (Blanchard), widow of Col. Thomas Heald. He came to New Ipswich at about the age of twenty-one, and settled upon Page Hill, (XIII: 2, N. L. O.,) where he lived more than forty years, removing after his second mar- riage to the home of his wife. He was a useful and respected citizen, being deacon, selectman, and a member of the Com- mittee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety. Children : 2. i. Samuel, b. Mar. 23, 1767; d. 1799, at Norwich, Conn., whither he had removed soon after reaching his majority. Unm. 3. ii. James, b. Jan. 7, 1769.-|- 4. iii. Roger, b. Aug. 7, 1770.+ 5. iv. Mary, b. May 19, 1772; d. 1811; m. Thomas Kenworthy. Res. in Mason. Child : i. Thomas Chandler Kenworthy, b. Dec. 21, 1810; d. Wheatland, Mich., 1861. He graduated from Illinois College in 1840, and became a preacher and colporteur. 6. v. John, b. May 14, 1774.+ 7. vi. Sally, b. Sept. 7, 1776; d. Sept. 15, 1844; m. May 14, 1795, Ephraim Fairbank (1). 8. vii. Rebecca, b. July 3, 1779; d. July 2, 1870; m. May 2, 1804, Stilman Gibson (1). 9. viii. Lydia, b. Nov. 15, 1781; d. Feb. 5, 1844; m. Benjamin Saflford (7). 10. ix. Daniel, b. Jan. 2, 1784.-|- 11. X. Hannah, b. Mar. 24, 1789; d. Apr. 16, 1807. She was a devoted Christian, an unusual fact in those days for one so young. 3. James^ (James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Jan. 7, 1769; d. Gibson, Pa., Mar. 30, 1839; m. Lebanon, Conn., Jan. 1, 1799, Huldah Payne [b. Oct. 17, 1774; d. Jan. 30, 1830]. He removed to Connecticut in early manhood, and was a clothier in the towns of Lebanon and Columbia for several years. He then removed to that part of Susquehanna County, Pa., 300 15. iv. 16. V. 17. vi. 18. vii. 19. viii. 20. ix. Chandler (Roger) known as Kentuckyville, near the present town of Gibson, where he took up wild land and passed the last thirty years of his life as a farmer. Children : 12. i. Charles, b. Sept. 24, 1799.+ 13. ii. Harriet, b. Mar. 3, 1801 ; d. July 14, 1865 ; m. Mar. 10, 1846, Zachariah S. Neely, a farmer at Dallas, Pa., where she died. 14. iii. Mary Melvin, b. Nov. 10, 1802; d. Oct. 31, 1886; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1823, Charles Edwards [b. Nov. 19, 1797; d. May 8, 1852]; (2) 1854, John Wesley Carpenter [d. 1869]. Nine children of first marriage. Stephen Payne, b. June 12, 1804.-t- HuLDAH, b. Apr. 23, 1806; m. Oct. 25, 1841, Amasa Lewis Hyde. James, b. Apr. 28, 1808; d. Jan. 25, 1810. James, b. May 9, 1810.+ Martha, b. Mar., 1812; d. Mar., 1812. Joshua Tracy, b. Sept. 9, 1813; d. Feb. 7, 1814. 21. X. Sarah Adelia, b. July 30, 1815 ; d. Berwick, Pa., about 1891 ; m. Oct. 14, 1833, Dr. Clark Dickerman [d. Harford, Pa., about 1853]. 4. Roger'^ (James*, James^, Samuel-, Rog-er^), b. Aug. 7, 1770; d. New Ipswich, Dec. 24, 1845; m. Lydia, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Hunt) Marshall of Chelmsford, Mass. [b. Dec. 19, 1774; d. Shirley, Mass., July 10, 1868]. He passed most of his life in his native town, although in early man- hood he was a contractor in the construction of the Middle- sex Canal from the present site of Lowell through Billerica and onwards. Afterward he bought a part of his father's farm and built the house long occupied by his descendants, and now owned by Herbert W. Chandler (122). He did not, however, devote a large part of his time to the farm, but was interested in the first cotton factory of the town, and later in similar undertaking at Ashburnham, Mass. He was asso- ciated with Charles Barrett in the store at the foot of Meeting- house Hill, and for a few years carried on a store under the same ownership at Keene. Children : 22. i. James, b. May 16, 1796.-}- Thomas Marshall, b. Aug. 15, 1798.+ JoHN, b. Nov. 25, 1800; d. May 9, 1853. He was a machinist at Waltham and Lowell, Mass., until about 1839, when he had a paralytic shock, and afterward lived with his mother and brother Daniel Lyman in Shirley, Mass., where he died. Lydia Maria, b. Dec. 2, 1806; d. Sept. 16, 1826, unm. Seth, b. Dec. 2, 1806; d. Oct. 4, 1889; m. Aug. 19, 1831, Arvilla Tenney (13). He was a machinist at Waltham and Lowell in early life, but entered the Universalist 301 23. ii. 24. iii. 25. iv. 26. v. History of New Ipswich ministry in 1831, and after a short pastorate at Oxford, Mass., became pastor of the Unitarian church at Shirley, Mass., which was his home until his death fifty-five years later, aUhough his active pastorate closed ten years earlier. He was for twenty-five years a member of the school board, and was also town treasurer and historian of his adopted home. 27. vi. George, b. May 14, 1810; d. Apr. 6, 1891; m. (1) Dec. 9, 1835, Clarissa Elizabeth Wright [b. about 1812; d. Nov. 27, 1851]; (2) Apr. 20, 1852, Susan (Treadwell) Barrett [b. about 1812; d. Aug. 11, 1886]. He left New Ipswich at the age of sixteen, and learned at Lowell, Mass., the mason's trade, which industry he followed some years. In 1840 he became a farmer in Shirley, Mass., where he lived during twenty years. The later part of his life was passed in East Acton, Mass. 28. vii. Charles, b. May 14, 1810.-}- 29. viii. Daniel Lyman, b. June 13, 1814; d. May 5, 1892, unm. The early years of his manhood were spent on the family farm in New Ipswich ; after this he became a successful farmer and fruit-raiser in Shirley, Mass., which town he repre- sented in the Legislature and where he was selectman. In 1854 he removed to Chicago, 111., and thence two years later to Kansas, then in the most disturbed years of its history and its strife with the "border ruffians." On the outbreak of the Civil War he at once entered service, despite his age, and passed four years as hospital steward, at first of the 10th Kansas Regiment, and later of the 3d Cherokee Regiment, in which on account of the lack of surgeons he necessarily assumed their duties, and on his return to Kansas he continued his medical practice thus acquired until the closing years of his life. He was mayor of Ogden, Kan., for a long time, and was also a member of the Kansas Legislature. 30. ix. Abigail Ann, b. Aug. 15, 1817; d. Oct. 9, 1825. 31. X. Henry Pulaski, b. June 18, 1821.-)- 6. JoHN^ (James*, James^, SamueF, Roger^), b. May 13, 1774; d. Nov. 9, 1858; m. (1) Oct. 16, 1802. Betsey, dan. of Oliver and Elizabeth (Shed) Richardson of Billerica, IVIass. [b. Feb. 3, 1780; d. Nov. 17, 1805] ; (2) Apr. 10, 1814, Anna, dau. of Jeremiah and Anna (Chapman) Kittredge of Tewks- bury [b. Apr. 22, 1794; d. Nov. 14, 1874]. In early manhood he removed to Tewksbury, Mass., and there passed his life as a farmer. Children : 32. i. John, b. Sept. 1, 1803; d. Mar. 17, 1836. 33. ii. Betsey Richardson, b. May 17, 1815; d. Feb. 5, 1888; m. June 10, 1840, Moses C. Lang [b. Aug. 15, 1816; d. Mar. 3, 1877]. He lived in New Ipswich from 1855 to 1860, be- ing associated with George C. Gibson in conducting the 302 Chandler (Roger) lumber mills at Gibson Village. Later during the Civil War he was a dealer in naval stores at South Boston, Mass. His widow left some very considerable bequests to various missionary and benevolent purposes. One son d. young. 34. iii. Pamelia Kittredge, b. Nov. 11, 1816; d. May 11, 1890; m. Oct. 3, 1837, John C. Jacques. He was also a dealer in naval stores of the same firm as his brother-in-law. Six children. 35. iv. James Melvin, b. Nov. 14, 1818.-}- 36. v. Hannah Jane, b. Nov. 7, 1820; d. Feb. 4, 1903; m. Nov. 13, 1845, Darkin Trull [b. Apr. 30, 1819; d. Feb. 14, 1903]. He was a "gentleman farmer" of Tewksbury. One daughter. 2>1 . vi. Jeremiah, b. Oct. 2, 1822.-|- 38. vii. Joseph, b. Oct. 29, 1824; d. Nov. 5, 1824. 39. viii. Maria Frances, b. Mar. 5, 1826; d. Apr. 3, 1905; m. Sept. 22, 1847, Hiram A. Stevens [b. Oct. 18, 1823; d. Jan. 10, 1888]. He was also a member of the same firm with his brothers-in-law, dealers in naval stores. He was an alder- man of Boston, and also served in the Legislature, both as representative and as senator. Seven children. 40. ix. Susan Rogers, b. Apr. 24, 1828; m. Mar. 4, 1852, John T. Foster [b. Mar. 20, 1827; d. Oct. 14, 1881]. He was a farmer in Tewksbury. Five children. 41. X. Martha Ann, b. May 26, 1830; m. Oct. 18, 1849, Daniel A. Gregory [b. May 22, 1826; d. July 28, 1901]. He was a successful merchant in Boston. Two children. 42. xi. Jefferson, b. Aug., 1832; d. Oct. 3, 1832. 43. xii. John, b. May, 1836; d. July 14, 1837. 10. Daniel^ (James^ James^, Samuel^, Roger^), b. Jan. 2, 1784; d. Nov. 2, 1846; m. Jan. 11, 1811, Asenath Wheeler {7Z). Immediately after his marriage he removed to Waldoboro, Me., where he had a paper mill, and where lie served as cap- tain in the War of 1812. He removed to eastern Pennsylvania about 1814, and thence in a few years to New York. During most of his remaining life he resided in different parts of that state, although he passed three years in Ohio, and died near Fort Wayne, Ind., whither he had gone and entered upon wild land. His industries were varied, including paper mak- ing, lumbering, and farming, and at the time of his death he was engaged in teaching. His changes of residence were frequent, as is shown by the birthplaces of his children. Chil- dren : 44. i. Isaac Monroe, b. Waldoboro, Me., Oct. 12, 1811; d. Hinsdale, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1831. 45. ii. Asenath Maria, b. New Ipswich, Mar. 26, 1813; d. Elling- ton, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1908; m. Apr. 19, 1835, Adnah B. Kinsman [b. May 9, 1805; d. Feb. 13, 1892]. He was a farmer at Ellington, N. Y. Eight children. 303 History of New Ipswich 46. iii. Emily Monroe, b. Harford, Pa., May 7, 1815 ; d. Tyrone, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1840; m. Thomas P. Paulding. One son d. young. 47. iv. Seth Wheeler, b. Tunkhannock, Pa., June 1, 1817.+ 48. V. Harriet Huldah, b. Wayne, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1819; d. Olean, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1820. 49. vi. Eliza Butman, b. Olean, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1821; d. Great Valley, N. Y., July 1, 1824. 50. vii. James Moses, b. Great Valley, N. Y., May 30, 1824.+ 51. viii. David Silas, b. Olean, N. Y., June 1, 1826; d. Howard Springs, Tenn., 1896; m. Ellington, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1861, Julia M. Slater [b. Nov. 18, 1829; d. Feb. 9, 1872]. He was a public school teacher in New York, Canada, and Tennessee, commencing at the age of fourteen, and striv- ing to keep pace with changing methods by taking a course of normal study in Antioch College when sixty years of age. He was also a printer in Buffalo, N. Y., for several years, and a fruit-raiser in Pomona, Tenn., for some time. During the last years of his life he was blind. 52. ix. Daniel Henry, b. Hinsdale, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1829.+ 53. X. Mary Elizabeth, b. Hinsdale, N. Y., May 14, 1830; d. Hins- dale, Oct. 5, 1830. 12. Charles® (James^, James*, James^, SamueF, Roger^), b. Columbia, Ct., Sept. 24, 1799; d. Apr. 23, 1840; m. Nov. 8, 1832, Eveline Trowbridge of Great Bend, Pa. He was a farmer and prominent citizen of Lenox, Pa. He was sheriff of the county, and at the time of his death was at Harrisburg as a rtiember of the Legislature. Children : 54. i. Mary Asenath, b. Mar. 9, 1834; m. 1856, John Carlisle. 55. ii. James Augustus, b. Jan. 27, 1837.-J- 15. Stephen Payne® (James^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Columbia, Ct., June 12, 1804; d. Oct., 1885; m. (1) Nov. 30, 1834, Sarah Caroline Packer [d. about 1867] ; (2) about 1870, Mrs. Mary Stevens. He was a farmer in the town of Gibson, Pa., and postmaster at Kentuckyville post- office in that town, where he was a leading citizen, holding various local offices. For a time he lived in the neighboring town of Nicholson. Children : 56. i. Eveline H., b. 1835; m. Horace E. Bennett, a bookseller in West Pittson, Pa. Four children. James Adelbert, b. 1837. -|- Jane, b. about 1839; d. about 1849. Ellen, b. about 1841 ; m. George Conrad, a farmer at Lenox- ville, Pa. Four children. Frances, b. about 1843. Res. Scranton, Pa. Henrietta, b. about 1847; m. George Harding, a farmer at Lenoxville, Pa. 304 57. ii. 58. iii. 59. iv. 60. V. 61. vi. Chandler (Roger) 18. James^ (James^, James^, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Lebanon, Ct., May 9, 1810; d. Oct. 3, 1872; m. Nov. 23, 1834, Lucy Lane Carpenter [b. Attleboro, Mass., May 14, 1811]. He was a preacher in his early years of maturity, but after- ward succeeded to his father's farm and was a leading citizen of the town. Children : 62. i. Lucy Adelia, b. July 13, 1836; d. Nov. 6, 1856, unm. 63. ii. HuLDAH Caroline, b. Nov. 1, 1837; m. June 22, 1869, Wil- liam Henry Davoll, who is a farmer on the farm of her father and grandfather. Four children. 64. iii. Mary Eveline, b. Aug. 19, 1841; m. Oct., 1865, Charles O. Davoll, a farmer at Preston, Pa. Four children. 65. iv. Harriet Abbie, b. Nov. 17, 1843; m. May 23, 1867, John S. Davoll, a farmer at Preston, Pa. Nine children. The husbands of the three sisters are brothers. 22. James*' (Roger^ James*, James^ Samuel-, Roger^), b. May 16, 1796; d. Jan. 30, 1879; m. (1) Nancy, dau. of David and Nancy (Drake) White [b. Easton, AIa.ss., May 1, 1796; d. Mar. 27, 1853] ; (2) June 27, 1854, Abigail Rhoads (5), widow of James Newhall (19); (3) Nov. 2, 1872, Lucy Rhoads (4), widow of Luther W. Nichols. He learned the machinist's trade in New Ipswich, and on attaining his majority went to Waltham, Mass., and entered the service of a company with which he remained for more than twenty years, after 1823 at the new town started in that year by his employers which became the city of Lowell, by which town he was thrice elected representative. He returned to New Ipswich about 1838 and conducted the farm previously owned by his father and grandfather for some years, but in 1850 he removed to Smithville, where the first house from the school-house on the north was his home until his death. He was selectman several years and representative three times. He was also president of the bank, and was largely occupied in the set- tlement of estates. These varied duties left no large amount of time free for mechanical labor, but he had a shop in which he attended to the repairing of guns and other articles need- ing the machinist's hand. His strict honesty and business reliability were proverbial. Children : 66. i. Nancy, b. July 18, 1821; d. Nov. 27, 1911. She was a teacher for some time, but finally devoted her life to caring for the sick or otherwise needy kinsfolk, as conditions re- quired. 67. ii. James Lyman, b. Feb. 8, 1823. -|- 68. iii. George Willard, b. July 29, 182S.+ 305 72 21 History of New Ipswich 69. iv. Lewis Edward, b. Mar. 28, 1830; d. Oct. 2, 1838. 70. V. Marshall Warren, b. Dec. 15, 1831. + 71. vi. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 25, 1840.+ 23. Thomas Marshall^ (Roger^, James*, James^, Samuel^ Roger^), b. Aug. 15, 1798; d. Dec. 1, 1851; m. 1822, Anne Cooper [b. England about 1804; d. Aug. 16, 1851]. He was a machinist, working successively at Lowell, Mass., New Ips- wich, Somersworth, N. H., Watertown, Mass., and finally for many years in the U. S. Navy Yard at Charlestown, Mass. Children : 72. i. Mary Jane, b. New Ipswich, June 4, 1826; d. Nov. 2, 1890; m. Nov. 13, 1854, George N. Fisher, a milk dealer at Charlestown. She was a public school teacher in Charles- town and Boston from early womanhood until her mar- riage. 72. ii. Sarah Maria, b. Watertown, Mass., Dec. 1, 1829. Begin- ning at the age of sixteen she was a teacher for forty-five years in the public schools of Charlestown and Boston, ex- cept during two years of service at an academy in Missis- sippi. After retiring she resided at Ayer and Worcester, Mass. 74. iii. Lyman Marshall, b. Charlestown, Dec, 1846; d. Aug. 7, 1851. 28. Charles^ (Roger^, James*, James^, Samuel^ Roger^), b. May 14, 1810; d. Apr. 12, 1889; m. Nov. 16, 1834, Esther B. Plympton [b. June 25, 1814; d. Sept. 10, 1857]. He left New Ipswich with his brother George at the age of sixteen, and learned the trade of machinist at Lowell of his brother James, with whom he worked several years. About 1844 he removed to Shirley, Mass., and conducted a private express line be- tween that town and Boston, and after retiring from business he resided there until his death. Children : 75. i. Francis Henry, b. Mar. 22, 1836; d. Feb. 20, 1910; m. Mar. 9, 1860, Kate Carter of Shirley. He followed many lines of mercantile business, but for many years was a dealer in flour, grain, produce, and fruit in Nashua, where he died. 76. ii. Elizabeth A., b. Jan. 20, 1838; d. Dec. 29, 1842. 77. iii. Elizabeth A., b. June 4, 1844; m. Nov. 1, 1865, Herman S., son of Joseph and Ann (Longley) Hazen [b. Shirley, Aug. 25, 1845]. He is a farmer in Shirley, and has held all the more important town offices, and has also served as rep- resentative. Child : Ethel Hazen, b. May 29, 1871 ; d. Apr. 15, 1882. 78. iv. Charles Plympton, b. Feb. 16, 1847; d. Sept. 25, 1865. At the age of seventeen he enlisted in the 26th Massachusetts Regiment and after a year's faithful service was discharged 306 Chandler (Roger) with the regiment, only to die in a short time from dis- ease caused by the hardships of the service. 31. Henry Pulaski^ (Roger^ Tames^ James^, Samuel-, Roger^), b. June 18, 1821; d. July fl, 1891; m. Feb. 13, 1842, Charlotte Silver [b. Feb. 14, 1822; d. Feb. 9, 1906]. He learned the machinist's trade of his brother James at Lowell and worked there until about 1847, when he removed to the works just begun where is now the city of Lawrence and con- tinued there, except a brief residence at Shirley, Mass., about 1857, until he retired from business with a comfortable com- petence due in no small part to his valuable inventions in the machinery used in cotton mills. He retired to East Acton, Alass., in 1882, and there passed his later years. Children : 79. i. John Henry, b. Sept. 28, 1843.+ 80. ii. Lydia Maria, b. June 20, 1845; m. Feb. 3, 1874, Stillman P., son of Jonas and Eliza (Atherton) Holden of Shirley, Mass. [b. Nov. 10, 1840]. He w^as a farmer and carpenter. Res. at Shirley and Waltham, Mass. Children : i. Leon Chandler Holden, b. Nov. 23, 1874. ii. Cora Leslie Holden, b. Oct. 22, 1879; m. Oct. 17, 1907, E. Thomas Charles. 81. iii. Joseph Shirley, b. Dec. 28, 1846; d. Mar. 20, 1847. 82. iv. Charlotte Abby, b. Jan. 30, 1848; d. Nov. 30, 1859. 83. v. Susan Ogden, b. Apr. 21, 1859. A successful teacher. 84. vi. Jesse L., b. Oct. 14, 1863.-f- 35. James Melvin® (John^, James*, James^, SamueP, Rogeri), b. Tewksbury, Mass., Nov. 14, 1818; d. Dec. 4, 1888; m. Oct. 1, 1843, Susan J., dau. of Elijah and Susan (Simonds) Harris of South Boston, Mass. [b. May 3, 1829; d. Sept. 29, 1903]. He was a member of the firm^ of dealers in naval stores in which his brothers-in-law were engaged, and after his with- drawal from it about 1855, he returned to his native town, and for the rest of his life held an honored place there. Children : 85. i. John Henry, b. Aug. 26, 1845.-|- 86. ii. Susan Anna, b. Aug. 25, 1847; d. Dec. 8, 1906; m. Nov. 19, 1869, Samuel L. Babcock, a fish dealer in Keene until 1888, and afterward in railroad employ at Tewksbury. One son. 87. iii. Josephine Maria, b. Aug. 27, 1849; m. Nov. 29, 1876, Albert S. Briggs, a general mechanic in Lowell. Res. in Tewks- bury. Six children. 88. iv. Mary Frances, b. Nov. 28, 1851; d. June 15, 1902; m. (1) Aug. 3, 1871, Elverton A. Davis, a carpenter; (2) Apr. 15, 1885, Charles H. Tucker, a farmer. Three children of first marriage. 307 History of New Ipswich 89. V. Hannah Jane, b. Mar. 2, 1854. Res. on home farm with her brother. 90. vi. James Melvin, b. Feb. 3, 1856; m. (1) July 30, 1884, Isabella, dau. of Alexander Dewar of Nova Scotia [d. Jan. 3, 1887] : (2) June 6, 1888, Ida C, dau. of John and Princess Ann (Rawlings) Lane of Lowell, Mass. 91. vii. Hiram Stevens, b. June 12, 1857.+ 92. viii. Pamelia Kittredge, b. Aug. 12, 1859; d. Aug. 31, 1859. 93. ix. Isabella Lang, b. Sept. 28, 1860; d. July 22, 1887; m. Nov. 25, 1880, George E. Marshall, a farmer in Tewksbury. Three children. 94. X. Jeremiah Kittredge, b. Sept. 30, 1863. + 95. xi. William Abbott, b. May 9, 1868. He is a farmer on the home farm with his sister Hannah Jane. 37. Jeremiah® (John^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Oct. 2, 1822; d. June 27, 1876; m. Jan. 1, 1849, Anne Cor- nelia Gibson (10). He was a farmer, and succeeded to his father's farm in Tewksbury, but in his later years he became insane. His widow m. (2) July 20, 1882, her brother-in-law, Washington Shepley of Canton, 111. Children : 96. i. John Stillman, b. Jan. 8, 1851; unm. He was a farmer at Canton, 111., for some years, and afterward returned to Tewksbury. 97. ii. Jeremiah Kittredge, b. Aug. 7, 1854.-|- 98. iii. George Washington, b. Mar. 29, 1860; m. Nov. 9, 1888, Kate F., dau. of John and Sarah (Dunlap) Allen [b. May 21, 1857]. He fitted for college at New Ipswich Appleton Academy and graduated from Tufts College with degree C. E. in 1880. He has been employed upon several railroads in the United States and Mexico, upon national river im- provements, and in later years has been city engineer of Canton, 111. 99. iv. Charles Henry, b. June 26, 1863; m. Nov. 3, 1897, Alice A., dau. of Charles W. and Emma (Young) Dodge [b. Brook- field, Mo., July 20, 1870]. 47. Seth Wheeler*' (Daniel^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. June 1, 1817; d. Mar. 20, 1871; m. Mar. 11, 1838, Mary Maria Bush [b. Benton, N. Y., July 11, 1820; d. Oct. 4, 1871 ] . He passed his life after arriving at maturity in Ellington, N. Y., and the neighboring town of Kennedy, to which he removed in middle life after the birth of his children. In each of these towns he was the owner of a gristmill. He was a justice. Children: 100. i. Josephine, b. Jan. 8, 1841; d. Kennedy, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1869; m. Nov. 1, 1865, John M. Mills [b. about 1838; d. Vineland, N. J., Nov. 15, 1866]. 308 Chandler (Roger) 101. ii. Emily, b. May 19, 1843; d. Jan. 25, 1868. 102. iii. George, b. May 3, 1845 ; d. May 16, 1845. 103. iv. Mary A., b. Aug. 2, 1847 ; d. Dec. 18, 1867. 104. V. Myra E., b. Feb. 18, 1850; m. Nov. 28, 1881, Nathan A. Reed, a merchant's clerk at Austin, Minn. 50. James Hoses'^ (DanieP, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. May 30, 1824; d. Jan. 7, 1861; m. Perrydale, Ore., May 20, 1863, Nancy Ann (Wilson) Sargeant [b. Piqua, O., July 8, 1827; d. July 5, 1890]. He studied at Otterbein Col- lege, but did not complete a full course. In 1854 he joined a colony formed to settle in Oregon, whither they journeyed with ox-teams, being nearly six months on the way. He took up a half-section of land and became a farmer, but taught during the winters until nearly the end of his life. He married a widow with several children and a farm which with his own amounted to nearly 1000 acres and seemed a comfortable barony for their children. Children : 105. i. Charles Henry, b. Apr. 8, 1864.-|- 106. ii. Albert Bennett, b. Nov. 27, 1865; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Cora Bell Graves. He is a farmer, having land in Perrydale and the adjoining town of Ballston. He has several children. 107. iii. Emma Maria, b. Nov. 14, 1868; m. Sept. 6, 1885, William B. Davis [b. Cute, Tenn., 1865]. A farmer and livery stabler in Perrydale, Ore., and afterward a hardware merchant in Dallas, Ore. 52. Daniel Henry® (DanieP, James*, James^, Samuel^ Roger^), b. Mar. 25, 1829; d. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1908; m. (1) July 3, 1849, Ruth A., dau. of John and Naomi (Thompson) Felt [b. Ellington, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1829; d. Xenia, O., June 5, 1886] ; (2) Dec. 29, 1887, Polly Calista, dau. of David and Polly (Hall) Gates [b. Oct. 2, 1822; d. Nov. 9, 1891] ; (3) Nov. 24, 1892, Mrs. Sarah A. (Shaw) Hatch [b. July 17, 1829; d. May 13, 1896]. He was a blacksmith in New York and Indiana until the Civil War, when he enlisted as artificer in the 5th Indiana Battery, and served more than three years, but was brevetted lieutenant at the battle of Chickamauga and afterward received his commission. He was afterward a wagon maker in Indiana, a farmer in Penn- sylvania for several years, and later a travelling salesman in Tennessee. After a brief experience as market gardener in Xenia, O., he returned to his early home in Ellington, N. Y., and to miscellaneous mechanical activities. While a citizen of Indiana he was a justice. Children : 309 History of New Ipswich 108. i. Martha Jeannette, b. Ellington, N. Y., June 7, 1850; m. Feb. 20, 1884, Herman Compton, a farmer at McLane and McKean, Pa. Four children. 109. ii. AsENATH Maria, b. Ellington, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1851; d. Etna, Ind., Aug. 1, 1865. 110. iii. Charles Wheeler, b. Rutledge, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1853; d. Xenia, O., May 28, 1903; m. June 5, 1895, Susan, dau. of Rev. Hiram and Mary Jane (Oliphant) Bulkeley [b. May 13, 1853]. He taught for several years in Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Ohio, was a travelling salesman for a time, a dealer in coal and building supplies at Xenia, O., 1887-99, and was engaged in life insurance afterward until his death. 111. iv. Mary Wheeler, b. Rutledge, N. Y., May 19, 1855; d. Jan. 10, 1857. 112. v. George Prentiss, b. Albion, Ind., Mar. 26, 1857.+ 113. vi. Laura Emily, b. Etna, Ind., Mar. 13, 1861; d. McLane, Pa., Nov. 27, 1880. She was a teacher. 114. vii. Anna Simonson, b. Etna, Ind., Sept. 16, 1866. Res. with her brother Seth Virgil in Knoxville, Tenn. 115. viii. William Henry, b. Etna, Ind., Feb. 9, 1870; d. Nov. 16, 1880. 116. ix. Seth Virgil, b. Franklin, Pa., Apr. 28, 1872. He is a mem- ber of the Knoxville Supply Co., Knoxville, Tenn. 55. James Augustus'^ (Charles^ James^, James*, James^, Samuel^, Roger^), b. Jan. 27, 1837; d. Hillsdale, Mich., about 1867. He was probably a farmer. Children : 117. i. Charles, a druggist. 118. ii. Clarence, a druggist. 57. James Adelbert^ (Stephen P.°, James^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. 1837; m. about 1868, Rachel Jones. Child: 119. i. Clara, b. about 1869. 67. James Lyman^ (James^, Roger^, James*, James^, SamueF, Roger^), b. Feb. 8, 1823; d. Mar. 21, 1904; m. (1) Mar. 28, 1848, Clarissa Merriam, dau. of Oliver and Sally (Whitney) Kendall [b. Ashby, Mass., Mar., 1827; d. Oct. 26, 1854]; (2) July 5, 1855, Ann Elizabeth Wheeler (147). His home after the age of nine years was in New Ipswich, where he was first a farmer upon the paternal farm, and later upon the next farm westward, (XII : 4, S. R.,) where he built the house now standing there, which was his home for more than thirty years, after which he succeeded to the home of his father's later years in Smith Village. For many years he owned the sawmill on XIV: 4, S. R., and was also largely occupied as a carpenter and general mechanic. Children : 310 Chandler (Roger) 120. i. Myron Kendall, b. Jan. 24, 1851; d. Dec. 23, 1910; m. July 30, 1882, Ella E., dau. of James and Eliza (Beaman) Gar- land [b. New Orleans, La., July 30, 1849; d. Mar., 1913]. He was a carpenter at Gardner, Mass. 121. ii. Amanda, b. June 14, 1853; d. Feb. 9, 1901; m. Oct. 5, 1884, Austin C. Drury. One son, b. Aug. 26, 1885; d. Sept. 26, 1885. 122. iii. Herbert Warken, b. Apr. 2, 1856.+ 123. iv. Lyman Marshall, b. Nov. 16, 1858; d. May 6, 1895, unm. He was postmaster at Smithville, where he had a country store. 124. V. William Henry, b. Nov. 22, 1863.+ 125. vi. Alice Eva, b. July 30, 1866. She is the present owner of the family home in Smithville in which she resided. 126. vii. Levi L., b. and d. May, 1870. 68. George Willard'^ (James^ Roger^ James*, James^ SamueP, Roger^), b. July 29, 1825; d. Manhattan, Kan.; m. (1) June 15, 1847, Martha, dau. of John^ (Cornelius^), and Polly (Stratton) Towne [b. Jaffrey, Nov. 29, 1821; d. May 21, 1848] ; (2) Aug. 12, 1849, Hannah Chaplin Towne (42) [b. Dublin, Oct. 23, 1831; d. Dec. 25, 1900]. He learned the ma- chinist's trade in Lowell, Mass., and has followed that indus- try in that city and in New Ipswich, Dublin, and Greenville, and Winchendon and Ayer, Mass. He was a very skilful mechanic, and made a number of useful inventions, among which is the earliest practicable twine-binding reaper ; but most of the advantages of his inventions have been secured by others. He lived for a few years after 1854 on the home farm, and during a period of fifteen years near Kidder Moun- tain, on 46, N, D., on which latter farm he had a well-furnished shop in which he and his sons were largely occupied. Since 1890 he has been a general mechanic in Manhattan, Kan. Children : 127. i. George Willard Alonzo, b. New Ipswich, Apr. 28, 1848; d. Feb. 16, 1849. 128. ii. Maria Hannah, b. Dublin, Apr. 27, 1851; d. Maiden, Mass., Mar. 1, 1907; m. July 23, 1879, William, son of William and Eliza (Clark) Gray [b. Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 13, 1838]. He was a clerk and accountant of Winchendon, Mass., and later in Boston. Children : i. Mabel Hannah Gray, b. Sept. 10, 1880. ii. Gertrude Hortense Gray. h. Mar. 6, 1882. iii. Ethel Marguerite Gray, h. Mar. 30, 1884. iv. Florence Church Gray, b. Feb. 4, 1887. 129. iii. Laura Jane, b. Dublin, Jan. 6, 1853; m. July 3, 1875, Charles Hanson, son of Charles Hanson and Rhoda H. (Buxton) Parker of Milford. Res. Milford and Ayer, Mass. 311 History of New Ipswich 130. iv. Lewis Edward, b. New Ipswich, Feb. 17, 1855; d. Feb. 10, 1858. 131. V. Abbie Ann, b. New Ipswich, May 7, 1857; m. Sept. 9, 1881, Fred Emery, son of Sumner and Cordelia G. (Brooks) Fletcher and grandson of Reuben Fletcher (50). He is a machinist. Res. Winchendon and Gardner, Mass. Child : i. Carl Winthrop Fletcher, b. Nov. 13, 1882 ; d. Apr. 23, 1904. 132. vi. Nancy Ella, b. New Ipswich, June 4, 1859; m. Mar. 30, 1883, Edward J., son of Seth R. and Esther A. (Jenkins) Holden [b. Shirley, Mass., May 3, 1856]. Res. Shirley and Ayer, Mass. Child: i. Seth Chandler Holden, b. Apr. 24, 1884; d. May 18, 1897. 133. vii. James Cornelius, b. Greenville, June 12, 1861. -[- 134. viii. George Henry, b. Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 15, 1863.+ 135. ix. Daniel Lyman, b. Winchendon, Mass., Aug. 6, 1866; m. Sept. 28, 1898, Gertrude Virginia Estey. He is a very skilful machinist and inventor, and is superintendent of the Chandler Planer Co. of Ayer, Mass. He has also several other very useful inventions of earlier date than the planer. 136. X. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Fitchburg, Mass., June 14, 1868; m. Mar. 4, 1897, Alvah B. Mosher. Res. Ayer, Mass. Chil- dren : i. Minta Julia Mosher, b. May 2, 1898. ii. Elva Harriet Mosher, b. July 22, 1899. iii. Edna Florence Mosher, b. Jan. 31, 1903. iv. Ruth Lola Mosher, b. Mar. 31, 1905 ; d. July 14, 1906. v. Chandler Benjamin Mosher, b. Oct. 13, 1907. 137. xi. Gertrude Esther, b. Greenville, Aug. 16, 1870. Res. Ayer, Mass. 138. xii. Charles Willard, b. New Ipswich, Mar. 21, 1872; d. June 24, 1890. 139. xiii. Lucy Eliza,, b. New Ipswich, July 19, 1874; m. Aug. 8, 1897, Waldo Whitman, son of John H. and Lydia (Doloff) Sprague [b. Manchester, Aug. 27, 1877]. He has a position in the express business at Ayer, Mass. Child : i. Lyman Chandler Sprague, b. July 18, 1902. 70. IVTarshall Warren^ (James'', Roger^, James*, James^, Samuel-, Roger^, b. Dec. 15, 1831; d. Jan. 19, 1912; m. Sept. 7, 1854, Elizabeth Sterne, dau. of Clark B. and Harriet (Mead) Campbell [b. Putney, Vt., Oct. 10, 1834; d. Aug. 24, 1910]. He was a machinist at Winchendon, Mass., until failing sight compelled the cessation of such labor. He was selectman, also a trustee of the Savings Bank in that town for nearly thirty years, and a deacon for a longer period. Children : 140. i. Harriet Campbell, b. July 13, 1855; d. Nov. 1, 1888; m. Charles A. Adams [b. Oct., 1856]. He was a druggist at Winchendon and afterward at Gardner, Mass., where she died. Child: i. Bcrnice Chandler Adams, b. Mar. 16, 1878; m. June 21, 1899, Charles Allen Loring of New Rochelle, N. Y. Two sons. 312 Chandler (Roger) 71. Charles Henry'^ (James^, Roger^, James*, James', SamueP, Roger^), b. Oct. 25, 1840; d. Mar. 29, 1912; m. Aug. 17, 1868, Eliza F., dau. of Hiram and Charlotte Adelia (Wil- lard) Dwinnell [b. Ashburnham, Mass., Jan. 15, 1844; d. Ripon, Wis., Oct. 28, 1894]. He fitted for college at New Ipswich Appleton Academy, graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in 1868, and devoted his life to teaching. Before entering college he taught for some years in the academy, and later in three other New England academies. But after 1870 his at- tention was given to mathematical and allied scientific work, he having for ten years been a professor in Antioch College of Yellow Springs, O., and since 1881 in Ripon (Wis.) Col- lege, where he became Professor Emeritus in 1906. He then came to New England to care for his invalid sister, and while residing in New Ipswich was a member of the school board for four years and worked for five years on this History of the Town of New Ipswich. Children : 141. i. Elwyn Francis, b. Aug. 29, 1872; m. Sept. 7, 1900, Anna Levina, dau. of John and Jane (Brown) McCumber [b. Chinguacoushy, Ont.]. He graduated from Ripon College in 1894, and studied for two years at the State University of Wisconsin. In 1899 he became an instructor in the State University of North Dakota, where he is now pro- fessor in charge of the Civil Engineering course. He also has been State Engineer of North Dakota, and holds a U. S. engineering commission in supervision of some branches of survey work carried forward in Dakota. 142. ii. Edith Beatrice, b. Feb. 26, 1881. She graduated from Ripon College in 1904, and has since been occupied by study in the University of Chicago and in Europe, and by teaching the modern languages. 79. John Henry^ (Henry P.^ Roger^ James*, James^ SamueP, Roger^), b. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 28, 1843; m. (1) Jan. 17, 1867, Augusta Porter of Shirley, Mass.; (2) June, 1879, Abbie Smith [d. Pasadena, Cal., Jan. 10, 1888] ; (3) July 20, 1893, Clarinda Smith. He learned the machinist's trade and has followed it during most of his life at Ballardvale, Mass., and Indian Orchard, Mass. He was engaged for a few years in fruit culture at San Jose, Cal. Children : 143. i. Henry Porter, b. Indian Orchard, Mar. 3, 1880; m. Joliet, 111., Helen Firman Mack. He studied for two years at Stanford University, and then transferring to Harvard University graduated there in 1901. He was next an in- structor in the University of Chicago and president's secre- 313 History of New Ipswich tary, being also a law student, and later he was admitted to the bar in that city. 144. ii. Ethel, b. Indian Orchard, Aug. 28, 1881. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke College in 1905. 145. iii. Grant, b. Ballardvale, Aug. 15, 1885. He graduated from Harvard College. 84. Jesse L.'^ (Henry P.^ Roger^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Oct. 14, 1863; m. July 3, 1883, Hattie G. Shaw. He is a machinist at Lawrence, Mass. Child : 146. i. Charles, d. in infancy. 85. John Henry^ (James M.^ John^, James*, James^, Sam- ueP, Roger!), ^ South Boston, Mass., Aug. 26, 1845; m. Nov. 19, 1869, Annette Aullen. He has passed his life since early boyhood in his ancestral town, Tewksbury, Mass., where he has been town clerk. Child : 147. i. Bertha J., b. June 20, 1876. 91. Hiram Stevens'^ (James M.", John^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Tewksbury, Mass., June 12, 1857; m. Oct. 20, 1881, Theresa Schmidt [b. Tewksbury, Oct. 12, 1861]. He is a farmer in his native town. Children : 148. i. Hiram Thaddeus, b. Oct. 2, 1883. 149. ii. George William, b. Oct. 10, 1885. 150. iii. Andrew James, b. Sept. 22, 1890. 94. Jeremiah Kittredge'^ (James®, John^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Tewksbury, Mass., Sept. 30, 1863; m. Nov. 26, 1884, Catherine, dau. of Thaddeus and Catherine L. (Sotting) Schmidt [b. Tewksbury, June, 1863]. He is a farmer of Tewksbury, living near the ancestral farm. Chil- dren: 151. i. Alice Gertrude, b. Feb. 27, 1886; m. Dec. 20, 1906, Irving. 152. ii. Larkin Trull Thorndike, b. Oct. 3, 1888. 153. iii. William Albert, b. Nov., 1890. 97. Jeremiah Kittredge^ (Jeremiah®, John^, James*, James^, Samuel^, Roger^), b. Tewksbury, Mass., Aug. 7, 1854; d. Jan. 3, 1881 ; m. Mar., 1876, Mary Eva Burton (3). He was a farmer of his native town, where he died. Children : 154. i. Annie Frances, b. Oct. 21, 1876; m. Oct. 2, 1892, Walter S. Thayer (21). 155. ii. Nellie, b. Nov. 21, 1878; d. Aug. 20, 1879. 156. iii. Harry Hersey, b. May 28, 1880.+ 105. Charles Henry^ (James M.^ DanieP, James*, James^ SamueP, Roger^), b. Ballston, Ore., Apr. 8, 1864; m. June 24, 314 Chandler (Roger) 1885, Althea Genia Cox. He is a farmer and stock raiser, and has res. successively at Langlois, Grand Ronde, and Bandon, Ore. Child : 157. i. Vernon Vance, b. Langlois, Ore., Jan. 14, 1890. 112. George Prentiss^ (DanieP, DanieP, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Albion, Ind., Mar. 26, 1857; m. Dayton, O., Mar. 10, 1892, Ella W^right. He was a teacher in Pennsyl- vania, and a traveling salesman for school supplies ; in 1885 he entered business with his brother Charles W. as dealers in coal and building supplies at Xenia, O., where he continued until 1891, since which time he has been a member of the Knoxville Supply Co., Knoxville, Tenn. He also is proprietor of a coal mine at Briceville, Tenn. Children : 159. i. Jamison Wright, b. Oct. 18, 1895 ; d. Oct. 19, 1895. 160. ii. William Lindsley Wright, b. Apr. 8, 1898. 122. Herbert Warren^ (James L.\ James'', Roger^, James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Apr. 2, 1856; m. Apr. 16, 1884, Carrie Mary Hannah Blanchard (50). He is a merchant and mechanic at Smithville, where he is also postmaster. Children : 161. i. James Oilman, b. Dec. 23, 1887; d. Feb. 6, 1888. 162. ii. George Blanchard, b. Dec. 9, 1888; d. Dec. 9, 1888. 163. iii. Robert Levi, b. June 5, 1894. 164. iv. Lyman Marshall, b. Apr. 22, 1899. 124. William Henry^ (Tames L.'^, James®, Roger^ James*, James^ SamueP, Roger^), b. Nov. 22, 1863; m. Oct. 30, 1887, Henrietta Florence, dau. of Henry and Rachel A. (Giddings) Stiles [b. Temple, Mar. 10, 1866]. He has been successively a farmer in New Ipswich, a merchant in Ashby, Mass., and a farmer in Ashburnham, Mass. Child : 165. i. Ernest Henry, b. July 20, 1892. 133. James Cornelius^ (George W.^ James^ Roger^ James*, James^ SamueP, Roger^), b. June 12, 1861; ni. Oct. 29, 1885, Ellen Maria, dau. of Albert Freeman and Lydia Maria (Burgess) Wright. He is a blacksmith, and has res. successively at Ayer, Mass., Nashua, and New Ipswich. He has been a selectman in New Ipswich. Children : 166. i. George Freeman, b. May 16, 1889. 167. ii. Cora Lydia, b. June 6, 1892; m. Carl L. Chandler. One daughter, Madeleine Harriet, b. July 27, 1911. 168. iii. James Ralph, b. Dec. 12, 1898. 169. iv. Gladys Ellen, b. Oct. 26, 1901. 315 History of New Ipswich 134. George Henry^ (George WJ, James^, Roger^, James*, James^ SamueP, Roger^), b. Dec. 15, 1863; m. Dec. 24, 1891, Annie V. Webber [b. Buxton, Me., Dec. 23, 1873]. He is a machinist at Ayer, Mass. Children : 170. i. Lucy Elizabeth, b. Jan. 2, 1894. 171. ii. Lyman Everett, b. Feb. 25, 1895; d. Aug. 26, 1895. 172. iii. Eva Henrietta, b. Nov. 10, 1896. 173. iv. Avis Burns, b. Mar. 17, 1899. 174. v. Dorothy Chaplin, b. July 16, 1901. 175. vi. Charles Henry, b. May 13, 1905. 156. Harry Hersey^ (Jeremiah K.^ Jeremiah'^, John^ James*, James^, SamueP, Roger^), b. Tewksbury, Mass., May 28, 1880; m.. Dec. 3, 1903, Georgie Hurd Colwell of St. John, N. B. He is a member of the Chandler Non-Skidding Chain Co., New York city. Children : 176. i. Paul Douglas, b. July 5, 1905. 177. ii. Ruth Josephine, b. Dec, 1906. 178. iii. Olive Easter, b. Apr. 24, 1908. Samuel Chandler, formerly a sailor, occupied the "Breed farm," 82, A. D., for several years about 1850-1860, but ap- parently he was not a member of either of the families con- sidered here. CHANDLER (William). William' Chandler, d. 1641; m. Annis [d. Mar. 17, 1683]. With wife and four children he settled in Roxbuv in 1637. His widow m. (1) John Dane; (2) John Parmenter of Sudbury. The church records say "1683 m. 1; d. 17; died old Mother Parmenter a blessed saint." Thomas' (William'), b. about 1630; d. 1703; m. Hannah Brewer of Andover [b. about 1630; d. Oct. 25, 1717]. He was one of the early settlers in Andover, Mass., and represented that town in the General Court. From him Hon. William Eaton" Chandler, U. S. Senator from New Hampshire, is a descendant (John^ John*, John", John", John', Nathan*, Nathan S."). His lineage does not appear in the published history of the family, but was discovered later and preserved by the author of that work. William' (William'), b. about 1634; d. 1698; m. (1) 1658, Mary, dau. of Dr. John and Eleanor (Clark) Dane [b. Ipswich, Mass., 1638; d. Andover, Mass., May 10, 1679]; (2) Oct., 1679, Bridget, dau. of Maj. Thomas Henchman of Concord and Chelmsford [b. as early as 1631 ; d. Mar. 6, 1731]. He was a brickmaker at Andover, and afterward an innkeeper on the "Ipswich road to Billerica." William' (Thomas', William'), b. May 28, 1659; m. Apr., 1687, Eleanor Phelps, who was admitted to the church in Westford, Mass., in 1728, being then a widow. 316 Chandler (William) William' (William^ William'), b. Jan. 31, 1661; d. Oct. 27, 1727; m. Sarah Buckminster of Andover, Mass. [b. about 1661; d. Oct. 19, 1735]. He was a farmer in Andover. From him Hon. Zachariah' Chandler, U. S. Senator from Michigan, was descended (Zachariah*, Thomas', Zachariah^ Samuef). Joseph' (William^ William'), b. 1679; d. Apr. 23, 1734; m. Mehitable Russell. Res. at Andover, Mass. William^ (William', Thomas', William'), b. July 20, 1689; d. July 27, 1756; m. Susanna Burge of Westford, Mass. He seems to have been a resident at Billerica and also at Chelmsford, Mass., for a considerable time, but he died at Westford, Mass. JosiAH^ (William', WilHam', William'), b. Dec. 28, 1683; d. Aug. 12, 1752; m. Sarah Ingals. He was a farmer in Andover, Mass. 1. Mehitable* (Joseph^, William-, William^), b. Andover, Mass.; m. (1) Feb. 7, 1732, Robert Crosby of Townsend, Mass.; (2) Nov. 26, 1745, Andrew Spaulding (1). Moses' (WilIiam^ William'. Thomas', William'), b. Aug. 19, 1720; d. Wihon, Me., Mar. 16, 1800; m. (1) June 28, 1742, Dorothy Marble [b. Sept. 23, 1719; d. Apr. 11, 1760]; (2) Mar. 19, 1762, Elizabeth Kendal of Litchfield [b. May, 1725; d. Sept. 7, 1806]. He was a blacksmith. He served in the French War. Removed to Winthrop, Me., where he was a member of the Committee of Inspection and Safety. 2. JoHN^ (William*, William^, Thomas^ William^), b. Chelmsford, Mass., Sept. 27, 1725; d. Jan. 10, 1812; m. Feb. 14, 1754, Lydia Taylor of Townsend, Mass. He was one of the very early settlers in New Ipswich, and he agreed to build mills there, the sawmill to be in operation as early as the last of October, 1750, and the cornmill within the following year. In consideration of this agreement he received a full town right including the falls near the present High Bridge, he giving bonds for £400 new tenor, amounting in value to about $140, for satisfactory performance of the contract. The mills were built and kept in running order for ten years, and despite occasional complaints concerning the service, it may be be- lieved that they proved as efficient as could reasonably have been expected under the conditions of the time and place. In 1768 he sold the business to Capt. Eleazer Cummings and re- moved to Winthrop, Me., where he made a similar contract. He was chairman of the first board of selectmen in his new- location, as also in later years town treasurer for a long time, and he seems to have been a leading citizen. He was father of a numerous family, three children being added to the nine borne upon the New Ipswich records. Children : 317 History of New Ipswich 7. i. John, b. Nov. 27, 1754; m. June 10, 1783, Hannah Streeter [b. Mar. 15, 1765; d. Jan. 11, 1854]. He succeeded to his father's mills in Winthrop, Me. Fifteen children. 8. ii. Noah, b. Apr. 25, 1756. He is said to have served in the Revolution, to have been taken prisoner, and held despite an ofifer from his father to give a negro in exchange, an ofifered ransom the value of which may perhaps be esti- mated by his later sale for a gun and a watch. 9. iii. Joel, b. Sept. 10, 1757; d. Apr. 11, 1794; m. Deborah Jennings [b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 7, 1760; d. Feb., 1848]. He was a farmer at Winthrop, Me. Six children. 10. iv. Lydia, b. July 4, 1759; m. Seth Delano. 11. v. Keziah, b. Apr. 17, 1761. 12. vi. Molly, b. Mar. 9, 1763; d. Jan. 5, 1788; m. Sept., 1780, Dr. Moses Wing of South Wayne, Me., and also of Winthrop. Four children. 13. vii. Lucy, b. Mar. 7, 1765 ; m. Ebenezer Wing of South Wayne, Me. Five children. 14. viii. Susanna, b. July 22, 1766; d. Jan. 7, 1771. 15. ix. Hannah, b. Jan. 12, 1768; m. Sept. 20, 1786, Daniel Marrow, Jr. Res. in Winthrop. Nine children. 16. X. Rhoda, b. Aug. 21, 1769; m. Ichabod Wing, a farmer of Read- field, Me. 17. xi. Susanna, b. Sept. 3, 1772. 18. xii. David, b. Jan. 28, 1775.+ 3. Rachel^ (William*, William^ Thomas^, William^), b. Apr. 2, 1732; m. Thomas Spanlding (5). Removed to New Ipswich. 4. Lydia^ (William*, William^ Thomas^, William^), b. Dec. 10, 1735 ; m. Dec. 22, 1757, Jonah Crosby of New Ipswich. 5. Sarah^ (William*, William^ Thomas^ William.^), b. IVIar. 18, 1739; m. Benjamin^ Spaulding (James*, Andrew^). David"* (Josiah', William', William^ William'), b. Dec. 15, 1724; d. Feb. 11, 1776; m. Aug. 30, 1750, Mary, dau. of Timothy and Hannah' (John', John^ Thomas", William') (Chandler) Bullard of Andover. He was lieutenant in command of a Provincial company at Cambridge, when he contracted smallpox, which caused his death. 6. Dorothy^ (IVloses^ William*, William^ Thomas^ Wil- liam^), b. July 4, 1752; m. Bunker Clark of New Ipswich. Daniel- (David", Josiah\ William^ William^ William'), b. July 9, 1754; m. Joanna Stevens. He served in the Revolutionary War, and was afterward a farmer in Milford, whence he removed to Putney, Vt. Daniel' (Daniel', David", Josiah', William', William", William'), b. Mar. 4, 1777; d. Mar. 25, 1845; m. Sally, dau. of Dea. Solomon Danforth of Merrimac [b. Mar. 20, 1784; d. Mar. 26, I860]. He lived in Merrimac, where he kept a tavern for a time. 318 Chandler (William) 19. Sewell Osgood^ (DanieF, DanieP, David^, Josiah*, William^, William^, William^, b. Sept. 11, 1805; d. Aug. 24, 1877; m. (1) Aug. 2, 1832, Rebecca Chickering (7); (2) Apr. 29, 1861, Mary P. Jefts (4), widow of Jacob Blodgett. He came to New Ipswich soon after the death of his father-in-law, Abner Chickering, and settled upon his farm, remaining there fifteen years or more, and then two or three years later re- moving to Iowa. He was selectman for several years. Child : 20. i. James Osgood, b. Nov. 4, 1836; m. Aug. 24, 1864, Inez M., dau. of Morrill and Mary E. (Wright) Young of Man- chester. He is a printer. He served in the Civil War, first in the 2d New Hampshire Regiment, from which he was discharged in 1863 on account of disability, and second in 1864 as captain of a company of the 1st Heavy Artillery which he had recruited. Child : i. Grace, b. 1865. CHAPMAN. Edward* Chapman, d. Apr. 18, 1678; m. (1) at Rowley, Mass., Mar., 1642, Mary, dau. of Mark and Joanna Symonds of Ipswich, Mass. [d. June 10, 1658] ; (2) Dorothy, dau. of Richard Swan, and widow of Thomas Abbot [m. (2) Archelaus Woodman of Newbury]. He came from Yorkshire, England, to Boston about 1639; res. for a time in Rowley, and then made his home in Ipswich, Mass., of which he was one of the grantees. SiMON^ (Edward*), b. Rowley, 1643; d. Ipswich, Aug. 25, 1735; m. Mar. 21, 1666, Mary, dau. of John and Mary Brewer of Ipswich. Res. in Ipswich, where he was a carpenter. Edward' (Simon", Edward*), b. May 11, 1669; m. Mary [d. 1740 or later]. Daniel^ (Edward', Simon^ Edward*), d. 1745 or later; m. 1733, Mary (or Mercy) Jewett. He was a weaver at Boxford, Mass. Daniel^ (Daniel'', Edward', Simon^ Edward*), b. Boxford, Mass., 1740; m. about 1760, Hephzibah Howe of Ipswich, Mass. [d. July 6, 1799]. Dudley' (Daniel", Daniel*, Edward', Simon^ Edward*), b. May 19, 1765; d. Oct. 17, 1832; m. Nov. 15, 1790, Elizabeth Wheaton [b. about 1760; d. Nov. 29, 1826]. Res. in Londonderry, whence he removed in 1788 to Peterboro. Daniel' (Dudley", Daniel", Daniel', Edward', Simon', Edward*), b. May 8, 1794; d. Nov. 11, 1832; m. Mar. 11, 1824, Peggy, dau. of William Cowing [b. 1797; d. May 22, 1867]. 1. Gates'^ (Dudley®, DanieP, Daniel*, Edward^, Simon^, Edward^, b. Feb. 8, 1798; d. Mar. 23, 1873; m. at Meredith, Apr. 24, 1824, Mary, dau. of Benjamin "and Mary (Mash) Burnham [b. June 16, 1807; d. Jan. 14, 1889]. He came to New Ipswich in early manhood, and passed his life as a ma- chinist in Bank Village, where he died. Children : 319 History of New Ipswich 3. i. Gates, b. at Meredith, Apr. 27, 1825.+ 4. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. New Ipswich, Oct. 11, 1827; m. Jan. 21, 1851, Augustus Charles, son of Joshua and Harriet C. Kenrick [b. Haverhill, Mass.. Feb. 16, 1826; d. Mar. 29, 1890]. He was a painter. Child: i. Charles Adelbert Kenrick, b. Dec. 27, 1852; d. Oct. 11, 1858. 5. iii. Harriet A., b. June 5, 1829; d. May 19, 1837. 6. iv. Hannah Maria, b. Apr. 11, 1831; m. July 15, 1851, Charles B. Preston (56). 7. V. George Augustus, b. Aug. 18, 1834.+ 8. vi. Charles H., b. Jan. 1, 1837.+ 9. vii. James Wheaton, b. June 17, 1839.+ 10. viii. Edward W., b. May 3, 1845.+ 11. ix. Edwin W., b. May 3, 1845.+ 12. X. Albert H., b. Sept. 27, 1849; m. Dec. 25, 1872, Janette H. Houghton. A machinist at West Upton, Mass. 2. William Wallace^ (DanieP, Dudley^, Daniel^, Daniel*, Edward^, Simon^, Edward^), b. Apr., 1827; d. June, 1881; m. Sept. 21, 1856, Lydia A. Hannaford. For several years before and after their marriage they were in the employ of Samuel Holden on the eastern side of Whittemore Hill, but in 1863 they removed to Ashburnham, Mass. Children : 13. i. Charles H. 14. ii. Fred W.+ 15. iii. Kate M. 16. iv. Nellie M. 17. V. Jessie D. 18. vi. Hattie F. 3. Gates^ (Gates^ Dudley'', Daniel^, Daniel*, Edward^, Simon^ Edward^), b. Apr. 27, 1825; m. (1) May 13, 1846, Elvira Jefts (11); (2) Sept. 9, 1847, Ann Sophia, dau. of Thomas and Mary Adams [b. Wilton, Aug. 21, 1829; d. Sept. 7, 1871] ; (3) Sarah Helen, dau. of Levi and Abby S. Talbot [b. Gardiner, Me., Jan. 25, 1838]. Children: 19. i. Augusta Elvira, b. Apr. 9, 1847 ; d. June 17, 1858. 20. ii. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1848; m. Sept. 26, 1866, Edward Wallace, son of Edward and Fanny Merrick [b. Hubbards- ton, Mass., May 22, 1843]. Res. Holden, Mass., where he is a bookkeeper, also deputy sheriff. Child : i. Lula Frances Merrick, b. July 24, 1867 ; m. Apr. 2, 1890, John Goldthwaite. 21. iii. Harriet Arabella, b. Shirley, Mass., Apr. 25, 1851 ; d. July 1, 1852. 22. iv. Thomas Gates, b. Millbury, Mass., Dec. 16, 1856; d. Nov. 5, 1884; m. June 21, 1874, Eliza J., dau. of Charles and Mary A. Howard [b. Sept. 15, 1857]. Child: i. Ernest Gates, b. Mar. 4, 1876; d. Mar. 7, 1876. 320 Chapman 23. V. Charles Sumner, b. Millbury, Mass., Sept. 23, 1860; m. July 16, 1882, Bertha B., dau. of H. P. and Margaret B. Whitte- more [b. West Boylston, Mass., Feb. 27, 1863]. Res. Wor- cester, Mass., where he is a machinist. 24. vi. Ida May, b. Holden, Mass., Feb. 9, 1862; d. Dec. 31, 1865. 25. vii. Alfred Ellis, b. Holden, Mass., May 16, 1864; d. Sept. 16, 1864. 26. viii. LiLLA Sophia, b. Holden, Mass., Sept. 12, 1867; d. Sept. 12, 1867. 27. ix. William H. Harrison, b. Holden, Mass., Oct. 29, 1873; d. Nov. 2, 1884. 28. X. Benjamin Franklin, b. Holden, Mass., Aug. 27, 1875. 7. George Augustus® (Gates^, Dudley^ DanieP, Daniel*, Edward^ Simon^, Edward^), b. Aug. 18, 1834; m. (1) Apr. 23, 1856, Lticrita A. S. Pheteplace [b. Sutton, Mass., Aug. 30, 1835 ; d. Feb. 9, 1882] ; (2) Apr. 14, 1883, Nettie M. Pheteplace [b. Bellows Falls, Vt., Nov. 16, 1840]. Children : 29. i. Nellie L. F., b. Millbury, Mass.. Oct. 10. 1857; d. Winchen- don, Mass., Sept. 22, 1868. 30. ii. Sylvia Florence, b. Winchendon, Mass., Aug. 24, 1859; m. Sept. 16, 1879, Arthur D. Davis [b. Pawtucket, R. I., Jan. 23, 1858]. Children: i. Harry Garfield Davis, b. May 12, 1881. ii. Arthur Frederick Davis, b. Dec. 3, 1883. iii. Clarence Eugene Davis, b. Sept. 23, 1885. 31. iii. Edward Harry, b. Millbury, Mass., Mar. 9, 1869; m. Dec. 31, 1889, Delia St. Armand [b. St. Rosalie, P. Q., Dec. 11, 1870]. Child : i. Harry Edison, b. Dec. 27, 1892. 8. Charles H.® (Gates^ Dudley^ DanieF, Daniel*, Ed- ward^ Simon^, Edward^), b. Jan. 1, 1837; m. July 24, 1858, Mary, dau. of John and Mary B. Crowe [b. Bellia, Ireland, Dec. 3, 1835]. A mechanic in East Jaflfrey. He served in the 10th New Hampshire Regiment during the Civil War. Chil- dren : 32. i. Edward H., b. Nov. 6, 1859; m. Margaret, dau. of James and Bridget Mitchell [b. Winchendon, Mass., July 10, 1861]. A coachman at East Jaffrey. Children: i. Frederick H.. b. Aug. 27, 1882. ii. Sidney E.. b. Nov. 28, 1883. 33. ii. Mary Loretta, b. Dec. 7, 1865; m. Dec. 26, 1885, Peter E., son of William and Bridget S. Hogan of East Cambridge, Mass. He is a butcher. 9. James Wheaton® (Gates'', Dudley®, DanieP, Daniel*, Edward^ Simon^, Edward^), b. June 17, 1839; m. (1) Aug. 28, 1860, Harriet M., dau. of Peter and Susan (Russell) Tufts [b. June 20, 1839; d. Dec. 13, 1869] ; (2) Hornellsville, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1875, Carrie E., dau. of Harvey and Caroline D. 321 History of New Ipswich Cooper [b. Feb. 24, 1850]. A salesman and railroad engineer. Children : 34. i. Ada Florence, b. Dunkirk, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1864; m. Oct. 8, 1893, Burt J. Blackmer. Res. Buffalo, N. Y. 35. ii. Percy W., b. Aug. 11, 1866; d. Sept. 27, 1869. 10. Edward W.^ (Gates^ Dudley^, DanieP, Daniel*, Ed- ward^ Simon^, Edward^), b. May 3, 1845; m. Aug. 27, 1870, Sarah G., dau. of George W. and Lovina S. Jones [b. Rindge, Apr. 7, 1851]. Res. West Townsend, Mass. Child: 36. i. Perley Gates, b. Apr. 28, 1872; d. Oct. 8, 1872. 11. Edwin W.« (Gates^ Dudley^, DanieP, Daniel*, Ed- ward^ Simon^, Edward^), b. May 3, 1845; m. Dec. 1, 1866, Melvina, dau. of Ansel and Octavia (Burrell) Baxter [b. Nov. 14, 1842]. A farmer at South Ashburnham, Mass. Children: 2,7. i. Lillian I., b. Nov. 2, 1876. 38. ii. Mary I., b. Mar. 30, 1879. 14. Fred W." (William Wallace^, DanieP, Dudley^ Dan- ieP, Daniel*, Edward^, Simon^, Edward^), m. Bertha Wheeler (193). Children: 39. i. Zettie Ginevra, b. Jan. 31, 1881; m. 1900, Orrin W. Eaton. Children : i. Howard Eaton, b. Feb. 24, 1901 ; d. Feb. 27, 1901. ii. Zettie Katherine Eaton, b. May 20, 1908. 40. ii. George Wallace, b. Mar. 16, 1884; m. Anna Woodward. A farmer and woodturner. Res. below Walker's several years, since 1892 at Hodgkins corner. Children : i. Child b. and d. May 15, 1907. ii. Fred Augustus, b. Nov. 8, 1908. iii. Mary Elisabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1910; d. Apr. 8, 1910. 41. iii. Leda Hannaford, b. Oct. 27, 1890; m. July 21, 1906, Clarence Blake. Child : i. Elizabeth Eliza Blake, b. Feb. 16, 1908. CHICKERING. Nathaniel* Chickering, b. Oct. 8, 1647, prob. at Wrentham, Eng- land; d. Dedham, Mass., Oct. 21, 1694; m. (1) Dec. 30, 1668, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Mary Judson [b. 1647] ; (2) Dec. 23, 1674, Lydia, dau. of Capt. Daniel and Abigail (Marriott) Fisher of Dedham, Mass. [b. July 14, 1652; d. July 17, 1737]. She had previously lived in Hadley, Mass., and there had a part in the care of the concealed regicides, Goffe and Whalley. His name appears on the Dedham tax-list as early as 1669. In 1694 he settled in that part of Dedham which is now Dover, where he owned 1000 acres of land. The site of his home on that land has re- mained in the possession of his descendants to the present time. Nathaniel^ (Nathaniel'), b. Mar. 28, 1677; d. Jan. 16, 1746/7; m. (1) Aug. 24, 1700, Mary, dau. of James and Hannah Sharp [b. Jan. 23, 1677; d. Sept. 1, 1715]; (2) July 26, 1716, Deborah, dau. of Joseph and 333 Chickering Deborah (Colburn) Wight [b. July 25, 1684]. He was one of the se- lectmen of Dedham and also a deacon. John' (Nathaniel', Nathaniel"), b. Aug. 23, 1715; m. (1) Mary Dew- ing; (2) Jan. 9, 1766, Mrs. Elizabeth Gay of Dedham. He responded to the Lexington alarm. 1. Abner* (John^ NathanieP, Nathaniel^, b. Holden, Mass., Oct. 5, 1766; d. July 25, 1841; m. (1) Apr. 19, 1792, Eunice, dau. of Dea. Amos and Thankful (Minot) Dakin of Mason [b. about 1777; d. May 7, 1804]; (2) May 9, 1805, Lydia Stratton (S. 4), widow of Caleb Campbell (2). He set- tled in Mason soon after reaching his majority and was a blacksmith in that town until about 1805, when he removed to New Ipswich, and passed his remaining years on the "Knowlton place," (22, N. D..) where he was a farmer, al- though not entirely forsaking his former trade. His home was in the house now standing upon the east side of the brook. Children : 2. i. Mary, m. Sept. 26, 1816, Josiah G. Heald. 3. ii. Samuel, b. Feb. 18, 1796.-|- 4. iii. Jonas, b. 1798. -f- 5. iv. Melinda, m. Vent. 6. V. Eliza, m. Dec. 19, 1822, Ariel Godding (2). 7. vi. Rebecca, b. Sept. 3, 1803; d. Sept. 28, 1850; m. Aug. 2, 1832, Sewell O. Chandler (W. 19). 8. vii. Charles, b. about 1807.+ 3. Samuel^ (Abner*, John^, NathanieP, Nathaniel), b. Feb. 18, 1796; d. May 18, 1836; m. Dec. 31, 1821, Julia Boutelle of Lancaster, Mass. [d. Aug. 9, 1866], He was a farmer and stonemason living upon the same lot as his father, in the house upon the west side of the brook. Children : 9. i. Eliza Ann, b. 1823; d. 1862; m. Feb. 4, 1853, Abraham Cram of Pittsfield. 10. ii. Charles, b. Nov. 5, 1825.+ 11. iii. Josiah Boutelle, b. Aug. 10, 1827.-}- 12. iv. George, b. July 4, 1829.+ 13. V. Julia Maria, b. Aug. 10, 1831 ; m. May 17, 1855, Archelaus C. Dakin, a machinist at Clinton, Mass. One daughter, d. in infancy. 14. vi. Abbie Boutelle, b. Dec. 10, 1833; d. Apr. 26, 1854, unm. 15. vii. Harriet Atwood, b. July 28, 1835 ; m. Sept. 1, 1860, George M. Sawyer, a jeweler at Clinton, Mass. Two sons, both dead. 16. viii. Ellen Frances, b. June 23, 1836; d. Apr. 25, 1856, unm. 4. JoNAS^ (Abner^ John^, NathanieP, Nathaniel^), b. 1798; d. Dec. 8, 1853; m. Eliza Harrington. He learned the trade of a cabinet-maker in his early years, and in early manhood 323 History of New Ipswich entered the employ of a piano manufacturer of Boston. At a very early age he had shown a natural musical ability, and in a small way had applied his mechanical skill to musical instruments. This natural inclination was farther developed by his city occupation, and at the age of twenty-eight he was conducting his own business as a manufacturer and had en- tered upon the process of development and improvement which gave the "Chickering Piano" its eminent position. The union in his character of the mechanic, the artist, and the merchant is indicated by his having been president of the Handel and Haydn Musical Society and the Massachusetts Mechanic Association. He was a member of the Massachu- setts Legislature. His three sons were associated with him as "Chickering & Sons." Children : 17. i. Thomas E., b. 1824; d. 1871. 18. ii. C. Frank, b. 1827; d. 1891. 19. iii. George H., b. 1830; d. 1898. 20. iv. Anna, b. 1830; d. 1898; m. Wilcox. 8. Charles^ (Abner^ John^, NathanieP, Nathaniel^), b. about 1807; d. Aug., 1863; m. Mar., 1831. Julia Ann Obear (6). Soon after his marriage he removed to Pittsfield, where he V\ras a merchant, and also served as deputy sheriff. His chil- dren were born in that town. Later he returned to New Ipswich, where he remained for nearly twenty years, at first upon the family farm and later in the Center Village. He was postmaster for several years. During a few of his last years he kept a hotel at Groton Junction, (now Ayer,) Mass., where he died. Children : 21. i. Abby Jane, b. 1832; d. 1907; m. Oct. 10, 1855, Henry Eddy, an overseer in the carpet works at Clinton, Mass. Two children. 22. ii. Julia Ann, b. Dec. 8, 1834; m. Nov. 3, 1853, George N. Lowe (1). 23. iii. Charles Abner, b. and d. 1836. 24. iv. Charles Abner, b. 1838 ; d. 1895 ; m. Jeannette Gordon. Res. Lancaster, Mass. Children : i. Edith. ii. Louise, iii. Arthur, iv. Benson, v. Horace. 10. Charles^ (SamueP, Abner*, John^, NathanieP, Nathan- ieP), b. Nov. 5, 1825; d. Sept. 18, 1903; m. Denmark, Iowa, Nov. 24, 1859, Hattie Kenny. In 1857 he removed to Iowa, which was his home for the rest of his life. He lived at Denmark, near Red Oak, and at Elliott. His principal busi- ness was that of a farmer. He served in the Civil War, being a member of the First Iowa Cavalry. One child. 324 Chickering 11. JosiAH BouTELLE^ (SamueP, Abner*, John^, Nathaniel, NathanieP), b. Aug. 10, 1827; d. Dec. 5, 1881; m. Sarah Brown. He removed to Cincinnati, O., where he established and maintained for many years "Chickering Academy," after- ward "Chickering Institute," a highly successful boys' school. Children : 25. i. Addie Linwood, b. 1858; m. Nelville Hoflf, dean of the Dental College of the University of Michigan. 26. ii. Clifford Cummings, b. Aug. 17, 1862. A member of the firm of Chickering Bros., dealers in pianos, Chicago, 111. 27. iii. Fred Wiloby, b. Mar. 1, 1864. A member of the firm of Chickering Bros., as above. 28. iv. Howard Everett, b. July 11, 1871. A business man of Cleve- land, O. 29. V. Wallace W., b. Jan. 20, 1874. Also of Chickering Bros., as above. 12. George^ (SamueP, Abner*, John^, NathanieP, Nathan- iel^), b. July 4, 1829; d. Feb. 20, 1905; m. Oct. 10, 1852, Mary Abigail, dau. of Jacob and Mary P. (4) (Jefts) Blodgett. He was a farmer at Denmark, Iowa. Children : 30. i. Frank Howard, b. Jan. 20, 1854. A music dealer at Omaha, Neb. 31. ii. Henrietta, b. 1858; m. Edward Burton. Res. Coflfeeville, Kans. 32. iii. Mary Ellen, b. about 1862; m. Edward Murphy, a farmer at Burlington, Iowa. 33. iv. Ernest Dakin, b. Apr., 1871 ; unm. A farmer at Elliott, Iowa. CLARK (Ebenezer). Ebenezer^ Clark, m. Allen. Res. in Braintree, Mass. 1. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer^), b. Braintree, Mass., 1754; d. Nov. 24, 1835 ; m. 1778, Ruth, dau. of William. Wilde [b. about 1759; d. Feb. 4, 1840]. His home was in his native town until 1804, when he removed to Bedford, Mass., and thence, eight years later, to Townsend, Mass., where he resided during most of his remaining life. His last two or three years were passed in New Ipswich, whither his second son, Benjamin A., had come several years earlier. He rendered worthy service in the Revolutionary War, at first as a private in the company of Capt. Jacob Gould and regiment of Col. John Greaton, and later as a sergeant in Washington's Life Guard. He was at Bunker Hill, served during the siege of Boston, and had a part at Princeton and Trenton and the famous crossing of the Dela- ware. Children : 325 History of New Ipswich 2. i. Ebenezer. b. 1781 ; m. Mary Sampson. He had eleven chil- dren, from whom the branch of the family in Townsend, Mass., has descended. 3. ii. Ruth, b. 1783; d. Aug. 13, 1849; m. (1) Elias Poole of Brain- tree, Mass. Children: i. Ruth Poole, ii. Alary Ann Poole; m. (2) Castalio Hosmer (24). 4. iii. Mary, b. 1786; d. Jan. 10, 1883; m. Stephen Corbin [b. about 1782; d. Greenville, Jan. 22, 1855]. Res. in New Ipswich several years. Children: i. Stephen Corbin, b. about 1806; d. Apr. 22, 1862. ii. Salome Corbin, b. Jan. 26, 1808; d. Oct. 5, 1897; m. (1) John Tolman; (2) Wood. iii. Sarah Corbin. iv. Ruth Corbin, m. June 30, 1832, Reuben Bacon, Jr. v. William IV. Corbin, b. about 1820; d. May 2, 1847. 5. iv. Abigail, b. 1788; m. Jonathan Bacon of Bedford, Mass. Seven children. 6. v. Sarah, b. 1790; m. Reuben Bacon of Bedford, Mass. Six children. 7. vi. Benjamin Acer, b. 1792.-\- 8. vii. James, b. 1794; d. Stoneham, Mass.; m. Hannah Hodgman. Four children. 7. Benjamin Ager^ (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^), b. 1792; d. Nov. 12, 1870; m. 1812, Martha Hosmer (25). He came from Townsend, Mass., to New Ipswich about 1825, and lived for a few years on the Benjamin Hoar farm, (V: 2, S. R.,) being occupied as a teamster to and from Boston, but later he bought the Benjamin Adams Farm, (25, N. D.,) and resided there until his death. Children : 9. i. Elvira, b. about 1812; d. Sterling, 1840; m. Jan., 1832, Samuel Porter. Children : i. Fred Porter, ii. Henry Porter. 10. ii. John, b. 1814; m. Jan. 1, 1843, Sally Bond, dau. of Christo- pher P. (22) and Nancy (Thompson) Hosmer. Res. in Amherst. 11. iii. Leander, b. 1816.+ 12. iv. Reuben B., b. 1818. -f 13. v. Mary, b. 1820; m. Castalio Hosmer, Jr. (43). 14. vi. Benjamin Franklin, b. July 4, 1822.-|- 15. vii. George, b. July, 1824; d. Oct. 25, 1825. 16. viii. Maria A., b. Mar. 26, 1827; d. Sept., 1910; m. Aug., 1849, Charles H. King (5). 17. ix. A son, b. Mar. 11, 1829; d. Mar. 27, 1829. 11. Leander* (Benjamin A.^, Ebenezer-, Ebenezer^), b. 1816; d. Washington, D. C. ; m. Laura Hosmer (42). He was a man of literary tastes, and a small volume of his poems was published. Children : 18. i. Alice, d. Washington, D. C ; m. Dr. Wm. Green. One son. 19. ii. Frances, m. Brown. 326 Clark (Ebenezer) 20. iii. Mary. 21. iv. Child, whose name is not known. 22. V. Child, whose name is not known. 12. Reuben B.* (Benjamin A.^, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^), b. 1818; d. Sept. 8, 1894; m. (1) Dec. 26, 1848, Margaret E. Thomas ; (2) Oct. 2, 1879, Louisa Densmore. He resided in Washington, D. C, where he is said to have accumulated a large property. Children : 23. i. Ida, (of first marriage,) m. Wm. C. Wood. Two sons. 24. ii. Reuben B., (of second marriage). 14. Benjamin Franklin* (Benjamin A.^, Ebenezer^, Eben- ezer^), b. July 4, 1822; d. Minneapolis, Minn., 1893; m. Irene Webber. He removed to Washington, D. C, in early man- hood and there resided nearly forty years. The closing years of his life were passed in Minneapolis, Minn. Children: 25. i. Ernest Franklin, m. Belle Doe. He has been a dentist in Minneapolis since 1880. Children: i. Harry Oscar, m. Gertrude Williams. One son. ii. Ernestine, m. Maurice Bardwell. iii. Marion, m. Charles P. Taylor. One son. 26. ii. Harry Webber, d. Oct. 11, 1911; m. Lilla Phillbrook. He was also a dentist in Minneapolis. Children : i. Phillbrook Wilson, ii. Eleanor Bacon. CLARK (Hugh). Hugh' Clark, b. about 1613; d. July 30, 1693; m. Elizabeth [d. Dec. 11, 1692]. He was at Watertown in 1641, and removed to Roxbury in 1660. Uriah^ (Hugh'), b. June 5, 1644; d. July 26, 1721; m. (1) Oct., 1674, Joanna, dau. of Thomas Holbrook of Braintree [b. about 1657; d. Feb. 28, 1682]; (2) 1682, Mary ; (3) Martha. He lived at Roxbury until he was nearly fifty years old, when he removed to that part of Water- town which is now Belmont. He was a selectman of Watertown. Peter' (Uriah^ Hugh'), b. Mar. 12, 1693; d. June 10, 1768; m. Nov. 6, 1719, Deborah, dau. of Dea. Peter Hobart of Braintree [b. about 1702; d. Feb. 28, 1765]. He graduated from Harvard College in 1712 and in 1717 became pastor of the church in Danvers, (then Salem Village,) where in a pastorate of fifty-one years he was noted as a theologian. Peter* (Peter', Uriah^ Hugh'), b. Oct. 1, 1720; d. Nov. 13, 1747; m. Oct. 22, 1741, Anna Porter of Danvers. He graduated from Harvard College in 1739, but declined his father's profession and settled upon the farm of his grandfather Hobart in Braintree. His widow m. Sept. 14, 1752, Thomas Faxon of Braintree. Peter' (Peter\ Peter=, Uriah^ Hugh'), b. Feb. 4 1743; d. Oct. 14, 1826; m. Oct. 20, 1763, Hannah, dau. of Daniel and Hannah (Prescott) Eppes of Braintree [b. about 1744; d. Dec. 21, 1814]. He removed from Braintree to Lyndeboro, N. H., in 1775, and in 1777 received a captain's 327 History of New Ipswich commission in the Provincial service. He held most of the important town offices in after life, vi^as a justice of the peace and a deacon for many years. 1. JoHN« (PeterS Peter*, Peter^, Uriah^ Hugh^), b. Jan. 4, 1785; d. Mar. 19, 1855; m. (1) Nov. 18, 1806, Margaret Rand of Lyndeboro [d. Aug. 31, 1846]; (2) Dec. 9, 1847, Nancy Patterson of Greenfield. He came to New Ipswich in 1814, and was an overseer in the Davis mills at the waterpower afterward utilized by the Walker industries. Later he was for several years upon the "Gould farm," (43, N. D.) He was also for a time superintendent in the factory of Eleazer Brown. The later years of his life were variously occupied in the Center Village, his home being the house upon the north side of the street midway between the Baptist church and the street crossing at the foot of Meeting-house Hill, afterward the residence of his son, Peter H., who replaced it with a new building, since the residence of his daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter. He was town clerk ten years, a deacon thirty-five years, and also for a long time leader of the Congregational choir. He was exceptionally fond of music and was an early teacher of singing schools. Children : 2. i. Mary, b. Oct. 4, 1807; d. Sept. 24, 1841; m. Mar. 8, 1832, Martin Ames. 3. ii. Hannah, b. June 16, 1809; d. Mar. 18, 1843; m. May 24, 1832, William W. Johnson. 4. iii. Deborah, b. Oct. 12, 1811; d. June 18, 1865; m. Jan. 1, 1835, Henry Adams (W. 81). 5. iv. John Prescott, b. Apr. 11, 1814.+ 6. V. Peter Hobart, b. Dec. 11, 1816.+ 7. vi. James Rand, b. Nov. 27, 1823.-f- 5. John Prescott^ (John^ Peter^ Peter*, Peter^ Uriah^ Hugh^), b. Apr. 11, 1814; d. Mar. 3, 1889; m. 1839, Mary Em- erson, dau. of Lubim and Lydia (Burton) Rockwood of Wil- ton [b. 1821; d. 1904]. He passed his life in New Ipswich, being engaged in various mercantile pursuits. He lived in Bank Village until 1854, where for about ten years, as a partner of William W. Johnson, he was engaged in the man- agement of a general store. Later he was the first conductor on the Peterboro & Shirley railroad, as the line from Groton Junction to Mason Village, (now Ayer to Greenville,) was then termed. In 1854 he removed to the Center Village and for a brief time was associated with Stephen Thayer in the ownership of a store at the western corner of the turnpike and 328 Clark (Hugh) the old Mason Village road. He inherited very fully his father's musical ability, which further descended to his chil- dren, as was clearly evidenced by the entertainments of the "Clark Troupe," composed of him and his brother Peter H., with members of their families. Children : 8. i. John Rockwood, b. May 25, 1840; d. May 28, 1840. 9. ii. John Emerson, b. June 29, 1842; d. Feb. 7, 1889; he was a tin worker in Fitchburg, Worcester and Lancaster in Massa- chusetts. 10. iii. Mary Ellen, b. Sept. 14, 1844; d. Aug. 14, 1878, unm. She was a professional musician in Boston. 11. iv. William Willis, b. Mar. 3, 1846. He is a musical instructor in Boston and vicinity. 12. V. Abbie Rockwood, b. Nov. 13, 1848; d. Aug. 31, 1903; m. (1) Charles R. Ford [b. Dec. 22, 1848; d. Sept. 23, 1886]; (2) Charles E. Berthoff. She was a professional musician of Boston, both as a teacher and as a member of leading concert companies. 13. vi. Frank Burton, b. Sept. 24, 1850. He was a fruit raiser in Emmett, Colo. 14. vii. Charles Herbert, b. Feb. 14, 1852; m. Jan. 10, 1884, Jeanie M. Herrick. He is a music teacher in New York City. 15. viii. Henrietta, b. Feb. 9, 1854; d. Aug. 14, 1868. 16. ix. Lizzie R., b. May 2, 1856; m. Albert F. Crowell, a bookkeeper in Boston. Children : i. Clarence Albert Crowell, h. Mar. 2, 1876; d. Nov. 14, 1908. ii. Marian Follett Crowell, b. Jan. 27, 1880; d. Oct. 10, 1898. iii. Herbert Clark Crowell, b. Nov. 6, 1882; m. Oct. 4, 1904, Mabelle Aer of Boston. He is a salesman in Boston. Two children. 6. Peter Hobart^ (John^ Peter^ Peter*, Peter^ Uriah^, Hugh^), b. Dec. 11, 1816; d. Aug. 26, 1891; m. June 1, 1843, Sarah Barnes, dau. of Jesse and Lydia (Barnes) Patten of Temple [b. Jan. 18, 1826; d. Dec. 29, 1892]. He passed his life in New Ipswich, living for many years in the house pre- viously his father's. He was, first of all, a musician, and around him, as bandmaster and both vocal and instrumental instructor, the music of the town centered. His wife also was for a long time a teacher in connection with the Academy, and each member of his family had place in the "Clark Troupe" mentioned above. He held an appointment as deputy sheriff, and was also for ten or more years proprietor of Clark's Hotel at the old stand on the turnpike next east from the corner store, which under his care was a popular summer resort. Children : 17. i. Margaret Barnes, b. Mar. 12, 1847; d. May 26, 1867. 329 History of New Ipswich 18. ii. Harkiet Patten, b. Nov. 27, 1850; m. (1) Mar., 1870, George L. Gates of Ashby, Mass. ; (2) Jan. 31, 1878, William George McKown of Boston [d. June 28, 1884]. Children: i. Ethel McKown, b. Feb. 19, 1879 ; m. Oct. 28, 1896, Ralph E. Parker of Boston (N. 14). ii. Annie McKown. b. Aug. 23, 1880; d. June 16, 1881. 19. iii. Annie, b. Sept. 3, 1853; d. Mar. 16, 1860. 7. James Rand^ (John«, Peter^ Peter*, Peter^, Uriah^, Hugh^), b. Nov. 27, 1823; d. Nov. 13, 1888; m. 1854, Elizabeth Perkins. He was a dealer in sewing machines at Biddeford, Me., of which city he was mayor for a time. Later he was proprietor of a livery stable in Boston. Children : 20. i. Edmund Robert, b. Dec. 18, 1854; d. Nov., 1905; m. Mrs. Cora Betts. A salesman in Boston. 21. ii. Walter Henry, b. Jan. 14, 1861 ; d. young. 22. iii. Eugene Lester, b. Jan. 14, 1861; d. June 11, 1907; m. Elenora Gleason of Boston. He succeeded to his father's stable business. Child: i. Elizabeth J., b. Aug. 13, 1899. COLLINS. 1. Joseph^ Collins, b. about 1749; d. Jan. 10, 1836; m. Lydia [b. about 1744; d. Dec. 14, 1835]. He had a small farm upon the road from Smith Village to the Breed farms, and built his house on the west side of that road just north of the brook crossing it, (60, N. L. O.) The cellar is still plainly visible. 2. Nathan^ (Joseph^), b. Aug. 4, 1785; d. Sept. 4, 1867; m. Lucy D. Preast [b. Oct. 28, 1786; d. Dec. 28, 1863]. He passed most of his life upon the same lot, his house, still oc- cupied, being upon the east side of the road a quarter-mile farther north than that of his father. Children : 3. i. John Augustus, b. Jan. 8, 1814; d. Apr. 16, 1814. 4. ii. Nancy Woodbury, b. Jan. 3, 1816; m. John Pike. CONANT. Roger* Conant, son of Richard and Agnes (Clarke) Conant, b. East Budleigh, County Devon, England, bapt. Apr. 9, 1592; d. Nov. 19, 1679; m. Nov. U, 1618, Sarah Horton. He came to Plymouth in 1623. He did not settle permanently there, but removed to Nantasket (Hull) in 1624, was at the Cape Ann settlement on what is now the west shore of Gloucester Harbor in 1625, and in 1626 was apparently the head of the colony at Naumkeag (Salem). He lived in the section which became Beverly, and was a leader in the formation of that town. 330 Conant Lot' (Roger^, b. about 1624; d. Sept. 29, 1674; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. William Walton, who survived him, and married Andrew Mansfield of Lynn. He lived for a time in Salem, but removed to Beverly. JoHN^" (Lot', Roger'), b. Mar. 10, 1652; d. Sept. 30, 1724; m. May 7, 1678, Bithiah, dau. of Andrew and Bithiah Mansfield of Lynn. He was a farmer and a weaver in Beverly, and did service in King Philip's war. Roger' (Lot^ Roger'), b. Mar. 10, 1668/9; d. 1745; m. Apr. 25, 1698, Mary, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Mary Raymond. About 1720 he re- moved from Beverly to that part of Concord which is now Acton. He was a weaver. Lot' (John^ Lot=, Roger'), bapt. June 1, 1679; d. Sept. 20, 1767; m. (1) May 15, 1698, Martha Cleaves [b. about 1681; d. Feb. 15, 1725]; (2) Susannah Clark; (3) Mary . He removed from Beverly to Concord about 1716. Josiah' (Roger^ Lot', Roger'), b. Dec. 12, 1711; m. Feb. 9, 1745/6, Catherine, dau. of Peter Emerson of Reading [b. Dec. 20, 1718; d. Aug. 2, 1809; m. (2) Dec. 18, 1777, Moses Thurston]. He settled while a young man in West Dunstable (now HoUis), where he was a selectman. Andrew' (Lot^ John^ Lot% Roger'), bapt. Beverly, Jan. 25, 1702/3; m. (1) Charlestown, May 2, 1723, Elizabeth Taylor [b. about 1704; d. Sept. 10, 1758] ; (2) Concord, June 6, 1759, Mrs. Mary Hubbard [b. about 1703; d. Nov. 30, 1763]; (3) Danvers, Mass., July 19, 1764, Anna, widow of Daniel Gardner. He was a farmer in Concord, his farm adjoining that of his father. Abel= (Josiah', Roger^ Lot', Roger'), b. Oct. 3, 1755; d. May 2, 1844; m. (1) Nov. 20, 1681, Margaret, dau. of James and Margaret Jewett of Hollis [b. Oct. 18, 1758; d. July 25, 1788]; (2) Lydia Thurston. He resided in Hollis until 1813 and then removed to Hardwick, Vt. He served several times in the Revolution and was at Bunker Hill. He was a deacon in Hollis. Andrew" (Andrew^ Lot', John^ Lot', Roger'), b. Aug. 22, 1725; d. Sept. 17, 1805; m. (1) Nov. 30, 1748, Ruth Brooks [b. about 1729; d. Feb. 3, 1770]; (2) Mary [b. about 1734; d. June 20, 1818]. He passed his life in Concord. He was a captain. Silas" (Andrew^ Lot', John', Lot', Roger'), b. Aug. 15, 1740; d. Apr. 3, 1803; m. Dec. 30, 1762, Lois, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Potter [b. May 2, 1744; d. Nov. 12, 1815]. He was a farmer in Concord, Mass. 1. Abel« (Abel^ Josiah*, Roger^ Lot^ Roger^), b. June 1, 1784; d. Apr. 12, 1875; m. May, 1822, Harriet Hubbard (4). He studied law in Townsend and New Ipswich, in the latter place with Benjamin Champney. He was admitted to the bar in 1813. He practiced at Townsend and afterward from 1819 to 1826 in New Ipswich. In 1834 he removed to Lowell, Mass., where he studied chemistry and mechanics and made some useful inventions. He is said to have made a parlor organ, a hollow auger nearly as now used, the mortise door lock, and certain improved means for causing bread to rise. Children : 331 History of New Ipswich 4. i. John, b. Apr. 3, 1823; d. Dec. 29, 1876; m. 1851, Frances, dau. of Peter and Hannah Crowell, a well-known spiritual- ist medium. Res. in Boston. 5. ii. Harriet Maria, b. May 20, 1825. 6. iii. Horace J., b. Sept. 17, 1827. 7. iv. Sarah Isabella, b. Jan. 14, 1829. 8. V. James Edwin, b. Feb. 3, 1831; d. Oct. 1, 1886; m. (1) Feb. 9, 1854, Susan Amelia Rutherford; (2) Sallie Lee. He served in the U. S. Interior Dept. and in the War Dept., and for many years engaged in the business of railroad construction in the South and West. 2. Zebulon'^ (Andrew®, Andrew^, Lot*, John^, Lot^, Roger^), b. Oct. 29, 1749; m. Mary Wright [b. Feb., 1752]. He lived in Winchendon, Mass., at the time of the Revolu- tion, and went to Cambridge in Capt. Wilder's company at the time of the Lexington alarm. He removed to New Ips- wich in 1783 or earlier, and was a farmer upon 85, A. D., or perhaps the next lot to the west of it. His name disappears from the town records before 1820. Children : 9. i. Ruth, b. May 2, 1772; m. Nov. 3, 1795, James Adams (12). 10. ii. Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1774; m. May 1, 1794, Jacob S. Clary of Leominster, Mass. 11. iii. Zebulon, b. May 11, 1776; d. July 8, 1803; m. Mary Wright. He was drowned. 12. iv. Hannah, b. May 4, 1779; d. 1802; m. Oct. 8, 1801, Jonas Amsden. 13. V. Joseph, b. Mar. 31, 1781.-|- 14. vi. Rebecca, b. July 31, 1783; m. Nov. 3, 1809, John W. Spaulding of Franklin, Vt. 15. vii. Betsy, b. Sept. 13, 1785; m. Mar. 25, 1813, Lovander F. Fuller of Grafton, Vt. 16. viii. Nathan, b. Feb. 9, 1788; d. Oct. 3, 1843. 17. ix. Keziah, b. June 19, 1789; m. Sanders. 18. X. Nancy, b. Aug. 10, 1793 ; m. Jan. 23, 1810, Joseph" Wetherbee. 19. xi. Andrew, b. Feb. 12, 1796.-f 3. James^ (Silas®, Andrew^ LotS John^, Lot^, Roger^), b. May 26, 1788; d. Oct. 26, 1836; m. 1810, Seba, dau. of Jesse Davis [b. Acton, Mass., June 23, 1789; d. July 5, 1875]. He was a carpenter in Acton, Mass., from which town he gave service in the War of 1812. He came to New Ipswich about 1825 and remained eight years, living on the Tenney farm on the Greenville road, (19, N. D.) Children: 20. i. LusEBA Wright, b. Apr. 14, 1811; d. Feb. 2, 1859; m. Dec, 9, 1836, Josiah Webber (1). 21. ii. Louisa J., b. Sept. 26, 1812; d. Oct. 16, 1892; m. (1) May 9, 1839, Jonathan L., son of William and Rebecca (Lovejoy) Cogswell of Rindge; (2) Emerson Howe (J. 1). 332 Conant 22. iii. James Franklin, b. Nov. 23, 1814.+ 23. iv. Jesse Davis, b. Oct. 22, 1818; m. Rachel Golopen. He re- moved to the West. 24. V. Mary R, b. July 20, 1820; m. (1) Apr. 5, 1845, Walter Davis; (2) James Comee of Fitchburg, Mass. 25. vi. Andrew, b. Nov. 13, 1822.+ 26. vii. Sarah Ann, b. New Ipswich, Feb. 1, 1825 ; m. Nov. 15, 1848, George Henry Ramsdell (10). 27. viii. George Washington, b. New Ipswich, Apr. 11. 1827; m. May 28, 1850, Diana P., dau. of Paul and Hannah R. (Hannaford) Boyce (3). Res. Peterboro. 28. ix. Sylvia Maria, b. Nov. 17, 1829; m. Oct. 3, 1848, David Thomas of Woodstock, Vt. Some years later he was pro- prietor of a restaurant beneath Union Hall. 29. X. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Mason, Apr. 5, 1834; m. July 2, 1857, Horace Eugene Evans. Res. in Townsend, Mass. 13. Joseph^ (Zebulon^, Andrew^, Andrew^, Lot*, John^, Loe, Roger^), b. Concord. Mar. 31, 1781; m. (1) Sept. 18, 1806, Patience Sawyer of Bolton, Mass. [b. May 10, 1782; d. May 20, 1845] ; (2) Dec. 25, 1845, Nancy (Simonds) Puffer. He went to Bolton, btit soon removed to Leominster, Mass., where he was a shoe manufacturer. He had eight children. 19. Andrew^ (Zebulon^ Andrew^ Andrew^ Lot*, John^, Lot-, Roger^), b. Feb. 12, 1796; m. Emily Farnsworth [b. July, 1799]. He succeeded to his father's farm, remaining upon it until about 1840, when he removed to Lunenburg, Mass. He was selectman the last two years before his removal. Chil- dren : 30. i. LovANDER Wright, b. 1820; d. about 1901; m. Adeline Hey- wood of Lunenburg, Mass., where he kept a country store. Two children. 31. ii. Charles Farnsworth, b. 1821. -f- 32. iii. Andrew Philander, b. May 8, 1823. + 33. iv. Samuel Stillman, b. Mar., 1825; d. about 1902. 34. V. Susan E., b. 1827; m. Edward Grossman of Fitchburg, Mass. 35. vi. Lucy Hale, b. 1829; m. George P. Kingsbury of Leominster, Mass. 36. vii. Adoniram Judson, b. Apr. 30, 1831. -f Zl. viii. Emily Hazelton, b. 1833; m. George Searles of Leominster, Mass. 38. ix. James Quincy, b. Apr. 13, 1835.-f 39. X. Mary Ann, b. 1837; m. J. A. Marshall of Leominster, Mass. 40. xi. George Washington, b. 1839. Lived in North Leominster, Mass. Two children. 41. xii. Ellen Elizabeth, b. 1843; d. young. 22. James Franklin^ (James^ Silas^ Andrew^ Lot*. John^ Lot^ Roger!), y^ ^ov. 23, 1814; d. July 16, 1880; m. Nelson, 333 History of New Ipswich Nov. 5, 1839, Lucy, dau. of Isaac and Susanna (Cobb) Follett [b. Nov. 26, 1804; d. July 15, 1872]. He came to New Ipswich with his parents, and on reaching the age of manhood he settled in Stoneham, Mass. He was a shoemaker. Children : 42. i. Calvin Harrison, b. Aug. 29, 1841. 43. ii. Lucy Ann Seba, b. Nov. 27, 1845 ; m. Jaquith. Res. in Reading, Mass. 25. Andrew* (James^^, Silas'', Andrew^, Lot*, John^, Lot^, Rogeri), b. Nov. 13, 1822; m. Brattleboro, Vt., July 3, 1846, Margaret Annie, dau. of Edward and Martha Chadwell [b. Mar. 12, 1831]. He came to New Ipswich with his parents and in early manhood settled in Nashua. He was a cigar maker. Children : 44. i. Edward Andrew, b. New Ipswich, July 31, 1851. 45. ii. Nellie Frances, b. Nashua, Aug. 30, 1861 ; d. June 22, 1863. 31. Charles F.^ (Andrew*, Zebulon'^, Andrew^, x\ndrew^. Lot*, John^, Lot^, Roger^), b. 1821; m. Ora Burt, dau. of Lyman Bruce. He was in the employ of a large company for the manufacture of carriages in Leominster, Mass. Chil- dren : 46. i. Charles Edward, b. Mar. 27, 1849. 47. ii. Henry Lyman, b. Aug. 10, 1852. 32. Andrew P.^ (Andrew*, Zebulon'^, Andrew^, Andrew^, Lot*, John^ Lot^, Roger^), b. May 8, 1823; m. (1) name un- known ; (2) Aug. 14, 1854, Elizabeth Adelina, dau. of John and Mary Littlefield of Norridgewock, Me. He owned a sawmill at Leominster, Mass., for a time, and then removed to Terre Haute, Ind., where he had a flour mill and was also proprietor of a mineral spring. Children : 48. i. Austin. 49. ii. Ella. 50. iii. Martha Ella Cobleigh. 51. iv. Ollie Adelina, b. May 29, 1857. 52. V. Ossian Aconda Cromwell, b. Dec. 14, 1862. 53. vi. Ariel Hugo, b. Dec. 29, 1864; d. young. 36. Adoniram^ (Andrew*, Zebulon'^, Andrew". Andrew^, Lot*, John^, Lot^, Roger^), b. Apr. 30, 1831; m. Feb. 11, 1864, Roxanna, dau. of John Cromwell of Norridgewock, Me. He removed with his parents to Leominster, Mass., and thence to Kuttawa, Ky., where he was a miller. He there married a second and third time. Child : 54. i. Ada, b. June 2, 1869. 334 Conant 38. James Quincy^ (Andrew^, Zebulon^, Andrew*', An- drew^ Lot*, John^ Lot^, Roger^), b. Apr. 13, 1835; m. Apr. 30, 1861, Clara Ann, dau. of Oliver and Clarissa D. (Stone) Hall [b. Worcester, Mass., Mar. 31, 1841]. He was a grocer and later a railroad station agent at Mason Village (now Greenville), and is now a merchant at Leominster, Mass. Children : 55. i. Minnie Barbara, b. Nov. 14, 1862; d. Dec. 25, 1873. 56. ii. Alice Cornelia, b. Oct. 31, 1864; m. Howard E. Mead, a piano maker at Leominster, Mass. Two children. 57. iii. Gertrude Clara, b. Feb. 22, 1871 ; d. Jan. 12, 1874. 58. iv. Lillian Adeline, b. Sept. 12, 1873. COOKE. Aaron' Cooke, b. about 1610; d. Sept. 5, 1690; m. (1) a dau. of Thomas Ford; (2) Joan, dau. of Nicholas Denslow [d. 1676]; (3) Eliza, dau. of John Nash of New Haven, Ct. ; (4) Rebecca, dau. of Nathaniel Foot and widow of Philip Smith of Hadley, Mass. He came from Eng- land about 1630 and settled in Dorchester, Mass., removing to Windsor, Ct., about seven years later, and thence in 1660 to Northampton, Mass., where he passed his remaining years except about ten years in Westfield, Mass. He was a farmer in Westfield and also an inn-keeper, and in all places an influential man. He rose from private to major, was select- man and representative, and an associate justice. Aaron= (Aaron'), bapt. Feb. 21, 1640; d. Sept. 16, 1716; m. May 30, 1661, Sarah, dau. of William Westwood [b. 1644; d. Mar. 24, 1730]. He res. in Hadley, Mass., which town he represented in the Legislature. He was selectman many years and also held the office of captain. Westwood' (Aaron=, Aaron'), b. Mar. 29, 1670/1; d. June 3, 1744; m. 1692, Sarah Colman [d. after Feb., 1756]. He was selectman and also lieutenant. Noah* (Westwood^ Aaron^ Aaron'), b. Apr. 5, 1694; d. June 17, 1760; m. (1) 1716, Sarah Marsh [d. Sept., 1746]; (2) 1747, Esther Chapin. Noah' (Noah^ Westwood', Aaron', Aaron'), b. Feb. 12, 1730; d. Apr. 8, 1796; m. Oct. 23, 1748, Kezia Parsons of Northampton, Mass. He was a lieutenant. Res. at Hadley. 1. Noah'' (Noah^ Noah*, Westwood^ Aaron^, Aaron^), b. Oct. 8. 1749; d. Oct. 15, 1829; m. Jan. 11, 1784, Mary Rock- wood [b. about 1746; d. Oct. 21, 1801]. He graduated from Harvard College in 1769. afterward studied divinity and was licensed to preach in 1771. He was a chaplain in the Revo- lutionary army for five years, retiring from that position in 1780 and soon commencing the study of law. He was ad- mitted to the bar in 1784 and practiced in this town until 1791, when he removed to Keene and there passed the rest of his 335 History of New Ipswich life. He built for his New Ipswich home the house on the north side of the old country road, and near the meeting- house on the hill, which was long occupied by Stephen F. Preston and his son Edward F. Children : 2. i. Noah, b. Sept. 16, 1785 ; d. Oct. 2, 1791. 3. ii. JosiAH Parsons, b. Feb. 15, 1787.+ 4. iii. Polly, b. Aug. 13, 1788. 5. iv. Noah Rockwood, b. June 17, 1792; d. July 21, 1872; m. Mar. 12, 1850, Maria Louisa L. Mead of Walpole. 3. JosiAH Parsons^ (Noah^, Noah^, Noah*, Westwood^, Aaron^, Aaron^), b. Feb. 15, 1787; m. Dec. 7, 1826, Mary, dau. of John Pratt of Boston. He graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in 1807, studied law in his father's office, was admitted to the bar at Boston in 1810, and passed his life in that city as a successful member of the legal profession. 6. JosiAH Parsons^ (Josiah Parsons'^, Noah^, Noah^, Noah*, Westwood^ Aaron2, Aaron^), b. Oct. 12, 1827; d. Sept. 3, 1894. He graduated from Harvard College in 1848, was a tutor there in 1849, and was appointed professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy the following year. In 1851 he established what is believed to have been the first chemical laboratory for undergraduate work instituted in any American college, in which Charles W. Eliot, afterward president of Harvard, was one of his earliest students. He lived to see the number of desks provided for that work, which seven years later num- bered only forty-six, increased to four hundred and sixty, and he is credited with giving to chemistry its true place as an exact and disciplinary study. He was popular as a lecturer, and his scientific publications were recognized as authori- tative. CRAGIN. John' Cragin, b. about 1634; d. Jan. 27, 1708; m. Nov. 4, 1661, Sarah Dawes [b. England, Dec. 23, 1625]. He was born in southern Scotland, and was sent to America as a prisoner of war by Cromwell in 1652. He had smallpox on the passage and would have been thrown overboard but for the intercession of the young English woman whom he afterward married. Res. in Woburn, Mass. JoHN^ (John'), b. Sept. 19, 1677; d. Jan. 26, 1703/4; m. Apr. 13, 1700, Deborah Skelton. Res. in Woburn. John' (John=, John'), b. Mar. 25, 1701; d. Jan. 28, 1794; m. about 1727, Judith, dau. of William and Dorothy Barker of Concord, Mass. [b. Jan. 7, 1701; d. Dec. 26, 1762]. Res. in that part of Concord which is now Acton, but after the death of his wife he removed to Temple, probably about 1769. 336 Cragin John" (John', John^ John'), b. Jan. 8, 1728/9; d. May 1, 1797; m. (1) Sept. 27, 1755, Sarah Barrett of Chelmsford, Mass. [d. May 30, 1771] ; (2) about 1780, Sarah Spaulding [b. Townsend, Mass., about 1739; d. Aug. 26, 1833]. At an early date, probably before his father, he removed to Temple, and there passed his life. He was a deacon. Benjamin" (John', John', John'), b. July 8, 1740; m. May 2, 1766, Mercy Robinson [d. Apr. 20, 1816]. Res. in Temple and in that part of Mason which is now Greenville. 1. Francis* (John^, John^, John^), b. Acton, Mass., Mar. 2, 1742; d. Aug. 16, 1826; m. 1766, Elizabeth Law [b. about 1743; d. about 1767] ; (2) 1773, Sibyl Piper [b. Acton, Feb. 20, 1750; d. May 16, 1809]; (3) about 1810, Rebecca, widow of Charles Barrett (1). His oldest child was born in Acton, Mass., but all the others in Temple, to which town he removed at the same time as his father, and there passed over one- third of a century, representing the town in the Legislature several years, and holding other principal town offices. He enlisted several times for service during the Revolution. He came to New Ipswich about 1804, and lived on the Ephraim Adams farm, (21, N. D.,) until his third marriage, after which his home was in the older Barrett house situated next north of the later mansion. Children : 3. i. Paul, b. Dec. 6, 1766; d. Mar. 17, 1853; m. Oct., 1793, Polly Whittemore. Res. Greenfield. 4. ii. Francis, b. Oct. 24, 1773; d. Jan. 18, 1852; m. June 27, 1795, Sarah" Cummings (Archelaus°, David", John', Isaac^ Isaac') [b. about 1774; d. Mar., 1867]. Res. in Temple. 5. iii. Silas, b. Apr. 16, 1775. + 6. iv. Stephen, b. Mar. 16, 1777.+ 7. v. Sibyl, b. Dec. 12, 1778; d. Feb. 18, 1781. 8. vi. Esther, b. Apr. 10, 1781; d. Mar. 16, 1846; m. Jan. 27, 1798, Artemas Wheeler [b. Temple, Mar. 7, 1774 ; d. Nov. 2, 1848]. Res. Temple, Keene, and Groton. Nine children. 9. vii. Joseph, b. Aug. 4, 1783.+ 10. viii. Leonard, b. Aug. 29, 1785.+ 11. ix. Anna, b. Mar. 24, 1789; d. Sept. 16, 1791. 12. X. Isaiah, b. June 7, 1791. + 13. xi. Samuel, b. Jan. 24, 1794; m. (1) Dec. 22, 1817, Mary Camp- bell (4) ; (2) Dec. 26, 1848, widow S. H. Cooper. Res. Paper Mill Village. John' (John", John', John^ John'), b. Mar. 18, 1769; d. June 21, 1853; m. Dec. 1, 1788, Ruth, dau. of Ephraim" and Sarah (Conant) Heald (John', John^ John') [b. July 23, 1772; d. Jan. 17, 1833]. Res. Temple, where he was a captain in the militia. 2. Aaron^ (Benjamin*, John^ John^, John^), b. Apr. 16, 1772; d. Feb. 13, 1849; m. Feb. 16, 1797, Sarah Wilkins of 337 23 History of New Ipswich Carlisle, Mass. He removed to Rindge in 1812, came thence to New Ipswich about 1821, and seems to have lived in the Factory Village, as it was then termed, for a few years, after which he removed to New York state. Three children. 5. SiLAS^ (Francis*, John^ John^, John^), b. Apr. 16, 1775; d. May 28, 1849; m. Nov. 20, 1797, Anna Prichard (12). He was a saddler and seems to have lived, for a few years after his marriage, in the "Stratton house," formerly standing just below the southeast corner of the old burying-ground on the hill, his shop being a short distance southward in a building now removed, but then the second southerly from the street crossing. After few years he removed to Billerica, Mass., and thence to Harvard, Mass., returning to New Ipswich about 1836, after which he had his home in the brick house built by Abel Shattuck, a few rods southwesterly from the Con- gregational church. Children : 15. i. Lorenzo Silas, b. Sept. 30, l799.-\- 16. ii. Ann, b. Oct. 20, 1801; d. Aug. 14, 1843; m. Nov. 17, 1825. Stedman Houghton (3). 17. iii. SoPHRONiA, b. July 18, 1805 ; d. Apr. 5, 1894, unm. She was a milliner at Shelburne Falls, Mass. 18. iv. Elvira, b. Jan. 9, 1809; d. May 28, 1892, unm. She was also a milliner at Shelburne Falls, Mass. 19. V. Elizabeth P., b. July 8, 1811; d. Mar. 26, 1850, unm. 20. vi. Rebecca Barrett, b. Feb. 28, 1814; d. July 24, 1881; m. Jan. 25, 1843, George W. Myrick [b. Dec. 14, 1805; d. Feb. 26, 1896]. Res. at Shelburne Falls, Mass. Child: i. Stanley Cragin Myrick, b. Oct. 23, 1844; d. Nov. 23, 1855. 6. Stephen^ (Francis*, John^, John^, John^), b. Mar. 16, 1777; d. Oct. 29, 1821; m. May 30, 1799, Martha Kimball [b. Temple, Feb. 26, 1775; d. Jan. 4, 1831]. Res. Temple and Hancock. Children : Eveline, b. May 28, 1800; d. inf. Caroline, b. Apr. 9, 1803; d. Jan. 30, 1851; m. Samuel Fisher. Two children. Francis Kimball, b. Apr. 5, 180S.+ Franklin H., b. Feb. 14, 1807; d. May 26, 1810. Stephen Dexter, b. Apr. 2, 1812; m. June 18, 1838, Sarah B. Wall. Two children. 9. Joseph^ (Francis*, John^, John^, John^), b. Aug. 4, 1783; d. Apr. 27, 1863; m. (1) Aug. 25, 1803, Hannah Patten [b. June 16, 1785; d. May 1, 1833] ; (2) May 8, 1835, widow Sarah Robinson [b. about 1787; d. Feb. 26, 1863]. He was a farmer 338 21. i. 22. ii. 23. iii. 24. iv. 25. V. Cragin in New Ipswich, first on the Ephraim Adams farm, (21, N. D.,) and later on the more easterly of the two Breed farms near the south line of the town, (80, A. D.) At about the time of his second marriage he removed to the former par- sonage just westward from the first Baptist church on the road to Smith Village, and here he passed his later years. Children : 26. i. Hannah, b. Apr. 16, 1805; m. Feb. 15, 1831, Darius Welling- ton of Ashby, Mass. Res. at Memphis, Mo. Child : i. Henry D. Wellington. Res. Memphis, Mo. 27. ii. Oilman, b. Aug. 5, 1807; d. Feb. 12, 1808. 28. iii. RoxANNA, b. Feb. 9, 1809; d. Nov. 7, 1812. 29. iv. Dorcas Barrett, b. July 26, 1811; d. Apr. 19, 1910; m. (1) Jan. 3, 1837, Edward H. Holden (9) ; (2) Sept. 24, 1845, James Hayward of Ashby, Mass. Children: i. Augusta H. Holden, b. Sept. 13, 1838; m. Francis W. Wright of Ashby ; one daughter, ii. H. Cornelia Hayzvard, b. Aug. 31, 1846; d. Feb. 1, 1859. iii. Charles E. Hayward, h. May 16, 1848; d. Nov. 3, 1884; m. Anna Hurd ; one son. iv. George E. Hayward, b. July 21, 1850; d. Aug. 15, 1873. 30. V. Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1813; d. June 17, 1814. 31. vi. James P., b. Apr. 17, 1815; d. Oct. 2, 1886; m. Charlotte Wetherbee. 32. vii. Hepzibah C, b. Apr. 26, 1817; d. Sept. 5, 1872. 2,2>. viii. John F., b. Oct. 10, 1829; d. Dec. 31, 1829. 10. Leonard^ (Francis*, John^, John^, Tohn^), b. Aug. 29, 1785; m. 1805, Margaret Ritchie [b. Temple, Mar. 27, 1784; d. Westminster, Vt., Dec. 16, 1858] . He lived for several years after attaining his majority in or near the High Bridge Village, and later in the central southern portion of the town. His name disappears from the town records in 1819, but he is dismissed to the church at Westmoreland in 1833. His children are said to have been born in New Ipswich. Chil- dren : 34. i. Philenia, b. Dec. 2, 1807 ; m. May 10, 1832, Thomas C. Elliot. Seven children. Res. Rumford, Me. 35. ii. Sibyl, b. Apr. 20, 1809; m. Jan. 22, 1833, Luther Verrill. Res. for a time at Auburn, Me., but his seven children were born at Minot, Me. 36. iii. William, b. Dec. 11, 1810; d. July, 1812. 37. iv. Leonard, b. Dec. 29, 1812. Res. New Orleans. 38. V. Seth B., b. Apr. 28, 1815; d. Nov. 3, 1858; m. (1) Oct. 10, 1839, Sarah S. Chase; (2) Apr. 23, 1851, Susan M. Dig- gens. Res. Geneseo, 111. Two children. 39. vi. Edward, b. July 14, 1817; m. July 25, 1850, Cynthia V. New- man. Res. Geneseo, 111. 339 History of New Ipswich 40. vii. Sarah Ritchie, b. Nov. 19, 1822; m. Dec. 3, 1851, Daniel C Wright. Res. Westminster, Vt. One son. 41. viii. Harriet, b. Apr. 21, 1825; d. Aug. 10, 1855; m. June 12, 1851, Stephen K. Cobb. Res. Westminster, Vt. One daughter. 12. Isaiah^ (Francis% John^, John^, John^), b. June 7, 1791 ; d. Aug., 1874; m. (1) Oct. 18, 1812, Hannah Hildreth [b. West- ford, Mass., June 1, 1791 ; d. Jan. 3, 1823] ; (2) Apr. 30, 1825, Sivona Davis (92). He was a shoemaker, living during some years of his early manhood at Alstead, but coming to New Ipswich about 1820. He lived for a time in the house next below the home of his brother Silas at the foot of Meeting- house Hill, but after the death of his first wife removed easterly past the street crossing to the large white house built by Jeremiah Prichard and long the home of the John P. Clark family. He also appears to have lived for a time on or near Page Hill, but about 1836 he removed to Groton, Mass., where he was a deacon. Children : 42. i. Mary Louisa, b. Aug., 1813; d. Oct., 1814. 43. ii. Mary Reed, b. Nov., 1814; d. Aug., 1818. 44. iii. Charles Hartwell, b. Sept. 7, 1817; m. (1) Oct. 2, 1845. Mary McKenney; (2) Apr. 16, 1857, Henrietta F. McKen- ney. Res. Georgetown, D. C. Six children. 45. iv. Isaiah Luther, b. Aug. 2, 1819; m. June 2, 1842, Sarah A. Loring. Res. Groton, Mass. 46. V. Esther Maria, b. Nov. 8, 1826; m. Nov. 5, 1848, Roswell B. Hodge. Res. Groton, Mass. Three children. 47. vi. Asenath Taylor, b. June 11, 1828; m. (1) Sept. 29, 1852. Samuel C. Wheeler; (2) Apr. 21, 1859, Isaac Grout. Res. Putney, Vt. 48. vii. Rodney Dennis, b. Aug. 16, 1831. Res. Groton, Mass. 49. viii. Amelia, b. Apr. 12, 1833; d. Dec. 8, 1859; m. Sept. 25, 1858, George Billings. Res. Groton, Mass. 50. ix. Joseph Davis, b. Jan. 1, 1838. Res. Groton, Mass. 51. X. George Kendall, b. Aug. 16, 1840. Res. Groton, Mass. 52. xi. Francis Wheeler, b. Apr. 25, 1844. Res. Groton, Mass. 14. JoHN« (John^ John*, John^ John^, John^), b. Jan. 16, 1797; d. Apr. 2, 1858; m. (1) Frances Louisa Reed [b. about 1806; d. July 29, 1837] ; (2) 1838, Caroline Elizabeth Reed [b. Mar. 27, 1808; d. Oct. 26, 1886]. He lived upon the family homestead in Temple, never removing to New Ipswich, but his family came to the town soon after his death. Children : 53. i. John Wisner, b. Jan. 1, 1831; d. Mar. 18, 1860. He was a graduate of St. Charles (Mo.) College and afterward a professor in the same. 54. ii. Samuel Stuart, b. July 10, 1832; d. Mar. 27, 1842. 340 Cragin 55. iii. Sarah Frances, b. Feb. 15, 1834; d. Mar. 30, 1908; m. Peter Brown of Watervalley, Minn. [d. Dec. 7, 1872]. Child: i. Charles Peter Brown. 56. iv. Charlotte Maria, b. Aug. 22, 1836; d. Apr. 4, 1842. 57. V. Caroline Louisa, b. July 10, 1837; d. Aug. 9, 1853. 58. vi. Abner Payson, b. June 13, 1839; d. Aug. 3, 1863. He served in the Civil War in the 13th New Hampshire Regiment, and died of disease contracted while in service. 59. vii. Charlotte Stuart, b. Feb. 6, 1843; d. Oct. 20, 1877; m. Burt Johnson of Providence, R. I. [d. Dec. 8, 1878]. Children: i. Arthur E. Johnson, b. July 20, 1870; d. May 16, 1890. ii. William Burt Johnson. Res. Chicago, 111. 60. viii. Samuel Arthur, b. Oct. 18, 1845 ; d. Nov. 27, 1870. 61. ix. Edward Stuart, b. Apr. 20, 1848.-|- 15. Lorenzo Silas^ (Silas^, Francis*, John^, John-, John^), b. Sept. 30, 1799; d. Nov. 25, 1876; m. Nov. 21, 1824, Susan Tyler. He was engaged in mercantile business in Boston. Children : 62. i. Lorenzo, b. about 1826; d. St. John, N. B., Aug. 27, 1875; m. Louisa Simmons of Roxbury, Mass. He was a lawyer. Three children. 63. ii. Henry, m. Abby Blanchard of Roxbury, Mass. Two or more children. 23. Francis Kimball® (Stephen^ Francis*, John^, John^ John^), b. Apr. 5, 1805; d. Jan. 1, 1887; m. (1) Mar. 26, 1829, Lucy Preston (40) ; (2) Oct. 24, 1837, Maria Louisa Champ- ney (17). He lived in Hancock until 1861, when he removed to Woburn, Mass. Children : 64. i. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 14, 1830; unm. She was a teacher in Wheaton Female Seminary. 65. ii. Lucy Maria, b. Oct. 13, 1836; m. Charles Cole of Woburn, Mass. 61. Edward Stuart^ (John®, John^, John*, John^, John^ John^), b. Apr. 20, 1848; m. Oct. 21, 1886, Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Caleb G. and Henrietta (Shattuck) (109) Weaver of Lowell, Mass. [b. Apr. 4, 1850]. He is engaged in the publi- cation of music in New York city, being a director of the Ditson Company, and also treasurer of the Music Publishers' Association. Child : 66. i. Horace Stuart, b. June 28, 1889. He graduated from Am- herst College in 1910. 341 History of New Ipswich CUMMINGS. IsAAc^ CuMMiNGS, b. 1601; d. May, 1677. He is believed to have come from England in 1627, and to have settled in Salem, Mass., where, however, he did not permanently reside. He was a proprietor of Water- town, where he had a grant of land in 1636. He had a house lot in Ipswich Village, where he was a "commoner" in 1641. In 1652 he was in Topsfield, where his later years were passed. He was moderator there in 1676, and a deacon for many years. His wife is not known. JoHN^ (Isaac^), b. 1630; d. Dec. 1, 1700; m. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Alice (French) Howlett of Ipswich [d. Dec. 7, 1700]. He succeeded to his father's land, but he had removed to Boxford about 1657, and about 1680 to Dunstable, where he was one of the tirst settlers and a selectman. John' (John', Isaac'), b. Boxford, 1657; m. Sept. 13, 1680, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Brackett) Kinsley [b. Braintree, Nov. 22, 1657; d. July 3, 1706]. He lived in that part of Dunstable which is now Nashua, N. H., where his wife was killed by the Indians, and he was wounded at the same time. John' (John^ John^ Isaac'), b. July 7, 1682; d. Apr. 27, 1759; m. Oct. 2, 1705, Elizabeth, dau. of Peletiah" (Thomas', Henry') and Ruth Adams of Chelmsford [b. Apr. 26, 1680; d. Apr. 30, 1759]. He resided in that part of Chelmsford which is now Westford and his farm, in part still occupied by a descendant, included the land around the present railroad station. He was a selectman and town clerk and was the tirst deacon chosen by the church. William' (John^ John'', Isaac'), b. Apr. 24, 1702; d. Aug. 29, 1757; m. Sarah, dau. of William and Esther Harwood [b. Dunstable, June 26, 1706; d. 1769]. He settled on the east bank of the Merrimac river in that part of Dunstable which is now Hudson, N. H. He was a member of both of the expeditions of Capt. Lovewell against the Indians in 1725, but a severe lameness compelled him to return before the disastrous issue of the second one. John' (John', John', John^ Isaac'), b. June 1, 1710; d. Sept. 20, 1789; m. Jan. 28, 1736, Sarah, dau. of Eleazer and Mary Lawrence of Littleton, Mass. [b. about 1716; d. Oct. 3, 1799]. He settled in Grotofi, Mass., and there passed most of his active life, but in his later years removed to Hancock, N. H., where he died. He served in the French and Indian and the Revolutionary wars, and bore the title of lieutenant. 1. Samuel^ (John*, Johll^ John^, Isaac^), b. Sept. 18, 1718; d. June 9, 1796; m. Dec. 1, 1741, Sarah, dau. of Dea. Andrew' and Abigail Spaulding [b. June 9, 1723; d. Nov. 23, 1801]. He was a farmer in Westford, where most if not all of his children were born, and he perhaps lived for a time in Dunsta- ble, but his name appears on the New Ipswich records in 1772 and remains for thirteen years. He removed to Cornish, N. H., and there passed the later years of his life. Soon after his arrival in New Ipswich he bought the Zachariah Adams 342 3. 4. ii. 5. iii. 6. iv. 7. V. 8. vi. 9. vii. 10. viii 11. ix. Cummings (H. 2) sixty acres of land, and he rebuilt the mills at the Smith Village previously owned by Mr. Adams, but burned two or three years before. Children : Samuel, b. Nov. 18, 1742.+ Abigail, b. Jan. 23, 1745. Sarah, b. May 18, 1747. Benjamin, b. Dec. 28, 1749; d. Oct. 2, probably 1750. Betsey, b. June 28, 1752; d. Nov., 1810; m. William Farris (1). Benjamin, b. Mar. 29, 1755. + Mary, b. Dec. 16, 1757; d. Feb. 26, 1812; m. Feb. 5, 1781, Ebenezer Fletcher (14). Andrew, b. Feb. 16, 1761; d. Oct. 1, 1775. Warren, b. Oct. 16, 1768.+ Ebenezer' (William^ John', Joh^^ Isaac'), b. Jan. 29, 1730; m. (1) Sarah, dau. of Stephen and Sarah (Hale) Chase [b. about 1726; d. Nov., 1772] ; (2) Apr. 12, 1774, Sarah Stevens. He spent his life upon the homestead of his father in Hudson, N. H. He was an influential citizen, and a deacon for a long time. He represented the town in the Constitu- tional Convention in 1788. 2. Eleazer^ (John^ John*, John^ John^, Isaac^), b. Groton, Mass., Nov. 15, 1739; d. Aug. 3, 1815; m. (1) Feb. 15, 1764, Sarah Reed of Littleton, Mass. [b. 1736; d. Apr. 4, 1802]; (2) June 6, 1803, widow Mary (Read) Russell of Westford. He came to New Ipswich in 1765 and settled on the "John Knowlton farm" (76, A. D.) In 1768 he bought the land and mills of John Chandler, and afterward other adjoining land sufficient to make his possessions amount to four hundred acres. He erected new buildings, adding a malt-house, a lin- seed oil mill, and an oatmeal factory, supplying as distant points as Boston. He served in the Revolution, responding to the Concord alarm as a private, but is recorded as a captain in the following December. Children : 12. i. Molly, b. Dec. 2, 1764; d. Feb. 23, 1845; m. James Barr (1). Aaron, b. Dec. 22, 1765; d. June 17, 1766. Matilda, b. June 11, 1768; d. Aug. 27, 1833; m. Feb. 9, 1790, Timothy Wheelock (5). Charles, b. Dec. 7, 1770. -j- Deidamia, b. Sept. 30, 1772; d. Dec. 24, 1840; m. Feb. 16, 1792, William Prichard (6). Lavina, b. Nov. 4, 1774; d. 1846; m. Feb. 11, 1796, Samuel Joslin. Barnard, b. Jan. 14, 1777; d. Feb. 2, 1777. 3. Samuel® (SamueP, John*, John^, John^, Isaac^), b. Nov. 18, 1742; d. Jan. 16, 1826; m. (1) 1765, Sarah Butterfield of 343 13. ii. 14. iii. 15. iv. 16. V. 17. vi. 18. vii History of New Ipswich Dunstable [b. July 4, 1745 ; d. Aug. 31, 1804] ; (2) Mrs. Lydia Pollard; (3) Mrs. Lucy Willard. He settled in Packersfield, now Nelson, N. H., where he lived twenty-five years or longer, and then removed to Cornish, N. H. Children : 19. i. Sally, b. July 7, 1766; d. Dec. 17, 1842; m. Feb. 19, 1786, Jonathan Morse. 20. ii. Leonard, b. Dec. 5, 1769.-|- 21. iii. Betty, b. Feb. 23, 1772; d. Aug. 9, 1825; m. Feb. 23, 1794, Rufus, son of Peltiah and Mary (Knapp) Day, a farmer at Cornish, N. H. Eight children. 22. iv. Andrew, b. Oct. 9, 1776.+ 23. V. Eben, b. June 24, 1779.+ 24. vi. Charlotte, b. Dec. 15, 1782; d. Sept. 16, 1820; m. Feb. 4, 1807, Caleb Burk. 25. vii. Rebecca, b. June 18, 1786; d. Aug. 26, 1834; m. Nov. 23, 1809, Isaac French. Four children. 26. viii. Sophia, b. Apr. 10, 1789; d. Sept. 5, 1853; m. Feb. 24, 1814, Amos Richardson of Cornish, N. H. Eight children : 8. Benjamin^ (SamueP, John*, John^, John^ Isaac^), b. Mar. 29, 1755; d. Apr. 14, 1813; m. Sept. 5, 1776, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Sherman) Cooper [b. July 20, 1753 ; d. Dec. 13, 1843]. Res. Cornish, N. H. Children: 27. i. Peninnah, b. June 20, 1777; d. Mar. 11, 1810; m. Dec. 14, 1800, Chester Weld. Four children. 28. ii. Samuel, b. Nov. 3, 1778.+ 29. iii. Polly, b. Feb. 17, 1781, d. Aug. 30, 1847; m. Mar. 1, 1801, Luther Bingham. Res. Morristown, Vt. Six children. 30. iv. Sherman, b. Jan. 9, 1783.+ 31. V. Andrew, b. May 6, 1785.+ 32. vi. Fenno, b. Mar. 21, 1787.+ 33. vii. Benjamin, b. Apr. 15, 1789.-|- 34. viii. Betsey, b. Apr. 3, 1791; d. Aug. 17, 1869; m. Feb. 26, 1818, Moody Smith. 35. ix. Susan, b. Apr. 4, 1793; d. Dec, 1863; m. June 25, 1829, James Sperry. Res. Claremont, N. H. 36. X. A son, b. Oct. 13, 1795; d. Oct. 13, 1795. 37. xi. A son, b. Oct. 13, 1795 ; d. Oct. 14, 1795. 38. xii. Julia D. Robigne, b. Apr. 12, 1799; d. May 2, 1858; m. Dec. 27, 1815, Jacob Newell of Lyme, N. H. Seven children. 11. Warren^ (SamueP, John*, John^ John^ Isaac^), b. Oct. 16, 1768; d. Dec. 12, 1853; m. May 28, 1789, Mary, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth (Sumner) Taylor of Cornish, N. H. [b. Sept. 18, 1768; d. Nov. 6, 1849]. He was a mechanic and farmer at Cornish. Children : 39. i. Sally, b. July 10, 1791 ; d. Nov. 19, 1872 ; m. William Daily of Bridgewater, Vt. 344 Ctjmmings 40. ii. William Sumner, b. Apr. 8, 1793; d. Mar. 2, 1875; m. Nov. 19, 1821, Susan Gates. 41. iii. Betsey, b. Apr. 6, 1795; d. Mar. 10, 1863; m. Nov. 19, 1821, David Smith. Res. Nevi^ton, Mass., and Sparta, N. J. Seven children. 42. iv. Warren Spaulding, b. June 14, 1797; d. Dec. 1, 1818, unm. 43. V. Taylor Oilman, b. May 15, 1799; d. Aug. 18, 1803. 44. vi. Joseph Sidney, b. Apr. 26, 1801; d. Oct. 21, 1884; m. Jan. 22, 1834, Lydia D., dau. of Andrew and Lydia (Jackson) Cummings. 45. vii. Hermon Hunt, b. Apr. 9, 1803; d. Weathersfield, Vt., June 30, 1870. He was colonel of the 15th N. H. Regt. 46. viii. Oilman Taylor, b. July 30, 1805; d. Dec. 16, 1876; m. (1) May 26, 1832, Amy A. Lockwood; (2) Sept. 1, 1834, Rhoda J. Worthington. Res. Metuchen, N. J. 47. ix. Maria, b. Mar. 8, 1808; d. Mar. 25, 1876; m. Nov. 30, 1831, Joshua W. Bryant, a farmer of Bridgewater, Vt. Four children. 48. X. Daniel Morris, b. May 16, 1810. 49. xi. Albert Oallatin, b. Mar. 19, 1812. Samuel' (Ebenezer^ William*, John', John', Isaac'), b. Apr. 6, 1781; d. Mar. 4, 1864; m. 1804, Johanna, dau. of William and Phebe (Oage) Wyman [b. Pelham, N. H., Mar. 8, 1780; d. Feb. 15, 1845]. He lived successively in Hudson, Antrim, and Hollis. 15. Charles'' (Eleazer^, John^ John*, John^, John^, Isaac^), b. Dec. 7, 1770; d. Oct. 17, 1809; m. Sarah Willard of Nashua [b. about 1764; d. Mar. 21, 1867]. He seems to have passed his life in his native town, living near his father's mill and engaged in the industries conducted there. Children : 51. i. Sarah, b. Oct. 31, 1792; d. July 10, 1861; m. Henry Campbell. 52. ii. Hepsibeth, b. July 16, 1795; d. Sept. 17, 1874; m. Dec. 12, 1820, Andrew, son of Dea. John and Polly (Bradford) Wallace, a lawyer and for many years clerk of court. Res. Amherst. Six children. 53. iii. Mary, b. Nov. 12, 1797; d. July 4, 1859; m. David W. Russell. 54. iv. Eliza, b. Feb. 2, 1800; d. Aug. 9, 1885; m. Oeorge Eliot. 55. V. Catherine, b. June 29, 1802; d. Dec. 31, 1883; m. Dec. 29, 1827, Salmon Rice. Five children. 56. vi. Charles, b. July 15, 1804.+ 57. vii. John Willard, b. Oct. 29, 1806.+ 20. Leonard'^ (Samuel^ SamueP, John*, John^, John^, Isaac^), b. Dec. 5, 1769; d. Oct. 25, 1832; m. Sept. 20, 1791, Nelly Winch [b. Dec. 15, 1768; d. Dec. 30, I860]. He was a farmer and mechanic at Cornish. Children : 58. i. Uriel, b. Feb. 28, 1793; d. Mar. 14, 1878; m. Feb. 28, 1814, Sarah Robinson. Eight children. 345 History of New Ipswich 59. ii. Cynthia, b. Mar. 18, 1795; d. Sept. 6, 1884; m. Feb. 10, 1814, Capt. Obed, son of Col. Samuel and Chloe (Cooper) Pow- ers. Five children. 22. Andrew^ (Samuel^, SamueP, John*, John^, John^, Isaac^, b. Oct. 9, 1776; d. July 11, 1853; m. (1) May 29, 1800, Lydia, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Peck) Jackson [b. May 27, 1773; d. May 13, 1849]; (2) Mrs. Betsey Atwood. He was a carpenter and a builder at Cornish. Children : 60. i. Farris, b. Feb. 20, 1801; d. Dec. 14, 1803. 61. ii. Ursula, b. May 2, 1802; d. Sept. 5, 1803. 62. iii. William Farris, b. Nov. 13, 1803; d. May 29, 1859; m. (1) Sept. 17, 1831, Abigail Bryant; (2) Mercy Jenne. Eight children. 63. iv. SuLA BoLONA, b. Mar. 12, 1805 ; d. Apr. 30, 1867 ; m. Nov. 25, 1830, Joseph Bryant, a farmer at Bridgewater, Vt. Six children. 64. V. Lydia Delilah, b. Jan. 19, 1807; d. Sept. 19, 1872; m. Jan. 22, 1834, Joseph F. Cummings. Res. Bridgewater, Vt. Six children. 65. vi. Sophia Maria, b. Sept. 10, 1808; d. July 22, 1818. 66. vii. Nellie Peninnah, b. Aug. 10, 1810; d. Aug. 2, 1838; m. Oct. 11, 1837, John G. Cross. One child. 67. viii. Marcia Louisa, b. Oct. 13, 1812 ; d. Aug. 15, 1903 ; m. Jan. 25, 1841, Bela J. Fletcher. Res. Claremont. She was a poetess of ability and local fame. One son. 68. ix. Lucia Ann, b. Jan. 30, 1815; m. Mar. 5, 1846, Chauncey P. Jenny. Removed to Toledo, O. One son. 23. Eben^ (Samuel®, Samuel^, John*, John^, John^ Isaac^), b. June 24, 1779; d. Oct. 20, 1850; m. Nov. 2, 1806, Ursula, dau. of Stephen and Mercy (Chase) Child [b. June 2, 1785 ; d. June 29, 1831]. He was a carpenter and farmer at Cornish, whence he removed to Hanover in 1850. He served as captain in the war of 1812. Children : 69. i. Sarah, b. July 28, 1808; d. July 14, 1858, Palmyra, Mo., unm. 70. ii. Maria, b. Dec. 3, 1809; d. Dec. 5, 1809. 71. iii. Adaline, b. Feb. 6, 1812; d. Girard, Kan., Feb. 5, 1883; m. Aug. 5, 1861, William Metcalf. 72. iv. Alice Chase, b. Sept. 16, 1813; d. Oct. 11, 1870; m. Sept. 25, 1850, Dr. John B. Hayes of Palmyra, Mo. Two children. IZ. v. Dudley Chase, b. Mar. 19, 1815; d. Ottawa, Kan., Sept. 16, 1891, unm. 74. vi. George Philander, b. Aug. 27, 1820; m. June 23, 1861, Abigail Cornelius Walker. Four children. 75. vii. Samuel Edward, b. Oct. 13, 1823; d. Apr. 2, 1894; m. Apr. 26, 1852, Martha Cortz. Three children. 28. Samuel'' (Benjamin'^, SamueP, John*, John^ John^, Isaac^), b. Nov. 3, 1778; d. Oct. 10, 1866; m. (1) Jan. 25, 1803, 346 Cummings Lydia Marsh [b. Mar. 10, 1778; d. Aug. 24, 1813]; (2) Mar. 20, 1814, Martha Aiken; (3) Oct. 19, 1825, Auretta Hopkins [d. Apr. 8, 1829]. He settled in Berkshire, Vt., in 1803, but passed his later years with his youngest son in Waldo, Wis. Children : 76. i. Julia Robigne, b. Nov. 17, 1803; d. Sept. 16, 1884; m. Elijah Chaffee, a miller of Berkshire, Vt. Six children. n. ii. Polly, b. Jan. 26, 1805 ; d. Aug. 24, 1813. 78. iii. RoxALANiA, b. Mar. 11, 1808; m. Oct. 24, 1837, David Babcock of Georgia, Vt. Five children. 79. iv. Rosalinda, b. Dec. 30, 1811; d. Mar. 20, 1879; m. 1829, Bandana Smith, a clothier of Enosburg, Vt. Two children. 80. v. Henry, b. Aug. 2, 1813; d. May 23, 1881; m. Jan. 7, 1840, Sarah Maria Moore. Six children. 81. vi. Mary, b. May 24, 1816; m. Apr. 6, 1842, Chester Olmstead, a farmer at Franklin, Vt. Removed to Battle Creek, Mich. Five children. 82. vii. Sherman, b. Dec. 17, 1818; m. Dec. 30, 1840, Elimina Eliza Stone. Three children. 83. viii. Caroline R., b. Jan. 12, 1821; m. Apr. 6, 1840, H. Nelson Austin of Berkshire, Vt. Four children. 84. ix. Sarah Fay, b. Aug. 30, 1826; d. Mar. 15, 1850; m. 1845, Daniel Willey of Waterville, Vt. Two children. 85. X. Harvey, b. Dec. 6, 1827; m. (1) Sept. 12, 1852, Helen Marr Stone [d. Oct. 14, 1892]; (2) 1896, Martha A. Wagstaff. Res. Waldo, Wis. A mechanic and farmer. 30. Sherman^ (Benjamin^, SamueP, John^ John^, John^, IsaacO, b. Jan. 9, 1783; d. Apr. 22, 1845; m. 1803, Betsey, dau. of Caleb and Catherine (Black) Smart [b. Croydon, Sept. 13, 1782; d. Dec. 16, 1834]. He was a tanner and currier in Cornish and in Plainfield, Vt. Later he removed to Galesburg, 111. Children: 86. i. Orilla, b. May 13, 1804; d. Dec. 11, 1806. 87. ii. Harriet, b. Mar. 13, 1804; d. Oct. 30, 1887; m. Oct. 11, 1824, George Townsend [d. May 10, 1852]; (2) Oct. 17, 1853, Linus Ellison. Seven children. 88. iii. Sherman Smart, b. Apr. 15, 1807; d. Sept. 17, 1813. 89. iv. Catherine Black, b. Feb. 27, 1809; m. Apr. 8, 1827, Reuben Storrs. Five children. 90. v. Harris Newton, b. Jan. 28, 1811; d. Oct. 6, 1813. 91. vi. Betsey Orilla, b. Apr. 10, 1813; d. Dec. 11, 1852; m. Joseph Wiseman. One son. 92. vii. Nancy Powers, b. Jan. 1, 1815; d. Feb. 13, 1888; m. (1) Dr. John Fox; (2) L. J. Fox. 93. viii. James Ripley, b. Sept. 20, 1817; m. (1) Jan. 25, 1841, Lucy Jane Kingsley; (2) Mar. 11, 1876, Emma Root Mills. Four children. 347 History of New Ipswich 94. ix. Jerusha Martha, b. Aug. 20, 1819; d. Sept. 27, 1874; m. Loren Fox. 95. X. A daughter, b. July 19, 1821 ; d. Oct. 8, 1821. 96. xi. EvALiNE AsENATH, b. Jan. 7, 1824; m. Blackburn Browning Michols. Res. Muskegon, Mich., and Galesburg, Mich. One son. 31. Andrew^ (Benjamin^ SamueP, John*, John^, John^, Isaae), b. May 6, 1785; d. Mar. 5, 1854; m. Sept. 10, 1809, Betsey (Jewett), widow of John Parker [b. Feb. 28, 1784; d. Apr. 6, 1864]. He was a farmer in Berkshire, Vt. He served as a sergeant in the war of 1812. Children : 97. i. Benjamin, b. Dec. 2, 1810; d. Oct. 26, 1872; m. Jan. 7, 1835, Mary Huntington. Ten children. 98. ii. Elam Jewett, b. Apr. 22, 1812; d. Nov. 23, 1894; m. Feb. 1, 1839, Fanny Woodbury Fletcher (185). Four children. 99. iii. Jane C, b. Mar. 2, 1814; d. Apr. 12, 1864; m. James Follett, a farmer in Central Ohio. Six children. 100. iv. Andrew Clinton, b. Dec. 27, 1818; m. Feb. 25, 1840, Amanda Janes. Seven children. 101. V. William, b. Dec. 22, 1820; d. Apr. 6, 1823. 102. vi. Horace, b. Mar. 10, 1823; d. Aug. 14, 1823. 103. vii. William Alexander, b. May 8, 1826; m. Mary C. Fletcher (189). Two children. 32. Fenno^ (Benjamin^ SamueP, John*, John^, John^, Isaac^), b. Mar. 21, 1787; d. Jan. 24, 1830; m. 1809, Rebecca, dau. of Caleb and Catherine (Black) Smart [b. July 25, 1788; d. Oct., 1865; m. (2) Rev. Jonathan Kinney of Plainfield, Vt.J. He was a tanner and currier in company with his brother Sherman in Cornish and in Plainfield, and after 1815 without a partner in Berlin, Vt. He was a deacon. Children : 104. i. A son, b. Mar. 14, 1810; d. Apr. 4, 1810. 105. ii. Peninnah, b. Dec. 1, 1811; d. Apr. 16, 1816. 106. iii. A son, b. Jan., 1813; d. Feb. 1, 1813. 107. iv. William Freeman, b. Jan. 18, 1814; m. (1) May 7, 1835, Adaline Tenney; (2) 1852, Emeretta Humphrey. Two children. 108. V. Mary Louisa, b. Jan. 19, 1816; m. Sept. 25, 1836, Harry Hovey, son of Israel and Nancy (Hovey) Dewey, a farmer in Berlin and Lunenburg, Vt., and after 1863 in Iowa and Illinois. Five children. 109. vi. A daughter, b. and d. Oct. 18, 1817. 110. vii. A daughter, b. and d. Oct. 18, 1817. HI. viii. Ursula Frances, b. Nov. 16, 1818; d. Dec. 25, 1866; m. Mar. 9, 1837, Oliver, son of William and Abigail (Flagg) Dewey, a farmer in Berlin, Vt. Four children. 112. ix. Orrel Farris, b. Sept. 12, 1820; m. May 1, 1845, Bela M. Howard, a farmer at Sheffield, 111. Six children. 348 Cummings 113. X. Ednah, b. Aug. 19, 1822; m. May 1, 1845, William M. Whipple, a farmer of Croydon, and member of the legis- lature. 114. xi. Fenno Lafayette, b. Aug. 23, 1824; m. Nov. 30, 1848, Annie Carpenter. Two children. 115. xii. Erasmus Darwin, b. June 17, 1826; d. July 10, 1902; m. Jan. 20, 1848, Caroline Susan Smart. Four children. 116. xiii. A son, b. Mar. 13, 1826; d. Apr. 4, 1828. 117. xiv. Hiram Smart, b. July 2, 1829; m. (1) Aug. 26, 1851, Lucy Maria Wells; (2) June 13, 1868, Hattie S. Hartshorn. Six children. 33. Benjamin^ (Benjamin®, SamueP, John*, John^, John^ Isaac^), b. Apr. 15, 1789; d. Nov. 22, 1868; m. Nov. 30, 1815, Althea, dau. of James A. and Althea (Ripley) Wellman fb. Nov. 14, 1790]. He was a farmer of Cornish. Children: 118. i. Benjamin Newton, b. Nov. 2, 1816; d. Nov. 17, 1899; m. (1) July 22, 1847, Betsey M. Righter; (2) Jan. 11, 1877, Mrs. Helen M. Lewis. Three children. 119. ii. Mary Althea, b. Sept. 22, 1818; d. Mar. 17, 1861. 120. iii. Charles Wellman, b. Apr. 23, 1822; m. Mar. 25, 1858, Laura F. Dewey [b. Feb. 20, 1840], dau. of Ursula F. Cummings (111) Dewey. One child. 48. Daniel Morris^ (Warren'', SamueP, John*, John^, John2, Isaae), b. May 16, 1810; d. Mar. 1, 1885; m. Nov. 30, 1836, Emily Maria Hamilton [b. Sharon, Vt., June 17, 1814; d. Feb. 11, 1895]. He was a general mechanic, machinist, and inventor. After several removals he settled in 1852 at Enfield. Children : 121. i. Owen Taft, b. Dec. 5, 1837; m. Dec. 5, 1866, Mary Elizabeth Gate. Two children. 122. ii. Emma Maria, b. Dec. 7, 1840; unm. Res. in Enfield. 123. iii. Albert Gallatin, b. Nov. 8, 1842; m. Oct. 10, 1871, Nellie T. Currier. Four children. 124. iv. Perley Martin, b. July 19, 1844; m. (1) Feb. 12, 1874, Eliza- beth Wanzer; (2) Nov., 1888, Mrs. Virginia Ellis. Three children. 125. V. Homer Hamilton, b. Feb. 3, 1846; m. June 17, 1873, Sarah Cowden. Seven children. 126. vi. Mary Anna, b. Apr. 18, 1848; d. Mar. 12, 1893, unm. 127. vii. DiLLis Morris, b. Jan. 17, 1850 ; d. Aug. 23, 1853. 128. viii. Cordelia Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1852; d. Aug. 18, 1853. 129. ix. Delia Minerva, b. Feb. 16, 1854; unm. Res. in Enfield. 130. X. Walter Dillis, b. Nov. 12, 1856; d. Nov. 21, 1863. 49. Albert Gallatin^ (Warren®, SamueP, John*, John^, John^ IsaacO, b. Mar. 19, 1812; d. June 17, 1886; m. June 10, 1838, Cynthia Jewett Robbins [b. July 28, 1820; d. July 8, 349 History of New Ipsw^ich 1900]. He was a clergyman in several places in New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts. Children : 131. i. James, b. Mason, Nov. 2, 1839; d. Dec. 3, 1839. 132. ii. Joseph Taylor, b. Salem, Mass. ; d. June 13, 1867 ; m. Apr. 21, 1864, Sarah Elizabeth Dow. His death resulted from wounds received in the Civil War. 133. iii. Mary Lydia, b. Boston, Jan. 25, 1844; d. June 22, 1873. 134. iv. Albert Luther, b. Boston, May 21, 1846; m. Aug. 14, 1873, Emma J. Dow. Six children. 135. V. Millie J., b. Mason, Dec. 3, 1848; d. May 3, 1891; m. Nov. 11, 1874, Daniel E. Plummer. Two children. 136. vi. Willis Johnson, b. Mason, Nov. 5, 1852; m. Oct. 4, 1888, Marianne B. Chase. 137. vii. Carrie Wheaton, b. Freetown, Mass., Jan. 16, 1858; m. Nov. 2, 1876, Charles K. Weeden. Two children. 138. viii. Frederick Plummer, b. Freetown, Mass., Apr. 11, 1858; unm. Res. at Tacoma, Wash. 139. ix. Earnest Smith, b. Lee, Oct. 1, 1860; d. Sept. 28, 1886. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1884, and was em- ployed in the U. S. signal service. 50. Seneca'^ (Samuel^ Ebenezer^ William*, John^, John^, Isaac^), b. Antrim, May 16, 1817; d. New Ipswich, Aug. 12, 1856; m. Oct. 28, 1847, Abigail Mary Stearns (20). He gradu- ated from Dartmouth College in 1844 and from Union Theo- logical Seminary in 1847. He sailed for China as a missionary of the American Board in October of that year, and remained as stationed at Foo Chow for seven years, when his health required a vacation and in 1855 he returned to America, and his expected return the following year was prevented by death. Children : 140. i. Abby Lucinda, b. Oct. 3, 1850; d. Nov. 21, 1850. 141. ii. George Seneca, b. Aug. 11, 1852; d. Sept. 28, 1857. 142. iii. John Wyman, b. Sept. 16, 1854.+ 56. Charles^ (Charles^, Eleazer*', John^, John*, John', John^, Isaac^), b. July 15, 1804; d. Belleville, 111., Feb. 10, 1845; m. Nov. 28, 1828, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Morse) Bill- ings [b. Groton, Mass., Mar. 15, 1809]. He lived at Hancock during the early years of his manhood, but returned to New Ipswich about 1831 and was employed in the factory. Chil- dren : 143. i. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 9, 1829; m. Nov. 19, 1852, George L. Campbell. 144. ii. Charles, b. Jan. 20, 1831; d. Mar. 8, 1857. 57. John Willard^ (Charles'', Eleazer^, John^, John*, John', John^, Isaac^), b. Oct. 29, 1806; d. Oct. 16, 1854; m. 360 Cummings Maria, dau. of Thatcher and Mercy (Foster) Bradford [d. Jan. 5, 1882]. He was a mason in Hancock, where he died. Chil- dren : 145. i. Orville, d. young. 146. ii. Maria, b. June 15, 1835; m. Aug. 11, 1859, J. Frank Washburn. 147. iii. Frank M., b. Feb. 15, 1838; d. Gardner, Mass., Feb. 14, 1869; m. Jan. 1, 1866, Lydia F. Wells. Child: i. Elmer Lincoln, h. Jan. 5, 1868. He graduated from Harvard College. 148. iv. Nettie Viola, b. June 27, 1842; m. (1) Nov. 16, 1854, Gran- ville Matthews; (2) Jan. 1, 1877, Otis Holden. Res. Acton, Mass. 149. v. Belle S., b. Feb. 9, 1844; m. Jan. 4, 1866, Henry D. Estabrook of Lexington, Mass. One child. 150. vi. James M., b. May 1, 1849; m. Oct. 12, 1876, Nellie Farrar. Res. Peterboro. 151. vii. John O., b. Mar. 31, 1851; d. Jan. 22, 1875; m. Oct. 28, 1872, Annie Butler. Res. at Rockford, 111. 142. John W.* (Seneca", Samuel^, Ebenezer^, William*, John^, John^, Isaac^), b. Foo Chow, China, Sept. 16, 1854; m. Harriet Angie, dau. of Silas Boyce (11). He has been con- nected with the National Temperance Society for a long- time and is now its treasurer. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 152. i. John Seneca, b. Dec. 22, 1875. 153. ii. George Bain, b. Feb. 11, 1890. CUSHING. Matthew* Gushing, bapt. Hardingham, Norfolk, England, Mar. 2, 1589; d. Sept. 30, 1660; m. Aug. 5, 1613, Nazareth, dau. of Henry Pitcher, bapt. Oct. 30, 1586; d. Sept. 30, 1660. He came to America with his wife and five children in 1638 and settled at Hingham, Mass., where he was deacon. His house lot of five acres remained in the hands of his family until 1887. Hon. Caleb Gushing, U. S. minister to China, general in the Mexican War, and U. S. Attorney General was his descendant by the line John^ Caleb', Caleb^ Benjamin^ John N.«, Caleb'. Daniel' (Matthew'), bapt. Hingham, England, Apr. 20, 1619; d. Hingham, Mass., Dec. 3, 1700; m. (1) Lydia. dau. of Edward and Mary (Clark) Gilman [b. England; d. Hingham, Mass., Mar. 12, 1689]; (2) Mar. 23, 1691, Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas and Mary Jacob and widow of Capt. John Thaxter [b. England; d. Hingham, Mass., Nov. 14, 1725]. He was a magistrate and for many years a selectman of Hingham, also town clerk and representative to the General Court. Matthew' (DanieP, Matthew'), b. July 5, 1660; d. June 23, 1715; m. Dec. 31, 1684, Jael, dau. of Capt. John and Mary (Russell) Jacob [b. Hingham, Sept. 7, 1662; d. Dec. 23, 1708]. He lived in the ancestral home at Hingham, where he was selectman, and also a captain. Samuel' (Matthew', Daniel', Matthew'), b. Feb. 4. 1699; m. (1) pub. Nov. 7, 1722, Hannah Tileston of Dorchester, Mass. [d. July 17, 1748] ; 351 History of New Ipswich (2) Aug. 10, 1749, Mrs. Hannah Sparhawk of Scituate, Mass. He lived in that part of Hingham which is now Cohasset, where he was selectman and a justice. Timothy' (Samuel', Matthew', DanieP, Matthew'), b. Feb. 2, 1738; m. June 4, 1765, Desire Jenkins of Scituate, Mass. He was a farmer and a carpenter. David" (Timothy^ Samuel', Matthew', Daniel', Matthew'), b. Mar. 2, 1771; m. May 29, 1800, Mary Pook of Boston. Res. in Ashby, Mass., where he was a farmer. 1. Samuel'' (David^ Timothy^, Samuel*, Matthew^, Dan- iel^, Matthew^), b. Oct. 15, 1810; d. Nov. 25, 1861; m. Apr. 10, 1834, Mary Ann Campbell (7). He came to New Ipswich in early manhood and passed his life as a farmer, for several years on the "Conant farm," (87, A. D.,) and after 1850 at the end of the road leading northward from the "Gibson school- house," (IV: 4, S. R.) Children: 2. i. George W., b. Jan., 1836.+ 3. ii. Ann Maria, b. Mar. 12, 1838; d. Nov. 8, 1861, unm. 4. iii. S.\RAH Jane, b. Nov. 25, 1840; d. July 5, 1908; m. Jan. 1, 1862, George H. Wheeler (121). 5. iv. Charles G., b. Feb. 7, 1844.+ 6. V. Henry, b. Apr. 1, 1846.-f 7. vi. Emma M., b. Mar. 1, 1848; m. Mar. 2, 1866, George M., son of William and Lucretia Blanchard [d. June 29, 1886]. Res. Lynn, Mass. Children : i. Frank W. Blanchard, b. Sept. 19, 1867; m. Mabel Libbey of Lynn; he is a traveling sales- man; res. Lynn. ii. George Ernest Blanchard, b. Feb. 28, 1872; d. July 30, 1882. iii. Edith A. Blanchard, b. Aug. 7, 1874; m. June 13, 1889, Percy DeCoster, a traveling sales- man; res. Lynn. iv. Elmer Blanchard, b. Feb. 26, 1877; d. June 9, 1877. 8. vii. Frederic J., b. Mar. 4, 1850. -f- 9. viii. Ardella, b. Sept. 15, 1854; d. June 29, 1869. 10. ix. Fannie, b. Oct. 7, 1858; m. May, 1884, John Woodman. He is in mercantile business in Lynn. Child : i. Florence Woodman, b. May, 1885. 11. X. Samuel Ellsworth, b. Apr. 17, 1862; m. Aug. 10, 1892, Susie Sauble of Delaware, O. Res. at Lynn, where he was con- nected with the Lynn News. Later he removed to Straf- ford, where he is a farmer. 2. George W.« (SamueF, David^ Timothy^ Samuel*, Mat- thew^ DanieP, Matthew^), b. Jan., 1836; d. Apr. 12, 1870; m. Nov. 23, 1862, Julia Whitney (26). He was a farmer, and succeeded to his father's farm. Children : 12. i. Arthur Waldo, b. Feb. 20, 1864.-|- 13. ii. Frederic Augustus, b. Nov. 23, 1868; m. (1) Oct. 19, 1897, Ella M., dau. of Elias M. and Lucy J. (Waters) Hudson; 352 Gushing (2) Sept. 17, 1909, Bessie M., dau. of Charles and Mary Helen (Flagg) Tarbell and widow of Walter N. Thomp- son. He is a farmer and for many years was in the employ of George S. Wheeler, but later purchased for his home the "Safford farm," near the Congregational church, (VH : 2, S. R.) He has been a selectman for three years. 14. iii. Frances Ann, b. Nov. 23, 1868; m. Mar., 1906, Harry Emer- son Farnum of Peterboro. Res. at Cleveland, O. 5. Charles G.^ (Samuel, David®, Timothy^, Samuel*, Mat- thew^ DanieP, Matthew^), b. Feb. 7, 1844; d. Feb. 3. 1900; m. Cora S. Eastman of Townsend, Mass. [d. 1896]. Res. in Lynn, Mass. Children : 15. i. Carl. 16. ii. Adelaide. 17. iii. Bertha. 18. iv. Josephine. 6. Henry^ (Samuel^, David®, Timothy^. Samuel*, Mat- thew^ DanieP, MatthewM, b. Apr. 1, 1846; d. Mar. 2, 1822; m. Mary, dau. of Asa Sawin of Ashburnham, Mass. Child : 19. i. Walter. Res. in Leominster, Mass. 8. Frederic J.® (SamueP, David®, Timothy^, Samuel*. Mat- thew^ DanieP, Matthew^), b. Mar. 4, 1850; m. (1) Clara A. Davis of Sandwich ; (2) . He is a real estate dealer in Tampa, Fla. Children : 20. i. Bradbury, b. Apr. 27, 1872. He is manager of Poland Spring Hotel, Poland, Me. 12. Arthur Waldo^ (George W.^ SamueP, David®, Tim- othy^ Samuel*, Matthew^ DanieP, MatthewM, b. Feb. 20, 1864; m. Dec. 15, 1887, Mabel Stanford. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. He is a plumber. Children : 21. i. Mildred Louisa, b. Feb. 17, 1895; d. June 1, 1005. 22. ii. Frederic Stanford, b. May 9, 1906. CUTTER. Elizabeth^ Cutter, widow of Samuel Cutter of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, England ; came to America with two sons and a daughter in 1640. Perhaps the eldest of the sons had come earlier, but in either case he returned to England before 1654. She lived with her daughter, who had married Elijah Corlet the school-master at Cambridge, until her death June 10, 1663/4. Richard^ (Elizabeth^), the younger son, b. about 1621; d. June 16, 1693; m. (1) Elizabeth [d. Mar. 5, 1661/2]; (2) Feb. 14, 1662/3, Frances (Perriman), widow of Isaac Amsden of Cambridge. He lived in Menotomy (now Arlington), where he had fourteen children by his first marriage. 353 24 History of New Ipswich Ephraim' (Richard=, Elizabeth'), b. 1651; m. Feb. 11, 1678/9, Bethia Wood, probably dau. of Nicholas and Mary (Williams) Wood of Med- tield [b. July 28, 1660; d. Sept. 18, 1731]. He was a glazier, living suc- cessively in Cambridge, Charlestown, and Watertown Farms (now Weston). He was an officer in King Philip's War. John' (Ephraim', Richard', Elizabeth'), b. Watertown, July 23, 1700; d. Nov. 20, 1747 ; m. Rachel Powers, who survived him and married Barnabas Davis of Littleton, Mass. John followed his father's trade of a glazier, and lived at Lexington and at Woburn. Four of his nine children settled in New Ipswich. 1. JOHN^ (John^ Ephraim^ Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. Wot burn, Jan. 9, 1726/7; d. New Ipswich, Sept. 27, 1771 ; m. Nov. 16, 1749, Susanna, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Brown) Hastings of Waltham [b. May 26, 1731]. She survived him and married Simeon Gould (2), and died at Jaffrey, Aug. 5, 1827. He fol- lowed the famil}^ occupation, plying the glazier's trade at Waltham, Lexington, and Shrewsbury. About 1767 he came to New Ipswich, settled near the Temple line, (32, N. D.,) and became a farmer, although frequently absent working as a glazier in the neighboring towns. His mother and step- father made their home with him for several years. Children : 5. i. John, b. Lexington, Aug. 25, 1750.+ JosEPH, b. Lexington, May 13, 1752.-J- MosES, b. Shrewsbury, May 28, 1754; d. Oct. 6, 1756. Benjamin, b. Shrewsbury, June 8, 1756.-)- SusANNA, b. Shrewsbury, Jan. 5, 1759; d. Aug. 17, 1815; m. May 15, 1777, Supply Wilson (J. 1). Moses, b. Shrewsbury, Mar. 26, 1760.-|- David, b. Shrewsbury, Oct. 28, 1762.+ 12. viii. Rachel, b. Shrewsbury, Jan. 20, 1764; d. Jan. 12, 1768. 13. ix. Sarah, b. New Ipswich, Jan. 30, 1767; d. Jaffrey, Apr. 28, 1852; m. (1) Isaac Kimball of Temple [b. June 17, 1763; d. June 13, 1804]; eight children; (2) William Marshall of Jaffrey [d. 1828] ; two children. 14. x. Rachel, b. New Ipswich, Mar. 2, 1769; d. Mason, Sept. 12, 1863; m. Feb. 5, 1794, Dr. William Barber of Worcester, Mass. Seven children. 15. xi. Benoni, b. New Ipswich, Oct. 19, 1771. -|- 2. Nathan^ (John*, Ephraim^, Richard", Elizabeth^), b. Woburn, IVlar. 13, 1733/4; d. Mar. 6, 1778; m. Hannah . He was a "housewright." He served as a soldier in Nova Scotia in 1775. He seems to have come to New Ipswich earlier than his brother John, as his name is on the first tax- list after incorporation, that of 1763. He settled one lot far- ther east than his brother, but he afterward removed to "Cutter's Lane," which probably was nearly the same as the 354 6. ii. 7. iii. 8. iv. 9. v. 0. vi. 1. vii Cutter road leading to the "Bucknam farm," (XII : 2, S. R.,) first occupied by Amos Taylor. He served in the Revolution under Capts. Josiah Brown in 1777 and Robert Fletcher in 1778. Children, probably born in New Ipswich, except per- haps the first : 16. i. Nathan, time and place of birth unknown. -|- 17. ii. Hannah, b. Oct. 24, 1761. 18. iii. Rachel, b. Aug. 7, 1763. 19. iv. Barnabas, b. Mar. 17, 1766. 20. V. Isaac, b. Sept. 26, 1768. 21. vi. Rhoda, b. Aug. 27, 1770. 3. Elizabeth^ (John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. Lexington, May 24, 1741 ; d. New Ipswich, 1787; m. (1) Elijah Button [d. Dec. 24, 1764]; two children; (2) Mar. 8, 1769, Ezra Towne (1), [d. Dec. 29. 1795] ; six children. 4. Benjamin^ (John*, Ephraim^, Richard'-, Elizabeth^), b. Lexington, Jan. 27, 1744/5 ; d. Temple, Mar. 16, 1821 ; m. about 1768, Hannah Andrews [d. Oct. 13, 1837]. He came to New Ipswich and settled with his brothers, but afterward removed over the town line into Temple, where his farm is still occupied by his descendants. He did good service in the Revolution, under Capts. Ezra Towne in 1775, Abijah Smith in 1776, and Samuel Twitchell in 1778. He was a selectman in Temple, and ready in all town activities. Children, all born in Temple: 22. i. Benjamin, b. Oct. 19, 1768.+ 23. ii. Jeremiah, b. Feb. 10, 1771 ; d. 1773. 24. iii. Hannah, b. Apr. 17, 1773 ; d. 1815 ; m. Nov. 26, 1797, Jonathan Foster of Temple. They removed to Weston, Vt., where she died. 25. iv. Lucy, b. July 11, 1775; d. Feb. 5, 1807; m. Feb. 4, 1794, James Bartlett. 26. v. Rachel, b. Oct. 16, 1777; d. July, 1857; m. 1798, and removed to Dublin. 27. vi. Jonathan, b. June 16, 1780.+ 28. vii. Solomon, b. Jan. 10, 1783.+ 29. viii. Rhoda, b. Mar. 26, 1785; d. Sept. 27, 1850; m. Sept. 18, 1804, Levi Pierce. 30. ix. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1787; d. Feb., 1853; m. Feb. 3, 1806, David Amsden of Mason, where she died. 31. X. Polly, b. May 4, 1790; m. May 14, 1811, Joshua P. Searle of Temple. 32. xi. Louis, b. June 25, 1792; d. Jan. 27, 1814. 5. John'' (John^ John*, Ephraim^ Richard^ Elizabeth^), b. Lexington, Aug. 25, 1750; d. New Ipswich, May 1, 1812; m. (1) 1773, Rebecca Browning of Rutland, Mass.; (2) Mrs. Allen 355 History of New Ipswich of New Ipswich. He lived for a time upon his father's farm, and afterward built a house in Davis Village, (49, N. D.) He is credited with eleven days' service at the time of the Con- cord alarm, with service in Capt. Smith's company in 1776, under Capt. Brown in 1777, and he was one of the sixty-five volunteers to meet the raid from Canada in 1780. Children, all born at New Ipswich : 33. i. Rebecca, b. Sept. IS, 1774; d. Jaffrey, Sept. 22, 1867; m. Col. Josiah Mower of Jaffrey [b. Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 17, 1768; d. Jaffrey, May 5, 1852]. Six children. 34 ii. Moody, b. Sept. 1, 1782; d. Stoddard, N. H., July 29, 1827; m. Apr. 10, 1805, Henrietta, dau. of Isaac and Abigail (Ayer) Fletcher of Wrentham, Mass. He studied law with Judge Champney, and in Stoddard he combined the duties of lawyer, farmer, and teacher. Six children. 35. iii. Nathan, b. about 1786; d. Nov., 1808. There were several other children who died before maturity whose names are not found on record. 6. Joseph^ (John^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. Lexington, May 13, 1752; d. Jafifrey, June 25, 1840; m. 1776, Rachel, dau. of Nehemiah and Rachel (Shattuck) Hobart of Pepperell, Mass. [b. Apr. 12, 1750; d. Jan. 20, 1835]. He was a farmer, but in early manhood he removed to Jaffrey, where he passed the rest of his life, and therefore, although he served for a time in the Revolution, at least thirteen days on the Concord alarm, his name does not appear on the roll as from New Ipswich. Children, all born in JaflFrey : 36. i. Joseph, b. Aug. 23, 1777; d. Jaffrey, Nov. 20, 1860; m. June 17, 1804, Phebe, dau. of Capt. James and Sarah (Clawson) Gage of Jaffrey [b. Dec. 15, 1779]. Eight children. 37. ii. Rachel, b. Jan. 9, 1779; d. Jaffrey, Sept. 21, 1825; m. June 28, 1803, John, son of Jerome and Lucy (Wheat) Under- wood [b. Feb. 16, 1777]. Six children. 38. iii. John, b. Oct. 24, 1780; d. Jaffrey, Jan. 15, 1857; m. Mary, dau. of Daniel and Betsey Batchelder of Wilton [d. June 3, 1859]. He was a farmer and wool-grower. He had ten children, among whom was Calvin, b. May 1, 1807, who attended New Ipswich academy, studied medicine, and re- ceived the degree of M. D. from Dartmouth in 1832. He is well known throughout the land as the author of the textbooks for which it is hardly too much to say that they made the study of physiology practicable in the public schools, not only of this country, but also in many others into the languages of which they have been translated. 39. iv. Susan, b. June 3, 1782; d. Amherst, July 28, 1826; m. Dec. 29, 1812, Edmund, son of Judge Abel Parker of Jaffrey. Two children. 356 Cutter 40. V. Daniel, b. Feb. 2, 1784; d. Sept. 23, 1868; m. Nov. 18, 1806, Sally, dau. of Col. Timothy and Rebecca (Bateman) Jones of Bedford [b. Aug. 9, 1786; d. July 7, 1864]. He had a rocky farm upon the side of Monadnock, but by patient and well-directed labor he supported his family and gave all his nine children an academic education, three of them graduating from Dartmouth. 41. vi. Sabra, b. Oct. 11, 1785; d. Jaffrey, Feb. 4, 1843, unm. 42. vii. Nehemiah, b. Mar. 21, 1787; d. Pepperell, Mass., Mar. 15, 1859; m. (1) Lucy Stevens of Middlebury, Vt.; (2) Mary, dau. of Lemuel and Hannah (Gilson) Parker; (3) Eliza Jones of Boston. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1814, from Yale Medical School in 1817, and practiced at Pepperell. He did pioneer w^ork in founding asylums for the insane. 43. viii. Oldist, b. May 14, 1790; d. Mason, Mar. 30, 1838; m. Feb. 20, 1811, Oliver Barrett of Mason. Four children. 44. ix. Abel, b. Apr. 18, 1793; m. Oct. 10, 1815, Mary, dau. of Reuben and Polly (Pratt) Spaulding of Jaffrey. He was a farmer in Jaffrey, but in later life he lived in Boston and in Cambridge. Ten children. 45. X. Joel, b. Apr. 18, 1793; m. Feb. 27, 1816, Mary S., dau. of Col. Timothy and Rebecca (Bateman) Jones [b. June 17, 1793; d. Oct. 13, 1853]. He was a farmer in Jaffrey. Ten children. 8. Benjamin'' (John^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Eliza- beth^), b. Shrewsbury, June 8, 1756; d. Lachute, Quebec, Feb. 7, 1820; m. Catherine Farnsworth [b. about 1760; d. Nov. 12, 1833]. His occupations and places of residence were widely- varied, but he passed most of his life in Northern New Eng- land and Canada. Children : 46. i. Moses, b. Jaffrey, June 22, 1781; d. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 23, 1858; m. Hannah, dau. of Col. Christopher Webber [b. Walpole, 1775; d. St. Louis, Mo., 1854]. He was a mer- chant in Royalton, Vt., Cleveland, O., and St. Louis, Mo., successively. Four children. Catherine, b. Alstead, 1783; m. John S. Hutchins, and re- moved to Lachute, Quebec. Many children. Betsey, b. Alstead, May 12, 1785; m. William Powers and removed to Lachute, Quebec. Many children. Benjamin, b. Alstead, June 25, 1787; d. Feb. 23, 1867; m. Roxey Comstock. He was a farmer in Williamstown, Vt., but in 1835 he removed to Bloomfield, O. Three children. Tryphosa, b. Alstead, Apr. 2, 1789; d. Winona, Minn., 1864. Nawa, b. Alstead, Mar. 27, 1794; m. at Lachute, Quebec, Davis. They removed to Royalton, N. Y. Two children. 52. vii. Orlando, b. Jaffrey, June 5, 1797; m. (1) Feb. 10, 1820, Phyana M., dau. of Seth and Sarah (Pierce) Phelps of Painesville, O.; (2) Nov. 8, 1832, Sarah A., dau. of David 357 47. ii. 48. iii. 49. iv. 50. V. 51. vi. History of New Ipswich and Lydia (Hudson) Hieland of Cleveland, O. He was a merchant's clerk in Royalston, Mass., and in Boston, and a merchant in Cleveland. Twelve children. 53. viii. Sarah, b. Alstead, Mar., 1800; m. John D. Howe. 54. ix. Abilene L., b. Woodstock, Vt., Dec. 3, 1802; d. Cleveland, O., Sept. 11, 1852; m. Wooster, O., Oct. 31, 1831, Mary S. Humperly [b. Beaver, Penn., Sept. 12, 1816]. He was suc- cessively a clerk for his brother Orlando, and a merchant in Wooster, O., and in Cleveland, O. Ten children. 10. MosES*^ (John^ John*, Ephraim^ Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. Shrewsbury, Mar. 26, 1760; d. Jaffrey, Apr. 10, 1816; m. Rachel, dau. of Lieut. William Turner of Jaffrey [b. Sept. 30, 1769; d. Aug. 21, 1839]. He was a farmer at the base of Monadnock about a mile from his brother Joseph. He served in the Revolution, being for a time in Washington's Life Guard. Children : 55. i. Jane, b. Aug. 4, 1787; d. Oct. 14, 1838; m. June 21, 1810, Samuel Bates of Jaffrey [b. Apr., 1786; d. June. 1854]. Three children. 56. ii. Susan, b. May 19, 1789; d. Bradford, July 7, 1818, unm. 57. iii. Rachel, b. Oct. 31, 1792; d. Oct. 14, 1848; m. Jan. 1, 1815, Abel Nutting [b. Groton, Mass., Feb. 13, 1788; d. Marlboro. June 10, 1863]. Five children. 58. iv. Mary, b. Mar. 22, 1794; d. Albany, N. Y., 1832; m. Richard Hoyt of Bradford. 59. v. Moses, b. Nov. 11, 1795; d. Princeton, Mass., Feb. 21, 1854; m. Dec. 28, 1826, Abigail, dau. of William and (Wright) Davison of Peterboro [b. Jan. 27, 1802]. He was a farmer. Five children. 60. vi. William T., b. Mar. 5, 1798; d. Jaffrey, June 4, 1866; m. Mar. 7, 1832, Lydia, dau. of Micah and Lucy (Vose) Jen- nings of Waltham, Mass. [b. June 18, 1808]. He was a farmer. Five children. 61. vii. Sarah, b. Nov. 13, 1801; m. Artemas Law of Jaffrey [d. Nov. 12, 1836]. Two children. 62. viii. Pamelia, b. Aug. 8, 1803; d. Jaffrey, Oct. 10, 1867; m. (1) Dec. 25, 1829, Charles G., son of Roger Oilman of Jaffrey [d. May 12, 1838] ; (2) Sept., 1852, Dea. John Sanderson. Three children of first marriage. 63. ix. WiLLARD, b. July 14, 1806; d. Meadville, Pa.. Feb. 8, 1860; m. July 30, 1830, Eliza, dau. of William and Rebecca (Moore) Shaley of Waltham, Mass. [b. Sudbury. Mass., Oct. 27, 1806]. He was a carpenter, living in Meadville, Pa., after 1835. 64. X. Caroline, b. Oct. 26, 1809; d. Dec. 26, 1861; m. Sept. 15, 1830, Luther, son of John (38) and Mary (Batchelder) Cutter [b. Jaffrey, May 1, 1807]. 65. xi. John, b. July 11. 1812; d. Jaffrey, Mar. 12, 1842. 358 Cutter 11. David^ (John^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. Shrewsbury, Oct. 28, 1762; cl. Jaffrey, June 12, 1826; m. Sept. 30, 1789, Polly, dau. of Dea. Eleazer and Mary (Flint) Spofford of Jafifrey [d. Nov. 26, 1857]. He was a farmer living near "Jeffrey Mineral Spring." Children : 66. i. Isaac, b. July 24, 1793. The time and place of his death are not known. He served as drummer in the war of 1812, and later enlisted in the regular army. 67. ii. David, b. June 9, 1795; m. (1) Jan. 5, 1824, Eliza, dau. of William and Mary (Brown) Tolman of VVinchendon, Mass. [b. 1804; d. Oct. 14, 1825]; (2) Dolly, dau. of Rev. Levi and Sarah (Packard) Pillsbury of Winchendon. He served in the armj' through the Mexican War. He was last heard from in Kansas. One child by first marriage and two by second. 68. iii. Polly, b. Aug., 1797; d. Aug. 14, 1800. 69. iv. John, b. Apr. 29, 1800; m. Mar. 17, 1825, Eliza, dau. of Rev. Levi and Sarah (Packard) Pillsbury of Winchendon, Mass. He was a farmer at Winchendon Center, was selectman, and generally trusted in town and church matters. Four children. 70. V. Luke, b. Apr., 1802; d. Sept. 12, 1802. 71. vi. Mary, b. Mar. 2, 1803; m. May 20, 1824, Levi Bigelow of Fitzwilliam. He removed to Iowa. Five children. 72. vii. Luke H., b. Apr. 28, 1805; d. New Ipswich, Mar. 8, 1845; the name of his wife is not known. He was a farmer in Peterboro for a time, but he spent a few of his later years on the "Stratton farm," (9, N. D.,) returning to which on a cold evening he was frozen. Five children. 1Z. viii. Nathan, b. Dec. 22, 1807; d. Dec. 22, 1807. 74. ix. Adonijah, b. Aug. 29, 1808; d. July 19, 1860; m. Nov. 27, 1840, Maria, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Perry) Wilson of Fitzwilliam. He was a minister in Strafford, Vt., Hano- ver, and Nelson. 75. X. Susan, b. Dec. 22, 1810; d. Dec. 23, 1810. 15. Benoni*^ (John^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^ Eliza- beth^), b. New Ipswich, Oct. 19, 1771 ; d. Hollis, Jan. 19, 1816; m. May 19, 1799, Phebe, dau. of Capt. William and Phebe (Jewett) Tenney of Hollis [b. Oct. 12, 1777; d. Feb. 12, 1835]. He was a physician in Hollis. He was also a deacon. Chil- dren: 76. i. Phebe C, b. Aug. 3, 1801 ; d. Nov. 17, 1802. n. ii. Benoni G., b. Jan. 17, 1803; d. Louisville, Ky., July 15, 1849; m. (1) 1823, Lucy, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Sarah (Fletcher) Poole of Hollis; (2) Eliza, dau. of Col. Joseph and Fanny (Haven) Valentine. He was a merchant at Hollis until 1852, when he removed to Louisville, where he carried on an extensive business. Five children. 359 History of New Ipswich 78. iii. William T., b. Apr. 17, 1805; m. July 1, 1828, Frances M., dau. of James and Margaret (Lombard) Bird of Boston. He was a dry goods merchant in Boston, and afterward in New York. Fourteen children. 79. iv. John H., b. Aug. 16, 1807; d. HoUis, July 7, 1860; m. Susan F., dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Sarah (Fletcher) Poole of Hollis. He was a manufacturer of Bourbon whiskey in Louisville, Ky., and having thus become wealthy, he spent his later years in his native town. Nine children. 80. v. Jeremiah F., b. Jan. 27, 1810; d. Cincinnati, O., 1848. He was for a time in the dry goods business at Detroit, Mich. 81. vi. Phebe, b. Sept. 12, 1812; m. Gardner Searle of Rowley, Mass. Three children. 82. vii. Charles N., b. Aug. 3, 1815; m. May 31, 1836, Mary E., dau. of Henry E. and Julia R. (Richards) Hoyt of New York. He was a dry goods dealer in New York and in Kewanee, 111. Eleven children. 16. Nathan*' (Nathan^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Eliza- beth^), b. before 1761; d. about 1818: m. Polly, dau. of Capt. William Pips of Jaffrey. He was a farmer in Jaft'rey, and afterward at Shoreham, Vt. Children : 83. i. Polly, b. about 1781 ; d. Jaffrey, Dec. 29, 1798. 84. ii. William P., b. Jaffrey, June 13, 1785 ; d. Shoreham, Vt., July 8, 1815; m. Mar. 24, 1808, Prudence Evans. He graduated from Dartmouth in 1805. He was a physician, first at Peterboro and afterward at Shoreham. Three children. 85. iii. Rhoana, b. Jaffrey; m. Dr. Nicanor Needham of Shoreham. 86. iv. Orinda, m. Darius Cooder, a farmer. 87. v. Ardilla. 88. vi. Rosira, m. Leander Case, a saddler. Two children. 89. vii. Nathan. 22. Benjamin*' (Benjamin^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. Temple, Oct. 19, 1768; d. Dec. 25, 1806; m. Polly, dau. of Gen. Francis and Elizabeth (Spaulding) Blood [b. about 1771 ; d. Nov. 23, 1806]. He was a farmer in Tem- ple, a major in the militia. Children : 90. i. An infant, d. Apr. 29, 1792. 91. ii. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 13, 1791; d. Sebec, Me., July 2, 1861; m. Feb. 1, 1816, Mary, dau. of Ensign Jonas and Hannah (Heald) Brown of Temple. He went in 1814 as a pioneer into the Maine wilderness of that day, and made himself a valuable farm. Nine children. 92. iii. Hephzibah, b. Dec. 23, 1793; m. July 7, 1817, Jonas Davis. She lived in Temple. Nine children. 93. iv. Benjamin F., b. Aug. 3, 1796; d. Nov. 5, 1815. 94. v. Seth, b. Jan. 26, 1799; m. (1) Apr. 15, 1823, Abigail, dau. of Ezra and Rebecca (Knox) Gould of Sebec, Me. [d. Apr. 360 Cutter 2, 1857]; (2) Apr. 16, 1861, Mrs. Rebecca (Sutherland) Haywood of Sebec. He went to Sebec soon after his brother Jeremiah and there passed his life. He was an officer in the Methodist church. Seven children. 95. vi. Polly, b. Feb. 14, 1804; d. Apr. 29, 1805. 96. vii. Thomas, b. June 17, 1806; d. Nov. 1, 1823. 27. Jonathan*^ (Benjamin^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^, Elizabeth^), b. June 6, 1780; d. Temple, Feb. 24, 1807; m. Polly, dau. of Lieut. Archelaus and Rachel (Rowell) Cum- mings of Temple [b. May 6, 1782]. He was a lieutenant in the Temple militia. Children : 97. i. Nathan, d. young. 98. ii. Rachel. 99. iii. Polly, m. Haynes. 28. Solomon'' (Benjamin^, John*, Ephraim^, Richard^ Elizabeth^), b. Jan. 10, 1783; d. Dec. 26, 1831; m. 1803, Dolly Rowell of Temple. He was a farmer in Temple. He lost his life by freezing in a deep snow. Children : 100. i. Dolly, b. Oct. 19, 1803; d. July 23, 1841, unm. 101. ii. Benjamin, b. Oct. 25, 1805; m. Sept., 1837, Catherine Foster. He lived in Boston and later for a time in New Ipswich. Four children. 102. iii. Calista, b. Jan. 2, 1808; m. May, 1834, John Q. Adams of Bellingham, Mass. She lived in Walpole. Three children. 103. iv. James, b. Feb. 1, 1810; d. Spartanburg, S. C, Aug. 27, 1840, unm. 104. v. Elbridge G., b. July 21, 1812; m. Mar. 10, 1842, Harriet J., dau. of Daniel and Mary (Crafts) Bird of Watertown, Mass. He lived upon the farm of his grandfather and was a prominent citizen of Temple. Five children. 105. vi. Sarah, b. Oct. 7, 1814; m. Oct. 29, 1844, John B. Farrington of Dedham, Mass. Four children. 106. vii. Jonathan M., b. Feb. 25, 1817; d. June 8, 1832. 107. viii. Lucy, b. Sept. 28, 1819; d. Nov. 15, 1856; m. Abiel Lovejoy of Temple. 108. ix. Syrene, b. Nov. 1, 1824; d. June 8, 1832. DAVIS (Dolor). Dolor' Davis, b. about 1600; d. June, 1673; m. (1) about 1624, Margery, sister of Simon Willard [bapt. Nov. 7, 1602; d. between 1658 and 1667] ; (2) about 1671, Joanna, dau. of Rev. Joseph Hull and widow of Capt. John Bursley of Barnstable, Mass. [b. about 1620; d. after 1683]. He came from England, probably from County Kent, and first appears upon the records of Cambridge, Mass., in 1634. He seems to have removed to Concord, Mass., with his brother-in-law Simon Willard in 1636, but if so he did not remain there, as he was in Duxbury and 361 History of New Ipswich Barnstable, Mass., from 1640 to 1655, when he returned to Concord, where he remained until the death of his first wife. His later years were passed in Barnstable. Simon' (Dolor'), b. about 1636; d. June 14, 1715; m. Dec. 12, 1660, Mary, dau. of James Blood of Concord, Mass. [b. July 12, 1640]. He resided in Concord, where he was elected delegate to the General Court several times and held other responsible positions. He was a lieutenant and was in command at Brookfield in 1675, after Capt. Wheeler was wounded and thereby disabled. Samuel^ (Dolor'), b. 1639/40; d. 1720; m. (1) Jan. 11, 1665/6, Mary Meddows [d. Oct. 30, 1710]; (2) Oct. 18, 1711, Ruth Taylor [d. Aug. 6, 1720]. He was a yeoman at Bedford, Mass. James' (Simon^ Dolor'), b. Jan. 19, 1668; d. Sept. 17, 1727; m. Mar. 4, 1700/1, Anne, dau. of John and Sarah Smedley [b. Dec. 12, 1676; d. May 21, 1761]. Res. in Concord. Stephen^ (Samuel', Dolor'), b. Mar. 30, 1686; d. July 11, 1738; m. Mar. 26, 1713, Elizabeth Fletcher of Concord. He resided in Concord and Bedford, Mass. Thomas' (James', Simon', Dolor'), b. Nov. 25, 1705; d. Nov. 18, 1786; m. Sarah [b. about 1708; d. Apr. 27, 1783]. He resided in Concord, where he was a captain. Joseph' (James', Simon', Dolor'), b. Jan. 1, 1707/8; m. Jan. 10, 1743, Hannah Brown, probably dau. of Thomas and Hannah Brown [b. Dec. 6, 1716]. He resided in Concord, but nearly all his sons came to New Ipswich. Children : i. Joseph, b. Aug. 16, 1744.+ ii. Elijah, b. Mar. 26, 1746.+ iii. Silas, b. Apr. 16, 1748.+ iv. Simeon, b. Feb., 1749/50.+ V. Abraham, b. Nov. 16, 1752.+ vi. Isaac, b. Nov. 17, 1752. vii. Hannah, b. Apr. 25, 1756. viii. Mary, b. May 30, 1758. Stephen' (Stephen', Samuel', Dolor'), b. Mar. 6, 1715; d. July 22, 1787; m. Sept. 2, 1736, Elizabeth Brown [b. Sept. 15, 1718; d. Dec. 5, 1789]. He resided in Bedford, Mass., and held the office of deacon. He owned land in New Ipswich for a long time, but he does not appear to have been a resident in the town. 1. Jonathan^ (Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Con- cord, Mass., Mar. 20, 1742; d. Dec. 7, 1819; m. Nov. 27, 1766, Sarah Melvin (3). He came to New Ipswich in 1764 and settled upon the old "country road," (II : 3, S. R.,) where he passed most of his life, although he seems to have lived for a time, about 1770, not very far from the place where that road entered Temple. He gave Revolutionary service at the time of the Concord alarm, and later in the companies of Capts. Josiah Brown and Robert Fletcher. He was an ensign in the New Ipswich militia. Children: 362 Davis (Dolor) 9. i. Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 1767; d. Mar. 29, 1800; m. Jan. 8, 1787, Benja- min Knight of Hancock. Four children. 10. ii. Mary, b. June 3, 1769. 11. iii. Lucy, b. Oct. 4, 1770; d. Jan. 18, 1772. 12. iv. Jonathan, b. Nov. 15, 1771. + 13. V. Jonah, b. June 10, 1773; d. Apr. 24, 1774. 14. vi. Ruth, b. Dec. 1, 1774; d. Mar. 27, 1812; m. Oct. 15, 1795, Stephen, son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Barker) Poor [b. Andover, Mass., Feb. 3, 1771]. He was a tanner at Hancock. Seven children. 15. vii. Solomon, b. July 31, 1776.+ 16. viii. Thomas, b. Oct. 19, 1781; d. Henniker, July 3, 1834. Eight children. 17. ix. Rebecca, b. Aug. 30, 1784; m. June 5, 1807, Asa Lewis. 2. JosiAH^ (Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. May 29, 1750; d. Feb. 17, 1815; m. 1772, Abigail, dau. of Thomas and Abigail (Brown) Hubbard [b. Aug. 26, 1754; d. Oct. 19, 1844]. He came to New Ipswich at about the time of his majority and settled near the southeast corner of the town on 2, N. L. O. He was interested in the cotton factory maintained for several years in the early part of the nineteenth century and using the waterpower now utilized by Walker's wood- turning industry. He responded to the Concord alarm, and later served under Capt. Silas Wright. Children : JosiAH, b. May 23, 1773. Abigail, b. Dec. 1, 1775; d. Apr. 17, 1833; m. July 18, 1797, Thomas Danforth. Jonathan, b. Nov. 5, 1776; d. Mar. 29, 1814. Rebecca, b. Dec. 7, 1778. Lucy, b. Apr. 19, 1781 ; d. Apr. 30, 1845 ; m. Jonathan Barrett. Thomas, b. Mar. 26, 1783; d. Mar. 15, 1809. 24. vii. Joel, b. May 12, 1785.+ 25. viii. Moses, b. Dec. 10, 1787.+ 26. ix. Lucinda, b. Feb. 18, 1791; d. Oct. 9, 1868; m. June 6. 1811, Jesse Stearns (L 5). 27. X. Clarissa, b. July 18, 1793; d. Sept. 19, 1815. 28. xi. George, b. Dec. 1, 1795; d. May 10, 1812. 29. xii. Charles, b. Sept. 21, 1797. - \%'^ 30. xiii. Cyrus, b. Feb. 15, 1800. 31. xiv. Cyrene, b. Feb. 15, 1800. ;^^^ 3. Joseph^ (Joseph*, James^, Simon^ Dolor^), b. Aug. 16, 1744; d. Dec. 12, 1838; m. (1) ; (2) Oct. 17, 1793. Grace Allen of Concord, Mass. He came to New Ipswich about 1776, and apparently lived in or near that part of the town afterward known as Davis Village. No record of his children has appeared. 363 18. i. 19. ii. 20. iii. 21. iv. 22. V. 23. vi. ■*► History of New Ipswich 4. Elijah^ (Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Mar. 26, 1746; d. Apr. 21, 1812; m. (1) Hepzibah [d. about 1790] ; (2) Hannah Ball [b. about 1724] ; (3) Feb. 26, 1793, Polly Russell. In early manhood he came to the immediate neigh- borhood of New Ipswich and settled in the southeastern cor- ner of the town or the adjoining portion of Mason which is now the southwestern corner of Greenville, where the family continued many years. His name is on the New Ipswich tax- list from 1768 to 1782 and the births of his four oldest children are recorded in the town records. He was one of those who marched to Concord in the early morning of Apr. 20, 1775. He rendered later service under Capts. Archelaus Town and Josiah Brown, and went to Vermont to repel the sally from the north in 1780. Children: 32. i. Hannah, b. Apr. 5, 1773; d. Feb. 19, 1837; m. Dec. 14, 1791, David, son of Oliver and Lydia (Wood) Davis of Harvard, Mass. 33. iii. Mary, b. May 3, 1775; d. young. 34. iii. Hepzibah, b. May 1, 1777; m. 1804, David Pierce of Dublin. 35. iv. Elijah, b. June 17, 1779.+ 36. V. Abigail, b. July 30, 1782. 37. vi. Polly, b. Sept. 3, 1789; d. Feb. 18, 1804. 38. vii. Lucy, b. Sept. 30, 1795. 39. viii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Mar. 4, 1801 ; d. Mar. 10, 1804. 5. SiLAS^ (Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Apr. 16, 1748; d. 1836; m. (1) Nov. 19, 1772, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Rebekah (Flagg) Clark [b. Aug. 23, 1753; d. Oct. 26, 1784] ; (2) Sept., 1786, Lydia Brooks of Lincoln, Mass. [d. Mar. 22, 1787] ; (3) Sept. 8, 1787, Mary Preston (5). He came to New Ipswich in 1768 and settled in the unbroken wilder- ness on the western slope of Flat Mountain, (71, N. L. O.,) where he devoted much time to hunting, and was noted for his eminent success in the destruction of wolves in the early years, as well as other game remaining after the region be- came less wild. He retained his home on that spot, still marked by the cellar, for more than fifty years, then removed for a brief period of residence on the "Gould farm," (43, N. D.,) and finally passed his later years in Davis Village, at the southern end of 45, N. D., long after retained in his family. He served in the Revolutionary movement to Royalton, Vt., in 1780. Children : 40. i. Silas, b. Nov. 15, 1773. 41. ii. Mary, b. Feb. 23, 1775; d. Feb. 28, 1775. 364 Davis (Dolor) 42. iii. Rebecca, b. Mar. 29, 1776; d. Jan. 10, 1861; m. Nov. 15, 1805, James Hildreth (5). 43. iv. Joseph, b. Jan. 2, 1778.+ 44. V. Betsey, b. Aug. 30, 1779; d. Mar. 27, 1861; m. Feb. 21, 1805, William Taylor (17). 45. vi. Benjamin, b. July 20, 1782; d. June 5, 1881; m. Mar. 17, 1806, Abigail Davis. He passed his life in his native town and for many years drove a baker's wagon, selling goods from the bakery of his brother Joseph, and afterward from the bakeries. He was familiarly known to all as "Baker Ben." 46. vii. Mary, b. Sept. 25, 1784; d. Oct. 29, 1785. 47. viii. Lydia, b. July 27, 1788. 48. ix. Hannah, b. Feb. 15, 1791. She married and removed to Ohio. Seventeen children. 49. X. James, b. Apr. 6, 1793.+ 50. xi. Thomas, b. May 3, 1795.-|- 6. Simeon^ (Joseph*, James^, Simon-, Dolor^), b. Feb., 1749/50. Reliable tradition declares that this younger bro- ther of Silas Davis came to New Ipswich with him or perhaps a little earlier, and the fact that he was still a minor may ex- plain the absence of his name from the town record. There are no indications of a long residence in town, and he may have returned to Concord, where the church record gives the death of a bearer of that name Oct. 24, 1824, although the age there is given as 76 years. 7. Abraham^ (Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Nov. 16. 1752; d. Hancock, Jan. 7, 1846; m. (1) ; (2) Sept. 5, 1788, Rebecca, dau. of William Williams [b. July 26, 1766] ; (3) June 8, 1802, Susanna Williams, sister of his second wife [b. Aug. 16, 1749]. He must have come to New Ipswich be- fore attaining his majority, as his name is borne upon the tax lists of 1769 and the two succeeding years, but his day must have been brief. He became a citizen of Hancock a few years later and there passed his life. Children : 51. i. Jacob. 52. ii. Abraham, b. Jan. 17, 1790; d. Jan. 2, 1875: m. June 2, 1818, May, dau. of Nathan Waitt [d. Sept. 16, 1852]. Six children. 53. iii. John, b. July, 1791. He removed to Vermont. 54. iv. Polly, m. James Blodgett. Resided in Hancock. 55. V. Joseph. He resided in Massachusetts. 8. Stephen^ (Stephen*, Stephen^ Samuel^ Dolor^), b. Nov. 27, 1741 ; m. Nov. 6, 1766, Lydia Bateman, probably dau. of John* and Anna Bateman [b. Mar. 7, 1746]. He lived for a 365 History of New Ipswich time in Bedford, Mass., but came to New Ipswich about 1770, and settled on the Thomas Brown farm, (58, N. D.,) upon the old Sharon road, where a new road from the turnpike now ends, this land probably being the property of his father but bequeathed to him fifteen years later. He seems to have lived there twenty-five years or more, but the time of his death or removal is uncertain. His two oldest children are recorded in Bedford, the others in New Ipswich. Children : 56. i. Molly, b. Sept. 18, 1767. 57. ii. John, b. June 7, 1769. 58. iii. Stephen, b. Mar. 24, 1771.+ 59. iv. Amos, b. Mar. 1, 1774. 60. V. Aaron, b. Feb. 8, 1776. 61. vi. Moses, b. May 23, 1778. 62. vii. Timothy, b. Aug. 28, 1781. 12. Jonathan'' (Jonathan^, Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Nov. 15, 1771 ; d. Mar. 14, 1823; m. (1) Jan. 26, 1799, Relief, dau. of James and Mary Davis of Holden, Mass. [b. Mar. 25, 1781 ; d. Oct. 16, 1809] ; (2) 1810, his cousin Eunice, dau. of Edmund and Eunice Davis [b. Feb. 23, 1783; d. May 21, 1814] ; (3) Feb. 23, 1815, Nancy Allen of New Ipswich [d. Apr. 19, 1859]. He resided in Hancock. Children: 63. i. James, b. Jan. 5, 1800.+ 64. ii. Mary Wheeler, b. Feb. 5, 1802; d. Apr. 13, 1853. 65. iii. JosiAH Melville, b. Feb. 23, 1804.+ 66. iv. Oilman, b. Apr. 1, 1806; d. Aug. 3, 1844; m. Mary McAlpine. He was engaged with his brother George in the manufac- ture of pianos in Boston. 67. V. Jonathan, b. May 22, 1808; d. May 22, 1867. He res. in Maiden, Mass., but passed his later years in Hancock. 68. vi. George Hubbard, b. Mar. 29, 181 1.+ 69. vii. Relief, b. Sept. 9, 1812; d. Oct. 4, 1831. 70. viii. Nathan Allen, b. Jan. 27, 1816; d. Oct. 4, 1831. 71. ix. Horace H., b. May 20, 1817.+ 72. X. Nancy Allen, b. May 25, 1819; d. Mar. 25, 1854, unm. She lived with her mother in New Ipswich after her father's death. 73. xi. Charles S., b. May 28, 1821.+ 15. Solomon* (Jonathan^, Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolori), b. July 31, 1776; d. Nov. 11, 1850; m. (1) Mary [b. about 1777; d. June 14, 1809] ; (2) June 20, 1810, Esther Allen, sister of Nancy, wife of Jonathan (12) [b. about 1773; d. Nov. 11, 1840] ; (3) Sept. 28, 1843, Candace, dau. of James and Johanna (Davenport) Tarbell [b. Mt. Holly, Vt., Jan. 23, 1809; d. Springfield, Vt., Dec. 18, 1869; m. (2) Nov., 1855, 366 74. 75. ii. 76. iii. n. iv. 78. V. Davis (Dolor) James Perry]. He passed the greater part of his life as a farmer on the paternal farm. He was a captain in the militia. Children : Mary Brown, b. Jan. 14, 1805; d. Jan. 15, 1805. Benjamin Lewis, b. Oct. 2, 1808; d. May 2, 1814. Lewis, b. about 1845. He removed to the South in early manhood. Mary, b. about 1847; m. Osman Richardson. George, b. about 1849. Res. in Providence, R. I. Two daughters. ' 24. Joel" (Josiah^, Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. May 12, 1785; m. (1) May 28, 1807, Rebecca, dau. of John and Joanna (Munroe) Adams of Ashburnham, Mass. [b. Feb. 22, 1781] ; (2) 1827, Orpah Stearns (8). He was a citizen of New Ipswich for several years of his early manhood, having an interest in the cotton factory then in operation upon the water- power afterward used by the Walker woodenware industries. Later he was proprietor of the "Children in the Wood" tavern in the northern part of Ashburnham, Mass., and removed thence to Lowell, Mass., about 1828. Children : 79. i. Thomas H., b. Dec, 1811; d. Feb. 21, 1814. 80. ii. Clarissa H., b. Jan. 25, 1814; d. Feb. 14, 1815. 81. iii. An infant, d. Mar. 11, 1824. 82. iv. Rebecca. 25. MosES*^ (Josiah^, Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Dec. 10, 1787; d. Feb. 25, 1847; m. June 2, 1814, Louisa Wil- kins, probably Lois, dau. of David and Sarah (Taynter) Wil- kins [b. Mar. 29, 1793; d. 1841]. For a brief time after his marriage he lived in the home of his boyhood, (2, N. L. O.,) but soon after his father's death he removed to the large house at the four corners, long the home of Dr. Stillman Gib- son, (V : 5, S. R.,) which had previously been the home of his assumed father-in-law, David Wilkins. He removed from town about 1822, and soon after was a merchant in Lowell, Mass. His gravestone in the New Ipswich central burying- yard gives him the title of deacon. Child : 83. i. Louisa, m. John S. Currier. Her only child was Louisa D. Currier, b. about July, 1844; d. May 30, 1849. Moses Davis had one or more other daughters and perhaps sons. 35. Elijah'' (Elijah^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. June 17, 1779; m. Apr. 2, 1804, Eunice Russell. He was a farmer in Mason. Children : 367 History of New Ipswich 84. i. Alfred, m. Scripture. He was a farmer in Mason. One daughter. 85. ii. Calvin, m. Aug. 13, 1834, Susan Jones. He was a farmer in Mason. 86. iii. Solomon, m. Jane Spaulding. He was a farmer in Mason. 87. iv. Elijah F., b. Nov. 29, 1812.+ 88. V. Elisha p., b. Nov. 29, 1812.+ 89. vi. Samuel, b. Apr. 7, 1818.+ 90. vii. Eunice, m. Eber Baker. Res. in Westminster. Mass. Three children. 43. Joseph^ (Silas•^ Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Jan. 2, 1778; d. Mar. 10, 1876; m" (1) Mav 30, 1802. Hannah Taylor (18) ; (2) Nov. 30, 1837, Mary (Parker) widow of Winslow Ames [b. Mar. 15, 1798; d. Oct. 23, 1881]. He was a farmer upon 45, N. D., and also conducted successfully dur- ing many years a bakery in Davis Village, supplying- the coun- try for twenty miles around with the limited variety of baker's goods expected in those days. He was a constant attendant on the services of the Congregational church, and is said to have been absent only one half day during a period of fifty years. Children : 91. i. Kendall, b. Dec. 5, 1803.+ 92. ii. Sivona, b. Dec. 9, 1805; m. Apr. 30, 1835, Isaiah Cragin (12). 93. iii. Horace, b. Nov. 11, 1807; d. Nov. 12, 1807. 94. iv. George, b. Nov. 5, 1815; d. Feb. 24, 1816. 95. V. George, b. Oct. 16, 1817.-}- 96. vi. Emily, b. Oct. 18, 1820; d. Mar. 9, 1908; m. (1) Nov. 7, 1849, John Smith [d. about 1867], a farmer at Sterling, Mass., until about 1853, when he came to New Ipswich and con- ducted the farm of his father-in-law; (2) Robv Fletcher (74). 97. vii. Mary Ann, b. Apr. 9, 1823; d. Jan. 22, 1910; m. Charles H. Sweetser [d. about 1898]. He was a shoe-dealer in Read- ing, Mass., and later in LjTin. In middle life they removed to Iowa, thence to Colorado, and finally to Los Angeles, Cal., where they died. 98. viii. Horace, b. June 6, 1825.-f 49. James® (Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Apr. 6, 1793 ; d. May 29, 1865 ; m."(l) Nov. 27, 1823, his cousin Patty, dau. of P)enjamin and Patty (Preston) Bacon of Bed- ford, Mass. [b. about 1798; d. Apr. 5, 1827] ; (2) Cyrene Put- nam of Milford [b. Oct. 22, 1803 ; d. Sept. 2, 1834] ; (3) Sept. 7, 1842, Anna, dau. of Daniel Giles (8) [b. Sept. 29, 1807; d. Jan. 10, 1874]. He lived for many years on the "Thomas Brown farm," (58, N. D.,) where the road now terminates, 368 Davis (Dolor) but the home of his later years was in 45, N. D., a short distance from Davis Villag-e. He was a deacon in the Con- gregational church for thirty-three years. Children : 99. i. An infant, mentioned only on its mother's gravestone. 100. ii. An infant, b. and d. Dec. 20, 1825. 101. iii. An infant, b. about Mar. 23, 1827; d. Apr. 15, 1827. 102. iv. James Putnam, b. Dec. 27, 1829.+ 103. V. Perley Bacon, b. Apr. 26, 1832.+ 104. vi. George Henry, b. Nov. 30, 1844; d. Apr. 25, 1866. 50. Thomas^ (S^las^ Joseph*, Tames^ Simon^ Dolor^), b. May 3, 1795; d. July 15, 1869; m.' Mar. 26, 1818. Nancy, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Cummings) Fletcher (71). He re- moved to Enosburg, Vt., in early manhood, and was a farmer in that place for about twenty-five years. But when a little past his fiftieth year, he returned to his native town, and after a brief residence in Smith Village and a few years on the "Conant farm," (85, A. D.,) he passed his later years on the "Campbell farm" by the river, (7, N. L. O.) Children: 105. i. Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1819; d. Apr. 30, 1819. 106. ii. Ebenezer, b. June 13, 1820; d. May 29, 1821. 107. iii. Richard Hall, b. Aug. 24, 1823.+ 108. iv. Mary Sivona, b. Apr. 29, 1827; d. Apr. 7, 1911; m. July 13, 1847, George D. Jaquith (1). 109. V. James Benjamin, b. Dec. 23, 1832.+ 58. Stephen" (Stephen^ Stephen*, Stephen^ Samuel-, Dolor^), b. Mar. 24, 1771; m. Nov. 17, 1796. Hepsibah, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Bateman) Brown (T. 12). He succeeded to his father's farm^ and there remained for a few of the first years of the nineteenth century. He held the office of lieu- tenant. Children : 110. i. Anna, b. Oct. 30. 1797. 111. ii. Almira, b. Dec. 25, 1799. 63. James'' (Jonathan^ Jonathan-^, Thomas*, James^ Si- mon^, Dolor^), b. Jan. 5, 1800; d. Mar. 23, 1874; m. Dec. 14, 1826, Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Hannah (Dodge) Symonds of Hancock [d. Mar. 30, 1874]. He lived on the family homestead in Hancock for nearly twenty years, and after 1845 was a merchant in that town. Children : 112. i. Maria, b. Jan. 3, 1828; m. Sept. 7, 1854, J. Franklin Dyer, a physician at Annisquam, Mass. 113. ii. Antoinette, b. Sept. 8, 1829. She was a teacher in her native town. 114. iii. Helen E., b. Aug. 10, 1832; d. Dec. 30, 1833. 369 36 History of New Ipswich 115. iv. Helen E, b. Nov. 9, 1834; m. Feb. 24, 1853, David R. Patten, a hotel proprietor at San Francisco, later in business at Salt Lake City. 116. V. Joanna, b. Aug. 27, 1837; d. Sept. 11, 1868; m. Nov. 8, 1860, Myron M. Wood, a farmer in Hancock. 117. vi. Heber, b. Nov. 4, 1842. He served during the Civil War in the 7th N. H. Regiment, and later was in railroad business at San Francisco. 118. vii. Herbert J., b. June 14, 1844. He was a carpet dealer in New York and later in San Francisco. 65. JosiAH Melville^ (Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Thomas*, James^ Simon^, Dolofi), b. Feb. 23, 1804; d. July 8, 1846; m. Henrietta Ordway of Francestown. He was a hatter in Francestown. Child : 119. i. Elizabeth, m. Clarendon M. Sanders. 68. George Hubbard'^ (Jonathan®, Jonathan^, Thomas*, James^ Simon^, Dolor^), b. Mar. 29, 1811; d. Dec. 1, 1879; m. (1) Aug. 14, 1834, Charlotte Low [d. May 9, 1841] ; (2) Oct. 31, 1844, Sarah Cleverly French [b. Boston, July 27, 1825 ; d. Sept. 1, 1873]. He learned the cabinet-maker's trade in Ashby, Mass., and in Boston, and later was a member of the firm of Hallet, Davis & Co., piano manufacturers, becoming eventu- ally the sole proprietor of the business. Children : 120. i. George H., b. Sept. 30, 1836; m. (1) June 11, 1861, Maria Louise Brown [d. July 9, 1876]; (2) Oct. 9, 1879, Ella Parsons. He was a hardwood lumber dealer in Boston. 121. ii. Albert Low, b. June 8, 1838; d. Dec. 7, 1847. 122. iii. Elizabeth French, b. Nov. 18, 1848; m. Feb. 8, 1877, A. D. W. French of Boston. 123. iv. Edward Windsor, b. June 10, 1856; m. Jan. 26, 1881, Carrie L. Esbach of Boston. 71. Horace H.^ (Jonathan®, Jonathan^, Thomas*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. May 20, 1817; m. June 3, 1857, Sarah S., dau. of Asa and Rhoda Maynard of Marlboro. Res. at Salem, Mass. He was a travelling salesman and also engaged in other busi- ness. Child : 124. i. Fannie M., b. Sept. 18, 1872. 73. Charles S.'^ (Jonathan®, Jonathan^, Thomas*, James', Simon^, Dolor^), b. May 28, 1821 ; m. (1) Aug. 28, 1845, Betsey R., dau. of Lubin and Lydia (Burton) Rockwood of Wilton [b. about 1826; d. Boston, Apr. 13, 1857] ; (2) June 14, 1860, Frances O., dau. of Richard and Mary W. Sykes of Newton, Mass. He was employed in the store of Johnson & Clark at 370 Davis (Dolor) Bank Village for a time, and later was similarly engaged in East Jaffrey. He was then successively a partner of his brother James in Hancock, a member of the firm of Davis & Heywood in New Ipswich, for more than twenty years asso- ciated with his brother George in Boston, and finally a mem- ber of the firm of Billings, Clapp & Co., manufacturers of chemicals in Boston. He resided in Newton, Mass. Children : 125. i. Henrietta R., b. Aug. 28, 1846; d. Sept. 10, 1846. 126. ii. Charles Allen, b. Apr. 7, 1848; m. Agnes Nichols of Wash- ington, D. C. He is a physician in Washington. 127. iii. Walter Rockwood, b. Nov. 9, 1849; d. Apr., 1908; m. (1) Nellie Loring of Newton, Mass. ; (2) Susan Loring of Newton, a cousin of his first wife. Children : i. Alice, (by first marriage,) m. William T. Coppins of Newton, ii. Robert, (by second marriage). 128. iv. An infant son, d. Mar. 26, 1857. 129. V. Ida, m. William Z. Ripley. He is a professor in Harvard University. Four children. 87. Elijah F.'^ (Elijah®, Elijah^, Joseph*, Tames^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Nov. 29, 1813; d. Mar. 16, 1886; m. Hannah Ball, dau. of Sampson and Ruth (Ball) Spaulding [d. July 18, 1889]. He was a resident in the family region in Mason during the greater part of his life, but for a few years seems to have been a citizen of New Ipswich and resident in its southeastern part. Child: 130. i. Abby Jane, b. July 7, 1841; m. (1) Apr. 10, 1862, Charles Robbins [b. Nov. 26, 1837; d. Aug. 24, 1901]; (2) Charles B. Samson [d. Mar. 8, 1907]. Child: i. Addie A. Robbins, b. Dec. 12, 1867. 88. Elisha F.^ (Elijah®, Elijah^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Nov. 29, 1812; m. May 16, 1839, Roxanna, dau. of Daniel Jefts (6). He was for several years a farmer upon 186, A. D. His house, since destroyed by fire, stood forty or fifty rods south from the turnpike, upon the road extending, not far from the town line, from the "Wheeler tavern" to the "Pierce farm." The work of his hands is perpetuated by the sturdy willows set by him, while a young man in the employ of Dr. Stillman Gibson, beside the road from the Gibson cor- ners to Bank Village, near the point of crossing the North Branch of the Souhegan River. He removed to Luzerne, N. Y., about 1850. Children : 131. i. Franklin, b. Apr. 10, 1840; d. July 20, 1840. 132. ii. Horace Eugene, b. July, 1841; unm. Res. at Westminster, Mass. 371 History of New Ipswich 133. iii. George Henry, b. Nov. 18, 1842; m. Sarah Sherman of Cor- inth, N. Y. Child : i. Bertha E. 134. iv. Harriet Augusta, b. June, 1844; d. Sept., 1907; m. James Burritt. Res. at Corinth, N. Y. One child. 135. V. Elvira Willard, b. Sept., 1853; m. Loren Merritt of Corinth, N. Y. Six children. 89. Samuel^ (Elijah*', Elijah", Joseph*, Janies^, Simon-, Dolofi), b. Apr. 7, 1818; d. Mar. 22, 1907; m. Oct. 31, 1847, Mary Jane Haskell of Brattleboro, Vt. [b. Aug. 5, 1822]. He was a farmer in Mason until about 1864, when he came to New Ipswich and held the Josiah Davis farm, (2, N. L. O.,) afterwards known as the Lewis Robbins farm, until his death. Several of his children settled in the immediate neighborhood, and to the present time hold a wide expanse of land showing exceptionally faithful culture in that part of the town. Chil- dren : 136. i. Elbridge Fordice, b. Nov. 10, 1848; unm. Res. in Greenville. 137. ii. Viola M., b. Apr. 21, 1850; m. Sept. 26, 1898, Henry W. Wilson. 138. iii. Marcia, b. July 14, 1852 ; m. Orren French. 139. iv. Gardner Gay, b. June 14, 1854. -f 140. V. Samuel Henry, b. May 20, 1857.+ 141. vi. Leander Joseph, b. Aug. 4, 1859.-1- 142. vii. Edward Hildreth, b. Aug. 8, 1862.-}- 143. viii. Ida Belle, b. Jan. 19, 1866; m. Dec. 1, 1894, Lewis, son of Eben and Lucinda (Cutting) Damon of Ashby, Mass., where he is a carpenter. Child : i. Etta May Damon, h. and d. Feb., 1907. 144. ix. Eliza J., b. Dec. 3, 1868; m. Charles Lysander Russell. 91. Kendall'^ (Joseph*', Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon-, Dolor^), b. Dec. 5, 1803; m. Apr. 14, 1831, Jane Ann, dau. of Isaac and Lydia (Keyes) Patten [b. Westford, Mass., May 22, 1807; d. Athol, Mass., Apr. 4, 1898]. He was a physician in Reading, Mass., and Athol, Mass. Children : 145. i. Milton Kendall, b. 1834; d. 1840. 146. ii. Cornelia, b. 1836; d. 1840. 147. iii. Alice Jane, b. Aug. 31, 1838; m. Nov., 1867, Dr. Albert S. Tobin. Child: i. Arthur Patten Davis Tobin, b. Aug. 23, 1869. 148. iv. Lois Ann, b. Feb. 28, 1840; d. Jan., 1898; m. Nov., 1866, Stephen E. Bugbee. Children : i. Alice Bugbee, b. Oct., 1867. ii. Mary Bugbee, b. July, 1869. 149. V. Lucy Kendall, b. Mar. 26, 1842; m. Nov., 1867, Alvin N. Bugbee. Children : i. Alvin Bugbee, b. 1875 ; m. Jean Wat- son ; three children, ii. Newton Kendall Bugbee, b. 1877 ; m. Florence Toms ; two children, iii. Lucy Bugbee, b. Oct., 1887. iv. Benjamin Harrison Bugbee, b. 1889. 372 Davis (Dolor) 95. George'^ (Joseph^, Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Oct. 16, 1817; m. Mary Ann Parker of Reading, Mass. He was a cabinet maker. He died at Longmont, Colo., as did also his wife. Children : 150. i. Samuel. He was an organist and music-teacher in Long- mont, Colo., where he died. 151. ii. Leila, d. in Colorado. 152. iii. Mary, m. in Colorado. 153. iv. Charles. Res. in Colorado. 98. Horace^ (Joseph^ Silas^ Joseph*, James^ Simon^, Dolor^), b. June 6, 1825; d. Nov. 12, 1887; m. (1) Apr. 4, 1850, Maria Blanchard (43) ; (2) . He was a contractor and builder in Boston and vicinity. Child : 154. i. Charles Horace, b. Feb. 7, 1859; m. Aug. 18, 1886, Bertha May Mott, dau. of Alvin Melrose and Abigail May (Smith) Bridgman of Provincetown, Mass. [b. June 25, 1865]. His mother dying upon the day of his birth, he was taken into the family of William D. Locke and reared as a son with- out change of name. He studied dentistry in the University of Pennsylvania and received the degree of D. D. S. in 1886. He is a successful dentist in Worcester, Mass., also an inventor of dental instruments. Child : i. Stanley Bridg- man, b. Mar. 20, 1888. 102. James Putnam^ (James^, Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Dec. 27, 1829; m. (1) Oct. 25, 1855, Ann Elizabeth Prichard Houghton (7) ; (2) Sept., 1859, Jane Elizabeth, dau. of Herman Lake [b. July 21, 1826; d. Dec. 7, 1908]. He was a carpenter. Children: 155. i. Anna, b. Oct., 1857; d. Mar. 4, 1858. 156. ii. William Eliot, b. Oct. 27, 1864; m. Mar. 17, 1886, Florence Josephine Bliss [b. Elmira, N. Y., May 21, 1862]. He was a theatrical manager and actor, but since 1904 has been a farmer in Davis Village. 157. iii. Mary Wingate. 103. Perley Bacon^ (James^, Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Apr. 26, 1832; m. Feb. 12, 1862, Mary Frances Vining of Holbrook, Mass. He was educated at New Ipswich Appleton Academy, in which he was an assistant teacher for four years, during two of which, the first two after the attainment of his majority, he was elected superintendent of the public schools. He graduated from Andover Theo- logical Seminary in 1861 and has passed his life as a pastor in Massachusetts churches, five years at Sharon, twenty-five at Hyde Park, and seven at Dorchester. He resides in West Roxbury, Mass. Children: 373 History of New Ipswich 158. i. Albert Putnam, b. Jan. 5, 1866. He graduated from Am- herst College in 1887 and from Yale Divinity School in 1894, having been a professor in Lincoln University before entering upon his professional study. He was for ten years pastor at Wakefield, Mass., and later at Pomona, Cal. 159. ii. Arthur Vining, b. May 30, 1867. He graduated from Am- herst College in 1888. He resides in Pittsburg, Penn., where he is president of the Aluminum Company of America. 160. iii. Perley Edwards, b. Aug. 2, 1869; d. July 21, 1870. 161. iv. Florence Wadleigh, b. July 10, 1871. She graduated from Wellesley College in 1894. 162. V. Edward Kirk, b. Feb. 19, 1880. He graduated from Harvard College in 1903. He is connected with the Aluminum Company of America at Pittsburg, Penn. 107. Richard Hall^ (Thomas^ Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Aug. 24, 1823; d. May 2, 1907; m. June 5, 1844, Asenath Blanchard (36). He came from his native town, Enosburg, Vt., to New Ipswich in early manhood, and passed practically his entire later life as a wheelwright in Smith Village, his shop being the nearest building to the bridge upon the southeastern side. Children : 163. i. Laura Ann, b. Mar. 26, 1845; m. Jan., 1872, Clifford Prutz- man of Three Rivers, Mich. Child : i. Ernest Richard Prutzman, b. Mar. 9, 1873. 164. ii. Mary Jeannette, b. Feb. 22, 1855; m. Dec. 25, 1893, Frank H., son of Charles O. and Frances (Holden) Whittemore. Res. in Smith Village. 165. iii. Alice M., b. Aug., 1859; m. Mar. 4, 1886, Elwin L., son of James E. and Emily E. Edson. Res. in Leominster, Mass. Children : i. Florence Edson, b. Jan. 24, 1891. ii. Dwight Edson, b. Oct., 1895. 109. James Benjamin^ (Thomas®, Silas^, Joseph*, James^, Simon^ Dolor^), b. Dec. 23, 1832; m. June 3, 1859, Helen M. Bailey [d. Aug. 14, 1912]. He was a farmer with his father upon the "Campbell farm," (7, N. L. O.,) but after the father's death he built a house opposite the northern corner of the central burying-ground which was his home until 1913, when he removed to San Diego, Cal. Children: 166. i. Minnie Belle, b. Oct. 7, 1863; d. Nov. 7, 1863. 167. ii. Florence G., b. June 5, 1865 ; m. Henry L. Kingsbury, a furni- ture dealer in Fitchburg, Mass., who removed to San Diego, Cal., in 1913. Children : i. Esther Almira Kingsbury, h. Aug. 17, 1890. ii. Alberta Gertrude Kingsbury, b. July, 1900. 139. Gardner G.^ (SamueF, Elijah®, Elijah", Joseph*, James^ Simon^, Dolor^), b. June 14, 1854; m. (1) Sept. 25, 374. I Davis (Dolor) 1877, Ann E., dau. of George H. and Sarah Ramsdell [b. 1858; d. Apr. 15, 1893]; (2) 1900, Mrs. Emma F. (Ward) Chute, dau. of John and Sarah J. Ward of Portland, Me. [b. Sept. 27, 1862]. He is a farmer on the Benjamin Wilson farm, (69, A. D.) Children: 168. i. Eva Marion, b. Aug. 16, 1878; m. June 10, 1902, William E. Preston (103). 169. ii. Etta, b. Aug. 16, 1882; d. Mar. 2, 1883. 170. iii. Effie May, b. Oct. 1, 1884. 171. iv. Sarah Belle, b. Sept. 7, 1887. 172. V. Hattie Ann, b. July 14, 1889; m. Sept. 17, 1910, Kenneth Allen. Res. in Somerville, Mass. 173. vi. Marion Frances, b. July 4, 1901. 140. Samuel Henry^ (Samuel'', Elijah^ Elijah^ Joseph*, James^ Simon^, Dolor^), b. May 20, 1857; m. Sept. 30, 1886, Sarah E., dau. of Isaac B. and Mary H. (Smith) Heywood of Temple [b. Dec. 14, 1867]. He is a farmer upon the Russell farm, (44, N. L. O.) Children : 174. i. Ernest Henry, b. Sept. 2, 1894. 175. ii. Philip Heywood, b. July 18, 1901. 141. Leander J.^ (SamueF, Elijah^, Elijah^, Joseph*, James^ Simon^, Dolor^), b. Aug. 4, 1859; m. May 1, 1884, Alice M. Davis of Ashby, Mass. [b. Jan. 11, 1866]. He also is a farmer on the Russell farm, (44, N. L. O.) Children : 176. i. Wilbur Joseph, b. Mar. 25, 1891; d. Aug. 19, 1891. 177. ii. Bernice May, b. Jan. 4, 1896. 178. iii. Bertha Hazel, b. Apr. 1, 1900. 142. Edward Hildreth^ (Samuel^, Elijah^, Elijah^, Jo- seph*, James^, Simon^, Dolor^), b. Aug. 8, 1862; m. Oct. 13, 1897, Eliza Annie, dau. of Uriah and Sarah J. (Hadley) Law- rence of Rindge [b. July 27, 1874]. He has succeeded to his father's farm. Children: 179. i. Ralph Chester, b. and d. Nov. 23, 1901.„ 180. ii. Edward Lawrence, b. Sept. 22, 1903. DAVIS (Job). There is a tradition that Job Davis was the son of Jonathan", but there is no satisfactory proof of the lineage. 1. JoB\ b. about 1776; d. Apr. 6, 1850; m. (1) Apr. 29, 1805, Mary, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Crosby) Stearns (I. 4) [b. Feb. 19, 1783; d. July 1, 1846]; (2) Nov. 26, 1846, Sarah A., sister of first wife (I. 6) [b. Feb. 4, 1786; d. May 13, 1862]. 375 History of New Ipswich He lived in Ashby, Mass., but came to New Ipswich about 1843, and made the home of his later days on the Thomas Heald farm, (187, N. L. O.) Children: 2. i. Isaac Stearns, b. July 11, 1806; d. Feb. 13, 1882; m. July 10, 1833, Lydia Davies, dau. of Daniel and Betsey Blood [b. Apr. 26, 1807]. He settled in Holden, Mass. Seven children. 3. ii. Orpah S., b. May 4, 1809; d. Aug., 1868; m. Samuel Esta- brook. Res. in Ashby, Mass. Two children. 4. iii. John U., b. Feb. 7, 1811.+ 5. iv. Susan H., b. Feb. 2, 1814; d. Apr. 13, 1889; m. Sept. 13, 1837, William Swift Bennett. Res. in Ashby, Mass. Four chil- dren. 6. V. Mary A., b. 1816; d. Apr. 10, 1842. 7. vi. Onslow P., b. Apr. 24, 1818; d. Oct. 27, 1884; m. Sept. 16, 1847, Susan M. Raymond of Gardner, Mass. Res. in Gard- ner, Mass. Two children. 8. vii. Philo, b. 1820; d. Nov. 26, 1841. 9. viii. Jonas B., b. Dec. 14, 1821; d. 1868; m. Aug. 4, 1856, Louisa Horton. He was a teacher in Brooklyn, N. Y. Four children. 10. ix. Job, b. Jan. 28, 1823; d. Mar. 18, 1866; m. Jan. 1, 1851, Mary E. Bedell. He was a physician in Brooklyn, N. Y. Foiir children. 11. X. Lucinda M., b. Aug., 1825; d. Apr. 8, 1885; m. 1849, Silas Raymond of Winchendon, Mass. One son. 4. John U.^ (Job^), b. Feb. 7, 1811; d. May 14, 1885; m. (1) Nov. 7, 1834, Mary Taylor [d. Mar. 2, 1844] ; (2) 1846, Sarah E. Estabrook [d. Dec. 25, 1891]. He lived upon the farm previously his father's, (187, N. L. O.,) nearly twenty years from the time of his father's death, and held a prominent position in the activities of the town. He was selectman for several years, and twice represented the town in the Legisla- ture. In 1869 he removed to Ashby, Mass. Children : 12. i. Edward E., b. Jan. 4, 1836; d. Aug. 15, 1862. He enlisted early in the Civil War in the 1st Minnesota Regiment and was captured, after receiving a fatal wound, at the battle of Fair Oaks. 13. ii. Albert H., b. July 6, 1837 ; d. Dec. 13, 1862. He also lost his life in the Civil War, while a member of the 6th New Hampshire Regiment. 14. iii. Abbie L., b. July 12, 1839; m. Dec. 25, 1858, Joel A. Hayward of Ashby, Mass. He was a soldier of the Civil War in the 53d Massachusetts Regiment. Six children. 15. iv. Charles E., b. Sept. 12, 1847; m. July 12, 1876, Delia Willis [d. June, 1883]. Res. in New York city. Child: i. Fred Earle, b. Dec. 29, 1877. 376 ( Davis (Job) 16. V. Samuel A., b. Sept. 18, 1849; d. in New Zealand while yet a young man. 17. vi. Emilie Kate, b. Apr. 21, 1854; m. June 6, 1876, John A. Piper of Ashby, Mass. Four children. DIX. Anthony^ Dix came to Plymouth, 1623; d. Dec. 15, 1636; m. Tabitha . He was a sea-captain. He moved to Salem in 1632. He was wrecked on Cape Cod, and there lost his life. His widow m. Nathan Pitman of Salem. Ralph' (Anthony^), d. Sept. 24, 1688; m. Esther . He was a fisherman and a planter of Ipswich, Mass. Removed to Reading, Mass., 1661. John' (Ralph^ Anthony'), b. Ipswich, Mar. 12, 1658; d. Reading, May 12, 1745; m. (1) June 30, 1692, Lydia [d. June 9, 1699]; (2) May 28, 1700, widow Anna Fitch. He was a farmer at Reading. Jonathan^ (John', Ralph', Anthony'), b. Reading, Apr 11, 1710; d. Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 24, 1804; m. June 28, 1739, Sarah, dau. of Rev. Benjamin and Martha (Sherman) Shattuck [d. Sept. 30, 1775] ; (2) Mar. 17, 1779, Miriam Kneeland of Harvard, Mass. [d. Jan. 7, 1829]. Res. Hollis, where his thirteen children were born. 1. Jonathan^ (Jonathan*, John^, Ralph", Anthony^), b. Apr. 3, 1742; d. in Nova Scotia; m. (1) Anna Kimball of Fitchburg; (2) Joanna Foss of Portsmouth. He came to New Ipswich in 1764, and remained until 1771. He established the first store in town upon the south side of the old "country road" where the house long owned by Rev. Samuel Lee now stands. The building also did duty as a tavern. In 1767 he was on the committee chosen to "settle with the selectmen," the town officer now known as auditor then apparently being in process of evolution. As the dissatisfaction with British rule preceding the Revolutionary War developed he remained loyal to the king, and for some reason this sentiment was not judged so leniently by his fellow townsmen as the like senti- ments held by a few other prominent citizens. When a de- serter from the British troops in Boston was captured in the northern part of the town and brought to the tavern and confined before the return to Boston, and the popular indigna- tion was manifested by hanging the inn-keeper in effigy, hang- ing a dead dog to his door, and other equally offensive tokens of the popular purpose, it doubtless seemed to him best to leave the town, and in fact the entire rebellious region, for a residence in Nova Scotia. He was named in the proscribing act of 1778, and his property confiscated. Only two children are known : 377 History of New Ipswich 2. i. Jonathan, d. 1796 in West Indies, unm. 3. ii. An infant. EATON. JoHN^ Eaton, d. Nov. 17, 1658; m. Abigail Damon. He came with wife from London, England, in 1635, and was admitted freeman at Water- town in 1636. The following year he removed to Dedham, which was his home until his death. JoHN^ (John^), b. about 1636; m. Alice . He resided at Dedham. William' (John', John'), b. 1677; d. 1718; m. 1704, Mary Starr. He res. at Dedham. JosiAH^ (William', John^ John'), b. 1711; d. 1802; m. 1736. Sarah Day. He removed from Dedham to Needham, where he died. John' (Josiah^ William', John^ John'), d. Nov. 24, 1827; m. May 17, 1779, Mary Larkin of Lancaster, Mass. [d. Sept. 22, 1817]. He removed to Winchendon, Mass., before his marriage and settled in that part which was afterward detached in the formation of Gardner, in which town he died. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Josiah" (John^ Josiah^ William', John^ John'), b. June 13, 1787; d. Dec. 7, 1862; m. 1811, Mary, dau. of Jonas and Rhoda (Johnson) Reed of Ashburnham, Mass. [d. Aug. 12, 1872]. At about 1816 he removed from Gardner to Ashburnham, which was afterward his home. 1. IMerrick^ (Josiah^, John^, Josiah*, William^, John^, John^), b. Sept. 30, 1811; d. Feb. 16, 1875; m. (1) Elizabeth A. Gates of Gardner; (2) June 14, 1860, Rebecca Clarissa, dau. of Francis and Susanna (Foster) Lane of Ashburnham [b. Jan. 29, 1827]. He resided in Smith Village from 1840 to 1851, occupying the last house in the village upon the road to Gibson Village, and then returned to Ashburnham. Children : 5. i. Harriet, b. May 11, 1839; m. Noah Hardy of Hollis, N. H. 6. ii. Albert, d. young. 7. iii. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 10, 1845; m. Apr. 15, 1864, William H. Cruse. Res. in South Ashburnham. Three children. 8. iv. Ellen, d. young. 2. JosiAH^ (Josiah^ John^ Josiah*, William^ John^, John^), b. IVIay 5, 1814; d. Saratoga, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1865; m. Dec. 5, 1839, Abigail Wheeler (79). He res. in the Center Village for a few years after his marriage. Children : 9. i. Francis Albertus, b. Apr. 14, 1843; m. Dec. 3, 1868, Mary A. Strong. 10. ii. William Henry, b. July 5, 1849; married. 3. HosEA^ (Josiah^ John^ Josiah*, William^, John^ John^), b. Mar. 10, 1820; d. Rindge, Nov. 27, 1879; m. Nov. 27, 1845, Mary Wheeler (80). He passed the greater part of his ma- ture life in New Ipswich, occupied at first as a carpenter and 378 Eaton a public school teacher, but later he became largely engaged in various public duties. He presided as moderator of the town meetings for more than twenty years, represented the town in the Legislature for several years, and afterward was elected to the Senate. During the period of the draft for soldiers to serve in the Civil War he was provost marshal of the Second District of New Hampshire, and later received appointment as Collector of Customs at Boston. Child : 11. i. Frederic H., b. Dec. 10, 1861; d. 1885; m. July 4, 1883, Cora E. Decker. 4. Otis W.^ (Josiah^, John^ JosiahS William^, John^, John^), b. May 29, 1823; d. Saratoga, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1871; m. Dec. 22, 1842, Harriet Wheeler (81). His residence in town was brief, but the unusual marriage of three brothers to three sisters demands recognition in the town history. Children : 12. i. George P., b. June 14, 1850. 13. ii. Henry W., b. Mar. 19, 1857. 14. iii. Nellie A., b. Jan. 9, 1866. EDWARDS. Ebenezer* Edwards, b. Acton, Mass., Mar. 23, 1757; d. Mar. 21, 1826; m. (1) Apr. 26, 1778, Lucy Wheeler of Lincoln, Mass. [d. Nov. 21, 1800] ; (2) May 12, 1801, Mary Flint of Lincoln, Mass. [d. Jan. 15, 1839]. He served in the Revolution, having a part in the first encounter at "The Bridge" and also later. He came to Temple before the close of the war and soon became a prominent citizen. He held all the principal town offices. 1. Ebenezer Prescott^ (Ebenezer^), b. Nov. 21, 1800; d. Feb. 11, 1857; m. July 2, 1829, Lucinda Spear (22). He came to New Ipswich at about the time of his marriage and passed his life in Center Village, where he was proprietor of the tavern at the stand on the turnpike just east from the corner store. He was also deputy sherifif. Children : 2. i. Emily Elizabeth, b. about July, 1833; d. Dec. 5, 1847. 3. ii. George Frederic EMERSON. Thomas* Emerson, b. probably in Sedgefield parish, Durham, Eng- land; d. Ipswich, Mass., May 1, 1666; m. Elizabeth . He is said to have come from England in 1635 and settled in Ipswich in 1638 or earlier. Joseph^ (Thomas'), b. in England about 1620; d. Concord, Mass., Jan. 3, 1680; m. (1) Elizabeth, dau. of Margaret and Robert Woodmansey of 379 History of New Ipswich Boston; (2) Dec. 7, 1665, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Edward Bulkeley, the first minister of Concord, Mass. [b. 1638; d. Sept. 4, 1693, having m. (2) Capt. John Brown of Reading, Mass.]. He was a minister in Ipswich, York, Me., and Milton, Mass. From him diverges the ancestral line of Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Peter' (Joseph% Thomas'), b. 1673; d. 1751; m. Nov. 11, 1696, Anne, dau. of Capt. John and Anne (Fiske) Brown of Reading, his step-sister. He was a farmer in that part of Reading which became South Reading. Brown' (Peter', Joseph', Thomas'), b. Apr. 16, 1704; d. 1774; m. June 17, 1725, Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Townsend [b. Reading, 1705]. He was a leading farmer in Reading, where he was a deacon for many years, also town clerk and selectman for long periods. 1. JoHN^ (Brown*, Peter^, Joseph^, Thomas^), bapt. Apr. 5, 1739; d. Nov. 14, 1809; m. Dec. 20. 1764, Katherine, dau. of Noah and Phebe (Lilley) Eaton of Reading [b. Dec. 19, 1744; d. Jan. 21, 1809]. He was a farmer, but having by some un- fair treatment lost his property, he removed from the family home and after a few years in Ashby, Mass., came to New Ipswich about 1783 and settled in the mountain region, prob- ably on 152, A. D., near the later location of the "white school- house," No. 8, on the turnpike, whence he removed fifteen years later and passed the last ten years of his life in Han- cock. Children, of whom probably but the two youngest were born in New Ipswich : 2. i. John, b. Sept. 2, 1765; d. Mar. 15, 1835; m. Prudence Cow- drey [b. Reading, Mass., 1772, and survived her husband many years]. He settled in Reading, Vt., where he was a successful farmer. 3. ii. Hiram, b. Apr. 9, 1767; d. Mar. 5, 1849; m. (pub. Nov. 14, 1813) Mary Humber of Boston [b. Mar. 13, 1780; d. 1846]. He was a stonemason at Charlestown, Mass. 4. iii. Catherine, b. Apr. 30, 1769; d. Oct. 5, 1796; m. David Smith. Res. at South Reading, Mass. Six children. 5. iv. Reuben, b. Aug. 12, 1771; d. Mar. 11, 1860; m. Apr. 1, 1800, Persis Hardy [b. Rindge, 1776; d. Oct. 12, 1846]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1798 and entered the ministry. He was pastor at Westminster, Mass., for a few years, and then at South Reading, now Wakefield, until his death after a pastorate of fifty-five years. He had five children, of whom one was a physician, one a judge in Louisiana, one a professor of music, and one a printer. 6. V. Jacob, b. June 10, 1773; d. Apr. 3, 1839; m. (1) Sept. 1, 1797, Dorcas, dau. of Enos and Dorcas (Nooning) Knight of Hancock [d. Mar. 3, 1816]; (2) 1818, Martha (Spaulding) Knight [b. Lyndeboro, Apr. 6, 1768]. He lived at Hancock until his second marriage, after which he removed to Keene. Eight children. 7. vi. Noah, b. Aug. 28, 1775 ; d. Aug. 25, 1777. 380 Emerson 8. vii. Brown, b. Jan. 8, 1778; d. July 25, 1872; m. Oct. 29, 1806, Mary, dau. of Rev. Daniel and Susanna (Saunders) Hop- kins [b. Salem, Mass., Sept. 25, 1778; d. Apr. 4, 1866]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1802, and received the degree of D. D. from his Alma Mater in 1835. He w^as settled in Salem, Mass., in 1805, and held the same pastorate until his death sixty-seven years later, surviving the entire membership of the church and society at the time of his ordination. He was absent from his pulpit but five Sundays during the first fifty years of his ministry. He had ten children, of whom nine were living five years after their father's jubilee, and with their husbands and wives gathered at the home of their childhood, and on the Sabbath twelve couples of the family, with the venerable doctor and his wife at their head, entered the church together. Of this family of children the two oldest sons should appropriately be mentioned at this place : Daniel Hopkins, h. Jan. 23, 1810; d. July 6, 1883; m. Nov. 7, 1836, Lucy Ann Page; he graduated from Dartmouth College in 1830, and like his father afterward received the degree of D. D. Edward Brown, b. Feb. 10, 1812; d. Jan. 17, 1888; m. May 10, 1841, Ann Lummus; he graduated from Dartmouth College in 1832 and followed the work of the ministry. The changed customs of later days did not encourage so long pastorates as that of their father, and it seemed advisable that they should labor in different positions as the years passed, but the elder one served in the pulpit during forty-seven years, and one of his sons entered the ministry, while the younger gave twenty-six years of like service, followed by fifteen years as the head of a family school for boys, and two of his sons followed the family profession, continuing to make evident the statement of the former history of the town that "Piety and preaching might well be the family motto." 9. viii. Phebe, b. June 17, 1780; d. Aug. 25, 1795. 10. ix. RoMANUs, b. Sept. 1, 1782; d. Oct. 10. 1852; m. Nov. 21, 1810, Joanna, dau. of Joshua Burnham [b. Milford, May 9, 1783; d. Aug. 5, 1868]. He too in early life intended to become a minister, but prevented by a persistent impediment in his speech, he became a carpenter at South Boston. Seven children. 11. X. Anne, b. May 8, 1785; d. Oct. 4, 1864; m. Mar. 2, 1813, Abel Hewins. Res. in Roxbury, Mass. 12. xi. Noah, b. Oct. 4, 1787; d. July 8, 1860; m. Feb. 10, 1830, Ama Smith [b. Hollis, Mar. 29, 1798; d. Jan. 3, 1861]. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1814, entered the ministry, and for twenty-five years was pastor at Baldwin, Me., and also gave missionary service elsewhere. Thomas Emerson with five sons, distantly related to the preceding, settled in 1790 in the south margin of the town. He died in 1816, aged 75. 381 History of New Ipswich EMERY. The following sketch of this family has necessarily depended to a great degree upon various isolated traditions. It is, therefore, probable that it is less nearly accurate than if it were based upon records. John' Emery, son of John and Agnes of Romsey, Hampshire, Eng- land, b. Sept. 29, 1598; d. Nov. 3, 1683; m. (1) Mary [d. Apr., 1649] ; (2) Oct. 29, 1650, Mary (Shatswell), widow of John Webster of Ipswich, Mass. [d. Apr. 28, 1694]. He landed at Boston with wife and one or two children in 1635, and soon settled at Newbury, Mass., and there passed his life. He was chosen selectman, and held other offices, although he refused to obey the laws in respect to Quakers, and was fined for entertaining them. Jonathan^ (John'), b. May 13, 1652; d. Sept. 29, 1723; m. Nov. 29, 1676, Mary, dau. of Edward Woodman [d. Sept. 13, 1723]. He lived in Newbury. He served in King Philip's War, and was wounded in the Narragansett fight. Jonathan' (Jonathan^ John'), b. Feb. 2, 1680; m. Ruth, dau. of Caleb and Mary (Ladd) Richardson [b. Newbury, Dec. 4, 1683; d. Plais- tow, Sept. 18, 1749]. All his children were born in Newbury. Thomas'* (Jonathan', Jonathan^, John'), bapt. Jan. 6, 1722; m. Jan. 7, 1745/6, Mary Greenough of the Haverhill district. 1. Thomas^ (Thomas*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^), b. Plaistow or near, 1748; d. Dec. 22, 1840; m. Westminster, Mass., Nov. l.=5, 1781, Mary, dau. of Samtiel and Molly (Wason) Sawin [b. Nov. 21, 1782; d. Sept. 21, 1850]. He re- moved to Rindge in 1774, and came thence to New Ipswich in 1808. He twice enlisted in the Revolutionary contest from Rindge, one of these enlistments being in the New Ipswich company of Capt. Joseph Parker, and later from Hampstead, which town was perhaps his home for a time, but he was in Rindge again in 1786. He sold six oxen to procure a gun for military service. Children : 2. i. ZiBA, d. 1808, unm. 3. ii. Mary, m. William White. 4. iii. Samuel, d. after reaching age of manhood, unm. 5. iv. Betsey, b. about 1797; d. Mar. 2, 1850; m. May 6, 1830, Daniel Walker (J. 16). 6. V. William, b. about 1794. -f- 7. vi. Thomas, b. about 1795.4- 8. vii. John, b. about 1800.+ 9. viii. Hannah. 10. ix. Sarah. 6. William^ (Thomas^ Thomas*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^), b. about 1794; d. Aug. 9, 1862; m. Mary Spofford [b. about 1794; d. Mar. 3, 1862]. He was a farmer living in dif- 382 I 12. ii. 13. iii 14. iv. IS. V. Emery ferent parts of the town. For several years about 1850 he lived on the north side of the road from Hodgkins corner to the Gibson Village, (VIII : 3, S. R.,) in a house now des- troyed, and his later years were passed on the Abijah Smith farm, (34, N. D.) Children: 11. i. Mary T., b. about Sept., 1818; d. Nov. 20, 1846; m. John Langley. Res. Nashua. Child: i. Amos E. Langley, b. about Oct., 1846; d. Jan. 14, 1863. William G., b. about 1819.+ Almira O., m. (1) George Tower; (2) Edmund Bathrick. Res. after her second marriage near the center of 38, N. D. Child : i. Nancy C. Tower, b. Oct. 9, 1843 ; d. Feb. 27, 1844. Amos. He was a stonemason at Peterboro. One son. Horace B., b. about 1827; d. Feb. 16, 1866; m. June 6, 1850, Melissa Smith of Peterboro. 16. vi. Eveline C, m. Mar. 14, 1850, Charles B. Marshall. Res. Bank Village. 17. vii. Nancy, m. Charles Sleeper of Unity. 18. viii. Sarah, d. unm. She was a cripple. 19. ix. Edward. He was drowned in the factory pond at the age of twenty-one. 20. X. Fanny Jane, b. about 1837; d. May 26, 1859, unm. 7. Thomas'* (Thomas^, Thomas*, Jonathan^, Jonathan-, john^), b. about 1795; d. June 2, 1860; m. Mar. 9, 1830, Han- nah Barker [b. May 5, 1799; d. Oct. 22, 1876]. He was a farmer in New Ipswich, but often changed his location in the town. His longest residence seems to have been upon the northern road from the Center Village to Greenville, in the house at the corner of the short street extending to the east, (29, N. D.) Children: 21. i. Hiram B., b. about 1830; d. Sept. 17, 1852. 22. ii. Martha Ann, b. May 16, 1834; d. Aug. 30, 1854; m. Dec. 22, 1853, Joseph H. Peabody. 23. iii. Thomas, d. aged 34 years. 24. iv. Mary, b. about 1840 ; d. Nov. 2, 1870 ; m. Dec. 2, 1855, William J. LeFrancis of Cambridge, Mass. 8. John** (Thomas^, Thomas*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^), b. about 1800; d. Mar. 8, 1882; m. Abigail Bruce of Marlboro, Mass. [b. about 1803; d. Nov. 22, 1884]. He was a farmer owning for fifty years or more the "Hoar farm" on the old "country road," next to the river, (V : 2, S. R.) Chil- dren : 25. i. Hannah Maria, b. Dec. 5, 1827; m. Leonard Boodry. 26. ii. John B., b. Jan. 21, 1829.-1- 27. iii. Abby A., m. Frederic B. Smith. 383 History of New Ipswich 12. William BJ (William^, Thomas\ Thomas*, Jonathan', Jonathan^, John^), b. about 1819; d. Oct. 8, 1884; m. Mary B. Roby [d. Aug. 30, 1910]. He was a farmer and succeeded to the occupancy of the Abijah Smith farm. (34, N. D.,) after his father's death. Children : 28. i. Mary, b. 1848; m. 1864, William White. Res. in Gardner, Mass. Ten children. 29. ii. Franklin J., b. Nov. 9, 1861; m. (1) Mary B. Levine; (2) Helen Johnson. He is a machinist, and has worked as such in New Ipswich and at Chester, Vt. Children : i. Frank, d. aged six months, ii. Frederic, died. iii. Frank, iv. Perley. 26. John B.'^ (John**, Thomas^, Thomas*, Jonathan', Jona- than^, John^), b. Jan. 21, 1829; d. May 22, 1896; m. Nov. 23, 1853, Laura, dau. of Leonard and Phila (Sprague) Stone [b. Mendon, Mass., May 12, 1832; d. May 4, 1910]. He was a stonemason in New Ipswich. He lived at the Center Village in the second house southward from the school-house, and at the corner of Hills street. Children: 30. i. Eugene Roscoe, b. Nov. 16, 1857 ; unm. He was a machinist at Nashua during twenty-five years. 31. ii. John Clarence, b. May 30, 1860; m. (1) Jan. 2, 1886, Etta Batchelder of Plymouth; (2) Jan. 9, 1894, Henrietta Lord. He is a printer, for a period at Concord, and later at Wor- cester, Mass. Children, b. at Concord : i. Clarence Eugene, ii. George Lord. EVERETT. Richard' Everett, d. July 3, 1682; m. (1) Mary [d. 1643]; (2) Jan. 29, 1643, Mary Winch. He came from Dedham, England, in 1634/5 and as early as 1636 he was one of the proprietors of Dedham, Mass., which was his permanent home after 1638. He was selectman in 1661. John' (Richard'), bapt. Mar. 15, 1646; d. June 17, 1715; m. May 13, 1662, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth (Johnson) Pepper of Roxbury [b. May 25, 1645; d. Apr. 1, 1714]. He passed his life in Ded- ham and was a captain in service against the Indians. John' (John^ Richard'), b. June 9, 1676; d. Mar. 20, 1750/1; m. (1) Jan. 3, 1699/1700, Mercy Browne [b. about 1678; d. Nov. 27, 1748]; (2) Aug. 31, 1749, Mrs. Mary Bennett of Wrentham. He passed his life in Dedham, and was a selectman for several years and the first deacon of the Second church. Hon. Edward* Everett, so prominent for years in national and state matters, was his descendant by the line Ebenezer^ Oliver". Edward' (John^ John^ Richard'), b. Oct. 18, 1714; d. June 30, 1745; m. Jan. 23, 1738/9, Mary, dau. of Eleazer and Mary Battle Allen [b. Jan. 10, 1717; d. Jan. 1, 1760; m. (2) Gamaliel Gerould of Wrentham]. He res. in Dedham. 384 Everett David' (Edward', John', John', Richard'), b. Apr. 16, 1745; d. June 26, 1775; m. Oct. 27, 1767, Susannah, dau. of Stephen Rolfe [b. Feb. 22, 1743]. Res. Princeton, Mass. He entered service at the opening of the Revolutionary War, was engaged in the battle of Bunker Hill and died while in service. Three of his children were resident in New Ipswich. 1. Olivia^ (David^ Edward*, John^, John^, Richard^), b. July 22, 1768; d. Dayton, O. ; m. Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Priscilla Adams of New Ipswich (W, 22). 2. David'' (David^ Edward^ John^ John^, Richard^), b. Mar. 29, 1770; d. Dec. 21, 1813; m. Dec. 23, 1799, Dorothy, dau. of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Adams) Appleton (7). He taught in New Ipswich. He graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege 1795, entered the legal profession, and practiced at Am- herst, 1801-07. Removed to Boston and engaged in editorial work on the Boston Patriot and Boston Pilot. In 1813 he removed to Marietta, O., and died within a few months. His widow returned to New Ipswich and made her home in the house which she gave the Congregational church. 3. JoHN^ (David^ Edward*, John^, John^, Richard^), b. Feb. 18, 1776; d. Aug. 25, 1859; m. (1) Jan. 7. 1801, Hannah Brooks Jones [b. Apr. 5, 1775; d. July 21, 1815]; (2) Dec. 11, 1815, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Lydia Goen [b. June 15, 1783]. He came to New Ipswich and built a woolen mill on the North Branch ; first he only dressed cloth woven elsewhere, then manufactured broadcloths and cassimeres. He continued this till 1826, and afterward started mills in Mason Village and in Templeton. He was captain of a militia company, and then of the Independent Grenadiers. Children : 4. i. John, b. Dec. 23, 1802.+ 5. ii. William Jones, b. Mar. 14, 1805; d. Enfield, Conn., Dec. 12, 1829. 6. iii. David, b. Mar. 30, 1807; d. Templeton, Aug. 27, 1849; m. (1) July 26, 1830, Catherine B. Snell [b. about 1808; d. Jan. 17, 1832]; (2) July 1, 1839, Elizabeth H. Stone [b. about 1818; m. twice after death of first husband]. 7. iv. Stephen, b. Jan. 25, 1809.-]- 8. V. Adeline, b. June 10, 1811; d. Nov. 3, 1849; m. Jan. 1, 1834, Ezra, son of Ezra and Betsy (Perley) Hyde [b. Aug. 17, 1807, at Winchendon, Mass.]. 9. vi. Julia Ann, b. Jan. 18, 1813 ; d. 1891 ; m. Sept. 30, 1837, Elihu Piper. 10. vii. George, b. May 19, 1817; d. Nov. 19, 1837. 11. viii. Charles, b. Dec. 1, 1818.+ 12. ix. Edward, b. July 29, 1820.-|- 385 History of New Ipswich 13. X. Louis, b. Nov. 16, 1822; d. Nov. 21, 1860, unm. 14. xi. Eliza, b. Feb. 28, 1825 ; d. Nov. 25, 1849, unm. 4. JoHN^ (John^ David^ Edward*, John^ John-, Richard^), b. Dec. 23, 1802; d. Nov. 15, 1857; m. Oct. 28, 1828, Ann C. Adams. Res. Templeton, Mass., and Marshall, Mich. Chil- dren: 15. i. Mary Ann Jones, b. Oct. 8, 1829. 16. ii. Frances Josephine, b. Mar. 18, 1845. 5. Stephen^ (John^, David^, Edward*, John^, John^, Rich- ard^), b. Jan. 25, 1809; d. May 27, 1867, at Dracut, Mass.; m. Sept. 16, 1832, Alma, dau. of Thaddeus and Mary (Currier) Richardson [b. Dracut, Mar. 6, 1809; d. June 22, 1881]. He was a manufacturer in Lowell and Lawrence, Mass., and Biddeford, Me. Children : 17. i. Alma Adaline, b. Sept. 23, 1833 ; d. 1856. 18. ii. George Moody Thompson, b. Nov. 18, 1837; m. Sept. 30, 1891, M. Augusta, dau. of David and Lucy Adams. Res. Law- rence, Mass. 19. iii. Hannah B., b. May 20, 1843 ; d. 1846. 20. iv. Charles William S., b. 1846; d. 1850. 11. Charles'^ (John^, David^, Edward*, John^, Tohn^, Rich- ard^), b. Dec. 1, 1818; d. Nov. 1, 1896; m. Maria P., dau. of Josiah Wheeler [b. Royalston, Mass., Sept. 10, 1821]. He was a woolen manufacturer and merchant at Otter River. Children : 21. i. Sarah Sophia, b. 1844; d. Mar. 7, 1892; m. (1) Porter B. Webber of Templeton, Mass.; (2) Oct. 16, 1877, Austin L. Bond of Greenfield, Mass. 22. ii. John Wheeler, b. 1846; d. Sept. 23, 1847. 23. iii. Mary Turner, b. 1850; d. Oct. 29, 1851. 12. Edward^ (John«, David^ Edward*, John^, John^, Rich- ardO, b. July 29, 1820; d. Oct. 24, 1853; m. June 2, 1848, Eliza Ann, dau. of Quincy and Sally Sylvester [b. Townsend, Mass., Nov. 18, 1827; m. (2) Alfred M. Adams]. He was a designer in print mills of Lowell and Lawrence, Mass. Children : 24. i. Innis F., b. Apr. 8, 1849; d. Apr. 4, 1872. 25. ii. Edward, b. Oct. 4, 1850; m. Oct. 11, 1881, Rosa M.. dau. of Charles and Anna Michallis [b. New Ulm, Minn., Aug. 26, 1859]. Res. Big Timber, Mont. Children: i. Anna Gretchen, b. Feb. 8, 1890. ii. Ines Francena, b. Jan. 15, 1893. 386 \ Fairbank FAIRBANK. Jonathan* Fairbank, m. Halifax, Yorkshire, England, May 20, 1617, Grace Smith. He came to New England in 1633 and settled at Dedham, Mass., where he built the old "Fairbanks House," which is still standing, and is believed to be the oldest dwelling house in New England which has been owned and occupied continuously by its builder and his lineal descendants to the present time. His name is one of the 125 names attached to the famous covenant which was the foundation of Dedham. Jonas' ( Jonathan'), b. Halifax, England, Mar. 6, 1624; d. Feb. 10, 1676; m. May 28, 1658, Lydia, dau. of John Prescott. He removed in 1657 from Dedham to Lancaster, Mass., where he was one of the "fathers of the town." He and his son Joshua were of the thirty residents of that town who were killed by the Indians on the same day. His widow m. (2) Elias Barron of Watertown, Groton, and Lancaster. Jabez' (Jonas', Jonathan'), b. Lancaster, Jan. 8, 1671; d. May 2, 1758; m. (1) Mary, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Houghton) Wilder [b. about 1672; d. Feb. 21, 1718]; (2) Mar. 25, 1719, Elizabeth Whitcomb [b. about Sept., 1674; d. May 11, 1755]. He was a captain in the Indian wars, and represented Lancaster in the General Court several times. Jonas* (Jabez', Jonas', Jonathan'), b. Lancaster, 1703; d. Nov. 4, 1792; m. Apr. 8, 1731, Thankful, dau. of Josiah Wheeler [bapt. Sept. 30, 1711; d. May 15, 1795]. He res. in Lancaster and was a soldier in the French and Indian wars. Josiah" (Jonas*, Jabez', Jonas', Jonathan'), b. May 22, 1734; d. May 9, 1798; m. Jan. 22, 1761, Abigail Carter [d. Nov. 20, 1815; m. (2) Dea. Samuel Wilder of Ashburnham]. He was a soldier in the Colonial and Revolutionary wars. 1. Ephraim^ (Josiah^, Jonas*, Jabez^, Jonas^, Jonathan^), b. Mar. 16, 1770; d. Sept. 11, 1837; m. May 14, 1795, Sally, dau. of James and Mary (Melvin) Chandler (7). He came to New Ipswich soon after attaining his majority and established a blacksmithy in Davis Village. His home was in the house on the eastern side of the road from Hodgkins' Corner. He re- mained in town about twenty-five years, then removed to Oak- ham, Mass., and thence a few years later to Jacksonville, 111., where they both died. Children, all born in New Ipswich : 2. i. John Barnard, b. Mar. 16, 1796.+ 3. ii. Samuel, b. Sept. 30, 1799; d. Mar. 30, 1803. 4. iii. James Chandler, b. May 24, 1801. -|- 5. iv. Ephraim Wilder, b. Oct. 31, 1804; d. Cincinnati, O., Apr. 22, 1828, unm. 6. V. Daniel Willard, b. Nov. 10, 1808; d. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 27, 1835; m. Susan West, dau. of Elijah and Susanna (Weeks) Freeman [b. Mar. 27, 1808; d. 1888; m. (2) Benjamin Larrabee, president of Middlebury College]. 7. vi. Sarah Ann, b. July 10, 1812; d. Oct. 6, 1832; m. Phineas Norton. Res. in Oakham, Mass. 387 History of New Ipswich 8. vii. Richard Hall, b. Aug. 7, 1814; d. Sept. 7, 1814. 9. viii. Martha Bacon, b. July 26, 1816; d. Sept. 14, 1838; m. Barlow Freeman. Res. in Jacksonville, 111. 2. John Barnard^ (Ephraim^ Josiah^, Jonas*, Jabez^, Jonas^, Jonathan^), b. Mar. 16, 1796; d. June 7, 1873; m. Nov. 6, 1821, Hannah Maria Cressey. He attended the Academy before leaving tow^n with his parents, and became a successful teacher. He was for a time principal of the academy at Stam- ford, Conn,, where he married. He was engaged for several years in the manufacture of hats, bonnets, and other straw goods in Oakham, Mass., and in New York, but in 1837 he removed to Illinois and became a farmer at Jacksonville, and later near Concord in that state, where he died. He was a deacon. Children : 10. i. Samuel Bacon, b. Dec. 24, 1822.+ 11. ii. James Chandler, b. Jan. 13, 1825. + 12. iii. Hannah Maria, b. May 25, 1827; d. Aug., 1829. 13. iv. Daniel Wilder, b. Apr. 27, 1829.4- 14. V. John Barnard, b. Sept. 6, 1831. + 15. vi. Hannah Maria, b. Sept. 25, 1833; d. Nov. 29, 1835. 16. vii. Sarah Maria, b. May 26, 1835 ; d. Dec. 30, 1836. 17. viii. May Amelia, b. May 14, 1838; d. Aug. 23, 1838. 18. ix. Edward Beecher, b. May 21, 1841; d. Sept. 14, 1863. 4. James Chandler'^ (Ephraim^, Josiah^, Jonas'*, Jabez^, Jonas^ Jonathan^), b. May 24, 1801; d. Mar. 31, 1877; m. June 9, 1825, Lurana, dau. of John and Susanna (Fay) Robinson, a descendant of John Robinson, the Pilgrims' pastor. He res. in Oakham, Mass. Children : 19. i. Jeremiah Robinson, b. Oct. 4, 1826; m. Nov. 9, 1856, Margaret White of New Brunswick. Child : i. Jessie, h. Nov. 27, 1860; d. July 29, 1889. 20. ii. Lurana Wilder, b. July 12, 1828; d. Oberlin, O., July 23, 1892; m. June 21, 1851, William Mellen [b. Temple, Feb. 16, 1816; d. Oberlin, O., Feb. 12, 1892]. They were mis- sionaries at Natal, South Africa, for twenty-three years, and their late life was passed at Oberlin. Nine children. 21. iii. Sarah Chandler, b. Oct. 13, 1830; m. Nov. 24, 1870, Ezra D. Batcheller. Res. at North Brookfield, Mass. 22. iv. Susan Fay, b. Dec. 29, 1832; unm. Res. at Oakham, Mass. 23. v. Martha Bacon, b. Sept. 30, 1835 ; d. Apr. 30, 1837. 24. vi. James Ephraim, b. Mar. 20, 1838; d. Oct. 14, 1838. 25. vii. John Barnard, b. Aug. 8, 1839; unm. He was a student in Amherst College at the time of the outbreak of the Civil War, left his studies, and enlisted as a private in the 36th Massachusetts Regiment. He completed his service, return- ing a major by brevet, and returned to college, graduating 388 Fairbank in 1867. He studied law in Columbia Law School, receiv- ing the degree of LL. B. in 1869. He practiced in Oakham, Mass., of which town he was selectman, member of school board, and representative. He removed to Dakota and is in legal practice at Deadwood. 26. viii. Maria Thatcher, b. Apr. 18, 1841; m. Feb. 22, 1882, Daniel Rugg [d. July 20, 1888]. Res. in Champaign, III., but after her husband's death she returned to Oakham. 27. ix. Samuel Bacon, b. Aug. 8, 1843; d. Jan. 9, 1872; m. Apr. 6, 1869, Lizzie J. Packard of Oakham. Child : i. James Packard, b. Nov. 18, 1870. 10. Samuel Bacon® (John B/, Ephraim^ Josiah^, Jonas*, Jabez^, Jonas^, Jonathan^), b. Dec. 24, 1822; d. May 31, 1898; m. (1) 1846, Abby Allen [d. 1852] ; (2) July 11, 1856, Mary Ballantine [b. Sept. 10, 1836; d. Jan. 15, 1879]. He graduated from Illinois College in 1842, and from^ Andover Theological Seminary in 1845. He went to India as a missionary of the American Board the following year, and spent his life in that service. He was stationed at Ahmednagar, Western India. He received from his Alma Mater the degree of D. D. Chil- dren : 28. i. Emily Maria, b. Nov. 21, 1846; m. 1871, Rev. Thomas Snell, a missionary of the American Board in Ceylon. Six chil- dren, all born in Ceylon. 29. ii. Mary Crocker, b. and d. July, 1847. 30. iii. John Melville, b. May 8, 1852; d. Nov., 1854. 31. iv. Anna, b. Nov. 1, 1857; m. Rev. Robert M. Woods, pastor at Hatfield, Mass. 32. V. Katie, b. May 8, 1859; m. Rev. Robert H. Hume, a missionary of the American Board at Ahmednagar. Four children. 33. vi. Melvin, b. Mar. 7, 1861 ; d. 1864. 34. vii. Henry, b. June 30, 1862; m. Sept. 16, 1886, Ruby Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Charles and Julia (Terry) Harding of Shola- pur, India [b. Bombay, India, Oct. 23, 1860; educated at Wellesley College]. He came to America at the age of ten years, prepared for college at Phillips Andover Academy, graduated from Amherst College in 1883, studied for the ministry at Yale Theological School, and returned to India as a missionary of the American Board in 1886. Children : i. Samuel Ballantine, b. Dec. 7, 1887. ii. Allen Melvin, b. Sept. 27, 1889. iii. Ruth Elizabeth, b. Feb. 29, 1892. 35. viii. Grace, b. Nov. 2, 1864. She is a kindergarten teacher. ^. ix. Edward, b. June 5, 1867; m. June 14, 1893, Mary Adelaide, dau. of Ephraim and Mary A. (Young) Caskey of Morris- town, N. J. [b. May 24, 1871]. He came to America at the age of eleven years, prepared for college at Williston Seminary, graduated from Amherst College in 1889, and 389 History of New Ipswich from Andover Theological Seminary in 1892. After a year's pastorate at Roxbury, Mass., he returned to India as a missionary of the American Board. Child : i. Adelaide Ballantine, b. Mar. 26, 1895. 37. X. James, b. June, 1870; d. 1870. 38. xi. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1871; m. June 22, 1897, William H. Hastings of Staten Island, N. Y. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke College in 1893. 39. xii. Rose, b. Aug. 1, 1874. She graduated from Smith College in 1895. 40. xiii. Mary Darling, b. Jan. 5, 1878. She graduated from Smith College in 1899. 11. James Chandler* (John B.^, Ephraim^ Josiah^, Jonas*, Jabez^, Jonas^, Jonathan^), b. Jan. 13, 1825; d. Feb. 7, 1893; m. (1) Oct. 4, 1847, Hannah B., dau. of Ebenezer Carter [d. Mar. 28, 1862] ; (2) Jan. 1, 1865, Mary Lucy, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Safford) Daniels. He went with his parents to Illinois at the age of twelve years, and spent his life in Jack- sonville or its neighborhood. He completed his Junior year at Illinois College, and then entered into mercantile business with his brother Daniel Wilder. Later in life he became a farmer. He was a director of the First National Bank of Jacksonville, and held the office of deacon. Children : 41. i. Samuel Allen, b. Jan. 13, 1850. 42. ii. Ellen Maria, b. Mar. 24, 1853; m. Oct. 7, 1873, Milton O. Matthews of Joy Prairie, 111. One child. 43. iii. Mary Amelia, b. Apr. 16, 1858; m. Aug. 26, 1890, Charles H. Smith. Two children. 44. iv. Georgia May, b. May 1, 1868. 45. V. James Edward, b. Jan. 7, 1871. 46. vi. Arthur Daniels, b. Mar. 17, 1876. 13. Daniel Wilder® (John B.'^, Ephraim®, Josiah^, Jonas*, Jabez^ Jonas^, Jonathan^), b. Apr. 27, 1829; d. Feb. 19, 1893; m. Aug. 21, 1850, Sarah, dau. of John Epler. He studied in Illinois College with a view to the ministry, but ill-health changed his plans and he became a teacher, and also a part- ner of his brother James Chandler in mercantile pursuits. He was a member of the city council of Jacksonville, 111., and also a trustee of Illinois College. Children : 47. i. Evelyn Hall, b. June 7, 1851; m. June 4, 1872, George Wyckoff Brown. Three children. 48. ii. Fanny Gertrude, b. May 22, 1854; m. Dec. 16, 1880, Edward C. Carter of Chicago, 111. Three children. 49. iii. Sarah Maria, b. Nov. 22, 1861. 390 Fairbank 14. John Barnard^ (John BJ, Ephraim^ Josiah^, Jonas*, Jabez^, Jonas^, Jonathan^), b. Sept. 6, 1831; m. (1) May 12, 1859, Emily P. Mack [d. June 12, 1860] ; (2) Aug. 31, 1863, Ruth A. Boyce [d. June 20, 1889]. He graduated from IlHnois College in 1857 and from Union Theological Seminary in 1860. He has been pastor successively in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Minnesota, returning to his early home in Jacksonville, 111., in 1902. He received the degree of D. D. from his Alma Mater in 1895. Children : 50. i. Herbert Augustus, b. Apr. 19, 1860. He res. in San Fran- cisco, Cal., where he is connected with the California Fruit Union. 51. ii. Edward Boyce, b. July 1, 1865; d. Oct. 24, 1868. 52. iii. John Wilder, b. Feb. 15, 1867; d..Feb. 9, 1890. 53. iv. Marion Emily, b. Jan. 18, 1871. She graduated from Carle- ton College in 1890. 54. V. Arthur Boyce, b. Oct. 31, 1873. FARIS. William^ Faris, b. about 1700; d. May 5, 1789; m. twice, his second wife d. 1781. He was captain in the English army in 1745, and served as late as 1759. After retiring upon half pay he lived at West Cambridge, Mass., and later at Needham, where he was a justice of the peace. 1. William^ (William^), b. about 1749; d. Oct. 22, 1814; m. Betsey, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Spaulding) Cummings (7) [d. Nov. 28, 1810]. He was probably son of his father's first marriage, and there are indications that he passed his youth in some New Ipswich family. At all events, soon after reaching the age of twenty-one he bought lot 87, A. D., where he probably lived for about fourteen years. The vestiges of a cellar long visible a quarter-mile to the westward from the site of the former Conant house on Page Hill probably mark the place of his dwelling, situated upon a road now nearly obliterated extending from the "Blanchard house," (84, A. D.,) to a point on the old "Tenney road" a little south from No. 6 school-house. His name is borne upon the roll of those march- ing from New Ipswich on the morning of April 20, 1775. About 1785 he removed to the part of Needham, Mass., which is now included in Natick, where he was a selectman and otherwise a prominent citizen. Children : 2. i. William. He settled in Natick. 3. ii. Robert Pateshall, d. 1830. He inherited the New Ipswich property, but there are no indications of his ever having 391 History of New Ipswich removed to the town. He graduated from Harvard College in 1815. He was a successful lawyer in Missouri. 4. iii. Sally, m. Michael Gay of Watertown, Mass. 5. iv. Jane, b. Jan. 11, 1788; d. Feb. 9, 1865; m. June 11, 1811, Wil- liam Fiske of Cambridge, Mass. FARNSWORTH. The town records give very little concerning this family, and the family history presents the New Ipswich branch with too many omissions and certain errors to give assurance of accuracy. It is feared that the following sketch is only approximately correct. Matthias' Farnsworth, b. about 1612; d. Jan. 21, 1688/9; m. (1) probably in England, but his wife's name is unknown; (2) Mary, dau. of George Farr of Lynn, Mass. [d. 1717]. He probably came from Farnsworth, Lancashire, England. He settled at Lynn, where his name first appears in 1657, although he may have arrived some years earlier. He removed to Groton, Mass., about 1660, where he was a weaver and also a farmer. He was a selectman in Groton and held other offices. Matthias^ (Matthias^), b. 1649, probably of first m. ; d. about 1693; m. 1681, Sarah, dau. of John' and Sarah (Eggleton) Nutting [b. May 29, 1663; m. (2) John Stone]. He passed his life in Groton, holding various town offices and serving in King Philip's war. Benjamin' (Matthias'), b. 1667; d. Aug. 15, 1733; m. 1695, Mary, dau. of Jonas and Mary (Loker) Prescott [b. Feb. 3, 1674; d. Oct. 28, 1735]. He lived in his native town, holding the office of selectman and various other offices. Ebenezer' (Matthias', Matthias'), b. about 1684; m. Apr. 17, 1707, Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua and Abigail (Tarbell) Whitney of Watertown, Mass. [b. about 1686]. Res. Groton. JosiAH^ (Matthias', Matthias'), b. Feb. 24, 1687; d. Sept., 1744; m. (1) Mar., 1719/20, Mary, dau. of Ephraim Pierce [b. Aug. 9, 1696]; (2) June 1, 1710, Mary (Green), widow of Jonathan Nutting. Res. Groton. Jonas' (Benjamin', Matthias'), b. Oct. 14, 1713; d. Dec, 1803; m. 1739, Thankful Ward of Worcester, Mass. [b. Feb. 15, 1712; d. May 1, 1799]. Matthias' (Ebenezer', Matthias', Matthias'), b. Sept. 20, 1709; d. 1796; m. (1) Feb. 24, 1730, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Shedd [b. Nov. 7, 1708; d. May 11, 1748]; (2) Azubah (Burt) [d. 1812, aged 100 years] widow of his brother Phineas, who d. 1752. Res. in Harvard, Mass. 1. Thomas* (Josiah^, JVIatthias^, IMatthias^), b. Apr. 1, 1731 ; m. (1) Elizabeth Tuttle ; (2) Nov. 12, 1753, Elizabeth Davis of Littleton, Mass. He lived in Lunenburg, Mass., whence he came to New Ipswich apparently as early as 1757, and certainly before the first town meeting after the incorporation, as at that meeting he was chosen one of the surveyors of highways. His residence continued until 1779. His home was in the northern half of the town, but its location therein 392 I Farns worth is not known. He was a revolutionary soldier, responding to the Concord call, and enlisting twice afterward. Children : 3. i. Moses, b. Jan. 17, 1750; d. Oct. 23, 1837; m. (1) Annie Wilson of Alstead [d. Aug. 29, 1790]; (2) Rohanna Reckwith Crocker. He res. for a time in Alstead, but removed, hav- ing several different places of residence, the last being Sugar Grove, Pa. He served in the Revolution in the com- pany of Capt. Isaac Farwell. 4. ii. Mary, b. Jaffrey about 1755; d. July, 1832. 5. iii. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 20, 1757; m. Daniel Emery. Two children. 6. iv. Catherine, b. Mar. 17, 1760; d. Williamstown, Vt., 1857. 7. v. Lucy, b. Apr. 16, 1762; m. thrice. Res. Mexico, N. Y., 1847. 8. vi. Hannah, b. June 7, 1767; d. 1817; m. Aug. 4, 1785, Abijah Stone. Res. St. Albans, Vt. The v^^ife of U. S. Senator Jacob CoUamer of Vermont was her daughter. 9. vii. Thomas, b. May 30, 1768; m. Feb., 1791, Dimmis Ladd. Res. Alden, N. Y. 10. viii. Rachel, b. Sept. 9, 1770. Res. Lancaster, 1847. 11. ix. Joseph, b. June 25, 1772; d. Newport, July 19, 1837; m. (1) Feb. 27, 1803, Martha Shepherd [b. Nov. 4, 1780; d. Apr. 2, 1834] ; (2) Nov. 27, 1834, Tryphena, widow of Col. Wil- liam Cheney of Newport, N. H. 12. X. Jonathan, b. Aug. 12, 1774; m. Olive Kingsbury. 13. xi. Sarah, b. June 11, 1776. Res. Alden, N. Y., 1847. 2. Daniel* (Jonas^, Benjamin^, Matthias^), b. Oct. 14, 1748. His name appears upon the tax-lists from 1772 to 1775, and he is said to have been a student in the ofifice of Judge Champney. His name is not found on the printed roll of any body of Revolutionary troops, but the former town history records that he "deserted from his company, and went over to the enemy," and that he was named in the list of those who in 1783 were forbidden to return under penalty of death. Ebenezer" (Matthias^ Ebenezer', Matthias', Matthias*), b. May 10, 1731; d. May, 1760; m. Feb. 20, 1755, Mary Nichols. Res. Boston. 14. Harbor^ (Ebenezer^, IVIatthias*, Ebenezer^, Matthias^, IMatthiasO, b. June 10, 1756; d. Mar. 5, 1826; m. Mar. 12, 1778, Lucy Hale [b. about 1758; d. Jan. 29, 1838]. His unusual name was due to his birth on a boat while approaching the shore in Boston Harbor. He lived in Harvard, Mass., and later in Stoddard, but when nearly sixty years of age he came to New Ipswich and there made the home of his later years, living for a time on the south end of XH : 4, S. R., in the east- erly house of the two formerly standing upon the north side of the old road now discontinued, and later in the most south- erly house of Smith Village, built in part, at least, by Samuel 393 IS. 16. i. ii. 17. iii. 18. iv. History of New Ipswich Foster. The list of his children is probably incomplete, and their order is uncertain. Children : Isaac. Lucy, b. about 1780; d. June 27, 1852; m. Stephen Spaulding (30). John. Asa, b. about 1786; d. June 18, 1831; m. Mar. 24, 1823, Lucy Scollay [b. Ashburnham, Mass., Mar. 31, 1768; d. Sept.. 1842]. Res. Lancaster, but was in New Ipswich, 1807-09. 19. V. Susan, b. about 1787; d. Dec. 23, 1873; m. William Blanchard (8). 20. vi. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 2, 1790; d. Oct. 18, 1863; m. Feb. 23, 1816, Mary Jane Ames [b. Hanover, Nov. 2, 1798; d. July 22, 1870]. He was a shoe dealer in Detroit, Mich. 21. vii. Nancy, m. Mar. 1, 1815, Warren Skinner of Brownville, N. Y. 22. viii. Mary, m. Sept. 10, 1818, Ichabod Robbins of Chester, Vt. Two children. 23. ix. Emily, b. July, 1799; m. Apr. 20, 1820, Andrew Conant (19). 24. X. Sally, m. Dec. 27, 1823, Jonas Stone (23). 25. Levi Farnsworth probably was a member of the fam- ily already considered, but the line of connection has not ap- peared. He married Eunice and the births of seven children are found in the New Ipswich records, which are silent in matters concerning him. Children : 26. i. Jonathan Hadley, b. Aug. 15, 1776. 27. ii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 17, 1778. 28. iii. Nathan, b. Feb. 15, 1780. 29. iv. RuFUS, b. Feb. 15, 1782. 30. v. Timothy Jones, b. Aug. 6, 1783. 31. vi. Eunice, b. Sept. 22, 1785. 32. vii. Levi, b. May 4, 1788. Samuel Farnsworth is named upon the roll of the com- pany of Capt. Robert Fletcher, 1778, which was so largely composed of New Ipswich men that his residence in the town is probable, but nothing more definite in relation to him has come to light. FARRAR. Two brothers, John and Jacob Farrar, were among the original pro- prietors of Lancaster, Mass., in 1653. There is a tradition, not entirely certain, that they came from Lancashire, England. The New Ipswich family has descended from the younger brother. Jacob' Farrar, b. 1620 or earlier ; d. Aug. 14, 1687 ; m. Ann . He had four children, whom he left with their mother in England until he had made a home for them in Lancaster, to which they came in 1658. During King Philip's War, 1675-76, two of his sons were killed and after 394 Farrar the massacre by the Indians in the latter year he with his wife, son, and daughter and her husband went to Woburn, Mass., where he passed the brief remainder of his life. Jacob' (Jacob'), b. about 1642; d. Aug. 22, 1675; m. 1668, Hannah, dau. of George and Mary Hayward of Concord, Mass. [b. Apr. 20, 1647]. He came to Lancaster about 1658, and lived there until killed by the Indians, as stated above. His widow, with her four children, returned to Concord, where the children were brought up and settled. George' (Jacob=, Jacob'), b. Aug. 17, 1670; d. May 15, 1760; m. Sept. 9, 1692, Mary Howe, probably dau. of Samuel and Mary (Wolley) Howe [b. Jan. 17, 1674; d. Apr. 12, 1761]. He became a large landowner in that part of Concord which is now Lincoln, his land being possessed by successive generations of his descendants. He was urged to settle farther in the interior of the country, and is said to have been offered one-half of the township of Southboro, Mass., for "two coppers per acre," and to have journeyed thither and examined the proposed purchase, but on his return to have declared that "it was so far off that it never could be worth anything," a remark which now seems worthy of utterance by his great-great-great-great-grandson, Artemus Ward. He was a selectman of Concord for several years. Descendants of two of his sons settled in New Ipswich. Joseph^ (George', Jacob^ Jacob'), b. Feb. 26, 1693/4; d. about 1732; m. 1715, Mary . He settled in Chelmsford. He was in "Lovewell's fight" in 1725. Samuel' (George', Jacob', Jacob'), b. Sept. 28, 1708; d. Apr. 17, 1783; m. Jan. 13, 1731/2, Lydia, dau. of Capt. Benjamin' (Humphrey') and Lydia (Minot) Barrett [b. Aug. 2, 1712; d. June 27, 1802]. His home was near the home of his boyhood, and he was one of the most influential townsmen, being at different times selectman, town clerk, and represent- ative, and also chairman of the Committee of Correspondence, member of the Middlesex Convention of August, 1774, which at so early a date clearly declared the purpose of Revolution, and also of the first Provincial Congress a few weeks later; and despite his age had a part in the prac- tical support of his belief in the "Concord Fight" the next year. He was a deacon of the church in whose building the Provincial Congress met. He owned land in New Ipswich, and four of his children settled in this town. Isaac" (Joseph*, George', Jacob', Jacob'), b. Chelmsford, Mass., Aug. 10, 1719; d. 1807; m. Mar. 1, 1743/4, Sarah Brooks. Res. in Townsend, Mass. 1. Stephen^ (Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^), b. Sept. 8, 1738 ; d. June 23, 1809 ; m. 1764, Eunice, dau. of Moses Brown of Beverly, Mass. He graduated from Harvard College in 1755, being a classmate of John Adams, second president of the United States, fitted for the ministry, and commenced preaching at New Ipswich before he had completed his twenty-first year, was called to settle in the following year, and is believed to have drawn up the covenant under which 395 History of New Ipswich a year later he organized the church over which he was first ordained pastor; this position he retained until his death, al- most half a century after his or- STEPHEN FARRAR j- • , • ■ dmation, his entire ministry somewhat exceeding that peri- MiNisTER qJ ^j^g g^Qj.y Qf j^jg pastorate is 1759 - 1809 ^ p^j.|. q£ |.j^g church history and PASTOR PATRIOT jg presented on a preceding COUNSELLOR page, but its enduring influence is evidenced by the tablet THIS TABLET placcd witli appropriate ser- is PLACED BY viccs, ouc hundred years after THE CHILDREN OF HIS PEOPLE his death, bcsidc the pulpit of TO HONOR t^^^ building which has suc- THE ABIDING POWER ccedcd the place of his minis- OF A NOBLE LIFE ^^>^- ^^^ represented the town in the Third Provincial Con- gress, held in May, 1775. His home during the greater part of his pastorate was in the house at the corner formed by the Turnpike and the road leading from the summit of the hill northward to the Mill or Starch Factory Brook, but his last few years were passed in the house built by his son Stephen a short distance to the southwest, about equally distant from .his earlier home and the old "meeting-house upon the hill." Children : 5. i. Eunice, b. Aug. 18, 1765; d. Sept. 3, 1765. 6. ii. Stephen, b. Aug. 17, 1766.-)- 7. iii. Eunice, b. Feb. 26, 1768; d. Apr., 1838; m. Peter Jones. Five children. 8. iv. James, b. June 23, 1769; d. 1812; m. Araminta Turrell. Lived in Vermont. 9. V. Isaac Brou^n, b. Mar. 27, 1771.-f- 10. vi. Samuel, b. June 30, 1772; d. 1846; m. Deming. He graduated at Harvard College, 1793; lived at or near Fair- fax, Vt. Had a large family. 11. vii. Prentice, b. Nov. 12, 1773; m. Elizabeth Osgood of Rutland, Vt. He settled in Canada. Seven children. 12. viii. Polly, b. June 26, 1775 ; m. Samuel Dakin. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1797. Five children. 13. ix. Moses, b. Mar. 12, 1777; m. Electa Turrell. 14. X. Lydia, b. Dec. 30, 1778; d. Aug., 1868; m. Mar. 6, 1800, Rev. Warren Pierce. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1799. Nine children. 15. xi. Caleb, b. June, 1780.4- 396 Farrar 16. xii. Nancy, b. June 14, 1782; m. (1) John Muzzy; (2) Hodg- kins; (3) Lovegrove. 17. xiii. Ephraim Hartwell, b. Dec. 8, 1783. + 2. James^ (Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^), b. July 24, 1741; d. July 11, 1767, unm. He came to New Ipswich after attaining his majority and settled upon VIII: 1, S. R., a short distance west from the site of the first church, burned during the temporary desertion of the town in 1748; here he com- menced the erection of the large house afterward occupied by his brother Timothy, which was occupied until the closing years of the nineteenth century before it was replaced by the present building upon the same spot. His position in the town was exceptionally honorable for so young a man, duties being intrusted to him such as were usually held by older citizens. At the time of his death he was a member of the committee for the building of the third meeting-house. 3. Rebecca^ (Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^), b. Aug. 13, 1743; d. Apr., 1829; m. Nov. 29, 1764, Dr. John Preston (3) and passed her entire life in the town. 4. Timothy^ (Samuel*, George^ Jacob^, Jacob^), b. June 28, 1747; d. Feb. 21, 1849; m. Oct. 14, 1779, Anna, dau. of Capt. Edmund Bancroft of Pepperell, Mass. [d. May 1, 1817]. He graduated from Harvard College in 1767, taught in and near Concord two or three years, came to New Ipswich as a teacher in 1770, and according to the vote of the town in the next spring he must have been the first teacher to teach in all the districts in succession, the grammar scholars from the entire town being supposed to follow him around from district to district. He soon became the possessor of the land upon which his brother James had begun to build. In 1774 he had not only the lot but also a part of each of the lots adjoining it upon the east and west. And now, at the age of twenty- seven years, his fellow citizens seem to have begun to recog- nize a broader ability to be employed in public matters, and gave him a responsible duty as chairman of a committee to protest and finally to refuse payment of a tax held to have been unjustly assessed by the King's justices sitting as a Court of Sessions. In 1774 he was chosen first selectman. His military experience was comprised in five days' service at the time of the Concord alarm. The Revolutionary government of the state, consisting of a Provincial Congress in session at 397 History of New Ipswich Exeter, acting in conjunction with the Committees of Corres- pondence, on the same day issued to him a commission as major in the Minute-men then being- enrolled and comprising about one-fourth of the militia of the state, and also appointed him Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, with a request that he would accept the latter as being the most difficult to fill. With this request he complied and held the position for six- teen years, when his judicial success was recognized by an appointment to the Supreme Bench of the state as associate justice, and eleven years later as chief justice. This last ap- pointment, however, he accepted with reluctance, and retained only a single year, but in 1803, having resigned his seat on the Supreme Bench, he was reappointed to the Court of Common Pleas of his own county. Here he presided for ten years, which with three years in a newly formed judicial circuit comprising three counties, completed a period of over forty years devoted to judicial service. The value of that service is perhaps sufficiently evidenced by the statement of Daniel Webster that he "never knew a judge more calm, dispassion- ate, impartial, and attentive, or more anxious to discover truth and to do justice." He seemed to feel that his judicial duties left no place for partisan activities, and although re- peatedly urged to be a candidate for election to Congress and to the governorship of the state he constantly refused, and declined office when once elected to represent the town in the Legislature. He made an exception, however, of the brief duties of a Presidential Elector, which he performed four times, perhaps having a diflFerent feeling in that matter on account of the strenuous endeavors which he had felt called to undertake in the critical year when it was to be decided that the several states were really to form a nation. An apparently reliable tradition concerning this critical period perhaps rightly has place here. In June, 1788, the prospect of the adoption of the Federal constitution was by no means bright. Eight states had accepted it, but the ninth one, necessary to make the pre- vious ones effective, was very doubtful. The New Hampshire convention was in session, and was not far from evenly divided on the question. Judge Farrar was not a member of the con- vention, but his Federal belief was too strong to permit him to rest without putting forth all his logical and persuasive powers to influence the decision. He seems to have been 398 I Farrar unable to move the New Ipswich delegate, Charles Barrett, who was an Anti-Federalist in belief, but tradition declares that at that time he was said to have convinced a sufficient number of the delegates of the absolute necessity of a real union in place of an hardly more than nominal confederation, and that the resulting vote was 57 to 47. When it was re- I membered that four days later Virginia, the largest of the j thirteen states, by the earnest labor of James Madison decided ; in the same way, and a month later the eminently potent ef- j forts of Alexander Hamilton barely won the approval in New j York by a very small majority, without which the union in ' name would have been geographically disunited, it seems that the three names of Madison, Hamilton, and Farrar stand locked together in the efiforts of a national birth. Judge Farrar's public life closed in 1816, and at the age of sixty-nine years he retired to his farm, his books, and an honorable ease. His latest years were passed at the home of his daughter in Hollis, where he died at the age of one hundred and one years, seven months, and twenty-four days. In 1847, when he had lived a few days more than a century, his Alma Mater bestowed upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws, which without doubt pleased him, but which educed only the remark, "They have given me a feather to stick in my night- cap." Children : 18. i. Anna, b. Mar. 31, 1785; d. Oct. 7, 1789. 19. ii. Timothy, b. Mar. 17, 1788.-1- 20. iii. Lucy, b. Dec. 6, 1789; d. Jan. 21, 1873; m. (1) Aug. 10, 1812, Rev. Richard Hall [b. Aug., 1784; d. July 13, 1824]; (2) June 6, 1826, Rev. Joseph W. Clary. 21. iv. Anna, b. Nov. 22, 1791; d. Feb. 15, 1825; m. Sept. 1, 1813, Rev. Joseph W. Clary. 22. V. Eliza, b. May 19, 1794 ; d. Oct. 25, 1861 ; m. Nov. 8, 1838, Oliver, son of Oliver and Jane Scripture [b. June 16, 1783 ; d. Nov. 7, I860]. He w^as a physician in Hollis. Mr. Hall and Mr. Clary, the sons-in-law of Judge Farrar, as given above, w^ere intimate friends, classmates, and roommates at Middlebury College and Andover Theological Seminary; their ordinations, the former at New Ipswich and the latter at Dover, were separated by only a few weeks, their marriages by about a year, and the close of their family lives by death only a few months. The later marriage of Mr. Clary and Mrs. Hall formed a single family of the two, and seems to demand a modification of the usual forms of record in the presentation of the fam- ilies below. Children of Richard and Lucy (Farrar) Hall: i. Richard Hall, b. July 1, 1815; d. Dec. 31, 1815. 399 History of New Ipswich ii. Richard Hall, b. Aug. 6, 1817; d. about 1907; m. Sept., 1850, Elizabeth Chapin. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1847 ; studied at Union Theological Seminary, was or- dained at New Ipswich in 1850, and entered upon home missionary work in Minnesota, to which he devoted himself with eminent success throughout a long life. iii. Horace Hall, b. Apr. 6, 1819 ; d. Feb. 27, 1842. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1839, and was a theological student and a teacher. iv. William Hall, b. Mar. 11, 1812; d. June 15, 1845. V. Lucy Farrar Hall, b. Jan. 1, 1823; d. July 16, 1870; m. George Buck of Hartford, Conn. Seven children. Children of Joseph W. and Anna (Farrar) Clary: i. Joseph Ward Clary, b. June 28, 1815; d. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 11, 1859. ii. Timothy Farrar Clary, b. Apr. 25, 1817; m. Nov. 17, 1852, Sarah S. Willard of Oxford. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1841 and became a minister. Five chil- dren. iii. Edward Warren Clary, b. Nov. 6, 1819; d. June 16, 18.52; m. Aug. 17, 1847, Charlotte Russell. Two children. iv. Anna Farrar Clary, b. Feb. 6, 1822; m. Sept. 20, 1854, Henry Walter of New Britain, Conn. V. William Clary, b. Jan. 3, 1824; d. Feb. 15, 1826. Children of Joseph W. and Lucy (Farrar) Clary: i. Eliza Farrar Clary, b. Mar. 23, 1827; unm. Res. in Connec- ticut. ii. George Clary, b. Apr. 13, 1829; m. Dec. 5, 1867, Mary Rebecca Dorance. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1852, studied medicine, and was a physician at New Britain, Conn. Four children. Isaac" (Isaac", Joseph^ George', Jacob^ Jacob'), b. 1760; d. 1840; m. Nov. 30, 1786, Hannah, dau. of Rev. Dix of Townsend, Mass. [b. May 29, 1766]. He removed from Townsend to Hillsboro in 1798, and remained there until his death. 6. Stephen® (Stephen^, Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^), b. Aug. 17, 1766; d. Oct. 14, 1829; m. Oct. 11, 1795, Nancy Morse [b. about 1776; d. Feb. 22, 1854]. He lived in New Ipswich until the middle of his life, and for a time at least was proprietor of the mill half a mile north of the meeting- house, which was probably the first in town fitted for the pro- duction of wheat flour. He built the house situated in a north- west direction from the meeting-house of those days, occu- pied for a considerable time in later years by Dr. F. N. Gibson. He afterward lived in Groton, but returned to New Ipswich before his death. Children : 24. i. Louisa, b. 1797; m. 1815, Daniel Smith. Three sons. 400 25. ii. 26. iii. 27. iv. 28. V. 29. vi. 30. vii. 31. viii Farrar Ann, b. Apr., 1800. Laura, b. Nov. 24, 1802; m. Sept. 23, 1826, Jabez Pratt of Boston. Two sons. Mary Ann, b. Mar. 2, 1804; m. John Higgins. Stephen Franklin, b. 1806; m. Catherine Jones. John Morse, b. 1815. George, b. 1817. Prentice, b. 1819; d. 1820. 9. Isaac Brown® (Stephen^, Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^, b. Mar. 27, 1771 ; d. 1838; m. Anna, dau. of Dr. Ebene- zer Lawrence of Pepperell, Mass. He lived in New Ipswich for a few years after reaching manhood, and had a tavern, and perhaps a store also, in a large one-story house previously occupied for the same purposes by Jonathan Dix, on the spot afterward occupied by the home of Rev. Mr. Lee near the foot of the Academy grounds. He then moved to Enosburg, Vt., of which town, organized in 1798, he was the first clerk. He had a large family, but the names of only the following have been found. Children : Betsy Lawrence, b. June 26, 1796. Anna Fisk, b. June 4, 1798. She was the first child born in Fairfax. Ebenezer Lawrence. Lived in Burlington, Vt. Stephen, m. Anna, dau. of John and Nancy (16) (Farrar) Muzzy. 36. V. Ephraim Hartwell, b. Sept. 20, 1808. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1831. 2)7. vi. Isaac B., m. Eveline Farrar (38) of Middlebury, Vt. 15. Caleb*^ (Stephen^, Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^), b. June, 1780; d. Tune, 1849; m. Mar. 25, 1804, Sarah Parker (S. 13). Res. Middlebury, Vt. Children: 38. i. Eveline, m. Isaac B. Farrar (37) of Fairfax, Vt. 39. ii. Edward William, d. May 15, 1845. 40. iii. Clarissa R., m. Daniel West of New Haven, Vt. 41. iv. Louisa, b. Mar. 5, 1816; d. Oct. 8, 1838. 42. v. Henry Brown, b. Mar. 3, 1818. He graduated from Middle- bury College in 1841 and removed to North Carolina. 43. vi. Martha, b. 1820; m. 1849, Philander V. Hathaway. 44. vii. George Parker, b. 1822. He was a merchant in Manchester, N. H. 17. Ephraim Hartwell^ (Stephen^, Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, Jacob^), b. Dec. 8, 1783; d. Jan. 8, 1851 ; m. 1826, Phebe Parker (S. 14), widow of Jonas C. Champney. In early man- hood he went to Boston, where he taught for nearly twenty years, returning to his native town a year or two before his 401 27 32. i. 2>Z. ii. 34. iii. 35. iv. History of New Ipswich marriage, and living in the house which had been the home of his father's last years and of his widowed mother. He held the office of town clerk for fourteen years, and was a trustee of the Academy until his death. Child: 45. i. Sarah Eunice, b. Aug., 1827; d. Mar. 18, 1867. She was a successful teacher for several years in Buffalo, N. Y., and for shorter periods in New Ipswich Appleton Academy and elsewhere. 19. Timothy^ (Timothy^, Samuel*, George^, Jacob^, jacob^). b. Mar. 17, 1788; d. Oct. 27, 1874; m. Sept. 14, 1817, Sarah Adams of Portsmouth, N. H. [b. May 22, 1789; d. June 30, 1875]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1807, studied law in the office of Daniel Webster, was admitted to the bar in 1810, and commenced the practice of his profession in New Ipswich, where he remained only about three years before he removed to Portsmouth and became a partner of Mr. Webster for an equal length of time. He remained in practice at Ports- mouth until 1822, and this was followed by a few years' ser- vice as secretary and treasurer of Dartmouth College and by nine years upon the bench of the Court of Common Pleas. The remainder of his life was devoted to his legal practice and various business relations, the latter including the work of eight years as cashier of a bank in Exeter, N. H. His home after 1844 was in Boston, from which city he was sent as rep- resentative to the General Court. Perhaps, however, his work which will be longest remembered is his "Manual of the Con- stitution," which he wrote after attaining the full age of three- score years and ten with the purpose of counteracting in some degree the perversions of the intent of that instrument at that period in the interests of slavery, and which at once received the fullest recognition in legal circles. Like his father, he re- ceived the degree of LL. D. from his Alma Mater. Children : 46. i. Anna Bancroft, b. May 20, 1819; d. Nov. 3, 1909; m. Jan. 25, 1842, Edward Crane. Res. in Boston. Children : i. Timothy Farrar Crane, b. Feb. 8, 1843. ii. Mary Orpah Crane, b. Oct. 27, 1844; m. George S. Jackson, iii. Edivard Barrows Crane, b. May 8, 1849; d. May 4, 1911. 47. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sept. 15, 1820; m. May 16, 1848, Wil- liam Burke, a physician of New York city. Children : i. William Craige Burke, b. Oct. 18, 1851. ii. Timothy Farrar Burke, b. Feb. 27, 1855. iii. Anna Burke, b. Dec. 28, 1857. iv. Frederick White Burke, b. Sept. 13, 1862. 402 Farrar 23. Mark^ (Isaac^ Isaac^ Joseph*, George^ Jacob^, Ja- cob^), b. Feb. 15, 1804; d. May 8, 1888; m. May 16, 1839, Ann (27) Wilson. He came from Hillsboro to New Ipswich in 1839, and was a farmer living at the corner of the Temple and old Greenville roads, (26, N. D.,) until about 1865, when he removed to Grafton, Mass. Children : 48. i. Charles Augustus, b. May 24 1840; d. Sept. 20, 1855. 49. ii. Harriet Adeline, b. Dec. 6, 1843; m. Nov. 20, 1866, George Augustus Fay, a farmer of Grafton, Mass. Four children. 50. iii. Anna Maria, b. Dec. 22, 1849; m. June 2, 1872, Jefferson A. Dea of Shrewsbury, Mass. Two children. FARWELL. . Daniel* Far well, m. Mary Pftf lt c rr Edmund' (Daniel'), b. Groton, Mass., July 13, 1750; d. Mar., 1843; m. July 8, 1775, Mary Russell [b. Sept. 19, 1753; d. Dec. U, 1833]. 1. Daniel^ (Edmund^, Daniel^), b. New Ipswich, May 6, 1780; d. July 19, 1825; m. at Harvard, Mass., 1807, Susan, dau. of Joel Estabrooks [b. 1786; d. Sept. 14, 1853]. Children: 2. i. Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1807; d. Aug. 2, 1887; m. Apr. 15, 1828, Bezaleel Keith. Five children. 3. ii. LuciNDA, b. Sept. 12, 1809; d. June 10, 1813. 4. iii. Russell, b. June 10, 1813.+ 5. iv. Sophia, b. Aug. 11, 1815. + 6. V. Daniel, b. Feb. 27, 1820.+ 7. vi. Royal Estabrooks, b. Oct. 1, 1824.+ 4. Russell* (DanieP, Edmund^, DanieF), b. June 10, 1813; d. Jan. 28, 1899; m. Aug. 2, 1837, Lucy, dau. of Zebedee Tay- lor. Children : 8. i. Emily, b. Jan. 19, 1839; d. Jan. 27, 1895. 9. ii. Almeda, b. Jan. 23, 1845; m. Oct. 1, 1899, Levi E. Ferrin [b. 1836; d. Nov. 30, 1904]. 5. Sophia* (DanieP, Edmund^, DanieP), b. Aug. 11, 1815; d. May 22, 1891 ; m. May 10, 1837, Jonathan Russell. Children : i. James Russell, b. May 21, 1838. ii. Jason Russell, b. Feb. 20, 1840. iii. Samuel Howard Russell, b. May 23, 1842; d. Nov. 28, 1880. 6. Daniel* (DanieP, EdmundS Daniel), b. Feb. 27, 1820; d. Feb. 4, 1892; m. Nov. 21, 1844, Lucinda Giles (12). Chil- dren: 10. i. James Hildreth, b. May 16, 1847; d. Feb. 18, 1909; m. Oct. 8, 1874, Emma A. Barrett of Zumbrota. Children : i. Albert B., b. Feb. 10, 1881. ii. Edith L., b. Oct. 10, 1884. 403 History of New Ipswich 11. ii. John Bartlett, b. July 29, 1848; m. Mar. 31, 1878, Annie C Coleman [d. Oct. 26, 1908]. Children: i. Irving Edgar, b. Sept. 10, 1879. ii. Edna Marden, b. Oct. 31, 1886. 12. iii. Lucy Ann, b. Mar. 16, 1852; m. Sept. 17, 1878, Milo Phelps. One child. 7. Royal E.^ (DanieP, Edmund^, DanieP), b. Oct. 1, 1824: d. July 4, 1908; m. (1) Sept., 1846, Sarah, dau. of John and Rebecca (Newhall) Walcott of Pepperell, Mass. [d. Oct. 11. 1861] ; (2) Dec. 25, 1862, Martha (Walcott) Stoddard, sister of the first wife. Children : 13. i. Elizabeth J., b. Jan. 7, 1852 ; d. Mar. 10, 1907 ; m. 1875, John H. Peabody. 14. ii. Hattie, b. Jan. 22, 1854 ; d. Oct. 22, 1857. 15. iii. Mary W., b. Dec. 18, 1859; m. Charles F. Willey. 16. iv. Edwin, b. Aug. 21, 1861 ; m. Oct. 7, 1885, Mildred Bent. Five children. FELT. George* Felt, b. 1601 ; d. 1693 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of widow Prudence Wilkinson [d. 1694]. He came from England to Salem in 1628, the fol- lowing year removed to Charlestown, then only a year old, and a little after 1640 to North Yarmouth, Me., where he lived for forty years, then returning to his former home in that part of Charlestown which is now Maiden, where he died. Moses^ (George*), b. about 1651; m. Lydia probably. He lived in the region of North Yarmouth, Me., for fifty years, but passed the later part of his life in "Rumney Marsh," which is now Chelsea, Mass. Aaron' (Moses', George*), d. about 1769; m. (1) Dec. 25, 1739, Mary Wyatt of Lynn, Mass.; (2) Jan. 22, 1765, Hannah Atwell [d. about 1769]. He was a husbandman and cooper at Lynn the greater part of his life. Aaron" _(Aaron^ Moses'. George*), b. Sept. 1, 1742; d. July, 1801; m. (1) Reading, Mass., May 21, 1766, Tabitha, dau. of William and Lydia Upton [b. Mar. 20, 1745 ; d. 1769] ; (2) Jan. 21, 1791, Azubah Weston of Townsend, Mass. [d. Aug. 18, 1837]. On attaining his majority he re- moved to Temple, and there passed his life as a farmer and tavern- keeper. He was a selectman. He had thirteen children. Peter" (Aaron', Moses', George*), b. Nov. 3, 1745; d. Jan. 2, 1817; m. (1) Nov. 8, 1769, Lucy, dau. of Jeremiah and Lucy Andrews of Ips- wich, Mass. \h. Nov. 24, 1748; d. Mar. 26, 1805] ; (2) Mar. 21, 1809, Mrs. Polly Gilmore of Jaflfrey. About 1763 he settled in Temple, and there remained until his death. He was a shoemaker, gave service in the Revolutionary war, and had seventeen children. 1. Daniel^ (Aaron*, Aaron^, Moses^, George^), b. Sept. 26, 1799; d. Sept. 22, 1882; m. Apr. 18, 1826, Eliza, dau. of Josiah Taylor of Temple [b. Harvard, Mass., June 27, 1806; d. Mar. 4, 1876]. At the time of his marriage he settled in New Tps- 404 Felt wich on the "Cutter farm," (28, N. D.,) and there his four oldest children were born, but about 1833 he returned to his native town, where he was a farmer. He was a selectman, and also represented Temple in the Legislature. Children : 4. i. Charles Walker, b. Mar. 24, 1828; d. May 18, 1891; m. Feb. 13, 1855, Harriet Angeline, dau. of Augustus and Judith (Hyde) Harris. He was a traveling dealer in Yankee notions for some years, and later a wholesale dealer in flour at Boston. Eight children : 5. ii. Emily Maria Barrett, b. Apr. 17, 1830. A teacher at Platte- ville, Wis. 6. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26, 1832; d. Dec. 13, 1845. 7. iv. George Daniel, b. May 15, 1835; d. Nov. 6, 1862. He enlisted in the 2d New Hampshire Regiment and was fatally wounded in the second battle of Bull Run. 8. V. Sarah Adeline, b. Nov. 24, 1837. Res. Beloit, Wis. 9. vi. Edward Augustus, b. Sept. 15, 1840; d. Dec. 30, 1840. 10. vii. Edward Wilson, b. Dec. 1, 1841 ; d. Feb. 8, 1863. He enlisted in the 10th New Hampshire Regiment and died of disease while in service. 11. viii. Louis Webster, b. Dec. 31, 1844; m. Mar. 9, 1871, Frances Rebecca, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Mouton) Odion. He succeeded to the home farm in Temple. Two children. 12. ix. Elizabeth Taylor, b. May 18, 1847; m. May 13, 1869, Rev. Sullivan French Gale. Res. in Georgia and Florida. Five children. 13. X. Mary Frances, b. Aug. 29, 1850. Res. Ravenswood, 111. 2. Peter^ (Peter*, Aaron^, Moses^ George^), b. Dec. 1, 1784; d. Quincy, 111, July 31, 1866; m. (1) June 5, 1807, Polly Fletcher (66) ; (2) Jan. 7, 1841, Alice (Morey) Towne [d. Oct. 11, 1882]. He lived in Smith Village from 1806 to 1830, and had his store at the foot of the hill, his dwelling being the house now gone but then standing a short distance up the hill and across the street. He was an energetic man, and had an interest in the cotton factory established on the waterpower since utilized by the Walker furniture and turning industries. He was a trustee of the Academy and held the office of select- man for several years. He removed to Quincy, 111., and twenty years later to Columbus in the same state. Children : 14. i. Mary, b. Feb. 21, 1808; m. Nov. 26, 1829, Rev. Seth, son of Seth H. and Fanny (Carver) Keeler of Brandon, Vt., who was pastor in various places in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Seven children. 15. ii. Albert, b. Apr. 15, 1810; d. Quincy, 111., Nov. 17, 1874; m. (1) Jan. 2, 1835, Sarah, dau. of Cyrus Field [d. Nov. 9, 1865] ; (2) Aug. 13, 1868, Mrs. Carrie B. Sartel [d. Oct. 13, 1872]. Res. Quincy, 111. Eight children. 405 History of New Ipswich 16. iii. Adaline, b. Sept. 15, 1812; d. Mar. 17, 1880; m. Mar. 28, 1833, Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Polly Sumner Turner, a farmer near Quincy, 111. Nine children. 17. iv. Jeremiah Andrews, b. June 17, 1814; d. July 23, 1816. 18. V. Jeremiah Andrews, b. May 2, 1817; m. Dec. 5, 1839, Adriana, dau. of Matthias and Lydia (Chandler) Leach, a farmer in Quincy and Galesburg, 111. Nine children. 19. vi. Charles Milton, b. Oct. 11, 1819; m. Oct. 15, 1840, Britannia, dau. of Sylvester and Rebecca (Hoyt) Hecox, a farmer at Galesburg, 111. Twelve children. 20. vii. Caroline Augusta, b. June 14, 1823; d. Nov. 23, 1828. 21. viii. George, b. Oct. 28, 1825; d. Nov. 14, 1828. 22. ix. Edward Aurelius, b. May 14, 1828. 23. X. Peter Francis, b. Aug. 24, 1843; m. May 12, 1864, Mary Louisa, dau. of Charles D. and Elizabeth (Payne) Seaton of Columbus, 111. He served during the Civil War in the 38th and 137th Illinois Regiments, was captured and held prisoner several months. He was a dealer in furniture and agricultural implements at Laclede, Mo. Eight children. 3. Thomas^ (Peter*, Aaron^, Moses^, George^), b. Aug. 10, 1791; d. Newburyport, Mass., Nov., 1842; m. Sybil Jefts of Mason. He lived for several years in the southeast part of the town, probably between the mills and Mason line. Children : 24. i. Lucius Galvan, b. in Temple, Aug. 16, 1815. 25. ii. Alney Orville, b. Apr. 24, 1818. 26. iii. Parnal Crombie, b. Apr. 30, 1820. 27. iv. Alonzo Montgomery, b. June 10, 1823. 28. v. Gilbert Hambledon, b. Oct. 30, 1825. The tax-lists of the town present the names of several other citizens bearing the name of Felt, and probably members of this family, the large families of the two brothers Aaron and Peter settling at an early date in Temple presenting names which may well be believed to denote these unlocated residents of New Ipswich, but a correct line of relation- ship is not easily determined in respect to those residents, of whom little is known except their names. FISKE. Nathan* Fiske, b. Weybred, Suffolk, England, about 1615; d. June 21, 1676; m. Susanna . He came to Watertown, Mass., in 1642, and there lived. He was a selectman. Nathan' ( Nathan'), b. Watertown, Oct. 17, 1642; d. May 15, 1696; m. Elizabeth Fry. He was a selectman at Watertown several years, and also a lieutenant. Nathan' (Nathan^ Nathan'), b. Jan. 3, 1672; d. Jan. 26, 1741; m. (1) Oct. 14, 1696, Sarah, dau. of Ensign John Coolidge [d. Nov. 27, 1723] ; (2) Hannah, dau. of Simon Coolidge and widow of Daniel Smith, Jr. [b. Dec. 7, 1671; d. Oct. 4, 1750]. He was a selectman at Watertown for several years, also town clerk, town treasurer, and representative. He was a deacon. 406 Fiske JosiAH* (Nathan', Nathan^ Nathan'), b. Oct. 10, 1704; d. Oct. 27, 1778; m. Sarah, dau. of John and Anne (Tarbell) Lawrence of Lexing- ton, Mass. [b. June 20, 1708; d. 1798]. Res. Watertown, Waltham, Gro- ton, and Pepperell. He was town clerk at Groton and Pepperell. Josiah" (Josiah', Nathan', Nathan', Nathan'), b. Waltham, Feb. 12, 1733; d. Apr. 14, 1766; m. Sarah Colburn of Dracut, Mass. [b. 1737; d. 1825; m. (2) Levi Blood of Groton, Mass.]. Res. Groton. Josiah' (Josiah', Josiah', Nathan', Nathan', Nathan'), b. Sept. 3, 1755; d. May 29, 1832; m. Nov. 25, 1779, Mary Caldwell of Cambridge, Mass., [b. Apr. 20, 1755; d. Dec. 25, 1834]. He served in the Revolution. In 1784 he removed from Pepperell to Temple. Four of his children lived in New Ipswich. 1. JosiAH^ (Josiah®, Josiah^ Josiah*, Nathan^, Nathan^, Nathan^), b. Pepperell, Nov. 14, 1781; d. July 19, 1817; m. Betsey Kimball of Temple [b. about 1786; d. June 21, 1866]. He lived in Temple until 1808, when he removed to Andover, Vt., but returned in about five years, and passed the last four years of his life in New Ipswich, for a part of the time on the Briant place, southward from Col. Reuben Kidder's home, (46, N. D.,) but before that apparently a little farther to the east. He lost his life at Medford, ]\lass., where he was acci- dentally drowned. Children : 5. i. Eliza, b. Nov. 2, 1802; m. Benjamin F. Stevens of Mason. Removed to Osage, Iowa. Five children. 6. ii. Mary, b. July 20, 1804; m. Simon Farrar of Temple. Re- moved to New York city. Three children. 7. iii. Jeremiah, b. Jan. 4, 1807; d. Jan. 28, 1830, unm. 8. iv. Prescott, b. Dec. 22, 1808; m. Elizabeth F. Vickery of He- bron, N. H. Res. Boston. Two children. 9. V. Alonzo, b. June 24, 1811; m. Rebecca Locke of Boston. Two children. 10. vi. George Kimball, b. Aug. 28, 1813; d. Oct. 10, 1849, unm. 11. vii. Abigail Raymond, b. July 21, 1816; m. Isaac D. Brower of New York city. Four children. 2. Sally^ (Josiah^ Josiah^, Josiah*, Nathan^, Nathan^, Nathan^), b. Feb. 25, 1788; d. Sept. 27, 1863; m. Nov., 1808, Earl Boynton (4). 3. Artemas'' (Josiah®, Josiah^, Josiah*, Nathan^, Nathan-, Nathan^), b. Sept. 11, 1792; d. Mar. 26, 1829; m. Apr. 6, 1819, Lucy Jones of Templeton, JVIass. [b. June 29, 1799; d. Jan. 20, 1884]. He came to New Ipswich in early manhood and was a farmer on the Archibald White farm, (55, N. D.) Children : 12. i. Charles Adams, b. Oct. 29, 1820; m. Dec. 30, 1841, Sylvia C Fuller of Summit, Pa. Res. Hayfield, Pa. A carpenter and farmer. Children: i. Charles Anthony, b. Oct. 1, 1849; m. 407 History of New Ipswich Ella A. Morse, ii. Royal Alonso, b. Sept. 7, 1851; m. Ida Satterlee. iii. Benjamin Wooster, b. Aug. 5, 1853; m. Oris McGalrey. 13. ii. Lucy, b. June 15, 1822; d. Nov. 24, 1889; m. Oct. 19, 1843, James A. Tyler of Conneautville. Pa. Two children. 4. David^ (Josiah^ Josiah^, Josiah*, Nathan^ Nathan^ Nathan^), b. Jan. 12, 1797; d. Nov. 26, 1880; m. Milly Sheldon [b. Jan. 5, 1798; d. Mar. 10, 1884]. He was a farmer in New Ipswich on the farm at the corner of the Temple and the North Greenville roads for several years after attaining his majority, and then removed to Oxford, N. Y. Children : 14. i. Horace, b. July 23, 1829; m. Oct. 30, 1850, Martha Padgett [b. 1831; d. May 15, 1872]. A farmer at Oxford, N. Y. Children: i. Sheldon W., b. Dec. 6, 1851; m. Feb. 22, 1877, Sarah R. Jones; res. Oxford and De Ruyter, N. Y. ii. Charles H., b. May 30, 1853; m. Nov. 10, 1874, Alice Sweet; res. Oxford, N. Y. iii. James V., b. Dec. 16, 1855; d. Sept. 14, 1879. 15. ii. Emily, b. Feb. 25, 1833; m. Dec. 31, 1857, Joseph Esterbrook, a blacksmith at Oxford, N. Y. Five children. 16. iii. Lucy Ann, b. Feb. 3, 1823; m. June 9, 1853, Charles E. Pea- cock. Res. Norwich, N. Y. Three children. 17. iv. Lydia p., b. 1827; d. Feb. 12, 1868; m. Dec, 1854, Chauncey H. Barstow. Five children. FLETCHER. Robert^ Fletcher, b. 1592; d. Apr. 13, 1677. With his wife, whose name is not known, and three children, he came from England, it is be- lieved from Wiltshire, in 1630, and settled in Concord, Mass., probably in the part which is now Acton, where he became a wealthy and influential citizen. William' (Robert'), b. England, 1622; d. Nov. 6, 1677; m. Oct. 7, 1645, Lydia Bates [d. Oct. 12, 1704]. He settled in Chelmsford, where he was a large landowner, possessing much of the present site of Lowell. His farm near the Chelmsford meeting-house remained in the possession of his descendants and was recently owned by a member of the eighth generation. Samuel' (Robert*), b. 1632; d. Dec. 9, 1697; m. Oct. 14, 1659, Marga- ret Hailston. He lived in that part of Chelmsford which is now Westford. Francis' (Robert'), b. 1636; m. Aug. 1, 1656, Elizabeth, dau. of George and Katherine Wheeler [d. June 14, 1704]. He remained with his father in Concord, where he held much land. Joshua' (William', Robert'), b. Mar. 30, 1648; d. Nov. 21, 1713; m. (1) May 4, 1668, Grissles Jewell [d. Jan. 16, 1682]; (2) July 18, 1682, Sarah Willy. He lived in Chelmsford. Paul' (William', Robert'), d. Jan. 8, 1736; m. Apr. 12, 1705, Deliver- ance Stevens. Res. in Chelmsford, where he was a deacon. 408 Fletcher Samuel' (William', Robert'), b. July 23, 1664; m. (1) Hannah [d. Dec. 11, 1697]; (2) June 7, 1699, Sarah Bale of Concord [d. Apr. 29. 1703] ; (3) Dec. 20, 1708, Elizabeth Proctor of Chelmsford. William^ (Samuel^ Robert'), b. Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1671; d. about 1743; m. Dec. 10, 1701, Mary . His home was in Chelmsford. Samuel' (Francis^ Robert'), b. Aug. 6, 1657; d. Oct. 23, 1714; m. Apr. 15, 1682, Elizabeth Wheeler [d. Oct. 26, 1734]. He was a respected citizen of Concord, being a selectman during several years and town clerk for a considerable period. Joseph' (Francis', Robert'), b. Apr. 15, 1661; m. June 17, 1688, Mary Dudley [d. Apr. 27, 1705]. Joshua' (Joshua', William', Robert'), b. about 1669; d. Oct. 19, 1732; m. about 1700, Dorothy Hale [b. Scotland; d. Aug. 20, 1770]. He lived in that part of Chelmsford which in 1729 was set off to form Westford, and he was the first clerk of the new town. Joseph' (Joshua', William', Robert'), b. June 10, 1689; d. Oct. 4, 1772; m. Nov. 17, 1712, Sarah Adams of Concord [b. 1691; d. Apr. 24, 1761]. He lived in Westford, where he had the title of captain. Timothy' (Paul', William', Robert'), b. Sept. 30, 1707; d. May 7, 1780; m. Mary . He was a man of varied activities, being a cooper and also a farmer, and he carried on a little store. His life was passed in Westford. He held commission as lieutenant, serving in that capacity in the French and Indian War. William' (Samuel', William', Robert'), b. Oct. 23, 1693; d. Jan. 27, 1741/2; m. Mary . He spent his life in his native Chelmsford, although by its division his home was located in the north part of West- ford. William' (William', Samuel', Robert'), b. 1702; d. Sept. 22, 1784; m. (1) Nov. 16, 1731, Elizabeth Remington; (2) June 22, 1762, Susanna (Fassett) Fletcher, widow of Zachariah Fletcher, son of Joshua' [b. about 1718; d. June 30, 1763]. His home, like that of the preceding, was in Chelmsford and Westford. He had eleven children, of whom Lydia, bapt. Feb. 22, 1741, m. Dec. 28, 1769, Silas (1) Richardson of New Ipswich. Samuel' (William', Samuel', Robert'), b. 1707; d. Mar. 11, 1780; m. Sept. 17, 1729, Mary, dau. of Eleazer and Mary Lawrence of Littleton, Mass. [b. about 1710; d. Dec. 4, 1780]. He was a large landowner in Westford, where he lived. He had the rank of captain. Joseph* (Samuel', Francis', Robert'), b. Concord, Mar. 26, 1686; d. Sept. 11, 1746; m. (1) Dec. 20, 1704, Elizabeth Carter; (2) July 11, 1711, Hepzibah (Chandler) Jones, dau. of Roger' Chandler and widow of Ephraim' Jones. His home was in the part of Concord which was set off as Acton, and he was a deacon in the Acton church. Timothy' (Samuel', Francis', Robert'), b. Concord, Aug. 28, 1704; m. Elizabeth . His home was in Concord. He was a great hunter and Indian fighter. 1. Francis* (Joseph^, Francis^, Robert^), b. Concord, Nov. 12, 1698; m. Abigail, dau. of Hugh and Abigail (Barker) Brooks of Concord [b. Mar. 15, 1703; d. New Ipswich, Sept. 28, 1778]. He passed most of his life in Concord, not coming 409 History of New Ipswich to New Ipswich until he had nearly or quite attained the age of three-score and ten, two of his sons probably preceding him. No record of the time or place of his death has been found. Children : 4. i. JosiAH, b. Nov. 11, 1726.+ 5. ii. Thomas, b. Dec. 10, 1729.+ 6. iii. Francis, b. Oct. 22, 1733.+ 7. iv. Abigail, b. Aug. 12, 1739; d. Aug. 12, 1778; m. July 4, 1765, Edmund Briant (2). Gershom' (Joshua', Joshua', William^ Robert^, b. July 27, 1702; d. June 28, 1779; m. Lydia Townsend. He passed most of his life in his native town, Westford, but lived for a few years in Groton, Mass., and at another time in Plymouth, N. H. He had nine children, of whom Sarah, b. Apr. 14, 1744, m. Hezekiah Corey of New Ipswich. Ephraim' (Joshua', Joshua', William^ Robert'), b. Mar. 12, 1710; m. Hannah . He lived in Westford, enlisted in the French War, was captured at Oswego in 1756 and never returned home. Peletiah^ (Joseph*, Joshua', William^ Robert'), b. May 3, 1727; d. Feb. 23, 1807; m. (1) Jan. 13, 1757, Dorothy, dau. of James Hildreth [b. Aug. 26, 1736; d. June 14, 1782]; (2) Oct. 13, 1782, Betty (Hartwell) Keyes. He lived in Westford, where were born his twelve children of whom Dorothy, b. Dec. 21, 1759, d. May 12, 1858, m. Sampson' Fletcher. 2. Simeon^ (Timothy*, Paul^, William^ Robert^), b. June 30, 1737; d. Sept, 7, 1773, being one of those who were killed by the fall of the frame of the Wilton meeting-house then be- ing raised ; m. Rachel . He came from Westford to New Ipswich about 1762, and was probably the first settler upon V : 4, S. R. Children : 9. i. Susanna, b. Oct. 11, 1759; d. Sept. 11, 1837; m. Isaac Preston (6). 10. ii. Rachel, b. Dec. 24, 1764. 11. iii. Jane, b. Apr. 8, 1770; d. Jan. 21, 1849; m. William Stickney (4). James' (Timothy', PauP, William^ Robert'), b. Sept. 3, 1743; d. West Boxford, Mass., Sept. 27, 1806; m. Feb. 21, 1770, Rebecca, dau. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Sprague) Prescott of Westford. He was a farmer of Westford, and had a part in the Revolutionary contest of Lexington and Concord. He had twelve children, of whom Rebecca, b. July 3, 1776, m. Joseph Warren of New Ipswich. Reuben' (William', Samuel', William^ Robert'), b. July 12, 1720; m. Susannah Chandler. He was a farmer at Westford, and a prominent Baptist of that town. He wrote and published in 1772 a controversial religious pamphlet. Sampson' (Samuel', William', Samuel', Robert'), b. Westford, Aug. 24, 1758; d. Sept. 2, 1828; m. Feb. 1, 1785, Dorothy, dau. of Peletiah' Fletcher. He passed his life in his native town. 410 Fletcher 3. JoHN^ (Timothy^ Samuel^, Francis^, Robert^), b. Sept. 7, 1732; d. Jan. 14, 1763; m. 1759, Elizabeth Foster (4), the first girl born in the town. He came from Concord to New Ipswich about 1758. He succeeded to the last of the three homes taken by his father-in-law, situated near Hodgkins' Corner toward the Center Village, where he built a house and planted one of the early orchards of the town. He lost his life by the falling of a tree near his home. Children : 14. i. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 5, l761.-\- 15. ii. Joseph, b. July 19, 1762; d. 1782. 4. JosiAH^ (Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^ Robert^), b. Con- cord, Nov. 11, 1726. The record of his life is very scanty; and it is probable that he never was a resident of New Ipswich. The list of his descendants is probably incomplete. Children : 16. i. Gideon. He had five sons. 17. ii. Daniel. He lived in Dunstable, Mass., and removed thence to Canterbury, N. H. He had eleven children, eight of vi^hom joined the Shakers, but after a time two of them abandoned that community and married. They were farmers at Lou- don, N. H. 18. iii. JosiAH. 19. iv. Levi, m. twice, his second wife being Esther . He lived at Groton, N. H., where he had four children. 5. Thomas^ (Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^ Robert^), b. Dec. 10, 1729; d. Mar. 16, 1811; m. Esther Hoar [b. about 1729; d. Mar. 5, 1812]. He came to New Ipswich in 1754, and bought of Abijah Foster the second home made by that initial pioneei in the town, situated at the southerly end of 45, N. D., where he was a successful farmer, earnestly interested in town in- terests, as is indicated by his being one of the founders of the Academy and among the most liberal contributors for its early support. He was a militia captain in 1770. Children: 20. i. Sarah, b. Sept. 27, 1756. 21. ii. JosiAH, b. June 13, 17S8.-1- 22. iii. Thomas, b. May 1, 1760.-1- 23. iv. Esther, b. Sept. 9, 1762 ; d. Mar. 19, 1783. 24. V. Abigail, b. Mar. 28, 1765. 25. vi. Anna, b. Sept. 21, 1768. 26. vii. Benjamin, b. Dec. 13, 1771 ; m. Feb. 26, 1795, Zilpah Hildreth (4). 411 History of New Ipswich 6. Francis^ (Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, Robert^), b. Oct. 22, 1733; d. Aug. 27, 1797; m. June 11, 1760, Sarah Parker of Westford [b. about 1740; d. Antrim, N. H., Dec. 25, 1825; m. (2) Joshua Todd]. He came to New Ipswich soon after his marriage, and settled near his brother Thomas, on XII : 1, S. R. He did good service in the Revolution, and served for some years as a captain of militia. Children : 27. i. Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1761; d. unm. 28. ii. Jonathan, b. Jan. 27, 1764.4- 29. iii. Ephraim, b. July 30, 1766.+ 30. iv. Sarah, b. Jan. 16, 1770; d. Dec. 25, 1847; m. (1) Dec. 24, 1789, William Burrows (2) ; (2) May 7, 1818, Richard Wheeler (13). 31. V. Joshua, b. Apr. 27, 1772.+ 32. vi. Francis, b. Feb. 14, 1775.+ 33. vii. Lydia, b. May 14, 1776. 34. viii. Jeremiah, b. Aug. 10, 1785.+ 35. ix. Samuel, b. Mar. 19, 1789.+ 8. Peter" (Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, William^ Robert^), b. Westford, Jan. 22, 1736; d. Apr. 11, 1812; m. Sept. 8, 1761, Ruth, dau. of Joseph* (Thomas^), and Priscilla (Warner) Adams [b. Jan. 14, 1739; d. Apr. 28, 1816]. He came to New Ipswich soon after his marriage, and settled upon 18, N. D. He served in the Revolutionary army several times during the war. Children : Dorothy, b. Feb. 14, 1763. Ruth, b. Oct. 10, 1765; d. Feb. 1, 1842; m. Josiah Batchelder (4). Peter, b. Jan. 8, 1768.+ Ebenezer, b. May 17, 1770. -f- David, b. Dec. 26, 1772.+ Submit, b. Nov. 6, 1774; d. Oct. 15, 1806; m. Perkins. Two children. 42. vii. James, b. July 26, 1776; d. Feb. 9, 1778. 43. viii. James, b. Dec. 26, 1778.+ 44. ix. Lydia, b. Nov. 12, 1781; d. June 17, 1850; m. Mar. 27, 1805, John Spencer, a farmer at Springfield, Vt., and afterward at Evansville, Wis. Seven children. 12. Henry" (Reuben^ William*, SamueP, William^, Robert^), b. Westford, Aug. 17, 1751; d. Apr. 17, 1829; m. Nov. 30, 1773, Deborah Parker of Westford [d. May 4, 1826]. He came to New Ipswich in 1772 and settled upon two sepa- rate but neighboring lots near the Rindge town line, (138 and 152, A. D.,) where he lived until 1788, then removed to Acton and Westford, where he remained but two years, dur- 412 36. i. 37. ii. 38. iii. 39. iv. 40. V. 41. vi. Fletcher ing which his building's disappeared, and soon after his return in 1790 he sold his property in New Ipswich and started anew in Plymouth, Vt., where he became an entirely successful farmer. He was an earnest Baptist, and during his residence in Massachusetts was committed to jail for refusal to pay his "minister's tax." Children : 45. i. Aaron, b. Oct. 14, 1774; d. Jan. 13, 1775. 46. ii. William, b. Mar. 31, 1776; d. Nov. 22, 1847; m. June 18, 1801, Sally Davis of Reading, Vt. He was a farmer in Reading and Canaan, Vt., successively. Eight children. 47. iii. Aaron, b. Nov. 16, 1777; d. Feb. 9, 1867; m. Dec. 16, 1806, Sarah Neef of Carlisle, Mass. He spent a few years in Plymouth, Vt., but he passed the greater part of his life as a blacksmith at Boylston, Carlisle, and Chelmsford, Mass., and Nelson, N. H. Seven children. 48. iv. Isaac, b. July 5, 1779; d. Aug. 25, 1786. 49. V. Moses, b. Aug. 21, 1781 ; d. Mar. 9, 1788. 50. vi. Reuben, b. Dec. 7, 1783; d. Nov. 16, 1879; m. (1) Mar. 3, 1808, Betsey Pratt of Reading, Vt. ; (2) Aug. 21, 1836, Mrs. Olive Adams of Cavendish, Vt. Except a few years of early manhood at Westford, Mass., he resided at Plymouth and Reading, Vt. Twelve children. 51. vii. Deborah, b. Oct. 29, 1785; d. Sept. 16, 1870; m. May, 1815, Simon, son of Jonathan Spaulding of Chelmsford, Mass. He was a farmer at Ludlow, Vt. 52. viii. Henry, b. July 9, 1787; d. Mar. 5, 1813. 53. ix. Isaac, b. Mar. 30, 1789; d. June 10, 1840; m. Mar. 2, 1822, Dorinda Day of Plymouth, Vt. He learned the black- smith's trade of Ephraim Fairbanks in New Ipswich, and after a few years' labor in several states he spent his life in Vermont, locating successively at Plymouth, Enosburg, and Berkshire. Four children. 54. X. Moses, b. June 10, 1791; d. Feb. 27, 1811. 55. xi. Rebecca, b. Apr. 16, 1793; d. May 28, 1828; m. 1815, Henry Slack of Plymouth, Vt. She also lived at Stratford and at Thetford, Vt. 13. Sampson^ (Sampson^, Samuel*, William^, Samuel^ Robert^), b. May 4, 1795; d. Jan. 24, 1847; m. (1) Sarah Beard of Peterboro [b. about 1803; d. Jan. 10, 1841]; (2) Feb. 9, 1842, Lavinia (D. 5) dau. of Jacob Ames and widow of Eph- raim W. Blood of Temple. In his early days he was a clerk in the store of John F, Hills, and after the death of his em- ployer he succeeded to the business, which he carried on at the westerly corner of School street and the Turnpike. Chil- dren : 56. i. George Woodbury, b. Sept. 22, 1823. He left home at an early age and never returned. 413 57. ii. 58. iii. 59. iv. 60. V. 61. vi. 62. vii History of New Ipswich John Augustus, b. Sept. 5, 1825. -|- Charles Rodney, b. Dec. 18, 1827.+ William Henry, b. Nov. 4, 1829.+ Sarah Beard, b. Feb. 16, 1832; d. Feb. 28, 1902; m. Sept. 11, 1862, George H. Hubbard of Manchester (8). Samuel Horace, b. Feb. 16, 1832; d. Feb. 28, 1832. Helen Sabrina, b. Nov. 25, 1836; d. May 1, 1880. She viras a successful teacher in Baltimore, Md., for twenty years or more. 14. Ebenezer^ (John^, Timothy*, SamueP, Francis^, Robert^, b. Feb. 5, 1761 ; d. May 8, 1831 ; m. (1) Feb. 5, 1781, Mary Cummings (9) ; (2) June, 1812, Mary, dau. of Asa Rendall and wid. of Nathaniel Foster of Ashby [b. Dunstable, Mass., Dec. 29, 1766; d. Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 25, 1851]. At the age of fourteen he went to live with Samuel Cummings, the owner of the mills at Smith Village, where he remained two years and then enlisted as fifer, with his uncle Daniel Foster, in the company of Capt. James Carr for the term of three years. He was stationed at Ticonderoga, but on the retreat from Burgoyne at the battle of Hubbardton he was wounded and taken prisoner. He, however, escaped in a few weeks and returned home. Recovering from his wounds, he returned and served the remainder of his time under Gen. Sullivan against the Indians in the Genesee country. He wrote a narrative of his army experience, the demand for which was sufficient to cause the issue of four editions, and in one edition the story was rendered in verse. He bought the mills of his father-in-law, which he managed for a considera- ble period, and in his later years he was occupied in the man- ufacture of trunks. He was one of the original members of the Baptist church of the town. Children : Ebenezer, b. Oct. 9, 1782.4- Cummings, b. July 5, 1784.-|- John, b. Aug. 14, 1786. -t- PoLLY, b. Aug. 21, 1788; d. Aug. 27, 1840; m. June 5, 1807, Peter Felt (2). Joseph, b. May 22, 1790. -f- Betsey, b. Dec. 28, 1792; d. May 5, 1842; m. Ralph Roby and lived in Boston, New Ipswich, and Grafton, N. H. Four children. 69. vii. Milly, b. Feb. 6, 1794; d. July 11, 1797. 70. viii. Sally, b. Feb. 6, 1794; d. July 17, 1854; m. Hugh B. Fletcher (86). 71. ix. Nancy, b. May 22, 1797; d. Apr. 21, 1885; m. Mar. 26, 1818, Thomas Davis (50). 414 63. 64. ii. 65. iii. 66. iv. 67. V. 68. vi. Fletcher 72. X. Dexter, b. Apr. 19, 1799.-f- IZ. xi. SuKY, b. May 30, 1801 ; d. Aug. 13, 1803. 74. xii. RoBY, b. June 16, 1803.+ 21. JosiAH® (Thomas^ Francis^ Joseph^ Francis-, Rob- ert^), b. June 13, 1758; m. (1) Grace Wheeler (4); (2) Mar. 16, 1790, Rachel Walton [b. Mar. 22, 1764]. His name first appears upon the tax-list of New Ipswich in 1784, and con- tinues until 1805, when he probably removed from town. He lived with or near his father in Davis Village, building and occupying as a store about 1785 the house afterward used as a bakehouse by Joseph Davis. He also built and carried on about ten years later probably the first of the little structures for the manufacture of potash, which for more than half a century gave value to the ashes left by the huge fireplaces of early days. Children : 75. i. JosiAH, b. Nov. 4, 1787. 76. ii. William, b. June 12, 1789; d. May 8, 1790. 11 . iii. William, b. Feb. 3, 1791; d. Oct. 19, 1791. 78. iv. Rachel, b. Aug. 24, 1792. 79. V. Esther, b. July 14, 1794. 80. vi. Asa, b. Sept. 20, 1796. 81. vii. Jonas, b. Mar. 26, 1798. 82. viii. Lucy, b. Apr. 22, 1800. 83. ix. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13, 1802; d. Dec. 26, 1802. 84. X. James Walton, b. June 18, 1804. 22. Thomas® (Thomas^, Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, Rob- ert^), b. May 1, 1760; d. May 7, 1813; m. (1) Apr. 8, 1788, Betsey Hoar [b. about 1764; d. Sept. 15, 1802]; (2) Peggy Smith of Peterboro. He resided near his father, but the identity of their names and the brief interval between their deaths makes it impossible in many cases to determine whether the father or the son is indicated in early records. Children : Thomas, b. Feb. 3, l789.-{- HuGH Brooks, b. Mar. 9, 1791.-|- Benjamin, b. Sept. 18, 1793. Alma, b. Jan. 21, 1796; m. Bedlow of Lowell, Mass. Sally, b. Oct. 10, 1798; m. Brown of Ashburnham, Mass. Betsey, b. July 20, 1801; d. about 1811. John Smith, b. Oct. 24, 1805. He res. in Lowell, Mass., which he represented in the Legislature. 92. viii. William, b. Apr. 14, 1808; d. about 1813. 28. Jonathan® (Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, Rob- ert^), b. Jan. 27, 1764; d. 1844; m. (1) about 1790, Ruth Irish 415 85. i. 86. ii. 87. iii. 88. iv. 89. V. 90. vi. 91. vii History of New Ipswich of Union, Me. ; (2) Prudence Mero. In early years he went as one of the New Ipswich settlers in Barrettstown, (now Hope,) Me., but soon removed to Canaan, (now Lincolnville,) Me., bought land for a large farm, and there spent his life as a successful farmer. For more than forty years he was a Baptist deacon. Children : 93. i. Sarah, b. 1792; d. 1852; m. Robert Moody. Res. at Lincoln- ville. Seven children. 94. ii. Lemuel, d. young. 95. iii. Mary, b. Nov. 9, 1806; d. 1860; m. Francis Fletcher (100). 96. iv. Julia Ann, b. Aug. 20, 1808; m. Oct. 2, 1828, Abner Knight. Res. at Lincolnville, and later at Belfast, Me. Nine children. 29. Ephraim® (Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, Rob- ert^), b. July 30, 1766; d. Oct. 3, 1838; m. Lydia Knight of Lincolnville, Me., where he settled in 1790, and where he passed his life, and which he represented in the Legislature. Children : 97. i. Nathan, m. Harriet Young, who d. soon after marriage. He viras a farmer at Lincolnville, Me. One daughter, Antoi- nette. 98. ii. Ruth, m. Richard Martin. 99. iii. Orinda, m. Thomas Bartlett. 100. iv. Francis.+ 101. V. William, b. Sept. 11, 1802.+ 102. vi. Betsey. 103. vii. Sally. 104. viii. Nancy. 31. Joshua*' (Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, Rob- ert^, b. Apr. 27, 1772; d. Feb. 20, 1841; m. 1793, Susannah Parker [b. about 1775; d. Feb., 1853]. He was a farmer at Stoddard and later at Washington. Children : 105. i. Joshua, b. July 30, 1794; d. Waltham, Mass., Jan. 6, 1855; m. Dec. 22, 1818, Eliza Stephens of Goshen. Five children. 106. ii. Susan, b. New Ipswich, Feb. 25, 1796; d. Peterboro, Dec. 25, 1876; m. Apr. 7, 1818, Isaac Green of Hillsboro. Four children. 107. iii. Sarah, b. New Ipswich, Apr. 2, 1797; m. Apr. 7, 1818, Ezra Miller of Washington. Five children. 108. iv. DiADAMiA, b. New Ipswich, Sept. 16, 1798; m. 1820, Hezekiah Davis of Washington. Five children. 109. V. Diana, b. Washington, 1803; d. 1806. 110. vi. Francis Parker, b. Washington, June 13, 1808.+ 111. vii. Diana, b. Washington, June 13, 1808; m. Sept. 20, 1840, Heze- kiah Fuller, a farmer at Lempster. One daughter. 112. viii. Oilman, b. Washington, Oct. 22, 1812.+ 113. ix. Dustin, b. Washington, Oct. 22, 1816; d. Unity, Mar. 15, 1872. 416 Fletcher 32. Francis® (Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, Rob- ert^), b. Feb. 14, 1775; d. May 10, 1826; m. Hannah Fisk of Groton, Mass. He settled in Lincolnville, Me., in 1790, and there passed his life. Children : 114. i. Samuel, b. 1802.+ 115. ii. Clarissa, m. Asa Allenwood. Eight children. 116. iii. Lydia, b. Feb. 19, 1805; m. (1) Feb. 22, 1825, Benjamin McAllister of Hope, Me., six children; (2) Benjamin Barnes, three children. 117. iv. Mary, b. July 14, 1807; m. Joseph Thomas of Palmyra, Me. One child. 118. V. Harriet, b. Sept. 9, 1809; d. 1849; m. George Burgess. 119. vi. Ephraim, b. 1812.+ 120. vii. Sarah B., b. June 10, 1815; m. 1844, John B. York of Her- mon, Me. Two children. 34. Jeremiah^ (Francis^ Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^. Rob- ert^), b. Aug. 10, 1785; d. Dec. 19, 1851 ; m. 1809, Lucy Davis of Washing-ton. He was a farmer in that town. Children : 121. i. Mary Ann, b. May 29, 1811; m. 1840, Benjamin Cram, a farmer of Bradford. Three children. Samuel, b. Feb. 1, 1812.+ LucY, b. Nov. 15, 1814; d. Mar. 7, 1852; m. Apr. 9, 1846, Joel Severance, a farmer. One son. Lydia, m. May 20, 1841, Edmund Dole, a farmer of Clare- mont. Two sons. Francis Parker, b. Aug. 25, 1820.4- Relief, b. Mar. 1, 1822; d. May, 1822. 127. vii. Jeremiah, b. May 2, 1824; d. Dec, 1824. 128. viii. Henry Ames, b. Dec. 8, 1827; m. Apr. 24, 1851, Elvira C. Cram. 35. Samuel® (Francis^, Francis*. Joseph^. Francis^, Rob- ert^), b. Mar. 19, 1789; d. July 9, 1845 ;'m. 1814, Annie Bodwell of Antrim. He was a farmer and a prominent citizen of Antrim until his death. He held all the important town of- fices, and was a deacon. Children : 129. i. Lydia, b. Jan. 8, 1815; m. Nov. 4, 1834, Reuben Hills. Three children. 130. ii. Louisa, b. June 26, 1816; d. Aug. 30, 1845; m. Feb., 1842, G. W. Winship of Nashua. Two children. 131. iii. Hannah Wright, b. Mar. 17, 1818; m. Oct. 23, 1838, Milton Hills. Removed to Bunker Hill, 111., and thence to Kansas. Two children. 132. iv. Joanna Crombie, b. Jan. 24, 1820; m. Sept. 27, 1847, J. H. Muzzer. Removed to Bunker Hill, 111. Four children. 133. V. Rachel Bodwell, b. Sept. 23, 1823; m. Samuel Fletcher (122). 134. vi. Samuel Anson, b. Sept. 27, 1824; m. Apr. 29, 1851, Harriet M. Crane. Removed to Bunker Hill, 111., 1857. He was a cattle-broker. Three children. 417 28 122. ii. 123. iii. 124. iv. 125. V. 126. vi. History of New Ipswich 135. vii. Sarah Eveline, b. Dec. 27, 1827; m. May 20, 1847, John R. Gregg, a farmer of Peterboro. Three children. 136. viii. Francis, b. May 3, 1830; d. Apr. 4, 1831. 137. ix. Martha Jane, b. May 15, 1832; m. (1) John Johnson, two children; (2) 1864, Henry Wise of Summerfield, 111. 38. Peter'^ (Peter®, Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^, b. New Ipswich, Jan. 8, 1768; d. Jan. 2, 1852; m. Alstead, July 7, 1799, Thirza Taylor [b. Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 15, 1778; d. Feb. 16, 1833]. Until 1838 he lived at Ai- stead, where he kept a tavern for nearly the whole time, also a store for many years, and in addition he was a blacksmith and a farmer. He was prominent in church and town affairs, and was a militia captain. In 1838 he removed to Indiana, and thence to Johnstown, Wis., where he died at the home of his second son. Children : 138. i. Thomas Oilman, b. June 14, 1801. + 139. ii. James H., b. July 18, 1803; d. Aug. 8, 1813. 140. iii. John Adams, b. Apr. 2, 1806.+ 141. iv. Sophia Emily, b. Apr. 16, 1807; m. James H. Rogers. Res. Milwaukee, Wis. Ten children. 142. V. Amelia Calista, b. Jan. 3, 1810; m. 1842, Elnathan Gregory of Laporte, Ind. Six children. 143. vi. Ruth Bacheller, b. Nov. 29, 1813; m. 1839, James Bowers of Racine, Wis. Two children. 144. vii. Hervey Taylor, b. Mar. 2, 1816; d. Laporte, Ind., 1836,^ unm. 145. viii. George Franklin, b. Feb. 7, 1818 ; d. Aug. 19, 1850, unm. He was a merchant. 39. Ebenezer'^ (Peter^, Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, Wil- liam^ Robert^), b. New Ipswich, May 17, 1770; d. Colebrook, Aug. 22, 1843; m. Peday Smith. He was a carpenter. Chil- dren ; 146. i. Lucretia Eliza, b. Sept. 6, 1804; m. Cyrus Fames. Res. Green Bay, Wis. 147. ii. Hiram Adams, b. Dec. 14, 1806. -f 148. iii. Kimball Bacheller, b. Sept. 13, 1810.-(- 149. iv. Mary Hasham, b. Feb. 28, 1813; m. Archelaus Cummings. Res. Colebrook. 150. V. Lucy Ann, b. Dec. 27, 1823; m. Enoch L. Colby. Res. Lan- caster. Four children. 40. David^ (Peter^, Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, William'-, Robert^), b. Dec. 28, 1772; d. Jan. 26, 1834; m. 1795, Sally Lovell. He was a farmer at Springfield, Vt. Children : 151. i. Oliver L., b. Oct. 15, 1795.+ 152. ii. Adams, b. Feb. 9, 1797.-|- 153. iii. Frink, b. Dec. 13, 1799.-1- 418 Fletcher 154. iv. Jehiel, b. Jan. 23, 1801.+ 155. V. David, b. Nov. 2, 1802.+ 156. vi. Asa, b. Jan. 27, 1805; d. 1805. 157. vii. Lyman, b. Sept. 17, 1807.+ 158. viii. Laura, b. Jan. 25, 1809; m. 1830, Jacob Stoddard. 159. ix. Peter Emerson, b. Aug. 16, 1810.+ 160. X. Josiah, b. June 8, 1812; m. 1849, Mary Raynesford of Ches- terfield. He was a farmer. 161. xi. Aaron Dean, b. Sept. 15, 1817. He viras an artist at Keeseville, N. Y. 43. James^ (Peter®, Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^), b. Dec. 26, 1778; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., May. 1850; m. Azubah Gale [d. Sept., 1818]. He was a farmer at Alstead. Children : 162. i. James Gardiner, d. Detroit, Mich., 1836. 163. ii. Adeline, m. Washington A. Batchelder (21). 164. iii. Horace Rice, b. Mar. 11, 1814.+ 165. iv. Mary Ann. 57. John Augustus^ (Sampson®, Sampson^, Samuel*, Wil- liam^, SamueP, Robert^), b. Sept. 5, 1825; d. Sept. 15, 1902; m. twice, the second wife being Mary A. [b. Mar. 15, 1834; d. Sept. 30, 1908]. In youth he enlisted in the U. S. Navy, and was upon the first frigate entering the harbor of San Francisco just before the Mexican War, in which war he did service. He resided in Boston for a long time, but his later years were passed in his native town, where he died. Child — of first marriage : 166. i. Katherine M. R, b. Dec. 3, 1859; d. Oct. 24, 1883. 58. Charles Rodney^ (Sampson®, Sampson^, Samuel*, William^ Samuel^, Robert^), b. Dec. 18, 1827 ; d. May 15, 1895; m. July 2, 1849, Sarah J. Mattoon of Peterboro [b. about 1831 ; d. July 6, 1886]. He was an able tinworker, and during most of his life he had his shop in New Ipswich. Children — all of whom died in early infancy : 167. i. Charles E., d. Mar. 4, 1850. 168. ii. Herbert L., d. Apr. 27, 1851. 169. iii. Edward R., d. Oct. 16, 1854. 59. William Henry^ (Sampson®, Sampson^, Samuel*, Wil- liam^ Samuel^, Robert^), b. Nov. 4, 1829; d. Feb. 23, 1886; m. Feb., 1850, Mary J. Howard of Temple [b. about 1829; d. Sept. 25, 1861]. He passed most of his life as a cigarmaker in New Ipswich. Children: 170. i. William Henry, b. Nov. 28, 1850; d. Dec. 4, 1880, unm. 419 History of New Ipswich 171. ii. Helen Sabrina, b. Apr. 20, 1852; m. and has two children. 172. iii. George Woodbury, b. Jan. 3, 1855 ; m. and has children. He is a mechanic in Maine. 63. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer^, John^, Timothy*, SamueP, Francis^ Robert^), b. New Ipswich, Oct. 9, 1782; d. Cornish, Nov. 14, 1834; m. Sybil Spaulding. Res. in Cornish. Chil- dren : 173. i. Benjamin S., b. Nov. 30, 1809.+ 174. ii. Hiram C, b. June 24, 1811; d. Dec. 17, 1868. Res. Eden, Vt. 175. iii. Orrel F., b. June 4, 1813 ; m. John Johnson. Res. Cornish. 176. iv. Mary W., b. Aug. 6, 1815; d. Manchester, Dec. 27, 1846; m. • Little. 177. V. David D., b. Oct. 24, 1817; d. Jan. 25, 1857. Res. Burlington, Vt. 178. vi. Silas S., b. Apr. 6, 1820. He was an Universalist minister at Exeter. 179. vii. Stephen N., b. 1822; d. 1824 180. viii. John Q., b. Oct. 16, 1824; d. Sept. 14, 1846. 181. ix. Sybil L., b. Oct. 2, 1826; m. Peleg Barrows of Brattleboro, Vt. One son. 182. X. Guildford D., b. Sept. 21, 1829. Res. Baldwinville, Mass. 64. CuMMiNGS^ (Ebenezer®, John^, Timothy*, SamueP, Francis^, Robert*), b. July 5, 1784; d. July 21. 1837; m. Mar. 18, 1804, Sally Wheeler (51). He was a carpenter and builder. He contracted to build the new meeting-house in 1811, but sold his contract to Seth Wheeler. He lived at Smith Village in the house long occupied by Russell Farwell. He removed to Enosburg, Vt., in 1818, and later to Cleveland, O., but re- turned to Enosburg and there passed his remaining years. Children : 183. i. Samuel C., b. New Ipswich, 1805. -f- 184. ii. George W., b. Oct. 8, 1812; m. Oct. 15, 1837, Mary Ann Wat- son of Eden, N. Y. He was a farmer at Westerville, O. Three daughters. 185. iii. Fanny W., b. Oct. 18, 1816; d. Nov. 18, 1894; m. Feb. 1, 1839, Rev. E. J. Cummings (98) of Enosburg, Vt. Res. North Kingsville, O. Four children. 186. iv. Elizabeth F., b. May 5, 1818; d. Dec. 4, 1898; m. Oct. 19, 1842, Reuben Taylor (42). 187. v. Edward P., b. Oct. 8, 1821; m. Aug. 14, 1848, Isabella Wart- mant. Res. in Canada. 188. vi. John Bartlett, b. Feb. 5, 1824.+ 189. vii. Mary C, b. Dec. 15, 1825; m. William A. Cummings (103). Res. East Berkshire, Vt. 190. viii. Martha P., b. Enosburg, Vt., Aug. 23, 1829; m. Sept. 17, 1849, Rev. A. A. Whitmore, a Congregational minister in Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa. Five children. 420 192. ii. 193. iii. 194. iv. 195. V. 196. vi. 197. 1Q« vii Fletcher 65. John'^ (Ebenezer^, John^, Timothy*, Samuel^, Francis^, Robert!), b. Aug. 14, 1786; d. in Michigan, July 10, 1842; m. Sarah Smith. He was a wheelwright and res. in Vermont and in Canada. Children : 191. i. Sarah, b. New Ipswich; unm. Res. in Michigan. John, b. Berkshire, Vt. Res. Lansing, Mich. SopHRONiA, b. Berkshire, Vt. ; m. Jesse Miller. AsENATH, b. Berkshire, Vt. ; m. Timothy Wheeler. Mary Ann, b. Abbott's Corner, Canada ; m. Clark. Hiram, b. Sabravois, Canada, 1816; d. 1854. Matilda, b. Sabravois, Canada; m. EHjah Curtis. Res. Mich- igan. 198. viii. Gardner, b. Sabravois, Canada. He was a farmer in Dans- ville, Mich. 199. ix. Jane, b. Sabravois, Canada. Res. Michigan. 200. X. William, b. Sabravois, Canada. Res. Ingham, Mich. 201. xi. Betsey, b. Sabravois, Canada; d. 1857. 202. xii. Ebenezer, b. Sabravois, Canada. He was a farmer at Ing- ham, Mich. 67. Joseph^ (Ebenezer'', John^, Timothy*, SamueP, Fran- cis^, Robert^), b. May 22, 1790; d. Feb. 18, 1862; m. Nov. 25. 1813, Nancy Hall [b. Mar. 5, 1795; d. Apr. 10, 1875]. He was a farmer in West Berkshire and later in Enosburg, Vt. Chil- dren : 203. i. Nancy, b. West Berkshire, Vt. ; m. Rev. S. S. Hyde. Res. in Michigan. 204. ii. Almira, b. West Berkshire, Vt. ; m. Nov. 27, 1845, Charles B. Jaquith (2). 72. Dexter^ (Ebenezer^ John^ Timothy*, SamueP, Fran- cis^, Robert^), b. Apr. 19, 1799; m. Dec. 27, 1832, Mrs. Sarah Reed. He was a farmer in Stoddard. Child : 205. i. Sarah, d. young. 74. RoBY^ (Ebenezer^, John^, Timothy*, SamueP, Francis^, Robert^), b. June 16, 1803; d. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 30, 1902; m. (1) Apr. 2. 1829, Milly Taylor (40) ; (2) Emily (Davis) Smith (96). Children: 206. i. Ellen Maria, b. Dec. 5, 1830; m. June 10, 1851, Samuel J. M. Weston, a blacksmith of Marlboro, Mass., where three children were born. She was a dressmaker until her mar- riage. 207. ii. Harriet Amelia, b. Feb. 17, 1833; d. June, 1906; m. Nov. 30, 1854, Charles M. Weston, a cabinetmaker of Reading, Mass., later of Longmont, Col. One son. She was a milliner un- til her marriage. 421 History of New Ipswich 208. iii. Mary Frances, b. Apr. 22, 1835; d. Aug. 14, 1913; m. Nov. 8, 1860, Alfred A. Sawyer, a carpenter of Denmark, Iowa, but later of Fitchburg, Mass. She was a teacher before her marriage. Three children. 209. iv. SoPHRONiA Taylor, b. June 12, 1839; d. Dec. 5, 1890. She was a seamstress. 210. V. George Henry, b. Dec. 15, 1841; d. Feb. 23, 1845. 85. Thomas^ (Thomas®, Thomas^, Francis*, Joseph^, Fran- cis^ Robert^), b. New Ipswich, Feb. 3, 1789; d. Dec. 4, 1846; m. Sept. 29, 1811, Elizabeth Pratt (3). Fie first engaged in business, was then a teacher, and finally a successful Presby- terian minister, laboring in Eastern New York, and during the last ten years of his life in Southwick, Mass., where he died. Children : 211. i. Eleanor Read, b. New Ipswich, Nov. 19, 1812; m. May 30, 1838, Dr. John Scoville. Five children. 212. ii. Eliza Smith, b. New Ipswich, Aug. 12, 1816; m. May 8, 1842, Dr. Oliver Wolcott Kellogg. Six children. 213. iii. William Otis, b. Kinderhook, N. Y., July 22, 1818.+ 214. iv. Harriet Newell, b. June 16, 1828; m. June 16, 1858, Lewis Rufus Norton. Res. Westfield, Mass. One son. 215. V. DwiGHT Livingston, b. Nov. 11, 1833; d. Sept. 1, 1843. 86. Hugh Brooks^ (Thomas®, Thomas^, Francis*, Joseph^ Francis^ Robert^), b. Mar. 9, 1791; d. about 1856; m. Sally Fletcher (70) [d. 1856]. He left New Ipswich when a young man, and resided for a time in Hanover, N. Y., where his children were born. He then went farther West, and died in California. Children : 216. i. Josiah, m. . Res. in Illinois. 217. ii. Oilman, d. unm. Res. New Ipswich. 218. iii. James, d. unm. Res. New Ipswich. 100. Francis^ (Ephraim^, Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^ Robert^), m. (1) ; (2) Aug. 20, 1829, Mary Fletcher (95) ; (3) C. C. Perry. He was a farmer in Natick, Mass. Children: 219. i. Eliza Ann, m. Daniel Bartlett. Res. Hope, Me. 220. ii. Lucy E., b. Nov., 1833 ; m. Dec. 23, 1855, James Kuting. Res. Natick, Mass. One son. 221. iii. Oscar F., b. 1839; d. 1863, at Hilton Head, S. C, where he was a sutler. 101. William'^ (Ephraim", Francis-^ Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^ Robert^), b. Sept. 11, 1802; d. Oct. 7, 1850; m. Ma- hala Whitcomb, of Hope, Me. Children : 422 222. i. Nathan H. 223. ii. Ruth A. 224. iii. Lydia T. 225. iv. Ephraim D. 226. V. William F. 227. vi. Amanda M. 228. vii. Charles. 229. viii. Mary R. 230. ix. Ellen M. 231. X. Harris R. 110. Francis Parker'^ (Joshua", Francis^, Francis*, Jo- seph^, Francis^, Robert^), b. June 13, 1808; m. (1) Apr. 19, 1831, Pamelia Frost [d. June 25, 1834] ; (2) Aug. 23, 1835, Joanna Thompson. Res. at Lempster. Children : 232. i. Francis. 233. ii. Harriet P., b. Oct. 22, 1838; d. 1857; m. 1855. 234. iii. George S., b. Oct. 22, 1838; d. Nov. 21, 1867. He served during the Civil War, and was severely wounded at Fair Oaks and at Fredericksburg. 235. iv. Phineas D., b. Sept. 28, 1841; m. Apr. 2, 1864. He served during the Civil War in the 7th Massachusetts Regiment. 236. v. Eliza A., b. Feb. 25, 1846. 112. GiLMAN^ (Joshua^ Francis^ Francis*, Joseph^, Fran- cis^, Robert^), b. Oct. 22, 1812; d. June 7, 1852, while on the way to California ; m. Mary W. Pratt. Children : 237. i. George, b. 1842 ; d. 1842. 238. ii. Georgiana, m. Dec. 23, 1863, Edward M. Hayden. 239. iii. Charles G., b. Mar. 7, 1847; m. May 19, 1875, Adelaide A. Wilmarth. Child : i. Charles F., b. June 16, 1877. 240. iv. Herbert S., b. Feb. 7, 1850. Res. Auburndale, Mass. 241. V. Frank B., b. Aug. 22, 1852. Res. Auburndale, Mass. 114. Samuel^ (Francis^ Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Fran- cis^ Robert^), b. 1802; m. Hannah Bicknell. A farmer in Bel- mont, Me. Children : 242. i. Augustus A., m. Helen Knowlton of Northport, Me. He graduated from Waterville College. Child : i. Elizabeth. 243. ii. Alonzo E., m. Malvina Knowlton. Res. Northport, Me. Children : i. Anna. ii. Helen. 244. iii. Sarah E., b. 1836; d. 1859; m. Alonzo Wilson. One son. 245. iv. Helen A., b. 1841; m. S. Y. Jordan of Belmont, Me. Two children. 246. V. Harriet, b. 1843; d. 1863, unm. 247. vi. Francis, b. 1845. A farmer. Children: i. Edward, ii. Henry. 248. vii. Arinaldo, b. 1847. A farmer. 423 History of New Ipswich 119. Ephraim^ (Francis^, Francis^, Francis*, Joseph^, Fran- cis^, Robert^), b. 1812; m. Julia Philbrick. A farmer in Lin- colnville. Me. Children : 249. i. Edward F., b. Dec. 9, 1838; d. Apr. 20, 1865. He served in the Civil War, and his death was caused by that service. 250. ii. John M., a physician at Belfast, Me. 251. iii. Sarah J., b. 1851; d. Oct. 20, 1871; m. Oscar Hurry. Res. Jacksonville, Fla. 252. iv. Abbie Ellen, b. 1853. 253. v. Harriet E., b. 1857. A music teacher. 122. Samuel^ (Jeremiah'^, Francis% Francis*, Joseph^, Fran- cis^ Robert^), b. Feb. 1, 1812; m. (1) Rebecca, dau. of Rev. Nathan Ames [d. 1852]; (2) Rachel B. Fletcher (133). A farmer in his native town, Washington. Children : 254. i. Edwin S., m. 1864, Elizabeth A. Stewart of Westminster, Mass. A merchant in Manchester. 255. ii. Nathan Ames. 256. iii. George Howard, b. Mar. 6, 1844; m. July 8, 1866, Luthera Barney of Washington. He was in the Civil War, serving in the 10th New Hampshire Regiment. 257. iv. Margaret R., b. Oct. 14, 1848; m. Apr. 20, 1866, George Mel- len of Washington. 258. v. Ida Florence, b. June 26, 1859. 259. vi. Nellie Elmore, b. May 25, 1864; d. Dec. 9, 1865. 125. Francis Parker^ (Jeremiah*^, Francis^, Francis*, Jo- seph^ Francis^ Robert^), b. Aug. 25, 1820; m. about 1845, Pauline C. Ingalls. He succeeded to the paternal homestead. He served in the Civil War as a member of the 10th New Hampshire Regiment. Children : 260. i. Mandana P., b. 1849; m. 1865, Alvin Ritter. 261. ii. Francis G., b. 1854. 262. iii. Charles W., b. 1856. 263. iv. Herman P., b. 1858. 138. Thomas Oilman® (Peter'', Peter'', Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^ William^ Robert^), b. June 14, 1801; d. Oct. 7, 1839; m. (1) Almira Barnes of Berlin, Conn. [d. 1835] ; (2) 1848, L. A. Jenks. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1824, studied law, and had a successful practice in New York city. Children : 264. i. Frank Hopkins, b. Mar. 31, 1831; m. Nov. 3, 1863, Helen, dau. of Alfred Clapp of St. Louis, Mo. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1858, studied law, and practiced in Laporte, Ind., until the Civil War, when he entered service in the paymaster's department, and was brevetted lieutenant- 424 Fletcher colonel. Children: i. Anna Wendell, b. Mar. 5, 1868; d. Aug. 14, 1868. ii. Jennie Clapp. 265. ii. Charles Stewart, d. young. 266. iii. Alice Cunningham. 140. John Adams^ (Peter% Peter*', Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^ William^ Robert^, b. Apr. 2, 1806; m. (1) Feb. 1, 1829, Emily Kent of Alstead [d. 1834] ; (2) Aug. 5, 1835, Eliza Newkirk. He res. successively in Keene, Parishville, N. Y., Laporte, Ind., Rock Prairie and Johnstown, Wis., and Calmar, Iowa, and was engaged in farming, carriage-making, hotel- keeping, and lumbering business. He was a deacon. Chil- dren : 267. i. Lucius Lyons, b. July 24, 1837; m. Dec. 9, 1860, Maria Dodge of Fort Atkinson, Wis. A farmer in Johnstown, Wis. Children: i. Arthur, d. infancy, ii. Ivan, b. Nov. 24, 1864. iii. John, b. Oct., 1870. 268. ii. James S., b. July 19, 1839; m. Sept. 2, 1868, Cornelia M. Moore of Laporte, Ind. [d. July 5, 1879]. Child: i. John, b. Mar., 1873. 269. iii. George Franklin, b. July 28, 1842; m. Dec. 28, 1868, Anna Butz of Milton Junction, Wis. A grain dealer at Clear Lake, Wis. Child : i. John, b. Aug. 20, 1877. 270. iv. Henry Clay, b. Jan. 5, 1845; m. Dec. 30, 1873, Delia Camp. A grain dealer at Clear Lake, Wis. Child: i. Nellie Camp, b. June 11, 1876. 271. V. Emily Eliza, b. Dec. 5, 1851; m. Mar. 10, 1874. Herbert Palmeter of Clear Lake, Wis. Two children. 147. Hiram Adams^ (Ebenezer'', Peter'', Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^ William^, Robert^), b. Dec. 14, 1806; d. Lancaster, Jan. 30, 1879; m. May, 1834, Persis E. Hunking of Lancaster [d. July, 1878]. He was a successful lawyer in his native town, Springfield, Vt., and afterwards in Lancaster. Children : 272. i. Almira Barnes, b. Feb. 29, 1836; m. July 5, 1860, William S. Ladd, afterward a judge of Supreme Court of New Hamp- shire. Three children. 273. ii. Emily Eliza, b. Dec. 27. 1838; d. Jan. 1, 1851. 274. iii. Richard, b. May, 1840; d. Aug. 15, 1845. 275. iv. Richard, b. May 16, 1844. Res. Green Bay, Wis. He served during the Civil War in the Sth New Hampshire Regiment. 276. v. Everett, b. Dec. 21, 1848. A lawyer at Lancaster. 277. vi. Lucy Ellen, b. Jan. 28, 1855. 148. Kimball Bacheller^ (Ebenezer^, Peter*^, Ephraim% Joshua*, Joshua^ William^, Robert^), b. Sept. 13, 1810; m. (1) Sarah E. Cummings ; (2) 1843, Mrs. Mary Copp [d. Sept. 9, 1864] ; (3) 1865, Mary M. Freeman. Children : 425 History of New Ipswich 278. i. Ephraim Sumner, b. Oct. 24, 1834; m. Nov., 1865, Cynthia Hamilton. He served during the Civil War in the 2d and 23d Wisconsin Regiments, and was promoted from private to captain. Res. Duluth, Minn. 279. ii. Charles Warren, b. June 30, 1837 ; m. Carrie E. Moore. He served during the Civil War in the 2d New Hampshire Regiment. A lumber dealer in Charles City, Iowa. Chil- dren : i. Jessie M., b. Dec. 25, 1865. ii. Ralph Moore, h. May 11, 1873. 280. iii. Frederic Goodhue, b. Dec. 26, 1842; m. Abby Kimball. A merchant in Burlington, Vt. 281. iv. Kimball B., b. Nov. 27, 1849. A machinist in Lancaster. 282. V. Mary, b. Dec. 4, 1855 ; d. Sept. 26, 1864. 151. Oliver L.® (David^, Peter*^, Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^ William^, Robert^), b. Oct. 15, 1795; m. 1823, Mary Gould. A farmer. Children : 283. i. Mary A., b. 1825. 284. ii. David, b. 1827; d. Lancaster, Mass., 1849. 285. iii. Dean, b. 1830. A shoemaker. 286. iv. Harriet E., b. 1835. 152. Adams^ (David^ Peter®, Ephraim^ Joshua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^, b. Feb. 9, 1797; m. 1824, Sylvia Martin of Essex, N. Y. A wheelwright. Child : 287. i. Dean A., b. June 10, 1831; m. Martha Mager of Tennessee. A lawyer at Lyons, Iowa. 153. Frink^ (David^ Peter®, Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^), b. Dec. 13, 1799; m. 1836, Esther Olcott. A farmer in Springfield. Children : 288. i. Charles, b. 1838. 289. ii. Henry, b. 1840. 154. Jehiel^ (David^ Peter®, Ephraim^ Joshua*, Joshua^, William^ Robert^), b. Jan. 23, 1801; m. 1827, Verando Misser of Westminster, Vt. Res. Keeseville, N. Y. Children : 290. i. Nancy Emily, b. May 7, 1829. 291. ii. Henry S., b. Mar. 19, 1832. 292. iii. Augusta E., b. Dec. 30, 1833 ; d. May 1, 1855. 293. iv. Maria A., b. Apr. 26, 1836. 155. David^ (David^ Peter®, Ephraim^ Joshua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^), b. Nov. 2, 1802; d. Nov., 1879; m. (1) Maria Bosworth; (2) 1846, Ruth Butler. A carpenter in Es- sex, N. Y., for many years. Children : 294. i. David Bosworth, b. Jan. 9, 1839; m. May 5, 1864, Agnes Robinson of New York city. A merchant in Brooklyn, N. Y. He served during the Civil War in the 48th New 426 t Fletcher York Regiment, and was promoted from private to captain. He was held for a time in Libby prison. Children : i. William Harvey, b. Feb. 28, 1866. ii. Mary Agnes, b. July 7, 1868. iii. Grace Isabel, h. Aug. 16, 1870. iv. Henry Robinson, b. Sept. 9, 1872. 295. ii. James Harvey, b. May 22, 1843; m. Mar. 20, 1872, Mary P. Robinson of Brooklyn, N. Y. Child: i. Nellie P.. b. June 30, 1873. 296. iii. Maria Elizabeth, b. 1848; m. Daniel Armstrong. 157. Lyman^ (David^, Peter", Ephraim^, Joshua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^), b. Sept. 17, 1807; m. Sept., 1837! Rhoda Pond of Keeseville, N. Y. A farmer at Chesterfield, N. Y. Children : 297. i. Jehiel, b. Sept., 1839. 298. ii. Laura, b. May, 1846. 299. iii. Emily, b. June 26, 1850. 159. Peter Emerson* (David^, Peter", Ephraim"^, Joshua*, Joshua^ William^, Robert^), b. Aug. 16, 1810; m. Apr. 14. 1842, Sarah A. Messinger. A carriage manufacturer at La- porte, Ind. Children : 300. i. Charles D., b. 1844; d. 1844. 301. ii. George Franklin, b. July 23, 1845. 302. iii. Julia M., b. Aug. 20, 1847; m. Oct. 22, 1873, Frederic A. Trumbull of Defiance, O. 303. iv. Sarah J., b. Feb. 26, 1852; m. Apr. 28, 1874, Otto C. Sey- mour of Laporte, Ind. One son. 164. Horace Rice* (James'', Peter", Ephraim^ Jo.shua*, Joshua^, William^, Robert^, b. Mar. 11, 1814; m. (1) Nov. 15, 1838, Olive Jane Hunt [d. Dec. 24, 1865] ; (2) Mar. 7, 1867, Frances M. Getty of Geneseo, 111. A builder and real estate dealer in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 304. i. Frank Elliot, b. Apr. 17, 1841; d. Nov. 23, 1859. 305. ii. George Horace Elliot, b. Apr. 21, 1845; d. June 18, 1879. He was a lawyer. 306. iii. LuELLA Jane, b. Mar. 25, 1847; m. 1868, J. L. Bigelow. Res. Lockport, N. Y. " 307. iv. Florence Gale, b. July 27, 1855. 308. V. Minnie Elliot, b. Oct. 27, 1859; d. Feb. 6, 1860. 309. vi. Horace Elliot Getty, b. Sept. 22, 1869. 173. Benjamin S.* (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer", John^, Timothy*, SamueP, Francis^ Robert^), b. Nov. 30, 1809. He was a car- :, penter at Cornish. Children : || 310. i. Edwin N., m. Elizabeth A. Fletcher. Res. New York. Chil- dren : i. Caroline L. ii. Charles W. iii. Nettie J. 4,27 History of New Ipswich 311. ii. Hannah A., b. Mar. 2, 1835. Res. Cornish. 312. iii. David S., b. Aug. 5, 1838; d. July 6, 1862. 313. iv. Isabel M., b. Aug. 2, 1841; d. July 28, 1870. 314. V. Caroline L., b. Oct. 20, 1846. 183. Samuel C.^ (Cummings', Ebenezer^ John^, Timothy*, Samuel^ Francis^ Robert^), b. 1805; m. Oct. 9, 1831, M. E. Barnum. He was a farmer in Enosburg, Vt., whence he re- moved to Ashburnham, Mass. Children : 315. i. Lyman B. Res. at Kane, Penn. Children: i. Frank S. ii. Elmer H. 316. ii. Bartlett M. Res. at Coldwater, Mich. Child: i. Nelson P. 317. iii. Sarah E. 318. iv. Homer C, d. Nov. 18, 1862, at Alexandria, Va., while serv- ing in the 13th Vermont Regiment. 188. John Bartlett^ (Cummings^, Ebenezer^, John^, Tim- othy*, SamueP, Francis^ Robert^), b. Feb. 5, 1824; m. (1) Sept. 3, 1843, Louisa B. Williams (19); (2) Apr. 21, 1863, Stisan Appleby of Oberlin, O. Superintendent of National Car Co., at St. Albans, Vt. Children : 319. i. Lucy C, b. Jan. 18, 1845; m. June 5, 1865, E. B. Huntington of St. Albans. One daughter. 320. ii. Martha L., b. July 15, 1848; m. Oct. 4, 1871, Cromwell Bowen, a lawyer at Des Moines, Iowa. Three children. 321. iii. Nellie M., b. Oct. 28, 1853; m. William B. Hatch of St. Albans. One son. 322. iv. William B., b. Jan. 7, 1862. He graduated from U. S. Naval Academy in 1882, and is now a captain in the U. S. Navy. 323. v. Arthur G., b. Oct. 5, 1868. 324. vi. Josephine B., b. Oct. 16, 1871. 213. William Otis^ (Thomas^, Thomas", Thomas^, Fran- cis*, Joseph^ Francis^, Robert^), b. July 22, 1818; d. Dec. 20, 1876; m. May 4, 1841, Persis Ann Clark [b. 1814; d. Feb. 21, 1854]. He was a banker and merchant in Westfield, Mass., also state senator and holder of various positions of trust. Children : 325. i. Ellen Maria, b. May, 1842; d. 1874; ra. Sept. 9, 1861, Frank Merriman. , 326. ii. William Thomas, d. young. 327. iii. Harriet Frances, b. Sept. 5, 1846; m. E. W. Dickerman. Res. Westfield, Mass. Two children. FOSKETT. ^ 1. Isaac B. Foskett, b. Stafiford, Ct., May 4, 1824; d. Sept. 31, 1899; m. 1845, Roxa Almira Ladd [b. Sturbridge, Mass., 428 f Foskett 1825; d. Oct., 1866]. He came from Worcester, Mass., to New Ipswich in I860, and soon settled upon the eastern Whittemore farm, (12, N. L. O.,) where he lived about twenty years. Chil- dren : 2. i. LuciNDA Jane, b. about 1846; m. Oct. 27, 1864, John Stillman Gibson (21). 3. ii. Louisa Roxa, b. Apr. 30, 1848; d. June 29, 1907; m. Dec. 15, 1875, Franklin L. Mansfield (31). 4. iii. George Parley, b. Mar. 30, 1855. -f 5. iv. John Ernest, b. Mar. 8, 1857.+ 6. V. Albert George. 7. vi. Almira. 8. vii. Nellie Eldora, m. Oct. 17, 1874, Levi W. Newell Res. on the Isaac Stearns place, (76, A. D.) Children: i. Waldo Newell, ii. Ernest Newell, iii. Mabel Newell, iv. Grace Newell. 9. viii. Ettie Ella, m. George Powers of Greenville. Child : i. I Leonard S. Powers, b. May 10, 1880. 4. George Parley^ (Isaac B.^), b. Mar. 30, 1855; m. (1) 1876, Orie Emma Adams of Townsend, Mass. [b. Dec. 8, 1857; d. Feb. 18, 1881] ; (2) Jan. 18, 1887, Mattie A. Lake of Pembroke, N. H. [b. July 21, 1857]. He is a machinist at Reeds Ferry. Children : 10. i. Clarence Newton, b. July 29, 1879; m. June 26, 1907, Eliza- beth A. Hudner of Mill River, Mass. Carrie Adelia, b. June 20, 1880. She is a nurse. Florence Rowell, b. Aug. 10, 1888; m. Oct. 21, 1911, Charles F. Rogers. Leon Moses, b. June 8, 1890; d. Dec. 25, 1891. Earl Lake, b. Dec. 17, 1893. 5. John Ernest' (Isaac B.^), b. Mar. 8, 1857; m. Leone He has been a teacher in Arizona, a bookkeeper at 11. ii. 12. 111. 13. iv. 14. V. Perry, O., and is now in Chicago, 111. Children 15. i. Lloyd. 16. ii. Vernett, b. Jan. 3, 1890. 17. iii. Arlo. FOSTER (John). JoHN^ Foster, b. at Reading, Mass.; d. Ashby, Mass., May 4, 1825; m. Dolly Jukins [b. Wilmington, Mass.]. John- (John'), b. Apr. 29, 1778; d. Ashby, Mass., Feb. 29, 1868; m. Sept. 29, 1800, Dorcas Upton [b. Temple, May, 1779; d. Nov. 28, 1854]. 1. Eli^ (John^, John^), b. Ashby, Mar. 19, 1811; d. New Ipswich, Oct. 9, 1880; m. Lucy Sawyer [b. Nelson, Oct. 8, 1811 ; d. Waltham, Mass., Mar. 2, 1884]. Farmer and dyer. 429 History of New Ipswich 2. John* (Eli^, John', John^), b. Marlboro, 1840; d. New Ipswich, Dec. 31, 1902; m. May 15, 1866, Nellie Webster [b. Royalston, Mass., Oct. 22, 1844; d. Waltham, Nov. 13, 1898]. Railroad conductor. Children : 3. i. Lena F., b. Waltham, Apr. 28, 1868; m. Oct. 17, 1901, Gleason Wood. 4. ii. Ethel D., b. Waltham, Sept. 2, 1875; m. June 16, 1896, Gard- ner Muzzey. 5. iii. John Harold, b. Waltham, Apr. 15, 1880; professor of Forestry at New Hampshire State College. FOSTER (Reginald). Reginald^ Foster, b. about 1595; d. 1681; m. (1) Judith [d. Oct., 1664] ; (2) Sept., 1665, widow Sarah Martin of Ipswich, Mass. He came from England with wife and seven children about 1638, and was one of the earliest settlers at Ipswich, Mass., where he resided until his death. Isaac' (Reginald'), b. 1630; d. Feb. 8, 1691; m. (1) May 5, 1658, Mary Jackson; (2) Hannah Downing; (3) Martha Hale. He resided in Ipswich near the Topsfield line. He had eleven children of the first marriage and three of the second. Eleazer^ (Isaac", Reginald'), a son of the second marriage, b. Apr., 1684; d. Nov. 15, 1771; m. Elizabeth Fiske [b. Oct. 9, 1679; d. Feb. 19, 1758]. He resided in Ipswich and was a weaver. 1. Abijah* (Eleazer^, Isaac^, Reginald^), bapt. Jan., 1707/8; d. 1759; m. Dec. 13, 1733, Mary Knowlton of Ipswich. He was the first settler in New Ipswich. The date of his coming is not certain, but it is believed to have been in the spring of 1738. As was to be expected, he made his home upon the old "country road," then hardly more than a trail and formally accepted less than a year before. His first house stood near the site of the former bank building north of Union Hall, a little way above it on the hill and perhaps a little to the south. His well higher on the hill still remains, and has been the source of an aqueduct pipe to the Esquire Preston house with- in a recent period. It is in the road running east of the school- house and of course is now covered over and not visible. Here was the home of the earliest settler until after the assignment of lands under the Masonian grant, in which one of his eighty-acre lots was 23, N. D., extending from his home northward across the Saw Mill Brook. Immediately after this, however, he sold his farm and removed to 45, N. D., building ' again, probably at the south end of the lot, and perhaps where 430 Foster (Reginald) the foundations of a house may be traced just south of the present road from the Center Village to Davis Village, upon the old road now hardly to be traced, but formerly furnishing a perfectly straight way running due east to the meeting-house upon the hill. The pioneer spirit, however, was too strong to be content with the new home more than five years, and in 1755 the family was established for a third time just across the road from the present home of Walter S. Thayer, long occupied by Caleb Campbell, upon the road to Smith Village, which was the home of "Widow Foster" as long as she remained in town. Mr. Foster, however, remained there but a short time, as in 1758 or 1759 he enlisted in the military service against the French and Indians, and while encamped at Crown Point per- ished of smallpox. Children — all probably born in New Ips- wich except the eldest : 2. i. Mary, b. Ipswich, Mass., Aug., 1736. 3. ii. Ebenezer, b. about 1739; d. 1759. He enlisted with his father in the French and Indian War, and like him, died of small- pox at Crown Point. 4. iii. Elizabeth, b. about 1741; d. Feb. 27, 1800; m. (1) 1759, John Fletcher (3); (2) William Hodgkins (1). 5. iv. Samuel, b. about 1742; d. 1780; m. Oct. 24, 1764, Tabitha Hodgkins. His name appears on the tax-list from the in- corporation of the town until 1776, but whether he was resident in the town all the time is uncertain. He is said to have come from Ashby in 1774 and to have built a house for his home at the south part of Smith Village on or near the spot long occupied by Jonathan Taylor, and now the home of Alfred A. Woodward. Possibly it constitutes a part of the present structure. He served in the Revolu- tion, responding to the alarm of April, 1775, enlisting for , three years in 1777, and dying while in service. Children : i. Abijah. ii. Samuel, iii. Eunice, iv. Molly, v. Reform. 6. v. Daniel, date of birth unknown, was a carpenter. He built for his home the building long known as the "Obear house" just north of the central graveyard. He lived for a time on what was known in later years as the "Nicholas place," at the west end of Davis Village, and also, probably at an earlier date, at the paternal home on the Smith Village road, with his mother, who is supposed to have removed with him to Nelson in the later part of the eighteenth cen- tury. His name appears upon the tax-lists from 1773 and 1791. It also stands on the initial Revolutionary roll of April, 1775, and he enlisted three times afterward, the last time for three years. Children: i. Pamelia. He had others also of mature age while in town; no further names are known. 431 History of New Ipswich 7. vi. Ephraim, date of birth unknown, the remaining son of the pioneer, was with his brothers in Capt. Heald's company at the birth of the Revolution, and like them enlisted for three years in 1777. He was disabled by sickness in 1780, was brought home by the town, and soon after died. 8. vii. Hepzibah, b. 1759; d. Apr. 25, 1838; m. (1) Twitchell; (2) June 2, 1791, Isaac Appleton (16). The name of this earliest pioneer family seems to have disappeared from town with the removal of the widow and youngest son. But in view of the sturdy service of every man of the family in the Revolu- tionary and earlier struggles, it may not be amiss to recall that the family had descended through a long knightly line, from Alfred the Great and from King Baldwin "Iron Arm" of Flanders. FOX. Thomas' Fox of Concord, Mass., b. 1628; d. Apr. 14, 1658; m. (1) Rebecca [d. May 11, 1647] ; (2) Dec. 13, 1647, Hannah Brooks. Eliphalet' (Thomas'), d. Aug. 15, 1711; m. (1) Oct. 26, 1665, Mary, dau. of George Wheeler' and Katherine Wheeler [b. Sept. 6, 1645 ; d. Feb. 24, 1679] ; (2) Nov. 30, 1681, Mary, dau. of John^ (Gregory') Stone, and widow of Isaac Hunt. JoHN^ (Eliphalet', Thomas'), b. Sept. 15, 1682; m. May 29, 1704, Susanna, dau. of Samuel (George^ William') Merriam [b. Aug. 15, 1677]. He lived in Concord, Mass., where he held a captain's commission. John' (John^ Eliphalet", Thomas'), b. July 18, 1707; d. about 1755; m. Sarah Hoar. He lived in Littleton, Mass., where he was a captain. 1. Timothy^ (John*, John^, Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. about 1741; d. Feb., 1827; m. Abigail Dudley [d. 1808]. He came from Littleton, Mass., to New Ipswich about 1765, and pur- chased a place for his home a little south of the site of Davis Village, (XII: 1, S. R.,) where he built a small house, but five years later he removed a mile toward the south to XII : 3, S. R., whi'ch farm was occupied by him and his descendants for a century, but is now at the eastern limit of the land oc- cupied by the Finnish immigrants. Children : |,i 2. i. Timothy, b. Nov. 11, 1764. -f- 3. ii. Nabby, b. Oct. 18, 1766; m. Nov. 27, 1788, Edmund Briant, Jr. (4). 4. iii. Jonathan, b. Feb. 5, 1769.-}- 5. iv. Peter, b. Sept. 15, 1771; m. May 25, 1797, Submit, dau. of Joseph and Submit (Cummings) Simonds of Hancock. He removed to Peterborough in early manhood, thence to Hancock, when about thirty years of age, and to Marlow in 1812. , 6. V. Samuel, b. Apr. 12, 1773; d. Nov. 27, 1814; m. (1) Sarah,! dau. of James Duncan of Hancock; (2) Dec. 26, 1805,' Thankful, dau. of Nathaniel Breed of Nelson, who is said , 432 Fox to have been a son of Nathaniel of New Ipswich (2) [b. May 22, 1786; d. Oct. 22, 1869]. He removed to Hancock on attaining his majority, or earlier, and thence to Stoddard only a short time before his death. 7. vi. John, b. Oct. 24, 1774; m. Nov. 13, 1803, Lavinia Wilkins. 8. vii. Sarah, b. Dec. 10, 1776; m. Mar. 12, 1807, Ellis Pitcher. 9. viii. LucRETiA, b. Nov. 9, 1778; d. 1842; m. Jan. 25, 1816, John Binney (6). 10. ix. Jediah, b. Nov. 30, 1780; d. Sept. 1. 1858; m. Dec. 27, 1810, Sarah, dau. of Noah and Mary (Butterfield) Wheeler of Hancock [b. Nov. 9, 1789; d. Nov. 8, 1875]. He resided in Hancock, to which he removed in early manhood. 11. X. Lucy, b. Apr. 29, 1782; m. Worcester of Stoddard. Joseph" (John^ John', Eliphalet^ Thomas'), b. Jan. 20, 1744; d. Feb. 18, 1823; m. Mary Tuttle of Littleton, Mass. [b. about 1745; d. Feb. 14, 1794]. He removed to Fitchburg, Mass., in early manhood, where he was at first a shoemaker and afterward became a merchant. He acquired a goodly property and was an influential citizen. He was a delegate to the Provincial Congress held at Watertown in 1775, and he represented Fitchburg in the Legislature during several years. 2. Timothy^ (Timothy^, John*, John^, Eliphalet^, Thom- asO, b. Nov. 11, 1764; d. Apr. 23, 1839; m. (1) Mar. 8, 1787, Ruth Pollard (4) ; (2) May 16. 1802, Sarah Bartlett (9) ; (3) Mar. 26, 1807, Hannah Flint of Lincoln, Mass. [b. about 1778; d. Mar. 28, 1858]. He succeeded to his father's farm and passed his life upon it. He was captain of the South militia company of the town, and was chosen selectman thirteen times. Children : 12. i. Ruth, b. Apr., 1788; d. Oct. 10, 1813; m. Benjamin B. Williams (8). Polly, b. Mar. 18, 1790; d. about 1801. Clarissa, b. Nov. 15, 1791. Abigail, b. Sept. 21, 1793; d. July 6, 1815; m. Mar., 1810, John F. Hills (7). Timothy, b. Sept. 2, 1795.+ Marinda, b. Aug. 17, 1797; d. Jan. 18, 1798. 18. vii. RowENA, b. Jan. 3, 1799; m. Lewis Epps. 19. viii. Sally, b. June 13, 1801 ; d. June 29, 1801. 20. ix. A child, b. and d. Oct. 15, 1803. 21. X. Catherine, b. Feb. 1, 1808; d. Apr. 3, 1811. 22. xi. Emily, b. Dec. 31, 1809; d. Dec. 8, 1846; m. Apr. 27, 1837, Lieut, (later Commodore) James F. Miller, U. S. N. [b. Apr. 27, 1805; d. July 11, 1868]. Children: i. Catherine E. Miller, b. May, 1838; d. Aug. 1, 1874. ii. Caroline Miller, m. Rev. George J. Prescott of Boston. 23. xii. A child, b. and d. Jan. 26, 1812. 24. xiii. A child, b. and d. Apr. 22, 1813. 25. xiv. Ephraim Flint, b. Oct. 19, 1814.+ 433 13. ii. 14. iii. 15. iv. 16. V. 17. vi. History of New Ipswich 26. XV. George, b. Nov. 29, 1816.+ 27. xvi. Caroline Hannah, b. July 12, 1819; d. Oct. 30, 1890; m. Nov. 28, 1849, Lieut. James F. Miller, U. S. N., her brother-in- law. 4. Jonathan^ (Timothy^, John*, John^ Eliphalet-, Thom- as^), b. Feb. 5, 1769; d. Apr. 7, 1857; m. Sibyl Jackson of Newton, Mass. He remained in his native town for a few years after attaining his majority, and then removed to Jaf- frey, where he was a prominent and trusted citizen during a long life. He was a selectman for fourteen years consecu- tively. Children : 28. i. Joseph, b. 1797; d. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 16, 1820. He gradu- ated from Dartmouth College in 1818. 29. ii. Mary, b. Mar. 13, 1799; d. Oct. 19, 1868; m. Apr. 3, 1822, Alpheus, son of Alpheus and Elizabeth Crosby of Jaffrey [d. Dec. 16, 1873]. She lived in Troy, N. H., and Rock- ford, III, in which last place she died. 30. iii. Isaac Jackson, b. Aug. 28, 1801.+ 31. iv. John, b. Aug. 2, 1803.+ 32. v. Harriet, b. Jan. 6, 1806. She married twice. Res. at Con- cord, N. H. 33. vi. Abigail, m. Alvah Crocker. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. 34. vii. Charles James, b. Jan. 12, 1813.+ Abel' (Joseph^ John^ John^ Eliphalet', Thomas'), b. Dec. 25, 1782; d. July 30, 1849; m. Mary K. Farwell of Fitchburg, Mass. [b. Oct. 5, 1805; d. Nov. 24, 1857]. He graduated from Harvard College in 1801; after- ward studied medicine and spent his life in the practice of his profession in Charlestown, Mass., and Fitchburg, Mass., in which last named city he died. 16. Timothy'^ (Timothy^, Timothy^, John*, John^, Elipha- let^, Thomas^), b. Sept. 2, 1795; d. Feb. 21, 1867; m. 1818, IVTary, dau. of Jonathan Smith of Peterborough [b. May 17, 1799; d. May 8, 1864]. He was a teacher in his early man- hood, and afterward had a store in the long, low building standing until recently facing the south at the foot of Meeting- house Hill, which was the place of business of no small num- ber of successive merchants in its early days. In 1823 he removed to Peterborough and continued business with his brother-in-law for several years, but in 1836 removed to Iowa and became one of the founders of the town of Denmark, where he passed the remaining thirty years of his life. He was made an elder of the church at Petei:borough, then Pres- byterian in form, and he is still spoken of in Denmark as "Deacon Fox" with a noticeable tone of respect. Children : 434 Pox 36. i. Henry, b. Aug. 30, 1819; d. Jan., 1820. 37. ii. George Frederic, b. Oct. 18, 1820; d. Dec, 1820. 38. iii. Mary Caroline, b. May 12, 1822; d. Mar. 21, 1847. 39. iv. John, b. Sept. 5, 1823; d. Feb., 1824. 40. V. William, b. Mar. 13, 1825; d. Aug. 29, 1826. 41. vi. Charlotte Smith, b. Nov. 20, 1826; d. .Sept. 15, 1885; m. Aug. 7, 1845, Charles E. Whitmarsh [b. Dec. 25, 1819; d. Apr. 6, 1883]. Res. Denmark, Iowa. Children, i. Timothy Fox Whitmarsh, h. 1846; d. Dec. 20, 1910; m. Ariadne Hunt; res. Denmark, Iowa; his son, John Charles Whit- marsh, b. Oct. 24, 1869; m. Apr. 2, 1896, Harriet Relief, dau. of Thomas S. Taylor (62). ii. Edward Whitmarsh. iii. Eva Whitmarsh. iv. Mary Frances Whitmarsh. 42. vii. Joseph, b. and d. Nov. 5, 1827. 43. viii. A child, b. and d. Jan. 15, 1828. 44. ix. A child, b. and d. Feb. 5, 1829. 45. X. A child, b. and d. Aug. 20, 1830. 46. xi. A child, b. and d. Aug. 5, 1832. 47. xii. Edward, b. Jan. 8, 1834; d. May 29, 1836. 48. xiii. Harriet Frances, b. Nov. 17, 1836. 49. xiv. Edward, b. Dec. 12, 1837; d. Aug. 15, 1843. 50. XV. Nancy Maria, b. Jan. 25, 1840; d. Sept. 24, 1840. 25. Ephraim Flint^ (Timothy^, Timothy^, John*, John^, Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. Oct. 19, 1814; d. Apr., 1903; m. July 8, 1847, Helen Maria Newell (38). After his father's death he remained upon the paternal farm and, together with his brother George, conducted its industries until 1854, when he removed to the Center Village and lived with the parents of his wife, then of advanced age, in their home opposite Union Hall. He was selectman for several years. His later years were passed with his sons in Roxbury, Mass. Children : 51. i. Helen Elizabeth, b. May 1, 1848; d. July, 1911, unm. 52. ii. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 24, 1852; m. Sept. 9, 1903, Mary P. Byron of Jamaica Plain, Mass. He has been engaged in the livery and express business in Boston since 1879. 53. iii. Edward Marcellus, b. Feb. 15, 1860.-}- 26. George^ (Timothy'', Timothy^ John*, John^, Elipha- let^, Thomas^), b. Nov. 29, 1816; d. Dec. 16, 1895; m. Oct. 20, 1852, Mary Jane, dau. of Winslow and Mary (Parker) Ames [b. Groton, Mass., Jan. 13, 1819; d. June 16, 1894]. He con- tinued to live upon the farm bearing his family name several years after his brother's departure, but in 1867 he too yielded to the forces then tending to the abandonment of the ancient farm homes, and removed to the Dr. ]\Ioors Farwell house at the corner southwest from the Congregational church and 435 History of New Ipswich there lived until his death, the farm passing out of the family some years later. Children : 54. i. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 6, 1853; m. Dec. 24, 1890, Charles A., son of George A. Willard. 55. ii. George Timothy, b. Dec. 26, 1857; d. Aug. 31, 1894. 30. Isaac Jackson^ (Jonathan^, Timothy^, John*, John^, Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 28, 1801; d. Nashua, May 6, 1852; m. (1) Sophia H. Wilder of Leominster, Mass. [d. Oct., 1837] ; (2) Pamelia Wilder, sister of his first wife. He was a merchant in Jaffrey and afterwards in Nashua. He was a colonel. Children : 56. i. Henry Jackson, b. Aug., 1828. 57. ii. Ann Sophia, b. 1830; d. young. 58. iii. George Wilder, b. Jan. 24, 1831. 59. iv. Sarah Josephine, b. Dec, 1833; m. George D. Jaquith. 60. V. Charles Joseph, d. young. 61. vi. Eloisa Howe, b. Jan., 1837; m. Edward Gay of Maiden. 62. vii. Sophia, b. Dec. 25, 1844. 31. John'^ (Jonathan®, Timothy^, John*, John^, Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 2, 1803; m. (1) Eloisa, dau. of Dr. Adonijah, Jr., and Mary (Woodbury) Howe [d. Feb. 2, 1837] ; (2) Isabel W., dau. of Dr. Luke and Mary (Woodbury) Howe. He was a merchant with his brother in Jaffrey for a time, and then he studied medicine, receiving the degree of M. D. from Dart- mouth in 1835. But after a few years he became a farmer in Jaffrey, where he was a prominent man, holding, each for several years, the offices of selectman, town clerk, and repre- sentative. Children : 63. i. Mary Isabel, b. Jan. 1, 1849; unm. Res. in Boston. 64. ii. John Howe, b. June 14, 1856. He graduated from Dartmouth and was a lawyer in East Jaffrey. 65. iii. Kate Woodbury, b. July 15, 1859; unm. Res. in Boston. 34. Charles Jambs'^ (Jonathan®, Timothy^, John*, JohnS Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. Jan. 12, 1813; d. Jan. 30, 1873; m. Apr. 29, 1838, Eliza, dau. of Daniel and Sally (Jones) Cutter. He removed to Rockton, 111., where he was a large dealer in land. Children: 66. i. Charles Edward, b. Nov. 7, 1840; d. Jan. 29, 1878. He was a successful grocer in Boston. He served through the Civil War. 67. ii. Harriet Adelaide, b. Feb. 10, 1844. 68. iii. Jones Cutter, b. July 12, 1846; d. July 16, 1846. 69. iv. Abbie Crocker, b. July 14, 1848; d. Sept. 30, 1852. 436 1Z. 74. ii. 75. iii. 76. iv. n. V. Fox 70. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 18S0. 71. vi. John, b. Feb. 18, 1854. 72. vii. Frank Cutter, b. June 4, 1857. 35. Joseph^ (AbeP, Joseph^ John*, John^, Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 16, 1828; m. Mar. 26, 1857, Emily Maria, dau. of Amos and Lucy (Wheeler) Bar- rett of Ashby [b. Aug. 3, 1830]. He came to New Ipswich in 1845 and was employed at Bank Village in the store of W. W. Johnson until 1859, being a partner during the later years of that period. He then removed to Cambridge, Mass., where for several years he was in business as a florist with his uncle James K. Farwell, and afterwards until 1878 he was care- taker of a part of the Mt. Auburn cemetery. Since that time he has been a collector and constable, living in Cambridge, but having his office in Boston. Children — the first one born at New Ipswich and the others in Cambridge: Frederic Joseph, b. Jan. 8, 1859; d. Aug. 7, 1859. Josephine Angeline, b. Aug. 28, 1860; d. Dec. 18, 1860. Mary Estella, b. Dec. 10, 1861. Lizzie Ella, b. Oct. 11, 1868; d. Mar. 11, 1873. Mabel Barrett, b. Dec. 20, 1870; d. Feb. 3, 1872. 53. Edward Marcellus^ (Ephraim F.'', Timothy^, Timo- thy^ John*, John^ Eliphalet^, Thomas^), b. Feb. 15, 1860; d. Oct. 7, 1912; m. Nov., 1886, Minnie E. Wildon of Roxbury. He was associated with his brother from 1879 in the livery and express business in Boston. Children : 78. i. Helen Louise, b. Apr. 4, 1888; m. June, 1911, Edward Stuart, a sanitary engineer at Brookhaven, Miss. 79. ii. Frederic Thayer, b. Nov., 1890. 80. iii. Charles Ephraim, b. Feb. 8, 1893. 81. iv. Harry Beard, b. Oct., 1895. GIBSON. John* Gibson, b. about 1601; d. 1694; m. (1) Rebecca [d. Nov., 1661] ; (2) July 24, 1662, Joan, widow of Henry Prentice of Cambridge, Mass. He lived in Cambridge, where his name first appears in 1634. He was a husbandman. John' (John'), b. about 1641; d. Oct. 15, 1679; m. Dec. 9, 1668, Re- becca, dau. of Abraham and Rebecca (Cutler) Errington of Cambridge [d. Dec. 4, 1713]. He was also a husbandman in Cambridge. He served in King Philip's war. Timothy' (John^ John'), b. about 1679; d. July 14, 1757; m. (1) Nov. 17, 1700, Rebecca Gates of Stow, Mass. [b. July 23, 1682; d. Jan. 21, 1754] ; (2) pub. Nov. 30, 1755, Mrs. Submit Taylor of Sudbury [b. about 437 History of New Ipswich 1685; d. Jan. 29, 1759]. His father having died at about the time of his birth, he was brought up by Selectman Abraham Helman of Cambridge, who removed to Stow, Mass., taking his practically adopted son with him. In this town Timothy Gibson passed most of his life, although he owned considerable amounts of land in the adjoining town of Sudbury and in Lunenburg, Mass., and seems to have lived for a time in the for- mer town. He was a deacon of the church in Stow. Arrington* (Timothy^, John", John'), b. Sudbury, Mar. 22, 1717; d. Feb. 24, 1756; m. Mary [b. about 1717; d. July 15, 1795]. He was a farmer in Lunenburg. Stephen* (Timothy', John", John'), b. Sudbury, June 16, 1719; d. Oct. 3, 1806; m. 1744, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary Goss [b. Lancaster, Mass., Apr. 13, 1719; d. Oct. 26, 1802]. He passed his life as a farmer on the home farm in Stow, and was also a large landholder in Lunenburg and Ashby, Mass. He gave service in the Revolution, although his age forbade its long continuance. He was a deacon. SiLAS^ (Arrington', Timothy', John', John'), b. Sept. 1, 1747; d. Apr. 25, 1834; m. 1773, Damaris Bennett [b. Leominster, Mass., Oct. 19, 1755; d. May 10, 1839]. He removed to Ashby before 1794, and thence in 1800 to Londonderry, Vt. Stephen' (Stephen', Timothy', John', John'), b. Mar. 29, 1745; d. Feb. 3, 1812; m. Apr. 15, 1766, Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Jabez and Hannah (Treadway) Puffer [b. Sudbury, Feb. 21, 1748; d. Oct. 7, 1815]. He was a farmer in Ashby, and a prominent man in town affairs, holding the more important town offices. In early middle life he accepted the Baptist belief, and became a lay preacher with little if any salary, but in later years he became Rev. Stephen Gibson. He served in the Revolution. Arrington" (Silas^ Arrington*, Timothy', John', John'), b. Lunen- burg, Mass., Mar. 14, 1774; d. Londonderry, Vt., Nov. 1, 1857; m. 1803, Mary (or Nancy), dau. of Dea. David Cochran of Londonderry [b. about 1779; d. Dec. 22, 1844]. 1. Stillman^ (Stephen^, Stephen*, Timothy^, John^, John\), b. Aug. 22, 1781; d. Sept. 4, 1864; m. May 2, 1804, Rebecca Chandler (R. 8). He lived in Ashby until 1812, when he came to New Ipswich, living upon the Dea. Chandler farm, (XIII : 2, N. L. O.,) for several years, and then removing to the large farm, V: 4, S. R., where he afterward made his home. But his later years were largely devoted to other duties than those of a farmer. From the treatment of diseases of domestic ani- mals, in which he had been exceptionally successful, he passed to those of his fellows, and gained such a reputation, espe- cially in chronic ailments, that the number of patients coming from a distance caused his name to be placed upon many guideboards in the surrounding region. Children : 2. i. Charles Stillman, b. Mar. 10, 1805; d. June 17, 1867; m. May 10, 1842, his cousin Adeline Augusta, dau. of Stephen and Nancy (Michel) Gibson [b. Boston, 1806; d. Sept. 13, 1858]. He lived in Gibson Village. 438 Gibson 3. ii. George Chandler, b. Mar. 10, 1805. -[- 4. iii. John, b. Mar. 17, 1807; d. Nov. 11, 1811. 5. iv. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 15, 1809; d. June 13, 1878; m. Amos Wellington [b. about 1802; d. July 15, 1888]. After some years' residence in Ashby they removed to the West, finally settling at Waco, Neb., where they died. Children : i. Elvira Gibson Wellington, b. Apr. 26, 1832; d. Chariton, Iowa, Dec. 7, 1894; m. Sept. 6, 1852, Moses T. Howe; four children, ii. Mary Jane Wellington, b. Oct. 10, 1836; d. May 10, 1837. iii. Horatio Wellington, b. Sept. 21, 1843; m. (1) Lancaster, Mo., Sept. 28, 1872; (2) Omaha, Neb., Oct. 12, 1894, Mrs. Sarah (Streeter) Coray. iv. Horace H. Wellington, b. Sept. 6, 1845; m. Lancaster, Mo., July 25, 1867, Frances E. Whitlock; res. Waco, Neb.; six children. 6. v. Joseph Augustus, b. June 14, 1812.-f- 7. vi. Harriet Augusta, b. May 11, 1815; d. Feb. 27, 1881; m. Oct. 27, 1836, Washington, son of Oliver and Atlanta (Phelps) Shepley [b. Natchez, Miss., Sept. 9, 1813; d. Aug. 24, 1887]. They Hved on the farm opposite the road lead- ing southerly on the east of Whittemore Hill, (12, N. L. O.,) and later removed to Canton, 111., where they died. Child : i. Henry Oliver Shepley, b. July 4, 1838 ; m. Aug. 14, 1867, Elizabeth Langstaff; res. on his father's farm at Canton, 111. ; two children. 8. vii. Henry, b. June 9, 1819.+ 9. viii. Caroline Frances, b. Feb. 2, 1824; d. Jan. 2, 1914; m. Feb. 20, 1845, Dr. Frederick Jones (45). Cultured, refined, and optimistic, she occupied an unusual position, being the daughter of a physician, the sister of a physician, the wife of a physician, and the mother of a physician. 10. ix. Anne Cornelia, b. Sept. 27, 1827; d. Apr. 25, 1902; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1849, Jeremiah Chandler (R. Z7) ; (2) July 20, 1882, her brother-in-law, Washington Shepley. Ruel' (Arrington*, Silas^ Arrington^ Timothy', John^ John^), b. Londonderry, Vt., June 3, 1811; m. Nov. 3, 1837, Emily Barnard [b. Peru, Vt, Nov. 27, 1816; d. Alstead, May 27, 1879]. 3. George Chandler'^ (Stillman**, Stephen^, Stephen*, Timothy^ John^, John^), b. ]V[ar. 10, 1805; d. Jan. 29, 1875; m. (1) June 3, 1830, Elvira, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Pea- body) Appleton (58) ; (2) Dec. 31, 1858, Mrs. Susan Catherine (Young) Cooper, who survived him and removed to Oregon, and afterward to Bangor, Me. He had a sawmill in Gibson Village, and engaged in other mechanical industries. He was colonel in the militia. Children : 12. i. George Stillman, b. Mar. 14, 1831; d. Feb. 12, 1897, unm. He was a teacher in New Ipswich and in Canton, 111., and then for several years a millwright in Fitchburg, Mass., where he was a valued member of the School Board. 4.39 History of New Ipsv^rich After 1882 he lived in Boulder, Colo., where he was a business man and an exceptionally valued and trusted citi- zen. The church in which he was a deacon printed a memorial in recognition of his rare worth. 13. ii. Charles Appleton, b. Sept. 12, 1833; d. Feb. 15, 1912; m. July 18, 1867, Clara W., dau. of Thomas Egery of Bangor, Me. [b. Dec. 17, 1843]. He was president of the Hinkley & Egery Iron Co., Bangor, Me. 14. iii. Samuel Appleton, b. Aug. 17, 1835. + 15. iv. John, b. Aug. 6, 1837; d. Sept. 8, 1837. 16. V. A daughter, b. July 14, 1839; d. July 14, 1839. 17. vi. A daughter, b. July 14, 1839; d. July 22, 1839. 18. vii. Elvira Victoria, b. Mar. 2, 1841; d. July 14, 1914. Res. Bangor, Me. 19. viii. Frank Young, b. Apr. 16, 1861; d. Apr. 19, 1861. 20. ix. Mary Allie, b. Dec. 14, 1864; m. (1) Astoria, Ore., Dec. 24, 1883, James Davidson; (2) Feb. 18, 1892, Frederic H., son of John Appleton (106). 6. Joseph Augustus'' (Stillman'', Stephen^, Stephen*, Tim- othy^ John^ John^), b. June 14, 1812; d. Feb. 22, 1875; m. Oct. 29, 1835, Miranda, dau. of John and Sarah (Lane) Kib- ling [b. Ashburnham, Mass., Jan. 27, 1813; d. Jan. 21, 1903]. He was a painter living at Gibson Village in the hotise just south of the millpond. His children constituted a very musi- cal family, some of the daughters forming a concert troupe known as the "Gibson sisters." Children : 21. i. John Stillman, b. Jan. 27, 1837. -f 22. ii. Angelia Miranda, b. Aug. 10, 1838; m. (1) Aug. 27, 1864, Levi Wright of Fitchburg, Mass.; (2) Sept. 24, 1890, Dr. William T. Whalley. Res. in Fitchburg. Children : i. Henry Gibson Wright, b. June 28, 1866; m. Apr. 30, 1890, Mabel Morse, ii. Maud E. Wright, b. May 8, 1876; unm. 23. iii. Henry N., b. Mar. 20, 1840; d. Mar. 9, 1841. 24. iv. Anna M., b. July 10, 1842; d. Feb. 13, 1899; m. Dec. 28, 1869, Richard J. Hargraves. Res. Townsend, Mass., Sandusky, O., Port Huron, Mich., and Roscommon, Mich. Child : i. Mabel G. Hargraves, b. Townsend, Feb. 24, 1872; unm. 25. v. Sara R., b. Apr. 8, 1845; d. Feb. 17, 1911; m. July 6, 1879, George W Shattuck (130). 26. vi. Frederick J., b. Dec. 28, 1848; unm. He is a photographer and lives at his early home. 27. vii. Elsie E., b. Dec. 19, 1851; d. June 27, 1874, unm. 28. viii. Lucy Angenette, b. Mar. 10, 1855; m. Sept. 27, 1888, Carmi H. Scales of Leominster, Mass. 8. Henry'' (Stillman^, Stephen^, Stephen*, Timothy^, John^, John^), b. June 9, 1819; d. July 25, 1844; m. May 10, 1842, Sarah Maria Robinson [b. Jaffrey, Apr.' 19, 1820; d. July 23, 440 Gibson 1847]. He studied medicine, and received his degree from Albany Medical College in 1841. He was attaining a very successful practice, when he died from blood-poisoning con- tracted in a post-mortem examination. Child : 29. i. Mary Henrietta, b. June 6, 1843; m. Alfred Henry, son of Alfred Gushing and Mary Ann (Barrett) Hersey of Bos- ton [b. Apr. 18, 1841; d. Oct. 11, 1901]. Res. Hingham, Mass. Children: i. Alfred Gushing Hersey, b. Sept. 18, 1862; d. Sept. 12, 1863. ii. Henry Gibson Hersey, b. Aug. 5, 1863; d. Feb. 11, 1865. 11. Francis Newton® (ReueF, Arrington^, Silas^, Arring- ton*, Timothy^, John^, John^), b. Londonderry, Vt., Oct. 18, 1839; d. July 11, 1905; m. Nov. 23, 1867, Mary Abby Bellows (13). He graduated from Dartmouth Medical School, en- listed August 6, 1862, in 9th N. H. Regiment in the Civil War as second assistant surgeon, was promoted to be brigade sur- geon ; mustered out June 10, 1865. He was conspicuous by his bravery in caring for the wounded on the battlefield. For more than twenty years he practiced his profession in New Ipswich, where his integrity, kindness, and skill won for him a large and increasing practice. To the poor he was a generous creditor. For several years he used the waterpower at the Farrar mill site for manufacturing purposes. In Sept., 1887, he removed to Lincoln, Neb. Children : 30. i. Ellen Champney, b. July 21, 1871; d. Nov. 17, 1897. She graduated from the University of Michigan in 1893, and taught during most of her brief later life in Lincoln, Neb. 31. ii. Charles Bellows, b. Jan. 22, 1875 ; d. Jan. 28, 1875. 32. iii. Charles Osgood, b. Oct. 13, 1876; d. Jan. 21, 1878. 14. Samuel Appleton^ (George Chandler", Stillman^, Ste- phen^ Stephen*, Timothy^, John^, John^), b. Aug. 17, 1835; d. Jan. 22, 1899 ; m. Oct. 14, 1860, Mary Ann, dau. of Asahel and Mary (Winship) Farnsworth and widow of William T. Bar- deen [b. Groton, Mass., Jan. 26, 1828; d. May 20, 1893]. He was a grocer at Fitchburg, Mass., for several years, but in 1867 he removed to Kalamazoo, Mich., where he passed the remainder of his life in connection with the Kalamazoo Paper Company, which he first served as mechanic and bookkeeper, but rose to the position of president. He was a leading mem- ber of the Congregational church, and a trustee of Kalamazoo College. Children : 33. i. Alice Gertrude, b. Dec. 28, 1861; m. June 18, 1884, Dwight, son of Rev. Samuel Haskell. Res. at Kalamazoo, where he 441 History of New Ipswich is secretary of the Kalamazoo Paper Company. Three children. 34. ii. Susan Edith, b. Feb. 27, 1863; m. June 18, 1884, Frederick Marvin Hodge [b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1858]. He is president of the Kalamazoo Paper Company. Four chil- dren. 35. iii. Emma Josephine, b. Mar. 16, 1865; d. Aug. 19, 1865. 21. John Stillman^ (Joseph Augustus^, Stillman'', Ste- phen^ Stephen*, Timothy^, John^, John^), b. Jan. 27, 1837; m. Oct. 27, 1864, Lucinda J. Foskett (2). Res. Townsend, Mass. Children : 36. i. Frank P., b. Sept. 30, 1867 ; m. Nov. 28, 1888, Mabel G. Petts of Leominster, Mass. Res. in Leominster. Children : i. Bernice Avis, b. Mar. 27, 1893. ii. Ralph Petts, b. Oct. 15, 1895. 37. ii. Frederick E., b. Mar. 6, 1871; m. Oct. 17, 1888, Harriette Bryant of Canada. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. Children : i. Gertrude Agnes, h. Mar. 15, 1891. ii. Marion Bryant, b. July 27, 1896. 38. iii. Tracy O., b. July 4, 1873 ; m. Sept. 23, 1896, Cora Bell Lover- ing. Res. in Leominster, Mass. Child : Herman Edgar, b. Sept. 10, 1897. 39. iv. Florence, b. Oct. 30, 1880. GILES. The records of this family are somewhat conflicting, but it is hoped that the statement given below is not greatly erroneous. Edward* Giles, d. before 1650; m. prob. about 1633, Bridget, widow of Very [d. 1680]. He came to New England about 1633 and set- tled in Salem, Mass. Eleazer- (Edward'), bapt. about Nov. 27, 1640; d. prob. 1726; m. (1) Jan. 25, 1664/5, Sarah More of Lynn, Mass. [d. May 9, 1676]; (2) Sept. 25, 1677, Elizabeth, dau. of James Bishop of New Haven, Conn. [b. July 3, 1657; d. 1733]. Res. in that part of Salem which is now South Danvers, where he was a farmer. He was an ensign. Eleazer' (Eleazer", Edward'), b. July 8, 1698; d. 1749; m. Elizabeth . He removed to Hopkinton, Mass., about 1724, where he was a mason and farmer. He held the office of constable and was a member of the school committee. 1. Joseph* (Eleazer^, Eleazer^, Edward^), bapt. Oct. 16, 1743; d. IMay 30, 1813; m. Mary . He removed with his mother and sisters to Townsend, Mass., whence he came to New Ipswich, his name first appearing in 1782. He lived half a mile south from the site of the school-house of the North district, (No. 7,) on XV: 2, S. R. He removed to Han- cock in 1799. Children : j 442 i Giles 2. i. Joseph, b. Apr. 8, 1773. 3. ii. Rebecca (or Robena), b. June 26, 1775. 4. iii. Daniel, b. May 18, 1778.+ 5. iv. Polly, b. Jan. 6, 1781. 6. V. Noah, b. Mar. 10, 1783. 4. Daniel^ (Joseph*, Eleazer^ Eleazer'^, Edward^), b. May 18, 1778; d. Dec. 31, 1829; m. (1) Mar., 1806, Nancy, dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail Russell of Rindge [b. Sept. 19, 1776; d. Sept. 23, 1816] ; (2) Aug. 21, 1817, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Appleton) Bartlett (11). He succeeded to the oc- cupancy of his father's farm. Children : 7. i. Daniel, b. 1807; d. Dec. 8, 1883. Res. Lincoln, Mass. 8. ii. Anna, b. 1807; d. Jan. 10, 1874; m. Sept. 7, 1842, James Davis (49). 9. iii. Alfred, b. 1810; d. Sept. 7, 1872; m. his cousin Betsey, dau. of Simeon Russell. Res. Rindge. Children : i. Hattie, m. Orlando J. Raymond; res. Rindge and Somerville, Mass. ii. A son. 10. iv. Noah, b. 1815; m. Mary A. Brown [m. (2) John I. Reynolds; (3) Leonard P. Wellington]. Res. Waltham, Mass. 11. V. John. Res. Springfield, Mass. 12. vi. LuciNDA, b. Aug. 9, 1823; d. Aug. 3, 1895; m. Nov. 21, 1844, Daniel Farv^^ell (6). 13. vii. Sally, d. Jan., 1843; m. Dea. Sawyer of Denmark, Iowa. Eleazer, whose name is on the tax-lists, 1768-69, was perhaps the elder brother of Joseph, bapt. Jan. 15, 1726. GODDING. Henry^ Godding, master of the British ship Abigail engaged in the coast trade, was for a time in Massachusetts Bay in 1628. Henry' (Henry^), b. 1642; d. Oct. 13, 1720; m. Apr. 7, 1663, Eliza- beth Perry. His marriage is the first recorded at Watertown, where he remained until his death, his home being midway between the sites of the present stations Belmont and Hill's Crossing. William" (Henry', Henry'), b. 1669; d. 1746; m. Mar. 26, 1701, Mary Pease. He seems to have passed his life in Watertown, and apparently had a considerable property. Samuel' (William^ Henry', Henr/), bapt. Mar. 16, 1706; d. Feb. 1, 1761 ; m. Mary Boyce. He lived in Cambridge. He served in the French and Indian Wars and also, despite his advanced age, in the Rev- olution, at least in the opening struggles at Concord and Lexington. Henby= (Samuel', William^ Henry', Henry'), b. Mar. 28, 1736; d. 1795 ; m. Sarah . He removed from Cambridge to Lexington, where he and his wife were admitted to the church, and in 1766 were dismissed to Rowley Canada, now Rindge. 1. Henry*^ (Henry^, Samuel*, William^, Henry^ Henry^), b. June 15, 1768; d. Aug. 4, 1831; m. (1) Feb. 19, 1790, Mary 443 History of New Ipswich Lawrence of Gardner [d. May 17, 1790] ; (2) Patty, dau. of Amos Russell of Westford. He removed to New Ipswich about 1795, settling half a mile from the Rindge line on lot 126, A. D., and there making the farm upon which he passed his remaining years. Children : 2. i. Ariel, b. Oct. 29, 1794.+ 3. ii. Mary, b. Mar. 29, 1797; m. Ambrose, son of Daniel and Betsey (Curtice) Emory of Rindge. Res. Rindge and Jaffrey. 4. lii. Gardner, b. Nov. 7, 1799; d. 1823, unm. 5. iv. Sylvia, b. July 5, 1803 ; d. 1818, unm. 2. Ariel^ (Henry^ Henry^, Samuel*, William^, Henry^ Henryi), b. Oct. 29, 1794; d. Apr. 14, 1871; m. Dec. 19, 1822, Eliza Chickering (6). He lived upon the homestead until 1845, when he returned to his native town, Rindge, with which the social and business relations of his father and himself had naturally been, while they were citizens of New Ipswich, but so largely separated from its life by the mountain. Children : 6. i. George Gardner, b. Feb. 12, 1824; d. Ashby, Mass., Sept. 20, 1888; m. Nov. 16, 1848, Nancy Mersylvia Wetherbee of Rindge. Res. Lunenburg, Mass. 7. ii. Mersylvia, b. Nov. 5, 1825; m. Mar. 28, 1848, Nathan A. Hale of Rindge. 8. iii. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 9, 1828; m. Samuel, son of Samuel and Nancy (Scott) Teel of Lunenburg, Mass. Res. Lunenburg. 9. iv. Louisa, b. Sept. 28, 1830; m. Apr. 24, 1851, John N., son of Benjamin and Nancy (Whitcomb) Hastings of Rindge, who was killed at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862, and she m. (2) George M. Cram. 10. V. Ellen E., b. 1840; d. Apr. 11, 1865; m. Oct. 27, 1858, George M. Cram, who after her death m. (2) her sister as above. 11. vi. Caroline, b. 1844; d. Feb. 10, 1862. GORDON. William Gordon came from Aberdeen, Scotland, to Halifax, Nova Scotia, at the age of eighteen years. 1. Robert^ (William^), b. Halifax, 1827; d. Apr. 2, 1895; m. Richmond, Va., Nancy Jones [b. Hubbardton, Vt., 1824; d. Dec. 21, 1900]. He lived in Virginia, where all his children were born, but at the outbreak of the Civil War he came North to Hyannis, Mass., where he enlisted in the 3d Cavalry Regiment of Massachusetts, in which he served through the war. In 1870 he came to New Ipswich and passed his re- 444 Gordon maining years on the farm long owned by Samuel Cook Wheeler, (57, N. D.,) living in the brick house upon the north side of the Turnpike. Children : 2. i. Harriet D., b. Jan. 9, 1854. She is a teacher at the South. 3. ii. Alexander J., b. Nov., 1856; d. Aug. 24, 1874. 4. iii. Philip F., b. Nov. 28, 1857; m. June 18, 1884, Plymouth, N. H., Hattie B. Chase. He has been a merchant at Winsdor, Vt., Woodsville, N. H., and Gardner, Mass., suc- cessively, but retired from active business, and has since made his home in New Ipswich, having bought the house long owned by Isaac Spaulding, the first dwelling west from the town-house on the road to Smith Village. 5. iv. Helen E., b. Oct. 26, 1859; d. Oskaloosa, Iowa, Dec. 13, 1894; m. June 6, 1883, Edwin C. Holman. Children: i. George Gordon Holman. ii. Bertha V. Holman. GOULD. Thomas' Gould, d. Apr., 1674; m. (1) Hannah [d. May 15, 1647] ; (2) Mary, widow of Hayward (or Howard). He was an early settler at Charlestown, Mass., where he made his permanent resi- dence, and was a selectman. He was active in the erection of the first Baptist church in the colony, and was imprisoned for a considerable time on account of his failure to conform to the prevailing belief. Thomas' (Thomas'), b. about 1639; d. 1690; m. Elizabeth of Salem Village, now Danvers. James' (Thomas', Thomas'), b. Feb. 8, 1666/7; m. (1) Deborah ; (2) Sarah . He lived in Salem Mass., probably in that part which is now Peabody, as his children were baptized in the Third church which is situated in that region. Benjamin' (James', Thomas', Thomas'), b. Oct. 2, 1695; d. 1765; m. 1722, Sarah Parkhurst [b. Dec. 6, 1705; d. Apr. 4, 1793; m. (2) Eleazer Graves]. He lived in Chelmsford, Mass. Two of his nine chil- dren were among the early settlers in New Ipswich. 1. Adams* (James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. about 1711; d. Plymouth, about 1795; m. (1) pub. Jan. 29, 1729, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Butterfield of Chelmsford, Mass. ; (2) Feb. 23, 1758, Jemima, widow of Richard Skidmore of Methuen, Mass. [d. 1790]. He lived in Chelmsford until about 1760 and then came to New Ipswich, and according to the former town history, they "lived in a house built by Col. Kidder on one of his lots on Kidder Mountain, near the old Peterboro road, where they seemed to act as shepherds over the cattle in the mountain pastures." He was exempted from taxes for several years before his death. On account of their patriarchal age, and as they lived as it were alone in the world, 445 History of New Ipswich they were usually designated as "Adam and Eve," The prob- able position of their home is still faintly visible fifty rods or more westward from the discontinued "Todd road," in the eastern part of 60, N. D. Children — all of first marriage: 5. i. Lucy, b. Feb. 4, 1732. 6. ii. Abijah, b. Dec. 12, 1735.+ 7. iii. Benjamin, b. Aug. 29, l7A2.-\- 8. iv. Abraham. 2. Simeon^ (Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 17, 1733; d. Jan. 15, 1827; m. (1) June 19, 1760, Eliza- beth Pike [b. Dec. 19, 1734; d. Dec. 20, 1778]; (2) Sept. 30, 1779, Susannah (Hastings), widow of his neighbor John Cut- ter (1) [d. Jafifrey, Aug. 5, 1827]. He came to New Ipswich before 1760 and settled as a farmer a mile eastward from the home of his uncle Adam on Kidder ^Mountain, which farm, (40, N. D.,) remained in his hands and those of his descendants for more than a century. His name, near to the head of those who responded to the initial Revolutionary alarm in 1775, is also found as that of a sergeant on the company rolls of Capts. Atkinson, Francis Towne, Briant, and Fletcher, testifying to service at Coos and Trenton in 1776, at Princeton, at Still- water, and at the surrender of Burgoyne in 1777, and at Rhode Island in 1778. Children : 9. i. Simeon, b. Apr. 27, 1761.-f 10. ii. John, b. Apr. 23, 1763.+ 11. iii. Sarah, b. Oct. 5, 1765; d. Dec, 1858; m. Noah Bigelow of Reading, Vt. Six children. 12. iv. Betsey, b. Jan. 15, 1768; d. Feb. 5, 1847; m. Nov. 12, 1795, Peter Darby of Reading, Vt. Six children. 13. V. Margaret, b. June 18, 1770; d. June 7, 1848; m. Jan. 1, 1795, Moses Start (12). Removed to Enosburg, Vt. Eight chil- dren. 14. vi. Ambrose, b. Apr. 8, 1772.-|- 15. vii. Polly, b. July 28, 1774; d. July 12, 1843; m. Dea. Thomas Farley of Hollis. 3. Nathaniel^ (Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. May 21, 1741; d. Apr. 29, 1808; m, Hannah Shed of Chelms- ford, Mass. [d, Sept. 10, 1828]. He "came to town at the same time with his brother Simeon, and settled on a lot diago- nal to his, (43, N. D.) He served the town in the capacity of constable and surveyor, and among other offices was appointed by vote of the town to 'raise the tune on the Sabbath' at a time when it was customary to line or 'deaconize' the hymn. He was one of the first persons in the town who could read 446 Gould music, and took a prominent part as a performer and also as an instructor in psalmody during his life. He was an exem- plary member of the church." He had no children, but he adopted his nephew, whose name by act of General Court in June, 1807, was made to be : 16. Nathaniel Duren Gould. -}- 4. Mary^ (Benjamin*, James^, Thomas', Thomas^), b. Aug. 29, 1746; d. Oct. 16, 1823; m. Jan. 11, 1770, Reuben Duren [b. Mar. 1, 1747; d. Jan. 1, 1821], They lived in Billerica and later in Bedford. Mr. Duren "was a resolute and enterprising man, of an inventive mind, and was distinguished, in his vicinity, as a contractor for building meeting-houses and other large structures. He received a premium for a model of a bridge over the Merrimac at Pawtucket Falls, against many competitors. It was constructed of a single arch, the first of its kind so far as known, in this country, and was regarded by most persons of the time as a wild scheme. He succeeded, however, in erecting it." She had fourteen children, one of whom, 16. Nathaniel Gould Duren, b. Mar. 26, 1781, was adopted by his uncle, and in later years assumed the family surname as shown above. 6. Abijah^ (Adam*, James^, Thomas^ Thomas^), b. Dec. 12, 1735; d. Hollis, Jan. 2, 1818; m. Oct. 29, 1766, dau. of Phineas Spaulding of Hudson [b. Aug. 3, 1740; d. Rochester, N. Y., at her son's home]. He lived a few years in Temple, and afterward in Hollis. He enlisted from Temple in the com- pany of Capt. Gershom Drury in 1777. Children: 17. i. William, b. Mar. 1, 1769. 18. ii. Abijah, b. Nov. 11, 1771; d. young. 19. iii. Abijah, b. May 20, 1777. 7. Benjamin^ (Adam*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 29, 1742; d. Jan. 5, 1804; m. Sarah [d. Feb. 25, 1804]. He is said to have come to New Ipswich, perhaps with his father; but, if he did, his residence was very brief, as in 1768 he appears in Plymouth, where he passed his life and was a i 1 prominent citizen, holding civil offices of selectman and repre- i sentative, that of deacon in the church, and rising through the ; I inferior offices to that of major in the militia, although his i ! declination of the last-named office offered him in one of the ^j regiments of the minute-men organized in 1775 suggests that 447 27. 28. ii. 29. iii 30. iv. 31. V. History of New Ipswich his political views may have been not unlike those of the in- fluential man of his early manhood, Col. Reuben Kidder. Children : 20. i. Mary, b. June 27, 1769 ; d. Feb. 25, 1790. 21. ii. Benjamin, b. Apr. 29, 1771. 22. iii. John, b. Mar. 28, 1774. 23. iv. William, b. Oct. 16, 1778; d. by drowning, Apr. 24, 1789. 24. V. Esther, b. Feb. 10, 1781 ; m. Amos Webster. 25. vi. Sarah, b. May 23, 1785; m. Sargent Bartlett. 26. vii. Daniel, b. Apr. 11, 1787; d. Dec. 8. 1788. 9. Simeon** (Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thom- asO, b. Apr. 27, 1761; d. July 21, 1816; m. Feb. 12, 1789, Rhoda Lane. Children : Nathan, b. Dec. 7, 1790.+ Isaiah, b. July 16, 1793.+ Rhoda, b. Sept. 10, 1795; d. Nov. 25, 1872; m. May 9, 1813, William Wilson. Louisa, b. Feb. 27, 1800; m. June 23, 1824, Stephen Wilson. Stephen Lane, b. July 19, 1803.-}- 10. John** (Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thom- as^), b. Apr. 23, 1763; d. Sept. 22, 1858; m. July 5, 1792, Su- sannah Kidder (15). He lived upon the same farm with his father, building himself a new house a little westward from that of his father. He served in the Revolution for three months under Capt. Othniel Thomas, and is believed to have been the latest surviving revolutionary soldier from New Ips- wich. Children : 32. i. John, b. Mar. 25, 1793.+ 33. ii. Reuben Kidder, b. May 3, 1795; d. Dec. 19, 1870, unm. He lived vi^ith his father on the family farm, but for many years was a successful teacher in the district schools of the town, having taught for a longer or shorter time in every one of the districts formed in his earlier manhood. 14. Ambrose^ (Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 8, 1772; d. Apr. 10, 1840; m. Susan Farley. He was a carpenter in his early manhood, but soon became a tradesman, keeping store successively in Billerica and Green- field, Mass., and later in Mason, Hollis, and Manchester. In him the family musical talent was largely developed. Chil- dren : 34. i. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 1, 1802; d. 1880; m. John Parker. 35. ii. Susan Laurinda, b. Jan. 17, 1804; d. Mar. 24, 1804. 36. iii. Susan, b. Apr. 20, 1806; d. Nov. 27, 1807. 37. iv. William A., b. Mar. 1, 1808; m. Frances Prichard. 448 Gould 38. V. John Bradstreet, b. Nov. 10, 1809; d. Aug. 1, 1870. 39. vi. Susan Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1811; d. Apr. 28, 1881; m. Nathan Kendall. 40. vii. Frederic A., b. Feb. 11, 1814. 41. viii. Sarah Bigelow, b. Oct. 21, 1815; m. (1) Thomas Chase; (2) A. Prescott. 42. ix. Charles Otis, b. July 9, 1818; d. May 16, 1864; m. Sarah B. Shattuck. 43. X. George E., b. Jan. 7, 1832; d. June 4, 1876. 16. Nathaniel Duren^ (Mary^, Benjamin*, James^ Thom- as^ Thomas^), b. Mar. 26, 1781; d. May 28, 1864; m. Nov. 15, 1801, Sally Prichard (15). At the age of ten he was adopted by his uncle Nathaniel Gould and rode from Bedford to New Ipswich on horseback behind his uncle. From that time he made his home on the farm practically as his uncle's son, al- though his name was retained without change until five years after his marriage. He began teaching in the neighboring district schools at the age of sixteen, and it soon became evi- dent that he had found his true work. It has been said that "as a teacher, it may be sufficient to say of him that of the 60,000 pupils who, according to his computation, have at dif- ferent times come under his care, no one ever meets him or speaks of him but with grateful recollections." He was espe- cially successful, however, as teacher of music and of penman- ship. He was a true pioneer in the introduction of juvenile singing schools, and he has had very few equals as a penman, retaining his skill in ornamental work until old age. At the present day he would undoubtedly be noted as an expert in questions of penmanship. On one occasion, chancing to be foreman of a jury before which a suit for the possession of a farm was brought, his clearly trained vision alone disclosed the forgery of a deed offered in evidence, and caused a rapid exit from the state of the claimants presenting the deed. He was a leading man in church and town afifairs, being deacon for a considerable period, selectman for six years, and repre- sentative for three years. He removed to Boston before reaching his fortieth year, and pursued the two branches of instruction in that city, in New York, and in other cities. Children : 44. i. Nathaniel Perley, b. Nov. 6, 1803; d. Mar. 22, 1804. 45. ii. Augustus Addison, b. Apr. 23, 1805.-1- 46. iii. Charles Duren, b. Feb. 2, 1807. -|- 47. iv. Mary Ann, b. Apr. 4, 1809; m. Elisha T. Coolidge of Cin- cinnati, O. 449 History of New Ipswich 48. V. Child, b. 1813; d. Nov. 17, 1813. 49. vi. Child, b. 1813; d. Nov. 28, 1813. 50. vii. Elizabeth Freeman, b. May 25, 1816; m. Joshua Lincoln of Boston. 51. viii. Sarah, b. Sept. 2, 1818; d. July 25, 1820. 27. Nathan'^ (Simeon®, Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^, Thom- as2, Thomas^), b. Dec. 7, 1790; d. Oct. 13, 1879; m. Dec. 24, 1817, Zilpah Corey. Children : 52. i. Alonzo, b. Sept. 17, 1818; d. May 20, 1870; m. July 17, 1846, Frances M. Harris. 53. ii. Cynthia, b. Aug. 7, 1820; m. J. Q. A. Jones. 54. iii. Rhoda, b. May 13, 1822; d. May 1, 1844. 55. iv. Maria C, b. Apr. 21, 1831; d. Apr. 16, 1835. 28. Isaiah'' (Simeon®, Simeon^, Benjamin^ James^, Thom- as% Thomas^), b. July 16, 1793; d. Aug. 14, 1858; m. Nov. 16, 1816, Susan Joslin. Children : 56. i. George Webster, b. Aug. 17, 1817.-}- 57. ii. Lyman, b. May 25, 1819.+ 58. iii. Sophronia Louisa, b. Nov. 24, 1820; m. Nov. 20, 1843, Asa Davis. Five children. Simeon, b. May 3, 1822.+ SusAN Selina, b. July 27, 1824; d. Nov. 9, 1866; m. Sept. 15, 1853, Brigham Nims. Three children. Maria Augusta, b. Sept. 24, 1827; m. May 4, 1865, Allen Giffin. Caroline Augusta, b. Sept. 28, 1832; m. Dec. 1, 1853, Clark H. Carr. Three children. 63. viii. Augustus, b. Nov. 12, 1834; m. Oct. 23, 1862, Carrie Gray. 31. Stephen Lane^ (Simeon®, Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^. Thomas^, Thomas^), b. July 19, 1803; d. Mar. 23, 1872; in. May 26, 1829, Mary Ann Brooks. Children : 64. i. Frederick, b. Oct. 27, 1831 ; d. Aug. 24, 1861. 65. ii. Ellen Frances, b. Feb. 7, 1834; d. Dec. 26, 1854. 66. iii. William Augustus, b. Feb. 21, 1836. 67. iv. Emily Caroline, b. Feb. 4, 1838. 68. V. Franklin H., b. Apr. 10, 1840; m. Oct. 18, 1866, Margaret L. Cochran. 69. vi. Charles Bowen, b. Aug. 27, 1845; m. Oct. 15, 1873, Harriet A. Snow. 32. John'' (John®, Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 23, 1793; d. July 29, 1840; m. Dec. 31, 1823, Eliza Ann Appleton (51). He was a cabinetmaker, his shop being the house, now for many years occupied as a residence, situated just below the Congregational parsonage. Children: 70. i. Henry, b. Feb. 25, 1827.+ 71. ii. Eliza, b. May 14, 1829. 450 59. iv. 60. v. 61. vi. 62. vii Gould 45. Augustus Addison^ (Nathaniel D.^, Mary^, Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 23, 1805 ; d. Sept. 15, 1866; m. Nov. 25, 1833, Harriet Gushing, dau. of Henry and Lucy (Gushing) Sheafe [b. Sept. 15, 1811; d. May 14, 1893]. He prepared for Harvard Gollege at New Ipswich, was admitted at the age of seventeen, and graduated in 1825. His taste for natural history had already begun to be manifest, and he en- tered upon the work of investigation which he pursued most successfully throughout his life. After his graduation he taught two years in Maryland, at the same time beginning the study of medicine. Then returning to Boston, he continued his medical studies, completing that work with a year in the Massachusetts General Hospital, and having taken his degree he commenced practice in the city where he was to pass his life, becoming one of the leading practitioners there. The fidelity to his vocation, completely evidenced by his recognized medical rank, did not forbid earnest and highly successful la- bor in other somewhat allied fields. He taught botany and zoology at Harvard for two years, and was one of the found- ers of the Boston Society of Natural History. It is said that for several years he usually rose at four o'clock to work on the collections of the society, considering that to be a kind of recreation preparing him for the professional duties of the day. He was a charter member of the National Academy of Sciences, and was also connected with sixteen scientific societies, Amer- ican and foreign, and author of more than one hundred scien- tific books and papers beside those which were strictly pro- fessional. He was a pioneer in many fields of New England zoology, and his books were accepted as authoritative on the subjects treated. He was also active in the medical societies, being president of that of the state at the time of his death. That his valuable activities were broader than these allied fields is shown by the result of two years of labor superim- posed upon his professional work which was devoted to the preparation, in union with Mr. Kidder, of the former town history, and also by a faithful attendance during fifteen years upon his duties as a trustee of New Ipswich Appleton Acad- emy, to which, soon after the completion of its present build- ing, he presented a collection of fossils and other valuable specimens for scientific study, said at that time to be excelled in New Hampshire only by that of Dartmouth Gollege. He was an earnest and consistent member of the Baptist church, 451 History of New Ipswich fully testifying to his faith by his works. Few New Ipswich names will outlive that of Dr. Gould. Children — omitting three who died young: 72. i. Harriet Duren, b. Oct. 13, 1834; m. Sept. 17, 1867, Horace Gooch [b. May 8, 1832]. Res. Louisville, Ky. Children: i. Lucy Gushing Gooch, b. July 5, 1868. ii. Glara Stoddard Gooch, b. Oct. 20, 1869. iii. Harriet Bell Gooch, b. Oct. 14, 1871. iv. Horace Gooch, b. July 1, 1874; m. June 19, 1902, Sabine Hamlet Nunn [b. Sept. 6, 1880]. v. Henrv Sheaf e Gooch, b. May 26, 1876; ni. July 12, 1901, Effie Hearn Jones [b. Oct. 25, 1878]. vi. Anna Rosina Gooch. h. Feb. 22, 1878. 73. ii. Lucy Gushing, b. Oct. 18, 1835 ; m. Nov. 16, 1865, James Bailey Richardson [b. Dec. 9, 1832]. He is a judge in the Superior Gourt of Suffolk Gounty, Mass., and a trustee of Dartmouth Gollege. 74. iii. Charles Augustus, b. Dec. 30, 1837 ; m. July 15, 1865, Sarah Jane Taylor [b. Apr. 15, 1848]. He has followed a sea- faring life and been captain of vessels engaged in the coast trade. Children : i. May Agnes, b. Jan. 20, 1873 ; m. Jan. 20, 1895, James Willard Cook Esterbrook [b. July 22, 1868] ; one daughter, ii. Clara Augustina, b. June 15, 1875 ; m. Aug. 4, 1900, John Foster Tufts [b. June 23, 1878] ; one son. 75. iv. William Alw^in, b. June 25, 1841 ; m. June 6, 1869, Jane Sophia Brucher [b. Apr. 12, 1840]. He served during the Civil War in the 44th Massachusetts Regiment. He is a civil engineer in Boston. 76. V. Julia Nicolina, b. Apr. 23, 1844; unm. Res. Brookline, Mass. 77. vi. Edw^ard Cutts, b. Sept. 10, 1850; unm. He graduated from Williams Gollege in 1870 and is proprietor of a boarding school for boys at Daytona Beach, Fla. 78. vii. Louis Agassiz, b. June 4, 1855 ; m. June 14, 1888, Florence Louise Wallis [b. Feb. 2, 1858]. He graduated from Wil- liams Gollege in 1875 and from Rochester Theological Seminary in 1879, was pastor in Holley, N. Y., and Fall River, Mass. In 1887 he was appointed a missionary of the American Baptist Missionary Union, and immediately after his marriage departed to his work in China, where he remained until 1892. Since that time he has been en- gaged in pastoral work in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and California. Children : i. Margaret Mitchell, b. Dec. 19, 1889. ii. Harriet Sheafe, h. Mar. 15, 1893. 46. Charles Duren'^ (Nathaniel D.^, Mary^, Benjamin*, James^ Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Feb. 2, 1807; d. Jan. 17, 1875; m. (1) May 28, 1834, Sophia, dau. of Ensign and Sophia Oliver (Larkin) Lincoln [b. Dec. 27, 1812] ; (2) Oct. 23, 1850, Sarah Bell, dau. of Abijah and Harriet (Sheldon) Wheeler [b. Troy, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1826; d. Mar. 9, 1899]. In his youth he was 452 Gould in the employ of Ephraim Searle, who was then proprietor of a store in the building on the Turnpike since known as the Appleton House, and remained there after his father's removal to Boston. But about 1823, Mr. Searle also removed to the city, thus introducing his helper to the mercantile activities of Boston in which he passed his life, at first being engaged with West India goods ; but being administrator of the estate of his wife's father, Ensign Lincoln, who was a bookseller, he became interested in that line of business, and in 1835 in con- nection with his brother-in-law, Joshua Lincoln, and another partner, the publishing house of Gould & Lincoln, widely known for many years for its valuable religious and scientific productions, began its efficient life. He and his children had the family aptness and love for music, and for many years he had charge of the music in the church of which he was a member. Children : 79. i. Sophia Carey, b. Jan. 23, 1838; d. May 13, 1876; m. George B. Dyer. 80. ii. Charles Howard, b. about Dec, 1845; d. Apr. 24, 1857. 81. iii. Laura Bell, b. July 2, 1858; m. Apr. 26, 1893, Thomas Hooper. 82. iv. Elizabeth Lincoln, b. May 28, 1862. She is a writer of children's books, and is on the staflf of the Youth's Com- panion. 56. George Webster^ (Isaiah'^, Simeon^, Simeon^ Benja- min*, James^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 17, 1817; m. May 8, 1849, Abbie Loveland. Children: 83. i. Webster Vilett, b. May 9, 1854; m. Sept. 16, 1880, Grace Clark. 84. ii. Florence, b. Feb. 8, 1858; m. Sept. 14, 1880, Donald G. Perkins. 85. iii. Alice R., b. Aug. 20, 1862; d. Jan. 31, 187L 57. Lyman^ (Isaiah'^, Simeon*', Simeon^, Benjamin*, James^, ThomasS Thomas^), b. May 25, 1819; m. Oct. 1, 1845, Harriet Reed. Child: 86. i. Harriet Augusta, b. Mar. 17, 1848; m. June 17, 1874, William B. Joslin. 59. Simeon® (Isaiah'', Simeon®, Simeon^, Benjamin*, James', Thomas^ Thomas^, b. May 3, 1822; m. (1) May 14, 1846, Betsey Loud ; (2) May 23, 1850, Sarah Norcross. Children : 87. i. Martha, b. May 31, 1849; d. Mar. 4, 1870. 88. ii. Clara Jane, b. Jan. 13, 1852; m. June 13, 1878, Carlos L. Seavey. 89. iii. Alice, b. Jan. 18, 1860. 453 History of New Ipswich 70, Henry^ (John'', John«, Simeon^ Benjamin*, James^, Thomas^ Thomas^, b. Feb. 25, 1827; m. June 15, 1852, Sarah C. Flint. Children: 90. i. Sarah Amelia, b. June 22, 1856; m. Mar. 13, 1877, Charles L. Bemis. GREENMAN. 1. William^ Greenman, b. Dec. 13, 1821; d. Mar. 18, 1909; m. 1844, Harriet L. E., dau. of Symonds and Harriet (Gregg) Nichols [b. 1820; d. June 23, 1896]. He was son of Silas and Susan Greenman of Warwick, R. I. He came to New Ipswich in 1843 and passed his later life in the town except for a few years in California. He was one of the earliest proprietors of the restaurant maintained for many years beneath the Union Hall, but during the greater part of his life he was occupied in the manufacture of cigars. His latest place of business, in which he continued until his health forbade, was the small building near his house, just off the Turnpike upon the old Greenville road, which was built across the street from the site of the present Baptist church as the law office of John Preston, Esq., and later was used as a harness shop and for various other business activities, while standing across the Turnpike from its present position. Children : 2. i. Georgianna, b. 1847 ; d. Feb. 26, 1850. 3. ii. William S., b. Sept. 14, 1852; d. May, 1875. HARRIS. 1. Oliver^ Harris, b. about 1752; d. Oct. 30, 1824; m. (1) Mary [b. about 1748; d. May 1, 1814] ; (2) Sept. 13, 1818, Sally Burrows, probably dau. of William Burrows (5). He came to New Ipswich about 1796 and settled on the farm previously held by Asa Brown on the long-abandoned road from the summit of Governor's Hill westward by the outlet of Binney Pond, (95, A. D.,) where the cellar still remains a quarter-mile north of the site of the later Harris dwelling, built on the southern part of the same lot on the present Rindge road. 2. William^ (Oliver^), b. about 1787; d. about 1843; m. Hannah Walker, as is believed, but she may have been of some other family. He succeeded to his father's farm about 454 3. i. 4. ii. 5. iii. 6. iv. 7. V. 8. vi. Harris 1823 and there passed his remaining years, but he seems to have occupied the Woolson farm, (IV : 2, S. R.,) from 1810 to 1814, and after that he probably passed a few years in some other town or towns, as his son Leonard is said to have been born in Lebanon. The order of birth of his children is uncer- tain. Children : William, b. Feb. 28, 1810; d. Jan. 17, 1814. Mary Louisa, b. Oct. 1, 1812; d. Dec. 19, 1830. Hannah Almira, b. Jan. 29, 1814; d. 1901; m. about 1843, Wilder Butters. Removed to Fitchburg, Mass. William B. Leonard Walker, b. Feb. 9, 1816. -|- Amos, m. Brown. He res. in Woburn, Mass., and was a dealer in baker's goods. 9. vii. George S., b. about 1822; d. June 22, 1838. 7. Leonard Walker^ (William^, Oliver^), b. Feb. 9, 1816; m. Mary Eliza Brown [b. South Reading, Mass., Jan. 13, 1828]. He succeeded to the occupancy of the family farm soon after his father's death and remained until about 1856, although he does not appear to have owned the property. He removed to the vicinity of Boston. Children : 10. i. Mary Cowdrey, b. Sept. 2, 1848. 11. ii. Leonard Walker, b. May 6, 1850. Other children not recorded. HARTWELL William^ Hartwell, d. Concord, Mass., Mar. 12, 1689/90; m. Jazan [d. Aug. 6, 1695]. The record of the birth of his son John, Feb. 23, 1640/1, gives the first appearance of this family name in the vital records of Concord. Samuel' (William^, b. Mar. 26, 1645/6; d. July 26, 1725; m. (1) Oct. 26, 1665, Ruth, dau. of George and Katherine Wheeler [b. Feb. 23, 1641/2; d. Dec. 9, 1713]; (2) Rebecca [d. Dec. 23, 1721/2]; (3) Feb. 6, 1723, Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua and Sarah (Willy) Fletcher of Chelms- ford, Mass. [b. June 10, 1698; d. Oct. 4, 1732]. Samuel' (Samuel^ William^, b. Oct. 2, 1666; d. Nov. 27, 1744; m. (1) Nov. 23, 1692, Abigail Stearns of Cambridge [d. May 11, 1709]; (2) Rebecca [d. Apr. 15, 1714] ; (3) widow Margaret Tompkins [d. Apr. 5, 1723] ; (4) Experience Tarbox. Ephraim* (SamueP, SamueP, William'), b. Jan. 14, 1706/7; d. May 7, 1793; m. Nov. 7, 1732, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Hey- wood [b. June 3, 1714; d. Jan. 30, 1808]. 1. Ephraim^ (Ephraim*, Samuel', Samuel^, William^), b. Jan. 8, 1745; d. May 30, 1816; m. June 1, 1769, Mary Brown (A. 9). He was born in that part of Concord, Mass., which is 455 History of New Ipswich now Lincoln, but removed to Princeton, Mass., and thence about 1782 to New Ipswich, where he passed an energetic and successful life. He bought the house and store of Josiah Rogers facing on the Village Green and since well known as the "Barr house," and conducted the store twenty-five years. He was also interested in a scythe factory situated at the place of the waterpower above Gibson Village since utilized by the Walker bedstead factory and turning-shop, in the first linseed oil mill, which preceded the first cotton factory in the Bank Village, and in works for the manufacture of pearlash near his own house. He was one of the first trustees of the Acad- emy and only one man made a larger subscription for its sup- port in those days. He was captain of one of the military companies of the town, and was so evidently a trusted and popular citizen that it is surprising to find that he held no one of the principal town offices. Children : 2. i. Mary, b. Aug. 25, 1770; d. July 11, 1846; m. Mar. 6, 1791, Caleb^ son of Gen. Benjamin Bellows. Abigail' (Ephraim^ SamueP, Samuer, William^), b. June 9, 1744; d. Mar. 8, 1809; m. Sept. 6, 1763, Jonas, son of Ephraim Jones (3). HASSALL. 1. William^ Hassall, b. 1799 at Hillsboro, N. H.; d. Mar. 3, 1874, at New Ipswich; m. (1) Nov. 26, 1826, Betsy, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Shattuck) Butterfield and granddau. of David^ Shattuck [b. Aug. 9, 1806; d. Sept. 21, 1868] ; (2) May 3, 1870, Mrs. Rhoda C. Powers, sister of his first wife [b. June 18, 1798; d. Oct. 23, 1872]. He was a wheelwright, his shop standing where is now the public library, and he built for his own occupancy the house next south of the library. He was a deacon in the Congregational church more than twenty years. Children : 2. i. William E., b. Sept. 24, 1827; m. Dec. 27, 1849, Elizabeth F. Stark, great-granddaughter of Maj. Gen. John Stark [b. about 1823; d. Nov. 29, 1870]. One dau., Anna C, b. Nov. 26, 1851; m. Dec. 26, 1871, Frederic D. Shattuck of Fitch- burg, Mass. ; is prominent in the Woman's Relief Corps, D. A. R., and O. E. S. 3. ii. James L., b. Sept. 1, 1829; d. Dec. 1, 1880; m. Angeline, dau. of William Loomis [d. Feb. 16, 1893, aged 62]. Children: i. Alary, m. Charles Blodgett. ii. Clara, iii. A child, d. Apr. 24, 1852. 4. iii. George A., d. Apr. 11, 1842, aged 4 yrs., 6 mos. 456 Hastings HASTINGS. Thomas* Hastings, b. about 1605; d. about 1685; m. (1) Susanna [b. about 1609; d. Feb. 2, 1650]; (2) Apr., 1651, Margaret, dau. of William and Martha Cheney of Roxbury, Mass. He came from England in 1634 and settled at Roxbury. He was selectman many years, also town clerk and representative. He was a deacon. Samuel' (Thomas'), b. Mar. 12, 1665/6; d. 1723; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1687, Lydia, dau. of Caleb and Joanna (Sprague) Church [b. Dedham, Mass., July 4, 1661; d. about 1691]; (2) Apr. 24, 1694, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Nevison [b. Oct. 22, 1675 ; d. 1700] ; (3) July 10, 1701, Sarah, dau. of Simon and Hannah (Barron) Coolidge [d. 1724]. Res. in Watertown, where he was for a time innkeeper. Nathaniel' ( Samuel', Thomas'), b. after 1702; m. Apr. 16, 1734, Esther, dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Traine) Perry. Res. in north part of Shrewsbury, which is now Boylston, Mass. Samuel' (Nathaniel', Samuel', Thomas'), b. 1735; d. Sept. 9, 1823; m. Oct. 26, 1757, Anna, dau. of Joseph and Martha (Brigham) Bigelow. He removed to Princeton, Mass., soon after his marriage and there he passed his life. Charles' (Samuel', Nathaniel', Samuel', Thomas'), b. Nov. 26, 1760; d. Nov. 28, 1850; m. June 3, 1782, Anna, dau. of Samuel and Tabitha (Eveleth) Woods [b. Apr. 4, 1731; d. Dec. 19, 1825]. He removed to Ashburnham, Mass., in 1783. He served about two years in the Revolu- tion. 1. Charles® (Charles^, Samuel*, NathanieP, SamueP, Thomas^), b. June 16, 1800; m. Dec. IS, 1824, Susan, dau. of Isaac and Hannah (Russell) Hill of Ashburnham [b. Oct. 3, 1797; d. Dec. 17, 1870]. He was a merchant in Ashburnham, Mass., until middle life, when he came to New Ipswich and remained twenty years or more. He engaged in various ac- tivities at the Center Village, being postmaster 1843-45. He afterward returned to Ashburnham, and there spent his later years. 2. Leonard W.® (Charles^ Samuel*, Nathaniel^, Samuel-, Thomas^), b. Aug. 14, 1803; d. Apr. 11, 1883; m. (1) 1832, Elvira Burrows (11); (2) Nov. 12, 1862, Martha Colburn of Temple. He came to New Ipswich somewhat earlier than his brother and passed his life as a farmer, for more than ' twenty years upon the Wheelock farm, (51, N. D.,) and then removing for a somewhat briefer residence upon 58, N. D., formerly connected to the farm first mentioned by a road now completely obliterated for the greater part of its length, and leaving the second farm at the end of a road from the opposite direction. Children : 3. i. Harriet A., b. 1833; d. Aug. 1, 1854 4. ii. Emma A., b. 1842; d. Jan. 31, 1865. 457 History of New Ipswich HATCH. William' Hatch, d. Nov. 6, 1651 ; m. Jane . He came from Sandwich, Kent, England, in 1634, with wife and five children, and set- tled in Scituate. His widow m. Mar. 31, 1653, Thomas King, and died the same year. Walter^ ( William'), m. May 6, 1650, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Holbrook. Israel' (Walter^ William'), b. Mar. 25, 1667; m. July 27, 1699, Elizabeth Hatch. Israel' (Israel', Walter', William'), b. May 5, 1701; m. Oct. 27, 1725, Bethia Thomas of Marshfield, Mass. Israel" (Israel, Israel', Walter^ William'), b. Aug. 8, 1730; d. Mar. 3, 1809; m. Jan. 31, 1755, Mary Hatch [b. about 1730; d. Dec. 22, 1802]. Joel" (Israel', Israel', Israel', Walter^ William'), b. Apr. 3, 1771; m. Apr. 21, 1796, Huldah Truant. 1. Amos^ (Joel^ Israel, Israel*, IsraeP, Walter^ William^), b. Sept. 17, 1807; d. Aug. 9, 1878; m. Apr. 16, 1829, Lucinda Sargent [b. Mar., 1805; d. Aug. 27, 1888]. He was a carpen- ter in Boston, where all his children were born, but in 1849 he came to New Ipswich and bought the farm first settled by Joseph Parker, (44, N. D.,) and lived there about twenty-five years, after which he removed to the Center Village and passed the last four or five years of his life in the house on the Turnpike long the home of Nathan Sanders. His wife conducted a successful water-cure while residing on the farm. Children : 2. i. Amos E., b. Aug. 6, 1830; d. Mar. 18, 1832. 3. ii. Edward A., b. Oct. 12, 1833 ; d. June 28, 1836. 4. iii. Abby Sargent, b. July 28, 1836; m. Nov. 19, 1873, Joseph Addison Wheeler (118). 5. iv. Sylvanus, b. Jan. 15, 1839. Removed to California. HEALD. John' Heald, d. May 24, 1632; m. Dorothy . He came from Berwick-on-Tweed, Northumberland, England, and settled in Concord, Mass., as early as 1635. JoHN^ (John'), b. prob. in England; d. June 17, 1689; m. June 10, 1631, Sarah Dane (or Dean) [d. July 22, 1689]. He res. in Concord. John' (John^ John'), b. Sept. 19, 1664; d. Nov. 25, 1721; m. Dec. 18, 1690, Mary, dau. of Roger and Mary (Simonds) Chandler [b. Jan. 17, 1671; d. Aug. 14, 1759]. He res. in Concord, and is mentioned in Wal- cott's "Concord in the Colonial Period" as follows : "The Revolution that expelled James II. from the throne of England afforded the oppor- tunity desired by the colonists, who rose almost as one man, to defend their homes and the rights of Englishmen. In 1689 on the nineteenth of April, an oft recurring date in American history, the Concord people 458 I Heald dispatched their military company to Boston under the command of Lieutenant John Heald to assist in the revolt." Timothy' (John', John^ John'), b. June 7, 1696; d. Mar. 28, 1736; m. Hannah . 1. JosiAH* (John^ John^, John^), b. Feb. 28, 1698/9. It is by no means certain that he was the bearer of that name who was taxed in New Ipswich in 1754, and is said in the former town history to have been probably the brother of Thomas Heald of the next generation and to have lived upon the same lot. But a careful search of the Concord records discloses no such brother, and gives ground for the inference that the temporary resident was an uncle instead of a brother of the next member of the family here named. 2. Timothy^ (Timothy*, John^, John^ John^), b. Oct. 14, 1723; m. Elizabeth . He came to New Ipswich at about the time of the Masonian charter, and was Proprietors' clerk for several years. He settled near the east line of the town upon the lot afterward known as the "Pierce farm," (186, A. D.,) and evidently was a trusted member of the infant settlement. But for some reason he remained less than twenty years, removing to Maine about 1767. Children : 4. i. Timothy, b. May 24, 1749. 5. ii. John, b. Oct. 4, 1751. 6. iii. Sibyl, b. Oct. 25, 1755. 7. iv. Jonas, b. June 23, 1757. 8. V. JosiAH, b. Sept. 14, 1759. 3. Thomas^ (Timothy*, John^, John-, John^), b. June 14, 1732; d. Aug. 20, 1805; m. (1) Sibyl Adams [d. 1788]; (2) Deliverance, prob. dau. of William^ and Deliverance (Parker) Blanchard [b. about 1760; d. Aug. 11, 1845; m. (2) about 1808, James (1) Chandler]. Apparently he came to New Ipswich somewhat later than his brother Timothy, and was associated with that brother until his removal from town. Some years later he built the house afterward well known as the "Esta- brooks tavern," at the corner of the old Ashby road, (187, N. L. O.) He was deeply interested in military afifairs, and he rendered excellent service in the Revolution, being in com- mand of the New Ipswich company on Apr. 19, 1775, serving as lieutenant-colonel on two or more expeditions to Ticon- deroga, and leading the two New Ipswich companies to Royal- ton, Vt., at the time of the raid from Canada in 1780. He received a colonel's commission in due time, and that title is borne upon his gravestone. Children : 459 History of New Ipswich 9. i. Thomas, b. Mar. 31, 1768; d. July, 1821; m. Dec, 1800, Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Locke of Ashby, Mass. [b. 1770; d. May 25, 1843; m. (2) Elijah Newhall (6)]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1794, studied law, and practiced successively at Concord, Mass., Montpelier, Vt., and Blakely, Ala. Later he was judge of the Supreme Court of Alabama. He inherited a military spirit, and held a lieutenant's commission in the United States army, but his service was apparently limited to the command of a troop of cavalry at Concord, Mass. Five children. 10. ii. Simon, b. Oct. 19, 1773; d. Nov. 2, 1774. 11. iii. Nathan, b. Sept. 24, 1775; m. 1811, Rebecca Wells of Ken- tucky. He was a major in the United States army, and in command of Fort Dearborn, situated on the present site of Chicago, 111., at the time of the massacre there in 1812. 12. iv. Simon, b. June 20, 1777; d. Nov. 2, 1779. 13. v. Jonas, b. Apr. 2, 1780. 14. vi. Oilman, b. Oct. 13, 1790. 15. vii. Sibyl, b. Apr. 7, 1792; m. Leavitt Lincoln. Res. in Winchen- don, Mass. 16. viii. Polly, b. Feb. 29, 1796; d. Dec. 9, 1874; m. (1) Dec. 25, 1837, Francis Shattuck (48) ; (2) Leavitt Lincoln. Res. in New Ipswich. 17. ix. Eben, b. about 1801 ; d. June 1, 1863. Res. in New Ipswich. HILDRETH. Richard' Hildreth, b. 1605; d. Chelmsford, Mass., Feb. 23, 1692/3; m. (1) Sarah [d. Cambridge, Mass., June 15, 1644]; (2) about 1645, Elizabeth [b. about 1625; d. Maiden, Mass., Aug. 3, 1693]. He ap- pears to have been the ancestor of all bearing the name in America. He seems to have lived in Cambridge, Woburn, and Chelmsford, where he bore the title of sergeant. Very possibly his disabled right hand was due to military service. He was admitted freeman 1643. The family has been largely in evidence at Westford, Mass., since the time of its separation from Chelmsford and incorporation as a town. The first two or three steps in the line of descent given below are not certainly proven, but they are believed to be correct. James- ( Richard'), d. about 1695; m. June 1, 1659, Margaret Ward. Res. Chelmsford. Joseph' (Richard'), b. Apr. 10, 1658; d. Chelmsford, Jan. 28, 1795/6; m. Apr. 28, 1683, Abigail Wilson of Woburn, who m. (2) Jonathan Barrett. Richard' (James*, Richard*), m. Dorcas . Joseph' (Joseph^ Richard'), b. Nov. 30, 1695; d. Westford, 1780; m. (1) Deliverance ; (2) Feb. 2, 1743, Abigail Hill of Billerica. Ephraim' (Joseph^ Richard'), m. Mary . James* (Richard', James', Richard'), b. about 1700; d. Cape Breton, 1748; m. Lydia Wright, probably dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah Wright. Ephraim* (Joseph', Joseph', Richard'), b. 1718; m. Westford, Nov. 30, 1741, Priscilla Barron. 460 Hildreth 1. Simeon* (Ephraim^, Joseph^, Richard^), b. 1736; d. about 1776; m. Westford, Feb. 8, 1758, Hannah Spalding. He came to New Ipswich soon after his marriage, and had a portion of lot Xn : 4, S. R., his house being about thirty rods to the southwest from the Roger Chandler house still standing, but upon an old road now long discontinued. His name is borne upon the alarm list of the morning of April 20, 1775, and upon the rolls of Capts. Joseph Parker, Stephen Parker, and Silas Wright, and also upon that of Capt. Benjamin Mann of Mason, but without doubt his son also served, and there may have been a third bearer of the name from a neighboring town. It seems probable, however, that this New Ipswich soldier was the one named in the list given in the former history of the town of those who "died of sickness in the army, or soon after they vv'ere brought home." Only one child is recorded : 3. i. Simeon, b. 1758.+ 2. Stephen^ (James*, Richard^, James^, Richard^), b. 1743; d. Oct. 26, 1800; m. 1764. Esther Manning of Townsend, Mass, He gave Revolutionary service in the companies of Capts. Briant and Brown. According to tradition an unmarried brother lived alone at the foot of the mountain near Pratt Pond. The spot is probably indicated by the remains of an old cellar a short distance west from the southern end of the pond. Only two brothers of Stephen are named in the rec- ords of Westford, Samuel, b. 1735, and James, b. 1748. Both of these names appear upon the New Ipswich records between 1780 and 1786. Children: 4. i. ZiLPAH, b. about 1774; d. July 4, 1824; m. Feb. 26, 1795, Benjamin Fletcher (26). 5. ii. James, b. about 1777.-|- Elijah' (Ephraim', Joseph', Joseph^ Richard'), b. 1750; d. Mar. 17, 1798; m. Mary, dau. of Peter Reed of Littleton, Mass. [d. Feb. 22, 1843; m. Westford, June 6, 1803, Capt. Eleazer Cummings (2)]. 3. Simeon^ (Simeon*, Ephraim^, foseph^, Richard^), b. 1758; d. Meriden, N. H., Sept. 8, 1843 ;' m. Apr. 9, 1799, Mary (Dustin), widow of ^^^illiam Shattuck (3) [d. Aug. 6, 1832]. After his marriage he removed to Bradford, N. H., and thence to Meriden. A unique story of his service at Bunker Hill may perhaps be again related here. " 'See,' said he to a fellow soldier, 'how I do it ;' and drawing a ball from his pouch, and then wetting it in his mouth, he let it fall into the muzzle of his gun ; and then taking deliberate aim at a particular person 461 History of New Ipswich in the British ranks, he sent it through his heart. 'There,' said he, 'this is the sixteenth that I have fixed in like manner.' " He had no children. 5. James^ (Stephen^, James*, Richard^ James^, Richard^), b. about 1777; d. Sept. 10, 1844; m. Nov. 15, 1805, Rebecca Davis (42). He succeeded to his father's farm and there passed his life, being known as an exceptionally honorable and kindly man. He had no children, but he practically adopted two, Daniel Farwell and Lucinda Giles, who married and succeeded to his property. 6. Elijah^ (Elijah^, Ephraim*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Richard^), b. Westford, July 25, 1776; d. Aug. 26, 1853; m. Nottingham, (now Hudson,) N. H., Isabella Caldwell [b. Hudson, Aug. 5, 1783; d. Westford, Aug. 7, 1884]. He came to New Ipswich about 1830, and lived at Smith Village the remainder of his life, his business being that of a cooper. He lived in the house once occupied by the Locke store. Children : 7. i. IsABELL, b. T3mgsboro, Mass., May 26, 1804; d. Westford, Feb. 12, 1869; m. Amos Day. 8. ii. Elijah, b. Sept. 2, 1805. He was a seaman, and when last heard from was in South America. Unm. 9. iii. Eleazer Cummings, b. Topsham, Vt., Aug. 12, 1807; d. Baltimore, Md. He was a stonecutter. 10. iv. John Caldwell, b. Topsham, Vt., Dec. 20, 1808.4- 11. V. Levi Currier, b. Topsham, Vt., Mar. 15, 1811; d. July 16, 1864, in the military prison at Andersonville, Ga. He was serving in a New York regiment when captured. 12. vi. Jonathan Hartwell, b. Topsham, Vt., Dec. 18, 1813; d. Concord, Aug. 16, 1826. a Joel Bullard, b. Topsham, Vt., Feb. 23, 1816.+ '' Mary Letitia, b. Chelmsford, Mass., Mar. 23, 1818; d. West- ford, Mass., about 1904, unm. Joseph Hartwell, b. Westford, Mass., June 20, 1822; d. Derry, Aug. 23, 1832. Charles Lewis, b. Concord, May 3, 1825 ; d. Lowell, Mass. Olive Elizabeth, b. Concord, May 3, 1825 ; d. Concord, June 11, 1825. 18. xii. Asaph, b. Hooksett, Nov. 4, 1826; d. Nashua, July 21, 1837. 10. John Caldwell^ (Elijah^ Elijah^ Ephraim*, Joseph', Joseph^, Richard^), b. Topsham, Vt., Dec. 20, 1808; d. New Ipswich, Jan. 17, 1905; m. Sept. 29, 1836, Harriet Maria Blanchard (30). He came to New Ipswich in 1839 and bought the blacksmithy in Smith Village, which he carried on suc- cessfully until advancing years compelled his withdrawal from 462 13. vii. 14. viii 15. ix. 16. X. 17. xi. Hildreth severe labor. He built for his home the house now standing on the opposite side of the narrow road in front of the smithy. He was a deacon of the Baptist church fifty-five years. Chil- dren — born in New Ipswich except the first, born at North Chelmsford : 19. i. John Lewis, b. Nov. 29, 1838.-1- 20. ii. Henry Augustus, b. May 14, 1841 ; d. Auburn, Me., Jan. 19, 1908; m. (1) Nashua, Jan. 26, 1863, Celia Maria Brad- ford, d. Dec. 31, 1893; (2) Turner, Me., Jan. 16, 1895, Lura Frances McKenney. He first learned his father's trade, but a business training acquired during four years' service in the commissary department at Washington during the Civil War turned his later life in mercantile directions. He was engaged in the grocery business at Turner, Me., for several years, and for the rest of his life was a very successful shoe dealer. The home of his later years was at Auburn, Me. 21. iii. Harriet Augusta, b. May 14, 1841; m. Aug. 13, 1884, Alfred Reed Tenney (36). Before her marriage she was a trained nurse. 22. iv. William Hartwell, b. Apr. 19, 1845.-1- 23. V. Charles Willis, b. Sept. 10, 1847.-1- 24. vi. Mary Ella, b. Oct. 7, 1853 ; m. July 3, 1878, Walter Clarence Frost, who graduated from Dartmouth College in 1876, and is a real estate dealer at Colorado Springs, Colo. Children : i. Hildreth Frost, h. June 22, 1880 ; he gradu- ated from Colorado College in 1901 and from Harvard Law School in 1904: he is in practice at Colorado Springs, ii. Hester Frost, b. June 9, 1884; she graduated from Wellesley College in 1907 and is professor of English Literature in Hamilton College, Lexington, Ky. 13. Joel Bullard^ (Elijah®, Elijah^, Ephraim*, Joseph^, Jo- seph^, Richard^), b. Topsham, Vt., Feb. 23, 1816; d. Sept. 25, 1889; m. Jan. 19, 1847, Almira Spaulding (148). When a young man he was a stage-driver in Vermont, and later through Manchester and Concord, when the former city was only a small village. After his marriage he settled in New Ipswich upon the "Spaulding farm," (XI : 3, S. R.) Children : 25. i. Lucy Jane, b. June 30, 1849; m. Aug. 8, 1871, William E. Maxwell. 26. ii. Mary Ann Letitia, b. June 20, 1851 ; unm. Res. in Littleton, Mass. 27. iii. George Carpenter, b. Sept. 18, 1854. -f- 28. iv. Charles Bullard, b. Dec. 19, 1857; d. Jan. 1, 1859. 19. John Lewis* (John C.^ Elijah®, Elijah^ Ephraim*, Jo- seph^, Joseph^, Richard^), b. Nov. 29, 1838; m. Mar. 2, 1864, Achsah B., dau. of Nathan and Jane (Parker) Colburn of 463 History of New Ipswich Temple [b. July 17, 1837]. He entered Dartmouth College in 1860, but in his second year withdrew and entered the service of the Sanitary Commission for the soldiers in Virginia and Louisiana, which service determined his choice of a profession, so that at the close of the war, instead of completing his col- lege course he commenced the study of medicine, and gradu- ated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1867. Nearly his entire professional life has been passed in Cambridge, Mass., where his success has placed him among the very first mem- bers of his profession in that vicinity, and has been further attested by the gift from his Alma Mater of the baccalaureate degree and the replacement of his name upon the roll of the class of 1864 as though he had formally completed the course, an action endorsed by his fellow alumni in his election as pres- ident of the Alumni Association. He was for some years dean of the Medical School of Tufts College, and has received from that institution the degree of LL. D. He is a loyal son of New Ipswich, in which he has as a summer home, the "Col. Smith house" in Smith Village, and he is an earnest worker as a trustee of Appleton Academy. Children : 29. i. John Lewis, b. Aug. 17, 1870.+ 30. ii. Beulah Gertrude, b. June 2, 1873; m. May 31, 1894, Charles Edward Barrett (24). 31. iii. Alfred Hitchcock, b. Sept. 10, 1874.-|- 22. William Hartwell® (John C.^ Elijah", Elijah^, Eph- raim*, Joseph^ Joseph^ Richard^), b. Apr. 19, 1845; d. Jan. 15, 1903; m. Aug. 3, 1868, Helen Josephine Flagg [b. Dec. 24, 1844; d. Nov. 2, 1908]. He fitted for college in Appleton Acad- emy, but studied medicine without pursuing a previous college course and graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1868. He practiced at Fitchburg, Mass., for a short time, but most of his professional life was spent at Newton Upper Falls, Mass., where he was successful, but feeble health and absences necessarily resulting forbade the higher position of which his ability justified the expectation. Child: 32. i. Florence Josephine, b. Sept. 26, 1870; m. Oct. 1, 1902, Alex- ander Hiram Dresser. 23. Charles Willis* (John C.^ Elijah^, Elijah^ Ephraim*, Joseph^ Joseph^, Richard^), b. Sept. 10, 1847; m. Apr. 6, 1871, Lucy Maria, dau. of Nathan and Jane (Parker) Colburn of Temple [b. June 2, 1845]. He is a farmer in Westford, Mass. Children : 464 Hildreth 33. i. Henry Willis, b. May 26, 1874; m. Nov. 5, 1907, Harriet Craven Sargent of Graniteville, Mass. He is bookkeeper in a bank. 34. ii. Charles Lewis, b. June IS, 1879; m. July 24. 1907, Elizabeth Hayward of Westford. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1901, and from Harvard Law School in 1904. He is in practice at Lowell, Mass. 27. George Carpenter^ (Joel B.^, Elijah^, Elijah^, Eph- raim*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Richard^, b. Sept. 18, 1854; m. (1) May 14, 1876, Eveline A., dan. of Ralph and Azubah Wright; (2) Nov., 1895, Mary Aker of Townsend, Mass. He lived for some years upon the northern part of XV : 3, S. R., long the home of Ezekiel Nutting, but in 1904 removed to West Townsend. Children: 35. i. Willie Henry, b. Nov. 30, 1877. 36. ii. Eva May, b. and d. about 1880. 37. iii. EsTELLA Isabel, m. Fred Stacy. 29. John Lewis^ (John L.^, John C.'', Elijah^, Elijah^ Eph- raim*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Richard^), b. Aug. 17, 1870; m. June 1, 1897, Harriet Maria Bigelow. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1892, receiving the degree B. L., and from Harvard College in 1903, receiving the degree A. B. He is a civil engineer, engaged upon the Metropolitan Water Works in New York city. Children : 38. i. Harriet Smith, b. Feb. 3, 1900. 39. ii. John Lewis, b. June 4, 1906. 31. Alfred Hitchcock® (John L.^, John C.'', Elijah^, Eli- jah^, Ephraim*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Richard^), b. Sept. 10, 1874; m. June 6, 1905, Alice Russell of Winchester. He graduated from Harvard College in 1896, and from Harvard Law School in 1899. He is a lawyer in Boston, engaged in patent law. Children : 40. i. Richard Russell, b. Mar. 21, 1909. 41. ii. Helen Colburn, b. Nov. 19, 1911. 42. Ephraim Hildreth is mentioned in the History of Westford, Mass., as having left that town and remained in New Ipswich for a time, but his place in the Westford family is uncertain. He was a Revolutionary soldier serving in the companies of Capts. Briant, Joseph Parker, and Thomas, and his name continues upon the town records until 1792. A part of his military history is given in "New Hampshire Genealogies," in which he is said to have been born in New Ipswich in 1754, and to have died Oct., 1853, but no memory of him exists in 465 History of New Ipswich the town, nor does the family name appear until much later r than the birth date there given. He married Oct. 6, 1783, Rhoda Barnes [b. 1763; d. Dec, 1846]. Child: 43. i. Ephraim Barnes, b. July 24, 1784. HILLS. Joseph^ Hills, b. Billericay, Essex, England, bapt. Mar. 3, 1602 ; d. Newbury, Mass., Feb. 5, 1688; m. (1) Rose Clark [d. Mar. 24, 1650]; (2) June 24, 1651, Hannah (Smith), widow of Edward Mellows of Charlestown; (3) Helen, dau. of Hugh Atkinson of Kendall, Westmore- land, England ; (4) Anna, widow of Henry Lunt of Newbury. He came to America in 1638 and settled in Charlestown, of which town he was a selectman, and also representative to the General Court, where he was elected speaker. His residence was in the part of the town set off as Maiden, which he represented a long time. He was a magistrate, and in that capacity performed his own third marriage, for which he was admonished by the court. He died in Newbury. Joseph' (Joseph'), bapt. Aug. 2, 1629; d. Apr. 19, 1674; m. Hannah Smith [d. July 11, 1674]. Res. in Maiden. Samuel^ (Joseph^ Joseph'), b. Dec. 16, 1669; d. Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 7, 1704; m. Sarah . Jabez^ (SamueP, Joseph", Joseph'), b. June 4, 1699; d. July 18, 1742; m. Jan. 31, 1727, Martha, dau. of Eleazer and Meletiah (Fish) Metcalf [b. Wrentham, Mass., Aug. 27, 1699]. He res. in that part of Wrentham which became Franklin. I. David° (Jabez*, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Jan. 24, 1737; d. Dec. 18, 1815; m. (1) Hannah Fales of Dedham, Mass. [b. Apr. 16, 1745 ; d. Sept. 12, 1777] ; (2) Apr. 22, 1778, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Avery) Manning [b. Townsend, Mass., June 14, 1755 ; d. Oct. 2, 1803] ; (3) Jan. 9, 1806, Abigail, widow of Abijah Smith (1) [d. Dec. 4, 1815]. He came to New Ipswich about 1772, bought the farm of Joseph Bates, previously owned by Abijah Foster, and erected, but a few rods southerly from the place of the first dwelling ever built in the town, a substantial building which was his home and store for many years, and which gave evidence of the thoroughness of its construction, not only by showing no signs of age as more than one hundred years passed by, but also by the long continued vigor of the fire which finally destroyed it. He was a man who was not afraid to follow new ways, in which he usually was successful. This trait of character was shown in jf his improved methods and instruments in farming, his hori- i zontal well to supply his house with running water, and in his manufacture of potash near the site of the bank building 466 « Hills north of Union Hall, which probably aroused the very con- siderable number of like attempts in many parts of the town. Children : 2. i. Martha, b. Dec. 27, 1772; m. Feb. 25, 1801, William Hall of Rockingham, Vt. Five children. 3. ii. Mary, b. Jan. 26, 1774; d. Oct. 23, 1806; m. Nov. 17, 1799, Noah Bartlett (6). 4. iii. Hannah, b. May 13, 1775 ; m. June 12, 1796, John B. Wheeler of Oxford. Five children, of whom the eldest was John, president of the University of Vermont. 5. iv. Meletiah, b. Oct. 24, 1776; d. Aug. 13, 1778. 6. V. Sarah, b. Dec. 15, 1778; d. Dec. 18, 1819; m. Mar. 9, 1815, William Hall of Rockingham, Vt. 7. vi. John Fales, b. July 22, 1780.+ 8. vii. David, b. Oct. 19, 1781 ; d. Apr. 2, 1789. 9. viii. Meletiah, b. July 3, 1783; d. Jan. 13, 1784. 10. ix. Susannah, b. Dec. 21, 1784; d. Sept. 16, 1864, unm. 11. X. Samuel, b. Oct. 15, 1789; d. Aug. 9, 1791. 12. xi. Jabez, d. Sept. 6, 1871, unm. He went to Rockingham, Vt., as a clerk with his brother-in-law William Hall, and mani- fested the business abilities of his father and brother suffi- ciently to accumulate a considerable property which he employed in private banking. But in other matters he was peculiar, and exceedingly unsocial, being known as "Jabez, the Hermit." 7. John Fales" (David^ Jabez*, Samuel^, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. July 22, 1780; d. Oct. 31, 1819; m. (1) Mar., 1810, Abigail, dau. of Timothy and Ruth (Pollard) Fox (15) ; (2) Feb. 15, 1816, Esther, dau. of Seth Arnold [b. Westminster, Vt., Sept. 3, 1792; d. Dec. 27, 1877]. He succeeded to his father's busi- ness, which had then for a brief time been carried on in the house built by his father on the present site of the Appleton House opposite the end of School street. After a few years he removed that building across the Turnpike to its present position opposite the postoffice, and began the erection of the building now known as the Appleton House, but died before it was completed. Children : 13. i. Henry Fox, b. Dec. 5, 1810; d. June 18, 1860; m. Rebecca K. . 14. ii. Harriet, b. May 1, 1812; d. Feb. 27, 1888. 15. iii. Edward A., b. Oct. 19, 1813; m. and had two sons. 16. iv. David Arnold, b. Aug. 11, 1817.+ 17. v. Myra B., b. Dec. 31, 1818; d. Mar. 15, 1820. 16. David Arnold^ (John Fales*', David^, Jabez*, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Aug. 11, 1817; d. Westminster, Vt., July 19, 1903 ; m. Dec. 19, 1839, Sarah Elizabeth Heath of Roxbury, 467 History of New Ipswich Mass. [b. Mar. 25, 1818; d. Mar. 15, 1885]. Res. Westminster, Vt. Children : 18. i. William H., b. Oct. 14, 1840; m. (1) Alice A. E. Graves; (2) Mary J. Pratt; (3) Lizzie R. Cross. Four children. 19. ii. Edward A., b. Sept. 15, 1856; m. Harriet E. Cobb. 20. iii. Sarah E., b. Mar. 28, 1858. HOAR. Charles^ Hoar, d. 1638; m. Joanna Hinxman [b. Braintree, Mass., Sept. 21, 1651]. He was the son of Charles Hoar, a saddler of Glouces- ter, England, and his wife Margerie. It is uncertain whether he came to America. If he did, he died very soon after. At all events his widow Joanna and five children are said to have crossed the ocean as early as 1640. Pie was an alderman of Gloucester, and also sheriff. John' (Charles'), b. about 1622; d. Apr. 2, 1704; m. Alice [d. June 5, 1696]. He lived for a time in Scituate, Mass., but he was a proprietor of Concord, Mass., and a lawyer there in 1665. His honorable and courageous conduct in relation to the "praying Indians," unjustly accused by his fellow citizens, is noteworthy in the early history of Con- cord. His younger brother, Leonard, whose wife Bridget was a daugh- ter of Lord John Lisle, president of the court which convicted King Charles I., was president of Harvard College, 1672-75. Daniel" (John''', Charles'), b. 1650; m. (1) July 19, 1677, Mary, dau. of Samuel' and Mary (Frye) Stratton [b. Concord, Jan. 19, 1656/7] ; (2) Oct. 16, 1717, Mary Lee. Benjamin' (Danief, John', Charles'), b. Feb. 11, 1693; d. Littleton, Mass., Mar. 22, 1775; m. (1) Esther [b. about 1695; d. May 15, 1744]; (2) Sarah [b. about 1697; d. Jan. 10, 1770]. Res. in Concord and in Littleton. 1. Benjamin^ (Benjamin*, DanieP, John^, Charles^), b. in that part of Concord which is now Lincoln, May 21, 1717; d. Feb. 14, 1799; m. Concord, Anna Brooks [b. about 1715; d. Feb. 19, 1799]. He passed his youth in Littleton, coming thence to New Ipswich in 1742 or earlier, being preceded by only Abijah Foster and wife and Jonas Woolson. Probably he did not marry until several years later, at all events her com- ing to the new home was delayed. He settled upon V : 2. S. R., and built a house near the river, a quarter-mile from the earlier structure of Jonas Woolson. The history of that early dwelling is not unlike that of that earlier neighbor, as in due time it was supplemented by a large two-storied building, and when age required further change the older part was rebuilt; the resulting building standing on its original site, and long known as the "Champney house," is still a serviceable dwell- ing. Apparently this early pioneer did not lack the qualities 468 Hoar tending to leadership which have distinguished many of his kinsmen. The former town history characterizes him as "one of the most important and useful men of the town, for its first half century." The first meeting of the Proprietors held in the town, June 20, 1750, was at his house, and not long after, in 1752, he is mentioned as an "inn-holder,"' and he continued this convenience for the public during the period of more than forty years. He was also the first blacksmith, his shop being situated just across the "country road" from his house. The title of captain appears to have been his as early as 1763. He was moderator of some of the Proprietors' meetings and also of town meetings after the incorporation of the town. He was also one of the selectmen. Children : 2. i. Benjamin, b. Mar. 9, 1751 ; d. Dec. 13, 1752. 3. ii. Benjamin, b. July 8, 1753; d. Sept. 28, 1753. 4. iii. Anna, b. July 20, 1754; d. Mar. 17, 1755. 5. iv. Rhoda, b. June 24, 1756; m. Loring. 6. V. JoTHAM, b. July 6, 1757.+ 7. vi. Anna, b. Feb. 25, 1760; d. Nov. 8, 1824; m. Nathaniel Pren- tice (1). 8. vii. Benjamin, b. Apr. 16, 1762. 9. viii. Phcebe, b. Mar. 1, 1765; m. Jonas Adams (H. 13). 6. JoTHAM® (Benjamin^, Benjamin*, DanieP, John^ Charles^), b. July 6, 1757; will probated 1815; m. Mary . He succeeded to his father's home, but removed to Peterboro in 1805. He held the office of captain while in New Ipswich, and later became major. Children : 10. i. Sally, b. June 24, 1787. 11. ii. JoTHAM, b. Dec. 14, 1788. 12. iii. Charles, b. Mar. 3, 1791 ; d. July 19, 1794. 13. iv. Polly, b. June 16, 1793. 14. V. Charles Davison, b. May 18, 1795. 15. vi. Anna, b. Apr. 14, 1797. 16. vii. Benjamin, b. June 26, 1799. 17. viii. Edith, b. Aug. 28, 1801. 18. ix. John, b. Jan. 26, 1805. HODGKINS. Without doubt the early settlers in New Ipswich bearing this family name were descendants of William of Ipswich, Mass., and a careful ex- amination of the records of that town gives an apparently correct line of descent to William^ and Hezekiah^ as presented below. But the frequency of those two names in the intervening generations forbids the entire cer- tainty which is to be desired. 469 History of New Ipswich William^ Hodgkins, b. 1622; d. Dec. 26, 1693; m. Grace, dau. of Osman and Grace Dutch. He came to Ipswich, Mass., about 1640, and made that town his home until his death. Christopher' ( William'), m. Jan. 22, 1689, Tabitha Howard [d. Sept. IS, 1735]. He was ancestor of several New Hampshire Hodgkins families. William' (Christopher^ William'), b. Aug. 12, 1703; m. 1724, Eliza- beth Clark [m. (2) 1744, Ezekiel Hunt]. William' (William^ Christopher^ William'), bapt. Jan. 30, 1725; m. Mar. 3, 1748/9, Abigail, dau. of William and Martha (Smith) Uran [bapt. July 2, 1721; d. May 5, 1790]. 1. William^ (William*, William^, Christopher^, William^), bapt. Feb. 3, 1750; d. 1804; m. 1765, Elizabeth (Foster) (4), widow of John Fletcher (3). He came to New Ipswich about 1765, and settled at the south end of X : 2, S. R., probably a short distance north from the site of the cross-roads which long bore the name "Hodgkins' Corner," and on the east side of the county road running thence to Davis Village. He rendered Revolutionary service at the time of the Concord alarm, and also under Capt. Samuel Atkinson at Coos in 1776, Capt. Josiah Brown on the Rutland excursion in 1777, and Capt. Robert Fletcher in response to the call from Rhode Island in 1778, and finally under Capt. Joseph Parker in the brief expedition to Royalton, Vt., in 1780. Children: 3. i. Nathaniel, b. about 1768; m. Mar. 11, 1790, Anna Stickney (6). They removed to Belvidere, Vt. 4. ii. Susanna, b. prob. about 1770; m. Feb. 6, 1790, Phineas Spaulding. 5. iii. William, b. about 1772. His name appears on the tax-list 1793-97. 6. iv. Polly, b. prob. about 1774; m. May 29, 1794, John Putnam. 7. V. John, b. about 1777. His name is on the tax-list 1798-1801. 2. Hezekiah^ (William*, William^ Christopher^ Wil- liam^), b. about 1757; d. Oct. 4, 1821; m. Dec. 18, 1780, Lydia, dau. of Peletiah Cummings [b. about 1760; d. Apr. 4, 1843]. His name is borne upon the New Ipswich tax-lists 1780-84, after which he appears to have removed to Marlboro, and thence to Troy. He twice enlisted from Ipswich, Mass., for service in the Revolution, under Capt. Timothy Barnard in 1775, and under Capt. Stephen Jenkins in 1777. It may be also that the name 'Hezek'' Hodg" on the roll of the sally to Royalton, Vt., almost immediately before the date of his marriage, is an abbreviated form of his name showing that he was with his brother in that brief term of service. Children : 470 Hodgkins 8. i. Stephen, b. Oct. 21, 1782; d. Albany, N. Y., 1827; m. 1807, Arethusa Corbin. 9. ii. Peletiah, b. Mason, Oct. 12, 1784; m. Oct., 1814, Mehitable Adams of Jaffrey. Res. Troy. 10. iii. Sarah, b. 1786; d. 1817. 11. iv. Lydia, b. May 21, 1790; d. 1790. 12. V. Amos, b. July 2, 1792 ; d. 1792. 13. vi. Lucy, b. Nov. IS, 1793; d. Troy, Dec. 29, 1854; m. Enoch Garfield. 14. vii. Lydia, b. 1796; d. 1817; m. Oct. 5, 1815, Joseph Corbin of Rochester, N. Y. 15. viii. Aaron, b. Apr. 25, 1797; d. Troy, Apr. 11, 1856; m. (1) Rhoda Perkins; (2) Alfreda Brown. 16. ix. Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1804; d. 1812. 17. X. Sarah, b. 1810; m. Alfred Wright. HOLDEN. The early history of this family is very shadowy, the emigrant an- cestor not being certainly known. 1. Samuel^, "of Ipswich," b. Dec. 16, 1740; d. Mar. 18, 1820; m. 1768, Sarah Hosmer of Concord. He came to New Ipswich in 1763 and settled on the farm south of Whittemore Hill since known as the "Holden place." Children : 2. i. Samuel, b. Jan. 17, 1769; d. Mar. 4, 1860. 3. ii. Sarah, b. Apr. 17, 1771; d. Mar. 15, 1841; m. Feb. 20, 1801, John Knowlton (8). 4. iii. Reuben, b. July 21, 1773. + 5. iv. Betsy, b. Dec. 17, 1782; d. Nov. 16, 1868. 4. Reuben^ (Samuel^, b. July 21, 1773; d. Nov. 10, 1813; m. Feb. 19, 1801, Hannah Prichard (14). Children: 6. i. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 16, 1803; d. Apr. 1, 1804. 7. ii. Ira Samuel, b. Nov. 17, 1804; d. Jan. 4, 1880; m. (1) Cathe- rine Dellinger; (2) Mary Rogers. 8. iii. Amos P., b. Jan. 26, 1806.+ 9. iv. Edward Hosmer, b. Mar. 26, 1811.-f 10. v. Reuben Andrus, b. Aug. 9, 1813.+ 8. Amos P.=^ (Reuben^, Samuel^, b. Jan. 26, 1806; d. Oct. 2, 1852 ; m. Mary Jane Goodman. Children : 11. i. Edward G., m. Jean Stansbury. 12. ii. Albert. 13. iii. Henry, for many years employed in the Patent Office, Wash- ington, D. C. 14. iv. Mary, m. Myron F. Near. Res. Erie, Pa. 471 History of New Ipswich 9. Edward Hosmer^ (Reuben^, SamueP), b. Mar. 26, 1811; d. Mar. 25, 1842; m. Dorcas Barrett Cragin (29). Children: 15. i. Augusta Hosmer, b. Sept. 13, 1838; m. Nov. 24, 1864, Francis A. Wright. One child. 10. Reuben Andrus^ (Reuben^, Samuel^), b. Aug. 9, 1813; d. May 16, 1900; m. Sept. 19, 1836, Aurelia Wells. Children: 16. i. Emma A., b. July 12, 1838; m. James C. Crane. 17. ii. Louisa A. M., b. Feb. 21, 1843; m. S. P. Cheseldine. 18. iii. Kate, b. Feb. 5, 1845; d. Mar. 8, 1901; m. William E. Crane. 19. iv. Florence, b. Sept. 2, 1849; m. Charles E. Wilson. 20. V. Reuben Andrus, b. May 23, 1859; m. Grace Hillyer. HORSLEY. James' Horsley, b. May 1, 1649; m. Martha, dau. of John Parker. James^ (James'), b. Sept. 4, 1675; d. Feb. 18, 1728; m. Maria . James^ (James^ James'), b. Billerica, Mass., May 19, 1702; d. Mar. 28, 1745; m. Exercise [m. (2) John Brown]. 1. James* (James^, James^, James^), b. Townsend, Mass., Jan. 19, 1734; d. Apr. 19, 1809; m. Dec. 21, 1758, Sarah Shedd of Pepperell, Mass. [b. 1738; d. Sept. 7, 1804]. He lived until late middle life in his native town, where he was selectman, town clerk, and representative, also a deacon. He is said to have served in the Revolutionary War, and he was afterward known as Captain. He came to New Ipswich about 1783, and although he removed to Hancock five years later, he was a somewhat prominent man during his brief residence, being elected first selectman and town clerk in 1783, and holding that responsible position for three years. After his removal to Hancock he was town clerk fifteen years. His home in New Ipswich was the farm previously owned by Peletiah Whittemore, and afterward by Josiah and Moses Wilkins, [VI:3, S. R.] Children: 2. i. James, b. Dec. 3, 1759; d. Oct. 23, 1776, while in Revolutionary service. 3. ii. John, b. Sept. 21, 1761 ; d. Nov. 26, 1778, while on furlough, but of disease contracted in Revolutionary service. 4. iii. Sarah, b. Aug. 8, 1763; d. Jan. 16, 1797; m. Mar. 24, 1796, Benjamin Hadley. 5. iv. David, b. Aug. 18, 1765; d. 1836; m. (1) Apr. 19, 1789, Eliza- beth Chase of Peterborough; (2) Sept. 20, 1805, Hannah Gates. Res. Hancock, Marlow, Swanzey, and Winchester. Eleven children. 6. V. Samuel, b. July 8, 1767; d. Dec. 20, 1826; m. (1) Aug. 23, 472 I Horsley 1791, Polly, dau. of Thomas Dodge [d. Oct. 5, 1822] ; (2) Kezema . Res. Hancock. Five children. 7. vi. Rachel, b. Sept. 28, 1769; d. Dec. 3, 1778. 8. vii. Betsey, b. Mar. 5, 1772; d. July 20, 1830; m. (1) Aug. 30, 1790, John VVhitcomb [d. Dec, 1796] ; (2) Mar. 4, 1802, Samuel Morrison. Res. Hancock and Alstead. 9. viii. Joseph, b. June 5, 1774; m. Louisa Parks of Temple. Res. Livermore, Me. Five children. 10. ix. Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1776; d. Jan. 6, 1855; m. Dec. 18, 1794, Oliver Whitcomb, for a time a blacksmith in New Ipswich, but resided most of the time in Hancock. Ten children. 11. X. James, b. May 11, 1779; d. Mar. .3, 1851; m. 1802, Prudence Paul of Livermore, Me. He was a cloth-dresser in Liver- more for a time and later started in Dublin the cloth business which he sold to the father of Milan Harris, whose products have been so long known as "Harris cloth." Four children. Samuel Horsley and his heirs appear on the New Ipswich tax-lists from 1765 to 1794, but he was probably a non-resident landowner. HOSJVEER. James' Hosmer, b. 1607; d. Feb. 7, 1685; m. (1) Ann ; (2) Mary [b. about 1608; d. May 11, 1641]; (3) Alice [d. Mar. 3, 1664/5]. He was a clothier at Hawkhurst, Kent, England. He came to New Eng- land in 1635, and settled at Concord, Mass., where he resided until his death. James" (James'), b. 1637; d. May 31, 1676, killed by Indians in the "Sudbury fight;" m. Oct. 13, 1658, Sarah White. Stephen^ (James'), b. Nov. 27, 1642; d. Dec. 15, 1714; m. May 24, 1667, Abigail, dau. of Michael Wood [b. Apr. 10, 1642; d. 1717, or 1718]. He passed his life in Concord. Thomas^ (James', James'), b. July 6, 1672; d. Nov. 2, 1754; m. Feb. 18, 1695/6, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Ruth (Wheeler) Hartwell [b. Oct. 8, 1675; d. Sept. 29, 1753]. Res. in Concord. John' (Stephen^ James'), b. Aug. 31, 1671; d. 1751; m. May 12, 1699, Mary Billings. Thomas' (Thomas', James", James'), b. Feb. 7, 1703; d. Jan. 10, 1787; m. Apr. 29, 1731, Prudence, dau. of Stephen' and Prudence (Billings) Hosmer [b. Nov. 27, 1707; d. Oct. 14, 1791]. He res. in Concord. John' (John', Stephen^ James'), b. July 24, 1700; d. Dec. 14, 1733; m. Aug. 26, 1724, Mehitable Parker. He passed his life in Concord. Nathaniel' (John', Stephen", James'), b. Dec. 21, 1701; m. Elizabeth [b. about 1704; d. May 28, 1794]. His name appears upon the New Ipswich tax-lists in 1765 and 1767, and it is possible that he was with his sons who came to town in 1764, but it appears more probable that he was a non-resident tax-payer, and that he retained his residence in Concord during his entire life. John° (John', John', Stephen", James'), b. May 17, 1725; d. Nov. 17, 1771; m. Aug. 29, 1750, Martha Webber of Medford, Mass. He res. in Medford. 473 History of New Ipswich 1. Benjamin^ (Thomas^ Thomas^, James^ James^), b. May 18, 1750; d. Jan. 2, 1832; m. Apr. 20, 1792, Sally Miles of Con- cord [b. about 1757; d. Dec. 28, 1792]. This was probably the Benjamin Hosmer whose name is borne upon the New Ipswich tax-lists most of the time from 1785 to 1805, but not upon those of the three years 1791-93, which include the time of his brief married life. He seems to have lived in the high- way district then extending from the Roger Chandler farm, (XII : 4, S. R.,) to the southwestern corner of the town. Later than 1805 his name is borne on the non-resident list as living in Concord. 2. William^ (Nathaniel^ John^ Stephen^ James^), b. Oct. 19, 1729; d. Mar. 26, 1802; m. June 19, 1753, Ann, dau. of Amos and Elizabeth Heald [b. Oct. 25, 1732; d. Aug. 6, 1814]. He was one of the two members of his family whose names ap- peared upon the New Ipswich records as early as 1764, but it remained for so brief a time that it is by no means certain that he was an actual resident. If he was, he probably made his home with his brother Reuben. 3. Nathaniel^ (Nathaniel*, John^, Stephen^, James^), b. Nov. 29, 1731 ; d. Aug. 6, 1814; m. July 1, 1756, Elizabeth, dau. of Amos and Elizabeth Heald [b. Jan. 6, 1734; d. Aug. 23, 1810]. The identity of his name with that of his father and the fur- ther identity of the given names of his mother and his wife make the question of his residence almost insoluble. There is no doubt of his later residence in Mason, and he died at Cam- den, Me. Children : 7. i. Tabitha, b. May 24, 1757; d. Mar. 4, 1841; m. John Sawtelle. 8. ii. Anna, b. Nov. 13, 1759; m. Job Hodgman. 9. iii. Eunice, b. Aug. 22, 1762; d. Dec, 1832; m. Samuel Russell. 10. iv. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 9, 1765; d. June 3, 1846; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1789, Mary Wheeler; (2) Feb. 3, 1803, Nancy Fay. 11. V. Asa, b. Aug. 10, 1769; m. Oct. 2, 1795, N^ncy Eaton. 4. Amos^ (Nathaniel*, John^, Stephen^, James^), b. June 28, 1734; d. Nov. 2, 1810; m. (1) Nov. 22, 1776, Mrs. Lucy Mer- riam [b. about 1750; d. Feb. 23, 1804] ; (2) Apr. 11, 1806, Sarah Hosmer [b. about 1747; d. Aug. 10, 1820]. He lived in Con- cord, where he was a lieutenant, but the name appears upon the New Ipswich tax-lists from 1780 to 1803 without any in- dication of non-residence. Later until his death he was re- corded as of Concord. A few months before his death he 474 i Hosmer conveyed to his son Amos for "love and good-will" all his land in New Ipswich, including the "rest of lot 24," a part of which Amos, Jr., had bought a few years before from his uncle Reuben, at the time of sale a resident in Mason. Apparently, therefore, Lieut. Amos Hosmer's home in New Ipswich was in the region afterward occupied by his descendants in the southeastern corner of the town. Children : 12. i. Amos, b. about 1777.+ 13. ii. Nathan, b. Dec. 3, 1780; d. Oct. 9, 1805. 14. iii. Asa, b. Sept. 17, 1782 ; d. Oct. 15, 1844. 15. iv. Rebecca, b. Feb. 7, 1784. 16. V. Nathan, b. Oct. 22, 1785. 17. vi. Ephraim, b. June 29, 1787. 18. vii. Sally, b. Sept. 17, 1789. 19. viii. Betsey, b. Jan. 18, 1792; d. Jan. 31, 1831; m. Dec. 6, 1812, Ebenezer Conant. Seven children. 5. Reuben^ (Nathaniel^ John^, Stephen^, James^), b. Dec. 5, 1739; d. Acton, Mass., Aug. 15, 1812; m. (int. Feb. 8, 1797) Lydia Powers of Littleton, Mass. He came from Concord, Mass., to New Ipswich in 1764, and his name frequently ap- pears on the records of the town throughout his life, although his residence was not always within its bounds. He is said in the former history of the town to have settled in its south- eastern part, which harmonizes with his sale, five years later, of lot 68, A. D., and also with the sale in 1800 of a part of lot 24, N. L. O., to his nephew, as before mentioned. In the first of those deeds he is defined as a husbandman of Ashby, Mass., and in the second he is said to be a mason. He joined with residents in the southern part of the town in a contest concerning the location of the meeting-house in 1767. In the early years of the nineteenth century he paid highway taxes in the northwestern corner district, and finally in the Davis Village district. His death in Acton, Mass., is recorded in the records of Concord. Children : 20. i. Sewall, b. Concord, Mass., Jan. 13, 1798. Very little has been found concerning this member of the family, but he is be- lieved to be represented by his name borne from 1824 to 1832 upon the tax-list of the highw^ay district including the eastern part of the Center Village and the Adams farms, (21 and 25, N. D.) 21. ii. Reuben. This name is entered here without satisfactory evi- dence. But it seems the most probable assumption that the bearer of this name, borne beside the preceding one dur- ing the same period, is that of a brother. Reuben Hosmer and wife united with the Congregational church in 1829. 475 23. ii. 24. iii. 25. iv. 26. V. 27. vi. History of New Ipswich 6. JoHN^ (John^, John*, John^, Stephen^, James^), b. May 10, 1758; d. Sept. 17, 1839; m. Jan. 21, 1781, Anna Fosgate of Bolton, Mass. He prepared for admission to college, but relinquished his intention of taking a liberal education and became a shoemaker. He resided at Lexington, Mass., and served in Capt. Parker's company of April, 1775, and continued similar service in 1776 and 1777. He removed to Shrewsbury, Mass., and later to Bedford, Mass. His life ended in New Ipswich. Children : 22. i. Christopher Page, b. May 1, 1782; d. Sept. 19, 1834; m. Feb. 29, 1812, Nancy Thompson. Ten children. John, b. June 27, 1784. Castalio, b. Apr. 6, 1786.+ Martha, b. Feb. 15, 1788; d. Jan. 16, 1892; m. Benjamin Ager Clark (E. 5). Anna, b. Oct. 22, 1789. Julia, b. June 3, 1791. 28. vii. Clarissa, b. Sept. 6, 1792. 29. viii. Benjamin, b. Oct. 20, 1794. 30. ix. Leander, b. Apr. 5, 1796; d. Oct. 6, 1888; m. Sophronia Wil- son of Billerica. Ten children. 31. X. GusTAvus, b. Nov. 26, 1798; d. Nov. 24, 1828; m. Julia Wilson. Three children. 12. Amos'' (Amos^, Nathaniel*, John^ Stephen^, James^), b. about 1777; d. June 3, 1842; m. Oct. 23, 1805, Lydia Haynes of Sudbury [b. about July, 1786; d. Apr. 10, 1863]. He was a farmer in Concord, Mass., in his early manhood, and for a short time in Billerica, Mass. But, as occasion offered, he purchased portions of the family estate in New Ipswich, and ^ of land adjoining it, and in 1820, or a little later, he came to New Ipswich and there passed his remaining life. He built the house, the place of which is now marked by its cellar, upon 28, N. L. O. Children : 32. i. Nathan Merriam, b. Billerica, Mass., Oct. 2, 1808.+ 33. ii. Amos Haynes, b. Feb. 4, 1813. He removed to Mason about 1837. 34. iii. Susan Lydia, m. Oct. 3, 1844, Benjamin Eaton of Gardner, Mass. 35. iv. William, b. about 1816; d. Apr. 8, 1842. 24. Castalio^ (John^, John^, John*, John^, Stephen^ James^), b. Apr. 6, 1786; d. 1869; m. 1805, Ruth Clark (E. 3) ; (2) Mary . He was a shoemaker at Bedford, Mass., and came thence to New Ipswich about 1832. For some years he had a small foundry with associated industries in a small 476 Hosmer building long known as "The Forge," using the now aban- doned waterpower of the Saw Mill Brook at the southern end of the Adams farm, (21, N. D.,) near the Turnpike, and he lived for a time on the Francis Appleton farm, (38, N. D.) He was selectman for two years. He returned to Bedford about 1842. Children— b. at Bedford: 36. i. Ebenezer Clark, b. July 4, 1806; d. Sept. 9, 1896; m. Mary Ann Muzzey of Lexington, Mass. He was a farmer at Bedford, Mass. Five children. il. ii. Anna Fosgate, b. Mar. 28, 1808. 38. ill. Elias Pool, b. Mar. 11, 1810. 39. iv. Sarah, b. Dec. 21, 1811. 40. V. LuciNDA, b. May 12, 1814. 41. vi. Walter, b. 1816; d. Oct. 1, 1817. 42. vii. Laura, b. May 19, 1817; m. Leander Clark (11). 43. viii. Castalio, b. May 16, 1819; m. Mary, dau. of Benjamin A. and Martha (Hosmer) Clark (13). 44. ix. Charles, b. Nov. 6, 1820. 45. X. Granville, b. Sept. 25, 1822. 32. Nathan ]\Ierriam'^ (Amos®, x\mos^, Nathaniel*, John^, Stephen^, James^), b. Oct. 2, 1808; d. Dec. 22, 1854; m. Mary T. Lawrence [b. about 1816; d. Aug. 1, 1863]. He succeeded to the Hosmer farm, and made his home upon 24, N. L. O. Children : 46. i. Mary Jane, b. about 1838; m. Worcester. Res. National City, Cal. 47. ii. Fannie Louisa, b. about 1841 ; m. Lewis Hodgman. Res. National City, Cal. 48. iii. William, b. about 1843; d. Sept. 18, 1848. HOUGHTON. Ralph' Houghton, b. about 1623; d. Milton, Mass., Apr. 15, 1705; m. Jane [b. 1626; d. Milton, Jan. 10, 1701]. He is supposed to have been the younger brother of Sir Richard Houghton of Houghton Tower, Lancashire, England. He came to America about 1647 and settled in Woburn, Mass., but remained there but a brief time before removing to Lancaster, Mass., where he was an influential man for many years. He was the first clerk of the town. James- (Ralph'), b. 1650; d. 1711; m. Mary . He removed to the place afterward Harvard, Mass., and there established the "Houghton Homestead," still occupied by his descendants. Thomas' (James", Ralph'), b. 1696; d. about 1764; m. Dec. 2, 1725, Moriah Moore [b. Aug. 9, 1699; d. May 2, 1790]. Res. Harvard. Elijah' (Thomas^ James^ Ralph'), b. June 2, 1739; d. July 20, 1819; m. Jan. 8, 1766, Mercy, dau. of Abraham and Sarah Whitney [b. Sept., 1744; d. Jan., 1817]. Res. Harvard. 477 History of New Ipswich Thomas' (Elijah', Thomas', James", Ralph'), b. Jan. 8, 1767; d. May 1, 1846; m. Dec. 19, 1785, Betsy, dau. of John and Lydia (Jefts) White [b. Jan. 26, 1767; d. Feb. 27, I860]. 1. Levi^ (Thomas^, Elijah*, Thomas^, James^, Ralph^), b. Feb. 28, 1794; d. June 17, 1872; m. Eliza Reed. He came to New Ipswich about 1829, and remained until 1842, when he removed to Lancaster, Mass. During most of his residence in New Ipswich he conducted the Benjamin Champney farm on the old "country road," afterward owned by John Preston, (VI: 1, S. R.) He bore the title of captain. Children: 4. i. Eliza Ellen, b. about Apr., 1826; d. Sept. 7, 1827. 5. ii. Alvan N., b. about Oct., 1839; d. Apr. 5, 1842. Probably there were other children. 2. John Pearce" (Thomas'^, Elijah*, Thomas^, James^, Ralph^), b. Oct. 1, 1795; d. Feb. 26, 1864; m. Relief Gould. He was the first of the family resident in New Ipswich, com- ing about 1826. He was for some time engaged in business as a butcher on the Ebenezer Champney place, next east of his brother and on the same lot as originally divided. After- ward he was a teamster to and from Boston. He, too, removed to Lancaster, Mass., about 1838. 3. Stedman^ (Thomas^, Elijah*, Thomas^, James^, Ralph^), b. Aug. 28, 1799; d. May 9, 1888; m. (1) Nov. 17, 1825, Ann Cragin (16); (2) Harvard, Oct. 24, 1844, Maria Haskell [b. Oct. 1, 1807; d. Oct. 31, 1890]. He came from Harvard to New Ipswich about 1829, and soon settled just north from the Congregational church where he carried on the tanning industry, and was also a farmer. His house was somewhat farther north than the present dwelling built by him after the former one was burned in 1838. Children : 6. i. Charles Emory, b. Harvard, Aug. 24, 1827. + 7. ii. Ann Elizabeth Prichard, b. Jan. 28, 1832; d. Oct. 13, 1857; m. Oct. 25, 1855, James P., son of James and Cyrene (Put- nam) Davis (102). 8. iii. Louisa Maria, b. Jan. 22, 1834; d. Mar. 24, 1870, unm. She was a successful teacher. 9. iv. Susan Morton, b. Nov. 28, 1838; m. Sept. 18, 1866, Addison Howard, son of Benjamin T. and Abigail (Howard) Fos- ter [b. Wilton, Nov. 13, 1838; d. Mar. 3, 1906]. He was a physician in Chicago. Children : i. Fred Houghton Foster, b. June 26, 1867; m. June 6, 1894, Laura Maud Hafner; res. Oak Park, 111. ; one son. ii. Winslow Howard Foster, b. Jan. 10, 1869; m. Sept. 20, 1894, Anna Mabel Burr; res. Chicago, 111.; three daughters, iii. Louisa Houghton Foster, 478 Houghton b. July 12, 1870; d. Dec. 22, 1871. iv. Charles Stedman Fos- ter, b. Aug. 24, 1874; m. June 26, 1901, Mary Alice Wheeler; res. Spokane, Wash. 6. Charles Emory''' (Stedman^, Thomas^, Elijah*, Thomas', James-, Ralph^), b. Aug. 24, 1827; d. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 2, 1908; m. Oct. 5, 1858, Caroline Sellman, dan. of Samuel and Sarah (Sellman) McMurray [b. Freedom, Ind., Sept. 21, 1829; d. Oct. 22, 1910]. He left New Ipswich in 1844, went West, and in due time engaged in the commission business at Cin- cinnati, O. About 1867 he removed to Baltimore, where his later life was passed as the head of a large establishment for the preparation and sale of canned goods. Children : 10. i. Charles Samuel, b. July 21, 1859; m. Apr. 15, 1890, Birdie Baer, dau. of Abraham and Margaret Adelia Castle [b. Frederick, Md., Mar. 16, 1868]. Res. in Baltimore. Three children. 11. ii. Louis Stedman, b. Dec. 4. 1860; m. Jan. 16, 1890, Annie Hofifman, dau. of Ephraim Brown and Margaret Ann (New- comber) Nicewarner [b. Baltimore, Jan. 3, 1869]. Res. in Baltimore. Four children. 12. iii. RowENA Sallie, b. Sept. 19, 1862; d. July 18, 1863. 13. iv. Ira Holden, b. May 7, 1865; m. Sept. 18. 1894, Louise Luther, dau. of John Luther and Jessie (Elder) Ringwalt [b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, 1870]. Res. in Baltimore. Three children. 14. V. Catherine Holden, b. June 13, 1868; d. July 25, 1872. 15. vi. Sellman Cragin, b. Apr. 14, 1875 ; d. Nov. 12, 1882. HOWE. Two families bearing this name, but apparently not of kindred blood, have lived in New Ipswich, and are here given in succession. HOWE (Abraham). Abraham' Howe, d. Jan. 30, 1695 ; m. Mar. 6, 1657, Hannah, dau. of William Wood [b. 1639; d. Nov. 3, 1717]. He lived for a few years after coming from England in Roxbury and Watertown, Mass., but about 1662 he settled in Marlboro, Mass., where he died. Daniel' (Abraham"), b. 1658; d. Apr. 13, 1718; m. Oct. 12, 1686, Elizabeth Kerley [d. 1735]. He passed his life in Marlboro, where he was a very considerable landowner and held the office of captain. Jonathan' (Daniel', Abraham'), b. Apr. 23, 1695; d. July 25, 1738; m. 1718, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Judith Hapgood [b. Feb. 10, 1695]. Res. in Marlboro. 1. IcHABOD* (Jonathan^, DanieP, Abraham^), b. Jan. 9, 1730/1 ; m. Sarah . He came to New Ipswich in 1754 and settled where was afterwards the Davis Village, on the "Nich- 4,79 History of New Ipswich olas place," (49, N. D.) He seems to have been possessed of more money than most of his fellow townsmen, as his share of the "Minister's rate" for 1763, the first year after the in- corporation of the town, was £8 3s. Id., amounting at the rate for those days to about $3.75, the entire list of ninety-five names calling for only six larger amounts. In 1757 he was on "the committee to hire preaching," although he did not unite with the new church until 1765, five years after its or- ganization. But on the completion of the first meeting-house in 1759 he was on the committee in charge of the delicate business of assigning seats with a due regard to the dignity of each individual. In business matters he was first on the "committee to examine the Selectmen's accounts," or in the more modern form he was the first auditor elected by the town. The next year he was first selectman, and the next he held that office and also that of town clerk. But his record here was brief, as in 1769 he was one of a party which left the town to settle the newer town of Camden, Me. Children : 3. i. Jonathan, b. July 31, 1760. 4. ii. Melicent, b. Apr. 25, 1762; m. David Foster. 5. iii. Sarah, b. Mar. 15, 1766. 6. iv. Stephen, b. Dec. 9, 1768; m. Eleanor Turner. 7. V. David, b. Sept. 1, 1771 ; m. Freelove Maxim. 8. vi. Susanna, b. Apr. 13, 1774; m. Joseph York. 9. vii. Eunice, b. Feb. 22, 1776; m. Oct. 1, 1800, Henry Wood, Jr. 2. Isaac* (Jonathan^, DanieP, Abraham^), b. Jan. 27, 1734/5 ; d. Oct. 16, 1800; m. Dec. 17, 1760, Sybil, dau. of Joseph Proctor. He came to New Ipswich several years later than his brother, probably about 1762. He settled westward from his brother, at the distance of a half-mile by a now abandoned road. His house was burned nearly a century ago, but it stood on or near the site of the house formerly occupied by Samuel C. Wheeler, which is still standing on the road run- ning southerly from his later brick residence upon the Turn- pike, (57, N. D.) His ministerial rate was fifty cents less than that of his brother, but he was equally active in town matters. He was chosen upon committees supposed to be formed of the wiser and more discreet citizens for such duties as giving instructions to the town's representative or for ac- tion in respect to the formation of the state constitution. He held the offices of town clerk and first selectman five years of the time during which those positions of responsibility 480 10. 11. ii. 12. iii. 13. iv. 14. V. 15. vi. Howe (Abraham) were united. He gave service in the Revolutionary times as a member of the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection, and also in the field he was a sergeant in the company sud- denly formed in 1775, adjutant in Col. Enoch Hale's regiment on its expedition to Ticonderoga in 1776, and quartermaster of the same regiment on service in Rhode Island in 1778. Chil- dren : Sarah, b. Mar. 17, 1762; d. Mar. 29, 1762. Vashti, b. Apr. 2, 1763. Sarah, b. Dec. 29, 1764. Isaac, b. Jan. 22, 1767. He remained for many years at or near the home of his boyhood, but records concerning him are few. Joseph, b. June 1, 1769 ; d. Sept. 17, 1772. A son, b. and d. Jan. 10, 1771. 16. vii. A son, b. and d. Jan. 10, 1771. 17. viii. Sybil, b. Jan. 5, 1772; m. (1) Jan. 24, 1793, Ebenezer Stone; (2) Josiah Sawtell of Rindge [d. Oct. 1, 1825] ; (3) Moses Hale of Rindge. 18. ix. Susanna, b. Feb. 12, 1774; d. Mar. 18, 1853; m. Dr. Calvin Ainsworth of Claremont. 19. X. Joseph, b. May 11, 1776.+ 20. xi. SiLVANUs, b. June 4, 1779. 21. xii. Jonathan, b. June 16, 1781. He was a printer in Boston. 22. xiii. Asa, b. Mar. 29, 1784. 19. Joseph^ (Isaac*, Jonathan^, DanieP, Abraham^), b. May 11, 1776; d. Oct. 17, 1852; m. 1803, Sarah Sawtell. He succeeded to his father's farm. Children : 23. i. Rebecca, b. Jan. 8, 1804. 24. ii. Tryphena, b. Dec. 30, 1805. 25. iii. Jonathan, b. Oct. 7, 1807. 26. iv. Alonzo, b. Aug. 29, 1809. n. V. Silvester, b. Mar. 6, 1812; d. Apr. 17, 1813. 28. vi. Alvin, b. Aug. 15, 1814. HOWE (John). John* Howe, d. 1689; m. Mary . He is supposed to have been son of John Howe of Warwickshire, England. He was first at Water- itown, then at Sudbury, Mass., in 1639, where he was a selectman in 1642, jand is said to have been the first settler in Marlboro, Mass., in 1657. He iwas an inn-keeper for a time. Samuel^ (John'), b. Oct. 20, 1642; d. Apr. 13, 1713; m. (1) June 5, 1663, Martha Bent of Sudbury [d. Aug. 29, 1680] ; (2) Sarah Clapp [d. Mar. 29, 1726]. Res. at Sudbury. David' (Samuel', John*), b. Nov. 2, 1674; m. Dec. 25, 1702, Hepzibeth Heath. 481 32 History of New Ipswich David' (David', Samuel', John^), b. June 3, 1717; d. Aug. 3, 1759; m. Mar. 15, 1744, Abigail Hubbard, probably dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (Bulkely) Hubbard of Concord, Mass. [b. Feb. 20, 1724/5]. Res. at Sudbury. Buckley' (David', David', SamueP, John'), b. July 23, 1746; d. Nov. 1, 1789; m. Feb. 2, 1769, Elizabeth Moore. Res. at Hubbardston, Mass. Peter"' (Buckley', David', David', Samuel", John'), b. Sept. 13, 1785; d. Sept. 16, 1839; m. (1) Jan. 2, 1809, Elizabeth, dau. of Peter and Anna (Russell) Haynes [b. Sudbury, Mass., Feb. 2, 1785; d. Rindge, Sept. 13, 1828]; (2) Sept. 3, 1830, Sarah, dau. of John and Priscilla (Battles) Whitney of Rindge [d. Concord, Mass., Dec. 25, 1834] ; (3) Sept. 17, 1835, Dorcas G., dau. of Caleb and Patty (Murdock) Heath of Fitzwilliam. He settled in Stratton, Vt., in early manhood, but removed to Rindge in 1813, where he lived about twenty years, then removing to Concord, Mass., and thence to Westfield, Mass., where he died. 1. Emerson^ (Peter^, Buckley^, David*, David^, SamueP, John^), b. Apr. 29, 1811 ; d. Aug. 7, 1896; m. (1) Aug. 11, 1835, Sarah A., dau. of Leonard and Sally (Hubbard) Rand of Rindge [b. Aug. 21, 1816; d. Oct. 26, 1853] ; (2) Apr. 5, 1855, Louisa J. Conant (21), widow of Jonathan L. Cogswell of Rindge. He came to New Ipswich in 1848, and remained until his death. He was a carpenter and occupied the original Academy building, erected in 1789, as his dwelling and also j as his workshop. He held the office of selectman for several years, and is also remembered as a police officer who, upon days when a circus or other similar attraction drew a some- what undesirable crowd to the village, maintained the peace in a very quiet but yet efficient manner. Children : 2. i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. about June 1, 1836; d. Leominster, Mar. 7, 1871 ; m. June 30, 1860, Charles Marcellus, son of Joseph and Eleanor Pierce (23). Child: i. Will Emerson Pierce, d. Oct. 31, 1871. 3. ii. Elbridge Haynes, b. July 30, 1838.+ 3. Elbridge Haynes^ (Emerson^, Peter®, Buckley^ David*, David^ SamueP, John^), b. July 30, 1838; d. June 3, 1883; m. ' June 30, 1860, Caroline Hartwell, dau. of Charles and Sarah (Jones) Baldwin [b. Hillsboro, Dec. 2, 1841]. Res. in New Ipswich, Fitchburg, and Leominster, Mass. Children — the first b. in New Ipswich, and the others in Leominster : 4. i. Minnie Aurelia, b. Dec. 5, 1862; m. Mar. 8, 1881, Edwin Upton, son of Darwin and Mary Powers of Leominster. Res. Leominster. Children : i. Emma Louise Powers, b. Dec. 17, 1881; m. Nov. 6, 1900, Manley G. Hatstat; res. in Leominster; one daughter, ii. Fred Emerson Powers, \ Oct. 30, 1884 ; unm. ; res. in Leominster. 482 Howe (John) 5. ii. Charles Emerson, b. June 21, 1867; m. Nov. 26, 1890, Annie Isabelle, dau. of John and Margaret DeCoff of Leominster. Res. in Leominster. 6. iii. Wilbur Henry, b. Feb. 26, 1875; m. Aug. 18, 1897, Lillian May, dau. of George Leander and Isabelle (Phair) Waters of Chelsea, Mass. Res. in Leominster, where he is an ac- countant. Child : i. Marion Beatrice, b. Feb. 9, 1899. HUBBARD. George^ Hubbard, b. England, 1594; d. Jan., 1683; m. Mary, dau. of John and Anne Bishop [d. Sept. 14, 1675]. He came from England about 1633 and after a residence of two years at Watertown, Mass., removed to Connecticut and settled at Wethersfield, from which town he was the first representative. He removed to Milford about 1639, and thence in 1650 to Guildford, where he completed nearly half a century of citizenship in Connecticut. JoHN^ (George*), b. England, about 1630; d. 1702; m. about 1648, Mary Merriam of Concord, Mass. At about the age of thirty he removed from Wethersfield, Conn., to Hadley, Mass., and thence, twelve years later, to Hatfield, Mass., where he passed his remaining j'ears. Jonathan^ (John^ George^), b. Wethersfield, Jan. 3, 1658/9; d. July 17, 1728; m. Jan. 15, 1681, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (King) Rice of Marlboro, Mass. He resided at Hatfield, and later at Concord, Mass., where he died. Jonathan* (Jonathan^ John", George*), b. Concord, Mass., June 18, 1683; d. Townsend, Mass., Apr. 7, 1761; m. Sept. 26, 1704, Rebecca Brown. He resided in Groton, Mass., and Townsend, Mass., in which last town he was representative for several years, town clerk, deacon, and major. He was one of the grantees named in the Masonian Charter of New Ipswich and was moderator of the first meeting of the Proprietors held in the town, June 20, 1750. But there are no indications that he ever became an actual resident. One of the four lots which were drawn by him, situated in the northern part of the town, has never had a permanent road upon it; the highway through two others, near the Massachusetts line, has been long abandoned ; and only the fourth lot, extending from the central graveyard to Hodgkins' Corner, now shows any activity. He was also one of the Proprietors of Rindge, where "Hubbard Pond" per- petuates his name, but neither did he live in that town. John" (Jonathan*, Jonathan', John^ George*), b. Groton, Mass., Apr. 23, 1727; d. Feb. 20, 1759; m. (1) Mar. 20, 1749, Hannah Johnson [d. Apr. 3, 1754] ; (2) Jan. 8, 1755, Mary Ball of Townsend [m. (2) Baldwin of Templeton, Mass.]. His sister, Mary, b. Apr. 12, 1725, m. (1) July 21, 1740, John Jennison of Lunenburg, Mass.; (2) Apr. 21, 1758, Col. Benjamin' Bellows. 1. JoHN*^ (John^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John^, George^), b. Aug. 8, 1759; d. Hanover, N. H., Aug. 14, 1810; m. 1791, Rebecca Preston (13). He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1785 and studied theology for two years but did not enter 483 i History of New Ipswich the ministry. He became a teacher in New Ipswich in 1787, and upon the incorporation of the Academy in 1789 he was appointed its first preceptor, which position he held until 1795, in which last year he was elected town clerk. During the following six years he was an apothecary at Walpole, and postmaster in 1799. From 1798 to 1802 he was probate judge of Cheshire County, principal of Deerfield Academy 1802 to 1804, and from 1805 until his death professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at Dartmouth College. His musical ability should not pass without mention here, as his influence in elevating the musical standard in New Ipswich during his residence in town as a teacher was very marked ; later he published an "Essay on Music" which he read before the Middlesex Musical Society, and also a collection of anthems from composers far in advance of the American standard in his time. Children : 2. i. John, b. Apr. 7, 1792.+ 3. ii. JosiAH, b. July 24, 1793.+ 4. iii. Harriet, b. Nov. 9, 1800; m. May, 1822, Abel Conant (1). 5. iv. George Washington, b. Dec. 2, 1808.4- 2. John'^ (John®, John^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John-, George^), b. Apr. 7, 1792; d. Aug. 4, 1860; m. Mary Kennedy of Mason [b. about 1802; d. May 25, 1884]. Res. in New Ipswich and Wilton. Children : 6. i. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 29, 1823. 7. ii. John Preston, b. Sept. 6, 1826; d. Oct. 13, 1827. 8. iii. George Henry, b. Oct. 5, 1830; d. Mar. 9, 1897; m. Sept. 11, 1862, Sarah Beard Fletcher (60). 9. iv. Harriet Bellows, b. Jan. 23, 1833. 10. V. William Edwin, b. Aug. 19, 1835. 11. vi. John Seth King, b. Dec. 19, 1838. 12. vii. Charles Lucius, b. Apr. 2, 1840. 13. viii. Louisa Josephine, b. Oct. 12, 1841. 5. Josiah'^ (John®, John^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John^, George^), b. July 24, 1793; d. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 9, 1871; m. (1) Mehitable Zipporah, dau. of Gordon and Zipporah (Wood- ward) Whittemore of West Lebanon [d. July 21, 1863] ; (2) Nov. 12, 1866, Martha Kimball. Children : 14. i. Harriet Woodward, b. Dec. 19, 1815; m. July 16, 1833, Capt. Simon Moody of Limington, Me. 15. ii. Clarissa Whittemore, b. Nov. 20, 1817; d. Dec. 5, 1880. 16. iii. Rebecca Preston, b. Mar. 31, 1820; d. May 2, 1882; m. Nov. 22, 1847, Dr. Moses E. Sweat of Limington, Me. 17. iv. Marla. Lucretia. b. Apr. 2, 1822; d. Mar. 25, 1838. 484 Hubbard 18. V. John Gordon, b. Apr. 6, 1827.+ 19. vi. Lucy Bancroft, b. Jan. 17, 1830; d. May 30, 1877; m. Henry L. S. McLanahan. 5. George WJ (John*', John', Jonathan*, Jonathan^, John^, George^), b. Dec. 2, 1808; d. Rosas Bar, Cal., Dec. 25, 1849; m. May, 1837, Emma Burge of Hollis. He was a missionary in Hindustan for several years and later lived near Durango, Mexico. Children : 20. i. George. 21. ii. Harriet. 22. iii. Clarissa Ann. 23. iv. Emma. 18. John Gordon^ (Josiah^, John®, John', Jonathan*, Jona- than^, John^, George^), b. Apr. 6, 1827; m. June 1, 1851, Caro- line Chase Colby of Haverhill, Mass. He was educated in Lowell, Mass., for the medical profession, but changed his purpose and became an actor and lecturer. He learned his proposed occupation in the Boston Museum, and then from 1851 to 1867 he was proprietor of "Hubbard's Varieties," a traveling entertainment which yielded him a competency. He then settled in Dracut, Mass., where he has been select- man for several years, postmaster, and chairman of the school board. Child : 24. i. John Josiah, b. Jan. 26, 1854 JAQUITH. Abraham^ Jaquith, d. Sept. 17, 1676; m. 1643, Ann, dau. of James Jordan of Dedham. Abraham' (Abraham'), b. Dec. 19, 1644; d. Feb. W, 1679; m. Mar. 13, 1671, Mary, dau. of Henry and Tamson (Manson) Adford of Scitu- ate. Res. in Woburn. Abraham' (Abraham^ Abraham'), b. Feb. 17, 1673; d. Dec. 18, 1753; m. Dec. 26, 1700, Sarah Jones of Woburn. Adford^ (Abraham', Abraham^ Abraham'), b. Apr. 15, 1710; d. July 16, 1791; m. (1) Margaret [d. Jan. 24, 1776]; (2) Nov. 14, 1776, OHve Davis. Adford' (Adford', Abraham', Abraham', Abraham'), b. Oct. 16, 1748; d. Nov. 19, 1824; m. Nov. 8, 1773, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Tarbell) Hartwell [b. Nov. 25, 1746; d. Sept. 19, 1823]. Adde" (Adford', Adford*, Abraham', Abraham^ Abraham'), b. Feb. 1, 1785; d. Apr. 24, 1862; m. July 3, 1808, Abigail Whiting [b. Mar. 4, 1786; d. Dec. 21, 1866]. Res. Ashby, Mass. 1. George Dinsmore^ (Adde®, Adford', Adford*, Abra- ham^, Abraham^ Abraham^), b. Nov. 18, 1821; d. Dec. 4, 485 History of New Ipswich 1879; m. July 13, 1847, Mary Sivona Davis (108). He was a farmer in the southern part of New Ipswich for a time on the Aaron Chamberlain farm, the western part of 56, N. L. O., and later for many years on the Ashburnham road, his house being but a few rods from the Ashby line. Children : 3. i. Frederic Whiting, b. Dec. 5, 1854; d. Feb. 6, 1856. 4. ii. George Richard, b. July 25, 1857.+ 5. iii. William Sulivan, b. May 10, 1859; d. Sept. 6, 1859. 2. Charles Barrett^ (Adde®, Adford^, Adford*, Abra- ham^ Abraham^ Abraham^), b. May 4, 1823; d. Aug. 2, 1901; m. Nov. 27, 1845, Almira Fletcher (204). Children: 6. i. Ossian Chalmers, b. Feb. 26, 1851 ; d. about 1901. 7. ii. Irving F., b. July 29, 1856; d. June 2, 1857. 4. George Richard^ (George Dinsmore^, Adde", Adford^, Adford^ Abraham^ Abraham^, Abraham^), b. July 25, 1857; m. Apr. 1, 1884, Maria Augusta W. Pillsbury (6). He suc- ceeded to his father's farm, upon which he has been an ex- ceptionally progressive farmer. He has held various town offices. Children : 8. i. DoLLiE Sivona, b. Feb. 19, 1886. 9. ii. MiLo Warren, b. May 9, 1888. 10. iii. HoLLis Proctor, b. May 7, 1890. JEFTS. Henry' Jefts, b. about 1606; d. Mar. 24, 1700; m. (1) Sept. 13, 1647, Ann Stowers; (2) Hannah Bieths [d. Sept. 15, 1662]; (3) Oct. 3, 1666, Mary, widowf of Simon Bird [d. Apr. 1, 1679] ; (4) May 5, 1681, widow- Mary Baker of Concord, Mass. He was one of the first settlers in Billerica, Mass., coming thither from Concord. Henry' (Henry'), b. Mar. 21, 1658; m. Hannah Hill. Henry' (Henry^ Henry'), b. 1705; m. Mary Gerry of Stoneham, Mass. Res. for a time in Mason. John' (Henry^ Henry% Henry'), b. Oct. 2, 1739; d. Dec. 10, 1809; m. Lois Lawrence. He had eleven children, three of whom, or their descendants, appear on New Ipswich records. Jonathan" (John^ Henry^ Henry', Henry'), b. June 1, 1767; d. Dec. 25, 1841; m. Nancy Richardson of Alstead [d. Dec. 29, 1854]. His home was probably in Stoddard. 1. Daniel^ (John*, Henry^ Henry^, Henry^), b. Dec. 17, 1778; d. Aug. 16, 1863; m. Aug. 30, 1802, Susanna Willard of Harvard, Mass. [b. about 1782; d. June 27, 1852]. He lived in Harvard, Mass., until about 1813, when he came to New Ipswich, and passed his remaining years as a farmer on the 486 Jefts "Prichard farm," (18, N. D.) He was selectman for several years. Children : 4. i. Mary Prescott, b. Sept. 3, 1803; d. Dec. 20, 1893; m. (1) May 20, 1827, Jacob Blodgett [b. Apr. 21, 1805; d. Aug. 18, 1840]; (2) Sewell O. Chandler (W. 19). Children: i. Mary Abigail Blodgett, b. May 9, 1828; m. George Chicker- ing (12). ii. Maria Clarissa Blodgett, b. June 26, 1830; m. July 11, 1853, (1) Addison Manning [d. Aug. 13, 1873]; (2) Stephen Barnes; three sons. iii. George Anson Blodgett, b. Aug. 31, 1833; m. Feb., 1870, Mary E. Wilson, iv. Melvina Amanda Blodgett, b. Apr. 30, 1836; m. Nov. 13, 1860, Stephen Cummins Ketchum of Winchendon, Mass. V. Roxana Jefts Blodgett, b. Apr. 6, 1839; d. June 29, 1911; m. Sept. 21, 1862, Cyrus A.' (Gilbert*, Jonathan') Jefts of Ashburnham, Mass. ; four children. 5. ii. Anson, b. Jan. 26, 1806; d. Quincy, 111., June 27, 1831, unm. 6. iii. Roxana, b. Aug. 3, 1808; m. Elisha F. Davis (88). 7. iv. John Prescott, b. Aug. 6, 1810; d. Sept. 9, 1834. 8. V. Clarissa, b. Dec. 31, 1813 ; d. Nov. 19, 1830. 9. vi. BoYNTON, b. Mar. 3, 1818; m. Ellen O'Flaherty [d. Mar. 6, 1859]. He removed to Greenville. Child: i. Nellie, b. Aug., 1858; d. Mar. 6, 1859. 10. vii. Elmira, b. May 1, 1824; d. May, 1883; m. Willard Jefts (15). 11. viii. Elvira, b. May 1, 1824; d. Apr. 28, 1847; m. Gates Chapman (3). 2. Willard^ (John^ Henry^, Henry^, Henry^), b. May 8, 1787; d. Apr. 28, 1858 ; m. Jan. 20, 1820, Lucy, dau. of Hezekiah and Lucy (Townsend) Corey of Ashburnham, IVIass. [b. Nov. 20, 1791; d. Oct. 20, 1871]. He came to New Ipswich soon after his marriage, and being a carpenter, built his home, the second house southerly from the Barrett mansion, afterward owned successively by Oliver Boyden and his son, and by Dea, Charles Taylor. There he lived until 1843, when he re- moved to Ashby, Mass. Children : 12. i. A son, b. and d. Mar. 26, 1821. 13. ii. James Merrill Jackson, b. Sept. 10, 1826.+ 3. Jonathan® (Jonathan^, John*, Henry^, Henry^, Henry^), b. 1798; m. May 10, 1820, Almira Richardson. He lived for a few years soon after his marriage on the Edmund Towne place in the extreme northeastern corner of New Ipswich, (16, N. D.) Children: 14. i. Mary, b. June 13, 1822. 15. ii. Willard, b. Sept. 13, 1824.+ 16. iii. Freeman W., b. Nov. 24, 1825. 13. James M. J.® (Willard^ John^ Henry^ Henry^, Henryi), b. Sept. 10, 1826; d. Dec. 24, 1886; m. May 15, 1853, 487 History of New Ipswich Betsey, dau. of Benjamin and Betsey (Eaton) Foster of Ashby, Mass. [b. July 18, 1832; d. Feb., 1907; m. (2) Nov. 5, 1889, Jonathan A. Hubbard of Ashby]. He passed his life in Ashby. Children : 17. i. Melvin Willard, b. July 18, 1855; m. June 5, 1879, Ella Urania, dau. of John P. and Urania (Stearns) Whitney of Ashby [b. Oct. 29, 1857]. One adopted daughter. 18. ii. Dora Merilla, b. June 27, 1860; d. May 7, 1863. 19. iii. Lizzie Emma, b. Sept. 19, 1862; m. Dec. 31, 1883, John, son of Ebenezer and Lucinda (Cutting) Damon of Ashby [b. Apr. 12, 1859]. Child: i. Ralph Corey Damon, b. July 20, 1886. 20. iv. Charles Merrill, b. Feb. 19, 1868; m. Feb. 25, 1891, Annie Marie, dau. of William J. and Mary Ann (Bartlett) Walker of Fitchburg, Mass. [b. Feb. 3, 1866]. Res. in Brockton, Mass. Child: i. Mildred Walker, h. June 30, 1896. 15. Willard'^ (Jonathan®, Jonathan^, John*, Henry^, Henry2, Henry^), b. Sept. 13, 1824; m. Apr. 18, 1848, Elmira Jefts (10). He was a mechanic in Bank Village during sev- eral years of his early manhood, and later in Greenville. Children : 21. i. Julia Elmira, b. Feb., 1849; d. July 27, 1854. 22. ii. Clara Maria, b. about May, 1850; d. June 30, 1854. 23. iii. Lucius Willard, b. about Jan., 1853; d. May 12, 1854. 24. iv. Carrie Amanda, b. about Aug., 1855 ; d. Aug. 20, 1856. 25. V. Nellie Melvina, b. about June, 1856; d. Sept. 7, 1856. 26. vi. Katie. 27. vii. Hattie. 28. viii. Lizzie. JONES. The number of New Ipswich residents bearing this familiar surname has never been large, but the blood of the emigrant ancestor of that family named below has mingled with that of a considerable number of families of the town, as is here shown. JoHN^ Jones, d. Concord, Mass., June 22, 1673; m. Dorcas [d. Concord, Nov. 22, 1709]. He came from England about 1635 and set- tled in Cambridge, but removed to Concord about 1650 and there made his home. His widow m. Dec. 24, 1674, William Buss. Res. in Concord. Samuel' (John'), b. Cambridge, Oct. 8, 1648; d. 1717; m. Jan. 16, 1672, Elizabeth, dau. of Luke and Mary (Edmunds) Potter [b. 1652; d. Feb. 14, 1694/5]. Res. in Concord. John' (John*), b. Concord, July 6, 1656; d. May 16, 1726; m. May 5, 1681, Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah (Wheeler) Farwell [b. May 2, 1662]. Res. in Concord. Samuel' (Samuel', John'), b/ Sept. 5, 1674; d. Nov. 5, 1755; m. Nov. 10, 1698, Ruth, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Jones) Brown [b. Oct. 12, 1678; d. Mar. 22, 1764]. Res. ii;^ Concord. 488 ■f Jones Nathaniel' (Samuel', John'), b. 1676; d. Mar. 22, 1745; m. 1696, Mary Reddit [b. 1675; d. Jan. 17, 1749]. Res. in Concord. Ephraim' (Samuel', John'), b. Apr. 30, 1679; d. Oct. 7, 1710; m. Apr. 15, 1701, Hephzibah, dau. of Roger' Chandler (R.). Res. in Concord. John' (John', John'), b. Jan. 6, 1690; d. Mar. 12, 1762; m. July 25, 1716, Anna, dau. of Daniel and Anna (Merriam) Brooks [b. Feb. 21, 1695/6; d. June 9, 1753]. Res. in Concord. Thomas* (Samuel', Samuel', John'), b. Nov. 30, 1702; d. Aug. 3, 1774; m. July 20, 1727, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Prescott) Miles [b. Concord, Oct. 18, 1709; d. Sept. 26, 1782]. Res. in Concord. He was a captain. Elnathan' (Nathaniel', Samuel', John'), b. Mar. 29, 1697; d. May 6, 1739; m. (1) Sept. 22, 1721, Hannah Pierce of Concord [b. 1701; d. Sept. 19, 1730] ; (2) Jan. 13, 1731/2, Rebeckah, dau. of Joseph' and Re- beckah (Minot) Barrett (Humphrey', Humphrey') [b. July 12, 1710; d. Feb. 8, 1733] ; (3) Hannah Brown [d. 1779]. Res. in Concord. Ebenezer* (Nathaniel', Samuel', John'), b. Feb. 5, 1706; m. Priscilla . Res. in Concord. Ephraim' (Ephraim', Samuel', John'), b. Sept. 20, 1706; d. Concord, Nov. 29, 1756; m. Sept. 12, 1728, Mary, dau. of Simeon and Rebecca (Hartwell) Hayward [b. Dec. 6, 1708; d. July 30, 1803]. Res. in Concord, where he held the office of captain. He served at the siege of Louisburg. Ebenezer* (John', John', John'), b. Dec. 8, 1726; d. 1799; m. Jan. 22, 1750, Mary Wheeler [d. about 1784]. He removed from Concord to Bed- ford, Mass., and thence to Princeton, Mass., about 1750. He was a prominent citizen in that town. JoHN° (Thomas', Samuel', Samuel', John'), b. Dec. 7, 1730; d. Ashby, Mass., Dec. 18, 1811; m. Oct. 24, 1754, Phebe, dau. of Daniel and Phebe (Locke) Brewer [b. Weston, Mass., July 21, 1734]. In 1762 he removed from Concord to the west part of Townsend, Mass., which five years later was included in the new town of Ashby, where he passed his re- maining life. He held the office of captain. 1. Elnathan^ (Elnathan*, NathanieP, SamueP, John^), b. Dec. 13, 1737; d. Feb. 27, 1793; m. Mary . The births of four children, 1780-88, are recorded in Concord, and he prob- ably was the Elnathan Jones who was in New Ipswich for three years before, but nothing further has been found con- cerning him. 2. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer*, NathanieP, SamueP, John^), b. Apr. 8, 1749; d. Aug., 1784; m. (1) Oct. 22, 1767, Hannah Fay of Lincoln ; (2) May 27, 1769, Sarah Fay of Concord [b. about 1747; d. Sept. 29, 1821]. His two eldest children were born in Concord, and the others seem to have been born in Wakefield, Mass., but his name appears on the New Ipswich records of a few of the last years of his life, and he probably lived in Smith Village in one of the houses formerly standing 489 ;.. History of New Ipswich on the east side of the road as it begins to ascend the hill back of the dwelling and store owned for many years by Col. Jere- miah Smith. Children : 5. i. Elnathan, b. Sept. 2, 1770. 6. ii. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 29, 1772; d. Oct. 10, 1829; m. Lois Alley. 7. iii. Hannah, b. 1775; m. Dec. 29, 1796, Abijah Smith (A. 2). 8. iv. Simon, b. Jan. 1, 1780; d. 1833; m. Rebecca Pool [d. 1865]. 9. V. Sarah, b. Aug. 17, 1784; d. Oct. 12, 1862, unm. She passed the last twenty-five years of her life in the family of her nephew, Col. Smith. 3. JoNAS^ (Ephraim*, Ephraim^ SamueP, John^), b. July 10, 1736; d. July 15, 1817; m. Sept. 6, 1763, Abigail, dau. of Ephraim* and Elizabeth (Heywood) Hartwell [b. June 5, 1744; d. Mar. 8, 1809]. He was a tanner at Shrewsbury, Mass., until about 1790, when he came to New Ipswich, living first on the "Benjamin Knowlton place," the westerly part of 22, N. D., and later on 51, N. D., afterward on the farm of Earl Boynton. He had rendered much service in the French wars, having accompanied his father to the siege of Louis- burg when only ten years of age, and afterward served at Crown Point and in later expeditions, in one of which he would have lost his life had not the rind of the pork which had been served out for food been sufficiently firm to forbid the passage of a bullet. His death, at the age of 81, was caused by a fall from his horse. Children : 10. i. Lucy, b. Oct. 14, 1764; d. June 2, 1851; m. Feb. 21, 1788, Gregory Stone, a farmer of Lincoln, Mass. Nine children. Ephraim, b. Nov. 29, 1765. -|- Jonas, b. Nov. 29, 1765; d. Nov. 20, 1815; m. May 17, 1807, Sally Manning of Medford, Mass., where he res. Richard Hall, b. Oct. 1, 1767 ; d. Cleveland, O., July 13, 1813. Stephen, b. Sept. 11, 1869; d. young. Hepzibah, b. Dec. 22, 1770; d. Oct. 21, 1853; m. Nov. 16, 1798, Isaiah Kidder (18). 16. vii. Stephen, b. Nov. 26, 1775.+ 17. viii. Henry, b. July 5, 1777.+ 18. ix. Isaac, b. Mar. 2, 1780; d. Jan. 16, 1806. 19. X. Peter, b. Feb. 18, 1783 ; d. Mar. 12, 1824. Nathan" (Ebenezer^ John', John^ John^), b. Bedford, Mass., Apr. 21, 1753 ; d. Apr. 8, 1827 ; m. Oct. 4, 1774, Mercy Parmenter of Rutland, Mass. [b. July 27, 1753; d. Dec. 27, 1835]. He lived in Princeton, Mass., until 1794, and then removed to Ashburnham, Mass. 4. Elisha* (John^, Thomas*, SamueP, Samuel^, John^), b. Ashby, Mass., Apr. 15, 1770; d. Nov. 21, 1809; m. 1793, Persis (or Pershia), dau. of Abraham Taylor, probably of Townsend, 490 11. ii. 12. iii. 13. iv. 14. V. 15. vi. Jones Mass. He was a blacksmith in Smith Village, 1797-1804, on the land afterward owned by Col. Smith, probably a little northwestwardly from the site of the dwelling- and store, and he lived in Ashby both before and after his residence in New Ipswich. Children : 21. i. Persis, b. Nov. 16, 1793; m. 1812, Isaac, son of Josiah Wilder of Gardner, Mass. [b. 1784]. Six children. 22. ii. Elisha, b. Jan. 28, 1796; m. Sept. 10, 1818, Kalinda Watkins of Kentucky, whither he had before removed. 23. iii. Homer, b. Dec. 24, 1797; d. May 18, 1813. 24. iv. Rebecca, b. Apr. 9, 1800; m. July 17, 1822, Andrew Hall of Boston and Charlestown, Mass. 25. V. John Taylor, b. July 16, 1802; d. Bangkok, Siam, Sept. 13, 1851 ; m. ( 1 ) July 14, 1830, Eliza, dau. of Rev. Henry Grew of Hartford, Conn. [d. Bangkok, Mar., 1838] ; (2) Nov., 1840, Judith Leavitt of Meredith Village, N. H. [d. on home- ward passage from Siam, 1846] ; (3) Sarah Sleeper of Guildford, N. H. He was a student at Brown University for one year, but transferred to Amherst College, where he graduated in 1825. He studied theology at Andover and Newton Seminaries, and spent his later life as a missionary in Burmah and Siam. He received the degree of D. D. from Columbia University. 26. vi. Abel, b. May 12, 1804; d. Ohio, July 12, 1837; m. Oct. 11, 1829, Lydia Ann Campbell. He was probably identical with Marcus A. Jones, who was a roommate of John Taylor Jones in Andover Seminary, but that is not certain. 27. vii. Sarah, b. Feb. 15, 1807; d. Ashby, Mass., 1838; m. July 19, 1833, Jonas H., son of Dea. Jonas and Susan (Taylor) Barrett of Ashby [d. Dec. 28, 1853; m. (2) Laura E. Gates]. 28. viii. Lydia, b. Mar. 14, 1809; m. Feb. 5, 1832, Hobart Spencer of Ashby. 11. Ephraim^ (Jonas^ Ephraim*, Ephraim^ SamueP, jjohn^), b. Nov. 29, 1765; d. Jan. 25, 1839; m. (1) Oct. 3, 1793, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Rachel Crosby [b. Quincy, Mass., Mar. 4, 1720; d. Mar. 30, 1806]; (2) Oct. 19, 1806, Martha, dau. of Jonathan and Martha Fessenden [b. Quincy, Mass., June 30, 1760; d. Oct. 25, 1826]; (3) Dec. 6, 1827, Keziah, dau. of James and Delia Adams [b. Lincoln, Mass., Feb. 19, 1773]. He res. in Boston, where he was a distiller, but abandoned the business in 1820 under the influence of the temperance movement. Children : 29. i. Ephraim, b. July 12, 1794; d. July 28, 1794. 30. ii. Eliza, b. Sept. 13, 1796; d. Sept. 11, 1826. 31. iii. Ephraim, b. Apr. 10, 1799; d. Bedford, Mass., Nov. 27, 1861; Im. Rebecca Brown. Child : i. Charles Henry, b. Apr. 7, 1845; m. Anna Low. History of New Ipswich 32. iv. Henry Hartwell, b. Mar. 15, 1802; d. Mar. 10, 1876; m. (1) Buenos Ayres, S. A., May 19, 1835, Caroline Allen [b. Townsend, Mass., July 3, 1806; d. Dec. 29, 1836]; (2) June V 18, 1839, Mary Stone [b. Lincoln, Mass., 1800; d. May 9, 1875]. Children: i. Henry Stone, b. June 6, 1841; m. Anna Maria Snow. ii. Mary Caroline, b. July 12, 1846; m. Daniel A. Cony. 16. Stephen^ (Jonas^ Ephraim*, Ephraim^, Samuel-, John^), b. Nov. 26, 1775; d. Ashby, Mass., Apr., 1842; m. Lydia Kidder (22). He lived for a time upon the "Knowlton farm," formerly occupied by his father, but removed to Ashby, IVlass., about 1810. Children : 2>Z. i. Isaac, b. Feb. 3, 1809; d. Sept. 29, 1876; m. June 2, 1834, Rebecca, dau. of Amos Wellington of Ashby. He was for a few years a mason at Walpole, N. H., but during most of his life he was employed in iron works at South Boston. He was a member of the city council, and also of the Legislature. Children : i. Charles E., b. Apr. 23, 1835 ; m. 1860, Exie, dau. of Capt. Judah Baker; res. in Boston; two children, ii. Harriet A., b. Apr. 28, 1837; m. Dec. 16, 1868, Williams Smith; res. in California; one child. 34. ii. Charles, b. June 4, 1810; m. (1) Feb. 22, 1837, Lucy, dau. of Nathan Estabrooks; (2) Sept. 30, 1851, Mary E. Heard of Bedford, Mass. Children : i. Francis, d. young, ii. George F., b. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 25, 1842; m. Sept. 17, 1868, Susanna P. Damon of Lexington, where he res. ; he served during the Civil War in the 44th Massachusetts Regiment. 35. iii. Andrew, b. Feb. 22, 1814; d. May 30, 1880; m. Apr. 16, 1840, Sarah Elizabeth Wright. Res. in East Cambridge, Mass., where he followed the trade of a mason. 36. iv. Harriet, b. Sept. 15, 1816; m. H. W. Seamans of New Lon- don, N. H. Res. at Boston and at Lexington, Mass. 2>7. v. Stephen, b. Jan. 29, 1818; d. about 1878; m. May 1, 1849, Sidney Boggs. He was a doctor in Ohio and Indiana. Children: i. Edgar T., b. Mar. 7, 1850. ii. Sallie M., b. Mar. 18, 1851; m. J. U. Webster, iii. Evan, b. May 24, 1853. iv. Lydia, b. May 25, 1857. v. Charlie, b. Nov. 13, 1859. 38. vi. Francis, b. July 4, 1823; m. 1851, Julia A., dau. of Rev. Horace Fletcher of Townshend, Vt. He went to Boston in youth, and passed his life in the fruit-jobbing business. Children : i. Grace, b. Oct. 13, 1860. ii. Francis, b. Aug. 27, 1865. 17. Henry*^ (Jonas^, Ephraim^ Ephraim^, SamueP, John^), b. July 5, 1777; d. Feb. 22, 1822; m. Apr. 15, 1804, Mary, dau. of Joshua and Mary Winship of Brookline, N. H. [m. (2) Oct. 15, 1829, John Daggett of Buxton, Me.]. Res. in Port- land, Me. Children : 492 Jones 39. i. Mary C, b. Feb. 9, 1806; m. Oct. 17, 1826, John D., son of William and Mary Pearson of Boston. Res. at Boston. 40. ii. Frances C, b. Jan. 29, 1809; d. Dec. 5, 1811. 41. iii. Frances C, b. May 27, 1812; m. Paul Alden of Boston. One son. 42. iv. Abigail, b. Apr. 24, 1814; d. Sept. 13, 1833; m. July 10, 1833, Samuel B. Dyer of Boston. 43. V. Richard Hall, b. May 18, 1818. 44. vi. George, b. July 24, 1820. 20. JoHN^ (Nathan^ Ebenezer*, John^ John^ John^), b. Princeton, Mass., Nov. 24, 1783; d. May 3, 1849; m. Dec. 17, 1809, Lucy, dau. of Francis and Hepsibah (Coolidge) Lane [b. July 6, 1783; d. Mar. 24, 1873]. He was lieutenant in the War of 1812, and afterward captain in the militia. 45. Frederick^ (John*^, Nathan^, Ebenezer*, John^, John^, John^), b. July 20, 1813; d. July 6, 1892; m. Feb. 20, 1845, Caroline Frances Gibson (9). He was a graduate of Harvard University, 1835, a teacher in Georgia and South Carolina two years, and also in the Philadelphia Blind Asylum. He was a proficient student in German literature and translated from the German Rotteck's History of the World, consisting of four large volumes, which was published during his resi- dence in Philadelphia. Occasionally he translated from the German for general publication. He attended medical lectures in Philadelphia and New York city, and received the degrees of A. M. and M. D. from Dartmouth College. Dr. Jones practiced a short time in Ashburnham, Mass., previous to lo- cating in New Ipswich, where he successfully engaged in his professional duties. For nearly fifty years he occupied a prominent position in his vocation and was often summoned to the adjoining towns. Although such a practice necessarily required most of his mental energies, he did not allow himself to be so confined within professional limits as to cause his scholarly habits of mind to fail, or to injure his interest in all worthy activities of his adopted town, an interest witnessed by his service on the superintending school committee, as a trustee of New Ipswich Appleton Academy, as a trustee of New Ipswich Savings Bank from its incorporation, and as a representative of the town in the Legislature. He concen- trated his efforts upon history, medicine, and science. Chil- dren : 60. i. Frederic William, b. Jan. 9, 1848.-f- 61. ii. Frances Rebecca, b. June 1, 1852.-[- 4,93 History of New Ipswich 60. Frederic William, b. Jan. 9, 1848; m. (1) May 31, 1881, Harriet A. Perry; (2) July 30, 1902, Mabel Maud, dau. of Col. George A. and Susan (Converse) Whitney, of Wa- dena, Minn. [b. June 14, 1873, Rindge, N. H.]. She was a graduate of Wadena high school, attended two years' course at University of Minnesota, obtaining a teacher's certificate, and was instructor. He was graduated from New Ipswich Appleton Academy, 1865 ; from Dartmouth College, 1869 ; at- tended Harvard Medical School one year ; was interne in Bos- ton Lunatic Hospital and House of Correction ; was a teacher in New Ipswich Appleton Academy six years ; received degree of M. D. from Medical University of New York city, 1881. He has served a number of years on the school board of New Ipswich. He secured a license as pharmacist from the State Board of Pharmacy of New Hampshire in 1882 ; has been a newspaper correspondent for years and member of Boston Associated Press. He served one term as representative in the Legislature of New Hampshire, session of 1903. He is a member of the N. H. Medical Society, County Medical Soci- ety, and American Medical Association ; also first vice- president of Mason Village Savings Bank. 61. Frances Rebecca, b. June 1, 1852; m. Jan. 16, 1893, George D. Burton (2). Her education was secured in the pub- lic school and at New Ipswich Appleton Academy. She de- voted her attention for some years to art and won a gold medal for superior skill in flower painting, while a student in Graves Art Studio in Boston. She also studied in Cowles Art School of Boston. Many works copied from nature en- rich her large collection, consisting of sketches, crayons, paint- ings in oil and water colors, also needlework and china designs. KIDDER. James' Kidder, b. 1626; d. Apr. 16, 1676; m. probably in 1649, Anna, dau. of Elder Francis Moore. He was son of James Kidder of East Grinstead, County Sussex, England, and came to America in early man- hood, being at Cambridge, where he married, not later than 1650. He removed to Billerica as early as 1656, and the family became closely identified with that town in t)oth civil and military capacities, he being selectman for several years, and commanding the small garrison estab- lished there at the time of King Philip's War. 494 Kidder JoHN^ (James*), b. Cambridge, about 1656; d. Chelmsford; m. Dec. 3, 1684, Lydia, dau. of Abraham and Rose (Whitlock) Parker of Woburn. He settled in Chelmsford in early manhood and there purchased five hundred acres of land for his home. Thomas' (John^ James'), b. Oct. 30, 1690; m. Dec. 31, 1716, Joanna Keyes of Chelmsford, and in that part of the town which was afterward made Westford he passed his life. He had five sons, three of whom became citizens of New Ipswich. Children : i. Thomas, b. Jan. 2, 1718. He is supposed to have died young. 1. ii. Aaron, b. Dec. 22, 1719.+ 2. iii. Reuben, b. Jan. 1, 1723.-J- 3. iv. Joseph, b. Oct. 31, 1725.+ V. JosiAH, b. Feb. 20, 1727/8. Of these sons Aaron, Joseph, and Josiah served in the Indian war of 1746-48. 1. Aaron* (Thomas^ John^, James^), b. Dec. 22, 1719; d. Nov. 16, 1769; m. May 19, 1749, Rachel Bush of Marlboro, Mass. [b. about 1725; d. May 5, 1815]. He came to New Ipswich not much later than 1750, although he is not named in the Masonian Grant, but he is entitled lieutenant in 1753, and probably was the third captain of the military company. He was selectman in 1767. His home was on XV: 1, S. R. He was found dead by the wayside. Children : 4. i. Thomas, b. Sept. 16, 1750.+ 5. ii. Joanna, b. 1752; m. Luther Heaton. 6. iii. Lucy, b. 1757 ; m. Johnson. 7. iv. Rachel, b. 1759; d. unm. 8. v. Eunice, b. 1761 ; d. unm. 9. vi. Aaron, b. Nov. 18, 1764.+ 10. vii. Luther, b. June 29, 1767.+ 11. viii. Submit, b. Feb. 8, 1770; m. Amaziah Jacobs. Res. Water- ford, Vt. 2. Reuben* (Thomas^ John^, James^), b. Jan. 1, 1723; d. Sept. 20, 1793; m. Mar. 21, 1754, Susanna, dau. of Josiah and Susanna (Jaquith) Burge of Westford [b. Apr., 1736; d. Nov. 27, 1824]. His name appears first in the list of the Masonian grantees, and although there were two others with larger amounts of land than he received, apparently his was the lead- ing hand in dealing with the agent of the Grantors. It is not supposed that he became a permanent resident upon the grant until two or three years later, but very probably the large emigration from Chelmsford to the little settlement was to a considerable extent dtie to his influence. He made his home upon the "old country road," in 46, N. D., a mile southeasterly 495 History of New Ipswich from the mountain which bears his name. Many things com- bined to make him the most influential man in the community. His greater wealth, his shrewd and energetic methods of hus- bandry, his successful cultivation of fruit favored by the va- ried characteristics of the land included in his farm, his offi- cial powers as "His Majesty's Justice of the Peace," and as colonel of a militia regiment, all added to his personal dignity and courtesy and probably gave him the first place in all town activities, although the almost complete absence of his name from the list of elected town officers perhaps suggests a recognition of a line of distinction between him and his fellow citizens more clearly in evidence when his relationship to the ruling powers outside the town naturally tended to make him adhere to the royal cause. Children : 12. i. Sarah, b. Sept. 24, 1758; d. Aug. 26, 1849; m. Feb. 14, 1804, Daniel Batchelder of Wilton [d. 1848]. 13. ii. Miriam, b. Apr. 10, 1760; d. July 30, 1848; m. Samuel Dutton. 14. iii. Ruth, b. Apr. 1, 1762; m. Dec. 29, 1794, Dr. Jonas Prescott. 15. iv. Susannah, b. Aug. 5, 1764; d. July 16, 1855; m. July 5, 1792, John Gould (10). 16. V. Abigail, b. Sept. 19, 1766; d. Dec. 7, 1853, unm. 17. vi. Reuben, b. Apr. 3, 1768.+ 18. vii. Isaiah, b. Feb. 3, 1770.+ 19. viii. JosiAH, b. July 27, 1771 ; d. Hampden, Me., Oct. 27, 1848. 20. ix. Betsey, b. June 11, 1773; m. Jan. 24, 1796, Simeon Stetson. Res. Hampden, Me. 21. X. Joanna, b. Oct. 11, 1775; d. July 3, 1796. 22. xi. Lydia, b. Feb. 2, 1777; d. Feb. 24, 1862; m. Stephen Jones (16). 23. xii. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 12, 1781 ; d. in Maine. 3. Joseph* (Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Oct. 31, 1725; d. Temple, Apr., 1817; m. Feb. 27, 1752, Rebecca Chamberlin of Westford. He was one of the Masonian grantees, holding, however, but a single right, the principal lot of which, (IX : 1, S. R.,) lay upon the "country road," extending from the old graveyard upon the hill to the large central one of later years. It was considered an undesirable tract of land, "as poor as the Joe Kidder lot" being often used as a type of worthlessness. His house was on the site afterward occupied by the home of Judge Ebenezer Champney, since known as the dwelling of John Preston, Esq., and his family. It was probably one of the largest houses of early days, as it was the place of public worship for several years before the completion of the meeting-house at the summit of the hill near at hand. He re- 496 Kidder moved to Temple soon after the incorporation of that town, and there passed his remaining years, his name disappearing from the New Ipswich tax-lists in 1772. He served in both the French and Revolutionary wars, being wounded in the former, responding to the Concord alarm, and appearing on the rolls of Capts, Abijah Smith, Gershom Drury, and Robert Fletcher. Children : 24. i. Wilder, b. Mar. 15, 1753. Served in Revolution. Res. in Newr York state. 25. ii. Rebecca, b. Aug. 27, 1754. 26. iii. Sibyl, b. Mar. 24, 1756. 27. iv. Susannah, b. Oct. 17, 1759. 28. v. Lydia, b. Oct. 17, 1859. 29. vi. Molly, b. Nov. 1, 1761. 30. vii. Joseph, b. Aug. 22, 1763. 31. viii. Calvin, b. Aug. 22, 1765. 32. ix. Rhoda, b. Sept. 12, 1767. 4. Thomas^ (Aaron^, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Sept. 16, 1750; d. Mar. 5, 1827; m. Grafton, Mass., Ruth Page [d. Mar. 4, 1826]. He remained in New Ipswich until 1780, being one of those responding to the Royalton alarm in that year, but soon after he removed to Vermont. Children : 33. i. Thomas, b. New Ipsw^ich, June 13, 1777. + 34. ii. Benjamin Page, b. New Ipswich, Apr. 28, 1778; m. 1807, Polly Colson Trufant of Groton, Mass. He was a farmer in Barnet, Vt. Twelve children. 35. iii. Sarah, b. New Ipswich, Mar. 18, 1780; m. Sylvester Butler Norton of Weathersfield, Vt. Removed to New York state and thence to Plainfield, 111. 36. iv. Rebecca, b. New Ipswich, Jan. 1, 1783; d. Hancock, Wis., 1864; m. Weathersfield, Vt., 1804, Asa Spaulding, a farmer [d. Wautoma, Wis., I860]. Res. at Weathersfield until after the birth of their six children, and then removed succes- sively to Maine, New York, and Wisconsin. 37. V. Ruth, m. Thomas Emerson of New Ipswich. 38. vi. Aaron Keyes, b. Mar. 4, 1787.-f 39. vii. Luther Heaton, b. July 11, 1793. -j- 40. viii. Timothy Lovell, b. May 31, 1798.+ 9. Aaron^ (Aaron*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Nov. 18, 1764; m. Elizabeth Bush. Children: 41. i. Aaron Bush, b. July 21, 1788. 42. ii. Luther, b. 1792. 43. iii. Jeremiah, b. 1794. 44. iv. James Carter, b. 1795. 45. v. Betsey, b. 1796. 46. vi. Benjamin F., b. 1799. 497 33 52. ii. 53. iii 54. iv. 55. V. History of New Ipswich 47. vii. Thomas, b. 1801. 48. viii. Joanna, b. 1803. 49. ix. Almira, b. 1806. 50. X. Louisa, b. 1807. 10. Luther^ (Aaron*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. June 29, 1767; d. Pike, Pa., Sept. 2, 1831 ; m. Windham, Conn., Sept. 25, 1788, Phebe, dau. of Asa and Abia (Pease) Church [d. Oct. 31, 1851]. Res. at Windham, Conn., and later at Waterford, Vt. Children : 51. i. Rachel Joanna, b. Oct. 15, 1791; d. July 25, 1879; m. Dec. 8, 1814, Friend Corson. Lucy, b. June 9, 1795 ; d. Jan. 9, 1819. Sally, b. Dec. 1, 1797; d. Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1863; m. Oct. 17, 1817, Elias Colby. Samuel, b. Dec. 1, 1797.+ Phebe, b. Feb. 23, 1800; m. Jan. 16, 1824, Jasper Fletcher, great-grandson of Timothy\ 56. vi. Lyman Church, b. Apr. 18, 1802. -|- 57. vii. Sophia, b. Apr. 26, 1804; d. in Michigan, 1851; m. Mar. 4, 1824, John Barron. 58. viii. Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1806; d. Ann Arbor, Mich., July 29, 1877; m. John Kellogg. 59. ix. Luther, b. Nov. 19, 1808.+ 60. X. Emerenza, b. Feb. 2, 1810; m. (1) Nov. 27, 1831, Samuel Stevens, Jr. [d. July 17, 1855]; (2) Oct. 29, 1864, John Keller. Res. Pennsylvania. 17. Reuben^ (Reuben*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. New Ipswich, Apr. 3, 1768; d. New Harmony, Ind., 1817; m. Lois Crosby [d. 1809]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1791, studied law, and entered upon practice in Waterville, Me., then hardly more than a backwoods village, where he married, had a family, and lost his wife by death. A few years later, attracted by the prevailing enthusiasm for emi- gration to the West, he removed to Indiana, but lived only a single year after the change of residence. Children : 61. i. George, d. young. 62. ii. Henry, d. Port au Prince, unm. 63. iii. Camillus, b. June 27, 1805. -f 64. iv. Jerome G., b. 1808; d. Boston, 1882, unm. He went to Bos- ton in 1824 and engaged at once in the grocery business, but soon after attaining his majority he entered the oil business, in which he continued until about 1864 and se- cured a large fortune, the greater part of which descended to his brother Camillus, but he remembered with a legacy of $10,000 a lady who many years before had declined his repeated offers of marriage. 498 Kidder 18. Isaiah^ (Reuben*, Thomas^ John^, James^), b. Feb. 3, 1770; d. Apr. 28, 1811; m. Nov. 16, 1798, Hephzibah Jones (15) [b. Dec. 22, 1771; d. Oct. 21, 1853]. His business life, closed by his early death, showed a versatile and practical ability of great promise for later years. He taught a few years in early manhood, but the settlement of his father's large and varied interests devolved upon him at the age of twenty-three, and was successfully managed. He continued his father's progressive methods of husbandry and at an early age introduced in the region the raising of the merino sheep. A few years after his father's death he opened a store in that part of Mason which was afterward detached to form the town of Greenville, and continued it for six years, when he closed that business and bought the interest of Charles Bar- rett in the New Ipswich Cotton Mill, and for some time was the principal manager of that industry, being associated with Benjamin Champney and Roger Chandler, Samuel Appleton also assuming an interest with them somewhat later. But the development in those days of so unfamiliar an industry was very slow, and he did not live to carry it to the expected success. He was chosen to represent the town in the Legis- lature at the last two elections before his death, which inter- vened to prevent him from assuming its duties the second time. Children : 65. i. Anna, b. June 25, 1801; d. Boston, July 13, 1858. 66. ii. Sophia, b. Mar. 13, 1803; d. Charleston, S. C, 1854; m. Oct. 15, 1832, Christopher G. Salinas. Res. Beaufort, S. C. 67. iii. Frederic, b. Apr. 16, 1804; d. Dec. 19, 1885; m. Jan., 1841, Harriet M. Hagar [d. Dec. 22, 1875]. At the age of eighteen he entered upon mercantile life in Boston, which had the leading place in his life for nearly forty years, during eight years of which, in company with his brother, he con- ducted business in Wilmington, N. C, with good success, although the Civil War necessarily terminated Southern relations and caused heavy losses. During these years he became greatly interested in historical topics, and devoted much labor to the preparation of the former history of his native town conducted by himself and Dr. A. A. Gould. After retiring from mercantile activity he devoted himself to historical and genealogical study and published several greatly approved works, besides contributing articles to lead- ing periodicals devoted to those lines of research. 68. iv. Edward, b. Oct. 19, 1805.-f- 69. v. George, b. Nov. 22, 1807; d. Mar. 7, 1815. 70. vi. Harriet, b. Aug. 26, 1809; d. in Miss., 1847; m. Oct. 15, 1832, Charles Wood of Groton, Mass. Two children. 499 History of New Ipswich 71. vii. Isaiah, b. Mar. 18, 1811; d. Nov. 30, 1822, from the bite of a rabid animal. 33. Thomas^ (Thomas'', Aaron*, Thomas^, John-, James^), b. New Ipswich, June 13, 1777; d. in Weathersfield, Vt. ; m. Eliza Mills. Children — born in Weathersfield, Vt. : 12. i. Aaron, b. 1808 ; d. in the army, unm. IZ. ii. Eliza, b. Aug. 1, 1810; m. 1833, Philip Hardy. She had six children, three of whom died young, and two of the other.s and the husband of the third served in the army during the Civil War, one losing his life. 74. iii. Reuben, b. 1812; m. Emma Porter. He was a farmer. Twelve children. 75. iv. Levi, b. Feb. 2, 1814. Two sons. 76. v. Joseph, b. June 22, 1818. Res. Groton, Vt. n. vi. James M., b. 1820. Res. Bethlehem. Four children. 78. vii. Sarah, b. 1823. 38. Aaron Keyes® (Thomas^, Aaron*, Thomas^, John-, James^), b. Mar. 4, 1787; d. Vienna, Me., Feb. 10, 1872; m. (1) Weathersfield, Vt., Sophia Barnes [d. Feb. 10, 1837] ; (2) Harriet Lane. Res. Weathersfield, Vt., Concord and Vienna. Me. Children : 79. i. Julia, b. Oct. 5, 1814; d. Oct. 6, 1814. 80. ii. Sabrina Sophia, b. Nov. 2, 1815; d. Nov. 8, 1858; m. Apr. 9, 1835, John S. Spaulding, son of Rebecca Kidder (36), a farmer of Townshend, Vt. Six children. 81. iii. Aaron Isaiah, b. Aug. 7, 1818; m. Warwick, Mass., Apr. 6, 1842, Eveline Morse. He was a farmer at Orange, Mass. Two children. 82. iv. Henry Willard, b. Sept. 2, 1820; d. July 10, 1864; m. Fanny White. 83. V. Hiram Barnes, b. Oct. 27, 1822; m. May 30, 1850, Angeline Maria Fitts. Removed to Delaware in 1866. Two daugh- ters. 84. vi. Asa, b. July 10, 1824; d. May 20, 1862; m. Hannah Susan Hall. Removed to Wisconsin in 1859. Two children. 85. vii. Anna Samantha, b. May 20, 1832; d. Topeka, Kan., Dec. 25, 1844, unm. 86. viii. Silas Reade, b. Aug. 9, 1839; d. Jan. 16, 1876; m. 1869, Flora L. Hilton. He served in the Civil War; went to California in 1866, and was shot while engaged in mining. 87. ix. Melvin Atlanta, b. July 15, 1842; m. May 20, 1867, Griffin. Res. Vienna, Me. 88. X. Nathan Healy, b. Aug. 4, 1845; d. May 14, 1851. 39. Luther Heaton^ (Thomas^, Aaron*, Thomas^, John'-, JamesS) b. July 11, 1793; m. Aug. 18, 1819, Hannah Hill Rowe_ of Gloucester, Mass. Children : 500 Kidder 89. i. Benjamin Rowe, b. May IS, 1820; m. Jan. 18, 1846, Eliza Cummings Butman. A sea captain until he retired to live at Rockport, Mass. One child. 90. ii. Pamelia Boothby, b. Dec. 25, 1825; d. Mar. 2, 1846, unm. 91. iii. Henry Norwood, b. Dec. 11, 1827; m. Sarah Elizabeth Hodg- kins of Gloucester, Mass., where he res. A stonecutter. Six children. 92. iv. Elizabeth Parlin, b. Aug. 27, 1832; m. Oct. 27, 1853, Edward Groton Slocum, an engineer at Newport, R. I. One daughter. 93. V. George Norwood, b. Aug. 27, 1832; d. Sept. 3, 1832. 94. vi. William Norwood, b. Aug. 27, 1832; d. Apr. 18, 1835. 40. Timothy Lovell^ (Thomas^, Aaron*, Thomas*, John^, James^), b. May 31, 1798; d. Aug. 21, 1870; m. May 18, 1819, Hannah Johnson. He lived in Weathersfield, Vt., and Con- cord, Me., and in his later years removed to Augusta, Wis. He served in the War of 1812. Children : 95. i. Rachel Maria, b. Jan. 11, 1821; d. Oct. 11, 1822. 96. ii. Eunice Rebecca, b. Sept. 15, 1822; m. Dec. 16, 1838, William Harlow, a farmer in Maine. Removed thence to Augusta, Wis. Eight children. 97. iii. George Calvin, b. Aug. 4, 1824; m. (1) May 28, 1848, Rachel Electa Worden [d. Aug., 1869]; (2) Sept. 19, 1872, Mary Caroline Goutermont. Res. Burkeville, Va. Three children. 98. iv. Micah B., b. Feb. 18, 1826; d. Feb. 16, 1827. 99. V. Lovell, b. Apr. 1, 1828; m. Mar. 26, 1849, Jerusha Ann Bother- ton. Res. in Maine, Vermont, New York, Michigan, Wis- consin, and Minnesota. Ten children. 100. vi. Jesse B., b. Mar. 22, 1832; m. (1) Antwerp, N. Y., July 28, 1852, Mary Jane Manning [d. Apr. 12, 1873] ; (2) Indepen- dence, Wis., Nov. 11, 1877, Ann Cook. A stonemason, res. at various places in New York and Wisconsin. Seven children. 101. vii. PoMEROY J., b. Mar. 22, 1832; d. Apr. 2, 1862; m. Jan. 1, 1856, Lucy Scott. A carpenter in Wisconsin. Three children. 102. viii. Mason S. C, b. May 29, 1834; m. Jan. 1, 1856, Sally Melissa Aldrich. A lumber dealer, farmer, and mechanic in Michi- gan. Served during Civil War in 1st Regiment Michigan Engineers. Five children. 103. ix. Timothy, b. Mar. 30, 1836; d. Oct. 15, 1877; m. Sept. 20, 1860, Margaret Ann Ainsworth. A mason and general mechanic at Felt's Mills, N. Y. Six children. 104. X. Squire, b. Aug. 1, 1839; m. Nov. 9, 1870, Mrs. Lucia Sabina (Hana) Hall. A farmer at Fergus Falls, Minn. Six chil- dren. 105. xi. Hannah M., b. Jan. 30, 1841; m. Sac, Iowa, Mar. 15, 1857, Charles Rause, also m. a second time. Several children. 106. xii. Eliza, b. June 30, 1843; m. Mar. 25, 1861, Israel Herrell, a farmer at Augusta, Wis. Five children. 501 History of New Ipswich 54. Samuel^ (Luther^, Aaron*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Waterford, Vt., Dec. 1, 1797; d. Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 22, 1850; m. Sept. 10, 1826, Sarah Stanley. He was a farmer. Children : 107. i. LopHEMiA Letitia, b. May 28, 1827; m. Aug. 21, 1851, Elijah C. Blackmer, a farmer and stock raiser at Rochester, Iowa. Four children. 108. ii. Albert Stanley, b. July 5, 1829; d. Dec. 28, 1852. 109. iii. Mary Emeline, b. Aug. 3, 1831; d. Feb. 2, 1877; m. May 29, 1852, Edwin T. Whitcomb. Two children. 110. iv. Sarah Frances, b. Feb. 1, 1834; d. Jan. 14, 1856. 111. V. Susan Esther, b. Apr. 24, 1836; m. Apr. 2, 1856, Samuel G. Baker. Res. Scranton, Pa. Four children. 112. vi. Minnie Putnam, b. Sept. 7, 1838; d. Avoca, Iowa, May 21, 1879; m. Oct. 26, 1858, Horace A Baker. Six children. 113. vii. Augustus Luther, b. Oct. 14, 1840; m. Apr., 1865, Mary E. Smith. A carpenter and builder in Washington. He was a captain in the 4th Iowa Regiment during the Civil War. Four children. 114. viii. GuSTAvus Adolphus, b. July 27, 1844; d. Rochester, Iowa, Jan. 2, 1878; m. May 1, 1869, Mary Canly. A teacher and bookkeeper. 115. ix. Samuel Stanley, b. Mar. 24, 1848; d. Jan. 29, 1871. 56. Lyman Church^ (Luther^, Aaron*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Waterford, Vt, Apr. 18, 1802; d. Janesville, Wis., Dec. 10, 1850; m. Mar. 27, 1825, Mary Dean. He was a sur- veyor. He served in the Mexican War. Children : 116. i. Samuel Sylvester, b. June 10, 1829; d. June 18, 1831. 117 ii. Mary Emerenza, b. July 2, 1831; m. Feb. 8, 1853, Charles B. Manville. One son. 118. iii. Charles Eleazer, b. Feb. 2, 1834; d. Sept. 12, 1834. 119. iv. Anderson Dana, b. Aug. 8, 1837; d. Apr. 8, 1843. 120. V. Clarence Porter, b. May 10, 1839; m. May 24, 1864, Louisa A. Parsons. He graduated from Union College in 1863, studied law, and practiced at Wilkesbarre, Pa. Three children. 121. vi. Rowland Metcalf, b. July 3, 1842; d. Dec. 25, 1874, unm. He served during the Civil War in the 6th Regiment Penn- sylvania Cavalry, and for a year was a prisoner at Ander- sonville. He then studied law and practiced in Colorado. He was also a U. S. surveyor in New Mexico. 122. vii. Louisa Dana, b. Feb. 20, 1845; m. Dec. 20, 1866, Andrew J. Davis. Res. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Four children. J 123. viii. Luther Asa, b. Nov. 19, 1846; d. Feb. 18, 1860. ij 59. Luther^ (Luther^, Aaron*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Waterford, Vt., Nov. 19, 1808; d. Sept. 30, 1854; m. Oct. 13, 1835, Martha Ann Scott. He was a lawyer in Pennsylvania, a judge for several years, and also state senator. Children: 502 Kidder 124. i. David Scott, b. Oct. 20, 1836; d. about 1881, unm. 125. ii. Martha Elder, b. Apr. 27, 1838; d. Nov. 8, 1882; m. May 12, 1864, Col. O. K. Moore of Wilkesbarre, Pa. Two children. 126. iii. Emma Victoria, b. Nov. 14, 1840; d. Mar. 2, 1875. 127. iv. Charles Holland, b. Dec. 27, 1846; m. Aug. 6, 1868, Clara Miller. He graduated from West Philadelphia P. E. Divin- ity School in 1877, and became an Episcopalian clergyman. Three children. 63. Camillus^ (Reuben^, Reuben*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. Waterville, Me., June 27, 1805; d. Boston, Jan. 16, 1883; m. Oct. 16, 1834, Sarah Thompson Herrick of Hamp- den, Me. He was in business at Bangor, Me., but at the age of thirty he removed to Maryland, and in 1842 engaged in a large commission business at Baltimore, in which he contin- ued during the Civil War. Children : 128. i. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 6, 1835; m. Apr. 18, 1860, John Truslow^, a merchant in New York city. Six children. 129. ii. Jerome Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1842; d. 1889; m. Sept., 1878, Mary, dau. of Hon. Horace Maynard of Tennessee, ex-minister to Turkey and ex-Postmaster General. He graduated from Harvard College in 1862. He served during one year of the Civil War in the 10th Michigan Regiment and after- ward in U. S. hospitals. He received the degree of M. D. from the University of Michigan in 1865, and was com- missioned as surgeon in the U. S. Navy. Later he was engaged upon scientific work in the Smithsonian Institution, at the Naval Laboratory, and on the U. S. Commission. 130. iii. Camillus Gerry, b. July 6, 1850; m. Dec. 3, 1881, Matilda Cushman Faber of New York city. He graduated from Harvard College in 1872 and from the Harvard Law School in 1875. He entered at once into practice in New York city. 68. Edward® (Isaiah^, Reuben*, Thomas^, John^, James^), b. New Ipswich, Oct. 19, 1805 ; d. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 25, 1885; m. Aug. 11, 1836, Ann Potter. While a young man he went to Wilmington, N. C, and entered the lumber business in connection with various partners, the last of whom were his sons, continuing an honorable, popular, and successful man until his death. He was also greatly interested in his- torical studies. Children : 131. i. Edward Hartwell, b. Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 12, 1840; m. Oct. 11, 1865, Mary Lincoln Hathaway. He graduated from Harvard College in 1863 and entered business life in New York city. 132. ii. George Wilson, b. Wilmington, N. C, June 15, 1842; m. Dec. 19, 1877, Florence Hill. A native of the South, he served in the Confederate army. He was a member of the firm of Edward Kidder & Sons. One daughter. 503 134. iv. 135. V. 136. vi. 137. vii. History of New Ipswich 133. iii. Susan Smith, b. Nov. 19, 1843; m. Dec. 17, 1868, James Ivers Lewis. Res. New London, Conn. Two children. Gilbert Potter, b. May 5, 1845. Res. in North Carolina. Frederic, b. Nov. 12, 1847. He graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1870. A planter in Wilmington, N. C. Anna Potter, b. Sept. 1, 1851. Res. in North Carolina. Matthew Grier, b. Dec. 5, 1853; m. Apr., 1883, Bessie Low. Res. in North Carolina. KING. Two families bearing this name, but not known to be related, have resided in New Ipswich, and must necessarily be represented separately. KING (Benjamin), 1. Benjamin^ King, b. about 1722; m. Sarah . They came to New Ipswich as early as 1752. He was the first set- tler upon lot 34, N. D., afterward the home of Abijah Smith. It is not unlikely that he was of the family which came to New Ipswich almost half a century later, as the name Benja- min is frequent in the records of that family. But his lineage has not been found. He removed to Mason about 1764 and probably remained there until 1777, after which his residence is unknown. He was in Capt. Ezra Towne's company at Bunker Hill, and on the company roll is said to reside in Ma- son. In the later part of the same year he is credited to New Ipswich in a record of New Hampshire men in Massachusetts regiments. Children : 2. i. Elizabeth, d. Dec. 25, 1752. 3. ii. Sarah, d. Dec. 17, 1752. 4. iii. Sarah, b. Apr. 7, 1754. 5. iv. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4, 1757. 6. V. Silence, b. May 10, 1759. 7. vi. Mary, b. Dec. 18, 1760; m. Dec. 11, 1783, Amos Dakin, Jr. 8. vii. Samuel, b. Mar. 1, 1763. 9. viii. Benjamin, b. Feb. 22, 1768. KING (William). William^ King, b. Ugborough, Devonshire, England, about 1622; m. Oct. 16, 1642, Agnes Alwill [d. Apr. 7, 1662]. There is no certain evi- dence that he came to New England, and the date of his death is uncer- tain; but apparently his sons came soon after the death of their mother before they had reached full manhood, and the father was interested in fisheries upon the American coast, being drowned near the Banks of 504 King (William) Newfoundland, which facts perhaps justify the position of his name as that of the first of his family in America. James- ( William'), b. Nov. 7, 1647; d. May 13, 1722; m. (1) Mar. 23, 1674, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Emerson) Fuller of Ipswich, Mass. [b. May 31, 1652; d. June 30, 1715]; (2) Feb. 27, 1716, Hannah, widow of Samuel Loomis [d. 1720]. He lived in Ipswich, Mass., where he learned the cooper's trade, but removed, about 1678, to Suffield, Conn., of which he was one of the original proprietors. Joseph' (James", William'), b. May 10, 1689; d. Mar. 6, 1756; m. (1) May 2, 1717, dau. of Phineas Wilson of Hartford, Conn., and widow of David Jesse [d. Sept. 11, 1737]; (2) June 2, 1740, Hannah, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer and Hannah (Breck) Devotion [b. Suffield, Apr. 24, 1716; d. Mar. 4, 1805]. He passed his life in Suffield, where he was possessed of a very considerable property. He was a leading citizen, holding the posi- tion of selectman and other offices of trust. He was also a captain. Eliphalet' (Joseph', James', William'), b. Feb. 6, 1743; d. Aug. 29, 1821; m. (1) Nov. 3, 1768, Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Thankful (War- ner) Remington [b. July 12, 1743; d. June 24, 1788]; (2) Oct. 2, 1788, Silence Rumrill [b. about 1768; d. Oct. 16, 1839]. He was a citizen of Suffield, with the exception of a few years of his later life, during which he made his home in West Springfield, Mass. He served in the Revolu- tionary War, holding the rank of lieutenant. 1. Seth^ (Eliphalet*, Joseph^ James^ William^), b. Sept. 27, 1777; d. July 12, 1851 ; m. Oct. 15, 1808, Anna Preston (25). He came to New Ipswich in early manhood, and for a long period conducted business as a hatter, his shop being situated across the street northerly from the western entrance to the Academy campus. Later he was engaged in the manufacture of friction matches, an industry then almost unknown, and for a time he was a maker of broadcloths, which previously had been obtained only by importation. He held a marked place in the various activities of the town, which he three times represented in the Legislature. He was interested in military matters and held a major's commission in the militia. After his marriage he succeeded to the residence of his father-in-law, situated a few rods easterly from his hatter's shop, and thus it resulted that his wife during her life of nearly eighty years lived in the same house, drawing her first and her last breath in the same room. Children : 2. i. Lucy Anna, b. Mar. 2, 1812; m. May, 1831, Nathan G. Parlow. Five children. 3. ii. George Eliphalet, b. June 11, 1814.-|- 4. iii. Mary Remington, b. July 11, 1817; d. Nov. 25, 1842; m. Oct. 29, 1835, Otis Hoyt, M. D. Res. in Mason and in Framing- 505 History of New Ipswich ham, Mass., where she died. Children : i. Mary Remington Hoyt, b. Mason, Nov. 12, 1836; d. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 9, 1883; m. (1) Aug. 29, 1855, Charles Edward Dexter; (2) Jan. 1, 1870, Henry Augustus Wilson; two children of first marriage, ii. Charles Otis Hoyt, b. Framingham, Sept. 25, 1839; d. Amarillo, Tex., Apr. 30, 1905, unm. ; he served in the Civil War ; later he was a miner in Colorado. 5. iv. Charles Henry, b. Nov. 9, 1818.-|- 6. V. Harriet Hubbard, b. Apr. 25, 1820; d. Oct. 21, 1903, unm. She passed her life as a teacher in Boston, being the first in that city to teach the negro children, for whom she con- ducted a school during twenty years. Later for a still longer period she was proprietor of a fashionable boarding school. 7. vi. Eliza Bellows, b. Apr. 5, 1822; d. Oct. 1, 1886; m. Aug. 16, 1843, her brother-in-law, Otis Hoyt, M. D., then a resident at Framingham, Mass., but after service in the Mexican War, practicing his profession at St. Croix Falls and Hud- son, Wis. She was educated at the New Ipswich Academy and at Troy, (N. Y.,) Female Seminary. Children: i. Ella Frances Hoyt, b. Oct. 2, 1845; d. Nov. 15, 1846. ii. Ella Frances Hoyt, b. St. Croix Falls, Wis., Mar. 3, 1850; m. May 18, 1875, Charles Frederick' King, M. D. (William P.^ Richard^ James^ William^), a physician at Hudson, Wis. ; she graduated from New Ipswich Appleton Academy in 1871; five children, iii. Anna Preston Hoyt, b. Sept. 3, 1851; m. June 20, 1877, Frank William Epley, M. D., a physician at New Richmond, Wis. ; she graduated from New Ipswich Appleton Academy in 1873; five children, iv. Caleb Cushing Hoyt, h. Hudson, Wis., May 20, 1853; d. Aug. 7, 1854. v. Eliza Bellozvs Hoyt, b. Apr. 21, 1855; d. Feb. 11, 1858. vi. Ida Maria Hoyt, b. Apr. 1, 1857; m. Oct. 19, 1888, Edmund Deveraux Sewall; res. at Minneapolis, Minn. ; two children, vii. Harriet King Hoyt, b. Apr. 2, 1859; m. June 24, 1877, John Alexander Wyand; res. at Crookston, Minn. ; three children, viii. Eliza Bellows Hoyt, b. Nov. 12, 1861; m. June 16, 1886, Rev. William R. Rey- nolds ; res. at Cincinnati, O. ; six children. 8. vii. Frances Locke, b. Sept. 2, 1823; d. Oct. 30, 1900, unm. 9. viii. Caroline, b. Jan. 3, 1827; d. Apr. 16, 1910; m. Apr. 13, 1852, Nehemiah Adams Edson of Chester, Vt. [d. 1899]. Res. at Chester, and later at West Brookfield, Mass. Children : i. Fannie M. Edson. ii. Charles O. M. Edson. iii. William A. Edson. iv. Carrie K. Edson. 10. ix. Rebecca Preston, b. Mar. 25, 1829; d. May 28, 1908, unm. 3. George Eliphalet*' (Seth^, Eliphalet*, Joseph^, James^, William^), b. June 11, 1814; d. San Francisco, CaL, Dec. 27, 1897; m. (1) Jan. 23, 1844, Janet Cameron, dau. of Judge Fletcher M. and Elizabeth Stuart (McLachlan) Haight, and sister of Henry H. Haight, Governor of California [b. Roches- 506 12. i. 13. ii. 14. iii. 15. iv. 16. V. 17. vi. 18. vii 1 King (William) ter, N. Y., July 9, 1823; d. Dec. 21, 1854]; (2) Catherine Mary Ann (Cunningham) Dunning, dau. of John and Jane Cunningham of Utica, N. Y. [d. 1889]. He graduated from Union College in 1839, and became an able lawyer at Roches- ter, N. Y., but in 1862 he removed to New York city, where he acquired and later lost a large fortune in the stock market. His later years were passed in California. Child : 11. i. Cameron Haight, b. Lima, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1844.+ 5. Charles Henry^ (Seth^, Eliphalet*, Joseph^ James^, William^), b. Nov. 9, 1818; d. Boston, Feb. 28, 1894; m. Aug., 1849, Maria A. Clark (E. 16). He was a hatter in Boston. Children : Frederick Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1850; d. Sept. 15, 1867. Martha Eliza, b. May 16, 1852; m. June 21, 1893, William Russell Wilcox of Minneapolis, Minn. Edward, b. Sept. 15, 1854; d. in California, May, 1888. Harriet Maria, b. Oct. 12, 1856; d. June 2, 1867. Anna Cora, b. Feb. 9, 1860; m. Apr. 20, 1890, Frank H. Babcock. Charles Philip, b. June 20, 1862.+ Louis Henry, b. Sept. 8, 1867.+ 19. viii. George Cameron, b. Sept. 8, 1867.-f- 11. Cameron Haight^ (George E.^ Seth^, Eliphalet*, Jo- seph^, James^, William^), b. Lima, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1844; m. (1) Apr. 2, 1873, Anna Eliza, dau. of David Forney and Re- becca (Winn) Beveridge [b. June 13, 1851 ; d. July 1, 1879] ; (2) Oct. 17, 1881, Ella Jane, dau. of Charles Mar and Frances Sarah (Bridgewood) Brown [b. Mar. 23, 1863; d. Jan. 2, 1901]. He graduated from the University of Rochester in 1863. He was engaged in mining in Colorado until 1868, and then went to California, which has since been his home. He studied law and was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of the state in 1873. His ability as a student and an advocate has been abundantly proven by his marked success in court and by his appointments to positions requiring accurate legal knowledge. He has the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the state militia. Children : 20. i. George Cameron, b. Jan. 14, 1874; m. Aug. 9, 1900, Anna, dau. of Robert Joseph and Elizabeth (McCandless) Campbell of San Francisco, and widow of Herbert Stratton [b. Mar. 8, 1873]. He was a student in the law department of the University of California, 1893 to 1896, but on the opening of the Cuban War he enlisted in the cavalry regiment known as "Roosevelt's Rough Riders" and served through the war. 507 History of New Ipswich He entered upon the practice of his profession in San Fran- cisco, but was compelled by the state of his health to seek a different climate, and removed to Placer County, Cal. 21. ii. LocHiEL Montrose, b. Aug. 25, 1875; m. Nov. 29, 1899, Anna Mary, dau. of John and Matilda (Corr) Wadsworth of Vineburg, Cal. [b. June 27, 1878]. He studied chemistry, assaying, and allied subjects at the University of California, and is proprietor of a metallurgical laboratory at San Fran- cisco. One child. 22. iii. Cameron Haight, b. July 4, 1877. He was educated in the University of California and Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity and later studied law. He is now engaged in liter- ary and political pursuits largely of a socialistic character. 23. iv. Janet Cameron, b. May 29, 1894. 17. Charles Philip^ (Charles H.*', Seth^, Eliphalet*, Jo- seph^ James^, William^), b. June 20, 1862; m. (1) Mar. 14, 1886, Josephine, dau. of Philip King; (2) Sept. 2, 1892, Jessie, dau. of Malcolm and Jessie Buchanan of Prince Edward Island. He is a mechanical engineer in Boston. Children : 24. i. Mary D., b. May 12, 1888; d. May 16, 1888. 25. ii. Charles Henry, b. and d. Jan. 28, 1894. 26. iii. Louis Cameron, b. May 12, 1896. 27. iv. Malcolm Chester, b. Mar. 20, 1899. 18. Louis Henry^ (Charles H.®, Seth^ Eliphalet*, Joseph^ James-, William^), b. Sept. 8, 1867; m. Sept. 12, 1899, Gertrude Cole. Res. at Lewiston, Idaho. He is engaged in mining. Child : 28. i. Cameron Francis Xavier, b. July 2, 1900. 19. George Cameron^ (Charles H.^, Seth^, Eliphalet*, Jo- seph^, James^, William^), b. Sept. 8, 1867; m. Dec. 20, 1902. He is a church and house decorator in Minneapolis, Minn. Child: 29. i. Virginia, b. Oct., 1903. KNOWLTON. This family is believed to have come from County Kent, England, where there are a Knowlton Parish and a Knowlton Hall six miles from the city of Canterbury. The line in America is given as follows. William' Knowlton, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Cantize) Knowl- ton, b. 1584 ; estate appraised, Sept. 18, 1661 ; m. Ann Elizabeth Smith, who survived him. He sailed from London for Nova Scotia about 1633, and settled at Hingham, Mass., about 1635. He probably died while on a visit to Nova Scotia, as he was buried there. William'^ (William'), b. 1615; d. 1655; m. Elizabeth . He was a bricklayer at Ipswich, Mass. 508 Knowlton John' (William', William'), b. 1645/6; d. Aug., 1728; m. (1) Bethia, dau. of Rice Edwards of Wenham, Mass. [d. after 1707] ; (2) pub. Apr. 11, 1714, Susanna Hutton of Wenham, who survived him. Res. in Ips- wich, Mass., and about 1707 back to that part of Ipswich which is now Hamilton. His will mentions his carpenter's tools. He was a militia captain. RiCE^ (John^ William^ William'), b. 1676; d. Nov. 25, 1766; m. (1) Jan. 2, 1699, Mary Dodge of Ipswich [b. June 6, 1680]; (2) Nov. Z(>, 1750, Elizabeth Smith of Marblehead, Mass. Res. in Ipswich and later in Wenham. Rice' (Rice^ John^ William^, William'), b. Jan. 27, 1705/6; d. Pelham, 1762; m. Lydia, dau. of Thomas' and Bethiah Adams of Ipswich and widow of Benjamin Woodbury [b. Dec. 16, 1704]. 1. Benjamin*' (Rice^ Rice*, John^, William^ William^), b. Dec. 10, 1728; d. July 31, 1809; m. Phcebe Wright [d. Jan., 1813]. He came to New Ipswich about 1751, and was one of the more fortunate proprietors in respect to property. He settled upon the lot afterward known as the Chickering- farm, (22, N. D.) He was a member of the first Committee of Cor- respondence and Inspection, and was also a lieutenant in the first military company of the town. He removed to New York state with his son Benjamin as early as 1808. Children : 2. i. Phcebe, b. June 29, 1752; d. young. 3. ii. Benjamin, b. Sept. 26, 1753. + 4. iii. Henry, b. Apr. 16, 1756. + 5. iv. Lydia, b. Oct. 23, 1758 ; m. Ephraim Adams. 6. v. Esther, b. Aug. 10, 1761 ; d. Potsdam, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1777. 7. vi. Sarah, b. Aug. 26, 1764; m. Obadiah Coolidge. Res. Potsdam, N. Y. She had three sons and three daughters. Her hus- band and sons were in the battle of Plattsburg, N. Y. 8. vii. John, b. Jan. 18, 1766.-f- 9. viii. Eunice, b. Jan. 28, 1769; m. Dec. 20, 1791, Luke Price. Two children. 10. ix. Bethia, b. Apr. 8, 1771 ; d. young. 11. X. Hannah, b. Sept. 18, 1776; m. Ishmael Holcomb. Five chil- dren. 3. Benjamin^ (Benjamin®, Rice^, Rice*, John^, William-, William^, b. Sept. 26, 1753; d. Feb. 13, 1810; m. 1776, Abigail Wright of Hollis. In the Knowlton family history he is cred- ited with considerable service as a Revolutionary soldier from New Ipswich, but neither the town records nor the New Hampshire Rolls support the statement. He removed to Sangerfield, N. Y., as early as 1808, and thence to Manlius, N. Y., where he died. Children : 12. i. Abigail, b. June 25, 1777; d. Dec. 19, 1864; m. Feb. 10, 1795, Joseph Stevens [d. Dec. 1, 1846]. Thirteen children. 509 History of New Ipswich 13. ii. Charlotte, b. Oct. 13, 1778; m. Aug. 17, 1794, Dr. John Rex- ford. Nine children. 14. iii. Benjamin, b. Aug. 10, 1780.+ 15. iv. Amos, b. Jan. 16, 1783; d. Feb. 9, 1864. 16. V. Lucy, b. Jan. 13, 1786; m. John Chamberlain. Two children. 4. Henry^ (Benjamin*', Rice^, Rice^ John^, William^, Wil- liam^), b. Apr. 16, 1756; m. Sybil . He was a member of Capt. Atkinson's company in service at Coos in 1776. The family history credits him with service in the same company as his brother Benjamin, and it seems not improbable that they really served together, but not in New Hampshire troops, and that the disagreement results from that minor error. Children : 17. i. Henry, b. Sept. 20, 1779.+ 18. ii. Sibyl, b. Aug. 18, 1781 ; d. 1793. 19. iii. Ruth, b. Jan. 25, 1783 ; d. young. 20. iv. Charles, b. Nov. 13, 1784. 21. V. William, b. Sept. 11, 1786; d. 1791. 22. vi. Timothy, b. July 2, 1788. 23. vii. John, b. May 10, 1790; d. young. 24. viii. Eunice, b. July 3, 1793. 8. JoHN^ (Benjamin^ Rice^ Rice*, John^, William^, Wil- liam^), b. Jan. 18, 1766; d. 1838; m. Oct., 1794, Sarah Holden (3). He lived for a time upon the same lots as his father, and then removed to the Ashby road southward from the Dr. Gibson corners and near the state line, (76, A. D.) Children : 25. i. Joseph (an adopted son), b. July 19, 1795.+ 26. ii. Sally, b. May 11, 1797; d. Apr. 15, 1848; m. Timothy G., son of Benjamin and Phebe (Green) Temple [b. Mar. 6, 1806; d. Feb. 13, 1888]. Res. in New Ipswich and Temple. Four children. Eliza, b. July 12, 1799; d. Jan. 23, 1863; m. May 20, 1830, Shebuel Shattuck (49). John H., b. Aug. 19, 1802; m. Apr. 10, 1834, Mary Rodgers. Res. in Williamstown, Mass. Two children. Sophronia, b. Sept. 18, 1805; d. Mar. 8, 1806. Sophia, b. Sept. 18, 1805; d. Mar. 10, 1806. 31. vii. Almira, b. Jan. 15, 1808; m. Daniel Nutting. One child. 14. Benjamin^ (Benjamin'^, Benjamin®, Rice^, Rice*, John^, William^, William^), b. Aug. 10, 1780; d. Feb., 1864; m. Lucy Campbell. Very little is known concerning him. He seems to have lived in or near New Ipswich for a time, and then to have removed to Portage, Mich., where he died. He is said to have been a captain in the War of 1812. Children: 510 27. iii. 28. iv. 29. V. 30. vi. Knowlton 32. i. Ursula, b. June 25, 1804; d. Nov. 29, 1837. 33. ii. Charlotte, b. July 3, 1806; d. 1809. 34. iii. Benjamin, b. Dec. 8, 1809; d. July 17, 1833. 35. iv. Charlotte, b. Oct. 17, 1811; m. Jan. 9, 1837, Dr. P. W. Belknap, Jr. One son. 36. V. Emeline, b. Nov. 16, 1813 ; m. Freeman Smith. Res. at Cato, N. Y. 37. vi. Oliver J., b. Jan. 6, 1816; d. July 3, 1840. Res. at Portage, Mich. 38. vii. Ernest J., b. Feb. 11, 1818; m. R. A. Potter. 39. viii. Maria, b. Nov. 29, 1822 ; d. Mar. 19, 1874 ; m. M. M. Emerson. 17. Henry^ (Henry^, Benjamin^ Rice^, Rice*, John^ Wil- liam^, William^), b. Sept. 20, 1779; d. 1838; m. (1) Rebecca Southwick; (2) Matilda Moore [d. June 26, 1844]. According to the family history he lived and died in New Ipswich ; but the absence of his name from the records and the entire lack of tradition concerning him unavoidably suggest an error, and that he left his home in very early manhood. Children : 40. i. Charles A., b. Aug. 14, 1810.+ Hannah, b. 1811; m. . Four children. Leander, b. May 7, 1814.+ Caroline, b. 1817; m. Nathaniel Crofut [d. in Civil War]. Three children. Henry, b. May 24, 1819.+ Clark, b. 1821.+ Harriet, b. 1823 ; m. E. B. Burt of Oswego, N. Y. Three children. 47. viii. Ruth, b. 1825 ; m. . Two children. 48. ix. Eliza, b. 1827 ; m. . Four children. 25. Joseph*' (John'^, Benjamin*', Rice^, Rice*, John^, Wil- liam^, William^, b. July 19, 1795; d. May 2, 1867; m. (1) I Aug., 1820. Harriet, dau. of Benjamin and Phebe (Green) Temple of Northboro, Mass., and Fitzwilliam [b. Oct. 4, 1799; d. Oct. 4, 1855] ; (2) June 10, 1856, Sarah Bucknam (9); (3) Aug. 18, 1863, Sophronia Sawtell. He was a wheelwright in Smith Village, his dwelling and his shop being located upon the eastern side of the road to the Center Village a few rods only from the foot of the ascent from Smith Village. Children : 49. i. William Rodolphus, b. Sept. 6, 1822.-f 50. ii. Sarah E., b. 1825; m. 1844, John B. Fuller. Res. Lowell, Mass. Eight children. 51. iii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Nov. 2, 1828.+ 52. iv. Laura Jane, b. June 2, 1830; d. June 25, 1855. 40. Charles A.° (Henry®, Henry^, Benjamin*', Rice^, Rice*, ohn^ Williams William^), b. Aug. 14, 1810; m. Mar. 7, 1835, uby Ingraham. A teacher at Victory, N. Y. Children: 511 41. ii. 42. iii. 43. iv. 44. V. 45. vi. 46. vii 53. 54. ii. 55. iii. 56. iv. 57. V. History of New Ipswich Rebecca, b. Feb. 10, 1837; m. July 2, 1863, James Prichard. Adaline, b. Jan. 22, 1840; m. Dec. 1, 1884, James Stratton. Charles A., b. Dec. 4, 1844; m. Ellen Shafer. Four children. Delbert C, b. 1848; d. 1858. William H., b. Feb. 2, 1851; m. Oct. 4, 1885, Phcebe Pinckney. A printer at Rochester, N. Y. 42. Leander" (Henry^, Henry'^, Benjamin®, Rice^, Rice*, Tohn^ William-. William^), b. May 7, 1814; m. (1) Matilda Moore [d. Apr. 9, 1842] ; (2) Mary E. Vouglit. Res. at Mil- waukee, Wis., and Kalamazoo, Mich. Children — only one of first marriage : 58. i. George E., m. Phoebe Mason. Res. Kalamazoo, Mich. Four children. 59. ii. F. Augusta, d. June 1, 1871 ; m. Charles Upton. 60. iii. Josephine, d. Mar. 30, 1873; m. C. Luscomb. 61. iv. Ophelia. 62. V. Hattie L. 44. Henry^ (Henry®, Henry^, Benjamin*', Rice^, Rice*, John^ William^ William^), b. May 24, 1819; d. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 8, 1870; m. Harriet N. Dodge [m. (2) Fisher]. Children : 63. i. Alsamena, m. Charles Bradwell. 64. ii. Mary, m. Edward Dolman. 65. iii. ROSETTA. 45. Clark^ (Henry^, Henry'', Benjamin®, Rice^, Rice*, John^, William-, William^), b. 1821; m. Jemima . Chil- dren: 66. i. Clark. Res. at Weedsport, N. Y. 67. ii. Shepherd. Res. at Cato, N. Y. 68. iii. Nelson. Res. at Cato, N. Y. Three other children. 49. William R.^ (Joseph^ John^ Benjamin®, Rice^, Rice*, John^ William^, William^), b. Sept. 6, 1822; d. Nov. 11, 1895; m. Oct. 26, 1842, Sarah W. Taylor (55). He passed his life in his native town, where he was a painter. He built hisj dwelling, now destroyed by fire, a quarter-mile south of Smith] Village, upon the Rindge road a little north of the divergence therefrom of the road to Page Hill. He served in the Civil War, for a year in the 4th New Hampshire Regiment, and then after being discharged for physical disability, as a musician in the Veteran Reserve during the remainder of the war. Children : 512 Kuowlton 69. i. John F., b. Aug. 7, 1843; d. Newport News, Va., Mar. 4, 1863. He enlisted in the 13th New Hampshire Regiment, and was in service at the time of his death. 70. ii. William Alfred, b. July 14, 1845 ; m. Nov. 28, 1878, Vesta A. Walker of Nobleboro, Me. Res. in Gardner, Mass. Chil- dren : i. Alice Abbie, b. Sept. 12, 1879. ii. Frederic Emer- son, b. Nov. 21, 1881. iii. Frank Herbert, b. Apr. 25, 1885. 71. iii. Walter Clarendon, b. Feb. 13, 1848; m. Nov. 3, 1880, Nellie M. Swallow. He is a shoemaker at Gardner, Mass. Child : i. Helen Maria, b. Sept. 9, 1886; m. Elton Hubbard. 72. iv. Mary E., b. Oct. 24, 1850; m. Oct. 21, 1868, Edwin F. Blanchard (60). 7i. V. Frank A., b. Oct. 26, 1853; m. Nov. 10, 1883, Cora B. (Carr) Coleman of Gardner, Mass. He is a carpenter at Gardner. 74. vi. Laura M., b. Dec. 26, 1857; d. Feb. 22, 1858. 75. vii. Charles L., b. Apr. 18, 1861; m. Jan. 24, 1889, Carrie E. Carlton. He is a painter and carpenter in New Ipswich. Children : i. Laura Minnie, b. Jan. 8, 1892. ii. Ethel Estella, b. Feb. 17, 1893. iii. Mary Edith, b. Jan. 7, 1902. iv. Frances Mary Mabel, b. Mar. 1, 1906. 51. Benjamin Franklin^ (Joseph^, John'^, Benjamin®, Rice^ Rice*, John^ William^, William^), b. Nov. 2, 1828; d. July 20, 1894; m. May 29, 1853, Grace L. Nichols. Children: 76. i. Carrie Grace, b. Aug. 10, 1854; m. Charles Sawyer. Two children. 77. ii. Fannie Esther, b. Dec. 25, 1856; m. Walter G. Swartz. Two children. 78. iii. Lilla, b. Aug. 23, 1860; d. Aug. 10, 1863. LEE. John' Lee, b. about 1621; d. Aug. 8, 1690; m. 1658, Mary, dau. of Dea. Stephen Hart. He came from England to Hartford, Conn., at the age of thirteen, expecting his father and family to follow the next year, which, however, they did not do. Hence he became an independent pioneer at an early age. He was one of the eighty-four proprietors of Farmington, Conn., and there passed his life. Some of his land, bought of the Indians, is still owned by his descendants. He was a deacon, and also a constable, which office in early days was a much greater honor than now. John' (John*), b. June 11, 1659; d. Apr. 24, 1723; m. Dec. 27, 1682, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Judd) Loomis. Jonathan' (John", John*), b. Mar. 20, 1686; d. Jan. 16, 1758; m. June 4, 1713, Mary Root. He lived in Christian Lane, Kensington, Conn., where he was a deacon. John" (Jonathan', John^ John*), b. Apr. 22, 1725; d. Jan. 21, 1796; m. May 7, 1752, Sarah Cole. He continued the family line of deacons, and was also an ensign. 513 34 History of New Ipswich Samuel' (John', Jonathan', John', John'), b. Oct. 2, 1757; d. Mar. 31, 1803; m. 1794, Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Wheat) Burnett [b. in Scotland]. He was one of the earliest tinsmiths in the country. He and two of his brothers served in the Revolutionary War, and he suffered severely while held a prisoner in New York harbor. 1. Samuel^ (Samuel^, John*, Jonathan^, John^, JohnM, b. Mar. 18, 1803; d. Aug. 27, 1881; m. (1) Nov. 3, 1834, Emily, dau. of Samuel and Nancy (Stone) Fiske [d. Mar. 5, 1843] ; (2) Jan. 14, 1846, Lydia, dau. of Paul and Lydia (Coggswell) Wentworth [d. Mar. 6, 1855] ; (3) Mary Jane (Smith), dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Orr) (Chandler [d. May, 1881]. He graduated from Yale College in 1827, and pursued his profes- sional study in the associated theological seminary. He was pastor in Sherborn, Mass., for six years, and in 1836 was set- tled as pastor of the Congregational church of New Ipswich, which position he held until 1860. His pastorate has been considered on a previous page, but his work was not confined within professional limits. He was interested in all lines of the town's progress and had many earnest friends among the citizens outside his church. He was a member of the school committee for nearly twenty years, and represented the town in the Legislature three times. He was also trustee of the Academy during his entire residence in town. Children : 2. i. Sarah Fiske, b. Sept. 14, 1838. The house facing on the "Village Green" of olden times, and so long owned by her father, has been the home of her entire life, and this con- tinued residence has given her a familiarity with the events and traditions of earlier days invaluable in the preparation of this book. 3. ii. Samuel Wentworth, b. Sept. 12, 1847.+ 4. iii. John Wentworth, b. Apr. 3, 1852; d. Sept. 7, 1852. 5. iv. George William, b. June 20, 1853 ; d. Mar. 10, 1884 ; m. Sept. 15, 1880, Clara H., dau. of Dr. William F. and Lavinia (Ford) Clarke of Boone, Iowa. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1874, was admitted to the Iowa bar in 1875, and practiced at Des Moines, Iowa. 6. v. Joseph, b. Jan. 20, 1855; d. Sept. 5, 1855. 3. Samuel Wentworth^ (SamueP, SamueP, John*, Jona- than^, John^, John^), b. Sept. 12, 1847; m. Indianola, Iowa, Mar. 6, 1870, Sarah E., dau. of Bennett Wheeler [b. Prenty, Town, W. Va.]. At the age of sixteen he went from New Ipswich to Chicago, 111., and soon after enlisted in the 6th Illinois Cavalry, in which he served through the war. Soonj after his marriage he settled in Indianola, Iowa, where he has| 514 Lee lived to the present time, although the part of the town con- taining his home is now separated as Wick. He was ordained pastor of the Baptist church of West Indianola, and has been a successful evangelist. Some years later he was admitted to the Iowa bar, and he since has combined the duties of the two professions. Children : 7. i. George William, b. Dec. 18, 1870; m. Oct. 4, 1899, Artie Potter of Denison, Iowa. He graduated from Des Moines Col- lege, became principal of the Sac City Institute, and is now dean of the Woman's College, Denver Col. Four children. 8. ii. Ella May, b. Sept. 11, 1872; m. July 12, 1899, Rev. W. P. Canine. Three children. 9. iii. Royal Wentworth, b. Oct. 30, 1876; m. Jan. 1, 1908, Helen L. Level of Bronson, Iowa. Two children. 10. iv. JuDSON FiSKE, b. June 24, 1880; m. Nov. 25, 1909, Jessie Bacon of Osage, Iowa. He is a professor of Economics in Lewis Institute, Chicago. One child. 11. V. Clara, b. Feb. 19, 1888. She graduated from Des Moines College in 1909. LOCKE. William^ Locke, b. Stepney Parish, London, England, Dec. 13, 1628; d. Woburn, Mass., June 16, 1720; m. Woburn, Dec. 27, 1665, Mary, dau. of William and Margery Clarke of Woburn [b. Watertown, Mass., Dec. 20, 1640; d. Woburn, July 18, 1715]. He was brought to America at the age of six years. He lived in Woburn. Ebenezer' ( William'), b. Jan. 8, 1674; d. Dec. 24, 1723; m. (1) Oct. 18, 1697, Susannah, dau. of Israel Walker of Woburn [b. Mar. 1, 1674; d. June 13, 1699] ; (2) Oct. 14, 1701, Hannah, dau. of David and Hannah Meads of Cambridge [b. Sept. 17, 1676; d. July 24, 1739]. He was a farmer in Woburn. James= (William'), b. Nov. 14, 1677; d. Dec. 11, 1745; m. Dec. 5, 1700, Sarah, dau. of Richard^ and Frances (Perriman) Cutter of Menotomy (q. v.) [b. Aug. 31, 1673]. Samuel' (Ebenezer^, William'), b. Aug. 24, 1702; d. Apr. 13, 1775; m. Mar. 2, 1730, Rebecca, dau. of Capt. James and Elizabeth (Arnull) Richardson [b. July 4, 1710; d. Sept. 10, 1789]. He lived upon the family farm in Woburn until 1742, when he removed to Lancaster, where he was an innkeeper many years. James' (James^ William'), b. Hopkinton, Mass., June 17, 1703; d. Ashby, Mass., Sept. 1, 1782; m. Jan. 11, 1727, Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. Ben- jamin and Elizabeth (Newhall) Burnap [b. Reading, Mass., May 1, 1708; d. New Ipswich, Nov. 25, 1785, at the home of her son-in-law, Ephraim Adams (1)]. 1. William* (Samuel^, Ebenezer^, William^), b. Aug. 23, 1748; d. Jan. 15, 1827; m. (1) Lancaster, Mass., June 18, 1772, Mary Fowle [b. about 1746; d. Nov. 17, 1796] ; (2) Apr. 13, 515 History of New Ipswich 1813, Hannah, widow of Jonas Woolson (5) [b. about 1766; d. Nov. 19, 1828]. He succeeded to his father's inn at Lan- caster, in which town he lived until about 1798, when he re- moved to Rindge, and then in a few years to New Ipswich. He bought the Barr farm, (64, N. L. O.,) but soon after his second marriage he removed to the farm of his wife, (IV : 2, S. R.) Children — all born at Lancaster: 2. i. Mary, b. May 11, 1773; d. Aug. 26, 1778. 3. ii. William, b. Apr. 2, 1776. -f 4. iii. Anna, b. Mar. 6, 1777; d. Aug. 23, 1778. 5. iv. Polly, b. Oct. 29, 1778; d. about 1805; m. June 1, 1801, John, son of Thomas and Lydia (Porter) Emerson of Topsfield, Mass. They removed to Norwich, Vt. Two children. 6. V. Josiah, b. Oct. 1, 1780; d. Mar. 28, 1826; m. (1) Oct. 12, 1806, Susanna, dau. of James and Miriam Patterson of Lunenburg, Mass. [b. Mar. 14, 1785; d. Bloomfield, Me., May 27, 1819] ; (2) Sarah Croswell. He was a merchant in Bloomfield. Four children. 7. vi. James, b. Aug. 28, 1782; d. Feb. 26, 1818; m. Nov. 3, 1805, Frances, dau. of Capt. Allen Hallett, who lived in New Ipswich a few years until his death in 1808. James Locke was associated with his brother William in his store in the Center Village. His wife survived him but a few years. 8. vii. Nancy, b. Aug. 26, 1784; d. New Ipswich, Jan. 2, 1876, unm. 9. viii. LucRETiA, b. June 5, 1787; d. New Ipswich, 1872, unm. James' (James^ James', William^), b. Nov., 1729; d. Jan. 19, 1808; m. Dec. 17, 1753, Hannah, dau. of Aaron and Hannah (Barron) Farns- worth [b. June 22, 1734]. He res. in Ashby and removed thence to Sulli- van, N. H. He was selectman, town clerk, and representative while at Ashby. He had fourteen children, among whom were John and Eunice, the leading characters in the incident related in the former history of New Ipswich, according to which relation it fell to the lot of the brother, then not sixteen years of age, to serve at once in the Revolutionary army, for which service he sadly needed new pantaloons, which this younger sister determined he should have, and despite her mother's assurance of the impossibility of success she entered upon the task. With her small shears she cut the needed wool from the backs of a black and a white sheep, carded it, spun, washed and dried the resultant mixed yarn, wove the cloth upon a neighbor's loom, that of the family then being occupied by a web of linen, and finally the needed garment was cut out and made within less than forty hours after she learned of the brother's need and two or three hours before the time for his departure. William' (James', James', William^), b. Hopkinton, Mass., Apr. 12, 1748; d. Mar. 30, 1829; m. Feb. 21, 1773, Rebecca Barrett of Carlisle, Mass. [b. Dec. 26, 1744; d. Dec. 15, 1831]. He was a farmer in Fitz- william, where his children were born, and he and his wife died. 3. William^ (William*, SamueP, Ebenezer^, William^), b. Apr. 2, 1775; d. Oct. 27, 1853; m. Feb. 25, 1796, Eleanor 516 Locke Haynes of Lancaster. He opened a store in Smith Village early in the nineteenth century upon the spot afterward occu- pied by the dwelling of J. C. Hildreth just east from his black- smithy, but after a few years removed to the Center Village, erected the two-storied house on the southwest corner of the crossing at the foot of the Meeting-house Hill, and there had a store for a few years in company with his brother James. Children : 10. i. William, b. July 29, 1798; d. Ashburnham, Mass., Sept. 7, 1837; m. Mar. 8, 1829, Jane W., dau. of Caleb and Louisa Wilder of Ashburnham. 11. ii. JosiAH, b. Oct. 18, 1804; m. Oct. 18, 1827, Elizabeth W., dau. of Capt. John and Deborah Willard. He was a shoemaker at Ashburnham, Ashby, and South Reading, Mass., succes- sively. William' (William*, James', James', William'), b. Feb. 7, 1778; d. May 20, 1857; m. Feb. 7, 1804, Mary, dau. of Capt. Joshua' and Mary (Whitmore) Walker of Rindge [b. Burlington, Mass., Jan. 29, 1779; d. Sept. 14, 1851]. They lived and died in Fitzw^illiam. 12. William Dana^ (William^, William*, James^, James^ William^), b. Fitzwilliam, Oct. 5, 1807; d. Mar. 29, 1886; m. Dec. 11, 1833, Marinda Adams (82). He was a farmer during the early years of his married life in Ashburnham, Mass., and in New Ipswich, then for fourteen years in his native town, and after 1855 upon the home of his wife's childhood, (61, N. D.) He was deeply interested in the religious and educa- tional interests of the town, and was superintendent of its schools for years, and his pen gave broader flow to his views on other cherished subjects as often as other duties permitted. His wife was a typical sunshine Christian. The leading thought of the home was a Christian education for their chil- dren and resulting Christian activity. All their children save one who died in infancy have been teachers, and their later work is shown below. Children : 13. i. Sarah Deborah, b. Ashburnham, May 23, 1836; m. Apr. 7, 1868, Rev. John Murdock, son of Ephraim and Sally (Good- speed) Stow [b. Hubbardston, Mass., Sept. 7, 1824; d. May 7, 1877]. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke Seminary in 1859 and remained in that institution as a teacher until her marriage. Mr. Stow graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1854, was pastor in Walpole and in Sullivan, and during most of the period after his marriage was in charge of the church in his native town, where he died. She lives in Ashburnham, Mass. 14. ii. William Edwin, b. New Ipswich, Aug. 14, 1837.-|- 517 History of New Ipswich 15. iii. Warren Payson, b. New Ipswich, Nov. 14, 1838; d. June 3, 1864. He enlisted Nov. 15, 1861, in the 32d Massachusetts Regiment and served nearly his full term of enlistment be- fore he met his death at the battle of Bethesda Church, near Richmond. 16. iv. Isaac Newton, b. Fitzwilliam, May 25, 1841 ; d. Severy, Kan., Jan. 2, 1882; m. Oct. 21, 1872, Mary Annie, dau. of Thomas W. and Amanda M. (Sawyer) Wilson of Salisbury, N. H. [b. Dec. 7, 1837]. He early purposed to enter the ministry, but a weakness of the eyes forced a suspension of his studies before the completion of his preparation for college. For three years, however, he was connected with Lookout Mountain Institute, near Chattanooga, Tenn., as teacher and foreman of outside work, and he then preempted a farm in Kansas. His useful activities in religious work, however, were so appreciated that he was solicited to give his time to home missionary work; and after a brief course of study he was licensed to preach, was soon ordained, and served the Congregational Home Missionary Society for three years before his death. 17. V. Elizabeth Adams, b. Fitzwilliam, Oct. 8, 1843; m. Sept. 15, 1868, Perley Elijah, son of Hiram and Maria (Stone) Col- lings [b. Marlboro, Feb. 22, 1844]. She graduated from New Ipswich Appleton Academy in 1864, and her life be- fore 1880 was largely devoted to teaching in New Hamp- shire, Vermont, Illinois, and Kansas, but since that time she has been engaged in the work of the New West Education Society and the Congregational Education Society in New Mexico, having been stationed in Albuquerque Academy and at the Cubero Mission. Child : i. Laura Whittemore Collings, b. Aug. 20, 1869; she entered Mt. Holyoke College in 1888, but was unable to remain to complete her course. She has since been engaged in the same missionary activi- ties as her mother. 18. vi. Mary Caroline, b. Fitzwilliam, Aug. 10, 1846; d. May 17, 1903; m. June 11, 1883, Amos Franklin Shattuck (185). 19. vii. Emma Augusta, b. Fitzwilliam, Sept. 20, 1848; m. Sept. 3, 1889, Joseph Elliot, son of Levi and Abigail (Pratt) Clark [b. Ashburnham, Mass., July 18, 1826]. Res. in Ashburn- ham. 20. viii. Laura Whittemore, b. Fitzwilliam, Aug. 15, 1854; d. Mar. 30, 1855. 14. William Edwin^ (William Dana^, William^, W^illiam*, James^ James^, William^), b. Aug. 14, 1837; m. Mar. 15, 1868, Zoe Ann Marinda, dau. of Augustus and Persis (Stone) Noyes [b. Westmoreland, Dec. 11, 1833]. He was educated in Apple- ton Academy and Amherst College, from which he graduated in 1864, and after graduation from Union Theological Sem- inary in 1867 he entered upon his chosen work as a missionary 518 I Locke of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Bulgaria, where he served during a quarter-century, resign- ing his commission in 1893. He was pastor at Alstead for several years after his resignation. His home is now at Wel- lesley, Mass. Children : 21. i. Adelaide Imogen, b. Philippopolis, Bulgaria, Mar. 14, 1869. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke College in 1892, from Hartford Theological Seminary in 1895, received the degree of B. S. T. after a year of graduate study, and has since been a member of the faculty of Wellesley College, since 1900 associate professor of Biblical History. 22. ii. Marinda Adams, b. Samokov, Bulgaria, Jan. 1, 1871. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke College in 1893, and after a brief period as a teacher entered upon preparation for the duties of a professional nurse, graduating from McLean Hospital, Waverly, Mass., and working for another year in the Massachusetts General Hospital, since which time she has been engaged in the duties of her profession, her home being at Wellesley, Mass. 23. iii. Mabel Elizabeth, b. Samokov, Bulgaria, Oct. 21, 1874; ra. Nov. 30, 1899, Fred Landale, son of George L. and Sarah Minerva (Burke) Tucker [b. Greenwich, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1876]. She lived in Newark, N. J., some years, but is now settled upon a farm at Baldwinville, Mass. Children : i. Beatrice Tucker, h. Apr. 2, 1902. ii. Edwin Locke Tucker, b. Jan. 25, 1904. iii. Eleanor Blanche Tucker, b. Apr. 27, 1906. LOVETT. John' Lovett, b. 1610; d. Nov. 8, 1686; m. Mary [b. 1605; d. June, 1695]. With his wife and one or more children, he came from England in 1639, landed at Salem, and settled in the location which after- ward was Beverly, Mass. John' (John'), b. 1636; d. Sept. 10, 1727; m. Bethia, dau. of Josiah and Susanna Coates [bapt. Sept. 24, 1648; d. Oct. 26, 1714]. He res. at Beverly. Benjamin' (John^ John'), b. Mar. 7, 1680; d. June 10, 1740; m. Anna . He continued in Beverly. Benjamin" (Benjamin', John^ John'), b. Sept. 26, 1702; d. June 6, 1782; m. about 1728, Eleanor, dau. of John and Mercy Ellen Cleves [b. June 8, 1709; d. June 9, 1788]. The family still remained in Beverly. William^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin', John^ John'), b. June 15, 1739; m. Nov. 1, 1778, Elizabeth Lufkin. He continued residence in the an- cestral town. 1. Benjamin*' (William^ Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^ John^), b. Beverly, Mass., Dec. 6, 1791 ; d. Sept., 1866; m. Apr., 1820, Mary Penn [b. Boston, Nov. 11, 1799; d. Dec. 20, 1870]. He went to Boston when a young man and followed the busi- 519 History of New Ipswich ness of a mason until about 1837, when he came to New Ips- wich and became a farmer, having the farm at the end of the road next westward from the point where the river enters the town of Ashby, (76, A. D.) Children: 2. i. Mary Jane, b. July 15, 1821; d. Mar. 18, 1900; m. Nov. 6, 1853, Aaron S. Mcintosh. Children : i. Jennie Mcintosh, b. June 15, 1858. ii. Aaron Mcintosh, b. July 18, 1860; d. Aug., 1869. 3. ii. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 17, 1823; d. 1871; m. Dec. 16, 1852, Augus- tus Gill. Child : i. Annie Curry Gill, b. Dec, 1853. 4. iii. Hannah Augusta, b. Jan. 2, 1825; d. Jan. 17, 1828. 5. iv. Caroline Sophia, b. Mar. 17, 1827; d. Mar., 1830. 6. V. Hannah Augusta, b. July 4, 1831 ; d. Apr., 1903. 7. vi. Benjamin Franklin, b. Oct. 14, 1832; unm. Res. in San Francisco, Cal. 8. vii. William Penn, b. Oct. 31, 1834; d. Nov., 1893; m. Mary Jane Newell of Providence, R. I. 9. viii. Harriet A., b. Mar. 21, 1837; m. Nov. 18, 1871, William Keith. Children : i. William Keith, b. Oct., 1872 ; d. 1900. ii. Benjamin Lovett Keith, b. 1874. 10. ix. Caroline A., b. Feb. 21, 1840; d. Aug., 1908; m. Apr. 30, 1867, Howard Gannett. Children : i. Bertha Gannett, ii. How- ard Gannett, iii. Edwin Lovett Gannett, iv. Caroline Belle Gannett, v. Gordon Hague Gannett. 11. X. Sarah Josephine, b. Jan. 17, 1843; m. Feb. 7, 1867, Sewall Stearns Lane. Child: i. Arthur Clarence Lane, b. Nov. 20, 1871; m. Dec, 1888, Elizabeth Gertrude Walmsley of Dover. Children : i. Marion Lovett Lane, b. Oct. 8, 1900. ii. Dorothy Hall Lane, b. Sept. 13, 1902. LOWE. Thomas* Lowe, d. Sept. 8, 1677; m. Susannah [b. about 1598; d. Aug. 19, 1684]. He is believed to have been the son of John Low, vice-admiral of the fleet that brought Gov. Winthrop's colony to New England in 1630. He was born in England, but as early as 1641 he was resident in that part of Ipswich, Mass., which was then called Chebacco, but is now included in the town of Essex. Thomas^ (Thomas*), b. in England, 1632; d. Ipswich, Mass., Apr. 12, 1712; m. (1) July 4, 1660, Martha, dau. of Thomas and Margaret Bor- man of Ipswich; (2) Mary Brown. He was an influential citizen and held the office of deacon. Jonathan' (Thomas', Thomas*), b. July 7, 1665; d. Feb. 8, 1750; m. Mar. 8, 1692, Mary Thomson. Jonathan^ (Jonathan", Thomas^ Thomas*), b. Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 14, 1708; m. Nov. 18, 1731, Sarah, dau. of Abraham and Abigail (Dodger) Perkins [b. Ipswich, 1711]. He removed to Lunenburg, Mass., probably the part that is now Fitchburg, in 1763. Jonathan" (Jonathan^ Jonathan', Thomas^ Thomas*), b. Aug. 13, 1748; m. 1776, Sarah Perkins. 520 Lowe Asa' (Jonathan", Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Thomas'), b. 1795; d. 1862; m. 1825, Elizabeth Frances Goodwin [b. 1803; d. 1858]. 1. George Norton^ (Asa^ Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jona- than^, Thomas^ Thomas^), b. Westmoreland, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1831 ; m. Nov. 3, 1853, Julia Ann Chickering (22). His parents came to Fitchburg, Mass., while he was a boy, and at the age of eighteen he came to New Ipswich, learned the trade of a cigar-maker, and has passed his life in that industry. Chil- dren : 2. i. Julia Frances, b. Oct. 16, 1854; m. Oct. 27, 1881, Horace M. Nash, a physician in Lancaster, Mass., where she lived until his death in 1895. 3. ii. George Frederic, b. Mar. 10, 1856; d. Apr. 15, 1905; m. Lizzie Baxter of Cambridge, Mass. Res. at Milford. Children: Myrta B., Catherine, Gertrude, Helen, of whom only the oldest is living. 4. iii. Abby Ellen, b. Sept. 21, 1857; m. Feb. 22, 1876, Robert L. Cumnock of Mason. Res. at Anderson, S. C. Six children. 5. V. Charles Henry, b. Feb. 7, 1859; d. Aug. 16, 1859. 6. vi. Herbert Norton, b. Dec. 9, 1870; d. Aug. 11, 1871. 7. vii. Caroline, b. Oct. 1, 1873. She is a teacher at Newton, Mass. MANSFIELD. The family came from Lynn and the earlier generations were as here given. Robert' Mansfield of Norfolk County, England, came to Lynn in 1640. He d. Dec. 16, 1666, and his widow Elizabeth (Townsend) d. Sept. 8, 1673, aged 87. Andrew^ (Robert'), d. Nov., 1683; m. Sarah Breed. Daniel^ (Andrew^ Robert'), b. in Lynn, June 9, 1669; d. June 11, 1728; m. Hannah Townsend [d. Sept. 6, 1714]. Andrew* (Daniel', Andrew^ Robert'), b. April 24, 1692; d. in Lynn- field, Aug. 28, 1730; m. Sarah Breed. Daniel' (Andrew', Daniel', Andrew", Robert'), b. Nov. 24, 1717; d. Apr. 2, 1797; m. (1) 1738, Lydia, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Hawkes) Norwood; (2) 1777, Ruth Newhall. 1. Lydia^ (DanieP, Andrew*, DanieP, Andrew^ Robert^), b. Sept. 16, 1739; d. Aug. 1, 1828; m. Jan. 15, 1767, Allen Breed (4). 2. Daniel^ (Daniel^, Andrew*, Daniel^, Andrew^, Robert^), b. Dec. 27, 1741 ; d. Mar. 29, 1816; m. Nov. 5, 1765, Lydia, dau. of Elisha and Jane (Breed) Newhall. Res. New Ipswich. Children : 5. i. Jacob, b. Oct. 24, 1766. 6. ii. Daniel, b. Mar. 3, 1768. 521 History of New Ipswich 7. iii. Lydia, b. June 9, 1769; d. Dec. 11, 1826; m. Feb. 25, 1796, Ebenezer Brown (J. 2). 8. iv. Joel, b. July 22, 1771. 9. V. Polly, b. May 7, 1773. 10. vi. Thomas, b. Sept. 8, 1775. 11. vii. David, b. Sept. 7, 1777; d. Nov. 22, 1777. 12. viii. Betsy, b. May 26, 1779. 13. ix. Israel, b. Mar. 11, 1781.+ 14. X. Newel, b. Jan. 11, 1784. 15. xi. William, b. Feb. 23, 1786. 16. xii. Sally, b. Aug. 11, 1788. 3. EzRA^ (DanieP, Andrew*, DanieP, Andrew^, Robert^), b. June 8, 1745; d. Feb. 5, 1838; m. Feb. 21, 1769, Rebecca Kenney. Lived in New Ipswich, Jaffrey, and Alstead. Chil- dren : 17. i. Ezra, b. Oct. 10, 1770. 18. ii. Rebeckah, b. Mar. 14, 1772. 19. iii. AzuBAH, b. Dec. 3, 1773. 20. iv. Aaron, b. Apr. 1, 1782. 21. V. Elijah, b. Mar. 18, 1784. 22. vi. Baruch, b. Sept. 19, 1786. 23. vii. Asa, b. May 17, 1788. 4. Elijah^ (DanieP, Andrew*, DanieP, Andrew^, Robert^), b. June 22, 1746; d. May 18, 1778; m. May 18, 1769, Rebecca Blanchard. Children : 24. i. Rebecca, b. Jan. 1, 1771. 25. ii. Patty, b. July 19, 1773. William' (Daniel", Andrew', Daniel', Andrew', Robert'), b. May 20, 1749; d. Sept. 28, 1809; m. May 31, 1770, Betty Townsend. 13. Israel^ (DanieP, DanieP, Andrew*, DanieP, Andrew^, Robert^), b. Mar. 11, 1781; d. Apr. 20, 1825; m. Nov. 8, 1804, Susanna, dau. of Supply and Susanna Wilson (4). Children: 26. i. Israel Norwood, b. July 23, 1805. 27. ii. Frederick, b. July 29, 1807. 28. iii. Addison, b. June 11, 1809. 29. iv. Edward, b. June 20, 1811. 30. V. Supply W., b. 1813; d. Mar. 8, 1889. Levi' (William', Danief, Andrew^ Daniel', Andrew', Robert*), b. Dec. 18, 1780. Leonard' (Levi', William", Danief, Andrew*, Daniel', Andrew', Rob- ert'), b. 1825; m. Mary S., dau. of Nathaniel Manly [d. Dec. 2, 1898]. 31. Franklin Leonard^ (Leonard^ Levi^ William^ Dan- ieP, Andrew*, DanieP, Andrew^, Robert^), b. in Rindge, Dec. 17, 1852; d. Mar. 18, 1905; m. Dec. 15, 1875, Louisa Roxa Foskett (3). Res. in New Ipswich. Children: 522 Mansfield 32. i. Albert Franklin, b. Sept. 12, 1877; m. Elsie A. Woodward [d. May 19, 1907]. One child, Arlene Antoinette, b. Apr. 10, 1906. 33. ii. Mary Louisa, b. Oct. 18, 1879; m. Albro L. Balch (5). 34. iii. George Ernest, b. Sept. 24, 1882; d. June 28, 1890. 35. iv. Nellie A., b. Oct. 8, 1884; m. Sept. 28, 1904, Charles H. Clark. One dau., d. Aug. 14, 1906. 36. V. Frederic L., b. Feb. 22, 1887; m. Jan. 5, 1910, Ruth Edna, dau. of Aaron F. Whitney of Ashby, Mass. 2)7. vi. Willis Foskett, b. May 5, 1890. MANSUR. Robert^ Mansur, m. June 6, 1670, widow Elizabeth Brooks [d. June 3, 1694/5]. Res. in Charlestown, Mass. He is believed to have been the father of John, but the evidence is not quite conclusive. John' (Robert'), m. (1) Boston, Apr. 24, 1695, Mary Mirick; (2) Woburn, Mass., June 2, 1701, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Cleveland) Henshaw [b. July 30, 1678]. Res. in Charlestown, Mass. John' (John=, Robert'), b. Nov. 10, 1705; m. Dec. 31, 1732, Hannah Lovejoy of Andover, Mass. Res. in Andover and Dracut, Mass. He served in the French and Indian wars. William* (John^ John^ Robert'), b. Dracut, Jan. 1, 1737; d. 1808; m. 1762, Isabella Harvey [b. Dracut, 1739; d. Dec. 27, 1826]. He removed before 1762 from Dracut to that part of Wilton which became Temple, being one of the first settlers in that town, and he there passed his life. His name is on the list of the fifty-six men who marched from Temple in response to the Concord alarm in 1775, and he served later in the company of Capt. Gershom Drury. 1. EzRA^ (William^ John^ John^ Robert^), b. Apr. 19, 1771 ; d. June 15, 1834; m. 1803, Susan Treadwell of Peterboro [b. about 1783; d. Nov. 27, 1835]. He succeeded to the family homestead in Temple, but passed a few of his last years in New Ipswich. Children : 2. i. Mary Hay, b. Feb., 1804; d. Nov. 3, 1850; m. Mar. 4, 1829, Peter Durant of Mt. Vernon. Res. Townsend, Mass. 3. ii. Samuel Crombie, b. Sept. 12, 1805; d. Costa Rica, Central America, 1845. 4. iii. Eliza Cunningham, b. Oct. 28, 1807; d. 1898; m. Sept. 18, 1826, Orlando Marshall (1). 5. iv. Helen Maria, b. Aug. 11, 1809; m. May 1, 1834, Jonathan L. Prescott of Epsom. Res. Bristol. 6. V. William Earle, b. Aug. 2, 1811.+ 7. vi. Susan, b. Oct. 17, 1813; m. Sept. 21, 1843, Ovid D. Barnes. 8. vii. Nancy, b. Feb. 17, 1816. 9. viii. James Monroe, b. Aug. 12, 1818; d. Apr. 27, 1838. 10. ix. Horace, b. Dec. 15, 1821; m. May, 1846, Abby Leighton of Dover. Res. Sacramento, Cal. 523 History of New Ipswich 11. X. George Bradley, b. Aug. 2, 1823; m. June, 1850, Mary Wheeler of Concord. Res. at Chicago, 111. 12. xi. Sarah, b. Dec. 31, 1826; d. Dec. 22, 1852; m. June 28, 1848, Albert Brown of Springfield, Vt. 13. xii. Abby, b. May 2, 1830; d. Aug. 16, 1858; m. July 28, 1856, George M. Cavis of Bristol. 6. William Earle^ (Ezra^, William*, John^, John", Rob- ert^), b. Aug. 2, 1811; d. Sept. 25, 1862; m. Oct. 6, 1835, Lii- cinda, dau. of Dea. Parker Maynard of Jaffrey [b. June 2, 1816; d. July 27, 1897]. He came to New Ipswich in his youth, was employed for a few years in the "Waterloom" fac- tory, and later, after his marriage, for several years conducted a hotel at High Bridge. About 1850 he removed to the Center Village and was proprietor of the hotel upon the Turnpike east from the corner store until 1856. On the outbreak of the Civil War he disregarded his age of fifty years and enlisted in the 6th New Hampshire Regiment, was wounded in the sec- ond battle of Bull Run, and a month later died of the wound at Fairfax, Va. Buried in New Ipswich. Children : 14. i. James Parker, b. Apr. 17, 1837; d. Apr. 17, 1858. 15. ii. Helen M., b. Sept. 3, 1839; m. Sept. 15, 1860, Fred A. Brooks (35). 16. iii. Abby L., b. Sept. 10, 1841; d. Mar. 9, 1912; m. Feb. 16, 1862, Edwin Woods [b. Mar. 13, 1834; d. July 21, 1901]. Chil- dren : i. Harry L. Woods, h. May 15, 1865 ; m. Jan. 29. 1891, Edith G. Putnam. Children : Fred Mansur Woods, b. Dec. 20, 1892; Arlene Putnam Woods, b. June 7, 1896. ii. Herbert Mansur Woods, b. Oct. 17, 1868; a druggist in Everett, Mass. 17. iv. Maria E., b. Jan., 1844; d. July 25, 1845. 18. V. Frank R., b. Feb. 29, 1848; d. Sept. 13, 1848. MARSH. 1. Joseph Ellery Foxcroft Marsh, son of Dea. Shubael and Elizabeth (Foxcroft) Marsh, b. Aug. 23, 1816; d. Oct. 26, 1904; (seventh in descent from George who came to Charles- town, Mass., in 1635 from Hingham, England) ; m. May, 1841, Sarah C. Smith, a Quaker. He came to New Ipswich in 1875 and bought the "Silas Cragin place," where he passed the re- mainder of his life. Child : 2. i. J. Ellery F., Jr., b. Jan. 20, 1846.+ 2. J. Ellery F., Jr., b. Jan. 20, 1846; m. Oct. 20, 1869, Eliza- beth, dau. of Theodore and Sarah E. (Hill) Perkins of Lynn, 524 Marsh Mass. [d. June 4, 1904]. Mr. Marsh came to New Ipswich in 1877, was first clerk at the corner store ; then proprietor for several years; town clerk 13 years; postmaster; for two terms a member of the State Legislature. In 1895 he returned to Lynn, where he resides. Child : 3. i. Ella Frances. MARSHALL. Benjamin^ Marshall, b. at Marblehead, Mass.; d. June 18, 1795; m. Sibylla, dau. of Moses and Sibylla (Plympton) Johnson. MosES^ (Benjamin^), b. at Holliston, Mass., Dec. 15, 1775; m. Lucy Campbell. He was one of the early settlers of Dublin, a manufacturer of waterwheels and made the first wheel used in the Bank Village mill. 1. Orlando^ (Moses^ Benjamin^), b. in Dublin, Jan. 28, 1805; d. Jan. 13, 1869; m. Sept. 18, 1826, Eliza Cunningham Mansur (4). Mr. Marshall came to New Ipswich in his boy- hood and spent his life, save three years at Winchendon, Mass., in Bank Village, being master mechanic in the mill of that vil- lage. Children : 2. i. Maria Augusta, b. Mar. 20, 1829.4- 3. ii. Eliza Ann, b. June 29, 1831.-|- 4. iii. Granville, b. Oct. 7, 1833; d. Mar. 14, 1855. 5. iv. Isabella M., b. Sept. 18, 1836; d. Aug. 13, 1855. 6. V. Harriet Ellen, b. Dec. 20, 1838.+ 7. vi. Mary Jane, b. July 20, 1843; m. (1) Aug. 15, 1862, Henry Ames Blood (8) ; (2) Robert J. Tabraham. 8. vii. Lucy Emogene, b. Oct. 6, 1844; d. Apr. 25, 1911; m. May 19, 1863, Orrin Tillson. 9. viii. Edward Orlando, b. July 15, 1847. He succeeded to his father's position in the mills and keeps the family home. 2. Maria A.^ (Orlando^ Moses^, Benjamin^), b. Mar. 20, 1829; m. Mar. 20, 1850, Stephen F. Rossiter of Claremont. Children : i. Kate Maria Rossiter, b. Dec. 28, 1850; d. July 14, 1889. ii. Marshall S. Rossiter, b. Oct. 3, 1852; d. Dec. 17, 1899. iii. Ida Belle Rossiter, b. June 28, 1854. iv. Harriet F'. Rossiter, b. Mar. 9, 1864; m. George F. Lewis of Naugatuck, Conn. One child. 3. Eliza Ann* (Orlando^ Moses^ Benjamin^), b. June 29, 1831 ; m. Oct. 28, 1852, Charles W. Tufts of Dunkirk, N. Y. Children : i. Ellen M. Tufts, b. Sept. 3, 1857; m. (1) White; (2) Frank H. Whiting, ii. Carrie Tufts. 525 History of New Ipswich 6. Harriet Ellen* (Orlando^, Moses^, Benjamin^), b. Dec. 20, 1838 ; m. Oct. 9, 1856, G. F. Tindall of Cleveland, O. Child : i. Harry Brown Tindale, b. Mar. 26, 1859. MELVIN. John' Melvin, b. in Scotland about 1653; d. Aug. 11, 1726; m. (1) Hannah, dau. of John and Mary (Brown) Lewis [b. about 1655; d. May 23, 1696] ; (2) pub. Aug. 27, 1696, Margaret Shanesberg. He came to Charlestown, Mass., as early as 1676, and removed thence to Concord, Mass., soon after his second marriage. Jonathan' (John'), b. May 29, 1688; d. Feb. 11, 1737; m. Feb. 28, 1714, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Smedley) Hartwell [b. July 28, 1694]. Res. in Concord. Eleazer= (John'), b. June 28, 1703; d. Oct. 18, 1754; m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Ruth (Meriam) Stow [d. Nov. 20, 1754]. He lived in Concord, and was a famous fighter against the Indians. He was in the company of Capt. Lovewell at the fight well known as "Lovewell's fight," and was one of the nine members who, out of the entire number of thirty-three, received no injury. An account of the contest in his hand- writing is preserved in the Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. He was a lieutenant at the reduction of Louisburg. Five of his children came to New Ipswich. Probably there were several others. 1. JosiAH^ (Jonathan^, John^), b. June 14, 1727; m. Mar. 3, 1757, Lydia^ Barrett (James*, Benjamin^, Humphrey^, Hum- phrey^) [b. June 6, 1738; d. 1800]. It is not quite certain that this descendant of the first marriage of the pioneer John Mel- vin was ever resident in New Ipswich ; possibly he was a non- resident landholder. But a comparison with the Concord rec- ords makes it seem possible that he came several 3^ears later than his cousins from the second marriage, and lived a few years, 1774-78, in the north part of the town, while the younger line had settled in the southern division. Tradition is silent concerning him. 2. Nathaniel^ (Eleazer^, John^), b. Oct. 12, 1740; m. Dec. 6, 1770, Abigail Lakin of Groton, Mass. He came to New Ipswich about 1765, and settled in the southeast corner of the town on the farm long after occupied by members of the Rus- sell family, (44, N. L. O.) He gave Revolutionary service at the time of the Concord alarm, and later in the companies of Capts. Joseph Parker and Josiah Brown. His name disappears from the town records in 1786. 3. Sarah^ (Eleazer^, John^), b. Mar. 17, 1743; d. May 24, 1814; m. Nov. 27, 1766, Jonathan Davis (1). 526 Melvin 4. Mary^ (Eleazer^, John^), b. Apr. 9, 1745; d. Mar. 22, 1807; m. Jan. 1, 1765, James Chandler (1). 5. David^ (Eleazer^, John^), b. May 31, 1747; d. Mar. 16, 1834. His name is found on record in New Ipswich for fifteen years, 1769-84; and he was among those who left the town for Cambridge on the opening day of the Revolutionary contest, and also at Bunker Hill. Still the location of his home is not evident, although it was probably in the southeastern portion of the town near his brothers. Perhaps he Ha ed with them, having no separate home, as no mention is found of his having married. He was one of those who embraced the Shaker be- lief and petitioned to be released from payment of the tax for the support of the minister. He finally left the town and joined the community of Shakers at Harvard, Mass., and there after many years closed his life, after which he was characterized by his fellows as "a. very earnest believer, but very fond of joking." 6. JoHN^ (Eleazer^, John^), b. Apr. 11, 1749; m. Lois, be- lieved to be the dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Heald) Hos- mer [b. July 24, 1746]. He also marched on the alarm of April, 1775, and he has been credited with service on Bunker Hill, but since the only official record supporting this is that name upon the roll of a company enlisted a considerable distance westward of New Ipswich, on which roll the name is marked "D"* June 17," the natural belief is that the John Melvin who was taxed in New Ipswich until 1787, and who served in Capt. Joseph Parker's company in 1776, was the one who came to town sixteen years before that date and lived on the same farm as his brother Nathaniel. He owned land in Lancaster, Mass., in 1792, and while he probably joined the Shaker community for a time, apparently his sojourn there was not permanent. A "David Melvin, 2d" who died in Lancaster at the age of fifteen may perhaps have been a son of John and Lois, or pos- sibly of David, if he had married before adopting the Shaker belief. The Melvin name perished from town before the close of the eighteenth century. MILES. JoHN^ Miles, d. Concord, Mass., Aug. 26, 1693; m. (1) Sarah fd. July 18, 1678] ; (2) Feb. 10, 1679, Susannah Rediat. Res. in Concord, Mass. 527 History of New Ipswich John' (John*), b. May 20, 1680; d. Aug. 23, 1725; m. Apr. 16, 1702, Mary Prescott. Res. in Concord. JoHN=' (John% John'), b. Dec. 24, 1702; d. prob. Feb. 4, 1781; m. Eliza- beth [b. about 1704; d. May 5, 1782]. 1. Abel* (John^, John^, John^), b. Sept. 9, 1733; d. Dec. 6, 1814; m. Feb. 26, 1756, Lydia, dau. of Capt. Daniel* and Eliza- beth (Minot) Adams (Joseph^, John-, Henry^). He came from Concord to New Ipswich about 1771, and settled where the road now ends on the Ramsdell farm east from Whittemore Hill, (70, A. D.,) where he lived until his death. Children : 2. i. Lydia, b. Feb. 20, 1757; m. Feb. 25, 1800, David Rumrill. 3. ii. Betty, b. Dec. 4, 1758; d. Jan. 3, 1798; m. Dec. 11, 1783, John Shattuck (10). 4. iii. Polly, b. July 8, 1760 ; d. Nov. 14, 1804, unm. 5. iv. Rebecca, b. Jan. 3, 1762; m. Jan. 21, 1781, Levi Mansfield. 6. V. Abel, b. Oct. 17, 1768; m. Nov. 10, 1794, Betsy Shepley. NEWHALL or NEWELL. Thomas' Newhall d. May 25, 1674; m. Mary [d. Sept. 25, 1665]. He was an early settler in Lynn, Mass., and in 1638 he vi^as allotted thirty acres of land in that part of the town which is now Reading. Thomas' (Thomas'), b. 1630 or earlier; d. Apr., 1687; m. Dec. 29, 1652, Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas Potter [d. Feb., 1686/7]. He is said to have been the first child born in Lynn. He held the ofifice of ensign. His property at the time of his death amounted to nearly £700. Joseph' (Thomas', Thomas'), b. Sept. 22, 1658; d. Jan., 1705/6; m. probably in 1678, Susanna, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Farrar of Lynn [b. Mar. 26, 1659]. Seven years after his death she m. Benjamin Simonds of Woburn. He represented the town in the General Court and often held other honorable and responsible positions. Like his father he was an ensign. Ebenezer" (Joseph', Thomas', Thomas'), b. June 3, 1693; d. June 22, 1766; m. 1718, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph' (Joseph', Allen', Allen') and Sarah (Farrington) Breed [b. Oct. 6, 1695; d. Feb. 7, 1770]. He was a clothier, and he too held the family office of ensign. 1. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Dec. 9, 1725 ; d. 1783 ; m. Dec. 25, 1755, IVIary Newhall [b. about 1731 ; d. IVIar. 20, 1826], very possibly the widow of his cousin Elijah^ (Elisha*, Joseph^) who had died the preceding year, and if so, she was dau. of Thomas and Mary (Baker) Cheever. He came from Lynnfield to New Ipswich in 1780 and owned what has since been known as the "Newhall farm," (76, A. D.,) where he lived only three years. He was, in accordance with his desire, buried in his orchard. Children : 2. i. Onesimus, b. Oct. 12, 1756.+ 528 Newhall, or Newell 3. ii. Mehitable, b. Sept. 17, 1758; d. Dec. 21, 1821. 4. iii. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 29, 1760. 5. iv. Elizabeth, b. July 26, 1763. 6. V. Elijah, b. Mar. 9, 1766.+ 7. vi. Lois, b. Mar. 20, 1768; m. Nehemiah Stratton (3). 8. vii. Ezra, b. Sept. 2, 1770; m. Eunice . Removed to Acton, Mass. 9. viii. William, b. Aug. 23, 1772. 2. Onesimus® (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Oct. 12, 1756; d. Apr. 16, 1833. The name of his first wife, who died 1786, does not appear, but he m. (2) Lydia . He served through the entire time of the Revolutionary- War in either the army or in naval service, failing to have a part at Bunker Hill only because his company did not arrive until the engagement had ended, doing duty in Rhode Island and at Ticonderoga ; while serving upon a privateer so wounded in the face as to cause a severe permanent distortion, and for a brief time being a prisoner at Newfoundland. He came to New Ipswich at the close of the war and succeeded to the ownership of the Newell farm. Children : Ebenezer, b. Aug. 5, 1789. He graduated from Harvard College in 1818. Samuel, b. Nov. 26, 1791 ; m. Adeline . One son, Samuel, d. Feb. 6, 1832, aged 5 months. Seth, b. Feb. 3, 1794.+ Sarah, b. Mar. 18, 1796; d. Groton, Mass., Dec. 4, 1873, unm. Mary, b. June 11, 1798; m. (1) Harris; (2) Jan. IS, 1845, Peter Shumway of Oxford, Mass. 15. vi. Lucy, b. Sept. 2, 1800. 6. Elijah^ (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 9, 1766; d. Aug. 7, 1851; m. (1) Hannah Gill [b. about 1763; d. Jan. 21, 1830] ; (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Locke of Ashby, Mass., and widow of Thomas Heald (9) [b. 1770; d. May 25, 1843]. He lived upon the "Newell farm," (76, A. D.,) or near that place in 77, A. D., until about 1828, when he removed to the corner house just south from the town-house, and there passed his later years. Children : 16. i. William, b. July 28, 1790.-}- 17. ii. Hannah, b. Feb. 2, 1792; d. Mar. 25, 1792. 18. iii. Nancy, b. Feb. 12, 1794; d. June 18, 1858, unm. 19. iv. James, b. Aug. 5, 1795.+ 20. v. Hannah, b. 1797 or 1798; d. Mar. 30, 1862; m. June 4, 1835, Oilman Ames (3). 21. vi. Clarissa, b. Dec. 25, 1799; d. Feb. 9, 1861; m. May 7, 1845, Dea. Asa Symonds of Hancock. 22. vii. Louisa, b. Aug. 7, 1802; d. July 19, 1860, unm. 529 35 10. i. 11. ii. 12. iii. 13. iv. 14. v. 23. i. 24. ii. 25. iii. 26. iv. 27. V. History of New Ipswich 12. Seth'^ (Onesimus^, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Joseph^ Thomas^ Thomas^), b. Feb. 3, 1794; d. Apr. 9, 1867; m. Han- nah Kemp [b. about 1795; d. Aug. 12, 1862]. Soon after his marriage he settled near the Mason line upon 186, A. D., where most of his children were born, and then removed to the "Chickering house," opposite the house which is now the Con- gregational parsonage, which was his home for about twenty years. Children : Milton P., b. Feb. 24, 1823 ; d. Feb. 27, 1823. Lucy Ann, b. about 1825; d. June 18, 1853; m. Stephen Pea- body of Danvers, Mass. Sarah C, b. about 1827 ; d. Aug. 14, 1886 ; m. E. W. Hayes. Maria C, b. about 1829; d. Sept. 10, 1850, unm. Harriet Atwood, b. 1830; d. Jan. 30, 1872; m. John W. Shep- ard of New Bedford, Mass. One son who died in youth. 28. vi. Mary Jane, b. about 1832; d. 1908; m. Warren Bushby of Peabody, Mass. 29. vii. Philena, b. about 1834; d. about 1894; m. Sylvester Adams, a dentist in Boston. 16. William'^ (Elijah®, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Joseph^ Thomas^ Thomas^), b. July 28, 1790; d. Dec. 26, 1845 ; m. Dec. 6, 1814, Catherine Foster [b. about 1793; d. Nov. 15, 1875]. He appears to have lived with or near his father in the south part of the town until about 1823, and afterward for a time in the nearest house to that of his father at the town-house corner, on the road to Smith Village. Children : 30. i. Mary Kendall, b. July 22, 1815 ; d. Sept. 3, 1826. 31. ii. Rebecca Foster, b. June 12, 1817; d. Aug. 11, 1848, unm. 19. James^ (Elijah®, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Thom- as^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 5, 1795; d. Apr. 16, 1853; m. June 17, 1832, Abigail Rhoads (5). He left New Ipswich soon after reaching his majority. For a time he drove a stage between Boston and Keene, but in his later years he was the proprietor of a stable in Boston doing a livery, cab, and hack business. Child: 32. i. Henry Clay, b. Mar. 9, 1843.+ 32. Henry Clay^ (James^, Elijah®, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 9, 1843; d. Dec. 11, 1909; m. (1) Sept. 18, 1876, Georgiana, dau. of Luther and Mary C. (Corey) Clark [b. July 28, 1854; d. Feb. 2, 1899] ; (2) Jan. 15, 1902, Jennie M., dau. of Willard and Lizzie C. (Derby) Page of Leominster, Mass. He was a meat dealer and a prominent 530 Newhall, or Newell citizen of Ashburnham, Mass., of which he was a selectman for about ten years, assessor nearly thirty years, and also a representative in the Legislature. Children : 33. i. Nellie Abigail, b. Feb. 2, 1905. 34. ii. Albert Henry, b. May 21, 1906. 35. Joseph Newhall, b. about 1780; d. Feb. 24, 1862; m. Elizabeth F. [b. about 1783; d. Jan. 17, 1856]. His name is borne upon the tax-lists of New Ipswich from 1803 until his death. He was before 1820 the first landlord of the tavern in the Center Village on the Turnpike, just east of the corner store, and the home of his later years was the house directly opposite Union Hall. But his relationship to the family re- corded above does not appear. Children : 36. i. Mary Caroline, b. Oct. 7, 1812; d. Oct. 9, 1812. 2>7. ii. Joseph Fisk, b. about 1815 ; d. Mar. 21, 1817. 38. iii. Helen M., b. Oct. 8. 1818; d. Jan. 27, 1889; m. July 8, 1847, Ephraim F. Fox (25). NICHOLS. Richard^ Nichols, d. 1674; m. Anna [d. 1692]. He was a set- tler in Ipswich, Mass., as early as 1648, and removed thence to Reading, Mass. JoHN^ (Richard'), b. 1651; d. 1721; m. Abigail, dau. of Dea. Thomas Kendall [b. about 1655; d. 1721]. He lived in Reading, Mass. Richard' (John', Richard'), b. 1682; m. 1706, Abigail Damon. Res. in Reading. John'' (Richard^ John^ Richard'), b. 1711; m. 1733, Joanna, dau. of James and Mary Nichols (?). He succeeded to her father's house in Reading. John'' (John^ Richard^ John^ Richard'), b. 1736; d. 1819; m. 1760, Bethiah, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Abigail (Bickford) Burnap. He suc- ceeded to the family home. Kendall' (John°, John', Richard', John', Richard'), b. 1776; m. Han- nah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Damon) Symonds [b. 1767]. He removed to Sharon. 1. Symonds'^ (KendalP. John^, John*, Richard^, John^, Richard^, b. about 1798; d. Aug. 19, 1885; m. Oct. 18, 1818, Harriet Gregg [b. 1802; d. Mar. 12, 1892]. He came to New Ipswich in middle life and soon made his home in the house still known by his name, situated on the southern side of the Turnpike next eastward from the stable of the tavern long known as Clark's Hotel. Children: 2. i. Harriet L. E., b. 1820; d. 1896; m. William J. Greenman [b. Dec. 13, 1821; d. Mar. 18, 1909]. He was a cigar maker in New Ipswich. Children : i. Georgiana Greenman, b. 531 History of New Ipswich about Aug., 1848; d. Feb. 26, 1850. ii. William Silas Green- man, b. 1852; d. May 15, 1875. 3. ii. Louisa, b. about 1822; d. Oct. 26, 1843. 4. iii. Andrew Symonds, b. about 1824; d. Nov. 14, 1855, unm. He removed to California in the early years of gold mining there, and made that state his home. 5. iv. Clarissa, b. Apr. 2, 1828; d. Jan. 1, 1903; m. Henry Otis Preston (52). 6. V. Sarah J., b. about July, 1834; d. Jan. 4, 1903. NUTTING. John' Nutting, d. Mar. 13, 1676; m. Aug. 28, 1650, Sarah, dau. of Stephen Eggleton. He came from County Kent, England, to America a little earlier than 1650, and settled at Woburn, Mass., v^'here he married. He removed to that part of Chelmsford which is now Westford, and thence, about 1661, to Groton, where his house was one of the garrison houses. He was the tirst one killed by the Indians in their destructive attack upon the town. John' (John^, b. Woburn, Mass., 1651; d. 1717 or later; m. (1) 1674, Mary ; (2) Mrs. Maria Parker. He returned to Groton after the Indians' attack, and there passed his life. His children were of the first marriage. Ebenezer'' (John'), b. Groton, Mass., 1666. He removed from his native town before 1707 and settled in Cambridge, Mass., where he was known as the "learned blacksmith." Later he became a doctor. He represented the town in the General Court. Daniel' (John', John'), b. about 1680. John' (Ebenezer', John'), m. (int. Westford, Mass., Mar. 23, 1754,) Hannah, dau. of John and Anna (Chamberlain) Read [b. Feb. 15, 1723; d. Dec. 21, 1814]. Ezekiel' (Daniel', John', John'), b. 1720. Thomas' (John', Ebenezer', John'), b. Westford, Dec. 10, 1758; d. Plymouth, Dec. 28, 1813; m. (int. Westford, Aug. 31, 1781,) Sybil, dau. of Jona and Hannah (Bulkeley) Prescott [d. Oct. 29, 1831]. He lived many years in Westford, where his children were born, but in 1812 he removed to Plymouth, N. H., where he was a farmer and tanner. He served in the Revolution, enlisting at least three times. EzEKiEL^ (Ezekier, Daniel', John', John'), b. 1751.+ 1. JoNAS^ (Thomas*, John^, Ebenezer^ John^), b. Oct. 15, 1783; d. Apr. 23, 1842; m. Sept. 7, 1805, Mary Spaulding (20). He lived in Ashburnham, Mass., on the farm previously owned by his father-in-law, but so near the New Ipswich line that his social relations, including those of school and church, were with New Ipswich, and he is here presented as though he were legally resident in the town. Children : 3. i. Jonas, b. May 11, 1806.+ 4. ii. Sally, b. Sept. 20, 1808; d. May 17, 1890; m. Apr. 2, 1835, Ezekiel Nutting (2). 532 Nutting 5. iii. Phineas S., b. 1810; d. Jan. 1, 1830, unm. 6. iv. Hiram, b. Nov. 1, 1812.+ 7. V. Mary, b. about Nov., 1815; d. Aug. 6, 1816. 8. vi. John, b. Nov. 6, 1817.+ 2. EzEKiEL« (EzekieF, EzekielS DanieP, John^, John^), b. 1806; d. June 19, 1891 ; m. Apr. 2, 1835, Sally Nutting (4). He came from Groton, Mass., to New Ipswich at about the time of his marriage, and passed his life as a farmer on the northerly part of XV: 3, S. R. Children: 9. i. Charles P., b. June 13, 1836.+ 10. ii. George Henry, b. about 1837; d. July 4, 1864. He enlisted in the 13th New Hampshire Regiment, and died at Washing- ton, D. C, from a wound received at Cold Harbor, Va. 11. iii. Mary Jane, b. 1843; m. Sept. 10, 1862, John H. Whitney (23). 12. iv. James Francis, b. about Feb., 1846; d. Jan. 15, 1862. He en- listed in the 6th New Hampshire Regiment, and died of disease at Annapolis, Md., while in service. 3. Jonas" (Jonas^, Thomas*, John^, Ebenezer^, John^), b. May 11, 1806; d. June 20, 1873; m. (1) Aug. 29, 1828, Lucy Sylvester (5); (2) 1864, Mrs. Sophia Hayden [d. Apr. 28, 1881]. He remained in Ashburnham until 1837, when he re- moved to Smith Village and after the death of Isaac Appleton bought his property at the northern end of the village and there made his home until 1869. The Appleton house, however, after a few years he removed several rods down the hill to its present position, and replaced it with the larger and more modern house now occupying the place. He was a farmer, and also did a very considerable business for those days in the manufacture of wooden chairs in connection with the sawmill and gristmill also dependent upon the waterpower below the bridge. The home of his later years was in the Center Village, where he bought the house opposite the Barrett mansion, long occupied by Moody Adams. At the outbreak of the Civil War he became active in the enlistment of soldiers for the New Ipswich and Rindge company in the 6th New Hampshire Regi- ment. He had previously been a captain in the militia, and he was commissioned lieutenant in this company and, despite his age, did active service for some months. Children : 13. i. Laura M., b. June 12, 1829; d. Dec. 17, 1898; m. June 19, 1851, Joseph Sylvester Wetherbee of Rindge (1). 14. ii. Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 20, 1831 ; d. Dec. 29, 1907 ; m. Apr. 26, 1853, Augustus C. Wheeler (119). 15. iii. John Chauncey, b. Aug. 5, 1833.-(- 533 History of New Ipswich 16. iv. George P., b. Mar. 6, 1836; d. Memphis, Tenn., Mar. 20, 1874, unm. He served for a time in the Civil War. He after- ward followed various lines of business in many different parts of the country, and died while on his way to Cali- fornia. 17. v. Charles S., b. July 30, 1838; d. Roanoke Island, N. C, Mar. 29, 1862. He enlisted with his father in the 6th New Hampshire Regiment, and died of disease while in service. 18. vi. Henry William, b. Oct. 20, 1840.+ 19. vii. Allen A., b. Sept. 25, 1842; d. Washington, D. C, June 9, 1863, unm. He served in the Civil War in the 2d Massa- chusetts Regiment, and was shot while on picket duty. 20. viii. Augusta H., b. Dec. 20, 1846; d. Boston, Mass., May 20, 1884; m. Feb. 25, 1880, William Lesure. 6. HiRAM^ (Jonas^, Thomas*, John^ Ebenezer^, John^), b. Nov. 1, 1812; d. Aug. 28, 1857; m. (1) Dec. 6, 1832, Asenath Tenney (22) ; (2) Nov. 2, 1847, Mrs. Minerva Nelson [d. Den- ver, Colo., about 1881]. He remained in or near New Ipswich until 1842, living some years at Smith Village in the house long owned by Russell Farwell, nearly opposite the school- house, but a little farther north. At the age of thirty he re- moved to Illinois, settling where the town Preemption now is. Five years later he removed to Fairfield, Iowa, in 1849 to Des Moines, Iowa, whence a year later he, with his family, crossed the plains to California, being nearly five months upon the way. After two years' labor in the mines he became a farmer at Bloomfield, Cal., where he passed the last five years of his life. Children : 21. i. Mary Asenath, b. Sept. 8, 1833; d. Nov. 22, 1873; m. (1) Nov. 4, 1849, Daniel Hickman [d. Nov. 16, 1850]; (2) Robert Bailey [d. Jan., 1891]. She removed to California with her father, and her first husband died soon after their arrival there. She had nine children of her second mar- riage. 22. ii. Rebecca Hildreth, b. Dec. 6, 1835; m. (1) Apr. 15, 1852, George Woodson [d. Mar. 19, 1869] ; (2) 1870, Frank Ball [d. Apr., 1902]. She had nine children of her first mar- riage and one of her second. 23. iii. Horace Clark, b. July 14, 1837; d. May 9, 1908; m. Dec. 6, 1860, Sarah Woodson. Three children. 24. iv. Laura Maria, b. Dec. 6, 1849; m. Bailey. She is a widow with no living child. 25. v. Frank Augustus, b. Aug. 15, 1854; d. in Colorado, Apr., 1882, having been run over by a team. 8. JoHN^ (Jonas^ Thomas*, John^, Ebenezer^, John^), b. Nov. 6, 1817; d. Mar. 5, 1876; m. (1) Oct. 10, 1839, Cynthia, 534 Ii Nutting dau. of Abel and Zinthia (Sylvester) (22) Davis of Winchester [b. Jan. 31, 1816; d. June 18, 1867] ; (2) 1870, Mrs. Elizabeth (Davis) Hosley, a cousin of his first wife. He was a farmer on the Simeon Wright farm at the foot of Binney Hill, near the school-house of District No. 6, (98, N. L. O.,) for several years after 1845, and later on the next farm to the east, long occupied by Joseph Tenney. At about the time of his second marriage he removed to Richmond, and was engaged in the pail business with his sons until his death. Children : 26. i. George Phineas, b. 1840; d. in infancy. 27. ii. John Phineas, b. 1840; d. in infancy. 28. iii. Cynthia Ann, b. Oct. 19, 1841; d. Mar. 16, 1888; m. 1865, David Amos [d. July, 1905]. Res. Petaluma, Cal. Children: i. Edwin William Amos. ii. Elmer John David Amos. iii. Ellen Cynthia Margrett Amos. iv. Anna May Amos. 29. iv. Mary Eliza, b. May 17, 1844; m. (1) Apr. 30, 1865, John Adams, a blacksmith in Ashburnham, Mass., and Winches- ter, and a grandson of William Adams (W. 41) ; (2) Delos Thomas of Worcester, N. Y., who d. soon. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : i. Harry Willard Adams, ii. George Wesley Adams. 30. V. John Phineas, b. Nov. 11, 1846.+ 31. vi. Oliver Jonas, b. Aug. 9, 1848.+ 32. vii. Laura Maria, b. June 23, 1851; d. Framingham, Mass., 1889; m. Oct., 1874, Frederic Barrett. Res. Framingham, Mass. Children : i. Frederick Eugene Barrett ; res. Denver, Colo, ii. Robert Edward Barrett; res. New York city. 33. viii. Jennie Adelia, b. Apr. 7, 1856; m. George Leander Sprague of Richmond. Children : i. Vere Nutting Sprague ; res. Denver, Colo. ii. George Leroy Sprague; res. New Bed- ford, Mass. 9. Charles P.^ (Ezekiel^ Ezekiel^, Ezekiel*, DanieP, John^, John^), b. June 13, 1836; d. Mar. 9, 1895; m. Sarah J. Manley. He served in the Civil War in the 4th New Hampshire Regi- ment, and was severely wounded at Petersburg, Va, He passed most of his later life as a farmer on the "William Taylor farm" across the road from the town farm, (XV : 3, S. R.,) and the "Zachariah Parker farm," later occupied by Timothy Carl- ton, (XHI : 3, S. R.) Children : 34. i. Sarah Lilie Josephine, m. Frank M. Dow. Res. Saugus, Mass. 35. ii. IzziE May, b. 1868; d. 1879. 36. iii. Gertrude M., b. 1869; d. 1886. 27. iv. George F., b. 1872. 38. V. Maud A., b. 1873. 39. vi. Wallace S., b. 1874. 535 History of New Ipswich 40. vii. Minnie C, b. 1876. 41. viii. Lewis, b. 1877. 15. John Chauncey'^ (Jonas®, Jonas^, Thomas*, John^, Ebenezer^, John^), b. Aug. 5, 1833; d. Dec. 12, 1898; m. June 2, 1857, Maria Stone (34). He served during the Civil War in the 4th New Hampshire Regiment, and was made lieutenant on the day that he was mustered out of service. He afterward was a farmer in Leominster, Mass. Children : 42. i. Jennie Maria, b. Apr. 24, 1860; m. May 14, 1890, Austin Presby. 43. ii. William John, b. Mar. 25, 1862; m. Mar. 25, 1900, Gertrude M. Jarvis. Child : i. Howard Sterling, b. Jan 21, 1901. 44. iii. Edward Herbert, b. July 6, 1869; m. Nov. 2, 1896, Caroline L. Rugg. He has been a selectman of Leominster for several years. Children : i. Gladys Berly Catherine, b. Mar. 3, 1898. ii. Doris Althea. b. Jan. 16, 1900; d. Aug. 16, 1901. 45. iv. Charles Allen, b. Nov. 11, 1873; m. Apr. 20, 1904, Alice E. Merriam. Children : i. John Lyman, b. June 1, 1905. ii. Charles Edward, b. Aug. 16, 1906. 46. V. Franklin Stone, b. Jan. 26, 1877. 18. Henry William'^ (Jonas®, Jonas^, Thomas*, John^, Ebenezer^, John^), b. Oct. 20, 1840; m. Jan. 22, 1868, Annette M. E. Bemis of Worcester, Mass. He is proprietor of a stable in Worcester. Children : 47. i. Walter Bemis, b. Dec. 22, 1870. 48. ii. Harriet Maude, b. Nov. 14, 1874. 49. iii. Frederic Temple, b. Sept. 21, 1877. 30. John Phineas^ (John^, Jonas^, Thomas*, John^, Ebene- zer^, Johni), b. Nov. 11, 1846; m. Elizabeth H. Bullock of Richmond. He removed to Richmond in 1870 and was en- gaged in the manufacture of pails for several years, but the shop being burned he went to Lyme and entered the lumber business. In 1891 he removed to Winchester, where he has been a successful farmer and dealer in live stock. He has rep- resented the town in the Legislature and has been called to other positions of responsibility and trust. Children : 50. i. Victor Phineas, b. June 10, 1875. 51. ii. Walter Asa, b. Oct. 21, 1885. 31. Oliver Jonas'^ (John^, Jonas^, Thomas*, John^ Ebene- zerS John^), b. Aug. 9, 1848; d. June 24, 1889; m. Dec. 2, 1873, Clara L. Wetherbee (3). He was engaged in the manufacture of pails with his father and brother, but after the burning of 536 ^ Nutting their shop he removed to Peterboro and carried on the same industry until his death, caused by diphtheria, his four children dying of the same disease at nearly the same time. Children : 52. i. Ora May, b. Apr. 10, 1876; d. May 19, 1889. 53. ii. John Guy, b. Sept. 16, 1877; d. June 18, 1889. 54. iii. Stella Louise, b. Oct. 3, 1879; d. June 17, 1889. 55. iv. Myrta Clara, b. Nov. 15, 1880; d. Apr. 2, 1882. 56. V. Fred Oliver, b. Dec. 21, 1886; d. June 16, 1889. OBEAR. Richard* Obear, bapt. Nov. 21, 1641; m. 1671, Abigail Woodbury [b. about 1655]. He was son of John and Elizabeth (Bucher) Obear of Abbotsburg, near Southampton, County Hampshire, England, a descendant of a French Huguenot, the earlier form of the name being "de Auburt." He came to America in 1662, and settled in that part of Salem, Mass., which afterward became Beverly. Richard^ (Richard*), m. Woodbury. Res. in Beverly. ^^ Josiah' (Richard', Richard*), b. Beverly, 1718, or 1719; m. (1) 1741, y Jtlgiwrah, dau. of Dea. Jonathan Kimball of Wenham, Mass. ; (2) 1763 Hannah Haskell. He removed from Beverly to Wenham in 1739. His descendants still occupy the "Old Ober House," built about 1680, and held by the family since 1747. 1. JosiAH* (Josiah^, Richard^, Richard^), b. Aug. 29, 1747; d. Feb. 17, 1820; m. (1) 1772, Phebe, dau. of Dea. Jonathan Kimball of Wenham, Mass. [d. 1782] ; (2) 1802, Abigail, dau. of Abram Carlton of Lunenburg, Mass. [b. 1770; d. Oct., 1863]. He came from Wenham to New Ipswich at some time between 1782 and 1788, and entered business as a shoemaker on the north side of the old "country road" not far from the store of David Hills, but in a few years he bought the Daniel Foster house, just north of the site of the central graveyard, which was his home during the rest of his life. He kept a daily journal with a record of public events, especially deaths, which continued by his family has furnished the writer of this vol- ume many desired facts not elsewhere recorded. Children : 2. i. William, b. 1773 ; d. 1825. 3. ii. Samuel, lost at sea while yet a boy. 4. iii. Sally, b. 1778; d. unm. 5. iv. Thomasine, b. 1782. 6. v. Julia Ann, b. 1804; d. 1889; m. Mar., 1831, Charles Chickering (8). 7. vi. Abigail Jane, b. 1806; d. Sept. 15, 1853, unm. 8. vii. Clark Hopkins, b. Feb. 25, 181 1.+ 8. Clark Hopkins^ (Josiah*, Josiah^ Richard^, Richard^), b. Feb. 25, 1811; d. Apr. 11, 1888; m. June, 1848, Lydia A. 537 History of New Ipswich Swasey [b. July 7, 1820, in that part of Meredith which is now Laconia]. He passed his entire life, except a few years of his early manhood, in his native town, living in the house which was the home of his childhood until it failed to afford protec- tion from the winter. He was a public school teacher in neigh- boring towns for a considerable period, and his wife for so long a period before and after her marriage that she was known in the surrounding region as "teacher" by an entire generation. He was a farmer, but was also largely occupied in insurance business, as deputy sheriff, and as superintendent of schools. He was interested in the militia of the state and passed through the lower offices to that of lieutenant-colonel. Chil- dren: 9. i. Annabel Clark, b. June 25, 1852; m. Aug. 21, 1873, George F. Conant, a civil engineer. Children : i. Francis Obear Conant, b. Oct. 12, 1874; he graduated from Amherst Col- lege; he is a real estate dealer at Brookhaven, Miss. ii. Annabel Henrietta Conant, b. Feb. 9, 1876; d. July 23, 1876. iii. Clark Carlton Conant, b. May, 1877; d. Oct. 18, 1885. iv. Alice F. Conant, b. Oct. 17, 1878; m. Howard S. Knowl- ton, an electrical journalist, v. Clarabel Adelia Conant, b. Mar. 4, 1884; d. Oct. 28, 1885. vi. Hope Adgate Conant, b. Aug. 4, 1891 ; m. Thomas Walsh. 10. ii. Francis A., b. July 7, 1857; m. Sarah J., dau. of Charles and Helen Jenkins of Mason. He is a letter carrier at Nashua. Children : i. Harold Clark, b. June 21, 1881 ; he graduated from Harvard University in 1905 ; he spent two years in Europe, and has since been in a publishing house of New York city. ii. Alice M., b. Feb. 12, 1883; she graduated from Smith College in 1905, and continued her studies at Columbia University, from which she received the degree of A. M. in 1907 ; she is a teacher in New York city. iii. Donald Francis, b. Oct. 25, 1894. PAGE. John' Page, b. about 1586; d. Dec. 18, 1676; m. Phebe [b. about 1590; d. Sept. 25, 1677]. He came from Dedham, England, in 1630 and settled in Watertown, Mass. John' (John'), b. Watertown, 1630; m. May 12, 1664, Faith Dunster [d. Apr. 3, 1699]. His home during the greater part of his life was in his native town, but for a few years about 1660 to 1676 he res. in Groton, Mass. He is said to have represented his town in the General Court. Jonathan' (John', John'), b. June 24, 1677; d. Oct. 10, 1751; m. Mary . Res. in Groton. Joseph* (Jonathan', John^ John'), b. Oct. 22, 1714; d. Mar. 20, 1799; m. Nov. 21, 1739, Abigail, dau. of Daniel and Abigail Shedd of Groton 538 Page [d. Apr. 26, 1812]. He res. in Groton until his late years, when he re- moved to Rindge. He was a lieutenant. Daniel" (Joseph', Jonathan', John^ John'), b. July 18, 1745; d. Sept. 14, 1831; m. Feb. 9, 1768, Abigail Johnson [d. Aug. 26, 1819], He re- moved from Groton to Rindge earlier than 1780. 1. Nathan'' (Daniel^, Joseph*, Jonathan^, John^, John^), b. probably in Rindge about May, 1779; d. Sept. 4, 1856; m. Dec. 27, 1808, Betsey, dau. of Jeremiah and Martha Towne [b. about 1779; d. May 27, I860]. He came to New Ipswich about 1823 and purchased the Dea. Chandler farm, (XIII : 2, N. L. O.,) at the summit of the elevation since known as Page Hill and in its cultivation passed a life of exceptionally constant industry even for those days. Children : 2. i. LUTHER.+ 3. ii. John. 4. iii. Lemuel. 2. Luther'^ (Nathan^, DanieP, Joseph*, Jonathan^, John^, John^), m. [b. 1817; d. Sept. 5, 1858]. Children: 5. i. Charles M., b. 1854. 6. ii. George W., b. 1856; m. Nellie F. Goodrich. 7. iii. Adaline L. PARKER. This name has been borne upon the New Ipswich records during nearly its entire history, but there is no reason to believe that the numer- ous citizens thus designated are of one family. Apparently five families are represented, as shown below. PARKER (Abraham). Abraham' Parker, b. about 1609; d. Aug. 12, 1685; m. Nov. 18, 1644, Rose Whitlock [d. Nov. 30, 1691]. He is believed to have been a native of Marlborough, Wiltshire, England, whence he came to New England and had settled at Woburn, Mass., in 1644. He removed to Chelmsford, Mass., about 1653, and there passed his remaining years. Moses' (Abraham'), b. about 1657; d. Oct. 12, 1732; m. June 19, 1684, Abigail, dau. of Richard' Hildreth of Chelmsford. Res. in Chelms- ford. Aaron' (Moses', Abraham'), b. Apr. 9, 1689; d. Dec. 17, 1772; m. (1) Aug. 12, 1712, Abigail Adams; (2) Dorothy Fletcher. He was a farmer in the part of Chelmsford which is now Westford, where he was selectman for several years. Samuel^ (Aaron^ Moses', Abraham'), b. Jan. 1, 1717; d. Aug. 7, 1795; m. (1) Jan. 22, 1738/9, Sarah, dau. of Joshua' Fletcher of Westford [b. May 29, 1719; d. Oct. 12, 1&46] ; (2) May 12, 1748; Mary (Proctor) Robbins, dau. of John' (John') Proctor of Chelmsford, Mass. [d. Nov. 2, 1757] ; (3) Hannah, widow of Ephraim Fletcher. 539 History of New Ipswich 1. Joseph^ (Samuel*, Aaron^, Moses^, Abraham^), b. May 20, 1742; d. Sept. 22, 1807; m. July 18, 1763, Susannah, dau. of Zachariah^ (Joshua*) and Susannah (Fassett) Fletcher [b. Oct. 24, 1743; d. 1812; m. (2) Lieut. Jonathan Robbins of Plymouth, N. H.]. He came to New Ipswich about 1766, and settled first near the Temple line on the "Stickney farm," lately for many years the property of Stephen W. Wheeler, (44, N. D.) Later he removed to the farm long the property of the Fox family, (XII : 3, S. R.,) and thence one lot southward to the Chandler farm, (XII : 4, S. R.) He did worthy service in the Revolution, responding to the first alarm and later being the efficient captain of a company largely from New Ipswich and rising to the rank of major. Children : 5. i. Joseph, b. July 25, 1766; d. Sept. 25, 1766. 6. ii. Joseph, b. Aug. 13, 1767.+ 7. iii. Zachariah, b. Oct. 17, 1770.+ 8. iv. Amos, b. Mar. 24, 1773. He removed to Lempster. 9. V. Susannah, b. Sept. 21, 1774; d. 1781. 10. vi. Asa, b. Jan. 3, 1777. 11. vii. John, b. Mar. 30, 1779. 12. viii. Betty, b. Mar. 17, 1783. 13. ix. Sarah, b. Mar. 27, 1785; d. Preemption, 111., Dec. 19, 1854; m. Sampson Tenney (7). 14. X. Lydia, b. Apr. 27, 1789. 2. Leonard^ (Samuel*, Aaron^, Moses^ Abraham^), b. Nov. 10, 1745 ; m. Mary . His name first appears upon the New Ipswich tax-lists at the same time as that of his brother Joseph, but as he had not then attained his majority it is perhaps uncertain whether he was allowed the rights of manhood at an early age, or his uncle bearing the same name was briefly a citizen of the town. Records and tradition are alike silent concerning him save in respect to his Revolution- ary service and his children. He is known to have ultimately removed from town. He marched to the April alarm in 1775, was a member of his brother's company in 1776, in the com- pany of Capt. Brown in 1777, of Capt. Fletcher in 1778, and in the latest military expedition organized in the town to meet the attack from the north in 1780. Children: 15. i. Leonard, b. June 28, 1769. Elias, b. May 17, 1771. Abel, b. May 13, 1773. Polly, b. July 3, 1775. Sarah, b. May 24, 1778. Rebecca, b. Apr. 8, 1782. 540 16. ii. 17. iii. 18. iv. 19. V. 20. vi. II Parker (Abraham) 3. Jonathan^ (Samuel*, Aaron*, Moses^, Abraham^), b. Mar. 28, 1751; d. Rindge, Mar. 19, 1820, unm. He passed the greater part of his life in New Ipswich. He was somewhat eccentric, but maintained the military reputation of the family by service in the companies of Capts. Brown and Stephen Parker, and by an enlistment in 1780 until the close of the war. It seems proper in this place that to the record of the loyal service of the three brothers just named a brief mention should be added of a fourth son of Samuel*, not resident in New Ipswich, who gave equally faithful labor in the days of the nation's birth. 4. Abel^ (Samuel*, Aaron^ Moses^ Abraham^), b. Mar. 25, 1753, was one of the soldiers stationed at Cambridge in the first of the Revolutionary strife, and was wounded at Bun- ker Hill. Later he served at Ticonderoga and elsewhere in New York, and also in Rhode Island. He held the office of lieutenant. Afterward he resided in Jaflfrey, where he was a leading citizen. He represented that town in the Legislature and Constitutional Convention, was judge of probate, and a Presidential elector. Two of his sons were graduates of Dart- mouth College and prominent citizens : Edmund, of Amherst and Nashua, representative from both towns and speaker of the House, judge of probate, and a leading man of business; and Joel of Keene, chief justice of the Superior Court of New Hampshire, and professor of Law at Harvard University. 6. Joseph*^ (Joseph^, Samuel*, Aaron^, Moses^, Abraham^), b. Aug. 13, 1767; d. Mar. 14, 1825; m. May 1, 1792, Sarah, dau. of Simeon and Sarah Wright [b. Oct. 2, 1769]. He lived in the same neighborhood as his father and brother Zachariah, very probably in the "Underwood house," situated midway between their homes upon the road now long discontinued formerly passing a short distance southerly of the house built by James L. Chandler and long his place of residence. About 1802 he removed from New Ipswich to Lempster, where he passed his life as a farmer. Children : 21. i. Sally. 22. ii. Joseph. 23. iii. Zachariah. 24. iv. Benjamin, b. Aug. 24, 1798. -|- 25. V. JONAS. 26. vi. Almena. 27. vii. Hiram. 541 1 History of New Ipswich 28. viii. William Bateman. 29. ix. George Washington. 7. Zachariah^ (Joseph^, Samuel*, Aaron^, Moses^, Abra- ham^), b. Oct. 17, 1770; d. 1855; m. Nov. 19, 1796, Margaret, dau. of William and Margaret Clary [b. May 2, 1778; d. June 4, 1808]. He was a farmer on the Rindge road just west from the crossing of the Fox Brook, (XIII : 4, S. R.,) where he was also one of the early manufacturers of crude potash from the abundant store of ashes purchased at a low price from the surrounding farmers. He removed to Ludlow, Vt., in 1823 or earlier. Children : 30. i. Zachariah, b. Sept. 21, 1797; m. Apr. 8, 1823, Dolly Wood. He apparently removed from New Ipswich at about the same date as his father. 31. ii. Cynthia, b. Jan. 30, 1799; m. Jan. 21, 1819, Timothy Fletcher of Ashburnham, Mass. 32. iii. Harvey, b. Jan. 25, 1801. 33. iv. John, b. Jan. 28, 1803. 24. Benjamin^ (Joseph®, Joseph^, Samuel*, Aaron^, Moses^, Abraham^), b. Aug. 24, 1798; d. Dec. 18, 1845; m. Sept. 9, 1824, Olive, dau. of Timothy Nichols of Lempster [b. 1799]. He succeeded to his father's farm in Lempster, where he was also a maker of potash. He was a prominent citizen, holding the offices of selectman and representative. Children : 34. i. Emily L., m. Ransom P. Beckwith. Res. in Claremont. 35. ii. Hiram, b. July 3, 1830; m. Oct. 11, 1854, Helen G., dau. of Charles and Anna (Beckwith) Moore of Lempster [b. June 16, 1836]. He succeeded to the family farm, and also in effect to the official duties of his father. Four children. 36. iii. HosEA Washington, b. May 30, 1833; m. May 30, 1861, Lovisa, dau. of Mark and Lovisa (Curtis) Southgate of Bridgewater, Vt. [b. Nov. 18, 1831; d. Sept. 14, 1904]. He graduated from Tufts College in 1855, studied law, and has practiced for many years in Claremont. He has also been active in educational and other local interests, and in po- litical movements of state and nation, having held a seat in the National Congress. One daughter. PARKER (Nathan). Nathan* Parker, m. Mary . Res. at Andover, Mass. John' (Nathan"), b. Dec. 20, 1653; m. May 24, 1687, Hannah Brown [d. May 26, 1734]. Benjamin' (John*, Nathan'), b. June 10, 1693; d. Dec. 31, 1732; m. Sept. 19, 1727, Sarah Chadwick of Boxford, Mass. [d. Mar. 31, 1779]. Asa' (Benjamin', John^ Nathan"), b. Sept. 24, 1729; d. May 27, 1820; m. Feb. 27, 1752, Sarah Marbel. Res. at North Andover, Mass. 542 Parker (Nathan) Aaron" (Asa\ Benjamin', John^ Nathan'), b. June 2, 1774; d. Feb. 2, 1822; m. Jan. 1, 1801, Lydia Bates [b. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 17, 1779; d. Aug. 10, 1864]. Res. in Cambridge, Mass. 1. Benjamin'' (Aaron^, Asa*, Benjamin^, John^ Nathan^), b. Apr. 15, 1804; d. Nov. 17, 1883; m. (1) Jan. 7, 1830, Cathe- rine, dau. of Maj. Zachariah Hall of Chelsea. Mass. [b. Med- ford, Mass., Sept. 8, 1795; d. Woburn, Mass., Mar. 23, 1840] ; (2) Mary Ann, dau. of William and Hepzibath Tucker of Andover, Mass. [b. Apr. 25, 1817]. He lived in Maiden and in Woburn, Mass., but in 1856 he removed to Temple, and thence five years later he came to New Ipswich and settled upon the "Chickering farm," (22, N. D.,) where he passed his remaining years, occupying the house upon the eastern side of the brook. Children : 2. i. Catherine Emerson, b. Oct. 15, 1830; m. Jan. 23, 1854, Harry S. Hill of Lynn, Mass. Children : i. Henrich Ernest Hill, b. Nov. 15, 1854; m. Lizzie Allison, ii. Catherine Maude Hill, b. Sept. 1, 1859; m. Thomas Henry Brewer. 3. ii. Benjamin, b. Mar. 31, 1832.+ 4. iii. Conant Sawyer, b. Jan. 22, 1834; d. infancy. 5. iv. Aaron Hall, b. Aug. 6, 1836.+ 6. V. Emily Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1842; m. (1) Oct. 27, 1863, William Wallace Hawkes of Lynn, Mass. [d. Apr. 12. 1872] ; (2) Nov. 7, 1888, William B. Gould of Lynn [d. Aug. 9, 1900]. Child: i. Mabel Parker Hawkes, b. Aug. 7, 1864; d. Feb. 20, 1886. 7. vi. Conant Alonzo, b. Aug. 16, 1844.4- 8. vii. Wilbur Bates, b. Mar. 16, 1846.+ 9. viii. Arthur Francis, b. Sept. 10, 1847. + 10. ix. George Franklin, b. May 4, 1849.+ 3. Benjamin^ (Benjamin^, Aaron^, Asa*, Benjamin^, John^, Nathan^), b. Mar. 31, 1832; d. Mar. 2, 1899; m. July 31. 1856, Caroline Elizabeth McKown of Boston [b. Oct. 18, 1835; d. Jan. 12, 1905]. He was a tailor in Boston, living successively in Charlestown and Roxbury. Children : 11. i. Nellie Hall, b. June 25, 1857; m. Nov. 11, 1878, William H. Tobey. Children : i. Charles W. Tobey. b. July 22, 1880. ii. Marion Isabel Tobey. iii. Mildred Parker Tobey. iv. Doris Emerson Tobey. 12. ii. George Wright, b. Oct. 18, 1859; unm. He is a stock broker in Boston. 13. iii. Charles Lincoln, b. Aug. 21, 1862.+ 14. iv. Ralph Eugene, b. Aug. 18, 1872.+ 5. Aaron Hall'^ (Benjamin*^, Aaron"', Asa*, Benjamin^, John^ Nathan^, b. Aug. 6, 1836; d. Jan. 1, 1909; m. Edith 543 History of New Ipswich Kurtz of Boston. He came to New Ipswich at about the same time as his father, and commenced the practice of dentistry in the Center Village, having also an office in Greenville. After several years of very successful practice he removed his business to Boston. Children : 15. i. Austin H. He is a dentist in the West. 16. ii. Marion. 17. iii. Eleanor. 7. CoNANT Alonzo'^ (Benjamin^, Aaron^, Asa*, Benjamin^, John2, Nathan^), b. Aug. 16, 1844; d. Sept. 5, 1913; m. Dec. 27, 1864, Rosetta Amelia, dau. of George and Lavinia (Whit- comb) Jones [b. Mar. 28, 1847; d. Mar. 2, 1904]. He has lived in Bank Village and later in Greenville in the employ of the Columbian Manufacturing Company. Children : 18. i. Frederic Conant, b. June 7, 1866; m. Dec. 14, 1893, Sanara E. Kelley. Res. Taunton, Mass. 19. ii. Edith Emogene, b. Apr. 25, 1868; m. Apr. 25, 1894, Arthur L. Sunbury. Res. Ashby, Mass. 20. iii. Harry James, b. May 1, 1870; m. Nov. 1, 1893, Jeanette (Far- quher) Green. Res. Methuen, Mass. 21. iv. Willis Whitcomb, b. Oct. 6, 1882; m. Mar. 10, 1904, Lana B. Flanders. Res. Taunton, Mass. 8. Wilbur Bates'^ (Benjamin^, Aaron^, Asa*, Benjamin^, John^, Nathan^), b. Mar. 16. 1846; m. Dec, 1904, Louise How- land. Child : 22. i. HowLAND, b. Sept. 25, 1905. 9. Arthur Francis^ (Benjamin*', Aaron^, Asa*, Benjamin', John2, Nathan^), b. Sept. 10, 1847; m. June 11, 1873, Celia Rus- sell of Lynnfield, Mass. Children : 23. i. Alice Francis, b. Jan. 1, 1875; m. Jan. 1, 1895, Walter D. Griffin. One son. 24. ii. Emily Russell, b. Apr. 4, 1882; m. Sept. 18, 1906, J. W. Franklin McDonald. 10. George Franklin'^ (Benjamin^, Aaron^, Asa*, Benja- min^ John2, Nathan^, b. May 4, 1849; m. Feb. 16, 1875, Mary Helen Rowd of Wrentham, Mass. Children : 25. i. Walter Henry, b. Mar. 26, 1877.-f- 26. ii. Olive Derby, b. Jan. 8, 1885. 13. Charles Lincoln* (Benjamin'^, Benjamin^ Aaron^, Asa*, Benjamin', John^, Nathan^), b. Aug. 21, 1862; m. Apr. 25, 1888, Elizabeth Wade. He is a stock broker in Boston. Child : 544 Parker (Nathan) 27. i. Harold Lincoln, b. June 11, 1890. 14. Ralph Eugene^ (Benjamin^ Benjamin®, Aaron^, Asa*, Benjam^n^ John^, Nathan^), b. Aug. 18, 1872; m. Oct. 28, 1896, Ethel, dau. of William George and Hattie Patten (Clark) (18) McKown. He is a stock broker in Boston, and has his home in New Ipswich on the Supply Wilson farm, (35, N. D.) Children : 28. i. Donald Clark, b. Oct. 31, 1897. 29. ii. Daphne, b. Sept. 24, 1900. 25. Walter Henry^ (George Franklin^, Benjamin®, Aaron^ Asa*, Benjamin^ John^, Nathan^), b. Mar. 26, 1877; m. Apr. 25, 1907, Sarah P. Gushing. Child : 30. i. Helen Gushing, b. Dec. 30, 1908. PARKER (Obadiah). 1. Obadiah Parker, b. Groton, Mass., Apr. 19, 1730; d. Oct. 5, 1816; m. Ruth [b. Jan. 5, 1732; d. Feb. 5, 1818]. He was son of Obadiah and Hannah Parker of Groton. He came to Mason in 1751 and settled upon one of the western range of lots in that town, building his house within a few rods of the New Ipswich line and thus becoming a near neighbor of Jonas Wheeler (3), who had settled upon 5, A. D. It is not certain that he ever was a citizen of New Ipswich, but his re- lations across the town line were so numerous that his name should have a place here. The births of the first seven of his ten children are found upon the New Ipswich records, and his name appears upon the tax-list during nearly his entire life. He may almost be termed the father of Mason, as he was a leading Proprietor, was the chosen agent for obtaining the incorporation of the town, and was authorized to call the first town meeting, at which he was chosen moderator and select- man, which offices he held in later years, as also that of repre- sentative. Children : 2. i. Hannah, b. July 18, 1754; m. Mar. 15, 1774, James Wilson. 3. ii. Phineas, b. May 11, 1756; m. Dec. 8, 1779, Elizabeth Swan. 4. iii. Obadiah, b. Dec. 17, 1758; d. Jan. 27, 1763/4. 5. iv. Grace, b. Aug. 19, 1761; d. Sept. 5, 1761. 6. V. Sam Stevens, b. Oct. 17, 1763. 7. vi. Ruth, b. Sept. 9, 1765. 8. vii. Sampson, b. Oct. 11, 1767; d. Mar. 18, 1818. 9. viii. Grace, b. June 2, 1770. 545 36 History of New Ipswich 10. ix. Obadiah, b. Feb. 18, 1772 ; d. about 1830. He graduated from Harvard College in 1799, and passed his life as a teacher in Massachusetts and New York. 11. X. Joel, b. July 11, 1775. PARKER (Samuel 1st). 1. Samuel^ Parker, b. about 1729; d. Nov. 26, 1806; m. (1) Abiah Cook [b. about 1728; d. Sept. 15, 1786] ; (2) Apr. 15. 1792, Sarah, widow of Abner Howe of Brookfield, Mass. [b. about 1736; d. Dec. 30, 1795]. He is said to have been born in Groton, Mass., and was probably a descendant of James and Elizabeth (Long) Parker, but his lineage has not been determined. His early manhood was passed in Lunenburg, Mass., where six of his children were born, but at about the age of thirty-three he came to New Ipswich, remaining about twenty-five years, but passing his later years in Jafifrey. He is said to have lived upon the western part of the "Champney farm," (VI : 1, S. R.,) but during his residence in town the farm near the South burying-ground, (XI : 4, S. R.,) seems to have been occupied by a resident bearing the same name, thus causing some uncertainty regarding location of residence, and also, perhaps, in the names of his children. The records of his family, as given by the historians of the different towns of his residence, differ very widely, but the following seems to be best authenticated. Children : 2. i. Abigail, b. June 11, 1752; d. Feb. 11, 1790; m. Nov., 1778, Ebenezer Champney (1). 3. ii. Phebe, b. Dec. 26, 1753; m. Benjamin Bancroft of Rindge. Four children. 4. iii. Samuel, b. Aug. 9, 1755. -f- 5. iv. Asa, b. Aug. 6, 1757.-|- 6. V. Ebenezer, b. July 15, 1759.-|- 7. vi. Eunice, b. Apr. 16, 1761; m. Nov. 27, 1788, Eli Ames of Groton, Mass. 8. vii. Nathan, b. May 6, 1763; unm. 9. viii. Mercy, b. July 3, 1765; m. 1791, Benjamin Champney (2). 10. ix. Daniel, b. Dec. 18, 1766.-|- 11. x. Lucy, b. Oct. 25, 1768; d. about 1787. 12. xi. Amos, b. Mar. 1, 1771; d. Feb. 27, 1797; m. Ruth . 4. Samuel^ (Samuel^), b. Aug. 9, 1755; m. Sarah Bullard of Dublin [d. Jan. 20, 1816]. He res. in Stoddard. Children: 13. i. Sarah, m. Mar. 25, 1804, Caleb Farrar (15). 14. ii. Phebe, b. about 1782; d. Nov. 20, 1848; m. (1) Jonas C. Champney (11); (2) 1826, Ephraim H. Farrar (17). 546 I Parker (Samuel 1st) 15. iii. Samuel, b. about 1787; d. Oct. 3, 1812. 16. iv. Luther. He was a teacher in Boston. 17. V. Abigail, b. about 1795 ; d. Mar. 24, 1863. There were other children of whom no record has been found. 5. Asa2 (Samuel^), b. Aug. 5, 1757; d. Apr. 13, 1838; m. Lucy, dau. of Oliver and Mary (Stockwell) Gould [b. about 1764; d. Nov. 8, 1844]. He removed to Jaffrey as early as 1800, and until that time he seems to have lived upon the Champney farm, probably succeeding his father in its occu- pancy. Children : 18. i. Asa, d. 1819. He removed to Cuba. 19. ii. Oliver. He removed to Baltimore, Md. 20. iii. Nathan, b. 1794; d. 1851. He removed to Baltimore, Md. 21. iv. Abner Howe, b. 1796. He removed to Guiana, S. A. 22. v. Lucy, b. 1796, unm. Res. in Jaffrey. 23. vi. Abigail Champney, b. 1799; d. 1859. 24. vii. Mary Stockwell, b. 1801 ; d. 1841. 25. viii. Eliza, b. 1803 ; unm. Res. in Jaffrey. 26. ix. Abiah Cook, b. 1808; d. 1873. 27. X. Edwin Llewellyn, b. 1811; d. 1868; m. Cassanda Lewsdale. Removed to Baltimore, Md. 6. Ebenezer2 (SamueP), b. July 15, 1759; d. Feb. 16, 1804; m. Dec. 12, 1790, Lydia Richardson (4). He succeeded Sam- uel Heywood as tavern-keeper in the house since occupied by the Preston family, opposite the Baptist church. Children : 28. i. Betsy, b. Nov. 27, 1891. 29. ii. Ebenezer, b. Apr. 17, 1795. 10. Daniel^ (Samuel^), b. Dec. 18, 1766; m. Jenny Coch- ran of Peterboro. He removed to Jafifrey in early manhood, and thence to Waitsfield, Vt., about 1800. Children : 30. i. Daniel, b. 1798; d. Glover, Vt., Feb. 6, 1850. He graduated at the University of Vermont in 1826. He was a Congre- gationalist minister. 31. ii. Ithamar. He had three other children of whom no record has been found. PARKER (Samuel 2d). 1. Samuel Parker, m. Zeruiah . It is thought most probable that this owner of the Parker name is designated in the former history of the town as the first resident upon XI : 4, S. R., unless the grantee of the lot, David Nevins, himself lived upon it for a short period, of which no evidence appears. But it is entirely possible that his acts and those of Samuel 547 History of New Ipswich Parker mentioned above have been confounded. Neither the town records nor tradition have yielded further information, except in the official list of his children. In that record the name of his wife is by no means certainly to be read as given above. Children : 2. i. Agnes, b. Feb. 4, 1761; d. Sept. 16, 1766. 3. ii. Samuel, b. Aug. 27, 1762; d. Aug. 24, 1775. 4. iii. Sarah, b. Nov. 21, 1764. 5. iv. Zeruiah, b. Jan. 21, 1767. 6. V. Anne, b. Apr. 27, 1769. 7. vi. Sampson, b. Apr. 2, 1771. 8. vii. Reuben, b. Dec. 11, 1773; d. Aug. 7, 1775. PARKER (Thomas). Thomas^ Parker, b. 1605; d. Aug. 12, 1683; m. Amy [d. Jan. 15, 1690]. He came from England in 1635, and settled at Lynn, Mass., whence he removed to Reading, Mass., where he was deacon in 1644. He was also selectman. He seems to have been a kinsman of Abraham, but the claim that they were brothers is not generally accepted. Probably they were not more nearly related than cousins. Capt. John^ Parker, in command at the battle of Lexington in 1775, was of this family, by the line Thomas\ Hananiah^ John', Josiah^ Nathaniel^ (Thomas*), b. May 16, 1651; m. 1677, Bethia, dau. of John and Bethia (Cowdrey) Polly of Roxbury, Mass. [b. Feb. 12, 1659; d. Aug. 23, 1748]. Res. in Reading. Stephen' (Nathanier, Thomas'), b. Apr. 21, 1692; m. 1713. Elizabeth Batchelder. Stephen* (Stephen', Nathaniel, Thomas'), b. Newton, Mass., Aug. 20, 1714; m. Abigail Wright. He resided for a time in Roxbury, Mass., and removed thence to Shrewsbury, Mass. 1. Stephen^ (Stephen*. Stephen^, Nathaniel-, Thomas^), b. Shrewsbury, Mar. 8, 1738; d. July 4, 1814; m. (1) Dec. 17, 1760, Mary Morse; (2) Hannah (Morse) Hitchcock. He came to New Ipswich in 1765, and settled near the Temple line on 36. N. D., his house probably being at the south end of that lot, on or near an obliterated path, perhaps never a legal highway, extending from the home of John Cutter, (32, N. D.,) to that of Simeon Gould, (40, N. D.) He removed to Nelson before the close of the Revolutionary War. and later to Walpole, where he died. His name appears very frequently in Revolu- tionary records, beginning with the roll of men who marched from New Ipswich in April, 1775, and continuing nearly to the close of the contest. He was captain of a company mostly enlisted in New Ipswich and Peterboro. He was a selectman at Nelson and also a member of the Committee of Safety. Children : g^o Parker (Thomas) 2. i. Jonathan, b. 1764. 3. ii. Almorin, b. 1764. 4. iii. Stephen, b. Mar. 22, 1766. 5. iv. Molly, b. Aug. 7, 1768. 6. V. Nehemiah, b June 25, 1770. 7. vi. Hezekiah, b. May 16, 1772. 8. vii. Elijah, b. Aug. 31, 1776.+ 8. Elijah® (Stephen^, Stephen*, Stephen^, NathanieP, Thomas^),!). Aug. 31, 1776; d. Aug. 26. 1858; m. June 14, 1814, Sally, dau. of Rev. Aaron Hall [b. about 1783; d. 1875]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1806, studied law, and in 1813 entered upon a successful practice at Keene, where he remained until his death. Children : 9. i. David Hall, b. 1815; d. 1868; m. Elizabeth Britten. 10. ii. Mary Morse, b. 1817; m. Joel, son of Abel" Parker (Samuel', Aaron^ Moses^ Abraham^). 11. iii. Elijah Wellman, b. 1819; d. infancy. 12. iv. Henry Elijah, b. Apr. 17, 1821 ; d. Nov. 7, 1896. He gradu- ated from Dartmouth College in 1841, was a pastor in Con- cord for twenty years, and served in the Civil War as chaplain of the Second New Hampshire Regiment. After 1866 he was professor of Latin in Dartmouth College. 13. V. Horatio G., b. 1823. He was a lawyer in Boston. 14. vi. Charles Edward, b. 1826. He was arj architect in Boston. PERRY. JoHN^ Perry, b. London, England, 1613; m. Joanna, dau. of Joseph Holland. Came to America about 1665 and settled at Watertown. John" (John^). b. England; d. before 1725; m. Dec. 13, 1667, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary (Cassell) Clary [b. Oct. 4, 1647; d. Oct. 11, 1730]. John' (John', John^, b. Mar. 3, 1670; d. before 1730; m. July 9, 1693, Sarah, dau. of William and Mary (Marblehead) Price of Water- town. Res. Cambridge. James" (John', John^ John'), b. Cambridge, Feb. 27, 1711/12; m. Lydia . Res. Cambridge. John^ (James", John', John*, John'), bapt. Jan. 19, 1755; d. Rindge, Aug. 7, 1834; m. (1) Feb. 28, 1775, Persis, dau. of Josiah and Sarah (Mead) Mizer of Watertown; (2) Nov. 22, 1781, Abigail, dau. of Jason and Abigail (Whit) Bigelow of Marlboro, Mass. [d. Sept. 11, 1818]; (3) Feb. 17, 1820, Lucy, dau. of Isaac Weston [d. Jan. 15, 1857, ae. 98]. 1. Chauncey*' (John^, James*, John^, John^, John^), b. Feb. 8, 1788; d. Mar. 2, 1875; m. June 4, 1818, Abigail Stearns (10). They removed from Rindge to New Ipswich in 1823. Chil- dren : 3. i. John Philander, b. Feb. 23, 1819.-f- 4. ii. Albert, b. Dec. 17, 1820.-f- 549 History of New Ipswich 5. iii. Isaac Stearns, b. Sept. 19, 1822.+ 6. iv. Maria, b. Aug. 31, 1824; d. Apr. 20, 1902. 7. V. Chauncey, b. June 4, 1826.+ 8. vi. Timothy, b. Nov. 7, 1829.+ 9. vii. Hervey, b. Apr. 23, 1831 ; d. May 19, 1831. 10. viii. Orpha Fidelia, b. Nov. 6, 1832; d. Mar. 8, 1856. 2. Jason Bigelow'^ (John^, James*, John^, John^ John^), b. Sept. 27, 1801; d. Feb., 1883; m. Nov. 11, 1828, Sally, daii. of Supply and Sally (Scripture) Wilson. Children : 11. i. Mary, b. Mar. 18, 1830; m. Dana S. Walker (18). 12. ii. Eliza, b. Aug. 3, 1831; m. Julius A. Hale. 13. iii. Susan, b. Apr. 11, 1833; m. Washington Whittemore. 14. iv. John Wilson, b. Apr. 17, 1835; m. Mary V. Cutter. 15. V. James Bigelow^, b. Aug. 13, 1837; m. Arlette Tuttle. 16. vi. Harriet, b. Sept. 22, 1839; m. Walter M. Flanders. 17. vii. Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1842; m. Walter M. Flanders. 18. viii. Jason Stanley, b. Jan. 8, 1847; d. Sept. 4, 1909; m. Elsie A. Page. 19. ix. Jane Sophronia, b. Jan. 8, 1847. 3. John Philander'^ (Chauncey®, John^, James*, John^, John^, John^), b. Feb. 23, 1819; d. July 30, 1886; m. (1) Caro- line Thacher of Yarmouthport, Mass. ; (2) 1869, Emma Rusch [b. at Elsinore, Denmark; d. Jan. 12, 1911]. Although ham- pered by very imperfect sight, Mr. Perry graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1842; some years afterward he was settled as pastor of the Swedenborgian church in Yarmouthport, Mass., remaining there eighteen years. The later years of his life were passed in New Ipswich, "the place most dear to him." Children : 20. i. John Cromwell, b. Dec. 29, 1870; m. Feb. 21, 1899, Esther C. Skinner. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. Children : i. Alice Winslow, b. Dec. 13, 1899. ii. Emilie Rusch, b. Mar. 18. 1901. iii. Esther Parsons, b. Apr. 26, 1903. iv. John Wor- cester, h. July 28, 1909; d. Apr. 25, 1910. 21. ii. Chauncey Rusch, b. May 6, 1872; m. June 21, 1896, Helen Mabel Tuttle. He is a structural engineer. Children : i. John Tuttle, b. Aug. 6, 1897. ii. Helen Margaret, b. Nov. 4, 1898. iii. Chauncey Valentine, b. Aug. 26, 1900. iv. George Nelson, b. June 21, 1905. 22. iii. Emilie Ste.^rns, b. Dec. 18, 1873. Graduated from the Boston Normal Art School, 1900. At the present time residing as artist at Los Angeles, Cal. 4. Albert^ (Chauncey", John^, James*, John^, John^, John^), b. Dec. 17, 1820; d. at New Ipswich, June 17, 1862; m. May 12, 1853, Sarah B. Mills. He was pastor of the Con- gregational church in Stoughton, Mass., 1850-56, then failing 550 Perry health compelled him to relinquish his pastorate and he spent the remainder of his life in New Ipswich. Children : 23. i. Mary Alice, b. Apr. 27, 1854; d. Apr. 12, 1883. 24. ii. Herbert Mills, b. Nov. 7, 1855 ; d. May 8, 1898. Graduate of Harvard College, 1880. 5. Isaac Stearns'^ (Chauncey®, John^, James^ John^, John^, John^), b. Sept. 19, 1822; d. May 2, 1865; m. 1851, Fidelia Taft, dau. of Clark Raymond of Winchendon, Mass. [d. Sept., 1898]. A Congregational minister. Children: 25. i. Arthur Cecil, b. Apr. 10, 1852; m. May 2, 1872, Anna Marga- ret Owen. Two children : Raymond Lee, Arthur Cecil, Jr. 26. ii. Ella Evangeline, d. 1875. 27. iii. Flora Adeline, b. Oct. 1, 1855; m. H. S. Sawin. Two daugh- ters. 28. iv. Hattie Fidelia, b. Aug. 15, 1857; d. July, 1906; m. D. W. Bennett. 29. v. Carrie Maria, d. in infancy. 30. vi. Albert Joseph, b. July 16, 1861 ; m. Jessie Moore. 31. vii. Alice Josephine, b. July 16, 1861 ; d. in infancy. 32. viii. James Raymond, b. Apr. 20, 1863; m. Cora Wood. 7. Chauncey^ (Chauncey®, John^, James*, John^, John^, John^), b. June 4, 1826; d. Oct. 10, 1912; m. June 4, 1857, Martha Frances Loring [d. Sept. 7, 1889]. Mr. Perry was admitted to the bar in the state of New York in 1853, and located in Brooklyn, where he ever afterward resided. In 1857 with his younger brother Timothy he formed the law firm of C. & T. Perry. He was for many years a member of the city board of education, and judge of the city police court. Chil- dren : Zi. i. Albert Loring, member of the firm of C. & T. Perry. 34. ii. Frederic Thatcher, engaged in gold mining in Oregon. 35. iii. Edward Mills, connected with the law department of the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. of New York. 36. iv. Annie Perry, d. in infancy. Z7. V. Elizabeth Harrington, has been one of the city board of education. 8. Timothy^ (Chauncey**, John^, James*, John^, John^, Johni), b Nov. 7, 1829; d. Apr. 18, 1909; m. Jan. 15, 1861, Charlotte Thorne, dau. of William and Permelia (Thorne) Horton. For some years Mr. Perry taught in the public schools and later in the Academy of New Ipswich and won the lasting allegiance of his pupils. In 1857 he was admitted to the bar in Brooklyn, N. Y., and entered into partnership with his brother under the firm name of C. & T. Perry, making 551 History of New Ipswich a specialty of the examination of titles to real estate. Since the death of the two brothers the firm is continued by their sons, but under the old firm name. Mr. Perry took a promi- nent part in the progressive movements of the city, and was valued as a counsellor and advisor. Children : 38. i. George Henry, b. Aug. 9, 1862; m. June 28, 1901, Sarah E., dau. of Jonas P. Davis. 39. ii. Carrie Maria, b. Apr. 28, 1864; m. Feb. 22, 1893, Frank E. Fountain. 40. iii. Charles Elihu, b. Aug. 24, 1866; d. Dec. 31, 1908; m. Oct. 24, 1895, Lillie V. Wilson. One daughter. 41. iv. May, b. Sept. 2, 1868. 42. V. Jennie, b. Sept. 2, 1870. 43. vi. Nellie, b. Oct. 28, 1872. 44. vii. Frank Jason, b. Jan. 9, 1875; m. Sept. 12, 1903, Mabel Burke. Two children. 45. viii. Louise, b. Mar. 14, 1877; m. Feb. 21, 1899, James B. Crane. Two sons. 46. ix. Florence, b. Aug. 28, 1879. 47. X. Belle Horton, b. Jan. 19, 1882. PHELPS. George^ Phelps, b. Tewksbury, Gloucestershire, England, about 1606; d. May 8, 1687; m. (1) 1637, Phillury, dau. of Philip Randall [d. Apr. 29, 1648]; (2) Widow Frances Dewey [d. Sept. 27, 1690]. He came to New England in 1630 and settled at Dorchester, Mass. He removed to Windsor, Conn., in 1635, and remained there until about 1670. Abraham^ (George^), b. Jan. 22, 1642; d. Jan. 25, 1728; m. July 6, 1663, Mary, dau. of Humphry and Mary (Hull) Pinney [b. June, 1644; d. July 25, 1725]. He res. at Windsor, Conn., where he held the office of captain. Abraham' (Abraham^ George'), b. Mar. 6, 1665/6; d. Aug., 1733. Res. at Windsor and Canton, Conn. Abraham^ (Abraham', Abraham^ George'), b. Canton, Conn., 1690. Henry" (Abraham^ Abraham', Abraham^ George'), b. probably at Canton, Conn. ; m. Sarah . Res. at Sutton, Mass. Henry" (Henry", Abraham'', Abraham', Abraham^ George'), b. Aug. 13, 1752; m. Aug. 19, 1777, Lu^y, dau. of Edward and Ruth Putnam [b. June 2, 1760; d. Apr. 25, 1848]. Res. at Sutton, Mass. Simeon' (Henry', Henry", Abraham^, Abraham', Abraham^ George'), b. Sept. 11, 1791; d. Aug. 6. 1842; m. (1) Mar. 4, 1820, Lavina, dau. of Caleb and Judah Putnam [b. about 1799; d. Jan. 15, 1827]; (2) Maria . He res. at Sutton, Mass. 1. Lorenzo Corydon Beman^ (Simeon^ Henry®, Henry^ Abraham*, Abraham^, Abraham^, George^), b. Apr. 21, 1826; d. July 27, 1898; m. (1) IVIary J. IMiller of Peterboro [b. about 1832; d. Jan. 13, 1852] ; (2) Oct. 17, 1854, Helen Maria, dau. 552 Phelps of Joel and Sylvia (Leete) (Thomas) Judkins [b. June 23, 1835]. The early years of his manhood were passed in Peter- boro, whence about 1850 he came to New Ipswich, the home of his remaining life. For several years he was express mes- senger from New Ipswich to Boston, driving the passenger stage to Greenville. Afterward he had a livery stable, and later a stage route between Greenville and Peterboro, and also between New Ipswich and Wilton. Children : 2. i. Lucy J. M., b. Aug. 8, 1851 ; d. Feb. 24, 1852. 3. ii. Harrie a., b. May 31, 1858; d. Aug. 20, 1862. 4. iii. Wilbur Leete, b. Aug. 28, 1867; m. Apr. 26, 1892, Abbie Louise Balch (4). He is proprietor of a store in the build- ing at the corner of the Turnpike and the street past the Baptist church, for many years known as the site of the corner store. He has represented the town in the Legisla- ture, and for nearly twenty years has been town clerk and town treasurer. PIERCE. 1. Stephen^ Pierce, b. in New Ipswich about 1738 (?); d. 1819, ae. 81 ; m. Jan. 1, 1765, Lydia Whitney of Mason [b. 1743; d. 1806]. Children: 2. i. Lydia, b. Jan. 24, 1768. 3. ii. Stephen, b. Jan. 4, 1770. 4. iii. Olive, b. Sept. 11, 1771; d. Sept. 29, 1775. 5. iv. David, b. Oct. 22, 1773. 6. V. Olive, b. Oct. 15, 1775. 7. vi. Lucy, b. Sept. 26, 1777. 8. vii. Abijah, b. Aug. 27, 1779. 9. viii. Rebecca, b. July 12, 1782. 10. ix. Nathan, b. Sept. 5, 1784. 11. X. Joseph, b. Apr. 24, 1787.-f 11. Joseph^ (Stephen^), b. Apr. 24. 1787; d. Apr. 22, 1872; m. 1811, Eleanor Gordon, dau. of Francis and Margaret (Watts) Mitchell [b. Nov. 25, 1792; d. Mar. 28, 1872]. He was constant in attendance at church on the Sabbath and also at the weekly prayer meeting. It was said of him that he had walked to religious service a distance that would have en- circled the earth nearly three times. Children : 12. i. Eleanor A., b. Apr. 25, 1812; m. Apr. 10, 1844, Nathan Wetherbee. 13. ii. Mary Ann H., b. Aug. 3, 1813; m. Jan. 23, 1839, Aaron S. Bucknam (12). 14. iii. Lydia Elmira, b. June 6, 1815 ; m. Mar. 1, 1843, Charles M. Smiley. 553 History of New Ipswich 15. iv. Margaret A., b. May 21, 1817; d. Dec. 3, 1828. 16. V. Olive R., b. Mar. 22, 1819; m. William J. Winch. 17. vi. Elizabeth S., b. Oct. 11, 1821; d. Nov. 11, 1828. 18. vii. Stephen J., b. Feb. 11, 1824; m. Maria Spaulding. 19. viii. Emily P., b. Jan. 27, 1826; m. May 6, 1846, Lysander E. Russell. 20. ix. Richmond B., b. May 3, 1828; m. Mary J. Morse. 21. X. Margaret M., b. Aug. 12, 1830; d. Nov. 7, 1877. 22. xi. Lucy Maria, b. Aug. 23, 1832; m. W. B. Frizzell. 2Z. xii. Charles M., b. Apr. 5, 1835; d. Mar. 1, 1868; m. June 30, 1860, Sarah E. Howe (2). PILLSBURY. William' Pillsbury, b. June 19, 1586 ; m. June or July, 1641, Dorothy Crosby. He came to New England about 1640, and settled at Dorchester, but removed to Newbury, Mass., in 1651. Moses' ( William'), b. 1645; d. 1701; m. (1) Mar., 1668, Susannah, dau. of Lionel Worth; (2) Priscilla . Moses" (Moses% William'), b. of 1st m., July 4, 1672; d. Mar. 24, 1738; m. [pub. Feb. 5, 1698] Abigail Rolf. Ezra' (Moses', Moses°, William'), b. Apr. 16, 1703; d. 1797; m. Nov. 10, 1727, Hannah, dau. of Henry Hale [b. May 8, 1709]. Ezra' (Ezra', Moses', Moses", William'), b. Apr. 18, 1740; d. Sept. 15, 1820; m. Nov. 29, 1759, Martha Bayley of Roxbury, Mass. He was one of the first settlers at Weare, N. H., where he lived and died. He was a selectman, and he gave Revolutionary service. Joseph" (Ezra°, Ezra^ Moses', Moses^ William'), b. Newbury, July 11, 1762; d. Jan. 26, 1841; m. Elizabeth Perkins of Weare [b. about 1768; d. Sept. 21, 1855]. He was a farmer at Wendell, where he died. He also served in the Revolution. 1. Benjamin Q? (Joseph®, Ezra^, Ezra*, Moses^, Moses^, William^), b. New London, Dec. 29, 1804; d. Mar. 10, 1888; m. Sept. 27, 1832, Tamar IVEarble of Ashburnham, Mass. [b. about 1803; d. Mar. 29, 1889]. He was a farmer in Fitchburg, Mass., and Ashby, Mass., until 1840, when he came to New Ipswich and purchased the last farm in the town upon the road from Dr. Stillman Gibson's southerly to Ashby, (78, A. D.,) on which he wrought successfully for fifteen years. He was a leading citizen of that neighborhood and was a selectman, although on account of the location of his home arrangements were made by which his children attended school in Ashby, to which town he removed about 1856. Children : 2. i. Mary W., b. Oct. 4, 1834; m. May 18, 1854. J. Cushing Whit- ney, who succeeded to the occupancy of her father's farm. 3. ii. Eliza C, b. Feb. 4, 1836; m. Jan. 4, 1858, Robert G. Bartlett. 4. iii. Charles Whitney, b. July 28, 1839; m. Dec. 31, 1861, Lucy J. Booth of Ashby, Mass., in which town he is a farmer. 554 Pillsbury Children : i. Levi Burr, b. Dec. 24, 1862 ; d. Dec. 24, 1866. ii. Maria A., b. Aug. 22, 1864; m. Apr. 1, 1884, George R. Jaquith (4). iii. Merrick D., b. Sept. 21, 1866; m. Oct. 19, 1887, Lulu E. Alden; child, Blanche Louise, b. Nov. 27, 1891. iv. Martha U., b. Dec. 31, 1867; m. Nov. 29, 1888, W. R. Burnap of Ashby. v. Laura F.. h. June 30, 1869; d. Nov. 22, 1886. vi. Frank R., h. Feb. 19, 1871. vii. Carl C, b. Aug. 2, 1880 ; d. July 2, 1882. POLLARD. Thomas' Pollard, d. Apr. 4, 1724; m. Nov., 1692, his cousin, Mary Farmer [d. May 3, 1725]. He was son of William and Mary (Farmer) Pollard of Coventry, Warwickshire, England. He came to New England about the time of his marriage, and passed his life as a farmer in Billerica, Mass. He had fifteen children. Joseph^ (Thomas'), b. May 3, 1702; d. about 1780; m. Abigail, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Walker) Hill of Billerica [b. Apr. 9, 1714]. Res. in Nottingham West, (now Hudson, N. H.,) and Westford, Mass., whence he is said to have come to New Ipswich ; but probably this was not the case ; at least the town records give no indication of his residence, unless possibly for a short time in 1771-72. L Joseph^ (Joseph^, Thomas^), b. May 4, 1737; m. 1754, Ruth, dau. of Josiah and Susanna (Jaquith) Burge of Westford, Mass. [b. 1739]. He came to New Ipswich in 1764 and settled on the farm at the end of the road long owned by James Barr and later by William Wheeler, (64, N. L. O.) He removed to Keene about 1786, and thence to Plymouth, Vt. Children: 3. i. Joseph, b. about 1760. He left town a few years after at- taining his majority. 4. ii. Ruth, b. Dec. 4, 1767; d. June 22, 1801; m. Mar. 8, 1787, Timothy Fox, Jr. (2). 5. iii. James, b. Oct. 9, 1769. 6. iv. Moses, b. Feb. 29, 1772; d. Sept. 7, 1849; m. Jan. 4, 1796, Abigail Boynton (21). He removed to Plymouth, Vt., and there made his home. One of his children was Hon. James A., of Windsor, Vt., for many years superintendent of the State Prison. 7. V. Susanna, b. Sept. 15, 1774; d. Aug. 15, 1847; m. Feb. 5, 1798. David, son of Aaron^ and Tabitha (Upton) Felt of Tem- ple [b. Oct. 31, 1777; d. Ludlow, Vt., Oct. 7, 1852]. 8. vi. Sarah, b. Jan. 1, 1777. 2. Benjamin^ (Joseph^, Thomas^), b. about 1742; d. about 1776; m. Apr. 2, 1768, Mercy, dau. of Joseph* (Thomas^) and Dorothy Adams of Concord, Mass. [b. Jan. 25, 1746]. He came to New Ipswich with his brother or a little later, and erected a house midway between the site of the present Baptist 555 History of New Ipswich church and the Dix tavern upon the spot now occupied by the Lee house. Its location, a little east from the brook, can still be determined. His widow married Jonas Whiting and their daughter, Mercy Whiting, occupied the house for many years. Children : 9. i. MiLLY, b. June 15, 1774; d. 1777. 10. ii. Thomas Mifflin, b. Dec. 2, 1776; m. 1804, Fanny, dau. of Aranah and Hannah (Leffingwell) Waterman. He lived in Enosburg, Vt., until 1833, when he removed to Missouri. PORTER. 1. Charles^ Porter, b. 1797 in Bradford, Mass.; d. New Ipswich, Dec, 1857 ; m. Susan Rogers of Newburyport [d. New Ipswich, about 1893]. He lived on Meeting-house Hill just above John Bucknam's. He was a shoemaker. Children : 2. i. Hannah Merrill, b. 1826; m. E. Chase Brooks. 3. ii. Charles Carroll, b. 1828; removed to Westford 1849. Was a cigar maker. 4. iii. George Henry, b. 1838; lived in various places, in Greenville in later years; was a painter; m. Anna M. Babcock [b. 1839]. 5. iv. Albert L., b. 1844; d. ae. two and one-half yrs. PRATT (John). John' Pratt was of Maiden, Essex County, England. Richard^ (John'), bapt. in Maiden, Parish of All Saints, June 29, 1615; left Gravesend Nov. 20, 1635; d. 1691; m. Mary . John' (Richard^ John'), b. Charlestown, Mass., 1655; d. June 3, 1708. Thomas* (John^ Richard^ John'), m. June 24, 1724, Lydia Lynde. Phineas' (Thomas^ John^ Richard', John'), b. Aug. 29, 1740; m. (1) Mar. 8, 1764, Elizabeth Sargent; (2) Apr. 28, 1782, Phebe Upham. 1. Phineas*^ (Phineas^, Thomas*, John^, Richard^, John^), b. June 16, 1766; d. Jan. 19, 1848; m. Feb. 6, 1788, Joanna" Bucknam [b. Sept. 11, 1769; d. July 26, 1843]. Children: 2. i. Phineas, b. May 23, 1789; d. Dec. 9, 1865; m. Nancy Batchel- ler (26). Graduated at Bowdoin College; was a clergyman. 3. ii. Elizabeth or Betsy, b. Apr. 17, 1791 ; d. Sept. 2, 1867 ; m. Sept. 29, 1811, Rev. Thomas Fletcher (85). 4. iii. Joanna, b. Apr. 21, 1793 ; d. Apr. 23, 1878 ; m. Breed. 5. iv. Hannah, b. Nov. 12, 1795; d. June 1, 1847. 6. V. Lucinda, b. Apr. 15, 1798; d. Apr. 19, 1879. 7. vi. Narcissa Tweed, b. Oct. 15, 1800; d. July 20, 1885; m. May 22, 1823, Stephen Brooks (5). 8. vii. Rebecca, b. Nov. 16, 1803 ; d. Aug. 12, 1829. 9. viii. John Otis, b. June 21, 1805; d. May 20, 1808. 556 Pratt (John) 10. ix. Louisa, b. Oct. 21, 1807 ; d. Jan. 23, 1892. 11. X. Mehitable, b. Oct. 11, 1810; d. July 20, 1844; m. July 17, 1838, James Bucknam (13). 12. xi. Appha Maria, b. Dec. 21, 1812; d. Sept. 14, 1872; m. Almond Packard. PRATT (Joshua). Joshua^ Pratt came over in the third ship "Ann" in 1623, and was among the forefathers at Plymouth ; m. Bathsheba Fay. Thomas" (Joshua^), settled early at Watertown. Took the Freeman's oath, May 22, 1747. Ephraim' (Thomas', Joshua^), b. at Sudbury, Nov. 1, 1687; m. 1708, Martha Wheelock. "He d. in Shutesbury May, 1804, ae 116. At the time of his death he could count 1500 descendants." Ephraim* (Ephraim', Thomas^ Joshua^), m. Abiel Leonard. MosEs' (Ephraim*, Ephraim', Thomas^ Joshua'), b. Aug. 12, 1765; d. June 4, 1855; m. Patty Banks. L WiLLARD** (Moses^, Ephraim*, Ephraim^, Thomas^, Joshua^), b. Nov. 8, 1803; d. Jan. 3, 1859; m. Feb. 16, 1828, Sophronia Goodspeed [d. Dec. 4, 1894]. Removed to New Ipswich, 1850. Children : 2. i. Mary A., b. Sept. 16, 1830; m. Slocum Colman. 3. ii. Laura E., b. July 26, 1832; m. Joel Colman. 4. iii. Sophronia C., b. Sept. 18, 1833 ; m. Stephen Brooks. 5. iv. Catharine W., b. Nov. 20, 1835 ; m. Philander Colman. 6. v. Charles H., b. July 14, 1838; m. Abbie W. C. Simonds (6). 7. vi. David F., b. June 30, 1840; m. Helen Weston. 8. vii. Otis P., b. May 12, 1842 ; m. Emma C. Ball. 9. viii. Louisa L., b. May 27, 1844; m. William Hawkins. 10. ix. Edward W. C, b. Sept. 15, 1853. PRATT (Reuben). Reuben' Pratt came from Westboro, Mass., to Fitzwilliam in 1768; d. Jan. 21, 1807, ae. 62; m. Ruth Williams. Joseph' (Reuben'), b. Aug. 19, 1769; d. July 5, 1857; m. Dec. 3, 1792; Sarah Hunt of Sudbury, Mass. Reuben' (Joseph^, Reuben'), b. Sept. 22, 1793; d. Sept. 18, 1852; m. Nov. 9, 1815, Ruth Howe Stone [b. June 25, 1793; d. Nov. 10, I860]. 1. Warren* (Reuben^, Joseph^, Reuben^), b. Nov. 17, 1820; d. Apr. 1, 1909; m. (1) Susan C, dau. of Artemas and Mary (Chaplin) Beard [b. Nov. 9, 1822; d. Aug. 16, 1853] ; (2) Aug. 17, 1854, Seraph A., dau. of Noah and Sophia (Nichols) Miles [b. Apr. 20, 1833; d. Aug. 10, 1887]. He came from Fitzwil- liam to New Ipswich in 1854, but on account of failing eye- 557 History of New Ipswich sight worked for a time as a carpenter, and then for thirty- years was a manufacturer of cigar boxes at the mill on Starch Factory Brook. He was representative in 1885-87. Children : 2. i. Francis Warren, b. June 10, 1846; d. May 13, 1847. 3. ii. Susan Maria, b. Oct. 30, 1848; d. Aug. 12, 1875; m. Fred Rideout. One son. 4. iii. Abbie Frances, b. Dec. 3, 1850; d. May 12, 1886; m. Thomas G. Hudson. Two children. 5. iv. William Henry, b. June 27, 1853. PRENTICE. Henry^ Prentice, prob. b. in England; d. June 9, 1654; m. (1) Eliza- beth ; (2) Joane . He was in Cambridge before 1640, and was also one of the Proprietors of Sudbury. Henry^ (Henry'), b. about 1651; m. Apr. 7, 1682, Mary Gove. He lived in Cambridge. Nathaniel' (Henry^ Henry'), bapt. Dec. 11, 1698; d. Dunstable, Mass., Feb. 27, 1737; m. 1724, Mary, dau. of Judge William Tyng of Nashua, N. H. He was ordained in 1718 as minister of Dunstable, where he seems to have passed the remainder of his life. William Henry* (Nathaniel', Henry^ Henry'), b. Dec. 2, 1728; d. Littleton, Mass., 1797 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Edward Edes of Boston. He was an "engineer." 1. Nathaniel^ (William H.*, NathanieP, Henry^, Henry^), b. Boston, Dec. 15, 1755; d. Peterboro, N. H., Mar. 22, 1825; m. Anna Hoar (7). He learned the trade of a clothier in Westford, Mass., and came to New Ipswich, where his name first appears in 1777, and very soon he became a partner of John Warner in the "Clothier's Works and Fulling Mills" then recently erected on the site of the later "Waterloom" and "Mountain Mills" factories. Before many years he became sole proprietor and carried on the business until about 1800. He removed to Peterboro, where he passed the remainder of his life. Children — all probably b. in New Ipswich: 3. i. William Henry, b. Jan. 22, 1781. -j- 4. ii. Nancy, b. Feb. 22, 1783; m. Isaac Packard of Stoughton, Mass. 5. iii. Polly, b. May 12, 1785; d. 1826; m. . 6. iv. Nathaniel, b. Apr. 2, 1787. 7. V. Alfred, b. Sept. 2, 1789; d. Jan. 18, 1790. 8. vi. John, b. Feb. 18, 1791; d. Nov. 21, 1802. 9. vii. Alfred, b. May 5, 1793. 10. viii. Patty, b. Sept. 27, 1795; d. Apr. 15, 1838; m. Holbrook. 11. ix. Sumner, b. Apr. 28, 1798; d. Sept. 18, 1843. 12. X. LoNA, b. Sept. 18, 1800; d. June 18, 1846; m. Perham. 13. xi. Lucy, b. June 20, 1803 ; d. Aug., 1806. 558 Prentice 2. Henry^ (William H.^ Nathaniel, Henry^, Henry^), b. 1763; d. Feb., 1835; m. (1) [d. soon] ; (2) Mary Read of Littleton, Mass. ; (3) Hannah Johnson of Andover, Mass. He came from Littleton to New Ipswich about 1790, but remained only a few years before removing to Hancock, where he was a clothier. In 1825 he removed to Jasper, N. Y., where he was a farmer, although to some extent continuing his former busi- ness. He had eight children, of whom only one was born in New Ipswich. Children : 14. i. Polly, b. New Ipswich, July 27, 1792; m. 1831, Judge L. Ham- mond of Hammondsport, N. Y. 15. ii. Jonathan Reed, b. Sept. 18, 1795; d. Feb. 23, 1880; m. Sept., 1828, Maria J. Clark, of Bath, N. Y., d. Jan. 6, 1863. He was a clothier and a farmer at Jasper, N. Y. He was a deacon. Three children. 16. iii. William Henry, b. June 7, 1798; m. 1829, Mrs. Pamelia Whittemore of Hancock. He also was a deacon. Six children. Sarah, m. 1834, Uea. Jacob Manning. One daughter. Hannah Asenath, m. Aug. 29, 1830, Earl Stone of Ashby, Mass. Res. at Jasper, N. Y., where he was a mason. Three children. Lucy Emily. Lydia, m. B. Franklin Hadley of Lyndeboro. Eleven children. 3. William Henry'' (Nathaniel^ William H.*, Nathaniel^ Henry2, Henry^), b. Jan. 22, 1781; m. in Boston, 1804, Sally Whipple [b. Nov. 24, 1784]. He left his native town soon after attaining his majority, and entered upon a business life, in which he in due time won a good success. He with two of his sons long constituted a firm doing an extensive business as coal dealers. Children — all born at Boston: 21. i. William Henry, b. Apr. 13, 1806; m. Feb. 29, 1828, Cynthia Kenna [b. at Boothbay, Me., Feb. 8, 1807]. He was a farmer at Bristol, Me. Ten children. 22. ii. George W., b. Feb. 22, 1808; m. Aug. 5, 1845, Lydia Brownell of Lowell [b. Oct. 22, 1825]. He was a partner in his father's business. Two children or more. 23. iii. Jane Whipple, b. Aug. 19, 1809. 24. iv. Lucy Young, b. Dec. 25, 1810; d. Mar. 25, 1845. 25. v. John Tyng, b. June 8, 1812; d. July 18, 1819. 26. vi. Sarah Ann, b. Apr. 6, 1814. 27. vii. Adaline, b. Jan. 22, 1816. 28. viii. Theodore, b. Sept. 8, 1817; m. Nov. 12, 1844, Maria O. C. Wiley of Lynn [b. Apr. 9, 1824]. He was a partner in his father's business. One child or more. 29. ix. Susan Tuttle, b. June 8, 1819. 559 17. iv. 18. V. 19. vi. 20. vii History of New Ipswich 30. X. Mary Young, b. Mar. 11, 1821. 31. xi. Ann Sophia, b. Nov. 23, 1823. 32. xii. Laura Wright, b. June 2, 1826. PRESTON. Roger^ Preston, b. about 1614; d. Jan. 20, 1666; m. Martha [b. before 1623; d. Mar. 21, 1703; m. (2) May 21, 1666, Nicholas Holt of Andover, Mass.]. He came to America, probably from County Kent, England, in 1635, and as early as 1639 he was planter and a tanner at Ipswich, Mass. He removed to Salem, Mass., in 1660, and there was licensed to "keep an ordinary." Samuel' (Roger'), b. 1651; d. Andover, Mass., July 10, 1738; m. (1) May 27, 1671/2, Susannah Gutterson [d. Dec. 29, 1710] ; (2) Sept. 24, 1713, widow Mary Blodgett [d. Mar. 1, 1739]. Res. in Andover, Mass. Samuel^ (Samuel^ Roger'), b. Mar. 16, 1672/3; d. Andover, Mass., May 29, 1717; m. Apr. 2, 1694, Sarah Bridges [m. (2) Oct., 1722, William Price of Ashford, Conn.]. He was a carpenter in Andover. Samuel' (Samuer, Samuel', Roger'), b. 1707; d. Oct. 11, 1781; m. (1) Andover, Mass., Apr. 8, 1728, Hannah Bridges; (2) Sept. 2, 1756, widow Mary (Ivory) (Frothingham) Symes [d. before 1781]. He resided in Littleton, Mass., where he held the office of captain, serving in the French War. 1. James^ (Samuel*, SamueF, Samuel^, Roger^), b. 1730; m. Mary , (probably Mary Elizabeth ,) of Littleton, Mass. He came to New Ipswich about 1770, and settled on the southern end of the mountain range, northwestwardly from Binney Pond, on or near 106, N. D. His name appears upon the tax-lists until near the end of the century, when he went with his son Samuel to Whitingham, Vt. No record of his children has been found, and the order of their births is uncertain. Besides those given below, there were some who died in infancy, and their names are not known. Children : James. Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1753; d. Mar. 30, 1845; m. Sept. 8, 1787, Silas Davis (5). Isaac, b. Mar., 1757.-|- Jemima, unm. Betsey, m. Stickney of Whitingham, Vt. Lydia, m. July 12, 1790; Joseph Burrows (4) of Whitingham, Vt. 10. vii. Sally, m. May 12, 1792, Joseph Brown (T. 16). 11. viii. Patty, m. May 28, 1792, Benjamin' (Benjamin*, Benjamin', Benjamin*, Michael', Michael', Michael') Bacon of Bedford, Mass. 12. ix. Samuel, m. (1) 1797, Sukey Patch; (2) Lucy (Goldsmith) Winn. He was a teacher in his early manhood. Soon after 560 4. 5. I. ii. 6. iii. 7. iv. 8. V. 9. VI. Preston his first marriage he removed to Whitingham, Vt., accom- panied by his parents. He served in the war of 1812. Chil- dren : i. Sophroiiia, b. Jan. 1, 1798. ii. George, iii. Abia- thar Winn. Of second marriage. 2. Hannah^ (Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, RogerM, b. 1733; m. Jonathan Davis. It is stated on seemingly reliable author- ity that they resided in New Ipswich and that, as late as 1781, she was thus mentioned in her father's will. But official records of the bearers of that name resident in New Ipswich, together with the inscriptions on their gravestones and those of their wives still in the town, forbid the belief that any one recorded in this work was her husband, and she is therefore entered only in the family of her birth. 3. JoHN^ (Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Littleton, Mass., 1739; d. Feb. 18, 1803; m. Nov. 29, 1764, Rebecca Far- rar (3). He served as a member of his father's company in the French War, and later, by less formal methods of study than are now demanded, he acquired such knowledge of the physician's duties as was then deemed necessary, and at the age of twenty-two came to New Ipswich, entered into practice, and continued the leading practitioner of the town nearly until his death. Despite his youth he was one of the first board of selectmen, and at different times he was town clerk, town treasurer, representative, and a member of the convention for framing the State Constitution. His dwelling and office were in the house built by him and long known as the "Seth King house," across the street upon the north from the site of the present Academy. His office, in the northwestern corner of the building, remained practically unchanged until within a few years. Children : 13. i. Rebecca, b. July 16, 1768; d. Apr. 9, 1846; m. 1791, John Hubbard (1). John, b. Feb. 15, 1770.+ Samuel Farrar, b. Dec. 26, 1770; d. Mar. 6, 1771. Lucy, b. Dec. 3, 1771; d. Apr. 7, 1859; m. Oct. 26, 1794, Thomas Bancroft of Pepperell, Mass. Samuel Farrar, b. Aug. 10, 1773; d. Apr. 3, 1774. Lydia, b. Oct. 26, 1774 ; d. Feb., 1853 ; m. Nov. 3, 1799, Josiah Bellows. Res. at Lancaster, Mass. 19. vii. Hannah, b. Jan. 8, 1776; unm. 20. viii. Polly, b. Jan. 5, 1777; d. Nov. 5, 1853, unm. 21. ix. Samuel, b. June 24, 1778; d. Mar. 4, 1852; m. Esther, dau. of Timothy^ (Timothy^ Abraham^ Abraham^ William') and Esther (French) Taylor of Dunstable. He removed to 561 14. ii. 15. iii. 16. iv. 17. V. 18. vi. History of New Ipswich Norwalk, O., where he was proprietor of a newspaper. Children: i. Charles Albert, ii. Lucy, m. Wickham. 22. X. Stephen Farrar, b. June 2, 1780.+ 23. xi. Timothy Farrar, b. June 2, 1780; d. Dec. 4, 1857, unm. He was a physician practicing for a time in Rochester, N. Y., in Mason, and in Dover, but relinquishing his profession in later years. 24. xii. Peter, b. June 20, 1782; unm. 25. xiii. Anna, b. Aug. 10, 1784; d. Sept. 3, 1863; m. Oct. 15, 1808, Seth King (W. 1). 6. Isaac® (James^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Mar., 1757; d. May 11, 1806; m. Susanna Fletcher (9). He succeeded to his father's farm, and like his father passed an uneventful life, leaving- little matter for record. Children : 26. i. Susannah, b. Sept. 20, 1782; m. Francis B. Maxwell. 27. ii. Hannah, b. May 15, 1784; d. Apr. 23, 1861, unm. 28. iii. Isaac, b. June 3, 1786.+ 29. iv. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 18, 1790.+ 30. V. Elhanan, b. Mar. 7, 1798.+ 31. vi. Seth, b. Nov. 10, 1803.+ 32. vii. Lucy, b. Oct. 24, 1805; d. June 6, 1893; m. George Ramsdell (3). 14. John® (John^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Feb. 15, 1770; d. Oct. 23, 1828; m. Jan. 21, 1798, Elizabeth Champney (9). He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1791, studied medicine, in 1794 entered into practice with his father, and followed his profession in New Ipswich throughout his life. He lived for a time in the house built by Noah Cooke, upon the north side of the old country road, but upon the opening of the Turnpike built for his dwelling the house still standing on the north side of that highway opposite the tavern building long known as Clark's Hotel. That house, later for many years the home of Henry Otis Preston, was the first one erected in the Center Village upon the Turnpike, the home of Rev. Stephen Farrar at the summit of the hill, where the road from "Farrar's Mill" crossed, having been built long before the time of the Turnpike. The narrow house next westerly from that of Dr. Preston was also built by him for use as his office. He served the town as its clerk for a long time, and was also one of the selectmen. Children : 36. i. Ebenezer Champney, b. May 4, 1799.+ 37. ii. Rebecca, b. Nov. 4, 1800; d. Oct. 10, 1807. 38. iii. John, b. Apr. 12, 1802.+ 39. iv. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1804; d. about 1878; m. Sept. 20, 1826, Elisha L. Hammond. He was a builder in New Ipswich, 562 Preston and testimony to the abiding excellence of his work is borne by the walls of the present Academy building, erected under his charge. 40. V. Lucy, b. June 14, 1805; d. Nov. 20, 1836; m. Mar. 26, 1829, Francis K. Cragin (23). 41. vi. Abigail, b. May 3, 1807; d. Feb. 15, 1886; m. Benjamin B. Brown [b. about 1807; d. May 13, 1832]. Child: i. B. Brigham Brown, h. about 1832; d. Nov. 4, 1851. 42. vii. Maria, b. June 22, 1809; d. May 1, 1830, unm. 43. viii. William Henry, b. Mar. 1, 1811; d. Jan. 21, 1865; m. Mary Catherine Swalzwelder. 44. ix. Thomas Bancroft, b. Mar. 27, 1813.+ 45. X. Rebecca, b. May 17, 1815; d. about 1880; m. May 18, 1836, Benjamin F. Whipple of Charlestown, Mass. Children: i. Elizabeth Antoinette Whipple, ii. Frank Preston Whipple. iii. Kate Whipple. 22. Stephen Farrar*' (John^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. June 2, 1780; d. Apr. 27, 1863; m. May 4, 1803, Hannah Kimball [b. about 1783; d. May 31, 1858]. He was a hatter. He lived in the Noah Cooke house, previously the home of his brother, Dr. John Preston. Children : 48. i. Almira, b. Aug. 25, 1804; d. Oct. 2, 1829; m. Sept. 18, 1827, Jesse, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Gibson) Matthews of Bedford, Mass. [b. July 2, 1798; d. Sept. 11, 1875]. Res. at Hancock. 49. ii. Stephen Hubbard, b. Mar. 7, 1807; d. Oct. 27, 1814. 50. iii. Edward Francis, b. Feb. 25, 1812.-]- 51. iv. John Hubbard, b. 1814.-]- 52. V. Henry Otis, b. July 26, 1820.+ 28. IsAAc^ (Isaac®, James^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. June 3, 1786; d. Wilton, Sept. 29, 1869; m. (1) May 2, 1816, Sarah Sawtelle [b. Townsend, Mass., Aug. 8, 1787; d. Aug. 7, 1844] ; (2) May 27, 1845, widow Hannah Foster [b. about 1796; d. Oct. 13, 1872]. He passed most of his life in New Ipswich, but continued only a few years in the same part of the town. Children : 53. i. Sarah Abigail, b. July 9, 1817; d. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 8, 1879; m. Nov. 29, 1840, Luke Cram [d. Fitchburg, Mass., Mar. 4, 1879]. He had a general store for a few years in what is now the Masonic building at the corner formed by the Turnpike and the Temple road. Later he lived in Fitchburg, Mass., and legally changed his name from Cram to Remington. Children : i. Charles A. Cram, h. Mar. 22, 1842; d. Dec. 21, 1870; he had just fitted for the ministry, having graduated from Brown University and Newton Theological Seminary, ii. George L. Cram, b. Aug. 30, 1843. 563 History of New Ipswich iii. Walter D. Cram, b. July 14, 1846; d. Mar. 22, 1868. iv. Pharcellus Preston Cram, b. Apr. 14, 1852; d. Aug. 9, 1852. 54. ii. Isaac Fletcher, b. Sept. 30, 1819.+ 55. iii. George Palmer, b. May 5, 1822.+ 56. iv. Charles Barrett, b. Jan. 1, 1825. + 57. V. Samuel Appleton, b. Dec. 26, 1827; d. Wilton, Jan. 21, 1876; m. Apr. 18, 1848, Charlotte A. Goldsmith of Wilton [d. Boston, May 24, 1854]. Children: i. Oraetta M.. b. Oct. 2, 1850; m. Aug. 6, 1868, Dr. S. L. Moore; Children: Edward A. Moore, b. May 29, 1869; d. about 1887 by drowning; Elizabeth L. Moore, b. Sept. 6, 1878 ; d. young, ii. Estella. d. young. 29. Jeremiah^ (Isaac^, James^, Samuel*, Samuel^, SamueP, RogerO, b. Dec. 18, 1790; m. Lucy Proctor of Hollis. He lived in the southern part of the town until about 1840, but is not easily located. Children : 58. i. Horace, m. Lucy Wood. 59. ii. Sybil Ann, m. Samuel Meriam. 60. iii. Jeremiah, m. Lucretia Hannaford. 61. iv. Lucy Jane, m. John Verity. 30. Elhanan^ (Isaac*', James^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Mar. 7, 1798; m. Wealthy Lake. He lived for a time on the farm afterward owned by Benjamin Wilson on the "old Ashby road," also in the northwestern portion of the town and later on or near Knight's Hill. But in middle life he removed to Manchester, where he was a night watchman in one of the mills; his last years were passed in New London. Children : 62. i. Augustus E., res. New London. 63. ii. Maria, b. about May, 1822; d. Jan. 5, 1829. 64. iii. Martha, b. about July, 1824 ; d. Jan. 17, 1829. 65. iv. Malissa, b. about 1827; d. June 1, 1832. 31. Seth^ (Isaac^, James^, Samuel*, SamueP, Samuel-, Roger^), b. Nov. 10, 1803; d. Nov. 8, 1890; m. (1) Jane (Fletcher) Blanchard [b. about 1808; d. Dec. 1. 1857]; (2) Esther F., widow of Eben Blood of Mason [b. about 1796; d. Nov. 19, 1879] ; (3) Apr. 26, 1880, Sarah Weston [b. Mason, Aug., 1793]. He passed the early years of his manhood in the southern and western states, but after his marriage resided in Nashua, Greenville, and Mason. He followed the occupa- tion of a stonecutter and later was a farmer. Children : 66. i. Seth, b. about 1840; d. Dec. 19, 1867; m. Sept. 17, 1863, Kate A. Fulton [d. Mar. 18, 1867]. He served four years in the Civil War, enlisting from Mason in the 8th New Hamp- 564 Preston shire Regiment, in which he was a sergeant. He was wounded at Port Hudson and served later in the Veteran Battalion. He afterward lived at Greenville, where he was killed by a falling tree. 67. ii. Melvina, b. Aug., 1841 ; d. Apr. 21, 1871 ; m. Abial Currier of Brookline. Children : i. Emma Currier, ii. Flora Currier. 68. iii. George Henry, b. Nashua, Oct. 26, 1846; m. (1) 1873, Martha Jane Eaton of Wilton [d. Sept. 26, 1877] ; (2) Ada L. Ben- son of Norridgewock, Me. He was a cabinetmaker at Greenville, and later became a farmer at Dublin. Children : i. Eva M., b. Feb. 16, 1874. ii. Albert A., b. Aug. 21, 1877. 69. iv. Albert Marcus, b. Apr. 19, 1851 ; d. Aug. 19, 1870. 36. Ebenezer Champney^ (John®, John^, Samuel*, SamueP, Samuel-, Roger^), b. May 4, 1799; d. Apr. 9, 1828; m. Ruby Bridges. He was an apothecary in Boston. Children : 70. i. Ellen Maria, m. George Main. 71. ii. James Montgomery. 72. iii. Mary Elizabeth. 38. John'' (John*', John^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Rogeri), b. Apr. 12, 1802; d. Mar. 5, 1867; m. Oct. 27, 1828, Elizabeth Smith, dau. of Abram and Elizabeth (Kidder) French [b. Boston, Mar. 1, 1808; d. Dec. 20, 1882]. He grad- uated from Harvard College in 1823, studied law, and after a brief period of practice in Townsend, Mass., returned to his native town, and there passed his after life, during the greater part of which he was the only lawyer in the town. The house of his grandfather Champney, on the old country road, was his home as it still is of his descendants. His office still re- mains at the corner between his dwelling and the Baptist church. He was always a prominent townsman, representing the town for several years in the Legislature, and holding a seat in the state Senate, when all the other members of that body were of the opposite party. He was an early advocate of the freedom of the slave, and was the candidate of the Free Soil party for representative in Congress, and also for United States senator. He was also an earnest advocate of the tem- perance movement. His place in the town is evidenced by the following resolutions unanimously adopted at the annual town- meeting following his death : Resolved, That in the recent death of Hon. John Preston this town has lost a valued citizen, one who has long been identified with most of the leading interests of the people, and often honored with important public trusts. 565 History of New Ipswich Resolved, That we remember with gratitude to God, and commend to young men as a worthy example, his energy and perseverance, his enterprising spirit, his love for his native town and country, his active sympathy in the cause of education and reform, his cheerful hospitality, and the purity of his domestic life. Children : 1Z. i. John Lorenzo, b. Nov. 10, 1829; d. June 19, 1836. 74. ii. Elizabeth Antoinette, b. Sept. 8, 1831 ; d. Feb. 28, 1837. 75. iii. William Arthur, b. Jan. 31, 1834.+ 76. iv. Maria A. F., b. Feb. 10, 1836; d. Mar. 18, 1851. n. v. Frank Whipple, b. Feb. 17, 1838.+ 78. vi. Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 30, 1840 ; d. Mar. 26, 1842. 79. vii. Mary Arabella, b. May 11, 1844; d. Feb. 15, 1869; m. Sept. 17, 1867, George J.' (William T.', William^ Nathan', John^ Samuel^ Samuel^ Roger^) Chandler of Boston. Child : i. Elizabeth Antoinette Chandler, b. Feb. 8, 1869; m. Charles E. Simmons ; one child. 44. Thomas Bancroft^ (John®, John^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Mar. 27, 1813; d. about 1862; m. Oct. 3, 1843, Sarah W. Woodberry. Children : 80. i. William Henry, b. July 11, 1844; d. 1895, unm. He was a bookkeeper in Boston. Sarah Frances, b. Mar. 13, 1846; m. Henry F. Ames. Samuel Thorndike, b. Jan. 1, 1848; d. 1900, unm. He was a hide and leather dealer in New York city. Jane Rice, b. Oct. 1, 1850; d. Mar. 4, 1853. George Woodberry, b. Nov. 3, 1854; m. Anna Kreiling. 50. Edward Francis^ (Stephen Farrar", John^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Feb. 25, 1812; d. Jan. 3, 1884; m. Apr. 20, 1843, Mary Theresia Gold Appleton (66). He was a farmer on the Isaac Appleton farm upon the old country road, (41, N. D.,) but upon the death of his brother John re- turned to the home of his boyhood, and there passed his later years. Children : 85. i. Mary Celestia, b. Oct. 3, 1846; m. May 25, 1873, George L., son of Lyman and Lucinda (Wellington) Bennett of Rindge [b. July 19, 1845]. He was a dentist in Winchendon, Mass., and removed thence to Chicago, 111. 86. ii. Ella Theresia, b. Nov. 10, 1848; d. Aug. 8, 1863. 87. iii. Edward Appleton, b. Oct. 13, 1852 ; d. Jan. 16, 1873. 88. iv. Francis Eugene, b. Sept. 18, 1854; d. Jan. 4, 1889; m. Ada, dau. of Samuel and Parmelia (Whitney) Wheeler. 89. v. William Arthur, b. Nov. 20, 1858; m. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 5, 1884, Hattie G., dau. of Benjamin F. and Lydia F. (Gimman) Parks [d. Nov. 8, 1907]. 90. vi. Guy Henry, b. July 30, 1865; d. Nov. 30, 1902; m. Wickes, Mont., Oct. 13, 1889, Jessie Blanche, dau. of Chancey and 566 81. ii. 82. iii. 83. iv. 84. v. Preston Ellen (Grant) Stubbs. He went to Montana in 1889, and there made his home, living successively in Helena, Butte, Bigtimber, and Stevenson. He was a druggist, but was largely occupied by duties as a member of the Montana National Guard, in which he rose to the rank of captain, commanding companies in three different places of his resi- dence, and serving with that rank in the Philippine cam- paign of 1898-99. Child: i. Edward Chancey, b. Aug. 3, 1892. 51. John Hubbard'^ (Stephen Farrar^ John^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. 1814; d. Oct. 15, 1863; m. Han- nah Whitcomb of Boxboro, Mass. During most of his life he lived in the home of his boyhood. Children : 91. i. Almira, b. Aug. 2, 1842; m. Henry Levi, son of Levi and Julia Ann (Adams) Willard of Harvard, Mass. [b. Sept. 22, 1837; d. Nov. 26, 1901]. He was a farmer. He served in the Civil War in the 6th Massachusetts Regiment. Chil- dren : i. Ada Frances Willard, b. Nov. 20, 1862; d. Nov. 8, 1904; m. Fremont S. Vining of Phillips, Me. ii. Frank Herbert Willard, b. July 15, 1865; m. Cora M. Price of Somerville, Mass. ; he is a druggist and optician at South Acton, Mass. iii. Alice Preston Willard, b. Feb. 13, 1880; m. David P. Valley, a contractor and builder at Sandring- ham, Ont. 92. ii. Edward Oscar, b. July 27, 1844; m. May N. Fuller of Acton, Mass. He is employed by the Boston Dairy Co. He served during the Civil War in the 6th Massachusetts Regiment and later in response to a 100 days' call. Children : i. Alberta M., m. Hobart Mead of Acton, Mass. ii. Viola, m. Arthur Anderson of Nashua. 93. iii. Herbert Edgar, b. Jan. 1, 1847; d. Feb. 27, 1908; m. Emma S. Symonds of Acton, Mass. He served during the Civil War in the 35th Massachusetts Regiment. Children : i. Roy S.; res. East Templeton, Mass. Two other children died young. 94. iv. Florence Maria, b. Apr. 20, 1849; m. Hanson Littlefield of Boxboro, Mass. [d. Aug. 28, 1903]. Children: i. Ida Maria Littlefield, m. John McGregor, ii. Raymond Otis Littlefield; he has a position in the custom house, iii. Sheldon E. Littlefield, m. Marian Wood of Acton, Mass. iv. Guy Pres- ton Littlefield, m. Zina Donnie; he is a travelling salesman. V. Carrie Adelia Littlefield, m. John King of Maynard, Mass. vi. John Hubbard Littlefield; he is in the telephone service, vii. Harold A. Littlefield; he is engaged in the automobile business. 95. V. Alice Caroline, b. July 27, 1851; d. July 27, 1883; m. Eugene M. Vinney of Phillips, Me. They had two sons who died in infancy. 567 History of New Ipswich 52. Henry Otis^ (Stephen Farrar*', John^, Samuel*, Sam- ueP, SamiieP, Roger^, b. July 26, 1820; d. Dec. 28, 1902; m. Nov. 25, 1844, Clarissa Nichols (5). He went to California in 1852 and returned in 1854, but with this exception he passed his life as a resident in New Ipswich, living for a time just outside the Center Village on 29, N. D., at the end of a short road extending eastwardly from the "back road" to Greenville, and later in the house previously mentioned as built by his uncle. Dr. John Preston, immediately after the opening of the Turnpike. He was for a period engaged with Stephen Thayer in the cigar business. He was postmaster for several years, and also held the offices of town clerk and selectman. He was valued by his neighbors for his helpful counsel in financial matters. Children : 96. i. Ellen L., b. Aug. 18, 1845 ; m. Jan. 1, 1867, Charles E. Robin- son [b. June 5, 1845; d. Mar. 1, 1905]. He was a grain in- spector at East Boston, Mass., and at Chicago, 111., until 1905, after which time he lived in New Ipswich. Children : i. Mamie Estelle Robinson, b. Aug. 17, 1870; d. July 16, 1879. ii. Henry Otis Robinson, b. Feb. 23, 1876; m. Marga- ret Maloney; he is superintendent of a brick company at Green Ridge, N. Y. 54. Isaac Fletcher^ (Isaac^ Isaac^ James^, Samuel*, Sam- ueP, Samuel-, Roger^), b. Sept. 30, 1819; d. Dec. 31, 1904; m. Mar. 28, 1843, Dorothy S., dau. of Asa Fiske of Dublin [d. Feb. 6, 1904]. He removed to Peterboro in 1847 and there made his home. He was a machinist for many years, and in his later life a farmer. Children : 97. i. Sarah Isabell, b. Apr. 14, 1844; d. Nov. 23, 1905; m. Oct. 9, 1870, Frank J. Shedd. Res. Peterboro. Children : i. Cora Belle Shedd, b. Apr. 28, 1872; d. July 15, 1884. ii. Edith Maude Shedd, b. Feb. 20, 1874. iii. Ernest Frank Shedd, b. June 13, 1877; m. May 18, 1903, Anna M. Wheeler; res. Winchendon, Mass. iv. Harry Preston Shedd, b. Sept. 26, 1885; d. Jan. 29, 1886. 98. ii. Isaac Willis, b. Feb. 6, 1847; d. Jan. 15, 1853. 99. iii. Henry Fiske, b. Dec. 8, 1848; m. Nov. 11, 1875, Belle L. Bartlett. Res. Athol, Mass. He is a professional musician, having been a bandleader in different places, and a player at various summer resorts. Children : i. Alice Maria, b. Oct. 6, 1876; res. Millers Falls, Mass. ii. Inez Esther, b. Aug. 18, 1878; d. Nov. 25, 1907. iii. Nina H., b. Apr. 27, 1880; m. June 11, 1904, Charles H. Alden; res. Orange, Mass. ; four children. 100. iv. Maria Louise, b. Feb. 2, 1851 ; unm. Res. in Peterboro. 568 Preston 55. George Palmer^ (Isaac'^, Isaac®, James", Samuel*, Sam- ueF, SamueP, Roger^), b. May 5, 1822; d. Jaffrey, Apr. 10, 1879; m. Nov. 4, 1847, Harriet E.^ (John", Cornelius^, Jere- miah^ Jeremiah*, William^, Edmund^, William^) Towne [b. Dec. 31, 1823] of Jaffrey. Children: 101. i. George, b. Nov. 5, 1848 ; m. Jan. 1, 1880, Hattie M. Paige. Res. East Jaffrey. Children: i. John H., b. July 10, 1881; m. May 15, 1907, Freda Morrow May; child, Eunice E., b. Nov. 20, 1908. ii. Dora B., b. Sept. 25, 1884; m, June 15, 1910, Henry C. Buckwold. iii. George I., b. June 21, 1887; m. Dec. 25, 1911, Frye. 56. Charles Barrett* (Isaac^ Isaac^, James^, Samuel*, SamueP. SamueF, Roger^), b. Jan. 1, 1825; d. Jan. 29, 1897; m. July 15, 1851, Hannah Maria Chapman (6). He passed his life in Bank Village. Children : 102. i. Charles Albert, b. Nov. 19, 1867; m. Mar. 29, 1892, Hattie A. Stiles [b. Apr., 1870]. 103. ii. William E., b. Apr. 4, 1870; m. June 10, 1902, Eva Marion Davis (168). He is a farmer on the Benjamin Hoar farm, (V: 2, S. R.,) next east from the river on the old country road. He has been selectman several years. 104. iii. Edward W., b. Mar. 24, 1874; d. Nov. 4, 1879. 75. William Arthur* (John^, John®, John", Samuel*, Sam- ueP, Samuel-, Roger^), b. Jan. 31, 1834; d. Dec. 5, 1902; m. Apr. 6, 1859, Martha Maria, dau. of Charles and Clarissa Page (Bullard (J. 17) Granger. He graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1854, and afterward studied law, but did not follow the practice of that profession. He was principal of Appleton Academy for twenty-eight years. Children : 109. i. John, b. Feb. 22, 1860. He graduated from Harvard College in 1882. 110. ii. Frederic, b. Mar. 17, 1863; d. Dec. 19, 1910; m. May 11, 1891, Lena A. Brooks (53). He first entered into mercantile pursuits in Boston, later was proprietor of the corner store at New Ipswich for a time, and after other business ac- tivities in Columbus, O., he became a dealer in dress goods in New York city, which business he followed until his death. Child : i. Elicabeth, b. Feb. 17, 1892. 77. Frank Whipple^ (John^, John", John^, Samuel*, Sam- ueP, SamueP, Roger^), b. Feb. 17, 1838; d. Aug. 29, 1905; m. (1) Feb. 19, 1862, Fanny H., dau. of John H. and Catherine (Granger) (J. Bullard, 17) Coy [b. Oct. 3, 1840; d. Mar. 29, 1865] ; (2) May 13, 1867, Mary F., dau. of Daniel G. and Randilla B. (Farmer) Murphy [b. Aug. 17, 1845]. He gradu- 569 History of New Ipswich ated from the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard Univer- sity in 1858. He was in the lumber business at Sharon until 1870, was treasurer of New Ipswich Savings Bank until his death, and at the same time was a teacher in Appleton Acad- emy. He was town treasurer for twenty years, and like his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, was treasurer of the Academy. Children : 111. i. Katherine, b. Dec. 15, 1862. She studied at Wellesley Col- lege, and has been a teacher in Columbus, O. 112. ii. William Arthur, b. Aug. 2, 1873; m. Dec. 7, 1905, Bertha T., dau. of Henry F. and Sarah F. (Preston) (81) Ames. He is a farmer and insurance agent in New Ipswich. He has represented the town in the Legislature. Children : i. , b. and d. Apr. 30, 1907. ii. William Arthur, b. Jan. 11, 1911; d. Apr. 5, 1914. 113. iii. Frank Herbert, b. Oct. 17, 1874; m. Feb. 5, 1900, Mabel Louise Thayer (19). He studied at the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, and is now master fitter of the Wa- son Car Co. at Springfield, Mass. Child : i. Frank Whip- ple, b. June 6, 1904. 114. iv. Herbert French, b. Aug. 11, 1882. He graduated from Har- vard College in 1905, has studied at Munich, Germany, and is now a teacher at Newport, R. I. PRICHARD. William* Prichard, d. Aug. 3, 1675 ; m. Hannah . He was of Lynn, Mass., in 1645, of Ipswich in 1648, and it probably was there that he was "clerk of the writs." About 1660 he seems to have removed to Topsfield, and later he was one of the earliest settlers at Brookfield, where he was sergeant of the militia. He and his son Samuel were killed by the Indians the same day. John' ( William'), b. 1650; d. Feb. 7, 1731; m. Mar. 1, 1681, Mary Towne [d. Mar. 5, 1730/1]. He was a farmer at Topsfield, where he seems to have had a considerable extent of land, and for a time he was at Ipswich. John' (John^ William'), b. Ipswich, Mar. 28, 1681; d. 1731 or later; m. Sally [d. Apr. 28, 1729]. He was in Boston in 1711, and there mortgaged one-half of his father's holdings. In 1719, he had a ferry at Portland, Me., but in 1730 he had returned to Ipswich, where he was a "yeoman and joiner." 1. Paul* (John^, John^ William^), b. Sept. 5, 1721 ; d. Sept. 29, 1785; m. Feb. 1, 1748/9, Hannah, dau. of Amos and Mar- garet (Cogswell) Perley [b. Jan. 8, 1730; d. Dec. 13, 1810]. He lived in Boxford, Mass., where he was sometimes entitled "house wright," and sometimes "gentleman," until 1772, when he came to New Ipswich, settled near the Mason (now Green- 570 i Prichard ville) line on 18, N. D., and quickly became a leading citizen of the town, serving on the Committee of Safety and other important committees, and also as selectman and representa- tive. His wife was noted as a doctress and had no small prac- tice in New Ipswich and the neighboring towns, to which she travelled, often on snowshoes, in the severest weather. Chil- dren — all except youngest b. in Boxford : 2. i. Sarah, b. 1750; d. 1755. 3. ii. Amos, b. Aug. 25, 1752, or perhaps Sept. 7, 1751.-}- 4. iii. Jeremiah, b. Sept. 24, 1754.-|- 5. iv. Perley, b. June 11, 1757; d. Apr. 2, 1775. 6. V. William, b. Sept. 19, 1759.+ 7. vi. Sarah, b. Apr. 17, 1762; d. June 22, 1787; m. Nehemiah Strat- ton (3). 8. vii. Hannah, b. Mar. 8, 1764; m. Nov. 28, 1786, David Sherwin. Res. Rindge, Jaflfrey, Westmoreland, Temple, and New Ips- wich. Thomas Sherwin, long known as the able master of Boston English High School, was her son. 9. viii. John, b. Mar. 25, 1766.-f 10. ix. Benjamin, b. 1769. -j- 11. X. Stephen, b. 1772.-f- 3. Amos^ (Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. Aug. 25, 1752; d. Nov. 23, 1782; m. Mar. 14, 1776, Anna, dau. of Joshua and Hannah (Wood) Andrews of Boxford, Mass. [b. Mar. 13, 1748; d. Jan. 1, 1798]. He was a farmer upon the next lot north of that of his father, (19, N. D.,) and also a carpenter and builder. Children : 12. i. Anna, b. Dec. 12, 1776; d. July 31, 1838; m. Silas Cragin (5). 13. ii. Perley, b. July 13, 1778; m. Mrs. Stone. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1799, taught in Billerica, Mass., entered business in Baltimore, Md., started upon a voyage to the West Indies, and is supposed to have been lost at sea. One son. 14. iii. Hannah, b. Feb. 11, 1780; m. Feb. 19, 1801, Reuben Holden (4). 15. iv. Sally, b. Aug. 13, 1781; d. Feb. 14, 1863; m. Nov. 15. 1801. Nathaniel G. Duren (Gould 16). 16. V. Amos, b. May 19, 1783.-}- 4. Jeremiah^ (Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. Sept. 24, 1754; d. Aug. 10, 1813; m. 1784, Elizabeth Smith of Hollis. He had just reached manhood at the beginning of the Revo- lutionary contest, and he served in Capt. Towne's company at Bunker Hill. The following year he was commissioned as lieutenant in the 1st New Hampshire Continental Regiment, in which he served until 1780, receiving a wound at White 571 History of New Ipswich Plains for which he was given a pension. After the war he lived for a time in Hollis, but soon returned to New Ipswich and established the tanning industry long carried on near the foot of Meeting-house Hill, also building for his home the neighboring house on the north side of School street long oc- cupied by John P. Clark and his family. He afterward re- moved to V : 4, S. R., and built the house afterward the home of Dr. Stillman Gibson at the four corners, and about 1800 returned to the Center Village, where he had his home in the house nearest to the Barrett mansion on the south. He was active in town matters, being elected six to eight times to each of the ofifices of town clerk, selectman, and representative. Through his efforts a company of cavalry was formed in New Ipswich and neighboring towns, and he was its first com- mander. Children : 17. i. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 30, 1786.-1- 18. ii. Moses, b. Mar. 18, 1789. -f 19. iii. George Washington, b. Dec. 4, 1792.+ 20. iv. GiLMAN, b. Nov. 22>, 1795; d. 1831. He was a merchant in Boston. 6. William^ (Paul*, John^ John^ William^), b. Sept. 19, 1759; d. July 25, 1836; m. Deidamia Cummings (16). He did service in the Revolution, being in the company in which his brother Jeremiah was a lieutenant. After his return from the army he occupied the farm previously that of his brother Amos, whose death was about at that date, twenty-five years or more. But on the death of his brother-in-law, Charles Cum- mings, who had conducted the saw and grist mills formerly of John Chandler, he changed his occupation and carried on the business of the mills, as needed by the town, until the "Souhegan" cotton mill secured the waterpower. He was cap- tain of the cavalry company which his brother had formed and commanded. He lost his life by accident, being thrown from his chaise. His wife also met with a sudden death caused by her clothing taking fire. Children : 21. i. William, b. Sept. 19, 1792.+ AsA, b. Sept. 20, 1793.+ Bernard, b. Aug. 8, 1795; d. 1846. Deidamia, b. Mar. 18, 1797; d. Mar. 11, 1849; m. Feb. 5, 1824, William Johnson of Boston. Charles Cummings, b. Dec. 4, 1799; d. Oct. 29, 1800. Charles Cummings, b. July 28, 1801. + Francis Perley, b. Mar. 26, 1803; d. Jan. 3, 1807. 572 22. ii. 23. iii. 24. iv. 25. V. 26. vi. 27. vii Prichard 28. viii. Caroline, b. Feb. 4, 1805 ; d. Dec. 4, 1806. 29. ix. Adaline, b. Mar. 30, 1807. 30. X. Sarah, b. July 23, 1809. 31. xi. Hartwell p., b. Jan. 8, 1812; d. Oct. 18, 1831. 9. JoHN^ (Paul*, John^ John^, William^, b. Mar. 25, 1766; d. Jan. 17, 1843; m. Lovice, dau. of Josiah Wilkins [b. Apr. 24, 1779; d. Sept. 9, 1850]. He was a carpenter and builder, and being unusually large and strong, was especially efficient in the heavy work required. He lived for some years in a house since destroyed by fire, in VIH: 3, S. R., on the south- west side of the road from Walker's turning-shop to Hodgkins' corner, and afterward in the Center Village. A few years were passed in Rindge and two of his children, the ninth and tenth, were born there. Children : 32. i. John, b. Feb. 11, 1800.-1- 33. ii. Josiah, b. Dec. 7, 1801 ; d. in early manhood, unm. 34. iii. Stephen, b. Mar. 17, 1804; d. 1808. 35. iv. Sumner, b. May 16, 1805; d. 1808. 36. V. Francis Perley, b. May 8, 1807.-(- 37. vi. Sumner, b. July 18, 1809.+ 38. vii. William, b. Nov. 23, 1811.-)- 39. viii. Jeremiah, b. Feb. 18, 1814.-f 40. ix. George Washington, b. Mar. 18, 1816.-|- 41. X. Nancy Jewett, b. June 24, 1819; d. July 15, 1856; m. Aug. 24, 1844, Stephen D. Wheeler (137). 42. xi. Mary Almira, b. Aug. 7, 1821; m. June 25, 1843, John A. Wheeler of Ashby, Mass. Children : i. Mary L. Wheeler, b. Sept. 13, 1844; m. June 13, 1872, James A. Goodfellow; two children, ii. John P. Wheeler, b. Oct. 28, 1845; d. Nov. 16, 1880; m. Nov., 1874, Marie L. Couroy; one daugh- ter, iii. William A. Wheeler, b. Nov. 15, 1846; d. Sept. 30, 1847. iv. William A. Wheeler, b. Feb. 20, 1848; m. (1) May 13, 1879, Mary A. Emerson of Lowell [d. Sept. 12, 1888] ; (2) Dec. 13, 1892, Lavinia Johnston of Nova Scotia; three children, v. Nancy A. Wheeler, b. Apr. 22, 1850; m. Apr. 22, 1873, Herbert E. Carter of Swanzey; one son. vi. Nellie F. Wheeler, b. Aug. 30, 1851 ; m. James F. Haywood of Hancock; five children, vii. Abbie J. Wheeler, b. Feb. 4, 1853; m. Apr. 29, 1876. John L. Adams of Dublin; three children, viii. George S. Wheeler, b. Dec. 15, 1856; m. (1) Nov., 1880, Nettie E. Hastings; (2) Jan. 13, 1887, Flora J. Ellinwood; (3) May 9, 1891, Florence N. Goss; four chil- dren. 10. Benjamin^ (Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. 1769; m. Oct. 4, 1789, Patty Sherwin of Townsend, Mass. He was a carpenter, but did not confine himself to that occupation, as he built and used the first saw and grist mills at Gibson Village, 573 History of New Ipswich and also a small cotton factory. He afterward removed to IX : 2, S. R., building the house on the south side of the road occupied by William Bucknam. He removed to Bedford, N. H. Children: 43. i. Alanson, b. July 8, 1792; drowned at Mason Village, 1808. 44. ii. Bernice (a son), b. Mar. 9, 1794; m. at Bedford, and had children : i. Martha A. ii. Asenath. iii. Eunice, iv. Clara. 45. iii. Cyrene. 46. iv. Dexter. 47. V. Benjamin. 48. vi. SiLVA. 11. Stephen^ (Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. 1772; d. 1802; m. Apr. 19, 1798, Mary Start (10). She m. (2) Jonah Howe, and removed to Camden, Me., taking her children with her. During his short married life he occupied the Dix tavern- house on the spot since occupied by the house of Rev. Mr. Lee, but probably he did not keep a tavern there. Children : 49. i. William Start, b. Oct. 7, 1799; d. Dec. 20, 1862; m. Eliza Clark. Res. Bangor, Me. Children : i. William H. ii. Mary A. iii. Artemas H. iv. Eliza A. v. Hattie K. vi. George A. vii. Nathan C. viii. Clara W. 50. ii. Mary, b. July 4, 1803 ; d. June 12, 1884. There were two other children of whom no record is found. 16. Amos^ (Amos^ Paul*, John^ John^ William^), b. May 19, 1783; d. Jan. 30, 1847; m. Janet, dau. of Eliphalet and Janet (McCullum) Dustin [b. Feb. 8, 1783] and great-granddaughter of Hannah Dustin, the heroine of the familiar Indian adven- ture. He lived in West Brookfield, Mass. Children : 51. i. Caroline Dustin, b. June 1, 1812; d. May 5, 1866; m. Charles A. Mirick. Nine children. 52. ii. Jane Sophia, b. July 10, 1814; d. Jan. 24, 1844; m. Samuel Clark. 53. iii. George Augustus, b. Dec. 12, 1815; m. (1) Hannah Colby of Boston ; (2) Sally R. Farren. 54. iv. Sarah Ann, b. Feb. 28, 1817; d. Mar. 24, 1818. 55. v. Sarah Ann, b. May 27, 1818; m. Joseph B. Grout. Two children. 56. vi. Frances Maria, b. July 10, 1823; d. Mar. 15, 1870; m. Edwin B. Taintor. Two children. 57. vii. Amos Alexander, b. Feb. 26, 1826; d. Jan. 23, 1830. 17. Jeremiah^ (Jeremiah^, Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. Mar. 30, 1786; d. Jan. 30, 1866; m. Nancy Barr (3). He remained at his boyhood's home for several years after his father's death, and carried on the tanyard, but when about thirty years of age he removed to Concord, N. H., and after- 574 Prichard ward to Boston, but returned to New Ipswich after an absence of about sixteen years. After his return he lived a consider- able time on the "Gould farm," (43, N. D.) He was a select- man for three years during his first period of residence in the town. Like several others of his family, he was captain of the cavalry company. Children : 58. i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1809; d. Apr. 10, 1842; m. Rev. Reuben Bates of Ashby, Mass. 59. ii. George B., b. Nov. 28, 1810. Removed to Illinois. 60. iii. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 29, 1812; m. Dr. Thomas H. Cochran [b. June 15, 1812; d. Nov. 12, 1882]. Two sons. 61. iv. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 20, 1814; m. Helen Vila. He was a mer- chant in Boston. 62. V. Henry Addison, b. Apr. 10, 1816. Res. Newton, Mass. 63. vi. Oilman, b. Aug. 10, 1817; d. Sept. 8, 1818. 64. vii. Emily D., b. about 1818; d. Oct. 24, 1847. 65. viii. Charles C. 66. ix. William Wallace. 67. X. Martha Jane, m. Jackson Burr. 68. xi. James B., b. about 1826; d. Dec. 30, 1850. 69. xii. Nancy. 18. Moses*' (Jeremiah^ Paul*, John^ John^, William^), b. Mar. 18, 1789; m. [int. Dec. 18, 1813] Jane Tompson Hallett. He was a trader in Concord, Mass., and for a long period sheriff of Middlesex county. Children: 70. i. William Mackay, b. Oct. 23, 1814. 71. ii. Frances Jane Hallett, b. Aug. 30, 1816. 72. iii. Moses Barnard, b. Sept. 4, 1818. IZ. iv. Henry Oilman, b. Jan. 7, 1821. 74. v. Elizabeth Hallett, b. Jan. 17, 1822. 75. vi. Amelia Mackay, b. Nov. 1, 1824. 19. George Washington^ (Jeremiah^, Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. Dec. 4, 1792; d. Aug. 8, 1867; m. (1) Mar. 16, 1817, Elizabeth Pearsons of Bradford, Vt. [d. Mar. 5, 1853] ; (2) Feb. 7, 1854, Mary P., dau. of Rev. David Sutherland of Bath. He settled in Bradford in 1812, and there passed his life as an honored citizen, being justice for 30 years, town treasurer 37 years, and also selectman and representative for shorter periods. He held also the military title of colonel. Children : 76. i. Adeline, b. Dec. 22, 1817; m. Rev. B. B. Newton of Chelsea, Vt. n. ii. George, b. Nov. 19, 1819; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Oeorge Brooks of Worcester, Mass. One daughter. 575 History of New Ipswich 78. iii. Moses Smith, b. Apr. 8, 1822; m. Betsey Ann True of Janes- ville, Wis. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1841. Res. in Janesville, Wis. 79. iv. Edward, b. Nov. 29, 1824; d. Nov. 28, 1870; m. about 1850, Anne Merrill of Pittsfield. Ten children. 80. V. Amos, b. May 28, 1827; m. Augusta Dearborn. He graduated from the University of Vermont. Res. in Janesville. Three children. 81. vi. Arthur, b. Apr. 27, 1835; d. Mar. 6, 1856. Removed to Ripon, Wis. 82. vii. John Brooks Wheeler, b. Sept. 26, 1839; m. Orissa George. Two children. 21. William" (William^ Paul*, Johll^ John^, William^), b. Sept. 19, 1792; d. Apr. 19, 1857; m. (1) Eliza, dau. of John and Betsey (68) (Wheeler) Butman [d. Oct. 20, 1835] ; (2) May 8, 1837, Sarah Dane. During the years of early man- hood he lived with or near his father, and was probably en- gaged in the business of the mills ; but in 1822 he removed to Antrim, where he remained several years. He is said to have returned to New Ipswich in 1827, but no town records referring to him have been found. Children : William H., b. about 1820; d. 1822. Eliza M., b. about 1821 ; d. young. Emily Wheeler, b. Oct. 22, 1821; m. 1847, Sumner Chamber- lain. William Barnard, b. July 30, 1825 ; m. Lydia E. Templeton. John Wallace, b. Feb. 4, 1829; d. Aug. 24, 1854; m. Fannie C. Benjamin. He was a freight conductor on the Fitchburg railroad, and was killed in an accident. George H., b. June 17, 1830. Res. Hillsboro Bridge. Charles H., b. Mar. 5, 1832; d. 1895. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. 90. viii. Edward M., b. Jan. 28, 1834; m. Annis E. Rathburn. 91. ix. Augustus Dane, b. Apr. 11, 1839. 22. AsA« (William^ Paul*, John^, John^, William^, b. Sept. 20, 1793; d. Aug. 31, 1858; m. Caroline Matilda Barr (7). He lived most of his life in the family home, the last house on the right of one leaving the factory village by the river road to Greenville. He for a time commanded the cavalry com- pany. Children : 92. i. Martha Ellen, b. 1831 ; d. 1890, unm. She was a teacher. 93. ii. Andrew W., b. 1835 ; d. 1836. 94. iii. George M., b. 1837 ; d. 1839. 26. Charles Cummings" (William^ Paul*, John^, John^, William^, b. July 28, 1801; d. 1846; m. Sybil Howe. Child: 95. i. Deidamia, b. Mar. 13, 1845; d. July 16, 1884, unm. 576 83. i. 84. ii. 85. iii. 86. iv. 87. v. 88. vi. 89. vii. Prichard 32. JoHN« (John^ Paul*, John^, John^ WilHami), b. Feb. 11, 1800; d. Sept. 16, 1879; m. 1818, Nancy Hall of Pepperell, Mass. [b. about 1803; d. Oct. 2, 1885]. He removed to Fitch- burg, Mass., when about 24 years old and lived on the street which was given his family name. He was a carpenter, and built the first house on the street which bears his name. Child: 96. i. John, b. June 7, 1837; d. Jan. 16, 1865. He rendered service in the Civil War in the 15th Massachusetts Regiment and the 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, v^^as captured, and died in Andersonville prison. 36. Francis Perley^ (John^, Paul*, John^, John^, Wil- liam^), b. May 8, 1807; d. Nov. 4, 1850; m. May 8^ 1833, Lucy Wood [d. Aug. 22, 1854]. He was a carpenter, living on the southerly road connecting the two factory villages, in the first house on the north side after passing the former Methodist church and the site of Brown's mills. Children : 97. i. William Perley, b. Apr. 5, 1835; d. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 23, 1873. 98. ii. Sarah Lovisa, b. June 11, 1839; d. Auff. 21. 1840. 99. iii. Lucy Anna, b. Aug. 31, 1842; m. Dec. 16, 1868, George K. Montgomery. Children : i. Lucy Anna Montgomery, ii. Florence Prichard Montgomery. 100. iv. Sarah Lovisa, b. Nov. 26, 1845. 101. V. Elizabeth Frances, b. Aug. 21, 1846; d. Sept. 7, 1847. 102. vi. Mary Frances, b. June 29, 1850; d. Jan. 18, 1889; m. Keeney. Child : i. Perley Rockwell Keeney. 37. Sumner'' (John^ Paul*, John^, John^, William^), b. July 18, 1809; d. Feb. 27, 1855; m. Sept. 28, 1834, Mary Mun- roe [b. Stoddard, June 28, 1814; d. Oct. 15, 1862]. He was an exceptionally skilful carpenter. He lived in the building which had previously been the starch factory on lot 37, N. D. Children : 103. i. Romanzo Sumner, b. Feb. 28, 1836; m. July 15, 1863, Mrs. Elizabeth Shattuck. 104. ii. Mary Jane, b. July 28, 1837; d. Oct. 23, 1893; m. June 8, 1870, John Burbank [b. July 18, 1825; d. Dec. 30, 1890]. Children : i. Sumner Burbank, b. Aug. 20, 1871. ii. Emma Burbank, b. Feb. 16, 1875. iii. Ai'is Burbank. b. Sept. 24, 1877. 105. iii. Arvilla Josephine, b. Feb. 16, 1839; m. (1) Apr. 10, 1858, Charles H. Goulding; (2) Nov. 12, 1864, Eugene Cady. 106. iv. Maria Adelaide, b. Apr. 3, 1841; m. Sept. 1, 1862, Webster M. Towne [b. Aug. 30, 1839]. Res. Fitzwilliam Depot. Child : i. Lillian Towne, b. Feb. 10, 1865 ; m. Lyman Bland- ing. 577 38 History of New Ipswich 107. V. Adelia Ann, b. Dec. 14, 1844 ; m. Nov. 27, 1862, Lyman Bland- ing. 38. William^ (John^ Paul*, John^ John^, William^), b. Nov. 23, 1811 ; d. Jan. 7, 1873; m. Apr. 26, 1838, Lucinda But- ton of Temple [d. Nov. 9, 1881]. He lived on the "Judge Champney farm," (VI: 1, S. R.,) in the last house now stand- ing on the right of one passing from the Bank Village toward the Congregational church. He was a farmer. He held the office of selectman. Children : 108. i. Francis William, b. Feb. 14, 1851.+ 109. ii. Maria Lucinda, b. Aug. 22, 1856; m. Jan. 12, 1875, Stephen Willard, son of Willard and Jane (Ware) Mansfield [b. Alstead, Aug. 17, 1850]. 39. Jeremiah*' (John^ Paul*, John^ John^ William^), b. Feb. 18, 1814; m. Dec. 26, 1839, Elmira Page [b. June 21, 1816]. He was a carpenter at Peterboro during the greater part of his life. Children : 110. i. William Henry, b. Oct. 29, 1840; d. Nov. 28, 1904. 111. ii. Nettie, b. May 18, 1843; m. Dec. 23, 1869, Erastus Dickinson. Children : i. Lee Dickinson, ii. May Dickinson. 40. George Washington^ (John^, Paul^ John^, John^, Wil- liam^), b. Mar. 18, 1816; d. Nov. 1, 1879; m. Jan. 10, 1839, Lydia Ann Carter of Peterboro [d. Nov. 1, 1879]. Res. in Fitchburg and Townsend, Mass. Children : 112. i. Arabelle a., b. Oct. 11, 1842; d. Mar. 22, 1907; m. Apr. 9, 1862, James H. Tenney. Children : i. James E. Tenney, h. Apr. 2, 1863; d. Jan. 6. 1890. ii. Florence M. Tenney. h. Dec. 31, 1869; d. Mar. 15, 1871. iii. Grace E. Tenney. b. May 10, 1873; m. Oct. 6, 1897, Charles E. Harrison of Massillon, O. iv. Blanche M. Tenney. b. Sept. 26, 1876; m. Mar. 23, 1898, Frank Boutelle of Cincinnati, O. v. Ethel P. Tenney. b. Dec. 18, 1879; d. Jan. 6, 1884. 113. ii. Abbie Ann, b. July 12, 1&45; m. Aug. 25, 1869, Charles H. Simonds. Children: i. Minnie B. Simonds, b. July 30, 1870. ii. Alice M. Simonds, b. Dec. 23, 1873. iii. Charles H. Simonds, b. Jan. 25, 1881. 114. iii. Dorothy C, b. May 24, 1849; unm. 115. iv. George Mortimer, b. June 14, 1858. 116. v. Hattie v., b. Feb. 14, 1862; unm. 108. Francis William^ (William^, John^ Paul^ John^ John^, William^), b. Feb. 14, 1851; d. Sept. 10, 1899; m. Nov. 25, 1875, Laura Louise Blaisdell of Chelmsford, Mass. He succeeded to his father's farm, and was an enthusiastic and successful farmer. But although he was thus earnest in his 578 Prichard vocation, his life was much broader than his farm, and in recognition of his character he was called to nearly every offi- cial activity of the town. He was moderator, selectman, rep- sentative, delegate to Constitutional Convention, tax collector, road agent, and member of the school board, most of them several times. He was a leader in the Grange and a trustee of the Savings Bank, and in all these positions his undoubted integrity, his genial character, his quick perception of the wise course to take, and his firmness in following it through diffi- culties, these and other traits of character, made true of the last New Ipswich citizen of the family what was said of its first ancestor in the town, that "he was one of the most sub- stantial and influential citizens of his day, and his death in the midst of his social and official activities caused a frequent expression of the feeling of that the town had lost that citizen whom it was hardest to spare." Children : 117. i. Effie May, b. Apr. 21, 1885. 118. ii. Lena Frances, b. Jan. 7, 1887. PROCTOR. Robert^ Proctor, d. Chelmsford, Mass., Apr. 2S, 1697 ; m. Dec. 31, 1645, Jane, dau. of Richard' Hildreth. He was made freeman at Concord, Mass., in 1643, and was one of the original settlers of Chelmsford, Mass., in 1654. Peter= (Robert'), b. 1652; d. Aug. 1, 1730; m. Jan. 30, 1689, Mary, dau. of James and Rebecca (Stevenson) Patterson [b. Aug. 22, 1666; d. Aug. 12, 1724]. Res. Chelmsford. John' (Robert'), b. Aug. 17, 1663; m. 1692, Miriam . Res. Chelmsford. Samuel= (Robert'), b. Sept. 16, 1665; d. Apr. 12, 1740; m. Sarah . He was an ancestor of Hon. Redfield" Proctor, U. S. Senator from Ver- mont, by the line Jabez^ Leonard'', Thomas^. Peter' (Peter^ Robert^, b. Aug. 14, 1694; d. Feb. 20, 1772; m. 1720, Hannah Harwood. He settled as a farmer in Littleton, Mass. Benjamin' (John^ Robert'), b. Oct. 20, 1704; d. Aug. 3, 1794; m. Lydia Chamberlain. 1. Oliver* (Peter^, Peter^, Robert^), b. Chelmsford, Mar. 25, 1721; d. Nov. 3, 1793; m. 1744, Mary, dau. of Aaron and Abigail (Adams) Parker of Westford, Mass. [d. 1789]. He was an early settler in New Ipswich, his name first appearing in 1751, but he remained only about ten years. He had 37, N. D., his house being at the northwest corner of the site of the first acadeiny building, (long occupied by Emerson Howe, and now by Dea. Henry Wilson). It was a central position 579 History of New Ipswich among the dwellings of that time, and was often used for town meetings. Children : 3. i. Oliver, b. Apr. 25, 1745.+ 4. ii. Aaron, b. Feb. 12, 1747; m. Feb. 17, 1774, Sally Jones of Milton. Removed to Rhode Island. 5. iii. Mary, b. July 15, 1749; m. May 11, 1769, William' Proctor (Israel^ Gershom', Robert^). 6. iv. Isaac, b. Jan. 23, 1751; d. 1760. 7. V. Thankful, b. July 18, 1752; d. young. 8. vi. Rachel, b. Aug. 18, 1754. 9. vii. Thankful, b. May 10, 1757; d. young. 10. viii. Sarah, b. June 21, 1762; m. June, 1780, Ephraim Warren of Townsend. Removed to Lanesboro, Mass. 2. Benjamin* (Benjamin^ John^ Robert^), b. June 5, 1733; d. about 1817; m. Nov. 15, 1757, Rachel Pierce [d. 1823]. He probably passed his early manhood in Chelmsford, but came to New Ipswich about 1762 and remained until 1793, being a farmer upon 27, N. D. He seems to have removed to Westford, Mass., and a year or two later to have gone to Reading, Vt., and there to have made the home of his later years. Children : 11. i. Benjamin, b. Mar. 24, 1760. 12. ii. Rachel, b. Oct. 10, 1761. 13. iii. Joseph, b. Mar. 14, 1763/4.+ 14. iv. Miriam, b. Jan. 20, 1765. 15. V. John, b. Mar. 8, 1767/8.+ 16. vi. Lydia, b. Dec. 4, 1769. 17. vii. Sally, b. Oct. 9, 1771. 3. Oliver^ (Oliver*, Peter^, Peter^, Robert^, b. Apr. 25. 1745; d. July 28, 1842; m. Feb. 15, 1776, Mary Manning of Billerica, Mass. [b. Aug. 6, 1748; d. Nov. 4, 1815]. Res. in Townsend, Mass. He served in the Revolution. 13. Joseph^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^, Robert^), b. Mar. 14, 1763/4; d. Mason, Feb. 20, 1852; m. Sally Barrett. He entered Revolutionary service at the age of seventeen. He appears to have succeeded to his father's farm for a brief time, but not long after to have removed to Stoddard. Children : 19. i. John, b. Apr. 22, 1791.+ 20. ii. Sally, b. July 9, 1793; d. Feb. 11, 1821; m. Timothy Barnes of Washington. 21. iii. Rebecca, b. Apr. 9, 1796. 22. iv. Isaac, b. 1802. 15. JoHN^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^, Robert^), b. Mar. 8, 1767/8; d. Lunenburg, Mass., Dec. 21, 1858; m. (1) Rachel 580 Proctor Shedd ; (2) 1801, Betsey Snow of Lunenburg [b. about May, 1775; d. Dec. 28, 1858]. His name appears on the New Ips- wich tax-list only in 1789. 18. Oliver" (OIiver^ Oliver*, Peter^, Peter^, Robert^), b. Sept. 30, 1779; d. June 17, 1868; m. (1) Aug. 26, 1800, Sarah Drake of Lanesboro, Mass.; (2) Mar. 5, 1825, Polly Barber of Benson, Vt. He res. at Lanesboro, Mass., until about 1809, and afterward at Schroon, N. Y., and Shoreham, Vt. 19. JoHN^ (Joseph^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^, Robert^), b. Apr. 22, 1791; d. Apr. 12, 1884; m. June 2, 1818, Mary Whittemore of Hancock [b. May 7, 1793; d. June 2, 1870]. Res. in Stoddard, where all his children were born. Children : 24. i. Harvey A., b. Oct. 22, 1827.+ 25. ii. Abram W., b. Oct. 3, 1829.-|- 26. iii. Amos J., b. June 10, 1831.-^- 27. iv. Rosea, b. Dec. 8, 1832.-}- 29. V. Stephen W., b. Oct. 29, 1834.-}- 30. vi. Timothy, b. Apr. 4, 1838; d. Dec. 20, 1860, unm. 31. vii. Ira H., b. Aug. 31, 1840. -|- 32. viii. Susan M., b. Mar. 14, 1842; d. Aug. 3, 1876, unm. 23. RoMEo^ (Oliver^ Oliver^, Oliver*, Peter^ Peter^, Rob- ert^), b. Shoreham, Vt, Sept. 3, 1816; m. Aug. 27, 1851, Mari- etta Perkins [b. Dec. 20, 1828]. Res. Fairhaven, Vt. Chil- dren : 33. i. Eugene R., b. July 8, 1852.-f- 34. ii. Ralph J., b. Sept. 19, 1863 ; d. 1883. 35. iii. J. Ada, b. Apr. 23, 1866; d. 1893. 24. Harvey A.^ (John®, Joseph^ Benjamin*, Benjamin', John^, Robert^), b. Oct. 22, 1827; d. Feb. 25, 1867; m. Mar. 15, 1848, Lucia Avery of Peterboro. He lived for a time in Dublin, and during the last ten years of his life in New Ips- wich, at first in a house formerly standing on the old country road a short distance southward from the Reuben Kidder house of early days, and later in the Center Village. Children : 36. i. Clara A., b. about 1851; m. June 13, 1867, Thomas W. Blanchard. 37. ii. Henry. 38. iii. Flora E., b. about 1857 ; m. June 24, 1874, John E. Leighton. 25. Abram W.'^ (John®, Joseph^, Benjamin*, Benjamin', John-, Robert^), b. Oct. 3, 1829; d. Jafifrey, Oct. 5, 1867; m. Jan. 25, 1849, Mary Lowe of Charlestown, Mass. Children : 581 43. ii. 44. iii. 45. iv. 46. V. 47. vi. History of New Ipswich 39. i. Josephine, m. (1) Frank Smith of Peterboro; (2) Holt of Nelson. 40. ii. Frank. 41. iii. LiLLA, m. Towne. Res. at East Sullivan. 26. Amos J.'^ (John^, Joseph^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^, Robert^), b. June 10, 1831; m. (1) Nov. 28, 1850, Margaret E. Livingston [d. Dec. 20, 1871] ; (2) Oct. 12, 1876, his sister- in-law, Maria (Messenger) Proctor [d. July 17, 1881]; (3) July 4, 1885, Ella Baldwin [d. July 13, 1893] ; (4) June 10, 1896, Mrs. Augusta M. Smith. He lived for seven years of his married life in Canada, but about 1860 he came to New Ipswich, and for twenty years or more held the "Phineas Pratt farm," (XIV : 2, S. R.) Children : 42. i. George A., b. July 9, 1851; m. Feb. 1, 1877, Ada Adams. Res. Boston and York Beach, Me. Ira J., b. Feb. 14, 1854; m. twice. Res. Boston. Merchant. Maria M., b. Mar. 8, 1856; m. Wiederbusch. Res. Cin- cinnati, O. William Ellery C, b. Aug. 22, 1858; m. Dec. 14, 1891, Nettie E. Berry. LouviE, b. July 1, 1861; d. Aug. 29, 1889; m. Alton Finney. Mary A., b. May 17, 1863; m. Sept. 18, 1892, Edward M. Messenger. Res. Winchendon. 48. vii. John F., b. Aug. 4, 1866; m. Nov. 23, 1889, Ada M. Marshall. Res. Roslindale. 49. viii. Ransom, b. May 7, 1868. 50. ix. Mabel F., b. June 16, 1878; m. Erkhart. Res. E. Jaffrey. 51. X. Ernest M., b. Mar. 10, 1881. Engineer. Res. Philadelphia. 27. HosEA^ (John'', Joseph^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^ John^, Robert^), b. Dec. 8, 1832; d. Stoddard, July 8, 1880; m. (1) Oct. 11, 1856, Anna Buzzell of Acworth; (2) Nancy Davis of Acworth ; (3) Mary Lewis of Marlboro. Children : 52. i. Herbert. 53. ii. Edward C. 54. iii. William. Res. at Hillsboro Bridge. 55. iv. Clara. 29. Stephen W.'^ (John^, Joseph^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^ Robert^), b. Oct. 29, 1834; d. Aug. 4, 1862; m. (1) July 1, 1857, Juliette C. Wooster [b. about 1830; d. Dec. 16, 1858] ; (2) Addie Everett. He' lived on the old country road in the house still standing on the "Reuben Kidder farm," (46, N. D.,) a little southward from the site of the house before mentioned as the home of his brother Harvey at the same time. 31. Ira H.^ (John*', Joseph^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, John^ Robert^, b. Aug. 31, 1840; d. Aug. 24, 1872; m. Mar. 7, 1866, 582 Proctor Maria Messenger. He also lived upon the old country road, near his brothers Harvey and Stephen. Children : 56. i. Elton. 57. ii. Clarence. Res. at Hillsboro Bridge. 58. iii. Leon H. 33. Eugene R.^ (Romeo^, Oliver^, Oliver^, Oliver*, Peter^, Peter^, Robert^), b. July 8, 1852; m. 1874, Carrie L. Foster of West Haven, Vt. [b. Whitehall, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1856]. He is a farmer upon the William Wheeler farm, (64, N. L. O.) Children : 59. i. Elsie M., b. May 28, 1875 ; m. July 15, 1896, Clinton W. Max- well. 60. ii. Archie R., b. Dec. 1, 1876. 61. iii. Lena A., b. Aug. 12, 1878; m. Apr. 26, 1898, Norman V. Tilton. 62. iv. Edward R., b. Feb. 17, 1882. 63. V. Alice L., b. Oct. 1, 1886; m. Aug. 9, 1902, Bert A. Robbins. 64. vi. Martha U., b. Nov. 14, 1888. 65. vii. Charles E., b. Oct. 5, 1893. RAMSDELL. 1. Amos^ Ramsdell, b. Oct. 18, 1768; d. Dec. 17, 1852; m. Boston, Aug. 4, 1799, Phebe, dau. of George and Relief (Brad- street) Henry of Lunenburg, Mass. [b. June 10, 1775 ; d. Oct. 23, 1861]. He came to New Ipswich about 1809 and settled upon the Samuel Whittemore farm, just north from Whitte- more Hill, (1, N. L. O.,) which was his home for forty years. His later days were spent with his sons in Rindge. Children: 2. i. Amos, b. June 18, 1801.-|- 3. ii. George, b. May 7, 1803.+ 4. iii. Daniel, b. Aug. 4, 1805.+ 5. iv. James, b. June 26, 1807. -|- 6. V. Reuben, b. Aug. 11, 181 1.+ 7. vi. Phebe H., b. May 12, 1816; d. Apr. 16, 1838. 2. Amos^ (Amos^), b. June 18, 1801; d. Mar. 5, 1862; m. Sept. 10, 1830, Harriet, dau. of Liberty and Betsey Wright of Pepperell, Mass. [b. Sept. 4, 1804; d. Oct. 5, 1874]. Soon after his marriage he removed to Rindge, where he was a lum- ber dealer and a manufacturer of woodenware. Children : 8. i. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Mar. 16, 1837; m. Nov. 30, 1854, Joel Wellington of Rindge. 9. ii. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 12, 1841; d. Feb. 22, 1864. 3. George^ (Amos^), b. May 7, 1803; d. Oct. 1, 1890; m. Lucy Preston (32). He was a farmer in the south part of the 583 History of New Ipswich town, at first on the farm afterward long owned by Benjamin Lovett, now at the end of a short road leading eastward from the Ashburnham road, and later for many years at the end of the road on the eastern side of Whittemore Hill. He was a captain in the militia, and held the office of selectman for a few years. Children : 10. i. George Henry, b. 1825. -f 11. ii. Mary Jane, b. 1832; m. May 5, 1861, Rufus Putnam. 12. iii. Lucia Maria, b. 1845; m. May 31, 1864, Charles W. Currier. 4. Daniel^ (Amos^, b. Aug. 4, 1805; d. Nov. 11, 1877; m. (1) Mary Ann Symonds of Milford [b. May 22, 1807; d. June 16, 1865]; (2) Aug. 12, 1868, Mrs. Helen W. Hale. He was a carpenter and also a farmer, passing his life upon the home farm except a few years, 1837-50, when he had the eastern of the two Breed farms, (80, A. D.) Children : 13. i. Daniel Perley, b. Mar. 12, 1830; d. 1913; m. (1) Sarah J. Ames (13); (2) Margaret Hays. 14 ii. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 30, 1838; d. Feb. 8, 1842. 15. iii. Ann Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1843; d. May 20, 1856. 16. iv. William H., b. Apr. 23, 1845 ; d. Dec. 3, 1907. 5. James^ (AmosO, b. June 26, 1807; d. Sept. 20, 1873; m. Nov. 16, 1837, Lucy, dau. of Abijah and Sophia (Waters) Rice [b. June 7, 1818]. He removed to Rindge while a young man and entered into business with his brother Amos. He held a lieutenant-colonel's commission in the militia. Children : 17. i. James Gardner, b. July 7, 1841; d. 1913; m. Sept. 30, 1863, Julia Alice Carter. Res. in Philadelphia. 18. ii. Cassius G., b. Oct. 30, 1845 ; d. 1913. Res. in San Francisco, Cal. 19. iii. Eva Josephine, b. Apr. 14, 1854; m. June 17, 1874, D. W. White of Boston. 20. iv. Lucy F., b. Feb. 13, 1856; d. Mar. 16, 1856. 6. Reuben^ (Amos^), b. Aug. 11, 1811; m. Dec. 24, 1835, Lavina Piper, dau. of Joshua and Polly Piper Converse [b. May 21, 1820]. He became a manufacturer of woodenware at Converse Village in Rindge. Children : 21. i. Henrietta Lavina, b. Nov. 3, 1836; d. Feb. 14, 1842. 22. ii. Phebe Amanda, b. Dec. 19, 1839; m. Dec. 21, 1855, Edward, son of Stephen and Hannah (Barber) Jewett. Seven chil- dren. 10. George Henry^ (George^ Amos^), b. 1825; d. 1906; m. Nov. 15, 1848, Sarah A. Conant (26). Children: 23. i. Helen. 584 Ramsdell 24. ii. Ada L., m. George Clark. 25. iii. Ann E., m. Gardner E. Davis. 26. iv. James B., m. July 19, 1879, Lizzie A. Roberts. 27. V. Willis. 28. vi. Marietta R, b. 1855; d. 1881. READ— REED. Oliver^ Read at Westford, Mass., "bought a place as an old deed shows together with three negroe servants, Dinah, Phyllis and Leah." Oliver^ (Oliver*), lived at Westford, Mass. 1. James Oliver^ (Oliver^, Oliver^), b. at Townsend, Mass.; d. at Mason, May 1, 1905; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Caroline R.. dau. of Ephraim and Matilda (Hodgman) Hildreth; was a merchant at Bank Village and later at High Bridge, 1850-1872. Children : 2. i. James Oliver, Jr.* (James Oliver', Oliver^, Oliver*), b. Mar. 11, 1858. Res. in Mason; has been selectman and held other offices of trust. 3. ii. Harriet C, b. Mar. 3, 1861 ; m. George E. Strout. One daughter. RHOADS. Henry' Rhoads, b. 1608. Res. at Lynn, Mass. Eleazer" (Henry*), b. Lynn, Feb. 6, 1641. Eleazer' (Eleazer", Henry*), m. Lynn, Nov. 21, 1710, Jemima Prebble. Eleazer^ (Eleazer^ Eleazer', Henry*), b. Lynn, Jan. 16, 1715; d. Dedham, Mass., Oct. 4, 1784. Eleazer^ (Eleazer^ Eleazer', Eleazer^ Henry*), bapt. Dedham, Aug. 16, 1747; d. Feb. 24, 1821; m. Nov. 12, 1769, Abigail Graves [b. about 1749; d. Oct. 12, 1802]. 1. Eleazer® (Eleazer^, Eleazer*, Eleazer^, Eleazer^, Hen- ryi), b. Dedham, Sept. 11, 1770; d. Amherst, June 27, 1855; m. (1) 1794, Elizabeth Bullard [b. about 1772; d. May 2, 1836] ; (2) Nov. 29, 1837, Rebecca Putnam [b. about 1791 ; d. Dec. 16, 1849]. He removed from his native town to Lyndeboro about 1800, and came thence to New Ipswich about 1814, making his home in the most southerly house of Gibson Vil- lage, long the dwelling of Joseph A. Gibson. He remained, however, only about seven years, then removed to Amherst, where he passed his remaining life, occupied with the varying activities of innkeeper, farmer, and brickmaker. While in New Ipswich he was one of the many who entered the enter- prise, then in its infancy, of cotton manufactures, and he joined with Loammi Chamberlain of Mason Village, (now 585 History of New Ipswich Greenville,) in the establishment of a small factory in the building built a few years before as a saw and grist mill and using the waterpower near at hand. His experience in that industry probably did not differ greatly from that of the greater part of the small factories established prior to the larger factories then about to appear. Children : 2. i. Clarissa, b. Apr. 2, 1795; m. Benjamin Leavitt. 3. ii. Catherine, b. Sept. 28, 1797 ; d. Nov. 23, 1814. 4. iii. Lucy, b. Apr. 19, 1801; d. June 9, 1878; m. (1) Nov. 18, 1834, Joshua Home of Boston [b. about 1802; d. Aug. 1, 1850]; (2) Luther W. Nichols of Amherst; (3) Nov., 1872, James Chandler (R. 22). 5. iv. Abigail, b. Aug. 3, 1804; d. Sept. 9, 1871; m. (1) June 17, 1832, James Newhall (19) ; (2) June 27, 1854, James Chand- ler (R. 22). 6. V. Moses, b. June 30, 1806 ; d. Mar. 13, 1807. 7. vi. Warren, b. Feb. 17, 1808.+ 8. vii. Charles, b. June 26, 1810; d. Nov. 1, 1872; m. (1) Dec. 26, 1835, Jane Taylor [b. Jan., 1814; d. July 30, 1836]; (2) Jane Wiley [d. May 4, 1870]. He was a painter in Amherst. 9. viii. Betsey, b. Oct. 9, 1811; d. young. 10. ix. Harriet, b. May 5, 1813; d. Oct. 28, 1885; m. Feb. 25, 1836, Henry Tolman. Removed to Wisconsin, 1854, and thence to Eldora, Iowa, where she died. Children : i. Charles Tolman. ii. Henry Tolman. iii. Josephine Tolman. iv. Sarah Tolman. 11. X. Alfred, b. Dec. 24, 1818; d. May 19, 1848, unm. 7. Warren^ (Eleazer^, Eleazer^, Eleazer*, Eleazer^, Elea- zev\ Henryi), b. Feb. 17, 1808; d. Sept. 23, 1885; m. June 16, 1837, Elizabeth Roach [d. Apr. 9, 1887]. He succeeded to his father's farm in Amherst. Children : 12. i. William, b. Mar. 24, 1839.+ 13. ii. Sarah Catherine, b. Apr. 5, 1840; d. Sept. 23, 1858. 14. iii. David Henry, b. Dec. 24, 1845 ; m. Aug. 17, 1879, Annie Loud [d. Dec. 30, 1902]. 15. iv. Albert, b. Jan. 1. 1848; d. July 10, 1903. 12. William^ (Warren'^, Eleazer^, Eleazer^, Eleazer*, Elea- zer8, EleazerS Henry^), b. Mar. 24, 1839; d. May 18, 1909; m. (1) June 29, 1864, Susan J. Weld [d. Feb. 1. 1884] ; (2) Apr. 9, 1886, Clara J. Eustis [d. Apr. 9, 1891]. He succeeded to the family farm. Children : 16. i. Lizzie Almy, b. Dec. 3, 1865; m. Mar. 2, 1893, Charles A. Ford. Res. Concord, N. H. 17. ii. Ada May, b. Aug. 24, 1873 ; m. June 30, 1896, Fred E. Cooley. Res. Milford, where he is manager of Milford Machine Works. Child : i. Earl Eleaser Cooley, b. Sept. 5, 1898. 586 Richardson RICHARDSON. The early residents in New Ipswich bearing this name seem to have descended from two brothers who, with a third brother and four others, took a leading part in the settlement of Woburn, Mass. Ezekiel' Richardson, b. about 1602; d. Oct. 21, 1647; m. Susanna [m. (2) Henry Brooks of Woburn; d. Sept. 15, 1681]. He came from England in 1630 and after a brief sojourn in Charlestown settled in Woburn, where he was one of the first board of selectmen. Thomas* Richardson, a younger brother of Ezekiel, d. Aug. 28, 1651; m. Mary [m. (2) Michael Bacon, d. May 19, 1640]. He had a part with his brother in the founding of Woburn. JosiAH" (EzekieP), b. about Nov. 7, 1635; d. June 22, 1695; m. June 6, 1659, Remembrance, dau. of William and Sarah Underwood of Con- cord, Mass. [b. Feb. 22, 1639/40]. In the year of his marriage he re- moved to Chelmsford, Mass., where he was selectman for many years, also town clerk and captain. Thomas-= (Thomas'), b. Oct. 4, 1645; d. Feb. 25, 1720/1; m. (1) Jan. 5, 1669/70, Mary Stimpson [d. June 7, 1690] ; (2) Dec. 29, 1690, Sarah, widow of Thomas Patten of Billerica [d. Jan. 16, 1689/90]. He removed from Woburn to Billerica about 1667. He served in a futile military expedition to Canada by way of Albany in 1690. He was delegate to the General Court. John' (Josiah=, Ezekier), b. Feb. 14, 1669/70: d. Sept. 13, 1746; m Jan. 31, 1693/4, Elizabeth Farwell of Chelmsford, Mass. [d. May 9, 1722] Res. in Chelmsford. Jonathan' (Thomas=, Thomas'), b. Feb. 14, 1682/3; d. Aug. 13, 1720 m. 1713, Hannah, dau. of John French of Billerica. Res. in Billerica. John" (John', Jos^ah^ Ezekiel'), b. Nov. 16, 1711; d. Aug. 28, 1764 m. 1733, Esther . Res. in Chelmsford. Thomas^ (Jonathan', Thomas^ Thomas'), b. June 5, 1718; m. 1739 Abigail, dau. of Henry and Abigail (Parker) Merrow of Woburn [b V18]. Res. in Reading, Mass. 1. SiLAS^ (John^ John^, Josiah^, EzekieP), b. Aug. 2, 1734 d. IVlar. 25, 1775; m. Dec. 28, 1769, Lydia, dau. of William* Fletcher of Chelmsford. He came to New Ipswich at about the time of his marriage and passed the few remaining years of his life at the foot of Kidder IVTountain, upon lot 55, N. D., previously owned by Archibald White. Children : 4. i. Lydia, b. Oct. 7, 1770; m. Dec. 12. 1790, Ebenezer Parker (S. 6). 5. ii. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 14, 1773. 2. JoHN^ (John*, John^, Josiah^, EzekieF), b. Apr. 8, 1748; d. before Jan. 12, 1785. He came to New Ipswich at the age of twenty-one in the same year as his older brother Silas, with whom he probably lived, but his name has place on the tax- lists for only two years. He is said to have been a joiner. 587 History of New Ipswich 3. Ebenezer^ (Thomas*, Jonathan', Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 14, 1754; d. Mar. 18, 1827; m. Jan. 15, 1777, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Parker [b. about 1750; d. Dec. 10, 1836]. He lived for some years in Reading, Mass., whence he came to New Ipswich about 1790. He succeeded to the own- ership of the Ezra Towne farm, (23, N. D.) Children : 6. i. Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1780; m. Eliphalet Bailey. 7. ii. Lucy, b. Aug. 10, 1782; m. May 30, 1833, John Robbins of Mason. 8. iii. Jonathan, b. July 28, 1784; m. Nov. 26, 1807, Sarah Mans- field. 9. iv. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 6, 1788. 10. V. Thomas, b. Oct. 20, 1797. He succeeded to his father's farm, and later for some years occupied the farm at the corner formed by the Temple and old Wilton roads, afterward the home of Mark Farrar, (26, N. D.) Several other residents of the town, probably of this family but not certainly identified, are named upon the tax-list for very brief periods. ROBBINS. True' Robbins, b. Apr. 14, 1789; m. Mar. 24, 1811. Rebecca Hodgman [b. Mar. 6, 1792]. 1. William Parker^ (True^), b. Aug. 14, 1812; m. Nancy Bucknam [d. about 1890]. Children: 4. i. Charles L., b. Nov. 26, 1837.-f 5. ii. Harriet, m. Aaron Winship. 6. iii. William Otis, m. Martha J. Barrett. 7. iv. Abbie, m. Herbert Willard of Ashby, Mass. 8. V. Emily Anna, m. Frank Foster of Somerville, Mass. 2. True2 (True^), b. Dec. 26, 1814; m. (1) Sarah A. Pike; (2) Louisa Ames. Children : 9. i. Marcellus.-(- 10. ii. Hattie. 11. iii. Martin. 12. iv. Martha. 13. V. Henry. 14. vi. Frank. 3. Lewis^ (True^), b. Aug. 10, 1819; m. Emily Winship. Children: 15. i. Lewis Harlan, b. May 10, 1844.-f- 16. ii. George C, b. July 26, 1847 ; m. Elma Hodgman. 17. iii. Fred E., b. Sept. 22, 1850; m. Julie Fletcher. 18. iv. Lizzie E., b. May 10, 1853; m. George A. Kimball, chief engineer of Boston Elevated [d. Dec, 1912]. 588 Robbins 19. V. Abbie L., b. Sept. 20, 1854; m. O. D. Prescott of Greenville. 20. vi. Addie F., b. Mar. 25, 1857; m. E. C. Sargent. 4. Charles^ (William P.^, True^), b. Nov. 26, 1837; d. Aug. 24, 1901 ; m. Apr. 10, 1862, Abbie J. Davis. Child : 21. i. Addie A., b. at Townsend, Mass., Dec. 12, 1867; m. (1) 1885, F. H. Arnold, Jr.; (2) July 19, 1895, Lauriston M. P. Hardy. 9. Marcellus T.3 (True^ True^), d. Nov. 20, 1909; m. (1) Lizzie Peckins of Ashburnham ; (2) Nov. 6, 1875, Viola Florence Fish. Child : 22. i. Ida W., m. Sept. 18, 1901, Edward R. Wheeler (173). 15. Lewis Harlan^ (Lewis^, True^). b. May 10, 1844; d. Feb. 3, 1907; m. (1) Dec. 17, 1867, Abbie E. Wheeler (181); (2) Georgianna M. Hayward. Children : 23. i. Melville, b. Oct. 31, 1868. 24. ii. Edith, b. July 28, 1878. ROGER. David' Roger, d. 1879; m. Janet Bone [d. 1881]. He was a gardener in Ayrshire, Scotland. He came to America in 1874 and resided in Miller- town, N. Y. 1. James^ (Davidi), b. Aug. 18, 1841, Kirkmichael, Ayr- shire, Scotland ; m. June, 1867, Margaret Neil [d. June 10, 1913]. He was a clerk in Birmingham, England, and entered the railway service in 1866, being station master at Rosslyn Castle near Edinburgh for thirty-one years. He was ordained an elder in the Established Church (Presbyterian) of Scot- land in 1878 and elected a member of the General Assembly in 1896. He came to America in 1897 and has since resided in New Ipswich, where he has a duck farm and has given faithful service as a member of the school board and a super- intendent of the Congregational Sunday School and a deacon. Children : 2. i. Mary Ramsay, b. Apr. 3, 1868; d. Mar.. 1906; m. Alex Mair. 3. ii. Jessie, b. Oct. 28, 1870; m. John Borland. 4. iii. David, b. Jan. 10, 1873. Res. in New Ipswich. 5. iv. Alice Isabel, b. June 10, 1875 ; m. John C. Cochrane. 6. V. Marian Traver, b. July 30, 1879; m. Berkley T. Larrabee. 7. vi. James, b. July 30, 1884. RUMRILL. Very few records relating to this family in New Ipswich have been found, and the earlier records are not all complete. It is believed, how- ever, that the brief statement which follows is practically correct. 589 History of New Ipswich Simon' Rumrill, b. about 1663; d. Apr. 13, 1705; m. Feb. 3, 1690, Sarah Fairman. He was an early settler in Enfield, Conn., where he died. Simon" ( Simon'), b. July 26, 1696; d. before 1732. He removed to Westford, Mass., and bought land there in 1727. He was one of a com- pany of "snowshoe-men" serving against the Indians, and one of the relief party sent after Lovewell's fight in 1725. 1. David^ (Simon^, Simon^), d. about 1803. He came to New Ipswich about 1763 and settled on the John Knowlton farm on the Ashburnham road, (76, A. D.,) where he made his permanent home. He served in the company of Capt. Stephen Parker in the Stillwater campaign of 1777. The name of his wife has not been found. He is said to have had fifteen chil- dren, but the names of only five of them have been found and of only one of that number is the date of birth accurately known. Children : 2. i. Simon, b. July 1, 1767; m. (1) Jan., 1790, Joanna Kemp; (2) 1801, Hannah Perry. He removed to Charlestown soon after his first marriage, and there had eight children. 3. ii. Joseph. He removed to Townsend, Mass. 4. iii. David, b. probably about 1774; d. Sept. 2, 1861; m. (1) prob. Lydia [b. about 1780; d. Sept. 1, 1820]; (2) [b. about 1773; d. Oct. 27, 1857]. He passed his life after arriving at maturity as a farmer near the Rindge line, a mile south from the northwestern corner of the town, (138, A. D.) 5. iv. Daniel, b. probably about 1776. His name is on the tax-list of 1798, but no longer. 6. v. Benjamin, b. probably about 1778. He was taxed in 1799 and 1800. SAFFORD. Thomas* Safford, d. Feb. 20, 1666/7; m. Elizabeth [d. Mar. 4, 1670/1]. He was a landowner in Ipswich, Mass., as early as 1641. Joseph' (Thomas'), b. about 1631; d. Aug. 29, 1701; m. Mar. 6, 1660, Mary Baker. Res. in Ipswich. Samuel' (Joseph^ Thomas'), b. July, 1678; m. Hannah . Res. in Ipswich. 1. Benjamin* (SamueP, Joseph^, Thomas^), b. Aug. 3, 1718; d. Apr. 25, 1810; m. Oct. 9, 1754, Prudence IVlelvin of Carlisle, Mass. [b. about 1718; d. Sept. 8, 1784]. He came to New Ipswich before 1754 and settled upon VII: 2, S. R., per- haps thirty rods south from the site of the present Congrega- tional church and a little west from the present road to the Souhegan river. He was a worthy man whose daily life tes- tified to the reality of his religious convictions, perhaps more 590 Safford clearly than his constant attendance at church, noticeable even in those early days, and still maintained when in later years his eyesight had failed and he groped his way along Safford lane and the old country road, to the meeting-house upon the hill. Children : 2. i. Hannah, b. Oct. 31, 1755; m. Apr. 3, 1806, Abijah Spafford. 3. ii. Lydia, b. Apr. 28, 1757. 4. ill. Betsey, b. Jan. 31, 1759; m. Daniel Severance (3). 5. iv. Lucy, b. Sept. 22, 1760. 6. V. Prudence, b. Jan. 9, 1763; d. Apr. 1, 1848; m. Dec. 11, 1783, Zebedee Whittemore of Hancock [b. 1755; d. Feb. 26, 1825]. Res. at Marlow. 7. vi. Benjamin, b. Dec. 21, 1764.-1- 8. vii. Reuben, b. Oct. 28, 1767. 7, Benjamin^ (Benjamin*. SamueP, Joseph^, Thomas^), b. Dec. 21, 1764; d. 1834; m. (1) Oct. 14, 1788, Hannah Wheeler of Concord, Mass. [b. about 1762; d. Dec. 10, 1807] ; (2) 1808, Lydia, dau. of James and Mary (Melville) Chandler (9) [b. Nov. 15, 1781; d. Feb. 5, 1844]. He lived upon the paternal farm until 1834, when with his family he entered the tide of emigration, then flowing so strongly to Illinois, but died sud- denly while upon his way at Roscoe, O. His family settled in Ouincy, 111. Children : Three daughters by first marriage. 9. i. Stephen Farrar, b. July 7, 1809; d. Jan. 7, 1860; m. May 17, 1836, Louisa Hunt [b. Oct. 11, 1812; d. Oct. 8, 1896]. Eight children. 10. ii. John W., b. 1811; d. Feb. 10, 1813. 11. iii. Hannah Chandler, b. Sept. 29, 1815; d. May 15, 1894; m. May 16, 1836, Homer Brown [b. 1812; d. Sept. 29, 1876]. One child. 12. iv. Elizabeth Winslow, b. May 9, 1819; d. Aug. 29, 1881; m. Rev. Aden H. Fletcher [d. Feb. 15, 1880]. Eight children. SANDERS. 1. Joseph^ Sanders, b. Aug. 17, 1764; d. Dec. 12, 1829; m. Betsy, dau. of Nathan and Mary (Chapman) Hall [b. Mar. 5, 1766; d. Mar. 15, 1836]. Children; 2. i. Annie, b. Oct. 30, 1788; d. June 12, 1877. 3. ii. David, b. Feb. 9, 1791 ; d. June 1, 1863. 4. iii. Joseph, b. Oct. 13, 1792; d. Nov. 28, 1876. 5. iv. Betsy, b. Sept. 21, 1794; d. Mar. 27, 1883. 6. v. Polly, b. July 4, 1796; d. Mar. 21, 1863. 7. vi. Sally, b. July 15, 1798; d. Sept. 7, 1884. 8. vii. Nathan, b. Sept. 17, 1800. -f 591 History of New Ipswich 9. viii. George, b. Mar. 11, 1803.+ 10. ix. Fidelia, b. May 11, 1805; d. Dec, 1881. 11. X. Caroline, b. Oct. 2, 1807; d. Sept. 20, 1826. 8. Nathan^ (Joseph^), b. Sept. 17, 1800; d. Dec. 4, 1887; m. June 19, 1826, Betsy, dau. of Silas and Polly (Williams) Shedd [b. Mar. 24, 1805; d. Dec. 6, 1887]. He was a mill- wright and later, while in New Ipswich, 1836-1866, was a tin- smith. Children : 12. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1827; d. June 1, 1867; m. Nov. 16, 1848, Dr. George Jewett of Fitchburg, Mass. 13. ii. Caroline Elmira, b. Oct. 19, 1829; d. at Grinnell, Iowa, Jan. 7, 1908. 14. iii. Nathan Edwin, b. Feb. 11, 1832; d. Oct. 21, 1849. 15. iv. Silas Luman, b. Oct. 16, 1834.+ 16. V. Joseph Howard, b. July 20, 1836.+ 17. vi. George Lucius, b. June 18, 1838.-)- 18. vii. Lorenzo Preston, b. Mar. 3, 1840; d. May 25, 1842. 19. viii. David Albert, b. Feb. 9, 1842.-|- 20. ix. Ellen Frances, b. Jan. 12, 1845; d. Mar. 23, 1853. 21. x. Willis, b. Mar. 9, 1847; d. Oct. 18, 1847. 9. George^ (Joseph^), b. Mar. 11, 1803; d. Nov. 3, 1867; m. (1) Caroline Muzzy [b. July 30, 1804; d. Feb. 8, 1849] ; (2) Mrs. Susan (Wilson) Kendall, dau. of Supply and Sally (Scrip- ture) Wilson; (3) Charlotte Clarke. Children: 22. i. Caroline Fidelia, b. Aug. 9, 1827; m. Charles Hastings Allen of Boston. George Augustus, b. Apr. 23, 1829. -f- Clarendon Muzzy, b. July 18, 1834; d. Aug. 14, 1896; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah and Henrietta (Ordway) Davis. Henry Martin, b. July 27, 1836; m. Lucy Upton [d. July 31, 1908]. Mary Helen, b. Feb. 10, 1840; d. Mar. 4, 1842. Edward Arthur, b. June 30, 1843. Eugene S., b. Jan. 1, 1858; d. June 23, 1865. 15. Silas Luman^ (Nathan^, Joseph^), b. Oct. 16, 1834; m. Jennie Taylor. Res. Grinnell, Iowa. Children : 29. i. Elizabeth Jewett, b. June 5, 1865 ; m. Clay Gilbert. Three children. 30. ii. George Luman, b. July 4, 1869; d. Aug., 1892. 16. Joseph Howard^ (Nathan^, Joseph^), b. July 20, 1836; m. Betsy Taylor. Res. Grinnell, Iowa. Children : 31. i. Nathan Edwin, b. June 28, 1870. 32. ii. Annie Josephine, b. Feb. 23, 1873. 33. iii. Harry Howard, b. Oct. 4, 1874; d. Dec. 12, 1879. 23. 11. 24. iii. 25. iv. 26. V. 27. vi. 28. vii. 592 ' Sanders 17. George Lucius^ (Nathan^, Joseph^), b. June 18, 1838; m. Mary Steele. Res. Grinnell, Iowa. Children : 34. i. William Steele, b. Jan. 30, 1873; m. Delia Andrews. Two sons. 35. ii. Frank, b. about 1875; d. about 1876. 36. iii. Charles Lucius, b. July 16, 1877. 19. David Albert^ (Nathan^, Joseph^), b. Feb. 9, 1842; m. Hester Clifford. Res. Grinnell, Iowa. Children : 37. I. Hester Elmira, b. Sept. 10, 1881. 38. ii. Fannie Ellen, b. May 12, 1883. 39. iii. Mary Clifford, b. Apr. 19, 1887. 23. George Augustus^ (George-, Joseph^), b. Apr. 23, 1829; m. Jan. 1, 1866, Narcissa M. Harvey [b. Dayton, Ohio, Apr. 29, 1841 ; d. at Holden, Mass., May 31, 1900]. Children: 40. i. George I., b. June 8, 1869; d. Mar. 29, 1870. 41. ii. Eddie I., b. June 16, 1871; d. Mar. 19, 1872. 42. iii. Ella Lotta, b. Aug. 16, 1873. 43. iv. Cora Narcissa, b. Feb. 18, 1877. SEVERANCE. The record of this family is very obscure, but its service in the Revolution forbids an omission from these pages. It is hoped that the statements made below are at least approximately correct. JoHN^ Severance, d. Apr. 9, 1682; m. (1) in England, 1635, Abigail Kimball [d. June 17, 1658] ; (2) Oct. 2, 1663, Susanna, widow of Henry Ambrose. He was a freeman in Boston in 1637, and one of the first set- tlers at Salisbury, Mass. He was termed a "planter," and also a "victualler and vintner." Ephraim' (John'), b. Apr. 8, 1656; m. Nov. 9, 1682, Lydia Morrill. Ephraim' (Ephraim", John'), b. Nov. 29, 1694. 1. Ephraim* (Ephraim^, Ephraim^, John^), b. Ipswich, Mass., Nov., 1723. This is believed to have been the Ephraim Severance who settled at an early date on the Mansfield farm situated on the north road to Greenville, (14, N. D.,) as early as 1754; there, however, he apparently did not remain very long, but removed to Camden, N. H. He was one of the first board of selectmen elected by the town after it changed its name and became the first to bear the name of Washington, since assumed by so many towns. In old age he removed with his son Daniel to Topsham, Vt., where he died. There is very little doubt that the New Ipswich residents bearing the family name were his descendants, but probably the list of his chil- dren here presented is not complete. Children : 593 39 History of New Ipswich 2. i. Ephraim, b. about 1749.+ 3. ii. Daniel, b. about 1751. + 4. iii. Ebenezer, b. about 1753.+ 5. iv. Abel, b. about 1754.-|- 6. V. RuFus. 7. vi. Abigail. 8. vii. Polly. 2. Ephraim^ (Ephraim*, Ephraim^, Ephraim^, John^), b. about 1749. He was a Revokttionary soldier, and although it has been stated that he was killed at White Plains, the best authority seems to identify him as having enlisted from New Ipswich in the company of Capt. Isaac Farwell in 1777. He was wounded the following October, but was with his com- pany at Stillwater. His name appears on the New Ipswich records from 1765 to 1774. There is no evidence that he lived at Washington. 3. Daniel^ (Ephraim*, Ephraim^, Ephraim-, John^), b. Gro- ton, Mass., about 1751 ; d. Washington, Mar. 10, 1817; m. Bet- sey Safford (4). He gave Revolutionary service in the com- panies of Capts. Towne and Smith, and on the roll of the former company he is said to have been at that time a black- smith in Washington. But if that was the case, tradition gives in detail his later experiences elsewhere. It tells that after the close of the war he went with his family to Topsham, Vt., then practically a wilderness, built a cabin, and began to clear a farm. Potatoes, being easily raised, formed a larger part of the table supplies. The table is said to have been merely a large stump left in the middle of the cabin, upon which the potatoes were emptied from the kettle, and then with addition of a little salt the meal was complete. But the hard work brought better times, until, as an old pioneer said in later years, they had "all the mush and milk they wanted." But at this period of secured affluence a near neighbor laid claim to the new farm on the grounds that Mr. Severance had an im- perfect title, as the claimant had known while he had watched the change produced by labor. The law at that time made no allowance for improvements, and the old soldier, too old to repeat the process with another farm, was made penniless. He returned to New Ipswich and a little more than a hundred years ago made his home in a house standing on the site of the Bullard house just north of the Barrett mansion, which was in so poor repair that the light of the open fire so shone 594 I Severance through the crevices as to give the house the name of the "town lantern." Later he lived at some point on the old coun- try road near Kidder Mountain. The closing years of his life are said to have been passed in Washington. He had eleven children, but the names of only four are here given. Children : 9. i. Daniel, b. about 1780; m. Aug. 23, 1815, his cousin Abigail, dau. of Rufus (5). 10. ii. Benjamin, b. 1782; d. Sept. 29, 1825; m. Betsey Dodge. After several years' residence in Washington he removed to Clare- mont, where he died. Very probably he was the Benjamin appearing in the New Ipswich records in 1806. 11. iii. Nathan. He perhaps was the resident of that name shown on the New Ipswich records of 1814 and later, but this is very uncertain. 12. iv. Abijah. He is found upon the records of about the same date as Nathan, and is subject to the same uncertainty. 4. Ebenezer^ (Ephraim*, Ephraim'*, Ephraim-, John^), b. New Ipswich about 1753. He seems to have removed to Temple in early manhood, as his name is borne on the roll of Capt. Towne's company in 1775 as a farmer in that town. 5. x\bel^' (Ephraim*, Ephraim^, Ephraim-, John^), b. about 1754; d. Bradford, N. H., Aug. 26, 1842; m." Martha Bruce. He lived only a short time in Washington, but is said to have lived a time in Temple before settling in Bradford. His name is found in the New Ipswich records from 1777 to 1791, and is on the roll of Capt. Ezra Towne's company of 1775, where he is said to have been born in Groton, Mass., and to be a farmer in New Ipswich. The name of Abba Severance is found in the New Ipswich records from 1755 to 1784, and he enlisted from Temple in 1778. The dates connected with members of this family in the New Ipswich and Temple records suggest that they moved very easily across the town line, and that it was sometimes almost uncertain of which town they were residents. SHATTUCK. William^ Shattuck, b. England, 1621 or 1622; d. Watertown, Aug. 14, 1672; m. about 1642, Susanna [m. (2) Nov. 18, 1673, Richard Norcross, teacher of the Grammar School at Watertown for thirty-five years; d. Dec. 11, 1686]. William came from England a little later than 1640, but in 1642 land was granted him at Watertown, where he was designated "a weaver," but he seems to have spent most of his time as a farmer. 595 History of Newr Ipswich John' (William^), b. Feb. 11, 1647; was drowned at Charlestown Ferry, Sept. 14, 1675 ; m. June 20, 1664, Ruth, dau. of John and Elinor Whitney of Watertown [m. (2) Mar. 2, 1677, Enoch Lawrence, and re- moved to Groton]. John was a carpenter at Watertown. Philip' ( William'), b. 1648; d. in the part of Watertown which is now Waltham, June 20, 1722; m. (1) Nov. 9, 1670, Deborah, dau. of William and Anna Barstow [d. Nov. 24, 1679] ; (2) Feb. 11, 1680, Rebecca Chamberlain [d. 1728]. He was an able physician and, like his father, a trusted man in public places. William' (William'), b. 1653; d. Oct. 19, 1732; m. about 1678, Susanna, dau. of Stephen and Susanna (Barron) Ramsdell [d. May 8, 1723]. He was a leading citizen of Watertown, holding important offices. He inherited his father's "loom and appurtenances," but was also engaged in farming and brickmaking. John' (John^ William'), b. June 4, 1666; was killed by the Indians at Groton at the same time with his son John, May 8, 1709; m. Mary, dau. of James and Elizabeth (Longley) Blood [b. Sept. 1, 1672; d. Mar. 4, 1756]. He was a farmer at Groton on the homestead of his father-in- law, whom the Indians had killed seventeen years earlier. Samuel' (John', William'), b. Watertown, 1673; d. Groton, July 22, 1758; m. Elizabeth, dau. of James and Elizabeth (Longley) Blood [b. Apr. 27, 1675; d. Oct. 20, 1759]. He lived at Groton. Benjamin' (William', William'), b. July 30, 1687; d. Littleton, 1763; m. Martha, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Winship) Sherman. It has been claimed that he was not the son of William, as stated above, but of Philip', who had a son Benjamin, b. May 15. 1685, this claim being supported by his age at death, as given upon his gravestone. But certain deeds still on record seem to constitute more firmly his descent as here stated. He graduated from Harvard College in 1709, studied divinity while teaching in the "Grammar and English School" until 1715, when he was ordained the first minister of Littleton, in which town he passed the remainder of his life, although he retained his pastorate only four- teen years. Jonathan' (John', John', William'), b. June 29, 1693; d. Pepperell, Sept. 18, 1771 ; m. June 25, 1719, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Abigail (Nutting) Chamberlain [b. May 26, 1700]. At the age of sixteen the death of his father and older brother left him with his mother and six younger sisters upon the paternal farm in Groton, to which the court gave him a clear title ten years later. He removed to Pepperell in 1725. Jeremiah' (Samuel', John', William'), b. Groton, June 11, 1703; d. Aug. 2, 1798; m. (1) July 2, 1723, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel and Lydia Parker [b. Apr. 12, 1705; d. June 8, 1789]; (2) Feb. 28, 1792, Mrs. Ruth Bixby. He was a blacksmith in , where he was one of the selectmen, and also held office of captain. 1. William* (Benjamin^, William^, William^), b. Littleton, Jan. 1, 1718; d. Jaffrey, Jan., 1806; m. Nov. 20, 1750, Abigail, dau. of Peter and Abigail Reed of Littleton [b. 1733; d. Beth- lehem, N. H., Feb., 1820]. He first settled in Middletown. Conn., where he acquired a considerable property, but in 1750 he returned to his native town, where he became so valuable 596 Shattuck a man in town matters that upon his removal to New Ipswich in 1769 it was "Voted, That the thanks of the town be given to Mr. William Shattuck for his past services as a town officer." His official services were evidently valued in New Ipswich, as he was one of the selectmen during a considerable part of the period of the Revolution, was a member of the Committee of Correspondence, and represented the town in the fifth Pro- vincial Congress. He is said to have been the teacher of the first school in the town, but as this school was established five years before his removal from Pepperell, it seems doubtful in view of his official position in that town whether this tradition is reliable. He served in the Revolution, although his name and that of his eldest son are probably confused in the records. But as the name appears on the roll of the New Ipswich men who went to resist the raid from Canada in 1780, which was after the death of William Shattuck, Jr., there can be no doubt that this man of over sixty years had a part in that expedition. His farm was near the South burying-ground, (XI: 4, S. R.) He removed to Jafifrey about 1795. The record of his children is uncertain, but it seems to include the following: 2. i. Abigail, d. in infancy. 3. ii. William, b. about 1753.4- 4. iii. John, b. about 1757.-f- 5. iv. Oliver, d. in infancy. 6. V. Peter, b. in 1762.+ 7. vi. Oliver, d. in infancy. 8. vii. Sherman, b. Mar. 26, 1768.-|- 9. viii. Benjamin, b. about 1771 ; m. Sally Acres of Bradford, N. H. He lived in Bradford and in Bethlehem, N. H., and then "went West." JoHN° (Jonathan^ John', John^ William^), b. Groton, Mar. 12, 1724; d. Pepperell, Dec. 31, 1807; m. Aug. 18, 1750, his second cousin, Elizabeth Shattuck, dau. of Jeremiah' [b. May 17, 1728; d. Apr. 9, 1805]. He was a farmer and leading citizen of Pepperell, being one of the selectmen and a member of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety in 1774. His dau. Elizabeth m. Simeon Blanchard (2). David^ (Jeremiah^ SamueP, John^ William^), b. Pepperell, Feb. 19, 1735; d. Jan. 2, 1820; m. (1) May 20, 1756, Sarah, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Nutting) Burt [b. June 26, 1731; d. Dec. 19, 1793]; (2) Nov. 21, 1804, Lucy Sawtell of Groton. He was a farmer in his native town. His dau. Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1762, m. Daniel Butterfield, a farmer of Pepperell, and her dau. Betsey, b. Aug. 8, 1806, m. William Hassall (1) of New Ipswich. 3. William^ (William*, Benjamin^, William^, William^), b. Littleton about 1753; d. 1777; m. IVlary Dustin, a descendant of Hannah Dustin, the heroine of Haverhill, Mass., 1697 [m. 597 History of New Ipswich (2) Simeon Hildreth (3)]. He served in the Revolution, but the story of his service seems to have escaped official record. His name appears on the tax-list of the town only in 1774, and he was probably absent in service from the commence- ment of hostilities until his death, which is said to have been in 1777 in the region of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. The "Shattuck Memorial" states that he was in command of a com- pany, twenty of whom were killed at the same time, but no officer bearing his name is found in the New Hampshire Revo- lutionary Rolls. He had only one child : 12. i. William, b. Jan. 5, 1774. -j- 4. JoHN^ (William*, Benjamin^, William^, William^), b. Littleton about 1757; m. New Ipswich, Dec. 9, 1779, Polly Farley of Hollis. He removed to Peterboro, thence to Bakers- field, Vt., and thence to the West. Children : 13. i. John, m. Polly Barnes. Lived in Bakersfield, Vt. 14. ii. Nancy, m. Singless of Peterboro. 15. iii. Susanna. 16. iv. William. 17. V. Jonathan, m. his cousin, Sally Shattuck" (Benjamin", Wil- liam'). 18. vi. Brown. 19. vii. Polly. 20. viii. Sally. 21. ix. Betsey. 6. Peter^ (William*, Benjamin^, William^ William^), b. Littleton, 1762; d. Bethlehem, N. H., July 18, 1824; m. (1) Lydia, dau. of Jonathan Henney, who entered the Shaker community at Lebanon, N. H., in 1784 and soon died there; (2) Hannah Hildreth of New Ipswich, probably dau. of Ste- phen (2) [d. Sept. 25, 1792] ; (3) Feb. 16, 1795, Rebecca Breed (6) [d. Bethlehem, Apr., 1837]. He was a farmer and carpen- ter living upon the Tenney farm, (186, N. L. O.,) for about twenty years, but in 1800 he removed to Bethlehem, N. H., where he was a prominent citizen. Children : 22. i. Peter, b. July 15, 1778.-}- 23. ii. Lydia, b. Apr. 14, 1781 ; m. Samuel Jackman. Lived at Thet- ford, Vt. Eleven children. 24. iii. Ruth, b. Apr. 10, 1783; m. Moses Howe. Lived at Thetford, Vt. Four children. 25. iv. Abigail, b. June 9, 1786; m. Samuel P. Sweet, a farmer and woodcutter at Boscawen, N. H. Twelve children. 26. V. Stephen, b. Aug. 27, 1788.-|- 27. vi. Simeon, b. 1791 ; d. while young at New Ipswich. 598 Shattuck 8. Sherman^ (William*, Benjamin^, William^, William^), b. Littleton, Mar. 26, 1768; d. Whitefield, Vt, Nov. 5, 1837; m. Peterboro, Feb., 1789, Hannah, dau. of Elisha and Lucy (Chamberlain) Putnam [b. Sutton, Mass., Jan. 20, 1770; d. Bethlehem, N. H., Oct. 11, 1835]. He was a carpenter, shoe- maker, and farmer. He lived at New Ipswich a few years after his marriage and then removed successively to Hancock, Bradford, Jafifrey, and Bethlehem, and Whitefield, Vt. Chil- dren : 28. i. Vashti, b. New Ipswich, Dec. 4, 1789; m. John Nurse, a farmer. 29. ii. Richard Prentice, b. New Ipswich, Feb. 15, 1791.+ 30. iii. Ezra, b. Hancock, Dec. 27, 1793; d. Bethlehem, July 23. 1829; m. Polly Whitcomb. One daughter, Lydia, who m. Ezekiel Gilbert. 31. iv. Charlotte, b. Bradford, Dec. 29, 1795; m. Nov. 15, 1818, Alpheus Sawyer, a farmer in Whitefield. Four children. 32. V. Oliver P., b. Bradford, Feb. 17, 1797.-|- 33. vi. Sherman, b. Bradford, Apr. 25, 1799; d. Bethlehem, Nov. 27, 1819. 34. vii. Hannah, b. Bradford, Feb. 15, 1801; d. Feb., 1851, in New York state; m. William Eaton. Four children. 35. viii. William, b. Jafifrey, Sept. 21, 1803.+ 36. ix. Elisha, b. Jaffrey, Dec. 17, 1805 ; m. Emily Sawyer. 37. X. Irena, b. Bethlehem, May 11, 1808; d. in infancy. 38. xi. Catarna, b. Bethlehem, May 11, 1808; d. in infancy. 39. xii. Mary, b. Bethlehem, Apr. 20, 1810; m. Amasa Briggs. 10. John*' (John^ Jonathan*, John^ John^, William^), b. Pepperell, July 7, 1757; d. New Ipswich, Apr. 21, 1816; m. (1) Dec. 11, 1783, Betsey Miles (3); m. (2) Nov. 14, 1799, Sarah Potter of Rindge [b. about 1760, who survived him and m. (2) James Sanderson of New Ipswich. She d. Feb. 11, 1851]. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and in 1783 he settled in the northwest part of Ashby, but in 1794 he removed to New Ipswich, buying the farm south of the meeting-house since known as the "Willard farm," (VII : 3, S. R.,) where he con- tinued to ply both occupations. Children : 40. i. John, b. July 10, 1785.+ 41. ii. Abel, b. June 14, 1788.-}- 42. iii. Daniel, b. July 10, 1790.-|- 43. iv. Betsey, b. Apr. 6, 1792; d. Aug. 26, 1822, unm. 44. v. Lemuel, b. Oct. 14, 1793.-H 45. vi. Rebecca, b. July 8, 1796; d. May 4, 1817. 11. David^ (David^ Jeremiah*, Samuel^, John^, William^), b. Pepperell, Jan. 5, 1765; d. New Ipswich, Mar. 22, 1826; m. 599 46. 47. ii. 48. iii. 49. iv. 50. V. 51. vi. 52. vii. 53. viii History of New Ipswich Dec. 25, 1786, Sybil, dau. of David and Lydia Brown of Ma- son [b. about 1769; d. Lowell, May 13, 1846]. He was a mason and farmer in Pepperell, Temple, and Mason. He lived a few of his later years near Kidder Mountain, on 55, N. D. Children : Charles, b. 1788; d. Woburn, Nov. 18, 1810, unm. Jane, b. 1789; d. New Ipswich, Feb. 22, 1820, unm. Francis, b. Jan. 9, 1794.-}- Shebuel, b. June 12, 1797.+ Daniel, b. June 15, 1801.+ Martha, b. Aug. 13, 1804; m. 1822, Luke Lane of Bedford. She lived in Lowell for twenty years and afterward in Springfield, Mass. Brooks, b. Dec. 5, 1805.+ Charles F., b. Aug. 21, 1810.+ 12. William*^ (William^ William*, Benjamin^ William^ William^), b. New Ipswich, Jan. 5, 1774; d. Meriden, N. H., Oct. 30, 1847; m. Apr. 10, 1799, Jane, dau. of John and Eliza- beth (Jackman) Stevens [b. Dec. 16, 1776]. He was taken with his mother and stepfather, Simeon Hildreth, to Bradford, N. H., when only five years old, and he removed with them to Meriden in 1830. He was a selectman at Bradford and a dea- con in its church. Children : 54. i. Simeon Hildreth, b. Apr. 9, 1800.-|- 55. ii. Mary, b. July 13, 1801; d. June 18, 1849, unm. 56. iii. DusTiN, b. Feb. 7, 1803; d. Meriden, Apr. 8, 1833. He was a grocer in Boston, and afterward in New Bedford, Mass. 57. iv. William, b. Oct. 16, 1804. -|- 58. V. Jane, b. Jan. 24, 1807; d. May 13, 1830, unm. 59. vi. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 3, 1809; m. Feb. 12, 1832, Leonard Stearns, a scythemaker in North Enfield, N. H. Six children. 60. vii. Elvira, b. May 17, 1811; m. Nov. 20, 1839, Benjamin Wood, a farmer in Lebanon, N. H. Three children. 61. viii. Maria, b. May 21, 1813; m. Jan., 1845, George W. Stearns, a farmer and mechanic at Johnson, Vt. Three children. 62. ix. Hannah, b. Feb. 22, 1815; m. Nov. 1, 1841, Cyrus Baldwin, a graduate from Dartmouth College in 1839, and a teacher in the academies at Meriden, N. H., and Palmyra, N. Y., successively. Six children. 22. Peter*' (Peter^ William*, Benjamin^ William^, Wil- liam^), b. New Ipswich, July 15, 1778; d. Apr. 20, 1835; m. Lunenburg, Mass., Jan. 1, 1803, Ruxbey, dau. of Lemuel and Mary Whiting [b. Apr. 20, 1782; d. Oct. 23, 1851]. He was a farmer in Lunenburg, Canaan, N. H., and Bridgewater, Vt., successively, and was killed by a falling tree in the last-named town. Children : 600 Shattuck 63. i. Peter, b. Lunenburg, Dec. 19, 1804; m. Ruth H., dau. of Caleb Freeman of Orford, N. H. He was a leading citizen of Bridgewater, Vt., and one of the selectmen. Four children. 64. ii. RoxEY, b. Canaan, Oct. 26, 1807; m. Sept. 1, 1835, Cyrus P. Forbes, a farmer at Lebanon, N. H. Six children. 65. iii. Mary A., b. Canaan, Sept. 24, 1810; m. Mar. 19, 1833, John, son of William and Rachel White, a farmer at Lebanon, N. H. Six children. 66. iv. Lemuel, b. Canaan, Nov. 7, 1815; m. Mar. 8, 1840, Sarah Ann, dau. of John C. and Harriet Abbot of Hartford, Vt. [b. Feb. 3, 1819]. He was a teacher at Woodstock, Vt., but lived a part of each year at Bridgewater. Two children. 67. V. LuciNDA G., b. Jan. 30, 1822; m. Oct. 23, 1849, Charles A. Martin, a farmer at Lebanon, N. H. One child. 26. Stephen® (Peter^ William*, Benjamin^, William^, Wil- liam^), b. New Ipswich, Aug. 27, 1788; m. Jan., 1816, Rachel Nurse of Littleton, N. H. [b. Aug. 1, 1796]. He was a farmer at Bethlehem. Children — all born at Bethlehem : 68. i. Abigail S., b. Sept. 8, 1816; m. Dec. 11, 1842, W. D. Rollins of Bath, N. H. 69. ii. Persis H., b. Sept. 3, 1818; d. Aug. 18, 1834; m. John Hamlin. Lived at Milan, N. H. One child. 70. iii. Peter R., b. June 8, 1820; d. Feb. 25, 1850. 71. iv. Amanda M., b. Aug. 20, 1822; m. Jan. 17, 1847, Laban Ains- worth of Littleton, N. H. 72. v. John N., b. July 2, 1824; d. Aug. 13, 1825. 73. vi. Francis B., b. Mar. 14, 1827; d. Aug. 22, 1828. 74. vii. Charles C, b. Feb. 6, 1829. He was a farmer at Bethlehem. 75. viii. Susanna H., b. Sept. 1, 1831. 76. ix. MiLO F., b. Sept. 11, 1834. 77. X. Sabrina H., b. Apr. 14, 1837. 78. xi. William S., b. Feb. 15, 1840. 29. Richard Prentice® (Sherman^, William*, Benjamin^, William^, William^), b. New Ipswich, Feb. 15, 1791; m. Abi- gail, dau. of Timothy and Elizabeth (Robb) Farnsworth of Peterboro [b. Dublin, N. H., Mar. 29, 1793]. He was a farmer and shoemaker in West Boscawen, N. H. Children: 79. i. Jane White, b. Sept. 15, 1811; m. (1) Prescott Couch [b. May 17, 1809, d. Apr. 4, 1837]; (2) Oct. 23, 1838, John Simpson [b. Apr. 9, 1800]. One child of the first marriage and two of the second. 80. ii. A son, b. and d. June 30, 1815. 81. iii. Sarah Downing, b. July 11, 1817; m. Oct. 7, 1846, Samuel Hale, a carpenter and farmer [b. Dec. 9, 1810; d. Apr. 17, 1854]. Two children. 82. iv. Mary Briggs, b. June 25, 1820; m. Dec. 6, 1842, George J. Eliot, a farmer. Three children. 601 History of New Ipswich 83. V. Timothy Farnsworth, b. Nov. 23, 1822; m. May 11, 1847, Permelia C. Sweatt. He was a farmer. Three children. 84. vi. William Eaton, b. Sept. 3, 1824; m. Oct. 1, 1845, Nancy A. Corser. He was a printer and a stonecutter. 85. vii. Maiah Boyden, b. Apr. 3, 1835. 86. viii. A daughter, b. and d. Apr. 6, 1837. 32. Oliver P.^ (Sherman^ William*, Benjamin^ William^ William^, b. Bradford, Feb. 17, 1797; m. 1820, Charlotte Whittier of Boscawen, N. H. Children : 87. i. Oliver P., b. Feb. 7, 1821 ; m. Feb. 25, 1852, Charlotte S. Shat- tuck (97). 88. ii. Jane, d. May, 1852; m. Whitcomb Nurse. 89. iii. Joanna. 90. iv. HULDAH. 91. V. Cyrell. 92. vi. Wesson. 93. vii. Susan. 94. viii. Franklin, d. Feb., 1854. 35. William*' (Sherman^, William*, Benjamin^, William^, William^, b. Jafifrey, Sept. 21, 1803; d. Dalton, May 11, 1840; m. Sept. 21, 1826, Rebecca, dau. of Josiah and Lydia (Drake) Page [d. Aug. 31, 1840]. He was a carpenter at Littleton, Whitefield, and Dalton successively. Children : 95. i. Josiah P., b. Dec. 10, 1827; m. May 28, 1854, Betsey C Warner. Lydia, b. June 26, 1829. Charlotte S., b. July 22, 1831; m. Feb. 25, 1852, Oliver P. Shattuck (87). Richard P., b. Oct. 23, 1833. Hannah, b. Nov. 14, 1835. George W., b. Feb. 28, 1839; d. May 6, 1840. 40. John'^ (John^ John^ Jonathan*, John^, John^, Wil- liamO, b. Ashby, July 10, 1785; m. Oct. 14, 1813, Hephzibah Jones, dau. of Willoughby and Elizabeth (Heywood) Prescott [b. Sept. 20, 1784; d. Boston, Jan. 17, 1847]. He was a farmer and stonemason. His youth was spent in Ashby and New Ipswich, but in early manhood he spent a few years in Con- cord and Lincoln, Mass., and then returned to the home farm, where his children were born. The later years of his life were mostly spent in Lowell, Cambridge, Concord, and Marblehead. Children : 101. i. Marianne, b. Feb. 3, 1815; d. East Cambridge, May 28, 1848, unm. 102. ii. Elizabeth Prescott, b. Sept. 8, 1816; d. Augusta, Ga., Apr. 19, 1883, unm. 602 96. ii. 97. iii. 98. iv. 99. V. 00. vi. Shattuck 103. iii. John, b. May 28, 1818; d. Nov. 4, 1818. 104. iv. John Henry, b. Oct. 24, 1819; m. June 13, 1849, Sarah W. Shattuck (118). He was a merchant in Boston. 105. V. Caleb, b. Sept. 10, 1821 ; d. Mar. 13, 1825. 41. Abel^ (John", John^ Jonathan*, John^ John^ Wil- liam^) b. Ashby, June 14, 1788; d. June 2, 1842; m. Oct. 22, 1811, Mary, dau. of Stephen Bedlow of Ashby [d. Feb. 6, 1867]. He was a shoemaker. He passed the early years of manhood in New Ipswich, where all his children except the youngest were born. He built for his home the house after- ward occupied by Silas Cragin, being the second one from the meeting-house southward toward the family farm. But in 1826 he removed to Lowell, then hardly more than a small village, where he was actively interested in establishing prayer meetings and Sunday schools. Children : 106. i. Mary Eleanor, b. July 23, 1812; m. Oct. 17, 1833, Joseph, son of Hugh and Elizabeth (Chase) Nahor of Litchfield [b. June 24, 1807]. Res. in Nashua and Lowell, Mass. He went to California in 1849. Six children, most of whom died young. One is living in California. 107. ii. Abel Hervey, b. Oct. 3, 1814; d. Lowell, Aug. 30, 1826. 108. iii. George, b. Nov. 6, 1816; d. May 22, 1818. 109. iv. Harriette, b. Apr. 29, 1819; m. June 4, 1845, Caleb G., son of Caleb and Betsey (Clark) Weaver [b. Plymouth, Vt, Sept. 21, 1822]. He was a furniture dealer in Lowell. Child: i. Caroline Isabel Weaver, b. Apr. 4, 1850; m. Oct. 21, 1886, Edward Stuart Cragin (60). 110. V. George Waldo, b. May 20, 1821.H- 111. vi. Horace Burbank, b. Mar. 20, 1825.-f- 112. vii. Elmira, b. Oct. 23, 1830; d. Nov 7, 1906; m. Apr. 19, 1855, Moses A. Johnson of Lowell, Mass. Children : i. Herbert S. Johnson; he is a physician in Maiden, Mass. ii. Walter S. Johnson; treasurer of Essex Trust Co., Lynn, Mass. iii. Katie E. Johnson, m. Edward Plimpton, iv. Allen Johnson; professor of History in Bowdoin College. 42. Daniel^ (John«, John^ Jonathan*, John^ John^, Wil- liam^), b. Ashby, July 10, 1790; d. Aug. 12, 1867; m. Apr. 23, 1816, Sarah, dau. of Abraham and Rebecca (Houghton) Ed- wards of Ashby [d. Aug. 30, 1858]. He prepared for college at the Academy, but at the age of sixteen plans were changed and he became a merchant's clerk in Concord, Mass., where in a very few years he entered into business for himself, and dur- ing his life he was prominent in the financial affairs of the town. He was president of the bank for a long time. He represented the town in the Legislature, and was afterward a senator. Children : 603 History of New Ipswich 113. i. Charles Henry, b. Mar. 21, 1817; d. Sept. 21, 1837. 114. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Mar. 11, 1818; d. Feb. 14, 1844. 115. iii. Henry Livingston, b. Mar. 17, 1823; d. Apr. 4, 1892; m. Nov. 9, 1847, Mary, dau. of Sherman and Mary H. (Worthing- ton) Barrett of Concord. He was a farmer in Concord. One dau., Kate Elisabeth. 116. iv. Frances Jane, b. Mar. 11, 1829; m. May IS, 1849, Louis A. Surette, a merchant in Boston. 117. V. Ellen Miles, b. Jan. 6, 1835; m. Mar. 12, 1862, Albert Ed- ward Wood. 44. Lemuel^ (John^, John^, Jonathan*, John^, John^, Wil- liam^), b. Ashby, Oct. 14, 1793; d. Boston, Jan. 17, 1859; m. Dec. 1, 1825, Clarissa, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (White) Bax- ter [b. Boston, Feb. 11, 1793; d. Boston, May 29, 1871]. He was brought to New Ipswich when a few months old, and this town was his home until 1815, his farm work being varied by mechanical employment and the duties of a teacher. He after- ward taught in Detroit, Mich., was for ten years associated with his brother Daniel in his store at Concord, and after 1834 he was engaged in bookselling and publishing in Boston. He was a pioneer in Sunday school work ; having taught in a very , early one in New Ipswich, organized what is believed to have I been the first one in Michigan, while he was at Detroit, and so being called upon as an expert in such matters, he aided in forming the first one in Concord and was its superintendent as long as he remained in that town. As a member of the school committee of Concord he originated the first system of school records and reports, and as a member of the city council of Boston and of the Legislature of Massachusetts he accom- plished much in establishing orderly methods. He is best known, however, as high authority upon statistical, historical, and genealogical subjects. The publication of his History of Concord marks an undisputed epoch in local history. He was a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society and the , American Antiquarian Society, and the meeting for the organi- zation of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society was held at his house. Children : 118. i. Sarah W., b. July 30, 1827; m. June 13, 1849, John H. Shat- tuck (104). 119. ii. Rebecca E., b. July 7, 1829; d. Jan. 27, 1851. 120. iii. Clarissa B., b. Aug. 19, 1831; m. Nov. 1, 1853, Isaac F. Dobson of Boston. Three children. 121. iv. Miriam S., b. Aug. 4, 1833. 122. v. Frances M., b. Apr. 12, 1835 ; d. June 25, 1860. 604, Shattuck 48. Francis'^ (David®, David^, Jeremiah*, SamueP, John^, William^), b. Pepperell, Jan. 9, 1794; d. New Ipswich, Apr. 8, 1842; m. Dec. 25, 1817, Polly Heald (16). He was a farmer and a bricklayer. For some years after his marriage he lived on the Heald place just east from Whittemore Hill, (12, N. L. O.,) and afterward in the house at the corner of the Turn- pike and the Starch Factory road, in the house built by Rev. Mr. Farrar. Children : 123. i. Harriet M., b. Oct. 22, 1818; d. Jan. 17, 1843, unm. 124. ii. Charles F., b. Apr. 13, 1829; d. Aug. 20, 1855, unm. 49. Shebuel^ (David®, David^ Jeremiah*, Samuel^, John^, William^), b. Temple, June 12, 1797; d. New Ipswich, Sept. 19, 1846; m. May 20, 1830, Eliza Knowlton (27). He was a farmer during the greater part of his life upon the Abijah Smith farm, (34, N. D.,) and later upon the farm north from the Gibson schoolhouse, (IV : 4, S. R.,) but between them he lived for two or three years at Smith Village in the "Felt house," after- ward the home of Joseph Knowlton, during which time he was associated with his brother-in-law, John Knowlton, in the ownership of the mills of the village, rebuilt by them after their destruction by fire. A few of his last years were spent in Center Village, in the Greenman house on Temple road. Children : 125. i. Edward H., b. Dec. 6, 1831.-f 126. ii. Almira Jane, b. Jan. 28, 1833; m. Apr. 23, 1861, John W., son of Josiah and Margaret (Whitmars) Crosby of Milford [b. Oct. 19, 1836; d. Mar. 13, 1898]. He served in the Civil War in the 5th New Hampshire Regiment, lost his right arm at Fredericksburg, and was promoted to rank of first lieutenant. He was postmaster at Milford for twenty-six years. Children : i. Charles Frederick Crosby, h. Feb. 4, 1862. ii. Ada Eliza Crosby, b. May 17, 1868. 127. iii. John Brown, b. Oct. 21, 1834; d. Aug. 9, 1863, unm. He served during the Civil War in the 4th New Hampshire Regiment, and died in service at Morris Island, S. C. 128. iv. Eliza Ellen, b. Dec. 22, 1835 ; d. June 26, 1901 ; m. Sept. 8. 1865, Charles Simonds. Children : i. William H. Simonds, b. Dec. 10, 1866. ii. John R. Simonds. b. Sept. 9, 1868. 129. V. Harriet Frances, b. Dec. 9, 1837 ; d. Jan. 14, 1838. 130. vi. George W., b. Dec. 18, 1838; m. July 6, 1879, Sara R. Gibson (25). He was a woodworker in Ayer, Mass. He served during the Civil War in the 6th New Hampshire Regimen'c. 131. vii. Harrison, b. May 15, 1841.-)- 50. Daniel'' (David^ David^ Jeremiah*, SamueP, John^, IWilliam^), b. Temple, June 15, 1801 ; m. (1) Boston, May 16, 605 History of New Ipswich 1822, Lydia Eliot, dau. of Capt. Ebenezer Woodbury of Salem [d. Mar., 1842] ; (2) White of Lexington, Ky. He was in business in Boston, Lowell, New York, and New Orleans. Children : 132. i. Frances, d. in infancy. 133. ii. Anson, d. in infancy. 134. iii. Helen Maria, m. James Butters of Haverhill, Mass. 135. iv. Martha Jane, m. William Day of Bradford, Mass. 136. V. Henry, in business with his father in New Orleans. 52. Brooks^ (David'', David^ Jeremiah*, SamueP, John^, William^), b. Temple, Dec. 5. 1805; m. (1) Dec. 29, 1825, Sophia Searls [b. Fitchburg, Feb. 26, 1803; d. Lowell, Apr. 24, 1830] ; (2) Nov. 22, 1831, Chloe Abbott, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Lydia (Abbott) Pevey [b. Oct. 6, 1806; d. Mar. 7, 1838] ; (3) Sept. 6, 1838, Mary Marshall of Lyndeboro [b. Dec. 12, 1808]. He was a machinist or a factory overseer in Waltham, Taunton, Lawrence, and New Ipswich for twenty years and afterward a farmer at Bedford, N. H. Children : 137. i. Charles Brooks, b. Mar. 31, 1827; d. New Ipswich, Apr. 16, 1831. George Brooks, b. Sept. 29, 1829. Edward Payson, b. July 24. 1832 ; d. Dec. 25, 1832. Amos Blanchard, b. June 24, 1834; graduated from Williams College in 1856; was captain in the 11th Regiment N. H. Vols., and was killed in the battle of Fredericksburg. A son, b. Feb. 23, 1838; d. Feb. 24, 1838. A daughter, b. Feb. 23, 1838; d. Mar. 7, 1838. 53. Charles F.'' (David*', David^ Jeremiah*, SamueP, John^ William^), b. Temple, Aug. 21, 1810; m. Sarah H. Burn- ham of Rumney, N. H. He was a machinist in Lowell for some years, afterward was a butcher in New Ipswich, whence he removed in 1885. Children : 143. i. Horace C, b. Aug. 3, 1834; d. Mar. 19, 1847. 144. ii. Henrietta M., b. May 21, 1836; m. May 23, 1859, Elisha C. Wheeler. He is employed in the U. S. Armory at Spring- field, Mass. One son. 145. iii. Hartley M., b. Sept. 14, 1840; m. Ellen Sackett of Westford. He served in the 46th Regiment Mass. Vols. He is a commercial traveler. 54. Simeon Hildreth^ (William^, William^, William*, Benjamin^ William^, William^, b. Apr. 9, 1800; d. Sharon, Vt., Oct. 4, 1849; m. (1) 1823, Sarah, dau. of Joshua Eaton of Bradford, N. H. [d. Jan., 1831]; (2) Oct. 22, 1832, Caroline A. Richards of Norwich, Vt. Children : 606 138. ii. 139. iii. 140. iv. 141. V. 142. vi. 147. ii. 148. iii. 149. iv. 150. V. 151. vi. 152. vii. Shattuck 146. i. William B., b. Apr. 10, 1824; m. May 21, 1850, Elizabeth C. Richardson of Cincinnati, O. He was a journalist in Cin- cinnati. Joshua E., b. Aug. 8, 1826; d. Washington, Tex., Nov. 7, 1853, unm. Sarah E., b. Mar. 22, 1829; m. June 7, 1853, Charles D. Peaselee. Helen Maria, b. Feb. 25, 1836 ; d. Dec. 26, 1854. Simeon Hildreth, b. Apr. 2, 1838. Caroline Augusta, b. Julv 24, 1840. Levi Richards, b. Oct. 19,"l842; d. May 20, 1845. 153. viii. Adeline Jenette, b. Feb. 12, 1845 ; d. Nov. 16, 1849. 154. ix. Samuel S., b. June 30, 1847; d. Apr. 19, 1848. 155. X. Catherine L., b. June 29, 1849; d. Aug. 26, 1854. 57. William' (William®, William^, William*, Benjamin^, William^, William^), b. Oct. 16, 1804; m. May 5, 1828, Delia Presby of Bradford, N. H. He lived in Meriden, N. H., until 1850, and after a brief residence in Newport, Vt., he removed to California. Children : 156. i. David Dustin, b. May 28, 1830. 157. ii. Francis Willard, b. June 11, 1832. 158. iii. John Henry, b. Oct. 28, 1833. 159. iv. Lucy Ann, b. Sept. 1, 1835. 160. V. Martha Jane, b. Mar. 2, 1837. 161. vi. William Harrison, b. Mar. 27, 1840; d. Dec. 30, 1846. 162. vii. Charles Curtis, b. Dec. 28, 1842. 163. viii. Rodney Presby, b. Dec. 5, 1844. 164. ix. Harriet Eliza, b. Nov. 12, 1847. 165. X. Milton Harrison, b. Aug. 30, 1849. 166. xi. William Carlos, b. Nov. 30, 1851. 110. George Waldo® (AbeF, John*^, John% Jonathan*, John^ John^ William^), b. May 20, 1821 ; d. California, Jan. 11, 1880; m. Lowell, July 11, 1846, Sarah Jane, dau. of Artemas and Ann (Bowers) Holden [b. Chelmsford, Dec. 18, 1824; d. Lowell, June 16, 1892]. He was a teacher at Lowell, after- ward a lumber dealer, held a position in the custom house at Boston for fifteen years, and then was cashier of the J. C. Ayer Co. while his health permitted. Children : 167. i. Emma Harriette, b. Mar. 30, 1847; d. Mar. 23. 1905; m. Wil- liam Eliot Barrows, manager of the Welsbach Light Co. Four children. 168. ii. Jennie Holden, b. May 6, 1851; m. Reginald Canning. Three children. 169. iii. Mary Annie, b. Sept. 4, 1854. 170. iv. Helen Myra, b. Aug. 2, 1859; m. Arthur M. Parent, manager of the Pullman Company works in Chicago. Two children, died young. 607 I History of New Ipswich 111. Horace B.« (AbeP, John«, John^ Jonathan*, John', John^, William^), b. Mar. 20, 1825; d. June 21, 1908; m. Mary Frances Comins [d. June 14, 1907]. He was a prominent hard- ware dealer in Lowell, Mass., which business he followed for more than fifty years. He was a deacon and interested in worthy activities. Children : 171. i. Grace Miles, b. Nov. 21, 1857; d. Aug. 1, 1864. 172. ii. Laura Frances, b. Feb. IS, 1859; d. July 11, 1883. 173. iii. Edward Horace, b. July 2, 1861 ; unm. 174 iv. Bertha Comins, b. May 23, 1864; m. Frederick William Ely, agent of Columbian Manufacturing Co., Greenville. Chil- dren : i. Joseph Shattuck Ely. ii. Richard Sanford Ely. 175. V. Amy Louise, b. Oct. 10, 1866 ; d. Nov. 22. 1868. 176. vi. George Burbank, b. Sept. 28, 1869; m. Dec. 16, 1896, Annie Belle Gibson. He is professor of Geology at Vassar Col- lege. He has received the degree of Ph. D. from Johns Hopkins University. Children : i. Helen Gibson, ii. Fran- ces Gibson. 125. Edward H.^ (ShebueF, David^, David^ Jeremiah*, SamueP, John^, William^), b. Dec. 6, 1831; m. Feb. 6, 1861, Lizzie A., dau. of William and Mary E. (May) Gassett [b. Feb. 5, 1842]. He was a cigarmaker in New Ipswich until about 1868, when he removed to Peterboro. Children : 177. i. Eleonora, b. Dec. 9, 1861. 178. ii. Gertie W., b. Sept. 5, 1864. 179. iii. Bessie A., b. Apr. 25, 1874 180. iv. Ernest A. (adopted), b. Aug. 27, 1883. 131. Harrison H.^ (ShebueH, David^ David^, Jeremiah*, SamueP, John^, William^), b. May 15, 1841; m. 1870, Clara Putnam of Wilton. Children : 181. i. Charles P., b. May 22, 1871 ; d. Oct. 6, 1872. 182. ii. Arthur H., b. Aug. 6, 1872. 183. iii. Marian L, b. Mar. 17, 1879. 184. iv. George W., b. Apr. 1, 1884. 185. Amos Franklin^ (Amos^, Zachariah®, Zachariah^, William*, William^, John-, William^, b. Hollis, July 9, 1832; d. Nov. 27, 1895; m. June 11, 1883, Mary Caroline Locke (18). He was son of Amos and Margaret (Ball) Shattuck, but there being no other New Ipswich members of his branch of the family his lineage is here given only in the brief form of this paragraph. He graduated from Amherst College in 1859, from Union Theological Seminary in 1862, and was pastor for some years, but after his marriage his home was on the Locke home- stead, which his wife was the last of the family to leave, until an attack of melancholia compelled his removal to an asylum. 608 Simonds SIMONDS. Samuel* Simonds, m. before 1669, Elizabeth Webster. Jonathan' (SamueP), b. May 8, 1678; d. Apr. 8, 1764; m. Nov. 4, 1707, Sarah Heath, probably dau. of Josiah and Mary (Davis) Heath [b. June 17. 1685; d. Feb. 10, 1763]. Jonathan' (Jonathan', Samuel'), b. Oct. 11. 1718; m. June 2, 1742, Mary Follansbee, probably dau. of William and Mary (Robinson) Fol- lansbee [b. July 3, 1724; d. May 24. 1764]. Moses* (Jonathan', Jonathan', Samuel ), b. May 2, 1764; m. July 2, 1782, Sarah Follansbee. 1. James^ (Moses*, Jonatlian^, Jonathan^, Samuel^), b. Oct. 7. 1802; d. Oct. 9, 1883; m. Oct. 5, 1829, Hannah, dau. of Ste- phen and Asenath (Shedd) Woods of Groton [b. Oct. 28, 1809 ; d. May 18, 1888]. His parents died when he was young and he had his home in Haverhill. He came to Groton in early manhood, and removed to New Ipswich in 1848, and purchased the Parker farm, (XHI : 4, S. R.,) upon which he lived until 1856, when he removed to the Adams farm, (31, N. D.,) and there passed his remaining years. Children: 2. i. Martha Ann Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1830; m. Jan. 6, 1848, Almon Austin Hill [b. Apr. 27, 1820 ; d. Mar. 8. 1898] ; son of Daniel Hill. Children : i. Mary Lizzie Hill. b. in Hollis, Mar. 3, 1851. ii. Nellie Maria Hill, b. in Hollis, Sept. 16, 1856. iii. Ella Mabel Hill, b. in New Ipswich, Aug. 1, 1865. iv. Willard Simonds Hill, date of birth not known. 3. ii. Mary Emeline Frances, b. July 23, 1834; d. Hollis, Jan. 7. 1911; m. Dec. 30, 1852, Charles B. Richardson. 4. iii. James Willard, b. June 11, 1836; d. Oct., 1906; m. June 20, 1871, Lizzie Miller. Served in 6th N. H. Regiment. 5. iv. Josephine Hannah Maria, b. Dec. 1, 1838; m. Dec. 31, 1868, William T. Bucknam (36). 6. V. Abbie Walter Champney, b. Dec. 18. 1844 ; d. ; m. Sept. 4, 1862, Charles H. Pratt (Joshua 6). 7. vi. Charles Frederic, b. May 4, 1848; d. Aug. 17, 1850. SMITH (Abijah). Abijah' Smith, b. 1715 or a little later; d. Jan. 10, 1785; m. Lydia, dau. of Rev. John Rogers, minister at Boxford and at Leominster, Mass. [b. Aug. 7, 1720]. He lived at Leominster, Mass. 1. Abijah- (Abijah^), b. Oct. 29, 1740; d. Nov. 13, 1786; m. 1764, Abigail Wheelock of Leominster [b. 1744; d. Dec. 4, 1815; m. (2) Jan. 9, 1806, David Hills (1)]. He came from Leominster to New Ipswich at about the time of his marriage, his name first appearing on the records in 1764, and bought the 609 I History of New Ipswich farm previously owned by Benjamin King, (34, N. D.,) now at the end of the road, and there he passed his life, being a shoemaker as well as a farmer. He had served in the French War, which fact tended to give him prominence when the Revolutionary contest arose, and he served for some months as a captain. Children : 2. i. Abijah, b. June 27, 1765. + 3. ii. Abigail, b. Jan. 5, 1767; d. May 8, 1812; m. Jan. 10, 1792, Ambrose Arnold of Boston. 4. iii. Cyrus, b. Nov. 20, 1768; d. June 7, 1828; m. Nov. 13, 1794, Sibbel Whitney. 5. iv. Lydia, b. Mar. 25, 1770; d. Sept. 4, 1785. 6. V. David, b. Sept. 7, 1771; d. Gardiner, Me., Aug., 1835; m. Jan. 17, 1795, Ruth Emerson. 7. vi. Sally, b. May 26, 1773; m. Jan. 13, 1799, Levi Farwell, a farmer of Washington. Children : i. JoKn Farwell, b. Nov. 19, 1800; d. in California, May 8, 1883; m. Charlotte ; five children, ii. Cynthia Farwell, b. Aug. 9, 1805 ; m. Eaton, iii. Levi Farwell. b. June 23, 1807 ; d. unm. iv. Sarah Farwell, b. Sept. 28, 1808; m. Judson Wilkins of Washington; two children who d. young, v. Abby Farwell, b. June 28, 1812; m. George Benjamin of Jaffrey ; five children, vi. Joseph Farwell, b. Jan. 27, 1817 ; m. Hannah Warren; res. in Leominster, Mass.; engaged in piano man- ufacture; two sons. 8. vii. Elijah, b. Oct. 10, 1774; d. Sept. 23, 1849. He was a hatter at Troy, N. Y. Child : i. George. 9. viii. Rebecca, b. June 14, 1776; m. William Farwell of Waltham, Mass. 10. ix. Samuel, b. May 20, 1778.+ 11. X. Betsey, b. Nov. 5, 1779; d. Sept. 16, 1786. 12. xi. Polly, b. Mar. 6, 1781 ; d. Mar. 27, 1816. 13. xii. Jeremiah, b. Oct. 12, 1782; d. June 10, 1808. 14. xiii. Relief, b. Aug. 3, 1784; d. Oct. 10, 1808. 15. xiv. Jesse, b. Sept. 30, 1785.+ 16. XV. Lydia, b. Oct. 30, 1786; d. Oct. 28, 1849; m. Mar. 22, 1807. John Todd of Temple. Removed to Utica, N. Y., where he was a cabinetmaker. In later years removed to Mobile, Ala., where their children were living. Children : i. John Todd; he became an influential citizen and mayor of Mobile, ii. William Todd. iii. Samuel Todd. iv. Martha Todd, m. her cousin Charles Smith (20). v. Adeline Todd. 17. xvi. Betsey, b. Oct. 30, 1786; m. Van Bruant, of Troy, N. Y. 2. Abijah^ (Abijah^, Abijah^), b. June 27, 1765; d. Nov. 9, 1825 ; m. Dec. 29, 1796, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Fay) Jones (7) [b. 1775; d. Oct. 10, 1829]. He succeeded to his father's business as a shoemaker and lived in the same house until destroyed by fire. He removed to the Center Vil- 610 Smith (Abijah) lage and occupied a house then standing where the street now passes between the southern end of the burying-ground and the house near the church since built and occupied by Stedman Houghton. The street, when first laid out, was farther west than at present, taking in the land to the row of tombs now mostly closed. Children : 18. i. Jeremiah, b. Sept. 5, 1797.+ 19. ii. Jonas, b. Aug. 8, 1799.+ 20. iii. Charles, b. Sept. 12, 180I.+ 21. iv. Hannah, b. Apr. 19, 1804; d. July 19, 1806. 22. V. Sally Jones, b. Nov. 9, 1806; d. Feb. 22, 1883; m. Mar. 29, 1824, John Francis, son of George and Nancy (Tarbox) Verder of Townsend, Mass. [b. Apr. 20, 1800; d. Feb. 28, 1883]. He was a tinsmith in Peterboro, and later for many years in Jaflfrey. Children : i. Sarah Jane Verder, b. Aug. 20, 1825; d. Aug. 9, 1900; m. Apr. 12, 1853, John Brooks Shedd ; res. in Sharon and Jaffrey. ii. John Rowes Verder, b. Aug. 10, 1827; d. Mar. 30, 1865; m. Calista Sawyer; he served during the Civil War in the 21st Connecticut Regi- ment, was captured and confined in Andersonville prison, and died soon after being exchanged, as a result of his suf- ferings there, iii. Mary Caroline Verder, b. June 7, 1829 ; d. Aug. 24, 1889; m. July 17, 1858, Henry R. Stevens, whose first wife was her cousin Abby M. Smith (38) ; he was a coal dealer in Boston; two sons. iv. Albert Smith Verder. b. July 20, 1831; d. Apr. 7, 1906; m. May 1. 1854, his cousin Priscilla M. Whitcomb ; he served in the Civil War in the 6th New Hampshire Regiment, and one year in the Reserve Corps ; he was severely wounded at Antietam ; res. at Jaf- frey and later at Vineland, N. J. ; he was a harnessmaker ; one daughter, v. Myra Jones Verder, b. May 4, 1834; d. July 29, 1894; m. Dec. 2, 1853, Harvey E. Kidder; res. at East Jaffrey; seven children, vi. Charles William Verder, b. July 3, 1838; d. Apr. 7, 1906; m. May 24, 1863, Mrs. Elizabeth Sarah (Chadwick) Heald; he was a carpenter at East Jaffrey; he served during the Civil War in the 14th New Hampshire Regiment. 23. vi. Lefy a., b. July 13, 1809 ; d. July 7, 1841 ; m. Nov. 17, 1828, Silas Whitcomb. He was a shoemaker in New Ipswich and Townsend in succession. Child : i. Priscilla Martha Whit- comb, b. Dec. 2, 1831; m. May 1, 1854, her cousin Albert Smith Verder. 24. vii. Albert, b. July 20, 1812; d. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 5, 1831. 25. viii. William, b. Apr. 29, 1816; d. Mobile, Ala, Oct. 2, 1843. 26. ix. Edward, b. July 15, 1818; d. New Orleans, La., Feb. 6, 1846. He had conducted a successful china and glassware business in Mobile, Ala. 10. Samuel^ (Abijah^, Abijah^), b. May 20, 1778. He was a merchant in Philadelphia and in New York city. Children : 611 History of New Ipswich 28. i. Adon, b. Mar. 26, 1874; m. (1) Hunt; (2) Martha (Todd), his cousin and widow of Charles Smith (20). Res. New York city. 29. ii. Delia Maria. 30. iii. Jane. 31. iv. Sydney. 32. V. Charlotte. 15. Jesse^ (Abijah^, Abijah^), b. Sept. 30, 1785; d. Mar. 8, 1852. Res. Gardiner, Me. Children : 33. i. Cyrus. 34. ii. Edwin. 35. iii. Olive. 36. iv. Rachel. 2>1 . V. Charles. 38. vi. Abby, m. Henry R. Stevens, a coal dealer in Boston. Chil- dren : i. Henrietta F. Stevens, b. 1852. ii. Charles E. Stevens, b. Feb. 14, 1854. 18. Jeremiah* (Abijah^, Abijah^, Abijah^), b. Sept. 5. 1797; d. July 4, 1872; m. Apr. 16, 1829, Betsey Spear (20). While yet a young man he bought the place of Ebenezer Fletcher, the largest house in Smith Village, situated just north of the bridge, and made it his home for the rest of his life. For more than twenty years he had a thriving country store in the same building. He was a prominent citizen in many respects, as is evidenced by the village coming to be known by his name, which is still perpetuated in the postoffice established long after his death. He was selectman for fifteen years, town treasurer eighteen years, and representative four years. He had an interest in military afTairs and rose to the rank of colonel in the militia. Children : 39. i. Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1835 ; d. Feb. 19, 1842. 40. ii. Jane, b. Nov. 18, 1843; d. Feb. 4, 1844. 41. iii. Marcia, b. Jan. 4, 1845 ; d. Aug. 9, 1845. 19. Jonas* (Abijah^, Abijah^, Abijah^), b. Aug. 8, 1799; d. Sept. 15, 1832; m. Apr. 17, 1820, Lucy Bennett [b. Feb. 24, 1795; d. Mar. 3, 1863]. He lived at Troy, N. Y., and later at Manchester, Vt. Children : 42. i. Daniel Bennett, b. Aug. 17, 1821. -|- 43. ii. Hannah Lowell, b. Sept. 15, 1823; d. 1839. 20. Charles* (Abijah^, Abijah^, Abijah^), b. Sept. 12, 1801; d. Jan. 19, 1852; m. his cousin Martha Todd, dau. of John and Lydia (Smith) (16) Todd. He was the first of the family to remove to the South, whither he went on account of his health. He entered mercantile business in Mobile, Ala., and amassed 612 Smith (Abijah) a considerable property. A few of the last years of his life were spent at Tampa, Fla. His widow m. (2) her cousin Adon Smith (28). Children: 44. i. Charles Edward, b. about 1839; unm. He studied in Rens- selaer Polytechnic Institute, and served as an engineer in the Confederate Army. After the close of the war he studied law at Columbia College and practiced in Kansas and in New York city. 45. ii. Helen, b. 1841; m. Theodore F. W. Taylor. 46. iii. Albert, d. young. 47. iv. William, d. young. 48. V. Samuel Todd, b. June 27, 1849; d. May 8, 1850. 42. Daniel Bennett^ (Jonas*, Abijah^ Abijah^, Abijah^), b. Aug. 17, 1821; d. Mar. 9, 1848; m. May 16, 1843, Mary H. Goodale [b. May 12, 1824]. He was a farmer at Hillsboro. His widow m. (2) George Jones of Hillsboro. Children : 49. i. Orlena C, b. Mar. 30, 1846; d. Jan. 10, 1875; m. Nov. 8, 1865, Warren Jones of New York city. 50. ii. Daniel Bennett, b. Apr. 10, 1848; m. May, 1867, Mary E. Small. He was a farmer in Concord. SMITH (John). JoHN^ Smith, b. about 1579, with wife Isabella, lived in Watertown at an early date, but removed to Lexington, where he d. July 12, 1639, and his widow d. just three months later. Thomas^ (John'), believed to be the son of John', b. about 1600; d. Mar. 10, 1693; m. Mary, dau. of William Knapp. He came to America in 1635, and was admitted freeman in 1637, probably living in Lexington at that time. Thomas' (Thomas^ John'), b. Aug. 26, 1640; d. at Lexington, Dec. 25, 1727; m. Jan. 19, 1663, Mary, dau. of James Hosmer of Concord [b. about 1655; d. Oct. 1, 1719]. He removed to Lexington from Wey- mouth in middle life. Benjamin^ (Thomas^ Thomas^ John'), b. Lexington, Sept. 24, 1689; d. Dec. 9, 1779; m. (1) July 9, 1713, Martha Comee [d. Nov. 19, 1749]; (2) May 3, 1750, Mrs. Esther Green. He was a leading citizen of Lex- ington and was selectman for twelve years. Benjamin" (Benjamin*, Thomas', Thomas', John'), b. July 29, 1714; m. Nov. 17, 1734, Anna Parker, who survived him and d. at Waltham, June 10, 1768. His life was passed at Lexington. Benjamin' (Benjamin", Benjamin*, Thomas', Thomas^ John'), b. Mar. 11, 1741; m. Mary Lee; was the third of his name who was born, lived, and died in Lexington. David' (Benjamin®, Benjamin", Benjamin*, Thomas', Thomas^ John'), b. Sept. 29, 1776; m. (1) Foster; (2) May 7, 1807, Rachel, dau. of Ephraim and Sarah (Burgess) Whitney [b. Apr. 10, 1783]. He lived in Ashby. 613 History of New Ipswich 1. Ira^ (David^ Benjamin®, Benjamin^, Benjamin*, Thom- as^ Thomas-, John^), b. Oct. 24, 1813; d. Oct. 3, 1887; m. Dec. 6, 1843, Hannah P., dau. of Francis B. and Hannah (Preston) Maxwell. He was a farmer and in early manhood came to New Ipswich and soon settled near the south line, (A. D. 76), where he lived for more than twenty years, when he removed to Milford, which was his home for the rest of his life. Chil- dren : 2. i. Frank Ira, b. Apr. 9, 1846.+ 3. ii. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 26, 1848; m. Sept. 3, 1866, Jennie, dau. of Joseph and Mary Tilson of New Ipswich. He is a janitor in Weymouth, Mass. 2. Frank Ira^ (Ira^, David^, Benjamin®, Benjamin^, Benja- min*, Thomas^, Thomas^, John^), b. Apr. 9, 1846; m. (1) at Amherst, N. H., Nov. 26, 1869, Esther M. Fuller; (2) Nov. 24, 1884, Martha J. Emerson, dau. of Timothy and Sarah (Foster) Emerson of Barnstead, N. H. [b. Oct. 1, 1848]. He fitted for college in New Ipswich Appleton Academy, taught for several years, then after due study entered into practice as a veter- inary surgeon in Milford, N. H., and removed to Rochester, N. H., in 1880, where he has since resided. He was chosen representative from his ward in 1898, and high sheriff of the county in 1906. Children — all of the first marriage : 4. i. Esther. 5. ii. Frank W. 6. iii. Mary E., m. Charles Malley of Boston. SPAULDING. Edward^ Spaulding, d. Feb. 26, 1670; m. (1) Margaret [d. Aug., 1640] ; (2) probably in 1642, Rachel [d. about 1670]. Accompanied by his wife and two or more children he came to America, probably from Lincolnshire, England, about 1619, remaining briefly in Virginia, then to Barbadoes for some years, but settling about 1634 at Braintree, Mass., where he was made freeman in 1640. He was one of the early Proprie- tors of Chelmsford, Mass., in 1653, and was upon the first board of selectmen of that town. Andrew^ (Edward'), b. Nov. 19, 1652; d. May 5, 1713; m. Aug. 30, 1674, Hannah, dau. of Henry' Jefts of Billerica, Mass. [d. Jan. 21, 1730]. He was his father's youngest son, but received the paternal home by bequest. He was a deacon. Andrew' (Andrew^ Edward'), b. Mar. 25, 1678; d. Nov. 7, 1753; m. Feb. 5, 1701, Abigail Warren [d. May 12, 1768]. He passed his life in his native town, and like his father, he held the office of deacon. Henry' (Andrew', Edward'), b. Nov. 2, 1680; d. Apr. 4, 1720; m. about 1703, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Lund of Dunstable [b. Sept. 29, 1684]. 614 Spaulding 1. Andrew* (Andrew^ Andrew^ Edward^), b. Dec. 8, 1701 ; d. July 1, 1768; m. (1) Hannah [d. Feb. 11, 1744]; (2) Nov. 26, 1745, Mehitable Chandler (W. 1), widow of Robert Crosby. He lived in that part of Chelmsford which was set off to form Westford. He was one of the Masonian grantees of New Ipswich, and is said to have had a dwelling-house upon the southeast corner of XII : 1, S. R., which was one of the lots assigned him, and he is also said to have owned XI : 3, S. R., long occupied by his kinsmen. The duration of his res- idence in New Ipswich is uncertain. His name is upon the list of original members of the church formed in 1760, and it is found upon the tax-lists from the incorporation of the town until 1764, but it may have been only as a non-resident land- owner. It seems probable that his advancing years soon left little vigor for pioneer labors, so that he chose to return to Westford. His name upon the tax-list cannot be certainly dis- tinguished from that of his son Andrew, who certainly suc- ceeded to his land in due time. 2. James* (Andrew^ Andrew^, Edward^), b. Oct. 27, 1714; d. about 1790; m. (1) Anne [d. May 24, 1770] ; (2) Jan. 15, 1771, Eunice Fassett of Westford [d. Mar., 1812]. He came from Westford to New Ipswich only about three years before his death, and it is doubtful whether he did not return to his previous home for many years, even before the close of that brief period. His place of residence during those years is uncertain. His wife died in New Ipswich. Henry* (Henry', Andrew', Edward'), b. Nov. 22, 1704; d. Apr. 29, 1792; m. (1) Feb. 1, 1725, Lucy Proctor [d. June 1, 1742]; (2) Apr. 27, 1743, Marah Adams. He resided in Chelmsford. He served in the relief expedition to Fort William Henry in 1757. Thomas' (Henry', Andrew', Edward'), b. July 30, 1707; d. Aug. 13, 1795; m. Mary Adams [b. July 1, 1707; d. Oct., 1788]. He res. in Chelms- ford. 3. Andrew^ (Andrew*, Andrew^, Andrew^ Edward^), b. Jan. 6, 1729; m. Mar. 25, 1757, Abigail Martin of Pepperell, Mass. He came from Westford to New Ipswich, probably at about the time of his father's death, but appears to have re- mained only a few years before removing to Plainfield. Chil- dren : 6. i. Andrew, b. May 9, 1758.-|- 7. ii. Hannah, b. Mar. 26, 1760; d. about 1807; m. Moses Chase of Cornish. Removed thence to Waitsfield, Vt. 8. iii. Benjamin, b. Mar. 24, 1762.-|- 615 9. iv. 10. V. 11. vi. 12. vii. 13. viii History of New Ipswich Abel, b. Dec. 28, 1764.+ Jonas, b. Oct. 23, 1767.-|- Abigail, b. May 27, 1770; d. Mar. 9, 1849; m. Dec. 25, 1798, Jonathan Huggins [d. Sept. 29, 1848]. Res. in Cornish, except during a few years' residence in Craftsbury, Vt, about 1820. Noah, b. Aug. 27, 1772.+ Nathan, b. June 20, 1774; d. June 28, 1778. 4. James^ (James^ Andrew^, Andrew^, Edward^), b. Aug. 31, 1748; d. June 6, 1832; m. (1) Sept. 26, 1769, Hannah Bar- ron [b. July 17, 1747; d. Sept. 3, 1814] ; (2) Abigail, widow of John Wilkins [d. Mar. 3, 1841]. In his early manhood he settled in Lyme, but according to tradition was so dissatisfied with his associates that he removed to Ashburnham, Mass., and settled upon the elevated range terminating in Watatic Mountain at so short a distance from the state line that his social relations were with his New Ipswich neighbors, and his children were allowed to attend the neighboring New Ipswich school. He attended church in New Ipswich for sixty-five years, although he did not live within the town limits until after his second marriage, when he lived upon his wife's land, (VII : 3, S. R.) He served in the Revolution at the time of the Concord alarm, and later in 1777. Children : 14. i. Jonathan, b. Aug. 23, 1770.-}- 15. ii. James, b. Jan. 17, 1772.-}- 16. iii. Hannah, b. Sept. 26, 1774; d. Aug. IS, 1854; m. Abel Pres- cott of Groton, Mass. [d. Sept. 18, 1841]. 17. iv. Amy, b. July 29, 1775 ; d. Sept. 10, 1780. 18. V. Betsey, b. Aug. 10, 1778; m. Nathan Jones [d. May 14, 1842]. She had earlier gone with her youngest son to Salt Lake, Utah. 19. vi. Nathan Barron, b. Apr. 30, 1780. -j- 20. vii. Mary, b. Nov. 25, 1781; d. May 1, 1854; m. Sept. 7, 1805, Jonas Nutting (1). 21. viii. Isaac, b. July 8, 1783.+ 22. ix. Phineas, b. Jan. 16, 1785; d. Oct. 8, 1800. 23. X. Sally, b. July 15, 1787; d. about Sept. 1, 1857. 24. xi. Joseph, b. Aug. 5, 1791. -^ Samuel' (Henry*, Henry^ Andrew^ Edward*), b. about Feb. 1, 1726/7; d. Sept. 11, 1797; m. May 3, 1753, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Parker) Woods [b. Mar. 8, 1730; d. Apr. 10, 1815]. He was an early settler at Merrimack, and was a lieutenant in the Revolution. Daniel" (Henry\ Henry^ Andrew^, Edward*), b. June 21, 1746; d. 1805; m. (1) June 8, 1769, Hannah Putnam; (2) Mary Butterheld. He .settled early in Merrimack, and enlisted several times in the Revolution. 616 I Spaulding 5. Thomas" (Thomas*, Henry^ Andrew^, Edward^), b. Carlisle, Mass., Aug. 28, 1737; m. (1) Aug. 29, 1757, Rachel Chandler (W. 3) ; (2) Betty Blood of Marlborough, Mass. He came to New Ipswich about 1760 and settled a little west from the present site of Smith Village, (XI : 3, S. R.,) long occupied by his descendants. Children : 27. i. Levi, b. Westford, Mass., Nov. 18, 1758.+ 28. ii. Rachel, b. 1761. 29. iii. Thomas, b. 1763; m. 1813, Sarah Champney. 30. iv. Stephen, b. 1766.+ ,-7. ii. Mary E., b. Feb. 2, 1837; m. Dec. 4, 1856, Orren Hanscomb. She lives in Brookfield, Mo. Six children. Moses W., b. Nov. 4, 1839; d. Feb. 2, 1859. Martha A., b. Jan. 4, 1843; m. Jan. 4, 1863, Thomas Bancroft [d. July 13, 1885]. He was a carpenter at Pepperell. Two children. Lydia M., b. Dec. 20, 1846; d. Jan. 26, 1851. Charles E., b. Apr. 27, 1850; d. Sept. 29, 1850. 10. Barnard^ (John®, Oliver^, Samuel*, SamueP, John^, Thomas^), b. Acton, Mass., May 15, 1809; d. at the home of his second son, July 13, 1898; m. Feb. 12, 1843, Harriet Wal- lace (2). In early years he was a cooper in Acton, Mass., and also for a time in Boston. He came to New Ipswich about 1843 and at first lived upon the farm next westward from that of his brother, (23, N. D.,) but later moved south- erly and made his home upon the Greenville road, (18, N. D.,) on the farm previously occupied by Daniel Jefts. Children : 42. i. Theodore, b. July 31, 1844; d. May 24, 1873. 43. ii. Oliver, b. July 6, 1846.+ 44. iii. Eurania, b. June 6, 1849; d. June 10, 1851. 14, Joseph A.* (Joseph^, Joseph®, William^, Samuel^ Sam- ueP, John^, Thomas^), b. Sept. 1, 1812; m. Adaline A. Billings. He was a liquor dealer in Worcester, Mass. Children : 45. i. Charles Augustus.-|- 46. ii. Eugene, b. 1878; d. about 1894. 47. iii. Henry Allen, d. in early manhood. 17. Sampson^ (William^, Joseph®, William^, Samuel*, Sam- ueP, John2, Thomas^), b. Oct. 15, 1805; d. Dec. 21, 1880; m. Joanna Hill [d. Stoughton, Mass., Oct. 27, 1883]. Children: 48. i. Sampson Henry, b. July 3, 1833.+ Harriet Augusta, b. Mar. 4, 1835. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 28, 1836; m. Augustus Davenport. She lived at Campello, Mass. Ellen Frances, b. Sept. 25, 1838; m. Thomas Bright. James, b. Apr. 29, 1840. Charles, b. Apr. 21, 1843.-|- Abby Maria, b. Feb. 21, 1844; d. Dec. 18, 1863. 55. viii. William Butterfield, b. Mar. 29, 1846. 23. William Pitts^ (William^, Joseph®, William^, Samuel*, SamueP, John^, Thomas^), b. Nov. 17, 1816; d. Aug. 1, 1892; m. May 26, 1839, Susan Abigail Robinson [b. Mar. 31, 1823; 660 49. ii. 50. iii. 51. iv. 52. v. 53. vi. 54. vii Tenny d. Nov. 26, 1885]. He lived at Preemption, 111., until 1856, when he removed to Wabasha, Minn. With three of his sons he did honorable service during the Civil War. Children : 56. i. George Willard, b. Mar. 2, 1840; m. Aug. 21, 1862. He served in the 10th Minnesota Regiment during the Civil War. Five children. 57. ii. Susan A., b. Dec. 25, 1841 ; d. June 27, 1842. 58. iii. Samuel Stillman, b. Aug. 1, 1843. Res. Wabasha, Minn. He served in the 1st Minnesota Regiment during the Civil War and was wounded at Gettysburg. 59. iv. AsENATH A., b. Oct. 5, 1845; m. July 3, 1862, Stone. Res. Winona, Minn. Two children. 60. V. William Pitts, b. Oct. 21, 1847.+ 61. vi. Mary Ellen, b. Dec. 9, 1849; d. aged two years. 62. vii. Mary Ella, b. June 3, 1852; m. Hammond. Res. Sleepy Eye, Minn. 63. viii. Sarah Lovina, b. Aug. 24, 1854; m. Welch. Res. La Crosse, Wis. Ten children. 64. ix. RoxANA LucEBA, b. Oct. 19, 1856; m. Smith. One son. 65. X. Clara Belle, b. Mar. 3, 1859; unm. Removed to San Fran- cisco, Cal. 66. xi. Charles Hackett, b. Feb. 5, 1861. -|- 67. xii. Velora Elias, b. Aug. 4, 1863. Removed to California. 68. xiii. Eddie, b. Mar. 25, 1870; d. Mar. 2, 1871. 26. Lyman® (Sampson^, Joseph®, William^, Samuel*, Sam- ueP, John2, Thomas^), b. Oct. 23, 1806; d. Oct. 1, 1845 ; m. Jan., 1840, Louisa Wood of Millersburg, 111. Res. Preemption, 111. Children : 69. i. Emma L., b. Mar. 25, 1841 ; m. 1858, Theodore Hasbrook. Res. Hebron, Neb. 70. ii. Frances Irene, b. May 7, 1843. 71. iii. Pamela, b. Mar. 31, 1846. 27. Joseph Parker* (Sampson^, Joseph^ William^, Sam- uel*, SamueP, John^, Thomas^, b. Aug. 14, 1808; d. Dec. 1, 1887; m. Apr. 4, 1839, Almira Ross Merryman of Berlin, 111. [b. Mar. 15, 1815 ; d. Jan. 22, 1863]. He was a farmer at Lemp- ster, N. H., Oxford, O., and near Rock Island, 111. Children: 72. i. Sampson Merryman, b. Mar. 2, 1841. + 73. ii. Joseph Parker, b. Dec. 13, 1842 ; d. Mar. 16, 1843. 74. iii. Sarah Luellen, b. Mar. 28, 1844. 75. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 13, 1846. 76. V. Marie Jeanette, b. Feb. 22, 1848. Res. Vallevista, Cal. n. vi. Lyman Laurie, b. Apr. 5, 1850; unm. A farmer at Ida Grove, Iowa. 78. vii. Josephine Irene, b. Nov. 27, 1852; d. Nov. 17, 1870. 79. viii. Philena Almire, b. Oct. 10, 1854; d. Nov. 15, 1870. 80. ix. Jennie Lind, b. May 19, 1857. 81. X. Thirza Lovina, b. Oct. 11, 1859; d. Nov. 20, 1870. 661 History of New Ipswich 31. Sampson Hale^ (Sampson^ Joseph*', William^ Sam- uel*, SamueP, John^, Thomas^), b. June 15, 1816: d. Moline, 111., Oct. 27, 1884; m. (1) Mar. 2, 1843, Marinda E. Jenks of Preemption, 111. [d. Mar. 5, 1847] ; (2) Mrs. Martha Eliot (Avery) Van Meter. Children : 82. i. Sarah J., b. Dec. 29, 1843. 83. ii. Hammon O., b. Jan. 17, 1856; m. twice. Two children. 84. iii. Homer, b. Apr. 13, 1868; unm. Farmer at Astor, Iowa. 85. iv. Harmon, b. Apr. 13, 1868; d. Apr. 27, 1868. 86. V. Clara Belle, b. Jan. 17, 1870. 32. Hammon M.^ (Sampson^, Joseph", William^, Samuel*, SamueP, John^, Thomas^, b. Nov. 5, 1818; d. Apr. 6, 1873; m. May 7, 1848, Lorette Lowther of Preemption, 111. [b. June 9,1831]. Res. Galesburg, 111. Children: 87. i. Florence Adaline, b. Mar. 3, 1849. 88. ii. Helen Irene, b. Dec. 28, 1850. She graduated from Knox College, 1872. 89. iii. Clara Maud, b. Jan. 3, 1853. 90. iv. Hammon Morton, b. Aug. 3, 1862. 91. V. Philip Eugene, b. Aug. 16, 1866; d. Aug. 8, 1867. 43. Oliver* (Barnard^, John", Oliver^, Samuel*, Samuel^, John^, Thomas^), b. July 6, 1846; d. Nov. 20, 1905; m. July 6, 1885, Ella F., dau. of Julius A. and Eliza (Perry) Hale of Rindge [b. Mar. 17, 1859]. He succeeded to the farm of his father, upon which he conducted a large milk business. Chil- dren : 92. i. Hattie Ella, b. June 6, 1886. 93. ii. Wallace Oliver, b. July 10, 1889. 94. iii. WiLBER Hale, b. June 29, 1892. 95. iv. Alice Florence, b. Feb. 20, 1894. 96. v. Ruth Marion, b. Nov. 16, 1896. 45. Charles Augustus® (Joseph A.^ Joseph^ Joseph®, Wil- liam^ Samuel^ SamueP, John^ Thomas^), d. 1869/70; m. Emeline E. Webster. He w^as a successful lumber dealer in Worcester, Mass. Children : 97. i. Osgood Chandler, d. 1878. 98. ii. Henry Allen, b. Mar. 3, 1862. He is a lawyer in New York city. 48. Sampson Henry^ (Sampson^ William^ Joseph^ Wil- liam'', Samuel*, SamueF, John^, Thomas^), b. July 3, 1833; m. Eliza Ann Gurney. Children : 99. i. EsTELLA W., b. Sept. 2, 1854; m. Oct., 1887, Frank A. Rich- ards. Res. Weymouth Heights, Mass. 662 Tenny 100. ii. Ada R, b. Aug. 1, 1856; d. Sept. 12, 1882; m. Aug. 12, 1880, Wendell T. Dizer. 101. iii. Cora L., b. Dec. 17, 1858; m. May 11, 1877, Horace Lincoln. Res. West Hingham, Mass. 102. iv. Mary A., b. June 12, 1871; d. Mar. 5, 1873. 53. Charles" (Sampson^ William^ Joseph^ William^, Samuel^ Samuel^ John^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 21, 1843; d. May 11, 1897; m. Dec. 21, 1862, Sarah Maria Lunt. Res. Stough- ton, Mass. Children : 103. i. Myra R, b. Nov. 2, 1866. 104. ii. Charles R, b. Aug. 31, 1870; d. Mar. 8, 1898. 105. iii. Sarah J., b. June 29, 1875; m. July 6, 1897, J. Lawrence Stratton. Res. Stoughton, Mass. 60. William Pitts^ (William Pitts^, William^ Joseph^, William^ Samuel^ SamueF, John^, Thomas^), b. Oct. 21, 1847; m. Nov. 28, 1878, Alvira C. Colby [b. Canada, Oct. 17, 1855]. He removed with his father to Minnesota in 1856. He served during the Civil War in the 1st Minnesota Artillery. Res. Redwood Falls, Minn. Children : 106. i. Roy Pitts, b. Dec. 12, 1881. 107. ii. Julia Luceba, b. June 19, 1883. 108. iii. LoRENA May, b. May 1, 1888. 109. iv. Ralph C, b. Feb. 10, 1890. 110. V. Marion Ada, b. Nov. 12, 1892. 111. vi. Velora Lee, b. June 29, 1896. 66. Charles Hackett" (William Pitts^, William^, Joseph", William^, Samuel*, SamueP, John^, Thomas^), b. Feb. 5, 1861; m. Feb. 20, 1884, Kate E. Sinclair. Res. Redwood Falls, Minn. Children : 112. i. Susan Lida, b. Nov. 23, 1884. 113. ii. Madge Beth, b. July 23, 1886. 114. iii. Flossie Christine, b. June 13, 1891. 72. Sampson Merryman" (Joseph Parker^ Sampson^, Jo- seph", William^, SamueP, SamueP, John^, Thomas^), b. Mar. 2, 1841 ; m. Mar. 24, 1875, Anna Baker. He was an officer in the army during the Civil War. A farmer at Ida Grove, Iowa. Children : 115. i. Louise May, b. Sept. 11, 1876. She is a teacher of music, having prepared for that work in Germany. 116. ii. Edgar Lamon, b. Feb. 8, 1879. 117. iii. Charles Parker, b. Nov. 13, 1882. 118. iv. Florence Baker, b. Jan. 21, 1888. 663 History of New Ipswich THAYER. Thomas^ Thayer, b. Braintree, Essex, England, about 160O; d. Brain- tree, Mass., 1664/5; m. before 1623, Margery . He came to America in 1630 and settled at Braintree, where he was admitted freeman in 1636. Ferdinando'' (Thomas^), b. about 1625; d. Mendon, Mass., Mar. 28, 1713; m. Jan. 14, 1652, Huldah Hayward of Braintree [d. Sept. 1, 1690]. In 1665 he removed from Braintree to Mendon, of which he was one of the largest Proprietors and where he was an honored citizen. Thomas' (Ferdinando', Thomas'), b. 1665; d. May 1, 1738; m. 1688, Mary Adams. He lived in Mendon, where he held the office of captain. John* (Thomas^ Ferdinando^ Thomas'), b. Sept. 17, 1706; d. later than 1773; m. 1733, Ruhamah Smith of Bellingham, Mass. [d. after Nov. 26, 1747] ; (2) 1769, Mary Spencer. He lived in Mendon. Palatia" (John*, Thomas', Ferdinando', Thomas'), b. Nov. 22, 1739; d. Mar. 23, 1797; m. (1) May 27, 1762, Hannah, dau. of Aaron and Jemima Thayer [b. Mar. 12, 1739; d. 1790]; (2) Mar. 2, 1793, Hannah Blake. Res. in Mendon. Smith' (Palatia°, John*, Thomas', Ferdinando', Thomas'), b. Dec. 15, 1770; d. Mar. 31, 1818; m. Sept. 14, 1793, Abigail Drake [b. Uxbridge, Mass., 1770; d. New Ipswich, Mar. 13, 1839]. After some years he re- moved from Mendon to Petersham, Mass., where he died. 1. Stephen^ (Smith^, Palatia^, John*, Thomas^, Ferdi- nando^ Thomas^), b. July 24, 1803; d. Jan. 11, 1890; m. Feb. 2, 1826, Johannah, dau. of Joab and ]\lary (Balch) Pond of Keene [b. Feb. 13, 1808; d. Apr. 15, 1878]. He came to New Ipswich at the age of twenty years and began his long and vigorous business activities in Davis Village, but in two years removed to the Center Village, where for a long time he em- ployed a larger number of workmen than were required for any other industry in that village. His cigar manufactory required over fifty workmen, which at that period made him one of the leaders of that business in the country. He also had a match factory with fifteen employees, a bakery, a labo- ratory for the production of essences and various proprietary articles, a lumber mill, and a country store. During the Civil War he established a branch house at Washington, D. C, which furnished a very large amount of bakery products and other articles desired under the existing conditions. The de- mands of his large business forbade any large activities in less personal interests, but he served the town as selectman and as representative, and was a trustee of the Academy dur- ing a large part of his life. Children : 3. i. Joanna Pond, b. Dec. 9, 1827 ; m. July 26, 1850, Edward A., son of Curtis and Lucy (Merriam) Lawrence of Groton, Mass. [b. Feb. 25, 1823]. Res. Orange, N. J. Children: i. Lucy 664 Thayer Maria Lawrence, b. Rahway, N. J., Dec. 10, 1851 ; m. Apr. 16, 1873, Henry Hale; res. Orange, N. J.; six children, ii. Lauretta Frances Lawrence, b. Stamford, Ct., Mar. 24, 1854; d. Cliffdale, Tex., July 20, 1885; m. Mar. 12, 1874, George Ames, Jr. ; five children. 4. ii. Permelia Hammond, b. Feb. 23, 1830; d. Apr. 10, 1914; m. Oct. 11, 1849, Noah Webster, son of Christopher and Con- sentany (Cummings) Farley of Brookline [b. May 5, 1822; d. Dec. 28, 1891]. Res. West Newton, Mass. Children: i. Arthur Christopher Farley, b. Mar. 13, 1851 ; m. Mar. 9, 1881, Helen, dau. of Charles and Emily (Cutts) Judd of Honolulu, Hawaii [b. Mar. 5, 1862]. Res. Wellesley, Mass.; four children, ii. William Thayer Farley, b. Jan. 9, 1855 ; m. Nov. 11, 1886, Marion Adelaide Thayer (14). Res. Auburndale, Mass. ; with his older brother he is in the firm of Farley, Harvey & Co., Boston ; two children, iii. Fred- erick Webster Farley, b. June 29, 1859; m. Dec. 27, 1883, Mary Wheatie, dau. of Rev. William and Frances (Jordan) McDonald [b. June 6, I860]. Res. Waltham, Mass.; five children, iv. Walter Stephen Farley, b. May 15, 1865; d. Mar. 13, 1866. v. Edith Permelia Farley, b. May 22, 1867; m. Sept. 20, 1892, Henry, son of Edward P. and Ada (Holmes) Whitmore of Quincy, 111. [b. Sept. 16, 1867]; res. West Newton, Mass. ; two children. 5. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 31, 1832; d. St. Anthony's Falls, Minn., Mar. 27, 1857; m. May 31, 1855, George Thomas Russell [b. Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 14, 1832; d. Nov. 2, 1899]. Child: i. Mary Ettie Russell, b. Mar. 20, 1857; d. Aug. 4, 1879. 6. iv. Lauretta Sophia, b. Feb. 8, 1835; d. Marlboro, Mass., July 9, 1883; m. (1) Jan. 3, 1856, William Vincent, son of Thomas and Mary F. Yates of New York city [b. Feb. 11, 1829; d. June 4, 1857]; (2) Edward Otis Ballard (2). Child : i. William Irvin Yates, b. Apr. 30, 1857 ; d. Mar. 30, 1862; four children of second marriage (Ballard). 7. v. Sarah Abigail, b. Aug. 9, 1837. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke Seminary and has devoted her life to teaching. She went to Charleston, S. C, to teach the freedmen among the earliest of those going to the South for that purpose. In 1877 she went to Cape Colony, Africa, as principal of Midland Seminary, which she organized upon the princi- ples of Mt. Holyoke. She resides at San Diego, Cal. 8. vi. Stephen Henry, b. Dec. 16, 1839.+ 9. vii. Samuel Allen, b. Apr. 1, 1842.+ 10. viii. Edward Arthur, b. Feb. 24, 1844. -f- 11. ix. William Sumner, b. Nov. 19, 1845; d. Nov. 4, 1851. 12. X. Frederick Albert, b. June 10, 1848.+ 2. Albert Gallatin^ (Smith^ Palatia^ John*, Thomas', FerdinandoS Thomas^, b. June 29, 1809; d. Apr. 13, 1880; m. Dec. 31, 1835, Sarah Boynton (26). In his early manhood he 665 History of New Ipswich served for two years in the army with the Black Hawk expe- dition in the Northwest; then in 1833 he came to New Ipswich and made it the place of his life's activities, which, if not as extensive as those of his older brother, were hardly less di- versified, as for a time the products of his bakery were all known in a considerable circuit of towns, his brickyard fur- nished bricks of superior quality, and he was also engaged in blacksmithing, tailoring, tin work and basket-making. Child : 13. i. Albert Sumner, b. Apr. 23, 1842.-(- 8. Stephen Henry^ (Stephen^, Smith^, Palatia^, John*, Thomas^, Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. Dec. 16, 1839; m. Nov. 25, 1863, Emma Frances, dau. of James A. and Mary (Falk) Halsted of New York city [b. Nov. 11, 1845; d. Dec. 31, 1906]. He was a broker until 1899, and has since been engaged in literary pursuits. Res. at Tarrytown and later at Yonkers, N. Y. Children: 14. i. Marion Adelaide, b. Mar. 19, 1865; m. Nov. 11, 1886, William T., son of Noah W. and Permelia H. (Thayer) (4) Farley. 15. ii. Alice Emma, b. Nov. 19, 1869; m. (1) Dec. 12, 1891, Frank Secor, son of Amos and Mary Elizabeth Abbott of An- dover, Mass. [b. Feb. 27, 1856; d. May 27, 1898]; (2) 1909, Richard Harold Waldo. Res. New York city. One son. 16. iii. Howard Stephen, b. Aug. 25, 1874; m. Oct. 8, 1898, Bertha, dau. of Dr. George and (Holman)' Cook of Tarry- town, N. Y. [b. May, 1877]. Res. Cleveland, Ohio. 17. iv. Everett Henry, b. July 19, 1875; d. Mar. 31, 1905. 9. Samuel Allen* (Stephen^, Smith**, Palatia^, John*, Thomas^, Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 1, 1842; m. Dec. 25, 1863, IMary Hannah Adams (W. 110). He is a traveling sales- man living at New Ipswich. Children : 18. i. William Adams, b. July 30, 1865.-}- 19. ii. Mabel Louise, b. Aug. 23, 1870; m. Feb. 5, 1900, Frank Her- bert Preston (104). Res. Springfield, Mass. One son. 20. iii. Grace Joanna, b. Feb. 21, 1872; m. Oct. 29, 1894, Albert Ed- ward Brown (J. 2). 21. iv. Walter Stephen, b. Dec. 30, 1873.-J- 10. EDW.A.RD Arthur^ (Stephen^, Smith^, Palatia^, John*, Thomas^ Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. Feb. 24, 1844; d. Jan. 18, 1891 ; m. Aug. 31, 1865, Margaret Jane, dau. of Levi and Elizabeth M. (Brickett) Palmer of Charlestown, IVLass. [b. Mar. 21, 1845]. He served for two years during the Civil War, enlisting in the 2d Massachusetts Cavalry, and afterward serv- ing as captain in the 1st Louisiana Cavalry. During the greater 666 I Thayer part of his business life he was engaged in the publication of books for subscription sale. Children : 22. i. Edith Ella, b. July 3, 1868; m. June 9, 1896, Robert Lewis, son of Robert Lewis and Kate (Yeager) Bodine of Phila- delphia, Pa. [b. Jan. 21, 1866]. Res. East Orange, N. J. One son. 23. ii. Harry Edward, b. Apr. 3, 1877; d. Feb. 25, 1907. 24. iii. Frank Palmer, b. Aug. 3, 1878. 25. iv. Gertrude, b. May 12, 1880; d. July 17, 1881. 26. V. Everett Sanford, b. June 21, 1882. 12. Frederick Albert^ (Stephen^ Smithy Palatia^, John^ Thomas^ Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. June 10, 1848; d. Mar. 25, 1883; m. Sept. 14, 1876, Martha Jane, dau. of Rev. Jona- than and Martha Rhoda (Richardson) Herrick [b. Warner, N. H., Feb. 11, 1850; d. Sept. 8, 1901]. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1873, and was engaged in journalistic work upon the New York Tribune and New York Times for two years, after which he entered upon preparation for the ministry at Bangor and Andover Seminaries. He was a pastor at Westboro, Mass., for two years, and afterward at Quincy, 111., where he died. Children : 27. i. Miriam Agnes, b. July 16, 1877. 28. ii. Bertha Jean, b. Jan. 23, 1879; m. Apr. 18, 1896, Albert Eli- son, son of Charles H. and Olive M. (Snow) Flint of Wor- cester, Mass. [b. July 4, 1863]. Res. Worcester, Mass. Two children. 13. Albert Sumner^ (Albert Gallatin^ Smith**, Palatia^, John*, Thomas^, Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. Apr. 23, 1842; d. Mar. 9, 1907; m. May 25, 1863, Sophronia Esther, dau. of Bradley and Mary A. (Pierce) Simonds of Ashby, Mass. [b. Jan. 13, 1844]. He had a bakery in New Ipswich for some years, and afterward lived at West Townsend, Mass. Chil- dren : 29. i. Hattie Florence, b. Oct. 14, 1864; m. May 15, 1889, James Henry, son of Thomas B. and Catherine (Ames) Martin. Res. Cambridge, Mass. 30. ii. Nettie Agnes, b. Nov. 30, 1866; d. Arlington, Mass., Sept. 8, 1904; m. Sept. 24, 1892, Daniel F. Hession. 31. iii. Henry Albert, b. Mar. 10, 1878; m. Aug. 18, 1897, Olive Gertrude, dau. of Ivory and (Bryant) Stanchfield. Res. Henderson, Me. 18. William Adams'' (Samuel Allen^ Stephen^ Smith", Palatia^, John*, Thomas^, Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. July 30, 1865 ; m. Aug. 28, 1888, Frances Amelia, dau. of Henry Adams 667 History of New Ipswich and Frances (Payson) Harrington of Westboro, Mass. Is a journalist in New York city. Children : 32. i. Beatrice, b. July 14, 1891. 33. ii. Frances Harrington, b. Dec. 29, 1898. 21. Walter Stephen^ (Samuel Allen^ Stephen^ Smith^, Palatia^ John*, Thomas^ Ferdinando^, Thomas^), b. Dec. 30, 1873; m. Annie Frances Chandler (R. 154). He is a farmer on IX: 2, S. R., his home being just across the road from the site of the third house built by Abijah Foster. He has been selectman. Children : 34. i. Arthur Stephen, b. July 24, 1894. 35. ii. Grace Deborah, b. June 17, 1905. 36. iii. Philip Chandler, b. June 25, 1909. TIDDER. James Tidder was a resident of New Ipswich from 1764 to 1786, his home being upon the Giles farm, afterward owned by Levi Blanchard and later by his son Oilman, XV: 2, S. R. Tradition gives nothing concerning him, and the town records hardly name him except on the tax-lists. But he was a loyal citizen, responding to the Concord alarm in 1775, and serving in the companies of Capts. Brown and Briant in 1777 and Cap- tain Fletcher in 1778. Despite the fact that his family name cannot be found in the standard genealogical works and is probably an unrecognized corruption of some other name, it rightly has a place in the story of the early days of the town. The name of his wife is unknown, and no family record has been found, but it may be inferred that Solomon and Molly Tidder, who united with the church in the last year of his residence here, were his children, and there can be little doubt that James Tidder of "Andover, Vt.," who according to the records of Temple married Jan. 2, 1794, Polly Patten of that town, was his son, as the records of Andover bear the names of James Tidder and James Tidder, Jr., from 1787, the year of the disappearance of the name from New Ipswich, until 1799. TOWNE. William' Towne, b. 1600; m. Joanna Blessing. He came from either Yarmouth or Bristol, England, with his wife and several children, and set- tled at Salem, Mass. 668 Towne Edmund' (William*), bapt. June 28, 1628; d. before May 3, 1668; m Mary, dau. of Thomas Browning [bapt. Jan. 7, 1638; d. before Dec. 16, 1717]. Res. at Topsfield, Mass. William' (Edmund', William*), b. Mar. 13, 1659; d. Jan. 30, 1750; m. (1) Eliza ; (2) Aug. 22, 1694, Margaret, widow of John Willard, who had been executed for witchcraft. Joseph' (Edmund', William'), b. Sept. 2, 1661; d. 1717; m. Mar. 13, 1687, Amy, dau. of Robert Smith [b. Aug. 16, 1668; d. Feb. 22, 1756]. Res. at Topsfield, Mass. Jeremiah^ (William', Edmund', William*), b. May 27, 1705; m. Elizabeth Towne, prob. dau. of John' (Joseph', William*) [b. Nov. 22, 1711]. Benjamin' (Joseph', Edmund', William*), b. May 10, 1691; m. (1) Catherine, dau. of Jacob Towne, Jr.; (2) Apr. 12, 1722, Susannah Wildes [d. July 5, 1736] ; (3) May 2, 1738, Mary Perkins [d. Nov. 6, 1760] ; (4) Apr. 15, 1761, Mrs. Mary Clark [d. Dec. 11, 1782]. He was a wealthy and prominent citizen of Topsfield, being town clerk, selectman, and assessor. He had triplet sons, Ezra, Edmund and Elijah. Nathaniel' (Joseph', Edmund', William*), b. Topsfield, June 1, 1700; m. Jemima . Jeremiah^ (Jeremiah', William', Edmund', William*), b. Sept. 6, 1743; d. June 10, 1830; m. (1) Sept. 26, 1765, Sarah Cree [d. June 13. 1767]; (2) int. Oct. 31, 1769, Mrs. Martha Balch [b. about 1743; d. Apr. 6, 1822]. He removed from Marblehead, Mass., to Rindge in early manhood. 1. EzRA^ (Benjamin*, Joseph^, Edmund^, William^), b. Apr. 30, 1736; d. Dec. 24, 1795; m. (1) Elizabeth [d. June 19, 1767]; (2) Elizabeth (Cutter) (3), widow of Elijah Button; (3) Mar. 20, 1788, Keziah (Bullard) (G. 4), widow of William Start (3). He came from Topsfield, Mass., to New Ipswich about 1759, and settled in the northeastern corner of the town, (23, N. D.,) making that place his home until his death, which was caused by a wound inflicted by a hayhook unseen by him, while sliding down a haymow in his barn. His name has been especially perpetuated in town tradition, however, by his service in the Revolution. He was among those respond- ing to the call of Apr. 19, 1775, and on his arrival at Cam- bridge he enlisted a company of sixty-five men, more than half of whom were his fellow townsmen, which under his command bore its part at Bunker Hill, and in large degree remained in service until the following December. His later service is stated on a previous page of this book in the history of Revolutionary activity. After the close of his active service his military efficiency was recognized by his promotion to the rank of colonel in the state militia. Children : 669 History of New Ipswich 3. i. Ezra, b. Mar. 29, 1759.+ 4. ii. Rebecca, b. July 25, 1763. 5. iii. Betty, b. May 21, 1765. 6. iv. Elijah, b. Feb. 11, 1767.+ 7. V. Nehemiah, b. Aug. 11, 1769. 8. vi. Luther, b. May 5, 1772; d. Sept. 9, 1775. 9. vii. Rhoda, b. Feb. 29, 1774; d. Sept. 9, 1775. 10. viii. Rhoda, b. June 2, 1776; m. Nov. 13, 1794, Ebenezer Grain. 11. ix. Mercy, b. May 5, 1778. 12. X. Rachel, b. June 18, 1780; d. Nov. 2, 1780. 13. xi. Wilder, b. 1781. 14. xii. Jeremiah, b. Feb. 11, 1792. 2. Edmund^ (Benjamin*, Joseph^, Edmund^, William^), b. Apr. 30, 1736; d. Feb. 12, 1813; m. 1765, Sarah Cummings. He came to New Ipswich, probably a little later than his brother Ezra, and settled still nearer the northeastern corner of the town upon the lots 15 and 16, N. D., reduced in size by the relocation of the eastern line of the town at the time of the Masonian grant. If his home was on the only spot now bear- ing traces of a dwelling, it was about a quarter-mile directly south from the northeast corner. His name appears upon the tax-lists 1765 to 1795. He enlisted four times during the Rev- olution. Children: 15. i. Edmund, b. 1765. -|- 16. ii. Susannah, b. Feb. 1, 1767; m. Samuel G. Sumner. 17. iii. Anna, b. May 28, 1769; m. and removed to the West. 18. iv. Benjamin, b. Oct. 8, 1771. -f 19. V. Sarah, b. July 27, 1773; m. Stone. 20. vi. Stephen, b. Feb. 10, 1775 ; m. Susan Gates. Francis^ (Nathaniel^ Joseph', Edmund^ William'), b. Topsfield, Mass., July 28, 1737; d. Aug. 11, 1811; m. Feb. 26, 1760, Phebe' (Gideon\ Jacob^ Jacob', William') Towne. He removed to Rindge in 1771. He was a soldier in both the French and the Revolutionary wars. He was deacon at Topsfield and at Rindge. Cornelius" (Jeremiah^ Jeremiah'', William', Edmund^ William'), b. Feb. 13, 1772; m. 1791, Hannah, dau. of Micah and Betsey (Fhilbrick) Chaplin of Rindge. He removed to Dublin in 1804. 3. Ezra** (Ezra^, Benjamin*, Joseph^, Edmund^, William^), b. Mar. 29, 1759; d. 1831 ; is said to have m. at New Ipswich, June 6, 1775, Rel^c.ca. Jenks. But no official record of the marriage appears, and his youth makes the date rather doubt- ful, although at that time he was sufficiently mature to serve in his father's company at Bunker Hill. The company roll makes him only fourteen years of age at that time, but the birth record giving him the age of sixteen seems much more 670 Towne worthy of credence. He became a sea captain and sailed to foreign parts for many years. Children : 22. i. Eliza, b. Apr. 26, 1796; m. Joseph Morton. 23. ii. Diana, b. Mar. 1, 1797; m. Isaac Williams of Boston. 6. Elijah® (Ezra^, Benjamin*, Joseph^, Edmund^, Wil- liam^), b. Feb. 11, 1767; d. Mason, Dec. 28, 1828; m. Elizabeth Flagg [b. Jan. 29, 1780; d. Feb. 17, 1868]. He was an inn keeper in New Ipswich, near the Village Green of the early days, at first in the house near the present Baptist church which has long been known as the home of the Preston family and second in the Dix tavern stand which burned in 1825, and was replaced by the home of Rev. Samuel Lee. He was a shoemaker as well as host at the inn. The following state- ment, copied from the former town history, seems to indicate that he was a man having the "courage of his convictions." "During the early part of the century, there was very great political harmony in the town. In choosing governor and other state officers, the vote was sometimes unanimous. The citizens were mostly Federalists, coinciding in opinion with Judge Farrar, who exercised such a leading influence in both the town and the state. When a difference of opinion on any measure arose in town meeting, it was customary to appeal to him for his views ; and rarely, if ever, did they fail to be adopted, without further debate. When war again threatened and the embargo was laid in 1807, a Democratic party Qacobin as it was then called) arose, and gradually gained in strength. Elijah Towne is said to have been the first who avowed him- self to the party." Child : 24. i. Ezra, b. Jan. 22, 1805. 15. Edmund" (Edmund^ Benjamin*, Joseph^ Edmund^, William^), b. 1765; d. Mar. 6, 1815; m. (1) Eunice Spencer of Springfield, Vt. ; (2) Nov. 6, 1800, Polly Fitch. Children : 25. i. Abigail, b. July 11, 1790; d. Dec, 1790. 26. ii. Abigail, b. Oct. 8, 1791. 27. iii. Betsey, b. July 20, 1793; d. Mar. 2, 1833. 28. iv. Stephen, b. Feb. 14, 1795. 29. V. Pliny C, b. May 15, 1806; d. Dec. 3, 1806. 30. vi. Almond S., b. Mar. 31, 1813; d. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17, 1850. 18. Benjamin*' (Edmund^ Benjamin*, Joseph^, Edmund-, William^), b. Oct. 8, 1771; d. May 15, 1845; m. 1802, Sarah Burt [b. Oct. 2, 1775; d. Jan. 19, 1849]. Res. in Windsor, Vt. Children : 671 History of New Ipswich 31. i. Orinda, b. Jan. 20, 1803; d. Jackson, Mich., Mar. 15, 1875; m. June 12, 1823, Dr. Oliver Rust. Seven children. 32. ii. Sarah, b. Nov. 26, 1804; d. Aug. 29, 1860; m. Mar. 28, 1826, Leonard Quimby of Thetford, Vt. Ten children. 33. iii. Mary, b. Apr. 7, 1807; d. Montpelier, Vt., June 26, 1851; m. Dec. 8, 1824, Dr. Buckley O. Tyler. Six children. 34. iv. Nahum, b. Jan. 9, 1808; d. Mar. 7, 1809. 35. V. Dean, b. Feb. 7, 1810. 36. vi. Benjamin, b. Sept. 12, 1812. 37. vii. William, b. Apr. 9, 1815. 38. viii. Emily Melissa, b. Feb. 5, 1829; d. Worcester, Mass., July 6, 1899; m. Feb. 19, 1839, Samuel S. Ellis. Greene* (Francis", Nathaniel*, Joseph^ Edmund^ William'), b. May 25, 1782; d. Apr. 23, 1857; m. Feb. 13, 1810, Lucy, dau. of Solomon Rand of Rindge [b. July 24, 1784]. He was a farmer in Rindge. 21. Cornelius'' (Cornelius^, Jeremiah^, Jeremiah*, Wil- liam^ Edmund^, William^), b. Rindge, Apr. 18, 1803; d. June 10, 1887; m. (1) May, 1824, Mary, dan. of Dea. John and Martha (Jennings) Knowlton [b. July 2, 1804; d. May 19, 1836] ; (2) Mar. 16, 1837, Hannah, dau. of Joshua and Polly (Berden) Farnum [b. Nov. 22, 1798; d. Oct. 13, 1869]; (3) Aug. 30, 1879, Mary, widow of Ezra Carr. He spent most of his life in Dublin, but after his last marriage he lived upon the Carr place, (152, A. D.) Children: 40. i. Cornelius K., b. Jan. 30, 1826; m. Lucy A. Seaver. Two chil- dren. John P., b. Sept. 11, 1828; m. Althea Merrill. Hannah C, b. Oct. 23, 1831; d. Dec. 25, 1900; m. George W. Chandler (R. 68). Mary C, b. Aug. 11, 1833; m. John Fairman. Albert C, b. Jan. 27, 1836; m. (1) Lucilla A. Corey of Stod- dard ; (2) Sylvia A. Rice. Seven children. 45. vi. George M., b. Jan. 18, 1838; m. Delina C. Stoddard. 46. vii. Clara F., b. Mar. 8, 1839; m. Benjamin A. Sherwin. 39. Pliny F.^ (Greene^, Francis^, Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Ed- mund^, William^), b. 1828; d. 1895; m. Calista A. Brooks (21). He came to New Ipswich about 1853, and was employed for several years in the chairshop of Charles Taylor at Smith Village, later in Ashburnham. TUCKER. Morris' Tucker is first found on record at Salisbury, Mass., where he m. (1) Oct. 14, 1661, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Stevens, of the first settlers of that town in 1639 [b. Nov. 2, 1639; d. Oct. 16, 1662] ; (2) 1663, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Phebe (Buswell) Gill [b. 672 41. ii. 42. iii. 43. iv. 44. V. Tucker Jan. 8, 1646]. He was a cooper and also a "Planter" and a brickmaker. He was made a freeman in 1690. He removed to Tiverton, R. I., where it is said that he died. Joseph^ (Morris'), b. Salisbury, Feb. 20, 1671/2; d. June 30, 1743; m. (pub. Oct. 14, 1695) Phebe, dau. of Joseph and Martha (Dow) Page [b. Nov. 16, 1674; d. Dec. 29, 1736]. He lived in Salisbury and in 1735 deeded his home there to his son Moses, receiving in consideration of the same an obligation to provide for his maintenance. 1. MosES^ (Joseph-, Morris^), b. Mar. 28, 1704/5; d. Jan. 6, 1769; m. Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 18, 1727, Johannah, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Hutchins) Dow [b. Haverhill, Sept. 26, 1709]. He is mentioned as a "saddler;" but like all his fellow pioneers he must have been largely occupied in the clearing and cultivation of his land, and in documents relative to the division of his property, made soon after his death, he is styled "gentleman." He is said to have removed to Kingston, N. H., in 1738, but the places of birth of his children suggest that for some years it may have been uncertain in which of the two neighboring settlements, Salisbury and Kingston, he was a resident. And even after his removal to New Ipswich, which reliable and well-supported tradition locates at least as early as 1745, a deed given him by his near neighbor, Benjamin Hoar, names him as being of Kingston. But it seems certain that he was the third, possibly the fourth settler in New Ips- wich, his first home being at the southern end of VI : 1, S. R., on the short piece of the old country road extending downward from the road connecting Bank Village with the Congrega- tional church to the road along the river. Perhaps the vestiges of a cellar still visible there mark the place of that early abode. He later removed to II : 1, S. R., where the probable position of his well on the north side of the abandoned road is still dis- cernible. He is supposed to have won his title of captain by service in the French and Indian wars, and he seems to have commanded the first military company formed in New Ips- wich. He was the only inhabitant remaining unmoved during the general withdrawal to Townsend in 1748. He was elected town clerk and also first selectman at the first town meeting after the incorporation of the town. Although only in his sixty-fifth year at the time of his death he is said to have been the oldest person in the town. Children : 2. i. Mary, b. Jan. 3, 1728/9. 3. ii. Parker, b. Jan. 11, 1730; d. May 7, 1736. 4. iii. Phebe, b. Mar. 6, 1735. 673 History of New Ipswich 5. iv. Moses, b. Mar. 6, 1736. -j- 6. V. Sarah, b. Mar. 13, 1739. 7. vi. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 8, 1741. 8. vii. Hannah, b. Sept. 22, 1743. 9. viii. Reuben, b. June 19, 1747.+ 10. ix. Joseph, b. Oct. 22, 1748.+ 11. X. Mary, b. Oct. 5, 1751; d. 1812; m. George Start (4). 5. Moses* (Moses^ Joseph^, Morris^), b. Mar. 6, 1735/6; d. 1792; m. Susanna . He was a farmer, his home, (HI: 3, S. R.,) being south from the old country road on a road for- merly extending from the Chandler mills to the old Ashby road east from Whittemore Hill. He did worthy service in the Revolution, beginning with the first alarm on April 19, 1775, and rising to the rank of lieutenant in the companies of Capts. Briant and Fletcher, his final service being at the Royal- ton alarm in 1780, in which he held that rank under Capt. Parker. Children : 12. i. Moses, b. June 9, 1764. 13. ii. Sukey, m. Jan. 14, 1790, Ithamar Wheelock (7). There were probably other children not found on record. 9. Reuben* (Moses^ Joseph^, Morris^), b. June 19, 1747; d. June 12, 1803; m. June 4, 1771, Relief, dau. of Lieut. David^ (SamueP, Matthias^) and Hannah (Hastings) Farnsworth of Groton, Mass. [b. 1749; d. Feb. 11, 1825]. He remained in New Ipswich only two or three years after reaching his ma- jority, but removed to Townsend, Mass., where he kept a tavern. He held loyalist views during the Revolution, and at the close of the contest he removed to Nova Scotia, where he passed the final twenty years of his life. He was made a justice of the peace a short time before his death. Children: 14. i. Relief, b. May 3, 1772; d. Sandy Cove, N. S., Feb. 1, 1825; m. (1) George Start; (2) John Morehouse. Children: i. Moses Start, ii. Charles Morehouse, iii. Reuben More- house. 15. ii. Mary, b. Mar. 29, 1774; d. Digby, N. S., Apr. 5, 1858; m. Nov. 13, 1794, James Titus. Children : i. Charles Titus. ii. James Titus, iii. Relief Titus, iv. Maria Titus, v. Lucy Titus, vi. Reuben Titus. 16. iii. Hannah, b. Mar. 23, 1776; d. GulHver's Cove, N. S., about 1846; m. (1) William Smith; (2) Jacob Burns. Children: i. William Smith, ii. Lucy Smith, iii. Mary Burns, iv. Edward Burns, v. Clarissa Burns, vi. Charles Burns, vii. James W. Burns, viii. Robert Burns, ix. Sarah Burns. 17. iv. Reuben, b. Jan. 6, 1778. 18. V. David, b. Aug. 28, 1779; d. Sept. 19, 1779. 674 * Tucker 19. vi. David, b. Oct. 20, 1780; m. but no children. 20. vii. Charles, b. Oct. 14, 1782; d. Marshfield, Mass., Apr. 10, 1864. 10. Joseph* (Moses^ Joseph^, Morris^), b. Oct. 22, 1748; m. Mar. 26, 1772, Martha Woolson (4). Apparently he re- mained in New Ipswich only ten years after attaining his majority. Child : 21. i. Stephen, b. Jan. 16, 1773. UNDERWOOD. The bearers of this name in New Ipswich are believed to have be- longed to the Underwood family of Lexington, Mass., concerning which the Lexington historian says : "There is great difficulty in tracing the genealogy of this family, both before and after they came to Lexington. They have left a very incomplete record, and it seems they were rather migratory in their habits." An error of assumed identity is possible be- low, but the ancestry as given seems most probable. Joseph^ Underwood, b. about 1615; d. Feb. 16, 1677; m. (1) Mary [d. Feb. 13, 1659] ; (2) Apr. 29, 1665, Mary How. He is supposed to have embarked at London for Virginia in 1635. He came to Hingham, Mass., in 1637, and removed thence to Watertown, Mass. Joseph^ (Joseph'), b. about 1650; d. 1691; m. Elizabeth . He lived at Watertown. Joseph' (Joseph^ Joseph'), b. May 28, 1681; m. Susan Parker. He was at Lexington from 1719 to 1745. Joshua** (Joseph', Joseph^ Joseph'), bapt. June 6, 1725; m. June 6, 1765, Abigail Stone. He lived in Lexington. 1. Daniel^ (Joshua*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Joseph^), bapt. Apr. 24, 1774; m. Aug. 1, 1798, Mary Mason. He came to New Ipswich at about the time of his marriage, and was a farmer upon the southern Rindge road, his dwelling being on the sec- tion of the road now discontinued a little south of the house long owned by James L. Chandler, (10, N. L. O.) He left the town in 1837 or soon after. 2. Joshua^ (DanieP, Joshua*, Joseph^ Joseph^ Joseph^), b. about 1800. In early manhood he built his house a short dis- tance to the east of his father's and there lived until his de- parture from the town a little before his father. WALKER. . Two families bearing this name are found among the residents in New Ipswich. They are believed to have descended from Capt. Richard Walker of Lynn, Mass., but the lines of descent are not established, and the two families are here presented separately. 675 I History of New Ipswich WALKER (John). 1. JoHN^ Walker, b. about 1724; d. Apr. 25, 1800; m. Sud- bury, Mass., June 24, 1758, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Anna (Allen) Goodnow [b. 1730]. He came to New Ipswich in 1760, it is said from Lincoln, Mass., but it seems uncertain upon which side of the line dividing that town from Sudbury was his former home. He settled upon the summit of Binney Hill, as yet an unbroken wilderness, on lot 100, N. L. O., and there made his home until his death. No record of his children has been found, and only two are known. Children : 2. i. Jesse, b. about Feb., 1760. -j- 3. ii. Anna, b. Apr. 5, 1767; d. Aug. 11, 1814; m. June 6, 1793, John Binney (6). 2. Jesse^ (John^), b. about Feb., 1760; d. June 3, 1832; m. (1) Sarah, dau. of Isaac Hawel [b. about 1760; d. Aug. 18, 1786] ; (2) Oct. 10, 1787, Sarah (Emerson) Spear [b. Dec, 1762; d. Nov. 6, 1846]. He lived west of the mountain, on the old Rindge road, (152, A. D.) He did good service in the Revolution, enlisting at least five times, but as he does not appear to have held commission at any of these periods of ser- vice, it must be inferred that the title of captain which he bore in later years and which appears on his gravestone was based upon militia service. Children : 4. i. Rebecca, b. Jan. 29, 1785 ; m. George Murphy. 5. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 11, 1786; m. Nov. 27, 1806, Asa Emerson, probably brother of her step-mother. 6. iii. Jesse, b. about 1788; d. Apr., 1800. 7. iv. Nancy, b. Dec. 23, 1789; d. Oct. 9, 1791. 8. V. Betsy, b. July 5, 1791; d. Sept. 18, 1791. 9. vi. Nancy, b. Aug. 28, 1792; d. Dec. 24, 1853; m. Sept. 28, 1833, David Everett Adams (W. 55). 10. vii. Daniel, b. Mar. 17, 1794; d. Mar. 27, 1802. 11. viii. Nabby, b. Dec. 15, 1795; d. Nov. 3, 1868; m. Dec. 23, 1823, Benjamin Lane [b. June 23, 1795; d. Oct. 18, 1880]. Chil- dren: i. Daniel Walker Lane, b. Dec. 4, 1824; d. Mar. 19, 1892; m. Jerusha E. Bemis. ii. Sarah Lane, b. Aug. 8, 1827; d. Jan. 13, 1828. iii. Martin B. Lane, b. Sept. 4, 1828; m. Carrie N. Adams, iv. George Lane, b. Sept. 23, 1829; m. Mary Ann Costella. v. Sarah Abigail Lane, b. Mar. 31, 1831 ; m. Joseph Hague, vi. Mary Ann Lane, b. Apr. 5, 1832; d. July 5, 1842. vii. Emeline Lane, b. June 20, 1834; d. July 13, 1854. viii. Sophronia Asenath Lane, b. Oct. 20, 1835; d. Oct. 16, 1863. ix. Sewell Stearns, b. Aug. 28, 1838; m. Josephine Lovett. 676 ii Walker (John) 12. ix. John, b. Sept. 16, 1797.+ 13. X. MiLLY, b. May 9, 1799; d. June 28, 1799. 14. xi. Belinda, b. 1801 ; d. Oct. 13, 1873 ; m. Oct. 6, 1842, Ezra Carr (2). 15. xii. MiLLY, b. Mar. 3, 1803; d. Rindge, June 12, 1884, unm. 16. xiii. Daniel, b. Mar. 17, 1805; d. 1848; m. May 6, 1830, Betsey Emery (5). 17. xiv. Jesse E., b. Sept., 1807; d. Dec. 30, 1807. 12. JoHN=^ (Jesse^ John^, b. Sept. 16, 1797; m. (1) Mary Stratton ; (2) Nov. 27, 1845, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Jewett) Colburn of Rindge. Res. Marlboro, Vt. Children : 18. i. Dana S., m. (1) Arvilla Williams [d. May 25, 1853]; (2) Mary Perry (11). A farmer, carpenter, and stage proprie- tor. 19. ii. John. 20. iii. Charles. 21. iv. George. 22. V. Dotty. WALKER (Samuel). Samuel^ Walker, b. about 1615; d. Nov. 6, 1684; his wife's name is not known. Many claim that he was the son of Capt. Richard Walker, but others deny it. He came from England and was admitted to the church at Reading, Mass., about 1650, but removed to Woburn, Mass., within a few years, and there made his permanent home. He was an innkeeper for a time. Samuel^ (Samuel'), b. 1643; d. Woburn, 1703; m. (1) Sarah, dau. of William and Mabel (Kendall) Reed; (2) Abigail, dau. of Capt. Rich- ard Carter and widow of Lieut. James Fowle. He was an active man in different town interests, being deacon, selectman, and ensign. Joseph^ (SamueP), m. Sarah Wyman. John' (Samuel', Samuel'), b. July 2, 1665; d. Apr. 29, 1699; m. Ruth, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Blodgett) Kendall. He was a farmer of Woburn, where his entire life was passed. Benjamin' (Joseph", Samuel'), m. Susannah Baldwin. Edward^ (John', Samuel', Samuel'), b. Oct. 7, 1694; d. Dec. 6, 1787; m. Esther, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Reed) Pierce. He too passed his life in Woburn, of which he was selectman and representative, each for several years. Benjamin* (Benjamin', Joseph^, Samuel'), m. Hannah Frost. Joshua' (Edward', John', Samuel', Samuel'), b. Oct. 5, 1728; d. Oct. 2, 1798; m. (1) Hannah ; (2) Mary, dau. of James and Judith (Nichols) Proctor. He served in the French War, and was a captain in the Revolution. 1. Zaccheus^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, Samuel^), b. Billerica, Mass., Mar. 12, 1748/9; d. Feb., 1832; m. (1) about 1771, Martha Danforth of Chelmsford, Mass. [d. Ashby, Mass., 67 7 History of New Ipswich Feb. 22, 1801] ; (2) July, 1801, Rachel (Pitts), widow of Silas Bigelow (2). He appears to have lived in Chelmsford, Mass., in early manhood, but to have removed to Merrimack, N. H., which was his home during- the Revolution. Later he removed to Ashby, Mass., and at the time of his second marriage or soon after he came to New Ipswich and is supposed to have passed his remaining years in the "Bigelow tavern" house, upon which his wife had a claim. He did Revolutionary ser- vice, responding to the Concord alarm in 1775, and with four of his brothers having a part at Bunker Hill. Later he was commissioned lieutenant, and served until 1777. In later years he was styled Capt. Walker. He had a pension of $20 per month, which he lost in 1822 upon complaint of some of his neighbors, apparently as the result of a neighborhood quarrel, but after four years it was restored, and the amount for the four years was paid him. Children : 2. i. Isaac, b. Aug. 3, 1772; m. (1) Rebecca Wallace; (2) Sarah Kimball. 3. ii. Patty, b. July 7, 1774. 4. iii. Rebecca, m. Sept. 22, 1795, Rev. Joseph Brown. 5. iv. Hannah, b. Dec. 23, 1783; d. Dec. 1, 1835; m. 1805, Reuben Davis of Ashby. Children : i. Walker Davis, b. Mar. 5, 1806; d. May 29, 1878; m. Ann Damon, ii. George Davis, b. Apr. 1, 1807; d. Sept. 2, 1875; m. Nancy M. White, iii. Charles Davis, b. Apr. 19, 1809; d. Nov. 21, 1906; m. Almira Hodgman. iv. Samson Davis, h. Oct. 6, 1811; d. Aug. 9, 1896. V. Sarah Campbell Davis, h. Feb. 20, 1814; d. Apr. 9, 1882; m. Otis Metcalf. vi. John Davis, h. June 16, 1816;*' d. Jan. 10, 1900; m. Eliza Ann Taylor, vii. Martha Dan- forth Davis, b. Mar. 10, 1819; m. Joel F. Metcalf. viii. Julia Ann Davis, b. May 2, 1821 ; d. Oct. 4, 1901. ix. Joseph Davis, b. Sept. 10, 1824. 6. V. Danforth, b. July 26, 1785. + 7. vi. Leffa, m. Sept. 2, 1813, Royal Stimpson. 8. vii. David, m. Sept. 23, 1813, Milly Bigelow (10). 9. viii. Fanny, b. about 1803; d. about 1819. Joshua* (Joshua°, Edward^ John^ Samuef, SamueP), of second mar- riage, b. Nov. 24, 1751; d. Jan. 25, 1825; m. 1775, Mary, dau. of William and Mary (Brooks) Whitmore of Medford, Mass. He removed from Woburn to Rindge when about thirty years old, and passed his life there as a farmer and innkeeper. 6. Danforth^ (Zaccheus^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP), b. July 26, 1785; d. June 4, 1863; m. 1804, Betsey Bigelow (10). He was a farmer in New Ipswich. Children: 11. i. Martha Maria, b. Jan. 20, 1805; d. June, 1893; m. Dec. 5, 1825, George Kenson [b. Mt. Vernon, Apr. 1, 1800; d. Am- 678 Walker (Samuel) herst, Oct. 2, 1867]. Res. Wilton, Mt. Vernon, and Amherst. He was a blacksmith. Children : i. George Danforth Ken- son, b. Sept. 6, 1826; m. Marion Maria Sherman; res. Chicago, 111. ii. Eliza Ann Kenson, b. May 13, 1828; d. Oct. 26, 1902; m. Samuel Eaton; res. Amherst, iii. Martha Jane Kenson, b. Mar. 19, 1830; m. Edmund E. Skinner; res. Reading, Mass. iv. Helen Maria Kenson, b. Apr. 9, 1835; d. Sept. 19, 1868; m. George W. Osgood; res. Amherst, v. Charles Herbert Kenson, b. Jan. 11, 1842; m. Harriet Ann Clark; res. Gardner, Mass. vi. Ella Georgianna Kenson, b. Nov. 23, 1846 ; unm. ; res. Amherst. 12. ii. Eliza Ann, b. June 8, 1807; d. Mar. 31, 1838; m. May 19, 1833, Moses, son of Ithamar and Jerusha (Williams) Fair- banks [b. Ashburnham, Mass., June 28, 1803]. Res. Wood- stock, Vt., and Fitchburg, Mass. He was an accountant. Child: i. Martha Maria Fairbanks, b. Feb. 28, 1838; d. Feb. 21, 1914; m. Sylvester Pierce Litchfield [d. Jan. 6, 1898]; res. Fitchburg. 13. iii. William Danforth, b. Dec. 23, 1809.+ 14. iv. Silas Bigelow, b. June 7, 1812.-[- 15. V. George Washington, b. July 28, 1814.-|- 16. vi. Addison Augustus, b. Sept. 22, 1817.-f- 17. vii. Frances Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1819; m. June 30, 1842, Charles Hartshorn. 18. viii. John Hermond, b. Sept. 24, 1821.-|- 19. ix. Luther Barbour, b. Aug. 8, 1826.-}- 20. X. Edward Payson, b. Oct. 22, 1832.+ 10. Charles^ (Joshua'^, Joshua^, Edward*, John^ SamueP, SamueP), b. Ritidge, Nov. 21, 1795; d. Oct. 23, 1847; m. (1) Aug. 8, 1827, Martha, dau. of Micaiah and Elizabeth (Gallup) Porter of Voluntown, Conn. ; (2) Apr. 29, 1835, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Sophia (Wheeler) Walker of Hollis. He grad- uated from Dartmouth College in 1823 and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1826. His first pastorate was in New Ipswich, where he remained until 1835. Later brief pastorates at Windsor, Conn., Medfield, Mass., and Wells, Me., extended until 1844, and then after a year abroad, he retired to a farm in Groton, Mass., where he died two years later. Children : 22. i. Charles Porter, b. Nov. 12, 1828; m. Caroline Douthit. Child : i. Joseph Douthit, b. about 1864. 23. ii. Henry Lankton, b. Apr. 29, 1830; d. 1872; m. Josephine Milnes Greenough. Children : i. Ariana Josephine, m. Sweet, ii. Edward Herbert. 24. iii. Martha H., b. Mar. 18, 1837; d. Sept. 7, 1866, unm. 25. iv. Mary Sophia, b. Feb. 25, 1839; d. Feb. 14, 1904, unm. 26. v. Harriet Sarah, b. July 21, 1841 ; d. Sept., 1842. 27. vi. Harriet Sarah, b. Mar. 15, 1843; d. Dec. 10, 1848. 28. vii. Nathaniel, b. June 2, 1845; d. Aug. 3, 1861, unm. 679 History of New Ipswich 13. William Danforth^ (Danforth^, Zaccheus^ Benja- min^ Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP), b. Dec. 23, 1809; d. Mar. 2, 1883; m. Nov. 27, 1834, Mary G., dau. of John and Olive (Kelly) Kidder [b. Ashby, Mass., Apr. 6, 1812; d. 1897]. He passed his life in New Ipswich, a manufacturer of bedsteads on the north branch of the river between Smith Village and Gibson Village. Children : 29. i. John Kidder, b. Nov. 19, 1835; d. Oct. 21, 1861. He was a member of the 15th Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War, and was killed at Ball's Bluff, Va. 30. ii. Mary Eliza, b. Mar. 6, 1837; m. Sept. 20, 1864, Lovel H. Horton [d. Mar. 9, 1882]. He was a hotel-keeper at Gard- ner, Mass. Two children. 31. iii. Martha Ann, b. May 10, 1839; m. Apr. 1, 1861, George M. Taylor. Res. at Lowell, Mass., where he was a livery and sale stable keeper. 2>2. iv. William Miller, b. Nov. 16, 1841; d. June 17, 1904, unm. Res. Sterling, Colo., where he was a stock breeder. Z2,. V. Albert Francis, b. May 25, 1844.-(- 34 vi. Louise Frances, b. Dec. 30, 1849; m. Nov. 5, 1879, Gilbert K. Rand of Worcester, Mass., where he is a banker. 35. vii. Jennie Lind, b. Jan. 31, 1854; m. Feb. 21, 1878, Ernest C. Field. Res. Somerville, Mass., where he is engaged in transportation business. 14. Silas Bigelow'^ (Danforth^, Zaccheus^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueF), b. June 7, 1812; d. Feb. 9, 1867; m. Jan. 23, 1845, Elizabeth Joy [b. May 4, 1818; d. Mar. 15, 1880]. He was a farmer, and during the last twenty years or more of his life had the farm near Pratt Pond, the house being at the end of the road on the south end of XV : 3, S. R. Chil- dren : 36. i. Eliza A., b. 1850; d. Nov. 18, 1874; m. Oct. 20, 1872, George A. Tarbell. 37. ii. Maria A., b. 1852; d. Dec. 8, 1895, unm. 38. iii. EuLETTA M., b. June 5, 1854; d. May 13, 1875, unm. 39. iv. Alberto S., b. Feb., 1859; d. Apr. 21, 1878. 15. George Washington^ (Danforth*^, Zaccheus^, Benja- min*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, Samuel^), b. July 28, 1814; d. Mar. 10, 1895; m. Dec. 17, 1845, Sarah Ann Kemp [d. Jan., 1890]. He was a blacksmith at Amherst, where both he and his wife died. Children : 40. i. Sarah Emma, b. June 16, 1848; d. Dec. 19, 1854. 41. ii. George Kemp, b. Aug. 17, 1850; m. Hattie G. Heald. 42. iii. Charles Mortimer, b. 1854. 680 Walker (Samuel) 16. Addison Augustus'^ (Danforth^, Zaccheus^, Benjamin^ Benjamin^, Joseph^, Samuel^), b. Sept. 22, 1817; d. Jan. 16, 1900; m. (1) 1840, Susan Spofford, dau. of Amos and Eunice (Spofford) Keyes of Rindge [b. Nov. 18, 1818; d. May 3, 1842] ; (2) Oct. 21, 1847, Rebecca Hill, dau. of Charles and Rebecca Green (Robbins) Stearns of Leominster, Mass. [b. Sept. 3, 1828; d. Apr. 17, 1900]. He was an esteemed citizen of Ash- burnham, Mass., where he was a manufacturer of wooden- ware. He was selectman several years, a director of the Ash- burnham Railroad and president of the savings bank. He served in the Civil War as captain in the 21st Massachusetts Regiment. Child : 43. i. Susan Josephine, b. Apr. 20, 1842; m. Jan. 3, 1872, James Edward Thompson, a stationer in Fitchburg, Mass. 18. John Hermond^ (Danforth^, Zaccheus^, Benjamin^ Benjamin^, Joseph^ SamueF), b. Sept. 24, 1821; d. July 13, 1872; m. Oct. 19, 1843, Mary Leonard, dau. of Winslow and Mary (Leonard) Davis [b. Gardner, Mass., May 31, 1824; d. Oct. 23, 1904]. Res. Gardner, Mass., where he was a chair- maker. Children : 44. i. Ei.izA Janette, b. Sept. 1, 1844; d. Oct. 22, 1845. 45. ii. Henry Orlando, b. Sept. 14, 1846; m. Sept. 5, 1871, Ella Maria Drury [b. New York city, July 2, 1845]. Res. Idaho Springs, Colo. Is county clerk and register of deeds. One child who d. in infancy. 46. iii. Edson Munroe, b. Nov. 26, 1851; d. Aug. 21, 1853. 47. iv. Silas Leon, b. Oct. 26, 1853; m. July 15, 1885, Emma Cross, dau. of Edward and Emma (Cross) Nims [b. Keene, July 28, 1851]. Res. Gardner, Mass. 19. Luther Barbour'^ (Danforth*^, Zaccheus^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP), b. Aug. 8, 1826; d. Dec. 4, 1908; m. (1) May 19, 1845, Silence Rebecca Collester [b. Mar. 4, 1827; d. Oct. 27, 1866]; (2) Oct. 21, 1867, Marion Exorissa Stickney [b. Apr. 23, 1840]. He was a chairmaker in Gardner and Fitchburg, Mass. He served in the Civil War as a mem- ber of a brigade band in the Twentieth Army Corps and he was with Gen. Sherman on the "march to the sea." Children : 48. i. Annette Isabell, b. Mar. 3, 1846; d. Oct. 27, 1875; m. but had no children. 49. ii. Charles Herbert, b. Jan. 12, 1850; m. Aug. 24, 1881, Mary Jane Hackett. He is a house and sign painter at Danvers, Mass. Five living children. 50. iii. Nellie Gertrude, b. Mar. 13, 1870; m. Sept. 16, 1886, Clinton G. Foskett [b. Sept. 14, 1865], an electrician at Worcester, Mass. Four children. 681 History of New Ipswich 51. iv. Fred Stickney, b. Oct. 20, 1873; m. Anna Richardson. One child. 52. V. Emma Louise, b. Apr. 10, 1879; m. Nov. 21, 1896, Arthur Preston Lesure [b. Sept. 19, 1871]. Res. Fitchburg, Mass., where he has a steam laundry. Two living children. 20. Edward Payson^ (Danforth*', Zaccheus^, Benjamin^ Benjamin^, Joseph^ SamueF), b. Oct. 22, 1832; d. Sept. 27, 1908; m. May 6, 1856, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Nancy (Kemp) Gates [b. Gardner, Mass., Oct. 30, 1837]. Res. Gard- ner, Mass., where he was a chairmaker. He served in the Civil War in the 25th Massachusetts Regiment. Children : 53. i. Alvin Edward, b. Feb. 16, 1857; d. July 13, 1896; m. Clara Wheeler [b. Oct. 20, 1859; d. June 21, 1898]. Res. Gardner, Mass. He is a printer and lithographer. Six children. 54. ii. Eliza Gates, b. Oct. 6, 1865; d. Jan. 17, 1888; m. Oct. 6, 1886, Levi L. Uganst. Res. Gardner, Mass. He is a chairmaker and poultryman. One living child. 55. iii. Addison Augustus, b. Mar. 7, 1867; m. Nov. 13, 1889, Minnie Eliza, dau. of Charles Henry and Mary (Bliss) Rice [b. Aug. 9, 1868]. Res. Gardner, Mass., where he is a chair- maker. Four living children. 33. Albert Francis^ (William Danforth^, Danforth®, Zac- cheus^, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP), b. May 25, 1844; d. June 8, 1913; m. Jan. 25, 1883, Ella M. (3) Balch. He succeeded to his father's business and now conducts the bus- iness of wood-turning in the same location. Children : 56. i. Robert Balch, b. June 19, 1886; m. Sept. 5, 1914, Cora M. Eaton. 57. ii. Lena Frances, b. Dec. 27, 1887; m. Sept. 6, 1913, Philip W. Taylor (90). WALLACE. This family is probably from Robert Wallace of Ipswich, Mass., 1639, but a certain line commences somewhat later. John' Wallace, b. about 1676; d. May 20, 1763; m. (1) ; (2) Elizabeth , [b. about 1693; d. Jan. 25, 1765]. He res. after 1731 in Townsend, Mass., where he was a selectman. John' (John'), b. about 1694; d. Sept. 30, 1777; m. (1) Sarah [d. Mar. 25, 1752] ; (2) Mary White of Groton; (3) 1759, Martha Pudney of New Ipswich. Res. in Townsend, Mass. Benoni^" (John', John'), d. Mar. 15, 1792; m. July 2, 1755, Rebecca Brown of Lynn, Mass. [d. Aug. 25, 1790]. Res. at Lunenburg, Mass. David' (Benoni', John', John'), b. Oct. 16, 1760; d. Jan. 12, 1842; m. Susannah, dau. of John and Ruth (Davis) Conn of Ashburnham, Mass. [b. June 16, 1762; d. Mar. 24, 1847]. He served in the Revolutionary War. He settled in Ashburnham in 1786, and there passed his life as a farmer. 682 Wallace 1. David^ (David^ Benoni^, John^, John^), b. July 14, 1797; d. May 29, 1857; m. Roxanna, dau. of John Goen [d. Feb. 27, 1876]. He was a clothier in Fitchbiirg for a few years in early life, and afterward for a considerable period he lived at vari- ous places in the part of New Ipswich around Smith Village, and his later years were spent upon a small farm in Rindge near the southwest corner of New Ipswich. Several of his children were born in New Ipswich. Children : 2. i. Harriet, b. Sept. 18, 1821; d. Sept., 1881; m. Feb. 12, 1843, Barnard Tenney (10). 3. ii. Rodney, b. Dec. 21, 1823.+ 4. iii. David K., b. Jan. 24, 1826; m. Huldah, dau. of Charles Hart- well of Ashby, Mass. [d. June 23, 1874]. He was a tin- peddler. Res. Winchendon, Mass. 5. iv. John A., b. Jan. 23, 1829; m. 1859, Susan Jane Drake. Res. New York. 6. V. Charles E., b. Mar. 7, 1831. -f 7. vi. George R, b. Nov. 21, 1833; d. July 10, 1874; m. Maria A., dau. of Nathan Woodbury of Rindge. 8. vii. RoMANzo A., b. Sept. 29, 1836; d. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 6, 1875; m. June 25, 1865, Jane S. Morgan. 9. viii. William E., b. Mar. 25, 1839; d. June 20, 1889; m. Aug. 29, 1859, Helen A. Hayward of Fitchburg, Mass. He was an accountant at Fitchburg. 3. Rodney^ (David^ David^ Benoni^ John^, John^), b. Dec. 21, 1823; m. (1) Dec. 1, 1853, Sophia, dau. of Thomas and Sophia (Shurtleff) Ingalls of Rindge [d. June 2, 1871] ; (2) Dec. 28, 1876, Sophia F. (Billings) Bailey of Woodstock, Vt. In 1852 he entered business at Fitchburg, Mass., where he was successively a retail and wholesale dealer in books and stationery, and a paper manufacturer, in all of which enter- prises he was eminently successful. Later he became inter- ested in several of the large manufacturing companies of the city, and was a director of several banks and insurance com- panies and of the Fitchburg Railroad. He was a trustee of Smith College. He presented a fine library and art gallery to the city, and was a benefactor of the needy to an extent much larger than was known by the general public. He held the office of selectman while Fitchburg was a town, was also rep- resentative and member of the Governor's Council, and still later a member of Congress. He was one of the rare men whose relations to their employees are such that practically no labor discords appear. Children : 683 History of New Ipswich 10. i. Herbert I., b. Feb. 17, 1856; m. Oct. 23, 1879, Amy Louise Upton of Fitchburg. He graduated from Harvard College in 1877. Res. at Fitchburg. 11. ii. George R., b. June 20, 1859; m. Nov. 10. 1886, Nellie Maria Howland of Fitchburg. He graduated from the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. Res. in Fitchburg. 6. Charles E.'' (David^ David*, BenonP, John^, John^), b. Mar. 6, 1831 ; d. Dec. 22, 1888 ; m. July 6, 1857, Elizabeth Gil- son of Groton, Mass. He was a cigar-maker, living for a time in the Center Village, and for some years at Hodgkins' corner. Children : 12. i. Cora E., b. June, 1858. 13. ii. Hattie E., b. Jan., 1860. 14. iii. George H., b. Feb., 1861. 15. iv. Delia D., b. Apr., 1862 ; d. July 8, 1863. 16. V. Charles D., b. Jan., 1864. 17. vi. Mary K, b. Sept. 1865. 18. vii. William R., b. Nov., 1866. 19. viii. Herbert C, b. Jan., 1872. WALTON. William^ Walton, b. about 1598; d. 1668. He was a clergyman; came to America about 1635, lived at Hingham and Marblehead; d. at Reading, Mass. Samuel' (William'), b. at Marblehead, June 5, 1639; m. 1674, Sarah Maverick. John' (Samuef, William'), b. Jan. 31, 1685; d. 1774. Res. South Reading, Mass. Josiah^ (John^ SamueP, William'), b. Dec. 5, 1711; d. Nov. 3, 1784; m. Ruth Richardson [d. June 2, 1792]. William" (Josiah^ John^ Samuel", William'), b. Jan. 12, 1757; d. Mar. 22, 1835; m. Susannah Manslield. "He was out in Lexington alarm." Nathan" (William', Josiah', John', Samuel', William'), b. Oct. 7, 1779; d. June 28, 1858; m. Jan. 19, 1803, Mary Bates. 1. Charles^ (Nathan", William^ Josiah*, John^, SamueF, William^), b. Aug. 6, 1817, at Rindge ; d. July 3, 1896; m. Dec, 1842, Sarah Ann, dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah (Heald) Fisk of Temple. Res. in Wilder Village. "In October, 1861, he en- listed in Co. K, 6th Regiment, New Hampshire Vols. Two days later he was elected sergeant of his company. In March, 1863, he was discharged for disability, and came home very much broken in health." Children : 2. i. Sarah Charlotte, b. Oct. 12, 1843. 3. ii. Emily Arabella, b. May 11, 1846; m. 1872, William P. Bacon. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. 4. iii. Charles Herbert, b. Aug. 23, 1848; d. 1867. 684 Walton 5. iv. Millard Fillmore, b. Feb. 21, 1851; d. Feb. 3, 1895, in Kings- ton, Jamaica ; m. 1884, Lizzie Dunbar. 6. V. Ella Gertrude, b. Apr. 7, 1854; m. 1875, George A. Sanders. 7. vi. Alvah Fisk, b. Aug. 14, 1857; d. June, 1885; m. 1884, Alice (McConnell) Tarbell. WEBBER. 1. JosiAH Webber, son of William and Hannah (Flagg) Webber, b. Mason, May 2, 1815 ; d. New Ipswich, July 9, 1898; m. (1) Dec. 8, 1836, Luseba Conant (20) ; (2) May 31, 1860, Elizabeth Mathes of Lee, N. H. He was the leading tailor in New Ipswich from 1836 until his death, and was universally respected and trusted. Child : 1. i. Genevieve, b. Oct., 1861; m. 1890, Frederic Hastings. Child: i. Mildred Hastings, h. 1891. WESTON. John' Weston, b. 1631; d. 1723; m. Apr. 18, 1653, Sarah Fitch. He came from England to Salem in 1644. John" (John'), b. 1661; m. Mary Bryant. Stephen^ (John'), b. 1667; m. Sarah Townsend. Samuel'* (John^ John'), b. 1689; m. Joanna Upham. Isaac' (Stephen', John'), b. 1699; m. Elizabeth Pratt. Samuel^ (SamueP, John", John'), b. 1722; m. 1743, Sarah Rogers. John'* (Isaac^ Stephen^ John'), b. 1731; m. Mary Atwood. Rogers^ (Samuel*, SamueP, John", John'), b. Sept. 30, 1757, in Billerica, Mass.; d. Mar. 9, 1843; m. (1) Apr. 12, 1785, Deborah Lawrence [d. Oct. 20, 1798] ; (2) Dec, 1799, Anna Frost [d. Sept. 30, 1829] ; (3) 1830, Rebecca Keyes [d. Aug. 15, 1830]; (4) Jan., 1831. Mrs. Lydia Buttrick [d. Mar. 13, 1837] ; (5) Mrs. Betsy Wright. James^ (John*, Isaac^ Stephen", John'), b. 1773; d. 1837; m. Rhoda Reed. Samuel' (Rogers^, Samuel*, Samuel', John=, John'), b. 1785; d. 1870; m. Feb. 15, 1807, Nancy Wheeler [b. Apr. 2, 1787; d. Sept. 2, 1875]. 1. James Allan^ (James^, John*, Isaac^, Stephen-, John^), b. at Ashburnham, Mar. 9, 1810; d. Aug. 18, 1852; m. Dec. 24, 1835, Elizabeth S., dau. of Charles Borman of Winchendon. He was a carpenter and came here from Ashburnham in 1848. Children : 2. i. Harlan Marcellus, b. Nov. 4, 1836; d. Oct. 20, 1838. 3. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31, 1839; m. Nov. 27, 1862, Edwin J. Stearns. Two children. 4. iii. Harlan A., b. May 9, 1844; d. June 6, 1847. 5. iv. Ellen M., b. June 22, 1848; m. May 27, 1874, Frank E. Well- ington. 6. v. Charles A., b. Apr. 29, 1850; d. Aug. 30, 1867. 685 History of New Ipswich 7. George'^ (Samuel^, Rogers^, Samuel*, SamueP, John^. John^), b. Jan. 2, 1809; d. Sept. 10, 1887; m. Sept. 4, 1838, Re- becca Bailey [b. Feb. 3, 1817; d. Oct. 3, 1886]. Children: 8. i. George S., b. Mar. 16, 1841; d. July 19, 1911. His remem- brance of old roads and other landmarks has been most helpful in the preparation of this history. 9. ii. Henry A., b. May 10, 1847; d. Dec. 11, 1847. WETHERBEE. JoHN^ Wetherbee, d. about 1711; m. (1) Sept. 18, 1672, Mary, dau. of John' and Mary Howe [b. June 18, 1654; d. June, 1684]; (2) Lydia Moore. Res. Marlboro, Mass., and Stow, Mass. John' (John'), b. Mar. 26, 1675; d. about 1720; m. Catherine . Res. Stow, Mass. Hezekiah' (John% John'), d. before 1759; m. Apr. 23, 1728, Huldah, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Cove) Martyn [m. (2) Dea. Ephraim Pierce of Lunenburg, Mass.]. He removed from Marlboro to Lunenburg in 1729, and there lived until his death. John" (Hezekiah', John^ John'), b. Sept. 14, 1746; d. Mar. 31, 1838; m. Jan. 21, 1773, Susannah, dau. of Joseph and Deborah (Gould) Page [b. about 1747; d. Aug. 21, 1840]. He was a farmer in Rindge. Joseph' (John", Hezekiah^ John=, John'), b. Oct. 8, 1781; d. Jan. 6, 1867; m. Jan. 23, 1810, Nancy, dau. of Zebulon and Mary (Wright) Conant (11) [b. Aug. 10, 1793; d. Apr. 11, 1835]. He succeeded to his father's farm. 1. Joseph Sylvester" (Joseph^, John*, Hezekiah^, John^ John^), b. May 12, 1828; d. Jan. 20, 1890; m. June 19, 1851, Laura IMaria Nutting (13). He remained upon the family homestead twenty years after his marriage, and he was one of the selectmen of Rindge. After 1871 his home was in New rpswich, at first in Smith Village in the early home of his wife, and later on the Caleb Campbell farm, (IX : 2, S. R.) Chil- dren : 2. i. Ellen Maria, b. Apr. 27, 1852; m. Aug., 1871, Andrew C, son of Samuel Robertson of Jaffrey. Res. in Rindge. 3. ii. Clara Louisa, b. Aug. 2, 1854; m. (1) Dec. 2, 1873, Oliver J. Nutting (3lj ; (2) May 13, 1891, Charles W. Brown of Troy. 4. iii. Charles S., b. June 10, 1857; d. Jan. 31, 1858. 5. iv. George E., b. Oct. 19, 1858. 6. V. Charles K, b. July 9, 1861 ; d. Mar. 30, 1862. 7. vi. Susie, b. Feb. 19, 1863; d. Mar. 31, 1863. 8. vii. Henry Lincoln, b. Dec. 28, 1865. 9. viii. Hattie Augusta, b. Mar. 4, 1868. 10. ix. Willis Grant, b. Apr. 20, 1870. 686 Wheeler WHEELER. The Wheelers of New Ipswich are without doubt descended from the early settlers of Concord, Mass., bearing the same name, of whom Shattuck in his history of that town says "That name was originally and has ever been borne by more persons than any other in the town. George, Joseph, and Obadiah were among the first settlers, and Ephraim, Thomas, and Timothy came in 1639 and were heads of families. Tradition says they came from Wales, but it is uncertain. Their descendants have been so numerous, and so many have borne the same Christian name, that their genealogy is traced with great difficulty." This difficulty remains, but has been somewhat lessened by the persistent labor of later genealogists. The following lines of descent have been traced with great care, but it can hardly be expected that they are entirely free from error. It is hoped, however, that the errors are not serious. Apparently two of the emigrant ancestors are represented in New Ipswich, but their descen- dants have intermarried so that it has seemed best to present the two lines together. George* Wheeler, b. about 1600 ; d. 1687 ; m. Katherine , who is believed to have been his second wife, and who died Jan. 2, 1685. He was one of the founders of Concord. Five of his eight children were born before his removal to America. Thomas' Wheeler came to America in 1638 accompanied by his son Thomas, and also by Timothy and Ephraim, who are believed to have been his brothers. This entire family, except Thomas, Jr., removed to Fairfield in 1645. William' (George'), b. 1630; d. Dec. 31, 1683; m. Oct. 30, 1659, Hannah, dau. of WilHam and Anna Buss of Concord [b. Feb. 18, 1642]. Thomas' (George'), d. 1687; m. Oct. 10, 1657, Hannah Harrod (Har- wood). John" (George'), b. Mar. 19, 1643; m. Mar. 25, 1663, Sarah Larkin [b. 1647; d. Dec. 29, 1727]. He was a deacon. Thomas-' (Thomas'), d. Dec. 24, 1704; m. (1) Ruth, dau. of William Wood; (2) Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Merriam [d. Feb. 1, 1676]; (3) July 19, 1677, Sarah Starnes [d. Jan. 21, 1723/4]. William' (William', George'), b. Feb. 8, 1665; d. May 29, 1752; m. Sarah [b. Feb. 22, 1668; d. Sept. 23, 1744]. George' (William', George'), b. about 1670; m. Aug. 14, 1695, Abigail, dau. of Stephen and Abigail Hosmer [b. Nov. 6, 1669; d. Dec. 27, 1717]; (2) Dec. 3, 1719, Abigail Smith. Thomas' (Thomas', George'), b. Jan. 1, 1659/60; m. Nov. 13, 1695, Sarah, dau. of Simon and Mary Davis [b. Mar. 11, 1665/6]. He was known as ensign. Lydia' (John', George'), b. Oct. 27, 1675; m. May 19, 1692, Timothy' Wheeler (below). Timothy' (Thomas', Thomas'), b. July 24, 1667; d. Apr. 14, 1718; m. May 19, 1692, Lydia Wheeler (above). Joseph' (Thomas', Thomas'), b. Jan. 11, 1680/1; d. Oct. 15, 1732; m. Apr. 10, 1705, Sarah Ball [d. June 24, 1748]. William' (William', William', George'), b. Jan. 9, 1693/4; m. Mercy [d. Feb. 17, 1760]. 687 History of New Ipswich Simon* (George', William^ George'), m. Sept. 18, 1739, Dorothy Wooster. Thomas' (Thomas', Thomas', George'), b. Aug. 4, 1696; d. 1769; m. Mary Broods; (2) Susannah . He was lieutenant. Timothy' (Timothy^ Thomas^ Thomas'), b. Mar. 8, 1696/7; m. June 25, 1719, Abigail Roe (Munroe) of Lexington, Mass. Joseph' (Joseph', Thomas^ Thomas'), b. Dec. 24, 1705; m. Sarah . 1. William^ (William*, William^ William^, George^), b. Concord, Dec. 21, 1732; m. Dec. 8, 1763, Grace, dau. of Joseph and Grace Wood [b. Dec. 1, 1741]. He lived in Concord until 1778 or later, and came to New Ipswich before 1781, when his name first appears upon the tax-list, and he may have been a resident until the close of the eighteenth century. Chil- dren — six born in Concord and one in New Ipswich: 4. i. Grace, b. May 13, 1765; d. July 16, 1789; m. Josiah Fletcher (21). 5. ii. William, b. Aug. 24, 1767.-f 6. iii. Abigail, b. Feb. 22, 1770. 7. iv. Timothy, b. Sept. 21, 1772. 8. V. Susanna, b. May 1, 1775. 9. vi. Joseph, b. June 20, 1778.-f- 10. vii. Polly, b. Apr. 23, 1783; m. Timothy Wheeler. Josiah^ (Simon', George', William^ George'), b. Acton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1743; d. Dec. 14, 1826; m. 1773, Huldah Page of Harvard, Mass. [b. about 1746; d. Sept. 15, 1826]. He lived in Westminster, Mass. 2. JoHN^ (Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas-, George^), b. Con- cord, Sept. 5, 1733; d. 1797. He first appears upon the New Ipswich records in 1765, before which time he had married and had at least four children. His farm, (86, A. D.,) still remains in the possession of his descendants, but his dwelling, situated only a few rods from the Massachusetts line and near the old country road along the west slope of Governor's Hill, has long since disappeared. He served at Ticonderoga under Capt. Josiah Brown. Children : 12. i. John, b. Dec. 27, 175S.+ 13. ii. Richard, b. May 17, 1760.+ 14. iii. Samuel, b. Aug. 11, 1762.+ 15. iv. William, b. Oct., 1764.+ 3. JoNAS^ (Timothy*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Concord, May 18, 1720; d. Apr. 2, 1815; m. Oct. 13, 1743, Per- sis, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah Broods [b. Aug. 2, 1720; d. 1816]. He came to New Ipswich in 1758 and settled near the east line of the town, (5, A. D.,) a short distance north of the later site of the "Wheeler tavern," and passed his life in that immediate vicinity. Children : 688 17. ii. 18. iii. 19. iv. 20. V. 21. vi. 22. vii. Wheeler 16. i. Persis, b. Aug. 23, 1744; m. July 16, 1767, David, son of George and Sarah Dickinson. Res. in Ashburnham, Mass., and Shelburne, Mass. Jonas, b. Jan. 25, 1745/6; m. Mar. 28, 1765, Rebecca Maynard of Concord. Dorothy, b. Mar. 13, 1748; m. Aug. 10, 1776, John Hosmer of Concord. Seth, b. May 25, 1750.+ Silas, b. Mar. 7, 1752. Amos, b. July 28, 1756. Abigail, b. July 28, 1760. Joseph^ (Joseph*, Joseph', Thomas°, Thomas^), b. Concord, May 10, 1724; m. Jan. 7, 1750, Mary Hosmer, prob. dau. of Stephen and Millicent (Wood) Hosmer [b. May 23, 1733]. 5. William" (William^ WilHam^ William^ William^, George^), b. Concord, Aug. 24, 1767; d. May 9, 1821; m. New Ipswich, Dec. 25, 1788, Elizabeth Cooke. He passed the greater part of his mature life in Vermont, although it is pos- sible that during a few of his later years he lived in New Ips- wich. He lived for a time in Windsor, Vt., and removed thence in 1795 to Waitsfield in the same state, which was his home for a considerable period. Tradition supported by the still existing remembrance of a few pieces of furniture some- what defaced by fire, said to have been brought to New Ips- wich by his son, gives an account of the destruction of his dwelling by fire, and says that his wife, venturing within the building to rescue some prized article, there perished with a babe in her arms. Children : 23. i. Samuel Cook, b. Jan. 17, 1790.-}- 24. ii. William, b. Sept. 17, 1791.+ 25. iii. Silas, b. Sept. 11, 1793.-f 26. iv. Timothy, b. May 24, 1795. He removed to Indiana. 27. V. Mehitable, b. Feb. 28, 1797; d. May 16, 1866, unm. 28. vi. Betsey, b. Sept. 12, 1799; d. Nov. 9, 1811. 29. vii. David, b. Sept. 7, 1801.+ 30. viii. Joseph, b. May 7, 1803. 9. Joseph" (William^ William^ William^ William^, George^) b. Concord, June 20, 1778; d. New Ipswich, May 6, 1859; m. May 29, 1817, Rachel Wilson (8). He probably came to New Ipswich at the same time as his father, as his name ap- pears upon the tax-list the first year of his majority. He was a farmer upon XV: 1, S. R. Children: 31. i. Joseph Otis, b. May 10, 1818; d. Feb. 23, 1910, unm. He succeeded to his father's farm. 32. ii. Emily, b. Mar. 2, 1821; d. May 16, 1876, unm. 689 45 History of New Ipswich 33. iii. Almira, b. Oct. 18, 1823; d. Nov. 30, 1857, unm. 34. iv. Louisa, b. Dec. 31, 1825; d. Jan. 12, 1826. 35. V. Charles, b. Apr., 1827 ; d. Jan. 17, 1829. 36. vi. Louisa, b. Aug. 25, 1830; d. Nov. 8, 1855, unm. IL Lewis® (Josiah^, Simon*, George^, William^, George^), b. Westminster, Mass., Apr. 13, 1793; d. New Ipswich, Aug. 12, 1859; m. Westminster, Dec. 25, 1817, Mary, dau. of John and Susanna (Todd) Stowell [b. Temple, Mar. 11, 1795; d. New Ipswich, July 26, 1879]. He was a successful farmer in Westminster, but having lost his property by an unfortunate endorsement, he afterward pursued his calling in adverse con- ditions. He lived for a time in Fitchburg, Mass., later in the part of Mason which is now Greenville, and came to New Ipswich in 1841. After a brief residence near the Temple line, (52, N. D.,) and also a little westward from the "North school- house," (XV: 1, S. R.,) he settled on the "Sylvester farm," (90, A. D.,) where he passed his remaining years. Children : 37. i. Lew^is Gould, b. Westminster, Oct. 27, 1818.-1- 38. ii. Mary Ann, b. Westminster, May 15, 1820; d. New Ipsw^ich, Dec. 26, 1881, unm. 39. iii. John Preston, b. Westminster, Feb. 5, 1823; d. Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1899; m. (1) Sophia Smith; (2) Abbie St. Claire from Nova Scotia. He was a fisherman and a whaleman, and later a clock repairer. Children: i. Nathan; he had also three daughters. 40. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Fitchburg, June 2, 1824; d. Oct. 23, 1904; m. Jan. 2, 1844, Oilman Blanchard (21). 41. V. Susan Caroline, b. Fitchburg, Aug. 5, 1826; m. Morse. She lives in Worcester, Mass. Child : i. Wilbur Morse. 42. vi. Moses Stowell, b. Fitchburg, Feb. 2, 1828; d. La Crosse, Wis., Feb. 4, 1904; m. (1) Lucy Ann Hartwell; (2) Bertha Bjerke. Children: i. Lucy S., m. George Marble of Ash- burnham, Mass.; four other children. 43. vii. Joshua Stowell, b. Fitchburg, Oct. 16, 1829. -|- 44. viii. Infant daughter, b. and d. Fitchburg, June 16, 1831. 45. ix. JosiAH Page, b. Westminster, May 26, 1832; d. Sept. 13, 1864. He served in the Civil War as a member of the 4th N. H. Regiment, and was killed in a railroad accident near Ander- sonville prison, where he had been confined several months. 46. X. Harriet Lucinda, b. Westminster, June 13, 1834; d. Nov. 20, 1909; m. (1) Aug. 4, 1855, James L. Richardson [d. Oct. 10, 1856] ; (2) July 5, 1859, Roderick Munroe [d. Jan. 30, 1881] ; (3) Oct. 19, 1883, James L. Robbins. She was a professional nurse, and has for several years served in the Massachusetts General Hospital, and also as a private nurse. Children: i. James Herbert Richardson, b. Aug. 11, 1856. ii. Archie Munroe, h. May 1, 1872; d. Jan. 30, 1881. iii. Gertrude Estelle Munroe, b. July 12, 1874. 690 Wheeler 47. xi. Asa Newman, b. Westminster, May 15, l836.-\- 48. xii. Martha Emeline, b. Mason Village, May 1, 1840; d. Boston, Feb. 6, 1870; m. Nov. 29, 1860, Gilbert H. Godding of Brighton, Mass. Children : i. Henry Gay Godding, ii. Charles Gilbert Godding. 12. JoHN^ (John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas-, George^), b. Dec. 27, 1755 ; d. Apr. 16, 1793 ; m. Susannah . He lived in New Ipswich, probably in the southwestern part of the town, but the location of his home is uncertain. Children : 49. i. Susannah, b. Feb. 19, 1782; m. Sept. 12, 1802, David Wheeler (54). 50. ii. Polly, b. May 30, 1784. 51. iii. Sally, b. Mar. 10, 1786; m. Mar. 18, 1804, Cummings Fletcher (64). 52. iv. Daniel, b. Jan. 12, 1788. 53. V. John, b. Dec. 25, 1790. 13. Richard'' (John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. May 17, 1760; d. June 13, 1852; m. (1) Lydia [b. about 1753; d. Jan. 22, 1817]; (2) May 6, 1818, Sarah Fletcher (30), widow of William Burrows (2). He passed his life in New Ipswich, his farm being upon the south end of the mountain range, 106, N. L. O., or near that lot, whence he removed in his later years to the William Burrows farm, (XIII;1, S. R.) Children: 54. i. David, m. Sept. 12, 1802, Susannah Wheeler (49). 55. ii. Moses. 56. iii. Richard, b. June, 1791. + 57. iv. Amos. 58. V. Jonas. 59. vi. Lydia. 60. vii. Roxanna. 14. Samuel" (John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. Aug. 11, 1762; d. Feb. 14, 1839; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan* and Mary (Jones) Taylor [b. Dec. 27, 1769; d. Jan. 1, 1864]. He was a New Ipswich farmer, at first on 90, A. D., and afterward on XIV: 1, S. R., which latter farm still remains in the possession of his descendants. He built for his home the house now occupied by his grandson George S. Wheeler, but perhaps he previously occupied for a brief time the Clary house which stood forty rods farther north upon the now abandoned road to Davis Village. Children : 61. i. Jonathan, b. 1797; d. Jan. 14, 1830, unm. 62. ii. Daniel, b. July 1, 1800.+ 63. iii. Elizabeth, b. about 1805; m. William Wheeler (66). 64. iv. George Washington, b. Apr. 8, 1812.-|- Three other children died in infancy. 691 History of New Ipswich 15. William^ (John^ Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. Oct., 1764; d. July 30, 1842; m. Mar. 10, 1795, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan* and Mary (Jones) Taylor [b. Feb. 19, 1764; d. July 8, 1855]. He lived upon the farm adjoining that of his father upon the west, and previously occupied by Thomas Emerson, (88, A. D.) Children : 65. i. Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1798; d. Feb. 11, 1877; ni. May 7, 1818. Jonathan Taylor (28). 66. ii. William, b. about 1802.+ 19. Seth'' (Jonas^, Timothy*, Timothy^, Thomas', Thom- as^), b. May 25, 1750; d. Feb. 20, 1822; m. Rachel Butterfield [b. 1754; d. July, 1841]. He came to New Ipswich with his parents when only eight years old, and passed his life in the town, becoming a valuable and influential citizen. He lived for a time upon the old Ashby road, (69, A. D.,) but about 1803 he returned to the region familiar in his boyhood, and built the "Wheeler tavern" upon the Turnpike, and near the east line of the town, (5, A. D.) He was selectman for thir- teen consecutive years and also was town clerk. He was a leading surveyor and a contractor, building a part of the Turn- pike and the meeting-house of 1811. He served in the Revolu- tion, holding a commission as lieutenant in 1775-76, and was a captain in 1777-78. Children : 67. i. Seth, b. May 6, 1774.+ 68. ii. Betsey, b. Sept. 6, 1776; d. 1849; m. John Butman [b. 1774; d. 1840]. 69. iii. Persis, b. Feb. 6, 1779. 70. iv. Rachel, b. June 4, 1781. 71. V. Moses, b. May 14, 1783; d. June 4, 1783. 72. vi. Stephen, b. June 25, 1784. -^- IZ. vii. Asenath, b. Feb. 25, 1787; d. Mar. 29, 1873; m. Daniel Chand- ler (R. 10). 74. viii. Mila, b. Sept. 25, 1789. 75. ix. Silas, b. Dec. 19, 1792; d. Oct., 1885; m. (1) May 17, 1819, Mary Batchelder (28) ; (2) Oct. 1, 1879, Mrs. Armenia D. Adams. 76. X. Moses, b. Nov. 14, 1795.+ John" (Joseph^ Joseph'', Joseph'*, Thomas^ Thomas'), b. Concord, July 2, 1756; m. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Lawrence [b. 1765]. He was a farmer near the South Village in Ashby, Mass. He served in the Revolution. 23. Samuel Cook^ (William^, William^ William*, Wil- liam^ William^, George^, b. Jan. 17, 1790; d. Nov. 1, 1872; m. June 17, 1813, Abigail Wilson (9). He was probably a 692 78. ii. 79. iii. 80. iv. 81. V. 82. vi. 83. vii. Wheeler native of Vermont, but his place of birth is uncertain. His name appears upon the New Ipswich tax-list upon his attain- ing his majority. His farm was on lot 57, N. D., and he lived for some years in a house which is still occupied, situated about forty rods southward from the Turnpike upon a road now closed for most its length, but formerly extending from Davis Village to the "Peppermint tavern." Later he built for his home the brick house upon the Turnpike at the corner formed by the old road from the Flat Mountain region now nearly abandoned. Children : n. i. Samuel Wilson, b. July 2, 1814. -|- WiLLiAM, b. Dec. 30, 1815.+ Abigail, b. Sept. 1, 1817; m. (1) Dec. 5, 1839, Josiah Eaton (2) ; (2) Samuel Grove. Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1820; m. Nov. 27, 1845, Hosea Eaton (3). Harriet, b. Apr. 4, 1822 ; m. Dec. 22, 1842, Otis W. Eaton (4) ; (2) Eben Tilton. SoPHRONiA, b. Sept. 25, 1824; d. Apr. 13, 1825. SopHRONiA, b. Feb. 28, 1826; d. Oct. 28, 1898; m. May 26, 1845, Joseph Wellington. Children : i. Horace W . Welling- ton, b. Nov. 2, 1849. ii. Edward Wellington, b. Feb. 4, 1855. 84. viii. Horace, b. Oct. 3, 1828.-^ 85. ix. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1830; m. Feb. 10, 1853, Wil- liam H. Goldthwait. Children : i. Charles H. Goldthwait, b. June 15, 1854. ii. Willie E. Goldthivait, b. June 28, 1856. iii. George E. Goldthwait, b. Nov. 27, 1858. iv. Abbie Isabel Goldthwait, b. Oct. 13, 1863. 86. X. Henry Bancroft, b. Dec. 13, 1833.-|- 87. xi. Sarah Maria, b. July 16, 1837; d. Sept. 19, 1902; m. Apr. 2, 1860, Richard Rowse. Children: i. Arthur E. Rowse, b. Dec. 3, 1862. ii. Annie E. Rowse, h. 1863. iii. Walter W. Rowse, b. Dec. 22, 1870. 24. William^ (William^, William^ William*, William^ William^, George^), b. Sept. 17, 1791; d. Oct. 9, 1845; m. Aug. 17, 1818, Sophia, dau. of Moses Smith [b. Sept. 16, 1801 ; d. Apr. 10, 1887]. He lived in Waitsfield, Vt. He served in the War of 1812. Children: 88. i. Timothy, b. Dec. 17, 1820; d. June 11, 1909. Mary, b. Jan. 11, 1823; d. Dec. 2, 1898. David, b. Dec. 13, 1824. Louisa, b. Feb. 18, 1827 ; d. June 5, 1890. Melissa A., b. Aug. 22, 1829; m. July 8, 1852, Carlos Barnard. Res. in Waitsfield, Vt. Elizabeth Cook, b. Jan. 1, 1832. William, b. June 13, 1834. 95. viii. Joseph, b. Nov. 25, 1836; d. Mar. 5, 1896. 96. ix. Cyrus Wood, b. Sept. 5, 1843. 693 89. ii. 90. iii. 91. iv. 92. V. 93. vi. 94. vii. History of New Ipswich 25. SiLAS^ (William^, William^ William*, William^ Wil- liam^ George^), b. Sept. 11, 1793; m. (1) Mar. 10, 1818, Rachel, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Chase [b. about 1796; d. July 15, 1841] ; (2) Dec. 14, 1841, Tryphena, dau. of Salah and Mary (Taylor) Smith [b. Mar. 1, 1803]. He was a farmer in Ver- mont. Children : 97. i. Sophia, b. about 1818; d. Dec. 11, 1842. 98. ii. Betsey, b. about 1830; d. Sept. 3, 1853. There were probably several others. 29. David^ (William^, William^ WilliamS William^ Wil- liam-, Georg-e^), b. Sept. 7, 1801; d. June 17, 1861; m. Anna, dau. of Job and Eleanor (Dana) House [b. Mar. 24, 1810; d. Aug. 31, 1872]. He was a farmer. Child: i. Juliette, b. Dec. 31, 1834; d. July 31, 1836. 37. Lewis Gould^ (Lewis*^, Josiah^, Simon*, George^, Wil- liamS George^), b. Oct. 27, 1818; d. Apr. 5, 1896; m. Lowell, Mass., Mary E. Chandler [d. Reading, Mass., June 19, 1892]. Children : 99. i. Mary E., b. Charlestown, Mass., May 9, 1840; m. Alva Ford. Children : i. Edith Ford. ii. Fred Ford. 100. ii. Helen Sophia, b. Charlestown, Jan. 2, 1844; d. Mar. 15, 1846. 101. iii. Fannie, b. Charlestown, Nov. 19, 1845; d. Nov. 15, 1846. 102. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. Charlestown; d. Jan. 8, 1906; m. twice. Two sons. 103. V. Eva, b. Charlestown, Nov. 28, 1851; d. Dec. 28, 1851. 104. vi. Grace Louise, b. New Ipswich, May 19, 1863. 43. Joshua Stowell^ (Lewis*', Josiah^, Simon*, George^, William^, George^), b. Oct. 16, 1829; m. Ashburnham, Mass., Sept. 5, 1853, Dorothy M. Leathers. He learned the machin- ist's trade before reaching the age of manhood, and has fol- lowed it successfully, being the head of the firm of J. S. Wheeler & Co., of Worcester, Mass., manufacturers of and dealers in machinists' tools. Children — all born in Worcester, Mass. : 107. i. Eugene Lewnell, b. Feb. 28, 1856. 108. ii. Carrie M., b. Mar. 29, 1860. 109. iii. Minnie Maybelle, b. Jan. 19, 1866; m. Elliot Brigham. 110. iv. Lewnell Everett, b. Oct. 1, 1871. 47. Asa Newman^ (Lewis", Josiah'^, Simon*, George^, Wil- liam^ George^), b. May 15, 1836; d. Somerville, Mass., Jan. 7, 1891 ; m. Sept. 12, 1860, Martha M. Garfield. He was a ma- chinist. Children — all born in Worcester, Mass.: 111. i. Ida Josephine, b. July 12, 1864. 694 Wheeler 112. ii. Eugene Clifton, b. May 26, 1866. 113. iii. Ernest Newman, b. Oct. 25, 1867. 114. iv. Eva S., b. Aug. 9, 1869. 56. Richard^ (Richard^ John^ Thomas^ Thomas^ Thom- as^, George^, b. June, 1791 ; d. May 25, 1882; m. Rebecca Wil- son (10). He was a farmer, at first on the north end of XV: 3, S. R., from which he removed about 1830, having bought the "Bartlett farm," (XIII : 2, S. R.,) where he remained about thirty years, when his failing vigor demanded less severe labor, and he removed to "Hodgkins' corner;" still later he had his home in Smith Village near his sons. Children : 115. i. Rebecca, b. Oct., 1821; d. May 11, 1889; m. (1) Nov. 9, 1843, Amos Weston of Ashburnham, Mass.; (2) Aaron S. Buck- nam (12). Child: i. Ellen Weston, d. aged 12 years. 116. ii. Mary Ann, d. June 23, 1893; m. Dec. 10, 1846, Thomas Smith of Worcester, Mass. Child : i. Ella Smith, m. Frank Foye, a machinist at Worcester. 117. iii. Lucy Taylor, d. Nov. 10, 1859; m. Nov. 28, 1845, Isaac C. Stearns (19). 118. iv. Joseph Addison, b. Oct. 29, 1827.+ 119. V. Augustus Cutter, b. May 11, 1830.+ 120. vi. Charles, b. Oct. 27, 1832.+ 121. vii. George H., b. July 24, 1835; m. Jan. 1, 1862, Sarah Jane Cush- ing. He was a collector in Boston, in later years having his home at Lynn, Mass. 62. Daniel'^ (Samuel^ John^ Thomas*, Thomas^ Thomas^, George^), b. July 1, 1800; d. Apr. 3, 1848; m. Apr. 3, 1823, Rhoda, dau. of Nathan and Rhoda (Marble) Taylor [b. July 17, 1805; d. Dec. 4, 1848]. He was a farmer in Ashburnham, Mass. Children : Samuel, b. Mar. 15, 1824.+ Rhoda T., b. Jan. 31, 1826; d. Dec. 4, 1893; m. Dec. 6, 1856, Jonathan Coburn. He was a farmer living for a few years after marriage upon the south end of XV : 1, S. R., and then removing to East Jaffrey. Daniel, b. Jan. 25, 1828.+ George, b. Apr. 30, 1830; d. May 5, 1890, unm. His home for many years was with his uncle George W. Wheeler. 126. V. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1832; m. May 6, 1858, William Jefifery [b. Bridgetown, N. S., Feb. 26, 1820]. She lived in Hudson, Mass. 127. vi. John, b. Oct. 9, 1835; d. Sept. 10, 1837. 128. vii. Lois, b. Jan. 3, 1840; d. in Peterboro, where she had lived a considerable part of her life; unm. 64. George W.^ (Samuel**, John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^, b. Apr. 8, 1812; d. Jan. 30, 1892; m. Dec. 695 122. i. 123. ii. 124. iii. 125. iv. History of New Ipswich 4. 1834, Elvira Blanchard (20). He succeeded to his father's farm, where he was a successful farmer, and conducted a very considerable milk business. He also for many years owned a potash manufactory. Children : 129. i. George Samuel, b. Apr. 30, 1840; unm. He continues the activities of his father, to which he has added an apiary. He is also interested in citrus cultivation in Florida. 130. ii. Clara Elvira, b. Aug. 13, 1845 ; m. George Theron Raymond, a Baptist minister. She lives at Owanita, Fla. Children : i. Wilfred Wheeler Raymond, ii. Arthur E. Raymond. 66. William'^ (William®, John^ Thomas*, Thomas^, Thom- as^ George^), b. about 1802; d. June 22, 1873; m. Elizabeth Wheeler (63) [b. about 1805 ; d. July 20, 1884]. He passed his life as a farmer on the "Barr farm," (86, N. L. O.) Being an able and careful man in financial matters, he acquired a large property, at one time paying a larger tax than any other resi- dent in the town, and at the time of his death he owned many hundred acres of farming and timber land in New Ipswich and neighboring towns. He was known as a kindly creditor. Chil- dren : 131. i. William, b. about 1831 ; d. Oct. 29, 1905, unm. He succeeded to the management of the family property, his brothers all remaining unmarried on the home farm. He served the town as selectman for several years. 132. ii. Samuel, b. about 1834. 133. iii. Charles F., b. 1837; d. Mar. 17, 1903. 134. iv. George E., b. about 1843; d. Feb. 19, 1899. 67. Seth^ (Seth®, Jonas^, Timothy*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. May 6, 1774; m. Jan. 25, 1795, Polly Stone. He remained in New Ipswich but a few years after his marriage. Children : 135. i. Seth, b. Apr. 19, 1796. 136. ii. Polly, b. July 1, 1798. 72. Stephen^ (Seth*', Jonas^, Timothy*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. June 25, 1784; d. Feb. 3, 1859; m. 1818, Hannah (Stratton) (18) Sprague [b. June 18, 1787; d. Mar. 9, 1871]. He passed his life in New Ipswich, succeeding to his father's farm and tavern. He held a prominent place in the town, be- ing also selectman and representative, each for several years. Children : 137. i. Stephen Decatur, b. June 1, 1819. -f- 138. ii. Abby Joy, b. Dec. 28, 1820; d. Jan. 18, 1902; m. Nov. 19, 1839, George Willard (4). 139. iii. Seth La Fayette, b. June 11, 1822.-1- 696 Wheeler 140. iv. Emily M., b. Nov. 16, 1823 ; d. Dec. 19, 1826. 141. V. Charles Munroe, b. Jan. 29, 1826.-|- 142. vi. George Washington, b. June 17, 1828.+ 143. vii. Maria Jane, b. Apr. 30, 1830; d. Feb. 23, 1865; m. Nov. 29, 1853, Joseph Warren, son of Capt. Eben Willard of Har- vard, Mass. Res. Le Boeuf, Pa. 144. viii. Franklin B., b. Feb. 23, 1832 ; d. Aug., 1895 ; m. 1868, Gorilla Boyland. Res. Erie, Pa. 76. MosES^ (Seth®, Jonas^, Timothy*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Thomas^, b. Nov. 14, 1795; m. Oct. 12, 1823, Lucy Fletcher. Children : 145. i. Albert. 146. ii. Silas J. Levi' (John', Joseph', Joseph*, Joseph', Thomas', Thomas'), b. 1800; d. Apr. 3, 1857; m. (1) June 15, 1829, Elizabeth T., dau. of John E. and Dorcas (Lawrence) Stone; (2) Betsy Wood. He lived in Shirley, Mass., where he was a clothier and afterward a farmer. Two of his children became permanent residents in New Ipswich. 147. i. Ann Elizabeth, b. June 17, 1832; d. Feb. 16, 1907; m. July 5, 1855, James L. Ghandler (R. 67). 148. ii. Stephen Wood, b. Nov. 13, 1835; m. June 17, 1908, Mary Eva Burton (3). He served through the Givil War, being a member of the 6th Massachusetts Regiment and passing through Baltimore when the first blood was shed in that war on Apr. 19, 1861, and also serving in the 26th Massachu- setts Regiment. He was a farmer on 44, N. D., the site of the former New Ipswich Water Gure, near the Temple line, until 1909. 77 . Samuel Wilson^ (Samuel Cook'', William^, William^, William*, William^ William^, George^), b. July 2, 1814; d. Dec. 21, 1877; m. Nov. 7, 1838, Abby Harriet Hill [b. Mar. 19, 1813]. He succeeded to his father's farm, but passed his later years in Peterborough, where he died. Children : 149. i. Frances Lydia, b. July 25, 1842; m. May 25, 1861, George Thomas Russell [b. Sept. 14, 1832; d. Nov. 2, 1899]. She taught for twenty years with her husband in two academies which they founded, one in Eastern Tennessee, and the other at Oakland, Ore. He had served in the Givil War, entering as a private, and earning by gallant conduct a captain's commission. He was also a lawyer. Ghildren : i. Mabel Frances Russell, b. Aug. 12, 1865; d. Aug. 4, 1866. ii. Lillian Beatrice Russell, b. June 14, 1869; m. Aug. 2, 1888, William H. Brown of Oalcland, Ore. ; two children, iii. Edith Florence Russell, b. July 13, 1873; m. July 9, 1891, Samuel McT. Kelley of Virginia, iv. Maude Virginia Rus- sell, b. July 23, 1875 ; m. Sept. 7, 1898, Ira Redfern Wishart of Oregon Gity, Ore.; one son. v. Fred A. Russell, b. Sept. 15, 1881. 697 History of New Ipswich 150. ii. Mary Florence, b. Sept. 25, 1845; d. Jan. 25, 1912; m. 1865, Charles E. Abbott [d. Feb. 3, 1888]. Res. Peterboro. Chil- dren: i. Jessie May Abbott, b. May 1, 1870; m. Elton Wood; one daughter, ii. Charles Wilson Abbott, b. May 24, 1872; m. Margaret McDonald; two daughters, iii. Fannie L. Abbott, m. George Wheeler, iv. Alice Abbott, m. Charles G. Parkhurst ; one son. 151. iii. Hattie Caroline, b. June 2, 1856; m. Jan. 4, 1877, Fred Joseph Ames. Children : i. Helen Winifred Ames, b. Feb. 25, 1878; m. Oct. 2, 1902, Ernest L. White, ii. Ethel Josephine Ames, b. May 9, 1880; m. June 29, 1903, Lyle H. Capron. iii. Ralph Hill Ames, b. Dec. 16, 1881; m. June 29, 1904, Agnes Gertrude Young, iv. Anna Green Ames. b. June 4, 1886; m. Victor Giradin ; one son. v. Mabel Dearborn Ames, b. June 5, 1891; d. Mar. 25, 1893. vi. Charles Wheeler Ames, b. May 1, 1893. vii. Dorothy Gertrude Ames, b. Jan. 19, 1895. viii. Lillian Florence Ames, h. Aug. 5, 1898. 78. WiLLiAM« (Samuel Cook^ William^, William^ Wil- liam*, William^, William^, George^, b. Dec. 30, 1815; d. Dec. 10, 1877 ; m. July 23, 1837, Sarah Emeline Mansfield. Children : 152. i. William Edward, b. Sept. 14, 1839. -f 153. ii. Amanda W., b. May 8, 1841; m. (1) Nov. 2, 1859, Charles E. Latham; (2) July 3, 1866, Joseph Manigan. Children: i. Charles W. Latham, h. Aug. 20, 1861; d. Oct. 20, 1863. ii. Caroline F. Latham, b. June 11, 1863; d. Sept. 9, 1863. iii. Cora M. Latham, b. May 1, 1864. 154. iii. Eunice F., b. May 26, 1849; m. Leander F. Comstock. 155. iv. Martha J., b. Mar. 3, 1858; m. Oct. 29, 1873. Arthur E. Dwight. 156. V. Samuel E., b. Oct. 27, 1861.-}- 84. Horace^ (Samuel Cook^, William*', William^, William*, William^ William^, George^), b. Oct. 3, 1828; d. Nov. 25, 1888; m. (1) May 17, 1854, Lydia J. Chapin [d. Oct. 2, 1860] ; (2) Mary Jane Hawks. Children : 157. i. Anna J., b. July 26, 1855; m. Edward F. King. Child: i. Horace Wheeler King, m. Aug. 1, 1907, Maud Emily Derby; one son. 86. Henry Bancroft^ (Samuel Cook^ William'', William\ William*, William^ William^, George^), b. Dec. 13, 1833; d. Feb. 28, 1884; m. Oct. 2, 1855, Syrena B. Judkins [d. Jan. 11, 1894]. Children: 158. i. Fred H., b. Apr. 8, 1859. 159. ii. Alice J., b. Nov. 2, 1860; d. Sept. 14, 1872. 160. iii. Franklin E., b. Mar. 28, 1862; d. Nov. 9, 1862. 161. iv. Eugene W., b. Dec. 5, 1864.+ 118. Joseph Addison^ (Richard^, Richard®, John^ Thomas*, Thomas^ Thomas^, George^), b. Oct. 29, 1827; d. Mar. 8, 1912; 698 Wheeler m. (1) Nov. 5, 1852, Harriet Spaulding [b. Jan. 5, 1832; d. Dec. 26, 1867] ; (2) Nov. 19, 1873, Abby Sargent Hatch (4). He passed his life as a farmer in New Ipswich, for a few years upon the farm of his father, and then owning successively the Jesse Stearns farm, (7, N. L. O.,) the Conant farm, (85, A. D.,) and the Chickering farm, (22, N. D.,) and later living in the Center Village while managing one or more outlying farms. He was selectman several years and was a judicious worker in the church. Children : 162. i. Mary C, b. Aug. 20, 1853; m. George A. Smith, a machinist in Worcester, Mass. 163. ii. Charles A., b. Jan. 6, 1856; d. Sept., 1914; m. Nannie Brewer of Brighton, Mass. He was a grocer in Brighton. Child: i. Howard Kingsley. b. May 28, 1890. 164. iii. Herbert R., b. Mar. 23, 1860; m. Ella Cutting. He has been a grocer in different localities, for a few years in New Ipswich ; he is now in Worcester, Mass. 165. iv. Daisy D., b. July 3, 1875 ; d. Dec. 6, 1875. 166. V. Dixon D., b. Oct. 2, 1876; m. Jan. 26, 1897, Martha A., dau. of Andrew J. Goen. He lives in New Ipswich. Child : i. Mary Alice, b. Feb. 8, 1900. 119. Augustus C.^ (Richard^, Richard^, John^, Thomas*, Thomas^ Thomas^, George^), b. May 11, 1830; d. May 13, 1911; m. Apr. 26, 1853, Mary Louisa Nutting (14). He has been a farmer and teamster in New Ipswich, living the greater part of the time in Smith Village. Children : 167. i. Fred A., b. Oct. 21, 1855.+ 168. ii. Henry S., b. Aug. 2, 1858; d. May 9, 1859. 169. iii. Allen S., b. Jan. 5, 1860; d. Feb. 21, 1861. 170. iv. Allen E., b. Aug. 29, 1861 ; m. May 28, 1884, Carrie I. March [d. Mar. 22, 1912]. He has a hack and boarding stable in Nashua. 171. V. William C, b. Apr. 1, 1870; d. Apr. 1, 1870. 120. Charles^ (Richard^ Richard^, John^ Thomas*, Thom- as^ Thomas^ George^), b. Oct. 27, 1832; d. Oct. 10, 1913; m. Aug. 20, 1862, Nellie E., dau. of Hiram and Elizabeth S. Shepard [b. Apr. 16, 1843]. He has made his home in Smith Village, where he is proprietor of the sawmill and a lumber dealer. He also kept the gristmill in operation as long as there was a demand for such an industry. He has been select- man sixteen years, a member of the school board for several years, and has twice represented the town in the Legislature. Children : 699 History of New Ipswich 172. i. Charles Shepard, b. Jan. 2, 1865; m. (1) Apr. 22, 1887, Ella O. Beard [b. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 17, 1858; d. Oct. 2, 1898; (2) Oct. 25, 1899, Clara E. Wright of Townsend, Mass. [b. June 17, 1872]. 173. ii. Edward Richard, b. Dec. 6, 1875.+ 122. Samuel® (Daniel^, SamueP, John^ Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. Mar. 15, 1824; d. June 7, 1882; m. May 5, 1852, Permelia Whitney (21) [m. (2) Jan. 1, 1883, Hiram Williams]. Three children: 174. i. Eugene, b. Apr. 9, 1853; d. Jan. 30, 1878. 175. ii. Adaline Amanda, b. Nov. 7, 1859; m. Francis E. Wheeler [d. Jan. 4, 1889]. 176. iii. Ernest Mild, b. Jan. 21, 1866. Res. Pepperell, Mass. 124. Daniel® (Daniel^ Samuel^, John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. Jan. 25, 1828; m. Dec. 4, 1860, Mary Drinan. He succeeded to his father's farm in Ashburnham, Mass. Children : 177. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. Apr. 25, 1862; m. 1886, David Wesley, a farmer in Ashburnham. 178. ii. Nathan Taylor, b. Mar. 17, 1864. 137. Stephen D.® (Stephen^, Seth*', Jonas^, Timothy*, Tim- othy^ Thomas^ Thomas^), b. June 1, 1819; d. May 19, 1856; m. Aug. 24, 1844, Nancy J. Prichard (41). Like his father and grandfather he was proprietor of the "Wheeler Tavern." Chil- dren : 179. i. Caroline V., b. Jan. 23, 1846; m. Sept. 16, 1869, John M. Moore [b. Waterford, Pa., May 15, 1836; d. Warren, Pa., Oct. 27, 1883]. Res. Waterford, Pa. Children: i. Dwight Kirke Moore, b. May 19, 1871; m. Jan. 24, 1894, Beatrice O. McMichael ; res. Buffalo, N. Y. ; four children, ii. Forest Free Moore, b. Mar. 30, 1875; m. May 19, 1898, Evelyn Skiff [d. Mar. 13, 1909]; res. Waterford, Pa.; one son. 180. ii. Nancy J., b. Oct. 3, 1847; m. George P. Brown [d. Feb., 1895]. Res. Shirley, Mass. Four children. 181. iii. Abbie E., b. 1849; m. Dec. 1, 1867, Lewis Harlan Robbins (15). 182. iv. Emily Munroe, b. Mar. 23, 1851; d. Dec. 25, 1909; m. May 3, 1877, George L. Eastman [b. Oct. 13, 1849]. Res. Townsend, Mass. Children : i. Perley Munroe Eastman, b. Dec. 19, 1884; m. June 22, 1909, Grace C. Wood. ii. Jasper Fay Eastman, h. Mar. 17, 1887. iii. Esther Teresa Eastman, b. May 11, 1889. 139. Seth L.^ (Stephen^ Seth^, Jonas^, Timothy*, Timo- thy3, Thomas^ Thomas^), b. June 11, 1822; d. June 23, 1890; 700 Wheeler m. Dec. 28, 1848, Mary D. Dix [b. June 30, 1829 ; d. Apr. 26, 1895]. For some years he owned the slaughter-house in the Center Village near the foot of Meeting-house Hill, but re- turned to the family farm and there passed his later years. Children : 183. i. Charles M., b. Oct. 29, 1854.+ 184. ii. Frank M., b. Nov. 1, 1859; d. Feb. 8, 1875. 185. iii. Mary J., b. May 25, 1865 ; d. May 22, 1887. 141. Charles M.« (Stephen^ Seth«, Jonas^ Timothy*, Tim- othy^ Thomas^ Thomas^), b. Jan. 29, 1826; d. Apr. 26, 1904; m. Dec. 6, 1854, Sarah Jane, dau. of Eben Clark of Townsend, Mass. In early manhood he removed to Pennsylvania and made his life home at Le Boeuf, where he was a successful farmer and also owned a sawmill and cheese factory and con- ducted a large lumber business. Later he was interested in the wheat lands of Minnesota. He was a trusted man, held various official positions of his township, and twice had a seat in the Legislature. He maintained to the end of his life a hearty interest in his native town. Children : 186. i. Edward E., b. Jan. 13, 1857; m. June 29, 1882, Jennie L. Davis. Resides at Le Boeuf, Pa., and is engaged in the lumber business in West Virginia. Children : i. Grace L. ii. May- belle F. iii. Marguerite M. iv. E. Everett. 187. ii. Walter S., b. Mar. 13, 1858; m. Mar. 25, 1896, Annette Bur- ton. Resides at Northeast, Pa., where he has a large fruit farm. Child : i. Ruth A. 188. iii. Orton H., b. Feb. 16, 1860; m. Aug. 4, 1887, Mabel Brown. He is engaged in manufactures in Erie, Pa. Children : i. Charles M. ii. Doris L. iii. George A. 142. George W." (Stephen^ Seth^ Jonas^ Timothy*, Tim- othy^ Thomas^ Thomas^), b. June 17, 1828; d. Nov. 15, 1896; m. Nov. 29, 1855, Mary C, dau. of Noah and Eunice Goen [b. Sept. 12, 1834; d. Mar. 7, 1870]. He lived at or near his early home during the greater part of his life, engaged in the pre- vious family activities, but removed in his later years to Hodg- kins' corner, where he died. He was a selectman for several years. Children : 192. i. Katharine M., b. Aug., 1858; d. Dec. 26, 1894. 193. ii. Bertha, b. June 10, 1863 ; m. Oct. 25, 1880, Fred W. Chapman (14). 152. William E.« (William^, Samuel C.^ William^, Wil- liam^ William*, William^ William^, GeorgeM, b. Sept. 14, 1839; m. June 6, 1860, Helen E. Ross. Children : 701 History of New Ipswich 194. i. Annie H, b. Mar. 17, 1861. 195. ii. Henrietta F., b. June IS, 1863; m. June 22, 1889, Eugene A. Dexter. 196. iii. Edward W., b. Aug. 11, 1869; m. Margaret Bryson Tait. 156. Samuel E.^ (William^ Samuel C.^, William*', William^, William^ William^ William^, George^), b. Oct. 27, 1861; m. July 16, 1883, Fannie E. Burwell. Child : 197. i. William Samuel, b. July 23, 1885. 161. Eugene W.« (Henry B.^, Samuel C.^ William^ Wil- liam^ William*, William^ William^, George^, b. Dec. 5, 1864; m. June 9, 1898, Ina Harlow Winslow. Children : 198. i. Winslow. 199. ii. Lucille. 167. Fred A.^ (Augustus C®, Richard^ Richard*', John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. Oct. 21, 1855; m. (1) Jan. 31, 1876, Emma L. Blanchard (49) ; (2) June 15, 1893, Cora R. Watson. He is a farmer and for several years was superintendent of the county farm at Nashua. Children : 202. i. Arthur Fred, b. Apr. 27, 1879. 203. ii. Myron B., b. Dec. 22, 1881. 173. Edward R.^ (Charles^, Richard^, Richard*', John^, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas^, George^), b. Dec. 6, 1875; m. Sept. 18, 1901, Ida W. Robbins (22). He is engaged as a teamster and in the mill at Smithville. Children : 204. i. Frank Edward, b. Oct. 17, 1903; d. Jan., 1904. 205. ii. Florence Ellen, b. Oct. 26, 1904. 206. iii. Mabel Ella, b. Oct. 7, 1908. 183. Charles M.« (Seth L.^ Stephen^ Seth«, Jonas^ Tim- othy*, Timothy^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. Oct. 29, 1854; m. Jan. 14, 1875, Imogene M. Jowders [b. Jan. 8, 1855; d. Dec. 29, 1888]. He has been a farmer and cattle dealer at New Ips- wich, and also in business at Townsend and at Natick, Mass. Children : 207. i. Frank S., b. Dec. 21, 1875; m. Dec. 26, 1900, Ina S. Smith of Natick, Mass. Res. Lewiston, Me. Child : i. Doris E., b. May 21, 1902. 208. ii. Charles A., b. Feb. 12, 1879; m. Nov., 1904, Stella Cummings. He is a plumber at Natick, Mass. 209. iii. Stephen P., b. Apr. 27, 1882; m. June, 1905, Irene Gilchrist of Townsend, Mass. He is a farmer at Gardiner, Me. 702 Wheelock WHEELOCK. Ralph' Wheelock, b. 1600; d. 1683; m. Rebecca . He graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1626. He came with his wife to America in 1637, and settled at Cambridge, but removed to Dedham, being one of the signers of the famous "Dedham Covenant." Samuel^ (Ralph'), b. 1642; m. Lydia . Res. in Marlboro, Mass., at an early date, but removed to Shrewsbury, Mass., where he passed his later years. He was one of the first deacons of the church in Marl- boro. Samuel' (Samuel", Ralph'), b. Marlboro, 1696; m. Feb. 15, 1720, Huldah Rice of Westboro, Mass. He removed to Shrewsbury, Mass. It is possible that he was son of Gershom" (Ralph'), but more probably his parentage was as here given. Eleazer, founder of Dartmouth College, was a grandson of Capt. Eleazer", a third son of Ralph'. 1. Timothy* (SamueP, Samuel^ Ralph^), b. June 24, 1724; d. 1812; m. (1) Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Keyes) Rand of Shrewsbury [bapt. Aug. 23, 1730] ; (2) July 30, 1782, Abi- gail (Muzzey) widow of Joseph Sherman, Jr. He came to New Ipswich in 1768, but after the death of his first wife, he returned to Shrewsbury. The place of his residence in New Ipswich is uncertain. Children: 2. i. Sarah, b. Aug. 21, 1748; m. Nov. 23, 1769, John Brooks. 3. ii. Jonas, b. Oct. 19, 1750. 4. iii. Phebe, b. Jan. 18, 1753. 5. iv. Timothy, b. June 12, 1756; d. Sept. 24, 1827; m. Feb. 9, 1790, Matilda Cummings (14). He lived for a time in the south- east part of the town, near the Wheeler tavern, and a few of his last years on the corner lot just southwest from the Congregational church. Children : i. Timothy C. C, b. about 1809; d. Apr. 2, 1813. ii. A daughter, d. young. 6. V. Joel, b. July 8, 1758; m. Elizabeth . His farm was to the east from Kidder Mountain, just separated from it by the old country road, and later owned by Earl Boynton, (51, N. D.) He is said to have removed to Vermont about 1800. He had one child who died before his removal, but its name is not recorded. 7. vi. Ithamar, b. Feb. 28, 1761; d. Feb. 11, 1850; m. Jan. 14, 1790, Sukey Tucker (13). He lived upon the farm at the foot of Kidder Mountain next west from that of his brother Joel, previously the home of Silas Richardson, (55, N. D.) He served in the Revolution, but became poor with advan- cing age, and as those days ofifered to veterans no such home as a grateful country now provides, his closing years were necessarily passed upon the town farm. 8. vii. Lewis, b. Aug. 19, 1763. 9. viii. Phebe, b. Jan. 9, 1766. 10. ix. Pezinah, b. Aug. 15, 1770. 703 History of New Ipswich WHITNEY. John' Whitney, b. 1589; d. June 1, 1673; m. (1) Elinor [d. May 11, 1659] ; (2) Sept. 29, 1659, Judith Clement. He came from Eng- land with his wife and five sons in 1635, and settled permanently at Water- town, Mass., where he was a prominent citizen, holding the office of select- man for eighteen years. He was also town clerk and constable, which latter office was far more responsible than it is at the present time. John' (John'), b. 1620; d. Oct. 12, 1692; m. 1642, Ruth, dau. of Robert Reynolds of Watertown. He resided in Watertown until his death, hold- ing, like his father, the office of selectman. Richard' (John'), b. 1626; m. Mar. 19, 1650/1, Martha Coldham. He lived in Watertown until more than fifty years of age and then removed to Stow, Mass., of which he was one of the Proprietors. Nathaniel' (John=, John'), b. Feb. 1, 1646; d. Jan. 7, 1732; m. (1) Mar. 12, 1673, Sarah Hagar [b. Sept. 3, 1651; d. July 20, 1722] ; (2) Sarah [d. May 7, 1746]. He was a farmer in Weston, Mass. Benjamin^' (John', John'), b. June 28, 1660; d. 1736; m. (1) Mar. 30, 1687, Abigail, dau. of William and Mary (Bemis) Hagar; (2) Eliza- beth . Res. in Watertown. Richard' (Richard', John'), b. Jan. 13, 1660; d. Dec. 15, 1723; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Sawtell of Groton, Mass. [b. Feb. 3, 1668; d. Nov. 24, 1723]. Res. in Stow, Mass. William' (Nathaniel', John', John'), b. May 6, 1683; d. Jan. 24, 1720; rn. May 16, 1706, Martha Pierce [b. Dec. 24, 1681]. Res. in Weston, Mass. John' (Benjamin', John', John'), b. June 15, 1694; d. 1776; m. (1) Susan ; (2) Oct. 6, 1737, Bethia Cutter [b. July 9, 1714]; (3) Nov. 28, 1754, Beriah, dau. of John Bemis and widow of Daniel Child and of Joseph Pierce [b. June 23, 1681; d. 1768]. Res. in Watertown. Richard' (Richard', Richard', John'), b. 1694; d. Apr. 27, 1775; m. (1) Hannah, dau. of Josiah Whitcomb of Lancaster, Mass. [b. 1693; d. Nov. 17, 1743]; (2) int. Oct. 26, 1755, Mrs. Hannah Ayer [b. 1704; d. Sept. 27, 1775]. Res. in Stow, Mass. William' (William', Nathaniel', John', John'), b. July 11, 1706/7; m. (1) Sept. 10, 1735, Hannah, dau. of George and Hepzibah (Fiske) Har- rington of Watertown, Mass. [b. July 31, 1716; d. Apr. 30, 1740]; (2) Mar. 30, 1742, May, dau. of John and Hannah (Barstow) Chadwick, and widow of Jacob Pierce [b. Oct. 17, 1713; d. Feb. 23, 1756]; (3) Aug. 12, 1756, Margaret, dau. of Amos and Hannah (Oldham) Gates of Framing- ham, Mass., and widow of Thomas Spring of Weston, Mass.; (4) int. Jan. 14, 1763, Mrs. Sarah Davis of Brookline, Mass. Res. in Weston, Mass. Ezekiel" (John', Benjamin', John', John'), bapt. Apr. 12, 1742; d. 1803; m. (1) Dec. 6, 1763, Catherine Draper of Roxbury, Mass.; (2) May 19, 1769, Catherine Anson. He was a cordwainer in Watertown, Mass. Josiah'* (Richard', Richard', Richard', John'), b. Oct. 12, 1731; d. Jan. 4, 1806; m. (1) int. Sept. 9, 1751, Sarah Farr [b. Jan. 19, 1735; d. Apr. 21, 1773] ; (2) Feb. 3, 1774, Sarah Dwelly of Bridgewater, Mass. Soon after his first marriage he removed from his native town to Har- vard, Mass., where he soon became a leading citizen. He was especially devoted to military affairs, serving in both the French and Indian War 704 Whitney ;ind the Revolution, and rising to the rank of brigadier-general. He was a selectman, representative, and a member of the convention for rati- fication of the Federal Constitution. He had twenty-five children, of whom, however, thirteen died while young. Phineas" (William', William*, Nathaniel', John', John'), b. Apr. 23, 1740; d. Dec. 13, 1819; m. (1) Apr. 28, 1762, dau. of Lieut. Moses' (Si- mon', Henry-, Simon') Willard [b. 1742; d. May 20, 1769]; (2) int. May 3, 1770, Lydia Bowes of Bedford, Mass. [d. Oct. 11, 1805] ; (3) Mrs. Jane Garfield of Fitchburg, Mass. [d. Mar. 4, 1824]. He entered the ministry in 1762, and was settled as the first pastor in Shirley, Mass., which position he held until his death. Lemuel* (Josiah°, Richard', Richard', Richard', John'), b. Sept. 19, 1784; d. July 9, 1853; m. 1804, dau. of Henry and Betsey Hall [b. Feb. 6, 1788; d. Apr. 30, 1852]. He was a farmer in Ashburnham, Mass., and was a captain in the militia. 1. Charles'^ (Phineas", William^ William*, Nathaniel, John^, John^), b. Jan. 2, 1794; d. Oct. 6, 1832; m. Sept. 12, 1815, Dolly Davenport of West Boylston, Mass. He resided in Shirley, Mass., until about 1824, when he removed to Peter- boro. Probably he never was a resident in New Ipswich, but his widow came to town a few years after his death, and his children were intimately connected with its local activities. Children : 5. i. Charles W., b. Aug. 25, 1817; d. Dec. 13, 1820. 6. ii. Elizabeth D., b. Oct. 25, 1819 ; d. Dec. 18, 1820. 7. iii. Charles Addington, b. Oct. 10, 1821; d. May 23, 1878; m. (1) May 11, 1852, Mary Frances Parker of Winchendon, Mass. [b. about 1828; d. Jan. 11, 1857]; (2) May 11, 1871, Mrs. Emeline V. Holman. While a young man, he entered mercantile life in the store of Henry Isaacs, and continued his connection with that enterprise throughout his life, suc- ceeding to its entire ownership after the death of Edward M. Isaacs. He was town clerk during the last quarter- century of his life, and was also selectman for a time. He was postmaster for a considerable period, and in other ways was a citizen whose discreet and kindly influence could hardly receive due appreciation until his death, but is wit- nessed by the inscription upon the stone marking his grave, "He loved his fellow men." 8. iv. Henry Augustus, b. Oct. 6, 1823; d. Feb. 18, 1890; m. Oct. 24, 1860, Lucretia Fall of Charlestown, Mass. [b. Nov. 8, 1839]. He lived a successful business life in Boston. 9. V. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1, 1825; m. Apr. 13, 1852, David Cotting of Southboro, Mass. After his death she lived for several years with her brother, Charles A. Child : i. Hattie F. Cotting, b. May 9, 1853; d. Jan. 12, 1891. 2. Christopher Columbus^ ( ®, Ezekiel^, John*, Benja- min^ John^, John^), b. Sept. 13, 1795; d. Apr. 24, 1873; m. int. 705 History of New Ipswich Sept. 15, 1820, Betsey Putnam [b. Aug. 29, 1801; d. July 31, 1861]. No complete record of the children of EzekieP has been found, but according to tradition Christopher C. was his grandson and was cared for in childhood by an uncle, Leonard, whose name does not appear on the records. He came from Watertown, Mass., to New Ipswich soon after his marriage, and was engaged throughout his life as a machinist and over- seer in the cotton factories of the town. He served in the War of 1812. Children: 10. i. Christopher, b. Oct. 26, 1822; d. Feb. 15, 1823. 11. ii. Albert A., b. Apr. 11, 1824; d. Jan. 7, 1895; m. Oct. 21, 1846, Lucena Davis. He was a machinist in Battle Creek, Mich. 12. iii. Mary A., b. May 3, 1826; m. Oct. 21, 1846, Frederic O. Flagg of Mason [b. June 15, 1821; d. Aug. 6, 1871]. He was a traveling salesman. 13. iv. Harriet C, b. Feb. 3, 1828; m. Oct. 5, 1847, Calvin E. Searle [b. 1825; d. 1903]. Res. in New Ipswich, near the High Bridge. 14. V. Henry Isaacs, b. Feb. 17, 1830; d. May 5, 1910; m. (1) Mary Ann Stanley of Dublin [d. 1888]; (2) 1890, Sarah Jane (Messer) Gould of Washington. While yet a young man he removed to Mason Village, now Greenville, and there made his permanent abode except during two years during which he was associated with his brother Albert in Battle Creek, Mich. He was for many years a machinist and foreman of the machine shop connected with the cotton factories. He was a merchant from 1880 to 1895. He held the office of deputy sheriff for about forty years. He also served his town as selectman, treasurer, and representative. 15. vi. Helen T., b. June 28, 1832; d. July 17, 1891; m. (1) Cordelia Griswold, an overseer in the cotton factory; (2) Frederic Flagg. 16. vii. Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1834 ; d. Sept. 30, 1835. 17. viii. Catherine A., b. May 21, 1836; m. Lysander J. Cowdrey. 18. ix. Adeline E., b. Dec. 13, 1838; m. George H. Evans of Hinsdale. 19. X. Emily L., b. Jan. 9, 1842; m. Frank J. Boynton of Greenville. 3. Henry Hall^ (Lemuel^ Josiah^, Richard*, Richard^, Richard^, John^), b. June 11, 1805; d. Dec. 26, 1888; m. Sept. 26, 1830, Caroline F. Bailey. He resided in New Ipswich near the High Bridge 1848 to 1854, afterward in East Jafifrey. Chil- dren : 20. i. Elnora Caroline, b. Nov. 17, 1831; d. May 2, 1851. 21. ii. Permelia, b. June 20, 1833; d. Feb. 18, 1884; m. (1) May 5, 1853, Samuel Wheeler (122) [d. June 7, 1882]; (2) Jan. 1, 1883, Hiram Williams. 22. iii. Amanda, b. Aug. 27, 1836; m. May 21, 1854, Alaric A. Boyce. Four children. 706 Whitney 23. iv. John Henry, b. Nov. 21, 1838.+ 24. V. Sophia, b. Nov. 29, 1842; m. Aug. 12, 1868, George W. Bas- com [b. Oct. 1, 1843; d. Oct. 8, 1884]. Res. in Clinton, Mass., w^here he was superintendent of the Bigelow carpet works. Child: i. Frank Preston Bascom. b. Apr. 28, 1876. 25. vi. LucEBA, b. Nov. 27, 1845 ; d. Sept. 8, 1848. 4. Otis^ (Lemuel®, Josiah^, Richard*, RicharcP, Richard^, Johni), b. Nov. 14, 1809; d. 1884; m. May 3, 1840, Hannah Parker [b. 1819; d. Oct. 7, 1882]. Res. in Ashbtirnham, Mass., until about 1870, when he came to New Ipswich and pur- chased the Heald farm, (186, N. L. O.,) at the corner formed by the Ashby and Mason roads, eastward from Whittemore Hill, which was the home of his remaining years. Children : 26. 1. Julia A., b. Feb. 17, 1841; m. (1) Nov. 23, 1862, George W. Gushing (2); (2) Oliver H. Perry [b. 1826; d. Sept. 28, 1906]. 27. ii. Newton O., b. June 8, 1844.+ 28. iii. Herbert W., b. Sept. 6, 1846.+ 29. iv. Charles P., b. Dec. 8, 1848; m. 1871, Mary O. Thorns. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. Child: i. Lottie G., b. Feb., 1872; m. Walter K. Pulsifer [b. Feb. 8, 1873]. 23. John Henry^ (Henry H.'', Lemuel^. Josiah^ Richard*, Richard^ Richard^, John^), b. Nov. 21, 1838; m. Sept. 10, 1862, Mary Jane Nutting (11). Children: 30. i. Charles, b. Oct. 14, 1869. 31. ii. Leslie H., b. May 20, 1877. 32. iii. Allen, b. Feb. 14, 1882. 27. Newton O.^ (Otis'', LemueP, Josiah^ Richard*, Rich- ard^ Richard^ John^), b. June 8, 1844; m. Nov. 20, 1869, Jennie A. Hanshaw. Res. New Ipswich. Children : 33. i. Cora A., b. May 23, 1871 ; m. 1888, Everett E. Petts. 34. ii. Waldo D., b. Sept. 3, 1873; m. May I. Parsons [d. Dec, 1912]. 35. iii. Myron O., b. Mar. 12, 1877; m. Lucy Francis. 36. iv. Ethel May, b. Sept. 1, 1884; m. Charles Donley. 28. Herbert W.® (Otis', Lemuel^ Josiah^ Richard*, Rich- ard^ Richard^, John^), b. Sept. 6, 1846; d. Dec. 18, 1909; m. (1) Emma A. Marble [b. Mar. 16, 1852; d. Nov. 16, 1875]; (2) Nov. 1, 1878, Ella M. Atwood [b. June 25, 1849]. Chil- dren : 37. i. Melvin B., b. Mar. 30, 1872. 38. ii. Harry H., b. Aug. 18, 1879. 39. iii. Lorna B., b. May 17, 1883; m. Oliver. 40. iv. Wilbur C, b. Apr. 10, 1885; m. Mabel Woodward. 41. v. Carl R., b. Jan. 7, 1891. 707 History of New Ipswich WILLARD. Simon* Willard, bapt. Apr. 7, 1605; d. Apr. 24, 1676; m. (3) Mary Dunster [d. Dec, 1715]. Born at Horsmonden, in the county of Kent, England ; came to America in 1634, and settled at Cambridge, soon re- moving to Concord, in the establishment of which settlement he was a leader. He was chosen a magistrate (member of the Court of Assistants) in 1654 and continued a member until his death. He was chosen major (chief military officer of the county) in 1653, and continued to hold this position twenty-two years. Henry" (Simon'), b. Concord, June 4, 1655; d. 1701; m. Mary Lakin of Groton [d. 1688]. Res. Groton and Lancaster. Joseph' (Henry^ Simon*), b. Lancaster about 1686; d. July 30, 1761; m. Elizabeth Tarbell of Groton [b. Aug. 19, 1691; d. Dec. 23, 1763]. Res. Harvard. Joseph* (Joseph', Henry", Simon'), b. Harvard. May 17, 1728; d. Sept. 12, 1812; m. Feb. 14, 1753, Elizabeth Hapgood. Res. Harvard. Joseph" (Joseph*, Joseph', Henry^ Simon*), b. Sept. 4, 1760; m. June 10, 1783, Susa Kingman. 1. George*' (Joseph^ Joseph*, Joseph^, Henry-, Simon^), h. Harvard, Mass., Jan. 4, 1787; d. Dec. 16, 1873; m. Hannah Simonds [b. about 1791; d. Apr. 7, 1864]. He was a tanner in Harvard until middle life, when he came to New Ipswich and continued the same business with Stedman Houghton for some years, after which he was a farmer half a mile south from the Congregational church (on VH : 3, S. R.) Children: 2. i. Mary Ann, b. Apr. 17, 1809; d. July 5, 1830. 3. ii. Susan C, b. Sept. 10, 1810; d. Jan. 10, 1841. 4. iii. George, b. Feb. 1, 1812.+ 5. iv. Jane Maria, b. Aug. 8, 1814; m. Jan. 5, 1842, Edward L. Noyes. Res. Boston. 6. V. Andrew Hosmer, b. July 12, 1818.-}- 7. vi. A son, b. July 5, 1820; d. Oct. 10, 1820. 8. vii. Maria Nason, b. Dec. 24, 1821 ; d. Apr. 9, 1893, unm. 9. viii. Henry Augustus, b. Aug. 15, 1829.+ 4. George'^ (George^, Joseph^, Joseph*, Joseph^, Henry-, Simon^), b. Feb. 1, 1812; d. Sept. 12, 1876; m. Nov. 19, 1839, Abby J. Wheeler (138). Res. in Townsend, Mass., but passed a few years about 1870 on the paternal farm. Children : 10. i. James A., b. about 1844; m. Billings. Res. Townsend. 11. ii. Fred A., b. about 1849; m. Forsman. Res. Ashby. 6. Andrew Hosmer^ (George^, Joseph^, Joseph*, Joseph^, Henry^, Simon^), b. June 12, 1818; m. Hannah Farwell of Lunenburg, Mass. He lived for some years on the Royce place, about 1850 removed to the Col. Kidder farm, (46, N. D.,) and removed to Fitzwilliam about 1893. Children : 708 12. i. 13. ii. 14. iii 15. iv Willard Augusta Ann. Adeline, m. Feb. 24, 1869, John W. Snow of Lunenburg, Mass. One son. Andrew Hosmer, b. Dec. 7, 1849.+ Charlotte Lavina, b. Feb. 2, 1851 ; m. Samuel Thompson of Mason, a stonecutter. Res. Fitzwilliam. Ten children. 14. Andrew Hosmer® (Andrew Hosmer^, George*', Joseph^, Joseph*, Joseph^, Henry^, Simon^), b. Dec. 7, 1849; m. (1) Apr. 23, 1878, Mary E., dau. of James McLaughlin [b. Aug. 19. 1855; d. June 22, 1888] ; (2) May 23, 1891, Alice C. Blood (10). Painter at New Ipswich until 1904. Res. Concord. Children : 16. i. Edwin, b. June 23, 1879. 17. ii. Charles J., b. May 18, 1880; m. June 22, 1904, Florence Had- ley of Temple. Children, i. Mervin Edwin, b. June 6, 1905. ii. Herbert Andrew, b. June 16, 1906. iii. Raymond Charles, b. Apr. 26, 1909. WILLIAMS. 1. Benjamin^ Williams, b. Concord, Mass., Oct. 25, 1744; d. Enosburg, Vt., Feb. 5, 1835 ; m. Hepzibah Brown of Con- cord [b. Feb. 5, 1746; d. Jan. 12, 1814]. He removed from Concord in 1771, and is said to have come to New Ipswich at that time, although his name does not appear upon the tax- lists until 1783. He settled west of the summit of the moun- tain, (151, A. D.,) on the Rindge road of that time now aban- doned, but later the Turnpike road was built passing just west of his home. He was an inn-keeper, as well as a farmer. He rendered much Revolutionary service, responding to the Con- cord alarm, fighting at Bunker Hill and afterward in the com- panies of Capts. Archelaus Town, Stephen Parker, Josiah Brown, and Robert Fletcher, and held the office of lieutenant in the later times of service. In his later years he was a major in the militia. He removed to Enosburg, Vt., a few years be- fore his death. Children : 2. i. Abigail, b. May 8, 1770; d. Shrewsbury, Mass., Feb. 1, 1847; m. Mar. 21, 1792, Simon, son of Dea. Benjamin and Submit (Lee) Maynard [b. Aug. 25, 1767]. 3. ii. Hepzibah, b. May 9, 1772; d. Buckland, Mass., Aug. 17, 1834; m. Feb. 9, 1792, Benjamin Carter. 4. iii. Rhoda, b. Aug. 2, 1774; d. Buckland, Mass., Mar. 27, 1842; m. Feb. 13, 1798, Joseph Ballard. 5. iv. MiLicENT, b. Nov. 1, 1776; d. Sept. 5, 1777. 709 History of New Ipswich 6. V. MiLiCENT, b. July 3, 1778; d. Swanzey, Jan. 4, 1817; m. Apr. 11, 1799, Ezekiel Thompson. 7. vi. Lucy, b. July 23, 1780; d. Swanzey, Mar. 20, 1818. 8. vii. Benjamin Brigham, b. June 16, 1782.-|- 9. viii. Hannah, b. Mar. 18, 1784; d. New Ipswich, Feb. 1, 1843; m. Wilder. Two children. 10. ix. Ephraim, b. Mar. 19, 1786.+ 11. X. Isaiah, b. July 5, 1788.+ 12. xi. Patty, b. Aug. 2, 1791; d. New Ipswich, Dec. 19, 1831; m. Wilson. Two children. 8. Benjamin Brigham^ (Benjamin^), b. June 16, 1782; d. Enosburg, Vt., Dec. 4, 1840; m. (1) Ruth Fox (12) ; (2) June 16, 1814, Hephzibeth Taylor (27). He remained on or near his father's farm until his removal to Enosburg, Vt., and accom- panied him thither. Children : 13. i. Noah Bartlett, b. Jan. 7, 1811; d. Enosburg, Vt., Dec. 12, 1845; m. Fairfax, Vt., Feb. 5, 1835, Cynthia Pease. He worked a few years of his early manhood in the laboratory of Stephen Thayer, but soon after his marriage removed to Enosburg, Vt., where the remaining ten years of his life were passed. Saloma, b. Jan. 7, 1813; d. 1844. Ruth Fox, b. June 27, 1815; d. Newbury, Vt., Feb. 14, 1900; m. Jan. 20, 1840, George Rawson. Res. in Enosburg, Vt., and in Kansas. George Gilman, b. Jan. 10, 1817.+ LucY Thomson, b. Oct. 28, 1818; d. Enosburg, Vt., June 10, 1845 ; m. Oct. 4, 1843, William Boutelle. Res. Enosburg, Vt. 18. vi. MiLLY Taylor, b. July 11, 1820; m. May 30, 1845, Theron Baker. Res. Enosburg, Vt. 19. vii. Louisa Bullard, b. Aug. 30, 1822; d. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 16, 1862; m. Sept. 3, 1843, John B. Fletcher (188). 20. viii. Isaiah Hall, b. June 1, 1824.+ 21. ix. Elzina Saloma, b. Oct. 20, 1826; d. Wells River, Vt., Aug. 10, 1871; m. Sept. 13, 1847, ; (2) Horace Denio. Res. in Enosburg and Wells River, Vt. 10. Ephraim^ (Benjamin^), b. Mar. 19, 1786; d. Buckland, Mass., Nov. 27, 1846; m. Conway, Mass., Dec. 22, 1814, Mary Toby [b. Conway, Mar. 29, 1793]. Res. Buckland, Mass. Children : 22. i. Rhoda B., b. Dec. 17, 1815. 23. ii. Noah B., b. July 12, 1817. 24 iii. , b. Feb. 26, 1819. 25. iv. , b. Apr. 24, 1820. 26. v. , b. June 1, 1822. 27. vi. George C, b. Mar. 11, 1824. 28. vii. Ephraim D., b. Nov. 30, 1825. 29. viii. Ann, b. June 19, 1827. 710 14. ii. 15. iii. 16. iv. 17. V. Williams 30. ix. Rebecca, b. Aug. 8, 1828. 31. X. Cordelia S., b. June 21, 1830. 32. xi. LoRETTA, b. Nov. 1, 1831. 33. xii. Deborah, b. Mar. 13, 1833. 11. Isaiah^ (Benjamin^), b. July 5, 1788; d. Ware Village, Mass., Nov. 1, 1836; m. Pelham, Mass., Feb. 20, 1812, Martha Tenney [b. West Nottingham, July 23, 1788]. He was for a time a blacksmith in the shop by the Kidder Brook at the west end of the Village Green, but about 1824 he removed to Enos- burg, Vt. Children : 34. i. Gibson T., b. Jan. 15, 1813. 35. ii. David, b. Jan. 29, 1814. 36. iii. Mary, b. Aug. 21, 1815. 37. iv. John M., b. Feb. 27, 1817. 38. V. Isaiah T., b. Feb. 12, 1819. 39. vi. Martha A., b. Jan. 31, 1821. 40. vii. Jane P., b. Feb. 1, 1823. 41. viii. Lucy A., b. Nov. 22, 1825. 42. ix. Julia A., b. June 7, 1827. 43. X. Charles C, b. Nov. 30, 1829. 16. George Gilman^ (Benjamin B.^, Benjamin^), b. Jan. 10, 1817; m. (1) Apr. 1, 1841, Elvira Baker [b. Enosburg, Aug. 25, 1816; d. Oct. 4, 1881]; (2) Oct. 1, 1884, Mary A. Brooks (28), widow of George R. Thomas. He was a farmer at Enos- burg until 1871, and later at Craftsbury, Vt. Since 1884 he has lived at West Rindge. Children : 44. i. MiLLY S., b. Sept. 15, 1842; m. Jan. 11, 1873, William P. Cheney [d. Feb. 14, 1895]. He was a printer at Windsor, Vt. Children : i. William George Cheney, h. Dec. 24, 1875 ; d. Aug. 23, 1876. ii. George Prentiss Cheney, b. July 4, 1877. 45. ii. Maria, b. Nov. 11, 1845; d. Mar. 28, 1855. 46. iii. Nelson B., b. Dec. 29, 1849. 47. iv. Lucy E., b. Apr. 30, 1860; d. Oct. 17, 1906, unm. 20. Isaiah Hall^ (Benjamin^, Benjamin^), b. June 1, 1824; d. Rindge, Dec. 9, 1888; m. (1) Enosburg, Sept. 13, 1847, N. Elizabeth Wilder [b. 1828; d. Jan. 2, 1870] ; (2) [d. in Florida]. Child: 48. i. Fred Morrill, b. Jan. 17, 1857; d. Sept. 21, 1868. WILSON (David). David' Wilson, b. Shirley, Mass., before 1790; d. Sharon, aged 93; m. Hannah Calton of Sharon. He came to Sharon when a young man and passed his life there. 711 History of New Ipswich 1. John Steele^ (David^), b. about Feb., 1816; d. Oct. 12, 1895; m. (1) Rebecca Sanders [d. about 1843] ; (2) Mary M. Holden of Mason. He was a farmer in Sharon during the greater part of his life, but Hved for a few years beginning in 1840 on Page Hill, occupying the "Warren farm," which was the western part of XHI : 2, N. L. O., and afterward living in Wilder Village and also near the Emery Carr mill south of the old "white school-house," westward from the mountain. He was captain of the Sharon militia. Children : 2. i. William Henry, b. Oct. 28, 1840; m. (1) Nov. 1, 1860, Irene Perkins of Temple [b. Jan. 1, 1841 ; d. June 25, 1905] ; (2) Apr. 2, 1907, Nellie (Goss) Spaulding [b. Aug. 1, 1846]. He is the only member of the family born in New Ipswich, and he has passed the greater part of his life in his native town, living for a time in Wilder Village, later on the "Chick- ering farm," (22, N. D.,) and at present in the house which was originally the first Academy building in the Center Village. He has also resided for longer or shorter periods in Ashby, Mass., Northboro, Mass., Sharon and Peterboro. He has been a deacon of the Baptist church in both Peter- boro and New Ipswich. He served during the Civil War in the 13th New Hampshire Regiment. He had no chil- dren, but adopted Cora Belle Tandy, who m. Frank E. Hardy. 3. ii. Moses C. 4. iii. Joseph A. 5. iv. Hannah, m. William H. Hardy of Sharon. 6. v. David. 7. vi. Alfred A. 8. vii. Peter J. WILSON (John). John' Wilson, a Scotch prisoner of war taken at the battle of Dun- bar, was sent to America in 1650. He settled in Woburn, Mass., where he first paid taxes in 1666. He died July 2, 1687. Samuel' (John'), b. Dec. 29, 1658; d. 1729; m. Feb. 24, 1682, Eliza- beth, dau. of Robert Pierce [b. Mar. 6, 1658]. Res. at Woburn. Samuel^" (SamueP, John'), b. Nov. 21, 1695; d. Oct. 11, 1750; m. Oct. 29, 1719, Sarah, dau. of James and Susanna (Blodgett) Simonds [b. Dec. 13, 1694]. Res. in Woburn. Samuel' (SamueP, Samuel=, John'), b. July 22, 1720; d. June 21, 1750; m. June 5, 1744, Abigail, dau. of Edward and Rebecca Johnson [b. July 15, 1723; m. (2) Nov. 13, 1751, Simeon Spaulding of Chelmsford, Mass.]. Res. in Woburn. 1. Supply'' (Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. Woburn, Jan. 15, 1750; d. July 21, 1835; m. (1) May 15, 1777, Susanna Cutter (9) ; (2) Apr. 24, 1817, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel 712 Wilson (John) Bachelder (5) [d. Feb. 11, 1835]. He came from Woburn to New Ipswich in 1769, and passed his life in the northeastern part of the town, settling first upon lot 36, N. D., and after some years removing to the farm previously owned by his father-in-law John Cutter, (32, N. D.) As the years passed, he acquired neighboring farms and became the large land- holder of that section. He was a man of good judgment and trustworthy, and was one of the selectmen for nine consecutive years. Revolutionary service was rendered at the time of the Concord alarm, at Bunker Hill, and in Capt. Smith's company. Children : 2. i. Supply, b. July 29, 1778.+ 3. ii. John, b. May 28, 1780.-f 4. iii. Susanna, b. Apr. 13, 1782; m. Nov. 8, 1804, Israel Mansfield (13). 5. iv. Sarah, b. Mar. 5, 1784; d. Apr. 24, 1874; m. June 16, 1808, Nathaniel Edwards of Temple. 6. V. Samuel, b. Mar. 29, 1786; d. Dec. 23, 1857; m. (1) May 31, 1810, Martha Williams [b. Aug. 25, 1796; d. Dec. 18, 1830] ; (2) Sarah Bell [b. Apr. 16, 1805; d. Dec, I860]. Res. at Cambridge, O., and removed thence about 1844 to Princeton, Ind. Ten children. 7. vi. Isaac, b. Oct. 30, 1788.-(- 8. vii. Rachel, b. Nov. 22, 1790; d. July 11, 1853; m. May 29, 1817, Joseph Wheeler (9). 9. viii. Abigail, b. Apr. 1, 1793; d. Dec. 10, 1877; m. June 17, 1813, Samuel Cook Wheeler (23). 10. ix. Rebecca, b. July 19, 1795; d. May 18, 1882; m. Richard Wheeler (56). 11. X. Polly, b. July 28, 1797; d. Oct. 1, 1805. 12. xi. William Kimball, b. Aug. 4, 1798; d. in infancy. 2. Supply^ (Supply^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. July 29, 1778; d. Sept. 12, 1852; m. (1) Sept. 19, 1802, Sally, dau. of Oliver and Jane (Bartlett) Scripture [b. Oct. 7, 1779; d. July 3, 1837] ; (2) Aug. 19, 1838, Sarah Stephenson of Lyndeboro [d. Dec, 1866]. His life, typical of the success- ful and honored New England farmer of the nineteenth cen- tury, was passed upon one of the farms previously owned by his father, (35, N. D.,) and also by his father-in-law. His ac- tivities outside the farm were varied, as he held a major's com- mission in the militia, was active and discreet in church work, and was relied upon by his townsmen in times of doubt or trouble. Children : 13. i. Supply Franklin, b. July 8, 1803.-]- 713 History of New Ipswich 14. ii. Sally, b. 1804; d. Nov. 14, 1875; m. Nov. 11, 1828, Jason B. Perry of Rindge, in which town they passed their lives. Children: i. Mary Perry, b. Mar. 18, 1830; m. S. D. Walker; res. Rindge. ii. Elica Perry, b. Aug. 3, 1831; m. Julius Hall; res. Rindge. iii. Susan Perry, b. Apr. 11, 1833; m. Whittemore ; res. in Illinois, iv. John Wilson Perry, b. Apr. 17, 1835. v. James B. Perry, b. Aug. 13, 1837; res. McHenry, 111. vi. Harriet Perry, b. Sept. 22, 1839; d. June 18, 1863; m. Walter Flanders; res. at Warner, vii. Sarah Perry, h. Sept. 12, 1842; m. Walter Flanders; res. at War- ner, viii. Jason Stanley Perry, b. Jan. 8, 1847; res. at Rindge. ix. Jane Sophronia Perry, b. Jan. 8, 1847; res. at Rindge. 15. iii. Matthias Spaulding, b. Apr. 22, 1806.-|- 16. iv. Mary, b. Jan. 2, 1808; d. Aug. 23, 1869; m. June 6, 1833, Joseph Breed (50). Res. at Rindge. 17. V. James, b. Nov. 4, 1809; d. May 3, 1840, unm. He was a suc- cessful teacher. 18. vi. Susan, b. Oct. 19, 1811; d. Sept. 14, 1855; m. Nov., 1839, Nathan Kendall of Nashua; (2) about 1850, George San- ders (9). Child: i. Sarah W. Kendall, b. Aug. 30, 1840; d. unm. 19. vii. Abby, b. July 25, 1813; d. Denmark, Iowa, Sept., 1857. 20. viii. Harriet, b. July 15, 1815 ; m. Oct. 4, 1842, Hartwell J. Taylor (50). Sophronia, b. Feb. 10, 1818; d. Mar. 25, 1819. Jane, b. Jan. 18, 1820; d. June 25, 1862; m. Sept. 28, 1848, Rev. William Ireland. They were missionaries in South Africa, where she died. Augustus, b. Jan. 13, 1822. Sophronia, b. Feb. 5, 1824 ; d. July 23, 1852 ; m. Feb. 12, 1851, Rev. J. E. B. Jewett. 3. JoHN^ (Supply^ Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. May 28, 1780; d. Apr. 3, 1869; m. Dec. 31, 1805, Anna Dale Holt of Wilton [b. Mar. 4, 1785; d. Dec. 6, 1851]. He suc- ceeded to his father's farm, and there spent his life. Children : 25. i. John, b. 1806; d. young. 26. ii. John Gardner, b. Jan. 17, 1808.-}- 27. iii. Ann, b. Aug. 26, 1809; d. May 29, 1870; m. May 16, 1839, Mark Farrar (23). 28. iv. Supply Cutter, b. June 29, 1811.-|- 29. V. Joseph Addison, b. Mar. 21, 1813.-f- 30. vi. Betsey, b. July 22, 1814; d. Feb. 6, 1815. 31. vii. Betsey Adaline, b. Dec. 13, 1815; d. Jan. 30, 1892, unm. She lived upon the home farm, with her father after her mother's death, and later with her brother Edward. 32. viii. George, b. Jan. 17, 1818; d. July 1, 1826. 33. ix. Edward, b. Jan. 11, 1820; d. Aug. 12, 1889, unm. He passed his life as a farmer on the ancestral farm. 34. X. Edwin, b. Jan. 11, 1820; d. Aug. 2, 1826. 714 21. ix. 22. X. 23. xi. 24. xii Wilson (John) 35. xi. Charles, b. Aug. 19, 1822.+ 36. xii. Horace Woodbury, b. Sept. 12, 1824.+ 37. xiii. George Edwin, b. Aug. 28, 1826.+ 7. IsAAC^ (Supply^, Samuel^ Samuel^ SamueP, John^), b. Oct. 30, 1788; d. Nov. 21, 1865; m. May 20, 1813, Ruth, dau. of Nathaniel and Ruth (Powers) Jewett of Temple [b. Jan. 27, 1790; d. July 11, 1868]. For ten years after his marriage he lived upon the next farm east of the home of his boyhood, on 28, N. D., but he then removed to Temple, and passed the remainder of his life on the farm which was the early home of his wife. Children : 38. i. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 26, 1814. 39. ii. Elvira, b. Aug. 18, 1815. 40. iii. Isaac Newton, b. Mar. 5, 1817. 41. iv. EzEKiEL Jewett, b. Dec. 6, 1818. 42. V. Horace, b. Nov. 17, 1820. 43. vi. Albert, b. Dec. 20, 1822. 44. vii. Ruth Emeline, b. June 24, 1825. 13. Supply Franklin^ (Supply^ Supply^, Samuel*, Sam- ueP, SamueF, John^), b. July 8, 1803 ; d. Apr. 20, 1862; m. 1836, Cornelia Clute. Res. at Troy, N. Y. Children : 45. i. James Henry, b. Sept. 5, 1837. 46. ii. Sarah Catherine, b. Apr. 30, 1840. 47. iii. Gilbert M., b. Mar. 26, 1847. 15. Matthias Spaulding^ (Supply^, Supply^ Samuel*, SamueP, Samuel-, John^), b. Apr. 22, 1806; d. Feb. 25, 1880; m. Apr. 9, 1833, Laura Morgan of Wilton [b. Dec. 13, 1811; d. May 5, 1880]. From the time of his marriage until 1850 he lived upon the "Safiford farm," just south from the Congrega- tional church, (VII : 2, S. R.,) upon which he built the brick dwelling which now faces on the common. In 1850 he re- turned to his father's farm, which he held for twenty years, and then bought the "J^^^ge Farrar place," (VIII: 1, S. R.,) which was the home of his later life. He was a selectman for several years, and a trustee of the Academy. Children : Augustus M., b. Mar. 8, 1834.-1- Abbie a., b. July 28, 1836; m. Dec. 28, 1865, J. Kimball Wheeler of Hudson. Charles F., b. Nov. 26, 1837.-(- Alfred G., b. Oct. 10, 1839; d. Sept. 8, 1840. James A., b. Oct. 25, 1841; d. Dec. 16, 1885; m. (1) Jan. 1, 1867, Mary E. Babcock [d. Feb. 15, 1867]; (2) Maria J. Brown [d. 1884]. Res. West Townsend, Mass. 53. vi. Samuel G., b. Mar. 16, 1844. -|- 715 48. i. 49. ii. 50. iii. 51. iv. 52. V. History of New Ipswich 54. vii. Lauretta M., b. May 16, 1846; m. Jan. 1, 1867, George B. Boutelle. Res. Fitchburg, Mass., where the children were born, later at Baltimore, Md. Children : i. IVilliam H. Boutelle; res. Southbridge, Mass. ii. Frank M. Boutelle; res. Cincinnati, O. iii. Walter W. Boutelle; res. Memphis, Tenn. 55. viii. Frederick M., b. Oct. 27, 1853; d. Oct. 6, 1854. 26. John Gardner" (John*', Supply^, Samuel*, SamueP, Samuel^ John^), b. Jan. 17, 1808; d. Sept., 1877; m. June 9, 1833, Almira Brown (86). He was a merchant of Mason Vil- lage, Fitzwilliam, and Nashua in succession. Children : 56. i. Anna Maria, b. July 31, 1834. Res. at Boston. 57. ii. Horace Marshall, h. Mar. 31, 1836; d. Jan. 6, 1867; m. Har- riet Putnam of Wilton. Child : i. Almira Janctte ; she is a physician in Boston, having received her degree from the Medical School of Tufts College in 1898. 28. Supply Cutter^ (John", Supply^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. June 29, 1811; d. Apr. 13, 1865; m. Laura Joanna, dau. of Daniel and Sally (Danforth) Chandler of Mer- rimack [b. Jan. 7, 1827]. Pie was a merchant at North Chelms- ford. Children : 58. i. Frank Cutter, b. 1853; m. Mattie Sutcliffe. He was a mer- chant in Haverhill, Mass. One child. 59. ii. Samuel Elliott, b. 1859; m. Nellie . He is a merchant at Haverhill, Mass. 29. Joseph Addison^ (John*', Supply^, Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. Mar. 21, 1813; m. Harriet Stone of Fitz- william. He was a merchant and farmer at Fitzwilliam, and later a merchant at Lowell, Mass. He removed to Pensaukeei, Wis., about 1858. Children : 60. i. Francis Rodney. He married and has children. A farmer in Kansas. 61. ii. Henry Willie. 62. iii. Catherine Augusta Lee. 63. iv. George. 35. Charles^ (John", Supply^ Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. Aug. 19, 1822; d. July 8, 1897; m. (1) Dec. 31, 1846, Olive A. Taylor (53) ; (2) Mrs. Matilda R. Maynard, dau. of Aaron K. Putnam of Wilton [d. Sept. 16, 1886] ; (3) Mrs. Ellen (Abbott) Shipley of Wilton. He was employed in the mills at Greenville, and afterward was a farmer at Wilton. Children : 64. i. Samuel Taylor, b. Nov. 26, 1847; d. Apr. 17, 1892; m. Rosa Peterson. He was a jeweler at Decorah, Iowa. Three children. 716 Wilson (John) 65. ii. Ella Florene, b. June 5, 1852 ; d. July 6, 1858. 66. iii. Charles Woodbury, b. May 29, 1855 ; d. July 14, 1858. 67. iv. Nellie Augusta, b. May 1, 1860; m. George K. Morris. Res. in Nashua. Three children. 68. V. Ina Belle, b. July 20, 1863. Res. in Boston. 36. Horace Woodbury^ (John*^, Supplv^ Samuel'*, Sam- uel^ SamueP, John^), b. Sept. 12, 1824; d. 1849; m. (1) Malvina Rideout ; (2) Janette Burns. Children : 69. i. Adeline L. 70. ii. Etta M. Z7 . George Edwin" (John", Supply^ Samuel*, SamueP, Samuel", John^), b. Aug. 28, 1826; m. (1) Hannah Barnard; (2) Mary . He was employed in the mills at Nashua, and later became a merchant at Manchester. Children : 71. i. A son, of first marriage; d. in infancy. 72. ii. Lena, of second marriage ; m. Dr. Theodore B. Sachs. 48. Augustus M.* (Matthias', Supply'', Supply^, Samuel*, SamueP, Samuel", John^), b. Mar. 8, 1834; d. West Townsend, Mass., Feb. 20, 1898; m. Caroline M. Whitney of Gardner, Mass. Children : Ii. \. Alice M., b. May 16, 1862; m. Fred A. Patch. Res. West Townsend, Mass. Child : i. Edward Patch, h. July 15, 1884. 50. Charles F.® (Matthias SJ, Supply^, Supply^ Samuel*. SamueP, Samuel-, John^), b. Nov. 26, 1837; d. Oct. 13, 1901; m. 1863, Mary Adelaide Bennett. He was a btitcher and meat dealer at the slaughter-house long established near the foot of Meeting-house Hill. Children: 74. i. Ernest Greeley, b. Apr. 20, 1864. + 75. ii. Kate M., b. June 9, 1866; d. Jan. 2, 1887. 76. iii. Grace K., b. Mar., 1868; m. Ernest G. Young. Res. in Tem- ple. One son. 77. iv. Pearl H., b. Nov. 13, 1871; m. Eugene Gravlin. Res. at Pavvtucket, R. I. One son. 78. v. Abbie a., b. Aug. 8, 1874; m. Mar. 2, 1903, Eugene B. Beard. 79. vi. Charles L., b. Sept. 9, 1875; m. May 7, 1902, Nettie M. For- bush. Res. at Townsend, Mass. 53. Samuel G.® (Matthias S.", Supply'^, Supply^ SamueP, SamueP, SamueP, John^), b. Mar. 16, 1844; m. Lucy J. Mellen. Res. at Hill City, Kan., where he is engaged in banking. Child : 80. i. Fred W., b. Aug. 4, 1882; m. Sept. 1, 1906, Clare Cave. Res. Phoenix, Ariz. 717 History of New Ipswich 74. Ernest Greeley'' (Charles F.^ Matthias SJ, Supply^, Supply^, Samuel*, SamiieP, SamueP, John^), b. Apr. 20, 1864; m. 1885, Anna M., dau. of Daniel G. Murphy. He is a meat cutter at West Townsend, Mass. Children : 81. i. Harry A., b. Oct. 23, 1885; d. Dec. 30, 1901. 82. ii. Agnes A., b. Jan. 5, 1891. 83. iii. Ruth G., b. Feb. 26, 1892. 84. iv. Gertrude, b. July 27, 1895. WILSON (John, 2d). John' Wilson, "son of John," landed at Salem, June 17, 1630; came to Billerica in 1683; m. (1) Johanna ; (2) Nov. 10, 1698, , dau. of Thomas Goodenough, and widow of John Miles of Concord. He was first pastor of the First Church of Boston and chaplain in the Pequot War. JoHN^ (John'), b. Jan. 3, 1672/3; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. Joseph Foster. He was a clergyman. John' (John', John'), b. Dec. 26, 1695; d. May 6, 1764; m. (1) Nov. 26, 1723, Jemima, dau. of John Shed [d. Sept. 14, 1740] ; (2) Mary, her sister, widow of Abraham Chamberlain [d. Mar. 31, 1747]. Leonard' (John^ John=, John'), b. Oct. 24, 1736; m. Dec. 17, 1761, Rachel, dau. of Abraham Durant. IsAAd (Leonard^ John', John^ John'), b. Aug. 16, 1764; m. Jan. 6, 1789, Sally, dau. of Thomas Ditson. Removed to Westford. 1. Andrew*^ (Isaac^, Leonard*, John^, John^, John^), b. at Billerica, Oct. 27, 1795 ; d. July 21, 1840. First taxed in New Ipswich in 1833. 2. JosiAH Taylor'^ (Andrew^, Isaac^, Leonard*, John^, John^, John^), b. in New Ipswich, Dec. 18, 1835; d. June 11, 1890, at Brighton, Mass.; m. June 11, 1861, Ellen Maria, dau. of Josiah W. Spaulding [b. Aug. 16, 1835; d. Aug. 16, 1885]. He was a hotel proprietor. Children: 3. i. Hattie Alina, b. June 1, 1863; m. Frederick Griswold. Res. Hartford, Conn. 4. ii. Frank Stedman, b. Dec. 10, 1866. 5. iii. Florence Spaulding, b. Nov. 13, 1872; m. Arthur L. Stevens. Res. Brighton, Mass. WOOLSON. Thomas' Woolson of New Cambridge (Newton), d. about 1713; m. Nov. 20, 1660, Sarah, dau. of Job and Elizabeth (Fuller) Hyde [b. May 19, 1644; d. Sudbury, Mass., Sept. 11, 1721]. He settled at Watertown Farms (Weston), where he was innkeeper 1686-1708. He was selectman several years. 718 Woolson Thomas' (Thomas'), b. Feb. 28, 1666/7; d. July 21, 1723; m. about 1693, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Sarah Chadwick [b. May 8, 1673]. He moved from Weston to Watertown, 1715. 1. JoNAS^ (Thomas-, Thomas^), b. Oct. 1, 1711 ; d. 1790; m. June 23, 1742, Susannah Wallis of Townsend [b. about 1726; d. 1796]. He is believed to have been the second settler in New Ipswich, coming in 1739, probably about one year after Abijah Foster, but it is said that his permanent residence did not begin until after his marriage, but that the three interven- ing winters were passed in Littleton, Mass., with his nearest New Ipswich neighbor, Benjamin Hoar. He settled upon lot IV : 2, S. R., the present site of the Country Club, upon the old country road. His first house, of a single story, was sup- plemented some years later by the two-storied house now standing; and the older portion, after standing unchanged for nearly a century, bore so decided marks of its long service that it was torn down, but was rebuilt on exactly the same spot and with no change of form, the original timbers and other materials being replaced as far as their condition per- mitted. He seems to have been a man who had the confidence of his fellow settlers, as his name appears upon some of the more responsible committees who attended to their common interests prior to the formal incorporation, and he was the first treasurer elected by the infant town. His name is not found upon any roll of Revolutionary soldiers, but according to tra- dition he was present at the surrender of Burgoyne and there lost a valuable horse. His title as captain evidently antedated his arrival in New Ipswich. Children : 2. i. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 2, 1743; d. 1794. Hers is the earliest birth found in the town records. She removed to Water- town in 1766. 3. ii. Susanna, b. Apr. 2, 1745. 4 iii. Martha, b. June 15, 1751; d. June 2, 1773; m. Mar. 26, 1772, Joseph Tucker (10). 5. iv. Jonas, b. June 16, 1757.-1- 5. Jonas* (Jonas^, Thomas^, Thomas^), b. June 16, 1757; d. 1804; m. Elizabeth [b. about 1758; d. Nov. 19, 1828; m. (2) Apr. 13, 1813, William Locke (1)]. Children: 6. i. Anna, m. Oct. 17, 1802, Reuben Russell. 7. ii. George, m. Wallace of Townsend, Mass. [d. 1804]. He enlisted in the War of 1812, and was not found after one of the northern battles of that war. The family name appears elsewhere in New Ipswich, but those who bore it cannot be located satisfactorily. 719 History of New Ipswich 8. Nathan, m. Miriam , and lived for a time upon Knight's Hill, probably on the Capt. Tucker place, (II : 1, S. R.) Child : 9. i. Nathan, b. Oct. 13, 1767. 10. George, appears in private accounts about 1800, but not in the tax-lists, and very probably his was the name borne upon the Revolutionary roll of the company of Capt. Benja- min Mann of Mason. 11. Elizabeth, who m. Dec. 23, 1777, Joseph Lowell, Jr., was perhaps the daughter (2) of the pioneer, but farther cer- tainty has not been secured. 720 i Index 47 INDEX. Abbott, Abraham, 75, 97. Alice, 698. Charles E., 698. Charles W., 698. Cordelia, 186. Dorothy, 193, 319. Fannie L., 698. Frank S., 666. Jessie M., 698. Sarah A., 601, 632. Abercrombie, Mary E., 200. Acres, Sally, 597. Adams, Abel, 173, 175. Abraham, 176. Abigail, 173, 539. Achsa, 174. Adeline A., 182. Alice A., 182. Alvin, 174. Ann S., 320. Asa, 11, 79. 89. Asenath, 173. Bartlett, 187. Becca, 173. Benjamin, 54, 83, 106, 124, 171, 179, 180, 183, 195. Benjamin F., 184. Benjamin S., 181. Benjamin, Jr., 95. Betsy, 179. Beulah, 176. Burton H., 188. Caroline E., 188. Carrie N., 676. Charles, 174, 184, 187. Charles A., 182, 312. Charles K., 184. Civil. 172, Clarissa. 187. Clarissa P.. 184. Cynthia, 181. 187. Cyrus. 187. Daniel, 84. 95, 179, 181. David, 87, 176, 183. Deborah, 180. Adams, Dorcas, 174. Dorothy, 187. Ebenezer, 173, 179, 182, 183. Eli, 83, 89, 90. Eliza, 183. Elizabeth, 181, 342. Elizabeth C, 189. Elizabeth S., 187. Elizabeth W., 177. Elvira, 175. Emily A., 184, 185. Ephraim, 82, 83, 91. 93. 96. 99, 106, 124, 153, 178, 180, 185, 186, 187. 188, 509. Ephraim D., 96. Eugene F., 176. Eunice, 180, 195. Eunice A., 184. Fidelia, 186. Frederic, 184. Frederic A., 138, 184. George, 186, 270. George W., 535. Grace D., 188. Hannah. 172, 173, 175, 180. Harriet R., 183. Harry W., 535. Henry, 171, 187, 188. Henry C, 188. Henry M.. 186. Hiram. 185. Ira, 175. Isaac, 84. 173, 176, 180, 185. James, 173, 175, 179. James B., 186. lames D., 189. Jane, 172, 173. Jerry, 174. Joanna K., 186. John. 95. 96, 98, 175, 179, 181, 185, 187, 535, 573. John F., 182. John O., 361. John S., 186. Adams, Jonas, 82, 86, 98, 172, 174. Joseph, 171, 179, 180, 185, 187. Joseph G., 176. Josiah, 187. Judah, 173. Tudes, 175. Julia, 186. Keziah, 491. Laura, 174. Levi, 78, 86, 172. Louisa D., 188. Lucinda, 181, 187. Lucv C. 174. Luther, 172, 174, 175. Lydia, 173, 174, 179, 180. 181, 528. Marah. 615. Maria. 183. Marinda. 187. Marshall. 175. Marv, 174, 180, 185, 187, 194, 615, 664. Mary H.. 18.S. Mehitable. 471. Melinda, 181. 187. Mercy, 175, 555. Minerva. 185. Molly. 174. Moody, 177. Myra J., 177. Nancy, 174. Nathaniel. 177. Olive. 172. 413. Oliver, 175. Olivia, 183. Orie E., 429. Orson, 174. Phebe, 173. 175. Phineas. 79, 88. 91, 96, 172, 173, 174. Polly, 175. Priscilla. 179, 180. Quincy, 179. 183. Rebecca. 172, 173, 179, 187. Rebekah. 181. Rhoda, 173. 723 History of New Ipswich Adams, Robert, 176. Roxanna, 174. Ruth, 173, 175, 235, 412. Sally, 186. Samuel, 87, 93, 171, 181. Sarah, 180, 181, 402, 409. Sarah S., 189. Sibil, 173. Sibyl, 459. Silas, 172, 173. Sirene, 175. Sophronia, 184. Stearns, 187. Stephen, 78, 82, 88, 96, 171, 172, 178, 181. Stephen, Jr., 93, 96. Stillman, 174. Susan, 297. Susanna, 173, 181. Sylvester, 530. Theodore D., 189. Theodore W., 189. Thomas, 83, 84, 89, 171, 172, 177, 178, 181, 187. Thomas H., 189. Thomas S., 186. Timothy, 171, 296. Timothy K., 181, 187. Walter C, 188. William F.. 177, 181. William M., 177. Zachariah, 144, 172. Adford, Mary, 485. Aer, Mabelle, 329. Aiken, Calvin, 200. Charles A., 183. George H., 120. Tohn. 183. 199. Tohn C, 120. Mattha, 347. Ainsworth, Calvin, 481. Edward, 190. Frederic S., 190. Israel, 136. Josiah S.. 190. Laban, 190, 601. Margaret A., 501. Mary M., 190. William, 190. William P.. 120, 190. Aker, Mary, 465. Albro, Caroline A., 255. Alden, Charles H., 568. Alden, Lula E., 555. Paul, 493. Sarah, 639. Aldrich, Emeline, 272. Sally M., 501. Allen, Abby, 389. Caroline, 492. Charles H., 592. Com.fort, 246. Eveline B., 296. Grace, 232, 363. Kate F., 308. Kenneth, 375. Lydia, 643. Mary, 384. Nancy, 366. Sarah, 202, 643. Stephen T., 140. Allenwood, Asa, 417. Alley, Lois, 490. Allison, Lizzie, 543. Alney, Content, 297. Alwill, Agnes, 504. Ambrose, Susanna, 593. Ames, Amelia, 191. Anna G., 698. Arethusa, 191. Asa, 191, 249. Bertha P., 570. Carrie E., 192. Charles B., 192. Charles W., 191, 698. David. 191. Dorothy G., 698. Eli, 546. Elijah, 192. Elizabeth A.. 191. Ethel J., 698. Eveline A., 192. Frances H., 215. Fred J., 698. George L., 191, 665. Gilbert, 192. Gilman, 191. Helen G., 192. Helen W., 698. Henry T., 566. Jacob, 191, 192. James B., 147, 192, 193. Tames B., Mrs., 139. Tames H., 192. John. 191, 192. Jonathan, 192. Lavinia, 191. Lillian F., 698. Leonard H., 191, 192. Louisa, 588. 724 Ames. Lucv M., 191. Mabel D., 698. Martin, 328. Mary F., 192, 368. Mary J., 394, 435. Mary L., 192. Ralph H., 698. Richard, 145, 192. Robert R., 193. Romanzo, 192. Samuel T., 139, 192. Samuel T., Mrs., 151, 192. Sarah E., 192. Sarah J., 191. Winslow, 191, 192. Amos, Anna M., 535. David, 535. Edwin W., 535. Ellen C, 535. Elmer J., 535. Amsden, David, 355. Elliridge H., 623. Francis, 353. Jonas, 332. Anderson, Arthur, 567. Christine, 656. James H., 659. Andrews, Anna, 571. Delia, 593. Hannah, 355. Jeremiah, 78. Lucy, 404. Angier, Silas, 87. Annette, Cecil B., 208. Elsie C, 208. Marietta E.. 208. Markwell, 208. Sarah E.. 208. Thomas, 208. Anson, Catharine, 704. Appleton, Aaron, 195. Alfred C, 201. Alice G.. 200. Alice M., 201. Ann L., 197. Ashley, 198, 201. Caroline F., 197, 201. Caroline S., 200. Charles S., 197, 201. Daniel W., 201. David, 196. Dolly, 195. Dorothy E.. 200. Eben, 196, 197, 201. Ebenezer, 196. Edith S., 200, 201. Edward L., 200. i Index Appleton, Edward P., 202. Eleanora A., 200. Eliza A., 198. Elizabeth, 196, 198. Elizabeth F., 199. Ellen R., 201. Elvira, 198. Emily, 196, 198. Emma, 196. Eugene F., 114, 199. Eunice, 184. Frances, 201. Frances E., 197. Francis, 90, 91, 92, 124, 196, 197. Francis E., 200. Francis G., 198, 201. George A., 197, 201. George W., 197. Georgianna L. F. A., 201. Gladys H., 200. Harriot, 197. H. Celestia, 199. Henry A., 202. Henry C., 199. Isaac, 75, 83, 106, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198. Isaac H., 198. Isaac H. C, 199. Jane M., 199. Jesse, 196, 198. Jesse R., 142, 198, 201. John, 196, 198, 199, 202. John F., 202. Joseph, 196, 199. Joseph B., 194, 199. Julia R, 200. Louise A., 201. Margaret, 200. Margaret A., 201. M-arjorie C, 200. Mary, 196, 197, 198. Mary C, 201. Mary E., 201. Mary J., 197, 200. Mary M., 199. Mary T. G., 199. Moses L., 196, 197, 200. Nathan, 138, 196, 197. Nancy M., 201. Robert, 199. Appleton, Samuel, 137, 138, 139, 193, 194, 197, 199, 200, 214. Sarah, 196, 197. Sarah P., 201, 202. Serena, 198. Sophia, 198. Thomas G., 197. W. Stuart, 197, 201. William S., 197, 200. Archer, Otis, 174. Armistead, Walker K., 200. Arnold, Ambrose, 610. Esther, 467. Ashley, Willmore D., 144. Atherton, Charles G., Mrs., 156. Atkinson, Helen, 466. Samuel, 84. Atwell, Horace, 629. Atwood, Betsey, 346. Ella M., 707. Mary, 685. Austin, Albert T., 120. David, 174. Dorcas, 174. H. Nelson, 347. Avery, Catharine, 231. David, 79. James E., 114. Timothy, 79. Ayer, Hannah, 704. Polly, 273. Ayers, John, 134. Mary, 134. Ayling, A. D., 111. Babcock, Anna M., 556. David, 347. Frank H., 507. Henry, 618. Mary E., 715. Sarah L., 307. Bacon, Alice, 207. Ann E., 191. Benjamin, 560. Daniel, 202. Hannah, 203. Jacob, 203. Jesse, 515. Jonathan, 326. Michael, 202. Molly, 203. Patty, 368. Retire, 203. Reuben, 326. Bacon, Reuben, Jr., 326. Sarah, 203. Susanna, 203. William D., 684. Bagley, David, 199. Mary C, 199. N. Gilman, 199. Baibs Abigail, 657. Ada, 237. Caroline F., 706. Eliphalet, 588. George K., 237. Helen M., 374. Kendall, 237. Rebecca, 686. Robert, 534. Sophia F., 683. Susan E., 629. Baker, Amos, 95, 96. Ebenezer, 618. Eber, 368. Elvira, 711. Exie, 492. George C, 201. Horace A., 502. Joel, 96. Mary, 486, 590. Priscilla, 193. Samuel G., 502. Theron, 710. Balch, Abbie L., 204. Albro L., 145, 204. Anna J., 204. Benjamin, 203. David, 203. Ella M., 204. Hazel E., 204. John, 203. John J., 203. Martha, 669. Mary, 262. Moses M., 201. Robert, 204. Balcom, Lizzie E., 276. Baldw^in, Caroline H., 482. Cyrus, 600. Edwin F.. 120. Nahum, 83. Reuben, 97. Susanna, 677. Bale, Sarah, 409. Ball, Emma C, 557. Frank, 534. Hannah, 364. Levi, 175. Mary E., 297, 483. 725 History of New Ipswich L'.all, Nathaniel, 226. Sarah, 687. Ballentine, Mary, 389. Ballard, Agnes A., 205. Catharine E., 205. Clarence, 205. Edward O., 205. Eliza W., 277. Elizabeth, 252. Ettie E., 205. Herbert E., 205. Jonathan, 273. Joseph, 709. Josiah, 136, 204. Bancroft, Anna, 397. Arthur K., 208. Benjamin, 206, 546. Caroline, 207. Cecil F. P., 207. Cecil K., 208. Frances M., 208. Henry A., 206, 207. James, 206. Joseph, 206. Mary E., 208. Mary H., 207. Nancy R., 206. Phillips, 208. Susan F., 207. Thomas, 206, 561, 660. Banks, Patty, 557. Barber, Alfred A., 283. Henry A., 130, 283. Isaac R., 126. Katharine L., 283. William, 354. Bardeen, Mary A., 441. Bardwell, Maurice, 327. Barker, Clara, 631. Hannah, 383. Judith, 336. Laura O., 210. Mary, 632. Nettie, 292. Barnard, Anna, 647. Carlos, 693. Emily, 439. Hannah, 717. Loring, 134. Sarah, 134. Barnes, Benjamin, 417. Elizabeth, 284. L. M., 133. Ovid D., 523. Polly, 598. Rhoda, 466. Sophia, 500. Barnes, Stephen, 487. Barnett, Hannah, 248. Barnum, Isaiah W., 226. Barr, Caroline, 209, 210. Caroline F., 147, 170. Caroline H., 211. Caroline M., 209. Charlotte, 209. Charles, 209. Cummings, 209, 210. Daniel L., 211. Eliza J., 210. Elizabeth L., 211. Elizabeth M., 215. Ellen, 209. Ellen M., 210. Esther J., 209. Florence G., 210. George, 209, 210. George C, 210. George L., 209, 210. Helen, 211. James, 75, 145. 208, 209. James C, 211. James C, Jr., 211. James H., 209. James W., 209. John, 209, 210, 212. John M., 210. Julia M., 278. Laura M., 145, 211. Mary H., 209. Mary W., 209. Moses, 210. Nancy, 209. Robena, 209. Sarah, 209, 210. Sarah J., 209, 210. William, 209. Barrett, Agnes, 216. Benjamin, 212. Blanche, 216. Charles, 75, 103, 124, 134, 194, 212, 213, 214. 215, 216. Charles E., 216. Deborah, 280. Dora E., 214. Dorcas, 213. Edward A., 215, 216. Elizabeth M., 131. Emily M., 214, 437. Emma A., 403. Frances A., 216. Frederic E., 535. George, 157, 213, 215. George R., 215. 726 Barrett, George R., Mrs., 131, 156. George W., 216. Hildreth, 217. Humphrey, 212. Jean, 216. John, 212. Jonas, 652. Jonas H., 491. Jonathan. 363. Joseph, 212, 214, 232. Joseph A., 214. Julia M., 216. Juliet M., 215. Lucy R., 192. Lydia, 395, 526. Martha J., 588. Mary, 242, 604. Mary A., 215. Mary D., 216. Mary N., 214. Nathaniel, 135. Oliver, 357. Rebecca, 213, 217, 489, 516. Robert, 535. Sally, 580, 639. Sarah, 337. Seth, 214. Susan F., 302. Thomas, 212. Barron, Hannah, 616. John, 498. Priscilla, 460. Barrows, Peleg, 420. William E., 607. Barstow, Chauncey H., 408. Deborah, 596. Bartlett, Belle, 568. Daniel, 217, 422. Eben, 620. Elizabeth, 217. George E., 217. Isaac, 96, 217. James, 355. John. 217, 218. Joseph. 217. Lydia, 217. Mary, 217, 443. Noah, 70, 217. Robert G.. 554. Samuel, 75. 106, 217. Sarah. 217. Sargent. 448. Thomas, 416. Barton, Roxelena, 639. Bascom, Frank P., 707. Index Bascom, George W., 707. Batchelder, Abigail, 219. Addison, 221. Adelaide A., 222. Adeline, 223. Alva, 221. Alvin, 221. Amy, 225. Arthur M., 224. Betsey, 220. Brooks T., 221. Charles R, 225. Clara, 222. Czarina, 221. Daniel, 221, 496. Ebenezer, 218. Edward E., 223. Eliza M., 221. Elizabeth, 219, 548. Emery VV., 225. Estella, 223. Etta, 384. Eugene, 222, 223, 225. Ezra, 388. Fanny, 221. Francis L., 223, 225. Frederic M., 219. George H., 221. Hannah, 219, 221, 253 Harriet M., 221. Harry, 223. Henry K., 222, 223. Hervey, 220, 221. Hervey B., 222. Horace, 223, 224. Ira A., 222. Isabella, 223, 224. John, 218, 223. John M., 219, 223, 224. Jonathan, 218, 219. Joseph, 218, 219, 221. Josephine, 222. Josiah, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222. Kimball, 221. Lucilla, 222. Mary, 221, 356. Mary A., 222, 223. Mary E., 225. Mary R., 222. Martha, 222. Maude A., 225. Moses, 220, 221. Nancy, 221. Oliver, 220, 221. Batchelder, Oliver M., 222. Peter, 220, 223. Polly, 219, 220. Ruth, 220. Ruth A., 222. Samuel, 138, 147, 154, 185, 220, 222, 223, 225, 266. Samuel F., 225. Sarah E., 221. Sophronia, 221. Theophilus, 253. Washington A., 220, 222. William K., 220, 223. Bateman, Alf reda T., 227. Amanda M., 226. Andrew P., 227, 228. Ann M., 226. Arabella A., 227. Arabella S., 226. Charles, 226. Charles A., 227. Charles T., 227. Clara, 228. Ernest, 227. Frank E., 227. Frederic, 227. George T., 227. Gertrude, 228. Harriet, 227. Harriet J., 227. Harry O., 228. Hattie, 228. Jennie L., 228. John, 226, 227. Jonas, 226. Josephine A., 226. Leon H., 227. Lucy W., 226. Myra, 228. Semira J., 227. Thrmrs. Ai-^. Walter, 227. Bates, Anna, 229. Edward, 228. Hannah, 229. Isaac, 229. James, 229. John, 228. Joseph, 75, 106, 228. Nancy, 229. Oliver, 229. Peter, 229. Reuben, 134. Samuel, 229, 358. Bates, Sarah, 229. Bathrick, Edward, 383. Baughart, George G., 280. Baxter, Albert F., 114. Clarissa, 604. Lizzie, 521. Melvina J., 322. Sarah A., 639. Bayley, Martha, 554. Beale, Aaron, 88. Beaman, Dinah, 233. Beard, Ella C, 700. Eugene B., 145, 154, 717. Sarah, 413. Susan C, 559. Beardsley, Eliza C, 224. Beckwith, Ransome P., 542. Bedel, Timothy, 97. Bedell, Mary F., 376. Bedlow, Belinda, 633. Mary, 603. Belknap, Ruth, 271. Bell, Bryan, 210. Harriet, 276. Sarah, 713. Bellows, Benjamin F., 229, 230, 483. Caleb, 230, 456. Charles C, 144, 230, 231 Charles P., 231. Ephraim H., 230. Ellen P., 231. Frances M., 230. George L., 230. Henry W., 229. John, 229. Josiah, 561. Laura L., 230. Mary A., 231. Mary B., 230. Mary N., 231. Polly H., 142. Richard M., 231. Sarah E., 230. Bemis, Annette M., 536. Charles L., 454. Frances E., 271. Jerusha E., 676. John W., 149. Sarah, 232. Benjamin, Fannie C, 576. George, 610. Bennett, Arthur, 292. Damaris, 438. 727 History of New Ipswich Bennett, George L., 566. Horace E., 304. Lucy, 612. Mary A., 384, 719. William S., 376. Benson, Ada L., 565. Arthur F., 238. George E., 238. William H., 238. Bent, David, 231. John, 231. Joseph A., 232. Martha, 481. Mildred, 232, 404. Samuel A., 232. Samuel B., 231. Samuel W., 214, 231. Bentley, Mabel, 619. Berry, Mary O., 621. Bertholf, Charles R., 329. Bettes, Cora, 330. Beveridge, Anna E., 507. Bieths, Hannah, 486. Bigelow, Abigail, 549. Anna, 457. Betsy, 233. Daniel, 233. Elizabeth, 632. Harriet M., 465. Joel, 233. John, 232, 233. Joseph, 233. Joshua, 232. Levi, 359. Luther, 233. Milley, 233. Noah, 446. Samuel, 233. Silas, 233. Billings, Adeline A., 660. Clarence, 237. George, 340. Mary, 350, 473. Rebecca, 222. William, 237, 272. Bingham, Luther, 344. Binney, Abigail, 234. Anna W., 234. Betsey, 234. David, 234. Edith M., 216. Elizabeth, 234. George, 216. George H., 216. John, 233, 234. John W., 234. Mary, 234. Binney, Moses, 234. Polly, 234. Sarah, 234. Thomas, 234. Bird, Frances M., 360. Harriet J., 361. Mary, 486. Bishop, Elizabeth, 442. Mary, 483. Bisland, Margaret, 244. Bixby, Keziah, 195. Ruth, 596. Bjorke, Bertha, 690. Blackmer, Burt J., 322. Elijah J., 502. Blackmore, Mary, 171. Blair, William, 89, 90. Blaisdell, Laura L., 578. Blake, Clarence, 322. Elizabeth E., 322. Hannah, 664. Blanchard, Abby, 341. Alice M., 240. Amos A., 239. Amos M., 236. Andros J., 237. Arthur H., 238, 239. Arthur P., 240. Asa, 626. Asenath F., 237. Betsey, 235, 236. Caroline, 237. Carrie B., 238. Carrie M. H., 238. Charles G., 236. Charles M., 238. Charles R., 236, 238. Charlotte, 236. Clarissa, 236. Cora A., 238. Cora B., 240. Cora M., 239. Dorothy A., 240. Deliverance, 459. Eben H., 237. Edith A., 240, 352. Edwin F., 114, 147, 239, 240. Elizabeth, 237. Elmer, 239, 352. Elvira, 236. Emma L., 238. Ernest D., 237. Francella E., 239. Frank M., 352. Fred M., 239. Gardner, 626. Blanchard, George E., 352. George G., 238. George H., 237. George L., 239. George M., 238, 239, 352. Gil man, 236, 238. Grace A., 239. Grace E., 239. Guy C, 147, 238,239. Hannah, 236. Harriet M., 237. Helen E., 239. Henry C, 237. Herbert J., 238, 239. Horace K., 236, 238. Horace L., 239. Hosea, 236. Inez, 239. James, 236, 237. James M., 239. Jane, 564. Jason, 237. Jennie H., 239. John, 235. Joseph W., 236, 237. Josephine, 239. Julia A., 236. Julia E., 238. Lennie, 239. Levi, 235, 236. Levi M., 236, 238. Louisa, 236, 237. Lucena B., 237. Maria, 237. Marinda, 236. Mary A., 237. Mary E., 134, 175, 240 May F., 238. Myron, 237. Nancy, 236, 237. Nelson H., 239. Rebecca, 522. Sarah, 236. Simeon, 89, 235, 23r). Sophronia, 236. Susan, 236, 237. Susan J., 239. Susie E., 240. Thomas, 114, 235, 581. William C, 235, 240. William H., 237, 239. Blanding, Lyman, 577. Blatchford, Paul, 197. 728 Index P.lessing, Joanna, 668. Bliss, Abadial, 241. Ephraim, 241. Florence J., Z72>. George B., 242. Harriet N., 241. James H., 242. James W., 241, 242. Jonathan, 240. Martha A., 242. Mary B., 241. Sarah C, 242. Thomas, 240. Blodgett, George A., 487. Jacob, 487. Lovey, 274. Luther, 243. Maria, 487. Mary R., 325, 487, 560. Melvina R., 487. Roxanna J., 487. Blood, Albert, 243. Alice C., 243. Betty, 617. Caleb, 242. Calvin, 243. Caroline J., 243. Charles A., 243. Edith M., 243. Elizabeth, 243, 249. 596. _ Ephraim, 243. Ephraim W., 191, 243. Esther F., 564. Eugene N., 243. Francis, 242. Frederic, 620. George A., 243. Gilbert C, 243. Henry A., 147, 244. Henry H., 243. James, 242. ' John, 242. Josiah, 242. Luther, 114, 243. Lydia D., 376. Mabel E., 243. Mary, 362, 596. Orange A., 243. Oscar, 243. Polly, 360. Richard, 242. Robert, 242. Royal A., 244. Sarah, 243. Blood, Solomon, 622. Stephen D., 242, 243. Timothy, 242. Waldo, 243. Boardman, Charles, 226. Bodine, Robert L., 667. Bodwell, Annie, 417. Boggs, Sidney, 492. Bolton, Alexander, 244. Charles S., 114, 244, 245. Cora, 244. Fred E., 245. George G., 244, 245. James, 244, 245. James B., 245. Jean, 245. John S., 244, 245. Lizzie K., 244. Margaret, 244. Oscar K., 245. Thomas K.. 244, 245. Walter, 245. William, 244. Winnifred, 245. Bonaparte, Jerome N., 200. Bond, Austin L., 386. Sarah, 262. Bone, Janette, 589. Bonner, Mary, 645. Boodry, Augustin W., 114. Leonard, 383. Booth, Lizzie, 239. Lucy J.. 554. Borland, John, 589. Borman, Elizabeth S., 685. Martha, 520. Botherton, Jerusha A., 501. Boutelle, Frank. 578. Frank M., 716. George B., 716. Jonas, 181. Julia, 322. Polly, 185. Rebecca, 187. Sally, 185. Walter W., 716. William H., 710. 716. Bowen, Cromwell, 428. Marcellus, 635. Bowers, James, 418. Luther, 285. Bowes, Lydia, 705. I Boyce, Alaric A., 706. 729 Boyce, Charles A., 246. Diana P., 246. Frederic P., 247. Harriet A., 247. Harriet N., 246. Jacob F., 246. James L., 120, 246. Joseph, 246. Lucy J., 246. Lydia J., 247. Mary, 443. Moses A., 246. Paul, 246. Ruth A., 391. Sarah A., 247. Silas, 246, 247. Boyd, Margaret, 627. Boyden, Elijah, 247. Frances C, 248. George, 247, 248. Henry K., 247. John, 247. Jonathan, 247. Oliver, 247. Thomas, 247. Boyland, Gorilla, 697. Boynton, Abel, 249. Abigail, 249, 250. Abijah, 249. Albert, 251. Amos, 75. 80, 96, 250. Betsey, 249. Charles, 249. Charles H., 251. Earl, 250. Eli, 249. Elias, 249. Elizabeth, 251. Emily M. B., 251. Francis, 251. Frank J., 706. George H., 251. Hannah H., 251. Henry, 251. Isabel, 250. Isaiah, 250. James F., 251. James H.. 251. John, 248. Jonah, 249. Joseph, 248, 2.S0. Joshua, 248. Lavinia J., 251. Lucv, 249. Lydia, 250. Martha, 251. Mary C, 248, 250. Mary E., 251. History of New Ipswich Boynton, Mary I., 251. Nathan, 249. Nathaniel, 248, 249. Oliver, 251. Sally, 250. Sarah, 249, 657. Spaulding, 251. Susan A., 251. Theresa I., 251. William, 248, 250. William E., 147, 251. William S., 251. Bradford, George F., 130. Maria, 351. Sarah P., 297. Bradwell, Charles, 512. Brain, Amy L., 656. Breakey, Mary S., 189. Breed, Abiah, 254. Abigail. 253. Allen, 75, 88, 93, 95, 96, 252, 253, 254, 255. Augustus B., 255. Charles, 253. Daniel, 254. Deliverance, 252. Elisha N., 252, 253. 254, 255. Elizabeth, 528. Enoch, 254, 255. Esther, 255. George H., 255. George W., 254. Hannah, 254. Harriet, 254. Harriet W., 255. Horace A., 266. Huldy. 255. Ira, 254. Jane, 252, 254. John, 79, 95, 106, 144, 151, 252. 253, 254. Joseph, 253, 255. Joseph B., 255. Josiah, 253, 254. Lucretia, 254. Lucy, 254. Lydia, 252, 253. Marinda, 255. Martha J., 252, 255. Mary, 253, 254. Mary E., 255. Mehitable, 253, 254. Milly, 254. Moses, 254. Nabby, 652. Nathaniel, 252, 253. Breed, Rachel, 254. Rebecca, 252. Reuben T., 254. Sarah M., 255, 521. Susan, 254. Susanna, 252. Thankful, 432. Thomas K., 253. Timna, 252. Breeding, Samuel, 78. Brewer, Hannah, 316. Jonathan, 97. Mary, 319. Maurice, 699. Phebe, 489. Thomas H., 543. Briant, Aaron, 256. Abigail, 256. Abraham, 255. Anna, 256. Benjamin, 256. Edmond, 75, 88, 91, 95, 106, 256. John, 84, 256. Joseph, 256. Kendall, 256. Brickett, Moses, 146. Bridge, Ann R., 174. Bezaleel, 175. Dorcas, 292. _ Mary, 263. Bridges, Hannah, 560. Ruby, 565. Sarah, 560. Bridgman, Bertha M., 373. Briggs, Albert S., 307. Amasa, 599. Harriet N., 264. Brigham, Elliott, 694. Bright, Thomas, 660. Britton. Elizabeth. 549. Broods, Mary, 688. Persis, 688. Brooks, Aaron, 257, 258, 651. Abigail, 409. Abraham, 87. Albert N., 259, 261. Amelia E., 258. Amy L., 260. Ansel W., 261. Anna, 468, 489. Cali.sta A., 259. Caroline M., 259. Charles B., 259. Charles E., 262. Edward C, 262, 556. 730 Brooks, Ellen M., 258. Emily T., 259. Euclid L., 259. Eveline J., 259. Frederic A., 261. Frederic E., 261. Frederic P., 260. Gardner T., 260. George H., 261. Gertrude, 262. Hannah. 432. Harriet T., 259. Harvey, 258, 259. Harvey P., 259. Helen, 261. Henry, 257. Henry W., 258, 260, 261. Horace S., 258, 260. Ivers H., 259, 260. James H., 260. James W., 261. Jennie H., 261. John, 75, 83, 88, 91, 93, 96, 257, 703. Joseph, 258, 259. Joshua, 257. Lena, 262. Lizzie M., 262. Lois, 212. Louisa L., 258. lucy H., 260. Luella, 259. Lydia, 364. Mabel R., 260. Mary A., 250, 450. Mary E., 261. Maude W., 261. Myron D., 258, 260. Nancy P., 250. Nathan, 257. Newton, 258, 259. Newton V., 260. Noah, 257. Oliver, 258. Oliver N., 261. Rachel, 258. Robert M.. 261. Ruth E., 331. Sarah, 212, 395. Square G., 262. Stephen, 257, 258, 557. Susan P., 262. Susie S., 278. Thomas, 259. Walton, 258. Walton A., 259. Index Brooks, Warren T., 259. William, 257, 258. Brower, Isaac D., 407. Brown, Aaron, 133. Abel W., 272. Abigail, 265, 270, 272, 275. Abigail W., 274. Abner, 269, 271, 273. Abner H., 273, 277. Abraham, 262. Abram, 271. Ada, 175. Addison, 272, 275. Addison P., 275. Addison W., 278. Albert E., 267, 524. Aldis, 272. Alfred H., 276. Alfreda, 471. Almira, 273. Amos, 269, 272. Amos A., 272. Ann, 380. Ann E., 275. Ann J., 278. Anna, 264, 269. Arabella A., 268. Arthur A., 264. Arvilla, 658. Asa, 268. Augustus W., 274. B. Brigham, 563. Benjamin, 262, 267, 658. Benjamin B., 563. Bertha G., 264. Betsy, 270, 271, 272. Boaz, 268. Charles, 265, 267, 658. Charles B., 266, 270. Charles K., 264. Charles P., 341. Charles S., 145, 155, 267, 268. Charles W., 275, 686. Clarence, 265. Clarissa, 272, 658. Clement, 271. Cyrus, 270, 271, 274, 275. Daniel C, 275. Dorothy S., 277. Ebenezer, 75, 265, 266. Ebenezer W., 266. Edith J., 265. 5rown, Edmund, 271. Edward, 270, 275. Edward D., 274. Edward F., 265. Edward H., 264. Eleazar, 265, 266. Eliza A., 266. Eliza W., 277. Elizabeth P., 263, 265, 268, 362. Ella J., 507. Ellen S., 264. Elliott, 269. Elvira E., 266. Emily, 658. Ephraim, 263. Etalea L., 265. Eunice, 263, 395. Fidelia O., 273. Frances A., 275. Francis F., 278. Frank L., 264. Frank O., 264. Franklin W., 266. Fred O., 265. Frederick C, 278. George A., 266, 270, 274, 275, 276, 658, 700. George S., 264, 265. George W., 270, 271, 390. Gratis, 272. Hannah, 269, 271, 272, 362, 489, 542. Hannah E., 275, 276. Hannah M., 266. Harriet M., 274. Harriet R., 264. Harvey D., 272, 274. Henrietta, 266. Hepzibah, 269, 709. Hermon, 272, 275. Heywood, 269, 273. Homer, 591. Horace W., 266. Isaac, 262. 263, 265. Tames, 265, 269. James M., 272. James P., 271. Jane A., 273. Jemima, 271. Jeremiah, 272. Jesse, 271. John, 75, 265, 268, 270, 472. John B., 271. Brown, John H., 275. John J., 95, 274. John S., 272, 276. John W., 274. Jonathan, 75, 262, 267, 269, 271, 272. Joseph, 262, 269, 270, 271, 678. Joseph A., 275. Joseph W., 271. Joshua, 267. Joshua L., 274. Josiah, 74, 78, 83, 87, 88, 89, 96, 106, 124, 269, 270, 271. Josiah W., 273. Laura L., 264. Lebanon, 273, 276. Leonard, 272. Levant R., 274. Levi, 269. Lois, 272. Louisa R., 266, 275. Louise S., 273. Lucy, 265. Lucy A., 266, 270. Lucy H., 264. Lurena, 272. Lydia, 237, 621. Lyman L., 271. Mabel, 701. Maria L., 370. Marshall H., 273. Marshall L., 120, 276. Martha W., 274. Martin, 272. Marv A., 263, 270, 272, 273, 443, 520, 654, 658. Marv B., 274. Mar'y E., 264, 273, 455. Mary F., 269. Mary H., 275. Mary T-, 266. Mary M., 276. Mary W., 276. Mercy, 384. Milan H., 27b. Millicent, 271 Millie, 275. Moses, 263. Nancv, 272. Nathan, 262, 269, 273, 277. Nathan B., 277. Nathan W., 277. 731 History of New Ipswich Brown, Nellie M., 264. Olive E., 264, 271. Patty, 270. Peter, 79, 271, 341. Philip, 267. Polly, 269. Rebecca, 269, 483, 491, 682. Reuben, 269,270,271. Rufus, 271. Ruth, 488. Sally, 270, 272. Samuel, 268. Samuel H., 274. Samuel S., 227, 267. Sarah, 230, 263, 265, 266, 325. Sarah A., 276. Sarah J., 274. Sarah T., 274. Sarah W., 274. Serena, 658. Sophia B., 273. Sophronia E., 276. Sophronia P., 273. Susan, 265. Susan A., 277. Susan M., 267. Sybel, 600. Thaddeus, 268. Thomas, 75, 84, 87, 88, 91, 95, 106, 268, 269, 274. Walter W., 264. William B., 262, 263, 265. William G., 265, 273. William H., 268. William P., 277. William T., 264. William R., 276. Brownell, Lydia, 552. Browning, Martha, 236. Mary, 669. Rebecca, 355. Bruce, Martha. 595. Dora B., 334. Brucher, Jane S., 452. Bryant, Abigail, 346. Harriet, 442. Joseph, 346. Joshua W., 345. Buchanan, Jessie, 508. Sarah. 221, 511. Buck, George, 400. Buckminster, Sarah, 317. Bucknam, Aaron, 279. Aaron S., 280, 282. Bucknam, Alice M., 280, 283. Annette F., 283. Arthur B., 283. Benoni, 279, 281. Caleb, 280. Carrie, 283. Charles E., 281. Cornelia M., 281. Deborah, 280. Dwight L., 281. Ebenezer, 278, 279. Edward, 279, 280. Eleanor E., 283. Eliza A., 280. Elizabeth, 279. Ellen M., 281. Elvira G., 281. Fannv H., 281. Frank A.. 283. Frank W., 283. Glen T., 284. Harriet A., 281, 282. Harriet L., 282. Harriet N., 281. Harrison A., 283. Helen M., 282. Horatio, 281. James, 279, 280, 283. James O., 281. James P., 283. Joanna, 279, 556. John, 279, 281. John B., 114, 282. John F., 283. J OSes, 278, 279. Katharine M., 283. Magnus J., 280. Marion A., 283. Martha J., 282. Mary A., 284. Mary C, 283. Mary J., 283. Mary S., 280. Miranda, 281. Nancy, 588. Sally, 279. Samuel L., 282, 284. Sarah, 281, 283. Sarah E.^ 282. Susan, 279. Thomas, 281. William, 278, 280. William D., 280. William O., 281. William T., 282, 283. Buckwold, Henry C, 569. Buddy, Charles R., 627. 732 Bugbee, Alice, 372. Alvin M., 372. Benjamin H., 372. Lucy, 272. Mary, 372. Newton K., 372. Stephen E., 372. Bulkeley, Elizabeth, 380. Susan, 310. BuUard, Abigail A., 287 Abigail B., 286. Amasa, 286. Asa, 284. Asahel, 285. Azubah, 285. Benjamin K., 287. Caleb, 285. Caleb E., 286, 287. Caroline I., 286. Charles A., 287. Charles B., 287. Charles K., 286. Clarence P., 286. Clarissa P., 286. Ebenezer, 88, 284, 285 Eleazar, 79, 88, 93, 95, 285, 286. Elvira, 286. Enoch P., 286. Ephraim, 284. Franklin K., 287. George, 284, 286. George A., 227. George C, 289. George F., 287. George H., 227, 286. Harriet K., 286. Isaac, 285, 287. Jesse, 286. John, 96, 284, 285, 286. Jonathan, 284. Joseph, 209, 285, 286. Keziah, 284. Louisa S., 287. Lucy, 286. Martha A., 287. Marv A., 284, 285, 287, 318. Mary C, 287. Peter, 95, 96, 285. Ruth, 285. Sally, 286. Sampson, 286. Sarah, 284, 285, 546. Sarah J. W., 287, 628. Silas, 157, 285, 286. Index Bullard, Simeon, 82, 173, 284, 285. Stephen F., 286. Susanna, 284. William O., 227. Bullock, Elizabeth, 536. Burbank, Avis, 577. Emma, 577. John, 577. Sumner, 577. Burden, Leta, 629. Burge, Emma, 485. Ruth, 555. Susanna, 317, 495. Burgess, George, 417. Lois, 259. Burk, Caleb, 344. Burke, Anna, 402. Frederic W., 402. Mabel, 552. Timothy F., 402. William C., 402. Burnap, Bethiah, 531. Elizabeth, 515. Burnett, Sarah, 514. Burnham, Elithina, 274. Joanna, 381. Margaret, 203. Mary, 319. Sarah H., 606. Burns, Charles, 674. Clarissa, 674. Edward. 674. Jacob, 674. James W., 674. Janette, 717. Lydia J., 626. Mary, 674. Robert, 674. Sarah, 674. Burr, Anna M., 478. Francis H.. 193. Heman M.. 192. Jackson, 575. Mary H., 192. Roger A., 192. Burritt, James, 372. Burroughs, Charles H., 276. Burrows, Celia, 288. Elvira, 288. Hannah, 288. Joseph, 288. Laura, 288. Lydia, 288. Ruth, 288. Sally, 454. Sarah, 288. Burrows, William T., 287, 288. Bursley, Joanna, 361. Burt, Sarah, 597, 671. Burton, x\nnette, 701. Boniface, 288. Dexter L., 289. Edward, 325. George D., 289. Ida, 289. Isaac, 288. John, 288. Mary E., 289. Nellie, 289. Warren, 134. Burwell, Fannie E., 702. Bush, Elizabeth, 497. Rachel, 495. Bushby, Warren, 530. Buss, Hannah, 687. Lucy, 631. Butler, Annie, 351. Butman, Eliza C, 501, 576. Butterfield, Betsy, 456. Elizabeth, 445. Mary, 616, 658. Sarah, 343. Butters, James, 606. Rhoda, 251. Wilder, 455. Buttrick, Augusta, 649. Lydia, 226, 685. Byron, Mary P., 435. Cady, Eugene, 577. Caldwell, Isabella, 462. I Mary, 407. Hannah, 711. i Campbell, Abby H., 290. i Caleb, 289, 290. David, 652. I Elizabeth S., 312. ! Emily F., 290. I Eveline, 290. George C, 111, 157, ; 290. George L., 350. Harriet A., 290. Helen E., 290. Lucy, 290, 510, 525. Lydia, 290, 491. Alaria, 290. Mary A., 289. Mvra, 290. Robert, 75, 289. Samuel, 99. Canine, William P., 515. 733 Canley, Mary, 502. Canning, Reginald, 607. Capron. Lyle H.. 698. Martha A., 298. Carey, Fanny, 292. Zenas, 27l. Carkins, Allen, 272. Carlisle, John, 304. Carlton, Abigail, 537. Barnard, 639. Carrie C, 513. Guy, 84. Henry. 91, 93, 95. Jesse, 75, 78. Nathaniel, 75, 78,89. Carpenter, Annie, 349. John W., 301. Lucy L., 305. Mirriam, 240. Phineas. 623. Rachel, 241. Carr. Abby Ann, 291. Amy H., 292. Clark H., 450. Edna D., 292. Edward J., 114, 291. Emery, 291. Emma L., 291. Ernest E., 292. Ezra, 291. Harlan, 292. Ida A., 291. James E., 291. John E., 291, 292. John W.. 291. Joseph T., 291. Leslie J., 291. Mary, 672. Rebecca, 291. Rov D., 292. Ruth R., 291. Theodore P., 2^\. Thomas, 290. Carroll, James, 251. Margaret, 251. Sarah, 251. i Carter, Abigail, 387. Benjamin, 709. Edward C, 390. Elizabeth, 409. Hannah B., 390. Herbert E., 573. Tulia A., 584. "Kate, 306. Lydia, 578. Susanna, 289. Case, Leander, 360. Caskey, Mary A., 389. History of New Ipswich Castle, Birdie, 479. Caswell, Ira, 175. Caulkins, T. Vassar, 133. Cave, Clara, 717. Cavis, George M., 524. Chadwell, Margaret, 334. Chadwick, Elizabeth, 719. Sarah, 542. Chaffee, Elijah, 347. Chamberlain, Aaron, T6, 91, 691. Betsey, 617. Charles, 114. John, 510. Mary, 718. Rebecca, 496, 596. Sarah, 249. Sumner, 576. Champney, Abby P., 295, 297. Abigail, 293, 294. Adrianna E., 299. Alice C, 295. Anna B., 299. Anna L., 295. Armenia, 296. Augustus, 296. Benjamin, 154, 155, 293, 507. Benjamin C, 294, 295. Benjamin K., 295. Betsy, 142. Charles P., 296. Clarissa E., 296. Daniel, 292. Eben P., 297. Ebenezer, 103, 292, 294, 296. Ebenezer N., 294, 296. Edgar L., 297. Edith, 295. Edward W., 138,293, 295. Edwin G., 295, 298. Eliza M., 296. Elizabeth, 293, 294. Elizabeth E., 298. Ellen E., 294. Ellen P., 295. Emma, 298. Evelina B., 296. Eanny, 294. I'erdinand, 294. Prances E., 296. Prances J., 298. Prancis, 293, 294. Frank P., 297. Champney, Pred W., 294, 296, 298. George, 298. George E., 295. George H., 296. George K., 295. George M., 293, 295. Georgianna, 295. Grace, 295. Hannah, 293. Harriet B., 298. Harvey G., 298. Helen M., 297. Henry T., 145, 218, 294. Horatio N., 295. Jane E., 296, 298. John H., 296, 299. Jonas A., 296, 298. Jonas C, 293, 295, 296. Julius B., 294, 297. Julius J., 297. Lewis C, 295, 296, 297. Lewis E., 296. Lizzie P., 297. Margaret, 298. Maria L., 293. Mary A., 297, 298. Mary J., 294. Mary L., 298. Mary M., 296. Nathan, 93. Orcelia H., 296. Oscar, 297, 299. Preston A., 297. Richard, 292. Richard L., 298. Ruth A., 297. Samuel, 294, 297. Samuel G., 297. Samuel P., 294. Sarah A., 296. Sarah C, 299. Sarah E., 296. Solomon, 292. Susan M., 297. Walter T., 295. Chandler, Al^bie A., 312. Abigail A., 302. Albert B., 309. Alice E., 147, 311. Alice G., 314. Amanda, 311. Andrew J., 314. Anna S., 310. Annie P., 314. Asenath M., 303. 734 Chandler, Avis B., 316. Bertha J., 314. Betsy R., 302. Carl L., 315. Charles, 301, 302, 304, 306, 309. Charles H., 306, 308, 313, 314, 316. Charles P., 306. Charles W., 310, 312. Charlotte A., 307. Clara, 310. Clarence, 310. Cora L., 315. Daniel H., 300, 304, 309, 318. Daniel L., 302, 312. David S., 304, 318. Dorothy C, 316, 318. Edith B., 313. Eliza B., 304. Elizabeth A., 306. Ellen, 304. Elwyn P., 313. Emily M., 304, 309. Emma M., 309. Ernest H., 315. Ethel, 314. Eva H., 316. Eveline H., 304. Prances, 304. Prancis H., 306. George A., 302, 556. George B., 310, 315. George P., 315. George H., 312, 316. George W., 305, 308. Gertrude E., 312. Gladys E., 315. Grace, 319. Grant, 314. Hannah, 300. 318. Hannah J., 303. Harriet A., 305. Plarriet C, 312. Harriet E., 312. Harriet H., 304. Harry H., 314, 316. Herbert W., 155,311, 315. Henrietta, 304. Henry P., 302, 307, . 313. Hepzibah, 489. Hiram, 308, 314. Hiram S.. 314. Huldah C, 301, 305. Isaac M., 303. Isabella L., 308. Index Chandler, James, 75, 81, 96, 106, 108, 157. James A., 304. James C, 145, 312, 315. James G., 315. James L., 305, 310. James M., 303, 304, 307, 308, 309. James O., 114, 319. James R., 315. [amison W., 315. jane, 304. Jefferson, 303. Jeremiah, 303. Jeremiah K., 308, 314, Jesse L., 307, 314. Joel, 318. John H., 144, 300, 301, 302, 307, 313, 314, 317. John S., 308. Joseph, 317. Joseph S., 307. Josephine M., 307, 308. Joshua T., 301. Josiah, 317. Keziah, 318. Larkin T., 314. Laura E., 310. Laura J.. 311, 716. Lewis E., 306, 312. Lucy, 318. Lucy A., 305. Lucy E., 312, 316. Lydia, 300, 318. Lydia M., 301, 307. Lyman E., 155, 316. Lyman M., 306, 311, 315. Maria P., 303. Maria H., 311. Marshall W., 306, 312. Martha A., 301, 303. Martha J., 310. Mary A., 300, 304, 305, 308. Mary E., 304, 694. Mary P., 307. Mary J., 306. Mary M., 301. Mary W., 310. Mehitable. 317. Molly, 318. Moses, 317. Chandler, Myra E., 309. Myron K., 311. Nancy, 305. Nancy E., 312. Nellie, 314. Noah, 318. Olive E., 316. Permelia K., 303. Paul D., 316. Rachel, 318. Rebecca, 300. Rhoda, 318. Robert L., 315. Roger, 299. Ruth J., 316. Sally, 300. Samuel, 316. Sarah, 318. Sarah A., 301. Sarah M., 306. Seth, 301. Seth v., 310. Seth W., 304, 308. Sewall O., 111. 319. Stephen P., 301, 304. Susan A., 307. Susan O., 307. Susan R.. 303. Susanna, 318, 410. Thomas, 173, 316. Thomas M., 301, 306. Vernon V., 315. William, 316. William A., 308, 314. William H.. 310, 311, 315. William L., 315. Chapin, Elizabeth, 400. Esther, 335. Lydia J., 698. Chaplain, Moses, 87. Samuel, 87. Chaplin, Hannah, 670. Chapman, Ada P.. 322. Albert H., 320. Alfred E., 321. Augusta E., 320. Benjamin P., 321. Charles H., 320, 321. Charles S., 321. Daniel, 319. Dudley, 319. Edward, 319. Edward H.. 321. Edward W., 320, 322. Edwin W., 320, 322. Fred A., 322. Chapman, Pred W., 320, 322. Gates, 319, 320. George A., 320, 321. George W., 322. Hannah M., 320. Harriet A., 320. PTattie P., 320. Ida M., 321. James W., 320, 321. Jessie D., 320. Kate M., 320. Leda H., 322. Lilla S.. 321. Lillian I., 322. Marv A., 320. Mary E., 320. Mary I., 322. Mary L., 321. Nellie L., 321. Nellie M., 320. Percy W., 322. Perley G., 322. Simon. 319. Sylvia P., 321. Thomas G., 320. William H., 321. William W., 320. Zettie G., 322. Chase, Arthur P., 156. Benj amin, 290. Clara A., 621. Elizabeth. 472. Prances L., 275. Georeianna M., 216. Hannah. 618 Hattie B., 445. Marianna, 350. Moses, 615. Rachel, 694. Sarah S., 339, 343. Thomas, 449. Cheney, Charles, 210. Evelyn, 210. George, 711. Margaret, 457. Maud, 210. Myra, 210. Trvphena, 393. William G., 711. William P., 711. Cherry, Samuel, 87. Chickering, Abbie B., 323 Abby' J., 324. Abner, 323. Addie L., 325. 735 History of New Ipswich Chickering, Anna, 324. Arthur, 324. Benson, 324. C. Frank, 324. Charles, 22i, 324. Charles A., 324. Clifford C, 325. Edith, 324. Eliza, 323. Eliza A., 323. Ellen F.. 323. Ernest D., 325. Frank H., 325. Fred W., 325. George, 323. George H., 324. Harriet A., 323. Henrietta, 325. Horace, 324. Howard E., 325. John, 323. Jonas, 323. Tosiah B., 323, 325. Julia A., 324. Julia M., 323. Louise, 324. Mary, 323. Mary E., 325. Melinda. 323. Nathaniel, 322. Rebecca, 323. Samuel, 323. Thomas E., 324. Wallace W., 325. Child, Helen A., 276. S. Augustus, 274. Ursula, 346. Chilton, Isabella, 299. Church, Lydia, 457. Phebe, 498. Churchill, Helen, 284. Chute, Emma F., 375. Cilley, Joseph, 85. Gafflin, Dolly, 241. Clapp, Sarah, 481. Clark, Abbie R., 329. Abigail. 203, 326. Alice, 326. Ann. 197. Annie, 330. Benjamin A., 326. Benjamin F., 326, 327. Bunker, 86, 318. Charles H., 329, 523. Charlotte, 592. Clara H., 514. Deborah, 328. Clark, Ebenezer, 325, 326. Edmund R., 330. Eleanor B., 327. Eliza, 574. Elizabeth J., 330, 470. Elvira, 326. Emily W., 637. Ernest F., 327. Ernestine, 327. Eugene L., 330. Fanny L., 638. Frances, 326. Frank B., 329. George, 326, 585. Georgianna, 530. Grace, 453. Hannah, 328. Harriet A., 678. Harriet P., 330. Harry O., 327. Harry W., 327. Henrietta, 329. Horace, 658. Hugh, 327. Ida, 327. Isaac, 88, 91, 95. James, 157, 326. James R., 328, 330. Joan, 640. John, 326, 328. John E., 329. John P., 328. John R., 329. Joseph E., 518. Leander, 326. Lizzie R., 329. Margaret B., 329. Maria A., 326, 559. Marion, 327. Martha, 134. Mary, 247, 326, 328, 364, 515, 669. Mary E., 329. Melissa, 629. Orissa, 251. Persis A., 281, 428. Peter, 327. Peter H., 157, 328, 329. Phillbrook W., 327. Reuben B., 326, 327. Rose, 466. Ruth, 326. Samuel, 574. Sarah, 181, 326. Sarah J., 701. Susanna, 331. Uriah, 327. 736 Clark, Walter H., 330. William W., 329. Clary, Anna F., 400. Daniel, 75, 87. Edward W., 400. Eliza F., 400. George, 400. Jacob S., 332. John, 91. Joseph W., 400. Margaret, 542. Sarah, 549. Timothy F., 400. William, 91, 96, 400. Claxton, Lucy B., 261. Clement, Judith, 704. Cleves, Eleanor, 519. Martha, 331. Clifford, Hester, 593. Clough, John, 294. Sarah M., 294. Clute, Cornelia, 715. Coalsworth, James, 274. Coates, Bethia, 519. Cobb, Harriet E., 468. Stephen K., 340. Coburn, Daniel, 294. J. M., 133. Jonathan, 695. Rhoda, 191. Cochrane, Jenny, 547. John C, 589. Mary J., 238, 438. Peter, 140. Thomas H., 151,575. Coffin, Robert A., 140, 141. Cogswell, Jonathan L., 332. Louisa J., 482. Colburn, Achsah B., 463. Hannah, 677. Joshua, 629. Lucy M., 464. Martha, 457. Marv, 621. Rolins, 86. Sarah, 407, 637. Colbv, Caroline C, 485. Eli as, 498. Eliza A.. 274. Enoch G., 418. Hannah, 574. James K., 140. Coldham, Martha, 704. Cole, Charles, 341. Gertrude, 508. Sarah, 513. Ind ex Coleman, Annie C, 404. Cora B., 513. Joel, 557. Philander, 557. Sarah, 335. Slocum, 557. Collester, Silence R., 681. CoUings, Laura W., 5 18. Per ley, 518. Collins, John, 330. Joseph, 330. Nancy, 330. Nathan, 330. Cohon, Isabella, 239. Colwell, George H., 316. Combs, John L., 255. Comee, James, 333. Martha. 613. Comins, Mary F., 608. Compton, Hermann, 310. Comstock, Leander F., 698. Roxy, 357. Conant, Abel, 331. Ada, 334. Adoniram J., 333, 334. Albert, 208. Alice B., 208. Alice C, 335. Alice F., 538. Andrew P., 331, 333. Ann S., 208. Annabel H., 538. Ariel H., 334. Austin, 334. Betsy, 332. Calvin H., 334. Charles E., 334. Charles F.. 333, 334. Clark C, 538. Claribel A.. 538. Ebenezer, 475. Edward A., 334. Ella, 334. Ellen E., 333. Emery, 234. Emily H.. 333. Francis O., 538. George F., 538. George W., 333. Gertrude C, 335. Hannah, 332. Harriet E., 333. Harriet M., 332. Harry W., 208. Henry L., 334. Hepsibah, 219. 48 Conant, Hope A., 538. Horace J., 332. James E., 332. James F., 333. James Q., 333, 335. Jesse D., 333. John B., 208, 331. Joseph, 332, 333. Josiah, 331. Kezia, 332. Lillian A., 335. Lot, 331. Louisa J., 332. Lovander W., 333. Lucy A., 334. Lucy H., 333. Luseba W., 332. Martha E., 334. Mary A., 332, 333. Mary F., 333. Minnie B., 335. Nancy, 332. Nathan, 332. Nellie F., 334. Ollie A., 334. Ossian A., 334. Rebecca, 332. Roger, 330, 331. Ruth, 332. Samuel S.. 333. Sarah A., 333. Sarah J., 332. Silas, 331. Susan E., 333. Sylvia M., 333. Zebulon, 332. Coney, Daniel A., 492. Conns, Susanna, 682. Conrad, George. 304. Conray, Maria, 573. Converse, Lavinia P., 585. Cooder, Darius, 360. Cooke, Aaron, 335. Abial, 546. Ann, 501. Bertha, 666. Elizabeth, 689. Tosiah P., 336. Nicholas, 92. Noah, 335. 336. Noah R., 336. Polly, 336. Westwood, 335. Cooley, Earl, 586. Fred, 586. James, 281. Coolidge, Elisha T., 449. 737 Coolidge, Obadiah, 509. Sarah, 406, 457. Cooper, Carrie E., 321. Mary, 344. Susan C, 431. Coppins, William T., 371. Corav, Sarah, 439. Corbett, Martha B., 261. Corbin, Arethusa, 471. Joseph, 471. Cordis, Thomas, 142. Corey, Hezekiah, 75, 88. Lucilla, 672. Lucy, 487. Zilpah, 450. Corlet, Elijah, 353. Corser, Nancy A., 602. Corson, Friend, 498. Cortz, Martha, 346. Costella, Mary, 676. Cotting David, 705. Hattie F., 705. Couch, Prescott, 601. Cowden, Sarah, 349. Cowdrey, Lysander, 706. Prudence, 380. Cox, Althea G., 315. Coy, Ann, 281. Fanny H., 569. John H., 287. Crackbone, Abigail, 292. Cragin, Aaron, 337. Abner P., 113, 114, 341. Amelia. 340. Ann, 338. Anna, 337. Asenath T.. 340. Benjamin, 337. Caroline, 338. Caroline L., 341. Charles H., 340. Charlotte M., 341. Charlotte S., 341. Clark, 120. Dorcas B.. 339. Edward, 339. Edward S.. 341. Elizabeth P., 338. Elvira, 338. Esther, 337. Esther M.. 340. Eveline, 338. Francis, 183. 337. Francis K., 338, 341. Francis W.. 340. Franklin H., 338. George K., 246, 340. History of New Ipswich Cragin, Gilman, 339. Hannah, 339. Harriet, 340. Henry, 341. Hepzibah C, 339. Horace S., 341. Isaiah, 22,7, 340. Isaiah L., 340. Tames P., 339. John, 336, 340. John F., 339. John W., 340. Joseph, Z2>7, 338. Joseph D., 340. Leonard, 2,2)7, 339. Lorenzo, 341. Lorenzo S., 338, 341. Lucy M., 286, 341. May J., 341. May L., 340. May R., 340. Paul, 337. Philenia, 339. Rebecca B., 338. Rodney D., 340. Roxanna, 339. Samuel, 337. Samuel A., 341. Samuel S., 340. Sarah R, 341. Sarah R., 340. Seth, 339. Sibyl, 2,2,7, 339. Silas, 337, 338. Sophronia, 338. Stephen D., 337, 338. William, 339. Grain, Ebenezer, 670. Cram, Abraham, 323. Benjamin, 417. Charles A., 563. Elvira C, 417. George L., 563. George W., 444. Harriet M., 417. Hiram, 658. James, 552. Luke, 563. Pharcellus, 564. Walter D., 564. Crandall, Sarah M., 639. Crane, Edward, 402. Edward B., 402. James C, 472. Mary O., 402. Timothy P., 402. William K, 472. Cree, Sarah, 669. Cressy, Hannah M., 388. Crocker, Rohanna B., 393 Sally,' 211. Crofut, Nathaniel, 511. Cromwell, Roxanna, 334. Crosby, Ada E., 605. Alpheus, 434. Charles F., 605. Dorothy, 554. Elizabeth P., 491, 656. John W., 259, 605. Jonah, 318. Josiah, 140. Lois, 498. Mary, 632. Mehitable, 615. Robert, 317. Sarah, 233. Cross, John G., 181, 346. Lizzie R., 468. Grossman, Edward, 333. Crosswell, Sarah, 516. Crowe, Mary, 321. Crowell, Albert F., 329. Clarence A., 329. Frances, 332. Herbert C, 329. Marion F., 329. Crumpet, Eliza F., 251. Cruse, William H., 378. Cummings, Aaron, 343. Abigail B., 343. Abby L., 350. Adaline, 346. Albert G., 345, 349. Albert L., 350. Alice C, 346. Andrew C, 348. Archelaus, 418. Barnard, 343. Belle S., 351. Benjamin, 343, 344, 348, 349. Betsy, 343, 344, 345. 347, 391. Betty, 344. Caroline R., 347. Carrie W., 350. Catharine B., 345, 347. Charles, 343, 345, 350. Charles W., 349. Charlotte, 344. Cordelia E., 349. Daniel M., 345, 349. 738 Cummings, Deidamia, 343. Delia M., 349. Dillis M.. 349. Dudley C, 346. Eben, 344, 346. Ebenezer, 343. Ednah, 349. Elam J., 348. Eleazar, 76, 81, 106, 124, 144, 172, 209, 343. Eliza, 345. Emma M., 349. Erasmus D., 349. Ernest S., 350. Evaline A., 348. Farris, 346. Fenno L., 344, 348, 349. Frank M., 351. Frederic P., 350. George B., 351. George P., 346. George S., 350. Gilman T., 345. Harriet, 347. Harris N., 347. Harvey, 347. Hepzibath, 345. Hermon H., 345. Hiram S., 349. Homer H.. 349. Horace, 348. Isaac, 342. James M., 351. James R., 747. Jane G., 348. Jerusha M., 348. John, 342. John C, 351. John S., 351. John W., 145, 345. 350. 351. Joseph A., 278. Joseph S., 345. Joseph T., 346, 350. Julia D., 344. Julia R., 347. Lavina, 343. Leonard, 344. 345. Lucia A., 346. Lydia D.. 345. 470. Maria. 345. 346. 351. Marcia L., 346. Mary A., 349. Mary J.. 350. Mary L., 348. 350. Matilda, 343. I Index Cummings, Millie J., 350. Molly, 209, 343. Nancy P., 347. Nellie P., 346. Nettie V., 351. Orrel R, 348. Orville, 351. Owen T., 349. Peninah, 344, 348. Perley M., 349. Polly, 344, 361. Rebecca, 344. Rosalinda, 347. Roxalania, 347. Sally, 344. Samuel, 342, 343, 344, 345. Samuel E., 96, 97, 346. Sarah R, 337, 343, 345, 346, 670. Seneca, 350, 634. Sherman, 344, 347. Sherman S., 347, 348. Sophia M., 344, 346. Stella, 702. Sula B., 346. Susan, 344. Taylor G., 345. Uriel, 345. Ursula F., 346, 348. Walter D., 349. Warren S., 343, 344, 345. William A., 348. William F., 346, 348. William L., 345. Willis J., 350. Cumnock, Abby E., 521. Robert, 521. Cunningham, Elizabeth, 292 Curl, G. M., 136. Curless, Emma J., 629. Currier, Abial, 565. Charles W., 584. Emma, 565. Flora, 565. John S., 367. Louisa D., 367. Nellie R, 349. Curtis, Elijah, 421. Greeley S., 199. Gushing, Adelaide, 353. Ann M., 352. Ardella, 352. Arthur W., 352, 353. Bertha, 353. Gushing, Bradbury, 353. Caleb, 351. Carl, 353. Charles G., 352, 353. Daniel, 351. David, 352. Emma M., 352. Fannie, 352. Frances A., 353. Frederic A., 352. Frederic J., 352, 353. Frederic S., 353. George W., 352. Henry, 352, 353. Josephine, 353. Matthew, 351. Mildred L., 353. Samuel, 351, 352. Samuel E., 352. Sarah J., 352, 695. Sarah P., 545. Timothy, 352. Walter. 353. Cushman, Julia, 299. Cutler, Calvin, 129, 149. Cutter, Abel, 357. Abilene L., 358. Adonija, 359. Ardilla, 360. Barnabas, 355. Benjamin, 83, 354, 355, 357, 360, 361. Benoni, 354, 359. Benoni C, 359. Betsy, 357. Calista, 361. Caroline, 358. Catharine, 357. Charles N., 360. Daniel, 357. David, 354, 359. Dolly, 361. Elbridge G., 361. Eliza, 436. Elizabeth, 353, 355. Ephraim, 354. Hannah, 355. Hepzibah, 360. Isaac, 355, 359. James, 361. Jane, 358. Jeremiah, 355. Jeremiah F., 360. Joel, 357. John, 83, 89, 96, 354, 355, 356, 358, 359. John H., 360. Jonathan, 355, 361. 739 Cutter, Jonathan M., 75, 361. Joseph, 354, 356. Louis, 355. Lucy, 355, 361. Luke, 359. Luke H., 359. Mary, 358, 359. Moody, 356. Moses, 354, 357, 358. Nathan. 88, 93, 354, 356, 360. Nawa, 357. Nehemiah. 357. Oldist. 357. Orinda, 360. Orlando, 357. Pamelia, 358. Phebe, 360. Phebe C, 359. Polly, 355, 359, 360, 361. Rachel, 354, 355,356, 358. Rebecca, 356. Rhoana, 360. Rhoda, 355. Richard, 353. Rosira, 360. Sabra, 357. Sarah, 354, 358, 361, 515. Seth, 360. Solomon. 355, 361. Susan, 356, 358. 359. Susanna, 354, 446. Syrene, 361. Thomas, 360. Tryphosa, 357. Willard, 358. William P., 360. William T., 358,360. Cutting, Ella, 699. Dakin, Amos, 503. Archelaus C, 323. Eunice, 323. Hannah, 257. Polly F., 142. Samuel, 396. Daily, William, 344. Damon, Abigail, 378, 531. Ann, 678. John, 488. Lewis, 372. Ralph C, 488. Susanna P., 492. Dana, Anna, 212. History of New Ipswich Dana, Charles, 212. George, 212. James, 214. Martha B., 214. Rebecca, 214. Samuel, 212, 214. Thesta, 214, 263. Dane, John, 316. Mary, 316. Sarah, 458, 576. Daniels, Mary L., 390. Danforth, Amanda, 291. Bethiah, 292. Martha, 677. Sally, 318. Thomas, 363. Darby, Peter, 446. Darling, Hannah, 620. Davenport, Augusta, 660. Dolly, 705. Davidson, Abigail, 358. James, 440. Thomas, 88. Davis, Aaron, 366. Abbie L., 376. Abby J., 371, 589. Abel, 648. Abigail, 363, 364, 365. Abraham, 362, 365. Albert H., 113, 114, 376. Albert L., 370. Albert P., 374. Alfred, 368. Alice, 371. Alice J., 372. Alice M., 374, 375. Almira, 369. Amos, 366. Andrew J., 502. Anna, 369, 373. Antoinette, 369. Arthur V., 374. Asa, 450. Barnabas, 354. Benjamin F., 364, 365. Benjamin L., 367. Bernice M., 375. Bertha H., 375. Betsey, 365. Calvin, 368. Charles, 275, 363, 2,7i, 678. Charles A., 371. Charles E., 376. Charles S., 366, 370. Clara A., 353. Davis, Clarissa, 363. Clarissa H., 367. Cornelia, 372. Cynthia, 535. , ^ Cyrene, >313. "^ "- '■' Cyrus B., 197, 363. David, 364. Delany, 649. Dolor, 299, 361. Edward E., 113, 114, 376. Edward H., 372, 375. Edward K., 374. Edward L., 375. Edward W., 370. Effie M., 375. Elbridge F., 372. Elijah P., 75, 78, 88, 96, 368, 371. Elisha F., 368, 371. Elvira W., 372. Eliza J., 372. Elizabeth, 370, 392, 592. Elizabeth F., 370. Emilie K., Z77. Emily, 368. Ernest H., 375. Etta, 268, 375. Eva M., 375. Eunice, 368. Fannie M., 370. Florence G., 374. Florence W., 374. Franklin, 371. Fred E., 376. Gardner G., 372, 374, 585. George, 139. 363, 367, 368, 2,72,, 678. George H., 366, 369, 372. Gilman, 366. Hannah, 362, 364, 365. Harriet A., 372. Hattie A., 375. Heber, 370. Helen E., 369. Henrietta R., 371. Hepzibah, 234, 364. Herbert J., 370. Hezekiah, 416. Horace, 366, 368, 370, 371, 373. Ida B., 371, 372. Isaac, 362. Isaac S., 376. 740 Davis, Jacob, 365. James, 145, 362, 365. 366, 368, 369. James B., 369, 374. James P., 369, 373. Jemima, 701. Job, 375, 376. Joanna, 190, 370. Joel, 363, 367. John U., 109, 111, 154, 376. Jonah, 363. Jonas B., 360, 376. Jonathan, 75, 88, 93, 95, 106, 362, 363, 366, 561. Joseph, 95, 132, 258. 362, 363, 365, 368, 678. Josiah M., 75, 89, 363. Julia. 678. Kendall, 368, 372. Laura A., 374. Leander J., 372, 375. Delia, 373. Lewis, 367. Lois A., 372. Louisa, 367. Lucinda M., 363, 376. Lucy, 275, 363, 364, 417. Lucy K., 372. Lydia, 365. Marcia, 372. Maria, 369, 372. Marion F., 375. Mary, 362, 363, 367, 373 Mary A., 368. Mary B., Z67 . Mary S., 369. Mary W., 366, 372. Milton K., 372. Minnie B.. 374. Molly, 366. Moses, 363, 366, 367. Nancy A., 366. 582. Nathan A., 366. Olive, 485. Onslow P., 376. Orpah S., 376. Perley B., 132, 369, 2,7Z. Perley E., 374. Philip H., 375. Philo, 376. Polly, 364, 365. Index Davis, Ralph C, 375. Rebecca, 363, 365, 367. Relief, 366. Reuben, 678. Richard H., 147, 36^, 374. Robert, 371. Ruth, 363. Sally, 413. Samuel, 362, 368, 373. Samuel A., 376. Samuel H., 372, 375. Sarah, 363, 375, 678, 687, 704. Sarah E., 552. Seba, 332. Silas, 95, 362, 364. Simeon, 362, 365. Simon, 362. Sivona, 368. Solomon, 363, 366, 368. Stanley B., 2,72>. Stephen, 75, 362, 365, 366, 369. Susan H., 376. Tabitha, 644. Thomas, 362, 363, 365, 369. Thomas H., 367. Timothy, 366. Viola M., 372. Walker, 678. Waher R., 2>ZZ, 371. Wilbur J., 375. William B., 309. William E., 373. Davoll, Charles O., 305. John S., 305. William H., 305. Dawes, Sarah, 336. Dawson, Ida L., 627. Day, Amos, 462. Dorinda, 413. John J., 264. Lillian A., 264. Sarah, 378. Rufus, 344. William E., 606. Dea, Jefferson, 403. Dean, Mary, 502. Dearborn, Augusta, 576 Decker, Cora E., 379. De Coff, Annie I., 483. De Costa, Percy, 352. Delano, Frederic, 618. Seth, 318. Dellinger, Catharine, 471 Demond, Elijah, 140. Denham, Robert, 274. Denio, Horace, 710. Dennis, Mary, 218. Denslow, Joan, 335. Densmore, Louisa, 327. Derby, Maud E., 698. Deshon, Caroline A., 225. Devotion, Hannah, 505. Dewar, Isabella, 308. Dewey, Frances, 552. Harry, 348. Laura ¥., 349. Oliver, 348. Dexter, Charles E., 505. Eugene A., 702. Forest, 627. Dibell, Edwin, 132, 133. Dickenson, Cyrus, 174. David, 689. Erastus, 577. Lee, 577. Mary, 577. Mercy, 177. Dickerman, Clark, 301. Ellen, 285. Diemer, Anna, 264. Diggins, Susan M., 339. Dinsmore, Abraham, 78. Austin, 237. George A., 237. Hannah, 38, 40, 51. Maria, 237. Mary J., 237. Ditson, Sally, 718. Dix, Anthony, Z77. Hannah, 400. John, Z77. Jonathan, 104, 106, 124, 2,77, 378. Mary D., 701. Ralph, 2,77. Dobson, Isaac F., 604. Dodge, Alice A., 308. Betsey, 595. David M., 273. George W., 296. Harriet N., 512. Lucy, 228. Mary, 425, 509. Polly, 473. Sarah, 205. Doe, Belle, 327. Dole, Edmond, 417. Mary, 248. Dolman, Edward, 512. Donley, Charles, 707. 741 Donley, Michael P., 114. Donnegan, Margaret, 261. Donnie, Alvin E., 228. Zina, 567. Doolittle, Harriet, 270. Dorrance, Mary R., 400. Douglass, Elizabeth L., 188. Dow, Emma J., 350. Frank M., 535. Johannah, 673. Samuel H., 186, 659. Sarah E., 350. Downing, Arthur F., 654. Bessie T., 654. Eugene C, 629. Hannah, 432. Herbert H., 654. Lillie B., 654. Lucien B., 654. Mary A., 654. Nellie R., 654. Drake, Abigail, 664. Susan J., 683. Draper, Catharine, 704. Hepzibah, 258. Drinan, Mary, 698. Drowthit, Caroline, 679. Drury, Austin C, 311. Ella M., 681. Mary, 231. Thomas, 97. Dudley, Abigail, 432. Almira J., 264. Clara, 264. Mary, 409. Dunbar, Lizzie, 685. Duncan, Sarah, 432. Duncklee, Albert, 629. Almira, 283. Dunning, Catharine, 507. Dunster, Faith, 538. Mary, 708. Dunton, Augusta, 275. Mary, 636. Durant, Peter, 523. Rachel, 718. Duren, Reuben, 447. Durfee, James A., 278. Duryea, Elizabeth C, 633. Dustin, Janet, 573. Mary, 597. Dutch, Grace, 470. Dutton, Abel, 84, 9U, 93, 96. Elijah, 355. Jonas, 82, 288. History of New Ipswich Dutton, Lucinda, 578. Samuel, 496. William, 89. Dwelly, Sarah, 704. Dwight, Arthur E., 698. John S., 287. Dwinnell, Eliza F., 313. Esther, 204. Dyer, George B., 453. J. Franklin, 369. Samuel P., 493. Eagleson, Archibald, 656. Esther M., 656. Gordon T., 656. Gratia E., 656. Eames, Cyrus, 418. James H., 221. Joseph, 272. Polly, 271. Eastman, Cora S., 353. Esther F., 700. George, 700. Jasper R, 700. Josephine, 627. Luke, 140. Perley M., 700. Eaton, Albert, 378. Benjamin, 476. Cora M., 682. Ellen, 378. Elmer W., 627. Francis A., 378. Frederic H., 379. George P., 379. Harriet, 378. Henry W., 379. Hosea, 110, 378. John, 378. Josiah, 378. Katharine, 380. Martha J., 565. Mary J., 378, 643. Merrick, 378. Nancy, 474. Nellie A., 379. Orrin W., 322. Otis W., 379. Samuel, 679. Sarah, 606. William, 378, 599. William H., 378. Zetta K., 322. Eddy, George M., 646. Henry, 324. John, 114. Edes, Amasa, 140. Sarah, 558. Edgar, Newbold, 200. Edson, Carrie K., 506. Charles C, 506. Dwight, 374. Elwin L., 374. Fannie M., 506. Florence, 374. N. Adams, 506. William A., 506. Edwards, Bethia, 509. Charles, 301. Ebenezer, 379. Ebenezer P., 379. Elijah, 336. Emily E., 379. Franklin, 236. George F., 114, 379. Jerusha, 267. Nathaniel, 713. Sarah, 603. William A., 236. Egery, Clara W., 440. Eggars, Morrison, 211. Eggleston, Sarah, 532. Eldredge, C L., 132, 134. Eliot, George, 601. Ruth, 172. Ellinwood, Flora J., 573. Elliott, Arthur, 227. Charles W., 336. David, 79, 89. Dolly, 183. George J., 345. Grace, 227. James, 227. John, 79. Joseph, 133. Thomas C, 339. Ellis, Matilda, 618. Samuel S., 672. Virginia, 349. Ellison, Linus, 347. Ely, Frederic W., 149, 608. Joseph S., 608. Richard S., 608. Emerson, Anne, 381. Asa, 676. Brown, 380, 381. Catharine, 331, 380. Daniel H., 228. Edward B., 381. Elizabeth, 657. George, 657. Hiram, 380. Jacob, 380. James, 657. John, 380, 516. 742 Emerson, Joseph, 379. Julia, 657. Luther, 657. Malina, 639. Maria, 657. Martha J., 614. Mary A., 573. Noah, 380, 381. Peter, 380. Phebe, 381. Ralph Waldo, 215. Reuben, 380. Romanus, 381. Ruth, 610. Thomas, 81, 379,492. Emery, Abby A., 383. Almira O., 383. Ambrose, 444. Amos, 383. Betsy, 382. Clarence E., 384. Daniel, 393. Edward, 383. E. J., 133. Eugene R., 384. Eveline C, 383. Fanny J., 383. Franklin J., 384. George E., 120. George L., 384. Hannah, 382. Hannah M., 383. Hiram B., 383. Horace B., 383. Jane, 631. John, 87, 382, 383. John B., 383, 384. John C, 384. Jonathan, 382. Martha A., 383. Mary, 382, 383, 384. Mary T., 383. Nancy, 382. Reuben, 174. Samuel, 382. Sarah J., 237, 382, 383. Thomas, 382, 383. William G., 382, 383, 384. Ziba, 382. Emes, Sally, 229. Epler, Sarah, 390. Eply, Frank W., 506. Epps, Hannah, 327. Lewis, 433. Errington, Rebecca, 437. Ervine, Sarah, 631. 1 Index Esbach, Carrie I., 370. Estabrook, Abel, 80, 83, 87, 90. Henry D., 351. James, 452. Jonathan, 88. Joseph, 408. Lucy, 492. Samuel, 196, 376. Sarah E., 376. Susan, 403. Esty, Gertrude V., 312. Eustis, Clara J., 586. Evans, Ernest E., 625. George H., 706. Harrison D., 282. Harrison E., 282. Horace E., 333. Jennie M., 282. John, 234. Mary E., 283. Minnie H., 282. Prudence, 360. Everard, Judith, 193. Everett, Adeline, 385. Alma A., 386. Anna G., 386. Charles W., 385, 386. David, 195, 385. Dolly A., 129, 138. Edward, 384, 385, 386. Eliza, 386. Frances J., 386. George, 385. George M., 386. Hannah B., 386. Inez P., 386. Innis P., 386. John W., 155, 384, 385, 386. Julia A., 385. Louis, 386. Mary A., 386. Mary T., 386. Olivia, 183, 385. Richard, 384. Sarah S., 386. Stephen, 385, 386. Susanna, 179. William J., 385. Paber, Matilda C, 503. Fairbanks, Adelaide B., 390. Allen M., 389. Anna, 389. Arthur B., 391. Fairbanks, Arthur D.,390. Daniel W., 387, 388, 390. Edward, 389. Edward B., 388, 389, 391. Elizabeth, 390. Ellen M., 390. Emily M., 389. Ephraim W., 387. Evelyn H., 390. Fanny G., 390. Georgia M., 390. Grace, 389. Hannah M., 388. Henry, 389. Herbert A., 391. Jabez, 387. James C, 387, 388, 390. James E., 390. James P., 389. Jeremiah R., 388. Jessie, 388. John B., 387, 388, 391. John M., 389. John W., 391. Jonas, 387. Jonathan, 387. Josiah, 387. Katie, 389. Lurana W., 388. Maria T., 389. Marion E., 391. Martha B., 388. Martha M., 679. Mary A., 388, 390. Mary C, 389. Mary D., 390. Melvin, 389. Moses, 679. Richard H., 388. Rose, 390. Ruth E., 389. Sally, 620. Samuel A., 387, 390. Samuel B., 388, 389. Sarah A., 387. Sarah C, 388. Sarah M., 388, 390. Susan P., 388. Fairfield, Lalla G., 211. Fairman, John, 672. Sarah, 590. Pales, Elizabeth, 657. Hannah, 466. Fall, Lucretia, 705. 743 Paris, Jane, 390. Robert P., 391. Sally, 392. William, 75, 96, 391. Parley, Arthur C, 665. Edith P., 665. Fred W., 665. George F., 126. Noah W., 665. Polly, 598. Susan, 448. Thomas, 446. Walter S., 665. William T., 665. Farmer, Mary, 555. Farnsworth, Abigail, 601. Asa, 270, 394. Benjamin, 392. Catherine, 357, 393. Daniel, 93, 105, 393. Ebenezer, 392, 393, 394. Elizabeth, 242, 393, 394. Emily, 333, 394. Eunice, 394. Hannah, 393, 516. Harbor, 393. Isaiah, 394. John, 394. Jonas, 392. Jonathan, 96, 393. Jonathan H., 394. Joseph, 393. Josiah, 392. Levi, 394. Lucy, 393, 394. Matthias, 392. Mary, 393, 394. Molly, 178. Moses, 86, 393. Nancy, 394. Nathan, 394. Prentice, 631. Rachel, 393. Relief, 674. Rufus, 394. Sally, 394. Samuel, 394. Sarah, 393, 402, 640. Susan, 394. Thomas, 75, 83, 91, 93, 392, 393. Timothy J., 394. Farnum, Hannah, 672. Parr, Dennis, 275. Nathaniel, 75, 87, 96. Levi, 96. History of New Ipswich Farr, Mary, 392. Sarah, 704. William, 91. Farrar, Ann, 401. Anna, 399. Anna B., 402. Anna F., 401. Anna M., 403. Betsy L., 401. Caleb, 396, 401. Charles A., 403. Clarissa R., 401. Ebenezer L., 401. Edward W., 401. Eliza, 399. Eliza C, 258. Ephraim H., 397, 401. Eunice, 396. Eveline, 401. George, 395, 401. George P., 401. Harriet A., 403. Henry B., 401. Isaac, 395, 400. •Isaac B., 396, 401. Jacob, 394, 395. James, 396, 397. John M., 401. Joseph, 88, 92, 395. Laura, 401. Louisa, 400. Lucy, 125, 399. Lydia, 396. Mark, 403. Martha, 401. Mary A., 401. Moses, 396. Nancy, 397. Nancy L., 142. Nellie, 351. Polly, 396. Prentice, 396, 401. Rebecca, 397. Samuel, 142, 395, 396. Sarah E., 402. Simon, 407. Stephen, 70, 76, 101, 123, 219, 231, 395, 396, 400. Stephen F., 401. Susanna, 528. Timothy, 70, 75, 92, 122, 125, 156, 397, 399, 402. Farren. Sally R., 574. Farwell, Abby, 610. Abigail, 677. Farwell, Albert B., 403. Almeda, 403. Alvah, 243. Cynthia, 610. Betsy, 618. Daniel, 403. Edith L., 403. Edmund, 96, 403. Edna M., 404. Edwin, 404. Elizabeth J., 404, 587, 640. Emily, 403. Hannah, 708. Hattie, 404. Isaac, 75, 86, 87, 96. Irving E., 404. James H., 403. John B., 404, 610. Joseph, 610. Levi, 610. Lucinda, 403. Lucy A., 404. Mary, 403, 640. Mary K., 434. Mary W., 404. Moors, 134. Royal E., 403, 404. Russell, 403, 653. Sarah, 488, 610. Sophia, 403. Timothy, 75. William, 610. Fassett, Eunice, 615. Hiram, 181. Fay, George A., 403. Hannah, 489. Nancy, 287, 474. Prescott, 129. Sarah, 489. Felch, Annie P., 176. Felt, Aaron, 404. Adaline, 406. Albert, 405. Alney O., 406. Alonzo M., 406. Caroline A., 406. Charles M., 406. Charles W., 405. Daniel, 404. David, 555. Edward A., 405, 406. Edward W., 405. Elizabeth T., 405. Emily M. B., 405. George, 404, 406. George D., 120, 405. Felt, Gilbert H., 406. Jeremiah A., 406. John, 286. Joseph, 79, 88, 92. Louis W., 405. Lucius G., 406. Mary, 405. Mary E., 405. Mary F., 405. Moses, 404. Parnal C, 406. Peter, 404, 405. Peter F., 406. Ruth A., 309. Sarah A., 405. Thomas, 406. Fergeson, Sabrina H. 260. Field, Ernest C, 680. Samantha, 622. Sarah, 405. Susan A., 260. Figg, Mercy, 630. Fisher, Albert G., 114. Amity, 247. Eunice, 277. George N., 306. Lydia, 322. Rachel, 247. Samuel, 338. William J., 250. Fiske, Abigail R., 407. Alonso, 407. Artemas, 407. Benjamin W., 408. Charles A., 407. Charles H., 408. David, 408. Dorothy S., 568. Elijah, 234. Eliza, 407. Elizabeth, 430. Emily, 408, 514. Farnum, 229. George K., 407. Hannah, 232, 417. Horace, 408. James V., 408. Jeremiah, 407. Josiah. 407. Lucy, 408. Lucy A., 408. Lydia G., 625. Lydia P.. 408. Mary, 407. Nathan, 406. Prescott, 407. 74-4 Index Fiske, Royal A., 408. Sally, 407. Sarah H., 684. Sewall, 633. Sheldon W., 408. Sophia, 620. Thomas, 198. Viola T., 589. William, 392. Fitch, Anna, Zn . John, 30. Polly, 671. Sarah, 685. Fitts, Angeline M., 500. Flagg, Elijah, 76. Elizabeth, 232, 671. Frederic O., 706. Helen J., 464. Mary, 300, 706. Flanders, Laura B., 544. Walter M., 550, 714. Fletcher, Aaron, 413. Aaron D., 419. Abigail, 410, 411. Adams, 418, 426. Adeline, 419. Aden H., 591. Alma, 415. Almira, 421, 425. Amelia C, 418. Anna, 411, 423. Asa, 415. Asenath, 421. Bela J., 346. Benjamin, 411, 415. Benjamin M., 114. Benjamin S., 420, 427. Betsy, 414, 415. 416, 421. Carl W., 312. Charles W., 426. Charles R., 146, 157, 414, 419. Clarissa, 417. Cummings, 414, 420. Daniel, 410. David, 412, 418, 419, 426. David B., 426. David D., 420. Deborah, 413. Dexter, 415, 421. Diadarmia, 416. Diana, 416. Dorothy, 412, 539. Dustin, 416. Dwight L., 422. Fletcher, Ebenezer, 86, 96, 98, 410, 412, 414, 418, 420. Edward P., 420. Edward F., 424. Eleanor R., 422. Eliza S., 422. Elizabeth, 362, 415, 423, 427, 455, 643. Elizabeth F., 420. Ellen M., 421, 423. Ephraim, 410, 412, 416, 424. Ephraim S., 426. Esther, 415. Fanny W., 420. Frances P., 417. Francis, 75, 83, 89, 106, 408, 409, 410, 411, 416, 417, 422. Francis P., 423, 424. Frank H., 424. Fred E., 312. Frink, 418, 426. Gardner. 421. George F., 418, 425, 427. George H., 422, 424. George S., 423. George W., 413, 420. Gershom, 410. Gideon, 410. Gilman, 416, 422, 423. Guilford D., 420. Hannah, 539. Hannah W., 417. Harriet, 417,423,426. Harriet A., 421. Harriet N., 422. Helen S., 412. 420. Henrietta, 356. Henry, 83, 412, 426. Henry A., 417. Herbert I., 423. Hervey T., 418. Hiram, 418, 421. Hiram A., 425. Hiram C, 420. Homer C, 428. Horace R., 419, 427. Hugh B., 422. Isaac, 413. James, 410, 412, 419, 425. James G., 419. James H., 427. James W., 415. Jane, 410, 421. 745 Fletcher, Jasper, 498. Jehial, 419, 426, 427. Jeremiah, 98, 412, 417. Joanna C, 417. John, 411, 414, 421, 424. John A., 414, 418, 419, 425, 428. John B., 420. John S.. 415. Jonas, 415. Jonathan, 96, 412, 415. Joseph, 408, 409,411, 421. Joshua, 409, 416. Josiah, 84, 89, 410, 411, 419. Julia, 427, 588. Julia A., 416, 492. Katharine M., 419. Kimball B., 256, 418, 425. Laura, 419. Lemuel, 416. Levi, 414. Louisa, 417. Lucretia E., 418. Lucy, 415, 417, 422, 428. Lucy A., 418. Lvdia, 412, 417, 423, '587 Lyman, 419, 427, 428. Martha J., 418, 428. Martha P., 420. Mary, 412, 416, 417. Mary A., 417, 419, 421. 426. Mary C, 420. Mary F., 422. Mary H., 418. Mary W., 420. Matilda. 421. Milly, 414. Moses, 413. Nancy, 414. 416, 421. Nathan, 416. 423. Oliver L.. 418, 426. Orinda. 416. Orvel F.. 420. Paul, 408. Peletiah. 410. Peter. 75, 83, 84, 89. 90. 93. 106, 124, 412, 418. Peter E., 419, 427. History of New Ipswich Fletcher, Phineas D., 423. Polly, 414. Rachel, 410, 415. Rachel B., 417. Rebecca, 413. Relief, 417. Reuben. 410, 413. Richard, 425. Robert, 83, 93, 408. Roby, 415, 421. Ruth, 412, 416, 423. Ruth B., 418. Sally, 414, 415, 416. Sampson, 154, 410, 413. Samuel. 96, 408, 409, 412, 417, 424. Samuel A., 417. Samuel C, 420, 428. Samuel H., 414. Samuel W., 259. Sarah, 411, 412, 416, 421, 424, 539. Sarah B., 414, 417. Sarah E., 418. 423, 428. Silas E., 420. Simeon, 95, 410. Sophia E., 418. Sophronia, 421. Sophronia P., 422. Stephen, 89. Stephen N., 420. Submit, 412. Suky, 415. Susan, 416. Susanna, 410, 540. Sybil L., 420. Timothy, 409, 542. Thomas, 75, 96, 410, 411, 415, 422. Thomas G., 424. William, 408, 413. William H., 414, 419. William O., 422, 428. Flint, Albert E., 667. David, 274. Hannah, 433. Mary, 379. Sarah C., 454. Floyd, Caroline L., 295. Elizabeth, 279. Joanna, 279. Fogg, Oilman, 228. Follansbee, Mary, 609. Sarah, 609. Follett, James, 348. Lucy, 334. Foote, Asahel, 140. Forbes, Cyrus P., 601. Forbush, Nettie M., 717. Ford, Alva, 693. Charles A., 329, 586. Edith, 693. Fred, 693. Forgerson, Henry, 81. Fosgate, Anna, 476. Fo-skett, Albert G., 429. Almira, 429. Arlo, 429. Carrie A., 429. Clarence N., 429. Clinton G.. 681. Earl L., 429. Edward L., 192. Ettie E., 429. Florence R., 429. George P., 429. Isaac B., 428. John E., 429. Leon M., 429. Lloyd, 429. Louisa R., 429. Lucinda J., 429. Nellie E., 429. Vernett, 429. Foss, Joanna, Zll . Foster, Abijah, 2, 4, 6, 10, 24, 38, 40, 44, 51, 54, 430. Addison H., 228, 478. Betsy, 488. Carrie L., 583. Catharine, 530. Charles S., 479. Daniel, 75, 86, 90, 431. David, 480. Ebenezer, 431. Eleazar, 430. Eli, 157, 429. Elizabeth, 431, 718. Enoch, 758. Emily H., 649. Ephraim, 75, 86, 99, 432 Ethel' D., 430. Frank, 588. Fred H., 478. Hepzibah, 432. Isaac, 430. Jonathan, 355. John, 429, 430. John H., 430. John T., 303. Lena F., 430. 746 Foster, Louise H., 478. Mary, 414, 431. Molly, 431. Permelia, 431. Reform, 431. Reginald, 430. Samuel, 75, 86, 99, 249, 431. Sarah, 247. Susan C, 225. Winslow H., 478. Fountain, Frank E., 552. Fowle, Mary, 515. Fowler, Archibald C, 114. Clarissa, 272. Daniel, 272. John H., 114. Fox, Abbie C, 436. Abel, 434. Abigail, 433, 434. Ann S., 436. Caroline H., 434. Catharine, 433. Charles E., 436, 437. Charles J., 434, 436. Charles H., 435. Charlotte S., 435. Clarissa, 433. Edward M., 145, 435, 437. Eliphalet, 432. Eloisa H., 436. Emily, 433. Ephraim F., 433, 435. Frank C, 437. Frederic J., 437. Frederic T., 437. George, 434, 435, 436. George T., 436. Harriet, 434. Harriet A., 436. Harriet F., 435. Harry B., 437. Helen K, 435. Helen L., 437. Henry, 435. Henry J., 436. Isaac J., 434, 436. Jediah, 435. John, 347, 432, 433, 434, 436, 437. John H., 436. Jonathan, 432, 434. Jones C, 436. Joseph, 433, 434, 435. Josephine A., 437. Kate W., 436. Index Fox, Lizzie E., 437. Lor en, 348. Lucretia, 433. Lucy, 433. Mabel B., 437. Marinda, 433. Mary C, 433. Mary E., 436. Mary L, 436. Mary J., 436. Nabby, 432. Nancy M., 435. Peter, 432. Polly, 433. Rowena, 433. Ruth, 433. Sally, 433. Samuel, 75, 432. Sarah, 433. Sarah J., 436. Sophia, 436. Thomas, 432. Timothy, 75, 89, 96, 124, 432, 433, 434. Foye, Frank, 695. Francis, Lucy, 707. Frank, Mary P., 260. Freeman, Barlow, 388. Mary, 201. Ruth H., 601. Sherwood A., 114. Susan, 387. French, Elizabeth, 565. Elizabeth S., 283. Hannah, 587. Hepzibah, 650. Isaac, 344. Josiah, 269. Lucy, 271. Mary, 241. Crren, 372. Sarah C, 370. Frink, Alice, 182. Charlotte, 644. Frizzell, William B., 114, 554. Frost, Ann, 685. Charles, 251. Esther A., 295. George, 87. Hannah, 677. Hester, 463. Hildreth, 463. John, 181. Nettie M., 261. Permelia, 423. Walter C, 463. Frothingham, Ruth, 255. Fry, Elizabeth, 406. May, 643. Frye, Ida M., 155. Fullam, Dorothy, 636. Fuller, Andrew C, 114. Anna K., 658. Elizabeth, 504. Esther M., 614. Ezra, 78. Granville L., 120. Hezekiah, 416. John B., 511. Lovander F., 332. Lucena, 272. Mary N., 567. Sylvia C, 407. Fulton, Kate A., 564. Gage, Phebe, 356. Rebecca, 289. Gale, Azubah, 419. Margaret E., 276. Sullivan F., 405. Gallup, Harriet J., 274. Gambell, Robert, 96. Gannett, Bertha, 520. Caroline B., 520. Edwin L., 520. Gordon H., 520. Howard, 520. Gardner, Anna, 331. Henry, 83. Sarah, 203. Thomas, 293. Garfield, Anna, 262. Enoch, 471. Jane, 705. Martha M., 694. Garland, Ella F., 311. James, 114. Garlock, Carrie, 275. Gassett, Lizzie A., 608. Gates, Azubah, 617. Elizabeth A., 378. George L., 330. Hannah, 472. Laura, 491. Mary E., 349, 682. Polly C, 309. Rebecca, 437. Susan, 670. Gay, Edward, 436. Elizabeth, 323. Michael, 392. Genung, Martha, 638. George, Orissa, 576. Gerry, Mary, 486. Gibbs, Asa, 84, 86. 747 Gibbs, Benjamin, 75, 93, 106. Gibson, Adeline A., 438. Alice G., 441. Angelia M., 440. Anna C, 439, 440. Annie B., 608. Arrington, 438. Caroline F., 439. Charles A., 440. Charles B., 441. Charles O., 441. Charles S., 438. Ellen C, 441. Elsie E., 440. Elvira V., 440. Emma J., 442. Florence, 442. Francis N., 144, 441. Frank, 440. Frank P., 442. Frederic E., 442. Frederic J., 440. George C, 302, 439. George S., 439. Harriet A., 439. Henry, 439, 440. Henry N., 440. John, 437, 439. John S., 440, 442. Joseph N., 439, 440. Lucy A., 440. Mary A., 440. Mary H., 441. Mary J., 439. Rebecca, 174, 636. Ruel, 439. Samuel A., 157, 440. Sara R., 440. Silas, 438. Stephen, 438. Stillman, 157, 438. Susan E., 442. Timothy, 437. Tracy O., 442. Giddings, Dorothy, 265. Giffie, Allen, 450. Gilbert, Clay, 592. Ezekiel, 599. Gilchrist, Irene, 702. Giles, Alfred, 443. Anna, 443. Daniel, 443. Eleazar, 442. Hattie, 443. John, 443. Joseph, 442, 443. Lucinda, 443. History of New Ipswich Giles, Noah, 443. Sally, 443. Gill, Anna C., 520. Augustus, 520. Elizabeth, 672. Hanna, 521. Silas, 79, 86. Gilman, Abigail, 619. Charles G., 358. David, 84. Lydia, 351. Polly, 404. Gilmore, Roger, 89. Gilson, Elizabeth, 684. Giradin, Victor, 698. Gleason, Eleanora, 330. Glover, Margaret P., 193. Gnider, Sarah J., 240. Goddard, Mary, 279. Godding, Ariel, 444. Caroline, 444. Charles G., 691. Ellen E., 444. Gardner, 444. George G., 444. Gilbert B., 691. Henry, 443. Henry G., 691. Louisa, 444. Mary, 444. May J., 444. Mersylvia, 444. Samuel, 443. Sylvia, 444. William, 443. Goen, Elizabeth, 385. Martha A., 699. Mary C, 701. Roxanna, 683. Gold, Maria T., 197. Goldsmith, Anna A., 147. Betsy, 273. Charlotte A., 563. Jeoffard E., 241. Goldthwaite. Abbie I., 693. Charles V., 693. George F., 693. John, 320. William H., 693. Willis P., 693. Golopen, Rachel, 333. Gooch, Anna R., 452. Clara S., 452. Harriet B., 452. Henry S., 452. Horace, 452. Lucy C, 452. Goodall, Ezekiel, 81. Mary H., 613. Sarah, 218. Goodenough, Mary, 272. Goodfellow, James A., 573. Goodman, Mary J., 471. Goodnow, Elizabeth, 676. Goodrich, Nellie P., 539. Goodridge, Hannah, 638. Mehitable, 294. Goodspeed, Sophronia, 557. Goodwin, Elizabeth P., 521. Gordon, Alexander J., 445. Harriet D., 445. Helen E., 445. Jeannette, 324. PhiHp P., 145, 445. Robert, 444. William, 444. Gore, Mary, 194, 558. Goss, Florence N., 573. Sarah, 438. Gott, Lydia, 252. Gould, Abigail, 360. Abijah, 446, 447. Abraham, 446. Adams, 445. Alice R., 453. Alonzo, 450. Ambrose, 446, 448. Augustus, 450. Augustus A., 139, 449, 450, 452. Benjamin, 445, 446, 447, 448. Betsy, 446. Caroline A., 450. Charles A., 452. Charles B., 450. Charles D., 139, 449, 452. Charles H., 453. Charles O., 452. Clara A., 452. Clara J., 453. Cynthia, 450. Daniel, 448. Edward C, 452. Eliza, 450. Elizabeth P., 450. Elizabeth L., 145, 453. Ellen P., 450. Emily C, 450. 748 Gould, Esther, 448. Florence, 453. Prances, 637. Franklin H., 450. Frederick, 450. Frederick A., 449. George E., 449. George W., 450, 453. Harriet A., 453. Harriet D., 452. Harriet E., 452. Henry, 450, 454. Isabel, 287. Isaiah, 448, 450. James, 445. John, 95, 96, 446, 448, 450. John B., 449. Julia N., 452. Laura B., 453. Louis A., 452. Louisa, 448. Lucy, 446, 547. Lucy C, 452. Lyman, 450, 453. Margaret, 446. Margaret M., 452. Maria A., 450. Maria C, 450. Martha, 453. Mary, 426, 447, 448, 452. Mary A., 448, 449. Nathan, 448, 450. Nathaniel, 446. Nathaniel D., 139, 156, 447, 449. Nathaniel P., 449. Peggy, 630. Polly, 446. Relief, 478. Reuben K., 448. Rhoda, 448, 450. Sarah, 446, 448, 450. Sarah A., 454. Sarah B., 449. Sarah J., 706. Simeon, 75, 84, 91, 92, 93, 446, 448, 450, 453. Sophia C, 453. Sophronia L., 450. Stephen L., 448, 450. Susan E., 449. Susan L., 448. Susan S., 450. Thomas, 445. Webster V., 453. Index Gould, William A., 447, 448, 450, 452. \yilliam B., 543. Goulding, Charles H., 114, 577. Goutermont, Mary C, 501. Gove, Mina, 260. Gowing, John, 96. Joseph M., 274. Peggy, 319. Gozaldi, Silvio M. de, 224. Granger, Caroline E., 287. Catharine A., 287. Charles H., 287. George E., 287. James W., 287. Martha M., 287. Mary Ann, 287. Graves, Abigail, 585. Alice A., 468. Cora B., 309. Edwin, 266. Rebecca, 171. Gravlin, Eugene, 717. Grav, Carrie, 450. Ethel M.. 311. Florence C, 311. Gertrude, 311. Mabel H., 311. William, 311. Greenleaf, Calvin, 133. Paul, 114. Gregg, Harriet, 531. John R., 418. Gregory, Daniel A., 303. Elnathan, 418. Green, Esther J., 261. George C, 214. Isaac, 416. Teannette, 544. Theodore F., 190. William, 326. Greenman, Georgianna, 454. William, 454. William S., 454. Greenough, Josephine M., 679. Sarah E.. 622. Greenwood, George, 624. Joshua, 88. Moses T., 274. Grew, Eliza, 491. Griffin, Samuel, 79. Walter D., 544. Griffith, Calvin, 619. Griggs, Sarah L., 262. Grisnold, Cordelia, 706. Frederic, 718. Grout, Isaac, 340. Joseph B., 574. Grove, Samuel, 693. Grover, Abbie L., 635. Amanda P., 635. Arvilla L., 635. Mary E., 251. Groves, Caroline E., 646. Guernesey, J. W., 135. Gutherson, Susannah, 560. Hackett, Mary J., 681. Hadley, Benjamin, 472. Franklin, 559. Rebecca A., 274. Hafner, Laura M., 478. Hagar, Abigail, 704. Harriet M., 499. Sarah, 704. Hague, Joseph, 676. Haight, Janet C. 506. Hailston, Margaret, 408. Hale, Benjamin, 622. Clementina M., 261. Dorothy, 409. Ella F., 662. Enoch, 83, 84, 86, 89, 93, 95. Hannah, 554. Helen W., 584. Henry, 665. Jemima, 207. Julius A., 550. 714. Lucy, 293. Martha, 430. Moses, 87. 481. Nathan, 631. Nathan A., 444. Samuel, 601. Hall, Andrew, 491. Betsey,_ 591. Catharine, 543. Clara A., 335. Daniel, 98. David,_ 79. Ephraim, 628. Hannah, 500. Horace, 400. Jonathan. 135. Lucia, 501. Lucv F.. 400. Mary, 203. Nancy, 421. 577. Richard, 125, 152, 749 Hall, Richard, 399 Sallie, 549. William, 467. Hallet, Frances, 516. Jane F., 525. Halsted, Emma T., 666. Ham, Mary A., 627. Hamilton. Emily M., 349. Hamlin, John, 601. Hammond, Elisha L., 562. Judge L., 559. Hannaf ord, Hannah, 246. Lucretia, 564. Lydia A.. 320. Hanscomb, Orren, 660. Hanshaw, Jennie A., 707. Hanson, Amelia K., 294. Hapgood, Elizabeth, 708. Sarah, 479. Harding, George, 304. Ruby E., 389. Hardison. Charles T., 655. Frank H., 655. Helen E., 655. Matie L.. 655. Hardy, Charles, 240. Frank E., 712. George H., 135. Lauriston M. P., 145, 589. Noah, 378. Persis, 380. Philip, 500. William H., 120, 712. Hargraves, Mabel G., 440. Richard. 440. Harkness, John. 78, 89. Robert. 16, 91. Harlow, William, 501. Harmon, Mariam, 240. Harrad, Hannah, 687. Harrigan. Michael, 251. Harrington, Edward, 284. Eliza, 323. Frances A.. 668. Hannah, 704. Harris, Amos, 455. Bridget, 248. Frances M., 450. George S., 455. Hannah A., 455. Harriet A.. 405. Leonard W., 455. Mary C, 190, 455. Mary L., 455. History of New Ipswich Harris, Oliver, 454. Susan J., 307. William, 454. William B., 455. Harrison, Charles E., 578 Hart, Ab'by B., 215. Mary, 513. Hartshorn, Charles, 679. Hannah, 247. Hattie S., 349. Jonathan, 284. Rachel, 279. Hartwell, Abigail, 456, 490. Charles, 634. Elizabeth, 643. Ephraim, 145, 230, 455. Hannah, 473. Huldah, 683. Lucy A., 690. Mary B., 456. Samuel, 455. Sarah A., 485, 526. William, 455. Harvey, Charles L., 120. Isabella, 523. Narcissa M., 593. Harwood, Hannah, 579. Sarah, 342. Hasbrook, James, 659. Theodore, 661. Hase, Nathaniel, 86. Haskell, Dwight, 441. Hannah, 537. Koralia E., 298. Maria, 478. Mary J., 372. Mary L., 649. Hassall, Anna C, 456. Clara, 456. George A., 456. James L., 456. Mary, 456. William, 456. William E., 456. Hassell, Abiah, 235. Hastings, Betty, 621. Charles, 154, 457. Emma, 457. Frederic A., 685. George F., 188. Harriet, 457. John N., 444. Leonard W., 457. Mildred, 685. Hastings, Nathaniel, 457. Nettie E., 573. Samuel, 457. Susanna, 354. Thomas, 459. William H., 390. Hatch, Abby L., 458. Amos E., 458. A. P., 135. Bradbury, 647. Edward A., 458. Elizabeth, 458. Harvey, 620. Horace, 140. Israel, 458. Joel, 458. Mary, 458. Phebe, 181. Sarah A., 309. Sylvanus, 458. Walter, 458. William, 458. William B., 428. Hathaway, Mary E., 503. Philander V., 401. Hatstat, Manly G., 482. Hawes, David, 93. Sarah, 676. Hawkes, Huldah, 267. Mabel, 543. Mary J., 698. William W., 543. Hawkins, William, 557. Hay, Mehitable, 267. Nabby, 279. Hayden, Edward D., 295, 423. Sophia, 533. Hayes, John B., 346. Hayle, Almira J., 298. Haynes, Dorcas, 290. Eleanor, 517. Elizabeth, 482. Lydia, 476. Hays, Margaret, 584. Hayward, Charles E., 339. Cornelia, 339. Emily, 200. Eunice, 644. George E., 339. Georgianna M., 589. Hannah, 395. Hattie, 291. Helena, 683. Huldah, 664. James, 339. Hayward, Joel A., 376. Mary, 201. Susan M., 147. Sylvanus, 136. Haywood, Adeline, 333. Elizabeth, 455. James F., 573. Mary, 489. Rebecca, 361. Samuel, 75, 89. Sarah E., 375. Hazeltine, Achsah E., 639. Sophia, 620. Hazen, Ethel, 306. Hermann S., 306. Thomas, 142. Hazlebarger, Bessie, 291. Hazzen, Richard, 24. Heald, Anna, 474. Deliverance, 300. Ebenezer, 460. Elizabeth R., 299. Elizabeth S., 474, 529, 611. Eunice, 289. Gilman, 460. Hattie C, 680. John, 458, 459. Jonas, 459. 460. Josiah, 459. Josiah G., 323. Nathan, 460. Polly, 460. Ruth, 337. Sibyl, 459, 460. Simeon, 460. Simpson C, 149. Thomas, 75, 83, 89, 93, 106, 124, 248, 459, 460. Timothy, 459. Heard, Mary S., 492. Heath, Dorcas G., 482. Hepzibah, 481. Sarah E., 467, 609. Heaton, Luther, 495. Hecox, Brittania, 406. Hedge, John F., 247. Hemingway, Joanna, 189. Henchman, Bridget, 316. Henney, Lydia, 598. Henry, Andrew, 242. Anne C, 242. James W., 242. Phebe, 583. William C, 242. 750 Index Henshaw, Elizabeth, 523. Herbert, John, 140, 141, 142. Herrel, Israel, 501. Herrick, Jeannette M., 329. Martha J., 667. Mary, 218, 271. Sarah R, 503. Hersey, Alfred C, 215. 441. Alfred H., 441. Henry G., 441. Hession, Daniel F., 667. Hewitt, William, 86, 91. Hewins, Abel, 381. Heyward, Relief, 641. Hickman, Daniel, 534. Hickock, Thomas, Jr., 116. Hieland, Sarah E., 357. Higgins, John, 401. Hildreth, Abel, 16. Abigail, 539. Alfred H., 464, 465. Asaph, 462. Beulah G., 464. Caroline R., 585. Charles B., 463. Charles L., 462, 465. Charles W., 463, 464. Dorothy, 410. Eleazar C, 462. Elijah, 461, 462. Ephraim, 91, 96, 97, 460, 465, 466. Estella I., 465. Eva M., 465. Florence J., 464. George C, 463. 465. Hannah, 340, 598. Harriet A., 463. Harriet S., 465. Helen C, 465. Henry A., 463. Henry W.. 465. Isabelle, 462. James. 460, 461, 462. Jane, 579. Joel B., 462. 463, 628. John C, 462, 465. John L., 147, 463. Jonathan H., 462. Joseph, 460. 462. Levi C, 462. Lucy J., 463. Mary A., 463. Mary E., 463. Hildreth, Mary L., 462. Olive E., 462. Richard, 460. Richard R., 465. Simeon, 75, 80, 82, 89, 90, 98, 461. Stephen, 88, 91, 461. William H., 120,463, 464 Willis H., 465. Zilpah, 461. Hill, Abigail, 460, 555. Catharine M., 543. Florence, 503. Hannah, 486. Harry S., 543. Heinrich E, 543. Jane S., 200. Sarah, 278. Susan, 456. Will S., 609. Hills, Abby H., 697. Almon A., 609. David, 228, 466, 467. David A., 467. Edward A., 467,468. Elizabeth, 235. Ella M., 609. Hannah, 467. Harriet, 467. Henry F.. 467. Jabez, 466, 467. Joanna, 660. John F., 214, 467. Joseph, 466. Martha, 467. Mary, 467. Mary L., 609. Meletiah, 467. Milton, 417. Myra B., 467. Myrtie C, 629. Nellie M., 609. Reuben, 417. Samuel, 466, 467. Sarah E., 467, 468. .Susanna, 467. William H., 468. Hillyer, Grace, 472. Hilton, Flora L., 500. Hinman, Joanna, 468. Hitchcock. Hannah, 548. Hitchings, James, 243. Hoar, Anna, 469. Benjamin, 75, 106, 468, 469. Betsy, 415. Charles, 468, 469. 751 Hoar, Charles D., 469. Daniel, 468. Edith, 469. Esther, 410 John, 468, 469. Jotham, 89, 90, 96. 469. Phcebe, 469. Polly, 469. Rhoda, 469. Sally, 469. Sarah, 432. Hobart, Deborah, 327. Rachel, 356. Hodge, Frederic M., 442. Roswell B., 340. Hodges, Andrew, 262. Hodgkins, Aaron, 471. Amos, 471. Christopher, 470. Elizabeth, 471. Hezekiah, 96, 470 John, 470. Lucy, 471. Lydia, 471. Nathaniel, 470. Peletiah, 471. Polly, 470. Sarah, 471, 501. Stephen, 471. Susanna, 470. Tabitha, 431. William, 75, 84, 88, 93, 96, 470. Hodgman, Almira, 678. Elm a, 5&S. Hannah, 326. Job, 474. Lewis, 477. Rebecca, 588. Hoff, Nelville, 325. Hoffnagle, Edith, 206. Hogan, Peter, 321. Holbrook, Cynthia, 266. Elizabeth. 458. Joanna, ZZJ . Holcomb, Ishmael, 509. Holden, Albert, 471. Amos P., 471. Augusta H., 339, 472. Betsy, 471. Cora L., 307. Edward G., 471. Edward H., 471, 472. Edward J., 312. Emma A., 472. Eunice, 641. History of New Ipswich Holden, Florence, 472. Hannah, 242. Henry, 471. Ira S., 139, 471. Jeremiah, 471. Kate, 472. Leon C, 307. Louisa A., 472. Mary, 471. Mary M., 712. Otis, 351. Reuben, 471. Reuben A., 471, 472. Samuel, 471. Sarah, 471. Sarah J., 607. Seth C, 312. Stillman P., 307. Holland, Joanna, 549. Holman, Bertha V., 445. Edwin C, 445. Emeline V., 705. George G., 445. Holmes, Harriet S., 626. Holt, Anna, 626. Anna D., 714. Asa, 197. Holton, David C., 634. Freedom, 645. Samuel S., 624. Sarah J., 646. Hooper, Thomas, 453. Hopkins, Auretta, 347. Barrett, 216. George, 216. Mary, 381. Norman, 639. Home, Joshua, 586. Horsley, Betsy, 473. David, 472. Hannah, 473. James, 472. John, 472. Joseph, 473. Lucy, 272. Rachel, 473. Samuel, 472. Sarah, 472. Horton, Charlotte T., 551. Ernest, 208. Level H.. 680. Louisa, 376. Sarah, 330. Hosley, Elizabeth, 535. Hosmer, Abigail, 687. Amos, 474, 475, 476. Amos H., 476. Ann, 639. Hosmer, Anna, 474, 476. Anna F., 477. Asa, 474, 475. Benjamin, 474. Betsy, 475. Castalio, 476, 477. Charles, 477. Christopher P., 476. Clarissa, 476. Ebenezer C, 477. EHas P., 477. Elizabeth, 234. Ephraim, 475. Eunice, 474. Fannie L., 477. Granville. 479. Gustavus, 476. James, 473. John, 473, 476, 689. Julia, 476. Laura, 477. Leander, 476. Lois, 527. Lucinda, 477. Martha, 476. Mary, 613, 689. Mary J., 477. Nathan, 475. Nathan M., 476, 477. Nathaniel, 473, 474. Prudence, 473. Rebecca, 475. Reuben, 475. Sally, 475. Sally B., 326. Sarah, 471, 474, 477. Sewall, 475. Stephen, 473. Susan L., 476. Tabitha, 474. Thomas, 473. Walter, 477. William, 474, 476. Houghton, Alvan N., 478. Ann E. P., 478. Catharine H., 479. Charles E., 478, 479. Charles S., 479. Elijah, 477. Eliza E., 478. Ira H., 479. James, 477. Tanette H., 320. John P., 478. Levi, 478. Louis S., 479. Louisa M., 478. Ralph, 477. 752 1 Houghton, Rowena S., I 479. Sellman C, 479. Stedman, 171, 478. Susan M., 478. Thomas, 477, 478. House, Anna, 694. A. H., 133. How, Mary, 675. Howard, Anna, 625. Bela M., 348. Johnson, 133. Mary, 251. Mary J., 419. Samuel, 87. Tabitha, 468. Howe, Abraham, 479. Alonzo, 481. Alvin, 481. Asa, 481. Buckley, 482. Charles E., 483. Daniel, 175, 479. David, 480, 481, 482. Eldridge H., 482. Eloisa, 436. Emerson, 111, 482. Eunice, 147, 480. Hepzibah, 319. Ichabod, 479. Isaac, 75, 83, 93, 106, 480, 481. Isabel W., 436. John, 481. John D., 358. Jonah, 630. Jonathan, 479, 480. Joseph, 481. Marion B., 483. Mary, 395, 675, 686. Melicent, 480. Minnie A., 482. Moses, 439, 598. Peter, 482. Rebecca, 481. Samuel, 481. Sarah, 480, 481, 546. Sarah E., 482. Sibyl, 576. Silvanus, 481. Silvester, 481. Stephen, 480. Susanna, 480, 481. Sybil, 481. Tryphena, 481. Vashti, 481. Wilbur H., 483. Howland, Louise, 544. Index Rowland, Nellie M., 684. Hewlett, Sarah, 342. Hoyt, Anna P., 506. Caleb C, 506. Charles O., 506. Eliza B., 506. Ella F., 506. Harriet K., 506. Ida M.. 506. Mary E., 360. Mary R., 506./ Otis, 505. y Richard, 358. Hubbard, Abigail, 363, 482. Charles J., 261. Charles L., 484. Clarissa A., 485. Clarissa W.. 484. Dorothy, 643. Elisha, 78. Elizabeth, 196. Elton, 513. Emma, 485. George H., 151, 157, 481, 484. George W., 484, 485. Harriet, 484, 485. Harriet B., 484. Harriet W., 484. John, 116, 140, 194, 483, 484. John G., 485. John J., 485. John P., 484. John S., 153, 484. Jonathan, 483. Josiah, 484. Louisa J., 484. Lucy B., 485. Maria L., 484. Mary, 331. Mary A., 484. Rebecca P.. 235, 484. Sarah T., 147. Susanna, 207. William E., 484. Hubbell, Seth, 617. Hudner, Elizabeth, 429. Hudson, Ella M., 352. Thomas G., 558. Hueitt, William, 86. Huggins, Jonathan, 616. Hughes, Charles, 145. Hull, Charles H.. 116. Humber, Mary, 380. Hume, Robert H., 389. Humperly, Mary, 358. Humphrey, Emeretta, 348. Hunt, Abby H., 199. Ariadne, 435. Louisa, 591. Mary, 432. Sarah, 557. Hunter, George M., 201. Huntington, Mary, 348. Huntoon, Joseph, 659. Hurd, Anna, 339. Hurry, Oscar, 424. Hutchins, John S., 357. Samuel, 79. Hutchinson, Phebe J., 648. Sabrina, 275. Hulton, Susanna, 508. Hyde, Anna L., 301. Ezra, 385. Isabel A., 620. Mercy, 217. Sarah, 718. Ingalls, Amos, 87. Jonathan, 87. Pauline C, 424. Sarah, 317. Sophia, 683. Ingraham, Ruby, 511. Ireland, William, 714. Irish, Ruth, 415. Isaacs, Charles E., 116. Edward M., 154. Mrs. Henry, 151. Isbell, Sophronia G., 654. Jackman, Samuel, 598. Jackson, Beulah, 267. Elizabeth, 248. George S., 402. Lydia, 346. Mary, 430. Sibyl, 434. Jacob, Jael, 351. Jacobs, Amaziah, 495. Jacques, John C., 303. James, Clarence G., 224. Frances B., 224. Mary I., 224. Montgomery, 224. Thomas P., 224. Janes, Amanda, 348. Jaquith, Abraham, 485. Adde, 485. Adford, 485. Annis, 257. Charles B., 486. 753 Jaquith, Dollie S., 486. Frederic W., 486. George D., 426, 485. George R., 486. Hollis P., 486. Irving F., 486. Milo W., 486. Ossian C, 486. Polly, 273. Sarah, 631. Sarah O., 624. William S., 486. Jarvis, Gertrude M., 536. Teffrey, William, 695. Jefts, Anson, 487. Boynton, 487. Carrie A., 488. Charles M., 488. Clara M., 488. Clarissa, 487. Cyrus A., 487. Daniel, 486. Dora M.. 488. Elmira, 487. Elvira, 487. Freeman W., 487. Hannah, 614. Hattie, 488. Henry, 486. Tames M. J., 487. John, 486. Tohn P., 487. Jonathan, 486, 487. Julia E., 488. Katie, 488. Lizzie, 488. Lizzie E., 488. Lucius W., 488. Mary, 487. Mary P., 487. Melvin W., 488. Mildred W., 488. Nellie M., 488. Roxanna, 487. Sybil, 406. Willard, 487, 488. Jenkins, Charles, 282. Desire, 352. Sarah J., 538. Jenks, Marinda, 663. Rebecca, 670. Jenne, Mercy, 346. Jennings, Deborah, 318. Lydia, 358. Jennison, John, 483. Mary H., 229. Jenny, Chauncey P., 346. Jewell, Grissles, 408. History of New Ipswich Jewett, Edward, 584. George, 592. Hibbard, 184. Luther, 179. Margaret, 331. Maximilian, 248. Mercy, 319. Moses, 196. Ruth, 715. Sarah, 617. Johnson, Abigail, 539, 712. Allen, 603. Arthur E., 341. Burt, 341. Esther, 6j2. Franklyn, 209. George W., 130. Hannah, 483, 501, 559. Helen, 384. Herbert S., 603. John, 86, 418, 420. Katie, 603. Moses A., 603. Sibylla, 525. Walter S., 603. William B., 341, 572. William W., 112, 157, 191, 215, 328. Johnston, Lavinia, 573. Jones, Abel, 491. Abigail, 493. Almira, 270. Andrew, 492. Anna M., 200. Catharine, 401. Charles, 492. Charles E., 492. Charles H., 491. Charlie, 492. Ebenezer, 489. Edgar T., 492. Edmond, 651. Effie H., 452. Elisha, 490, 491. Eliza, 491. Elnathan, 489, 490. Ephraim, 489, 490. Evan, 492. Frances C, 493. Frances R., 493, 494, Francis, 492. Frederic, 493, 494. Frederic, Mrs., 134. Frederic W., 493. George, 493. George F., 492, 493, 492, Jones, Grace, 492. Hannah B., 233, 385, 490. Harriet A., 492. Henry, 490, 492. Henry H., 492. Henry S., 492. Hepzibah, 409, 490, 499. Homer, 491. Isaac, 490, 492. John, 488, 489, 493. John T., 491. Jonas, 490. Lucy, 407, 490. Lydia, 491, 492. Mary C, 212, 493, 651. Nancy, 357, 444. Nathan, 490, 616. Nathaniel, 489, 490. Persis, 491, 653. Peter, 396, 490. Rachel, 310. Rebecca, 491. Richard H., 490, 493, Rosetta A., 544. Sallie M., 492. Sally, 357, 580, 651. Samuel, 488. Sarah J., 322, 490, 491. Sarah R., 408. Simon, 490. Stephen, 490, 496. Susan, 368. Thomas, 489. Warren, 613. Jordan, Ann, 485. Elizabeth, 617. Joslin, Charles, 120. Samuel, 343. Susan, 450. William B., 453. Joslyn, John, 181. Jowders, Alexander E. Imogene M., 702. Joy, Elizabeth, 680. Judd, Helen, 665. Judkins, Helen M., 553. Samuel F., 116. Syrena B., 698. Judson, Mary, 322. Jukins, Dolly, 429. Kayser, Elizabeth B., 211. Eugene A., 211. 754 485, 492. Kayser, George B., 211. Paul B., 211. Robert B., 211. Keeler, Seth H., 140, 405, Keeney, Perley R., 577. Keith, Benjamin L., 520. Bezaleel, 403. William, 520. Keller, Eleanora, 627. John, 498. Kellogg, John, 498. Oliver M., 422. S. G., 135. Kelly, Samara, 544. Samuel M., 697. Kemp, Abigail, 257. Emily, 425. Hannah, 530. Joanna, 590. Sarah A., 680. Kendall, Abigail, 531. Clarissa M., 310. David, 142. Elizabeth, 283. 317. Henry A., 197. Lucy, 625. Mary, 255. Nathan, 449, 714. Ruth. 617. Sarah W., 207. 714. Susan W., 592. .Susanna, 642. William. 75, 88. Kendrick, Augusta C, 320. Charles A., 320. Kenna, Cynthia, 559. Kennedy, Hiram, 264. Mary, 484. Kenniston, Deborah, 205. Kenny, Daniel, 93. ^ Hattie, 324. Rebecca, 522. Kenson, Charles H., 679. Eliza A., 679. Ella G., 679. George D., 678. Helen M., 679. Martha J., 679. Kenworthy, Thomas, 300. Thomas C, 300. Kerley, Elizabeth, 479. Ketchum, Stephen C, 487. Keyes, Avis, 285. Betty, 410. Corydon D., 626. Israel, 87. Index Keyes, Joanna, 495. Laura, 273. Lucy A.. 19L Maria, 646. Mercv A., 620. Polly; 253. Rebecca, 685. Susan S., 68L Kibbling, Hannah, 173. Miranda, 440. Kidder. Aaron, 495, 497, 500. Aaron B., 497. Aaron I., 500. Aaron K., 497, 500. Abigail, 496. Albert S., 502. Almira, 498. Anderson D., 502. Anna, 499. Anna P., 504. Anna S.. 500. Asa, 500. Augustus L., 502. Benjamin F., 497. Benjamin P., 497. Beniamin R., 132, 501. Betsv, 496, 497. Calvin, 497. Camillus, 498. 503. Camillus G., 503. Charles E., 502. Charles H., 503. Clarence P., 502. David S., 503. Edward, 138, 499, 503. Edward H., 503. Eliza, 500, 501. Elizabeth, 503. Elizabeth P., 501. Emerenza, 498. Emma V.. 503. Eunice, 495. Eunice R., 501. Erederic, 138, 499, 504. George, 498. 499. George C, 501. George N., 501. George W., 503. Gilbert P., 504. Gustavus A., 502. Hannah M., 501. Harriet, 499. Harvey E., 611. Henry, 498. Kidder, Henry N., 501. Henry W., 500. Hiram B., 500. Isaiah, 496, 499, 500. James, 494. James C, 497. James M., 500. Jeremiah, 496, 497. Jerome H., 503. Tessie B., 501. Joanna, 495, 496, 498. John, 494. Jonas, 95. Joseph, 122, 146,495, 496, 497. 500. Josiah, 495, 496. Levi, 500. Lophemia L., 502. Louisa, 498. Louisa D., 502. Lovell, 501. Lucy, 495, 498, 619. Luther, 495, 497, 498, 502. Luther A., 502. Luther H., 497. Lydia, 496, 497. Lyman C, 498, 502. Mark, 274. Martha E., 503. Mary, 498. Mary E., 502. Mary G., 680. Mason S., 501. Matthew G.. 504. Melvin A., 500. Micah B.. 501. Minnie P.. 502. Miriam, 496. Molly, 497. Nathan H., 500. Pamelia B., 501. Phebe, 498. Pomeroy J., 501. Rachel M.. 495, 501, 508. Rebecca, 497, 498. Reuben. 75, 103, 256, 495, 496. 500. Rhoda, 497. Rowland M.. 502. Ruth. 496. 497. Sabrina S., 500. Sally, 498. Samuel, 498. 502. Samuel S., 502. Sarah, 496. 497, 500. Sarah F., 502. 755 Kidder, Sibyl, 497. Silas R., 500. Sophia A., 498, 499, 623. Squire, 501. Submit, 495. Susan E., 228, 502. Susan S., 504. Susanna, 496, 497. Thomas, 96, 495, 497, 498, 500. Timothy, 501. Timothy L., 497, 501. Wilder, 78, 497. William N., 501. Kimball, Abby, 426. Abigail, 593. Anna, 377, 626. Betsy, 407. George A., 588. George S., 208. Hannah, 218, 537, 563. Isaac, 354. Martha, 338, 484. Phebe, 537. Prescott. 622. Sarah, 678. Sophronia, 287. King, Anna C, 507. Benjamin, 77,78,504. Cameron F., 508. Cameron H., 507, 508. Caroline, 506. Charles F., 506. Charles H., 506, 507, 508. Charles P., 507, 508. Edward, 507. Edward F., 698. Ella, 185. Eliphalet, 505. Eliza B., 506. Elizabeth. 504. Frances L., 506. Frederick H., 507. " George C, 507, 508. George E.. 505, 506. Harriet H., 505. Harriet M., 507. Horace W., 698. James, 505. Janet C, 508. John, 567. Joseph, 505. Josephine. 508. Lochiel M., 508. History of New^ Ipswich King, Louis C, 508. Louis H., 507, 508. Lucy A., 505. Malcolm C, 508. Martha E., 507. Mary, 504. Mary D., 508. Mary R., 505. Rebecca P., 506. Samuel, 504. Sarah, 504. Seth, 505. Silence, 504. Virginia, 508. William, 504. Kingman, Susa, 708. Kingsbury, Alberta G., 374. Almerine, 628. Esther A., 374. George E., 333. Henry L., 374. Olive, 393. Polly, 272. Kingsley, Elizabeth, 342. Hannah, 235. Lucy J., 347. Kinney, Jonathan, 83, 93, 348. Samuel, 75, 97. Kinsman, Edna B., 303. Elizabeth, 265. John, 290. Lydia, 178. Kirkwood, Arthur, 11 , 78. Kittredge, Anna, 302. Fannie A., 208. Knapp, Mary, 613. Kneeland, Miriam, 377. Knight, Aaron, 181. Abner, 416. Asa, 181. Benjamin, 363. Dorcas, 380. Ebenezer, 96. Elizabeth, 252. Enos, 96. Frederic I., 201. John, 88. 90, 93. Lydia, 416. Margaret, 226. Martha, 380. Knower, Hannah, 278. Sarah, 278. Knowlton, Abigail, 509. Adaline, 512. Alice A., 513. Knowlton, Almira, 510. Alsemana, 512. Amos, 510. Benjamin, 106, 509, 510, 511. Benjamin F., 511, 513. Bethia, 509. Caroline, 511. Carrie G., 513. Charles, 510. Charles A., 511, 512. Charles L., 513. Charlotte, 510, 511. Clark, 511, 512. Deborah, 177. Delbert C, 512. Eliza, 510, 511. Emeline, 511. Ernest J., 511. Esther, 509. Ethel E., 513. Eunice, 509, 510. Fannie E., 513. F. Augusta, 512. Frances M., 513. Frank A., 513. Frank H., 513. Frederic E., 513. George E., 512. Hannah, 199, 509, 511. Harriet, 511. Hattie L., 512. Helen M., 423, 513. Henry, 84, 509, 510, 511, 512. Howard S., 538. John, 83, 89, 93, 509, 510. John F., 113, 118,513. John H., 510. Joseph, 510, 511. Josephine, 512. Laura J., 511. Laura M., 513. Leander, 511, 512. Lilla, 513. Lucy, 510. Lydia, 509. Maria, 511. Mary. 430. 512, 672. Mary E., 513. Nelson, 512. Oliver J., 511. Ophelia, 512. Phcebe, 509. Rebecca, 512, 756 Knowlton, Rice, 509. Rosetta, 512. Ruth, 510, 511. Sally, 510. Sarah, 509. Sarah E., 511. Shepherd, 512. Sibyl, 510. Sophia, 510. Sophronia, 510. Timothy. 510. Ursula, 511. Walter C, 513. William, 508, 510. William A., 513. William H., 512. William R., 116, 511, 512. Kreiling, Anna, 566. Kurtz, Edith, 544. Ladd, Dinnis, 393. Roxa, 428. Lake, Jane E., 373. Mattie A., 429. Wealthy, 564. Lakin, Abigail, 378, 526. Mary, 708. Lamb, Howard P., 261. Lampson, Abiah, 254. Esther, 255. Lane, Anna S., 242. Arthur C, 520. Benjamin, 676. Daniel W., 676. Dorothy H., 520. Elvira L., 242. Emeline, 676. George, 676. Harriet, 500. Ida C, 308. Lucy, 493. Luke, 600. Marion L., 520. Martin B., 676. Rebecca C, 378. Rhoda, 448. Sarah A., 676. Sewell S., 520, 676. Sophronia A., 676. Lang, Moses C, 302. Langstaff, Elizabeth, 439. Langley, Amos E., 383. John, 383. Laporte, Maud, 245. Larkin, Sarah, 687. Larrabee, Benjamin, 387. Berkeley T., 589. Index Larrabee, Nathaniel, 618. Latham, Caroline F., 698. Charles E., 698. Charles W., 698. Law, Artemas, 358. Elizabeth, 337. Lawrence, Anna, 207, 40L Charles A., 120. Deborah, 685. Eben, 142. Edward A., 140, 145, 664. Eliza A., 375. Elizabeth M.. 210. Hannah, 692. Hattie E., 239. Judith, 636. Lauretta M., 665. Lois, 486. Lucy M., 664. Mary, 409, 444. Miller, 274. Sarah, 342, 407. Leach, Adrianna, 406. David, 296. Etta L., 627. Prudence, 247. Lear, Nathan C, 251. Learned, Anna M., 627. Leathers, Dorothy M., 694. Leavitt, Benjamin, 586. Judith, 491. Lee, Clara E., 515. Ella M., 515. George W., 514, 515. John, 513. John W., 514. Jonathan, 513. Joseph W., 514. Judson F., 515. Mary, 468, 613. Robert E., 102. Royal W., 515. Sallie, 332. Samuel, 104, 127, 129, 157, 226, 513. Samuel W., 120, 514. Sarah R, 151, 170, 514. Le Francis, William J., 383. Leighton, Abby, 523. Leonard, Abial, 557. John G., 155. Lepingwell, Tabitha, 235. Leroy, David, 116. LeSure, Arthur P., 682. LeSure, William, 534. Level, Helen L., 515. Levine, Mary B., 384. Lewando, Helena, 210. Lewis, Asa, 363. Hannah, 526. Helen M., 349. Herschel W., 140. James, 89, 93, 504. Samuel, 90. Lewsdale, Cassandra, 547. Lincoln, Joshua, 139, 450. Leavitt, 460. Sophia, 452. Little, Jerusha C, 274. I Littlefield, Carrie A., 567. Elizabeth A., 334. Guy P., 567. Hanson, 567. Harold A., 567. Ida M., 567. John, 567. Raymond O., 567. Sheldon S., 567. Livingston, Edward E., 240. Harrison M., 120. Ruth H., 240. Locke, Adelaide L, 519. Anne, 516. Ebenezer, 515. Elizabeth A., 460, 518. Emma A., 518. Isaac N., 518. James, 515, 516. Josiah, 516, 517. Laura W., 518. Lucretia, 516. Mabel E., 519. Marinda A., 519. Mary, 516. Mary C, 518. Nancy, 516. Polly, 516. Rebecca, 178, 407. Samuel, 515. Sarah D., 517. Warren P., 113, 116, 518. William, 515, 516. William D., 517. William E., 517, 518. Lockwood, Amy A., 345. Long, Brian, 209. Eastman C, 654. Frances B., 209. Lois, 209. 757 Long, William J., 209. Longfellow, Henry W., '. 197. Loomis, Angeline, 456. Elizabeth, 513. Hannah, 505. H. H., 130. Lord, Frederic, 646. Henrietta, 384. Orlando M., 130. Loring, Charles A., 512. Martha T., 551. Matilda C, 636. Nellie, 371. Sarah A., 340. Susan C, 371. Lothrop, Mary, 632. Loud, Anna, 586. Betsy, 453. Deborah, 630. Lovejoy, Abiel, 361. Hannah, 523. William, 209. Loveland, Allen, 453. Lovell, Sally, 418. Lovering, Abigail, 290. Cora B. 442. Lovett, Benjamin T., 519, 520. Caroline A., 520. Caroline S., 520. Elizabeth, 520. Hannah A., 520. Harriet A., 520. John, 519. Josephine, 676. Mary J., 520. Sarah J., 520. William P., 520. Low, Charlotte, 370. Lowe, Abby E., 521. Asa, 521. Bessie, 504. Caroline, 521. Catharine, 521. Charles H., 521. George F., 521. George N., 521. Gertrude, 521. Herbert N., 521. Julia F., 521. Myrta B., 521. Lowell, Joseph, 720. Peter, 79, 104. Samuel, 90. Lufkin, Elizabeth, 519. Lummas, Ann, 381. Lumpkin, Sarah, 640. History of New Ipswich Lund, Elizabeth, 614. Lunt, Anna, 466. Lyman, Moses W., 278. Lynde, Lydia, 556. Lyons, Kate A., 298. Mack, Abigail, 617. Emily P., 391. Helen R, 313. John, 622. Sewall G., 622. Mackintosh, Robert J. 197. Main, George, 565. Mair, Alexander, 589. Mallet, Grace, 302. Mallery, Charles, 614. Malong, Margaret, 568. Manigan, Joseph, 698. Manley, Mary S., 522. Sarah J., 535. Mann, Benjamin, 80. Manning, Addison, 486. Esther, 461. Jacob, 559. John B., 639. Mary J., 501, 580. Sally, 490. Sarah, 466. Mansfield, Aaron, 522. Addison, 522. Albert P., 523. Andrew, 331, 521. Asa, 522. Azubah, 522. Baruck, 522. Bethiah, 331. Betsy, 522, 630. Daniel, 75, 521. David, 75, 522. Edward, 522. Elijah, 84, 522. Ezra, 522. Franklin L., 522. Frederic, 522. Frederic L., 523. George E.. 523. Israel, 522. Israel N., 522. Jacob, 521. Joel, 522. Jonathan N., 116. Leonard, 522. Levi, 522, 528. Lydia, 521, 522. Mary L., 523. Nellie A., 523. Newell, 522. Mansfield, Patty, 522. Polly, 522. Rebecca, 522. Rebeckah, 522. Robert, 521. Sally, 522. Sarah E., 588. Supply W., 522. Susanna, 684. Thomas, 522. William, 522. Willis F., 523. Mansur, Abby, 524. Abby L., 524. Eliza C., 523. Ezra, 523. Frank R., 524. George B., 524. Helen M., 523, 524. Horace, 523. James M., 523. James P., 524. John, 523. Maria E., 524. Mary H., 523. Nancy, 523. Robert, 523. Samuel C., 523. Sarah, 524. Susan, 523. William, 523. William E., 113, 116, 523, 524. Manville, Charles B., 502. Marble, Dorothy. 317. Emma A., 707. George, 690. Sarah, 542. Tamar, 554. March, Carrie T., 699. Marcv, Mary, 190. Marlett, Charlotte. 277. Marrow, Daniel, 318. Marsh, Charles, 216. Charles R.. 216. Edith B., 216. Ella F.. 525. John, 525. Joseph E. F., 524. Joseph E. F., Jr., 524. Lydia, 347. Mabel M., 216. Sarah, 335. Marshall, Benjamin, 525. Betty, 175. Charles, 383. David, 78. 758 Marshall, Edward O., 149, 525. Eliza A., 525. George, 308. Granville, 525. Harriet E., 525. Isabella M., 525. Jonathan, 88. Lucy E., 525. Lydia, 301. Maria A., 525. Mary, 606. Mary J., 525. Moses, 525. Orlando, 525. William, 354. Marston, Betty, 622. Sarah F., 622. Simon, 92. Martin, Abigail, 615. Bridget, 650. Charles A., 601. James H., 667. Lucinda, 272. Richard, 416. Sarah, 430. Martyn, Huldah, 686. Marvin, James H., 116. Mason, Abbie S., 201. Hannah, 257. John, 22. John T., 29. Louise, 201. Marshall M., 296. Mary, 675. Phebe, 512. Mathes, Elizabeth, 685. Mathews, Granville, 351. Jesse, 563. Milton O., 390. Matthews, Frank, 120. Mattoon, Sarah J., 419. Maverick, Sarah, 684. Maxime, Freelove, 480. Maxwell, Clinton W., 583. Dorcas, 647. Frances B., 562. Hannah P., 614. Henry F., 120. Jennie B., 625. Warren B., 655. William E., 463. May, Freda M., 569. Maynard, Daniel P., 655. John M., 286. Lucinda, 524. Matilda, 716. i Index MajTiard, Mary, 503. Rebecca, 243, 689. Sarah E., 370. S. Fred, 655. Simon, 709. McAllister, Benjamin, j 417. McAlpine, Mary, 366. McCall, Abigail, 641. | McConnell, Jonathan, 116. ! McConnellogue, Katha- rine, 206. McCumber, Annie L., 313. McDonald, Margaret, 698. Mary W., 249, 665. Michael, 116. McGregor, John, 567. Margaret,, 244. Mcintosh, Aaron S., 520. j Jennie, 520. Mclntyre, Freelove, 635. McKenney, Henrietta P., 340. Lura F., 463. Mary, 340. McKown, Annie, 330. Caroline E., 543. Ethel, 332, 545. William G., 330. McLanahan, Henry L., 485. McLaughlin, Frank J., ] 205. Mary E., 709. I McLean, William, 282. McMichael, Beatrice C, 700. McMurray, Caroline S., ! 479. McNabb, Isabella, 268. Mead, Hannah, 515. Hobart, 567. Howard E., 335. Maria L., 336. Means, Elizabeth, 198. Mary J., 184. Meddows, Mary, 362. Mellen, Lucy J., 717. William, 388. Mellins, Edward L., 636 Mellows, Hannah, 46o. Melvin, David, 75, 79, 88 527. Eleazar, 526. John, 75, 526, 527. Melvin, Jonathan, 526. Josiah, 526. Mary, 527. Nathaniel, 75, 82, 89, 526. Prudence, 590. Sarah, 526. Merriam, Abigail, 226. Alice E., 536. Asaph, 132, 133. Ezra, 97. G. Ernest, 131. George F., 130. Lucy, 474. Mary, 483, 650. Samuel, 564. Sarah, 687. Susanna, 432. William, 234. Merrick, Edward W., 320. Lula F., 320. Merrill, Althea, 672. Amos, 135. Ann, 576. Edwin R., 621. Merritt, Loren, 372. Merrow, Abigail, 587. Merry, Elizabeth, 218. Merryman, Almira R., 661. Metcalf, Elizabeth, 207. Joel F., 678. Martha, 466. Nancy, 201. Otis, 678. William, 346. Mevis, Lyman, 130. Michallis, Rosa M., 386. Miles, Abel, 75, 91, 528. Betty, 528. John, 142, 527, 528. Lydia, 528. Mary, 489. Polly, 528. Rebecca, 528. Seraph A., 557. Miller, Caroline, 433. Catharine E., 433. Clara, 503. Elizabeth, 227. Ezra, 416. Farrah, 79. James F., 433. Jesse, 421. Lizzie, 609. Mary E., 244. Mary J., 552. 759 Miller, Matilda, 238. Ruth, 267. Milliken, Alexander, 229. Arthur N., 216. Elizabeth, 229. Mills, Eliza, 500. Emma R., 347. John M., 308. Newton L., 264. Sarah B., 550. Sophia E., 265. William, 290. Minot, Beulah, 182. Hepzibah, 292. Lydia, 212. Martha, 214. Mary, 190. Rebecca, 212. Mirick, Charles A., 374. Mirrill, Mrs. F. A., 141. Mitchell, Eleanor G., 553. Margaret, 192, 223. Samuel, 79. Mixer, Sarah, 632. Mizer, Persis, 549. Monsal, Eunice, 257. Montgomery, Florence P., 579. George K., 577. Lucy A., 577. Mary, 222. Moody, Hannah, 657. Robert, 416. Simeon, 484. Moore, Anna, 494. Dwight, 700. Edward A., 564. Elizabeth, 482, 564, 655. Ferris, 133. Forrest F., 700. Frederic H., 287. Helen G., 542. Israel, 270. James W., 287. Jessie, 551. John M., 700. Joseph, 97. Lucy, 231. Lydia, 686. Mabel, 654. Martha, 646. Mary, 32, 51. Matilda, 511, 512. Moriah, 477. Sara, 442. Sarah M., 347. Morehead, Susan, 267. History of New Ipswich Morehouse, Charles, 674. John, 674. Reuben, 674. Morey, John B., 635. Morgan, Hannah, 266. Jane S., 683. Laura, 615. Morrill, Lydia, 593. Morris, George K., 717. Morrison, Mary, 638. Samuel, 463. Thomas, 79. Morse, Daniel, 88, 93. Dester, 284. Elijah, 78, 88, 91. Ella A., 408. Eveline, 500. Ezra, 87, 93. Hannah, 247. John, 87. Jonathan, 344. Mary, 548. Mary J., 554. Nancy, 400. Samuel, 92. Sarah, 638. Thaddeus. 198. Wilbur, 690. Mosher, Alvah B., 312. Chandler B., 312. Edna F., 312. Elva H., 312. Minta J., 312. Ruth L., 312. Mower, Josiah, 356. Mudgett, Abigail, 205. Mulliken, Joseph, 140, 141. Munroe, Abigail, 262. Mary, 577. Roderick, 690. Munson, Patience, 618. Murdock, Lucy, 634. Thomas J., 182. Murphy, Anna M., 718. Edward, 325. George, 676. Mary F., 569. Muzzy, Anna, 401. Caroline, 592. Gardner, 430. John, 397. Mary A., 477. J. H., 417. Myrick, George W., 338, Stanley C, 338. Nahor, Joseph, 603. Nash, Eliza, 335. Horace M., 521. Lucy M., 221. Nay, David, 270. Necdham, Nicanor, 360. Neef, Sarah, 413. Neeley, Zachariah, 301. Neil, Janet, 629. Margaret, 589. Nelson, Minerva, 534. Nettleton, Harriet B., 624. Nevison, Elizabeth, 457. Newell, Ernest, 429. Grace, 429. Levi W., 429. Mabel, 429. Mary J., 520. Waldo, 429. Newhall, Albert H., 531. Clarissa, 529. Ebenezer, 528, 529. Elijah, 529. Elizabeth, 529. Ezra, 529. Hannah, 529. Harriet A., 530. Helen M., 531. Henry C, 530. James, 529, 530. Jane, 252. Joseph, 528, 531. Joseph F., 531. Lois, 529. Louisa, 529. Lucy, 529. Lucy A., 530. Maria C, 530. Mary, 528, 529. Mary C, 531. Mary J., 530. Mary K., 530. Mehitable, 529. Milton P., 530. Nancy, 529. Nellie A., 531. Onesimus, 528. Philena, 530. Rebecca F., 530. Samuel, 529. Sarah, 529. Sarah C, 530. Seth, 529, 530. Thomas, 528. William, 529, 530. Newman, Cynthia V. 339. Newton, Abby J., 290. 760 Newton, Frank A., 283. Nicewarner, Annie H., 479. Nicholas, Robert, 175. Warren C, 113, 116. Nichols, Andrew S., 531. Clarissa, 531. Grace L., 513. Hannah, 236. Harold M., 210. Harriet L., 454, 531. Joanna, 531. John, 531. Kendall, 531. Louisa, 531. Luther W., 586. Mary, 187, 393. Olive, 542. Rebecca, 621. Richard, 531. Rosamond, 623. Sarah J., 531. Symonds, 531. Nickles, Sarah, 296. Nims, Brigham, 450. Noble, Daniel W., 274. Lorette R., 274. Norcross, Mary, 636. Sarah, 453. North, Judith, 278. Norton, Lewis F., 281. Lewis R., 281, 422. Norwood, Lydia, 521. Noyes, Edward L., 708. Joseph, 198. Zoe A., 518. Nunn, Sabrina H., 452. Nurse, John, 599. Rachel, 601. Whitcomb, 602. Nutting, Abel, 358. Allen A., 113, 116, 534. Augusta H., 534. Charles A., 536. Charles L., 113. Charles P., 116, 533, 535. Charles S., 116, 534. Cynthia A., 535. Daniel, 510, 532. Ebenezer, 532. Edward H., 536. Eliza, 238. Ezekiel, 532, 533. Frank A., 534. Franklin S., 536. Fred O., 537. Index Nutting, Frederic T., 536. George E., 226. George F., 535. George H., 113, 116, 533. ! George P., 116, 534, 535. Gertrude M., 535. Harriet M., 536. Henry W., 534, 536. Hiram, 533, 534. Horace C., 534. Izzie M., 535. James R, 113, 116, 422, 533. Jennie A., 535. Jennie M., 536. Joanna, 242. John C., 97, 116, 533, 536. John G., 537. John P., 535, 536. Jonas, 111, 116, 532, 533. Laura M., 533, 534, 535. Lewis, 536. Mary, 392, 533. Mary A., 534. Mary E., 535. Mary J., 533. Mary L., 533. Maud A., 535. Minnie C., 536. Myrta C., 537. Oliver J., 535, 536. Ora M., 537. Phineas S., 533. Rebecca H., 534. Sally, 532. Sarah, 392. Sarah L., 535. Stella L., 537. Thomas, 532. Victor P., 536. Wallace S., 535. Walter A., 536. Walter B., 536. William J., 536. Obear, Abigail, 537. Alice M., 538. Annabel C, 538. Clark H., 537. Donald F., 538. Francis A., 538. Harold C.. 538. Josiah, 537. Obear, Julia A., 537. Richard, 537. Sally, 537. Samuel, 537. Thomasine, 537. William, 537. Odiorne, Francis R., 405. O'Flaherty, Ellen, 487. Oliver, Aaron, 79. Lucius C., 116. Mary, 193. Olmstead, Chester, 347. Olney, Mercy, 181. Ordway, Henrietta, 370. Osborne, Diana, 274. Osgood, Elizabeth, 396. George W., 679. Owen, Anna M., 551. Oxley, George B., 273. Packard, Almond, 557. Alpheus S., 199. Isaac, 558. Lizzie J., 389. Packer, Sarah C., 304. Padgett, Martha, 408. Page, Adaline L., 539. Charles M.. 539. Daniel, 539. Elmira, 578. Elsie A., 550. George W., 539. Huldah, 688. Jennie M., 530. John, 538, 539. Jonathan, 538. Joseph, 538. Lemuel, 539. Lucy A., 381. Luther, 539. Mary, 228. Nathan. 539. Phebe, 673. Rebecca, 250, 602. Robert, 183. Ruth, 497. Susannah, 686. Paige. Hattie M., 569. Paine, Abigail, 288. Elizabeth, 212. Hannah, 233. Robert, 251. Palmer, David, 140. Margaret J., 666. Mary, 638. Parent, Arthur M., 607. Parker, Aaron, 539, 543. Aaron H., 543. 761 Parker, Abel, 540, 541. Abiah C, 547. Abigail, 292, 546, 547. Abigail C, 547. Abner H., 547. Abraham, 539. Agnes, 548. Alice F., 544. Almena, 541. Almorin, 549. Amos, 540, 546. Anne, 548. Arthur F., 543, 544. Asa, 88, 540, 542, 546, 547. Austin H., 544. Benjamin, 541, 542, 543. Betsy, 348, 547. Betty, 540. Catharine E., 543. Charles E., 549. Charles H., 311. Charles L., 543, 544. Conant A., 543, 544. Cynthia, 542. Daniel, 546, 547. Daphne, 545. David H., 549. Deborah, 258, 412. Deliverance, 235. Donald C, 545. Ebenezer, 234, 546, 547. Edith E., 544. Edmond, 356. Edward F., 622. Edwin L., 547. Eleanor, 544. Elias, 540. Elijah, 549. Elijah W., 549. Eliza, 547. Elizabeth, 145, 657. Emily J., 543. Emily L., 542. . Emily R., 544. Eunice, 546. Frederic C, 544. George F., 543, 544. George W., 542. Grace, 545. Hannah, 250, 545, 707. Harold L., 545. Harriet N., 273. Harry J., 242. Harvey, 542. History of New Ipswich Parker, Helen C, 545. Henry E., 549. Hezekiah, 549. Hiram, 541, 542. Horace, 130. Horatio G., 549. Hosea W., 542. Howland, 544. Tthamar, 547. Tames, 249. Toel, 221, 546, 549. Tohn, 87, 97. 448, 540, 542. Tonas, 541. Jonathan, 90, 94, 549. Joseph, 75, 82, 83, 94, 96, 540, 541. Leonard, 75, 82, 88, 93, 96, 540. Lucy, 546, 547. Luther, 547. Lydia, 249, 494, 540. Marion, 544. Martha L., 472, 621. Mary A., 250, 2>73, 403 579 Mary F., 256, 705. Mary M., 357, 549. Mary S., 547. Mehitable, 473. Mercy, 293, 546. Molly, 549. Moses, 539. Nathan, 542, 546, 547. Nathaniel, 548. Nehemiah, 549. Nellie H., 543. Obadiah, 545, 546. Olive D., 544. Oliver, 547. Phebe, 546. Phineas, 545. Polly, 540. Ralph E., 149, 543, 545. Rebecca, 540. Reuben, 548. Ruth, 545. Sally, 541. Salome, 185. Sam S., 545. Sampson, 545, 548. Samuel, 82, 91, 539, 546, 547. I Sarah, 412, 540, 546, 548, 588. Stephen, 75, 83, 84,1 Parker, Stephen, 89, 90, 97, 197, 548, 549. Susan, 675. Susannah, 416, 540. Thomas, 548. Walter H., 544, 545. Wilbur B., 543. William B., 542. Willis W., 544. Zachariah, 540, 541, 542. Zeruriah, 548. Parkhurst, Charles, 698. Emma C, 626. John, 133, 288. Sarah, 445. Parks, Hattie G„ 566. Louise, 473. Parlin, William D., 276. Parlow, Nathan G., 505. Parmenter, Mercy, 490. Parret, Elizabeth, 656. Mercy, 656. Parsels, Hannah M., 640. Parshley, Lydia, 294. Parsons, A. L., 130. Ella, 370. Keziah, 335. Louise A., 502. Mary L, 707. Partridge, Frances, 267. Ida A., 239. Patch, Agnes, 203. Edvv^ard, 717. Fred A., 717. Lydia, 173. Sukey, 560. Patten, David R., 370. Hannah, 338. Jane A., 372. John, 88. Sarah B., 329, 587. Patterson, Ira H., 386. Nancy, 328. Sarah, 197. Susanna, 516. Thomas, 79. Paul, Prudence, 473. Susan, 186. Paulding, Thomas, 304. Payne, Huldah, 300. Payson, Seth, 124. Peabody, Elizabeth, 198, 210. Hannah, 278. John H., 154, 404. Joseph H., 383. Stephen, 530. 762 Peacock, Charles E., 408. Charles R., 125, 130. Pease, Cynthia, 710. Hannah, 262. Mary, 443. Peasley, Charles D., 607. Pearsons, Elizabeth, 575. Jeremiah, 618. John R., 493. Peat, Amy, 639. Peckins, Lizzie, 589. Peebles, James, 272. Joseph, 272. Pell, Ellen, 248. Pellet. Sarah, 650. Pendell, Phebe, 616. Penn, Mary, 519. Pepper, Elizabeth, 384. Percival, Asher, 618. Perham, Asa, 84, 86, 99. Elizabeth, 234. Hannah, 248. Samuel, 54. Sarah, 186. Susanna, 650. Perkins, Donald G., 453. Elizabeth, 330, 524, 554. Hannah, 203. Irene, 712. Leroy, 296. Mary, 669. Rhoda, 471. Sally, 186. Sarah, 520. William, 180. Perley, Hannah, 570. Nathan, 186. Perry, Albert, 549, 550. Albert J., 551. Albert L., 551. Alice J., 551. Alice W., 550. Annie, 551. Arthur C, 551. Arthur C, Jr., 551. Belle, 552. Bertha, 210. Carrie M., 551, 552. Charles E., 552. Chauncey, 549, 55U. Chauncey R., 550. Chauncey V., 550. Cheseldon, 290. Edward M., 551. Eliza, 550. Elizabeth, 443. Elizabeth H., SSL Index Perry, Ella K, 551. Elsie B., 210. Emilie R., 550. Emilie S., 550. Esther P., 457. Flora A., 551. Florence, 552. Frank J., 552. Frederic B., 210. Frederic T., 551. George B., 210. George H., 552. George N., 550. George S., 210. Hannah, 590. Harriet A., 494, 550, 714. Hattie F., 551. Helen C., 210. Helen M., 550. Herbert M., 551. Hervey, 550. Isaac S., 128, 550, 551. James, 549. James B., 550, 714. James R., 551. Jane S., 550, 714. Jason B., 550, 714. Jason S., 550, 714. Jennie, 552. John, 290, 549. John C., 550. John P., 549, 550. John T., 550. John W., 550, 714. Louise, 552. Maria, 550. Martha G., 176. Martha W., 176. Mary, 550, 714. Mary A., 173, 551. May, 552. Mirey, 250. Nathan, 269, Nellie, 552. Oliver H., 707. Orpha F., 550. Raymond L., 551. Ruth B., 210. Sanford B., 210. Sarah, 550, 596, 714. Sarah B., 210. Sarah T., 192. Stella E., 625. Susan, 550, 655, 714. Timothy, 131, 550, 551. Perry, William N., 210. Peterson, Rosa, 716. Pettengell, Mary, 176. Petts, Mabel G., 442. Everett E., 707. Pevey, Chloe A., 606. Wallace, 116. Phelps, Abraham, 552. Eleanor, 316. Frances, 624. George, 552. Harrie A., 553. Henry, 552. Lorenzo C. B., 552. Lucy J., 553. Milo, 404. Phyana, 357. Simeon, 552. Wilbur L., 154,553. Phetteplace, Lucretia A., 321 Nettie M., 321. Phillbrook, Lilla, 327. Phinney, Robert J., 294. Pickard, Jane, 638. Pierce, Abijah, 553. Beriah, 704. Charles M., 554. David, 364, 553. Eleanor A., 553. Elizabeth S., 554, 712. Emily P., 554, 629. Esther, 677. Franklin, 199. Hannah, 489. Joseph, 553. Levi, 355. Lucy, 553. Lucy M., 554. Lydia, 553. Lydia E., 553. Margaret A., 554. Margaret M., 554. Martha, 704. Mary A., 392, 553, 704. Nathan, 553. Olive, 553. Olive R., 554. Rebecca, 553. Richmond B., 554. Stephen, 83, 96, 553. Stephen, Jr., 554. Susan S., 186. Warren, 140, 396. Will E., 482. Pike, Elizabeth, 446. 763 Pike, John, 113, 116,330. Sarah A., 588. Pillsbury, Benjamin C, 554. Blanche L., 554. Carl C, 555. Charles W., 554. Dolly, 358. Eliza, 358. Ezra, 554. Frank R., 555. Joseph, 554. Laura F., 555. Levi B., 555. Maria A., 555. Martha U., 555. Mary W., 554. Merrick D., 554. Moses, 554. William, 554. Pinckney, Phoebe, 512. Pingrey, Amanda, 273. Nancy, 173. Pinney, Mary, 552. Piper, Arethusa, 259. Elihu, 385. John A., 377. Malinda C, 652. Sibyl, 337. Pips, Polly, 360. Pitcher, Nazareth, 351. Pitts, Rachel, 233. Plaisted, Samuel, 197. Platts, Abel, 87. Plimpton, Esther B., 306. Plummer, Daniel, 350. Poindexter, Samuel, 281. Poleicho, Joseph, 251. Pollard, Benjamin, 75, 555. James, 555. James A., 555. Joseph, 75, 88, 91, 93, 209, 555. Lydia, 344. Milly, 556. Moses, 250, 555. Ruth, 555. Sarah, 555. Susanna, 555. Thomas, 555. Thomas M., 556. Polly, Bethiah, 548. Pond, Johannah, 664. Pook, Mary, 352. Poole, Elias, 326. Lucy, 359. Mary A., 326. History of New Ipswich Poole, Rebecca, 490. Ruth, 326. Sarah, 207. Susan F., 360. Poor, C. P., 140. Pope, Mehitable, 186. Porter, Albert L., 556. Anna, 327. Augustus, 313. Charles, 556. Charles C, 556. Elvira, 134. Emma, 400. George H., 556. Hannah M., 556. Henry, 326. Martha. 679. Samuel, 134, 326. Potter, Ann, 503. Artie, 515. Dennis, 620. Elizabeth. 268, 528. George F., 116. Jacob, 86. Lois, 331. Mary, 212. Samuel, 86. Sarah, 599. Poulter, Rachel, 268. Powers, Asahel, 94. Edwin U., 482. Emma L., 482. Fred E., 482. George, 429. Leonard, 429. Lvdia, 475. Obed, 346. Peter, 123, 631. Rachel, 354. Rhoda, 456. Whitcomb, 75. 82, 88, 90, 93. William, 356. Pratt, Abbie F., 558. Appha M., 557. Asa, 88, 95. Betsy, 415, 556. Catharine W., 557. Charles H., 116. 145, 557. Daniel F., 116. David F., 559. Eben, 78. Edward W.. 95, 557. Elizabeth, 556. Ephraim. 557. Francis W., 558. Pratt, Hannah, 556. Jabez, 401. Joanna. 556. John, 95, 173, 556. John O., 556. Joseph, 557. Joshua, 557. Laura E., 557. Louisa, 557. Louisa L., 557. Lucia, 192. Lucinda, 556. Mary A., 336, 423, 557. Mary J., 468. Mehitable. 557. Moses, 557. Narcissa T.. 556. Nathaniel, 75. 87, 91, 95. Otis P., 557. Phineas, 556. Rebecca, 556. Reuben, 557. Richard, 556, 628. Sophronia C., 557. Susan M., 558. Thomas, 556, 557. Warren, 144. 557. Wealthy, 618. Willard, 557. William H.. 558. Pray, E. W., 133. Preast, Lucy D., 330. Prebbles, Jemima, 585. Prentice, Adaline, 459. Alfred, 558. Ann S., 560. George W., 559. Hannah A.. 559. Henry. 558. 559. Jane W., 559. Joan, 437. John, 558. John T., 559. Jonathan R.. 559. Laura W., 560. Lona, 558. Lucy, 558. Lucy E., 559. Lucy G., 559. Lydia, 559. Mary G., 560. Nancy, 558. Nathaniel, 558. Patty, 558. Polly, 558, 559. Prentice, Sarah, 559. Sarah A., 559. Sumner, 558. Susan T., 559. Theodore, 559. William H., 558, 559. Presby. Austin, 536. Delia, 607. Prescott, Abel, 616. Cynthia. 174. Eliza, 247. Elizabeth, 271. Francis, 628. George J., 433. Henry, 654. Hepzibah, 602. James, 293. Jonas, 496. Jonathan F., 523. Lydia, 387. Mary, 392. 528, 640. Rebecca, 410. Sophronia, 275. Sybil, 532. William, 97. Preston, Abiathar W., 561. Abigail, 563. Abner, 84, 86. Albert M., 565. Alice C, 567. Alice M.. 568. Almira, 563, 567. Anna, 562. Augustus E., 564. Betsy, 560. Charles A., 462, 469. Charles B., Ill, 564, 569. Dora B., 569. Ebenezer C, 562, 565. Edward A., 566. Edward C, 567. Edward F., 563, 566. Edward O., 567. Edward W., 569. Elhanan, 562, 564. Elizabeth, 562. Elizabeth A., 566, 569. Ella T., 566. Ellen L., 568. Ellen M., 565. Estella, 564. Eunice E., 569. Florence M., 567. 764 Index Preston, Frances E., 566. Frank H., 154, 157, Fr^nk W.. 142 145 149 278, 566, 569, Frederic. 569 George H., 565. George L, 5t)9. George P., 120, i>^' George W 566. Guy H., 566 Hannah. 561 562, Henry F., 56«. Henry O., 155, 157, 563. 568. Herbert E., 567. Herbert F., 570, Horace, 564. Isaac, o^y ='-'' 562. 563. Isaac F. 5^. 568. Isaac W.. 568. James, 560. Tames M., 56b. Jane R., 566 Jennie. A., 560. Teremiah. 5oZ son. John. 109. 140, 154. 157, 293, 561, 562, 565, 569 John H., 567, 569. John L,. 566 Katharme. 5/U. Lucy. 561 562, 563. Lucy J.. 564. Lydia, 560. Melissa. 564 Maria, 563, 504- Maria F., 566. Maria L., 568. Martha. 564. Mary, 560. Mary A., 566. Mary C, 566. Mary E., 565. Melvina, 565. Nina H.. 568 Oraetta M., 554. Patty, 560. Peter, 562. Polly, 561. Rebecca. 50 1, 563. Roger 560 Roy S., 567. Preston Sally, 5^. Samuel A., 560. Samuel F., 561. Samuel T.. 566. Sarah A., 563 I Sarah E., 566. Sarah F., 566. Stephen H.. 563. Susannah. 56/. Sybilla, 564. Thomas B., 563 566. Timothy F., 56Z Viola, 567. William A., 140, 157, 566, 569, 570. William E., 569. William H., 563 566. Price, Cora M., 567. Luke, 509. Sarah. 549. Priest, Wilham, 84. Prichard Abbie A 578 Adalme, 573. 5/5. Adelia A., 578. Alanson, 514. Amelia M., 5/5. Amos, 89, 91, 571, 574, 576. Amos A., 574 Andrew W., 5/6. Anna, 571. Arabella A., 578. Artemas ti., o/'+- Arthur, 576 i ArviUa J-, 577. A<;a 572, 576. Augustus D-. 5/0. I Benjamm, 5/1, 3/'+- Bernard, 572. Bernice, 574. Caroline D., 573, 574 Charles C, 57Z, 5/o, 576. „, Charles H., 576. I Clara W., 574. 1 Cyrene, 574. \ Dexter, 574 Diedamia 572 5/6. =562 ; Dorothy C. 5/». ^^^': Edward. 576. I Edward M . 576. Effie M., 579. 1 Prichard, Eliza A., 574. I Eliza M., 576. Elizabeth F , 577 Elizabeth H-, 5/5. Emily D., 5/5. Emily W., 576. rrancSR:5/2'-577. Francis W., 157, 448, Geofge A., 574. 575. George B., 5/j. cSrle H 120 576. George M , 576. George W., 572, 5/J, 575, 578. Gilman. 572. 5/5. Hannah, 571. Hartwell P.. 573. Hattie K., 574. Hattie v., 5/». Henry A-, 575. Henry G., 5/3. James B., 512, 575. Jane ?., 5/^. Jeremiah 79 86, y^. 134. 571, 572, 5/^, John' B.. 570, 573, 576, 577 John W., 576. Josiah 573 Lena F.. 5/^- Lucy A., 577. Maria L.. 578 Martha A., 5//. Martha E., 576. Martha J-, 5/5. Mary, 574. Mary A., 573, 5/^, Mary E, 57/. Mary I'J^^'rnr Moses, 5/2. 5/3. Moses B., 575. Moses S-, 5/6. Nancy, 134, 573, 575. Nathan C, 5/4. Nettie, 578. Paul, 106, 570. Perley, 571. Romanzo 3., ^' ' ■ ISh I': 571, 573. Sarah E., 575. Sarah L., 5//. 765 History of New Ipswich Prichard, Silva, 574. Stephen, 571, 573, 574. Sumner, 573, 577. William, 86, 96, 109, 294, 570. William B., 576. William M., 575. William S., 574. William W., 575. Proctor, Aaron, 580. Abram W., 581. Adeline A., 187. Alice L., 583. Amos J., 116, 581, 582. Archie R., 583. Benjamin, 580. Charles E., 583. Clara A., 581, 582. Clarence, 583. Clarissa D., 649. Edward C, 582. Edward R., 583. Elizabeth, 409. Elsie M.. 583. Elton, 583. Ernest M., 582. Eugene R., 581, 583. Flora B., 581. Frank, 582. George A., 582. Hannah, 175. Harvey A., 581. Henry, 581. Herbert, 582. Hosea, 581, 582. Ira H., 581, 582. Ira J.. 582. Isaac, 84. 93, 580. T. Ada, 581. John F., 579, 580, 582. Joseph, 96, 580. Josephine, 582. Lena A., 583. Leon H., 583. Lilla,_ 582. Louvie, 582. Lucy, 270, 564, 615. Mabel F., 582. Maria M., 582. Martha U., 583. Mary, 677. Mary A., 582. Miriam, 580. Oliver, 579, 580, 581. Peter, 579. Rachel, 580. Proctor, Ralph J., 581. Ransom, 582. Rebecca, 580. Robert, 579. Romeo, 581. Sally, 580. Samuel, 579. Sarah, 285, 580, 657. Sarah A., 210. Stephen W., 581, 582. Susan M., 581. Sybil, 479. Thankful, 580. Timothy, 581. William E., 582. Prutzman, Clifford, 374. Ernest R., 374. Pudney, Martha, 682. Puffer, Frank W., 228. Nancy, 333. Rebecca, 438. Purcell, Alice, 264. Lester A., 265. Putnam, Clara, 608. Cyrene, 368. Edith G., 524. Hannah, 599, 616. Harriet, 716. John, 87, 470. Jonathan, 87. Lavina, 552. Lucy, 552. Rebecca, 585. Rufus, 140, 584. Quimby, Elihu T., 113, 140, 141, 149, 157. Leonard, 672. Ramsdell, Ada L., 585. Amos, 583. Ann E., 375, 585. Cassius G., 584. Charles H., 583. Daniel, 583, 584. Daniel P., 584. Eva J., 584. George, 583. George H., 584. Harriet E., 583. Helen, 584. Henrietta, 584. James, 583, 584. James B., 585. James G., 584. Lucia M., 584. Lucy P., 584. 766 Ramsdell, Mary A., 584. Mary J., 584. Marietta F., 585. Phebe A., 584. Phebe H., 583. Reuben, 583, 584. Susanna, 596. William H., 584. Willis, 585. Rand, Gilbert K., 680. Jonathan, 234. Lucy, 672. Margaret, 328. Sarah A., 483, 703. Randall, Phillury, 552. Rathburne, Annie E., 576. Rause, Charles, 501. Rawson, George, 710. Ray, Benjamin F., 130. Walter, 113, 118. Raymond, Arthur F., 696. Fidelia T., 551. George T., 696. Mary, 331. Ruth, 218. Silas, 376. Susan M., 181, 376. Wilfrid W., 696. Raynesford, Mary, 419. Raynor, Edwin R., 239. Fred L, 239. Harry W., 239. Herbert C, 239. George E., 239. William A., 239. Read, Hannah, 532. Jane L., 230. Record, Eleazar, 618. Redding, Emma C, 624. Reddit, Mary, 489. Reddy, Patrick, 113, 118. Rediat, Susannah, 527. Redington, Louise R., 184. Reed, Abigail, 596. Caroline E., 340. Charles, 237, 287. Eliza, 478. Frances L., 340. Harriet C, 453, 585. James, 74, 82. James O., 585. James O., Jr., 585. Lucy, 657. Mary, 202, 378, 461 Nathan A., 75, 309. Oliver, 585. Ind ex Reed, Rhoda, 685. Sarah, 343, 421, 657, 677. Remick, Bertha, 295. Henry T., 295. Remington, Elizabeth, 409. Mary, 505. Revere, Paul, 151. Rexford, John, 510. Reynolds, Francis B., 210. Mary J., 260. Ruth, 704. William R., 506. Rhoades, Abigail, 586. Ada M., 586. Albert, 586. Alfred, 586. Betsy, 586. Catharine, 586. Charles, 586. Clarissa, 586. David H., 586. Eleazar, 585. Harriet, 586. Henry, 585. Lizzie A., 586. Lucy, 586. Moses, 586. Sarah C, 586. Warren, 586. William, 586. Rice, Abigail, 291. Cynthia, 192. Hannah, 483. Huldah. 703. Jason, 88. John, 653. Lucy, 584, 636. Martha, 231. Minnie E., 682. Salmon, 345. Sarah E., 260. Silas, 653. Solomon, 234. Sylvester, 672. Sylvia A., 672. Rich, Henry M., 275. Richards, Caroline A., 606. Eliza, 266. Nicholas, 181. Robert, 653. Sarah G., 176. William, 89, 91. Richardson, Alma, 386. Almira, 487. Richardson, Anna, 682. Betsy, 302. Charles B., 609. Ebenezer, 588. Elizabeth C, 587, 607. Ezekiel, 587. James B., 452. James H., 690. John. 587. Jonathan. 587, 588. Josiah, 587. Lucy, 588. Lydia, 587. Mary, 257. Nancy, 486. Olive L., 201. Osrani, 367. Polly, 658. Rebecca, 515. Ruth, 382, 684. Sally, 617. Sarah B., 588, 622. Silas, 587. Thomas, 587, 588. Richmond, Mary, 245. Rideout, Fred, 558. Malvina, 717. Righter, Betsy M., 349. Ringwault, Louisa L., 479. Ripley, Allen, 646. Mary, 197, 276. William Z., 371. Richie, Margaret, 339. Ritter, Mary, 621. Roach, Elizabeth, 586. Robb, William, 87. Robbe, Alexander, 89. Robbins, Abbie, 588. Abbie L., 589. Addie A., 371, 589. Addie F., 589. Charles L., 371, 588, 589. Cynthia J., 349. Edith, 589. Emilv A., 589. Frank, 588. Fred E., 588. George C, 588. Harriet, 588. Hattie, 588. Henry, 588. Ichabod, 394. Ida, 589. John, 588. Robbins, Lewis H., 588, 589. Lizzie E., 588. Marcellus T., 588, 589. Martha, 588. Martin, 588. Mary, 539. Melville, 589. Rebecca, 622. True, 588. William O., 588. William P., 588. Roberts, Lizzie A., 585. Lucinda, 234. Robertson, Andrew C, 686. Robie, Thomas S., 130. Robinson, Charles, 118, 568. Elijah, 175. Hannah, 175. Henry O., 568. Luvana, 388. Mamie E., 568. Mary, 427. Mercy, ZZ7. Sarah, 338, 345. Sarah M., 440. Susan G., 660. Roby, Mary B., 384. Ralph, 414. Rockwood, Betsy R., 370. Mary E., 328, 335. Rodgers, Josiah, 75. Mary, 510. Rogers, Alice I., 589. Charles T., 429. David, 589. James, 125, 589. James H., 418. Jessie, 589. Josiah, 89. Lydia, 609. Marian T., 589. Marshall, 620. Mary, 471. Mary R., 589. Sarah, 685. Susan, 556. Rolf, Abigail, 554. Susanna, 385. Rood, Esther, 645. Root, Mary, 513. Parthenia, 619. Rose-Troup, John, 225. Ross, Helen E., 701. 767 History of New Ipswich Rossiter, Harriet T., 525. Ida B., 525. Kate M., 525. Marshall S., 525. Stephen T., 524. Rowd, Mary H., 544. Rowe, Elihu T.. 140. Rowell, Dolly, 361. Rowse, Annie E., 693. Arthur E., 693. Richard, 693. Walter W., 693. Rugg, Caroline L., 536. Clara F., 268. Daniel, 389. Warham H., 266. Rumrill, Benjamin, 590. Daniel, 590. David, 90, 528, 590. Joseph, 590. Simon, 590. Rusch, Emma, 550. Russell, Alice, 465. Artemas, 280. Betsy, 443. Celia, 544. Charles L., 372. Charlotte, 400. David W., 345. Edith F., 697. Eunice, 367. Fred A., 697. George T., 665, 697. James, 403. Jason, 403. Joel, 91. John, 279. Jonathan, 403. Lillian B., 697. Lois, 271. Lysander E., 554. Mabel F., 697. Mary, 343, 403. Mary E., 665. Maude V., 697. Mehitable, 317. Nancy, 443. Patty, 444. Phebe, 249. Polly, 364. Reuben, 89, 719. Samuel H., 89, 474. Sarah S., 193. Solomon A., 251. William, 136. Rust, Oliver, 672. Rutherford, Susan, 332. Sachs, Theodore B., 717. Sackett, Ellen, 606. Safford, Benjamin, 89, 90, 590, 591. Betsy, 591. Elizabeth W., 591. Hannah, 591. Hannah C, 591. John W., 591. Joseph, 590. Lucy, 591. Lydia, 591. Prudence, 591. Reuben, 591. Samuel, 590. Stephen F., 591. Thomas, 590. Salinas, Christopher C, 499. Sampson, Mary, 326. Samson, Charles B., 371. Sanders, Annie, 591. Annie J., 592. Betsy, 591. Caroline, 592. Caroline E., 592. Caroline F., 592. Charles L., 593. Clarendon M., 592. Cora N., 593. David, 75, 84,91,591. David A., 592, 593. Eddie L, 593. Edward A., 118, 592. Elizabeth J., 592. Ella L., 593. Ellen F., 592. Eugene S., 592. Fannie E., 593. Fidelia, 592. Frank, 593. George, 157, 592. George A., 592, 593, 685. George L, 593. George L., 592, 593. Harry H., 592. Henry M., 592. Hester E., 593. Joseph, 591. Joseph H., 592. Lorenzo P., 592. Mary C, 593. Mary E., 592. Mary H., 592. Nathan, 157, 591. Nathan E., 592. Sanders, Polly, 591. Rebecca. 712. Sally, 591. Silas L., 592, 655. William S., 593. Sanderson, Elisha, 133. Hannah, 636. John, 358. Sandy, Mary A., 620. Sargent, Eleanor M., 284. Elizabeth, 556. George W., 284. Harriet C. 465. Lucinda, 458. Lynde, 173. Marjorie J., 284. Nancy A.. 309. Robert W., 284. Sartel, Carrie B., 405. Satterlee. Ida, 408. Sauble, Susie, 352. Sawin, Mary, 353, 383. Sawtelle, Edmund, 88, 90. Elizabeth, 709. Hezekiah, 93. John, 75, 89, 97, 474. Josiah, 481. Lucy, 597. Sarah, 181, 481, 563. Sophronia, 511. Savv^yer, Alfred, 422. Alpheus, 599. Calista, 611. Charles, 513. Elizabeth, 189, 193. Emily, 599. George M., 323. Lucy, 429. Patience, 333. Sarah, 640. Saxton, Edmund F., 210. Scales, Carmi H., 440. Scammel, Alexander, 84. Schmidt, Catharine, 314. Theresa, 314. Schuster, Christian, 275. Scollay, Lucy, 394. Mary, 291. Scott, Bernice M., 238. David, n, 79, 99. Harold P., 238. John, 91. Lucy, 501. Martha A., 502. Myron F., 238. William, 79, 82, 86, 89. 768 Index Scoville, John, 422. Scripture, Oliver, 399. Sally, 713. Scamons, H. W., 492. Searle, Calvin E., 705. Gardner, 360. Joshua P., 355. Searles, Azubah, 267. George, 333. Sophia, 606. Seaton, Mary L., 406. Seaver, Lucy A., 672. Seavey, Carlos L., 453. Sever, John, 212. Severance, Abel, 79, 594. Abigail, 594. Abijah, 595. Benjamin, 88, 595. Daniel, 79, 594, 595. Ebenezer, 79, 88, 594. Ephraim, 86, 96, 593, 594. Joel, 417. John, 593. Nathan, 595. Polly, 594. Rufus, 594. Sewall, Edmund, 506. Seymour, Bela N., 130. Sophia D., 635. Shafer, Ellen, 512. Shaley, Eliza, 358. Shanesberg, Margaret, 526. Sharp, Mary, 322. Shattuck, Abel, 599, 603. Abel H., 603. Abigail, 598. Abigail S., 601. Almira J., 605. Amanda M., 601. Amos B., 606. Amos F., 608. Amy L., 608. Ann, 659. Arthur H., 608. Benjamin, 596. Bertha C, 608. Bessie A., 608. Betsy, 598. Brooks, 600, 606. Brown, 598. Caroline A., 607. Charles, 600. Charles C, 601, 607. Charles F., 600, 606. Charles H., 604. Charles P., 608. Shattuck, Charlotte, 599, 602. Clarissa B., 604. Cyrell, 602. Daniel, 599, 600, 603, 605. David, 599. David B., 625. David D., 607. Dolly, 179. Dustin, 600. Edward H., 605, 608. Eleonora, 608. Elisha, 599. Eliza, 605. Elizabeth, 235, 577, 597, 600. Elizabeth P., 602. Ellen M., 604. Elmira, 603. Elvira, 600. Emma H., 607. Ernest A., 608. Ezra, 599. Francis, 600, 605. Francis J., 604. Francis M., 604. Frances W., 607. Franklin, 602. ' Frederic D., 456. George B., 603, 608. George W., 118, 603,1 605, 607. Gertie W., 608. Grace M., 608. Hannah, 599, 600, < 602. Harriet F., 605, 607. Harriet M., 605. j Harriette, 603. Harrison, 605, 608. Hartly M., 606. Helen G., 608. Helen M., 606, 607. Henrietta M., 606. Henry L., 604. Horace B., 603, 608. Horace C, 606. Huldah, 602. Jane, 600, 602. Jane W., 601. Jennie H., 607. Jeremiah, 596. Joanna, 602. John, 596, 597, 598, 599. John B., 113, 118, 605. 769 Shattuck, John H., 603, 607. Jonathan, 598. Joshua E., 607. Josiah P., 602. Laura F., 608. Lemuel, 599, 604. Levi R., 607. Lucy A., 607. Lucinda G., 601. Lydia, 598, 602. Maiah B., 602. Maria, 600. Marian I., 608. Marianne, 602. Martha, 600, 606. Mary, 262, 599, 601, 607. Mary B., 601. Mary E., 603. Milo F., 601. Milton H., 607. Miriam S., 604. Nancy, 528. Nathaniel, 620. Oliver, 631. Oliver P., 599, 602. Persis H., 601. Peter, 82, 88, 91, 597, 600. Peter R., 601. Phebe, 652. Philip, 596. Polly, 598. Rebecca, 599, 604. Richard P., 599, 601. Rodney P., 607. Roxey, 601. Ruth, 598. Sabrina H., 601. Sally, 598. Samuel, 596, 607. Sarah B., 377, 499. Sarah D., 601. Sarah E., 604, 607. Sarah W., 604. Shebuel, 600, 605. Sherman, 597, 599. Simeon H., 600, 606. Stephen, 598, 601. Susan, 602. Susanna, 598, 601. Timothy F., 602. Vashti, 599. Wesson, 602. William, 96, 106, 595, 599, 600. William B., 598, 607. History of New Ipswich Shattuck, William C, 607. William K, 602. William S., 601. Zebediah, 652. Shaw, Hattie G., 314. Sheafe, Harriet C, 451. Shedd, Abel, 179. Abigail, 392, 538. Bcts>, 592. Charles, 140, 141. Cora B., 568. Curtis, 652. Edith M., 568. Elizabeth, 245. Ernest F., 568. Frank J., 568. Hannah, 446. Harry P., 568. James A., 184. Jemima, 718. John B., 611. Sarah, 472. Susan, 184. Sheldon, Charles B., 118. Milly, 408. Shepard, Elizabeth, 237. John W., 530. Nellie F., 699. Martha, 393. Shepley, Betsy, 528. Eunice, 249. Henry O., 439. Washington, 308, 439. Sherman, Abigail, 703. Grace, 290. Maria M., 678. Martha, 596. Sarah, 372. Sherwin, Asa, 87. Benjamin A., 672. David, 571. Jonathan, 237. Patty, 573. William, 142. Shipley, Noah P., 251. Short, Sarah, 176. Shumway, Peter, 529. Shurtleflf, Susan A., 277. Siemers, Luise O., 193. Silver, Charlotte, 307. Simmons, Louise, 341. Simonds, Abbie W., 609. Charles F., 578, 606. James W., 609. Jonathan, 609. Josephine H., 609. Simonds, Martha A., 609. Mary E., 219, 299. Moses, 609. Samuel, 609. Sarah, 618, 712. Willard S., 118. Simons, Willard, 118. Simpson, James, 118. John, 601. Skeldon, Mary, 274. Skelton, Deborah, 336. Skiflf, Evelyn, 700. Skinner, Alice, 279. Benjamin, 133. Edmund D., 678. Esther C, 550. Warren, 394. Slack, Henry, 413. Slade, Isabel 201. Slater, Julia M., 304. Sleeper, Charles, 383. Sarah, 491. Slocum, Edward G., 501. Sloss, Anna, 638. Slyter, Ada L., 278. Small,, Joanna M., 624. Mary E., 613. Smart, Betsy, 347. Caroline S., 349. Rebecca, 348. Smead, Polly, 271. Smedley, Ann, 362. Sarah, 640. Smilev, Charles M., 553. Smith, Abby, 313, 612. Abigail, 466, 610. Abijah, 83, 178, 609. Adon, 612. Albert, 611. Ann E., 508. Anna, 381. Augustus, 118. Bandana, 347. Benjamin, 79, 613. Bertha L., 206. Betsy, 610. Carl, 206. Catharine E., 206. Charles, 611. Charles E., 613. Charles H., 390, 614. Charlotte, 612. Clarinda, 313. Cyrus, 610. Daniel B., 400, 612. David, 345, 380, 613. Delia M., 612. 770 Smith, Deliverance, 123. Earl, 140. Edward, 611. Edwin, 612. Elijah, 610. Elizabeth, 509, 571. Emory D., 206. Esther, 614. Frank I., 582, 614. Frank R., 228. Frank W., 614. Frederic B., 383. Freeman, 511. George A., 118, 699. Gideon H., 118. Hannah, 406, 466, 647. Hannah L., 612. Helen, 613. Ina S., 702. Tra, 614. Jane, 612. Jeremiah, 611. Jesse, 140, 610, 612. John, 368, 613. Jonas, 611. Lefy A., 611. Lucy, 249, 674. Luther, 140. Lydia, 241, 610. Mary, 434. 514, 647. Mary E., 502, 614. Melissa, 383. Moody, 344. Olive, 612. Orlena C, 613. Peday, 418. Peggy, 415. Polly, 610. Rachel, 612. Rebecca, 205, 335, 610. Relief, 610. Ruhamah, 664. Sally, 610. Sally J., 611. Samuel, 611. Sarah C, 421, 524. Sydney, 612. Thomas, 88, 613. Walton B., 206. William, 492, 674. Snell. Catharine, 385. Thomas, 389. Snow, Anna M., 492. Francella, 236. Frederic E., 260. Harriet A., 450. Index Snow, Hosea, 236. Louise B., 280. Martha L., 634. Mary, 228. Snyder A., 133. Soper, Samuel, 75, 79, 90. Sophia, 270. Southgate, Lovisa, 542. Southwick, Rebecca, 511. Spafford, Abijah, 591. Sparhawk, Esther, 171. Hannah, 351. John, 142. Spaulding, Abbie K., 627. Abbv F., 622, 626. Abel, 616, 618. Abial, 617. Abigail, 616, 645. Albert, 620. Alfred F., 625. Almira, 623. Almira S., 622. Alva, 619. Alvah, 617. Amasa A., 620. Ami, 623. Andrew, 124, 614, 615, 617. Ann F., 625. Anna C, 470. Anna E., 627. Anson, 270. Benjamin, 95, 318, 615, 617. Benjamin D., 618, 622. Betsy, 616. Caroline E., 625. Charles, 622, 626. Charles C, 626. Charles E., 627. Charles H., 624. Charles W., 625. Chase, 618. Clement, 620. Daniel, 616, 622. Delight, 618. Ebenezer B., 88, 622. Edward, 214, 614. Edward F., 626. Edward H., 626. Elias H., 626. Eliza, 619, 622. Elizabeth C, 242, 627. Ellen M., 625, 718. Emily, 620. Emily P., 624. Emma, 622. Spaulding, Finette, 617. Frank B., 624. Franklin, 618. George, 623. George A., 624. George E., 627. George F., 621, 624. George P., 622. Gilman, 623. Hannah, 371, 461, 615, 616, 620. Harriet, 623, 699. Harriet A., 625. Harriet B., 626. Harriet E., 620. Harriet L., 624. Harriet R., 627. Harry E., 627. Harvey, 622. Haskell, 617, 623. Helen M., 619. Henry, 89, 90, 614, 624. Henry M., 627. Hosea, 619. Ira, 618. Isaac, 616, 621, 622, 625. Isaac H., 626. Isaac K., 626. Jacob, 136. James, 616, 619, 623. James B., 620. James C, 622. James G., 623. James M., 623. John, 500, 621. John A., 626, 627. John W., 332. Jonas, 616, 618. Jonathan, 616, 619. Joseph, 616, 621. Joseph S., 621. Josephine M., 627. Josiah W., 154, 621, 625. Junius, 617. Laura, 618. Laura A., 621, 624. Lemira, 618. Levi, 82, 90, 617, 622. Lorenzo, 620. Louisa, 620. Lucy, 617, 618, 623. Lucy K., 626. Lydia, 617. Lyman, 618, 622. Maria, 554. 771 Spaulding, Maria H., 624. Martha, 618. Martha A., 619. Mary, 357, 616, 620, 622. Mary A., 619, 620, 622. Mary C, 618. Mary H., 625. Mary L., 621. Mary R., 626. Micah, 618. Moses, 622, 626. Myra, 620. Nathan, 617. Nathan B., 616, 620. Nathan P., 619. Nellie G., 712. Noah, 616, 619. Orpah, 622. Parnal, 618. Permelie, 618. Phineas, 616.-^ — Phineas B., 621, 625.- Prudence, 618. Rachel, 617. Rebecca C, 621. Rodney, 619. Ruth, 617. Sally, 616, 620. Samuel, 616, 622. Sarah, 337, 342. Sarah B., 625. Sarah J., 622. Sewall, 619. Simeon, 413, 617. Solomon, 620. Sophia, 620. Sophronia, 620. Stephen, 617, 619, 621, 623. Sybil, 420. Sylvia, 617. Thomas, 93, 96, 617. Vesta, 620. Waldo R., 627. Willard, 269. William, 621. William A., 624. William E., 627. William R., 626. William S., 621, 624. Zebina, 617. Spear, Alva, 628. Annie B., 629. Betsy, 628. Charlotte, 628. History of New Ipswich Spear, Dorothy, 628. Eben, 628. Edward H., 629. Emily P., 629. George H., 629. Hannah, 628. Henry A., 629. Joseph, 628. Joseph A., 118, 628. Joseph B., 629. Joseph T., 629. Lucinda, 628. Lydia, 628. Lyman, 628. Margaret, 628. Mary, 629. Mary K., 629. Maude, 629. Otis, 628. Samuel, 95, 628. Samuel B., 628. Sarah, 676. Selene, 628. William, 75, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 627. Spencer, Eunice, 671. Hobart, 491. John, 412. John C, 255. Mary, 664. Susanna, 202. Sperry, James, 344. Spafford, Clarissa O., 289. Hannah, 145, 176. Mary, 282. Phebe, 176. Polly, 355. Sprague, George L., 535. Hannah, 256, 696. Lyman C., 312. Mary, 279. Rebecca, 278. Vere N., 535. Waldo W., 312. Spring, Margaret, 704. St. Armand, Delia, 321. St. Claire, Abbie, 690. Stacy, Mary A., 272. Stanchfield, Olive G., 667. Standen, Anthony, 199. Edith A., 199. Marjorie, 199. Richard F. H., 199. Stanford, Fanny, 174. Mabel, 353. Stanhope, Isaac, 79. Stanley, Joseph, 87. Stanley, Mary A., 706. Sarah, 502. Stansbury, Jean, 471. Stark, Clifton C, 251. Elizabeth R, 456. Ellen, 251. Henry, 251. Starnes, Sarah, 687. Starr, Elizabeth, 275. Florida, 275. Mary, 378. Start, Amos, 631. Daniel S., 631. Ebenezer, 630. Elizabeth, 631. George, 630, 674. Isaiah, 631. John, 79, 630, 631. Lucy, 631. Mary, 630, 631. Moses, 446, 630, 674. Noah, 631. Relief, 631. Sally, 631. Sarah, 630, 631. William, 75, 91, 630, 631. Stearns, Abbie M., 636. Abigail, 229,455,633. Abigail M., 634. Albert, 152, 157, 633, 637. Albert W., 635. Alice, 633. Betsy, 632. Charles, 636. Charles C, 635. Clarence G., 636. David, 636. Douglass C, 638. Edwin J., 685. Elizabeth, 180. Emily W., 633. Eveline L., 634. Flora E., 634. Flora P., 635. Foster W., 638. Frank W., 637. George M., 635. George W., 259, 600. Gertrude L., 635. Isaac, 632, 633. Isaac O., 636. Isaac C, 157, 634, James H., 635. Jesse, 633. Jesse G. D., 634. John, 120, 632, 636. 772 Stearns, John N., 634, 636. Joseph C, 637. Josiah M., 634, 635. Julia, 637. Leonard, 600, 637. Louisa, 638. Lucy E., 634, 636. Martha, 633. Martha C, 634. Mary, 375, 632. Mary M., 190. Nathan, 636. Nellie G., 636. Orpah, 367, 633. Rebecca H., 681. Richard H., 637. Sarah A., 375, 632. Thomas, 181. Thomas A.. 181. Timothy, 75, 83. William F.. 637, 638. Steele, Mary, 593. Stephen, Eliza, 416. Stephenson, Sarah, 713. Sterling, Lizzie, 245. Stetson, Simon, 496. Stevens, Arthur L., 718. Arvilla, 186. Charles E., 612. Deliverance, 408. Elizabeth, 672. Ephraim, 78, 88, 90. Henrietta F., 612. Henry R., 611. Hiram, 303. Jane, 600. Joanna, 318. John, 47, 153. Jonathan, 75. Joseph, 509. Levi, 249. Lucy, 357. Mary, 304. Samuel, 498. Sarah, 343. Stevenson, Margaret, 295. Steward, Ida L., 276. Stickney, Alfred, 640. Amos, 638. Anna, 639. Asa, 639. Benjamin, 638. Charles, 639. Eliza, 639. George W., 639. Hitte, 639. Jane, 639. Index Stickney, Joseph, 91, 95, 638, 639. Joseph H., 639. Lizzie, 639. Lyman, 640. Maria, 68L Martha, 248. Mersylvia, 640. Moody, 639. Paul, 97. Oliver, 639. Richard, 90. Thomas, 639. Warren, 640. William, 638, 639. Stiles, Harriet E., 205. Hattie A., 569. Henrietta F., 315. Stimpson, Mary, 587. Royal, 678. Stinson, Bethia, 636. Eliza, 648. Stoddard, Delina C, 672. Martha, 404. Stone, Abigail, 675. Abijah, 393. Asa, 641. Charles M., 642. David, 641. Earl, 559. Ebenezer, 481. Elias, 640. Elizabeth, 697. Elizabeth F., 641. Elizabeth H., 385. Ellen, 642. Elmira, 186, 347. Eunice, 641. Gregory, 490. Hannah, 231. Harriet, 716. Helen M., 347. Isaac, 641. Isaac N., 642. James, 640. Jane, 640, 642. Jesse, 642. Joel, 641. John, 640. John P., 642. Jonas, 641. Joseph, 640. Josiah, 78. Laura A., 225, 384, 642. Luther, 641. Maria, 642. Mary, 257, 492, 642. Stone, Nathan, 236, 641, 642. Nathaniel, 75, 83, 91, 106, 641. Noyce, 641. Polly, 696. Relief, 642. Ruth, 557. Salmon, 89. Sarah, 641. Silas, 642. Simon, 640, 641. Sophia, 270. Thankful, 641. Timothy, 642. William H., 642. Zimri, 642. Zoa, 642. Storrs, Reuben, 347. Stowell, Elizabeth, 263. Lucinda, 621. Mary, 690. Nathaniel, 274. Stowers, Ann, 486. Strate, William, 83. Stratton, Asa, 644. Barnard, 647. Caroline, 644. Charles, 644. Charles H., 118, 646. Charles R., 646. Daniel, 643, 645. David, 75, 647. Dolly, 644. Ebenezer, 644. Edward, 646. Elbridge, 644. Eleazar, 643. Elizabeth, 644. Emma F., 646. Emogene A., 646. Etta E., 646. George E., 646. G. Frederic, 646. Hannah, 644. Hezekiah, 643, 644. James S., 118, 512, 646. Jeremiah, 644, 645. John, 644, 647. Jonas, 643, 647. Joseph, 643. Levi, 647. Lydia, 644, 645. Martha, 647. Mary, 468, 677. Nehemiah, 88, 90, 93, 96, 644. 773 Stratton, Raymond, 645. Sally, 644. Samuel, 643. Sarah, 643. Sarah E., 646. Seth, 645. Stillman, 646. Susan J., 646. Susan M., 645. Thomas, 647. William, 644, 645. Streeter, Hannah,, 318. Strong, Harrison W., 133. Mary A., 378. Phebe, 230. Strout, George E., 485. Stuart, Edward, 437. Stubbs, Jessie B., 567. Sullivan, John, 80. Sumner, Harriet C, 197. Samuel G., 670. Sunbury, Arthur, 544. Surette, Louis A., 604. Sutcliffe, Mattie, 716. Sutherland, Mary P.. 575. Sutter, Martha, 264. Swain, Elizabeth, 256. Nathaniel, 75, 89, 91. Swallow, Andrew S., 113, 118. Ellen H., 653. Nellie M., 513. Peter. 653. Swalzwelder, Mary C, 563. Swan, Elizabeth, 545. Sarah, 248. Swartz. Walter G., 513. Swasey, Lydia A., 538. Sweatt, Moses E., 484. Permelia C, 602. Sweeney, Emma, 274. Sweet, Alice, 408. Samuel P., 598. Sweetser, Charles H., 368. Swett, Eddy B., 205. Sykes, Frances C, 370. Syles, Mary, 248. Sylvester, Adrianna, 648. Carl A., 649. Charles, 648. Deborah, 648. Edwin, 648, 649. Eliza A., 386. Fred, 649. Harriet A., 649. History of New Ipswich Sylvester, John, 647. Joseph, 647. Lemuel H., 647. Lucy, 648. Mary E., 649. Mary L., 648. Merrick, 644, 649. Philip H., 649. Richard, 647. Stephen, 649. Stephen A., 649. Stephen T., 648. William H., 649. Zinthia, 648. Symes, Mary, 560. Symmes, Caroline, 624. Symonds, Asa, 529. Emma L., 567. Hannah, 531, 708. Mary, 319, 584. Melia, 191. Rebecca, 369. Thomas, 640. Tabraham, Robert J., 545. Taft, Herbert J., 149. Taggard, Ira, 136. James, 86. Martha, 631. Tainter, Edwin B., 574. William, 221. Tait, Margaret B., 702. Talbot, Sarah H., 320. Talcott, Hart, 140. Tapley, Harriet R., 251. Tappan, Samuel S., 634. Tarbell, Alice M., 207, 685. Bessie M., 155. Betsy, 181. Candace, 366. Charles L., 155. George A., 680. Sarah, 192, 272. Tarbox, Experience, 455. Sarah, 218. Taylor, Abraham, 650. Adella, 656. Amos, 355, 650. Asenath, 652. Betsy, 592. Bridget, 650. Carrie, 655. Catharine, 651. Charles, 652, 655. Charles C, 655. Charles P., 327. Taylor, Clarence G., 656. C. Ralph, 656. David, 650. Edmund, 650. Eleanor S., 654. Elias, 286. Eliza, 404, 678. Elizabeth H., 331, 654, 691. Emily, 653. Emily A., 654. Emma, 655. Ephraim, 651. Erwin H., 656. Esther, 561. Eugene H., 655. Fanny G., 652. George, 652, 654. George M., 680. George W., 653, 655. Hannah, 651, 654. Harriet L., 655. Harriet M., 656. Harriet N., 654. Harrietta M., 655. Hartwell J., 653, 655. Henry, 653. Hepzybeth, 652. Hiram, 652. James, 651. Jane W., 586, 651, 655. Jennie, 592. John, 651. Jonathan, 654. Laura, 653. Lucy, 403, 651, 652, 653. Lucy K., 653. Lydia M., 619. Martha F., 655, 660. Mary, 344, 376, 651, 654, 655. Milly, 652. Myron, 655, 656. Nathaniel, 652. Olive A., 653. Oliver S., 140, 652. Persis, 490. Philip W., 656. Rachel, 651. Reuben, 96, 651, 652, 654. Rhoda, 695. Ruth, 362, 652. Samuel, 650,652,653. Sarah, 243, 452, 652, 692. 774 Taylor, Sarah W., 654. Silas, 90. Sophia, 652. Sophronia, 652. Submit, 437. Susannah, 652. Sylvia, 652. Thaddeus, 651. Theodore, 613. Thirza, 418. Thomas S., 654. Warren C, 656. William, 265, 650, 651, 653. Zebedee, 651. Tebbitts, George B., 118. Teel, Samuel, 444. Temple, Betsy, 269. Harriet, 511. John, 78, 79. Mary R., 272. Timothy G., 510. William H., 659. Templeton, Lydia C, 576. Tenney, Abby M., 660. Ada R, 663. Adaline, 348. Alfred, 659. Alfred R., 659. Alice F., 662. Almira, 659. Arvilla, 658. Asenath A., 659. Barnard, 660. Benjamin, 657, 658. Betsy, 657. Blanche M., 578. Charles A., 660. Charles F., 663. Charles H., 661, 663. Charles P., 663. Clara B., 661. Clara M., 662. Clarissa W., 658. Cora L., 663. Edgar L., 663. Ellen F., 660. Emma L., 661. Estella W., 662. Ethel P., 578. Eugene, 660. Florence A., 662. Florence B., 663. Florence M., 578. Flossie C, 663. F'rances, 661. George F., 120, 658. George W., 661. Index 1>nney, Grace E., 578. Hammon M., 659. Hammon O., 662. Harriet A., 658. Hattie E., 662. Helen I., 662. Henry A., 660. Homer, 662. Irene L., 659. James, 660. James E., 578. James H., 578. Jennie L., 661. John, 656, 657. Joseph, 75, 89, 91, 657, 661. Joseph A., 658, 660. Joseph P., 659, 661. Josephine T., 661. Julia L., 663. Lorena M., 659, 663. Louise M., 663. Lovina M., 659. Lucy B., 658. Lydia J., 659. Lydia M., 660. Lyman L., 659. Madge B., 663. Marie J., 661. Marion A., 663. Martha A., 660, 711. Mary A., 658. Mary E., 660. Moses W., 660. Myra F., 663. Oliver, 657, 660, 662. Osgood C, 662. Pamele, 661. Phila F., 272. Philena A., 661. Philip E., 662. Ralph C, 663. Roxana L., 661. Ray P., 663. Ruth M., 662. Sampson, 657, 658, 659, 660. Sampson M., 661, 663. Samuel, 657, 661. Sarah A., 659. Sarah J., 662. Sarah L., 661. Susan L., 663. Sylvia, 659. Theodore, 660. Thirza L., 661. Thomas, 656. Tenney, Velora E., 661. Velora L., 663. Wallace O., 662. Wilber H., 662. Willard E., 659. Wiliam B., 657, 658. William P., 659, 661, 663. Thacher, Caroline, 550. Thaxter, Elizabeth, 351. Thaver, Albert G., 665. Albert S., 666, 667. Alice E., 666. Arthur S., 668. Beatrice, 668. Bertha J., 667. Edith E., 667. Edward A., 118, 665, 666. Everett H., 666. Everett S., 667. Ferdinando, 664. Frances H., 668. Frank P., 667. Frederic A., 665, 667. Grace D., 668. Grace J., 666. Hannah, 664. Harry E., (£] . Hattie F., (£J . Henry, (^1 . Hovi^ard S., 666. Joanna P., 664. John, 664. Lauretta S., 665. Mabel L., 666. Marion A., 666. Mary E., 665. Miriam A., 667. Nettie A.. 667. Palatia, 664. Permelia H., 665. Philip C., 668. Samuel A., 665, 666. Sarah A, 665. Smith, 664. Stephen, 664. Stephen H., 665,666. Thomas, 664. Walter S., 666, 668. William A., 666, (^1 . William S., 665. Thomas, Bethia, 458. David, 333. Delos, 535. George R., 259. John, 80, 82, 88, 91, 93. 775 Thomas, Joseph, 417. Margaret, 327. Mary A., 711. Othniel, 97. Thompson, Anna M., 635. Bessie T., 155, 353. Czarina, 226. Ezekiel, 710. James E., 681. Lottie A., 243. Mary, 232. Matthew, 618. Nancy, 476. William R., 133. Thorns, Mary O., 707. Thorn, Walter, 244. Thornton, Caroline A., 223. Thurston, Esther, 247. Lydia, 331. Tibbeth, Dallas D., 264. Tidder, James, 75, 87, 91, 93, 668. Molly, 668. Solomon, 668. Tilden, Zinthia, 647. Tileston, Hannah, 351. Tillson, Orrin, 525. Tilson, Jennie, 614. Tilton, Eben, 693. Tindall, George T., 526. Harry B., 526. Tingley, James W., 133. Titus, Charles, 674. James, 674. Lucy, 674. Maria, 674. Relief, 674. Reuben, 674. Tobey, Charles W., 543. Doris E., 543. Marion I., 543. Mary, 710. Mildred P., 543. William H., 543. Tobin, Albert S., 372. Arthur P., 372. Todd, Adaline, 610. James B., 196. John, 610. Martha, 610. William, 610. Tolman, Charles, 586. Eliza, 359. Henry, 586. John, 326. Josephine, 586. Mary, 280. History of New Ipswich Tolman, Sarah, 586. Tompkins, Margaret, 455. Toms, Florence, 372. Tory, Mary, 242. Tower, George, 383. Nancy C, 383. Towne, Abigail, 671. Alice, 405. Almond S., 671. Benjamin, 669, 670, 671. Betsy, 539, 671. Betty, 670. Catharine, 669. Cornelius, 670, 672. Diana, 671. Edmund, 84, 91, 96, 669, 670, 671. Elijah, 670, 671. Eliza, 671. Elizabeth, 669. Ezra, 75, 253, 669, 670. Ezra, Jr., 670. Francis, 670. George M., 672. Greene, 672. Flannah C, 672. Harriet E., 569. Jeremiah, 669, 670. John P., 672. Joseph 669. Joshua C, 259. Lillian, 577. Martha, 311. Mary, 570, 672. Mary C, 672. Mercy, 670. Nathaniel, 669. Nehemiah, 670. Phebe, 670. Pliny F., 672. Rebecca, 670. Rhoda, 670. Sarah, 670, 672. Stephen, 671. Susannah, 670. Wilder, 670. William, 668. Townsend, Betty, 522. David, 88. George, 347. Hannah, 521. Lydia, 410. Sarah, 380, 685. Trask, Elizabeth, 263. Treadwell, Susan, 523. Trimble, Albert E., 238. Trimble, Elmer, 238. Frederic E., 238. John, 238. Mabel F., 238. Walter H., 238. Trowbridge, Abigail, 292, 294. Evelene, 304. Truant, Huldah, 458. True, Betsy A., 576. Trufant, Polly, 497. Trull, Darkin, 303. Hannah, 221. Truslow, John, 503. Tucker, Beatrice, 519. Charles, 675. Charles H., 307. Edwin L., 519. Eleanor B., 519. Elizabeth, 674. Emma L., 134. Fred L., 519. Freeman S., 238. Hannah, 674. Harriet M., 266. Jonathan, 221. Joseph, 673, 674, 675. Mary, 673, 674. Mary A., 543. Morris, 672. Moses, 75, 80, 89, 90, 91, 93, 96, 673, 674. Moses, Jr., 124. Phebe, 673. Relief, 674. Reuben, 674. Sarah, 674. Stephen, 675. Sukey, 674. Tufton, Thomas, 78, 79. Tufts, Carrie, 525. Charles W., 525. Ellen M., 525. Harriet M., 321. John F., 452. Turner, Asa, 153. Ebenezer, 406. Eleaner, 480. James, 97. Joseph, 135. Rachel, 358. Turrell, Electa, 396. Tuttle, Arlette, 554. Elizabeth, 392. Flelen M., 550. Mary, 433. Phebe, 278. Twist, Jonathan, 96. 776 Twitchell, Samuel, 93. Sarah, 196. Tyler, Buckley O., 672. Humphrey M., 120. James A., 408. Susan, 341. Tyng, Mary, 558. Uganst, Levi L., 682. Underwood, Daniel, 675. Jeremiah, 75, 95. John, 356. Joseph, 675. Joshua, 675. Remembrance, 587. Upham, Joanna, 685. Phebe, 556. Upton, Amy L., 684. Charles, 512. Dorcas, 429. Eli, 95. Lucy, 592. Tabitha, 404. William, 90, 95. Uran, Abigail, 470. Valentine, Eliza, 359. Valley, David P., 567. Van Meter, Martha E., 662. Van Syke, Clara, 265. Varder, Hannah, 279. Verder, Albert S., 611. Charles W., 611. John F., 611. John R., 611. Mary C, 611. Myra J., 611. Sarah J., 611. Veren, Hannah, 203. Verity, John, 564. Verrill, Luther, 339. Very, Bridgett, 442. Vicicey, Elizabeth F., 407. Vila, Helen, 575. Vining, Fremont S., 567. Mary F., 322. Vinney, Eugene M., 567. Vosburg, Charles P., 225. Vought, Mary, 512. Wade, Elizabeth, 544. Winthrop H., 211. Winthrop, Jr., 211. Wadsworth, Annie M., 508. Wagstaff, Martha A., 347. Index Waite, Mary, 217. Waitt, Mary, 365. Walcott, Sarah, 404. Waldo, Richard H., 666. Walker, Abigail C, 346. Addison A., 679, 681, 682. Albert F., 145, 680, 682. Alberto S., 680. Alvin E., 682. Anna, 676. Annie W., 488. Annette I., 681. Belinda, 697. Benjamin, 677. Charles, 126, 132, 679, 681. Charles M., 680. Charles P., 679. Dana S., 677. Danforth, 678. Daniel, 677. David, 678. Edward, 677. Edward P., 679, 682. Eliza A., 679. Eliza G., 682. Eliza L., 182. Emma L., 682. Euletta M., 680. Fanny, 678. Frances E., 679. Fred S., 682. George K., 680. George W., 679, 680. Hannah, 454, 678, 679. Harriet S., 679. Henry L., 679. Henry O., 681. Isaac, 678. Jennie L., 680. Jesse, 88, 91, %,676. John, 75, 676, 677. John H., 679, 681. John K., 113, 118, 680. Joseph, 677. Joshua, 677. Judith C, 626. LeflFa, 678. Lena F., 682. Louise F., 680. Luther B., 679, 681. Lydia, 627. Maria A., 680. Martha H., 679, 680. Walker, Martha M., 678. Mary E., 517, 680. Mary S., 679. Milly, 677. Nabby, 676. Nancy, 676. Nathaniel, 679. Nellie G., 681. Patty, 678. Rebecca, 270, 676, 678. Robert B., 682. Samuel, 88, 90, 96, 677. Sarah, 676. Sarah E., 680. Silas B., 679, 680. Silas L., 681. Susan J., 681. Susanna, 515. Vesta A., 513. William D., 679, 680. William M., 680. Zaccheus, 677. Wall, Sarah B., 338. Wallace, Andrew, 345. Benoni, 682. Charles D., 684. Charles E., 683, 684. Cora E., 684. Cranmore, 140. David, 682, 683. David K., 683. George F., 683. George H., 684. George R., 684. Harriet, 683. Hattie F., 684. Herbert C, 684. Herbert I., 684. John, 682. John A., 683. Mary E., 684. Rodney, 683. Romanzo, 683. William E., 683. William R., 684. Wallis, Florence, 452. Susanna, 719. Walmsley, Elizabeth, 520. Walsh, Thomas C, 538. Walter, Henry, 400. Walton, Alvah F., 685. Bridget, 651. Charles, 118, 684. Charles H., 684. Elizabeth, 331. Ella G., 685. 777 Walton, Ellen M., 283. Emily A., 684. John, 684. Josiah, 88, 90, 93, 95. Nathan, 684. Rachel, 415. Samuel, 684. Sarah C, 684. Willard F., 685. William, 684. Ward, Elizabeth, 233. Emily F., 289. Levi, 222. Margaret, 460. Roy J., 654. Thankful, 392. Ware, John, 141. Warner, Abner S., 140. Betsy C, 602. John, 89, 180, 227. Laura, 274. Sarah, 643. Warren, Abigail, 614, Hannah, 610. Jonathan, 198. Joseph, 75, 96. Wartmant, Isabella, 420. Washburne, Frank, 351. Marian G., 225. Washer, Sarah, 281. Waterman, Ada C, 260. Fanny, 556. Louise M., 637. Waters, Lillian M., 483. Watkins, Kalinda, 491. Watson, Hannah, 231. Jean, 372. Mary A., 232, 420. Way, Roderick, 620. Weaver, Caleb G., 603. Caroline E., 341. Caroline I., 603. Webb, Asenath L., 251. Webber, Annie V., 316. Christopher, 90. Ezra, 135. Genevieve, 685. Hannah, 357. Irene, 327. Jonathan, 644. Josiah, 685. Martha, 473. Porter B., 386. William, 93. Webster, Abigail, 134. Amos, 448. Elizabeth, 609. History of New Ipswich Webster, Jonathan, 134. Julia, 200. Mary, 207, 382. Nellie, 430. Peter, 87. Weeden, Charles K., 330. Welch, Prudence, 267. Weld, Anna, 200. Chester, 344. Dorothy, 200. George F., 200. George F., Jr., 200. Sumner A., 20O. Susan J., 586. Wellington, Amos, 439. Darius, 339. Edward, 693. Elvira G., 439. Frank E., 687. Henry B., 339. Horace H., 439, 693. Horatio, 439. Joel, 583. Joseph, 693. Mary J., 439. Rebecca, 492. Wellman, Althea, 349. Wells, Alice A., 629. Amelia, 472. Amy E., 629. Fred S., 629. Henry P., 629. Lettie G., 629. Lucy M., 349. Lydia F., 351. Mary E., 621. Rebecca, 460. Samuel, 197. Wentworth, Benning, 43. Lydia C, 514. Mark H., 50. Samuel H., 147. Wesley, David, 700. Wesson, Nathan, 88. West, Daniel, 401. Westgate, Earl W.. 140. Weston, Amos, 695. Azubah, 404. Charles A., 401, 685. Ellen M., 685, 695. Frank, 118. George, 686. George S.. 686. Harriet N., 655. Helen, 557. Isaac, 685. Jacob, 133. James, 685. Weston, James A., 685, John, 685. Mary, 685. Mary E., 685. Nathan, 78. Rogers, 685. Samuel, 421, 685. Sarah, 564. Stephen, 685. William L., 113, 118. Westwood, Sarah, 335. Wetherbee, Ann E., 275. Caroline, 623. Charlotte, 339. Clara L., 686. Daniel, 175. Eliza A., 648. Ellen M., 686. George E., 686. Hattie A., 686. Henry L., 686. Hezekiah, 94. 686. John, 686. Joseph, 332, 686. Joseph S., 686. Nancy M., 444. Nathan, 553. Phebe, 234. Sarah, 255. Willis G., 686. Whalley, William T., 440. Wharton, Charles, 264. Wheat, Abigail, 268. Benjamin, 124. Jonathan, 75, 82, 99. Wheaton, Elizabeth, 319. Sybil, 241. Wheeler, Abbie E., 700. Abbie J., 573. Abby J., 696. Abigail, 688, 693. Adaline A., 700. Albert, 697. Alice J., 698. Allen F., 699. Almira, 690. Amanda W., 698. Amos. 89. 90, 689. Ann E., 697. Anna, 226. 568. Anna J., 698. Annie H., 702. Artemas. 227. Arthur F.. 702. Asa N.. 694. Asenath, 692. Augustus C, 695, 699. 778 Wheeler, Benjamin F., 694. Bertha, 701. Betsy, 692, 694. Caroline E., 693. Caroline V., 700. Carrie M., 694. Charles, 144,695,699. Charles A., 699, 702. Charles F., 696. Charles M., 697, 701, 702. Charles S., 700. Clara E., 682, 696. Cyrus W., 693. Daniel, 695, 700. David, 689, 691, 693. Dixon D., 699. Dixon D., Mrs., 134. Dorothy, 689. Edward E., 701. Edward R., 147, 700, 702. Edward W., 702. Elisha C, 606. Elizabeth, 408, 409, 691, 695. Elizabeth C, 693. Emily, 689. Emily M., 700. Ernest M., 700. Ernest N., 695. Eugene C, 695. Eugene S., 694. Eugene W., 698, 702. Eunice F., 698. Eva S., 695. Frances L., 697, 700. Frank M., 701. Frank S., 702. Franklin B., 697. Fred A., 699, 702. Fred H., 698. Florence E., 702. George, 687, 698. George E., 696. George H., 695. George S., 353, 573, 613, 696. George W., Ill, 691, 695, 701. Grace, 257, 688. Grace L., 694. Harriet, 690, 693. Hattie C, 698. Henrietta S., 702. Henry B., 693, 698. Herbert R., 699. Index Wheeler, Horace B., HI, 120, 693, 698. Ida J, 694. J. Kimball, 715. John, 75, 87, 96, 688, 691, 692. John A., 573. John B., 467. John P., 573, 690. Jonas, 75, 84, 89, 91, 93, 688, 689. Jonathan, 691. Joseph, 688, 693. Joseph A., 142, 695, 698. Joseph O., 689. Joshua S., 690, 694. Josiah, 688. Josiah P., 113, 118, 179, 690. Katharine M., 701. Levi, 697. Lewis G., 690, 694. Lewnelle E., 694. Lois, 695. Louisa, 690, 693. Lucile, 702. Lucy S., 379. Lucy T., 695. Lydia, 179, 185, 687, 691. Mabel E., 702. Maria J., 386, 697. Martha E., 691. Martha J., 698. Mary, 432, 474, 479, 489, 524, 695. Mary C, 699. Mary E., 694, 700. Mary F., 698. Mary J., 701. Mary L., 573. Mehitable, 689. Melissa A., 693. Mila, 692. Minnie M., 694. Moses, 692, 697. Moses S., 690. Myron B., 702. Nancy A., 573, 685. Nancy J., 700. Nathan, 179. Nathan T., 700. Nellie P., 573. Orton H., 701. Persis, 689, 692. Polly, 688, 691, 696. Rachel, 692. Wheeler, Rebecca, 695. Rhoda T., 695. Richard, 89, 90, 217, 691, 695. Roxanna, 691. Ruth A., 455. Sally, 691. Samuel, 90, 93, 691, 695, 700. Samuel C, 340, 689, 693. Samuel E., 702. Samuel W., 693, 697. Sarah, 433, 452, 692. Sarah E., 514, 690. Sarah M., 693. Seth, 97, 692, 696. Seth L., 696, 700. Silas, 692, 694. Silas J., 697. Simon, 688. Sophia, 694. Sophronia, 693. Stephen, 692, 696, 702. Stephen D., 157, 696, 700. Stephen W., 289, 697. Susan C, 690. Susanna, 688, 691. Thomas, 687. Timothy, 421, 687, 688, 693. Walter S., 701. William, 573, 687, 696, 698. William E., 701. William S., 702. Winslow, 702. Wheelock, Abigail, 609. Eleazar, 703. Ithamar, 86, 703. Joel, 75, 83. Jonas, 703. Jonathan, 91. Lewis, 703. Martha, 557. Pezinah, 703. Phebe, 703. Ralph, 703. Samuel, 703. Sarah, 703. Timothy, 75, 83, 703. Whipple, Benjamin F., 563. Clarissa B., 270. Elizabeth A., 563. Frank P., 563. 779 Whipple, James, 94. Kate, 563. Mary, 640. Sally, 559. William M., 349. Whitcomb, Betsy, 659. Edwin F., 502. Elizabeth, 387. Hannah, 567, 704. John, 473, 480. Oliver, 473. Polly, 599. Priscilla M., 611. Silas, 611. White, Archibald, 78. 90. Benjamin, 140. Betsy, 478. Charles H., 626. Daniel, 79. Ernest L., 698. Fanny, 500. John, 88, 601. Margaret, 245, 388. Mary, 682. Nancy M., 305, 678. Sarah, 473. William, 382, 384. Whiting, David, 622. Fanny, 243. Frank H., 525. George, 111. Grace, 641. Jonas, 556. Mary, 200. Mercy, 556. Patty, 243. Ruxbey, 600. Whitlock, Frances E., 439. Rose, 539. Whitman, Alfred, 276. Whitmarsh, Charles E., 435. Edward, 435. Eva, 435. John C, 435. Mary F., 435. Timothy F., 435. Whitmore, Henry, 665. Mary, 678. Whitney, Abigail, 485. Adeline E., 706. Albert A., 706. Allen, 707. Amanda, 706. Benjamin, 704. Carl R., 707. History of New Ipswich Whitney, Caroline M., 216, 717. Catharine A., 706. Charles, 236, 70S. Charles A., 155, 705. Charles P.. 707. Christopher C, 705. Cora A., 707. David, 236. Elizabeth, 392. Ella, 488. Elnora C, 706. Emily L., 706. Ethel M., 707. Ezekiel, 704. George P., 236. Harriet C, 236, 706. Harry H., 707. Helen T., 706. Henry A., 705. Henry H., 706. Henry I., 706. Herbert W., 707. James, 236. J. Cushing, 554. John, 704. John H., 118, 707. Josiah, 617, 704. Julia, 707. Lemuel, 705. Leslie H., 707. Lorna B., 707. Lucius M., 236. Lydia, 553. Mabel M.. 494. Mary A., 706. Mary C, 236. Melvin B., 707. Mercy, 477. Myron O., 707. Nathaniel, 704. Nellie E., 261. Newton O., 707. Otis, 707. Permelia, 706. Phineas, 705. Rachel, 613. Richard, 704. Ruth E.. 523, 596. Sarah E., 482, 622, 705. Sibbel, 610. Sophia, 707. Waldo D., 707. Wilbur C. 707. William, 704. Whiten, Elizabeth D., 205. Whittaker, Mary, 300, 650. Whittemore, Frank H., 374. Mehitable, 484. Peletiah, 78, 87. Permelia, 559. Polly, 337. Samuel, 75, 106, 233. Washington, 550. Zebedee, 591. Zebediah, 89, 90. Whittier, Charlotte, 602. Wiggin, H. N., 133. Wight, Deborah, 322. Wilcomb, C. J., 133. Wilcox, Mary J., 284. William R., 507. Wilde, Ruth, 325. Wilder, Edward R., 26L Flavel, 653. Isaac, 491. Jane M., 517. Lavinia J., 251. Mary, 387. Permelia, 436. Sophia H., 436. Susanna, 669. Wildon, Minnie E., 437. Wilds, Sarah, 630. Wiley, Jane, 586. Maria O., 559. Wilkenson, Elizabeth, 404. Prudence, 278. Wilkes, Henry, 244. Wilkins, Abigail, 616. Betty T., 233. John, 75. Judson, 610. Lavinia, 433. Louise, 367. Lovice, 573. Nabby, 289. Sarah, 337. Willard, Ada P., 567. Adeline, 709. Alice P., 567. Andrew H., 708, 709. Augusta A., 708. Charles A., 436. Charles J., 709. Charlotte L., 709. Dorcas, 229. Edwin, 709. Elizabeth W., 242, 517. Frank H., 567. 780 Willard, Fred A., 708. George, 708. Henry, 708. Henry A., 708. Henry L., 567. Herbert A., 588. James A., 708. Jane M., 708. Jonathan, 86. Joseph, 697, 708. Lucy, 344. Margaret, 669. Margery, 361. Maria N., 708. Mary A., 708. Sarah C, 345. Sarah S., 400. Simeon, 708. Susan C, 708. Susanna, 486. Willey, Charles T., 404. Daniel, 347. Sarah, 280, 408. Williams, Abigail, 709. Ann, 710. Arvilla, 677. Benjamin, 78, 83, 87, 90, 93, 95, 106, 709. Benjamin B., 710. Charles C, 247, 711. Cordelia S., 711. David, 711. Deborah, 711. Elzina S., 710. Ephraim, 710. George C, 259, 710. George G., 710, 711. Gertrude, 327. Gibson T., 711. Hannah, 710. Hepzibah, 709. Hiram, 704, 705. Isaac, 671. Isaiah, 711. Isaiah H., 710. Isaiah T., 711. Jane P., 711. John M., 711. Julia A., 711. Loretta, 711. Louisa B., 710. Lucy, 710. Lucy A., 711. Lucy E., 711. Lucy P., 710. Martha A., 713. Mary, 711. Millicent, 709. Inde: Williams, Milly S., 711. Milly T., 710. Nelson, 711. Noah B., 710. Patty, 710. Rebecca, 365, 710. Rhoda, 709. Rhoda B., 710. Ruth T;, 557, 710. Salome, 710. Susanna, 365. Willis, Delia, 376. Wilmarth, L. M., 133. Wilmet, Eleanora, 176. Wilson, Abbie A., 715. Abby, 714. Abigail, 460, 713. Adeline L., 717. Agnes A., 718. Albert, 715. Alfred A., 712. Alice M., 717. Almira J., 716. Andrew, 718. Ann, 714. Annie, 393, 716. Augustus, 714. Augustus M., 715, 717. Betsy A., 714. Braman 1., 282. Caroline B., 282. Catharine A., 716. Charles, 715, 716. Charles E., 472. Charles R, 715, 717. Charles L., 717. David, 711. Edward, 714. Elvira, 715. Ernest G., 717, 718. Etta M., 717. Ezekiel J., 715. Florence S., 718. Francis R., 716. Frank C, 716. Frank S., 718. Frederic W., 717. George, 716. George E., 715, 717. George W^. 118. Gertrude, 718. Gilbert M.. 715. Grace K., 717. Hannah, 712. Harriet, 714. Harry A., 718. Hattie A., 718. Wilson, Henry A., 506. Henry W., 372, 716. Hiram C, 382. Horace M., 716. Horace W., 715, 717. Ina B., 717. Isaac, 713, 715, 718. Isaac N., 715. James, 82, 545, 582, 714. James A., 715. James H., 715. Jane, 714. John, 712, 713, 718. John G., 714, 716. John S., 712. Jonas, 75, 91. Joseph A., 714, 716. Josiah T., 625, 718. Julia, 476. Kate M., 717. Lauretta M., 716. Lena, 717. Leonard, 718. Lillie v., 552. Maria, 359. Mary, 487, 714. Mary A., 518, 715. Matthias S., 714, 715. Moses C, 712. Nellie A., 717. Pearl H., 717. Peter J., 712. Rachel, 713. Rebecca, 713. Ruth E., 715. Ruth G., 718. Sally, 550, 714. Samuel, 713. Samuel E., 716. Samuel G., 715, 717. j Samuel T., 716. Sarah, 713, 715. | Sophronia, 476, 714. Stephen, 448. Supply, 75, 83, 712, 713. ! Supply C, 714. Supply F., 713. Susan, 714. Susanna, 522, 713. William H., 118,134,' 138, 142, 712. William K., 448. Winans, Sarah, 275. Winch, Mary, 384. I Molly, 345. ■ William J., 554. J 781 Winchell, Charles, 281. Harriet, 280. Wing, Ebenezer, 318. Frank A., 291. Ichabod, 318. Irma E., 656. Moses, 318. Winn, Eliza M., 271. Lucy, 560. Winship, Emily, 588. Mary, 268, 492. Submit, 236. Winslow, Ina H., 702. Wise, Henry, 418. Wiseman, Joseph, 347. Wishart, Ira R., 697. Withington, Jennie, 243. Wolcott, Sally, 273. Wood, Abigail, 473. Albert E., 604. Benjamin, 600. Bethia, 354. Betsy, 697. Charles, 499. Cora, 551. Dolly, 542. Elizabeth, 248. Elton, 698. Gleason, 430. Grace C, 688, 700. Hannah, 479, 609. Harriet, 192. Henry, 480, 625. Judith G., 618. Louisa, 661. Lucy, 564, 577. Marian, 567. Mary E., 176, 224, 229. Ruth, 687. Sumner G., 130. Susan, 234, 630. Vianna L., 237. William P., 327. Woodberry, Sarah M.. 566. Woodbury, Abigail, 537. Elizabeth, 220. Irene, 270. Lucy, 644. Lydia, 509. Lydia S., 606. Maria A., 683. Susanna, 657. Woodcock, William L., 646. Woodman, Florence, 352. John, 352. History of New Ipswich Woodman, Mary, 382. Woodmansey, Elizabeth, 379. Woods, Anna, 457. Arlene P., 524. Caroline, 243. Edwin, 524. Fred M., 524. Harry L., 524. Herbert M., 524. Milly, 142. Myron M., 370. Robert M., 389. Sarah, 616. Sibbel, 242. Woodson, George, 534. Sarah, 534. Woodward, Anna, 322. Charles, 240. Elsie A., 523. George H., 238. Mildred M., 240, 707. Wooley, Rachel, 643. Woolson, Anna, 719. Elizabeth, 719. George, 719. Jonas, 147, 719. Martha, 719. Nathan, 720. Susanna, 719. Thomas, 718. Wooster, Dorothy, 688. Fanny, 201. Worcester, Samuel, 140. Worcester, Sarah, 657. Worden, Rachel E., 501. Worth, Susanna, 554. Worthington Rhoda J., 345. Wright, Abigail, 508, 548. Albert F., 118, 142. Alfred, 471. Bertha, 189. Betsy, 685. Charles A., 118. Clara E., 700. Clarissa E., 302. Daniel C, 340. Dorothy, 257. Edward, 118. Ella, 315. Ellen M., 315. E. Urania, 261. Eveline A., 465, 625. Flora, 258. Frances A., 472. Frances W., 339. Harriett, 583. Henry G., 440. Isaiah, 236. Jeannette W., 260. Joseph, 75, 83. Levi, 440. Lucy R., 260. Lydia, 460. Mary, 300, 332. Maud, 440. Millicent, 271. Wright, Nettie C, 243. Oliver, 89, 90, 172. Patty, 270. Phoebe, 508. Sarah, 269, 492, 541. Simon, 235. Wyand, John A., 506. Wyatt, Mary, 404. Wyer, Alice B., 295. Arthur C, 295. Wyman, Abijah, 97. Alfred A., 258. Elizabeth, 263. Franklin, 258. Johannah, 345. Samuel, 269. Sarah, 257, 667. Susan, 292. Yarmon, John, 86, 88. Yates, William L, 665. William V., 665. York, John B., 417. Joseph, 480. Young, Agnes G., 698. Anna S., 183. Charles A., 183. Ernest G., 717. Harriet, 416. Inez, 319. Ira, 183. Youngman, Hannah, 620. D 7 1 ->^ 782 n X^'-YA : *r^ 'MMi . . * A <^^ »»••• -^ 4r , -i^ . . • A <3. '*.i '/ ^c^"* '^'^ -.vw* . ^y ^^ •-'^B?.* *v V. -: <► ♦'TV ■» \5 'bV <> •'TV .A^ . * • '^o' .^^r ,^^^ '^^^ '^o^ • Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. , o Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide ,<> Treatment Date: ^^ /. JUL flsi ^ BSKKEEPER ^' • .A^-^^ PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. LP. 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