.,•* .^'V ^oK :f^%o'> v^^-y \^^\o^ \^^-v • ♦^'V. *' ^f. •; % \ o "%,.^' ; . ^^'\ C" .*:.yy7^^ ""o '^q,;^^^^'* .0^ V & ^9. ^ -1 ^^^ *-^- .V v^ ..•:;^%. <^e ^•' %/ / ^ *y^* > ^-' o°'V^'>o /.-^^X ,//>;^'>o. ^. .-^^ - v^'*..i:;4:*.'\. ^•5* .'i SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE NCIL, COMMIT! AND MEMBERS. COUNCIL, COMMITTEES DECEMBER 5, 1905. 1^ c4^ OFFICERS. Governor, Dr. Marcus Benjamin Deputy Governor, William Van Zandt Cox Lieutenant Governor, Judge Job Barnard Secretary, Walter Collins Clephane Treasurer, John William Henry Registrar, Dr. Albert Charles Peale Historian, Gilbert Thompson Chaplain, Rev. Caleb Rochford Stetson Chancellor, John Sidney Webb Surgeon, Dr. Henry Lowry Emilius Johnson The Socititiy IOWy'08 GEINTLEMEN OF THE: COUNCIL. (Term expires December, 1906.) , Alonzo Howard Clark Zebina Moses Samuel Walter Woodward (Term expires December, 1907-) Joseph Cuyler Hardie Frederic Wolters Huidekoper Tpiomas Blagden fc, (Term expires December, 1908.) ^ Armistead Peter, Jr. Robert Root Bennett Frederick Denison Owen. J* COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. Dr. Albert Charles Peale, Chairman Robert Conn ell Robert Atwater Smith Dr. Charles Ford Langworthy Dr. Ira Warren Dennison Committee on Historical Documents. Gilbert Thompson, Cliairman Allen Richards Boyd James Brainard Taylor Tupper Henry Peter Renouf Holt Dr. Frank Austin Swartwout Delegates to the General Assembly. General Walter Wyman Elisha Francis Riggs William Baker Thompson Thomas Hyde Dr. James Milton Flint LIST OF MEMBERS. Gen. Soc. B.C. No. No. Name Address 3707 131 Anderson, Dr. John F 1412 Binney St., Washington, D. C. 883 51 Baird, William, U. S. A Adjutant General's Office, Annapolis, Md. 3081 105 Barnard, Judge Job 1306 R. I. Ave., Washington, D. C. 644 31 Batchelder, George Aiken Menlo Park, Cal. 237 8 Batchelder, Joseph Frederick Portland, Oregon. 3347 117 Bennett, Robert Root Bureau of Manufactures, Washington, D. C. 1839 80 Bell, George, U. S. A 191 5 G St Washington, D. C. 1867 83 Bell, Dr. William Duffield. . 152 W. 83d St... New York City. 1775 76 Benjamin, Dr. Marcus 1703 Q St Washington, D. C. 1433 65 Blagden, Thomas P. O. Box 346. .Washington, D. C. 669 43 Boyd, Allen Richards Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 3593 129 Briggs, Southwick Cary 1410 G St Washington, D. C. 3417 120 Bryan, Frederick Carlos Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C. 3541 127 Butt, Archibald Willing- ham, U S. A War Dept Washington, D. C. 637 24 Clark, Alonzo Howard Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C. 3789 132 Clephane, Lewis Painter. ... 1225 K St Washington, D. C. 3348 118 Clephane, Walter Collins. .. 1747 Corcoran St., Washington, D. C. 2836 loi Connell, Robert 1725 Q St Washington, D. C. 23S 9 Cooke, Charles Edward U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 649 36 CowLES, Calvin Duvall,U.S.A. care Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. '^77^ 75 Cox, William Van Zandt Second National Bank, Washington, D. C. 3082 106 Craiger, Sherman Montrose Forest Glen, Md. 2326 88 CusTis, Dr. George Washing- ton Neale 112 E. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. 2325 87 CusTis, Dr. James Bayard Gregg 912 15th St Washington, D. C. 77 2 Davenport, Richard Gra- ham, U. S. N care Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 882 50 Dennison, Dr. Ira Warren.. 1312 L St Washington, D. C. 2814 100 Dyer, Leonard Huntress 31 Nassau St.... New York City. 651 38 Fisher, Robert Strettle Jones 614 F St Washington, D. C. 1793 79 Flint, James Milton, U. S. N. Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. 3471 123 French, Leon LeLanne Searchlight, Colo. 1228 60 Gale, Thomas Monroe 1414 F St Washington, D. C. LIST OF MEMBERS-Contimied. Gen: Soc. D.C. No. No. Name Address 3594 130 Gardner, Freeland Barney Georgetown S C 3270 ::3Hall. Henrv Orv:..e Army Medical Museum' ^' '^• .68. .4 HA.. Warren Va. .0. N. Tr.on St^cS^ ,' n! C 650 37 Hardie, Francis Hunter, U. . >• v.. ^' "^ care Adjutant General, If -6 H.«„., JosHPH CuvLHH Tl,e Plaza Z'S^Tn g' C 670 44 Henry, James Malcolm ,3,0 F St Wa' n^ton" n r 3.06 ■„H„PK.„s, NEv.LEE Mo;.'o.::::^cJeofgeHva;,;SnT„-;e°;if; .8,3 ., Ho.»EK, ALKKEO BvHNE S.a.e, War, Navy'^Cre"',"' '^• .868 84 Ho.., Rev. Aknol. Hakk.s. . . .St. Michael's Recry!'""*""' "^ ''• 673 47 HU.DEKOPER, Frederic Wol- Germantown, Pa. ■ers oS/;« , xr ;, 734 15th St. . . .Washington, D. C. 330^ ":fo;°NU"DrHE»RrLowRv-'"' =^"' S'-WasH.*o„,D.C. ^^""us 1821 JeiTerson Place, 'z 11 &\R-„„r-..— ---^ \^-;^^^--- u. 0. Lreological Survey. 3149 107 Kendall, Henry Myron, Washington, D. C. ^- ^- ^^ '..Treasurer's Office, 2102 85 KiRKMAN, Van Leer Soldiers' Home, D. C. 64: .8 Knox, William Salsb.ry.. . ! ! ;;:5 ' Pen;i;ylVanYa''tt''' ''^""• 3305 115 Langworthy, Dr. Charles Washington, D. C. .79. 78 Larn^^, -D^Vi^l •re;d, u: S.X.-cf^ A^l^l^GeS^^'^^"' ^^ '^• 2767 97 Little, William Agnew... War Deot w^1""^!°"' S' S' 64. .9 Maynard, George Colton National Musemn." "^''^' ""• J" -45 55METCALE, William Park X53X Vermont Avr"'""'°"' ''• ''• 122 Miller, Ben de Mier. .. .7^, P st w^1""^!°"' 5' £' 1^6 Morsf n. v.^,,...: ^ • • • • • -7^3 1 St Washmgton, D. C. 3470 3805 ,36 Morse, Dr. Edward Em^r;::.'!^ I '^i; Wa\hSn DC AZ II l'':s^\.fz-'' •^"— • ■ ' ' / St. : : ; : : Js ir"; S: & 3788 ,33 Newcomb, Harry ' T„-r»ek: 1 ! VMU'' y^I,: ' i ! ! ;^^:|;i:;KS; Si & LIST OF MEMBERS— Continued. Gen. Soc. D.C. No. No; Name Address 3259 112 Offley, Cleland N., U. S. N. care Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 1557 70 Owen, Frederick Denison War Dept Washington, D. C. 135 Owen, William O., U.S. A.. .care Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. 1791 77 Patten, John Dewhurst 2212 R St Washington, D. C. 250 13 Peale, Dr. Albert Charles... P. O. Box 197. .Washington, D. C. 3560 128 Peelle, Stanton Canfield. . .Kellogg Bldg. . .Washington, D. C. 3472 124 Peter, Armistead, Jr 1818 Q St Washington, D. G. 3349 119 Reynolds, Frederick Pratt U. S. A care Surgeon General, Washington, D. C. 2918 103 RiGGS, Elisha Francis 1311 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. 3804 134 Rittenhouse, David Riggs National Bank, Washington, D. C. 157 5 Roe, Fayette Washington, U. S. A "Roeskilde" Cottage, Port-Or ange- on-the-Halifax, Florida. 205 6 Roe, George Vallejo, Cal. 3531 126 Root, Cyrus Laurel, Md. 1144 54 Sanger, Joseph Prentice, U. S. A care Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. 629 16 Saxton, Henry Dearborn War Dept Washington, D. C. 2498 91 Seymour, Henry Albert 913 F St Washington, D. C. 647 34 Smith, Robert Atwater War Dept Washington, D. C. 1556 69 Stetson, Caleb Rochford 408 H St., N. E., Washington, D. C. 1434 66 Stetson, George Rochford. ... 1441 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. 3473 125 SwARTWOUT, Dr. Frank Aus- tin II Iowa Circle. .Washington, D. C. 1550 68 Taylor, John Yeatman, U. S. N* 1727 Q St Washington, D. C. 628 is Thompson, Gilbert U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 2688 95 Thompson, William Baker... 1419 F St Washington, D. C. 3172 108 Tupper, James Brainard Tay- lor 1 3 1 6 1 9th St . . . Washington, D. C. 3346 116 Tweedy, Frank U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 648 35 Vaughan, Dr. George Tully. Marine Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. 1207 58 Van Dyke, Harry Weston. .. .Bond Bldg Washington, D. C. 880 48 Webb, John Sidney Bond Bldg Washington, D. C. 3459 121 Woodward, Samuel Walter. . .Cor. nth and F Streets, Washington, D. C. 633 20 Wyman, Dr. Walter. ........ .Marine Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. * Life Member. 88i 666 DECEASED MEMBEIRS. Gen. D.C. Soc. Soc. No. No. 627 14 DoRSEY, Rev. James Owen, Died February 5, 1895. 49 Mann, Charles Addison, Died March 13, 1896. 40 Webster, William Holcomb, Died March 23, 1896. 1208 59 Baker, Charles Henry, U. S. N., Died May 6, 1896. 638 25 GooDE, Dr. G. Brown, Died September 6, 1896. 63s 22 Meade, Richard Worsam, U. S. N., Died May 4, 1897. 1 107 S3 Hubbard, Gardiner G., Died December 11, 1897. 631 18 Johnson, J. B., Died January 10, 1899. 247 II Mason, T. B. M., U. S. N., Died October 16, 1899. 236 7 Batchelder, Richard Napoleon, U. S. A., Died Jan. 4, igor.. 1432 64 Wilhelm, William Hermann, U. S. A., Died June, 1901. 645 32 Beale, Charles F. T., Died November, 1901. 118 3 Roe, Francis Asbury, U. S. N., Died December 28, 1901. 646 33 Merrill, James Gushing, U. S. A., Died October 27, 1902. 2499 92 Appleby, George Franklin, Died April 30, 1903. 1559 72 Watkins, John Elfreth, Died August 11, 1903. 1431 63 Anderson, James Thomas, U. S. A., Died May 13, 1904. 630 17 Smith, Frank Birge, Died December 21, 1904. 818 98 Tilton, Palmer. U. S. A.. Died March 7, 190S. 2613 93 Barber, LeDroict Langdon. Died May 19, 1905. 672 46 Baird, Absalom, U. S. A., Died June 14, 1905, OFFICERS OF THE GENE:RAL SOCIETY. Governor-General, ARTHUR J. C. SOWDON, 66 Beacon Street, Boston. Vice-Governor-General, HOWLAND PELL, 7 Pine Street, New York Secretary-General, SAMUEL V. HOFFMAN, 45 William Street, New York Deputy Secretary-General, GUY VAN AMRINGE, 45 William Street, New York Treasurer-General, WILLIAM MacPHERSON HORNOR, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Deputy Treasurer-General, DAVID LEWIS, 526 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Registrar-General, GEORGE NORBURY MACKENZIE, 1808 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Historian-General, DR. THOMAS PAGE GRANT, Louisville, Ky. Chaplain-General, RT. REV. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, I Joy Street, Boston, Mass. Surgeon-General, DR. JAMES GREGORY MUMFORD, Boston, Mass. Chancellor-General, THEODORE S. WOOLSEY, 250 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. 28 w I ^'T^^-o' ^^'.^.'V-'^ %'-:^'^o' %^^ .*•> > * c'AV. *^ ,* .. -ov* *- ••' .♦ o^ * "o^^ ^^^^ ^^^^m^^\ ^<^^c^ ^^^&:* ^^^^ o. * •. -^/.O^ c JAM 13 1981