U B 412. aii ilBiiii Hi iiii ill ill llii? Ill ;i!i ""t^^' \ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. { R-o-_ COMMISSIONED PERSONNEL FOR THE ARMY UNTIL JUNE 30, 1920. September 3, 1919.— Ordered to be printed. Mr. Kaiin, from the Committee of Conference, submitted the fol- lowing CONFERENCE REPORT. [To accompany H. R. 2622.] The Committee of Conference on the disagreeing votes of the two ±lou.ses on the amendments of the House to the bill (S. 2622) to pro- vide necessary commissioned personnel for the Army until June 30, 1920, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to rea)mmend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows: 1 Hat the Senate recede from its disagreement to the amendment ot the House and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu ot the matter proposed by the House, in.sert tlie following: That until June SO, 1920, the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to maintain such commissioned personnel in addition to the officers of tfie perma7icnt estaUishment and to retain at their tem- porary grades such officers of the Regular Army as in his mdqment may he necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Military EstaUishment: Provided, That additional officers so main- tained shall he selected, so far as practicahU, from officers and en- listed^ men who^ served during the emergency and are applicants for appointment^ in tlie permanent estaUishment: Provided further. That after Octoher 31, 1919, the total numher of commissioned offi- cers, exclusive of retired officers and disabled emergency officers awaiting discJiarge upon completion of treatment for vhysical re- construction, shall at no time exceed eighteen tfwusand: Provided further, That, no officer on th<'. active list shall he detailed for re- cnating service or^ for duty at scJwols and colleges, not including schools of the service, wfiere officers on the retired list can he secured who are competent for such duty: And provided further. That here- after offi^cers rettred for pfrysical disahility shall not form part of the limited retired list: And provided further, Tfiat one thousand 1167.37—19 2 COMMISSIONED PERSONNEL FOR THE ARMY UNTIL JUNE 30, 1920. two hundred emergency officers shall he assigned to the Air Service^ of whom not less than 85 per centum shall he duly qualified fliers. And the House agree to tlie same. Julius Kahn, Frank L. Greene, S. H. Dent, Jr., Managers on the part of the House. J. W. Wadsworth, Jr., Howard Sutherland, Geo. E. Chamherlain, Managers on the part of the Senate. Oe •i ••'* STATEMENT OF THE MANAGERS ON THE L'ART OF THE HOUSE. The managers on the part of the Tlonse at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the House to the bill (S. 2622) '' To provide necessary commissioned personnel for the Army until June 30, 1920," submit the following written stijtement explaining the effect of the action agreed on : The Senate receded from its disagreement to the amendment of the House with changes, the effects of which are as follows : The first change enables officers of the Eegular Army who, at the present tiine, are at the head of the construction, transportation, and other divisions of the Army, to retain their present assignments at the head of those divisions; otherwise they would be demoted to their regular grades in the Army and the temporary emergencj- of- ficers who now are serving with them would outrank them and suc- ceed to the command of the division. By the second change, the date, October 30, is changed to October 31. This change is deemed desirable, as it was originally intended to have the date fixed as the last day of the calendar month. The third change is intended to help retired officers and disabled emergency officers who may be in the Army hospitals under treat- ment. Julius Kahn, Fkank L. Greene, S. H. Dent, Jr. Managers on the Part of the House. 3 o Gayford Brc Makers Syracuse, N. Y P*r.J«(.2l, 1908 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0011 398 704 2 (^