Francisco Ferrer :1 Tragedy in 5 :>lcis JULIUS TIETZE. / FRANCISCO FERRER :d Tragedy in 5 :icts by JULIUS TIETZE. .♦^^^©^•^^r*^ % d Dedicated to DANIEIv DsIvEON. N. Y. Dramatological Publishing Co. 119 E, 88 St. New York CLD 30801 (^ O , O. . , o 31 c/i C)loqrapr)lc <^l?etc9 of ullus C^ietge JULIUS TIETZE, the second son of five children of Abel Tietze, his father, an optome- trist, and Yette Tietze, his mother, was born at Riga Russia in October 1880. \t the age of six, he was sent to Dr. Immerman's German School, where because of the stairs he had to climb and the corporal punishment there, his parents withdrew him, transferring him to Dr. Miller's Lutheran School on Alexander Street, Riga. Passing three classes there he entered St. Catherine's Academy on Romanoff Street, finishing four classes under Inspector Butursky. In 1890 his father fearing Russian pogroms and desiring to save his child- ren from military service emigrated to New York. Here Julius Tietze attended Grammar School No. 4, Principal DeMilt, and Grammar School No. 25. Principal Pettigrew, graduat- ing from the latter. Attempring but failing to pass twice the entrance examinations to City College, he was apprenticed to Edmund Heinecke, a German exile and nobleman, who kept a watchmaker's shop on lower Houston Street. This he dropped, because of maltreatment by one of the workmen. Thereafter young Tietze tried his hand at florists, bartending, peddling, bookkeeping, dry goods, window dressing, A D.T. messenger, confectioner, reporter, driver, painter, bookbinding, painting, butcher, prinring, baking, tinsmith, grocery clerk, but could not catch a fancy nor adopt any of them. Finally he resolved to become a dramatist According- ly he began the study of dramatic literature at the New York public libraries for seven years by day, supplementing his studies by attendance at the East Side Evening High School, Prin- cipal Hess, and at the Harlem Evening High School, Principal Nicholson, and at the City College Evening Division, President Dugan, entrance to the sixth class of which he now pass- ed with credit. In conjunction to this he passed the N. Y. and N. J, State Regents' examin- ations, covering a wide range of subjects counting toward the teacher's academic certificate, several of them with honor. Took up a course of law in the office of Lawyer Heymsfeld and was registei'cd by the Court of .\ppca!s, Compleled a course in Pharmacy at tlie N. Y. Pharmacy College, Dr. Chandler president, graduating in 1902. Engaged in the drug busi- ness in 1902, but due lo a competitor, who planted himself next doer to him, be left bis health in the competitive struggle, but succeeded in forcing the opponent, by the name of Manheim D. Wexler, out. "All moral victories are financial losses" is his view of that event. Clerked for a time, and was salesman till appointed by Governor Hughes a N jtary 1909-1911, Conducted on East 9Ist Street, N. Y. a College Prep. School, but the Regents' inspector would not issue a charter so it could not be continued. Competed for a Cornell State Scholarship, but failed by II points. Attended over 500 University Extension Local Centre Lectures given by Columbia University, Conducted an agency under Mr. Wray for the International Correspondence Schools, Was Equitable sub- agent for a time, under Mr. McEllicott, Studied and completed a course at Taylor Bros, Moving Picture School on West 28th Street, was registered as apprentice by the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electric, under Hubert S. Wyncoop, serving as rewinder and assistant moving picture opera- tor under Charles Siler, operator at the New 3rd Avenue Moving Picture Theatre, under management of Messrs. Harawich & Reece. Studied dramatic art at the N. Y, School of Acting under John Waldron at the Broadway Theatre, and under Fisher of the Irving Place Theatre at the Labor Temple Dramatic Society. Assisted in 1911 in the production of Ibsen's "Volksfeind" given by the Dramatic association last named. Translated into English Lessing's "Emilia Galotti" and Suderman's "Heimath" for Bertha Kalith. Married in 1910 Miss Rose Korman and has one child. His literary contributions consist of "Poe's Cottage" and "Old Hoss Hoey" twro poems published by the Evening N. Y. World. A poem "To Hummel" published by the Evening N. Y. Globe, pronounced Julius Tietze a writer possess- ing dramatic fire and anticipating a bright career. A play "Agree with Nature" was rejected by A. Daly. A play "Behind the Scenes" was rejected by Alice Kauser. A competitor or the Sunday N. Y. World prize play, he received honorable mention for a play "Goldie Pride" which was submitted under the non-de-plume "Quaddratic." A tragedy "Robert Emmet" in blank verse was rejected by B. Tynan, who had already had a version of his own. The N. Y. Dramatological Publishing Co. has collected all of Mr. Julius Tietze's dramas and beginning with "Francisco Ferrer" will issue them as fast as they are revised for publication. FRANCISCO FERRER. A Tragedy in 5 Acts, by Julius Tietze. DRAMATIC CHARACTERS. Governor Campo, of Barcelona. Nunez, university trustee and Master Mason. Professor Pareil. ) ^r Lisbon University. Director El Vasa S Francisco Ferrer, a professor of pedagogy. Galceran, a counsellor. Dr. Cisner. ZORILLA, a socialist and follower of Ferrer. QUADKAQUEZ, Grand Masonic secretary. INQUISITOR GUZMAN,) ^f the Inquisition Office. Fiscal Ugarte, ) ViLLAFRANCA, Ferrer s wife. Cappadoge, Ferrer s sister. A Guard, a Gendarme, a Soldier, a Student, a Chaplain. Scene :— Portugal 1900-1910. Four acts in Lisbon, the fifth act in Barcelona. ACT THE FIRST . LISBON. SCEj»T£_ j-^^ Qj^i(-g of Lisbon University, Lecture bell ringing at rise of curtain. Enter El Vasa from the faculty s room meeting and greeting Pareil and Nunez coming out of the trustees room. After an exchange of pleasantries they confer. El Vasa. On hand and timely senors. I expected Professor Pareil and Trustee Nunez Your coming to the office, so that we Meet aud take action in the Ferrer matter. What has the pedagogic faculty Decided then to do ? Pareil. Condemned they hold Professor Ferrer. He who disrespects The institution that affords him bread An object of contempt himself arraigns Distrusted, disesteemed by those he earns it from. Removal of the offender is the final Opinion of the college, governed by which The faculty through Trustee Nunez as Committee of one, announces, Francisco Ferrer's Discharge is ordered. Nunez. Dean El Vasa, I Officially announce the disconnection Of Ferrer as professor in the school. Sufficient scandal and sufficient controversy ! The damping of the socialist embers are By his expulsion hourly awaited. We will not brook a home for malcontents. You will in manner modest, information Convey to him thereof, — explain it was A breach of ethic duty to enthuse Students with socialist dogma, in the course Of economic lectures by him given Which on the founders a reflection cast. Then notify him that the faculty At their last quarterly meeting voted for Vacating of his chair. Unanimously By virtue of equated views, — it was — To discredit the social laws and property Endowment and philanthropy, with stigma Style and entitle, for professorate Revolting, such one is — declared. From hands Of traducer mean, inipertinent detractor Communist, academist Socialist, One who classhatred lends encouregement, As, from the gummy cartilaginous Foundation, is the festering molar yanked — His teacher's post out of him be extracted. This let him know. For ingrate anarchists No room this college has El Vasa. Glad am I, this To be receiver of. Yet to transmit Before his person the expulsion notice Aversion entertain and rather would Professor Pareil substitute me there. A recent wedge between us having split Our sympathies aside, divided us. Pareil & Nunez. May we know what ? El Vasa. It is a subject which My modesty forbearance cultivating Behind drawn blinds and doors latched on the Discussion merits. As a man unmarried [interior Quite recent at a students' ball was I Attention chief. There danced I with the wife Of Ferrer's, — Villafranca, — naught unethical To dance with wives of other men. The ball Being over, at an early dawn, escort Her to her home did I, requested, through The streets of Lisbon, when upon a sudden Ferrer unseen, behind me, made appearance With threat and accusation that I was Enamored of his wife, insinuating I her alienating was, for which In the heat of mood, apology demanded, 8 I this declining point blank. Soon a scene Resulted, that remembrance of it, his Mention to me abomination fosters. I will admit that I admire do His wife, a born beauty, as a friend. But not enough of charm, and of spell Has she my bitterness for him to lessen. I vow I am enamored of her, but Alienate her — not my policy. Still were the funeral of Ferrer possible My marriage to her no surprise would be. Distance between myself and Ferrer shall Hereafter be a matter of my health. Lest the dismissing him occasion will A personal encounter, which to prevent Essentially would I in the true sense. — Therefore I ask of you, Professor Pareil Assume the deanship pro tem, and in lieu Of me, discharge the incumbent. Pareil. As you wish. [ They exchange seatsi\ We'll exercise for your sake, arbiter. Nunez. No doubt you're fond of her or escort else Were you not, of her. El Vasa. To be frank senors I mi^ht as well confess, as not, but truth Concealment knows not. In me an instinct rages Ancient as Hedron, as ungovernable For Ferrer's wife, and an attachment secret. I knew not woman till her face I saw. Her fairness of her for form and her figure Her bearing, charm, prisoner has made me. A cripple, helpless am I m her presence And in her absence rapid flow my tears. Because my lot my heart is breaking, for I am in love with her, who is the wife Of Professor Ferrer and to him is married. Pareil. Surprising ! Nunez. Further. — El Vasa. This sudden spread of sail This shipping hence of Ferrer rouses in me Pareil. Nunez. Pareil. El Vasa. A burning passion in my bosom slumbering, I own, it may be it's a weakness, but No man is fugitive from woman's clutch; Contemptuous — censurous as may appear My mining for a mate, the option on The wife of another man — is vlndicable, If I may be so bold, — be my own critic, — On the empiric notion that a wife Mishusbanded, a fitting vessel for An unwifed fellow is, and there's my method Albeit in countercurrent to conventions Of coupling and of cupiding is — 'tis waived By the sobriety of my years advancing. Need, that no rule nor style will fawn unto. I know she is mismatched, she has mismarried With Ferrer, her ideal would I bend My efforts all, to prove. For this dismissal Breadless will render him and she supportless, For women are by money more than love Detained in bondage — will adventure for Divorce, no doubt, a chilliness between them Flares up which might a warmth for me enkmdle. As frosted ears though cold like fire singe On Villafranca's part— and then, —but 1 Arabian nights am dreaming. Why in no way A dream this might be, though a dream perhaps The telling sounds Eccentric I to besiege A married woman for her heart, when stocked The unmarried market is, or the bereaved. And complication, risks this might entail ! Advise you do I to consider well The road you travel, view the destination. Dreamy realities no real dreams are. Enough, your office you're contingent in Evens the insult of that ball and night. But to revert back to where we left off, you Informed us that Ferrer anticipatmg Expulsion — Mailed his resignation. 10 Pareil [suddenly r^s^ng^^ What ? Has he come to his tether's end ? he has ? All female intricacies to one side ! What will he pepper in our eyes strow, blind us By resignation and that way defeat Expulsion, here designed— emphatic no ! See else the havoc. What misconduct Ferrer Example showed ! A teacher to acclaim Antagonism to the social state Arraign the weathly classes foi the suffering Of the enpaupered, champion the cause Of labor strikes and riots, to revolt Excite the ribald gangster and the ringster That spite and harry and defy the funccion Of law and order, — the poseur assume Of socialist and even anarchist ! Is he a socialist, why does he then In magazine and newspaper, at lecture The principles of anarchy endorse ? Is he an anarchist why does he then To students lecture theories of socialists ? Civilian rude, the gentlemen in the villian, A Machiavellian policy is his Enamelled over with a Bismarckism. System seems Greek to him, a wildcat has Domestication in excess of Ferrer. Amphibian, birolary bis actions They blister underneath confusion's foot. A teacher, — teach the poor to howl, when poverty To wealth's a portico, represses vain Indulgences harsh, which but for lack of means Curbed are and kept in the rear. The lack of bread As well as barns of it, to character Grooves for the chisel gave. Order is to the state What vision is to the eyes. Law has by virtue Of its inherent might saved from the wreck Of madmen and of murderers society. But Ferrer would society overturn, The bomb his argument the bullet law. Did he not sanction the Anti-Morrocan riots Valencia coal-strike, Barcelona lock-out } II At public meeting Ferrer is the chairman The topic sole on Portuguese boulevards. Bear this who will ? The man has lost the c«e Of his social status ! At meetings of protest Ferrer is heard and seen and lecturing on Views anti-christian, the confiscation Of private capital for public use The store to be a state's distributory The laborer producer, altogether Producer and consumer, — advocates. No army, navy, money or police ! — His resignation ! Nunez, Be composed Professor. Why aggravation show ? After he'll be Expelled, the olive branch again for peace. Pareil you will reject his resignation Expulsion is our wish, his due. Professors Merely as eavesdroppers to public questions Of economic nature, may themselves Involve at libitum but not participants. It would be flattering to permit professors To drill our salaried debaters, when Their duty by the student's side is. Not thus The policy of universities That neutral should in public problems act. The people pay enough their statesmen and Their legislators to take care of them. Henry the 8th, from Cambridge University Opinions wished regards his wife's divorce — But this is Portugul. Besides it is A practice deleterious and exposes To public odium or eclat or both If universitarians turn publicists. The dignity and quiet of the college Thereby disturbed becomes, distraction suffering. What kmd of influence, can those who graduate Imbibe and later practice, when their teacher Resort to violence in social disputes His parting word to them i«, what such influence As leaves the threshold, the young student, enters Upon the serious duties of his life ? 12 No war office a university should be. A university for study is. Reflection, but not public disputation. El Vasa. True every way. The petty snubbing, nagging, Vexing, exactings, artificial Reserve, contempt, what not, which to a spirit Researching and critical, the headway plugs. Is no excuse, a firebrand to be And those who singe us, — them incinerate ! Many the remarks of those above us, hurt Our feelings sensitive, many the impulse That stir us to protest against oppression In officialism, but regards — at least For what we have, priority, maintainance Devolving on us, precedence, consideration, In preference to ambiguities of the "after," Should cherish in us preference for tolerance Than hypothetic promises in embryo. Nunez. Nor shall he 'gainst the law coin logic. Men Admit that law is a necessity. Bakuninites may cherish in their reveries Ideals and themselves deluded, vamly Perfection legal seek, but while men differ The weak distress the strong, the strong the weak, The law for umpire. God above and church The solar, lunar or terrestial laws The oceanic and the law of tempests, Schools, systems, science, art, electrics, technics, Mechanics, chemics, — law a vivid light ! No abolition there of law can ever A possibility be. As well ignore As well conform — why then governments ? Law but a form of conduct is. Dissent From Ferrer on the subject, never can Us compromise. There must be inequality, High, low, cold warm, all none, rich and poor. Ne'er were there cleanliness, were there no dirt. Doctors how thrive were there no sick, and lawyers Whence clients find, if differences were not. And to go nearer somewhat in a simile — Will Ferrer as a teacher make a living 13 If ignorant his pupils would not be ? The very girders, beam^ and trusses, keel Of commerce, is a lack of the supply And bounty thereof. El Vasa. And why will not Ferrer The virtue, power, profit recognize Of poverty ? For as we do emerge On life's long variegated pathway, views, Indulgences, excesses, recklessness, TemptatioBs, vitiations, that tease us sore Halted by poverty -are. And this refines us. That else the straight man to a rake would forge, Restraming passions and adventures, which The prodigal spendthrift and the profligate Headlong would pitch in, only soon to float A carcass in the maelsti'om. Want of things That make for comforts and necessities A strife for them occasion, which if wealth Ready produce, the strife a truce becomes. Strife hardens us to battle with the world That tries and baffles us. What kind of life Is life, where poverty not is. At birth We're born naked, rich are when we're dead. For then the corpse a suit has, — heinous irony ! And life reviewing, what we sec is but Our poverties. As children poor in mind, As youth's in body, poor in strength as dotards And eyesight— seeing poorly our poverty. Men this observing not discouraged seem, But lock with pride the ladder down they climbed. At the pinnacle of fame, they see below Themselves with no regret they once were poor. Pareil, The same with wealthy folks. I know myself Many a youngster reared in millions, start A course in chateaux but end it in the poorhouse. What wants the mouth, the heart possess it .^-wrong ! Riches betray the stimuli for labor. And this effeminates, and riches likewise Pervert the principle of abnegation. Wealth is the curse of some. Had these no bread The value of their bounty feel would they. 14 But as it is, with freedom of the wind They plunge in speculation fabulous — Their way through lawless dealing eel-like slip — And with th ,ir silver clink smother the cries Of mjured innocent, of orgies misspent, Use money where the brain an item is. But this implies not, wealth is useless, or Should be made common property, nor should The elements of poverty abolished By socialistic government become. By far not so. According to Ferrer The chimneysweep is on the level with The status of the architect or chemist. The scavenger and teacher are alike. Astronomer and bricklayer the same, And vain the scearch the difference to catch la peddler and in civil engineer. Nunez. And are the socialists then justified To advocate the death of poverty ? Poor are we when we're young in words, in knowledge Still poorer in possession, when experience First coming later — we are sufferers. The greatest men, the richest men have had Commencement poor to battle with in life When first the sun upon their features shone And were the better for it every way. What if with golden spoons we born were ? Not in the grave decending can we take it. Be poor but upright, riches are not all. El Vasa. The climax reached — the curtain drops. Thus you The racking taxing office of dismissal As closes Ferrer's saddening scene with us Left to administer, — are. And who but Ferrer Solely is culpable ? To blame the trustees Who. so incensed at this his seige upon Rights of established statutes, penal-coded, Espousing and projecting the collapse Of Manuel de Braganza, and upon The debris there encaisson Labor's towers, Must not our baton be. For inasmuch The students prosperous or straightened 15 His lectures once imbibed, attention- struck. These to their parents ferrying, alarmed them To this extent. The university The Mecca then of letters of complaints Became, from parents. "A malfeasant ! to Enact the Gracchi — irritate the classes — Derrick this agitator, — else our sons Discollege we" — so ran their tenor. Again Doxoligies not fiom the indigent Rained on desk, either. "Give us our mink valets ■ And ermine, caracul, we with the mansioned Are equisocial" — the one refrain. Fareil. Precisely. Chief of which the Ferrer lectures On socialism made this possible. Where postulate on postulate he pyramids The panacea for all social ills. Which same the faculty — body to amazement S« throws he, that a schism follows, each A partizan becoming, — malt is sprouted. List to a lecture his. "Society Of Portugal to-day divided is In classes three; the propertied, one, — The bourgeois the second, and the third The proletaire, that ant-like scrape for grub The nose in the cold — " a Portuguese Marx 1 So, in respect of donors, who the girders Of the university are, intact to keep. Our treasury's defence, this socioclast The trustees— and I credit them — protest From parents of fair means, the incentive — Hoist out of here Ferrer. Fast-collared was he. This guest unhosted, pack must he. I have In person begged Ferrer to chalk the panes, But principle for Ferrer. El Vasa. Nor can trustees A theory unpracticed, problematic. Endorsement grant, as item in a course Allow, a mooted topic. All a school Can teach — is, what is now, not might be, howso— Uncomplimentary the policy The social difference raised, effecting detriment 16 The trustees for the menaced breach, apply Hovvbeit humiliating to Ferrer As offset to disunion midst matriculants Discharge, and rapidly. So, you Pareil Follow the report Nunez delivered to me — And out of courtesy to me replace me In the capacity as dean, that way Officially intorm Professor Ferrer Of his expulison. {Enter Student ?\ Pareil. Pray what is it please ? There is a history about thy looks — Student. Professor Ferrer sent me has, to find If the appomtment and the interview Congenial be to have this afternoon. Nunez. He sniffs the dessert ahead of the menu. Ya. vasa. Ever the rat my friend, the ferret ever. Pareil. \ to student. Yes momentarily, announce the lecturer Reception for him. Nunez, \rising with El Fasa.'] Our leave Professor Excuse us for withdrawing. El Vasa for The Villafranca reason, 1.— because Of reasons brother- mason; — sorry we're Beyond formality of an expression At this disintigration that our colleague Associate Professor Ferrer, the vortex Of igneous dissention has become, demerits Himself bequeathing, is exempt. As masons — We would not with our presence play the microscope Of a matter in italic, nor embarras The snag he fell in, which oviate we can By absence.— unbecoming this would be To us who share his plight not. Still his credit Though barriers loom between us, our true wishes And approbation, for his principle Insight and acumen, truth sociologic Mind analytic, tell him this for us — Bidding success, in our name. Parkil. Depend. \Exeunt El Vasa &^ Nunez, \ {Re enter Student.] Student. Professor Ferrer doth ad\ance through me 17 The notice that an interview he'll hold. [^Enter Professor Francisco Ferrer. The student greets hint, afid to him Ferrer hands a letter and whispers an order, which the student repeats as he whispers it.'\ {repeating after Ferrer'] Order — the seniors — to as«;emble— first-- Because of — the detainment — late — you'll lecture — This letter — to Senora Villafranca — Your wife— deliver — bring reply?— alright ! {Exit ] Pareil. Professor Ferrer, with reluctance I . Obedient to the office I control Officiating as sub-dean, induced To interview you, am; and trust the summons Not disagreeable proves. Ferrer. Not in the least. Pareil. I hope so too But lest through terms uncalled — for This meeting in polemics steep us not — I trust I do not blame or score unduly Respecting — have the kindness — take a seat — Ferrer. Thanks and excuse my preference standing, during Issues of note. --I've ever standing battled, I shall decline this courtesy, — habits play Martyr with us, despite formalities Affording there no option. May I have The honor of the information where The director may be seen ? Pareil. For motives felt By the director, under impression hostile Vacated he the desk and me capacitated With deanship in the interim. Ferrer. Very considerate. Pareil, Professor, we shall waive all matters which Impersonal are, nor in discussion plunge Touching your pedagogic theories, the instructing Of social science, economics of Society, to the young — not there indulge — instead, — The one involving us, preferring. Summarizing — Professor I presumption take, we do The situation apprehend, as far As tangent it to us, is. The situation As it exists, I emphasize exists — Because existing, has so for some time — 18 They whisk not by these situations, like Brushbristies o'er our clothes. Than what once dread Authority assumes — Ferrer. I understood The situation past. Pareil. Deftly disposed of By you it may be. but not so by us Nor as subversely, indicating spite And -rt in the evasion. I, possess Displeasing notice from the faculty Anent the socialist lectures since deUvtred By you — the subject taking us to midsea. Ferrer. Ply sound the oar, I capsize not. The lake If snug, the ocean gives expansion. Europe By far a vaster university Than Lisbon is and has. The public fur My critic, from the platform pei chance Not college, but from truck and stoop and stairs Gospel I will for socialism. Doomed That school is, that a choke-coil in the throat Of the researcher introduces — dead To economic wjrld-study ! Pareil — I have been target for denunciation — I will admit I satirized the trustees, impugned the endov ers, but as sure as there's A Power over us. so I believe That socialism amply justifies me. The very stub that gave them the faint ankle And ground for protest, me enthusiasm To cheers aroused. For I have yet to quail At truth's confessional — no coward I Behind retraction to seek shelter. — Socialism ! Based on materialist conception of History universal and the evolution Of an infallible science economy— sound The last of feudalism, but first of capitalism- Can prow these negativos, froth as they may. It but resolves itself into a question When all is said and done, done said, said done, — Of time. Pareil. It may be. Still the faculty 19 Deeming a breach of regulations, starements And views of yours conducive not to them, Objection raised. Ff-Rrer. It had been sad, if it Cocducive were ! What are thek deltaing protests When, Hke an Alpine avalanche, they shall Be by the social revolution, swept Into oblivion ? Laugh I do about Their patents for eiipulsions, logic-gags. The anarchist and socialist to mu2zle with. • It stands no acid. That views like mine created Sensational opinion in ^he college Not yet a prologue for apology is. The Quadalquivir rather had deflect ! It is no foible— to admit an eiror. There was a Quebec bridge collapsed once too Still engineers span rivers as before. But of the nauseating pellets one Must mouib and glut, unstomachable is: — "To think what's justly so, be otherwise." \_p<-icing. Pareil. Ah now you"re talking, but the season's past The angry passion roused, emoHent none As I the matter view, is possible. To try exposure when the dark-room's needed I For one I reason that the mterests Fused to a state of strain be thus diswired, — At once connection with the school must cease. That cue I grip and have foreboding felt To that extent, which same to counteract My resignation mailed. The faculty Profound'y have ignored it and through me — Yours and the faculty's opinions mixing not, — ■ The university's chief, my painful duty Now to the case recoiling, announce it, that They have — Ferrer. Suspended me suppose-- Pareil. Expelled ! Ferrer, [stunned then slowly.'] The Nazarene forgave his fees — Parkil. Repeat Ferrer. Pareil 20 The Nnzarene and emulate, who bore The cross to Calvary smiling. They decline The Nazaren€ to play. Ferrer. Chucked, dumped aside The v*'Ovkmen and his tools ! l^AREH., Be Atlas Ferrer, And thy dynamic viewpoints empire give. That they, whom Heracles, in contempt held, By power of endurance to their spite Endorsement forced. Ferrer. Re fi acting I feel sorry I ever resig^ned. Impartial justice here My side denied is. Into a court, before A judge, it should have. Pareil. That is to regret. He. under cover should that sniffs hver-as. Yet now with sad assent forced am I to Inform you of the same — ycu must migrate. Ferrer, \kai in kand'\ Then on the road. Oh feverishly yearned I Occasion to declare my mind's ideals If not in classr<5om, then in townhall. Yes The moment has arrived for that too. WeU I hope bright day? and years for Lisbon, even As for the theory of socialism Position sacrificed, continue after. Their threshold leaving, mine, no ill-will thtm, in wish I rankle. Me, forsake Ood wont, ril earn my living anywhere I go My trade's not lost, [goes to the doorj] Pareil. I trust so, trust you do Survive securely, bridge the test professor My sympathies unbound. Ferrer, [returning] Reserve them for A lesser indivi<3uai than humble Francisco Ferrer. Ejected I may be,— But scarce to this can they give passport t€ The virtues of the socialist philosophy That would the first time in the history Of the human race, the animal workingman A human being make; would lift the women That by the wayside fell; expunge forever 2] The plight of poverty, erase the shame Of charity — a blight upon the state; Would men unite in a Brotherhood of Man Under a Fatherhood of God, so that the dream Of him who walked the sea and stilled the gale Come true— Christ's dream — Christianity Applied By socialism -this deport nat-can they — [,^<^^«,^ back Which thro' my life fluids rotates and \.\\xo\io the door The alleys of my veins is rioting The matter of my mmd into a jubilee Of madness sound, — unto my vision, lanterns Supplies anew, my ears new symphonies, And this my hollow breast an impact renders As a crazed cataract's convulsed descension Engraves the promontory gliding o'er But leaves the basal roots intact. For this Their dispossess of me unwarranted Compunction wish I them, I'll mop no floors For my inferiors. Good-afternoon. Dash homeward backwards from the gatherin)^- mist This Ferrer will not, as a Socialist I [Enter Stuttent and ha7ids him Villafi ancas \reply. At this point El Vasa and [reading. '] [Nunez unseen bv Fetrer ye- enter ^. "Expect me. P'ear no trap. Nor door nor lock Me cower can. Scream when the Masons threaten. There will be papers of alienation Served on El Vasa. Greeting from the children." An ease to scruples. I'm assured at least Of Villafranca's troth and care. Why stare Your faces at the door .^ what is behind them \ [Enter from one door Fiscal Ugarte with a ivarrajit followed by a gendarme. Enter Zorilla from another door.\ IJG.4.RTE Subject unto arrest Francisco Ferrer On pain of death, — the law demands his person. Zorilla. \disputino the ge7idarme^ He falls that shall distress my friend. Fiscal 1 know Ferrer by far too long — not he The Law of State contested— stop gendarme I [draivs Ugari'e. Disqualify attention from third parties \a sword 22 Ferrer. Ugarte. Parei l ZORILLA. tiL VaSA. Ferrer. Pareil. Ugarte. Pareil & Ugarte. Fastea the fetters on the anarchist ! Schools that the young are taught by Ferrer are By Law prohibited — gendarme disarm The intermediary. Where then have I violated That Law entrenched so clamors for my head .'' Instructing atheism children, teaching Disregard for law, antagoniring Rule, The theories of anarchy and socialism Usage of textbooks by agnostic authors Derision and contempt for priest and Church, In the shape of elementary primers used. . The University predicting, saves Itself predicament, and spared the harvest Of ignominy, is. Ignore the charge nor stoop Beneath unearned indignity. Facing things As dean in ofifice, Fiscal I inform you Ferrer no teacher's here, considered only As out of us, expelled Other men's wives To escort midnights, see that thou improve on In escortless enterprises. — Cfificials, I Accept the warrant for arrest. Zorilla Thy advent at this Valley Forge is index To Yorktowns yet to be, —deeply I feel Your guardianship for me. Ugarte this Arresi seems anachronic, but such cyclones Socialists since weathered. Pleasant voyageing. And a smooth sea. Yet wait. From Ferrer And to El Vasa, complaint and subpoena: El Vasa you a correspondent named In an alienation suit, commenced and sued By Senora Villafranca Ferrer, are. Nunez. Astonishing ! Dates for a hearing's set. Treason the charge against Ferrer, against El Vasa co-respondence with his wife 23 El Vasa. Ferrer. Ugarte. Charged and for alienation, damages. Precedent rude. It unbecoming was Ugarte, in the presence of observers Matter that's private, orchestrate. My council Shall represent me in behalf as far As lie my interests versus Ferrer's. Why versus, when harmonious, I am Of dean El Vasa's inclination for My wife, quite conscious, nor am jealous, sin<. e El Vasa is a weakling, in the manner Of curbing instincts of his aesthetic Ego. My task and duties touching education, The government, irate and wrathful hath The legal and official Lisbon rulers Made so, my life was menaced. Lest my wife With loss of me were threatened, let the gap By any one be tilled. And hence I reasoned If 'twere El Vasa, if as I do risk He risk it after me, then any attachment Of his for her, no jealously in me Occasion can, though the entire affair By Villafranca misconceived became — By me quite analysed and by El Vasa — Distorted, disproportionately engendered, — Obedience to which impulse files she suit Not for divorce, as here the laws deny it. But damages for the estrangement of Her love for me her husband, — that is all. Criminal the charge of treason, alienation Civil alone, Ferrer in custody Remains; El Vasa keeps the subpeona. [hands El Vasa subpoena, while gendarme arrests Ferrer, ExeuntJ] 24 ACT THE SECOND LISBON IN THE CORBEILLE SUBURB. Scene — A ?nusomc chamber in the Masonic Temple, Back of chamber has in the rear, tabernacle Altar, session seats and furniture used for initiating masons. Several masons discovered seated and discussing. l^vtiEZ in the High Chair, secretary QuadraqUez besides, writing, QuADRA()UEZ. Less noise brethren, roll-call will be next. Sargossa ? Heptez ? Espau ? Don Miguel ? D'Orveil here ? Not here? D'Orveil absent ! Algebro ? Castion ? Febrix present ? Answer ! Six mtmbers absent, I am tired of this. El Vasa ? Ferrer ? not ? no meeting senors ! Nunez. With those who're present then, the meeting goes on. First place I've this to say to every member. Henceforth and after Vidocq's eyes on our Grand secretary Quadraquez. I find Report and record sad revision crying. I have endured with long complacence, but The papal line of demarcation has Jostled my patience. I like not duty shirked Because of wasted systemless results Nihil and unproUfic. To tend a lodge Requires nerves and thine's a lambly sort. Not smithed to it. Not so much I should judge Thy misrule as thy nonrule, but the brethren Hoople it a troupe of clowns. So therefore. Quadraquez. Errata master ! I presume I can Upon my record stand. The fault not mine If members are delinquent, that incompetence Excursion has and pic-nic. Uncongenial Has the responsibility of being Grand secretary been for me. But for The good and welfare of Freemasonry \ have forgone complaint. 25 Nunez. Just so expected In the face of our code to sweet the sour. I want the name of every lodge subsidiary Entered by actuaries and certified, The dues receipted properly, — not scribbled. All minutes first transcribed and printed later, A special committee of character Appointed wish to investigate new applicants. Beyond this, nothing else. Please understand me, I trust that our relation skip the breach And with no straining onward so continue. Only observe that regularity be. QuADRAQUEZ. I promise and amiss not take the caution Striving most faithfully to commit myself. [Enter El Vasa and rapidly approaches Quadra- QUEZ. The two fall into a discussion exciting, from which QUADRAQUEZ issues with a cry.] Oh God ! Past Master ! Oh God ! Peril ! Derangement ! Instant suspend the meeting — a crime has been To daylight brought, — freemasonry was tampered ! Nunez. My son, cement the edges of your fright I do not place you. QUADRAQUEz. The rather that you don't. An incommunicado here were solace; One bolt's undamped. Nunez. Pray language less deranged, So I the information can decipher By a deduction of the dread mishap. OUADRAQUEZ. Director dean El Vasa me informs This very moment, the secret-sacred trust Incumbent on us violated was, A brother member revelation has Made deed of gift to persons, members not, Of password of our order. Nunez, \becoming pale^^ Saints and martyrs ! By whom ? Quadraquez. By since expelled Professor Ferrer Of Lisbon University — he says. Nunez. What ! brother Ferrer make a merchandise Of secrets — discnmasonment for him ! El Vasa. Dumbfounded, in a trance I have since been 26 upon the discovery master of the event. Nor hail I here because of samaritanism, My object sole the lodge's good and welfare. For this communing of the leak, diminishes My boiling animus top-o'erbrimful Against the gentry that do litigate me. If I had anythmg to say about it The motive this. Briefly and in a nutshell Being a socialist and for it being Ejected, in him, a retaliation Propels and actuates, the same to achieve Masonic secrets, imprudently he U nbags to certain. Several profitting By this disclosure, hospitality Themselves, along of us, unespied, banquet. This is so far as I detect the matter. Nunez. Great and kind God— such downright manlessses* ! Why, what inducement, action for contemptuous Disloyalty ushers, not a scrutiny To common sense is. Our cult is surely spiked. I reckon that it was a grievance for Ferrer, when from the university Expulsion flung him out and goaded on By a suffusing sense of injured pride He thus retaliates. For us remains New passwords to adopt. I certainly owe Apology to Quadraquez I censured Impulsively, not judging.— That's the griddle ! Members not masons, masons and not members The password revealed. By right his life for such An infamy, deprived of him should be. No questions asked— masonics to the gale ! And Id ! the occasion ! I've a notice on My desk before me, an application for The fifth degree, the member having passed Four of them with success. Guess who's this is. The Masons? Ferrer's? j^UjjE2. Not too overloud. Mongolians we Lest we cool on the theme, my bond on that. I will endorse his application first {writes on back Entrance permitting to the fifth degree, [