^"Well, of course, I do not wish to intrude. I can call again. Good morning." Mrs. W. — "I must hurry with this cake." A ring at the bell. "Who can that possibly be?" Enter Miss Exclusive. "Good morning Mrs. Willing." "Good morning Miss Exclusive. This is a delightful morning for a walk, isn't it?" Miss Ex. — "Yes, indeed, I much prefer to walk and 18 do my shopping in the morning. I am not jostled by so many rude people." Mrs. W. — "Yes, I think it is much better myself." Miss Ex. — "Mrs. Willing, I just stopped to tell you. that as I passed the church a few minutes ago, I noticed a commotion, and heard some of the ladies scolding like everything." Mrs. W. — "Why was that Miss Exclusive?" Miss Ex. — "Well, it seemed that your twins went into the church and helped themselves to the cake." Mrs. W. (distressed) — "Oh, Miss Exclusive, I hope not. Why they were here only a short time ago, and I gave them some cookies." Miss Ex. — "Well, I saw the ladies driving them out of the church, and heard them tell the twins what would happen if they dared to shov/ their faces there again." Mrs. W. (distracted) — "Oh, what shall I do. What shall I do?" Miss Ex. — "Well, if they were mine, I would give them such a thrashing that they would be good for a day at least." "You know the Scriptures say. Spare the rod and spoil the child. At least, I think, it is Scripture." "But what are you having down there?" Mrs. W. — "We are having a Social Ten this afternoon. Oh, Miss Exclusive, I do wish you would go with me to- day, we have such nice sociable times." Miss Ex. — "I would be glad to accept your invitation, if they were not so common. I really do not think I could enjoy myself at a place where the ladies were not properly gowned. Why, I have noticed that most of the ladies wear only a shirt waist and skirt. Horrors." Mrs. W. — "Why, my dear Miss Exclusive, that is just what we want. We would not have it formal for any- thing." Miss Ex. — "And then I would not feel at home, where they serve only tea and wafers, coffee and cake or some- thing- similar." 19 "Why when I go out in the afternoon, my friends serve delicious refreshments. Mrs. W. — "Oh, my dear Miss Exclusive, we do not have the Social Tens for either style or display. We only want to earn a little money and give the church la- dies a chance to get acquainted." "I do wish you would only go with me this afternoon and see how nice they are.'' Miss Ex. — "I thank you, but I really fear they would not be congenial. I must hurry home. Shall I send the twins home?" Mrs. W. — "I wish you would. Miss Exclusive. Good morning." Miss Ex. — "Good morning, Mrs. Willing." Mrs. W. (drops on a chair) — "This is the last straw. Twins come in followed by the rest of the cast. When they see their mother, their hurriedly secrete a piece of calce. Mrs. W. — "Children, what were you doing down at the church?" Twins — "We didn't take any cake. We didn't take any cake." Family come in and stand together in line with neigh- bors. Mrs. Gos. — "Did Mrs. Willing bake her cake in time?" Family — "Oh, yes she did." Neighbors looking at each other and nodding their "Oh, don't you think that's fine?" Family — "We certainy agree." Neighbors — "Poor woman, — what a day." Family — "Oh, yes, indeed." Neighbors — "It would fill me with dismay." Family — "No, never, never." Neighbors — "Now let us pass the hat." Family — "Oh, please do." 20 Neighbors — "For dimes and quarters, and all that." Family — "And so will we." All — "We sure will do our best, and then, We'll all be happy at this Social Ten." Exit to tune of Auld Lang Syne.