'^^ ^oV^ -^^ ..-.ui^, "^ r.o^ .^!.r'. "o^ .]-^^^.c:^%\,'" ""^^ 'bV ^0^. „. •Ao^ "oV • "-=--^' • A't \./ .•^'•- %.*" - ^V^^ ,VL'^% "^ ■ ^^' *^ W€*;- ^^' \ °-' .^' -^^0^ ORDINANCES CITY OF BALTIMORE, ACTS OF ASSEMBLY OP THE STATE OF MARYLAND, Rflatiiifl ta i^t fMk §(\jmlB CITY OF BALTIMOEE. . BALTIMORE: PRINTED BY JAMES LUCAS 1852. ORDIJSTAiN^CES ACTS OF ASSEMBLY No. 3. An ordinance to approve of and adopt, an act of the General Assembly of Maryland therein mentioned, for the establishment of Public Schools. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council Actof Assem- of Baltimore, that the act of the General Assembly of Mary- !^'y ^°"^,^™- land, passed February 28th 1826, entitled "An act to autho- Schools, ap- rize the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, to establish proved and Public Schools in said city, be, and the same is hereby ap- ^d°P*^"' proved of and adopted, agreeably to the tenor of said act." Appkoved 17th Jamiary, 1827, JACOB SMALL, Mayor. No. 38 — OF Revised Ordinances, 1850. An Ordinance relating to the Public Schools. Section 1. Be it enacted and ordained hy the Mayor aw(i Commission- City Council of Baltimore, that twenty persons, to be called ^" °^ public 'Commissioners of Public Schools, shall be appointed by the appointed. Itwo branches of the city council, in convention assembled, in the month of January in each and every year; one commis- sioner to be selected from each of the several wards of the city ; and said commissioner shall continue in office for one year, and from the end of that time until a new board shall Proviso. have been appointed ; Provided, that if any commissioner shall remove from the ward for which he was appointed, be- fore the expiration of the year, then his place in the board shall be vacant. To beconven- Sec. 2. Jind be it enacted and ordained, that said Commis- edbytheraay- sioners of Public Schools shall be convened by the mayor or- within ten days next succeeding their appointment ; and at their first meeting, or at some subsequent meeting held by Election of special adjournment, they shall proceed to the election of a president. president from their own board, to be chosen by a majority Term for °^ ^^^ votes of the whole body ; and said president shall which he is to hold his office during the period prescribed by the first sec- be elected. ^Jqj^ ^f ^]^jg ordinance ; if a vacancy shall occur in the office V &c3.ncy in • ■' j said office, of president, from death, resignation or legal disability, it how to be shall be the duty of the board to fill the same by a new elec- tion, as soon as can be conveniently done ; and in all cases ^ a majority of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum for Quorum. ^.i, i. 4.- r i, • the transaction ot business. J, , Sec. 3. Jind be it enacted and ordained, that at the same secretary to be time, and in the same manner as is prescribed in the second elected. section of this ordinance for the election of a president, said Commissioners of Public Schools shall elect a Treasurer and Their duties ^ Secretary, and assign the duties to be performed by them ; and salaries. 3,nd shall fix the salary of each at such a sum as said com- missioners may deem equivalent to the services required. ^ ^ ^ The tenure of office of said treasurer and secretary, and the Tenure of and i n £ir • ^ i i i vacancies in iT^otle ot tilling a vacancy or vacancies, should such occur said offices, from death, resignation, removal or legal disability, shall be the same as is provided for in the second section of this or- Treasurer not dinance, in relation to the President of the Board. The ber of the Treasurer shall not be chosen from the Board of Commis- board. sioners of Public Schools. Vacancies in Sec. 4. ^nd be it enacted and ordained, that whenever a theboard, how vacancy or vacancies shall occur in the Board of Commis- to be filled, sioners of Public Schools, during the session of the city council, it shall be the duty of the President of the Board to inform the Mayor of such vacancy or vacancies, who shall communicate the same to the first and second branches of the city council, who shall proceed to form a convention, accor- ding to their respective rules, to fill said vacancy or vacan- cies ; if a vacancy or vacancies shall occur during the recess of the city council, by death, resignation or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the board to fill the same as soon as may be convenient. Treasurer to Sec. 5. ^nd be it enacted and ordained, that the treasurer give bond. shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, give bond to the corporation, with securities to be approved by the Mayor and Register, in the penal sum of five thousand dol- Penalty and lars, conditioned for the true and faithful performance of the condition. trust reposed in him, and of the duties required of him by the Commissioners of Public Schools, acts of assembly, or ordinances of the corporation, passed or to be passed, in rela- tion to the public schools ; and the bond shall be deposited ^^°^ with^reK- with the Register for safe keeping. ister. Sec. 6. Jind be it enacted and ordained, that said Board of Commission- Commissioners of Public Schools shall have charge of the charL^ oF public schools of the city, now in operation, and of all such acliools, &c. as may be in operation during their continuance in office ; and it shall be their duty to employ teachers, and determine their salaries ; to prescribe the courses of study, and the books to be used, to make all such by-laws for their own government, and all such rules and regulations for the man- agement of the schools as they may deem to be expedient, and to modify and repeal the same at their pleasure : provi- Proviso. ded, that such by-laws, rules and regulations so made or mod- ified, be not inconsistent with the laws of the state, or with the ordinances of the city, and it shall further be the duty of said board, during the first week of each annual session of the city council, to report to the Mayor and City Coun- cil, a statement of its transactions with an account of the receipts and expenditures of the past year, and an estimate of the expenditures and resources for the year then commen- ced. Sec. 7. A7id be it enacted and or daiiied, that it shall not be Not to rent for lawful for said Commissioners of Public Schools to purchase more tlian one any property, erect any building, or rent or lease any pro- orbuil'd^'^with- perty for a longer term than one year, without having first out sanction obtained the sanction of the mayor and city council. °f council. Sec. 8. ^nd be it enacted and ordained, thcit it shall be To furnish the duty of the Commissioners of Public Schools to furnish ^°°^^' ^c. all necessary books and stationery for the pupils of the seve- ral schools, and in general, whatever fuel or other supplies the schools may require, the same to be paid for from the public school fund, and each pupil shall pay in advance one Tuition fees. dollar per quarter on entering a school, and the same ad- ance payment for each subsequent quarter during his or her pupi]g q^^^ ' continuance in the school, imless exempted therefrom by the fourteen, how board, and no pupil above the age of fourteen years shall be admitted. admitted unless by special permission of the board. Sec. 9. And be it enacted and ordained, that the Commis- To have sioners of Public Schools shall have charge of all the build- charge of buil- ings used for that purpose, and they are hereby authorized ^"^®' to make all repairs and alterations in the several school boluses of the city, whenever the same may be necessary. Members not Sec. 10. And he it enacted and ordained^ that said Board to do work or of Commissioners of Public Schools shall not employ in build- pl[es!^^^"^' ^^g' repairing, improving or furnishing stationery, or any kind of supplies, any member of said board. Parents, &c., Sec. 11. And he it enacted and ordained, that the public to be citizens schools of Baltimore, are designed exclusively for the edu- of Baltimore. ^^^^^^^ gf those pupils whose parents, or in case of orphans, whose guardian, are citizens of Baltimore, or residents of Baltimore with a bona-fide intention to become citizens. Books, how Sec. 12. And he it enacted and ordained, that the Commis- admitted and sioners of Public Schools, shall not admit any book or books discontinued. -^^^ ^^^ j^ ^^^ pubHc schools, or discontinue the use of the same after having been admitted, unless said admission or dis- continuance be approved by a majority of the entire board in session, assembled at a regular meeting of said board. Drafts on the Sec. 13. And he it enacted and ordained, that the draft city treasury, of the President of the Board of Commissioners of Public Schools, countersigned by the Mayor, shall be sufficient au- thority for the Register of the city, to pay any sum that may be standing in the treasury of the city, to the credit of the public school fund. Bequests, &c. Sec. 14. And he it enacted and ordained, that said Commis- regulated. sioners of Public Schools are hereby authorized to receive all devises, bequests and donations which may be made for the benefit of said Public Schools, and all devises, bequests and donations received by said commissioners, by virtue either of this section, or of any act or acts of the general assem- bly of Maryland, shall be paid over by them to the Register of the city, who shall place the same to the credit of the school fund ; and if any condition or conditions be prescrib- ed in any such devise, bequest or donation, the same shall be applied under the direction of said commissioners with the sanction of the Mayor and City Council, agreeably to the in- tention of the testator or donor, and if no condition be pre- scribed in any such devise, bequest or donation, it shall not be lawful for said commissioners to draw all or any part of the amount thereof, out of the city treasury during the year in which it was received, unless the collections from the resources and levy of the school fund for said year should fall short of the estimated expenditures forming the basis of said levy ; or unless it shall have been already al- lowed in the estimated resources of the fund for said year, otherwise the same shall be included in the estimate of the ensuing year. Register's du- Sec. 15. And he it enacted and ordained, that the Register ty with regard of the city shall demand and receive, from time to time, from ^°h*''l ^f'^'d^ the treasurer of the western shore of Maryland, from the commissioners of finance, and from the collector of the city, all such sum or suras of money as may be in their hands for the support of the public schools of the city, and he shall place the same to the credit of the public school fund. Sec. 16. ^nd he it enacted and ordained, that all assess- Assessments ments for paving or repaying in front of any of the public^'" S^^'°^'-j schools, or lots of ground attached thereto, and also all as- ' sessments of benefits for opening or widening any street or streets, so far as the public schools may be interested, shall be paid by the Register out of any unappropriated money in the treasury. Sec. 17. And he it enacted and ordained, that the salaries Salaries of of- of the Treasurer and Secretary of said Board of Commission- ficers, teach- ers of Public Schools, of the teachers and all other persons ^^ \q ''^^^^ permanently employed by said commissioners, shall be paid quarterly on the last day of March, June, September and December, and the Register of the city is hereby authorized, in case of any deficiency in the collection of the school fund, or in anticipation of the levy for the same, to advance, from time to time, to said fund, such sums as shall be requir- ed for the payment of said salaries at the time when they shall be due. Sec. 18. Jlnd he it enacted and ordained, that it shall not Annual ap- be lawful for said Board of Commissioners of Public Schools propriations to exceed in their expenditures, the amount annually appro- ceeded. priated therefor by the city council, and it shall be their duty to apply the same exclusively to the several purposes, and as far as practicable in the proportion specified in the statement of estimated expenses on which said city council shall have based the school fund levy for the year. Sec. 19. And he it enacted and ordained, that the male Central high public high school of Baltimore shall hereafter be styled the ^'=^°°^- Central High school. Sec. 20. And he it enacted and ordained, that whenever Certificates , any of the pupils of said school shall have satisfactorily com- conferred, pleted the prescribed term and course of instruction, the Com- missioners of Public Schools shall have power to confer on them testimonials in form as follows, viz : This certificate is given to , a pupil of the Central high school, in testimony that he has pursued and satisfactorily complet- ed the studies of the course of years ; and said testimonials shall be signed by the President of the Board, by the Mayor of the city, with the seal of the city attached, by the committee on the Central High School, and by the principal and teachers of said school. Sec. 21. And he it enacted and ordained, that said Com- "^^^^P^jl^^i^ missioners of Public Schools, are authorized to cause said tes- fund, timonials to be engraved on copper, or lithographed, with a Proviso. Certificates i female high schools. Certificates, when to be given to cer- tain pupils. 8 suitable vignette, the expenses necessarily connected with the preparation of said testimonials to be paid from the school fund ; provided, that no commissioner or teacher shall ever charge or receive an• 0' \ °.yip:-" \'^'% \^:'° /\ ''ww^' S^% ''^ v> <* *v*Xs- G^ "^ 'OCT "^3^^^ *-•-• y % ""TT^ aO % *^ DOBBS BROS. >S LIBRARY BINDING loCT ■^3"''^. . o-r MlftllRTINE } ,-.«' ,G^ ^