G, Beebe's Sons, Publishers,
' ' Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington."
Fearless of the scrutiny of men or devils, we submit
the following treatise to the public, but with much fear
and trembling before God, not that we are unable to de-
fend the principles as set forth in the ''supposed inter-
view," but fearing that our God has never required such
a work at our hands.
Be this as it may, we have had an abiding impression
for about eight years to submit such a work to the public
in defence of the doctrine of the Old and New Testament
Scriptures, as held to by the Old School or- Primitive
Baptists, and in exposition of the various devices, strata-
gems and inventions of men, setting forth the multiplied
doctrines of Antichrist. We are pained to acknowledge
that our manuscript is imperfect ; but we have done the
best we could in condensing our thoughts, so as to make
ourself understood, without making our work so volumi-
nous as not to answer the purpose for which it was in-
tended. We have for many years felt the necessity of
such a work ; yea, one more able than we have been able
to set forth, in defence of the doctrine of Jesus Christ
and his Apostles, as held to by all lovers of truth, and in
condemnation and answer to those who have a form of
godliness, but deny the power thereof. " Having a form
of godliness, but denying the power thereof ; from such
turn away." — II Tim. iii. 5.
How far we have succeeded in meeting this demand,
in answering and repulsing the enemies of truth, when
they are proposing and propounding hard questions to
the humble saints of God, we leave with the humble
lovers of truth, asking their prayerful approbation or re-
Our first chapter purports to be an interview between
Truth and Error ; and at the time of writing said chap-
ter, we expected to give our work the title of "Truth
versus Error ;" but circumstances changed the title
and style of the interview to a supposed interview be-
tween the Arminian's God and his Arminian Ministers.
Our first chapter being diametrically in opposition to
the theory of the popular religious world, and by chance
was closely scrutinized by our much esteemed friend,
Eobert T. Milner, editor and proprietor of " The Hender-
son Times" who insisted that we should submit it to the
columns of his excellent paper. We rejected his gratuit-
ous offer until we could confer with our much esteemed
and talented friend, and now brother, Elder Charles
Holcomb, who was and now is Moderator of the Little
Hope Association, as to the propriety of such a course,
when it was agreed that we submit it for publication in
said secular paper, on condition that we be allowed space
to defend it should any religious shark presume to strike
at it ; whereupon it was published ; and immediately
followed the strictures of several will- worshipers and a
heated controversy ensued between the Eev. W. H. H.
Hays, who is a modern disciple of Andrew Fuller, of
Missionary Baptist notoriety, and the humble author of
this manual, all of which appears in the first part of our
book. After which, the title of our prospective book
was changed to a " Diagram of the Churches," in which
Diagram we have presumed to disabuse the minds of
many of the humble saints of God's electing grace who
have been unawares caught in the nets of Antichrist by
not understanding the doctrine and tenets of the Primi-
tive Baptists, and have been led away by the cunning
craftiness of men. "That we henceforth be no more
children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every
wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men and cunning
craftiness whereby they he in wait to deceive." — Eph. iv.
Henderson, Rusk Co., Texas, August 1, 1883.
We believe that Dr. S. M. Carlton is actuated by a zeal for, and
an ardent desire for the promulgation of the truth of the gospel
of Jesus Christ, in the publication of the following work. We have
been intimately acquainted with him for several years, and have
admired his magnanimous spirit in entertaining and sustaining the
people of God. His house has ever been the Christian's home,
regardless of sectarianism or creeds ; believing, as he does, that
many of the poor afflicted saints have been beguiled, and caught
in the nets of Babylon, and are living upon the husks or chaff of
Antichrist ; ' ' And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks
that the swine did eat ; and no man gave unto him. And when he
came to himself, he said, how many hired servants of my father's
have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger." — Luke
xv. 16, 17. Should the following treatise inspire or give Christian
fortitude to any of the starving children of God who are living upon
such meager supplies of spiritual food, to come out from the tents
of Babylon and enlist under the banner of Jesus Christ and his
Apostles, by connecting themselves with the Church of Christ, as
well as to inspire others of God's elect or chosen people, who have
made no public profession of the Christian's faith, to take up their
cross and follow Christ through evil as well as good report, we feel
that our brother will be amply compensated for the vast amount of
labor and time bestowed upon the work, regardless of the small
remuneration that he justly expects in the sale of the book.
We have carefully examined his manuscript, and pronounce it
as being novel simple and sublime. He has, in a novel ''interview,''
and with simple allegories and arguments, expounded many of the
deep mysteries of godliness, and has wonderfully confounded the
devices and doctrines of men. He has reasoned from cause to effect,
and from effect to cause, both in expounding the great plan of
salvation, as well as the exposition of the doings of Antichrist ; and
as far as we are able to judge, he has substantiated all of his
arguments and illustrations by a "Thus saith the Lord." It is true
that in some instances his illustrations and arguments are not as
full as they might have been, or in some instances as they should
have been, to put to silence the religious skeptic, or the disguised
religious infidel, who has a form of godliness, but denies the power
thereof ; nor could he have dwelt upon all the minutiae connected
with such a grand commentary, without making the work too large
for a convenient household treasure. But the mar. of God, who is
an aspirant of truth, who has no other motive than to serve God
according to His revealed word and will, will find but few reasons
for rejecting any part of his commentary when properly understood.
We are made to rejoice in our gratitude to God that He has
enabled our brother in a very lucid manner to expound many of
the deep things of God for which we have contended for many years
from the sacred stand, and have in some instances been opposed by
able ministers of the Old School or Primitive Baptists, for want of a
proper understanding of us, or for want of a proper understanding
of the Scriptures of divine truth.
Our dear brother has beautifully harmonized the apparent
contradictions (to the casual reader) of the Scriptures, and has
thoroughly established, to our minds, God's absolute predestination
of all things, both good and evil, and all for His own honor and
glory. He has shown beyond cavil why God chose his elect people
in Christ before the world began, and did not choose the others ;
why God created evil in opposition to good ; the reason why He was
compelled to have a hell, in order to have a heaven ; and thajfc he
was obliged to have bad men, in order to have good men ; and that
good could not exist without its opposite, evil ; and that God controls
all things in heaven, earth and hell, and works all things after the
counsel of His own will and for His own glory. He makes the
wrath of man to praise Him.
"We are gratified to acknowledge that our God has been pleased
to give our brother light and liberty with his ready pen, to unfold
many of the deep mysteries of God that we have never before seen
in the writings of man since the days of inspiration, and have but
few times heard the whole gospel in its fullness proclaimed from
the pulpit. We mean to say that these deep doctrines are usually
omitted by our ablest ministers, either from a want of understanding
of them, or fearing that they will not be profitable to their
In our indorsement and recommendation of this book to the
household of faith and lovers of truth, it is not expected that it will
add one member to the body of Christ, but that it will be a source
of comfort to the chosen of the Father, the redeemed of the Son,
and the quickened of the Holy Spirit. And should there be any
Christians so spiritually weak that they cannot comprehend the great
truths therein contained, let them not therefore condemn it as being
false, but rather pray for our God to give them an understanding of
it, so that they may realize the truth of it, and feast upon that
spiritual food that will nourish them into spiritual manhood.
By S. M. CARLTON, M. D.,
Truth. — If God be God, who, or what power is there
above Him that can prostrate or thwart His will ? And
if He has the will to save the whole human family, He
surely has the power to do so, or He ceases to be God,
and the creature becomes more powerful than the Creator,
in the destruction or salvation of his own soul, and damns
or saves his soul by his own acts, regardless of the will
of the Father to save him. Therefore God is denied the
power to execute His will, and ceases to be Almighty, and
does not have all power in earth, hell and heaven ; but is
superceded by the handiwork of His own creation and is
made subservient to the will of the creature.
Error. — But, sir, the salvation of souls is upon con-
tingencies. God has made a law that controls the destiny
of all men everywhere, and has made man a free-agent ;
and he can accept the terms of this law and be saved, or
he can reject the terms of the gospel and be damned upon
his own volition.
Truth. — Allow me to interrupt your temporal thoughts,
my friend, and admonish you never to slander the char-
acter of God by accusing Him of doing that which you
would not do yourself ; for if God foreknew all things,
as all orthodox Christians say and believe He does, and if
their belief is fully indorsed by the Scriptures, as it is,
beyond all cavil, then would not God have been a poor
law giver or jurist, to have given into the hands of poor,
puny man a law which His foreknowledge knew that man
would violate, and therefore damn the objects of His love,
whom He so much desired the salvation of ? Now, my
friend, you would not be guilty of such a violation of
common sense in prescribing a domestic law for the gov-
ernment of your natural children, which you knew they
would violate, the penalty of which would be corporeal
death. Then why accuse God of such an outrage upon
His legal dignity, robbing Him of the salvation of the
souls that He so much desires to save, and that He could
not save, without it happens to suit the person or persons
whom He desires to save, and that upon their own voli-
Error. — Well, then, if God does not save the people
upon a principle of free-agency, and upon their own voli-
tion, how do you reconcile the justice of God in suffering
any to be lost ?
Truth. — They are lost upon a principle of justice, and
that justice is based upon the fact that the heirs of per-
dition ( in a spiritual sense ) are not God's. They come
from the infernal regions, and they will return to Satan,
the author of their spiritual existence. And in like
manner the heirs of promise will return to Christ in heaven,
from whence they came, who is the author of their spiri-
tual existence. " And the ransomed of the Lord shall
return, [not may] and come to Zion with songs and ever-
lasting joy upon their heads : they shall obtain joy and
gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away." — Isa.
xxxv. 10. And I take it for granted that persons, things
or spirits cannot return to places where they have not
been. And the heirs of promise were all chosen in Christ
before the foundation of the world, and their names were
all written in the Lamb's Book of lif e ; and should any of
this number apostatize and fail to be there at the final
consummation of all things, God would be disappointed
for want of ability to save them, and the body of Christ
would be incomplete, and the Son could justly prosecute
the Father for failure of contract, in that of not render-
ing to him value received for that which he had bought
with his blood and life, which price he had paid accord-
ing to contract at the appointed time. And should there
be others there who were not embraced in the covenant,
Christ would surely reject them, as his body and contract
would be complete without them ; and he surely would
not presume to claim that which was not his by covenant
and redemption. It is therefore reasonable to suppose,
from common sense, as well as from inference, admitting
that the Scriptures were silent upon this subject, that all
who were not embraced in this covenant were heirs of
perdition, and that their spiritual existence hailed from
the underworld, and must by right return from whence
they came. " Ye are of your father the devil, and the
lusts of your father ye will do/' oc: — John viii. ±±.
But from the character of Christ we could not presume
that he would wantonly cheat Satan out of his dues ;
but the character of Satan would swindle Christ out of
his. and would deceive the very elect if it were possible.
— Mark xiii. '2-2. But Christ knows them that are his,
and they shall come unto him. and none shall be able to
pluck them, vice— John x. i7. 28, 29.
Error. — Bur. sir. it seems that God would be unjust
nake a part of the human family - inned. and
ren and happinesa
Truth. — Be this as i: may. none dare say that God did
not have the power B them if He had the will.
Suppose we say that the family of perdition stood con-
in the mind of r ah before all worlds were.
and spiritual e:: was virtually in the
: Sfi fore God spoke irr -rence their
natural angs, and th I made them for the v
purpose : nded for them.
and that without them he could not have shown his wis-
dom. ■;. and goodn the children of mercy :
for the terms "good" and "h " would have been
rms. without meaning, if they had not had their
oppo si fces, '" and "hell:" and God was compelled,
::y natm-e of tilings, to create inhabit-
ants for both conditions and plac the creation of
snch conditions and places would have been wholly un-
Error.— Well. sir. is not one man as good by nature -
another ? And why does God choose one of His creation
as a vessel of mercy, and leave another without a chance
for heaven and happiness ? And why is the gospel com-
manded to be preached to all men everywhere ?
Truth. — The preaching of the gospel indiscriminately
to all men, is for the purpose of supplying his vessels of
mercy with spiritual food, and is for the further purpose
of confounding the brain religion of the mighty and wise
of Antichrist, leaving Satan and his spiritual progeny
without excuse, that they may not plead ignorance in the
day of final retribution ; thereby making their own con-
demnation more complete. For it is written, that God
caused certain parties to believe a he, that they might be
damned. "And for this cause God shall send them
strong delusion, that they should believe a he : that they
all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness." — 2 Thes. ii. 11, 12 ; also,
see 1 Kings xxii. Showing conclusively that God did
not want them in heaven, for the reason that they did
not belong to the heavenly family of Christ ; but God did
have a use for them on earth, or He would not have
created them. And we all agree that men are by nature
the same ; but it is written, ( in speaking to the heirs of
promise,) "Among whom also we all had our conversa-
tion in times past, in the lusts of our flesh, f ulfilling the
desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature
the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is
rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us,
even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us to-
gether with Christ, ( by grace ye are saved )," &c. — Eph. ii.
3, 4, 5.
But it cannot be shown upon Bible authority that they
are the others, or any part of them. And so far as not
giving them a chance for heaven and happiness is con-
cerned, it camiot be proven upon Bible testimony that one
of this class has e*ver wanted to be saved, only upon their
own terms, and their terms have ever been in direct
opposition to the terms of heaven. Therefore all their
good works and good deeds are rejected, as they are
claiming heaven and happiness upon their own merited
goodness, instead of the merits of Christ.
But the family of heaven, when they are quickened in-
to spiritual life, and made to see what they are by nature,
and what they must be by grace before they can be saved,
are then ready to say in their contrition and humility,
"Thy will be done, God, and not mine ;" and in the
midst of their guilt they would be ready to say, "Amen,"
at then own condemnation.
And so far as choice is concerned, God chooses the
heirs of promise because they are His, and does not choose
them to make them His ; and He rejects the heirs of per-
dition because they are not His. All are His by creation,
but not by adoption.
- Error. — This doctrine seems to put the people upon the
stool of do-nothing ; for if they are to be saved, they will
be saved anyhow, and therefore license the people in wick-
Truth.— We deny the charge, and claim that every
man is a moral agent, and that the people of Antichrist
was raised in the fall of Adam from their degradation in
hell (in a spiritual sense), to a level with the heirs of
promise (in a natural sense), who were in Christ spirit-
ually before the world was. And both families shook
hands, as it were, in the persons of Adam and Eve, nat-
urally and morally. Therefore our natural pride of char-
acter, and our moral obligations to God and to each other,
are identical. And the people of perdition should not
accuse God of injustice, but should render praise unto
Him, for having elevated them to a moral status in this
life with the family of Christ ; and at their death their
spirits will return from whence they came, and no charge
can be laid to God for injustice. But, on the other hand,
those that die in the triumphs of a living faith, their
spirits will take their everlasting flight, and will repose
in Christ, from whence they came ; and no charge is laid
at the hands of God by them, for causing them to come
down from heaven and partake of the nature of the child-
ren of wrath, and become like them temporally and mor-
ally ; but they rejoice in the hope of their spirits return-
ing to reunite with Christ in heaven. But to explain our
temporal and spiritual existence more fully, we will say
that all the heavenly family were in Christ spiritually
before man was created, and that God made man in the
likeness of his own image. " And God said, Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness," &c— Gen. i. 26.
Of course the humanity of Jesus Christ was present
with God, and was the temple of the Spirit of God, form-
ing the unity of the Father, Son and Spirit ; and as man
could not have been made like a spirit, he was made after
the image of Jesus corporally. So we conclude that the
humanity of Christ was ever present with God, and that
it makes all the changes that Divinity is so often accused
of making. Man ( together with all things else that were
created) was pronounced good, and very good. "And
God saw every thing that he had made ; and, behold, it
was very good. " — Gen. i. 31. So there could not have been
any latent evil or innate principle of sin in Adam at that
time, or he could not have been good, and very good :
but there did exist in his loins the natural germs of the
spiritual family of Christ ; so that when Adam trans-
gressed the command of God, this spiritual family of
heaven fell down to a level with the family of Antichrist,
and the family of Antichrist was promoted from the
depths of hell to a moral status with the people of God ;
for which they should render God praise and homage in
this life, for the enjoyments of its temporal blessings.
Hence the Scripture, " For as in Adam all die, even so in
Christ shall all be made alive." — 1. Cor.xv. 22. The ran-
somed of the Lord were all that were in Adam ( in a
spiritual sense ) at the time of his transgression ; so Christ
died for all that fell in Adam, as Adam at that time
was not contaminated with the wicked principles of Satan,
as he was not yet denied but was made susceptible ( to-
gether with Eve ) to the conception and germination of the
children of wrath, in a spiritual sense. The devil being
deceitful and cunning, he confronted the woman, and she
sinned against the command of God ; and Adam loved her,
( as Christ loved his bride, the church, which church the
woman typifies,) and died to the love of holiness, and was
made alive to the love of sin, by partaking of her sins,
that he might live with her. And in like manner Christ
loved his bride, the church, and took upon himself a body
of flesh and blood, and died naturally or corporally for
the justification of his chosen vessels of mercy, who fell
in Adam. Hence we see that the tares were sown with
the wheat ; and never until this sin, were Adam and Eve
capable of the conception and germination of the children
of perdition • for the spiritual germs did not exist in them,
as they were free from sin, or they could not have been
good. So was the field free from tares when the wheat
was sown ; but there came an enemy afterwards, and
sowed tares with the wheat. And as Adam and Eve re-
present the field, the heirs of promise were sown in them
first, and afterwards the serpent sowed the seed of Satan
in them. And as wheat and tares grow together in the
same field, or soil, from the same culture, so in like man-
ner do the heirs of promise and the heirs of perdition,
conceive, germinate and mature from the same natural
parents. See the allegories of Cain and Abel, Isaac and
Ishmael, Jacob and Esau.
Error. — Well, sir, if that doctrine be true, a man can
execute all the wickedness that his mind can conceive,
and if he is to be saved he will be saved anyhow, and
there is no use in his trying to do good. And if I believ-
ed as you do, I would live on the fat of the land, regard-
less of how I become in possession of it.
Truth. — Providence has wisely put it into the minds
of all men to believe that there is a chance for them in-
dividually to be saved ; even the heirs of perdition believe
alike with the heirs of promise (prior to regeneration )
that they will be or can be saved upon legal principles,
and are ever trying to court the favor of God upon
law principles, hoping to bring God under obligations
to save them. And what a wise provision in God's
eternal purposes, and how moralizing in its tendencies,
for man not to know that he is doomed to hell by the
eternal decrees of heaven ; for if not an heir of promise,
the positive injunction must be that he is an heir of per-
dition ; for there are but two ways and two conditions —
right and wrong, heaven and hell. And God's foreknowl-
edge comprehended all the situations before all worlds
were, or he ceases to be almighty and allwise, and only
knows things as they take place, like as you and I. We
cannot dishonor God by limiting His knowledge ; if we
do, the whole foundation of the Christian religion is a
failure, and infidelity predominates over Christ and his
cause. The Apostolic or Primitive Baptists have never
taught nor preached the doctrine that "If I am to be
saved, I will be saved anyhow." They preach a doctrine
that exactly accords with the teachings of the word of
God ; that all that ever have been, are now, or ever will
be saved, were saved in the eternal mind of Jehovah be-
fore the world began ; and that in the covenant of redemp-
tion between the Father and the Son, their names were
all written in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation
of the world ; and that it is as much impossible for one
name to be blotted out, or another to be added thereto,
as it would be for human ingenuity to blot out or dislo-
cate any of the astronomical bodies ; and that the whole
fixedness of purpose in the mind of God in the salvation
of His vessels of mercy is, if possible, more positive than
the evolutions of the luminaries of day and night ; or else
God is mocked in His foreknowledge and eternal purposes,
and religion is nothing more than a mental delusion, and
is based upon the fabric of a vision, and is therefore noth-
ing but chance and speculation. God does not work by
chance, but does all things by positive commands — "I
will, and you shall." He does not say, I will save you if
you will let me ; nor that you can be saved upon your
own volition if you will ; neither are the Old and New
Testaments addressed to any except the vessels of mercy
in a spiritual sense, but are addressed to the whole human
family in a moral sense ; hence the human family are
making a great effort to save themselves, by living up to
the moral teachings of the Scriptures, and are substitut-
ing the commandments and institutions of men for the
blood of Christ, and are very zealous, apparently, in ask-
ing God to bless their so-called Christian institutions to
the salvation of their children, etc., and claim that God
has enjoined it upon them, that their children may be
raised up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord ; that
the teaching thereof is a stepping-stone to the Christian
religion, and that by degrees the young mind and heart
is so wrought upon by the teachings of these institutions
that they soon become fit subjects, spiritually, for the
church of Christ. what self-aggrandizement ! and how
God-dishonoring is such a theory of religious fanaticism
and disguised infidelity !
And so far as your living on the fat of the land is con-
cerned, all regenerated men and women, in their convic-
tion and convertion, are killed to the love of sin, and can-
not five any longer therein. They do not want to steal,
murder, commit adultery, swindle, cheat, defraud, etc.,
etc. And you have tacitly acknowledged that you would
do all of these evils if you were not afraid of the devil
and hell ; and all regenerated Christians give you credit for
honesty in acknowledging that you are only serving God
through fear, and not through love, as the Christian serves
Him. And the Christian knows full well that you have
never been killed to the love of sin, and made alive to the
love of righteousness, or you would not utter such epithets
against the Christian religion.
We would respectfully refer self-willed Christians to the
18th and 19th verses of the last chapter of Eevelation, and
ask them to read carefully and see if they are adding any-
thing in these latter days to the prophecies and commands
of God and his Christ ; and if so, what will be their re-
ward ? We would further ask if they are not committing
a great sin of presumption, in presuming upon the ignor-
ance of God and his Christ, as being incompetent to the
task of revealing and having transmitted to writing in
the sacred volume of truth, by inspired men of God, their
will concerning the human family, and especially con-
cerning the heirs of promise. Yet in open rebellion to
the teachings of the verses referred to, we find many de-
flections and innovations upon these solemn injunctions,
and great stress is put upon the teachings of these self-
willed, so-called Christian institutions, for which there
cannot be found in the sacred volume a " Thus saith the
Lord ;" and yet they are much revered by the popular
religious world ; asking God in all their petitions, with
much zeal and eloquence of speech, to honor and bless
their institutions to the conversion of poor, lost sinners,
and to the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan, and
rearing these self-willed institutions in their stead ; when
God nor his Christ have ever commanded or required any
such things at the hands of his chosen people. And it is
a direct accusation upon the character of God to suppose
that he would have left anything undone or that He would
have failed through His inspired writers to have penned
down any part of His will concerning the people of His
choice, or elect family. Hence the true people of God
are not engaged in such deflections and innovations upon
the revealed word of God, but content themselves by try-
ing to do that which is written ; no more, no less.
And they are much chagrined and mortified at times in
not being able to live as near the pattern of Christ as they
would wish to ; but when they have nearly desponded
over their sins of commission and omission, they are
cheered up by a recital of the experience of "Paul," when
he said that the things that he would not do, them he did;
and that the things that he would do, them he did not ;
hence it was no more him that sinned but sin that dwelt
in him.
Many similar expressions of this able defender of God's
holy will cause the poor, humble follower of Christ to
press forward to the mark of the high calling of God and
His Christ, regardless of all the buff etings and derision of
the self-willed popular religion of the day.
We would say to our friendly opposers ( many of whom
we believe to be regenerated souls, but from the fact of
bad religious tuition are in Babylon,) that the church of
Christ in its purity is the " covering grip" to all the self-
willed charitable institutions that have ever been insti-
tuted by man, and is the substance of all their typical
shadows in the shape of human so-called Christian insti-
tutions. And if the regenerated soul is in possession of
the substance of the Christian religion, and feels the wit-
ness within him, speaking peace to his soul, why could he
cling to, or what use would he have for, the shadow ?
Old things are done away and all things are become new
with them. They then depend upon the grace of God for
salvation, and give up all then works of righteousness ;
and they know full well that the works of others, with
all their boasted institutions of TJieology, Charity, Mis-
sionary Operations, Hirelings to carry the gospel to the
heathen, ( who, they claim, are dying and going to hell
for want of the gospel,) will never save a single soul from
hell, nor add one to the redeemed family of God's vessels
of mercy. The people of God are positively commanded
to come out from the world, and it is enjoined upon them
to be a separate and distinct people. The Old Baptists pro-
pose to do this. No more, no less. They are not allowed
to affiliate with the institutions of the world, and the in-
stitution of Christ at the same time ; serving G-od and
Mammon at the same time ; running with the hare and
holding with the hounds. All they crave is to serve God
and not the world. They do not propose to do the insti-
tutions of man any violence, but they do propose to pre-
serve the church of Christ according to God's pattern.
Among whatever nation, kindred or tongue God has a
people, He is able to raise up a ministry who will pro-
claim the glad tidings of His rich and free grace, through
the mediation of Christ, to the conviction, conversion and
regeneration of all that chosen people whose lot may be
cast among the heathen, and that without money and
without price, and without the vain foibles of self -exalted
Antichrist, with all of his allurements and auxiliaries in
helping God to save souls that God and his Christ have
already saved before all worlds were. For in the fullness
of God's time Christ made his advent into the world and
paid the price of redemption, according to previous agree-
ment with the Father and the Son. The covenanted
children being the component members of Christ's body,
and being in Christ, and Christ being in God, therefore
the regenerated part of man, being in Christ, and Christ
being in God, and the regenerated part of man being of
the Spirit of God, and necessarily merges back into God,
through the mediation of Christ, how is it possible for any
part or parcel of the redeemed family of heaven ever to
be lost ? or how is it possible for the ingenuity of all the
soul-saving machinery of men, with all their hirelings
and money, ever to add one soul to the number of Christ's.
Church, or body, without defacing the body, or church
of Christ ? This being done, God would in part be the
author of His own destruction, in that of destroying
Himself, or a part thereof, and would deface the church
of Christ, and the body of His only begotten Son, who is
equal with the Father, if He were to allow one of this
heavenly throng to be disinherited upon the theory of
absurd apostasy, based upon free moral agency, and
would violate a solemn contract with His Son. Such a
theory is nothing more than religious romance, and is im-
Error. — But, sir, do not the Old and New Testaments
abound with the laws of Moses and other inspired writers,
commanding the people everywhere, in the name of God,
to repent and obey the gospel, or law, and be saved, with
the positive injunction that if they do not, they will be
lost ? Now, sir, what does all this mean, if we can do
nothing in effecting our own everlasting salvation ? And
do you suppose, sir, that God would have been silly
enough to have given such a law and then made it impos-
sible for man to have kept it ? This, sir, seems to make
God the author of sin, and is a direct accusation upon the
justice of God, in that of sending souls to hell without
giving them any chance for heaven and happiness ; when,
at the same time, He made them and ushered them into
existence without their consent, seemingly to get a
chance to send them to hell. Now, sir, I cannot conceive
of a principle in the character of God that would wan-
tonly commit such treason against His own law and
justice, and I cannot, will not, believe such extravagant
views of God's justice.
Truth. — The word of God will answer your interroga-
tions. "The Lord hath made all things for himself;
yea, even the wicked for the day of evil," — Pro v. xvi. 4,
and you dare not reply against God. " Nay, but, man,
who art thou that repliest against God ? Shall the thing
formed say to him that formed it, why hast thou made
me thus ? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of
the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another
unto dishonor ? What if God, willing to show his wrath,
and to make his power known, endured with much long
suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction ; and
that He might make known the riches of His glory on the
vessels of mercy, which He had afore prepared unto glory;
even us, whom He hath called, not of the Jews only, but
also of the Gentiles ?"— Eom. ix. 20-24.
Now, sir, if you reject the testimony of God, written
by inspiration, under the auspices of God, how could I,
a poor, puny atom of his creation, expect to control lan-
guage that would be sufficient to cause you to believe the
truth? And until the wisdom and light of the Holy
Spirit accompanies the arguments of the people that are
taught of God, they would not expect to succeed in con-
vincing the natural mind of man in its unregenerated
condition. See what Paul says : " But the natural man
receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; for they are
f oolishness unto him ; neither can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned." — I Cor. ii. 14. Allow
me to say to you, my friend, that you will never believe
the truth until you are made able by the teachings of the
Holy Spirit to discern between law and grace ; for the
natural man cannot discern the things of the Spirit ;
they are foolishness to him ; he is not a subject of the law
of grace, neither indeed can he be, until he is spiritually
When the Christian is made alive to the law of grace,
he is elevated above the law of reason, and is made alive
to the law of divinity ; hence there is a perfect turning
about in his manner of reasoning. He now reasons upon
natural things, from natural laws, and from natural
attributes ; and he reasons upon divine things from
divine laws, and divine attributes ; the difference be-
tween which he was never able to see until he was made
alive to the love of Christ as his Savior. This we know
is f oolishness to the unconverted ; but the word of God
and our own experience teach the same great truth.
And we here assert (knowing that the Bible will bear us
out in the position) that you had as well undertake to
mix oil and water, as to mix law and grace. Law is of
natural origin ; grace is of divine origin. Law is the
perfection of human reason and human wisdom ; grace
is the perfection of divine reason and divine wisdom.
The votaries of the law will be saved in this world, as
nations, communities and individuals, The votaries of
grace will be saved indiscriminately, among all nations,
kindreds and tongues, in the world to come. And the
votaries of law, who are not the subjects of grace, will
be lost indiscriminately in the world to come.
Necessarily the whole human family are the subjects
of law, while the ransomed of the Lord are only the sub-
jects of grace.
If the whole human family could be made votaries of
the law, and not violators of the law, then the law would
be the perfection of human morals, human society,
human intercoiirse, etc., but would not save a soul from
Grace is not only the perfection of divine reason, but
its votaries are the perfection of God's foreknowledge,
the perfection of God's eternal purposes, the perfection
of the Christian religion, the perfection of Christ and his
church, and will be executed, and cannot be blended
with law in the final salvation of souls ; therefore the
votaries of Christ are above the law, and are not subjects
of the law in a spiritual sense, but are subjects of grace ;
therefore the regenerated part of the human family are
subject to the laws that be, but are above the law, being
a law unto themselves ; for they are taught of God.
" For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to
do of His good pleasure." — Phil. ii. 13. Then they have
no desire to violate the laws that be, nor the laws of
Law, in olden times, as at present, was for the govern-
ment of the nations, and the subjugation and control of
misery ; the other to eternal happiness. One of the ways
emanates from the spirit of Antichrist ; the other ema-
nates from the Spirit and eternal purposes of God. Much
of the law in olden times was of divine origin, and was
given by divine command, and of necessity must apply
to saints as well as sinners ; for God is not a respecter of
persons in a national and law sense, and all must be sub-
ject to the same law. ' ' Because the law worketh wrath ;
for where no law is, there is no transgression." — Eom. iv.
15. "And if a house be divided against itself, that
house cannot stand." — Mark hi. 25. So there must be
unison or harmony in this law. And the law that was
given by inspiration or command of God, is just as holy
as God is holy. And as there is no perfection in human
nature, who can keep a law that is perfection ? " Yea,
let God be true, but every man a liar." — Eom. hi. 4. So,
if our eternal salvation depended upon the keeping of
this just and holy law, all men would be eternally lost.
"There is none good but one, that is God." — Mat. xix.
17. " For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness
to every one that believeth." — Eom. x. 4. So Christ has
paid the penalty of this law for all that fell under this
law, and has raised them above this law, and has placed
them where they originally stood in Christ spiritually
before the law was given to them. Hence they are above
the law in a spiritual sense, but are subjects, together
with the spiritual progeny of Satan, to the laws of the
nation or community of which they are citizens ; which
law, as it now stands, purports to have been based upon
the letter of this holy law.
Some will be violators and some votaries of this law
among all nations, and some will be votaries of grace
among all nations, from the fact of this knowledge hav-
ing been and will be communicated to them through the
medium of the Holy Spirit. But all are required or ex-
pected to keep the law that governs the nation or country
of which they are citizens, from the fact that it is taught
by the letter and spirit of literature, and not by the Spirit
of God. And the violators of this law must suffer its
penalties, on the theory that all men are familiar with
the laws of their own country. " Then Peter opened his
mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no re-
specter of persons." — Acts x. 34. Hence God has elected
His vessels of mercy from among all nations, and does
not respect the nation to which they belong, and inspires
them at His own appointed time with the knowledge of
His love. "The Lord hath appeared of old unto me,
saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love ;
therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee." —
Jer. xxxi. 3.
The spiritual progeny of Satan did not fall under this
law in the transgression of our primitive parents, from
the fact that they had not been up anywhere to fall, but
were raised from their degradation with their spiritual
father, Satan, to the moral teachings of the law ; and
like their fountain, they cannot rise above their level ;
they must stay with their spiritual father, Satan. " Ye
are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father
ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth ; because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a he, he speaketh of his own ; for he
is a liar, and the father of it." — John viii. 44.
Our ancient brethren, who lived in the prophetic and
law dispensation, looked forward to the coming of the
Messiah as their Savior, and were governed by this holy
law ; while the modern Christian, who lives under the
Christian era, or new dispensation, is content to live in
accordance with the pattern of Christ ; Jesus Christ hav-
ing come into the world, not to destroy or do away with
the law, but to fulfill the law ; hence Christ is the end of
the law, having fulfilled the law, (Rom. x. 4,) and is now
to the modern Christian the law ; and all true Christians
are now governed by the examples and commands of
Christ, instead of the examples and commands of the
law ; Christ being the very essence and substance of this
ancient and divine law ; hence this law has no bearing
upon the modern Christian, but he is wholly dependent
upon Christ for eternal salvation.
Between the Kev. W. H. H. Hays (who is one of the
leading disciples of the modern Missionary Baptists,
growing out of the publication of the foregoing part,
as published in The Henderson Times, a secular
paper of the Gity of Henderson, Texas, who writes
above the signature of "Red." Also, an answer
to the fictitious name of "Caledonia," whose strict-
ure I append,) and the author.
Ed. Times : — I have just read in your excellent paper
of the 8th and 15th inst., Dr. S. M. Carlton's theory of
the plan of salvation. I took up my pen once to dissect
the untimely, deformed subject of Daniel Parkerism,
and to show its deformity to public gaze, which is easily
done ; but remembering that Dr. Carlton is not a mem-
ber of any church, hence not responsible to any denom-
ination for his doctrine, I concluded that the game was
too small to waste ammunition with. I hope the Doctor
is not as ignorant of Materia Medica as he is of the plan
of salvation ; if so, I pity all who may fall into his hands.
Yours truly,
Minden, Sept. 19th, 1881. EED.
S. M. Carlton, M. D. -.—Since Providence has put it
into the minds of some to "believe" what is false, are
you sure, beyond a doubt, that you are not niistaken in
being an ' ' heir of promise ? " CALEDONIA.
Caledonia, Sept. 19th, 1881.
Answer to "Red" and "Caledonia."
Ed. Times : — We think that prudence was the better
part of valor in our friend "Red " when he declined "to
dissect the untimely, deformed subject of Daniel Parker-
ism ; " "but remembering that Dr. Carlton is not a mem-
of any church," etc., "I concluded that the game was too
small to waste ammunition with."
So far as my not being a member of any church is con-
cerned, that need not make any difference with Mr. ' 'Red. "
The Old School or Primitive Baptists, as a mass, will in-
dorse me ; but the probabilities are that they would be
too small game for Mr. Ked's ammunition ; but the Bible
and its plain teachings are not too small game for him to
waste ammunition at ; for we have heard him in thunder
tones from the sacred desk, shooting at the plain teach-
ings of the Bible, over the dead body of Daniel Parker,
fearing that the truth might affect his salary a little ; for
we could not regard him as ignorant, but as using policy
for spoils. If Mr. "Red" had been as careful as we have
been in "not being a member of any church," in regard
to hypocrisy he perhaps would not occupy the place that
he does to-day.
We with shame acknowledge our nothingness, but feel
that the game is equal to his ammunition, and award to
him full liberty : and when he shall hare annihilated the
doctrine contained in my article, he will have wiped out
the old and new Testament Scriptures, and will have to
subterfuge under the traditions of his fathers, Antichrist,
or some of the new translations that some of his egotistic
brethen are so zealously perverting, to have things their
own way. Mr. " Red" misrepresents us when he says,
"Dr. S. M. Carlton's theory of the plan of salvation. "
We deny having any theory of the plan of salvation of
our own. as accused by Mr. "Red"; but the G-od of
Heaven has a plan of salvation that we heartily indorse
and advocate without the fear of successful contradiction.
Perhaps our article is about to injure the business of our
friend ; ' Red, " by convincing the people that their eternal
salvation or destruction is in the hands of the Lord, and
not in the hands of "Rev." dogmatic venders of the
religion of "Mystery, Babylon." And should any of the
people of G-od discover then mistake, and abandon their
idolatry and come to the church of Christ, it might crip-
ple his salary ; hence he makes a stab at my professional
attainments, and pities those that fall into my hands.
We suppose he does this by way of retaliation ; for surely
our " Rev'd" friends could not be so ignorant of the spirit-
ual meaning of the Bible as to pervert its meaning inno-
cently. So we can but presume that his commission is
soul-saving for money.
In answer to our friend " Caledonia" we do not know
whether we are an heir of perdition or an heir of promise;
but one thing we do know, that it is none of his business.
Sept. 29, 1881. S. M. CARLTON.
Dr. Carlton Answered.
Ed. Times: — "So far as my not being a member of any
church is concerned, that need not make any difference
with Mr. Red. The Old School or Primitive Baptists, as a
mass, will indorse me, " etc. I think I have more fellowship
for the Baptists that Dr. Carlton speaks of, than he has,
and I believe that I know as much or more about their
articles of faith ; and I say, without the fear of contradict-
ion, that they as a denomination will not indorse Dr.
Carlton as a theologian.
I have no war to make on the anti- Missionary Baptists,
for when they split off from the Missionaries their articles
of faith were the same. They split on Christian work ;
not as to how men were saved, but as to what they were
commanded to do after they were saved.
As to the theory advocated by friend Dr. Carlton, ( and
I do not wish to be considered in any other light,) there
is not one organized body under the sun that holds to any
such doctrine. There may be a faction, and probably is
in existence, which was led off by Daniel Parker. He
gave his theory in what he was pleased to call " Three
Doses," but even Daniel Parker's " three doses" had a
little better face than the dose presented by Dr. Carlton.
I hope all who have his article in their house will re-
read it and compare it with the Bible. You will see that
it is dishonoring to God. It does not lay man in the dust
of humility before God, where he belongs ; but it makes
him a bigot. It does not harmonize with the Bible as to
the plan of salvation. It makes a part of the human
family the sons of God, and He must take them by
families, infants and all; and on the other hand, it destroys
by families, infants and all. The love of God is not dis-
played in any part of it, and I must say, with all respect
to the feelings of Dr. Carlton, as a friend, that it is in
fidelity in the extreme, and that I, with a great many of
the good citizens of this section, were very much aston-
ished when we saw the article appear in our excellent
county paper ; and with your consent, Mr. Editor, I will
take up the arguments, and answer, one by one, as soon
as time will permit, as I am very busy just now.
I suppose the Doctor misunderstood me when I referred
to his profession. I did not do this to call in question his
ability as a physician. I did not say that he was ignor-
ant of Materia Medica.
Not being versed in that branch of science, I cannot say;
but having made the bible my study for a number of
years, I must say that his theory is as far from the truth
as that of Robt. Ingersoll, which I will show, if I take up
his arguments to answer.
As to what the Doctor says in regard to my hypocrisy
in advocating certain theories for money, that is in per-
fect keeping with the spirit which his theory produces in
the heart. — " Nobody right but me and mine."
Oct. 13, 1881. Respectfully, RED.
Ed. Times: — As our answer to Mr. " Red " will not ap-
pear in this week's issue of the Times, for want of space,
will your generosity allow me space to relate an anecdote
that very aptly illustrates Mr. Red's assumption in claim-
ing the name of " Primitive Baptist."
In the absence of a woodchuck, a polecat crept into
the house of the woodchuck and took possession. When
the woodchuck returned, and found his house occupied,
and demanded possession, the skunk bitterly refused to
come out, and claimed that the house was actually his,
and that he himself was a woodchuck. The woodchuck
looked at him, talked with him, and smelt of him, and
again ordered him out and off ; for he did not look like a
woodchuck, talk like a woodchuck, nor did he smell like
a woodchuck, and he knew that he was not a woodchuck.
In like manner our friend " Red " may have crept in and
stolen the old Baptist's articles of faith, but that does not
make him an Old Baptist ; for he does not look like an
Old Baptist, he does not preach like an Old Baptist, nor
does he smell like an Old Baptist, and is not an Old Bap-
tist. Respectfully,
Oct. 20th, 1881. S. M. CARLTON.
Carlton vs. "Red."
Ed. Times : — We wish it distinctly understood that,
personally, we are a friend to Mr. "Red," but a bitter
enemy to his religious dogmas ; and when we take off
our gloves to handle his assertions and perversions, we
mean to do him no personal harm.
The devil himself was not more presumptuous when he
confronted our mother Eve in the Garden of Eden, and
gave God the he, than is our friend "Bed," when he
attempts to claim the name "Old School or Primitive
Baptist ;" neither was the devil further from the truth
than is our friend "Red," and his assertions and pre-
sumptions will ever stand as assertions and presumptions
without proof ; for every honest historian knows the
falsity of his pretense, and he is now begging the ques-
tion, and desiring to be called by her name, to immortal-
ize his shame, and is climbing up some other way, as a
thief and a robber. (John x. 1.) And as Mr. "Red's"
ancient cohorts sought not Christ because of his miracles,
but because of the loaves and fishes (John vi. 26), in like
manner Mr. "Red " and his Arminian cohorts left the Old
Baptists and walked no more with them (John vi. 66).
And why did they leave them 1 Because they were not
of them. The Old Baptists are to-day what they were in
the days of Christ and his apostles— sticklers for the
doctrine of the Bible, without any new patents or new
inventions ; and because they will not go with the multi-
tude after filthy lucre and new inventions, the so-called
missionaries, but indeed hirelings and gospel merchants,
making merchandise of the gospel (John ii. 16 ; 2d Peter
ii. 3 ; John x. 12, 13), and left the old landmarks and
went after new gods, in the guise of missionaries,
when indeed they are not missionaries, but hirelings,
putting themselves up at the highest bidder, and are
indeed proposing to sell salvation to poor lost sinners
— selling Jesus and him crucified to poor sin-sick
souls; for indeed they claim that many are dying and
going to hell for want of this treasured boon, and that
nothing but money and means will serve to assist God in
accomplishing His great and wonderful achievements.
But Jesus Christ and his apostles did not so teach. They
preached Jesus to the people without money and without
price, and took God's word for surety that they should
and would be sustained ; and where they were not re-
ceived they were commanded to shake off the dust of
their feet as a testimony against that people. — Mark vi.
11. But our so-called Missionaries are not willing to take
God for surety, but must have further surety ; not will-
ing to risk God, therefore pledges, confederations, articles
of agreement, promising to pay the "Rev. D. D., L.L.D."
a stipulated salary for so many discourses or sermons ;
making merchandise of the gospel. And instead of
"woe is me if I preach not the gospel" (1st Cor. ix. 16),
it is, "Woe unto me if I get not the money in the guise
of ' Christian work ;' " as though God was not able to
take care of His chosen people, and lead them in paths
that they have not known, and make rough places
smooth, and crooked things straight, and darkness light
before them (Isa. xlii. 16), at his own appointed time,
and in his own appointed way, as he led the children of
Israel out of Egyptian bondage.
But in the face of all this perversion of the old land-
marks for Mr. " Bed " to have the presumption to claim to
be an Old School or Primitive Baptist, 0, my God ! Such
mockery ! When, indeed, the Old School or Primitive
Baptists, whom Mr. "Bed" is pleased to call anti-mis-
sionaries, are the only true apostolic missionaries that
ever have been since the days of Christ and his apostles ;
and every intelligent historian that will honestly lay
aside his creed can trace them back to their apostolic
In order to prove more positively the identity of the
Old Baptists with the apostles, we would ask Mr. " Bed,"
or any of his cohorts, to point out any command, ordin-
ance or duty as laid down in the New Testament, that
the Old Baptists do not observe as Christians, (we mean
the people that he is pleased to call anti-missionaries),
and my word for it, they will take it as a great favor,
and will adopt it at once. He will then please point out
something that they do in a church capacity that is not
laid down in the New Testament ; and my word for it,
they will abandon the practice. Will my friend " Bed "
and his Arminian cohorts be equally honest in adopting
things that are written in the New Testament, that they
do not practice, and to abandon things that are not writ-
ten in the Scriptures, that they have adopted into their
so-called Primitive Baptist church, as stepping-stones
and nurseries to their so-called church ? Then we will
soon find who has a bona fide title to the name "Primi-
tive Baptist." We much fear that our friend "Bed"
will again dodge the question, and substitute a few more
assertions without proof. Our friend will find that mak-
ing assertions is an easy task ; but proving his assertions
and perversions to be truth, by a " Thus saith the Lord,"
will be very difficult. And we will receive no other tes-
timony, and will award to him the remainder of his
natural life to accomplish the task he proposes, and he
will then be wanting in a " Thus saith the Lord."
In regard to the infant's salvation, Mr. "Red" grossly
misrepresents us ; for the Old School Baptists (not his
New School that he represents) are the only people on
earth, that we have any knowledge of, who preach a
positive infant salvation ; for if infants are the little sin-
less creatures that Mr. "Red" and his cohorts would
have you believe, and that they are saved on account of
then purity, then it stands as a certainty that all infants
are lost ; for Christ came only to save sinners. And if
they are saved upon conditions, based upon the volition
or act of the creature, we know that all infants are lost,
they not being competent to act faith or do any good
deed. We claim that the infant is saved upon the same
principle of mercy as is the adult. " Therefore hath he
mercy on whom he will, and whom he will he hard-
eneth." — Eom. ix. 18. Audit is none of Mr. "Red's"
business whom God bestows mercy upon, or whom he
hardens ; neither will his vanity change God's favors or
frowns upon the subjects of his choice. How glad we
are that we are a sinner, and that our two little infants,
who died in infancy, were sinners ; for if they were not
sinners, they have no part in the blood of Christ ; for he
came only to save sinners.
Another palpable misrepresentation is that our article
" is dishonoring to God, and is infidelity," when every
candid reader knows that our article gives God all the
praise, honor, glory, power, knowledge, wisdom, and
makes Him omniscient and omnipresent, "who worketh
all things after the counsel of his own will " (Eph. i. 2),
and strips man of everything, excluding all boastings,
and puts him in the dust of humility, at the feet of Jesus,
pleading for mercy, peradventure God humbles him by
sending the spirit of His love into his heart, quickening
him into spiritual life, without which spiritual life man
remains the same babbler and bigot that Mr. "Red"
accuses us of being ; but, in fact, if belongs to him and
his creed ; doing many wonderful good works, for which
the Master once told a host of his brethren to depart, for
he never knew them.
The little "faction" that Mr. "Red" is pleased to say
was led off by Daniel Parker in the spirit, is another
misrepresentation ; but Daniel Parker and a few others
were the genuine followers of the precepts and examples
of the meek and lowly Jesus and his early disciples, as
we are amply able to prove by a " Thus saith the Lord."
And they being a little flock, was the most powerful de-
monstrative characteristic of their being the true people
of God, as typified in their not going off with the multi-
tude, as did the so-called missionaries ; but they stayed
with Jesus and his apostles, as typified by the little band
that stayed with Jesus, and said, when Jesus asked the
question, "Will ye also go away ?" Then Simon Peter
answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou
hast the words of eternal life." — John vi. 67, 68. God's
chosen or elect people have ever been represented in
small numbers, and in remnants, and haye been wrought
upon with many trials ; and so are the Old Baptists to-
day ; and when they see large numbers, and a great re-
ligious tumult, they know from the New Testament
Scriptures that the Spirit of Christ is not there. "For
God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in
all churches of the saints." — 1st Cor. xiv. 33. Another
powerful characteristic that the Old Baptists are the true
church of Christ and his early disciples, is that they were
few in numbers compared with the multitude, and won-
derfully hated, crucified, beheaded, cast into prison, etc.
And that the Old Baptists are hated and hunted down
with more sarcasm and derision than all the other
denominations, no intelligent person would dare deny;
and, no doubt, they would be equally punished with the
disciples of old, but (thanks be to the giver of all things)
the strong arm of the law protects them.
Why is it that the Old Baptists are sneered and hissed
at ? Because they will not brother and sister and nego-
tiate and amalgamate with the daughters of the old har-
lot of Eome (false churches), and bid them God speed,
by partaking of their evil deeds.
So it was with Jesus and his early disciples. And be-
cause they would not amalgamate with the daughters of
the old harlot (false churches), they were hissed at, per-
secuted, crucified, cast into prison, etc. "And rejoiced
that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his
That there are hundreds and thousands of regenerated
men and women caught in the nets of these lewd
women, no intelligent Old Baptist will deny ; and for
such, all intelligent Old Baptists have full and undivided
Christian fellowship. And why ? Because they are ever
ready to give a reason of their hope, based upon an ac-
ceptable Christian experience. But they cannot eat and
drink with them in a church capacity. And why ? Be-
cause they are living in disorder, with one of the daught-
ers of Antichrist (false churches).
We will now advertise our friend "Red" that should
he attempt to prove up a bona fide title to the name,
" Primitive Baptist," we will not receive any testimony
that has been published since the so-called missionaries
left the Old Baptists, from the fact that any people who
will teach a false doctrine, will publish a false history.
We will further notify him that we have another article
in embiyo, on Bible two-seed doctrine, (not Daniel Park-
er) that will furnish him with constant employment the
balance of his natural life, as he has undertaken the task
of refuting the great fundamental truths of the Bible.
We also propose to furnish our readers a diagram of the
Antichristian churches, and compare it with the dia-
gram of the true church of Christ, both of which will be
measured by the measuring rod of God's own choosing,
and expose Mr. Red's fallacy "to public gaze," as he pro-
poses to expose our article. Eespectfully,
Oct. 27, 1881.
Keply to Dr. S. M. Carlton.
Ed. Tbies : — I come before the readers of your excel-
lent paper to redeem a promise I made some time since,
to answer some of the leading points of Dr. S. M. Carl-
ton's theory of the plan of salvation, as published in your
issues of September 8th and loth. Since that time the
Doctor has written three very abusive articles, not only
against me, but against all who would call in question
the truth of his theory, for which I hope the Lord will
forgive him.
I would much rather that an abler pen than mine had
taken this subject in hand. But whether I be a Primi-
tive Baptist or not, I feel it to be my duty, "as much as
in me is," to defend Primitive Christianity. Therefore I
present this article in the fear of Cod, praying for the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, that the fair name of God
may be honored.
It will be hard to put the Doctor's article in a position
to answer in a logical manner, from the fact that near
the middle of his first article is really the starting point,
and he presents the whole thing under the form of ques-
tions and answers — questions which no intelligent Bible
student would ask. He first speaks of the power of God,
His foreknowledge, etc., which, of course, we do not
deny. But he thinks it would be very unjust in God to
make a law that He knew, according to His foreknowl-
edge, man would violate.
Now, God saves men upon principles of justice, which
we will find from an investigation of His word. We
learn from this that when the work of creation was
finished, it was pronounced "good, and very good." In
this work was included the formation of man, as to his
body, out of "the dust of the ground," while "God
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man be-
came a living soul." — Gen.ii. 7. This language suggests
the superiority of man to the various orders of animals ;
but it is more clearly set forth in these words : "And
God said, Let us make man in our image, and after our
likeness ; and let them have dominion over the fish of
the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattle,
and over all the earth, and every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth." — Gen. i. 26. Man was to be
the lord of the lower creation.
We will now investigate the meaning of the words,
"And God said, Let us make man in our own image,
after our likeness." Dr. Carlton says, "Of course the
humanity of Jesus Christ was present with God, and
was the temple of the Spirit of God, forming the unity
of the Father, Son and Spirit ; and as man could not
have been made like a spirit, he was made after the
image of Jesus, corporally. " I have no doubt but what
the Doctor would argue that there is a difference between
the likeness of God and the image of God. But I contend
that the image of God is his likeness, and his likeness is
his image. Therefore I conclude that man was made a
rational being : in this he differed from all inferior ani-
mals. The difference between them and man is as wide
as the poles, for man is rational ; he is endowed with
mental faculties. Although these did not escape in the
fall, yet man is still rational. The Apostle James says.
•'Made after the s im ilitude of God. /V — James hi. 9.
It is quite manifest that of all the numerous orders of
earthly creatines, man alone was made in his rational
nature after the image of God. I would further say that
he was made after the moral image of God : that is, he
was created a holy being ; and this was the chief glory
with which he was crowned. "God made man up-
right." — Ec. vii. 29. Man's original state was a state of
innocence, integrity, uprightness, and polity. The ap-
proving smile of God was upon him. "And the Lord God
took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden, to
dress it and to keep it ; and the Lord God commanded
the man. Baying, Of every tree of the Garden thou mayest
freely eat ; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil thou shalt not eat of it ; for in the day that thou eat-
est thereof thou shalt sorely die." — Gen. ii. 15. 17. This
is the law of God given to the one man Adam, who stood
as the first man, the head and representative of the whole
human family. 2sow this law would have been imto life
had he kept it. and threatened death upon the breach
thereof. Yet he did not long abide in this honor. Satan,
using the subtlety of the serpent to seduce Eve, then
by her seducing Adam, who without any compulsion did
willfully transgress the law, which was the command
given them, in eating the forbidden fruit, by this act
they fell from their original righteousness and commun-
ion with God, and all their posterity with them. There
is not now, never has been, or ever will be, any of the
human family but what was represented in this fall.
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God." — Eom. hi. 23. "Wherefore as by one man sin
entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death
passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." — Eom. v.
12. All becoming dead in sin and wholly defiled in all
the faculties and parts of soul and body. "Unto the
pure all things are pure ; but unto them that are defiled
and unbelieving, is nothing pure ; but ever their minds
and consciences are defiled. " — Titus i. 15. ' 'And God saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and
that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was
only evil continually." — Gen. vi. 5. "As it is written,
There is none righteous, no, not one ; there is none that
understandeth ; there is none that seeketh after God ;
they are all gone out of the way ; they are together be-
come unprofitable. There is none that doeth good, no,
not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre. With their
tongues they have used deceit. The poison of asps is
under their lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bit-
terness ; their feet are swift to shed blood ; destruction
and misery are in their ways, and the way of peace have
they not known. There is no fear of God before their
eyes." — Eom. iii. 10, 19.
We have now briefly gone through the creation of man,
his standing in the Garden of Eden as the representative
of all the human family, his capacity to keep the law as
God had given it, his transgression and fall, and the
present condition of all mankind.
We will now refer our readers to Dr. Carlton's theory.
We will bring the leading points of it to the front ; for
the whole article hinges on one leading point. The Doc-
tor says, " Suppose we say that the family of perdition
stood condemned in the mind of Jehovah before all the
worlds were, and that their spiritual existence was vir^
tually in the loins of Satan before God spoke into exist-
ence their natural being, and that the people of Anti-
christ were raised in the fall of Adam from their degra-
dation in hell (in a spiritual sense), to a level with the
heirs of promise (in a natural sense), who were in Christ
spiritually before the world was, and both families shook
hands, as it were, in the persons of Adam and Eve, nat-
urally and morally."
Now, according to this, a part of the inhabitants of
this world came up from the infernal regions of hell, and
a part came down from the bright land of glory. There
is not a solitary passage in the Bible that would lead any
man to believe this. It is homespun — the production of
a mind run wild on theory. It is dishonoring to God,
and a reproach on the fair name of our mother Eve, as
you will see, as we uncover the child more and more.
Dr. Carlton has it wonderfully wrapped and covered, to
hide its deformity. But I know its father— Daniel Park-
er. It is not like the babe that lay in the manger, but it
is as one coming from the horrible pit from which the
Doctor says a part of the human family came. I am
astonished at Dr. Carlton, claiming to be an Old Baptist
and believing such a theory.
I have just looked through the confession of faith of
seven Baptist churches of Wales, of A.D. 1643. Such a
theory was not in existence among that people, neither
is it laid down in their abstract of faith. I also have be-
fore me the confession of the assembly of Baptists of
England, A.D. 1689, called, in America, the " Philadel-
phia Confession." I find no such theory among them.
If I was an Anti-Missionary Baptist, I certainly would
sue Dr. Carlton for damages, for publishing any such
creed over my name. But I must examine the theory a
little further, and, to use the Doctor's own expression,
handle it without gloves, and present it just as it was
presented by its founder, and, I suppose, as it is under-
stood by Dr. Carlton, that the serpent spoken of in the
Garden of Eden was a real personal devil, and that there
was a sexual intercourse between him and Eve, and hence
the children of the devil were brought into existence.
This is what he means when he so mildly puts it that the
two seeds shook hands in Adam. I understand this
hand-shaking in Adam. I read these " doses" long be-
fore I saw Dr. Carlton, but not from the Bible. I have
heard it harped upon by its adherents on the streets.
especially where men meet to whittle on empty goods
boxes, and I have heard it a few times from the pulpit.
Those that generally believe it (and they are few) try to
wrap it up to hide its deformity, as the Doctor has done.
Now candid reader, we have before us the two seeds>
as represented in Dr. Carlton's theory — the natural de-
scendants of the devil, and the natural descendants of
Adam. The devil's race were all the children of the in-
fernal regions from before the foundation of the world.
Adam's race were all the children of God from before the
foundation of the world.
Now, the advocates of this theory hold that the two
races are kept separate and distinct, and were so at the
coming of Christ ; hence this is one of their passages,
"ye are the children of your father, the devil," etc. —
John viii. 44.
I ask, who were the people thus addressed? They
were the Jews, the natural descendants of Abraham, and
could be traced back through him to Adam. So the
passage does not support the theory. If the two seeds or
races are not kept separate and distinct, we have to-day
a conglomerated mass indeed. Such an amalgamation is
fearful. Where would their final home be ? Echo an-
swers, Where ?
But the advocates of this theory insist and contend
that they are and ever have been kept separate ; that
one of the children of Adam will not marry one of
the children of the devil ; that is, they do not inter-
marry. Mark the legitimate conclusion. As I said in
my former article, they are saved by families, infants
and all.
According to the Doctor's own statement, the children
of God, which came down into Adam, and the children
of the lower regions, which were raised in Adam, all re-
turn to the home from whence they came. What other
conclusion can we logically come to ? The theory con-
tends that none except the race of Adam was represented
in the precious life and blood of the Lamb.
Nov. 10, 1881.
(To be Continued.)
Keply to Dr. S. M. Carlton. — Continued.
Quoting again from the Doctor, and his perversions of
this Scripture, " For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ
shall all be made alive," the Doctor says, " The ransomed
of the Lord were all that were in Adam, in a spiritual
sense, at the time of his transgression. So Christ died
for all that fell in Adam, as Adam at that time was not
contaminated with the wicked principles of Satan, as he
was not yet defiled ; but was made susceptible (together
with Eve) to the conception and germination of the chil-
dren of wrath." We come to the conclusion that from
the above statement, and from the Doctor's exposition of
this passage, that those who were not represented in
Adam cannot die temporally. For temporal death came
through Adam, by his violating the law of Grod. "In
the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." The
thing is too absurd to admit of argument. Upon this
hypothesis, it follows that those who were not repre-
sented in Christ, cannot possibly be raised from the dead.
So the seed of the devil, which the Doctor speaks of, to
use his own language, " will sink back into nonentity."
It appears to me, if this race are really the legitimate
children of the devil, and have once been in hell, as the
Doctor says, as much as all who fell in Adam had once
been in heaven, hell would not be a place of punishment,
but of enjoyment, from the fact that they, without the
loss of one , are permitted to return back home from
whence they came ; for in a human sense it is always a
joy after a long absence to return home to dwell with
kindred spirits. There could be no remorse from the fact
that there had been nothing lost. There could be no in-
creased wrath of God, for they had only acted their part
that God intended they should ; the only condemnation
that possibly could be : that they had not been as faithful
in sin as they ought to have been. For, according to the
theory, they are only serving the purpose of God. But
we learn from the Bible that one man lifted up his eyes
in torment, who certainly was one of the natural de-
scendants of Adam. He saw Lazarus afar off, in Abra-
ham's bosom, and cried, " Father Abraham," etc.
Hence he was a natural descendant of Abraham, and
could be traced back through him to Adam. It appears
that he did not enjoy his home, that he did not want his
five brethren to come home, but rather prayed that Laz-
arus be sent back to this world, to warn them, that they
come not to this place of torment. It appears that there
had been means of escape provided, or it would have been
folly in the extreme to have had them warned. The
great misery of the lost will be that we have made our
bed in hell. We next present the case of the flood. Let
us see if the two seeds are preserved, (for we are argu-
ing from the Daniel Parker standpoint,) two natural
seeds. "And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou,
and all thy house, into the Ark ; for in thee have I seen
righteousness before me in this generation. And Noah
did according unto all that the Lord commanded him.
And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his
son's wives with him into the ark, because of the
waters of the flood."— Gen. vii. 1, 5, 7. Now, the word
says, these were righteous ; at any rate their genealogy
can be traced back to Adam. I cannot see where the
natural descendants of the devil got in, unless they
came in with the beast, or some of the creeping things ;
then it follows that they could not have been human
beings. I must here say to my friend Dr. Carlton that
it is bad theory to admit that the devil has creative
power, and as you say, his " seed was in his loins," which
leads our mind to procreative power, as a matter of
course, which germinated through Eve the natural
children of the devil.
We again quote from the Doctor's theory, " The devil
being deceitful and cunning, he confronted the woman,
and she sinned against the command of God, and Adam
loved her, and died to the love of holiness, and was made
alive to the love of sin, by partaking of her sins, that he
might live with her. Hence we see that the tares were
sown with the wheat ; and never until this sin was
Adam and Eve capable of the conception and germina-
tion of the children of wrath, for the spiritual germs did
not exist in them, as they were free from sin, or they
could not have been good. So was the field free from
tares when the wheat was sown ; but there came an
enemy afterwards and sowed tares with the wheat. And
as Adam and Eve represent the field, the hens of
promise were sown in them first, and afterwards the
serpent sowed the seed of Satan in them ; and as wheat
and tares grow together in the same field or soil, from
the same culture, so in like manner do the heirs of
promise and the heirs of perdition, conceive, germinate
and mature from the same natural parents. See alle-
gories of Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ish-
mael." My object in quoting from this part of the Doc-
tor's theory is to show his flat contradiction. For he
said, as I showed in my former article, "That the chil-
dren of perdition were in the loins of their father the
devil." Here he would leave' the impression that they
were sown in Adam and Eve ; yet he claims the two
natural seeds, and refers us to the allegories of Cain and
Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau. Now, what
he, and all who are in harmony with his theory, mean
by this, is that Cain, Ishmael and Esau were the natural
descendants of the devil. His perversion of the parable
of the wheat and tares, Mat. xiii., 37. The Doctor says
that "Adam and Eve represent the field." But Christ
says, in the 38th verse of the above quoted chapter, that
" the field is the world. He that soweth the good seed
is the Son of man," meaning himself, dispensing truth,
either personally or by his servants.
For by the appointment of Christ the good seed of the
gospel is to be sown among all nations, so that the visi-
ble church shall be co-extensive with the world. And
that many are now in the visible church who have not
been born of the Spirit, and such will be the case at the
end of the world. Like the foolish virgins, who took
their lamps, but no oil with them. — Mat. xxv. 3. But
the Doctor insists that this parable refers to Adam and
Eve in the Garden of Eden. That the devil was the
enemy who sowed the tares by his procreative power.
We know that the tares are the children of the devil, in
a figurative sense, but not brought into existence as rep-
resented by the Doctor's theory, as we will see by an ex-
amination of the account given of the fall of man.
As I said in my former article, man was created in
the moral image of God. That is, he was created a holy
being, and the character of God was the standard of moral
right and moral perfection.
" And the Lord God took the man, and put him into
the Garden of Eden, to dress it and keep it. And the
Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree
of the Garden thou mayest freely eat ; but of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it ;
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
die." — Gen. ii. 15, IT. These words were addressed to
Adam before Eve was formed. So Eve received the law
through Adam. She was not self-existent, being separ-
ate and distinct from Adam, u Bone of his bones, and
flesh of his flesh." Adam stood as the head and repre-
sentative of all the human family ; that is every human
being, beginning with Cain and Abel, that has lived or is
now living on the face of the earth. I adopt the words
of Paul in Athens, when he says that God " hath made
of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the
face of the earth ; and hath determined the times before
appointed, and the bounds of their habitation." — Acts
xvii. 26. This of course means that every nation, and
all the individuals composing every nation, have de-
scended from a common stock. This shows the fallacy
of the Doctor's theory of a devil with all of his children
created in him. For this would necessarily place two
heads or representatives in the Garden ; one for the seed
of Adam, the other for the seed of the devil. We
notice next the cause of the first sin in Adam and Eve ;
the temptation, too, does not appear to be so very strong.
They were permitted to eat the fruit of all the trees in
the Garden, except one. Only one prohibition was laid
upon them. They were told that if they violated this
prohibition, a terrible evil, death, would come upon them.
So far as we can judge, there was no reason in favor of
eating the forbidden fruit, and a reason of tremendous
strength in favor of abstaining from it. The serpent,
however, beguiled Eve, and she ate the fatal fruit, giv-
ing it to her husband, who also ate. Paul tells us that
"Adam was not deceived; but the woman, being de-
ceived, was in the transgression." — I Tim. ii. 14. Eve was
beguiled and sinned under deception ; but Adam sinned,
as we say, with his eyes open. He knew what he was
doing, and cast the blame of his act on God, saying, " The
woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me
of the tree, and I did eat." — Gen. iii. 12. Eve, though
acting under a mistake and a delusion, was by no means
excusable ; but Adam was far more inexcusable than
she ; for he acted intelligently, as well as voluntarily.
The part which the devil played in this transgression was
not to sow any literal tares ; but as an evil spirit, he used
a deceptive argument, which penetrated Eve's heart,
through her mind, and caused her to disbelieve God.
Adam's sin was of the same nature, although he was
"not deceived;" yet he consented to disobey God, and
consent is of the heart, and must have preceded the ex-
ternal act of disobedience. It seems plain to my mind
that the sin of our first parents had its origin in their
hearts. I cannot see where the parable of the wheat
and tares fits in this transaction. Neither do I see a
generation brought into existence by the devil. But we
see that Adam and Eve sinned, because they had the
power to do it under this covenant of works. The
threatened penalty claims attention. " In the day that
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." The bodies
of Adam and Eve did not die actually on the day of
transgression ; but they died virtually. Not only did the
moral death of Adam result from his sin, but the natural
death of all of his posterity results from the same cause.
There is something more than the death of the body
meant by the threatening, " Thou shalt surely die."
Spiritual death was evidently referred to ; and it is far
more fearful than bodily death. The latter takes place
when the spirit leaves the body ; the former takes place
when God leaves the spirit. The cessation of union,
communion and fellowship with God is so great a cal-
amity that death is its fittest designation. Adam and
Eve died a spiritual death the very day they sinned
against God. They were cut off from Him as the source
of their happiness and joy. No longer did they live in
the light of His countenance, with His smiles resting
upon them ; but they walked in darkness, and trembled
under the frown of the Almighty. It is written of the
apostate head of our race, '*' Therefore the Lord God sent
him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground
from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man ;
and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cheru-
bim and a flaming sword which turned every way, to
keep the way of the tree of life." — Gen. hi. 23, 24.
Nov 24, 1881. EED.
{To be continued.)
Eeply to Dr. S. M. Carlton.— Continued.
As we said in our former article, Adam, though creat-
ed holy, did not remain in that state, but by voluntary
transgression fell therefrom, bringing ruin on himself,
and his posterity. His sinful nature is propagated by
ordinary generation, and the propagation had an early
beginning; for it is said of Adam that he " begat
a son in his own likeness, after his image. " — Gen. v.
3. This declaration is specially worthy of notice, in view
of the fact that " God created man in his own image." —
Gen. i. 27. Had Adam remained in his state of inno-
cence, no donbt his children would have been born as he
was created, namely, in the moral image of God. But he
sinned, and humanity becoming poisoned in its source
has transmitted poisonous streams only through all gen-
erations. Paul, assuming as true the universal corrup-
tion of human nature, refers to "the children of disobe-
dience," and says, as we have seen, that himself and the
members of the church of Ephesus had formerly a place
among them. "Among whom also we all had our con-
versation in time past, in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling
the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by na-
ture the children of wrath, even as others." — Eph. ii. 3.
Children of sin ; and if we are by nature children of
wrath, we are by nature children of sin. All unregenerated
men stand before God just alike, and are denominated
children of wrath, children of sin, children of the wicked
one, children of the devil, tares. And all the names that
Dr. Carlton would call up in proof that they were the
natural descendants of the devil, only go to prove what
we have before stated, that all become sinners by the
transgression of one man. Hence David said, " Behold,
I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother con-
ceive me." — Ps. Ii. 5. "For we have before proved
both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin ; as
it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one ; there
is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh
after God." — Rom. iii. 9, 11. This is a severe indictment
of the human race, for it includes Jews and Gentiles,
the two divisions of the race, and declares all guilty be-
fore God. Every mouth is stopped, in view of the just
sentence of condemnation pronounced by the law. This
is what is usually called the moral law, the only law
whose jurisdiction extends to "all the world." It is
manifest that the foregoing Scripture teaches man's con-
demnation, and his depravity. He is condemned be-
cause he has transgressed the law of God, and not be-
cause, as Dr. Carlton contends, that it was so fixed by
the decrees of God before the f omidation of the world ;
or that they were the children of the devil, and came up
from the infernal regions. We have repeatedly said
that Dr. Carlton's theory is dishonoring to God. This I
think I have shown in my former articles, but propose to
show it again by quoting from him. He says, " Provi-
dence has wisely put into the minds of all men to believe
that there is a chance for them individually to be saved.
Even the heirs of perdition believe alike with the heirs
of promise, (prior to regeneration) that they will be, or
can be, saved upon legal principles, and are ever trying
to court the favor of God upon law principles, hoping
to bring God under obligations to save them." This is
very dishonoring to God indeed, to presume to say that
he would fix a law in order to delude a part of the human
family. But to put it more in harmony with the Doc-
tor's arguments, that God would bring up a part of the
children from the infernal regions, and fool them, mak-
ing them believe that they could get to heaven, and amid
all their striving God is only deluding them at every
step. Far be it from God ; for he is a God of love, justice
and mercy, and does not damn any one on any such prin-
ciples ; but sinners are lost on principles of justice. They
will not sink back, as Dr. Carlton says, into nonentity,
but they will be punished. What is punishment ? It is
the infliction of pain for disobedience. Punishment has
reference to sin, and under the government of God it is
the executed penalty, of His law. It is God who ex-
ecutes this penalty, which is death. Some contend
that the wicked will only be punished by painful mem-
ories, remorse of conscience, and agony of despair. No
doubt memory has to do with the miseries of the lost,
but an operation of the memory is not- the penalty of the
divine law. Eemorse of conscience is inseparable from
the penalty, but it is not the penalty. The truth is, that
the penalty of God's law is death. " The wages of sin
is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life, through
Jesus Christ our Lord." — Eom. vi. 23.
God punishes them because they deserve to be pun-
ished. This is the only true philosophy of punishment.
The supreme reason why sinners are punished is that
because of their sins, they deserve punishment. God,
as moral governor of the universe, executes the penalty
of His law. This fact enables us to understand what is
meant by " the wrath of God." This is a scriptural
phrase, and it denotes God's just and holy indignation
against sin. This indignation arises from the fact that
sin is a transgression of His law, and therefore His just-
ice and holiness, yes, and His'goodness, too, imperatively
requires that sinners be punished. There is no Bible in
the Doctor's theory — no reason ; the very thought is
blasphemous. That God would bring up children from
the regions of hell in order to delude them ; give them
bodies, make them believe they are going to heaven,
then in the final judgment, say, "I was only acting the
part of a deceiver in your case, for it was always my
intention to send you to hell." Does Dr. Carlton and his
adherents believe this ? Or do they use it only for
argument's sake ? I will not accuse him as harshly
as he did me, when he said that I advocated certain
theories through dishonesty ; but I will say that it is a
want of Bible knowledge on his part. Narrow views
of God indeed, and of the plan of salvation, built up
alone by isolated passages. Why not take the teaching
of Jesus, who is so clear and plain upon the subject? ' Tor
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believed in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life." — John hi. 16. This passage
shows the universal love of God to all mankind ; and He
loves to the extent, that notwithstanding the voluntary
sin of man in violating His holy and righteous law, that
He offers eternal life in and through His Son, the Lord
Jesus Christ. The gospel is the means in the hands of
God for the salvation of sinners. But the Doctor con-
tends that the gospel is not a public address to sinners.
We quote from his article : " The preaching of the gos-
pel indiscriminately to all men is for the purpose of sup-
plying his vessels of mercy with spiritual food, and is for
the further purpose of confounding the brain religion of
the mighty and wise of Antichrist, leaving Satan and his
spiritual progeny without excuse, that they may not plead
ignorance in the day of final retribution, thereby making
their own condemnation more complete." Let us com-
pare this with the Bible. " Go ye into all the world, and
preach the gospel to every creature : he that belie veth
and is baptized shall be saved ; but he that believeth not
shall be damned." — Mark xvi. 15, 16. According to this
commission, salvation is offered to the whole human
Language could be neither more general nor more spe-
cific. " Into all the world," to " every creature." But
the fearful intimation is that some will not believe, and
through unbelief will incur damnation. It is the duty
of all to believe. Believe what? The gospel. " And the
times of this ignorance God winked at ; but now com-
mandeth all men everywhere to repent ; because He hath
appointed a day in which He will judge the world in
righteousness, by that man whom He hath ordained ;
whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that
He hath raised him from the dead." — Acts xvii. 30, 31.
Other Scriptures might be quoted to prove the fallacy of
the Doctor's position in regard to the preaching of the gos-
pel, but we think the above quoted sufficient. In notic-
ing his article farther, he destroys everything pertaining
to the grace of God in the plan of salvation, in evidence
of which I quote again from his article.
Eef erring to sinners, he says : "They are lost upon a
principle of justice, and that justice is based upon the fact
that the heirs of perdition, in a spiritual sense, are not
God's. They came from the infernal regions, and they will
return to Satan, the author of their spiritual existence; and
in like manner, the heirs of promise will return to Christ
in heaven, from whence they came, who is the author of
their spiritual existence." I contend that it would be no
act of grace for God to bestow upon his children what
naturally belongs to them from all eternity. They go to
heaven by right, and not by grace ; hence that good old
hymn, "Amazing grace!" is wrong, and should have
been written:
" Amazing decree! how sweet the sound!
That saved a child of God ;
I never was lost, but was always found ;
Never was blind, but did always see.*'
According to the Doctor's theory, the word grace, that
has been so precious to Christians in every age of the
world, would be lost.
No one is unworthy, according to the theory ; none
are lost except the children of the devil, and they were
created for that express purpose. No one is saved, ex-
cept those who had once been in heaven ; hence the
word grace is lost. The theory teaches eternal condem-
nation upon the heirs of perdition. Eternal justification
follows as to the heirs of promise as a matter of course,
and I see not why eternal regeneration, or eternal adop-
tion, or eternal sanctification, may not be as consistently
advocated as eternal justification. The purpose of
God will furnish as plausible arguments in the one case
as in the other ; that is to say, it will furnish no argu-
ments at all. Justification, according to the teachings
of the Scriptures, always implies previous condemnation.
If, then, justification dates back from eternity, shall we
say that condemnation was antecedent to eternity ? This
would be absurd. The position which we assume is that
all are condemned, all are lost, and that none are justi-
fied only by faith in Christ, and are therefore justified
when they believe on him, which is proven by the fol-
lowing Scriptures : "He that believe th on him is not
condemned ; but he that believeth not is condemned
already, because he hath not believed in the name of the
only begotten Son of God." — I John hi. 18. "And by
him all that believe are justified from all things from
which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." —
Acts. xiii. 39. " Therefore being justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." —
Rom. v. 1. The Doctor says, "God saves them because
they are His, and rejects them because they are not His."
Let us see how this corresponds with the doctrine of
adoption as taught in the Bible.
The theory makes God adopt His own children, who
were His from all eternity. Such an idea is contrary to
the teachings of the Bible, or human reason. We will
briefly illustrate the doctrine of adoption. By this pro-
cess, children are taken from families of which they are
natural members, introduced into other families, and
made to sustain a legal relation thereto — a relation simi-
lar in its results to those of the natural relation. Such
children are recognized as the children of those who had
them adopted, and become their heirs. In view of this
definition of civil adoption we can easily see that spirit-
ual adoption is the act by which God takes those who
are denominated in the Scriptures children of wrath,
children of the wicked one, children of the devil, into a
new relation to Himself — a filial relation, involving their
recognition and treatment as children. They are dis-
tinguished by the appellation, "Sons and daughters of
the Lord Almighty." — II Cor. vi. 18. I have briefly
gone through with the Doctor's -theory of the plan of
salvation, and have shown, I think, to all unbiased
minds, that it is unscriptural, and, as I said in the out-
set, dishonoring to God. I will in my next, prove that
the Missionary Baptists are the Primitive Baptists.
Dec. 1st, 1881. EED.
Who are the Primitive Baptists?
I quote from Dr. Carlton's article of Oct. 27th, " We
wish it distinctly understood that personally we are a
friend to Mr. Red, but a bitter enemy to his religious
dogmas ; and when we take off our gloves to handle his
assertions and perversions, we mean to do him no per-
sonal harm. The devil himself was not more presump-
tuous when he confronted our mother Eve in the Garden
of Eden, and gave God the lie, than is our friend Red
when he attempts to claim the name of 4 Old School or
Primitive Baptist ; ' neither was the devil further from
the truth than is our friend Red, and his assertions and
presumptions will ever stand as assertions and presump-
tions without proof ; for every honest historian knows
the fallacy of his pretense, and he is now begging the
question and desiring to be called by her name, to im-
mortalize his shame, and is climbing up Gome other way
as a thief and a robber." — John x. 1.
These are very grave accusations Dr. Carlton has
brought against me. No doubt it would stir the Irish
blood in my veins, were it not that I am so well ac-
quainted with him. He always has a certain quantity
of gas on hand, and that must escape, it matters not
what he goes at ; so I shall pay no attention to the gassy
and abusive part of his article, but will briefly show by
Scripture and history who are the Primitive Baptists,
the Missionary or Anti-missionary Baptists. I will first
give a brief definition of a church. A church is a con-
gregation of Christ's baptized disciples, united in the belief
of what he has said, and covenanted to do what he has
I now ask, who were the first in the church ? Paul
answers the question. " And God hath set some in the
church ; first Apostles." — I Cor. xii. 28. Then to
whom was the commission given? " Co ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that
believeth and is baptized shall be saved ; but he that be-
lieveth not shall be damned." The Anti- Missionaries
contend that the above quoted commission was given
alone to the apostles, and hence ended with them ; but I
contend that it was given to the church ; for the apostles
were first in the church. Then the first church which
was organized by Jesus Christ was a missionary body,
commissioned to go forth and to preach the gospel to
every creature. But did this Jerusalem church, estab-
lished by Christ himself, send out N missionaries ? Yes ;
for it is said in Acts, " Then tidings of these things came
unto the ears of the church which was at Jerusalem ;
and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far
as Antioch." — Acts xi. 22. Yes, this model church sent
out a missionary to a heathen city to preach the gospel.
This was a foreign mission. Thus we have seen that
the church organized by the personal ministry of Christ
was a missionary church ; for as we have stated, she
sent forth Barnabas to Antioch to preach the gospel.
And this church at Antioch, gathered by missionary
labor, sent out Barnabas and Paul on a mission to the
heathen. " And when they had fasted and prayed, and
laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So they
being sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed unto Seleu-
cia, and from thence they sailed to Cyprus." — Acts
xiii. 3, 4.
And after these eminent missionaries had preached the
gospel successfully to many heathen cities, they returned
to the same church and made a report of their labors and
success in their mission, which is thus recorded : " And
when they were come, and had gathered the church to-
gether, they rehearsed all that God had done with them,
and how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gen-
tiles."— Acts xiy. 37.
We have now proven that the churches at Jerusalem
and Antioch were missionary churches. And of a
Christian, Paul said, "And we have sent with him
[Titus] the brother, whose praise is in the gospel through-
out all the churches ; and not that only, but who was
also chosen of the churches to travel with us," etc. —
II Cor. viii. 18, 19. This brother was chosen of the
churches and sent on a mission, and these brethren were
called " messengers of the churches."
As we have shown that the model church at Jerusalem,
and some of the churches planted by the apostles, were
missionary, it is evident that all these churches were of
the same character, from the fact that they were organ-
ized under the direction of the Spirit. And in regard to
the support of these missionaries, Paul says, ' ' Even so
hath the Lord ordained, that they which preach the gos-
pel should live of the gospel." — I Cor. ix. 14.
Here is the f oreordination and decree of God for the
support of the ministry. And more, the apostle Paul
ventured to take wages for his support in the missionary
work. He said, " I robbed other churches, taking wages
of them, to do you service." — II Cor. xi. 8. But, if a
modern missionary does the same thing, it is considered
by our anti-brethren a very high crime. And Dr. Carl-
ton says, it is soul-saving for money. Hence, accordiog
to the Doctor's theory, Paul was a very bad man.
We will next show by history that in the separation
the anti- missionary Baptists were the seceding party,
which withdrew from the regular missionary Baptists.
This secession upon the part of the anti-missionaries oc-
cured at different times in different parts of the country.
In Virginia, the separation took place in the year 1832.
We quote from Religious Denominations of the United
States and Great Britain, page 87, in which Elder S.
Trott, who was an anti-missionary Baptist, says : " This
separation occasioned the splitting of several associations,
and many churches. We took, as a distinguishing
appellation, the name, Old School or Primitive Baptists."
Here is the candid confession of a leading anti-missionary
Baptist, that those who are now claiming to be Old School
or Primitive Baptists separated themselves from the rest
of the denomination, and took a stand as a distinct peo-
ple ; and at that time, about 1832, the appellation or
name, Old School Baptists. Therefore, according to El-
der Trott, there was no body of Baptists in the world call-
ing themselves Old School prior to the year 1832.
Dr. John Watson says, in "Old Baptist Test," page
36 : " After my own painful separation from the Mission-
aries in 1836, (this was in Tennessee) a number of
churches in the bounds of the Old Concord Association
met together and formed the Stone Eiver Association."
Hence we see from their own statement that they split
off from the regular Missionary Baptists, and were but
a faction. But were the ancient Baptists, up to the time
of the separation, missionaries or anti-missionaries ? The
Philadelphia Association, from our earliest account of it,
was a missionary body. To place this beyond dispute, I
shall quote a few items from the official records of that
body. Dec. 8th, 1881.
{Concluded next week.)
Who are the Primitive Baptists ? — Continued.
Turn to Benedict's history of the Baptists, vol. 2, page
99, and you will see that in 1753 the Philadelphia Asso-
ciation sent out Eld. John Gano as a missionary to the
churches in North Carolina, which were soon after form-
ed into the Kehukee Association. The next year, 1754,
the association sent two other missionaries to assist him,
Elders Benjamin Miller and Peter P. Yanhorn, by the in-
strumentality of whose united labors these churches,
previously deranged, were reclaimed and set in order, and
many sinners converted." In this quotation it is shown
that the largest and most influential association in Amer-
ica, the Philadelphia, was a missionary body, and that
Kehukee Association was formed as the fruit of the labors
of her missionaries, eighty years prior to the anti-mis-
sionary separation.
We are informed by Benedict, the historian, page 642,
in his chapter on Virginia, that the first Baptist church
in that state was organized by Eobert Nordin, a mission-
ary, who sailed from England in 1814. His brother mis-
sionary, Thomas White, who sailed with him, died before
they reached America, but Eld. Nordin was joined a few
years after his arrival by the two other missionary preach-
ers, Casper Mintz and Eichard Jones, from England, who*
aided in planting the first Baptist churches in Virginia
and North Carolina. These Baptists were so filled with
the missionary spirit that a few f amilies which moved to
North Carolina in ten years became sixteen churches.
Thus, in examining the history of the Old Baptists of
America, more than one hundred years before the anti-
missionary separation, we find that these Old Baptists
were missionaries. The Charleston Association, honored
for its antiquity, piety, intelligence and orthodoxy, was
formed the 21st day of Oct., 1751. In 1755, four years
after the constitution, there is this account given in Fur-
man's history of the Charleston Association, Charleston
edition of 1811, pages 10 and 11: "The associations,
taking into consideration the destitute condition of many
places in the interior settlements of this and the neigh-
boring states (then provinces), recommended to the
churches to make contributions for the support of a mis-
sionary to itinerate in those parts. Mr. Hart was au-
thorized and requested, provided a sufficient sum should
be raised, to procure, if possible, a suitable person for the
With this view he visited Pennsylvania and New Jersey
the following year, and prevailed with Eev. John Gano
to undertake the service, who attended the annual meet-
ing, and was cordially received. The association re-
quested Mr. Gano to visit the Yadkin first, and after-
wards to bestow his labors wherever Providence should
appear to direct. He devoted himself to the work. It
afforded ample scope for his distinguished piety, eloquence
and fortitude ; and his ministrations were crowned with
remarkable success. Many embraced and professed the
The following year he received from the association a
letter of thanks for his faithfulness and industry in the
Thus we see that the Old Baptists of the old Charleston
association were Missionary Baptists.
We again call the attention of the reader to the doings
of the Philadelphia association, which is the oldest and
most influential association in America. This associa-
tion was organized in 1707, and has continued to the
present time. The minutes of this association for one
hundred years are preserved in book form. We quote
from page 97, which is the minutes of 1766. We have
the following record : " After prayer, it was moved and
agreed that it is most necessary for the good of the Bap-
tist interest that the association have at their disposal
every year a sum of money. Accordingly it was further
agreed that the churches henceforth do make a collection
every quarter, and send the same yearly to the associa-
tion, to be by them deposited in the hands of trustees ;
the interest whereof only to be by them laid out every
year in support of ministers traveling on the errand of
the churches, or otherwise, as the necessities of said
churches shall require." Also on page 298, in the year
1794, we have the following account of this association :
"In consequence of information communicated to the
association by Bro. Wm. Rogers, it is desired that all do-
nations for the propagation of the gospel among the
Hindoos in the East Indies, be forwarded to him." And
in the next year, page 307, we have the following :
"Agreed, that the churches be advised to make collec-
tions for the missionaries to the East Indies, and forward
the same to Dr. Rogers."
The character of this body is set forth in the language
of H. Gr. Jones, the editor of these minutes, on page 5.
"The Philadelphia association, from the first, has en-
gaged earnestly in efforts for the proper education of its
ministers, and the spread of the gospel in the world.
Rhode Island College, now Brown University, received
its patronage and contributions from its origin, as the
subsequent minutes show. It will be seen, also, that
from the first it has been an effective missionary body.
Hundreds of churches have been gathered by the able and
self-denying men sent out at its expense to regions where
no religious privileges had before been enjoyed," etc.
From the foregoing reliable documents and others which
might be introduced, it is fully settled that the American
Baptists, from the very first, down to the anti-missionary
separation, were missionaries. And, instead of the anti-
missionaries being entitled to the appellation, Old School
or Primitive Baptists, by way of distinction, they are a
new-fangled set of Baptists, never heard of until the
present century. So it is altogether a misrepresentation
to call the anti-missionaries Old Baptists or Primitive
Baptists. It not only does injustice to the regular Bap-
tists of America, but also of England and Wales. In re-
gard to the names assumed by the anti-missionaries, I
would quote from an eminent historian: "Old School
and Primitive Baptists are appellations so entirely out
of place that I cannot, even as a matter of courtesy, use
them without adding " so-called," or some such expres-
sion . I have seen so much of the missionary spirit among
the Old Anabaptists, Waldenses, and other ancient sects ;
so vigorous and perpetual were the efforts of those
Christains whom we claim as Baptists in the early, mid-
dle, and latter ages, to spread the gospel in all parts of
the world, among all nations and languages where they
could gain access, that it is plain that those who merely
preach predestination and do-nothing, have no claim to
be called by their name."
Had we space, we would prove by authenticated his-
tory that the English and Welsh Baptists were mission-
aries. We would advise our friend Dr. Carlton to read
Baptist history more carefully before he makes such bold
assertions. Eespectfully,
Dec. 15th, 1881. EED.
Carlton's Last Shot.
Ed. Times : — We regret exceedingly the necessity of
abridging our article with the limited space awarded to
us in bringing this controversy to a close, but feel grate-
ful to you for allowing us space to correct a part of the
misrepresentations of Mr. "Red" upon our articles, he
being notorious for perversions and misconstructions.
We feel to compliment you for your preferment in
stopping the controversy, knowing the aversion to a re-
ligious controversy in a secular paper among the masses,
without the argument happens to suit their particular
The stupidity of our friend "Bed" is preponderous,
and leads him into many spiritual or religious dogmas,
or he is wantonly perverting our meaning for policy's
sake ; either of which would be bad enough in one who
sets himself up to teach. He says : "We will now refer
our readers to Dr. Carlton's theory. We will bring the
leading points of it to the front ; for the whole article
hinges on one leading point." " The Doctor says : Sup-
pose we say that the family of perdition stood condemned
in the mind of Jehovah before all worlds were, and
that their spiritual existence was virtually in the loins of
Satan, before God spoke into existence their natural be-
ings ; and that the people of Antichrist were raised in
the fall of Adam from their degradation in hell, (in a
spiritual sense,) to a level with the heirs of promise, (in
a natural sense) who were in Christ spiritually before the
world was, and both families shook hands, as it were,
in the persons of Adam and Eve, naturally and morally."
"Now, according to this, a part of the inhabitants of
this world came up from the infernal regions of hell, and
a part came down from the bright land of glory. There
is not a solitary passage in the Bible that would lead any
man to believe this. It is homespun— the production of
a mind run wild on theory. It is dishonoring to G-od,
and a reproach on the fair name of our mother Eve. as
you will see, as we uncover the child more and more.
Dr. Carlton has it wonderfully wrapped and covered, to
hide its deformity. But. I know its father. Daniel Par-
ker. It is not like the babe that lay in the manger, but
it is as one coming from the horrible pit, from which
the Doctor says a part of the human fa mil y came. I
am astonished at Dr. Carlton claiming to be an Old Bap-
tist and believing such a theory."
TTe here ask pardon for calli n g in question Mr.
" Bed's " literature, and aptness for vulgar constructions,
and would refer our readers to his proposed fleshly am-
algamation with Eve and Satan in another part of essay.
Xo one who has made any proficiency in English litera-
ture can possibly construe our language so as to make
it mean a fleshly two-seed doctrine. Xor can it be found
in our ankle that there is any difference in the flesh.
All flesh is as grass, and returns to its mother earth.
The difference is in the spirit, and none ever have that
warfare that Paul speaks of. between the opposing
spirits, except the hens of promise, and they are by
nature just like the hens of perdition. (Eph. h. B,) until
God puts into then hearts the spirit of His love. Then
the warfare commences, and continues the remainder of
their natural lives. "And I will put enmity between
thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her
seed : it shall bruise thv head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel." — Gen. iii. 15. These two seeds are certainly op-
posing spirits, for all flesh is alike. (Mr. "Bed" is
pleased to call this Daniel Parker's two-seed doctrine.)
Adam represents the flesh and spirit of Antichrist, and
Christ represents the Spirit of God. " And so it is writ-
ten, the first man Adam was made a living soul ; the
last Adam was made a quickening Spirit. " — I Cor. xv.
45. " The first man is of the earth, earthy ; the second
man is the Lord from heaven." — I Cor. xv. 47. These
two personages, or representatives of the flesh and spirit,
both had wives or brides, and each one's wife or bride
was in his own person before there was any development
of either ; and the first Adam's wife was taken out of
his side, and given to him for a help-meet, (Gen. ii. 18,)
and Adam lived with her, and no other ; and, in like
manner, the wife or bride of Jesus Christ was chosen in
him before the world began, and was given to him for
a spiritual help-meet, and he lives with her, and no
other ; and in time is developed by God sending forth
the Spirit of His love into their hearts, crying, "Abba,
Father."— Gal. iv. 6. "All that the Father giveth me
shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no
wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do
mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me ; and
this is the Father's will which sent me, that of all which
He hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise
it up again at the last day." — John vi. 37, 38, 39.
The above Scriptures, with many other passages, de-
scribe the wife or bride of Jesus Christ; and he lives in the
hearts of those that the Father gave him ; and they are
his wife, or bride ; and he does not live or abide, in a
spiritual sense, with any other ; and he dare not live or
abide with any other, spiritually, no matter how much
he may will to do so with his fleshly will or Adamic
nature ; for he came down from heaven, not to do his
own will (as quoted above), but the will of the Father
that sent him. Jesus, no doubt, had the same will that
you and I have, sin excepted, and would have saved the
whole race of man if it had been the will of the Father ;
just as you and I would do ; but he came not to do this,
but to do the will of the Father ; and said that of him-
self he could do nothing. If the whole human family
had been given to Jesus for a bride, and had been chosen
in him before the foundation of the world, it stands as a
certainty that the Universalists are correct ; for, as
quoted above, of all that the Father has given him he
shall lose nothing. He certainly did die for the sins of
the whole human family, in a temporal and moral sense,
but especially did he die for the believer. (I Tim. iv. 10.)
" Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect,
for they are not all Israel which are of Israel ; neither
because they are the seed of Abraham are they all chil-
dren; but in Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is,
they which are the children of the flesh, these are not
the children of God ; but the children of the promise are
counted for the seed." — Eom. ix. 6, 7, 8. This is what
our friend Eed calls Daniel Parker's two- seed doctrine ;
for which we pity his obtuse spiritual vision ; when
God has emphatically called special attention to the dif-
ference in the two seeds. Again: "For the children
being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil,
that the purpose of God, according to election, might
stand, not of works, but of him that calleth, it' was said
unto her (Rebecca), The elder shall serve the younger ; as
it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. " —
Rom. ix. 11, 12, 13. What stronger language could
Paul have used in showing the eternal purpose and
foreknowledge of God ? Again: " So then, it is not of
him that wiileth, nor of him that runneth, but of God
that showeth mercy. For the Scripture saith unto
Pharaoh : Even for this same purpose have I raised thee
up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my
name might be declared throughout all the earth. There-
fore hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and
whom He will He hardeneth." — Rom. ix. 16, 17, 18.
We will in conclusion illustrate our position with the
allegory of the potter's clay, and make ourself so legible
that every sane man who is not a religious fanatic or in-
fidel will be compelled to understand us. " Hath not the
potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make
one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?" —
Rom. ix. 21. God is the potter, and Adam and Eve the
clay, and they and their posterity the vessels. Had
Adam and Eve multiplied before the transgression their
children would have been good, as they were good. But
they violated the command of God, and the whole lump
of clay was leavened with the leaven of sin ; hence they
and their natural posterity are sinners, the children par-
taking of the nature of their progenitors. All their pos-
terity being sinners by nature, they naturally imbibe the
spirit of Antichrist, or self emulation, as soon as they
arrive by age and reason to the years of moral accounta-
bility. And the vessels of mercy remain in this condition
until a stronger man, the spirit of grace, takes possession
of the vessel, (Luke xi. 21, 22,) and holds the house or ves-
sel, at the expense of a heavy suit, for supremacy with the
spirit of Antichrist, its former occupant, (Rom. vii. 22,
23 : ) while "the vessels of wrath, fitted to destruction,"
(Eom. ix. 22,) are not made susceptible to the reception
of the spirit of grace, but are made and fitted to destruc-
tion ; and the vessels of mercy prepared by the Potter
(God) for glory, (Eom. ix. 23,) but occupied for a time
by the spirit of Antichrist, are made susceptible to the
reception of the spirit of grace, and are saved in the res-
urrection because of their contents ; and the vessels of
wrath are lost, owing to their contents. It is the inter-
nal and not the external qualifications that make the
man, as taught in Masonry. So it is with the vessels of
wrath and the vessels of mercy — they are destroyed or
saved because of their contents, and not because of any
fleshly difference. The vessels of wrath are not injured
by God bestowing His special favors upon the vessels of
His choice, for He surely has a legal right to do as He
will with His own. And He gives to the vessels of wrath
equal moral, legal and social rights with the vessels of
If this be " two-seedism " and " fatalism/' as asserted
by Mr. Ked and his arminian cohorts, Paul and all the
Apostles were " two-seeders " and "fatalists ;" and they
were not at fault, for Jesus taught it to them, and the
Father taught it to Jesus ; and you dare not reply against
God. (Eom. ix. 20.) All sane men who are not religious
fanatics know that the theory of man's spiritual free
agency is a popular farce.
If God did not know from the beginning who would
be saved, and who would be lost, for heaven's sake tell
us what He did know, and what He did not know, and
where His knowledge commenced, and where it ended.
And if He foreknew all things, can all the powers of
earth, hell and heaven prevent a thing from happening
that He knew would take place? or make something
come to pass that He did not foreknow ? For advocating
the above doctrine, Mr. Eed accuses us of ingeniously
covering up a deformed child, and calls it Daniel Par-
ker's two-seed doctrine, when it is in fact Bible two-seed
We with shame reproach ourself for indulging too
freely with our friends in the sin of levity, but would
much prefer to indulge in the sin of irony, which Mr.
Eed is pleased to call gas, than to pervert the word of
God for the sake of money and popularity, and then be-
come ashamed of our true name, " hireling," and at-
tempt to steal the name, Primitive Baptist, to cover our
Note. — We here enclose in parenthesis a portion of our article, that
the modesty of our friend, R. T. Milner, editor of the Henderson Times,
refused to publish, believing that it might be detrimental to the inter-
ests of his very popular paper. He further believed that it would injure
us professionally, for which we extend thanks and commendations .
S. M. C.
(We would not so much blame our friend Eed for act-
ing "hireling," and selling his religion to the people, if
he was dealing in a genuine article ; but it is spurious,
and therefore demoralizing ; and it is represented in the
Scriptures as being the Wine of the old mother of har-
lots ; and at his revival meetings we have seen him and
his dupes get drunker upon it than we ever saw an Old
Baptist get upon mean whiskey at a Georgia corn-
All the so-called Christian institutions that were ever
instituted by man, and not begotten of Jesus Christ nor
recorded in the Scriptures of divine truth, are religious
bastards, and are akin by affinity and spiritual consan-
guinity to the daughters of the old mother of harlots,
(false churches ) and are not legitimate Christian chil-
dren, having been begotten of the spirit. of Antichrist
and born of the daughters of the old harlot, false
churches. And when false churches eat, drink, sleep,
and commit religious fornication together, they are sure
to beget children of their own likeness, such as mission-
ary boards, executive committees, theological schools,
Sunday schools, to set their children's teeth on edge.
" The fathers have eaten bout grapes, and the children's
teeth are set on edge." — Ezekiel xviii. 2.
Prayer schools, (known as young men's prayer meet-
ings, to teach then young converts how to pray eloquent-
ly, as though the Lord was not able to dictate to them
how and what to pray for.) Temperance societies, (un-
furling their temperance banners and parading through
the streets of villages, towns and cities, making a great
display ; boasting of the marvelous works that they are
doing for the Lord, in helping Him to convert and save
the people : when, indeed, they are forcing then* weak
minded inebriates (who care nothing for their oaths nor
honor) behind the screens and into then closets (to escape
detection) to perjure themselves, by violating their
pledges. Many other so-called religious societies and
contribution schemes might be cited, such as missionary
hen's, etc., but we desist : all of which is a violation of
the pattern of Christ, and has been instituted by the in-
genious soft-handed gentry, known as the clergy, who
attain to arrogance and high living by holding out their
soft hands, and lisping with their sweet and cunningly
devised articulations, that "We must have an assess-
ment, brethren and friends, and we do hope that there
is not one in the congregation that will be so uncouth
as to refuse to contribute to the treasury of the Lord.''
Many other similar expressions and propositions are
made, which are calculated to embarrass those who are
not willing to contribute to the missions of Antichrist.
The poor old woman that is said in the Scriptures to
have given a penny, is often alluded to, until the poor,
silly old women of the community are induced to rob
the inmates of their families, of socks, chickens, eggs,
butter, etc., to procure money to secure the arrogance
and happiness of this soft-handed gentry, who have with
their cunningly devised stratagem induced them to be-
lieve that if they did not give to those noble soul-saving
machines, thousands of the heathen would die and go to
hell for want of the gospel, and that they themselves
stood a fair chance to apostatize and be finally lost for
neglect of duty. We have many times seen several of
the daughters (false churches) unite in what they call a
union meeting, and continue for days. Such meetings
are generally the mother of much religious offspring ;
and when the little ones begin to usher into existence,
they and their progenitors all get drunk upon the wine
of the fornication of their old mother (Rev. xvii.), and
when drunk, they throw much dust into the air, and cry
out, as it were, "Great is Diana of the Ephesians." —
Acts xix. 28.)
In trying to follow the religious perambulations of Mr.
Red, we are reminded of how difficult it is to track a
goat, to ascertain which way he is going, both ends of
his feet being the same size. Mr. Red has it wonderfully
mixed ; he first has it grace before works, and then has
it works before grace ; you can and you can't, you shall
and you shan't ; both ends of his religious feet being the
same size.
' • The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's
teeth are set on edge.'' — Ezekiel xviii '2.
Prayer schools, (known as young men's prayer meet-
ings, to teach then young converts how to pray eloquent-
ly, as though the Lord was not able to dictate to them
how and what to pray for.) Temperance societies, (un-
furling their temperance banners and parading through
the streets of villages, towns and cities, making a great
display : boasting of the marvelous works that they are
doing for the Lord, in helping Him to convert and save
the people : when, indeed, they are forcing then weak
minded inebriates (who care nothing for their oaths nor
honor) behind the screens and into then closets (to escape
detection) to perjure themselves, by violating their
pledges. Many other so-called religious societies and
contribution schemes might be cited, such as missionary
hen's, etc., but we desist : all of which is a violation of
the pattern of Christ, and has been instituted by the in-
genious soft -handed gentry, known as the clergy, who
attain to arrogance and high living by holding out their
soft hands, and lisping with their sweet and cunningly
devised articulations, that "We must have an assess-
ment, brethren and friends, and we do hope that there
is not one in the congregation that will be so uncouth
as to refuse to contribute to the treasury of the Lord/'
Many other similar expressions and propositions are
made, which are calculated to embarrass those who are
not willing to contribute to the missions of Antichrist.
The poor old woman that is said in the Scriptures to
have given a penny, is often alluded to, until the poor,
silly old women of the community are induced to rob
the inmates of their families, of socks, chickens, eggs,
butter, etc., to procure money to secure the arrogance
and happiness of this soft-handed gentry, who have with
their cunningly devised stratagem induced them to be-
lieve that if they did not give to those noble soul-saving
machines, thousands of the heathen would die and go to
hell for want of the gospel, and that they themselves
stood a fair chance to apostatize and be finally lost for
neglect of duty. We have many times seen several of
the daughters (false churches) unite in what they call a
union meeting, and continue for days. Such meetings
are generally the mother of much religious offspring ;
and when the little ones begin to usher into existence,
they and their progenitors all get drunk upon the wine
of the fornication of their old mother (Eev. xvii.), and
when drunk, they throw much dust into the air, and cry
out, as it were, " Great is Diana of the Ephesians." —
Acts xix. 28.)
In trying to follow the religious perambulations of Mr.
Red, we are reminded of how difficult it is to track a
goat, to ascertain which way he is going, both ends of
his feet being the same size. Mr. Eed has it wonderfully
mixed ; he first has it grace before works, and then has
it works before grace ; you can and you can't, you shall
and you shan't ; both ends of his religious feet being the
same size.
A few of our good natured friends think our language
a little harsh ; but an old homespun proverb is, to " fight
the devil with fire," and we feel it to be our duty to re-
proach the devil when he attempts to slander the word
of God or the church of Christ, even at the sacrifice of
friends.— Mat. xix. 29 ; Mark x. 29, 30.
Mr. Eed is correct in some of his historical quotations
from Elder Trott and Dr. Watson, but, as usual, has
woefully misconstrued them. The Old Baptists did not
secede from the apostolic mode of missions, nor did they
secede from the so-called missionaries, because they
themselves were not missionaries ; but because the so-
called modern missionaries had left the old landmarks,
and were running after new gods and new patents. The
Old Baptists being in the minority at many places, were
compelled to set up for themselves, to get back to the
apostolic mode of missionaries. According to Mr. Bed's
purity of reasoning, the majority is theologically correct,
regardless of corruption.
The Old Baptists, in order to be distinguished from
this body of corruption, took the name of Primitive Bap-
tists, and the modern so-called missionaries called them-
selves Missionaries. But prior to the split, they r were
not known as Old Baptists, nor Missionary Baptists, but
Mr. Red is in principle to-day in open communion with
all the daughters of the old harlot, in his missionary
boards, executive committees, theological schools, etc.,
the Sabbath school being the fairest and the most lovely
of all the daughters of the old harlot, and at whose
shrine the old woman and her other daughters, with
arrogance and exultation gracefully bow, but without
any " Thus saith the Lord," and all that Mr. Eed differs
from them in is in name. While the Old Baptists are
strictly in accord with the apostolic Missionaries, and
have a " Thus saith the Lord " for all they do in a church
capacity, without any of Mr. Bed's new patents.
Again, if Mr. Eed is correct in his reasonings, the
ancient Christians who rebelled against Catholicism, and
had to seek caves, dens, and the wilderness for refuge,
were certainly wrong, theologically, they being a small
faction. Again, when Elder Eoger Williams rebelled
against the law church that was wont to be established
in the original colonies, and who was exiled for his re-
ligious opinions to the island of Ehode Island, and who
afterwards constituted the first Baptist church that was
ever organized upon American soil, was surely wrong,
according to Mr. Bed's system of reasoning.
And to the Old Baptists, the people of this great com-
monwealth are much indebted to-day for the liberties
they now enjoy ; and why ? Because the first Washing-
ton Cabinet drafted the Constitution of the United States
from the Constitution of the first Baptist church of Amer-
ica, drawn up by Elder Eoger Williams, it being strictly
democratic. For want of space we cannot reply to all of
Mr. Bed's hallucinations and accusations against his so-
called Anti-missionary Baptists; but we are ready to
acquiesce in his historical quotations in the last part of
his essay, and challenge hirn to show in any part of his
quotations where the original Baptists ever put them-
selves up to the highest bidder to go and preach the gos-
pel, or where they accepted a stipulated salary for minis-
terial services ; but they were always content with the
contributions that the laity and friends bestowed upon
them, after apostolic usages ; just as the Old Baptists do
to-day (we do not mean his kind ;) and when they see
the necessity of sending one of their ministers on a mis-
sionary tour, the money is promptly raised to bear the
probable expenses, without any great ado, such as mis-
sionary hens, whose eggs are to be preserved, hatched
and sold, for the spread of the gospel ; and other mis-
sionary menageries, such as admission fee festivals, Sun-
day school celebration, bogus auctions at Christmas trees
in their churches, etc., all of which is a reproach upon
the church of Christ, and has been instituted by Mr.
Eed's kind of missionaries.
With many thanks to the editor of the Henderson
Times for his courtesy in giving space to our articles, I
am. Very respectfully,
paet in.
Christian and Anti-Christian Churches.
Illustrated by a Supposed Interview Between the
Armenian's All- Wise and Omnipotent God of
the Universe, and Mr. Eed and his Armenian
Having been denied the privilege of redeeming a
promise through the medium of the Henderson Times,
of furnishing our readers a diagram of the Christian and
Anti-Christian churches, we here insert a few of the
characteristic elements of the churches under considera-
tion, drawing such characteristic lines of discrimination,
that the casual observer will be compelled to see the dis-
crepancy. And in drawing our diagram, we may hold
up the fallacy of Mr. Eed, and expose him to "public
gaze," as he proposed to expose our article. And sup-
pose that we bring a blush to the tinted cheek of the
smiling countenance of our friend Eed, and cause "his
Irish blood" to become exasperated; "but he knows us
so well.'- " and knows that there is a certain amount of
gas that we are compelled to get sliet of, or explode," that
we feel safe in presuming upon his charity, and feel that
he will throw the veil of charity over our foibles, and do
us no harm ; for we fully intend to present him with a
copy of our work, should we succeed in getting our book
before the public.
Ae^itnta^'s God. — Mr. Eed & Co. : I am glad to meet you
thus alone, that we may freely, but privately and socially,
discuss the great errors and truths of the Bible. You are
surely aware of my intelhgence, and that I have made you
rational, intelligent and accountable beings, and capable
of securing eternal salvation, if you will only accept the
terms of salvation, which are entirely optional with all
mankind. You know that as a rational God, I could not
have had it otherwise, and been a just God. You
further know that you must act in such a way as to
merit the confidence and esteem of your superiors before
you can expect to obtain favors from them. It is just so
with me. I would feel very ungrateful to my cause to
accept sinners into glory, and bestow special favors upon
them who had never done anything to promote my
Spiritual Kingdom : and reject others for some trivial
offense, who had done many good works for the promo-
tion of my cause. Such a thing would be sacrilege, and
is not in accordance with my character.
Bed cc Co. — Most Holy Father, we are so thankful
that you have condescended to interview us. and confirm
the doctrine that we have so long cherished, and believed
with all our hearts ; although there are many Scriptures
that conflict with this theory, and Scriptures that make
you the author of sin. and that you save souls regardless
of merit, and that you made the devil, etc.. and we have
made many efforts to believe it. because it was in the
Bible : but since we have met face to face, we see that
there is something wrong about it, and we much desire
that you proceed further to disabuse our minds.
Aemtvia^'s God. — I am aware that Moses, Isaiah. St.
John, Paul, and John in Eevelation. and these old Pre-
destinarian Baptists of the present day. all hold out this
idea, beside many others of the old Prophets and Apos-
tles : but I tell you. my friends, they are wrong. I have
been misrepresented and slandered by them. Even my
own Son. Jesus Christ, has written and had his so-called
inspired writers to hand down from generation to gener-
ation a system of fatalism and decrees unauthorized by
me. that would seemingly make me the author of evil,
as well as the author of good ; which you know would
be inconsistent. The very idea is preposterous, to sup-
pose that I would create an evil spirit, known as the
devil, to antagonize my spirit of love and mercy, and
take the chances against this spirit of evil, that is ever
ready to beguile souls and send them to everlasting per-
dition. I am not only accused of creating evil, but of
putting it upon an equality with my spirit of love and
mercy, which would give it the same chance to destroy
souls that my Holy Spirit has to save them. Now every
one of my intelligent creatures knows that I would not
have made such a spirit as this, and put it in direct op-
position to my love and mercy ; because you know that
I want the whole human family saved ; and I would not
be a just God if I did not want them all saved. And
then, to accuse me of creating a spirit that would, be-
yond a doubt, destroy a part of the souls that I desire so
much to save ! My friends, such an idea is too absurd
to be entertained for a moment, and is an accusation
upon my wisdom in the creation, to even suppose that I
would have made such a spirit. Therefore you must
certainly know that this evil spirit, or the devil, is as old
as I am, and equally self -existing, and therefore possesses
creative powers, and disregards me and my cause.
And when my earthly son, Adam, apostatized, and in
him all of his posterity were deluged in the same cate-
gory of sin, giving me and my cause away to Satan,
since which time it has been one of my greatest efforts,
together with all the missionaries that I could induce to
help me, to get even a few to depart from this evil one
and be saved ; notwithstanding the fact that I want
them saved so bad. If I had only known that Adam was
so fickle and unstable, and that he was going to give me
away as he did, I would not have made him a free agent
*as I did, and given him the law that I did ; but 1 verily
thought that Adam would not betray the confidence that
I reposed in him, when I gave him the law and left him
in the garden. But Adam and I are to some extent ex-
cusable ; neither of us having any experience at the
time as to the stratagem of the devil. And I Vili ven-
ture the assertion that this evil spirit, the devil, was
lying in wait, watching the opportunity of my absence
to do his devilish work. I will venture another asser-
tion : that if Adam and I could have the thing over
again, we would act very differently ; for we have long
since seen our folly. Adam's whole posterity could have
now been happy together through all the ages of the
world, had it not been for this blunder.
You will please pardon me for quoting to you a few of
the accusations and assertions of those so-called inspired
Prophets and Apostles, that these old fogy Predestin-
arian Baptists are so tenaciously contending for: "I
form the light and create darkness ; I make peace and
create evil : I the Lord do all these things." — Is. xlv. T.
Now, my friends, you know that old Isaiah was mis-
taken about this matter. How could I be the just God
that I propose to be and be the author of evil, or the
devil, that is trying to destroy all the souls of men, that
I so much desire to save ? These Old Baptists are not so
much to blame, after all ; for they fully believe that old
Isaiah was commanded to write what he did, and that I
am its author.
I am very sorry that the old man did not discover his
mistake before it was too late. The only chance that I
see now to stop this old fogy influence, (for it is rapidly
on the increase, although I have had it proclaimed
through the medium of my missionaries that as soon as
a few more of these old fogies, such as Beebe, Johnson,
and othens, died, this element would dwindle into insig-
nificance ; but in this I now see that I was mistaken) is
to put more missionaries in the field, increase our treas-
ury, and re-translate the Bible every few years, until we
can by degrees leave out these unauthorized paragraphs,
in such a way that it will escape the detection of these
illiterate old fogies ; for you may be sure that I regret
the mistakes that many of those old writers made, as
well as the errors of the translators of King James.
Again, " All things were made by Him, [God]
and without Him was not anything made that was
made." — John i. 3. You can here see that there is
another mistake made, even in the lifetime of my Son
Jesus Christ ; and the strange part of it is, that he did
not correct the error, and let the people know that I was
not the author of evil. But instead thereof, he actually
encourages them in this strange babbling. Again, one
Paul, who was a learned man, and I suppose that he
thought himself to be very smart, turned to be Old Bap-
tist and apostle, and got to be very eloquent, and notor-
ious among the old fogies. And in his perverted letter
to the Colossians, he gets very eloquent, and says, "For
by Him [God] were all things created that are in heaven,
and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they
be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers :
all things were created by Him and for Him ; and He is
before all things, and by Him all things consist." — Col.
i. 16, 17.
Now, my friends, this man Paul claims to have writ-
ten from inspiration, and he has left nothing that the
imagination can think of that he does not claim me to be
the author of. And strange as it may appear to your
intelligences, near the latter part of the quotation, he
says that I made it for myself. And evil is certainly
one of the things that " consist," and is the dominion
of the devil.
Now, my friends, in the name of common sense, rea-
son, and everything that is sacred, what use could I have
had for this evil, or devil ? am I to be accused by this
Paul of creating an element of sin, to perplex and annoy me
from generation to generation, that is ever ready to thwart
my programme of saving souls ? And many times, in
spite of all that I and my missionaries can do, the devil
robs us of our loved ones, and casts them into outer dark-
ness ; when you know, from the very nature of things,
that I desire the salvation of all men. And then to be
accused by this Paul and these Old Baptists of making
the adversary of souls for myself! My friends, it is an
insult to my character, and I wish you missionaries to
redouble your energies, and I will help you all I can to
evangelize the world, and we will continue to get out our
New Translations every few years, until we wipe out the
memory of the perversions of Paul and these Old Baptists,
and then we can save the people in spite of Satan.
Again, in the book of Revelation, the writer, John, gets
very humble, and accuses me. And these Old Baptists,
as usual, are ready to swallow every word of it. He
says : " Thou art worthy, Lord, to receive glory, and
honor, and power ; for thou hast created all things, and
for thy pleasure they are and were created." — Rev. iv. 11.
Can you imagine, my friends, what pleasure I could pos-
sibly have in the devil ? For that wicked spirit is surely
one of the all things ; yet I am accused by John of mak-
ing him for my pleasure. It seems that those old Pro-
phets and Apostles, and these Old Baptists, are delighted
in their accusations against me and my missionaries.
And my advice to you, my friends, is to be patient, yet
zealous, and I will be with you in your efforts, and before
another century rolls around we will so mystify the pres-
ent translation of King James, with our new editions,
that we will annihilate this old f ogyism from the face of
the earth. For old Beebe and Johnson are now dead,
and many others of the old veterans will soon die, and
in the meanwhile we will try to kill out their influence
before new ones grow up to take their places.
One other thing I wish to call your attention to before
we leave this part of the subject. I am not only accused
by those old writers, of making or creating these wicked
things for my own pleasure and glory, but these Old Bap-
tists are in perfect harmony with them. They say that
I was compelled to make or create evil, in order to have
good : and that I was compelled to have a hell, in order
to have a heaven : and that I was obliged to have bad
men, in order to have good men ; and that devils were a
necessity, in order to have saints ; and that I could not
have affirmatives, without having negatives ; and that I
could not have one without the other ; and that I was
compelled to make both, in order to make a display of
my power, wisdom, goodness and mercy, by contrasting
the one with the other. And I tell you, my friends, they
make a plausible argument of this thing, and it is going
to be a difficult task for us to refute this argument ; and
the only way that we can sustain our theory, is to posi-
tively deny the authorship of these negatives, and con-
tend that we are only the author of the good ; that we
did not make the devil, and that the devil is the author
of the bad ; and that the devil is self -existing, and that
he possesses creative powers. I know that this makes
the devil my equal, but I had rather acknowledge that
he is my equal, than to be accused of creating these
wicked things.
Red & Co. — Our God, we are wonderfully pleased with
thee, and desire to render praise and adoration to thee for-
ever, for the great favor that thou hast just bestowed upon
us, in that of correcting those mysterious errors that have
been such an enigma through all ages, which the wisest
and most philosophical minds could not comprehend and
reconcile the inconsistency. But we are now satisfied that
the doctrine that we and our spiritual ancestors have so
long cherished and contended for is true, as we have now
heard it from thine own mouth ; otherwise we might
have remained in doubt, thinking that possibly those old
writers and these Old Baptists might be correct. For we
will tell you of a truth, that the weakest of these Old
Baptist ministers, when attacked by our ablest divines
and religious philosophers, will quote a few passages
from old Paul, and others of his persuasion, and for the
life of us we cannot apply English literature to it in such
a way as to make it mean anything, only what they say
it does ; and they actually put our wisest men to flight,
and bring reproach upon us, notwithstanding the incon-
sistency of the whole of their theory. These Old Baptists
are actually vain enough to claim that we are spiritually
blind, and that we have eyes and see not, that we have
ears and hear not, and that we have a heart and cannot
understand ; and they are egotistic over it, and claim
that they have the Scriptures to sustain them in their
assertions, and say that this is the reason why we do not
understand the Scriptures as they do. They further say
that you have made special appointments from all etern-
ity, and that at your own appointed time, and in your
own appointed way, you will throughout eternity com
municate this spiritual wisdom to these favored ones,
and withhold these special favors from others, who are
just as good by nature as these favored ones, and in many
instances far better by practice. Such an inconsistency
is very ridiculous to our minds. For it does seem that
these special favors should be bestowed upon those who
were trying to do the Master's will, and that justice de-
mands this, and that you as a just God would be under ob-
ligations to the ones that were doing most for your cause.
They have gotten up another monstrous inconsistency,
and claim that you made a special covenant with your
Son Jesus Christ, several thousand years before he was
born, and that you gave him a definite number of souls,
whose names were all enrolled or recorded in Jesus
Christ before the world began, and that Jesus Christ re-
presents the Lamb's Book of life, and that it would be a
violation of contract for you to grant these special fav-
ors to any others except those that you specially coven-
anted with your Son Jesus to give him ; but that you be-
stowed common favors upon all alike. Now, sir, these
Old Baptists can with apparent ease turn to these Script-
ures that they say sustain their theory, and with all of
our efforts we have failed to refute their arguments, and
we much desire your assistance in helping us to correct
these errors, for we feel that we are surely correct in our
Armenian's God. — I certainly feel under obligations to
assist you all that I can in this dilemma. Had I been a
little more careful in the beginning, and given this mat-
ter my special attention, as I should have done, many of
these so-called Scriptures would have read very dif-
Soon after the creation, when Adam committed the
blunder of disobeying my command, entailing sin upon
his whole posterity, I at once saw from the character of
Satan, with his allurements, that he would entice with
cunningly devised stratagem the last one of the promised
posterity of Adam, to leave me and my cause, and follow
him into endless perdition. And to prevent the entire
loss of my loved ones, (for I made them for my own
glory) I selected a few of those ancient men who hap-
pened to be prudent enough to believe me as I thought,
and 1 induced them with special promises to espouse my
cause and assist me in trying to reclaim the others, who
were so tenaciously cemented to Satan and to the love of
his cause, that I could do nothing with them, without
help ; and even then we did not succeed as I had ex-
pected. I then decided upon another plan, which I verily
thought would be a success. And I promised those pru-
dent men that I would beget a son by the Virgin Mary,
and that through the medium of prophecy I would
promise the people the help of a Savior in the person of
my Son Jesus Christ, who should be a mediator between
them and the sin of their federal head, Adam, that had
been entailed upon them ; and that this Savior should
suffer and die to atone for the sins of the whole human
family, without any distinctions or specialties, so that all
could have an equal chance to be saved from endless
perdition, if they would. I therefore appointed some
prophets, and continued to appoint prophets from gener-
ation to generation, until the appointed time for the
coming of my Son Jesus Christ, and instructed them as
precise as I could how and what to prophesy for ; and in
many instances they carried out the mandates of my
orders ; but in other instances they have misinterpreted
my meaning, and have prophesied for a system of special
favors to a select few throughout all eternity, when I
fully intended that the death of my Son, Jesus Christ,
should atone for the sins of the whole human family,
without any distinctions, so that the way might be made
possible for me to extract my loved ones from the grasp
of Satan, and save them as I first intended. But I sup-
pose that those old prophets thought, from the fact of
special appointments being made to them to assist me in
this great work, which had up to this time baffled my skill,
that I was going to keep up special favors to a few select
persons through all eternity, and therefore wrote it this
way, by failing to understand me ; for I fully intended
to save the whole human family through the mediation
and death of my Son. But in this I was again disap-
pointed by not giving my -special attention to the head
notes of those old prophets ; for instead of writing a
special promise to all men through the atonement of
Jesus Christ, as I had instructed them, they made a
special promise to a few, as I did when I selected them
to prophesy and assist me. Having been thwarted again
in my programme, I determined that as soon as my Son
was born, and arrived at proper age to receive instruc-
tion, I would not let the opportunity pass to fully in-
struct him as to my wishes. I therefore waited until the
appointed time of his advent, and as soon as he was com-
petent of receiving instruction I communicated to him
my entire will, and even put my Holy Spirit in him ; and
I supposed, with my Spirit in him, that it would be im-
possible for him to commit an error ; and I do not believe
that he would, had he not, perchance, got hold of those
old manuscripts written by those old prophets. And my
opinion is, that as soon as he read them, he at once
imbibed the idea, and became infatuated with it, and be-
lieved me to be its author. He very soon got himself up
a corps of apostles, and he and his apostles preached and
duplicated the same doctrines, as did those old prophets,
and claimed it as an inspired message to this favored
few ; much to my mortification and disgust. Since
which time these old predestinarian Baptists have im-
bibed the same doctrine, and are actually preaching and
teaching it to-day. But I assert to you that I did not
authorize such a doctrine to be preached ; and the only
alternate that I now see to extinguish this theory is
through the medium of my missionaries and our new
editions of the Bible ; for we have been thwarted in every
other effort that we have made.
I now propose to quote to you a few more of these un-
authorized paragraphs of Scripture, and show you their
inconsistency :
" And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are the called accor-
ding to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He
also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of
His Son, that he might be the first born among many
brethren. Moreover, whom He did predestinate, them
He also called ; and whom He called, them He also justi-
fied ; and whom He justified, them He also glorified.
What shall we then say to these things ? If God be for
us, who can be against us ? " — Eom. viii. 28, 32.
"For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any
other creature shall be able to separate us from the love
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " — Eom. viii.
38, 39.
I would here advertise you, my friends, to notice care-
fully the enormity of this harangue, written by this
learned man, Paul, who claims to have been moved by
the spirit of inspiration to write to the churches at Borne
and other places. And in all of his messages of love to
the churches he has failed to make a good promise to
any except these favored ones, who, he says, I foreknew,
called, predestinated, elected, justified, glorified, etc.
And in the last part of the quotation he says that they
cannot be separated from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.
Now, my friends, this is a powerful accusation against
me. Do you suppose that I would have created a set of
human beings, and had their posterity in embryo, and
selected out of them, according to the theory of fore-
knowledge, a certain few to be saved with an everlasting
salvation, and with the same foreknowledge know that
the others would be lost in endless perdition ? Yet this
man, Paul, actually teaches this doctrine in all of his letters
to his churches. And these Old Baptists of the present
day positively feast upon it and agree with Paul in ridi-
culing the doctrine of my missionaries, and say with
Paul, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of
God, but not according to knowledge. For they, being
ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to
establish their own righteousness, have not submitted
themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is
the end of the law [works] for righteousness to every-
one that believeth. " — Eom. x. 2, 4.
I appeal to your intelligences, and propound to you a
few interrogations, by way of deriding this old fogy idea
of old Paul, and these Old Baptists. Suppose that you
are the father of one dozen children whose mother is
your legitimate wife. Could you possibly know any dif-
ference in them according to parental affection ? Could
you disinherit either of them in the division of your
estate, on the flimsy pretext of election ? Or could you
presume to punish one, two, or half of them, with the
rod, the balance of their natural lives, who had by
nature become refractory or wayward in their obedience
to your mandates ? Of course you will all answer nega-
tively. Yet old Paul and these Old Baptists indirectly
say that the creature, man, is more merciful than his
Creator, and accuse me of doing things that are within
the province or prerogative of my spiritual dealings with
my creatures, that they themselves would not presume
to do, as a matter of conscience.
O ! the heights and depths of the ignorance of these old
fogies, and how to relieve the country of their pestifer-
ous dogmas is something that I cannot fathom, while the
present translation is recognized. For when my mission-
aries attempt to overpower them with arguments, and
appeal to common sense, and natural reason, they at once
say that my missionaries cannot see nor understand, "Be-
cause the carnal mind is enmity against God ; for it is
not subject to the law of G-od, neither indeed can be. So
then, they that are in the flesh cannot please God." —
Rom. viii. 7, 8. " But the natural man receivethnot the
things of the Spirit of God ; for they are f oolishness unto
him : neither can he know them, because they are spirit-
ually discerned." — I Cor. ii. 14.
You can readily see from this, that old Paul and these
Old Baptists have an exalted opinion of their supernat-
ural intellect in spiritual things over my missionaries.
And when my missionaries call in question their vanity,
they at once reject self, and give to me all the glory,
honor, praise and power, and that of themselves they are
nothing but poor, sin-polluted sinners, deserving the fiery
indignation of my wrath, if I had meted out justice, in-
stead of mercy to them. They then appeal to the writ-
ings of Paul and his cohorts, and prove that these special
favors of my grace or favor were bestowed upon them
without merit, and that their spiritual minds were thus
illuminated by the light of my favor or grace shining in-
to their dark and benighted hearts, giving them acute-
ness of spiritual vision over the capacity of my mission-
aries in spiritual things, and therefore give me all the
glory ; and claim none for themselves.
And with those old writers, who are of the same per-
suasion of these Old Baptists, and who are ever ready to
come to the rescue of these Old Baptists with their ab-
stract paragraphs of election, predestination, and final
perseverance, they soon put my missionaries to flight,
notwithstanding the intelligence and justice of our cause.
Only listen to them for a few moments, and see how
they rivet their doctrine upon you, and leave you no get-
ting out place, with their version of the present transla-
tion, although we know it to be mere fiction : "For by
grace are ye saved, through faith ; and that not of your-
selves ; it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any
man should boast. For we are His workmanship, creat-
ed in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath
before ordained that we should walk in them." — Eph.
ii. 8, 9, 10.
" And if by grace, then it is no more of works ; other-
wise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then
it is no more grace ; otherwise work is no more work.
What then! Israel hath not obtained that which he
seeketh for ; but the election hath obtained it, and the
rest were blinded (according as it is written, God hath
given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should
not see, and ears that they should not hear,) unto this
day. And David saith, Let their table be made a snare,
and a trap, and a stumbling-block, and a recompense un-
to them : let their eyes be darkened, that they may not
see, and bow down their back always. "—Rom. xi. 6, 11.
Do you suppose that old Paul thought that he was
writing from inspiration when he wrote these paragraphs?
Or do you not think that he did it out of curiosity, to be
odd, and to make a display of what he was pleased to call
divine or spiritual inspiration ?
Be this as it may, these Old Baptists chuckle, and exult
over these Scriptures, and seem to delight in their oddity,
which is in perfect keeping with those old writers, and
they are so afraid of works, fearing that their salvation
will not be reckoned of grace, that they actually refuse
to negotiate with the Christian institutions that have been
instituted by the various branches of my churches ; and
as usual, they always find Scripture that they contend
sustains their theory. Only listen at the abstract verses
that they produce to prove that our institutions are not
authorized by the Bible :
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come
out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her
sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her
sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered
her iniquities." — Eev. xviii. 4, 5.
" Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers;
for what fellowship hath righteousness with unright-
eousness ? and what communion hath light with dark-
ness ? And what concord hath Christ with Belial ? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel ? And
what agreement hath the temple of God with idols ? for
ye are the temple of the living God ; as God hath said,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come
out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, '
and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons
and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty . " — II Cor. vi.
U, 18.
These Old Baptists actually claim that our Christian
institutions are institutions of the world, and that they
are begotten of the spirit of Antichrist, and that they are
more for show and display than for the service of God.
And that God has never authorized the organization of
but one institution, His Church, and that all other so-
called Christian institutions and churches that participate
in anything that is not in accord with the pattern of the
church set up by Jesus Christ, is of the spirit of Anti-
christ ; and that they, as followers of Christ, are com-
manded to come out from among them, and be a separ-
ate people, as admonished by the above quotation. And
they are actually presumptuous enough to put the people
upon the stool of do-nothing, to sit and wait for me to
come and pull them to heaven by the hair of the head.
Do you suppose that I am going to force people to heaven
whether they wish to go or not ? Of course I want them
to go ; but after making them free agents, I would be act-
ing in bad faith, as though I had no confidence in their
ability, were I to undertake to force them to accept sal-
Notwithstanding the plausibility of our argument, my
Son Jesus Christ, the old prophets and apostles, and these
Old Baptists, all teach, preach and write this doctrine of
special favor without merit, and the eternal union of
Christ and his bride, (the church,) regardless of good
works. But all this does not make it the truth ; for
this thing got badly tangled in the beginning, and it
does seem that we will never get able to untangle it.
They further teach that true and vital religion com-
mences in the heart, and that the brain or intellect sym-
pathizes with the heart, and that any other theory of
religion that is conceived by the brain, from intellect
or common sense, is brain religion, notwithstanding
natural and moral science teach that the brain must
conceive before the heart can be affected. But they
are so stupid that we will never be able to beat anything
into them that is not in the Bible.
Bed & Co. — Our God, we have listened to thee with
much patience and admiration, and our bowels have
yearned within us, giving thanks and praises to thee.
And we now feel a freedom of thought and speech, that
we dared not to have uttered in time past ; for the whole
bent of our spiritual convictions was in direct opposition
to what was called by these old fogies, " The great and
fundamental truths of the Bible." And it was so incon-
sistent that we could not believe it, although we had to
try to preach it, and disguise it the best we could in or-
der to make our theory plausible, so as to please the
people and cause them to go with us. And even then,
with our best efforts and ablest divines, we failed to carry
some good men with us, who actually followed these old
fogies, because the Scriptures did not particularly specify
our Christian institutions, as was the custom of Jesus
Christ and his inspired writers in speaking of the church
of Christ. As though these Christian duties could not
be as well understood as to be so specifically expressed in
the Bible. But these Old Baptists reject them all, be-
cause they are not in the Bible. We are a little surprised
at any of them ever marrying their wives or husbands,
because they could not find their wives' or husbands'
names recorded in the Bible as being their particular wife
or husband, as they seem to be such sticklers for Bible
testimony. But we are fully satisfied with your explan-
ations, and will endeavor to carry out your mandates to
the best of our ability, believing that the day will come,
when we will destroy their influence and evangelize the
You have casually mentioned our Christian institu-
tions, and from the tenor of your language we can but
infer that you heartily indorse them. And we would
like for you to more fully explain to us the reasons why
they were not put in manuscript by the inspired writers;
for. we assure you that they are a great lever in our business
of committing and converting souls that would otherwise
be lost. Of course we have our opinion about it, but we
wish to have it beyond cavil. Was it omitted intentional-
ly, thinking that it would be understood ? Or did you for-
get to speak of it to your Son Jesus Christ ? Or did he
forget to command his apostles to write it ? Or did the
apostles refuse to record our Christian institutions, be-
cause they would come in contact or conflict with their
preconceived opinions of special appointments, of election,
predestination, final perseverance, eternal union, etc ?
Armenian's God.— My friends, these are pertinent ques-
tions, and I feel it to be obligatory upon me to fully in-
form your minds upon this important subject. I am
aware that these institutions are the great bulwarks in
saving souls, for without these institutions it would be
but a few years until Satan would almost depopulate
heaven ; or, at least, he would deter future generations
from embracing the great privileges of saving grace
through the mediation of our Sunday schools and other
Christian institutions that lead sinners to Christ. Al-
though my Son Jesus Christ seems to have turned traitor
to his own interest, and against my will ; but you know
this was caused by his mind being abused in the begin-
ning by reading those old manuscripts ; and I suppose
that he is, to some extent, like all other human beings,
once committed to an error, they are too proud to retract,
although you may convince them a thousand times. He
says, " Jesus therefore answered and said unto them,
murmur not among yourselves. No man can come to
me except the Father which hath sent me draw him ;
and I will raise him up at the last day." — John vi.
43, 44.
These are positive declarations, powerfully implying
that there are some that I do not draw to Christ. Paul
says, as quoted in another place by me, " And if by grace,
then is it no more of works ; otherwise grace is no more
grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace ;
otherwise work is no more work. What then ? Israel
hath not obtained that which he seeketh for ; but the
election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. " —
Eom. xi. 6, 7.
Such ideas as these are ridiculous, my friends. Is not
the whole human family mine by creation ? (and would
have been mine by salvation, had Adam not given them
to Satan, when I made him a free agent,) and do you
suppose that I could have favorites among them and not
impress them all alike ? No, sirs ; they are free agents,
and they are more impressed with the cause of Satan,
who has the supremacy over them, and I cannot help
myself ; for you know that I would save them if I could,
but have delegated the power to them as free agents, and
dare not interfere without a breach of contract ; and my
only chance to save them is by moral suasion through my
missionaries and Christian institutions.
The idea of Paul saying that I had blinded some so that
they could not see spiritually if they would, is to accuse
me of a great evil.
I tell you that these Sunday schools have extricated
thousands of souls from the grasp of Satan, and saved
them from hell. And I care not for the traditional in-
fluence of what my Son Jesus Christ and Paul may say.
I tell you to go on with the good work, and save the
people from perdition, and I will help you all I can.
I am sure of one thing, and that is, that I told my Son
Jesus Christ to have his apostles record these Christian
institutions in the New Testament.
But after he and his apostles became infatuated with
this doctrine that is so detestable to you and I, and being
sure that our institutious would conflict with their pre-
conceived opinions of election and special appointments,
I am sure that they declined or refused to obey my man-
dates. But, nevertheless, I tell you they are wrong,
and I urge it upon you as my disciples io leave nothing
undone that will foster to the salvation of souls ; and
your Sunday schools will commit thousands of young
and tender minds, and when they are once committed,
and arrive at riper years, their pride will cause them to
stay with you, rather than be derided and scoffed at as
These Old Baptists may convince them that the
present translation is true, and therefore their theory
true ; yet they will stay with you because you are popu-
lar and fashionable ; for the fancy of human pride is to
stay on the big side ; and numbers, you know, will add
much to our treasure and influence in getting out our
new translations, and will keep my missionary ministers
in neat style, so that they can wield a mighty influence.
Although Jesus Christ and his apostles and those Old
Baptists all set the same example, in that of wearing
common apparel, and in making no big displays in build-
ing costly church houses, with elegant cushioned pews,
dazzling chandeliers, church organs that belch forth the
sweetest melody, when surrounded by our fairest maid-
ens and matrons, whose voices are trained to accord with
the most delicious notes of the organ, and loud tolling
bells to call their elegantly attired saints together ; yet
you need not care for any of their old fogy examples, for
they pride in having all things common ; and, as usual,
they have Scripture to the point : "And all that believed
were together, and had all things common." — Acts iv.
44. But you know that this common business will not
do with the various orders of my missionaries ; for your
strength lies in your arrogance and popularity, and not
in your following the examples of primitive so-called
Christians ; and you know that if you were to presume
to adopt these old-time examples, you would lose all your
influence and popularity, and these Old Baptists would
completely devastate your churches, having all these old
fogy Scriptures on their side. Hear how they reprimand
you: " For if there come unto your assembly a man
with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in
also a poor man in vile raiment, and ye have respect to
him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him,
sit thou here in a good place, and say to the poor, stand
thou here, or sit here under my footstool, are ye not then
partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil
thoughts ?
Hearken, my beloved brethren : Hath not God chosen
the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the
kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him ?
But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress
you, and draw you before the judgment seats ? " — James
ii. % 7.
My friends, you know in this age of refinement and
decency it would never do to adopt this precedent. Sup-
pose that some poor wretch was to come to one of your
fine city churches with vile and tattered raiment,
and your janitor was to conduct him to one of your
costly pews ; do you not know that it would be disgrace-
ful, and your janitor would lose his situation ? Yet these
Old Baptists will conduct such an one to their front seats
and seem to regard it as a privilege.
I hope to have your kind indulgence, my friends ; for
I. have another one of my most grievous trials to relate
to you. And after you are fully informed in these great
truths, I think you will be better prepared to appreciate
the interest that I have taken in you ; and not only this,
but when your minds are fully edified you will then be
the better able to assist me hereafter.
Near the commencement of the fifteenth century,
when my missionaries and their institutions were so
oppressed in the Old World, and they could see no way of
escape from the law church, and other oppressions of
taxation, I selected one of the noblest men in the Old
World ; I mean noble in intellect and powerful in moral
suasion and influence ; I do not mean powerful in wealth,
for he was poor, but susceptible of impressions for good,
having a warm and sympathizing heart ; and I impress-
ed him with the idea of a new world, the limits of which
would be boundless for many centuries, for the opera-
tions of my missionaries in helping me to save souls.
This great and good man was Christopher Columbus, to
whose assistance I called the Queen (Isabella), and in
order to secure her aid beyond all peradventure I im-
pressed her with the great wealth and resources that
this new world would add to her province. Hence she
rendered him all the help that was desired, in that of
ships, commissaries, and seamen, to make the voyage
across the great briny ocean, where I could locate the
various orders of my missionaries, where they could en-
joy perfect peace and harmony with each other, and
serve me according to the dictates of their own con-
science. Of course I arranged things for them to differ
widely in their theories of the plan of salvation ; for you
know, " And without controversy, great is the mystery
of godliness." — I Tim. hi. 16. And while they controvert
and quarrel over the nonessentials, and almost get at
dagger's point, they all come together on the one thing
needful, " Ye must be born again." But this I arranged,
that they all should be right in the enjoyment of their
own peculiar views.
I have labored diligently to convince them of this fact,
so that every branch of my missionary churches might
hold open commission with each other, and work for the
cause of the Master. But, as usual, those old writers
and these Old Baptists all come together and widely dif-
fer with me. Hear them: "Finally, be ye all of one
mind, having compassion one of another: love as brethren,
be pitiful, be courteous." — I Peter iii. 8. "I beseech
Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same
mind in the Lord."— Phil. iv. 2. " Finally, brethren,
farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one
mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall
be with you."— II Cor. xiii. 11. "Now I beseech you,
brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye
all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions
among you ; but that ye be perfectly joined together in
the same mind and in the same judgment." — I Cor. i. 10.
"That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify
God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." — Eom.
xv. 6. This sounds very different from the way that I
have taught my missionaries, and is not the way that
my missionaries teach ; for you know, as well as I, that
this would cut off all their communion and fellowship
for each other. But these Old Baptists teach precisely
this way, and declare nonfellowship for anything else,
and I do believe that they think they are right.
When Coltimbus returned from his voyage, and re-
ported the discovery of the new world, (and named it
America, in honor of Americus, who was the first man
to put foot upon American soil,) with its vast territory
and probable resources, my missionaries were rejoiced,
and regarded it as a perfect "Bonanza," and determined
with my aid to adopt it as their second "Goshen" or
"Promised land" and thereby relieve themselves of
oppression. But the oppressors came, and after a
struggle of many years of toil and loss of blood, they
were extricated from their iron grasp by the great
soldier statesman, Greo. Washington, whose name you
Never did my missionaries expect again to be annoyed
with these old predestinarians, such as Paul and these
Old Baptists, with their poisonous decrees and fatalisms;
for such is their theory, according to my conception of
their views.
But one Eoger Williams lurked into our camps, and
commenced teaching and preaching their nefarious doc-
trine ; and, strange as it may appear to you, he soon had
disciples. And in order to stop his career, before he
poisoned the whole country with his miserable heresy,
(for he was no fool,) I had him exiled to Rhode Isla?id;
but it did no good. He and his disciples soon organized
and constituted a church, and it was impossible to stop
the spread of their influence ; for the constitution of our
then happy country after the declaration of independence
(had it not been for them) guaranteed to them the right
to worship God according to the dictates $>f their own
And they at once went back to the teachings of Christ
and his apostles, and commenced opposing the plans
of my missionaries, and induced many good men to fol-
low them, on the flimsy pretext that my missionaries
had no, " Thus saith the Lord" for their various Christ-
ian institutions. My missionaries came to me in their
prayers, imploring me for assistance, and I impressed
them that it would be best for a large number of them
to join the Old Baptist church and swell their number
until my missionaries could outvote them in their own
church, and in their conferences and deliberations kill
them by belonging to them. For they could not con-
sistently refuse to be governed by their own liberal de-
mocratic constitution, which guaranteed the right to
rule to the majority. But. my friends, they actually
beat my missionaries in this deep laid scheme, and sepa-
rated from them, by declaring non-fellowship for them,
on account of my missionaries having departed from
the old landmarks, and having no "Thus saith the
d" fo: their innovations upon primitive doctrine.
Bed & Co.— Our God. we deeply sympathize with thee,
and our hearts are pained with sorrow, and our bowels
yearn with anguish, at your many disappointments in
trying to save the souls whom you created for your own
glory. And we feel sure that you would have saved
and that you still would save many thousand more than
you have or will save hereafter, were it not for the in-
fluence of Satan, who has. and we fear will ever continue
to beguile and decoy souls from your tender care regard-
less of your great efforts to save them. And we know
that you are not at fault, for you have used every effort
up to the present, that the imagination can conceive of.
And yet there are thousands who insult the offered terms
of salvation, and tenaciously cling to Satan, or to these
old predestinarian Baptists, whom we regard as being
but a fraction better than Satan, in their decrees and
fatalisms. They actually teach that salvation is only for
a few. compared with the multitude, and that this few
vas seen in the mind of Jehovah before the world began,
and that their names were all written in the Lamb's
book of life, and that they have a life relationship to
Jesus, as well as a spiritual relationship to Christ, and
that thev are bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, and
that they are members of his body, and that they are his
bride, or wife, and that it is impossible to separate them
in this world, nor in the world to come ; that this body,
wife or bride, typifies the church, and that it is impossible
with all of our efforts, to add others thereto or take any
therefrom, without hazarding the perfection of the church
or bride, of Jesus Christ ; that Christ is as much related
to the church, or his bride, as Adam was related to Eve,
his bride ; and that Jesus died especially for his spouse,
the church, but that He died for the whole human fam-
ily in a common or time salvation.
They further teach that all along through time this
special salvation is manifested to the vessels of mercy, or
heirs of promise, who are the predestinated or foreor-
dained members of Christ's body, or church ; and that
God at His own appointed time, and in His own appointed
way, quickens them into spiritual life ; and that after
being quickened, they then see the enormity of their
sins, which they had never been able to see before, and
that they are then loaded down with guilt and condem-
nation, and that they then have a travail for deliver-
ance resembling the travail of a woman with child,
from her conception until her deliverance. They
further claim that it is impossible to have a birth with-
out a child, and that the child has nothing to do with
its conception, travail or birth, neither does it have any-
thing to do with putting itself in a condition to be born,
naturally nor spiritually, nor does it know that it is a
child, until it is born and taught of its natural parents,
natural things, or born of its heavenly parents and
taught spiritual things in the school of heaven, where all
the ransomed of the Lord are taught.
To prove their position, they refer to the conversation
that took place between the Savior and Mcodemus, when
the Savior told Mcodemus that he must be born again
before he could see the kingdom of G-od. And they only
have to ask a few questions to put our wisest divines to
flight. And we are mortified and chagrined at the sim-
plicity and ease that they seem to have in ridiculing our
theory. . Only listen at a few of the interrogatories that
they use in controverting the doctrine that we teach :
Sirs, do you admit that Jesus used the allegory of the
two births, in his conversation with Mcodemus, to illus-
trate the spiritual birth ?
We do.
Do you agree that the two births must be similar, in
order to make the analogy a good one, and that Jesus
would not have selected an allegory that would not have
held good in all of its literal and spiritual bearings ?
We do.
Well, then, did you have anything to do with your
natural conception ?
We did not.
Did you, of your own volition, do anything in your
mother's travail from conception to deliverance to put
yourself in a condition to be born naturally ?
We did not.
Were you the sons of your fathers before you were born ?
We certainly were.
Could you iu any way prevent being the sous of your
fathers !
We could not.
When you were born, were you any more the sons of
your fathers than you were before you were born \
We were not.
Immediately after you were born, and dining your in-
fantile life, were you not entirely helpless !
We were.
Did not your mother and muses have to put you to
your mother's breast, and put your natural food into
your mouths to sustain your natural lives and develop
you into manhood \
They did.
When you were older were you not able to eat and
digest stronger food I
We were.
Had you not been thus nourished, would you not have
died or been natural dwarfs 1
We would.
If you had died in infancy would death have kept you
from beiug the child of your father \
It would not.
Finally, were you not able to feed and nourish your-
selves !
We were.
Do you believe that the church, to the heaven-born
child, is a type of the mother to the natural born child.
and that the elders, deacons, and members are figures of
the muses of the natural born child I
We do.
Well, sirs, do you not believe that the heaven-born
child has to be fed with spiritual food, or. in other words,
be indoctrinated by the teachers or nurses of the church,
for their development in spiritual strength I
We do.
Without such spiritual food, do you not think that
such a child would be a spiritual dwarf, and therefore
dead to any spiritual interest in the church militant \
We do.
But would it not still be a child I
It would.
Do you think, then, that this natural or spiritual food
made them natural or spiritual children S
We do not.
Neither do you believe, then, that this natural or spirit-
ual nourishment caused them to be born naturally, nor
spiritually, do you \
We do not.
Well, sirs, since you have been so kind as to admit
that Jesus would not have used an allegory that would
not hold good in all its bearings-, naturally and spiritually,
we must say to you that you have indeed nailed your
theory of free agency to the wall, and that spiritual self-
volition must forever trail in the dust, and be numbered
among the lost causes.
Your accessions in the foregoing interrogatories have
emblazoned the Old Baptist theory in pompous grandeur
over all the isms of man, and set God up as the omni-
potent ruler of the universe. " In whom also we have
obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according
to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the
counsel of His own will." — Eph. i. 11.
You have admitted that the allegory of the two births
is a complete one, and that births must be similar to each
other, and that there cannot be a child without a father,
and that a father implies a child, and that a child has
nothing to do with its conception, travail or birth, and
that you could not help being the child of your father,
and that you were your father's child before you were
born, and that being born did not make you your father's
child, and that you did not put yourself in a condition to
be born, and that you were not able to live of yourself
after you were born, and that if you had died in infancy
you would have still been the child of your father.
Now, sirs, you have never heard of a natural birth
without a natural child. We admit that some natural
children die in embryo, or in utero (in the mother's
womb), but they are nevertheless children. Now, sirs,
according to the popular theory that all the human
family could be spiritual children and heirs of promise if
they would, is to deny all that you have admitted, and
say that the natural child actually solicits its own con-
ception, travail and birth, and that the spiritual child in
like manner is instrumental in its own conception, tra-
vail and birth ; and that the allegory of Jesus Christ, as
portrayed to Nicodemus, is a farce. If the whole human
family have an undeveloped foetal spirit in them which
they can nourish into spiritual manhood if they will, it
stands as a certainty that there are untold millions of
spiritual children who have died in spiritual embryo,
that have never been regenerated and born again of the
Spirit of God, and is a direct denial of God's power to ex-
ecute His will in developing them into spiritual existence,
and is a contradiction of the Scripture, ' ' Being confident
of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good
work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus
Christ." — Phil. i. 6. Now, sirs, if you contend for the
hypothesis that the whole human family have an unde-
veloped foetal spirit in them, many of which die in
Spiritual embryo, but are nevertheless spiritual children,
you at once make the universalist monarch of the relig-
ious situation, and your free agency or moral self -volition
theory again trails in the dust.
Now, sir, these Old Baptists will actually put these
questions and arguments to us in such a way that we
are compelled to answer them as we have the foregoing
interrogatories, or expose our ignorance of analogical
and spiritual reasonings. Notwithstanding their stupid-
ity in the moral sciences and accepted literature of our
advanced age, they always beat us in theology. And
we much desire your kind admonitions and advice, for,
with the present standard of the Bible, they are so well
fortified that we find it impossible to compete with them
in argument, and we much fear that ours is a lost cause,
with the present translation as our religious text book,
although we are so sanguine as to the correctness of
our theory.
Armenian's God. — My friends, yours is a lamentable
condition to be placed in ; and had I have known the
dilemma that my former advice was going to lead you
into, I should have advised you very different ; but this
does not change the correctness of our theory, and I do
hope that you will pardon me for thus leading you into
an apparent defeat. But indubitable and untiring ener-
gy will certainly accomplish any cause that is so just as
ours. Although we have to combat against these Old
Baptists, and all the old prophets and apostles, and my
Son Jesus Christ as their leader, yet there are many en-
couragements to stimulate us to press forward and
abundantly hope to succeed. " Truth crushed to earth
will rise again." So hold up your drooping heads, my
friends, and lose no time in the prosecution of the fight
to the bitter end, and I will help you all that I can. You
know that we have ever been in the majority, even from
the days of old to the present time, and have ever been,
and always will be popular. Our arrogance and fashion-
able society, with our polish of educational lustre, will
always lead us to popular victory. And while they may
beat us in theology, with the present Bible to aid them,
your popular theories will ravish the young and tender
minds of their youths, as well as hold the young of your
own church nurseries ; and in this way we will be able
to deride and rebuke them with their own natural off-
Spring, and cause them to be chagrined with their own
You know that they do not believe in educating their
preachers to preach the gospel, which education would
give them that glossy polish and popular suavity that
my missionaries have. They thereby lose much of their
influence among the educated masses, in their peculiar
arrangement of syntax. And I would advise you to
make all the sneering sport of their literature that you
can, without making yourselves ridiculous, and teach
your children the same lessons of derision, and allow your
children to mock their preachers, and sneer at their theory
of the Christian religion, and sport at their abuse of Eng-
lish literature, and I tell you of a truth that you will
drive many proud spirits away from them that would
otherwise embrace their theory ; and we would lose their
assessment in our treasury, and many of our most in-
fluential preachers would soon become as rough and un-
popular as theirs, for want of means to put on style and
suavity. And you well know that for my missionaries
to preach a popular theory of religion that will please the
masses of the people, they must be well paid for it ; for
if they study human nature and the Bible, as they should
do, so as to mystify these unpopular paragraphs and
verses that these Old Baptists delight in so much, they
will have no time to do anything else for a living.
I know that they say, " But G-od has chosen the foolish
things of the world to confound the wise ; and God hath
chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
things which are mighty ; and base things of the world,
and things which are despised, hath G-od chosen ; yea,
and things which are not, to bring to naught things that
are ; that no flesh should glory in His presence." — I
Cor. i. 27, 28, 29. "For it is written, I will destroy the
wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the un-
derstanding of the prudent." — I Cor. i. 19. But this is
sure to be wrong. How can a man preach, which you
know is to teach, without brains and literary attainments
that will qualify him to teach aright ?
These Old Baptists are in possession of much vanity,
and with old Paul's experience from nature to grace, and
the transition so unexpected to Paul, and entirely un-
sought for, they will baffle the logic of the most learned
of my missionaries.
They all rally around Paul's experience, and say that
I teach all true ministers of the gospel in the school of
heaven, regardless of earthly literature, and that I never
call a preacher to preach the gospel without qualifying
him, and that I would not be stupid enough to call a
minister to the work of the ministry and then not
qualify him with spiritual wisdom for the satisfaction of
all those whom the Holy Spirit had prepared to hear with
that spiritual understanding that is peculiar to my saints;
and that none hear it with that spiritual understanding
except regenerated saints, and that the rest are blinded,
and cannot hear it, except in a literal sense, and there-
fore mock its teachings.
They further claim that all the Theological Schools
that I have impressed my missionaries to establish in
these latter days are a religious farce, and have nothing
to do with saving souls or the plan of salvation.
Now, my friends, you know that this is all absurd.
How, in the name of common sense, can the people
be saved without they are educated in all the moral
sciences, so that they may be able to reason and come to
conclusions from analogical standpoints, as to the ways
and means of salvation that I have furnished all men, if
they will only improve the oportunity that I have put
in their reach, through the medium of my missionaries
and their institutions ? And how is it possible for an un-
educated man, who knows nothing of the derivation of
English literature, to preach the gospel or teach it, when
he knows nothing of the origin of the language that he
talks ? And the idea of my not impressing all the human
family alike, and that they cannot accept salvation if
they will, and preach the gospel if they will only pre-
pare themselves for it, is too absurd for intelligent men
and women to entertain for a moment. And I am very
sorry indeed that those old writers, and these Old Bap-
tists, have gotten up such a theory, for it greatly re-
tards our efforts in trying to save the people from ever-
lasting perdition. One other thing that I wish to men-
tion to you, not because we succeeded so well in it, but
because it was such a singular failure. Many years ago
I impressed my missionaries to proclaim from the pul-
pit and in common parlance, that the Old Baptists were
opposed to educating their children in the moral sciences
and common literature of the day, and that they regard-
ed ignorance as one of the chief elements of my special
favors in spiritual gifts, etc. All of which has recoiled
upon my missionaries, much to their chagrin and morti-
fication ; and the false accusation is now deriding them
from almost every literary college and school-room in
the civilized world, and the sons and daughters of Old
Baptists are now leading pupils in all colleges and schools
that are not sectarian in their tenets of study, on the
American and European continents, and claim that edu-
cation is an indispensable boon to the happiness and
prosperity of the rising generations in time, but has noth-
ing to do with the plan of salvation or the preaching of
the gospel, but that education enables the educated min-
ister to use more select language in proclaiming the
gospel, and exemplifying the Christian religion, and is
better able to simplify the meaning of the Scriptures ;
but that his education has nothing to do with his spirit-
ual gift or call to the ministry, and that the illiterate man
of God, who has been called and qualified of God for the
ministry, can and does preach the same great truths of
salvation by grace as does the educated minister, but not
with such chaste language. "For ye see your calling,
brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh,
not many mighty, not many noble, are called." — I Cor.
i. 26. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the
soul ; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise
the simple." — Ps. xix. 7. But you know that this would
never do with my missionaries. It may suit these old
fogies to put forward their ignorant, uneducated men,
that they say I have called and qualified to teach and
preach the unsearchable riches of salvation by grace, in
order to confound the intelligence of my missionaries,
and bring to naught our intelligent schemes and insti-
tutions. Were we to adopt the practice of such ignor-
ance, it would certainly destroy the influence of our pop-
ular theories, and we would soon become a hiss and a
I regret exceedingly that such a mass of so-called
Scriptures should have ever crept into the Xew Testa-
ment as the word of inspiration ; for no sane man could
suppose for a moment that I would call a fool to preach
or teach in such mysterious and divine things.
These Old Baptists are presumptuous enough to give
me the credit of doing many things in their favor that I
am not guilty of, for which I would rebuke them, had I
not made them free agents, and dare not interfere. They
actually claim that my missionaries are huelings, be-
cause they expect pay for preaching, and because they
will not serve churches without pay, and say they are
after the fleece instead of the flock. ' 'But he that is a
hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are
not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and
fleeth, and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the
sheep. The hireling fleeth because he is a hireling, and
careth not for the sheep." — John x. 12, 13. They say
that when my missionaries are elected or called as shep-
herds to look over or care for a flock (churchy and go in
and out before them, and give them pasturage in spiritual
things, my missionaries claim pay, as does the hirehng ;
and that if the flock has a poor fleece, and the hirehng
sees poverty and tattered raiment stealing or creeping
upon him, (as is peculiar to a majority of God's chosen
people) as typified by the creeping wolf upon his prey,
the hireling fleeth, because he cares more for the fleece
than he does for the flock, and that the wicked spirit
that the wolf typifies, scatters the sheep, for want of a
leader or shepherd to teach or feed them upon spiritual
and divine food.
How, in the name of common sense, can a preacher
devote his whole time to the preparation of his sermons,
so as to edify and please his congregations, and moralize
them, and put them in a condition to seek salvation, and
receive no pay for it ?
Do these Old Baptists expect preachers to go decent so
that they will not be a reproach to refined society, raise
families in credit, travel and preach the gospel, and sub-
sist upon the wind only ? It really appears so from their
arguments, and the so-called texts of Scripture that they
Is not the laborer worthy of his hire ?
Did not Paul (who is one of their favorite apostles), re-
ceive wages ?
But, as usual, they always have a getting out place.
Only listen at the quotation and its connections, and hear
their interpretation of it: "Have I committed an
offence in abusing myself that ye might be axalted be-
cause I have preached to you the gospel of God freely ?
I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do
you service. And when I was present with you, and
wanted, I was chargeable to no man ; for that which
was lacking to me, the brethren which came from Mace-
donia supplied ; and in all things I have kept myself
from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep
myself." — II Cor. xi. 7, 8, 9. "Go your ways; behold
I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Carry neither
purse, nor scrip, nor shoes, and salute no man by the
way. And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say,
Peace be to this house ; and if the son of peace be there,
your peace shall rest upon it ; if not, it shall turn to you
again. And in the same house remain, eating and drink-
ing such things as they give ; for the laborer is worthy
of his hire. Go not from house to house." — St. Luke
x. 3, 8.
Now, sirs, these Old Baptists positively claim that
these wages that Paul received were alms, or wages re-
ceived from the hands of his more fortunate brethren for
manual labor, and that the wages were given to or re-
ceived by Paul to be bestowed upon the poor and afflicted
of less fortunate churches ; and that Paul did not appro-
priate it for self-aggrandizement, as do my missionaries
of the present day.
Paul further asserts that his brethren from Macedonia,
who had been more fortunate in this world's goods, were
willing and did help him in ministering to the wants of
these poor, distressed and afflicted brethren, by furnish-
ing him means to live upon while with the poor, that he
might not be burdensome to them. For he declared that
he had not been burdensome to them, nor would he be.
They further contend that it cannot be proven by the
New Testament Scriptures that Paul or any of the
apostles ever preached for money as a business of gain in
temporal things, but that they preached from a higher
incentive, prompted by the spirit and power of God, as
do the Old Baptists to-day.
In the last quotation where it says, "The laborer is
worthy of his hue," they contend that the connections
fully explain the meaning, and that it does not mean
what my missionaries would have it mean, when they
are begging their laity and friends to pay them their
hire : but that the apostles were sent into cities and coun-
tries among strangers and enemies to the Christian re-
ligion, and are represented as lambs among wolves, and
are commanded to carry nothing of carnal things with
them ; and if the son of peace {Spirit of Christ) be in the
first house they enter, a sign was to be given to them,
and they were to remain there ; otherwise they were to
find a house whose inmates were the people of God.
And they were commanded to "go not from house to
house," nor to become burdensome, but to make this
house their home, that they might earn what they con-
sumed, and that their consumption was reckoned as
wages, and therefore " the laborer is worthy of his hire,"
and that the apostles did not preach for money, as do my
They further teach that there would be too much in-
compatibility in the Scriptures for the apostles to de-
nounce the spirit of Antichrist in one sentence for preach-
ing for filthy lucre, and recommend it in another. Hear
the denunciations of Paul upon the theories of my mis-
sionaries :
"For what is it wherein ye were inferior to other
churches, except it be that I myself was not burdensome
to you? Forgive me this wrong. Behold, the third
time I am ready to come to you ; and I will not be bur-
densome to you ; for I seek not yours, but you : for the
children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the
parents for the children. And I will very gladly spend
and be spent for you ; though the more abundantly I
love you, the less I be loved. But be it so, I did not bur-
den you ; nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with
guile. Did I make a gain of you by any of them whom
I sent unto you?"— II Cor. xii. 13, 18.
My missionaries do not teach this way, neither have I
impressed them with such a theory ; and with few ex-
ceptions they are compelled to be paid for their time and
services in the ministry, for they cannot live without
means, and I have impressed most of them with the idea
that it is not reputable to have hard hands and common
Again, Paul says to his brother preachers (apostles),
"For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last,
as it were appointed to death ; for we are made a spec-
tacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.
"We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in
Christ ; we are weak, but ye are strong ; ye are honor-
able, but we are despised. Even unto this present hour
we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buf-
feted, and have no certain dwelling place ; and labor,
working with our own hands ; being reviled, we bless ;
being persecuted, we suffer it ; being defamed, we en-
treat. We are made as the filth of the world, and are
the off scouring of all things unto this day." — I Cor. iv.
9, 14.
The above quotation will not suit the pattern of my
missionaries, but very aptly applies to these Old Bap-
tists, and I am not surprised at my honorable mission-
aries in shunning the society of such a low and degraded
set. And my advice to you, my friends, is to hold up
your heads, and court the favor and approbation of the
royal families of the land, and submit to no such lowli-
ness as set forth by old Paul and these Old Baptists ; and
with the approval of the elite and fashionable public, you
are sure to succeed.
Only listen how these Old Baptists revile the plans of
my missionaries in paying my ministers for preaching
the gospel and carrying it to others who would die and
go down to endless perdition were it not for being sup-
plied with the gospel through the medium of my hired
They contend that all true ministers are carried by
the gospel, and that when the minister is imbued with
the Holy Spirit, there is a propelling power in the spirit
of the gospel that compels the minister to go and pro-
claim the gospel to a dying world ; and that this spirit is
so irresistible that it is like "fire in their bones," and
that this impression haunts them by day and by night,
and says unto them, " Woe unto me if I preach not the
gospel." And that the ministers of Antichrist are hired
to go and preach and carry the gospel, and are therefore
peddling out or making merchandise of the gospel as a
matter of gain, rather than labor with their own hands
as did Paul and the other apostles.
They further teach that the relationship of the church
and minister is like unto master and servant. And that
God requires that masters should give (not pay) to their
servants that which is just and right, and that servants
should obey their masters, not answering again, (or dic-
tating,) and that for a servant to refuse to obey or do his
duty, unless his master would obligate to pay him a
stipulated salary, would be rebellion in the first degree,
and would righteously merit chastisement. Or for the
servant to dictate to his master how and what to do,
would be presumption of a grave magnitude, and would
justly deserve a sharp rebuke. And on the other hand,
should the master receive the time, labor and benefits of
the obedient servant, and then require that servant to
feed and clothe himself, he would prove himself to be a
cruel and unjust master, and would be in open rebellion
against the laws of nature and of high heaven.
" Art thou called being a servant? Care not for it,
but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather, for he
that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's
freeman ; likewise also he that is called, being free, is
Christ's servant. Ye are bought with a price, be not
ye the servants of men." — I Cor. vii. 21, 24. They
further claim that the ministry is a gift from God to the
church, as a servant for the benefit and edification of the
church, and that the authority of the minister to serve
and administer to the church is a gift from God freely
bestowed, which gift the minister dare not price nor sell.
And that the man who professes a call from God to the
ministry, to preach and serve the church, and then sets
a price on his services, or proposes to peddle out the gos-
pel to the highest bidder, it proves one of two things
beyond a doubt. He is either a wolf in sheep's clothing,
and after the fleece and not the flock ; or he is in open
rebellion against the order of high heaven, and, Balaam
like, has sold himself out for the wages of unrighteous-
They further say that the law from the great King of
Zion is, " And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of
heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
raise the dead, cast out devils ; freely ye have received,
freely give. Provide neither gold nor silver, nor brass,
in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two
coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves ; for the workman is
worthy of his meat." — Mat. x. 7, 11. Which law all
faithful servants wish to obey ; and that while the faith-
ful servant freely bestows his gift, and serves in love,
it is nothing but just and right, for those who are the
happy recipients of this free gift that they should see
that the servant does not suffer, but that he is cared for
in a proper way.
" If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a
great thing if we should reap your carnal things ? " —
I Cor. ix. 11.
"Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which
preach the gospel should live of the gospel/' — I Cor.
ix. 14. " For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou
shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out
the corn. Doth God take care for oxen ? " — I Cor. ix. 9.
"For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia
to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which
are at Jerusalem. It has pleased them verily ; and
their debtors they are, for if the Gentiles have been made
partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to
minister unto them in carnal things." — Eom. xv. 26, 27.
Now, my friends, these Old Baptists are not so much
to blame after all, for they verily believe that these
quotations are the words of inspiration. And if it were
so, they would be strictly correct when they say that it
cannot be proven by Bible testimony that either of the
old apostles ever preached for a stipulated salary, or ped-
dled the gospel out for money, as do my missionaries.
But it seems from the reading of the above so-called
Scriptures that these contributions are reckoned as alms
to the poor downtrodden minister of God, who is reck-
oned as the ox, and is as dependent upon the laity and
friends for sustenance as is the ox upon his master's
crib, whose mouth is not to be muzzled. And the tread-
ing out the corn is reckon :d as the preaching of the gos-
pel, which is not to be hindered by withholding of car-
nal things from the servants of the church, or ministers
of the gospel : which carnal things are not reckoned as
a debt for services rendered, but as a Christian duty.
And that the same unerring Spirit that stimulates the
minister of God to go and preach the unsearchable riches
of Christ, and to preach it without money and without
price to the poor and afflicted -aims of God, will also
stimulate the recipients of this heavenly message to
minister to the poor oxen ers) of thier carnal
things, in proportion as the Lord has prospered them.
They further teach that the church conferences of my
missionaries are legislative bodies, instead of being-
ecclesiastical bodies, and that my missionaries enact laws
that are not known in the Bible, which laws are for the
purpose of establishing new institutions and inventions
that will compel the laity to pay their preachers, from
the fact that the members who are converted and bap-
tized into the church by my ministers are destitute of
this propelling Spirit that stimulates the true minister to
go and preach, in h istained, and that stim-
ulates all true >aints to give alms to the support of their
pastor, servant or preacher. And that the converts of
my missionaries are compelled to have a law to make
them pay their preachers, and that some of the more
wealthy members pay largely in their public meeting-.
in order to make a display of their liberality and render
themselves conspicuous and popular in the community,
so that their merchandise and other pursuits may yield
them larger profits. And that there are a few of the
true and chosen people of God in their legislative churches
who have been deceived and captured by the craftiness
of these legislative churches, who pay our preachers
from motives inspired by the spirit of truth, who think
that they are doing God's service.
My friends, these are grave accusations against the
doings of my missionaries, and all intelligent people
know that it is nothing more than a mental hallucina-
tion of old Paul and these Old Baptists, and my advice
to you is to pay as little attention to it as you possibly
can ; for all sensible people know that these so-called
Scriptures that seem to justify their theory of the plan
of salvation are not the words of inspiration, but are the
words of an insane Paul, and are the tenets of a bigoted old
fogy denomination, and ought never to have been re-
corded in the New Testament Scriptures ; and nothing
but time and our New Translations will ever eradicate
these pestiferous dogmas from the memory of these Old
Bed & Co. — With much anxiety and expectation we
have listened to thee, Lord, and have been both edified
and disappointed. We have been edified in the great
expositions that you have made of the fabrications of
those old writers, beside being much interested in your
advice to us as to the proper course to pursue in our de-
portment toward these Old Baptists, who are such a ter-
ror to our plans of spreading the gospel. But we have
been lost in disappointment and our hopes have not been
gratified as we had expected with a suitable remedy for the
extermination of their pernicious dogmas. What a
blessing it would have been in all generations had those
so-called Scriptures, which prove their tenets to be true,
never gone into type ; for we have made many efforts
to explain their theory away. And when we apply Eng-
lish literature to the chapters and verses that they rally
around for succor, we utterly fail to make it mean any-
thing but what they say it does, although we know it to
be mere fiction and a misinterpretation of your meaning
at the time it was written. But it will take years to
beat it into the heads of these Old Baptists, for we have
brought our ablest talents and literary men accompanied
with common sense, against them, but aU to no purpose,
and we think it will ever stand thus with them while the
Scriptures read as they do at present. And to tell you
the truth, sir, their aspirations in religious matters never
run above what they are pleased to call the old paths,
and they emphatically say that Christianity is not a pro-
gressive science, and they are content to grope along in
the old way, as though this was not an age of improve-
By the authority of Paul and others of the old writ-
ers, these Old Baptists have merged into a theory of re-
demption that bids defiance to the most learned of our
theologians, and is in direct opposition to all our mission-
ary schemes.
They say that all for whom Jesus Christ covenanted
with the Father to save were merged into sin by their
federal head, Adam, and were alike sinners with the
children of perdition, and are by nature the children of
wrath, even as others, (Eph. ii. 3,) and that the law
knew no mercy, but demanded stern justice, which
justice inflicted the punishment of death and banishment
from the peaceful presence of God, and makes no allow-
ance for the ignorance of its tenets, and therefore cor-
poreal and spiritual death are inevitable results in the
satisfaction of a divine law, and that all who fell under
this law of justice would be banished from the peaceful
presence of a just God, upon the hypothesis of God sav-
ing the people upon the theory of justice being meted
out according to our just deserts. " For all have sinned
and come short of the glory of God." — Rom. hi. 23. "The
thoughts of foolishness is sin, and the scorner is an
abomination to men."— Prov. xxiv. 9. "Therefore by
the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in
His sight : for by the law is the knowledge of sin."—
Eom. hi. 20. "Because the law worketh wrath: for
where no law is, there is no transgression. "—Rom. iv. 15.
" For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to
every one that believeth. "—Rom. x. 4. " Who also hath
made us able ministers of the New Testament ; not of
the letter, but of the spirit : for the letter killeth, but the
spirit giveth life."— II Cor. hi. 6. And that the souls for
whom Christ died especially, (not in a common, or time
salvation) were bought with the blood of Jesus, they
being ten thousand talents indebted, and not a farthing
to pay with, (see parable Mat. xviii. 23) sold under sin by
their federal head, Adam, who left them no inheritance
but the law of works to pay with ; which works, accord-
ing to the writings of Paul, and others of the inspired
writers, were not a legal tender for the debt of sin, and
condemnation justly followed the law of works.
It therefore required the blood of Jesus to redeem these
favored ones from the condemnation of this holy law, as
per agreement between the Father and the Son before
the world began. ' ' For by one offering he hath per-
fected for ever them that are sanctified.'' — Heb. x. 14.
And that this blood covenant is typified in the old
Testament Scriptures by the blood of the lamb on the
lintles of the doors of the people of God, in time of the
passover, (see Ex. xii.) and that all the saints of God
were chosen in Christ by covenant between the Father
and Son, and in time is developed, and is made manifest
in their daily walk as Christians, and that this blood will
be evidenced by then pious lives and godly conversations,
and that they will be passed over by the destroying
angel on the day of final retribution, because of the evi-
dences of the blood of Jesus on the lintles of their
They say that these favored ones, prior to regeneration,
are completely bankrupt, and are wholly unable to com-
mence paying the price of redemption, and illustrate
their theory by supposing that A owes B ten thousand
dollars in American gold, and that A is an invalid and a
bankrupt, and cannot even commence the payment, and
that justice demands that A pay the debt promptly at
maturity, without any equivocation, mental reservation
or secret evasion ; and that B prosecutes his claim to the
last extremity of the law, which law knows no mercy,
and would punish A with death, or imprisonment in the
dark confines of outer darkness throughout eternity. In
this dreadful extremity C steps in as a mediator between
A and B, and says to B, who represents the law, Sir, I
have a blood relationship to this man A ; he is bone of
my bones, and flesh of my flesh ; and he cannot die nor
go into prison. I have the American gold, and I will
buy him out of this dilemma, and set him free, and the
debt shall be remembered against him no more forever.
In this figure they say that A represents a poor con-
victed sinner who has been quickened into spiritual life
by the quickening influence of the Holy Spirit upon his
heart, softening his stony heart, unstopping his deaf ears,
and opening his spiritual eyes, so that he sees, hears and
knows his wretched condition by nature, and that he has
violated the laws of God, which laws know no mercy, but
demand justice, which justice would send him to endless
perdition, knowing that " The heart is deceitful above all
things and desperately wicked : who can know it ? " —
Jer. xvii. 9. And that when all human efforts have
failed, which efforts are always resorted to for refuge,
until the poor hell deserving sinner, as he sees himself to
be, has worked himself into complete bankruptcy, upon
the Arminian plan of redemption, hoping to bring God
under obligation to save him upon a principle of good
works, he then despairs of salvation by the deeds of the
law, or good works, which law condemns and does not
justify. And is represented by B in the figure, who de-
mands full payment, death or imprisonment. At this
auspicious moment, on the part of B, who represents the
law, C steps in and represents Christ in the satisfaction
cf the law, and reveals himself to the poor lost sinner in
the pardon of his great debt of sin, that the deeds of the
law of works could not satisfy, and reveals himself to
him, "the chief est among ten thousand, and altogether
lovely," being his kinsman in flesh and spirit. "Even
so we, when we were children, were in bondage under
the elements of the world ; but when the fullness of the
time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman,
made under the law, to redeem them that were under the
law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the spirit
of His Son into your hearts, crying Aboa, Father. Where-
fore thou art no more a servant, but a son ; and if a son,
then an heir of God through Christ. "—Gal. iv. 3, 8.
" That we henceforth be no more children tossed to
and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby
they he in wait to deceive ; but speaking the truth in
love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the
head, even Christ." — Eph. iv. 14, 15. "For no man ever
yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it,
even as the Lord the church ; for we are members of his
body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall
a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined
unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." — Eph. v.
29, 31. " But this man, because he continueth ever, hath
an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able to
save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him,
seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." —
Heb. vii. 24, 25.
Now, sir, these Old Baptists can with apparent ease use
these illustrations and bring up Bible testimony in sup-
port of their theory that actually mocks our theory of
redemption, and positively puts our legal institutions of
salvation by grace (on conditions that we accept the terms
of salvation) to flight, as though God was going to reject
us if we obey the law of good works, and accept salva-
tion as the result of obedience to the law of God. They
positively claim, from Bible authority, that our deeds of
good works prior to regeneration condemn us. "Know-
ing that a man is not justified by the works of the law,
but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed
in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith
of Christ, and not by the works of the law ; for by the
works of the law shall no flesh be justified." — Gal. ii. 16.
And with such Scriptures as these, combating against
our* theory, we actually become discouraged, and know
not what to do, while the present translation of the Bible
is recognized. And we call upon you with much fervency
of prayer to hasten the time when the miserable heresies
will be wiped from the face of the earth, and establish a
Bible that will approbate and save men in accordance
with their deeds of merit, in working for the cause of
the Master ; for we know that it is impossible for the God
that we serve to save people who sit upon the stool of do-
nothing, and reject others who are all the time engaged
in some good work for the promotion of the cause of God
in the salvation of sinners. The doctrine of those old
writers and these Old Baptists are in direct refutation of
the passages of Scripture upon which we base our theory,
and they claim that with our construction of the mean-
ing or definition of these Scriptures there would be an
incompatibility in the Scriptures of divine truth that dare
not exist in the Bible ; and that all that is written in the
Old and New Testament Scriptures is in perfect har-
mony, when properly understood, and that the Script-
ures that seem to sustain our theory are inferential and
nothing more than warnings to the child of God ; and
that these inferential Scriptures must yield to positive
declarations, and that the "wills" and "shalls" must
have the precedence. " Whosoever is born of God doth
not commit sin ; for his seed remaineth in him : and he
cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children
of God are manifest, and the children of the devil : whoso-
ever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he
that loveth not his brother. "—I John hi. 9, 10. " Peter,
an aspostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered
throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Beth-
ynia ; elect according to the foreknowledge of God the
Father, through sanctification of the spirit, unto obedi-
ence and sprinkling of the blood of Jesns Christ : Grace
unto you, and peace, be multiplied. Blessed be the God
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to
His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively
hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that
fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, who are
kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation
ready to be revealed in the last time. "—I Pet. i. 6. " For
this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws
into their mind, and write them in their hearts ; and I
will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people ;
and they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and
every man his brother, saying, know the Lord ; for all
shall know me, from the least to the greatest." — Heb.
viii. 10, 11.
" But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the
mother of us all. For it is written, rejoice, thou barren
that bearest not ; break forth and cry, thou that travail -
est not ; for the desolate hath many more children than
she which hath a husband. Now we, brethren, as Isaac
was, are the children of promise. But as then he that
was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born
after the spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what
saith the Scripture ? Cast out the bondwoman and her
son ; for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with
the son of the free woman. So then, brethren, we are
not children of the bondwoman, but of the free." — Gal.
iv. 26, 31. "And when the Gentiles heard this, they
were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord ; and as
many as were ordained to eternal life believed." — Acts,
xiii. 48.
Now, sir, these Scriptures are positive declarations,
and are perfectly incompatible with the Scriptures that
seem to sustain our theory of free agency and apostasy.
But these Old Baptists can reconcile them with apparent
ease with their system of compatibility and harmony of
the Scriptures. And the more fully to convince you of
the ingenuity of the old fogies in baffling the skill and
arguments of the most lordly of our experts in theology,
we will quote to you some of our favorite texts of Scrip-
ture, and give you their arguments, and show you the
ease with which they harmonize them with their dogma
of special election : ' ' 0, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that
killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent
unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her
wings, and ye would not." — Mat. xxiii. 37. "The Lord
is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count
slackness ; but is long suffering to usward, not willing
that any should perish, but that all should come to re-
pentance." — II Pet. hi. 9.
"And it repented the Lord that He had made man on
the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." — G-en. vi. G.
"And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of
his death ; nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul. And
the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over
Israel."— I Saml. xv. 35. 4k And God saw their works,
that they turned from their evil way ; and God repented
of the evil that He had said that He would do unto them ;
and He did it not." — Jonah ii. 10.
Now, sir, these Old Baptists contend that Jesus Christ
was verily God and verily man, and that he possessed all
the divine attributes of God, and all the sympathetic
attributes of man, and was like unto man in every par-
ticular except sin ; and that the Father carried his
humanity all through the days of old, and that there has
never been a time with the Father that the humanity of
Jesus was not with him, and that this humanity or sym-
pathetic nature of Jesus did all of this "grieving," "re-
penting," "sorrowing," "rejoicing," and "changing," that
we have been accusing the Father of doing. Otherwise,
they say, the Father would be changeable, and would
not be as represented in the following Scripture : " Every
good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and
cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is
no variableness, neither shadow of turning." — James i.
17. They further contend that the humanity of this
same Jesus dwelt in the very bosom of heaven until his
advent into this world, and that after doing his Father's
will on earth he returned to his primitive glory with the
Father in heaven ; and that before, during and since his
advent, he had a perfect right, being clothed with this
humanity, to make laws regulating the passions of his
fellow human beings, and to revoke them at his will ;
and as this body of Jesus was an incorruptible body,
that it could not glory in the punishment of human
beings. He therefore grieved, repented, sorrowed and
rejoiced, with their miseries and joys, and revoked the
chastising sentences of the law at his pleasure, and re-
joiced when suffering humanity was relieved.
This same Jesus was prophesied by the prophets of
old, and it is said, " He is despised and rejected of men ;
a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief."' — Is. lhi. 3.
And that the human sympathy of this same Jesus would
have gathered the children at Jerusalem, as a hen gath-
ereth her chickens, and would have encircled the whole
Adamic family with an everlasting salvation, had he
been allowed by the Father to execute this human will,
just as you and I would do. But he emphatically de-
clares that * • All that the Father giveth me shall come to
me ; and hhn that cometh to me I will in no wise cast
out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own
will, but the will of Him that sent me. And this is the
Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he
hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it
up again at the last day. And this is the will of Hhn
that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and
believeth on him, may have everlasting life ; and I will
raise him up at the last day.*'— St. John vi. 37, 40.
''Saying, Father, if thou be wilhng, remove this cup
from me : nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done."
— Luke xxii. 42.
Hence they say it is evident from these quotations
that he had a human will, as well as a divine will, and
that while the divine will of the Father was dealing with
the souls and spirits of men, his human will was dealing
with the fleshly passions of men, and had forever been
a high priest over the human passions of men, as far as
he was permitted by the will of the Father ; he therefore
had a perfect right to make laws, and revoke them at
his will, when it did not conflict with the will of the
Father. " Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy
power, in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of
the morning : thou hast the dew of thy youth. The
Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest
for ever after the order of Melchizedek." — Ps. ex. 3, 4.
" For this Melchisedek, king of Salem, priest of the most
high God, who met Abraham returning from the
slaughter of the kings, and blessed him." — Heb. vii. 1.
"Without father, without mother, without descent;
having neither beginning of days nor end of life ; but
made like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest contin-
ually."— Heb. vii. 3.
Now, sir, they say that this high priest was a type of
this same Jesus before he was manifest in the flesh, and
that he came down from heaven, not to do this priestly
human will, but the will of the Father. And from the
fact of a former contract with the Father, he was under
obligation to come down from heaven, and suffer and
die specially for every one that the, Father gave him.
And the Father was under equal obligation to the Son to
give him every one that was agreed upon. Therefore as
a man he made laws, and revoked them, and as a God
he did the will of the Father, whose decrees are irrevoc-
able, or he would not be unchangeable. And in confirm-
ation of the whole matter, they have only to refer us to
the supplications of Jesus in his prayer to the Father, to
shut our mouths and deride our arguments.
"I have glorified thee on the earth : I have finished
the work which thou gavest me to do. And now,
Father, glorify thou me with thine own self, with the
glory which I had with thee before the world was." — St.
John vii. 4, 5.
They further say that if Jesus had asked for additional
glory, it would have been presumption of a grave mag-
nitude, and that he would have been asking the Father
for more than was given to him in the covenant of re-
demption ; and that by heirship none others were eu ti-
tled to the inheritance, except the heirs of promise that
had been given to the Son by the Father before the world
began ; and that the Son was perfectly happy before the
world began, being in full possession of all that the
Father had given him in body and spirit, he being com-
posed of the body of all the saints from the commence-
ment to the end of time ; and their body and spirit
being his body and spirit, he was perfectly happy with
this eternal union of body and spirit. And that by
agreement he and the Father created man as the natural
progenitor of the entire human family, and that all
along through time " as many as were ordained to eternal
life believed, " (Acts xviii. 48) by the Father inspiring them
with that belief, by sending forth the spirit of His Son
into their hearts, and quickening them into spiritual
life. " And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth
the spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba,
Father." — Gal. iv. 6. And that the Father draws them
to Jesus by his love. ' ' The Lord appeared of old unto
me, saying, yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting
love ; therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. "
— Jer. xxxi. 3. And that they being his kinsmen in
flesh and spirit ; and that when this revelation is made
to them in their conviction, conversion and regeneration,
it is impossible for them to resist this love that is mani-
fest in them, in their transition from nature to grace.
And that this heavenly family having been made mani-
fest in the flesh through the medium of their natural
progenitor, Adam, and being deluged by him into sin.
" For if by one man's offence death reigned by one,
much more they which receive abundance of grace and
of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one,
Jesus Christ." — Eom. v. 17. "For as by one man's dis-
obedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience
of one shall many be made righteous." — Rom. v. 19.
And that the heirs of promise were by nature like the
heirs of perdition, "and were by nature the children of
wrath, even as others." Therefore by special contract
there must be an offering for sin in the person of Jesus,
who knew no sin, he having lived in perfect obedience
to the law. He having satisfied the demands of the law
with his righteousness, the sins of the people, whom the
Father gave him, were imputed to Jesus, and they are,
or rather were, saved by an imputed righteousness, and
not by any righeousness of their own ; for the law re-
quires perfect obedience. " For all have sinned and come
short of the glory of God." — Eom. hi. 23.
And that from the fact of this eternal union of Christ
and his people, Jesus left the climes of glory by contract
with the Father, and made his advent into the world, and
took upon himself a body of flesh and blood. " For
what the law could not do, in that it was weak through
the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of
sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh, that
the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who
walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." — Eom. viii.
3, 4. They further contend that this heavenly family
were in Jesus Christ from all eternity, and that his
righteousness was imputed to them from all eternity in
the mind of the Father, and that in time this imputed
righteousness of Jesus is manifested to them, in their
conviction, conversion and regeneration, being born of
that incorruptible seed, or Spirit of God. Jesus therefore
prays the Father for the same glory that he had with
Him before the world was, and does not ask for any ad-
ditional glories, but would be perfectly satisfied with the
same glory, without any diminution or addition of the
souls of men.
Had Jesus conferred with the human sympathies of
flesh and blood, of which he had taken a part, he would
have saved the whole human family with an everlast-
ing salvation ; but he came down from heaven not to do
this, but to do the will of the Father ; and the Father's
will is, "That of all that He has given me I should lose
nothing."— St. John vi. 29.
Now, sir, if this doctrine be true, and all this heavenly
family that were elected and chosen in Christ before the
world began, and who are so sure to merge back into
Christ at the final consummation of all things, upon the
hypotheses of election and final perseverance, we must
acknowledge our utter inability to see the necessity of
preaching the gospel, and hence the fallacy of Jesus com-
manding his disciples, "Gk> ye into all the world, and
preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved ; but he that believeth not
shall be damned." — St. Mark xvi. 15, 16. And we much
desire that you edify us on this particular subject.
Arminian's GrOD. — My friends, before I attempt a so-
lution of these questions, permit me to inquire, are these
things true ? Of course, with the present translation of
the Bible, these Old Baptists are well fortified, and with
their construction of its teachings they are able to re-
pulse our ablest divines. I can only tell you what these
Old Baptists teach, and give you their feigned reasons
for thus teaching, and then admonish you as to the great
plan of saving souls through the medium of my mission-
aries, whom I command and commission to go and carry
the gospel to those who are destitute of its glorious and
life giving principles, and who are dying and going to
endless perdition for want of more evangelical ministers,
who carry the very essence of the gospel in their hearts,
and lisp its soothing fragrance upon the lintles of the
hearts of all that will receive it upon the hypothesis of
our broad platform of free agency. Only hear their
quotations and interpretations : "For the preaching of
the cross is to them that perish foolishness ; but unto us
which are saved it is the power of God. For it is writ-
ten, and I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will
bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. "—I
Cor. i. 18, 19. "For after that, in the wisdom of God, it
pleased God by the f oolishness of preaching to save them
that believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the
Greeks seek after wisdom." — I Cor. i. 21, 22.
Now, sirs, these Old Baptists claim that this spiritual
understanding is only communicated to those who are al-
ready saved, and that they stood saved in the eternal
mind of God, and that they do not have to be saved, but
that they are saved already, and that in time this spirit-
ual wisdom is revealed to them, and that the preaching
of the gospel saves them from seductions and error in
this world, and that by obeying the mandates of the Mas-
ter, by following him into the liquid grave, and being
buried in the ordinance of baptism, and by being encir-
cled in the pales of the church as established by Jesus
Christ and his apostles. But that this salvation has
nothing to do with the eternal destiny of the chosen peo-
ple of God, but is the answer of a good conscience toward
God, in that of obeying His precepts and examples. And
that this kind of tuition was to the Jews a stumbling
block, and unto the Greeks, foolishness, (I Cor. i. 23) and
that my missionaries are to-day as were the national
Jews and Greeks, and are therefore spiritually blind.
"The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now
save us, (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,
but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ." — I Pet. hi. 21. And that
the preaching of the gospel is for the purpose of edifying
and saving the chosen people of God in this mode of ex-
istence, and has nothing to do with their final destiny,
and that all spiritual communications are made to a
quickened and spiritual people, by the omnipotent power
of God, independent of all the effort systems that have
ever been instituted by man. " But the natural man re-
ceiveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; for they are
foolishness unto him : neither can he know them, be-
cause they are spiritually discerned." — I Cor. ii. 14.
They further contend that it would have been unwise
in the Master to have sent His apostles to preach to a
people that had no spiritual discernment, and who were
dead to spiritual things ; and that it was not the office
of the preacher to preach spiritual lif e into them, as there
is no spiritual life in preaching ; but that the subjects of
God's amazing mercy must be made alive by the quick-
ening influence of the Spirit of God before they can hear
with that spiritual precision that is peculiar to God's
chosen and regenerated people. For the natural dead
cannot hear natural things, neither can they impart
natural life ; therefore the spiritual dead cannot hear
spiritual things, nor can they impart spiritual life nor
hear spiritual things until spiritual lif e is communicated
to them ; and that the preaching of the gospel will not
put spiritual life into them, but that when life is com-
municated to them by the opera^jon of the Holy Spirit
upon their hearts, they are then able to see, hear and
understand spiritual things, and are then ready to re-
ceive and feast upon the preached word of Jesus Christ
and his inspired writers. They further teach that all
the epistles in the New Testament Scriptures are addres-
sed to the church of God, and to no one else, and that
Jesus Christ and his apostles would have been stupid to
have addressed it to those who were carnally minded.
" For to be carnally minded is death ; but to be spirit-
ually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind
is enmity against God ; for it is not subject to the law
of God, neither indeed can be/' — Kom. viii. 6, 7. And
that God has never set up but one church ; and there is
but one Lord, one faith and one baptism ; and that my
missionaries have many lords, many faiths, and many
baptisms ; and that none but the regenerated people of
God can understand the spiritual dealings of God upon
his chosen vessels of mercy. And that my missionaries
have no right to claim any of the spiritual dealings of
God upon His people as taught in the Scriptures, but
should hold strictly to the theory of salvation by works,
as the Scriptures will not allow "grace" and "works"
to be mixed in our eternal salvation. " And if by grace,
then is it no more of works ; otherwise grace is no more
grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace ;
otherwise work is no more work." — Kom. xi. 6. But
that when my missionaries are made willing by the
mighty influence of God's Holy Spirit to give up all the
institutions of the world for Christ's sake and follow
Christ in baptism, and be buried with Christ in baptism
by a legal administrator, and then follow the pattern
laid down by Christ and his apostles, in all the ordin-
ances of his established church, without taking anything
therefrom, or adding anything thereto, leaving all the
world and its concomitant vehicles of salvation, to be
held to and participated in by those of the world who
love the world and its institutions better than they love
the church of Christ, then my missionaries will be enti-
tled to the privileges of the church of Christ, and can
claim the Scriptures as their spiritual counselor, as well
as their moral, historical and literary guide.
For many years I have impressed the various orders
of my missionaries to slander the Old Baptists, in order
to carry our theory into its fullest effects ; and I still
think it best to misrepresent them. From the fact that
the Old Baptists teach that the Scriptures are only writ-
ten to the church, and that none but regenerated sinners
can understand the Scriptures in their spiritual bearings,
I have had my missionaries to positively assert from
their pulpits, to their various auditories, that the Old
Baptists positively refuse to preach to any except the re-
generated people of God, or what they are pleased to call
the church, on the pretext that the others could not see,
hear nor understand with that spiritual wisdom that is
peculiar to the people of God. But the Old Baptists
through all ages have positively declared this accusatiou
to be false, and that they are commanded to sow the
seed of the gospel broadcast, for they know not who the
people of God are, and could not presume to single them
out in a congregation ; but that God knows them, and at
His own appointed time His Spirit will accompany the
preached word, and that it will carry conviction to the
dead sinner's heart ; and that this divine inspiration is
like unto a light shining in a dark £>lace, illuminating
the dark understanding of the then poor, sin-polluted
sinner as he then sees himself to be, the reality of which
he had been completely dead to up to this time. But he
now cries out in the anguish of his soul, "Lord, be mer-
ciful to me, a poor, sin-polluted sinner. " And that his
very soul from thence until his deliverance is filled with
supplication to the throne of mercy for deliverance, until
the appointed time of the Father. And that when de-
liverance comes, supplications are turned into praises and
thanksgivings to God for thus delivering such a poor,
hell-deserving sinner as he sees himself to have been ;
and that the poor, delivered child of God's mercy is
ready to exclaim, that if justice had been meted out to
him instead of mercy, his portion would have been reck-
oned among the damned. But he rejoices to know that
while the epistles were written to the church, provisions
have been made through the preached word that "He
that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
the churches." — Rev. iii. 13, 22, compared with Rev.
xxii. 16. "I, Jesus, have sent mine angel to testify
unto you these things in the churches." And these Old
Baptists say that preachers are not angels, but that
angels are messengers direct from heaven, conveying
these glad tidings to the hearts of the people composing
the churches, and that Christ's body is not divided, and
that these churches are separate organizations for the
sake of convenience, but are all the same body in Christ
Jesus, and that they preach the same doctrine, and have
the same Lord, the same faith, and the same baptism.
" For no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth
and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church. For we
are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,
and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be
one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concern-
ing Christ and the church. "— Eph. v. 29, 33. Therefore
these Old Baptists say that a man must be made willing
by the Spirit and power of God to leave all his pet soul
saving machineries as instituted by my missionaries,
and become willing to take Jesus Christ and his plan of
salvation for surety, without any of the common auxili-
aries that have ever been instituted by man, and if he
cannot do this, that it shows a manifest want of faith,
and that he is yet clinging to the traditions of his father
and mother, and not willing to risk Christ ; and that an
inspired apostle declares most positively, "They are of
the world, and the world heareth them ; " (but that) "we
are of God ; he that knoweth God heareth us. Hereby
know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. " —
I John iv. 5, 6. And that when my missionaries preach
the world hears them, because the unconverted have
no difficulty in hearing a man-pleasing preacher, because
their preaching is from natural reasoning ; therefore the
natural man receives it and feasts upon it, because it
feeds his natural and carnal propensities for self-aggran-
dizement. But to the spiritual minded Jesus has said,
" Blessed are your ears, for they hear," etc., and until
this blessing is given to us, we are but natural and have
no ability to hear or receive the things of the Spirit.
These Old Baptists further teach that Jesus has said un-
to the Father, " Father, the hour is come," etc. " I have
manifested thy name to the men which thou gavest me
out of the world : thine they were, and thou gavest them
me : and they have kept thy word. Now they have
known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me
are of thee. For I have given unto them the words
which thou gavest me ; and they have received them,
and have known surely that I come out from thee ; and
they have believed that thou didst send me. I pray for
them; I pray not for the world, but for them which
thou hast given me ; for they are thine. And all mine
are thine, and thine are mine ; and I am glorified in
them." " I have given them thy word, and the world
hath hated them, because they are not of the world,
even as I am not of the world." — St. John xvii. 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 14.
They actually challenge my missionaries to show
another denomination except the Old Baptists that
preach this doctrine as set forth in these texts of Scrip-
ture. They therefore claim that they are the only or-
ganized church of Jesus Christ under the canopy of
heaven, and verify their assertions by undeniable proofs,
and say that of ail people on earth, they are hated worse
(for contending for this doctrine, by those composing
what they are pleased to call the Antichristian churches)
than all other denominations combined, as did the world
hate the disciples and doctrines of Jesus Christ.
They say that those who accuse the Old Baptists of
not preaching to sinners, but to the church only, are
willfully misrepresenting the Old Baptists, provided they
have ever observed the tenets of the Old Baptists ; for
they have ever preached to sinners, whenever a door has
been opened unto them, to whoever may be present,
whether the sinner hear or not ; and that the reason why
the enemies to the doctrine of the Old Baptists accuse
them is because they dare not give the children's bread
to any but children, and withhold it from dogs, (Mark vii.
27.) And that what my missionaries mean by preach-
ing to sinners is to tell them to repent and believe the
gospel, and that they can repent and believe the gospel
if they will, upon their own volition or will ; and if they
do not, that they will be damned. The Old Baptists say
that Jesus and his apostles did not so teach, and that
there is not a word of gospel in such preaching, and that
such preaching is strictly false, and that repentance is as
much the gift of God as is the remission or forgiveness
of sin. "In meekness instructing those that oppose
themselves, if God peradventure will give them repent-
ance to the acknowledging of the truth." — II Tim. ii.
25. " Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be
a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel
and forgiveness of sins." — Acts v. 31.
Eld. Beebe says, " Before I attempt to give you my
understanding of those passages to which you have call-
ed my attention, I wish to premise first, that all revela-
tion by the unerring Spirit of God to the saints is made
to their faith, not to their reason. We are called to walk
by faith, not by sight ; and to look not at the things
which are seen, but at the things which are not seen ;
for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things
which are not seen are eternal. And, ' Faith is the sub-
stance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen.' — See II Cor. v. 7 ; iv 18 ; Heb. xi. i. What there-
fore God reveals to our faith is not to be doubted because
of the blindness of our mental powers to comprehend it.
The faith of Abraham impelled him to move forward,
not knowing whither he went. The carnal mind (even
of the Christian) receiveth not the things of the Spirit of
God ; for they are foolishness to the natural man (or
mind) ; neither can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned. You cannot discipline or educate
Note. — We hope to be pardoned for using a few extracts that are in
point, from the facile and illustrious pen of the late Eld. Gilbert Beebe,
of N. Y., (in writing to a dear sister,) whose pen and inspired mind we
could not presume to equal, and whose demise we deplore.
your reasoning powers so as to comprehend the things of
the Spirit ; for if that could be done, the conflict between
the flesh and the Spirit would cease.
You seem to think that if the Lord would give you
light on the one point, everything else would be clear; but
it is like the poetic idea of ascending the Alps ; as we
gain what had appeared to be the summit, still we find
Alps on Alps appearing. And finally we with the apostle
will, after all that we can know is known, have to ex-
claim, ' the depths ! ' The one perplexing point, if I
rightly understand you, is that on which we have con-
versed, namely, is the gospel to be preached to the un-
godly ? And is the preaching of it to them a means by
which they are to be quickened or born again? To
these questions I can only repeat my former replies.
The ' gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world, for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the
end come.' — Mat. xxiv. 14. ' Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature.' — Mark xvi. 15.
Both the commission and the example of Christ and his
apostles show that the proclamation of the gospel is to be
made unrestrictedly to all, which justifies Christ's min-
isters in preaching wherever a door is opened, without
first excluding from the assembly all who are not born
again. And this preaching to a mixed multitude is not
to quicken them, but is for a witness : and what does it
witness ? It witnesses or discriminates between those
who are and those who are not born again ; for he that
hath an ear to hear will hear ; and as on the day of pen-
tecost, they will gladly receive the woiv ; while all who
are dead in sins will fail to receive it. It is a savor of
life unto life to them that are born of God, and of death
unto death to them that perish. Jesus has said. ' As the
Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them, even so
the Son also quickeneth whom he will.' Is there any
other way or means by which the dead can be quickened \
i Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my
word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath (not shall
or may have) everlasting life.' — John v. 21, 24. The
hearing of the gospel, and the reception of it as a wit-
ness, proves that the hearer and recipient of it has already
passed from death unto life. Xone but God himself can
make the dead hear, as He made Lazarus hear ; and this
He will do, for He says, ' The hour is coming, and now
is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God,
and they that hear shall live. 3 — John v. 25. Can any
other voice penetrate the dark domains of death, and
quicken the dead ? The gospel is glad tidings to the
meek. — Is. lxi. 1 ; Luke iv. 18. Is the preaching of
Christ's gospel or glad tidings to any others ? Tor unto
us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them; but the
word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with
faith in them that heard. '— Heb. iv. 2. Faith is the fruit
of the Spirit. Do any who are dead then possess faith ?
Can any who are destitute of faith mix faith with the
hearing of gospel preaching ? If they cannot mix faith
with the hearing of the preached word, can they be pro-
fited by the preaching I VTe in preaching say to all men,
as our Lord said to Nicodemos, ' Except a man be born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' But that
saying or preaching is not gospel or glad tidings to those
who would prefer to be saved in some other way. The
sovereignty of God. predestination, election, regen-
tion and the new birth, the preservation of the saints by
grace to eternal glory, with all promises, instructions.
admonitions, laws and ordinances of Christ, is gospel.
because it is glad tidings to the meek, to the heaven-bom:
but it is not gospel, because it is not glad tidings, to those
who hate it. It is not mixed with faith in those who
have no faith, and it cannot profit them."
These Old Baptists teach that anv other doctrine ex-
cept the doctrine of the Bible, as exemplified by Elder
Beebe. is the doctrine of Antichrist, and is therefore not
the gospel of Christ. Because the world loves all other
doctrines, and all other doctrines affiliate and nego-
tiate with the loved institutions of the world, and run
after them, and reject the doctrine of the Bible as
taught by the Old Baptists, because it is the doctrine as
formulated and preached by Jesus Christ and his apos-
tles. They say that the blessed Savior taught his dis-
ciples, when he was about to leave them. " Ye have not
chosen me. but I have chosen you. and ordained you that
ye shall go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should
remain ; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in
my name. He may give it to you. These things I com-
mand you that ye love one another. If the world hate
vou. ve know that it hated me before it hated vou. If
ye were of the world, the world would love his own ; but
because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you
out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." — St.
John xv. 16, 20. "I have given them thy word, and the
world hath hated them, because they are not of the
world, even as I am not of the world." — St. John xvii.
14. " Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you."
— I John hi. 13. They say that through his apostles he
has taught them to "Have no fellowship with the un-
fruitful works of darkness." — (Eph. v. 11.) And that
these works of darkness are the religious institutions of
men that are so zealously contended for by the religion-
ists of the churches of Antichrist, and that when the
children of God become entangled with these religious in-
stitutions, and the church continues to hold them in
church fellowship, that she is unfaithful to Jesus Christ,
who has said, " Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the un-
clean thing ; and I will receive you, and will be a Father
unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith
the Lord Almighty." — II Cor. vi. 17, 18. And that such
church members are falling away from the pattern of
Christ, and are claiming citizenship with those who are
strangers to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and are therefore
disloyal to the mandates of the Captain of their salvation.
Elder Beebe says, in his letter to the sister, "But I will
attend to the passages to which you referred. First,
Ezekiel hi. 16, 22. ' Son of man, I have made thee a
watchman unto the house of Israel. ' Why not the house
of Esau, and to everybody else ? Because the word of
the Lord confined his charge to the house of Israel ; and
if He had extended his watchcare to any other house or
people, he would have disobeyed the Lord. He was com-
manded to receive his instructions at God's mouth and
from no other source. The house of Israel was the
family of Israel, God's peculiar people; to that house, and
to no other, God sent His prophets. To them, and to no *
other people, He gave His law, as a covenant of works.
And if the prophet Ezekiel had attempted to apply that
law to the heathen nations round about them, and called
on the Gentiles to wrangle with Israel, to be circumcised,
and to worship in the temple at Jerusalem, he would
have transgressed the commandment of his God. The
law and the priesthood of the house of Israel differed
from that of any other people. That law provided that
when an Israelite had done wickedly, if he should turn
from his wickedness and do that which was lawful and
right, bring his sin offering to the priest, etc., he should
be restored to his place and privileges in that house, and
his wickedness should not be remembered. And if a
righteous Israelite should turn from his righteousness
and violate the law, his former righteousness should not
be remembered. The responsible position of Ezekiel, as
a watchman to the house of Israel, imposed on him the
duty to receive the word at the mouth of God, and bear
that word in every case precisely as he had received it
from God. Hence we find him bearing his messages to
Israel, and to her kings, her prophets and her priests,
saying, ' The word of the Lord came unto me, saying/
etc. These, or similar words, preceded almost every
message that he bore to them. As a watchman, he was
to stand in the watch-tower, and watch for the word of
the Lord ; and when the word of the Lord came to him,
declaring either good or evil to the house of Israel, or to
any who were of that house, he was to deliver his mes-
sage faithfully, or he was charged with the consequence
resulting from his negligence or disobedience.
Now the house of Israel under the law was a type of
the gospel church under law to Christ ; and the prophet
was a type of, first, Christ as the prophet and bishop of
his people, and secondly, of those who are called of God
to the gospel ministry, to take the oversight of His flock.
And the law which Israel was under was typical of the
law and discipline of the gospel church. The law of
Christ requires the gospel watchman to speak to the
house of God, the church, the true and anti-typical house
of Israel ; and the charge upon them is to bear no
message that they have not received at the mouth of God,
and faithfully to deliver or bear every word to the
church, and to all who are of the household of God, just
as they have received it from God ; and if they add to it,
God will add to them the plagues which are written ; or
if they take from it, God will take from them their part
out of the book of life, and out of the holy city. — See
Eev. xxii. 18, 19. Life and death by the law, to the
children of Israel, prefigured gospel standing and fellow-
ship in the gospel church, or expulsion therefrom by the
laws of the kingdom. If a gospel minister, as a watch-
man on the walls of Zion, departs from the word of the
Lord, fails to declare his word faithfully to the saints,
or if he adds to the word of the Lord, preaching what he
has no ' Thus saith the Lord ' for, whatever his standing
has been, the laws and the discipline of the house of God
will expel him from the holy city (the church) and erase
his name from the registry of the living in Jerusalem.
Death to the offending Israelite, under the law of
Moses, answers to or is typical of exclusion from fellow-
ship under the gospel. I cannot dwell as fully on every
point as I would wish, without making my letter too
1 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am
pure from the blood of all men ; for I have not shunned
to declare unto you all the counsel of God,' (Acts xx.
26, 27,) to which you call my attention, appears to me
both confirmatory and illustrative of what I have writ-
ten on Ezekiel hi. 16, 22. Paul assured the Elders of the
gospel church that he had not shunned to declare all the
counsel of God. As a faithful watchman he had faith-
fully delivered to those Elders and to the churches every
word that he had received from the Lord, and therefore
stood acquitted from the blood of all who in the churches
should disregard the counsel of the Lord, and lose their
standing in the church thereby. He was not responsible
for their heresy or disorder, for he had faithfully warn-
ed them, and with tears. And now, as he knew that he
should see these Elders no more, he takes the opportun-
ity to exhort them to do as he had done ; for he recog-
nized them also as watchmen, having been made over-
seers of the flock of God, (but of no other flock,) to feed
the church of God, which He hath purchased with His
own blood.
As watchmen they were to look out for those things
which he knew would take place after His departure,
and to faithfully warn the church of God to beware of
wolves, and also to be on their guard against those of
their own selves, who should rise up speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them, ' Therefore
(he charged those Elders as watchmen,) watch, and re-
member, that by the space of three years I ceased not to
warn every one night and day with tears.' And yet he
knew that some of these very Elders whom he had so
faithfully warned would not heed his warnings; but he
was pure from their blood, or from responsibility for their
apostasy. But I cannot find here any admonition to the
Elders to divide their watchcare, and bestow a part of
their labor outside of the church of God, which He has
purchased with His own blood, nor to try to persuade
those grievous wolves, which should come, to change
their wolfish nature, and become harmless lambs and
A few words now on the last passage you referred me
to : 'To open their eyes, and to turn them from dark-
ness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God,
that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance
among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. '
■ — Acts xxvi. 18. This text beautifully expresses, in
strong figurative words, the work to which God called
Paul, and I believe it also shows what is the work of the
gospel ministers generally. Let us see. ' To open their
eyes ;' that is the eyes of those Gentiles to whom the
Lord sent him. Now what would be the effect of open-
ing the eyes of a dead man ? It certainly can be done.
Experiments by galvanism have been made on dead
bodies, causing their eyes to open, and other movements ;
but can a dead person see any better with the eyes open,
than when they are shut ? But apply the figure, as it
is evidently intended, to those unto whom God has given
spiritual life. When Jesus quickened Lazarus from the
dead, and called him out of his grave, he came forth a
living man ; but a napkin was on his face, and had to be
removed before he could see. We cannot think the re-
moving of the napkin while he was dead would have
made him see. Your own case, my dear child, is in
point. I have every assurance that you have passed
from death unto life ; but you complain that there are
some things you cannot yet see ; you have been laboring
long to understand the true meaning of these Scriptures
which you have called my attention to. You say it
seems to you that if the Lord would give you light on the
one point, everything else would be clear. Now you
certainly have eyes to see, or you would never have seen
your lost condition, or the salvation that is in Christ
Jesus. As the apostle says, Eph. i. 18, 'The eyes of
your understanding being enlightened, that ye might
know what is the hope of his calling,' etc. The great
object of the preaching of the gospel is to edify and en-
lighten the living children of God ; and as when onr
eyes are closed, the light being thereby excluded from
them, they require to be opened that they may see and
enjoy the light, so Paul was sent to the Gentiles to open
their eyes. He did not open the eyes of all the Gentiles,
but those to whom God sent him. For God had a people
among the Gentiles, who were sitting in darkness,
surrounded by idolatry, and he was sent to enlighten
them, and i to turn them from darkness to light.' God's
living children are frequently involved in darkness ; but
when the glorious light of the gospel shines even unto
them, the preaching of the word dispels the darkness,
and being delivered from the power of darkness, they
gladly turn from it and have no fellowship with the un-
fruitful works of darkness, but walk as children of the
light. 'And from the power of Satan unto God.' It
is said of God's children, that they ' were some time
darkness ; but now are ye light in the Lord.' But as the
light of the gospel is life (' In him was life, and the life
was the light of men, ') so until they were quickened no
preaching could possibly enlighten them, nor turn them
from darkness to light. And in the darkness of death,
in which they all were by nature involved, they were in
the power of Satan, led captive by him at his will. But
being now born of God, they have eyes to see, and ears
to hear, and hearts to understand ; but still they require
the gospel ministry to open to their view the things of
the kingdom. The Gentile converts to whom God sent
Panl required the instruction which was sent them from
God, who is the Father of lights, to open their eyes, en-
lighten their understanding, and deliver them from the
errors they had cherished, and so deliver them from
Satan's power, and lead them in the way of truth and
righteousness. God had forgiven their sins and put
them away by the one offering of Christ ; but the joyful
reception of that forgiveness could not be felt or known
until the eyes of their understanding were opened to
know what was the hope of their calhng. When en-
lightened by the Spirit, and instructed by the preached
word, instead of continuing longer to commend them-
selves to God by the works of the law, they gladly re-
ceive the word, which assures them that all the pro-
visions and promises of the gospel are unto them, and to
their children, and to all them that are afar off, even as
many as the Lord our God shall call, and then do they
receive the forgiveness of their sins from him who is ex-
alted a Prince and a Savior, to give repentance to Israel
and the forgiveness of sins. This gift of repentance and
remission of sins, being given to them as the children of
God and heirs of immortality, is a part of their inheri-
tance and establishes their interest in common with all
the sanctified in all the fullness of the inheritance of the
saints in light. They that are sanctified, consecrated,
set apart to be saints and heirs of this divine inheritance,
are so distinguished by faith, which is in God."
I have now shown to you, my friends, from the facile
and illustrious pen (as these Old Baptists are pleased
to call it) of one of the leading disciples of his day, the
culminations of this heretical doctrine that they so viv-
idly bring to bear upon the minds of those that they
claim have been so powerfully illuminated by the Spirit
of God shining into their hearts, making that great
specialty that has been such a terror to me and my mis-
sionaries through all the days of antiquity up to the
present ; and their eloquence is almost equal to the elo-
quence of Paul, who was also one of their great standard
bearers, and their arguments are almost as conclusive as
Paul's were when he was arraigned before King Agrippa
and got permission to speak in his own defence, and
said, "Whereupon, King Agrippa, I was not disobed-
ient unto the heavenly vision." — Acts xxvi. 19. And
they are equally bold in their assertions, regardless of all
the intimidations and mockery that my missionaries can
throw around them.
I now see that we will have to add many new inven-
tions to our missionary mills, before we will be able to
check their onward march to victory ; and even then I
fear that my disciples will not be able to compete with
them. Their forces are truly small, but their soldiers are
valiant and well disciplined, or they could never stand be-
fore such an array of musketry as surrounds the vaults
of my missionaries, and our cause is doomed to go down
into the habiliments of disgrace and ruin forever, should
we suffer such a defeat from such stupid intellects and
inferior numbers.
And as our old system of straw beds in altars, to pro-
tect the clothing of our finely attired convicts, while
shouting and rendering praises to me and my mission-
aries, has become stale and obsolete to some extent in
its effects, I would advise you to follow the very in-
teresting examples of my beloved disciples, Maj. Penn,
Moody and Sankey, and others, whom I have impressed
with the importance of a religious circus. This idea
was conceived from the multitudes that attended the
amusement circuses of Messrs. Eldrid, Eobinson Eey-
nolds and others, of the United States and the Old World,
and the vast amount of income that was incident to
their menageries and side shows. And you well know
that our motto is, not to be beaten at anything that will
foster to the salvation of souls, and the support of my
missionaries. These old ideas of straw pens, altars,
camp-meetings, protracted meetings, anxious benches,
etc., as instituted by one of my most lovely disciples, to-
wit, John Wesley and his disciples, and afterwards
adopted in part by one of my proudest modern disciples of
Missionary Baptist notoriety, to- wit, Andrew Fuller and
his disciples, has been a great lever in the salvation of
many souls. But as machinery grows old and stale, new
wheels and leverage must be added thereto, if we would
keep pace with the age. I would therefore advise you,
as soon as you can accumulate a sufficiency of money,
that you purchase a large cloth tent, made of heavy
ducking, that will cover near or quite a half -acre of land,
in which to hold your revival meetings, and at the same
time have you several thousand circulars struck, and
send them in advance of you, stating when you will be
at a certain town or community, and that you will con-
tinue the meeting from day to day until all the material
who perchance can be induced or hoodwinked and cast
into our missionary hopper, and ground through our
missionary mill, and made into confirmed missionary
Christians. After which you will move to some other
locality ; not forgetting, however, to take up several
collections while you stay ; for you well know that every
business that is worth following must be self-sustaining,
and the good people will ever be ready to pay you liber-
ally for the vast amount of spiritual and moral good
that you have done in their community. Another good
idea is, that when you send your circulars in advance of
you, publishing your appointments, that you select by ap-
pointment some live Christian, within the limits of the
prospective meeting, who will circulate a very feeling
subscription among the good people, who are always
zealous in their efforts to have the people saved ; and
get as many obligations to have the meeting and minis-
try sustained as possible. This will always answer as a
kind of base, upon which the minister can act freely.
Beside which, it will give publicity to the meeting, and
cause many poor souls to come out and embrace salva-
tion, that would otherwise be lost. And, of course, the
more excitement you can get up, and the greater the
display that you make, the more attendance and converts
you will have.
In your revival meetings, you must not preach upon
the doctrines of the New Testament. If you do, you will
destroy the interest of the meeting. But you must
preach upon the subject of practical religion, and con-
clude with exhortation, anxious benches, and proposi-
tions in every conceivable shape that you can put them,
so as to beguile those who are too timid to be a hind-
rance to the cause of Christianity. And if, perchance,
there are some present who are too stubborn to accede to
your propositions, and who contend as do these Old Bap-
tists, that your system is the system and religion of Anti-
christ, which system they are admonished in the New
Testament to touch not, nor handle, lest they become
partakers of your evil deeds, all such you can at once
brand with infidelity, and say to them that they are
there as monuments or pillars of stone, for the hind-
rance of the gospel, and that their influence will be reck-
oned against them on the day of final retribution. Per-
haps in another decade the above stratagem in soul sav-
ing will become inert, as has Mr. Wesley's and Mr. Ful-
ler's plan, at which time the emergency of the case will
suggest something new that will in all probability carry us
through many years, without our having to fall upon the
fogy pattern of Jesus Christ, his apostles, and these Old
Baptists. I would suggest that in all of your religious
exercises you watch the anxious benches, and those who
are affected in the congregation, and especially the
youths, many of whom are exceedingly timid in mat-
ters of religion, and send the old sisters and gray-headed
sires, who are zealous of good works, to pray with and
admonish them ; and if they succeed in wilting them
down, and extract from them tears of contrition, you can
then with complacency have the old sires and matrons
take them by the hand and escort them to the altar or
to the anxious benches, where you can with impunity
tell them to repent of their sins, and that they can repent
if they will, and if they will come to Jesus right, which
is entirely within their power, that you will pledge them
your soul for theirs if he does not bestow the blessing.
Of course, many of them will find out that if the New
Testament is true you have miserably lied to them ; but
you know that it is only true in part, but you must pre-
tend to believe it all. But such as impeach your honesty,
unless they are well skilled in the Bible, which is not
common with the young, you will soon be able to repulse,
by making them believe that they themselves are the
liars, by telling them that they did not come to the altar
or to the anxious benches right ; that there was some
secret sin that they did not give up, that they could have
given up if they would. But if you happen to meet with
one who understands and accepts the present translation
of the Bible, who tells you that repentance is a gift,
freely bestowed, and that it is not merited on account of
good works, which gift, according to apostolic teachings,
he cannot secure by works of obedience to the law, and
that according to the teachings of the New Testament
this gift is freely bestowed at a time when it was least
expected, and of course unsought for, my advice to you
would be to let that personage alone, or laugh at his
ignorance in a jocular way, and find some excuse to get
into other society as soon as you can, or he or she, as the
case may be, will expose your cause and injure your busi-
ness. I would further advise, that when you have been
successful in securing several mourners at your revival
meetings, that you select several of the most pious and
sanctified Christians to take charge of these mourners,
and put them under rule, and not suffer them to associate
with the unconverted, until their conversion has been
made complete. These pious Christians, of course, must
talk and pray with these mourners, and must not fail to
have them attend each hour's service at the church or
canvass, and they must constantly persuade them that
their sins are forgiven, and that they feel sure that it is
their duty to join the church ; and that " he that know-
eth the Master's will, and doeth it not, shall be beaten
with many stripes," and that if they will discharge their
duty by connecting themselves with the church, they
will experience a peace of mind that they have never be-
fore realized. About this time it will be the duty of the
minister to see them, and confirm all that has been said,
by rehearsing his own experience, and making it harm-
onize with the travail of the new convert. And of a
truth my friends, nine out of ten, when all these mani-
pulations are brought to bear upon them, will acknow-
ledge that they have been changed, and will without fur-
ther hesitancy join the church. And then for these Old
Baptists to say that our missionary mills will not grind
out good Christians, is all homespun and bosh.
It is further advisable in your revival meetings that
you have a few old sisters who are well disciplined in
exhortation, shouting and singing praises to your God,
and a few old brothers who are gifted in offering up
eloquent and exciting prayers ; and when the excitement
is in full blast, your minister or some zealous old brother
should relate, by way of exhortation, some miserable
death-bed story of some wretched dying infidel or re-
ligious skeptic, and contrast the scene with the death-
bed joys of some pious old Christian, and point out in
sympathetic strains of eloquence, the miseries of the one
and the joys of the other, and then appeal to the dying
congregation to come to the altar and anxious benches
where prayer will be offered in their behalf to a throne
of grace for the pardon of their sins ; and that if they
fail to embrace the golden opportunity that is then
offered to them in securing their eternal salvation, it
may be that it will be too late, and that before another
opportunity is offered they may find themselves in the
awful habiliments of a never ending hell.
About this moment the sympathetic tears will be trick-
ling from every eye in the audience whose heart has
been touched. And you should lose no time in sending
the old sisters and brothers through the auditory to hunt
out the timid mourners and conduct them to the altar
and anxious benches for prayer to be offered for the sal-
vation of their poor afflicted souls. And the minister
should lose no time in branding those who would
not yield to the excitement, with infidelity and skep-
During this excitement, some poor mourning soul
whose nervous temperament predominates all the other
temperaments of the physical organism, will in all prob-
ability swoon or go off into a religious trance, and have
to be borne away, to give nature a chance for resuscita-
tion. This, my friends, is one of the most powerful,
conclusive evidences to an audience of the genuineness of
our cause ; for there really seems to be something in it
that is supernatural, and it acts more powerfully upon
the human senses than the most gigantic freak of leger-
demain in a sleight-of-hand show.
Under all of these convincing circumstances of the
justness of our cause, if there should be any of the be-
lievers or disciples of these old predestinarian, tight-fisted,
iron-jacket, hard-shell, forty-gallon, brown-jeans, close-
communion, vulgar, feet-washing, always-right, and
everybody-else-wrong, kind of Baptists present, they
will just simply wilt under our influence. And should
they attempt to disabuse the minds of the people, as they
would term it, and claim that our conversions are a freak
of hallucination, or mental delusion, produced from ani-
mal excitement or human sympathy, and that it is des-
titute of the seasoning efficacy of the grace of God,
and attempt to quote any of the old apostles, prophets,
or Jesus Christ, to prove their position, and to tell you,
"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace,
as in all churches of the saints " (I Cor. xiv. 33); and that
it is reproachful for the old sisters to exhort and pray
aloud in the churches of the saints, " Let your women
keep silence in the churches ; for it is not permitted unto
them to speak ; but they are commanded to be under
obedience, as also saith the law. • And if they will learn
anything, let them ask their husbands at home ; for it
is a shame for women to speak in the church." (I
Cor. xiv. 34, 35). But that God suffered such confusion
in the churches of Antichrist ; so that all the saints who
have been taught in the school of heaven, and who have
been under the discipline and tuition of the true and
faithful ministers of Jesus Christ ; will be able to see
the discrepancy between those who serve their God in a
tumult, and those who serve God in quietude, as becom-
eth all genuine Christians. But public opinion is so
fully convinced in our favor that nothing but a super-
natural, power could convince them, and that no such
miraculous conversions, as their eyes have witnessed in
our religious exercises, could be otherwise than genuine.
And these old fogies, in many instances, will actually
shrink from speaking their sentiments, because public
opinion will frown them down, and hiss them from
society. You have science, intellect, numbers and pub-
he opinion on your side, and have nothing to fear, ex-
cept their so-called Bible quotations ; and with your in-
genuity you can always pervert and evade them in such
a way as to keep public opinion in your favor.
When your meeting is over, it will be the duty of some
live, energetic Christian to canvass the town or commu-
nity in which you have held the meeting, with a very
feeling and sympathetic appeal to the good people, by
way of subscription, in the interest of the treasury of
the Lord, to pay the minister an extra fee for the great
sacrifice that he has made, in leaving his wife and dear
ones, and the churches of his home, who required all
his time and energies, but that he had torn loose from
them for a short time, and had come a long distance, to
save the inhabitants of the town or conmiunity. Of
course you will get several dollars, halves and quarters,
many of which will be given reluctantly ; but the people
will give them in order to keep pace with society and
public opinion.
I have now advised you as best I could, in a systematic
programme of saving souls, but do not intend to limit
you in means and instrumentalities. Should you at any
time see that new wheels or new cogs to the wheels of
our missionary mills would foster to the salvation of
souls, you will at once introduce them ; for I verily be-
lieve that the time is approaching when our present, sys-
tem will become stale, and will fail to sustain my mis-
sionaries. At which time I would advise that you re-
quire and accept admission fees, before you allow the
people seats inside our canvas or missionary circus. Of
course many persons will pay it, rather than take the
chances of losing their souls.
Many of our fine city churches require rents for pews
now, which is the same thing in substance. According
to the present laws of our land and nation, it would be
unlawful for us to receive admission fees for any kind of
menagerie without paying taxes, and of course some evil
one would take advantage of the law and expose our
cause before the courts, and in all probability prove that
our fees were for selfish motives, instead of being in-
tended for the advancement of Christianity. And should
they use the law of the present New Testament to prove
the correctness of true Christianity, they would inflict
heavy penalties upon us. Before you adopt this plan
you had best send lobbyists to your legislatures and have
them manipulate with the members, and repeal the law
in such a way as to allow a religious circus to exhibit
without taxation.
These Old Baptists may howl and claim that your
theory is not authorized by the teachings of the New
Testament, and is therefore in violation of the laws of
high heaven, and repulsive to all saints who have been
educated in the school of heaven. But how was it pos-
sible for the writers of the Old and New Testaments to
have known the exigencies of the religion of the present
age? It might have answered every purpose in their
day, but positively fails to meet the indications of the
nineteenth century.
Much of what they have written is left in such a form
that it has a tendency to confuse instead of enlighten
my missionaries as to the proper means to be used in
the conversion and salvation of the people of the present
These Old Baptists may contend that the Old and New
Testament Scriptures are exactly in harmony, and that
they were intended to govern all the saints, and that
they are indeed their monitor or guide, and will be a com-
pass to all regenerated saints, from the commencement
to the end of time ; and that any person or persons, or
corporation of Christians, or so-called Christians, who
transcend or fall short of their prescribed metes and
bounds, are guilty of a trespass against the laws of high
heaven, and are therefore subjects of punishment, as
prescribed by the New Testament. The Christian who
is a violator of the law is punished by afflictions in many
ways, and repentance, but is finally saved through the
atonement and blood of Jesus Christ. The so-called
Christian who has never been regenerated and born
again is also punished with many trials and afflictions,
but without that godly sorrow or repentance that need-
eth not to be repented of, and are lost or banished
from the peaceful presence of God. They will further
tell you that the pattern is left upon record, from the
first of Genesis to the last of Eeveiation, and that the
pattern forbids the Christian or man ol God from doing
anything in a church capacity, or otherwise in the ser-
vice of God, that is not specified in the word of God, but
commands all the regenerated people of God to do all
that is written in the New Testament, as a church ordin-
ance or Christian duty. They will commence with Abra-
ham, and defy you to prove that Abraham ever went be-
yond the limits of the Lord. They then refer you to
Moses, who obeyed the Lord and stopped, except on one
occasion, when he spoke in anger to the children of
Israel, for which he was severely punished. Noah did pre-
cisely as God commanded in building the ark, and went
no further. They will carry you to all the old partri-
archs, and defy you to prove that they ever went fur-
ther than the Lord commanded, without receiving the
chastisement annexed to disobedience. They will then
call your attention to the old prophets, to wit, Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc., and ask you for heaven's
sake to show them where it is upon record that they
wrote or did anything by way of serving God, only as
they received instructions from the angel of the Lord,
and then waited patiently for another order from God.
They will tell you that Jonah refused to obey the com-
mands of God, and for a punishment he was caused to
be swallowed by a whale, and lay in the belly of hell for
three days, and was vomited up on dry land, and was
made willing, even anxious, to obey the Lord by preach-
ing to the Ninevites. They will refer you to the fifteenth "
chapter of 1st Samuel, where Samuel was sent by the
Lord to Saul, who was to be anointed king over Israel,
saying to Saul, " Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly
destroy all that they have, and spare them not ; but
slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and
sheep, camel and ass." — I Samuel xv. 3. And when
Saul returned to Samuel he reported, " I have performed
the commandment of the Lord. And Samuel said, What
meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and
the lowing of the oxen which I hear ? " — I Samuel xv.
13, 14. Saul rendered an excuse, and said that these fat
animals were brought along by the people, and were not
destroyed, that they might be sacrificed to the Lord. And
for Saul's disobedience the kingdom of Israel was rent
from him, and was given to one of his neighbors, who
was more obedient to the commands of the Lord. They
will also tell you that these fat animals that were brought
along, in violation of the commands of the Lord, under
the pretence of a sacrifice to the Lord, that were to have
been utterly destroyed by Saul, are a type of the fat things
that my missionaries carry with them, under the pre-
tence of sacrificing them to the Lord. And instead of
their idols being named oxen, sheep, camels, asses, etc.,
they are called fat salaries, foreign missions, home mis-
sions, executive committees, publishing societies, theo-
logical schools, Sunday schools, together with all the
other institutions and commandments of men that are
taught for doctrines, which the Lord has commanded
shall be utterly destroyed. " Touch not, taste not, han-
dle not ; which all are to perish with the using ; after
the commandments and doctrines of man." — Col. ii. 21,
22. "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for
doctrines the commandments of men." — Mat. xv. 9. And
that for carrying these fat things, and teaching these
false doctrines, my missionaries shall be rent from the
kingdom of Israel, (the church) as was Saul. And that
the lowing of the oxen is a type of the bellowing of the
nobles of my missionaries for more money to be sacri-
ficed to the Lord in the building up of giant religious
monopolies, in the shape of orphan homes, sectarian
schools, theological schools, etc., of which they them-
selves are to be the instructors ; who tell you that their
lives and all their energies shall be spent in said institu-
tions, for the salvation of the people and their posterity,
that would otherwise be lost. And that the bleating of
the sheep typifies the more congenial voice of the smaller
fry of my missionaries, in their importunities to the
laity and friends for more means and instrumentalities
to be offered as a sacrifice to the Lord to save the Amale-
kites (heathen) from endless perdition, whom the Lord
has commanded that they shall be utterly destroyed.
They will then refer you to the tenth chapter of
Jeremiah and the sixth chapter of Amos, and con-
demn all your instrumental church music, and accuse
you of serving your God mechanically, instead of fol-
lowing the pattern of serving God in spirit, by sing-
ing songs of praise with the spirit and with the under-
standing. Your decorated altars and organs they will
call idols, and they will prove that the use that you make
of them is typified in the Scriptures as idolatrous wor-
ship, and that the true Israel of God has ever received
punishment when they presumed to transcend the pattern
of God in their zeal to gratify the arrogance of human
They will then carry you to the book of Exodus, and
show you where God caused the children of Israel to
borrow the jewels of the Egyptians, which jewels they
did not return to their owners, and that God suffered the
Israelites to carry the jewels across the Eed Sea, that He
might punish them with their borrowed jewels, when
they presumed to disobey the commands of Moses, who
received instruction from God. And the children of Is-
rael murmured against Moses, "And Aaron said unto
them, Break off the golden earrings which are in the ears
of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters and
bring them unto me." — Exodus xxxii. 2. And when
Aaron had made the jewels into a molten calf, and pre-
pared an altar, they worshiped before the idols, and call-
ed them the gods of Israel. And for a punishment G-od
caused Moses to burn the calf and grind it into powder ;
and he strewed it upon the water, and made the children
of Israel drink of it. And that this punishment upon
national Israel for their disobedience to the commands
of God as a nation, through the medium of Moses, is a
type of the punishment of spiritual Israel (church) when
she disobeys the mandates of heaven, through the med-
ium of Jesus Christ, who is the antitype of Moses. And
that all the true Israel of Christ's spiritual kingdom who
have at any time connected themselves with the Anti-
christian kingdoms (false churches), who by affiliating
with those kingdoms are bidding them God-speed by par-
taking of their evil deeds, has and will ultimately have
to drink deep of the bitter waters that are poisoned with
the powdered jewels that they have borrowed of the na-
tions of Antichrist, (false churches.) After reciting
many other allegories and examples of punishment upon
national Israel for disobedience to the commands of God,
prefiguring the punishment of spiritual Israel for their
disobedience to the mandates of heaven, they will carry
you to the New Testament, (which is a complete testi-
mony of the fulfillment of the prophecies and forerun-
ners in the old Testament,) and defy you before high
heaven to show them where it is upon record in the
sacred volume of truth that the apostles or the disciples
of Jesus Christ ever transcended or fell short of the pre-
scribed commands of the great Captain of their eternal
salvation, without receiving the punishment annexed to
their disobedience ; but in all things did precisely as com-
manded by the King of kings, before their work was re-
ceived and accepted by the great Kedeemer of souls.
They will tell you that in the fourth chapter of St.
Matthew, where the devil was trying to tempt Jesus,
"Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt
not tempt the Lord thy God." (Claiming himself as the
devil's God ; and, indeed, the devils in hell are subject
to his commands, and obey him.) " Again, the devil
taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and
showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the
glory of them, and said unto him, All these things will
I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then
said Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan ; for it is
written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him
only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him ; and
behold, angels came and ministered unto him." But
that my missionaries have accepted the propositions of
the devil, and have affiliated with the kingdoms of this
world, (false churches and other institutions that are not
authorized by Jesus Christ) and are actually worshiping
the grandeur, arrogance and wealth of these kingdoms,
more than the church or pattern of Jesus Christ, and
are destitute of that Christian grace or fortitude that
would say, "Get thee hence, Satan;" and are running
after other gods, ignoring the command of high heaven,
" Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only
shalt thou serve."
They further teach that my missionaries bind heavy
burdens upon the people, and refer you to the following
Scripture, "For they bind heavy burdens and grievous
to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders ; but they
themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
But all of their works they do to be seen of men : they
make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders
of their garments, and love the uppermost rooms at
feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues." — St. Mat.
xxiii. 4, 7.
They further teach that the Old School or Primitive
Baptists are the only organized body of saints under the
canopy of heaven that follow the precise pattern of
Jesus Christ, without any variableness or shadow of
turning, in all of the church ordinances and Christian
duties, as prescribed in the New Testament Scriptures,
without any additions or diminutions of so-called church
ordinances and Christian duties. "Go ye, therefore,
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teach-
ing them to observe all things whatsoever I have com-
manded you ; and lo, I am with you always, even unto
the end of the world. Amen. 1 ' — Mat. xxviii. 19, 20.
And that there is no inducement that could be offered
that would cause them to observe anything as an auxili-
ary to assist Christ in the designs of his gospel, or to
further the accomplishment of the great Author of their
eternal salvation. And should they presume to do so,
that they would be doing violence to the commands of
high heaven ; for they are admonished in the 18th and
19th verses of the last chapter of Eevelation, neither to,
add to nor take from under a heavy penalty. They
must therefore preach truth and expose error. Preach
the gospel of Jesus Christ and nothing else. Preach
Jesus Christ and him crucified, and nothing more.
Preach repentance to sinners, and stop. Baptize those
who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ ; who believe that
Jesus shed his blood especially for those whom the
Father gave him before the world began, and no one
else. Receiving as candidates for baptism those who
can give a satisfactory reason of their hope in Christ
Jesus, and no one else.
Rejecting all who are not willing to submit to the ordi-
nance of baptism by immersion, as taught by Jesus
Christ. Requiring all to be baptized by a regularly or-
dained minister of the gospel, and rejecting the baptism
of all so-called ministers of the gospel who are in disorder
by affiliating with the kingdom of Antichrist, (false
churches and the institutions of the world.) Also requir-
ing all the saints who are in the fellowship of the church
to partake of the Lord's supper, wash the saints' feet,
look after the poor of the flock, and care for the necessi-
ties of their pastor in a proper way. Sing hymns of
praise to God, and in their prayers thank God for His
many blessings and mercies that He has bestowed upon
them, and implore Him for a continuation of the same,
together with all things that He has enjoined upon them
to pray for ; and that His will be done in all things, and
not theirs ; and that it would be mockery in the sight of
God for them to dictate to God what they would have
Him do for them, as do my missionaries. And that the
commandment of Jesus Christ and his apostles to go
and preach the gospel, forbids them from preaching any
other doctrine than the doctrine of salvation by grace,
independent of all the auxiliaries that have ever been in-
stituted by the devices of men or devils. " For by grace
are ye saved, through faith ; and that not of yourselves ;
it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should
boast."— Eph. ii. 8, 9.
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach
any other gospel unto you than that which we have
preached unto you, let him be accursed." — Gal. i. 8.
These Old Baptists will actually mock you, by telling
you that you do not believe the Scriptures, and that if
you did you would be ashamed to adopt their teachings,
and that you are too vain to be governed by their ordin-
ances and duties ; and that many of you are too dignified
to reproach the elegance of your raising by submitting
to the lowliness of the examples and precepts of Jesus
Christ's teachings ; and that you are compelled to per-
vert the meaning of the Scriptures to accommodate your
devices in evading the ordinances and duties as pre-
scribed by Jesus Christ and his apostles. And that if
this was not the case, and you were actually children of
God's mercy and grace, you would not be willing to per-
vert the Scriptures, but would be willing, yea, anxious,
to go down into the water, even before a multitude, and
be buried with Christ in baptism, according to the pat-
tern of Jesus Christ. You would also be willing to
humble yourselves in the very dust of humility, and lay
aside your garments, and gird yourselves with a towel,
and wash the saints' feet, as exemplified by Jesus Christ
and his apostles, as well as to partake of the emblems
of his broken body and spilt blood. " Whosoever
therefore shall be ashamed of me and my words, in this
adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the
Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of
his Father with the holy angels." — Mark viii. 38.
" And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came
from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in
Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water,
he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove
descending upon him."— Mark i. 9, 10. " Know ye not
that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ
were baptized into his death ? Therefore we are buried
with him by baptism into death ; that like as Christ was
raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even
so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we
have been planted together in the likeness of his death,
we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection." —
Kom. vi. 3, 5. " Buried with him in baptism, wherein
also ye are risen with him through the faith of the oper-
ation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."—
Col. ii. 12. " And he commanded the chariot to stand
still : and they went down both into the water, both
Philip and the eunuch ; and he baptized him." — Acts
viii. 38.
They will tell you that there is no intellect that is so
tardy or bounding, who has been sufficiently humiliated
in their travail from nature to grace, whose human pride
has been killed to the common devices of human ingen-
uity, who does not know that the above quotations were
exemplified in baptism by immersion. And that it
would have been absurdly miraculous, and the idea
ridiculous, for Jesus to have come to John and demanded
baptism at his hands in the river Jordan, when sprink-
ling or pouring would have been equally valid ; and if
so, water could have been procured for such purposes at
any of the common watering places of f amilies or from
the small tributaries by the wayside. But it seems to
have required much water ; hence, how foolish it would
have been for Jesus to have gone down into a river of
water to get such a pittance of water as is required in
sprinkling and pouring. "Then cometh Jesus from
Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But
John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of
thee, and comest thou to me ? And Jesus answering,
said unto him, Suffer it to be so now ; for thus it becom-
eth us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway
out of the water {not from the water) ; and, lo, the heav-
ens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove, and lighting upon him." — Mat.
hi. 13, 17.
And that the humble saint of God must be buried with
Him in baptism, planted with Him, together with the
likeness of His death ; and that this baptism, burying or
planting, is a type of His death, burial and resurrection;
and that it is impossible for sprinkling or pouring to be
baptism, for the subject of baptism cannot be buried or
planted by this process, but must be immersed, in order
to correspond with the antitype. And that they cannot
feel themselves to be baptized until they have been buried
in baptism after the pattern of Christ. And that Jesus
Christ and Paul testify of but one baptism. " One Lord,
one faith, one baptism." — Eph. iv. 5. But that many of
my missionaries testify of three modes of baptism ;
sprinkling, pouring and immersion ; and they claim them
all as the pattern of Jesus Christ. This being the case,
Jesus was baptized three times, of which we have no re-
cord. And that Jesus testified to Mcodemus, " Except
a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he camiot enter
into the kingdom of God." — John iii. 5. And they ren-
der it thus : That being born of the Spirit of God is an
evidence to the child of God, of their eternal union with
Christ. " He that belie veth on the Son of God hath the
witness in himself. " — I John v. 10. Hence this new man
has a bright hope and promise of eternal life. " Who-
soever is born of God doth not commit sin ; for His seed
remaineth in him ; and he cannot sin, because he is born
of God." — I John hi. 9. But that being " born of water,"
independent of being " born of the Spirit," has nothing
to do with eternal life, but is the door "into the king-
dom of God," which is Christ's church militant. " The
like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save
us, (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but
the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ." — I Pet. hi. 21. And that
it is impossible to be born without you are first enveloped
in the substance out of which you are born. And as
baptism is one of the ordinances of Christ's kingdom,
(church,) it is obligatory upon every regenerated child of
grace to be buried with Christ in baptism, by a legal ad-
ministrator, before they can possibly claim church fel-
lowship with the baptized believers in Christ's church ;
and that one of the strongest evidences of being a fol-
lower and believer in Christ's kingdom is, "If ye love
me, keep my commandments." — John xiv. 15. And the
plain inference is that you must not, in a church sense,
keep any other commandments. "But in vain they do
worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments
of men." — Mat. xv. 9.
After bringing forth all this array of testimony in favor
of immersion being the only authorized mode of baptism,
and that Jesus and his apostles taught no other mode,
and that no ordained minister of Christ's kingdom dare
practice or receive any other, without violating one of
the ordinances of high heaven, for which a just punish-
ment would inevitably follow, and result in the mortifi-
cation and humiliation of the people of God, they will
then mock you by asking you for heaven's sake to show
them the chapter and verse in the New Testament where
sprinkling or pouring was practiced or recognized by
Jesus or any of his apostles as gospel baptism, or the door
into Christ's kingdom or church ; but that in every in-
stance where sprinkling or pouring is mentioned in the
New Testament it typifies or illustrates something that
is foreign to gospel baptism. They will positively chal-
lenge our system of baptizing infants, when it is patent
to every intelligent thinker that if there are any persons
under the canopy of heaven who are in that state of
innocency arid freedom from sin and the common
vices that are incident to riper years, which evils the
law and church requires total abstinence to secure
eternal salvation, it is surely the infant, of whom Jesus
hath said that the kingdom of heaven is composed ;
and then to deny them the right of baptism, is absurd and
ridiculous ; for such innocency is the composition and
element of heaven, and is so regarded by Jesus himself.
' 4 Then were there brought unto him little children,
that he should put his hands on them, and pray ; and
the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, suffer little
children, and forbid them not, to come unto me ; for of
such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands
on them, and departed thence." — Mat. xix. 13, 16. But
these Old Baptists will defy you to show them the chap-
ter and verse where Jesus or any of his apostles ever
baptized one of them, and are presumptuous enough to
undertake to prove that our interpretations of these
Scriptures are unwarranted perversions of the word of
God, and that the true meaning of them is foreign to
baptism. They will undertake to prove that these little
children that Jesus exhibits in these Scriptures are a
type of the regenerated children of God, who have been
humiliated in their travail from nature to grace ; and have
been made by the mighty influence of the Holy Spirit to
become as helpless and dependent upon Jesus for suc-
cor and help at a time of need when the poor child of
God had exhausted all his own strength, and had to give
up all hope of salvation from his own efforts, and had
fallen prostrate at the feet of Jesus, never to rise again
in his own strength, becoming as helpless and depend-
ent upon Jesus as the infant is upon its natural mother
or nurses for natural sustenance ; and that an infant is
the most helpless and dependent of all others of the
animal species, and has to be raised by its natural mother
or nurses to its mother's breast to receive natural food ;
and that in like manner the heaven-born child is equally
helpless and dependent upon Jesus and his church for
spiritual food, and has to be raised by Jesus in the par-
don of his sins, and given that spiritual nourishment
through the medium of the church aud her servants,
(ministers,) independent of the effort of the new born
babe of Christ ; which spiritual food is necessary to the
full development of spiritual manhood ; and that unless
you become thus like little children, you cannot enter
the kingdom. ' % And Jesus called a little child unto him,
and set him in the midst of them, and said, verily I say
unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little
children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little
child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.*' —
Mat. xviii. 2, 5. " Whosoever shall not receive the king-
dom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein."
Mark x. 15.
But you know that we baptize infants in lieu of circum-
cision, and that circumcision was instituted by Abraham
and Moses, under the auspices of God ; and that Moses
was a type of Christ ; and that when Christ came into
the world he fulfilled the law of Moses, and set up a new
dispensation, and instituted baptism as the antitype of
circumcision ; and we dare not neglect the baptism of
our infants, without hazarding their eternal salvation ;
because circumcision was positively enjoined upon all
Israel, who was at that time the favored people of God,
and was a type of His church. And we feel under equal
obligations to christen or initiate our children into his
church, by applying to them the holy ordinance of bap-
tism, leaving the visible marks of Christ's church upon
them, as was left upon the national babes of Israel, in
the circumcision of the Jews, under the law of Moses.
But these Old Baptists will ask you, in the name of
heaven's God, why do you baptize female infants or
female adults ; when there is not a verse or chapter in
the Bible that would even feign to establish the incon-
sistency of female circumcision ? And therefore your
presumed antitype for circumcision is as false as its
founders are inconsistent. But national Israel was really
a type of spiritual Israel. "For they are not all Israel
which are of Israel." — Rom. ix. 6. Showing conclus-
ively that they did not all belong to spiritual Israel that
were circumcised and belonged to national Israel ; but
that circumcision was a national mark put upon them to
distinguish them from other nations, and prevent them
from marrying, amalgamating, or affiliating with other
nations, as prescribed by God to the patriarchs and
Moses his law-giver, and has nothing to do with gospel
baptism. And that since the coming of Christ the anti-
type of this national mark of circumcision is and will be
written in the hearts of all spiritual Israel, and is mani-
fested in their daily walk and godly conversation, and is
as patent to the man of God as was the mark of circum-
cision to the law givers of national Israel. "For he is
not a Jew which is one outwardly ; neither is that cir-
cumcision which is outward in the flesh ; but he is a Jew
which is one inwardly ; and circumcision is that of the
heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter ; whose praise
is not of men, but of God."— Rom. ii. 28, 29. And that
in a gospel or church sense they are commanded by
Jesus Christ and his apostles not to marry, amalgamate,
nor affiliate with any other nations, (false churches and
other institutions of men not authorized by God,) but to
hold themselves aloft to any of the ordinances of men
that are not specifically authorized in the word of God,
lest they become partakers of their evil deeds. ' ' If there
come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive
him not into your house neither bid him God speed ; for
he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil
deeds." — II John 10, 11. In bidding them God speed
they subject themselves to the punishment that would
be inflicted by the law governing the church or spiritual
Israel, as typified by the punishment of those who
violated the law of national Israel.
They will assert to you that infants are not subjects of
baptism ; and that baptism hinges upon belief ; and
belief hinges upon testimony ; and that faith is the result
of belief ; and that the infant is not capacitated to receive
testimony and belief; neither can they act faith, and there-
fore cannot be received into the church upon the testimony
required of the saints. ' 'But sanctify the Lord God in your
hearts; and be ready always to give an answer to every
man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you,
with meekness and fear. "—I Pet. iii. 15. And that infants
cannot do this, and that the sprinkling and pouring, as
instituted for baptism, and the manner of receiving in-
fants into the church, is all mockery, not being author-
ized by God. "And He said unto them, Go ye into all
the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He
that believeth and is baptized shall be saved ; but he that
believeth not shall be damned.'' — Markxvi. 15, 16. They
contend that these apostles did go into all the then in-
habited world, and preached the gospel to every creature.
And that all to whom G-od gave spiritual ears, spiritual
eyes and a circumcised spiritual heart, did believe, and
were baptized by immersion into the church of Jesus
Christ. And that it is not upon record where the apostles
baptized any except those who did believe. And that
infants were wholly incompetent to receive the testimony
required to believe. And that the preaching of the
apostles was only a testimony or witness to those who
did believe after they had received the testimony of be-
lief through the operation of the Spirit, giving them
spiritual discernment, so that they could believe and be
baptized according to the command given by the Savior ;
and therefore infants are excluded from gospel baptism.
" He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved ; but
he that believeth not shall be damned." — Mark xvi. 16.
And, also, that even baptism is " not the putting away
of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good con-
science toward God." Therefore there is no eternal sal-
vation in baptism, consequently they say that our theory
would damn or send to endless perdition all infants who
have not arrived at the age of moral accountability.
And that we are compelled, according to these Scriptures,
to damn them for unbelief , because they are incompetent
to believe, and that baptism cannot secure for them eter-
nal salvation. And that the command to preach the
gospel to every creature was not designed to be heard by
natural infants, nor was it designed to be heard in a
gospel sense by larger children nor adults, except those
to whom God has given spiritual discernment. And
therefore my missionaries must be wanting in that spirit-
ual discernment that is peculiar to the saints of God.
They say that you have accused them of teaching that
there are infants in hell not a span long ; and they con-
tend that the accusation is strictly false, and that the
Old Baptists are the only organized body of saints under
the heavens that preach a positive infant salvation. They
say that the infant was saved in the covenant of grace
between the Father and the Son before the world began,
and upon the same principle of God's amazing mercy as
was the covenanted adult. And that God has quit sav-
ing and damning souls thousands of years ago, and that
all who are saved or lost were saved or lost in the coven-
ant between the Father and Son before the world was.
And all the lost have been lost from the commence-
ment of time, and that all the saved have been saved
from the commencement of time ; and that there are no
times with God, but is ever to-day with Him. "But,
beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day
is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand
years as one day." — II Pet. hi. 8. And that all things,
Present, past and future, were as much in open view to
God at the commencement of time as they are to-day, or
as they will be at the final consummation of all things.
" Remember the former things of old; for I am God,
and there is none else ; I am God, and there is none like
me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from
ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying,
my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." —
Is. xlvi. 9, 10.
Consequently He is not at present on any baby- saving
expedition, nor is He losing babies for want of belief or
baptism, but is manifesting His love and mercy toward
them all along through time, as it seemeth good unto
Him, and is taking them home to Himself at the time of
His own good pleasure. But that they believe that they
are regenerated in the hour and article of death ; but
they do not know this, it being one of the secrets known
to God. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our
God ; but those things which are revealed belong unto us
and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words
of this law." — Deut. xxix. 29. But that there is one
thing that they do know ; that there is one case put
upon record where there was one infant who, owing to
a powerful transition, leaped for joy in his mother's
womb. "And it came to pass that when Elizabeth
heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her
womb ; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost ;
and she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed
art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy
womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of
my Lord should come to me ? For, lo, as soon as the
voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe
leaped in my womb for joy." — Luke i. 41, 45. They say
that they cannot see why, if God would communicate
His Spirit to a babe in foetal life, that He should not be-
stow the same blessing upon babes in infantile life. They
further contend that it cannot be proven from Bible testi-
mony, that one of the heirs of perdition, one whom the
Father did not covenant with his Son to give him, ever
died in infancy, but that the command was given that
the tares should not be plucked up, lest the wheat might
be destroyed ; but they were to remain with the wheat
until harvest, and were not to be destroyed in infancy :
but at maturity they were to be gathered* and burned.
" The field is the world : the good seed are the children
of the kingdom : but the tares are the children of the
wicked one." — Mat. xiii. 38. But you well know, my
friends, that our motto is, Not to be beaten ; and if we
could ever succeed in convincing the youths of this, or
even the next generation, that our system of baptizing
infants is correct, and that infants are really subjects of
gospel baptism, and induce all orthodox churches to adopt
our system, we would then have all the infants of each
generation baptized at eight days old, according to the
pattern of circumcision, of which baptism is the anti-
type. We would then wipe out this old fogy believer's
baptism, the result of which would be to annihilate their
inconsistencies, and their present Bible, as translated by
King James. We would then be able to establish by
vote at the ballot box laws that would sustain our
Christian institutions and support our ministry.
Because we would all see eye to eye, and understand
the Scriptures alike, and would have no trouble in legal-
izing our local option and prohibition laws ; we could
impose our Sunday school literature and catechisms upon
all the children alike, and force them and their refractory
parents to accept our system of religion. And, in fact,
all our Christian and benevolent institutions could be
legalized, of which institutions the present Bible is silent
upon ; in consequence of which these Old Baptists are
ever harping upon our innovations upon primitive doc-
" Then they that gladly received His word were bap-
tized ; and the same day there were added unto them
about three thousand souls." — Acts ii. 41. Xow, my
friends, all intelligent people know that it would have
been impossible for Peter to have baptized three thou-
sand souls by immersion in one day, and that of necessity
he was compelled to have sprinkled the water upon them
in groups, to have accomplished such a wonderful work
in so short a time. We will suppose, for the sake of
reason and argument, that Peter did baptize them by im-
mersion, and that he used twelve hours in the day ; he
would have baptized one about every fourth of a minute;
and if he used the twenty four hours in baptizing them,
he baptized one about every half minute ; and you know
that it requires more time than this to repeat the shortest
ceremony that could be used in a legal gospel baptism;
Besides this, Peter would not have had time to obey any
of the laws of health, and his physical system would have
completely given way for want of rest and nourishment.
But these Old Baptists will tell you that the eleven
apostles were there, (Judas having abandoned them in the
betrayal of the Lord,) all of whom were legal adminis-
trators of the ordinance of baptism, and were actively
engaged in the work of the ministry. And should they
have used twelve hours in the day, they would have bap-
tized about two hundred and seventy-two persons each,
and would have consumed about two and three-fourths
minutes with each. And if they had used twenty-four
hours, they would have baptized one about every five
and a half minutes. See Luke x. 1 . And you will see that
the Lord appointed seventy others and clothed them with
the same authority. And should they, or any part of
them, have been present, it would have made the task
much lighter, and no person's health o.r constitution
Wi >ald have been injured, and much time would have
been given for preaching and exhortation. After all this
systematic reasoning and mathematical research, they
will tell you that those three thousand souls that were
added to the disciples on that memorable occasion were
not necessarily compelled to have been baptized on the
day of their belief or conversion, and that the text does
not say that they were baptized on that same day, but
that they were added to the disciples, by gladly receiving
Peter's words ; and that baptism could have easily been
deferred until another time, giving Peter ample opportun-
ity to have baptized all of them, without violating any
of the laws of health. But you know that Jesus Christ
would not have instituted such indecencies as immersion
and feet washing, as church ordinances and Christian
duties, and impose it upon the female members of his
church, without making some provision for a substitute
under certain circumstances. Hence the necessity of
sprinkling timid females and children, for baptism, and
washing the saints' feet at private houses. Baptism by
immersion and feet washing before the multitude would
not only jeopardize their health, but would reflect upon
their refinement. To say the least of it, the practice
would be very humiliating to their refinement and pride,
if they had been well raised and educated in the higher
circles of life. There are but few elegantly refined ladies
who would respect the testimony of Jesus Christ if it
could be proven beyond cavil that he did institute such
ridiculous practices as these, and enjoin them upon the
female members of his church.
For the sake of argument, we will admit that Jesus
did institute feet washing, and that he did enjoin it upon
his disciples. Do you not know that he would have had
more respect for females than to have imposed such in-
decent duties upon them before the multitudes, when the
same act of kindness could have been bestowed upon the
poor, afflicted saints at any of their private houses ? We
could not presume to accuse Jesus of introducing any
such humiliating practices. In the name of common
sense, what good could it possibly do to humiliate Chris-
tians in this way when these Old Baptists themselves
admit that there is no eternal life in either of these vul-
gar practices ? And I cannot believe that Jesus actually
requires any such things of females. You will now
please excuse me for referring you to the Scriptures, and
the arguments of these Old Baptists, for they propose to
" Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." — I
Thes. v. 21. After the apostles had partaken with Jesus
of the Lord's supper, ' ' He riseth from supper, and laid
aside his garments, and took a towel, and girded himself .
After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to
wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel
wherewith he was girded. Then cometh he to Simon
Peter : and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash
my feet ? Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do
thou knowest not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter.
Peter saith unto him, thou shalt never wash my feet.
Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no
part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my
feet only, but also my hands and my head." — John xiii.
4, 10. "If I, then, your Lord and Master, have washed
your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For
I have given you an example, that ye should do as I
have done to you." — John xiii. 14, 15. " If ye know these
things, happy are ye if ye do them." — John xiii. 17.
While they contend that these examples given to them
by Jesus himself, have nothing to do with their eternal
salvation and spiritual union with Christ, and are there-
fore not essential to their eternal salvation, but that the
adoption of them in Christ's church is essential to Chris-
tian duty, and that the salvation of Christ's church mil-
itant is greatly dependent upon them, in that of exem-
plifying the examples of Jesus himself, thereby preserv-
ing the precise pattern of Jesus, without any additions
or diminutions, so that his church may be preserved un-
sullied from all the devices and traditions of men or
devils ; and that when his true disciples have done this,
they have a conscience that is void of offence toward
God ; and should they at any time fail to see the real im-
port of the ordinance or duty, they can but do as did
Peter, when the Lord told him, ' 'What I do thou knowest
not now, but thou shalt know hereafter ; " and therefore
with patience wait for knowledge ; nevertheless they
comply with the example, as Jesus bids you, it being es-
sential to Christian duty and church preservation ; and
that they must emphatically do this as true followers of
Christ, regardless of all the humilition of their natural
pride or worldly aspirations. " For I have given you an
example, that ye should do as I have done to you." And,
" If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."
Now, sirs, these Old Baptists will actually contend
that Jesus imposes these humiliating church ordinances
and Christian duties upon his disciples, to humble them
and kill them to the love of their human pride, boastful
devices and worldly aspirations ; and that in their trans-
ition from nature to grace he makes them loathe them-
selves on account of their human pride and unworthi-
ness, because of the spirit of the flesh waging war upon
the Spirit of Christ, in consequence of which the spirit
of the flesh revolts at a compliance with his church ordi-
nances and Christian duties.
If these Old Baptists could only prove that there were
others of the disciples present besides the twelve apostles
who engaged in feet washing with Jesus, they would
most assuredly have a better showing for their practice.
But you well know that they cannot do this ; neither
can they show that there were females engaged in it
with Jesus. Therefore we can deride them, by defying
them to prove that there were any who participated in
feet washing except Jesus and the twelve apostles, and
that there was no command given for the continuance
or preservation of feet washing as one of the duties of
the church. But they will tell you that your idea of
none participating except Jesus and the twelve apostles
is strictly inferential. For in the example set by the
Savior he expressly says that he commenced washing
the disciples' feet, and does not say that he commenced
washing the apostles' feet ; and that he finally approach-
eel Peter, and that Peter was so humiliated with such an
act of lowliness on the part of his Lord that he told him,
" Thou shalt never wash my feet." But when the Sav-
ior told him that if he did not wash him he could have
no part with him, Peter being so enthused in the minis-
try with the love of God in his heart, that rather than
be excluded from the ministry and his apostleship, he
cried out, "Not my feet only, but my hands and my
head." And that in further proof of the practice having
been transmitted to the church, and that males and
females all participated in it, and that it was obligatory
upon all the saints who are in the fellowship of the
church, they will refer you to the following Scriptures,
where the widow's age and aptness to do the things per-
taining to godliness, are to be considered before she can be
recognized as one of the counselors of Christ's church ;
but the younger widows are exempt from the council of
the church officers, although they may be members in
good standing. "But the younger widows refuse; for
when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ,
they will marry." — I Tim. v. 11. And that sisters who
have husbands, are to be governed by their husbands,
and their husband's voice is to be heard in the church's
council, and they are to learn of their husbands at home.
" And if they will learn anything, let them ask their
husbands at home ; for it is a shame for women to speak
in the church." — I Cor. xiv. 35. And that the widow
who is presumed to be of sufficient firmness to belong to
the council, must be threescore years old, and at that age
she would not be apt to reject the ordinances and duties
of Christ's church, to partake of the superfluities of the
world. "Let not a widow be taken into the number
under threescore years old, having been the wife of one
man ; well reported of for good works ; if she have
brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she
have washed the saints' feets, if she have relieved the
afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good
work."— I Tim. v. 9, 10.
Now, sirs, they claim that the above quotation of
itself is sufficient testimony to prove that all the saints,
both male and female, are positively under obligations
as followers of Christ to engage in feet washing, when
ordered by the church of their membership. And that
there is no denying the fact, without openly declaring
your infidelity as non-believers of the Word of God.
Then in confirmation of all the facts that they claim
to have proven, they will assert to you that there is not
an instance upon record, where the original disciples re-
fused to obey every ordinance and Christian duty as pre-
scribed by Jesus Christ or any of his authorized apostles ;
but in every instance, when the command was given,
the disciples obeyed, without adding to or taking from.
And that they, as the genuine disciples of Jesus Christ,
are to-day under the same restrictions as were the dis-
ciples of old, and dare not transcend the limits of their
Lord by affiliating with any of the auxiliaries and inven-
tions of men, as instituted by the various orders of my
• • For I testify unto every man that heareth the words
of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto
these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that
are written in this book. And if any man shall take
away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God
shall take away his part out of the book of life, and ou
of the holy city, and from the things which are written
in this book." — Rev. xxii. 18, 19.
Red & Co.— Our Lord and our God ! Our whole hu-
man organisms are made to quake with fear and trem-
bling, and our teeth are made to gnash within our
months, when we are led to think that peradventure
these Scriptures may be true, as quoted in the last chap-
ter of Eevelation. For we know, Lord, that we
have added many new inventions, and have feigfted to
take from the words of the prophecies of the Bible many
of the ordinances and duties, that are left upon record
by Jesus Christ and his apostles as the ordinances and
duties of the church. And we have most assuredly,
God, presumed upon the ignorance of Jesus Christ in
these additions and diminutions of his holy commands,
and we have feigned to believe that there were many of
the institutions and inventions of men that would foster
to the salvation of souls, and have added these institu-
tions and commandments of men to our church organi-
zations, and have regarded them as auxiliaries in the
accomplishment of the designs of the gospel, which
things we must acknowledge that we have added, to
accommodate our convenience and pride, thinking that
there would be no harm in a small digression, if our mo-
tives were pure. But in this quotation we are positively
forbidden to make any of these digressions ; for the God
of these Old Baptists has said, that if we take from or
add to the things that are written in the Bible, He would
take from us our part of the book of life, and out of the
holy city.
But if these Old Baptists are correct in rendering the
true meaning of these verses, we are much relieved in
our feelings ; because we have always believed that these
verses positively taught apostasy, and that the whole
human family had a special interest in the blood of the
Lamb, if they would only avail themselves of the means
of an offered salvation ; and that if they did not, God
would take away their part out of the Lamb's book of
life, because they refused to obey the commands of God,
and be saved upon the broad platform of a universal
But they render it very differently. They - claim that
there is no one addressed in the New Testament except
the church or believers, and that these verses are noth-
ing more than a warning to the people of God ; and that
if members of the church should amalgamate or affiliate
with any of the devices or institutions of the world, the
Word of God would take their names from the church
book, and put them out of the holy city (church), and
that it has no allusion to the Lamb's book of life. And
that for their disobedience the plagues written in the
Bible should be added unto them, and that they should
not be allowed any of the privileges of the church, but
should be held in disrepute by the church, and made to
live upon husks in a spiritual sense, while in this rebellion
against the commands of their Lord.
In proof of their correctness they will tell you that the
15th verse of the same chapter says, "For without are
dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,
and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a he;"
warning the people of God to stay within the limits of
their Lord, and not to become entangled with the devices
and abominations of the world. And that the next two
verses say, "I, Jesus, have sent mine angel to testify
uuto you these things in the churches." And that the
angel did not testify to any except those in the churches.
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let
him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is at hirst
come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of
life freely." Now, sir, they say that none are com-
manded to come to the church or to Christ in these
verses, except those to whom God had given the spirit
and the desire to come, by quickening them into spirit-
ual life, giving them that spiritual ear, spiritual eye and
circumcised spiritual heart, causing them to thirst after
righteousness, giving them the will to take the water of
life 'freely. ''For it is God which worketh in you both
to will and to do of His own good pleasure." — Phil. ii. 13.
They further testify that Jerusalem is a type of this
holy city (church), and claim to receive much comfort
from the following Scriptures : "For I, saith the Lord,
will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be
the glory in the midst of her." — Zech. ii. 5. And that if
Jerusalem is a type of the church, or holy city, and
when Jerusalem was threatened that the God of heaven
stood as a wall of fire around her margin, and His glory
in her midst, that there would not be much probability
of the enemy of souls robbing her of any of the ransomed
or redeemed of the Lord.
Old Zechariah further proclaims to the church, through
the instruction of the angel of the Lord, "Ho, ho, come
forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the
Lord : for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of
the heaven, saith the Lord. Deliver thyself, Zion,
that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon." — Zech. ii.
Now, sir, these Old Baptists claim to have Christian
fellowship for many who are members of our churches
and institutions, and their ministers proclaim to us from
the pulpit, with eloquence and arguments that are al-
most equal to the angels that spoke to the prophets of
old, and claim that God has spread them to the four
winds of heaven, and that they inhabit every country
and nation where God has a people. And in their ex-
hortations they beg us to come out from the dwellings
of the daughter of Babylon, and live with the true Israel
of God, where we can he down in green and fertile pas-
tures of salvation by grace, and find rest to our poor,
thirsting souls, and thus evade "the plagues that are
written in this book. "
They will then repeat to us David's confidence in God's
grace: "The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth
me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul : He
leadeth mo in the paths of righteousness for His name's
sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil : for thou art with
me : thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou pre-
parest a table for me in the presence of mine enemies :
Thou anointest my head with oil : my cup runneth over.
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life : and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever." — Ps. xxiii. They say that they can truthfully
apply the language of David to their own individual
cases ; bearing further testimony with David before his
conviction of sin, " Before I was afflicted I went astray ;
but now have I kept thy word." — Ps. cxix. 67. And
that your disciples treat them to-day as your disciples of
old treated old D ( avid. " The proud have had me greatly
in derision; yet have I not declined from Thy law." —
Ps. cxix. 51. " The proud have forged a lie against me ;
but I will keep Thy precepts with my whole heart." —
Ps. cxix. 69. And that notwithstanding we have lied
against them, and derided and mocked them, they are
determined with the help of God not to violate any of
the commandments and Christian ordinances of their
These Old Baptists further claim that the inhabitants
of this holy city constitute the bride or church of Jesus
Christ, and that they are individually and collectively
the lawful legatees of the inheritance of eternal life, and
that they are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus
Christ, and cannot under legal or spiritual litigation be
defrauded out of their rightful inheritance. They being
bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, and composing
his body, having been given to him by his Father before
the world was, and their names written in the Lamb's
book of life, that they have a perfect right and title to
the inheritance of eternal life as bequeathed to them by
the Father ; and that the heirs of no other kingdom,
nation or kindred, have any legal or spiritual right to
the inheritance bequeathed to the covenanted heirs of
promise ; neither can the heirs of promise sell or give
their inheritance to others. " No man can come to me
except the Father which hath sent me draw him ; and I
will raise him up at the last day." — John vi. 44.
They say that Joseph's brethren sold him to the Midi-
anites for twenty pieces of silver (Gen. xxxvii. 28), which
sale was a type of the selling of Jesus to his enemies by
Judas for thirty pieces of silver, which was only about
half price for a man of his age under the laws of Moses,
but exemplifies the theory of his enemies, who are
preaching salvation half by grace, and the other half by
works ; hence half the price of salvation must be reck-
oned of works, and the other half must be reckoned of
grace (see Lev. xxvii.); and that every type and sale of the
Lord has ever been for selfish ends, and has ever termin-
ated in the chagrin and humiliation of those who sold
him, they not being able to make a bona fide title at the
time of litigation, before the courts of heaven ; tried by
the law of the King of kings, from whose decision there
is no appeal. They further say that we are still selling
Jesus to the enemies of the Old Baptists for different
prices, ranging from one hundred to two thousand dol-
lars per annum, in proportion to the ability or ingenuity
of the salesman in getting a good price, but have ever
failed to make a bona fide title 3 their patent or title not
being given by the proper authority, duly authenticated
and registered upon the parchments of the lawful heirs.
And that our humiliation and disappointment will result
in the building up and comfort of the Old Baptists, as
exemplified from the days of antiquity to the present.
No one would presume to deny the benefits that
Joseph's brethren received in selling him to the Midi-
anites ; neither would any say that the true Israel of
God were not benefited in the sale of their Lord ; for it
behooved Jesus and Joseph to suffer for their brethren.
Joseph the type, and Jesus the anti-type. " Thus it is
written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to
rise from the dead the third day." — Luke xxiv. 46.
Nevertheless, the wicked intent and crime committed
by Judas and Joseph's brethren was not mitigated ; but
the glorious and wonderful works of God were displayed
in the temporal and eternal salvation of ■ national and
spiritual Israel. "For where a testament is, there must
also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a tes-
tament is of force after men are. dead : otherwise it is of
no strength at all while the testator liveth." — Heb. ix.
16, 17. They say that it is evident that a testator is any
person of sound mind and lawful age who dies and
leaves a will or testament at death, as to the disposal of
his effects, and records it in a solemn, authentic in-
strument in writing, and declares his will as to the dis-
posal of his estate and effects after his death, together
with the appointment of lawful executors to his will.
Should a father die and fail to leave this written testa-
ment, the laws of the land provide a testament for him,
and in no case can the heirs of others lawfully claim any
part of the inheritance ; but in all cases the parties speci-
fied in the will, or the lawful heirs of the deceased par-
ents, are the only legatees. They contend that the heirs of
promise, whom the Father gave the Son before the world
began, whose names were all written in che Lamb's book
of life ("I pray for them : I pray not for the world, but
for them which thou hast given me : for they are thine.
And all mine are thine, and thine are mine ; and I am
glorified in them. n — John xvii. 9, 10. i. all fell in Adam,
who was their federal head, and are therefore partakers
of his sins. ' * Behold. I was shapen in iniquity ; and in
sin did my mother conceive me." — Ps. li. 5. " And were
by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But
God who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith
He loved us. even when we were dead in sins, hath
quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are
saved.*" — Eph. ii. 3, 4, 5. And that the sacrifice or death
of their natural parents or federal head will not secure
for them eternal life, but will only secure for them the
inheritance bequeathed to them from the estate of their
earthly parents. But that the Father in His wisdom, and
for the great love wherewith He loved them, even when
they were dead in sins, had covenanted with and pre-
pared a donated sacrifice that was above the law, who
by the will of the Father agreed to come under the law.
to save or redeem them that the Father gave him, who
were under the law. This donated sacrifice was compelled
to be without sin. to satisfy the demands of the law.
Therefore the sins of his people were imputed to this sin-
less sacrifice, who knew no sin, and are remembered
against them no more forever. He being a donated and
sinless sacrifice, did not release him from the terrors of
the law : therefore the demands of the law that were
against the heirs of promise for then- sins were compelled
to be executed upon him. But he was not to be sold nor
bought. But Judas transgressed the law. and sold him
for thirty pieces of silver, which was the price of the
bride, the Lamb's wife, as typified by the price of woman
under the laws of Closes ; and that Judas did not seUhim
for the price of a man of his age : for under the law of
Moses he would have got fifty pieces of silver : hence, he
sold the church and not the man. "And thy estimation
shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto
sixty years old : even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels
of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary. And if it be
a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels." —
Lev. xxvii. 3. 1. But that the shedding of his blood was
a propitiation for the sins of all that the Father gave him.
Hence every heir of promise stands redeemed from un-
der the curse of the law. and has a bona fide title to the
inheritance of eternal life : all demands against said in-
heritance having been eternally and forever liquidated
by the blood of the Lamb, which was the everlasting-
price of redemption. "The Spirit itself beareth wit-
ness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
And if children, then heirs : heirs of G-od. and joint hems
with Christ." — Rom. viii. 16, 17. "And if ye be Christ's.
then are ye Abraham's seed and hens according to the
promise." — Gal. iii. 29. "Wherefore thou art no more
a servant, but a son ; and if a son, then an heir of God
through Christ. n — Gal. iv. 7. " Cast out the bondwoman
and her son ; for the son of the bondwoman shall not be
hen with the son of the free woman." — Gal. iv. 30.
"Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto
the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel,
confirmed it by an oath ; that by two immutable things,
in which it was impossible for God to he, we might have
a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold
upon the hope set before us." — Heb. vi. 17, 18.
But as the will of a testator cannot take effect until
after his death, Jesus was compelled to die, to accom-
plish the designs of his testament or tvill, so that the heirs
of promise might inherit the estate and become the pos-
sessors of the legacy bequeathed to them ; which legacy
is the glory that he had with the Father before the world
began. "And now, Father, glorify thou me with
thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee be-
fore the world was." — John xvii. 5.
But he rose from the grave the third day, and became
his own executor, and excuted the will of the Father, as
he did in his primitive glory with the Father before the
world began. And he became a conqueror over death,
hell and the grave, for all that the Father gave him.
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him that loved us.' -Rom. viii. 37. The will
of the Father being the will of the Son and the will of
the Son being the will of the heirs, and the heirs being
in the Son, and the Son being in the Father, would make
such a vital and everlasting union between the Father,
Son and heirs, that outside contestants would stand but
a poor showing before the courts of heaven in setting
aside the will or testament of the' Lord, and lawfully
claiming any part of the inheritance. " My sheep hear
my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And
I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish.;
neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My
Father, which gave them me, is greater than all ; and
no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
I and my Father are one." — John x. 27, 31.
They further contend that the head represents Christ,
and that the body represents the church ; and that a
mother always dresses the body of her child because it
is her child, and does not dress it to make it ' her child ;
that she could not dress the child of any other with the
same spirit of love and devotion that she cares for her
own child ; and that Christ, the head, represents the wis-
dom of the mother in dressing the body, the sympathy
of Christ, the head, being with the body, or church, com-
municating divine life to each member of this body at
his own appointed time and in his own appointed way ;
and that when this divine life is communicated to the
last member of this body, or church, clothing them with
divine inspiration, time will be no more ; and that the
body of Christ (church) will then be in full fruition
with the Father, in that everlasting compact that ex-
isted with the Father and the Son before the world be-
gan ; and that all the things of time, human reason,
sympathy and intellect, will all be buried in the grave,
never again to be resurrected ; but that all the bodies of
the saints will be resurrected and clothed with immor-
tality on the great day of the resurrection. " And I saw
the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the
books were opened : and another book was opened, which
is the book of life : and the dead were judged out of those
things which were written in the books, according to
their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were
in it ; and death and hell delivered up the dead which
were in them ; and they were judged every man accord-
ing to their works. And death and hell were cast into
the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whoso-
ever was not found written in the book of life was cast
into the lake of fire." — Kev. xx. 12, 15. " So also is the
resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is
raised in incorruption : it is sown in dishonor, it is raised
in glory ; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power ;
it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. " —
I Cor. xv. 42, 45. " So when this corruptible shall have
put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on
immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying
that is written, death is swallowed up in victory." — I
Cor. xv. 54. They further teach that all the saints of
God will be just like God, and will know God as God
knows them, having God's wisdom, God's honor, God's
features and God's glory, and that they will be in per-
fect felicity with God in heaven forever and ever, all
their humanity, griefs, woes, sorrows, sympathies and
sins having been left in the grave, where they were con-
signed to their mother earth from whence they came.
" ' Beloved, now are we the sons of God ; and it doth not
yet appear what we shall be : but we know that when
he shall appear we shall be like Him ; for we shall see
Him as He is."— I John hi. 2. And if the saints in
heaven are like God, and anything was to transpire that
was averse to the will of the saints, or body of Christ,
the same thing would be averse to the will of God ; and
that the designs of God and the felicity of God and His
people would be overthrown, and heaven would not be
heaven ; for God Himself would not be happy, because
His people would not be happy, and He and they are
alike in heaven. In consequence of the above Scriptural
arguments, they say that all of our grave -yard and death-
bed stories, that excite the human sympathies of the
silly, making them believe that there is natural love and
affections in heaven, and that should they be fortunate
enough to get there, that they would be grieved at the
nonappearance of natural kindred and loved ones, and
that natural heavenly recognition was a necessity in the
completion of their eternal happiness, is all homespun
and bosh. * • For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy
slayeth the silly one. I have seen the foolish taking
root : but suddenly I cursed his habitation. His chil-
dren are far from safety, and they are crushed in the
gate, neither is there any to deliver them." — Job. v. 2,
4. ' ' Having a form of godliness, but denying the power
thereof : from such turn away. For of this sort are they
which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women
laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learn-
ing, and never able to come to the knowledge of the
truth."— II Tim. hi. 5, 7. They further teach that in the
testament or will of Jesus he never appointed any exe-
cutors to his will, in the form of missionary boards, exe-
cutive committees, financial committees, etc., whose
duty it was to appoint ministers to certain fields of labor,
and covenant with them as to the amount of labor to be
performed, and the price to be paid for it, upon con-
ditions that if the labor is performed the money will be
paid, and if the work is not done the contract will be
void, and the minister heavily censured or excommuni-
cated from the ministry.
They say that this is selling Jesus to the people, and
making merchandise of the gospel of Christ. "And
through covetousness shall they with feigned words
make merchandise of you : whose judgment now of a
long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth
not." — II Peter ii. 3. "And said unto them that sold
doves, Take these things hence ; make not my Father's
house a house of merchandise. And His disciples re-
membered that it was written, The zeal of thine house
hath eaten me up."— John ii. 16, 17. But that the apos-
tles and disciples of Jesus went where the Spirit di-
rected them, and preached the gospel to all the inhabitants
of the then inhabited world, independent of the mis-
sionary boards, committees and commissions of men,
and received the same persecutions that the Primitive
Baptists do to-day ; yea, even worse ; for they were in-
carcerated and beaten even unto death for contending
for the same everlasting gospel, and denouncing the de-
vices and doctrines of men, as do the Old Baptists to-
day : but the apostles rejoiced "that they were counted
worthy to suffer shame for His name." — Acts v. 41.
But that the Old Baptist ministers are under no special
obligations to serve a church or people, without they
are moved by the Spirit to do so ; but f eeling that there
is a great responsibility resting upon them to go and
proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world,
that peradventure they may supply some poor, thirsting
soul with spiritual food, and edify them in the things of
the kingdom, and cause them to denounce the legisla-
tive courts of Babylon, and accept the ecclesiastical
courts of heaven, and enlist under the banner of Jesus,
becoming identified and consecrated with the people of
God. And that in doing this they follow the pattern of
the apostles and disciples of old, taking God for surety ;
believing that the same Spirit that admonishes them to
go and preach, will stimulate the disciples and friends of
the Christian religion to sustain them as they go, inde-
pendent of all the moneyed machineries of Antichrist.
Now, sir, you are certainly aware of having impressed
one of the most lordly of our ministers, who was the
presiding officer at our east Texas conference, in the city
of Henderson, in the fall of 1882, to burlesque these Old
Baptists, by relating a circumstance connected with
their history ; which circumstance they say has been
common among them from the days of antiquity to the
present, God leaving himself but one or two visible wit-
nesses to testify in behalf of the great Redeemer of
Bishop Parker said, in one of his grandest appeals to
the sympathies of a large and attentive audience, for
money to support foreign missions, which missions had
in the past converted and saved untold thousands of
souls that otherwise would have been lost, adding num-
erical strength to the church, whose combined influence
and liberality had unclogged the wheels of Zion, and
that Zion was then on the grand road to victory, adding
strength, means and numbers to her already grand
achievements ; and if the church would give to Zion their
prayers, and open their purses to her ministers, giving
them the means to procure a passport into every nook
and corner of the inhabited globe, that the time would
not be far distant when all the inhabitants of the earth
would become moralized and Christianized under their
benign influence, and the Christian millennium would
soon be ushered in upon the inhabitants of the earth,
and one grand hallelujah could be sent up from the
earth's remotest bounds to the throne of God in heaven.
He then related the circumstance that occurred among
a very meager sect, known as the Anti-missionary Bap-
tists, from a want of missionary aspirations. He stated
that one of our missionaries was traveling and preaching
to the destitute in one of the older states, and in route
passed through a densely populated community, the in-
habitants being well educated, moralized and Christian-
ized. In the midst of this community he passed a re-
spectable church building and grave-yard ; the church-
yard and grave-yard had grown up with a dense mass of
weeds and brush, and the house was soiled from age and
neglect, and to all human appearances was the home of
the owls and the bats. Curiosity, combined with the
love of God, led this man of God to inquire after the
owners of this property, situated in such a beautiful
grove, and surrounded by such elegant refinement ; and,
behold, it was the property of the Anti-missionary Bap-
tists, and its decay was the result of their anti-mission-
ary heresy. He asked the neighbors what had become of
them ; and the reply was that many of them had grown
old and had died, and that their remains were beneath
the brush and briars in the grave-yard ; others had
moved away, and one only was left in this community
to tell the tale of their demise.
Now, sir, one or two of these Old Baptists happened to
be present at this grand convocation of our ministers,
and actually mocked the effort of our lovely bishop ; and
when we would presume to mention his effort to them,
hoping to hear a word of approbation, they would repulse
us by reciting us to several circumstances mentioned in
the Bible, where the God of heaven had left himself on
several occasions with but one or two visible witnesses
to testify for and proclaim the glad tidings of the great
Redeemer of souls.
They would then call our attention to Noah, Lot,
Elijah and many others of like precious faith ; but
especially would they call our attention to the circum-
stance of old Elijah, and Baal with his four hundred and
fifty prophets. " And Eh j ah came unto all the people,
and said, How long halt ye between two opinions ? If
the Lord be God, follow him ; but if Baal, then follow
him. And the people answered him not a word. Then
said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a
prophet of the Lord : but Baal's prophets are four hun-
dred and fifty men." And the prophets of Baal accepted
the proposition of Elijah to try their gods, and see who
was God. " And they took the bullock which was given
them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of
Baal from morning even until noon, saying, 0, Baal,
hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that an-
sw ered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.
And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them,
and said, Cry aloud; for he is a god: either he is talking,
or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or perad venture
he sleepeth, and must be awaked. And they cried
aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with
knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them."
But that when old Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord,
and put the sacrifice upon it, with twelve barrels of
water on it and around it, and called all the people to-
gether, he got down in a very humble way, as do these
Old Baptists, and prayed the God of heaven, " Hear me,
Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou
art the Lord God. and that thou hast turned then heart
back again. Then the fire of the Lord fell, and con-
sumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones,
and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the
trench. " — I Kings xviii.
They say that this bellowing, howling, crying, cutting
themselves with knives and lancets, making a mighty
appeal to Baal, begging their god to send down fire and
consume then offering, typifies Bishop Parker, with his
concourse of prophets ''mi ni sters), making a similar ap-
peal to their god to accept then sacrifice and consume
their offering. And that the principles of this poor. old.
lonely Baptist whom Bishop Parker was trying to ridi-
cule, is the anti-type of the principles of old Elijah, who
only remained a prophet of the Lord ; and that the same
spirit through all ages of the world has given God all the
praise, honor and glory, and has humbled the true Israel
of God in the dust of humility.
And that this poor Old Baptist that was left alone
among the prophets ('ministers ) of Antichrist is one of
the anti- types of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, when
they were testing the realities of their gods ; and that
Baal's was a complete failure, while the God of old Elijah
inspired him and told him to mock them, and tell them to
cry louder, peradventure their god was asleep, or had
gone on a journey. After which old Elijah humbled
himself in a very quiet manner (as do the Old Baptists
to-day when offering up then petitions to God), and
asked his God to consume the offering ; and in the
midst of the people and prophets of Baal, and to
their astonishment, the God of Elijah sent down fire
and licked np the water and consumed the offering : and
that in all probability this lonely Old Baptist was the
Elijah of that refined community.
They then propose to show us God's discriminating
grace and favor toward national Israel in their delivery
from Egyptian bondage, and the utter destruction of the
armies of Egypt, who sought to continue them in slave-
ry : and that both nations were the creatures of God.
and that He favored the Egyptians with wrath and arro-
gance, but finally destroyed them, and chastized the
Israelites in slavery and degradation, but finally saved
them, r * For whom the Lord loveth he ehasteneth. and
irgeth every boh whom He reeeiveth." — Heb. xii
And that old Pharaoh is a type of our god. and that we
and our arminian cohorts are the anti-types of the
armies of Egypt, under the auspices of Pharaoh, and
that in our determination to force God to accept our
good works, and save us upon principles of justice, and
claim eternal salvation as a payment for our many good
deeds, is the antitype of the iron will of Pharaoh to
1. afoe God to yield to the mandates of Pharaoh : but that
God exemplified His power by sending miserable plagues
upon Pharaoh, humiliating his proud and stubborn
heart, until he was forced from circumstances to yield
to the mandates of heaven and let the children of Israel
but that (rod hardened his heart by withdrawing
the plagues ; and that immediately, with all tl)
perated fury of a demon, he pursued them with his
armies of avarice to his entire destruction, and to their
deliverance as ordained or predetermined by God ; and
that the same power that saved the Israelites, destroyed
the proud Egyptians ; and that in like manner the same
power that humiliates these Old Baptists with the chas-
tening rod of poverty and derision, will ultimately de-
stroy their proud arminian persecutors, whom God has
blessed with the wealth and arrogance of Pharaoh ; and
that their arguments, aided by the power and word of
God, are as terrifying to our system of salvation as were
the plagues that God sent upon old Pharaoh for his re-
fusal to let the children of Israel go, as commanded by
Moses under the direction of God. But that we are like
old Pharaoh ; when the plagues are withdrawn, our
hearts become hard again ; and when the devouring
arguments are withdrawn for a season, we rise again in
our own strength, as did Pharaoh, and bid the God of
these Old Baptists defiance. "For He saith to Moses, I
will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will
have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So
then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that run-
neth, but of God that showeth mercy. For the Scrip-
tures saith unto Pharaoh, even for this same purpose
have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in
thee, and that my name might be declared throughout
all the earth. Therefore hath He mercy on whom He
will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth."-—
Kom. ix. 15, 19,
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ion that removes the Eed Sea from their front, and en-
ables them to stand still and see the salvation of God ;
and then they march through their great sea of trouble
to Jesus upon dry land, leaving the armies of Antichrist
behind and in pursuit of them, to be swallowed up in the
boisterous waters that God had opened for their escape.
They then propose to try our system of salvation,
based upon the combined efforts of man and the offered
favors of God, and compare it with their system of sal-
A^ation by grace alone, and the positive favors of God.
They claim that the grace of God in their hearts will in-
evitably produce acceptable good works, and that God
works in all the saints. ' ' For it is God which worketh
in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." —
Phil. ii. 13. While good works will never produce the
special favor of grace, neither can the Father be hired or
bribed by the good works of carnal man to bestow the
special favor of grace upon them, but that common favors
will always follow the legitimate good works of the carnal
They say that in the days of Noah God made a pro-
found test of salvation by grace, and salvation by our
effort system, and that our effort system was an entire
failure, while salvation by grace alone was a complete
In the days of Noah the people became desperately
wicked, and bid the ways of pod defiance ; " and it re-
pented the Lord that He had made man on the earth,
and it grieved him at His heart." — Gen. vi. 6. It is
not to be supposed here that His divinity repented, or
that His divinity had a sympathetic fleshly heart, but
that His humanity repented, and not His divinity.
" Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with
whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." —
James i. 17. Therefore His divinity could not repent.
The people in those days, as now, had sought out many
inventions, that they might receive a part of the glory
and honors of their own eternal salvation, by various
systems and doctrines of men, to promote 'their own self-
aggrandizement ; but the glory of the Father being the
glory of the Son, and the glory of the Son being the
glory of the Father, and every heir of promise being in
the Son, and the Son in the Father, and for the great
love that the Father had for the Son, and that the Son
had for the church, the Father manifested His power
and eternal purposes by sending a flood and destroying
the world, thereby setting aside the abominations and
doctrines of men; preserving his eternal promise and pur-
poses with the heirs of promise to His Son, through the
heirs of righteous Noah, thence to Abraham, thence to
Isaac, thence to the coming of Christ, thence to all the
nations of the earth, by the middle wall of partition be-
ing broken down between nations ; since which time
God has had an elect people among all nations, kindreds
and tongues, "For the promise is unto you, and to your
children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the
Lord our God shall call." — Acts ii. 39.
" But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." —
Gen. vi. 8. Noah being the only preacher of righteous-
ness that was left to proclaim the glad tidings of sal-
vation by grace alone, God preserved His church through
him. " And spared not the old world, but saved Noah,
the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in
the flood upon the world of the ungodly." — II Pet. ii. 5.
And the Lord commanded Noah, ' * Make thee an ark of
gopher wood : rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and
shalt pitch it within and without with pitch," etc. — Gen.
vi. 14. The Lord commanded him as to its precise di-
mensions, its length, breadth, height, depth, rooms,
doors, windows, and every minutiae was specially desig-
nated. And Noah by faith did precisely as God com-
manded him. " And Noah did according unto all that
the Lord commanded him." — Gen. vii. 5. He did not
transcend nor fall short of the limits of his Lord, but was
willing to take God for surety, without conferring with
any of the devices or institutions of men ; for " By faith
Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet,
moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his
house; by the which he condemned the world, and became
heir of the righteousness which is by faith." — Heb. xi. 7.
Now, sir, they tell us that the faith and God of old
Noah is the same faith and God that these Old Baptists
have to-day, and that they follow the commands of their
God to-day with that same abiding faith that Noah, Lot,
Abraham and all the old patriarchs did, without adding
to or taking from, just as Noah did in building the ark ;
and that when the ark was complete, Noah did not have
to go himself nor send ont missionaries to bring in the
promised inhabitants of the ark, but that God sent them
in by pairs and by sevens, both male and female, of all
the animals, fowls and creeping things of the earth ; and
that Noah was not required to even shut the door ; he
was so free from an agency in their salvation and pre-
servation. " And they went in unto Noah into the ark,
two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.
And they that went in, went in male and female of all
flesh, as God had commanded him ; and the Lord shut
him in."— Gen. vii. 15, 16.
Now, sir, this is what these Old Baptists call salvation
by grace alone ; this is what they call the unadulterated
Christian's faith, that humbles them, and makes them
willing to bear all the persecutions and derisions of Anti-
christ, for Christ's sake ; and that this is one of the many
examples of abiding faith in God by the primitive Chris-
tians ; and that God is the same God to-day that He was
then ; and that genuine Christians have the same special
favors of salvation by grace, and faith in the sufficiency
of God to do all His pleasure to-day, as He had in the
primitive days, "with whom is no variableness, neither
shadow of turning." And that their God is a God of
purpose, and does not do things at random, but does all
things after the eternal purpose of His will. " Declar-
ing the end from the beginning, and from ancient times
the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel
shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." — Is. xlvi. 10.
They will then take up our combination of salvation
by works and grace, and compare our present system of
an offered salvation, upon conditions that we do many
good works to secure the special favors of God's grace,
and harmonize it with the effort system of the willwor-
shipers or ungodly Pharisees, who mocked old Noah at
the time of the building of his ark : and that the same
spirit that counseled the Pharisees of old to mock old
Noah for following the precise commands of his Lord,
stimulates us to mock these old Baptists to-day for do-
ing just as Noah did when he refused to negotiate with
any of the Pharisaical devices of men, but determined
implicitly to obey the mandates of heaven, taking God
for surety in all things.
They say that when the ark was finished, and all the
promised inhabitants were sent in by God, and God
then shut them in, that they can then see in their
mind's eye the dark clouds beginning to rise, the heavy
peals of thunder, the vivid lightning flashing through
the yielding ether, the dark and dismal forebodings that
cover heaven's high ethereal dome, then the rain begins
to fall in torrent floods from the heaven's shrouded
skies ; with that they see large and horror stricken
groups of willworshipers helping God to stop the mighty
consternation with their prayers ; while Noah and all
the inhabitants of the ark sit with perfect complacency
in the ark, under the almighty protection of God's
amazing grace. They then see the waters begin to rise
in the small tributaries, thence to the larger streams.
thence the low grounds are covered, thence the margin
of the hills are shrouded with the awful tragedy of
God's indignation upon the people of Antichrist for then
ungodly irreverence to the mandates of heaven ; they
still see destruction pursuing them by the swelling
waters reaching then 1 cottages and barns : their horses.
camels, oxen, asses, and all then portable substance is
then gathered together on the effort system : the horses
and oxen are harnessed to cans and wagons, which are
laden with commissaries and supplies, the camels are
packed with other burdens of weight, and with one
common consternation they ascend the hills for protec-
tion : the waters finally push them from the hills, and
they flee to the mountains. In ascending the highest
peaks, they see the strength of the horses, oxen and
camels failing with their drenched and heavy burdens :
they see the teamsters exhausted from hunger and
fatigue, and women and children behind pushing at the
wheels, and crying at the astonishment and consterna-
tion of God's wrath upon them. Finally they reach the
loftiest peaks of the mountain, much of the debris and
less valuable property being left behind them. But the
scene of this awful catastrophe is not yet consummated.
The waters float them off the highest peaks of the
mountains ; and amidst all the crying, shrieks and lam-
entations of dying men. women and children, who are
expecting salvation upon the effort system, they are
swept off into the mighty waters, some clinging to the
floating pieces of furniture, carts and wagons, until all
are submerged into the mighty waters of the flood ;
while Noah and his family are floating upon the boister-
ous water in perfect complacency, under the protection
of God's amazing mercy and grace.
Now, Sir, they say that we wLllworshipers are equally
zealous in our effort system, at our excitement meet-
ings, popularly known as revivals, and especially when
our revival is held in the midst of some inundation,
conflagration, epidemic or contagion, thereby impeding
the common pursuits of lif e, and hazarding the life and
property of the inhabitants ; and that our religion has a
much greater effect upon us under such circumstances
than at any other season of the year ; and that when
our good old effort Christians become cognizant of the
impending danger that confronts them, and they see
temporal and eternal destruction in the near future,
their religion revives, and our popular effort system is
at once called into requisition, as in the time of the
But that these Old Baptists, in the midst of all these
excitements and disasters, are found complacently fol-
lowing the examples of the patriarchs of old, and are by
faith standing still, waiting for the salvation of the
They further say that at the time of such excitements
they see us gathering together in groups, and trying to
help God save the people from the awful calamities that
await them, thereby mocking God by asking him to
change the decrees of heaven, by rearranging the course
and relationship of the astronomical bodies so that rains
and pestilences may come to suit those more competent
to judge of the times, seasons and pestilences than the
Lord. And that when these troubles press us closer
and closer, as the waters of the flood followed our
spiritual ancestors, that we climb the hills higher and
higher, until we reach the summit of excitement in our
religious exercises ; and that when our teamsters, (min-
isters,) fail to be able to roll the wheels of the loaded
chariots of supplies {unconverted) to the supposed sum-
mit of safety, they see the old fathers and mothers with
their deluded offspring pushing at the wheels of their
supposed chariots of Zion, crying at the top of their
voices, upward and onward, " Amen, glory to God, help
us, God, to save these sinners from the gulf of de-
spair, for we know that the devil has greater power to
engulf them in ruin than you have to save them with-
out our help ; therefore, Lord, come down with thy
help and might, and we will help you to save them ; for
we know, Lord, that you are a willing God, and all
that you need in their salvation is our assistance, which
shall be rendered without stint ; and with your help,
Lord, we will land them on the summit of safety, where
the devil can never reach them, if they will only stay
within the limits of our protection."
But that they see the flood of endless destruction
reaching the summit of our supposed safety upon the
effort system, and enveloping the highest peaks of our
retreat, submerging us, together with our floating idols.
to which we cling, until all is buried in the awful abyss
of endless despair upon the effort system ; while those
who have been killed, in their transition from nature to
grace, to the boastful stratagems of salvation by works,
are floating upon the all sufficiency of God's mercy and
grace, and are by faith following the precepts and ex-
amples of the patriarchs of old, and are found to be
standing still in times of religious peril, and waiting for
the salvation of the Lord. And if they are wrong, they
say that they are conscientiously wrong, because they
are perfectly resigned to the will and word of God, and
are submissionists in a religious sense, having no power
of their own, but are wholly dependent upon God for
life and salvation ; neither do they propose to assist God
by pushing at the wheels of Zion and throwing dust in
the air ; indirectly asking God to take a back seat, and
that they will carry on the work of soul saving ; and
after they have accomplished the work of converting
and saving many souls, then ask God in their petitions
to bless the work and save their converts from apostasy ;
thereby mocking God, as though He were in His dotage,
and not able to do all His pleasure without the puny
help of man with his feigned efforts to assist God in the
salvation of sinners.
They say that it is impossible for any candid Christian
to gainsay the power and will of God, when the word of
God declares that He works all things after the counsel
of His own will. "In whom also we have obtained an
inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose
of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His
own will." — Eph. i. 11. And that He works in His
chosen people to will and to do of His own good pleasure,
and that He works in no one else. " For it is God which
worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good plea-
sure.'' — Phil. ii. 13. And that His people shall be a wil-
ling people in the day of His power. " Thy people shall
be willing in the day of Thy power." — Ps. ex. 3. And
that the Old Baptists do not work for numbers nor for
policy, so far as this world is concerned, but that they
are actuated from a higher incentive than the accumu-
lation of members to swell their treasury under the
guise of God's insolvency, and hence inability to save
souls without money ; but that they are ever zealous to
keep the world out of the church, and thereby preserve
peace, harmony, brotherly love and Christian fellowship
among themselves. "Pure religion and undefiled be-
fore God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless
and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself un-
spotted from the world." — James i. 27. Hence they are
a peculiar people, zealous of good works. ■ ' Who gave
himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity,
and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of
good works." — Tit. ii. 14. And that they have every
confidence in God's ability to make all His chosen people
a willing people in the day of His power, without any
bulldozing or logrolling them into the church for policy's
sake, upon the testimony of a fleshly experience and
carnal repentance, actuated from human sympathy,
caused by the narration of some grave-yard or death-bed
story, regardless of a godly sorrow for sin.
They further say that we dishonor God when we limit
His foreknowledge, and that His foreknowledge compre-
hended all things that have or will exist, from the com-
mencement to the end of time, in all their varied forms,
latent, active, passive and positive ; and that His fore-
knowledge is synonymous with His absolute predestina-
tion of all things ; and that it would be impossible for
God to foreknow any circumstance, action or substance,
without predestinating it ; and that it would be wholly
inconsistent for God to predestinate any circumstance,
action or substance, without a foreknowledge of it ; and
that the ingenuity of men and devils cannot invent any-
thing that is new to Him ; and that He rules and con-
trols all things to His own honor and glory, and makes
the wrath of man to praise Him. " Surely the wrath of
man shall praise Thee : the remainder of wrath shalt
Thou restrain." — Ps. lxxvi. 10. And that when we are
vaunting and throwing dust in the air, in helping God
to save souls, and ridiculing the Old Baptists for not
chiming in with us, we are making our wrath to praise
God, in the establishment of His elect or chosen people ;
and that all the murderous and blasphemous devices of
those who make no religious pretenses, and the execu-
tion and punishment of them before the courts, only
serve to praise God, by disgusting His elect people and
causing them to shun the appearance of evil. " Abstain
from all appearance of evil. " — I Thes. v. 22. And that
when He has accomplished His designs in taaking the
wrath of man to praise Him, He restrains the remainder
of man's wrath by the penalties of the law, which is in
hot pursuit of the evil doer. Therefore He is the creator
and preserver of all things, both good and evil, and all
for His own glory. " For by Him were all things
created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible
and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers : all things were created by
Him, and for Him, and He is before all things, and by
Him all things consist." — Col. i. 16, 17. Therefore the
Father knew all things, and made known to His Son all
things. " I and my Father are one." This being the
case He certainly knew from all eternity who would be
saved and who would be lost ; and in the covenant of
grace between the Father and the Son before the world
began, the Father either gave the Son a part of the
human family, who should be the happy recipients of His
Holy Spirit, or He gave him all of them ; and upon the
theory of a universal atonement, the Universalists are
correct ; for God cannot be disappointed. " All that the
Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh
to me I will in no wise cast out." — John vi. 37. We
dare not say that any part or parcel whom the Father
gave the Son will not come unto Him ; for the Father
and the Son have emphatically said that they shall come.
"My Father,, which gave them me, is greater than all ;
and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's
hand." — John x. 29. And should we presume to say
that they can or cannot come, or that they can or cannot
apostatize if they will upon their own volition, would be
to give God the lie, which would be blasphemy ; for God
says that they shall come, and that no man is able to pluck
them out of His hand. The testimony of Paul says,
" Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded that
neither death, nor lif e, nor angels, nor principalities, nor
powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor
height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be
able to separate us from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord." — Eom. viii. 37, 38, 39. There-
fore they say that their eternal salvation is positive, be-
cause the God of heaven never does His work but one
time, and that His first work has stood the test of ages,
and will stand through all ages to come ; and that Jesus
finished the salvation of all that the Father gave him,
at the time of his crucifixion. "When Jesus therefore
had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished : and he
bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." — John xix. 30.
"I have glorified thee on the earth : I have finished the
work which Thou gavest me to do." — John xvii. 4.
" These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to
heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come ; glorify thy
Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee : as thou hast
given him power over all flesh, that he should give
eternal life to as many as thou hast given him." — John
xvii. 1, 2. And that when divine life is communicated
to those whom the Father gave the Son, this divine life
will never leave them, nor commit sin. "I give unto
them eternal life, and they shall never perish." u We
know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not : but
he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that
wicked one toucheth him not." — I John v. 18.
Now, sir, these Old Baptists will positively ensnare us,
by asking us similar questions to the following, and
then exult over their victory :
Do you admit the absolute foreknowledge of God in all
things ?
We are compelled to answer that we do.
Do you agree that He chose His people in Christ be-
fore the world began ?
We are obliged to agree that He did, or deny the word
of God.
Do you admit that their names were all written in the
Lamb's book of life before the world began ?
The word of God emphatically says that they were,
and we cannot deny it.
Do you believe that there were any chosen who were
out of Christ ?
We cannot say that there were, because the Word of
God says that they were all chosen in Christ.
Do you believe that all who were chosen in Christ fell
in Adam in his transgression %
We certainly do.
Do you believe that the spirits or souls of any who
were not chosen in Christ fell in the transgression of
Adam ? And if so, where and what did thev fall from ?
We are compelled to answer that we do not know.
Is it not a fact that if God foreknew all things, they
stood condemned in the eternal wisdom of God from all
eternity, and that those whom he chose in Christ stood
justified in the wisdom of God from all eternity ?
We are compelled to answer that we do not know, or
expose our cause, having already admitted that God
foreknew all things, and cannot be disappointed.
Do you know why God chooses one and leaves another?
or makes choice and converts one member of a family,
and does not another ? or converts and regenerates one
man, and does not another ?
We are compelled to answer that we do not know.
Does He not choose the ones that 'were chosen in
Christ before the world began, and not the others ?
We can but say that it really seems so.
Would it not conflict with the foreknowledge of God
for Him to choose any others except those whom He
foreknew and gave the Son, who were chosen in Christ
before the world began ?
We are compelled to say that it would.
Well, then, does He not choose some, and leave others
because He chose them in Christ before the world began,
and did not choose the others ?
It certainly looks that way.
Well, then, does the Father choose them to make
them His Son's, or does he choose them because they are
His Son's, and were once in Christ, and by heirship be-
long to Christ, having been given to the Son by the
Father before the world began ?
We are compelled to answer in the affirmative.
They then claim a grand victory over us, and refer us
to Paul's letter to the Galatians. ' i And because ye are
sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your
hearts, crying, Abba, Father." — Gal. iv. 6. And they
say that God did not quicken them into spiritual life to
make them sons, because they stood sons in the wisdom
of God before the world began ; and to redeem His obli-
gation to His Son, He was compelled to quicken or bring
to spiritual lif e all who fell in Adam, who by covenant
and blood relationship belonged to the Son, or make void
His contract, which would be impossible 'for God to do,
as He cannot he. We then propound some questions to
them, and ask them if those whom the Father did not
give the Son, did not also fall in Adam \ And if so,
from what did they fall, since they were never in
Christ ?
And they tell us that they fell from their natural state
of innocency in Adam, just as the heirs of promise did,
and in a natural sense became like the heirs of promise,
all partaking of the transgression of their federal head,
Adam, who by his disobedience to the command of God,
brought himself and his entire posterity under the con-
demnatory sentence of the law ; and that the difference
is, that God, through the efficacy of the blood of His
Son, redeemed those whom He gave the Son by contract,
and did not redeem those whom He did not give the
Son ; and that owing to this fact, God saves all alike in a
time salvation, and bestows the same common favors
upon the unjust as well as the just, all being His crea-
tion, but not by redemption ; but that the salvation of
those whom the Father did not give the Son terminates
at the grave, while the ransomed of the Lord go on to
the realms of eternal bliss and enjoy the full fruition of
everlasting happiness with the Father in heaven ; hence
Jesus died for the sins of the entire race of Adam, by
living up to the exact requirements of the law ; and in a
law sense all are the beneficiaries of His moral and tem-
poral blessings, but especially did he shed his blood for
those whom the Father gave him.
Some of these Old Baptists have offered to hold an
election with us, and let Jesus Christ and his apostles
sit as the umpires, and decide who and which is the
church of Christ by ballot.
They say that they are no better than Samson was,
and that Samson bet or wagered thirty sheets and thirty
changes of garments with his enemies ; and that his ene-
mies by fraud won the sheets and clothing ; and that
they will bet us a fine suit of clothing, for the truth's
sake, that the Old Baptists are elected by a large major-
ity as being the church of Jesus Christ. But that they
will not have any arbiters save Jesus Christ and his
apostles, knowing that our corruption and greed for
filthy lucre would swindle them out of the election, and
hence the clothing, should they submit the vote to
arbiters of our choosing.
They propose to have two large tally sheets, and have
the names of the popular denominations, together with
the Old Baptists, written under each other as candidates
are in holding elections for the officers of the law, and
that ' c Affirmative " be written over the names on one of
the sheets, and that "Negative" be written over the
names on the other sheet. And that we then, in the
presence of God, commence and read from the first of
Matthew to the last of Revelation, and that when we
come to a command, ordinance or duty, as prescribed by
Jesus Christ or any of his authorized apostles, that we
cast our eyes up and down the list of contestants, and
make a tally mark at the end of each name on the
"Affirmative" page, that complies with said commands,
ordinances or duties. And then look up and down the
"Negative" sheet, and make a tally mark at the end of
each name who does not comply with said commands,
ordinances and duties ; who also add many of the doc-
trines and commandments of men that are not written,
and that when the election is over, we then count the
votes, and if the Old Baptists are not elected by an over-
whelming majority they will readily pay the clothing ;
yea, thirty suits of clothing ; for they say that they would
divest themselves of all their substance for the truth's
sake. And, sir, we have thus far declined their proposi-
tion, knowing that we would be beaten ; but our pretext
is that it would be sinful to gamble ; not but that we
could gain the election, as we are wont to hold out the
idea to them, but we know that we would lose our
notoriety and clothing.
They then propose to criticise our innovations upon
primitive doctrines, and say to our modern Missionary
Baptist friends, who are trying to steal the name of
Primitive Baptist, that they would like to know how
the original articles of faith of the Baptists, from the
days of the apostles up to the division of the Baptists,
which occurred between the years A. D. 1830 and 1840,
in the United States, will correspond with their present
cherished salvation by the means of their Babylonish
pet, the Sabbath school. And if the Primitive Baptists
are not still in unison with the original articles of faith.
They would like to know the age of our Sabbath school ;
who was its founder, when it crossed the ocean, who
taught the first one in the United States, and what was
the result of its growth and teachings \ And if Harriet
Beecher St owe and her brother Henry Ward Beecher. to-
gether with Charles Sumner, and many others of like
spiritual and political kin. did not write and circulate a