V3/H THE Vassalboro Register, COMPILED BY MITCHELL & DAVIS, 1 9 O 4. KENT'S HILL: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Publishing Co. 1904 . J r a$salboro, Maine. X I HE undersigned, publishers of this book, hereby give notice to their subscribers that there has purposely been made in one of the advertisements contained herein, a typographical error; and that they will send their check for 31.00 to that subscriber for this Register who succeeds in finding the above mentioned error, and whose letter correctly stating the error and its place, is first received by the undersigned at the Post Office at Kent's Hill, Maine, after , at which time it is presumed all books will have been delivered. In case two or more letters containing correct statements of t'he above mentioned error are received on the same mail, the check for $1.00 will be forwarded to that person whose letter shall happen to be opened first. Letters received at an earlier date than that mentioned will not be considered. Remember to read the ads. carefully and mail your statement of the error promptly. We send our check by return mai! to the successful subscriber. jS The H. E. Mitchell Publishing Co., KENT'S HILL, - MAINE. i hi si Vassalboro, Maine. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Indian History Along the Kennebec Early Settlement in the Kennebec Valley Incorporation and Town Officers Military Matters Manufacturing Account Church Account Educational Notes Census Nbn-Hesiden ts General Reference Printed by A . M. Chase &r* Co. , Bryant's Pond, Maine Vassalboro, Maine. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NORTH VASSALBORO, ME. An especial invitation is extended to every resident of this town and others to attend an j and all of these services. J. S. CLARK, Pastor. SUNDAY SERVICES. Preaching, 10:30, A. M. and 7:30, P. M. Sunday Sehool at Noon. Gospel Social Service on Thursday Evening at 7:30. J. H. COGAN & Co., Steam and Hot Water Heating. Wood Mantles, Tiles and Fire Place Goods. All Kinds of Pumps. Plain, Galvanized and Lead Pipe for Aqueducts. H draulic Rams, Tile Pipe, Land Tile, Paints and Oils. Hardware of Every Description. Leather and Rubber Belting, Valves, all Kinds of Steam and Water Packing. Bay State and Atlantic Ranges. Atlantic Wood Furnaces- Steel Ceiling for Stores, Houses, Halls, etc. Low Prices. Call and See. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. 187 Water Street, -- AUGUSTA, MAINE. WINTHROP, MAINE. assalboro, Maine illMlllllji.. INDIAN HISTORY ALONG THE KENNEBEC. The story of the Indian in the region of the Kennebec is one fnll of interest to all citizens of the State of Maine. It is not expected that we shall be able in this short account to mention all the details of the stirring events of the time which elapsed between the date when Indian history in this region begins and ends. Our purpose is to briefly state the story of the leading events of that stirring period. The date to be selected as the starting point is hard to de- termine. The Indian tribes east of the Conneticut river were known by the name of Abenaquois. But this name came in time to be restricted largely to those Indians who lived along the Kennebec from Merrymeeting Bay to Moosehead Lake. The name has come to have the spelling, Abenakis. The Indians were well disposed toward the whites and made no attempts to create trouble till after the Plymouth Colonists had carried out their methods of kidnapping and pillaging. As was natural their faith and good will was transformed into suspicion and hatred. From this grew trouble, which at times was very disastrous. 5 6 Vassalboro, Maine. The first glimpse of the re dm an of this valley is obtained in the accounts of Captain Gilbert. These are very meagre but give something of a picture of Sebenoa and his tribe as they wandered through the forest unrestricted and fearless. The next recorded arrival of white men among the Indians is that of Edward Winslow and others of the Plymouth Colony in the fall of 1625. . Three years later a trading post is established at Cushnoc (Augusta), and the white man comes more in contact with the child of nature. For thirty-four years this post was continued as the trading base with the Indians. But during this time, sorry to relate, the English did nothing for the Indians in the way of educational or religious training. It remained for the French to supply this much needed assistance to the redman. We learn that in 1643 an Indian who had become a Christian under the labors of the French missionaries at Sillery or Quebec, came down the Kennebec as far as Cushnoc and told the Indians there of the majesty and beauty of the new faith. Through this agency there was considerable intercourse between the Abenakis and the Indians of the Northwest. A few years after a delegation from the Abenakis appeared at Sillery to beg that a missionary be sent to them on the Kennebec. The result of this appeal was the appointment of the renowned Father Gabriel Druillette who started on his mission in 1646. He established i? successful mission at a point about three miles north of Augusta. Here he became greatly beneficial to the Indians. He was most eager to participate in all their pursuits, sharing the experiences of the tribe in its winters hunting in the region of Moosehead Lake. He went back to Sillery in 1647 and did not return untii Vassalboro, Maine. 1650 though the tribe sent a delegation each year requesting his return to them. In 1650 he came back and renewed his labor among them. This time he came as an envoy as well as a mis- sionary, and after meeting his old friends and companions at the mission he set out for Boston where he met in the capacity of envoy from the Abenakis Indians, the chief officers of the city and state. He was the first Jesuit to enter the streets of Boston. He also met the leading officials of the Plymouth Colony, and in all quarters was assured of the good will of the people in behalf of the Abenakis Indians, in this move for an alliance to protect them from the Iroquois who were very troublesome. But though Father Druillette returned to the Kennebec in a very hopeful frame of mind, his efforts were proven of no value as the people of Massachusetts could not be interested in the proposed alliance to such an extent as would be necessary to carry it to a successful ending. The result was that the Abenakis were left to depend upon their own resources. Father Druillette returned to the Kennebec in 1651 after a journey of fearful hardship from a long wandering in the forests in the region of the St. John river, occasioned by having lost all trace of the course he was to follow. He finally reached the settlement at Norridgewock and was welcomed by his simple but sincere followers as an angel from heaven. He spent some few weeks attending to the needs of his mission, and then made another trip to Boston earnestly beseeching the people of Massa- chusetts to join with the Abenakis in defending the region from 8 Vassalboro, Maine. the onslaughts of the Iroquois, but to no avail. Father Druil- lette returned once more to his valley mission and passed a long dreary winter in performing his duties to his forest friends. At the beginning of March, 1652, he started for Quebec. This trip was to be more fateful than the one preceding it. Some of his party died of starvation. Father Druillette was without food six days following the fasting season of Lent. They had even to resort to the boiling of their moccasins, and at last to the boiling of Father Druillctte's gown — Camisole — which was made of moose skin. All but starved and thoroughly exhausted they reached Quebec. This was the last of Father Druillette's experi- ence with the Abenakis. Though his work had not preserved them politically, he had raised their standards and brought them to a higher plane of living for which they continued to love him and cherish his memory. This remarkable man was born in France in 1593, and died in Quebec in 1679, having passed nearly forty years in missionary work. FIRST INDIAN WAR IN MAINE. After the departure of Father Druillette, for nearly a quarter of a century the history of the Kennebec Indians is a blank. The friction between the English and the Abenakis continued to be productive of discord. The English made no effort to better the Indian. Puritanism had no attraction for him, but the religious rites of the Catholic faith with its beautiful symbols of those days in the skillful hands of an enthusiastic priest held Vassalboro, Maine. 9 their attention and won their faith and love. The Abenakis felt that the taking of Druillette from them was in some unknown way due to the influence of the English, and this being so it is plain to be seen that soon the relations between these parties must become strained. The events which led to the outbreak in Maine were brought on by the Iroquois opening war upon the settlements in the Valley of the St. Lawrence. There is an old tradition that there was fought near the outlet of Moosehead Lake a terrible battle between the Iroquois and the Abenakis. There is little or no proof to support this, but it has come down through history as one of the disasters of this tribe. It is said in this connection that a whole village was massacred save an old chief who was carried to the west and later tortured to death. With the opening of King Phillip's War came a stir among the Indians of Maine, especially in the western portion of the State. This led to an uneasiness on the part of the settlers about the mouth of the Kennebec. From this resulted a parley between the Indians of this valley and other Indians of the state and the English, in which an agreement was made by the Indians to yield up their arms and remain peaceful. This seemed to be a settle- ment of the matter, and undoubtedly would have been had not Squando, a Saco chief, interposed objections to the treaty, and refused to be a party to it. This spoiled the best laid plans. The Indians were soon seen to be increasingly insolent. Trouble was imminent. War broke out. Massacres along the coast were committed in large numbers. Another parley was held with the Kennebec Indians, this time at Ticonic. The Indians demanded 10 Vassalboro, Maine. their arms saying they wished no part in the war then on, but were suffering from lack of food and had no means of procuring it without their guns and powder. The English refused this request. This was the "last straw" with the Indians and they joined the Androscoggins and other tribes and began pillaging up and down the valley. This lasted about three years. Then fol- lowed a treaty of peace which was welcomed by the Abenakis, who during the conflict had not been so cruel and barbarous as the Androscoggins and others, thanks to the influence and teach- ings of Father Druillette. In this treaty provisions were made by the English to protect the Indians of Maine from the tribes of the west. But this was simply a temporary settlement, a kind of truce. The two races were naturally repellant. THE SECOND INDIAN WAR. The second war in Maine was brought on by the troubles which had been long standing and the new complications made by the outbreak of war between the English and French — King Wil- liam's War — in 1688. The French used the Indians always to further their political ends, and this case was no exception. The Indians of the whole State were soon on the warpath and de- struction of life and property was of daily and nightly occurrence. In the midst of this an event of great interest to the student of Indian history in Maine occurred. It was the coming of Father Sebastian Kasle to the Kennebec valley to re-establish a mission of the Catholic church. The advent of the missionary has always Vassalboro, Maine. 11 been held to have been a part of the political plan of the French to hold their grasp on the Indians of this valley. Kasle came from St. Francis through the woods of the northern part of the state to the headwaters of the Kennebec, and readied Norridgewock, where he established his mission, in 1695. Here he drew the remaining families of the tribes of this section of the State. He re-opened the religious work of Druillette and the history of his mission is the history of the Abenakis tribe from that time till it left the waters of the Kennebec. Whatever may have been the part Rasle played in the conflict he found in progress we know not. It was probably in behalf of peace. Soon after his arrival the Kennebec Indians sued for peace, through their chief, Bomaseen, and others. Those on the Kennebec were willing to see the war close but the French allies were not and so the war again broke out. New disasters occured. The English blamed Bomaseen and he was taken prisoner and lodged first in Fort William Henry at Pemaquid, and later at Boston. The Xorridgewocks resumed the warpath. For two years the war raged. Another treaty was made in 1699. Bom- aseen was released. This was also simply a truce. When Queen Anne was crowned in 1702, she declared war against France. This was sure to pro- duce war on the western continent, and in this State as she asserted her control of Acadia. A conference between the Eng- lish and the Indians of Maine was held because of the warlike premonitions. It was to re-affirm the treaty last made, and to preserve peace. It was held at Casco — now Portland — and was attended by Bomaseen, Moxus, and Captain Sam, chiefs from 12 Vassalboro, Maine. Kennebec. Father Rasle was also in attendance. The treaty was signed, but could not be kept in good faith. War was soon on again and though the Abenakis did not join as a body some of their warriors are supposed to have been concerned in the con- flict. The treaty of Utrecht — 1713 — ended the war for a time. The fourth Indian war in Maine is particularly interesting as it was the conflict which ended with the death of Father Rasle at Norridgewock. Though it was due in a general way to the same causes as the other conflicts there were other circumstances con- nected. One of these was that the people of the State and all New England felt that with the peace of Utrecht the end of Indian troubles had come. They were flocking to their former colonial homes. They were taking up new claims granted them by the different companies, and by the State. In some cases no doubt they took up land which no one had given them the right to take. This soon led to friction between the English and the Indians. The English were aware that many of the deeds of the lands which they had bought with a few dollars worth of whiskey and tobacco of the most worthless Indians were really of no value, were the cases to be tried in a court of justice. They however claimed that these deeds given in a drunk, perhaps, and by a sagamore who had no tribe at all to represent were abso- lutely binding and that they must enforce them. But they did not like the Indian's method of taking his revenge for wrongs, either real or fancied, so it was concluded to call a general con- ference of the tribes in Maine and the officials of the State to be held at Arrowsic in the summer of 1717. The Indians came in large numbers and also the Governor of Vassalboro, Maine. 13 the State and other officials. The parley opened very pleasantly but a discussion of the ownership of the land was brought on and the conference was broken up by the Indians leaving the council tent. Father Rasle was the friend and counsellor of the redmen and well did he use the means at hand. The conference was re-opened the following day but an agreement was practi- cally forced upon the Indians in such terms as the governor was pleased to decide upon. From this time on the advance of the whites was made with confidence. The Indians watched the felling of the forests, the building of the forts, and the stamped- ing of their game in sullen silence. Rasle labored indefatigably to save to his people these lands. He interested the people of Canada and other tribes. Soon notice was given at Arrowsic that unless the whites retired from the lands they had usurped, war would be opened upon them. This notice when sent to Boston brought prompt action on the part of the government. Troops were ordered to the scene prepared to punish the rebels. Rasle was considered by the English to be at the bottom of all the trouble. A reward for his capture was offered. An expedi- tion for his capture was organized and started direct for Nor- ridgewock. It was unsuccessful, but came near being otherwise. Rasle was in hiding in the forest, but his dwelling was entered and his library and other belongings, left in his hasty flight, were burned. This attempt was viewed by the Indians as a full and sufficient reason for war. All the other tribes felt that this outrage must be avenged, and prepared to do each its part in seeing that justice should be done. Not long after the burning of the Chapel 14 Vassalboro, Maine. at Norridgewock the Indians fell upon the settlements and again the woods of the Pine Tree State rang with the whoops of the savage, mingled with the death cries of their victims. The English decided upon another attempt to capture Rasle. Captain Moulton, with a picked party, ascended the river to Norridge- wock, but found the village deserted. Rasle, aware that a reward was offered by the government for his head had taken himself and his followers to a safer place. This time no destruction of property was attempted. This was the third attempt to take Rasle either dead or alive, the second being only a short time before the one just mentioned. The war continued with dreadful destruction. Men, women and children were killed at all points in Maine by the Indians. Whole settlements were wiped out in a single day or night. The whole section was terrorized. The English were now led to make another attempt to slay Rasle, whom they considered to blame for all this disaster. Captain Moulton accompanied by Captain Harmon with a goodly company of troops set out once more for the beautiful village on the banks of the Kennebec. This ex- pedition was attempted in the summer time, as the others which had been all unsuccessful had been such largely because of the snow. The troops started in whale boats on the 19th of August, 1724, and reached Ticonic on the day following. On the 21st the troops marched toward Norridgewock. Before night the force came upon a party of three persons near where the village of South Norridgewock stands to-day. The two women were shot. The father, fleet-footed, ran swiftly through the forrest to carry warning to the village above. He was overtaken, however, Vassalboro, Maine. 15 by the bullets of his pursuers as he attempted to cross the river at a fording place. The victim was Bomaseen of whom we have made mention before. We are unable to state with any certainty the details of the advance upon the village. It h.is been handed down that the party crossed the river where the chief had fallen and marched to the high land a mile or two from the river where they could overlook the village and decide upon plans for its destruction. The forces were divided. Harmon led a company toward a place where it was fancied a camp might be as a smoke could be seen winding from the forest. Moulton advanced upon the village with the other force. Leaving two parties in ambush he took the remainder and charged upon the huts. The village was at once in a panic. No organized resistance was made. The Indians were shot down in cold blood either by the attacking party or by those in ambush. Rasle was seen issuing forth from a cabin in his priestly garments and was instantly riddled with bullets. He fell at the foot of the cross he had erected with his own hands. He was surrounded by his faithful neophytes, seven of whom fell by his side. Thirty indians were dead and half as many more were hobbling into the woods wounded. Not one of the assail- ants was hurt, save one of the Mohawks who had accompanied the party. The purpose of the expedition was accomplished. The Eng- lish destroyed the village, scalped Father Rasle and the other victims and wended their way down the river. This cruel mur- der has since it was committed ever been remembered in history and in local traditions. The grave of Rasle is marked by a 16 Vassalboro, Maine. monument. He will always be remembered as a man whose only offense was devotion to the people he served, and constancy to his vows. Rasle's death ended the mission for some years. The larger number of the Indians who survived went -to St. Francis. The war continued about a year after this incident, but the Abenakis had no part in the conflict after this time. Six years after Rasle's death the mission was re-established but only temporarily. Here practically ended the Indian wars of this valley. Other minor conflicts occurred after the above events but were of little importance. Vassalboro, Maine. 17 EARLY SETTLERS AND SETTLEMENTS. In tracing the history of the town of Vassalboro we find that our task lies in tracing out the story of the settlement and devel- opment of the whole section along the banks of the Kennebec River, above Cushnoc, or Augusta as it was later called. When the white man first gained a knowledge of the territory of this region along the Kennebec the forest resounded only to the stealthy step of the redman, and the waters reflected only the rude, rough features of the child of nature as he bended over them to cast the rude implements of fishing or seek a draught to quench his thirst. For a long term of years after the first of the white men learned of the territory hereabout no progress or even attempts to settle were made. The strife that was waged between the white men and the Indians made the whole of this region the secure home of the latter for a long time. But with the advent of the trader came some small development of oppor- tunity to settle. From the 31st day of May, 1607, when the Popham expedition sailed from England to the mouth of the Kennebec and made preparations to establish there a colony, the fortunes of the Indian seemed to have been doomed. There were many long periods of doubt as to whether the territory of this region was to belong to France or England; but there never was a time when there was any doubt that the Indian, sooner or later, must leave the scenes of his former domain. The French 18 Vassalboro, Maine. adopted methods which seem to have been well calculated to hold for a time the confidence and friendship of the redman, but their purpose was identical with that of the English and aimed at the control of the territory of the larger part of the whole North American Continent. While the French were aiming at the subjugation of the Indian by diplomacy and apparent friend- ship, the English were carrying on their old and well known plan of subjugation by the might of the sword. This policy entrusted to the adventurers whom they sent to establish their dominion, coupled with the deceit which was frequently practiced upon the Indian served only to make the English the more hated and the French the more trusted. This condition led to strife which was destructive of life and property as well as of the advance of civilization. So long as the strife of arms continued little or nothing was done for the betterment of the region of the Kennebec. When the fort at Winslow, Fort Halifax, was built in 1754 there was a certain amount of protection for the settlers offered, and from this time there was something done toward settlement. But previous to this time the history of the section is a story of strife between the Indians and the English with the complications made by the French in addition. Briefly the events of most importance following the establishment of a colony at the mouth of the Kennebec by Popham in 1607, as above stated, are the following: The grant of territory known as the Plymouth or Kennebec Grant was made by the Plymouth Council on January 13, 1629. This grant included all the territory on either side of the Kennebec river to the extent of fifteen miles from its banks, and Vassalboro, Maine. 19 extended from the vicinity of Topsham to the Wessarunsett river at Cornville. Following this grant there was erected a trading house "up above on ye river in ye most convenientest place for trade." This was undoubtedly at Cushnoc, or Augusta as it is now known. Not long after this, some six years, the Plymouth Council became disheartened and surrendered its charter to the King of England. Then by various acts and grants the King placed this and other territory, which included practically what is included in the present State of Maine, under the control of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. His domain was designated as the "Province of Maine." He sent his nephew, William Gorges, as Governor, and this gentleman established his capitol in Saco, and opened court there on March 28, 1636. As there were no settlements yet on the Kennebec, Gorges exer- cised no jurisdiction, but the Pilgrim Colony made a monopoly of the trade with the Indians. But the trade with the Indians became in time so scanty that it was leased in 1640 to five parties, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, Thomas Prince, Thomas Willett and William Paddy. The consideration was a small sum and the lease was to run three years. This lease was r.mewed till 1661 when the patent was sold outright to Artemas Boies, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brattle and John Winslow. One of the very first civil actions on the part of the p< ople scattered along the Kennebec near its mouth, occurred on May 23, 1654, when sixteen men assembled in compliance wit! an order from the General Court of Massachusetts to one Tho nas Prince to "summon the citizens on the river Kennebec that t/\ey might take an oath of allegiance and arrange a judicial code." In 20 Vassalboro, Maine. accordance with this order the sixteen men, mentioned above, assembled at the house of one Thomas Ashley near Merrymeeting Bay on the above date, and besides taking the oath, "promulgated the first prohibitory law in the State of Maine." It provided for penalties for the selling of liquors to the Indians. We find that at the outbreak of King Phillip's War there were two men who had trading places at Waterville, Teconnet as it was then called. They were Messrs. Clark and Lake. In a short time the war assumed such proportions that the Maine Indians took part, and a large part of the traders about the vicinity of Arrowsic and at points further up the river were killed. This conflict and those which followed were so destructive that as late as 1749 there were only two families left on the river above Merrymeeting Bay. In 1749 nine of the heirs of the men who had bought the rights of the Plymouth Company in 1661 met in Boston and organized and became incorporated in order to obtain their rights to the lands which had been bought by their ancestors, and to devise means to open the territory to settlement. In 1753 the company petitioned Gov. Shirlejr of Massachusetts for the erection of a fort at Teconnet Falls. This was the beginning of the opening up of the whole of 1 Kennebec Valley to settle- ment. Teconnet was regarded as thu stragetic point by both the Eng ish and the French and by the Indians also who saw in this new move a thing dangerous to their interests. But their protest was in vain and the fort was erected. General Winslow was in charge of the eight hundred troops who accompanied Governor Shirley on this expedition. It was he who laid out the fort and ha ■' charge of the operations about the scene of the fortification. Vassalboro, Maine. 21 It took but a short time for these English to build five buildings about Fort Halifax. Soon a stockade eight hundred feet in length was put up, cannon and rifles were brought up the river in scows, and a wheel road was cut through from Fort Weston at Cushnoo (Augusta). When the works were completed Governor Shirley inspected them and very highly complimented General Winslow and his men. Capt. Lithgow, who had been in com- mand of Fort Richmond, was assigned to the command of Fort Halifax, and was given a garrison of eighty men. We are in- formed that there was a whale boat express established between this place and Falmouth (Portland) which made the trip in twenty hours, a rate of speed considered rapid for those times. After the garrison was established at Fort Halifax it was soon learned that the Indians were determined to make trouble if possible. No man was safe if he ventured beyond the limits of the fortifications. Several were mortally wounded by the Indians. They continued to make trouble till the summer of 1757 when the last skirmish with them occurred. It is recorded that Capt. Lithgow had noticed for a few days that there were rafts drifting down the river, and concluded that the Indians had used them to cross at some point above and come down in attack on the settle- ment. He sent a party of ten men down the river to give warn- ing of the impending danger. As these men were returning they were fired upon some ten miles below the fort, in the vicinity of Riverside, and two of the party were wounded. They returned the fire and continued the fight with such gallantry that the Indians fied after one had fallen, shot dead, and another wounded. The Indians carried away these two on their backs to prevent 22 Vassalboro, Maine. them from being taken prisoners. The above skirmish occurred on May 18, 1757, and was the final shot of the redman, as a tribe, in this region. The purpose of the fort was now realized. It was the key to the region of the Kennebec, and had unlocked the valley to the axe of the settler. It is of interest to note that the garrison was much reduced after a short time, and that the fort was dis- mantled after the close of the French and Indian War in 1763. When Arnold passed up the Kennebec on his expedition to Quebec the large house within the fort was used as a hotel. It was called "Fort House." This building was used afterward as a dwelling house, meeting house, town house, later as a danc- ing hall and finally as a home for the poor. A Mr. Thomas tore the building down in 1797 and used some of its timbers in the construction of the Halifax House. Capt. Lithgow remained at the fort for some time. He was engaged in trade at this point. He was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Lincoln County as early as 1760. In 1772 he removed to George- town where he died in 1798 at the age of eighty-three. Abbott says in his history of Maine, "Winslow was incor- porated this year (1771) including the present town of Waterville. Here was the famous Teconnet of the Indians ; and it was on this point, on the neck of land formed by the union of the Sebasti- cook and the Kennebec, that Fort Halifax was reared. As early as 1754, eleven families built their cabins at this frontier fort in the wilderness." The Rev. E. C. Whittemore, in writing on this point, says, "Abbott states that eleven families settled in Winslow in 1754, but, if so, they have left neither trace nor name." We Vassalboro, Maine. 23 are inclined to believe that there were no permanent settlements on the banks of the Kennebec at this point till somewhat after this date. EARLY SETTLERS. Ebenezer Hall settled on lot 73, first range, lately occupied by his grandson, Alexander Hall. South of Mr. Hall was Barnabas Hedge, of Cape Cod, an early settler. He had two sons, Jonathan and Scotto. The latter settled where Henry M. Sawtelle lives, and Jonathan where E. Lincoln Brown lives, on the east side of the road. South of the Hedges, Nathaniel Lovejoy made his settlement, and south of him were Isaiah Crowell and Aaron Gaslin. North of Ebenezer Hall were Edward. Hoyt and Thomas Carlton. The Greenleaf Low farm, north of GetchelPs Corners, was settled by a man named Blanch- ard, from whom Mr. Low's grandfather purchased. Next north the lot was settled by Remington Hobby, who was very promi- nent in civil affairs in the first days of the incorporation of the town. The Seminary is located on a portion of the Hobby pur- chase. Hall C. Burleigh's farm was settled by Jacob Taber and was subsequently owned by John and Elijah Pope, who married two of Friend Taber's daughters. The northern part of the town was settled after Getchell's Corners, John Getchell himself owning the land where North Vassalboro now stands. Jonas Priest was the first to cut his way from the river to Priest Hill, and there started his homestead where his grandson, Theodore W. Priest, now resides. He came from.Groton, Mass., in 1775, 24 Vassalboro, Maine. and in 1792 received a grant of two hundred acres from the proprietors. His first hut was on the stream which flows through the homestead farm which he obtained under such conditions as were then necessary. James Johnson soon settled west of Priest, where Miss Johnson now resides. Enoch Palmer settled where Mrs. Handy, his daughter, lives. South, up the outlet, Joseph Brann settled, and a man named Lord settled the place where Hunton lives. William Brann, brother to Joseph, settled where Jefferson Plummer resides. Between North Vassalboro and the river, where Charles Robbins resides, Paul Taber made his settlement in the woods; and across the road, where Thomas H. Starky lives, was the first settlement of Moses Sleeper. William Weeks pitched his tent where Parker C. Gifford lives, and Peltiah Varney settled where Albert Cook lives, up the lane. Where Gideon Hobby settled now belongs to the Daniel Ayer estate, and near here Tobias Varney lived. The highway extend- ing over the hill northeasterly from the town house was early known as Quaker lane, in allusion to the numerous families of Friends who made the earliest settlement upon it. Ebenezer Pope, whose brothers, John and Elijah, have already been men- tioned, built a house in 1806, where his son, Elijah Pope, now lives. He owned also the present James Pope farm, next north. One of Ebenezer's sisters married John Cook, and they settled the Frank H. Lewis farm, still further north. Another sister married John Cartland, a Friend minister, and they settled be- tween Ebenezer Pope's and John Cook's. South of Ebenezer Pope's was the early settlement of the old Goddard family. The reader should already understand how generally the first settlers Vassalboro, Maine. 25 of this town came here from Cape Cod; but about 1827 several whale captains of Nantucket packed their household goods and came with their families to Vassalboro, settling along the eastern side of the town. Among them were, Reuben Weeks, David Wyer, Shubael Cottle, John G. Fitch, Shubael Hussey, Henry Cottle, Joseph Barney, James Alley, Seth and Daniel Coffin, and Captain Albert Clark. Between the north village and Priest hill Colonel John Dearborn settled. His house was west of George Newell's farm, while east of him and north of Mr. Priest, Peter Pray had an early home, where George Taggart lives. South of Priest's Abner Taylor settled, where some of his descendents reside. We have noticed the early coming and usefulness of John Getchell. Undoubtedly he was the first, and certainly was the leading spirit among them. He was a successful hunter — skilled in forest lore — and went a few miles up the valley with Arnold, in the fall of 1775, which small investment of fact has yielded a handsome return of fiction in the hands of sensational and superficial writers.* INCORPORATION. The town of Vassalboro was incorporated April, 26, 1771, and included Sidney till 1792 when the latter was set off by act of General Court. We are unable to find the original Act of Incoporation but have copied the first warrant for a town meeting to elect town * These notes are an Extract from the Kennebec County History, 1892. 26 Vassalboro, Maine. officers and to vote for several county officials. The warrant follows : To Mr. Matthew Hastings : By virtue of the power to me giveu by a law of this Province incorporating a certain tract of land in the County of Lincoln into a township by the name of Vassalborough butted and bounded as below mentioned, you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town qualified by Law to vote in Town affairs to meet at the house of James Bacon, Innholder, on the 22nd. day of May, 1771, at eight o'clock before noon. To choose Selectmen, Town Clerk, Constables and other such officers as shall be necessary to manage the affairs of said town. You are also to notify »nd warn the said Freeholders that at the same meeting they are to bring in their votes for a Registrar of Deeds, and also for a Treasurer for the said County of Lincoln qualified according to Law. The said town of Vassalborough is butted and bounded as follows: viz; Beginning on the East side of the Kennebeck River on the North iine of lot No. Fifty and running from Ken- nebeck River on said line an East South East course five miles (being bounded thus by Hallowed) from thence to run North- wardly about eight miles more or less on such a course as to meet the East end of a line running East South East from the Kennebeck River along the Southwardly line of Lot No. 102, fronting on said Kennebeck River. From thence to run West North "West on the last mentioned line to the said river to the end of five miles on the West side thereof. From thence to run Southwardly to the North Westwardly line corner of the town of Hallowed aforesaid. From thence to run East South East five miles on the Northwardly side of said town to the Kennebeck River and over said River to the first mentioned bounds. Given under my hand and seal the 17th day of May, 1771. James Howard, Justice of the Peace. Vassalboro, Maine. 27 Vassalborough, 22d, Ma}', 1771. By virtue of the Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Vassalborough to attend at time and place accord- ing to the tenor of said warrant. Matthew Hastings. Chose Matthew Hastings, Moderator. Chose Dennis Getchell, Matthew Hastings, Levi Powers, Selectmen. Chose John Rogers, Town Clerk. Chose Charles Webber, Town Treasurer. TOWN OFFICERS. Town Clerks. — The town clerks, each serving until his suc- cessor's election, have been: John Rogers, who was elected in 1771; Samuel Devens, in 1775; Charles Webber, 1776; Dr. Stephen Barton, 1777; Jedediah Barton, 1781; Matthew Hast- ings, 1782; Stephen Barton, 1784; Flint Barton, 1787; Asa Redington, 1790; Jer. Fairfield, 1792; Jonathan Fairfield, 1799; Jonathan Carlton, 1802; Benjamin Brown, Jr., 1803; Jonathan Fairfield, 1806; Joseph R. Abbott, 1809; Abial Gatchell, 1817; Joseph R. Abbott, 1824; Amos Stickney, 1830; Obed Durrell, 1838; James Rowe, 1846; William II. Gates, 1865; Edward W. Bush, 1873; E. Frank Lincoln, 1874; William S. Bradley, 1881; Orrick Hawes, appointed in 1883 to fill vacancy ; William S. Bradley, 1884; A. S. Bradley, mad^ deputy, January, 1887; Seth B. Richardson, 1887; G. S. Perkins, 1898; B. K. Meservey, 1901, '02, '03. Selectmen. — 1771, Dennis Getchell, served 8 years; Matthew Hastings, 10; Levi Powers. 1772, Ebenezer Farwell, 2. 1773, 28 Vassalboro, Maine. Chas. Webber. 1774, Daniel Fairfield, 4. 1775, Ebenezer Pat- tie, 3. Samuel Devens. 1776, Isaac Farwell jun., 2. 1777, Rem- ington Hobby. 1778, Stephen Barton, 2; Joseph. Webber. 1779, Nenemiah Getchell, Abial Lovejoy, 6. 1780, Flint Barton, 3. 1781, Hugh Smiley, 2. 1784, Captain Samuel Grant, 3. 1785, Thomas Smiley, 4. 1786, Benjamin Dyer. 1787, Obadiah Wil- liams, 2. 1788, Lieutenant Ebenezer Moore, 6. 1791, Chas. Webber, 4. 1792, Reuben Fairfield, 15. 1793, Ebenezer Far- well. 1795, Daniel McFadden, 2. 1797, Isaiah Crowell, 9; John Getchell, 4. 1798, Samuel Redington, 3. 1801, Jonathan Carl- ton, 3. 1802, Beriah Packard. 1806, Abial Getchell, 12; Moses Starkey, 2; Nathaniel Percival. 1807, John Roberts, 5. 1808, Phillip Colby, 2; Joseph R. Abbott, 10. 1810, Isaac Roberts, 5. 1812, Francis M. Rollins, 3. 1814, John O. Webster. 1815, Jeremiah Webber, 2. 1817, Joseph Southwick, Ebenezer Meiggs, 2. 1818, Dean Bangs, Jun. 1819, Prince Hawes, Holman John- son, 9. 1820, John Roberts, 6. 1821, John Hussey. 1824, Jacob Southwick, 2. 1826, Elijah Robinson, 5; William Perci- val, 7. 1828, Phillip Leach. 1829, Amos Stickney, 10. 1833, Isaac Fairfield, 18; Moses Taber, 5. 1835, John G. Sturgis, 2. 1837, Otis C. Adams, 2; William Taber. 1838, Oliver Prescott, 4. 1840, Oliver Webber. 1841, Oliver A. Webber, 3. 1842, William A. Hawes, 2. 1843, Jonathan A. Smith, 2; Joseph H. Cole. 1844, Joseph E. Wing, David G. Robinson, 5. 1845, John llomans, 9. 1849, John Marble, 2. 1850, Hiram Pishon. 1851, John Goff Hall, 5. 1854, William Merrill, Warren Percival, 5; Howard G. Abbott. 1857, Jacob Prescott, 2; John R. White- house, 10. 1859, Joseph B. Low, 6. 1862, Orrick Hawes, 7. Vassalboro, Maine. 29 1864, Edward S. Weeks. 1865, William H. Cates, 7. 1868, J. E. Mills, 2. 1870, Joseph H. Allen, 5. 1871, Edward W. Bosh, 4. 1872, Henry H. Robbing, 4. 1875, Warren Percival, 2; Isaiah Gifford, 6. 1876, George Howell. 1877. Benjamin McDonald, Howard Wentworth, 2. 1878, George Reynolds, 3. 1880, Ezekiel Small. 1881, Greenlief Lowe, 6; Benjamin J. Rackliff, Albert M. Bradley. 1882, B. C. Nichols, Hartwell Getchell. 1883, W. A. Evans, 7 years. 1884, Joel W. Taylor, 2. 1885, Peter Williams. 1886, Gustavus Hussey, 3. Alexander Hall, 7. 1888, Henry T. Drummond, 3. 1892, E. C. Barrows, Alexander Hall, R. C. Burgess. 1893, E. C. Barrows, Alex- ander Hall, R. C. Burgess. 1894, E. C. Barrows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. Warren. 1895, E. C. Barrows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. Warren. 1896, E. C. Barrows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. Warren. 1897, E. C. Barrows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. War- ren. 1898, E. C. Barrows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. Warren. 1899, E. C. Barrows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. Warren. 1900, E. C. Bar- rows, Geo. S. Hawes, E. E. Warren. 1901, E. C. Barrows, O. J. Hussey, E. L. Priest. 1902, O. J. Hussey, E. L. Priest, J. C. Evans. 1903, O. J. Hussey, E. L. Priest, Geo. S. Perkins. Treasurers. — The first treasurer of the town was Charles Webber, in 1771, who also served in 1776. The succession of treasurers, with years of election follows: John Rogers, 1772 Samuel Devens, 1775; Dr. Stephen Barton, 1777; Benjamin Hobby, 1778; Captain Abial Lovejoy, 1780; Captain Samuel Grant, 1781; Ebenezer Farwell, 1782; Samuel Grant, 1783; Nehemiah Getchell, 1785; Flint Barton, 1790; Nehemiah Get- chell, 1792; Jer. Fairfield, 1795; Samuel Redington, 1798; 30 J'assalboro, Maine. Reuben Fairfield, 1801; Jonathan Carlton, Sr., 1802; Samuel Redington, 1803; Benjamin Brown, 1813; Samuel Redington, 1815; Joseph R. Abbott, 1819; Samuel Redington, 1821; Joseph Southwick, 1822; Philip Leach, 1828; Albert G. Brown, 1829; Elijah Robinson, 1830; John Collins, 1832; Thomas Carlton, 1833; Amos Stickney, 1834; Moses Purington, 1835; William Perciyal, appointed November, 183G, to complete the year; Thomas Carlton, 1837; Amos Stickney, 1838; Obed Durrell, 1839; John Homans, 1846; Joseph II. Cole, 1850; James Rowe, 1851; Joseph 11. Cole, 1851; William P. Whitehouse, 1855; James Rowe, 1856; Joseph H. Cole, 1857; William Merrill, 1859; William S. B. Runnells, 1863; William H. Cates, 1864; Warren Percival, 1866; Z. Butterfield, 1867; J. S. Butterfiehl, 1877; Charles F. Crowell, 1887; C4eorge II. Cates, 1891. MILITARY MATTERS. This town, like so many others in the County of Kennebec, is justly proud of its military record. We know that no written word can do justice to those services; therefore, we attempt no pen-picture of the deeds of former generations, wrought on the field of battle to preserve the principles of free government. We give their names and arrange them to show the different periods of service in which they were engaged. The following is Vassal- boro's record for the war of 1812-'15. This town raised companies by eulistment. One was raised for Colonel Moore's regiment, and the commissioned officers were: Vassalboro, Maine. 31 Daniel Wyman, captain ; Alexander Jackson, lieutenant; William Tarball, ensign. Thomas Hawes, Daniel Whiteliouse, Zenas Percival and Roland Frye were sergeants; John Clay, Gersham, Clark, Thomas Whiteliouse and Jonathan Smart, corporals; George Webber, musician. There were twenty-nine privates. Wing's company, enlisted in Vassalboro, was attached to the same regiment. The commissioned officers of the company were: Joseph Wing, captain; Levi Maynard, lieutenant; and Nehemiah Gould, ensign. The non-commissioned officers were: Elijah Robinson, Moses Rollins, Stephen Low, Josiah Priest, sergeants; Levi Chadbourne, Amasa Starkey, John Frye, Reuben Priest, corporals. The musicians were Enoch Marshall and Stephen Townsend. The privates numbered fifty-three men. Still an- other small company was enlisted for Moore's regiment, and the captain was Jeremiah Farwell; lieutenant, Aaron Gaslin ; Charles Webber, Eli French, John G. Hall, and Elijah Morse were ser- geants; Benjamin Bassett, Nathaniel Merchant, and Heman Sturges, corporals; John Lovejoy, musician; and the file of privates numbered thirty men. A company was drafted from Vassalboro, of which Jeremiah Farwell was commissioned cap- tain; Nathaniel Spratt, lieutenant; and Nehemiah Gould, ensign; Charles Webber, Amariah Hardin, Jr., Jabez Crowell, and Elijah Morse were sergeants; Roland Frye, Samuel Brand, Benjamin Melvin and Thomas Whitehouse, corporals; Washington Drake and Timothy Whitehouse, musicians. The company embraced sisty-seven men as privates. 32 Vass-alboro, Maine. CIVIL WAR.— lS61-'65. Vassalboro was credited with the following at the close of the year 1861 : — Charles F. Austin, Albert C. Ballard, p at Richmond, July 21, '61 ; Llewellyn Ballard, w and p at Richmond, July 21, '61 ; Leander Bean, Joab D. Bragg, Lewis Bragg, George E. Burgess, Jefferson Bragg, William H. Brown, d Oct. 24, '62; Daniel W. Buzzell, Edmund P. Buck, Fredrick O. Chick, Eugene W. Cross, Antone Cady, Benjamin B. Coombs, Alonzo P. Cortland, Daniel Eaton, Jeremiah A. Estes, k Aug. 25, '64; James R. Eaton, William Elliott, Lorenzo P^armington, George R. Freeman, George L. Freeman, d at Washington, Dec. 19, '61; James Farrell, H. P. Fairfield, Frank Forbes, p at Bull Run, July 21, '61, k May 5, '64; John E. Fossett, w at Chantilly and Gettys- burg, July 2, '63; Edwin P. Getchell, Edwin F. Getchell, Van T. Gilbert, Alonzo Hinckley, d Sept. 20, '62 ; Thomas E. Home, d April 25, '62; Orriok II. Hopkins, James W. Irving, William H. Irving, Asa W. Jaqueth, Benjamin Lamson, John W. Livermore, William W. Livermore, w Ji !, '63; Samuel Lisherness, Henry Lyon, k in action; Timothy Merrow, Horace S. Mills, w in action; John McCommic, Capt. Richard W. Mullen, w at Baton Rouge ; George C. Morrow, William A. Merrill, d Feb. 6, '62 ; Cyrus M. Major, d Dec. 9, '63; Nathaniel Meigs, d Nov. 13, '62 ; John M. Mower, Allen W. Mills, John Morrow, Alamber H. Pray, Isaac C. Pratt, Benjamin Parker, Nathaniel P. Randall, George S. Rollins, d of wounds received at Fredericksburg ; Vassalboro, Maine. 33 William A. Robinson, d Oct. 8, '62; W. J. Rowe, William B. Shaw, (1 Nov., 1862; George W. Sabins, Timothy Small, Jr., Edwin Small, Alonzo Stillings, George A. Stillings, Charles A Smart, w July 2, '63; Lieut. Bradford W. Smart, p at Manassas; Charles H. Stone, G. W. Steward, Cyrus Southards, James II. Taylor, Nathan P. Taber, p at Bull Pain, July 21, '61 ; Albert Varney, k in action; Orrison Warren, Hermon S. Webber, w at Fair Oaks, June 4, '62, d Aug. 10, '62; Elisha T. Weymouth, William Wentworth, Daniel Weeks, George A. Willis, James W. White, William Weiler, Churles II. Whitehouse, Eben W. Young, p at Richmond. Vassalboro sent to the front the following during the time between 1861 and the close of the war: — Benjamin Adams, Peter Atkin, d in hospital, Nov. 13, '65; George J. Allen, George E. Allen, James U. Atwood, Charles L. Austin, William A. Austin, w March 27, '63; Stilman G. Bailey, d Nov. 24, '62 ; George Baker, George Baldwin, George W. Barnes, Lieut. Edwin C. Barrows, Charles Baxter, Isaac F. Bourne, Oliver Brackett, Joseph O. Bragg, Robt. C. Bragg, Lewis Bragg, J. D. Bragg, Robert C. Brann, Hiram N. Brann, Frederick Bridge, Benjamin Bubier. C. D. Bubier, Ambrose Burgess, d Dec. 26, '62; Antoine Cady, Michael Cain, Darius Cain, James R. Carney, Henry F. Chadwick, Samuel Chute, Edwin W. Clark, George W. Clifford, Robert Cole, Edmund G. Coleman, Charles E. Collins, William E. Cox, Charles S. Crowell, John Dalton, Albert F. Day, H. G. Dickey, Samuel K. Doe, Lewis B. Doe, accidentally k Jan. 4, '63; James R. Eaton, John Emerson, James S. Emery, William English, Redford M. Estes, John H. Estes, w 34 Vassalboro, Maine. July 2, '63; Gustavus K. Estes, k Oct. 27, '63; William D. Ewes, H. A. Ewes, w July 1, '64; George W. Fairfield, Qrrin Farnham, Lorenzo Farrington, Elbridge C. Fassett, d July 12, '63; Andrew Flanigan, Thomas Flanigan, John II. Frazier, Charles A. Freeman, John M. Fogg, Wiliard O. Fogg, Robert M. Fossett, d Oct. 25, '62; Joseph E. Fossett, Norman II. Fossett, James Footman, George H. Gardner, Henry W". Gardner, Joseph C. Gardner, Abraham Gorow, Eliheu Getchell, Van T. Gilbert, Charles Gibson, w in action, May 27, '63; Joseph A. Glazier, E. R. Goff, Lawrence Griffin, RisKworth Gray, Henry A. Hamilton, Charles L. Hamlin, w at Gettysburg, '63; James H. Handy, d April 17, '63; John Hart, Michael Harmon, Edwin P. Hatch, w; Michael Hanlin, William P. Ilawes, G. Hayford, Henry Heath, Charles H. Holt, Stephen A. Hoyt, p July 1, '63; C. W. Hussey, Isaac Ilussey, George H. Hnssey, k in action, May 12, '64; Waterman T. Hutchins, John F. Irving, d May 18, '63; James W. Irving, Preston B. Jones, R. F. Jordan, William Keaton, William Keefe, Robert J. Kitchen, d Sept. 30, '64; L. R. Lambard, Samuel R. Latte, Wardman Little- held Ezra B. Lord, Prescott M. Lord, George M. Lufkins, H. W. Lyon, Lieut. Thomas A. Maxfield, John McCormick, w in head at Manassas; William McCormick, Fred E. Mellen, Shepherd H. Merrow, James McGuin, Horace S. Mills, p April 1, '65 ; Albion B. Mills, d of wounds, Aug. 7, '63; Jacob N. McKay, p May 2, '63, w ; Artemas McKay, Robert McMahon, Peter McNalley, Simon Morrison, Charles A. Morse, w '63; Thomas Moody, Alexander Murray, Daniel Nicholas, James Nicholas, John Olson, Joseph P. Phillips, James Phillips, Frank W. Pierce, Greenlief Pillsbury, John T. Pratt, Albert H. Pratt, Orria Prebble, II. F. Vassalboro, Maine. 35 Priest, k at Gettysburg, July 1, '63; Edward A. Priest, d at New Orleans, March 7, '65; James S. Priest, N. P. Randall, William Reed, John Regan, F. T. Reynolds, Orson F. Richardson, d Oct., '62; Edward Rice, Reuben F. Robbins, Oliver P. Robbins, Harlan P. Robbins, Lieut. Henry II. Robbins, Albert F. Robbins, George W. Sabin, Isaiah C. Sabins, Varnum B. Saulsbury; Charles H. Savage, Warren Sennett, Warren Seward, p from Aug. 18, '64, to March, '65; Charles F. Shaw, Edmund R. Shaw, d of wounds April 24, '64; G. F. Shaw, Eugene Shaw, Geoi'ge Shaw, Charles W. Shaw, Walter B. Shaw, w May 12, '64; Melville B.Shermau, d April 9, '63; Charles Simpson, Robert II. Sinclair, Lieut. Brad- ford W. Smart, Robert Smart, Sylvester Smart, Wilber F. Snow, d of wounds June 1, '64; W. M. Starkey, d March 13, '63; William R. Starkey, Samuel J. Starkey, Alonzo Stillings, Charles Sullivan, William Sweeney, Frank P. Taber, d at Warrenton ; William F. Taber, Charles F. Tarbell, k in action may 27, '63; C. W. Taylor, John Tibbetts, p Sept. 16, '64; William W. Tibbetts, C. E. Tobey, Warren H. Tobey, Josiah Totten, William I. Towue, J. M. Underwood, George II. Waldron, d April 15, '63; George W. Ward, Henry Ware, Edwin A. Warren, A. S. Webber, Gustavus H. Webber, w in action '63; Vergil II. Web- ber, k at Gettysburg July 1, '63; Charles E. Webber, d April 4, '63; Benjamin Weeks, William White, James D. White, Hollis M. White, Henry W. White, George C. Wentworth, Edwin A. Wentworth, Franklin Wentworth, d Feb. 6, '64; William Went- worth, George H. Wiley, Samuel W. Wood, Jacob H. Woodsum, w May 27, '63; Ed. E. Worth, Francis Worth, d at Washington Jan. 14, '64; Benjamin F. Worth, w Aug. 18, '64. 36 Vassalboro, Maine. From other sources than the record given above we are enabled to give the following: Josiah S. Arey, d Aug. '64; Andrew J. Burgess, d Mar. '65; Jeremiah Estes, k Sept. '63; Charles II. Gib- son, k Sept. '64; Edwin W. Gould, w June '64; Joseph H. Mea- der, d of wounds, July '64; Timothy Nicholas, w May '64; George E. Pishon, d '63; Benjamin Weeks, k May '64; Osa C. Wyman, p '64. The following are Vassalboro men who served in the quotas of other towns: Amory Webber, George A. Emery, James S. Emery, Frederick A. Hopkins, Walter Phillips, John B. Elliott, Simon B. Elliott, John B. Stowe, Henry R. Calder, Zachariah B. Stewart, Eugene Whitehouse, Henry W. Worth, Harlow D. Weeks. BOUNTIES. Records have been kept showing the bounties paid by the respective towns to promote these later enlistments, to employ substitutes and to relieve their citizens who were drafted. The total disbursments for these purposes, and the amounts refunded to the several municipalities from the State bonds were as fol- lows : Paid. Received. Albion, ... % 21,265.00 - - % 8,033.33 Augusta, ... - 100,456.00 - - - 44,466.67 Belgrade, .... 43,080.00 - - 9,041.67 Benton, - - - 26,575.72 - - - 5,775.00 Chelsea, .... 11,266.05 - - 4,441.67 Vassalboro, Maine. 37 China, ... 47,735.34 - - 12,708.33 Clinton, .... 40,625.00 10,175.00 Farmingdale, ... 14,966.19 - - 3,641.67 Fayette, .... 16,920.00 4,966.67 Gardiner, ... 65,070.53 - - 23,108.33 Hallowell, .... 16,421.00 7,808.33 Litchfield, ... 24,860.00 - - 9,158.33 Manchester, ... 12,330.00 3,408.33 Monmouth, ... 32,950.00 - - 9,216.67 Mt. Vernon, 27,650.00 9,258.33 Oakland, - - Pittston, .... 33,939.14 11,208.33 Randolph, ... - - Readfield, .... 40,003.00 8,008.33 Rome, 25,675.00 - - 3,666.67 Sidney, .... 30,039.00 8,183.33 Vassalboro, ... 73,100.00 - - 14,750.00 Vienna, .... 15,557,44 4,213.33 Waterville, 68,016.00 - - 19,888.33 Wayne, .... 22,280.00 6,091.66 West Gardiiner, 22,374.00 - - 6,291.67 Windsor, .... 35,044.00 7,925.00 Winslow, ... 25,658.00 - 7,375.00 Winthrop, - 50,430.00 12,350.00 Unity Plantation, 1,850.00 - 291.67 38 Vassalboro, Maine. MANUFACTURING ACCOUNT. Because of the innumerable water powers scattered throughout the eastern states munufacturing has become a very prominent industr}- in this part of the country. In no section is this true to a greater extent than in Maine. When the pioneers began the preparation of a home in this region they found two things were necessary, viz. : a mill to grind corn into meal and a mill to saw lumber. These they at once began to provide. The earliest recorded effort made by the early settlers to secure a grist mill bears the date of October 20, 1766, when Vassalboro was the only settled place above Cushnoc (Augusta). It is in the form of a petition to the Committee of the Kennebec Company in Boston and reads as follows : To the Honorable Committee of the Kennebec Company in Boston : The most of us are able to raise a great part of our bread and expect soon to raise it all, but we greatly need a grist mill, there being none nearer than Cobbossecontee, which costs us ton shil- lings a bushel. Grant us a grist mill »n Seven Mile Brook by building the same or granting the lot to some settler, or the inhabitants "will build the mill themselves, if in your great wis- dom and goodness be meet to grant ns the privilege. (Signed). Matthew Hastings, Moses Hastings, John Taylor, John Marsh, James Hill, Aaron Healey, James Bacon, Jonathan Dyer, David Spencer, Bennett Woods, John Stone, Beriah Dore, Isaac Spencer, Richard Burke, Nat. Mary, John Huston, Moses Spencer, Noah Kidder, Denes Getchell, John Getchell, Nemier Getchell, James Hutchinson, Thomas Clark, Joseph Clark, Dan- Vassalboro, Maine. 39 iel Bragg, John Sympsou, David Strandley, Josiali Butterrteld, Samuel Getchell, Charles Branu, Lewis Fairbrother, Manuell Smith, Phillip Foot, Frederick Foot, Antony Foot, Isaac Fare- well, Bunker Farewell, Isaac Farewell Jr., Ebenezer Farewell, Nathan Moor, Collins Moor, Uriah Clark, David Clark, David Hancock, James Clark, Samuel Bradock, Charles Webber, Joseph Carter, James Huston, Seth Greele, Ezekiel Pattee, John White, Charles Jackson, Moses Bickford, and Daniel Townsend. It appeai-s that the negotiations resulted in securing a mill and we therefore conclude that the first mill in this town was located on the Seven Mile Brook. Other mills on this stream have been owned and operate 1 as follows: Grist Mill built in 1812 near Riverside by James T. Bowdoin. His successors were Joseph Stuart, Thomas Carlton, and Hiram Lovejoy, who sold in 1827 to Ephraim Jones. At this time wood sawing was done here. At that time this was the only mill between Augusta and Waterville and had three runs of stones, often being operated day and night. Other owners were A. P. Fallowsbee after 1829; George W. Hall and Augusta parties in 1838; later, and the last we are able to learn of, Thaddeus Snell. It is now in ruins. There have been several other mills on this stream, one of them, located further up, being operated away back, in the early years and was later owned by one James Robbins. It was built, date uncertain, by Benjamin Brown, Capt. William Farwell and John Howard. The tannery near the saw mill was built by John Gardner about 1830 and the old Coleman saw mill near Webber Pond later called the Foster mill. Two paper mills have been 40 Vassalboro, Maine. 335 "^7"a-ter Street. .A/CrG-TTST-A-, IkdlE. operated on this stream, one near the mouth, burned in 1841, and one further up the stream built by Cox and Talpy. VASSALBORO. The history of manufacturing in this portion of the town is made up of traditions very largely. From tradition largely we learn that there were at a very early date dams and works on the brook back of the Isaiah Gifford place. An ashery, pail manu- factory, plaster mill, both the former being the property of Jacob Southwick. He also ran a large tannery at the mouth of the brook, near the river, built in 1816. Thomas Frye and a firm of Thomas & Ebenezer Frye operated his tanneries near the vil- lage on the same stream. Other and less important industries were carried on at this part of the town from time to time but the above comprise the chief among the very early ones. Boot and shoe manufacturing was carried on here at one time. F. D. Dunham, about 1835, began to manufacture boots and after a few years was burned out. He sought new quarters and con- tinued his business till about 1880, sometimes employing as many as one hundred men. Joseph Estes was another who was en- Vassalboro, Maine. 41 gaged in this industry employing about fifty hands. Caleb Nichols and William Tarbell were also engaged in this same line. About the close of the War there was a saw mill built on the H. C. Burleigh place. It was run by water power at first, later run by steam. NORTH VASSALBORO. In the first decade or two of this century Dr. Edward South- wick from Danvers, Mass. built up a tanning business at this point which was in 1820 the largest in New England. We learn that he had to the west of the Jonathan Nowell house more than an acre covered with sheds for his tan bark. About the time that Dr. Southwick was at the height of his prosperity John D. Lang, of Providence, R. I. came to N. Vassalboro and put some more capital into the wool carding and cloth dressing mill then owned and operated by his brothers-in-law, Alton Pope and Peter M. Stackpole. The plant was turned into a complete woolen mill under the name of Lang, Stackpole & Pope, and was in full operation at 1836. Mr. Lang obtained control of the tannery about 1850 and the year following the brick mill was built. The property gradually passed into the hands of Boston parties and is owned and operated to day by the American Woolen Co. The new mill which is 47 by 200 feet, is the largest mill then and, now so far as the writer knows, in New England. This has been for years and still is the leading industry here. Other small plants such as the saw mill and grist mill and the box shop have at times been operated on this power. 42 Vassalboro, Maine. E. J. Roberts, D. D. S., i* DENTIST * 2-42 Water Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. . — SPECIALTIES : — -» Gold Fillings, Solid Crowns, Bridge Work and Porcelain Inlay. EAST VASSALBORO. The power at the outlet of China Lake is ati excellent, one. The proprietors were, we are informed, instrumental in having built the first saw mill at this point, a few rods below the bridge at the village. John Getchell is the first millman we know in con- nection with this property. After the mill had become old and de- cayed a tannery was built on its site by Moses Dow. He was succeeded by Franklin Dow, his son, who continued the business until the water power was superseded by steam. The fire fiend destroyed the plant but it was rebuilt by Mr. Doav before his death in 1848. The business that same year passed into the hands of Caleb Nichols and William II. Gates. James C. Pierce became a partner of Mr. Cates in 18o4. The business was continued until Vassalboro^ Maine. 43 1873, tanning- about fifteen hundred hides a year. The other plants here included the usual grist mills, saw mills and workshops which passed through various hands serving well their day and generation. At Seward's Mills, Giles Seward first harnessed tin- power for mill purposes. Here for a time prospered various industries, but they gradually passed out of existence and this community became dependent on the fertility of its excellent farms which never fail. CHURCHES. The church history of the town of Vassalboro is chiefly a history of the different denominations. We shall endeavor to trace the story of e;ich of these briefly. BAPTISTS. So far as we are able to learn, the first church society formed here was The First Baptist Church of Vassalboro, organized on June 3, 1788. This church prospered for about a dozen years. A second church was organized at Cross Hill in 1808 with thirty- seven members. Their pastor was Rev. Mr. Marble. The first church then added about a score of members to its number and prospered brief! y, soon becoming nearly extinct. Its church was sold for 643.00 in 1832, to Ezekiel Small. It stood north of the old grave-yard and south of the outlet lauding. In 1825 a revival took place and the church took in about twenty more members. 44 Vassalboro, Maine. The pastor was undoubtedly, at this time, Rev. Jesse Martin, who remained four years after this date. These two churches finally concluded to unite, and on October 12, 1839, they so voted, and also to build a church near Seward's Mills. The members had increased by the union to about seventy. The new church was dedicated on October 22, 1840. The follow- ing pastors have been among those in charge of the church: Revs. Ellis Kimball, Henry Kimball, E. W. Cressey, J. T. Swett, S. Fogg, E. Trask, H. Chipman, F. Merriam, Fred Bicknell, R. Bowler, E. S. Dore, M. J. Kelley, S. K. Smith, L. B. Gurney, Frederick A. Vinal, W. P. Palmer. The North Vassalboro Baptist Church was started here at a date not far from 1870, and a church was built in 1872-3. Its pastors have been Revs. John Dore, Nathaniel Butler, Samuel Bell, L. P. Gurney, F. A. Vinal, W. P. Palmer, W. C. Stetson, W. A. Smith, supply; Robert Morris, and the present pastor, F. S. Clark. This church was thoroughly renovated in 1901, something like a thousand dollars being laid out on its interior and exterior. The reader will find the hours of service for this church at the top of page 4, together with a small cut of the building. CONGREGATIONALISTS. The Congregationalist denomination was first established in this town about 1820. The first building was erected at Vassalboro about 1816. Two years later Thomas Adams was sent here by the missionary society, and he organized the church and became Vassalboro, Maine. 45 its pastor, remaining a long time. The building later became known as the Union church, but was finally used as a barn, about 1889. The next move of this denomination was at River- side where they erected another church in 1836. This church was burned in 1885. It was rebuilt two years later. Among its pastors have been the following: Rev. Fred Chutter, 1880; Rev. Henry Harding, 1883; Rev. David E. French, 1884; Rev. James E. Aikens; Rev. Mr. Woodrowe. Mr. Adams returned here in I860 and remained four years. The descendants of his former flock built the church at Vassal- boro and named it Adams' Memorial Chapel. The pastors of the Riverside Church hold services here. METHODISTS. The Methodist denomination was not formally organized in this town till a comparatively later date, not far from 1850. We have the knowledge that the great apostle of Methodism, Jesse Lee, visited the town, and was followed by other men of this belief for many years, but no church was organized. At East Vassalboro, Sullivan Bray, in 1852, was pastor, his charge including North Vassalboro also. Others who followed Mr. Bray were O. F. Jenkins, Cyrus Phenix, Daniel Clark, Benjamin B. Byrne, L. H. Bean. At North Vassalboro the society was provided with a place for worship in the Union church till 1875, when they moved an unfinished church from Winslow, and repaired it for their present building. From 1875 to 1881 the pastors at East Vassal- boro were W. J. Clifford, Daniel Smith, Josiah Bean, J. R. Clif- 46 Vassalboro, Maine. ford, and E. H. Tannic! iff e. From 1886, among their pastors have been the following: William Wood, E. H. Haddock, W. Wiggin, W. F. Prince. In 1890, North Vassalboro and Getchell's Corners societies were united, with W. J. Kelley as pastor, and East Vassalboro was joined with China. The succeeding pastors at North Vassalboro have been, Edward Freeman, 1890-1 ; Frank W. Brooks, 1891-4; X. R. Pearso.n, 1894-6; J. A. Weed, 1896-7; F.W. Towle, 1897-9; E. S. Gohan, 1899-1901; B. G. Seaboyer, 1901 to the present time. The Methodists in the southern portion of the town were organized at an earlier period, erecting the church on Cross Hill about the year 1813. Among the pastors who served the society and classes at Riverside, South Vassalboro, and Cross Hill, were the following: Benjamin Jones, Albert Church, Charles Munger, Daniel Fuller, Barnett M. Mitchell, Ephraim Bryant, George Pratt, Cyrus Phenix, Sullivan Bray, Lewis Wentworth, 1857 ; Jesse Harriman, 1858; S. Freeman Chase, 1860; F. A. Soule, 1861; James Hart- ford, 1863; Ephraim Bryant, 1864; Levi L. Shaw and Elliott B. Fletcher, 1865; Ephraim Bryant, 1870; Theodore Hill, 1871; Charles E. Springer and E. B. Fletcher, 1872; Abram Plummer, 1873; Samuel Bickmore, 1875; William J. Clifford, 1876; Charles II. Bray, son of Sullivan Bray, 1877; Wilbur F. Chase, 1880. CATHOLICS. The Catholic Church of North Vassalboro is a mission church supplied from other towns of larger size. About 1871 this society erected a neat and modern house of worship. Vassalboro, Maine. 47 UNION CHURCH. The Union Church was erected at North Vassalboro in May, 1851, at an expense of $800.00. Beriah Weeks, Timothy Rowell ami Levi Webber, were the building committee. It was then the only church edifice there. In 1880, having been several years closed, it was sold for the benefit of the chief contributors, and 13 now a tenement hou EDUCATIONAL MATTERS. OAK GROVE SEMINARY. *It is to the honor of the Society of Friends, in Kennebec County, that its members espoused so zealously the cause of education. Although the early Friends here were unlettered in a large degree, and, perhaps, partly for this reason, they resolved that their children and those of future generations should be wisely and carefully taught. The grove of oak trees crowning the top of the hill to the north-east of the village at Vassalboro, was chosen as the location pf the school which these Friends founded fifty-four years ago. There are few more striking landscape views in tne state. The eye follows the winding Kennebec through its beautiful course among farms and forests until it reaches Augusta, and far beyond the city, to where the horizon is skirted with hills. The noted peaks in the range of * Those notes from Kennebec County History. 48 Vassalboro, Maine. western Maine mountains are prominent in the northwest, while Mt. Washington and Mt. Adams are visible over the western hilltops. The position could not fail to be constantly an inspiring influence; then, too, only a few rods from this spot the Friends meeting in the county had been held in 1780, and a large body of Friends still assembled there for worship. Furthermore, this was a center to a large community in which the children had no edu- cational advantages beyond the ordinary town schools; and finally, in or near this neighborhood lived men who had hearts large enough to use their means in laying the foundation to an institu- tion, the good work of which had only begun in their life time. About the year 1850 John D. Lang and Ebenezer Frye, of Vassal- boro ; Samuel Taylor, of Fairfield; and Alden Sampson and Alton Pope, of Manchester, all prominent members of the Society of Friends, advocated the establishment of a school where the children of Kennebec County might receive careful training, cultivating influence, religous impression and broad teaching. To secure its establishment they individually gave $1,000.00. Wil- liam Hobbie, grandson of Benjamin Hobbie, a vigorous spirited man and a natural teacher, was the first principal ; but the school in these first years, not being a financial success, was closed. In 1856 Eli Jones, the Friend minister and missionary, whose home was in the town of China, advocated that an effort be made to open the school ; $15,000 being necessary to secure the suc- cess of the new undertaking, he became chairman of a committee to raise that amount, which was nearly all subscribed by six hun- dred Friends in the State. Eli Jones was made principal for the first year and had a large and successful school. A large part of Vassalboro, Maine. 49 the children of Friends in the County had the benefit of a longer or shorter period at the Oak Grove Seminary, as it was named, and here they have been helped to become good citizens and to lead noble and valuable lives. In 1880 a fire destroyed the academy building, necessitating the close of the school. Five years later a large building for school purposes was constructed joining the boarding house on the south side of the road. In the autumn of 1887, as a large school had just begun the entire structure was burned down by an incendiary. In this time of discouragement friends were not wanting and the present set of buildings was raised, Charles M. Bailey, of Winthrop, paying for their construction in order that all other funds might be used as a permanent fund, which has now reached $20,000. Besides the principals already named, it has been under the instruction and care of Albert K. Smiley, Augustine Jones, Elijah Cook, Franklin Page, Richard M. Jones, Edward II. Cook, Charles H. Jones, and Rufus M. Jones, some others serving for a short period. The seminary is now owned and managed by the New England Yearly Meeting of Friends. Originally the Friends aimed at having "select schools," where their children might be taught by themselves: to-day their two schools in New England are open to all who are suitable to be admitted, and the seminary last year enrolled one hundred and thirty-one students. All such institutions have an inner history which no one can write, and an influence no one can measure. Perhaps no other one thing which the Friends of Kennebec County have started into existance has accomplished so much good or has in it so much possibility of future blessing, not only 50 Vassalboro, Maine. in this County, but to the State at large, as Oak Grove Seminary: and so long as it stands it will be a noble monument to the memoiy of the faithful and generous men who wrought for it in its infancy, who mourned for its reverses, and who lifted it from its ashes to its present condition of usefulness. The present faculty consists of, George H. James, A. B., principal, mathe- matics; Charles W. Davis, A. B., science and history; George G. Wright, commercial department; Alta M. Bailey, A. B., pre- ceptress, Eagiish, Latin, Greek; Leroy J. Small, A. B., modern languages; Mrs. Low, music; Miss Townsend, art department. SCHOOLS. The town of Vassalboro has ever stood out boldly and faith- fully for the support and maintenance of her schools. In 1790 the town was divided into nine districts, viz: (1). Beginning at the north line of said town on the river, extending southwardly as far as the north line of Jacob Taber, Jun's lot, including the first and second mile. (2). Beginning at the north line of Jacob Taber, Jun's lot, thence southerly as far as the north line of Jonathan Low's lot, including the first and second mile, likewise the third mile from the north line of the town southwardly as far as the south line of Jacob Taber's lot. (3). Beginning at the last mentioned bounds, extending south- wardly as far as the south line of John Williams' lot, including first, second, and third mile. Vassulboro, Maine. 51 (4). Beginning at John Williams' south line, extending south- wardly as far as Jethro Gardiner's north line, including the first and second mile. (5). From Jethro Gardiner's north line to the south line of said town, including the first and second mile. (6). Beginning at the north line of said town, extending southwardly as far as David Dickey's south line, including fourth and fifth mile. (7). From David Dickey's south line extending southwardly as far as the south line of Bunker Farwell's lot, including the fourth and fifth mile. (8). From Bunker Farwell's south line southerly as far as the line between lots No. 7 and 8 on the fourth mile, including the third, fourth and fifth miles. (9). From the line between lots 7 and 8 on the fourth mile southwardly as far as the south line of said town, including the third, fourth and fifth mile. The committee making this division was composed of Reuben Fairfield, Charles Webber, Nehemiah Getchell, Daniel McFadden, Joseph Fellows and John Taber. Teachers were hired and the schools of the town commenced. Alterations were made in the bounds of districts as the convenience of the inhabitants demanded and in 1795 another district was formed in the south part. This year a committee was chose]) in open town meeting to obtain teachers for all districts and pay out the money according to the number of pupils in each. The school interests were closely watched, and in 1797 the number of schools were reduced to seven, and the $ 700.00 raised by the town was disbursed by the 52 Vassalboro, Maine. selectmen, who also engaged the teachers. In 1798 another divi- sion into districts was made, and a year later $1,000.00 was raised to build ten school-houses. In 1809 districts nine and thirteen were joined, but were to continue two schools taught by two teachers, one of whom was to be selected by the Friends. In 1816 the seventeen schools were visited by a committee appointed by the town which custom prevailed several years with beneficial results. The districts were again changed and re-bounded in 1823, but not until 1839 was the division of the town made into the twenty two districts which are now substantially the same. Some fifty years ago an academy was established at Getchell's Corners and flourished a score of years as the Vassalboro Academy. The building was used for religious as well as secular instruction, but in 1868 it was sold to the Methodist society and remodelled into the present Methodist church. From a town committee to hire teachers and visit schools the town voted a proper person in each district to do the duties for his district. Later years a super- intendent has been elected who visits and cares for the schools. Uniform text books of standard editions are now the property of the town, and a yearly appropriation for such books is made. The districts number twenty two and the houses and schools are in good condition. The school-building at North Vassalboro, built about 1872, contains three departments and a large public hall on the second floor. In 1873 an appropriation of $ 500.00 was made for a high school at East Vassalboro, but the continued success of Oak Grove Seminary has superseded the necessity for the high school. Vassalboro, Maine. 53 CENSUS 1904. The population of the town of Vassalboro has been arranged herewith in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families in addition to the names of the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all non-residents of Vassalboro as the names appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in town. At the end of the Census will be found the present addresses of these non-residents when such addresses have been given to the author. The non-residents are indicated by the star (*). Opposite the names of the population will be found the occu- pation. In order that we might give something of value in ascertaining facts concerning attendance upon schools, we have given all those who attend a common school or any grade below that of a High School the occupation of Pupil, indicated by the abbreviation "pi.' 1 Opposite the names of those who are attend- ing a High school or other institution of higher learning we have placed the abbreviation "stu." We give hi the following list some of the more common abbreviations we have used: far. — Farmer, car. — Carpenter, r. r. ser. — Conductors, Station Agents, Section Hands, etc. hw. — Housework, lab. — Laborer, phy. — Physician, clerg. — Clergyman, law. — Lawyer, mer. — Merchant. 54 Vassalboro. Maine. mech. — Mechanic. eng. — Engineer. ins. — Insurance. tr. — Teacher, blk. — Blacksmith, cl. — Clerk, sur. — Surgeon, m'kr. — Maker, bk.-kpr. — Book-keeper, w'kr. — Worker, wk. — Work. EAST VASSALBORO POST OFFICE. Bradstreet, Hattie E. (Bourne), hw. Bourne, David S., car. Loana A. (Reynolds), hw. Butterfield, Frederick, steam fitter. Florence E. (Bragg), hw. Zilpha E., Burgess, Geo. H., lab. Babb, Warren A., car. Jennie L. (Glazier), hw. Dalass A., pi. Barker, Levi C, postmaster. Sweetie L. W. (Bragg), Chas. L., pi. Bragg, Marietta (Clark), hw. ♦Florence E., hw. Maud M., hw. Bragg, Edward S., r. r. ser. Cora E. (Philbrook), hw. *Edith M., hw. Carrol E., stu. Butterfield, Z. A. (Bryant), hw. *Fred Z., steam fitter. Elizabeth B., hw. ♦Butterfield, Chas. G, eng. ♦Butterfield, Herbert H., air br'k. insp. Butterfield, Jeremiah S., ret'd. Eliza F. (Weeks), hw. *Geo., asst. pension office. ♦Elmer, supt. boys' school. Harry K., M. C. eng. Bailey, William S., hotel prop. Bradley, Mary A., hw. Bradley, Eliza B., hw. Bragg, Emery W., ret'd. Algada A. (McCorson),hw. ♦Mellie J., hw. Bradley, John T., salesman. Josephine L. (Bragg), hw. ♦Blish, Daniel P., claim agt. Vassalboro, Maine. 55 *Annie H., hw. Willie B., far. Bourne, Isaac F., retYL Sarah A. (Snell), hw. *Cora A., hw Lizzie S., hw. Emma E., lab. c Clifford, Thomas J., far. Julia A. (Roberts), hw. Milton C, far. Addie M., hw. Bell T., hw. Clark, Dana M., far. Florence M. (Fitzgerald), hw. Mildred H., pi. Combs, Frank W., far. & painter. Fannie F. (Babb), hw. Maggie May, Combs, Frank W., far. & paper hanger. L. M. hw. Cates, Etta S. (Mowers), hw. Geo. H., far. & mer. Abbie W., hw. John M., far. Cates, Chas. E., far. Anna S. (Livermore), hw. Collins, Chas. E., far. Ruth II. (Dunbar), hw. Clark, Ida F. (Young), hw. ♦Madeline T., hw. & cl Cates, Geo. H., far. & mer. Louisa B. (Bryant), hw. *L. Percy, mer. Nancy E., cl. & book kp'r. B. Harold, stu. W. Carl, lab. Cates, David B., far. Bell (Clark), hw. Barker T., stu- S. Clark, stu. D Doe, Abbie S. (Fossett), hw. *Minnie E., hw. Estelle M., hw. Dow, William H., station agt. Nettie L. (Wheeler), hw. Doe, Alva E., blk. Maud M. (Bragg), hw. Edwin L. Day, Lizzie (Wharton), hw. Arthur C, lab. Winfield Scott. 56 Vassalboro, Maine. C. BRYANT, Dentist, 222 Water Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. Delaney, Catherine M., hw. Denico, Etherlinda (Brann), Denico, Chas. B., far. Myra D. (Farnham), hw. *Fred C, far. *Elma B., car. & jobber. Bert O., Vern W., far. far. Fairfield, Wm. H., far. Nancy B. (Wyer), hw. *Geo. II., car. *Harriet E., hw. *IIelen M., hw. * Herbert W., 10-centteam. G Gray, Cora (Bourne), hw. Gray, Chas. H., far. Lottie II. (Weeks), hw. Gray, Chas. II.. jar. *Harriet L., hw. *01ive I., dress rak'r. *Geo. A., department store. H Ilawkes, Leon B., far. & lab. Mina E. (Leighton), hw. Leon M. Hawkes, Geo. D., far. *Lydia F., hw. ♦Georgia A., hw. Iluzzey, Chas. B., cook. Hanson, Daniel B., far. Hoyt, Susan M., nurse. Iluzzey, Frank O., blk. Salina F. (Bragg), hw. Alton F., sec. hand. Ilescock, Daniel A., salesman. Caroline L. (Chapman), Lovisa, pi. Hamlin, Alonzo H., far. Emma L. (Priest), hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 57 Mamie E., hw. Lewis, Mary P. (Greenlaw), *Bertha M., hw. hw. *IIamlin, Adelaide L. (Priest), Abbie, hw. hw. *Cyrus A., mech. *Carrie P., hw. *Delia C, hw. J Lamson, H. O., Jones, Olive A. (Wiggins), hw. carriage trimmer. Clarence W., PI. Annette W. (Bragg), Florence M., PI. hw. & dress mk'r. Jones, Daniel T., harness mk'r. * Walter II., ticket col. ♦Bertha M., hw. *Edwin M., mer. K Lewis, Frank H., far. Kimball, J. E., far. Jennie (Caldwell), hw. Kitchen, Harriet (Ilinkley), *Williain W., printer. hw. *Frank II., U. S. ser. Knights, Frank C, painter. Chas. A., mach. Alice M. (Dearborn), hw. *Edna May, hw. Thorna* C, pi. *Linwood P., L mill operatiye. Leightou, T. i\, car. & blk. Jessie B., pi. Mary E. (Rolf), hw. Lewis, Benj. W., far. Lewis, Wilber E., Julia M. (Bean), hw. far. & sec. hand. Wilber B., far. Olive A. (WiVdin), hw. Annie E., hw. Lord, Exra B., M painter & U. S. mail. Murphy, John, lab. Ada B. (Tabor), hw. Rebecca (Strong), hw. Mabel F., hw. *Edward, cl. 58 Vassalboro, Maine. ^A FINE LINE OF, ■ -' Carriages, Sleighs & Harness Can always be found at L. C. BARKER'S, EAST VASSALBORO, - MAINE. / *Mary J., hw. *William A., cl. *Annie D., hw. Monk, Clarence R., car. & jobber. Marietta. Amelia M. Annie Mabel, pi. Sarah F., pi. Chas. E. Moore, Chas. W., far. & butcher. Dora W. (Ward), hw. Charlotte H., stu. Annie P., stu. Arnold S., pi. Mason, Chas. W., sec. foreman. Elizabeth (McCormick), John, pi. Arthur C, pi. Gordon B., pi. McCurdy, Bert, wearer. Mamie E. (Hamlin), hw. tfc weaver. Malon, pi. Melvin, pi. Melvin, Alonzo A. far. Susie M. (McGraw), hw. Marie E. pi. N Nelson, August, lab. P Pope, William E., far. & butcher. Emma F. (Parkkurst), hw. Effie A.. pi. Maurice P., pi. Pierce, James C, far. Eliz3 P. (Cates), hw. Annie M., hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 59 Perkins, Arbo H., printer. Amy E. (Lewis), hw, Ellen C., pi. Perley C, pi. Priest, Geo. E., hospital wk. Page, Sumner, far. Helen A. (Freeman), hw. Priest, James S., far. Priest, John M., far. R Roderick, Henry, lab. M. Alice (Taluse), hw. Roundy, Geo. S., far. Ellen (Chase), hw. Willie H., livery stable. Alice May, hw. *Weslie, far. Leslie, far. Lizzie, hw Richardson, Geo. N., far. *Clara J., nurse. *Ruth C., hw. *Lester, mason. *Geo. D., cl. *Everett, plumber. s Stewart, Edwin II., far. & mech. *Safford, Lizzie R., book kp'r. Small, Rufus M., far. Sylva II. (White), hw. Annie M., hw. Harold, pi. Seward, Warren, saw mill. Clara E. (Barstow), hw. Celena I., millinery. T Taber, Addie (Buck), hw. *Chase, meat market. w Warden, Frank, mer. Nellie, hw. Chesterfield. Wentworth, Quincy A., lab. Alice M. (McKay), hw. Cristie Mabel, pi. Wheeler, Louise J. (Tolman), hw. Nettie L., hw. *Lewis A., cl. Whitney, Fred F., painter. Nettie E. (Packard), hw, Stanley P., pi. Wilson, Edwin E., mill wk. Fannie M. (Hutchins). Mildred B., pi. Fay E., pi. 60 Vassalboro, Maine. Alvina H., pi. Withee, Frances (Howard), Jessie P. hw. Wilson, Roswell, mill wk. Ruth C, pi. Wharton, Albert T., pensioner. Emily, pi. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. — R. F. D. No. 6 — Austin, Lucinda G. (Pinkham), hw. Austin, Henry H., far. Emeline B. (Jones), hw. Carrie M., hw. * William A., mech. Austin, Albert H., far. Mary E. (Page), John H., William T., Briggs, John S., Lizzie J. (Smart), Ora L., Delmont S., Gladys L., Austin, William A. » far. Helen F. (Clar k), hw. *Ada L., hw. *Willis T., mech. *Frank 11., barber. B Bussell, Geo. II., far, hw. stu. far. far. hw. tr. stu. stu. hw. lab. Ora L. (Plummer), hw. Buzzell, Hattie ( ), t Ames, T. J., car. & far. Berry, Enos F., Carrie M. (Austin), hw. Alice L. (Rollins), Lena E., hw. Ira L. Ames, Eliza M. (Bragg), hw. C Coleman, Edward T., far. Annie (Murphy), hw. Clark, Mary J. (Buzzell), hw. Cross, Bertha E. (Gardner), hw. Josephine D., hw. ♦Elvira M., hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 61 *Ralph A., telephone. *Everett H. Clark, Salome (Robinson), hw. Clark, Elizabeth M., hw. D Dickey, Horatio T., far. Delia A. (Clark), hw. Ralph C, pi. G Gardner, Sheldon H., far. Gardner, Amina A., hw. Gardner, Angeha T., hw. Gardner, Adelia N. H., hw. & tr. Gardner, Chas. H., far. H Hawes, Lucy T. (Goldsmith), hw. *David A., contractor. Headfield, C. S., overseer. Martha ( ), hw. "William. Chas. H. Hawes, Sarah B. (Perce), hw. Etta V. Hussey, J. M., far. Mary II. (Merrill), hw. *Ella C, hw. *Emma M., hw. *Ida H., dress mk'r. O. J., far. *E. A., hardware. *Benj. T. E. *Ethel I., hw. J Jones, Sarah B. (Bussell), hw. Jones, Elwood E., nurse. Mary A. (Johnston), hw. Johnson, Zaccheus, far. Harriet J. (Clark), hw. *Edward Z., car. *Mary E., hw. *Reul S., far. *Sarah E., hw. *Anna E., hw. *Lydia, hw. * Abraham Lincoln, mech. Ida L., hw. L Lowe, Chas. E., far. Martha W. (Wing), hw. *Arthur B., fireman. Charlie H., far. Lawton, Stephen, far. Lizzie E., hw. Lamson, Effie M., hw. 62 Vdssalboro, Maine. Frank R. Partridge, Apothecary, Prescriptions Proprietor of ' p^ complete stock a Specialty. Endorsed by |f empie P harmacyj of Pure Medi- cines, Trusses, Foot of Win throp St., Suspensories, Physicians Cor. of Market Sq., In the Allen Block, Supporters, and the \ 1 oilet and Fancy Public for 1 A ugusta, - flaine. \ Articles, and all Skill, Care, Telephone , 233-3. goods usually Accuracy and j A safe place to buy all goods \ sold by Druggists, at the i sold at other first-class Drug Cleanliness. Lowest Prices. Stores. Longfellow, Mercie (Thorn), Annie L., pi; hw. Ethel A. •Mabel, hw. o *Frank E •j car. Oram, Annie (Murphy), hw. Lamson, Geo. 0., far. •Minnie, hw. Ida M., hw. *Lizzie, hw. ^Florence E, laundry wk. •Edith, hw. Eva M., pi. P M Perkins, Sarah (Johnson), hw. Miller, Elijah, far. Geo. S., far. Addie M. (Daggett), hw. Perkins, Geo. S., far. Harry C. lab. Mary E. (Mi irtin), hw. Helen E., hw. Elma T., pi. Ralph E., pi. Prince, Lucy T. (Goldsmith), Vassalboro, Maine. 63 Robbins, Smith I., far. Florence F. (Hawes), hw. Arthur W., far. Randall, F. G., far. & ear. Bertha E. (Gardner), hw. Alton F., pi. Minnie B., pi Randall, Sarah J.(Bragdon),hw. Randall, Geo. B., far. Mary ¥. (Moody), hw. Stevens, Jacob M., Smiley, Geo. W., Cora A. (Lamson), Morris W., Mildred E., Stone, Lillian A. (Holmes), hw * Walter C., cl *Grace M., tr far. far. hw. pi. pi. *Robert J., cl. Stone, E. Lee, far. Florence E. (Allen), hw. Sches, J. Henry, far. Lillian ( ), hw. Lillian F. T To'uey, B. (Gardner), hw. Tobey, William N., far. Anna F. (Randall), hw. Frank W., far. Tobey, Chas. E., far. Lettie ( ), hw. *Melvin, hospital asst. *Geo. E., Watchman. *S. R~, hw. *Mina V., hw. Twitchell, John P., far. Etta V., hw. Gladys P., stu. RIVERSIDE POST OFFICE. B Baker, Eugene L., millman. Maud E. (Smiley), hw. Ruth A. Bragg, W. S., lab. Harriet A. (Bragg), hw. Eva B., pi. Mina M. Bailey, Willis P., far. & molder. Addie M. (Carleton), hw. 64 Vassalboro, Maine. For Ifs Goodness Sake! U H. & M. FAVORITE" COFFEE. It has the FLAVOR, STRENGTH, COLOR, and PRICE that suits all who have tried it. Price, 25 Cents. We are the sole distributors of the Famous Svperba Canned Qoods. W. A. MARR1NER, North Vassalboro, Maine. *Winfield C, eng. Sadie I. B. (Bragg), hw. *Roswell E., foreman. Walter J. pi. Ballard, T. J., far. Dunlap, A. E. (Daggett), hw. Mary A., hw. John H., scaler. R. H., sta. agt. Helen E., hw. Mary. J. (Prowse), hw. E Brown, E. Lincoln, far. Emery, Chas. H., pi. Lillian A. (Sawtelle), Emery, James S., far. Marion A., hw. Susan L. (Hatch), hw. William L., stu. F Phillip R., pi. Fossett, Norman, postmaster. D Mary F. (Reed), hw. Dunlap, James W., Henry R., mer. far. & butcher. Farwell, Fred J., lab. 65 Vassalboro, Maine. Minnie (Bragg), hw. Edith M., tr. Jennie M., hw. & waitress. G Gilbert, Jesse S., far. Estella B. (Sherman), hw. Gladys C. Doris E. H Heald, Harriett A., hw. ♦Arthur W., lab. ♦Frank L., lab. ♦Wallace S., s. s. wk. Elmer H., s. s. wk. Gertrude M., hw. Hawes, H. P., far. Ruby (Gilman), hw. Hamilton, Benj. A., ret'd. L Lee, Nancy J. (Goodwin), hw. Clarence W., far. *Ada M., hw. Lane, St. John, lab. Lee, Harry II., far. & agt. Addie F. (Fuller), hw. Kenneth F., pi. Edwin C, pi. Minnetta, pi. Lamson, J. II., far. Lamson, Benj. N., far. M Marshall, Marjorie, pi. Mills, Harriett M. (Gardner), hw. P Phinney, Geo. H., far. Edith (Andrews), hw. Harold A., pi. Margaret, pi. Harriett, pi. Albert A. Prowee, Samuel B., lab. Rebecca A. (Townsend). Mary J., hw. R Reed, John II., paper agt. Jennie H. (Bragg), hw. Russell, Hannah A. (Hamilton), hw. Edith E., hw. *Mabel L., hw. *Chas. H., agt. Reed, Fragietta (Stevens), hw. Frank L., sec. foreman. *Clara B., hw. *Etta M., far. 66 Yassalboro, Maine. Adna, far. Sophronia, hw. Reynolds, Vestie M. Carrie, hw. (Strong), hw. *Antliony, lab. Howe, William J., far. Gus, lab. Ella E. (Worth), hw. Strong, J. S., el erg. *Merton T., expressman. Julia B. (Ballard), hw. Clarence E., far. Edward W., pi. Bobbins, J. E., far. Ruth S., pi. Martha J. (Norton), hw. Snell, Hannah II., hw. Bobbins, Arthur S., far. " Snell, Hester J., hw. Bobbins, Daisy E., hw. Snell, Horace, sta. agt. S Sturgiss, Horace R., ret'd. Smiley, Ira B., far. Sawtelle, Heairy M., ret'd. Angenetta (Springer), hw. Arthur P., far. Ceo. W., far. Strong, Daniel, ret'd. ^William A., far. Eliza A. (Wing), hw. Maud E., hw. T Springer, Betsey II., hw. Trott, Alexander S., sec. hand. Sturgis, Chas. E., far. & hotel. Edith E. (Bussell), hw. Elizabeth, hw. *.Tennie M., hw. Walter L., pi. *Winship J., book kp'r. Vera M. Helen M., sta. Chas. E. Frances A., pi. Schoeps, H, . Mildred T., pi. Caroline, mill operative. \J *Katie, hw. Urquhart, Murdock S. Lizzie, hw. Urquhart, William S., pi. *Josie, hw. Urquhart, Bcbecca A., pi. Vassalboro, Maine. 67 Urquhart, Margaretta, pi. w Wills, Geo. A., wheelwright. *Geo. W., chemist. * Fannie, hw. Wills, Willard M., salesman. Viola !>., hw. Mildred A., pi. Marion T., pi. Wentworth, L. D., far, , & butcher. Bell B. (Anderson), hw. Wentworth, Ursula (Wood), hw. *Gilmore B., R. R. ser. *Ann E., hw. Emma E., hw. Willis C, far. Wentworth, Sarah J. (Glasier), hw. Quincy A., lab. *Laura E., hw. *Minnie A., hw. Carrie M., hw. Fred T., lab. *Augustus C, lab. *Mabel A., hw. Effie M., hw. Wentworth, Vergil L., R. R. ser. Carrie M. (Wentworth), hw. Milo H., pi. Nellie A., pi. Maud M. Lillian E. Louise M. NORTH VASSALBORO POST OFFICE. A Averill, John C. W., pay master. Martha J. (Burgess), hw. Abbie M., hw. In a, hw. Abbott, II. G., ret'd. *Fannie, hw. *Carrie, hw. Allen, John B., spinner. Clara E. (Witham), hw. *Fred A., foreman in mill. Ayer, Elton B., weaver. Eva M. (Whitaker), hw. 68 Vcissalboro, Maine. GEO. S. HAWES, Hardware, Tinware, Wooden and Willow Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Etc. NORTH VASSALBORO, - - MAINE. Burgess, Alonzo, ret'd. Burgess, Isaiah P., cl. J. Viola, hw. Burgess, Jennie A. (Mullen), hw. Henry F., R. F. D. car. Burgess, John C, ret'd. Burgess, Chas. H., far. Lucy A. (Withee), hw. & weaver. Burgess, Lizzie E. (Ward), hw. Abbie E., tr. Berry, James II., weaver. Delia M. (Drake), hw. Edgar L. Bragg, Chas. E., shoe mk'r. Annie H. (Pierce), hw. A. E., hw. Bessey, John E., cl. Joanna (Philbrick), hw. & dress mk'r. *Eli P., mer. *Prince M., un dertaker. *Edith A., hw. *Guy E., weaver. Martha L., pi. Carrol A., pi. Bragg, Samuel M., lab. Mary M. (Brown J i, hw. William S., lab. Martha J., mill operator. Brown, Ira E., foreman Margaret J. (McCarney), hw. Lottie L., Pi Irene E., pi. Hugh C, 1»1 c C. You, laundryman Clapperton, James R., mill wk, Jennie (Dixon), hw Robert, Pi Vassalboro, Maine. 69 Nettie D., pi. Edward R. Chas. W. Clapperton, James, fur. * William J., spinner. *John J., spinner. *Thomas D., U. S. A. *EUen F., hw. Susie E., pi. Chamberlain, Eliza J. (Osborn), hw. Carrie M., hw. Scott W., lab. Cuttell, Ann (Wilson), hw. Ada, weaver. A., weaver. Arthur, spinner. Canham, Fred, mill operator. Kate A. (Cavanough), hw. Alvah B., dresser. Ralph L., stu. Hattie L, pi. Gates, James E., far. Zuema L. (Moody), hw. Carrie A., hw. Annie R., dress mk'r. * James A., p. o. wk. Cole, II. Herbert, mill wk. Lizzie J. (Perkins), hw. Nathan R., mill wk. Herman H., pi. Ivory B., pi. Carnegie, James, spinner. Mary J. (Fisher), hw. Ruth II. Jean E. J. Norman. Carnegie, Gordon. spinner. Crowell, Nellie P. (Clark), hw. & dress mk'r. Clark, Arietta (Hatch), hw. Clark, F. S., clerg. Leucena (Macomber), hw. Merian R. Crowell, W. E., painter & paper hgr. D Dutel, Louis, mill wk. Angelia (Jacques), hw. Perley, Matilda. Josie. Dogier, Thomas D., mill wk. Lucy D. (Jacques) , hw. Paul, mill wk. Philip, mill wk. 70 Vassalboro, Maine. A. D. Weeks Society and Co?nmercial 247 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. Joe, far. Eli. Alsie, mill wk. Nellie, mill wk. Annie, mill wk. Georgia, mill wk. Donahoe, Maria (Garett), hw. *Patrick F., finisher. Annie T., weaver. Maria H., boots & shoes. Jennie T., hw. M. E., dress mk'r. Donnelly, John J., loom fixer. Edith E. (McCnrdy), hw. Josephine M., stu. Donnelly, Thomas H., boss carder. Lizzie M. (Butcher), hw. Thomas B., cl. William J., boss picker. Martha E., mill wk. Mary E., pi. Frances A., pi. Gertrude V., pi. Florence R., pi. Geo. E. Dougherty, John, mill wk- Rose A. (Muldoon), hw. Mary B., mill wk. John M., mill wk. James B. pi. Annie R., pi. Davis, Albe J., mill wk. Abbie W. (Allen), hw. Lottie C., pi. Davies, Chas. O., mach. Myra P. (Taylor), hw. Delia M., hw. Lottie E., mill wk. Chas. J., mill wk. Ilattie S., hw. Degman, John V., weaver. Vassalboro, Maine. 71 Degman, Nellie, h\v. &, weaver. Degman, Amy T., pi. E Ewer, II. A., mill operative. Emma J. (Wyman), hw. F Ferran, Robert II., blk. Jennie A. (Herbert), hw. John II., dresser tender. Alice M., mill operative. Sarah F., stu. Herbert T., pi. Flinn, William, mill operative. Maggie (White), hw. Rosie, hw. Thomas, spinner. James, teamster. Annie, hw. William, pi. Fisher, Alfred H., spinner. G Getchell, Plummer C, far. Getchell, Ann C.(Plummer), hw. Goodrich, John A., weaver. Nettie S. (Dyer), hw. Mona M., pi. Bertha M., pi. Elma L., pi. Percy M., pi. Grant, John A., carriage mkr. Annie (Getchell), hw. Delia M., milliner. Ethel L., hw. Donald B., stn. Gladys G., pi. Gilcott, Fred, weaver. Julia, hw. Eva, pi. Adam, pi. Sadie, pi. Angelina. Glidden, Harold E., stenographer. Sarah fit. (Weeks), hw. £ tr. Goodwin, Edward, mer. & cl. Alice A. (Crane), hw. Earl, ])1. H Hardy, T. E., phy, Maud E. (Went worth), hw. Doris W. Hodges, Henry A., far. & car. Lucretia, E. (Ilerrick), hw. Minnie E., hw. & cook. 72 Vassalboro, Maine. Herrick, Mary A. (Richardson), hw. Mary 0., fruit store. Handy, Susan L. (Crowell), hw. Handy, Annie M., hw. Haley, Bert, mill wk. Alice C. (Welch), weaver. Haley, Susan M. (Small), hw. *Geo., loom fixer. *William S., loom fixer. Haley, Nora, spooler. Hawes, Geo. S., hardware dl'r. Celia M. (Clark), hw. *Grace K., hw. Harry S., stu. Herbert, Michael F., insurance agt. Mary T., mer. & milliner. Alice E., hw. *Riehard A., blk. Hickey, Mary T., hw. Hickey, Cecilia A., hw. *Hickey, Michael, miner. Hickey, Martin F., miner. Handy, Amos E., mech. Ida M. (Richardson), hw. Edna E. Mildred A. Hamlin, Henry W\, mer. Grace B. (Palmer), hw. Alice C. Hutton, Robert P., wool Jennie (Weighton), hw. *Robert Jr. *Elizabeth A., hw. Hurtley, William, boss spinner. Delia M. (Davies), hw. Louise, pi. Hodges, Matthew, mill operative & car. Ida M. (Burgess), hw. Isaiah M., pi. J Johnson, Maria, hw. Jackson, Geo. A., com. traveller. Lizzie E. (Roundy), hw. Irene C. Theresa M. Jenniss, Abraham, mill wk. Lucy (Blueberry), hw. Jordan, Louise A. (Pratt), hw. *Annie L., cl. Jewett, Jane, hw. *William, mill operative. Joseph E., mill operative. VassaWoro, Maine. 73 Mary, hw. Jealous, Francis H., agt. woolen mill. Charlotte E. (Lony), hw. Arthur B., stu. A. F., stu. Lionel F., stu. William K., stu. Jepson, Pollen L. (Winslow), hw. Mary E., dress mkr. Jewett, Joseph E., spinner. Martha E. (Lightbody), hw. Jepson, Lucy E. (Chirk), Emma E., hw. K Knowlton, W. W., barber. Grace M. (Mammons), hw. Dean W., pi. L Lawry, John F., far. & police. Alvira B. (Ordway), hw. Nellie E., hw. Edith F., dress mkr. Lyonds, William G., spinner. Flora B. (Walker), hw. Clarence R. Lord, Albert W., far. Sarah E. (Wentworth), hw. *Cora M., hw. William A., mer. *Chas. E., teamster. * Annie B., hw. Elijah W., ci. *Kate E., hw. Lord, William A., mer. Sadie J. ( ), hw. Carl B., pi. Bernice M., pi. Lightbody, Margaiett A., hw. Lightbody, Mary E., p. m. *Lightbody, James A., car. Lightbody, S. S., druggist. M Mountain, Michael, boot & shoe dl'r. Maria (Garrett), hw. Manson, Geo. T., cloth insp. Mary A. (Jewett), hw. G. Edmund, mill operative. Myrtie M., pi. Nellie II., pi. Raymond R. Dwight J. 74 Vassalboro, Maine. Harry P. Lowell, JEWELER. Watch Repairing and Engraving, Granite Bank Building, AUGUSTA, MAINE. MeCurdy, Samuel R., far. Louise M. (Fuller), h\v. Edith E., hw. *Ira F., Bert F., weaver. Emma D., el. Louise M. McQuillan, Nora (Williams), hw. Samuel E., mill wk. Geo. A., mill wk. Howard A., overseer in mill. Annie L., hw. Sadie N., hw. McLaughlin, James C, lab. Sylvia ( ), hw. Annie M., dress mkr. Muir, Benj. W., mill wk. Elizabath ( ), hw. Elsie, pi. Harry. Murphy, Daniel, far. Catherine (CKeefe), hw. Murphy, Donald E., weaver. Bernard D., pi. Meservey, A. K., mer. Addie B. (Marrmev), hw. Gladys, pi. Murphy, John, mill wk. Murphy, Bridget, hw. Marriner, Willard A., mer. Nellie L. (Lewis), hw. Mabry, Chas., P n y- Elizabeth (Norton), hw. Greata T., nurse. McDonald, Mabel, weaver. McVeigh, Harry, reporter, Waterville Mail. Mary J. (O'Neil), hw. Alice M., mill wk. Nellie, mill wk. Vassalboro, Maine. 75 Josephine, N , Geo. -A. mill wk. Tina (McDonald), hw. Harold J., pi. Ruth J. O O'Keefe, Michael, far. & mill wk. Maggie T. ( ), hw. Michael T., loom fixer. Annie M., weaver. Willie D., spinner. Oldham, Geo., finisher. Sarah A. ( ), hw. Martha A., hw. Alice, sewing. * Walter N., finisher. Nellie, hw. William II., finisher. O'Reilly, Patrick, mill wk. Lizzie ( ), hw. John, weaver. Bernard, pi. P Phillips, James, far. Phillips, R. Ellen, hw. *Phillips, Geo., M. C. R. R. *Phillips, John. 'Phillips, Mary A., hw. *Phillips, Eliza, hw. Priest, Alonzo W., ret'd. Annie C. (Whitehouse), hw. Lena B., hw. Viola B., tr. Priest, Horaee S., car. *Nellie J., dress nik'r. Priest, Horace S. Julia M. (Hodges), hw. Edmund A., mill opeative. Beula M., nurse. Priest, Henry A., law. Annie M. (Pierce), hw. Ernest B., stn. Elorenee O., stu. Edith P., stu. Pomelo w, Lucy, hw. Jennie A., hw. Henry M. Peterson, Andrew, weaver. Jennie, hw. Maud M. Priest, Carrie M. ( ), hw. Harvey W., pi. Pooler, Peter P., truckman . 76 Vassalboro, Maine. Emma (Marshall), hw. C, mill wk. Harry, mill wk. L., pi. Sadie, pi. Tom E. Plummer, Jefferson, far. Hannah F. (Hussey), hw. *Mary E., hw. *Annie B., hw. Plummer, Albert H., teamster. Minnie M. (Mayden), hw. Phillips, J. P., ret'd. Julia A. (Blaisdell), hw. *M. I., weaver. * Jennie E., hw. *Alice M., hw. & cl. *Mark E., dresser in mill. * Willie E., mill wk. Pooler, Lewis, blk. Rosie (Jenness), hw. Chas., mill. Lucy, mill. Eddie, mill. Mamie, pi. Gertie, pi. Sadie, pi. Lottie, pi. Ida. Lewis. Rosie. Pooler, Fred, boss in mill. Mary R., hw. Piper, Thomas, far. & mill wk. Florence (Libby), hw. Edward G., weaver & musician. Charlie S., w r eaver. Georgia A., hw. Mary F., spooler. Annie S., spooler. Florence M., pi. Perry, Geo. H., weaver. Perry, Arthur F., weaver. R Raymond, T., sta. agt. Reagan, James, mill wk. *John L., motorman. *Mary E., hw. Alice ( ), hw. Grace M., mill wk. Roundy, William II., livery stable. Lizzie M. (Getchell). hw. Edith E., stu. G. M., stu. Vassalboro, Maine. 77 Roundy, Alice M., hw. Ronco, Chas. W., Jab. Mary (Grounder), hw. Josie, weaver. Etta, mill wk. Walter, mill wk. Arthur, pi. Charlie, pi. Beatrice, pi. Reed, Frank H., seaman. Annie B. (McGrath), hw. *Geo. H., weaver. Edna E., stu. Richardson, Seth B., far. Eliza C. (Mosher), hw. Annie Gertrude, tr. Guy M., shipping cl. James Corey, stu. Ronco, Samuel, mason. Angie (Gilcott), hw. Rich, James L., mill operative. Fannie E. (Emery), hw. s Starkey, T. H., far. Agnes A. (Cross), hw. Glen W., stu. Howard A., stu. Shory, Annie M., pi. Shorey, Chas. F., loom fixer. Annie L. (McQuillan), hw. Elmer H., pi. Norman A., pi. Chas. Dewey, * pi. Kenneth B. Sykes, Albert, finisher. Martha A. (Oldham), hw. Sedgwick, Thomas M., conf. & cigars. Mary O. (Herrick), hw. & cl. Seaney, M. A. Jr., expressman. Sadie M. (Taylor), hw. Shorey, Mark R., second hand in mill. Ida S. (Priest), hw. * Alton M., druggist. Shorey, A. D., loom fixer. Viola A. (McLaughlin), hw. Scott, Albert A., painter. Lizzie E. (Wood), hw. William A., w r eaver. Harry E., stu. Howard S., pi. Herbert II., pi. Ano M., pi. 78 J^assalboro, Maine. ANSON n. GODDARD, Lawyer and Notary Public, 277 Water Street, AUGUSTA, HE. Probate Business a Specialty. Scott, Susan E. (Scribner), Stil man, Mark K., overseer. cook. Martha (Mars hinan), hw. Seaney, William H., IT. S. mail. *Henry M., mach. Tilda (Fitzgerald), hw. Scott, Fred, boss in mill. Hazel M., pi. Annie Sophia (Brooks), Soule, William T., mill wk. hw. Lydia M. (Hussey), hw. Lillian, pi. *Sadie C, hw. Llewellyn, pi. Staples, James F., boss in mill. Scales, Willam H. : , mill wk. * Warren D., TJ. S. ser. T James T., mill wk. Tyl er, Frank, cl. Daniel L.. pi. Turner, Percy M., weaver. Mildred F., pi. Marcia A. (Spaulding), hw. (Areata L. Flossie May. Sermon, Arthur, weaver. Preston W. May L. (Seaney) V Beatrice M. Vai •ney, Albert N. , shipper. Seaney, Matthew, card stripper. Alice L. (Webber), hw. *Harlie E., motorman. Margaret II., stu. *Winfield A., weaver. James A., stu. John F., spinner. Mary M., stu. Yassalboro, Maine. 79 W Whitney, Seth II., faf; Hannah T. (Getchell), hw. Chaa. F., pi. Wheeler, II. S., trader. Susie M. (Dobbin), liw. Clyde A., P l. Wood, Edgar il., foreman. .Mary L. (Parmenter), hw. Chester E., pi. Edith II., pi. Harold E., pi. G. E. Wentworth, William N., blk. Emma E. (Bacon), hw. Wentworth, Lucy (Fry), hw. *Milton M., blk. ■ Wesley J., blk. *Clista, hw. Hulda E., hw. Wall, Joseph, mill wk. Caroline M. (Priest), hw. Wyman, ('has. II., far. ct cobbler. Edna N. (Smith), hw. Joseph A., weaver. Chas. M., stu. Merl R., pi. Withee, Ambrose II., far. & mer. D. P. (Ames), hw. *Bertha A., hw. Whaley, C. L., weaver. Annis E. (Bragg), hw. Eleanor I. Frederick L. Walker, Tryphenia C. (Thomp- son), hw. *Chas. II., blk. Flora B., hw. Wentworth, Rebecca (Park), hw. Williams, John H., supt. mill. Nancy W. (Mays), hw. Williams, Patrick, fixer. Annie A. M. (Baro), hw. Edward F., dresser. Margaret M., spooler. Wiggles worth, Walter, mach. Fannie (Hurst), hw. *Alfred, boss weaver. *Frank, loom fixer. Lucy, hw. *Arthur, weaver. 80 Vassalboro, Maine. Wall, Mary, Ann W., Elizabeth, mill wk. White, John, mill wk. William, hw. *John, *James, far. weaver. boss spinner. weaver. NORTH VASSALBORO POST OFFICE, — 11. F. D.,48 — A Mabel B. Alley, Richard W., far. C HattieL. (Johnson), hw. Campbell, Walter P., Raymond C, far. B Brann, Everett W., far. Emma J. (Watts), hw. Mahlon E., stu. Brann, Julia A. (Rhynes), hw. Frances D., hw. Brann, Robert A., tr. Bragdon, Wallace C, overseer. Elizabeth J. (Brinsline), hw. Lawrence E., pi. Robert J., pi. Ida M. Susie II. Blair, Frank L., piper. Josephine M. (Campbell), hw. far Mary T. (Dyer), hw William H., far Walter E., pi Myra L., pi Lula I., pi P. A., pi Inez E., pi Lillian G. Arvilla M. Florence M. Josie M., hw. Cook, Geo. D., phy. Helen M. (Dunning), hw. Cook, Harold E., lawyer. Alberta F. (Park), hw. Hillard D., pi. Harold E., pi, Vassalboro, Maine. 81 Crawford, Elbridge G., far. Annie II. (Dunham), hw. Walter E., far. Cook, John M., far. Helen M. (Mace), hw. Mary A., hw. Cook, Albert, far. Eliza F. (Thomas), hw. Aribell, hw. G Gallagher, William, tr. Elizabeth M. (Cowden), hw. *Emma L., hw. •Stella F., hw. William Jr., far. *Thomas, assessor. Geo. A., mason. Gray, William E., far. Mary S. (Russell), hw. *Russell W., wheat insp. •Roger M., cl. H Romans, Geo. II., far. & butcher. Elizabeth A. (Newell), hw. •Geo. M., stu. Gertrude E., stu. 1 1 any, stu. Hope, stu. Hodges, Edwin, far. Sarah Z. (Smiley), hw. Matthew E., police & watchman. •Herbert E., painter & paper hgr. Bertha H., hw. Hussey, Susan A., hw. Hussey, Gustavus, far. & milk dlr. Frances E. (Colman), hw. *Benj. F., mer. *Geo. II., salesman. Chas. C, far. •Daniel H., painter. •Mary E., hw. Clara T., hw. •Vestie E., nurse. Anna B., hw. Hussey, Chas. C, far. Lillian E. (Earle), hw. Wilmer W., pi. Hussey, Henry F., far. A. Faunce (Stewart), hw. •Josephine F. •Alfred H., electric road. 82 Vassalboro, Maine. Lagree, Frank, ret'd. Eliza (McGee), hw. Thomas J., lab. Francis B., hostler. John II., mill wk. Lemmieux, Norbet, far. Jennie (Victory), hw. Paul, weaver. Louis, weaver. Joe, weaver. Levi, far. Silcer, pi. M Marshall, Paul, far. Emma, hw. *Nellie, hw. *Hattie, pub. house. Mary, mill wk. .Sadie, hw. Leon. Abbie (Ronce), hw. LaFayette. N Newell, Mary J. (Wyman),hw. o O'Keefe, Daniel, far. Kate (O'Reilly), hw. Rosie E., mill wk. Daniel A„ stu. Katie T., pi. P Priest, Fred P., lab. Perkins, J. Frank, far. Isabel (Priest), hw. Priest, William B., ret'd. Hannah (Taylor), hw. *Augusta H., hw r . Alonzo W., mill wk. Priest, Geo. S., carriage shop. Millie A. (Da vies), hw. Priest, Millie A. (Davies), hw. Allie S., far. *Sadie M., mill wk. Pierce, Julia A. (Rhynes), hw. Geo. F., car. & builder. Priest, Emeline E. (Brown), hw. *Everett \V., watchman. *Chas. E., mill wk. *Nancy R., hw. Priest, Everard L., far. & selectman. Jennie V. hw. Purington C. L., far. Zilla W. (Hamlin), hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 83 R Reynolds, Richard M., far. L. Ardell (Newell), hw. s Skillings, Frank A. lab. Skillings, Lillian M., stu. T Taylor, Roscoe G., far. Nellie (Grover), hw. Taylor, Frank E., sec. hand. Mabel L. Taylor, Frank A., far. Flora E. (Marr), hw. Taylor, Edwin J., far. Abbie M. (Farnsworth), hw. Percy E., pi. Vida F., pi. Taylor, Wilbur II., far. Ella A. (Newcomb), hw. Frank A., far. Ethel E., pi. Taylor, Geo. W., far. Emma B. (Dockum)), hw. Ida L., cb Grace M., stu. Taylor, Ernest C, far. Gertrude J. (Cooper), hw. Harold C., pi. Alfred H., pi. Alma E. Tabor, Henry, far. Lavinia J., hw. Tabor, Henry, far. *Horace M., salesman. "Annie M., assistant matron. *Chas. S., post master. U Upham, Frank II., far. Effie E. (Priest), hw. Lena M., stu. Lila L., pi. W Woodsum, David A., far. Maria B., hw. Geo. A., far. Webber, Robina W., hw. *Geo. E., far. Maud V., hw. Benjamin W., far. *Merton O., cl. Robert R., stu. Washburn, J. F., }>ainter & blk. * Alice W., hw. Nettie T., hw. Ruthanna II. (Nichols), 84 Vassalboro, Maine. WHERE QUALITY IS HIGH AND PRICES LOW: BOWDITCH, WEBSTER & CO.'S, The Oldest and Largest Drug Store in Augusta Trusses and Supporters fitted and warranted. High Grade Syringes and Rubber Goods at prices that anniahilate competition. Wentwortb, William E., far. Weeks, Lavinia (Jenkins), hw. Linnie D. ( ), hw. Emily S., hw. Eliza M. *Howard J., steward. Webber, Ezra G., far. & roach. *Geo. M., postmaster. Mary M. (Clark), hw. *Abbie M., hw. E. Gray, stu. Waldron, Mary C, stu. Geo. H., pi. Waldron, Gertrude F., stu. NORTH VASSALBORO POST OFFICE, — B. F. D.,49 — C L Cookson, Bessie L. (Jackson), Lord, Venora C. (Davis), hw. hw. Little, Arno, far. & exhorter. Harold A. Collins, J. Q., far. Ann M. (Greenlaw), hw. J Jackson, Andrew W., far. Annie C, hw. Bessie L., hw. *Edith, hw. Nellie E. (Wilder), hw. w Wilder, Nellie E. (Wood), hw. ♦Arthur A., cl. Elmer F., telegraphy. Florence L., stu. Vas8alboro, Maine. 85 VASSALBORO — B. F. A Austin, William B., shoe mk'r. Sarah J. (Clark), hw. *Geo. T., baggage-master. Mary A., hw. Ida B., hw. Helen C, hw. " William J., shoe mk'r. *Lyman P., baggage -master. *Edith M., hw. *Harry D. W., shoe mk'r. Abbott, Oscar A., far. Rose P. (Toothaker), hw. Ruby R,, hw. Alden, Hannah D., hw. Appleton, I. \Y., far. Althea I. (Wyman), hw. *Howard C, shipper. Adams, Lyman A., far. Lottie E. (Stewart), hw. B Burleigh, Clara K. (Garland). Thomas G., far. POST OFFICE, D., 50 — *Clara M., tr. *Annie 0., hw. *Josephine A., tr. *John II., eng. Kate II., hw. *Samuel A., supt. schools. Nettie C, tr. *Bailey, Altie, preceptress. Brown, Mary Ann (Fuller), hw. Annie A., hw. Banister, Francis H., gardener. Emma (Muchler), hw. Grace, pi. Lloyd, pi. Mabel E. Ethel Mary. Burns, Roscoe L., far. Nellie F. (Berry), hw. Burns, Elbridge T., far. Daisy C, hw. Barrows, William H., far. Eliza (Davis), hw. ♦Granville E. *Frank, agt. 86 Vassalboro, Maine. Barrows, Edwin C. far. Laura H. (Alden), hw. Ballard, Hannah A. (Bragdon). *Leander H., far. *William H., far. Frank W., far. Briggs, Addie L. (Webb), hw. Sam W., pi. Ballard, Edward C, far. Melissa E. (Phelan), hw. Katherine R. Ballard, Frank W., hw. Ella A. (Austin), hw. Brann, H. N., far. & car. *Dora C, hw. Everett W., far. Rosetta T. (Wood), hw. Blish, Ella F. (Goddard), hw. Ina M., hw. c Crosby, Willis B., far. Addie F. (Clement), hw. Alice C, pi. Harvey F., pi. Hazel May. Cowan, Hannah, hw. Colbath, Edwin S., mer. Mabel N. (Richardson), hw. Cassie W., stu. Gertrude M., stu. Gladys A., pi. Cole, William J., ret'd. Elizabeth J. (Haskell), hw. *Elizabeth E., hw. *Mahala J., hw. *Dora A. *Addie L., hw. Cook, Susan, hw. Cowan, Mandie. Cobb, William M., far. Laura E. (Wood), hw. *Elma H., taxidermist. * Walter L. Cates, Jo-hn M., far. Annie M. (Small), hw. Carter, Rose L. (Pullen), hw. Sadie, A., hw. Mary E., pi. Stephanie M., pi. Perlie E., pi. Harry L. Coombs, Archie T., far. & blk. Elvira T. (Ballard), hw. Nellie M., stu. Roy E., stu. Ray A., pi. Vassalboro, Maine. 87 Colman, Henry M., far. Emily F. (Dyson), hw. Clark, Imogene G. (Dearborn), hw. Merle, lab. *Geo. L., butcher. Edward T., baker. Crosby, Chas. F., far. Cynthia H. (Hinkley), hw. * William II., mech. Crosby, Fred S., ear. Angie C. (Mothewell), hw. Eva A., tr. Wilbur F., far. Clark, Elizabeth C. (Moody), D Dagg, Seth E., far. Lenora M. (Tolman), hw. Dunham, Ann R. (Robinson), hw. Edgar M., postmaster. *W. Scott, boot & shoe dPr. *Chas. II., grocer. Margaret E., hw. Dunham, Lydia T., hw. Day, Mary A. (Carter), hw. * William F. *Holman F. *Fred M. Dow, Elsworth E., far. Mary L. (Lowell), hw. Elmer E., pi. Ina M., pi. Helen G., pi. Maud II., pi. Robert E., pi. Herbert M., pi. Roy M. Douglass, Enos, lab. Rose L. (Pullen), hw. Jennie M. Dolley, William D., far. *Addie E., hw. *Carrie E., hw. ♦Willie H., mill wk'r. *Edith M., hw. Chas. S., far. Ada L. (Getchell), hw. Dolley, Nancy T. (Jackson). E Emery, Addie V. (McCoy), hw. *Frank M., mill man. Chas. F., lab. Freeman, Stephen A., far Vassalboro, Maine. riaine Wesleyan Seminary — ~*—»~aiid~«-"S — Woman's College The Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Woman's College offers unexcelled educational advantages in Art, Oratory, Music, both vocal and instrumental, in its Business College, in its three College Preparatory courses, its two Seminary Courses and its Woman's College. Expenses Low. Write for information to WILBUR F. BERRY, President. KENT'S HILL, MAINE. ♦Harriet M. (Chase), hw. Mary S. (Branch), hw. *Melville C, tr. Carrie E., pi. Ford, L. D., far. Wesley II., pi. Lovina E. (Hussey), hw. Ida M., pi. Robert W., far. Richard S., pi. Fortier, John, far. Ralph L., pi. Archany (Grove), hw. G Mary A., mi 11 wk. Getcliell, Geo. A., far. Hattie, hw. Lillian E. (McCoy), hw. Jennie, hw. *Maud A., hw. Wilfred EL, pi. Evelee M., pi. Lucy, pi. Edna P., Pi- Fletcher, Hamilton J., far. Frank II., pi. Vassalboro, Maine. 89 Helen E., pi. Edith A. Gibson, Geo. II., hotel. Getchell, Albert T., far. *CIarence, brakeman. Gilraan, Jennie S. (Emery), hw. Tracy H., far. Glazier, Mary A. (Wheeler), hw. *Henry K., far. & painter. Jennie L., hw. Gilbert, William W., far. Elvira B. (Colman), hw. *Edward L., elec. car ser. *Seth E., elec. car ser. Jesse S., far. Gilbert, Van T., far. Harriet J. (Mitchell), hw. Edith M., nurse. Gilbert, Leonard A., U. S. ser. A. B. (Reed), hw. Hazen B. Gifford, Chas. L.. far. Gifford, Isaiah, far. *Herbert C, real estate. Hattie B. (Blackwell), hw. Goldthwaite, E. (Johnson), hw. Goodell, Vesta M. (Martin), Frank M., far. H Hackett, Frank O., far. Martha (Whitney), hw. *Mame E., table wk. *Chas. O., car. Ada I., stu. Ilussey, Susan A., hw. Hussey, Orrett J., far Mary B. (Appleton), hw. Harold O., stu. Anna M., stu. Lenora M., pi. Vinton A., pi. Hamlin, Mary A. (Wheeler), hw. *Weston W., elec. car ser. * Julia E., hw. Melvin, far. Zella W., hw. Henderson, Mary E. (Jackson), hw. *Jesse E„ undertaker. *Ina M., hw. Hanson, Chas. H., far. Higgins, Mark H., far. Eunice N". (Jacqueth), hw. Frank H., pi. Geo. M., pi. 90 Vassalboro, Maine. Hill, Byron, far. Josephine (Richardson), hw. Lois, hw. *Llewellyn, lab. *Leslie L., far. *Leonard B., cl. Lillian M., hw. Hall, Nathan F., far. *Etta M., hw. *Arthur O., tin smith Josephine (Cross), hw. J Jackson, I. C, far. Mary (McKinnon), hw. E. T., sec. hd. r. r. ♦Flora A., tr. Geo. A., salesman. * James E., cl. *01in A.. far. Jenkins, Henry, far. Jacqneth, Hattie J. (Clark), hw. *Chas. P., cl. Alice M., hw. Eunice A., hw. John A., far. Jones, Geo. L., prin. Oak Grove Sem. Beulah M. ( ), hw. K Knight, William, far. Keene, Cyrena, hw. L Lncc, N. A., educational wk. Margaret L. (Hunter), hw. *Fred A., tr. Lancaster, Preston B., far. Nancy E. (Goodwin), hw. * Alice S., hw. Walter E., lab. Georgia A., asst. p. m. Harry P., U. S. Army. Low, Geo. G., far. Low, Asa S., far. Anna E. (Chamberlain), hw. Anna K., music tr. Frances S., violinist. Marion D., stu. Helen T., pi. M Misho, Edward, far. Addie V. (McCoy), hw. Lottie A. Marguerite V., pi. McKay, Emma N., hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 91 McKenny, Asa, lab. Belle (Brown), hw. Marriner, Abel B., far. *Altie V., hw. Addie B., hw. Willard A., iner. *Jessie L., nurse. Edith L., saleswoman. Mardcn, Sarah II. (Taylor), hw. Olive S., music tr. Rose B., hw. McCoy, Leonard, far. .Mary A. (Wheeler), hw. Maddocks, Clara, hw. McCoy, Ellshery, far. Georgia A. (Knights), hw. Geo. A., far. ♦Herbert E., cl. Aliee A., hw. Edward, far. Ella, pi. Nellie, pi. Irma B. Marden, II. S., far. *Elw<>od E., cl. Harry S., pi. Ella F. (Goddard), hw. Maiden, Dana B., far. Anna M. (Perley), hw. Eunice M., cl. N Newell, John, sec. hand. Lovisa S. (Adams), hw. Ralph E., baggage-master. Angie M., hw. Nevers, Ida E., hw. Nelson, 0. D., far. Lilla G. (Clark), hw. Lizzie A., stu. Susie C, pi. Marion G., pi. II. Clark, pi. o Oak, Geo. F., lab. Lizzie B. (Fly), hw. Nettie, pi. Rena L., pi. Ervin G., P Pitts, Reuel W., fireman. Annie A. (Brown), hw. Augusta E., stu. Prescott, Josiah A., far. * Albert S., phy. *J. E., watchman. *E. J., clerg. 92 | Vassalboro, Maine. Perkins, Chas. S., far. Laura B. (Richardson), hw. Grace E., hw. Parsons, Willard H., cl. Ina M. (Blish), hw. Perley, Fred B., far. I.N. Perley, Chas. I., far. Clara I. (Richardson), hw. Edith C, hw. *Geo. A., mer. *Anson M., mer. Pinkham, Allen W., far. Pheobe A. (Johnston), hw. Edith T., hw. Chas. M., far. Pope, Chas. H., far. William E., far. & butcher. * Herbert If., far. Ella B., hw. Lettie W. (Runnells), hw. Pope, Edward W., far. Edith J. (Jones), hw. Fred J., pi. Marion D., pi. Pope, Geo. H., far. & clerg. Clara F. (Weeks), hw. *Edward C, far. *Frank D., mech. *John H., jeweler. *Geo. L. Arthur W., far. Pope, Elijah, far. *Albert H,. car. *Etta, hw. *Frank T., cl. Kate, M. (Crowell), hw. *Ralph M., mach. R Randall, J. D., far. Mary A. (Percival), hw. *H. R., painter. *Lizzie M., hw. Rollins, Daniel, ret'd. Cynthia (Morrill), hw. Laura W. Rollins, Elmer W., far. Maud E. (Wood), hw. Phillip E. Rollins, Hiram A., tar. Elizabeth S. (Springer), hw. *Merton A., car. *Frank H., mech. Kate E., hw. Rollins, Eunice C, hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 93 Reed, Frank L., sec. foreman. Arlenza B., hw. Zora M., hw. Randall, Joseph P., tr. Sarah M. (Tabor), hw. Emma F., hw. *Eugene E., book kp'r. Randal], Herbert, far. Sadie I. (Willey), hw. Robinson, Albert P., far. Anna M. (Baxter), hw. *Arthur B., car. Sadie A., hw. Francis L., far. Robinson, John W., far. Georgia E. (Drake), hw. Percie J., foreman, insane hospital. Perley L., porter, insane hospital. Emma B., pi. Richardson, J. N., far. & car. Mary A. (Austin), hw. *Lottie M., hw. Howard O., stu. Amy L., stu. Edith M., pi. Raynes, W. A., far. Minnie J. (McPherson), hw. Roland E., pi. M. J. Bertha I. Raynes, Augustus, far. *Merton B., phy. *Alice E., hw. Randal], Eldredge, far. P. F. (Ames), hw. William L., far. Olive M., hw. *Elmer E., heel shop. s Sherman, Daniel W., far. *Frank W., far- *Mary K., hw. Mary E. (Jackson), hw. Sherman, Clarence A., blk. Estella B., hw. Ernest B., lab. Alice, waitress. Nellie L., hw. Sadie H. (Austin), hw. John C, pi. Mellie E., pi. Charlie L., pi. Stanley. 94 Vassalboro, Maine. goto Q. H. CATES'for... Dry Goods, Groceries, Meats and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Prices are low. Goods are of the best quality. We can save you money. Remember the place. G. H. CATES, EAST VASSALBORO, ME. Sherman, Arvilla, nurse. * Albert K., hotel. Stilson, Chas. A., far. *Daniel, cl. Kate R. (Rollins), hw. Snow, B. B., tr. Sawtelle, Nathan II., F. U. (Commings), hw. station agt. *Ora L., peddler. Clara B. (Richards), hw. *Ida PI., weaver. ♦Marshall L., mer. & mech. *Geo. R. Fred R. Samuel O., pi. Bessie B., hw. Small, Wilber E., lab. Smiley, Charlotte (Shackley), Mary E. (Hill), hw. hw. Mildred E. *David, mill operative. Helen A. Martha C, tr. Stewart, Albert B., far. Smiley, Joseph H., hw. Ida M. (Fernald), hw. Nettie F., hw. Lottie E., hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 95 Spaulding, Ada L. (Getchell), hw. *Lottie E., hw. * Raymond H., paper mill. Hollis C, pi. *Small, Lucy J., tr. oak grove sem. T Tolmon, Orlando A., ret'd. Maria (Shorey), hw. *Alton M., piano m'fgr. Tufts, Chas. W., far. Kose B. (Marden), hw. Irene E., pi. Sarah E., pi. Taylor, Frank E., sect. hand. Mabel L., pi. w Wentworth, L. E., far. (iil more, car. Vergil R., sect. hand. Eugene, lab. Clarence P., pi. RoseM., pi. Harvey J., pi. Wood, John C, far. Ann R. ( ), hw. *IIattie M., hw. Laura E., hw. Webster, Lucius H., far. Imogene (Clark), hw. Ivie, stu. Inez E., stu. Lee, pi. Edward Hayes, pi. Wyman, Edward F., far. *Minnie A., hw. *Arthur E., phy. Muses K., eng. *Wallace M. Jennie S. (Emery), hw. Lois M., pi. Ira W., pi. Webb, E. S., ret'd. Hannah A. (Bragdon), hw. Mary E., hw. Addie L., hw. Wood, Leslie II., far. Mary E., hw. Ruby M., pi. Warren, Orrison, far. & blk. Bell R. (Nagel), hw. Fred F., far. Nettie M., office wk. Carl B., lab. Wood, Galon S., far. 96 Vassalboro, Maine. *Ellen J., hw. Mary E. (Wing), hw. *Alida M., hw. Leslie H., far. Waldron, C. W., far. *Geo. R., eng. Betsey E., weaver. * Carrie E., hw. Flora E., hw. *Ina M., hw. *Ida M., hw. *Ernest C, p Q y- Waldron, Millard F., far. *Mary E., hw. Alice M. (Jaqueth), hw. * Wright, Geo. T., "W. C. tr. oak grove sem. Wood, Benj. K., far. WEEKS' MILLS POST OFFICE, — B. F. D., 51 — B Brown, Alvah C, S. L. (Proctor), Mabel T., Forest J., Alice F., far hw Pi Pi pl Lamson, Edwin B., mech. M. Delia (Webber), hw. M Milliken, Margaret A. (Call), hw. Brown, Evarda R. (— -), Mason, Lysander W., hw. hw. Evelyn M. (Whitehouse), *Geo. E., electrician. hw. q Daniel W. Dickey, Chas. M., far. P Lizzie R. (Austin), hw. Pierce, Geo E., far. *Lewis J., cl. Lillian B. (Whitehouse), hw. Va&saXboro, Maine. 97 Elona M., Harriet N. pi. R Robbins, Percy W., pi. Robbins, Milo H., pi. T Taylor, Hiram B., far. Taylor, C. Frank, far. Mary U. (Whitehouse), hw. Francena M., stu. Taylor, Lois C. (Whitehouse), hw. W Whitehouse, Eliza (Taylor), hw. Whitehouse, Forest B., far. tt supt. of schools. I lertrude F. (Getchell). Whitehouse, Dora M., hw. & tr. Whitehouse, Harriot (Wall), hw. Marietta, hw. HallieJ., hw. Daniel W., far. Ralph W., far. Warren, A. B., far. & car. Martha (Lesherness), hw. L. R., far. "Minnie E., hw. *A hw. Warren, Eugene E., far. Florence E. (Webber), hw. Lottie E., pi. Warren, Fred F., far. Minnie E (Cotton), hw. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE, — B. F. D., Xo. 1 — A Maurice D., pi. Appleton, Chas. M., far. & blk. Marion L., pi. Maria J. (Week), hw. Arey, Martha B. (Arey), hw. Ethel M., tr. Arey, Leonard J., far. James P., stu. Cora L. (Drumraond), hw. Melville F., stu. Atwood, Edward E., lab. Rena A., stu. Susie B. (Hodges), hw. 98 Vassalbo?'o, Maine. Brown, Josiah, far. Mary A. (Shaw), hw. Bonne}', Warren R., far. Brown, Oscar H., far. Helen E. (Fassett), hw. •Kdwar.l ()., far. * Walter E., salesman. *Mary II., hw. Sarah K., hw. Barrows, Hanson T., far. Julia E. (Wood), hw. Ethel M., tr. Leon M., stu. c Crowell, Chas. W., far. Emma F. (Randall), hw. ( Jrowell, Chas. G., stu. Coleman, Chas. R., far. Geo., far. *Effie, hw. Lillie, hw. Clark, James S., far. Carrie E. (Lamson), hw. Maud B., bk. kpr. Scott L., stu. D Dutton, William S., far. Ellis, I. E., far. Rachel M. (Masher), hw. Ina M., cook. Chester B., stu. Abbie J., pi. Charity M., pi. Laura B., pi. Geo. D., pi. Ira E. F Forrest, E. S., far., broom & creamery can m'fr. Mabel E., hw. Foster, Albert L., lumber dl'r. Fannie A. (Knowlton), hw. G Gardner, Geo. E., far. & blk. Alice M. (Smiley), hw. Garce D., hw. Getchell, Edwin C, far. Fannie M. (Shepard), hw. Getchell, Martha A. (Robbins), hw. *Nellie M. (Southerland), hw. Gardner, Joel P., far. Rosetta R., hw. Vassalboro, Maine. 99 Mabel E., hw. * Harold E., salesman. Delia E., bk.-kpr. Mabel E. (Forest), hw. Gertrude M., pi. Grace E., pi. Arvilla F. Gardner, Clarence O., far. Mabel E. (Gardner), hw. Evelyn M. H Hawes, John F., far. Mabel E. (Newell), hw. Gladys E. Viola E. Howe, Edward, far. Alice T. (Hallowed), hw. Frank S., pi. Hay E., pi. Iva A., pi. Hallowed, Mary (Tibbets), hw. Hall, Geo. W, tr. Hannaford, Freeman, far. Gertrude M. (Heald), hw. Hawes, H. H., far. Ida J. (Sanburn), hw. Howe, Frank D., far. Nellie I. (Mayall), hw. *Sarah P., hw. Frank T., far. L *Lyon, Roxie A. (Lovejoy),hw. Leavitt, Elmer E., tar. Inez B. (Lyon), hw. M Morgan, Geo. C, far. tt mech. Florence A. (Sibley), hw. Morrison, Luther, far. Elizabeth H. (Colman),hw. N Newell, Chas., tar. Lydia A. (Wentworth), hw. Mabel E., hw. Hugh S., far. P Priest, Warren R., lab. Pierce, Hiram D., lab. R Rollins, Geo. W., far. * James A., far. Rollins, Chas. A., tar. Nellie W. (Reed), hw. Ella L., stu. Harold C, pi. Helen E., pi. 100 Vassalboro, Maine. E. L. STAPLES. MELVILLE SMITH. W. E. MOODY Staples, Smith & Moody, HIGH GRADE PIANOS and ORGANS, Also flusical flerchandise of Every Description. Music Hall, 184 Water St., AUGUSTA, ME. Phonographs and Victor Talking Machines. STORES : Portland, Augusta, Lewiston, Ellsworth, Rockland. Robbins, C. P., far. & mer. Lewetta E., pi. Martha T. (Pierce), hw. Leonard R., pi. *Fred E., lumber dFr. Reed, Theodore F., far. • Mabel E., hw. Jennie H. (Williams) hw. Frank A., far. & mer. s * Alice M. Smiley, Andrew P., far, *Lena P. Smiley, Angie P., hw. Edward P., far. Sherman, L. B. (Robbins), hw *Ethel E., nurse. Shaw, William H., lab. Robbins, Geo. A., far. Ilattie M. (Lovejoy), hw. Anna 13. (Randall), hw. Hattie P., Pi. Robbins, Julia D., hw. Edith, pi Rollins, Marcus L. C., painter. Laura, pi Etta II. (Hos iey) 5 hw. Lena, Pi Vassalboro, Maine. 101 Snell, Syntha, hw. Snell, Anna II., hw. Strong, Stephen, far. Abbie K. (Sanborn), hw. *Willard E., meat market. *Edwin W., meat market. * Joseph E., bakery. *Stephen A., bakery. ■ Mabel T. T Trask, Lot F., far. Angelia A. (Freeman), hw. Flora E., tr. w *Wedge, Nellie A., hw. *Weclge, Emma M., bk.-kp'r. Webb, J. E., far. Grace L., stu. Myrtie P., stu. Earl E., pi. Mildred I., pi. *Fannie L., hw. *Ruth, pl. W. bb, J. E., far. Alice M. (Getchell), hw. Weeks, II. D., far. Mary, J. (O'Brien), hw. Sadie M., hw. 1 William II., mach. "Henrietta B., nurse. *Daniel B., nurse. * James M., Hotel North, Augusta. Margaret S., stu. John L., pl. Isabelle, pl. Weeks, W. S., far. & agt. Catherine L., pl. Ralph C, pl. Weeks, Lizzie A. (Averill), hw. Allen H., stu. Emily A., pl. Weeks, Syrene (Weeks), hw. *Geo. L., far. *Daniel S., bk-kp'r. Maria, hw. Y Yeaton, Eliza J. (Bobbins), hw. Willis A., far. Herbert P.. far. Yeaton, John W., lab. 102 Vassalboro, Maine. Long Distance Telephone 240=2. J. Williamson. Lewis A. Burleigh. WILLIAMSON & BURLEIGH, COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Granite Bank Building, Opposite R. R. Station. AUGUSTA, - - MAINE. General Practice. Organization of Corporations a Specialty. Collections Promptly Attended to. WATERVILLE POST OFFICE, — R. F. D., No. 39 — A Mary M. (Talbert), hw. Allen, Chas. A., far. Ayer, Henry D. B., far. Hannah G. (Sanborn), hw. Susan E. (Clark), hw. tr. Ayer, Bussell T., com. traveler. Elnora A. (Priest). S. W. B Brooks, Spencer C, far. Bertha A. (Acker), hw. Julia B., pi. *Harson S., tr. Fred M., soldier. Ayer, Geo. E., far. * Annie J., nurse. *Herbert D., lab. Ayer, Geo. E., far. Fred W., pi. •dUllJJ\r l ouoqp)SSD_A 103 Mills, pi. Francis C. Brown, Edward ()., far. Jessie M. (Purington), hw. Burleigh, Gilmore S., far. *Myrtie A., tr. *Cora S., tr. Burleigh, Kate II., hw. Bilodeau, Alex., far. Clara, hw. Frank, pi. Wallace, pi. Maurice A., pi. c Chaney, Earlington L. far. Hattie M., hw. Helen M. Cook, Edward II., far. Telephone, 124-13, Waterville. *Edward C, phy. Harriett II., hw. *Edith M., tr. Annie E., stu. G Gross, William C, far. Mary J. (Whitten), hw. Ethel L., pi. Hazel L. Raymond L. Gifford, Parker C, far. Sadie A. (Robinson), hw. Albert P., pi. Fred R. H Hunt, Sumner, far. ' ( '. B., miner. *Edith A., hw. ' Wilmont I., far. Clara, hw. ' Marcie E., hw. K Kennedy, John W., far. Clara H. (Hunt), hw. Elva M., stu. Norman E., stu. John P., stu. Wayne H., pi. Margaret A., pi. Dorris E. L Lion, Pliny, far. Helen V . (Woodcock), hw. Hattie M., h\r. P Person, Henrietta M., hw. Person, Ella L., hw. 104 J r assalboro, Maine. Person, William C, S far. & market gard'n'r. Small, Edwin, far. Perry, Clara (Gilcott), hw. Grace H., hw. Geo. H., weaver. Harry, mach. Arthur F., weaver. Nellie A (Gifford\ hw. Chester N., far. Hattie M., pi. Maud L., pi. W Purington, William H., far. Whitten, Alden W., far. Minnie M. (Parkhurst), hw. "IF NASON MAKES YOUR CLOTHING IT FITS." .. Suits .. Made to Your Measure, 10 to $40.00. Hundreds of styles in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Scotches, Cheviots, and Serges to select from. Work and Fit Guaranteed. Charles H. Nason, Merchant Tailor and Furnisher, 257 Water Street, AUGUSTA, ME. Vassalboro, Maine. 105 NON-RESIDENTS. — VASSALBORO. A Austin, Geo. G., 784 Congress St., Portland, Austin, William J., CI Goss St., Auburn, Austin, Edith M., 16 Union St., Auburn, Austin, Lymon P., Portland, Austin, Harry D. W., 65 Summer St., Auburn, Appleton, Howard C., 6 Woodward Park, Boston, Mass., Austin, William A., Whittensville, Mass., Austin, Ada L., 59 Fruit St., Milford, Mass., Austin, Wallace T., Hopedale, Mass., Austin, Frank II., 166 Main St., Waterville, Allen, Harson S., Box 1262, Waterbury, Conn., Ayer, Annie J., Eye & Ear Inf., Portland, Ayer, Herbert D., Waterville, Abbott, Fannie, Waterville, Abbott, Carrie, Augusta. B Bailey, Winfield C, 403 East 7th St., South Boston, Mass., Bailey, Roswell E., 403 East 7th St., South Boston, Mass., Brown, Edward O., Augusta, R. F. D. 1, Brown, Walter E., 56 Decota St., Dorchester, Mass., Brown, Mary H., Augusta, R. F. D. 1, Barrows, Granville E., Waterville, Barrows, Frank, Burlington, Vt., 106 Vassalboro, Maine. Ballard, Leander H., Caribou, K. F. D. 1, Ballard, William H., Caribou, R. F. D. 1, Brown, George E., South Boston, Mass., Brann, Dora C, Benton Falls, Bragg, Florence E., 35 Burnham street, Portland, Bragg, Edith M., 242 Globe, Providence, R. I., Butterfield, Fred Z., 35 Burnham street, Portland, Butterfield, Chas. C, Toward street, Waterville, Butterfield, Herbert H., 14 Catell street, Bangor, Butterfield, George, 1521 T street, Washington, D. C, Butterfield, Elmer, Howard, R. 1., Butterfield, Harry K., Howard, R. I., Bragg, Nellie J., Waterville, Blish, Daniel P., Blish, Annie H, Sonuiville, Mass., Bourn, Cora A., Somerville, Mass., Burleigh, Clara M., 44 Pleasant street, Gardiner, Burleigh, Annie O., 257 Grove street, Waterbury, Conn., Burleigh, John H., Waterville, Burleigh, Samuel A., Rumford Falls, Burleigh, Josephine A., Highlands, Mass., Burleigh, Myrtle A., Southwick, Mass., Burleigh, Cora S., 88 Winthrop street, Roxbury, Mass., Bessey, Eli P., 16 Center avenue, Dover, N. H., Bessey, Prince M., Millersburg, Pa., Bessey, Guy E., Old Town, Bessey, Edith A., 16 Center avenue, Dover, N". II., Bailey, Altie M., Sunapee, N. II. Vassalboro, Maine. 107 c Clark, Madeline G., Cole, Elizabeth E., 31 Spring street, Auburn, Cole, Mahala J., West Auburn, Cole, Dora A., 141 Winter street, Auburn, Cobb, Addie L., Front street, Waterville, Cobb, Walter L., Calais. Cobb, Elmer H., Bangor, Coleman, Erne, Newton, Mass., Coleman, Lillie, Bangor, Clark, Geo. L., China, R. F. D. 50, Crosby, William H., Waterville, Cross, Elvira M., Augusta, R. F. D. 6, Cross, Ralph A., 169£ State street, Bangor, Cross, Everett II., Cook, Edith M., 42 High street, Southbridge, Mass., Cook, Edward C, York, Clapperton, William J., Clapper-ton, Thomas D., Clapperton, Ellen F., Benton Station, Clapperton, John J., Waterville, Cates, Carrie A., Augusta, Cates, James A., Providence, R. I. D Dollie, Addie E., Brewer, Dollie, Carrie E., Winslow, Dollie Willie II., Winslow, Dollie, Edith M., Waterville, 108 Vasscdbo?'o, Maine. Dunlap, Helen E., Orient, Dunham, W. Scott, Waterville, Dunham, Charles H., State street, Augusta, Day, William F., Lewiston, Day, Holman F., Auburn, Day, Fred M., Waterville, Dickey, Lewis J., 149 K street, South Boston, Mass., Doe, Minnie E., China, Denico, Elmer B., North Vassalboro, Denico, Fred C, China, Donahoe, Patrick T., Lowell, Mass., Davis, Charles W., Aidye, Va. E Emery, Frank M., Portland, F Freeman, Melville, 23 Spring street, Maiden, Mass., Fairfield, George H., Fairfield, Fairfield, Harriet E., China, Fairfield, Helen M., Fairfield, Fairfield, Herbert W., 24 Quimby street, Augusta. G Getchell, Nellie M. (South erland), Minong, Wis., Gardner, Harold E., Mass., Gardner, Benjamin, Gannett street, Augus Gilbert, Edward L., Augusta, Gilbert, Seth E., Allston, Mass., Gifford, Herbert C, 54 Preston Road, Somerville, Mass., Getchell, Maud A., 20 Anderson street, Portland, Vctssalboro, Maim 109 Gleason, Olive S., Gardiner, Getchell, Clarence, Gardner, Albert N., 1325 Washington street, Boston, Mass., Gardner, Vesta I., 92 Washington Park, Boston, Mass., Gray, Cora (Bourne) 319 Broadway, Somerville, Mass., Gray, George A., 413 4th avenue, East Duleth, Mass., Gray, Olive I., 413 4th avenue, East Duleth, Mass., Gray, Harriet, 413 4th avenue, East Duleth, Mass., Gallagher, Emma L., 241 Webster avenue, Cambridge, Mass., Gallagher, Stella F., 326 Center street, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Gallagher, Thomas, 150 Berkshire street, Cambridge, Mas>., Glasier, Olive S., Gardiner, Gray, Russell, 416i West 4th street, Seattle, Wash. Gray, Roger M., Seattle, Wash. H Heald, Arthur W., Togus, Ileald, Frank L., Brighton, Mass., Heald, Wallace S., Hallowell, Henderson, Ina M., Ash street, Waterville, Henderson, Jesse E., Everett square, Mass., h, Mamie E., Patten, Hatch, Charles O., Island Falls, Hussey, Benjamin F., North Sidney, Hussey, George H., Cory street, The Rawson, Everett, Mass., Hussey, II., 32 Forest street, Everett, Mass., Hussey, Vestie E., New Bedford, Mass., Hussey, Mary E., Pavillion, New York, Hamlin, Weston W., Church street, New Haven, Conn., 110 Vassalboro, Maine. Hamlin, Julia E., Church street, New Haven, Conn., Hilt, Lois, Madison, R. F. D., 1, Hilt, Llewellyn, Drew, Hilt, Leslie L., Washburn, Hilt, Leonard B., Washburn, Howe, Sarah (Pearle), 325 Barnbridge street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hawes, Davis IL, 182 1-2 Flower street, Los Angeles, Cal., Hussey, Ella C, Windsor, Hussey, Emma M. Augusta, Hussey, Ida H., Augusta, Hussey, E. A., 21 Bangor street, Augusta, Hussey, Benjamin G., Windsorville, Hussey, Ethel I., 15 Grove street, Augusta, Hall, Etta M., 14 Clifton avenue, Salem, Mass., Hall, Arthur O., Oakland, Hawes, Lydia F., Richmond, Hawes, George A., Waterville, Hussey, Josephine F., Waterville, Hussey, Alfred H., Thomaston, Hammond, George M., 26 Berwick Park, Boston, Hamlin, Adelaide L., Waterville, R. F. D., 39, Hamlin, Carrie P., Benton Station, Hodges, Herbert E., Waterville, Hunt, E. B., Hunt, Edith A., Troy, Hunt, Wilmont, Klondike, Alaska, Hunt, Maine E., 136 Main street, Waterville, Handy, Annie M., Haverhill, Mass., Vassalboro, Maine. Ill Haley, George, Old Town, Haley, William S., 920 Branch street, Providence, R. I., Hawes, Grace K., Waterville, Herbert, Richard A., Boston, Mass., Ilickey, Micheal, Belleville, Idaho, Ilickey, Martin F., Contact, Nevada, Hutton, Robert, Jr., 29 School street, Ornesville, R. I., Hutton, Elizabeth A., Lincoln street, Providence, R. I., J Jackson, Fhn-a A., Box 327, Walpole, Mass., Jackson, James E., 04 Main street., Waterville, Jackson, Olin A., Hollis, N. H., Jaqueth, Charles F., Randolph, Mass., Johnson, Edward Z., Boston, Mass., Johnson, Mary E., Boston, Mass., Johnson, Rnel S., seaman, Johnson, Sarah E., Gloucester, Mass., Johnson, Annie E., Gloucester, Mass., Johnson, Lydia, Auburn, Johnson, Abraham, Johnson, Ida L., Aivguata, Jones, Bertha M., Weeks' Mills, Jordan, Annie L., 20 Union avenue, Everett, Mass., Jewett, William, Pittsfield. L Lee, Ada M. (Peacock), Milton, New Hampshire, Luce, Fred A., Dukesbury, Mass., Lancaster, Alice S., Winslow, 112 Vassalboro, Maine. Lyon, Roxie A. (Lovejoy), Augusta, Lowe, Arthur B., 37 Waverley street, Maiden, Mass., Longfellow, Mabel, Gardiner, Longfellow, Frank E., Hartford, Conn., Lamson, Florence E., Insane Hospital, Augusta, Lord, Mabel F., West Stewartstown, N. II., Lewis. Cyrus A., 116 Clinton street, Concord, N. H., Lewis, Delia C, 6 Garfield avenue, Medford, Mass., Lamson, Walter H., 242 Globe street, Providence, R. I., Lamson, Edwin M., 11 Bancroft street, Worcester, Mass., Lewis, William W., Adams House, Augusta, Lewis, Frank H., care Hospital, Washington, D. C, Lewis, Edna Mary, Dexter, Lewis, Linwood P., Old Town, Lord, Cora M., Freedom, Lord, Charles E., 14 Sumner street, Bradford, Mass., Lord, Annie B., Brooks, Lord, Kate E., Brooks, Lightbody, James A., Waterville, Lightbody, S. S., 4 Dolton street, Waterville. M McKay, Greenwood H., Bowdoin, McKay, John, Togus, Marriner, Altie V., Dorchester, Mass., Marriner, Jessie L., New Bedford, Mass., Marden, Elwood E., Pleasant street, Waterville, Murphy, Edward, Rockland, Murphy, Mary Jane, 6 Toward street, Waterville, J r assalboro, Maine. 113 Murphy, William A., Boston, Mass., Murphy, Annie D., 288 Oxford street, Providence, R. I., M irshall, Nellie, Gardiner, Miley, William A., Gardiner, Ore., Marshall, Ifattie, Augusta, Mc Curdy, Isa F., 11 Wellington street, Boston, Mass. o Oram, Minnie, Mineral Park, Oram, Lizzie, (Kingman), Oram, Edith, Mendicino, Cal., Oldham, Walter N., Jefferson, Mass., P Prescott, E. J., Fall River, Mass., Prescott, J. E., Portland, Prescott, Albert S., GraiTam, N. IT., Perley, George A., 238 Water street, Augusta, Perley, Anson M., 23 street, Augusta, Pope, Herbert II. Middleboro, Mass., Pope, Edward C, Winslow, Pope, Frank U., Pope, John II., 59 Summer street, Attleboro, Ma Pope, George L., 79 North Main street, Providence, R. I., Pope, Ralph, 380 Euclid avenue, Beloit, Wis., Pope, Albert H., Massachusetts, Pope, Etta, Gardiner, Pope, Frank T., 2B2 M setts avenue, Providence, R. I,, Priest, Augusta II., 420 Hope street, Providence, R. I., Priest, Sadie M., 34 Temple street, Waterville, 114: Vassalboro, Maine. Priest, Everett W., Augusta, Priest, Charles E., Pittsfield, Priest, Nancy K., Mass., Priest, Nellie J., Passadena, Cal., Plummer, Mary E., 36 Elm street, Waterville, Philips, Mauley I., Pittsfield, Philips, Jennie E., 317 Washington avenue, Providence, R. I., Philips, Alice M., Pittsfield, Philips, Mark E., 117 Washington street, Camden, Philips, Willie E., Pittsfield, Philips, George, 305 Main street, Waterville, Philips, John, Walnut street, Waterville, Philips, Mary A., Monticello, Minn., Philips, Eliza, Princeton, Minn. R Robbins, Fred E., Rityville, Wash., Robbins, Mabel E. (Morrill), Readfield, Robbins, Alice M. (Young), 25 Bangor street, Augusta, Robbins, Ethel E., 294 Brackett street, Portland, Robbins, Lena P. (Pierce), Oakland, R. F. D. 35, Russell, Mabel L., Damariscotta, Russell, Charles H., Newton Center, Mass., Reed, Clara B., Taeoma Park, D. C, Reed, Etta M., Rollins, Merton A., Waterville. Rollins, Frank II., Enderlin, North Dakota, Rowe, Merton T., Maple street, Chelsea, Mass., Randall, Eugene E., Bangor street, Augusta, Vassalboro, Maine. 115 Robinson, Arthur, Waterville, R. F. D. 39, Richardson, Lottie M., 224 Main street, Waterville, Randall, H. R., 35 Oak street, Augusta, Randall, Lizzie M., Skowhegan, Bobbins, Ada I., Hallowell, Rains, Merton B., 909 Main street, Melrose Highlands, Mass., Rains, Alice E., Box 422, Howell, Ramsdell, Elmer E., Easton, Mass., Roundy, Wesley, Winslow, Richardson, Clara J., Skowhegan, R. F. D. 6, Richardson, Ruth C, Togus, Richardson, Lester, Fairfield, Richardson, George D., Fairfield, Richardson, Everett, Boothbay Harbor, Reagan, John L., South Boston, Mass., Reagan, Mary E., Whitman, Mass., s Strong, Willard E., 30 A North street, Boston, Mass., Strong, Edwin W., 30 A North street, Boston, Mass., Strong, Joseph E., Strong, Stephen A., San Pedro, Strong, Mabel G., San Pedro, Soule, Sadie C, Woodfords, Schope, Katie, New York, Schope, Josie, New York, Schope, Anthony, New York, Snell, Horace, Bowdoinham, Sherman, Mary K., Columbus, Ga., 116 Vassalboro, Maine. Sawtelle, Marshall L., Strickland's Ferry, Smiley, Daniel, Smiley, Albert K., Smiley, David, Mansfield, Mass., Snow, George R., Oakland, Snow, Ida L. II., Waterville, Snow, Ora L., Parker's Head, Stone, Walter C, 6 Cony street, Auburn, Stone, Grace M., 6 High street, Amherst, Mass., Stone, Robert J., 6 Cony street, Auburn, Safford, Lizzie H., 11 East avenue, Waterville, Shorey, Alton M., Conway, N. H., Seaney, Ilarlie E., 34 Dexter street, Providence, R. I., Seaney, Winfield A., Fairfield, Stilman, Henry M., Small, Lucy J., Lisbon Falls. T Trott, W in ship J., Rochester, N. H., Trott, Jennie M., Everett, Mass., Tolman, Alton M., 71 Pineapple street, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Tobey, Melvin, Boston, Mass., Tobey, George E., Hathorne, Mass., Tobey, S. E., Windsorville, Tobey, Minnie V., South China, Tabor, Chase, Providence, R. I., Tabor, Annie M., Hartford, Conn., Tabor, Horace M., 11 North Walnut street, East Orange, N. J., Tassalboro, Maine. 117 u Urquart, Murdock S., Sand Point, Idaho, w Wedge, Nellie A., Wedge, Emma M., 46 Stone street, Augusta, Webb, Fannie L. (Pelton), Murray street, Augusta, Webb, Ruth, 33 Essex street, Holyoke, Mass., Weeks, William H., 44 North street, South Boston, Mass., Weeks, Henrietta B., McLain Hospital, Waverly, Mass., Weeks, Daniel B., Togus, Weeks, George L., Augusta, R. F. D., Weeks, Daniel S., South Gardiner, Willis, George W., Bath, Willis, Fannie, Sidney, Wentworth, Gilmore B., Richmond, Wentworth, Ann E., Provincetown, Mass., Wentworth, Laura A., 74 Mud street, Lynn, Mass., Wentworth, Minnie A., 57 Bridge street, Augusta, Wentworth, Mabel A., Pettingill Corner, Augusta, Wood, Ilattie M., Platte, South Dakota, Wyman, Walter M., Somerville, Mass., Wyman, Arthur E., Skowhegan, Wyman, Minnie A. 38 1-2 Elm street, Waterville, Whitehouse, John G, 1135 West 4th street, Washington, D. C, Warren, Minnie E., Augusta, R. F. D. 1, Warren, A., South China, Wood, Ellen J., Beverly, Mass., Wood, Alida M., Benton Falls, 118 Vassalboro, Maine. Waklron, Ida .M. Bingham, Wood, George B., 37 Waverly street, Maiden, Mass., Wood, Carrie E., Weeks' Mills, R. F. D. 51, Wood, Ernest G, 115 Broadway, Louisville, Ky., Wood, Mary E., Vassalboro, Wheeler, Lewis A., 11 Cleveland avenue, Woburn, Mass., Webber, George R., Station 32, Cranston, R. I., Webber, Merton O., 30 Lincoln street, Bath, Wilder, Arthur A., 9 Spring street, Waterville, Washburn, Alice W., Walthara, Mass., Weeks, Howard J., Friends School, Providence, R. I., Weeks, George M., Glenn street, Mary, Florida, Weeks, Abbie M., 217 Pleasant street, Providence, R. I., Wentworth, Milton W., Center Montville, Wentwoi'th, Wesley J., Center Montville, Wentworth, Clista, Portland, Wentworth, Hulda E., Center Montville, Withee, Bertha A., 41 Elm street, Waterville, Walker, Charles H., Box 41, Springvale, Wigglesworth, Alford, 3 Middle street, Waterville, Wigglesworth, Frank, Park House, Hartland, Wigglesworth, Arthur, 3 Middle street, Waterville, White, John, Bridgton, White, James, Wright, George T., Boston, Mass., LBJa'13 I IIP iffll lir i'l'l'lfeiii'lliiffl !■ H I I I H lBI JI WM ^^-WOW* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 995 822 6 £