F EARLY DUBLIN REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS 4c/ gloriam p riorum Coi,UMBus, Ohio i9t.)i ass F44 Hook ' -^^-^^ I'KKSENTKn BY V. EARLY DUBLIN A LIST OF THE REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS OF Dublin, N. H. BY / SAMUEL CARROLL DERBY Ad gloriani pnbrtim ' ' Coi^UMBus, Ohio 1901 V. PRESS OF Spahr & Glenx, columbus. P. (Person). tOje'Ol PREFACE THE general purpose of the following lists is to help preserve the memory of the men of my native town who took a strenuous part in those earW "times that tried men's souls. ' ' My intent at first was of narrower scope. Bartholomew Goyer, a picturesque Frenchman of unknown antecedents who was the first settler on Derby Hill, had been, according to family tradition, a Revolutionary soldier. His name was not found with those of other such soldiers in the History of Dublin. This omission led me to search the "Revolutionary Rolls" of New Hampshire for his military record. The quest proved that tradition was correct and suggested that further examination of those volumes of New Hampshire State Papers might reveal other unknown soldiers of the struggle for inde- pendence. Enough additional names were discovered to double the number given in the History of Dublin. That honor may be given "to whom honor is due," it has seemed best to print the complete list of Revolutionary soldiers, together with a short state- ment of the .service of each. In .some cases brief additional items of family history have been given, and would gladly have been in.serted in others, had the facts been known to me. The short notices of captains and colonels under whom Dublin soldiers served have cost more labor than their fragmentary nature would suggest. Corrections with regard to any fact or name in the following pages will be gratefully received. S. C. Derby. Columbus, O., January i, 1901. DUBLIN SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTION IT is now forty-five years since the History of Dublin appeared. Its list of Dublin men who served in the Revolutionary War is probably trustworthy as far as it goes. So much may be presumed from the character of the committee who published that work, Levi W. Leonard, D. D., Jonathan K. Smith, Lawson Bel- knap, Thomas Fisk and Henry C. Piper. They had personal acquaintance with many of the survivors of the struggle for inde- pendence, were men of marked sobriety of judgment, and not at all prone to admit unfounded claims. Still, it is now possible to revise and increase their roll of Revolutionary soldiers from Dub- lin, though none who took part in that war survive to-day, and its very traditions are growing dim. Several important sources of information upon this question have become available since i one ^ ^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^^ Company till Ce^' lyt a 'I ct imefii'ng on Command at Mohaw. River he was sur- p sed bv : partv of Indians and carried into Canada where he -mamed a rrisonerVntm September, 1783, and as it was reported that he was killed by s^rindilns Return was made accordingly and your petitioner was not made up in^y roll and Consequently drew no pay dureing the whole time of his SZ^ZZnd also after his return out of Captivity he being poor and also not possessed of that knowledge which was requisite to direct the proper way To obLTa recompence for his servises in behalf of his Country both he and his faS^y hath g^^^^^^^ sufTered on that account. Wherefore your petitioner HumS prays your Honours to take his case into wise Consideration and ^rant l^m tl e pav for his services in the Cause of his Country for which he fias Receh^d no' Compensation and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever prav, Dover June ye nth 1792 BarThoi.omew GoyER I certify that sometime in June 17S2 Indians attacked carried and burned a mill on Mohawk river in wiich was a Serjeant's party belonging to the Re"h^it then under mv Command & that the bearer Bartholomew Goyer being in the party instead of being taken was supposed o have been killed. aXi: accordingly returned dead in consequence of - -h his pay ceased. Given under my hand at Londonderry this 6th day of ^^^^^^ Then Lt Col Comdt 2d N Harnpr Reg. The following paper throws more light upon the preceding petition : A Return of N Hamps Troops & where Station'ci The fn-st Regt Consistuig nearly of 270 R & File fit for Duty are Station d '' Thr^Regiment are distributed as follows (viz) : Companies at Fts Haridnier anS Dayton their number about So R & File one Comp> a Isq^Harkimers &'he Indian Castle R & F 30 — the Remaining part of fhe Reot wh^ch is neariy iSo are Station'd at Fort Plain or Ransler from ^i:X^^ guards weekly to Fort Willett Parrisses Mill Moyen House & the Ferry near the Post — ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^,^ N B this Return is taken from the Musters of May last ; Can't say that it is so accurate as I could wish ^ Kzio Albany ist July 82 12 Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. Samuel French of Hopkinton, a member of the same company, was taken prisoner, apparently with Goyer, at Little Falls, and held a captive by the Indians till March, 1787. French was allowed by the N. H. authorities £g6, which was in lieu of four years' wages, and an allowance for two years' clothing. See N. H. State Papers, vol. XXI. Goj-er was allowed /"so, and interest from vSept. 30, 1783, see N. H. State Papers, vol. XXII. He lived on the Derby Hill and removed from Dublin to North Adams, Mass., about 1796. The localities mentioned in Col. Reid's Return were situated. Ft. Herkimer in German Flats township ; Ft. Dayton in Herki- mer ; Herkimer's house and Indian Castle, the residence of the famous Indian Chiefs, King Hendrick and Joseph Brant, in Dan- ube ; Ft. Willet in Minden ; Ft. Rensselaer in Canajoharie, and the other posts in the neighborhood. These towns all lie on the Mohawk, near Little Falls, and all suffered very greatly in the Revolutionar}^ War from the frequent raids of Tories and Indians. Nowhere were hostilities more embittered by feuds and vindicti\'e hatred. Harold Frederic's novel, " In the Valley," gives a good account of the struggle. 1 1 . JOvSHUA Greenwood, son of William and Abigail ( Death) Greenwood, was in Capt. Josiah Brown's company. May 6, 1777 ; alsoinCapt. John Mellen's company, June 28, 1777, and in Capt. Samuel Twitchell's companj^, which took part in the Rhode Island campaign of 1778. All three companies were raised in the 14th regiment (Enoch Hale's). 12. Moses Greenwood, who removed to Dublin from New- ton, Mass., 1 77 1, was a private in Capt. John Mellen's compau}-, which went to Ticonderoga, June and July, 1777. Died in Dublin July 2, 1827. 13. William Greenwood, was in Capt. Josepli Parker's com- pan}- which marched to relieve Ticonderoga in July, 1776, and also a member of Capt. Salmon Stone's corapan}', which took part in the battles at Bennington and Stillwater, 1777. He was a brother of Eli and Joshua Greenwood, and died in Dublin, 1830. 14. Thomas Hardy, is named in the return of April 29, 1777 ; and described as 22 years old, 5 feet 8 inches, "well set." Dublin Rkvolutionary Soldiers. 13 He was sergeant in Capt. Benj. Spaulding's company at West Point, 1781 ; died in Dublin, July 25, 1816. He was a native of Hollis, N. H. 15 James Houghtox, who came to Dublin, July, 1781, en- listed June 4, 17S2, for the war. He may have been the James Houghton, sergeant in Col. Timothy Bedel's regiment, 1777-78. He removed from Dublin, whither is not known. 16 Caleb Hunt when 16 years old was a private in Capt. Samuel Blodgett's company. May, i777, Col. Nathan Hale's regi- ment, and was left severely wounded at Hubbardston, Vt. Dr. Abraham Downer, of Charlestown, was allowed 42 shillings for medical care of Caleb Hunt. In 1779 he was in the 2d New Hampshire regiment (Col. George Reid's) and is described as 5 ft. 10 in. tall, with light hair and complexion. July 18. 1781, he enlisted from Amherst for six months, and was of Amherst in 1794, when he petitioned for a grant of state land because of depreciation of pay. 17. Henry Hunt was a private in Capt. Benj. Spaulding's companv. Col. Moses Nichols' regiment, which marched in 1780 to West' Point . In 1 78 1 he enlisted from Amherst for six months. Perhaps brother of Caleb Hunt. 18 WiLLARD Hunt, who came to Dublin as early as 1774, served in Capt. Abijah Smith's company, which went to reinforce Washington's army near New York in September, 1776. April, 1778, he enlisted for one year. He removed from Dublin. It' is not known from what town the Hunts came ; they may have been relatives of Willard Hunt whose name appears upon the Dublin tax Hst, first in 1774. 19 ITHAMER Johnson was a private in Capt. Jacob Miller's company. Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regiment (Mass.) at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775. 20 Moses Johnson who, with his brother, Simeon Johnson, paid taxes in Dubhn. 1771, was a private in Capt. Abbott's com- pany. Col. Stark's regiment, at Medford, Oct. 4, i775- He .served, also, in Capt. John Mellen's company, i777> and in Capt. Samuel Twi'tchell's company, Rhode Island expedition, Aug. 1778. 14 Dublin Re;volutionary Soldiers. 21. Simeon Johnson was in Capt. Jacob Miller's company at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775. He removed, 1819, to Keene, O. All the Johnsons removed from Dublin. 22. John Knowlton, a native of Holliston, Mass., came to Dublin, 1770, and was a private in Capt. Abijah Smith's company, Col. Nahum Baldwin's regiment. This regiment was raised to reinforce Washington's army at New York ; it served from Sept. to Dec. 1776, and was at White Plains, Oct. 28, 1776. John Knowlton was a corporal in Capt. Salmon Stone's company, which went from Rindge, July, 1777, to join the Northern army at Still- water, and served July-Sept. In Aug. 1778, he was sergeant in Capt. Samuel Twitchell's company in the Rhode Island campaign. He died in Dublin, 1835, set. 89. 23. Benjamin Mason was fifer in Capt. Salmon Stone's com- pany, Col. Moses Nichols's regiment, July 21 to Sept. 25, 1777. This regiment was present at the battles of Bennington and vStill- water. He died in Dublin, Maj'- 16, 1840, set. 79 years. 24. Francis Mason was a private in Capt. Samuel Blodgett's company. Col. Nathan Hale's regiment, 1777, and then returned by Jaffrey. L,ater he is credited to Dublin and reported as absent from the same company. As a member of 7th Co., 2d N. H. Regt. (Col. George Reid's) he is said to be of Dublin. He was 34 years old in 1777. His later history is unknown. 25. Joseph Mason was a member of Capt. Salmon Stone's corapan}'. Col. Moses Nichols's regiment, which marched to Ben- nington and Stillwater, 1777. He died in Dublin ]\Iarch 11, 1S06, £et. 58. 26. MosES Mason was in Capt. Joseph Parker's company, Col. Nathan Hale's regiment, 1776, marched to Ticonderoga ; he marched to relieve same place in Capt. John Mellen's compan^^ June-July, 1777 ; in Capt. Salmon Stone's company July-Sept. 1777, he fought at Bennington and Stillwater ; he went with the troops under Col. Daniel Reynolds in 1781 to West Point. May 5, 1786, he gave a receipt for rations and travel monej^ to Spring- field, Mass. He removed from Dublin to Bethel, Me., in 1799, was much emploj'ed there in public business, and died, Oct. 31, i837> aged 80. DuBUN Revolutionary Soldiers. 15 27. Daniel Morse sen-ed in company of Capt. Josiah Brown, Col. Enoch Hale's regiment, and marched to the relief of Ticon- deroga, May 6, 1777; August, 1778, he was a soldier in Capt. Samuel Twitchell's company, Rhode Island campaign. He re- moved, about 1800, to Queensbury, Vermont. 28. Ezra IMorse was a soldier in Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's regiment, Capt. Jere Stiles' company, Oct. 6, 1775, and was prob- abl5' at Bunker Hill ; he served also in Capt. Twitchell's company in Rhode Island, August, 1778. He died in Dublin June 3, 1830, aged 77. 29. John Morse was a corporal in Capt. Joseph Parker's company, which went to Ticonderoga in 1776 ; in Capt. John Mellen's company June — July, 1777, went again to Ticonderoga; and served six months in 17S0 in Capt. Henry Dearborn's com- pany at West Point. He died in Dublin Feb. 19, 18 13, aged 58 years. In later 3'ears he was styled " Major." 30. Jonathan Morse was at Winter Hill Oct. 6, 1775, in Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regiment, and probably fought at Bunker Hill ; went to Ticonderoga in Capt. Joseph Parker's company, 1776 ; was corporal in Capt. Josiah Brown's company May 6, 1777; in 1780 he served six months in Capt. Henry Dearborn's com- pany ; July-Sept. 1777, he was present with Capt. Salmon Stone's companj', Col. Moses Nichols' regiment, at Bennington and Still- water. In 1 781 he served in the ist N. H. Continental regiment (Col. Joseph Cilley's); he was 24 years old in 1780. He removed to Vermont and died at Leicester, Vt., 18 12, aged 56 5'ears. 31. Micah Morse ist was in Capt. Salmon Stone's company, July-September, 1777 ; went to Bennington and Stillwater, and is said to have died in the war. There is much obscurity about his early life and his fate. 32. Micah Morse 2D was at West Point in 1 780 in Capt. Henry Dearborn's company. He removed from Dublin to Dans- ville, N. Y. 33. Reuben Morse was a private in Capt. Salmon Stone's company ; Lieut, in Col. Moses Nichols's regiment, 1780, and was present at Bennington and Stillwater. He resided in Dubhn and died there April 27, 18 10, aged 67 years. 1 6 Dubinin Reyoi^utionary Soldiers. 34. Thomas Muzzey was iu Col. Epliraim Doolittle's regi- ment, Capt. Jacob Miller's compan}-, at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775, and probably fought at Bunker Hill. He removed from Dublin. 35. Leyi Partridge in Capt. John Mellen's company, went to Ticonderoga June-July, 1776. Removed to Keene, N. H, He was a resident of Dublin as early as 1762. 36. Asa Pratt was a private in Capt. Salmon Stone's com- pany Julj'-September, 1777, and fought at Bennington and Still- water. 37. James Rollins was in Capt. John Mellen's company for relief of Ticonderoga, June-July, 1777 ; enlisted July 15, 1779, for one year and recei\'ed ^'60 bounty and £6 billeting money to Springfield, Mass. He removed to Parkerstowu, Vermont. 38. Joseph Rollins was a member of Capt. Othniel Thomas's company, Col. Daniel Reynolds's regiment, for service at West Point, Sept. i8-Oct. 29, 1781 ; he died in Dublin, Dec, zo, 1836, aged 73. 39. John Stone was in Capt. Samuel Twitchell's company for Rhode Island campaign, August, 1778 ; in 1780 he served in Captain Benjamin Spaulding's company and went to West Point. In 1 78 1 he enlisted for the war. He received 13 shillings, 4 pence traveling mone}', Jaffre}- to Cambridge. He died in Dublin, Nov. 1813, aged 62. 40. Silas Stone is named in Dublin's Return of 1777, and was then 48 years old ; he w^as in Capt. Samuel Blodgett's com- pany, Col. Enoch Poor's regiment. Oct. 6, 1775, he w^as in Capt. Ben. Bullard's company, Col. Jona. Brewer's regiment at Prospect Hill. His later history is unknown. 41. Richard Strongman was a private in Capt. John Mel- len's company June-July, 1777. He spent the rest of his life in Dublin and died there, Aug. 12, 1791, aged 38. 42. William Strongman served in Capt. Joseph Parker's company which went July, 1776, to reinforce the Northern army at Ticonderoga. He removed to North Hero, Vt. 43. John Stroud was in Capt. Ben. Mann's company. Col. James Reed's regiment, 1775 ; in Capt, Salmon Stone's company Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. 17 July to Sept. 1777, in the Burgoyne campaign ; in 178 1 he served from Peterboro' . He removed from Dublin and his later history is not known. 44. John Swan went in Capt. Abijah Smith's company Sept. 1776, to New York; in 1777 was a member of Capt. Samuel Blodgett's companj', Col. Enoch Poor's regiment. In 1779 he was in Col. George Reid's regiment ; he is described as 38 years old, 6 ft. tall, of light complexion and with blue eyes. Other soldiers of same name served from Peterboro' and Sharon. 45. Gardner Town in Capt. Joseph Parker's company, July, 1776 ; and in Capt. Samuel Twitchell's company for the Rhode Island campaign, August, 1778. He removed from Dublin. He is supposed to have been the only slaveholder in Dublin. 46. Abijah Tv/itchell served in Capt. John Mellen's com- pany June-July, 1777. He died in Dublin, July 11, 1777. He was first taxed in Dublin in 1774. 47. Samuel Twitchell was lyieutenant in Capt. John Mel- len's company which went to reinforce the army at Ticonderoga, June-July, 1777. He was captain of a company for the Rhode Island campaign, Aug. 1778. He died in Dublin, April 16, 1820. He held higher rank than any other man who served for Dublin in the Revolutionary War. 48. Stephen Twitchell served as a private in Capt. Abijah Smith's company. He also served at New York, Sept. 1776 ; he was in Capt. John Mellen's company June-July, 1777. He re- moved from Dublin and his later history is unknown. 49. Abraham Van North was in Capt. Samuel Blodgett's company, 1777 ; Jan. 10 he is said to be absent from same com- pany. Col. Nathan Hale's regiment; he was in 7th Co., Col. George Reid's regiment, 1780. His later history is unknown. He paid taxes in Dublin, 1774. 50. John Wright served in Capt. Salmon Stone's company July 2i-Sept. 26, 1777, at Bennington and Stillwater; July 15, 1 779, he enlisted for one year, receiving ^60 bounty. He removed from Dublin. The name may be Wight, the names Wight and Wright, are often interchanged in the records. 1 8 Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. 51. Samuel Williams was a private in Capt. Mellen's com- pany June-July, 1777. Four of his children m. children of Thomas White, who removed to Cornish, N. H. 52. Eben Woods received coat money in Capt. Samuel Rich- ard's company. Col. John Stark's regiment, 1775 ; he was in Capt. John Mellen's company with men from Dublin, June-July, 1777. His later history is unknown, 53. Oliver Wright. This name occurs so frequently in the records that it is difficult to decide as to identity. There was a soldier of this name from Hollis, one from Alstead, two probably from Marlboro, and possibly one from Dublin, where Oliver Wright signed the Association Test, 1776, and was on the invoice list, 1777. Oliver Wright was in Capt. John Mellen's company, 1777. He and his family removed from Dublin. To the above list are to be added the names of several persons given in the History of Dublin, p. 149, viz : Richard Gilchrist, Eli Greenwood, Thomas Green, James Mills, Robert Muzzey, Jabez Puffer, Henry Strong- man, Thomas Morse. The names of some of these persons do not appear upon the " Revolutionary Rolls " of New Hampshire. This may be due to a loss of certain rolls, or to their serving in Massachusetts regiments whose lists do not state the town from which these soldiers came. Such, I think, is the reason why there is no record of Richard Gilchrist's service. He is claimed by both Dublin and Peterboro'. He was taxed in Dublin for a poll tax in 1775, and in 1776 signed the Association Test there. It is not probable that he was ever a resident of Peterboro' . There is some evidence that he and Thomas Green went from Swanzey to join the army at Cambridge. Eli (a son of William Greenwood) Greenwood's name is not found in the New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls. He died in Dublin Oct. 8, 1827, aged 76. Robert Muzzey 's name does not appear there, nor that of Jabez Puffer, who died, as is believed, in Dublin. Robert Muzzey probably served in the forces of Massachusetts, from Holliston. He removed from Dublin to Sandy Creek, N. Y., and died there Sept. 9, 1 83 1, set. 93. Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. 19 Jabez Puffer was a son-in-law of Capt. Thomas Morse. It is probable that he was a Revolutionary soldier, but positive evidence is lacking. Henry Strongman was probably above military age, yet he may have seen service. His name is not found on the Rolls. He died in Dublin, 1786. James Mills served in the company of Capt. William Stilson, Col. Isaac Wyman's regiment, July-Dec. 1776. He removed from Dublin to Bethel, Me., 1785, where he was killed by the fall of a tree, 1790. Thomas Morse was a member of Capt. Abijah Smith's com- pany, which went to New York in the summer of 1776. In the same company appears the name of Eli Morse, who may have been one of the Dublin Morses. Thomas Morse was in the company of Capt. Isaac Davis, Col. Sam. Ashley's regiment, which served at Ticonderoga, Oct. 21 to Nov. 16, 1776. He was also in Capt. Elisha Mack's company, June-July, 1777. In 1 778-' 79 he served in the Rhode Island campaign in Capt. Daniel Reynolds's company. Thomas Morse (b. 1748) appears to have made his home in Keene, with his brother-in-law, Daniel Wilson, and served with him in Capt. Jere. Stiles' s company and was present at the battle of Bunker Hill. Thomas Morse is said to have removed to Canada. Thomas Green was in the company of Capt. William Scott (Peterboro') at Bunker Hill, where he was severely wounded. He is credited in the rolls to Swanzey and drew half pay as an invalid from Jan. i, 1776, to Jan. i, 1779. New Hampshire granted him a pension of 18 shillings a month after 1785. Appar- ently he resided in Swanzey while drawing his pension. He was returned in 1780 as 27 years old. His case is described with consid- erable fulness in the New Hampshire Rolls, vol. XVI., pp. 388-90. The case of Abel Twitchell, a brother of Capt. Samuel Twitch- ell, may be typical of that of several others. He returned, it is said, to Sherborn, Mass., his native place, and enlisted from that town. It is likely that his return to Sherborn was late in 1775, or early in 1776. It is, also, probable that he came back to Dublin some months after the British evacuated Boston, March, 1776. Abel Twitchell died in Dublin, March 8, 1837. 20 Dublin Rkvolutionary Soldiers. Regimental and Company Commanders. A List of Regimental and Company commanders under whom Dublin men served in the Revolutionary War has been compiled and short biographical sketches have been added. These notices are, almost necessarily, very fragmentary and presumably errone- ous in some details, but they are as correct as the writer has been able to make them. Additional facts and corrections will be gladly received. Even these brief accounts will, it is hoped, be helpful to those who have occasion to make similar investigations in the early history of the same neighborhood (southwestern New Hampshire) and ser\^e to prolong the memory of men who deserved well of their fellow citizens and their country. The difficulty with which the few, brief data which follow have been secured, clearly shows that these local leaders and heroes are almost forgotten by a generation which has entered into their labors. colonels. Samuel Ashley of Winchester, who had a house in Ft. Dum- mer (Hinsdale, N. H.), 1749, was prominent in the civil affairs of western New Hampshire and took part in the campaign against Burgoyne. Later he was appointed a judge, 1 776-1 791, and removed, 1782, to Claremont where he died. In 1775 he com- manded the militia of the istli district. Nahum Baldwin of Amherst, was paymaster in 1776; he com- manded a regiment raised to reinforce Washington's army in the fighting about New York during the autumn of 1776 (Sept. -Dec). He was treasurer of Hillsboro count}^, 1776 ; a justice, and trustee of the confiscated estate of Zaccheus Cutler, an absentee (Tory). He was evidently a man of wealth and standing. Timothy Bedel of Bath (b. Salem, N. H., 1740; d. Haver- hill, N. H. , 1787) ; was a prominent figure in the history of western New Hampshire, He held a variety of positions ; was justice of the peace and later ( 1 783) a judge. He raised a company of rang- ers which was mustered in, July 29, 1775, and marched in Sept. of that year to join Gen. Schuyler in an expedition against St. Johns (Canada). In January, 1776, he was ordered to raise a regiment of 8 companies to join the "Northern Continental Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. 21 Army," He also served as commander of a regiment in the northern army from Nov. 15, 1777 to June i, 1779, and was an eflScient officer; though cashiered in July, 1776, for alleged misconduct at the Cedars (Canada), (Am. Archives, I, pp. 158-70, 231, 801), he was afterwards reinstated in command. Jonathan Brewer of Waltham (Mass.), b. 1726, at Fram- ingham. He had seen much service in the French and Indian wars. Two of his brothers were colonels in the Massachusetts line. Col. Brewer as a regimental commander was succeeded by Col. Asa Whitcomb. Col. Brewer was stationed at Prospect Hill (Somerville), Oct. 6, 1775, and had been present at the battle of Bunker Hill (?) His later history is unknown, except that he was in service in 1776, and, June 4, 1776, petitioned for promotion. Joseph CiLLEY of Nottingham, b. 1735; d. 1799. He served, 1758, under Ma j. John Rogers and was made sergeant; later he held a Captain's commission from the ro3'al government. In the Revo- lution he distinguished himself at Bemis's Heights, Stony Point and J^Ionmouth, and made a brilliant record as a soldier. In 1786 he became the first Major General of the N. H. militia (see N. H. S. P. XXI, 1790-94). Ephraim Doolittle, commanded a regiment which was in camp at Prospect Hill, Oct. 6, 1775, and in Sullivan's brigade. He was Colonel of the 24th Mass. regiment for 3 months and 15 days, beginning, April 24, 1775, and was stationed, also, at Winter Hill. Of his later history nothing is known. Enoch Hale of Rindge, b. 1733 at Rowley, Mass. ; was long a resident of Rindge, removed to Walpole and died at Grafton, Vt., 1813. He was a veteran of the French and Indian wars, having served in Capt. Bagley's company of Col. Nathaniel Meserve's regiment, 1757 and 1758. Col. Hale was in command of the 14th military district of N. H., and took part in the R. I. campaign. He was the first magistrate in Rindge and much employed in public affairs by the citizens of that town. Nathan Hale of Rindge, b. 1743 ; d. Sept. 23, 1780, a pris- oner of war at New York ; he was captured near Hubbardton, Vt. , July 7, 1777. He was a soldier of experience and had served in the French and Indian Wars in 1745 and 1755. April 2, 1777, 22 Dublin Re:voi* also History of Dublin, N. H.: a New Edition is in Preparation.) Page 8. Elisha Adams, b. 1758, d. 1837, at F,armington, Me., enlisted' from Holliston, Mass., in Capt. Jacob Miller's co.. Col. Eph- raim Doolittle's reg't, July 15, 1775, and was present with that company at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775. His son, John Adams, of Holden, Mass., was living in 1903. Thomas Alden, b. 1743, d. Feb. 22, 1813, at Leicester, Vt, m,arried May 25, 1769, Mary Cheney, of Needham, Mass. They removed from Needham to Dublin. Hart Balch, fought at Bunker Hill, signed "Association Test," 1775, at Wilton, N. H., was highway surveyor in Jaffrey, 1777, and was "warned out" of Dublin October, 1779. Persons of this family name enlisted from Beverly, Danvers, and Topsfleld, Mass. Page 9. Abigail Bates was appointed guardian of her two sons, Ed- ward and Nathaniel, and appears to have married John Stroud previous to 1790. Nathaniel Belknap, b Framingham, Mass., Oct. 3, 1748; d. in Dublin, July 18, 1826. He served three months during the winter 1775-76, in the army besieging Boston. His widow, Rebecca (Clark) d. Sept. 21, 1866, aged 102 years, 1 month and 23 days. Asa Bullard, a younger brother of Simeon Bullard, b. Apr. 18, 1765, taught school in Dublin, 1785, graduated at D3,rt- mouth, 1793, received at Harvard the degrees of A. M. (1809), M. D. (1813), was for several years a successful teacher in Boston, where he afterwards practiced medicine, and died May 1, 1826, at Mt. Vernon, N. H. P.age 10. Bartholomew Goyer, of Natick, Mass., served in the Crown Point Expedition of 1755. as private in Capt. Jonathan Hoar's company, and was mustered out Dec. 15, 1755. Bartholomew Goyer of Natick, was private in Capt. Nathan Watkin's co.. Col. Edmund Phinney's reg't, and w.as in garrison at Ft. George, Dec. 8, 1776; he had enlisted Jan. 1, 1776. It is sup- posed that these persons are identical with Bartholomew Goyer, of Dublin, N. H. *2 ' Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. Page 12. In regard- to captivity of Samuel French, see N. H. State Papers, vol. xvii, pp. 465-466. Joshua Greenwood, b. 1755; d. Dublin, N. H., Dec. 1, 1827. Moses Greenwood, b. Aug. 14, 1748. William Greenwood, d. Aug. 30, 1830, aged 74. Page 13. Caleb Hunt, son of Will.ard Hunt, d. May 26, 1811, at Marl- boro, N. H. He had resided for a time in Stoddard, N. H. He was b. 1761. Henry Hunt, brother of Caleb Hunt, b. Aug. 12, 1762; d. Marlboro, N. H. Nov. 17, 1828. Both are buried on "Frost Hill." Wiliard Hunt, son of Adibah and Phoebe (Pratt) Hunt, b. May 7, 1741 ; m. Martha Wadkins. He marched April 19, 1775, from Holliston, Mass., and served 10 days in the co. of Capt. Staples Chamberlin, regt. of Col. Samuel Bull,ard. About 1800 he removed to Hancock, N. H. Page 14. Sii-neon Johnson, b. Brookline. Mass. about 1730. He served in the French and Indian War, 1756-63, and soon after re- moved to Dublin. As a member of Capt. Lealand's co.. Col. Doolittle's regt. he received advance pay, Cambridge, June 24, 1775, and was at Winter Hill, Oct. 6 and Oct. 31, 1775. Elias Knowlton, enlisted from Dublin, May 5, 1775, and was a private in Capt. Jacob Miller's co., Col. Bphraim Doo- little's regt. at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775. His name is to be added to the list of Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. Page 15. Ezra Morse was sergeant in 1777. Micah Morse 1st had a daughter, Anna, b. Conw,ay, Mass., July 25, 1771. Reuben Morse d. Aug. 2 7, 1810. Page 16. Levi Partridge came from Sherborn, Mass., and is described in the deed of his lot as a "Little wheel Rite." Asa Pratt was taxed in Dublin. 1793. John Stone, b. June 30, 1761, Natick, Mass., d. in the army later than 1781. He was a son of Silas Stone, Sr., and was unmarried. Silas Stone, Sr., b. Apr. 29, 1728, Framingham, Mass., m. Jan. 25, 1750, Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. Jona. and Mary (Coo- lidge) Russell, of Sherborn. She was the "Widow Stone" mentioned. Hist, of Dublin, p. 22, and d. about 1820, at an .advanced age, in Orwell, Vt. They removed to Dublin be- tween 1763 and 1765. He enlisted, 1777, in Capt. Samuel Blodgett's CO., Col. Nathan Hale's regt. (earlier Poor's), ^nd died in the service at Lansingburg, N. Y., later than October 17, 1777. Silas Stone, Jr., should be added to the number of Dublin's soldiers in the Revolution. As soon as the news of the battle Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. ■ 3 of Lexington w.as received at Dublin, he went to his former home in Mass. and enlisted for eight months in the co. of Capt. Benjamin Billiard, of Sherborn, Col. Jona. Brewer's regt., and was at Bunker Hill where the regiment suffered severely. In 1776 he served i| Col. Brook's regt., and was badly wounded at White Plains. He did further service in 1779 and 1780. Jan. 9, 1790, he married Jennette Twitchell and settled on the "Dea. Twitchell" homestead in Sherborn, » where he died July 12, 1820. William Strongman was granted a pension but it was not received until after his death, March 30, 1836. Page 17. Gardner Town removed to Stoddard, N. H. l.ater than 1798, and became one of its most active, influential and prosperous citizens. He married Lucy, dau. of Col. Eben. and Susanna (Fletcher) Bancroft, of Tyngsboro, Mass. He was .an exten- sive land owner in Stoddard at his death, 1815. Abel Twitchell, b. 1751; d. 1837, is to be added to the list of Dublin Soldiers. At the time of the "Lexington Alarm," he enlisted in Capt. Henry Lealand's co.. Col. John Bullard's regt. In 1776 he enlisted a^ Dublin for six months in Capt. Chamberlin's co.. Col. Wheelock's reg't. June 22, 1778, Dublin "voted to .abate the Rates of Abel Twitchell, Samuel Williams and Ezra Morse that they were assessed towards hireing the men for the three years' ser- vice." Page 18. It is supposed that Samuel Williams, who d. March 23, 1799, in his 47th ye.ar, was the Revolutionary soldier of that name. John Caldwell, b. May 15, 1756, Nottingham West (Hud- son, N. H.) ; d. Nov. 15, 1840, Northfield, Mass., enlisted from Dublin in April or May, 1775, and served in Capt. Wm. Scott's CO., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's regt., with James Caldwell, Paul Caldwell, Samuel Caldwell, Richard Gilchrist and Thom- as Green. This company of "minute men" marched, Apr. 20, 1775. These names are upon the muster roll of Aug. 1, 1775, and these men, except Paul Caldwell, killed at Bunker Hill, and Thomas Green wounded there, were in the camp before Boston, Oct. 6, and Nov. 14, 1775. John and James Caldwell are described as of Windham, N. H. John Caldwell was prob- ably the brother-in-law of Wm. Strongman and may have made his home with Strongman, in Dublin. He was pensioned Feb. 16, 1833. Page 19. April 8, 1778, Dublin voted to abate Jabez Puffer's Rates to Thaddeus Mason, and, Oct. 22. of the same year, to buy Jabez Puffer's land in town and pay out the money for the su""ort of his family." Henry Strongman died March 14, 1786. 4 Dublin Revolutionary Soldiers. Page 20. Col. Samuel Ashley, son of Daniel A., b. Deerfield, Mass. March 20, 1720; d. of smallpox, Feb. 18, 1792. He w.as a mem- ber of several Provincial Congresses, of the N. H. Com. of S.afety, and of the Ex. Com. of the State, 1776-80. Three of his sons were officers in the Continental Army. He was on Gen. Stark's staff, at Bennington, .and it is a tradition that Col. Baum, the Hessian commander, died in Col. Ashley's tent. As grantee of Claremont, whither he removed about 1782-3, he owned .a tract of land 400 rods wide and ex- tending across the entire township. (See Granite Monthly, May and Nov., 1892). Page 21. Col. Brewer was wounded at Bunker Hill. Col. Doolittle, of Petersham, Mass., d. 1802, at Shoreham, Vt. His regiment was raised in and ne.ar Worcester, Mass., where he had formerly been a merchant. Col. Enoch Hale, b. Nov. 28, 1733; d. Apr. 9, 1813. He Served in Oilman's regt., 17.55, and in Hart's, 1758. Col. Nathan Hale, b. Sept. 23, 1743, Hampstead, N. H. Enoch ,and Nathan Hale were sons of Moses Hale, of Newbury, Mass. It is not probable that Nathan Hale served in the French and Indian Wars. Page 22. Col. Enoch Poor, d. Paramus, N. J. Page 23. Col. Geo. Reid, d. Sept., 1815. Piage 24. Col. Isaac Wyman, son of .Toshua and Mary (Pollard) Wyman, b. Woburn, Mass., Jan. 18, 1724; d. March 31, 1792, at Keene, N. H. At his home assembled the Keene soldiers who marched April 21, 1775. Capt. Samuel Blodgett, b. Apr. 1, 1724; d. Sept., 1807. Page 25. Capt. Josiah Brown, was at Ticonderoga May and July, 1777. Capt. Isaac Davis, son of Capt. Simon Davis. Page 26. Gen. Dearborn strenuously denied that Gen. Putnam com- manded the American troops at Bunker Hill. Capt. Moody Dustin, probably a native of Dunstable, Mass. b. about 1742, removed, after the Revolution, to Claremont, N. H. There he held m,any positions of trust, and died Aug. 11. 1810. He was major on Gen. Bellows's staff in 1787-89. Capt. Roger Gilmore, d. Nov. 1807. Page 28. Daniel Reynolds was Col. of 8th N. H. reg't, 1785. Page 29. Caleb Robinson, b. May 22, 1746. Abijah Smith, a carpenter, and built, 1760, the first mill in Rindge, N. H. Page 32. Jason Wait. He received, 1784, £77-2s-6d for depreci.ation of his pay in 1781. Henry Lealand, of Sherburne, Mass., marched Apr. 19,. 1775, Col. John Bullard's reg't, and served 10 days, also, served in Col. Samuel Wylly's reg't. (22d) from Dec. 10, 1775. to Jan. 15, 1776. He received his commission Feb. 23, 1776. Page 33. Insert in Index: Dustin, Captain Moody, 26. LIBRARY Ol- CONGRESS 014 013 622 f,