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'. -^^ ->.,,^ ■^ /^- ^ ■ , " ^ ■• * ^_^^,, .#^ .^ RECORDS OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AT CAMBRIDGE IN NEW ENGLAND 1632 - 1830 Comprising the Ministerial Records of Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, Admission to Covenant AND Communion, Dismissals and Church Proceedings Copied and Edited By STEPHEN PASCHALL SHARPLES, S.B. Member of the Cambridge Historical Society Published by EBEN PUTNAM Boston, 1906 W\- -,■. ^ J- 74 Gift Carneg-ie Inst. JI30'0- PREFACE. The records of the First Church of Cambridge are contained in two books, both of which are in a fairly good state of preservation. The first of these is two hundred and ten years old, having been begun by Rev. William Brattle at the time of his ordination. This first book was rebound by direction of the Church during the ministry of Dr. Abiel Holmes at about the time the second book was purchased, and at this time there was bound with it, the list of members of the Church prepared by Rev. Jonathan Mitchell and a copy of a letter from Rev. Ezra Stiles giving an ac- count of the early history of the Church extracted from Win- throp's "Memoirs."* The first settled pastor of the Church m Cambridge was Rev. Thomas Hooker, but he in 1635 removed with the majority of his congregation to the new town [now Hartford] on the Connecticut. Some of the Church members remained in New Towne [Cam- bridge] and they united with others in extending a call to the Rev. Thomas Shepard, who was settled in 1636. Mr. Shepard remained the pastor until 1649, when he was "Translated hence unto the church triumphant." He was suc- ceeded by his student, the Rev. Jonathan Mitchell, who not only took charge of the Church, but married the Pastor's widow, and took charge of his property. Mr. Mitchell died in 1668. He com- piled a list of the members of the Church and their children in 1658, in which he gave many items relating to the time when they joined the Church or were baptized. He continued to note changes in this record till the time of his death. This list was lost to the Church for many years, but was re- covered from the Prince Collection by Dr. Holmes. This manuscript is very much worn and has evidently been in a damp place. It is very difficult to read both on account of the fading of the ink and the way in which the later items have been interlined. • Winthrop's Journal. (iii) iv Preface. The Rev. Dr. Newell made a copy of this list a number of years ago. There is an earlier record of the church in existence covering part of Rev, Thomas Shepards' ministry. This is now in the custody of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. The officers of this society have refused permission to copy it. It is the record written by Rev. Thomas Shepard of the experiences related by those who wished to join the Church. It contains in all forty eight names. A list of these names is given below, the given names of the persons being added from Paige's History of Cambridge. Edward Hall Francis Moore Goodman Luxford his wife [Elizabeth] George Wildoes [Willis] John Sill John Sill his wife [Joanna] Mr. [Nathaniel] Eaton Christopher Cane Goodman [Robert] Daniel Mr. [Nathaniel] Sparhawke Mrs. [Mary] Sparhawke Mr. [Robert?] Sanders John Stedman Goodwife [Jane] Holmes Mr. [Edward] Collins John vStansby Barbary Cutter Goodman [William] Manninge Katherine, Mrs. Russels mayd John Stedman his wife [Alice] John Trundle [Trumball] Mr. [William] Andrews Richard Eagles [Eccles] Bro. Jacksons man, Mrs. Green Bro. Jacksons Mayd Golding Moore William Hamlet Brother Collins his wife [Joanna] Preface. v Bro. Moore his wife [Joanna] Bro. Paris [Parish] his wife [Mary] Bro. Crackbone his wife Hannah Brewer Robert Homes [Holmes] Goodwife [Elizabeth] Cutter B. Winships wife [Jane] Mr. Dunster. Mr, Haynes. Goodman Shepards relation. Goodman Fessington Jan. 8, 1640. Richard Patten Goodwife [Francis] Usher Widow [Ann] Arringgton [Errington] Goodwife Grizzell [Mary Griswold] Goodwife [Joanna] Champney Goodman [Nicholas] With Goodman [John] Fownell. William Ames [William] Jones These relations were »3vidently written down by The Rev. Thomas Shepard for presentation to the church in accordance with the custom then insisted upon, that a person wishing to unite with the Church must make a public relation to the church in regard to his previous life and give his reasons for wishing to join the Church. Paige in his History of Cambridge has given one or two of these relations copied from this book, and the relation of William Manning is copied in full in The Manning Family Genealogy. It is much to be regretted that the Council of the New England Historic Genealogical Society has taken the stand that they have in regard to this matter, as the book is part of the records of The Church at Cambridge, and as such should at least be open to examination and use by the church. In addition to the above records there are two old books in ex- istence which shed much light on the early history of the church and incidently on the history of the town. These books are still in the original raw hide bindings. The oldest of these and the most interesting, was in very bad condi- vi Preface. tion, but it has been repaired by the Emery process so that it is now in good order, except as to some ends of leaves that were worn away before it was repaired. It has been carefully copied in duplicate with the typewriter. It contains the Deacons' ac- counts beginning with the year 1638 and ending in 1716, with a break of 21 years between 1645 and 1667. The book gives the amount of money collected each sabbath specifying whether it was paid in silver or "papers, ' ' the latter being slips of paper deposited in the box with the contributors, names on them and the amounts which they were willing to contribute. It also contains a record of how the money collected was spent, and gives the special col- lections made on thanksgiving days for the relief of the poor, and the names of those who received this money or the supplies — for the contributions were hot always in money but sometimes in produce. It contains much in regard to the ordination of Rev. Mr. Urial Oakes and Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, and an account of the building of the parsonage in 1670. Rev. Lucius Page, in his History of Cambridge, has largely quoted from this book in rela- tion to the early history of the Church. The other book is of somewhat later date. It contains a list of those ministers who supplied the pulpit after the death of The Rev. Nathaniel Gookin and previous to the calling of the Rev. William Brattle. It is interesting to observe that the regular amount paid the minister for a single service was 10s., and if the minister preached twice on the same day he received £1. It made no difference who was the minister, the Rev. Mr. Angler receiving the same amount as the Rev. Increase Mather, who was the best- known minister of his time. The latter gave the amount he re- ceived to Mr. Gookin's widow, who also received money from the deacons for entertaining the ministers from out of town. The remainder of this book is taken up with the rates paid by the different members of the parish. It is to be hoped that at some future time it may be possible to print and publish literal copies of portions of these books, which are invaluable to investigators of the customs of that time. In copying the records now printed the editor has endeavored to follow as exactly as possible, the original text, both in spelling and in the use of obsolete terms and letters. In a few instances where it has seemed necessary in order to make the subject Preface. vii plainer or to supply missing names, additions have been made to the text. These additions are all carefully indicated by being enclosed in [ ] brackets. The other matter which is enclosed in parentheses ( ) was so enclosed in the original. On page 95 and some of the following pages Rev. W. Brattle made a number of notes in short hand. With the assistance of the late W™. P. Upham I was able to read most of these and have extended them in the text. There seems to have been no good reason for his writing these notes in this manner. A specimen of this short hand has been photographed and will be found on the plate facing page 64. Sarah Lewis referred to and her mother and sister were aided for many years by the church; and the mother, the widow Arrington, was finally buried by the church. The proofs of this work were carefully compared with the origi- nal text, without reference to the copy which was furnished the printer. Stephen P. Sharples. Cambridge May 30, 1906. ADDENDA. In addition to the table of Deacons and Elders given by Dr. Holmes on page 287 the following should be added. Richard Champney Edmund Frost John Stone Jonas Clark Thomas Marrett John Bridge Nathaniel Sparhawk Edward Collins Gregory Stone Thomas Chesholm John Cooper Walter Hastings Nathaniel Sparhawk Presiding Elders. Elected. Nov. 15, 1682 Nov. 15, 1682 Deacons. Elected. Before 1658 Before 1658 Before 1658. Before 1658 Before 1648 After 1658 After 1658 After 1658 After 1658 Died. Nov. 26, 1669. July 12, 1672. May 5, 1683. Jan. 14, 1699/1700. June June April Nov. Aug. Aug. Aug. Died. 30, 1664. 1665 28, 1647. 9, 1689. 30, 1672 18, 1671. 22, 1691. 5, 1705 1686/7 (viii) m List of members in the Church of Cambridge in y'' Hand writing of y'' Rev. Mr. Jonathan Mitchel. The above is in the hand writing of Rev. Thomas Prince formerly minister of the Old S'' Chh. in Boston. This MS. was found in the Prince collection of MSS. (deposited in the Old S" meeting house) by A. Holmes. A. I). 1815. Attest A. Holmes. LIST OF MEMBERS IN THE CHURCH OF CAMBRIDGE 1658-1667 IN THE HAND-WRITING OF REV. MR. JONATHAN MITCHEI-L. (1) This Came out of [the library of] Mr. Jonathan Mitchel. The Church of Christ at Cambridge in N. E. or the Names of all the Members thereof that are in full Communion ; together with their children who were either baptized in this Church, or (coming from other churches) were in their minority attheir parents Joy niug ; taken and registered in the 11. mouth 1658. M'". Thomas Shepard late faithfuU & famous pastour of this Church of Christ at Cambridge was tranflated hence unto the Cluirch Tri- umphant, 25 of 6. m 1649. & left behind him 4 Sonnes, 3. whereof are now living viz. Thomas; admitted to full Communion with us March 28. 1656, & now lately dif miffed to the Ch of Christ at Charlestowne for the work of y® ministry ther. \ both baptized in this Ch. Jeremiah j *admitted' into full Com. July 19. 1663, difmiffed to Rowley August 13, 1665, ordained pastour there (Novemb. 15, 1665.) Jonathan Mitchell prefeut pastour of this Church ; And Margaret his wife. (1) 2 Records of the First Church in Oambridge. Their children now living, are Nathaniel ^ both baptized here John I j(^ijn departed this life Octob. 29. 1 659 about 2. of clock. in y*" morning. Samuel born Octob. 14, 1660, baptized Oclob 21. 1660. Margaret Mar. 1663/4 (Jonathan) Oct. 7. 1666. Richard Champny Ruling elder and Jane His wife in f Com. Their children yet living Esther Champny now Convers living at Wooburne baptized in England aged about 6. years when her flfather Joyned here. Samuel admitted into full communion Octb.18, 61. *Lydia baptized in this Church Daniel admitted into f. C. March 1663 *admitted into full Comm. May. 31 (2) (Blank.) (3) Edmund ffroft Ruling Elder alfoof this Ch. and Thomas-Anne his Wife in f . C. Their children John Samuel Jofeph James Mary Ephraim Thomas Sarah All baptized in this Church Save John who was baptized in England being about old when his father Joyned here Captaine Daniel Gookin & Mary his wife both in full Commun Their children Mary | baptized elfe-where; but the Elder not full 6 yeares Elizabeth J old when their parents Joyned in this Ch. both admitted into full Communion May 23, 1665. Daniel \ Samuel > Borne & baptized here. Nathaniel ) Hecords of the First Church in Cambridge. '.\ M'' Charles Chauncy prefident of the CoUedge and Catharine his wife, difmiffed hither from the Ch at Situate and .loyued here ; in y^ P' month of y'^' yeare 1656. Their children Barnabas o , r admitted alfo into full Communion Decern b 10 1658 Sarah Hannah "\ Nathaniel Elnathan t baptized at Situate Israel I John Holmes a Student & Servant to M'" Chauncy in full Commun with us. adult John Holmes difmiffed to Duxbury July (4) (Blank.) (5) M"^ Joseph Cook and Elizabeth his wife both in full Commuuio. Their children Jofeph admitted into full communio May. 18. 1666. His child John Baptized Januar. 26. 67. Elizabeth Mary Grace Ruth all baptized in this Ch. M'" Edward Collins Deacon of this Church ; and Martha his wife both in f. C. Their Children Daniel now living at Konningberg in Pruffia about 9 yeares old when His parents Joyned here. John, admitted into full Communio before He went from hence being now minister of Gods word at Edenburgh in Scotland. Samuel now alfo living in Scotland. The wife of Samuel Collins admitted into full communion May. 31. 1664. Their child Edward Collins baptized June 1664. Martha ^ Nathaniel AbV il 1 ^^orne & baptized here Edward I 4 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. M'' John Whytiug now preacher of y*" word at Salem ; & Sybill his wife (daughter to y*^ forenamed Edward Collins) both admitted to full communion here. Both difmiffed to the Church of Christ at Hartford. Their children Sybiin ^ , , . , , -. , |- both baptized here William baptized ffebruar. 19. 1659. M' Nathaniel Sparrowhawke fometimes Deacon of this Church : & (Mary) His first, Katharine His fecond wife, all now deceafed left with us 5 Children viz. (6) 1 Nathaniel whofe wife Patience is admitted into full Commun- Mary 1 ion with us : And their children are ^^ \ -u] both baptized in this Ch. Esther baptized May 5 1661. Samuel Sparrowhawke baptized ffebruar. 5. 1664. Nathaniel baptized Nov. 3'' 60. 2 Anne now the wife of John Cooper mentioned afterward, being in f. Co. 3 Mary 4 Esther Sparrowhawke: admitted into full communion Decemb. 15, 1658. 5 Elizabeth now living with Broth. Thomas Cheefeholme. (7) Gregory Stone Deacon of this Ch. & Lydia his wife in f. C. Whofe children John, Daniel, David, Elizabeth, Samuel, Sarah, Alfo John Cooper Son of the forfaid Lydia and Lydia fifke her daughter, being all of them through the Rich Grace of Christ come into full Communion with his people ; they will be mentioned afterward in their places, all fave John Stone now Joyned member of the Church of Xt. at Sudbury. Lydia ffifk now deceafed. Elizabeth Stone now Potter living at Ipfwich. Sarah Stone now miriam ; Joyned to y'' Ch. at Concord. John Bridge alfo Deacon of the Church : & Elizabeth His wife, both in f. C. Under his care alfo is Jofcph Lampfon the Sou of Barnabas Lampfon deceafed Sometimes a member of this Church. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 5 Alfo Dorcas Bridge the Daughter of Dorcas ( the wife of Thomas Bridge ) deceafed Sometimes iu-f. Comrnunio with us. Thomas Marriot Deacon of the Ch. & His wife Susan both in f. Com Their children John I the elder of y'" being but about 5 years old w" His Thomas j father Joyned here ; But both baptized in England. Hannah now lately admitted into full Communion with us viz on Decemb. 15. 58. (8) (Blank.) (9) Major M'" Samuel Shepard & His wife now living in Ireland doe yet Stand in Meraberly Relation to us. And Here is with us their Daughter Jane Shepard now under the care of M'' Edw. Collins beforenamed. M'" Elijah Corlet Schooleraaster & Barbara his wife both in full Communion. Their children Rebeccah \ Hephzibah > all baptized here Ammi Ruhamah j Edmund Angler a member of this Ch. in full Comm. So was alfo his former wife Rutli ( the Daughter of that famous Light D"" Ames now at rest with y*' Lord. Their children now living are Ruth \ Ephraim > all baptized in this Church. Samuel J Hannah baptized Dec. 16, 60. Mary baptized May. 10, 1663 deceafed. Edmund baptized Septemb. 25, 1659. deceafed. John baptized May. 15, 1664. deceafed Nathaniel baptized May. 14, 1665. deceafed. Elizabeth baptized Sept. 22. 1667. Edward Goffe lately deceafed ( viz on Decemb. 26. 1658. ) was a member with us in full Communio So was and is alfo Margaret his wife. His children by a former wife ( who was alfo in fellowship with this Ch. ) are 6 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Samuel baptized in England & when His father Joyned here aged about 7. years. Lydia His children by Margaret now living are Deborah j Hannah I all baptized in this Church Abiah I (10) John Stedman «& Alice his wife, Both in full Communio Their childi'en Elizabeth] admitted into f. Com. Mar. 27, 1663. * Sarah r all borne and baptized here Martha ) admitted into f Com May 31, 64. * Sarah Stedman admitted into full Com. May 31. 1664. Her child Sarah Bracket baptized June 5*'' 1664. dec*'. John Bracket baptized April. 21, 67. Edward Oakes a member in full Communio. His children. Urian 1 baptized in England; the Eldest about 10 yeares old w" Edward J His father Joyned Here. He is now minister of y*^ word in England. baptized here Mary | rhomas J T Richard Jackfon & Elizabeth his wife both Members in f. C. Thomas Danforth (eldest Son of M'' Nicholas Danforth deceafed) & Mary his wife both in full Comm. Their children Sarah ^ Mary Samuel i ^^' baptized in tliis Church. Thomas j Jonathan baptized ffebr. 13. ( ) Jofi'ph Danforth baptized Sept. 22, 1661. deceafed Octob. 2. 63. Benjamin Baptized May. 24, 63 deceafed Aug. 23, 63. Elizabeth baptized Januar. 29, 1664. Bethiah Danforth baptized June. 16, 67. Records of the First ChurcJi in Cambridr/e. 7 (11) Samuel Andrews (fon of M^' William Andrews deceafed) as alfso P^lizabeth His wife were Joyned in full Commuuion with us on Decemb. 10. 1658. Their children Samuel ) , , , . , , . ^ -„.„. y both baptized here m this Church William I '■ John baptized March 10, 1660/1 Elizabeth baptized April. 12, 1663. Thomas baptized May. 21, 65. deceafed. Mary Andrews baptized Januar. 6. 1666. Thomas baptized March 29, 68. Robert Holmes is member in f. Com. as was alfo Jane his wife now deceafed. Their children. John ^ Jofeph I ^11 baptized in this Church. Elizabeth] Thomas Cheefeholme & Isabell his wife are both of them members of this Ch. & in full Commuuion. In his family and under his Care is Benoni P^aton (Sou of M'' Nathan Eaton) who was baptized here & whofe mother dyed a member of this Church. Edward Shepard member in f. Com. So was alfo his first wife Violet deceafed Their children y'^ were in minority when He Joyned are Abigail now living at Dedham Deborah now alfo at Dedham Sarah now dwelling at Braintree. The eldest of thefe aged 12 years y*" 2*', 10 : the 3'' 7. yeares when their parents Joyned here being all baptized in P^ngland. Mary now the wife of the forefaid Edward Shepard was difmiffed hither from Ch. at Dorchester & is in f. C. with us. Her daughter Mary Pond baptized at Dorchester was 11 years old at her mothers joyn- ing with us. (12) William ffrench & J^lizabeth His wife both members in full communion 8 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Their children Elizabeth now Elliot & now joyued at Dedliam. Mary baptized in England between 2 and 3 yeares old at Her fathers Joyning. John baptized by Mr. Hooker in Cambridge Sarah \ Jacob \ borne and baptized in this Church. Hannah J Edward Mitchenfon & Ruth his wife both in f. C. Their children. Ruth Bethiah . ^jj i^^ptized in this Church Edward Elizabeth Jonas Clark & Elizabeth His wife both in full Communion. His children by a former wife Sarah Jonas By Elizabeth above named tilizabeth Thomas Timothy All 5, baptized in this Church Samuel baptized Novemb. 6. 1659. Abigail baptized may. 4. 1662. Mary Clark baptized March. 12, 64/5 John Cooper (Son of Lydia now y'' wife of Deacon Stone above named) & Anna His wife both in full Com. Their children now living are Anna* * married to E. P. & deceafed. Mary Samuel ^ baptized in this Church John Nathaniel baptized May. 8. 1659. deceafed Decemb. 1661. Lydia baptized April. 13, 63. Hannah bai)tizcd Decemb. 29, 1667 Thomas Beale & Sarah his Wife Both Members in full Com. Records of the First Church in Canihridye. 9 (13) William Manning & Dorothy his Wife both members of this Ch. in full Communio. Their Children Hannah Samuel Sarah John Mary all borne & baptized in this Church John ffezington & Jane his Wife both in full Communio In his family is Reuben Olbon who together with His Sister Elizabeth were baptized in this Church, being the children of our Sister Olbon (lately Cole) now deceafed. Robert Stedman & Anne his wife, both in full communio. Their children John Mary Thomas Dyed April. 2, 1659. all borne & baptized in this church. Andrew Belcher & Elizabeth (daughter of M"" Nicholas Danforth) His wife, both in full communio Their children Elizabeth Jeremiah rec. into f. Com. March. 5. 1665/6 Martha ful. Com. May. 19, 1666. Andrew Anna all baptized in this Church the eldest being almost 14. years old y« 2^' 12, y^' S'l 10 &c when baptized. (14) Anne Bridge the wife of Matthew Bridge daughter alfo of M'' Nicholas Danforth (before named) is in full Communion with this Ch. Her children John Anne Matthew Samuel Thomas all baptized in this Church. 10 Recoi'ds of the First Church in Cambridge. Elizabeth baptized Septemb. 18, 1659, Elizabeth Green the wife of Bartholmew deceafed, is a member in full Communio with this Ch. Justice Baiubrick the ^f^J^ of Guy Bainbrick deceafed, is memb. in full communio. Samuel Green Son of Elizabeth beforenamed is in full com. So alfo was Jane his wife (daughter to y*^ forefaid Justice Bainbrick) now deceafed. Children borne to the said Samuel & Jane Green Elizabeth Sarah Samuel Jofeph Lydia deceased Sept, 24. 1665. Deborah all borne & baptized in this Ch. Jonah Green the Son of Samuel & Sarah baptized Januar. 31. 1663. Lydia baptized Nov, 12, 65. Bartholomew bap : Nov, 3, 67, Nathaniel Green & Phoebe Green ( children of the fornamed Bartholomew & Elizabeth are alfo in full Communio, Sarah Longhorn y*^ wife of Thomas Longhorne & daughter of Eliza- beth Green afore-faid is member in full commun. Her children Sarah \ Elizabeth > all baptized here Mary j Samuel baptized Decemb. 9. 60. Mercy baptized May 11 1662 Patience Longhorn baptized April 3'' 1664. (15) Thomas ffoxe & Ellin his wife both in full Comm. His Son Jabcz ifoxe baptized at Concord but in minority when his flfather Joyned here Her children by a ITormer HulTjand ( viz Perfevill Green deceafed fometimes a Brother of this Church ) are Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 11 John Greeu now in full commun with this Ch. to be mentioned afterward. Elizabeth Green ( now Hall ) joyued in full Commun. with y*' Church of Christ at Concord Both in their Infancy baptized Here. Richard Robins & Rebecca his wife both memb. in full Comm. formerly difmiffed to us from the Church at Charlestowne. Their children John Samuel Nathaniel Rebecca All baptized here fave the eldest who was baptized at Charlestowne &■ yet under 14 years of age at His parents Joyning with us. ffrancis Moore the Elder ; And Elizabeth his wife both in full Communio. So was alfo Katharine his former wife now deceafed His children, ffrancis who together with Alby his wife is alfo in full Commuuid Samuel who is now in Barbadoes & was about 9. years old w" his father joyned here baptized in England. (16) Anne Moore now Kiddar is in full Commun. John ( the Sonne of ffrancis and Katharine) baptized in this Church. Elizabeth now wife of ffrancis aforefaid hath 3 children but they were all above the age of 14 years ( the youngest viz Rebecca being above 15. ) at the time of her Joyning with this Church which was in y'' !»' month of y^ year 1657. Nicolas Wyth & Rebeccah his Wife both members in full Com. Their children Mary Nicolas Martha John j William J The Said Nicolas had also by a former wife a daughter baptized in England named Sarah Wyth now ffifk dwelling in Watertowne who was about 13 years of Age when her ffuther Joyned to this Church. all baptized in this Church. 12 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The ffiid Rebeccab now wife of Nicolas Wytb had aJfo by Her formei' Hufband Thomas Audrewes 3 children viz Thomas j Daniel \ Andrewes Rebeccah j all 3 baptized alfo in this church. Gilbert Crackbone memb. in f. C. And Elizabeth His wife Joyned May. 22, 1659. His Son Benjamin was about 5 or 6 years old when His father Joyned here. (17) William Heily & Grace his wife both members of this Ch. in full Comm. His children Hannah* ] * admitted into f. Com. March. 27. 63. Difmiffed to Elizabeth f Salisbury June. 24, 1667. Sarah [ Borne at Roxbury & baptized there whiles He Stood William I member of the Church of Lin ; from whence He was difmiffed to us. Alfo Grace (the daughter of William & Grace) borne & baptized in this Church. Nathaniel baptized ffebr. 6. 1658. Martha baptized Septembr. 9. 1660. Samuel Heily Son of William and Pha>be (formerly Green) baptized Septemb. 21. 1662. Paul Heily baptized April. 3^. 1664. Mary Heily baptized Octob. 29, 1665. George Willowes & Jane his wife both in f. Comm. His children 'I borne and baptized in this Church Stephen j Alfo John Palfrey Son of Jane aforenamed, admitted into full Comm. with us Decemb. 10. 1658. His child Rebekah baptized Septemb. 17, 1665. John baptized April. 14. 1667. deceafed. Records of the First Church in Oat rib ridge. 13 Elizubeth Palfrey baptized May. 24, 1668. Golclin Moore & Joane his wife botli in full Com. Their children Hannah* I *rec. into full Com. May. 18. 1666. Lydia \ all borne and baptized in this Church. Ruth J Alfo the Said Joane had by Her former Hufband John Champny 3. children, viz Mary Champny now Ricardfon living at Wooburne. Sarah John deceal'ed ffebr. 20. 1664. all 3. baptized in this Ch. (18) William Bullard & Mary his wife both in f. C. Her Daughter Hannah Grifold (whose father ffrancis Grifold was alfo member with us) borne and baptized in this Ch. Thomas Swetman & Isabell his wife both in full Com. Their children Elizabeth rec. into full Com. May. 18, 66. Rebecca Mehitabell Sarah Ruhamah all baptized in this Church Samuel baptized May. 22. 1659. Bethiah baptized July. 7, 1661 Hephziba Swetman baptized June. 24, 1666. Philip Cook & Mary (the daughter of Barnabas Lampfon deceafed) His Wife both in f. Com. Their children Mary Samuel Hannah Sarah Philip baptized May. 5, 1661 John baptized Augst 30. 1663. Barnabas Cook baptized June 4, 1665. borne & baptized in this Church. 14 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. John Taylor and Katharine his wife both memb. in f. Com. Their Son Jofeph Taylor borne & baptized in this Church. John Gibfon & Rebecca his wife both Memb. in f . C. Their children Rebeccali now joyned in full Cominunio with the Church at Water- towne. Mary ^ Martha y , > baptized in this church Samuel I David ffifke & Seaborne his prefent Wife both members of this Ch ; in f. C. His children by Lydia deceafed Lydia David The children of the forefaid David & Seaborne. Elizabeth Sarah all 4 baptized in this Church Hannah baptized Novemb. 27. 59. William Pattin & Mary his wife both in full Com. Their Children Mary Thomas Sarah Nathaniel The eldest being about 4 or 5 yeares old when Her parents Joyned ; baptized in England. (20) Robert Parker & his Wife both in full Communio having been difmiffed Hither (together with their children) from the Churches of Boston & Roxbury Their children Benjamin John Sarah Raehell. Records of the First Church in Canibridye. IT) William Towne & Martha his wife both memb. in f. Com. Their Children Peter baptized in England & about 3. years old at his parents .loyn- ing here. Mary baptized here admitted into full eommuuin Nov. 4. 1659. William Dickfon & Jean his wife both in full Comm. Their child i en Lydia Abigail Mary Hannah John all baptized in this Church. Andrew Stevenfou & Jane his Wife both memb. in f. Com. Their children Deborah ( now the wife of Robert Wilfon of Sudbury ) baptized in England & about 6 years old when her father Joyned here. (21) Sarah Ste ven fon dif miffed to Billerica Aug. 13, 67* . all these baptized in this Church Rebeccah* John Mary Lydia Andrew Hannah John Shepard (Son of pAlward Shepard beforenained) & his wife both in full Comm. Their children Rebecca John Sarah Violet Elizabeth baptized July. 29. 1660. Edward baptized August. 3, 1662. Samuel Shepard baptized July. 3''. 1664. Thomas baptized Nov. 18, 66. Richard Eckles & Mary his wife both in full Com. all borne & baptized in this Church. 16 Records of the First Church in Oamhridge. Their children Mary | Hannah V all borne & baptized in this Church. Martha I James Kiddar & Anne his Wife both in f. Com, Their children Hannah Dorothy James John Thomas all baptized in this Church Nathaniel baptized ffebr. 27, 1659. Epiiraim baptized May. 26, 1661. (all) Difmiffed to y*" Church at Billerica (22) ftrancis Whitmore &. Isabell His wife both in f. C. Their children. Elizabeth ffrancis John Samuel all baptized in this Church. Abigail baptized July. 3''. 1G59. Sarah baptized March. 30, 1662. Margery baptized March 27, 1664 Hannah Whitmore (by a 2'' Wife ) baptized ffebr. 15, 1667. Walter Hasting (Sou of John Hasting deceafed) & Sarah his wife both in full Communio. Their Daughter Sarah baptized in this Church, deceafed. John baptized Decemb 9, 1660. Walter baptized Nov. 30, 1662. Sarah Hasting baptized Decemb. 18, 1664. deceafed Jan. 26, 1664. Hannah baptized Jan. 14, 1665. Elizabeth Hasting baptized ffebr, 23, 67. John Oreen (Son of Perfevill & Ellin Green before-named) «& Records of the First Church in Catnbridge. 17 Ruth (daughter of Edward aud Ruth Mitchenfon) His wife both iu full Coniniuuio. Their children John ] Nathaniel M^o^'' borne & baptized in this Church. Perfevill borne March. 29. baptized April. 1, 1G60. Ruth baptized Novenib. 24. 61. Samuel borne May. 4, baptized May. 10, 63. Elizabeth borne April. 22, baptized April. 23, 65. Edward baptized April. 21, 67. William Hamlet & Sarah his wife both memb. in f. C. Their children ^ , ,1 both borne & baptized in this Church. Rebeccah j Alfo the Said Sarah had by a former Hufbaud Hubbard, children viz James Hubbard Sarah Hubbard now Champuey admitted into full Coininunio Thomas Hubbard now Joyned toy'' Church at Wetherffi(eld) (23) John Watfon & Rebecca (daughter of Anne Errington deceafed fometimes a fist of this Ch.) His wife both in full comm. Their children Rebeccah 1 'I both borne & baptized iu this Church. Abraham baptized July. 28, 1661. Anne baptized Sept. 16, 1666. Richard ff ranees & Alfe His wife both Members in full Com. Their children Steven John Sarah all borne & baptized in this Church. Richard Danie & Anne his wife both of them in f. Com. Their children Anne Jacob Jofeph Al)iah all baptized iu this Church 18 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Beujamin baptized April. 8, 1660 Elizabeth baptized April. 27, 1662. Daniel baptized April. 3, 1664. (24) William Bordman & ffrances his wife both members iu full Com. with us. Their children Mofes deceafed March. 1661/2. Rebeecah Audiew Aaron ffrances Martha Mary William all baptized in this Church. Elizabeth baptized August. 26, 1660. Anne Hasting (formerly Mean) the widow of John Hasting de- ceafed is a member in full Communio with this Church. Her Children Sarah the wife of Walter Hasting before-named who is in f. C. Mary Mean who was borne and baptized in this Church. The forefaid John Hasting was difmiffed hither from the Church of Braintree & Joyned here iu ffebruar. 1656. His children are Walter beforenamed Samuel who was baptized in England & about years of age when His tfather Joyned to y'' Ch. of Braintree. John Seaborne ) , , , . , „ . ,,,.,,, V both baptized at Braintree Elizabeth j ^ (25) Hannah Tliatcher (the wife of Samuel Thatcher) living in Watertowne is a member in full Comin. with this Ch. Elizabetli Oakcs* the widow of Thomas Oakes is memb. in full Com. as was alfo Her Hufband Thomas Uakes lately deceafed *Dif miffed to Maldon Decemb. 2, 1667. Their children yet living Elizabeth ) TT 1 i- both l)orne and btiplized iu this Ch. Records of the First Church in (Jamhrithjc 11) Thomas Oakes born after bis ffatbers deceafe & baptized Marcli. 20. 1658/9. Abigail Howard y*^ cbild of P^lizabeth (formerly Oakes uow Howard) liaptized here Septemb. 23. 166G. Martha Ruff ell (the wife of AVilliam Ruff ell) is a memb. in f. C. Her cliildren Jofeph baptized iu England & about 10 years of age when his mother Joyned here. Benjamin^ John Martha Philip William .lafon baptized in this Church Joice baptized May. 13, 1660. .Tohanna Sill a memb. iu f. C. as was alfo her Hufband (.Tohu) Their children Jofeph Sill but 3. years old at his mothers Joyning with this Church Elizabeth Sill now Hicks not 2. years old at y^' Same Time : both of them baptized in England. (26) Martha Oldam (now Browne) is a member iu full Comm. So was alfo her Hufband Richard Oldam deceafed. Their children Samuel 1 Tohn I Olt^^"^ '^oth baptized in this Church Her 2'! Hufband Thomas Brown admitted May. 18. 1666. Her child Mehitabell Brown baptized June 2, 1661. Mary baptized Nov. 8, 63. Ebeuezer July. 23, 65. Ichabod Brown baptized Septemb. 9, 1666. Esther Cheavers the wife of Daniel Cheavers is a member in full Commun. 20 Records of the First Chxrch in Ccmibridr/e. Her childreu Lydia James , ^, ^ .A Cneavers Daniel Mary all baptized iu this Church. Israel Cheaver baptized Januar. 26, 1661. John baptized July. 31, 1659. Esther baptized Januar. 22, 1660 deceafcd ffeb. 60. If Both deceafed Cheavers gemellae } June 14, baptized May 29, 64. ( June 16, 1664. Elizabeth baptized Aug. 6, 65. Margery Cane the widow of Christopher Cane deceafed is memb in full Conimunio as was alfo Christopher her Hufband Their childreu Jonathan Nathaniel Deborah Ruth Ester all baptized here. (27) Joane Prentice widow of Henry Prentice deceafed is memb in full Comm. as was her Said Hufband alfo. Their children ]\rary Solomon Abiah Sanuiel Sarah Henr}'^ all borne & baptized in this Church. Deborah Wilfon (y'' wife of Robert Wilfon daughter of Andrew Stevenfon abovenamed) admitted into full Communio March 5, 1665/6 Her Child Deborah baptized Sept. 30, 1666. llecoviU of the First Cliurch in Camhvi baptized in England. Mary \ \ John > Adams > baptized in this Church. Jofeph j I 22 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Hannah baptized June 17, 1660, deceafed. Januar. 25, 1660. Daniel baptized Septemb. 14, 1662. Elizabeth Hall (the wife of Thomas Hall) is memb.in f. C. Her children Mary \ Hannah I Hall Lydia ] all baptized in this Church. (30) Edward AVindfhip and Elizabeth his wife both members of this Church in full Communio. His children l)y His former wife Jane deceafed, who w^as alfo in f. C. with this Church. Sarah \ Mary ^ ,. )■ Wiudfhip. Ephraim ^ Johannah I The children of Pxlward & Elizabeth above named. Elizabeth ^ Edward ttt- -,-„ . Au- -11 V Windflnp. Abigaill [ ^ Samuel I All 8. borne and baptized in this Church. Jofeph baptized August. 25, 61. Margery baptized ffebr. 5, 1664. Mehilabel baptized Nov. 17, 1667. Sarah Champny (the wife of Samuel Champny above named) is member in full Comm. Their children Samuel baptized flebr. 13 1658 deceased Sarah baptized May. 13, 1660. Mary baptized August. 17, 1662. Robert Browne member of this Church in full Comm. (31) Richard Cutter readmitted Records of the First (Jhurrh in (Jainhridge. 23 Elizabeth Cutter (the wife of Richard Cutter) is member with us in full Conim. Their children Elizabeth Samuel William Ephraim Gerfhom Maryah all borne & baptized in this Church. Nathaniel Cutter (the fon of Richard & (Frances) (formerly Embfden) baptized Jauuar. 24, 63. Rebekah baptized Octob. 8. 1665. Hephzibah baptized Decemb. 1, 1667. deceafed John ffrench & Sarah his wife both now deceafed were fometimes members of this Church in full communion Their children John ^ Sarah* Tofonh ( ^^^ baptized in this Church. Nathaniel I *Sarah difmiffed unto the Church at Billerica May 16 1664. Hannah Holmes (formerly Thatcher) y*^ wife of John Holmes ad- mitted into full Com. May. 31, 1667. Their child John Baptized June 9, 1667. Hannah baptized June 30, 1667. (32) David Stone (the fonne of Gregory Stone above mentioned) & Dorcas his wife both in full Commun. Their children David Daniel Dorcas John Samuel Nathaniel all borne & baptized in this Church. 24 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Samuel Stone (the foune alfo of Gregory beforenamed) is in full Comraun. His wife (Sarah) Stone admitted into f. Comm. Oct. 18, 166-. His children Samuel ] Isaack ( ^^^^ baptized in this Church. Sarah baptized March. 10, 1660/1. John Baptized June. 7, 1663. Lydia baptized December. 31, 1665. Mary baptized March. 22, 1667/8 Mary Paddlefoot (the wife of Jonathan Paddlefoot) admitted into fellowship & full Communio. Nov. 4, 59. Her Children. Mary ] Jonathan [■ Baptized Novenib. 6. 57. Zachariah J Edward baptized July 8. 1660. Thomas Ernes the son of Thomas &Mary (formerly Paddlefoot now) Ernes baptized July 12, 1663. Sarah Barret (the wife of William Barret) admitted into fellowship & full communio Nov. 4, 59.deceafed. Her children Lydia Barret baptized Novemb. 6 (1657) John baptized flfebr. 10, 1600. [Mary] Barret 2'i wife of William Barret received into fellow. & f. Com. May 18. [1G63] Her child William baptized May. 20. (1665). Edward baptized Januar. 12, (1666-7) (33) Stephen Day admitted into fellowship & full communion ffebr. 28, 1660/1. MaryGoave the wife of JohuGoave admitted into fellowfhip & full Communion Februar. 28, 1664. Her children Mary ) John I baptized March 3, 1660/1. llerords of the FirsI Church in CmuhvliUje. 2/) Aspinwall, baptized Octob. (3, Ififil deceafed Oct. 14, 1G(51. Nathaniel baptized Novemb. 1(>, 1G()2. James baptized Deceinb. 13, 1663. 1 Goave baptized August 4, 1667. Abraham Homau admitted into fellowship & full communio Octob, 18. 1661. His wife ( ) admitted May. IS, 66. Hannah Goffe y*' wife of Samuel Goffe admitted into fellowship & full Communi5. Octob. 18, 1661. Her children Hannah | Edward \ baptized Octob. 20, 1661. Deborah j Samuel baptized fifebr. 8, 1662. Lydia baptized Januar. 15 1664/5. John Goffe baptized Decemb. 9, 1666. (Abigail) Marriot the wife of John IMarriot admitted into fellow- ship & full Communio Octob. 21, 1661. John Marriot admittetl into full Comni. Jan. 3, 1664. Her children. Thomas \ Amos \ baptized Novemb. 3, 61. Sufanna j John baptized ffebr. 9. 1661. John baptized June 5, 1664. Abigail Mariot baptized August. 19, 1666. Widow Embf den admitted into fellowship & full communion Octob. 21, 1661. Her children TsRflO ^ - , I Embfden both baptized Novemb. 3, 1661. Jacob I ^ (34) Zechariah Hicks admitted into fellowship «fe full Communion Januar. 8, 1661. Elizabeth his wife admit, into f. communion. May 23, 1665. Their children Elizabeth] Zechariah h baptized Januar. 12, 1661. Jofeph j 26 Records of the F'trst Church in Cambridge. Thomas baptized July S^^ 1664. Hannah baptized March 4, 1665/6. Jonathan Hide and Mary His wife admitted into fellowship & full Communion Januar. 8, 1661. Their children Jonathan baptized ffebr. 9, 1661. Samuel ^ .John > baptized ffebr. 16 1661. Elizabeth J William (baptized Sept.) 16, 1(662.) Elizar baptized July 3, 1664. Mary Mitchenfon (the wife of William Mitchenfon) admitted into fellowship & full Communion March. 27, 1663. Her children Mary ^ Thomas [ baptized April 1663. Alfe J Ruth baptized Octob. 1663. Abigail baptized March ( ) 1665/6. James Hubbard admitted into full Communion March 27, 1663. His child Sarah baptized April 5 16(63) Marah (or Mary borne Octob. 20 (1665) mother dying, y*^ same day baptized) 1665. (35) Deborah Makoon (y" wife of John Makoon ) admitted into fellowship with us & baptized on July. 19, 1663. Her children. DetoTah }'"'P"''*""'3'- '*'•""''• Sarah baptized Novemb. 8, 1663. [Be]thiah Wells [Welds] (formerly Mitchenfon) the Daughter of Edward & Ruth Mitchenfon above named admitted into full Communion on Januar. 1. 1664. Mr. Daniel Wells (Welds) her Husband admitted May 18, 66. Her child Daniel Wells (Welds) bap 1664. (Edward) baptized June [13] 1666. BecortlK of the FivM (JJturvIi in (Ja)iibrid(je. 27 Bethiah baptized Januar. 2G, 1667/8. Mary the wife of Jofeph Ruffell admitted into fellowfhip & full Communion Jan. 3, 1664. Her child Mary Ruffel baptized Jauuar 8. 1664. Abigail baptized July 17, 1668. Jemimah Sill (formerly Belcher) the wife of Joseph Sill Their children Jofeph baptized March. 11, 1665/6. Jemimah baptized March. 31 1667. (36; Seth Roffe the wife of Thomas Roffe (the daughter of Mr. Homan) admitted May 2 & Baptized May 28, 1665, as alfo Her child Marget baptized May. 28, 1665. Thomas baptized July 1, 1666. Nathaniel Hancock admitted into fellowship May 31, 67. baptized June 2*^ 67, aged. Mary Hancock (formerly Prentice y'' daughter of Henry & Joana Prentice above named) admitted into full Communion May 23. 1665. Her child. Nathaniel baptized May. 28 (1665) deceased. Mary baptized May 13, 1666. Sarah baptized Septemb. 15, 1667. Goodm. ffiUebrown admitted into fellowship & full Comm. May. 18. 1666. His children Thomas^ , ^. , .^ _. ,^,.,. baptized May 20, 1666 Mary Hannah baptized Octob. 14, 1666. A CoPY^ OF A Letter from the Rev^ Doctor Stiles of Newport. Dated Newport Octbr 16, 1772. Reverend Sir. Governour Winthrop wrote two volumes of Mem- oirs and OccAirrences from l(i30 to 1(347. As you have no particular account of y* Gathering of y^ Chh of Cambridge I thought it might be agreable to you to lodge with your prefent Chh Records Governour Winthrop's account of y® Gathering M'' Shepherds Chh Feb : 1. 1635/6. 1635 M'" Shepherd a Godly Minister came lately out of M''.12.1. England & Divers other good Christians intending to raise a Chh Body came & acquainted y*' Magistrates [t] herewith who gave their approbation. They AUso Sent to all y^ neighboring Chh' for their Elders to give y'' afsistance at a certain day at NeAvtowne when yy Should Conftitute that body- Accordingly at this day there met a great afsembly where y*^ pro- ceeding was as foUoweth : M'' Shepard & two others (who were after to be chofen to 'office) sat together in y" Elder's Seat : Then y" Elder of them began with prayer : after this M"" Shepard prayed with deep confefsion of Sin &c. and Exercifed out of Eph. 5. That he might make us to himfelf a holy &c. and allfo opened y'^ caufe of y'' Meeting, &c. Thtni y" Elder defired to know of y'' Chh' : afsembled, what number were needfull to make a Chh, and how they ought to proceed in this action. Whereupon Some of y' Ancient Ministers confer- ring fevcrally together made Answers. That y® (28) Mecords of tJie First Church in Cambridge. 29 Scripture did not Set down any any certain rule for y" Number. Three they thought were too few, because by Matth. 18. an appeal was allowed to be made from three : but that 7 might be a titt number for their proceeding They advized that such as were to join, Should make Confefsion of their faith & declare what work of Grace y'' Lord had wrought in them. Which accordingly they did M'" Shepard firft then 4 others ; then y*' Elder c*c one who was to be a deacon (who had alfo prayed) and another member. Then y*" Covenant was read and they all gave a Solemn afsent to it. Then y^' Elder def ired of y'' Churches, that if they did api)rove them to be a Church, they would give them y^' Right hand of Fel- lowship. Whereupon M"" Cotton (upon f hort fpeech with fome others near him) in y^ name of the Churches, Gave his hand to the Elder, with a fliort fpeech of their afsent, and defired y^ Peace of the Lord Jefus to be with them. Then M'" Shepard made an Exhortation to y*" reft of this Body about y'' nature of their Covenant and to ftand firm to it and commended them to y"' Lord in a most heavenly Prayer. Then y^ Elder told y"" afsembly that they were In- tended to Choose M"" Shepard for their Paftor (by y" name of y'" Brother who (had) Exercised.) & defired y*-' churches that if they had anything to except againft him they would impart it before y'' day of or- dination. Then he gave y"' Churches hands for their afsiftance & so left Them to y' Lord. Extracted from Governour Winthrop's Manufcript. This Sir is y*' account of y'' Chh which has Con- tinued its Succefsion to your day, in which you are y*" Sixth paftor in Succefsion Avhich nevisr had a Teacher diftinct from Paftor. (Thus nuich concern- 30 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. ing M"" Shepard & y"" gathering y^ Clih y' Day under his Paftoral Care. (But D"" Stiles goes on in his Letter to me and obferves as follows.) There have been Two other Churches gathered in Cambridge. M^' Hooker and M'' Stone arrived with M-^ Cotton Sept. 4. 1633. Att a day of Fasting M'^ Cotton was ordained Teacher att Boston 10"' of October following and y^ next day M*^ Hooker & M"" Stone were ordained att Newtown* So their Church must have been Gathered Sometime between Sept. 4. and Oct. 11 1633. For att y" month of October 1633 Governor Win- throp says : "A Faft att Newtown when M'' Hooker was chofen Paftor, and M'" Stone Teacher in such manner as before att Bofton." In 1635 & 1636, the Congregation removed to Connecticut River, and Set- tled Newtown There, Called Hartford 1637. Rev'^ Thomas Hooker removed thither with his Family May 31 1636. i. e. about fourf months after y*^ Gath- ering M'' Shepards chh. 1636 M'" Bulkly & M"" Jones 2 English Ministers ap- 2'iio (^a pointed this day to Gather a Church att Newtowne to Settle att Concord. 1637 The Church of Concord kept a day of Humiliation 2™" 6'' att Newtown for ordination of their Elders ; and they chofe M"" Bulkly Teacher and M^ Jones Paftor. Upon a (Question moved by one Sent from y*" Church of Salem, it was refolved by y*^ Ministers there prefent, that Such as had been Ministers in England, were lawfull ministers by y"^ call of y*^ People here notwith- ftanding their acceptance of y^ Call of y^ Bishop &c. (for which they humbled thenifelves acknowledging *Newtown was orifriiially yuiiame of Cam bridge. fOr rather eight inonthB. Records of the First Church in Canibridge 81 it their Sin i)cc.) but being Come hither they ac- counted thenifelve.s no Ministers untill they were Called to Another Church and that upon Election they were Ministers before they were Solemnly or- dained" Extracted from Gov'' Wiiithrops Memoirs or Man- ufcripts . You complained Sir, of y'' Lofs of your Original Church Records when I laft saw you, and that you could recover no Authentic Memoir of y*^ Gathering of your Church I thought a Memoir prelerved by so good an authority as y'' first Governor Winthrop who was probably prefent att y*^ Transaction would be accept- able to you. May y^ Divine Blefsing attend your Ministry. May I have an intereft in your Prayers. I am dear Sir Your DutifuU Son in y" Gospel Miniitry Ezra Stiles. Rev*^ Dr. Appleton. THE CHURCH RECORD. [The Records that follow were commenced by The Reverend William Brattle. The Church has no records covering the time from The Reverend Mr. Jonathan Mitchell's death to the beginning of these Records.] RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHINCH IN CAMBRIDGE. (1) W" Brattle Succeeded y'" KeV M"" Nath' Gookin and was Ordained a Minister of .Jefus Christ & a Paftor to y*" Flock at Cam- bridge Nov: 25: 1696. Per y« Rev^' M"- Inc : Matlier: The Rev" M»' Morton, M' Allin & M'' Williard laid on hands : The Rev" M' Sam" Willard gave y^' Right hand of Fellowship. Deo Sit Gloria, Amen. March '2'2. 1704/5 At a Church Meeting M' Samuel Cooper «fc W Pyam Blower were Chofen Deacons and then a vote was pafs'd that Capf^ Parker w"' y® deacons fh" be a Committee to make fale of y'' land given to y** Church by y'' AVidow Beal & Wilcocke & y' vefsels fh" be made of y'' money for y'' Comun Table. June 7. 1705. At a Church meeting (M"" Blower having refufed to accept of his Call) M"" Nathaniel Hancock Sen'' & M' Andrew Bordman were chofen Deacons. M"" Bordman refufed. The ('hurch D' to Capt" Parker & y Deacons For 2 silver Tankards For cash paid Deacon Hancock for altering ye filver cup, cheft &c. For furveying M' Wilcocks farm & other expenses For Deacon Cooper one day & liorfe For difburfements w^'' refpect to y'" farm (35) U) S. fl. 22. 8.2 1. 11.0 3. 8.5 0. 3.0 27. 10.7 1. 6.8 28.17.3 36 Recoi'ds of the First Church in Cambridge. Credif w'=^' y>' rec^ By Cafh & bills of Credit rec'^ for M'' Wilcocks farm fold to Johu Fillebrowu 35. 0.0 28.17.3 6. 2.9 1707/8 Jan. 19 : This remaining six pounds two shilling & 9*^ is in the hands of Deacon Cooper w" is like wife D'' for y^ old table- cloth : fold him for nine fhilling, So he now owes to y*^ Church juft 6.11.9 The lines on y*^ Minesterial lot. Next y*^ Road 100 Rods. Next Williams 98 Next M"" Appleton's farm 74. Next M'' Dunfters pafture 69. Meafured Nov'' 1746. See Old Chh. book p. 1. (3) Members of y® Church in full communion Nov. 25, 96. Tho: Danforth Efq'". M'' Andrews. (1) Persons Admitted to full Communion fince Nov: 25,96. Dec. 13 96. Jan. 10 : 96. 1. Samuel Cooper 2. Nathan' Hancock 3. Andrew Bordman 4. The wife of N. Hancock 5. The wife of Edw^. Marrett 6. Ruth Bordman 1. Samuel Manning 2. Jofeph Hicks 3. Ifaac Knap 4. S*' Blowers 6. Thomas Symms 6. Goody Luxford 7. Bethiah Hicks 8. Deborah Squire 9. Hannah Chandler 10. Mary Green Records of the First (Jhurvh in Camhriihje. Feb: 7 : 96/7 1. Daniel Cheever— Obiit JMareii 2G, 1704. 2. Jacob Dany— He dyed Dec. 24. !>«.— 3. Jol'eph Winchip 4. The wife of N. Pattiu. ;'). The wife of .Tof. Champiiey 6. The wife of Jof. Winchip 7. The wife of Philip Goodwin 8. Elizabeth Blower 9. Elizabeth Collis. Feb: 21: 96.7 1. Daniel Dany: 2. John Stedman 3. Stephen Palmer. He dyed May 21. 97 4. The wife of Daniel Dany : 5 : The wife of John Wyth 6 : The wife of Tho : Stacye. 7 : The wife of John Bunker. S : The wife of .Tohn Stedman 9 : The wife of Stephen Palmer : May 26: 97 1. Nathaniel Saltonstall : 2. Anthony Stoddai'd Jun'' : 3. Jabez Waheman : 4. .loiiathan Green : 5. The wife of Edm'' Goff : 6. Widow Batson : alias Goody Walden 7. Widow Hill : 8. The wife of Sam' Manning: 9 : The wife of Ebenezer Brown : 10: The wife of Elif ha Bull : 1 1 : Lydia Pratt : 12 : M'* Martha liemington : 13 : Hanjiah Hamlett : Aug. 1 : 97: 1. M'" Fitch 2. David Deming Sen''. 3. Jacob Amsdall. — He dyed. 4. Zechariah Hicks .Inn"'. 5. The wife of David Deming. 6. The wife of Jacob Amsdal. 38 Records of the First C/iurch in Cambridge. Aug. 1 : 97: 7. The wife of Zech. Hicks. — She dyed 1703. 8. The wife of Robin Webber. 9. The wife of Jonathan Pierce. 10. Tlie wife of Solomon Prentice .lun'. (2) Oct. 31, 9 7. 1. John Bonner. 2. John Collis 3. Daniel Woodward 4. The wife of D. Woodw'l 5. The wife of W" Barrett. 6. 1. Hannah Goodwin Jan. 2. 97/8 Benj : Dany 2. John Manning 3. M'" Homer 4. The wife of John Mann*-', 5. Sarah Ellis of Mud River April 10. 98. 1: Nicholas Fefinden Sen'. 2: Solomon Hancock. — He dyed. 3: The wife of Docf Oliver 4 : Elizabeth Brattle 5: The wife of Samuel Cook 6: Phebe Goff. June 19 : 98 : 1 : William Rufsell 2 : John Dickftm 3. Jafon Rufsell 4. Abraiiam Watfoii.— Obiit March 23. 1 704/o 5. John Brooker (1. The Widow Whiting 7. The wife of W'" Rufsell 8. The wife of J. Dickfon 9. The wife of ,Ias. Rufsell 10 The wife of John Cooper 1 1 . The wife of Abr : Watfon 12. The wife of Gerfli : Swan 13. Tiie wife of Phil: Cook 14 : Mary y*" Daughter of Sam. Oldham. Records of the First (jhurcli in Cambridge. 31 » Aug : 28 : 98 : 1 . Nicholas Fefiudeu jun'". 2. Lydia Smith D. of H. Sin. 3. Rebeccah Andrevvs 4. Elizabeth Robins 5. Mary Allin neice to f Robius Jan: 15: 98: 1. The wife of Ephr. Frost : 2. The wife of Tho : Fillebrowu : 3. The Avife of Jofeph Adams : 4. The wife of .lohn Smith as we go to Charles- town. 5. Rebeccah Palfrey : (!. Mary Batfon : March 2(i : 99 : 1 : The wife of John Oldham : 2 : The wife of Jacob Chamberlane : 3 : The wife of Epln-. Osborn 4 : Hannah y*^ Daughter of Sam : Oldham : June 4. 99 1. The widow of Barnabas Cook. 2. Elizabeth Patten neice to Bro. Patten. (3) 1. Percival Hall Decern. 31. 99 2. The wife of And. Bordman : 3. The wife of Perc. Hall: May 12. 1700 1. Doct' Oliver ) , ,., ., . , „ . . ^ , , , ^ by difmifsious : 2. Benjatnm Goddard j "^ May 19. 1. Samuel Chamney : — July 28. 1. William Cutter : 2. Jofeph Crackbone : 3. The wife of Sam Cooper: 4 . The wife of W"' Cutter : 5. The wife of Jofeph Crackbone — She dyed. Octob. <5. 1. John Pattin 2. The wife of John Pattin 3. Hannah Hafting 4. Sarah Lewis Jun'. Feb. 23 1. Sr. Whiting (John) 2. Theoph. Cotton 40 Becords of the Firsf Church in Cambridge. May 4. 1701 1. 8 >• Elliot [Robert] 2. Hannah y*' wife of Sam" Chamney. July 13, 1701 1. 2. S'' Angier [Ames] Thomas Prentice. Ob. Dec. 7, 1709 3. Deborah Streeter Sen''. . 1701 . 1701 4. Hannah y'' wife of Tho : Davis Sept. 21 1. 2. Lydia Francis Mary Marrett Dec. 28, 1. Samuel Ruggles March 8 1. Sarah Hill wife to Abr. H. 2. Mary Russell wife to Walter R. 1702 3. Ruth Baverick July 26. 1. M"" Remington 2, John Oldham 3. [Anna] Satle, widow. Oct: 4. 1. M-^ Burr 2. John Hall 3. William Warland 4. Jemimah Hall 5. Tabitha Warland 6. Ann Oldham Dec. 13. 1. Mofes Bordman 2. Nathan' Robbins 3. Abigail Bordman 1703. 4. 5. Elizabeth Cookworthy Dorothy Manning May 2. 1. Daniel Hafting 2. John Bradifh 3. Abigail Hafting 4. Elizabeth Prefton (4) July 11. 1703 1. M^ Robert Breck. 2. Jofeph Coolidge 3. John Robins 4. The wife of Samuel Phips 5. The wife of Jofeph Coolidge 6. Elizabeth Phips. Records of the First CJturch in Cambridge. 41 Sept: 19: 1703 1. Capt" Parker 2. M"" David Deming, Scholar 3. The wife of Jacob "Watfou 26 : 1. The wife of Capt" Parker Sacr* clay Nov. 28 1 . Joseph Kent A violent f torm of 2. Jofeph Marfh Student &c. f now all day [but] * 3. Sam' Robiufon 7 Mar'd women at 4. Sarah Manning Ch. A.M. 9 P.M. Dec. 5. 1. Ebenezer Swan 13 Sacr* day 2. Goodwife Lewis 3. The wife of Eben'' Swan 1703/4 1704 4. 5. The wife of Jofeph Kent Abigail Oldham — Feb: 9. 1. 2. S"" Stoddard William Williams Apr:16: 1. 2. Goodman Squire : Goodman Clark Sen''^ on y'' other 3. Goodman Davis of y*^ water. 4. Goodman Smith 5. Nath' : Pierce of Medford 6. The wife of John Blower 7. The wife of Jonathan Butterfield 8. The wife of John Knight 9. The wife of Nathan' Pierce 10. M'"« Lucy Bradstreet 11. 12. M""^ Mary Hayman Hannah Needham 13. Eilizabeth Hieks 14. Mehetabell Gale Sept. 13 1. John Bradfhaw : 2. Anna Collis : 3. Ruth Bradifh 4. Deborah Wyeth : side ThiB word in the original is in 8liort hand. 42 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Nov. 12. 1704 1. M'- Goff, Sen"- 2. Jonathan Butterfield 3. The wife of James Clark. 4. Elizabeth Dana : June 10, 1705 1. Peter Town : 2. Elizabeth Town : Aug. 19, 1. The widow Coolidg: 2. The wife of Nath' Pattin Jun^ Octob. 28, 1. Nathaniel Cutter 2. Mary y*^ wife of Nath : Cutter (5) Nov. 4. 1. Ruth y'' wife of James Tuft : Sacr' day. Jan. 6, 1. Thomas Andrew 2. Jonathan Peirce 3. M'" John Gove 4. Thomas Prince Schol March 17, 1705/6 1. Stephen Hall. i. e. Stow Hall. 2. Grace y'' wife of Stephen Hall. 3. M''^ Mary Gidney widow. 4. Rebecca Squire 5 Hephzibah, y'' wife of John Bradifh May 26, 1706 1. Owen Warland 2. S'"Gookin [Nathaniel]. 3 Francis Whitmore 4 Jofeph Sewall 5 [Anna] y'" wife of Francis Whitmore Dec : 22 : 1 2 Stephen Froft Ephraim Osburn 3 Amos Gates 4 5 6 7 David Jeffryes Ebenezer Thayer John Tuft Eleazer Williams • Students &c. 8 John Web)) 9 10 The wife of Stephen Mary Prentice Froft. lieconh of the First Church in Camhridije. 43 Dec. 22. 1706 John Swan was reftor'd to Communion, having been excommunicated ever fince 1684. Sept. 28. 1707 1 Benjamin Prefcott, Student. 2 M''^ Piifcilla Hayman 3 The wife of Jonathan Gove 4 The wife of Bartolomew Barrett. Dec. 7. 1 John Cooper 2 Sarah y^" wife of John Fefinden Feb. 15. 1707/8 1 The widow Cheever 2 The wife of Gershom Cutter Jun' 3 M'-^ Sybil Avery July 4. 1708 1 Ebenezer Brooks of Medford. 2 Abigail y^' wife of Eben'' Brooks. : 12: 3 Margaret Hicks Sept 1 M''^ Mercy Bradstreet of Medford 2 M''* Deborah Jackfon 3 Hannah y*^ wife of Andrew Wilfon 30. 170S/9 19. 1709 4 Elizabeth y'^ wife of J. Harrington. Jan. 1 Heard y'' wife of Zechariah I June 1 M*' Samuel Gookin 2 Nathaniel Sparhawk 3 The wife of M'' S. Gookin 4 The wife of Nath. Sparhawk 5 The wife of Stephen Hafting (6) 6 Margaret Gates Aug : 28 : 1 Jonathan Hafting 2 M'^ Greenleaf 3 The wife of Jonathan Hafting 4 The wife of Ebenezer Hancook 5 The wife of John Hill Nov: 6. 1 Experience Dana — June 4 : 1710. 1 John Coit. Student. 2 John Cutter 3 The wife of Jo. Ci'ackbone 4 The wife of John Cutter 44 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Oct: 15. 1710 1 M^ Holyoke Student. Dec. 31. 1 Th°ma8 Livermore 2 The wife of Th'^s Livermore March 11 : 1710/11. 1 Henry Dunster 2 Solomon Prentice 3 Thomas Hall 4 John Whitmore 5 John Chipman | g^^^^^^^^ 6 Elifha Williams J 7 The wife of H. Dunster 8 The wife of Thomas Hall 9 The wife of John Whitmore May 20. 1711 1 Elisha Bull 2 Nathaniel Pattin 3 John Fillebrown 4 Sarah y'^ w. of J. Fillebrown. Oct. 7. 1 Aaron Cleveland 2 Sarah Bifcoe Dec. 23. 1 John Williams 2 The wife of John Williams Feb. 24, 1711/2 1 Samuel Brooks 2 Jonathan Hall 3 Stephen Williams ) A Ti • • n 1 \ Stud* 4 Benjamm Crocker J 5 Sarah y*^ w. of S. Brooks 6 Lydia y*^ w. of J. Hall. July 13. 1712. 1. Sarah Pattin 2 John Parker 3 Mary y^ wife of J . Parker 277 Sept. 21. 1 Thomas Grovcr 2 Thomas Sewall 3 Eliz. y*" w. of Tho. Grover Records of the Fir.st Church in Cambridge. 45 Nov. 30, 1712. 1. S"" Denison 2. S''. Appletou [Nathaniel] \. Students 3. Thomas Foxcioft. Feb. 8, 1. Sufanna Winchip 2. Joanna Winchip 3. Sarah Cookefey April 19, 1713 1. Francis Foxcroft 2. Joseph Stacye Jan. 24 1. S'' Rogers 2. Job Gushing ^ ^^^• April 18, 1714 1. William Brown] 2. Edward Twing 3. Sami Whittimore Carried to page (27) (7) Infants and Others in their Minority Baptized by W" Brattle : Vid. p. (13) Dec. 20. 96 : Sarah, y*^ daughter of Docf Oliver Bethia, y*^' daughter of Jofeph Hicks 2 27 Mercy, y'^ daughter of y"' Rev"^ M''. H. Gibbs : Jonathan, y*^ son of John Bradfhaw Prudence y*^ daughter of Nath. Hancock Jun. Hannah y*' daughter of Edward Marrett 3 James y*^ son of Samuel Skidder [Kidder] 1 17 96 Jofeph y*^ son of Nicholas Fefinden : ' Samuel & Walter y*^ Sons, Anna, Lydia, Sarah, \ Mary ,& Elizabeth, y^ daughters of Samuel Cooper i John Agar y<= son of Goody Luxford ; [ Ebenezer, y*^ son of Ephraim Frost: \ 15 Benjamin, y*^ son of Benj. Goddard: [ John, y^" son of Samuel Manning : \ Hannah & Rebeccah, y'' daughters of Isaac Knap : ' William, y^^ son of W"" Barrett : Vid. pag : (13) : / 46 liecords of the First Church in Cambridge. 31 96 John, y'^ son of John Squire Jun'": Cherry y^ daughter of Jofeph Adams 2 Feb. 7 Abigail y'' daughter of Jacob Dany : 1 14 Sufanna & Joanna y*^ daughters of Jofeph Wiuchip : John y« son of Zech. Hicks. 3 21 Sarah y*^ daughter of Jofeph Chamuey : Martha y® daughter of Nath : Hancock Jun^' : Mary & Sarah, y^ daughters of Sam' Streeter : John & Abraham y'^ sons of Abraham Watfon 6 Feb. 28 : Hannah Welch : Mary Emmands : 2 March 7. Thomas y*^ Son of Daniel Chamney : Vid p. (13) 1 Hannah y*^^ daughter of William Barrett 2 14 Martha y*^ daughter of William Wyth. 1 21 Nathaniel y*^^ Son of Clerfhom Davis : Dorothy y*^ daughter of Sam' Hancock 2 April 4. 97. Elizabeth y*^ daughter of Philip Goodwin : 1 11 Nathaniel & Noah y*^ fons of Nathaniel Sparhawk 2 18 Stephen y*^ Son of Stephen Palmer : Dorcas y*^ daughter of Daniel Chamuey : John y*^ Son of Jofeph Adams : Dorothy y*^ daughter of Peter Tuft : Hannah & Thankful y^ daughters of John Wyth : 6 May 16 : Jofeph y*" son of Thomas Belknap : 1 23 : Jofeph y*^ sou of Samuel Cook 1 June 13 : Caleb y*^ son of Daniel Dany : 1 27 Hannah y*" daughter of Sam' Chamney 1 July 18 : Elifha & John y^ fons of Elifha Bull : Abraham y*^ fon & Deborah y*^' Daughter of Abraham Hill : July 18, John & Jonathan y<^ fons, Hannah & Sarah y** Daughters of Jonathan Nutting : 5 John y^' son of Jacob Chamberlane 1 Aug. 1 : Elifabeth y'- Daughter of John Stedman 8 : Tabitha y*^ Daughter of Henry Prentice Martha y** daughter of Jonathan Pierce 3 Aug. 15. Daniel & William y'' fons & Efther y*' Daughter of Israel Cheever 3 Abraham y'^ fon of Abraham Homan Records of the F^lrf^t Chiwdi in Cambridge. 47 Sept. 5 : Sarali y^" daughter of Samuel Sparhawk Samuel y*^ fon : Mary & Elizabeth y*^ daughters of Jofeph Child of Watertown : 3 12 John y*^ fon & Elizabeth y*^ Daughter of Sam^ Eady of Watertown : 2 Oct. 10 : Edward, the fon of William Rufsell : Ifaac y'^ son of Benjamin Dany : Amos y*^ son & Hannah & Sufanna y® daughters of Daniel Woodward 5 Nov: 7: Judith y*^ daughter of Mary Preble : 1 14: Anna y*^^ daughter of John Francis 1 2 1 : Thomas y'^' son of Thomas Prentice 1 Dec: 5: Hannah, y*' daughter of W"' Brown of Chariest: Mercy, y'' daughter of Sam' Reed : Rebeccah, y^' daughter of Jofeph Coolidge : 3 Jan. 9 : Anna y^ daughter of Nicholas Fefindeu 1 16: Ruth,y*^ daughter of Robert Wier of Charleftown. 1 (8)March 27 : 98 : Edward y'^ Son of John Manning. 1 April 3 : Joshua, William & Ann y*^ fons & daughter of Jofiah Parker : Abigail, y'" daughter of Good}' Webber : Ebenezer y*^ Son of Ebenezer Brooks of Miftick 5 May 1 : Mary & Hannah, y*" daughters of M''^ Homer : John y^ son Elizabeth & Hannah y*^ daughters of John Kent of Charlestown. 6 May 8. William y" Son of Abraham Watfon 1 22 : Jonathan y^ Son of Daniel Woodward : Johaunah y*' daughter of Tho : Call of Cn. Sufanna y*^ daughter of Philip Goodwin ; & Andrew y^ Son of John Hall of Miftick 4 29 : Jafon Jofhua y^' Son of Allin of Watertown : & Martha y^ Daughter of Abr. Hill Jun"" of Ch : 2 June 12 : Samuel y*^ Son of Solmon Prentice Samuel y'' Son of John Call of Ch : Eleazer y^ fon of Tho : Harris of Ch : 3 19 : Elizabeth y'= daughter of Jofeph Hicks : Nathaniel y*^ fon Nathaniel Robins ; 48 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. June 19 : 98 John y^ fon & Prudence y*^ daughter of John Ellis of Muddy River. 4 26 : Mary y*' daughter of John Green 1 July 3 : John y^ Son & Elizabeth y^ daughter of John Cooper. Thomas y*' fon of Philip Rufsell of y"^ Farms. 3 10: Experience, y^ daughter of John Wittemore of Charlft. Patience, Sarah, Mary, Abigail, & Elizabeth, y*" daughters of John Ellis of Muddy River. John y*" fon & Hordell y*' Son of John Brooker : 8 24 : Ebenezer y^ son of John Wyth : William & John y*^ fons & Elizabeth & Jane y*^ daughters of John Dickfon : Jacob & Mary y" fon & daughter of Nath : Cutter : Grace y*' daughter of Stephen Hall of Miftick 8 July 31 : Dorothy y*^ daughter of John Moufell of Charlef- town. 1 Aug : 14 : Thomas y*^ Son of William Brattle : Rebeccah, y*^ daughter of Gershom Swan. John y^ fon of John Pierce of Charleftown 3 21 Thomas y*' fon of Ebenezer Brown 1 Hannah y*^ daughter of Thomas White & Daniel y*^ son of Archebel Mackquede both of Charlestown 2 Sept : 4 : Stephen y^' fon of Samuel Streeter 1 11 Sufanna y*^ Daughter of Edward Marrett 1 18 Sarah y*^ Daughter of John Chickeren : Sarah y'' daughter of Ralph Moufell of Charlft: 2 26 : Sarah y'^ daughter of Ephraim Ofborn : 1 Octob : 2 : Margaret y'^ daughter of M' John Leveret John y*^ son of Samuel Cooper : Samuel y*' son of Samuel Sparhawk : Benjamin y'' sou of Jonathan Peirce : Elnathan, y^' son of John Smith of Ch : 5 9 : Efther y'' daughter of Jofeph Chamney ; Elizabeth y*^ daughter of Jonathan Nutting 2 16 : Abigail y*^ daughter of Jofeph Winchip 1 Recorrh of the F'lrM Church in Canibrkh/e. 49 Oct. 23 : 98 Francis y« Sou of Francis Begar Vid p : (19) 1 Nov. G : Elizabeth, y^' daughter of Samuel Cook 1 20 : Ruth, y^ daughter of Andrew Bordmau : Percival, y^' fon of Percival Hall of Medford : 2 Dec. 11. Margery y'^ daughter of John Dickfon : Mary y*' daughter of Jofiah Parker : Nathaniel, y^' fon of Henry Prentice Thomas y*^ fon of Samuel Kidder Ruth y*' daughter of Zechariah Hicks Jofeph y® fon of Jofeph Crackbone : James, y'^' Son of Israel Chevers Mary y'' daughter of Thomas Prentice Tabitha y® daughter of Nathaniel Hancock : Elizabeth y'' daughter of Ebenezer Swan Abigail the daughter of Samuel Manning Mary y° daughter of Samuel Chamney : Elizabeth y*^ daughter of W" Barrett 2 Samuel at John Jackfons Rebeccah y*' daughter of Joseph Coolidge 2 25 : John y" fon of Elifha Bull : 1 Jonathan & John y*" sons & Mary y*^ daughter of Jonathan Butterfield : John y'' son of John Fillebrown : Ebenezer, y^' son of Nathaniel Cutler : 3 9 : Mary, y*^ daughter of John Brooker: William y*' son of Jacob Chamberlain 2 30 : Ephraim y*^ fon of Philip Cook : 1 18: Feb: 2(5: Marc ;h 19: Apr. 2. 99 23 May 7 : 14: 21: June 4 July 2 73 89 182 (9) Aug : 13 : 99. Jacob, y*^ Son of Widow Dany : 1 20 : Elizabeth, y'' daughter of Benjamin Goddard 1 Sept : 17 : Ebenezer, the Son of Thomas Davis upon M' Danforth's Farm. 1 Octob : 1 : Samuel, y'' Son of John Stedmau 1 29 : Jafon, the fon of Edward Winchip : 1 50 RpconU of the First ClturcJi hi Oanihridge. Dec: 31 99 Jan: 7: Feb: 4: Apr: 14: 1700 May 19: 26: June 2 30: July 7. 28 Aug: 11. 18, Sept. 15. Nov : 3: 17: Dec: 8. 15: Dec: 22: 29: Jan. 5. 19 Feb. 2. March 2. 16 23 Rebeccah, y"^ daughter of John Ellis : Samuel, y'' Son of Samuel Streeter Samuel, the Son of y*^ Widow Hafting : - Vid. p. 15 Mary, the daughter of Abraham Watfon Mary, y*' daughter of Jofeph Hicks William, y*^ Son of John Manning Sufanna, y*^ daughter of Thomas Stacye Richard, y"^ Son of Daniel Dany Anua, the daughter of John Cooper Daniel, The Son of Daniel Chamney & Elizabeth, the daughter of Jonathan Pierce : 2 Thomas, Ifaac, John, y*^ fous & Anna & Rebeccah, y^ daughter of Thomas Fillebrown 5 Jacob, the Son of Henry Prentice 1 John, William, & Samuel, y** Sons ; Hannah & Rebeccah y*' daughters of William Cutler 5 Ruth, the daughter of Solomon Prentice Sarah, the daughter of M^' John Leveret John, the Son of Samuel Kidder, Thomas, the Son of Jofiah Parker Elizabeth, the daughter of Stephen Froft Sarah, the daughter of Sam : Sparhawk : Thomas, the Son of Tho : Davis : Margaret, the daughter of Abraham Ireland : Hannah, y*^ daughter of John Streeter 4 Elizabeth, y® daughter of Jofeph Crackbone 1 Edward, y'' Son of John Brooker 1 Elizabeth, y*^ daughter of Samuel Cook. 1 Jofeph, the fon of Jofeph Wiuchip. Abigail, the daughter of Ed. Marrett. Sarah, y*^ d. of Eb. Swan. 3 Jofeph, the Son of Daniel Woodward : Margaret, the daughter of John Pattin, 2 Rebeccah, y*^ daughter of John Squire 1 Hannah, y*' daughter of W™ Barrett : Elizabeth, y*^ daughter of Jofeph Chamney 2 29. July 6. 27: Aug : 3 Aug. 10: 24: 31 Sept : 7 21 Oct: 19. Recor(U of fhe First Vliurch in Cannhridge. 51 May 25. 1701 Elizabeth, y*^ daughter of John Wyeth : Elizabeth, the daughter of Rebecca Lyu 2 June 15 Benjamin, the Son of Nickolas Fefiuden : Sarah, the daughter of John Green 2 Abigail, the daughter of Ephraim Of burn 1 Urfula, the daughter of Ifaac Knap 1 Mary, y*^ daughter of Nath^ Robins : Michael, y® Son of John Langdon 2 Andrew, the Son of Andrew Boordman 1 Mary, the daughter of W" Andrew 1 Mary the daughter of John Fillebrown 1 William the Son of W°' Patting 1 Samuel the son of Jonathan Nutting 1 Elizabeth the daughter of Sam' Phips 1 Sarah y*^ daughter of M'' Burr: Andrew y*^ son of Sam' Boman 2 Mary y*^' daughter of M"' Leverett. 1 Samuel y*^ Son of Samuel Chamuey 1 Elizabeth y'^^ Son [.sjc] of Sam' Manning : 1 Edward y^ Son of John Dick f on : Nathaniel y*" Son of Nathan' Hancock : Jofeph y*^ Sou of Jofeph Coolidge : 3 22 : Zechariah y'^' son of Jofeph Hicks : Sarah y*' Daughter of Paul Bat. 2 Solomon the Son of Daniel Chamney 1 702 Fyfield y*^ Son of John Jackfon : Hephfibah y*^ daughter of Eben : Brown, Mary y^ daughter of John Streeter 3 3 : Hannah y*' daughter of Thomas Davis 10 Thomas y*^ son of Gershom Cutter, vid p, (13) 17 Abigail the daughter of Jonathan Butterfield 14 John y*^^ Son of Samuel Sparhawk brought from page 9*** 26 Thomas the Son of John Fillebrown Sarah, the daughter of Philip Cook Habijah y*- Son of M""^" Weld : Isaac, y*^' Son of Jonathan Pierce 16 : Margaret, y^' Daughter of John Langdon : Martha, y*^ d. of Benj : Goddard : 52 Records of the Fir.st ChurcJi in Cambridge. Aug. 16 : 1702 Abigail, y^ D. of Dan. Hafting 3 28 : John, the Sou of Benjamin Dana : Naomi, y*^ Daughter of Daniel Dana. 2 30 : Tamefin, the daughter of John Ellis 1 Sept. 6 Stephen y'^ Son of Stephen Frost 1 Octob. 4 John, the Son of Israel Cheever 1 18 Jonathan, y* Son of Abraham Watfon Sarah, y^ daughter of W" Cutter 2 Nov. 22 Nathanael, y*^ Son of Samuel Kidder 1 Dec. 6 Samuel y*" Son of Samuel Cook 1 13 Nathanael y*^ Son of Nathanael Pattin 1 20 Thomas, the son of Thomas Prentice 1 Jan 31 William, y*^ son of Nicholas Bowes 1 Feb. 14 Abigail the Son \_sic] of Abraham Ireland 1 March 7 Samuel the Son of Samuel Boman 1 April 4, 1703 Sufanna, the daughter of Henry Prentice 1 25 Samuel y*^ Son of John Manning : James, y*^ Son of Jonathan Nutting: 2 May 9 Abigail, y*^ daughter of James Clark : Lydia, y*^ daughter of'^Solomon Prentice 2 16 Elizabeth, y*^ daughter of Thomas Fillebrown : 1 23 William y^ Son of Elisha Bull 1 30 William y^ Son of William Barret 1 June 6 Moses y** Son of Mofes Bordmau 1 13 Abigail, y"^ daughter of William Patting 1 Aug. 15 Thomas, y*' Son of Nath : Robbins : Margery, y*^ daughter of Jofeph Winchip 2 22 Ebenezer, y'^ Son of Ifaac Knap 1 29 Jofeph, the Son of Walter Rufsell 1 Sept. 5 Amos, y'^ Son of Edward Marrett 12 William y*^ Son of Benjamin Dana : Andrew & John y*^ Sons, Hannah & Deborah, y^ daughters of And. Wilfon 5 Oct. 3. John, y'' Son of M"" Leveret: Rebeccah, y'' daughter of Samuel Chamney, Mary, y^' daughter of Ephraim Osborn & Sarah the daughter of John Squire 4 24 James, y" Sou of James Wright : 1 Nov : 28 Jonathan, y'^ Son of Johc Stedman : 1 Records of the First Church in Camhridye. 53 Jan: 28 1703 Gershom, y*' Son of Gershom Cutter : 1 Feb : 13 Samuel, y^' Son of Samuel Phips : Hannah, y^' daughter of Joseph Hicks. 2 27 Thomas, y<^ Son of Thomas Davis : Hannah, y*^ daughter of Stephen Froft : 2 John, y*' Son of Thomas Prentice 1 Jofeph, y'' Son of Jofeph Kent 1 Mary, y'^ daughter of Samuel Manning 1 Ebeuezer, the Son of P^benezer Swan : Walter, the Son of Daniel Hasting : 2 Luxford, y' son of John Patting 1 John y^' Son of John Streeter 1 John, y'^' Son of Jonathan Pierce : John, y*^ Son of Nathaniel Cutter : 2 Jacob, y'' Sou of Abraham Watfon 1 Sarah, y*-' daughter of Stephen Coolidge : Martha, y*^' daughter of Sam' Boman : Mercy, y*' daughter of Sam' Streeter 3 Jofeph, y'' Son of Jofeph Hovey John, the Son of John Jackfon 1 Payton, y'' Son of M'' Leveret : Hannah, y*' daughter of James Clark Jun"" 2 Elizabeth, y'^ daughter of Mofes Bordman 1 Ebenezer, y'' Sou of Master Eben'" Hancock : Ruth, y'^' daughter of Jonathan Butterfield 2 Jofeph, y'' Son of Jofeph Chamney 1 Philip, y' Son of Philip Cook 1 John y'', son of John Fefinden 1 Elizabeth, y'' daughter of Nath : Hancock. 1 Noah, y*^ Son of Daniel Chamney : Dec. 3 Simon, y'^' Son of Nathan' Sparhawk : Sarah, y'" daughter of John Fillcbrown ; William, y^' son of William Brown : 4 Dec. 31 Samuel, y** son of John Ellis 1 March 11 Benjamin, y*" Son of John Manning 1 25 Jofeph, y'" Son of Samuel Kidder : Ebenezer, y'' son of Jonathan Nutting 2 345 March 5 12 19 2G 1704 April 2 16 April 23 May 7 14 28 June 25 Aug. 6. 20 Sept. 10 Octob : 1 15 22 Nov. 12 54 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (11) Brought over from page (10) 345 April 15 1705 Hannah, y** daughter of Stephen Parker 1 22 Timothy, the son of Daniel Dana 1 29 Samuel, y<^ Son of Elifha Bull 1 May 6 Thomas, y^ Son of M-- Thomas Swan : Ammi-Ruhammah, y^ son of William Cutter 2 13 Ann & Sarah, twins y^ daughters of Benjamin Dana : Solomon, y'^ Son of Solomon Prentice, & Abigail, y^ daughter of Nathaniel Pattin : 4 John, the fon of Abraham Ireland 1 Thomas, y*^ Son of Zechariah Hicks 1 Sarah, y*^ daughter of Samuel Robinson 1 Margaret, y*^ daughter M"" Leveret : 1 Benjamin, y^ Son of Benjamin Goddard 1 Elizabeth, y«^ daughter of Thomas Prentice 1 Hannah, y*^ daughter of Nathaniel Robins 1 Mary, y*" daughter of James Clark I George, y'^' Son of Gerf hom Cutter : Mary, y'' daughter of John Prentice 2 Hannah, y^' daughter of John Bradifh 1 John, y*" Son of John Wyeth : 1 Mercy, y'' daughter of Jofeph Hicks 1 John, y*" Son of John Robbins March 3. Elizabeth, y^* daughter of John Herrington, W"^ Cutters son in law. 1 10 Lydia, y'' daughter of Samuel Chamney : Downing, y'' Son of Daniel Chamney : Mary, y^ daughter of Ebenezer Swan : Sufauna, y*^ daughter of Stephen Froft 4 17 Prifcilla, y'' daughter of Daniel Dana. 1 24 Jofiah, y^' Sou of Stephen Hall of Medford, Stow Hall, as called. 1 April 21 1706 William, y^ Son of William Brattle: Mary, y*' daughter of Joseph Coolidge : 2 28 Mary, y'' daughter of Edw" Marrett : Sufauna, y'^' daughter of Sam' Streetor 2 May 12 Jofeph, y'' Son of Samuel Manning : Jane, y^ daughter of Ephraim Of born 2 27 June 10 July 22 Aug. 5 12 26 Sept. 4 Oct: 7 14 Nov. 4 Dec 30 Jan : 27 Feb'- ; :10 Records of the First CInircJi in (Jambridge. 55 May 11) 1706 Jolin, y'' Son of Eben'' Aftin : Abigail, y*' daughter of Dan' Hafting : Mary, y*^ daughter of Andrew Wilfon 3 26 Thomas, y^' Son of »Samuel Sparhawk : 1 June 16 Stephen, y^' Son of Jofeph Kent 1 30 Abigail, y*^' daughter of Joseph Chamney 1 July 7 Abigail, y^' daughter of Mofes Boidman : Hannah, y® d. of Jofeph Hovey ; Sufanna, y*' d. of Abr. Homan 3 14 John, y*-' son of William Barrett of [The first that was] Baptized in y*" Collidg Hall : 1 21 Benjamin, y^' son of John Stedmau : Sarah, y^' daughter of John Fefinden, Baptiz'd in y«= Col. Hall. 2 Oct. 6 William the son of William Warland The last child, y' was baptized in y^ Colledg Hall. 1 Oct. 13 William, y*^ son of Rich'' Coolidg of Watertown The first child y*^ was baptiz'd in y'' new meetingh. 1 20 Jonathan, y'' son of Jonathan Hall of Miftick 1 27 Jofiah, y® son of William Brown ' 1 Nov ; 3 Hannah, y'' daughter of Amos Gates 1 10 Solomon, y"^ Son of Nathaniel Hancock. John, y'' Son of John Pattin : 2 17 Jonathan, y^' Sou of Nathaniel Patting : Jane, y*^^ daughter of Jonathan Butterfield. Rebeccah, y'^' d. of W'" Patting 3 Henry, y'' Son of Thomas Prentice Hannah, y*^ daughter of Thomas Davis Hannah, y'' daughter of Jonathan Hydes Anna, y'' daughter of John Fillebrown Mary, y*' daughter of Walter Ruf sell f07 Samuel, y'' son of Samuel Robinfon Lydia, y*^ daughter of Nathaniel Pierce : Ann call'd Nanny, y^' daughter of Francis Whit- more 2 Samuel, y*^^ Sou of Solomon Prentice 1 Rebeccah, y*^ daughter of Bartholomew Barrett : Hezekiah, y Son of Henry Hancock of Wren- tham 2 Dec: 1 22 Jan. 12 Feb: 2 23 Apri 1 6 1 13 May 11 18 56 Records of the First Church m Cambridge. May 25 1707 Elizabeth, the daughter of M'' Nicholas Fefinden Jun"^ 1 June 8 Mary, y'^ daughter of Samuel Kidder 1 22 Stephen, y'' Son of William Pattin 1 July 6 Robert, y'^ Son of Elisha Bull : Sufanna, y'^ daughter of Ebenezer Hancock 2 July 13 Hannah, y'^ daughter of John Ellis 1 20 Sarah, y*' daughter of Thomas Fillebrown : John, y*^ Son of John Prentice Mary, y*^' daughter of John Whittmore 3 Aug. 24 Abigail, y« daughter of Joseph Crackbone 1 425 (12) Brought from page (11) 425 Sept. 7 Aaron, y*^' Son of Mofes Bordman : Rebeccah, y'' daughter of Nathaniel Robbins 2 14 Jonathan, y'' Son of Samuel Phips : John, y** Son of John Bradifh : Ann, y^ daughter of Lydia Davis 3 28 James, & William y^' Sons & Elizabeth y*" daugh- ter of James Mnrch 3 Oct. 5 Mary, y*" daughter of James Murch 1 12 Richard, y*^ Son of John Harrington 1 Nov. 23 Richard, y*^ Son of Daniel Chamney : Daniel, y*^ Son of John Robins 2 Dec. 7 Jonathan, y*^ Son of Deacon Cooper 1 14 Daniel, y*? Son of Richard Coolidg : Edmund, y*^^ Son of Samuel Livermore 2 Jan. 18 1707/8 Ruth, y*^^ daughter of Samuel Chamney James, y'" Son of James Clark Jun'' 2 Jan. 25 Experience, y^' daughter of William Glefin : Mercy, y'' daughter of Ebenezer Chadwick 2 Feb. 8 Mary, y^ daughter of Abraham Ireland: 1 15 Jedidiah, y*^ Son of Benjamin Dana : 1 March 28 1708 Samuel, y«' Son of Jofeph Hicks : Sarah, y'' daughter of John Manning Mary, ye daughter of Ebenezer King 3 April 4 Joseph, y son of Samuel Sparhawk 1 25 Stephen, y*^ Son of Joseph Coolidg : April 25 V ro8 May 2 23 June lo 20 July 11 Recorils of fhc Fiisf (^linwh in (Ja))ihrid' 9 1742/3 Jofiah Crofbye Feb 27 John Cheney & Martha Cheney March 20. Daniel Smith. May 8. 1743. Elizabeth Hinds. March 24 1744/5 Hannah wife of James Lanman Oct"'' 27 1745 David Logan Feb. 9 1745/6 Abraham Cutting, Priscilla Cutting. May 24. 1747 Daniel Champney Jun'' July 12 1747 Nathan Wiuchefter, Brookline August 23 1747 Jofeph Cook Jun''. See p. (73) (17) Infants baptized brought from page (14) Jan. 5. 1713/4 628 Jan. 17. 1713/4 Mary the daughter of Daniel Squire Edward y*' Son of Jofeph Robins 2 24 Daniel, y*' son of Jofeph Hovey 68 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Jan. 24,1713/ Feb. 21. March 21. Apr. 16. 1714 May 9 23 July 18 25 Aug. 22. Sept 26. Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 Nov 7. Dec. 5 Jan 2 9 23 30 Feb. 6 13 27 March 13 1715 Apr. 10 24 May 8 22 June 12 Jofeph y^ Son of Nathaniel Cutter Jeremiah y® vSon of Walter Rufell Abigail the daughter of Henry Dunfter Martha, y® d. of Nath^ Hancock John y** fon of H. Smith Mary y® d, of Caleb Hovey Sarah the daughter of Daniel Hafting Mary, y*^ daughter of M'' Nicholas Fefindeu Ebenezer the Son of John Hovey Martha, y® daughter of M'' Remington Samuel, y*^ Son of Jofeph Kent Thomas, the fon of Ifaac Manning Roger, the Son of John Robins Amos, y*^ Son of Amos Gates Eliakim, y<^ Son of Colonell Phips Sarah, y*" daughter of Jonathan Haftings Elizabeth y«^ d. of N. Winship Jon" ye fon of J. Wyeth Hephzibah, y*^ daughter of Daniel Dana Elizabeth, the d. of Sarah Bifcoe. William y^ son of Eb. Swan Sarah, y«^ d. of G. Cutter Jacob, y® Son of Jacob Green. Mary, the daughter of Benjamin Baulch Sarah, y® daughter of Nathaniel Robins Jabefch, y*^ Son of John Fefinden Ruth, the daughter of John Fillebrown Thomas, y^ fou of Tho. Fillebrown Jun"^. Sarah, y*^ daughter of Samuel Scot Elizabeth, y'^ daughter of James Clark Martha, y*^' daughter of Sanmel Bowman William, y*^ Son of Jofhua Gamage Sarah, y*" daughter of Solomon Prentice Sarah, y*^ daughter of Nathaniel Patten Kezia, y'^^ daughter of Jonathan Gove Margery, the daughter of Hubbard Rufsell Nathaniel, y'^ Son of Nathaniel Prentice William, y^ Son of John Bradifh Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 69 June 12 1715 19 July 24 31 Aug. 7 Sept. 4 25 Oct. 2 16 .BO Nov. 6 1715 Jau 8. 22 Feb. 5 12 March 4 March 25 1 1716 April Mmj 6 13 27 June 3 10 Edmund, y^ Son of Edmund Froft Hannah, y^ daughter of John Cutter Ephraim, y^ Son of Ephraim Froft Martha, y« daughter of Mofes Bordman Sarah, the daughter of Jacob Hill Rebeccah, y^ daughter of W°^ Warland Thomas, y« Son of Abraham Ireland William, y^ fon & Lucy y« daughter of William Burgis dec'' Abigail, y^ daughter of Philip Cook Aaron, y^ Son of Aaron Cleavland Sarah, y^ daughter of Stephen Palmer He and his wife made their confession Sab. before the of Jonathan Gates the of Nathaniel Cutter Jun'". Deliverance, y^ d. of J. Squire. Jonathan, y^ Son of Jofeph Robins. Mary, y^ daughter of William Brown. Richard, the Son of Gerfhom Cutter. Timothy, y^ Son of Thomas Errington & Jacob, the Son of George Abbot Daniel, y*^ Son of Ifaac Manning. Hannah, y^ daughter of Samuel Angler. Daniel, y^ Son of Nath'. Patten Elizabeth, y^ daughter of Walter Rufsell. Ruth, ye daughter of Ralph Hook Mary, y^ daughter of John Parker Jonathan, y^ Son of Gerfhom Davis Jofeph, ye Son of Jofeph Sprague Hannah, y* d of J. Lawrence Ebenezer, y^ Son of John Bradifh Abigail, y« daughter of Caleb Hovey Elizabeth, y^ daughter of John Smith the Son of Garfield Eunice, the daughter of Jofeph Cook. Deborah, y^ d. of Sam' Bowman. Deborah, y^ d. of J. Butterfield. Jof iah, ye Son of M"- Nicholas Fefinden 70 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. June 24 1716. July 1 22 Aug. Sept. 30 (19) Dec. 2. 96 23: 30: Aug: Octob ; Feb: March May Oct: Jan : March May June Nov: Dec: Feb. March April May July Oct: Dec: Jan May: Sarah, y^ daughter of Henry Smith Jonathan, y® Son of M"^ Remington Abigail, y® daughter of John Prentice William, y® Son of Benj. Goddard Oldham, y^ Son of Amos Gates Carried to page (29). Persons Married by W*' Brattle. 9:97: 21 : 15: 23: 18. 11.98: 17: 14: 2. 16. 17. 99 : 8: 15: 14: 26: 5: 12: 13. 9. 1700. 18 22: 25: 1: 19: 31 : 2. > 1701 9: 10: 11 : 12: 13; 14 15: 16. 17: 18; 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25 26 27 28 29: 30; Samuel Sparhawk & Sarah Whiting : Thomas Prentice & Mariah Rufsell : The Rev'' M"", Benj : Wadsworth & Mrs, Ruth Bordman : Abraham Ireland, «fe Abigail Durrant : Ephraim Osborn, & Jane Matson : Francis BegMr & Elizabeth Lynn : Samuel Dunton & Anna Davis : Philip Cook & Sarah Read : Jofeph Crackbone & Abigail Rice : William Baker & Sarah Crackbone : Samuel Rolf & Martha Gibson : John Hafcall & Mary Squire : John Woodward & Sarah Smith : Walter Rufsell & Mary Patten : Benjamin Green & Elizabeth Lobdill : Samuel Livermore & Eliz. Parker John Smith & Martha Eams : Nathaniel Hancock & Sarah Green : Chriftopher Hall & Mary Homer : John Knight & Dorcas Cleeveland : John Pattin & Margaret Luxford : John Streeter & Mary Whetcomb : Philemon Chaundler &, Hannah Cheaney : The Rev-J M-^ Thos : Weld & M""^ Mary Savage Mofes Bordman & Abigial Haf tings. Kbenezer Williams & Mary Palfray : Jofeph Allin & Elizabeth Robbins Jonathan Ward & Abigail Hall : Richard Robbins & Anna Baverick : Doct"^ Saml' Gedney & M""^ Mary Gookin : Hecords of the First Church in Cambridge. 71 May 19: 1701 31 June 11. 32 July 9, 33 Aug: 11 34 14 35 Oct: 9 36 27 37 Nov: 6. 38 13. 39 18. 40 Feb. 3, 41 Apr: 30. 1702 42 May 7. 43 Nov: 12. 44 Dec: 10. 45 31 : 46 Jan : 7: 47 14. 48 20. 49 May 19. 1703. 50 Sept: 2. 51 Nov: 4. 52 11 53 Jan. 25 3/4 54 March 1 : 3/4 55 Mar. 23 . 1703/4 56 May 25 1704 57 July 20 58 Aug. 8. 59 10 60 (18) Jan : 5 : 1704/5 61 Feb : 22 : 62 March 15 63 Apr. 9. 1705 64 Tlie Rev^' M"" Timothy Stevens «fe M''* Alice Whiting : Gershom Cutter & Mehetabell Abbot : M'- Tho : Symmes & M''^ Eliz Blower. John La-core & Sarah Fergufon. Jonathan Mores & Elizabeth Woodhead — Thomas Baverick & Eliz. Begar — The Rev^ M^' Nath" Hunting & M-"^ Mary Green : Thomas Prentice & Mary Batfon : Daniel Hastings & Abigail Cookfey. Mr Daniel Greenleaf & M^"^ Eliz. Gookin. William Warland & Tabitha Hill, Stephen Coolidg & Sarah Parker — James Wright & Elizabeth Patten — Jacob Watfon & INIary Hely — Jofeph Hovey & Mary Marrett — Ifaac Shepard & Elizabeth Fuller — Deacon Walter Hafting & M'^^ Eliz. Clark.— Ebenezer Hancock & Sufanna Clark — Benjamin Wyraan &. Eliz. Hancock — Amos Gates & Hannah Oldham — Samuel Fofter & Mercy Coon. — James Clark & Mary Lamfon — William Brown & Deborah Squire — Matthew Mallett & Abigail Lynn. — Maj-" Thomas Brown & M'-* Mary Phips — Samuel Robinfon & Sarah Manning M'' William Gedney & Mrs. Eliz. Andrews. The Rev'* M'' Thomas Barnard & M"'* Lydia Goff. Edward Twing & Lydia Smith Sam" Seers & Deborah Streeter John Prentice & Mary Smith : John Richardfon & Lydia Pratt: Samuel Jones & Sarah Hill : John Robins & Abigail Adams : 72 Records of tJie F^irst Ohurclt in Cambridge. Nov. 8 : 1705 65: Dec. 27. ^Q>: Apr. 3 1706 67: 4 68: May 1 69: July 23 70: Aug. 8 71 : Dec. 26. 72: Oct. 29. 1707 i ■> : 74: Feb.25. 1707/8 75: April 8. 1708 76: 29 77 : Juue 17 78: 24 79: Sept: 9 80: 17 81: 30 82: Octob. 14 83: Nov. 23. 84: March 29 1709 85: May 25 86, June 23 87 July 5 88: Aug. 3. 89: Octob: 27 90: Dec. 29 91: Feb. 16. 92. March 'li. 93 94. 1710 30 95. Apr : 17 96. May 4. 97. 9 98. June 22 99. Jan : 4 100. 18 101 Jeremiah Ruggles & Mehet. Gale : Lieu* Danie! Dane & Margaret Adams Walter Rufsell & Elizabeth Winfhip Jonathan Hides & Hannah Dana David Mofs & Mercy Egar Bartholomew Barrett & Rebeccah Warland M"" Nicholas Fefinden & Mrs. Sarah Coolidge : Jonathan Gove & Lydia Cooper Samuel Robins & Rebeccah Grandy. Benjamin Farley & Anna Dunton : Henry Dunfter & Martha Rufsell : Ifaac Manning & Margaret Egar: Jacob Parker & Ursula Eaton. Ephraim Winfhip & Hannah Cutter- John Hill & Anna Remington M'' Thomas Greaves & M''^ Sybil Avery M"^' Samuel Gookiu & M^'* Hannah Bifcoe Stephen Willis & Martha Bordman Aaron Bordman & Elizabeth Parker : Capt" Sam' Frothingham & Abig. Oldham Nathaniel Billings & Lydia Luxford. The Rev'' M'" Israel Loriug & M'"^ Mary Hayman William Willis & Rebeccah Watson John Stinfon & Rebeccah Bunker Jofeph Robins & Jane Dickfon- Samuel Woodberry & Elizabeth Cookworthy John Clark & Hannah Dane Ebeu"" Dor & Mary Bordman [ rhomas] Miller & Elizab. [p]xperience. Town Record] Fuller Aaron Cady «fe Mercy Fuller John Rufsell & Elizabeth Pattin John Groce & Hannah Nutting- John Willingboy *& Elizabeth Rufsell Hubbard Rufsell & F^lizabeth Dickfon Jofhua Gammage & Deborah Wyeth : Benjamin Baulch & Mary Prentice : Jofeph Adams & Rebeccah Cutter Records of the. Fi)'fifc()e & Sarah Remington EdnuHul Frost & Hannah Ooopor Thomas I<'oord & Ruth Bradil'h Jereuiiah Chirk & Patience Dana B(;njamin riKuhvick & Hann:ih Vv eleli iM'' Theopliihis Cotton & AP^ Mary (Jfdncy M'' Jouath" Remington & Mrs. Lucy Bradstreet Jofi'ph Phillips & Kiizabeth (Jibfon — Nath' Paitin <.\r Sarah Hancock — John Parkei- & Mary Hancock Samuel Winchip & Jane Fefindcn John Crreeu & Elizabeth Coree Capt" Samuel Gookiu & M''^ Su fauna i'arkcr Benjamin Shattuek & Rachel Clark- Jofeph. Farley & Abigail Cook Jol'hua Parker & Mary Fefinden Nathnniel Cutter & Sarah Wiufhip 'riiomas Errington & Aliig. Rice Thomas Carter & Sufannah Winfhip Thomas Dill & Mary Cheney — John Maynord & Eliz. Needhani Thomas Filiebrown & Ifabella Cutter Natlianiel Winship & Rebeccah Pierce John Richardl'on & Ah. Swan James Peed & Sarah Batl'on Ephraim Froft & Sni-ah Cooper Jacob Hill «fe Sufanna Hancock — John Fuller & Margaret Hicks. Jofeph Sprague & Sarah Stedman (19) Dec. 10. 17 ! Jonathan Maynard & Mehet. Needhani Jan. 26, 17U W" Manfor tt Lydia Swan also George Abbot & Rebec, Swan. Feb. 17,1714 Jofeph Lawrence & Hannah Marrett June 8. 1715 M'' Dan. Appleton & M''" Ebz. Berry Oct. 13. Sam' Whittemore & Mary Hicks 26. DoctM)olhouad & M''" Eliz. Stedman Feb. 1 ! 710 102 103. 1 711 April 5 101. 19 105 May 10 106 Aug. 16 107. Sept. 108 Oct. 4 I 09 15 110. Dec. : >0. u '11 111 Jan. 10 112 25 113 Feb. 29 1!4 Blarcii 27 17 ■12 115 May 8 116 June 15 117 Dec. 11. 118 Feb. 5 119 Apr. 1 1713 120 May 11 120 Dec. 10 121 122 Feb. 11 123 July 1. 17 '14 124 Aug. 12 125 Sept. 9 126 29 127 Oct. 14 128 Nov. 30 129 74 Record.'i of the First Church in Cmnhvidge. W Benjamin Gerrifh & M'"* Martha Foxcroft M'" Dan Gookiu & M'"" Sarah Bifcoe William Fefinden & Martha Wyeth Ebenezer Fifher & Elizabeth Hicks Thomas Froft & Mai-y Butterfield Jof. Hicks & Rebeccah Palfray W"^ Winfhip & Thankfull Wyeth Sam' Griffin & Ab. Dana Persons Married by Nath"' Appleton. Francis Kidder & Mary Prentice W" Dickfon & Ruth Prentice W"' Warland & Anne Parker John Wiul'hip & Elizabeth Wyeth Edmund Fowles & Mercy Smith Abraham Hill & Prudence Hancock Thomas Dana & Mary Parker Cap' Nicholas Bows & M''* Martha Remington Joseph Carter & Anna Cooper Maj'' John Denison & M'"'' Mary Leverett Samuel Carter & Margery Dickfon M' John Higginson & Ruth Bordman The Rev^ M"" Henry Mefsinger & M''^ Esther Chever Eleazer Parker & Hannah Humphreys Samuel Cooper & Sarah Kidder Nath" I'attin & Sarah ffrost John Cooper Sen'' & Sarah Hancock John Oldham & Mindwel Palks Samuel Cutter & Anne Herrington Daniel Haws & Bridget Chever Caleb Lampfou & Dorothy Hancok. Joseph Shed & Susanna Rice John Cooper & Lydia Prentice John Hicks & Rebeccah Champney Abraham White & Mary Smith James Read & Mary Oldham Walter Cooper & Mary Goddard W'" Upham & Naomi Dana P^benezer Cutter & Sarah Cutter June 28 1716 July 9 Oct. 11 19 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Jan. 9 Feb. 13, I 1718 June 12 July 3. Oct. 2. 23 Dec. 18. Jan 22, 1719 29 Feb. 13 Apr. 9 June 30 Dec. 4. Jan. 5. 1720. Mar. 24. 29 May 17 June 21 Nov. 1. Nov. 10. 22 24 Dec. 16 April 6. 1721. May 8 June 22 Apr. 3. 1722 June 7 21 July 19 Records of flic First (^]iurcli in (Janihridfje. 7/J Sept. 27 1722 John Pierce & Susanna Marret. Oct. 4 Richard Rose & Huldah Riifsell 9 Thomas Brown & Abigail Cheney Nov. 8 M'" Richard Davenport & Abigail Hancock March 27 1723 Benjamin Hopkins & Hannah Wilson Solomon Chanipney & Eliz"' Cnnningham John Weld & Margaret ffuller Jabez Carter & Abigail IManning Ebenezer tfroft & Deborah Martin Daniel t'liampney & 'I'abitha Hancock James Clark & Eliz"' Collis. Phillip Bemus & Elizabeth Eawrence Nath" Goddard t^ Mary Cooper 1 vStudents 4. Sam' Spear 5. Benj. Webb G. James Read 7. Stephen Prentice 8. Nath' Prentice 9. John Foord 10. M'-^ S. Sparhawk 11. Abiel Hovey 12. Goody B urges Sen'' 13. The wife of J. Read. 14. X^ wife of St. Prentice. 15. Y'' wife of N. Prentice 16. Elizabeth Berry 17. Mercy Oliver l-S. Mercy Chapman 19. Marg' Hicks. Aug. 7. 1715 1. John Lawrence 84 Recordfi of the J^h'sf, Church in Cambridge. Aug. 7. 1715 2. The W. of Dan' Squire 3. The W. of J. Lawrence Oct. 16 1. William Fefinden. 2. Margaret Fefinden March 4. 1. Joflah Bond. 2. •John Hicks. 3. Sarah Agar. 4. Rebeccah Coolidg. 5. Ruth Hicks. May 13, 171(5. 1. George Abbot 2. Nathaniel Cotton 3. Francis Kidder 4. .John Manning 5. Elizabeth Smith 6. The wife of Jon" Gates 7. The Wife of Ifaac Watfon 8. The W, of George Abbot 9. Sarah Kidder 10. 11. Elizabeth Stacye Ruth Bordman July 22 1. 2. Colonell Phips. Hezekiah Gould. 3. Elizabeth Bordman. 4. Eliz. Gardner. Sept. 30, 1. 2. 3. S-" Brown .Jofeph Moodey Deborah Gamage 4. Martha Wyeth Dec. 9. 1. Nath' Robins Jun' 2. The Wife Sam' Angier About 370. 3. The W. of Nath Robins Persons admitted to full communio by Nathaniel Appleton March 16.1717/8 Sir Cheekley [Samuel] Elkanah Osbon Sam" Scott Joseph Adams liecords of the First Chun// i/i Camhridfje. 85 March 16, 1717/.S Thomas Frost 'rho"" Fillebrown Jun''. Rebecca Ingham Sarah Scot Eliz"' W. of Walter Ruf sell P:Uz : W. Hobart Kul'sell Mary Frost Sarah Frost Mary Brafier May 11 Warham Williams ) ^, ^ I Students Solomon Williams j Samuel Dana Ebeuezer Fefsenden luly 6. Sam" I'rentice Aug. 31, 1718. John Knight Elizabeth Nutting Martha Moore Mary Dana Novbr. 2 Doiothy Manning Decemb'' 21 Ephraim Frost John Hancock Stud' Bethiah Champuey Feb. 1.5 1718/i) M'' Sam" Andrews Nathi' l)liver Gerl'home Davis Will"^ Wiufhip Nath" Leonard Stud' Bethiah, W : Nath" Oliver Eliz ; W ; of Nath" Cutter Sarah, W: Gershom Davis Rebecca, W : Nath" Winfhip Mary W ; Francis Kidder Thankful, w : Wil>" Winfhip Eliz : Andrews d : M'" Hickes April 12. 1719 Jacob Watfon Joseph Robbins Jane w : Jos : Robbins 86 Records of the First Chnrch in Camhridge- April 12. 1719 Abigail Hancock Margery Dickson Jim. 7 Sam" Angier Sam" Felch Katharine Felch Aug^t. 9. Will™ Rand. Student. Mary Langley Nov. 29, John Cook Jonathan Butterfield Esther Chevers 1719/20 William Manning Jan : 31 : Consider Lycore Tabitha Hancock Mar. 26 M"" William Cook Benjamin Balch John Cooper Nimphus Stacy Susanna Dana Eleanor Phipps Eliz : Prentice May. 15 : Nathaniel Tufts. Thomas Clap — Student. M''^ Sarah Leverett M'« Mary Denison Mary Wife of Tho^ Dana July 10 Nathaniel Rogers — Stud* Jonathan Nutting Jun'' Rachel Stone Sept. 4. Alice, W : of James Cutter Mary. D : of Joseph Hicks. Oct. 30 Jonathan Gove Mary Chainpuey I „ „ , -^ ^„ -^ y D*"^" of Sam" Champney Rebecca Champney j Dec. 25 S'" Eliot [Jacob] Dorothy w : of James Upham Becords of the First Clmrrh in Ca'))ihrid^ Dickson 10 Mary of Edmund Angier. June. 7 David of Joseph Kent July. 19. Ruth of Joshua G-ammage Aug. 2. Ruth of Samuel Felch 9. Persis of Jonathan Gates Sept. 27. Abraham of Abraham Hill Jun"". Oct. 1 1 . Jonathan of Abraham Ireland Josiah of John Winfhip 25 Stephen of M'"'' Sarah Fefsenden William of Nathaniel Tufts Nov. 22. Joshua of Henry Prentice 29 Hephsibah of Thomas Frost Mary of Thomas Dana Dec. 27 Deborah of W°^ Winfhip 1720 Hannah of Isaac Manning Stephen of Solomon Pientice John of Jonathan Hastings Martha of William Fefsenden Mary of Maj"" Denifon Mary of Daniel Gookin (29) Jan 3. Feb. 28 Maicl 1 6 20 Apr. 29 May •29 June 12 1720 19 26 July 10. 17 24 Sept. 18"' 90 Records of the First ChurcJi in Cambridge^ Deborah of Jonathan Wj^eth Mary of Pvdward Manning Solomon of W"^ Dickson John of John Cutter Samuel of Francis Kidder Martha of Nathaniel Winfhip David of Joseph Robbins John of John Manning Esther of Caleb Hovy. Rebecca of Joseph Adams. Susannah of Amos Gates. Nathaniel of Samuel Cooper Mary of Ebenezer Burgefs 25 Solomon of John Robbins Susanuali of Joseph Craft Susannah of Samuel Dana Isaiah of Henry Dunster John of M*' Remington John of John FUlebrown Ruth of Samuel Whittamore My Daughter Margaret [Appleton.] Rebecca of John Bradifh Anna of Ephraim Froft Sarah of Jonathan Gove. John of John Phillips of Water Town Solomon of Nathaniel Prentice Spencer of Col. Phipps Andrew of Cap*^ Moses Bordman Jonathan of Edmund Froft Mary of Stephen Palmer Mar. 12 John of Daniel Squire 26 Elizabeth of John Winfhip April 9 Robert of James Cutter Francis of ffrancis Lock May 7 Elizabeth of Samuel Bowman Oct. 16 23 30 Nov. 6. Dec. 4 18 1721 Jan Jan, 22. Feb. 5 20. cf . <■ c. . u ,-^- I By M'- Cotton Stephen of Stephen Haftings ) "^ 21 Jonathan of Jonathan Shattuck of Water Town. 1721 May 21 June 25 July 9. Aug. 6 13 27 Sept. 10 17, 24 liecords of the First Church in Cambridge. 91 P^lizabeth of Eleazer Parker Rachel of Dorothy Manning Rebecca of George Abbot I baptifed at Water Town William of Nathaniel Tufts Susanna of Thomas Dana Thomas of W" Warland Prudence of Abraham Hill jun"* Solomon of William Dickson Margaret of Jonathan Gates Sarah of Jofhua Gammage William of Samuel Cutter Martha of Nathaniel Robbins. Samuel of Samuel ffelch Oct. 1 James of James Read John of Joseph Shed 8. William of M'' W™ Hutchinson 15 Edward of Walter Rufsel Samuel of Samuel Cooper Elizabeth of Thomas Brown Margaret of W" Fefsenden James of Francis Kidder Patience of Samuel Angler Sarah of John Manning Samuel of Samuel Whittemore Mary of Jacob Hill Jonathan of John Fowle «fe Stephen of John Codmau of Charlfton Caleb of Henry Prentice Rebecca of John Hicks Ruth of Thomas Frost Lydia of John Prentice John of Timothy Reed Sarah of Joseph Frost of Charlestown Abigail of John Cutter p]benezer of EbenezerBurgefs. Sarah of Caleb Hovy. Lydia of John Bemus. Josiah of Allen Flagg 29 Nov. 12. Dec. 24. 1722 Jan. 14. 28 Feb. 4. 25. Mar. 17 April 8 15 29. May 27 June 3. 17 92 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1722 June 17 Joseph of Joseph Hastings Att Weft Water Town Joshua of John Gale Hannah of John Chadwick Mary of John Bradifh. By M"" Hunting. 24 Aaron of Gerfhome Cutter Carried to page (33) 86 (30) Persons admitted to full Communion. 1722/3 Feb. 17. Samuel Bowman Edward Manning Jn** Comer Mary w: Edw** Manning 1723 Mary D : of S : Bowman Apr. 24. Jn" Sturgis Student. Abr"^ Watfon 9. Eunice Augier June. Peter Hurd Mary, D : Nath" Robbins Sept. 29 M"^ Nathan Bafset Sam" Cutter Anne Cutter, his wife Nov. 24 Edw'^ Hunting.— Stud. Eliz. D : of Jn" Cooper Eliz. D : Tho« Prentice 1723/4 Edmund Frost Jan. 19. John Swan Jos : Crackbone Hannah, w : Edm : Froft Anne, w : Jos : Winfhip Jun' Mary. W : Eben'^'" Burgefs Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 93 1723/4 S"" Hancock [Nathaniel] March 15 Sam" Holding Sam" Coopei" W"' Cutter Tho^ Robins Mary W. W" Manning Eliz*'> Hancock May 10 Susanna wife of Sam" Holding 1724 Prifcilla Dana Augs' 30. Francis Lock Abram Hill Jun'' Eliz"' wife of Francis Lock Wid^'' Lydia Cooper Oct. 25. Noah Champney Dec'"" 20. Mary, ye wife of Nath" Tufts. Feb. 14. 1724/5 M"" W" Osgood M'" Joseph Champney Hepsibah y*^ wife of John Robbiiis Hannah Cutter April 11. Sir White [Nath'] ^ John Williams >■ Students. Thomas Prentice J Joseph Kent Jun'' Anne Cutter wife of W" Cutter Anna Fillebrown Sept. 26. Mary, y« wife of Joseph Shed Nov. 21. Benjamin Kent | ^^^^^^^^ Zachary Hicks j 1725/6 — Jan. 16. Ebenezer Froft Joseph Lord » g^^^^^,, Solomon Prentice ' 94 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1725/6 Jan.16. Stephen Kent Jauy 23 Deborah, wife of Eb. Froft. Samuel Rand Oct. 28 Mar. 13 Jacob Hill John Winfhip W" Barrett Junior. Abigail wife of M'' Monis Eliz : wife of J. Winfhip Mary wife John Prentice Elizabeth Barrett May 8 1 M"" Step : Sewall 1 2 M W" Brattle \ Std'^ 3 James Chaundler J 4 John Dickson Jun'' 5 Ebenezer Wyeth 6 Sufanna his wife 7 Sarah wife of Andrew Willfon 8 Margaret Pattin 9 Sarah D. of J. Fefsenden 10 Elizabeth Fefsenden 1727 Edward Barrett Apr' 9 M'' Sam" Danforth Stephen Palmer Mary Palmer his wife. Sarah y*^ wife of Sam" Smith Mary wife of John Dickfon Jun"". June 4. Sir Rogers, Sen' [Daniel] vSam^' Sparhawk John Biirgefs Sarah wife Sam' Belcher Martha Brown Abigail Brown. June 4. Anne Fillebrown Mary Kidder July 30 Joanna, w. of Sam" Cook Jun"" Sept. 24. ■ Caleb Dana Phoebe his wife Hannah Kidder Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 95 1727 Sam Belcher Nov. 26. Sir Cutter [Ammi RuhamahJ.A Jonalh" Belcher I Joseph Fish |- Students Joseph Manning Nathan Mayhiew 1727/8 Jan. 7. Ichabod Brown, difmifed fromNewton church to us. 14. Joseph Winfhip John Wyeth Ephraim Ozburn Downing Champney Richard Champney Benjamin Edey Margaret wife of Isaac Manning Eliz"^ wife of Phillip Bemus Eliz'i' Hoar Exeua Jackson Sarah Ozburn Mary Coolidge Martha Dunster Mehetabel Cutter Feb. 25 Mathew Abdy Ruth Abdy ^^"^ ^^'^ ^^'^^'' Baptized. March 10 M'' Stephen Coolidge ) Sir Rogers Jun'' [John], j Jofhua Gammage Thomas Robbins Nath" Eells David Sterns ^ Philemon Robbins )• Studts Jofeph Mayhew Thomas Tyler 1728 Sir Stedman j [Jonathan.] May 5 Enoch Freeman Will'" Williams ^ Students Pearly How John Wood Hein-y Prentice Jun"^ 96 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1728 Christopher Bridge May 5 Hannah Parker wf . of Eleazer Sarah Nutting Mary Nutting Lydia Champuey ) TD^i nu \ D- of S"^ Cham. Ruth Champney S Sufanna Champney d. J. C. Mary Swan D. Eben»" Swan Lydia Cutter D. John Cutter Martha Rufsell D. W. Rufsel Bethia Grover D. J. G. June 30. Edward Dickson Benjamin Goddard Jun"" John Kidder Nath" Kidder Sarah wife of Edward Rufsel Deborah Crefsen (31) Aug. 25. M' Nicholas Bows Daniel Champney Jun"" James Jackfon Jonathan Haftings — Student Oct'^"" 20. Phinehas Hemmenway — Student Sarah wife of Ephraim Froft. 1729 Benjamin Vial -^. ,1 Students April 6. James Diamond j Hannah, wife of Tbo'^ Soden Rebecca W. of Luxford Pattin Jane Hubbard July 27 Thomas Champney Sept. 21. Prifcilla Sparhawk W. of N. Sparhawk Elizabeth Robbins, W of John Robbius Lydia Gove D. of Jon^ Gove Titus an Indian Man Servant belonging to Presid, Wadfworth Nov"' 16 John Gove Jan^ 1 1 . Luxford Pattin Jonatlian Cooper Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 97 1729 Mary Gove D of Jou' Gove Jany, 11. Rebecca Cutter, D of John Cutter Lydia Cutter D. of Gerfh: Cutter March 9. Mary Duuster ") .,/.,,. ^ [ Dters of H. Dunster Abigail Duuster ) 1730 Thomas Hall May 3 Thomas Sparhawk Patience Hall W of Tho* Hall M--^ Martha Bridge Aug^* 23 Josiah Robbins James Brad if h Ruth Butterfield Jane Cutter Wife of George Cutter Oct'" 18. Dorothy Angier M'' Henry Gibbs ) T^ , . . \ Students Ephraim Avery j John Prentice Jun"" Elizabeth Bordman D. of Capt. Bord. Dec'"^ 13. Deborah Robbins D. of N. Robbins 1730/1 Samuel Prentice of Sol: Prentice Feb. 7. Abigail Bordman D. of Capt. Bordman 1731 Thomas Williams Apr. 4. Walter Rufsell Junior. May 30 Mary wife of Solomon Hancock Abigail, wife of Ebeuezer Shed Mary, wife of James Ozburn Philicia Servant of Majr Brattle. July 25 Phoebe Pattin Phoebe Butterfield Sept. 19 Mary, wife of Thomas Sparhawk. Feb. 20 Jofeph Breen & ] difmifsed from y new Hannah his wife J North Chh, in Bofton. 1732 March 6. Peter Tufts Ebeuezer Shed 98 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1732 March 6. June 25 Aug. 20 Dec. 10 1732/3 Feb. 14. April 1. May 27. July 22 (32) 1733. Sept. 16, Nov^"^ 18 1738/4 Jan-'y 6 March 3. M" Lucy Remington \ daughters of M''^ Martha Remington j M'' Remington Elizabeth Bradifh, D. of J. Bradifh Ebenezer Cutter Thomas Goddard Sarah W. of Ebenezer Cutter Martha Hancock Lydia Mores Jemima Wife of Jonath° Batherick Hannah Cook Elizabeth Cook James Peirce Deborah Brown D. of W™. Brown Hannah Cutter D. of John Cutter Tehetabel Kent Deborah Batherick Edward Marrett Sir Breck [Robert.] Sir Porter [Samuel.] Sir Sparhawk [John.] Sir Winthrop [John.] Thomas Balch Students. Hannah Angier Elizabeth Whitemore Vid p. (32) Sarah Robbins Mary wife of Sam^^ Hopkins Amos Marrett Jun. Hannah Frost ) Elizabeth Frost 3 daughters of Edmund Froft. Jonathan Edmunds Mary Oliver, widdow Sarah, W. of Jacob Hill Jun^. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 89 Dec. 7. 1718 John of Joseph Sprague Jacob of Jason Williams 14 Rebeccah of Nathaniel Winfhip W". of VV" Fefsenden 1719 Stephen of Edmund Froft Isabell of Gerfhom Cutter Sarah of Ephraim Frost John of John Williams Elizabeth of Jacob Hill. Tabitha of John Hill. Thomas of Nath" Robins Jun"^. Walter of Capt. Moses Bordman Anne of W"' Warland Mary of Francis Kidder Jun''. John of John Swan William of W'" Dickson Mary of Edmund Angier.' David of Joseph Kent Ruth of Joshua Gammage Ruth of Samuel Felch Persis of Jonathan Gates Abraham of Abraham Hill Jun*". Jonathan of Abraham Ireland Josiah of John Winfhip •25 Stei)hen of M''- Sarah Fefsenden William of Nathaniel Tufts Nov. 22. Joshua of Henry Prentice 29 Hephsibah of Thomas Frost Mar}' of Thomas Dana Dec. 27 Deborah of W'" Winfhip (29) Jan 3. 1720 Hannah of Isaac Manning Feb. 28 Stephen of Solomon Prentice March 6 John of Jonathan Hastings Martha of William Fefsenden 20 Mary of Maj'" Deuifon Apr. 29 Mary of Daniel Gookin Jan. 18. 25 Feb. 1. 15. Mar. 8 15. 29. Apr. 12. May. 3. 10 June, . 7 July. 19. Aug. 2. 9. Sept. 27. Oct. 11. May 29 June 12 1720 19 26 July 10. 17 24 Sept. 13th ^0 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Deborah of Jonathan Wyeth Mary of Edward Manning Solomon of W" Dickson John of John Cutter Samuel of Francis Kidder Martha of Nathaniel Winfhip David of Joseph Robbins John of John Manning- Esther of Caleb Hovy. Rebecca of Joseph Adams. Susannah of Amos Gates. Nathaniel of Samuel Cooper Mary of Ebenezer Burgefs 25 Solomon of John Robbins Susiinnah of Joseph Craft Susannah of Samuel Dana Isaiah of Henry Dunster John of M'' Remington John of John Fillebrown Ruth of Samuel Whittamore My Daughter Margaret [Appleton.] Rebecca of John Bradifh Anna of Ephraim Froft Sarah of Jonathan Gove. John of John Phillips of Water Town Solomon of Nathaniel Prentice Spencer of Col. Phipps Andrew of Cap' Moses Bordnian Jonathan of Edmund Froft Mary of Stephen Palmer Mar. 12 John of Daniel Squire 26 Elizabeth of John Winfhip April 9 Robert of James Cutter Francis of ffrancis Lock May 7 Elizabeth of Samuel Bowman ] _. __,. ,, ^ o , . o , XX . • I By M' Cotton Stephen of Stephen Haftings ) 21 Jonathan of Jonathan Shattuck of Water Town. Oct. 16 23 30 Nov. 6. Dec. 4 18 1721 Jan. 1 Jan. 22. Feb. 5 20. 1721 May 21 June 25 July 9, Aug. 6 13 27 Sept. 10 17, 24 Records of (he First Church in Cambridge. 91 Elizabeth of Eleazer Parker Rachel of Dorothy Manuing Rebecca of George Abbot I baptifed at Water Town William of Nathaniel Tufts Susanna of Thomas Dana Thomas of W" Warland Prudence of A])raham Hill jun'' Solomon of William Dickson Margaret of Jonathan Gates Sarah of Jofhua Gammage William of Samuel Cutter Martha of Nathaniel Robbins. Samuel of Samuel ffelch Oct. 1 James of James Read John of Joseph Shed 8. William of M'' W" Hntchinson 15 Edward of Walter Rufsel Samnel of Samuel Cooper Elizabeth of Thomas Brown Margaret of W" Fefsenden James of Francis Kidder Patience of Samuel Angier Sarah of John Manning- Samuel of Samuel Whittemore Mary of Jacob Hill Jonathan of John Fowle & Stephen of John Codman of Charlfton Caleb of Henry Prentice Rebecca of John Hicks Ruth of Thomas Frost Lydia of John Prentice John of Timothy Reed Sarah of Joseph Frost of Charlestown Abigail of John Cutter Ebenezer of Ebenezer Burgefs. Sarah of Caleb Hovy. Lydia of John Beuuis. Josiali of Allen Flagg 29 Nov. 12. Dec. 24. 1722 Jan. 14. 28. Feb. 4. 25. Mar. 17 April 8 15 29. May 27 June 3. 17 92 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. \12'2 June 17 Joseph of Joseph Hastings Att Weft Water Town Joshua of John Gale Hannah of John Chadwick Mary of John Bradifh. By M' Hunting. 24 Aaron of Gerfhome Cutter Carried to page (33) 86 (30) Persons admitted to pull Commdnion. 1722/3 Feb. 17. Samuel Bowman Edward Manning Jn^ Comer Mary w: Edw^ Manning Mary D : of S : Bowman 1723 Apr. 24. Jn° Sturgis Student. Abr-^ Watfon Eunice Angier June. 9. Peter Hurd Mary, D : Nath" Robbins Sept. 29 M'' Nathan Bafset Sam" Cutter Anne Cutter, his wife Nov. 24 Edw"^ Hunting.— Stud. Eliz. D : of Jn" Cooper Eliz. D : Tho« Prentice 1723/4 Edmund Frost Jan. 19. John Swan Jos : Crackboue Hannah, w : Edm : Frof t Anne, w : Jos : Winfhip Jun'' Mary. W : Eben'"" Burgefs Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 93 1723/4 S"" Hancock [Nathaniel] March 15 Sam" Holding Sam" Cooper W"^ Cutter Tho« Robins Mary W. W" Manning Eliz"' Hancock May 10 Susanna wife of Sam" Holding 1724 Prif cilia Dana Aug«' 30. Francis Lock Abram Hill Jun"" Eliz''' wife of Francis Lock Wid"' Lydia Cooper Oct. 25. Noah Champney Dec'^'' 20. Mary, ye wife of Nath" Tufts. Feb. 14. 1724/5 M^ W" Osgood M'' Joseph Champney Hepsibah y^ wife of John Robbins Hannah Cutter April 11. Sir White [Nath'] ^ John Williams > Students. Thomas Prentice j Joseph Kent Jun*" Anne Cutter wife of W"' Cutter Anna Fillebrown Sept. 26. Mary, y« wife of Joseph Shed Nov. 21. Benjamin Kent ^ students Zachary Hicks 1725/6 Jan. 16. Ebenezer Froft Joseph Lord J o^. itM o 1 v> ^- \ Stud'« fsn onion Prentice ' 94 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1725/6 Jan.16. Stephen Kent Jany 23 Deborah, wife of Eb. Froft. Samuel Rand Mar. 13 Jacob Hill John Winfbip W" Barrett Junior. Abigail wife of M'' Monis Eliz : wife of J. Winfbip Mary wife John Prentice Elizabeth Barrett May 8 1 2 M"- Step : Sewall M W" Brattle [ Std'^ 3 James Chaundler J 4 John Dickson Jun' 5 6 Ebenezer Wyeth Sufanna his wife 7 Sarah wife of Andrew Willfon 8 9 Margaret Pattin Sarah D. of J. Fefseuden Oct. 23 1727 10 Elizabeth Fefsenden Edward Barrett Apri9 M' Sam" Danforth Stephen Palmer Mary Palmer his wife. Sarah y*' wife of Sam" Smith Mary wife of John Dickfon Jun^ June 4. Sir Rogers, Sen' [Daniel] Sam^' Sparhawk John Burgefs Sarah wife Sam' Belcher Martha lirown ' Abigail Brown. June 4. Anne Fillebrown Mary Kidder July 30 Joanna, w. of Sam'' Cook Jun' Sept. 24. Caleb Dana Phoebe his wife Hannah Kidder Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 95 1727 Sam Belcher Nov. 26. Sir Cutter [Ammi Riihamah].\ Jonalh" Belcher Joseph Fish )■ Students Joseph Mauniug Nathan Mayhiew 1727/8 I Jan. 7. Ichabod Brown, difmiCed fromNewton church to us. 14. Joseph Winfhip John Wyeth Ephraim Ozburu Downing Chanipney Richard Champney Benjamin Edey Margaret wife of Isaac Manning Eliz'^ wife of Phillip Bemus Eliz"^ Hoar Exena Jackson Sarah Ozburn Mary Coolidge Martha Dunster Mehetabel Cutter Feb. 25 Mathew Abdy , ~ ^ .. . , 1 who were allfo Baptized. Ruth Abdy ^ March 10 M'' Stephen Coolidge | Sir Rogers Jun"' [John], j Jofhua Gammage Thomas Robbins Nath" Eells David Sterns Philemon Robbins )- Studts Jofeph Mayhew Thomas Tyler 1728 Sir Stedman [Jonathan.] May 5 P^uoch Freeman Will'" Williams \ Students Pearly How John Wood Henry Prentice Jun r 96 Records of the First Church in Cambridge, 1728 Christopher Bridge May 5 Hannah Parker wf . of Eleazer Sarah Nutting Mary Nutting Lydia Champney \ T>\, nu 1 D- of S"^ Cham. Ruth Champney ) Sufanna Champney d. J. C. Mary Swan D. Eben"" Swan Lydia Cutter D. John Cutter Martha Rufsell D. W. Rufsel Bethia Grover D. J. G. June 30. Edward Dickson Benjamin Goddard Jun' John Kidder Nath" Kidder Sarah wife of Edward Rufsel Deborah Crefsen (31) Aug. 25. M' Nicholas Bows Daniel Champney Jun'' James Jackfon Jonathan Haftings — Student Oct'''" 20. Fhinehas Hemmeuway — Student Sarah wife of Ephraim Froft. 1729 Benjamin Vial -^. ,1 Students April 6. James Diamond J Hannah, wife of Tho** Soden Rebecca W. of Luxford Pattin Jane Hubbard July 27 Thomas Champney Sept. 21. Prifcilla Sparhawk W. of N. Sparhawk Elizabeth Robbins, W of John Robbins Lydia Gove D. of Jon*^ Gove Titus an Indian Man Servant belonging to Presid, Wadfworth Nov'''" 16 John Gove Jany 1 1 . Luxford Pattin Jonathan Cooper Record fi of the First Church in Cambridge. 97 1729 Mary Gove D of Jon" Gove Jany. 11. Rebecca Cutter, D of John Cutter Lydia Cutter D. of Gerfh : Cutter March 9. Mary Dunster ) „ .^ ^ Ai- -I n , \ D^"' "f H. Duns Abigail Dunster ) 1730 Thomas Hall May 3 Thomas Sparhawk Patience Hall W of Tho'^ Hall M'"'' Martha Bridge Aug** 23 Josiah Robbins James Bradifh Ruth Butterlield Jane Cutter Wife of George Cutter Oct'"' 18. Dorothy Angier M"" Henry Gibbs ) ,, , T^ , . . \ Students Ephraim Avery ) • John Prentice Jun'' Elizabeth Bordman D. of Capt. Bord. Dec'^' 13. Deborah Robbins D. of N. Robbins 1730/1 Samuel Prentice of Sol: Prentice Feb. 7. Abigail Bordman D. of Capt. Bordman 1731 Thomas Williams Apr. 4. Walter Rufsell Junior. May 30 Mary wife of Solomon Hancock Abigail, wife of Ebenezer Shed Mary, wife of James Ozburu Philicia Servant of Majr Brattle. July 25 Phoebe Pattin Plioebe Butterfield Sept. 19 Mary, wife of Thomas Sparhawk. Feb. 20 Jofeph Breen & ] difmifsed from y' new Hannah his wife f North Chh, in Bofton. 1732 Peter Tufts March 6. Ebenezer Shed 98 Records of the Fii'st Church in Cambridge. 1732 March 6. June 25 Aug. 20 Dec. 10 1732/3 Feb. U. April 1. May 27. July 22 (32) 1733. Sept. 16, Nov^' 18 1733/4 Jan-'y 6 March 3. M" Lucy Remington ^ daughters of M^» Martha Remington j M'' Remington Elizabeth Bradifh, D. of J. Bradifh Ebenezer Cutter Thomas Goddard Sarah W. of Ebenezer Cutter Martha Hancock Lydia Mores Jemima Wife of Jonath" Batherick Hannah Cook Elizabeth Cook .Tames Peirce Deborah Brown D. of W™. Brown Hannah Cutter D. of John Cutter Tehetabel Kent Deborah Batherick Edward Marrett Sir Breck [Robert.] Sir Porter [Samuel.] Sir Sparhawk [John.] Sir Winthrop [John.] Thomas Balch Students. Hannah Angier Elizabeth Whitemore Vid p. (32) Sarah Robbins Mary wife of Sam^' Hopkins Amos Marrett Jun. Hannah Frost ) Elizabeth Frost 3 daughters of Edmund Kroft. Jonathan Edmunds Mary Oliver, widdow Sarah, W. of Jacob Hill Jim--. Becords of the First (.Jturcli in Camhridf/(i. 1)11 1 733/4 M'' Walter Hastings April 2.S Jeremiaii Rufsell Samuel Kent Joanna, W. of D. Sam" Sparhawk June 23 Sarah Hill D. of Jacob Hill August IS, M'- Caleb Rice Sarah, W. of Tho" Williams Deborah Bowman Dec'''- 8. John Cutter 1734/5 Mary Fefsenden Feb. 9. Mary Brown D. of W>" Brown Rebecca Dill ]\Iarc-h 30 Mary Balch May 25 Ebenezer Prentice Enoch "Ward, a Student July 27 Sir Cooke Student. [Samuel] Nov. 1). Jofhua Tufts, Student. Jonas Prentice. ;■ 1735/6 M'' Edmund Goffe Alias Trowbrid^ P\h. 29. Sarah Wife of Jofiah Robbins Sarah Wife of P^beuezer Prentice 1 7.t6 April 25 W™ Prentice Henry Prentice 3'"'^ James Perry Nath" Prentice Isaac Warren Thomas Barrett June 20 Thomas Soden Hannah Livermore Dec'" 5. Jofhua Rand 1736/7 Timothy Herrington.- Student Jan. 30 Francis Smith Jonathan Haywood L OF,C. 100 Becorch of the FirM Church hi Cambridge. Feb: 5. I\P' Judah Monis having defired to be received as a member of this Chh. in particular: y was no objection & he was accordingly publickly de- clared to !)e a member of this Chh. & Intitled to all priviledges with y*^ other Bretheren. — Mar. 27. M''" Mary Remington Lydia Warren Elizabeth Winship May 22. Mr. Jedidiah Adams Richard Patefhall » „ , , . Bachelors John Phillips S Ebenezer Gay.- Student. Edmund Frost Jun^' Isaac Morse Mary. Wife of Edw'' Marrett. Jun-- Sarah Stratton Sept. 11. M^' Hezekiah Man Benjamin lirosier Abigail his wife Mary. Wife of Daniel Hovey Nov'" 6 Mary Cutter, D. of John Cutter Mar. 5 John Goddard Martha Mallit, W. of Andrew Mallet Sophia Deeks, W. of Deeks Margaret Whittemore 1738 Sarah w. of Jon-' Cooper June 18. Elizabeth Lock Lydia Bradfeild Aug. 13. Sir Eliot Andrew, — Student. Nehemiah Cutter Mary. Wife of Abrah'" Watfon Sarah Avife of Jofhua Hand Vide Page (60) Infants Baptized ry Natii''- Appj-rton. 1722 July 1. William of W'MVinfhip 8 Rebecca of William Mofs Reconls of the Fir^^t Clntrch in Caiuhridye. 101 1722 July 15 Samuel of Ednuind Angler Aug. 5 Simon of M'' Kemington, Murtliii of Epiiiaim Frost. 26 David of Col : Phipps. John of W" Ciiever Sept. 9. David of Joseph Robbins 30 John of Joseph Kent Oct. 14. Elizabeth of John Swan 21 Sarah of Daniel Gookin Josiah of Jonathan Willard Samuel \ & > of Jonathan Hsvcrick Solomon ) 28 Noah of Jonathan Wyeth Nov. 4 p]unice of Samuel Bowman Abuer of Joseph Holding- Lucy of Joseph Adams 11 Mary of Abraham Hill Rebecca of John Phillips P^lizabeth of Jonath" Shattuck 18 Joshua of John Stratton Dec. li). Lydia of Samuel Whittamore Jan. 6. 1723 Margaret & I ,. , , , , , . ,„ ^ h ol Al)raliam Ireland Ihamazen j 20 Mary of Nathaniel Tufts ) , ,,,,,. , •^ liy ->P '> a 1(1 Benjamin of William Fefsiiiden ) Jan. 27 James of James Read Thomas of Isaac Manning Henry of Henry Dunster Esther of Samuel Cutter Jonathan of Jonathan Bradfhaw Mar. 10 Jose of Nath" Appletou Lucy of Samuel Peirce of Water Town Hannah of Eleazer Parker Elizabeth of Stephen Palmer Elizabeth of Sam" Felch Elizabeth of Charles Honywell Elizabeth of Sanuiel Wheat Owen of W'" Warland 30 Isaac of John Bradifh Ebenezer of Gerfhom Davis Apr. 17 21 28 May 12 June 2 102 Records of the Fir.^f Church in Cambridge. July 14 172.'3 Sarah of Ebenezer Cutter 21 Ruth of W"' Dickfon Joseph of Thomas Brown Aug. 11. Thomas of Thomas Dana Francis of Jofeph Winfhip Jun' Lydia of W" Ozburn 25 P^liakim of Col : Phipps Mehetable of M'' Francis Foxcroft Sept. 1. Mercy of John Fillebrown Elizabeth of Ebenezer Stone William of Richard Rose 8 Mehetable of Thomas Skinner E^lizabeth of Ebenezer Burgis 22. Ruth of John Hicks 29 Mary of Solomon Prentice Oct. 14 Martha of Jofeph Peirce 20 Joseph of Samuel Cooper Nov. 10 Samuel of John Manning Dec. 1 . William of Ralph Hook Jemima of Jonathan Baverick 8 John of John Winfhip 22 Moses of Jonathan Stone, Water Town. 2y William of John Williams Jan. 5 1724 Benjamin of Jonathan Willard 12 William of Jonathan Gates 19 William of William Bond 26 Francis of Francis Kidder Feb. 9. Samuel of Walter Rufsell 16 Aaron of W" Winfhip, John of Jofhua Gammage Thomas of Tho^Frost 23 Thomas of Tho® Robbins Mar. 1. Abignil of John Robbins Anna of Nathaniel Francis of Medford 8 P^lizabeth of Samuel Whittemore Absalom of Ebenezer Froft 15 Samuel of Jonathan Hastings Abigail of Samuell Bowman Margaret of Jacob Hill 29 Edward of Edward Mannino; l^eco)-ds of thi' FlrM CJiurcIi in Caiiibridge. 103 Miir. 31 1724 Walter of Walter Cooper. Baptized att his own houfe y*^" child laboured under fiich Weeknefs y' it was not thought Safe oi- convenient to bring it forth in publick. Daniel of Daniel Champney Jun'" Abigail of Joshua Grant Grace of Jolm Fefsenden Jun"" Elizabeth of Henrj' Dunster ]\[ary of James Stratton Nathan of Peter Tufts Lydia of James Tufts of Aaron Cleveland Gideon of PJdmund Froft Gregory of Nathaniel Hill Anna of W" Mofs Martha of Henry Prentice, Lydia of Ebenezer Shed Eunice of ICphraim Froft Abigail of Abraham Hill Jun' Abigail of Jabez Carter Elizabeti) of John Baverick, by M'' Cotton William of William Manning David of Col : Phipps. Mercy of -lohn Stratton Isaac & John & Richard all of Isaac Fillebrown. Benjamin of William Fefsenden Josiah of William Dickson Rebeckah of George Abbot Lydia of Jason Winship Thomas of Thomas Brown. William of Joseph Adams 24 Anne of John Forgeson Susanna of Thomas Soden 31. Samuel of Daniel Gookiii Feb. 14. John of Francis Lock 21. Anne of M'' Remington 2.S. Nath" of Nath" Appleton (34: 1 1724 Apr. 19 26 IMay 10. 17 24 31 Jun. 7. 14 17 21 28 July 2G Aug*t 23 30 Sept. 13 2(» 27 Oct'"- 4. Oct. 25 Nov : 15. 22 Dec. 13. Dec. 20. 172 5 Jan. 17. 16 30. June 20. July 18. Aug. 8. 15, 104 Records of the First Church in Oamhridge. Feb. 28, 1725 David of Natb" Tufts Marcb 7. John of Samuel Cooper 28. Charles of Charles Honey wel. May 2. Abigail of Samuel Felch Sarah of Joseph Winfhip Jun'' 9. Rebeckah of Joseph Kent. Jonathan of Jonathan Baverick Francis of M'' Francis Foxcroft John of John Hicks Hannah of Jonathan Hastings. Jason of Henry Dunster Elizabeth of Ebenezer Burgefs Sufanna of Jofeph Shed. Prifcilla of Noah Sparhawk Mary of Eleazer Parker 22. Dorcas of Daniel Champney P^benezer of Ebenezer Fro ft Naomi of Thomas Dana Bethiah of Stephen Palmer. Martha of John Fefsenden Junior Nicholas of William Fefsenden Aaron of W" Chever. John of Eldward Manning. John of W" Ozbui'u Mary of Col. Phipps Mary of John Batherick Lydia of Thomas Kidder Hannah of Isaac Fillebiown Smith of John Prentice 64 Vid Page (35) Sarah of vSamuel Whittemore Jun' Richard of John Cutter Martha of Nath" Hill. Sarah and Joseph of Andrew Willfon Ebenezer of Ebenezer Shed John of John Dickfon Jun' Martha of Jofhua Gammage Nathaniel of Thomas Robbins Sept. 5. 12 Oct. 17. Nov. 28. Dec'" 5 172 t5/(i Jan. 2. 30. Feb.^ (5. Mar. 6. (35) 20. 27. April 3. 10. Records of tJic First Churcli in Coiiihridge. 10.') Apr. 24 1725/0 Hobart of Ho])art Russell May 1. Abigail of Ephraim Frost Esther of .John Swau 10 Ebenezer of Ebenezer Cutter Thomas of Thomas Soden. Juue 5. Sufannah of .Jonathan Gates .Jonathan of William Cutter 19. Reuben of John Prentice Ruth of John Winfhip. July 10 Sufannah of Deac" Sam" Bowman. .John of Ebenezer Grover 172(5 Sept. 4. tLlizabeth of Abraham Hill Junior f 1 . Prudence of Jason AYinfhip Oct. ;>. John of Phillip Cook. 1(). Ebenezer of Thomas Jirown 23. Ruth of W"^ Dickson. Daniel of Thomas Dana. 30. Abigail of W" Winfhip. Jonathan of Thomas Skinner Phillip & William, children of l^hillii) Bemns. Mary of Samuel Whittemore John of William Warland. Elizabeth of Nath" Appletou. Abigail of Jonathan Irlastings. Jofeph of Jofeph Winfhip. 15. Huldah of Richard Rose Benjamin of Benjamin Brafier 29. Zechariah of John Hicks Feb. 5. .Joseph of Samuel Cook Jun''. l'.>. Rebecca of Col : I*hipps. Daniel of M' Francis Foxcroft John of Nath" Tufts Hannah of Andrew Willfon. March 12. Samuel of George Abbot, Mary of Joseph Rufsell 26 Marv of John Furgeson Nov, . 13. 27 Dec. 11 IS. 17 26/7 Jan. 8. 106 Records of tJie First Chnrch in Cambridge. 1727 April 2. Mary of Joseph Adams. April 9. Caleb of Caleb Daua Ebenezer of Ebenezer Wyeth. April 16. Samuel & Sarah children of Benjamin Emms. 30. Anne of Sam" Smith att Menotomy May 7. Josiah of Will'" Morse 14. Thomas of William Manning June 25. Elizabeth of Eleazer Parker July 16. Elizabeth, of Jacob Hill. 30 David of Phillip Bemus. Aug®' 6. Mercy of Edward Manning 13. Abiel of Isaac Watson Sept. 17. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Bnrgefs. Oct'"' 21. Elizabeth of Henry Prentice Vid Pag 39. 61 (36) Persons Married bv Natii''' Api'lei-on. 1724 Sept. 24. Noah Sparhawk & Priscilla Brown Oct''' 5. Jofeph Ruf sell & Mary Robbing. 1725 April 8. Thomas Kidder & Lydia Cooper June 24 M'' Benjamin Marston & M""^ Mehetable Gibbs. Aug''' 4. John Dickson & Mary Ruf sell 18. Thomas Hutchinfon & Mai-y Ireland 27 Isaac Watfon & Abicl Angier. Oct'"' 21 John Cooper & Hannah Johnfon. 26 Noah Champney & Martha Hubbard Dec. 24. Isaac Sterns & Mehitabel Eroft 1725/6 March 1 John Butterfield & Mary Hill 31. Sam" Cook & Joanna Prentice. April 14. (Tamaliel Rogers & Sarah Dana May 5. Mathevv Johnson & Eliz"', Prentice June 15. The Rev'' M"" Edward ^Vigglef worth & M"'" Sarali Leverett. Aug^t 14 Mr. Samuel Danforth & Mrs, Elizabeth Symmes. Nov'"" 17. Thomas Emmons & Hannah Cutter. Dec'"" 27. Sanuiel Belcher & Sarah Brown Hecoj'ds of the Firnt Chxrrh in Canthvidye. 107 Mar. 2 1726/7 16 May 11 June 29 Augst 24. Dec'"^ 14. 172 7/8 Jan> 4. 15- Feb. 1. June 6. 1 728/9 Jim> 23 Jan> 30 Feb. 13. Mar. 26 July 10 July 30 Aug. 14. Sept. 10 1729 Dec. 31. 1729/30 Jan> 29 March 1 7 April 2. May 14 June 18 1730 Nov. .T. 1730/ 1 Jan. 14 Feb. 18 March 18 May 19 June 2. Aug. 3. Dec'"- i) 1 Jofoph Wheeler & Abigail Butterfeild James Smith & Hannah Daniel Iiul"^ Luxford Pattin & Rebecca Robbins William Badger & Ilepsibah Prentice Joseph Hill & Prifcilla Dana Ephraim Cook & Sarah Swan William Fefsenden & Martha Hrovvn Richard Call & Mary King Jofeph Sprague & Eleanor Pliipps John Manning & Rebecca Winfhip Jonathan Willard & Mary Cook. Henry Prentice & Katherine Felch Gersliora Cutter, tertius & Anna Fillebrown John Elder & Margery Winship Thomas Hall & Patience Allen (xeorge Cutter & Jane Butterficld Thomas Cheney & Sarah Fefsenden John Morse & Tabitha Warland The ReV^ M'' Edward Wigglesworth & M"-*^ Rebecca Coolidge. Thomas Spring & Marg*^' : Gates Josiah Robbins & Sarah Fillebrown Jonathan Peirfon & Abigail Gates George Macsi)arran & Abigail Crackbone John Henshaw & Mary Stedman Thomas Stone & Eliz*"' Andrew M'' [Abraham] Williams «fe Elizabeth Bonhnan Thomas Sparhawk &, Mary Oliver John Coljion & iVbigail Bordman Edwar(d) Dickson & Martha Dunstei' Thomas Thwing & Maiy Bartlelt Jofeph Badger & Katherine Felch Henry Johnson & Eliz : Liman John Lovel & Hannah Coleson 14 1731/2 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 25. 1732. Mar. 30. May 4. June 1;'). Sept. 14 108 RecortU of the First Church in Cambridge. Dec. 1)1 730/1 Benjamin Goddard & Mary Kidder Daniel Burnap & Sarah Cheney Zechariah Hill & Rebecca Cutter James Peirce & Mary Prentice. M'" Andrew Bordman Jun'' & M""" Sarah Phipps. Jofeph Robbins & Deborah Kobbins Jacob Swetzer & Elizabeth Fefsenden the Rev^ M'' Benja. Prefcott & Mrs. Mercy Gihbs. Jacob Hill Jun' & Sarah Palmer Page (38) (37) Persons Adult W" owned Y^ Covenant & were Baptized. Vid. Pag ^13) 1725 June (). Mary y*" wife of John Baverick Hannah Hafsell 1726 Mar. 27 Defire Chaddick 1726 Nov. 13. Philip Bemus & Mercy Bemus 1727. March 26. Josiah Robbins April 30. Joseph Englifh, an Indian manservant living witli W"' Rufsell Sarah Fowl Eunice Parks Richard Falley Henry Johnson & Deiiorali Batherick Richard Muzaphen Mathew Abdy & Ruth Abdy, his wife, who were allfo received to Communion. Pompey, my Negro man servant. 'Jitu.s, Prefid^ Wadsworth's Man Servant who was allso admitted to full Communion, 1729/30. Feb.l. Rose, Negro maid Servant of INP' A. Bordman. 1730 Aug. 16. John Morse. 1730/1 Feb. 21. Elizabeth Beard. March 7. Sarah Wheatlev May July 21. 16. 30 Dec. 3. 1727/8 Jan. 7. Feb. 25. Oct. 13. 1729 Sept. 21. Rpcoi'ds of tlie Fivsl dhnirh in ( UDiihridfje. lOii Dec. 14, 1735 Ruth Mallit, Wife of Mathew MuUit, 173G May 9. Hannibal, man Servant of D'' Wigglesvvoith 1736 Aug. 8. Mary Welch Aug""*^ 15 Margarett a Molatto Servant of y'' widow Oliver. Sept. 11.1 737 INIary, y*' wife of Daniel Hovey. She was admitted to full Communion aft y*^ same time. Nov'"' 13 1737 Anna joiner, y'' Daughter of Jonathan Butterick. Mar. l'G Roger, a negro Man Servant of Henry Prentice. Zillah, negro maid Servant of major lirattle. April 2. Ruth Cheney August 13 Mary Steel 1740 Angst 17, Lucy, Indian Servant of M"" Bordman Venus. Negro Serv' of Mad'" Wadfworth Jan> 25 Anna Kllifet Cuffy, Negro Serv', of Lieut. Gouvenor Phipps. Toby, Serv' of Sam" Whitemore Sept 13, 1741 Jack, negro Servant of y** Widow Tufts. Cuffy, Serv' of M"' Judah Monis. Feb. 14, 1741/2 Flora, negro Servant of M'' Foscroft. Mar. 21, 1741/2 Anna Greenleaf York, a negro Servant of M' Trowbridge April 11, 1742 Judith Cox. Sept. 2. 1744 Harry, a negro Servant of jM'' Brandon who lives att my houfe. Sept. If). 1744 Elizabeth Welch, Hannah Welch. June 23, 1745 Rose, Negro Servant of Lieutenant (rouvernor Plii[)ps Dec. 15, 1745 Benjamin Cheney. Feb. 9, 1745/6 Cato, Negro Servant of Mad'" Brown. Dec. 17, 1749 Leos, negro man Servant of M'' Foxcroft. Jane, Negro Woman of M'" Kent who is Hannibal's Wife. Vide Page (75) (38) PeR-SONS MaURIKI) by NaTH^^^ ApPl.liXON. 1732. Sept. 21. Amos Marrett & Mary Duuster Oct. 25. Jonathan Cooper & Sarah Prentice Nov'" 22. Lien' Amos Marrett & W^ Ruth Duuster 1732/3 Feb. 14. John Nichols & Eli/."' Stanley 110 Jiecords of the Fivd Church in Cambridge. June 13. 1 732/3 Eben'- Fefsendeii & Eliz"' Barrett WilP" Robbins & Ruth Butterfeild Thomas Williams & Abigail Sparhawk William Butterfeild & Sarah Robbins John Wyeth & Elizabeth Hancock John Furgeson & Sarah Mackdanil the Rev*^' M'' W'" Hobby «fe M" Lucy Remington John Goddard «fe Elizabeth Frost James Green «fe Deborah Brown John Bowls & Mary Brown Thomas Harris «fe Mary Dana Sam" Hastings & Hepsibah Dana Henry Prentice 3<'"s & Sarah Hi^l y*^ ReV M'' Samuel Porter & M'"^ Mary Coolidge John Morse & Sarah Bradifh Samuel Prentice & P^liz^'' Cook Daniel Hovey & Marj' Tapley Nath" Parker & Mary Hovey John Barrett & Ruth Champney M'' Richard Dana & Mrs. Lydia Trowbridge Primus, M'' James Oliver! Negro Man & Flora, M"" Foxcroft's Negro Woman Thomas Adams & Anna Frost. Tliomas Robbins & Xena Jackfon AVilliam Skinner & Tabitha Smith Daniel Barret & Margaret Manning Jeremiah Rufsell & Damaris Williams M'' Edmund Goffe alias Trowbridge & M'"* Martha Remington Isaac Brown & Mary Balch David Ozburn & Margaret Tapley Nath" Chadwick *& Mary Burgefs Dec. 28. 173 27. May 5. May 31. June 30. Sept, 22. October 24 Nov" ' 3. Nov'^ MO. Jan> 12. 1736/7 Mar. lo. April 19. July 20. Oct'^-^ 24 Records of the First (Jhurch in Cambridge. Ill 1738/9 Cliffy & Zilliih, botii of y'" negro Servants of his Oct. 25. Honour, Col. Phipps Nov. 29, 1739 William Prefsou & Hannah Cutting- Jan. 17. 173S/-40 Abraham Hofey & Jemimali Felch April 3. Isaac Watfon & Elizabeth Whitemore 1740 1740 May 10 Samnel Spragne & Mary Cook 1740 May 15 Cp' Samuel Gookin & Prif cilia Hill 1740 July 11, M' Daniel Farnam & M'"^ Sybil Augier 1740 Aug. 26. Simon Cooper & Judith negro Servants of Samuel Smith 1740 Oct, 9, John Williams & Martha Bordman 1740 Nov. 7. Elias Mafon & Ruth Cheney 1741. March 27. Jofeph Clark & Prudence Hill 1741 April 10 M' Samuel Andrew & Eliz"' Cooper Sept. 17. Nath" Kidder & Deborah Bowman 1741 Nov. 11. Jofhua Rand & Rebecca Morse 1741 Dec. 16. Jofiah Crofby & Abigail Felch 1741 Dec. 24. Ebenezer Richards & ThaukfuU Stratton. 1742 June 10. Daniel Smith & Grace Fefseuden 14, M'" Jofeph Parfons & M''^ Martha Smith 1742 July 9. the Rev^' M'' Ebenezer Gay of Sufield & M""** Hannah Angier 1742 July 19. Jofhua Fuller in 88'-' year & Mary Dana in 75"' year 1742 Sept. 15 William Angier & Ruth Whitemore 1742 Nov'''' 24. Samuel Lyon & Mary Robbins Vid, P, (44) (39) Infants Baptizei> by Nath '^ Afpleton 1727 Nov 5. Thomas of John Cutter Nathaniel of Noah Sparhawk 2G Anne, Abigail, Ruth, — Children of Edward Rufsell. William of ?]phraini Froft Elizabeth of Abraham Hill John of Stephen Palmer Jofeph of Thomas Kidder Hannah of Sam" Whittamore Jun'' Decem'"',10 Samuel of Samuel Belcher Jan>, 28 John of .John Cooper Jun"" 112 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Feb. 25 Pelatiah of Sain" Smith Mar. 25 1728 Mary of Isaac Fillebrovvu Mary of Ebenezer Cutter 31 Martha of Natb" Hill Samuel of Sam" Cutter Abigail of Ebenezer Shed Mary of Dauiel Champiu-y Juu'' Peter of Peter Tufts Dauiel of Walter Rufsell Mary of Luxford Pattiu Eunice of Henry Duuster Hannah of Thomas Soden Mary of Thomas Robbiiis John of John Swan Silas & Mary Twins y*" children of Thomas Froft. Peter of William Fefsenden John of John Winfhip Anna of Jofeph Winfhip Tabitha of John Prentice Samuel of Samuel Cook Jun''. Thomas of Gerfhom Cutter Jun''. William of William Barrett Jun'' 8 Mehetabel of Nath" Appletou : Damaris of Andrew Wilfon 22. Samuel of Samuel Whittamore, att his own house, y*" child being dangerously sick & dyed att night. 1728/9 William of Maj'' W" Brattle Jan^ 5. Eleanor of Jofeph Sprague John of John Batherick 12. Margery of W" Dickson Sarah of Samuel Cooper Naomi of Thomas Dana Mercy of Ephraim Cook 19. James of James Ozburn 26. Abigail of Jonathan Gates Lucy of Jonathan Batherick Feb. 2. Samuel of John Hicks 9 Timothy of Nath" Tufts 23 Nathan of Jason Winfhip April 21 28 May 5, 19 26 June 9. 16 Aug'** 4. 11 18 Sept'^^ 1. Sept. 29 Oct.'^'- 14. 20 Nov. 17 Dec'^'" 1 1728/1) March 13. 1(5 (40) March 23. March 30. Records of fJie First CJiurrh in (Jamhridge. 113 Rebecca of W" Winfhip, att liis own houfo . yc child being dangerously 111 and dyed. Lucy of Jofeph Rufsell Turn over p, (40) 53 Walter of John Dickfon Abraham of Abraham Watson Walter of Walter Cooper Elizabeth of Francis Foxcroft Efq' Mai'}? of Francis Nichols April 13. Sarah of Eleazar Parker, Sarah of John Fefsendcii. Jun'' 20 Abigail of Philip Cook, Sarah of John Manning, Mercy of Isaac Townfend 27. Sufanna of William Morse May 4 Ebenezer of Solomon Champney, John of Benj'" Brafier 18. Miriam of W^" Cheever James of Edward Manning June 1 . Jonathan of Henry Dunster July 6. Mary of John Parmeon 13. Ann of Jofeph Adams ■ Phebe of Caleb Dana Aug. 20. Lydia of Ephraim Froft Gershom of John Swan 31 Hannah of Thomas Skinner Samuel of William Manning Sept. 7. William of Ebenezer Burgefs Jofeph of Stephen Palmer John of Jacob Watfon John of Noah Champney Sarah of Samuel Belcher Noah of Noah Sparhawk Sarah of Samuel Rand Mary of Henry I'rentice, Jun'' Alice daughter of James Cutler. Thomas of Samuel Whittemore Jun'" 21. Oct. 5. 19. 1729 Oct. 2(k Nov'" u;. 23. 30 114 Records of the FirM, CJturch in Cambridge. 1729 Samuel of Samuel Smith Degbr j4 ^j^jj Qf Benjamin Deming 21 Rebecca of Jofhua Gammage 28 Samuel of Samuel Nutting Sarah of Edward Russell. Sarah of Henry Cornet. 1729/30 Jan 4. Thomas of John Sherela, John of John Robbins Jun"" 11 William of John Cooper Jun'" Thomas of Gerfhom Cutter 3""'. Feb. 1 Solomon of Ebenezcr Shed 8 Solomon of Thomas Kidder Ann of Sam" Cutter. Jonathan of W'" Barrett. 15 Jonas of W»' Dickfon Mar. 1 . Hannah of George Cutter. -S Sufannah of Jonathan Hastings. Peter of Ebenezer Swan Jun"' 29 John of Nath" Appleton Rebecca of Isaac Fillebrown Sarah of Ephraim Cook April 5 Susanuali of Ebenezer Cutter 26 Mary of Joseph Winfhip May 3 Aaron of Abraham Hill. Sufanua of Samuel Cook Jun'' 10 Isaac of M'" Jsaac Greenwood y'' Mathematical Profefsor 17 Rebeckah of y' Widdow Rebeckah Pattiu 24, Josiah of John^Willson June 7. Katherine of Major Brattle 14. Sarah of Jonathan Gates (41) 1730 June 21 Rebeceah of M" Wigglesworth John of M'' John Martyn John of W" Fefsenden 28 Jason of Jason Winfhip Stephen of Thomas Robbins July 12. Anna of Ebenezer Grover 19. Jofeph of Jofeph Hill July 19 1730 2G. Aug. 16. Sept. 20. 7. Oct"'- 11, 18. Nov. 8. 22. Records of the Fin^l (JJiurcJi in Oauilji'idge. 115 John of Jolm Fergufon Ttibitba of W" Winfhip Samuel of Thomas Soden. Jofeph of Jofeph Bradford Thomas of Henry Prentice Tabitha of John Morfe Sufunua of John Swan Benjamin of Edward Manning John of John Batherick Benjamin of Isaac Watson Ebenezer of P^benezer Swan Jun'', Dec'"' 20. Hannah of Sam" Whittemore -Josiah of Jofiah Robbins 1730/1 Jan> 17. Lucj^ of Jofeph Ruf sell Jane of George Cutter 24. Thomas of Francis Foxcroft Efq'' Sam'' of Sam" Sparhawk 31 Jofeph of W"' Manning Feb. 21. Jonas of Ebenezer Wyeih '2S. Rebeckah of Jonathan Batherick Mar. 28. Sufannah of Samuel Whittemore. Junior. April 4. Martha of John Cutter 25 Elizabeth of David Dunster June 6. Lydia of Peter Tufts 27. Martha of Phillip Cook July 18. Hannah of Thomas Hall 25. Abigail of Phillip Bemus Aug*' 1. Samuel of Sam'^ Rand Nath" of Nath" Cutter Juu'' Aug. 8. 17;>0/1 Nath" of Solomon Hancock 22. Hobart of Walter Rufsell 29. Prifcilla of Caleb Dana Mary of James Ozborn Margaret of John Fefsenden, ,Iun'' Sept. 12. Sarah of M^' Greenwood, Joseph of Joseph Sprague, 116 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Sept. 19. 1730/1 Ephraim of Ephraim Ozburn Jun' 26. Phoebe of Thomas Frost Aaron of Joseph Winship Oct'''' 10. Nathaniel of Nath" Appleton 17. Hannah of W" Barrett 24 Ruth of Jona Winfhip 1731 Oct. 24 James of Benjamin Brazear 31 Nathan of Jacob Watson Nov. 7 William of William Ozmond 21 Anna of GerfJiom Cutter 3'""^ 28 Martha of Abraham Hill (42) 1731 turn over to p. 42. Dec. 5. Mary of John Dickson Jun"". 12 John of John Manning 19. Persis, daughter of John Permon 1731/2 Jan""-' 2. Mary of Thomas Sparhawk 9. Martha of Noah Sparhawk 16. Noah of Noah Champney 28 Hepsibah of Henry Prentice Thomas of Thomas Kidder Feb. 6 Mary of John Ireland 13. Edward of D'' Ed''' Wigglefworth James of Isaac Fillebrown 20. Daniel of Abraiiam Watson March 5. James of Ebenezer Froft 12. Rebeccah of Sam" Cutter 19 Jofeph of Jofeph Badger, baptiz'd by M'' Cotton 26 JMary of Samuel Belcher April 2. Elizabeth of Jofhua Gammage Anna of John Cooper Jun*". Edward of Edward Dickson 23. Joseph of Jofeph Hill May 7. James of John Forgeson 28 Jonas of W"> Dickson Lvdia of John Wilfon Records of the First ChnrcJi in Canihridtje. 117 1731/2 June 11 Elizabeth of Edw''^' Manning Thomas of Thomas Williams 25 Michael, Son of Sam" Smith Aug*^^ G. William of Thomas Soden 13. Henry of John BathericU 20 Hannah of W"' Fefsenden Dorcas of Daniel Champney, Jun' Sept. 17. Ephraim of Ephraim Cook by M'' Abbott. Oct'^^ 5. Sarah of Zachariah Hill 22. Edmund of Phillip Benuis 29. William of Johnath" Gates W" of Sam" Whitmore Jun"". W"' of EdW Rufsell Nov^'" 5. Lydia of Samuel Cook Dec. 10. Mary of James Peirce Sarah of Jofeph Robbing 1732/3 Jan, 7 Mercy of John Morse 21. Mercy of Nath" Appleton .Joanna of Sam" Sparhawk George of George Cutter 28 Pattin, son of Jofeph Rufsell Feb. 4 Martha of Francis Foxcroft, Efq-. Ruth of Mr. Andrew Bordman Juu''. 25 Jonathan of Thomas Froft Mary of W"^ Manning- March 4. Mary of David Duufter 18 Mary of Major W"' Brattle Eftf. April 1. 1733 John of M'' Isaac Greenwood, Mathematical l^rofef- sor 29 Mary of D-" Ed'' Wigglefworth Andrew of Andrew Willfon Daniel of Ebenezer Cutter Benjamin of Ebenezer Swan, Juu'' May 20. Mary of Jofeph Adams 27 Joshua of John Robbins, Juu' June 3. Persis of Nath" Tufts 118 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (43) 1733 June 10 17. July 22. Aug** 6 13 26 Sept. 30 Oct. 7. 14. Nov'"" 4. 18 Dec. 9. 16. 23 30 1733/4 Jan. 6. 27 Feb. 17. 24 March 3 17 24 31 Ann of Thomas Dana Samuel of Sam" Whittemore Amos of Jonathan Edmunds Thomas of Thomas Hall 1 baptized it att Menotomy Caleb of Caleb Dana Abigail of Amos Marrett, Jun^'. Joanna of Jofeph Wiufhip Elizabeth of Thomas Sparhawk Lydia of Jacob Watson Ruth of Henry Dunster Sarah of Abraham Hill John, Abigail, Samuel, Mary, Elizabeth & Jonathan, all children of y*^ widow Oldam by her husband John Oldham Ammi y*' Sou & Ruhamah y*' Daughter of John Cut- ter, — Twins. Daniel of William Barr Sufanna of Thomas Robbins Samuel of Sam" Bull John of William Morse Noah of Noah Champney Torrey of Solomon Hancock Martha of Walter Cooper Eleazer of Eleazer Parker Nathan of Thomas Kidder Mary of Sam" Hopkins Elizabeth of James Peirce Anna of Jacob Hill, Jun'' Sufanna of Ebenezer Wyeth Mary of Ebenezer Shed Mary of Samuel Reed Jofiah of Nath" Cutter, Jun^ John of John Wilfon. Hannah of Edward Manning, Martha of Sam" Belcher. Seth of Jeremiah Rufsell Heconh of the First Church in Cambridge. 119 1733/4: M:iy 12 P^dward of Michael Stanly, brought forth by the mother Phillis. June 16 Elizabeth of Maj"- Brattle Thomas of Isaac Fillebrown Elizabeth of Jacob Switzer Thomas of Beujamiu Brafser Joseph of Samuel Smith Nathan of Noah Sparhawk Sarah of Sam" Godding Meicy of Nath" Appleton Benjamin of W" Fefsindeu Sarah of Jacob Hill. Mary of Abraham Watsou Mary of AY"' Butterfield James of James Thompson Jofeph of Jofepli Bobbins Thomas of Henry Prentice Robert of Thomas Sodeu Hepsibah of John Bobbins Sarah of Ebenezer Stedmau, Vide P. (54) (44) MKMOR/VNUUM. October 6. 1729. M'" Jonathan "Wyeth hung a Large Copper which I had from my Father's houfe in Ipswich, y*^ Weight of y^ copper is 70"'^ which I make mention of, y*^ in cafe my Executors Should See Cause to Sell it to y® Church, y*^ value of it may be known without taking it up. Natii" Appleton. Pkksons Maruied by Natii'-'- Ai'I'leton from P. (38) 1743 June 2. John Oldham & Sarah Chadwick June 1 6 John Ware & Martha Prentice July 25. James Lanman & Hannah Manning Aug. IT). Zachariah Bordman & Mary Stebbins June 23 July 14 21 28 Aug. 11 Aug 25 Sept. 3. Sept. 15 29 Oct. G. Oct. 27 120 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1743 Nov" 9. 10 Dec. 29. 1744 June 19 Sept. 17. Octobr. 18. Nov'^ 8. Dec'"- 27. 1744/5 Jan. 3. 1745 May 2. October. 3. 1746 March 20. May 22. Oct. 9. Dec. 4. 1747 June 8. June 11. Sept. 12 Oct'"- 1 Dec"' 31. April 21 1748 26 28 Sept. 2. Dec. 22. 1748/9 Mar. 2. May 11 Sept. 14 Nov. 22. 1749/50 Jan. 4. The Rev'^ M"- Jofhua Prentice & Mrs. Mary Angier. M'- Stephen Prentice & Lydia Prentice Daniel Prentice & Deborah Wyeth John Phillips «fe Mary Pillar Calel) Prentice & Lydia "Whittemore Naplitali Harmon & Anna Greenleaf David Logan & Sufanna Macpederas Cutting Bean & Sufannah Stacey Benjamin Cheney & Elifabeth Parker Ebenezer Eliot & Sufannah Soden Abraham Cutting & Prifcilla Sparhawk Samuel Bowman & Hannah Frost Joseph Cook Jun"- & Abigail Winship Solomon Bobbins & Martha Sweetzer Edward Manning Jun*- & Patience Day Abraham Froft & Mary Oliver ■William Warland & Mary Man Henry Coolidge & Phebe Dana Afa Warren & Tabitha Johnson Seth Hasting & Hanah Soden Ebenezer Froft Jun' & Naomy Dana John Hicks & Elizabeth Nutting Jun'. John MuUis & Rebecca Cheyney. John Molarb & Sufanna Colfrey The Rev. M' Gad Ilichcock &Mr8. Dorothy Angier. John Kenrick Jun' & Anna Dana Benjamin Eustice & P^lizabeth Hill Joseph Gibbs & Elizabeth Palmer M' Benjamin EUery & M'** Lucy Vafsall M' Benjamin Brandon & M'« Elizabeth Foxcroft. 1750 May 3. Aug^ t 9 Aug~^' t 14 OcL'"- 11 Oct''^ 2-t Dec"' •20 1750/51 Jan. 17 Mar. 28 1' r5i July 9 Nov" ■■ 14 Aug. 13 1 752 Align ist 19 Sept. 28 Oct"'- 16 Nov. 9 Dec. 12. Jan. 11. r 753 Jauy 18 Feb. 15. March 15. March 29 March 29 April 26. June 21 Sept. 18. Sept. 20 Oct"-- 18, Jan. 10 1 754 Feb. 19. 28 (45) Jan. 17. 96.7 RecordH of the First C/ntrch in Cambridge. 121 John Stratton & Mercy Norcrofs i\Ir John Mafcareen & Mrs Margaret Holyoke M'' James Putnam & M"-- Eleanor Sprague M"" William Ellery & Mrs. Anne Remington. John Ellis A. B. & Bethiah Palmer Sam" Walker & Mary Stratton Stephen Palmer Jun"" & Sarah Gammage Abraham Watson, Jun'" & Lucy Prentice Abiel Richardson & Abigail Converse Sent thus far to M^ Bordman — Town Clerk Jonas Hagar & Hannah Ellis. M'' John Mico Wendell & M'« Katherine Brattle Elifha Hatiar & Mary Fefsenden Rev'' M'" Benjamin Stevens & M""* Mary Remington Henry Prentice Jun'' & Mary Walker Benjamin Cheney & Margaret Stedman Moses Gleafon & Abigail Brown The Rev'' M"- Samuel Haven & M"-* Mehetable Appleton Gideon Froft & Sarah Ireland John Wright & Hannah Fefsenden W" Bordman & Sufauna Bricksey Jonas Wyeth & Hepzibah Tidd. Stephen Randall & Mary Manning M'' Isaac Gardner & Mary Sparhawk Elifha Gardner & Elizabeth Sparhawk Jonas Earned & Tabitha Morse Rev'' M'" Stephen Badger & M''^ Abigail Hill Rev'^ M'' Amos Adams & M'** Elizabeth Prentice D'' Isaac Rand & M""* Elizabeth Appleton Capt. Joseph Fitch & Rachel Converse Stephen Paine Jun"" & Mary Brown. Vid. P. (79) Votes of y'^ Church. Then voted. That as for fuch as hence forward fhall defire Communion among us, & are not qualified for 122 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. y^ making a formal Relation. Their Conversation being blaraelefse. Questions being put by y*^ Elders to y*^ faid perfons privately & anf weied b^^ them, & f' Questions & Aufwers being Communicated Publickly, The f*^ Perfons fhall be Excufed from any Relation & be readily Accepted by us. March 11, 9f At a Church meeting At Deacon Haf tings. 1. As to perfons making of a Relation. It was Agreed upon by y** Elders & by a Legal Vote Con- curr'd w*'' by y*' Brethren. 1. That y*^ making a Relation be not impofed upon any that Offer themfelves for Communion w*^'* us at ye L(^j's Table : But that as for fuch as are Approved of by us as to their Converfation. They giving Satis- faction unto y® Elders Privately & being willing pub- lickly to make Prof efsion of their Faith & Repentance in their Covenanting w^^' G'', Shall be accepted among us, according to their defires. 2. That as for fuch Perfons as do defire to make a Relation in order to their being Received into our Communion. They shall have the Liberty : 2- As to y*^ manner of our Receiving fuch into our Communion as do defire it ; It was agreed upon by y*^ Elders & by a Legal Vote concurr'd w"^ by the Brethren. 1. That all fuch perfons be Propounded Publickly & ftand propounded y^ Ufual time ; that fo if any thing be known as to any of y*' f*^ perfons w'^'^ fhould justly Barr them from our Communion ; The Elders privately may be informed thereof in feafon, «fe fo demurr as to any Public Procedure w"' them : 2. That y*^ Churches Confent be Explicitly Referr'd to as to y® perfons propounded, Before fuch time as yy be called upon to Covenant w"' G** in order to their being declared Members in full Communion : 3. That y® Churches Confent be taken by their Silence, & not by the Manual Vote, as heretofore has been ufed & practifed in y^ Church. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 128 At a Church meeting at M'' Bordmau's house May 4: 161)7: upon adjournm' from April 26. at f houfe. 1) Then Propounded to M'' Danforth & y*^ whole body of y'' Brethren, w" had Reraonftratod as to y*' Votes of y^' Church pass'd March 11.9f at y^ House of D. Haftings, Whether if J would condefceud fo far as to let fomethiug be communicated to y*' Church by my felf or y"' Elder, wherein 1 received fatisfaction from thofe w*' ask communion w"' u.s as to their fpiritual fitnefs for it; and this to be done at some- time before or w" they are to be admitted as I shal judg best & this to remain fo long as y« peace of y^ Church calls for it ; They Avould then be fatisfyed & give no further Trouble : This propofal was confented to by them all ; no one exprefsing his Difsent : 2) Then propounded to them whether if y« way & (46) Manner of Taking y*^ Churches confent whether by handy Vote, or Silence or any other indifferent fign be left to y*' discretion of y'^' Elders ; This woukl be to their fatif faction : To this bkewife their Confent was given, & no one exprefs'd his dif satis faction : Upon which I promifed that so long as y'' peace of ye Church call'd for it, I would obferve w* I had now propounded to them for y^ Accommodating y« ditter- ences w''' had been among us. Feb. 15. 1716/17 The RV M'" William Brattle Pastor of the Church of Chrift in Cambridge departed this Life. April 19. 1717 At a Meeting of the Chh. of Chrift in Cambridge. Upon opening the occasion of the Meeting. It was agreed by the Brethren of y'^ Chh, y* They would by written Votes, Nominate Some Suitable perfons in Order to P^lect one of them to Settle in The Work of the Miniftry & Pastoral Office in This Church 124 Records of the First Church in Camhridge. Upon the Sorting & Numbering the Brethern's Votes, M'" Flynt, M-^ Fitch & M' Appleton were the perfons Nominated &, the Bretheren agreed & pro- ceeded to, their Election of a perfon to Settle in the Work of the Ministry, &c. as aforef^ Upon Sorting & Numbering The Votes of the Brethren, M"" Nathaniel Appleton was Elected to Set- tle in the Work of the Ministry, in order to his tiikini;- on him the Paftoral offlce in this Churcli as God shall open the way thereto. After this for more clearness & better fatisf action, The Moderat^' putt the Question to the Brethren, — Whether they Chofe M'' Appleton to Settle in the work of y'^ miniftry in Order to take upon him the Pastorall Offlce upon him, as God fhall open the way thereto? desiring them to manifest their Minds by y*^ lifting up their hands. It pafsed by a full Vote in the Affirmative. Finaly, It was Voted y' the three of his Majesties Justices of Peace prefent together with the Two Dea- cons be a Committee to reprefent to the Inhabitants of the Town of Cambridge the Election of M"" Apple- ton as afores'^ & to desire the concurrence w**^ y^ Church therein, This is a true Account of the Proceedings of y** Church of Chrift in Cambridge, at their Meeting, on the day above written Atteft I. Leverett, Moderaf. May. 13 The Town concurred with the Votes of Church, — M'' Remington, Moderaf June 10 M'' Nathaniel Appleton gave his anfwer in the Affirm- ative. Oct. 9. M"" Nathaniel Appleton was ordained Pastor of the Chh. of Chrift in Cambridge ; by the Rev"^ D'' Increafe Mather, who on y*" f' Day, Entertained the afsembly with a Discourfe from Eph 4.12. & Dr. Cotton Mather gave the right hand of fellowfhip, & with these were Joyned the Rever''. M'' Angier & M'' Rogers in laying on hands. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 125 Jau. 7. 1718 Dyed Deacon Cooper 22 att a Church meeting was Chosen Andrew Bordman & Joseph Coolidge, Deacons, Andrew Bordraan re- fas'* to ferve as a Deacon, upon w*^^'' the Church made Choice of Mr Samuel Kidder for Deacon Attefted p me Nath Appleton. May 28, 1722. Att a Meeting of the Chh. at my houfe. Voted, yt M'' Monis be allowed to partake with us at the Lords Supper upon y*^ Ace* of the profesfion he made & y^ Cov' y* was given him in y^ Coll Hall provided y' y'" be no objections offer'* against his life and conversation (47) Att a Church Meeting, Aug'' 5. 1724. 1. God having in his holy providence removed his Servant Deacon Kidder by Death, voted to proceed to y*' Choice of two Deacons and being defired to bring in y"" votes accordingly & M Nathaniel Spar- hawk & Mr. Samuel Bowman were Chol'eu into y*^ office 2. Voted y' y'' Should be a Tankard made of y'' Silver money y' remains in Deacon Coolidges hands, for y** Communion table. Att a Chh. Meeting May 24. 1731 The Church upon hearing y^ Evidences relating to M'' Thomas Grover being disguifed with drink on y« 12**^ of January last, as allfo what s'' Grover had to offer in vindication of himfelf, and Considering allso what he himfelf acknowledged before y^ Chh. as to his do judge Jntemperance att other times y'' Church are of opinion, y* y® Said Grover Should receive a Solemn admonition «fe y' upon his Submifsiou y""'** «& promifes of reforma- tion y* he continue in y*" Enjoyment of Special ordi- nances with us. An admonition was accordingly administered to him in y*> prefence of y*^ Church which he Submitted unto 12() Recordu of tJte First Church in Cambridge. acknowledging his Sin of Intemperate drinliing att other times & promifing a reformation & afking y*^ prayers of y*^ Chh for him May 28. 1733— The Brethien of y^ Chh. met to consider & deter- mine upon y*^ Cafes of Several perfons y* had fallen into Scandall. 1. Eleazer Parker who had owned y^ Covenant formerly, but not Come to full Communion was guilty of attempting in a furious rage, Stirred up by Strong druik to kill his wife. Swearing he would run her through & having a knife in his hand thrust it againft her Breft, he was providentially prevented from hurt- ing her by a Book she had in her Bofom & having been notified to y*' meeting he appeared & made a publick acknowledgement of his Sin, it was accepted by ye Chh. 2 The cafe of M'" Jonathan Stedman, a member in full Communion was referred to another meeting be- caufe he did not appear & y'' Honorable Francis Foxcroft Efq'', & Andrew Bordman Efq"", were de- fired to discourse with him to make him Senfible of his duty to attend at y® meeting when notified of it, 3 The cafe of Thomas Grover was defen-ed to another meeting he having Sent word y* he was So lame y* he Could not attend. (43) Att a meeting of y« Brethren of y^ Chh April 12 1734. 1. M"" Samuel Sparhawk was chofen to y^ office of a Deacon. The Cafe of our Brother Jonathan Stedman was Con- f idered & whereas he has been Convicted before Justice Danforth of threatning to be y® Death of his Mother, which Cafe was brought before y^ Chh. & he notifyed to attend, but refufed & Since that has been Convicted of prophane Cursing & has been very Scandalous in his life for Some years past, — Voted, y*^ he be Suspended from Communion with Records of the Fird Chvrcli in Camhridiie. 127 y*^ Chh, in any Special ordinances & y'^ a publick ad- monition be dispensed to him att Some Convenient time att y'' difcretion of our Pastor Unlcfs he give Some manifest tokens of his repentance & make pub- lick acknowledgement of his offences. N.B. He has by my advice & direction withdrawn from y® Sacrament for Some years. 3. The cafe of our Brother Thomas Grover was Inquired into & it did not appear to y'' Chh y* he was guilty of y^ Sin of Drunkenuefs at y*^ time y' was charged upon him & he was acquitted. 4. Whereas it is Credibly reported y^ Mary Nutting a Sister of y*' Chh. has fallen into a Scandalous breach of y 7"' Commandment & has for a very Considerable time neglected to make a publick ac- knowledgement of her offence & to give tokens of her repentance. Voted y* she be notifyed to attend att y'' next Chh. meeting unlefs She prevent it by making a publick acknowledgement of her offence & y* She Continue her withdraw from Special ordinances in y® mean time. 5. Voted y* y*^ Preecinct Committee be allowed to take Such timber for y*^ repairing y'^ fences of y** Parsonage as y^ think necefsary from y'' Chh. Lott at Newton. (49) Att a Clih. meeting July 12, 1734. A Letter from y*^ Second & third Chhs in Bofton y'^ Church at Rumney Marsh, y'' first Chh. in Glouces- ter Signed by y'' refpective Pastors was read Inform- ing us of y*^ Steps yy had taken in admonifhing y« first Chh. in Salem (for living in Scandalous Divif- ions & neglecting y® methods of peace) agreable to y'' third way of Comnuiuion laid down in y*^ I'hitfortn Chh difcipline defiring us to join with 26 other chhs to hear & Judge upon y'' procefs in y*^ affair & if we Juftifye y^' Conduct to unite our P^ndeavours in giving light & Conviction to y'^ Unhappy Chh. & upon 128 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. y perfisting in neglecting y® means of peace under y'' Scandalous Divifion & refufing Communion with other Chhs to pronounce y"^ obftinate in Scandal &c. The Chh after Some debate voted a Complyance with ye defire of i^ Letter & voted y^ Honorable y*^ Lieutenant Governour Phipps, M*" Foxcroft, M"" Danforth, Maj'' Brattle, M'' Bordman as delegates of y*^ Chh. Only M'' Danforth &, Major Brattle went with me to attend y*^ Service. 1734/5 Jan. 26. A Letter from y'' Chh in Marlborough defir'g us to Joyn with other Chhs in an Eclefiaftical Council in advife in matters of difference between y"^ & some of y® members, relating more Specially to y** principles of y*^ Paftor was read to y'^ Chh, & a complyance with y'' defire was voted & Sam" Danforth &, Major Brat- tle Efq''^ & M"" Sewall were chofen as Mefsingers to joyn with y*^ Paftor in attending y'' service. N. B. y« Council sat Feb. 4. 1734/5 Feb. 23, 1734/5 Mary Nutting now Mary Nowell made a publick Confefsion of her Scandalous breach of y*' 7'^ Com- mandment which was accepted by y*^ Chh & She re- ftored to Communion. Feb. 26, 1734/5 The Chh & whole Congregation met in Solemn af sembly & Imployed y'' forenoon in prayer & Preach- ing a sermon from thefe words Ezra 9. 5. 6. in y^ afternoon y^ Brethren of y*' Chh met & came into y* following votes. Viz. 1 . We apprehend y^ as y"" is a general decay of piety among us, So y^' are allso a great many disorderly walkers, not only among thofe y^ are baptifed & So reckoned y*^ cliildren of y^ Chh, but even among thofe y*^ have publickly owned y'' Covenant, yea & among thofe y^ are Members in full Communion with us even (50) such as neglect y'' bufinefs, y* frequent Taverns, «fe publick houfes & follow UnlawfuU Gaming, & Excef- sive drinking Strong drink, and are profane in y"^ Records of the First CJiurcJi in Ccunbridye. 129 Converfation, whereby y^' greatly dishonour y^' Chrif- tiau name & profefsiou, break y*" good & wholefome laws of y® Land, mifpend y'' precious time Impoverifh y'' families blaft y"" reputation, Impare y"" health, Unfit ymfelves for bufinefs, run ymfelves into Inumerable Snares & temptations & Extremely hazard y'' Im- mortal Souls. 2. We apprehend y* y*^ Increafing & prevaling of Such Sinful disorders as y>' have done of late among us is very much owing to our not Exercifiug y*^ faithf ull «& friendly watch over one another ; as we have mutually «Sc Solemnly Engaged by Covenant ; & to a General Lukewarmneis & Unexemplarinefs among our Selves. 3. Under a deep Sense of our former defects we hum- bly Implore y'' pardoning mercy of God thro Jesus Ciirift, att y^ same time )"elblving & Solemnly promif- iug y"^ by y^ help of Divine grace we will Endeavor more Effectually to discountenance & discourage Such Sinfuil disorders Cor y*" future, by taking care each one to reform himfelf in thele or other Sins y' our Consciences Charge as with, and by being more Cir- cumspect & Exemplary in our Carriage, particularly we promife Steddily & diligently to Imploy our Selves in y*^ bufinefs of some honelt Calling, y^ we will carefully avoid drinking Strong drink wherein is Ex- cels, all Unlawfull Gaming, & y' we will be Cautious of going in or Sitting att Taverns and publick lioufes. And as we would be willing to deny ourfelves even our lawfull liberty in many things to prevent others from Stumbling thereat ; So we now promise for oui' Selves refpectively y^ in order to discountenance this evil & pernicious Cultom of needlcsly going to &, Sitting Long att y*' Taverns : we will not frequent Such publick houfcs either on days or in y'' Evenings, except when we have lawfull bufinefs y' Calls us thither, & y' we will Endeavour So to order our af- fairs as y' we may but Seldom have occafiou to go to Such houfes & y' when we are obliged to go to 130 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Such places we will endeavour always to Set Exam- ples of Sobriety & good order by moderate drinking & Seafouably departing. 4. We do Solemnly promife y"^ we will more faithfully watch over one another, and all among us y* are in any degree related to y*^ chh by y^' Baptifm or owning y*^ Covenant, with a Spirit of meeknefs, love and tenderneis, Counfelling Exhorting & admonifhing (51) one another frequently as we see occafion leaft any be hardened thro y^ deceitfulnefs of Sin & iu thofe cafes w''in we apprehend is applicable & necefsary we will Endeavour to profecute our Saviour's rule with re- fpect to admonitions as laid down in Math : 18 : 15, 16, 17. 5. That a Suitable Letter be Sent to y*^ Inholders & Retailers. N. B. y'^' letter is to be prepared & Sent by y*' Paftor, & y*^ purport of it to be an Earneft Exhortation to y'" to do what in y™ lyes to prevent Intemperance, Gaming or any dilbrder att y'" houfes. And now Lord God of our Fathers keep thefe things forever in y*' Imaginations of y*' thoughts of y*^ heart of thispple & prepare tlieir' heart unto thee. 1, Chron: 29: 18. Att a meeting of y® Brethren of y'^ Chh March 22 173f 1. Voted, That y^" be a Committee of y'^ Chh Chofen to Confult with our Paftor about such meafures as Shall be thought most likely under y*^ Divine blefsiug to reform y^ growing disorders y^ are among us & make report to y*^ Chh at Some other meeting. 2 . That y'' said Committee consist of Seven of y*^ brethren. 3. That y'' Honouiable Judge Remington y*^' Honour- able Francis Foxcroft, & Sam" Danforth, Efqr. M^^ Benjamin Goddard, Deacon Coolidge, M"" Daniel Dana & M'' John Cutter be y^ Committee for y*^ pur- pofe aforef*^. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. VAX The Committee chofen by y** Brethren of y"' Chh att y'' meeting on March 22, 173(5/7 to Coufult with our Pastor about Such meafures to be taken as Shall be thought moft likely (under y^' Divine blefsing) to reform y*^ growing disorders among us, & make report to y*^ Brethren att another meeting, do unani- moufly agree with our Paftor to report as follows, viz : — 1. That it is matter of humiliation to this Chh y' not withftanding y'' promife we make to every one we admit to our Communion of xoatching over y"' for y' (jood hear of any Sinfull & disorderly behaviour of any of y'" y* y> Inquire into y*' truth y'' of & when y> perceive y*^ truth of Such evil reports, y' one or more of y'" together (as occa- fion Shall require) do adminifter Exortations ifc ad- monitions to y*' offender agreable to y'' nature & circumstances of y*^ offence, with faithfuluefs but yet 132 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. with all meeknefs & tendeniefs, and when Such private ad- monitions doat anfwer y*^ End, y* y>' advife with our Paftor about a more publick procedure with Such offenders. And y*^ in cafe of open Scandal y* require y*^ publick no- tice of y*^ Chh yy Exhibit a Complaint to our Pastor ; and in all cafes y' Shall be thought proper to be laid before y" Chh, y^ y> procure & exhibit to our Said Paftor, y^' Evi- dences y^ may be had for y'' Support of y*^ Complaint & for y*' Conviction of y'^' offender. 3. And y*^ this metliod may be y*^ more Ef actual to anfwer y'^' End aimed att it is Proposed y^ y^ be nine of y^ Brethren chofeu into this Service, viz — three in y*^^ Body of y'' Town, one upon y*" Common, one in Charleftown End two att Me- notomy, & two on y'' South Side of y*^ river and y' y^ continue in y*^' afores'^ Service & Trust for y*' Space of one year. 4. Finally it is proposed That this Chh Should Exprefsly declare y' y- defign of Such a Committee is not to be Understood to Excufe private Chriftians from Exercifing y*' same Chrif tian watch or from administering ye Same private admonitions to one another which by y'' Covenant & profefsion y> are obliged unto. Nath" Appleton Paftor. Canib. April 8, 1737. Cambr. April 13. 1737. Att a meeting of y'' Brethren of y* Church y^ aforesaid report of y** Committee was read & accepted & purfuant to y'" Said Report, Samuel Dauforth, Andrew Bordman Efq' John Bradifh, Deacon Sam" Bowman, Benjamin Goddard, John Cutter, Ephraim Froft, Daniel Dana & Deacon Samuel Sparhawk, Brethren of y*^' Chh were Chofen by y'' church for y^' service & for y*' term Exprefsed in Said report. Att a Meeting of y' Bretliren of y'' Chh, June 24, 1737. A complaint Signed by Six of y'' Chh Committee for In- fpecting y'' manners &c againft Daniel Champney Jun'' for his being difguifed with Strong drink on 26 of April in a publick Scandalous manner, was read to y*" Chh. and y*" S** Daniel Ciiampney being prefent freely acknowledged y*^ fact? & declared y' he had frequently fallen into y*^ sin, for which he defired to be deeply humbled & afked forgivenefs of Records of tJte First Churdi in Cambridge. 13;) God & of ye Chli, uud promifed by y'' help of G"'s Spirit to reform, and defired an lutereft in our prayers, upon which (53) y*" Chh pafaed y following vote viz.— Our Brother Daniel Champney Jun'' having made a full acknowledgment of y'' of- euce y' he had been complained of viz, y^ being difguifed with Strong drink, and allso of his having repeatedly fallen into y*" like Sin, & having profefsed his repentance y"" for, It is y^fore voted y' if our S^^ Brother Champney after four months tryal of his Carriage & Conversation Shall apply to our Paftor for his reftoration to all Gofpel ordinances among us, & upon our Paftor making y^' S<^ requeft known to y*^ Brethren of y« Chh & if y be no new objections as to his behaviour y' he Shall Enjoy all Gospel ordinances with us as in times past. Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y** Chh, May 5. 1738. The Brethren voted to choofe a Committee for y Same purpofes y> did laft year, viz :— to Inspect y manners of profefsiug Christians &c. They accordingly brought in y"" written votes for y« per- fous to be of this Committee & the Honorable Francis Fox- croft & Andrew Bordman Efq'" Mr. John Bradish, Deacon Samuel Bowman, M'' Benjamin Goddard Capt. Ephraim Froft, M' John Cutter, M"" Daniel Dana & D'-acon Samuel Sparhawk were Chofeu y S*^ service & trust for y'' Space of one year. Mem-J"' M-- Foxcroft declined to accept of the Service, But y* Brethren did not See Cause to choofe any other in his room. M'' John Bradifh was chosen to y^' otllce of a Deacon. July 23, 1738 Our Brother Jonathan Stedman gave manifeft tokens of his repentance by his late conduct of himfelf, by a publick acknowledgement this day Exhibited to y*' Chh. upon which they manifefted y' forgivenefs of him and reftored him to y'' Charity & to y'' free Enjoyment of Special ordinances iis in times paft. Att a meeting of y Brethren of y^' Chh June 15, 1739. 1. The Brethren Voted to chofe a Committee to Infpect 134 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. y^ manners of profefsiug Christians &c. according to y^ method agreed upon April 13, 1737. 2. They accordingly brought in y^' written votes for y'^ Perfons to be of this Committee and y'' Honourable Sam" Danforth & Andrew Bordman Efq""*^ Deacon John Bradifh, Deacon Sam" Bowman, M'' Benjamin Goddard, Capt. Ephraim Froft, Mr. John Cutter, m'' Daniel Dana & Deacon Sam" Sparhawk were Chofen to y*^ Said Service and trust for y'' Current year. Vide p. (100) Infants Baptized by Nath^^ Appleton, 1734 Sarah of Deacon Sam" Sparhawk Edward of Jeremiah Rufsell William of William Robbins Nathaniel of Daniel Champney Martha of Edward Dickfou John of John Morse John of John Wyeth Efther of John Manning Timothy of Peter Tufts. Elizabeth of Ozmant, baptized at Menotomy. Mary of Nath" Gammage Mary & Paul children of Paul Nowell Jofeph of Jofeph Rufsell Daniel of Jofhua Gammage Thales, son of M"" Profefsor Greenwood. Katherine of Sam^' Whittemore Jun'^. Jonathan of Jonathan Cooper. Benoui, son of W"^ Winfhip. Andrew of M"" Andrew Bordman Jun*" Peter of Peter Hurd Ruth of Amos Marrett Jun^'. William of Charles Honeywell Jun'". Ruth of Eliz : Cartwright James of Caleb Dana William W" Manning June 1. Nathan of Jacob Watson (54) 1734 Nov'" • 3 10 17. Dec'"- 1. 15 29 1734/5 Jan. 5 26 Feb. 2. 23 March 9. 16 23 30 April 20 May 5 May 11 18 Records of the First ChurcJi in Oairibridge. 135 1734/5 June 8 Lyditi of W" Dickfou. 15. Jonathan of Sam" Nutting 29 B'^rancis of Francis P'oxcroft Efq'. David of John Furgefon Thomas of Thomas Ozburu July 6. Hepsibah of Phillip Cook Samuel of Jonathan Edmunds 13. Sybill of Thomas Sparhawk 27 Hannah of Cadwallader Ford Abraham of Ephraim Ozburu Aug. 3. Samuel of W" Barrett. 10 Richard of Thomas Dana 17 Jonathan of Jonathan Star. Sept. 21. Joanna of Sam" Cook John of Sam" Bull 28 Mary of John Whitmore Lydia of Joseph Bartlett Sarah of Michael Stanley Oct. 12. Benjamin of Francis Lock. John of Solomon Champney Philemon of Joseph Winfhip Elizabeth of Isaac Fillebrown Thomas of Thomas Champney. Mercy of Edward Manning Sufanna of Ebenezer Cutter John of James Pierce Abigail & Ruth, children of Mathew Mallit. Abigail of Ephraim Cook Vide p. (55) 55 1735/6 Tabitha of Abraham Hill Abigail of Sam" Belcher Benjamin of Sam" Smith at Menotomy Jonathan of W" Butterfield Henry of Sam" Godding att Menotomy Jofeph & Benjamin, Twins of Eleazer Parker Mathew & Margaret, Children of Mathew Mallit. Hepsibah of Sam" Hastings Nov. 9. 16 Nov. 23 30 Dec. 14. 28 (55) 17 Jan. 4. 11 18 March 21 28 April 11 13() Records of the First Church in Cmnbridge. 1735/6 May 2 Martha of Ebenezer Stedinau 30 Samuel of Ebenezer Shed June 6 George of Francis Foxcroft Ef'q^ 20 Sarah of Major W" Brattle July 4 Elizabeth of John Wyeth Jacob of Henry Prentice 3*'"^ July 18 Richard of Charles Honeywell Jiin''. 25 Zacheus of Phillip Bemus August 1 Elizabeth of Sam" Danforth Efq' . 8 William of Sam" Rand Nathan of Josiah Robbins August 29 Tabitha of Thomas Kidder Sept. 5 Sarah of Jonathan Cooper Sept, 12 Jacob of Jacob Hill Jun'. Elizabeth of Simon Holding 19. Sybil of Dr. Edward Wigglesworth 26. John of John Goddard Oct. 3. Edmund of Edmund Dix 31. Jane of "William Dickson Nov*" 7. Joanna of Samuel Cook Lydia of Sam" Lock 28. Samuel of Walter Cooper Dec'"' 26. Samuel of Abraham Watson. Aaron of Joseph Winfhip baptized att Meuotomy 1737 Jan. 16 Esther of Thomas Robbins. 30. P^benezer of James Nutting Feb. 5. Ruth of Philip Carteret 20. John of William Withington Mar. 6. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Prentice 13. Mary of Edward Marrett Jun'' 20. Thomas of Thomas Sparhawk 27. Zechariah of Zechariah Hill April 3. Downing of Downing Champney Timothy of John Batherick 10. Patience & Symon, Children of Symon Sparhawk Vide p. (56) 46 Records of the Fird Church in Cambrkhjc. 137 (56) 17. Mary of Sam" Bull Mary of Ephraini Cook James of Jofepli Bartlett 24 Katherine of Francis Foxcroft Efq' Hannah of Sam" Whitoniore Jim' May 1. Elizabeth of M'' Isaac Greenwood John of John Whitmore Abraham of Abraham Ireland Jiin' John of John Ireland Mary of William Barrett Mercy of Jonas Prentice Sarah of Symon Sparhawk Henry of Nath" Appleton Tabitha of Daniel Champncy Jun'' Edward of Edward Dickson pjbenezer of W"' Fefsendcn Amos of Amos Marret Jun' Edmund of Mathew Mallit. Sarah of John Morse Joseph of Sam" Nutting Ebenezer of Solomon Hancock Sarah of Thomas Dana Sufanna of M"^ John Hovey. AVilliam of John Swan John of Gerfhom Cutter 3"'" Sarah of Jofhua Rand David of Michael Stanly Oct. 16. William of y^ Rev'^ M' Edw' Holyoke, President. Sufanna of James Peirce Elizabeth a child of Ephraini Ozburn Samuel of Peter Tufts Sarah of William Manning Margaret of y* Widow M indwell Feseuden. Margaret of Charles Honeywell Nathan of Samuel Davis Bethia of Downing Champnc}' Rebekah of Eben"" Cutter 8. 15 22. 28. June 5. 12. Jnly 10. 17 July 31 Aug. 14. Sept. 4. 18. 25. Oct. 9. Nov'' ■■ 13 27 Dec. 11 1737 Dec. 25 1738 Jan. 1. Feb. 5 138 Mecords of the First Ohurcli in Cambridge. 1738 Feb. 5. Mary of W^ Butterfield Samuel of Sam" Swan Mar. 12 Lydia of Jacob Watson 26. Isaac of W" Dickson Lydia of Ebenezer Stedman Ann of Abraham Ireland, Jun"" April 9, Nathan of Henry Prentice. Hannah of John Barrett 16. William of y^ Honorable Francis Foxcroft Esq"^ 23. Sarah of Isaac Fillebrown 30 Susannah of Abraham Colfry Mary of John Ellis May 7. Martha of Walter Cooper Patience of Thomas Hall. Gerfhom of Thomas Williams Abiel of Widow Pricfilla Hill Josiah of John Winfhip Ebenezer of Noah Sparhawk Martha of John Wyeth Mar}^ of Mary Parker Elizabeth of Sam" Belcher John of Thomas Robbins Benjamin of Samll Lock (57) Vide page: (57) 60" Lucy of Thomas Sparhawk William of Major Brattle, baptif'd by M'' Prince. Rhoda, daughter of Jofeph Bartlett, baptized by M' Thomas Prentice. Mehetable of W'" Morse. Elizabeth of Daniel Barrett Anna of Jacob Hill Jun'' Abigail of Edward Manning Robert of Sam" Smith John of M'' John Hovey Mary of James Cutler Jun' 21. 28. June 25. July 28. 30 Aug. 6. 1738 Aug. 20. Oct. 8. 15. 22. 29. Nov. 12. Dec. 3. 31 1739 Jane's 7. Records of the First Church in Ciimbridge. l;}9 1739 Jau. 14. Sarah of Sam" Bull Jofliua of Jofhua Rand 21. Samuel of Wm. Dana John of James Nutting 28 Edward of Edward Marret Juu' Feb. 11. Mary of William Barrett Amos of Amos Marret Jun'' Margaret of David Osburn 18. John of Thomas Kidder Samuel of Jonathan Cooper 25. Abraham of P^benezer Kendal by M'' J. Cotton March 11. Layton son of y^' Honourable Francis Foxcroft, Kscj'' 25. Elizabeth, Daughter of Ruth Cheney April 1. John of Nath" Appleton Anna of Jofiah Robbiiis. April 8. John of Ephraim Ozburn William of Richard Champney 15. Jofeph of Henry Prentice 3*'"^ Mary of Abraham Ireland Jun'". 22. Mary of Jofeph Rufsell 29. Ebenezer of Dan" Champney Jun*". Jonas of Jonas Prentice May 6. Jofeph of Sam" Nutting Martha of John Goddard June 10. Sarah of Samuel Cook July 15. Dorothy of Deacon Sam" Sparhawk Thomas of W'" P^efsenden 29. Prifcilla of y^' Revd Edward Holyoke, Preside Hannah of W" Dickson Aug 5. Mary of Mary Chadwick wife of Nath" Chadwick 12. Nathaniel of John Cutter 19 Philemon of Thomas Rol)bins Sept. 2. Mary of Ebenezer Wyeth Michael of Michael Stanly 16. Andrew of Abraham Colefry Oct'^'" 7. Samuel of Bethia Grover 140 Recoi'ds of the First Church in Cambridge. 1739 Oct'"' 14. Sileuoe, daughter of Thomas Dana, N.B. dyed a few days after her delivery. John of Angus Graham Elizabeth of Pxlward Dickson. Samuel of Nath" Chadwick His wife 21. Nov. 4. Nov. 18 1739 Nov. 25 William of John Morse Keziah of Thomas Goddard (58) Verte Dec. 2. Abiel Daughter of Charles Honywell 16. Lucy of Abraham Hill Aaron of Peter Tufts 23. Katheriue of Thomas Sparhawk 30. James of James Peirce 1740 Jan. 20. Elizabeth of Mathew Cox. Feb. 10. Benjamin of Walter Cooper 17. Isaac of Tabitha Hill March 2. Rebecca of Jofeph Bartlett 30. John of y Honourable Francis Foxcroft. Lucy of Col. W" Brattle Silence of Solomon Champney Jofeph of Daniel Hovey April 6. Abigail of Thomas Ozburn April 20. Rebeckah of W" Manning 27. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Stedman May 11. Samuel of Nath" Appleton 18. Jofeph of Jofeph Cook 25. Abigail of Henry Prentice 3«'"s June 15. Eunice of Ebenezer Bradifh. June 29 Martha of W™ Fefsenden Jun''. July 6. John of John Barrett Elizabeth of David Ozborn 13 Joseph of Ebenezer Smith August 10 Samuel of y^ Honourable Sam" Danforth Efq''. 17 Mary of Amos Marrett 24 Lydia of Daniel Barrett 53 1740 Sept. ,14 Nov'' 1 2 Nov' "•30 Dec'' '21 1741 Jau. 4 Jan. 14 Hecords of the First Church in Cambridge. 141 Andrew ai Sam" Belcher William of Richard Champney Elizabeth of John Wyeth John of Jacob Hill Jun''. Judah of Edward Marrett Jun''. Rachel of Ephraim Osburn Lydia of John Whitmore Abraham of Abraham Hofsey Jan> 25 Sarah of Henry Prentice Joshua of W" Barrett March 1 Agnis Daughter of Mathew Cox March 8 Elizabeth of John Ireland March 15 Hepsibah of John Bradifh Juii^' baptized att Deacon Bradifli's houfe, she being dangerously 111, and dyed y'' next Lords day morning. 29 Daniel of Capt. Sam" Gookiu Sarah of John Bradifh Junior who lives with Eb : Bradifh April 12 Benjamin of W" Dana baptized on y*^ South Side of y^' river. Mary of Samuel Champney Jun''. Hannah of Nath" Chadwick Sarah Ebenezer Stedman Lucy of Jacob Watson. James of Jonas Prentice Ruth of Thomas Robbins, William of Angus Graham Jonathan of James Nutting Sarah of Thomas Kidder George of y'' Honourble Francis Foxcroft Efff. Mary of vSolomon Hancock Tabitha of Daniel Chamney Jun''. Ebenezer of Jofeph Cook Simon of Jonathan Cooper Mary of Abraham Colefrey 19 26 May 10 17 (59) May June 24 7 14 21 July 5 12 July 19 26 August 2 142 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1741 Aug. 30 Mary of Hannah Smith alias Hannah Daniels. Sept 6. Stephen of John Goddard 13 John of Amos Marrett 20 George of Noah Sparhawk, Samuel of Samuel Kent. Nov'"" 1 Mehetabel of y*" widow Jemima Batherick. 8 Henry of Edward Dickson, Samuel of Sam" Cook. Nov'"'" 17 Elias of Elias Mason, Baptized att his houfe y*^ child came a month too soone & was dangerously 111 with fits. 29 Jonathan of Jonathan Brooks. Dec. 20 Abigail of James Pierce. 27 Anna of Isaac Watson Jun'". 1741/2 Jan. 3 Jofhua of Nath" Gammage 17 Margaret of W" Fefsenden baptized by M'' Tho* Prentice. Jan. 31 Jonathan of Michael Stanly Feb. 7. Sufannah of William Murch Feb. 14. Thomas of Col : William Brattle Esq'". March 28. David of Jofeph Bartlett April 4. Elizabeth of M'" Andrew Bordraan Junr. by M'' Walter. Oliver of Thomas Sparhawk April 1 1 . Elizabeth of Thomas Ozburn Hannah of Thomas Goddard 18. Nathaniel of Walter Cooper Nicholas of W'" Fefsenden Jun"". James of John Tomb. May 16. Tliomas of Edward Marrett Junior. July 4. Ebenezer of Thomas Robbins. 11 . Noah of Ebenezer Wyeth Mofes of Eliphalet Robbins 18. Mary of Daniel Hovey 25. Isaac of Abraham Hofsey Eunice of Nathaniel Kidder Aug.l. Sufannah of Peter Tufts 22. Sarah of Daniel Barrett 29. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Bradifh Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 143 1741/2 Aug. 29 Thomas of Thomas Kidder, Baptized at his house y^ child dyed. Sept. 19. Benjamin of Jofeph Cook Oct'"- 3. William of Henry Prentice 3""^ 10. George of Caleb Dana 24. Mary of Capt. Sam'' Gookin Nov'"' 28. Jonathan of William Barrett Dec'"' 5, Richard of Richard Champney 54 Vid. Page (64) (60) Persons Admitted to full Communion by Nath^'^ Appleton. 1738 Jofeph Adams Jun*". Dec. 3. EphraimFroft] Samuel Froft [ Children of Cap^ Ephr Froft Martha Froft. j Abigail Cutter D. of J. Cutter Mary Kidder Jan> 28. Katherine wife of Rich'' Champney. 1739 W" Fefsenden Jun''— Student B.A. March 25. Susannah Torrey Elizabeth Winship D. of J. Winfhip May 6. Edward Marrett, Jun"" by disraifsion from D'" Colman's Chh. 20. M'' Jeremiah Wheelwright Daniel Prentice Sarah, Wife of Mofes Herrington Rebekah Daugh*'' of Jofeph Adams. Sept. 8. Stephen Fefsenden B.A. Dec. 30. Oxenbridge Thacher B.A. Mathew Cox. Mathew Bridge. Student Martha Wife of Nehemiah Cutter Martha Bordman f MaryBordman 1 D'". of Capt. Bordman. 144 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. March 2. Stephen Prentice Jim'\ 1740 Mercy, wife of Jonas Prentice April 20 Elizabeth wife of Joseph Cook Sarah Hinde May 25. W" Morse by dismifsion from Watertown August 10. William Angier October 5. Ruth Whittemore Nov. 30. John Whitmore Caleb Prentice Samuel Angier Jemima W of Abr^"" Hofsey Margaret Appleton Mary Stibbins Mary Man, 1740/1 Jon'^ Wyeth Jan> 25 Jofhua Prentice B.A. James Read Sarah Wyeth D^' of Jon-^ Wyeth Rebekah Morse ) Drs. of W™ Morse. Anna Morse S Feb. 8. Abigail Grant March 22. Prudence Hill D^ of Abraham Hill Elizabeth Palmer D^' of Stephen Palmer 1741 Isaac Fillebrown & Hannah his wife May 17. Jofeph Cook William Warland Thomas Robbins Jun'". William Lawrence Students James Mills Elizabeth Livermore Anne Remington Lydia Whittemore Sarah Gammage Mary Hill, D'" of Jacob Hill Lydia Shed Records of tht Fir tit Church in Cambridge. 145 1741 Hannah Fillebiown D'' of Isaac Fillebrown May 14 Mercy Tufts, D''. of Nalh" Tufts Mary Hovey Margaret Ireland Mary Hill, D'' of Abraham Hill Anne EUiftou Mary Bafoot Hannibal, negro of D'' Wigglesworth Roger, negro of Henry Prentice 23 Rofe, negro of M' Bordmau. July 12. Jofeph Been Jun'. 1741 Owen Warland Francis Winfliip Samuel Haftiugs Sarah Chadwick. Sept. 6. 1741. Thamazen Ireland, D'' of Abraham Ireland Martha Prentice, D'" of Henry Prentice Abigail Hill, D'' of Abraham Hill Sept.l3.1741 Widow Lydia Pettis— Sacr* day. 1741 M"". Sarah Bordman wife of A. B : Jun'". Nov'"'. 1. Mary Ireland, wife of Thomas Ireland Hannah Smith, alias Daniels Abigail Bowman, D'' — of Deacon Sam" Bow"' Susanna Sodeu D'" of Thos. Soden Mary Parker D'" Eleazer Parker December 27. Jonathan Ireland Samuel Bird. Student. Mehetabel Foxcroft, D'' of M'' Foxcrolt. Lydia Prentice, D'" of John Prentice Elizabeth Mallett, D>- An. Mallelt. Feb. 21. Mary, Wife of Andrew Mallet, Jun'' Feb. 28. William Dana & Mary his wife, — by dismifsion from Newton. (61) 1742 April 17. Andrew Sever Eliphalet Robbins John Oldham 146 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1 742 April 17. Elizabeth Sever, Wife of A. Sever Jemima Robbins, wife of E, Bobbins Mindwell Fefsenden, Widow Elizabeth Cox, Wife of Mathew Cox Sarah Haftings -\ Hannah Hastings (■ Daughters of Jon'^ Hastings. Abigail Haftings ) 1 1 Suf anna Dana, Dgh*'' of Tho* Dana June 13. Samuel Cook August 8. Solomon Robbins Oct. 3. Rebekah Hicks, Daught^' of John Hicks. 1743 Jany 23. Mary Angier March 20. Nath" Gammage Elizabeth Appleton ElizabethFoxcroft 1743 Andrew Bordman M"". Sou of Capt. Bordnian July 10. Benjamin Stevens M*". Sept. 5. Abigail, Wife of Solomon Champney Nov'"' 6. Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Fefsenden 1744 M'" Mathew Cufhing April 15. Abraham Hofsey, by dismifsion from Lyn Sept. 30. John Brown M'' 1744/5 Solomon Prentice Jun"" by Dismifsion from Lexington Jan5' 20. Martha Switcher 1745 Hannah, Wife of Noah Bowman by Difmifsion from Dec'"' 29. Lexington 1746 April 13. Lydia Kidder, D'' of Thomas Kidder Sept. 28. Sarah, wife of Abiel Richardson Nov'"" 23 M'" Gad Hitchcock 1747 May 11. Ebenezer Thompson 1747 Dec^'' 27. Mrs. Lucy Vafsall, widow of y^late Col : John Vafsal 1748 April 8. Oliver Peabody B.A. July 31. Rebekah Wigglesworth D*"" of D' Wigglesworth Total 519 Records of the First (Jhurch in (Jatnhridye. 147 1748 Sept. 25 Jonathan Read Kezia Read bis Wife Mary, wife of Sam" : Hastings Naomi, wife of Ebenezer Frol't, Jun'. Nov'"' 20. Mary Sanderson 1748/9 Stephen Palmer, Jun'". March 12. Mehetable Appleton Susanna Hastings May 7. 1749. John Dana & his wife 1749 Aug. 27. Sarah Rand D'' of Sam" : Rand Mary Winship D'" of Jofeph Winfhip, Dec'" 17. Deborah Wife of Daniel Prentice Elizabeth Daughter of Deacon Prentice Feb. 11. Sufannah Bowman. 1751 Aug. 25. John Ellis Jun''. B.A. Ebenezer Shedd, Jun'". Joanna wife of Ebenezer Shedd. 1752 April 5 Nathan Tufts John St rat ton Mercy Stratton his wife. May 31. Abigail, wife of Abiel Richardson 1753 Jan. 21. John Rand A.M. March 18. Jason Haven Student April 29. Jonathan Brooks May 20. John Haftings July 8. Abraham Cutting Mofes Richardson Bethiah Ellis, Wife of Mr. John Ellis Lydia Tufts Dghtr. of Peter Tufts Sept. 9. Alice Fefsenden, wife of Ebeu'" Fefsenden. Feb: 1754 Cap* Ebenezer Stedman Mervial Brown, daughter of ReV' M'" Brown Haverhill Hepzibah Prentice, daughter of Deacon Prentice Martha Hill, daughter of Abraham Hill Martha Sparhawk daughter of Noah Sparhawk 148 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1754 Elizabeth Holyoke I The Prefidents April 14. Anna Holyoke I Daughters June 9. Henry Coolidge Phoebe his Wife Mary Wiggles worth, ])aght of D'' Wiggles worth Jane a negro woman of Widow Kent. Aus- 4. Hannah Wife of James Read Nov"'-. 24. D''. John Wright Anna Morse, Wife of Josiah Morse 1755. March 16. Mary Wife of Henry Prentice Juu''. Aug.|31. Florence Wyman, wife of Wyman Elizabeth Dana Dec. 21. Ebenezer Thayer, B.A. |.^ 1755 Elias Smith B.A. | Students P eter Tufts Juu--. Vide P. (62) (62) 1756. William Gamuiage Feb. 15 James F'roft Elizabeth Froft his wife Tabitha How, — Wife of William How Elizabeth Epes Prifcilla ^"^ oil i Daughters of Thomas Sparhawk Lucy Sparhawk j Rebekah Gammage of Joshua Gam. Dec''. Sarah Hill, Daughter of Abraham Hill Dec". April 11. Jacob Watson Isaac Watson Aaron Hill .John Caldwell Lydia Watson wife of Jacob Watson Tabitha Kidder D' of Tho^ Kidder h Epes ) , ^ Holyoke } ^'^^'^ Daughters. 1757, Jan>. 16. Lydia Wife of Peter Tufts March 13. Mary Rand Daugh*"" of Samuel Rand July 3. Anna Rand wife of W" Rand Records of the First Church in (Ja)nJ>ri(l(jp. 149 1757 August 28 Mary Thacher Daught'. of Eb : Thacbcr dec''. y*' first admitted in y" new Meeting house. October 23 Nathaniel Sparhawk Lydia Sparhawk his wife December M''. William Kueeland, Tutor att Col. 18 Abigail Wife of W" Gammage 175S,Iuly30 Samuel Lock. M.A. September Elizabeth Wife of Sam" Sparhawk Jun'. 23 Efther wife of James Honeywell Sarah ^ Daughters of Deacon Sparhawk Dorothy 1759 March 11 Ebenezer Wyeth May G. .James Lovel B. A. July 8. Anna, Wife of Jofiah Mafon Number total GOO. August 26 Thomas Gardner Joanna Gardner, his Wife Sarah Gardner — his Sifter. Katherine Spax'hawk D^'*'' of Thomas Sphk Efq''. October 21. Mary Larned, Daughter of Abijah Larned 1760 July 27 Sufannah, wife of Sam" Choate Sept. 21. Jofhua Phipps Martha Phipps, his wife Abigail Gove (dism'' & rec'' to 2*^ Chh. in Dorchester, IHOS.) 1761 June 28. Aug. 23. Dec''> . 13 1762 Nov. 14. 17G3 Aug. 21. Samuel Rand, Jun'". Rebekah Rand his Wife Amos Toppan, M.A. John Wyeth, B.A. Amos Marrett Abigail Marrett, his Wife. Abigail Prentice D^'"''"' of Henry Prentice, .Tun"'. 150 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1763 Sept. 25. Enfigne Man. Stud', att College Oct. 16. Elizabeth Wyeth Dt^'' of late John Wyeth Hannah Bowman D*"^"" of Noah Bowman Isaac Hofsey B.A. Nov"^ '■7. Dec. 10 1764. April 1. 1764 Sept. 16 Oct'"- 28 Nov. 11 Hannah Haley Rachel Haley James Munroe Lucy Monroe, his wife Chriftopher Marfh. B.A The widow Hannah Sprague Eunice Kidder, D**"- of Nath'^ Kidder Rachel Kent, Daug''^' of Sam" Kent. Rebekah Rokwell Jonathan Crane, B.A. Phoebe Foxcroft. Anna Dana 1765 Jonas Prentice Jun'-. Aug*"' 18 Widow Mercy Cooper. Aug*^' 25 M"-. Stephen Sewall, Profefsor &c. by Difmifsion, from y® Chh. in York. Oct 13 Mary, y^ wife of John Kidder 1766 Abraham Watson Jun"" Feb. 2. Lucy Watson his wife. May 30 Joanna Cook | Daughters of Sam" Cook. Sarah Cook f Nov. 9. Mansfield Tapley. Mary his wife. 1767 Sarah, Daughter of Cap*^ Stedman March 1 Lydia, Daughter of Doctor Moores April 20 Jane Boucher or Bouchee. Esther Bryne, Wife of James Bryne June 21 Sarah Watts. Hannah Kidder. Records of the First C/nirc/t iti Carnbridye. 151 1767 Oct'"- 11 Caleb Prentice Jun'. B.A. 1768 Nath"Ward | Jan. 31. Eben-" Manning J ^' ^• Jofeph Smith May 22 Stephen Hall B.A. Margaret Fefsenden Mary Burton. Number total 656 vide P. 63- (63) 1768. Jonathan French Stud^ Nov. 7. Rebekah Kent, D-- : of Sam" Kent 1769 Jany 1. Joseph IMerce Palmer. — Student Feb. 26. Elizabeth Brandon April 23. Eliz*^ daughter of Cap*: Stedman Rachel Waters, Daugt, of M'- Stedman Sarah Daughter of Ebe" Bradish Susanna Foster, Daughter of M'* Marrett Rebekah, Daughter of Rebekah Oliver June 18. Stephen Peabody. — Student Prudence Wyeth Tabitha Champney August 20 Mary Hancock) \ Daughters of Solomon Hancock Deed. Sarah Hancock j Oct. 8. William Mayhew B.A. James Miller Jun'. Violet a negro woman of M'' Funeuil 1770 Jan. 28 Gideon Frost Mar. 25 Isaac Mansfield B.A. July 15. Thomas Miller Hannah wife of Nath" Sparhawk Sept. 9. .Joseph Miller Eunice Miller, his wife. Elizabeth Goddard 152 Records of the First Oliurch iu Cambridge. 1770 Elizabeth Bond Sept. 9. Mary Daua (Difmifsed to the care of P' Chh. in Worcester, July 26. 1812. Sept. 17. Timothy Tufts By difmifsion from y'^' Anna Tufts, his Wife. 2"'' Chh. in Cambridge. Nov'"' 4. Thomas Read Daniel Watson Anna, Wife of D. Watson Jonas Wyeth Hepsibah Wife of J. Wyeth Richard Honeywell Eunice, wife of R : Honeywell John AValton Mary, wife of John Nutting Sarah Read, Daugh'^'' of J. Read Deceafed. Dec'' '30. Henry Dickfon Kezia, wife of John Walton 1771. April 21 Sam" Smith Earned & Mary, his Wife. Elizabeth Champuey, Widow Mofes Adams, — a Student. Number total 700. 1771 Aug. 11. Simeon Pratt &, Phoebe his wife Charity Raimond, Daughter of M' Raimond Eucy Dana, I)' of late W"' Dana Mary Dickson D' .fosiah Dickson Mary Phillips D'' of John Phillips Aug*"' 18. Seth Haftings & by dismifsion Hannah, his wife from Watertown Oct'" 6. William Dana Jonathan Cook Efther, his wife. Martha Prentice widow Mary Lamb Abigail Pratt Dec. 1. Mary Wife of W™ Dana Mary Mansfield Records of the First Church In Cambridge. la'i Dec. 1 1771. Joanna Earns 1772 Jan. 26. Benjamin Guild B.A. Mar. 22. Chriftiana Wainwright May 17 Betty, y wife of Noah Wyeth Lois Fitch 1773 Aaron Tufts & Mary his wife Feb. 28 Nathan Watson & Margaret his wife Sam" Prentifs B.A. John Putnam Deborah, Wife of Henry Collins Eunice Mansfield, admitted byRev'' M'' Hunt being my Self confined by bodily Weaknefs April 18. Jofiah Temple Elizabeth his Wife Mary, y^' Wife of Joshua Converse Aug. 8. Jonathan Haftiugs Jun'". A.M. Nath'' Jarvis Elizabeth, his wife Oct'^'^ 3, Eunice Bradifh, Daughter of M-" Eb"-' Bradifh Elizabeth Cook > Eunice Cook | daughters of Jofeph Cook 1773 Nov. 7. Abigail Moores Dg"". of T Moores. 28. Chriftian Fuller, wife of Fuller. Jemima Hofsey D"" of Abr. Hofsey 1774 Feb. 5. Sarah Warland March 20. Theodore Parfons B.A. Elizabeth Clough Vide p. (125 ) (64) Infants Baptized bt Natii^'' Appleton. 1742 j)ecbr_ 12. Mary of the Rev^' M"- Edw'' Holyoke Prefident Dec'"' 24 Joshua of Andrew Sever. Baptiz'' att his houfe, y'' child not being fit to be brought out, & apprehended not likely to Continue many days. 154 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Dec''"". 26. Elizabeth of Ephraim Ozburn Mary of Elias Mafon 1742/3 Jan. 2. Parsons of Ebeuezer Smith 9. Jofiah of Jofiah Crosbye Feb. 20. John of John Ii-eland 27. Martha of John Cheney March 6. John of John Wyeth 20 Rachel of Samuel Kent. Grace of Daniel Smith April 3, Abigail of Joshua Rand April 17 Lois Daughter of John Exiles Sarah of W"\ Dana. 24. Mofes of Nath" Chadwick May 8. Elizabeth of Col : W" Brattle Mary of Elizabeth Hinds 15, Ebenezer of W" Manning by M'" Cotton 22. John & Ebenezer Twins of Ebenezer Stedman 29. Hannah of Mathew Mallet July 3. Thomas of John Barrett 10. Samuel of John Whitmore 17. William of William Angler Aug. 7. Ruth of y*" widdow Maddocks. Daniel of Jonathan Cooper Aug. 14. Phoebe, Daughter of y'' Honorable Francis Foxcroft Efq'- by M^ Cook. Sept. 5. Mary of Charles Honeywell Elizabeth of John Goddard 25. Jofeph of Michael Stanley Oct. 2. Jofeph of Elizabeth Harper. 16. Nathaniel of Jonas Prentice 30. George of James Pierce ) , ,^ _. i.r ijrr., r^^• I by M' . Prcuticc Mary of 1 homas Oliver J *^ Nov. 27. Mary of Thomas Ireland by Mr. Emmerfon Dec. 18. Alice of Ebenezer Fefsenden 25 Ruth of Nath" Gammage 1743/4. Jan. 1. Solomon of Samuel Cook Records of the First Church i)i Cambridge. 155 Jan. 15. 1743/4. Edward of Edward Marret JuiV y*' Same day y*" Mother dyed. 29 JohQ of Jonathan Brooks Feb. 12. Thomas of Thomas Thwhig, — baptized on y" Soutli Side of river March 4. Sarah of P^benezer Bradifh 18 Mary of John Cheney April 1. Abigail of John Oldham, by M'" Tnrell 15. Samuel of James Nutting Sarah of Solomon Hancock 29. Ebenezer of Solomon Champney June 17, Aaron of Zeehariah Bordman July 29. Mary of M' William Fefsenden Jun'". August 5. Eleanor, Daughter of Josiah Brown David of David Gleafon 12. Jonathan of Nat" Pattin Ezra of Thomas Robbins Benjamin of Thomas Goddard Molly of Thomas Dean 26 Thomas of y'' Honorable Sam" Danforth Esq'', Mary of Sam" Champney, Junior 56 (65) Sept. 16, Sarah of Thomas Kidder Abraham of Abraham Colfry Eunice of Sam" Felch 30. William of Jacob Watson Oct. 7. John of Henry Prentice S*!"** Walter of Thomas Cox 14. Bethiah of Jacob Hill, Jun''. Margaret of Dan' Hovey. 28. Sai-ah of Abraham Hofsey. Nov'"' 18. Francis of y' Honourable Francis Foxcroft. Gilbert of Edward Dickson Dec'"' 2. Jonathan of Richard Champney Dec'"' 30. Daniel of Daniel Prentice, by M'' Abbot Daniel of Daniel Smith, on y'- South Side of river 1744/5 Jan. 13. Ephraim of Ephraini Mallit 27 Caleb of William Barrett Feb. 3. Thomas of Thomas Ireland 156 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 10. March 3. 17 March 31, April 14, 28. June 2. July 7. 14 21. Aug. 4. 18. 25 Sept. 1. 22. 29 Oct*'^'' 13. 27 Nov"'' 10. Nov"'- 24. Dec*^' 8. 1746 Dec"^"^ 15. 1745/6 Jan. 5. 12. Feb. 9. Zechariah of Ebenezer Shed Elizabeth of Elisha Brown. Margaret of Daniel Barrett, Eunice of Ebenezer Bradifh Hannah of James Lanman Ruth of W'° Angier. John & Hannah Twins of John Phillips. Prudence of John Wyeth Caleb of Caleb Prentice Sarah of Abraham Watson Nathaniel of John Morse . Margarett of Isaac Watson. Mary of JamesLauman Martha of Ebenezer Stedman Rachel of Ephraim Ozburn Tabitha of Ebenezer Smith Solomon of Solomon Prentice Jun"". Samuel of Walter Cooper held up by M"". Goddard Andrew of Andrew Bordman Esq'". John of M"^ John Chipman. Benjamin of Michael Stanly Lydia of Jonas Prentice. Nath'^ of Eliphalet Bobbins William of William Dana Mary of James Read John of David Logan, by M"" Abbott John of Deac" Sam' ' : Sparhawk Hannah of James Peirce John of Isaac Fillebrown Jun'". Aaron of Robert Croel Benjamin of Benjamin Cheney Lydia of Thomas Hastings Jonathan of Joseph Cook. Baptized on ye South Side of y^' river. John of Nath' ' Gammage Solomon of Jonathan Cooper by M' Cotton Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 157 Mercy of David Gleafeii Abigiiil of Abraham (Jutting March 2;5. Jacob of Henry Prentice, 3""'** Eunice of Jacob Walton Sufannah of Eben'" Eliot. 30 Hannah of Eli f ha Brown April 6. Sarah of Eben'' Wyeth Torrey of Solomon Hancock 20 Abigail of Thomas Sparhawk April 27. Elizabeth of Ebeu''. Fefsenden Hepzibah of Thomas Oliver May 18. Ruth of Sam". Felch August 10. Sarah of W" Fefsenden Jun'' Ruth of John Goddard Sarah of John Oldham 17. Esther of Jonathan Brooks Sept. 7. Margarett of Daniel Barrett. 14. Jemima of Abraham Hofey Sarah of Daniel Prentice 72 (66) Verte Sept. 21. Ebenezer of P^benezer Bradifh 28 Thaddeus of W". Brown Samuel of Mathew Cox October 5. Thomas of Owen Warland 12. Aaron of Zachariah Bordmau 19. Martha of W". Fefsenden Nov. 1(). Caleb of Caleb Prentice. 30. Benjamin of Thomas Kidder Dec. 7. Sufannah of Joshua Rand, y child being 111, it was bap- tized att his houfe 21. Noah of Richard Champney Rebekah of Sam". Kent 1746/7 Feb. 8. Hannah of W"' Barrett 15. Jofhua of Noah Bowman 22 Mary of Thomas Ireland March 1 . Mary of W" Angier 8. Margaret of James Lanman Thomas of John Phillips 158 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1747. April 5. Robert of Robert Croel 12. Isaiah of Edw'' Dickson Nathaniel of Nath^' Kidder •26 Samuel of Samuel Bowman Hannah of Isaac Fillebrown Jun"". May 17. Rebekah of Jacob Watson Isaac of Isaac Watson 24 Thomas of Daniel Champney, Jun*'. July 5 Mary of John Morse 12. Elizabeth of John Ellis. Sarah of Nathaniel Winchefter of Brookline Thomas & Nathaniel, — Twins of Thomas Goddard being 111, were Baptized after meeting att his owu houfe both being poor, & one very 111. Abigail of Sam" Champney Andrew of P^phraim Mallit. Eunice of Sam" Cook. Mary of Elisha Brown. Jofeph of Jofeph Cook Jun»". John of M^ John Winthrop Margarett of Edward Manning Juu'' Mai'y of Daniel Hovey Sarah of James Read William of W" Fefsenden Jun'' Elizabeth of Ebenezer Stedmau Sarah of Sam" Hastings. Lucy of M'"^ Lucy Vafsall, widow of y*^ late Col. John Vafsall, y^ Child about twelve days old att y*" Father's death. William of Henry Prentice 3ti"^ 1747/8. Jan. 24. Hannah of Ebenezer Eliot Feb. 21. Samuel of Sam" Felch March 27. Mathew of Mathew Cox April 3. Abigail of Solomon Robbins, Baptized on y*^ South Side. 10. Deborah of Abraham Frost 24. Lydia of Jonathan Cooper July 19. August ' 16. 23 Sept. 20. 27 Oct'^'- 26. Nov** '• 1. 8. 22. Dec. 27. Records of the First Church in Camhridrje. 159 April 24. Sufanna of W" Brown, Baptized by M'" Townsend. May 1. Elizabeth of Noah Bowman. 8. Lucy of Daniel Smith 29. Mary of Abraham Snow July 17 Joseph of Downing Cbampney Phebe of Henry Coolidge Infants Baptized to y'' Bottom of this page 1148 24. Owen of Owen Warland Baptized att his houfe y'" child dangerously 111. 57 (67) 31. Hannah of Solomon Prentice Jun*^. August 7. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Smith Deliverance of Margaret a maid servant of Mrs. Oliver 28. John of Jonas Prentice by M' Cook. Sept. 18. John of y*^ Honorable Sam^' Danforth Efq^ 25 Jonathan, Robert, Jude, & Mehetable, Children of Jona- than Read. Jonathan of John Ireland Elizabeth of Caleb Prentice. October 2. Samuel of Richard Champney Oct. 23 Sam" of James Pierce Rebekah of Nath" Gammage 30 Isaac of Isaac Watson Nov'"' 6. Sarah of Daniel Prentice 13. Jonathan of Jonathan Wyeth 20. Hannah of Thomas Hastings 27. Adam of M"" John Winthrop Dec'"' 18. James of Daniel Barrett 25. Elizabeth of John Hicks. Jan 29 Rebecca of Jofhua Rand 1748/9 Feb. 5. Eleanor of Ebenezer Bradifh. Sarah of Jonathan Brooks. Feb. 12. Samuel of Thomas Ireland. Lucy of Sam" Kent Edmund of Sam" Bowman John of Stephen Sterns. 19 Ebenezer of Ebenezer Frost Jun"". 26 Elizabeth of Robert Croel 160 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. April 2. Anne of Thomas Newman May 7. Samuel of Ebenezer Stedmau June 11 Sarah of W" Augier Aug. 13 John of Andrew Sever 27 Sarah of John Dickson Jun' Sept. 10 Ebenezer of Solomon Hancock Oct'^'" 15 Samuel of Elifha Brown on y^' South Side. 22 Sarah of Samuel Hastings Nov''*' 12 Joel of Jonathan Read 19 Sarah of Abiel Richardson. Dec'"" 10 Thomas of Thomas Robbius, Jun*' Jan. 22 Henry of Henry Prentice 3''"^ Feb. 11. Solomon of Samuel Cook. Samuel of Caleb Prentice. 25 James of James Read. 1750 April 8. William of Mathew Cox Anne of Owen Warlaud, by M'' Cotton Brown Lucy of W™ Dana. Thomas of Jonathan Fefsenden, on y*" South Side of y'' River. Mary of Isaac Fillebrown Junior Stephen of Mr Wm Fefsenden Jun''. Daniel of Daniel Hovey Mary of Abraham Hofey Seth Ingerson Son of W™ Brown Samuel of M"" John Winthrop Ebenezer of Nath" Pattin, att his own houfe. John of John Goddard Jonathan of Daniel Prentice William of Robert Croel William of Afa Flagg. Lucy of Ebenezer Fefsenden 60 children Vert Page (68) ) Abigail of Thomas Haslings. Elizabeth of Joseph Cook. John of John Hicks, Sarah of Nath" Chaddick. Elizabeth of M'" Benjamin Brandon. Zechariah of Zechariah Bordman, by M^' Cotton. Isaac of Solomon Prentice Juu''. May 6 20 May 27 June 10 July 8 22 Aug. 12 19 26. Sept. 8 30 (68) 17^ Oct"' 14 21. Nov" ■- 18 Dec. 9 16 Records of (lit First CJhnrch in Vamhridge. 161 1751 Jan^. 5 Sufannah of Tlioinas Ireland Feb. 8. Lucy of Sam" Kent Benjamin of John Ellis Jun"" 17 Hannah of Samuel Bowman John of John Dickson Jun'' 24 Mary of Ebenezer Frost Jun'' March 17 Caleb of Jofhua Rand 31 William of M'' Benjamin P^Uery May 12 Sufannah of Abiel Richardson 26 Sarah of Edmund Froft Jun''. June 2. 1751 I Baptized 3. children att Brookline, viz. of Sever of Sharp of Boftou, Mr. Sealy Scots. June 9. Oliver of Abraham Frost July 21. Sarah of Richard Champney Samuel of Isaac Watson 26. Jonathan & Joseph Twins of Jon" Wyeth James of James Read Sufannah of Abraham Cutting August 4. Jonathan of M"" Jon" Hastings, by Mr. Cotton of Newton. Daniel of Daniel Barrett Sarah of Henry Prentice 3''"^ by Mr. Cooper. Elizabeth of Thomas Robbins, by M'' Prince Joshua of Jonathan Brooks Deborah of Stephen Palmer Jun"' Thomas of Jonas Prentice Ann of Ebenezer Shed Jun"" Owen of Owen Warland Phoebe of Jonathan Reed Mary of M' W"^ Fefsenden Jun"" Ebenezer of Ebenezer Smith Abraham of Abraham Watson Jun^ James of M"" John Winthrop Samuel of M"" W" Fletcher Benjamin of M"' Benj'" Brandon Abigail of John Oldham Sept. 8 Oct. 20. 27. Dec. 15. 29 1752 Jan' 19. 26. Feb. 2. Mar. 1. 8 15. 29. April 12. 162 Records of the First Church in Oambridge. 1752 April 12 Elizabeth of Isaac Fillebrown Jun'' 19 Benjamin of Abraham Hosey June 7. Hannah of John Ellis Jim' B.A. 14. Nathan of Nathan Tufts by M'" Th^ Prentice 21. Mary of Lieut*^ William Brown, about 70 years of age. 28. Samuel of Daniel Manwaring of Boston August 30. Thomas of Thomas Hastings Oct'"^ 1. Walter of M'' Jonathan Hastings 15. Mary of DanielPrentice. Isaac of Isaac Bradifh. Jonathan of John Hicks. Nathaniel of John Morse. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Wyeth Jun^'. George of Martha Hubbard. Stephen of Stephen Palmer Jun'' Elizabeth of Isaac Watson. Nathan of Richard Champney. Elizabeth of William How. William of M' John Winthrop. Samuel of Capt. Eben"" Stedman. William of Jofeph Cook Jun''. Gerald of Hannibal, D'' Wigglewths Negro man. 63 Children besides y<^ 3 Brookline children. • Vid. Page 69 5 Abraham of Thomas Ireland Samuel of Caleb Prentice Mary of Mofes Richardfon Edmund of Edmund Froft John of Henty Prentice Junior. Joseph of James Read, Baptized att his own houfe y® child apprehended to be dying. Elizabeth of John Phillips Samuel of Nath" Kidder Sarah of Owen Warland Abigail & Elizabeth Twins of William Bordman. Sarah of Samuel Kent. Nov. 5. 19. Dec. 24. 1753. 31. Jan. 11. March 4. 25. April 1. 22. May 20. (69) 17 May 27 July 8. 22. July 29 Sept. 14, 23 30. Oct'"- 7. 14. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1()3 1753 Nov'''- 18 Elizabeth of John Dana 25. Mary of Stephen Randall December 2. John of Nath" Sparhawk, I Baptized y'' child att y*^ South Side meeting hoiifc. 16. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Shed Jun''. Dec'''' 30 Amos of Jonathan Read Elizabeth of Zech> Bordman John of Daniel Hovy Daniel of Nathan Tufts. 1754 Feb. 3. Abraham of Abraham Frost 10. John of Ebenezer Smith 17. Lucy of Jonas Wyeth 24. Belcher of Solomon Hancock. March 3. Andrew of Noah Bowman 1 7 Elizabeth of Deacon Sam" Sparhawk Sarah of Gideon Froft John, Michael & Elizabeth, 3. of Michael Gill whose wife owned y" covenant. 31. John of Mr. Jonathan Hastings James of James Frost. April 14, Phoebe of Mathew Frost 21. William of Peleg Stearns May 26. Lucy of Abraham Watson Juur. Judith of Afa Flagg, brought forth by y'' mother. June 9. Daniel of Ebenezer Froft, Jun''. 16. Abigail of Jonathan Kimball July 7. Tabitha of Jonas Larned Hannibal of Hauibal, D'' Wigglesworths Negro Servant. 21 Abigail of Thomas Ireland William of Isaac Bradifh Sept. 1. Robert of Henry Coolidge 8. Nicholas of M'' W^ Fefseuden Jun". 15. Jonathan of William Brown, by M' Cotton 29. Elizabeth of Jonas Prentice, by M' Emmerson. Oct. 6. Thomas of Thomas Hastings 27. John of Stephen Palmer, Jun''. 164 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1754 Nov. 10. John of John Oldham. Joseph Stacey of James Read Dec^i' 1 . John of Peter Tufts Jun*'. Rebekah of Isaac Fillebrown Jun'". 8. William of Caleb Prentice. 1755 Jan>" 5. Sufannah of Jofiah Morse. Jan> 19. Abigail of Abiel Richardfon, South Side. Jofhua of William Gammage, by M'" J. Prentice. Feb. 2. Anna of Daniel Dana March 2. Zechariah of John Hicks April 13. John of Doctor John Wright April 20. Mary of Jacob Caldwell May. 11. Daniel of Daniel Parkhurst 'P 18 Lydia of Ephraim Ozburn Sufannah of Sam" Thatcher Jun''. 63 children. Vide Page (70) (70) June I.Thomas of Henry Prentice Jun''. William of Isaac Watson July 27. John of John Warland August 10. William of W"' Bordman Sept. 14. Stephen of Edmund Froft Mofes of Mofes Richardson 21. William of Capt. Ebenezer Stedman Mary of Ebenezer Wyeth 28. Sufannah of Aaron Hill Bial, daughter of Jane, a negro woman of M^'* Kents by Hannibal, her husband, lately deceafed Oct""" 5. Ezra of William Dana 19. Gideon of Gideon Frost Nov*"" 2. Abigail of Thomas Ireland & Mary of Owen Warland. Dec'''" 21. Nathaniel of John Strattou 1756 Feb. 22. Nathaniel of Abraham Cutting March 7. David of John Morse Benjamin of y*^ widow Elizabeth Cox. N. B. Her husband 14. 28. April 18. May '.». 23. 30. July 4. July 18. Sept. 26. Becords of the First Church in Camhridfjp. ](!.") Mathew Cox was killed Suddenly by a fall fioni an apple-tree about 3. Weeks past. Hepzibah of Daniel Prentice Tabitha of W" How Walter of widow Lydia Cooper, N. B. her husband Wal- ter Cooper dyed lately. Mercy of Jonathan Cooper Joseph of Stephen Palmer Jun'. Mary of Zechariah Bordman Sarah of David Larned Henry of John Kemball Jun' . of Watertown Abigail of Isaac Bradifh, by Mr. Morse Daniel of Richard Champney William of Eben' Smith Ruth of Thomas Robbins Richard of Thomas Gardner October 24. Katharine of Jofiah Morfe 1757 Jan> 9. Anne of Peter Tufts Jun'. Feb. 6. Henry of Caleb Prentice Jacob of Jacob Bull 13. Ebenezer of William Fefsenden March 13. Hannah of Jonas Prentice 27. Daniel of William Gammage April 10. David of James Froft 17. Nathaniel of Solomon Champney Jun'. May 22. Elizabeth of John Oldhams widow Jonas of Ebenezer Wyeth July 17. Thomas of Owen Warland, the laft child Baptized in y'^ old Meeting Houfe August 14 Persis of John Morse, the tirst child Baptized in y' new Meeting house. Aug. 21. Katherine of Mofes Richardfou Sarah of John Hicks Sept. l 28. Feb. 25. Records of the First CJturch in Cambridge. 167 1759 March 11. April 8. 15. May 6. June 3. June 10. July 8. 15. 29. August 12, Sept. 16. Sept. 23. Oct*''- 28. Nov. 18. Dec. 23. 30. 1760 Jan. Feb. 17. March 23. April 6. 20. May 11. May 18. 25. June 1. Aug^' 31. Sept. 7. 28. Oct. 5. Lydia of Capt. Ebenezer Stedman Mary of Owen Warland John of John Stratton Anna of Daniel Watson Abigail of W"' Gammage William of W™ Honeywell Jun"" Mary & Lucy. Twins of Abraham Froft Thomas of Jofiah Mafon John of Daniel Hovey Rebekah of Isaac Fillebrown Jun"" . Jonas of Jonas Larned John of Seth Haftings Sufannah Mackey of William Bordman Sarah of Abraham Watfon Jun"*. Lucy of Jofiah Mafon Mary of [John] Kemball of Watertown Ebenezer of Samuel Thacher Jun'". Sarah of Stephen Palmer Jun'". Elizabeth of Dr. James Froft. Henry of Caleb Prentice 13. Elizabeth of Nehemiah Mafon of Watertown Thomas of William Rand Samuel of John Hicks Ebenezer of Thomas Haftings William of John Warland Jane of Peter a Negi'o Servant of y*" widow of Mofes Bordman, by M'^ Kents negro woman, his wife. Hannah of Edmund Froft. James of James Honeywell William of Ebenezer Wyeth John of Sam" Choat. Abigail of Thomas Mayo. John of Jacob Bull. Lois of Sam" Chaundler Elias, son of Mofes Richardfon 54 Sufannah of Aaron Hill Vid. P. 90. 1()8 Records of the First Church in Camb7'idge. Children Baptised on t"^ South Side of t" River, by other Ministers, as t' brought y*^ account of y" to me. (72) 1737 March 27. Jonathan-of W" Dana by M"" Cotton Newton. 1747/8 Mar. 6. Mary of W"^ Dana by M"^ Storer Mar. 20. Elizabeth of Joseph Cook by M^' Cotton 1748/9 Mar. 12. Sufannah of John Oldham by M'' J. Cotton 1749. May 14. Abigail of John Dana, by M' Cotton Brown 1750 June 8, Henry of Henry Coolige by M'' John Chandler October 7. Eunice of Jofeph Cook, by M' C. Brown 1752 April 19. Caleb of Henry Coolidge, by M'' J. Cotton 1755. Mar. 30. Nathaniel of Nath" Sparhawk by M"' Storer 1757. May 15. George of Nath" Sparhawk, by M'' Potter 1759 May 13. Noah of Nath" Sparhawk, by M^' Mirriam 1761 April 3. Mary of Eliphalet Bobbins, by M' Jackson (73) Persons who owned y^ Covenant & had y^ Children Baptized, OR to Qualifye y'^selves for y'^ Baptism of them. From P. (16) 1747 Sept. 27. Edward Manning. Junior. Nov. 22. Edward Thwiug & Patience his Wife 1748. April 10. Abraham Froft July 17. Henry Coolidge Dec. 25. John Hicks 1748/9 Feb. 12. Stephen Sterns 1749 Aug^t 27. John Dickson, Jun'. 1750/1 Feb. 3. John Ellis, Jun'' B.A. 1752 Mar. 15 Abraham Watson, Junior 1752 Dec. 31 Martha Hubbard 1763 Jan. 21. Elifha Hagar & Mary Hagar his wife. 1753 Mar. 25. William How Oct'"' 7. William Bordman Joseph Brown Nov. 18. Mary Randall Decemb'' 2. Nath" Sparhawk «&Lydia Sparhawk, his Wife I gave y'" y^ Covenant att y^ South Side meeting Records of tlie First C/iurc/t in Canihridf/e. Kilt 1754. Feb. 17. Jouas Wyeth March 17. Gideon Frost Mercy Gill wife of Mich' Gill March 31. James Frost Elizabeth his wife. April 21. Peleg Stearns July 7. Jonas Larned 1755. Feb. 2. Daniel Dana May 18. Sam" Thatcher, Jim''. July 27. John Warlaiid & Ebenezer Brown 1756 April 18. Jonathan Cooper Jun^'. May 30. David Larned Sept. 26. Thomas Gardner 1757 April 17. Solomon Champney Jun''. and Rebecca His wife. July 3. Caleb Dana Jun''. Decern 4. Henry Holden 1758 Feb. 26. David Smith 1759 Feb. 25. John Thwing. May 6. Daniel Watson June 4. William Honeywell, Junr. 1760. June 1. Sam" Choate. Thomas Mayo Sept. 7. Sam" Chaundler November 2. James Bryant Dec. 28. Jedidiah Larned, Mary his Wife, Bethiah Champney 1761 April 26. Elizabeth Dolly Sept. 27. Hannah Wife of Benjamin Hill 1761 Oct'^'" 4 Benjamin Hill who was prevented y'' last Sabbath by Illness Nov. 22. Jofeph Allen. Nov^"' 29. John Kidder & Mary his Wife 1762 May 9. John Nutting 1762 June 6. Amos Marrett 1762 Oct. 3. Sam" Gookin Jun"'. Mary Durrant 1763 Jan' 23 William Bowles 1763 Mar. 27 Elifha Holmes 1763 May 1 James Ballard 170 liecorcU of the First Church in Cambridge. 1763 Augs' ^21 1764 Jan. 8. Jan' 15 Jan> 29 Feb. 19. March 25 April 1. April 6. May 27. July 8. July 15 Aug*' ■ 19. Sept. 23 Oct"^- 25. 1765 Mar. 3. Apr. 14. Sept. 15. Oct''^' 13. 1766 Jan> 25 June 15. August 17. Nov'" '30 1767 Jan. 11 April 26. May 24. (74) Mem Noah Wyeth & Betty his wife Thomas Hovey Jonathan Dana Chrif topher Grant Jun'' & Sarah his wife Mary y*^ Wife of Nath" Tufts. Robert Twadell William Darling Thomas Thwing, Juu^' & Elizabeth his wife Simon Howard Richard Dana Mary Barrett Ebenezer Sever James Kettle John Barret & Phoebe his wife. Sarah y^ wife of Sam" Hill Richard Honeywell Jofhua Converse & Molly his wife Jon^ Fefsenden Jun' & Elizabeth his wife Sam" Fefsenden & Sarah his wife Jacob Watson William Tufts Jofeph Miller Downing Champney Nathaniel Prentice James Holton Edward Richards, Mary Richards, his wife. Joel Fisk, & Ruth his wife Zechariah Shed. Henry Dickson. Widow Elizabeth Cook. Vert P. (113.) Rec^' this 20t'> Aug : 1698 of Lieut* Remington y^ fum of eight pds fifteen fhillings & eleven pence mony, being fo much toward the I'ubfcription of ten pounds mony due March 25, 1698. I fay rec*^ in part y*^ day above mentioned. p W™ Brattle. Vera Copia that y'' mony now brought by y*' Lieut* does & fhall fatiffye for y'^' whole ten pounds in cafe y'' Lieut. Records of the Firi^l. Church in Cambridge. 171 brings no more, plus 8s. 2. Dec. 98 : 6^ 6*^ 5^ 4. In all 9. 15. 11. a rec* given of y** whole. Rec'' this 4^'» July 1699 of Lieut' Remington the fum of eight pd 15.3'' being fo much tow'd y'' fubfcriptiou of ten pd mony due March 25 : 99 I fay rec*' in p* y day above mentioned P W™ Brattle. Vera Copia Oct. 31 : 99. Then Rec'' of Lieut* Remington y« fum of four & twenty f hillings & a penny, being in full y^ remainder of y*^ above mention'd ten pound due March 25, 99. Rec*' P W"" Brattle. Received this 26 June 1699 of Mr Kidder the fum of feven pound fixteen fhilling mony being fo much to- ward the fubfcriptiou of ten pound mony due March 2b. 1700 I fay rec** in part y*^ day above men- tioned p W°^ Brattle. Dec. 6. 1700 then rec'' of Mr. Kidder 1.10.6. in part of y*" remainder of y'' above ten pounds W. Br. (75) Persons Adult who owned t** Covenant & WERE Baptized by N. Appleton. Vid. P. (37) 1753 April 29. Jonathan Brooks 1755. July 20. James a Negro man Servant of Lieu* Governor Phipps. 1755 Dec. 28. Hannah Edmunds 1760. Jan 20. Peter, a negro man Servant of Mofes Bordmans Widow. 1760 Feb. 3. Lydi'a y'' Daughter of D''. Francis Moores 1761 August 10. Cato, a negro man Servant of M'' Jonathan Haf tings. 1762. Oct'^'- 31. Jofhua Thomas 1763. Jan> 30 Mary Hephen 1763 Sept. 26. Enfigne Man a Student att y*^ College Dec. 25. Tamazen Haf tings a young woman from Medfleld. 1764 Aug^* 5. Rebekah Kenny Oct'^*' 28. Samuel Hill 1765, July 28. Abigail Remick 172 Recordfi of the First (Jhurch in Cambridge. 1768 Dec. 29. Jane, a Negro woman of Elizabeth Nutting Bap- tized att her houfe in y'" Prefance of a Number of y*^ Brethren of y'' Chh. She being in a very low State So that it was not Expected She would live to y** Sabath — She moved to be Baptized in y® time of her health. But being put off till She was taken Sick & no profpect of her Coming abroad again, She wa^ defirous to have that ordinance admiiiiftered ; Ac' cordiugly She was propounded to y'' Congregation & I delivered .by word of mouth her confefsion for her grof s & Scandalous Breach of Seventh Commandment and y^ Chh voted y^' acceptance of y*" Same & y"^ Confent y* She Should be Baptized in Private Seeing She could not come abroad, which was accordingly done Oct'"' 1. 1769. Philip, a negro servant of M'' Abraham Watson Aug. 5. 1770. Mary Lamb May 12, 1771. Jerufha, a negro Woman living with Lieut John Dickfou. Dec. 1. Anne, a negro woman of Jon* Haf tings, Esq''. 1772 May 3. Silas Bobbins 1772 May 15. Lydia, y'' Wife of John Phillips, who did not know but y' She was Baptized in her Infancy until! her Father Informed her a few days ago that She was not ; and being in a very weak & languif hing State, not likely to live many days. She Earneftly defired to be Baptized, upon which I Consulted with a num- ber of y*' Neighboring principal Brethren of y*" Chh, who universally advized to y*^ Complying with her defire : accordingly a number of them accompanying I propounded y*^ Covenant to her and then adminif- tered y^ ordinance of Baptifm to her as She lay in y® bed. 1773 Nov'"' 7. Abigail Moores, Daughter of D'^' Francis Moores, she was allso admitted to full Communion. 1774 April 10. Mary Blackman April 17 Mary Todd April 24. Anna wife of George Douglafs Records of the F^irst Church in Cambridge. ITo 1775 April 15. Thankfull of Stephen Palmer Jim''. 177G April 28. Dilla a negro woman belonging to M'', Sam" White ofWatertown, by reason of bodily Ilnefs &Weak nefs I Baptized her att her Master's houfe, the Deacons, & a number of y*^ Chh being prefent. 1781 Nov'"" 10. Deborah Dickson, by M"". Foster of Littleton 1782 Jan5 27. Nathaniel Bowman in his lo'*^ year Grandson of Noah Bowman, by M^ Mellen. August 25. Beulah Prentice, who was admitted to full com- munion. Vide P. (131) (76) Camb. May 20.98 : Then Rec'' of Deacon Haftings y^' fum of nine pounds two fhillings, which together w*^^ w* I have rec'' formerly from y*^ Deacon does make y*^ full fum of" ninety pounds mony, & is in full for my Salary for y*^' year fixteen hundred ninety & feven. I fay rec'' in full fatisfaction to March 25. 1698. p W^Brattle Vera Cop. Cambridge May 16 :1G99 : Then rec'' of Deacon Haftings the fum of three pound thirteen fhilling & eleven pence w''' together with what I have rec'' formerly from the Deacon does make y*" fumme of ninety pound mony, & is in full for my Salary from y'' town the third year w*^'' ended March 25,1699. I fay rec'' in full p W"^ Brattle Vera Copia Cambridge May 20.1700. Then reciev'd of Deacon Haftings ye fumme of one pound twelve fhilling & eleven pence w'"' together with w' I have rec'' formeily from y*^ Deacon does make y*^ full fumme of ninety pound mony & is in full for my Salary from y*^ town the 4*'' year w'''' ended y'^ 25* of March, 1700 I fay rec" in full p W"' Brattle Vera Copia Cambridge May 5, 1701. Then Rec'' of Deacon Hafting the Sum of five pound eleven fhil. & 4'' w''' w*^ three pound one fhilling & five 174 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. pence which is d if counted makes 9.12.9. w* together w*'' what I have rec*' formerly does make y*^ full f um of ninety pound mony & and is full for my Salary from the Town the 5*^ year w'^'' ended the 25 March 1701 I fay rec*^ in full p W. Br. Vera Copia June 15, 1702 Then Rec"* of Deacon Hasting y'^fum of 1.7.5. w^'^w'"' 1.18. 2. w^*" Id if count & w'^ w^ have rec*^ formerly does make y** full fum of ninety pound mony & is in full for my Salary from y^ Town the fixth year w*^^ ended March 25, 1702. I fay rec 9. 10 March 13. May 6. May 27. 29 June 5. June 11. June 12. Augu St 7. Sept. 4. Oct. 28. Dec. 30. 1756. Feb. 26. March 1. March 25 May 24. Dec. 1. 1757 Mar. 1. June 2. July 20. Sept. 15. 178 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1758 March 23 May 25. Oct''^- 19 Dec"^'- 25. 1759 Jan>' .25 March 8. March 20. April 19. Ditto 19. May 3. July 12. (80) Octob : 22 Nov. 4. Nov. 15. Dec. 27. Samuel Sparhawk & Elizabeth Gardner Samuel Aspinwall & Sybill Sparhawk Rev<^ M'" Nathan Fifk & Mrs^Sarah Hill Thomas Durant & Mary Hubbard The Rev'' M"" Jonas Mirriam & M"^* Mehetable Foxcroft Samuel Shed & Elizabeth Ireland Thomas Mayhew & Abigail Moore William Heath jun''. & Sarah Learned Samuel Chandler & Lois Thompson. John Bartlett, Tabitha Kidder Samuel Rand & Rebecca Watson. (Vid. P. (89) Wood Sent in Anno 1700. 1700. From & By. M''. Gookin, D''. Gibson, J. Oldham, S. Sparhawk, Dan. Dany, M'^ Shove, Ephr. Froft, Father Watf on, Edw'^ Winchip, G. Squire, John Wyth, W^ Wyth, W"». Rufsell, Jafon Rufsell, JohnDickfon, Nath : Pattin, John Williams, John Fillebrowu, Sam Cook, Sam. Kidder, Nat. Cutter, Jofeph Winchip, Edward Marrett & Jof. Hovey, Amos Marret, Abr. Watfon, Nath. Langley & Mrs. Phips, M"". Fefsindeu, Elisha Bull, J. Crackbone, M^ Goff, Mrs. Hill, Sam. Champney, Serg' Cooper, G. Luxford, Thos : Pren- tice, W°^ Cutter, J. Stedman. Die proximo Oct. 23. 1700. Henry Smith, Joseph Cook, Capt" Foxcroft, Nath. Hancock Jun'., John &, Daniel Hastmg, Beujam : Cheney, Jofeph Coolidge by M'' Cook. Abraham Hill for M*" Aaron Bordman, M"" Andrew by Butterfield, John Bunker. Nath. Robins Sen'". In all 47 loads 1700. Oct. 25. Wood sent in 1701. Edw'i Winchip, W" Rufsell, Jafon Rufsell. Records of the First iJhurdi in Cinnhrithje. ] 71) Oct. 27. Sam. Sparhawk, Sam. Kidder, Sam. Cook, Nich. Fefsinden, John Watfon, Jonatb. Butterfield, G. Luxford, M'". Goff, G. Patten, Sam. Cooper. Tho: Prentice, Wid : Hill. Nov, 17 1701 Dan. Dany, Dan. Cbamney, Jos. Chaumey, G. Squire, Nath. Sparhawk, Nath. Langley, In all 28 Loads. 21 Capt Foxcroft, Benj. Cheney, Aar. Bordman. Henry Smith, Nath. Robbins. Dec. 3. Andrew Bordman Feb. 18. Jofeph Winchip (81) Wood Sknt me Anno 1697: M'" Goffe, one load M"" Fefsenden one load Jofeph Cook, one load. Samuel Cooper, one Wain. load. M'' Pattin, one load Oct. 25. 97. M'' Kidder one load Nath. Robbins, one load Philip Cook one load John Cooper one load Widow Hill one load, Abraham Hill one load. Goodman Luxford one load M'' Sam. Gookin one load, W"' Wyth one load. Oct: 26. Benjamin Goddard & G. Collis, one load Nov. 3 : M' H. Bordman, one walnut load , 9. M'' Watfon, sent one load dry wood. 12. Jofeph Winchip one load. 13. G. Warl^' & M'' Bunker, one load wain. wood. Dec: 11. Elifha Bull, one load-wood. Jan : 17. Daniel Dany one load-wood 19 : M'" Andrews feut one load W M' Goff. In all 22 loads fent in anno 1697 : Wood paid for Anno 1697/8. Nov : 3. To John Rufsell 3 cord To Abr : Hill &c. 8. cord h foot To Jofeph Cook, 6 cord Dec. 6. 1697 To Abr: Hill,— 3 cord, 1 foot. 8. To Nath : Pattin,— 9 foot Jan. 1. To M'- Goff for 13 foot w^'. 1. 4 3. 9. 2. 8. 1. 5. 0. 9. 0. 13. U 180 Becordfi of the First Church in Cambridge. Jan. 6. To M'' Dunfter's fon 6 foot 6.0 To ditto for 6 foot wood 0. 6. 12, To M'-Goff. 3. cord 1. 4. Sent in Since Nov : 3 : y*^ day that I was married From my good neighbors in town. Nov: 4 : 97. Goody Gove 1 pd Frefh butter M" Bordman 1 pd Fr : Butter 5 Doct'" Oliver a line Pork 6 Sarah Fergufon 1 pig 10 The wife of John Hafting, 1 pig 12 Old M'^ Watson, 1 cheese, 4 pd Butter 10 M" Gates 1 pd Butter, 1 cheefe 12 Goody Gove 1 piece Frefh Beaf 15 The wife of Amos Marret, 1 pig 15 M>-« Clark,— 1 bottle syrup Gillifl. 16 M''^ Jackfon a chine of pork Goody Palmer — 1 leg of pork 22 M" Pattin | bush : Apples 26 The wife of Nath Hancock Jun'' a pig 27 M""-^ Bordman, 1 pig 25 M" Parker 1 p'^ pork & 21b. Safages Mrs. Deming 1 p® pork Dec: 3. M--^ Stacye, — 1 Goofe 6 Goody Warland 1 Ribfpair 8. M""* Remington, 1 Leg Pork &c. G. Brown on y*^ Coiiion, 1 p^ pork M''* Remington, Safages & white pud. 14 M'"^ Deming — a rib spare Sam' ChaiSney's wife a leg of pork and Safages 0. 3. Ruth & Bethiah Hicks Safages pud- dings 18 M''\Gates a leg of Pork & 4 chickens 21 The wife of Sam' Hafting Jun'" leg pork M'' Andrews a peice of Pork &. Safages Dec : 24 97 M''^ Remington, a pig & pet Toes G. Clark over y«^ water — | bush beans 0. 0. 8 0. 0. 8 0. 2. 0. 1. 9 0. 2. 0. 3. 8 0. 1. 8 0. 3. 0. 2. 0. 4. 0. 3. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0. 1. 6 0. 2. 0. 3. 0. 2. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0. 2. 0. 1. 4 0. 1. 2 0. 1. 0. 1. 2 0. 3. 6 0. 2. 0. 3. 0. 1. 4 0. 2. 3 Hecords of the First CJinrcJi in Oanihridge- l- Cook for 10. pi M'- Goff for 13 pi N. Pattin for 18 pi N. Pattin for 24 pi M'- Cook March 4 pi Ml- Cook for pi M' A for pi N. Pattin. foot. 1-4 cord 12. 1-4 cord 12. 0- 4 cord 3. 6 0- 6 cord bark 8. 2- cord 16. 0- 4^ 4. 6 1-4 cord 12. 3- 4 cord 1. 8. 1- 4 0. 12. 1- 7 cord 0. 15. 2- cord 0. 16. 0- 5 W. wood 0. 5. 0- 5 W. wood 0. 5. 1- 4 0. 12. 1- 4 0. 12. 0- 4 Wood paid fok 1699.1700 Oct. 1699 M' Cook 8 foot Ab. Hill & W. Rus. 19^ Nov. 2. M'- Goff 13| Nov. 3 M'Cook 12 0. 8. 0. 19. 6 0. 13. 6 0. 12. ReconU of the First (Jhnrch in Camhridc/e. 18H Nov. 18 1699 M'- Cook Dec. 12 M"^ Goff Jan. 8 M'" Cook 12 35 12 112 = 14 cord 0. 12. 1. 15. 0. 12. WooiJ PAID FOR Anno 1700. Sept. 14. 1700 To M'' Cook 8 foot To J. Rufsell at y'' farms 2 cord (83) HOUSEKKEPINO, D'' SINCE WE WERE MARRIED, NoV. o. Nov: 4. 97. Nov: 10: 97 Nov. 6. 10 19 20 23 Nov. 19 Oct. Nov. 19 Dec. 7 5. 12. U 97 2 powthering Tubs* 1 Tub of Beaf 154 pds salted Oct. 29. Wine w" married & fince to y^ day Bear 19.6^' Hay 3"' Butter 1 firkin q' 68'" at 7.2* Mifling 4 busli. at 5^ Beaf at M"" Bordmans 37"' 2 Turkeys 5^^ 10 fowls 7* 1 quarter lamb, Beaf & Mutton Indian Corn 4.6. Meal 5.9"^ Wheat meal 1 bufh. 6.6. Beans | bufh Mutton 2.3"^ Eggs 2.9'i Petty things 6"^ 4 bufh Ind. corn 12^ ; 3 bufh. Ind meal 9.9 2 hogs q'^ 230'"^ at 3.2 p "\ 1 pig alive 10"* -1 bufh Salt 3« Gates 16* Malt 8 bufh. 40^^ Cyder 3ib Malt 8 bufh & 3 of Ind. Meal from Sandw. 2 Wheat 4 bush, at 6. p bufh 1 firkin of butter Wood 4^ bar : 10% 2 fmall Tubs 6^ 2 Bar. 7^ 2 hogs from M'' Stone 235""^ at 3.2 beaf 1 quarter 75""^ at 2.2 Chefes 8 Shoes for my felf & Scipio. 0. 8. 0. l.S. 97, 0. 9. 1. 18. 6 3. 0. 3. 19. 6 2. 2. 6 1. 0. 0. 9. 0. 12. 0. 8. 8 0. 10. 3 0. 6. 6 0. 2. 6 0. 11. 1. 1. 9 3. 7. 0. 10. 0. lit. 5. 0. ,2. 12. 1. 4. 2. 5. 4 11. 4. 1. 3. .' ) . 8. 6 0. 15. 7 1. 11. 0. 17. for salting meat. 0. 2. 8 0. 8. 0. 9. 6 0. 8. 52. 15. 5 0. 14. 4. 4. 3. 1. 4 1. 18. 4 3. 18. 1. 6. 4 3. 13. 4 184 Records of the First CJiurch in Cambridge. Jan. 7 1697 Frefh butter 4 pd. at 8^^ Mutton 12'' To Petty things 7^ Feb. 2. To P:ggs & Mutton, Milk &c. 3 To Stockings 8* 52 "-' 15^5^ Feb. 4 : Scipio 7.6 Hare line 1* 28 To Grease 8.4*^ M'- M^ford 1 S-'^ Wooftard & Pet. 12« March 14 : 21 : To a pillion 32^ Petty 8« ab* y<^ h U^ Mut. 2« Scip 22« Mar. 28 : To a girl 2.4'^ To 6 bush Malt 24« Apr. 25 To a bonnet 7.4"^ mony 20*^ Sug'' 46 Legs of Pork sent in t*^ winter 99. 4 M'' Remington; Mrs Blower; Mrs. Stacye : Mrs. Gates. 4 Goody Gove ; Mr. Andrews ; Mrs. Stedman : Couf Oliver Mrs. Hancock Jun'' RiBSPAiRES. Anno 99. Wintkr. 4 Goody Warland ; Ruth Hicks ; Couf. Oliver : Deac. Haftings. 5. Mrs. Amfdall ; Mrs. Coolidge ; Capt" Foxcroft ; G. Gates ; N. Rob. Jun'' Mrs. Deming Mrs Patten; Cousin Oliver Pigs sent since Nov. 20. 99. 5. M" Sparhawk M''^ Jackfon ; M'' Saltonftall ; Sam. Cooper's wife. Jafon Rufsell's wife, Jan. 2. 99 7. Goody Luxford; Eph. Froft; M^' Ab. Rufsell ; Goody Chamberlain ; Goody Gove ; Coufin Oliver. Feb. 3. 99 M^** Ruth Hicks. 3. M" Bordman, Old M' Hancock, M" Remington. Recordfi of the First (Jhurcli in Canitn'iihje. 185 Jan. 14. 99. 20. March 25 (84) Nov. 8. 99 15. 9. 6. 10. 3. 13. 17-24 5. 29^ Oct 6. 1702- 24 loads. Young M'" Hancock a \f pork M" Bordman a line of veal Sam. Cooper's wife a p" of pork M" Parker a piece of pork Old M" Hancock a p' of pork. ^yOOD BRODGHT IN GRATIS AnNO 1699. . Jonath. Butterfield ; 2. John Wyeth; 3. Sara Cooper. 4. Ed. Winchip ; 5. N. Patten. 6. W" Rufsell; 7. Jafon Rufsell ; 8. John Fille- brown; 9. Eph. Froft, 10. Elifha Bull: 11. Nich. Fefinden; 12. Sam. Cook. 13. G. Col- lice. & B. Goddard 14. John Dickfon ; 15. Abr. Watfou. ■ Father Watfou; 2. Jofeph Cook; 3. Lieu' Remington; 4. W. Wyeth & Tho. Stacye ; 5. G. Luxford ; 6. Doct. F. Gibfon. . Stephen, Daniel, & John Haftiug, 2. Henry Smith ; James Clark. . Andrew Bordm. 2. Aaron Bordman, 3 M'' Andrews 4. Samuel Manning, 5. M'" Goff. Oct 8. 4 loads 25. Wood brouctIit in Anno 1702. Father Watfon : Eben : Swan : John Williams Samuel Cook : Edw^' Winchip : Jonathan Butterfield John Fillebrowu: Abr: Hill: Goodm. Pattin Jofeph Winchip ; William Rufsell : Jafon Rufsell Nath : Cutter : John Dickfon : Sam. Kidder: Nath Robbins, Jun'' : G. CoUis & B. God'i : John Hafting M-- Gookin: G. Froft: G. Luxford: Elifha Bull Abr. Watfon : Sam. Cooper. 24 G. Warland or [father & son]* John Bradifh : Thomas Prentice : John Stedman. 4 Daniel Dana : Sam' Sparhaw^k : Nath' Spar- hawk ; Beuj : Cheney: Nath: Langley : Gerfh : 10 Davis : J. Squire, Sen'" * In sliort hand. 18(5 Records of the Firfit Church in Cambridge. Oct. 27. 1702 M'- Goff: Nath: Hanc : & Phil Cook Betw: [them] Henry Smith : Jofeph Coolidge : Nath- 4 auiel Hancock, Sen'' M'' Bordman, Sen'" : Downing Chamney 8 Wood brought in Anno 1703. 45. Oct. 5. 1703. 25 Loads < John Hafting: Zech. Hicks & J. Stedman : Jacob Hill: Deacon Hafting : Edw*^ Winchip : Eb. Swan: Jacob Watfon Sam^ Cooper : Abr : Ireland: Jafon Rufsell: Nath: Pattin : Ephr. Frof t : Jonath. But- terfield: Nath. Cutter: M'' Fefinden : M'' Goff : M-- Gookin: M'' Kidder: Abr. Watfon: W" Cutter: Sam' Gibfon : Elifha Bull : B. Goddl & G. Collis : W" Rufsell : John Dickson : 25 Lieutenant Mavrett : Lieut Cook : Nath : Langley : Andrew Bordman. Wood brought in Anno 1703 Dec. 15, 1703 Sam' Sparhawk : Nathaniel Sparhawk : Daniel Dany : Downing Chamney : G. Warland: Thomas In all 40 loads Prentice : Nath Robins Sen'" Nath Robbins Jun"" Henry Smith ; Samuel Manning: John Bradifh. Wood brought in Anno 1704. Sept. 4. Andrew Bordman : Father Watfon : Abr. Watlbn : Sam' Cooper. Oct 3. ( 7. Capt" Pelham: Doct'" Gibfon: G. Robbins Sen'": Nath Robbins Jun'' : John Fillebrown : W" Rufsell : Jafon Rufsell : 10. Abr. Hill: Nath Pattin: Father Addams : 2^ i Edw'J Winchip : G. Gove : J. Dickfon : M' Whit- timore: G. Swan: Philip Cook: G. Collis: 6. G. Froft: S. Kidder: Jon. Butterfield : M'" Gookin M'"*^ Bordman : Sam. Cook : Nov, G & 7. 12. M'" Goff: Col. Foxcroft: M'"^ Hill: M"". Fefinden : W"' Warland & [father] : Joseph Cool- idge : Sam' Sparhawk : Nath : Sparhawk : John Oldham: Dan. Dana: John Squire: Nath Langley. Records of the First Church in (Jaiabridge. 187 Wood brought in Anno 1706. Oct : 21. 1706. / Father Watfon : Tho. Prentice : M'' Goff : M'' Sol. Phips. Gerfhom Davis : Jon. ButterHeld : The Wid. 17 loads J Watfon : Lieut Marrett. Gerfhom Swan: Nath Pattiu : Nath Cutter : Sam' Cook : Docf Gibfon : VG. Robinfon. Jon Gove John Stedman : Jacob Hill (85) Wood Reg'' Anno 1697 Wood reC^' Loads 82 1698 20 1699 29 1700 36 1701 28 1702 . 45 1703 40 1704 —, . 39 1705 31 1706 27 1707 - 33 1708 32 1709 31 1710 19 1711 35 1712 30 (86) November 18. 1729. My good friends & Neighbors have for Several Years paf t have in y*^ fall of y'' year brought me a Consider- able Quantity of Wood gratis Some years between 30 & 40 Loades, Sometimes above 40 Loads, which good and Laudable cuftom y'^had been dead for some years before the Rever'' M'" Brattle's Death, was re- vived by good ; Father Pattin about ten years ago & continued by y' frieudfhip of y^' pple. The loads of wood brought this year 1729. Viz. Nov. 3.1729. W'Rufsell; W" Cutter; W"' Winfhip ; Jafon Winfhip; John Winfhip; Jofeph Adams; John Swan; Ebenezer Swan ; Ephraim Froft ; Jonathan 188 Hecords of the First Church in Cambridge . Butterfield ; Jonathan Butterfield Juu'" ; Phillip Cook ; John Kidder ; Jonathan Gove ; Solomon Prentice ; Sam' Cooper ; Ebenezer Cutter ; John Fillebrown ; John Batherick ; Ephraim Cook ; Samuel Cutter. Nov. 18. 1729 Jonathan Gates; Abraham Hill; Jafon Rufsell ; Walter Rufsell; Henry Dunfter ; Jofeph Bobbins. Nov 20. M'' Kent ; M'' Honeywell ; M^' Goddard ; M'" Rob- bins ;M''Rand Isaac fillebrown, 2 Ozburns. M^' Peirce : Edward Dickfon Jofeph Rufsell; M"" Soden ; JVf Raftings ; John Cutter. forty one in all. Nov: 24. 1730 John Fillebrown; W°^ Rufsell ; John Cutter; W" Cutter; W"' Winfhip ; John Winfhip ; Jafon Winfhip ; Ebenezer Swan ; Jafon Rufsell, M^' Holt ; Henry Dunfter ; Jonathan Butterfield ; Jonathan Butterfield Jun^ John Cutter Jun'"; Ebenezer Cutter; W" Dickson; Edward Dickson; Nath'' Robbins; John Cooper, Jun'' ; Ebenezer Fefsenden ; Nath^ Cutter ; Sam" Rand. Jofhua Gammiige ; Ephraim Cook. Amos Marrett, y*^ next week M '" Goddard, Thomas Robbins, M'' Honeywell, M'" Kent. 29 loads y<^ next week Solomon Prentice, Henry Prentice, Jacob Hill, Jonathan Wyeth. Nov. 17. 1731. Jason Rufsell: Henry Dunfter: Jonathan Butter- field : Jonathan Butterfield Jun^' : John Wilson : John Kidder: Isaac Watson: Deacon Bowman: Amos Marrett : Josiah Robbins : 10 Loads. 18. M"" Goddard: N. Robbins: Thomas Robbins: M'' Honeywell : Charles Honeywell : M"" Kent : Ephraim Ozburn : Elkinah Ozburn : 8 Loads. 21. Walter Rufsell : W"' Dickson : J:ben'- Cutter : M^' Rand: Edw'' Dickfon: John Fillebrown: Solomon Prentice : Henry Prentice : Jonathan Haftings. 9 Loads 27 Loads in all Nov. 15. 1732. W™ Rufsell : Jason Rufsell : Henry Dunfter : John P'illebrown : Sam" Whittemore : Phillip Cook : J. Records of (he First ChurcJt in Cauibridge. 189 Kidder : Stephen Prentice : Nath" Robbins : Jacob Hill: M^Goddurd: Thos. Robbins : Charles Honey- well : M'" Kent : Thomas Ozburn : Isaac Fillebrown : Brafier : M^' Asbury : Peter Hard : James Ozbnrn : John Cooper: Deacon Bowman, 22 Loads. Dec'"" 22. 1732 Edward Dickson : Ebenezer Cutter : John Cutter Jun'^ 3 Lo ads. Nov. 14. 1733. W" Rufsell: Jafon Rufsell : Henry Dunfter: James Ozburn : Philip Cook : Stephen Prentice : Henery Prentice: Benj : Goddard : J. Kent : "W"' Rand : M'" Foxcroft : Deacon Bowman : Nath' Robbins: Jacob Hill: 14 Loads. Ditto 15. Isaac Watson : W" Morse : Jofh Gammage : Amos Marrett : John Cutter : Eben Cutter : Thomas Rob- bins : Isaac Fillebrown : Pierce : Ozburn : Brafier: W. Cooper: 12 Loads. (87) Wood Carted by Nov*^'' 19. 1734 W™ Rufsell : Jafon Rufsell : Henry Dunfter : James Ozburn: John Dickson Jun''; Edward Dickson: Phillip Cook : Nath rKidder : Isaac Watson : Walter Cooper : Solomon Prentice Nath : Robbins : Jacob Hill : Henry Prentice : Amos Marrett, Jun'' ; Jonath" Hastings : Jofhua Gammage, Edmund Froft. Thomas Soden, Peter Hurd, Thomas Ozburn, M'" Forgefon, M'" Kent, Eben'' Cutter 24 Loads Jan>- 1. M'' Goddard: M'' Foxcroft. Tho^ Robbins; Tho' Robbins; Tho' Ozburn: Andrew Bowman, John Wyeth, 6 Loads. Nov. 25. 1735 My good Friends & Neighbours brought me 22 Loads of wood. Nov. 15. 1736. M'- Foxcroft M' Dunfter John Dickson Jun"" Edward Dickfon Jofeph Robbins Sam'^ Cook Nath" Kidder Isaac Watson Thomas Goddard Stephen Prentice Sam" Prentice Walter Cooper Amos Mar- rett, Samuel Rand Charles Honeywell Thomas Rob- bins Ebenezer Cutter Thomas Soden Bartlett. 19 Loads. Jacob Hill, which makes y*= 20*'' Load. 190 Records of the First Church in OcDiibridge. Novi"- 22. 1737 M'' Foxcroft, Edmund Fro ft Joseph Bartlett Thomas Sodeu Ebeuezer Fefsendeu Amos Marrelt Stephen Prentice Deacon Bowman Thomas Goddard Isaac Watson Nath" Kidder Sam" Cook John Dickson Thomas Robbing Charles Honeywell, Sam" Kent Sam" Rand, James Peirce Thomas Ozburn Ephraim Ozburn* Benjamin Brafier Isaac Fillebrown E^benezer Cutter M'" forgeson Walter Cooper. 25 loads- Jacob Hill John Wyeth from my Farm. Novi^f 14. 1738 Amos Marrett Henry Prentice Jacob Hill Walter Cooper Stephen Pi-entice John Dickfon Edward Dickson Isaac Watson Thos. Goddard Thomas Rob- bins Charles Honeywell M'" Kent Sam" Rand Isaac Fillebrown Thomas Ozburn Ozburn Edm*^ Froft Tho^ Soden Col. Goffe 18 Loads Bartlett 1 Load. Dec. 14. Ebenezer Cutter, Fergufon 2 Loads, cut y™ y^'f elves. Nov. 20. 1739. Amos Marrett Thos Soden Jofeph Bartlett Nath : Kidder Stephen Prentice Isaac Watson Isaac Fille- brown Wyeth Furgerfon mr Kent Sam- Rand John Dickfon Walter Cooper John Cutter Henry Prentice Edward Dickson Tho'^ Robbins Ireland Jacob Hill Charles Honeywell Edm*^ Froft. 21 Loads. Nov*"^ 21. 1740 Henry Prentice Jacob Hill Amos Marrett Edmund Froft Walter Cooper Sam" Cook Nath" Kidder John Whitmore Jofeph Bartlett Thomas Soden Charles Honeywell M' Foxcroft 12 Loads. Jan. 20. Jofhua Rand Furgefon Sam" Rand Thomas Robbins M^' Goddard, Amos Marrett Henry Prentice Jon*^ Wyeth Solomon Prentice Walter Cooper Stephen Prentice Jon'* Cooper John Dickson Edmund Dickson John Wyeth Jon'' Hastings 16 Loads. Nov. 1741. Jofeph Bartlett Stephen Prentice Walter Cooper Isaac Watson Edmund Froft Juu*' Amos Marrett 6 Loads Dec. 10. John Dickson Edward Dickfon John Whitmore ChMrles Honeywell M'' Foxcroft Capt. Bordmau Henry Prentice Jon'' Wyeth 8 Loads. Records of the First Church in Camhridije. 191 Dec. 15. 1741 Sum" Rand John Cutter Brooks Tliomas Rob- bins 4 loads 'I'i. Jofhua Rand Thonias Soden Thomas Ozburn Tufts Ireland h Loads (88) Wood brought from y" Newton Lott by my good Friends &, Neighbors, Oct'"" 22 1742 Deacon S|)arha\vk. W™ Cheney, Samuel Champney Richard Champney, Amos Marrett, Deacon Prentice, Sam" Haftiugs, Daniel Champney, Gideon Froft. 9 Loads. From Menotomy. Nov'^'MO John Whetmore. Nov''M2. Charles Honeywell Thomas Robbins M'' Goddard, M'' Palfrey Walter Cooper Nov. 15. Thos. »Soden Nov'" 17 Sam" Cook John Dickfon. Dec. 14. Jacob Watson M'' Brooks Dec. 23, John Wyeth. Jan> 4. James Peirce Jofhua Rand W'" Tufts Thomas ozborn Isaac Fillebrown, Abraham Watson. 18 Loads March Edward Dickson, John Cutter 2 Loads. In y*^ whole for this year 29 Loads. Nov'" 9, 1743. Deacon Sparhawk Richard Champney Thomas Sparhawk, Tho"^ Thwing Deacon Prentice, Daniel Prentice, Samuel Haftings Gideon Froft 8 Loads from Newton. John Wyeth, Jon^ Wyeth, John Dickson, Isaac Watson 4 loads from Menotomy. 11. 1743. Jacob Hill, one Load. Walter Cooper, Jonathan Cooper Edmund Froft Jun'' Thomas Soden Samuel December. Rand, Charles Honeywell, James Peirce, Thomas Ozburn, W"' Tufts Thomas Robbins May 10. Stephen Prentice 24 Loads. 1 744 Col : Brattle, Deacon Prentice, M'' Haftings, John Wyeth, Deacon Sparhawk, Richard Champney, M'' Gardner, M'' Sever by Benj. Cheney, Thomas Soden, Charles Honeywell, M*' Brooks Sam" Rand 12 Loads. 192 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1745 Deacon Prentice, M'"^ Haftings, Charles Honeywell Read, W" Fefseuden 5 Loads, 1746 Jacob Hill, John Wyeth, Jonathan Wyeth, Sam" Haf tings, Edmund Froft, Jun"", Samuel Rand, Stephen Prentice, his own Wood, Deacon Sparhawk, from Newton 8 loads. 1747 Deacon Sparhawk, Stephen Prentice, gave y® wood, Isaac Watson brought it. Edmund Froft, Caleb Prentice, Nath" Kidder, Isaac Watson, Sam" Hast- ings, Jacob Hill, Thomas Soden, Jonathan Wyeth, Deacon Whittemore, Richard Champney, Samuel Rand, John Wyeth, April 1748. M' Stedman. 1748 Stephen Prentice, Deacon Prentice, Deacon Spar- hawk, Sam^' Rand. After an Entire Interruption of Carting wood from y*^ year 1748, There was some revival of that kindness. 1756 Deacon Sparhawk, M'' Gardner, John Felsenden. Nath" Sparhawk, M'Larned, M'' Thwing, Capt. Dana M'^ Thomas Sparhawk 8 loads from y'' Chh. Lot att Newton. Nov"'- 23, 1763. Edmund Froft, Gideon Froft, Randall, Nath" Kidder, John Dickson, Jonas Prentice, Thomas Robbins brought 7 Loads of Wood from my Farm . (89) Persons Married By Nath^^ : Appleton. From P. (79) 1759 Oct'"' 18. Thadeus Mafon, Esq'' & M''% Ann. Fayerweather Dec'"' 25. Nathaniel Chadwick & Sufauna Molarb. 1760 June 26. Jofhua Phipps & Martha Ruggles. 26 James Pierce & Alice Fefsenden. Oct'"" 1. Mansfield Tappley & Mary Wyeth. Nov'"" 20 John Hancock Jun & Martha Sparhawk Dec'"' 18 Capt. William Angier & Elizabeth Dana 1761 Feb. 4. Benjamin Hill & Hannah Manning May 20. Isaac Watson & Rebekah Tufts Nov'"' 5. Daniel Barrett & Elizabeth Barrett. RecordK of the First Church in Cainlrridge. 198 1761 Nov''^ 26. Willi:iin Bowls & Sarah Brown 1762, Sept, 16. Stephen Dana & Eleanor Brown Oct'"" 4. Thomns Afpinwnll & Lucy Sparhawk ' Nov. 23. Saninel Fefseuden & Sarah Spring. December 9. M'' Sam" Cutt & Mrs Anna Holyoke A. M. . Thanks- 9 Isaac Corey & Rnhamah Comee, — Evening ) Day. 30. Daniel Leeds, B. A. & Abigail Gove 1763 Jan> 10. .Jonathan Hill & Lydia Cooper March 16. Thomas Soden & Ruth Livermore. April 21. Thomas Ilovey & Elizabeth Brown. May Ti. Samuel Cooper & Hannah Geoghegan. May 19, William Darling & Mary Warland August 4. Chriftopher Grant, Jan'" & Sarah Watfoii August 9. M'" Stephen Sewall & M'"^ Rebecca Wigglesworth August 18. James Munroe & Luc\' Watson Sept. 2. Jonathan Fefseuden Jun'' & Elizabeth Parker Sept. 22. The Rev" M"" Bunker Gay & M'"'^ Abigail Prentice Oct'^'" 25 M'" William Kneeland & M'"^ Elizabeth Holyoke Dec'"" 1. James Kettle & Mary Gookin 1764 Feb. 24. Sannu-1 Hill & Sarah Cutler March 6 Thomas Thwing Jun^' & Epzabeth Parker April 26 Samuel Cook Jun'" & Elizabeth Dickson June 7 Isaac Clark & Elizabeth Hill Nov . 8 John Ranfhon Sigourney & Eunice Kidder Nov'^"" 21 John Goodwin 3ti"s & Efther Bradifh Nov*"" 22 Nath" Prentice & Abigail Logan Married by the Hon'''*' Judge Danforth Esq"" 176.") Jan. 3. Jofhua Converse & Molly Wyman Married att ye Nehemiah Fuller & Chriftian Wood same time Thus far I have delivered in the Names of y*' Perfons married by me to Andrew Bordman Esq' Town clerk 1765 March 6 Joseph Ayres & Sufanna Brooks April 18. Joseph Miller & Eunice Coolidge June 17 William Barber & Elizabeth Cliflford Vide Page (111) 194 Records of the First Church in (Jambridge. (90) The Names of Children Baptized by Nath^^ Appleton. 1760 Oct'"- 19. Charles of Tbaddeus Wyman > „ ,, ^ c 1 /• T « rt T V ^ By M^- Storer oarau of Joii'^ Cooper, Jun' ^ 26. Orlando of Caleb Dana, Juu'' Nov'"' 16. Elizabeth of Gideon Froft. 23. Samuel of Sam" Kent Ebenezer king of Isaac Bradifh Dec'"' 7. Richard of Zachariah Bordman Susannah of John Stratton 28. James of Bethiah Champney Mercy of Jedidiah Larned 1761 Feb. 8. Elizabeth of Cap* W" Angier 22. Sarah ^ & > Twins of Jon* Wyeth Hepzibah ' Sufannah of Jedidiah Learned March 22. Elizabeth of D'' John Wright Katherine of Benjamin Euftis of Bofton. April 26. Samuel & Sarah, Children of Elizabeth Dolly May 10. Blake. Son of Nath" Sparhawk Silence — Sou of Widow Merrial Cutting Her husband died laft fall. 24 Mofes of Jofhua Rand Daniel of W'^ Gammage Daniel of Daniel Watfon. July 3. Samuel of Sam" Rand Jun. 19 Sarah of Solomon Prentice Hugh & Jofeph, children of Nehemiah Mafon. Thomas of Thomas Gardner August 30. Mary of Edward Jackson Sept'"' 6. Jofhua of Stephen Palmer Jun' 13. Jofiah of Jofiah Mafon 27. Prif cilia of Benjamin Hill Oct'"- 4. Hannah of Cap* W" Angier Oct. 18. Hubbart of Hubbart Rufsell Nov'"- 1. Samuel of Abraham Froft, by M'- Bridgham. Records of the First Church in Cambridge- 11)5 1761 Nov'" 22. Mary of Joseph Allen 29. Mary of .John Kidder 1762 Jaii> 3. Peter of Jaines Laiiniau 17. Sarah of Tliomas Kobbius, By INI' Al)bot, Feb. 14. Luey of Abraham Watson Jim' March 2S. Lncy of Owen VV^arland April 1 1 . Seth of Seth Ilastinos 18. rlonas of Jonas Wyeth May 9. Mary of John Nutting 16. Sufanuali of Ebenezer Wyeth June 6. AV)igailof Arnos Marrett. July 4. Ebenezer King of Isaac Bradifh 1 1 . Jofei)h of Thomas Ireland William of John Stratton August 8. John of Isaac Watson Sept. 5. Thomas of Isaac Fillebrown Sarah of Daniel Pierce 19 Rebekah of John Hicks Henry of Caleli Dana Jun'' Oct'" 3. Hannah of Capt. W" Angier Samuel of Samuel Gookin Jun'" Thomas of Mary Durrant 10. Nehemiah of Edmund Froft. Nov'"' 7. Raham, son of Moses Richardfon 21. Mary of Jedidiah Larned i''"* cinitiien Baptized to ye . T r> -u/r /■ i< 1 Ti-r ,. Bottom of thifl jiHge Since 1763 Jan> 9. Mary or Samuel Norcrofs niy ordination 23 Samuel of Samuel Chaundler 30 Margarett of Jofeph Allen Vid P. 91 Children 63. (91) Feb. 6. Abigail of Thomas Haftings Anna of Jonathan Cooper Jun*" 13. Mary of Abraham Watson .Jun*" March 20. Sarah of Daniel Watson 27. Lucy of Eliflia Holmes. Apr. 17. Samuel of Thomas Gardner May 1. Jofepli Ray of James Ballard July 10. Walter of llobart Rufsell 24. Eleanor of Jofeph Morfe 196 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1763 Aug. 14. Samuel, James, Sufanna, children of Samuel Choate, and all att one Birth, a rare Inftauce for 3 chil- dren att a Birth & all alive & well fo as to be brought forth to publick Baptifm, perhaps there is not Such an Inftance to be met with in y*^ country. Aug. 21. Noah of Noah Wyeth 28. Benjamin of Stephen Palmer .lun' Sept. 25. Mary of M'' W" Winter Oct'" 2. Timothy of Isaac Bradifh. Oct. 9. Amos of Araos Marrett 16. Ezekiel, a Son & Achsay, a daughter of Simon Bar- joua a Negro freeman. Nov'"' 27. Abigail of Edmund Froft. Rebekah of Sam" Rand -lun'' Dec. 4. Ebenezer Roby of D' James Froft. 18 Elizabeth of Owen Warland Lydia of John Kidder 1764 Jan> 15. James of Jofiah Mafon Anna of William Rand 29 Jofhua of Chriftopher Grant Jun'' Feb. 19. Mary and Elizabeth, children of Nath" Tufts offered to Baptifm by y' mother, Mary Tufts. March 11. John of John Nutting 25. Mary of Robert Treadwell April 1. Ruth of W" Darling 8. Joanna of Sam" Sparhawk Jun'" 22. Edward of John Hayes ^ William of Jofeph Lampson [ all of Charlestown Esther of James Honeywell ) May 6. Jacob of Ebenezer Wyeth John Hall of Simon Howard 13. George Ruggles Son of Peter Barbour of Bofton June 3. Joanna of Jofeph Allen Lucy of James Munroe July 1. William of Capt. W"' Angier 8. John of Mary Barrett LUt2;iist V>. Alio-. 19. S(![)L. 23. Oct'" 21. 2.S Records of (he Fir.s( Church in Conthridc/e. 197 1764 July 15. Siinih of Ebeiiezer Sever. 20. Elizabeth of ,I()fej)li Kufsell, belougiiig to Hoftoii The child bora iitt Zeeh'^ Bonlintms ; and was baptized att 8'' house by reason of Sickness & api)reliended to be nigh unto death; and died before Sabbath. Elizabeth of .ledediah Larned Jonathan Cooper of Jonathan Hill. James of James Kettle Johu Edwards of John Barret Elizabeth of Sam" Kent Jofeph & Rebekah, children of widow Rebekah Rok- well Nath" Prentice, Son of Abraham Watson, Jnn'' 53 Children. Verte P. (97) (92) July 10, 1734. Memoranda. Ai>reabl were capal)le of Sitting in y'' Counsil, becaufe y« Platform Says Synods are to conflst of hoik Elders & other Chh Members and in y'' debates upon it I moved, & others Seconded me y' Since y*" four chhs y' Called us together afked lory'' Elders as well as other delegates in y'" Letters to us, y' y>' should be afked whether y'' accepted of thofe Chhs y' Came without Elders : but without taking y^ step, y> proceeded to a vote, whether thofe Chhs Sat right in y'' Council, it pafsed in y'' affirmative, I did not vote for it & several Ministers entere declining to reduce y"" number it was voted y' y*^ votes of y^ Council Should be by Chhs, & not by persons. 1 joyned in this vote thinking it better to come into it pro hac vice, than to Suffer one Chh to have double y® power in a vote of any other Chh', hoping for y*^ time to Come (93) Chhs will take Care to Send Equal number of delegates. These Preliminaries being Setled, a Committee was Sent to In- form 3^*^ Rev*^ M"" Fifk y^ y'' Council was now Sitting & desired y* he would Call his Chh together & y' y*" Council was ready to receive what y^ might have to offer. M'' Fifk declined to y*^ Com- mittee to y' purpose y* he did not approve of y"" method of pro- ceeding, y' it was Contrary to his Judgment, & his open declara- tion in times paft. Then Mefsengers were Sent to y*^ Brethren, even to y"" houfes to Invite y"' in & offer what yJ' had to Say, but not one of those y"^ adhered to M"" Fifk would attend, alledging y^ y'' Pastor had made propofals very reafonable «fc Chriftian to y*' aggrevied, & till y> were Complyed with y^ had nothing further to Say, then y" Council adjourned to y*' meeting houfe where y'" was a publick hearing of y'^^ cafe, y* is of y^ Several Steps y* had been taken first by y*^ North Chh in beginingy*' admonition, & y° by y*' other three Chhs in Conjunction with that in Seconding of it, which hearing took up near three hours, then y'' Council ad- journed to y^ Town houfe to be by y'^^felves & to Consider of y*^ affair, and it was thought proper to begin where y> began in y^ laying y*^ Cafe before us, which was with certain Letters, viz one from y*^^ aggrevied Brethern to y" old North Chh, reprefent- ing y'' broken, divided State of y'' Chh & no methods Complyed with for y^ healing y*^ Same, & a Letter allso from y'' Elders or from y<^ P:ider8 & Brethren of y«^ N. Chh to M'' Fifk or to him & his Chh I am not certain which. Signifying If I mistake not, yr thought of Coming to vifit y™ in y*' 3*^ way of Communion y^ is by way of Charitable admonition, & y" a Letter from M'' Fifk to y*" North Chh, objecting againft y'' coming for two reasons more Efpecially P* because y> had prejudged y** affair in an afsembly jRecords of the First (Jhuvch in Cambridge. 199 of Chhs allready. 2'i'> y' he had made Such proposals to y^ ag- greiyed in order to y*" Settling & determining y'' diferences as he thonght Christian and reasonable and y" another Letter from y'' Brethren of y^' Chh y* adhere to M'' Fifk objecting against y'' N. Chh's Coming alledging many things which I have forgot ; but particularly lufifting upon y'' reafonablenefs of y*' propofals y'" Pastor had made to y'' aggreived. Now many of y*' Council ob- ferving w' great Strefs y" Paftor M*" Fifk & his adhei'ents laid (94) upon certain propofals it was propofed, That Some Inquiry Should be made Concerning thofe Propofals. Accordingly M"" Gee was Sent for and Interrogated about y'", who thought it not proper for him to say any thing of y'" without y'^' reft of his Brethren, who being fent for, and coming in, y> were afked whether y*' North Chh had any proposals laid before y'" y' M"" Fifk refers to in his Letter, to which it was aufwered y^ M'" Fifk, who Speaks of proposals did in his Letter Send none to y'' Chh but withall M^' Gee declares y"^ as he was y'' Scribe or Clerk of y^ former Council he had y'' Papers Committed to him among which were thefe propofals & y* alltho y> had had no Consid- eration of y"' in y'' procefs not Imagining y'" to be any thing att all to y*" merits of y*' present Case yet if this Council desired y'" he had y"' with him & would write out a Copy of y'". And y" it was obferved y' M"" Fifk ol)jects againft y'' North Chhs Coming above others because y> had prejudged y^' cafe in a former Coun- cil ; upon which Several of y*" Council & more Especially of y* Elders afked for a Sight of y** refult of y*^ Council which M'' Gee Said he had with him & would allow y** Council a copy if any of y'" Would write it out, upon this y'' was a long debate whether those papers Should be brought into y'' Council, Some opposing & ah 1 edging y* y> were nothing to y'' merits of y case we were come upon & y' y> were not propofals of y*^ Chh, but only of y** Pas- tor, & y' y'" Pastor would not come & bring y'" in «& plead to y"', others y' were y^ earnestl}' desired those Papers might be brought in, alledging y'y^ might pofsibly be to y*" merits of y'prefent cafe, «& y' if y> Saw y'" y> Could Judge whether y> were or no, & de- clared further y' y> Could not h;ivo light enough to Judge upon y*^ Cafe before y"' without &. y* if others (Jould See Clearly to act without y*^ help of those papers, thofe y' Could not might be So 200 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. far Condefcended to as to have y'" brought in, and y' alltho M'' Fifk would not bring y'" in, yet y' we Should be willing to get light where we Can get it, if not in y*" particular way y' we would desire it. It was allso alledged y* very probably those papers might be to y*^ merits of y'' Caufe, & y* our Justifying or not Justifying might be determined by y"\ for if we found y*" several parts of y*^ chh moving for peace by proposals of peace, & if (95)thofe propofals were reafonable Chriftian ones as M'' Fifk says y5 are we might pofsibly think y* M"" Gee & his Chh Infted of pafsing y'" by in Silence & taking no notice of y'" might have acted a better part to have Improved these propofals as far as he could towards y® producing of peace among y'" than in proceeding att once to admonifh y"\ It was allso Said y' by bringing in these propoals & making Some tryal of y'" we might probably discern more clearly where y*" fault lay, for alltho according to y*^ pref- ent procefs of y'' matter y'' whole Chh was to come under Cen- fure, yet all allowed y' Some of y"" were not to blame, & by mak- ing Some Experiment with thefe propofals perhaps we might find where to enter all y*' blame, and many other things were offered as arguments for y*^ bringing in thofe Papers, arguments So Strong &. clear y' I thought y'" Avas no gaiufaying y"', but when y*" votes were put whether y> Should be brought in behold y^ pafsed in y*" negative, which was very grevious to a great number of us, accordingly five Elders, viz M'' Barnard, M'' Holyoke, M'" Wigglesworth, M'' Tufts & M'' Chipman gave in a Paper to y'' Moderator Signifying y' as that light was withheld from them which y> apprehended necefsary to Judge upon y*^ Cafe before y"' y^' Should withdraw from y*^ Council & did accordingly & five or 6 other Elders, viz : M'' Ilale, M'' Emmerson, M'' Storer, M'' Bowman, M> Jaques, 1 think & myfelf Stood up & declared to y*^ Council y' Seeing those papers were withheld y' we apprehended might afford light in y'" affair before us, we utterly declined to give our Judgement pro or Con, upon y'' proceedigs of y*" North Chh, or y^' other 3 Chh** afterwards in Conjunction with y'" for as y'" cafe now stood we had not, neither might we be allowed light either to Justify or Condemn y'' proceedings & y" M'" Stone & Several other delegates Stood up & declared y> were of y'- Same mind. Upon this y'' was a motion made to reconsider ye Records of the First ChurcJi iit Catnhridge. 201 votes about those papers but it Could not be obtained. So y*^ five foreraentioued Elders withdrew & y^' other five or (! of ns with a number of delegates sat as Neuters, & y" y*' Council went on & Justified all y'' Steps y' had been taken by y*' North Chh & y" y'' 3 other Ch- in Conjunction with them. After thefe votes were pafsed, y'' Council voted to unite thofe four ('hh^ with y'" & y" proceeded to renew y'' advice & admonition to y'' Chh by a Letter & have adjourned y"'felve8 to 15"' of October (96) next, waiting till y' time to see what effect y'' admonition will have, wliicli for my own part I have but little Expectation of Confidering how y'' matter has been driven on but as thefe pro- ceedings are like to occasion a great deal of debate in y*^ Country I thought it proper for y'' help of my Memory to Commit to writ- ing y*^' most remarkable occurrences in y Council, whilst y- are frefh in my mind, & I would only obferve how Uniiappy it is, y' when those who come together to heal divisions among others Should be divided among y"'felves, a Melancholy token y' y'' Chhs y" Convened had not so much of y'' Prefence of great head of y*" Chh att y'' Convention as is to be defired att all times efpe- cially upon Such a Solemn occafion as this. And as to y*^ votes of y'' Councils in y'' Justification of M'' Gee's proceedings in y'' Several Steps Sujjpofing y'' had been no propofals I cannot but think y> have gone aside y'' letter of y*' Platform, & y'' Spirit & design of y'' Synod lOfi'i, »K: I am at prefent fully of opinion y' the N. Chh. in Bofton was not a proper Chh to go to begin y'' 3'' way of Comnumion upon y'^Chli of Salem, 1"' because yy had prejudged ye affair & 2ndly liecause of y' distance y' being so many other Chh' nearer y' Should have performed y' act of Charity. Indeed if Chh*" in y'' Neighbor- hood had been applyed to & had refufed y" a Chh So diftant as y*' N. Chh might have been Juftified in going. But y" I cannot See how y* Chh can be Justified in calling in y'' 3 or 4 Churches viz,— y^' Old South Chli in Bofton, & M'' Whites att Glouster both of which had been y' in Council & prejudged ye matter & M'' Chevers of Rumney Marsh & M'' Wigglesworths att Ipswich but he did uot go. V'" Platform Expressly Says such a Chh must acquaint other Neighbour Chhs : 202 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Children Baptized by Nath" Appleton (97) 1764 Nov'"" 11. William Soden of Seth Haf tings Rebekah of Thomas Robbius 1766 Jan> 20 William of Cap* Ebeuezer Stedmau Feb. 3. Benjamin of Stephen Palmer Jun"" Mar. 3. Eunice of Richard Honeywell 10. Elizabeth of Noah Wyeth 31 Mary of Elifha Holmes April 14. Borodel, Daughter of .Jon'* Fefsenden Jun'' 21 Mary of .James Ballard May 5. John of W" Gammage Hepziltah of Jonathan Jones 12 Mara, Daughter of Widow Mercy Cooper, whofe Husband died Suddenly 16 days paft. James of John Hicks Taplee of .Jonas Wyeth Mary of Jofhua Converse 26. Samuel Newall of Sam" Fefsenden June 9. Rebecca of Daniel Watson July 21. Elizabeth of Thomas Hastings. Sept. 1. Isaac & Nathaniel, children of Abijah Larned Baptiz'd on y'' South Side. 15 Jacob of Jacob Watson Sufannah of Sam" Rand, Jun'" 22 Samuel of Owen Warland Ruth of Abraham Watson Jun'" Samuel of Chriftopher Grant Jun'' October 13 John of William Tufts Sarah of Isaac Bradifh Nov'"' 10. Thomas & Mary, children of Jacob Bull 1 7. William of Aaron Hill Dec'"' 8. Enoch of Henry Holden 15 John of Ebenezer Shed Jun' 29 Sarah of John Kidder 1766 Jan> 25 Jofeph of Jofeph Miller Feb. 2. Ebenezer of Sam" Hill 16 Samuel of Sam" Sparhawk, Jun' Records of the First CliurcJi in Cambridge. 203 1766 Feb. 23 Anne of Ebenezer Wyeth Sarah of Samuel Norcrofs March 3, Mercy of John Nutting- April 13. Lydia of Jonathan Hill May 18. Elizabeth of Moses Winchester June 8. Phoebe of Edmund Frost. Isaac of Hobart Rufsell 15. Margaret of Capt Wm. Angier. Amee daughter of James Honeywell Mary of Downing Champney Sarah of William Rand Mary of Jedediah Learned Samuel of James Kettle Anna of Jofiah Mafon John of John Wyman Martha of Sam' ' Chandler Nathaniel Shepard of Nath" Prentice Walter of Gideon Froft by M'' Jackson Thomas of William Darling Lucy, Efther Manning deceased offered by her Grandmother Manning Jonas of Jonas Prentice Jun' James & Elizabeth children of James Holten 60 Children Vide P. 98 Jonathan of Richard Honeywell. P^lizabeth of Jacob Bull. Lydia of Noah Wyeth. William of John Hicks. Margaret of Richard Ward. Robert of Seth Haftings Ruthy of Joel Fifk Lydia of Zechary Shed May 2. Violet a negro female child, born in y'' houfe of the Hon'''*' Edm'' Trowl)ridge, who with his Lady undertook for y' religious Education of y'' Same if God Should Spare y'* life of it. The child being dan- gerously 111 was Baptized in Private. May 7"' the child died. 22 29. July 5. 27. August 10. 17. 24. Sept . 21 Novt »• 2. 30 (98) 1767 Jan> 18. Feb. 1. 8 15. March 15. Mar. 22. Apr. 26. 204 Records oj the First Church in Cambridge. 1767 May 10. Fanny of Daniel Watfon 17 Mary of Sam" Thaeher Juu'' 24. Rhoda of Widow Eliz'"^ Cook Elizabeth of Henry Dunfter. Sarah of James Ballard May 31. Nathaniel | & I Twins of Thomas Robbins Philemon ) July 20 Pjlizabeth of Mofes Riehardfon August 23 Elizabeth Smith daughter of Mary Stephen Sept. 13. Mehetable of Jacob Watson Here comes to 50 years from my settlement in the ministry in which time 1630 children Baptized Viz' 860 males 770 Females 1630 N. A. Phoebe of John Kidder Rebekah of James Munroe John of W"' Tufts Isaac of Jofeph Miller Mary of Downing Champney Stephen of M' Stephen Sewall, Heb. Profef Eunice of Jedidiah Larned Mary of James Kettle Hannah of Sam" Norcrofs Samuel of Thomaf Haftings Elizabeth of Nath" Jarvis Jofeph of Joieph Smith Mary of John Nutting David of David Fifk Elizabeth of Timothy Koree, I Baptized on y** South Side May 1. Mary of John Wyman Mary of Hobart Rufsel Ebenezer of Ebenezer Sever Nov br I 8. 29 Dec'" 13. 1768 Jan . 3. 10. 17 Feb. 21. Feb. 21 Mar. 6. April 10. April 17. 8 May ■ 8. ■22. July 10. 17. ■24. 31 Angus 14. Sept. 18. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 205 1708 May 8. Sufaunah of Joriiua Lee Rhoda of Noah Wyeth .lolin of John Wyman Lydia of I)''. W" Kneeland Eiq"" Lydia of Abraham Watson Jnn'" Gad of Ebenozer Wyeth Jolm of Nath" Prentifs. Samuel of Samuel Choate Mary of Capt W" Angler Sufannah of Sam" Rand Jnu''. Oct'" 9 Rebekah of W'" & Sarah Smith, the mother offered y*' child to Baptifm Zechariah of Zochariah Siied Mary of M'' Edw''. Wigglesworth Profelsor. Phanna of James Honeywell Hannah of Daniel Wifwal William of William Rand 55 Children Vert P. 99 Mary of Edward Prentice John of Owen Warland Jane of Jofiah Moore Lois of Ephraim Peirce Mary a child brought up by M"" Sam" Cook & his wife & who undertook if y*" child Should live to bring it up in y'' nurture & admonition of y'' Lord. The child was above 7 years of age being danger- ously 111 T Baptized att their houfe Nathaniel of Nathaniel Robbins. Mary of Jofhua Converse. Mary of Manffield Tappley Samuel of James Kettle Mary of Joel Fifke Mehetable of M'' Nathan Prentice William of Robert Twodale Martha of (iideon Frost Elizabeth of W" Honeywell Jun'' Edward of Benjamin Hill Walter of Richard Honeywell Nov"' ■ 6. Nov'"' 13. Nov •20 •27. (99) Dec. 18. 1769 Jan: ' 1. 15 29 Feb. 1. March 5. 12. April 2. 9. June 4. 25 July 9. July 23 30. Aug. 6. 206 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1769 Aug. 20. John of Jofiah Mafon Caleb Dana son of Simon Howard 27. Elizabeth of Sam" Norcrofs Mary of Nath" Jarvis. Sept. 3. Joleph of Jofeph Smith. Sept. 13. William of Jofhua Thomas, whom I Baptiz'd on y^ South Side upon a Lecture day By reafon of diffi- culty in bring over Oct^'i' 8. Abiel of Jonathan Winfhip Jonas of Jonas Prentice Jun"^ John of John Kidder Pemberton Son of Jofiah Fefsenden Samuel of Daniel Watson Dorcas of Noah Wyeth Elizabeth of Ebenezer Shed Jun"" Amelia of Timothy Koree Aaron of Aaron Tufts. Lucretia of Jedidiah Larned Sarah of Hobart Rufsell William of Jofeph Miller Samuel of Edmund Froft. James of Isaac Bradifh April 1. Elijah of David Fifk 8. John of Ebenezer Wyeth Rebekah of Alexander Sears Hill M.A. 22. William & Joshua Twins of Jofhua Lee. May 6 Elizabeth of John Nutting 13. Elizabeth Holyoke of D"" William Kneeland Efq"" June 10 William of Jofiah Fefsenden July 1. Anna of John Caldwell August 5. Hannah & Peter children of Ephraim Hammond. Sept 2. Mary of Mary Barrett Baptized att home after y'^ Exercise, y'' child apprehended att y'' point of Death & y^ mother having made way to y*^ Satisfaction of y*^ Chh for y'' Baptifm of it, — the child died. Sept. 23 Sarah of George Dana 30 Sarah of Zechariah Shed 50 children Vert P (119) Oct'''- 15. 29. Nov'' '• 19 26. Dec'' '• 3. 10 17 70 Feb. 4. 11 25 March 25. Records of the First Church in Cambridf/e. 207 (100) Att a Meeting of y*" first Cbh of Chrift in Cambridge Nov. 26, 1739. The Brethren taking into Confideration a motion made by y"^ Pastor from y*' ReV' Paftor & Sundry Brethren as a Com- mittee of y*^ Second Chh of Christ in S'' Town of Cambridge voted & agreed y^ twenty five Pounds be given out of y*' Cbh Stock to y'' aforef Second Chh to furnifh y' C^ommunion Table in a decent manner. Att a Meeting of y*' Brethren of y*' first Church in Cam- bridge April 25. 1740 1. The Brethren voted to choofe a Committee to Infpect y« manners of profefsing Chriftians &c. according to y*" method agreed upon April 13. 1737. 2. They accordingly bi'ought in y' written votes for y Perfons to be of S^ Committee & y'' Honourable Francis Foxcroft Efq'' Andrew Bordmau Efq'' ; M' Judah Monis M'' Stephen Pren- tice M'" Jofeph Kent M'' William Brown & M'' Thomas Spar- hawk were Chofen to y'' S'' Service & trust for^y'' Current year. 8. M' F'oxcroft declining to accept of S'^ Service, y'' Brethren made choice of M' Samuel Whiteinore in his room. 4. Voted. That Deacon Bradifh, Capt. Bordman, & Deacon Sparhawk be a Committee to view y*' Chh Lott in Newton to look up y^ ancient Bound-Marks to obferve what wood y' is upon it & whether y' be any large trees & upon y' decay, & if y'' be any Such to conf ider what may be proper to be done with them & make report afsoon as may be to Some other Chh Meeting. Att a Meeting of y'^' Brethren of y" first Chh in Cambridge October 22, 1740. 1 . It being reprefented to y'' Chh y' on this day the Honourable Jacob Wendell Efq' from his regards to this place, had given a Large Handfom Bible to y'' Minister of this Church for y*' time being for y"' ufe of y'" S'' Chh it was Unanimously voted y' our Rev'' Paftor with y*' Honoral)le Francis Foxcroft Efq'' Should give y*^^ thanks of this Church to y'' S*^ Col : Wendell for this token of his Chriftian generofity to us. 2. The report of y'^ Committee appointed April 25, 1740, to 208 Records of the First Church in Cainbridge. view y*' Chh Lot att Newtou &c was read & voted y' y'^ S*^ Committee be desired to renew & Settle y*" Bounds of S'^ Lot with thofe y* joyn upon it & make y*^ Bonds more plain & cer- tain than y> are att prefent, 3. That y'' afore f-' Committee be defired & Impowered to mark out Such a number of decayed trees upon S'^ Lott as they Shall think proper to be cut down & the whole of them to be Con- verted to y*^ ufe & benefit of our Rev'' Paftor, except what of them Shall be thought proper to be referved for Posts to repair the Parfonage vvithall, and that they manage in this trust for y® space of two years. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y'' first Chh in Cambridge, May 22, 1741. 1. The Brethren voted to Choofe a Committee to Infpect y*^ manners of profefsing chriftiaus &c. according to y*^ method agreed upon April 13, 1737. 2. They accordingly brought in y'' wiitteu votes for y^' Perfons (101) to be of S'^' Committee, And William Brattle Efq'' M^' Judah Monis M'' Sam" Whittemore, M' Ebenezer Froft M'" Ben- jamin Goddard Deacon Sam" Si)arhawk & M' Thomas Spar- hawk were chofen to y'' S'' Service & trust for y'^' Current year. 3. Voted y^ Daniel Champney Jun' be notified to attend at y*^ next meeting of y'' Brethren of y'' Chh, to give reafons if any he has why he has not moved to be reftored to y*^ Communion agreable to a vote of y'' Chh relating to him June 24, 1737. Att a Meeting of y^' Brethren of y<^ Chh, Sept. 9. 1741. According to y^' foregoing vote of May 22, 1741. Daniel Champney Jun' appeared before y*^ Chh & declared y* y*^ reason why he had not moved to be reftored was becaufe he was affraid y' he had So often fallen y' he did not tljink himfelf worthy to partake, y' he was Sorry for his offences & hoped y'' Spirit of God had not utterly left him, & prayed y' ye chh would Exercife Some further patience towards him. Upon which y^ Brethren voted y' his Suspenfion be contmued And y* if at y'' end of four months he Shall make a publick ac- knowledgement & receive a publick admonition, he fhall be reftored to Communion, provided y^ be no objections againf t Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 209 him, y'' chh being notified of his defires a week or foitnighi beforehand. Att a meeting of y'' Brethren of y'' Chh, Oct. 13, 1741. Upon y"' removal of Deacon Bradifh by Death, who was one of y"' Committee appointed to view y Chh lot at Newton &c. Voted that Deacon Samuel Bowman, M' Solomon Prentice & ]\r". Thomas Sparhawk be joyned to y'' remaining part of yp S'' Committee Appointed April -25. 1740 & to transact in all y*' affairs y' y"' S'' Committee were defired it Impowered to transact in relating to y'' Settling y'' Bounds & Cutting of trees in S'^ Lott according to y' votes of y'' S*^ Chh October 22, 1740. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y'^ Chh, Nov, 24, 1741. Voted. That y"" Should be two Deacons Chofen. Accord, ingly by y'^ written votes of y^ Brethren M*" Henry Prentice, & M'' Samuel Whittemore were Chofen to y'^' office of Deacons. Att a meeting of y* Brethren of y"' first Chh in Caml)ridge April 23, 1742. 1. The Brethren voted to Choofe a Committee to Infpect ye manners of profefsing chriftians &c. according to y'' method agreed upon April 13, 1737. 2. Voted by uplifted hands y^ y*' Same perfons who were in y'' last year v>z William Brattle Ef(i' Mr Judah Monis, Deacon Samuel Whitemore M'' Ebenezer Froft, M' Benjamin Goddard, Deacon Sanuiel Sparhawk & M'' Thomas Sparhawk be y*' Committee of y'' Chh for this year for y'' truft & Ser- vice aforef''. N. B. The perfons were put to vote separately & distinctly & y^ reafon why y> went into a handy vote was becaufe it was defired by Several of y'' Chh. 4 or 5 exprefsing y'' defires for it & after repeated calls upon y" clih, no one mauifefting any objection againft it. Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y<^ first Chh. in Cambridge May 20. 1743 1. The Brethren voted to choofe a Committee to lufpect y^ manners of profefsing Chriftians &c as usual. 210 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 2. They by written votes made Choice of Col: Brattle Efq'^ M'' Judah Mollis, Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M^' Ebenezer Froft, M"" Benjamin Goddard, Deacon Sam" Sparhawk, M"^ 'I'homas Sparhawk to be y*^ S'^ Committee for this year. Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y^ Chh April 20, 1744. 1. The Brethren voted to chose a Committee to Infpect y® manners of profefsing Christians &c. as usual. 2. By written votes. Col : Brattle P^fq^', M'' Judah Monis, Dea- con Sam" Whittemore, M'' Ebenezer Eroft, M"" Benjamin Goddard, Deacon Sam" Sparhawk, M'' Thomas Sparhawk, were chofen to be y*^ S'' Committee for this year. 3. Whereas Daniel Champney Jun'' has not Complyed with y** vote of this Chh Sept, 9. 1741. refpecting his making a publick acknowledgement & receiving a publick admonition, in order to (102) his being reftored to Communion, and in as much as he inftead of manifesting any repentance of his former Sinfull intemper- ance, not only appears vStill to be too much off his guard in that refpect, but of late has very much neglected y"^ publick worship of God. Wherefore voted y^ he have a publick Solemn ad- monition dispensed to him by our Rev^ Pastor in y'' presence of y'^' congregation on some Lords day within y*"- Space of a month & y*^ he be duly notified hereof to attend ye Same. 4. Voted that Deacon Sparhawk, Deacon Whitemore & Deacon Prentice be a Committee to Infpect y*^ Chh Lott att Newton y' so y'' may be no Strip or Waste Committed upon it and That the Bounds may be kept up. And y* y^' mark out Such decayed tree as y> Shall think proper to be cut down, & y'" whole of them to be Converted to y*^ ufe and benefit of our Rev"^" Paftor, except what of them they Shall Judge proper to be referved for Pofts & Rails to repair y'' Parfonage Fences withall. Att a Meeting of y^* Brethren of y'' Chh May 13, 1744. Lds. day between meetings. Voted y* The publick admonition to be dispensed to Daniel Champney Jun'' according to y'' vote of April 20. be Suspen- ded for y'' prefent and y* y*^ matter be further Considered on y' fryday before y*^ Sacrament after y'^' Lecture. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 211 Att y*^ Meeting of y*' Brethren of y'' Chh. Jnne 22, 1744. Voted that y'' publiek admonition to be dispenfed to Daniel Champney Jnn"" according to y'' vote of April 20be further Suspended & y*^ y'' matter be further Considered on y'' next Fryday Lecture before y" Sacrament after y'' Lecture. Att a Meeting of y^' Brethren of y'- Chh Aug. 10, 1744. Voted Tt) reconsider y'^' vote of April 20 1744 relating to y'' admonition of Dauiel Champney .km' in y'^' prefence of y*^ Congregation. Voted That Daniel Champney Jun*", have a Solemn admoni- tion dispensed to him before y*^ Chh. y*' next Lord's day when y'^' afternoon Exercife is finiflied. And y' he be duly notified hereof to give his attendance. It being reprefented y' Col : Brattle decline y*" Service of a Committee man this year. It was voted y* y*' reft of y^ Com- mittee be desired to perform y'' Service of y'' Committee for this year. August 12. According to y'' vote above a Publiek Solemn admonition was dispenfed to Daniel Champney .Fun". Att a Meeting of the Brethren of y*" Chh May 17 1745. 1. Voted to Choofe a Committee to Infpect y*^ manners of Pro- fefsing Chriftians &c as ufual. 2. By written votes, Col : Brattle, Deacon Whittemore, M*" Edward Manning, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M'' Benjamin Goddard, Deacon Sparhawk & M' Thomas Sparhawk were chofen to be yf^ S'' Committee for this year. .3. The Committee having reported to y^" Paftor y"" proceedings with Walter Cooper for his abfeuting himfelf from y'" Lord's Supper & y° Ineffectual ufe of all y*' methods y> had ufed with him to convince him of y'' Error of his way. These proceed- ings with him were laid before y*' Chh tfc y'' Confideration of his Cafe was voted to be referred to y'' next Chh Meeting af- ter y'^ Stated Lecture. 4. Voted that it be left'with y'' Deacons of y*^ Chh to do what y> .Judge most prudent about purchafing another Tankard with y Chh Stock for y'' use of y'' Said Chh. (103) Att a Meeting of y'- Brethren of y'' Chh. July 12, 1745. 212 Records of the. First Church in Cambridge. Voted That Walter Cooper be notifyed to attend att y^ meet- inof of y'^ Clih Immediately after y'' next Stated Lecture to give reafons to y® Chh (if any he has; why he has abfented himfelf for so long a time from Communion with us in y*^ Lords Supper. Att a Meeting of y« Brethren of y'^' Chh Sept. 6, 1745. Walter Cooper agreable to y*' notification y* had been given him appeared before y*^ Chh and being called upon to give y'^ reasons (if any he had) wliy he had for so long a time abfented himfelf from y^' Communion. He quoted y*^ following Texts of Scripture & declared y* his reafons were Contained in them, viz— John 10.27.5 John 7.16.17. Matt. 7.15.16 John 4.1. 1 Cor: Acts. 19.9.10. 2 Cor: 6.17. 18. Rev: 18.4. 2 Tim. 3.5. Eph : 5.11. Isaiah 52.11. After which he mentioned Something about being dismifsed to y*^ Separate Chh. att Boston, after which he withdrew. And y*' Chh taking into consideration what y S*' Walter Cooper had offered to Justifye liis withdraw from Communion with us, came into y*^^ following votes. 1 . Voted Unanimously. — That what our Brother Walter Cooper had offered was not Sufficient to Juftify his withdraw from Communion with us. 2. That he be called in & be publickly admonifhed for his disorderly withdrawing from Communion with us. — and an admonition was accordingly dispensed unto him. Att a Meeting of y^' Brethren of y^ Chh April 18, 1746 1. Voted to Choofe a Committee to Infpect y" manners of profefsing Chriftians &c. as ufual. 2. By written votes, Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M'' Edward Manning, M'' Joseph Bean. M'' Ebenezer Froft, M'' Benjamin Goddard, M^' Thomas Sparhawk, M'' W™ Dana, were chofen to be y'' S'' Committee for this year. 3. Voted y* M'' Jonathan Haftings & M"" Ebenezer Wyeth be added to y^' Committee appointed April 20, 1744, to Infpect y'' Chh Lott att Newton &c and y* y*^ S'' Committee Continue in Said Trust to manage agreeable to y^ S** vote of 1744 till further order of y^' Chh. Records of tlie Firsi Churcli in (Uwibridf/e. 213 Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y'' Clili May 15. 1747. 1. Voted to ('lioofe h Counnittee to Infpect y'' manners of profefsing ('liriftians &c as ufual. •2. Voted hy uplifted liai\(ls, y^ y*" Committee Chofe y"' last year be Continued in Said Service & truft for this year. Mem''"' A rainy dny c^ but a fmall inimber of y'' Brethren appeared. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y^' Chh April 15. 1748. 1. Voted to Choose a Committee to Infpect y' manners of prof ef sing (!hriftiaus &c as ufual. 2. By written votes Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M' Joseph Bean M' Edward Maiming, M^' Ebenezer Froft, M^ Sam" Rand, M' Thomas Sparliawk M'' W" Dana were Chofen for a Committee for y' S'' Service and trust. Att a Meeting of y^' Brethren of y*^ Chh. May 12, 1749. 1. Voted to Choose a Committee to Infpect y*' manners of pro- fefsing Chriftians &c as ufual. 2. By Handy votes, Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M'Jofeph Bean, M"" Edward Manning. M' Ebenezer Froft, M'' Sam" Rand, M'' Thomas Sparhawk & M' W" Dana, were Chofen as a Com- mittee for y'' S'' Service & trust. Att a Meeting of y*^' Brethren of y" Chh. April 18, 1750. By one handy vote all y'' Same perfous were Chofen for a Committee to Infpect y'" manners of profefsing Chriftians &c. as were Chosen y*^" laft year. (104) Att a Meeting of y*^ Bretliren of y^' Church May 10, 1751. 1. Voted to Choofe a Committee to Infpect y*" manners of pro. fefsing Chriftians &c as in years paft. 2. By Uplifted hands voted y* Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M' Jofeph Bean, M'' Edward Manning, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M'' Sam" Raud M'' Thoinas Si)arhawk and M'' William Dana be y'' Committee for this year. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y*^ Chh June 5. 1752. 1. By written votes Deacon Sam" Whittemore M' Jofe|)h Bean M'' Edward Manning, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M'' Peter Tufts, M' Thomas Sparhawk & M' W"' Dana were Chofen to be y*^ Com- 214 Eecords of the First Church in Cambridge. mittee for this year, to Infpect y*' manners of Profefsing Chriftians &e. 2. A complaint being exhibited againft our Brother Henry Prentice Jun^ Setiug forth his having on 27*'^ of May last ut- tered himfelf in a very Unchriftian manner by prophane Curs- ing & horrible Imprecations: But y*' Evidences not being prefent voted y*^ y*" Confideration of the Complaint be deferred to Some other meeting of y*^ church y' our Pastor Shall appoint. 3. Voted y' y*^ S*^ Brother Henry Prentice forbear Coming to y'' Sacrament of y*^ lord's Supper untill y*" matter of y*' Com- plaint againft him be confidered & judged upon by y^ Church. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y" Chh July 31, 1752. Brother Henry Prentice Jun'' made an humble Confefsion to y'' Brethren of y*^ horrible out breaking of his Pafsions accord ing to y'' Complaint Exhibited against him att y^'last meeting. The Brethren voted their acceptance of y*^ Same and Re- ftored him to y'' free Enjoyment of Special ordinances. Att a Meeting of y^' Brethren of y'^ Chh July 13, 1753. By Handy Votes Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M*" Edward Manning M'' Thomas Soden, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M^ Peter Tufts, M"" Thomas Sparhawk, M'' W" Dana were Chofen to be y*^ Committee this year to Infpect y*^ manners of Pro- fefsing Christians &c. Att a Meeting of y*^^ Brethren of y** Chh. April 19, 1754. By a Handy vote Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M'' Edward Manning, M^' Thomas Soden, M'' Ebenezer Frost, M"' Peter Tufts, M'' Thomas Sparhawk & M'" W™ Dana were Chofen to be y*^ Committee for this year to Infpect y*^ Manners of Profef- sing Chriftians &c. Att a Meeting of y*^ Brethren of y*^ Chh May 16, 1755. By Handy vote Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M"" Edward Man- ning, M'- Thomas Soden, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M"' Peter Tufts, M'' Thomas Sparhawk, M'' William Dana were Chofen to be y^ Committee for this Year to Infpect y*^ Manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Records of the First Vhurch in Cambridge. 215 jVjeujdm jj ^j^g |j,j|. ^ ^],j^ nipetiug of y^ Brethren otherwife I Should have Insisted upon y'' Choofing by written votes. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y^ Chh April 16, 1756. 1. By Handy Votes. Deacon Sam" VVhittemore, M"" Edward Manning, M"" Thomas Soden, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M'' Peter Tufts, M'' Thomas Sparhawk, M'' William Dana were Chofen to be y« Committee for this year to Infpect y*' mauuers of Profefsing Chriftians &c. 2. Voted yt M'' Thomas Soden be added to y"^ Committee for Infpecting &c y'^ Chh Lott att Newton in y^' room of M' Eben- ezer Wyeth Deceafed. Accordingly y" Committee for that purpofe are Deacon Sparhawk, Deacon Whittemore & Dea- con Prentice, Chofen April 20 1744 & M'' Jonathan Haf tings Chofen April 18, 174G & M'' Thomas Soden Chofen this day. (105) Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y" Chh Oct'^"- 28, 1757. By Handy votes Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M"' Edward Manning, M'' Thomas Soden, M'^ Eben" Froft, M';]Peter Tufts, M' Thomas Sparhawk, & M'" W"' Dana were Chofen to be y^ Committee for y«* remainder of y'' year to Infpect y^' manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Mem*^"' Some of y Honourable Brethren of y*" Chh moved y' for y*" future it might not be Insisted upon w^ith Such who Should be admitted into y*^ Chh to Come forth and Stand in y^ front Alley or Isle, att y'' time of their admifsion ; alledging y' it was disagreeable & Surprizing to Some Persons & had been offered by way of objection by some Perfons|& had been fuch a Stumbling Block to y'" as to prevent y'" offering y"'felve8 for adrailsion and Considering it was but a meer Circumftan- tial thing & a matter of Indifference, and coufidering allso y y*" Practice of other Chh^ allowed persons to Stand in y' own proper Places att y*" time of admifsion. Therefore The Brethren agreed to leave y'' matter to y'' Dif- cretion of y*^ Paftor, att y'' Same time manifesting that y> did not Infist upon y'' Standing in y*' Isle or alley and that they Should be well Satisfied if they appeared in any of y'" Seats or Pews yt Joyned upon y'' Front Alley and fo as to be fairly before y" Paftor & in view of y«" afsembly, and to this no one 216 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. of y*^ Brethren offered y*" leaft objection although they were defired to do it if y^ had any objection to offer. April 14, 1758. Att a meeting of y« Brethren of y*^ Chh. By written Votes, Deacon Sam^' Whittemore, M'" Edward Manning, M'' Tliomas Soden, M'' Ebenezer Froft, M'" Peter Tufts, M'' Thomas Sparhawk, M'' W" Dana were chofen to be y*^ Committee for this year to lufpect y'- manners of Profelsing Chriftians &c. May 11, 1759, Att a meeting of y*^ Brethren of y'^' Chh. By Handy votes Deacon Sam'' Whittemore, M'' Edward Manning, M'" Thomas Soden, M' Ebenezer Froft, M"" Peter Tufts, Thomas Sparhawk Eiq'' & M'' W" Dana were Chofen to be 3'" Committee for this year to Inspect y*" Manners of profefsing Chriftians &c. April 11, 1760. Att a meeting of y^ Brethren of y'^ Chh. 1. By Handy vote The Same Perfous were Chofen for y'' Com- mittee to Infpect y^' manners .of Profefsing Christians as were y"^ last year. 2. M'' Ebenezer Froft, was chosen to be added to y*" committee for Infpecting y'' Churcli Lott at Newton «&c. May 8, 1761 . Att a meeting of y'' Brethren of y*^ Chh. By handy vote y® Same Committee was chosen as was y*^ last year to Infpect y'' manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. June 4, 1762. Att a meeting of y'^' Brethren of y'' Chk. 1. By handy vote Deacon Whittemore, M' Thomas Soden, Deacon Prentice, M' Ebenezer Froft, M"" Peter Tufts, Thomas Sparhawk. Efq'' M' W™ Dana were Chofen for y'' Committee to Infpect y'' manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. 2. Voted y* Cap' Stedmau, M'- Sam" Kent & M'- W"^ Dana be added to y'" Committee to Infpect y^ Chh Lott att Newton, to view y'' s'^' Lot & confider what is proper to be done relating to y'' Sale of y'' Wood of S*^ Lott or y'^' Lott itfelf, and make report to Some other meeting of y'' Chh. May 6, 1763. Att a meeting of y'' Brethern of y'' Chh. By handy votes Deacon Whittemore, M"' Edward Man- ning, M'' Thomas Soden, Deacon Prentice, M'' Sam" Kent, Thomas Sparhawk Efq' M' W" Dana were Chofen as a Com- mittee to Infpect y'^' manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Records of the First Church in Cambrid'je. 217 (106) Att a meeting of y" Brethren of y Church Dec'" 16, 1763. 1. Voted y all y Wood & Timber upon y'' Church Lott att Newton be Sold, and y^' money procured by y Sale Thereof be put out upon Interest. The Same to be difposed of from time to Time by y'^' Church as tliey Shall direct & order it. 2. Voted That y'' Committee of y Church appointed to view &, Infpect S'' Lot (viz : Deacon Stun" Sparhawk, Deacon Sam" Whittemore, Deacon Henry Prentice, .lon"^ Haftiugs Efq'' Ebenezer Froft, Thomas Soden, Capt. Stedman, W" Dana & Sam" Kent) Be and hereby are Impowred to sell y Wood & Timber of S'' Lott, in Behalf of y*^' Chh to y beft advantage. 3. Voted that y^' money procured by y^' Sale of S'' Wood & Timber be vefled in Bonds with good Security. The S^* Bonds to be made to the Deacons, as Such & to y Succefsors in S^ office in Behalf of y'' Church. 4. Voted That y^' Deacons and their Succefsors be accountable for S^i monies to this Church from time to time, or to any Committee of y^' Church f may or Shall be appointed for that purpose. Att a meeting of the Brethren of y'' Chh June P^ 1764. By handy Votes Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M'' Edward Manning, M' Thomas Soden, Deacon Henry Prentice, M'' Sam" Kent, Thomas Sparhawk Efq^" & M'' William Dana were Chofeu a Committee to Inspect y« manners of Prof ef sing Chriftians &c. Att a Meeting of y^' Brethren of y^ Chh May 3, 1765. By handy votes Deacon Sam' Wnittemore, M^' Edw'» Man- ning, M'- Thomas Soden, Deacon Henry Prentice, M'' Sam'i Kent, Thomas Sparhawk Efcf & M^' W" Dana were Chofen a Committee to Infp.'ct y manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Att a meeting of y Brethren of y Chh. May 30, 1766. 1. Voted y> would Chose y"' Committee by Handy vote. •2. Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M'' Edward Manning, M'' Thomas Soden, Deacon Henry Prentice, M-" Sam" Kent, Thomas Sparhawk Efq-" & M'' W" Dana were Chofen a Com- mittee to Inspect y manners of profefsing Chriftians &c. Att a meeting of ^ Brethren of y" Chh May 1^« 1767. 218 Records of the First Ohurch in Cambridge. 1. Voted to Choofe y^* Committee by Handy vote. 2. Deacon Sam^' Whittemore, M'' Thomas Soden, M^' Edward Manning, Deacon Henry Prentice, M'' Peter Tufts, Thomas Sparhawk Efq^' & M'' W™ Dana were Chofen as a Committee for this year, to Infpect y^' manners of profefsing Christians &c. Att a meeting of y*" Brethren of y«' Chh. May 27, 1768. 1. Voted to Choofe y'' Committee by a handy vote. 2. Deacon Sam" Whittemore, M'" Edward Manning, Cap* Marrett, Deacon Henry Prentice, M'" Sam" Kent, Thomas Sparhawk Efq'' & M'' Thomas Gardner were Chofen a Com- mittee for this year to Infpect ye manners of Profefsing Chris- tians &c Deacon Whittemore gave in an account to y'- Chh^ Monies procured by y'' Sale of wood Timber upon y*' Clih Lott att Newton viz Sam" Norcross & Noah Wifwell's Bond L. M. £^iQ. 0. Interest now due for y** Same £3.12. Ditto Promifsory Note of Hand £8. 6. 8 W" Angier, Zechariah Bordman, Jofiah Mason's Bonds for £69. 6. 8 Sum total 147. 5. 4 (107) Att y'' foregoing Meeting viz. May 27, 1768. Deacon Whittemore gave an accont of y*^ mones in his hands being y*^ Surplufage of y'^ Contribu- tions att y'^ Sacrament L. M. £13.17. 2 Att a meeting of y^' Brethren of y^ Chh April 28, 1769. 1 . Voted to Choose y"" Committee for Infpecting y'' manners of y*^ Chh &c. by handy vote 2. Deacon Sam" Whittemore, Deacon Henry Prentice, M' Kd- ward Manning, Cap' Edward Marrett, M' Sam" Kent, Thomas Sparhawk Efq'" M"" Thomas Gardner were Chofen a Committee for this year to Infpect y*^ manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y Chh May 25, 1770. Records of the First Church in Cariihridge. 219 1 . Voted to Choofe a Committee for Infpecting y manners of Profefsing Chriftiaus &c. by an handy vote. 2. Deacon Sam" Wbittemore, Cap' Stedman, Capt Marrett, Deacon Henry Prentice, M"" Sam" Kent, Thomas Spariiawk Kfq"', & M'' Thomas Gardner were Chofen y*' Committee for this year for y'' above mentioned defign. 3. Deacon Whittemore having prefented to y*' Clih y'' agree- ment of y'' three Deacons with Ebenezer Bartlett of Newton to refer y^' matter of y^' Rents of y*^' Chh Lot of Newton to y** Judgment of M'' Daniel Woodward, M"" Thomas Miller & M'' Jofeph Hide. Provided it be agreable to y'' Chh. The Subftance of y'' award or Judgment was as follows Viz. That y'' S'' Bartlett pay to y'" Deacons aforef'' or y'" Succef- sors Eighteen Shillings yearly for Each & Every year during Said Term of Ten years and y' he allso pay them Eighteen Shillings for y*^ Improvement of y*' whole for y'' time past. Which Judgment was given 17"' June 1769. And y^ Question being put whether this Judgment or award was agreable to y'' Chh and it pafsed in y'' negative. 4. The Chh. voted their Confent that S'* Bartlett Should pay no more than Eighteen Shillings for all y'' past Improvement of y'^ land till y'' year 1761) & Eighteen Shillings for y*^ year 1769 & Eighteen Shillings for y'' prefent year 1770, and did not confent to thefe Terms for any further length of Time. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y*' Chh August 16, 1771. 1. Voted to Choofe by handy vote a Committee for Iiifpect- ing y"' Manners of Profefsing Chriftiaus etc. 2. Deacon Whittemore, Capt. Stedman, Capt. Marrett, Dea- con Prentice. M"' Peter Tufts, Thomas Sparhawk Efq"' & Cap' Gardner were Chofen y'' Committt*e for y'' above mentioned defign for this year. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y'" Chh, May 22. 1772. 1. Voted to Choofe by handy vote a Committee as ufual for Infpecting y'' manners of Profefsing Chriftiaus &.C.. 2. Deacon Whittemore, Cap' Stedman, Cap' Marrett, Deacon Prentice, M'' Peter Tufts, Deacon Sparhawk &, Cap' Gardner 220 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. were Chosen y*' Committee for y*" above meutioued Service for this year. 3 Turn over. (108) 3. The Brethren taking into Consideration y*" difficulty of mak- ing any profitable Improvement of y*^ Lot att Newton belong- ing to this Chh containing about 20 acres. It being y*^ Gift of M' Thomas Beale to y'^' Chh. of Christ in this Place & Toivn of Catubridge where of He loas a Member Judge it most Convenient to Sell y^ Said Lot accordingly it is voted, that the Deacons of this Chh do in y** name of y'" Chh Sell y*" Said Lot to y** best advantage and that y*" mony procured by y*^ Sale of Said Land be vefted in Bonds with good Security made to y*" Said Deacons and to their Succefsors in Said office in behalf of y'^ Chh. The Income of Said mony to be difpofed of from time to time by y*" Chh as they Shall direct & order y*" Same and in y'^ Same manner as they y'^ S** Chh shall d if pose of y^ Income of y'' mony procured by y*^ sale of y*" wood upon Said Lot which they Sold Some years past. Att a Meeting of y'' Brethren of y*" Chh. April 23, 1773. 1. Voted to Choofe by handy vote a Committee as ufual to In- spect y*^ mauuers of Profefsing Chriftians &c. 2. Deacon Whittemore, Cap'. Stedman, Cap'. Marrett, Deacon Pi'eutice, M'" Peter Tufts, Deacon Sparhawk & Cap'. Gardner were Chofen a Committee for y'' above mentioned Service for this 3'ear. 3. William Kneeland Efq'' M'' Abraham Waif on Jun''. Cap'. Gardner, & Capt. Stedman were Chofen to be a Committee to Inquire into y*^ State of y'' Church Stock of monies Bonds or Notes in y*^ Deacons Hands and Consider with y*^ Deacons what may be y*" most proper way to Improve y*^ Same and make report to y'^' Chh This day come Eight Weeks after Lecture. Camb. June 18, 1773. Att a meeting of y*^ Brethren of y^" Chh by adjournment from April 23''. The Committee then chofen to look into y*" State of y*^ Chh HecoviU of the First Church in Oarnbridye. 221 Stock of Monies, Bonds, or Notes in y'' hands of y*' Deacons & to confider with y' Ueiicons wiiat may be y'' most proper way of Improving y^' Same & to report to y' Chh. This day brought in tlieir report Unanimously agreed to by the Commit- tee & Deacons and Unanimously accepted by the Chh, VVniich report is as follows Viz : — The Committee appointed to inquire into y'' State of y'* Chh Stock of Monies Bonds or Notes in y'' Deacon's Hands & con- fider with y'^' Deacons what may be moft proper way to Im- prove y*^" Same &c. Find that there is in y'' hands of y'" Deacons (Exclufive of mony appropriated to y ufe of y^' Poor) the Sum of thirty-seven Pounds nineteen Shillings & four pence three farthings : and y'" Deacons have allso in their hands Bonds & (109) Notes Securities for y' Payment of two hundred &ten Pounds fourteen Shillings & one penny, with some lutereftdue thereon. The two Sums above-mentioned amount to Two hundred & forty-eight Pounds thirteen Siiillings & live pence three far- things : Part whereof, Viz'. Two hundred & Twenty Pounds six Shillings & nine pence one farthing is y'^' Produce of y'' Land & Wood att Newton. And as to y'" moft proper way to Improve y*" Same Stock ye Committee together with y'' Deacons are Unanimously of opi- nion. That in y" first Place So much thereof as may be ne- cesary for y*" dif charge of any Debts due to be paid out of it be applied for that purpose. 2°'^'y That y'" further Sum of forty Shillings Cash be kept in Bank by y" Deacons to defray any Contingent Charge y* may arife by providing y'" Elements for y'' Lord's Supper or otiierwise. 3riiiy "Yh^ii y^ remainder be put out at Intereft & be a Fund for y"-' Support of y'' Gospel under y' following Regulations. V^ That it be let out in as few Sums as Conveniently may be. 2^1 y That y'' Intereft of y" whole be made payable att y*^ same time 3^"y That y' whole of y"^^ Intereft be added to y'^ Principal for y-' term of fourteen years next to come. 4.thiy xhat from and after y' PvX})iration of S:iid term of Forteen years during y' further term of tifteen years one Third part of 222 Record fi of the First Church in Cambridge . y Intereft annually Shall be given to y" first Parifh in Cam- bridge for & towards defraying y'' Expense of Supporting the Minister of this Parish : and y" other two third Parts shall be added to y*" Principal. 5thiy_ That from and after y*" Expinition of y" Said laft mentioned Term of fifteen years. Two third parts of y*" Intereft annually Shall be given for y' Support of y" Minister as aforefaid : and y" other Third Part shall be added to y" Principal forever. gthiy That this Fund shall be Infpected annually by a Committee appointed by this Chh, who Shall report to y* Chh y" State thereof and how y'^ produce is applied. When we confider y*" Benefit y* may accrue to Pofterity by eftablifhing a Fund of this kind, and how much it will Con- tribute to promote y'' worship of y*" true God. & y" knowledge & y*" Practice of y*" religion of our Common Lord «&; Saviour Jesus Christ amongst future Generations who may be luhabi- (110) tants of This parifh. We regard it as a defertion of y*" caufe of God and of His Chrift not to Elmbrace this oppertu- nity of Communicating our Sentiments Concerning this matter to our Dear &. beloved Brethren in y"" Lord Jesus, the members of this Chh. And we Earnestly recommend to them that when yy meet to Commemorate y' Death & Sufferings of him who Spared not to Shed his precious Blood for us. They would Express their thankfull remembrance of y'^ Benefit yy have received by Cheer- fully Contributing a Small part of y*^ Substance with which God has bleised them for y'' important purpofes of Continuing & Spreading amongst mankind that pure & undefiled religion which Chrift appeared on Earth to propagate. To vShew y' a very Small part of our Substance properly ap- plied would produce a very Considerable Effect. We beg leave to mention that by Calculation it appears that if Each Person who Contril)utes att y'' Sacrament of ye Lords Supper, would Increafe his Contribution only one third Part (that is let y" perlbu who usually Contributes two Coppers, for y*^ future Contribute three Coppers Every Sacrament Day : and y'' Person who usually has given Sixpence for y'" future Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 228 give ninepence, & so in proportion for greater or Icfser Sums) and thefe Sums be regularly kept att Intereft : Tlie Whole Sum in y*" Space of Twenty Ei^iht years vvoiiUl amount to four hundred & thirty five Poumls five Shillings & odd pence, which being added to Seven hundred *t thirty three pounds Six Shill- ings &. eight pence; ye produce of y' fund as before phinned gives att y' end of twenty eight years the Sum of One thousand, one hundred & Sixty Eight Pounds, Eleven Shillings & Eigh^ pence. Two Thirds of y*" Interest of which laft mentioned Sum is y' Sum of forty six Pounds ifc fourteen Shillings almoft half as much as our ReV' Paltors Salaiy. We therefore recommend to Each member of this C'hh to Exercise that Piety & Charity with which God is well pleafed in y" manner aforementioned namely by Increafing his Contri- bution att y*" Sacrament one third part. And we further recommend y' y*^ State of the Chh Stock be Inquired into Every year ; and that Such Sum or Sums of money as Shall be in y'' hands of y'' Deacons not appropriated, or necefsary for other Important Purpofes be annually applied & Set over to and for y'' lucreafe of y'' Fund abovementioned. All which we submit to y' wife prudent &c. confideration of our Rev^' Paftor & Beloved Brethren of y' Chh. W"' Kneeland by order of the committee. 27 May 1773. Cambridge P' Church. For y'' remaining votes att this Meeting of y'^ Chh. Vide P. (134) (111) Persons Married by Nath'''' Ai'pleton, from Page (89) 1765 June 18. Thomas Hill & Mary Smith July 4. Downing Champney Jun' & Hannah Keed Aug®^ 1 Edward Maylem «.t Abigail Remmicks Aug*'' 1st John Wyman & Hepzibah Oliver Oct. 22 Samuel Smith Earned & Sarah Gardner Oct'"" 30 John Jarvis & Elizabeth Bowman. Oct"' 31 Moses Robbius & Sara Dana 224 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Capt Robert Ball & Mary Webber. Israel Whitney & Jemina Robbins James Holton & Rebecca Champuey M'' Thomas Marsh & Mrs. Hannah Sprague Philemon Haftings & Sarah Cole M'' Hull Sewall & M'"" Abigail Sparhawk Henry Dickson & Elizabeth Cox William Bell & Martha Hill. James Converse & Sarah Swan. Jofhu Lee & Sufannah Murch. John Barrows B.A. & Sarah Manning. George Tufts & Elizabeth Hartwell John Phillips Jun"" & Chriftian Baulch Thomas Ireland Jun"" & Alice Fefsenden Ephraim Burridge & Elizabeth Sever James Leahi & Mary Comee. Jofiah Moore & Mary Haftings Samuel Cox & Lydia Cooper M'' Caleb Prentice & M"'* Rebekah Rockwell. Thus far I have delivered in y'' Names of y* Perfons married by me to Andrew Bordman Efq"^ Town Clerk. May 11. Parsons Smith & Waitftill Jordan. 1769 Oct'"' 4. Benaiah Davenport & IClizabeth Prentice 1770 Jan> 0. The Rev" M' Jofhua Prentice & M''^ Mary Haley August 23. Edward Fillebrown & Lydia Prentice Oct'"" 4. Abiel Murdock & Rebecca Watfon. Nov'"" 8. Jonathan Cook & Efther Johnson. 1771. Jan>22. M' William Fefenden & M'"-* Sarah Reed. Sept. 30. Thomas Stevens & Mary Barrett Nov. 19 Jack a negro Servant of W" Tufts & Ann a negro Servant of Jon'' Haftings Efq'" 1772 Jan>' 9. Joseph Bates & Mary Snow. Jan> 16. William Rufsell & Mary Richardfon. (112) 1772 Turn over to page (112) Jan> 29. Israel Porter & Martha Chadwick. April 22. Jofiah Temple & Elizabeth Potts April 23. John Prentice & Mary Scriptor 1765 Dec. 9. Dec'"" 10. 1766 Jan>' 2. 9. March 19. March 20. July 24. 1767 Aug«t 9. Sept. 10. Sept. 24. Oct'"" 22 Nov. 12 30 1768 Jan> 28. June 16. July 21 Sept. 19. Nov. 16 Dec.br 20. 1769 Mar. 31. Recordx of the First CJturch in Cambridf/e. 225 1772 May 7. Silas Robbins and Mary Stratton Aug. 19. Nathan Watson and Margaret Watson Oct. 15. Samuel Foster and Lucy Fefsenden Nov'"' 5. M'" Ebenezer Hunt and M'- Sarah Bradish Nov'"" 26 William Manning Jun'" and Rebekah Oliver Dec'"' 3. James Read and Elizabeth Wheight Dee'''' 22. Stephen Frost & Sufanna Brown 1773. Feb. 1. Zechariah Symms and Rebecca Tuthill Thus far I have delivered in y'' Names of y*" Perfons Married by me to M'' Andrew Bordnian Town Clerk 1773 Mar. 18. Daniel Stowell and Sufannah Sherrow April 1. Thomas Reed and Alice Pierce June 3. Jofuih Dewen and Elizabeth Bond. July 1. M' Samuel Phillips & M''« Phoebe Foxcroft Sept. 8. M'' Antipas Steward & M''« Rachel Haly Dec'^"'16. Robert Converse and Mary Lamb. 1774 Mar. 22. John Putnam and Joanna Eamcs. April 26. Jol'hua Parker & Hannah Kidder June 16 Stephen Palmer Jun'' and Thankfull Childs. July 5. Torrey Hancock and Sarah Wyeth July 7. Seth Ligersol Brown and Lucy Brown July 19. Rev'i M'' Andrew Eliot & M"* Mary Pynchon Sept. 12. M'' Samuel Hancock & M''^ Tabitha Champney Oct'"' 27. William Richards & Abigail Stratton Nov 15. Henry Dickson and Sarah Cook 1775 Jany 4. M"" Sam" Osgood Jun'' and Mrs. Martha Brandon Feb. 16. Samuel Cox & Jemima Hofey Mar. 14. M'' Thomas Farrington & M""" Elisabeth Fifk Oct'"' 25. Jofiah Sanderfon and Elizabeth Cook 1776 Jan> 11. Bartholomew Raymont and Anna Warren Feb. 13. M' Jefse Putnam and Mifs Sufanna Thacher March 26. Oliver Brown and Abigail Richardfou. Mar. 28. William Jones & Elizabeth Aftie May 8. Aaron Wood Efq of Boxford and M'"' Lydia Barnard of Watertown. June 2. Noah Pierce & Sarah Caldwell Verte p. (128). (113) Persons WHO own** the Covenant to (^ualikye themselves TO Receive Baptism for their Children, by N. Appleton. 1768 Jany 24 Nath" Jarvis & Elizabeth his Wife. 226 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1768 April 17 Timothy Koree & ] ony'' Elizabeth his wife j South Side. May 1 . John Wyman & Mary his wife May 8. Jofhua Lee «fe Sufannah his wife. Dec. 11. Jofiah Moore & Mary his wife. 1769 Mar. 5. Nathaniel Robbins. Oct'"" 8. Jonathan Winfhip & Sarah his wife 29. Jofiah Fefsenden & Elizabeth his wife. Dec'''" 31. Aaron Tufts & Mary his wife. 1770 Jan>. 28. Stephen Goddard & Mary his wife. July 1. John Caldwell & Sarah his wife. Aug. 5. Ephraim Hammond & Hannah his wife, Nov'" 18 Walter Cox, Thomas Phillips. Dec'"" 23. Stephen Read & Relief his wife. 1771 June 16. Edward Fillebrown by Dr. Haven. July 14. Widow Rebeccah Pratt. Sept. 29. Nath" Thwing & Margaret his wife. Dec'"" 1 . Anne a negro woman of Jon' Haftings Efq*". 1772 Jan. 19. Isaack Trafk. Feb. 16. William Hunt. June 7. Mofes Griggs Aug. 23. Elizabeth Griggs wife of Mofes Griggs. Sept. 13. Benaiah Davenport & Elizabeth his wife. Octbr 4. Jofeph Bates Nov'"" 15. Thomas Barrett 22. John Butte rfield 1773. Jany 31 John Prentifs. June 27 Samuel Champney & Hannah his wife They owned y'' Covenant & had y' child Bai)tized on y'^ South Side. August 1. Jonathan Butterfield August 15. James Read & Elizabeth his wife. Dec'"" 12. Caleb Rand 1774 Feb. 5. Jotham Walton April 24. George Douglafs & Anna his wife 1775. April 5. Stephen Palmer Jun"" & ThankfuU his wife. Oct'''"22. Torry Hancock & Sarah his wife. Nov'''" 5. David Comee & Chriftian his wife. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 227 1776. April 21. Samuel Butterfield August 11 .Jonathan Ireland Oct'"- 20. Thomas Prentifs. Nov. John Warland. John Rice & Mary his wife. 1777. Feb. 2. Sufannah Morse. 9. Isaiah Dickson April 27. Beniamin Mirick 1 , _, . ■, ^ t j ^ ,. , . ., I by President Langdon. Lydia his wife. j "^ June 22. Henry Coolidge July 20. Jefse Putnam B.A. 1778 April 12. Sam" Phipps. April 19. Daniel Swan May 17. Ebenezer Wyeth .lun' June 7. Samuel Manning. June 14. Jofhua Gammage August 9. Jonathan Temple August 23 .George Geyer & Mary his wife. Oct'"- 25. William Gammage Jun'' Doctor. Sept. 19. Joseph Holden. Oct. 3. Thomas Fillebrown 1780 Deci^ 17 W" Watfon att my house. March 18 John Hastings 1782 July 21 Jabez Frothingham Amos Briant Sept. 1. John Palmer Dec. 8. ■William Honeywell and Sarah Honeywell his wife. 1783. Jan> 3. Richard Cutter Jun'' by ReV^ M' Reed of Bridgewater Sept. Thomas Warland 1784. July 18. Jos'^ Stacey Reed Nov. 14. Major John Haf tings. June 19. M'- Samuel Babcock. (114) Persons admitted to own The Covenant by T. H, 1786 Ap. 9. Samuel Townsend owned the Covenant. Feb'-> 4. M"- Ebenezer Stedman owned the Covenant. 18. Widow Elizabeth Frost. 1787. Nov. 11. Thomas Rand owned the Covenant. 228 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1788. Jan^ 13. John Sbed owned the Covenant. Dec' 7. Elisha Doane owned the Covenant. 1789. Feb^y 8. Betsey Nelson owned the Covenant. March 29. Andrew Lopans owned the Covenant. May 24. Jonathan Wyatt owned the Covenant. Oct. 25. Katherine Smith owned the Covenant. (115) Some Minutes relating to y*' Sale of y^ Minifterial Farm att Lexington and y*^ Improvement of y^ Monies procured by y® Sale thereof for y^ ufe of y** Miniftry which I think proper to Enter in y*^ Church Book, for the Information of my Succef- sors in y*' Miniftry. But not having any Authentick Copies of y*' Votes which have been pafsed relating to Said affair. I Shall only mention Several things according to my own knowledge or Remem- brance of them. The Authentick votes being to be found in y^ Town Records or y*^ Proprietors Records, or Parifh Records. The Farm was att y® farther End of Lexington towards Bedford Containing 500 acres. Given in former time by y« Proprietors of y'' Town for y^ ufe of y® Miniftry In this Town & Place (according to y*" beft of my Remembrance) My Pred- ecefsor y*" Rev"^ M'' Brattle had Leafed out y*^ Said Farm and there were Several years of y*^ Leafe to run att his Death which Leafe did not reftrain y*" Tennants from Cutting & Car- rying off y^ Wood & Timber. So y' it was thought great Strip & waste would be Committed, y* Timber cut off & y*' Farm but little Cultivated. Accordingly after my Settlement in y'^ Miniftry in this place (which was Oct'''' 9, old ftile 1717) It was thought beft to Sell y^ Farm & put y'' money out to In- terest, till Lands more convenient for y" ufe of y^ Miniftry Could be purchafed. Accordingly in or about y* year 1719 or 1720. The Town voted to Sell and did Sell y^S*J Farm for £900 of y^ Province Bills, y" Currency of that Day. One hundred & Twenty Potmds of y'' money y'' Town Improved towards re- pairing y*" Parfonage Houfe. Sixty Pounds were Expended in Law Suits, &c. by y'' Committee Imployed to manage y" affair. So y' y^ original Sum y' was to put to lutereft was Seven hundred, & Twenty Pounds. Now my Agreement with y^ Town relating to this Money procured by y^ Sale of S'' Farm was y' Records of the First (Jhnrch. in Cambridge. 229 I & I think my Succefsors Should Nominate a Treasurer for receiving and Improving Said Monies : and y" Town to give y"" Approbation of S'> Choice, or if not I to Choose one or another till y> Concurred and that I should draw Tivo thirds of y^ Interest & y" other third to be added yearly to y'' Principal: which was Indeed my own Propofal Choofing to forego that third of y^ Interest that y*^ Principal might be a growing Es- tate as y'' Farm was. Accordingly I have Conftantly received Two thirds of y<^ whole Intereft and as y*' Principal was yearly increafed by y*" addition of one third of y'' Interest so my In- tereft Increafed proportionally from year to year. I nominated Andrew Bordman Efq'" The College Steward for Treasurer and the Town Concurred therewith and he Continued in Said office & Trust untill y" Day of his Death which was May 30, 1747. after which 1 nominated his Son y" prefent Andrew Bordman Efq'' which Nomination y** Parifh Concun*ed with, who con- tinues in S^ Trust to this Day. The Late M'' Bordman y'' Winter before he died viz, Jan. 27. 1746/7 gave me a Lift of all y^ Bonds Containing y'' Said Monies under his hand as Treafurer which Paper together with a Paper of y" like Import from his Son y*" prefent Treasurer, baring Date June 18, 1752 may be found in a Drawer of my Scriptore where are my Deeds & other valuable Papers. (116) By y<" Lift of Bonds given in by M'' Bordman y<^ first Treaf- urer of Jan^ 27, 1746/7 It appears y' y'^ Principal of y'' Bonds amounted to y*' Sum of £1052 old Tenor. Interest due upon y'' Bonds Jan> 22, 1746/7 as belonging to y' Principal £68.6.4 And what he charges himself with alltho he never charged nor received anything during y'^ whole time of his Service & Trust, £14.7.0 £1134.13.4 So y' in y'^ Space of about 27 years y*" Nominal Sum In- creased £414.3.4. I Say y"^ Nominal Sum, For by y" Unhappy State of our Medium Viz. Province Bills, during thofe years y> depreciated to Such a degree & no remedy provided in y® loss to help y'^ Creditors to y^ just value of y»' Bonds. It was but nominal, for alltho y*' Nominal Sum was So much 230 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Increafed yet y* real value was much diminifhed y*" addition of y*" third of y'" Intereft did by no means make up for y" Sink- ing of y'' Bills. But about y^ year 1750 The Medium was Exchanged, y*" Bills called in Lawful Money 6/8 Established and a Law made obliging all Debtors upon Bond to pay in y'' Debts according to y'' value of y* Bills when y*" Debt was Contracted. By which means there was a Considerable Saving to this Estate ; allthough by no means Sufficient to make up for y'' Lofs during 30 years of depreciating Bills. But upon y*" Exchange of y'' Bonds into Lawful Silver money & according to y*" value of y'' Bills when y*" Bond was given. The Nominal Sum in old Tenor was Confiderably Increased. For upon Reckoning & Settling y^ Intereft with Andrew Boi-d- man Efq'" y*^ Prefent Treafurer June 18, 1752. He gave me in a Lift of y*" Bonds then in his hands (which Paper is De- pofited with y" former in my Scriptore) which amounted in y^ Principal to £288.15.1. Lawful money, which makes in old Tenor £2165.13.1 and att y'' Same time y^ was of Interest due upon Said Bonds, to y*^ value of £170 old tenor to that day And I then received full two thirds of y*^ Intereft of all y^ Bonds as I have from y^ Begin ing. And now we See y' att y^ day, viz, 1752. There is added to y"" Principal above £40 old Tenor Every year, whereby it becomes a growing Estate, and it was my defign in Confenting to y" Sale & y*" defign of y" pple in Selling y^ it Should be a growing Estate, and therefore I hope No Successor of mine in y*" Ministry will ever defire or demand more than two thirds of y*" Intereft of this money. And I defire you let me Solemnly Charge y'' People of this Parifh to abide ftrictly by this Rule of adding one third of y'' Intereft conftantly to y" Principal and not from any Par- fimonious Spirit apply it to any other uf e then to y'' Increaf ing y"' Fund. "Which is y" only way to have y^ pious Defigns of our fore Fathers in giving y*" Farm & of y" Children in selling it, (117) Most effectually answered. For you may Easily See y' by Such a constant addition to y^ Principal it will att length afford an Income equal to what we may Supose y*" Farm under good Improvement would be likely to Rent for. Nay Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 231 let me add what Some of you may Easily compute, that by keeping this vote «fe agreement of adding one third of y*" Intereft to Principal Sacred & Inviolable that by y'' 3^' & 4^^ Generation It will of itself afford a Comfortable & Decent Support for a Minister without any Tax upon y*" pple. ]yjgjjjdm J -^ould further Say y' as it was Propofed att y" time of Selling s*^ Farm y' y*" money Should be laid out in Lands more Convenient for y* Miniftry, And as it was necefsary for me y'^ Incumbent to manifeft my confent to y' Sale of S*^ Lands, under my Hand. So in y"^ Several Deeds which were made of y*' Land I Signified my Confent with this Condition provided they purchafed other Lands with y' money more Convenient for y' Miniftry, which is not done. However if y" money be Effect- ually Secured & y^ prefeut regulation it is under Carefully obferved it may anfwer as good if not better purpofes, Nath'^ Applkton. In y'' year 1768 Andrew Bordman Efq'' ref igned his office as Treafui-er of y*" above mentioned money, and att a Parifh Meeting I Nominated Dr. William Kneeland Efq'' for Treafurer to which the Parifh Confented. March 1769. I settled accounts with D' Kneeland who paid me y* full of my Two thirds of y'^ Interest to February Lift paft and gave me an account of the Bonds & Monies (pro- cured by y* Sale of the Ministry Farm att Lexington) then in his hands, viz. Bonds in lawfull money. £137. 2. 1| 26.13. 4" 80 16.16. 26.10. 7| 26.10. 7^ 53. 1. 3 20. 20. £406.13.11| Cafh in hand to be let out Immediately In old Tenor £3221. 4. 9| 22.16 429. 9.11^ 232 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The annual Interest of £429.9.11| is £25.14.9. The two thirds of which is £17.3.4 and will be y^ Minister's due February next. (118) October 20, 1771. Compleated 54 years of my Ministry within which time there have been as I gave y" account to my pple upon y'' day above in a Sermon as follows, viz. Children Baptized in this Congregation 1747 Adult Perfons who owned y*" Covenant & were Baptized 90 Perfons who owned y" Covenant not to full Communion 214 Perfons Admitted to full Communion 714 Children baptized by Dr. Appleton from 1717 to 1771 1747 from 1771 to his death 301 2048 Adults baptized from 1717 to 1771 90 from 1771 to his death 13 103 2048 Total baptisms 2151 during Dr. Appleton's ministry. (119) Children Baptized by Nath''' Appleton. 1770 Oct^^' 14. Hannah of Jofiah Moore. John of John "Walton Elizabeth of Walter Cox. Hannah of Thomas Phillips. Joel of Joel Pisk William of Jofeph Read John of Edward Hastings. Sarah of James Kettle Jofeph of Jofeph Read Mary of y'' widow Mary Froft her Husband D' Froft died about six months paft. Feb. 24. Isaac of Mansfield Tappley. March 10. Thomas of Edward Prentifs Nov. . 4. 18. 25 Dec. 23. 771. Jan > 6 20 Feb. 3, 10 Records of the First (Jhurch in Cambridge. 233 1771 March 24. Elizabeth of Sam" Thacher Juu^ April 14. Tabitha of John Kidder May 12. Benjamin of W™ Rand. John of Stephen Goddard June 16. Jofeph of Jofiah Mafon. Lydia of Edward Fillebrown by D"" Haven. July 14. Rebekah of y*" Widow Rebeccah Pratt. 28. Hannah r Twin children of D'' John Wright Baptized &, I att his houfe after meeting, being poor & Mary (. weak & not fit to be brought into Public. August 11. Elizabeth of Jofeph Smith. Octo'^'" 6. Mary of John Hicks. Elizabeth of Richard Honeywell. Abigail of Nath" Prentifs. Sufannah of Sam" Norcrofs. John of John Caldwell. Edward Stephen of the Rev'' Edward Wigglesworth S. T. P. Sarah Williams of Nath" Thwing Rofe a negro Child of Jack & Anne a negro woman of M'' Haf tings. Rebekah Parkman of Nath" Jarvis. Thomas of Jonathan Cook Catherine of Abraham Watfon Jun' . Lucy of Hubbart Rusfell Isaac, Elizabeth, Sarah, children of Isaac Trafk. Robert of Robert Twodale. William of William Tufts Elizabeth of Ebenezer Wyeth. Isaac of Timothy Tufts James of James Miller. Mar. 8. Hannah of Jofiah Moore. 29. Hannah of Aaron Tufts. May 24, Lydia of James Munroe. June 7. Mary of Mofes Griggs. August 2. Mary of Ebenezer Shedd. Sept. 13. Elizabeth of Benaiah Davenport. 20. Edward of Edward Fillebrown. Edmund of Jofeph Read October 4. Jofeph of Jofeph Bates. Oct" ' 13 Oct"' 27. Nov^ "•17 24. Dec" "• 1. 15 22. 1772 JanJ 5. 19 26 Feb. 16. 234 Records of the First Church in Oamhridge. \112 Oct. 25. Nov. 1. Nov. 15. 22. Dec'''' 20. (120) 1773.Jany 10. 24. 31. March 21 April 18 Jofeph of Daniel Watson. Hannah of Thomas Fillebrown Efther of Edward Hastings. Thomas of Thomas Barrett. Abigail of John Butterfield Edmund of George Dana. 58 Ch. Verte p. April 25. May 2. 23. June 6. 13. 27. August 1 , 15. 29. Octf^' •31. Nov'^ "21. Dec" '•. 12 1774 Jan> 16. Feb. 5. 5. 12. 27 (120) Sarah of Mansfield Tapley. Hannah of Jofeph Smith. Mary of John Prentifs. Mary of D"" W" Kneeland Efq^ Elijah of Sam" Norcrofs. Jofiah, John, Sam", Benjamin, children of Jofiah Morse. John of Edward Prentifs. Hannah of John Kidder. Lucy of Jofeph Adams. Walter of Walter Cox. Joseph of Jofhua Lee. Jofiah of Jofiah Temple Peggy of Nathan Watson William of Sam" Champney Baptized on y^ South Side. Thomas of Profefsor Wigglesworth. Jonathan of Jonathan Butterfield. James of James Reed. Elizabeth of Capt. Thomas Gardner. Samuel of John Caldwell Edward of Nath" Thwing. William Tyng of Abraham Watson Jun''. Leonard of Richard Honeywell. Hanah of Caleb Rand. Sarah of Jofiah Fefsenden, Elizabeth of Thomas Barrett. Jotham of Jotham Walton. Cato of Anne Negro Servant of Jon^ Haftings Efq^ Thomas of Jofeph Miller. Lydia &, Hannah Twins of Capt W" Angier. Nath" of Nath" Jarvis. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 235 1774 March 13. Jofeph of Jofeph Bates. Jofiah of Jofiah Moore. April 10. John of Mansfield Tapley. 24. George Hubbard of George Duglafs. May 8. William of Gideon Froft. Prif cilia of James Kettle. June 6. Hannah of Ephraim Hancock I baptized on y*" South Side. 19. Edmund Trowbridge of Mr. Francis Dana. 26. Moses of Mofes Griggs. July 24. James of Nath" Prentice. August 21 John of Jofiah Temple. Sept. 11. Rebekah of William Manning Jun''. 26. Hepzibah of John Wyman. Dec^MS. Mary of Jonathan Butterfield. 1775 Jan^ 22. Sarah of Stephen Goddard March 12. Jofeph of Jofeph Adams. 19. Anna of Jofiah Morse. Elizabeth of John Kidder. April 9. Francis of Nath" Thwing April 16. ThankfuU of Stephen Palmer Jun^ May 14. Nathan of Nathan Watfon. Rebecca of John Prentice. Oct. 22. John of Torry Hancock. 29 Jofeph of Nath" Clark. Nov. 5 Thomas Gardner of Nath" Sparhawk. David of David Comee 12 William of William Manning Jun''. 19 Mary of W^ Smith Larned, By M'' Leonard 61 Children. (121)Children Baptized by Nath" Appleton. Some few by M'' Leonard Nov. 26 John of John Butterfield by M'' Leonard. Dec. 3 Seth Haftings of Jofiah Morse By M'" Leonard. 10 Thomas of Thomas Green of Bofton. 1776 Feb. 11. Abigail of Sam" Rand by M'' Leonard March 24 Mary of Jofeph Bates by M' Leonard. April 14 Lydia of Joseph Reed. Jofeph of Jofeph Reed Jun"". 21 Martha of Richard Honeywell 236 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1776 April 21 Samuel of Sam" Butterfield May 19 Sufannah of Nath" Jarvis. June 16 Job of Noah Wyeth. June 23 Sibyl of Cap* Sam" Henly July 7 Samuel of Col. Sam" Thacher. Jofiah of Jofiah Fefsenden. 14 Solomon of Torry Hancock 28 Joel of Jonathan Hunt. Sarah of Tho'' Barrett Chriftian of John Phillips Jun"" August 1 1 Jonathan of Jonathan Ireland August 25 Elizabeth of Mofes Griggs. Thomas of Jofeph Parfous Sept. 22 Bartholomew of Bartholomew Raymond. Oct. 20. Ruth of Thomas Prentifs Nov'''' 3. Hannah of John Warland. Sarah of John Rice 10. Francis of James Winfhip Hannah of Ebenezer Breed 24. Anna of Sam" Chandler. Dec. 22. Ebenezer of Nath" Auftin. 1777. Jan. 5. Mary of Benjamin Butterfield Feb. 2. Leonard of Sufanna Morse 9. Hannah of Zechariah Larkin Sufannah of Fillebrown. John Eliot of Isaiah Dickfon 16. Mary of Violet a Negro woman of M"" Funneuil Mar. 16. William of William Frothingham Jun"" April 13. Mercy of John Prentice 20. Rebekah of John Goodwin. 27. Sarah of Sam" Farrer. Abraham of Abraham Mirick by Prefident Langdon. May 4. Lydia of James Munroe. Samuel of Jofeph Adams. Mary of Caleb Rand. May 18. Stephen, of Stephen Goddard 25. Francis of the Hon^'*^ Francis Dana Elizabeth of Nathan Watfon June 15. Sarah of Robert Twodale Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 237 1777. June 22. Julianna of Nath" Thwing Leonard of Jotham Walton Jonas of Edward Fillebrown Henry of Jofeph Smith. July 20 Catherine of Jel'se Putnam Henry of John Boit James of John Butterfield August 10. Samuel of Torrey Hancock August 24. Sally of Thomas Farrington M. A. August 31. Thomas \ & > Twins of Capt. Samuel Henley. Charles ) Sufannah of Hobart Rufsell William of Walter Cox. Thomas of Thomas Phillips Artenatus Sou of Knfign Jofiah Moore by y« Prefident. Thomas of Thomas Robbins of Charleftown. Edward of Benjamin Mirick of Charleftown. Isaiah Barrett of Capt. Blifs by Prefident Langdon. 65 Children. Verte P: (122) Sufannah Hill of Jofeph Bates. Benjamin Bennett of James Foster by y*^ Prefident. Samuel of Samuel Butterfield Eunice of Jofeph Reed April 12. Mary of Sam" Phipps. John Butterfield of Jofeph Swan April 19. Daniel of Daniel Swan April 2(3. Policy of William Frothinghaiu May 17. Eunice Cook of Henry Dickson. Ebenezer of Ebenezer Wyeth Jun"" May 24. Hart Balch of John Phillips Jun"" May 31 Jofeph of Timothy Tufts Lydia of Sam" Tufts. June 7. Samuel of Sam" Manning Charles of Richard Honeywell, June 14 Jofhua of Joshua Gammage. June 21 Nathaniel of Jonathan Ireland Hannah of John Warland Sept. 7. 14. Oct'^'- 19. Nov. 9. Nov. 16. 1778. Feb. , 15. (122) Mar . 1. Mar. 22. April 5. 238 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1778 June 28 August 9 Aug. 23 August 30, Sept. 13 Sept. 27 Oct^^'- 18 Oct*^"- 25 Nov. 8 Nov'"' 15 1779 Jan. 10 17 Feb. 14. Feb. 21 Feb. 21 March 7 March 21 April 11 Ma} J 9. June 13. July 4 August 22 Sept. 19. Ocf"- 3. Dec'" 12 Dec""- 26 1780. Jan. 23. Polly of Stephen Palmer James of Jofiah Fefsenden, Rebecca of Jonathan Temple Samuel of George Geyer Elizabeth of John Kidder Sufaunah Brown of Jonas Prentice Mary of Capt. Sam" Chandler. Ebenezer of Col. Sam^' Thacher. William of Doctor "William Gammage Thomas of Mofes Griggs Torry of y'^ Widow Sarah Hancock, whofe Husband died of Small Pox a few mouths ago Leonard of Nathaniel Jarvis Elizabeth of Mofes Norton James of Robert Twadel by President Langdon vis ") \ ByPresidentLangdon. Prefident. Lydia of James Winfhip \ Lucy of John Prentice I "^ James of John Rice by y*" President, by y*" President Lydia of Nath" Prentice by y*^ Prefident. Nathaniel of Lieu* Jotham Walton by y*^ Prefident. John of Joseph Reed by y^ Prefident. John of Theodore Blifs by y*^ Prefident. Charles of Nath" Thwing Elizabeth of John Chriftian Fricke a German Polly of M^' John Boit -\ John of John Goodwin v Baptized by my self. Elizabeth of Jofeph Reed ) Thomas of Thomas Prentifs David of Stephen Goddard Hannah of Jofeph Holden Hannah of William Frothingham Edmund Trowbridge of Hon^''*^ Francis Dana. Thomas of Thomas Fillebrown Betsey of Hobart Russell By y'^ Prefident Lydia of Thomas Bates by y'' Prefident. Sarah of Ebenezer Shed. William of Ebenezer Wyeth, John of John Warland, Polly of Jofhua Gammage, Elizabeth of Mofes Norton by M'' Cushing. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 239 1780 Feb. 20. Rebecca of Jofeph Adams by y^' Prefident. 58 children verte (123) (123) March 19. Sally Prefton of Francis Moore ) t> lyjr n 1 David Graham of William Prentice ) 1780 April 2. Sally of .Tonas Prentice Eunice of L* Jotham Walton. These I Baptized att my own houfe after y*' piiblick Exercife was over not being able to attend at y*^ meeting houfe. April 16. Abel of Jofiah Moore William of Thomas Phillips Baptized att my houfe. April 23. Daniel Waters of W'" Goodwin Betfy of Stephen Palmer Baptized att my houfe. May 7. Lydia of Nathan Watson att y'^' meeting houfe June 11. Nancy of y*^ widow Eunice Quincy. Her Husband Josiah Quincy died about a fortnight. Y'' Child was given up in Baptism by its Grandfather Edmund Quincy Efq'". Samuel of James Win f hip Ebenezer of Richard Honeywell Charles of Widow Mary Durrant Rebecca of John Kidder Betfey of Capt. Samuel Chandler Hannah of Thomas Barrett. William of Dr. Wm. Gammage att my houfe. Isaac of Joseph Holden att my houfe. Sufanna of Sam" Tufts Sukee of W™ Watfon at my houfe. Hannah of John Prentice att my houfe. March 18. Sally of Goodwin Lucretia of John Haftings att my houfe. April 1 . Francis of Francis Moor Jun'" James of Nath" Prentifs att y*= meeting houfe. April 8. Mary of Nath" Auftin att y*^ meeting houfe. April 15 William of W™ Colson May 20. Dolly Williams of Mofes Griggs. June 24. Thomas of Major Thomas Farringtou July 8. Seth of John Phillips August 26. Thomas of W"^ Frothingham Jun"" July 2. Aug. 13. Augst 27. Sept. 10. Oct. 22. Nov"' ^26. Dec*"- 10. Dec*^^ 17. 1781 Jan^ 28. Nov. 18. Dec. 9. Dec. 30 1782 Jan. 12. 240 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1781 Sept. 8. Saturday Timothy Pain of Eben'' Braddifh Jun^ att his own houfe y*^ Child dangerously III. Sept. 16. Sally of Thomas Phillips Oct. 15. John «fe Martha children of Jonathan Ireland by Rev^ M^ Mellen. Nov. 10. William of James Winfhip Judith of Isaiah Dickson by Mr. Foster of Littleton. Polly Tufts of John Stone by W Eliot. Betsey of Thomas Prentice. Eunice of Widow Mary Palmer, her husband Stephen Palmer was drowned, by Rev"^ M' Mellen. Charles of Capt. John Walton, by M^' Mellen Royal of Katherine Morse by M"" Mellen. 42 Children. Vid. P. (124). (124) Infant Children Baptized by Nath^^ Appleton & OTHER Ministers. 1782 Jan>' 27. Charles Kilborn of M'' Samuel Williams Profefsor in Harv'' College. Sarah of Jofeph Bates, Isaac of Stephen Goddard by M"^ Mellen March 10. William of John Warland by M'" Mellen. April 7. James of Nath" Thwing ) John Hobbs of Walter Cox. S ^y ^"^ ^^l^^^^" April 21. Dorcas ) .„ , or , Twuis of Tliomas FiUebrown. Sufannah J Polly of Jofeph Holden by M^' Mellen April 28. Samuel of Rev-^ Jofeph Willard, Prefident John of Zechariah Shed by myself. May 12. Nathaniel of Liet Jotham Walton. Sally of Doctor William Gammage. Juue 16. Katherine Brattle of M"" Caleb Gannet July 21. Becca Watfon of Jabez Frothingham Sarah «fe Amos children of Amos Briant Sept. 1 . Sukey of John Palmer Oct. 13. James of Ammi Cutter 27. Nancey of William Watfon Dec. 8. Polly of Samuel Tufts Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 241 1782 Dec. 8. William of William Honeywell att my houfe. 1783. Jan^ 5. Hannah of Richard Cutter Elizabeth of Rebecca Kent. By Rev'^ M-* Reed of Bridgewater. Feb. 16. Sarah Shepherd of Jonathan Ireland Sufannah Wallis of William Frothingham by M'' Thacher. Lucy of John Goodwin by Rev*^ M^' Osgood Sally of Joseph Holden. Robert of John Haftings, att my houfe. Sally of Francis Moore by M'' Adams of Lunenburgh. Samuel of Sam'^ Prentice by myself att y^ Meet- ing houfe. John of John Prentice by M'" Turner. Betsey of John Stone by M"" Turner. Sally of Mofes Griggs. Thomas of John Kidder by myself in Public. Nancy of John Frothingham by myself in Public William of Thomas Phillips. Sally Warland of Lt. Jof iah Moore John of Thomas Barrett att my houfe. Owen of Thomas Warland Jotham of Jotham Walton deceased by. M"^ Eliot of Boston John of John Palmer by M'' Hilliard Abigail Atkins of Nath" Jarvis. Benjamin of Reuben Ball by M"" Hilliard 43 Children. Jonathan Cooper of Nathaniel Prentice Thomas Hollis of Rev" President Willard Thomas of Zechar'" Shed I baptized Polly of John Warland Nathaniel of D'' James Munro Betsy of Joseph Bates 21. Judah Symmes of Thomas Prentice John Miro of Caleb Gannet. Betsy of D'' Gammage See page (126). Marcb I 2. April 6. April 6. April 20. April 27 May 4. May 11. May 2,5 June 29. Aug. 17. August 31 Sept. 7. Sept. 21. Oct. 5. Oct"^-^ 26. 1784 Jan. 11. Feby 15. Feby 29. March 14. 242 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (125) Persons Admitted to full Communion by Nath^^ Appleton. from p. (63) 1774 Mar. 27. Rev^ M-" [Edward] Wigglesworth Profefsor of Di- vinity By difmifsion from Rev*^ D'' Cooper's Chh- May 15. Sam'^ Haven B. A. Mary y'' wife of Stephen Greenleaf . Martha Brandon Mary Pitts. Sept. 4, Samuel Fillebrown Mary Appleton Oct, 30. Katherine Wendell Rebecca Haftings. 1775 Jan. 1. Rev^' D'' Sam" Langdon Prefident by Difmifsion from y'' 1^* Chh in Portsmouth, who had been y' Pastor for many years. 1776 Sept. 8. Martha Wright Dec*""" 29. Benjamin Butterfield Mary Butterfield his wife. 1777 Feb. 23. Ruth Jones wife of James Jones. April 20. Sufannah Bowman Dgf of Noah Bowman Anna Shed Dg" of Eben"^ Shed Nov*"^ 2. James Freeman B. A. Elizabeth Flucker 1778 Mar. 1. Jonathan Eames B. A. August 9. Elifha Parraele B. A. 1779 Aug. 1. William Prentice Jun^. 1780 May 13. M'' Caleb Gannett by difmifsion first from Pembroke & then by y*^ Congregation at Cumberland in Nova Scotia. August 13 Widow Mary Durrant Oct. 22. Thomas Hubbard Townfend (July 6, 1798 Difmifsed Recom^ to Chh in Norton). 1781 April 8 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Barrett. Mary Daughter of John Kidder. April 15. Deacon Thomas Marrett by difmifsion from y'' 3rd Chh in Gloucefter. Sept. 30 Stephen Goddard & Mary his wife by M-" Osgood. Nov. 18 Martha Fitch Wendell by M-' Eliot. Becords of the First Church in Cambridge. 243 1782 Jan> 12 Katherine Morse by M"" Mellen Juue 30 Saimiel Kendall Sen'" Sophifter Sarah wife of Jofeph Holden. Aug^* 25 Beulah Prentice a young woman. 1783 Fel). 16 Rachel Crosbie admitted by M"" Thacher. June 1 Bethiah Huchinson, Widow by myself. Aug, 3 M''^ Mary Mellen daughter of Rev'^ M'' Mellen admit- ted by Rev^i M^' Hilliard. Sept. 28 Walter Dickson & Anne his wife alio Anne his ^ „ , j^ daughter all belonging to y" 2*^ Chh in Cambridge ^ .2 29 Elizabeth & Tabitha Howe admitted. Oct. 24. Amos Briant admitted, difm*^' & Recom^ to Chh in Pecherfl'i. N. H. Nov. 2. 1804. wife of A. B. dismifsed & rec'' as above 5 July 1805. 1785 Jan. 30. Rebecca Hicks admitted April 3. Wid. Martha Chapel admitted, dismiss'' rec'' to Chh in Pecherfl^ 1805. Ap. 10. Samuel Webber A. B. admitted. Sept. 19. Samuel Chandler & Wid. Eunice Walton admitted. 1786 Jau>' 15. Thomas Payson A. B. 1792 dism*! & rec'i to 2^ Chh. in Worcester. Sarah F'rost admitted. Feb. 23. John Sawin & Hephzibah his wife admitted at their own house he being in a low state. April 30. Mary Payson wife of Thomas Payson A. B. ad- mitted, 1792 dism*^ & rec'i to 2'^ Chh in Wor- cester. Sept. 13. Benjamin Piper admitted. Sept. 20. Henry Ware. A. B. admitted. 1787 May. 29. John Andrews & ) .^ . , . . ^ a i •.+ ^ ,^^.,,. -.^ . I Bachelors of Arts Admitted William Harris J (126) 1784 Apr. 4. July 4. July 11. July 18. Aug. 15. Aug. 22 Sept. 5. Sept. 26. 244 Records of the Fivfit Church in Cambridge. 1787 July 22. Widow Mary Stratton Nov. 18 M'^' Thomas Lee 1788 Oct. 12. Hezekiah Packard A. B. 1783 dism*^ & recom'* to Clih. iu Chelmsford. Dec. 14. Mrs. Mary Thacher. 1789 March 23 James Winthrop Efq-". Page (133) Children baptized by T. Hilliard Benjamin of Stephen Goddard. Ruthy of William Frothingham, John of Thomas Flllebrown Katharine of John Walton Sarah of Jos. Stacey Reed Lucy of John Stone. Phebe Preston of Francis Moore Nathaniel of Amos Briant Charles son of John Rice Oct. 3. Martha Remington of Hon'^'*^ Francis Dana Joseph of John Palmer. Elizabeth Miriam of Richard Cutter Nov. 14. Harriet of Major John Hastings. Dec'^^' 19. Joseph son of Samuel Hunt. Dec^' 26. Frances of Rev*^ T. Hilliard. 1785 Jan. 2. Esther of Ammi Cutter 30. Clarifsa of Rebecca Hicks. March 6 Jonathan Upham of Walter Cox. Polly Tufts of 'I'imothy Tufts Jun^ March 13. Sufanna of Dutton March 20 Isaac Bradifh of John Goodwin. May 15. Sarah of William Coif on. May 29. Sarah Kent of M^' Hawkins June 5. Polly of Josiah Moore. June 19. William of William Watfon. William Hormby of Jonathan Ireland Betsey Bell of Thomas Warland Samuel of Samuel Babcock July 3. Thomas Son of William Hunnewell July 10 Abraham Watfon of Doc^' William Gamage. Anna of John Prentice Aug. 21. Sarah Tapley of D'" Munro. Becor-ch of tlie First ChurcJi in Camhridge- 245 1785 Sept. 18. Horatio of Rev^' President Willard Sally of Samuel Chandler Oct. 30. Esther of Jos. Stacey Reed. Nov. 6. Betsey of Edward Downing. Nov. 13. Reuben of Jose[)h Reed. 1786 Jan^' 1. Persis of Joseph Bates. Jan. 28. Timothy Paine of Eben'' Bradish Esq. (127 Feb. 12. Sally of Thomas Phillips. Matthew of James Cox. Ebenezer of John Warland Feb. 23. John & Sally children of John Sawin at his own houfe. March 5. Susanna of John Palmer. March 26. John of John Choate. April 9. Polly of Thomas Pay son. Samuel of Samuel Townsend. April 16. William Crosby of Richard Hunnewell April 30. Amelia of Maj'" John Hastings May 21. of Gershom Teel. June 4. Fanny of Thomas Prentifs Aug. 6. John Tyng of Doct William Gamage Aug. 13. Susanna of D". James Munro William of Bartholomew Raymond Aug 20. Marfhall son of Zechariah Shed. James of Thomas Fillebrown. John of Samuel Kent. Timothy of Timothy Tufts. Ezra of John Choate Esther of Ammi Cutter Harriot of Nath" Prentice [IMary] of Richard Cutter William of Francis Moore. Lydia of Ebenezer Stedman David )■ of the Widow Elizabeth Frost. Betsy Robie Pamela Mar, 18. Stephen of John Palmer April 29. William of Thomas Warland Sept. 17. Sept. 24. Oct. 15. Nov. Dec. 31. 787 Jan>- 28. Feb. 4. Feb 18. 1787 May 29 July 22, Aug. 26, Oct. 1. Oct. 28, 246 Records of the First Ohurch m Cambridge. Polly of William Watson Sarah Shepard of Joualban Ireland. Joseph Stacey of Joseph Stacey Read. Joseph of William Hunnewell. Charles of John Prentifs Daniel of Samuel Prentifs. See page (162) (128) Persons Makried by Nath^^ Appleton. from p. (112) 1776 June 28. Nath" Pierce & Mary Fifk July 14. Richard Welch & Sarah Coats Sept. 18. John Henly and Sarah Pullen Samuel Phipps and Mary Maxfleld 17: U April 23. 24. May 8. June 15. June 24. July 10 ^ * ( Ebenezer Perry and Abigail Learned October 16 Abel Moore and Sarah Warland Dec''*'. 24 William Reed Jun'. and Lydia Ranks George Brown and P^lizabeth Coolidge John Green & Mary Reed. David Froft and Elizabeth Allen Nevingfton Greenwood and Elizabeth Kenderic John Hobbs and Phoebe Cox. Jofhua Gammage and Mary Beatonflat. July 29. 1777 Thus far I have delivered in y^ Names of the Persons married by me to Andrew Bordman, Town Clerk from y*^ year 1773. August 24. Samuel Manning and Mary Woods October 30. John Trask & Elizabeth Gould. Nov'"'' 4. Capt. Samuel Chandler and Mary Dickson. Nov*"'' 12. Jonas Prentifs and Sarah Prentifs. Dec. 4. Noah Parker and Hannah Livermore Dec'"' 11. Thomas Goddard and Hepzibah Prentifs. 1778 Jau^ 1. Jonathan Lawrence and Mary Fillebrown Jan>' 6. Rev*^ M'' Edward Wiggiesworth Prefident & Mifs Dorothy Sparhawk. March 19. Lie*^ Joim Brown and Abigail Bemus May 8. Charleftown a negro freed by M'' Soley and Jenny a negro lately of M''. Denute. May 14. James Philips and Agnis Cox August 18. John Chriftian Fricke a German and Jemima Cox. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 247 1778 Nov'"' 9. Jofeph Hodfon and Mary Boynton Nov*"' 10. Elijah Mead aud Abigail Barnard of Watertown. Dec*"" 1 Thomas Fillebrown and Hannah Brown. Dec'^'' 24 Joseph Holden & Sarah Holden. 1779 Feb. 25. Thomas Bumford and Anne Rofs. March 16. Jabez "Wefkott and Mary Bennett June 2. Jofeph Draper and Mary Robbins. Sept. 14. Jofeph Beach aud Mary Read Oct'" 21 AVilliam Colfon and Sarah Hancock Nov*"" 25 William Cox aud Mary Sawiu Dec"^"" 6. William Watfon and Sufaunah Wyeth 1780 Mar. 30. James Robbins and Lydia Capeu (129) Verte (129) April 13. Peter Richardfon and Hannah Bond. April 20. John Haftiugs aud Elizabeth Prentice. June 9. Oliver Whitney and Hanuah Chace Oct'"' 30. Hon'''^' Edward Cutts aud M'* Sarah Kent. 1781 Jau> 17. M'' Caleb Gaunett aud M''^ Katherine Wendell. Mar. 21, 1781. Thus far I have delivered in y" Names of y*^ Persons Married by me to Major Farrington Town Clerk from y^' year 1777. April 26 Isaac Tibbett and Ruth Welfh May 25. Richard Cutter and Mirriam Brown Nov. 28. John Palmer and Sufanuah Strattou. 1782 June 13. Samuel Prentice and Polly Todd. July 15. Benjamin II ill and Mary Winfhip July 25. William Honeywell aud Sarah Frothingham. August 22. L* Jol'iah Moore aud Naucy Warland October29. Amos Wiufhip and Mary Wymau October 31. Jofiah Dana aud Rachel Leverett. 1783 Feb. 7. Phineas Child aud Martha Peudigrafs Feb. 13. Ebeuezer Day and Mary Palmer. Feb. 14. 1783. I sent y*^ above account of Mar- riages to M^ William Winthrop Town Clerk to be Entered iu y*^ Town Records. March 25. Zechariah Hill and Abigail Blodgett June 16. Thomas Wright and Mary Sprague July 23. Deacon James JMunroe and Widow Sarah Hancock Aug. 24. Jonathan Barrett aud Sufaunah Robbins 248 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1783 Sept . 25 Oct. 16. Nov. 2. Nov. 16. Nov. 20. Dec. 7. 178 4 March 7. Mar. 17. 18. Jofeph Stacey Reed aud Efther Goodwine M"^ Hilliard made y*^ 2 Prayers. Frederick Johnson and Rhoda Reed. William Whittemore and Elizabeth Cutler per T. Hilliard. Thomas Whittemore aud Sukey Cutter. Rev'' Samuel Kendall & Mils Mary Austen. Cap^ John Hastings & Mifs Lydia Dana. William Webber & Isabella Cutter Charlestown. William Bordman & Sarah McCleary John Choate & Eunice Welsh, Charleftown. (130) Persons Married by T. Hilliard. William Symmes & Mary Mallet at Charlestown. Timothy Tufts Jun»- & Beulah Prentice. Rev'' John Mellen of Barnstable & Mifs Martha Fitch Wendell. Isaac Sparhawk Gardner & Mifs Mary Sparhawk. Ebenezer Thomas Adams & Mifs Polly Goodwin at Charlestown. Isaac Learned & Elizabeth Winship. Josiah Mason & Lois Rufsell Abraham Hill & Ruth Blodget. ])!■ William Gamage & Mifs Lucy Watfon M^' Richard Pierce & Mifs Anna Dickfon. John Vose & Mercy Fosdick Charlestown Henry Gardner & Martha Cutter. Jonathan Hiinuewell & Lucy Warland. York Ruggles & Jenny Prescutt. Andrew Newell & Elizabeth Wyeth Benjamin Cutter & Elizabeth Wyeth Jofeph Wilfon & Elizabeth Caldwell. April 20. M'" Ebenezer Simomls of Lexington & Mifs Anna Bradbury of Maiden. May 12 M'' Thomas Payfon & Mifs Mary Thacher June 15. M'" Asa Dutton & Mifs Polly Tarbell M'' Amos l^ryant & M""" Martha Chaple July 28. William Biicknam & Margaret Bucknam of Medford. Aug. 21. James Cutter & [Anna] Harrington Rufsell. 1784 Mar. 30. May 9. May 27. June 13. June 20. July 8. July 18. Sept. 9. Oct. 21. Nov. 5. Nov. 16. 1785 FebJ ' 10. Feb>' 13. Feb> 14. March 6. Eeconh of the FiM Church in Cambridge. 249 1785 Aug. 30. John Liimau & Martha Millar at Charleftown. Sept. 13. Joel Sanders & Dinah Swan. Sept. -24. M'' Thomas Frothingham & Mifs Elizabeth Froft. Oct. 6. Thomas Hopping of Charlestown & Dorcas Cluley of Maiden. Oct. 13. D'' P:ph'" Ware of Groton & M'8 Abigail Gamage. Oct. 20. Rev^' Profefsor Wigglesworth and Mifs Sarah Wig- gles worth. Nov. 24. Ebeuezer Prentice & Experience Williams. Dec. 6. Jonas Prentice & Hannah Goddard. 1786. Feb>'28. Samuel Woodward & Lois Hooper of Charlestown. March 26. Ebenezer Hall & P^sther Ruhamah Cutter. Ap. 11. Joseph Perry & Ruhamah Johnson. May 17. James Frothingham & Sally Fosdick Charlestown Mav 9 Edward Rufsell & Lydia Adams. Page (156). (131) Persons adult y* were Baptized att my house [by N. Appleton] 1783 April 6. Abigail Tufts (132) Nov. 13. This day the Church Book was delivered to me by 1783. the Rev" D'' Appleton. He being altogether unable to keep the records of the Church thro' age & bodily infirmities. T. Hilliard. 1784 Feb. d^^. The Rev'^ D^' Nath' Appleton departed this life in the 9P' year of his age & 67"' of his ministry. Feb^' 15. This day his funeral folemnity Avas attended. The body was carried to the meeting house. Rev'' M' Cushing of Waltham prayed. The surviving Pastor of this Churcli delivered a funeral ad- drefs. A funeral antliem was sung, after which the procefsion advanced to the burying place and the body was committed to the tomb. (133) (From P. 125) Persons admitted to Communion by T. Hilliard 1789 May 3. Thaddeus Mason Harris A. B. admitted to Com- munion. Oct. 6. 1793. Difmifscd & recom'' to the Chh in Dorcli ester. June 7. M''-'' Elizabeth Hunt admitted to Communion. 250 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1790 Aug. 22. Polly Hilliard by Prefident Willard. 1791 Aug. 7. Pitt Clark by M-" Foster of Littleton June 17. 1793. Difm'' & recom'^ to Chh in Norton (134) Brought from P. (110) The following votes were paft att y*^ S*^ Chh meeting which was by adjournment. After y® unanimous acceptance of y® foregoing Report. 2. Deacon Whittemore brought in his account of Extraordinary Expenses in providing for y*^ Communion Table from y*^ j^ear 1741 to this day amounting to thirteen Pounds nine pence two fai'things, which was allowed to him to be taken out of y® Stock in y*^ hands of y® Deacons. 3. That thirty Shillings Lawful mony be allowed to Each of y^ three Deacons, to be taken out of y*^ mony in their hands for y*^ care, trouble & Expense they have been att, in selling y^ wood & then y® land of y^ Chh Lot at Newton. 4. That y"^ Committee which Shall be appointed to lufpect y*^ above Said Fund Shall do y*" Same annually in y** month of June. 5. That y'' whole of y^ Report of y® Committee or so much of it as our Reverend Paftor Shall think proper, be rerd to y^ Chh, after y*^ next Communion Service is over. Att a meeting of y^ Brethren of y^ Chh May 20. 1774. 1. Voted that Deacon Whittemore, Capt. Stedman, Capt. Mar- rett, Deacon Prentice, M'' Peter Tufts, Capt. Gardner, Capt. Robbins be a Committee to Infpect y'' manners of profefs- ing Christians &c. for this year. 2. Voted that Doctor W"^ Kneeland Efq^'M'' Abraham Watfon, Jun''. Captain Gardner, & Capt. Stedman be a committee to Inquire into y*^ State of y^ Chh Stock of Monies Bonds or Notes in y*^ Deacons Hands, to report to y** Chh y^ State thereof, and how y^ produce is applied and that ye Committee Infpect y^ Same Some time in y*^ Month of June next 3. God, in his holy Providence having taken away by Death on April 4''> laft paft y^ worthy faithfull & highly Efteeraed Deacon Sam" Sparhawk, voted that on y^ next Lecture Day, viz : on y*^ 15'^ of July next to proceed to y*^ choice of a deacon. Records of the First Church in Carnhrkhje. 251 Such was y** Dark & gloomy afpect witli refpect to our Public & Political affairs, that it was y*^ General agreement of y*^ Towns in y'^ Province, by y'' recommendation of y*^ Re- prefentatives, before y'" difsolution, to have & keep a day of humiliation & Prayer, and 14*^' of July was Generally agreed upon for that purpofe. Accordingly we had a Chh meeting on 14 July after y*^ afternoon Exercife. Att a meeting of y*" Brethren of y*^ Chh July. 14. 1774. 1. The Brethieu brought in y*" written votes for a Deacon and Capt. Thomas Gardner was Chofen, 2. Deacon Prentice having by a Paper given in this dfiy, re- figned his office of a Deacon, by reason of age & Infirmities y^ Chh accepted y*^ Same and voted y*^ Thanks of y^ Chh to him for his faithfuU Service in that office. (135) Brought from y^' other Side. 3. The Brethren proceeded to choofe a Deacon Inftead of Deacon Prentice who had refigned & bringing in their written votes ftp' Aaron Hill was Chofen into that office. Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y'^ Chh Sept. 8, 1774. Cap^ Thomas Gardner declined from Serving in y*^ office of a Deacon from y*^" jMultiplicity of other business he was Engaged in. M'" Aaron Hill accepted y*" office of a Deacon to which he was chofen. 1 . Vote The Committee of y** Chh Exhibited a complaint againf t the widow Elizabeth Champney a member of this Chh, which was read, and alltho She had a copy of y*" Complaint Sent to her, with a notification of y'' Chh meeting tliis day, defiring her attendance, yet did not appear. However y'" Chh willing to Exercise all forbearance, Sufpended reading y*" Evidences in Support of y*^ Complaint and adjourned y'' Confideration of y*^ Complaint for 8 weeks, that is till y^ next Lecture day and that she withdraw from y*^^ Communion till y® matter shall be heard att foreappointed meeting. 2. That y'^ Evidences be desired to attend att y*^ Said Meeting. 3. A report of y*^ Committee to inquire into y*^^' State of y'' Chh. Stock of Monies & Bonds, or Notes in y*^ Deacons Hands 252 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. ■was read & accepted, by which it Appears there was £210.14.1 L. M. att Intereft and allso in Deacon Whittemores hands & upon Interest £39, 5.5f befides forty Shillings in Said Dea- con hands for any Emergencies. 4. Voted, agreeable to y*^ report of S'^ Committee y* y*^ Bonds & other Securities of monies in y*^ Deacons hands, Should be so managed, y* y*^ Intereft of y*^ whole Should be payable att y^ Same time viz : on y® first day of April yearly. Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y^ Chh Nov"'' 4. 1774. The Widow Elizabeth Champney was notified to attend att this Meeting to Make Answer to y^ Complaint Exhibited againft her by y*^ Chh Committee for Infpecting y*^ manners of Profefsiug Chriftians &c. as mentioned in y*^ votes of y^ foregoing Meeting but she still declined attending upon y® meeting, without giving any SuflScient reafon for her neglect or refufall. Therefore Voted that She the S^' Elizabeth Champney be Suspended from Communion in all Special Ordinances, uutill she Appear before y^ Church and gives Chriftian Satisfaction to y® Chh, with respect to y^ heinous Crimes She is Charged with in y'^ Complaint Exhibited against her by Said Committee. N. B. The Complaint is among y*^ Papers in this Book. Nov. 10. I with 3 of y*^ Chh Committee viz: Deacon Whittemore, Deacon Prentice, & Capt. Stedman went to y*^ Widow Champney houfe & delivered to her y*^ Vote of y*^ Chh with a Solemn admonition having first read y*^ Same to her with Such further admonitions. Counsels & Exhortations as I thought proper. (136) Att a Meeting of y^ Brethren of y® Chh April 25. 1777. Att my houfe after Lecture. 1. Agreed by handy votes toChoofe a Committee to Infpect y^ M.-mners of Prof ef sing Chriftians &c. according to our ufual practice. 2. Deacon Whittemore, Capt. Stedman, Capt. Marrett, Dea- con Hill. M"- Timothy Tufts, Capt. Robbins & M'' Jackson were chofen a committee for y*^ aforefaid Service. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 253 3. Whereas our Rev'' & very aged Paftor is att Prefeut under Such bodily Infirmities as to render it doubtfull whether he will be able to adminifter y*^ Sacraments on y*^ Approaching Sabbath. Voted in Such Case it is agreeable & is y'^ Defire of this Chh that ye Ilon'^ & Rev'' Prefident Langdon Should adminil'ter y*^ Same, and att any other times when necelsary occaf ion calls for it. 4. That Doctor W™ Kneeland Efq^' Abraham Watfon Efq'' Capt. Stedman & Capt. Marret be a committee to Inquire into y^ Chh Stock of Monies Bonds or Notes in y*^ Deacons Hands & to report y^ state y^of to y*^ Chh & how y*^ Produce is Ap- plied, and that y*^ Committee insjject y'' Same in y*" Mouth of June Next. 5. The Chh voted to Choofe a third Deacon And Voted to Come to a Choice on Thursday next (the day appointed for Public Fasting & Prayer) in y*^ afternoon when y^ Public Service Shall be over : to which time y^ Meeting of y*^ Brethren is ad- journed. Mem''"' The aged Paftor thro bodily diforders was unable to carry on y*" Services of y'^ Fast neither could any help be obtained, so that there was no public Service on y*^ Fast & Consequently Y'= Chh meeting failed. May 11. After y*^ afternoon Services y*^ Chh met and voted y' on y*^ next Lord's day after y*^ Exercise was over y>' would proceed to choofe a Deacon. May 18. The Chh accordingly met & brought in their writ- ten votes for a Deacon and M^" Stephen Sewall, Profefsor of Helirew &c. was Chofen into that office. And after Some time for Confideration He was plcafed to accept S*^ office. Att a meeting of y" Brethren of y*' Chh August 15, after Lecture The Committee appointed April 25 to Inquire into y'' Chh Stock of Monies, Bonds &c. in y*^ Deacon's Hands brought in their Report. Dated June 30. 1777. which was read & ac- cepted, and by y*-' Account it appears as follows, viz : 254 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By Securities in y® Deacons Hands & by y™ put to Intereft £-210.14. 1 By Intereft due on Securities & out Standing £ 27.16. 9|^ By Expences for Bread & wine since June 30, 1774. £ 27. 7. 9 By Ballance in y*^ hands of y*^ Deacons £ 60. 8. 8|^ 326. 7. ^ To be kept in Bank by y*^ Deacons for Contingencies £2. To Deacon Whittemore for his trouble £2. 8. The Remainder of y*^ Ballance viz : £56. 0. 8|^ Deacon Whitteaiore gives his note to pay with lawful! Intereft from June 30. 1777. April 1778. Memorandum, Deacon Sewall Informed me that Deacon Whittemore has delivered up y*^ Plate & other utenfils of y^ Communion Table to Deacon Hill and y*^ Baptifmal Bafiu to Deacon Sewall. Vid. p. (137) (137) Att a Meeting of y*^ Brethren of y'^ Chh, April 22, 1778. after y'' afternoon Service on y*^ Fast day. 1. A letter was read from a Committee of y® Chh in Watertown defiring our PreCence and afsiftance by Paftor & Delegates att y'^ Ordination of M"" Daniel Adams y^ next "Week y^ Chh Confented to Send & Chofe the Prefident [Samuel Langdon], D"" Winthrop, M"^' Wigglesworth, Deacon Hill & Abraham Watfon Efq'' for Delegates. 2. Agreed to Choofe a Committee as nfual for Infpecting y^ Manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. and by handy votes. Deacon Whittemore, Capt. Stedman Capt. Marrett, Deacon Hill, M"" Timothy Tufts, Capt. Robbins & M' Jackson were chofen for that Service. Deacon Whittemore by reafon of his great age & Infirmities Defired to be Excufed from y^ Service and Deacon Sewall was Chofen in his Stead. 3. Voted, that Doctor W"^ Kneeland Efq^ Abraham Watfon Efq'', Capt. Stedman & Capt. Marrett be a Committee to In- quire into y'^ Chh Stock of Monies, Bonds or Notes in y*' Dea- cons Hands & to report y^ State thereof to y^ Chh. and how y*^ Produce is Applied & y^ y® Committee Infpect y'^ Same in y'^ Month of June next Records of the First Church in Camhriclge. 255 Att a Meeting of r Brethren of y^ Chh June /. 1^ ^9 1 Voreed by handy vote to chofe a Committee to Infpect y mamiers of P.ofefsing Chriftians according to y'' ufual Prac- ticG 2 Capt. Stedman Captain Marrett, Deacon Sewall, Deacon " Hill, & M' Timothy Tufts were by handy votes Chofen a Com- mittee for y*^ aforefaid Service. Mem'^- The pple on y^ South Side being setofffor a diftinct Parifh the Chh. thought it not proper to Choofe any on that Side of y^ River as was Ufual them to do. 3 The Committe Appointed April 22. 1778. to Inquire into y^ * Chh Stock of Monies, Bonds or Notes in r Deacons Hands & to" report y*^ State thereof &c. to y^ Chh, brought my report Dated June 30, 1778. which was read & accepted by 4 ^ T?at'y^ Same Committee viz: Doct^ W- Kneeland Efq^ 'Abraham Watlbn Esq^' Capt. Stedman, Capt Marrett be a Committee to inquire into y^ Chh Stock of Monies Bonds or Notes in r Deacon's Hands and to report r State yof to the Chh. & how r l^^-o^^^^«^ i« ^1^1'^^^^^ ""^^ ^^""^ ^'^ Committee Infpect y*^ Same in this Current Mouth of June. According to y« Report of y« Committee Dated June 30, 1778. The account Stands thus, viz : The Securities iu y*^ Deacon's Hauds & by y"^ put to mterelt The Counterfeit Bill received by Mif take &• The Expense for Bread &c Since June 30, lalt 33. S.O By Ballance in y« hands of y*^ Deacons o5.1b.H)^ £355. 4.10^ Mem*^'" Part of y^ above Ballance to be kept in y'' Deacons hands for contingencies £2- 0- The remaining part of y« Ballance in Deacon Whittemores Hands he paying Intereft therefore ^ ^^'^^'^^^ Vid P. (loo) (138) Att a-Meeting of y« Brethren of y^ Chh, May 12 1780. There being so small a meeting of y*-^ Brethren voted. 1 That y^ former Committee for Infpecting y^ manners of 256 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Profefsing Chriftiaus among us be Continued till further order of y*^ Bretliren. 2. The Report of y^ Committee Appointed to Inquire into y® Chh Stock of Monies, Bonds, or Notes in y"^ Deacons Hands, dated June 30. 1779. was read & accepted, and it appears by y"^ account viz : Securities in y*" Deacons Hnnds for money by them put to Intereft, £264.16. By Expence for Bread &c. Since 30 of June laft £ 53.14. By. Ballance in y*^ hands of y*^ Deacons £ 58. 2. 9J £53, 15. 10 J part of y*^ Ballance to continue in Deacon Whittemores hands he paying Intereft therefore. £2.0.0 further part of S*^' Ballance to be kept in Bank by y* Deacon for Contingencies. £2.6.11 y^ remaining part of S'' Ballance is to reft in y*^ Dea- cons Hands till y*^ Same be Increafed. Deacon Whitteniore gave his Promifsory Note for £53,15,10f att y*^ Bottom of y® Report. 3. A Petition of y<^ Brethren & Sifters on y^ South Side of y« River Signifying y'" Defire to be Difmifsed & recommended to y® bufiuefs of being Incorporated into a diftinct Chh. for En- joying y*^ Special ordinances of y^ Gospel more Conveniently by themf elves. Upon which y® Chh Voted that y® Within named Thomas Sparhawk, Mary Sparhawk, Eliphalet Robbins, John Stratton, Mercy Stratton, Chriftian Fuller, Mervial Dana, Samuel Smith Larned, Mary Larned, Sufannah Jackson, Anna Dana, Hannah Sparhawk who are now Members of this Chh and in good Standing therewith, And this Chh fully Con- fents y^ y** S'' Brethren & Sifters b*^ Embodied into a diftinct Chh whenever y*^ Providence of God Shall Call them Thereunto and heartily recommend them to his Gracious Guidance and Protection. Memd™ Mrs Mary Sparhawk who is a very blamelefs & Exemplary Christian who Signed y*^ Petition with y^ reft Aprehensive of Some difficulties defired y' her difmifsion might be Sufpended for y*^ present. But she Some time after Contented to be dif- mifsed & was accordingly difmifsed. 4. That y*^ Same Committee be Continued to Inquire &c into y^ Chh Stock in y*^ Deacons hands & make report thereof. Rtcot'ds of the First Church in Camhridrje. 257 And it is Expected y> Inspect y*^ Said account in y'^ month of June according to former repo rts Att a meeting of y« Bretliren of Chh June 1 1 , 1 78 1 Voted that Capt. Stedman, Deacon Sewall, Deacon Hill. M^ Timothy Tufts & M'' Mnnroe be a committee for inspecting y« manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Voted that D'- Kneelaud, Abraham Watfon Efqr^ Capt. Stedman and M'" Gannet be a Committee to Inquire into y'^ Clih. Stock in y^ Deacons Hands and that they look two years back there having been no report y*^ year paft, & make return to y^ Bretlu-en of y^' Same afsoon as may be. (139) Att a meeting of y^' Brethren of y*^ Chh Aug. 19, 1781. Voted as follows vitz : Whereas y« Commitee appointed to Examine y^' Deacons accounts this year Apprehend y>- were According to vote of y*^ Chh to have done it in y*^ month of June paft, but by some means omitted So to do. Therefore voted that y'' Said Com- mittee be directed to Examine the Deacons accounts this year & report to y<^ Chh afsoon as may be. Att a meeting of the Brethren of y^ Chh June 24. 1782. Voted Pt That Capt. Stedman, Deacon Sewall, Deacon Hill, Timothy Tufts Efq'- & M'- James Munroe be a Committee for Infpectmg ye manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. Voted 2>i That William Kneelaud Efq^' M^' Caleb Gannett, & Capt. Ebeu'- Stedman be a Committee to Inquire into y« Chh Stock in ye Deacons Hands and to report y^ State thereof to y^ Brethren afsoon as may be. Voted 3'">- That it be a Special Inftruction to y- above named Commit- tee yt they inquire & report as aforef aid concerning y« mony in y'- hands of y^ Deacons appropriated to y^ ufe of y^ poor. Voted 4'i^'> That y*' abovef^ Committee be allso Directed to Inquire in what manner y^ Chh may be moft benefitted by y-^ State Notes now in y^ Deacons hands & report att y^ next meetmg. Att a meeting of the Chh Feb. 23. 1783. M" Mary Sparhawk, wife of Thomas Sparhawk Efq^&Lucy ye wife of Jonas White members of this Chh defired to be dis- mifsed & recommended with their Brethren & Sifters on y*^ South Side of y' River, for their being Incorporated with them 258 Reco7'ds of the First Church in Cambridge. into a diftiuct Chh for y"" Eujoyuig Special ordinances among Themfelves. The Chh upon y'" Requeft freely coufented to their being difmifsed &, recommended Them to that Sacred & Solemn Service with their Brethren & Sisters who were dif- mifsed on May 12, 1780, as on other Side. Mem^'™ 1 was thro Age & Infirmity detained from y*" Chh Services on that so I committed y*' Conduct of y" affair to M'^' Howard who Carried on y*" Publick Services of y" day. Mem'^'" The above Lucy White upon further Confideratiou declined to be joined to y^ New Chh accordingly She Still remains a member of this Chh. Att a meeting of the Chh. Mh. 5. 1783. The Pastor being unable to attend W" Kneeland was chosen Moderator. A Rept of a Cointtee appointed to examine the Deacon's Ace*® was read & accepted & the Deacons ordered to conform thereto. Said Rep* contains that the Deacons have in their hand Securities for the Sum of £264,16.0 (140) That the balance in their hands (exclusive of the Poor's Money) was on 30*i^ June last £68. 7.5a. £63.17. If part of said balance is to continue in Deacon Whittemore's hands upon Interest. £4.10.4 the remainder of s'' balance to rest in the Deacon's hands. That Deacon Hill has rec"^ of Chh Money appropriated to the use of the Poor £3.7.7. That Deacon Whittemore had in his hand of such money, on 28 Dec'" 1751 £ 7. 4 upon Interest, on 8. Dec' 1767 7.18.10 upon Interest on 10 Sept. 1770 3.10.11^ That the State Notes in the hands of the Deacons be con- solidated. Then the Chh appointed a Cointtee of three persons to make further Inquiry concerning money in the hands of the Deacons appropriated to the use of the poor. D'' Kneeland) M' Gannett and M'" Rowe are S'* Coiiitee. Then the Chh entered upon a Conference relating to a more fixed & settled provision for the preaching & administering the GospelOrdinances among them, and after conferring sometime Voted. That it will be agreable to the Chh presently to settle a Minister provided one can be found agreable to the Chh. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 259 That the Parish Coilitee be desired and they are hereby de- sired to insert iu their next Warrant for calling a Parish Meet- ing, a Clause for the purpose of knowing the minds of the (141) Parish whether it will be agreable to the Parish presently to settle a Minister provided one can be found agreable to the Parish. Att a Meeting of y«^ Brethren of y^' Chh June 13, 1783. 1*' Voted y^ y*^ Sanie Committee for Infpecting y^ manners of Profefsing Chriftians &c. be continued for this year. 2. That a committee for Examining y*^ Deacons account, to confist of five and three to be a quorum. The Brethren Cho- fen were viz D"" Kneeland, M'' Caleb Gannett, Gideon Froft. James Munroe, Owen Warland. 3. That y"" S'' Committee render their Account to y^ Chh on y*^ laft Monday of this Inftant June viz 30th day. 4. That y" Brethren choofe a Deacon on y*" S*^ laft Monday in June The Moderator is defired to Notifie a Chh Meeting to be held y' S*^ last Monday in June to choofe a Deacon if y*" Chh Shall think proper So to do and to receive y*^ Report of y*" Com- mittee to Examine y*" Deacon's accounts. Att a meeting of y*" Brethren of y® Chh June 30. 1783. 1. The Committee for Examining y*^ Deacons accounts brought in their Report which was read & accepted & to be recorded. 2. Voted to choofe a Deacon and by written votes our Brother Gideon Froft was unanimously chofen. 3. Voted allfo to chofe another Deacon & by written votes Brother James Munroe was chofen by a full vote. 4. Voted that if it Should appear agreable to y*^ Congregation that y*^ laft Wednesday of July next be Set apart for a day of fafting & Prayer to Seek Divine Direction & Afsiftauce in y® Important affair of procuring a more fixed & Settled Preaching «& adminiftration of y*^ word & ordinances among us confider- ing y*' very advanced age & growing infirmities of our very aged Paftor, In y*= 90*^^ year of his age. MenV'" It was agreed y* y'' Parifh & Chh Committees Should con- f ult with y^ pple of y*^ congregation to See if y'^ above Propofal be agreable to y^ Congregation & make report thereof to the 260 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Paftor afsoon as may be. Who reported y* y*^ above Propofal was agreable to them. Vide P. (143) The Report of y*^ Parifh Committee Appointed June 13, 1783 to Examine the Deacons Accounts was accepted & is as follows viz. 1. That y*^ Deacons have in their hands Securities for money belonging to the Chh & by y*^ Deacons put to Intereftviz : for y« Summ of One hundred & Eighteen Pounds one shilling & nine pence. Turn over (142) 2. The above mentioned Securities Confist of a note given by ye Treafurer of this Parifh, Dated y^ 3''^ day of April laft in Lieu of y® Parifh Bond y® Deacons had in their hands lalt June, and of a confolidation Note Dated y^ 1*^* day of March laft in lieu of y® three State Notes y*^ Deacons had in their hands laft June. 3. The Deacons have not made y^ Intereft of y^ Several Sums lent by them payable att y^ Same time. 4. The ballance of Accounts in y^ hands of y" Deacons on this thirtieth day of June A. D. 1783. (Exclusive of Appropriated to ye ufe of ye Poor) is y^ Sum of Seventy Eight Pounds & one half penny according to y® annexed account. 5. Part of S'^ Ballance viz. Sixty Pounds four Shillings & ten pence 1/4 Principal and two years Intereft thereof now unpaid viz Seven Pounds four shillings & Seven pence is to Con- tinue in Deacon Whittemores hands upon Intereft. Nine Pounds further part of S'' Ballance is to be in Deacon Hills hands upon Intereft He having Engaged to pay therefore from this day. One pound Ten Shillings & seven pence y^ l/4Remainder of S'' Ballance is to reft in ye hands of the Deacons for Contin- gencies 30*^ June 1783. Submitted by William Kneeland p Order. The Acc^ Annexed to S'' Rep' contains in substance as follows viz. 1783 June 30. Deacons D*". To money by them put at Int. £118. 1. 9 To Cash in Deac" Whittemore's hands on Int 60. 4.10| To 2 ys Int of S" £60.4.1 1/4 7. 4. 7 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 28 1 To the Sum which rested in the Deacons hands June 30'" 1782. 4.10. 4 To Sum Total of Contributions since June 30. 1782. 14. 4.1U £204. 6. 5^ (143) 1783 Contra. C\ June 30. By Securities in their hands for £118. 1. 9 By expense for bread &c since 30 June 1782 8. 4. 8 By balance in the hands of the Deacons 78. 0| 204. 6. 51 July 30. 1783 was obferved as a day of Fafting & Prayer by y'^ Chh & Congregation to Seek of God Divine Direction «fe Af sif tance in y^ Important affair of procuring a more fixed & Settled Preaching & adminiftration of y^' word & ordinances among us confidering y"" very advanced age, growing Infirmities of me their aged Paftor. The Rev*' M'" Eliot began with Prayer, Rev' M"" Cufhing Preache'' A. M. Rev'' M^' Jackson began Prayer. ReV M''. Clark Preach'' P. M. Att a meeting of y*" first Chh in Cambridge August 4, 1783 Twenty one Members Prefent. 1. Deacon Aaron Hill Moderator. The ReV' D'' Appleton being unable to attend. Voted That the Rev'' Edward Wigglesworth W"^ Kneeland Efq' & Timothy Tufts Efq'' be a committee to wait on the Prefident of the Univerfity & request Him to Pray with the Brethren on y^' Prefent occafion. The Prefident Complying with y*^' Requeft received the Thanks of the Brethren by the Moderator. The Notification for y'^' Meeting was then read Exprefsive of y^ Bufinefs to be tranfacted as follows, viz. Att y*^ General defire of the Brethren of the Chh as well as in Compliance with my own Inclination & Earnet Wifhefs J Appoint a meeting of the Brethren of this Chh to be holden att this Place next Monday att 4 o'clock in y^ afternoon for y'^^ Purpofe of Choofing Some fit Perfon to be Settled as a Colleague with me in y^ Ministerial office, if the Chh Shall See fit. 262 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Camb. August 2. 1783. Nath" Appleton Paftor. A free Confereuce & deliberation on y*^ Subject Succeeded after which the Modei'ator afked Each Member Present if He was difposed that y^ following Question Should be determined by a vote. viz. whether y*^ Brethren are ready to proceed to the choice of a Colleague with the Rev^ D'' Appleton. A great Majority answered in the affirmative. Tm-n over. (144) Whereupon It was voted to Proceed Immediately to y^ choice of a Colleague with the Rev'' D'' Appleton. Written votes being brought in. It appeared that the Rev- erend Timothy Hilliard was Elected. The votes were as fol- lows Sixteen for M"". Hilliard & 5 Blanks. Voted. That y*^ Parifh Committee be defired to call a Parifh Meeting afsoon as Convenient and Lay y'' Proceedings of this meeting before y*^ Inhabitants afsembled at S^' meeting and Defire their Concurrence : and that they would Provide a Support for the Colleague Paftor Elect. Voted. That the Moderator apply to the Parifh Committee for the forementioued Purpofe. [The above was Rev'' N. A's last record] At a Meeting of the first Church in Cambridge October 8^^ 1783. The Notification for said Meeting was read as follows. Whereas the ReV' Timothy Hilliard has manifested his acceptance of the Call from this Church and Parish to settle with them in the pastoral office it will be necefsar}^ that there should be a solemn introduction of him into the sacred office, therefore it is desired that there be a meeting of the Brethren of the Church to consider and determine upon the time and maner of that miportant Transaction, and also what Churches shall be applied to for afsistanceon said Occasion. I therefore desire and notify a meeting of the Brethren of this Church on Wednesday next a 3 oClock in the afternoon, at the meeting house, for the af ores'' purposes Cambridge Oct. 5. 1783. Signed Nath" Appleton Pastor. 145) Deacon A aron Hill was then Chosen Moderator. Vote 1. That the Installation of the Rev'' Timothy Hilliard be as private and attended with as little expence as decency will admit. Records of the First Church m Cambridge. 263 Vote 2. That the Installation be in an afternoon. Vote 3. Tkat the Installation be on the last nionday of this inontli. Vote 4. That the Churches of Waltham, Lexington, Brookline. and Watertown be requested to afsist by their respective Pastors and Delegates in the Instalation. Vote 5. That a Committee be appointed to wait upon the Eev' D^' Appleton to desire him if able to write letters mifsive to the Churches aforesaid, but in case the Doctor be unable, the Committee are authorized to write and fend them in the name of the Church. Vote 6, That this Committee consist of Five Brethren. Vote 7. That William Kneeland Efq''. Deacon Aaron Hill, M'' Caleb Gannett, Timothy Tufts Esq^' and Capt. Ebenezer Stedman be the Committee. Vote 8. That it is the Opinion of the Church, that a dinner be pro- vided for the Council. Vote 9. That the aforementioned Committee with such persons as the Parish shall join, be a Committee to wait on the Council when convened and confer with them respecting the Installa- tion. Vote 10. That a Committee be appointed to wait on the Rev'' M^' Hilliard to lay before him the proceedings of this Meeting to know if he desire any alteration or addition Vote 11. That the Committee consist of tliree. Vote 12. That William Kneeland Esq''. J\P. Owen Warland & M"- Caleb Gannett be the Committee. (146) The Committee having waited upon the Rev*' M'' Hilliard with the preceding votes Reported : That he expressed his sat- isfaction with the votes and proposed that the Rev' Dr. Cooper's church and the Rev'' Simeon Howard's be added to the Instal- lation Council. Vote 13. That the Churches last mentioned be joined in Council with the Churches first mentioned. Vote 14. That a committee be appointed to lay the proceedings of this Meeting before the Parish at their next Meeting and to ask the parish's concurrence with the votes of the Church. Vote 15 That this Committee consist of Three. Vote 16. That M'' Caleb Gannett, William Kneeland Esq''. Deacon Aaron Hill be the Committee. 264 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Vote 17. That this committee apply to the Parish Committee to call a Meeting of the Parish for the special purpose of takiug under consideration the proceedings of the Church at this Meeting. Vote 18. That this Meeting be adjourned to Wednesday the 22'' instant, Then to meet at the Meeting house at 3. o'clock P. M. Attest Aaron Hill Moderator. The Rev*^ M"" Hilliard's acceptance of the Call to settle as Colleague Pastor with the Rev'^ D'' Appleton and which M^' Hilliard read to the Church and Congregation after divine Services on the Sabbath next succeeding the date thereof was as follows, Viz. Cambridge Oct. 4. 1783. To the Church «fe Congregation of the first Parish in Cam- bridge (147) Rev'^ Hon'l and Beloved I have taken into my most ferious and prayerful consideration your call to settle as Colleague Pastor with the Rev'' D'^' Appleton in the important work of the Gospel minis- try. As I have devoted myself to this Service in preference to all other employments and find my health thro' divine good- nefs, in a great measure restored, I think it my duty to accept of your invitation on the terms proposed. And I do now declare my readinefs to serve you in your most important in- terests, with humble dependence on the great Head of the Church, who has graciously promised to be with his ministers to the end of the world. At the same time I trust that you will exercise a candid benevolent Spirit towards me, and that you will implore of God his presence and blefsing to attend me and to crown my labours among you with desired succefs. Wishing that Grace mercy and peace may be multiplied to you and to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. I subscribe myself your Servant for Jesus Sake. Timothy Hilliard. The following is a copy of the Letters sent to the several Churches named in the votes of the Meeting of the Church on the 8"' of October 1783. to compose an Installation Council, which were signed by the Rev'' D"" Appleton. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 265 Cambridge Oct. 21. 1783. Honoured, Reverend and Beloved. Grace & peace from God onr Father and from Jesus Christ our Lord, be multiplied. (148) It hath pleased our glorious Lord, after our earnest Suppli- cations to him to direct this Church of Christ to Choose the Rev' M"^ Timothy Hilliard unto the Pastoral Office over them, and to incline him to accept their Call. And we have agreed that Monday, the twent}' seventh of this iust. October (God willing) should be the daj' for his public and solemn separ- ation to that office. We do therefore humbly ask the presence of your Rev'' Pastor and of such Mefsengers as you shall send to join with sundry Elders and Mefsengers of others Churches in such acts of Communion as the day of Installment calls for. We earnestly desire your prayers, that God would pour out his Spirit and blefsing upon us and our Offspring. And we commend you to God and the word of his Grace which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified Yours in In the Faith & Fellowship of the Gospel. Nathaniel Appleton Pastor. In the name and at the desire of the first Church in Cambridge. You are desired to meet at the house of M"" Caleb Gannett at ten o'clock in the forenoon. To the Church of Christ under the pastoral care of At a meeting of the first Church of Christ in Cambridge (by adjournment) on the 22'' day of October 1783. It is voted 1. That the Brethren of this Church will attend between the hours of ten and eleven of the day appointed for tlie Install- ation of the ReV' M'' Hilliard at the place where the Install- ation Council shall meet. 266 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (149) 2. That the s<^ Brethren will meet at two o'Clock of the same day at the house where s'' Council shall dine, in order to wait on the Council Attest Aaron Hill. Moderator. On the 27"' day of the same month, at tenoClock A. M. the six Churches before named for an ecclesiastic Council meet at the dwelling house of M'' Caleb Gannett, and being formed call upon the Committee (appointed by this Church and Parish to Confer with them) for an account of proceedings relative to the election of the Rev'' Timothy Billiard for Colleague Pastor with the Venerable D' Appleton. An account in writing of the proceedings of this church and of the Parish relative to s'' Election and a copy of M'' Hilliard's acceptance of their Call, are accordingly laid before the Council. The Papers are read to the Council by their Moderator (The ReV' D"" Cooper) The Moderator makes public proclamation that if any person hath any objection to the s^' Council's installing the Rev*' Timothy Hilliard as Colleague Pastor with the Rev'' D»' Appleton in the first Church in Cambridge, now is the time to offer the same. No objection is offered. The Council desire the Committee of the Church and Parish to withdraw and leave their Papers. The Committee do as so desired After dinner the Moderator taketh the Church into a room apart and reads to them a paper containing a dismifsion of Rev'' Timothy Hilliard from the Church of Christ in Barnstable and recommendation of him to the fellowship and communion of the first Church of Christ in Cambridge and puts the question to this Church. " Do you (150) receive M»' Hilliard as a Member of your Church in full Com- munion"? Voted in the affirmative unanimously. At half past two o'clock P. M. the Council, preceeded by the Church and as .many of the Parish as are present, pafs from the house where they dined (M^' Owen Warland's) to the Meeting house where the Rev'' Timothy Hilliard is solemnly installed in the office of Pastor of the first Church in Cambridge and Colleague with the venerable D'" Appleton with the same ceremonies as are commonly used at Ordinations, except the laying on of hands of the Presbytery. Records of the First Church m Cambridge. 267 Mem, The Rev'' M"^ Jackson of Brookline began with Prayer. The Rev^' M'" Hilliard preached a Sermon from Titus 2^' Chapter & 15*'^ Verse those words "Let no man despise thee." The Rev'' M'' Clarke of Lexington, prayed before the Charge. The ReV' D"^ Cooper of Boston gave the Charge. The ReV' M"" Howard of Boston, made the last prayer, and the Rev*' M^' Cashing of Waltham gave the right hand of Fel- lowship. The Fifth hymn in the ReV' D^' Watts' collection of hymns was then sung. The whole Solemnity was closed by a Benediction pronounced by the ReV' M^' Hilliard. The greatest Order, decency and sobriety were observabl" through the whole. Soli Deo Gloria. (151) May 31. A Church Meeting notify'd the Lord's day preceding to 1784. chuse a Committee to inspect the manners of professing Christians & a Committee to enquire into the state of the Chh Stock. The Church met & after prayer it was voted. 1 To chuse a Committee of five to inspect the manners of profefsing Christians. Cap" Stedman, D" Hill, D» Frost, D" Munro & Tim^ Tufts Esq'' were chosen. 2. Voted that the Committee to enquire into the state of the c'^^ Stock consist of three. Doc-- Kueelaud, M-- Gannett & Cap*^ Stedman were chosen. 3. Voted that the Committee last chosen be directed to enquire into the state of monies given to the poor of the C''' & to settle all accounts relating to such monies witli the heirs of the late D" Whittemore & alfo with D" Hill, the treasurer of the Chh. The Meeting was dif solved. Oct. 24. The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Chh Stock unanimously find & report. 1. That the Deacons have in their hands Securities for monies belonging to this C'" & by them put at interest viz. for the £ 8 (1 sum of 118/1/9 of lawful Silver money. 2. These Securities are a Note of hand given by the Tresurer of this Parish for 32 9/1 <^^'^^ed the 3'' of Ap. 1783. & a consoli- dation Note for 85.12/8 dated the P^ of March 1783. 268 Hecords of the First Church in Oamhridge. 3. These Securities, the same the Deacons had in their hands on the 30*^ day of June 1783 «& no interest hath been paid on either of them. 4. The Deacons have not made the interest of the several sums lent by them i)ayable at the fame time. 5. The balance of acco*^ on the 30'^^ day of June 1784 in the hands of the Deacons exclusive of money appropriated to y^ £ s d use of y*^ poor is y^ fum of 75 15 5 according to y® annex'd acco*, £ s d G. Part of s'' ballance viz : 60/4/lOJ with y<^ interest y* hath grown thereon fince y*^ 30 day of June 1781 is due from D° £ (152) Whittemore's estate 14 further part of s'' ballance is to be in D" Hills hands upon interest (he having engaged to paj' in- terest for it from this day) 1.10.6| the remainder of S*^ balance is to rest in the hands of the Deacons for contingencies. 7. The Committee have not yet had it in their power to find the state of monies given to the poor of the Chh. Submitted by order W" Kneeland. 30 of June 1784. Cam^e 1st ci>ii. 1784 D"". Deacons of the 1*^ C'^'i in Cambridge to June 30 money by them put at interest To cash in D° Whittemore's hands for which he promised to pay interest To cash in D" Hills hands for which he promis'd to pay interest To a year's interest of the same sum To the fum which rested in the Deacons' hands for Contingencies 1.10. 7^ The fum total of Contributions paid fince June 30"^ 1783 9.11.10^ £ s d .18. 1. 9 60 4.101- 9. 0. 0.10.10 198.19.11 Mem. No consideration is had in the above ace* of in- terest growing on y*^ fecurities in the hands of the Deacons, nor of interest growing on the sum in D" Whittemore's hands, nor of the money in the hands of the Deacons appropriated to the use of y® poor. S- Feb. 3. March 20. March 22. April 3. April 4. April 5. July 28. Sept. Nov. Dec"^ 1787 Jan. 17. ,)an>' 22. May 23. June July Aug. 23. Aug. 24'" Sept. 17. Sept. 23. Nov. 276 Records of the First Church in Oamhridge. 1787 Dec. 14 1788 Apr. May June Sept. Oct. (161) Oct. 1789 March Apr Nov. Oct. Ocf Dec. 29 1790 Feb. 24. March April 24 May Mrs. Marrett aged 65 John Warland A. B. aged 20. Wid. Moore aged about 70 Wid. Phelps aged 45 Mr. Edward Dixon aged 86 Mr. Ralph Inmau aged 70 Emerfon an apprentice aged 20 Mrs. Twaddle aged about 50 Mifs Dickson aged 54 Mrs. Mary Stedman aged about 65 Child of Thomas Warland aged 1 months Child of John Warland aged 16 months Mrs. Anna Morse aged 55 Mrs. Hannah Marsh aged 66 Dr. William Kneeland aged 56 Mrs. Manning aged 46 Mr. Ireland aged 70. Infant child of Mr. Dixon Mrs. Coolidge aged 85. Cesar a negro man Servant to President Willard aged about 40 Mrs. Locke wife of Locke belonging heretofore to Menotomy aged 35. Pompey Phillips aged about 40 Mr. Kidder aged 87 ) Mrs. Kidder aged 72 j Juried in the same grave Mrs. Piper aged 58 Child of Betsey Norton about 6 months Thomas Hastings aged 35 Mark a Negro man in the service of Judge Lee aged 22 Mr. Cook aged about 45 Mrs. Watson wife of William Watson aged 27 Widow Prentifs aged 76 Mrs. Mary Holyoke Relict of ReV' President Holyoke aged 92 Dr. Isaac Rand aged 72 (Following copied from a Mem^'"™ of. Deacon Hill) [By Dr. A. Holmes.] Rev'' Timothy Hilliard in the 44"^ year of his age. i; rOO May 6. Sept. •22. Oct. 1. 7. 24. Nov. 13 1 791 Jan> 30 Feb. 12. April 16, March April 22 Eecords of the First Church m Comhridge. 211 Widow Haunah Winthrop aged 04. Isaac Bradish "\Vid. Lydia Watson aged 85 Wid. P^lizabeth Chanipney Wid Martha Prcntifs John Gilmore Polly Wyeth aged 35. Lydia Munroe aged 13. Edward Winship's child [Edward] aged 4 months. Julia Hilliard aged 8 years Wid. Carpenter aged 67 William How aged 71 Sarah Hill aged 42 Eunice daughter of Ebenezer Bradish aged 3 (At W W'° Watson's) See Book 11 p. 87 &c. P. II for deaths from A.D. 1792 . (162) ChII.DREN BAPTiZED BY T. HiLLIARD. 1787 Nov. 11. Elizabeth Cotton of Maj'' John Hastings Thomas ofThomas Rand Nov. 18. Richard Henry of Hon'^'«^ Fraicis Dana Margaret Bromfield of Mr. Profefsor Pearson. Elizabeth of Joseph Read Charles of John Warlaud John of John Shed Jacob Sheafe of ReV' President Willard Jacob Hill of Joseph Bates Lucy of Dr. Gammage Nancy of Benjamin Cox Betsey of Samuel Tufts George of John Choate Harriot of ReV T. Hilliard Elizabeth of T. Fillebrown Joseph of John Palmer Joshua of Mr. Bull at Boston Nathaniel of John Goodwin Joanna of Richard Gardner Lydia Hastings of Jonas Wyelh 3rd. Dec. 9. Dec. 16. 1788 Jan> 13'" J any 27. May May July 6. July 13. July 20. July 27. Aug. 3. Aug. 3. Aug. 2-1. 278 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1788 Sept. 7. Sept. 14. Sept. 28 Dec. 14. Dec. 21 1789 Feb>- 8. March 1. Marct I 8. March 29. Ap. 19. May 24. June 21. June 28. July 12. (163) July 19 Aug. 2. Sept. 6. Oct. 18. Oct. 24. Nov. 1. Nov. 15. Nov. 22. Dec. 6. Dec. 20. Dec. 27. 1790 Feby 21. Feb>- 28. March 7 April [ 18 April 24 "William of Samuel Kent Benjamin of Thomas Rand Eunice of Ebenezer Bradifh Esq. Samuel of Walter Cox. Mary of William Watson Polly of Dea" Munroe. Nathaniel Tufts of John Stone. Richard & Alexander Sons of Betsy Nelson Thomas Brattle of Mr. Caleb Gannett Charles of Charles Frothingham Andrew of Andrew Lopans Maria Waiuwright of Mr. Jonathan Hastings Moses of Elias Richardson Polly of Jonathan Wyatt Ebenezer of Ebenezer Stedman. Edmund Trowbridge of Maj. John Hastings Augustus of Josiah Moore Hannah of Zechariah Shed Edward Augustus of Profefsor Pearson Lucy of Thomas Warland. Elizabeth Ellery of Hon'''*' Francis Dana Jonas of Elijah Mead Charlotte of Ammi Cutter Lucy of Cap" John Palmer Katherine of Katherine Smith Charles of William Hunnewell Jofeph of Thomas Prentifs James of Jos'* Stacey Read Charles Holmes Calmady & Harriot Lane of John Williams Lucinda of Rev'' President Willard vSarah of Samuel Towusend Henry of Henry Dickson James of Dr. William Gammage Leonard of Thomas Fillebrown Henry of Jonas Wyeth 3'''. Christina Newton of M'" Jon^ Hastings. Polly Elliot of John Goodwin. 145 Hilliard. [Tlie following are in D'' Holmes' hand writing.] Records of the First Church In Cambridge. 279 Jonatbau of John & Mary Stone (by M'' Greenough.) John of Richard Gardner (by M'" Kendall.) Edward of Edward «fe Lucy Winfhip (by M^' Hitchcock). William of Joseph & Mary Bates | ^^,. ^^^^^^ Rebecca of Samuel Kent. J Sally of Thomas Rand "j George of Charles & Lydia M)y Pres'' Willard Frotliiugham J George of Samuel (Profefsor) & Rebekah Webber, by Pres' Willard. Sarah of Joseph & Eunice Reed (by M'' Smith Librarian.) Luke of John Shed by Prefid' Willard. Eunice of John Choate | by Mr. Smith Hannah of Thomas Gardner J Librarian. Leonard of Richard Cutter by M"^ Porter. Elizabeth Latham of Caleb «fe | , ^XQiW Catherine Gannett [ Willard Mary of Eilias «fe Mary Richardson ) July 24 William Warland of Josiah Moore) ^ ^^.^ ^ •^ - ^ , ,^r .. ^ By M^ Baxter Jonathan of Jonathan U yatt J '' Aug. 7 Clary of John Prentice by M'' Foster of Littleton. Sept. 1 1 Sarah Ann of Francis & Elizabeth Dana by M^' Mellen. (164) Oct. 9 Frederick of Jonathan PLastings. Edward of Edward Winship by A. Holmes. Oct. 30 Amelia of President Willard by M^' Jackson. Nov. 13. Samuel of Samuel Kidder by M'" Whitney. Dec. 25. Nathaniel of William & Lucy Gammage by A. H. The next entry is in Book 11. 1788 May 2. A Chh meeting notified the preceding Sabbath to chuse a Comm*^'' to enquire into the state of the Chh Stock &c. Voted That Dr. Wigglesworth, Mr. Gannett & Cap" Walton be a Comm**^** for this purpose. A request signed by 24 brethren desiring that the Practice of demanding public confefsions of those who have had chil- dren within seven months after marriage be laid aside, was read & after some conversation it was voted that all children June 20 27. July 25 Aug. 1. Oct. 10 Nov. 21. 1791. Jan. 2. 30 Feb. 6. Mar. 12 May 1 280 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. born in wedlock of parents neither of whom is in full commu- nion be admitted to baptism upon one or both the parents owning the Covenant. Aug^' 22. A Church Meeting notified the preceding Sabbath to re- ceive the Report of the Committee to enquire into the state of the Church Stock. The Report was read & the Church voted their acceptance of it. Voted That the Deacons be directed to obtain such monies be longing to the Ch'' as are in the hands of publick bodies of men & to put them out to private persons, from .whom they may recover the interest at stated seasons. Voted That thanks be presented to the Deacons & particularly to Deacon Hill for their attention & fidelity in taking care of the property belonging to the Church. It appeared that the Deacons have in their hands in securities of all kinds, £ s d £ s d 280.1.10|^ besides 1.15.7 for contingencies, See the report on the files. A Church Meeting June 5^'^ [1789] notified the Lord's day Preceeding to chuse a Committee to enquire into the State of the Chi' stock. Voted that this Committee consist of three. M''. Gannett, M'". Winthrop & Captn Walton were chosen. A Church Meeting July 24, The Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Ch'^ Stock reported & it appeared that the £ s d Deacons have in their hands 310 2 Of The amount of the fund ajjpropriated to £ 8 d the use of the poor of the Ch'^ amounted to 76 4 2 (165) Voted That the Report of the Committee be accepted & that the thanks of the Chh be given to Deacon Hill for his generous services in making provision for the Communion & taking care of the property of the Chh. N. B. It appeared that the third part of the income of the Chh Stock to be paid to the Parish Treas"" the first day of April next is three pounds thirteen shillings & ten pence, report on the files. Records of the First CJinrch hi Cambridge. 281 At a Church Meeting June 1790, notified the Lord's day preceding. Voted 1 . That Deacon Gideon Frost be Moderator. Voted 2. That T^Ir. Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop Esq^ & Timothy Tufts Esq^ be a committee to examine the state of the Church Stoclv and the Poors fund in the hands of the Dea- cons & make report. Attest Gideon Frost, Moderator. Att a Church Meeting, September, y*^^ 27, 1790. notified the Lord's day preceeding Voted 1. That Deacon James Munroe be Moderator of this meeting. The Committee appointed to Enquire into the State of the Church fund reported & it appeared that the Deacons have in tlieir hands in money & Public & private securities unappropriated £331 : : 4 : 8i The amount of the fund appropriated to the use of the poor ^0= ^'-^^ Voted that the report of the Committee be accepted. Voted that the thanks of the Church be given to the Dea- cons and particularly to Deacon Hill for his care & trouble in negotiating the fund & making provision for the Com- munion for which he Declines receiving any Compensation, report on the files Attest James Munroe Moderator. At a church Meeting June y*^^ G 1791. notified the Lord's day preceeding Voted 1 . That Deacon Aaron Hill be moderator of this meeting. Voted 2. That Mr. Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop Efq' & Timothy Tufts Efq'' be a Committee to Examine the State of the Church fund and advise the Deacons in the management of g.i fi,„a. Aaron Hill, Moderator. (166) At a Church Meeting Au-ust y^ 15. 1791. notified the Lord's day preceeding. Vote y*^ 1. That Aaron Hill be moderator of this meeting. 282 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The committee appointed June y® 6. to Examine into the State of the Church fund and advise the Deacons in the management of said fund made report Avhich was accepted by the Church. It appeared by Said report that the Deacons have iu their Hands in Public & private Securities of the unappropriated fund 343.6.8 Of the fund appropriated for the use of the poor 80.3.2^ See report on file. Voted that the Deacons be a committee with DKcresouar^' power Either to Loan the Treasurer's Note in their hands or to Dif- pose of it for the benefit of the Church. Attest. Aaron Hill Moderator. (167) At a meeting of the first Church of Christ in Cambridge October y*^ 19, 1791 to deliberate and act on the Subject of Choosing a Paftor of this Church. Deacon Aaron Hill was Chosen Moderator. Voted That the members of this Church are now ready to proceed to the choice of a Paftor. Voted. That the Church proceed to the Choice of a Paftor by ballot or written votes. The votes being Collected it appeared that there were nineteen Votes Eighteen of which were for the ReV* Abiel Holmes whereupon it was declared that the Rev^ Abiel Holmes was Elected. Voted That the Election of the Rev^' Abiel Holmes to the Paftoral office of this Church be declared in writing to the Inhabitants of this Parish, that if it be agreable to them they Concur therewith. Voted That Mr. Caleb Gannett, Aaron Hill, & Gideon Froft be a Committee to Communicate to the Rev*^ Abiel Holmes the pro- ceedings of the Church. Attest Aaron Hill moderator. On December 1791 The following Letter from the Rev** Abiel Holmes containing his Answer to the forementioned in- vitation was communicated after divine Service. New Haven Dec' 5, 1791. Gentlemen The invitation and call to become your settled Pastor, as exprefsed in the respective votes of the first Church and Parish in Cambridge of the 19"' and 2P' of October, which Becord^ of the First Church in Cambridge. 283 you were pleased to present me before 1 left Cambridge, have been ever since, under my most serious consideration. The sud- (168)dennefs of the application, together with the peculiar difficulty and importance of the Station to which you invited me, called for a very deliberate attention to the Subject. Your benev- olence will, I doubt not, excufe the length of time which I have taken for a final decision. In respect to the oflice. Gentlemen, of which you have asked my acceptance, I can truly say, I consider it as above my years and my impiove- mei^s. But the singular candor with which you received me and my ministrations, while I was with you, and the remark- able unanimity with which the transactions relative to my pro- posed settlement among you were conducted, silence my objections on this head. Upon the whole after weighing this matter with serions de- liberation and witli prayers to the Father of Lights for guidance and direction, I have judged it my duty to accept this invita- tion and to give up myself to the pastoral service among you and accordingly, I do hereby signify my acceptance of this call of the Church and Society to settle in the work of the ministry among them. This you will be [)leased to communicate to them as my answer. I ask a remembrance in your prayers ; and intend by the permifsion of divine Providence, to be with you in the course of the next week. In the mean time I remain Gentlemen with much respect & esteem Your obedient and very humble Servant Abiel Holmes. Deacon Aaron Hill, and the other Gentlemen of the Coumnttee. To be communicated to the first Church and Society at Cambridge. (169) At a meeting of the first Church of Christ in Cambridge December 26"^ 1791, notified the Lord's day preceeding Deacon Aaron Hill Moderator. Vote 1. That the following Churches with their Pastors be requested to afsist in the installation of the ReV' Abiel Holmes, viz. 284 Records of the First Church in Cambridge . The Chinch in Waltham, the Church in Brookliue, the Church in Lexington, the second and third Churches in Cambridge, the Church in Federal Street, Boston and the Rev*^ President of the University in Cambridge. Vote 2. That the following Brethren, Thomas Lee, Caleb Gannett, and James Winthrop be a Committee to confer with the Rev*^ Abiel Holmes respecting the time of his installation and whether he desire any addition to the aforementioned Clmrches. Tlie afores'' Committee having executed the bufinefs af- signed them, reported. That the Pastor elect nominated the following Churches with their Pastors viz. The Church in Yale College, The first Church in New Haven, The Church in Charlestowu. the Churches under the pastoral care of the Rev'' Simeon Howard DD. & the Rev'' John LathropDD. in Boston and the ReV' President of Yale College. That he proposed Wednesday the twenty fifth of January as the day of Instal- lation. Vote 3. That the aforesaid Report be accepted, and that the Church concur with the proposals of the Pastor elect. Vote 4. That the Moderator, Thomas Lee. Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop and Gideon Frost be a Committee to write Letters mifsive to the Pastors & Churches aforesaid requesting their presence and afsistance. Vote 5. That Caleb Gannett, Thomas Lee, Aaron Hill. James Winthrop, Gideon Frost, Timothy Tufts and James Munro be a Committee to communicate to the Installation Council (170) the proceedings of the Church Vote 6. That the foregoing proceedings be communicated to the Inhabitants of the Parish, at their next meeting. The following is a copy of the Letter sent to the several Churches &c. requested to afsist at the Installation of the ReV' Abiel Holmes. " The first Churcli of Christ in Cambridge to the Cluirch of Christ in. Greeting : " Directed as we hope by an all wise Providence, we have " agreed with the ReV Abiel Holmes to become our Pastor. " Wednesday the 25th Instant is appointed for his Installa- " tion. We request your afsistance by your Pastor and " delegates on that solemn occasion. We solicit your Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 285 '' prayers, aud we wish you grace, mercy and peace from " our common Lord. " Cambridge Jany 2, 1792. Aaron Hill \ Committee " To the Kev" Thomas Lee I j,^ ^^^^^^ " To be communicated. Caleb Gannett [ ^ .i James WinthropJ d^m.^j » Gideon Frost. " Mem'' The Council are desired to meet at " at the Parsonage house precisely at " 10 o'clock A. M." On the 25"' of January 1792 at 10 o'clock the Several Churches by theii' Representatives convened at the Parsonage house. The Rev' Joseph Willard, DD. President of the University was chosen Moderator of the Ecclesiastical Council then formed. After a prayer by the Moderator, the proceedings of the Church and Parish were delivered to him by the Committees appointed for that purpose, as were M' Holmes' Letter of ac- ceptance, together with papers relative to his difmifsion fn^m Midway in Georgia. No objections being made the Council agreed that they were satisfied. They then adjourned to dine at M"" Owen Warlauds. After dinner, the Pastor elect was voted a Member of this Church by the Brethren then convened. The Council with the Pastor Elect preceded by the Church and as many of the Inhabitants of the Parish as were present (171) proceeded to the meeting house, where the Rev'' Abiel Holmes was solemnly installed Pastor of this Church and Society in the following manner. The Rev*^' M"" Jackson of Brookline began with prayer. The Rev'' James Dana DD. of New Haven preached a sermon from John 7.16. My doctrine is not mine but his that sent me. The Rev*' M^' Clark of Lexington prayed after Sermon. The Rev'' M'" Cushing of Waltham gave the Charge. The Rev'' M'' Porter of Little Cambridge gave the right hand of fellowship and the Rev'' Simeon Howard, DD. of Boston made the Concluding prayer. The fifth hymn in D^ Watts' collection 286 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. of hymns was then sung. The Solemnity was then eonchided by a solemn benediction pronounced by the Rev'* M'' Holmes. Throughout the whole procefs the greatest order decency and harmony were obsevable. Soli Deo Gloria. [Page 172 Blank,] (173) Memorandum. [By A. Holmes] Mefs''*^ Hooker & Stone, Copaftors, first settled at Cam- bridge, then removed with the whole Church to Hartford. Sold houfes to new Cluirch which M"" Shepard brought out of Eng- land 1635. M"* S. was properly the first minister of the first church now in Cambridge. He died 1649 ^t 44. was suc- ceeded by M'' Jonathan Mitchel who was ordained by neigh- boring pastors A. D. 1650. the ReV' John Cotton gave the Right Hand of fellowship. He died A. D. 1668 ^t. 43. M' Uriau Oakes who had been minister at Titchfield in England, and was ejected in 1662, was applied to by the Church and So- ciety to succeed him. they sent over two invitations, and on the second he came, and took charge of the Church in 1671 . He was for some years president of Harvard College as well as pastor of the Church in Camb. He died 1681 -^t. 50. and was suc- ceeded by M'' Nathaniel Gookin who was in the ministry 10 about 8 years and died 1692. ^t 34. He was for a time a afsistaut Colleague with Presid* Oakes. M"" William Brattle, his suc- cefsor, was ordained Nov. 25. 1696. The Rev'' Mefs'^'^ Increase Mather, Charles Morton of Charlestown, M'' Allen of Boston old Chh. Samuel Willard of Boston 3^'' Chh, laid on hands, M>" Williard gave the right hand of fellowship. M"" Brattle died A. D. 17{f Aet. 55. Rev Nathaniel Appleton Succeeded, or- dained Oct. 9. 1717. He was born at Ipswitch 1693, son of Hon. John Appleton. his mother the eldest daughter of Presi- dent Rogers. D"" Increase Mather preached his ordination sermon &gave the charge. Dr. Cotton Mather gave the right hand of fellowship. Rev. M'' Angier of Watertown & M"^ Rogers of Ipswitch afsisted in the ordination, all laying on hands. They had Mefsengers of the churches. D"" Stiles " from M'' Appleton's Chh Records & ex ore ejus." "All the Records precede settlement of M'" Brattle, lost " Id. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 287 (174) Deacons Choseu.* 1704/5 Mar. 22 Mr. Samuel Cooper 1705 June 7. Nathaniel Hancock 1717/18 Jan. 22. j Joseph Coolidge ( Samuel Kidder 1724 Aug;. 5. 734 Ap. 12. 738 May 5. 741 Nov. 24. Ob Jan. 7. 1717/18 ob 1719 Ob. 1737 Ob. 1724 ob. before 1734 Ob. before 1741 ob 4 April 1774 ob before 1741 Nathaniel Sparhawk Samuel Bowman Samuel Sparhawk John Bradish Henry Prentice Samuel Whittemore Three now living viz. Mefs''^ Sparhawk, Prentice, and Whittemore. There was a Deacon Hastings 1696. D'" Stiles fr. Mr. Appletons Records & ex ore ejus. credo A. D. 1768 A. Holmes. (p. 135) 1774 Sept. 8. Aaron Hill ob. Oct. 24 1792 (p. 136) 1777 May 18. Stephen Sewall Prof, of Hebrew &c. Ob July 1804 ^t. 71 . (p. 141) 1783 June 30. | Gideon Frost Ob. July 1. 1803 Aet 80. I James Munro ob. Sept 15. 1804 ^t. (B.n.p. 7) 1792 Nov. 19. John Walton ob Nov. 1823 Aet. 80. 1804 Apr. .5. AVilliam Hilliard 1805 Jan. 4. Josiah Moore ob. May 1. 1814 iEt 67 1818 Aug. 2. James Munro [pages 174 to 178 Blank] (179) LAW. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and two. AN ACT. To set off Nathaniel Prentifs and others, from the town of Char- leftown, in the County of Middlefex, and annex them to the town of Cambridge, in the same County. Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefenta- tives in General Court affembled, and by the authority of the same. That Nathaniel Prentifs, Jofiah Willington, Stephen Goddard, Benjamin Goddard, and Nathaniel Goddard, together with the lands • For Ruling Elders and early deacons see preface. 288 Becords of the First Church in Caruhridge. fituated within tlie following lines, viz — Beginnin«> at the fouth eafterly fide of the houfe lot of Stephen Goddard, at the point where the boundary line between (aid houfe lot and the lands of Walter Froft interfects the north-eafterly line of Cambridge : thence running north eafterly by said boundary line, to the road leading by the houfe of Timothy Tufts ; thence north-wefterly by faid road, to the line which divides the lands of Nathaniel Goddard from the lands of Nathan Watfon ; thence fouth-westerly by the line laft mentioned to Cambridge line ; thence fouth-eafterly by Cambridge line, to the point of beginiug, be and hereby are set off from the town of Charlef- town and annexed to the town of Cambridge. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted that the faid Nathaniel Prentifs, Jofiah Willington, Stephen Goddard, Benjamin Goddard, and Nathaniel Goddard, with fuch parts of their eftates as are fet off by this act, shall be held to the payment of all taxes already affeffed upon them by the town of Charleftown, and alfo be held to the payment of their refpective proportions of the debts due from the town of Charlef- own, (after deducting therefrom the School funds,) as follows viz. — Nathaniel Prentifs, fourteen dollars ; Jofiah Willington, fourteen dollars; Stephen Goddard, twelve dollars; Benjamin Goddard, eleven dollars ; Nathaniel Goddard, nine dollars ; and the town of Charlefton fhall have a right to alTefs the leveral funis aforefaid on the Polls and Eftates fo fet off, at any time within one year from the paffing of this act. if the fame fhall not be paid to the treafurer of faid town prior to fuch affeffment. In the Houfe of Reprefentatives March 5, 1802. This Bill having had three feveral readings, paffed to be enacted Edw. H. Robbius, Speaker. In Senate, March 6, 1802. This Bill having had two feveral readings, paffed to be enacted. David Cobb, Prefident. March 6, 1802. By the Governor Approved CALEB STRONG. A true Copy Atteft John Avery, Secretary. (181) [Page 180 Blank] 1824 July 2. Exchange of a small part of the Parsonage land for land adjoining Records of the Fird CJinrcli in Cambridge. 289 At a meeting of the Congregational Church in the First Parish in Cambridge, on the second day of July A. D. 1824. VVheteas William Hilliard and James Munroe, the Deacons of the Congregational Church in the First Parish in Cambridge are seized, as such Deacons of the Parsonage, consisting of about four acres of land and a dwelling house and other out buildings thereon situated in said Parish in said Cambridge, and have agreed with Doct, Thomas Foster of said Cambridge to convey to him in fee. a small part of said Parsonage land on the easterly side thereof in exchange for a parcel of said Foster's land on the easterly side thereof, to be conveyed by said Foster in fee, to said Deacons, to hold in succession, for the use and benefit of said Church, which part of said parson- age is on the easterly side and said parcel of said Foster's land is on the westerly side of the line herein after described, to wit a line beginiug at a point in the southern l)ounuary of said parsonage 123 feet 8i inches west from the easterly end of said Foster's stone wall which extends westerly to said line ; and then said line runs northerly, the whole lengtli of said parsonage as the new fence now stands to a point which is 101 feet 8|- inches from the southeasterly end of the divisional line between said parsonage land and that of Abraham Biglow Esquire, which first mentioned line is understood and intended to be same with the line described in the vote of said Parish, passed on the 9"' art in the warrant for the meeting of the in- habitants of said Parish on the 8"^ day March 1824, relating to said exchange and containing the agreement of said parish to make the same. (182) Voted, that the above mentioned exchange be made and that brothers Abel Whitney and Jonas Wyeth be a committee of said church to express the consent of said Church to said con- veyance, to be made by said Deacons to said Thomas Foster of the above described part of said Parsonage land, and to make and execute in behalf of said Church a suitable writing to express such consent to said conveyance, when made, but subject to the condition, that said Foster shall pay all the ex- penses attending said exchange and of removing the old and building the new divisional fence. 290 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. At the annual meeting of the Church on the day above men- tioned the Vote recorded above was passed. Attest Abiel Holmes Pastor. [The following notes are in the hand writing of the Rev. William Brattle and are on pages at the back of the book.] Anno 1699. Apr. 1. 10 trees of M"". Lev^^ f^t. die 3^°. 10 more bought of Ellis 3^ p tree, V^" 6 more of G. Frost root trees. 17. Dug up y*^ knot & made an end of gardning 19^': Began y** first p"^ & fet y^ Goofeberry bufhes March 31. Apr: 19. Then planted y^ (squashes and) cucumers [Sume squashes] Apr. 1. 21. Then plowed y*^ field & planted y'^ corn y** outside row is red ears and beans. th 1700 Apr. 22. Graffed 7 trees w Harveys & Permains PM-" Bright. Planted y^ Orch'd May 1. 1698. th April 8. 1701. Graffed 4 trees y*^ outer row 2 lowest w Gillyflowers, th ye other w M"" Goffe's permains, p M"^ Saltonft. Anno 1700 Apr. 30. Set up y® boord Fence beyond y*^ Ore*' abt 1200 boords at 36 p 1000 Nails ab* 400^ 4.6^' Pofts 26 Labour 12.6 Folded y® sheep 6 nights from May 8 to May 14. 4.11. Anno 1700 July 17. Set up the Garden back fence Anno 1701 Aug. 23. Set up the boored fenc e ab^ the Orchards u 1000 boords cost w brought up 1.17. s d Nails 400—4.0 Labour y« 2 Hicks & s d John Lacore 7.0. Posts. 2. 2. 2. 3 4.05. 0. 6. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 291 March 21, 1706Graffed 5 apple trees in y^ garden w*'' russettings & permain & fiqni palling &c. the pound pair by y"' Coop «fe 2 pound p""* in y^ garden y*" warden by y'^' South gate being grafted y^ Saturday before I brought it from M*" Bradstreet's Anno 1697. The winter this year (1697) was a very fevere winter for th Cold & Snow: The ground was covered w Snow from y*^ beginning of December toy*^ middle of March : Many fnows, one upon another, in February it was Judg'd to be 3 foot & an half deep on a levell. Feb. 21a pleasant afternoon, spring ch weather for 4 or 5 dayes w fettled y® fnow. March 14 fell a fnow 3 or 4 inches deep on y*^ old fnow : it turned into a driz- ch zling rain w continued all y*^ next day, & at night ab^ 8'' It thundered & Lightened & rain'd hard in fhowers. The next day was windy & fair y« snow much wafted, M"" Cook's Hill in y® neck bare of fnow & many fpots of ground now appeared : Charlestown Ferry was frozen up fo that y^ Boat did not go over once from January 17 to Feb. 28. 6 weeks Compleat: ch In w time I rode over upon y^ Ice from y^ Ferry place to M"" Broughtons warehoufe 3 times, & twice back again : y*^ River was frozen up 2 weeks before y^ ferry boates ceafed going fo that people went over on foot, only in that fortnight's time for three days y*^ Ice was fo broke that people did not venture to walk over. Mar. 24. In y^ morn a storm of snow 3 or 4 inches deep. It ch turn'd into rain w carried away all y*^ fnow. People much ftrait'ned for want of Hay ys Spring March 17, 97.8 a publick faft. 98 Apr. 4 & 5 Our garden was digg'd, Bufhes fet & feeds fown Apr. 5. y® great peafe & Bofton peafe were planted alfo y*^ carr*^ feed & Parfn &c. fownf . Oats fown Apr 2 : Goofe berry bufhes planted & y** firft beans March 28. Apr. 15 1798 Before ys we fet out Turnips, cut a mess apr. 15. Apr. 10. 98. A Summei'S day &, fo was all ys week exceeding warm ch & dry only 12 day on w had a S. E. rain. The Summer following y^ hard Winter was a very fruitful, Summer, only for apples, much rain, no blaft, bug or ye like at- tending "Wheat Rye or peafe. No froft to damnifye y*^ Indian 292 Records of the First Church in Camhridge. corn. The winter after (viz: 1798) moderate little snow, only Feb. 14. a violent Searching ftorm of fnow. A dry Spring .99. Anno 1699 Nov. 28. Trees laden & many broke down by y^ Ice &c. M' Eliott came to board with us Dec. 21. 97. Tuesday went away die ven. B MT. paid me 7 from J. Cheny bee. he was not rated &c. Mar. 27. 1700. pd. Sarah Feb. 24. 96. to that day 1.10.0 75 Ova (March 30 99/1700) [in] Salt. Pd. Sarah Bradifh 3 pds in Full to Feb. 24. 99/700 Set out turnips and Cab. Stumps Feb. 24. 99/700 planted d E. beans. 11 1™ & 15 furnifhed getting up y^ parfnips. I was taken fick of a Feaver Sabbath day Feb. 11. 15*^ very ill near to death I was opprefs'd and pent up in my Spirits. I took a vomit of y^ wine physic after it had done working my Ilnefs wrought gently downwards, it gave me eafe, that ni^ht and y^ next day no fleep but drowfy and ftill took w° y® illness wrought downward nothing but hot bear & water porrage & feaver balfam (fennel) in warm water for 30 hours. Feb. 22. Went down. 24 to Coz Olivers. Deo fit gloria Amen. Feb. 27. Gave Sar" 10 &c. March 21. 99/700 Sowed Parfnips, Onyons, Some Carretts & Parfley. Sow Onyons &c. a day or two before y*^ full in March. March 22. Set out y'' Goofeberry bufhes from M»' Cooper's & D'- Clarks. March 23 Sow'd y*^ Turnips feed & fet more Indian beans. March 21. We planted y*^ Currant hedges. March 25. Planted y« 2 little Mulberry trees: alfo My Sister Eyre's Peach trees, plum tree & Cherry tree : May 27. Sowed y® laft bed of Carrets. 18. 1700 Planted 3 peach ftones, 2 fmaller ftones & 6 cherry ftones [rec'd from] Couf . 01. That came from Eng'*^ : [planted] ag* south fence y*^ bord Mark'd. The 2 fmlr ftones by one another & y*^ 6 cherry st. thus : : : 4 inches (dift't) Records of the First Church in Cambridge 293 26 1700/1 I put 7 great pease [into the ground.] 1700/1 Mar. 6. I planted Eng' beans. March 7. I planted y*^ great peafe & Turnip feed fown. Marcli 12. Digg'd up y® parfnips fitted y' fquare fowed foine parfnips, Onyons & Garrets, alfo remove y*" Rofe bufhes to y*^ South Fence & y*" sprouts from y^ Quince trees. April 19, 1701. planted y*^ Ind. beans. May 24. 1701. p'' Sarah 3p'i in full to faid day. Sarah Bradish 3.0.0. to Aug. 24. 1700. Paid Sarah, Oct. 1700 to 24 Nov. 1700. Mem"'"^' (By. Rev'* N. Appleton) The winter in y^ year 1740 is agreed by those y' are in years a™^' us was Con- siderably a more Severe Winter then that of 1697. there were as large quantities of Snow & y*^ Ferry was froze over for a longer Space. People thro' y*^ Country put to Extreme difficulty to get wood. Hay Extremely Scarce in y*^ Spring & multitudes of Cattle dyed. It was a backward Spring, y*" Englifh grass pretty good, y'' Englifh corn Indifferent, y'' Indian Harveft plenty, but by reafou of y** Scarcity y^ foregoing Summer y^' price was very high. The ferry was frozen So as y*^ pple travelled over from Christmas to ye tenth of March, more than ten Weeks. Mem''''^ The Winter 1747 was very Severe, not so much for y'' Extremity of ye cold as for y*' great quantity of Snow. We had about 30 Snows and lefs of thawing Weather than ulual So y^ y*^ Snows lay upon y® ground till it came to be 4 or 5 feet deep. So y'^ it was Exceeding difficult pafsing from place to place. Ye 25*'^ of March 1748 y'" was 2 or 3 feet of Solid Snow on a level att y* day y*" Snow was on y^' Back Side of my house about 4i feet high, was up to y'^ middle of y*^ window. But God so order y'^ Seafons y' in a few days of South wind without any rain it went off, so y' on y' first day of april I had my Garden Sowed & planted with Onions, Carrots, Parsnips, Pease, Beans &c. CHURCH RECORDS MDCCXCII This BOOK is Divided into two Parts and Each Part is Distinctly paged. CONTENTS OF PART I Plate belonging to the Church page 1 Transactions of the Church 4 &c — — — relating to a Church library 46, 47, 54-57 CONTENTS OF PART II Admifsions to Full Communion Page I Renewal of Covenant 19 Baptisms 25 Marriages 73 Deaths 87 RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN CAMBRIDGE. COPY of a Communication from William Winthrop Esq. " Sir. D^ Dana in a Note* (page 33) has given a list of the Ministers in this Parish, which I believe is not so correct as the one I now send. As the Church Records in the earlier times, I am told, are incomplete, perhaps you may think it adviseable to deposit this list, with their other papers. With regards I remain (*Sermon at my Installation, A. H.) Sir, May 19, 1795. Your most hble Serv*, Rev. M"-. Holmes W^ Winthrop 1. Rev. Thomas Hooker, ordained October 11, 1633, M*" Samuel Stone his Afsistant. M'" Hooker (removed with many of his Parish) to Hartford in Connecticut June 1636, and there died July 7, 1647 ^t. 61. M^ Stone went with him to the same place, and there died July 20, 1663. 2. Rev. Thomas Sheppard, ordained Feb. 1, 1736, and died Aug, 25, 1649 JEt 44 3. Rev. Jonathan Mitchell, ordained Aug. 25, 1650 & died July 9, 1668 Mt. 43 4. Rev. Uriah Oakes, ordained November 8. 1671, chosen President pro tern of Harv, Coll. 1675, & President Feb. 2. 1679, Died July 25, 1681 ^t. 50. 5. Rev. Nathaniel Gookins, who had been an Afsistant to M' Oakes (when President), ordained Nov. 15, 1682, & died Aug. 7. 1692 ^t. 34. 6. Rev. Wilham Brattle, ordained Nov. 25, 1696, died Feb. 15. 1716-17, ^.t. 55. 7. Rev. Nathaniel Appleton, ordained Oct. 9. 1717, died Feb. 9. 1784 Aet. 91 (297) 298 Records of the First Church in Cambridge, 8. Rev. Timothy Hilliard, installed Oct^ 27, 1783, died May 9. 1790 Aet 44 9. Rev. Abiel Holmes, installed January 25, 1792." ' ' Memo. The name of the town of Newtown was altered to that of Cambridge in May 1638." PARTI: (1) Plate belonging to the first Church in Cambridge. 1692 6 Tankards N''. 1 & 2 Inscription "The Gift of M^ William Wilcockes to the Church of Christ in Cambridge N. E. Anno Domini 1654." N°. 3. "Belonging to the Church of Christ in Cambridge 1724." No. 4. ' ' Belonging to the Church of Christ in Cambridge. ' ' No. 5 "The Gift of M''. John Cooper to the Church of Christ, in the body of the town of Cambridge 1731." No. 6. "Ex dono Pupillorum 1734." A Coat of Arms, Crest a lion rampant. 4 Cups. No. 1 & 2. "The Gift of Richard Jackson C. C." No. 3. "C. Church S. B. 1679." No. 4. "For the Church of Cambridge." 1 Spoon. Mark-S-W-H. 4 Pewter Flagons. 6 Dishes. A. D. 1826. Two of the Tankards (5 & 6) and two cups were recast (3 & 4) and two cups altered in such a manner, as now make seven cups of a uniform shape and size. A new silver spoon and six Britania ware dishes, "more adapted to the use for which they are de- signed" were also procured. REPORT of Comtek q^ alterations of Church Plate Read and accepted 5 May 1826. " The Committee appointed by the Church, at their meeting in Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 299 December last, to make alterations in some of the articles of plate belonging to the Church, for the Communion service, have attended to that duty, and report as follows: — ' ' That they have caused two of the Tankards and two cups to be re-cast-and also two cups to be altered in such manner, as make seven cups of a uniform shape and size. (2) " They have also procured a new silver spoon, and six Britauia ware dishes, more adapted to the use for which they are designed, than those formerly used. The expenses attendant upon these alterations and improvements have been drawn from the funds belonging to the Church, an abstract of which is hereto annexed D"". Expense of recasting 5 cups and altering two $114.41 Marking Seven d°. 5.00 Six Britannia ware Dishes 3.50 21.00 $140.41 C^ By 78 ounces of silver at 7/ per ounce 91.00 By 48 lb. old pewter, at 18 cts 8.64 By cash paid from the Church funds 40.77 $140.41 "Your Committee are of the opinion, that by thus taking from the capital of the Church fund the sum of $40. 77, they have added much to the value and convenience of the service of plate, for the future use of the Church. All which is submitted by Cambridge May 5th 1826. William Hilliard | q^j^^^^j^^ ,, pr order of the -' The above is a true copy of the Report as read & accepted 5 May 1826 A. Holmes Pastor. 1792 (4) July 6. At a Meeting of the Church, the Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, and of the Fund Appropriated to the Poor of the Church, made the following REPORT: 300 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. "The Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock &c have attended that bufinefs, and now offer the following statement, which exhibits the Stock as reported June 30, 1791 — with monies since received by the Deacons, and as it now exists in their hands, viz : " The Deacons of the P*- Church in Cambridge to the Chh, D^ 1791 June 30. To amount of Securities for monies by them put on interest P"" Report of that date Prinpi 303 . . 7 . . 7i 1792 To interest due on d^ to June 30. 1791. 28 . . . . | To Cash in the Deacon's hands for conting* Exp. 1. 19. 10 June 30. To int* due on £303 . . 7 . . i from June 30 1791 to this day To contribution from do to do 1792 '' Supra June 30. By Owen & Thomas Warland's bond May 22. 1787 By Gideon Frost's Note June 15. 1787 By Josiah Moore & Oliver Fiske's bond July 25, 1787 By Seth Hasting 's bond & mortgage June 1. 1788 By H. Packard & Eben'' Stedman's Note July 18. 1787 By Gideon Froft's note Sept. 18,1789. By Jona. Winship Treaf'' of the third Parish in Cambride:e Note Oct. 4. 1790 By Treaf urer Hodgdon's note Jan. 1. 1791 BaH By Nathan & William Watson's bond March 17, 1792 By Nathaniel Appleton Esqr's Certif. Aug. 26, 1791. 18. .4. • i 5. .8. . 2 £356. , 19 . .8^ C^ 5. . 7. .4 1 7. 10. .0 6. 30, ,.7. 10 5. _ _ 6. 13. .8 33 . .9. .5 6. 16. .0 70. 106. 12. .2 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 301 By Cash paid Parish Treasurer one third of the Interest of the private Securi- ties to Ap. 1792 4 . . 3 . . ByEben'"& Jacob Wyeth's bond March 1, 1792 12 . . . . - By W" Watson, Eben'" Wyeth & Nath. Watson's bond March 13, 1792 23 . . - . . - By expenses for Communion from June 30, 1791. 4.10. .1 By interest due on the foregoing Securi- ties, viz — On Owen & Thomas Warland 's bond from March 1. 1792 2. .2 On Gideon Frost's note from June 18, 1792 On Josiah Moore & 0. Fiske's bond from March 1, 1792 On Seth Hasting 's bond from March 1, 1792 On H. Pachard & E. Stedman's note from March 18, 1791 On Gideon Frost's note from March 18, 1792 On Jonathan Winship's note from March 1, 1792 On Treafurer Hodgden's note from Jan. 1. 1792 On Nathan & W"^ Watson's bond from March 1. 1792 On Eben"" & Jacob Wyeth's bond from March 1. 1792 On W^ Watson & al bond from March 13, 1792 On Naty Appleton's certificate from Jan. 1. 1792 Balance due from the Deacons to the Church ^ 2. .5 12. . 2 7. .8 2. .4 13. ^^ 4. . 1 1..8. .- 4. 10 8. . 2 3. .3. 11 28..- . .8i £356.19 . .8i 302 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. ' ' Deacon Hill engages to pay interest for twenty pounds of the above balance. The remainder, being eight pounds eight pence two farthings, is to be put at interest, except- ing what shall be necefsary to defray contingent charges. "The Deacons have made the Securities, in general pay- able on the same day, viz, the P* of March. " Deacon Hill has made no charge for his trouble in providing for the communion, nor for negotiating the funds, but generously gives it to the Church. "One third of the interest of the private Securities including that from the third Parish, is to be paid by the Deacons to, the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1793. and will amount to foup pounds ten shillings. — One third part of the interest due on the public Securi- ties, when obtained, is also to be paid to the said Parish Treafurer, purfuant to a vote of the Church pafsed on the 18*^ of June 1773. ' ' The above we find to be the true state of the un- appropriated fund in the hands of the Deacons, as it stands on this 30*^ day of June, A. D. 1792. 1792 (6) "We then proceeded to enquire into the state of the funds appropriated to the use of the poor of said Church and we find the Deacons to be indebted as follows : 1791 June 30. To Sundry Securities for money on inttpr Report 70.13. .5^ To interest due on d° June 30, 1 79 1 . 6 . . 2 . 1 H To interest of £70. .13. .5^ from June 30, 1791 to June 30, 1792. 4.. 4. 10 To cash in the hands of the Deacons June 30, 1791 1..6..3^ £82..7..6i Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 303 "Supra C^ 1792 June 30 By Joseph Bate's note, Dec-- 28, 1786 17. .-. .- By James Munro 's note March 16, 1788 5 . 16 . . 4i By Jonas Wyeth's jun''. note July 29, 1788. 2 . .-. .- By Jed. WilHngton Treaf. 2'^ Par. note Dec. 9. 1789 28. 15.. 4 By Nathan & W"^ Watson's note July 24. 1790 18. 10 By W" & Nathan Watfon's bond Oct. 13, 1791 15..-..- By money contributed to sundry widows 3. .3. .0 £72.13..6i "By interest due on the above securities, viz. On Joseph Bates' note from Dec. 28, 1788 3.11..6i On James Monro 's note from March 16, 1791 -..9..-^ On Jonas Wyeth's jun'" from Oct. 1. 1791 -. . 1 . . 10 On Jed^ Wilhngton's note from Dec. 19,1789 4.. 8.. 2 On Nathan & W™ Watson's note from July 24. 1790 2.. 2 On W" & Nathan Watson's bond from Oct. 13, 1791. 12. 10^ 9..5..7i Bal. due from the Deacons to the Poor's fund June 30 1792 8.. 5 £82.. 7.. 6^ ' ' This "appears to the Committee to be the true state of the fund on the thirtieth day of June 1792, being the day of annual settlement Caleb Gannett 1 Tim" Tufts r Committee." James Winthrop ) (7) "Cambridge June 30, 1792. We, the Deacons of the first Church of Christ in Cambridge, have attended the examina- 304 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. tion by the Committee into the state of the Church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds; and we hereby declare our agreement therein. Aaron Hill Gideon Frost James Munro." Voted — That the Report of the Committee be accepted-and- that the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Hill for his generous services in providing for the communion and negotiating the funds of the Church. 1792 Nov. 19. At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church, duly notified, for the purpose of electing a Deacon, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Deacon Hill — after a prayer for the Divine direction and blefsing, the brethren proceeded to bring in their written votes, an and it appeared that Cap* John Walton was unanimously* elected. *One vote (doubtlefs his own) excepted. Of 14 votes he had 13. After due consideration Cap* Walton accepted the office to which he was chosen, and exprefsed his accept- ance in the following letter to the pastor of the Church : "Rev'^, and Dear Sir, I received your official letter of the S'^ of Dec*" ' last, with the doings of the Church in this place of the ' 19*^ of Nov^ last, acquainting me that I was elected to ' the office of a Deacon of said Church — an election as 'unwished for as unexpected ; an office which I have not 'merited, nor had reason to expect, and which, I have 'reason to fear, will not be filled by me with that pro- ' priety which it requireth. But, having taken into serious 'consideration those arguments used in your letter, I 'find myself not entirely at my own disposal; from 'whence I believe it to be my duty to accept of the Call, ' and do comply with it : - begging your prayers that I 1793" Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 305 "might be enabled to so walk, as that I may not bring "a reproach on that Holy Religion which we profefs, and "to walk as one ought who profefses godlinefs — Hoping "for that candour from my brethren, which I stand in "need of, in this state of imperfection, I am, Cambridge Jany. 3. 1793. Sir, with respect "To the Rev. Abiel Holmes. Your Sincere Friend, John Walton. ' ' 1793 (8) Oct. 11. AT a Meeting of the Church, the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stocks, and of the Fund appropriated to the Poor of the Church, made the following REPORT: "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stocks &c. have attended that service, and now^ offer the following statement, which exhibits the Stocks as reported June 30*'^ 1792, with Monies since received by the Deacons, and as it now exists in their hands; viz- June 29 To amount of securities for monies by them put on interest as p'' Reports of June 30 1792 £332. 16.. 5 To interest due on ditto to June 30^^^ 1792 7 . . 9 . . 6 To cash in the Deacons hands for Conting*. expenses &c. 8.. -..8^ To Interest Rec'^ & due on the above Prin- cipal from June 30, 1792 to June 29, 1793 17. 10. .9 To Contribution from d^ to d^ 5.14. .5 £371.11. .9i ' ' Supra C--. "1793 June 29. By Owen & Tho« Warland 's bond May 22, 1787. £5.. 7.. 4 By Gideon Frost's Note June 15 7.10..0 By Hezekiah Packard & al. note July 18. 5. .-. .- By Josiah Moore & al. bond July 25 6. .-. .- 306 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage June 1. 1788 30.. 7. 10 By Gideon Frost's note Sept. 18, 1789 6. 13. .8 By John Winship, Treafurer of 3^^ Par. Camb. note Oct 4. 1790 33 . . 9 . . 5 By Eben'" & Jacob Wyeth's bond March 1. 1792 By Nathan & W". Watson's March 16 By WilHam Watson & al. bond March 13 By balance of Alex' Hodgden 's note Jany 1. 1791 By James Munro's note April 24, 1793 By Jona & W™ Stone's bond June 1. By bal. due from Aaron Hill's Estate By 6 pr cent Stocks By 3 pr cent D° By deferred D° By Nathi, Appleton Esq. Certif. of unaf- ■sumed debt 11.14. .6 By Cash p^ Par. Treafurer ^ of in. of the fund Apr. 1792 6..1..3 By expenses for communion to June 29, 1793 4.13.. 9 By Cash paid for Record Books &c. 13 . .2 By dificiency of int. charged as due on Nath^ Appleton 's certificate, June 30, 1792, by exchange for stock 1 . . 9 . . 3 12. .0. .0 70. .0. .0 23. .0. .0 3. .8. .0 7. 10. .0 15. .-. .- 17. .-. •8i 42. .3. .5 284. 10. •4i 31. 12. .7 21, .1. .8 (9) £361. 16.. 6^ By interest due on the foregoing securities On Owen & Tho^ Warland 's bond from March 1. 1793 -..8.. 7 On Gideon Frost's note from June 15 — . .4^ On Hezekiah Packard & al. note from March 18 . .7. .8 On Josiah Moore & al. bond from March 1 2. .5 On Seth Hastings' bond from March 1. 12. .2 2. .4 13. .4* 2. .-^ 4. .10 1 .15.2 > 1 ■n 1 .6 2 1 .- .5 12 .7 4 .9 1 17 .5 £371 11 .9i Records of the First Church m Cambridge. 307 On Gideon Frost's note from March IS On Jona Winship 's note from March 1 On Alex. Hodgden's note from Jan. 1. On Eben'" Jacob Wyeth's bond from March 1 On Nathan & W°^ Walton's bond from March 1 <1..8..0 On W™ Watson & al. bond from March 13, 1792 On James Munro's note from April 24, 1792 On Jon* & W" Stone 's bond from' June 1 , On Aaron Hill's balance from June 30, 1792 On 6 pr cent Stocks from April 1. 1793 On 3 pr cent Stock from D^ Balance due from the Deacons "Of the above balance of one pound 17-5, one pound 14-8isconsideredasduefrom thelate Deacon Hill's Estate, being six months interest of six and three percent stock, and not accounted for in a settlement with the Executor; which, when obtained, is with the refidue 2-9 to rest in the Deacons' hands to defray contingent expenses. ' ' The Deacons have made the Securities in general pay- able on the same day, viz the first of March. "Deacon Walton has made no charge for his trouble in negotiating the fund, nor Deacon Munro, in providing for the communion; but both generously gave the same to the Church. "One third of the interest of the foregoing securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge, on the first day of April 1794, and will amovmt to six pounds & two pence; pursuant to a Vote of the Church pafsed on the 18'^ of June 1773. ' ' The above we find to be the true statement of the unap- propriated Church Fund in the hands of the Deacons on this 29^'^ day of June A. D. 1793. "We Then proceeded to enquire into the state of the Funds appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and we find the Deacons to be indebted as follows, viz- 308 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1793 June 29. To sundry Securities for monies at interest as W Report of June 30, 1792 £69.10..6i To interest due on (1° June 30, 1792 9. .5. .7i 78. .16..H (10) To interest received & due on the above Principal from June 30, 1792, to June 29, 1793 4 . . 3 . . 2 To cash in the hands of the Deacons June 30. 1792 8.. 5 £83 . . 7 . . 8i "Supra Cr. "1793 June 29. By Joseph Bates' note, DeC 28, 1786 17. .-. .- By James Munro's Note, March 16, 1788 5.16. .4^ By James Wyeth junr note July 29, 1788 2 . . - . . - By Ebn'- Hall Treaf^ of 2d Par. note Apr. 11. 1793 28.15. .4 By W°^ & Nathan Watson's bond, Oct. 13. 1791 15..-..- 68.11.. 8 By money distributed to sundry widows 4. 19 . . - "By interest due on the above Securities, On Joseph Bates' note from Dec. 28. 1788 £4.11.1U On James Munro's note from March 16, 1793 2 . .- On Jonas Wyeth junr. note from Oct. 1. 1792 1 . .9| On Ebenezer Hall's note from April 11, 1793 7.5 On W™ & Nathan Watson's bond from Oct. 13. 1791. 1.10.10^ Balance due from the Deacons to the Poor's fund June 29. 1793 3. .2.1 If £83.. 7. .8^ Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 309 "This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the Fund upon this 29*^^ of June 1793. Caleb Gannett \ James Winthrop >■ Committee." Tim° L. Jennison J "Cambridge June 29, 1793, We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the examination by the Committee into the state of the Church Funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing REPORT, as it re- spects both the appropriated and unappropriated Funds ; and we do hereby declare our agreement therein. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton" 1794 (11) June 27. At a Meeting of the Church, duly notified, Voted- That a Committee of three be chosen to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, and of the Fund appropriated to the Poor of the Church; and that Mefs'"^ Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Walter Dixon, be a Committee for those purposes. August At a Meeting of the Church duly notified, the Com- 22 mittee above mentioned made the following REPORT: "THE Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock S:c have attended that service, and now offer the following statement, which exhibits the stock as reported June 30, 1793, with monies since re- ceived by the Deacons, and as it now exists in their hands, viz.- "1793 June 30. To amount of Securities for monies by them put at interest as p"" Report of the foregoing date To 3 p'' cent Stock To deferred d" To Nathaniel Appleton Esq. Certificate of unassumed debt 11.14. .0 To Cash in Deacons' hands for contingent expenses £284. 10. .4 31. 12. .7 21 .1. .8 1.17. .5 310 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. To interest received and due on the above Principal from June 30, 1793 to June 30, 1794 25 . 1 1 . . 4 To Contributions from do to d^ 7.17.11 £384 . . 5 . . 9 "1794 "Supra Cr. June 30. ByHezekiah Packard & al. note Nov. 15, 1793 £ 5. By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June 1, 1788 30.. 7. 10 By Gideon Frost's note Sept. 18, 1789 6. 13. .8 By Jon^ Winship Treafurer of the third Parish in Cambridge, note Oct. 4, 1790 33. .9. By Ebe^^ & Jacob Wyeth 's bond March 1 . 92 12 . . - . By Nathan & William Watson's bond March 16, 1792 70. .- By W" Watson & al. bond March 13, 1792 23 . . - . By James Munro 's note April 24, 1793 7.10. By Jona & W°i Stone's bond June 1, 1793 15. .-. By do do do May 28, 1794 15..- By 6 p"- cent Stock 43.3 (12) By 3 p^ cent Stock 31. 12. 7 By deferred d" 21..1..8 By N. Appleton Esq. Certif . of unafsumed debt 11. 14.. 6 By cash paid the Parish Treaf''. ^ int. of fund 6 . . - . .2 By expences for communion to June 30, 1794 5. 16 . .4 By interest due on the foregoing Securities On Hez. Packard & al. note from March 1, 1794 2 . .- On Gideon Frost's note from d" 2. .8 On Seth Hastings ' bond from d° 12 . . 2 On Jona Winship 's note from d° 13.. 5 On Eben"- & Jacob Wyeth 's bond from do 4.10 On Nathan & W^ Watson's bond from do 1 . .8. .0 On W™ Watson's al & bond from do 9. .2 On James Munro 's note from d° 1 . . 8 '94 6. .0 1. .6 17. .4 41.17. .5 £384.. 5. .9 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 311 On Jona Stone & al. bond from March 1, 1794 On d° d° d" from May 28 On 6 & 3 p'" cent Stocks from April P* Balance due from the Deacons "The Above Balance of forty one pounds 17-5 was by the Deacons exhibited to the Committee; and it was agreed that one pound, seventeen shillings & 55 shall remain in their hands to defray Contingent expenses, while the remainder should be loaned as soon as good and sufficient security may be obtained. ' * The Deacons have made the Securities in general pay- able on the same day viz the first of March. "Deacon Walton has made no charge for his trouble in negotiating the fund, nor Deacon Munro in providing for the communion; but both generously give the same to the Church. "One third of the interest of the foregoing securities & balance is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1795, and will amount to six pounds, six shillings and nine pence, pursuant to u Vote of the Church pafsed on the 18*1^ of June 1773. (13) "The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church funds in the hands of the Deacons on the 30th day of June 1794. "We then proceeded to enquire into the state of the fund appropriated to the use of the poor of said Church, and we find the Deacons to be indebted as follows, viz- 1794 June 30. To sundry securities for monies at interest as Report of June 29, 1793 68. 11 . . 8 To Interest received & due to the 30*^ of June 1794 10.19. 2 To cash in the hands of the Deacons June 29, 1793 3..3..- £82. 13.. 10 312 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. ' ' Supra Cr. "1794 June 30 By William & Nathan Watson's Bond Oct 13, 1791 By Joseph Bates' note Nov. 29, 1793 By do do d° By Ebenezer Hall's note April 11, 1793 By Jonas Wyeth's note Nov. 22, 1793 By James Munro's note, Nov. 29, 1793 By Money distributed By interest due on the above securities viz, On Joseph Bates' 2 notes from Nov. 29, 1793 On Jonas Wyeth's note from Nov. 22 On Ebenezer Hall's note from April 11, 1794 On James Munro's note from March P*^ On W" & Nathan Watson's bond Oct. 1 Balance due from the Deacon to the ) Poor's fund June 30, 1794 I " This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the fund upon this 30*'^ of June 1794. Caleb Gannett 1 James Winthrop r Committee." Walter Dickson J (14) " Cambridge June 30, 1794. WE. the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the examina- tion by the Committee into the state of the Church Funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds; and we do hereby declare our agreement therein. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton.'' 15.. 17.. 5..0. Ai 28.15. A 2..0. A 5 . . 16 4i 73.12. .4 12. 15. .5 2. .8 t 6. .5 2. .4 13. .6 6. .9. U £82.13 .10 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 31 o Aug. 22. At a Meeting of the brethren of the church, duly notified, Voted — That the above Report of the Committee be accepted, and — That the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Walton for his particular care in negotiating the funds of the church, and punctuality in collecting the interest — to Deacon Munro for his generosity in providing for the communion — and to the Deacons in general for their services in behalf of the church. 1795 Nov. 27. At a ]\Ieeting of the Church, duly notified, the Com- mittee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, and to the Fund appropriated to the Poor of the Church, made the following REPORT : " The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, &c. have attended that service, and now offer the following statement: The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge to f^' Church, D^ To amount of Securities for monies by them put at interest as p'- Report on June 30, 1 794 at 6 p"" Cent £261 . . 4 . . 4 To 3 p"" cent Stocks To deferred d^ To Nathaniel Appleton Esq. Certificate of unafsumed debt To Cash in the hands of the Deacons To interest received & due on the above Principal from June 30, 1794 to June 30, 1795 To Contribution from do to do 397.19. .7 1795 (15) June 30. "Supra Cr. By Hezekiah Packards' Note Nov. 15, 1793 5 . By Seth Hastings bond & Mortgage, June 1, 1788 30. 7. 10 By Jon^ Winship, Treafurer of the third | S3 Q *» Parish in Cambridge, note Oct. 4. 1790 ) 31. 12. .7 2. .1. .8 11. 14. .0 41. 17. .5 23. .4. 10 7 . .4 314 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond March 1,1792 12. By Nathan Watson's & al. bond March 16, 1792. 70. By W" Watson & al. bond, March 13, 1792 23. By James Munro's note April 24, 1793 7. 10. By Jona Stone & al, bond June 1, 1793 15. By ; \ Do Do Do May 28, 1794 15. Bypavid Blanch. & al. bond Sept. 6, 1794 48. By Nathaniel P. Watson & al. note June 24. 1795 10. .7. 6 By[6 P"" cent stock 42. 2. 5 311. 18. 2 By^3 p"" cent Stock 31. 12. 7 By deferred D^ 21. .1. 8 By • NatW Appleton Esq. Certificate of unafsumed debt 11. 14. 6 By Cash paid the Treafurer \ interest of the fund 6. .6. 9 By^expenses for communion to June 30, 1795. 5. 12 . .4 ByFinterest on the foregoing Securities, viz On Hezekiah Packards' note from March 1, 1795 2.. On Seth Hastings' bond D^ 12. .2 On Jona- Hastings' note D^ 13. .5 On Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond D" 4.10 On Nathan Watson & al. bond from March 16, 1795 1..4..6 On^W" Watson & al. bond from March 1.1795 9. On James Munro's note from April 24, 1794 10 . On^Jona Stone & al. bond from March 1, 1795 6. On^ Do Do Do 6. On David Blanchard & al. bond Do 19 . . 2 On Nathi P. Watson & al. note from 2 On 6 & 3 p*" cent Stock from April 1, 1795 17.. 4 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 315 By overcharge on 6 P*" cent Stock (see last report) 1 • ■ • • Balance due from the Deacons 2 . . 8 . . 2 £397.. 19.. 7 "The Deacons have made the Securities in general pay- able on the same day, viz, the first day of the month. (16) "Neither Deacon Walton for the care of the Fund, nor Deacon Munro for providing for the Communion, nor either of the Deacons for any of their services, make any charge; but generously give the same to the Church. On third [of the interest] of the foregoing Securities and balance is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first Day of April 1796, and will amount to six pounds, eleven shillings and one penny, pursuant to a vote of the Church pafsed on the 18 of June 1773. The Committee are of opinion, and recommend, that the private Securities now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no Security be taken without a surety or Collateral security. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30'h day of June 1795. "We then proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the ufe of the poor of said Church, and found the Deacons indebted as follows, viz: To sundry Securities for monies at Interest as p'- Report of June 30, 1794 73 . 12 . 4f To interest received & due to June 30, 1795 5 . 19 . . 4 To Cafh in the hand of the Deacons June 30, 1794 6..9..1i 86. .0.10 1795 Supra Cr. June 30 By W" Watson & al. bond Oct. 13, 1791. 15 316 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By Joseph Bates' note Nov. 29, 1793 17. . By Do Do Do 5.0 By Ebenezer Hall's note April 11, 1793 28. 15 By Joseph Wyeth jun. note Nov. 22. 1793 2 . . By James Munro's note Nov. 29. 1793 5.16 73.12. ^ 4 4 4 4^ By money distributed to sundry widows 6 . .3.10 By Interest due on the above Securities, viz: On W°i Watson & al. bond from Oct. 1. 1794 13 . . 6 On Joseph Bates' note from Nov. 29, 1793 1 . 12 . .4 On Do Do from Nov. 29, 1793 9.6 On'James"^Munro's note from March 1, 1794 9. .4 On Jonas Wyeth jun. note from March 1, 1795 . 10 On Ebenezer Hall's note from April 11, 1795 7. .7 Balance due from the Deacons June 30 1795 2.11. .6^ £86.. 0.10 This%ppears to the Committee to be the true state of the above Fund on the 30*^ of June 1795 Cambridge, Oct. 9. 1795. Caleb Gannett 1 Timothy L. Jennison Y Committee" Samuel Webber J (17) Cambridge, Oct. 9. 1795 — We, the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the examination by the Committee into the state of the Church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds : and we do hereby declare our agreement therein. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton. Nov. 27. At a Meeting of the Church, duly notified. Voted That the abovejReport of the Committee be accepted & that the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Walton for taking care of the fund — to Deacon Munro Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 317 for providing for the communion — and to the Deacons in general for their services in behalf of the church. 1796 Sept*. 9 At a Meeting of the Church, duly notified, Mefs" Caleb Gannett, Timothy L. Jennison, and Timothy Tufts, were appointed a Committee to enquire into the state of the church stock, and of the fund appropriated to the Poor of the church. At a Meeting of the brethren of the Church, duly noti- fied, the Committee made the following REPORT: " The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church stock &c. have attended that service, and now offer the following statement. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge to s'^ Church Dr. To amount of Securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 p'' cent June 30, 1795 To 3 P'" cent stocks To deferred d^ To NatW Appleton Esq. certificate of unaf- sumed debt To cafh in the hands of the Deacons To interest received and due on the above principal to June 30, 1796 To Contribution from d° 1795 to d° 1796 $1039. 70 105. 43 70. ,28 39. 8 8. 3 86. 33 25. 37 (18) Supra Cr. $1374.22 1796 June 30. By Hezekiah Packard 's Note Nov. 15, 1793 £5 = $ 16.67 By Seth Hastings bond and mortgage June 7, 1788 30 . 7 . 10 = 101 . 31 By. Jona. Winfhip Treaf^ of the third Parifh in Cambridge note Oct, 4, 1790 33 . 9 . 5 = 1 1 1 . 57 By Ebenr Wyeth & al. bond March 1 , 12 . == 40 . 1792 By Nathan Watson cV: al. bond Mar. 16, 1792 70.. =233.33 318 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By W" Watson & al. bond March 13. 1792 28 . = 76 . 67 By James Munro 's, note April 24, 1 793 7.10 = 25. By Jona Stone & al. bond June 1 , 1793 15 . = 50 . By do do May 28, 1794 15. =50. By David Blanchard & al. bond Sep* 6. 1794 48 = 160. By Nathan^ Watson & al. note June 24, 1795 10.7.7 = 34.59 By James Munro 's Note Feb. 2, 1796 15.37 By 6 P'- cent Stock 140.57 By 3 ?«• cent stock 105.43 By deferred d" 70.28 By Nathi Appleton's certificate of unaf- sumed debt 39. 8 By expenses for communion to June 30, 1796 22 . 49 By cafh paid the Treafurer ^ interest of the fund 21.85 By d° paid for blank bonds 25 By interest due on the foregoing Securities, viz : On Hezekiah Packard 's Note from March 1 . 1795 1.33 On Seth Basting's bond d° 1796 2. 3 On JonaWinf hip's note d^ 1796 2.24 On Eben"- Wyeth & al. bond d^ 1796 80 On Nathan Watson & al. d" from Mar. 16. 1796 4. 8 On W^ Watson & al. bond from March 1, 1796 1.53 On James Munro 's Note from April 24, 1795 1.78 On Jona Stone & al. bond from March 1, 1796 1. On d° do do 1. ^ On David Blanchard & al. bond do 3.20 On Nathi Watson & al. Note fr. June 24, 1796 3 On James Munro 's Note from Feb. 2. 1796 38 Records of Ike First Church in Cambridge. 319 On 6 & 3 ?■■ cent stocks from April 1, 179G 2.78 22.18 Balance due from the Deacons & exhibited 37 . 58 $1374.22 (19) A Certificate for 6 P"" cent stock, to the amount of $140.67 conftitutes part of the foregoing capital. On which 2^ p'' cent principal has been paid, equal to $3.51. The Deacons have made the Securities in general payable on the same day, viz., the first of March. Neither Deacon Walton, for the care of the fund, nor Deacon Munro for providing for the communion, nor either of the Deacons for any of their services, make any charge, but generously gave the same to the church. One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities and balance is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1797, and will amount to $22.90 purfuant to a vote of the church pafsed 18*^ of June 1773. The Committee are of opinion, and recommend, that the private Securities, now exprefsed in the late denomi- nation, should be exchanged for others in that of federal money : and that no Security to be taken without a surety or collateral Security. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30th day of June 1796. We then proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of said Church and found the Deacons indebted as follows, viz : To sundry Securities for monies at interest | 245 39 June 30, 1795, as p^ Report. 3 To interest received & due to June 30, 1796 26.90 To cafh in the hands of the Deacons June 30, 1795 8.59 To balance of Thomas Soden's legacy 7.67 $288.55 15 50. 17 56.67 5. .0. Ah 16.73 28. 15. A 95.89 2. .0. A 6.73 5. 16. .4i 19.39 12.25 320 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Supra Cr. 1796 June 30. By W" Watson & al. bond Oct, 13, 1791 By Joseph Bates' Note Nov. 29, 1793 By do d° By Eben^- Halls Note April 11, 1793 By Jonas Wyeth's junr. d° Nov. 2. 1793 By James Munro's Note Nov. 29, 1793 By cafh diftributed to sundry persons By interest due on the above Securi- ties, viz. On W" Watson & al. bond from Oct. 1. 1795 $2.25 On Joseph Bates ' Notes from March 8, 1795 4.45 (20) Interest on Joseph Bates ' Note from Nov. 29, 1794 1.58 On James Murno's note March 1, 1795 1.54 On Jonas Wyeth jun'" Note from March 1, 1795 0.53 On Eben"" Halls Note from April 11, 1795 1.26 11.61 By balance in the hands of the Deacons 19 . 28 $288 . 55 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above fund on the 30*^ of June 1796. Caleb Gannett ] Timothy L. Jennison \ Committee Tim«. Tufts J Cambridge Oct. 5. 1796 Cambridge Oct. 5. 1796. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, having attended the examina- Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 321 tion by the Committee into the state of the church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, both as it respects the appropriated and unappropriated funds, and we do hereby declare our agreement therein. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton. ' ' Voted. That the Report of the Committee be accepted, and That the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Walton for taking care of the fund — to Deacon Munro for providing for the communion — and to the Deacons in general for their services in behalf of the Church. 1797. June 30. At a Meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Com- mittee previously appointed by the brethren to enquire into the state of the Church stocks &c. made the following REPORT. : " The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock &c. have attended that service, and offer the following statement. (21) The Deacons of the P^ Church in Cambridge to sd Church D-". To amount of private securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 p^ cent June 30, 1796 914.51 To 6 P"" cent stock apparent value 140.57 Deduct principal discounted 3.51 137. 6 To 3 p'- cent stock 105.43 To deferred d« 70 . 28 To Nath' Appleton's Certificate of unaf- sumed debt 39.08 To balance due from the Deacons 37 . 58 To interest received & due on the above Prin- ) cipal to June 30, 1797. J 86.90 To Contribution money at communion 28.20 Balance due to the Deacons, June 30, 1797 11 .62 $1430.66 322 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Supra Cr. 1797 By Hezekiah Packard's Note Nov. 15, 1793 16.67 June 30 Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage June 1, 1788 101 . 31 Jona Winships Note Oct. 4. 1790 1 1 1 . 57 Eben^ Wyeth & al. bond Mar. 1. 1792 40 . Nathan Watson & al. bond March 13, 1792 233 . 33 W^ Watson & al. bond March 13, 1792 76.67 James Munro's Note April 24, 1793 25. Do Do Feb. 2, 1796 15.37 Jona Stone & al. bond June 1, 1793 50. Do Do May 28, 1794 50. David Blanchard & al. bond Sept. 6. 1794 160. Nathi Watson & al. Note June 24, 1795 34.59 6 p*" cent stock apparent value 140.57 Deduct principal discounted 6.32 134.25 3 p"" cent stock 105.43 Deferred do 70.20 State Note 44.94 By cafh paid the Treafurer -J interest of the fund 22 . 90 Expences for communion to June 30, 1797 22.71 An overcharge against the Deacons on[6% stock in 1796 .81 By Jacob Wyeth & al bond Nov. 15, 1796 50. By Jona Whitaker & al. bond June 8, 1797 33 . (22) By interest due on the foregoing Securities, viz : On Hezekiah Packard's note from March 1, 1795 2.23 Seth Hastings' bond March 1. 1797 2.03 Jona Winf hip's note do 2.24 Eben Wyeth & al. bond do .80 Nathan Watson & al. bond March 1 6, 1797 - 4.80 W™ W^atson & al. bond March 1 . ] 797 1 . 53 James Munro 's note April 24, 1795 3.28 Do Do Feb. 2, 1796 1.30 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 323 Jona Stone & al. bond March 1 , 1 787 1 . Do D" Do 1, David Blanchard & al. bond D^ 3.20 Nathi Watson & al. note June 24, 1796 2.10 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond March 1, 1797 1 . Jona Whitcher & al. bond June 8, 1797 . 12 6 p"- cent & 3 p^ cent stock April 1, 1797 2.90 $28.91 By extra expence & trouble in negoti- ating the fund 3. $1430.66 By the above statement it appears, that a balance of eleven dollars & sixty two cents is due to the Deacons. The Deacons, as usual, make no charge for their ser- vices, except three dollars for extra expence. and time in managing the Fund. The Committee are of opinion and recommend, that the private securities, now exprefsed in the late denomination should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no security be taken without a surety, or col- lateral security. One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parifh in Cambridge on the first day of April 1798, and will amount to $24.21 purfuant to a vote of the Church pafsed 18*^ of June 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30^h of June 1797. The Committee then proceeded to eii(|uire into the state of the fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons indebted as follows, viz. To sundry Securities for monies at in* June 30 1790 as p'' Report 245.41 To interest reC' & due to June 30, 1797 28.34 To balance due from the Deacons June 30, 1796 19 . 28 3.03 324 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1797 Supra Cr. June 30. By W^ Watson & al. bond Oct. 13, 1791. 50. Joseph Bates' note Nov. 29, 1793 56.67 Jonas Wyeth Jun»- Note Nov. 22. 1793 6.73 James Munro's Note Nov. 29, 1793 19.39 Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6. 1797 125. By cafh diftributed to sundry widows 15 . 60 By interest due on the above Securities, viz. On W™ Watson & al. bond from Oct. 1, 1796 2.25 — Joseph Bates ' note March 1 . 1 797 1.13 — James Munro 's Note March 1 . 1 795 2 . 70 — Jonas Wyeth Jun"" Note March 1 , 1797 .1 3 — Moses Coohdge's & al. bond May 6. 1797 1 . 08 7 . 29 By balance in the hands of the deacons & exhibited 12 . 35 §5293.03 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above fund, on the 30*^ of June 1797. Caleb Gannett | Timothy L. Jennison [ Com^e^ Timo. Tufts. ) Cambridge June 30, 1797. Cambridge June 30, 1797. We, the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the examina- tion by the Committee into the state of the Church funds and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds; and we do hereby declare our agreement therein. Gideon Frost. James Munro John Walton." Voted That the Report of the Committee be accepted & that the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Walton, for taking care of the fund — to Deacon Munro for providing for the communion — and to the Deacons in general for their services in behalf of the Church. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 325 Also That Mefs" Caleb Gannett, Ja?nes Winthrop & Timothy Tufts, be a Committee to enquire into the state of the Church stock &c. the enfuing year. (24) It has been the usage of this Church to have the Lord 's Supper adminiftered once in eight weeks. Some incon- venience (though not a subject of complaint) arising from the particular days of the communion not being specified and the first communion this year (1797) falling on the first day of January; the Pastor, on that day, proposed to the church, that, hereafter, the Lord's Sup- per be adminiftered on the first Lord 's day of every other month, beginning with the month of January. No objection being offered, the proposal has been carried into effect. 1798 Aug. 30. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Coni_ mittee on the subject of the Church Funds &c made the following REPORT. "THE COMMITTEE appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock &c. have attended that service, and offer the following statement. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, to S^ Church D"". To amount of private Seciu'ities for monies oy them put at interest at 6 p^ cent June 30, 1797 997 . 51 To 6 p"" cent Stock apparent value 140 . 37 Deduct principal discounted 0.32 134.25 To 3 p'" cent Stock 105.43 To deferred do 70.20 To a State note 44.94 To int* rec'i & due on the above principal to June 30 1798 107.74 To contribution money at communion 28.74 1488.81 326 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Supra Cr. 1798 June 30 By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June 1, 1798. 101.31 William Watson & al. bond March 13, 1792 76.67 Nathan & W"^ Watson's bond 16, 1792 233 . 33 James Munro's Note April 23, 1793 25. Jona Stone & al. bond June 1. 1793 50. Eben"- Wyeth & al. bond March 1. 1792. 40. Jona Winfhip (Parifh Treaf) Note Oct. 4. 1790 111 .57 Hezekiah Packard's note Nov. 15, 1793. 16.67 David Blanchard & al. bond Sep* 6. 1794 160. Jona Stone & al. bond May 28, 1794 50 . Nathl P. Watson & al. note June 24, 1795 34.59 James Munro's note Feb. 2. 1790 15.37 (25) John Brown & al. bond June 8, 1797 33. Jacob Wyeth & al. bond Nov. 15, 1796 50. A State Note Jan. 3, 1797 44.94 6 p"" cent Stock apparent value 140.57 Deduct principal discounted 9.13 131 . 44 3 p"" cent Stock 105.43 Deferred Stock 70.20 By interest due on the following Securities, viz On Seth Hastings bond from March 1. 1798 2.03 W™ Watson & al. bond March 1. 1798 1 . 53 Nathan Watson & al. bond March 16, 1798 4 . 8 James Munro's Note March 1. 1796 3.50 Jona Stone & al. bond March 1. 1798 1 . Eben-- Wyeth & al. bond March 1, 1798 .80 Jona Winfhip 's Note March 1.1798 2 . 24 Hezekiah Packard's Note March 1. 1798 .33 James Munro's Note March 1. 1797 .31 David Blanchard & al. bond March 1, 1798 3 .20 Jonathan Stone & al. bond March 1, 1798 1 . Nathi P. Watson & al. note June 24, 1798 .03 John Brown & al. bond March 1 . 1798 . 66 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond March 1. 1798 1 . State Note July 1. 1797 2.25 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 327 6 ?>• Cent Stock Jan. 1 , 1 798 4.11 3 p"- cent do Jan-v 1. 1798 1.58 29.65 By Cafh paid the Treafurer ^ in^ of the fund 24.21 By expences for communion from June, 30, 1797, to June 30. 1798 21.21 By balance due to the Deacons, June 30. 1797 11.62 Bal.- due from the Deacons & exhibited by them 52 . 60 $1488.81 The Deacons, as ufual. make no charge for their services. The Committee are of opinion, and recommend, that the private Securities now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion, should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no Security be taken without a surety, or collateral Security. One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge, on the first day of April 1799, and will amount to $24 . 38 pursuant to a Vote of the Church pafsed 18^^ of June, 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church funds, in the hauls of the Deacons, on the 30th of June 1798. (26) The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said church, and found the Deacons indebted as follows, viz. To sundry Securities for monies at interest June 30, 1797 257.79 To interest received & due to June 30, 1798 27.60 To balance due from the Deacons June 30, 1797 12 . 35 297.74 1798 Supra C"". June 30. By James Munro's Note Nov. 29 1795 19.39 By Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6. 1797 125. By Joseph Bates note Nov. 29, 1793 56.67 By Jonas Wyeth's note Nov. 22, 1793 6.73 328 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By W^ Watson & al. bond Oct. 13, 1791 50 . By cafh diftributed to sundry widows 8. By interest due on the above Securities, viz. On James Munro's note from March 1. 1796 2.71 Moses Coolidge & al, bond from March 1, 1798 2.50 Joseph Bates note from March 1, 1797 4. 53 Jonas Wyeth's note from March 1. 1798 . 14 Wilham Watson & al. bond from Oct. 1. 1797 2.25 12.13 Balance due from the Deacons & exhibited 19.82 $297.74 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above Fund, on the 30*^ of June 1798. Caleb Gannett ^ Cambridge June 30, 1798. James Winthrop Y Committee Tim° Tufts. J Cambridge, June 30, 1798, We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the exami- nation by the Comimittee into the state of the Church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds : and we do hereby declare our agreement therein- Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton." Voted That the Report of the Committee be accepted: and, That the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Walton, for taking Care of the Fund, to Deacon Munro, for providing for the Communion; and to the Deacons in general for their services in behalf of the church : Also- That Mefs" Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop & Timothy Tufts be a Committee to enquire into the state of the church stocks &c the enfuing year. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 329 1799 (27) July 5 At a Meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Committee for enquiring into the state of the church funds made the following REPORT : "THE COMMITTEE appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock &c have attended that service, and offer the following statement. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge to said Church D"-. To amount of private Securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 p*" cent June 30, 1798 997.51 To 6 P*" cent Stock-apparent value-origi- nally 140.57 Deduct principal discounted 9.13 9.13 131. 44 To 3 P'" cent stock 105.43 To deferred stock 70.20 To interest reC^^ & due on the alcove Principal to June 30, 1799. 113.13 To contribution money at the Communion 27. 17 To a State note 44.94 To a 'balance due from the Deacons June 20, 1798 52 . 60 $1542.72 Supra C''. 1799 July 1. By Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage June 1, 1788 101 .31 William Watson & a}, bond March 13, 1792 76.67 Nathan & W°^ Watson 's bond 16, 1792 233 . 33 Jonathan Stone, & al. bond March 1. 1799 100. Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond 1.1792 40. Jonathan Winship (Parish Treaf"") note Oct. 4. 1790 111.57 Nathaniel :P. Watson & al. note June 24. 1795 34.59 John Brown & al. bond 8. 1797 33. Jacob Wyeth & al. bond Nov. 15, 1796 50. Benjamin Blanchard's bond & mortgage Mar. 1, 1799 bal. 160. Do '(feral, note June 11. 1799 10. Do&'al.note 12,1799 100. 330 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. James Munro's note March 1, 1799 63. 86 A State note Jan. 3, 1797 44.94 6 P"" cent Stock-appar<^ value-originally 140 . 57 Deduct Principal discounted 1 1 . 94 128 . 63 3 P' cent Stock 105.43 Deferred Stock 70.28 Carried forward 1463.61 (28) Bro't forward 1463.61 By interest due on the following Securities viz. On Seth Hastings' bond from March 1. 1799 2.3 W^ Watson' &al. bond from do 1.53 Nathan Watson' &al. bond do 4. 8 Jonathan Stone & al. do 2. Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond do . 80 Jonathan Winship's note do 2.24 Nathaniel P. Watson & al. from June 24. . 3 John Brown & al. bond March 1. .66 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond do 1 . Benjamin Blanchard's bond do 3.20 Do. 2 notes from June 12 .33 State note from July 1 . 1 798 2.25 6 p"- cent stocks April 1 , 1 799 2.11 3 p"- cent stock April 1. 1799 .79 23. 5 By cash paid the Treaf urer | interest of the fund 24 . 38 By expences of communion from June 30, 1798 to June 30, 1799 20.87 Balance in the hands of the Deacons 10.81 S1542.72 The Deacons, as usual, make no charges for their services. The Committee are of opinion, and recommend, that the private Securities now exprefsed in the late denomi- nation should be exchanged for others in that of federal money : and that no Securitiy be taken without a Surety or collateral Security. , One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treasurer of the first Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 331 Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1800, and will amount to $26.66 pursuant to a vote of the church pafsed 18*^ of June 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church fund, in the hands of the Deacons on the 30*^ of June, 1799. The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the State of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D^. To sundry Securities for monies at in* June 30, 1798 257.79 To interest received & due to June 30, 1799 27.27 To balance due from the Deacons June 30, 1798 19 . 82 $304.88 (29) 1799 Supra C. July 1. By James Munro's note Nov. 29, 1793 19.39 Moses Cooledge & al. bond May 6. 1797 125. Jonas Wyeth Junr. note Nov. 22, 1793 6.73 William Watson & al. bond Oct. 13, 1791. 50. By cash distributed to sundry widows 16. 8 By overcharge in the debit . 6 By interest due on the above Securities viz. On James Munro 's note from March 1 . 1799 .39 Moses CooHdge & al. bond March 1 . 1799 2 . 50 Jonas Wyeth Junr. note do . 14 William Watson & al. bond from Oct. 1, 1798 2.25 5.28 Balance due from the Deacons & exhibited 82.34 $304.88 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above Fund on the 30th of June 1799. Caleb Gannett ") Cambridge July 1 . 1799 C Committee. ' ' James Winthrop ) 332 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. " Cambridge July 1, 1799. We, the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the examina- tion by the Committee into the state of the church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds: we do hereby declare our agreement thereto. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton. ' ' Voted. That this Report of the Committee be accepted : and That the thanks of the brethren be given to Deacon Walton, for taking care of the Fund; to Deacon Munro, for pro- viding for the Communion; and to the Deacons in general for their services in behalf of the Church. 1799 Nov. 1. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, Mefs'"'^ Caleb Gannett James Winthrop, and Aaron Learned, were chosen a Committee to enquire into the state of the Church Stock &c. the ensuing year. 1801 (30) Jany 2. At a meeting of the church, duly notified, the committee for enquiring into the state of the church funds made the following REPORT. "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church stock &c. have attended that service, and offer the following statement : The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge to said Church- Dr. To amount of private securities for monies by them put at interest 6 P"" cent June 30 1799. 1114.33 To 6 P"" cent stock 140.57 Deduct principal discounted 1 1 . 94 128 . 63 ; To 3 P-- cent stork 105.43 To deferred stock 70.28 To a state note 44 . 94 To Contribution monev at communion 28.65 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 333 To balance due from the Deacons, June 30, 1799. 10.81 To Interest received and due on Securities, to June 30, ISOO 108.40 $1611.47 Supra C. 1800 July 1 By Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage June 1. 1788 William Watson & al. bond i\Iarch 13 1792 Nathan & William Watson's bond March 16, 1792 Jonathan Stone & al. bond March 1. 1800 Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond March 1. 1792 Jona Winship (Parish Treafurer) note Oct. 4, 1790 Nathaniel P. Watson & al. note June 24, 1795 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond Nov. 15, 1796 Benjamin Blanchard's bond & mortgage Mar. 1, 1799 James Munro's note Mar. 1. 1799 Samuel Lawrence & al. bond Aug. 14, 1799 35. Edward Walker & al. bond April 24, 1800 50. A State note Jan. 3, 1797 44.94 6 P"- cent Stock 140.57 Deduct principal discounted 14.75 125.82 3 P"" cent stock 105 . 43 Deferred stock 70 . 28 (31) By interest due on the following Securi- ties, viz. On Seth Hastings ' bond from March 1, 1800 2 . 03 101. 31 76. 67 233 . 33 100. 40. 111. 57 34, 59 50. 280. 63. 86 334 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. W™ Watson & al bond from do 1 . 53 Nathan Watson &al. bond do 4. 8 Jonathan Stone & al. bond do 2 . Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond do .80 Jonathan Winship 's note do 2 . 24 Nath' P. Watson & al. bond from June 24 . 3 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond from March 1. 1 . Benja Blanchard's bond do 5.60 James Munro's note from March 1. 1800 5.11 Sam' Lawrence & al. bond from March 1. 1800 . 70 Edmund Walker & al. bond fr. April 1. 1800 .55 6 P"- cent stock from April 1. 1800 2.11 3 P' cent do do .79 State note from January 1. 1800 1 . 12 29.60 By cash paid the Treafm'er ^ interest of thefmid 26.66 By expences for conununion from June 30, 1799 to June 30, 1800 21.60 By expences & trouble in negotiating-pur- chase of stamps &c. 7. Balance in the hands of the Deacons 3 . 72 $1611.47 The Committee are of opinion and recommend that the private Securities, now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion, should be exchanged for others in that of federal money: and that no Security be taken, without a Surety, or Collateral Security. One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge, on the first day of April 1801 and will amount to $26 . 51 . pursfuant to a vote of the church pafsed 18'h of June 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated Church funds in the hands of the Deacons on the 30th of June 1800. •: The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the state Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 335 of the fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church and found the Deacons D"". To sundry Securities for monies at interest June 30, 1799 201.12 To interest received & due to June 30, 1 800 21 . 94 To balance due from the Deacons June 30, 1799 82.34 S305.40 (32) Supra C. 1800 July 1. By James Munro's note Nov. 29, 1793 19.39 Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6. 1797 125 . James Wyeth jun. note Nov>- 22. 1793 6.73 Wilham Watson & al. bond Oct. 13, 1791. 50 John Walton & al. July 17, 1799. 80 . 281 . 12 By cash distributed 1 . 62 By a counterfeit dollar taken unawares 1 . By interest due on the above securities viz, On James Munro 's note from March 1. 1799. 1 . 55 Jonas Wyeth jun. note fr. March 1. 1800 .14 Moses Coolidge & al. bond from do. 2.50 W"^ Watson & al. bond from Oct. 13, 1799. 2 . 25 John Walton & al. bond fr March 1, 1800 1 .60 8.04 Balance in the hands of the Deacons 13.62 $305.40 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above funds on the 30*^ of June 1800. Caleb Gannett 1 Cambridge July 1. 1800 James Winthrop \ Committee. Aaron Learned J " Cambridge July 1, 1800. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination of the Committee into the state of the Church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both 336 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. the appropriated and unappropriated funds and we do hereby declare our agreement thereto. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton." The Church voted, that this report be accepted: and chofe brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison, a committee to enquire into the state of the Church Stock &c. the enfuing year. (33) 1802 January P^ At a meeting of the church, duly notified, the Com- mittee for enquiring into the state of the church funds made the following REPORT. THE COMMITTEE, appointed to enquire into the state of the church Stock, have attended that service, and offer the following statement : The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". To amount of private securities for monies by them put at interest, at 6 P'" cent, June 30, 1800. 1176.33 To a State note 44 . 94 To 6 P"" cent stock balance 125 . 82 To 3 P-- cent stock 105.43 To deferred stock 70.28 To contribution money, at communion 31.36 To balance due from the Deacons, June 30, 1800 3 . 72 To interest received & due on securities to June 30, 1801 119.44 $1677.32 1801 Supra C^ July 1. By Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage June 1. 1788 101 . 31 Wilham Watson & al. bond March 30, 1792. 76.67 Nathan & WilUani Watson 's bond 16, 1792 233 . 33 Jonathan Stone & al. bond 1. 1800 100. Ebenezer Wyeth & al. bond 1, 1792 40 . Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 337 Jonathan Winship (Parish Treas'") note Oct. 4, 1790 111-57 Nathaniel P. Watson & al. note Jan. 24, 1795 34 . 59 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond Nov. 15, 1796 50. Benjamin Blanchard's bond & mortgage March 1, 1799 280. James Mimro's note March 1, 1799 63.86 Samuel Lawrence & al. bond April 24, 1800 50. A State note Jan. 3. 1797 44.94 6 P"" cent stock 140.57 deduct principal discomited 17.50 123. 1 3 Pr cent stock 105.43 6 P'' cent stock in lieu of deferred do 70 . 28 1519.99 By interest due on the following Securities, viz. On Seth Hastings' bond, from March 1, 1801 2 . 3 W™ Watson & al. from do 1.53 Nathan Watson & al. from do 4. 8 Jona Stone & al. bond from do 2 . Ebenezer ¥/yeth & al. bond from do .80 Jona Winship 's note do 2.24 Nathi P. Watson ' k al. bond from June 24 . 3 Jacob Wyeth & al. bond from March 1. 1 . Benjamin Blanchard's bond do 5.60 (34) i')y int* on James Munro's note from March 1,1799 8.94 Samuel Lawrence & al. fr. March 1. 1801 -70 Edward Walker A: al. bond fr. April 24 55 6 P"" cent stock including deferred stock now productive from April 1,1801 3.16 3 P-- cent do from April 1. 1801. 79 State note from Jan. 1 . 1801 1.12 34 . 57 ]^y cash paid the Treafurer \ interest of the fund 26.51 338 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By expences for communion from June 30, 1800 to June 30, 1801 22.28 To expence & trouble in negotiating, pur- chasing of stamps &c. 7. By balance in the Deacons' hands 66.97 $1677.32 The Committee are of opinion & recommend, that the private Securities, now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion, should be exchanged for others in that of federal money: and that no Security be taken, without a surety or collateral Security. One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treasurer of the first Parish in Cambridge, on the first day of April, 1802. and will amount to 28.64, purfuant to a vote of the church pafsed 18*1^ of June 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons, on the 30*'^ of June 1801. The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the state of the fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said church, and found the Deacons D*". To sundry Securities for monies at int* June 30, 1800 281 . 12 To balance due from the Deacons, June 30, 1800 13.62 To interest received & due to June 30, 1801 26. 6 To cash of Moses Coolidge & al. for delinquency in paym* of in* 1.5 $321.85 1801 Supra C. July 1. By James Munro's note of Nov. 29, 1793. 19.39 Moses CooHdge & al. bond, May 6. 1797 125 . Jonas Wyeth jun. note Nov. 22, 1793 W"" Watson & al. bond Oct. 13, 1791. John Walton esq. & al. bond July 17, 1799. By cash distributed 6.73 50. 80. 281.12 9.25 2.71 .14 2.50 1. 1.60 7.95 ms 23.53 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 339 By interest due on the above Securities, viz, On James ■Munro's note fr. March 1. 1799 Jonas Wyeth jun. note fr. March 1. 1801 Moses CooUdge & al. bond do W"^ Watson & al. bond do. John Walton & al. bond do Balance in the hands of the Deacons $321.85 (35) This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above fund, on the 30 ^^ of June, 1801 Caleb Gannett | Cambridge July 1. 1801. James Winthrop \ Committee." Aaron Learned J "Cambridge, July 1. 1801. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, have attended the examina- tion of the committee into the state of the church funds, and are satisfied ^^'ith the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds, and we do hereby declare our agreement thereto. Gideon" Frost James Munro John Walton. ' ' The Church voted, that this Report be accepted, and chose brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison, a Committee, to enquire into the state of the Church Stocks, the ensuing year. 1802 July 2. At a meeting of the church, duly notified, the Committee for enquiring into the state of the church funds made the following REPORT. THE COMMITTEE, appointed to enquire into the state of the church stock have attended that service, and offer the following statement. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D*". To amount of private Securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 ?■• cent June 30, 1801 1176 . 33 340 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. To a State note January 3. 1797 44.94 To 6 P"" cent Stock real value 193 . 29 To 3 P"" cent Stock 105.43 To interest received & due on Securities to June 30, 1802 124.28 To Contribution money at communion 33 . 48 To balance in the Deacons' hands, June 30, 1801 66.97 $1744.72 1802 Supra Cr. June 30, By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June 1. 1788 101 . 31 WilHam Watson & al. bond, Mar. 30, 1792 76.67 (36) Nathan & W" Watson's bond Mar, 16, 1792 233. 33 Jonathan Stone & al. bond 1, 1800 100 . Jonathan Winfhip (Parish Treafurer) note Oct. 4,1790. 111.57 Nathaniel P. Watson & al. note Jan. 24, 1795 34 . 59 Benjamin Blanchard's bond & mortgage March 1, 1799 280. James Munro 's note 1799 63.86 Edward Walker & al. bond April 24, 1800 50 . Samuel Lawrence & al. bond Aug. 14, 1799 35. Nathan Watson jun. & al. Aug. 17, 1801 100 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. Feb. 11. 1802 50. A state note Jan. 3. 1797 41.94 6 P"- cent stock 140.57 Deduct principal disc^^ci 2'.) 37 120 . 20 6 P"" cent stock in lieu of deferred stock 70 . 28 Deduct principal disc^^^^ 1 . 40 68 . 88 3 P"- cent stock 105.43 1575.78 By interest due on the following Securities , viz. On Seth Hastings ' bond from March 1 , 1802 2.3 W" Watson & al . bond from March 1 , 1 80 1 6.13 Nathan Watson & al. bond 1802 4 . 67 John Stone & al. bond do 2.0 Jona. Winship's note do 2.23 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 341 Nath' P .Watson & al. bond fr. 24, June 1801 2.11 Benjamin Blanchard's bond fr. pt March 1802 5.60 James Munro's note from 1 March 1801 5.11 Sam. Lawrence & al. bond fr. 1 March 1802 0.70 Edw. Walker & al. ])ond from 1. March 1801 4. Nathan Watson jun. & al. note fr. 1 March 1802 2. ditto do do 0.50 6 P"" cent Stock, including deferred stock now productive from April 1, 1801 3. 16 3 P"- cent stock do 0.79 State note from Jan. 1. 1802 1.12 By cash paid the Treafurer I int* of the fund 28 . 64 Expences for communion fr. June 30, 1801 to June 30, 1802 23.87 By expence & trouble in negotiating, purchase of stamps &c. 8. By balance in the Deacons ' hands 76 . 44 The Committee are of opinion and recommend that the private Securities now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no security be taken without a surety or collateral Security. (37) One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1803, and will amount to $30.31. purfuant to a vote of the church pafsed 18*'! of June 1773. The above w^e find to be the true state of the unappro- priated church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30tii of June 1802. The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the 342 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. state of the fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of s*^ Chh & found the Deacons D"". To sundry Securities for monies at interest June 30, 1801 281.12 To balance due from the deacons do 23.53 To interest received & due to June 30. 1802 24 . 81 $329 . 46 19.39 125. 6.73 50. 80. 281. 11. 12 39 10. 13 4. 1.60 16 .12 21 .22 1802 Supra June 30. By James Munro 's note of Nov. 29, 1793 Moses Coohdge & al. bond May 6, 1797 Jonas Wyeth jun. note Nov. 22, 1793 W^ Watson & al. bond, Oct. 13, 1791. John Walton esq& al. bond July 17, 1799 By cash distributed By interest due on the above Securities On James Munro 's note fr. March 1. 1802 Moses Coolidge & al. bond do Jonas Wyeth jun. note W™ Watson & al. bond do John Walton Esq. & al. bond do Balance in the hands of the Deacons S329 . 46 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above fund on the 30^^ of June 1802 Caleb Gannett \ Cambridge June 30, 1802 James Winthrop r Committee.' ' T. L. Jennison J "Cambridge June 30, 1802. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the exam- ination of the Committee into the state of the Church funds, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated funds : and we do hereby declare our agreement thereto Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton. ' ' Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 343 (38) Voted, That the Report be accepted ; and that the thanks of the Church be given to the Deacons for their services Voted. That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop and Timothy L. Jennison be a committee, to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. 1803 1803 July 1. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Committee for enquiring into the state of the church funds made the following REPORT. ''THE COMMITTEE, appointed to enquire into the state of the church stock, have attended that ser- vice, and offer the following statement: 1803 The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". June 30, To balance in their hands June 30, 1802 76 . 44 To amount of private Secvirities for monies by them put at interest a 6 P'' cent June 30, 1802 1236 . 33 To a State note 44 . 94 To 6 P^ cent Stock real value 189 . 8 To 3 P'- cent Stock 105.43 To interest received & due on Securities to June 30,1803, 129.48 To Contribution money at Communion 35 . 76 $1817.46 Supra 1803 June 30. By Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage, June 1, 1788 101.31 Nathan & W™ Watson 's bond & mortgage March 16, 1792 Jonthan Stone & al. bond March 1. 1800 Jonathan Winship (Parish Treaf"") note Oct. 4. 1790 Nath' P. Watson & al. note June 24, 1795 James Munro's note March 1, 1799 Samuel Lawrence & al. bond Aug. 14, 1799 233 33 100 111 57 34 59 63 86 35 344 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (39) Edward Walker & al. bond April 24, 1800 50 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Aug* 17, 1801 100. Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Feb. 11. 1802 50. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 13, 1802 60. William Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 380 . A State note January 1 . 1 803 35 . 95 6 P"- cent Stock 140 . 57 Deduct principal disc° & $3.33 over- charged heretofore 29 . 97 112. 60 6 P"- cent Stock in lieu of deferred Stock 70 . 28 Deduct principal discounted 2.90 67.38 3 P' cent Stock 105 . 43 1641. 2 By interest due on the following Securities, viz On Seth Hastings' bond from March 1. 1803 2 . 3 Nathan & Watson & al. bond fr. do 4.67 Jon* Stone & al. bond do 2 . Jona Winship 's note f r . March 1 . 1 803 8 . 92 NatW P. Watson's note f June 24, 1802 2.11 James Munro's note from March 1, 1802 8.94 Samuel Lawrence ' bond fr. do do . 70 Edward Walker & al. bond fr. do do 5 . 33 Nathan Watson & al. note from do do 8. Do do do do 4. Israel Shattuck & al. bond fr. March 1, 1803 1.20 W" Watson & al. bond from March 29, 1803 5.70 53.60 State Note from January 1, 1803 1. 8 6 P' cent Stock 6 . 33 3 P^ cent Stock 1 . 58 By Cash p^ the Treaf "• i interest of the fund 30 . 31 Expences for Communion fr. June 30, 1802 23 . 67 Expences & trouble in negotiating &c. 8. Balance in the Deacons ' hands 51 . 87 $1817.46 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 345 The Committee are of opinion, and recommend, that the private Securities now exprefsed in the Late denomina- tion should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no Security be taken without a surety or collateral Security One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1804, and will amount to $31 .65, purfuant to a vote of the Church pafsed June 18*1^ 1773. (40) The above we find to be the true state of the [un]appro- priated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons, on the 30^11 of June 1803. The Committee further recommend a Sale of the pul)- lick Securities. The Conmiittee then proceeded to enquire into the state of the fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D"". 1803 June 30. To sundry Securities for monies at interest June 30, 1802, 281 . 12 To Balance in the hands of the Deacons do 21 . 22 To Interest received & due to June 30, 1803 34.54 $336 . 88 Supra C. 1803 June 30. By James Munro 's note of Nov. 29, 1793 19 . 39 Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6. 1797. 125. Jonas Wyeth junr. note Nov. 22. 1793 6 . 73 John Walton Esq. A: al. bond July 17, 1799 80. Wilham Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80. By Cash distributed 1 1 . By Interest due on the above Securities, viz On James Munro 's note from March 1 , 1802 1 . 55 Moses Coolidge 's bond from do do 10. Jonas Wyeth Jun. note from do 1803 13 346 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. John Walton Esq. bond from do 1803 1.60 W" Watson 's bond from March 29, 1803 1 . 20 14 . 48 Balance in the Deacons ' hands 28 $336.88 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above fund on the 30*1^ of June 1803 Caleb Gannett ] James Winthrop r Committee." Timothy L. Jennison ) Cambridge June 30, 1803 "Cambridge June 30, 1803, We, the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examina- tion of the Committee into the state of the Church funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Eeport, as it respects both the appropriated and unap- propriated funds; and do hereby declare our agreement thereto. Gideon Frost James Munro John Walton. ' ' (41) Voted, That this Report be accepted. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison, be a committee, to inquire into the state of the Church Stocks, the ensuing year. 1804. 1804 April 5. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, for the pur- pose of electing a Deacon, to supply the vacancy, occa- sioned by the death of Deacon Frost; after prayer by the Pastor for divine direction, the brethren proceeded to bring in their written votes; and it appeared, that, of fifteen votes, fourteen were for brother William HiLLiARD and he was accordingly declared to be chosen , The Deacon elect offered a modest excufe for declin- ing the choice, on account of his early age*; but. after Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 347 due consideration, he accepted it, and signified his accept- ance by afsisting at the next communion service. *He is in his 26'^^ year; is a son of my worthy predecefsor in the ministry; and, though recently admitted into our Church, has been several years a member of a church in Boston, and has had frequent communion with us. A. H. 1804 Nov. 2. At a meeting of the Church, the Committee for enquir- ing into the state of the Church Funds made the following REPORT : THE COMMITTEE, appointed to enquire into the state of the Church stock, have attended that service, and offer the following statement. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"" 1804 June 30. To balance in their hands P"" Report June 30, 1803 51.87 To amount of private Securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 P"" cent. June 30, 1803 1319.66 (42) To a State Note 35 . 95 To 6 P"" cent Stock real value 1 12 . 60 To do in Heu of deferred Stock do 67.38 To 3 P"- cent Stock 105.43 To int* rec^ & due on private Securities to June 30, 1804, 135.90 To Contribution money at Communion 33.49 To interest & discount on pub. Securities to Jany 1804 29.16 1891.44 Deduct reduction of state Note contained in the last charge 7.19 S1884.25 348 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1804 June 30. Supra Cr. By Seth Hastings' bond & mortgage June 1, 1788 Nathaniel & William Watson's bond March 16, 1792 Jonathan Stone & al. bond March 1, 1800 Nathaniel P. Watson's note June 24, 1795 Samuel Lawrence & al. bond Aug* 14, 1799 Edward Walker & al. bond April 24. 1800 Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Aug. 17, 1801. do do. & al. note Feb. 11. 1802 Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 13- 1802 Wilham Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 Timothy L. Jennison's note Dec. 14, 1803 Wilham Watson & al. note March, 1. 1804 James Munro & al note March 1. 1804 A State Note Interest from Jan. 1. 1804 6 P"- cent Stock 140 . 57 Deduct Principal disc^'^^' 28 . 36 70.28 4.58 6 P"" cent in lieu of deferred Deduct principal discounted 3 P"" cent Stock (43) By Interest due on the following Securities, viz. On Seth Hastings Bond from March 1, 1804 2. 3 Nathan & W™ Watson's bond fr. do 4.67 Jonathan Stone & al . fr, do 2 . Nath^ P. Watson & al. note from June 24, 1804. 4 Samuel Lawrence bond fr. March 1, 1804 .70 Edwd Walker & al. bond fr. March 1, 1803 4 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. fr. March 1, 1804 2. Do & al. from do 1 . Israel Shattuck & al. from do 1.20 101.31 233.33 100. 34.59 35. 50. 100. 50. 60. 380. 15.81 215. 97. 4 28.76 112.21 65.70 105.43 1784.18 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 349 W^ Watson &al. from do 7.60 Timothy L. Jennison from Dec. 14, 1803 .51 William Watson & al. from IMarch 1, 1804 4.30 James Munro & al. from do 1.94 31.99 State Note from January 1, 1804 .72 GP'-cent 3.36 D" in lieu of deferred 1.97 3 P'" cent 1 . 58 By Cash paid the Treafurer ^ int* of the fund 31 .65 By Expences for Communion from June 30, 1803 22 . 62 By Expence & trouble in negotiating &c 8. 1886.07 Deduct due to the Poor's fund 4.80 1881.27 Balance in the Deacons ' hands 2 . 95 $1884.25 The committee are of opinion and recommend, that the private Securities now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion should be exchanged for others in that of federal money ; and that no Security be taken without a Surety or collateral Security. One third of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1805, and will amount to $34.53 purfuant to a vote of the Church pafsed June 18*^ 1773. (44) The Committee recommend a sale of the Public Securi- ties. The above we find to be the true state of the [unjappro- priated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30th of j^^ne 1804. The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the state 350 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. of the Fund, appropriated to the ufe of the poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D'". 1804 June 30. To sundry Securities for monies at int* June 30,1803 311.12 To balance in the hands of the Deacons do. 28 . To interest rec^ & due to June 30, 1804 33 . 14 $372 . 26 Supra C". 1804 June 30. By James Munro & al. note March 1, 1804 21 . 72 Mofes Coohdge & al. bond May 6. 1797 125 . Jonas Wyeth jun. note Nov. 22, 1793 6.73 John Walton Esq. & al. bond July 17, 1799 80 . W^ Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80 . 313.45 By in* due on the above Securities from the l^*^ of March last to this day, 4 months 6 . 27 By Cash distributed 11.70 By Cash due from Church fund 4 . 80 Balance in the Deacons hands 36.04 $372.26 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above Fund on the 30*^ of June 1804. Caleb Gannett ) Two of the Cambridge June 30. 1804 James Winthrop J Committee." Cambridge, June 30, 1804, We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examina- tion of the Committee into the state of the Church funds under our care and are satisfied with the foregoing Re- port, as it respects both the appropriated and unappro- Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 351 (45) priated Funds; and do hereby declare our agreement thereto. John Walton William Hilliard." Whereupon Voted, That this Report be accepted. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison, be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the enfuing year. 1805 1805 Jany 4. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, for the purpose of electing a Deacon, to supply the vacancy, occafioned by the death of Deacon Munro; after prayer by the Pastor for divine direction, the brethren proceeded to bring in their written votes and it appeared, that of ten votes, nine were for brother Josiah Moore, and he was accordingly declared to be chosen. William Dewey, a member of the church, being guilty of the sin of fornication previously to his late marriage and having been repeatedl}^ conversed with by the Pastor and admonished, having also uniformly exprefsed peni- tence for the offence, was at length encouraged to offer a Confefsion to the Church. At the aforesaid meeting of the Church the following Confefsion was accordingly presented ; and voted to be satisfactory : "I desire with shame and deep humiliation to confefs "before God, that I have not guarded as I ought against "indulgence to youthful lusts; but have violated the "laws of Chriftian purity and thus have given just caufe "of offence to the Church of which I am a member, as "well as exposed myself to the displeafure of a holy "God. Truly sensible, as I trust of my folly and sin, "I humbly ask forgivnefs of my Maker and intreat you "to restore me to your charity and fellowship, and ask "your prayers for me, that I may be preserved from "sin in future, and enabled by God's grace to adorn the "doctrine of my saviour, Cambridge Nov. 4, 1804. William Dewev" 352 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (46) 1805 May 3. At a meeting of the Church it was voted. That the pastor of the church with brothers, C. Gannett. & J. Winthrop be a committee, to consider the expediency of procuring rehgious books for the ufe of the members of the church ; and whether it be advis- able to apply for that purpose the surplusage of the con- tribution money, collected at the communion; and make report to the church. July 5. The Committee, appointed by the vote of the church, last recorded, made the following report to the Church, at a regular meeting. The Committee, appointed to consider the exped- inecy of procuring religious books for the ufe of the mem- bers of the church; and whether it be advifable to apply for that purpose the surplusage of the contribu- tion money, collected at the com.munion, beg leave to report. "That, on examination, they find, that, by a vote of "the Church 27 May 1773, the surplusage of the money, "raised by contribution at the communion, is incorporated "with the funds of the church; and therefore they judge "it not advisable to apply it to the object proposed. "The Committee, notwithstanding, recommend, that "a contribution be made by the Church, for purchas- "ing religious books for the use of members, under such "regulations, as the Church shall see fit to establish. "The Committee also recommend, that the Report "of the Committee of the Church, made 18 June 1773,* "designating the most proper way of improving the "church funds, be read annually, previous to the appoint- "ment of a committee to inquire into the state of the "church funds." "Cambridge 1 July 1805. A. Holmes, P"- order." * See pp. 108, 109, 184, of the old book of Chh. Records. Voted, That said Report be accepted. Voted That the same Committee prepare a list of suitable books for the purpose aforesaid, with an estimate of the expense Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 353 Voted. That the Report of 18 June 1773, so far as it relates to the Contribution at the Communion, be read next Lord 's day after the Communion service. 1805. (47) Nov. 1. At a meeting of the Church the following Report was read. "The Committee appointed to prepare a hst of Books, "for the ufe of the Members of the Church, have attended "that service, and beg leave to report: That, in their "judgment, the following books are well adapted to the end proposed, viz. The Holy Bible Leslie's Short & Easy Method with Deifts Baxter's Saints Rest Watts 's Hymns Wilson's Sacra Privata Doddridge 's Rife & Progrefs of Rehg. Evans' Sermons Mason's Remains Doddridge 's Ten Sermons Grosvenor 's Mourner Mason on Self Knowledge Doddridge's Adrefs to Maff Nam'v. Bell on the Lord 's Supper Grove on do Orton's Sermons to the Aged Ijeechman on Prayer Friendly Visit to Houfe of Mourn^. Sturms' Reflections (Harris) Wilberforce on Christianity W^est & Littleton on do. "The Committee estimate the expense of said books at "$13.50. "The Committee recommend, that the money, which "may he raised by contribution for procuring said books "(in conformity to the vote of the church 5 July), be "committed to the Deacons in trust; they also recom- "mend, that a Committee be appointed to procure said "books; and, if there be a surplus of money, after they 354 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. "shall be procured, to make report thereof to the Church. ' ' Cambridge, 31 Oct^ 1805. ' ' A. Holmes P"- order Whereupon the Church voted, that this Report be accepted. Voted, That each of the Deacons be furnished with a Subscription Paper, and present it to the several mem- bers of the church, to raife a sum for the purpose afore- said ; and that the Deacons be authorized to receive any of the books abovesaid toward such subscription. Voted, That the money and books, which shall be so collected, be dehvered over to the Pastor of the Church ; and that the books be deposited in some place, for the use of the members. Voted, That the Committee, formerly appointed for the selection of books, be a Committee to procure them, when the contribution shall be completed. Voted. That the said books be committed to the care of the Pastor. Voted, That the aforesaid Committee be a Com- mittee to prepare Regulations respecting the ufe of the books. (48) 1805 Nov. 1. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Committee for enquiring into the state of the Church Funds, made the following REPORT. "The Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, have attended that service, and offer the following Statement: The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D'". 1805 June 29. To balance in their hands P"" report June 30, 1804 2.98 To amount of private Securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 P"" cent June 30, 1804 1472. 8 To a State Note 28.76 To 6 P"- cent 112.21 To d° in lieu of deferred 65 . 70 To 3 P'- cent Stock ' 105.43 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 355 To interest received & due on private Securities to June 30, 1805 To interest and discount on public Sec*'®*^ to July 1, 1805 To Contribution money at Communion Supra 119.85 30. 5 36.87 1973.93 ige June 1, 1788 101.31 March 16, 1792 233.33 March 1, 1800 100. June 24, 1795 34.59 April 24, 1800 50. Aug. 17, 1801 100. Feb. 11, 1802 50. July 19, 1802 60. March 1 , 1804 215. March 29, 1803 380. June 18, 1805 100. March 18, 1804 97. 4 1805 June 29. By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June 1, Nathan & W™ Watson's bond Jonathan Stone & al. d^ Nathi P. Watson & al. note Edward [Walker] & al. bond Nathan Watson jun. & al. note do do Israel Shattuck &. al. bond William Watson & al. note Do & al. bond D" & al. note James Munro ct al. note (49) By interest due on the following securities, viz. On Seth Hastings bond from March 1, 1805 2.3 Nathan &W™ Watson's bond from March 1 1805 4.67 Jon^ Stone & al. bond from d° 2 . Nath* P. Watson & al. note from June 24, 1805 . 4 Edward Walker & al. bond from March 1805 1. Nathan Watson junr. & al. note fr. March 1, 1805 2. D« do 1 . Israel Shattuck & al. bond fr. March 1, 1805 1.20 W™ Watson & al. note from d^ 4 . 30 Do bond from d^ 7.60 1521.27 34. 53 5 10. 23. 84 33. .42 SI 973. 93 356 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Do note from June 18, 1805 .17 James Munro & al. note from March 1, 1804 7.76 33.77 By proceeds of the pubhc Secm'ities, sold 217 . 89 Discount in the sales 94.21 312.10 By cash paid the Treafurer \ int* of the Fund By a chest for containing the Church plate By expenses & trouble in negotiating &c. By expcnces of Communion from June 30, 1804 Balance in the Deacons' hands The Committee are of opinion and recommend that th private Securities, now exprefsed in the late denomina- tion, should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no Security be taken without a surety or collateral security. Two thirds of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1806, and will amount to S70. pursuant to a vote of the Chh. pafsed June 18, 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the [unjappro- priated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30*^ of June 1805. The Committee then proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor, of said Church ; and found the Deacons D*". 1805 June 29, To sundry securities for monies at interest June 30, 1804, 313.45 To interest received & due to June 30, 1805 26.67 To balance in the hands of the Deacons June 30, 1804 36. 4 Due from the Church funds d° 4.80 S380 . 96 Records of the First Church in Cambridge 357 (50) Supra C". 1805 June 29 By James Munro & al. note March 1, 1804 21 . 72 Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6, 1797 125 . Jonas Wyeth jun. note Nov. 22, 1793 6 . 73 John Walton Esq. & al. bond July 17, 1799. 80. William Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80. Aaron Parker & al. note Aug. 12, 1804 30. 343.45 By Interest due on the above securities from the P* of March to June 30, 1805 16 . 67 By Cash distributed 12 . Balance in the hands of the Deacons 8 . 84 -1380.96 This appears to the Committee to be the true state of the above Fund on the 30^^ of June 1805. Caleb Gannett j James Winthrop r Committee Cambridge June 29, 1805 T. L. Jennison ) Cambridge June 29, 1805. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examina- tion of the Committee into the state of the Church funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing report, as it respects both the appropriated and unap- propriated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement thereto. John Vv'alton Josiah Moore William Hilliard ' ' Voted That this report be accepted. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison, be a Committee to incjuire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. 358 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (51) 1806. 1806 Aug^ 5. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Com- mittee for enquiring into the state of the Church Funds made the following REPORT. "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of Church stock have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1806 June 30. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"" To Balance in their hands P'' report June 29, 1805 33 . 42 To amount of private Securities for monies by them put at interest at 6 P-- cent June 30, 1805. 1521 . 27 To interest received & due on d° to July 1, 1806 125.34 To contribution money at Communion 49 . 46 To Proceeds of the pubhc Securities, sold 217 . 89 1947.38 Supra C-. 1806 June 30. By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June 1, 1788 101.31 Nathan & William Watson's bond March 16, 1792 233.33 Jonathan Stone & al. do. March 1, 1800 100. Nathi P. Watson & al. note June 24, 1795 34.59 Edward [Walker] & al. bond April 24, 1800 50 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Aug. 17, 1801. 100. D° d° Feb. 11, 1802 50. Israel Shattuck&al. bond July 19, 1802 60. William Watson & al. note March 1, 1804 215. D" bond MarchpO, 1803 380. D° note June 18, 1805 100. James Munro & al. note Jany 1, 1806 107 . 73 William Watson & al. note July 1, 1805 250 . By Interest on the following Securities, viz On Nathan & W"^ Watson's bond from March 1. 1806 4.67 1781.96 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 359 Seth Hastings bond from d" 2.3 Jona Stone & al. bond from March 1. 1805 8. (52) Nathi P. Watson & al. bond fr. June 24, 1800 4 Edward Walker & al. bond fr March 1, 1806 1. Nathan Watson jun & al. 2 notes fr. March 1. 1805, 12. Israel Shattuck & al. bond fr. March 1, 1806 1.20 W" Watson & al. 4 bonds & notes from do. James Munro & al. note from do. By Cash paid the Pairsh Treafurer \ int* of the fund [f int*] By expences of Communion from June 30, 1805 By expence & trouble in negotiating the fund By Cash paid for a Demijohn Balance in the hands of the Deacons The Committee are of opinion and recom.mend the Securi" ties now exprefsed in the late denomination, excepting such as are accompanied by mortgage of real Estate should be exchanged for others in that of federal money; and that no Security be taken without a Surety or col- lateral Security. The Committee further recommend, that in cafes where an individual person is indebted on different Securities, those Securities be united in one with sufficient Sureties or accompanied with a mortgage of real estate of at least double the value of the debt. Two thirds of the Interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parifh in Cambridge on the first day of April 1807, and will amount to seventy one dollars and twenty eight cents, purfuant to a vote of the Church pafsed June, 18 1773. 8.90 3.23 51.7 70. 1805 25.50 id 10. 1.50 7.35 $1947.38 360 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30*1^ of June 1806. (53) The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D"". 1806 June 30. To Sundry Securities for monies at int*- June 30, 1805 343 . 45 To Interest received & due to July 1, 1806 37 . 35 To Balance in their hands June 30, 1805 8.84 To compound interest paid by Moses Coolidge . 35 S389 . 99 Surpa C^. 1806 June 30. By James Munro & al. note March 1, 1806 24. 10 By Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6, 1797. 125. By John Walton & al. bond, July 17, 1799. 80 . By Jonas Wyeth jun. note Nov. 22, 1793 6 . 73 By Aaron Parker & al. note Aug. 12, 1804 30. By Wilham Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80. 345 . 83 By interest due on the above Securities to June, 1806 7.15 By Cash distributed 10 . Balance in the hands of the Deacons 27 . 1 $389 . 99 This appears to the Committee to be a true state of the above Fund on the 30*^ of June 1806 Caleb Gannett ] Cambridge June 30, 1806 James Winthrop ^ Committee T. L. Jennison. J Cambridge June 30, 1806. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examina- tion of the Committee into the state of the Church funds under the care and are satisfied with the foregoing Re- Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 361 port, as it respects both the appropriated and unappro- priated Funds; and do hereby declare our agreement thereto. John Walton Josiah Moore William Hilliard." Voted, Tliat this Report be accepted. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, & T. L. Jennifon be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church stock, the eni'uing year. (54) 1806 Jany 3. At a meeting of the Church, the following Report, on the subject of a Church Library, was read : " The Committee, appointed by the first Church in Cambridge Nov. 1, 1805 to promote the eftablifhment of a Church Library, and to report Regulations concern- ing the same, offer the following Report : That several persons have contributed Books while others have given money, to aid the design. Their Liberality has been such, as to infure the books contained in the list approved, with a valuable addition. Your Committee propose, that the Collection of Books, in connection with any future increase by purchafe or donation, be termed The Church Library; and that the Books be for all the members of this Church, and others residing within the limits of this Parish, who unite in communion with this Church, subject to the following Regulations. 1. An individual may borrow one Book at a time. 2.. If a Book taken be 12"^" it shall be returned at the expiration of six weeks, or sooner at the option of the borrower; if it be an 8^° or 4t«, it may be kept twelve weeks. 3. Tuesday in each week, from 4 o'clock to 8 o'clock, P. M. shall be considered as the time specially appro- priated for taking and returning Books : This article however not to restrain the Librarian 362 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. when convenient, from accommodating a member at a different time. 4. If a Book sustain a great or special injury, while ab- sent from the Library, the borrower shall replace it by a new copy, he keeping the one injured; or, if returned, (55) it shall be retained by the Librarian, until the dainage shall be estimated, as hereafter provided, which shall be paid to the Librarian by the borrower, before he can be admitted to the ufe of the Library. 5. All Books borrowed from the Library shall be re- turned on the Monday immediately preceding the first Sabbath in July annually; and shall remain till after said first Sabbath. 6. There shall be annually a meeting of the Church on the Friday immediately preceding the first Sabbath in July. At this meeting shall be appointed a Librarian and a standing Committee; any other appointments made, that may be judged expedient; statements and reports received; and any other matters relative to the Library transacted. 7. The Librarian shall have in his custody a list of Books belonging to the Library, keep a regular catalogue of them, make regular entries of Books loaned and re- turned, receive all donations, in books or money, intended ; to increase the Library, keep a regular account of all tranfactions in his department, and present a statement to the Church at their annual meeting. 8. Four fifths of the money, that shall hereafter accrue by gift or otherwife for the increafe or benefit of the Library, shall be expended in the purchafe of Books; the Librarian reserving the other fifth part for the repair of Books and other incidental expenfes, under the direc- tion of the Standing Committee- 9. The Standing Committee shall inspect the Books between the Monday and Friday immediately preceding the first Sabbath in July. They shall at the desire of the Librarian, estimate any special damages any Book or Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 363 Books may have sustained; and give advice to the (56) Librarian in cafes where he may wish it. They shall also, in connexion with the Pastor, expend four fifths of the money received by the Librarian for the increase and benefit of the Librar3% in the purchafe of Books ; and with the Pastor are hereby authorized to judge, whether such Books, as shall at any time be presented, are well adapted to the original design of the Library ; and when- ever they shall judge them to be not thus adapted, to exchange them for others, appropriate to the said design carefully preferving however the names of the donors. They shall make report of the state of the Library to the Church at the annual meeting. 10. All Books shall be covered by the Librarian before delivery; and on the inside of each Book shall be pasted a printed paper, containing thefe words: This Book Belongs to the Church Library in Cambridge. All which is submitted by Abiel Holmes ] Caleb Gannett r Committee Cambridge Jan^ 3. 1806. James Winthrop J An amendment was proposed in the 10*'^ article, viz. to insert the words ''Library of the First Church," in- stead of the words "Church Library" and the Report, with this amendment, was accepted. A list of Books, proposed by the same Committee to be purchased for the library, was accepted by the Church. Whereupon Voted, to proceed to the choice of a Librarian, and of a Standing Committee, to do the duties of those offices until the annual meeting in June. (57) The Pastor of the Church (Abiel Holmes) was chofen Librarian; and A. Holmes, Caleb Gannett Esq. and 364 Records of the First Church in Cambridge, Deacon William Hilliard, were chosen the Standing Committee. Voted that said Committee be authorized to procure the books on the list now communicated and accepted, and to employ the remainder of the money, subscribed for the Library, in purchasing such other books, as they may judge suitable, and in defraying contingent expenfes. The books and money, subscribed for the Library, having been collected antl the Committee having pro- cured most of the additional books, which they wore authorized to purchafe; a report of their transactions was made to the Church in October. The list of books being at length completed, the Committee caufed a Cata- logue of them to be printed, and distributed among the members of the Church, in December. The number of books at this time as appears by the Catalogue is one hundred and nine. N.B. The subsequent transactions relative to the Church Library, and the Annual Reports of the Stand- ing Committee, are recorded in a separate Book. A.H. (58) 1807. 1807 July 3. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Committee for inquiring into the state of the Church Funds made the following REPORT : "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of Church Stock have attended that service, and report the following statement. 1807 June 30. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D'"- To balance in their hands P'" Report June 30*^ 1806 7.35 To amount of private Securities for monies by them placed at Interest @ 6 P"" cent June 30^'^ 1806 1781.96 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 365 To interest received & due on d° to June 30"' 1807 To contribution money at Communion 143.31 39.79 $1972.41 Supra C 1807 June 30. By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June P^ 1788 Nathan & William Watsons bond March 16, 1792 Jonathan Stone & al. bond NatW P. Watson & al. note Edward Walker & al. bond Nathan Watson jun & al. note d° note Israel Shattuck & al. bond William Watson & al. note d° bond d° note d^ note James Munro & al. note William Hilliard note March 1, 1800 June 24, 1795 April 24, 1800 Aug. 17, 1801 Feb. 11, 1802 July 19, 1802 March 1, 1804 March 29, 1803 June 18, 1805 July 1, 1805 Jany 1. 1806 April 24, 1807 101.31 233.33 100. 34.59 50. 100. 50. 60. 215. 380. 100. 250. 107.73 57. 1838.96 By interest on the following Securities, viz. On Seth Hastings bond from March 1, 1807 2.03 Nathan & W^ Watson's bond do 4.67 Jonathan Stone & al. bond do 2 . Nathi P. Watson & al. note from June 24, 4 Edward Walker & al. bond March 1. 1 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. 2 notes d'' 3. Israel Shattuck & al. bond d" 1 .20 (59) W™ Watson & al. 4 bonds & notes June 24, 1807 18.90 James Munro & al. note d^ 2 . 14 William Hilliards April 24. .32 35.30 By Cash paid the Parifh Treasurer f int* of tliC Fund 71 .28 366 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Expences of Communion from June 30, 1806 25 . 50 Expence & trouble in negotiating the fund 10 . $1981. 4 The Committee are of opinion, that no Security should be taken without a surety or collateral Security. The Committee further recommend, that in cases, where an individual person is indebted on different Secu- rities, those Securities should be united in one with suf- ficient surety or sureties, or accompanied with a mort- gage of real estate unincumbered, and of at least double the value of the debt. Two thirds of the Interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treafurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1808, and will amount to seA'enty three dollars and fifty six cents, pursuant to a vote of the Church, pafsed June 18, 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated Church funds in the hands of the Deacons on the 30*^ of June 1807. The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D"". 1807 To sundry Securities for monies at Interest June June. 30*^^ 1806 343.45 To Interest received & due to June 30*^ 1807 27.40 To Balance in their hands June 30*^ 1806 27 . 1 $397.86 Supra 1807 June 30. By James Munro & al. note Moses Coolidge & al. bond John Walton Esq. & al. bond Aaron Parker & al. note William Watson & al. bond William Hilliard 's note Jany 1, 1806 24.10 May 6, 1797 125. July 17, 1799 SO. Aug. 12, 1804 30. March 29, 1803 80. April 24, 1807 26. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 367 (60) Interest clue on the above Securities to June 30. 1807, 7. 6 B}^ cash distributed 10. Balance in the Deacons Hands 15 . 70 1397.86 This appears to the Committee to be a true state of the above Fund on the 30*^ of June 1807. Caleb Gannett ^ T. L. Jennison j- Committee. Cambridge June 30*^ 1807. James Winthrop ) Cambridge June 30*'^ 1807. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the exami- nation by the Committee into the state of the Church fund under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unap- prorpiated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement thereto. John Walton Josiah Moore WilHam Hilhard." Voted, That the Report be accepted. Voted, That the Thanks of the Church be given to the Committee for their attention and care in the performance of the duties of their commifsion. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison, be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. The Standing Com*ee of the Chh Library made Report.* * For Transactions relating to the Chh Library, see Library Book. Dif solved. 1808. 1808 July 1. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Committee for inquiring into the state of the Church Funds made the following REPORT. 368 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. "The Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1808 June 30. The Deacons of the Church in Cambridge D". To amo* of Securities for monies by y°^ placed at int* June 30, 1807 1838.96 To int^ received & due on d" to June 30*^ 1808 144 . 13 To Contribution money at Communion 41 .66 $2024.75 (61) Supra C". 1808 June 30. By balance due to the Deacons P"" Report June 30, 1807 8.63 By Seth Hastings bond & mortgage June 1, 1788 101 . 31 Nathan & W" Watson 's bond March 16, 1792 233 . 33 Jonathan Stone & al. bond 1. 1800 100. Nathi P. Watson & al. note Oct. 14, 1807 35 . 25 Edward Walker & al. bond April 24, 1800 50 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Aug. 17, 1801 100 . ditto Feb. 11, 1802 50. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60 . Wilham Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 380 . William Watson & al. bond 1,1804 215. do June 18, 1805 100 . do Jiilyl, 250. James Munro & al. Jan^ 1 . 1806 107 . 72 William Hilliard April 24. 1807 57. 1848.24 By Interest on the following Securities, viz. On Seth Hastings' bond from March 1. 1808 2.03 Nathan & W^ Watson 's bond d° 4 . 67 Jona Stone & al. bond d" 8. Nathi P. Watson & al. note fr. Oct'H. 1807 . 70 Edward Walker & al. bond fr. March 1 . 1807 4 . Nathan Watson jun. & al. 2 notes fr. March 1, 1808, 3. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 369 Israel Shattuck & al. bond from d" 1 .20 W" Watson & al. 4 bonds & notes d« 18 . 90 James Munro & al. note d° 2.14 William Hilliard's note d« 1.14 45.78 B}' cash paid for a damask table cloth &: 2 napkins 10.98 for painting the plate box . 75 for U y^' of baize .50 1.25 For cash p^^ the Parish Treaf '■ f int^ of the Funtl 73 . 56 85 . 74 To Expences of Communion from June 30, 1807 25.50 To Expence & trouble in negotiating the Fund 10. 2015.28 Balance in the hands of the Deacons 9 . 49 $2024 . 75 The Committee are of opinion that no Security should be taken without a Surety or collateral Securit}'. The Committee further recommend; that in cases where an Individual person is indebted on different Secu- rities, those Securities should be united in one with (62) sufficient Surety or Sureties, or accompanied with a mortgage of real estate unincumbered, and of at least double the value of the debt. Two thirds of the Interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treasurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1809, and will amount to seventy three dollars and ninety three cents, pursuant to a vote of the Church passed June 18'^> 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30th of June 1808. 370 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of s"^ Chh. & found the Deacons D''. ISOS June 30. To am° of sundry Securities for money at intt June 30, 1807 365.10 To balance in their hands at do 15.70 To interest reC^ to & due June 30, 1808 28.96 409.76 Supra Cr. 1808 June 30. By James Munro's & al. note Jan. 1, 1806 24.10 Moses Coohdge & al. note May 6, 1797 125. John Walton & al. Bond July 17, 1797 80. Aaron Parker & al. note Aug*. 12, 1804 30 . William Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80. Wilham HilUard's note Apr. 24, 1807 26. 365.10 By Interest on the above Securities to June 30, 1808 14.56 By Cash distributed to certain indigent members 11 .00 Balance in the hands of the deacons 19. 10 409 . 76 This appears to the Committee to be the state of the above Funds on the 30^^ day of June 1808 Caleb Gannett ] James Wintlirop r Committee T. L. Jennison j Cambridge June 30, 1808 Cambridge June 30 1 808. We the Deacons of the Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Com- mittee into the state of the Church funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 371 both the appropriated and unappropriated funds, and do hereb}^ declare our agreement thereto. John Walton Josiah Moore William Hilliard." (63) Voted, That the above Report be accepted. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Win- See throp, & Timothy L. Jennison,be a committee to in- Lihrary quire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing Book 5'ear. Dif solved. 1808 July 10. At a meeting of the Church, called by the Pastor a letter from Sarah L. Hilliard, requesting the Church "to difmifs Mr. Hilliard from the office of a dea- con." Whereupon, Voted, That a Committee of five brethren be appointed to confer with M'"® Hilliard for the purpose of ascertaining the grounds and reasons of her request, and make report to the Church. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, John Mellen, Levi Hedge, and deacons Walton & Moore be said Com*®®. Adjourned to Friday the 26*^ instant-to meet at the house of the Pastor at five o'clock P.M. — 26 Met according to adjournment — 15 memb' present The Committee, appointed to confer with M''^. Hill- iard, made a Report (See it on File) which concluded thus : ' ' Considering the nature of the Request, as tending "to diminish respect for an important office, as affecting "the interest and order of the Church and the honor of "our holy Religion, the Committee are unanimously of "opinion, that no reasons have been offered by the "Applicant, that would justify the Church in complying "with her request." Voted unanimously, that the petition of M""^ Hilliard be dismifsed. Also, Voted unanimously. That the Pastor be requested to advise Sarah L. Hilliard of the improper dispositions discovered in her petition, and of its dis- 372 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. orderly tendency; and to admonish her to cultivate a more Christian temper hereafter. The Meeting was then dif solved. (64) 1808 iN^ov. 4. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified (12 members present) the Pastor stated, that he had not been able to give advice and admonition to Sarah L. Hilhard, con- formably to the vote of the Church at its last meeting, on account of her peremptory refusal to see him when he called at deacon Hilliard's house, although she was made duly acquainted with the special design of his visit, and warned, that, if she persisted in such refusal, it would be at her peril. Whereupon Voted, That in consideration of the con- temptuous manner in which Sarah L. Hilliard has treated the Pastor and Church, in refusing to receive a pastoral admonition in conformity to a vote of the church; also, in consideration of her general contumacious behaviour since the presentment of her petition; she be suspended from the privilege of communion with the church. Voted, That the Pastor be requested to communicate the transactions of the Church at this meeting to Sarah L. Hilliard. Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the Friday immediately preceding the first Lord 's day in May next unlefs it should appear expedient to call a meeting pre- vious to that time. The meeting was adjourned accordiiig'ly. 1809 May 5. The Church met according to adjournment. The transactions of the Church relative to Sarah L. Hilliard v/ere read. The Pastor then stated, that, being unable to obtain an interview with M*"^ Hilliard, he communicated the transactions of the Church of Nov. 4. to her in writing the next day (Nov. 5*^^) since which time he had neither seen her, nor received any communis cation from her. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 378 Voted, That the farther procedure of the Chh, in the cafe of M""^ HilUard, be postponed until the next Lecture day; & that this meeting be adjourned until that time. Adjourned accordingly. (65) 1809. June 30. The Church met according to adjournment. The number of members present being small, it was. Voted, to adjourn this meeting to the day of the lecture preceding the communion in November. It was adjourned accordingly. Nov. 3. The church met according to adjournment. (11 Pros') The transactions of the Church relative to Sarah L. Hilliard were read. The Pastor then stated, That he had given her written notice, that the Church have it in contemplation to proceed to a still higher act of cenfure, and that he had required her attendence at this time and place, that she might have an opertunity to exprefs her repentance, or to offer any reasons against such pro- cedure of the Church; but that she returned the letter of notice with signs of contempt and defiance. Where- upon, after serious deliberation, the following Vote pafsed unanimously : Whereas Sarah L. Hilliard, in July 1808, requested the Church to clismifs her husband from theoffice of a Deacon, without offering any satisfactory reason for so extra- ordinary a request, which was considered by the Church "as tending to diminish respect for an important office, " as affecting the interest and order of the church, and the honour of our holy religion," and whereas, in considera- tion of the contemptuous manner in which the said Sarah L. Hilliard treated the Pastor and Church in refus- ing to receive a pastoral admonition in conformity to a vote of the Church, also, in consideration of her general contumacious behaviour after the presentment of her petition, she was in November 1808 suspended from the privilege of communion with the Church; and whereas, after all the sincere and faithful endeavours of the Church 374 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (66) to bring her to a sense of her sin and folly and to recover her again to repentance, she has given no evidence of contrition, but, on the contrary, together with her refusal to hear the Church, has given additional and increasing proof of obduracy, and of an impious contempt of the ordinance of the Lord's Supper and of the discipline of the Church. Voted, That Sarah L. Hilliard be excommunicated. Voted, That the Pastor be requested to pronounce the sentence of Excommunication in presence of the Church, after the communion service on the next Lord's day. The Report of the Committee on the Church Funds was read and accepted. See p. 68-70. Nov, 5. Lord's day. After communion service, the Pastor gave a brief account of the cafe of Sarah L. Hilliard, and stated the obligations of ministers to endeavour to pre- serve the purity of the church. Jerm. xv. 19. Ezek. xliv. 23. He then showed the treatment required, in case of an offence in the church, from Matth xviii. 15-19, and observed : From this and other pafsages of the New Testament it appears, that, after admonitions and re- bukes, if the offender appears incorrigible, he is to be cast out of the Society, and avoided as a person with whom to have any intercourse, except in the offices of humanity, would be dangerous. It is accordingly stated in the Platform of our Churches, that "while the offen- der remains excommunicate the church is to refrain from all memberlike communion with him in spiritual things, and also from all familiar communication wdth him in civil things, farther than the necefsity of natural or do- mestic or civil relations do require; and are therefore to forbear to eat and drink with him, that he may be ashamed." (67) He then recited the transactions of the Church at its last meeting on the case of M""^ Hilliard, as recorded under the date of Nov'" 3.; and appealed to the Church Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 375 for a confirmation of the Vote of Excomnuuiication, which was now signified (as it was in the first instance) by a silent vote. He accordingly pronounced, with pathos and solemnity, the following sentence of EXCOiMMUNICATION. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Head of the Church, I declare Sarah L. Hilliard to be excluded from the Church of Christ, and cut off from the privileges of those who are stedfast in the covenant. I declare her to have broken the vows of God, which were upon her, and her sacred promifes to his covenant people, and to be unworthy of Christian society and fellowship. I pro- nounce her to be a person from whom the followers of Christ are to withdraw, as from one who walketh disorderly What is bound in the church on earth, according to the Gospel, will be bound in heaven. The sentence now pafsed is but a representation of a sentence inconceivably more awful, to be pafsed on the transgrefsor at the judg- ment seat of Christ, unlefs it be prevented by a seasonable repentance. That it may be thus prevented, may God, who hath the residue of the Spirit; of his infinite mercy grant through Jesus Christ. Amen. A prayer was then made, adapted to the affecting occasion; and the ufual benediction closed the solemnity. (See p. 80. for a Restoration.) (68) Report of the Committee on the Church Funds. See p. 66. "The Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1809. June 30. The Deacons of the Church in Cambridge D^ To amount of Securities for monies by them placed at interest June 30, 1808 1839. 61 To interest due to June 30, 1808 on d« 45 . 78 To interest rec'' & due from June 30, 1808 to June 30, 1809, 108.46 376 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. To Contribution Money at Communion 43 . 52 To Balance in their hands June 30, 1809. 9.49 $2046.86 " 1, 1800 100. Aug. 17, 1801 100. Feb. 16, 1802 50. July 19, 1802 60. J any 1, 1806 107.73 Oct. 14, 1807 35.25 Oct. 19, 1808 93. March 1, 1809 945. 1. " 149.17 Supra C. 1809 June 30, By Nathan & W" Watson's bond March 16, 1792 233.33 Jona Stone & al. bond Nathan Watson jun. & al. D« do Israel Shattuck & al. bond James Munro & al. bond Nathi P. Watson & al. note Joseph Stevens & al. note William Watson & al. note William Hilliard & al. note 1873.48 By Interest on the following Securities, viz. On Nathan & William Watson's bond 4.67 Jona Stone & al. bond 2 . Nathan Watson jun & al. 3. Israel Shattuck & al. 1.20 James Munro & al. 2.15 Nathi P. Watson & al. .71 Joseph Stevens & al. 1.86 William Watson & al . 18 . 90 William Hilliard & al. 1.36 35.85 (69) By cash paid the Parish Treaf"" f int* of the Fund 73.93 p^ for 1^ y'' baize for guar"^^ Com- munion cups .71 p'^ expences of Communion fr. June 30, 1808, 26.12 Expence & trouble in negotiate Fund 10 . 1 10 . 76 Balance in the hands of the Deacons 26 . 77 $2046 . 86 365 .10 14. 56 19. 10 20 .42 Record.'^ of the First Church in Cambridge. 377 Two thirds of the Interest of the foregoing Securities are to be paid by the Deacons to the Treasurer of the First Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1810, and will amount to seventy four dollars & ninety four cents, pursuant to a Vote of the Church pafsed June 18, 1773. The above we find to be the true state of the unappro- priated Church Fund in the hands of the Deacons on the 30th of June 1809. The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the ufe of the Poor of said Church & found the Deacons D*". 1809 Jvme To amount of sundry Securities for money at Interest June 30, 1808 To interest due on d^ to June 30, 1808 To balance in the hands of the Deacons on d° To interest received & due to June 30, 1809 $419.18 Supra C''. 1809 June 30. By Moses Coohdge & al. bond May 6, 1797 125. John Walton Esq. & al. bond July 17, 1799 80 . W" Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80. Aaron Parker & al. note Aug. 12, 1804 30. James Munro & al. note Jany 1, 1806 24. 10 William Hilliard & al. note March 1, 1809 42. 381.10 By Interest due on the above Secur'^ to June 30, 1809 9.42 By cash distributed to sundry indigent members 1 1 . Balance in the hands of the Deacons 17 . 66 419.18 This appears to the Committee to be a true state of the above Fund on the 30*^ of June 1809. Caleb Gannett ] James Winthrop ?■ Com*®®. T. L. Jennison J 378 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Cambridge June 30, 1809. We the Deacons of the Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Committee into the state of the Church funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Re- port, as it respects both the appropriated and unappro- priated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement thereto John Walton Josiah Moore William HilUard." Voted, That the Report be accepted. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Win- throp, and Timothy L. Jennison, be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the enfuing year See Library The Meeting was then difsolved. Book 1810 At a meeting of the Church Jany 4. 1811. The Com- mittee for inquiring into the state of the Church funds made the following REPORT. "The Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of Church Stock, have attended that service and report the following statement. (71) The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". 1810 July 1 To amount of Securities for monies by them placed at interest June 30, 1809 1873.48 To interest due June 30, 1809 35 . 85 To Interest received from June 30, 1809 to March 1, 1810 74.94 To Contribution money at communion Balance 23.18 To Balance in he hands of the Deacons June 30, 1809, 20.77 S2034.22 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 379 Supra C". 1810 July 1 . By Nathan & W™ Watson 's bond IMarch 1 6, 1 792 233 . 33 Jonathan Stone & al. bond 1. 1800 100. Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Aug. 17, 1801 100 . Do note Feb. 11,1802 50. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60. James Munro & al. note Jan. 1. 1806 107.73 Nathi P. Watson & al. note March 1. 1810 35.25 Joseph Stevens & al. note Oct. 19, 1808 93. WilHam Watson & al. note March 1, 1809 945. William Hilliard & al. note " 1. " 149.17 Royal Morse & al. note May 5. " 26. 1899.48 By cash P'' the Parish Treasurer § int* of the fund 74 . ;)4 By discount on exchange of uncurrent Bills 1.75 By expence & trouble in negotiating the Fund 10 . Balance in the hands of the Deacans 48 . 5 S2034 . 22 Two thirds of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treasurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1811. and will amount to seventy six dollars, pursuant to a Vote of the Church pafsed June 18, 1773. The foregoing we find to the be true state of the unap- propriated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the pt of March 1810. Caleb Gannett \ James Winthrop > Coiu*®^. T. L. Jennison j (72) The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D''. 1810 Juh^ 1. To amount of sundry securities for money at Interest June 30, 1S09. 381 . 10 380 Records of the First Church in Ca7nbridge. To Interest due on d° to June SO^^^ 1809 9 . 42 To Balance in the hands of the Deacons on d'' 17 . 66 To Interest rec^ from June 30*^ 1809 to March 1^*1810. 15.46 $423 . 64 Supra C^ 1810 July. 1 By Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6. 1797 125 . John Walton & al. bond July 17, 1799 80. W°^ Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803. 80 . Aaron Parker & al. note bal. Aug. 12, 1804 18.41 James Munro & al. note Jany 1, 1806 24. 10 William Hilhard & al. note March 1. 1809 42. Royal Morse & al. note May. 5, 1810 15. 423 . 64 The above appears to the Committee a true state of the above Fund on the 1^* of March [July] 1810. Caleb Gannett ] James Winthrop > Committee. T. L. Jennison J Cambridge August 18, 1810. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Committee into the state of the Church funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report as it respects both the appropriated & unappropriated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton Josiah Moore WilHam Hilliard" The Report was accepted. The Report of the Com- mittee 18, June 1773 was read* The same Com*®® for inquiring into the state of the church stock was rechosen. The meeting dissolved. *The Vote recorded p. 46, which has been uniformly observed. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 381 (73) 1811. July 5. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Com- mittee for inquiring into the state of the Church funds made the following REPORT. "The Committee, appointed to enquire into the state of Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. The Deacons of the Church in Cambridge D' 1811. July 1 . To amount of Securities for monies by them placed at interest June 30*^ 1810 1899.48 To Interest rec^ from March 1. 1810 to March 1, 1811 115-20 To Contribution money at Communion — balance 22 . 12 To Balance in the hands of the Deacons June 30. 1810 ■ 48.05 S2084.85 Supra C"". 1811 July 1^* By Nathan i*c W™ Watson's bond March 16, 1792 233 . 33 Jonathan o:\V'" Si one's bond " 1.1800 100. Nathan Watson jun. & al. Aug. 17, 1801 100. Do note Feb. 11,1802 50. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60 . James Munro & al- note Jany 1. 1806 107 . 73 Nathi P. Watson & al. note March 1. 1810 35.25 Joseph Stevens & al. note Oct. 19, 1808 93. Wilham Watson & al. note March 1. 1809 945. William Hilliard & al. note " 1809 149.17 Joseph Stevens & al. note March 1. 1811 100 . Royal Morse & al. note " " 9 . 1982.48 By cash p^ the Par^^ Treas"" f int* of the Fund 76 . ]{y expence & trouble in negotiate the Fund 10 . 86 . Balance in the hands of the Deacons this day 16 . 37 $2084.85 382 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Two thirds of the interest of the foregoing Securities is to be paid by the Deacons to the Treasurer of the first Parish in Cambridge on the first day of April 1812, and will amount to seventy nine dollars & thirty cents, pur- suant to a vote of the Church pafsed June 18, 1773. (74) The foregoing we find to be the true state of the unap- propriated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the first of March 1811. Caleb Gannett 1 Cambridge July P* 1811. James Winthrop \ Committee. T. L. Jennison J The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D"". 1811 July 1. To amount of sundry Securities for money at Interest June 30, 1810 384 . 51 To interest rec'^ from March 1, 1810 to March 1, 1811 22.90 To Balance in the hands of the Deacons July 1, 1810. 28.13 $435.54 Supra C^ 1811. July 1. By Moses Coohdge & al. bond May 6, 1797 125. John Walton & al. bond July 17, 1799 80. W"^ Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80 . Aaron Parker & al. note Aug. 22, 1804, balance 18.41 James Munro & al. note Jany 1. 1806 24 . 10 William Hilliard & al. note March 1, 1809 42. James Munro & al. note March 1. 1811 32. Cash distributed to certain indigent widows 12.50 Balance in the hands of the Deacons. 21 .53 $435.54 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 383 The above appears to the Committee a true state of the above Fund on the P* of March 1811. Caleb Gannett \ James Winthrop l Com^'^^. Cambridge July 1, 1811. T. L. Jennison j Cambridge July 1, 1811. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Committee into the State of the Church funds under our care, and are satis- fied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton Josiah Moore William Hilliard." (75) Voted, That the Report be accepted. The Pastor then read the Report of the Committee of the Church, made 18*^ June 1773, designating the most proper way of improving the church funds, agreeably to vote of the Church 3^'' May 1805. Voted ^ That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop. and T. L. Jennison be a committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. The meeting was then dif solved. See library Book. 1812. July 3. At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, the Committee for inquiring into the state of the Church funds made the following REPORT. "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1812 The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". July 1. To amount of Securities for monies by them placed at Interest June 30*^ 1811 1982.48 384 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. To int^ rec'i from March P* 1811 to March P*. 1812 118.95 To Contribution money at Communion — Balance 25 . To Balance in the hands of the Deacons June 30, 1811 16.37 $2142.80 Supra C"". 1812 July 1. By Nathan & W^ Watson's bond March 16, 1792 233.33 Jonai^ & W" Stone's bond " 1.1800 100. Nathan Watson jun. & al. note Aug. 17, 1801 100 . Do note Feb. 11. 1802 50. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19 " 60. James Munro & al. note Jany 1, 1806 107 . 73 NatW P. Watson & al. " March 1, 1810 35 . 25 Joseph Stevens & al. ' ' Ocf 19, 1808 93 . W" Watson & al. " March 1, 1809 945 . W^i Milliard & al. " " " " 149.17 (76) By Joseph Stevens & al. note, March 1, 1811 100. Royal Morse & al. " " " " 9. Joseph Stevens & al. " March 28, 1812 45 . 2027.48 By cash p^ the Parish Treas*" | int*. of the Fund 79.30 By expence & trouble in negotiate the Fund 10. Balance in hands of the Deacons this date 26 . 02 1 15 . 32 $2142.80 The foregoing we find to be the true state of the unap- propriated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the P* of March 1812. Caleb Gannett \ James Winthrop l Committee T. L. Jennison J Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 385 The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D"". 1812 July 1 . To amount of sundry Securities for money at interest June 30, 1811 401 .51 To Interest rec' from March P^ 1811 to 24. 9 To Balance in the hands of the Deacons July 1, 1811 21.53 Balance due to the Deacons June 30, 1812 Supra C^ 1812 July 1. By Moses Coohdge & al. bond May 6, 1797 John Walton & al. d« July 17, 1799 W°i Watson & al. d" March 29, 1803 Aaron Parker & al. note Aug. 2, 1804 bal. James Munro & al. d^ Jan. 1, 1806 W^ Billiard &al. d^ March 1, 1809 James Munro & al. d" " 1811 Royal Morse & al. d« " " Cash distributed to sundry indigent persons S447.16 The above appears to the Committee a true state of the above Fund on the P* of March 1812. Caleb Gannett ] James Winthrop \ Com'^®. T. L. Jennison j (77) Cambridge July 1, 1812. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Committee into the State of the Church funds under our care, and are satis- fied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the 3 $447. 16 125. 80. 80. 18. 41 24. 10 42. 32. 32. 433. 51 13. 65 386 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. appropriated and unappropriated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton Josiah Moore" Voted, That the Report be accepted. The Pastor read the Report of the Committee of the Church 18*^ June 1773, agreeably to a Vote of the Church 3 May 1805. Voted, That brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, & T. L. Jennison, be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. For the transactions relating to the Church Library, see the Librarian's Book. The meeting was difsolved. 1813 1813. July 2. At a meeting of the Church duly notified, the Committee for inquiring into the state of the Church funds made the following Report which was accepted. "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". 1813 June 29 To Am* of Securities for monies placed at in* July 1, 1812 2027.48 To interest rec'^ from March 1, 1812 to March 1, 1813 121.43 To Contribution money at the communion — bal. 13. 3 To balance in hands of the Deacons July 1, 1812. 26. 2 $2187.96 (78) Supra C"". 1813 June 29. By Nathan & W" Watson's bond March 16, 1792 233.33 Jona & W™ Stone 's bond 1 . 1 800 100 . Nathan Watson jun. & a1. note Aug. 17, 1801 100. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 387 Nathan Watson jun. note Feb. 11, 1802 50. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60 . James Munro & al. note Jany 1. 1806 107 . 73 Nathi P. Watson & al. note March 1, 1810 35.25 Joseph Stevens & al. note Oct. 19, 1808 93 . Bo March 1,1811 100. William Watson & al. Note " 1809 945. William Hilliard & al. note " " " 149.17 Royal Morse & al . note March 1 . 1 8 1 1 . 9 . Joseph Stevens &. al. note March 28, 1812. 45. Peter Coolidge & al. note May 1, 1813 50 . 2077.48 By Cash paid the Parish Treas"" f int of fund 81 . 10 By expences & trouble in negotiatng the fund 10 . Balance in the hands of the Treas-" 19 . 38 1 10 . 48 $2187.96 The foregoing we find to be the true state of the unap- propriated Church fund in the hands of the Deacons on the first day of March 1813. Caleb Gannett I ^^^^^,^_ T. L, Jennison-* The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D^ 1813 June 29. To amount of sundry securities for money at interest July 1, 1812. 433 . 51 To interest rec'^ fr. March 1, 1812 to March 1, 1813 26. 1 $459.52 (79) Supra C"". 1813 June 29. By balance due June 30, 1812 • 3 Moses CooUdge & al. bond May 6, 1797 125 . 388 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. John Walton & al. bond July 17, 1799 80 . William Watson & al. bond March 29, 1803 80 . Aaron Parker & al. note Aug. 12, 1804 balance 18.41 James Munro & al. note Jany 1. 1806 24. 10 Wilham Hilliard & al. note March 1. 1809 42 . James Munro & al. note March 1, 1801 32 . Royal Morse & al. note March 1, 1811 32. 433 . 54 By cash distributed to certain indigent persons 11 .70 Balance in the hands of the deacons ■ 14 . 28 $459.52 The above appears to the Committee a true state of the above Fund on the P* of March 1813. Caleb Gannett I ^^^^^^^^ T. L. Jennison * Cambridge June 29, 1813 We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Committee into the state of the Church Funds under our care, and are satis- fied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton Josiah Moore Wilham HilHard" The Report of Committee of the Church 18 June 1773 was read, agreeably to a Vote 3 May 1805. Brothers C. Gannett. J. Winthrop & T. L. Jennison were chosen a Com*^^ to inquire into Chh Stock ensuing year. See Chh Librarians Book. The meeting was difsolved. 1813. (80) Nov. 5. At a meeting of the brethren of the Church a Confes- sion in writing, signed by Sarah L. Hilliard, having been Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 389 communicated, the following \'ote was pafsed unani- mously: "Whereas the members of this Church were for reasons apparent in their Records, reduced to the sorrowful necefsity of pafsing a vote of excommunication against M''^ Sarah L. Hillianl, which was solemnly declared by the Rev. Pastor Nov. 5, 1809; and whereas the said Sarah L. Hilliard has since given satisfactory evidence of her contrition and repentance, and exprefsed her earnest desire of forgivnefs and readmifsion to our communion, as declared in her Confefsion this day communicated. Voted, That the said Sarah L. Hilliard be and is hereby restored to the fellowship and privileges of the Church." The Pastor then solemnly declared her restoration to the fellowship and privileges of the Church, and exhorted the members to conduct towards her accordingly. 1814 1814. Jan. 16. A letter of the Pastor to brother George B. English, and his answer, having been communicated to the Church, it was Voted, That brethren Profefsor Ware, Caleb Gannett, Profefsors Williard Ai Hedge, with the Pastor, be a com- mittee to confer with brother English on the subject of his recent Publication, entitled, "The Grounds of Chris- tianity examined by comparing the New Testament with the Old," and to ascertain, whether he adheres to (81) 1814 the sentiments advanced in that publication, or whether he is disposed to reconsider or retract them, and to report to the Church a suitable form of procedure. July 1. At a meeting of the Church, the Committee appointed to confer with George Bethune English, respecting his recent Publication, made Report. After some discufsion, it was Voted, That the further consideration of the report be postponed until the Friday preceding the first Lord's day in November; and that the Committee be requested 390 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. to refume their communication with M"" English, and ascertain, whether he have any communication to make to this Church. The Committee on the Church Funds made the follow- ing REPORT. *' The committee, appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. The Deacons of the first Chh, in Cambridge D*". 1814. June 29. To amount of securities by them placed at interest June 29, 1813 2077 . 48 To interest rec'^ fr. 1. March 1813 to 1. March 1814 124.65 To contribution money at communion — bal^i 12 . 55 To balance in the hands of the Deacons 19 . 38 $2234. 6 Supra C. 1814 June 29. By Nathan & W^ Watson's bond March 16, 1792. 233.33 Jonathan & W^ Stones bond 1 . 1800 100 . Nathan Watson jun, &al. note Aug. 17, 1801. 100. Do note Feb. 11, 1802 50. (82) Isi Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60. NatW P. Watson & al. note July 1, 1806 35 . 25 Joseph Stevens & al. note March 1, 1814 250. W^ Watson & al. note " " 1809 945. W" Hilhard & al. note " " " 149 . 17 Royal Morse & al. note, March 1, 1811 9. Peter Coolidge & al. note May 1, 1813 50. Nathi Munro & al. note March 28, 1814 150 . 2131.75 By cash paid the Parish Treasurer 83 . 10 By expense & trouble in negotiating the fund 10 . Balance in the hands of the Deacons 9.21 $2234. 6 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 391 The foregoing we find to be the true state of the unap- propriated Church Fund in the hands of the Deacons, exclusive of interest due since the first of March last. (^aleb Gannett | T. L. Jennison j Comt««. Cambridge June 29, 1814. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination by the Committee into the state of the Church Funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report as it respects both the apj^ropriated and unappropriated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton William HilHard. The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said Church, and found the Deacons D''. 1814. June 29. To Am*, of sundry Securities for money at int* June 29, 1813 ' 433.54 To int* reC* from March 1, 1813 to March 1, 1814 24. 9 To balance in the hands of the Deacons 14.28 471.91 Deduct erroneous entry of a Note in 1 811 32 . D« D° intondo 3.84 35.84 $436.7 (83) Supra 1814 June 29. By Moses Coolidge & al. bond May 6, 1797 125. John Walton &al. d« July 17, 1799 80. W" Watson & al. d^ March 29, 1803 80 . James Munro & al. note Jan. 1, 1806 24. 10 William Hilliard & al. note March 1, 1809 42 . Royal Morse & al. note March 1. 1811 32 . Nath' & James Munro note March 28, 1814 36. 419.10 392 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By cash distributed to certain indigent persons 12. Balance in the hands of the Deacons 4 . 97 The above appears to the Committee a true state of the above Fund, exclusive of interest due since the P* of March last. Caleb Gannett ) T. L. Jennison S Committee." Voted, That the Report be accepted. 1814 At a meeting of the Church 4 Nov"-. 1814. Nov. 4. The Committee, chosen 16 Jany. to confer with George B. English on the subject of his recent Publication &c. made the following REPORT. "That they have had an interview with M"" English, at which he treated the committee and the church with civility and respect, but did not retract the sentiments that he had maintained in his publication, which he allowed to be a virtual renunciation of Christianity, and incompatible with his continued relations to this church. The only concefsion he made was, that he had used some contumelious exprefsions which he did not entirely justify; but he did not retract any of the sentiments ad- vanced in that book. (84) * ' Your committee plainly stated to the offending brother the peculiar aggravations of his offence. They reminded him, that, during his connection with the church of Christ, and while under the bonds of the covenant by which he was voluntarily and solemnly engaged to walk in communion with us, he had exerted his talents and used his endeavours to subvert Christianity, and to bring the church into contempt. They also faithfully and tenderly declared to him the serious offence taken at his conduct by the members of the church; their solicitude for his recovery to their charity ; and the serious consequences, present and future, of persisting in his unbelief and opposition to Christianity. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 393 At the close of the conference, the committee inquired , whether he was wilhng to reconsider the subject, and to confer upon it with individuals of the committee. He readily profefsed a willingness; engaged to hold such conferance; and promised in case of any alteration in his principles or views, to give information of it to the committee. "It is with deep regret that the committee are con- strained to add, that, although M"" English continued several months in the vicinity after this interview, and was frequently in Cambridge, he never called on one of the committee for the proposed conference, nor commu- nicated any thing to them on the subject; that, though The pastor of the church, hearing of his intended depar- (85) ture for the Southern States, called at his fathers house in Brighton, where he then resided, and left a request to see him in Cambridge, he never saw him, nor received any communication from him afterwards; and that several weeks ago, as the committee are informed, he sat out from Brighton for Virginia, not expecting soon to return. "In the serious and dehberate view of this unhappy and unprecedented case, the committee are of the opinion, that, although the offending brother did, by the original offence separate himself from the church, he still re- mained subject to its discipline; that this act neither absolved him from his obligations to us, nor released us from ours to him and to the Christian Church; and that, as the discipline of the church in this case hitherto has proceeded on the principle of this mutual and continued obligation, so any future, regular act of the church, relat- ing to the case, would be in scriptural and ecclesiastical order; and, finally, that though the offender is virtually separated from us by his own act, yet the honour and interests of our holy religion in general, and of this church in particular, do render a further procedure in this case expedient. "The Committee, do, accordingly, recommend to the Church to consider and decide. Whether the conduct 394 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. of George Bethune English has not incurred a forfeiture (86) of the privileges of the church, and brought such scandal on our holy religion, as to render his excision from the church, by a formal act, just and expedient. Should such be the opinion of the Church, the Committee are prepared to report a form of procedure. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. Holmes P' order." Cambridge 30 June 1814. The Committee, having at a previous communication of this Report (at a meeting of the Church July 1^*^) been requested to resume their communication withM'' English, further communicated the copy of a letter from the Pastor to him dated 25 July , to which no answer had been received . After a deliberate and serious discufsion, it was Voted, That the Report be accepted. The question referred, at the close of the Report, to the consideration and decision of the Church, was then put, & pafsed in the affirmative. The following Vote of Excommunication was then pafsed : "Whereas George Bethune English, by a recent publi- cation, entitled, 'The Grounds of Christianity examined by comparing the New Testament with the Old' ; has publicly & opprobriously afsailed our holy religion, not lefs to the scandal of the Christian Community, than to the grief & scandal of this Church; and whereas by this conduct he has violated his own solemn covenant engage- ments, renounced his Christian profefsion, scandalized the christian name, and proved himself to be, not merely an apostate from the Christian Church, but an enemy to the Christian religion; and whereas the faithful endeav- ours of the church to reclaim him have proved ineffectual; Voted, That George Bethune English be excommuni- cated." (87) Church in Harvard College. After divine service on Lord's day 30 October, 1814. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 395 the Pastor communicated a letter from the President of Harvard College accompanied with votes and proceedings of the Corporation and Overseers respecting the forma- tion of the members of the University into a distinct Society for religious instruction, worship and ordinances on the Lord's day. By this communication it appeared, that the measure was adopted with a view to certain advantages therein stated, and that "the change medi- tated is in perfect consistency with that entire respect and affection which the University entertains towards the pastor and people of the First Parish in the town, with which she has from the beginning been united in public acts of religion." It also appeared, that a com- mittee of the college government was instructed to give notice to the minister and congregation of the First Parish in Cambridge of the intended change, and to express the sentiments of regard and fraternity felt by the members of the several College Boards, and the desire of Christian and friendly communion between the two Societies that may be formed : Also, that a Chapel is now provided in University Hall, accomodated to the pro- posed change; that measures had been taken for form- ing a church and administering the ordinances in the new chapel; and that this chvirch is asked to concur in the design by dissolving the connection of such members connected with the University, as may apply for that purpose, also to be present by their pastor and delegates at the formation of a church within the walls of the University. ' ' (88) Whereupon voted unanimously. That the reasons assigned for the proposed measure, so far as it respects this church, are entirely satisfactory; and that the church is ready to concur in the design. Voted, To send five delegates to accompany the pastor at the proposed formation of the college church; and, that the Pastor be requested to reciprocate the assurances of regard and fraternity so kindly expressed by the Uni- versity towards us. 396 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The delegates chosen by the church were deaconWalton deacon Hilliard, with brethren Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, and Timothy L. Jennison. Communications. I. Extract of a Letter from the President of the Uni- versity to the Pastor of the First Church in Cambridge, Cambridge Oct. 21, 1814. Dear Sir. I send you an official communication signed by me as Chairman of a Committee of the Corporation and Overseers, inclosing the votes & doings of the Boards respecting our worship. You will please use your discretion respecting the time and manner of communicating the documents. * * * * ***** WTg expect to be prepared to enter the Chapel on the first sabbath in November, at farthest, & to have the church gathered & formed between 9 & 10 o'clock of the morning of that day, when we ask the presence of yourself & delegates to witness & acknowledge our Christian standing as a church. with great respect & affection D'" Sir, Your obedient servant Rev. D' Holmes J. T. Kirkland. (89) II. Transactions of the Corporation & Overseers. At a meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard College June 27. 1814. The Committee appointed to consider and report upon the method of conducting the public worship have at- tended to the service and report. That the Overseers of the College in Oct. 1812, ac- cepted and recommended to the attention of the Corpora- tion a Report of the semiannual Committee of the Over- seers, explicitly advising a distinct religious service within the University; that the University soon after resolved upon the erection of University Hall with a view, among other objects, to providing a Chapel, sufficiently capac- Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 397 ious for the assembly contemplated in such a service and in the expectation that, when it should be completed, the publick worship and instructions of the University on the Lord's day would be conducted within its walls. The acknowledged benefits that may be expected to attend such a measure, especially that arising from the opportunity it will afford of a degree of appropriateness in the exercises and of particularity and adaption in the instructions, which the claims of a mixed congrega ion do not allow; The convenience of calling the attention of the students on one part of the Lord's day to the dis- courses in a systematic form, hitherto delivered less advantageously on a week day; the approved practice o other Universities; and the accomodations & means lor adopting it in this Institution which will soon be enjoyed, are considerations which strongly enforce the establish- ment in question; whilst, at the same time, th^y explam the change meditated in perfect consistency with that (90) entire respect and affection which the ^f^^ tains towards the pastor and people of ^^e first Parish in the town, with which she has, from the beginmng, been united in pubhc acts of religion. The Committee propose the following votes 1 That when the Chapel shall be completed, the usual services of the Lord's day shall be observed therem-on which the resident Graduates & Undergraduates sl^l attend, and to which the several officers of the College with their families shall be invited. 2 That proper measures be taken for forming a church and administering the ordinances in the chapel; mem- bers of the College government with t^-r famd es, ^ students, Graduates & Undergraduates to be the only stated communicants. , rn • ^- ;„ +Uo 3 That the Charge of presiding and officiating in the public services thus appointed, and performing othei ministerial offices be committed to the President and the Hollis Professor of Divinity. 4. That when the services shall commence, the public 398 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. lecture of the Professor, now assigned to Tuesday of each week in term time, shall be delivered on one part of the day on the Sabbath. 5. That such modification and transfer of the duties now incumbent on the President be made, as this new service shall appear to demand and the interests of College may admit. (91) 6. That these votes be presented to the Overseers, that they may approve the same if they see fit; and if they be thus approved. 7. That the President, with such as the Overseers may join, be a committee to give notice to the minister and Congregation of the first parish in Cambridge of the intended change, and to express the sentiments of regard and fraternity felt by the members of the several College Boards, and the desire of Christian and friendly com- munion between the two Societies that may be formed; and that the President and Treasurer be a committee to agree with them upon the connexion which the college shall in future have with said parish. John Lathrop P"" order. The foregoing Report was accepted. At a meeting of the Overseers of Harvard College July 7, 1814. The Hon. & Rev'^ Board concurred in the forego- ing votes and acts of the Corporation, and appointed the Rev«^ D*" Porter & the Hon. Artemas Ward to join with the Committee of the Corporation in communicating the doings of the Boards to the Pastor & congregation of the first Parish in Cambridge. John Lathrop Secretary. (92) III. Letter from the Com*®® of Corporation & Overseers. Harvard College Oct. 19, 1814. To the Pastor, the Church & Congregation in the first parish in Cambridge; Christian friends, The joint Committee of the Corporation & Overseers, appointed for the purpose, herewith com- Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 399 municate the votes & proceedings of those Boards respect- ing the formation of the members of the University into a distinct Society, for religious instruction, worship and ordinances on the Lord's day. In announcing to you the proposed change, the Committee, in behalf of all the persons immediately connected with the University, and especially that portion of them resident here and accustomed to meet with you in the weekly duties of the sanctuary, are constrained to observe, that the idea of separation is attended with serious & tender emotions. This united service is endeared & consecrated by its association with former times, with the circumstances of our fathers & the dispensation of Providence towards the Commonwealth, the Town & the University from their commencement to the present period; and by the affecting recollection of that succession of enlightened & pious persons of both societies, who, through many generations, have assembled for the public acts of religion within the same walls. The ties of neighbourhood & friendship, the sympathy & regard naturally produced by a communion in religious acts, the experience of (93) edification & comfort in attendance upon your services, combine to make us wish to continue going to the house of God in company. But the reasons suggested in the doings of the Boards for a separation have been thought sufficient to outweigh objections and justify any sacrifice of personal feelings & inclinations which it might involve. They lead us to believe, that the measure though in some respects undesirable and painful, yet viewed in all its cir- cumstances & bearings, may receive your approbation and good wishes. We ask you to join us in prayer to God that it may conduce to the interests of true religion in the Seminary committed to our care. We trust that whilst divided in place we shall be united in affection and live in the interchange of Christian offices of brotherly esteem & love, as occasion may invite or require. We acknowledge 400 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. with gratitude the uniform expression of soUcitude for our best interests on the part of the pastor, people, & all the means of improvement & reformation with which we have been favored under the highly respected minis- try of this place. May the blessing of God be on you and your children forever. We ask the church to concur with our design, by dis- solving the connexion of such members connected with the University as may apply for that purpose; also to be present by their pastor & delegates at the formation of a church within the walls of the University We also request the Parish to appoint a Committee to meet that of the Corporation to agree upon the connexion, which the University shall in future have with the Parish. In behalf of the Committee, John T. Kirkland Rev. D"". Holmes. Chairman. (94) IV. Answer to the preceding letter. To the President & Legislative Government, the officers & Members, of the University in Cambridge. Respected brethren & friends. I received a communication of the 2P* ult. signed in your behalf by the President, respecting the formation of the members of the University into a distinct Society for religious instruction, worship and ordinances, and communicated it to the Congregation after divine service, the last Lord's day. To that part of it which relates to the Church, the atten- tion of the Church was directed ; and I send you the votes, passed on the occasion. By one of these votes I am requested in behalf of the Church, to reciprocate the assurances of respect, affection and fraternity, so kindly expressed by the University toward us. In performing this duty, I can truly respond to you, "That the idea of a separation is attended with serious and tender emotions" The association of our "united service" with former years; a recurrence to the times Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 401 that have gone over us, to the eventful changes in the college, commonwealth, and country, to the great and good men of both Societies, who have, in succession, for nearly two centuries, unitedly worshipped within the same walls, and particularly our illustrious predecessors in the presidency and ministry, distinguished for their learning and piety; and the interesting recollections of our own experience, the remembrance of those excellent (95) Men, in the several offices of government and instruction in the University, now sleeping in the dust, with whose friendship, counsels and assistance we were favoured; respect and esteem for their successors now in office, and the comforts and benefits of the existing relations; the ties of neighbourhood, literary association, social inter- course, united devotions, and Christian fellowship; and the regards we entertain for the Pupils, who compose so important a part of our assembly, and whose improve- ment in knowledge and virtue has been the object of our incessant desire and prayer, conspire to render the thought of a separation equally solemn and affecting. Allowing ourselves, however, to be influenced, on this occasion, by no other consideration than a regard to the best interests of the University, we cannot but acquiesce in a measure, designed for its benefit. Our prayer to GOD is, that it may, in all respects, be of kindly & salutary influence, and, particularly that it may conduce to the religious interests of the University — a Seminary con- secrated "TO CHRIST & THE CHURCH." We are grateful for your benovelent petitions for us ; and ask you to continue the prayers which you so affection- ately offer for us and our children. May brotherly love continue. Short as is the distance, and small as will be the partition, between the places of our respective reUgious services, we indulge the pleasing- persuasion, that we shall be united in affection, and that that the interchange of fraternal and Christian offices as occasion shall invite or require, will be perpetuated. 402 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (96) We gratefully acknowledge the regard, uniformly shown us by the University, and the numerous acts and offices of kindness and fraternity we have experienced as individuals, and especially as a church and society. The remembrance of them will be always precious to us. Brethren, farewell. "We bless you out of the house of the Lord.'' In behalf of the Church, Abiel Holmes, Pastor. Cambridge 5 Nov"" 1814. COVENANT. The Covenant subscribed by the members of the College Church, is dated, ''Harvard College Nov. 6, 1814." After a recital of the provisions of the College Govern- ment "for public worship & instruction in the Semi- nary, the formation of a Church, and the administration of Christian ordinances and discipline therein," it is added. "The undersigned are desirous of concurring in these views of the College Legislature; trusting that the measure proposed will meet the divine blessing, and be found conducive to the interests of religion & virtue in this place of education. ' ' "We do therefore, in the presence of God, in the name "of Jesus Christ his Son, and in humble dependance on * * his spirit agree to become members of a Christian Church "in the University, of the Congregational denomination. "We consider this act, by which we thus unite, as a ' ' deliberate testimony of our belief in the Christian relig- "ion & our desire to be the subjects of its influence, & ' ' partakers of its blessings ; as an engagement to observe "Christian worship & ordinances with the Church, as we ' ' shall have opportunity ; as a pledge of brotherly love & "of the duty of mutual encouragement & assistance in ' ' promoting in ourselves & others the power of religion ; * ' & finally, as a solemn acknowledgement of the word of "God, as the rule of our faith and practice." (Signed by the President & 15 others.) Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 403 On the morning of Lord's day 6 Nov. 1814, the Church was organized at University Hall, in the presence & by the assistance of the Pastor & Delegates of the first Church in Cambridge. Attest A. Holmes, Moder^ (97) 1615. At a meeting of the Church 30 June, 1815, the Com- mittee on the Church Funds made the following RE- PORT. "The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1815 The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D^ June 23. To am* of Securities by them placed at int* June 29, 1814 2131.75 To int* rec'i from March 1^^ 1814 to March P* 1815 127.90 To 3 months interest of $1328 .33 19 . 92 To Contribution money at Communion — balance 15. 2 Balance in the hands of the Deacons 24 . 9 $2318.68 Memo. The above interest for three months 19.92 ac- crued from W™ & Nathan Watson's Notes & Bonds, computed from the P*. of March to the P*. of June, when they were merged in William Jennison's bond. 1815 Supra C\ June 23. By Jonathan & W™ Stones bond March 1,1801 100. Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 00 . Nath'. P. Watson cl- al. note March 1, 1810 35.25 Joseph Stevens & al. note " " 1814 250. Wilham Hilliard & al. note " " 1809 149.17 404 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Royal Morse & al. note March 1, 1811 9. Peter Coolidge & al. note May 1, 1813 50 . Nathaniel Munro & al. note March 28, 1814 150. W^. Jennison & al. bond & mortgage June 13, 1815, 1420. (in part). By cash paid the Parish Treasurer 85 . 26 By expence & trouble in negotiating the Fund 10 . $2318.68 Memo. Of the Bond of Wilham Jennison viz $1500. the part charged above, only, belongs to this Fund the residue, viz $80 belongs to the Poor's Fund. The foregoing we find to be the true state of the unap- propriated Church Fund in the hands of the Deacons, exclusive of interest due since the P* of March last. Caleb Gannett \ James Winthrop > Committee T. L. Jennison J (98) The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of said 1815 Church, and found the Deacons D''. June 23. To amount of sundry securities for money at interest June 29*'^ 1814 419 . 10 To interest rec*^ from March 1814 to March 1, 1815 25.14 $444.24 1815. Supra C^ June 23. By John Walton & al. bond July 17. 1799 80 . James Munro & al. note Jany 1, 1806 24. 10 William Hilhard & al. note March 1, 1809 42. Royal Morse & al. note " " 1811 32. Nathaniel Munro &al. note " 28,1814 36. Records of the Fust Church in Cambridge. 405 W" Jcnnison's bond & mortgage June 13, ISlo. Balance the other part belonging to the Chh stock as charged 80. Moses Coohdge & al. bond Sept. 1, 1814 125. 419.10 By cash distributed to sundry indigent persons 13. Cash in the hands of the Deacons 12 . 14 $444.24 The above appears to the Committee to be state of the above Fund, exclusive of interest due since the P* of March last. Caleb Gannett "i James Winthrop ^Committee." T. L. Jennison j " Cambridge June 23, 1815. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination of the Committee into the state of the foregoing Funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Report, as it respects both the appropriated and the unap- priated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it John Walton William Hilliard." The Report was accepted and the same committee reappointed. (99) The Pastor informed the Church of the decayed state of the first Book of the Church Records, and of his recent discovery among the Collections of the late Rev. Thomas Prince — of a Ms. Register in the handwriting of Rev. Jonathan Mitchel, containing a list of the members of the Church, under the following title: "The Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, the names of all the members thereof that are in full communion ; together with their children who were either baptized in this church, or (coming from other churches) were in their mi- 406 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. nority at their parents joyning. taken and registered in the 11, month 1658;" and recommended that the Re- cords aforesaid, with this Register, or a copy of it, be put into substantial binding for better preservation. Where- upon it was moved, and voted. That the Pastor with the Deacons be a committee to procure the binding of said Records & Register, with additional blank leaves for the record of any other papers, relative to the church, that may be thought proper to preserve; Also, to procure another blank Book for the preservation of the Reports on the state of the Church Stock &c. and other important papers suitable to be preserved with them; such as Acts of the Legislature relative to Parish & Ministry lands, the setting off of parishes within the Town of Cambridge &c. &c. (100) 1816. At a meeting of the Church July 1816 the Committee on the Church Funds made the following REPORT. "The committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1816 The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D'". July 2. To amount of securities by them placed at interest June 23, 1815 2223.42 To interest received from March 1, 1815 to March 1, 1816 To Contribution money at communion bal. 1816 Supra C"". July 2. By Jonathan & W" Stone 's bond March 1, 1801 By Isaac Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 Nathi. P. Watson & al. note March 1, 1810 Joseph Stevens & al. note " " 1814 William Hilliard & al . note " " 1809 Peter Coolidge & al. note May 1. 1813 W"^ Jennison & al. bond & mortgage June 13, 1815 in part 1420 . 133. 77 7. 40 $2364.59 100. 60. 35. 25 250. 149. 17 50. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 407 John Walton Esq. & al. note May 13, 1816 50. Nathan Munro & al. note March 28, 1814 150. By cash paid the Parish Treasurer 88.94 By expence & trouble in negotiating the Fund 10. By balance due to the Deacons 1 . 23 $2364 . 59 The foregoing we find to be the true state of the unap- propriated Church Fund in the hands of the Deacons, exclusive of interest due since the l*** of March last. Caleb Gannett ") ^, ommittee. James Winthorp 1- (101) The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of the Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of the 1816 Church and found the Deacons D"". July 2. To amount of sundry securities for money at interest June 23, 1815 419.10 To interest received from March 1®^ 1815 to March 1,1816 24.18 $443.28 Supra C"". 1816 July 2. By John Walton Esq. & al. bond July 17, 1799 80 . James Munro & al. note March 28, 1814 36. W™ Hilliard & al. note March 1, 1809 42. James Munro & al. note Jany 1. 1806 24 . 10 William Jennison & al. bond & mortgage June 13, 1815. See report of 1815. 80. Moses Coolidge & al. bond Sept. 1, 1814 125. John Walton Esq & al. note May 30, 1816 32 . By cash distributed to sundry indigent persons 12 . Cash in the hands of the Deacons 12 . 18 $443.28 The above appears to the Committee to be the state 408 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. of the above Fund, exclusive of interest due since the pt of March last. Caleb Gannett James Winthrop Cambridge July 2, 1816. We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination of the Committee into the state of the foregoing Funds under our care, and are satisfied with the foregoing Re- port, as it respects both the appropriated & unappro- priated Funds, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton William Williard. Voted, That the Report be accepted, and that brothers Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop, & T. L. Jennison be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. (102) 1817 At a meeting of the Church 5 September 1817 the Com- mittee on the Church Funds made the following RE- PORT : The Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Church Stocks have attended that service and report the following statement. 1817 The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". July 3. To amount of Securities for money by them placed at interest, as P^- Report 2. July 1816 2264.42 To interest received from March 1, 1816 to March 1, 1817 129.65 To Contribution Money at Communion — balance 21 .98 $2416. 5 Supra C--. 1817 July 3. By Jonathan & W" Stone 's bond March 1, 1801 100 . Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 9. 1802 60 . Nathi. P. Watson & al. note March 1. 1810 35.25 250. 149. 17 50. 186. [ 1420. 50. 94. 58 10. 11. 5 $2416. 5 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 409 Joseph Stevens & al. note March 1. 1810 William Hilliard Esq. & al. note " John Walton Esq. & al. note May 30. 1816 (2)George Meacham & al. note April 15, 1817. W"^ Jennison & al. bond & mortgage June 13, 1815 in part, as p"" Report July 2. 1815 (1) John Walton Esq. & al. note June 10, 1817 Cash paid the Parish Treasurer Expence & trouble in negotiating the Fund Cash in the hands of the Deacons The above appears to the Committee to be the state of the above Fund exclusive of interest due since the 1st of March last Caleb Gannett ] James Winthrop y Committee T. L. Jennison j (103) The Committee proceeded to enquire into the state of Fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of the Church. 1817 and found the Deacons D"". July 3. To amount of sundry securities for money at Interest as p^ Report of July 2, 1816 419 . 10 To cash in the hands of the Deacons p"" D" 12 . 18 To interest rec^ from March 1, 1816 to March 1, 1817 16.32 N. B. $2 . 43 included in Ge° Meacham 's note Making 18 . 75 $447.60 Supra C''. 1817 July 3. By John Walton & al. bond July 17. 1799 80. By George Meacham & al. note April 15, 1817 44. By W"^ Hilliard & al. note March 1. 1809 42. By James Munro & al. note Jan^ 1. 1806 24.10 By W" Jennison & al. bond & mortgage June | 13, 1815 in part, as P'" Report June 13, 1815 J 80. 4:10 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By Moses Coolidge & al. bond Sept. 1. 1814 125. By John Walton Esq. & al. note May 30, 1816 32 . By cash distributed to sundry indigent persons 12 . Cash in the hands of the Deacons 8 . 50 $447.60 The above appears to the Committee, a true state of the above Fund exclusive of interest due since the P* of March last. Caleb Gannett \ James Winthrop \ Committee T. L. Jennison j Cambridge July 3, 1817, we the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination of the Committee into the state of the foregoing Funds under our care, and are satisfied with the preceding Re- port as it respects both the appropriated and unappro- priated Fund, and do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton William Hilliard. The above Report was accepted, and the same Com- mittee reappointed for the ensuing year. (104) 1818. At a meeting of the Church 3 July 1818. the Committee on the Church Funds made the following REPORT: The Committee, appointed to inquire into the state of the Church Stock have attended that service, and report the following Statement. 1818 The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D^ June 26. To amount of securities for money by them placed at interest as P*" Report made July 3, 1817 2416. 5 To interest reC^ from March 1, 1817 to March 1, 1818 144.36 To Contribution money at Communion bal. 10 . 82 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 411 Supra C"". 1818. By Jona Stone &al. note March 1. 1817 100.82 Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60. " Joseph Stevens & al. note March 1. 1814 250. " John Walton & al. note May 30. 1816 50 . ' ' William Jennison & al. bond & mortgage \ dated June 13, 1815 ) 1500. John Walton Esq. & al. note June 10, 1817 50 . " Nathaniel P. Watson & al. note March 1, 1810 35.25 Elijah Shattuck note & Mortgage June 1, 1818 400. " Cash paid the Parish Treasurer 92 . 2 Expence & trouble in negotiating the fund 10. " Cash in the hands of the Deacons 23 . 96 2571.23 The above appears to the Committee to be the state of the above Fund, exclusive of interest due since the first day of March last James Winthrop T. L. Jennison. (105) The Committee proceeded to inquire into the state of the fund appropriated to the use of the Poor of the 1818. Church, and found the Deacons D"". June 26. To amount of sundry securities for money at interest as P'' Report of July 3, 1817. &c. 447 . 60 To two thirds interest on that sum \ from March 1, 1817 to March 1, 1818 i 17-90 465 . 50 1818 Supra C^ June 26. By John Walton & al. bond July 17. 1799 80. " By Moses Coolidge & al. bond Sep'' 1, 1814 125 . " By James Munro & al. note Jany 1. 1806 24 . 10 By John Walton & al. note May 30. 1816 32 . " By cash due from the church fund ) overcharged in Jennison 's bond ) 80. 412 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. By cash distributed to sundry indigent persons 9 . 10 By cash in the hands of the Deacons 115 . 40 465.50 The above appears to the Committee a true state of the above fund, exclusive of interest due since the first day of March last. James Winthrop | T. L. Jennison i Com^^e. Cambridge June 26, 1818, We the Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge have attended the examination of the Committee into the state of the foregoing funds under our care, and are satisfied with Report as it respects both the appropriated and unappropriated fund & do hereby declare our agreement to it. John Walton William Hilliard. Voted, That the Report be accepted, and that brothers James Winthrop, T. L. Jennison & Levi Hedge be a com- mittee to inquire into the state of the Church stock the ensuing year. (106) The Deacons having expressed the desire, and given their opinion of the expediency, that another deacon be chosen, to supply the place of the late deacon Moore, deceased, the Church appointed the second day of August next for that purpose. 1818 Aug. 2. At a meeting of the Church for the election of a Deacon; after prayer by the Pastor for the divine direction and blessing and the recital of the apostical instructions and precedents on the subject, the brethren proceeded to bring in their written votes, and it appeared, that the whole number of votes was ten, nine of which were for brother James Munro. He was accordingly declared to be chosen a Deacon of this Church. Sept. 6. After the morning Sermon (Lord's day) the Pastor, having admitted four members in full communion into Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 413 the church, mentioned the election of brother James Munro to tlie oflice of Deacon, and his acceptance. The Deacon elect, signifying his acceptance by taking his seat, this day, with the Deacons near the communion table, rose, on being addressed by the Pastor, who briefly stated to him the duties of the office to which he was elected, exhorted him to fidelity, and announced him Deacon of this Church. In the concluding prayer, immediately following, he was commended to the grace & blessing of God. It had been the usage of the church, at the commun- ion service, for the members to remain in their own pews. To lessen the time and to facilitate the duties of this service, on the suggestion of the Deacons, the Pastor recommended it to the communicants to seat themselves in the pews on the broad Aisle. These pews were accord- ingly, occupied at the communion, this day. (107) 1819. At a meeting of the Church 2 July 1819, the Committee on the Church Funds made the following REPORT: The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting to inquire into the state of the Church Stock, and examine the Accounts of the Deacons, have attended that Service and report as follows, viz: 1819. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D'". June 25. To amount of Securities in their hands, placed on interest as P"" Report of the Committee made and accepted July 3. 1818. $2445.25 To one years interest upon this sum from March 1, 1818. to March 1, 1819 146.71 To amount of Contribution for the year past, above expenses 20 . 19 To balance in the hands of the Deacons at the last settlement 23.96 2636.11 414 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1819 Supra C^ June 25 By Joseph Stevens & al. Note March 1, 1814 250 . 00 By William Jennison & al. Bond & Mortgage June 13, 1815. 1500.00 By Jonathan Stone & al. Note March 1, 1817 100.00 By Elijah Shattuck & al. Bond & Mortgage June 1.1818 400.00 By John Walton & al. Note May 30, 1816 50 . 00 By do d« do June 10, 1817 50.00 - By Nathi P. Watson & al. Note March 1, 1819 35 .25 2385.25 By transfer of Israel Shattuck 's Note of $60. & $10. of the balance on hand at the last set- tlement, to the Poor 's Fund 70 . 00 By three months interest on E. Shattuck 's Note June 1, 1818 6.00 By one year 's interest upon $80 . 00 contained in W™ Jennison 's bond of $1500.00 now transferred to this Fund 4.80 By cash paid Parish Treasurer, April 6, 1819 90.87 By allowance in managing the funds for the past year 10.00 By balance in the hands of the Deacons, June 25,1819 69.16 $2636.11 (108) The Committee appointed to examine into the state of the Fund for the use of the Poor of the Church, have 1819 attended that service, & report as follows, viz, June 25. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D'' To amount of Securities in their hands -. 1820 By Joseph Stephens & al. note March 1. 1814 250 . 00 June 28 By William Jenison & al. bond & mortgage dated June 13, 1815 1500.00 By Charles Stone & al. note March 1, 1820 100 . 00 By Elijah Shattuck's note & mortgage June 1, 1818 400.00 By John Walton Esq. & al. note May 30, 1816 50 . 00 By do do do June 10, 1817 50.00 By Nathaniel P. Watson & al. note March 1, 1819 35.25 By William Brown & al. note July 12, 1819 60.00 By Jonathan Hyde & al. note June 1, 1820 60.00 By Cash pd T. L. Jennison, Treas'" of the Parish 96 . 93 By allow^ance for managing the funds for 1819 10.00 By five months interest on W™ Brown 's note 1 . 50 By balance in the hands of the Deacons 8.79 S2622.47 The Committee appointed to examine into the state of the Fund for the use of the Poor of the church, have attended that service and report as follows, viz. 1820 June 28, The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D"", To amount of the Securities in their hands. and placed at interest at the last settlement 446 . 10 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 417 To one years interest on the above sum 26.76 To cash remaining in their hands June 1819 20 . 36 To interest on that sum from 9^^ August 1819 to March 1, 1820. 10 cents P"- month .70 493 . 92 (110) 1820 Supra C^ June 28. By John Walton Esq. & al. note July 17, 1799 80.00 By James Munroe & al. note Jan. 1. 1806 24. 10 By Moses Coolidge & al. bond Sept'" 1. 1814 125 . 00 By John Walton & al. note May 30, 1816 32 . 00 By Israel Shattuck & al . bond July 19, 1802 60 . 00 By William Jennison & al. note Nov. 4, 1818 125.00 By Nathaniel Munro & al. note Q^^ August 1819 20 . 00 By cash distributed to church widows 11 .00 By Cash on hand 1 6 . 82 493 . 92 The foregoing statement, contained on this and the preceding page, is the true state of both the appropriated and unappropriated church funds, exclusive of interest from the first day of March 1820. James Winthrop ] Timo. L. Jennison \ Com*«^. Levi Hedge. j Cambridge 28 June A. D. 1820. We the Subscribers, Deacons of the first church, in Cambridge, having attended to the examination of the foregoing accounts, are satisfied that the same are correct William Hilliard John Walton James Munroe Voted That the Report be accepted, and that brothers James Winthrop, Timothy L. Jennison, & Levi Hedge be a committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock, the ensuing year. 418 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (Ill) 1821 At a meeting of the Church 29 June 1821, the Com- mittee on the church funds made the following REPORT: The Committee appointed at the last annual Church meeting to enquire into the state of the Church Stocky and examine the accounts of the Deacons, have attended 1821 that service, and report as follows: June 25. The Deacons of the first church in Cambridge D*". To amount of Securities in their hands placed on interest as P"" Report of Committe in June 1819 2505.25 To one year's interest upon this sum from March 1, 1820, to March 1, 1821 149.42 To balance in their hands June 25, 1820 8 . 79 To balance due on the Contribution list 18 . 84 2682.30 1821 Supra C"". June 25. By Joseph Stevens & al. Note March 1, 1814 250.00 By W"^ Jennison & al. bond & mortgage dated June 13, 1815 1500.00 By Charles Stone & al. Note March 1, 1820 100 . 00 By Elijah Shattuck's note & mortgage June 1, 1818 400.00 By Nathi P. Watson & al. note March 1. 1819 35.25 By William Brown & al. note July 12, 1819 60.00 By Josiah Stone & al. note March 31, 1821 108.00 By John Walton Esq. note Jany 10. 1821 100 . 00 By Cash paid the Parish Treasurer 99 . 60 By allowance for managing the Fund for 1820 10 . 00 By cash on hand 19.45 $2682 . 30 The Committee appointed to examine into the state of the Fund for the use of the Poor of the Church have 1821 attended that service and report as follows, viz June 25. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D*". To amount of the Securities in their hands and placed at interest at the last settlement 466 . 10 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 41 1> To one years interest on the above sum 27 . 96 To Cash remaining in their hands June 1820 16^82 510.88 J §21 Supra C"". June 25 By James Munroe & al. note Janv 1 1806 24. 10 ' By Moses Coolidge & al. bond Sept. 1. 1814 12d . 00 By Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60 . 00 By William Jennison & al. note Nov. 4, 1818 125 . 00 By Nathi Munroe & al. Aug. 9, 1819 20 . 00 By John Walton Esq. & al. Note Jany 10, 1821 112 . 00 (112) By distribution made to the Widows of the Church 14.00 By balance on hand '_ Cambridge June 25. 1821. 510-88 The preceding statements on this and the foregoing page appear to be the true state of both the appropriated and unappropriated Church fund, exclusive of mterest since the first day of March 1821. James Winthrop | Tim°. L, Jennison J C<^"^ ^^• Cambridge June 25, 1821. We the subscribers, Deacons of the first church in Cambridge, having attended to the examination of the foregoing accounts, are satisfied that the same are correct. ^^^^ ^^^^^^ James Munroe Voted That the Report be accepted, and that brothers James Winthrop, Timothy L. Jennison. & Levi Hedge be a committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. 1822. At a meeting of the Church 5 July, 1822, the Com- mittee on the church funds made the following REPOKi. 420 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The Committee appointed at the last annual Church meeting to enquire into the state of the Church Stock, and examine the accounts of the Deacons, have attended 1822 that' service, and report as follows, viz. July 5. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D'. To amount of Securities in their hands placed at interest as P"- Report of the Committee in June 1821 2572 . 70 To one year's interest on that sum to March 1, 1822. 150.72 To balance of the Contribution list 21 . 68 2745.10 1822. Supra C^ July 5. By Joseph Stevens & al. note March 1, 1814 250 . 00 By William Jennison & al. bond & mortgage June 13,1815 900.00 By Charles Stone & al. al. note March 1 , 1820 100 . 00 By Elijah Shattuck note & mortgage June 1. 1818 400.00 By Nathi P. Watson & al. note March 1, 1819 35 . 25 By John Walton & al. note January 10*^ 1821 100 . 00 By William Brown & al. note July 12, 1819 60.00 1845.25 (113) Brought forward 1845.25 By Josiah Stone & al. note March 1, 1821 108 . 00 By Eliazbeth Frost's note & mortgage, Sepf 18, 1821 600.00 By Jacob Smith & al. note May 22, 1822 69 . 00 By Cash paid the Parish Treasurer, April 24, 1822 100 . 48 By allowance for managing the Funds for 1821 10.00 By cash on hand 12 . 37 2745.10 The Committee appointed at the last annual Church meeting to enquire into the state of the Fund for the use of the Poor of the Church, have attended that service, and report as follows, viz. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 421 1822. The Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge D"". July 5. To amount of Securities in their hands placed on interest as P"" Report of the Committee in June 1821 496.88 To one years interest on the above 28.66 525.54 1822. Supra C^ July 5. By John Walton & al . note January 10, 1821 1 12 . 00 By James Munro & al. note January 1, 1806 24. 10 By Moses Coolidge & al. bond Sepf 1, 1814 125.00 By Israel Shattuck & al. bond July 19, 1802 60.00 By William Jennison & al. note NoV 4. 1819 125 . 00 By Nathaniel Munro & al. note Aug. 9, 1818 20.00 By Jacob Smith & al. note May 22, 1822. 45 . 00 By cash distributed to widows of the Church 14.00 By cash on hand . 44 525 . 54 The preceding statements on this and the foregoing page appear to be the true state of both the appropriated and unappropriated Church funds, inclusive of interest since the first day of March 1822. Tim" L. Jennison | Levi Hedge j Com*««. Cambridge, July 5, 1822. We the Subscribers. Deacons of the first Church in Cambridge, having attended the examination of the foregoing Accounts, hereby assent to the statements therein made. William Hilliard James Munroe. Voted, that the Report be accepted, and that brothers Levi Hedge, Abel Whitney, & Thomas Foster, be a com- mittee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. The meeting was dissolved. 422 1828 July 2. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (114) 1823. At a meeting of the Church 3 July, 1823, the Committee on the Church funds made the following REPORT : The Committee appointed at the last annual church meeting to examine the state of the Church Funds have attended to the duty assigned them, & report as follows, viz. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D'. To amount of securities in their hands at interest, as stated in the Report of the Committee for examining said funds July 5, 1822 2634 . 62 To am*, of interest on s^ Securities during the year ending March 1, 1823 156 . 89 To 3 mos int on D^i Walton 's note June 1, 1823 1 . 50 To balance of the Contribution list 25 . 18 $2818.89 Supra C'. 5y Bond William Jennison & al. June 13, 1815 900. ' ' Note Charles Stone March 1, 1820 100. ' ' Note Elijah Shattuck June 1. 1818 400. ' ' Note William Brown July 12, 1819 60. ' ' Note Josiah Stone March 1, 1821 108. " Note Elizab^^ Frost Sept. 18, 1821 600. ' ' Note Jacob Smith May 22. 1822 69. " Note Nathaniel Watson March 1. 1822 35.25 ' ' Note Arnold Hutchinson Feb. 27, 1823 250. ' ' Note Matthew Skelton jr. Jan. 27. 1823 100. ' ' Note Charles Stone June 17. 1823 75. ' ' Cash paid Parish Treasurer April 21. 1823 104.60 ' ' Allowance for managing Fund for 1822 10. Cash on hand to balance 7. 4 $2818.98 The above statement is presented as exhibiting a Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 423 correct view of the state of the Church funds up to the date hereof, which is respectfully submitted Levi Hedge Abel Whitney Cambridge July 2"^ 1823. Thomas Foster Cambridge, July 2, 1823 Having attended the examination of the foregoing accounts, I hereby assent to the statements therein presented. James Munroe, Deacon of the First Church in Cambridge- (115) The Committee appointed at the last annual Church meeting to examine the state of the Church Poor Fund, have attended to the duty assigned them and report as 1823 follows, viz. July The Deacons of the First in Cambridge D'-. To amount of Securities in their hands at interest as stated in the Report of the Com^^e for examining the Fund July 5^^ 1822 51 1 . 54 To int. received on above amount to March 1 1823 32 . 26 Interest on Moses Coolidge 's Bond from March 1 to July 1, 1823 2.50 $547.30 Supra C'". By the following Securities & payments, viz. " Bond Israel Shattuck & al. July 19. 1802 60. " Bond Moses Coolidge " " Sept. 1, 1814 125. " Note William Jennison " '' Nov. 4. 1818 125. " Note James Munroe " " Jan. 1, 1806 24.10 ' ' Note Nathaniel Munro " " Aug. 9, 1819 20 . " Note Jacob Smith " " May 22. 1822 45. " Note John Walton " " June 4. 1823 15.18 " Note & Mortgage Matthew Skelton June 27. 1823 111- Distribution to widows of the Church Dec. 1822 12- Cash on hand to balance 10.02 $547.30 424 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Cambridge July 2"'^ 1823 The above statement presents a correct view of the present situation of the Fund for the use of the Poor of the Church, which is hereby respectfully submitted Levi Hedge Abel Whitney Thomas Foster. Cambridge July 2^ 1823 I have attended the examination of the accounts of the Church Poor Fund» and hereby assent to the statement above exhibited. James Munroe, Deacon of the first Church in Cambridge. Voted, That the REPORT be accepted. Brother Hedge having stated, that the duties of the Committee interfered with his Professorial engagements and expressed a desire that he might not be rechosen; Brothers Jonas Wyeth, Abel Whitney, and Thomas Foster were chosen a Committee to inquire into the Church Stock the ensuing year. The Meeting was dissolved. (116) 1824 At a Meeting of the Church 2 July, 1824, the Com- mittee on the Church Funds made the following REPORT: The Committee appointed at the last annual church meeting to examine the state of the Church Funds have attended to the duty assigned them, & report as follows, viz. That the amount of Stock now invested and on interest from the first of March last is $2767 . 92 giving an increase of the fund during the year, ending in March last, of $63.63. The various items constituting the above ac- 1824 counts are herewith presented, viz. June 28. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D"". To amount of Securities in their hands, as by Report of the Committee appointed to examine their acc*^ July 3, 1823 2704.29 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 425 To Interest on d" for one year from March 1, 1823 162 . 25 Bal of the Contribution list for the present year _20^67 S2887 21 Supra C"-. By the following Securities & payments, viz. Bond William Jennison & others June 13*^ 1815 for Note Elijah Shattuck ' ' Charles Stone ' ' Nathaniel Watson ' ' William Brown ' ' Josiah Stone ' ' Elizabeth Frost ' ' Jacob Smith ' ' Arnold Hutchinson " Charles Stone ' ' Matthew Skelton ' ' Abraham Watson By cash p^ Parish Treasurer ' ' Allowance for management of the Fund ' * Cash on hand " Excess of annual int. over int rec'^ June 1, 1818 March 1. 1820 '' 1.1822 July 12, 1819 March 3 1.1821 Sept. 18.1821 May 22, 1822 Feb. 27, 1823 June 17, 1823 June27,1823 April 17, 1824 April 17, 1824 900." 400." 100.'' 35.25 60." 108." 600." 69." 250." 75." 100." 60." 105.92 10." 10.67 3.37 $2887.21 The above is respectfully submitted Cambridge June 28*^ 1824 Jonas Wyeth Thomas Foster Abel Whitney Having attended the examination of the above accounts, we hereby express our assent thereto William Hilliard | Deacons of the I first Church in Ja« Munroe J Cambridge 117 The Committee appointed at the annual meeting of the Church in Cambridge July 3. 1823, to examine the ac- 4:26 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. counts of the Poors Fund of said Church, make the follow- ing Report, viz. That the principal of the fund at the present time is $532 . 39 bearing interest from the first of March last. The interest [increase] of the fund during the past year is $17.09 which will appear by the annexed statement viz. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D"" 1824 June 28. To amount of securities in their hands, as stated in the Report of the Committee of last year 535 . 30 To one years int* on the same from March 1, 1823 32 . 11 $567.41 Supra C>-. By Securities and & payments as follows, viz Bond, Israel Shattuck & others July 19, 1802 60 00 Note, William Jennison ' ' Nov. 4. 1818 125 — " James Munroe " Jan. 1, 1806 24 10 ' ' Jacob Smith ' ' May 22, 1822 45 — ' ' Nathaniel Munroe ' ' Aug 9*^ 1819 20 — " John Walton June 4, 1823 15 18 ' ' Matthew Skelton ' ' June 27. 1823 250 — By Distribution to widows of the Church 10 — * ' Excess of int. Debited over interest rec^ 5 02 * ' Cash on hand 13 11 567. 41 Which is respectefully submitted Cambridge June 28*^^. 1824. Jonas Wyeth Tho« Foster Abel Whitney We subscribers. Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having examined the above Statement, here- by express our assent thereto Cambridge June 21, 1824. William Hilliard James Munroe Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 427 Voted, That the Report be accepted, and, that brothers Jonas Wyeth, Thomas Foster and Abel Whitney, be a Committee to inquire into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. The meeting was dissolved. [118] 1825 At a meeting of the Church 1 July, 1825, the Committee on the Church Funds made the following REPORT. The Committee appointed at the annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge July 2"'' 1824 having per- formed that duty, respectfully submit the following Report, viz. That the present amount of Stock in the hands of the Treasurer of the fund is twenty eight hundred & thirty 100 We have found the casts of interest correct, and all the requisite vouchers. Nearly all the above sum bears Interest from the first of March last. The following state- ment containing an enumeration of the Securities is presented, viz. June 27, 1825. The Deacons of the first church D''. To amount of Securities & cash on hand, as will appear by the Report of last year S2767 . 92 Interest on the same to March 1, 1825 165 . 42 Balance of Contribution to June 1825 22 . 88 2956 . 22 Supra C. By Securities in their hands & payments made as follows viz. Bond by William Jennison & others June 13, 1815 for 900.00 Note " Elijah Shattuck " June 1,1818 400.— Do. " Charles Stone " March 1, 1820 100.— Do. " Nathaniel Watson " March 1, 1822 35.25 Do. " William Brown " July 12. 1819 60. DO. " Josiah Stone " March 31, 1821 108. D°. " Elizabeth Frost " Sept. 18, 1821 600. 428 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. D°. by Jacob Smith " May 22, 1822 69. Do. '' Arnold Hutchinson " Feb. 27, 1823 250. D°. " Charles Stone " June 17, 1823 75. D°. " Matthew Skelton " June 27, 1823 100. Do. " Abraham Watson " April 17, 1824 60. Do. " Do March 12. 1825 75. Cash paid the Parish Treasurer, viz, two thirds ] of the whole interest of the fund April 22, 1825 J 110.26 Managing the Fund 10 . By cash on hand to balance 3.71 $2956.22 Cambridge June 27*1^ 1825 Thos. Foster Abel Whitney Having examined the above Report, we hereby express our assent thereto. William Hilliard James Munroe. 119 The Committee appointed at the annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge July 2^ 1824, to examine the accounts of the Poor's Fund belonging to said Church, having attended to that duty, report as follows, viz. That the amount of the principal of the fund on the P* day of March last was five hundred seventy two dollars ^-^ making an increase during the year ending March 1, 1825 of 19.67 Statement. 1825. June. The Deacons of said Church D"". To amount of Securities in their hands, the same as stated in Report of the examining Committee last year, viz $539.28 One years interest on do from March 1, 1824 32.35 Balance on hand in June last 13.11 Int. on Do to Dec. last, when said balance was distributed to the widows of the Church . 32 585.06 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 429 Supra C". By the following Securities & payments, viz. Bond of Israel Shattuck & others July 19*^ 1802 60 . — Note " William Jennison " Nov. 4, 1818 125. D°. " James Munroe " Jan. 1, 1806 24.10 Do. " Jacob Smith " May 22. 1822 45. Do. " Nathaniel Munroe " Aug. 9, 1819 20. Do. " John Walton " June 4. 1823 15.18 Do " Matthew Skelton " June 27, 1823 250.— Distribution to Widows of the Church in December last 13. Cash on hand June 27, 1825 32 . 78 Cambridge June 27*^ 1825 S585.06 Tho«. Foster Abel Whitney The Subscribers, Deacons of the First Church in Cam- bridge, having examined the foregoing statement, hereby express our assent thereto. William Hilliard James Munroe. Voted. That the Report be accepted, and that brothers Thomas Foster, Abel Whitney, and Torrey Hancock, be a Committee to inquire into the State of the Church Stock, the ensuing year. The meeting was dissolved. 1825 [120] Dec. 30. A committee appointed at the last church meeting to consider the expediency of altering the time for holding the lectures preparatory to the communion, and also, of making an alteration in the period of examining the annual accounts of the Church, reported. That in their opinion, it is expedient for the general convenience of the members of the Church and of the Society, that the lectures preparatory to the Communion shall hereafter be attended in the evening, at such hour 430 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. as may be appointed by the Pastor: — Also. That the examination of the annual accounts of the Church take place at the lecture previous to the first Sunday in March ; and that all the Notes and Obhgations, belonging to the funds of the Church, be made payable on the first day of January, A. D. 1827; and that the managers of the fund give notice to the several debtors, that payment be made of the interest within ten days from the time it becomes due : — That, for the present year, the examina- tion of the accounts take place at the preparatory lecture in May, instead of July. The same Committee in connexion with the Parish Committee, reported it, as their opinion, That it is expe- dient to alter the time of service upon the Sabbath : The service from September to March to commence at half past II. from March to September at III o 'elk. The Report of the Committee was accepted. 1826 At a meeting of the Church, appointed by vote of the church to be holden at this time, 5 May, 1826. the Com- mittee on the Church Funds made this REPORT. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D''. To amount of securities & cash on hand June 27*^ 1825 is $2835.96 Interest one year 170.15 3006.11 By balance of Contributions to May 1, 1826 23 . 31 3029.42 Supra C^ By Securities in their hands & payments made as follows, viz. Bond by William Jennison & others June 13, 1815 for 900 . 00 Note " Elijah Shattuck " June 1, 1818 400. Do " Charles Stone " March 1, 1820 100. Do. ' ' Nathaniel Watson ' ' March 1 , 1822 35 . 25 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 431 Do by William Brown & others July 12, 1819 60. Do. " Josiah Stone " MarchSl, 1821 108. Do " Elizabeth Frost " Sept. 18, 1821 600. Carried forward $2203.25 121 Brought forward 2203 . 25 Note " Jacob Smith " May 22, 1822 69. Do " Arnold Hutchinson " Feb. 27, 1823 250. Do. " Charles Stone " June 17, 1823 75. Do" Matthew Skelton " June 27, 1823 100. D°. " Abraham Watson " April 17, 1824 60. Do." do d° " March 12, 1825 75. To a trunk for the use of the papers 2 . 25 Paid Parish Treasurer 113.34 Paid for Church plate, May 1826 40 . 77 For taking care of funds 10.00 By cash on hand May 3^^ 1826 30 . 81 S3029.42 The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the accounts of the Deacons of said Church, exhibiting the state of its funds, having attended thereto, report as follows, viz. That they find said account correct as to vouchers and castings. They find the present amount of the fund, as above stated to be $2863.06 which gives an increase, during the interval since last Report, of twenty seven dollars & -y'^ Which is respectfully submitted Tho« Foster ] Cambridge May 3'"^ 1826 Abel Whitney [ Committee Torrey Hancock. ] The subscribers. Deacons of the First Church in Cam- bridge, having examined the foregoing statement, hereby express our assent thereto. William Hilliard Cambridge May 3^ 1628. James Munroe 432 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Poor's Fund. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D*^. To am* of Securities & cash on hand belonging to the Poor's Fund June 27, 1825 is $572 . 06 One year 's interest is 34 . 32 606.35 Deduct 89 cents from cash on hand .89 605.49 [122] Supra C. By the following Securities & payments, viz. Bond of Israel Shattuck & others July 19, 1802 60. Note of William Jennison '' Nov. 4,1818 125. Do " James Munroe, " Jan. 1,1806 24.10 Do Jacob Smith May 22, 1822 45. Do Nathi Munroe Aug. 9,1819 20. Do Matthew Skelton June 27, 1823 250. Distributed to the Poor of the Chh Dec. 1825 16 . To Cash on hand May 1826 65 . 39 $605.49 The Committee appointed at the annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge July 1. 1825 to examine the accounts of the Treasurer of the Poor's Fund of the said Church, having examined the same, find them correctly stated, well vouched, & rightly cast, as exhibited in the above account which gives the present amount of the Fund 589.49 making an increase during the past year of seventeen dollars f-^. Which is respectfully submitted. Tho« Foster | Abel Whitney ^Com- Cambridge May 3'' 1826 Torrey Hancock) mittee. The subscribers Deacons of the First Church in Cam- bridge, having examined the foregoing statement hereby express our assent thereto William Hilliard Cambridge May 3. 1826 James Munroe Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 433 Voted, That the Report of the Committee on the Church Funds be accepted, and that brothers, Thomas Foster, Abel Whitney, and Torrey Hancock be a committee to inquire into the State of the Church Stock, the ensuing year. — The Report on alterations in the Church Plate was also accepted. (See P* & 2^ pages of this Book.) The Meeting was dissolved. 123 1827. At a meeting of the Church on the 2'' of March 1827, the Committee on the Church Funds made the following Report. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D^ To amount of Securities & cash on hand Mays, 1826 $2863.06 Interest for 10 months from 1 March 1826 to 1 January 1827 143.18 Balance of Contributions in 1826 16 . 88 $3023.12 Supra C". By Securities in their hands & payments made as follows VIZ. Bond by William Jennison& others Jan' 13*'^ 1815 $900 , Note Ehjah Shattuck Charles Stone Nathaniel Watson Brown Josiah Stone Elizabeth Frost Arnold Hutchinson Charles Stone Matthew Skelton Abraham Watson Abraham Watson June 1, 1818 400. March 1,1820 100. March 1,1822 35.25 July 12, 1819 60. March 30, 1821 108. Sept. 18. 1821 600. Feb. 17, 1823 250. June 17, 1823 75. June 27, 1823 100. April 17, 1824 60. April 12, 1825 75. 100. 95. 46 10. 54. 41 434 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Note by George Meacham May 11, 1826 Paid Parish Treasurer For managing Fund Cash on hand S3023.12 February 20*^ 1827. The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the state of the Fund of said Church have attended to that duty, and beg leave to report that they find the above account in every respect correctly stated, and by which it appears that the present amount of the Fund is $2917.66 making the increase since the last Report to be $54.60 for ten months — which is respectfully submitted — Tho« Foster Abel Whitney Cambridge Feb. 28*^1 1827 Torrey Hancock Cambridge Feb. 28, 1827. We the subscribers. Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having attended to the examination of the foregoing account by the Committee appointed for that purpose, hereby give our assent to the same. William Hilliard James Munroe [124] Poor's Fund. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D''. To amount of Securities and Cash on hand belonging to the Poors Fund May 1826 is $589 . 49 Ten months interest to the first of January 1827 29 . 47 $618.96 Supra C". By the following securities and Cash, viz. Bond of Israel Shattuck & others July 19, 1802 60. Note of James Munroe Jany 1, 1806 24. 10 " of William Jennison Nov. 4, 1815 125. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 435 Note of Nathaniel Munroe Aug* 9. 1819 20. " " Matthew Skelton June 27, 1823 250. " " George Meacham May 11, 1826 100. Distributed to the Poor of the Church Dec'' 1826 16 . Cash on hand February 23.86 $618.96 February 20*1^ 1827. The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the accounts of the Treasurer of the Poor's Fund of said Church, have attended to that service and hereby report, that they have found the above account correctly cast and properly vouched, and exhibiting the present amount of the fund to be 602.96 giving an increase of the fund since last Report of $13.47 for ten months — which is respectfully submitted. Cambridge Feb, 28*^ 1827. Timothy Foster ] Abel Whitney [ ^om- Torrey Hancock J mittee Cambridge February 28*^^ 1827. We the Subscribers, Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having at- tended to the examination of the within account by the Committee appointed for that purpose, hereby give our assent to the same. William Hilliard James Munroe The Report of the Committee was accepted, & D'" Thomas Foster, brothers Abel Whitney & Samuel F. Sawyer, chosen a committee to examine the accounts for 1828. Dissolved. 125. 1828. At a meeting of the Church on the 29*^ of February 1828. the Committee on the Church Fund made the following Report. 436 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D"". To amount of Securities & Cash on hand Feb. 28, 1827 $2917.68 (2) Balance of Contribution in 1827 21 . 12 (1) Interest for one year to Jany 1, 1828 viz. 175.05 S3113.83 Supra C. By Securities in the hands & payments made as follows, viz. Bond by William Jennison & others Jany 13, 1815 Note " Elijah Shattuck June 1,1815 400. D° " Charles Stone March 1, 1820 100. ' " Wilham Brown July 12, 1819 60. * ' ' Josiah Stone March 31, 1821 108. ' ' ' Elizabeth Frost September 18, 1821 600. ' ' ' Arnold Hutchinson Feb. 17, 1823 250. ' ' ' Charles Stone June 17, 1823 75. ' ' ' Matthew Skelton June 27, 1823 100. ' ' ' Abraham Watson April 17, 1824 60. ' ' ' Abraham Watson March 12, 1825 75. ' ' ' George Meacham May 11, 1826 100. ' " Nathaniel Munro April 3. 1827 50. Paid Parish Treasurer 116. 70 Care of Fund 10. 00 Balance 109. 13 $3113.83 The Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of the Deacons of the First Church in Cambrdge for the year past, have attended to that duty, and find them correct & well vouched — The amount of the Church Fund at the present time being 2987 dollars /^ making an increase of the fund during the year past sixty nine dollars j^^- All which is respectfully submitted Thomas Foster Cambridge Feb. 28*^. 1828 Abel Whitney S. F. Sawyer Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 437 Cambridge, February 28**1 1828. We the Sub- scribers, the Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having examined the within Account, as approved by the Committee appointed for examining tlie same, do hereby give our assent thereto. WilUam HiUiard James Munroe. Poor's Fund. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D"". To amount of Securities & cash on hand belonging to the Poors Fund February 28**' 1827 $602 . 96 One year's Interest to January 1, 1828 36. 17 639.13 [126] Supra C^ By the following Securities & Cash, viz. Bond of Israel Shattuck & others July 19, 1802 Note of Wilham Jennison 2^ Nov. 4, 1818 125. Do ' ' James Munroe June 1, 1806 24.10 " " Nathaniel Munroe August 9. 1819 20. " " Matthew Skelton June 27, 1823 250. " " George Meacham, May 11, 1826 100. Distributed December, 1827 16. Cash on hand February 1828 44.03 $639.13 The Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of the Poors Fund of the First Church in Cambridge for the year past, having attended to that duty, report. That they find the items correct & well vouched — The present amount of the fund being S623.13 giving an increase during the year past of twenty dollars -j-^-^. which is respectfully submitted — Tho^ Foster Cambridge, Feby 28**' 1828. Abel Whitney S. F. Sawyer 438 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Cambridge, February 28*'^ 1828. We the subscribers, the Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having examined the within Account, as approved by the Com- mittee appointed for examining the same, do hereby give our assent thereto. Wilham Hilhard James Munroe The Report of the Committee was accepted and D' Thomas Foster, brothers Abel Whitney and Samuel F. Sawyer were chosen a Committee to examine into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. The Meeting was dissolved. 127 1828 Dec. 21. At a meeting of the Church duly notified, the Church being apprised that the Parish was about to consider the subject of proposing to the Pastor to unite with them in calling a mutual Ecclesiastical Council — it was pro- posed that a Memorial be presented by the Church to the Parish on this subject. A proposed Memorial was read and considered. Whereupon VOTED, That the Memorial of this church to the inhabitants of the First Parish in Cambridge (having been read and considered by said Church) be adopted; and that deacons William Hilliard, deacon James Munroe, Richard H. Dana, Samuel F. Sawyer, and Jonathan C, Prentice be a Committee to present the same to the in- habitants of said Parish, at the meeting thereof on the 22d instant. VOTED, That Deacon William Hilhard, deacon James Munroe, Richard H. Dana, Samuel F. Sawyer, and Jonathan C. Prentice, be a Committee in behalf of this Church, in connection with the Pastor thereof, with full power and authority to confer with the inhabitants of the Parish, or any Committee appointed for the purpose, and to act upon the subject of calling a mutual Council for the purposes set forth in the Warrant for calling the Parish meeting, to be holden on the 22^. instant. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 439 VOTED, That the Committee above named be author- ized and requested to appear before any Ecclesiastical Council that may be called by the First Parish in Cam- bridge, to represent the interests of the Church upon all questions involved in the several articles of the warrant for calling the Parish meeting to be holden on the 22*^ instant. The meeting was adjourned to the 4*'^ day of January next. The above is a true entry of the proceedings of the First Church in Cambridge at a regular meeting on the 21^*^ of December, 1828. Attest. A Holmes, Pastor. 1829 1829. Jan. 4. At an adjourned meeting of the First Church in Cam- bridge on the 4*^ day of January, 1829. the committee appointed by the Church on the 2P* of December last, to present a Memorial of the Church, with the above Votes, to the Inhabitants of the First Parish in Cam- bridge on the 22*^^ of December, having made a Report, it was voted That the Report be accepted and put on the files of the Church. t Voted, that deacon Hilhard, deacon Munroe, D''. Foster, Brothers Sawyer, Prentice, Dana, and Saunders, be a Committee to express to the Rev. D"". Holmes pastor of [128] this church, the views and feelings of the Cluirch, in rela- tion to the recent measures adopted by the Parish, and to report at an adjournment of this meeting. fSee the Memorial & the Report on the file. Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to meet at this place next sabbath, after divine service. The meeting was adjourned accordingly. Attest, A. Holmes, Pastor. 1829 Jan. 11 At a meeting of the First Church in Cambridge, by ad- 440 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1829 Feb. 27, journment from the 4*^ instant, on the 11^^ of January 1829. On consideration of the particular object of this meeting the pastor, after opening the meeting, asked leave to retire; and D"" Timothy L. Jennison was chosen Moderator "The Committee appointed by the Church on the 4*^^ inst. to express to the Rev. D''. Holmes Pastor of this Church the views and feelings of the Church in relation to the recent measures adopted by the said Parish, made their Report to the Church, which was acceptedf thirteen members voting in favourof the same and two negatively." "Attest Timo L. Jennison Mod''," True copy: Attest. A. Holmes. fSee the address of the Church to the Pastor on file. 129 1829 At a meeting of the Church on the 27**^ of February, 1829. the Committee on the Church Funds made the following REPORT: The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D""- To amount of Securities & Cash on hand Feby 28*^ 1828 $2987.13 Interest for one year to January P* 1829 .viz 178. 13 Balance of Contributions 23.73 3188.99 Supra Credit. By securities on hand and payments made as follows : Bond of William Jennison & others June 13, 1825 900 . 00 ote " Elijah Shattuck " 1,1818 400.00 " " Charles Stone March 1, 1820 100.00 " " William Brown July 12, 1819 60.00 " " JosiahStone March 31, 1821 108.00 " " Elizabeth Frost Sept ember 18, 1821 600.00 " " Charles Stone June 17, 1823 75.00 " " Matthew Skelton June 27, 1823 100.00 " " Abraham A. Watson April 17, 1824 60.00 " " Abraham A. Watson April 13, 1825 75.00 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 441 Note of George Meacham May, 1826 100.00 " " Nathaniel Munroe April 3. 1827 50.00 " " Nathaniel Page March 4. 1825 108.00 " " Joseph Stephens July 14, 1828 250.00 For Blank Book for Notes & Bonds 1 . 50 Paid D"". Walton for securing J. Stephen's Note &c. 1 . 50 Care of Funds &c. one year to Feb^ 1829 10 . 00 Paid Parish Treasurer 118.72 Balance in Deacon's hands 71 .27 3188.99 The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the state of the Church Fund to this date, have attended to that duty & report. That they find the above account well vouched & cor- rectly cast and exhibiting an increase of the fund the past year up to Jany. 1829, of seventy dollars y^ & the actual amount of the fund at the same date, three thou- sand & fifty seven dollars yVt> ~ Cambridge Feb^'. 25. 1829. Tho^ Foster | q^^^_ Which is respectfully submitted S. F. Sawyer f^Qi^.^gg Abel Whitney i [130] Cambridge, February 25, 1829. We the Subscribers, Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having at tended the examination of the within account of the Com- mittee, appointed for that purpose, do hereby give our assent to the same. William Hilhard James Munroe POORS FUND. The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D"". To amount of Securities and Cash on hand belonging to the Poors Fund February 28'^ 1325 $623 . 13 One years interest to January 1829 37.38 660.51 442 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Supra Credit. By Note of William Jennison, Nov. 2, 1818 125.00 " " " James Munroe June 1, 1806 24.10 " " " Nathaniel Munroe, Aug. 9, 1819 20.00 " " " Matthew Skelton June 17, 1823 250.00 " " " George Meacham May 11, 1826 100.00 Distributed to the Widows, December 1828 16.00 Cash on hand 125 . 41 S660.51 The Connnittee appointed at the last annual Meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the state of their Poors Fund, have attended to that service & respect- fully report. That they find the above account correctly stated and well vouched, exhibiting the present amount of the fund to be $644.51 and the increase during the last year to be 21.38 which is respectfully submitted Tho^ Foster ] Cambridge, Feb^ 25, 1829. S. F. Sawyer ^Committee Abel Whitney ) Cambridge, February 25, 1829. We the Subscribers, Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, having at- tended the examination of the within account, by the Committee appointed for that purpose, do hereby give our assent to the same. W" Hilliard James Munroe The Report of the Committee was accepted, & D"". Thomas Foster, brother Abel Whitney & Samuel F, Sawyer were chosen a Committee to examine into the state of the Church Stock the ensuing year. The meeting was dissolved. (See 4 pp. back Dec. 21, 1828 to Jan. 11. 1829 ) 131 1829 At a meeting of the Church, duly notified, on the 22*^ March 22 day of March 1829, the pastor, having opened the meeting Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 443 with prayer, communicated a letter of imiuiry, addressed to him by the Committee of the Parish, concerning the rights claimed by the Church in reference to the proposed mutual Ecclesiastical Council. Voted. That the subject be referred to the Committee already chosen by the Churchf and authorized to act in reference to the proposal of a mutual c(umcil — to report at an adjourned meeting, fon the 21''* of Dec. 1828. (See that date of records.) Adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening (24''^) at half after seven o'clock, at the house of the Pastor. March 24. The Brethren of the Church met at the house of the Pastor according to adjournment. The Committee, to whom was referred the letter of inquiry addressed to the Pastor by the Committee of the Parish concerning the rights claimed by the Church in reference to the proposed mutual Ecclesiastical Council, made a report. The Report stated, that "on the point of calling a mutual Ecclesiastical Council, the Church claim no more than a concurrent voice &c. (See Report) After dehberation and discussion, the Report of the Committee was unanimously adopted. The meeting v/as then dissolved. Attest A. Holmes. June 7. At a meeting of the church on the 7*^ da.y of June. 1829 . to consider what it may be advisable and proper for the Church to do in reference to its present pecuhar state of trial, the meeting having been opened with prayer b}' the Pastor, it was stated, that the exparte Council, lately called by the Parish, recommended the termination of the contract subsisting between the Parish & their minister, and that this subject is to be acted upon at a parish nieet- ing tomorrow, 8*^^ of June. On motion of deacon Hilliard, the following votes were passed Whereas, in the providence of God, the First Churcli of Christ in Cambridge, under the pastoral care of Abiel Holmes G. D. are brought into a state of peculiar trial by the recent proceedings of the Inhal)itants of the First Parish in said town, and by the suljscciuent result of an 444 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. ex-parte Council called by said Parish — And whereas^ under such circumstances, it has been found expedient, useful, and conformable to usage, to call in the advice and aid of sister churches, therefore, Voted, That in the opinion of this Church, it is expe- dient and proper in its present situation, and in view of the measures expected to be adopted by the Parish, to select and invite the attendance of such number of Churches as may be thought proper, vnth their several pastors and delegates, to compose an Ecclesiastical Coun- [132] cil, to assemble at Cambridge, at such time and place as may hereafter be agreed upon, to hear and advise, in regard to such subjects as may be submitted to their consideration by said Church, and their Pastor. Voted, That deacon HilHard, deacon Munroe, M"" Sam- uel F. Sawyer, Richard H. Dana, Esq. & M"" Jonathan Prentiss, be a committee from this Church, in connection with the Pastor thereof, to select and invite in the usual form, such number of Churches with their Pastors and Delegates, to compose said Council, as in their judgment may be deemed expedient, for the purposes aforesaid. Attest A. Holmes. The meeting was dissolved. June 17. On the 17**^ of June a Council of pastors & delegates of ten churches convened by iuAdtation, according to the preceding vote, and came to an unanimous Result, part of which is as follows. "As D'. Holmes is still according to ecclesiastical usage> the Pastor and minister of the First Church and Parish in Cambridge, and as the Parish has, by its vote, excluded him from his pulpit, the council approve the course pur- sued by him in continuing to perform parochial duties wherever and to whomsoever he may have opportunity, and advise him and the Church and other friends of truth, not to forsake the assembling of themselves together, but to maintain divine v/orship and the celebration of divine ordinances." Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 445 June 21. At a meeting of the Church on the 2pt of June 1829.(10 present), Voted unanimously. That the result of the Council, called by the Church and its pastor on the 17'^'^ instant meets its approbation, and that the counsel and advice therein contained will be, by divine, aid, religiously followed. Attest. A. Holmes: Pastor. 133 1829 At a meeting of the Church on the 4*^ day of July 1829. July 4. the following preamble and votes were iDassed unani- mously : Whereas one Thomas Beal, in the year 1679 gave to the First Church in Cambridge, of which he was then a member, a certain lot of land of about twenty acres, situated in the town of Newton and since known by the name "The Newton Woodlot, with full power and auth- ority to said Church to dispose of the same, as said Church shall direct — and whereas, in May 1772, the "Church A'oted. "that said Lot of land should be sold, and "appointed the Deacons of said Church to make sale of "said land to the best advantage, and to vest the money "in bonds and notes, made to said deacons, and their "successors in said office, and that the income of said "money be disposed of from time, as said Church shall "direct" — and whereas said Church have in divers instances, made appropriations from the aforesaid fund, for different purposes, viz for paying the debts of the Church, defraying the expenses of the Communion table ; a donation of £25 . 00 to the Second Church in Cambridge; and for altering and repairing the Church Plate = Where- fore. Voted, That in consideration of the peculiar circum- stances in which this Church is now placed, in supporting separate worship, in consequence of its Pastor being ejected from the usual place of worship by the authority of the Parish, that the sum of two hundred dollars be appropriated from the Church fund aforesaid, to defray the necessary expenses which have been or may hereafter 446 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. be incurred, and contingent upon such separate worship, by the Church and its Pastor, or to support the rights of the Church. At the same meeting the Church also Voted. That no person shall hereafter be admitted as a member of this Church, unless such person be pro- pounded by the Pastor of said Church, and stand pro- pounded for at least two weeks previous to admission, according to usage, unless in cases of extreme sickness. Attest. A. Holmes, Pastor. July 20. At a meeting of the Church at the house of the Pastor on the 20*^ day of July, by adjournment from the lO*"^ 1829. Voted. That a Committee of five be appointed from said First Church in Cambridge, of which Rev. Abiel Holmes D, D. is Pastor, with full power and authority to act in behalf of said Church before any tribunal, civil, ecclesiastical or judicial, in all matters and things touch- ing the rights and interests of said Church, at any and at all times, when such rights and interests shall be affected by any proceedings of the First Parish in Cambridge, that [134] have already been, or may hereafter be adopted by said Parish, or any Committee thereof. Voted that such Committee be authorized and em- powered to employ such legal counsel, in behalf of the Church, as they may deem expedient or necessary. Voted. That deacon Hilhard, Deacon Munroe, M"" Torry Hancock, Richard Dana, Esq. and M"" Jonathan Prentiss constitute this Committee, with instructions to report their doings to said Church at such times as they may deem expedient. Attest A. Holmes. Pastor. (The following is an exact copy of the Church votes & Preamble.) Nov. 12. At an adjourned meeting of the First Cliurch of Christ in Cambridge at RP Jacob Bates's on the twentieth day Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 447 of November in the year of our Lord 1829— after seeking the direction of the Great Head of the Church, and after much consultation, relative to the pecuhar circumstances in which ourselves, with our beloved Pastor, are, in the providence of God, placed, and relative to the course which it is right and expedient for us to pursue, the fol- lowing Preamble and Votes were prepared for considera- tion, and unanimously adopted : Whereas the Rev. D'" Holmes, the Pastor of this church, has been excluded by a committee of the First Parish in Cambridge, from the desk and the sanctuary where he has long officiated, under a pretence that he is legally dismissed from office, and a great majority of this Church, retaining their affection for him and confidence in him, and not considering him legally dismissed, have with- drawn, and attended public worship under his ministra- tions in another place ; whereas the said Committee of the First Parish have also manifested a disposition to deprive us, as a church, of our justand immemorial rights, and there is now no prospect that the gospel, as it appears to us revealed in the Scriptures, and as it was embraced by our 135 fathers from the first planting of this church,will, at pres- ent, be preached in the house over which the First Parish have legal control; whereas it is, in our, view, of the utmost importance that this gospel should be maintained within the boundaries of this parish and a Society, bear- ing the name of ''The Shepard Congregational Society." has recently been formed and organized for the purpose of supporting the gospel here, in its purity; with which Society we. as a Church, are respectfully invited to unite and co-operate, according to the rights and usages of Congregational churches ;— whereas our venerable Pastor, holding, as he does and must, that he is not legally dis- missed from office in the First, Parish cannot now con- sistently attach himself to the New Society and become in form, its minister, but another person has of late been employed with a view to settlement in the work of the ministrv — in consideration of all these circumstances, 448 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. and having consulted with the Rev, D'' Holmes, our Pastor, whose relation to us as a church, we wish to hold sacred and inviolable, and findina; that, in present circum- stances, the choice of a Colleague Pastor meets with his entire approbation — therefore Voted, P* That until such time as our rights, with those of our Pastor, shall be respected, and the privileges of the gospel ministry be enjoyed, as heretofore, in connection with the First Parish in Cambridge, we will, as a Church, accede to the invitation of the said ' ' Shepard Congrega- tional Society" and unite and co-operate with it, "in maintaining the worship and ordinances of the Gospel, according to the estabhshed principles and usages of Congregational Churches in this Commonwealth." Voted, 2diy That in pursuance of the object, and sub- ject to the several conditions expressed in the first vote, this Church do now invite and call M'" Nehemiah Adams, junior — who has been heard by us for several Sabbaths with high approbation, and in whom we have full confidence — to the office of Colleague Pastor in this Church, in connexion with the Rev. D''. Holmes as senior Pastor. [136] 1829 Voted, Z'^^y That a committee of three be appointed to communicate a copy of the foregoing preamble and votes to "The Shepard Congregational Society." and request their Concurrence with us : and if said Society do concur, that said Committee Communicate to M'". Adams the doings of this Church and in case of his acceptance of the call of this church and said Society, that said Committee, on our behalf, and, where proper, in connexion with said Society, do take all due and usual measures in relation to the ordination of M"". Adams. Voted 4*''^iy That deacons Hilliard and Munroe and Richard H. Dana be a Committee for the above purpose. Attest A. Holmes Pastor. Ordination of M^. Adams, as Colleague Pastor. Dec. 17. "Cambridge Port Dec. 17, 1829. Pursuant to a request made in letters missive from the Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 449 first Church of Christ in Cambridge and from the Shepard CongTegational Society, an Ecclesiastical Council con- vened at the vestry of the Baptist Church in Cambridge Port, and organized by Choosing Rev. John Codman D.D. ]\Ioderator, Rev. David Perry, Scribe, Rev. layman Gil- bert Assistant Scribe. The Council was then lead in prayer by the Moderator. The following is a list of the pastors and delegates present. Green S' Church, Boston Hanover Church " Church in Bedford P' Chh. in Charlestown Chh. Theol. Sem. Andover 2*^ Chh in Dorchester 3^ Chh. in Salem Old South Chh. Boston, V^ Chh. in Dedham Howard St. Chh. Salem Union Chh. Boston 2"'! Chh. in Medford 2'' Cong. Chh in Newbury Port Tab. Chh. in Salem Trinitarian Congregati- onal Chh. in Waltham Park St. Chh. Boston Evang. Con. Chh. S. Boston V^ Chh in Newton Rev. William Jenks, D.D. Pastor Rev. Lyman Beecher, D.D. Pastor. Dea. Nathaniel Noyes Del. Rev. Samuel Stearas, Pastor. B''. Samuel H. Stearns, Del. Rev. V\'arren Fay, D. D, Pastor. Dea. Amos Tufts, Del. Rev. Moses Stuart Pastor. B-" Calvin E. Stowe Del. 137 Rev. John Codman, D. D. Pastor. B^ Sami M. E. Kettle Del. Rev. Brown Emerson Pastor. Br. Xenophon H. Shaw Del. Rev. B. B. Wisner, D. D. Pastor B^ Samuel H. Walley Del. Rev. Ebenezer Burgess Pastor B"" Samuel Haven Del. Rev. William Williams Pastor B"' Joseph Adams Del. Rev. Samuel Green Pastor Deacon John Guhver Del. Rev. Aaron Warner Pastor. B-- T. Magoon Del. B"- W"". Banister Del. Rev. John Cleaveland. Pastor. Dea. Nehemiah Adams Del. Rev. Samuel Harding Pastor. Dea. Eliphalet Pearson Del. Rev. Edward Beecher Pastor. B''^Lewis Dwight Del. Rev. J. H. Fairchild Pastor B'' Samuel Gale Del. Rev. Jonathan Homer D.D, ■ > Pastors Rev. James Bates Dea W'". Jackson Del. 450 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. E^•ang. Cong. Chh. in Brighton Rev. G. W. Blagdon Pastor. Pine S' Chh. Boston Dea James Clapp Del. 2^ Cong. Chh. in Newton Rev. Lyman Gilbert Pastor B^ Daniel Jackson Del. Calvinistic Chh. in Worcester, B^ Parley Goddard Del. Evang. Con. Chh. in Rev. David Perry Pastor. Cambridgeport, B"- E. Faullvner Del. The Council, after hearing the proceedings of the Church and Society in giving M'' Adams a call, voted, that they consider them regular. The Result of a previous advisory Council, and a Re- monstrance from a Com*^^ of individuals, purporting to be a Church in the first Parish in Cambridge, to the pastor elect, were read. The Council heard also from the pastor elect, a con- fession of faith; an account of his Christian experience; testimony respecting his church-membership, and his license; and a statement in regard to his motives for entering the ministry. [138] 1829. The Council then voted that they were satisfied with the examination of the candidate, and were ready to proceed to the ordination. The assignments of parts to be performed was as follows : Rev. M"" Cleveland to make the introductory Prayer. Rev. Prof. Stuart to preach the sermon. Rev. D"" Jenks to make the ordaining Prayer. Rev. D"" Holmes to give the Charge. Rev. Edward Beecher to give the right hand of Fellowship Rev. M"" Burgess to address the people, and Rev. M*" Stearns to offer the concluding Prayer. Voted, to adjourn to attend the public exercises Attest John Codman, Moderator David Perry Scribe. Lyman Gilbert Assist. Scribe." A true copy: Mr. Adams was ordained accordingly on the lyt*^ of Dec^ 1829. Attest. A. Holmes, Senior Pastor Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 451 139 1830. Jan. 3. At a meeting of the First Church of Christ in Cambridge on the third day of January, 1830. Voted, That WiUiam Hilliard and James Munroe, deacons of the Church, and Richard H. Dana Esq. be appointed a Committee to make the appHcation, contem- plated in the Resolutions adopted by the Ecclesiastical Council at the ordination of M'" Adams, in answer to the address presented to them by the Church and Shepard Society in Cambridge; and also for aid from any other sources, which they may deem expedient. March 1. At a meeting of the Church on the first day of March 1830, the following note with the preamble was proposed: Whereas on the l?*'^ of February last passed, Abel Whitney of Cambridge, in pursuance of a vote of a num- ber of individuals, styling themselves "The First Church in Cambridge" passed on the seventh day of said Febru- ary, 1830. did "demand of WilUam Hilliard and James Munroe, deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, all the goods, chattels, property, rights and credits, belong- ing to the First Church in Cambridge" And whereas the property of said Church, to the amount of forty pounds was, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundrea and sixty nine, given by one Thomas Beal of said Cam" bridge, to Gregory Stone, Thomas Chitholand, and John Cooper, then deacons of the First Church in said Cam- bridge, and to their successors in said office, forever. ' ' "quietly and peaceably to have, hold, and occupy the same" against the claims of all persons whatsoever: And whereas the Deacons of said First Church are now in possession of a Fund, arising from the foregoing bequest, and the voluntary contributions of its own members, amounting to three thousand nine hundred & five dollars Y^J^, and also of sundry articles of plate, given by different individuals to said First Church for the Communion ser- vice, a baptismal bason, folio Bible &c. all of which have 452 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. been demanded by said Abel Whitney, as aforesaid — Therefore Voted. That WilUam HilHard & James Munroe, dea- cons of the First Church in Cambridge, be and they are hereby authorized and instructed, to retain and keep possession of all the property now belonging to or which may hereafter accure to said Church, from the beforenamed fund and of every other species of property thereunto belonging, until the further order of the Church, against the claims & demands of all persons whatsoever. And the said Hilliard & Munroe are hereby further authorized to employ such legal counsel as they may deem necessary, ; in defence of the rights of said Church, before any court or courts, having jurisdiction of any question affecting the same. The above Vote, with the Preamble, was unanimously adopted Attest A. Holmes Pastor. [140] At the same meeting (March 1.) In consideration of the peculiar state of the Church, voted, to reconsider the last vote passed (1829) appointing a Committee to examine the state of the Funds, and to chose a new Committee for that purpose to report at the next meeting : And brother Samuel F. Sawyer, Richard H. Dana, and Nathaniel Munro were chosen to be that Committee. March 5. At the annual meeting of the Church, 5, March, 1830, the Committee on the Church Funds made a Report, which was accepted: And Samuel F. Sawyer, Richard H. Dana, and Torrey Hancock were chosen a Committee to examine into the state of the Church Funds the ensu- ing year. The REPORT was as follows : The Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge D'". To amount of Securities & cash on hand Feb^ 28 3057 . 37 " Interest one year to January 1, 1830 183.43 ' ' Balance of Contributions 6 . 29 S3246.99 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 453 1830 Supra Credit. By Securities on hand & payments made as follows : Bond of William Jennison & others June 13,1815 $900 . 00 Note " EHjah Shattuck " 1,1818 400.00 " ' ' Charles Stone March 1, 1820 100.00 " " Josiah Stone March 31, 1821 108.00 " " Elizabeth Frost Sept. 18, 1821. 600.00 " " Charles Stone June 17, 1823 75.00 " " Matthew Skilton June 27, 1823 100.00 " " Abraham A. Watson April 17, 1821 60.00 Do March 12, 1825 75.00 " " George Meacham Aprils, 1827 100.00 " " Nathaniel Munroe April 3, 1827 50.00 " " d° Page March 4. 1828 108.00 Note of Joseph Stevens July 14, 1828 250.00 ' ' Nathaniel Page May 9, 1829. 50.00 Care of Fund &c for the year 1829 10 . 00 Cash in my hands 260.99 $3246.99 The Committee, appointed at a meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the state of the Church Fund, to this duty, have attended to that duty, and report. That they find the above account well vouched, and correctly cast, and exhibiting an increase of the Fund the past year, up to January 1, 1830 of $189.72, and the amount of the fund is now $3236.99 — all which is sub- mitted. T^'- ,' ' 7L^ -r^ [committee. Richard N. Dana ) Cambridge March 3^' 1830. We the subscribers, deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, have attended to the examination of the above accounts and hereby assent to the same. Willian, Hilliard 1 beacons, James Munroe J 454 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. REPORT on the POOR'S Fund. Deacons of the First Church in Cambridge. To amount of Securities & cash on hand, belonging to the Poor's Fund February 25, 1829. $644 . 51 To One year's interest on 644. 51 38.67 1.18 Supra Credit. By Note of WiUiam Jennison 2"^ November 2. 1818 125.00 " Note of James Munroe June P* 1806 24.10 " " Nathaniel Munroe August 9, 1819 20.00 " " Matthew Skelton June 17, 1823 250.00 " " George Meacham May 11, 1826 100.00 " " Abraham A.Watson, March 30, 1829 100.00 ' ' Cash Distributed to the Widows December 1829 16.00 ' ' Interest due on M"" Skelton 's note 15 . 00 Cash on hand 33.08 $683.18 The Committee, appointed at a meeting of the First Church in Cambridge to examine the state of the Poor's Fund, have attended to that service, and respectfully report. That they find the above account correctly stated, and well vouched, exhibiting the present amount of the Fund to be $667.18 And the increase of the fund for the past year has been $36.67 all which is respectfully submitted. S.F Sawyer 1 Committee Richd H. Dana ) Cambridge March 3. 1830. We the Subscribers, deacons of the First Church in Cambridge, have attended to the examination of the above accounts, and hereby assent to the same. W^. Hilliard . Deacons. James Munroe Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 455 Part II. (1) ADMISSIONS TO FULL COMMUNION. ARIEL HOLMES Pastor. 1792. Jany 29. Sarah Pearson (Dismisfed to Chh forming in The" olog. Institute Andover 14, April, 1816. Elizabeth Bromfield May 20. Elizabeth Austin Aug* 19, Bebe Moore 26 Timothy Lindall Jennison. 1793. Jany 6. *Theodore Blifs Feby 24 *Elizabeth Holyoke Kneeland April 28 Hannah Holden June 21. *Sarah Manning (By dismifsion from the Chh. in Pepperell) July 23 Grace Child August 11. John Thornton Kirkland (Tutor in Coll) Dismisfed & recommended to the New S° Chh, Boston, 1794.) 18 Mary Watson Sep' 22 Hannah Morse Oct. 6. *Sarah Munro Nov. 3. Walter Dickson jun"" 1 Dismifsed & recommended Anna Dickson I to the Chh in Groton, 1798. Lucy Dickson j Dec. 8. *Mary Bates 1794 Jany 26 *Elizabeth Stiles April 6 *Nathaniel Prentifs *Abigail Prentifs Lucy Stratten, (Dismiffed & recommended to the Chh.inKeene(N. H.) 1798. Aug*. 3. Sarah Roufe. (Dism'^'. & recommended to the Chh in Park St. Boston, 19 April 1829. Sep*. 28. *Rebecca Watson Nov, 9. Joseph Hilhard (Dismifsed & recommended to the 2d chh in Berwick, 1797.) *[These names are starred in the Mss. and no explanation is given.] 456 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 30. William Mason. (Res. Graduate) Dismifsed & recom"^ to Christian fellowship, 1798. 1795 April 12. Lucy Winship. May 3. Aaron Learned. Sep*. 13 Jonathan Whitaker. (Student in Coll.) Dismifsed & recom^^to the Chh in Sharon, Feb. 10. 1799- 1796. March 20 Nancy Seaver July 17 Timothy Alden, (Resident Graduate) Dismifsed & recom'^ to a Chh in Portsmouth 1799.) Sarah Bryant (Joined a Baptist church in Bofton, after immersion, in 1803.) Aug*. 14. David Kendall (Res. Grad.) Dismifsed & recom*^ to the chh in Hubbardston, 1802. Nov. 13. Luther Wright (Res. Grad) Dismifsed & recom- ended to the P* chh in Medway 1798. 1797. Catharine Gleason *Huldah Blifs. *Andrew Bordman(By dismifsion & recom. from the Chh. in Tewksbury) June 18, 1809 Dif- mifsed & recommended to the brethren forms a chh at Camb. Port. Nov. 5. Freeman Parker (Res. Grad.) Dismifsed & recom- mended to the church in Dresden, 1801. 1798 Jan 21. Levi Hedge (Tut. in College) Feb. 4. Mary Bartlett (Dismifsed & recom*^ to the church in Gorham, Sep* 16, 1804. Nancy Bartlett Jan. 28 Mary Tappan (Dismifsed & recom^ to the church in Newbury Sept. 16, 1804. April 29 *Ehzabeth Mason Jan. 1 March 5. May 7. (2) Aug*. 19 Sarah Goddard Sept. 2. Mehe table Hastings Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 457 Oct. 28 Isaac Allen. (Resid*, Graduate) Dismifsed & recoui'' to the Chh in Bolton, 1804. Nov. 18. Abraham Randall(Res. Grad.) Dismifsed & recom'' to the chh in Manchester Sep^ 20, 1801. 1799. April 28. *Timothy Tufts jun. Submit Tufts. Nov. 3. Sophia Willard \ Sidney Willardf MChildren of President Willard) Mary Willard J fSidney W. (Prof. Lang.) dism'^ by desire, to unite with the Chh forming in Harv. Coll. 1814. 1800 Feb. 9. Lydia Kneeland Mary Kneeland *Ann Mason April 6 Lucy Shed Patty Dickson May 18. Andrew Foster Aug. 24. James Converse (Res G.) 1800 August 24 William Frothingham (Dismifsed & recom^ to the 2^ chh in Lynn, Sept, 9, 1804. Sept. 21. Joa Dana Oct. 19. Sarah Richards. 1801 Jan. 4. *Mary Snow Eliza!)eth Freeman Prentifs Samuel Farrar (Tut. Harv. Coll.) Dismifsed & recom'' to the S*^. chh. in Andover ap. 1803 *Samuel Veazie (Res. Grad.) John D wight (Res. Grad.) Feb. Persis Howard — Aug. 24, 1817 Dism*^' & recom^ to P* church in Charlestown. Dec. 27. William Frost. *Lucy Frost. 1802. Feb. 7. William Ballard (Res. Grad.) 458 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 14 * Jonas Wyeth Z'^ Susan Wyeth May 2 Rebecca Rockwell Sept. 19. William Ellery ChanningK Regent, H. Coll.) Dis- mifsed & recom. to the chh in Fed. Street Boston 1803. Nov. 7. Rebecca Webber. 1803. Jan. 2 *Mary Richardson 16 Rebecca Jarvis Susan Jarvis (Dismifsed & recom^ to the church in Hubbardston, Sep* 9. 1804. Jan. 16. Abigail Jarvis (Dismifsed & recom'i to the chh in Milford (N. H.) Sept. 2. 1810. April 3. William De\yey. Dec. 30. *John Stone by recom. fr. Menotomy Chh. Samuel Kent. William Hilliard fr P* chh. in Boston Sallyt Hilliard fr. chh in Kensington (fSarah L.) 1804 (3) Feb. 12 Maria Holyoke Pearson (Dism*^^ & recom'^^ to chh in Greenland N. H. April 17, 1814.) Margaret Bromfield Pearson (D"^ & recom. to chh forming in Theolog. Instit" Andover (April 14, 1816) Sarah Lee Bartlett March 4 *Josiah Moore Nancy Moore 9 *Eliphalet Pearson (LL.D. Profefs. in Harv. Coll. by recom. from By field) Dis'^ & recomended to the chh forming in the Theolog. Institution at Andover Apr, 14, 1816. April 29 *Sufan Prentifs June 3. Timothy Foster Rogers (Res. Grad.) Sept. 23 Sarah Fayerweather Oct. 14. Mary Emiha EHzabeth Jennison. 10 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 459 1805. Feb. 10 Charlotte Richardson (Dismifsed & recom^' to chh in Hanover S*. Boston 7 June 1829. March 3. Sarah Chad bourne 1 *Isabella Hovey (by recom. from the 3"^ chh in Cambridge July 7. John Bartlett Galen Ware (abroad). May 7. Katharine Brattle Gannett dismissed & recom*^ to chh in Fitchburg (see 1826.) 6 1806 Feb. 23 *John Wilson Smith *Catharine Walton Aug. 31. James Munro & Margaret Munro. Sept. 27. Moses Webster (Res. Grad.) 1807 April 5. AmeHa Tarbell (Camb''. Port) July 5 Ehzabeth Bowes (July 5, 1816, Dism":' & recom. to chh in Harv. Coll.) 26 Patty Trafk (Camb^. Port) 3 1808 Feb. 1. * James Foster March 6. Sophia Mellen Catharine Saltonstall Mellen Harriot Hilliard July 10. *Rev. John Mellen, by recom fr Barnstable. Oct. 30 *Susanna Morfe Dec. 4. Martha Remington Dana Elizabeth Ellery Dana 11. Hannah Mason 1809. April 23. Elizabeth Latham Gannett Dism^^ & recom^ to 2^' chh in Ipswich 1 July 1814. Deziah Barker Bell May 5 Henry Ware (Profefs. Div*y Harv. Coll.) by recom- endation from 3'' chh in Hingham) July 5. 1816 Dismifsed & recom to chh in Harv. Col 460 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1809 June 18. John Farrar (Prof. Math. &c. H. Coll) by recom. fr. S°. chh in Andover Dism<^. by desire to unite with the chh forming in Harv. Coll, 1814. Aug. 13. Mary Richardson Nov. 5. Caroline Hastings 1810 (4) Feb. 25. Thomas Brattle Gannett, A, B, Dism'^ & Recom'^ to chh in Camb port 1814. Aug. 19, *Ehzabeth Wright Sept. 2. Susanna Whitney (by recom. from Brookline.) 1811 April 14 Abel Whitney May 3"^ Samuel Sewall, A.M. (by recom^ fr. Protest, Episc- chh) March 27 1814. Difm^. & recom^ to chh in Burhngton. 8 Thomas Foster. May 19 *Samuel & *Mary Bartlett (by recoin. from Concord. July 7 Elizabeth Bartlett Susan Bartlett Joanna Bartlett. Nov. 3. George Bethune Enghsh (Res. Grad.) Nov. 4, 1814, Excommunicated. *John Dudley Andrews (Res. Grad.) Dism*^ & recomd to 2^^^ chh in Ipswich July. 1. 1814. 1812. Oct. 18. Edward Everett, A, B, (Res. Grad.) dismifsed & recom^ to chh in Brattle St. Boston 2 Jan-v. 1814. 23 Ruth Bradshaw 1813 April 11. Simeon Putnam, A. B. (Res. Grad.) 1814 Jan. 30. Lucy Ware ") July 5. 1816. Dism^^ & recom'^ to Mary Ware | the Chh in Harv. Coll. March 6, Sarah Sefsions Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 461 May 1. Henry Ware A. B. 22 Sophia Webber 1815 Jan. 8 Aug. 13 1816 Sept. 1 *Ruth Blake (C. P.) Mary Munro Esther Goodwin Sarah Flagg 1817 Aug. 3. 24 Deborah French *EHazbeth Watson Waterhouse 1818 Apr. 27 May 3. Sept. 6, Whiting Cooley by recom. from the chh in T^ong Meadow. Mary Wesson, Sept. 4. 1825. Dismal & recom^ to the chh in Boston in Essex Street. Samuel Flagg Sawyer Patience Sawyer William Saunders Sarah Saunders Nov. 1. *Mary Giddinge 1819 Jan. 3. Nathaniel Munro May 2. Torrey Hancock Isabella Hancock Ann Hunt Dec. 19. *Samuel Hunt (5) 1820 Jan. 2. Sarah Wesson May 7. *Sarah Porter July 2. Elizabeth McDowell Aug. 20. Ruth Jones Nelson. 1822 Sept. 1. Dim^. & recom- mended to Chh in Park St. Boston. 1821 Nov. 4. *Elizabeth Read 462 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. William Bascom (Rev.) ) byrecom. fr. chh in Leomin- -r^ ,, . -r> ^ster(1827 Dism"! & recom. Katharine Bascom J to Union Chh Boston. 1822 March 3 Sarah Russell Barrett May 5. *Mary Jackson Holmes July 7 *Samuel Manning juu. *Dinah Steed (a black woman) Sept. 1. Mary Goddard Dec. 29. Richard H. Dana. 1823 May 4. Esther Read Mary Read Betsey Bates July 3. Elizabeth Holman (by recoiii of P erly.) ^ chh in Bev- 6 Rebecca Munro 1824 June 6. Sjdvanus Plympton Mary Bell Plympton Aug. 1. Rosamond Putnam Oct. 24 Susanna Gilson 1825 Feb. Hannah Prentiss Nov. 6. Sophia Willard Dana. 1828 Feb. 29. in Purchase St. Boston. Dismd to Chi Ann Susan Holmes 1826 Feb. 19. Amy EHzabeth M^Kean March 5. Catharine Watson Sarah Lopeans Elizabeth Watson April 9. Mary Smith Nov. 5. Susan Holt 1827 May Jesse Carter July 1. Catharine Smith Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 463 July 1. Jonathan C. Prentiss Mary Prentiss Sarah B. Coffin Persis Bates Lydia Parker & her daughter Lydia Parker Sept. 2. Josiah W. Cook Mary Thayer Nov. 4. Marshall Tufts 1828 Jan. 6. Sarah Ann Dana Sally Brown John Cragin Abigail Dana Isabella Jane Weeks (Aet. 15) (6) May . 2. Abigail Frost, by recommend^ from Church inWells 4. Jacob Potter Elizabeth Dana Sarah Hancock Hannah Read Sept. 5. EHzabeth Hilhard by Recommend^ from ehh. in Billerica. 1829. Sept. 6. Sarah Anderson Dec. 13. Nehemiah Adams junior, by recommend^ from Tabernacle Chh. in Salem. EHzabeth Hilhard (Daughter of D« H.) Thomas Dakin 1831 July 1. Dismissed & recom^ Church in Sudbury. Eliza Stone Newman by recommend^ from Cong. Church in Lowell. 1830 The following ADMISSIONS (A. Holmes & N. Adams Pastors.) May 2. Nancy Picket Sophronia Williard Houghton 464 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. May 2. Mary Chadbourn Elizabeth I^r.tes, by Recommend'^, from Old South Chh. in Boston. Cynthia Russell, by do church in Northfield Mary Robbins, by do church in Dartmouth College July 4. Henry Nowell David M^Clure Catherine Locke Susanna Bates Abigail Nowell Abigail Gordon Elizabeth Palmer Mary Currier Roxana Lane Susan F. Smith Louisa Sawyer Sept. ||3. Anna Bradshaw, by recommend, from chh in Chel- sea & testimy fr W. Cambridge 5. Harriet Lowe Martha Sawyer Nov. 5. CalvinE.Stowe, by recommend from chh in Theol. Seminary Andover. 7 Samuel Picket Sarah Ann Wigglesworth Mary Ann Sawyer Caroline Hawkins Lucy Rice, by recommend^, from the Churcli in Fitchburg. Elsey Kindall by d° from d° in 1831 Hebron N. H. Jan. 2. Harriet Bowman Esther Symmes Lydia Norton Eunice Gilson Feb. 27 Abigail J. Houghton. July 30. Joel Giles Alvah Cragin Alexander Lane Mary Leonard Rowena Pratt Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 465 July 30. Martha Boarclnian Susan Chadman Miles Gardner 1 transferred from Chh in W. Cam- Lydia Gardner J bridge late D' Fisher's. Sept. 4. Hannah Barrett Margaret Prince Washburn Susan Cummings [Pages 7 to 18 blank] (19) RENEWAL OF COVENANT. 1792 for the Baptism of children. A. HOLMES, Pastor. August 5 Rayham Richardson & his Wife. Decemb 2 Walter Frost 1793 Feb. 10 Joshua Palmer March 31 Asa Moore April 28 Reuben & Henrietta Moore Deer. 8 Samuel Cox- 22 Joseph Sawing. Elizabeth Wyeth 1794 Mar. 23 Samuel Choat Apr. 20 Jacob Page Aug* 24 Isaac Tapley 1795 April 12 Scarborough Parker — Thomas Miller Aug*. 9 Joshua Chamberlyn Keziah Mills 1796 March 13 George Bonner Jonathan Butterfield 27 Adino Hastings July 31 Wilham & Ruth Bradish. 466 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1797 May 7 Walter & Susanna Cox. Dec. 31 Nathaniel Prentifs Watson. 1798 April 8 Robert Vose May 27 Samuel Locke juii. Nov. 25 Isaac Tufts. 1799 Jan. 20 Samuel (juS.) & Hannah Tufts. May 19 Jacob Murdock August 11 James & Anna Adams. Sept. 8 Jonas & Mary Fillebrown. 1800 Feb. 2. Sarah Flagg. June 29. Richard & Abigail Thayer Oct. 5 Nathaniel & Susanna Faulkner 19 Lemuel & Elizabeth King 26 Jacob (jun"".) & Abigail Watson. 1801 (N. B. denote New Bridge.) April 5. Samuel & Elizabeth Child. May 3. Oliver Blake N. B. Oct. 4. John & Judith Heyden N. B. Dec. 27. Aaron & Lydia Parker 1802 Dec^ 5. John Cutter Stone & Eliza Stone. 1803 Jan. 16 Artenatus & Sukey Moore Dec. 18. Samuel & Martha Gould. 1804 April 15. Samuel Flagg Sawyer Aug* 5. Nathaniel & Martha Munro Sept 16 Benjamin & Betty Grover N. B. Nathan & Hannah Barns N. B. 1805 July 21 Job & Lydia Converse Wyeth Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 467 Joshua & Abigail Sawing Sept. 15 Solomon & Susanna Hancock N. B. April 28 Cyrus & Deborah French. 1806. Jany. 19. John Cook N. B. Jany 26 Joseph Holmes Feb. 16. Lemuel & Sarah Brackett. June 30 John (jun) & Sarah Warland Oct. 5. Luke & Susanna H. Pool Jabez & Lucy Whiting Nov. 9. Wilham Rufsell 23 Jason Howe N. B. 1807 July 12 Torrey & Olive Hancock Aug. 31 Chester & Sarah Sefsions N. B. Sept. 13. John Tarbell Nov. 29. Franklin & Mary Sawyer N. B. 1808. Sept. Jonas & Ellen Prentifs Nov. 27 Abraham Watson Gamage 1809 June 4 Thomas & Martha Austin 1810 April 15 Eliab Wright Metcalf & Lydia Metcalf William & Anne Hunnewell Oct. 28. Joseph & Lydia Beers 1813 May 30. Jonathan & Elizabeth Gary Sept. 26 Jonathan C. & Mary Prentifs Oct. 24. John Hutcherson Learned & his wife Priscilla. 1814. April 17. William & Mary Warland Nov. 2 Artemas Putnam 27 Mehetable Putnam 468 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. (20) 1817 Aug. 10 Amos & Hannah Teal 1818 June 14. Loammi & Ann Baldwin 1822 Henry & Abigail Nowell 1824 Jan. 18 Asa & Susan Cutter 1825 Dec. 4. Josiah Nottage Marshall & Elizabeth Marshall. 1828 Aug. 18 Jonathan & Experience Hyde. [p. 21 to 24 blank] (25) BAPTISMS. A. Holmes, Pastor. 1792. January 29. Hannah Frothingham of William Honnewell. February 19. Sally of Amos Bryant (by M"". Morse.) April 1. Sally & Betsey of Charles Frothingham (twins) (by M'. Foster.) 8 Polly of Ebenezer Stedman May 20. Abie! of Thomas Fillebrown. Edward of Isaiah Dickson July 8 Arria of Profefsor Webber 22 Eleanor & James of Jonathan Ireland. August 5. Henry of Rayham Richardson 21 Mary Ann of Timothy L. Jennison (in private — the child being very ill) 26 Thomas of Thomas Gardner Octob. 25 Elias of Elias Richardson (in private — the child being very ill.) Novemb.4. Augusta — of President Willard. Daniel — of John Stone. 11 Pollv Bordman — of Zacharias Shed Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 469 Decemb. 2. Ebenezer — of John Shed 9. Hannah — of John Warland. 23. Martha — of Walter & lAIartha Frost. Total 19. 1793 Feb. 10. March 31. April 28. July 7 21 Sept. 18 22 Oct. 18 Nov. 3 10 17 Dec. 8. 22 Sarah Gamage — of Joshua Palmer. Asa — of Asa Moore. Abner — of John Palmer. John & Harriet — of Reuben & Henrietta Moore. Abigail Rogers — of Profefsor Pearson (in private M'. Pearson being confined by a broken limb.) Simeon & Grace — of Grace Child. John — of Stacey & Esther Reed Justin — of Josiah & Hannah Morse Caleb — of Caleb & Catherine Gannett (in private the child being very ill. Maria — of Walter (jun"".) & Anna Dickson Hannah Brackett — of Aaron & Hannah Hill Sophia — of Profefsor Webber Anna — of Timothy Tufts jun"". Samuel Bixby — Zacharias Shed jun. Samuel — of Samuel & Susanna Cox. Susanna — of Joseph & Sally Sawing. Ehzabeth — of Jonas (jun.) & Ehzabeth Wyeth. Total 19. 1794. Jan. 5. Hephzibah — of Amos Bryant. Feb. 2. Ehzabeth — of William Watson. 9. Hannah Adams — of John & Mary Stone. 16 James — of WilHam Hunnewell. Christopher Columbus — of Elias Richardson. March 23. Joseph Pierpont — of Samuel Choat April 6. Abigail Prentifs — (wife of Nathaniel Prentifs) by her own desire. Wilham — of Timothy Lindall Jennison & Mary. (26) April 20 Jacob — of Jacob & Sarah Page 27 William — of Jonathan Wyat. 470 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. June Benjamin — of Samuel Kent. Joseph — of John & Rhoda Shed Hannah — of Charles & Lydia Frothingham John Smith — (aetat ) by his own desire. John — of Walter & Martha Frost Abigail Wylls — of Isaac Tapley Ruthy & Hannah of Elisha Doane Mary Craigie — of Bofsinger & Mary Foster 16 Children 2 adults, Total 18. July 6 Aug*. 3 17 24 Sept. 21. Dec. 7, 1795 Jany 11 Mary — of Jonathan Ireland Abiel Russel — of Zacharias(jun.) & Hannah Shed. April 12. Sally Treston — of Francis Moore Jonathan — of Scarborough Parker Maria — of Thomas & Mary Miller. May 3 Sally — of Aaron Learned 24 Samuel — of Thomas Rand. June 14. Samuel — Ebenezer & Eunice Stedman 28 Henry Bromfield — of Frofefsor Pearson July 12. Andrew Belcher — of Timothy L. Jennison. 26 Maria — of Joshua Palmer August 9. Lydia Varnum & Abigail of Gilbert Dickson. Amelia — of Joshua Chamberlyn Elizabeth — of James Stacy & Esther Reed Sophia Purkit — of Kezia Mills. Sept. 13 Anna Cooper — of Isaiah Dixon Wilham — of Timothy Tufts jun^ Anna Tufts — of Walter (jun"") & Anna Dickson. Sally — of Joseph & Sally Sawing. Oct. 25 Ann Theodora — of President Willard. Ehzabeth — of Elias Richardson. Nov. 8. Samuel — of Samuel Choate 15 Martha — of John Stone Sally — of Jacob & Sally Page. Dec. 6. Mary Eliza — of Frofefsor Tappan. Susanna — of Thomas Gardner Total 27 1796 Feb. 7. Samuel — of William Watson. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 471 14 March 13 27 June 19. July 17. 31 Aug. 14 21 Oct. 9. Nov. 1. Dec. 1797 Jan. 29. March 26 May 7. Sept. 3. Nov. 26 Dec. 10. 31 Sally — of Jonathan Wyatt Matilda — of Samuel (Profr.) and Rebecca Webber. Betsey Jarvis — of Samuel & Hannah Green. Walter — of Walter & Martha Frost. Thomas Waine — of Isaac Tapley. (27) Leonard — of Samuel & Susanna Cox. Leonard — of Jonathan Butterfield. Elizabeth — of George & Elizabeth Bonner. Eliza AVatson — of Adino & Hetty Hastings. Priscilla — of Joseph Hill. Hannah — of Scarborough & Hannah Parker Esther Rand Elizabeth Woods Sarah Goodwin Ruth Keep James Prentifs — of Rayham Richardson. Elizabeth Bixby — of Zacharias Shed jun. Thomas Gould — of Joshua Chamberlyn. Mary - Emelia - Elizabeth — of Timothy Lindall Jennison. James — of Thomas Rand. Mary Jackson — of Charles Frothingham Tot. 22 of William & Ruth Bradish. Mary Bell — of Thomas & Eliz^ Warland. Anne & Henry (twins) of Aaron & Hannah Hill James of Adino & Hetty Hastings. Susanna Cox — (by her own desire) Susanna — of Walter & Susanna Cox. Susanna — of Scarborough & Hannah Parker William King — of William & Ruth Bradish. Samuel — of Profefsor Webber. Nathaniel — of Nathaniel Prentifs Watson & Lydia Watson. Isaac — of Isaac Tapley George — of George & Elizabeth Bonner (1 adult) Tot. 12. 472 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 1798 Jan. 7. Feb. 18. March 4. April 1. 8 22 May 20. 27 June 10 Aug*^ 5. Sept. 9 30 Oct. 21 Nov. 25. Dec. 15 1799 January 20 27 March 31 May 19 June 16 July 14 August 1 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 27 Dec. 22. Sarah Rand — of Elias Richardson. Adelaide — of William & Lucy Gammage. Mary — of Joseph & Hill. Ebenezer — of Ebenezer Woodward. Mary Knapp — of Robert & Rebecca Vofe. Joseph — of President Willard — (by D^ Weft.) William — of Jofeph Stacy Reed Sufanna — of Thomas Rand. Hannah — of Samuel Locke jun. Jonathan — of Samuel Kent. Mary - Eliza — of Profefsor Tappan (in private, its public presentation being judged hazardous.) Nathan — of Jacob & Sarah Page (By Mr. Harris.) Lydia — of John Stone (by Dr. Tappan.) Mary — of Leonard Parks Anna — of Isaac & Mary Tufts Andrew Belcher — of Timothy Lindall Jennison. I Tot. 16. 28 - 1-^ Hannah — of Samuel Tufts juii. & Hannah. Rebekah Rand — of Elias Richardson. John Alexander — of Profefsor Webber. Abraham Andrews — of William & [Catharine] Watson. '"': ^W% '■ Submit & Jonas — of Timothy Jr. & Submit Tufts. John Goodwin — of Jacob & Fanny Murdock. Martha — of Walter & Martha Frost. Joseph — of Samuel & Mary Bartlett (by Mr. Ripley.) James & George — of James & Anna Adams. Mary — of George & Elizabeth Bonner Mary Fillebrown (by her own desire.) Mary — of Jonas & Mary Fillebrown. Edward — of Nathaniel P.Watson, (by Dr. Osgood). Susanna — Aaron & Hannah Hill William — of John & Rhoda Shed 16 children 1 adult Total 17 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 473 Sarah — of Walter & Susanna Cox, (by Mr. Mellen.) Patience Sanger (by her own desire.) Sarah — of Leonard & Ehzabeth Parks. Sarah, Timothy, Ehzabeth Nutting — of Timothy & Sarah Flagg. Rebecca Richie — of Robert & Rebecca Vose (by Mr. Foster.) Martha — of Isaac & Marj'- Tufts. Mary Watson — of William & Lucy Gamage. William — of Joseph Stacey Reed Joshua — of Thomas Rand Daniel — of John Stone. Joshua — of Timothy (juii.) & Submit Tufts. Martha — of Joseph & [Persis] Hill. Samuel Adams — of Samuel Locke jun. Richard Thayer (by his own desire). c i>- nn I — ^^ Richard & Abigail Thayer Richard J Elizabeth Russell — of W°^ & Betsey Jenks (pri- vate bap. the child being dang, ill.) Eunice Lines, by her own desire. Louisa Chandler — of William & Ruth Bradish Catherine Evelith — of Nathaniel & Susanna Faulkner. Alice Brown (by her own desire) Harriot | George ,'• of Lemuel & Elizabeth King. Leonard J Oct. 26 Abigail — of Jacob (juii.) & Abigail Watson Nov. 16 Lucinda — of Samuel (jun.) & Hannah|Tufts. Dec. 28 Wilham Watson & Isaac Pierpont (twins) of Jacob & Fanny Murdock 26 children, 4 adults. Total. 30 1800 Jan. Jan. 5 12 Feb. 2 16 April 6 20 May 4 11 18 June 29 July 6. Sept. 28 Oct. 5 19 1801 (29) January 18 Mary Sparhawk — of Thomas & Hannah Gardner Feb. 1 Hannah Eckley — of Levi Bush March 15 Ebenezer Francis — of Samuel Cutter 474 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 29 John — of Ebenezer & Eunice Stedman April 5 Samuel Child — by his own desire. Anna - Eliza — of Samuel & Elizabeth Child Mary, Experience, Abie;ail, efe Joseph — of Joseph & Joa. Dana. Caroline — of Samuel & Rebecca Webber Oliver — of Oliver & Sarah Blake Ezra Stiles — of Caleb & Ruth Gannett Francis — of Timothy Lindall Jennison Sarah Ann — of Walter & Slartha Frost John — of John & Judith Hay don. Burr — of Timothy & Submit Tufts James Hooper — of Samuel & Elizabeth King. Robert of Robert & Rebecca Vose] i t> t v, William Kneeland — of Levi & r „ ' T\/r Tj 1 Cushmg. Mary Hedge J Mary Kendall — of Joseph & Sally Sawing William — of WilHam & Lucy Frost Mary Snow — of Aaron & Lydia Parker. Walter — of Walter & Susanna Cox. Tot. 24. 19 May 3 10 June 14 July 19 Oct. 4 11 18 25 Dec. 27 Nov. 29 June 6 13 27 July 4 Sarah Yeaton, Aet. 9. (At Dr. Hills) being very ill & her parents, at Portsmouth profes® of reli- gion. 24 children 1 adult = 25. 1802 ~ Jan. 24 Mary Jackson — of Abiel & Sarah Holmes 31 Lydia — of John & Mary Stone Feb. 14 Augustus — of Jonas (3'^'.) & Susan Wyeth March 28 Thomas — of Oliver & Sarah Blake April 11 Lydia Pierce — of Richard & Abigail Thayer (by Rev. Mr. Foster.) Ma}'- 2 Phebe Swan (Aet. ) by her own desire (in pri- vate she being dang, ill.) Ehza — of John & Rhoda Shed John William — of Samuel (jun.) & Elizabeth Child. Hannah Reed — of Leonard & Elizabeth Parks. Louisa — of Aaron & Sally Learned William of Thomas Rand Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 475 August 1 Abraham — of Nathaniel P. 30 Infant of Profefsor Ware 1 day 1810. Jan 23 John Porter (at Charlestown S° Carolina) 27 confumption May 11 Ebenezer Roby Frost 43 confumption June 19 Elizabeth Rufsell 36 Choi, morbus July 6 Samuel Harris, Sen'. Soph''. Harv. Coll. drowned in Charles R''. 28 Drowned 17 Samuel Webber, D.D. President of Harv. College 50 apoplexy Aug. 25 Abraham Watson Gamage 25 confumption July 30 George Bonner Sept. 29 Thomas Wallace 33 consumpt". Nov. 4 Thomas Gardner (Brighton) 49 nervous fever Dec. 3 Infant of Jonathan & Betsey R. Ford 1811. Feb. 2 John Wyeth (grad. Harv. Coll. 1760.) 68 confumption. 9 William Watson 47 18 Mary Craigie Foster 17 March 30 James Horatio . . infant . . of John Greenleaf Apr. Francis Dana (late Chief Justice of Mass) 69 paralysis. 30 Sophia Cutter 52 Scir. liver May 30 Mary Stone 91 old age (Feb. 11 Binah Crosby (Negro) Chariest. Neighb'' 42.) (97) Aug. 26 William Currier 8y bil. put. fever. Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 513 Age Disorder Sept. 2 Anthony Vafsall (Negro) 98 Consumption. 10 Noah Wyeth 70 confumption Oct. 23 Samson Walker John Brown at sea 33 fever Dec. 13 Ebenezer Shed 87 old a^e 1812 Feb. 14 Jason Lyon consumption March 10 Mary Richardson 83 old age Apr. 5 Lucy Munro 48 paralysis 16 Sarah Manning 72 paralysis July 8 Trask consumption (pulmon) 22 Mary Watson 22 cons" (pulm) August 1 Eliza Shed 11 typli. fever 23 Christina Waters (Negro) 9 cons". Sept 16 Cuba "\'afsall (Negro) 78 consumpt". Oct. 3 Jefse Goodenow 33 dropsy Nov. 6 Sarah Lathrop Hobnes 7 9 Nathaniel Jarvis* 81 old age Dec. 1 Thomas Barret 70 old age 19 Caroline H. Ingersoll 15 consumpt". 26 Samuel Cook Shed conf (pulm) (July Salathiel Wright of Boston, .drowned in I Fresh Pond 22) 1813 Jany 17 Negro child 6 mo. dropsy in head. 26 Ballard fern. 26y consump". Sibyl Schuyler d. of Phihp S. 4 mo. indigest". Feb. 1 Sarah Brown 27 dropsy 1.5 Jonas Wyeth 82 old age March 26 Dodge 26 confump". 29 Infant of Samuel Kent jun. 6w peripneuy. Apr. 19 Mary Bates 56 25 Phineas J. Stratton (Mother resd' in town) 6y. drowned in CR. 30 Sukey Withington, resid' in town ae. 30. puerp. fevr. May 7 25 Infant of Stratton Infant of Joseph Porter June 8 Samuel Kent jun'. Charlestown Neighborh'^ Su . . . .e. Sept Clarifsa Johnson resident do. consumpt. 7 Elizabeth Smith 52 consumpt. 23 William Prentifs (Poor House) 66 dropsy Cutter 74 old age Dec. 21 Inf. of Charles Lonox (98) 4w. 1814 1814 Jany 10 Infant child of (black) 3w. 514 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Feb. 23 Samuel Hunt jun. ISy consumption. March 19 Elizabeth Wright 53 consumption. April 7 Elizabeth Shaw 72 dropsy (Relict of Rev. B. Shaw of Nantucket) Arria Webber (daughter of late Presidt Webber) Conf° 17 John Manning (P. H.) 89 palsy. May 1 Deacon Josiah Moore 67 17 Mehetable Watson 90 old age June 3 Mary Rufsell 61 palsy 29 Rosanna Morris (black) 6 hoops cough. July 15 Sarah Dickson 54 confump". 16 Mary Hunt 46 confump" Aug. 25 Sukey Shed 24 consump". Oct. 8 Susanna Bacon (of Boston residt i n Camb.) old age. 15 Artenatus Moore 37 consump' Nov. 2 Mary Stratton 81 old age 6 Mary Ann Dodge 3 dropsy in head. 13 Henry Augustus Rumrill 4 1815 Jany. Ebenezer Shed consump" 30 Susan Jones 28 consump" Feb. 4 Susan Pahner Jones 5 croup 10 Susanna Morse 61 dropsy (March 28 Mary Lishman 32 consump". (Poor House from Nova Scotia) 31 Sarah Munro 69 palsy April 3 Joseph Shed confump". June 3 Mar-y Foster Consump" 6 Stephen Hastings (Poor House) abt.58 cons". July 5 John Hunt 9 Aug. 10 Cato P.H. 51 epilepsy formy. a serv* of M'' Bof singer Foster. Sept. 23 Henry Dickson 74 24 Emehne. .d. of Galen & Catharine Ware ly. Oct. 18 Abigail Bradish 58 19 Mary Parker 86 24 Abigail Smith (Poor House) 74 Consump" 29 Harriot Chamberlyn 11m dysentry Nov. 9 Mary Hunt 22y consump". 15 Mary Ann Chamberlyn 3 quinsey 20 Elizabeth Waterhouse 46 28 Lucy Wellington 30 Nancy Gray (wife of Lewis G.C. P«) 37 puerp fever. Dec. 4 Dickson (wife of late Henry D. 7 1 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 515 Age Disorder (Nov. 5 Capt Henry Verner — of U. S. navy fr. R. Ind.) Consuinp" set. 26) Tot. Par. 22. (99) 1S16 Jany 17 Bofsinger Foster 48 palsy 30 Marj^ Stone 57 Consump. pul Feb. 23 Joseph Reed 68 pleurisy March I 7 David Frost 36 dropsy May Foster Poor House June 4 Elizabeth Danforth (died at Maiden) d, , of Judge D. SO 11 Sarah Hildreth 68 26 Samuel Child S^ 6 drowned in Charles R. July 23 Parsons Smith (Poor House) 74 dropsy 30 Thomas Austin 52 consumption. Aug. 7 Goddard fever Nov. 25 Ann Mason 53 dropsy Dec. 1 Bela Orcutt 65 fit. fi dead in bed. 23 William Shed 17 consumption. Feb. May June June July Aug. 1817 9 22 3 18 13 26 28 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 14 16 17 18 Aug. 19 28 consumpt pul. 84 old age 18m° croup 74 typhus fever 45 typhus fever Charles Warland Mary Darling Cyrus child of Cyrus Morse Nathaniel Prentifs Edward Fillebrown Charlotte Lucretia Ross. d. of Wm. & Mary Wesson 2y. dysentry Aaron Bordman 48 typhus fever. Charles Curtis s. of W'" & Mary Wesson 4 dysentry Susan Hedp-e d. of Profefsor Hedge 4 dysentery Nancy Wesson d. of W"^ & Mary Wesson 17 dysentry Lucy Ann Chamberlyn of John C. dysentry William Wesson 50 dysentry John Waldo, s, of Jacob & Abigail \\'atson 8 dysentry Elizabeth Prentiss 77 typhus fever William Parsons s. of Marcus & Ann C. Reemie 2 drowned Mary Bowman, d. of Amos & Hannah Teal 1 dysentry John Prentice, s. of John & Sally P. 5 dysentry Abigail Watson d. of Jacob & Abigail W. 17 dysentry Elisha Prentice s. of George P. 2 dysentry LowellLeonard, s. of Mary McDowell 2 dysentry Julian Prentice, d. of John & Sally P. 8 dysentry 516 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Age Disorder 26 William Bradish 63 dysentry 27 James Foster dysentry 28 Hannah Howe (born 26 June 1728) 90 dysentry (100) Aug. 30 Benjamin Franklin, s. of W'" C. Reed (C.N. ) 2y dysentry 31 Susan Stearns, d. of Jonas & Susan Wyeth 10m. dysentry Sept. 1 Sarah White Hedge d. of Professor Hedge 14y dysentry 3 Cyrus French Mercy Withington (C.N.) 40 dysentry 4 George Foster 27 dysentry 5 Jonathan Ireland, s. of John Ireland (C.N) 8 dysentry 6 Mary Withington (C.N.) 27 dysentry 7 Thomas McCullock Harv. Coll 20 dysentry 9 Infant of A^iolet Cassimere (black) 3m° dysentry Edward Canfield Harv. Coll. 20y dysentry 12 Eliab Wight, s. of E. W. Metcalf 4 dysentry 14 Susanna Hill (C.N.) 80 dysentry 17 Ehzabeth Willard wife of Prof. Willard dysentry 19 David Ray, s. of E. W. Metcalf ISm^ dysentry Alfred Warland, s. of John & Sarah W. 3y^ dysentry Joseph Foster, s. of W"" & Sarah L. Hilliard 4 y^ dysentry 23 Isaac Munro s. of James & Margaret M. 5ys dysentry James Winthrop, s. of W'" & Sarah L. Hilliard 18 m° dysentry 28 Charles Augustus, s. of James & Margaret Munro 2^y dysentry Sept. 29 Catharine Saltonstall d. of Professor Frisby ISm" dysentry Oct. 3 Nathaniel Hawkins (C.N.) 69y dysentry 23 Mary Hilliard (relict of Rev. T. Hilliard) 66 consumption] 29 Sally Swaney Consumption Dec. 26 Royal, s. of Royal Stimson dropsy in brain 1818 Jan. 15 Oliver Wendell 85 March, Joseph McKean, L.L.D. Prof. Rhet. & Orat. H. Coll 42 April 14 Lucy Palmer 28 consumption 25 Caleb Gannett 73 pulm. fever Gill (Poor House) about 92 June 5 Ruth Blake 42 consumption 9 Sarah Prentice 40 con\ails. fits. 13 John Porter Metcalf, drowned in Charles R. 9 Infant (black) of Sept. 18 Gilbert Dickson 75 lockjaw 16 Harriet Newell — of Jacob H. & Eliz'' Bates 23 Caroline Sawyer 7 Croup Oct. 2 Infant of Thomas Hill 4m*' canker Records of the First Church in Cambridge. 517 Age Disorder Infant of Mary Nickels (black) 28 Oliver Blake Mem. June 5. Catherine Davis d''. of Deacon Walton & wife of Rev. T. Davis 33 disorder of liver Aug. 23 Sophia Fullerton of Boston 21 cons. & her inf. 26 Apr. Aet. 9 m". 1819 (101) Jan. 3 Mary Nickles 25 Infant, Benjamin Lee Feb. 21 Jonathan Stone (C.N.) May 29 John Stone (C.N.) Sept. 17 Infant of Jonas Lawrence June 16 do of Harry Felstead (blk.) Nov. 8 Elizabeth King 53 dis. of Liver. Dec. 3 Eleanor Ireland C.N. 81 domestic at M". M. Austins. Infant of Martin & Grace Smith. 23 typh fever' 1 day. 29 Consumption. 5/ 1820 Jan. 31 Stephen Goddard 79 old age Apr. 13 Samuel Cutter C. N. 63 15 John Bowers 40 March 26 Betsy R. Ford Infant of Jonathan & B. R. Ford 36 consumption Aug. 30 Joel Reed, son of Joel Reed 4 croup Sept. 1 Mary W. Gamage 19 Consumption. 5 Catherine Jackson Brown Oct. 30 Edward Dickson 84 old age. 1821 Jan. 30 Jan. 1 Jan. 11 Apr 13 May 13 June 1 1 20 July 22 29 Aug. 5 Sept. 15 26 Ivatharine Wendell, wid. of John Mico W. & daughter of Brig. Gen. Brattle 91 William Gamage, j\LD. i-un over by a loaded sleigh Infant of Harry Felstead (blk) 3 months. Rebekah Manning 81 dropsy David H. Hunt 23 Samuel Hunt 58 Catherine Lopez 85 Charles Frothingham 61 Sarah Frost 67 child of Amos Adams (bro't sick from Lancaster) Elizabeth Kneeland (d^ of Prs. Holyoke), wid. of D^ Kneeland 90. James Winthrop (son of the late Prof. W. & desc' fr. gov. W. 5"" genr". 69 75. consumption consumption old age 518 Records of the First Church in Cambridge. Nov. 2 Rebecca Moore (wid) Age Disorder 74 1822. Feb. 9 23 25 March 17 23 April 3 27 Mav 3 July 26 Aug. 7 Sept. 1 29 Oct. Nov. 3 21 Dec. 29 Oct. 7 Jan. 11 23 Feb. 2 4 19 Marcl i30 31 April 7 May 5 July 26 Aug. 2 Sept. 19 Oct. Nov. 28 27 Dec. 14 Feb 18 March 10 34 48 15 17 41 consumption Ruth Charlotte Dana Rebecca Waterhouse Aaron Parker Miranda Gibson James Munro(son of NatW M.) Martha Munro (wife of NatW M.) Kezia Walton (wife of Deacon J. Walton) 80 Susan d. of Richard & Charlotte Dana 23 months Aetate 2. Marj' Jennison 90 Nathaniel T. Stone (C.N.) Elizabeth Whitney, d. of 3 John Palmer : j 67 Ruth Rodrick (in the family of Mrs. Dalton )13y fever. Samuel Manning jun. M.D. of puhnonic fever 45 Abigail Carpenter (E) 79y. int" Brattle, insert below church to ye Rev'i Mr. John Hubbard Mr. John Rogers. P. 98. Middle of page Tehetable should be I\Iehetable. P. 171. 6th line from bottom Hephen should be Stephen. INDEX OF NAMES. ABBREVIATIONS. B. Baptized. C. Admitted to comnuinion. O. Owneil tlic covenant, or renewed tlieir covenant. BD. Baptized and died. OB. Owned the covenant and wae ljai)tized. CB. Bap- tized and admitted to communion. In the index the date before the name is the year in which tlie name was entered on the record. The names of the parents of tlie children who were baptised or died have not been in- dexed, as tliey can readily be found by turning to tlie baptism or death. There are a number of negroes mentioned on the record.s, these are indexed under the heading "Negroes," under their surname when that is given on the records, but in many cases only their given name is recorded. No attempt has been made to index the names whicli are only incidently mentioned, as owing the churcli money, bringing in wood and so forth. When the transaction is of sullicient importance their names may l>e found in the general index at the end of the Index of Names. For list of names of those who sent in supplies and wood to the ministers, see pages 180 182-184 to 1!)2. ABBOTT. M 1822 Elizabeth B 499 M 1714 George 73 O 1715 George 65 C ITK! George 84 C 1716 Mrs. George .... 84 B 1718 George. . 88 B 1715 Jacob 69 M 1813 John L 496 M 1813 Jonathan 496 M 1701 jMehotabell 71 B 1724 Hebeccali 103 B 1721 Rebecca 91 B 1727 Samuel 105 ABDY. OB 1728 Mathew 95, 108 OB 1728 Ruth 95, 108 ABRAMS. M 1S05 Martha. .493 ADAMS. I) 1801 I) 1821 M 1705 M 1753 B 1729 O 1799 C le.-JS B 1804 B 1696 B 1662 M 1784 B 1799 B 165S I) 1804 ( ) 1799 B 1799 C 1737 — 16.^8 B 1658 B 1697 Child , 506 Child 517 Abigail 71 Amos 121 Ann 113 Anna 466 Anne 21 Caroline 477 Cherry 46 Oaniel 22 Ebenezer T 248 George 476 Hannah 22 Infant 508 James 466 James 472 Jedidiah 100 John 21 John 21 John 46 ADAMS. M 1786 John 273 B 1659 Joseph 21 C 1698 Mrs. Joseph 39 M 1710 Joseph 72 O 1711 Joseph 65 B 1713 Joseph 63 C 1738 Joseph 143 B 1775 Joscpli 235 M 1801 Joseph 491 C! 1718 Joseph 84 B le.^ Joseph 21 B 1722 Lucy 101 B 1773 Lucy 234 M 1786 Lydia 249 M 1705 Margaret 72 B 1656 Mary 21 B 1727 Mary 106" B 1733 Mary 117 M 1788 Mary 273 C 1771 Moses 152 C 1829 Xehemiah 463 D 1806 Robert olO B 16,')8 Rebecca 21 B 1720 Rebecca 90 C 1739 Rebekah 143 B 1780 Rebecca 239 B 1777 Samuel 236 D 1799 Sarah 505 B 1711 Thomas 61 M 1737 Thomas 110 M 1805 Thomas 493 B 1725 William 103 ADLINGTON. D 1805 Susan A. W .510 AGAR. B John 45 CB 1696 Margaret 59 CB 1696 Mercy 59 1715 Sarah 84 ALDEN. C 1796 Timothy 456 _ 1696 M 1826 M 1777 C 1798 B 1764 M 1700 O 1761 M 1818 B 1698 B 1763 C 1698 B 1761 M 1826 M 1729 ALEXANDER. M 1827 Stephen 500 ALLSTON. M 1830 Washington 501 ALLEN. ALLIN. Mr. 35 Andrew 500 Elizabeth 246 Isaac 467 .Joanna 196 Joseph 70 Joseph 169 Joseph 498 Joshua 47 Margaret 195 Mary 39 Mary 195 Nabby 500 Patience 107 AMES. SeeEAMS. — 1658 Dr. 6 AMSDALL. CD 1697 Jacob 37 C 1697 Mrs. Jacob 37 ANDERSON. C 1829 Sarah 463 ANDREW, ANDREWS, ANDREWES. C 1696 Mr. 46 B 1658 Daniel 12 C 1738 Eliot 100 C 1668 Elizabeth 7 B 1663 Elizabeth 7 M 1704 Elizabeth 71 C 1718 Elizabeth 85 (.523) 524 Index. Elizabeth 107 Mary 7 Mary 51 John 7 John 243 John 273 John D 4fi0 JohnD 496 Rebeccah 12 Rebeccah 12 Rebeccah 39 Samuel 7 Samuel 7 Samuel 85 ^amuel Ill Tlioma.s 7 Thomas 7 Thomas 12 Thomas 12 Thomas 42 William 7 William 7 Abiel 106 Ames 40 Dorothy 63 Dorothy 97 Dorothy 120 Edmund 5 Edmund 5 Elizabeth 5 Elizabeth 194 Ephraim 5 Eunice 92 Hannah 5 Hannah 69 Hannah 98 Hannah Ill Hannah 194 Hannah 195 Hannah 234 John 5 Lydia 234 M argaret 203 Mary 5 Blary 89 Mary 120 Mary 146 Mary 157 Mary 205 Nathaniel 5 Fatience 91 Ruth 5 Ruth 5 Ruth 156 Samuel 5 Samuel 65 Mrs. Samuel .... 84 Samuel 86 Samuel 101 Samuel 144 Sarah 160 SybiU 88 Sybil Ill William 88 William 141 William Ill William 154 William 192 WMlliam 196 William 504 APPLETON. M 1715 Daniel 73 B 1726 Elizabeth 105 C 1743 Elizabeth 146 M 1730 K 1666 B 1701 B 1661 (; 1786 M 1788 c 1811 M 1814 p. 1658 <; 1658 (; 1698 B 1658 (; 1658 (; 1718 M 1741 15 1665 B 1668 I) 1658 K 1658 C 1705 B 1658 D 1658 M 1725 <; 1701 B 1713 (; 1730 M 1748 <; 1658 B 1659 B 1667 B 1761 B 1658 (; 1723 B 1660 P. 1715 (; 1733 M 1742 B 1761 B 1762 B 1774 B 1664 B 1774 B 1766 B 1663 B 1719 V, 1743 M 1743 B 1747 B 1768 B 1665 B 1772 (; 1658 B 1658 B 1745 B 1658 () 1713 (; 1716 {; 1719 B 1722 C 1740 B 1749 B 1718 M 1740 B 1717 (; 1740 M 1742 B 1743 M 1760 B 1764 D 1796 APPLETON. M 1754 Elizabeth 121 B 1737 Henry 137 B 1730 John 114 B 1738 John 139 M 1807 John 494 D 1829 John 521 B 1723 Jose 101 B 1720 Margaret 90 C 1740 Margaret 144 M 1755 Margaret 177 B 1728 Mehetable 112 C 1749 Mehet.ible 147 M 1763 Mehetable 121 B 1733 Mercy 117 B 1734 Mercy 119 C 1774 Mary 242 C 1712 Nathaniel 45 B 1725 Nathaniel 103 B 1731 Nathaniel 116 D 1784 Nathaniel 249 B 1740 Samuel 140 ASPINWALL. M 1758 Samuel M 1762 Thomas . . . .178 .193 ASTIE. M 1776 Elizabeth 225 ATKINS. B 1783 Abigail 241 AUSTIN, ASTIN. M 1823 B 1776 M 1786 C 1792 B 1706 D 1827 O 1809 B 1781 C 1783 M 1783 B 1809 M 1807 O 1809 D 1816 Deborah 499 Ebenezer 236 Ebenezer 273 Elizabeth 455 John 55 Loring 520 Martha 467 Mary 239 Mary 243 Mary 248 Susanna S 481 Thomas 494 Thomas 467 Thomas 515 AVERY. C 1730 Ephraim 97 C 1708 Sybil 43 M 1708 Sybil 72 AYRES. M 1765 Joseph 193 BABCOCK. O 1784 Samuel 227 B 1785 Samuel 244 BACHELLER. M 1816 Stephen 497 BACON. M 1821 Susan W 499 D 1814 Susanna 514 BAFOOT. 1741 Mary 145 BAINBRICK. D 1658 Guy 10 1658 Jane 10 1658 Justice 10 BADGER 1731 BAKER. M 1806 John 493 M 1698 William 70 BALCH, BAULCH. M 1710 Benjamin 72 C 1720 Benjamin 86 M 1767 Christian 224 M 1808 Elizabeth 494 B 1714 Mary 68 C 1735 Mary 99 M 1738 IMary 110 C 1733 Thomas 98 BALDWIN. O 1818 Ann 468 O 1818 Loammi 468 B 1818 Samuel W 485 BALL. B 1783 Benjamin 241 M 1788 Mary 273 M 1765 Robert 224 BALLARD. D 1813 513 O 1763 James 160 B 1763 Joseph Ray 195 B 1765 Mary 202 M 1756 Sarah 177 B 1767 Sarah 204 C 1802 William 457 BARBER, BARBOUR. B 1764 George R 196 M 1788 Jenny 273 M 1766 William 193 BARKER. M 1786 Jonas 273 M 1819 Rebecca 498 M 1823 Stephen 499 D 1830 Stephen 621 BARNARD. M 1778 Abigail 247 M 1800 Elizabeth 491 M 1776 Lydia 225 M 1704 Thomas 71 BARNS, BARNES. 1804 Hannah 466 1804 Hannah 476 1732 17.53 1727 Joseph 107 Joseph 116 Stephen 121 William 107 O B D 1807 Hannah B B D M B 510 1805 Harris C 477 1804 John C 476 1805 John Clark .509 1803 Nathan 492 1804 Nathan 476 .466 O 1804 Nathan . BARON, BARKON. 1813 Laura J 483 1816 Laura J 497 Index. 525 BARR. B 1733 Oauiel 118 BARRETT, BARRET. D 1784 (ChiM.) 274 M 1706 Bartliolomew ... 72 C 1707 Mrs. Bartliolomew 43 B 1713 Bartliolomew... 63 B 1745 Caleb 155 M 1737 Daniel 110 O 1738 Dauiel 67 B 1751 Daniel 161 M 1761 Dauiel 192 D 1809 Daniel 512 B 1767 Edward 24 C 1726 Edward 94 B 1699 Elizabeth 49 C 1726 Klizabeth 94 M 1733 Elizalieth 110 B 1738 Elizabeth 138 M 1761 Elizabeth 192 B 1774 Elizabeth 234 C 17.S1 Elizabeth 242 1) 17!t6 Elizabeth 503 M 1801 Elizabeth 491 B 1696 Hannah 46 B 1700 Hannah 50 B 1731 Hannah 116 B 1738 Hannah 138 B 1747 Hannah 157 B 1780 Hannah 239 C 1831 Haunali 265 B 1748 James 159 M 1822 Joel 499 B 1660 John 24 B 1706 John 55 M 1737 John 110 B 1740 John 140 O 1764 John 170 B 1764 John 196 B 1764 John E 197 B 1783 John 241 B 1729 Jonathan 114 B 1742 Jonathan 143 M 1783 Jonathan 247 D 1794 Jonathan 502 B 1741 Joshua 141 B 1659 Lydia 24 B 1740 Lydia 140 D 1793 Lydia .502 B 1745 Margaret 156 B 1746 Margaret 157 D 1794 Margaret 502 C 1663 Mary 24 B 1737 Mary 137 B 1739 Mary 139 () 1764 Mary 170 M 1771 Mary 224 BD1770 Mary 206 O 1764 Phoebe 170 B 1707 Rebeccah 55 O 1707 Rebeccah 64 M 1813 Ruth 496 B 1736 Samuel 135 C 1659 Sarah 24 B 1742 Sarah 142 B 1776 Sarah 2.36 M 1798 Sarah 490 C 1822 Sarah R. 462 B 1712 Thomas 62 C 1736 Thomas 99 B 1743 Thomas 154 O 1772 Thomas 226 B 1772 Thomas 234 D 1785 Mrs. Thomas . . .275 M 1787 Thomas 273 D 1812 Thomas 513 BARRETT, BARRET. — 1659 William 24 B 1665 William 24 () 1696 William 63 B 1696 William 45 O 1696 Mrs. William . . 63 C 1697 Mrs. William . 38 B 1703 William 52 C 1726 William Jr 94 B 1728 William 112 BARROWS. M 1767 John 224 M 1824 Salome 499 BARTLETT. B 1742 David 142 C 1811 p:iizabeth 460 B 1737 James 137 C 1811 Joanna. . . 460 M 1759 John 178 C 1805 John 459 B 1799 Joseiih 472 D 1799 Joseph 505 B 1736 Lydia 135 D 1796 Lydia 504 M 1731 Mary 107 C 1798 Mary 4.')6 M 1799 Mary 490 C 1811 Mary 460 D 1823 Mary 518 C 1798 Nancy 456 B 1740 Rebecca 140 B 1738 Rhoda 138 C 1811 Samuel 460 C 1804 Sarah L 458 C 1811 Susan 460 BARTON. M 1818 Leify 498 BASCOM. C 1821 Katherlne 462 M 1806 William 493 C 1821 William 462 BASSET. C 1723 Nathan 92 BATT. O 1701 Paul 64 B 1701 Sarah 51 BATES. D 1826 Child 519 D 1828 Child 520 B 1784 Belsev 241 C 1823 Betsey 462 B 1815 Elizabeth A 484 C 1^30 S:iizabeth 464 B 1817 Harriet N 485 D 1818 Harriet N 516 B 1788 Jacob Hill 277 B 1820 Jacob H 486 O 1772 Joseph 226 B 1772 Joseph 233 M 1772 Joseph 224 B 1774 Joseph 235 D 1792 Joseph 501 D 1803 Joseph 607 B 1825 Joseph B. 487 B 1827 Joseph B 487 B 1779 Lydia 238 M 1801 15 1776 C 1793 M 1803 B 1813 I) 1813 p. 1785 C 1827 B 1782 M 1805 B 1S;30 B 1778 C 1830 B 1790 B 1821 M 1822 Lydia . . . Marv . . . Mary . . . Mary . . . Mary . . . Mary . . . I'ersis . . . Persia . . Sarah . . . Sarah . . . Susan II. Susannah Susanna . William . William . William . .491 .235 465 492 .483 .513 .245 .463 .240 .493 .480 .237 .464 .279 .486 ,499 BATIIERICK, B.WERIC, B AVE RICK. M 1700 Anna 70 B 17.57 Benjamin 166 O 1727 Deborah 108 C 1733 Deborah 98 CB 1722 Elizabeth 60 B 1724 Elizabeth 103 B 1732 Henry 117 O 1722 Jemima 65 B 1723 Jemima 102 C 1732 Jemima 98 CB 1723 John 60 B 1729 John 112 B 1730 John 115 B 1726 Jonathan 104 B 1729 Lucy 112 O 1725 Mary 108 B 1726 Mary 104 B 1741 Mehetable 142 B 1731 Rebeckah 115 C 1701 Ruth 4ii CB 1723 Ruth 60 D 1796 Ruth 503 B 1722 Samuel 101 B 1722 Solomon 101 M 1701 Thomas 71 B 1737 Timothy 136 BATSON. C 1698 Mary 39 M 1701 Mary 71 CB 1097 Nathaniel 59 CB 1696 Sarah 59 M 1714 Sarah 73 C 1697 "Widow" 37 BAULCH, see BALCH. BAYLIES. M 1813 Deborah H 496 M 1808 Lois 494 BAYLIS. M 1801 Sophia 491 BEACH. M 1779 Joseph 247 BEALE. C 1658 Sarah 8 C 16.58 Thomas 8 BE ALES. M 1825 Mary 500 526 Index. BEAN. M 1744 Cutting 120 BEARD. OB 1731 Elizabeth 108 BEATONFLAT. M 1777 Mary 246 BEEN. C 1741 Joseph 145 BEERS. B 1810 Charles R 482 D 1823 Clarissa ,518 B 1810 Elizabeth 482 M 1806 Joseph 493 O 1810 Joseph 467 O 1810 Lydia 467 B 1812 Mary Ann N. . . .483 B 1810 Matilda F 482 B 1810 Sarah 482 BEGAR. M 1701 Elizabeth 71 M 1697 Francis 70 B 1698 Francis 49 BELCHER. B 1736 Abigail 13.t C 1658 Andrew 9 B 1658 Andrew 9 B 1740 Andrew 141 B 1658 Anna 9 C 1658 Elizabeth' 9 B 1658 Elizabeth 9 B 1738 Elizabeth 138 — 1665 Jeniimah 27 C 1666 Jeremiah 9 M 1818 John 498 C 1727 Jonathan 95 B 1732 Mary 116 C 1666 Martha 9 B 1734 Martha 118 C 1727 Sam 05 B 1727 Samuel Ill M 1726 Samuel 106 C 1727 Sarah 94 B 1729 Sarah 113 BELDING. D 1807 John .'ill BELKNAP. B 1697 Joseph 46 BELL. C 1809 Deziah B 459 M 1767 William 224 BEMUS, BEMIS. B 1731 Abigail 115 M 1778 Abigail 246 B 1727 David 106 B 1732 Edmund 117 C 1728 Elizabeth 95 B 1722 Lydia 91 O 1726 Mercy 108 M 1723 Phillip 75 O 1726 Philip 108 B 1726 Philip 105 B 1727 William 105 B 1736 Zacheua 136 BENNETT. M 1779 Mary 247 BERRY. D 1783 Mr 274 C 1714 Elizabeth 83 M 1715 Elizabeth 73 C 1714 Thomas 83 BIGLOW. D 1796 Maria 503 BILLINGS. M 1709 Nathaniel 72 BIRD. M 1808 Ann 495 M 1788 Joseph 273 C 1741 Samuel 145 M 1803 Susanna B 492 BISCOE. B 1714 Elizabeth 68 M 1708 Hannah 72 M 1710 John 73 C 1711 Sarah 44 M 1716 Sarah 74 BLACKMAN. OB 1774 Mary 172 BLAKE. B 1815 Elizabeth C 484 B 1808 Mehetable PI . . .480 M 1798 Oliver 490 O 1801 Oliver 466 B 1801 Oliver 474 M 1813 Oliver 496 D 1818 Oliver 517 C 1815 Ruth 401 D 1818 Ruth 516 B 1804 Sarah 476 D 1805 Sarah 509 B 1806 Sarah B 478 B 1802 Thomas 474 D 1803 Thomas 507 BLISS. C 1797 Huldah 450 B 1778 Isaiah B 237 B 1779 John 238 C 1793 Theodore 4.55 D 1802 Theodore 507 BLODGETT, BLODGET. M 1783 Abigail 247 M 1784 Ruth 248 BLOOD. M 1823 Hannah 499 BLOWER, BLOWEUS. C 1096 Senior 36 C 1677 Elizabeth .37 M 1701 Elizaijeth 71 C 1704 Mrs. John 41 OB 1704 Mrs .59 BLY. M 1811 Lovey R 695 M 1805 Tristram 493 BOND. C 1770 Elizabeth 152 M 1773 Elizabeth 225 M 1780 Hannah 247 C 1715 Josiah 84 B 1724 William 102 BOIT. B 1777 Henry 237 B 1779 Polly 238 BONNER. D 1801 Child 506 B 1796 Elizabeth 471 D 1826 Elizabeth 519 M 1795 George 489 O 1796 George 465 B 1797 George 471 C 1697 John 38 B 1799 IMary 472 D 1805 Mary 509 M 1804 Phillip 492 BORDMAN, BOARDMAN, BOORDMAN. B 1758 Aaron .. 18 B 1707 Aaron .. 56 M 1708 Aaron .. 72 B 1711 Aaron .. 61 O 1711 Aaron . . 65 B 1718 1744 Aaron .. 88 B Aaron ..155 B 1746 Aaron . . 157 M 1807 Aaron . .494 D 1817 Aaron . .515 C 1702 Abigail . . 40 B 1706 Abigail . . .55 C 1731 Abigail .. 97 M 1731 Abigail . .107 B 1753 Abigail . .162 B 1658 Andrew . . 18 C 1696 Andrew . . 36 C 1699 Mrs. Andrew . . 39 B 1701 Andrew .. 50 B 1721 1732 90 1\1 A ndrew . .108 O 1733 Andrew . . 66 B 1735 Andrew ..134 V, 1743 Andrew ..146 B 1745 Andrew ..156 C 1797 Andrew ..456 I? KiOO Elizabeth . . . .. 18 B 1704 Elizabeth . . . .. 53 C 1716 Elizabeth . . 84 (; 1730 Elizabeth . . . .. 97 M 1730 Elizabeth. . . . , .107 B 1742 Elizabeth . .142 B 1753 Elizabeth . . . . .163 c 16,58 Frances .. 18 B 1658 Frances . . 18 1\I 1813 1658 496 B Martha .. 18 M 1708 Martha . . 72 B 1715 Martha . . 69 (! 1739 Martha . .143 M 1740 Martha . .111 1\T 1812 1831 496 C Martha . .465 Index. 527 BORDMAN. B 1658 Mary 18 M 1709 Mary 72 B 1713 Mary 63 C 1739 Mary 143 B 1756 IMary 165 B 1661 Moses 18 M 1700 Moses 70 O 170-2 Moses 40 B 1703 Moses 52 B 1757 Moses 166 M 1818 rrudeuce 498 B 1658 Rebeccali 18 B 1760 Richard 194 O 1696 Rutli 36 M 1696 Ruth 70 B 1698 Ruth 49 C 1716 Ruth 84 M 1719 Ruth 74 B 1733 Ruth 117 M 1805 Sally 493 C 1741 Sarah 145 B 1659 Susannah M.. .. .167 B 1719 Walter 89 D 1783 Widow 274 C 1658 William 18 B 1658 William 18 B 1711 William 61 O 1753 William 168 M 1753 William 121 B 1755 William 164 M 1784 William 248 B 1713 Zechariah 63 M 1743 Zachariah 119 B 1750 Zachariah 160 BOSWORTH. M 1805 Isaac 492 BOUCHEE, BOUCHER. C 1767 Jane 150 BOWEN. M 1788 Dinah 278 D B BOWERS. 1827 F. William S. . 1815 John . .520 484 D B D R 1820 John 1815 Mary J 1824 Prudence . . . . BOWES, BOWS. 1702 William . .517 . .484 . .519 52 C M M C 1807 Elizabeth 1807 Eliza,l)cth . . . . 1719 Nicholas 1728 Nicholas . .459 . .494 . . 74 . . 96 BOWLES, BOWLS. 1735 John 110 1761 William 193 1763 William 169 BOWMAN, BOMAN. 1799 Infant .505 1828 Benjamin ,520 1724 Alii^ail 102 1741 Abigail 145 BOWMAN. M 17.55 Abigail 177 B 1701 Andrew 51 B 1713 Andrew 63 B 175t Andrew 163 B 1715 Deborah 69 C 1734 l)el)i)rah 99 M 1741 Deborah Ill B 1749 Ed\nund . . . .159 B 1721 Elizabeth 91) B 1748 Elizabeth l.V.) M 1765 Elizabeth 223 B 1722 Euuice 101 B 1711 Hannah 61 C 1745 Hannah 146 B 1751 Hannah 161 C 1763 Hannah 1.50 D 1794 Hannah 502 C 1S31 Harriet . . .464 B 1747 Joshua 157 B 1704 Martha . 53 B 1714 Martha. . 68 M 1739 JMartha 110 C 1723 Mary 92 OB 1782 Nathaniel ... .173 B 1718 Noah 88 B 1709 Rebe<;c.ah 57 M 1794 Richard 489 B 1702 Samuel 52 C 1723 Samuel 92 M 1746 Samuel 120 B 1747 Samuel 158 B 1726 Susanna 105 € 1750 Susannah 147 C 1777 Susannah 242 M 1794 Susanna 489 BOYNTON. M 1778 Mary 247 BRACKETT, BRACKET. B 1806 Eliza 478 B 1806 George G 478 M 1818 Isaac 498 M 1818 Jerusha 498 B 1667 John 6 M 1815 John 497 M 1819 Joseidi 498 O 1806 Lemuel 467 B 1806 Marv A. 478 15 1664 Sarah 6 O 1806 Sarah 467 .B 1806 Sarah 478 B 1800 Sarah T. 478 BRADBURY. M 1785 Anna 248 BRADEIELD. C 1738 Lydia 100 BRADFORD. — 1730 Joseph 115 BRADISII. D 1784 Cliild 275 D 1786 Child 275 B 17.56 Abigail 165 B 17.58 Abiuail 16(' D 1815 Abigail 514 D 1741 Deacon 209 B 1716 Ebenezer 69 }!1{AUISU. O 1740 Ebenezer 67 B 1742 Ebenezer 142 15 1746 Ebenezer 157 15 1760 Ebenezer K 191 15 1762 Ebenezer K 195 I) 1785 Ebenzer . . . .275 D 1796 Ebenezer K .503 B 1749 Eleanor 159 15 1712 Elizabeth 61 C 1732 Elizabeth 98 15 1796 Elizabeth W. . . .471 iM 1800 Elizabeth W. . . .491 M 1764 Esther 193 15 1796 Esther R 471 1> 1805 Esther .509 B 1740 Eunice 140 15 1745 Eunice 156 C 1773 Eunice 153 B 178S Eunice 278 D 1791 EuiHce 277 D 1797 Eunice 504 B 1705 Hannah 54 C 1705 Hephzibah 42 BD1741 Hepsibah 141 15 1723 Isaac 101 r. 17.52 Isaac 162 I) 1790 Isaac 277 15 1709 James 58 C 1730 James 97 B 1770 James 2()« C 1703 John 40 15 1707 Johu 56 15 1713 Jonathan fi3 15 1800 Louisa C 473 i5 1722 IMary 92 15 1720 Rebecca 90 C 1704 Ruth 41 M 1711 Ruth 73 B 1796 Ruth K 471 O 1796 Ruth 465 B 1718 Sarah 88 M 1736 Sarah 110 B 1741 Sarah 141 B 1744 Sarah 155 B 1765 Sarah 202 C 1769 Sarah 151 M 1772 Sarah 225 15 1796 Sarah G 471 B 1763 Timothy 196 B 1781 Timothy 1" 240 B 1786 Timothy 1> 245 B 1715 William 68 B 1754 William 163 O 1796 William 4(;5 B 1797 William K 471 D 1817 William 516 BRADSHAW. G 1830 Anna 464 C 1704 John 41 15 l(i96 Jonathan 45 O 1723 Jonathan 65 15 1723 Jonathan 101 C 1812 Ruth 460 M 1820 Ruth 498 B 1708 Stephen 57 BRADSTREET. C 1704 Lncv 41 C 1708 Mercy 43 M 1711 Lucy 73 15RA11). D 1806 Susan G 510 528 Index. B M B c c M B RAMAN. 1804 Benjamin . . 492 1817 Mary 497 BRANDON. 1750 1750 1752 1769 1774 1775 Elizabeth 160 BeDjamin 120 Benjamin .... 161 Elizabeth 1.51 Martha 242 Martha .' ." i325 C B B B M B B B B B B D C B B BRA8IER, BRAZEAR, BRASSER. 1718 Mary 85 1727 Benjamin . . . .' ' .' 66 1727 Benjamin 105 1729 John .' .' ! .' ."llS 1731 James . 116 1734 Thomas .'.'.[lig BRATTLE. c 1730 M 1819 — 1658 B 1658 C 1739 B 1658 D 1658 B 1658 1698 1734 1743 1730 1752 1740 1732 1736 1698 1741 1706 1717 1726 1729 1731 Elizabeth 38 Elizabeth.... ''119 Elizabeth '1.54 Katherine 'll4 Katherine . . 121 Eucy .140 Mary 117 Sarah ..'.'.'.'.'/,', ."l36 Thomas 48 Thomas ' 'l42 William ........ 54 William .' .123 William ' 94 William .' .112 William 133 M Mai'tha 97 Mary A. ...']." j ^ .'498 Matthew 9 Matthew ......'] 9 Mathew ....... .143 Samuel 9 Thomas 5 Thomas .... '9 BRIGHAM. 1803 Mary A 475 BRIGHT. 1757 Abigail 177 BROMFIELD. 1792 1796 Elizabeth .... 455 Elizabeth. ....'. '490 BROOKE R. 1700 1698 1698 1698 1699 Edward 50 Hordell ' ' 48 John 48 John '.'.'.'.'..'. 38 Mary 49 BRECK. C 1703 Robert . 40 C 1733 Robert ...'.'.'.'.'.'. 98 BREED. B 1776 Hannah 236 BREEN. C 1732 Hannah 97 C 1732 Joseph \ 97 BREWER. D 1808 Sarah ,5H BRIANT, aee BRYANT. BRICKSEY. M 1753 Susanna 121 BRIDGE. Anne 15 Anne 15 Christopher . . . . 96 Dorcas ' ." 5 Edward '489 Elizabeth ' ' 4 Elizabeth ......' 10 Frances ','520 John \ 4 John ' BROOKS. C 1708 Abigail 43 O 1698 Ebenezer 63 B 1698 Ebenezer 47 C 1708 Ebenezer 43 B 1746 Esther . .'...'..".Ibl B 1744 John . .\'^5 B 1741 Jonathan 142 OB 1753 Jonathan. . .' ! .' ! .171 C 1753 Jonathan 147 B 1751 Joshua 161 C 1712 Samuel 44 1712 Sarah 44 B 1749 Sarah 1.59 M 1823 Sarah A.' .' ^ .'..', ;499 M 1765 Susanna 193 BROSIER. c 1658 B 1658 C 1728 B 1658 M 1793 G 16ft8 B 1659 D 1826 G 1658 B 1658 1737 1737 Abigail 100 Benjamin loO BROWN, BROWNE. 1727 Abigail 94 1752 Abigail . 121 1800 Alice 473 1806 Betsey.. 494 1820 Catherine J. ' ' '517 1712 Deborah ....'..'. 84 1733 Deborah 98 1735 Deborah ...!!! [llO 1665 Ebenezer.....' ' ' 19 1697 Mrs. Ebenezer . . 37 1726 Ebenezer 105 1755 Ebenezer. . . . . 169 1744 Eleanor .... . . 155 1762 Eleanor 19;( 1721 Elizabeth 91 1745 Elizabeth. 156 1763 Elizabeth... '193 1804 P:isey 493 1777 George ....... 246 1697 Hannah ........ 47 1746 Hannah . . .' ' ' .' ' .'157 1778 Hannah . .247 1816 Henry 484 1702 Hepzlbal'i' .' '. .' ." .' ; 5I M B C M M B C M D B B O B B M M C C M B B C M B B M B B M C M M M M C B M C u M D C B M M B M B M D C B M M O 1800 1666 1728 1738 1796 1718 1744 1778 1811 170S 1754 1753 1723 1706 1797 1774 1658 1727 1727 1663 1715 1735 1735 1747 1752 1754 1661 1710 1806 1754 1755 1781 1724 1776 1658 1749 1812 1828 1726 1761 1813 1716 1750 1774 1786 1748 1772 1746 1815 1823 1666 1698 1704 1722 1723 1724 1703 1704 1714 1808 He'pzibah ... 491 Icliabod 19 Ichabod . . . . ' 95 Isaac .' .110 Jacob \\ '490 John . . . 88 John 146 John 246 John ' " 513 Jonathan .... 57 Jonathan .' ' 163 Joseph 168 Joseph . . .W2 Joeiah ' 55 Lemuel .... ' ' 490 Lucy ;225 Martha 19 Martha '.',\\ 94 Martha ....... .107 Mary 19 Wary .'.'.'.' .' ' 69 Mary 99 Mary no Mary 1,58 Mary ifi'> Mary 121 Mela tab ell] '.'.'..'. 19 Mehetable .... 58 aiehitabel .494 Mervial .... 147 Merrial .....'.. .11% Mirriam 247 Priscilla ' .106 Oliver 225 Robert 22 Samuel. ....... '.\m Samuel. . . 496 Sally 463 Sarah 106 Sarah 193 Sarah 513 Senior ... 84 seth I ; ; ;; ;i6o Seth I. 225 Seth I .'.•.' ; .'273 Susanna 169 Susanna 225 Thaddeus . . . . . .157 Thaddeus 497 Thaddeus 518 Thomas 19 Thomas .'. 48 Thomas 71 Thomas ........ "5 Thomas .... 66 Thomas 103 William 71 William 53 • William 45 . William ... 494 BRYANT, BRIANT. D 1784 Mrs. . '^74 C 1784 Mrs. Amos 243 O 1782 Amos ''27 B 1782 Amos .'.■.' 240 C 1784 Amos 243 M 1785 Anio.s •>48 B 1794 Hephzibah .469 O 1760 James 169 B 1784 Xatlianiel 244 TB 1792 Sallv. "46S B 1782 Sarah 240 C 1796 Sarah .'456 BRYNE. I C 1767 Esther 150 Index. 529 BUBACK. U 1799 John 505 BUCIIEK. D 1800 Jiiue 500 BUCK MAN. IVl 1S16 HMiiniih 4i)7 M 178.1 I\I;ir;;aret '248 M 1785 Wiliiam 248 BULL. B 1700 Deborah 58 B 1097 KlislKl 46 C 1097 IMie. Elisha 37 O 1711 Eliwha 44 B 1767 Elizabeth -203 M 17riO Jacob 177 B 1757 Jacob 105 B 1097 John 40 B 1099 John 49 B 1735 John 135 B 170O John 167 B 1788 Josluia '277 B 1737 Maw 137 B 1765 Marv 202 B 17.58 Rebckali 100 B 1707 Robert 50 B 1705 Sanniol .54 B 1733 Samuel 118 O 1733 Sanniel 06 B 1739 Sara h 139 B 1705 Thon.as 202 B 1703 Wniiani 52 BULLARI). D 1807 Abigail .511 C 1658 I»!ary 1:^ C 1058 William 13 BULLOCK. M 1806 Martin 494 BUM FORD. M 1779 Thomas 247 BUNKER. W 1H97 Mr 179 W 1700 John 178 (; 1696 Mrs. John 37 M 1780 Polly 273 M 1709 Rebeccah 72 BURGESS, BURGES, BURGISS, BURGIS. M 1804 Achsah 493 CB 1720 Ebenezer 00 B 1722 Ebenezer 91 B 1727 Ebenezer 106 CB 1705 Elizabeth 59 B 1723 Elizabeth 102 B 1725 Elizabeth 104 C 1714 (ioodv 83 CB17I2 John.' 60 C 1727 John 94 B 1715 Luev 09 B 1712 MarV 62 B 1720 Mary 90 C 1724 Marv 92 B 1729 William 113 M 1738 Mary 110 CB 1712 Wilbam 59 B 1715 William 69 BURLING. M 1800 Walter . BURN A R. M 1731 Daniel . 491 .108 BURNS. 1802 John . INIary , 1786 .507 .273 BURR. 1702 Mr 1787 Jonathan 1701 Sarah ,224 BURRIDGE. M 1708 Ephraini . . BURTON. C 1768 Mary 151 BUSH. M 1803 492 B 1801 Hannah E 473 B 1804 Maria B 476 BUT HICK. M 1799 Willard 490 BUTTERFIELD. 1702 1721 1727 1772 1770 1715 1777 1700 1729 1699 1720 1772 1770 1699 1701 1699 1699 1699 1704 1704 1719 1736 1773 1773 1796 1796 1708 1793 1710 1734 1738 1774 1770 1777 1713 1731 1704 1733 1730 1776 1776 1778 1710 1733 CADY. M 1709 Aaron 72 CALDWELL. B 1770 Anna 206 M 1785 Elizabeth 248 C 1756 John 148 O 1770 John 226 B 1771 John 2.33 M 1823 Lydia J 499 B 1756 Irtary 164 B 1773 Samuel 234 O 1770 Sarah 226 M 1776 Sarah 225 CALL. B 1698 Joliannah 47 M 1728 Richard 107 B 1698 Samuel 47 CAMBRIDGE. B 1820 Frederick 486 B 1820 Mary Ann 486 Abigail 51 Abigail 87 Abigail 107 Abigail 234 Benjamin 242 Deborah 69 James 237 Jane 55 Jane 107 John 49 John 100 John 226 John 235 Jonathan 185 Jonathan 179 Jonatlmn 63 Mrs. Jonathan . . 63 Jonathan 49 Jonathan 42 Mrs. Jonathan . . 41 Jonathan 86 Jonathan 135 Jonathan 2,34 Jonathan 226 Jonathan 465 Leonard 471 Lydia 57 Mary 49 Mary 74 Mary 119 Marv 138 Mary 235 Mary 242 Marv 236 Phebe 63 Pha'be 97 Ruth 53 Rnlh 110 Ruth 97 Samuel 227 Samuel 236 Samuel 2.37 William 58 William 110 CANE. CD 1058 Christopher . . . 20 B 1658 Deborah .... . . 20 B 1658 Ester .. 20 P. 1658 Jonathan .... .. 20 C 16,58 Margery .... .. 20 B 1658 Nathaniel . . . . . 20 B 1658 Ruth CANFIELD. . . 20 D 1817 Edward . .516 CAPEN. M 1780 Lydia/ 247 CARNEL. O 1730 Henry 66 CARPENTER. D 1822 Abigail 518 M 1823 Benjamin 499 1) 1823 Benjamin 518 D 1791 Widow 277 CARRUTH. M 1827 Horatio T. .500 CARTER. B 1724 A bigail 103 M 1723 Jabez 75 O 1724 Jabez 66 C 1827 Jesse 462 M 1719 Joseph 74 M 1719 Samuel 74 M 1815 Sarah H 497 M 1800 Svbil 491 M 1713 Thomas 73 CARTERET. B 1737 Ruth 136 CARTWRIGHT. B 1735 Ruth 1.34 CIIADBOURN, CHADBOUKNE. C 1830 Mary 464 B 1830 Mary 488 C 1805 Sarah 459 530 Index. CHAD MAN. C 1S31 Susiiu 465 CHADWICK, CHADDICK. M 1711 Benjamin 73 O 1826 Debiie 108 B 17-22 Hannah !)2 B 1741 Hannah 141 O 1722 John 65 O 1739 Mar)' 67 M 1772 Martha 224 B 1739 Marv 139 B 1707 Mercy 56 B 1743 Moses 154 M 1737 Nathaniel 110 O 1739 Nathaniel 67 M 1759 Nathaniel 192 B 1739 Samuel 140 C 1741 Sarah 145 M 1743 Sarah 119 B 1750 Sarah 160 CHAMBERLAIN, CHAMBERLANE, CHAMBERLIN, CHAINIBERLYN. Child 504 Amelia 470 Elizabeth 519 Harriot 514 Mrs. Jacob 39 John 46 JoBliiia 465 Lucy A 615 Mary A 514 Sarah 177 Tliomas (i 471 William 49 CHAMPNEY, CHAMPNY, CHAMNEY. Mrs 275 Abijjail 55 Abi2;ail 146 Aljigail 158 Bethia 85 Bethia 137 Bethia 169 Daniel 2 Daniel 63 Mrs. Daniel 63 Daniel 50 Daniel 87 Daniel 75 Daniel 103 Daniel 96 Daniel 67 Daniel 165 Dorcas 46 DorcaB 104 Dorcas 117 Downing 54 Downina' 95 Downing; 136 Downing 223 Downing 170 Ebenezer 113 Ebeuezer 155 pjbenezer 139 Elizabeth 50 Elizabeth 152 D 1796 B 1795 D 1824 1> 1815 V. 1699 B 1697 <) 1795 D 1817 I) 1815 M 17.57 P. 1796 B 1699 D 1786 li 1706 C 1743 li 1747 <; 1718 H 1738 () 17tiO C 1663 () 1696 <) 1G96 H 1700 f; 1721 M 1723 15 1724 V, 1728 o 1747 li 1756 B 1697 B 1725 li 1732 B 1705 C 1728 li 17.37 M 1765 <) 1166 li 1729 11 1744 li 1792 li 1700 C 1771 CHAMPNEY. D 1790 Elizabeth. . . . . . .277 V. 1658 1698 Esther 2 B Esther 48 B 1697 Hannah . . 46 V, 1701 Hannah . . . . 40 <> 1773 Hannah . . . . 326 (', 1658 1760 1658 Jane 2 B 194 Joane 13 D 1664 John 13 D 1658 John 13 li 1713 John 63 li 1729 John 113 T! 1735 1744 135 P. Jonathan . . . 1.55 (! 1696 Mrs. Jos. . . .... 37 B 1704 Joseph 53 C 1725 Joseph .... 93 B 1748 Joseph 159 C 1739 Katherine . . 143 r 1663 1705 1728 2 B 54 C Lydia 96 c. 1658 INIary 13 B 1662 Mary 22 B 1699 Mary 49 r; 1720 Mary 86 M 1724 Mary 75 B 1728 Mary 112 B 1711 IMary 141 B 1744 Mary 155 B 1766 INIary 203 B 1767 Mary 304 B 1753 Nathan 162 B 1734 Nathaniel . , 134 B 17.57 Nathaniel . . 165 B 1704 Noali 53 (; 1724 Noah 93 i\i 1725 Noah 106 B 1732 Noah 116 B 1733 Noah 118 B 1746 Noah 157 li 1703 Rebecca. . . . 52 1720 Rebecca. . . . 86 i\r 1721 Rebeccah . . 74 o 1757 1766 Rebecca 169 AT Rebecca . . . . .... 224 C 1658 Richard 2 B 1707 Richard . . . . 56 C 1728 Richard 95 B 1742 Richard 143 li 1707 Ruth 56 C 1728 Ruth 96 M 1737 Ruth 110 C 1661 Samuel . . . . 22 BD1658 Samuel . . . . 22 O 1697 Samuel . . . . 63 W 1700 1700 1701 Sam. . . 178 C .Samuel 39 B Samuel 51 O 1741 Samuel .... 67 B 1748 Samuel 159 () 1773 1658 Samuel 226 C Sarah . . 17, 22 B 1660 Sarah 22 B 1658 Sarah 13 B 1696 Sarah 46 li 1751 Sarah 161 li 1740 Silence 140 li 1701 Solomon. . . 51 M 1723 Solomon. . . 75 () 1757 Solomon . . . 169 B 1709 Susanna . . . 58 (! 1728 Susanna. . . . 96 B 1737 Tabitha . . . ....1.37 B 1741 Tabitha . . . 141 CHAMPNEY. C 1769 Tabitha 151 M 1774 Tabitha 225 B 1796 Tliomas 46 B 1709 Thomas 58 C 1729 Thomas 96 B 1735 Thomas 135 B 1747 Thomas 158 B 1739 William 139 B 1740 William 141 B 1773 William 234 CHANDLER, CHAUNDLER. B 1776 Anna 236 B 1780 Betsey 239 C 1696 Hannah 36 C 1726 James 94 B 1760 Lois 167 B 1766 Martha 203 M 1798 Martha 490 B 1778 Mary 238 D 1803 Mary 508 M 1700 Philemon 70 B 1785 Sally 245 M 1759 Samuel 178 O 1760 Samuel 169 B 1763 Samuel 195 M 1777 Samuel 246 C 1785 Samuel 243 D 1786 Samuel 275 CHANNING. C 1802 AVilliam E 458 CHAPEL, CHAPLE. C 1785 Martha 243 M 1785 Martha 248 CHAPIN. M 1807 James P 494 CHAPLIN. M 1828 Eliza 500 CHAPMAN. C 1714 Mercy 83 CHARTER. M 1813 Daniel 496 CHASE, CHACE. M 1780 Hannah 247 M 1811 James 495 CHAUNCY'. C 1658 Barnabas 3 C 1656 Catharine 3 C 16.56 Charles 3 B 1658 Elnathan 3 li 1658 Hannah 3 B 16.58 Israel 3 B 1658 Nathaniel 3 C 1658 Sarah 3 CHEEK LEY. C 1718 Samuel 84 Index. 531 CHEESKriOL>iE. ]ii58 IsMbell IfiSS Tlionias CHEEVER, CHEEVERS, CHEAVERS, CHEVER. B 1725 Aaron 104 M 17-20 Riids;et 74 C lCo8 Dauiel 19 K ims IJaniel 20 C 169G Daniel 37 1) 1704 Daniel 37 15 1697 Daniel 46 BD 106-4 Elizalieth 20 B Kifio Elizabeth 20 (J 1658 Esther 19 BD1660 Estlier 20 B 1097 Estlier 46 C 1719 Esther 86 M 1720 p:sther 74 BDlfi(^4 Hannah 20 B 1661 Israel 20 B 1658 James 20 B 1698 James 49 B 1659 John 20 B 1702 John 53 B 1722 John 101 B 1658 Lydia 20 B 1658 Mary 20 CB1718 Miriam 60 B 1729 Miriam 113 C 1707 Widow 43 B 1697 William 46 B 1718 William 88 CHENEY, CIIEANEY. M 1722 AhiKail 75 W 1700 Benjamin 178 W 1701 Benjamin 179 OB 1745 Benjamin 109 B 1745 Benjamin 156 M 1745 Benjamin 120 M 1752 Benjamin 121 B 1739 Elizabeth 139 M 1700 Hannah 70 O 1743 John 67 O 1743 Martha 67 B 1743 Martha 154 M 1713 Mary 73 B 1744 Mary 155 M 1748 Rebecca 120 OB 1737 Ruth 109 M 1740 Ruth Ul M 1731 Sarah 108 M 1729 Thomas 107 CHICKREN. B 1698 Sarah 48 CHILD, CHILDS. D 1801 508 D 1805 Infant f'09 M 1814 AnnE 497 D 1825 Ann B 519 B 1801 Anna 476 B 1^01 Eliza 476 B 1697 Elizabeth 47 O 1801 Elizabeth 406 B 1816 Emma A 485 C 1793 Grace 455 B 1793 Grace 4G9 M 1819 Grace 498 CHILI). Af 1818 1802 498 B John W .474 M 1809 laioy .495 n 1812 1697 Lucy M. 483 B Mary . 47 H 1808 1804 Mary E 48(1 B Oliver .476 M 1783 I'hlneas .247 B 1697 Samuel . 47 () 1801 1801 1801 406 M 491 B Samuel .474 B 1810 Samuel .481 I) 1816 Samuel .515 D 1827 Samuel .520 D 1S2K Samuel .520 B 1806 Sally H .478 M 1817 Sally .49V M 1788 Simeon .273 H 1793 1774 469 M Thankful .225 CHIPMAN. C 1711 John . 44 B 1745 John .lo6 CHOATE, CIIOAT D 1799 505 B 1791 1786 1788 Eunice 279 B '>45 B George .277 H 1703 1760 l')6 B John .167 Al 1784 John .248 B 1786 .Tohn . 245 B 1794 .Joseph P .469 O 1760 Samuel . 169 B 1763 Samuel .196 B 1768 Samuel .205 <) 1794 Samuel .465 li 1795 Samuel .470 (; 1760 Susannah .149 B 1763 Susanna .196 CHURCHILL. i\r 1786 CL Francis "73 AIR. D 1796 Joseph .503 CLAP. C 1720 Thomas . 86 CLARK. B 1662 Abigail . 8 |{ 1703 Abigail . 52 V. 1658 Elizabeth . 8 B 1658 Elizabeth . 8 M 1702 Elizabeth . 71 B 1714 Elizabeth . 68 B 1758 Elizabeth .166 C 1704 Goodman . 41 B 1704 Hannah . 53 M 1803 Hannah .492 M 1764 1703 1704 139 M James 71 C Mrs. James .... . 42 B 1707 James . 56 M 1723 James . 75 M 1711 Jeremiah . 73 M 1709 John . 72 B 1718 John . 62 CLARK. M 1757 John 177 1) 1801 John 506 D 1803 John 508 C 1658 Jonas 8 B 1658 Jonas . 8 M 1741 Joseph Ill B 1775 Jose-.h 235 B 1665 Mary . 8 B 1705 Mary 64 CB 1708 Nathaniel . . . .59 C 1791 Pitt 2,50 M 1712 Rachel 73 B 10,59 Samuel 8 B 1711 Samuel 61 B 1713 Samuel 62 B 1658 Sar.'ih 8 M 1702 Susanna 71 B 1710 Sueann.'i .58 C 1714 Susanna 83 B 1658 ThomaK 8 B 16,58 Timothv 8 M 1802 William 491 M 1813 William 496 CLESTON. D 1805 Edward 509 CLEVELAND, CLEEVELAXD. B 1724 103 CB 1711 Aaron .59 C 1711 Aaron 44 B 1715 Aaron 69 M 1699 Dorcas 70 B 1711 John 61 B 1712 Josiah 62 B 1713 Josiah 63 CLIFFORD. M 1765 Elizabeth 193 CLOUGH. C 1774 Elizabeth 153 CLULEY. M 1785 Dorcas 849 COATS. M 1776 Sarah 246 COCKWORTHY, COOK WORTHY. CB 1701 Elizabeth 59 C 1702 Elizabeth 40 M 1709 Elizabeth 72 CODMAN. B 1722 Stephen 91 COFFIN. C 1827 Sarah B 463 COIT. C 1710 John 43 COLE. M 1804 Ambrose 492 CB 1696 Arthur 59 M 1766 Sarah 224 532 Index. COLFRY, COLFREY, COLE FRY. B 1744 Abraham 155 B 1739 Andrew 139 B 1741 Mary 141 — 1738 Samnel 67 O 1738 Susannah 67 B 1738 Susanna 138 M 1748 Susanna 120 COLLIER. M 1807 Sally 494 COLLINS. C 1775 Deborah 153 B 1658 Abigail 3 C 1658 Daniel 3 C 1658 Edward 3, 4, 5 B 1658 Edward 3 B 1664 Edward 3 C 1658 John 3 C 1658 Martha 3 B 1658 Martha 3 B 1658 Nathaniel 3 O 1658 Samuel 3 C 1658 Sybill 4 COLLIS. C 1704 Anna 41 C 1696 Elizabeth 37 M 1723 Elizabeth 75 C 1697 John 38 C0L80N. CB 1719 Hannah 60 M 1731 Hannah 107 M 1731 John 107 B 1785 Sarah 244 M 1779 William 247 B 1781 William 239 COLTON. M 1788 Zealous 273 COMEE. O 1775 Christian 226 B 1775 David 235 O 1775 David 226 M 1768 Mary 224 COMER. C 1723 Jno 92 M 1762 Ruhamah 193 CONANT. M 1820 Isaac 498 M 1813 Mary 496 CONERY. M 1808 Hannah 494 CONVERSE, CONVERS. M 1751 Abigail 121 C 1658 Esther 2 M 1767 James 224 C 1800 James 457 M 1765 Joshua 193 CONVERSE. O 1765 Joshua 170 B 1765 Mary 202 B 1769 Mary 205 C 1773 Mary 153 O 1765 Molly 170 M 1754 Rachel 166 M 1775 Robert 225 COOK, COOKE. D 1789 Mr 276 M 1712 Abigail 73 B 1715 Abigail 69 B 1729 Abigail 113 B 1735 Abigail 135 B 1665 BarnaljaB 13 C 1699 Mrs. Barnabas . . 39 B 1742 Benjamin 143 M 1794 Deborah 489 B 1741 Ebenezer 141 M 1815 Ellis 497 C 1658 Elizabeth 3 B m'iS Elizabeth 3 B 1698 Elizabeth 49 B 1700 Elizabeth 50 C 1732 Elizabetli 98 M 1736 Elizabeth 110 C 1740 Elizabeth 143 B 1748 Ellzabetii 168 B 1750 Elizabeth 160 O 1767 Elizabeth 170 C 1773 Elizabeth 153 M 1775 Elizabeth 225 B 1699 Epiiraim 49 M 1727 Ephraim 107 O 1729 Ejjhraim 66 B 1732 Ephraim 117 M 1803 Ephraim 492 C 1771 Estlier 152 C 1714 Eunice 83 B 1716 Eunice 69 B 1747 Eunice 158 B 1750 Eunice 168 C 1773 Eunice 153 B 1658 Grace 3 B 1658 Hannah 13 C 1732 Hannah 98 B 1736 Hepsibali 135 B 1710 Israel 58 C 1727 Joanna 94 B 1736 Joanna 135 C 1776 Joanna 150 B 1736 Joanna 136 B 1667 John 3 B 1663 John 13 C 1719 John 86 B 1726 John lUa O 1806 John 467 B 1806 John 478 B 1809 JohnG 481 B 1746 Jonathan 156 M 1770 Jonathan 224 C 1771 Jonathan 152 C 1666 Joseph 3 C 1658 Joseph 4 B 1697 Joseph 46 C 1714 Joseph 83 B 1718 Joseph 88 B 1727 Joseph 105 M 1739 Joseph 110 B 1740 Joseph 140 C 1741 Joseph 144 M 1746 Joseph 120 O 1747 Joseph 67 B 1747 Joseph 158 B 1827 Josiah W 488 C 1827 Josiah W 463 COOK. M 1829 Josiah W 501 B 1732 Lydia 117 B 1731 Martha 115 B 1658 Mary 3 C 1658 Mary 13 B 1658 Marv 13 B 1712 Mary 62 M 1729 Mary 107 B 1737 Mary 137 M 1740 Mary Ill B 1769 Mary 205 B 1806 Mary L 478 M 1820 Mehitable P 498 B 1729 Mercy 112 M 1787 Mercy 373 C 1668 Philip 12 B 1661 Philip 13 M 1697 Philip 70 W 1697 Philip 179 B 1704 Philip Hi C 1698 Mrs. Philip 38 B 1767 Rhoda 204 B 1658 Ruth 3 B 1658 Samuel 13 C 1698 Mrs. Samuel 38 B 1702 Samuel 52 M 1726 Samuel 106 O 1727 Samuel 66 B 1728 Samuel 112 C 1735 Samuel 99 B 1741 Samuel 142 C 1742 Samuel 146 M 1764 Samuel 193 D 1785 Samuel 275 B 1658 Sarah 13 B 1702 Sarah 51 B 1730 Sarah 114 B 1739 Sarah 139 C 1766 Sarah 1,50 M 1774 Sarah 225 M 1787 Sarah 273 B 1744 Solomon 154 B 1750 Solomon 160 B 1730 Susanna 114 M 1754 Susannah 177 B 1771 Thomas 233 C 1720 William 86 B 1753 William 162 COOKSEY. M 1701 Abigail 71 C 1712 Sarah 45 COOKWORTHY, see COCKWORTHY. COOLEY. M 1757 Ell 177 C 1818 Whiting 461 COOLIDGE. D 1789 Mrs 276 B 1752 Caleb 168 M 1747 Henry 120 B 1707 Daniel 56 M 1777 Elizabeth 246 M 1765 Eunice 193 O 1748 Henry 168 B 1750 Henry 168 C 1754 Henry 148 O 1777 Henrv 227 B 1701 Josep'h 51 C 1703 Mrs. Joseph 40 C 1703 Joseph 40 Index . 533 COOLIDGE. B 1706 Mary 54 B 1710 Mary 61 C 1728 MarV il5 M 1735 Mary 110 M 1813 Peter 496 B 1748 Phebe 159 C 1754 Pha-be 148 B 1697 Rebecca 47 B 1699 Rebeccah 49 C 1715 Rebeccah 84 M 1729 Rebecca 107 B 1754 Robert 163 B 1704 Sarali 5:! M 1706 Sarah 72 M 1702 Stephen 71 O 1704 Mrs. Stephen ... C.4 B 1708 Stephen .n6 1728 Stephen 95 C 1705 Widow 42 B 1706 William ,55 COON. M 1703 Mercy 71 COOPER. C 1658 Anna 8 D 1658 Anna 8 B 1690 Anna 45 B 1700 Anna .50 31 1719 xVnna 74 B 1732 Anna 116 B 1763 Anna 195 B 1740 Ben,iamin 140 B 1743 Daniel 1.54 D 1718 Deacon 125 B 1696 Elizabeth 45 B 1698 Elizabeth 48 C 1723 Elizabeth 92 M 1741 p:iizabeth HI C 1667 Hannah 8 M 1710 Hannah 73 C 165S John 4,8 B 16.58 John 8 C 1698 Mrs. .Joliu 88 B 1698 John 48 B 1698 John 48 C 1707 John 43 M 1720 John 74 C 1720 .John .'-6 M 1721 John 74 B 1725 John 102 M 1725 John 1*16 B 1728 John 112 B 1707 Jonathan .56 C 1730 Jonatliaii 96 M 1732 Jonatiian Iu9 B 1735 Jonathan I:i4 M 17.55 .Jonathan 177 O 1756 Jonathan 169 B 17.58 Jonathan 166 B 1723 Joseph 102 C 16.58 Lydia 8 B 1663 LvI () C c: B <) DALRYMPLE. 17-29 Sarah 501 DAKIN. lS-29 Thomas 403 DANA, DANY, DANIE, DANE. ITIH Ab 74 Abigail 40 Abi'^'ail l0 B B B B B B C B O B B D C C B C B M B B M B D B M M B B M B B C D B B B C D B C 17'Jti 1749 1801 IrfS 1658 1705 1733 1749 1755 17(14 1G5S 1658 16(10 1697 1741 1697 17-27 17-27 1727 1733 175G 1757 1664 1696 1(^96 1705 1726 17S5 1711 1772 1774 1779 1819 1662 1704 1753 1755 1760 1789 1807 ISOi 1828 1828 1709 1801 18-25 1755 1777 1802 1806 1811 1742 1706 1709 1762 1714 1735 1697 1958 1696 1698 1699 1735 1707 1800 1829 1702 1749 UANA. Anne 17 Anne 17 Benjamin 18 Benjamin 38 Benjamin 141 Caleb 46 Caleb 66 Caleb 94 Caleb 106 Caleb lis Caleb 177 Caleb I[arthaR 501 B 1702 Naomi 52 M 17-22 Naomi ...... 74 B 1725 Naomi 104 B 17-29 Naomi 112 M 1758 Naoniv I'iO 1760 (Orlando 194 1711 I'atience 73 17-27 I'hocbe 94 17-29 Phebc 113 1747 Phebe 1-20 1705 Priscilla 54 1724 Priscilla 93 17-27 Priscilla 107 1731 Priscilla 115 16.58 Richard 17 1700 Richard 50 1635 Richard 135 1737 Richard 110 1764 Richard 270 1787 Richard U -277 18-22 Richard K 462 18-22 RuthC 518 1717 Samuel S.-> 1739 Samuel 139 1705 Sarah 54 17-26 Sarah 106 1737 Sarah 137 1743 Sarah 154 1765 Sarah 223 1770 Sarah 206 1791 Sarah A 279 1828 Sarah A 463 1739 Silence 192 1803 Sophia "SV. 475 1825 Sophia AV 462 18'27 Sophia W... ..BOO 1762 Stephen 193 18-20 Susan 48() Susan 518 Susanna 8() Susannah 90 Susanna 91 Susanna 146 Susannah 177 Thomas 65 Thomas 74 Thomas 192 Timothv 54 1705 William 52 1742 William 145 1745 William 156 1771 William 152 DAXFOHTH. 1663 Ben.jamin 6 1«63 Benjamin 6 1667 Bethia 6 10.58 Elizabeth 9 1664 IClizabeth 6 1636 Elizabetli 136 1816 Elizabeth 515 16.58 Jonathan 6 1661 Joseph (i 1658 Mary 6 1658 Mary 6 Nicholas 9 1668 Nicholas 6 1748 John 159 1658 Samuel <» 1726 Samuel 106 17-27 Samuel 94 1740 Samuel 140 1658 Sarah 6 1658 Thomas 6 16.58 Thomas 6 1696 Thomas 36 1744 Thomas 155 C B M B C M B C B B M O B C D C B B M B B M B B C B B C M M B D C B B C M O M B P. DANIELS, DANIEL. CB 1721 M 1818 Hannah 60 Clark 498 1741 1727 1741 Hannah . Hannah . . Mary .... .145 .107 .142 DARLING. 1758 1817 1764 1760 1763 1764 1804 Mary .... ]Mary Ruth Thomas . . Willi.am . . William 170 William 508 .166 .515 . 196 .203 .193 DASCOMB. M 18-23 Daniel 499 DAVENPORT. 1S25 1720 1720 1781 1742 17.55 1719 1719 17-23 1705 1769 1772 1772 1772 1722 Benaiah . . Bcuaiah . . Elizabeth. Elizabeth Richard . . .2-24 .226 .-2-26 .•233 . 75 DAVIS. Child 1803 1805 1707 1697 1818 1699 1723 1803 1709 1709 1718 1704 1701 1702 1700 .508 Child 509 Ann 56 Anna 70 Catherine 517 Ebenezer 49 Ebenezer 101 Elizabeth 492 Gershom 64 .Mrs. (iershom. . . 64 Gershom 85 Goodman 41 Hannah 40 Hannah 51 Hannah 55 536 Index. DAVIS. B 1716 Jonathan 69 O 1707 Lvdia f4 B 1737 Nathan lo7 B 1696 Nathaniel 46 M 1807 Patty P 40 1 B 1711 Samuel 61 O 1737 Samuel 66 B 1709 Sarah 57 C 1718 Sarah 85 B 1700 Thomas 50 — 1701 Thomas 40 B 1703 Thomas 52 M 1808 Timothy 495 DAY. M 1783 Ebenezer 247 M 1746 Patience 120 C 1661 Stephen 24 DEAN. B 1744 Molly 155 DEARBORN. M 1807 Nathaniel 494 DEEKS. C 1737 Sophia 100 DELLOWAY. CB 1701 William 59 CB 1701 Mary 59 DE LUCE M 1797 John 490 DEMING. B 1729 Ann 114 C 1697 David 37 C 1697 Mifi. David 37 C 1703 David 41 DENIS ON. M 1719 .John 74 C 1720 Mary 86 B 1720 Marv 89 C 1712 Senior 45 DERBY. M 1819 Loring 498 DEWEY. C 1803 William 458 B 1803 William 475 M 1804 William 492 DEWEN. M 1773 J06lah 225 DEWING. B 1804 476 DIAMOND. C 1729 James 96 DICKENSON. M 1798 Roeanna 490 M 1808 William 494 Die KM AN. D 1807 Sarah 511 DICKSON, DIXON. D 1783 Mrs 274 D 178.1 Children 274 D 1787 Infant 275 D 1788 Miss 276 D 1789 Infant -'76 D 1815 Widow r.14 B 1658 Abigail 15 B 1795 Abigail 470 M 1784 Anna 248 C 17U3 Anna 4.'i5 B 1795 Anna C 470 B 1795 Anna T ^70 C 1783 Anne, Mrs 243 C 1783 Anne '^43 OB 1781 Deborah 173 B 1701 Edward :>l C 1728 Edwaid 96 M 1731 Edward 107 B 1732 Edward 116 B 1737 Edward 137 D 1788 Edward 276 B 1792 Edward 468 D 1820 Edward 517 B 1698 Elizal)eth 48 M 1710 Elizabetb 72 M 1710 Elizabetli 72 B 1739 Elizabetli 140 M 1764 Elizabeth 193 D 18;i0 Elizabeth 506 B 1778 Eunice C 237 B 1744 Gilljeit 155 D 1818 Gilbert 516 B 1658 Hannah 15 B 1739 Hannah 139 M 1810 Hannah 495 B 1741 Henry 142 M 1766 Henry 224 O 1767 Henry 170 C 1770 Henrv 152 M 1774 Henry 225 B 1790 Henry 278 D 1815 Henry 514 B 1790 Isaac 138 B 1747 Isaiah 158 O 1777 Isaiah 227 D 1783 Mrs. Isaiah 274 M 1788 Isaiah 273 D 1805 Isaiah 509 B 1698 Jane 48 M 1709 Jane 72 B 1736 Jane 136 C 1658 Jean 15 B 1658 John 15 C 1698 John 38 C 1698 Mrs. J 38 B 1698 John 48 M 1725 John 106 O 1726 John 66 C 1726 John Jr 94 B 1726 John 104 B 1727 John P:iiot 236 O 1749 John 168 B 1751 John 161 B 1720 Jonas 114 B 1732 Jonas 116 P, 1724 Joslah 103 B 1781 Judith 240 C 1793 Lucy 4.55 B 1658 Lydia 15 B 17.35 Lydia 135 B 1795 Lydia V 470 B 1698 Margery 49 M 1719 Margery 74 DICKSON. C 1719 Margery 86 B 1729 Margery 112 B 1793 Maria 469 B 1734 Martha 134 D 1800 Martha. 506 B 1058 Mary 15 C 1727 Mary 94 B 1731 Mary 116 C 1771 Mary 152 M 1777 Marv 246 C 1800 Patty 457 C 1721 Ruth 87 B 1723 Ruth 102 B 1726 Ruth 105 B 1749 Sarah 160 D 1814 Sarah 514 B 1720 Solomon 90 B 1721 Solomon ... 91 B 1729 Walter 113 C 1783 Walter 243 M 1793 Walter 489 M 1793 AValter 274 C 1793 Walter 455 C 1658 AVilliam 15 B 1698 William 48 M 1718 William 74 O 1719 William 65 B 1719 William S9 C 1720 William 87 DILL. C 1735 Rebecca 99 M 1713 Thomas 73 DITSON. M 1819 Eliza .498 DIX. B 1736 Edmund 135 DOANE. O 1788 Elisha ■:2S M 1788 Elisha 273 B 1794 Hannah 470 B 1794 Ruthy 470 DOCKHAM. M 1794 Prudence 489 DODGE. D 1813 613 D 1814 Mary A .514 DOLBEER. M 1731 John .501 DOLHOUND. M 1715 Dr 73 DOLLY, DOLT.EY. O 1761 Elizabeth 169 B 1761 Samuel 194 B 1761 Sarah 194 M 1756 William 177 DONISON. M 1813 Susan 496 DOR. M 1709 Ebenezer 72. Index. 537 DOUGLASS, DOUGLAS. D 1784 Mr 274 O 1774 Anna 226 OB 1774 Anna 172 D 1798 Anna 5(J2 O 1774 George 226 B 1774 George H 235 D 1805 Keziah 509 DOWNING. B 1785 Betsey 245 DRAPER. M 1826 James 500 M 1779 Joseph 247 DUDLEY. M 1816 Thomas H 497 DUNSTER. B 1714 Abigail 68 C 1730 Abigail i,l CB 1723 David GO CB 1723 Dorothy 60 UB 1723 Elizabeth 60 B 1724 Elizabeth 103 B 1731 Elizabeth 115 B ITGo Elizabeth 204 B 1728 Eunice 112 CB 1708 Henry .ig HI 1708 Henry 72 C 1711 Henry 44 C 1711 Mr6. ilenrv 44 B 1723 Henry . . ." 101 B 1720 Isaiah 00 C 1725 Jason 104 CB 1723 Jonathan 60 B 1729 Jonathan 113 B 1708 -Martha 57 C 1728 Martha 95 M 1731 Martha 107 B 1712 Mary 02 C 1730 Mary 97 M 1732 Mary 109 B 1732 Mary 117 M 1732 Rutli 109 B 1733 Ruth 118 CB 1723 Thomas 60 DUNTON. M 1707 Anna 72 M 1697 Samuel 70 DURANT, DURRANT. D 1785 Child 27.-i M 1697 Abigail 70 B 1780 Charles 239 CB 1715 Elizabeth 60 O 1762 Mary 169 C 1780 Mary 242 M 1814 Mary 497 M 1826 Nancy 500 M 1758 Thomas 178 B 17G2 Thomas 195 DUTTON. M 1785 Asa 248 B 1785 Susanna 244 DWIGHT. C 1801 John 457 EAMS, see EMMS — Joanna 153 EARL. M 1815 Elizabeth 497 EATON. B 1658 Benoni 7 — 1658 Nathan 7 M 1708 Ursula 72 ECKLES. B 1658 Hannah 16 B 1658 Martha 16 C 1658 Mary 15 B 1658 Mary 10 C 1658 Richard 15 EDES. M 1788 Thomas 273 EDEY, EADY. C 1728 Benjamin 95 B 1697 Elizabeth 47 B 1697 John 47 EDMANDS. M 1825 David 500 EDMUNDS. B 1732 Amos 118 OB 1755 Hannah 1,1 D 1807 Hannah 510 C 1736 Jonathan OS B 1736 Samuel 135 EDWARDS. D 1809 512 M 1823 Aljraham 499 M 1818 Martha P 498 EGAR. M 1708 Margaret 72 M 1706 Mercy 72 ELDER. M 1729 John 107 ELIOT, ELLIOT. M 1774 Andrew 225 M 1745 Ebenezer 120 B 1658 Elizabeth 8 B 1748 Hannah 158 C 1720 Jacob 86 M 1805 Joel 493 C 1701 Robert 40 B 1746 Susannah 1.57 M 1802 William 491 ELLERY. M 1749 Benjamin 120 M 1750 William 121 B 1751 William 161 ELLIS, EELLS, ELLES. B 1698 Abigail 48 B 1751 Benjamin 161 C 1753 Bethia 147 B 1698 Elizabeth 47 B 1747 Elizabeth 158 B 1707 Hannah 56 M 1751 Hannah 121 B 1752 Hannah 162 B 1698 John 48 M 1750 John 121 C 1751 John 147 O 1751 John . . . 168 B 1743 Lois 154 M 1811 Luther 495 B 1698 Mary 48 B 1738 Mary 138 C 1728 Nathaniel 95 B 1698 Patience 48 B 1698 Prudence 48 B 1699 Rebeccah 50 B 1704 Samuel 53 1698 Sarah 38 B 1698 Sarah 48 B 1702 Tamesin 52 ELLISET. OB 1741 Anna 109 ELLISTON. C 1741 Anne 145 EMBSDEN. — 1658 Frances 23 C 1661 Isaac 25 C 1661 Jacob 25 C 1661 Widow 25 EMMS, EAMES, EMES, EAMS. O 1727 Benjamin 66 M 1774 Joanna 225 C 1771 Joanna' 153 C 1778 Jonathan 242 M 1699 Martha 70 — 1658 Mary 24 ( ) 1727 Mehitaljle 66 B 1727 Samuel 106 B 1727 Sarah 106 B 1658 Thomas 24 — 1658 Thomas 24 EMERSON. D 1788 276 EMMANDS. B 1696 Mary 46 EMMONS. M 1726 Thomas 106 ENCE. CB 1718 Elizabeth 60 ENGLISH. G 1811 George B 460 O 1727 Joseph 108 EPES. C 1756 Elizabeth 148 ERRINGTON. C 1663 Aijraham 21 B 1663 Abraham 21 C 1658 Anne 71 538 Index. ERRINGTON. B 1658 Hannah 21 B 1660 Mary 21 C 1658 Rebecca 17 U 1658 Rebecca 21 B 1658 Rebecca 21 B 1658 Sarah 21 M 1712 Thomas 73 B 1715 Timothy 69 EUSTIS, KUSTICE. M 1749 Benjamin 120 B 1761 Katheriiie 194 EVERETT. C 1812 Edward 460 FALLEY. O 1727 Richard 108 FARLEY. M 1707 Benjairan 72 M 1712 Josepli 73 FARMER. D 1823 Susanna 518 FARNAM. M 1740 Daniel Ill FARRER. C 1809 John 460 M 1808 Martha 494 D 1798 Samuel 504 C 1801 Samuel 457 B 1777 Sarah 236 FARRINGTON. B 1777 Sally 237 M 1775 Thomas 225 B 1780 Thomas 239 FARWELL. M 1818 Levi 498 FAULKNER. B 1800 Catherine E 612 M 1806 Nathan 494 M 1798 Nathaniel 490 O 1800 Nathaniel 466 O 1800 Susanna 466 FAYERWEATHER. M 1759 Ann 192 C 1804 Sarah 458 D 1804 Sarah 508 M 1807 Sarah 494 D 1805 Thomas 509 FELCH. B 1725 Abigail 104 M 1741 Abigail Ill B 1723 Elizabeth 101 B 1744 Eunice 155 M 1740 Jemlmah Ill C 1719 Katherine 86 M 1729 Katherine 107 M 1731 Katharine 107 C 1719 Samuel 86 B 1721 Samuel 91 B 1748 Samuel 158 B 1719 Ruth 89 B 1746 Ruth 157 FERGUSON, FORGESON, FURGESON. B 1725 Anne 103 B 1736 David 135 CB 1696 Deliverance 59 B 1732 James 116 B 1730 ,Tohn 115 M 1734 John 110 B 1727 Mary 105 M 1701 Sarah 71,180 FESSENDKN, FESINDEX, FEZINGTOX. B 1743 Alice 154 C 1753 Alice 147 M 1760 Alice 192 M 1768 Alice 224 B 1697 Anna 47 B 1712 Anne 62 B 1710 Benjamin 51 B 1723 Benjamin 101 B 1724 Benjamin 103 B 1734 Benjamin 119 B 1765 Borodel 202 C 1718 Ebenezer 85 M 17.33 Ebenezer 110 B 1737 Ebenezer 137 B 1767 Ebenezer 165 B 1707 Elizabeth 56 C 1726 ElizaVieth 94 M 1732 Elizabeth 108 C 1743 Elizabeth 146 B 1746 Elizabeth 157 O 1765 Elizabeth 170 O 1769 Elizabeth 226 B 1724 Grace 103 M 1742 Grace lU B 1732 Hannah 117 M 1753 Hannah 121 B 1714 Jabescii 68 B 1778 James 238 D 1796 James 503 C 1658 Jane 9 M 1711 Jane 73 G 1658 John 9 O 1704 Jolin 64 B 1704 John 53 C 1707 Mrs, John 43 O 1724 John 66 B 1730 Jolin 114 B 1709 Jonathan 58 M 1763 Jonathan 193 O 1765 Jonathan 170 B 1696 Joseph 45 B 1716 Josiah 69 O 1769 .Josiah 226 B 1776 Josiah 236 D 1793 Josiah 502 B 1750 Lucy 160 M 1772 Lucy 225 C 1715 Margaret 84 B 1721 Margaret 91 B 1731 Margaret 115 B 1737 Blargaret 137 B 1742 Margaret 142 C 1768 Margaret 161 B 1720 Martha 89 B 1725 Martha 104 B 1740 Martha 140 B 1746 Martha 157 M 1712 Mary 73 B 1714 Mary 68 C 1734 Mary 99 B 1744 Mary 155 M 1752 Mary 121 FESSKKUEN. B 1752 Mary 161 C 1742 Mindweil 146 C 1698 Nicho!;;s 38 C 1698 Nicholas 39 M 1706 Nicholas 72 B 1710 Nicholas 58 B 1725 Nichobid 104 B 1742 Nlcholn- 142 B 1754 Nicholas 163 B 1769 Pembertim 20fi B 1728 Peter 112 M 1762 Samuel 193 O 1765 Samuel 170 B 1765 Samuel N 202 B 1706 Sarah 55 C 1707 Sarah 43 B 1708 Sarah 57 C 1726 Sarah 94 M 1729 Sarah 107 B 1729 Sarah 113 B 1746 Sarah 157 O 1765 Sarah 170 B 1773 Sarah 234 D 1797 Sarah 504 B 1719 Stephen 89 C 1739 Stephen 143 B 1749 Stephen 160 B 1739 Thomas 139 B 1749 Thomas 160 M 1716 William 74 C 1716 William 84 B 1718 William 89 M 1727 William 107 C 1739 William 143 B 1747 William 158 B 1770 William 206 M 1771 William 224 FILLEBROWN. D 1805 Child 510 D 1806 Infant 510 B 1792 Ablel 468 B 1711 Abigail 61 B 1700 Anna 50 B 1706 Anna 55 C 1725 Anna 93 C 1727 Anne 94 M 1729 Anne 107 B 1782 Dorcas 240 B 1712 Edward 62 M 1770 Edward 224 O 1771 Edward 226 B 1772 Edward 233 D 1798 Edward 504 M 1801 Edward 491 D 1817 Edward 515 B 1703 Elizauetli 52 B 1709 Elizabeth 57 B 1735 Elizabctli 135 B 1752 Elizabeth 162 B 1788 Elizabeth 277 M 1795 Ellzalteth 489 B 1666 Hannah 27 O 1724 Haniiali 66 B 1726 Hannah 104 C 1741 Hannah 144 C 1741 Hannali 145 B 1747 Hannah 158 B 1772 Hannah 234 B 1700 Isaac 50 O 1724 Isaac 66 B 1724 Isaac 103 C 1741 Isaac 144 B 1732 James 116 B 1786 James 245 M 1795 James 489 Index. 539 FILLEBKOWN. B o o B C B B B B M B D O B B M B B B B M O B B B B B B B B M B C B B C M B B M B B C B C B B M O B C B B O M B 1699 1699 1699 1700 1711 1720 17-24 1745 17S4 1816 1777 1799 1799 1790 1771 1797 1666 1701 17-28 1749 1778 1799 1799 1799 17-23 1700 1730 1754 1759 1724 1819 1714 1774 1704 1707 1711 1730 1738 1803 1824 1777 1782 1666 1666 1698 1700 1702 1713 1714 1714 1718 1734 1762 1778 1778 1779 John 49 John 63 Mre. John 63 John 50 John a John 90 John 103 John 156 John 244 John 49T Jonas 237 Jonas 505 Jonas 4fi6 Leonard 278 Lvdia 233 . .490 . 51 .112 .161) •24() '466 .472 .472 . 102 . 50 Lvdia . Jilary . . Mary . . Mary . . Mary . . Mary . . Mary . . Mary . . Mary . . Mercy. . Rebecca Rebecca 114 1 Rebecca 164' Rebekah 567 Richard H'S Richard 498 Ruth 68 Samuel 212 Sarah 53 Sarah 56 Sarah 44 Sarah 107 Sarah 138 Sarah 507 Silas B 499 Susannah 236 Susannah -240 Thomas 27 Thomas 27 Mrs. Thos 39 Thomas 50 Thomas 51 Thomas 73 Thomas 65 Thomas 68 Thomas 85 Thomas 119 Thomas 195 Thomas '227 Thomas 247 Thomas 238 Joel 170 Joel -232 Lydia 14 Lvdia 14 Marv 246 Mary 205 Nathan 178 Nathan 493 Ruth 170 Ruthy -203 Sarah 11 Sarah It Seaborne 14 Mr 37 Joseph 121 Lois 153 Elizabeth N 473 Elizabeth N 498 Josiah 91 Judith 163 Mary 493 Sarah 466 Sarah 473 Sarah 497 Sarah 461 Timothy 501 Timothy 473 William 160 FLANDERS. M 18-23 Thomas 499 o 1757 B 1770 1658 n 1658 M 1776 B 1769 M 1758 ivr 1805 () 1767 B 1767 1658 B 1658 c 1658 1697 M 1754 C 1772 B 1800 M 1820 B 17-22 B 1754 M 1805 O 1800 B 1800 M 1815 C 1816 1) 1792 B ISOO B 1750 FOSTER. M 1808 Cyrene 494 M 1799 Elizabeth 490 D 1817 George 516 C 1808 James 4.59 I) 1817 James 516 B 1794 Mary C 470 D 1797 Mary .■>04 D 1811 Mary C 512 D 1815 Mary 514 M 1772 Samuel '225 M 1703 Samuel 71 C 1769 Susanna 151 D 1783 Sukey 274 C 1811 Thomas 460 FOWLE, FOWL, FOWLES. D 1784 U 1718 B 1722 CB 1711 O 1727 Child 274 Edmund 74 Jonathan 91 Mary .59 Sarah 108 FOX, FOXE. 1658 1958 1658 Ellin 10 Jabez 10 Thomas 10 FOXCROFT. FLETCHER. M B 1814 Agnes P. . . . 1752 Samuel FLOYD. . . .497 . . .161 M 1826 John 500 FLUCKER. C M 1777 Elizabeth... 1801 Elizabeth... .. .212 . . .491 FORD, FOORD. FISH. C 1727 Joseph 95 FISHER. Ebenezer 74 Hannah 496 M 1716 M 1813 T> 1807 1658 C 16.58 B 1768 B 1770 B 1658 M 1775 B 1659 FISKE, FISK. Child 511 David 14 David 14 David 204 Elijah 206 Elizabeth 14 Elizabeth 2-25 Hannah 14 M 1810 1820 18-20 1735 1714 1808 1711 Infant 512 Infant 517 Betsey R 517 Hannah 135 John 83 Jonathan 495 Thomas 73 1727 1729 1743 1750 1713 1725 1736 1744 1736 1741 1740 1802 1737 1739 1715 1732 17-23 1741 1759 1743 1764 1773 1800 1712 1731 1738 Daniel 105 Elizabeth 113 Elizabeth 146 Elizabeth 120 Francis 45 Francis 104 Francis 135 I'rancis 155 George 136 George 141 John 140 John 507 Katherine 137 Layton 139 Martha 74 Martha 117 Mehetable 102 Mehetable 115 Mehetable 178 Phwbe 154 Pha'be 150 I'hwbe -2-25 Sarah D 506 Thomas 45 Thomas 115 William 138 FRANCIS. FORRESTER. 18-20 Joanna 498 FOSDICK. Mercy 248 Sally 249 FOSTER. 515 Andrew 457 Andrew 496 Benjamin B 237 Bossenger 609 BoBSlnger 515 M 1784 M 1786 D FC 1816 (- 1800 M 1813 B 1778 D 1805 D 1816 C 16.58 n 1697 B 1724 CB 1704 B 1658 1701 1804 1724 1658 1658 1658 Aise n Anna 47 Anna H>2 Hannah 59 John 17 Lydia 40 Lvdia C 492 Nathaniel 66 Richard 17 Sarah 17 Stephen 17 D 18-25 FRAPPIER. Francis T 519 540 Index. FREEMAN, M 1788 Ebenezer 273 C 1728 Enoch 95 C 1777 James 242 D 1796 Jonathan 504 D 1805 Ruth 510 FRENCH. D 1799 505 M 1802 Cyrus 492 O 1805 Cyrus 467 B 1807 Cyrus 479 D 1817 Cyrus 516 M 1807 David 494 O 1805 Deborah 467 C 1817 Deborali 461 D 1824 Deboraii 519 B 1658 Elizabelh 8 C 165S Elizabetli 7 D 1824 Emily 518 B 1658 Haunali 8 B 1658 Jacob 8 C 1658 John 23 B 1658 John 8 B 1658 John 23 C 1768 Jonathan 151 B 1658 Josepli 23 B 1658 Mary 8 B 1658 Nathaniel 23 B 1658 Sarah 8 C 1658 Sarah 23 B 1658 Sarah 23 B 1809 Thomas L 481 C 1658 William 7 B 1805 William 477 FRICKE. B 1779 Elizabeth 238 M 1778 John C 246 FRISBY. M 1815 Levi 497 M 1828 Catherine -...501 D 1817 Catherines 516 FROST. D 1770 Dr 232 D 1787 Child 275 D 1800 506 D 1800 506 B 1726 Abigail 105 B 1763 Abigail 196 C 1828 AlMgail 463 M 1747 Abraliani 120 O 1748 Abraham 168 B 1754 Abraham 163 M 1828 Abrani 501 B 1724 Absakim 102 B 1720 Anna 90 M 1737 Anna 110 B 1814 Benianiin 483 B 1787 Betsey R 245 M 1808 Betsev R 495 B 17.54 Daniel 163 B 1757 Daniel 165 M 1777 David 246 B 1787 David 245 D 1787 David 275 D 1816 David 515 C 1726 Deboraii 94 B 1748 Deborah 158 B 1757 Deborah 166 B 1696 Ebenezer 45 M 1723 Ebenezer 75 O 1724 Ebenezer . . . 66 1725 1725 1748 1749 1763 1810 1658 1710 1715 1724 1737 1753 1803 1700 1734 1735 1754 1756 1759 1760 1785 1786 1800 1658 1698 1714 1715 1718 173S 1724 1820 1724 1753 1754 1755 1770 1803 1803 1825 1803 1703 1712 1713 1724 1734 1746 1760 1817 1723 1658 1732 1754 17.54 1756 1767 1825 1658 1758 1794 1721 17.32 1757 1658 1718 1759 1801 1807 1809 1729 1786 1722 1738 1769 1792 1796 1799 Ebenezer 93 Ebenezer 104 Ebenezer 120 Ebenezer 1.59 Ebenezer R 196 Ebenezer R 512 Edmund. 2 Edmund 73 Edmund 69 Edmund 92 Edmund 100 Edmund 162 Edmund 475 Elizabetli 50 Elizabeth 98 Elizabeth 110 Elizabelii 169 Elizabeth 148 Elizabeth 167 Elizabetii 194 Elizabeth 249 Elizabetii 227 Elizabetii 491 Ephrain-, 2 Mrs. Epliraira. . . 39 Ephraini 73 Ephraim 69 Ephraini 85 Ephraim 143 E;unice 103 Frederick /\. , . .486 Gideon 10;j Gideon 121 Gideon 169 Gideon 1G4 Gideon 151 Gideuii 475 Gideon 507 Gideon 519 Grace 507 Hannali .53 Hannali 62 Hannaii 62 Hannah 92 Hannali 98 Hannah 120 Hannah 167 Henry 485 Hephsibah 89 James 2 James 116 James 163 James 169 James 148 James 245 James 519 John 2 John 166 John 470 Jonathan 90 Jonatlian 117 Jonathan 166 Joseph 2 Joseph 88 Lucy 167 Lucv 457 Lucy C. 479 Lucy 512 Lydia 113 Lydia 273 Martha 101 Martha 143 Martha 205 Martha 469 Martha 504 Martha 472 FKOST. D 1805 Manila. . 509 INl 1807 1823 Martiin . 494 M Martiia 499 B 1658 Mary 2 C 1718 Mary . 85 B 1728 Mary 112 B 1751 Mary 161 11 1759 Mary 167 B 1771 Mary 232 D 1803 Mary 507 M 1725 Mehetaijle .... 106 C 1748 Naomi . 147 B 1762 Nehemiah .... 195 B 1751 Oliver 161 B 1787 Pamela 245 B 1731 Phebe 116 B 1754 Phadie 163 B 1766 Phcebe 203 B 1722 Ruth 91 B 1658 Samuel 2 B 1705 Susanna 54 C 1738 Samuel 143 B 1761 Samuel 194 B 1770 Samuel .206 B 1658 1718 Sarah 2 c; Sarah 85 B 1719 Sarah 89 M 1720 Sarah , 74 B 1721 Sarah 91 C 1728 Sarah . 96 B 1751 Sarah 161 B 17.54 Sarah .163 (; 1786 Sarah .243 B 1801 Sai-ah A .474 B 1802 Sarah A .507 1) 1805 Sarah ,.509 I) 1821 Sarah .517 B 1728 Silas .112 O 1700 Stephva . 64 B 1702 Stephen . 52 (; 1706 Stephen . 42 <; 1706 Mrs. Stephen . . 42 B 1719 Stephen . . 89 B 17.55 Steplien ..164 M 1772 Stephen . .225 M 1798 Stephen .490 B 1658 Thomas . 2 M 1716 Thomas 74 1718 Thomas . 85 B 1724 Thomas .102 B 1812 Thomas .482 C 16.58 Thomas-Anne. 2 B 1766 Walter 203 M 1792 Walter . .274 M 1792 Walter ,489 O 1792 Walter .465 B 1796 Walter . .471 B 1727 William . Ill B 1774 William 235 B 1801 William .474 C 1801 William .4.57 FROTHIXGHAM. n 1784 Miss. . .274 D 1784 Mr .274 F. 1782 Becca W ,240 I? 1792 1786 Betsey 468 M Charles ,273 B 1789 Chailes .278 D 1821 Charles .517 B 1785 Geoi-jrc . .279 M 1813 Hannah .496 B 1794 Hannah .470 B 1779 Hannah .ti» O 1782 Jabez .227 Index. 541 FROTHING HAM. M 1803 Jabez 492 M 1786 James ■_'49 M 1806 Lydia 493 D 1823 Lydia olS B 1796 Mary J. 471 M 181-2 Mary .J. 496 B 1783 Nancy 241 B 1778 Pollev 237 M 1795 Polly" ... .489 B 1784 Ruthy 244 B 1792 Sally 468 M 1708 Samuel 72 M 1782 Sarah 247 D 1806 Sarah 510 B 1783 Susanna \V . 211 P. 1781 Thomas 2.«) M 1785 Thomas 249 B 1777 William 236 C 1800 William 457 D 1801 William 506 FULLER. 1806 1773 1702 1709 1709 1714 1742 1723 1709 17i;5 1806 Child Christian .... Elizabeth. . . . ElizaliL'th . . . Experience . . Jolin . ,510 ..153 . . 71 ■ ■ P '. '. 73 Joshua jMargaret .... Mercy • '11 Xehemiah . . . Oliver . .193 . .510 FULLERTON. D 1818 Infant 517 D 1818 Sophia 517 FURBUSII. CB 1708 Anna 59 GALE. O 1722 John 65 B 1722 Joshua 92 C 1704 Mehetable 41 M 1705 Mehetable 72 GAMAGE. GAMMAGE. D 1795 Infant 503 D 1783 Infant 274 D 1783 Mrs. l)r 274 C 1757 Abigail 149 B 1759 Abigail 167 M 1785 Abigail 249 B 1785 Abraham W 244 O 1808 Abraham W 467 D 1810 Abraham W 512 B 1698 Adelaide 472 B 1784 Betsey 241 B 1735 Daniel 134 B 1757 Daniel 165 B 1761 Daniel 194 C 1716 Deborah 84 B 1732 Elizabeth 116 B 1790 James 278 B 1808 James 480 D 1808 .James 511 M 1812 Gilbert 496 B 1724 John 102 B 1746 John 156 B 1765 John 202 B 1786 John T 245 GAMAGK. GAKUNKK. M 1710 1711 1714 Joshua . . . . 72 C B C 17.59 1788 1714 Joanna .Joanna 149 O Joshua Joshua . . 65 . . 68 277 B John 83 (! 1728 1742 •Joshua . . 95 B 1) 1790 1802 .John 279 P. Joshua . . 142 John .507 W 1755 1777 1778 1778 Joshua . . iw 246 (; B C B 1831 1801 1&31 1756 Lydia 465 i\r Mary S. . . Miles '. Richard .473 465 <) .Joshua . . 227 p. Joshua . .237 165 i{ 1788 1809 1810 is 12 Lucv . . . P, C M B 1763 17.59 1765 1795 Samuel Sarah Sarah 195 n Lucy. 512 .149 B Jjucy A ..481 M Lucv . .496 Susanna 470 B 1726 Martha . . 104 M 17.55 Thomas . . . 177 P. 1711 Marv . . 61 () 1756 Thomas 1(9 B 1735 :\Iary ..134 C 17.59 Thomas . . 149 |{ 1800 Mary W. . . .473 B 1761 Thomas 194 D lS-20 Marv W . .517 B 1792 Thom.as 468 C 1,43 Nattianiel . . . . .146 li 1809 Thomas S 481 B 1,91 Natlianicl . . 27!) U 1S09 Tliomas .51?: B 1712 Nathaniel. . . . . . 62 1) 1810 Thomas .... 51 •> (1 1735 Nathaniel. . 67 B 1780 I'ollv . .238 GARFIELD. B 1729 Rel>ecca . .114 B 1716 69 li 1748 1756 Rebckah .... Rebeka . . 159 . .148 M M 1798 1797 Han nil h 490 C Patty 490 M 1756 Rebekah .... ..177 B 1719 1743 1782 Ruth 89 O B GARY. 1813 Elizabeth 1817 Emeline A. . B Ruth 154 467 B Sall7 . .240 485 B 1,21 Sarah . . 91 P. 1813 (ieorue P 483 C 1741 Sarah . .144 () 1813 .Jonathan 467 .u 1V.)1 Sarah . .121 B ls26 Joseph W 487 M 1811 1756 1778 Sarah William William . .495 . .148 ..227 H B P, 1M5 1822 1824 Marv E. 484 C Sarah F. 1*6 o William G 487 1{ 177S 1780 1784 William 238 B GATE.S. 1713 B 239 M William . .248 63 l> 1721 GA William 517 li P. B 1715 170!) 1710 Abigail 69 illN. Abigail 58 D 1793 Elizabeth . .502 B 1729 Abigail .112 x\l 1V30 Abigail .107 GANNETT. M 1703 Amos . 71 (; 17*6 Amos 42 M 1781 Caleb . .247 B 1714 Amos 68 ('. 1780 1793 Caleb Cale!) . .242 . .469 B O 1708 1713 Hannah 55 P. Jonathan 65 M 1800 1818 Caleb 491 c B 1716 1717 Mrs. Jonathan . .Jonathan 84 D (Jaleb . .516 88 M 1806 Catherine B. . . .493 B 1708 ^fargaret 57 I) 1798 Catherine . . . . . 505 (; 1709 Marsjai-et 43 H 1791 Elizabeth L. . . .279 B 1721 INfarjararet 91 C 1809 Elizabeth L. . . 459 M 1729 Margaret 107 M 1S14 Elizabeth L. . . .496 B 1712 Marv 62 B 1801 Ezra S . .474 B 1716 Oldham 70 \i 1784 17 2 John M Katherine B. . .241 ..240 B B 1719 1730 89 B Sarah 114 <) 1805 1808 Katheriue B. . Ruth . .4.59 . .511 P> P. 1720 1726 ■Susanna 1704 Mrs. Ebenezer 64 B 1704 Ebenezer 53 (; 1709 Mrs. Ebenezer . 43 B 1737 Ebenezer 137 B 1749 Ebenezer 160 B M 1702 Elizabeth .... 71 B 1704 Elizabeth 53 C 1724 Elizabeth 93 M M 1733 Elizabeth 110 B 1774 1707 Hannah 235 B Hezekiah 55 li 1824 Horace A 487 B 1815 Isabella 484 14 (; 1819 Isabella 461 D V, 1718 John 85 M M 1760 1774 1796 John 19> M B John 235 D John 504 B 1805 John 477 M B 1820 1696 John T .486 46 B Martha B 1714 Martha 68 (; 1732 Martha 98 B (; 1665 Mary 27 B 1666 Mary 27 M 1711 Mary . 73 B V. 1731 1741 Mary 97 B Mary .141 D c r. 1769 1799 Mary 151 D Mary 505 M B 1812 Mary T 482 C D 1828 Mary 520 B 1665 Nathaniel .... 27 BO 1667 Nathaniel .... 27 1696 Nathaniel .... 36 V, 1696 Mrs. Nathaniel 36 M 1699 Nathaniel .... 70 M B 1701 Nathaniel .... 51 B V, 1724 Nathaniel .... 93 C B 1731 Nathaniel .... 115 () 1807 Olive 467 B I) 1809 Olive .512 B B 1696 Prudence 45 C (; 1714 Prudence .... 83 [ B D D D B C M 1800 1801 1825 1700 170-2 1703 1705 1726 1742 1750 1763 1803 1795 1796 1786 1658 1809 1790 1701 17an.iel .1 Daniel 64 Daniel 40 Daniel ''i ; Daniel 497 | Ebenezer 16i Edmund T 278 Eliza W 4.1 Elizabeth Is Elizabeth 16 Elizabeth 202 Elizabeth C 2i7 Elizabeth 491 Elizabeth 5(18 Esther 234 Frederick '-i9 Hannah 16 Hannah ^ Hannah 39 Hannah 1<>4 Hannah 146 Hannah J^-J Hannah 132 Harriet 244 Hepsibah 135 •James 16« i •Tames ..471 John 16' 1^ I John Seaborne . . 18 •John 16 John S9 John 14. John 1^3 John !«' John 232 John 247 John 24'^ 'John "-■■■; John 504 John 508 Jonathan •5' Jonathan 43 Mrs. Jonathan . . 43 Jonathan 61 Jonathan 96 Jonathan 161 Jonathan 153 Joseph 92 Joseph W 481 1806 1798 1802 1766 17.58 1774 1823 1718 1767 1783 1658 1699 1710 1724 1735 1736 1741 1768 1785 1788 1658 BD 1658 BD 16fi4 D 1664 1805 1801 1807 1805 HAYMAN. 1704 1707 1709 HAYWAIU). M 1828 James 501 HASTINGS. Mary 493 U Mehetable 4i>() \ B Melietable 492 B Philemon 224 i B Ilebekah 166 | Kebecca 242 Richard C 49i) | ^ Robert ^* i < ■ Robert 203 1^1 Robert 241 I ^^ Samuel 18 Samuel 50 Samuel •''8 Samuel 10- Samuel HO Samuel J\-\(^ i-r Samuel Hii 1 C 1-3 Samuel 204 Samuel 27o Samuel '^'-^ Sarah 16,1^ Sarah 1<' Sarah I" Sarah 16 M 1814 Sarah 68 Sarah 68 HEARD. Sarah 146 Sarah '•'^„ L, Sarah 160 1 C Sarah A oW Seth 120 Seth 149 Seth 152 HAYDON. Child 509 John 474 Susanna 479 William A 477 Mrs. Mary 41 Priscilla 43 Mary "2 HAYWOOD. Jonathan . HAZZARD. 17.57 Jason . . . . .177 HEAD. Charles 497 1714 1719 1742 1747 1749 1808 1747 1762 1771 1709 1721 1757 1815 1730 1749 1758 1708 1708 Marv 57 Mrs. Zechariah. . 43 43 90 166 1 OB 176:i 1780 1783 1784 1797 1804 1708 1709 1709 1711 1728 1751 1773 1722 1S09 1752 17.54 1712 1802 1823 1787 1789 16.58 1(;62 1702 1704 17:« 1752 1764 1792 Mrs. Stephen Stephen .... Stephen Stephen 514 Susanna 114 Susanna 14 Susanna i'* Tamazen I'l Thomas 16'- Thomas 163 Thomas 61 Thomas 492 Thomas 518 Thomas '^jj* Thomas ..-'6 Walter 1". 1° HEARSEY, see HERSEY. HEATH. M 1759 William 178 HEDGE. 16 71 53 99 lt!2 wVlViani S 202 William S 501 Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter 1807 1811 1805 1809 1798 1801 1803 1804 1817 1813 1817 1801 Edward H 479 Elizabeth H 482 Frederick 11. . . .477 .JosiahD 480 Levi 4.o6 Levi 491 Mary 4,5 Sarah W 476 Sarah W 518 Susan E 483 Susan -^IS William K 4,4 HAVEX. 1753 1807 17.53 1774 1799 .147 Jason Nathaniel o\\ Samuel 121 Samuel 242 Samuel *•"' 1781 1803 1745 1804 1804 1804 1789 1748 1768 Lucretia 239 Lucretia 492 Lydia 156 Lydla 508 Lydia 508 Lydia 508 Maria W 2;| Mary 14 Mary 2-24 HAWKINS. 1785 Mrs 1830 1824 1817 1785 275 Caroline'. 464 Eunice. f^ Nathaniel 5lt> Sarah K 244 n 1658 c 1658 R 1658 C. 1663 B 1060 P. 1665 M 1702 B 1658 R 1664 16.58 B 1662 B 1658 C. 1658 B 1658 HEILY, HELY Elizabeth . Grace Grace Hannah . . . Martha Mary Mary Nathaniel 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 71 Paul Phoibe . Samuel . Sarah . . William William 12 HEMENWAY. 1728 Phlneas 96 HAWS. ^ 1 1720 Daniel 74 HAYES. B 1764 Edward 196 B HENLY. •77 Charles 2:" -John 246 Sil>yl ^^. Thomas ■''■'' 1777 1776 1776 1777 64«5 Index. 1800 Martha 413 493 HFNSHAW 1 HILAND M 1730 John 107 M 1820 Rebecca 498 B 1800 |ar ;•■■;■ 95 ^ „ HTTnRFTH M 18'21 Martha 499 HERSEY, HEARSEY. HILDRETH. ^ 1722 Mary 87 '"" B 1722 Mary lOi B 1722 Mary 91 M 1726 Mary 106 C 1741 Mary 144 C 1741 Mary 145 B 1798 Mary 472 1729 Aaron Hs M 1740 PriBcilla HI 1756 Aaron "? I B 1761 Pris<;illa 194 B 1796 Priscilla 4(1 M 1826 Danle, 500 M 18O4 S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . . .515 ^ {?i Sha^.:::•.::489|S 1807 sopma M 1826 LydiaG HEYDEN. .606 1800 Infant ^c« ^ HILL. D 1818 Infant 511 .516 D O 1801 John , O 1801 Judith 466 I D 1792 Aaron B .501 ^„ , B 1742 Abigail 103 HICKS. c 1741 Abigail 145 i7«'i riarlesa .244 M 1753 Abigail 1606 Bethia 45 O 1697 Mrs. Amaii 1738 Abiel im M 1825 Prlscilln 500 1696 Bethi 1661 Elizabeiu j^ i ^ --- Xbraham "'"... 40 16C5 Elizabeth 25 1 — 1-01 Aoranaiu ^^ i661 EUzabetlV : ". ". ... 25 I B 1697 Abraham 46 16C5 Elizabeth 7^ T,' 1698 Elizabeth *I i* 1704 Elizabeth 41 M § \]lt iiizabeth -.159 M Hsl Abrahnnr." ." ! i i ^8 | g -- g— j; B 1748 yizaneiu ^^ | ^, ^,^^ Andrew 8/ I ^i ^734 Sarah 118 74 o i«Q* ^ Wabeth 47 B 1719 Abraham r fll F Izabfth 41 M 1718 Abraham.... 1716 Flizabeth 74 C 1724 Abram Junr. ^ Ifol nXah :: 5! D 1I06 indrew: :..:... 510 i S James"' :::::::. 202 B 1734 Anna .n| B 1696 John 4b | B 1-38 Anna ...... . . • ^^^ M B 1725 John M 1748 John O 1748 John |o» B 1750 John 1^0 B 1752 Jonathan loi B 1661 Joseph 25 1696 Joseph 2V M 1716 Joseph . '^ C 1708 Margaret « C 1714 Margaret »^ M 1714 Margaret ^^ B 1700 Mary . B 1721 Prudence 91 vn iC 1741 Prudence 144 fi M 1741 Prudence HI K3 I B 1770 Rebekah 206 '''*lOB1764 Samuel 171 M 1764 Samuel 1*^ C 1701 Sarah 40 M 1705 Sarah 71 B 1715 Sarah 69 B 1733 Sarah 119 99 B C 1734 Sarah M 1735 Sarah M 1755 Sarah 98 110 177 f-fs ^X 8i S 1797 Anne... 471 c 1756 Sarah 48 ]]l\ Tohn 74 O 1761 Ben amin 169 k^i 1768 Sarah L8 llri ;°hn : : 104 M 1761 Ben amm 192 q ^-g^ garah 170 120 I M 1782 Beniamin fl I -" — -' B 1744 Bethiah i'm D 1791 Sarah D 1792 Betsey ^]ii, \ b i7.fi5 Susannah . . M 1767 Charles C M 1786 Sarah 273 164 1760 .Susannah 167 B B 1697 Deborah c?vS D 1792 Susanna i'Ol B 170G Ebenezer 5n^ B 1799 Susanna 611- 1769 Edward q„ D 1817 Susanna. B B 1726 Elizabeth 105 B 1727 Elizabeth i^Jo 1719 Elizabeth if,^ B 1719 Tabitha .516 60 ^ }V,^ K •••::::::: 8^ M m9 Elizabeth.:::::. m 1736 Tabitha 135 „ .... ^^ 11, iw 1740 Tabitha 67 B 1727 Elizabeth HJ M 1701 Tabitha -1 1764 Elizabeth Inf. M 1765 Thomas 22.3 C 1720 ISIary M 1724 Mary B B 75 1 B 1724 Gregory :233 O 1761 Hannah 103 169 C 1697 Widow 37 B 17()5 William 202 B 1732 Zacbariah 117 ]i-l\ Mprpv . 54 M 1792 Hannah 4b9 g j^^g zech.'^nah 1705 Mercy : 91 M 1792 Hannah 274 ^^ ^733 Zechariah 108 C 1742 Re B 1762 469 B 1722 Rebecca ^^^^^^ -•-- „^^,^h B ekah ■■■::. 195 B 1797 Henry ... uppa 243 B 1740 Isaac .... (J Kou ii.tuec» jn T? i7in Tnpob . . . ^o B l«f, Ruth 9 B lao J-o^^.;;;; 73 S }^l^ §nh----:: 102 C 1726 Jacob 94 108 B 1723 Ruth . '56 I M r32 Jacob I \^ll iamSe ::::::: :ii2o 1734 -^^^ ■■■■■■■■ -^^ii^ im Elizabeth B 1737 Zechariah 136 M 1783 Zechariah 247 HILLIARD. M 1823 Ann B 1821 Edward A. .499 B 1708 R 1760 Samuel ■"'::: : :i67 1 B 1736 -Jacob ^^^ j ^' J^28 EUz:abetii : ::::.. 463 « 1^57 Sarah . .165 M 1708 John 72 L, i^ EUzabeth 463 I 1664 iLmas :::::::. 26 I C m, Mx-/«^"---::itm^ II05 Francis S 477 B 1705 Thomas 54 B 1740 Jo^n . -^ .193 B 1806 Franc s 4 1767 William 203 M 1763 '{""^J ',^J; c " • ' " 197 B 1784 Franc 1661 zechariah 26 B 1-64 Jonathan O. . . ^ ^^^ ^ 1661 Zechariah 25 M L27 Josepn ha | r 1788 Harrio 1697 Zechariah 37 1697 Mrs. Zech 38 B B C C D 1703 Mrs. Zech 38 B 1701 Zechariah 61 B 1708 Zechariah 57 C 1725 Zachary 9d B 1727 Zechariah 105 B 1755 Zechariah IM HIGGINSON. M 1719 John 74 rriot .483 244 275 277 B 1730 Joseph 114 K !^'i Hari-iot : : :::... 459 _ 1732 Joseph 116 I ^^ {»,° Harriet 495 - 1732 Josepn lin M 1810 Harriet.. B 1739 Lucy 140 .^i i j,,„,e8 W 4W B 1760 Lydla . . 203 B Js o ^^g B 1724 Margaret 102 " 1«^ ' , 4.55 B 1709 Martha 58 C 1794 Josei 5,6 B 1698 Martha 4- E »i| y i- .,77 B 1726 Martha 104 D 1791 '^^ ■ 490 g SKr.:::::::: iSis ;;;;;;::;:5S S SS Kr.:::::::::^5l? \m s.,,^ «« Index. 547 HILLIARD. B 1808 Sarah A 480 M 18-29 Sarah A 501 D 1790 Timothy 276 C 1803 William 458 B 180.3 William 475 B 1814 Joseph F 484 HINDES, HINDE, HINDS. C 1740 Sarah 144 O 1743 Elizabeth 67 M 1757 Elizabeth 177 B 1743 Mary 154 HIKES. D 1802 Samuel 507 HISCOCK. M 1813 Catherine 496 HOAR. C 17-28 Elizabeth 95 HITCHCOCK, HICHCOCK. C 1746 Ga<1 146 M 1748 Gad 120 HOBBS. M 1777 John -246 HOBBY. M 1734 William 110 HODSON. M 1778 Joseph -247 HOFFMASTER. M 1807 Abiirail 494 M 1805 Andrew 493 HOLDEN. B 1765 Enoch 202 B 1779 Hannah 238 C 1793 Hannah 457 O 1757 Henry 169 B 1780 Isaat- '239 O 1778 Joseiih •2-27 M 1778 Joseph 247 B 1782 Polly 240 B 1783 Sally 241 B 1757 Sarah 166 M 1778 Sarah -247 C 1782 Sarah 243 HOLDING. O 1736 Ablgrail 67 B 17-22 Abner 101 B 1709 Hannah 58 O 1709 James 64 B 1711 James 61 C 17-24 Samuel 93 O 1736 Simon 67 B 1736 Simon 136 C 1724 Susanna 93 HOLLIS. D 1807 510 HOLMAN. D 1825 Infant ,519 B 1823 AnnE 486 C 18-23 Elizabeth 462 B 1824 William A 487 HOLMES. D 1806 Infant . . . 510 B 1804 Ann Susan . 476 C 18-25 Ann Susan 462 M 1826 Ann Susan . . . 500 B 1814 Caroline 484 O 1763 Elisha . 169 B 1658 Elizabeth 7 B 1667 Hannah . . 23 C 1667 Hannah 23 B 1817 Francis . 485 B 18-21 Isaac C. 486 D 1658 Jane ... 7 B 1658 John 7 C 1658 John ... 3 B 1667 John. 23 — 1667 John. . -23 B 1812 John 482 B 1658 Joseph 7 M 1803 Joseph . . . .492 O 1806 Joseph . 467 B 1812 Joseph A 482 B 1806 Jo8e|)h 478 B 1763 Lucy 195 B 1807 Lyd'la W 480 B 1765 Mary . . . 202 D 1795 Mary . . 503 B 180-2 Mary J. 474 C 1822 Mary J 462 M 1822 Mary J 499 B 1810 Nancy P 481 B 1809 Olive'r W 481 C 1658 Robert 7 B 1805 Sarah L 477 D 1812 Sarah L 513 HOLT. B 18-27 James L 488 D 1808 John 511 M 1806 Kendall 493 M 18-23 Larkin 499 B 1827 Samuel H 488 M 1830 Samuel 501 C 18-26 Susan 462 D 1826 Susanna 5'20 M 1800 Thomas 491 HOLTON. M 18-21 Elihu 499 B 1766 Elizabeth 203 O 1766 James 170 M 1766 James 224 B 1766 James 203 HOLYOKE. C 1710 Mr 44 C 1754 Anna 148 M 176-? Anna 193 C 1754 Elizabeth 148 M 1768 Elizabeth 193 M 1750 Margaret 121 B 1742 Mary 153 D 1790 Mary 276 B 1739 PrleclUa 139 C 1756 Prlscilla 148 B 1737 William 137 ROMAN. C 1661 Abraham 26 C 1666 Mrs. Abraham .. 25 B 1697 Abraham 46 B 1665 Seth -27 B 1706 Susanna 55 CB 1696 Susanna 69 HOMER. C 1697 Mrs 38 B 1H98 Hannah 47 B 1698 Marv 47 M 1699 Mary 70 HONNEYWELL, see HUNNEWELL. HOOK. » 1715 Ruth 69 B 17-23 William 102 HOOKER. — 1658 Thomas 7 — 1633 Thomas 30 HOOPER. M 1786 Lois -249 HOPKINS. M 17'23 Benjamin 75 B 1734 Mary 118 C 1734 Mary 98 HOPPING. M 1819 Joseph!} 498 M 1785 Thomas -249 HOSEY, HOSSEY. M 1740 Al)raham Ill B 1741 Abraham 140 C 1744 Abraham 146 B 1762 Benjamin 162 B 1742 Isaac 143 C 1763 Isaac 149 C 1740 Jemima 144 B 1746 Jemima -215 C 1773 Jemima 153 M 1775 Jemima 225 B 1750 Marv 160 B 1744 Sara'h 165 HOUGHTON. C 1831 Abigail J 464 M 1812 Sally 496 B 1830 Sophronia W 488 C 1830 Sophronia W 463 HOVEY. C 1714 Abiel 83 B 1715 Abii?ail 69 B 1712 Amos 61 CB 1704 Caleb 59 B 1718 Calel) 88 B 1807 Caroline 479 B 1714 Daniel 67 M 1736 Daniel 110 B 1750 Daniel 160 B 1714 Ebenezer 68 B 17-20 Esther 90 B 1706 Hannah 65 C 1805 Isabella 4.59 B 1712 James 62 B 1722 John 88 B 1739 John 138 B 1753 John 163 B 1769 John 167 W 1700 Joseph 178 M 1702 Joseph 71 B 1704 Joseph f& CB 1704 Joseph 59 548 Index. HO VET. B 1740 Joseph l'40 B 1744 Margaret 155 B 1708 Mary 57 B 1714 Mary 68 CB 1737 Mary 109 C 1737 Mary 100 M 1737 Mary 110 B 1742 Mary 142 C 1741 Mary 145 B 1747 Mary 158 B 1803 Phineas B 475 B 1722 Sarah 91 B 1737 Susanna 137 B 1710 Thomas 58 M 1763 Thomas 193 O 1764 Thomas 170 HOWARD. B 1766 Abigail 19 B 1769 Caleb D 206 — 1666 Elizabeth 19 B 1764 John H 196 C 1801 Persia 457 O 1764 Simon 170 HOWE, HOW. B 1753 Elizabeth 162 B 1758 Anna 166 C 1784 Elizabeth 243 D 1817 Hannah 516 M 1805 Jason 493 O 1806 Jason 467 B 1806 John W 479 C 1728 Perley 95 C 17.56 Tabitha 148 B 1756 Tabitha 165 C 1784 Tabitha 243 D 1829 Tabitha 521 O 1753 William 168 D 1791 William 279 HUBBARD. B 1752 George 162 — 1658 James 17 C 1663 James 26 C 1729 Jane 96 B 1665 Marah 26 M 1725 Martha 106 O 1752 Martha 16S M 1757 Martha 177 M 1758 Mary 178 C 1658 Sarah 17 B 1663 Sarah 26 C 1658 Thomas 17 M 1828 William J 500 HUMPHREYS. O 1710 Elizabeth 64 B 1710 Hannah 61 M 1720 Hannah 74 HUNNEWELL, HONEYWELL, HONYWELL. D 1809 Infant 512 B 1739 Abiel 104 B 1766 Amee 203 O 1810 Anne 467 B 1813 Caroline E 483 D 1825 Caroline 519 O 1723 Charles 65 B 1725 Charles 104 HUNNEWELL. 1778 Charles 237 1789 Charles 278 1780 Ebenezer 2.39 1723 Elizabeth 101 1769 Elizabeth 205 1771 Elizabeth 233 1758 Esther 149 1764 Esther 196 1765 Eunice 202 1770 Eunice 152 1788 Eunice 273 1806 Eunice 510 1792 Hannah F 468 1816 Harriot C 485 1758 James 166 1760 James 167 1794 James 469 1785 Jonathan 248 1787 Jonathan 203 1827 Jonathan .520 1787 Joseph 246 1773 Leonard 2.34 1801 Leonard 491 1737 Margaret 1.37 1776 Martha 235 1803 Martha 492 1743 Mary 154 1808 Mary 511 1708 Phanna 205 1736 Richard 136 1765 Richard 170 1770 Richard 152 1798 Richard 505 1782 Sarah 227 1810 Sarah A 481 1820 Susan M 486 1785 Thomas 244 1769 Walter 205 1735 William 134 1759 William 169 1759 William 167 1782 William 247 1782 William 227 1782 William 241 1786 William C 245 1808 William C 494 1810 William 467 HUNT. 1819 Ann 461 1821 David H 517 1772 Ebenezer 225 1820 Elias 498 1789 Elizabeth 249 1793 Elizabeth 502 1794 Elizabeth 503 1823 Horatio 518 1776 Joel 236 1808 John 494 1815 John 514 1784 Jo-seph 244 1814 Mary 514 1815 Mary 514 1814 Reuben 497 1814 Samuel 514 1815 Samuel 497 1819 Samuel 431 1821 Samuel 417 1819 Sarah J 486 1772 William 226 HUNTING. 1723 Edward 92 1701 Nathaniel 71 1722 Nathaniel 87 HUNTRESS. M 1825 Johns 500 HURD. CB 1721 Peter 60 C 1723 Peter 92 B 1735 Peter 134 HUTCHINSON, HUCHINSON. B 1721 William 91 M 1725 Thomas 106 M 1804 James 492 C 1783 Bethia 243 HIDE, HIDES. Abel 495 . 26 . 26 .468 . 55 . 26 . 57 . 26 . 26 . 72 . 61 . 64 .500 .468 .488 . 26 . 26 . 26 HYDE M 1809 B 1661 B 1664 O 1828 B 1706 B 1661 B 1708 C 1661 B 1661 M 1706 B 1710 () 1707 M 1825 () 1828 B 1828 C 1661 B 1661 B 1662 Elizabeth Elizar . . . Experience Hannah . . John .... Josiah . . . Jonathan Jonathan . Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan H Mary . . Samuel William INDIANS. M 1727 Hannah Daniel 107 OB 1740 Lucy 109 OB 1727 Joseph English 108 C 1729 Titus 96 M 1727 James Smith. . .107 INGERSOLL. D 1812 Caroline H. ...513 D 1803 Mary 508 INGRAHAM, INGRAM. C 1818 Rebecca 85 M 1796 Susanna 490 INMAN. D 1788 Ralph 276 IRELAND. D 1806 Infant 510 D 1788 Mr 276 B 1702 Abigail 52 B 1754 Abigail 163 B 1755 Abigail 164 M 1697 Abraham 70 O 1700 Mrs. Abraham . 64 O 1700 Abraham 64 B 1713 Abraham 63 O 1737 Abraham 67 B 1737 Abrah.am 137 B 1753 Abraham 162 B 1758 Abraham 166 B 1738 Ann 138 D 1819 Eleanor 517 B 1792 Eleanor 468 B 1710 Elizabeth 58 B 1741 Elizabeth 141 M 1759 Elizabeth 178 M 1795 Elizabeth 489 D 1796 Hannah 503 B 1792 James 468 Index. 549 IRELAND. B 1705 John 54 B 1737 John 137 B 1743 John 154 B 1781 John 240 M 1794 John 489 M 1806 John 493 B 1719 Jonathan 89 C 1741 Jonathan 145 B 1748 Jonathan 159 O 1776 Jonathan 227 B 1776 Jonathan 230 D 1786 Jonathan 275 D 1804 Jonathan 508 D 1817 Jonathan 516 B 1762 Joseph 195 B 1700 Margaret 50 B 1723 Margaret 101 C 1741 Margaret 145 B 1781 Martha 240 M 1811 Martha 495 B 1707 Mary 56 M 1725 Mary 106 B 1732 Mary 116 B 1739 Mary 139 C 1741 Mary 145 B 1743 Mary 154 B 1747 Mary 157 B 1795 Mary 470 D 1797 Mary 504 B 1778 Nathaniel ....237 M 1802 Nathaniel 492 B 1749 Samuel 159 M 1753 Sarah 121 B 1785 Sarahs 241 B 1787 Sarahs 246 B 1718 Shadrach 88 B 1751 Susanna 161 B 1723 Thamazen 101 C 1741 Thamazen .... 145 B 1715 Thomas 69 B 1745 Thomas 155 M 1768 Thomas 224 B 1785 William H 244 JACKSON. C 1708 Deborah 43 M 1755 Edward 177 C 1658 Elizabeth 6 C 1727 Exena 95 C 1728 Exena 95, 110 B 1702 Fyfield 51 C 1728 .lames 96 B 1704 John 53 B 1761 Mary 194 C 1658 Richard 6 B 1699 Samuel 49 M 1737 Xena 110 JACOBS. M 1821 Abigail 499 JAQUES. D 1823 .Tames 518 JARVIS. C 1803 Abigail 458 B 1768 Elizabeth 204 O 176S Elizabeth 9-20 C 1773 Elizabeth 135 D 1794 Elizabeth 502 M 1765 John 223 B 1779 Leonard 238 B 1769 Mary 206 M 1796 Mary 490 O 1768 Nathaniel 225 C 1773 Nathaniel 153 B 1774 Nathaniel 234 D 1812 B 1771 C C B M Nathaniel 513 RebekahP 233 1803 Rebecca 458 1803 Susan 458 1776 Susannah 2.36 1803 Su.'^annah 492 JEFFRIES. 1706 David 42 1825 Mary 519 JENKINS. 1801 Ebenezer 491 JENKS. 1801 506 1805 477 1801 Capt .506 1800 Elizabeth R.. ..473 1802 Theodore II.. ..475 JENNISON. 1795 1795 1798 1801 1826 1804 1792 1792 Andrew B 470 Andrew B 503 Andrew B 472 Frances 474 Francis 520 Louisa 476 Mary A 468 Mary A 501 1796 Mary E. E 471 1804 1822 1792 1794 Mary E. E 4.58 Mary 518 Timothy L 455 William 469 JEWETT. M 1800 Oliver 491 D 1801 Oliver .506 JOHNSON. 1805 Angelina 509 1813 Claris.sa 513 1829 Elizabeth 520 Esther 224 1770 1725 Hannah 1727 Henry 108 .106 1731 Henry 1783 Frederick 24S 1739 Jame.s 110 1798 Joseph 490 M 1800 Josiah 491 M 1726 Mathew 106 M 1788 Rebecca 273 M 1786 Ruhamah 249 M 1747 Tabitha 120 JOINER. O 1737 Anna 109 JONES. M 1806 Abigail 494 B 1765 Hepzibah 202 M 1804 Hepzibah 493 M 1809 Isaac 495 1757 Lois 177 CB 1712 Mercy .59 M 1802 Nancv 491 M 1798 Prescott 490 C 1777 Ruth 242 M 1705 Samuel 71 D 1815 Susan 514 Su.san P 514 Timothy 499 William 225 1815 1821 1776 JORDAN. M 1823 Svlvanus 499 .M 1769 Waitstill 224 JOURDAN. D 1824 Susannah 519 KFATING. D 1826 Oliver .520 KEMBALL. see KI.MBALL. B 17.56 Henry 165 B 1759 Mary 167 KENDALL. M 1804 Abigail 492 B 1739 Abraham 139 C 1796 David 456 M 1803 David 492 C 18.30 Elsey 464 M 1806 Lydia 494 M 1798 Ruth 490 C 1782 .Samuel 243 M 1783 Samuel 248 M 1793 Sally 489 KENDERIC. M 1777 Elizabeth 246 KENNY. OB 1764 Rebekah 171 KENRICK. M 1749 John 120 KENT. D 1813 Infant 513 D 1784 (Infant) 274 B 1708 Benjamin 57 C 1725 Benjamin 93 B 1794 Benjamin 470 B 1719 David 89 B 1803 David 475 B 1698 Hannah 47 B 1698 Elizabeth 47 B 1764 Elizabeth 197 B 1783 Elizabeth 241 O 1698 -Mr.s. John 63 B 1698 John 47 B 1722 John 101 B 1786 .Tohn 245 M 1816 .Tohn 497 B 1717 Jonathan 88 B 1798 Jonathan 472 C 1703 Joseph 41 C 1703 .Mrs. Joseph 41 B 1703 Joseph 53 C 1725 Joseph 93 M 1812 .Jo.seph 496 B 1749 Lucy 159 B 1751 Lucy 161 B 1711 .Mehetable 61 C 1733 Mehetable 98 B 1743 Rachel 1.54 C 1764 P.achel 1-50 B 1725 Rebeckah 104 B 1746 Rebekah 157 C 1768 Rel)ekah 151 B 1790 Hebecca 279 M 1823 Rebecca 499 B 1714 Samuel 68 C 17.34 Samuel 99 B 1740 Samuel 142 B 1760 Samuel 194 C 1803 Samuel 458 D 1813 Samuel 513 550 Index. KENT. B 1753 Sarah 162 M 1780 Sarah 247 B 1807 Sarah 480 B 1706 Stephen 55 C 1725 Stephen 94 B 1788 William 278 D 1807 William 511 KETTLE. M 1763 James 193 O 1764 James 170 B 1764 James 197 B 1768 Mary 204 B 1774 Priscilla 235 B 1766 Samuel 203 B 1769 Samuel 205 B 1771 Sarah 232 KEYES. M 1819 Ephraim 498 D 1824 Infant 5l8 KIDDER. KIDDAR. D 1789 Mr 276 D 1789 Mrs 276 D 1830 Abigail 521 C 1658 Anne 11 B 1746 Benjamin 157 D 1724 Deacon 125 B 1658 Dorothy 16 B 1775 Elizabeth 235 B 1778 Elizabeth 238 B 1661 Ephraim 16 B 1742 Eunice 142 C 1764 Eunice 150 M 1764 Eunice 193 C 1716 FVancis 84 M 1718 Francis 74 B 1724 Francis 102 B 1658 Hannah 16 B 1709 Hannah 57 C 1727 Hannah 94 C 1768 Hannah 150 E 1773 Hannah 234 M 1774 Hannah 225 C 1658 James 16 B 1658 James 16 B 1696 James 45 B 1721 James 91 ' B 1658 John 16 B 1700 John 50 C 1728 John 96 B 1739 John 139 O 1761 John 169 B 1769 John 206 D 1793 John 502 B 1704 Joseph 53 B 1727 Joseph Ill B 1726 Lydia 104 C 1746 Lydia 146 M 1755 Lydia 177 B 1763 Lydia 196 M 1786 Lydia 273 B 1707 Mary 56 C 1719 Mary 85 B 1719 Mary 89 C 1727 Mary 94 M 1731 Mary 108 -C 1738 Mary 143 O 1761 Mary 169 B 1761 Mary 195 C 1765 Mary 150 C 1781 Mary 242 B 1734 Nathan 118 B 1659 Nathaniel 16 B 1702 Nathaniel 52 C 1728 Nathaniel 96 KIDDER. M 1741 Nathaniel 111 B 1747 Nathaniel 158 B 1767 Phoebe 204 B 1780 Rebecca 239 W 1797 Samuel 179 W 1700 Samuel 178 W 1701 Samuel 179 B 1720 Samuel 90 B 1753 Samuel 162 B 1791 Samuel 279 C 1716 Sarah 84 M 1720 Sarah 74 B 1741 Sarah 141 B 1744 Sarah 155 B 1765 Sarah 202 M 1788 Sarah 273 B 1730 Solomon 114 B 1736 Tabitha 136 C 1756 Tabitha 148 M 1759 Tabitha 178 B 1771 Tabitha 233 B 1698 Thomas 49 C 1720 Thomas 87 B 1725 Thomas 106 B 1658 Thomas 16 B 1732 Thomas 116 BD 1742 Thomas 143 B 1783 Thomas 241 KIMBALL see KEMBALL. B 1754 Abigail 163 KINDALL see KENDALL KING. O 1800 Elizabeth 466 B 1807 Elizal)eth 479 D 1819 Elizabeth 517 B 1800 George 473 M 1818 George 498 B 1800 Harriot 473 B 1801 James H 474 B 1808 .James M 480 O 1800 Lemuel 466 B 1800 Leonard 473 M 1820 Lucinda 498 B 1805 Lucy W 477 B 1708 Mary 56 B 1709 Mary 58 M 1728 Mary 107 KINGSBURY. M 1819 Betsey 498 M 1755 Nathaniel 177 KIRKLAND. G 1793 John T 455 KNAP. CB 1696 Abigail 59 B 1708 Abigail 57 B 1703 Ebenezer 52 B 1696 Hannah 45 C 1696 Isaac 36 CB 1696 Isaac 59 B 1712 John 62 B 1696 Rebeccah 45 B 1701 Ursula 51 KNEELAND. B 1770 Elizabeth H. ..206 C 1793 Elizabeth H. ..455 D 1821 Elizabeth 517 D 1826 Elizabeth H. . .520 B 1768 Lydia 205 C 1800 Lydia 457 B 1773 Mary 234 KNEELAND. M 1801 Mary 491 C 1800 Marv 457 C 1757 William 149 M 1767 William 193 D 1788 William 276 KNIGHT. M 1699 John 70 CB 1704 Mrs. John 59 C 1704 Mrs. John 41 M 1718 .Tohn 85 D 1805 Richard 509 KOREE see COREY. KUHN. M 1823 George H 499 LABOTTIERE. M 1806 George 49* LACORE see LYCORE. LAMB. M 1757 George 177 OB 1770 Marv 172 C 1771 Mary 152 M 1773 Mary 225 LAMBOARD. D 1827 Mary C 520 LAMSON, LAMPSON. D 1658 Barnabas 4 M 1702 Caleb 74 — 1658 Joseph 4 C 1658 Marv 13 M 1703 MarV 71 B 1764 William 196 LANE. C 1831 Alexander 464 C 1830 Roxana 464 LANGDON. B 1702 Margaret 51 B 1701 Michael 51 C 1775 Samuel 242 LANGLEY. C 1719 Mary 86 LANMAN. O 1745 Hannah 67 B 1745 Hannah 156 M 1743 James 119 B 1747 Margaret 157 B 1745 Marv 156 B 1762 Peter 195 LARKIN. B 1777 Hannah 236 M 1724 Samuel 75 LAWRENCE. D 1799 Mr 505 D 1819 Infant 517 M 1813 Betsey 496 M 1723 Elizabeth 75 B 1716 Hannah 69 C 1715 John 83 C 1715 Mrs. John 84 M 1819 Jonas 498 M 1778 Jonathan 246 M 1714 Joseph 74 C 1741 William 144 LEAHI. M 1768 James 224 Index. 551 LEARNED, LARNED. C 1795 Aaron 456 M 1776 Abigail 246 M 1754 David 177 O 1756 David 169 M 1802 Deborah 492 M 1813 Elijah 496 B 1764 Elizabeth 197 B 1768 Eunice 204 504 D 1797 Grace M 1797 Grant 490 M 1803 Hannah 492 M 1807 Hannah 494 M 1806 Hannah 491 B 1765 Isaac 202 M 1784 Isaac 248 O 1760 Jedediah 169 B 1813 John H 483 O 1813 John H 467 M 1753 Jonas 121 O 1754 Jonas 169 B 1759 Jonas 167 M 1799 Josiah 491 B 1802 Louisa 474 B 1770 Lucretia 206 M 1788 Lucy 273 C 1759 Mary 149 O 1760 Mary 169 B 1762 Mary 195 B 1766 Mary 203 C 1770 Mary 152 B 1775 Mary 235 B 1760 Mercy 194 M 1821 Mirander 499 B 1765 Nathaniel 202 O 1813 Priscilla 467 B 1813 Priscilla 483 LERMONT. 1825 Eliza J 519 LEVERETT. 1795 Sally 470 1765 Samuel S 223 1771 Samuel S 152 1756 Sarah 165 1759 Sarah 178 B 1813 Susan 483 B 1761 Susannah 194 B 1754 Tabitha 163 B 1813 Thomas P 483 LEATHERS. M 1786 Phebe 273 M 1788 Ruth 273 LEE. D 1819 Infant 517 1810 Edmund 481 B B 1813 Emily M D B M O B .483 1797 Hannah 490 1805 Jane 509 1773 Joseph 234 1767 Joshua 224 1769 Joshua 226 1770 Joshua 206 D 1828 Judith C 520 M 1819 Louisa 498 B 1806 Mary 478 O 1768 Susanna 226 B 1768 Susanna 205 C 1787 Thomaa 244 D 1797 Thomas 504 B 1770 William 206 LEEDS. M 1762 Daniel 193 LEONARD. M 1805 Lydia 493 C 1831 Mary 464 C 1818 Nathaniel 85 M 1806 Sally 494 1708 1703 1711 1698 1705 1701 1719 1704 1782 1700 1720 1726 Anne 57 John 52 John 61 Margaret 48 Margaret 54 Mary 51 Mary 74 Payton 53 Rachel 247 Sarah 50 Sarah 86 Sarah 106 1724 1802 1736 1807 1736 1758 1798 1800 1807 John 103 LucvB 475 Lydia 136 Martha A 479 Samuel 67 Samuel 149 Samuel 466 Samuel A 473 Samuel 511 LOGAN. 1764 1744 1745 1745 Abigail 193 David 120 David 67 John 156 LEWIS. Goodwife 41 Patty 492 Rosanna V 520 Sarah 59 Sarah Jun 39 Sarah 64 LONGHORN. 1703 1802 1826 1696 1700 1709 LIGAN. 1739 Margarett 110 LIMAN. 1731 Elizabeth 107 LINCOLN. 1818 Jainus 498 1807 Mary 494 LINES. 1800 Eunice 473 LINNAN. 1785 John 249 LISHMAN. 1815 Mary 514 LITTLE. 1829 Charles C 501 LITTLEFIELD. 1809 Job 512 LIVERMORE. 1805 510 1708 Ebenezer 57 1707 Edmund 56 1741 Elizabeth 144 1804 Elizabeth C 476 1806 Elizabeth C 478 1736 Hannah 99 1777 Hannah 246 1763 Ruth 193 1699 Samuel 70 1710 Tabitha 58 1710 Thomas 44 1710 Mrs. Thomas.. 44 LOBDILL. 1699 Elizabeth 70 LOCKE, LOCK. Infant 511 Ann E 477 Benjamin 135 Benjamin 138 Catherine 404 Elizabeth 93 Elizabeth 100 Francis 90 Francis 93 Hannah 472 Hannah 512 1658 1658 1662 1664 1660 1658 1658 1658 Elizabeth 10 Mary 10 Mercy 10 Patience 10 Samuel 10 Sarah 10 Sarah 10 Thomas 10 LOOK. 1805 Hannah 493 1805 John 509 LOPANS, LOPEANS, see LOPEZ. 1789 1789 1807 1826 Andrew 228 Andrew 278 Mary A 512 Sarah 462 D 1808 B 1805 B 1735 B 1738 1830 1724 V. 1738 B 1721 c 1724 B 1798 D 1809 LOPEZ, LOPUS, see LOPANS. 1788 Andrew 273 1821 Catherine 517 LORD. 1805 Child 509 1725 Joseph 93 LORING. 1709 Israel 72 LOTHROP. 1807 AbbieT 511 LOVEL. 1759 James 149 1731 John 107 LOW, LOWE. 1819 Charlotte 498 1830 Harriet 464 LUXFORD. 1696 1696 1709 1699 Goody 36 John A 45 Lydia 72 Margaret 70 LYCORE, LACORE. M 1701 John 71 C 1720 Consider 86 CB 1719 Consider 60 LYNN. M 1704 CB 1696 M 1697 B 1700 CB 1696 Abigail 71 Elizabeth 59 Elizabeth 70 Elizabeth 51 Priscilla 59 552 Index. LYON. D 1812 Jason 513 M 1742 Samuel Ill MACDANIEL. M 1734 Sarah 110 MACINTOSH. M 1804 Abigail 492 MACKOON. BC 1663 Deborah 26 B 1663 Deborah 26 B 1663 Hannah 26 — 1663 John 26 CB 1696 Mercy 59 B 1663 Sarah 26 B 1663 Sarr.h 26 MACQUEDE. B 1698 Daniel 48 MACPEDRAS. M 1744 Susanna 120 MACSPA RAN M 1730 George 107 MADDOCKS. M 1724 John 75 B 1743 Ruth 154 MAHEW, MAYHIEW. C 1728 Joseph 95 C 1727 Nathan 95 M 1759 Thomas 178 C 1769 William 151 MAKEPEACE. M 1805 Royal 493 MALLETT, MALLITT, MULLETT, MALLIT. B 1735 Abigail, 135 B 1747 Andrew 158 B 1736 Edmund 137 C 1741 Elizabeth 145 B 1745 Ephraim 155 O 1711 Goody 65 B 1743 Hannah 154 B 1736 Margaret 135 C 1737 Martha 100 C 1742 Marv 145 M 1784 Marv 248 M 1704 Matthew 71 B 1736 Mathew 135 OB 1735 Ruth 109 B 1735 Ruth 135 MAN, MANN. M 1798 Abijah 490 OB 1763 Ensigns 170 C 1763 Ensigne 150 C 1737 Hezekiah 100 M 1818 Keziah W 498 C 1740 Mary 144 M 1747 Mary 120 MANNING. D 1788 Mrs 276 B 1699 Abigail 49 M 1723 Abigail 75 B 1738 Abigail 138 B 1704 Benjamin 53 B 1730 Benjamin 115 B 1715 Daniel 69 C 1658 Dorothy 9 MANNING. c 1702 Dorothy . . . .. 40 M (; 1718 Dorothy . . . . . 85 V. B 1743 Ebenezer . . ..154 1) 1768 Ebenezer . . . .151 B H 1698 Edward . . . . . 47 B o 1720 Edward . . . . . 65 B i) 1723 Edward . . . . . 92 C B 1724 Edward . . . . .102 B M 1746 Edward . . . . .120 B () 1747 Edward . . . . .168 C B 1701 Elizabeth . . . . 51 B B 17.32 Elizabeth . . ..117 B 13 1735 Esther ..134 M B 1658 Hannah . . . .. 9 B H 1720 Hannah . . . . . 89 D H 1734 Hannah . . . ..118 M 1743 Hannah . . . . .119 M 1761 Hannah . . . ..192 M B 1708 Isaac . . 57 (; Al 1708 Isaac . . 72 c, B 1729 James . .113 c H 1658 John .. 9 B 1696 John .. 45 1697 John .. 38 D V. 1697 Mrs. John . . .. 38 M i) 1716 John . . 84 H 1720 1725 1728 John . 90 B John . . 104 M M John ..107 B 1731 .lohn ..116 D 1814 John ..514 B B 1706 Josep'i .. 54 B 1718 Josep'i .. 88 1727 ■losepii .. 95 M B 1731 Joseph ..115 B 1766 Lucy ..203 B 1710 Margaret . . . .. 58 (; 1728 Margaret . . . .. 95 D M 1737 Margaret . . . ..110 (; H 1747 Margaret . . . ..158 B H 16.58 Marv . . 9 B B 1703 Mary . . 53 M B 1720 Mary .. 90 B V. 1723 Mary .. 92 C 1724 Mary .. 93 B B 1732 Mary . .117 B M 1753 Mary . .121 W M 17.54 Mary . .177 B H 1806 Alary Vy ..478 M V, 1727 Mercv ..106 ■Vi H 1735 1756 Mercj' 135 (1 M Mercy . .177 B H 1721 Rachel .. 91 B B 1740 Rebecs b . . . . . .140 () B 1774 Rebekah . . . ..235 V, 1) 1821 Rebecca . . . . ..517 B B 1658 Samuel .. 9 C. C 1696 Samuel .. 36 B C 1697 Mrs. Samuel . . 37 r. B 1703 Samuel .. 52 (; B 1723 Samuel . .102 B B 1729 Samuel ..113 B M 1777 Samuel . .246 1) () 1778 Samuel ..227 V, B 1778 Samuel . .237 B V. 1822 Samuel . .462 M M 1822 Samuel ..499 B 1) 1822 Samuel . .518 B 1) 1824 Samuel ..519 V B 1658 Sarah .. 9 B ::: 1703 Sarah . . 41 B B 1708 Sarah . . 56 B M 1704 Sarah .. 71 B B 1718 Sarah .. 88 B 1722 Sarah . . 91 M B 1729 Sarah . .113 B B 1737 Sarah ..137 C MANNING. 1767 Sarah 224 1793 Sarah 455 1812 Sarah 513 1714 Thomas 68 1723 Thomas 101 1727 Thomas 106 1658 William 9 1700 William 50 1712 William 62 1720 William 86 1724 WilHam 103 17.35 William 134 1772 William 225 1775 William 235 1804 William 508 MANSFIELD. 1808 Aminadab H. .495 1773 Eunice 153 1770 Isaac 151 1771 Mary 152 MANSON. 1806 Child 510 1799 Frederick 491 MANSOI; . 1714 William 73 MANWARING. 1752 Samuel 162 MARIAN. 1808 Mille 494 MARRET, MARRETT MARRIOT. 1787 Mrs 276 1661 Abigail 25 1666 Abigail 25 1700 Abigail 50 1724 Abigail 75 1733 Abigail 118 1762 Abigail 149 1762 Abigail 195 1661 Amos 25 1700 Amos 179 1703 Amos 52 1732 Amos 109 1732 Amos 109 1734 Amos Jr 98 1737 Amos 137 1739 Amos 139 1762 Amos 169 1762 Amos 149 1763 Amos 196 1696 Mrs. Edward . . 36 1713 Edward 63 1733 Edward 98 1739 Edward 143 1739 Edward 139 1744 Edward 155 1744 Mrs. Edward ..155 1658 Hannah 5 1696 Hannah 45 1714 Hannah 93 1658 John 5 1661 John 25 1664 John 25 1664 John 25 1711 John 60 1741 John 142 1740 Judah 141 1701 Mary 40 1702 Marv 71 1706 Marv 54 1737 Marv 100 Index. 553 MARKET. B 1737 Mary ...136 H 1740 Marv .. .140 B 1735 Ruth ...134 C 16.58 Susan . . . 5 B 1698 Susanna . . . ...48 M 1722 Susanna . . . ...75 B 1661 Susanna . . . . .. 25 C 1658 Thomas . . . ... 5 B 1658 Thomas . . . ... 5 B 1661 Tliomas . . . . . . 25 B 1742 Thomas .... . ..142 C 1781 Thomas . . . . ..242 MARSH. C 1764 Chri.'^topher . . .1.50 1) 1780 Hannah 276 C 1703 Joseph 41 M 1766 Thomas 224 MARSHALL. O 1825 Elizabeth 468 M 1823 Josiah N 499 O 1825 Josiah N 468 B 1825 Josiah N 487 B 1825 Mary E 487 B 1827 Sarah 488 MARSTON. M 1825 Benjamin 106 MARTIN. M 1827 Charlotte E. . .500 M 1723 Deborah 75 MARTYN. B 1730 John 114 MASCAREEN. M 1750 John 121 xMASON. D 1797 Aaron 504 C 1800 Ann 457 D 1816 Ann 515 C 1759 Anna 149 B 1766 Anna 203 M 1805 Anna L 493 B 1757 Daniel 165 M 1740 Elias Ill B 1741 Elias 142 O 1742 Elias 67 B 1760 Elizabeth 167 C 1798 Elizabeth 456 D 1830 Elizabeth 521 C 1808 Hannah 459 B 1761 Hugh 194 B 1764 James 196 B 1769 John 206 B 1761 Joseph 194 B 1771 Joseph 233 B 1761 Josiah 194 M 1784 Josiah 248 B 1759 Lucv 167 B 1742 Marv 154 M 1803 Nehemiah 492 M 1803 Samuel 492 D 1797 Sarah 504 D 1802 Sarah 507 M 1759 Thadeus 192 D 1802 Thadeus 507 B 1759 Thomas 167 C 1794 William 456 MATSON. CB 1696 Jane 59 M 1697 Jane 70 MAXFIELD. M 1776 Mary 246 MAYLEM. M 1765 Edward 223 MAYNARD. M 1713 John 73 M 1714 Jonathan 73 D 1828 Margaret 520 MAYO. B 1760 Abigail 167 O 1760 Thomas 169 McCLARY. M 1819 Hannah 498 McCLEAREY. M 1784 Sarah 248 McCLURE. C 1830 David 464 xMcCULLOCK. D 1817 Thomas 510 McDowell. B 1820 Elizabeth 486 C 1S20 Elizabeth 461 B 1815 Lowell L 484 D 1817 Lowell L 515 McINTEER. M 1821 John 499 McKEAN. C 1826 Amy E 462 B 1811 John G 482 D 1818 Joseph 516 McQUESTION. D 1825 Ann 51& MEACHAM. M 1818 George 498 MEAD. M 1778 Elijah 247 B 1789 Jonas 278 MEAN. C 1658 Anne 18 B 1658 Marv 18 C 1658 Sarah 18 MELLEN. D 1802 Infant 507 C 1808 Catharines 459 M 1815 Catharine S.. ..497 M 1784 John 248 C 1808 John 459 D 1828 John 520 C 1782 Mary 243 C 180S Sophia 459 M 1810 Sophia 495 MERIAM, MERRIAM, MIRIAM. M 1759 Jonas 178 M 1820 Oliver 498 C 1658 Sarah 4 M 1809 William 495 CB MESSINGER. 1720 Henry 74 METCALF. 1812 Catherine E. D. 482 1816 David R 485 1817 David R 516 18tJ9 Eliab W 495 1810 Eliab W 467 1810 Eliab W 481 1814 Eliab W 484 1817 Eliab W 516 1825 Eliab W 487 1825 Eliab W 59 1828 Elizabeth A 520 1828 Ellen M 488 1826 Harriet A 487 1810 John P 481 1818 John P 485 1818 John P 516 1810 Lydia 467 1820 Lydia S 486 1822 Susan H 486 1809 Thoma.s 495 MILLAR. 1785 Martha 249 1788 Joseph 273 1788 Darby 273 MILLER. 1770 Eunice 151 1767 Isaac 204 1769 James 151 1772 James 233 1765 Jo.seph 193 1768 Jo.seph 170 1766 Jo.seph 202 1770 Joseph 151 1795 Maria 470 1709 Thomas 72 1770 Thomas 151 1774 Thomas 2,34 1795 Thomas 489 1795 Thomas 465 1770 William 206 MILLS. 1741 James 144 1795 Keziah 465 1793 Levi 489 1795 Sophia P 470 MI NOT. 1696 Hannah 59 MIRICK. 1777 Abraham 236 1777 Benjamin 227 1777 Edward 237 1777 Lydia 227 MITCHELL. 16.59 John 2 1658 Jonathan • 1 1666 Jonathan 2 1658 Margaret I 1663 Margaret 2 1658 Nathaniel 2 1660 Samuel 2 MITCHENSON. 1665 Abigail 26 1663 Al.se 26 1658 Bethia 8, 26 1658 Edward . .8. 17, 20 1658 Edward 8 1658 Elizabeth 8 1663 Mary 26 554 Index. MirCHENSON. 1663 Mary 26 1658 Ruth 8,17 1658 Ruth 1663 1663 Ruth 26 Thomas 26 — 1663 William 26 MIXER. D 1805 D .509 1802 Joel 507 MOLARS. M 1748 John 120 M 1759 Susanna 192 MONIS. C 1726 Abigail 94 O 1722 Judah 60 C 1722 Judah 125 M ] 724 Judah 75 C 1737 Judah 100 MOODEY. C 1716 Joseph 84 MOOR. B 1781 Francis 239 MOORE. Child 510 Dr 274 Widow 276 Abel 246 Abel 239 Abel 502 Abigail 178 Abigail 507 Alby 11 Ann 499 Anne 11 Artenatus .... 237 Artenatus . . . .491 Artenatus . . . .466 Artenatus . . . .514 A.sa 469 Asa 465 Asa 502 Augustus 278 Augustus H. . .482 Bebe 455 Betsey 491 Elizabeth 11 Francis 11 Francis 11 Goldin 13 Hannah 13 Hannah 232 Hannah 233 Harriet 469 Henrietta 465 James 508 Jane 205 Jane 490 Joane 13 John 11 John 469 Josiah 224 Josiah 226 Josiah 235 Josiah 247 Josiah 458 Josiah 514 D 1807 1) 1783 I) 1788 M 1776 H 1780 1) 1794 M 1759 D 1803 V, 1658 M 1823 1658 H 1777 M 1802 () 1803 I) 1814 H 1792 () 1793 D 1793 B 1789 B 1811 C 1792 M 1800 (; 1657 C 1658 1658 C 1658 1666 B 1770 H 1772 B 1793 () 1793 1) 1804 B 1769 M 1798 V, 1658 B 1658 B 1793 M 1768 () 1768 B 1774 M 1782 C 1804 D 1814 MOOBE. C 1658 Katharine 11 M 1821 Luke 499 B 1658 Lydia 13 C 1718 Martha 85 O 1768 Mary 226 B 1804 Mary H 476 C 1804 Nancy 458 B 1806 Nancy P. W. . .478 B 1784 Phebe P 244 M 1801 Phebe P 491 B 1785 Polly 244 D 1821 Rebecca 518 O 1793 Reuben 465 B 1658 Ruth 13 B 1780 Sally P 239 B 1783 Sally 241 B 1783 Sally W 241 B 1795 Sally P 470 B 1658 Samuel 11 M 1796 Sarah 490 B 1809 Sarah A 481 M 1816 Sarah W 497 D 1822 Sarah 518 O 1802 Sukey 466 D 1807 Susan 511 B 1803 Susannah W. . .475 B 1787 William 245 B 1791 William W 279 D 1792 William 501 D 1828 William 520 MOORES, MORES. OB 1773 Abigail 172 C 1773 Abigail 153 M 1701 Jonathan 71 B 1712 Lvdia 62 C 1732 Lydia 98 OB 1760 Lydia 171 C 1767 Lydia 150 M 1757 Martha 177 MORRELL. D 1808 .511 1812 Merritt 483 1812 Mille 483 M 1806 Moses 494 B 1812 Moses 483 MORRISON. M 1816 Joanna 497 MORSE. 507 510 Anna 144 Anna 148 Anna 235 Anna 276 Benjamin 234 Catherine 498 Cyrus 515 David 164 Eleanor 195 Hannah 455 Isaac 100 John 108 John 107 John 118 John 134 John 110 John 234 Josiah 106 Josiah 2.34 Josiah 505 D 1803 I) 1806 C 1741 c, 1754 B 1775 1) 1788 B 1773 M 1818 I) 1817 B 1756 B 1763 1793 C 1737 OB 1730 M 1729 B 1733 B 1734 M 1736 B 1773 B 1727 B 1773 D 1799 MORSE. 1793 Justin 469 1756 Katherine .... 165 1782 Katherine 243 1777 Leonard 234 1747 Mary 158 1800 Mary 506 1738 Mehetable 138 1732 Mercy 117 1754 Mercy 177 1745 Nathaniel 156 1752 Nathaniel 162 1747 Persis 165 1741 Rebekah 144 1741 Rebecca Ill 1782 Royal 240 1800 Royal 491 1773 Samuel 234 1798 Samuel B 505 1800 Samuel 491 1737 Sarah 137 1776 SethH 235 1729 Susanna 113 1755 Susanna 164 1777 Susannah 227 1808 Susanna 459 1815 Susanna 514 1730 Tabitha 115 1753 Tabitha 121 1739 William 140 1740 William 144 1758 William 166 MOSS. 1724 Anna 103 1706 David 72 1722 Rebecca 100 MOUSELL. 1698 Dorothy 48 1698 Sarah 48 MULLETT. 1711 Goody 65 1711 John 61 MULLIS. 1748 John 120 MUNROE, MUNRO. 1798 Abigail 504 1813 Charles A 483 1817 Charles A 516 1828 Charles 488 1812 George F. H. . .483 1815 Isaac 484 1817 Isaac 516 1763 James 193 1764 James 150 1783 James 247 1804 James 508 1804 James 508 1805 James 477 1806 James 459 1809 James 480 1822 James 518 1817 John H 485 1764 Lucy 196 1764 Lucy 150 1797 Lucy 490 1812 Lucy 513 1772 Lvdia 233 1777 Lydia 236 Index. 555 D 1790 Lydia 277 C 1806 Margaret 459 B 1804 Martha 476 O 1804 Martha 4bb B 1807 Martha 479 D 1822 Martha 518 C 1815 Mary ISi , - B 1822 Mary 486 m 1739 Cuffy B 1806 Nathan W 478 qB 1741 Cuffy D 1815 Cato 514M 18U Ro«^ers ;•..... 494 D 1817 Cassimere • • ■ -516 ^ ^^^ 145 D 1789 Cesar -l^'|OB1745 Rose 109 CB 1705 Char es ,5? ! B 1771 Rose 233 M 1778 Charlestown . ff*'! g 1793 Rusaell 505 M 1740 Cooper 1 1 kj j^gg Russell 505 D 1811 Crosby 5 2 j, gQg M 1739 Cuffy ^'^'d '""== R..CC0II 509 .109 O 1804 Nathaniel B 1784 Nathaniel M 1802 Nathaniel B 1804 Nathaniel B C „ 1805 Russell 509 CB 1705 Scipio ^9 1810 Nathaniel ^ 1819 Nathaniel D 1822 Nathaniel M 1823 Nathaniel 466 1 B 1748 Deliverance . . . 159 ; ii" y^r.^ Scipio 507 ■ lt\ OB 1776 Dilla 172 j g 802 bc.,no . ^^^ ■492 D 1802 Diana ??Z D 18''3 Steed 518 .476 D 1819 Felsted 5 7 1 1> J»-^ |Xia 505 ■482 D 1821 Felstead 517'" ^^^^ ayixia. .461 - . . ■518 '_ •499 I M i817 Felsed 497 ! ^ — j^ Vassall 483 1788 U l»iy reisieu .;_n 1798 Svlvia 0^0 D 1821 Felstead ? J. OB 1729 TTtua 108 D 1823 Felstead 5 « "B 17^J 1 aua ^^^ D 1823 Felstead 518 »« ^41 ioDy ^^ ^^^ Nathaniel . . . .*y» M 1817 Felsed 497 ! g ^^ Vassall 483 Polly.- 2/8 M 1737 Fora 10 g }«}^ v^,,^,, 513 494 ID 1802 Vassall 507 1767 Rebekah 204 qB 1742 Flora 1823 Rebecca 462 m i807 Freeman 494 1 ^ '"^q Venus 109 1826 Rebecca R. ■ . .487 D 1798 Freeman oOo ^g ^-,q-. y- l^^ 203 1785 Sarah T 244 d 1792 Frost 50 g^^ J^^g Vi^j^t 151 1813 Sarah T 496 d 1808 Frost .511 j ^ ^gl2 Waters 513 ■4?5|d 1796 Gardner ?,^^|d 1825 Whittemore . . .519 1798 Gardner ^^i OB 174'' York 109 1793 Sarah 1815 Sarah S,li 1815 Sarah 484 1786 Susanna 24o 1810 WilliamW 481 MUMLER. 1820 George F 498 MURCH. 1707 Elizabeth 56 1707 .James 56 iJ 1 /y» vjarunei ^nT OB 1742 York i D 1802 Gardner ^07^3 ^^gj gilla 1 09 D 1796 Gardner 649 B 1753 Gerald 162 OB 1736 Hanibal 109 C 1741 H-anibal 145 B 1754 Hannibal 103 OB 1744 Harry 109 OB 1741 Jack 109 M 1771 Jack 224 M 1807 Jackson 494 D 1807 Jackson 511 i767 Mary it'^lgUP,! jt^e"' .Mllu 1785 Andrew 248 1742 Susanna 142 OB 1753 Jane . . . . • q ^^gg get^ey 228 1767 Susanna 224 O I'o-i J5 NICKLES. NILES. .571 j_, .„.-w LewLs 5111 OB 1736 Margaret 109 1 D 1789 Mark 2/6 g^g ^ D 1798 Mark ^22 B 1777 Mary 23b D 1798 Mason 505 CB 1705 Mingo 59 m 1798 Jabez 490 D 1814 Morris 514 D 1823 Morris 518 NORCROSS. D 1799 Nancy 505 D 1818 Nickles Infant .51* B 1773 Elijah.. 234 R^ W] Anne •>'B M 1817 Nichols Affe . . .497 g 1769 Elizabeth 206 lltl FzetelB Igelc i'lTl Philicia:::::.'97|B i765 Mary... 19f 11^?. ^Ift^i .505 CB 1698 Philip 59 M 1750 Mercy 121 1799 Belinda ^05 CB 1698 .172 B 1766 Sarah .203 I \?Q7 SU;:::::::5ot o^'ml pompey-::::::io8iB im susanoa 322 NORD. OR 174^, Cato '. ; ■. 109 1 M 1737 Prinaus HO OR I76I Ca o . . 171 D 1797 Prudence 504 g^ 1^774 Cao :::::. ...234|OB1737 Ro|er:- 109J ^^^^ ^^.^^^^^^ 507 B 1809 Cato 481 I C l/^li iiogei 556 Index. NORTHEY. M 1755 Eliphalet 177 NORTON. D 1789 276 B 1780 Elizabeth 238 B 1779 Elizabeth 238 D 1804 Hannah 508 C 1831 Lydia 464 NOWELL. D 1826 Child 519 B 1822 Abigail 486 O 1822 Abigail 468 C 1830 Abigail 464 B 1830 Andrew C 488 B 1825 AnnM 487 D 1827 AnnM 520 B 1827 Charles H 487 B 1822 Elizabeth C 486 M 1821 Henry 499 O 1822 Henry 468 C 1830 Henry 464 B 1828 John 488 B 1735 Mary 134 B 1823 Mary J 486 B 1735 Paul 134 NURSE. D 1805 Adeline 509 D 1805 Nathan 509 NUTTING. B 1704 Ebenezer 53 B 1737 Ebenezer 136 B 1698 Elizabeth 48 C 1718 Elizabeth 85 M 1748 Elizabeth 120 B 1770 Elizabeth 206 D 1785 Elizabeth 275 B 1697 Hannah 46 M 1710 Hannah 72 B 1703 James 52 M 1754 James 177 B 1697 John 46 B 1739 John 139 O 1762 John 169 B 1764 John 196 O 1697 Jonathan 63 O 1697 Mr.?. Jonathan . 63 B 1697 Jonathan 46 C 1720 Jonathan 86 D 1736 Jonathan 135 B 1741 Jonathan 141 B 1737 Joseph 137 B 1739 Joseph 139 C 1728 Mary 96 B 1762 Mary 195 B 1768 Mary 204 C 1770 Marv 152 B 1766 Mercy 203 D 1799 Mercy 505 B 1701 Samuel 51 B 1729 Samuel 114 B 1744 Samuel 1.55 D 1797 Samuel 504 B 1697 Sarah 46 C 1728 Sarah 96 NYE. CB 1715 Cornelius 60 OAKES, OAKS. B 1806 Charlotte 478 — 1658 Edward 6 C 1658 Edward 6 OAKES. 16.58 Elizabeth 18 1658 Elizabeth ... 18, 19 1658 Hannah 18 1805 Hope 493 1805 Josiah 493 1805 Levi 493 1658 Mary 6 D 1804 Rosannah . . . .508 D 1658 Thomas 18 B 1658 Thomas 6 B 1659 Thomas 18 — 1658 Urian 6 OLBON. B 1658 Elizabeth 9 B 1658 Reuben 9 D 16.58 Sister 9 OLDHAM, OLDAM. Abigail 59 Abigail 40 Abigail 72 Abigail 118 Abigail 155 Abigail 161 Ann 40 Elizabeth 118 Elizabeth 165 Hannah 39 Hannah 71 John 19 John 59 Mrs. John 39 John 40 J 178 John 74 John 118 John 145 John 119 John 164 Jonathan 118 Martha 19 Mary 38 Mary 74 Mary 118 Richard 19 Samuel 19 Samuel 118 Sarah 157 Susannah 168 OLIVER. David 497 Bethia 85 Doctor 39, 180 Mrs. Dr 38 Hepzibah 157 Hepzibah 223 Mary 107 Mary 98 Mary 154 Mary 120 Mercy 83 Nathaniel .... 85 Rebekah 151 Rebekah 225 Sarah 45 Thomas 88 ORCOTT. D 1816 Bela 515 M 1805 Olive 493 CB 1696 C 1703 M 1708 B 1733 B 1744 B 1752 1702 B 1733 B 17.57 C 1699 M 1703 B 1658 Ct 1696 (; 1699 1702 vv 1700 M 1720 H 1733 (' 1742 M 1743 B 1754 B 1733 (; 1658 c 1698 M 1722 B 1733 D 1658 B 1658 B 1733 B 1746 B 1749 M 01 1815 C 1718 C 1700 C 1698 B 1746 M 1765 M 1731 (; 1734 B 1743 M 1747 (' 1714 V, 1718 C 1769 M 1772 B B 1696 1718 OSBORN, OZBURN, OSBON, OSBURN. 1701 Abigail 51 1740 Abigail 140 1735 Abraham 135 1737 David 110 1737 Elizabeth 137 1740 Elizabeth 140 1742 Elizabeth 142 1742 Elizabeth 154 1718 Elkanah 84 1697 Ephraim 70 1699 Mrs. Ephraim . 39 1706 Ephraim 42 1708 Ephraim 57 1728 Ephraim 95 1731 Ephraim 116 1729 James 66 1729 James 112 1706 Jane 54 1725 John 104 17,39 John 139 1723 Lydia 102 17.55 Lydia 164 1739 Margaret 139 1703 Mary 52 1731 Mary 97 1731 Marv 115 1741 Rachel 141 1745 Rachel 156 1698 Sarah 48 1728 Sarah 95 1712 Thomas 62 1735 Thomas 66 1736 Thomas 135 OSGOOD. 1775 Samuel Jr 225 1725 William 93 OTIS. 1805 Prince H 493 OZMANT. 1735 Elizabeth 134 OZMOND. 1731 William 116 PACKARD. 1808 Hannah 495 1786 Hezekiah 244 PADDLEFOOT. 1660 Edward 24 1657 Jonathan 24 1659 Jonathan 24 1657 Mary 24 1659 Mary 24 1657 Zachariah 24 PAINE. 1754 Stephen 121 1807 Child 511 PAGE. 1793 Jacob 489 1794 Jacob 465 1794 Jacob 469 1798 Nathan 472 1795 Sally 470 Index. 557 PALFREY. C 1668 Elizabeth 12 C 1658 Jane 12 C 1658 John 12 B 1667 John 12 M 1700 Mary 70 C 1667 Rebekah 12 C 1698 Rebeccah 39 M 1716 Rebeccah 74 PALKS. M 1702 Mindwel 74 CB 1719 Mindwell 60 PALMER. D 1784 Mr 274 B 1793 Abner 469 D 1805 Abner 509 B 1763 Benjamin 196 B 1765 Benjamin 202 B 1725 Bethia 104 M 1750 Bethiah 121 B 1780 Betsey 2.39 B 1751 Deborah 101 B 1723 Ehzabeth 101 C 1741 Ehzabeth 144 M 1748 Ehzabeth 120 C 1830 Ehzabeth 404 B 1781 Eunice 240 B 1727 John Ill B 1754 John 163 M 1781 John 247 O 1782 John 227 B 1783 John 241 D 1802 John 507 B 1803 John 475 D 1822 John 518 B 1729 Joseph 113 B 1756 Joseph 165 C 1769 Joseph P 151 B 1784 Joseph 244 B 1788 Joseph 277 D 1807 Jo.seph 511 B 1758 Joshua 166 B 1761 Joshua 194 O 1793 Joshua 465 B 1789 Lucy 278 D 1818 Lucy 516 B 1795 Maria 470 B 1721 Mary 90 C 1727 Mary 94 M 1783 Mary 347 B 1778 Polly 238 B 1715 Sarah 69 M 1732 Sarah 108 B 1759 Sarah 167 B 1793 Sarah G 469 D 1794 Sarah 502 M 1797 Sarah 490 M 1806 Sarah 493 CB 1696 Stephen 59 C 1696 Stephen 37 D 1697 Stephen 37 C 1696 Mrs. Stephen . . 37 B 1697 Stephen 46 B 1718 Stephen 88 C 1727 Stephen 94 C 1749 Stephen 147 M 1751 Stephen 121 B 1753 Stephen 162 M 1774 Stephen Jr. . . .225 O 1775 Stephen 226 D 1781 Stephen 204 B 1787 Stephen 245 D 1805 Stephen 509 D 1806 Stephen 510 PALMEK. B 1782 Sukev 240 M 1809 Susan 495 B 1786 Susanna 245 OB 1775 Thankfull 173 O 1775 Thankfull 226 B 1775 Thankfull 2.35 PARKER. Infant 503 484 Aaron 466 Aaron 491 Aaron 475 Aaron 518 Aaron 520 Ann 47 Anne 83 Anne 74 Benjamin 14 Benjamin 135 Benjamin 476 Captain 41 Mrs. Captain . . 41 Eleazer 74 Eleazer 65 Eleazer 118 Eliza C 485 Elizabeth 70 Elizabeth 72 Elizabeth 91 Elizabeth 106 Elizabeth 120 Elizabeth 193 Elizabeth 193 Elizabeth 490 Freeman 456 George 482 Hannah 54 Hannah 101 Hannah 96 Hannah 471 Jacob 72 Jane 479 John 14 John 73 John 44 John 65 Jonathan 470 Jonathan 503 Joseph 135 Joseph B 481 Mrs. Josiah. ... 63 Joshua 47 •Joshua 73 .Joshua 225 Ijydia 466 Lydia 477 Lydia 463 J^ydia 463 49 44 62 D 1795 B 1814 O 1801 .M 1801 H 1803 1) 1822 1) 1826 B 1698 r, 1714 M 1718 — 16.58 B 1736 H 1804 C 1703 C 1 703 M 1720 () 1721 B 1 734 B 1818 M 1699 .M 1708 B 1721 B 1727 M 1745 M 1 763 M 1764 M 1796 C 1797 B 1812 B 1705 B 1723 C 1728 B 1796 M 1708 B 1807 — 1658 M 1711 C 1712 () 1717 B 1795 1) 1796 B 1736 B 1810 O 1698 B 1698 M 1712 M 1774 O 1801 B 1805 (; 1827 (; 1827 B 1698 (; 1712 B 1712 B 1715 M 1715 B 1725 () 1 738 B 1 738 C 1741 B 1801 1) 1815 M 1824 M 1825 M 1 737 M 1777 — 16.58 M 1818 74 Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary 104 Mary 67 Mary 138 Mary 145 Mary S 474 Mary 514 Mary S 500 Nancy 500 Nathaniel ... .110 Noah 246 Kachell 14 Rachel 498 PARKER. C 1658 Robert 14 C 1658 Mrs. Robert ... 14 M 1821 Sally 499 B 1658 Sarah 14 M 1702 Sarah 71 B 1729 Sarah 113 M 1823 Sarah D 499 M 1794 Scarborough .489 O 1795 Scarborough ..465 B 1816 Susan 485 M 1711 Su.sanna 73 B 1797 Susanna 471 B 1700 Thomas 50 B 1698 William 47 PARK HURST. B 1755 Daniel 164 B 1758 George 166 PAR KM AN. M 1724 Ebenezer 75 PARKS. D 1807 Infant 511 M 1812 Dolly 496 O 1727 Eunice 108 B 1802 Hannah R 474 B 1804 Harriet G 476 D 1805 Harriet G 509 B 1807 Joseph 479 M 1805 I>ovey 493 B 1798 Mary 472 B 1800 Sarah 473 B 1807 Susan 479 PARMELE. C 1778 Elisha 242 PARMEON. B 1729 Mary 113 PARSONS. B 1823 Charles W 487 M 1742 Jo.seph HI M 1799 Mary 491 D 1825 Mary J 519 M 1827 Sarah 500 C 1774 Theodore 153 B 1776 Thomas 236 M 1822 Usher 499 PATESHALL. C 1737 Richard 100 PATTEN, PATTIN PATTING. Abigail 52 Abigail 54 Daniel 69 Deborah 57 Deborali 58 p;benezer 160 Eliot 58 Elizabeth 39 Elizabeth 71 Elizabeth 72 John 70 John 39 Mrs. John 39 John 55 B 1703 B 1705 B 1715 B 1708 B 1709 B 1750 B 1709 C 1699 M 1702 M 1710 M 1699 C 1700 C! 1700 B 1706 558 Index. PATTEN. B 1712 John 62 B 1706 Jonathan 55 B 1744 Jonathan 155 B 1704 Luxford 53 M 1727 Luxford 107 O 1728 Luxford 66 C 1730 Luxford 96 B 1700 Margaret 50 C 1726 Margaret 94 C 1658 Mary 14 B 1658 Mary 14 M 1699 Mary 70 B 1711 Mary 61 B 1728 Mary 112 B 1658 Nathaniel 14 C 1696 Mrs. N 37 O 1702 Nathaniel 64 B 1702 Nathaniel 52 C 1705 Mrs. Nathaniel. 42 C 1711 Nathaniel 44 M 1711 Nathaniel 73 M 1720 Nathaniel 74 B 1711 Phebe 61 C 1731 Phebe 97 B 1713 Priscilla 63 B 1706 Rebeccah 55 C 1729 Rebecca 96 B 1730 Rebeckah 114 B 1658 Sarah 14 C 1712 Sarah 44 B 1715 Sarah 68 B 1707 Stephen 56 B 1658 Thomas 14 C 1658 William 14 O 1701 William 63 B 1701 William 51 PAYN. M 1723 Mary 75 PAYSON. C 1786 Mary 243 B 1786 Polly 245 M 1785 Thomas 248 C 1786 Thomas 243 PEABODY. C 1748 Oliver 146 C 1769 Stephen 151 PEARSON, PIERSON. B 1793 Abigail R 469 D 1794 Abigail R 502 B 1789 Edward A 278 C 1804 Eliphalet 458 B 1795 Henry B 470 M 1730 Jonathan 107 B 1787 Margaret B. . ..277 C 1804 Margaret B. . . .4,58 C 1804 Maria H 458 C 1792 Sarah 455 PECK. M 1810 William D 495 PEDDAR. M 1805 Keziah 493 PEIRCE, PIERCE. B 1741 Abigail 142 M 1773 Alice 225 B 1698 Benjamin 48 PEIBCE. M 1797 Elijah 490 B 1700 Elizabeth 50 C 1720 Elizabeth 87 B 1734 Elizabeth 118 B 1743 George 154 B 1745 Hannah 156 B 1702 Isaac 51 C 1732 James 98 M 1732 James 108 B 1739 James 140 M 1760 James 192 B 1698 John 48 B 1704 John 53 M 1722 John 75 B 1735 John 135 C 1697 Mrs. Jonathan. 38 C 1705 Jonathan 42 M 1823 Joseph 499 B 1769 Lois 205 B 1723 Lucy 101 CB 1704 Lydia 59 B 1707 Lydia 55 B 1697 Martha 40 B 1723 Martha 102 B 1732 Mary 117 C 1704 Nathaniel 41 C 1704 Mrs. Nathaniel. 41 M 1776 Nathaniel 246 ?vl 1776 Noah 225 M 1713 Rebeccah 73 M 1784 Richard 248 B 1748 Samuel 159 B 1762 Sarah 195 B 1709 Stephen 57 B 1737 Susanna 137 PENDIGRASS. M 1783 Martha 247 PEQUOT. M 1800 William 491 PERMON. B 1731 Persis 116 PERRY. M 1794 Benjamin 489 M 1828 Clark .500 M 1776 Ebenezer 246 C 1736 James 99 M 1786 Joseph 249 PETTIS. C 1741 Lydia 145 PHELPS. M 1786 Hannah 273 D 1788 Widow 276 PHILLIPS. D 1784 Child 274 B 1776 Christian 236 B 1753 Elizabeth 156 B 1745 Hannah 156 B 1770 Hannah 232 M 1794 Hannah 489 D 1795 Hannah 503 B 1778 Hart B 237 M 1778 James 246 O 1721 John 65 C 1737 John 100 PHILLIPS. B 1721 John 90 M 1744 John 120 B 1745 John 156 M 1767 John 224 M 1711 Joseph 73 OB 1772 Lydia 172 C 1771 Mary 152 D 1789 Pompey 276 B 1722 Rebecca 101 B 1786 Sally 245 B 1781 Sally 240 M 1773 Samuel 225 B 1781 Seth 240 B 1747 Thomas 157 O 1770 Thomas 226 B 1777 Thomas 237 D 1793 Thomas 502 B 1780 William 2.39 B 1783 William 241 PHIPS, PHIPPS. C 1716 Colonel 84 B 1722 David 101 B 1724 David 103 C 1720 Eleanor 86 M 1728 Eleanor 107 B 1714 Eliakim 68 B 1723 Eliakim 102 B 1701 Elizabeth 51 C 1703 Elizabeth 40 C 1716 Elizabeth 87 B 1707 Jonathan 56 M 1760 Joshua 192 C 1760 Jo.shua 149 D 1757 Lieut. Gov. . . .176 C 1760 Martha 149 M 1704 Mary 71 B 1710 Marv 58 B 1726 Mary 104 M 1757 Mary 177 B 1778 Mary 237 C 1727 Rebecca 105 C 1703 Mrs. Samuel . . 40 B 1703 Samuel 53 M 1776 Samuel 246 O 1777 Samuel 227 B 1709 Sarah 57 B 1712 Sarah 62 M 1732 Sarah 108 B 1721 Spencer 90 PICKET. B 1829 AbielH 488 B 1827 AnnM 488 D 1825 Charles F 519 D 1826 Charles C 519 B 1827 George E 488 B 1827 Mary E 488 B 1827 Nancy 488 C 1830 Nancy 463 B 1827 Samuel L 488 C 18.30 Samuel 464 B 1830 Samuel 488 PIERCE, see PEIRCE. PILLAR. M 1744 Mary 120 PIPER. D 1789 Mrs 276 C 1786 Benjamin 243 D 1793 Benjamin 502 Index. 559 PITTS. C 1774 Mary 242 PLYMPTON. C 1824 Mary B 462 B 1824 Elizabeth W. ..487 D 1824 Elizabeth W. . .519 B 1825 Mary E 487 M 1823 Sylvanus 499 C 1824 Sylvanus 462 POND. B 1658 Mary 7 POOLE, POOL. B 1806 Charles 478 B 1806 Leonard 478 O 1806 Luke 467 B 1808 Nancy 480 B 1806 Susan 478 D 1808 Susan H 511 O 1806 Susanna H. . . .467 PORTER. D 1800 506 D 1813 513 B 1810 Elizabeth M. . .482 M 1796 Hannah 490 M 1772 Israel 224 M 1796 Israel 490 D 1810 John 512 M 1799 Joseph 490 C 1733 Samuel 98 M 1735 Samuel 110 B 1810 Sarah A 482 C 1820 Sarah 461 D 1825 Sarah 519 D 1799 William 505 M 1824 William 499 POTTER. — 1658 Elizabeth 4 C 1828 Jacob 463 POTTS. M 1772 Elizabeth 224 PRATT. C 1771 Abigail 152 C 1697 Lydia 37 M 1705 Lvdia 71 C 1771 Phoebe 152 O 1771 Rebeccah 226 B 1771 Rebeka 233 C 1831 Rowena 464 C 1771 Simeon 152 PREBLE. B 1697 Judith 47 PRENTICE, PRENTISS. D 1794 502 D 1802 .507 D 1805 oOg D 1807 510 B 1658 Abiah 20 B 1716 Abigail 70 B 1740 Abigail 140 C 1763 Abigail 149 M 1763 Abigail 193 B 1771 Abigail 233 C 1794 Abigail 455 B B D B D B OB C M B C M B B M C B B C B M B D B C B C B M D B B O C C C M B B C M B M M C D M O B B M M B C M B B B M C B M B D B B O C C M M C B M B 794 813 825 785 807 781 782 782 784 722 745 744 745 746 765 767 787 791 739 744 743 787 796 780 749 712 735 737 785 817 658 705 719 720 722 723 726 727 746 749 753 754 769 780 801 817 819 808 80S 786 808 810 658 658 724 748 757 781 800 825 786 810 658 658 665 706 710 719 722 728 729 735 736 750 752 756 Abigail 469 Abigail L 483 Abigail 519 Anna 244 Benjamin 511 Betsey 240 Beulah 173 Beulah 243 Beulah 248 Caleb 91 Caleb 144 Caleb 120 Caleb 156 Caleb 157 Caleb 224 Caleb 151 Charles 246 Clary 279 Daniel 143 Daniel 155 Daniel 120 Daniel 246 Daniel 503 David G 239 Deborah 147 Ebenezer 62 Ebenezer 99 Ebenezer 136 Ebenezer 249 E! Elizabeth 21 El Elizabeth 65 sha .515 zabeth 54 izabeth 86 izabeth 87 izabeth 92 izabeth 106 izabeth 106 izabeth 159 izabeth 147 izabeth 121 izabeth 163 izabeth 224 izabeth 247 izabeth F 457 izabeth 515 izabeth 498 Ellen 467 Ellen 480 Fanny 245 Fanny 495 George 495 Grace 21 Grace 21 Hannah 75 Hannah 159 Hannah 165 Hannah 239 Hannah 491 Hannah 462 Harriet 245 Harriet 495 Henry 20 Henry 20 Henry 27 Henrv 55 Henry 58 Henry 65 Henry 87 Henry Jr 95 Henry 107 Henry 110 Henry 99 Henry 160 Henry 121 Henry 165 PKENTICE. 759 787 796 813 709 827 732 754 756 777 750 700 726 736 741 774 781 794 757 658 709 726 658 703 705 707 730 744 748 753 768 772 773 773 783 807 817 820 713 7.35 739 765 766 769 777 785 801 808 810 750 784 812 813 827 739 789 719 741 743 755 770 784 817 751 779 703 721 722 741 743 745 759 770 779 724 741 Henry 167 Henry 275 Henry 504 Henry 483 Hepzibah 58 Hepzibah 107 Hepsibah 116 Hepzibah 147 Hepzibah 165 Hepzibah 246 Isaac 160 Jacob 50 Jacob 157 Jacob 136 James 141 James 235 James 239 James 502 Jerusha 166 Joane 20, 27 Johannah 58 Joanna 106 John 21 Jolin 53 John 71 John 56 John Jr 97 John 155 John 159 John 162 John 205 John 224 .John 226 John 234 John 241 John 494 John 515 John 498 Jonas 63 Jonas 99 Jonas 139 Jonas 150 Jonas 203 Jonas 206 Jonas 246 Jonas 249 Jonas 506 Jonas 467 Jonas W 482 Jonathan 160 Jonathan C. . . .241 Jonathan C. . . .496 Jonathan C. . . .467 Jonathan C. . . .463 Joseph 139 Joseph 278 Joshua 89 Joshua 144 Joshua 120 Joshua 177 Joshua 224 JudahS 241 Julian 515 Lucy 121 Lucy 238 Lydia 52 Lydia 74 Lydia 91 Lydia 145 Lydia 120 Lydia 156 Lydia 166 Lydia 224 Lydia 238 Martha 103 Martha 145 560 Index. PRENTICE. 1745 1771 1790 1658 1658 1665 1699 CB 1705 B 1705 1706 1710 1718 1723 1726 Martha 119 Martha 152 Martha 277 C M M B C B M B C B B D O B B C B B C M B B B O C C B C B M O B C D B B M B M B M B D 1729 1732 1752 1755 1768 1774 1797 1813 1813 1817 1827 1769 1737 1740 1755 1777 1738 1698 1713 1714 1714 1715 1736 1743 1764 1766 1766 1794 1817 1821 1775 1796 1726 1757 1700 1718 1776 1797 D 1890 B 1780 D Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary 20 21 27 49 59 , 54 , 42 . 72 . 74 .102 . 94 .113 .108 .162 .148 .205 .234 .504 .467 .483 83 1784 1802 165S 1698 1707 1718 1731 1736 1750 1753 1758 1773 1782 1783 D 1795 D 1807 1658 1714 1717 1732 1736 1741 MaryW 485 Mary 463 Mehetable .... 205 Mercy 137 Mercy 144 Mercy 177 Mercy 236 Nathan 138 Nathaniel .... 49 Nathaniel .... 65 Mr.s. Nathaniel 83 Nathaniel Nathaniel Nathaniel .... 99 Nathaniel .... 154 Nathaniel 193 Nathaniel 170 Nathaniel S 203 Nathaniel . . . .455 Nathaniel . . . .515 Nathaniel . . . .486 Rebecca 235 Rebecca 490 Reuben 105 Reuben 177 Ruth 50 Ruth 74 Ruth 2.36 Ruth 594 Ruth 505 Sally 239 Sally 274 Sally 492 Samuel 20 Samuel 47 Samuel 55 Samuel 85 Samuel 97 Samuel 110 Samuel 160 Samuel 162 Samuel 166 Samuel 153 Samuel 247 Samuel 241 Samuel 503 Samuel 511 Sarah 20 Sarah 68 Sarah 88 Sarah 109 Sarah 99 Sarah 141 B 1746 Sarah 157 B 1748 Sarah 159 B 1751 Sarah 161 M 1757 Sarah 177 B 1761 Sarah 194 M 1777 Sarah 246 D 1818 Sarah 516 B 1726 Smith 104 B 1658 Solomon 20 C 1697 Mr.s. Solomon. . 36 B 1705 Solomon 54 C 1711 Solomon 44 B 1721 Solomon 90 C 1726 Solomon 93 C 1745 Solomon 146 B 1745 Solomon 156 C 1714 Stephen 83 C 1714 Mr.s. Stephen.. 83 B 1720 Stephen 89 C 1740 Stephen 144 M 1743 Stephen 120 C 1804 Susan 4.58 D 1807 Susan 511 B 1703 Susanna 52 B 1712 Susanna 62 B 1778 Susannah B. . .2381 B B 1697 Tabitha 46 q B 1718 Tabitha 88 B 1728 Tabitha 112 B 1658 Thomas 21 C 1658 Thomas 21 M 1696 Thomas 70 O 1697 Thomas 63 B 1697 Thomas 47 M 1701 Thomas 71 C 1701 Thomas 40 B 1702 Thomas 52 D 1709 Thomas 40 C 1725 Thomas 93 B 1730 Thoma.s 115 B 1734 Thomas 119 B 1752 Thomas 161 B 1755 Thomas 164 B 1771 Thomas 232 O 1776 Thoma.s 227 B 1779 Thoma.s 238 D 1800 Thomas 506 D 1806 Thomas 510 D 1790 Widow 276 B 1708 William 37 C 1736 William 99 B 1742 William 143 B 1747 William 158 B 1754 William 164 C 1779 William 242 D 1801 Mrs. William .506 D 1813 William 513 PRESCOT. 1825 1707 1732 1785 1809 — 519 Benjamin 43 Ben,jamin 108 Jennv 248 Joseph 512 PRESSON. M 1739 William Ill PRESTON. C 1703 Elizabeth 40 PREIST. D 1829 Rebecca 521 PRINCE. C 1705 Thomas 42 PRITCHARD. B 1804 Elizabeth 476 M 1802 Nancy 491 PROCTOR. M 1801 Elizabeth 491 PULLEN. M 1776 Sarah 246 PUTNAM. 3 1814 Artemas 484 B 1814 Artemas 484 O 1814 Artemas 467 B 1777 Catuerme 237 M 17.50 James 121 C 1773 John 153 M 1774 John 225 M 1776 .lesse 225 O 1777 Jesse 227 B 1814 Mary Ann 484 1814 Mehetable . . . .484 O 1814 Mehetable 467 C 1824 Rosamond 462 B 1824 Rosamond 487 C 1813 Simeon 460 B 1813 Simeon 483 PYNCHAN. M 1774 Mary 225 QUINCY. D 1780 Josiah 239 B 1780 Nancy 239 RAND. D 1793 Child 502 B 1743 Abigail 154 M 1776 Abigail 2.35 B 1803 Abigail 475 C 1757 Anna 148 B 1764 Anna 196 D 1795 Anna 503 B 1771 Benjamin 233 B 1788 Benjamin 278 B 1751 Caleb 161 O 1773 Caleb 226 D 1807 Caleb 511 B 1757 Elizabeth 166 B 1803 Elizabeth 475 M 1823 Elizabeth 499 B 1773 Hannah 234 M 1800 Hannah 491 D 1802 Hannah 507 M 1754 Isaac 121 D 1790 Isaac 276 B 1796 James 471 C 1753 John 147 M 1757 Joseph 177 C 1736 Joshua 99 B 1739 Joshua 139 M 1741 Joshua Ill B 1800 Joshua 473 D 1802 Joshua 507 C 1757 Mary 148 B 1758 Mary 166 B 1777 Mary 236 B 1761 Moses 194 B 1749 Rebecca 159 C 1761 Rebekah 149 Index. 561 1763 1803 1790 1731 1761 1759 1761 1795 1726 1826 1729 1738 1749 1766 1787 1802 1823 1746 1765 176S 1798 1760 1786 1787 1787 1719 1736 1768 1802 Rebekah 196 Rebecca 475 Sally 279 Samuel 115 Samuel 149 Samuel 178 Samuel 104 Samuel 470 Samuel 94 Samuel 500 Sarah 113 Sarah 100 Sarah 147 Sarah 203 Sarah 137 Sarah 507 Sarah 518 Susanna 157 Susannah 202 Susannah 205 Susanna 472 Thomas 167 Thomas 273 Thomas 227 Thomas 277 William 86 William 136 William 205 William 474 RANDALL. 1757 1798 1753 1753 1753 Abigail 166 Abraham 457 .Alarv 168 Mary 163 Stephen 121 RANKS. M 1776 Lydia 246 RANSFORD. M 1797 Rebecca 490 RANUFF. M 1809 Fanny 495 RAYMOND, RAIMOND, RAYMONT. C 1771 Charity 152 M 1776 Bartholomew .225 B 1776 Bartholomew .236 B 1786 William 245 READ, see REED. 1753 1772 1826 1773 1787 1821 D 1827 M 1814 C 1823 M 1801 1825 1754 1757 1828 1714 1714 1721 1722 Amos 163 Edmund 233 Eliza 500 Elizabeth 226 Elizabeth 277 Elizabeth 461 Elizabeth 520 Esther 496 Esther 462 Eunice 491 Eunice 519 Hannah 148 Hannah 165 Hannah 463 Mrs. James S3 James 83 James 91 James 74 KEAU. B 1723 .lames 101 C 1741 James 144 B 1750 James 160 B 1751 James 161 B 17S9 James 278 M 1728 James B .500 D 1828 James 520 M 1772 James 225 () 1773 James 226 B 1749 Joel 160 C 1748 Jonathan 147 B 1748 Jonathan 1,59 B 17.53 Jo.seph 162 B 1754 .lo.seph S 164 B 1771 Jo.seph 232 B 1787 Jo.seph S 246 B 1748 Jude 159 C 1748 Keziah 147 B 1745 Mary 156 M 1779 Mary 247 C 1823 Mary 462 B 1748 Mehetablc ... .1.59 O 1770 Relief 226 B 1748 Robert 159 M 1697 Sarah 70 B 1747 Sarah 158 C 1770 Sarah 152 M 1806 Sarah 494 O 1770 Stephen 226 D 1829 Susanna 520 C 1770 Thomas 152 B 1770 William 232 REDDING. CB 1700 Ebenezer 59 REDEFORD. CB 1824 Mary ,. . 60 REED, see READ. 509 Benjamin F. . . .516 Elizabeth 238 Elizabeth 470 Esther 245 Eunice 237 Hannah 223 Hannah 488 James 73 James 234 Joel 517 John 91 John 238 John 469 Joseph 235 Josephs 227 Joseph S 248 Joseph 515 Joshua 489 Lucy 477 Lvdia 235 Mary 118 Mary 246 Mary 475 Mercy 47 Phoebe 161 lieuben 245 Rhoda 248 Sarah 224 Sarah 244 Sarah 279 Thomas 225 William 246 William 472 William 473 D 1805 1) 1817 B 1779 H 1795 B 1785 H 1778 M 1765 B 1828 .M 1714 B 1773 1) 1820 B 1722 B 1779 B 1793 B 1776 () 1783 .VI 1783 1) 1816 .M 1794 B 1805 B 1776 B 1734 M 1777 B 1802 B 1697 B 1752 B 1785 M 1783 M 1771 B 1784 B 1791 .M 1773 M 1776 B 1798 B 1800 REEMIE. D 1808 511 B 1811 Anna C 482 B 1820 Elizabeth 48f) B 1809 -Marcus 4S1 B 1813 Lvdia G 4S3 B 1815 William P 4S4 D 1817 William P 515 REID. M 1802 Hannah 491 REMICK. OB 1765 Abigail 171 M 1765 Abigial 223 REMINGTON. C 1702 Mr 40 M 1708 Anna 72 B 1725 Anne 103 C 1741 .\nne 144 M 17.50 Anne 121 B 1720 John 90 M 1711 Jonathan 73 B 1715 Jonathan 70 B 1712 Lucy 62 C 1732 Lucy 98 M 17.34 Lucy 110 C 1697 Martha 37 B 1714 Martha 08 M 1719 Martha 74 C 1732 Martha 98 M 1737 Martha 110 B 1718 Mary 88 C 17.37 Marv 100 M 1752 MarV 121 M 1710 Sarah 73 B 1722 Simon 101 RICE. M 1698 Abigail 70 M 1712 Abigail 73 C 1734 Caleb 99 B 1784 Charles 244 B 1779 James 238 B 1776 Sarah 236 O 1776 Marv 227 O 1776 John 227 C 18-30 Lucv 4G4 M 1720 Susanna 74 RICHARDS. M 1799 Amy 4.)1 M 1741 Ebenezer Ill O 1767 Edward 170 M 1809 Edward 495 M 1799 Levi 491 (> 1767 Mary 170 D 1799 Mary .505 D 1800 M.ary 505 C 1800 Sarah 4.57 M 1774 William 225 RICHARDSON. M 1751 Abiel 121 C 1752 Abigail 147 B 17.55 Abigail 164 M 1776 Abigial 225 B 1805 Charlotte 477 C 1805 Charlotte 4.59 M 1805 Charlotte 493 B 1794 Christopher C. .469 B 1760 Elias 167 562 Index. RICHARDSON, B 1792 Elias 468 D 1792 Elias 501 D 1801 Elias 506 B 1767 Elizabeth 204 B 1795 Elizabeth 470 B 1757 Godfrey 165 B 1792 Henry 468 B 1796 James 471 M 1705 John 71 M 1714 John 73 B 1757 Katharine 165 — 1658 Mary 13 B 1753 Mary 162 M 1772 Mary 224 B 1791 Mary 279 C 1803 Mary 458 C 1809 Mary 460 D 1812 Mary 513 D 1828 Mary 520 C 1753 Moses 147 B 1755 Moses 164 B 1789 Moses 278 M 1780 Peter 247 M 1805 Phebe 493 B 1762 Raham 195 O 1792 Rayham 465 D 1800 Raham 506 D 1796 Rebecca 504 B 1799 Rebecca R. . ..472 M 1824 Rebecca E. . ..499 C 1746 Sarah 146 B 1749 Sarah 160 B 1798 Sarah R 472 D 1798 Sarah R 504 M 1807 Statyra 494 B 1751 Susanna 161 M 1803 William 492 RIPLEY. M 1827 George 500 ROBERTS. M 1814 Rutus 497 ROBBINS, ROBINS. D 1784 Child 274 CB 1705 Abigail 59 B 1724 Abigail 102 B 1748 Abigail 158 B 1739 Anna 139 B 1707 Daniel 56 M 1755 Daniel 177 B 1720 David 90 B 1722 David 101 B 1712 Deborah 62 C 1730 Deborah 97 M 1732 Deborah 108 B 1742 Ebenezer 142 B 1714 Edward 67 B 1718 Eliphalet 88 C 1742 Eliphalet 145 C 1698 Elizabeth 39 M 1700 Elizabeth 70 C 1729 Elizabeth 96 B 1751 Elizabeth 161 B 1737 Esther 136 B 1744 Ezra 155 B 1705 Hannah 54 C 1725 Hephsibah 93 B 1734 Hepsibah 119 M 1780 James 247 C 1718 Jane 85 B 1718 Jane 88 C 1742 Jemima 145 M 1765 B 1658 C 1703 M 1705 B 1705 B 1730 B 1738 1715 M 1709 1710 1710 1719 1732 1734 1733 1727 B M B O C M B B O M 1730 B 1730 1733 1721 1701 1711 1723 1726 1728 1742 1761 M 1779 C 1829 B 1742 M 1765 B 1736 1658 1698 1702 1716 1716 1726 1745 1767 O 1769 B 1769 B 1709 C 1728 B 1739 B 1767 1658 1658 1707 1708 1708 1727 1764 1658 1700 1714 1741 1756 1658 1706 1708 1714 1732 1733 M 1733 C 1736 1762 OB 1772 M 1772 B 1720 1742 1746 1730 1733 1783 1703 Jemima 224 John 11 Jolm 40 John 71 John 54 John 124 John 138 Jonathan 69 Joseph 72 Joseph 58 Joseph 64 Jo.seph 85 Joseph 108 Joseph 119 Joshua 117 Josiah 108 Josiah 107 Josiah 115 Josiah 97 Martha 91 Mary 51 Mary 61 Mary 92 Mary 106 Mary 112 Mary Ill Mary 168 Mary 247 Mary 464 Moses 142 Moses 223 Nathan 136 Nathaniel .... 11 Nathaniel .... 47 Nathaniel .... 40 Nathaniel .... 84 Mrs. Nathaniel. 84 Nathaniel ....104 Nathaniel 156 Nathaniel ....204 Nathaniel 226 Nathaniel ....205 Philemon 58 Philemon 95 Philemon 139 Philemon 204 Rebecca 11 Rebecca 11 Rebecca 56 Rebeccah 64 Rebeccah 57 Rebecca 107 Rebekah 202 Richard 11 Richard 70 Roeer 68 Ruth 141 Ruth 165 Samuel 11 Sam.uel 72 Samuel 64 Sarah 68 Sarah 117 Sarah 98 Sarah 110 Sarah 99 Sarah 195 Silas 172 Silas 225 Solomon 90 Solomon 146 Solomon 120 Stephen 114 Susanna 118 Susannah 247 Thomas 52 ROBBINS. B 1719 Thomas .... 89 CiJ 1722 Thomas .... . 60 C 1724 Thomas .... . 93 B 1724 Thomas .... 102 C 1728 Thomas 95 M 1737 Thomas .... 110 C 1741 Thomas .... 144 B 1749 Thomas 160 B 1777 Thomas 237 B 1712 William .... . 61 M 1733 William 110 B 1734 William .... .134 ROBIE, ROBY. M 1814 Daniel 496 M 1696 Samuel .490 ROBINSON. B 1709 Dorothy 57 O 1708 Jonathan 64 B 1708 Jonathan 57 1712 Persis 62 O 1708 Ruth 64 B 1709 Ruth 57 C 1703 Samuel 41 M 1704 Samuel 71 B 1707 Samuel 55 1717 Sarah 54 B B 1705 Sarah ROCKWELL, ROKWELL. B 1764 Joseph 197 C 1764 Rebekah 150 B 1764 Rebekah 197 M 1768 Rebekah 224 C 1802 Rebecca 458 RODERICK. D 1822 Ruth .51 ROGERS. C 1727 Daniel 94 M 1796 Daniel D 490 M 1726 Gamaliel 106 C 1728 John 95 C 1720 ' Nathaniel 86 C 1713 Senior 45 C 1804 Timothy F. . . . 458 ROLF. M 1698 Samuel . . .. 70 ROSE. B 1726 Huldah 105 M 1722 Richard 75 B 1723 William 102 ROSSE, ROSS. M 1779 Anne 247 B 1665 Marget 27 — 1665 Thomas 27 B 1660 Thomas 27 C 1665 Seth 27 ROUSE. C 1794 Sarah 455 RUGGLES. M 1805 Jeremiah 72 M 1760 Martha 192 C 1701 Samuel 40 M 1785 York 248 Index. 563 RUNDLE. M 1810 Thomas 495 RUilRILL. RUMMERILL. 1799 1815 1815 1814 Aaron 491 Eliza 497 Anna 497 Henry A 514 RUNEY. 1807 RUSSELL Mr. . . .511 D 1783 I) 1792 D 1802 B 1664 B 1727 M 1785 B 1727 B 1658 B 1779 a 1829 B 1830 D 1830 B 1728 T) 1697 B 1718 B 1721 O 1727 B 1734 M 1786 M 1700 H 1715 (; 1718 V, 1718 B 1764 B 1806 D 1810 M 1785 B 1726 B 1731 M 1710 O 1711 B 1761 r, 1721 M 1722 B 1766 H 1658 C 1698 C, 1698 B 1711 B 1714 C 1734 M 1738 B 1658 W 1697 M 1710 I) 1795 B 1660 1658 — 1664 B 1703 C 1722 M 1724 B 1735 M 1784 B 1728 B 1731 B 1772 B 1715 M 1695 B 1658 C 1658 M 1708 B 1712 C 1728 274 501 Child 507 Abigail "^7 Abigail 1 1 1 Anna H 24s Anne Ill Benjamin 19 Betsev 238 Cvnthia 464 C^-nthia 488 Cynthia 521 Daniel 112 Edward 47 Edward 88 Edward 91 1 Edward 66 Edward 134 Edward 249 Elizabeth 72 Elizabeth 69 Elizabeth 85 Elizabeth 85 Elizabeth 197 Elizabeth F. , .479 Elizabeth 512 Harrinton ....248 Hobart 105 Hobart 115 Hubbard 72 Hubbert 65 Hubbart 194 Huldah 87 Huldah 75 Isaac 203 Jason 19 Jason 38 Mrs. Jason .... 38 Jason 61 Jeremiah 68 Jeremiah 99 Jeremiah 110 John 19 John 179 John 73 John 503 Joice 19 Joseiih 19 Joseph 27 Joseph 52 ■Joseph 87 Joseph 106 Joseph 134 Lois 248 Lucy 113 Luc'y 115 Lucy 233 Margery 68 Mariah 70 Martha 19 Marth.i 19 Martlia 72 Martha 61 Martha 96 c 1664 B 1668 (- 1701 B 1706 B 1712 .M 1725 B 1727 B 1739 B 1768 B 1809 1) 1814 B 1732 r. 1658 B 1727 B 1724 () 1727 C 1728 B 1729 H 1770 B 1734 » 1777 B 1698 M 1699 — 1701 B 1705 M 1706 () 1707 C 1731 B 1763 — 1658 B 1658 (; 1698 c 1698 B 1732 M 1772 () 1806 B 1806 Mary 27 Mary 27 Mary 40 Mary 55 Mary 62 Mary 106 Marv 105 Mary 139 Mary 205 Mary 481 Marv 514 Pattin 117 Philip 19 Ruth Ill Samuel 102 Sarah 66 Sarah 96 Sarah 114 Sarah 206 Seth 118 Susannah 237 Thomas 48 Walter 70 Walter 40 Walter 57 Walter 72 Walter 64 Walter Jr 97 Walter 195 William 19 William 19 William 38 Mrs. William . . 38 William 117 William 224 William 467 William 479 SALES. 796 Francis 490 SAVELL. M 1755 John 177 SAWIN. SAWING, SAWINS. B 1805 SALTONSTALL. 1697 Nathaniel . . SANDERS. 1785 Joel 37 .249 SANDERSON. 1775 1748 1755 Josiah 225 Mary 147 Mary 177 SANGER, SANGOR. CB 1719 Elizabeth 60 C 1720 Elizabeth 87 M 1800 Patience 491 B 1800 Patience 473 SATLE, SAWTELL. C 1702 Anna 40 SAUNDERS. 1826 1823 1828 1822 1818 1815 1818 1818 Francis E 487 George S 487 Sarah A 488 Charles H 486 Sarah 461 William 497 William 461 William A 627 SAVAGE. 1700 Mary 70 477 Abigail 467 Abigail 477 Daniel 177 Hephzibah 243 Hepzibah 273 John 243 John 245 John 275 John 494 Joseph 489 Joseph 465 Jo.shua 492 J().sliua 467 Mary 247 Marv K 474 Sally 245 Sallv 470 Sall'v 507 Selin.T 478 Selina 501 Susanna 469 Susanna 503 1805 1805 1755 1786 1787 1786 1786 1786 1806 1793 1793 1804 1805 1779 1801 1786 1795 1802 1806 1831 1793 1796 SAWYEPv. 1812 1818 1806 1807 1S09 1814 1830 1816 1810 1830 1806 1807 1807 18.30 1818 1800 1804 1804 1818 1822 Caroline 482 Caroline 516 Franklvn 493 Franklin 467 P'ranklin 481 •John J 484 Ijouisa 464 I,ucv D. 485 Martha 481 Martha 464 Mary A 478 Mary 467 Mary E 480 Mary A 464 Patience 461 Samuel F 491 Samuel F 466 Samuel 476 Samuel F 461 Susan H 499 SCOTT, SCOT, SCOTS. B 1751 361 B 1808 Edward 512 B 1712 Samuel 62 C 1718 Samuel 84 B 1714 Sarah 68 C 1718 Sarah 85 M 1757 Sarah 177 SCHUYLER. D 1813 Sibyl 513 SCRIPTOR. M 1772 Mary 224 SEAVER, SEVER. 1751 1742 1764 1768 1742 1768 1756 1749 1795 1742 1796 1764 161 Andrew 14!S Elienezer 170 ?',lieiiozer 204 Elizabeth 145 Elizabeth 224 Esther 177 John 160 Joseph 489 Joshua 153 Nancy 456 Sarah 197 564 Index. SEERS. M 1704 Samuel 71 SEGOR. M 1755 Ephraim 177 SESSIONS. M 1806 Chester 494 O 1807 Chester 467 B 1809 EHzabeth 481 B 1811 Lucy 482 O 1807 Sarah 467 B 1807 Sarah G 479 C 1814 Sarah 460 SEVER, see SEAVER SEWALL. D 1783 Mrs 274 M 1766 Hull 224 C 1706 Joseph 42 C 1811 Samuel 460 C 1726 Stephen 94 M 1763 Stephen 193 C 1765 Stephen 150 B 1768 Stephen 204 D 1804 Stephen 508 C 1712 Thomas 44 SHAPLEIGH. D 1800 Samuel 500 SHARP. B 1751 161 SHATTUCK. M 1712 Benjamin 73 O 1721 Jonathan 65 B 1721 Jonathan 90 B 1722 E:iizabeth 101 SHAW. M 1793 Elizabeth 489 D 1814 Elizabeth 514 SHEAF. M 1756 ICdward 177 SHED. D 1800 506 D 1806 510 B 1795 Abiel R 470 B 1728 Abigail 112 C 1731 Abigail 97 B 1752 Ann 161 C 1777 Anna 242 O 1724 Ebeuezer 66 B 1726 Ebenezer 104 C 1732 Ebenezer 97 C 1751 Ebenezer 147 B 1753 Ebenezer 163 B 1792 Ebenezer 469 D 1811 Ebenezer 513 D 1815 Ebenezer 514 B 1802 Eliza 474 D 1812 Eliza 513 B 1769 Elizabeth 206 B 1796 Elizabeth B. . .471 D 1826 Elizabeth 520 B 1789 Hannah 278 D 1797 James 504 SHED. C 1751 Joanna 147 B 1721 John 91 B 1765 John 202 B 1782 John 240 O 1788 John 228 B 1788 John 277 M 1720 Joseph 74 O 1721 Joseph 65 B 1794 Joseph 470 D 1815 Joseph 514 M 1793 Keziah 489 C 1800 Lucy 457 B 1791 Luke 279 B 1724 Lydia 103 C 1741 Lydia 144 B 1762 Lvdia 203 B 1786 Marshall 245 B 1734 Mary 118 C 1725 Mar'y 93 B 1772 Mary 2.33 B 1792 Polly B 468 M 1800 Polly 491 M 1793 Sally 489 B 1736 Samuel 136 M 1759 Samuel 178 B 1793 Samuel B 469 D 1812 Samuel C 513 B 1770 Sarah 206 B 1780 Sarah 238 D 1802 Sarah 507 B 17.30 Solomon 114 D 1814 Sukey 514 B 1725 Susanna 104 B 1783 Thomas 241 B 1799 William 472 D 1816 William 515 B 1745 Zechariah 156 O 1767 Zechariah 170 B 1768 Zechariah 205 SHEPARD. D 1792 501 — 1658 Abigail 7 — 1658 Deborah 7 C 1658 Edward 7, 15 B 1662 Edward 15 B 1660 Elizabeth 15 M 1702 Isaac 71 — 1658 Jane 5 B 1658 Jeremiah 1 C 1658 John 15 B 1658 John 15 C 1658 Mary 7 B 1658 Rebecca 15 C 1658 Samuel 5 B 1658 Samuel 1 B 1664 Samuel 15 — 1658 Sarah 7 B 1658 Sarah 15 D 1649 Thomas 1 C 1656 Thomas 1 B 1666 Thomas 15 D 1658 Violet 7 B 1658 Violet 15 SHERELA. B 1730 Thomas 114 SHERROW\ M 1773 Susannah 225 SHORER. D 1808 Julian 511 SIGOURNEY. 1764 John R 193 1807 Mary -...494 SILL. 1658 Elizabeth 19 1658 Jemimah 27 1667 Jemimah 27 1658 Joannah 19 1658 John 19 1658 Joseph 27 1658 Joseph 19 1666 Joseph 27 SIMMS, see SYMMES. 1799 James 491 SIMONDS. D M 1806 Alice 510 1785 Ebenezer . . . . .248 M 1813 Dolly . .496 B 1814 Horatio N. . . . .484 M 1813 Luther ..496 D 1807 Stephen H. . SIMONS. ..511 M 1804 Stephen , . . . SKIDDER. ..493 B 1696 James SKILTON. . . 45 M 1801 William SKINNER. . .491 B 1729 Hannah . .113 M 1727 Jonathan . . . ..105 li 1723 Mehetable . . . .102 () 1738 Tabitha . . 67 M 1737 William SLOAN. ..110 M 1738 Isabel SLOCUM. . .110 D D Ig05 509 1806 . .510 SMALL. D 1803 Stephen SMITH. . .507 D 1784 (Child.) . .274 I) 1805 — . .510 1) 1819 ..517 B 1718 Abigail . . 88 1) 1815 Abigail . .514 B 1727 Anne . .106 B 1736 Benjamin . . . ..135 M 1825 Benjamm . . , . .500 M 1810 Catherine . . . . .495 ;- 1827 Catharine , . . . .462 B 1711 Daniel . . 61 M 1742 Daniel . .111 O 1743 Daniel . . 67 Index. 565 1744 17.57 1758 ToS 1713 ■40 r48 r.52 1802 1755 1800 1716 '16 1771 r92 r92 1813 1698 1737 704 743 1741 [773 1810 [777 [727 1825 1698 1699 1714 1754 r94 1806 1806 1806 1797 1734 [740 res r68 r69 1722 [789 1789 [748 1698 1704 1742 1819 ro5 L710 r21 L741 1765 1826 1718 1732 1743 1769 1816 1728 1768 1738 [729 1698 ■16 1727 1806 1830 1796 [737 1745 1808 1756 1757 1802 Daniel 155 David 177 David 169 David 166 Ebenezer 62 Ebenezer 67 Ebenezer 159 Ebenezer 161 Ebenezer 507 Elias 148 Eliza 491 Elizabeth 69 Elizaiieth 84 Elizabeth 233 Elizabeth 274 Elizabeth 489 Elizabeth 513 Elnathan 48 Francis 99 Goodman 41 (irace 154 Hannah 145 Hannah 234 Hannah 495 Henry 237 James 107 Jeremiah 500 Mrs. John 39 John 70 John OS John 103 John 470 John B 478 John W 4;9 John W 510 Jonathan 504 Joseph 119 Joseph 140 Josepii 151 Josei)h 204 Josejih 206 Josiah 87 Katherine .... 228 Katherine . . . .278 Lucy 159 Lydia 39 Lvdia 71 Martha Ill Martin 498 Mary 71 Mary 61 Mary 74 Mary 142 Mary 223 Mary 462 Mercy 74 Michael 117 Parsons 154 Parsons 224 Parsons 515 Pelatiah 112 liebekah 205 Robert 13S Samuel 114 Sarah 70 Sarah 70 Sarah 94 Sarah 493 Susan F 464 Susanna 490 Tabitha 110 Tabitha 156 Wait St ill 511 AVilliam 165 William 177 William 507 SNOW. B 1748 Mary 159 M 1772 Mary 224 C 1801 Mary 457 D 1804 Mary 508 SODEN, see SOTEN. B 1728 Hannah 112 C 1729 Hanna 96 M 1747 Hannah 120 B 1734 Hobert 119 B 1730 Samuel 115 B 1725 Susanna 103 C 1741 Su.sanna 145 M 1745 Susanna 120 O 1724 Thomas 66 B 1726 Thomas 105 C 1736 Thomas 99 W 1747 Thomas 192 M 1763 Thomas 193 B 1732 William 117 M 1757 William 177 SOMES. M 1810 Caroline 495 SOTEN, see SODEN. M 1724 Thomas 75 SPARHAWK, SPARROWHAWK. D 1784 Miss 274 M 1733 Abigail 110 B 1746 Abigail 157 M 1766 Abigail 224 — 1658 Anne 4 B 1761 Blake 194 O 1737 Boradel 67 B 1739 Dorothy 139 C 1758 Dorothy 149 M 1778 Dorothy 246 B 1738 Ebenezer 138 — 1658 Elizabeth 4 B 1733 Elizabeth 118 M 1753 Elizabeth 121 B 1754 Elizabeth 163 C 1758 Elizabeth 149 D 1796 Elizabeth 503 C 1658 Esther 4 B 1661 Esther 4 B 1741 George 142 B 1757 George 168 C 1770 Hannah 151 B 1732 Joanna 117 C 1734 Joanna 99 M 1754 Joanna 177 B 1764 Joanna 196 B 1702 John 51 C 1733 John 98 B 1745 John 156 B 1753 John 163 B 1708 Joseph 56 D 1658 Katherine .... 4 B 1739 Katherine ....140 C 1759 Katherine 149 B 1738 Lucy 138 C 1756 Lucy 148 M 1762 Lucy 193 O 1753 Lvdia 168 C 1757 Lvdia 149 B 1732 Martha 116 C 1754 Martha 147 M 1760 Martha 192 B 1658 Mary 4 SPARHAWK. 1058 Mary 4 1658 Mary 4 C 1731 Mary 97 B 1732 Mary 116 M 1753 Mary 121 B 1758 Mary 166 M 1784 Mary 248 B 1734 Nathan 119 D 1650 Nathaniel .... 4 C 1658 Nathaniel 4 B 1666 Nathaniel .... 4 O 1696 Nathaniel .... 63 O 1696 Mrs. Nathaniel. 63 B 1697 Nathaniel 46 C 1709 Nathaniel .... 43 (; 1709 Mrs. Nathaniel 43 B 1727 Nathaniel HI O 1753 Nathaniel 168 B 1755 Nathaniel ....168 C 1757 Nathaniel 149 B 1697 Noah 46 M 1724 Noah 106 O 1725 Noah 66 B 1729 Noah 113 B 1759 Noah 168 B 1742 Oliver 142 C 1658 Patience 4 B 1737 Patience 136 B 1725 Priscilla 104 C 1729 Priscilla 96 M 1745 Priscilla 120 C 1714 Mrs. S 83 W 1700 S 178 B 1664 Samuel 4 M 1696 Samuel 70 O 1697 Samuel 63 B 1698 Samuel 48 C 1727 Samuel 94 B 1731 Samuel 115 M 1758 Samuel 178 B 1766 Samuel 202 D 1774 Samuel 250 D 1793 Samuel 502 B 1697 Sarah 47 B 1700 Sarah 50 B 1734 Sarah 134 B 1737 Sarah 137 C 1758 Sarah 149 B 1704 Simon 53 — 1737 Symon 67 B 1737 Symon 136 B 1635 Svbill 135 B 1658 Sybill 4 C 1756 Sybill 148 M 1758 Sybill 178 B 1706 Thomas 55 C 1730 Thomas 97 M 1731 Thomas 107 B 1737 Thomas 136 B 1775 Thomas G 235 SPAULDING. M 1810 Varnum 498 SPEAR. C 1714 Samuel 83 SPENCER. D 1807 Selina 511 SPRAGUE. B 1729 Eleanor 112 M 1750 Eleanor 121 566 Index. SPKAGUE. C 1764 Hannah 150 M 1766 Hannah 224 B 1718 John 89 B 1716 Jonathan 87 M 1714 Joseph 73 B 1716 Joseph 69 M 1728 Joseph 107 B 1731 Joseph 115 M 1783 Mary 247 M 1740 Samuel HI SPRING. M 1797 Marshall 490 M 1762 Sarah 193 M 1729 Thomas 107 SOPER. M 1820 M.T 498 STEDMAN. SQUIRE. B 1711 Abigail 61 O 1711 Daniel 65 C 1715 Mrs. Daniel ... 84 B 1718 Daniel 88 C 1696 Deborah 36 M 1703 Deborah 71 B 1714 Deliverance ... 69 C 1704 Goodman 41 B 1696 John 46 O 1697 John 63 O 1697 Mrs. John 63 B 1721 John 90 M 1698 Mary 70 B 1714 Mary 67 B 1700 Rebeccah 50 C 1705 Rebecca 42 B 1703 Sarah 52 STAGEY. C 1716 Elizabeth 48 C 1713 Joseph 45 C 1720 Nimphus 86 B 1700 Susanna 50 M 1744 Susanna 120 1696 Mrs. Thomas . . 37 STANLEY. D 1783 Mrs 274 B 1745 Benjamin 156 B 1737 David 137 B 1734 Edward 119 M 1733 Elizabeth 109 B 1742 Jonathan 142 B 1743 Joseph 154 B 1739 Michael 139 B 1735 Sarah 135 STAR. B 1735 Jonathan 135 STEARNS, STERNS. M 1807 Calvin 494 C 1728 David 95 M 1725 Isaac 106 B 1749 John 1.59 O 1754 PeleK 169 O 1749 Stephen 168 D 1801 Su.sanna 506 B 1754 William 163 STEBBINS, STIBBINS. C 1740 Mary 144 M 1743 Mary 119 1658 1658 1706 1708 1740 1743 1745 D 1785 O 1786 1789 1817 1663 1697 1715 1747 1769 1658 1658 1696 1696 1743 1801 B 1703 C 1728 1738 1759 1787 1809 1752 1666 1736 1745 1658 1712 M 1730 D 1788 M 1818 B 1792 C 1658 B 1699 1749 17.53 1795 1664 1714 1734 1741 D 1767 B 1659 B 1755 B 1765 Alice 6 Anne 9 Benjamin 55 Ebenezer 57 Ebenezer 140 Ebenezer 154 Ebenezer 147 Ebenezer 275 Ebenezer 227 Ebenezer 278 Ebenezer 497 Elizabeth 6 Elizabeth 46 Elizabeth 73 Elizabeth 158 Elizabeth 151 John 6 Jolm 9 John 37 Mrs. John 37 John 154 John 474 Jonathan .52 Jonathan 95 Lydia 138 Lydia 167 Lydia 245 Lydia 495 Margriret 121 Martha 6 Martha 13(3 Mf.rtha 156 Mnry 9 Mary 61 Mr IV 107 Mary 276 Mary-. 498 Polly 468 Robert 9 Samuel 49 Samuel 160 Samuel 162 Samuel 470 Sarah 6 Sarah 73 Sarah 119 Sarah 141 Sarah 150 Thomas 9 William 164 William 202 .109 STEEL. O 1737 Mary .... STEPHEN. B 1767 Elizabeths. . ..204 OB 1763 Mary 171 STEVENS. C 1743 Benjamin 146 M 1752 Benjamin 121 M 1771 Thomas 224 M 1701 Timothy 71 STEVENSON. C 1658 Andrew 15, 20 B 1656 Andrew 15 B 1658 Deborah 15, 20 B 1658 Hannah 15 C 1658 Jane 15 B 1658 John 15 B 1658 Lydia 15 B 1658 Mary 15 B 16.58 Rebeccah 15 B 1658 Sarah 15 STEWARD. 1773 Antipas 225 STILES. 1794 Elizabeth 455 1795 Elizabeth 503 1800 Ruth 491 STIMSON. 1828 Charles E 520 1817 Royal 516 STINSON. 1709 John 72 STODDARD. 1697 Anthony . ..37, 76 1703 Senior 41 STONE. 1783 Betsey 241 1803 Betsev 492 1658 Daniel 4 1658 Daniel 23 1792 Daniel 468 1793 Daniel 502 1800 Daniel 473 1658 David 4, 23 1658 David 23 1804 David 476 1658 Dorcas 23 1658 Dorcas 23 1802 Eliza 466 1802 Eliza 475 1658 Elizabeth 4 1723 Elizabeth 102 1824 Elizabeth J. . . .499 1658 Gregory . . .4, 8, 23 1794 Hannah A 469 1658 Isaac 24 1658 John 4 1658 John 23 1663 Jolin 24 1802 JohnC 466 1802 John T 475 1803 John 458 1819 John 517 1790 Jonathan 279 1819 Jonathan 517 1784 Lucv 244 1658 Lydia 4 1665 Lydia 24 1798 Lydia 472 1799 Lydia 505 1802 Lydia 474 1795 Martha 470 1668 Mary 24 1804 Marv 492 1811 Mary 512 1816 Marv 515 1828 Mary J 500 1723 Moses 102 1658 Nathaniel 23 1788 Nathaniel T. . .278 1822 Nathaniel T. . .518 1796 Phineas 490 1781 Polly T 240 1720 Rachel 86 1658 Samuel 4, 24 1658 Samuel 23 1658 Samuel 24 1658 Sarah 4 1658 Sarah 24 1661 Sarah 24 1730 Thomas 107 1804 Thomas J 476 Index. 567 STORER. D 1829 Charles 521 STOWE. C 1830 Calvin E 464 C 1714 Samuel 83 STOW ELL. M 1773 Daniel 225 M 1807 John 494 STRATTON, STRATTEN. D 1813 513 M 1755 Abigail 177 M 1774 Abigail 225 M 1815 Catherine J. . ..497 M 1739 E;iizabeth 110 M 1750 John 121 C 17.52 John 147 B 1759 John 167 D 1787 John 275 B 1722 Joshua 101 C 1794 Lucy 455 M 1798 Lucy 490 B 1724 Mary 103 M 1750 Mary 121 M 1772 Mary 225 C 1787 Mary 244 D 1814 Mary 514 B 1724 Mercv 103 C 1752 Mercy 147 STRATTON. M 1826 Nahum ,500 B 17.55 Nathaniel 164 D 1827 Nathaniel 520 D 1813 Phineas J 513 D 1787 Polly 275 C 17.37 Sarah 100 B 1760 Susannah 194 M 1781 Susannah 247 M 1741 Thankful Ill B 1762 William 195 STREETER. C 1701 Deborah 40 M 1704 Deborah 71 B 1700 Hannah 50 O 1700 John 64 M 1700 John 70 B 1704 John 53 B 1696 Mary 46 B 1702 Mary 51 B 1704 Mercv 53 B 1699 Samuel 50 B 1696 Sarah 46 B 1698 Stephen 48 B 1706 Susanna 54 STURGLS. C 1723 John 92 STURTEVANT. D 1827 520 SUMNER. D 1804 508 M 1798 Clement A 490 SWAN. M 1714 Abigail 73 O 1730 Bathsheba 66 B 1733 Benjamin 117 O 1778 Daniel 227 SWAN. B 1778 Daniel 237 M 1785 Dinah 249 O 1699 Ebenezer 63 C 1703 Ebenezer 41 C 1703 Mrs. Ebenezer . 41 B 1704 Ebenezer 53 O 1730 Ebenezer 66 B 1730 Ebenezer 115 B 1699 Elizabeth 49 B 1722 P^lizabeth 101 B 1726 Esther 105 C 1698 Mrs. Gershom . 38 B 1729 Gershom 113 C 1706 John 43 B 1719 John 89 C 1724 John 92 O 1719 John 65 B 1728 John 112 B 1778 Jolm B 237 M 1714 Lydia 73 B 1705 Mary 54 C 1728 Mary 96 B 1730 Peter 114 B 1802 Phebe 474 D 1802 Phebe 507 B 1698 Rebeccah 48 M 1714 Rebecca 74 B 1711 Samuel 61 O 1738 Samuel 67 B 1738 Samuel 1.38 B 1700 Sarah 50 M 1727 Sarah 107 M 1767 Sarah 224 B 1730 Susanna 115 B 1705 Thomas 54 B 1714 William 68 B 1737 William 137 SWANEY. D 1817 Sally 516 SWEETSER, SWITZER, SWITCHER. B 1734 Elizabeth 119 M 1732 Jacob 108 M 1812 Joseph 496 C 1745 Martha 146 M 1746 Martha 120 SWETT. B 1810 Samuel B 482 SWETMAN. B 1661 Bethia 12 C 1666 Elizabeth 12 B 1666 Hephziba 12 C 1658 Isabell 12 B 1658 Mehitabell 12 B 1658 Rebecca 12 B 1658 Ruhamah 12 B 1659 Samuel 12 B 1658 Sarah 12 C 1658 Thomas 12 S^TVIMES, see SIMMS. M 1726 Elizabeth 106 C 1831 Esther 464 C 1696 Thomas 36 M 1701 Thomas 71 M 1784 William 248 M 1773 Zechariah 225 SYMONDS. M 1806 Stephen H. .494 TAPLEY, TAPPLEY. B 1794 Abigail W 470 B 1771 Isaac 232 O 1794 Isaac 465 B 1797 Isaac 471 B 1774 John 235 M 1795 John 489 M 1760 Mansfielfl 192 C 1766 Mansfield 150 •M 1737 Margaret 110 M 1736 Mary 110 C 1766 Mary 150 B 1769 Mary 205 M 1788 Mary 273 B 1773 Sarah 2.34 B 1796 Thomas W. . ..471 TAPPAN. D 1798 Infant 505 D 1803 David 507 D 1793 George W .502 B 1795 Mary E 470 D 1796 Mary E. .504 C 1798 Marv 456 B 1798 Mary E 472 D 1798 Mary E 505 D 1799 Sarah 505 TARBEL. D 1806 Child 510 C 1807 Amelia 459 O 1807 John 467 B 1807 John 479 B 1807 .John P 479 M 1785 Polly 248 M 1811 Sampson 495 TAYLOR. B 1658 John 14 C 16.58 Katharine .... 14 C 1658 Joseph 14 TEEL, TEAL. B 1786 245 M 1754 Aaron 177 O 1817 Amos 468 O 1817 Hannah 468 M 1787 Mary 273 B 1817 Marv B 485 D 1817 Marv B 515 B 1818 Marv B 485 M 1823 Ruthy 499 TEMPLE. C 1773 Elizabeth 153 B 1774 John 235 O 1778 Jonathan 227 M 1772 Josiah 224 C 1773 Josiah 153 B 1773 Josiah 234 B 1779 Rebecca 238 TENNEY. M 1796 Benjamin 490 TERRY. D 1794 Mercy 503 C 1714 Samuel 83 THACHER, THATCHER. B 1759 Ebenezer 167 B 1778 Ebenezer 238 B 1771 Elizabeth 233 D 1792 Elizabeth 501 568 Index. 1658 1667 1757 1767 1785 1788 1739 1658 1755 1776 1786 1755 1776 Hannah 18 Hannah 23 Mary 149 Mary 204 Mary 248 Mary 244 Oxenbridge . . . 143 Samuel 18 Samuel 169 Samuel 236 Samuel 275 Susannah 164 Susanna 225 THAYER. O 1800 Abigail 466 B 1804 Abigail 477 B 1807 Ann P 479 M 1824 Cephas P 500 C 1706 Ebenezer 42 C 1755 Ebenezer 148 M 1808 Gains 494 B 1802 LydiaP 474 B 1800 Mary A 473 C 1827 Mary 463 O 1800 Richard 466 B 1800 Richard 473 B 1800 Richard 473 THOMAS. OB 1762 Joshua 171 B 1769 William 206 THOMPSON. B 1734 James 119 C 1747 Ebenezer 146 O 1734 James 67 B 1734 James 119 M 1759 Lois 178 D 1799 Martha .505 M 1811 Mary C 495 THWING, TWINGS. Charles 238 Elizabeth 170 Francis 235 Edward 71 Edward 45 Edward 168 Edward 234 James 240 John 177 John 169 John C 166 Jiilianna 237 Margaret 226 Nathaniel . . . .226 Patience 168 Sarah W 233 Thomas 58 Thomas 107 Thomas 155 Thomas 193 Thomas 170 TIBBETT. M 1781 Isaac 247 TIDD. M 1753 Hepzibah 121 TITCOMB. D 1804 Moses . . B 1779 () 1764 B 1775 M 1704 C 1714 () 1747 B 1773 B 1782 M 1757 O 1759 B 1759 B 1777 O 1771 () 1771 () 1747 B 1771 B 1709 M 1731 B 1744 M 1764 O 1764 .508 TODD. OB 1774 Mary 172 M 1782 Polly 247 TOMB. B 1742 James 142 TOPPAN. C 1761 Amos 149 TORRE Y. C 1739 Susannah 143 M 1828 William 500 TOWNE, TOWN. C 1705 Elizabeth 41 C 1658 Martha 15 C 1658 Mary 15 C 1705 Peter 41 B 1658 Peter 15 C 1658 William 15 TOWNSEND. M 1756 Elizabeth 177 M 1754 Mary 177 B 1729 Mercy 113 C 1780 Thomas H. .. .242 O 1786 Samuel 227 B 1786 Samuel 245 B 1789 Sarah 278 TRASK. D 1812 513 B 1772 Elizabeth 233 O 1772 Isaac 226 B 1772 Isaac 233 M 1777 John 246 B 1808 John S 480 C 1807 Pattv 459 B 1772 Sarah 233 B 1807 William P 479 TRANE. CB 1697 Abigail 59 CB 1697 Elizabeth 59 TREADWELL. B 1764 Mary 196 TROWBRIDGE. 1736 Edmund 99 1737 Edmund 110 1793 Edmund .502 1809 John H 480 1737 Lydia 110 C M D B M M 1813 Lucy TUCK. C 1722 John .496 87 TUFTS. TUFT. D 1796 — 503 D 1805 Child 509 B 1739 Aaron 140 O 1769 Aaron 226 B 1770 Aaron 206 C 1773 Aaron 153 B 1783 Abigail 249 C 1770 Anna 152 M 1793 Anna 274 M 1793 B 1793 D 1794 B 1798 JJ 1805 B 1815 j:> 1825 M 1826 B 1757 B 1788 D 1795 B 1801 D 1802 B 1753 B 1725 B 1697 B 1803 M 1814 B 1711 B 1758 B 1764 M 1767 B 1822 B 1772 iM 1795 () 1799 B 1799 B 1772 O 1798 M 1807 B 1814 () 1724 C 1706 B 1727 B 1754 B 1765 B 1767 B 1799 B 1778 M 1800 C 17.35 B 1800 B 1812 B 1800 B 1808 1) 1825 B 1724 B 1731 (; 1753 1757 B 1778 VI 1795 C 1827 B 1800 M 1792 VI 1792 B 1723 (; 1724 O 1764 B 1764 () 1769 C 1773 M 1804 B 1804 B 1810 ;; 1741 B 1724 [) 1752 B 17.52 :) 1720 B 17.33 B 1728 ;; 1732 :) 1755 () 1724 B 1782 Anna 489 Anna 469 Anna 502 Anna 472 Anna 509 Anna M 485 Anna 519 Anna 500 Anne 165 Bet.sev 277 Beulah .503 Burr 474 Burr 507 Daniel 163 David 104 Dorothy 46 Eleanor 475 Eliza 497 Elizabeth 61 Elizabeth 166 Elizabeth 196 George 224 George 486 Hannah 233 Hannah 489 Hannah 466 Hannah 472 Isaac 233 Isaac 466 Isaac 494 Isaac 484 James 66 John 42 John 105 John 164 John 202 John 204 Jonas 472 Joseph 237 Joseph 491 Joshua 99 Joshua 473 Louisa 482 Lucinda 473 Lucy 480 Lucv 519 Lydia 103 Lydia 115 Lydia 147 Lydia 148 Lydia 237 Lydia 489 Marshall 463 Martha 473 Martha 274 Martha 489 Marv 101 Mary 93 Mary 170 Mary 196 Mary 226 Mary 153 Mary 492 Marv Ann . . . .476 Mary 481 Mercy 145 Nathan 103 Nathan 147 Nathan 162 Nathaniel .... 86 Persis 117 Peter 112 Peter 97 Peter 148 Peter 66 Polly 240 Index. 569 VEAZIE. 1785 1761 1705 1709 1804 1737 1795 1799 1802 D 1803 C 1799 1799 1742 1760 1712 1729 1735 1770 1784 1786 1799 1802 1S05 1818 1721 1723 1765 1772 1795 Pollv 244 Rebekah 192 Ruth 42 Ruth 57 Sally 477 Samuel 137 Samuel 480 Samuel 466 Samuel 475 Samuel 508 Submit 457 Submit 472 Susanna 142 Susanna 239 Thomas 62 Timothy 112 Timothy 134 Timothy 152 Timothy 248 Timothy 245 Timothy 457 Timothv Jr. . . . 507 Timothy 509 Timothy 485 William 91 William 89 William 170 William 233 William 470 TUPPER. 1825 William 519 .504 TURNER. D 1797 Mercy TUTHILL. M 1773 Rebecca 225 TWADDEL, TWADEL, TWADELL, TWODALE D 1787 Mr 275 D 1788 Mrs 276 B 1779 James 238 O 1764 Robert 170 B 1772 Robert 233 B 1777 Sarah 236 M 1798 Sally 490 B 1769 William 205 TWIST. M 1800 Susanna 491 TYLER. C 1728 Thomas 95 TYNG. M 1814 Sarah W 497 TYSIE. M 1728 Eliza 501 UPHAM. M 1826 Charles W 500 C 1720 Dorothy 86 M 1722 William 74 VASSALL. D 1784 Darincla 274 C 1747 Lucy 146 B 1747 Lucy 158 M 1749 Lucy 120 c 1801 Samuel .... ..457 VERDER. D 1804 Phebe ..508 VERXER. D 1815 Henry . .515 VIAL. C M 1729 1816 Benjamin . . John .. 96 . .497 VOSE. B M B B M O B D 1803 1784 1798 1800 1805 1798 1801 1803 Harriot . . . John Mary K. . . . Rebecca R. Rebecca R. Robert .... Robert Robert ..475 ..248 . .472 . .473 . .493 . . 466 . .474 ..508 WADKINS. 1805 David 493 WADSWORTH. 1696 Benjamin 70 WAHEMAN. 1697 Jabez 37 WAINWRIGHT. 1772 Christiana .... 153 WAIT. 1829 William .520 WALDEN. 1697 Goody 37 WALKER. 1752 Mary 121 17.50 Samuel 121 1811 Samp.son 513 WALLACE. 1810 Thomas 512 WALLACE. 1817 .losephD 497 WALLIS. 1824 Elizabeth 519 1800 Thomas 491 WALTON. 1806 Catharine 459 1808 Catherine 495 1781 Charles 240 1746 Eunice 157 1780 P:unice 239 1785 Eunice 243 1794 Eunice 489 1786 Israel 275 1770 John 1.52 1770 John 232 WALTON. D 1823 John 518 O 1774 Jot ham 226 B 1774 Jotham 234 B 1783 Jotham 241 B 1784 Katherine ....244 C 1770 Keziah 1.52 D 1822 Kezia 518 B 1777 Leonard 237 D 1784 Leonard 274 M 1803 Nathan 492 B 1779 Nathaniel 2.38 B 1782 Nathaniel 240 WARD. C 1735 Enoch 99 M 1700 Jonathan 70 B 1767 Margaret 203 C 1768 Nathaniel 151 WARE. D 1805 Mrs. Prof .509 D 1809 Child 512 B 1811 Caroline R. . . .482 B 1813 Catherine C. M. 483 B 1814 Charles E 484 I) 1825 Edward 519 B 1808 Elizabeth A. . .480 D 1815 Emeline 514 M 1785 Ephraim 249 B 1805 Galen 477 C 1805 Galen 4.59 M 1810 Galen 495 C 1786 Henry 243 M 1807 Henry 494 M 1807 Henry 494 C 1809 Henry 4.59 C 1814 Henry 461 M 1743 .lohn 119 C 1814 Lucy 460 M 1818 Lucy C. 498 D 1807 Mary 510 C 1814 Mary 460 M 1818 Mary C 498 WARLAND. D 1788 Child 276 D 1788 Child 276 B 1814 Alfred 484 D 1817 Alfred 516 B 1819 Altamont 486 B 1822 Ann E 486 B 1719 Anne 89 B 1749 Anne 160 B 1785 Bet.sey B 244 D 1786 Betsey 275 B 1787 Charl4s 277 B 1816 Charles H 485 D 1817 Charles 515 B 1786 Ebenezer 245 M 1813 Eliza B 496 B 1763 Elizabeth 196 B 1776 Hannah 236 B 1778 Hannah 2.37 B 1792 Hannah 469 D 1793 Hannah 502 D 1803 Hannah .507 B 1726 John 105 M 17.54 John 177 () 1755 John 169 B 1755 John 164 B 1769 .John 205 O 1770 John 227 B 1780 John 2,38 D 1788 John 276 570 Index. WARLAND. M 1805 M 1806 O 1806 B 1807 D 1809 M 1825 1762 1785 1789 1755 1759 1763 1797 1805 1809 1814 1814 1814 1823 1782 1705 1723 1741 1748 1752 1783 1793 B 1784 B 1826 1706 1715 1765 1709 1713 1753 1774 1776 D 1800 O 1806 B 1806 D 1806 B 1819 1824 1702 1710 1729 1812 1721 B 1746 B 1757 O 1783 M 1701 1702 1706 John 493 John 493 John 467 John H 479 John 512 John 500 Lucy 195 Lucy 248 Lucy 278 Mary 164 Mary 167 Mary 192 Mary B 471 Mary 493 Mary M 480 Mary 467 Mary .484 Mary 484 Mary B 499 Nancy 247 Owen 42 Owen 101 Owen 145 Owen 159 Owen 161 Owen 241 Owen 502 Polly 241 Priscilla 487 Rebeccah 72 Rebeccah 69 Samuel 202 Sarah 57 Sarah 63 Sarah 162 Sarah 153 Sarah 246 Sarah 505 Sarah 467 Sarah 478 Sarah 510 Sarah A 485 Sarah 519 Tabitha 40 Tabitha 61 Tabitha 107 Theodore 482 Thomas 91 Thomas 157 Thomas 165 Thomas 227 1718 1718 1741 1747 1760 1782 1786 1787 1791 1811 1814 1814 Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will William 484 am am am am am am am am am am am am am am . 71 . 40 . 55 . 74 . 88 .144 .120 .167 .240 .275 .245 .279 .495 .467 WARREN. D 1808 Abigail 512 M 1776 Anna 225 M 1747 Asa 120 C 1736 Lsaac 99 C 1722 John 87 C 1737 Lydia 100 WASSON. 1805 Mary T 477 WATERHOUSE. 1819 Benjamin 498 1815 Elizabeth 514 1817 Elizabeth W. . .461 1822 Rebecca 518 .501 WATERS. 1792 . 1825 Henry C 519 1797 Lucy 504 1769 Rachel 151 1829 Sarah A 521 1823 Thomas 499 WATKINS. 1798 David . . WATSON. 793 697 787 727 800 800 817 661 696 698 698 804 712 723 729 751 752 752 766 799 802 741 759 770 666 823 825 730 772 826 732 7.59 761 770 805 799 753 777 787 794 826 .490 767 700 712 710 725 740 747 748 756 761 704 702 Mr 179 Child 275 Abiel 106 Abigail 466 Abigail 473 Abigail 515 Abraham 17 Abraham 46 Mrs. Abraham . 38 Abraham 38 Abraham 38 Abraham 62 Abraham 92 Abraham 113 Abraham 121 Abraham Jr. . . 16S Abraham 161 Abraham 150 Abraham A. . . .472 Abraham 475 Anna 142 Anna 167 Anna 152 Anne 17 Ann 518 Ann 500 Benjamin 115 Catherine 233 Catherine 462 Daniel 116 Daniel 169 Daniel 194 Daniel 152 Daniel 509 Edward 472 Elizabeth 262 Elizabeth 236 Elizabeth 275 Elizabeth 469 Elizabeth 462 Elizabeth 500 Fanny 204 Father 178 Isaac 65 Mrs. Isaac .... 84 Isaac 126 Isaac Ill Isaac 158 Isaac 159 Isaac 148 Isaac 192 Jacob 53 Jacob 71 703 719 756 765 765 794 800 801 658 658 696 701 729 762 803 807 810 817 702 772 807 741 754 762 763 766 784 733 7.38 756 768 780 790 803 714 772 772 804 825 700 734 738 763 788 793 810 812 767 795 814 792 803 805 731 755 772 775 773 804 764 777 797 797 773 787 803 658 658 709 747 759 765 770 794 796 765 Mrs. Jacob .... 41 Jacob 85 Jacob 148 Jacob 170 Jacob 202 Jacob 489 Jacob 466 Jacob .506 John 17 John 17 John 46 John 179 John 113 John 195 John W 475 John W 511 John W 481 John W 515 Jonathan 52 Joseph 234 Katherine B. . .480 Lucy 141 Lucy 163 Lucy 149 Lucy 193 Lucy 150 I-ucy 248 Lvdia 118 Lydia 138 Lydia 148 Lvdia 205 Lydia 239 Lydia 277 Lydia 492 Margaret 156 Margaret 153 Margaret 225 Margaret 492 Margaret 519 Mary 50 Mary 119 Mary 100 Marv 195 Mary 278 Mary 455 Mary 481 Mary 513 Mehetable 204 Mehetable 489 Mehetable . . . .514 Nancey 240 Nancy 508 Nancv 477 Nathan 116 Nathan 134 Nathan 225 Nathan 235 Nathan 153 Nathan 508 Nathaniel P 197 Nathaniel P 466 Nathaniel P.. . .490 Nathaniel 471 Peggy 234 Polly 246 Priscilla 508 Rebeccah 17 Rebecca 17 Rebecca 72 Rebekah 158 Rebecca 178 Rebecca 202 Rebecca 224 Rebecca 455 Rebecca 504 Ruth 202 Index. 571 WATSON. B 1736 Kutli 136 B 1751 Samuel Uil B 1769 Samuel 200 B 179G Samuel 470 B 1715 Sarah 156 B 1759 Sarah 167 M 1763 Sarah 193 B 1763 Sarah 195 B 1780 Sukee 239 M 1802 Susanna 491 B 1698 William 47 B 1744 William 155 B 1755 William 165 B 1773 William T 234 M 1779 William 247 O 1780 William 227 B 1785 William 244 D 1789 Mrs. William . .276 D 1805 William 509 D 1811 William 512 W^\TTS. C 1767 Sarah 150 WEARE. M 1810 Mark 495 WEBB. C 1714 Benjamin 83 C 1706 John 42 WEBBER. D 1801 506 B 1698 Abigail 47 B 1792 Arria 468 D 1814 Arria 514 B 1801 Caroline 474 M 1798 Edward 490 B 1790 GeorRe 279 C 1714 Goodman 83 B 1799 John A 472 B 1798 Joseph 472 B 1796 Matilda 471 M 1818 Matilda 497 M 1765 Mary 224 C 1802 Rebecca 458 C 1697 Mrs. Robbin . . 38 C 1785 Samuel 243 B 1797 Samuel 471 D 1810 Samuel 512 B 1793 Sophia 469 C 1814 Sophia 461 M 1784 William 248 WELLS. C 1664 Bethia 26 B 1668 Bethia 27 B 1664 Daniel 26 C 1666 B 1666 26 Daniel 26 Kdwanl 26 WELSH, WELCH. OB 1744 -M 1784 B 1696 M 1711 OB 1744 OB 1736 M 1776 M 1781 Elizabeth 109 Eunice 248 Hannah 46 Hannah 73 Hannah 109 Marv 109 Richard 246 Ruth 247 W^ENTDELL 1752 1774 1781 1821 1781 1784 1818 John M 121 Katherine . . . .242 Katherine . . . .247 Katherine . . . .517 Martha F 242 .Martha V 248 Oliver 516 WESSON. B 1812 D 1817 B 1815 D 1817 B 1802 D 1810 D 1803 C 1818 D 1804 D 1817 1820 1807 1817 Charles C 483 Charles C 515 Charlotte L. R. 484 Charlotte L. R. 515 Elizabeth ¥. . .475 Helen A 481 Mary 507 Mary 461 Nancy 508 Nancy 515 Sarah 461 William M 479 William 515 WESTCOTT. M 1779 Jabez 247 WETHERBY. M 1821 .Joseph 499 D 1807 Mary 511 M 1809 Eliza 495 WHEAT. O 1723 Elizabeth 66 B 1723 Elizabeth 101 WEBSTER. C 1806 Moses . . . WEEKS. C 1828 Isabella J. .459 .463 WELD. M 1723 John 75 B 1702 Habijah 51 M 1700 Thomas 70 WELLINGTON. D 1S15 Lucy 514 WHEATLEY. OB 1731 Sarah .108 WHEELER. M M M M 1813 Aliphal 1829 Emerson 1727 Jo.seph 1805 Nathan WHEELWRIGHT .496 .501 .107 .493 C 1739 Jeremiah .... WHEIGHT. .143 M 1772 Elizabeth WHETCOMB. .225 M 1700 Mary . 70 WHl TAKER. C 1795 Jonathan 456 WHITE. M 1721 Abraham 74 C 1725 Nathaniel 93 M 1814 Daniel 497 B 1698 Hannah 48 WHITING, WIIYTING. WIIITIN. M 1701 Alice 71 M 1805 Jabez 493 O 1806 .Jabez 467 C 1658 John 4 B 1658 John 4 C 1700 John 39 O 1806 Lucy 467 M 1696 Sarah 70 C 1658 Sybill 4 B 1658 Sybill 4 C 1698 Widow 38 B 16.59 William 4 WHITMORE. B 1659 Abigail 16 B 1707 Ann 55 C 1706 Anna 42 B 1658 Elizabeth 16 C 16.58 Francis 16 B 1658 Francis 16 C 1706 Francis 42 B 1667 Hannah 16 C 1658 Isabell 16 B 1658 John 16 O 1707 John 64 C 1711 John 44 C 1711 Mrs. John 44 B 1737 John 137 C 1740 John 144 B 1741 Lydia 141 B 1664 Margery 16 B 1707 Marv 56 B 1736 Mary 135 B 1707 Nanny 55 B 1658 Samuel 16 B 1743 Samuel 154 B 1662 Sarah 16 B 1732 William 117 WHITTEMORE WHITTAMORE. WHITTIMORE. B 1716 Elizabeth 87 B 1724 Elizabeth 102 C 17.33 Elizabeth 98 M 1740 Elizabeth Ill B 1698 E.xperience ... 48 B 1727 Hannah Ill B 17.30 H.annah 115 B 1737 Hannah 137 M 1828 Henry 500 M 1724 John 75 M 1819 Joseph 498 B 1735 Katherine ....134 B 1722 Lydia 101 C 1741 Lydia 144 M 1744 Lydia 120 B 1718 Margaret 88 C 17.37 .Margaret 100 B 1726 Mary 105 B 1804 Mary 476 M 1812 Marv 496 B 1720 Ruth 90 572 Index. WHITTEMOKK. C M M O B C B D B B B B M M 1740 1742 1715 1722 1722 1714 1728 1728 1733 1726 1731 1729 1783 1783 Ruth 144 Ruth Ill Samuel 73 Samuel 6.5 Samuel 91 Samuel 45 Samuel 112 Samuel 112 Samuel 118 Sarah 104 Susanna 115 Thomas 113 Thomas 248 William 248 WHITNEY. C 1811 B 1827 B 1813 B 1815 D 1822 D 1826 M 1765 D 1827 D 1826 D 1828 M 1780 B 1817 C 1810 B 1811 Abel 460 Abigail W 487 Augustus A. . . .483 Benjamin W. . .484 Elizabeth 518 Emeline 520 Israel 224 James 520 John 520 Joseph 520 Oliver 247 Susan E 485 Susanna 460 William L 482 1788 1805 1729 1798 1804 1722 1789 1799 1782 1799 1799 1802 1784 Jacob S 277 Jacobs 509 .Jonathan 107 Joseph 472 Joseph 508 Jo.siah 101 Lucinda 278 Mary 457 Samuel 240 Sidney 457 Sophia 457 Sophia 491 Thomas H 241 WHITWORTH. D 1784 Mrs 274 WIGGLESWORTH. Miss 275 Edward 106 Edward 107 Edward 116 Edward S 2.33 Edward 242 Edward 246 Edward .502 Margaret 273 Mary 117 Mary 148 Mary 205 Rebeccah 114 Rebekah 146 Rebecca 193 Samuel 249 Sarah 249 Sarah A 464 Sybil 136 Thomas 234 WIER. B 1697 Ruth 47 D 1784 M 1726 M 1729 B 1732 B 1771 V 1774 M 1778 f) 1794 M 1788 B 1733 V, 1754 B 1768 B 1730 () 1748 M 1763 M 1785 M 1785 (; 1830 B 1736 B 1773 WILKINS. M 1831 George 501 M M 1818 MaryW. M WILLIAMS. 1806 1755 1730 1813 1782 1789 1712 1738 1700 1706 1711 1803 1804 1785 1738 1789 1718 1712 1700 1711 1711 1712 1719 1725 1740 1810 1718 1712 1712 1712 1712 1734 1718 1712 1712 1732 1733 1733 1718 1703 1723 1728 510 Abigail 177 Abraham 107 Boardman . . . .496 Charles K 240 Charles H. C. .278 Damaris 62 Damaris 110 Ebenezer 70 Eleazer 42 Elisha 44 Elizabeth 475 Elizabeth 492 Experience .... 249 Gershom 138 Harriet L 278 Jacob 89 Jason 60 John 1681 John 44 Mrs. John 44 John 60 John 89 .John 93 John Ill John 495 Margaret 60 Martha 62 Mary 62 Nathaniel 60 Sarah 02 Sarah 99 Solomon 85 Stephen 44 Thomas 62 Thomas 117 Thomas 110 Thomas 97 Warham 85 William 41 William 102 William 95 WILLINGBOY. 1709 John 72 .498 WILLARD. 1716 Abigail 87 1791 Amelia 279 1793 Amelia .502 B 1795 Ann T. .470 B 1792 Augusta 468 B 1724 Benjamin 102 D 1817 Elizabeth 516 B 1785 Horatio 245 D 1793 Horatio .502 WILLINGTON. 1803 Susan .492 WILLIS. 1708 1710 1709 1710 Stephen 72 Thomas 58 William 72 William 64 WILLOWES. 1658 Jane 12 1658 George 12 1658 Stephen 12 1658 Thomas 12 WILSON, WILLSON, 1703 Andrew 59 1703 Hannah 59 1703 Andrew 52 1726 Andrew 66 1733 Andrew 117 1708 Damaris 57 1710 Damaris 58 1728 Demaris 112 1666 Deborah 15,20 1666 Deborah 20 1703 Deborah 52 1703 Hannah 52 1708 Hannah 43 1723 Hannah 75 1727 Hannah 105 1795 Jonana 503 1703 John 52 17.30 John 66 1734 John 118 172G Joseph 104 1785 Joseph 248 1730 .Josiah 114 1732 Lydia 116 1705 Mary 55 1658 Robert 15, 20 1726 Sarah 94 1726 Sarah 104 WINCHESTER. 1766 Elizabeth 203 1747 Nathan 67 1747 Sarah 158 WINGATE. 1810 Aaron 495 WINSHIP, WINCHIP. 1724 Aaron 102 1731 Aaron 116 1736 Aaron 136 1769 Abiel 206 16.58 Abigail 23 1698 Abigail 48 1726 Abigail 105 1746 Abigail 120 1782 Amos 247 1728 Anna 112 1724 Anne 92 1788 Benjamin 273 1735 Benoni 134 1719 Deborah 89 1658 Edward 22 1658 Edward 22 1788 Edward 178 1790 Edward 279 1790 Edward 277 1791 Edward 279 1794 Edward 502 1658 Elizabeth 22 1658 Elizabeth 22 1706 Elizabeth 72 1714 Elizabeth 68 1721 Elizabeth 90 1726 Elizabeth 94 1737 Elizabeth 100 1739 Elizabeth 143 1784 Elizabeth 248 1658 Ephraim 22 1708 Ephraim 72 1799 Eunice 490 1723 Francis 102 1741 Francis 145 1776 Francis 236 1788 Grace 273 Index. 573 wiNsnip. 1658 Jane .. 22 .099 Jason .. 49 1730 Jason . .114 .658 Johannah . . . .. 22 696 Joanna .. 46 ;7ii> Joanna . . 45 .718 Joanna .. 88 .788 Joanna ..118 .718 John .. 74 719 John .. 65 728 John ..102 .726 John .. 94 1728 John ..112 769 Jonathan . . . ..226 661 Joseph .. 22 .696 Joseph .. 37 1696 Mrs. Joseph . .. 37 tvou Joseph .. 50 [728 Joseph .. 66 72/ Joseph ..105 728 Joseph .. 95 719 Josiah . . 89 788 Josiah . .138 795 Lucy ..456 810 Lucy ..495 724 Lydia . .103 779 . 238 664 Margery . . . . . . 22 708 Margery .. 52 721 Margerv . . . . .. 87 729 Margery . . . . ..107 720 Martha .. 90 658 Mary 22 730 Mary . .114 749 Mary ..147 782 Mary ..247 667 Mehitabel . . .. 22 729 Nathan . . . . . .112 718 Nathaniel . . .. 73 714 Nathaniel . . . . 65 716 Nathaniel . . .. 87 785 Philemon . . . ..185 726 Prudence . . . . .105 718 Rebeccah . . . . . 89 719 Rebecca . . . . . . 85 728 Rebecca . . . . ..107 729 Rebecca . . . . ..113 729 Rebecca .... ..113 726 Ruth . . 105 781 Ruth ..116 658 Samuel . . 22 711 Samuel . . 73 780 Samuel ..289 658 Sarah . . 22 712 Sarah . . 73 714 Sarah . . 83 725 Sarah . .104 769 Sarah . .226 696 Susanna .... . . 46 712 Susanna . . 45 718 Susanna .... . . 73 780 Tabitha . .115 719 Thankful . . . . . 85 716 William . . 74 718 William . . 65 718 William .... . . 85 799 William .... ..100 755 William ..177 781 William ..240 WINTER 763 Mary .196 WINTHROP. I 1752 James 161 M 1789 James 244 B 1821 James 517 I M 1825 William 519 B 1733 John 98 M 1747 John 158 C 1750 Samuel 160 B 1753 William 162 D WINTHROP. I B 748 Adam 159 C 790 Hannah 277 I D WISWALL. 1804 508 1804 508 1768 Hannah 205 WITHINGTON. 1806 Abigail 493 1737 John 136 1817 Mary 516 1817 Mercy 516 1804 Sarah 492 1813 Sukey 513 1712 William 62 1737 William 67 WOLCUT. 1814 Sally 496 WOLEY. 1804 Elizabeth 476 WOOD. 1776 Aaron 225 1765 Christian 193 1728 John 95 WOODS. 1777 Mary 246 1756 Samuel 177 WOODBERRY. 1710 Elizabeth 58 1709 Samuel 72 1711 Samuel 61 WOODHEAD. 1701 Elizabeth 71 WOODWARD. 1697 Amos 47 1697 Daniel 38 1697 Jlrs. D 88 1798 Ebenezer 472 1697 Hannah 47 1698 John 70 1698 Jonathan 47 1700 Joseph 50 1804 Nathaniel 493 1786 Samuel 249 1697 Susanna 47 1803 Thomas 492 WORTH. 1800 Samuel 491 WRIGHT. 1797 Abel 504 1821 Ede 499 1761 Elizabeth 194 1810 Elizabeth 460 1814 Elizabeth 514 1793 France.<( .... . .489 1771 Hannah .... . . 233 1702 James . . . 71 1703 James 52 1753 John ..121 1754 John . .148 1755 John . .164 1796 Luther ..456 1776 Martha ..242 1771 Mary . . 233 1758 Robert . . 166 1812 Salathiel .... . .513 1815 Sarah . .497 1783 Thomas .... ..247 WYAT, WYATT. 1789 Polly ..278 1780 Jonathan . . . . .228 1791 Jonathan . . . . .279 1794 William .... . .469 1796 Sally ..471 1796 William .... ..503 WYETH, WYTH. 1798 ..505 1801 ..506 1807 511 1809 Abiel . .480 1817 Andrew N. . . .485 1766 Anne .203 1S02 Augustus . . . . .474 1812 Benjamin F. . .482 1763 Betty ..170 1772 Betty 153 1704 DelDorah .... . . 41 1710 Deborah .... . . 72 1720 Deborah .... . . 90 1753 Deborah .... . .120 1769 Dorcas ..206 1697 Ebenezer , . . . . 48 1726 F^beiiezer . . . . . 94 1727 Ebenezer . . . .106 1752 Ebenezer . . . ..162 17.59 Ebenezer . . . ..149 1778 Ebenezer . . . .227 1778 Ebenezer . . . .237 1799 Ebenezer . . . .505 1807 Eliza .479 1807 Eliza 510 1701 Elizabeth . . . . 51 1718 Elizabeth . . . . 74 17.86 Elizabeth . . . . 1.36 1740 Elizabeth . . . .141 1763 Elizabeth . . . . l.^>0 1765 Elizabeth . . . .202 1772 Elizabeth . . . .233 1785 Elizabeth . . . .248 1785 Elizabeth . . . .248 1793 Elizabeth . . . .469 1793 Elizabeth . . . .465 1793 Elizabeth . . . .502 1804 Elizabeth . . . .493 1S04 Elizabeth . . . .508 1809 Emily .481 1828 Emily .500 1768 Gad .205 1697 Hannah .... . 46 1790 Henry .278 1761 Hepaibah . . 194 1770 Hepsibah . . . .152 1823 Hephzibah . . .518 1764 Jacob .196 1776 Job .2.36 1804 Job .492 .805 Job .466 1658 John . 11 574 Index. C 1696 W 1700 B 1705 C 1728 M 1733 B 1734 B 1734 C 1761 B 1770 D 1811 B 1815 1730 1753 1754 1757 1762 1770 1787 1792 1792 1802 1806 1813 1820 D 1828 O 1714 1714 1741 174S B C B B 1751 1796 1751 1758 1754 1767 1788 D 1S04 B 1804 Mrs. John 37 John 178 John 54 John 95 John 110 John 134 John 154 John 149 John 206 John 512 John B 484 Jonas 115 Jonas 121 Jonas 169 Jonas 165 Jonas 195 Jonas 152 Jonas 273 Jonas 274 Jonas 489 Jonas 3d 458 Jonas 479 Jonas 513 Jonas 498 Jonas 520 Jonathan 65 Jonathan 68 Jonathan 144 Jonathan 159 Jonathan 161 Jonathan 503 Joseph 161 Joshua 166 Lucy 163 Lydia 203 Lydia 277 I>ydia 508 Lvdia 476 1805 1805 1658 1696 1716 1716 1738 1658 1739 1755 1760 1823 1824 1658 1658 1722 1742 1763 1763 1805 1811 1745 1769 1658 1768 1658 1718 1741 1746 1761 1774 1790 1815 1802 1816 1817 1726 1734 Lydia C 466 Lydia C 477 Martha 11 Martha 46 Martha 74 Martha 84 Martha 138 Marv 11 Mary 139 Mary 164 Marv 192 Nancy 499 Nathaniel J. . .499 Nicholas 11, 12 Nicholas 11 Noah 101 Noah 142 Noah 170 Noah 196 Noah 477 Noah 513 Prudence 156 Prudence 151 Rebeccah ... 11, 12 Rhoda 205 Sarah 11 Sarah 88 Sarah 144 Sarah 157 Sarah 194 Sarah 225 Pollv 277 Stephen 497 wSu.san 458 Susan S 485 Susan S 516 Su.^anna 94 Su.^anna 118 WYETH. 1755 Susanna 177 1762 Susanna 195 1779 Susanna 247 1765 Taplee 202 1697 Tliankful 46 1716 Thankfull 74 1658 William 11 1760 William 167 1780 William 238 1785 Widow 379 WYMAN. 1814 1702 1760 1804 1755 1812 1774 1765 1766 1768 1768 1805 1768 1768 1782 1765 1822 Asa 496 Benjamin 71 Charles 194 Daniel 493 Florence 148 Franci,- 496 Hepzibah 235 John 223 John 203 John 226 John 205 Nancy 493 Marv 204 Marv 226 Marv 247 Molly 193 Sarah R 499 YEATON. 1801 Sarah 474 SUBJECT INDEX. i'AGE Adams, Daniel, ordination of at Watert own, 254 Adams, Nehemiah, called as colleague pastor, 448 Adams, Nehemiah, ordained as colleague pastor, 448 Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel, admissions to communion, . 243 Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel, number of baptisms by, 232 Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel, aged and infirm, 261 Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel, children baptised by, in 50 years, 204 A|.pleton, Rev. Nathaniel, called, 124 Appleton, Rev. Dr. Nathaniel's funeral, 249 Appleton, Rev. Nathaniel ordained, 124 A].ipleton, Rev. Dr. Nathaniel, legacy by, 269 Appleton, Rev. Dr. Notes on winters of 1740 and 1747, 293 Baptisms 1-27, 45-58, 61, 63, 67-70, 87-92, 100, 108, 111-119, 134-143, 153-168, 194-197,202-206, 232-241,277-279, 468-488 Beale, Widow, land sold, 35 Bible, presented by Jacob Wendell, Esq., 207 Book of records rebound, 406 Book of records, new purchased, 406 Blower, Pyam, chosen deacon, refuses to serve, 35 Bordman, Andrew, chosen deacon, refuses to serve, 125 Bordman, Andrew, treasurer of the ministerial fund, 229 Brattle, Rev. William, housekeeping expenses, 1697, 183 Brattle, Rev. William, notes on gardening etc., 290 Brattle, Rev. William, notes on the weather, 291 Brattle, Rev. William, ordination of, 35 Brattle, Rev. William, pork and pigs received 1699, 184 Brattle, Rev. William, provisions given to, 180 Brattle, Rev. William, receipts for salary, 170-176 Church at Cambridge Farms (Lexington), 76 Church, form for gathering, 76 Church funds in Deacon Cooper's possession, 36 Church funds, care of, 250 Church funds demanded by the "First Church in Cambridge," . . . 451 Church, notes on gathering of, by Rev. Ezra Stiles, 28 Church, History of Memorandum by Dr. Holmes, 286 Ciiurch lands, 176 Church list of members by Rev. Jonathan Mitchell, 1 Church, on south side, 256 (575) 576 Subject Index. PAGE Church refuses to deliver funds, 452 Churches, letter for help in ordination 78 Church plate, alteration of, 298 Church plate, Ust of, 298 Church, records of, 35 Church, 2nd book of records, 295 Church, rights of in council, 442 Church stock, 299 Church votes to defend its rights, 446 Clark, Jonas, letter of, 78 Colleague to assist Dr. Appleton, 259-261 Colleague to assist Dr. Holmes, 448-450 Communion, admissions to by Dr. Appleton, 243 Communion, persons admitted to, .... 82-87,92-100,143-153, 242-244,249, 455-465 Communion, conditions of admission to, 121,215,446 Communion, date of, 325 Communion, heavy expenses of, 250, 254, 255, 256 Communicants to sit on broad aisle, 413 Communion vessels, 35 Committee on state of the church appointed, 130 Committee on state of the church, report of, 131 Committee to inspect manners of Christians first appointed 1737, . . . 132 Committee, first chosen to audit deacons' accounts, 220 Concord, gathering of church at, 30 Confession, public not required, 279 Cooper, Walter, dealt with, 212 Copper, large, belonging to Dr. Appleton, . 119 Council, Ecclesiastical, 449 Council reports, 450 Covenant in order to their children being baptised, 76 Covenant for adults, 79 Covenant, persons who owned the, . . . 59-60, 63-67, 108-109, 163, 170, 171-173, 225-228,465-468 Covenant for college Church, 402 Covenant for Henry Dunster and Isabel Cutter, 80 Day of humiliation and prayer, 1774, 251 Deacons, list of, 287 Deacons allowed for expenses in selling wood lo t , 250 Deacon, Samuel Bowman chosen, 125 Deacon Bradish, death of, 209 Deacon Joseph Coolidge chosen, 125 Deacon Samuel Cooper chosen, 35 Deacon Samuel Cooper, died, 125 Deacon Nathaniel Hancock Sr. chosen, 35 Deacon Aaron Hill elected, 251 Subject Index. 577 PAGE Deacon Aaron Hill, death of, 3O4 Deacon Gideon Frost, cliosen, 259 Deacon William Hilliard elected, 340 Deacon Samuel Kidder chosen, 125 Deacon Samuel Kidder, death of, 125 Deacon Josiah Moore, elected, 351 Deacon James Munroe chosen, 259 Deacon James Mimroe, d^ath of, 351 Deacon James Munroe elected, 412 Deacon Henry Prentice chosen, 209 Deacon Henry Prentice resigns, 251 Deacon Stephen Sewall elected, 253 Deacon Nathaniel Sparhawk cliosen, 125 Deacon Samuel Sparhav.-k chosen, 126 Deacon Samuel Sparhawk, death of, 250 Deacon Jolm Walton elected, 304 Deacon Samuel Whittemore chosen, 209 Deacon Wluttemore delivers the Church plate, 254 Deaths, 274-277, 501-520 Dewey, A\'illiam, admonished, 351 Drunkeness and gambling, 128 Dudley, Paul, certificate for, 80 Eliot, Robert, dismissed, 75 Emerson, Rev. J., letter to, 7G English, George B., dealt with, 3.S9 English, George B., excommunicated, 392 Fillebrown, John, bought Wilcox farm, 36 Fitch, Jabez, letter of dismission, 75 Gardner, Thomas, elected deacon, refuses to serve, 347, 348 Grover, Thomas, admonished, 125 Grover, Thomas, acquitted, 127 Hartford, church at, 30 Hastings, Walter, letter of, 79 Harvard College, church in, 394 Hilliard, Sarah L., petitions to dismiss deacon H., 371 Hilliard, Sarah L., suspended, 372 HiUiard, Sarah L., dealt with, 373 Hilliard, Sarah L., excommunicated, 374 Hilliard, Sarah L., readmitted, 388 HiUiard, Rev. T., received the Church book, 249 Hilliard, Rev. Timothy, settled, 262-267 Holmes, Rev. Abiel, elected pastor, 282 Holmes, Rev. Abiel, letter from, 282 Holmes, Rev. Abiel, installation of, 283 Hooker, Rev. Mr., ordained, 30 Humiliation and prayer, day of in 1774 . 251 578 Subject Index. PAGE Innholders, letter to, . . 130 Jeffrys, David, dismissed, 76 Jones, Rev. Mr., ordained pastor for Concord, 30 Land given by Widow Beale, 35 Land, Beal to be sold, 35 Land belonging to the Church, 176 Lectures to be given in the evening, 429 Langdon, Rev. Mr. President, to assist Dr. Appleton, 253 Library, books for, 353 Library founded, 352 Library, to be called, of the First Church, 363 Library, regulations for, 363 Librarian chosen, 363 Library, number of books in, 364 Marriages, 70-75, 109-111, 119-121, 177-178, 192-193, 223-225, 489-501 Marlborough, church in, 128 Mather, Increase, 35 Members, admission of, 121,215,446 Ministerial farm, 176 Ministerial fund, 176, 228 Ministers of the First Ciiurch, 286, 297 Minister, form for ordaining, 78, 82 Ministerial, lot lines of, 36 Money, for the minsterial farm, how it is to be used, 228 Monis, Judah, admitted to communion, 125 Morton, Rev. Mr., 35 Nowell, Mary, confession of, 128 Nutting, Mary, dealt with, 127, 128 Ordination, form for, 78, 82 Ordination, letter to a church for help in, 78 Parisli on South Side, 255 Parish, on South Side set off, 256 Parsonage fence, 127 Parsonage land exchange with Dr. Thomas Foster, 288 Parker, Eleazer, confession of, 126 Pastor, address of Church to, 439 Poor, money appropriated for, 258 Poor, monies given them, 270 Prentice, Henry, complaint against, 214 Salem, council at first church, 127 Salem, council at, 197 Second cliurch in Cambridge, gift to, 207 Service, time of, 430 Shepard, Thomas, gathering of his church, 28 Silver, tankard to be made, 125 Sparhawk, Mary, is dismissed to South Side Parish, 257 Subject Index. 579 PAGE Stedman, Jonathan, suspended, 126 Stiles, Rev. Ezra, history of first church, 28 Stoddard, Anthony, dismissed, 76 Stone, Mr., ordained at Newtown, 30 Storm, violent, 41 Tankard, 41, 125 Walter, Nehemiah, letter in regard to Paul Dudlej', 81 Weather, notes on, 291, 293 White, Lucy, dismissed to the South Side Parish, White, Lucy, declines to go to the Soutli Side Parish, 258 Whiting, Rev. Mr., of Billerica, form for ordination, 82 Wilcooke, land tie sold to, 35 Wilcox, fann sold to Jolin Fillebrown, 36 Willard, Rev. Mr., fonn for gathering a church, 76 Willard, Rev. Samuel, 35 Williams, N., charge to, 81 Winthrop, Gov. John, history of gathering of first cliurch, 28 Wood given to the minister, 185-192 Wood lot at Newton, 215 Wood lot at Newton, rental, 219 Wood lot at Newton, committee to view, 207 Wood lot at Newton, report of committee, 207 Wood lot at Newton, vote to sell the wood and timber on, 217 Wood lot at Newton, money from sale of wood, etc., 217 Wood lot at Newton, vote to sell, 220 Wood lot at Newton, Deacons allowed for expenses 250 ■-ii l"^ t- ,:? I., " -^ " i .\^ .^ ^-i^^ C<> o"^ •/'; If ■/- " > ^ , \^ •^.V. ,s\^ aV^'-^- " " /■ c- ':.■ .<$" i^^' -^v- CO' <^- S^' CO' .0- •A' .•^ • . ' • ..^^^ ^^•% .0 o^ 0' ■^ .0 '' ''^'-'A X" c. ^- 'X^ x' AX b. .0 ■-C 0^ sX- ^ , . ■ " O ^_ . ,x^- /^ . .\.^> ^^" * 'X .'^^ .''^■■<' .-^^ vOc^ .0- ■>-'■■ :^V N^\ %■ .<^