.- '-^f 7 5 'Z / ) flnotef THE I METROPOLIS OF THE | SOUTHWEST § The Tourists* Winter and g Summer Resort g The Homeseekers' Paradise {^ The Exposition and Con- vention City of the Coast TI16 rrOQr6SSlV6 Glt.ll Of the Twentieth Genturu g flDas, 1910 '■ ft i i 9| Hon. Victor H. Metcalf, when Secretary S / of the Department of Commerce and Labor, ^ ^ stated that, owing to the phenomenal growtti S A of Los Angeles in population, the percentages S ^ of increase generally used for estimating WA 1^ cannot be applied to this city. 'i ^ Write to the ^ ^ Cbambev ot Commerce fe ^ For Full Information N v#flffill«KSNiN^lNl^|^00S(^l\v^l^ We build by the mile! 4 1.36 miles of new bu 1910 AREA gy square miles; average elevation, 270 feet; population, estimated, 350,000; assessed valuation, city, $288,000,000. TAX RATE City, $1.47; County, $1.08. BUILDING PERMITS Forthe year 1900, 8571; cost, 13,260,713. Four months, 1910, $8,371,198. BANKS Commercial and Savings, 37, total cap- ital and surplus, $25,000,000; deposits, $125,000,000. Clearances for the past four months, $268,248, 1 18, an increase of 27 per cent over same period last year. CHURCHES All denominations, 225 SCHOOLS Public school buildings, including State Normal, 113; teachers employed, 1,275; school children, enrolled, 50,000; miscel- laneous private schools and colleges, 40. The Polytechnic High School is equal to the best in the United States. LIBRARY Volumes in Public Library, 137,184; home circulation, 773,572; circulation per volume, 5.6 (third in U. S.) Besides, there are 23 other libraries in the city with 103,643 volumes. MANUFACTURING Manufacturing establishments of all kinds in the city, 1850; workmen em- ployed, 15,000. The value of manu- factured products in Los Angeles for 1900, according to the United States census of that year, was $21,297,537; for 1909, estimated over $75,000,000, or an increase of about 260 per cent. COST OF LIVING SAME AS IN MIDDLE WEST Our Banks Carry 40 rected in Los Angeles in the past year 1910 CAR SERVICE One of the best, if not THE BEST, electric systems, urban and interurban, in the world. Street cars all electric, five systems, 275 miles of tracl<, city lines; interurban lines, 888 miles; number of men employed in and around the city, 3000. For pay- rolls and construction crews the com- panies distribute in Los Angeles $250,000 a month. STEAM RAILWAYS ENTERING THE CITY Southern Pacific System ; Santa Fe System; San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad. Number of men em- ployed residing in city and vicinity, 5700. For pay-rolls and construction crews the steam railroads distribute in and around Los Angeles nearly $475,000 a month. PARKS Public parks, 22; acreage, 37803^2''; one of over 3000 acres, being the largest municipal park in the world. LIGHT AND POWER Electric companies supplying light and power, 3; gas, 3. Electiic power, $17 to $40 per H. P. per year. TELEPHONE Telephone companies, 2; subscribers, 70,000. This is equivalent to one tele- phone for every five men, women and children in the city, or one for almost every family, placing Los Angeles, in this respect, far ahead of all other cities in the world. THEATERS Theaters, 13; amusement parks, 2; moving picture shows, 34. t Legal Reserve LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Best hotel accot -^^ ^__ ..g. «. try. Family bote, 017 169 445 0| all quarters of the c.iy. v^au laKC care or ^ over 100,000 people. S WATER ^ K Abundant supply; owned by the city; ^ S 9C per looo gallons. ^ FIGURES FOR 1908-9 s 5 Showing Some of the Products of the Territory ^ Surrounding Los Angeles ■I Citrus fruits, 38,000 carloads; vegetables, carloads J^ — celery, 2000; cabbage, 500; tomatoes. 125; potatoes, W| 13 500; onions, 150; cauliflower, 300; nuts, 9000 tons; jlj *J cantaloupes, 2000 carloads; raisins and dried fruits, n N Qcoo tons; butter, 6,500,000 lbs.; cheese, 1,000,000 lbs,; |n « eggs, 100.000 cases; flour, 550,000 bbls.; canned n ^ goods, 500,000 cases; olives, pickled, 1,000,000 gals., 1^ olive oil, 500,000 gals.; beet sugar, 135,000,000 lbs.; fi A wine and brandy, 7,800,000 gals.; beer, 300,000 bbls.; ^ g petroleum, 53,000,000 bbls.; beans, 44.000 tons. Totai ^ ^ valuation, including manufactured products, $75,- i^ ^ 000,000. ap » FUEL 5 Petroleum, distillate, gas, coal, wood. COST g Gas, 80c per looo feet. Electricity, gc ^ per kilowatt hour. Petroleum, 90c per bbl. g HOW WE GROW IS K Population, 1893, 55,000; 1900, 102,479; ^ fm 1910, 350,000; post-office stamp sales, 1909, ^ ^ $1,250,000.00; increase of no per cent in K five years. Los Angeles leads all cities of S the country in increase of postal business. R CLIMATE IS NOT EXCELLED ANYWHERE