ADDRKSS Hon. Zebulon B, Vance, A'l- THK Guilford Battle Ground, MPLY 4, 1889. Keeoe & Elain, Prinleis. ADDRESS Hon. Zebulon B, Vance, AT THE Guilford Battle Ground, MRY 4, 1889. Reece & Elain, Printers. p o Ladies ariif Gcntlcitien: I congratulate this audience on the pleasant surround- ings. I regret that my health has not allowed me to prepare a more elaborate address; but I have never yet failed to respond when called on by the people of North Carolina, and I am here to do what I can to assist in the Celebration of the Battle of Guilford Court House. [Great applause greeted this, after which the Senator proceeded as follows]: From time immemorial that portion of the human race which has left any record of its actions has indulged the practice of commemorating the notable events of its his- tory. The method by which this was done was a good test of their civilization. In Genesis it is recorded that Jacob took the stone upon which his head had rested, whilst the wondrous vision was displayed to him, of the angels ascending and descending, and erected it as a memorial pillar. Again, when the Lord appeared to Jacob when he came out of the Padan-aram and blessed him and renewed the promises which had been made unto Abraham. Jacob set up a pillar of stone in the place as a memorial, and called it "Bethel." Twelve stones were likewise set up in commemoration of the crossing of the river Jordan by the tribes dry shod. The sacred record is full of this method of perpetuating the memory of noted events by the priests, prophets and people of the Jews. The As.syrians and the Egyptians did like- wise — but in a more elaborate manner. In fact, almost the only record bj' which we trace the history of the East is by deciphering the inscriptions upon their monuments and memorial structures. So enduring as monuments are the great pyramids that mankind has almost forgotten the purpose for which they were erected and by whom. on a pile of stones? Or clo the great lawyers to whose acumen we are indebted for the chief liberties of our peo- ple need our care? For themselves — no, but for our- selves, to show our gratitude and appreciation, to remind us we, too, can make our lives sublime — yes. Their great achievements are their monuments, for. verily, " their works do follow them ;" and an\' shafts we may erect are rather ours than theirs. They testify, not so much of their deeds, as what lives in our hearts. The philosophy of this is found in the explanation of the wise and witt)- Cato, the Censor, who said that he had rather have the stranger ask why he had no statue, than to ask wdiy he had one. In the walls of St. Paul is inserted a tablet, on which is written the name of Sir C'hristopher Wren, its architect, with the words underneath, "Lector si monumentum requiris circumspice." The imposing structure reaching upward with all its lines of beauty and strength, was his monument. Should the inquiry be made, what was done at this spot in 1781? and where is the monument of results to commemorate it, the answer might well be made in the single word, " Circumspice." Beyond question the foLui- dation of American liberty was laid on this spot on that noted day in March, 1781. A brief and philosophical consideration of the military situation of these colonies, and of the events which immediately preceded and fol- lowed the struggle here, will satisfy anyone that the im- portance of that day's work is not over-rated by this statement. The British armies having failed of success ainong the northern portion of the colonies, owing to the skill and vigilance of Washington, the attention of their com- mander was directed to the Southern department. There, it was believed that, owing to the hold which the British already had upon the country, its widely scattered population and the noted loyalty of a considerable por- tion of it, the prospect of final success was much better than in an_\' other quarter. With a picked and veteran force, therefore. Lord Cornwallis began his celebrated march from Charleston through South Carolina and North Carolina into Virginia. He calculated upon embodying the loyal element wherever he went, and encouraging it to join him and swell his forces. This was reasonable, after the shameful disaster at Camden, and to a great ex- tent this expectation was justified by large numbers of loyalists joining him in South Carolina, whilst quite a number either did, or attempted, the same in North Caro- lina. But his presence and proclamations were two- edged weapons; the\' not onl}' called out the tory ele- ment, but roused and brought to arms every patriotic Whig in the regions through which he marched. These alone proved more than sufficient to deal with their coun- tr_\-men who took sides with the British. The first great seriou.s check which his hitherto trium- phant advance had received was at King's Mountain in October, 17S0. Preceding his advance into North Caro- lina, Cornwallis had sent Major Ferguson with a battal- ion of regular troops to call out and embody all the Tory element of the western part of the two Carolinas. This he did with considerable success, and incorporated with his own forces a large number of volunteers. But the effort to do so had alarnied the Whigs of the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia. These gallant frontiers- men sprang up as by magic, and crossing the great Iron and Yellow Mountains from the valleys of the Holston and Nolichucky, assembled in the valley of the Catawba and made their final arrangements to dispose of Ferguson and his Tories. Advancing by forced marches, receiving recruits at every step, their array became so formidable that FerjTuson took the alarm and retreated to King's 8 Mountain, vainly imagining that the raw militia from the wiUiorness wouhl not dare to attack him there. ]5ut lit- tle did he know of the spirit of these men. Like a mountain avalanche they swept onward after their prey, and like an eagle, when found, they seized it, in defiance of all military rules, in its own chosen position of strength. Authors, orators and military critics have ilwelt alike e.xhaustively upon the wondrous feat of arms, its timely importance to the patriotic cause and its unex- ampled heroism. There is little concerning it which re- mains to be said. To me, it appears impossible for language to over- estimate its importance or to do adequate justice to the courage, audacity and war-like skill which enabled un- trained militia, without artillery, without bayonets, with- out even discipline, with simply hunting rifles and inade- quate ammunition, to assault fortified mountain heights defended by almost equal numbers, a part of whom were trained veteran troops — and carry them by storm. There is no story in the annals of war; there is no incident told of the great Hannibal, or of the retreat of the Ten- thousand, or of the Roman legions in any part of the earth, which excels it for pure heroism, grim and sturdy courage, and as an exhibition of the true fire of war-like genius. I know that it is not perhaps in good taste for citizens of a Democratic country to boast of the blood which is in their veins, but I am sure I will be pardoned for indulging in a strain of filial pride by glorying in the fact that my grandfather was one of those who amidst smoke and fire ascended those heights on that day. However, perhaps I need not apologize. If it be proper for us to feel proud of our ancestors in the mass, it can- not be improper to boast of their deeds in the individual. The Chinese proverb well says: " To forget one's ances- tors is to be a brook without a source — a tree without a root." The next most serious check which was given to the royal advance was inflicted at the Cowpens in January, 1781. Furious at the destruction of Ferguson's com- mand, Cornvvallis hurried forward to retrieve the disaster, with the celebrated and hitherto invincible calvary com- mander. Colonel Tarlton, with a considerable force of splendid troops. He was met at the Cowpens by General Morgan with a large force of the patriotic militia of North and South Carolina, many who had participated in the victory at King's Mountain, and was signally defeated with the loss of a large number of killed, wounded and prisoners. Thus, two most important detachments of the royal invading army having been defeated — one being abso- lutely destroyed — Lord Cornwallis, being justly alarmed for the success of the campaign and smarting from hu- miliation and defeat, determined upon a prompt and ag- gressive advance which should subdue all opposition and restore all lost prestige of his army. From this time for- ward until fate compelled him to retreat from the State it is impossible to withhold from him our admiration at his high military qualities, as evinced by the discipline of his troops and the moderation of his conduct. But it was decreed that he should fail, and on this spot where we now stand, in 17S1 the finishing blow was given to all his prospects for subjugating the Southern Colonies, and which drove him to his ships at Wilmington, and finally to the end at Yorktown. From this day dates the real freedom and independence of North Carolina. Had he not here been successfully resisted — had the army of General Greene been destroyed as Ferguson's had been at King's Mountain, beyond all question the independence of these Colonies would have been indefinitely postponed. How this battle was fought and substantially won, and 10 the part whicli our North Carolina ancestors took therein, 1 will not attempt to describe to-day. It has been done again and again by our historians and orators, by Hawks, Graham, Swain and Caruthers, but never so well and completely done as by the honorable gentleman, David Schenck, who discoursed to you at your last celebration, and to whose untiring and patriotic exertions we are in- debted for these efforts to keep alive the memory of our libert\--loving fore-fathers. For one, I unhesitatingly ac- cept the conclusions of his laborious researches, and be- lieve them to be the truth of history. I believe that the regular and volunteer troops of North Carolina did their duty that dav as well as any men upon that field, and that the lines of raw, undisciplined militia did all that was expected of them by their commander, or all that could have reasonably been expected of them by an}' critic with sufficient military knowledge to judge of the capacity of such forces, so armed, against such trained and disciplined and perfectly armed troops. What then was their work.' What is the monument which they that day erected to themselves as seen in the result.' Suppose an intelligent stranger were here and were told to search for that monument by looking around, w hat would he see.' He would behold a free and inde- pendent commonwealth, which for more than a hundred vears has enjoyed the blessings of liberty, and which has advanced steadily without retrogression or anarchy in all the paths of prosperity and civilization. With fifty thou- sand square miles of territory, containing thirty-two mil- lions of acres, of which at least twenty-nine millions are arable and two thousand square .niles of which are in- land seas. This area extends east and west for six hun- dred milis in length with an average breadth of a hundred and forty. In it is found a general elevation from tide water to the mountain tops of si.x thousand feet. II giving the varieties of climate which are to be found within twenty degrees of latitude north and south. The variety of productions are abundant and commensurate with these varieties of soil and climate. Her forests have always been remarkable and still are, for their great ex- tent and value, and the treasures within her bosom have barely begun to be explored and exposed. Not to men- tion smaller streams, this area is traversed by three thou- sand miles of water-courses of the dignity of rivers, furnishing in their gradual fall from the western high- lands into the sea, water-power sufficient to turn all the machinery of the world. This happily located land, at once profitable, pleasant and picturesque, containing all the best gifts of God to his creatures, is the home of the children of the men who made it free and established its institutions and laws with a view to the happiness of its people. So well did they build that after more than a century of trial no flaw has been found in the structure, no weakening, no evidence of decay. Straight forward it has marched, still upward it has grown, in population, m wealth, in intelligence, without pause or delay, save only in the ever memorable and ever damnable days of Reconstruction. In 1790 the number of our people was 393,000; in 1880 it was 1,400,000; if the rate of increase which obtained from 1S70 to 1S80 be preserved, in 1S90 our population will be at least 1,750,000, and whether it ma)' be a matter for boasting or a matter for regret, it is equally the truth this steady and healthful increase has been aided very little by immigration. The statistics show that no American State has been so little indebted to foreigners for either population or wealth. Emphati- cally our progress is our own; and whatever we may be, THAT we have become by oUr own efforts. Let us love it accordingly. The Germans say, " One's own straw is better than an enemy's wool," and the Latins "The smoke of our own country is brighter than fire abroad." 12 So much do we already see of the results of their wis- dom and valor. But what of the things in the future which we do not see? What poetic vision, though reach- ing "far as angel's ken " can picture the future which awaits this people, or point out where the influence of the deeds done on this spot in 17S1 shall cease to affect their destinies? One of the most curious questions of metaphysics is that of the dependence of one event upon another. The casuists and theologians of the world have in all time disputed concerning its effects upon the free will of man and the decrees of God. The cause and ef- fect can be more obviously traced in the material than in the moral world; and yet without refining too much, we can reasonably trace moral effects from great events over vast stretches of time. In 1883 the island of Kra- katoa in the straits of Sunda was literally ejected from its place in the seas and blown into space. The effect was recognized in tidal disturbances upon every shore, more or less, where observations were made throughout the earth. You all remember the red skies which gave even additional beauty and glory to our celestial scenery at the settings of the sun in i883-'84? The men of science have now determined without dissent, that those red skies were directly the results of that great volcanic eruption which had shattered masses of obsidian of which the island was composed, into impalpable dust. The force of the explosion had hurled the obsidian dust into those regions of the upper air which are far beyond the influence of the circulation near the surface; and by the operation of those lofty currents of which we know little, it had been diffused throughout the world, causing the beauteous phenomena at which we so much wonder- ed and upon which we gazed with so much rapture. Who can say then what commonwealths, a thousand years from now, ma_\' not be inspired by oiu' example, as our 13 prosperity and happiness were securetl b\- these same deeds of our ancestors? Who can say that the unseen and lofty currents of human affection may not waft and diffuse the ennobling lessons and inspirations emanating from Guilford Court House in [J