E 415 .9 .R49 U5 Copy 1 Class _, 7 Mk^SRiaJjL51 Sixty-Fourth Congress, First Session Senate Document No. 425 STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE ERECTED IN STATUARY HALL OF THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PROCEEDINGS IN STATUARY HALL, IN THE SENATE, AND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES UPON THE UNVEILING, RE- CEPTION, AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA feixtg-SImtrtli (Baasttsa Compiled uoder the direction o£ the Joint Committee on Printing ^.^ ''/ -/ (p^S 7 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 ?i2 Y ^ %'^ AUTHORITi" TO PRINT SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. i6, SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring). That there be printed and bound, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings at the unveiling ia Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the statue of Henry Mower Rice presented by the State of Minnesota, sixteen thousand five htmdred copies, with suitable illustration, of which five thousand shall be for tlie use of the Senate and ten thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and dis- tribution of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Minnesota. Passed the Senate March i6, 1916. Passed the House April 8, 1916. D. of D. JAN 19 1917 TABLE OF CONTENTS Proceedings in Statuary Hall: Page Prayer by Rev. James Shera Montgomery, pastor of Metropolitan Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, D. C 7 Remarks by the presiding officer, Mr. Frederick G. Ingeisoll 8 Unveiling of statue by Miss Matilda Whitall Auerbach 9 Placing of D. A. R. wreath at foot of statue by Mrs. Charles R. Davis 9 Addresses by — Hon. Knute Nelson, United States Senator from Minnesota. , . 11 Hon. Moses E. Clapp, United States Senator from Minnesota. . 19 Hon. Thomas R. Marshall, Vice President of the United States. 21 Benediction by Rev. James Shera Montgomery 24 Proceedings in the Senate: Addresses by — Mr. Knute Nelson, of Minnesota 29 Mr. Oscar W. Underivood , of Alabama 32 Mr. Warren G. Harding, of Ohio 35 Mr. Jacob H. Gallinger, of New Hampshire 38 Mr. Moses E. Clapp, of Minnesota 41 Proceedings in the House: Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D 48 Addresses by — Mr. Charles R. Davis, of Minnesota 49 Mr. Halvor Steenerson, of Minnesota 53 Mr. Clarence B. Miller, of Minnesota 57 Mr. Andrew J. Volstead, of Minnesota 61 Mr. George R. Smith, of Minnesota 65 Mr. Charles A. Lindbergh, of Minnesota 73 Mr. Carl C. Van Dyke, of Mirmesota 76 Mr. Thomas D. Schall, of Minnesota 82 Mr. Sydney Anderson, of Minnesota 84 Mr. Franklin P. Ellsworth, of Minnesota 86 3 THE SCULPTOR Frederick E. Triebel COLLEGE POINT, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK CITY Born in Peoria, 111., December 29, 1865. Studied art in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy, from which he graduated in 1888, receiving first prize and a silver medal for the excellence of his work. The Italian Government purchased his graduating study. Received Galilee silver medal from Museo Nazionale di Antropologia, Florence, Italy, in 1889 and 1891. Presented with medal of science by Pope Pius X in 191 2. Selected by Germany as a member of the jury of awards at World's Columbian Exposition. Elected professor of sculpture, Royal Roman Academy of Fine Arts, 1898. Elected academician of merit for sculpture by the Royal Fine Arts Academy of San Luca, Rome, Italy, in 1905. Among his works are Mysterious Music, exhibited at World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, and purchased by the Japanese Government for the Imperial Museum at Tokyo, Japan; Defense of the Flag, a soldier's monument erected at Peoria, 111.; the statue of Robert G. Ingersoll at Peoria, 111. ; the monument erected by tlie State of Iowa on the Shiloh battlefield; tlie monument erected by tlie State of Mississippi on the battlefield at Vicksburg; the Senator George L. Shoup statue in the Hall of Fame, Washington, D. C; statues of President Diaz, of Mexico; Gen. John A. Logan; Tobias Bradley; Olegario Molina, Governor of Yucatan; Ellen Marion Clizbe Don Meyer memorial, Peoria, 111; Marble Group, Mrs. J. B. Greenhut, Shadow Lawn, Long Branch, New Jersey; and many other works of conspicuous merit. 4 UNVEILING OF STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE STATUARY HALL FEBRUARY 8, 1916 PROGRAM STATUARY HALL, FEBRUARY 8, 1916 Mr. Frbdsrick G. Ingersoll, of Minnesota, Presiding Invocation Rev. James Shera Montgomery, of Washington Unveiling of tlie statue Miss Matuda W. Auerb ach Presentation by the commission Hon. Knutb Nelson Presentation by the State of Minnesota Hon. MosES E. Clapp Acceptance for the United States Hon. Thomas R. Marshaia THE RICE STATUE COMMISSION AUTBORIZSD BY THB MDWJBSOTA I.EGISI.ATUHE OP I9I3 AND APPOINTSD BY GOV. A. O. BBBRHARD IN I9IJ Knute Nelson, Chairman Frederick G. Ingersoll, Secretary Maurice Auerbach (deceased) Mrs. Matilda Rice Auerbach Prof. F. E. Triebel, Sculptor 6 f:if,'tt.Si)ffvn STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE STATUARY HALL, UNITED STATES CAPITOL WASHINGTON, D. C, FEBRUARY 8, 1916, 11 A. M. The Presiding Officer (Mr. Frederick G. Ingersoll). Mr. Vice President, ladies, and gentlemen, the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, at its session in 1913, provided for the appointment of a commission to secm-e the erection, in this Hall, of a statue of one of its most distinguished citizens— Henry Mower Rice. The completed statue is here for unveiling and installation, and it is with a great deal of satisfaction that we welcome the friends of Mr. Rice here to-day in such large numbers. Rev. James Shera Montgomery, of the Metropolitan Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church of this city, for many years a resident of Minnesota, will invoke the divine blessing. invocation Dr. Montgomery. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we lift our minds this moment unto Thy holy mount, from whence cometh our help; our help cometh from the Lord. Our lips are filled with praise this morning because our hearts are filled with gratitude. We recognize, Almighty God, in Thee we live and have our being. We bless Thy holy name for the inheritances of the past and for the wisdom, chivalry, and courage of our fathers. O God, may thy blessings, in some measure, fall upon us. Bless our great country that we love and grant that every section of this great Republic may recognize always the forefathers of our great civilization of every State. O God, in this sisterhood of States, and at this moment more espe- cially, look with divine and great favor upon the great 7 8 Statue of Henry Mower Rice Commonwealth of Minnesota. Regard us as a nation, O God of mercy and wisdom. Direct in great wisdom the President of these United States; also the legislative and judicial departments of this great Government. We pray also for the peace of the troubled world. O Prince of Peace, harbinger of a higher and greater life, heal Thou the open sore of troubled Europe, and may the Prince of Peace come in the fulfillment of His blessed promise "Peace on earth, good will toward men." We make this petition, O God, as Thou art our Father, and Jesus Christ is our leader and brother, that Thou will hear us when we call. Amen and amen. The Presiding Officer. It was in 1864 that the Presi- dent of the United States was authorized by Congress to invite every State of the Union to provide statues of two of its citizens, illustrious for distinguished civic or military services, and to place the same in the Nation's Capitol. In 1899 the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, taking advan- tage of this opportunity, designated Henry Mower Rice, one of the first Senators from that State, as one of the two to occupy a place in this Hall of Fame. In 191 3 the legis- lature appropriated the money for the erection of this statue and provided for the appointment of this commission. Gov. Eberhart made the appointments without delay and the commission at once proceeded to carry out the wishes of the legislature. Mr. Maurice Auerbach, for many years a resident of Minnesota, was one of the original members of that commission, and upon his death, in November last, Mrs. Auerbach was appointed to succeed him. Hon. Knute Nelson and myself constitute the other members. Before proceeding further let me pay tribute to the valu- able aid rendered by Mr. Auerbach while a member of this commission. Undertakings of this kind are not brought to completion without careful attention and labor, and Mr. Auerbach gave willingly, generously, and intelligently of both. The other members of the commission are under great obligations to him. His death deprived us not only Unveiling of the Statue. of his assistance and excellent judgment, at a time when it was needed, but inflicted upon us a personal loss, and finds us here to-day imder a keen sense of disappointment because of his absence. This statue which we are about to unveil is the work of Prof. F. E. Triebel, of College Point, Long Island, a member of the Royal Academy of San Luca of Rome, Italy, who was selected in competition with a large number of other artists, and we feel gratified at the high order of talent and abihty that he has displayed and with the work which he has produced. We are all anxious to see the statue. Miss Matilda Whitall Auerbach, a granddaughter of Mr. RicE, has kindly consented to unveil it for us. [Unveiling of statue by Miss Auerbach. Applause.] This statue is of the purest Italian statuary marble, seven feet in height, upon a pedestal of gray marble of three feet six inches, upon a base of four and one-half inches, beauti- fully proportioned, and comparing favorably with other statues about us. Upon the lapel of the coat appears the insignia of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, of which Mr. Rice was a companion of the third order and rank in the Minnesota Commandery. To this rank are eHgible those who, in civil life, during the Rebellion were especially distin- guished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government and were active and eminent in maintaining its supremacy. On the pedestal is the inscrip- tion: "Henry Mower Rice, i8i 7-1894" (the years of his birth and death) and the words "United States Senator, Minnesota." The Daughters of the American Revolution of Minnesota have, in recognition of this event, sent a beautiful wreath to be placed at the foot of this statue by the regent of Minnesota, Mrs. Charles R. Davis, who will now make the presentation. Mrs. Davis. I must correct you, Mr. Chairman. I am not the regent of Minnesota. Mrs. George C. Squires, of St. lo Staiu£ of Henry Mower Rice Paul, is the regent of Minnesota. But I have the honor of representing the Daughters of the American Revolution of Minnesota here to-day, and it is a great pleasure to place this wreath upon this statue in expression of the highest tribute they feel, not only toward Mr. RicE, but toward Mrs. Auerbach, a daughter of Mr. Rice; and a member of our society. [Applause.] [Placing of wreath at fcxjt of statue by Mrs. Davis.] The Presiding Officer. It was in May, 1858, immedi- ately upon the organization of the State of Minnesota, that the legislature of that State selected Mr. RicE as one of its first Senators. Mr. RicE came to the Senate of the United States at perhaps the most trying period in the history' of our Government and served throughout the period of the Civil War. He had an opportunity to render, and did render, to the State and Nation most valuable services. You will, I am sure, be very much interested in hearing what Mr. Rice accomplished, what he stood for, and what he did, not only in the Senate of the United States but throughout his life, as a loyal citizen of Minnesota. It affords me especial pride to introduce Hon. Knute Nelson, senior Senator from the Statie of Minnesota, the honored and re- spected chairman of this commission, who will present the statue, in the name of the commission, to the State of Minnesota. ADDRESS OF SENATOR NELSON OF MINNESOTA Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice President, ladies and gentlemen, during the centtuy which elapsed from the time Radisson and Duluth first visited Minnesota until France relinquished her sovereignty and title to Great Britain of the territory east of the Mississippi River, in 1763, Minnesota remained an unexplored wilderness, visited only at long intervals by a few missionaries and fur traders, who made no settlements and who, because of the transitory character of their visits, secured but scant knowledge of the character of the country. And while nominally under English and Spanish rule, from then until the end of the eighteenth century little progress was made in settlement or exploration. A few missionaries and a few fur traders were the only white occupants of this vast domain. English law was technically paramoimt east of the Mississippi, and Spanish law west of the Mississippi. It was not until the English had abandoned their posts in the Northwest Territory and France had ceded Louisiana that the Federal Government proceeded to explore and take an inventory of and occupy its great possessions in the Northwest. In 1805 and 1806 Lieut. Pike ascended the Mississippi River and explored its soiu-ces, and in 1819-20 Col. Leaven- worth located Fort SnellLng at the junction of the Minnesota River with the Mississippi. The fort soon became the nu- cleus from which radiated a few straggling settlements in the vicinity — the feeble beginnings of that mighty wave of inpouring settlers that soon were to transform the wilder- ness into a Canaan of human habitations. The fur trade was the first great attraction, and it is a noteworthy fact that two of Minnesota's greatest and noblest men came there in the early years of their youth as representatives of fur- trading companies — Gen. Sibley, the first governor of the 12 Statue of Henry Mower Rice State, in 1834, as the representative of the American Fur Co., and Senator Rice, one of the first United States Senators of the State, whose statue we are to-day unveiUng, came in 1839, and soon thereafter became the representative of the Chouteau Co. and its successors. At this time there ^^'as a considerable military reservation around Fort Snelling, extending on both sides of the river up beyond the Falls of St. Anthony. This reservation had been secured of the Indians through Lieut. Pike. All the rest of the State was nominally Indian coimtry, occupied by bands of Sioux and Chippewas, although the Sioux had, by the treaty of 1837, relinquished their interest in the lands east of the Mississippi. Between 1812 and 1 830 Lord Selkirk had made efforts to colonize what is now the Province of Manitoba with Scotch and Swiss settlers. From various causes these settlements had proved dreary failures, and many of the poor and wretched settlers, with a contingent of French Canadians, had made their way to Minnesota, some settling at Mendota, on the south side of the river, others, the major portion, settling within the bounds of the military reservation. These people, with the troops and the employees of the Gov- ernment at Fort Snelling, and a few fur traders and mis- sionaries among the Indians, constituted practically all the white settlers and the settlements in Minnesota at this time. The coimtry west of the Mississippi was nominally at- tached to and under the jurisdiction of the Territory of Iowa, and the country east of the Mississippi was under the jurisdiction of Wisconsin, but it was really a sort of "no man's land." Practically the only organs of law and order were the military, the fur traders, and a few missionaries, who between them maintained a truce between the settlers and between them and the Indians. The military after a while wearied of the settlers on the military reservation, and in 1839 expelled them therefrom, and some of these ex- pelled settlers located at and became the founders of what is now the great and prosperous city of St. Paul. Address of Senator Nelson of Minnesota 13 Such was the situation and such were the times when Senator RicE reached Fort SneUing in 1839. And he came there well equipped and highly qualified for the great task of participating as a leader in laying the foundations of a great Commonwealth. He soon became a most prominent factor in all public affairs, locating first at Mendota and afterwards at St. Paul. When Wisconsin became a State, in 1848, it practically left Minnesota in the air, without any valid government, and he became an active participant in the movement which resulted in the election of Gen. Sibley as a Delegate and in the establishment of Minnesota as an organized Territory, with its western boundary extending to the Missouri River. Senator RiCE was of Welsh descent, his family tracing back to Lord JCedwelly, Wales. Sir ap-Thomas Fitz Urian was the founder of the English family; Edmund Rice, "the Pilgrim," as he was called, was the founder of the American family. He was born in Barkhamstead, England, in 1594. His wife's name was Tamazine. The parish records of Sudbury and Barkhamstead record the birth of seven of his children. He and his family landed in Massachusetts in 1638 and settled at a place which he called Sudbury, part of which is now Wayland, then called "The Planta- tion." He was one of the thirteen petitioners who besought the court for a new plantation; this was granted and the plantation was called Marlboro. He was selectman and deacon, and was intrusted with many important positions by the General Court. He died May 13, 1663, in Massa- chusetts. Henry M. Rice was the fifth in descent from Edmund Rice, "the Pilgrim," and his ancestor moved after some years from Massachusetts to Connecticut and New Hamp- shire. Mr. Rice's father, Edmund Rice, was bom in Charles- town, N. H.; he married Ellen Dvukee, of Royalton, Vt., and moved to Waitsfield, Vt., where Henry M. Rice was born in 181 7. Among his ancestors he numbers the Spauld- ings, Hastings, and Willards. Mr. RicE attended common 14 Statue of Henry Mower Rice schools and an academy ; his father died when he was quite young. After his death the family moved to Kalamazoo, Mich. From there he went to Detroit and made the first survey of the Sault Ste. Marie land made by the State of Michigan. In 1839 he went to Fort Snelling; was post sutler for the United States Army at Fort Atkinson and Iowa Territory for a short time. He afterwards, for raany years, repre- sented Chouteau & Co., and their successor, in the north- west fur trade. Wrhen Iowa demanded the removal of the Winnebago Indians, Mr. RicE went with a delegation of chiefs to "Washington and concluded a treaty for the sale of the reservation; he signed the treaty in place of the chief, a distinguished mark of confidence by the Indians. In 1847 he negotiated treaties with the Chippewas of the upper Mississippi and of Lake Superior for cessions of their lands in northern Minnesota. In 1849 he married Matilda \^1iitall, of Richmond, Va. In 1852, when the confirmation of treaties of 1851 with the Sioux for their vast possessions in Minnesota was in danger of failing, he secured the consent of the Indians to modifica- tions of the treaties required by the Senate of the United States, and though he was not a beneficiary under the treaties, his great tact and ability secured the consent of the Sioux to the Senate amendments, and thus in 1853 all of the lands of the Sioux in Minnesota west of the Mississippi River, except a narrow strip of land on both sides of the Minnesota River, were opened to white settlement. In 1853 he was elected Delegate for Minnesota Territory and reelected in 1855. With the assistance of Douglas, he framed the act authorizing Minnesota to form a State constitution preparatory to admission and to fix the bound- ary line. He was elected United States Senator for Min- nesota in 1857; was admitted to his seat in 1858 and served until March 3, 1863. As a Delegate he secured tlie passage of the act making extensive grants of land to the Territory and future vState for the construction of our system of raihoads. He also Address of Senator Nelson of Minnesota 15 sectired the passage of a law establishing a surveyor gen- eral's office; also acts for the establishment of several land offices for the convenience and accommodation of the settlers. At this time there was no homestead law, and the preemption law of 1 841 did not recognize settlement on unsurveyed land. To promote the settlement of the State and give the settlers a chance to settle and acquire rights on unsurveyed land, he secured the passage of a law by which settlement could be made on unsurveyed land, permitting the settlers to file a declaratory statement in the local land office and giving them the preference right to purchase the land as soon as it was surveyed. He was also largely instrumental in securing passage of the act admitting Minnesota into the Union as a State, and by this act two sections of land in every township were granted to the State for public school purposes, and seventy- two sections of land were granted to the State for the State University. Five hundred thousand acres were also granted to the State for internal improvements, as well as all the swamp lands in the State, together with six sections of land for each of twelve salt springs in the State; altogether a most liberal and generous grant of land to the State. It is to be noted in this connection that prior to this law no State had secured more than one section of land per township for school purposes. As Senator he was a member of the Senate's special com- mittee of thirteen to report on the condition of the country and to report some mode of averting the threatened rup- ture between the North and the South. He was also a member of the following standing committees: Indian Affairs, Post Offices and Post Roads, PubUc Lands, Military, and Finance. He served as United States commissioner in making sev- eral Indian treaties, and was a member of the board of regents of the university ; president of the Minnesota His- torical Society ; president of the board of public works, and treasurer of Ramsey County. 40277°— S. Doc. 425, 64-1 2 1 6 Statue of Henry Mower Rice Just before the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion, $875,000 of certain bonds held by the Government in trust for the Indians had been extracted from the safe of the Secretary of the Interior; Mr. Rice was instrumental in recovering these bonds. A committee of the House was appointed to investigate the matter, and reported that Mr. Rice was entitled to the thanks of the House and the country. He was elected a member of the Loyal Legion, chosen from those who in civil Ufe during the Rebellion were espe- cially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and who were active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. His last pubHc service was when he acted in conjunction with Gov. Ramsey and H. S. Fairchild in fixing values of the land taken by the State for a new State capitol. Mr. Rice gave Rice Park to the city of St. Paul, two acres of land, on which are now erected a church and hospital, and a fine Ubrary of historical books, relating to the Govern- ment from its foundation up. Rice Park, Rice County, Rice Lake, and Rice Street are all named for him. He died at San Antonio, Tex., January 15, 1894, in the seventy- seventh year of his age. When the Chippewa Indians heard of Mr. Rice's death, they paid him a beautiful compUment through their inter- preter, who said among other things that all the Chippewas knew Mr. Rice was in a better place, but they would like to have him still here. They called him White Rice on account of his honesty of character. The work done and the results obtained by Senator RiCE as a Delegate and as a Senator were of the most far-reach- ing and momentous consequences to our young State in its infancy. The vast railroad land grants, though encounter- ing many vicissitudes, were in the end the foundation and great promoter of our extensive network of raibroads. These railroads, endowed by these land grants, advanced side by side with the settlers, and in many instances pre- ceded them and thus greatly hastened the settlement and Address of Senator Nelson of Minnesota 17 development of the country. The generous grant for edu- cational purposes has given our liberal, progressive, and comprehensive school system a financial foundation such as few, if any, of our sister States possess. The first essential step in the progress of our State was obtained by the ces- sion of the Indian lands and the removal of the Indians. It was not until this had been secured that the influx of settlers began; and in this great work, by reason of his business relations and acquaintance with the Indians, Senator Rice rendered most valuable and efficient service. But let it never be forgotten that in the midst of these leading events there were a multitude of minor, though none the less essential, affairs that demanded attention. Land offices, post offices, and mail routes, as well as the speedy survey of the pubUc lands, were needed. There were counties and legislative and judicial districts to be estabHshed, settlers to be helped in securing their homes, Indians to be placated and kept at a safe distance, and transportation routes to be opened. In all these matters Senator Rice was most active, efficient, and helpful. The progress and welfare of the Territory and young State were near to his heart, and his zeal and activity never slack- ened in its behalf. He was emphatically a great State builder, whose vision and the effect of whose work extended into the distant future. We of the present generation have reaped, most bountifully reaped, where he, under many drawbacks and difficulties, sowed. Three great men cradled our State in its infancy — RicE, Ramsey, and Sibley. They were a trinity of great men, such as few embryo States have been blessed with. They towered above their times and environment, as beacon lights for the future generations, to admonish us and to guide us in our duties and obligations. Senator RicE was not the least of this great trio. He was a handsome man, of commanding presence, genial, and kind hearted, always ready to help and serve — none so poor and humble but that in him they found a friend in the hour of need, and none so great that they towered above him 1 8 Statue of Henry Mower Rice He was not an orator in the common acceptation of the term. He was an orator of action and not of words. Deeds, not words, are in the wake of his life. His love for his adopted State and for the Federal Union was paramount, pure, and untarnished. In the hoirr of the Nation's great distress he never faltered in words or in deeds. That Union into which, in his earlier manhood, he had inducted our young State, was ever uppermost in his love and affection. He bore no divided allegiance. Scarcely more than three-quarters of a century has elapsed since he first cast his lot with our embryo State. At that time there were less than two and a half thousand white people within its borders. There are now over two and a half million of thrifty and happy people, and there is ample room for foiu" times that number. By the end of this cen- tury Minnesota is likely to find itself with a population of ten milhons of industrious, prosperous, and fully assimi- lated Americans, as loyal to the flag and the institutions of this coimtry as the best type of American citizenship. To these millions who succeed us Henry M. Rice will loom up over the vista of the passing years as one of the great men who cradled and nursed our State in its infancy and breathed into it the spirit and life that matured it into a great Com- monwealth. On behalf of the commission I deliver the statue, duly finished and completed, to the State of Minnesota. The Presiding Officer. Hon. Moses E. Clapp, Senator from the State of Minnesota, has kindly consented to accept this statue at the hands of the commission and present the same to the United States. Mr. Clapp was intimately acquainted with Senator RicE for many years, and I know you will be interested in what he will say. ADDRESS OF SENATOR CLAPP OF MINNESOTA Mr. President, the pleasant duty has devolved upon me of accepting this statue on behalf of the State of Minne- sota, and, on its behalf, transferring it to you as the rep- resentative of the United States. Henry Mower Rice was one of a group of great char- acters who laid the foundations of a Commonwealth.. Minnesota has seen fit, in making a presentation of this statue to be placed in this Hall, to single him out from a group and honor him with this distinction. Mr. Rice was a type. It is said that men make insti- tutions and give them form and spirit. On the other hand, it is contended that men in their character reflect the spirit of the institutions under which they live. Like most questions presented by extremes, the real truth lies be- tween the extremes. Mr. RiCE and the men of his day gave color and form to the institutions which were devel- oped in their time. It is equally true that men like Mr, Rice were, in a measure, the product of their time and of the institutions tmder which they lived. As otu: civiUza- tion moved westward in the first half of the last century and at the same time developed toward a higher plane, the conditions called for men, strong men like Henry Mower Rice, and at the same time the conditions which surrounded them molded their character. It was a condition which required strong men and made strong men stronger. Thus it was that Mr. RicE, strong by nature, grew stronger under the conditions of which he was a part, and, in turn, added to the strength, char- acter, and ideals of his time. The chiseled marble which to-day we commit to your custody will long stand in the shelter of this Dome, a trib- ute to the love and honor of a great State to the memory of 19 20 Statue of Henry Mower Rice one who contributed so much to the genius and spirit of its growth, yet longer, far longer, will live the spirit of the institutions in the molding of which he was such a con- spicuous figure and potent factor. The Presiding Officer. The members of this commis- sion and the people of the State of Minnesota feel highly honored that the Vice President of the United States has consented to be present to-day and accept this statue at our hands, in the name of the United States. I take great pleasure in presenting the Vice President. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF VICE PRESIDENT MARSHALL So much of the gratitude of a people due distinguished public service and private virtue is never voiced that it affords me pleasure to receive and welcome to tliis Hall, on the part of the Government of the United States, the coimterfeit presentment of one who shed so much luster upon the civic virtue of the Commonwealth of Minnesota. It would take but a little while to trace the illustrious ancestry of Henry Mower Rice and to recall his distin- guished public service. In the dawnings of American history, one Edmund Rice came to Massachusetts and became one of the fathers of Marlboro. The late Senator was fifth in descent from this pioneer .and Pilgrim and, like his remote ancestor, he felt the call of his blood and answered unto it. In blazing paths for others to follow, he made the first survey of the Sault Ste. Marie; he disclosed his pioneer spirit in forming friendly alliances with the Indians of Iowa and Minnesota ; he assisted in the conclusion of a treaty for the sale of the Winnebago Reservation, negotiated treaties with the Chippewas for the cession of their laiids, and largely aided in adjusting differences with the Sioux, so that all of Minnesota west of the Mississippi River and south of Chippewa County was open to white settlers; with Stephen A. Douglas, he drew up the act authorizing Minnesota to form a State consti- tution preparatory to admission to the Union, and fixed the boundaries of the new State; he was a Delegate from the Territory and a Senator from the State for five years; his services as a Senator were painstaking and patriotic and, without desertion of his party, he remained a defender of the Union of the States. These are the things for which Henry M. Rice was known — the things which we have at our tongues' tips for 22 Statue of Henry Mower Rice instant service when his name is heard — the things he did while in Hfe. We now say he is dead, and upon this occasion we have met to commemorate his virtues by accepting into this Hall of Fame his statue which Minnesota has tendered to the Republic as a token of her regard for one of her great men gone. I might accept it solely in this spirit and be in consonance with the common view of hmnankind, but I prefer to accept it in a higher and liner spirit. Does life consist in eating, drinking, sleeping, talking a multitude of days? Are death and bm-ial absolutely synonymous and practically sjTichronous ? Are we right in asstuning that so long as one moves about in the visible presence of others he is alive ? Are we j ustified in declaring that when there come silence to the pallid lip and peace to the tlioughtful brow, death has intervened? Are not our definitions imperfect and incomplete? Must not life include something con- tributed to individual or collective good? Must not death have intervened when an end came to capacity or desire to contribute to the advance or happiness of the human race? Is not George Washington far more alive, if there can be comparisons witli reference to life, than any one who would seek to divert the course of this Republic into entangling alliances with foreign powers? Can anyone successfully assert that Abraham Lincoln is dead, that the impulse which he gave to hmnan freedom has spent its force in the intervening years since the assassin's bullet was fired? Do not English regiments now face their foe dreaming that by their sides stand the men who made the charge at Balaklava? Who would be surprised to hear an Austrian declare that in the gray dawn of tlie morning he saw the spectral form of Maria Teresa leading him onward into battle ? Assuredly it may not definitely be said when life begins or when death intervenes. Life means diiferent things in different ages and different lands. Under our flag, it Address of Vice President Marshall 23 means the opportunity to add to the sum of human happi- ness and that fair Hberty which does not run with hurrying feet toward license. So long as that which a man has done or does, has thought or thinks, has said or says, helps to keep bright the flames of freedom upon the altars of constitutional liberty, that man lives. He can not die. Beneath man's thoughts and words and deeds there is always the underlying purpose of the man. If these words and thoughts and deeds rest upon no seciire foundation, they melt speedily back to mother earth, and whether the man walks the briar-bordered paths of life or rests in some stately mausoleum, aHke he is dead. But if his words and thoughts and deeds rest upon a great Rfin- ciple or a great purpose, his ashes may be scattered to the four winds of heaven, his baptismal name may even be for- gotten, but he continues to live; he moves, he speaks in trumpet tones to the; sons and daughters of the RepubHc, crying out to them that there is opportunity yet to blaze paths for righteousness and humanity, for freedom and for justice. It is in this spirit that I prefer to receive upon the part of the RepubHc this statue of a man that I think still Hves, of a man who believed in the great and \'ital principles of the Republic, and who in the western wilds of the land helped to carve out and to add to the Republic a State which would be loyal to the Federation, just to its citizenship, and con- secrated to the uplift of our common humanity. Beneath the carking cares of his everyday life and his splendid pub- lic service, I see his devotion to the Republic. He is not dead nor will he die while the hope of liberty abides in the breasts of a single son or daughter of Minnesota, nor while the onward rush of humanity is toward that far-off divine event wherein it is hoped to make the whole world kin. Hail to the immortal ! Farewell to the mortal ! And yet again, hail! 24 Statue of Henry Mower Rice The Presiding Officer. These ceremonies, and appro- priate ceremonies in the Congress shortly to be had, will be made a matter of record and preserved for all time. Before we adjourn I will ask Dr. Montgomery to dismiss us with the benediction. benediction Dr. Montgomery. Now may the grace, mercy, and peace of God, otu" heavenly Father, the blessed example of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and brother, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, abide with you and keep you always. Amen. ACCEPTANCE OF STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE BY THE SENATE FEBRUARY 19, 1916 BY THE HOUSE MARCH II, 1916 PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE JANUARY 26, 1916 Mr. Nelson. I submit a resolution, which I send to the desk, and ask for its immediate consideration. The Vice President. The resolution submitted by the Senator from Minnesota will be read. The Secretary read the resolution (S. Res. 80), as follows: Resolved, That exercises appropriate to the reception and acceptance from the State of Minnesota of the statue of Henry Mower Rice, erected in Stat- uary Hall in the Capitol, be made the special order for Saturday, February 19, 1916, after the conclusion of the routine morning business. Mr. Nelson. Mr. President, I wish to say in explanation of the resolution that the statue of Mr. Rice, who was the first Senator from Minnesota, is soon to be placed in Stat- uary Hall in the Capitol, and that this resolution follows the precedent which has been established in such cases. The resolution was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to. FEBRUARY 19, 1916 Mr. Nelson. Mr. President, I send to the desk a concur- rent resolution which I ask to have read. The Vice President. The Secretary will read the con- current resolution. The concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 13) was read and considered, as follows: Resolved by the Senate {Ihe House of Representatives concurring), That the statue of Henry Mower Rice, presented by the State of Minnesota to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the piuity of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of the State of Minnesota. 27 ADDRESSES ADDRESS OF MR. NELSON OF MINNESOTA Mr. President, Congress has accorded to each State of the Union the privilege of placing in this Capitol, in Statuary- Hall, statues of two of its eminent men, to be selected by the respective States. Minnesota has now for the first time availed herself of this privilege by placing in Statuary Hall a statue of Henry M. Rice, one of the first represent- atives of the State of Minnesota in this body. Mr. Rice was bom in the State of Vermont in the year 1817. He came to what is now the State of Minnesota, but was then an unexplored wilderness, a sort of "no man's land," in 1839, 10 years before Minnesota became an or- ganized Territory. In 1853 he was elected a Delegate to Congress from that Territory. He was reelected in 1S55; and in 1857 he and Gen. Shields were elected the first Senators from the State of Minnesota. Mr. RicE took his seat in the Senate of the United States in May, 1858, on the admission of the State into the Union. Senator RicE had a most remarkable record. He was one of the great men who came to the embryo State who were instrumental in laying the foundations of our government and of our prosperity. When he first came to the State he was engaged as the respresentative of one of the great fur companies. At that time the country was an unexplored wilderness. There were very few people except some sol- diers at Fort Snelling and a few missionaries, and in addi- tion to that the fin: traders and their employees. By reason of the fact that as a fur trader Mr. RicE became intimate with the Indians, he became very popular with them. They looked upon him with favor, because he 29 30 Statue of Henry Mower Rice always treated them fairly, and as a consequence he was largely instrumental in secm-ing their consent to the open- ing of the country to white settlement. When he came to the State in 1839 the whole country, except a little terri- tory around Fort Snelling, was occupied by nomadic bands of Sioux and Chippewa Indians. The first great problem of the embryo State was to se- cure those lands from the Indians, and to obtain the re- moval of the Indians therefrom. In this matter Senator Rice was very active and efficient. He perhaps had more influence than anybody else with the Indians; and, as a result of his efforts, in the forties and early fifties, the Sioux and Chippewa Indians ceded to the United States most of their lands in Minnesota, and that opened the country to settlement and enabled it to embark on the great progress it has since made. Senator RicE, as a Delegate in Congress, had the strenu- ous work that falls to the lot of a Delegate from a Terri- tory. He was very efficient and very industrious in se- ctu^ing suitable legislation for the young Territory. It is a remarkable fact that at the time Mr. RicE came to Minne- sota a portion of the State was under the jurisdiction of the State of Iowa, and a portion of it under the jurisdiction of the State of Wisconsin. In 1848, when Wisconsin became a State, it left that part of Minnesota east of the Mississippi River without any government, a sort of no man's land; and the first important task Senator RicE had to perform was in aiding to secure legislation creating the Territory of Minnesota. As a Delegate in Congress Mr. RicE was largely instru- mental in preparing and securing the passage of the enabling act authorizing Minnesota to adopt a State constitution and to become a member of the Federal Union, and the vState honored him by electing him one of its first Senators. He was elected at the same time as Gen. Shields, who had the unique distinction of having represented in this body three different States; but when they came here to the Address of Mr. Nelson of Minnesota 31 Senate of the United States Gen. Shields drew the short term and Mr. Rice drew the long term. Mr. Rice was a Member of this body from 1858 until 1 863. He served on some of the most important committees and was a most active and efficient Member of this body. He was a man of fine education, of great intellectual abilities, a man of sterling character, and a man who always aimed to serve the public efficiently and faithfully. Minnesota was fortunate in having in its early days a number of young men who came from the East and started it on the path to statehood. Among these men — and it has been my lot to be acquainted with many of them — one of the most eminent was Senator RicE, and I feel that the State has made a wise choice in selecting him as its first representative here in Statuar>^ Hall. Mr. President, I have elsewhere' on another occasion in a more extended manner paid my tribute to Senator Rice, and I will not take the time of the Senate further on this occasion. There are other Senators who were acquainted with the Senator who will dwell more on his great merits and his value both to the State of Minnesota and to our common country. 402T7°— S. Doc. 425, 6t-l 3 ADDRESS OF MR. UNDERWOOD OF ALABAMA Mr. President, the State of Minnesota was bom in the space of a decade. Originally a part of the Territory of Wisconsin, it became a Territory almost immediately after the State of Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. It then had a population of scarcely 5,000 souls. Within 10 years it was admitted to statehood, with a population of nearly 300,000 people. Three great men contributed primarily to the birth and building of the State. Henry H. Sibley, the first Delegate from the Territory to the Congress of the United States, the man who secured Territorial recognition and afterwards the first governor of the State. Alexander Ramsey, the State's first Territorial governor and subsequently one of its Repre- sentatives in the Congress of the United States; the man who primarily secured the cession of territory from the Indian tribes and opened the way to white civilization. A few days after Gov. Ramsey was appointed the Territorial governor and came to St. Paul to reside, another citizen established himself in that city. His ambition was not primarily to gather the unearned increment in the rapidly growing metropolis of the future, for he almost immediately showed his desire to take part in civic affairs and serve well the people of his adopted State. Henry M. Rice was born in Vermont in 181 7, and at the age of 19 years emigrated to the State of Wisconsin. He came to Minnesota in 1839 equipped with an academy education, and he had studied law for two years. He was first employed by the Chouteaus, of St. Louis, who had acquired the business of the American Fur Co., and afterwards became a partner in this business and moved to Mendota, Minn., for a short time, but subse- quently located permanently in St. Paul. Mr. RicB was a leader in every enterprise that looked to the development 32 Address of Mr. Underwood of Alabama 33 of the town. Whatever success he made he generously shared with the pubHc. His personal quahties were such that they were immediately recognized. He was given pubhc employment and secured great success in it. His manners were so gracious — and yet not patronizing — that he made friends with all sorts and conditions of men. He divined with unerring instinct the motives of men and parties and knew when and how by appropriate suggestion to let them apparently move themselves toward his desired ends. He was the personal representative of the Sioux Tribe of Winnebagoes, always held their confidence, and successfully managed their affairs both for the Indians and the white settlers who were rapidly building homes in the State. Mr. Rice was bom a Democrat, of the old Jeffersonian school of democracy, and remained true to the faith even during the trying times of the War between the States. He was first elected to office as Delegate from Minnesota in the Thirty-third Congress. He took his seat as Delegate in Congress in December, 1853. Industrious, persuasive, and soon influential, he promoted in many ways the interests of the Territory and his constituents, and by so doing obtained a popularity hardly equaled in the history of Minnesota. He was diligent in laboring for the extension of the surveys and the establishment of land offices. He secured the opening of post offices in the new villages. His influence contributed to the extension of the preemption system to unsurveyed lands, a change which virtually opened all lands not Indian to settlement. Mr. Rice's personal qualities were such as to give him wide acquaintance and influence, and these were extended in no small degree by those of the Virginia lady whom he had taken as his wife, n^e Miss Matilda Whitall. Standing for reelection in the fall of 1855 he won by a hand- some plurality over his Republican opponent and an Inde- pendent Democratic candidate. Delegate RicE, desiring to secure statehood for his constit- uents, early in the session of 1857 had introduced a bill to. 34 Statue of Henry Mower Rice enable the people of Minnesota to organize a State and come into the Union. The bill was subject to long debate and serious contention in both Houses of the Congress, but be- fore the end of the session it was enacted into law and ap- proved by the President. The enabling act as passed February 26, 1857, was in the form which had become traditional, and embodied grants of public lands for schools, a universit}', and public buildings. Henry H. Sibley having been elected the first governor of the State, and the Territorial legislature organized, it was necessary to elect two United States Senators. Henry M. Rice, as everybody expected, was nominated by his party caucus without opposition and subsequently elected. Gen. James W. Shields, who was a newcomer in Miimesota and little known, but who had served with distinction in the Mexican War and filled many offices in his former State, Illinois, and had served a term in the United States Senate from that State, was elected as his colleague. Henry M. Rice served in every position to which he was called by his people with distinguished ability and an unfal- tering desire to promote the welfare of his State and his country. His memory is cherished in the hearts of all who knew him, and his life will always be an example to the com- ing generations of yotmg men in his State to inspire them to high ideals and a patriotic performance of all public duties. ADDRESS OF MR. HARDING OF OHIO Mr. President, there is no particular occasion for me to add a word of tribute to the memory of him whom we are hon- oring to-day, save that in Ohio we feel a very close relation- ship to Minnesota, because the two States were a part of the Northwest Territory which was Virginia's magnificent gift to an expanding Nation. I recalled, while the Senator from Alabama [Mr. Underwood] was speaking, that when the patriotism of the South and the patriotism of the North were in conflict to wipe out an ambiguity in the Constitution, the States builded out of the great Northwest Territory gave a million muskets and 50,000 swords toward the preservation of our nationality. I like to say a word of tribute to the memory of Mr. RiCE because of the stalwart type he so notably characterized. There are two classes of American builders, Mr. President, who ought to be immortalized. One class is composed of those stalwart and seemingly inspired fathers who laid the foundation of this Republic, seemingly the first dependable, representative, popular Government on the face of the earth. But no less important are the rugged pioneers who marched under the light of the westward star of empire and laid the foundations of the great western Commonwealths, which have done so much in contributing to the expansion and the enlargement and the glorification of the American Nation. I sometimes think we have been remiss in paying a just estimate to the work of the pioneers. One of my age can have no intimate knowledge of the hardships they endured, of the personalities that they developed ; but I can recall in my boyhood time a very interesting experience when the sons and the daughters of the men of Ohio were attracted by the lure of the still farther West, at a time when railway transportation had not opened up the great avenues of the 35 36 Stattie of Henry Mower Rice West, when a class of our sturdy sons and daughters, bred by those stalwarts who had developed the Buckeye State — and I speak of it as only one of many contributing States — these sons and daughters, with barely more than sufficient means to furnish a wagon and a team with a verv Umited equipment, took all that they had of material possessions, and with courage in their hearts and resolution in their breasts made the overland trip westward for the develop- ment of Iowa and Kansas and Minnesota, all the time mov- ing westward to contribute to the jewels in the crown of the expanded Nation. I know that in those days they succeeded because they were made of that stem stuff which had devel- oped amid discouragement at home. They had failed in their undertakings for one reason or another, and they were resolved to start anew, just as the New England fathers did when they planted their first colony at Plymouth Rock. And out of that resolution and their hardships and then- simple life, out of that determination to do for themselves, they laid the foundations of the developing West. Whoever they were, no matter from whence they started anew, these pioneers were the great builders. And I want to say that the man who laid the comer stone of a great Commonwealth like the State of Minnesota is entitled to the enduring trib- ute of the American people. One word more, Mr. President, on that. I should Hke to be able to say something, though in a less rambling way than I am obliged to-day, to preserve and magnify the type of that sterling American citizensliip. It is good to recall that 200 years ago, or 400 years ago, or any period one may choose, there were in the State of Minnesota the same soil, the same waters, the same mineral wealth, the same oppor- tunity for man's fortunate habitation that exist there to- day. But it required the human touch; it required the application and ministration of citizenship, and the devel- oping efforts of those who went out and made battle with nature's wilderness, when heroes perished without fame's acclaim. It was those who went out and turned the wilder- Address of Mr. Harding of Ohio 37 ness into a garden spot and made the most and the greatest achievement possible to man. And they did it because of rugged individuality, conquering personality, and real citi- zenship. They did it because they Uved simply and pushed forward in a determination to achieve. I tell you, Senators, if there is any one thing needed to go on in the fulfillment of our great American life it is the preservation of their sterling quaUties of a citizenship enhanced by a simple life. It strikes me that if there is any one great menacing tendency in modern times growing out of our material good fortune it is the tendency to a Ufe which was never intended to be adopted if one aims at accomplishment. I like to recall the simplicity of the pioneers. They had the same motives, they had the same desires which have impelled mankind from the beginning of the world; but they were content in their own consciousness of accomplishment. They were intensely patriotic. They were appreciative of the oppor- tunities that came from the founding fathers, and, hke the man to whose memory we are seeking to pay tribute to-day, they were abidingly honest. I like what the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Nelson] said about the standing of Mr. RiCE with the Indians. I take it that he not only dealt honestly in his personal rela- tionships, but he kept his contracts; and I want to say in offering my tribute that the one great example we need in these United States is the man who is abidingly honest and keeps his contracts, whatever they may be. Mr. President, I had not intended to speak even at this length. I am glad that Minnesota has placed its memorial of Mr. Rice in the Hall of Statuary, and I am glad that there is a line to go in the Record in making our acknowledg- ments to the State of Minnesota, because we ought to prize this example of sturdy, stalwart, honest, and patriotic Amer- ican citizenship developed in the great work of adding a Commonwealth to the American Union. ADDRESS OF MR. GALLINGER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Mr. President, as the senior Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Nelson] has aheady stated, Henry M. Rice was a Delegate from the Territory of Minnesota in tlie Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Congresses, and a Member of the Senate from May II, 1858, to March 3, 1863. This was during an inter- esting period of our history, the years shortly preceding the Civil War. Mr. RiCE left the Senate 28 years before I entered it, so that my knowledge of the man is a matter of history. The Senators from Minnesota have asked me, as the present oldest Senator in years and in continuous service, to say a few words on this interesting occasion, and I have not found it in my heart to do otherwise than respond to the wish of my genial colleagues from that great State, inadequate as my words must of necessity be. Mr. Rice was of New England ancestry, having been bom in the State of Vermont, emigrating to Minnesota at an early age. Wliile serving as a Delegate in Congress, the President of the United States was Franklin Pierce, a New Hampshire man. The Senate, at the time Mr. RicE entered it, contained in its membership many men of great ability as orators, legislators, and statesmen, some of whom figured largely in the stirring events which shortly followed. In that list are foimd the names of Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama, Robert W. Johnson of Arkansas, William M. Gwin and David C. Broderick of California, Lafayette S. Foster of Connecticut, James A. Bayard of Delaware, David A. Yulee of Florida, Robert Toombs of Georgia, Stephen A. Douglas and Lyman Trumbull of Illinois, Jesse D. Bright of Indiana, James Harlan of Iowa, John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, Judah P. Benjamin of Louisiana, William Pitt Fessenden and Hannibal Hamlin of Maine, Charles Sumner 38 Address of Mr. Gallinger of New Hampshire 39 and Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, Zachariah Chandler of Michigan, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, James Bell and John P. Hale of New Hampshire, William H. Seward and Preston King of New York, Benjamin F. Wade and George E- Pugh of Ohio, Joseph Lane of Oregon, Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania, Andrew P. Butler of South Caro- lina, John Bell and Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Sam Houston of Texas, Solomon Foot and Jacob CoUamer of Vermont, James M. Mason of Virginia, and James R. Doo- little of Wisconsin, a list of able men, never excelled in the history of our country. In addition to the two distinguished men who represented New Hampshire in the Senate at that time, in the list are found the names of three other natives of m}- State — William Pitt Fessenden of Maine, Zachariah Chandler of Michigan, and Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, men who left a deep impress upon the legislation of the country. Mr. Rice did not make many set speeches while in the Senate, but the Congressional Globe shows that he fre- quently engaged in running debate. He took a vital interest in all matters relating to the Indians, of whom there were many in Minnesota, and also in the administration of the public land laws, postal affairs, and tlie building of the Pacific railroad. He contended that the Pacific railroad should start from a point on the boundary of Minnesota instead of from a point on the Missouri River. On a certain occasion, after a heated debate between Senators Dixon and Fessenden, Senator RicE expressed himself as being much opposed to personal controversies of that kind, saying that the older Senators should not set a bad example to the younger ones. On another occasion, when an attempt was made to stop applause in the galleries, imder the threat that if repeated the galleries would be cleared. Senator RicE expressed himself as follows: The people come for the purpose of listening to speeches that are made and when the impulses of their hearts shall induce them to applaud I will not condemn it. I hope they will be permitted to remain. 40 Statue of Henry Mower Rice On the whole, Senator Rice seems to have been very- attentive to his senatorial duties and to have been on the right side of all questions that were of concern to the people whom he represented. He was a fit representative of those whom he served, and, judged by his legislative record, served them with ability and fidelity, thus fully earning tlie recognition that the people of Minnesota are to-day bestow- ing on him. ADDRESS OF MR. CLAPP OF MINNESOTA Mr. President, when in my youth it was my privilege first to meet Mr. RicE, he had ah-eady passed the meridian of life, and presented that attractive spectacle of one whose step was still strong, whose eyes were nndimmed, whose faculties were unimpaired, and yet who showed the mellow- ing touch of time and in the retirement of age could enjoy the reflections which come after a life of achievement. It has been said that our race has been a weary traveler. It is certainly true that that portion of humanity from which we are sprung has made a wonderful pilgrimage, whether in- spired by Divine commission or whether bom of the instincts of those who compose that current of humanity none can say. That current of humanity possessed two remarkable traits, two remarkable characteristics. Coming in early days from somewhere in the then great unknown of eastern Europe, it moved along the northern coast, draining the morass and the swamp, leveling the forest, braving the Northern Sea, reaching those islands which even in Biblical times were known as the Isles of the North, ever moving, ever pressing westward, the vanguard crossing the trackless and uncharted Atlantic, it found its lodgment upon what was then the somewhat inhospitable coast of New England ; but still it moved westward, and over moimtains and through defiles, hewing its way through forests, it finally spread out upon the great inland plains of oiu" continent. Another remarkable trait of that branch of the human family is found in the fact that while it ever moved v.^est- ward, it ever moved toward the goal of freer government, until it reached that goal in the foimding of this Government. But the establishment of otur Government, like the lodgment of this ciurent of humanity upon the Atlantic coast, was not the end; it was but the beginning of a greater chapter. While our fathers, wise in their day and generation, founded 41 42 Statue of Henry Mower Rice a Government, the outcome of a patriotic wisdom never be- fore witnessed in any assemblage in history, yet the written government is cold and lifeless, the words upon the page have no meaning, unless those words are woven into action, into spirit, and into purpose. To-day there are upon the American Continent govern- ments which copied our Constitution, and yet present the sad spectacle of despotism or, what may be worse, the tyranny of anarchy itself. It is in the spirit, in the purpose of a people that the fabric of written legislation must be woven and developed into spirit, pmpose, and living form. As that current of humanity moved westward and began to diffuse itself over the great inland plain, it took upon itself the task of molding government. In the genesis of this movement from that somewhat mysterious dawn in the shade of the history of northern Europe down to the time of our own day each generation has well done its work. Those men who drained the swamps and the morasses of northern Europe, those who rescued the soil of Holland from the grasp of the sea, those who developed a civilization in England, those who brought a John to a recognition of the rights of man, those people who brought a Charles to the block, those who in turn founded this Government, those who endured the hardship of a revolution that we might be free, those who in later days preserved the Union thus founded, those who tracked the trackless forests of the West and converted the plains of the midland to the habitation of man, those who in the years gone have given form and color to the spirit of our institutions, each and all well performed their part in their day and generation. The last great task of this movement after the establish- ment of government and as essential to the developments of the spirit of oiu" institutions was the establishment of oppor- tunity, and through the efforts to subjugate the material character of our land, tlirough the establishment of free gov- ernment, and through the establishment of equality of oppor- tunity, there came the great characters which have adorned the pages of our history, because this made it possible in the / Address of Mr. Clapp of Minnesota 43 character of the men themselves not only to surmount all other obstacles, but also to overcome the limitations of humble origin and a boyhood of poverty. Part and parcel of this great movement was the man whose name we honor to-day. Bom in New England, leaving his New England home when even the humble surroundings of a New England home of a century ago spelled civilization compared with the wildness into which he was to penetrate, he went west- ward and joined for a while the efforts of those who were laying the foundations of what is now the great Common- wealth of Michigan. There he joined with those who, then in the first flush of their young manhood, were engaged in this American task of building government, fitting our country for civilization and development along great and lasting lines — men then unknown, but men who, by their energy, their sturdy characters, and wisdom, not only laid deep and broad the foundations of that great Common- wealth, but brought fame to themselves in their achieve- ments. But this liu-e of the West that had called this race caused Mr. Rice to move farther westward, until he found himself in what is now the State of Minnesota. I wish I had the descriptive power to portray the char- acter of that class of men of which he was a fitting type. They were peculiar in themselves; their like is found no- where else in our history. There was a culture and refine- ment about them; they could adorn the bench, the Senate Hall, or my lady's parlor. There was a certain dash about them; and yet there was that fortitude, that courage, that power of endiurance that enabled them to withstand all the severe and untried conditions of the western country. If you understand the nature of the Indian as he was when our forefathers landed on these shores, you will not wonder that between men of this type and the leaders of the Indians there sprang up a friendship amounting almost to affection, because, while there rolled between the leaders of the Indian tribes and these cultured, refined men that gulf that separates the educated and the cultm^ed from the 44 Statue of Henry Mower Rice uneducated and the uncultured, there was a strong cmrent of sympathy in nobility of character that drew them to- gether in that knightly spirit that, after all, was the pre- dominating feature of these great pioneers. And when Mr. Rice passed away, borrowing an expression which my colleague [Mr. Nelson] used in Statuary Hall on the occa- sion of the unveiUng of the statue of this distinguished son of Minnesota, the Indians who had known him so well during all these years said that, while they believed he had gone to a brighter and a better land, yet, after all, they wished he might have remained with them. No generation ever has measured, or ever will in its own time measure, accurately either the direction, the speed, or the force of the movement of which it is a part. It is only after the long sweep of the centuries that there can be \-iewed the connection between events sequential in their character. It is only then that there can be made a measurement of the great movements of humanity. So to-day, while we wonder at the great growth of our cities, the development of our land, the limitless wealth and resoinrces of otu: Nation, we can not adequately measure the direction, the scope, or the force of the movement of which we are a part. It may, however, be interesting for me to say that I have in my possession a small book, a very small book, which contains the record of the enactments of the First Territorial Council of Minnesota; and, as small as that book is, an appendix to that Httle book contains the census, giving by name every inhabitant of the then Territory of Minnesota. To-day some two and a half million people constitute the humanity of that great Commonwealth, and that within the Hfetime of those now living. Into that wonderful work of material and institutional development Mr. RicE threw liimself with all his 7.eal and ardor, and he helped to develop that Com- monwealth, and that Commonwealth in turn has honored him. It so happens that each State can only place two statues of its distinguished citizens in Statuary Hall; yet of the people of the Western States there are unnumbered thou- Address of Mr. Clapp of Minnesota 45 sands who well deserve the recognition we have accorded Mr. Rice. As I have said, however, it is impossible to accord this particular distinction to more than two, and I feel to-day that if Mr. RicE could, in a continuation of his personal identity, look down upon these services, appre- ciating, as he would, the great honor that is being conferred on him, yet out of the generous impulses of his nature he would wish that the statues of those who had shared in that great work of the past might also adorn Statuary Hall. It is wise that we accord this honor; it is wise that we keep alive the memory of those who have gone before. Man is so constituted that he must ever have a symbol, something as the outward form to express the thought that is within him. We can not have a country without a flag; we can not have reUgion without a church. Man must ever have a symbol and a shrine, and it is well that we take as our symbol the names of the leaders of the past; it is well that we worship at the shrine of their achievements. Their names as symbols, their achievements as a shrine, may serve to keep within our midst that strong and vigorous charac- ter and nature which everyone recognizes the higher and more complex civilization must more and more weaken if not destroy. Mr. President, I have spoken more of the genesis of the movement of which Mr. Rice was a part and a type than I have of Mr. RiCE himself, because, after all, it is his contri- bution to the genesis of this movement, it is this environ- ment and this condition which combined to make the achievements of Mr. Rice worthy of the commemoration which the great State of Minnesota has bestowed upon them. Mr. President, I move the adoption of the resolution offered by my colleague. The Vice President. Without objection, on the motion of the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Clapp], the resolutions are unanimously adopted. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY 21, 1916 A message from the Senate, by Mr. Waldorf, one of its clerks, armonnced that the Senate had passed the followhig concurrent resolution, in which the concurrence of the House was requested: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 13 Resolved by the Senate (tlte House of Representatives concurring), That the statue of Henry Mower Rice, presented by the State of Minnesota to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the purity of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. . Second. That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of the State of Minnesota. Mr. Miller of Minnesota rose. The Speaker. For what purpose does the gentleman from Minnesota rise ? Mr. Miller of Minnesota. To ask unanimous consent that that part of Satiuday, March 1 1 , beginning at 4 o'clock, and continuing to the end of the day, be set apart for the consideration of Senate conciurent resolution No. 13 and for eulogies relative to the life, character, and public services of Henry M. Rice, a Senator from Minnesota. The Speaker. What date ? Mr. Miller of Minnesota. Saturday, March 1 1 , begin- ning at 4 o'clock. The Speaker. The gentleman from Minnesota asks unani- mous consent that on Satiurday, the nth of March, at 4 o'clock, the House consider the Senate concmrent resolu- tion No. 13, touching the life, character, and public services of Senator RiCE, of Minnesota. Is there objection? There was no objection. march 11, 1916 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: 40277°— S. Doc. 425, 64-1 4 47 48 Statue of Henry Mower Rice Our Father in heaven, we thank Thee that down deep in the heart of man is that something which we call conscience, which sits in judgment upon his acts, upbraiding him when he does what he knows to be wrong, encouraging him when he does what he knows to be right, and which recognizes the strong, brave, heroic man who stands for the good of his fellow men ; hence we thank Thee for the special order set apart in this House to-day in recognition of a strong, noble- minded, heroic man, who gave to his Territory, State, and Nation his thought and deeds for the betterment of condi- tions in a popular government. It is well that the lawmakers of our land pause amid their activities and pay their tribute of respect and gratitude for the life, character, and public services of such a man, that they may be inspired to give themselves to the great work of purifying and ennobling the conditions of our beloved country, that they, too, may leave behind them a record which will stand the test of time and the approbation of not only their own conscience but the conscience of their fellow men. In the spirit of the Master. Amen. The Speaker pro tempore. Under the special order here- tofore adopted by the House, this time is set apart for the consideration of Senate conciurent resolution 13, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring) , That the statue of Henry Mower Rice, presented by the State of Minnesota to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the purity of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a copy of these resohitions, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of the State of Minnesota. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from Minne- sota [Mr. Volstead] will take the chair during these cere- monies. Mr. Volstead took the chair as Speaker pro tempore. ADDRESSES ADDRESS OF MR. DAVIS OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, as the veil parted from the statue and the marble figtire of Henry Mower Rice stood forth in Statuary Hall the beautiful thought of Vice President Marshall came home with force, I have no doubt, to the minds of us all. In the pmpose which guided his life, in the spirit which imbued his public service, in the principles to which he was ever steadfast, in the great work which he achieved for his State and his fellow men, as in the memories which his statue inspires, Henry Mower Rice still lives. He lives in the friendly treaties which he negotiated be- tween our Republic and its Indian wards. He lives in the thousands of homes which through his vision and his timely missionary aid have been carved out of a wilderness. He lives in the great iron routes of travel which have carried settlement and the fruits of civilized life over a domain greater than that of New England. He lives in the great organic acts which, first, converted a northern wild into an organized Federal Territory and now for nearly two genera- tions into one of the great sovereign States of the Union. He lives in the institutions and in the peaceful prosperity of a Commonwealth which to-day counts citizenship in millions, and he lives in the hearts and enlightened minds of hundreds of thousands of Minnesota school children who through his prophetic vision and effective public aid enjoy the fruits of perhaps the greatest public educational heritage in the world. The ceremony which we have witnessed in our National Hall of Fame is more than the unveiling of a statue. It is more than the unveiling even of the life and the works of the man. As my mind goes back to the scenes in which he lived, to the pioneer causes for which he stood, and to those battles of the wilderness which he fought, the history of 49 50 Statue of Henry Mower Rice Minnesota itself seems to be unveiled as by a great magic wand. Scenes, forces, causes, and the great characters which moved on the stage of a day that is gone come before us as in a dream. Up the valley of the Minnesota River and westward across the waving prairies to the Dakota Bad Lands we see the scattered bands and hear the war whoop of the red-painted Sioux. We see their tepees of deerskin in the groves along the river and their war ponies tethered in the wild pastures, which, in the days to come, are to support one of the richest dairy regions of the earth. We see the attempts of our Government to effect friendly treaties with the Indians fail. The Sioux treaty of 1851 is repudiated. Efforts of Govern- ment agents and the resolutions of the United States Senate come to naught. Across this great fertile empire from the Mississippi westward to the Missouri we see only one stamp of human existence, and that the life of the Sioux upon the warpath; and the only law of life and liberty is the law of the tomahawk and scalping knife. We look again, and we see the heroic figure which the sculptor has endeavored to symbolize in marble. We see the rugged frame and genial smile of this practical man of the woods and the plains — descended from hardy Pilgrim stock, trained in woodcraft and Indian lore, educated both by the books of the schools and by life in tlie Indian fur trade, with heart big enough to feel the rights of botli red- skin and white-face, and with brain and shoulders broad enough to bring the hostile forces to the common ground of human right and peace — we see this man throwing to the winds the conflicting claims of Government and Indian war chieftains, and bring forth a new treaty, acceptable to all, establishing the redskin bands in happy hunting grounds and opening the great prairies west of the Mississippi to the march of settlement and civilization. ■ We see this man so trusted by the tribes of the Winne- bagoes, who dwell in Iowa to the south, that their chieftains ask him to sign their treaties in their stead; and the stroke Address of Mr. Davis of Minnesota 51 of his pen opens to white settlement vast areas of that great agricultural Commonwealth. We see him as he embarks for the north by barge and birch-bark canoe up the far reaches of the Mississippi to the head sources of the Father of Waters, and thence through pine-clad lakes and streams over the divide to Lake Superior; and we see this man linking to our Government with ties of friendship that ever shall endure the Chippewa Tribes of the North, while opening to development a vast lumber in- dustry and eventually the greatest iron ore resources of the world. We see him elected Territorial Delegate of Minnesota to the National Capitol, and with Douglas penning the act which gave Minnesota its constitution, its boundaries, and its sovereign statehood. We see him elected first United States Senator of the North Star State, and we see that great trium- virate of pioneer statesmanship — General Sibley, Governor Ramsey, and Senator RicE — laying that foundation of liberal grants of public lands which has made Minnesota one of the foremost States in railroad transportation and agriculture, and the most richly endowed educational Commonwealth in our Union. We see county and lake and city park and street named in his honor. We see him appointed president of the board of regents of the great State university which his wis- dom so richly endowed. We see him elected to the Loyal Legion for civic duty in public service. We are with him in the hdvir of his death in a distant State, when a message of love and brotherhood, and of faith in his final safe voyage to a happier land beyond is sent to him by his redskin broth- ers from the northern forests of Lake Superior. It gives me the greater pleasure to participate in this public commemoration here to-day because it was my privi- lege as a boy and young man to have met Mr. RicE and to have had personal knowledge of his great services. The great work he has done for our State comes hometomewith special force, because the congressional district which I represent, the third Minnesota, was the first home of Mr. Rice and was the seat of his early activities. Moreover, 52 Statue of Henry Mower Rice nine of the ten counties of the district are carved out of the Sioux Indian possessions which through the missionary labors of Mr. RicE were ceded to us for settlement; and Rice County, to which Mr. RicE gave his name and a valua- ble historical library, has always been one of the leading counties of the third congressional district. Both Senator RicE and General Sibley made their early home in Mendota, on the west bank of the Mississippi, in Da- kota County ; and at one time it was contemplated to establish the Territorial capital at Mendota instead of across the river on . the St. Paul side. When Governor Ramsey, the first Territo- rial governor, came to Minnesota by appointment of Presi- dent Taylor, he likewise made his first home on the Mendota side, and on the day he entered upon his executive duties he paddled over the river in a birch-bark canoe from the home of General Sibley on the Mendota side. History even records that were it not for one Joseph Rolette, a member of the Terri- torial legislature from Pembina, who stole, or otherwise pur- loined in an unparliamentary manner, the Territorial bill establishing the State capital, the city of St. Peter, my own home, would have been the capital of Minnesota, in which the first State legislature would have met to elect Henry Mower Rice the first United States Senator from the North Star State. Our State and our Nation to-day are paying just tribute to the memory of this man, who, both by the life he lived and by the ancestry he bore, was in every sense of the word "nature's nobleman." It is a strange coincidence that, just as his life ran 77 years, so the period which has elapsed from the day he first reached Fort Snelling on the Minne- sota River to the day when we erect this statue to his memory is 77 years. What a period these 77 years have been in the history of the human race, and how noble has been the part which he has had in that history. It has taken us 77 years to measure the greatness of this man, but the full measure of his service to his country and his fellow men shall not be known until the end of time. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. STEENERSON OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, Henry Mower Rice was Delegate in Con- gress from the Territory of Minnesota from December 5, 1853, to March 4, 1857, and the enabling act or act author- izing the people of Minnesota to form a State government was passed February 26, 1857, six days before the end of his term of service as Delegate. The act admitting the State into the Union was passed May 11, 1858, and Mr. Rice, having already been elected one of the Senators of the new State, took his seat in that body the next day, May 12, and served to March 4, 1863. Mr. Rice was well known and highly respected among the various tribes of Indians in the Northwestern country, for he had been a trader among them in pioneer days. He rendered valuable service in negotiating many of the treaties with the Indians whereby large tracts of land were ceded to the United States. One of his last public services was in the capacity of chairman of the Chippewa Indian Com- mission, which successfully negotiated for the cession of over 4,000,000 acres from the Chippewas in northern Min- nesota under the act of January 14, 1889 (Nelson Act). Most of this area is now in my congressional district. The State of Minnesota was fortunate in the character of its early pioneers. The westward rush of settlers con- sequent upon the discovery of gold in California in 1848 brought quite a tide of immigration to Minnesota. Most of these settlers came from the States of the East — Penn- sylvania, New York, and New England. They laid the foundation of the new Commonwealth deep and broad — made liberal provisions for schools, internal improve- ments, and State institutions. The public and municipal laws were patterned after the most advanced models. The New England town organization was embedded in the constitution, and to this day the people of the State in annual town meetings exercise direct legislative power. This has worked so well that the principles of direct popular 53 54 Statue of Henry Mower Rice voice in the making of laws and selection of public servants has been extended to the nomination of local, comity, district, State, and even National officers by direct pri- maries. Om- State was one of the first of the Western States to follow the lead of New York in adopting a written code not only to govern court procedure but to define crimes and civil rights. Senator Henry Mower Rice was elected Delegate for the Territory of Minnesota in the fall of 1852, and took his seat in December, 1853. That year my father moved from Wisconsin and settled in Houston County, in the extreme southeastern comer of the State, and as he was a Democrat imtil the breaking out of the Civil War, I have no doubt he voted for Mr. RicE as Delegate at the election of 1854. I remember his telling me he voted for Douglas for President in i860; but like most of the soldiers at the front he voted for Lincoln in 1864. I met Senator Rice only once, and I remember him as a kindly, affable, and distinguished looking gentleman. I had then just located, as a young lawyer, in northern Min- nesota, and he was good enough to give me encouragement and to speak in enthusiastic terms of the futiue of that part of the State. We are told tliat Senator RiCE first came to Minnesota in 1839, when only 22 years of age, and while there were scarcely any white settlers in the whole country. In his business of trading with the Indians he must have traveled extensively throughout the whole State in those early days. What an interesting sight it must have been to view the beautiful landscapes at a time when they were in their primeval grandeur and beauty. He was a close observer and a business man rather than an orator. The work he did in framing the organic act and securing liberal land grants for the future State, its schools, its highways, and its railroads, shows that he fully realized the magnificent future of the new Commonwealth and its people. The impulse to do something in the world, when strong in the human soul, is a mark of greatness. This impulse or Address of Mr. Steenerson of Minnesota 55 creative instinct finds expression and outlet in various ways — in public service as civil, militar\% or religious lead- ers; in great works of literature or of the fine arts. The work of founding a city, a municipality, a State, or a nation upon enlightened principles is a most valuable public service and one which in its influence for good long endures. This impulse was strong in Washington. He not only was the father of a new nation, but spent much labor and effort in founding in the wilderness the city of Washington, destined to become the model and most beautiful city in the world. This aspiration and desire to be of public service was strong in Senator RicE. Having an intimate knowledge of the country in those early days and being able to foresee its great future, he was well qualified for the great work of state building. No doubt as he traveled through the deep forests and verdant plains of northern Minnesota he foresaw that it would be the home of a teeming population in the not distant future. With prophetic eye he saw the present as well as the future, and could with the poet Whittier sing— I hear the wild Rice-Eater thresh The grain he has not sown; I see, with flashing scythe of fire, The prairie harvest mown! I see the swarthy trappers come From Mississippi's springs; And war-chiefs with their painted brows, And crests of eagle wings. I hear the tread of pioneers Of nations yet to be; The first low wash of waves, where soon Shall roll a human sea. The rudiments of empire here Are plastic yet and warm ; The chaos of a mighty world Is rounding into form! Each rude and jostling fragment soon Its fitting place shall find — The raw material of a State, Its muscle, and its mind! 56 Statue of Henry Mower Rice Minnesota was indeed fortunate in obtaining the services, in the formative period of its history, of such men as Henry M. Rice. His character was as white as the marble of which his statue is made. He was a good man, and in the sense that I have indicated he possessed greatness also. It is therefore fitting and proper that the great North Star State should honor his memory by placing his statue in this sacred Hall. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. MILLER OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, the founder of any institution is always the most interesting character ever associated with that institution. The builders of a State or a nation always occupy in the minds and thoughts of the people who therein later dwell perhaps a more important and higher place than is accorded to their successors, however great may be their deeds. The pioneers of any region are always the most distinctive characters that ever enter into the history of the region. The pioneers who have builded the western part of America are perhaps entitled to the highest consideration and tribute of any class of people that have ever lived in the world. When we think of the deeds of soldiers who have fought for the right on many a field since history began, we feel thrilled by their devotion and their achievements; but if I read history aright, all the deeds that have ever been performed by soldiers, how- ever noble, however great, are not equal in importance to the redeeming of this great continent by the pioneers of America. They were an extraordinary lot of men, self-reUant, capable, vigorous, determined. Physical courage and moral courage aHke animated them throughout the course of their lives. Of this class of men Henry M. Rice was a con- spicuous member. I can not help but reflect that he was bom in Vermont, that Httle but wonderful State. Those hills and those mountains whose sturdy strength imparted some of their own vigor to their sons and daughters have inspired with elevated sentiment and a desire nobly to achieve, during the whole subsequent course of their lives, all whose childhood dwelt among them. Their strength has been the strength of the hills; their purity that of the clear sky above. 57 58 Statue of Henry Mower Rice Mr. Rice came westward a young man of 19, and stopped first in Michigan. He had been in that region but two years when, in 1837, he was selected by that important Common- wealth as assistant engineer to locate the Sault Ste. Marie Canal. I do not know that the people of that time could possibly have foreseen the importance of that location to the future. This work, small as it may have been then, showed the genius and the touch of the pioneer and the statesman. This little canal, then located in part by Henry M. Rice, has become the greatest canal for commerce in all the world. The achievement of France in digging the Suez Canal and of the United States in completing the Panama Canal will be great achievements throughout all time, but the commerce that either will ever carry is small in comparison with the commerce now borne by the Sault Ste. Marie. Eighty millions of tons last year spell the importance of that little stream of water to American commerce. Two years later, the spirit of the pioneer still actuating him, Mr. RicE moved to the great Northwest, to stop where every wise man at that time should have stopped, in what is now Minnesota. There is to me something significant in the fact that when he started on this journey from Michi- gan to the great Northwest there was published by a dis- tinguished professor and clergyman of New England a book the purport of which was that, after traveUng over the great Northwest, consisting mainly of what is now Minnesota, he advised liis countrymen that that region never could become the permanent habitation of a civilized community ; that the rigors of the climate were so great and the difficulties of overcoming nature so extensive that it never could be an important agricultural section. Never- theless, this hardy young man pitched his tent there. It is further significant that in 1841 this man, vnth the unerring eye and practical knowledge of things as he "found tliem, indited what is to my mind a most important com- munication. It was addressed to no less a personage than Address of Mr. Miller of Minnesota 59 Henry H. Sibley, one of the great pioneers of the North- west. In this letter he said he had decided to pitch liis tent and cast his fortunes with the great Northwest section, now Minnesota, because in his judgment it was sure to become a great agricultural area. It may be interesting to note also, Mr. Speaker, that at that time he stood abso- sutely alone in his belief. AU of his associates of the time, with one exception, Mr. Brown, believed that the area could never fittingly be transformed into an agricultural region. How interesting now, as we behold the State of Minnesota, one of the leading agricultural States of the Union, and proudly boasting the title of the "Bread and Butter State." This fact is but illustrative of the genius of the man. He found himself in a region that called for energy, strategy, common sense, honesty, and industry. There it was that the great battle line existed between the wood Indians of the North, the Chippewas, and the fearless riders of the plain, the dauntless Sioux. It was his mission to become the friend of both of these great elements of Indians. It was his mission, in a way, to pave their minds for the entrance of the white man to assist them in developing the lands. True it is, he came there a business man, represent- ing a great fur-trading company, but also true it is that he realized the bigger and larger mission he and his other pioneers were called upon to perform, and he did it in a way second to none. , It may be also interesting to know on this occasion that he is mainly responsible for the prosperity, at least in the early days, of the capital city of our State. His position among the pioneers of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota at that time was such that every move he made was looked up to and respected. He selected the present site of the city of St. Paul as a place in which he should devote liis life energies. When he did that St. Paul became the center of interest of the people of that region, and as a consequence thereof sprang into the lead and has ever since been one of the imperial cities of the Mississippi Valley. 6o Statue of Henry Mower Rice Minnesota honors its pioneers. We honor every man who labored, built deep and strong the foundations of that Com- monwealth. We honor Henry M. Rice because his vision was not confined by the narrow horizon of his own State. To him the veil was Ufted and he beheld the future in all its brighter aspects. He, as an educated man, knew the value of institutions of learning, and therefore he gave as one of his chief works the grant to the State university of a sufficient quantity of public land to insure its stability and to provide for its development through the future days. He builded perhaps better than he knew, for at that time it did not enter into the minds of men that any of the land then selected would contain the priceless treasures of mineral deposits, but we of this day now know that em- bedded in many of these lands are found the richest iron mines of the world, and to-day the university of our State is blessed with a permanent endowment fund so that in the many decades to follow it will be in a financial position doubtless stronger than any other institution in America. We honor him among the pioneers of his time because he recognized the value of railroad building, of road building, of communication, and many of the splendid highways of commerce now found in the Northwest sprung from the magic touch which he gave the situation. We honor him because of the stiu^dy manhood and because of the splendid citizen quahties he always displayed. He was on the side of good government, on the side of igoral life, on the side of all the elements that go to make a free people strong and enduring. He, however, was no accident. In his veins flowed the blood of sterling worth; he was a direct lineal descendant of Warren Hastings, the famous governor of the English East Indies. The blood that filled his veins gave him vigor, strength, coinage, and he is entitled to the place we give him here to-day, one of the premier positions among the numerous noble and heroic pioneers that have builded the great Northwest. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. VOLSTEAD OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, Minnesota has presented to the United States and placed in Statuary Hall a statue of Henry M. Rice. By that act the State has in a conspicuous manner honored the memory of Mr. Rice. The statues of only two citizens of any one State can be placed in that Hall. It is illustrious company to which our citizen has been elected. There are the figures of George Washington, Ethan Allen, Samuel Adams, Robert Livingston, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, James A. Garfield, Lew Wallace, and others equally well known. They make a unique gathering of the Nation's great. Soldiers and statesmen predominate, but men who oc- cupied other positions in life are also represented. In this group Robert Fulton sits bent over a model of his steamboat. Florida, grateful to Dr. John Gorrie, inventor of artificial ice, has placed his statue there. The missionary pioneers are represented in the likeness of Marquette. The kindly face of Roger Williams, the great apostle of religious toler- ance, reminds us of his work. The presence of the sturdy figure of Robert E. Lee, the great military genius of the Confederacy, testifies to a reunited North and South. The only woman whose statue is there is that of Frances E. Willard. Her great and noble work justly entitles her to that honor. Not far from the statue of Henry M. Rice is that of James Shields, placed there by the State of Illinois. James Shields was elected Senator of the State of Minne- sota at the same time as Mr. RicE. It is rather remarkable that the statues of the two first Senators of the State should have been placed in this American Valhalla. The presence of these statues makes this Hall a shrine near which patriotic Americans love to linger. Not only does the Hall appeal to us because of the purpose to which 6i 62 Statue of Henry Mower Rice it is dedicated, but also because of the memories that cluster about it. It was for many years the Hall of the House of Representatives and has often reechoed with the earnest appeals of the noted men holding councils there. May we not fancy that the spirits of those men linger there upon the scene of their struggles; that they are there to keep watch over the land they loved so well ? Such fancies, though akin to dreams, have their uses. The past, with its struggles and triumphs, is a world in which we may live. It had its men and women that we may know, love, and admire. It is because of that love and admiration that we erect statues. They are erected not to please the dead but to profit the living. These bronze and marble figures bring vividly to mind the character and services of the men they represent and plead eloquently for a life of useful and patriotic service in emulation of their lives. For ages the world's chief occupation was war. The path to wealth and station was then over the battle field, but civilization has tended to lift from obscurity the man of civic virtues and to place him on a footing of equality with the warrior and to exalt him to an even higher level. Some years ago the people of France were asked to say, by their votes who, during the preceding century, was their greatest man, and Pasteur, a modest chemist, won easily over Napoleon, perhaps the world's greatest military genius. The more useful and permanent services rendered to humanity by this great scientist outweighed, in their judgment, the achievements of the great soldier. Henry M. Rice, the man we honor, was not a soldier; his life was that of a pathfinder, a pioneer. The serv^ice he and his associates rendered in winning Minnesota from a wilderness shows what intelligence and enterprise can accom- plish. Wealth is not in fertile plains, in magnificent forests, or inexhaustible mines, but in the intelligent use of such resources. For centiu-ies the skill and industry of the farmer had been unknown, in this region no lumberman had felled the forest, and no miner dug for liidden wealth. Address of Mr. Volstead of Minnesota 63 With the advent of these men came a sudden change. The land that gave but a scant living to bands of a few thousand militant red men became rich enough not only to feed the millions within its borders but also other millions in our own and foreign lands. Instead of want and strife and misery came wealth and peace and well-being, with all the blessings of civiUzed Ufe. In this beneficent transformation Henry M. Rice had a leading part, and it is in recognition of the debt we owe to him for his share in this work that his statue has been placed in Statuary Hall. He was one of a group of strong and resom-ceful men that found a land occupied only by a few roaming Indians and who in a short decade established over it civil government, extinguished nearly all the Indian titles, and guided the destinies of the embryo State as it grew from a few hundred traders and trappers to a popula- tion of hundreds of thousands. They created Territorial, State, county, township, and municipal governments; established chiirches, schools, colleges, and a university; built roads and bridges; found markets and developed industrial centers to care for the needs of the settlers. As the history of some of these men are intimately inter- woven, I may be pardoned for mentioning one or two in addition to Henry M. Rice. To Gen. Henry H. Sibley is due the credit of having secirred a Territorial form of government. Without any credentials from any organized form of government, he appeared before Congress representing the settlers in that part of the Territory of Wisconsin which had been excluded from the State when Wisconsin was admitted to the Union and asked for a seat as a Delegate from the Territory of Wisconsin. This was granted and, as such Delegate, he secured the passage, in 1849, of an act creating the Terri- tory of Minnesota. That act reserved to the future State sections 16 and 36 in each township for school purposes. This was twice as much land as had up to that date been 40277°— S. Doc. 425, W-1 r, 64 Stattie of Henry Mower Rice reserved to any State for that purpose. He also secured a reservation of two townships for a State university. Henry M. Rice succeeded Mr. Sibley as a Delegate in Congress and, in 1857, was instrumental in seciuring the passage of an act enabling the Territory to frame a State constitution. Tliis act, in addition to the usual grants of land to States, gave Miimesota to aid public schools two sections in each township and thus made effective the reser- vation secured by Mr. Sibley. Mr. RicE, as a Delegate and aftenvards as one of the first Senators of the State, was successful in passing a nimiber of important acts that greatly aided in the rapid development of the State. He w^as a leader not only as a Delegate and Senator, but also as a private citizen, and contributed much to the develop- ment of the State and the city of St. Paul, his home. Through the influence and active effort of Gov. Ramsey the Sioux Indians entered into treaties by which they siurendered title to nearly all of the south half of the State. Later the Winnebago and Cliippewa Indians by treaties released their title to most of the lands in the north half. The influence of Mr. RicE aided very materially in secur- ing the treaties from these northern Indians with whom he had dealt as an Indian trader. No attempt will be made to give even in outline the history of either of these men. Suffice it to say that Sibley, in addition to his position as Delegate in Con- gress, was the first governor of the State and was afterwards made the commanding officer of our forces in the great Indian outbreak of 1862. For his services in that war he was made a brigadier general. Alex- ander Ramsey was the first Territorial governor, the second State governor, and as such is known as the war governor. He was also United States Senator, and under President Hayes Secretary of War, and for a short time in charge of the Navy Department. In recognition of the services rendered by these men, Rice County was named Address of Mr. Volstead of Minnesota 65 for Henry M. Rice, Sibley for Henry H. Sibley, and Ram- sey for Alexander Ramsey. In honoring Henry M. Rice we are honoring the early pioneers, many of whom are still living in different parts of the State. A person not familiar with pioneer life can know but httle of the dangers and difficulties they had to face, can know but little of the characteristics developed in the struggle to conquer a new country. It requires cotuage and enterprise. It is no easy task to bid good-by to home and friends and venture out into a wilder- ness there to create anew all the advantages of civilized life. It requires patience and perseverance of a very high order. Long and weary years must elapse in building a com- munity. It requires a spirit of cooperation to organize towns, cities, counties, and States; establish schools and churches; build roads and provide the other conveniences and neces- sities of community life. In this work they were compelled to lean upon each other for assistance. Though they lived many miles apart they still felt that they were neighbors. The prejudice of creed and race was forgotten in the generous hospitality that each extended to the other. No pioneer refused to shelter the wayfaring or share with him his last crust. These men grew strong, resourceful, and self- reliant. No matter how discouraging the prospects, no mat- ter how humble their huts, they had the vision of the dawning of brighter day. These sturdy men built the State; they built it not only for themselves but for the future as well. We honor them and take pleasure in honoring one of their most conspicuous representatives. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. SMITH OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, Minnesota originally was a part of New France, and was explored by French fur traders, adven- turers, and missionaries. Among the earliest of these were Jean Nicolet, Nicholas Perrot, Daniel Greysalon Duluth, men of great energy and courage. These cleared and opened the way for the pioneers who were to follow. Opportunities for profit in the fur trade, the love of adventure, and the hope of discovering the northwest passage spurred on the youth of New France to penetrate the wilds of the unknown Northwest. In their wake came the missionaries to teach the savage a new conception of the Great Spirit. Chief among these early missionaries were Fathers Menard and Allouez. Me- nard perished among the savages he sought to save and Allouez established a mission as early as 1665 at La Point, Lake Superior, where he met not only the Hurons who had been driven westward from New York by their powerful enemies, the Iroquois, but the Chippewas and Dakotas, who inhabited that country, which was soon to become one of the greatest Commonwealths of the United States and which was then known in song as "Tinted Water," or Minnesota. Prof. Kirk says : Whether by conquest or ancient heritage, Minnesota was peculiarly the land of the Dakotas, in which other tribes mentioned were but the sojourners of a day. Nomadic in their habits, yet deeply attached to the land of their fathers; passionate in temperament and restive under restraint, they were quick to perceive a \vrong; fierce, revengeful, and relentless. Hence bloody massacres stand as grewsome sentinels along the course of their whole history. In stature they were slight and tall, of Grecian cast of coun- tenance. They lived in villages scattered over the State and subsisted upon wild rice, com, maple sugar, wild berries, and game. Savages as they were when the white man discov- ered them, they were not an unhappy people. However, 66 Address of Mr. Smith of Minnesota 67 years of contact with the whites caused them to change their mode of living and to depend more or less upon the whites for subsistence, and by reason of their dependency were easily induced to cede to the whites practically all of their valuable lands for a mere pittance, with a jug of rum thrown in. The voyageurs, the fur traders, and the missionary fathers dwelt among these children of the chase for nearly 200 years before the pioneer came upon the scene. Many of the voyageurs became enamored with the life of the Indians and married into and lived with the tribes. But upon the arrival of the brave and liberty-loving home seekers the old order of things had to give way. The trader needed the Indian in his business, but the home seeker needed the Indian's land. As a result, the home seeker had to make terms with both the Indian and the fur trader. Before the advent of the white man the Indian killed only such game as he needed for food, and as a result, game re- mained plentiful; but all this changed when he killed game for barter with the fur trader. By the year 1819, the date of the establishment of Fort Snelling, the fur trader had about run his course. Therefore he had no objection to the home seeker's coming, but rather welcomed it. The establishment of Fort Snelling marked a new era. The red man's sun set to rise no more. His white brother desired his pine forests, his rich and fertile prairies, his Father of Waters and all its tributaries, his sparkling lakes and their myriad of fish, his rich mines, his beautiful simset, balmy breezes, and healthful climate. All were de- manded in the name of civilization and the Great Jehovah as an abiding place for a race of men, strong of stature, noble, generous, and brave by nature. They came to enrich, not to impoverish, the Empire. They came to build homes, schoolhouses, and churches, and to establish a government where justice, liberty, and equality might reign supreme under the law. 68 Statue of Henry Mower Rice These were the sentiments which impelled and actuated our forefathers to brave the trials, hardships, and privations of frontier life. Humanity, charity, and brotherly love everywhere characterized their conduct in those days of struggle and hardship. The stranger or imfortunate was welcomed at every fireside. In 1849 we find the pioneer organizing and establishing a Territorial government; in 1858 assuming the obligations of statehood; in 1861 furnishing an army to preserve the Re- public; in 1862 battling with the savage Sioux who had com- mitted all the crimes and atrocities known to savage warfare, and spread death and desolation with the tomahawk and torch among the settlers. The pages of Minnesota's history are replete with the names of men and women who have made large sacrifices and rendered great and enduring service to the State. The Pond brothers, Riggs, Whipple, Reveoue, Williamson and his sister, Sibley, Ramsey, RicE, and Gorman form a galaxy of men and women that not only every Minnesotan should remember with profound reverence, respect, admiration, and gratitude, but to whom every citizen throughout our land should do honor for the part they took in founding a great Commonwealth, in civilizing and Christianizing the Indian, and in preserving the Union of these United States. Gov. Ramsey made the first tender of troops to President Lincoln on the day that a Confederate cannon in Charleston Harbor proclaimed to the world that hitherto friendly and loyal people were about to enter into a mighty conflict to test the indissolubility of our Government; likewise Henry Sibley, during the existence of that mighty civil strife, in 1862 paralyzed the hand of the savage Sioux, who were spreading death and desolation among the frontier settle- ments of Minnesota. However, much as I desire on all occasions, when the history of my State is under consideration, to pay reveren- tial respect to all of its founders, I am compelled to refrain from doing so, because on this occasion the exercises are in Address of Mr. Smith of Minnesota 69 commemoration of the life and service of only one of Minne- sota's most distinguished citizens, the late Hon. Henry Mower Rice, by no means the least of the three foremost pioneers of the great Northwest, Ramsey, Sibley, and RicE, all men of high character and honorable pmposes — states- men in the truest sense of the word — each \^ing with the other to render service to the pioneer settlers of Minnesota, as well as to the Nation. Dr. William Watts Folwell, one of Minnesota's noted historians, said: Mr. Rice's personal qualities were such that he could not help desiring public employment and obtaining great success in it. His manners were so gracious, and yet not patronizing, that he made friends with all sorts and conditions of men. He divined with imerring instinct the motives of men and parties, and knew when and how by appropriate suggestion to lead them apparently to move themselves to his desired ends. The gracious characteristics that Dr. Folwell speaks of made Mr. RicE one of America's most popular men. Bom in Waitsfield, Vt., November 29, 181 7, he spent the greater part of his life at St. Paul, Minn., engaged in large undertakings and outlining broad governmental policies for his adopted State. He died, honored and lamented, Janu- ary 15, 1894. He first became known to fame in the location of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal and other public works authorized by the State of Michigan. In 1839 he settled at Fort Snelling as public attache of the settler's department of the post, and soon afterwards moved to St. Paul and became a partner in the firm of Chouteau & Co., of St. I/Ouis, who took over the business of the American Fin- Co. This brought him in contact with the Chippewa and Winnebago Tribes of Indians, and by coiu-age, coolness, fairness, and tact came in time to exert a remarkable influence over these tribes. In 1846 the Winnebagoes exhibited their confidence in Mr. Rice by making him a delegate, in lieu of their native chief, to represent them in the sale of their reservation in Iowa to the United States. yo Statue of Henry Mower Rice Mr. Rice not only negotiated a useful treaty on this occa- sion, but diu-ing succeeding years, mainly as commissioner, in 1847 to 1889, aided materially in securing accession to the United States of Sioux, Chippewa, and other lands, covering the greater part of Minnesota. Mr. Rice always retained the confidence and affection of the Chippewa Tribe of Indians. He was called by them Wab-bee-mah-no-min, or White Rice. The St. Paul Dispatch, in an editorial commenting upon Mr. Rice's commission of 1889, received from President Cleveland, had this to say: For the successful conduct of these negotiations the chief, if not the entire, credit is due the Hon. Henry Mower Rice. His selection as one of the commissioners is the wisest possible choice which could have been made. It is a singular coincidence that exactly the same day of the same month 42 years ago, August 27, 1847, Mr. Rice succeeded in successfully concluding a treaty with the same band ceding valuable lands to the people. His covu-- age and experience, combined with his intimate knowledge of Indian charac- ter, enabled him to carry through an undertaking attended by difficulty which amounted to serious danger of bloodshed. The Democrats of the Territory, recognizing his ability, sent him to Congress in 1853, and reelected him in 1855, and as a recognition of his services in procuring the pas- sage of an act authorizing the admission of Minnesota to the Union elected him to the United States Senate in 1857. While in the Senate he labored arduously to avert a conflict of arms, but when his labors failed he displayed uncom- promising loyalty to the Union and rendered distinguished service as Senator in the preservation of the Union during the trying days of the rebellion. His kindness to the vol- unteer soldier will never be forgotten while a Minnesota veteran lives to tell the tale. After his retirement from the Senate he became treasurer of Ramsey County for three successive terms. His work in this office was of the same high character that distinguished him in every other posi- tion of trust and honor which he occupied. While Mr. RicE gave freely of his time to matters of State, nevertheless he had an eye for business and was quite as suc- cessful in the commercial world as in the political. At one Address of Mr. Smith of Minnesota 71 time he o\vned 80 acres of land in the heart of the city of St. Paul upon which streets and blocks were laid out, ware- houses, hotels, stores, and residences were built, and sites for churches, schools, hospitals, and parks were donated by him to the city. He was in a large sense one of the leaders in founding the city of St. Paul. His holdings came to be worth millions. He and three other Minnesotans were the incorporators of the Northern Pacific Railway. He gave freely of his money. His purse was always open to both public and pri- vate needs. No man looked to him in vain for assistance. His preeminent characteristics were generosity, affability, and love cff mankind. This trinity of ennobling traits made men love, respect, and follow him. All sorts and conditions of men paid him homage. He mingled with the savage Sioux chiefs with the same kingly bearing that won him the confidence and lasting friendship of such distinguished statesmen as John C. Breckinridge, Robert Toombs, Stephen A. Douglas, and many other public men of his day. The exigencies of every great occasion bring forth a genius to lead men out of darkness into light. The present European war will continue tmtil some master mind appears capable of penetrating the dense and horrible war cloud that for months has settled down upon the un- happ}^ people of Evtrope. Not until the arrival of such a man will peace be restored to oiu" brothers across the sea. Minnesota was fortunate, indeed, in having so wise and patriotic a hand as that of Henry Mower Rice to guide and protect her people in the formative period of her history, and the aborigine, on the dawn of the white man's day in Minnesota, was especially favored in having in a position of power and influence a white brother with a heart so big that it took in all mankind in its love and soUcitude for the human family. 72 Statue of Henry Mower Rice The State of Minnesota gave public acknowledgment of its debt of gratitude to Mr. RicE by adopting the following resolution on April 1 1 , 1 899 : ■Whereas, by act of Congress approved July 2, 1864, provision was made for placing in the National Gallery of Statuary, in the Capitol at Washington, by each State, of the statues of two of its deceased citizens, illustrious for their historic reno«-n or for distinguished civic or military services; and Whereas the Hon. Henry M. Rice was, from the year 1846, in which he nego- tiated a treaty by which a large portion of the territory now comprising the State of Minnesota was acquired from the aborigines, until his death preeminent in its service in the positions of Territorial Delegate, first United States Senator, and many other distinguished and useful capaci- ties, as to entitle him to the commemoration provided for in said act: Therefore Resolved by the senate (the house of representatives concurring), That the said Henry M. Rice be, and he is hereby, designated as one of the persons to be thus honored, and that a suitable statue to represent him be placed by the State in said National Gallery. The imposing statue of the Hon. Henry Mower Rice recently erected in the National Gallery of Statuary in this Capitol of these United States has been in response to the request of the citizens of Minnesota as expressed in the above resolution. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. LINDBERGH OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, it is fitting that the legislative representa- tives of the people of the State of Minnesota deem it proper to honor the memory of a man of the pioneer type in plac- ing the statue of Henry M. Rice in the Capitol of the Nation, placing his life, his character, and his work before the people of the Nation as typical of the men of whom Minnesota is proud. Flourishing now and one of the most prosperous of the Union, Minnesota recalls the memory of her first citizens with sincere feelings of love and respect. She is proud of their work ; proud of her development under their toil. Henry M. Rice was a leader among the first citizens of Minnesota, and in placing his statue in the Hall of Fame the State is not only immortalizing his life and his work, but is placing before the generations to come proof of her regard for the men who first sealed their fate with hers. A tribute to his memory is a tribute to the memory of every man and woman among his coworkers. Fifth in line of descent from Pilgrim ancestors, Henry M. Rice, upon reaching early manhood, " struck for the new frontier" to win name and honor for himself and to assist in the work of laying the foundation stone of a State des- tined eventually to take a place among the foremost of the sisterhood of the Union. He first entered the military establishment at Fort Snelling, and later engaged in fur trading for several years. In this work he was constantly in close touch with nature, and he soon learned to love the beauties of the land about him, the lakes of sky-blue water, the rolling prairies, the dense forests of stalwart pines, the beauties of springtime, and the fascination of the snow- white winters. He saw opportunity on every side and pictured the future of this great State. He felt the call of an unclaimed land awaiting the hand of the toiler and ready 73 74 Statue of Henry Mower Rice to respond generously to his eflforts. He pictured the future of the great Commonwealth to develop under the hand of the settler, and his efforts were constantly directed toward the development of the State. A strong personahty, a gracious manner, courteous at all times, and possessed of an instinctive knowledge of the wishes of men and parties, Henry M. Rice was qualified for public life. Public-spirited to an extreme degree, he partici- pated actively in all movements for the development of his home — St. Paul — and through his energy and enthusiasm won for himself the loyal support of his fellow citizens. His labors, however, were not confined to his home city. His influence extended into all State matters and his early training gave him an insight into the needs and necessities of the country and the traits and character of the Indians with whom it was necessary to deal, which aided him mate- rially in his later public life. His first work was done among the Indians. Fearless in battle and quick to resent the intrusion of the white man upon their domain, the Indians of Minnesota could be dealt with only as man to man, and to Henry M. Rice must be given much of the credit due for the treaties with the Chippewas and Sioux which opened up the fertile fields of Minnesota to the white settlers and made possible the development of the great lumber industries of the State. In 1853 Mr. Rice took his seat as Delegate to Congress, and his industry, persuasiveness, and strong personality soon placed him in a position of influence. His activity in securing land surveys, land oflices, post offices, and the opening of lands to settlement won for him a popularity hardly equaled in Minnesota history. When the time came for Minnesota to seek admission as a State imit, Mr. Rice was very active in securing the passage of the act which authorized the framing of the State constitution. When the State was finally admitted, he was rewarded for his efforts in the interests of his State by being elected one of the first of Minnesota's United States Senators. In this Address of Mr. Lindbergh of Minnesota 75 capacity he was equally energetic in the interests of his State. Minnesota is grateful for the work of her pioneers. She wishes the Nation to know and she wishes posterity to know her appreciation of their efforts. Each State is allowed, imder the law, to honor the memory of two most prominent sons by placing their statues in the Hall of Fame. In mak- ing her first selection Minnesota has chosen from the ranks of the men to whom she is most deeply indebted. She has chosen a man who was among the first of those who placed their lives and their futures in Minnesota and who gave the best of their lives to her development. As the years pass by, thousands of citizens will visit the Hall of Fame and look upon the statues of the Nation's builders. Among them will be the stalwart figure of Henry M. Rice, chosen from among the first of Minnesota's citizens to typify the life, character, ambitions, and work of pioneer Minnesota. The son or daughter of Minnesota who sees his statue there will see beside him the phantom forms of Alexander Ramsey, Henry Hastings Sibley, and their sturdy coworkers, all striving to speed the day when their chosen State would take the place which they knew in their hearts she must inevitably win. The statue of Henry Mower Rice is a tribute to his memory, a memorial to the history of Minne- sota, and will serve as an inspiration to the young men and women who in the years to come will carry on her work. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. VAN DYKE OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, the life and the works of a man are his monu- ment. The marble which we erect is the expression of pub- lic sentiment. The statue which the Nation has placed in Statuary Hall is piu-suant to the memorial of the people of Minnesota, expressed in the resolution of the State Legis- latiue of Minnesota in 1899, five years after his death, praying the Federal Government of the United States to erect in honor of Henry Mower Rice a statue in recogni- tion of his great public ser\nces to the State and Nation. The people of Minnesota had already in many practical ways given evidence of their faith and expressed public recog- nition of his ser\'ices by electing him twice Delegate of their Territory', the first Senator from Minnesota in the United States Senate, a member of the board of regents of the State university, and by naming in his honor the counties of Mower and of Rice. The people of St. Paul, of which he was one of the chief founders, required his public ser\-ices for three terms as city treasurer and elected him president of the board of public works and president of the chamber of commerce, while the old settlers and the soldiers of Minne- sota had elected him president of the Old Settlers' Associa- tion and a member of the Loyal Legion. Historians of family ancestr}' trace the lineage of Henry ^L Rice back through the centuries to days when lord and knight held sway by greatness of arm and heart and the power of leadership. But the plain and humble democracy of this man is disclosed by the fact that when he came to Minnesota through the wilderness from upper Michigan he came with his pack on his back, having traveled the first 200 miles of his jomney on foot. He reached Fort Snelling, on the upper Mississippi, in 1839, just two hundred years after Edmund Rice, his Pil- grim ancestor, landed on the bleak coast of New England. 76 Address of Mr. Van Dyke of Minnesota 77 On the side of both father and mother his ancestors had been soldiers of the American Revolution and had done loyal service in the French and Indian Wars. Five generations of selectmen, soldiers, deacons, justices of the peace, tillers of the soil, and pathfinders in the pioneer struggles for Amer- ican existence and freedom had laid the foundations of his character, and to this he added the knowledge obtained in the public schools, the academy, and the study of law and siuveying. We of Minnesota and the Lake Superior region to-day boast, as the evidence of the greatness of our resom-ces and of our industrial and commercial development, that the commerce of the Great Lakes which passes through Sault Ste. Marie Canal has over three times the tonnage of that which passes through the Suez Canal in the ocean commerce between Europe and Asia, and that the Great Lakes fleet passing through our northern canal is the greatest raerchant fleet which bears the American flag. It is of special inter- est, therefore, for us to take note, as we dedicate this statue to this man, that it was Henry M. Rice, the young sur- veyor of 1835, who made the first survey of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal for the State of Michigan, and that it was Henry M. Rice, the Indian-treaty maker of the forties and fifties and thereafter, who opened to white settlement the wheat lands, the pine forests, and iron ranges which fimiish the bulk of the tonnage which has brought fame to the com- merce of the "Soo" Canal and Great Lakes and prosperity to the industries of Minnesota and the entire upper Missis- sippi Valley. His life in the pioneer wilderness of the Northwest — Army sutler at Fort Snelling and Fort Atkinson, chief fur trader among the tribes of the Winnebagoes and Chippewas, sur- veyor and founder of settlements, friend and coworker of both white settlers and Indian trappers, versed in wood lore and Indian lore, as familiar with the life and languages of the Sioux and Chippewas as with those of the New Englander 78 Statue of Henry Mower Rice and European immigrant — gave him that thoroughly prac- tical grasp, that intimate understanding of men and mo- tives, that sympathy with and knowledge of pioneer and primitive conditions which made him perhaps the most suc- cessful Indian-treaty maker our country has known. The Winnebagoes made him their representative in Wash- ington for the sale of their lands and the signing of their reserv^ation treaties. The Sioux negotiated their treaties through him, after all previous efforts had resulted in failure. The first treaty which the Chippewas of Minnesota nego- tiated with the United States through the missionary efforts of Henry M. Rice was on August 22, 1847, and the last was on August 22, 1889 — just 42 years to a day — and though the several Chippewa treaties gave Minnesota nearly two-fifths of its territory, the great forest and iron-ore section of its northern domain, he held their friendship and their loyalty to the white race and the Government to the end. The Chippewas knew Henry M. Rice as " Wab-bee-mah- no-min," or "White Rice. " Though he died in San An- tonio, Tex., 2,000 miles away, the Chippewa Tribe joined in sending him, at the time of his death in 1894, their message of love and brotherhood. Judge Flandreau, one of the pioneer members of the supreme bench of Minnesota, testi- fies that — Until the day of his death there was bo other white man in Minnesota who had the confidence and affection of the Chippewa Tribes to anything like the same extent as Mr. RicE. One of the reasons for this confidence and affection was that Henry M. Rice looked upon the Indian not as an alternate object of public charity and private exploitation but as a man and brother entitled to plain justice. His ambition was to make the Indian a self-supporting citizen. In the State of Minnesota, which is larger than New Eng- land, and in the Territory of Minnesota, which at that time comprised a domain equal to New England and the Middle States, he believed there was room enough and land enough, if wisely and justly divided, to accommodate both the scat- Address of Mr. Van Dyke of Minnesota 79 tered Indian bands and a large white population. He pro- tected the Indians from aggression by setting aside for them extensive reservations, provided with schools and indus- trial facilities and exempt from whisky and taxation. The greed of men has in part defeated his statesmanlike pur- pose, and yet the progress that is now being made shows that his faith was not misplaced and that his dream may yet come true. The benefits of Mr. Rice's Indian treaties to the white race are beyond the scope of this occasion to describe. The 20,000,000 acres which he was instrumental in securing by negotiation from the Sioux became the foundation of the great spring-wheat industry which has made the country west of the upper Mississippi famous as the leading bread- producing district of the world. The forests of pine and spruce obtained from the Chippewas have given Minnesota leadership in the production of white-pine lumber and news print paper. The three iron ranges of northern Minnesota, located in the old hunting and trapping haunts of the Chip- pewas, produce three-fourths of the iron ore of the United States and one-fifth that of the world. Associated with Henry H. Sibley, Mr. RicE aided in the organization of the Territory of Minnesota in 1849, and in 1853 and 1855 was elected as Territorial Delegate to Wash- ington. It was in that capacity that he secured in behalf of Minnesota settlers the priority right to preemption of unsurveyed lands as against purchase by speculators. It was as Territorial Delegate, moreover, that he secured, through the cooperation of Senator Stephen A. Douglas, the adoption of the act authorizing the people of Minne- sota to frame a constitution preparatory to admission to the Union. Through this initiative of Mr. RicE Minnesota was admitted to statehood May 11, 1858, and the people, in prompt recognition of this servace, elected him as their first representative in the United States Senate. As Territorial Delegate and as Senator Henry M. RicE was recognized as the strong influence in Washington for 40277°— S. Doc. 425, 64-1 6 8o Statue of Henry Mower Rice Minnesota development. He secured the first land offices and post offices, the postal routes and railways, the military roads, and all other Federal establishments. As Senator he held the important committeeships of Public Lands and Indian Affairs, Post Offices and Post Roads, and both Military and Finance. It was in the midst of his term as Senator that the Civil War broke out between North and South. Doing all in his power to avert such calamity, he thereafter became an uncompromising supporter of the cause of the Union. A northern Democrat, he loyally supported President Lincoln. As a member of the Senate Military and Finance Commit- tees he was in a position to render signal service to the administration in its trying hours. Of the knowledge dis- played by him in Army affairs. Senator Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, chairman of the Senate Committee on Mili- tary Affairs, stated that Senator Rice's practical aid "was of greater service to the country than that of all other members of the committee." On the question of slavery Senator RiCE held to the true Democratic principle which prevailed through the North- western Territories from the adoption of the ordinance of 1787: "I am opposed to slavery for the reason that I am in favor of the largest human liberty." Just as he refused to desert the cause of the Union and of human liberty when so many Democratic States in the South joined in rebellion, he refused likewise to desert his Democratic principles and join the Republican party when nearly all of Minnesota deserted and all public positions were open to him as the price of such desertion. He stood steadfast to the principles as he saw them in the light of his reason, his conscience, and his knowledge of American constitutional history throughout the 77 years of his life. His place as one of the chief founders of the city of St. Paul, the State capital of Minnesota, rests upon a broad foundation. The 80 acres wliich he bought on the east bank of the Mississippi as early as 1 848 are in the heart of Address of Mr. Van Dyke of Minnesota 8i the present city, and are known on the city plat as the "Rice & Irvine addition." With characteristic enter- prise and liberality, he undertook the early development of the city by laying out streets and blocks and donating sites to churches, schools, hospitals, and parks. At the comer of Third and Washington Streets he built the second brick house erected in Minnesota. Rice Park, Rice Street, and Rice Lake still bear his name; and his pubUc services and public donations to the development of his home city are a part of the history of the State and its capital. It is in recognition of this vast pubUc service, it is in memory of this strong and lovable character, it is in honor of this broad-minded and pubUc-spirited statesman, it is in tribute to this high purpose and far \4sion of the prophet pioneer that our State and Nation to-day erect this statue to Henry Mower Rice. It takes time to bring out in bold relief upon the scroll of history the silhouette of a great character. On November 29 of next year will fall the centennial anniversary of this man's birth. It has been a century of the greatest progress of the world in all that has made for the freedom, the prosperity, and the uplift of the common man and in the opening of the frontiers and the waste places of the earth for the homes of men, and in this vast work Henry M. Rice has borne the true noble- man's part. In his life as citizen and hardy pioneer, in the hardships which he has shared with the humble settler and Indian, in the helpfulness he has shown to his fellow men and the wise provisions he has made for the generations to come, as in the abiUty of his career as a statesman and the loyalty of his devotion to the principles of his country, he has proved himself a worthy scion of a splendid lineage, whom we do well to honor. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. SCHALL OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, 77 years ago, a man of 23, all his worldly goods in a pack upon his back, but in his heart the wealth and courage and faith of youth, stood upon the banks of the Mississippi, contemplating the Falls of St. Anthony. Behind him was the birch-bark hut of the fur trader and a few skin wigwams, while about him was the spell of the "forest primeval," where "the murmuring pines and the hemlocks stood like harpers hoar." Under tlie witchery of the solitude, intensified by the rustle of the leaves and tlie swirl of the waters, his prophetic mind was projected into the future, and he saw as we see to-day. Up and down along the river the Twin Cities stretched with their 700,000 souls. He felt the might of the water rushing over the falls, and above its soimd caught the roar of the mill wheels grinding the flour for one-fifth of mankind. He saw the giant pines float down on the bosom of the river in great convoys to the lumber center, and looking a little to the south he saw on a bluff, rising abruptly from the water's edge, the University of Minnesota, with which his name was destined to be linked as one of the founders and regents, and whose student em-ollment to-day is 9,000. Great buildings reared their massive structiu-e; towers, domes, and spires pierced the sky. Numerous bridges spanned the river;* varied industry breatlied through a thou- sand factory chimneys, feeding and clothing and housing the great Middle West. God set tlie panorama, placed materials and fertile soil, gave indulgent summers and bracing winters. Here was everytliing ready for the hand, the head, and the heart of man. What a country, if only the arteries of roads could connect it with civilization. Industry and capital would 82 Address of Mr. Schall of Minnesota 83 make an enduring and mighty reality. Here was work for men. His task was plain, and he set about to accomplish his vision. This man typifies the great builders of our Nation, whose intelligence, courage, endurance, and energy wrested from natiure supremacy. His success we are to-day met to com- memorate, "bringing our robin's leaf to deck" his memory. The name of Henry M. Rice is inseparable from the prog- ress, the development, the history of Minnesota. His force of character, industry, and shrewdness guided the infant State. To-day our broad plains and sunny vales are dotted with prosperous and happy homes; and to the grateful millions yet to come, because this man and his type lived and wrought, the North Star State is the promised land. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. ANDERSON OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker, I had not thought until to-day to say anything upon this occasion, but that which has already been said inspires me to say just a word or two in regard to the spirit and philosophy of the exercises in which we are now engaged. In that building, which seems to me to exemplify more than any other the genius and the purpose of the American people, the Library of Congress, there is a series of mural paintings illustrating the efforts of mankind to preserve and transmit to posterity that which is notable and worthy in its peculiar age and generation. The first picture is that of the cave man, as, with strong hands, he piles together the imchiseled stone to commemorate some event that to him is notable. The second is that of the old man of the tribe, as, with crude eloquence, he tells the story to the young men of the bravery of his tribe and the glory of its traditions. The third is that of the naked savage, who, with crude and unsharpened chisel, engraves upon the stone wall the hieroglyphics that tell the tale of his people. The fourth is that of the red man, as he paints with ink the pictograph of some famous chase, of some immortal battle. The fifth is that of the monk, as he sits in his silent cell and, with quill pen, writes indelibly upon the parchment the sacred and imperishable truths of religion; and the last is that of the printing press. To-day we, as it were, add another, but a word picture, that will serve to keep green the memory of the achieve- ments of one of the pioneers of Minnesota, Henry M. Rice. We are endeavoring by these exercises to erect and, in a sense, dedicate a monument to one whose achievements in the infancy of otir State will he an inspiration to all who 84 Address of Mr. Anderson of Minnesota 85 look upon his face in the Hall of Fame. Mr. Speaker, there is a legend of ancient Greece that tells us of a game in the natture of a relay race. In this game only the strong, the young, and the fleet were permitted to take part. They chose sides, and each side tried with all its might to carry one to the other a blazing torch from the starting point to the goal. Henry M. Rice carried the torch of progress and of civilization in the rugged period of Minnesota's his- tory when the foundations of its greatness were being laid. His services have added luster to its flame and distance to its goal. ADDRESS OF MR. ELLSWORTH OF MINNESOTA Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the House, three genera- tions ago the men in the more thickly settled portions of the East saw in the expanding territories of the West oppor- tmiity. Men in those days lived by a different rule from that by wliich we live to-day. We now ask ourselves, Where can we go and do the best, or where can we go and get the most with the least effort? In those days men looking to the West, to the frontier of the coimtry, used to ask themselves the question, Where can we go to become the most useful as citizens to the people with whom we are associated in our daily lives and make of ourselves the most? I picture St. Paul in the forties. I picture to myself the side-wheeler coming up the Mississippi River. I picture to myself that famous hostelry, like the old Fifth Avenue Hotel, where governors and Senators were made and immade at the be- hest of men who ruled the destinies of politics, the Mer- chants Hotel. In 1849 when Alexander Ramsey, holding his commission from President Taylor, by way of the side- wheeler steamboat route landed at St. Paul and went up to the Merchants Hotel he then foimd the proprietor, a Mr. Bass, remodeling, fixing over in two rooms what had formerly been one, because the Territory of Minnesota had been admitted to the Union, and increased business was expected. He went across the street and found another building being remodeled, and learned from an onlooker that the other building was the governor's mansion. He did not like the outlook and took a ship down to Mendota, where he found H. H. Sibley, then a Delegate of the Terri- tory in Congress. He and Sibley the next morning, after staying all night at Sibley's house, came back to St. Paul on horseback and laid the foundation of that great empire of 86 Address of Mr. Ellsworth of Minnesota 87 the West so soon to become a State, first a Territory and then the State of Minnesota. I picture to myself the stores, the buildings in the then little village of St. Paul. Picture to yourself a building, partly log, partly frame, with one-third pitched roof and little porticos or porches or verandas out in front, like the little store in the time of Lincoln at Springfield. Picture to yourselves the men with black slouched hats, negligee shirts, frock coats, trousers baggy, large, generous, cut at the bottom like a sack, and high-top boots. And in those crude half-homespun jackets, and those crude homespun trousers and shirts, and under those slouched hats, men had gone out from the East, young men from 20 to 35 years of age, bringing the culture of the academies of the East to help build up the great Middle West. There were three such pioneers: Sibley, the first governor of the State; Ramsey, the first governor of the Territory; and Henry Mower Rice, one of the first United States Senators from the State after its organization. All were typical of the civilization, of the spirit of the times, and of the locality in which they lived and became a part. But there was some difference. I have heard the question asked, and a proper question, too, since the erection of the statue in Statuary Hall of the man whose name we honor to-day, why he had been selected for this honor rather than perhaps one of the others, such as Sibley or Ramsey, either one of whom might properly also have been selected. I take it that it is .the spirit of this occasion, that it is a proper function of such a memorial, that it may not only commemorate the man but commemorate the time and locality, commemorate the activity of the city and State in which he lived, and commemorate at the same time the type of the sturdy pioneer who helped to build up that empire of the West. But there is a distinction. There is a special reason why Henry Mower Rice and not Alexander Ramsey and not Henry H. Sibley should have been selected. There is a 88 Statue of Henry Mower Rice reason why the selection of Henry Mower Rice is eminently a proper selection. Ramsey came to Minnesota, then a Territory, with a commission from the President of the United States in his pocket as governor of the new Terri- tory — not that that should detract from the useful life which he afterwards lived; not that that should mean for one moment that the spirit, that the activities into which he molded himself in his after career in the making of that great State, should in any way be detracted from, but it was different from the way in which ovu" hero came to the State. Rice, a youngster of 22, imbued with the spirit of adventure; Ramsey, a former Member of Congress, who in 1846 sat in this body, which held its sessions in the old Chamber in this building. Ramsey was an entirely different type of man. Of Sibley I may say the same thing. Sibley came representing a great fur-trading business, the Ameri- can Fur Co., of which John Jacob Astor was the president. He came under the auspices and with the backing of the wealth of the East, while Ramsey, who had been an attor- ney in Pennsylvania and a Member of the House of Repre- sentatives, came with the backing of political prestige. They helped to build up Minnesota. They, together with our hero in this case, Henry Mower Rice, helped to lay the foundation of the Territory and of the State, but the State and its people did not mold them to the same extent, and while they may have themselves developed Minnesota — all of them — it may be said, I think, that Minnesota and the stirring scenes of the early days did, in fact, peculiarly develop Henry Mower Rice and made him the distinct type of the time and generation in which he lived. But I think there is another reason, and to my mind the controlling reason, after all, why, when we sift out the result, and get the sum total of human affairs, we find that certain things are done in certain ways. There is a. reason why it was eminently fitting, why it was not only fitting but inevitable, that Henry Mower Rice should Address of Mr. Ellsworth of Minnesota 89 have been chosen by those who formerly knew him to adorn the niche assigned to om- fair State in the Hall of Fame. He was the Indians' friend. He was a kindly man. He was a man who, when old Joe Rolette, whom one of my colleagues, I think Mr. Davis, referred to, stole the bill which kept St. Peter from becoming the capital of the State, would come to town — he was a French Canadian and in his county in the northern part of the State used to wear the Indian garb — and would go to a fashionable tailoring shop and buy himself a full complement of up-to- date clothes and would say to the tailor, "Charge it to Mr. Rice " — would, without prearrangement or notice beforehand, pay the bill because Joe Rolette was his friend. He was the kind of a man who, when he had his first cam- paign for governor, and I believe the only campaign for governor, after he had been in Congress, running against Gov. Marshall, who had the Republican nomination, and they had agreed upon a division of time in what they thought would be a forensic tour about the State, urging their claims for votes, and after the time had been divided twice on each side, making about 3 hours of division of time, got upon the platform and in 1 5 minutes finished his speech by saying that the people ought to elect Marshall; that Marshall was the sturdy pioneer who was entitled to become the governor of the State — and then finished the debate. Once in the United States Senate he again showed his kindness when Senators Fessenden and Dixon got into a confab. He addressed the President of the Senate, and pleaded that such confabs be not had; that they formed a bad example for the younger Members of the Senate, and stated that he did not believe anything was to be gained from ill will, and hoped it would not happen again. Again, when there was applause on one occasion in the galleries of the Senate, when some speaker other than himself — for he very seldom spoke — insisted that the gal- '% ^t,' 90 Statue of Henry Mower Rice leries be cleared, he pleaded with the presiding ofl&cer not to clear them. It was this trait of his character, the kindly spirit, the large-hearted and generous disposition toward those who honored and revered his memory, that was a great factor in the fitting selection made, and I believe Minnesota shall always enjoy a just pride in his name and memory and the fitting tribute paid to his sterling worth and type. [Ap- plause.] The Speaker pro tempore. The question is on the adop- tion of the concurrent resolution. The concurrent resolution was agreed to. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Rainey. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn. Mr. Austin. Mr. Speaker, I move that we adjourn until Monday at 12 o'clock. The Speaker pro tempore. The motion is made that the House do now adjourn until Monday at 12 o'clock. The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 5 o'clock and 57 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned until Monday, March 13, 1916, at 12 o'clock noon. > '// 'l'"' iris fc'"'^ ^^'iV ***'"' Y''*'7J?J'''*Pfl/iMiyuiiiHi'''M/'t«(r''W'''" LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 895 718