=^ She Sisnktrtent Chtlb of (Snh OR A PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE SUGGESTED BY 51I|0 |Jri*s0itt (danfnston of ^l^nitrilft IN THE GREAT WORLD WAR Eventually Men Must Themselves Bring On Peace and Righteousness Copyright 1918 By ALFRED DIETZ WASHINGTON, D. C. PRICE 25 CENTS. ^ J^ e \ Vat Sisobebtent ^hilb of iob OR A PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE SUGGESTED BY 5IIIP Pr^a^nt Confitsion of ^\\x\\\g):\\ IN THE GREAT WORLD WAR Eventually Men Must Thetnselves Bring On Pence and Righteousness Coiryridht 1918 By ALFRED DIETZ WASHINGTON, D C. PRICE 25 CENTS. V ^ . FOREWORD. •^^J^^ This is called a "Philosophy of Life" insofar as a man or woman that thinks must naturally form some general idea of life from its varied expe- riences and vicissitudes, termed Philosophy. Physically speaking, man is the highest form of animal life on earth, while spiritually taken, he also is the highest form of intellectual life on earth, for all through creation we notice these two main elements in nature (spirit and matter) distinct and separate, yet closely linked and interwoven with each other to express life and form organization, or living organism. While one element is just as important as the other in the phenomena of life, the spiritual element is the more important, in that it is the inner or main spring of life — the sentimental, emotional part of nature and man, the cause and design of organization, the why and wherefore of being, and beginning and ultimate end of organism, while the material element is the form that it is clothed in, or the shape and outer covering and manifestation of the inner life, and is subject outwardly to changes that are taking place forever and continually inwardly. But let us not forget that both elements are subject to the immutable and unchangeable laws of nature, caused by nature's originator — the First Great Cause and Giver of Laws, which we call God. While this, then, is mainly a philosophy of life, I have given it the title and called it " The Disobedient Child of God " because of the fact that, like Adam and Eve, our first parents spoken of in the Bible, showed disobedience to God by eating of the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil, and thereby lost a paradise forever, so man has ever after been disobedient in not learning the higher wisdom from God and he is forever despoiling a world of beauty and love through selfishness and ignorance, and must for- ever continue eating from the tree of good and evil to attain that knowledge and wisdom through bitter disappointment and experience that will or may eventually open his eyes and make him see his own shortcomings and im- perfections and learn the lessons which will redeem him and by which he can make this world a better world to live in — a world of peace and beauty and love instead of a world of horror and strife which he has made it through his own ignorance, obstinacy and folly to accept the truth. y c 3 HOW SHALL WE KNOW THE TRUTH? What is Truth, and how c:in \vc attain the higher \vi^(lonl tlial will make us know and perceive it? Only thrmisrh The Wonderful Link of Thought and Power of the Mind which man posf.csscs and binds him to deity lo prove that he was made in the ima^e of his Creator, can man learn the truth and perceive the higher wisdom of an Alhvise Creator. . , • , , • God spako— but God speaks only through the minds oi men, and his l-.inprua.fco is tlu- hintr.r'f !.■ r, i.atr.r<. What does He say? Have you ever read His message in forest, field or glen? Have you ever read His meaning in the ocean's wide expanse, And then perceived His mighty wonders all through an azure hue Oi other worlds that glisten in a firmament of blue, And yet, of all the wonders of air and sea and land, Man is himself the greatest— to think and understand. Yes- by the power of thought and reason he has slowly but surely har- nessed 'the forces of nature to his use. and he has answered the questions which are presented to him in solving the riddles of the universe, and while he has so far mastered the situation as far as his own comfort and well-being is concerned as a creator in a smaller sense, he still has not yet learned to control himself, to thoroughly curb hi:, animal instincts and propensities, or to overcome his "human nature" which he is so proud o and which lie olTers as an excuse for all his faults. He still has not yet fullv learned the lesson that God would teaCh him, and the purpose of this book is to impress this fact deeply into my readers, and, if possible, point out where we have failed and what is necessary to regain the lost paradise. WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD? The Bible is generally accepted as the word of God. It is the book of r^ooks in that it contains everything of human interest from the creation to man's salvation. It is the light that has been and is brightening up nany d'lrk corners of man's downfall. It is the corner-stone and foundation of the Christian religion, but we cannot deny it that the Bible was written by men— by the prophets of old, who must have gained their knowledge direct from God and nature. . . „ , j r /- . i . I claim then, that the Bible is not originally tiie word of (.od, but a man-made book,' containing the record of impressions received by men who were leaders in their dav and time and were deep thinkers and searchers •