639 E4 M5 918 opy 1 WAR ACTIVITIES IN MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION . FEBRUARY, 1918 Facts About Minneapolis Population 385,000 Number of public high schools , 6 Number of public elementary schools 76 Enrolment in high schools 9,034 Enrolment in elementary schools 46,097 Total enrolment 55,131 Number of teachers in high schools 382 Number of teachers in elementary schools 1,255 Number of principals and supervisors 89 Total number in school force 1,727 Minneapolis Public Schools and the War Since January 1, 1917 Junior Red Cross Auxiliaries Red Cross Membership Drive Red Cross Salvage Campaign Direct Gifts to Soldiers, Sailors and Nurses Liberty Loans Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates Food Conservation Fuel Conservation War Gardens Farm Labor Enlistment Belgicin Relief Y. M. C. A. Campaign Courses for Draft Registrants Adoption of War Orphans Knitting Clubs Service Flags Contract Work of Girls' Vocational High School Teachers' Direct Contribution D. ot B. MAR 25 1918 \ ^^'f^S^unior Auxiliaries Minneapolis Chapter American Red Cross Pledge V- I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Re- y public for which it stands: One Nation, one Lan- \ guage, one Flag, with Liberty and Justice for all. I pledge all the service within my power to the School Auxiliary of the American Red Cross. Organization — $2 a room and service. Goal — 25 cents a pupil. Every pupil a member, January 7, 1918. Amount of money contributed to date toward membership dues — $5,025.16. Articles Finished to Date High Sflioois Abdominal Bands :\fghans (Blankets) 30 vnti-vermin Suits 36 Elemen- tary 58 iandages 1391 540 Jath Robes 125 36 '3ed Sheets 216 156 |3ed Shirts 665 121 ' ied Socks 451 1225 'Sonnets 186 16 Books 5 9 Booties 9 92 Bottle Covers 1310 ;aps (Child's) 57 12 :;aps (Opt'g) 241 516 laps, Trench 15 33 Dominoes 2 1 rraw Sheets 12 48 Dresses (Children s) 69 22 Dusters 464 :5own, (Opt'g) 25 3un Wipes 7772 Handkerchiefs 100 Helmets 36 9 Hospital Socks 72 Housewives 947 ce Bag Covers 189 Jackets 35 6 Joke Cards 20