+■ \ .-' ...1895... ' THE m iootcr Presented to The Farmers of Berrien County, Michigan, by the Advertisers . . . whose names appear within . . . we SoliGli your Patronaoe Office and Salesroom 2-. Water St. = Benton Harbor Branch Salesroom ^1 riain St. = St. Joseph . .. FOR YOUR ... ierry Crates, Grape Baskets, ^each Baskets, Melon Baskets, Melon Grai6s. Plant Boxes. Etc. ...AT THE... EST PRICES To help Home Laborers buy of your Home Manufacturers. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF . . . LOOS. Boiis & Tmm CALL ON OR ADDRESS COLBV-HlNKLEY CO. BENTON HARBOR, fllCH. FIRST NflTIONflL BANK BENTON HARBOR. CAPITAL, = - $50,000 SURPLUS, = =. $38,500 We have all the facilities for transacting a General Banking Business and solicit the Accounts of FARMERS, BUSINESS MEN AND LADIES Pass Books and Check Books Free. Drafts issued on all foreign countries. Letters of Credit for Travelers. Steamship Tickets for sale by all Lines. ...DIRECTORS... J. Stanley Morton, James Baley, E. B. Patterson, C. Morgan Edick, Samuel A.. Bailey. Buy all Kinds 0! Foot Wear at tne... nODEL * 5nOE • JTOKE AND YOU WILL GET tmf ,-„^ ^^ LATEST STYLES ^Il^»^ ...AND .. . ^ LONA/EST RRICES SaVislaGtioii Guaranteed or Moneu Retunded Yours, for trade, VERN WILLIAMS, Prop. 118 Pipestone St. — Benton Harbor, Mich. II (IMENA/ l_U\H CHICAGO ST. JOSEPH and BENTON HARBOR Trans. 60. Having better Dock facilities in Chicago than our competitors, we jjuarantee shippers an earlier market than all competition. See local papers for time table. C. K. FARMER, E. W. SEYMOUR, Gen'l Agt , Benton Harbor, Mich. Gen 1 Mgr., Chicago S, D. D. S. The new way, Teeth without Plate. Gold and porcelain crowns. Teeth filled by the latest improved methods. All work and material guaranteed to be the best at moderate prices. My process for extracting teeth without pain is a success. Office, Jones & Sonner Block, A A. Benton fiarDor, pmmrs COPYRIGHTS.^ CAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years* experience in the patent business. Communioa- tlons strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning: Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken throush Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. »3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, moTithly, $2.50 a vear. Single copies, 2.5 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of now houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO.. New Youk, 3G1 Broadway. Ill INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. First National Bank ._. I Williams, Vern I Scientific American II White, S. M..-- II Chicago, St. Joseph & Benton Har- bor Transportation Co II Benton Harbor Palladium III Enders & Young IV Anderson-Tully Co. 22 Antisdale, E. S 24 Babcock, Wm. C 48 Baushke, A. & Bro - 16 Bell, Geo. M. & Co 30 Benton Harbor Hardwai e Co 30 Bradford & Huff 8 Brooks, James 8 Brown, C. J. 32 Century Co., The 52 Commercial State Bank, The 2 Champaign Nursery Co. 38 Chadwick, Ruby 40 Complete Directory of Commission Men of Chicago 42-44 Dix & Wilkinson 14 Emerald Poultry Yards 56 Ferguson & McCord --22 Flanigan, D. D : 16 Foeltzer, H. A. & Co 26 Gregg, Dr. C H 4 Graham, E. A 40 Hagar, Frank Iv 10 Herr Bros 16 Howard & Pearl 18 Horse Review, The 48 Huntington, H. L 20 Kehr, Wm. L. 12 Kropp, Geo 8 Martin's Palace of Trade 28 Moon, C. R 34 Michigan Farmer, The -___ 50 Parker Bros 12 Pixley, B. F ^4 Piatt, E. F... 6 Pound, James , 36 Preston, W. A 10 Press, The Weekly 46 Roberts, Dr. E. 10 Ray, Dr. H. W 40 Schulz & Pixley __ 28 Smith, W. J. & Co i .18 Snelling t"c Smith .46 Stone, Harry 36 Thayer, Geo. B. & Co 24 Wallace, John & Sons 14 Wells, Higman & Co. 6 Wescott & Reich 30 Western Rural , 18 THE SEMI-WEEKLY PALLADIUM Is the Best Newspaper In Southwestern Michigan Contains full court and other county seat reports, correspondence from all towns of importance in Berrien county and all home and foreign news. ^1.25' per year if paid wholly a year in advance; ^ i.5'o a year if not paid in advance. F. R. GILSON, fm\hW Benton HarDor, Micti. IV When you are in need of anything in the line of.... • •t HATS, CAPS Gents' Furnishings Umbrellas, Rubber Clothing MACKINTOSHES, Etc., Call at yy "THE CENTRAL Where you will find the largest stock and the most complete assortment. OUR MOTTO IS: "Sell Cheap and Sell a Heap." "Large Sales and Small Margins." We are always pleased to cash commission checks for our customers Satisfaction guaranteed. Goods cheerfully exchanged or money refunded. ENDERS & YOUNG, HOTEL BENTON BLOCK. Benton Harbor, Michigan Copyrighted 1894, by R. M. Earle, St. Joseph, Mich. EARLE'S DAY BOOK FOR THE FARM ...1895... !VlAf: 1 1895) ^""^ ■"•■>' A ftiA "«aEM;,tTW-' Published Annually by Robert M. Earle, St. Joseph, flich. EVENING PRESS BOOK PRINT NEWTOM VANDERVEER, Pres. JAMES M. BALL, Vice-Pres. W. T. BRADFORD, Cashier. Commercial State Bank SX. UOSERM, IS/IICMIGAIM CARIXAL AND SURRLUS, ^26,000 IIMDIVIDUAI- RESF=OIMSIBIl_|-rY, ^S00,000 ...DIRECTORS... N. VANDERVEER JAAIES M. BALL JAMES BROOKS M. Shepard W. T. Bradford R. D. Parker John F. Gard Farmers and Fruit Growers ^^^ ^5j- WE CAN CASH ALL YOUR FRUIT CHECKS AND *' SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS nONEY LOANED ON SHORT TlflE. We Try to Please All . . DIRECTIONS . . FOR USING ♦♦.lEarle'6 2)a^ IBooh for the dfarm.,. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT Under this head place receipts for butter, eggs, vegetables, or produce, plac- ing the expense for package or labor under head of general expense. FRUIT ACCOUNT Under this head keep account of all fruit consigned to commission men or sold to other parties. Under the expense column place only cost of picking and package, as the freight, cartage and commission is deducted before your check is returned. GENERAL FARH EXPENSE Under this head keep all expenses of the farm outside of picking and pack- ages. If this book is kept according to directions, you can tell at a glance how much you have received and expended, and the exact profit of the farm for the year. And your fruit account will serve as a handy reference and comparison for vears to come. -3— 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT ] I ! - 1 1 j ■i 'i ■ 1 ■! ! i 1 'i ■1 1 ! 1 I 1 1 i I i i i " OTT/IWfl ' 5/1NlTflRWn MRS. DR. C. H. GREGG, House Physician The Doctor makes a specialty in curing Old Sores of long standing, and has never failed jn curing the most difficult cases of Ulcers. She will guarantee a cure of all forms of Hemorrhoids, and will positively cure Rheumatism, it makes no difference how many years you have suffered with it. All chronic complaints will be cured by Dr. C. H. Gregg. Special attention given to ELECTRIC AND MINERAL BATHS CONSULTATION FREE CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED lao North Biackstone St. V. T. KINCH, flanager JACKSON, MICH. -5— 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT • . 1 i ' i —6- EDNA/IN F. RL.ATT ...Hardware and ftQriGiiliiiral liiiDleiiienis... South Bend ...Bissell Oliver Chilled PLOWS # Repairs always in stock. Garland Stoves and Ranges, Builders' Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. You can always rely on getting the best goods and lowest prices The pioneer hardware hou.se of the twin cities STATE ST. ST. UOSERM, IVIICM. Wells- Higman Company... St. Joseph Michigan hJEAbQUAKTERJ F?R '^^ Berry Boxes Berry Crates Climax Grape Baskets Climax Peach Baskets Bushel Baskets and Fruit Packages of All Kinds .,.Give us a call 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT ! ' ■ i 'i ! i - .,! , ; 1 1 |! _ j! ': 1 1 Are the Baroaius offered at the i6Dti Baroain Store IN . Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS. ONE THOUSAND .loc ARTICLES. ALL USEFUL. ONE THOUSAND .050 ARTICLES. " North State St. ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Geo. Kropp Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness Saddles Whips Curry Combs Brushes Etc. FARMERS Patronize a Harness Shop that deals exclusively in Harness, and where they mauul'acture all their work and spend the monej' for labor at home. Cheapest place in St. Joseph to buy anything in my line Feed Your Horses NA/IXH J ames Brooks, Livery and Sale StaDle ^ r State Street St Joseph -9— 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT W. A. Preston MANUFACTURER OF... ash. Door nd^ • • • DEALER IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Builder's Hard- ware, Paints and Oils. OFFICE AND FACTORY, FOOT OF VIADUCT c •9* Si JoseoH, Ml FRANK L ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Hair Cutting and Shaving Parlor Located in the Ray Bldg. on Ship St. SRECIAL-IST ... IN ALL . . . CHRONIC DISEASES« 20 YEARS IN NEW YORK. 20 YEARS IN ST. JOSEPH. 's ^ Hair ^ GuUIno A SPECIALTY Razors Honed Shears Sharpened A larger list of cured cases than any physician in Michigan, and patients treated at less than one-fourth the charges of any skilled Specialist in the large cities. Send for question blank. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Forbes Block. St. Joseph, Mich. 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT D. C. Parker. Geo. F. Parker. Parker Bros. 8s S. WATER STREET, CHICAGO (3encral Coinmiseion Refer to Atlas National Bank, Chicago. FRUIT A SPECIALTY i NA/M. L Kehr I J:^ Randolph and Union Sts., Chicago ::^ B 3 i rRUIT iH? PRODUCE I £ ...Commission Merchant... 3 P a I ft Trial SUlDiim ill! Gonylnc6 You | ^iuuuiiuiiuiuiuuiiuiiuiuiuiuiiiiaiiaiaiiuiiuiiiiuiii -13- 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT — 14— (ELSTABL-JSHED IST-S) enien ^ount^ Abstract 0ffice DIX & \A/ILKIIMSOIM, Office: Commerciai State Bank, (front entrance.) *" — •'^t Joseph, Michigan ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TITLES EXAMINED. TITLES GUARANTEED. Never buy or sell real estate without a complete abstract of title. A bad title is like a bogus dollar. For abstracts or iuformation concerning titles call on or address us. DIX & \A/ll_KINSOtSl, D REAL ESTATE LOANS Offices, St. Joseph - Berrien Springs Money to I^oan on Improved Farms at low rates and on easy terms. RFJOBAXE l=RACTICE Will act as Gitardian, Administrator, or Executor of Estates, and attend to> all matters and practice in the Probate court. Conveyancing, Deeds, Mortages, Contracts, Wills, and other legal papers carefully drawn. Twenty j^ears exper- ience. Offices connected by Telephone. John Wallace k Sons DON'T + DEALERS IN [FORGET BulldinQ Malerla! ' ^ Cement TO * Salt S6W6r PiD6 READ ADVERTiSEHENT BRICK AND DRAIN TILE OVER FERTILIZERS WOOD AND COAL »— St. Joseph, Michigan Directions —15- 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT •4- < ■ ■t6- A. BAUSHKE. L. M. BAUSHKE. A. BAUSHKE & BRO. . . . nanufacturers of all kinds of . . . Farm and Fruit WAGONS Carriages, Surries, Road Wagons, and Vehicles of all descriptions. Repairing a specialty. — All of our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. — Your patronage is solicited. — Call in and examine the largest variety in Berrien county. — Remember the place. 145, 147, 149, I5« W. MAIN ST. Herr • Bros. THE PIONEER GROCERY FIRM. Staple and Fancy Grocenes As low prices as any store in the Twin Cities. We naake a specialty of GftRDBIH SEEDS Farmers don't send away your cash and pay postage and express until you get our prices. Cor. Sixth and Main Sts. Benton, Harbor, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mlcli. D. D. fimmn PIONEER HARNESS SHOP OF BENTON HARBOR M'tr and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, Combs, Brushes, Etc. SPECIALTY== ln fruit farm Harness... ALL WORK WARRANTED REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 119 E. MAIN ST. BENTON HARBOR, MICH. —17— 189 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT i8- HOWARD & PEARL PiONEER DRUG STORE OF ST. JOSEPH . . . Dealers in . . . Druos. Fainis. oils, b\m Etc. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF.. T,i.ti*^ Spraying Materials at Lowest Prices they can possibly be sold. We have a full line of Wall Paper and School Books. Get our prices and look at goods before purchasing elsewhere. HOWARD & PEARL * St. Joseph, MlCtl. t J. Smiths Go. 128 South Water St. Chicago, III. MMlSSiON RCHANTS Refer to, and deposit with Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Ben- ton Harbor, Commercial State Bank, and Union Banking Co., St. Joseph. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Western Rural . ..AND... flinGrlGan Stockman. Published weekly for the Farm and Fireside. Sf.OO PER YEAR. Send for Sample copy. Addres,s all communications to The Western Rural, CHICAGO, ILL. -19- 189 ISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT -20- I H. R. Huntington, | S^ . . , Shows the Largest and Best Line of . . . :3 I FURNITURE | £ IN THE TWIN CITIES ^ s^ Low Prices Easy Payments 3 139 PIPESTONE STREET ^UUUiUiiiiiiiUUiiiiiiiiiiiiiUUiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiUiiUiUiiUiii^ -21 189 FRUIT ACCOUN- r i.TE. NO. PKGS CONSIGNEB). RETURNS. u . EXPENSE. : 1 PRO] ^T. ; ] 1 J 1 i i j i 1 1 ' : , 1 1 1 ' \ ANDERSON-TULLY CO, BENTON HARBOR ...MICHIGAN Berry Crates @^^'hJ^^ Onion Crates HEADQUARTERS FOR .. Melon Crates Vegetable Boxes And Baskets of all kinds Our endeavor is to make the BEST package on the market. Do not buy till you see us. We ofuarantee satisfaction. Ferousoii & McGord MANUFACTURERS OF Building Brick and Drain Tile Also Dealers In Lime, Cement, lialr, Etc. YARDS ON C. & W. M. TRACKS NEAR PAW PAW AVE. Benton Harfior, Mien. Call and Get Our Prices- -23- 189 FRUIT ACCOUNT 1 lTE. 1 1- NO. PKGS. CONSIGNEE. 1 RETURNS. EXPENSE. ) PROFIT. l) ; I 1 1 ; 1 ! ! i , ij , ; 1 1 ' i i i j 1 1 ! J ' i 1 i i j 1 1 i 1 ! . ' 1 1 i . 1 1 1 , i '' .! I '1 ! ! 1 1 i -24- .Buy all kinds of GEO. B. THAYER & CO. "THE NEW FACTORY" Benton Harbor, - Michigan They were the cause of saving the fruit growers of Berrien countj'^ $20,000 last year. — Makers of the strongest and best Clitnax Baskets on earth. PRACTICE LiMITED TO EYE EAR NOSE THROAT JONES & SONNER BLOCK BENTON HARBOR GLASSES FITTED -25- U!T ACCOUNT i.TE. NO. PKGS consigne;e;. RETURNS. EXPENSE. PROFIT. ' . ' 1 ^ -26 H. fl. FOELTZER & 60. MERCHANT TAILORS, opp. Po.t=offlce Benton HarDor • • • • Suits, Made to Order, $15.00 and upward Overcoats, Made to Order, $15.00 and upward Pants, Made to Order, $4.00 and upward 1IV6 do not. carry anu Reaflu-Made Goods We will make you a Suit for nearly the same price and guar- antee you a AND Perteci Fit Good WorkmansHiD A trial order will convince you that we can save you money on Clothes. SEND FOR SAMPLES H. A. FOEILTZER & CO. -27- 89 FRUIT ACCOUNT m. NO. PKGS consigne;e. RETURNS. EXPENSE. PROFIT. : i • 1 ' i ' i 1 ; ', j J ' ' i / 1 1 5CnULZ & FIXLET Real Estate Dealers A A A A THE SALE OF FARMS THEIR SPECIALTY Should you wish to sell your farm, or if you are in need of good Fire Insurance, they will be pleased to have you call on them. Room I, Hotel Whitcomb Block, St. Josepn. Manin's Palace oi Trade. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. The Pioneer Store of Berrien County. Dry Goods, Carpets, Notions, Clothing, Plats and Caps, and Furnish- We carry the Largest Stock and Best Assort= ment at recognized Low Prices, of ing Goods. Marlins Palace oi Trade. —29— FRUIT ACCOUNT lTE. NO. PKGS CONSIGNEE. 1 RETURNS. EXPENSE. PROFIT. i : j ( . < 1 1 1 ! \ 1 i I i 1, i 1 j 1 1 i i 1 I- i •; i 1 1 I (; '■\ 1 -30- Benion ^ HarDor ^ Hardware ^ Go. (LIMITED.) Benton Harbor, Mich. We handle the Improved Vineyard Plow, Clinton Plow and South Rend Plow. Repairs for Plows df an}- description always in stock. Full line of Builders' and general Hardware. — We make a specialty of Heating and Gasoline Stoves. —Call at 112 I'ipestone street and we will con- vince you that our prices are lower than you can get in either town. — We allow no one to undersell us on same quality of goods. Steel or Tin Roofing Have Troughs St)66l or Wooden Wlndmll We will call upon you and show up the mill. It will pay you to call and get prices on Tabular Wells and Piirnp Repairs of all kinds. Wescott & Reich 145 Pipestone St. BENTON HARBOR, MICH. Dr. G. M. B6II & Go. DRUGGISTS Drugs Wall Paper Paints and Oils Books BOTTLED GOODS For medicinal purposes. 103-E. Main St.-103 Opposite HOTEL BENTON BENTON HARBOR, MICH. -31 — 189 FRUIT ACC( DUNT TE. NO. PKGS. consigne;e;. 1 RETURNS. EXPENSE. . PROFIT. i ;i ( ■ ; 1 1: j 1 ' 1 \ 1 1 '.- i ' 1 1 . : — 32- C. J. BRO the: groceir Claims to sell the same quality of goods for I \j less n oney than any firm in the Twin \ i \j ^^^^ Cities. Call and ask for our cash prices ^"fx^ y\<^ before purchasing elsewhere and you will / "7^\ then see that we want ...WE SELI mm & SANBORN'S FAMOUS Boston Coffees. Come in and see how far $i.oo will go in providing for the wants of vour family. C. J. BRO\A/N the: groce:r 114 East Main St. = Benton narDor, Micli. —33- 89 FRUIT ACC( 3UNT m. NO. PKGS. consigne;e;. RETURNS. EXPENSE. PROFIT. \ 1 1 - 1 —34- C. R. MOON, ' ... DEALER IN . . . Furniture, GarD6ts and hmm Macliines. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Cor. State and Pleasant Sts. St. Joseph, Mich. B. F. rixi_e:y. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF rERTlLIZER5 Wishes to inform the fruit growers and farmers of Berrien county that he is now ready to receive orders for all kinds of Fertilizers. He has the agency of the Michigan Carbon Works, of Detroit, Mich., manufac- turers of the celebrated Homestead Boneblack Fertilizers, and has an assortment of their goods on hand ready for immediate delivery. He can also furnish the pure chemicals— Nitrate of Soda, Muriate and Sulphate of Potash and Super-phosphates. He can also furnish Canada Hardwood Un- LEACHED Ashes in any quantity. He is also local agent for Wm. Stahl's justly celebrated Spraying Outfits. Descriptive pamphlets and samples of these goods may be had at E. F. Piatt's Hardware Store in St. Joseph or at my residence on Niles avenue. Call and get them. e. r. RixLEY -35— 89 FRUIT ACCi OUNT ^E. NO. PKGS CONSIGNEE. RETURNS. EXPENSE. PROFIT. ! i 1 j 1 1 i 1 -36 If you wish to see a complete stock of... Dry Goods, Carpets Notions and Cloaks Gall at Pound's 112 L Main St. Benton Harbor Everything New as soon as produced l:)y the mills at home, or imported goods, can always be found on our shelves. We are selling agents for the Royal Worcester and the R. & G. Corsets. Also agents for Standard Patterns. We pay particular attention to our Dress Goods And can show ail the new things for the season JAMEIS ROUND Mention this advertisement to STONE,] ST. JOSEPH^ THE... EWELER And Save ^ per cent, on usual prices DO YOU WANT A Watch A Clock Silverware .Or Jewelry -37— 189 FRUIT ACCOUNT TE. NO. PKGS 1 CONSIGNEE. RETURNS. EXPENSE. PROFIT. ) j r - - ■ 1 i i 1 1 -38- TI16 GnamDaion Nursery 60. CHAMPAIGN, ILL Growers of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Small Fruits. MaR6 a SDGGlalii! ot reacti, rear and GHerru Stock grown upon the open prairies of Illinois insuring adaptation to the most exposed situations of transplanting. Our experience of more than thirty years in experimen- tal horticulture has taught us that nursery stock should be grown in such manner as to secure root development rather than over-grown stock. We therefore offer only trees that are WELL PROPORTIONED. Shipping facilities: Illinois Central, Big Four, and Wabash railways. Only four hours to Chicago with its numerous connecting lines. Correspondence solicited. Address CHAMPAIGN, ILL 189 GENERAL —39— FARM EXPENSES -40- STEAMER ? MAY ? GRAHAM Will make regular trips during the season between AND BERRIEN SPRINGS making connection at St. Joseph with L,ake Steamers for ■ "^ Chicago and Milwaukee For both Passengers and Freight — .....^MMmiA Fruit Growers along the line of the river will save both time and money by delivering freight to the river for this steamer. E. A. GRAHAM, Owner. H. W. Ray and C. E. Burchfield,D. D.S. 19 YEARS IN ST. JOSEPH. Ray's method of painless den- tistry is the best. Ray's method of teeth without plates is the best in Michigan. PR/CES MODERATE WORK GUARANTEED Office has been recentl}^ fitted with all improvements in new building, corner Ship and State streets. niLLlNEKT A full line of Stylish and Seasonable millin- ery always on hand at Mrs. R. Chadwick's, at prices that will suit you. . . • Second Floor... GRAHAM BLOCK BENTON HARBOR -41— 189 GENERAL FARM EXPENSES —42— COMRLEITE DIRECTORY Of Commission men of Chicago, to be used as a reference by farmers of Berrien county, Mich., who are presented with this book annually. AARON, B. & SON, ii8 S. Water Aaron, Edward & Co. " AHRENS, ALBERT, 142 S. Water Aiken, M. P. & Co. 28-34 Pacific Av. Allen, E. W. 117 S. Water Andrew, John 5 Dearborn St. Anguish, Benj. D. 92 S. Water Arnt, Hollbrook & Co. 260 " Aubrey, Sullivan & Co. 147 " Ayres, Wm. B. 89 " BAKER, Edwin R. 227 " BAKER, M. & CO. 93 S. Water Barber, A. A. 183 " Barber, Martin & Co. 191 " Barnard, Edwards & Co. 105 " Barren & Burningham, 131 " Barteime & Stallwood, 140 " BENN, A. & CO. 125 " Begley, M. D. & Bro. 248 " Belke, W. T. & Co. 123 " BEUZEVILLE, GEO. &CO. 232 " Biglow, Aniory 144 " Blatherwick. C. W. & Co . 226 " Bogardus, Harrison D. 125 " Bolton, P. H. & Co. 223 " Bond & Whitcomb, 201 " Bordan, Seymour S. 228 " Brenan & Schuyler, 167 " Briggs, Hannibal B. 197 " Brown, H. L. & Son 225 " Brown ELiv, C. S. & Co. 131 " Buck, Stowe & Co. 140 " BUEHRI.E & LoefFell, 163 " Burnett, R. A. 161 " Burt, W. & Co. 109 " Carmody & Heath, 274 " Carstirs & Topping, 195 " Christenson & Co. 212 " Church & Braunling, 193 " C1.0UGH, Wm. E. 120 " Cochran, John C. 174 " Conger & Barker, lOI " Cook, F. L. & Co., 185 " Cornlisen, & Co. 221 " Congle Bros., 178 " Dabel, H. G. & Co. t7o " Davis Bros. Co. 141 " Decker, Klass G. 216 " Diehl, E. F. & Co. 249 " Dingman, Hellman & Co .276 " Dobson, Henry W. 172 " Dow, A. C. & Co. 69 " DozoRS, J. C. & Co. 251 S. Water Dragorius, G. 227 " DURAND Commission Co. 184 " Dwyer, James H. 121 " EARL BROS. i57 " Emerling, Lewis R, 167 " ENDER & Ender, 130 " Fish, S. T. & Co. 189 " Fitch, C. A. & Co. 593 " Flint, Horace W. 85 " Forman, Wm. H. 168 " Franklin, M. A. & Co. 163 W.Rand'lph Freund Ac Wolf, 167 Frost Bros. 132 S. Water George Commission Co. 139 " GEORGE, M. & CO. 95 Gibson & Williamson, 125 " Gleason, John iki Co. 94 " Goodale, Ed «& Son 94 " Goodrich, Nathenal K. 128 " Gottlieb, Rudolph 128 " Greenbaum, Simon 33 " Gregson & Fisher. 134 " Gruber Bros. 199 " GRUHL, Chas. & Bro 128 " Hamms, Emerson Com. Co. 272 " Hanse, H. k Co. 220 " Hanson, H. B. & Co. 278 " Haden, C. B. & Co. 138 " Hederman, Edward 146 " HEIN7.E, F. & CO, 109 " Heldt Bros., 149 " Heneman & Hoffman, 224 " Hobbs & Griffeu, 166 " Hogan, Patrick 103 " Hovland, J. S. & Co. 72 " Ibseng, C. J. & Co. 236 " Jackson, James A. B. 246 " Jacob Bros, it Co., 1 92 ' ' Jacobs I't Aaron, 140 " Johnson, F. O. .'c Co. 224 " Johnston, J. Wm. & Co. 238 " KEHR, WM. L. 136 W.Randolph Kelder, H. P. & Co. 216 S. Water Kimball, A. M. & Co. 142 " Kerkaby, M. & Co. 280 • ' KNECHT, J. E. & CO. 104 S. Water Kreuder, Chas. 185 N. Water Krull & Volger, 123 S. Water 189 GENERAL —43— FARM EXPENSES -44- compleite: direictorv Continued. Lally, John i6t S. Water LALLY & SWEENY, 130 " Lankey, V. H. 170 " LASHER, G. & Son 125 " EEGG, Geo. W. & Co. 105 " Lenzy, Wm. L. 000 " Lepman & Heggie, 000 " Lerow, Geo. L. & Co. 102 " Linn, Geo. W. 100 " Love, Henry M. 120 " Lyons & Cheatle, 264 " Maloney & Co. 114 " Maltman, A. S. & Co. 006 " Mangan, R. & Co. 132 W. Randolph Marek & Hayne, 167 S. Water Mason, Thos. 163 " Mauran, Pincaffs & Co. 43 " MC DONALD, A. McMains, W. S. & Co. Meahl, John L. Meister & Hananer, Melges, Frederic W. Merrill & Eldrich, Middendorf, Geo. 148- Miller, Addison & Co. Moran, P. & Co. Mullin, A. M. Nei^IvIS, F. E. & Co. Neuberger, J. & Co. NEWHALiy, F. & Son, Neuman, J. C. Neuman, L. E. & Son, Norman, M. A. & Co. O'Conner & O'Brien, Ordnay & Wallace, PARKER BROS. Parker & Iloover, Perch, D. W. Pfaff, A. & Co. Pond, H. H. & Co. Porter Bros. Co. Power, Geo. P. & Co. Price & Keith, RANDALL, T. D. Reese, Alfred L. & Co. Reichwald, E. C. & Bro. Rick, John, Roberts, D. S. & Co. <& CO. 115 S. Water 270 " 222 " 224 " 93 " 126 " -150 " 164 " 109 " 243 " 155 " 195 " lOI " 214 " 261 '■' 165 " 153 " 61 " 85 " 117 " 170 " 198 '^ 226 " 99 " 136 " 135 " <£ CO. 219 S. Water 2X2 " 165 " 134 " 131 " Rockwook, Chas. D. 95 S. Water Roe, C. E. & Co. 124 " Reese iSi:. Mannix, 139 " Ruel, Edward & Co. 150 W. Rand'lph Russell, Alfred & Co. 138 S. Water Salladay, J. W. & Co. 199 " SCALES, J. C. & C. R. 114 S. Water 210 284 217 214 102 246 160 172 154 135 189 133 & CO. 128 S. Water 217 lor Sander & Grimm, Sargent & Little, Schmidt, H. & Bro. Schuldt, J. & Co. Seifert & Mann, Shield, M. & Son, Shirely, David R. Simon, Chas. E. Sloan, Geo. S. Smith, Cordes & Co. Smith, C. C. & Co. Smith, L. B. & Co. SMITH, W. J. Snyder & Rathbone, Spies, Joseph, Sprague Commission Co. 218 Stanley, G. A. 161 Somers, Morrison & Co. 174 Tempel, F. & Co. 195 TERRILL BROS. ^96 Tompson, Wm. H. & Co. 166 Tough, Geo. & Co. 236 Trumbull, H. J. & Co. 96 Wagner, G. H. M. & Son, i6-^ Walker, W. M. & Co. 144 Ward, Chas. B. 115 Washburn, James H. 131 Watson & Kelley, 258 Wayne & Low, 185 Weaver, C. H. & Co. 129 Webber, C. M. efe Co. 59 Webster, Wm. E. 27 White, G. H. & Co. 59 White, Jos. F. 182 White, J. H. & Co. 106 White, Wm & Sons, 186 Wilber it Koechel, 218 Wolf, G. & Co. 214 Wood, F. & Co. 197 Wvkel, C. D. &Co. 119 W. Randolph -45— 89 GENERAL FARM EXPENSES . i 1 --■ 1 1 ■ 1 — 4^" — ®fe€ Wt!^ ^d^cpb iptees ...2)ail^ ant) Mcef?li\.. - fin-* r J 1 ' s - 'f' -_A 5 «j' "!' rt ■^ '^ « '««»-^'a^» -rt NEW COURT HOUSE The Leading Paper of Berrien County. — Wonderful Facilities for Printing Catalogues and Price Lists. F RUIT qR0WER5 When in the city during the season to look alter your consignments, don't forget to step around the corner of South Water street to No. 7 DEARBORN ST. to see the finest little Cigar store in the city, with Sample Room in connection. You will always find the best kind of a Lunch and receive the best of treatment. SMELLING & SMITH, 7 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. -47- 189 GENERAL FARM EXPENSES HILLSIDE NURS&RY m^ FRUIT FftRM WM. C. BABCOCK, PROP. Home grown plants of all varieties Large Northern grower of BERRIES and tree fruits. STRAW RASP BLACK GOOSE DEW BERRY PLANTS CURRAIMTS, GRAF=>E:S AIMD RFRUIT TREES SPECIALTY OF peacli, Pear, Apple, and Cherry trees Al_l_ STOCK GUARArsiXEEID "TRUE "TO rslAMEI Send for illustrated catalogvie and price list before placing an order. Address all correspondence to WM. G. BflBGOGK Bridflman, Mien. T HE HORSE REUIEW $2 per year or $1 for six months Is the BriGbteSt, IReWSieSt and Best publication issued in the interest of the trotter and pacer. Publishes most iPrOlUptlp and IRc liable all news of interest to the horse world, and keeps its readers strictly in touch with the progress of the harness horse. Send for fVCC Sample Copies and compare with other horse papers. Special Ifn&UCementS to new subscribers. >S1^ r^e^ tie- «55; THE flORSE REUIEW COMPANY 215-221 MADISON ST. CHICAGO -49 — 189 GENERAL FARM EXPENSES * — 50- THE STATE flORlGULTURflL PAPER OF MICHIGAN. We are pleased with the fact that Michigan now has an agri- cultural paper that is a worthy representative of the intelligent and important agricultural community of our State. The old MICHI- GAN FARMER, under its present management, is making rapid strides toward the top in the galaxy of agricultural literature of America. It is most beautifully printed on high grade paper, and employs the most emminent writers on the science and practice of Agriculture, Horticulture, Live Stock, Dairying, Apiary, and Poultry. Has a standard veterinarj^ department for free treatment of all diseases of farm animals; a legal and a medical department; contains all the agricultural news of the country, and an invaluable literary and household department every week. Admits no swind- ling nor immoral advertisements, and is in fact in every way a great, sound, practical, agricultural, live stock and family journal that the agriculturalists of Michigan may justly feel proud of and subscribe for with satisfaction and profit. Send your address on postal to MICHIGAN FARMER, Detroit. Mich., and free speci- men copy will con e to you by next mail. • -51- 89 GENERAL FARM EXPENSES —52- The C entury IN 1895 WILL HAVE A NEW LIFE OE NAPOLEON Written by Prof. William M. Sloane, of Princeton, who has spent many years in preparation for his work. Thus far no biography of " the man of destiny " has appeared in either English or French that is free from rancor and attentive to the laws of historical criti- cism. THE CENTURY has secured it — the great, all-round, complete and interesting history of the life of one of the most mar- velous of men. The Illustrations will be flagnificent The wealth of THE CENTURY'S art department will be lavished upon them. Other Features... will be a new novel by MARION CRAWFORD, " Casa Braccio." full of exciting episodes and human passion; several familiar papers on *' Washington in Lincoln's Time," by Noah Brooks, who was on terms of unusual in- timacy with the War President; "The Cathedrals of France," by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, with illustra- tions by Joseph Pennell. The Price of THE CENTURY is $4.00 a Year. All agents and dealers take subscriptions, or remittance may be made directly to THE CENTURV CO, UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. 89 -53— GENERAL FARM EXPENSES = : = ^ -54— MEMORANDA OF SHORTAGES -55- 189 GENERAL FARM EXPENSES i . 1 1 1 1 1 ; i i 1 i|. -56- PURE BRED WHITE WYflNDOTTE^ Buy your Stock at home and see what you get. MATURE EARLY BEST LAYERS The farmer-^' AU-Purpose Fowl. Hustlers and stay where you put them. Eggs for setting, $i.oo for 13. Cockerels $2.00. Pullets $1.00 each. EME.RflLD POULTRY YARDS, HARTMAN, MICH. Leave orders with C. K. FARMER, Puritan Dock, Benton Harbor. ALWAYS call for this brand of Flour and you get the best. TRADEMARK ENTONHARBOR.MICH. E ALWAYS pay the highest market price for all kinds of Grain and sell all kinds of mill products at lowest price. Platt 8c Co LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 671 681 » GranaiD & Morton Trans. Ga ...STEAMERS FROM... Benton Harbor and St. Joseph TO CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE Prompt and Regular Service. Convenient Docks and the Finest Steamers in ser- vice on the East Shore. The transportation of fruit is our specialty, and we solicit the continued favors of the fruit growers. J. H. GRAHAM, Pres.