iYcmciHrwEi U \ 9 Copyriglitl^^ COPYRfGHT DEPOSIT. THE PHYSIC POWER OF A GOD WITHIN. By ARCHIE JOHNSON INGER. )fc t,|f'U ^^l ¥f Copyrighted July 29, 1903 BY AKOHIE JOHNSON INGEE. ARCHIE JOHNSON INGEK. To those who are willing to lay aside all prejudices and superstitions, to those who are constantly reach- ing out for the better and the higher in life, this book is respectfully dedicated by, THE AUTHOR. THE PSYCHIC POWER OF A GOD WITHIN. pter 1. Adam and Eve. '' 2. The Soul 3.' The Spirit. 4. Thoughts. 5. Your Psychic Powers. 6. How to Prevent Old Age. 7. The Spirit World. 8. God. 9. The Spirit Before Birth. " 10. Unreasonable Things. " • 11. The Spirit Home. " 12. Polygamy. " 13. Love and Fancy. '* 14. Reincarnation. " 15. Music and Flowers. " 36. "Believe and Be Saved." "- 17. Things Are As We Make Them " 18. Death, or What is Called Death " 19. Clairvoyance and Dreams. " 20. False Modesty. " 21 Card Playing. " 22. The Downfall of the Spirit. " 28. A Personal God. " 24. The Power of Thought. " 25. A Young Man's First Duty. " 26. The Word of Wisdom. " 27. Universal Love. " 28. Marriage. " 29. Fear and Courage. " 30. Wrinkles With Old Age. " 31. Food of Lite. ' 32. The Spirit Pood. PREFACE. After studying and using my own psychic powers for some time, thinking it was a power that had been gifted to me, and to me only, I at last became curious and wondered what this power could be, wherein I used it, and how, and in what way I was different from others. But after looking this up and giving it a thoroughly good examination I found that I was gifted with a power; but that that power was not only within myself, but that every living man or woman possessed this same power. Only in most of them it was lying uncultivated and dwindling away to a mere speck, I found that as Jesus said "God is within you. ' ' I found that this God could do anything, only we must give him the chanCe. Then, to make sure that I was right and that every man had this same power, I told others about it and my own methods. They could do all of these things in a very short time, they could ,do what I did, proving to me that all were equal and that all were ruled 7 by this power, by this God power, the planets, the atmosphere, and all the inhabit- ants of the planets. After looking around me I found that, out of every hundred human beings, there was about one who could be termed perfect- ly healthy. They all had something wrong with them and T wondered how it was. With the assistance of my psychic powers, I found out the reason. It was this, that man had failed to learn himself, he had been growing up one sided, cultivating those parts which could be seen by the naked eye and, leaving the others uncultivated. I found that he had made a botch out of it all. Then I wondered why we all got old and in such a short time, and if old age were one of nature's laws. I found out that it was contrary to nature to get old and, that it was caused always by the same thing. Man had failed to learn himself. While I never before believed in perpetual youth, I now know it to be so, that by using these psychic powers perpetual youth can be obtained. I have proved it to be the case. I have found out more than that. T found that even death as we consider it, can be checked and stopped by the cultivation of these powers. 1 *found that death is unnatural. All these things I have proved beyond a doubt to myself and to others before I ever wrote a line. of this book. Then, after making this my study I thought it no more than my duty to give this knowledge to others, or to help do all that was in my power in spreading this science, the science of man himself, to man. The only way I could do this was to write this book, which is only a small begin- ning. I hope that all will read it for that purpose, to take the good there is in it. I , did not write it to let people know about my powers or my good qualities, as I am no more than any one else; but I am willing to try and this book is for that purpose. It is to change the ways of people and to alleviate some of the suffering at the present time. I hope this book will bring the happiness to all who read it that this science has brought to me. and to others in whom I am concerned. The Author. INTRODUCTION. This book deals with the psychic powers of man, and in order for you to grasp its meaning, you must lay aside all prejudices, for a man's power is limited only by his be- lief. If you will not allow yourself to be- lieve things that are somewhat different from those you have believed before, your power will always be the same, you will never be able to do greater things than you have al- ways done. I call the study of man, true spiritualism, and as I call true spiritualism the study of man, it is my object here to take away those old superstitions that have always existed in regard to spiritualism, and to show you the truth in regard to this science, the science of man. I do not deal here much with the spirit world, as I will speak more of that in the next book, which will be called ' 'The Second Book of the Psychic Powers" or "God With- in Man;" but I want to give the means of progressing the spirit while yet in the flesh. 10 I want to show up the powers of man and what man really is, and the causes of all the horrible disasters we are bringing upon our- selves every day. I want to show up the power of the mind and its different elfects upon our bodies and upon the bodies of others. I have proved it to be the truth, and, that with all these powers cultivated, we can do what we wish, we can bring suc- cess in every way to ourselves. I have proved that by living according to nature we can find that fountain which all people so desire, that fountain for which Ponce de Leon so long searched, the fountain of perpetual youth, for that fountain is nothing more than the fountain of knowl- edge, the knowledge of one's self. Then, if I believe in perpetual youth, I do not believe in deabh as it is considered to- day. I say that death is contrary to the laws of nature, that it can be stopped, and that we can be changed by the twinkling of an eye to a body of a higher form, instead of throwing our bodies away, as we do at the present time. In this book I speak upon a number of subjects mainly those which I think are most abused and which I mean to reach the II same end. The reason I speak of these is because such thoughts as are discussed in these subjects degrade you and stop your progression; and there are more of them that need discussion. In order for you to get them you must get one of my small books called: "The Creation of Man," one for men, the other for women, which teaches girls the deception of mea and the purity of both sexes. Now, about the first thing you will say is, that these things are contrary to the Bible; but if that is what you think look the New Testament square in the face and see whether they are or not. Others will say these are not in the Bible; but are we going to just take what is there and nothing else, when there is no end to our progression? You would soon get through and there would be no need of your existing forever, besides, the Bible tells you to accept the good of everything and throw the rest aside, that is all I ask. This book is written in very plain language so that every one can understand its meaning and the meaning I intend to con- vey. This is for every one who wishes toac- 12 cept it and as every one has not attained the same education through some cause or other, it is written so that all can understand it. If any one who reads it, reads it to pick it to pieces, pick it to pieces to me, for no one but a coward would shoot a man in the back. So if you want to pick this to pieces, do it in a way that I may find it out. Then, you might get the Understanding by some of the things in this book that I think myself perfect and better than you are. I do not claim to be that which I think a man should be; but I say I will be thus before I complete my work. I say things as I mean them whether it hits you or not, I say it and I do not care to polish up my meaning so that it can be taken in a hundred different ways. Neither do I try to make these subjects so that they will please everyone who reads them, by putting them in a way that each one could change it to suit himself, to suit his own disposition and ways of living. If we were all perfect there would be no need of reading so I put these subjects here just as I want them to be taken, and I hope they will be taken so, accepting the good and throwing aside the bad. 13 ADAM AND EVE. As long as there has been a Bible, like all other books, it has been much misunderstood. Everyone who reads the Bible has a different conception of its meaning. But the one thing that seems to bother nearly all Bible readers is the Adam and Eve question. My ideas, coming from a different source, of course vary from all others. I will express my ideas for the benefit of those who are willing to agree with me in them, as it is necessary in order to make the facts which will be explained further on, better under- stood. Science tells us that, at one time the whole world was a hot mass, or ball of lire, which, if investigated, looks reasonable. So, if the earth was at one time a hot mass, it certainly must cool off before any living creature would be able to inhabit it— the lower form of animals first, the better or higher afterwards. If such is the case, man, being the highest form of life, would neces- sarily be the last created. 14 It seems natural and accordant with rea- son that the first man would not be as the man today, he would be more like an animal than a man, he would have the form of a man; but he would be a man without thought, a man without the vital forces, because it is no more than natural that the first man would be imperfect. Adam and Eve were the first creation of a real man and woman, they were the first to have thought, to know that they knew what they knew, they were the first to have the vital forces, they were the first created in the image of God. They were the first created in the image of God, because they had the power of God within them. All they needed was to find out that they had this power of God, or good, use it, and cultivate it so that it could be used. The lower form of man had his form, but they were not created in the image of God, be- cause God has power, God is power of thought, of the vital forces which are ruled by thought, cultivated by thought. In order to be made in the image of God, one must have the powers of God, and be 15 able to do what God does, by cultivating the God power within you. Eve was the first to find out that she had these powers, that she could use them by cultivation. She saw Adam also had these powers, so she convinced him of the truth and in so doing tempted him. How could she do otherwise ? She could not convince him of the truth without tempting him. Then God said, or the power of God said: " You shall die. " Why? Because they did not know death before, they did not know or understand it but the power of God told them that the body of clay could only develope so far and live. It must change, leaving the old to die, and it must take up a higher body, higher than the one of clay, that after a certain stage must change and die. If the powers were left uncultivated they would dwindle away and the body would die of old age. Then if letting the powers go uncultivated would cause death by old age, the cultivation of them would cause death in a higher form. The body of clay could be changed by the twinkling of an eye to a body of a higher form. This will be explained after awhile. 16 THE SOUL. It is generally thought that the soul and the spirit are the same thing. There is a great difference between the soul and the spirit. They are entirely different and sepa- rate from each other. The soul is the life of every living creature; everything that lives has a soul; but everything has not a spirit. The soul is the cause of life, it moves along in the veins together with the blood and forces the blood through the veins. It is not the heart that rushes the blood through the body but the soul. The soul is composed of magnetism or personal electricity taken from the air. Whenever there is an ache or sickness of any kind, it is caused by the lack of life or soul in the parts that are affected. It is be- cause they do not understand how to use their soul and transfer or force it through the affected parts. This leaves those parts to wither and die. You do not possess this soul power to let it go neglected and to lessen until the body 17 dies with old age. You who possess the power to reason should cultivate this power until it consumes the flesh and turns it into soul. Cultivate it until the body developes into life instead of part life and part clay. You were not born to dwindle away and die less and with less power than you had when you were born. If such was the case you would not have been born at all. You were born with part clay and part soul to live and to make every day better and to give more power to the soul until the body of clay would turn into one life, life that could never die. Then there would be no death, the old body would be changed for a new one that was all life, one that could not die. Under these conditions, the spirit would have something to take with it and to do its work, instead of your dying with less power than you began with, thus leaving the spirit weak and almost powerless, leaving it with thousands of years of hard work, to develope a perfect soul after death, to do work un- finished on this earth, leaving it' to do work that you could have done in a few years by 18 proper living and ways of living and doing. What is life the way it is lived ? To be born, spend all the time in worldly pleasures, or for what you eat and drink, leaving your- self to dwindle away to nothing, yes, to even death; dying like an animal. You human beings, endowed with reasoning powers, a body, a soul and a spirit, leaving yourselves to die as an animal and be forgotten. You leaving a spirit without soul enough, to do its work but to do this work you should have done while you had something to do it with. What would have been the use of your having been created if all there was to do was to live and enjoy a few years of what you would call pleasure and then to die and be nothing more ? Common sense, if it is used, teaches differently. It shows that as long as there is life there is something to be done with that life, and as long as you are endowed with reason don't disgrace it enough not to use it. Make every day you live give you more life instead of less, until you will at last go to a higher place of development, with a 19 grand spirit and a fully developed and power- ful soul. This soul can, by proper thoughts, be developed to such a degree that there is nothing impossible for it to accomplish. It can grant every wish, can bring back the life to someone that is dead, in fact, there is nothing impossible, as is shown in the life of Christ. Of course, you can not expect to do this in one day, neither was the earth made in one day, nor can it be done without work; but it is worth it. Do you stop to think one moment why do I get old ? Is not there something to prevent it ? Is it nature to be born just to live a year or two and then wither up and die ? Or is there something better, higher for me to reach out to than a miserable old age ? Jesus says : " Study and learn thyself." He says to study and learn thyself first. Are you doing it ? No. If you were you would not be getting old. You spend years of hard work in school, studying every other thing but the most important one : you do not learn your- self. 20 ' Men will spend a life study on some ant, some animal, or bird and have not one thought towards themselves. They learn the peculiarities of an ant or some other insect, and what becomes of it. Their life on this earth is gone, they get old and die, they are forgotten, they have done no real good to themselves or to anyone else but they die very smart. They know all about an ant or a honey bee and not one thing about them- selves. They are good Christian people. They go to church and hear that Jesus, the one they worship has said : "Learn thyself first." Yet their children are going to a school that teaches everything else but them- selves; And when they do that they are going to hell as fast as they can and not one step towards their aim, heaven. They die, they find out they know noth- ing, they find themselves almost equal to an animal, they find themselves in hell instead of where they should have been, in heaven. Because there is one thing that is impossible to crush out and that is memory. So could they be in heaven and remember their lost opportunities ? Is there any other hell but 21 the hell of the mind ? Is there any other heaven but the heaven of the mind ? Is there any other heaven but to find that you are powerful and great and still growing greater; to find that you have seized all the opportunities that crossed your path ? And so, if that is heaven, strive for it. 22 THE SPIRIT. The spirit is light, it is composed of thought and reason, in fact, the only thing that is capable of reasoning. The body is just its machine with which it works, the soul, its power. Allow your thoughts to run in an immoral way, and it will degrade your spirit and lessen the power of your soul. With a weak s6ul the spirit has no power either over your own body or that of anyone else. Divine thoughts and refinement give strength and refinement to the spirit and power to the soul. If people realized the harm done by one immoral thought they would never allow their minds to run in that direction; but that is where the harm comes, there is no one who has 'learned himself,' consequently there is no one who can follow the laws of his own creation. But he is left to suffer the conse- quences afterwards, with bitter remorse in hell. Therefore, direct your thoughts in a right way, and build up your spirit. Have a spirit composed of divine thoughts and a 23 powerful soul with which to do its work. Have a spirit of which you can be proud, and with which you can do some good in the world, instead of letting yourself drift down to nothing until you, or your spirit is forced to leave your body to return to dust. If your body was supposed to return to dust you would never have had one. You took a body to make something out of it, something better than it was to begin with. You were never supposed to return it back to dust. At first you had a spirit, you had part soul, and part clay, the greater part being soul. If that were not so the soul would not have had power enough to keep life in the dead clay as it does, the clay would die; but you see in that, like everything else, the greater predominates. When I say you I mean your spirit, for your body is not you, only your machine. Well, you or your spirit, was supposed to take complete control of that body and soul and not let it take control over you. You were supposed to cultivate that soul of yours and make it greater and stronger until you could gradually turn the lesser half of your body, the clay, into soul so, that it would 24 be all soul. Then you would have a magnetic body to dwell in, one that could never die. That is what I mean when I say, leave the old clay on and take up a more perfect one with which to do its work. When you have done this, you have completed your mission on earth, that is, in this body and that is what is called this earth. So then, instead of dying-, leaving your friends to mourn your death, you could say: "Good-bye, I am going to take up a higher work." They congratulate you, and you could go down or dematerialize. That would be called, changed by the twinkling of an eye, 'H If, at any time, yon felt as if you would like to come back, you could do so; material- ize, or make your body a light color so that it could be seen, greet your friends, dema- terialize and go again. This has been proved to you by Jesus. He did it. They thought him dead. They buried him. But on the third day he took his body and came out. Do you suppose he took a body of clay and came out with it? Do you suppose he could take this body of clay and go up out of sight? If such had been the case he would have allowed Mary to touch 25 him, but he did not. Why? Because one per- son takes magnetism from another by touch- ing them just the same as he takes electricity from a wire by touching it. Had Jesus allowed Mary to touch him, he would have gone invisible to her sight be- cause she would have taken his magnetism, and it very likely would ha^e killed her be- cause it would have been too much for her. Now, this body of magnetism you must have, and if you would rather get it after death, all right; but it will take you thous- ands of years to get it because you will have to take a little here and a little there from whomever you can, until you get your mag- netic body. You must have it before you progress any higher. Then you will see what hell means when you remember this, when you remember your lost time. People can, by low thoughts, or by al- lowing their thoughts to run in an immoral way, feeling badly, or by any way giving the body too much control, crush out the spirit, leaving their body without a power with which to reason. What is the result? He is insane. He has a body without a spirit. The body lives on until the soul dwindles 26 away, till it gets the lesser half, and then the body dies. He can come back and take what soul is left and drag on a thousand years perhaps before he gains his lost time. Then you wonder why and say: "If there are spirits, why don't they show them- selves?" What do you expect of them in the condition they are left, in the condition you are living today? There are only a very few who are in a fit condition to manifest much, and you would not allow them to do so if they so desired. You would run away and call them "spooks," "evil spirits," and soon, when they came to lead you in the right way, so that you would have an easier path to follow. You can fit yourself, if you so desire, so that you can give them magnetism with which to come to sight, because it is trans- ferable, and if you h^ve much and give your own spirit strength to transfer it, you will be able to give them some. They can come and talk with you; but there are only very few who do that and they are looked upon as de ceivers and devils. I will explain further on how to do this. All there is to it is to "Learn thyself." 27 THOUGHTS. Thoughts are things. There is never a piece of work done without thought, nor does anyone ever take sick, or get well again with- out thought, in fact, everything is performed by thought. It is not as many people think, that the brain composes thought. The brain is simply the part which the spirit uses to convey its thoughts to the body. Thought comes from the spirit; thought is spirit. Thoughts and soul work together the same as a man and his machine. The spirit's thought, forces the soul to perform any work it wishes performed. But in order to do this to any great extent one must learn how to think, how to give the spirit complete control over the soul. You can, by thinking or by letting your spirit have control over the soul, convey this soul, or magnetism, to any part of the body that is ailing and affect a cure. The way to do this is to say that part is getting well, or concentrate your mind on this. What I mean by this is to imagine that this part is being 28 healed and that makes your soul perform the work. This can be done to other persons as well as yourself. Your spirit or thought can transfer your magnetism to the other person and perform there the work which you desire to be performed. By doing this it makes your soul more powerful; and the more powerful your soul becomes, the greater, miracles you can perform. Everything else can be done in the same^ way. That is, after undertaking small things first and cultivating the power of the soul*. By allowing your thoughts to run in an< immoral way it will bring bad things around' you, and by allowing them to run in a goodi way it will briug good things around you. If you think that you were born for bad luck, you are sure to have it until you change your- mind. So, in the same way, you can bring bad or good luck to others by your thoughts, because if you desire bad luck to some one else, your soul will, with all its strength, perform this work for you, and unless the other person has a strong enough soul to bring him good in spite of you. he will turn 3 29 bad. Anyway, it will have a bad effect, that is, it will make it harder for him to bring upon himself good, than it would if he had not your will to battle against. Therefore, never allow people to know your condition, if they be bad, make them think all is well with you, and their thinking so will soon have its good effect. To illustrate the power of thought I will take an incident with which I am well acquainted. There were two men, whom, for convenience, I will call A, and B. A. desired to take the life of B. and it was not long before he had a dozen weapons around him with which to perform the evil deed. How did he get them V His thought ran in that direction. But strange as it may seem, B., in the meantime, began to gather up knives and guns with which to defend himself, and with- out the least thought of why he was doing so. He had not the least suspicion of A's inten- tion. Why did he do this ? It was simply the influence of A's thoughts. And so in many cases it has been proved that thought will do anything, that thought will be the •cause of anything 's being done. ' 30 Now, as I said before, cultivate this power in a noble way, by doing little things at first, the greater afterwards. The spirit is cultivated in the same way. Everything it thinks has its effect, a person may be ever so smart and as soon as he begins to take part in little things he will become frivolous and if he keeps on he will become an idiot. If you cultivate this soul power and spirit mind, it becomes great, you become powerful, your face looks it, and everyone who comes in your presence feels it. They see something about you that other people do not possess. They do not know what it is; but they know one thing : that you are not like other people. There is no one thing but that has met those kind of people; but some people have this power and cultivate it everyday without their knowledge. They pass people and say: "Oh, they won't be that way Jong," and at the same time they feel sure of this in their own mind. People will say: "I never had bad luck. I never take sick. In fact, I don't believe that I could be sick." All this cultiv- ates the soul power. 31 Then there are different kinds of magne- tism. Some people have a different kind from yours, they have different characteris- tics from those you possess, and by being around such persons you will take from them. Your spirit provides itself with that in which it is lacking, and you feel attracted to this person, because he has something which you have not, and which you desire. If you are different from him, he will draw from you that which he . lacks and it becomes a mutual benefit. Then again, you will meet persons whom you despise. The reason of this is because he has nothing that you can take; but you have a great deal for him, and soon become' tired and worn out. Leave his company becau^e he has noth- ing to offer in return for what he borrows, and it is a disadvantage for you to remain in his company. But if you stay with him long you will soon begin to notice that he has some of your characteristics and he does not dre you so much, because he has all he needs if the person is one who allows his thoughts to run in a frivolous way he will keep on 32 drawing from you because he wastes as fast as he draws ; but if he is a smart man, after he draws what he needs he will begin to bear acquaintance. Nevertheless, you will never love him or his. Also, your spirit can control the body of some one else by your getting the consent of the spirit from the other body, and then you must be powerful enough to control both bodies, or a half a dozen bodies, whichever it may be, or you will not be able to take con- trol from their own spirits. Such is the case in hypnotism. You, or your spirit, gets consent from the other per- son, of their spirit, to let you use their body, and then if you are powerful enough, yon take it; if not, you cannot hypnotize them. This can be used as a great benefit if understood by the operator. He can give the suggestion that anything he wishes done which would be a benefit to the person under control, be done, and thus start the soul of this person to work, while, had this person been in his own control, he would not have understood how to do this. People who are in the spirit world can hear and read 33 thoughts as well as they can hear a spoken word, and people who let their spirit have control over their body can tell what another thinks just as well as if he heard it spoken; unless the person thinking does not wish it and understands how to set his will against it. That stops any other spirit from seeing or understanding what you think, whether the spirit be in, or out of the body. Then your spirit, by the help of the soul, after both are well developed, and sometimes when not, sends its thoughts to anyone or anywhere it desires, and if it be sent to any one person who is in the spirit world, it will be felt and understood by that spirit. When a thought is sent out in a right way, it never dies; but can be seen years and years afterward, either by spirits or by clairvoyants, but after a thought is once re- ceived it generally vanishes or that is, the spirit who receives it keeps it and it makes that spirit more highly developed. It adds to that spirit, whether it be the spirit of a living person or that of one who has passed out. But if the thought be sent to a person or spirit with bad intention, it injures them. 34 If a person is a sceptic, and believes there is no spirit, he weakens his own, and if he be- lieves that spirits who have passed out can- not return and be around him he sends them away. It is impossible for them to come against an unfavorable thought, because they are partly formed of thought, so that they cannot come against an unfavorable one and so cannot come around him. But if he believes there is a spirit, and that his spirit friends are around him, they will come around him and help him in all his undertakings. It helps him while it helps the spirit friends to progress, because in be- ing around him, they can draw and help to make their magnetic body. A great deal of harm is done the spirit world by this one fault. Thought travels through space some- thing the same as light goes through ether, so it is very easy to direct it to any person, either for good or for bad. 35 YOTTR PSYCHIC POWERS. It is not a certain few who possess these strange powers of hypnotism and of telling the future and the past, neither is it strange when once understood. Everyone has the power to obtain these powers, if he will only use it. Now some of these things are done almost entirely by the soul while others are done almost entirely by the spirit, so that you can gain the one without the other if you so desire. But the obtaining of the one without the other cultivates only one of the powers, either that of the soul or the spirit. To obtain the power of hypnotism you cultivate both the soul and the spirit because you use the spirit and the soul in doing this. The spirit uses the soul in taking con- trol of the other person, because it takes some power to do this. The power that is used by the spiiit is the soul. The spirit gets benefited until a complete knowledge of hypnotism is obtained and the soul keeps on progressing because it is used every time the 36 act is performed, and to use it, cultivates it and makes it stronger; while the spirit uses only the same knowledge every time and un- less, through this there comes something which would add to the knowledge of the operator, the spirit receives no more special benefit except that it gets a stronger soul each time to work with. Magnetic healing acts the same way only that the spirit receives more benefit through it because there are so many different kinds of cures to be affected, which gives more knowledge. But in all of these, the soul re- ceives the more power, and it can by con- stant practice, turn the flesh into soul as was the case with Jesus. Now, in telling future and past, and in clairvoyance of all kinds, the spirit receives all the benefit because it is the only thing used in doing this. But first, before you can do this. There is a part of the brain which the spirit uses to convey these thoughts and sights that it receives, to the body. This part of the brain cells is left un- cultivated in most people, and it must be cultivated before it can be used. In some 37 people this part is almost gone on account of its not being used for so many generations. In this case it would take longer to cultivate this power. Sometimes you see people who use these powers and who will tell you it has always been natural for them, that is because this person happened to be born with this part of the brain very large, the same as others are born with characteristics of their own. And this part of the brain being larger in these people it was noticed by them and was used, consequently it was kept cultivated. But anyone with any amount of reason, can, by practice cultivate this. You can do this all alone, do this by practicing in telling what you think is going to happen to some one during the next day, or week. Just sit partly close your eyes and stop thinking for a minute until you are perfectly relaxed and quietly composed. Then notice what im- pressions come to your mind and as soon as they come say them right out, of course, more than likely there will not be any at first. But by continuing the practice they will gradually come and then say them. At first 38 the jr may not come true but in a short time you will notice that some of them come to ■pass and that is a sign that the brain is start- ing to develope, and you will be delighted as well as encouraged. Then as you are sitting there, sometimes pictures will appear in your mind, as it were. You can describe them ahd that is a sign that your spirit is getting con- trol over your body and you know what it sees. What I mean by control over your body, is that you or your spirit, is becoming capable of putting your body aside for the time being and you know then what you have seen. A better and quicker way to develope this is to go, say at first twice a week, in a very dark place, sit and call upon your spirit friends to come at that time and help you. Then you see you will have other spirits besides your own to help you in this, and along with it you will develope other phases that happen to be in your mediumship. But you must practice this then between times and you will be surprised at the help this will afford you in your every day life. You will become so that when you are about to take up some 39 work you can feel whether or not you should take it up, and how successful you will be in this undertaking because your spirit can tell you how it will end. If your own does not know other spirits will impress you, or your spirit so that you will then be able to know what the impressions are. Then every impression that is received by your spirit adds to it, that is; if it is able to convey it to the body, because in convey- ing this thought it makes the thought belong to you thereby adding to your knowledge. So, in that way, you can make your body a help to your spirit instead of a detriment as it is in most cases. That is one phase that is beneficial to the spirit and not the soul. There are other phases which should be developed, such as talking to spirits who have passed out, hyp- notizing yourself, materialization, etc. All these except hypnotizing yourself must be done in the dark at first because it is easier to relax and concentrate in the dark than it is in the light. In developing the phase of hearing, the spirits come and take enough of your mag- 40 netism to give them strength with which to speak, thus it helps your spirit and soul as well as the spirit who talks. You must learn to let your body rest so that the spirit can take magnetism from you. This is done by relaxing. In materializing, your own spirit, per- haps with the help of others, leaves your body so that other spirits can come and draw strength or soul enough from your body to bring them in sight. They take your mag- netism and light it up around them so that everybody who is in the room can talk to them and see them. Then the spirits allow some of it to go and some of it they retain and so this helps them to gain their magnetic body. What goes from them comes back to you and in that way one after another ma- terializes until your strength is exhausted and your spirit again takes possession of your body. But you, of course, have been unconscious of what has been going on. This is a great thing because it is such a benefit to the spirit world and shows sceptics that there are such things as spirits. The more people take up the work the sooner ii they will bring about the millennium, because the millennium means the time when the spirit world and this world will become cap- able of communicating with each other at, and under all circumstances. The sooner all this work is completed the sooner your mission on this earth is fulfilled, and when this is done you will not die as people die today. You wilJ not return your body to dust. You will turn it into soul and then you can perform all the things that you desire as well as fulfill the desires of others. Jesus is the only one who has ever ful- filled his mission on this earth. He did not leave his body to return to dust. He took it up with him by fitting it for that place. He said: "Follow me and my teachings." That meant that you could do as he did or else you would not be able to follow his teachings or him. It seems funny that so many people claim to be following Christ's teachings and. still there are none of them that go as he went or do the things that he did and still they will say when they see one who is practicing his teachings, who is doing the things Christ did, that he is possessed of the 42 devil and still he is doing the things, or branches of things that Christ did. Oh, peo- ple, use your reason, put on your thinking caps, can't you see that you are not perform- ing one of Christ's teachings? Christ came as a model. He told us to believe as he did and do as he did. That shows us we can do it, for what is in one man is in another. The sooner you learn this the better you will be. Reason ought to tell yoa that there is something about a person that is not visible to the naked eye, and if there is, there ought to be something done with this, it was created for some purpose. You might say that all that is necessary on this earth is to be good, But is going to church and being pious — is this goodness? It doesn 't do j^ou any good to go to church and learn that you should follow the teachings of Christ, and learn what they are and not follow them. Is that what you call being good? If so, I wish you would ex- plain the good there is in it. It is a disgrace to you to learn what should be done, and how to do it, and not do it. So remember that all people who go to 43 church are not good, neither are they doingr good. They are only a sham and a disgrace to themselves and to others unless they fol- low the teachings they learn in the church. They are deceivers for not doing what they are pretending to do and if they are doing it, let them show it. We are not sup- posed to accept theories, or to take their word for it. 44 HOW TO PREVENT OLD AGE. As much as old age is dreaded there are but very few who try to prevent it. It is im- possible to live in the state in which people of today are living and still remain young. They think anything which happens to suit their selfish desires, that is, they feed those thoughts until their bodies are in a regular fever of excitement and when they at last consent to calm themselves again, their nervous system is all unstrung and weakened. Each time this is done their nervous sys- tem is left in a weaker condition. Now, in- stead of cherishing these thoughts as most people do, to a greater or less degree, try tO' think of something that is elevating to your- self, something that is quieting to your nerves, and something that will lead to refine- ment. When I say refinement I don't mean for the women alone to take this up. Some people have an idea that all the refinement must be and come from the women, but that is not the case. Men need refinement as well as woman. 4 45 More than half the misery among families comes from this one fault. A bois- terous man meets a woman that is nearly all refinement. What is the result ? He is at- tracted by it and the next step is matrimony. After living together for awhile she, or her nature, rebels against his rough and boister- ous nature because fine and coarse can never go together in that any more than in anything else. It can never mingle any more than loil and water. They do not agree, she can see nothing attractive about him, he is repulsive to her, and he draws all her strength while he has nothing her refined nature can make use of. All this ends in a divorce or some- thing worse. She may see some one that is refined, kind and sympathetic, some one who agrees -with her and she is attracted by him, she cannot help it for she is starving to death for magnetic food or soul power. She is accused of being false when he was the soul cause of it all Had he been refined this never would have happened, and there would have been happiness to retain youth instead of misery to bring on old age. 46 Then again, we do not eat what we should. We eat anything that tastes good and never think of the nourishment it gives us. We eat things that the stomach cannot digest, such as grease and all kinds of rich foods. All kinds of grain and fruits have parts that go to make .up and nourish the body. They can be prepared without all this meat and grease which is used in preparing them. What few things are eaten which would give nourishment to the body are destroyed by other things because it takes all the strength of the good to destroy the bad. Then again, we do not drink enough pure water. Water has life and is highly charged with magnetism. The more we drink, the better. Of course, you must not stand and drink three or four quarts at one time, thinking that will save all future bother for the rest of the day, it must be drunk in small quantities and often till you have drunk at least three quarts in one day. This gives life as well as plenty of liquids for the body to use in doing its work. But water that is taken directly into the system should 47 be either distilled or filtered. That destroys all germs as well as gathering some of the minerals which have a tendency to harden the bones, make them stiff, and cause rheu- matism. Some people think that children who are growing should have plenty of mineral to help harden their bones but this is a mistake because it stops a full development and makes hem old when they should be children. It causes fever and arouses passions which should not be aroused until later years, and to arouse such passions, destroys their soul or magnetism as well as degrades their spirit. They need all the soul they have and all they can get. Then again, we do not breathe deeply enough and gather the life that is in the air. Every morning just after rising one should take about four deep and long breaths in the open air. This should be repeated three or four times a day and done the last thing be- foi e retiring. There is another thing that brings on old age and that is associating with, or being with, those who draw from you. When you 48 are around those kind of people you always wish they would go and you feel as if every word you say to them is forced out. You don't want to talk at all and when they are gone you feel as if a great burden was lifted from your shoulders. Some people are continually in the com- pany of these kind of people and it is no wonder that they show age so quickly. All their vitality is used up by some one else. When you meet these kind of people or are thrown into their company, get out if possible, but if it is impossible for you to do that you must keep a positive state of mind. Just make up your mind that they can draw from you and that they will feel as though they did not care to be around you. Do not allow yourself to feel tired or do not sit and relax yourself. If you can get your mind occupied with something cheerful while they are around you, do so. All these things pre- vent them from drawing especially if you keep in mind every now and then that they cannot draw from you. And you must not get the blues. It is a different thing when you are giving people strength to cure them 49 because they are in a relaxed condition while you are in the positive and you draw more while you give and it is practice to yourself, or to your soul powers to have it doing work that you wish it to do. If you cultivate your muscles by some culture, it strengthens them. You can jerk your own arm or leg around as much as you please and it does not hurt you; but let some one else take it and jerk it around it hurts you. And it acts the same on the soul power, you can use it as much as you please and it does not hurt you ; but to allow some one else to draw it and use it, build themselves up with it, is a different thing. Of course, people who have something to offer in return are a benefit to you because you can obtain what you do not possess and so can afford to lose some of your own and replenish it again afterwards. A great mistake is made by letting children associate with others who have bad habits and ideas, because they draw fl"om each other and soon they fall into each other's habits. If they be good ones it is a benefit ; but if they be bad there is great harm done. If you follow 50 these rules you will keep years and years of youth which you would otherwise lose. Old people will begin to look and feel younger; but to prevent ever getting old or dying in the way of returning dust for dust, you must spend all, or nearly all of your time in this work and spiritualize yourself, which is of course, hard for working people to do. But if they did this they could stop work, that is, hard work. In the first place, you never were sup- posed to come here and work hard, because that is not doing good. You were supposed to make better use of your body. Things should be more equal and everyone should have his share. Then it would not all be thrown on the shoulders of a few. The only way to attain this end is to take up this work, because people who take it up overcome their selfishness. They see better things in life than enjoying the petty pleasures of today. Another thing you must do if you expect to retain youth and that is: You should never count age by years. If you feel young you are young, and if you feel old you are 51 old. If you feel as young at fifty as you were at twenty-five you must expect to live as much longer as you did at twenty-five. Some people, when they reach the age of fifty or sixty-five begin to prepare for death and to bid their friends good-bye. " Well, I guess I am not much longer for this earth, you may not see me again, ' etc. Well now, if you want to get old just start that going and you will soon accomplish your aim. It sounds ridiculous to hear such things, for people should always strive for something higher than that kind of a death. 52 THE SPIRIT WORLD. It all depends upon how you have pro- gressed in this world what the spirit world will be to you. If you are a spiritual person, if you understand something about true spiritualism, when you pass out you will understand it the same as on this earth. It isn't so new to you and therefore you can sooner adapt" yourself to the spirit world, and can start sooner into the spiritual progres- sion. Some people pass out and do not realize where they are. They do not seem to under- stand that they are yet a spirit; but think they are still in the body. They are bewildered and sometimes speak to their friends who are still in the flesh and wonder why they are not answered or noticed. They must learn where they are and then they must understand their condition, and all con- ditions of spiritual progression. They begin to find their means with which to progress. T^hey must, on account of not finishing their 53 work here, finish it there, and in order to do that they must have certain material from our bodies with which to do this, or progress. They must find some one who is in about the same condition they are in, and be that person's guide. If they lived in a low, un- developed condition, they must find some low, undeveloped person who is living so that they can be around him and draw strength from him; and he will progress as fast as that person progresses. Sometimes they ad- vance a little faster if they have one or two persons to guide; but again, they cannot al- ways get to be main control and so must take a back seat and obtain what they can. They can come in only when it is necessary and when they are called upon. Then the faster they can develope that person whom they are guiding the faster they can develope and pro- gress. Of course, if they could guide some per- son who is very highly progressed, they could progress much faster until they caught up; but if there happens to be some one who is highly progressed they already have guides who are progressed and they will not let you 54 come in or get around this person because they do not want any bad influence around this person whom they are guiding. Some- times when you are a dear friend of some highly progressed person or some relative of this highly developed person their guides may consent to allow you to join their band and still be around them and help that per- son from going into anything that would not be for his good or stop his progression. But you could not be their main control unless their main control consents to step out and allows you to take her place, and he or she will not do that until you are capable of the task. It is not very often they will consent to this even under these conditions. Under these circumstances you progress faster but it is not often you meet with things so favorable. If you leave some one who is dear to you, their main control will not stop you from joining the band that protects them, if you so desire, and as long as your inten- tions are good towards them. Sometimes you can join half a dozen bands and be with each at a time, that is, if you leave children or some one who is dear to you. 55 So there is no one who dies so wicked but that there is a redemption for him in the end; only it takes longer to reach that end. You can always talk and be around your read ones as long as you come with no bad inten- tion towards them; but you are not always allowed to join their band as a guide until you become better, unless it is a very dear one to you, and unless that person, if he had his choice, would have no objections to your coming. Nevertheless if you oome with bad intentions to anyone, you must go to a person who is bad or someone who has no strong guides around them. If we progress in a spiritual way our guides will soon get strong and gather a good strong band with which to protect us, because it is to their interest to see that we are protected well so as not to stop our progression and in doing so stop theirs. All mediums have a very strong band of spirit guides to protect them, and they are guided and led into the right path, if they are mediums for the good there is in it, both for their own good and for the good of the spirit world. If they are mediums just for the money there is in it and not for the good of 56 their own progression, thej either soon gather guides of an evil disposition and their good guides leave them to find another sensi- tive to control, that is, to find one who reach- ed their own standard of progression. There are evil spirits in the spirit, world as well as there are evil people on this earth. They are evil only until they take a tumble to themselves and they get time to de- velope otherwise, so the sooner you learn these things on this earth along with the spirit world and become mediums, the better off you will be when you get into the spirit world. Everyone can become a medium. It is only a higher state of progression than people are in who do not associate with the spirit world. Everyone who so desires can attain this. That is what you came here for and the more highly progressed you become the better mediums you are until at last you go into the spirit world yourself. Leave your body and go, then come back and take up your body again. There is a box or cell in the brain which contains a chain made of soul or magnetism, and which is attached to your spirit. In 57 order that the spirit may leave the body be- fore death, this box or cell raust be made or developed. When the spirit leaves the body, this chain expands or stretches like rubber elastic. This keeps on expanding as far as you go. You can go as far as this chain will permit you to go, and when you return this chain contracts again. If that chain gets broken you can never enter the body again, because the connection between you and your body would be broken. But it is very hard to break this chain, it is guarded so well and so closely by spirit friends aud guides while jon are gone, that nothing can break it, because nothing can break this chain except a spirit, and the more spiritual you become, the longer this chain gets; and the farther you can go into the spirit worfd. You should have a room in which to leave your body while you are gone and you should have some living person guard this room. All other things are perfectly safe because they are attended to by the spirit world, and unless some mean living person comes into the room and harms you, you are perfectly safe. 58 There is not much danger anyway, be- cause if someone comes near your body that does not understand what is going on, the spirit who is standing guard will send word to you through this chain and contract it In an instant you are back and entering your body, so that there is no chain to break. Any spirit can send word to you through this chain, just as a telegram goes through or over the wires, and much more quickly. Then you can develope or attain to a higher degree of progression than this last. But Jesus is the only one who has accomplished this, that is, to be able to dematerialize his body and take it up with him, change his flesh into magnetism or soul. That is the last stage of progression on this earth. This is the one we should all attain before death. We must do it sometime and if we don't change our own we must get one from some one else, after we get into the spirit world. The higher you progress here the more you have when you get there, and the sooner you progress. On account of the people on this earth not being progressed to that degree or circle as I will call it, the spirits who have 59 left cannot get their complete body from this earth. They go as far as they can with us and then take flight to some other planet to finish. So let us. all strive to gain that point, let our spirits get their bodies from this earth without going to other planets to finish, be- cause that leaves us without any of those highly developed spirits with us and we can not get such help from others not so highly progressed. Other spirits cannot show themselves under all conditions and it makes it harder to convince the sceptics to true spiritualism, be- cause there must be a materializing medium for the other spirits to draw enough strength at once with which to materialize, and there are not at present, very many of these medi- ums, so that it does not afford such opportun- ities to people and we are left in ignorance. We are left to dwindle away and die. We are left to finish in the beyond. 60 GOD. For years and years people have been praying for help to a God whom they think is somewhere in the heavens, just where they do not know. They just have some one's word for that There have, for the past century been heads or rulers, who declare to have commune with God, and declare that Godiias given certain rules for him, and that he must establish a church, and must have people live up to these rules. He declares that if you do not obey these rules, God has said: "You shall not go to heaven," and he further declares that God will punish you and send to condemnation, or hell. Then this man begins to prove his work and the word he receives from the Lord or- God, by the Bible. Well, some one else communes with God, but the funny part of it. is God tells him something altogether differ- ent from what he told the first man, and so he starts another church, the only true church there is. He proves his church to b© 5 61 the only true one by the Bible. So one after another talks to God and everyone proves it by the Bible. Each of these is the true church, they fight against each other, they ridicule each other, and quarrel about which is the right church. They all prove that they are right by the good book. Why do they ? Because you can prove anything by the Bible. No matter what it is, good or bad, it can be proved to be right by the Bible. "When a good Christian gets drunk and is ridiculed, he goes to the Bible and proves to you that he has a right to get drunk. This good man did it, and that good man did it, and they were of God etc. Now, if you can prove that all things are right by the Bible which church are you going to follow ? They are all well proven. If any of those men have commune with that man they call God why don't they prove it, have you got to take his word for it ? Are you supposed to believe him ? Are you sup- posed to follow his teachings ? When he will not let you see or hear him talk. And if God will talk to him why won't he talk to you. God, they say, loves us all and is just. Is 62 that just, to talk to one of his loved ones and not to another ? If God punishes you if you do not follow his commandments and join his church — is that just for God to tell one man what to do and take him into heaven for fol- lowing his teachings and not tell you the same; but to condemn you for not following them ? Is it just to give one person with one kind of ideas, another person another kind, and then to condemn and punish you for not seeing as some other man sees ? If that is justice I don't know what you call injustice. Can you love a God of vengeance ? Do you do as he tells you because you love him ? No. You fear him and run around like mad men. You try to find out what you must do in order to keep out of hell, and every church you go to is different. All have started their churches after the teachings of God, all are right and all are proven by the Bible. You are in a nice fix. One of the worst predica- ments you ever got into because there is no head or tail to it. Soon you get into trouble. You go to your minister to see what can be done in your helpless condition. He tells you that when 63 you get home you must humble yourself be- fore God and pray to him for strength and mercy. You accordingly go home and pray to him ; but what Js he, and where is he ? How does he hear you ? How does he grant your requests ? Do you know ? You do not. Then why are you praying to something that to you is only a dream ? You depend upon him, upon whom you do not really know. It is God though. You havn't ever seen him; but that other man has and God told him that he would help us all and that he loved us all. If he loved you all why did he not come and talk to you also ? Your wish is not granted, the one that you prayed for,- and you say that it was God's will that it must not be. " That is why he didn't answer me " — poor fellow ! He gets the blame. One of yoar children dies, one of them is an idiot. Some one else has got one all broken out with everlasting sores, another is crippled for life. And yet you say it is all right, ' ' Why that is God 's will, he is trying me." He is punishing that some one else for not doing right by making an idiot out of one \of his children. He loves us all. Is that 64 mercy ? Is that love ? Is that what you call God ? The one who will make an idiot out of one of your poor, innocent children, a child he loves, in order to punish you. Is he a just God '? Have yoa the nerve to blame -God for such work ? Are you not afraid to cast such blame upon the Almighty ? Do you look to see if some of it was not the result of your own work, the result of your filthy habits, and low bratal ideas, or are you wilhng tolay it all 6n to God ? Man, beware, you are doing it all your- self. God does good. He never does other- wise. He is good and love, and love is power. Jesus Christ said: "He is within you. " Now, such things have gone far^ enough. Let us start a new plan. Let each of us pray to the God within us for help, pray to a God about whom we know something, pray to one whom we can see by preparing ourselves for that, pray to our own God, the God Jesus 'said is within you. Throw out the devil part and give your God the power, give him full sway and your prayers will be answered. They will be answered by your own God, the 65 God within you. He alone can grant your wishes; but you must give him a chance. Jesus did not pray to some iiian wliom he thought to be some where else and did not know just where. He always said: '"My father.-' He did not take into consideration your father or my father, it was his own father, his own power with which he did the worlc. Now, I will tell you what your God is. It is simply your spirit. And love or soul is his power. That is why I say God is good and God is power. You have both. Yes, God is within you and it all depends upon yourself what strength your God has, and what good your God can do for you. You have the say and that is why you are here, and that is why you have him. Your body is just a machine where you, or your God, the body's God, is supposed to get its power. 66 THE SPIRIT BEFORE BIRTH. Common sense tells you that whatever had a beginning must surely have an end. Some will say that we are not everlasting be- cause we had a beginning and consequently we must have an end. This forms a basis for the belief which so many people hold: that there is no eternity, for eternity is everlast- ing, and, having a beginning, we surely have an end, then there is no eternity. But readers, you have not looked beyond the sight pf the. naked eye or you could not but see that we never had a beginning, con- sequently we never have an end. Your body had a beginning but you never did. Your body of clay had a beginning and it will have an end. It must be turned from clay into soal and in that way it has its ending. If the body does not have its end in this way. it must have its end in another way, namely, death. Some will say that our spirit lived before we were born. It always lived and always / 67 will live. You are right, it always lived, it always shall live. But how did it live ? Was it in the form of a person, as it is now? Was it some person who has been walking around here ever since there was a spirit when it never had a beginning? Then it has always been roaming around here trying to find a body which it might enter. ' Do you suppose that it would, if it had its choice, take a body that would be a cripple for all its life? Would it, after waiting all that time take a body that was so imperfect that it could not be made anything of after it did take posses- sion of it? Or did it have any choice? Per- haps in your estimation, it had no choice. Then if it had no choice, it must have been predestined to take some body, and that body must have been predestined to be born for that certain spirit to take. And so, accord- ing to that there are millions upon millions of bodies that are predestined to be born, and who in the world predestined them? Cannot anyone see that such a theory would 'be an utter impossibility? Why, there would be such a mix up th^t you never would have found the body you were supposed to take, neither would your body have found you, and some spirits never would get a body, because there will always be birth. There always has been, not on this earth, but on other earths, and there has always been earths, somewhere in space. Friends, you were always something, and you were always somewhere; but you were not always in the shape of a person, nor in the form of one until you were born into a body. You were simply a part of that uni- versal God which is scattered aboyt the uni- verse. You were the spirit of the air, the God which is in the air. You were part of that which rules the planets, for remember, God does not only rule you, but he rules everything. You were a part of that God. You always were part of him, consequently you always existed somewhere. Then just as there is a body born, that body is dead until it gets God and love, which is spirit and power, and power is soul. When that body was being formed the mother breathed into it a spirit and a soul gotten from the universe. The body grew and be- came the form of a man. The spirit was 69 drawn in and 'it inveloped that form. In or- der to envelope a form, it must first become the form of the body which it envelopes. And as the body grows even so does the spirit grow^ the body drawing- its, the spirit's, ma- terial from the universal God power, from thoughts and idea and thus you become a spirit with reason, having a body and a soul with which to do your work. Man, are you doing it? Look around yourself and see. Thus you see God is within you, or with- in your body. As 1 have said before pray to this God. Blame yourself and not others for your downfall. Do not blame a God you know nothing about for bringing curses upon you. You, yourself, are doing it, no one else is to blame. 70 UNREASONABLE THINGS. All things are unreasonable until pro- perly and thoroughly understood; but after investigating a thing, after finding out the truth of that thing, it looks perfectly reason- able, and we wonder why we were not able to see that before. Now, that is the case in true spiritualism, it looks perfectly absurd, but why ? Simply because you do not under- stand it. It has not become a knowledge to you. It is the knowledge of some one else and you never can see it until the knowledge becomes your own. The greatest trouble with the human race today is that they judge too quickly, they judge before they have a knowledge to do so ; and to do that you are doing a thing you have no right to do. When some one comes to you with a new idea, no matter how ridi- culous it seems to you, you have no right to say it is not true until it becomes a knowledge to you, a knowledge that you do not now possess. If an idea comes to you, study on 71 it, reason it out for yourself, make it a know- ledge of your own, either that it is not true or that it is true. That is what you have reasoning capa- city for, to use, and if it proves to be true, it adds to you or your spirit, because it becomes a knowledge. If it is not true, it becomes a knowledge also, because you know that it is a falsehood and you will find many truths and a great deal of knowledge by the investi- gating that you never would have found out otherwise. So you see that everything is for a purpose, and everything can be made for the best, if it is treated properly, because if . it does nothing more it will add to your spirit by knowledge. That is why so few people believe in spiritualism because it is not a knowledge to those people, or they too will- ingly throw it aside to say there is nothing in it before they have a knowledge of it. Now, you can not get a knowledge of spiritualism without a great deal of thinking and reasoning, and in order to do that you must throw aside all prejudice, all supersti- tion, so that you can look on both sides and all around yourself. You can not take just a 72 small corner of it. The reason it takes more perseverance to gain a knowledge of true spiritualism than to gain a knowledge o£ anything else, is because true spiritualism is the greatest knowledge that man is capable of obtaining. Man is the greatest of all crea- tions, man is the greatest of all things, and the greatest knowledge man can attain is the knowledge of himself. When he gets a knowledge of himself, he has a knowledge of spiritualism — for what is spiritualism ? Tell me if it is not man. True spiritualism is a thing that has no beginning or end, and there is no end to the knowledge. Just so far as you learn your- self, just so far will you understand the truth of spiritualism, and no farther. Spiritualism is the most beautiful study you can take up because you never have to stop, you can keep. on always, and everything you learn concerning it you can prove to yourself. Until things can be proven you have no com- plete knowledge of them. In the study of yourself, or spiritualism, you can prove everything both to yourself and to others in time. You do not take any 73 one's word for it as you do in other things. You have no right to take some one's word for anything until they prove it or until you prove it for yourself. But on the other hand, if they tell you something you have no right to call them liars until you prove that they are, because they may turn around and show you that they are not liars, but they are only advanced further than you, so that they are capable of doing things and reseiving knowl- edge that you are not capable of receiving. It may be that you will have the pleasure of just taking your words back as a knowledge that you are what you just called them. It is the same with all things. They are not true to us until they become a knowledge. You are never sick until it becomes a knowl- edge to you that you are. You never get well until it'becomes a knowledge to you that you are well. So if you should get ill just make yourself think, in spite of surrounding circumstances, that you are not ill; but con- tinually getting well and see if you will not be well within a very short time. II you do not believe this, try it; but give it a good trial. Don't just make a play out of it and 74 then claim-that it is proven because there is a great deal of difference between play and real work. And what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. If these things do not look reasonable to you, don't condemn them until you have a perfect right to do so, because you might find out that it is just too far advanced for you to grasp at present. 75 THE SPIRIT HOME. If you should go to a materializing seance, or a trumpet hearing seance, you might hear the spirits say : " Oh ! I have such a beautiful home in the spirit world. " But would you understand what that beauti- ful home meant ? It would mean beautiful conditions. If conditions were beautiful ; then they would have a beautiful home, be- cause as far as home in the shape of a house and a lot is concerned, they could have that as they like it, they could have everything in it they wished. They do have these homes but they are not on some certain planet; but wherever they wish it to be. It is not built of rock or brick as our houses. It is not made of clay, it is spiritual material. If we mortals have a home we must have a mortal house, a house made of clay, be- cause our body is composed of clay and it could not realize a spiritual house. Then the spirit must likewise have a home composed of spiritual material, one that they can realize 76 in order that it may be a comfort. Perhaps if you passed one, you would not see it, un- less you were out of your body. Now, do not declare that I have said you have ever passed one. I say if you should pass one, you would never realize it no more than you would if you sljould pass a spirit because it would be composed of spiritual material. In order to have a beautiful home, they must have conditions likewise. Supposing you had the chance to build a home that was just as you wanted it a great, large, beautiful, marble mansion perhaps; but after it was all finished you had only money enough to sup- port a three room frame. What good would that beautiful home do you ? None whatever. Supposing then, that they have a beautiful home somewhere. They must also, in order to make it complete, have beautiful condi- tions. So if you have a dear one in the spirit world, a wife, a husband, a dear little child, make them a beautiful home. It is withjin your power to do so. We help make the con- ditions which surround them and it depends upon ourselves whether or not our spirit. 6 77 friends have a beautiful home. Now, do not say that is all foolishness, or that it is radical, until you prove it to be so. Do not say that, if it does not happen to agree with your ideas, because everything seems so until perfectly understood. There is no one who dies perfectly. They should all have gone with a magnetic- body as I have said before. If they had done this, they would be independent from you, but as it is they are not. Besides they die ignorant and they are still ignorant there until they learn otherwise. They need strength with which to obtain such knowledge as they are seeking and where is that strength coming from ? They do not possess it and must get it, and must get it with a body. They have lain theirs away, and con- sequently must use yours. And again, in order to use yours, they must have permission to do so, and that per- mission must come from us. As I have said before, they being partly composed of thought, cannot come against an unfavorable one. Now, in order for you to allow them to use your body, in order to bring beautiful con- 78 ditions around them, you must think favor- ably towards them. You cgnnot say that your child is in heaven and cannot come to you, and that you can never meet it unless you make yourself fit to go where it is and make a home for your child. That child loves you as it did while on this earth and do not be wicked and cruel enough to break its little heart by forcing it from you, on account of such thoughts. It is an utter impossibility for that dear one to come to you v/hile you think thus. If it comes it must come while you are favorable, that is, it might happen that sometime you would think of your little girl and wonder if she is around you, sn d wonder if it is possible that such a thing could be. Yes, and she is there. Her only chance is during those flying moments and she grasps those few golden opportunities, she comes to see the one she loves, for her heart is wrapped up in you there as well as here 'i hen you think : " No it is not so. There is no such thing as a spirit, " or you say : ' ' No they are in heaven waiting for me" — ah ! what did you do ? You sent your dear little girl away from her papa 79 or mamma whichever it may be. Man, these things you are always doing. Now say to yourself : " Shan't I change and bring my darling to me ? Shall I not let her come and see me as often as' she wishes. Am I not cruel to send her away from me like that ? " Yes, you are cruel although you have not realized it. Now, you can, instead of that, bring theni to you and even more, you can talk to them just as you could before they gave up their body. Why don't you do it ? If you don 't think you can try it and see. I am not asking you to take my word for it, just follow the directions here, that have and will be given and you will prove it for your- self. Now you are in this condition, with all these powers lying dormant. It takes some time to cultivate them; but it is wortli it and, there i^ nu one but that can do it within three years time; and it takes only about an hour a day and, if you do not want it for yourself, do it for the sake of the spirit world. Do your part in making their conditions favor- able. 80' POLYGAMY. There are several who are practicing this terrible vice at the present time and more than one church, believes in it. Now, you say this book is supposed to be on spiritualism, not on other things, but in order for me to advocate spiritualism I must show up the immoralitj' of man, because in order for you to be a true spiritualist and com- municate with the highly developed spirits, you must first make yourself pure both in thought and in actions. To think things of an immoral nature degrades your spirit. What drags you to the grave is immorality. That is what I want to stop and I do not want to advocate anything that would have a tendency to frighten you out; but I do want to show up the wrong there is in it and what you are doing for yourself by practicing these vices because if that won't stop you, nothing will. People cannot be scared into anything. To do much good they must have a reason 81 for stopping what they call pleasure. Then they stop it for the good there is in it and not because they think they must. When they stop for the good there is in it, they stop thoughts, or that is, bad thoughts, and the other way they just stop the actions and the thoughts run on just the same, and it injures their own spirit just the same. For thoughts are things. Now, people who are practicing and believe in polygamy say it is right. It must be because animals do it and the Lord wishes it in order to bring more children into the world. Man, for shame, to put .yourself equal to an animal. Equal to an animal — why, that's too good — you go even lower than the lowest of animals, because you are endowed with the power to reason for yourself and an animal is not. How dare you put yourself to that equal and then stand iJp and say : "I am created in the image of God. " Are you not afraid of insulting him by practicing such vice and then claiming to be in his image Yes, indeed, you are insulting him, and you have no right to degrade your spirit, to de- grade yourself to the lowest degree and then 82 to say that you are an image of good for that is what you say/ God is good, God is love, . and God is power. You are hell and a curse to man. You do not deserve the name of man, for a man means, or is supposed to mean, purity, refinement, God, love, and power. That is what you must strive for in order to talk to and communicate with, the spirit world. That is what you must strive for in order to make yourself a powerful spirit and soul, and until you do that, or at least try to do it, do not call yourseK a man. You are the lowest form of an animal. "When you go into that wicked and cruel vice, you not only hurt your own spirit ; but you break the hearts of women as well as ruining the lives of poor, innocent children. You thus degrade and stop the development of their spirits, stop them from fullfilling their mission on this earth. Do you think that a God, a merciful God, would wish to have you bring children on this earth in that way '? No, do not accuse a God of such con- duct, or such mercy as that. Everything you do in this way degrades and lessens your 83 power and you do not go into this vice for your belief It is to gratify your animal passions, nothing more, nothing less. It is that. Whoever says different, lies. Now, all proper thoughts help you and the other kind is a disadvantage to you. You never were supposed to come here and kill yourself by work. Your mind can melt bad luck just the same as the sun can melt snow. If you wish a certain thing or desire it, keep your thoughts firmly on that wish, till you get it. it IS sure to come. Now, you can not have a desire granted by thought, and think one day : "I will have this. It is coming," and the next day worry, the next day wonder if it will not, the next day be afraid it will not, and so on for a week. Then all of a sudden you take a notion that you are going to have that thing again. That is no way to do a thing and that will never bring it to you for you spend one day in bringing it, and six days in send- ing it away again, and then say : "Oh, dear, I was born for bad luck. Anyhow, the Lord is trying me." Look here, you are trying yourself. The Lord has nothing to do with 84 it and what right have you to waste your life and then to ^blame it onto the Lord. God helps them that help themselves because God is within you and if you want his help give him a chance to help you. I will assure you he will do it. Make a God out of yourself and do not depend on some one else. Every- one has their own wants to look after, even if it were the Lord. For the higher man gets, the greater are his wants, and wants increase with the progression of man, and all have just as much as they can attend to, no matter who it is. 85 LOVE AND FANCY. There is not one of us that is more than half. Sometimes you will see a boy or girl, one that you have watched from babyhood perhaps; but you wonder sometimes why it is that they, now about nineteen or twenty years of age, are so boyish or girlish. Then you .go away perhaps, or perhaps you do not, but when you get back you look at that boy or girl; but what in the world has happened? Why, in those last few days she has grown into a woman; but what caused it? She has become a whole, her spirit has united with the other half of it; it has found its other half and become a whole and she has changed from a girl into a woman. She is deeper, she looks more beautiful than she used to look. She is happier than she used to be; but her pleasures run in a different direction. Now this is true love when the spirit and soul unite. There is an- other, a fancy, that is sometimes mistaken for love and through this, great mistakes are made and thus great calamities are caused. Fancy is the uniting of two souls but not of two spirits, it is called affinity, and is some- times mistaken for love and marriage is the result. But the greatest results come later on. Soon, when they are together a while they find that they do not agree, that they both get all the influence of the other's soul that they need, or all the magnetism they need from the other person, and they find that their spirits are not united, they fairly hate each other. Misery is the result. Sometimes they go on and think they are in love with each other until one or the other meets some person with whom both their spirit and soul unite and they then find out that they do not love the person with whom they are living, and misery comes again. They get to hate the person for keeping them away from the one whom they love, and sometimes suicide is the result. Love does not come by command, neither does it go by command; but when you meet a spirit and a soul that unites with yours, they will unite and nothing on the face of the earth 87 can stop them. You can do everything but it all ends with the same result. There is another calamity caused through fancy. Sometimes young boys and girls fancy they are in love with each other and thus get frivolous, and good for nothing, vain, etc , because it is playing at love. It causes flirtation. There are so many souls that will unite with yours that you imagine you are m love with everybody, aud in doing this, you cultivate yourself to this and weak- en your spirit, because you are playing false to love and love can be trodden under foot as well as other things. But if a boy falls in love first, there is no danger of mistaking fancy for love after- wards. They will always know the differ- ence. Besides, it developes the spirits of both instead of causing them to grow unsensi- tive as the other causes. There is a bad and a good to everything until understood, and until you learn to make good out of it. That is the bad and good to love While if fancy and love were understood good could be made out of both as was intended in the first place. Thus you see everything goes wrong through not understanding ourselves. Now, if we understood when we or our souls united we would take advantage of the oppor- tunities and stay with this person a great deal, until our souls drew what it needed and in that way give us more power. Our soul would be that much greater than it was; but instead we take it for something else and make a bad thing out of it. It is just the same as if you had never seen a bed and all of a sudden came across a dresser, mistook it for a bed, try to sleep on it and dress by the bed. You would make bad out of it all, while if you understood you could have used both to a good advantage. Therefore, do not feel worried about someone falling in love because the sooner they find out what love is, and what fancy is, the bet- ter, and the sooner they will make good out of both. Now there is another uniting which is the uniting of two spirits and not the souls and in that case you are always friends. So you see there are the three forms which I will class in this way: first, friend- ship, then the uniting of souls which I will call bosom friendship, and love, the greatest of all, the strongest of all, the power of God within you. Now it is necessary" that you should have all of these; but it is also necessary that these be understood in order to make use of them all to the best advantage. Friendship aids and strengthens the spirit, bosom fi-iendship, the soul, and love, both. Love developes both, in fact, you are nothing until you have been in love, because you have never been more than half. There is another mistake caused by the parents and it is the greatest mistake they can make. Sometimes their daughter or son falls in love with someone they do not like and they begin to make plans for separating them. But remember, when you plan this, if you are successful, you ruin or nearly ruin your child's life. It never fails and you have no business to try to inter- fere. When you cut an apple in half you spoil the growth of that apple. When you cut off the other half of your child when once united, you spoil the development of your child . That is, if it really is love; but if it is only fancy no harm in particular is done. But when once 90 united perfectly and then separated, they will never survive until united again. If you do not believe this, try it and see. You can say that there are others just as good; but that does not answer the purpose. You can lind another apple just as good too; but cut it in half and add it to the one you first separated and it does not answer the purpose. You have interfered with nature when you had no business to do so. What suits you may not suit some one else, and they have a right to their own de- sires as well as you have a right to yours. Remember this, that nothing is rightfully a slave to you, even though it be your own child, and if she falls in love it is better, if taken in the right way. It never ends well if you interfere with nature and love is nature. Children never Jail in love until their spirit is developed because it is not nature, and love is nature. They can have a fancy; but this must be understood and stopped or if they fancy they are in love before they are it will stop the development of their spirit and make it frivolous. It sometimes goes so far as to make it impossible to ever love. It 91 is all fancy and imaginat on, and if they seem to fall in love before they start to develope into manhood or womanhood, stop it at once; but after they are developed, have nothing to do with it because if they meet a mate they will match no matter what or how big a rogue the person may be. So the best way is to teach children to be what is right and prepare themselves so that they are fit to unite with their mate. Don't wait until they do unite and then try to stop it, that is taking things after it is too late. If people and children learned themselves before they learned anything else, they would do good for the good there is in it. for the good it would do them; but if a person is going to do a thing he must first understand why he does it. You cannot do good and not know why it is best. All things must be changed before you are a spiritualist because spiritualism is the study of man, and as you advance in the study of yourself, the greater spiritualist you will be. 92 REINCARNATION. There is such a thing as reincarnation ; but it is very rare, and if at all, it is the choice of the spirit. In order for the spirit to be .reincarnated it must go into the Ego again, and in doing so it loses all soul power; it does not realize until intbe other body; but you will find this person very, very smart as a general rule. They can carry a point when but very little children. You will find that sometimes they no more than learn to talk when they will astonish you with very ad- vanced ideas and sometimes make public speeches when about the age of six or seven. But they do not realize. that they ever existed before until the next death and then they realize that they have lived two lives in the body. It has been positively known that a spirit has been reincarnated twice; but in that case they realize that they lived before- and all about it. Now perhaps you have never met these people; but some people have. It is very rare that a spirit would. 7 93 want to ever come back to this earth of cor- ruption, deception, and sin after having once left it. But some do because spirits have different ideas as well as we. Of course, that is one form of progres- sion and some want to take it. Some take other forms; but there is progression always. Man never stops. There is no end to his ex- istence, neither is there an end to his pro- gression; but there are only seven that we know of at the present time, because after that they are beyond us and we know noth- ing of them after that. They then enter the inner circle, as it is called, and we must reach that before we learn anything more about it. Some people say today that Jesus Christ was a perfect man; but it is not so for there is no such a man, either in spirit or in body, because there is no end. We are perfect in each stage of progression, but no farther. Then we start another. Jesus was the only perfect man as far as he could go on this earth, or this progression. He finished the seven stages of progression here. He did not wait till he entered the spirit world. He 94 took advantage of his present condition. He learned himself and went from here into the inner circle. There we know nothing more about him. 95 MUSIC AND FLOWERS. There is a great deal of difference between people; and a great deal of difference to the extent they enjoy music and flowers. When a man is working all day and is very tired, it seems, in fact, we know, that there is nothing that rests him so much as a good supper and a good night s sleep, that is, it rests his body, not his spirit. It is the same with music and his spirit as it is with his body and a sleep. Music is resting to the spirit. It causes harmony and rests it. While we sit and listen to a piece of music we feel as though we could almost reach out our hands and catch the chords of harmony as they float by our ears, and our spirit never forgets it. It even feeds our spirit when we think of the time we sat and listened to it. The fact is, the spirit rests. It makes a supper out of the music and we feel well and delighted. We have an inclination to dance. I have many times heard people of learning say that if a man is going insane or thought 96 to be going insane the best thing in the world that can be done is to play a nice piece of music. It pacifies him, quiets him, and they say that some have even been cured. The disease, if you must call it that, is checked through a sweet piece of music. That is true. What is insanity but the struggle . of the spirit with the body to hold its place, to keep the fevered body from driv- ing it away ? This continual labor tires the spirit and it needs rest. If you have a cer- tain point to walk and you tire out about two thirds of the way you must stop unless some- thing else turns up. If you were to lie down and sleep an hour or two you could finish the journey. It is the same in the other case. If the spirit gets rest and it has not too hard a task yet before it, it will finish its journey and conquer its servant, the body. Flowers are resting to the spirit and feed the soul. Flowers are soul. They are pure and can be dematerialized by a person with a stronger soul than that of the flower. The flower can be taken into the soul of the per- son, the soul feeds on it, and it is made stronger. And again, it can be dematerializ- 97 ed and taken to a certain place and material- ized again, so that you would have the flower, the same one, before you again. This may look unreasonable to you but nevertheless it has been done. You often hear a good medium say that the spirits sometimes bring large boquets to him. You may, on account of not under- standing it, disbelieve him ; but it is so, and this is the way it is done. They are not taken from the 'spirit world, as it is the opinion of many people; but they are simply flowers from this earth which the spirits have dematerialized taken to the place desired. They are taken through the wall, the same as electricity is taken through a wire. There they are materialized again, and given to the people. You have often, if you raise house flowers, where they are watched continually, seen one of your beautiful flowers come out, in the evening perhaps, and when morning came you found your flower gone. No one picked it. Where did it go ? The way I just explained is the way your flower disappeared. This looks fanatical in the eyes of some, but P8 all things are so until thoroughly understood and this is, and has been done a great many times. The Hindoos are always doing it, and if it looks impossible to you, the best way for you to find out and prove me to be a liar, is to test it for yourself. But in order to do that you must gain strength of soul and spirit. You must spiritualize yourself and do this. Or spiritualize yourself enough do that your own spirit friends can take strength enough, from you to do this one thing for you. Then you often wonder why music per- formed by machinery does not sound as lovely as music performed by some person. The fact is simply this, that if a person is playing a piece of music their whole soul and spirit is in that music. They send out their magnetism with the harmonious chords and it thrills and feeds your soul as well as rests your spirit. Machinery sends out only the harmony and I'ests only your spirit. This is proven because, if a person plays for some hours their music is lovely at first; but if you go out so as not to tire your body through sitting and then after an hour or two you 99 happen back, the music sounds as if it came from a music box. The person's magnetism is exhausted and you hear only half of, or get the benefit of only half of the music. 100 "BELIEVE AND BE SAVED." Five hundred years before the birth of Christ it was predicted that a fountain of life would ,' come forth in five hundred years. What do you understand by that? Do you think that before, and at that very time there was no fountain of life? Why would there be one when Jesus was born? There always was a fountain of life. If there was not a fountain of life always, there never would have been life in anyone or anything. There is life in the air that you breathe, there is God in the air that you breathe, there is God within you. There always was and there always will be. There is magnetism in the air, and you can draw it if you only knew this, and knew how to take it, which will be explained after while. But in order to draw magnetism in from the air, you must cultivate the spirit so that it is capable of turning the magnetism from the air, into personal mag- netism, or soul power. When the life is in the air, it is in a rude 101 form; but it can be refined and made per- fect. You must do that. If you find a piece of ore in the ground, the gold or silver in that ore is in a rude form, and what good is it until it goes through a refining process? It is there, but the next thing is to get it out. Before you can do that you must first learn how to do that. Of course, you do get some of it, just enough to keep that clay body of yours mov- ing for a few years; but in a short time it seems to go. You cannot, and have not been keeping it alive, and soon it becomes of no more use to you, only a detriment. You must throw it away and be left without a ma- chine with which to work. You must do the work with your bare hands, or that is the comparison we will make between your spirit or thought and your body. We will liken the hands to the body, the machine. After you throw it away you must do all with thought, and you have no power but that of thought to do it with. Of course, it takes thousands of years to do the work in pro- gression with bare thought, the work you could have done in fifty with thought and a body. 102 Now, you may say: "We may do that; but after awhile our body must go anyway." I have said before that I do not believe in throwing it away at all. It must be progress- ed and changed to a body of a higher form and taken with you so as to always have a body with which to work. Only you will have a body with a great many more improvements than it had in the first place. What was the first locomotive compared with the locomotive of today? Your body must improve even more than in comparison and for the good there is in it, do it. You will go to church and hear the min- ister or whoever gives the sermon say: "Be- lieve and be saved;" but look here, Jesus told you to believe as he did and do as he did. You cannot believe and be saved. You must do or it amounts to nothing. Some people say we cannot do as Jesus did because he was the only begotten son of the father; but if you take that as a proof that you cannot do what he did, you must contradict or lay aside the passage where he says: "Believe as I do and do the things that I have done." He even went farther, he said: "You can do 103 even greater things than I have done. ' When he said you could do this, that is what he meant. When you say that we cannot do the things that he did because he was the only begotten son of the father, you accuse him of telling a falsehood. He saj^s that you can and as far as the only begotten son is con- cerned, I will explain in private to any one who will send to me for the explanation. Now, when it was predicted that in five hundred years the fountain, of life would come, it simply meant that a man would come who understood how to use the fountain of life to the best advantage, and that it would be a man with purity of mind enough to do this. It takes a man with a will and a strong de- termination to drop all things of an impure nature in order to stand up for the truth in a world where such a thing as truth is not known, where a man will do anything to get ' the best of his neighbor, even to telling a little, petty lie. If you are going to do what Jesus did you must first learn the good there is in it. The good there is in it for you, and then you might do it; but you can never be frightened 104 into doing anything. To look ahead, to see what there is to be done and how far you are from it, and how far you must go, to look at the long road, to look at the hard and steady work in order to accomplish that end, will be the biggest fright you ever had. What do you understand by the darkness that overflooded the earth after the cruci- fixion of Christ? Do you think that it was earth-quakes and so on that flooded and en- veloped it in perfect darkness. Or do you think that it was simply a comparison and that the people were left in the dark without a source of knowledge of their vital forces? I think the latter and what is more I think it has just come to light again. Most of it is coming from his teachings; but people are just beginning to see what he meant and to understand his teachings, because some are now doing the things that he did. That brings out the light of his dying to save us, because he knew that if he came and declared the truth in the condition in which the people were living, that they would try to kill him and unless he did this we would never find out the truth. But they failed to 105 kill him and that was another illustration which was shown to us, namely, that we could fit ourselves so that our body could not be killed, because his was not. He came out with his body three days afterwards, only it took him three days to change it, to dema- terialize it, after what had been done, and we also could do that or he is a teller of false- hoods. He had, for a long time, been in that per- fect condition for it has been proved in this way. At one time his disciples were alone, and when the doors and windows were bolted, Peter said: "What shiall we do, for our Lord is not with us?" when lo and behold Jesus stood before them. Peter said that he could not believe it unless he touched him. Jesus reached out his hand and touched Peter say- ing: "Oh, ye of litiile faith." Then Peter believed. How was this done? He dema- terialized, came through the wall, and ma terialized into the flesh again. Again this is proved by his walking on the water. His body was a magnetic one until he reached the ship. No one could ever walk on the water as he did in any other way. 106 Now as Jong as this has been proved, why not do it? Do not only believe as he did and do as he did, but even more, because he was driven away from us. That brings out his death. He was dead to us but not in reality, and you can stay and have the chance to do even more. 107 THINGS ABE AS WE MAKE THEM. Everything in the beginning was meant for good; but on account of the immorality of man, things are changed from truth to lies, from purity to vulgarity, from a blessing to a curse. The most high and divine things that were meant for the good and progression of man are dragged down to the depths of hell, made a disgrace to humanity, and they are dragged down by no other agency than man himself. Man was created in the image of God, with a God within him, and with reason to use that God. He was given the honor of being the highest of all creations, with the power to rule all creations, and to rule every- thing in its most divine form, in its highest. And how has he fulfilled his mission ? Has he done justice to the power and creation he is over ? He has not. He has what you might say, brought destruction upon it. He has in his mind disgraced it. He thinks immoral thoughts which have a tendency to 108 degrade this beautiful -work of nature over which he is the ruler. The average man is not capable of ruling himself, let alone the creations under him. The highest of all nature is the creation of man. Love should be the cause of, and is the cause of this creation, among some at the present time. What does man do with this, what does he do with the creation of himself? He makes it immoral, he looks at it as if it were a disgrace to him. He is ashamed of it, he makes it appear as if it should be hidden from him, instead of his being proud of it. He is not satisfied with the downfall of his own; but he takes all the creation in the same way. He has even gone so far that some are diseased and some almost decompos- ed through the misusage of his creative power. One man will not even do justice to another. If his fellow creature falls he will make it impossible for him to ever arouse himself again, because if, through making a mistake he goes down, we will keep him down and even force/ him lower in spite of himself, and then we will hang him for our- own work. 8 109 If a fellow creature of ours should fall, it is our duty to help him up again, if he so desires, and if he is shown his mistake, in nearly every case, he is willing and more than willing to retrace his steps. But we will not allow him to do so. We are always willing to give him credit for the wrong he does; but never willing to give him credit for the good he does along with that bad. We would rather take the credit to ourselves for what good he has done and the good we did in getting away with him. It is just like this, if a man deserves punishment for his evil doing he deserves credit for all his good acts if it is nothing more than saving the life of a butter-fly. There never was a man born without some good in him, if he had the chance to show it; but because he was started wrong we take good care that he keeps wrong, and if he had not been started wrong he would never have done wrong. It was born in him either from his father or his mother, or sometimes it even comes from his great grand father, and then we blame him for yielding to his nature. Of course, we could not give him credit for yield- 110 ing to a bad nature, but then it is not neces- sary to judge him so harshly. We should reach out a helping hand, or speak one lov- ing or encouraging word. Some men will go so far as to run down and degrade their own mother and sisters by thinking low of .their sex. Remember that your mother was a woman, and that she was the one who gave you birth. You have no right to run down her .sex by saying she is not equal to man. She is equal to man in every sense. She is capable of doing any- thing with her reasoning power that a man is capable of doing. Where did you get all- of yours ? How did it happen to come from a poor, demented woman ? 1 wish you would explain unless you think she is your equal, then it needs no explanation. Some say that she is not capable of hav- ing an influence in the government. She hasn't sense enough, she is too fickle. All she ought to do would be to stay at home and raise the children. Poor, little things to be left in the care and instruction of a woman ! Now, if she isn't capable of taking part in the government under which she lives, she 111 is not capable of instructing yoar smart boys, who will take part after awhile. Whether or not she is capable of taking part she has the right to do so. You, man I mean, can- not live her life for her. If you are the head, she has her own life to live, and if she were a dog, she has a right to help make the laws under which she lives. If a woman lives her life away with you, she has as much right to have a woman ruler as you have to a man ruler. She was given the power to give birth, and it would be con- trary to nature for that to be given to the lowest. You seem to think that this is, a free country; but it is not free to woman. It is all right for an old, drunken, filthy, sop of a man to go to the polls and vote; but pure, high minded women must let that kind of a man make, or help make her laws for her. Some men take this excuse, that the polls are no place, no fit place, for a woman to go, with all those men of low character standing about, but if that is the case, just use a little of that money you spend on election day to purchase whiskey so that you can buy over a 112 few votes, for you know that will brin^ votes from the man better than anything, it won't from the women, take that and pre- pare a place for the women to go and vote. A place where men are not allowed. Then she will not be thrown into the company of your smart men. But a man is no more likely to injure your daughter at the polls, than at lectures, church, on the street, or any other place. If the women were allowed to go the men would likely keep themselves in a more respectable condition through the respect they might possibly have. Then others say man was created first and woman was taken from his ribs, from man. The root of a tree started before the tree; but that is no sign that the root is of the most use to us. I was taken from my father and mother, mostly from her, but that is no sign that they are any better than I am or capable of better reasoning than I am. One must be first. Then again women are not one sided, they have the same amount of ribs on both sides. I guess that is the reason why men are so one sided and want all the credit for themselves. I don't see any 113 other way that it could start. The only difference between a man ruler and a woman ruler is that a woman rules with love, a man with cruelty. A man would hang where a woman would save. She believes in letting every one have a chance to do good if he wishes, bhe gives everyone a chance and men have taken the advantage of this and thrown her overboard. Now we could be ruled with love as well as with force, and better. You can be coaxed into a thing where it would be impossible to force you to do that thing. You would rather die than be forced. Before we become spiritual, we must overcome selfishness and instead create love. Love is power, love developes the spirit and makes it strong. Selfishness drowns it out. You can never progress vvith selfishness. It keeps you too much at a standstill. Love promotes love. Everything that is good discards the bad, and brings good instead. Become spiritual, communicate with the spirit world, find out their form of govern- ment, and see if you cannot improve yours, that is, the government of yourselves. Don't 114 cause all these disasters and then say : "It was God who did it." God does good and nothing else. The spirit world is ruled by the government of God. Why can't we be ruled by that ? That is why we have it, to be ruled by it. Then in these conditions we will say: "If there are spirits around me, why don't they show themselves ?" They can not. We drive those who are able to be around usj away from us, the others go to a place where people are more worthy of their company. Fit yourself for this and they will come to you, but you cannot expect them to do so until you fit yourself for that. When you try to do what is right and live according to nature, they will come. They come to some and they will come to you. Prove it for yourself. 115 DEATH, OR WHAT IS CALLED DEATH. There is nothing that brings such a gloom over a person or sickens the heart like the word death. There is nothing that brings the agony to a mother that death does. To say her last good-bye to the child she has brought into the world, and nursed from a babe to manhood or womanhood, to say good- bye to the child of her own flesh and blood. Oh! how terrible! And why did it all come? Why did they have to leave? Still you never think once but that it must come, only you cannot see why it should; but do you ever think for one moment that there could be any way of preventing this terrible thing, death? No there is not. Not as long as we continue to violate the laws of nature. When we stop violating the laws of nature then there is a way to prevent death, but not until. Whenever one of your dear ones die, your wife, your husband, your child, whichever it may be, take it for granted that one or more of nature's laws have been vio- 116 lated, and not corrected again. You say I could not help it. God knows you would if t had been in your power; but it wa-. not. How sad! But why? Simply because you did not understand. Nothing is in our power unless we understand its workings. Nature has been dragged down for gen- erations. From birth we start to violate the laws for those who are to come after us. The consequence is death. We, in our condi- tion, most of us, have not the power to stop it; but if nature were allowed to take its course there would never be need of a power to stop it. So long as there is need of this power let us look around us and see if we do not possess this power. I say we do.. I have given a thoroughly, good investigation and have finally come to the conclusion that there is such a power, only it is not understood. I have come to the conclusion that we all have it; but do not understand bow to use it, con- sequently it is of no use to us, it is lying dor- mant. Such a power lying dormant, think of it! You might say if we have this power what is it? . Is it medicine? No it is not. Of course, medicine will stop it in some cases; 117 but it fails sometimes, it is not operations, because they too sometimes fail. You might say it is through eating things we should eat, discarding those things which we ought not to eat, and living according to the laws of nature. I have heard that from a great many but often one has been violating na- ture's laws until he is at death's door. , When this is the case it is a little too late to begin with nature's food because the body is not capable of doing anything with it. Of course, it will do in some cases, and does a great deal of good in all cases, if it can be used; but like all the rest, it too, fails on account of its being too late. Then what is it? It is the God within you. There is hardly a limit lor its power, and if used can always be a preventative of death even when death has started. Then they say it cannot be stopped; but it can be stopped, by the power that should be used to stop it, even after death has taken place. Jesus did it. How? With the power of the God within him. "Believe as I do and do as I do," then why do you not do it? You, nearly all of you, say you believe as he did, then, why don't 118 you do as he did? Simply this, you do not beheve as he believed, if you did you would be doing at least a few of his teachings. He believed that he could do as well as he be- lieved in doing. If death comes to one it is on account of the lack of life. Life is gradually wasting away and the person does not know how to get more. He has been left in ignorance of his power and, in fact, he has been left in ignorance of what life really is. Can any of you explain what life really is? What causes life in your body? Then if you do not know what life is, how are you going to get it? How are you going to re- tain a supply enough to keep you going? That is the way with the dying man, he does't know what life is, and consequently knows not how to keep it, or how to keep what he has. It is very simple but still not understood. You get it by thought. Thought is your God, he gives everything and does everything by being the cause of its being done. You cannot do a thing without think- ing it first, and in the same way he will pre- vent death, only give him the chance. 119 Thought, as T say does, everything; but in order for it to do good, you must think rightly, for thought destroys, and thought builds up whichever way you use it. Then if a man is dying his life is going, he needs more. Then he can live. You are well. Give him some of yours; but first learn what it is. It is this, the soul of your body, the magnetism of your body, that is its life. Just give this poor dying creature some of it, transfer it to this person with your thought, your spirit, your God. He can just take some of it, transfer it to the other by thinking so. Just think this person is getting well. ' 'You shall, I give you some of my life to build upon, and you will build upon this," and while you say this put your hands on him so that the life may go through. Thinking this to yourself with a great determination, takes the life from all over your body, through your hands, through the veins of the person diseased. Then there is another thing to be done while you are giving this man ^life, you must get more. Think "1 am drawing life from the atmosphere and tilling my own. body with it," and so, while you think your God 120 works, in fact, thought is he. It is he work- ing. That is why you think. He is thought. Now, this does not hurt you, it gives you God power, and gives him a chance to draw more magnetism, with which to do his work, to keep you alive and to keep others alive. Thus you have used your God to heal this man and you can use him to do anything, all he needs is a chance. I will say no more on this here; but I will devote another chapter to make it better understood Jesus always said, "Oh, God, grant this, grant that, give me so and so," then he got it. And he said ''God is within you." What did he mean by that? It is this. That God was within him, and he used it, and that God is within you, and why don't you use it? He even went so far as to tell you that you could use it. He never prayed to your God, he prayed to his own. You be- lieve as he did. He didn't believe in death, if he had he would have died; but he did not. Why. Because it is against nature, and he lived according to nature. If you are a be- liever in Christ, you too, would live according to nature. 121 Some say that death is necessary, that it gives and creates high and noble thoughts. Oh, what a frail excuse, what a disgrace to humanity to say that with all their reason and all the power with which they have been endowed, must take this terrible thing to create noble thoughts within them. Is that justice? That a man should die just to bene- fit you? Are you so hard that you must be brought to that terrible anguish before you have noble thoughts!'' Oh, man, think higher of yourself than that. I do not say that it does not create noble thoughts; but I do say this, that if we do not we at least should, think thoughts without this. You say that death is natural without a reason for saying so, only that everybody else dies; and they know nothing else to be the end of this existence except death ; but the reason is they have never tried to find out. ■ If death were natural then why does it cause such agony and anguish? Simply this because it should never be Nature never does that. It always brings pleasure and de- light, it never brings anything else. No, death is not natural. Then you might saj', 122 if this God and all of this can do what you claim, then why has it been kept down, why has it not been found out before now. My answer is that it has. Several have tried to use it, but what is the result? They were looked upon as some poor, demented fool, some one to be felt badly for and, if he ad- vanced it would have been sent away and im- prisoned. They have all been stopped be- fore they had a chance to make use of it, and it has only been of late that people dared to advocate this power, and to make use of it; but at present there are hundreds who are doing it. It will, after this start and over- spread the earth. There will be a proof that death is not necessary. But you who have this hardship to put up with, take this com- fort, they have only left a machine that was becoming a detriment to them. They are around you always, they are guiding you, they are not up on some planet, where they stay awaiting your coming, they are with you, they are not dead to you, it is you are dead to them. At the very time when you said your last good-bye, at the very time you stood watching the cold, damp earth being 123 thrown upon their remains, they stood by and watched, and cried to comfort you, and to tell you that they were happy and free from pain, but the very same reason that caused their death, caused you not to hear them. You haven't life enough to see them and to hear them. You do not let the spirit have control enough over your body to see and hear them, or else you could talk to them as often as you wished. You could see them and pro- fit by their advice; but you do not put your- self in that condition. That is why you do not see them. Now, so long as you can fit yourself for this why not do it? It has been proved that it can be done. It is done now always by some and you can do it if you will, aTid you can prove this for yourself. The one thing that will bring our complete happiness is to do this, because it led you back into the way of nature. 124 CLAIRVOYAirCE AND DREAMS. You often hear of things being predicted ahead of time, sometimes months and even years, but you do not believe it, you think it can't be anything but a fraud. But as the time goes on you are surprised by these things coming just as it was predicted but how in the world was it done ? You can't come to any other conclusion but that this man must have a very strong power and you just make up. your mind to let this person alone. But I can tell you in a very few words what this strange power is, and for the benefit of Bible believers, I will give it. If a man makes a prediction, it comes to pass, and this man tries to convince you that you should believe in other Gods, and tries tOiturn you against your own God, turn your ears from him, do not believe in him. This is where this strange power comes from. It comes from this man's God, and when other men make these predictions and try to make him believe that their knowledge came from 9 125 some other God, an unknown God, he turns his from' him, because he knows where it came from. It came from God; but from their own. He makes these predictions and ■finds out these things himself, so he knows where this man gets this from. He gets it from his own God, no other. It is the same with all, only one is a false prophet, the other a true one. If you want to be a clairvoyant you must get it from your own God, and not from a God you know nothing about. What do you call God ? A man that is somewhere on some planet, who hears all prayers and grants all requests, a universal God, a single man, who is God over all men, the God you hear of in charch ? If there is such a God you know nothing about him, some one else has tried to get you not to believe in your own God, and has been telling you that God was a single man who created all and did all. You have believed him, you read per- haps, that you were not to listen to such tales told about a God, you know nothing about him; but still you have done it. Now don't say you know anything about such a 126 God for I say and can prove that you do not. What do you know about him, have you seen him, have you ever heard him speak, have you ever felt that he stood by you ? No. You have not. You just took some one else's word for it and what is more, it is a God that you never can, if you study till it turns your hair green, learn anything about for he is not here and never will be. To learn anything about a man you must either see or hear him, otherwise you take some one else's word for it and what 'is more, that which is a knowledge to another is not a knowledge to you until you experience the same, and we never were supposed to take another person's word for anything unless they could prove it to us. This is where .clairvoyance comes from. From a yjerson's own God, a God they know, and if they do not, a God they can learn And it can learn anything for you, that is, in reason; but you do not listen to it. You be- lieve in a God you know nothing about, and the consequence is this, you remain in ignor- ance of what you should know. You can find out all tilings both for your own benefit 127 and for the benefit of others if you would listen to the God within you If you would give him control over your body you could do this, and in order to do that you must first learn what it is. It is your spirit and to listen to him you must make yourself spiritual. That is done by relaxing and getting in the quiet. Just relax every muscle and even your brain must be in a relaxed condition and not thinking of anything. Then things will begin to come to you, you will see pictures and you will receive impressions that certain things will come and will not be, etc. These things are coming from your spirit or your God, and you know what it sees, you must almost forget but that you are yourself a spirit and while in this condition you will see other spirits, hear what they say, converse with them. This is the clairvoyant condition. If you are going to make an investment and do not know what is best, j ust go to your- self and be quiet, forget but that you are a spirit and forget all that is around you, then wait for impressions, and the impression you receive is right. 128 Dreams come from the God within; but they are not able to make them clear to you and you get them in a little different way as a general rule, nevertheless you should al- ways take heed of them and guess as nearly as possible what they mean, and if anything comes up that is anything like your dream, leave it alone. Dreams also come from another spirit who wants to tell you something but unless dreams can be remembered very clearly do not bother with them. If they are clearly remembered they always mean something and tha|; is the way you will see and hear things clairvoyantly, something like a dream. 129 FALSE MODESTY. If there is anything disgusting to the spirit world it is false modesty. Every part of one's body should be held in reverence. You should be proud of it. There is nothing so beautiful as a pure body and there is no more about any part of your body to be ashamed of than your face. It was all made by the same creator, and all made of the same flesh and blood, and no high minded person has or knows no such thing as false modesty. A person, if he is going to be spiritual, must be open and pure minded and to en- courage such a thing as false modesty is to encourage impure thoughts, and shows that you are not a moral man or woman. If you were moral you would never think of such a thing when you see any part of the human body, and if anyone is impure, or has a dis- eased body through some immoral act caused through the violation of one of nature's laws then I do not blame you for being ashamed of 130 your body. You can easily be excused if this is the case, but put it down for this, that when such a thing as false modesty exists in your mind there is some cause for it, either you are diseased or your thoughts run in an im- moral way, in a way they have no business to run. In some churches the belief is that you should not dance, and you will hear an evan- gelist saying that dancing is so corrupt and degrading to man, that it looks terrible, etc. Then ask them why it is they don't like dancing and what wrong there is in it, they will say: "Well, there is no particular harm in it. It is good exercise; but it is the posi- tion," and one even went so far as to express himself in this way to a couple of young ladies who came to him to get his reasons for not believing in dancing. He said: "Well, girls, would you take that position with that young man on Main Street? Well, no they wouldn't. So he wanted to know what difference there was and then said : ' 'To make it a little plainer, would you, right here in this room, take that position with me?" Well, no they wouldn't and I suppose 131 the girls went away convinced that dancing was a wrong thing and that they had dis- graced themselves beyond redemption. This good man forgot to show up both sides of the question. As far as the position in the street and in the dance hall, in the dance hall it is un- derstood and in the street it is considered out of place or else it would not be. Is there anything about a man that a woman should be ashamed of? Is there anythiug about a woman that a man should be ashamed of? You who believe in a personal God, did he not create both, according to your belief? Why be ashamed of either of his creations? Did he so make either sex that they should be ashamed to touch each other? No. They should be as one, and things are as we make tliem. That position is disgraceful in the street because we make it so with our thoughts and it is opposite in the dance hall. Because a young man and young lady have that position dancing, is that a sign that evil thoughts are ranning through their mind? And what makes us think so, or those who are so terribly against it? It is simply 132 this, they are giving themselves away. They know that if they had that position with a lady that evil thoughts would go through their minds. They, of course, judge all peo- ple alike; but they are mistaken, if they never thought of such things they would not accuse others. They will tell you that them- selves. Now, they might say that this would be all right if everyone were as he should be; but what brings people to what they are? What is it if it is not such false laws to nature? Are you going to get everyone perfect be- fore you do this? This is the first thing that will go to destroy such thoughts, you have tried the other, it has failed completely. Others are so terribly shocked at low necked dresses. It is a terrible thing for a woman to show her neck and breast. I wish you would explain what the difference is be- tween the purity of the face and that of the neck and breast. Both are a part of the cre- ation, both are a part of nature, and there is nothing more beautiful than a pretty neck and breast. People never thought of such things or were not ashamed until they began 133 to sin. A baby is not ashamed until you put thiose false ideas into its head. If you did not it never would be. An animal never sins and they are not ashamed of themselves. It is we who are always praising God in the hiffhest that are ashamed of his work. 134 CARD PLAYING. Card playing, like everything else, is made a wrong. You will hear especially in some churches, card playing very radically denounced, and like everything else, they fail to show up more than one side. I once at- tended a lecture where the speaker was giv- ing his experience in card playing. He told a little story about a woman with whom he was staying and who used to play cards with her little children. He told her what he thought of the matter, the terrible sin she was committing by doing this, and that all three of her little sons would turn out gamblers. But I can tell you this, that if a woman never teaches her children anything worse than card playing by her actions, her children will get along all right as far as instruction will carry them. This woman could see farther than that. She knew that if she expected to keep her children around her, she must provide some pleasure for them. She could see that it was a great deal 135 better for her little sons to be sitting around her playing an innocent game of cards than it was for them to be running around the streets getting valuable information from un- trained children, and receiving vulgar and impure thoughts from boys who looked at nature in an impure light. Besides, card playing will train a boy to calculate better than anything else, and if a boy is not inclined to gamble, he won't gamble anyway, no matter how well he can play cards. If a boy learns to play cards as an innocent amusement he will always con- sider it so, and if he is always shown and led to believe that cards are meant for gambling, cheating, and nothing else he will always consider it in this light. When he gets in need of means and in a pinch, the card table will be one of his first thoughts. He knows that he can't play cards, and he knows this also, that he can soon learn and if a boy is inclined to gamble he will. He does not need a deck of cards to do it with. He can gamble in worse ways than with cards. It is just like this, people are always willing to show up the bad points in things, 136 and never willing to show up the innocence there could be in it. Some would never find out that there was bad in anything if it was not always shown up to them and the good of it left out. When a child grows up always hearing the things that could be made good of shown up to a disadvantage, he first thinks: "Well now that is wrong." He next thinks and broods over that wrong until he wonders how it would be if he did that and then he thinks he will try it just for once. The first thing you know he is practicing that vice. If the good were shown up he would ponder over it in that way until he was grown up, until he was old enough to know better. Besides he would, if after a certain age find out the wrong of that thing, know both sides of the story he could decide between the good and the bad, which he would choose, and know- ing the good longest, would more than likely follow that. There is a great deal of harm done in always teaching children the wtong of every- thing. Then you might say as some do, that cards are such a foolish pastime for big folks '137 to take up; but people take the bright side of life as well as the serious. It is just as harm- ful to be too serious as it is to go to extremes in the other way. And if a man or woman is in trouble or does a great deal of worrying, there is nothing that will make he or she for- get their trouble for a few moments like a good, jolly game of cards. During that mirth their spirit gets a little chance to rest and to build up soul power, and in many cases it prevents insanity, paralysis, etc. Of course, cards are not the only thing that will bring mirth; but some people would enjoy them where others would enjoy something else. If they do then I say there can't be any harm in a game of cards. 13S THE DOWNFAIili OF THE SPIRIT. Many people believe in reincarnation in this way, they think that when we die, our spirit, ,if we have not lived as we should, is reincarnated into the body of an animal, that it takes the body of a dog, of some bird, or any animal according to the extent the per- son has degraded himself. Their degraded condition is shown in what ever animal they take, if they are very low they take that of a low animal. But what puzzles one is this, what do those who are pure and high minded take if the others take that of an animal? In that case the high must take something else. If the low take a body the high must also take one. And they will say there is no end. If that is so what do we take after we leave that of a dog, or cow, or something of that sort ? This theory seems inconsistent to me, and I do not think it would be according to nature for a man to first take a man's body 139 and then take that of a lower animal, because it is just like this, if you are a man once that is what you always will be. It is just as im- possible to turn the body of a man into that of a dog, as it is to turn the spirit of a man into that of a dog. Then if we were to go that way, we would, after we entered the body of a dog, understand the language of a person and could remember what we knew while a man. for the spirit never forgets» That is where the hell comes in. It is that we always remember what we have done and the disadvantages we have put ourselves to through what we have done. A dog would be just as smart as we, and could think and plan as we do. He could learn to read, in fact, he could do anything with the power of reason that we can do, and we know that to be inconsistent, because as far as the body is concerned, if it had the same spirit one would be just as smart as another, for it is not the body that constitutes a person, it is the spirit. In that case there would be no hell, for the dog would never know but that he was always a dog. He could not feel badly over 140 that, and if he did remember that he was a man he would remember everything and we know that he does not. What ever the spirit learns it never for- gets. What ever you do, either good or bad you never forget. If we did, what would be the use of striving for years as some do and then have a very few years use of it ? It would go on that way for years perhaps you would forget all about it. You cannot re- member it; but if it happens that there is need for the use of that knowledge, you sit down and think of it. At first you do not remember a thing; but as you sit there and study, it all comes to you. Do you suppose that your body remembered it '? No you learned it and your spirit never forgot it. When you sat there you recollected it, and what I mean by that is youj: spirit transferred it to the body again and you say "Oh! I recollect. " Some people who play music will play by note a couple of times and have not the least idea that they could play that piece without the music. If they should look at the keyboard they could not strike the first 10 141 note; but sometimes they sit after dark and finder the keys of the piano, and to their surprise they play the piece right off. They say : " Oh! my hands are so used to it they know just where to go and what notes to strike. " Is there any sense in your hand if it was not for your brain? You could not play that piece when you looked at the key- board and that shows it was not your brain that remembered it. It was simply the spirit that remembered it and controlled your hands to play it. The reason it could do that in the dark and not in the light was that in the dark you were more able to concentrate than you were in the light. You can not only recollect things that you have learned in this way; but you can recollect things that other people have learned by making yourself spiritual. Your spirit can f.nd out all things and give them to you if you are spiritual enough. You would not have to study till you were worn out to learn things if you were spiritual. Of course, it would be harder to transfer a thing to your body that you had never thought of than it would to transfer a thing 142 to you that you had already made a study of, because it would have been to you once and could easily come again; but the other would be just as easy, and even easier, if you were spiritual. Some people say : "If people could do that and were like that, what kind of a world would this be ? Everybody would know just as much as the other and there would be no men to do different kinds of work. They would all be able to do the best and that is what they would all aim for." But that is no excuse for a just man to make. Every man was created equal and has just as much right to be smart as you have. We were created to make something out of ourselves. No one was ever supposed to kill himself with hard study in order to adapt himself to some little thing because in that way he loses his health and if we lived a thousand years we would not know so much after all. Everyone could not get one thing to do. He would have to take the next best and that would stop him from always having the knowledge. Every one would stand an equal chance, the world would not be in the hands of a few as it is today. 143 People would not need to make a machine ont of themselves in order to get a piece of bread and butter to eat. If they did every man would take his turn, and it would not always be one man that would be dragging out a miserable existence. As far as the man going into an animal of some kind, I will say this, that even if they did not go aud take the form of a dog, there are some of them so degraded that they are are even lower than an animal, and a great many of them, if not so low, are just as low. And for this very reason every man does not have his rights. When one is down a person that is able to help him up again will- not do it. It is all caused through a man being born without anything, without a chance, and others that have the chance, keeping him where he is. You hear preached every day that if you believe, you will be saved; but for hundreds of years people have been believ- ing those things and still they are in just as bad a condition today as they were j^ears ago. Some of the strongest believers are just as poor, just as low in thought. Thej'' believe all their lives and still they die in the same 144 condition as they were in to begin with. They look haggard and pale so it doesn't help them in that way. Yet they are believ- ing those same ideas they believed years ago when there can be improvements on every- thing. No matter how strong a believer they are, they die anyway and always have. When Jesus said: "Believe as I do and you can do what I do," and never died, that shows and proves they are not of the correct belief, the belief of Christ, it shows that there must be some misunderstanding somewhere. There is no man who is true spiritualist belief that stays in the same condition in which he began with. Their thoughts reach farther, they feel better, they can make themselves well, if they will, it all depends upon the extent of their belief and knowledge in that line what and where they are in life. If they are good ones they can make money for themselves, they can increase the God within them, they need not be sick, in fact, they always die with more and in a better condition than they started. With the other belief it is sometimes worse when they get through than when they began. 145 Now, do not call people who go insane over spiritualism, true spiritualists. They are not. They never were. That is just a superstition that first started and through people not understanding it, they always carry the same idea. All make fun of it be- fore they know anything about it, the same with ignorance always. When a person makes fun of spiritualism, put it down that that person does not know anything about it. for if he did he could never make light of it, When once understood it is a beautiful and elevating belief. 146 A PERSONAL GOD. I think by this time people who have read this book have concluded what kind of a God I believe in, although I have never said directly what or who he is. Some may say that I believe in a personal God, and so I do; but in a different way from the way it is generally believed. I do not believe in a God that is one man, because when I reason it out for myself it seems inconsistent to me. If there is a God who is one man, one spirit, who listens to all prayers and who sees to their being answer- ed, I say if he listens to these on a Sunday night at about the same time, he must listen to the prayers of thousands of ministers, who are praying for help. I do not see how it could be possible for one man to do all that. You may say that it is not for you to see, it is a miracle to you and that it is beyond your understanding. But if a thing is beyond my understanding I will not have anything to do with it. I will take something that is within my reach. He would be no God of 147 justice that would punish me for not believing that which is beyond my understanding. If God is as you say, one spirit that loves us all, he is not a God of justice, neither does he love us all. I cail prove this, for if he loved us all we never would be in the condi- tion we are in today, some enjoying life, others trying to serve him and dragging out a life of misery. He is not trying us in any such way if he loves us as you say he does. He would know that no man can make any- thing of himself while in misery, and I can prove to you in hundreds of ways that God is not one man. I believe in a personalGod in this way, esus said : " God is within you, " and I con sider that makes a personal God. My God that is within me is my personal God. Now do not understand me in this way, that in reality I do not believe in a God for I believe in a God power. I believe that after we leave this earth we live under the laws of a God power, and so under the laws of what you might call a God. It is just like this, we do not live under our president, we live undei- the laws of this country. All the laws 148 ^ and people become a power and I believe the God power to be something like this. It is simply a good, the good of all that we live under and no God ia the form of a man. Of course, there is a man who is highly- progressed, more so than we; but I do not believe that he has one thing to do with us. He is not a perfect man and never will be. He is trying to get as high as possible and. has all he can attend to without us. If there were an Almighty God like a man, then -we would all strive for progression he has, then we would stop. What would be the use of living forever then without an aim ? We would be perfect and would have nothing more to do. No we will always exist and always progress, no man is perfect and never will be. Some say God is a principle. Others say that any one who is living under the idea that God is a principle, is living under a lie. But I say and what is more I can prove, that God is a principle. Anything that is good is a principle. Anything that is good is a prin- ciple of God, it is part of God. All good powers are a God principle, and God is a power, is a part of every man, a part of 149 every' good principle, and thus God is a principle, a good one. But in almost every church today is taught hell principles. They are all show- ing up the wrong of everything, instead of the good. What is the use of my knowing the wrong of anything ? Why not just know the good ? If I never know anything else I will never do anything else. I heard a certain man say the other day, that in the City of Zion people always lived under the rule of God, and that nothing wrong was ever done there. I admired all of 'the principles he showed me; except this one, the same one, that they show up the wrong side of things. A lady asked if peo- ple married there. ' ' Oh ! certainly, with the consent of the doctor, and they kiss after they are married and not before. If a young man kisses a girl there before they are married, he is sent out of the city." I con- sider that the source of a corrupt thought. Is there anything wrong in touching your lips to those of one you love before marriage? Love is the marriage of God, the connec- tion of the two souls and the two spirits. It y 150 is a passion that should create noble thoughts, noble ideas, high and far reaching aims. Until this is experienced everything is in its unnatural state. But when it is ex- perienced, the music is sweet, the flowers are sweet and seem to fold out a smile that speaks to the soul, speaks words of purity that are inexpressible by this tongue of clay. Love is pure and too high, too divine to be expressed by us in our state. It shows us the workings of God and his laws, and noth- ing can express its grandeur but the words of uature, the words of music, the words r Then why should you refrain from ex- pressing these thoughts, why should you re- frain from acting out this law of God by kiss- ing the one who was the cause of these beautiful thoughts and sights being created within you ? Why not show your gratitude to her or to him for awakening your soul and spirit to the laws of God ? Yes, this is a law of God, and to refrain from expressing this before the law of man takes place is a sin. What has the law of man to do with this ? Only to keep respect while living under those 151 laws. Why have you any more right to kiss your wife than you had before you married her, only by the laws of the land, and letting these thoughts run through your mind de- stroys the law^s of God. \ Why should evil thoughts run through your mind because you put your lips to those of one you love ? It should create, and does create noble thoughts. You are hajDpy now, you never were before, and when you put your arms around one who is your mate, let your thoughts run high and pure as the morning air, let it bring purity if you never thought of such a thing before, for if never before, you will now see purity and nature. If any one says that evil thoughts run through your mind because you express that passion, it is because they have not yet ex- perienced that power of God, and perhaps they are not capable of doing so. Be proud that you are capable of experiencing this grand thing and let nothing interfere. --^ Young men and girls, prepare yourselves that when you have this experience you may be ready for it. So that you can kiss the one you love with a pair of pure lips, throw 152 around their neck a pair of pure arms, and feed upon the fumes of the God power. There is no harm in it. Then again, this man said : "We do not employ the common working girls in our factories. We want purity there." That is a great injustice to the poor, working girl when some of the purest are among them. If they were not pure they would not be slav- ing their lives out for a mere existence. The purity of a person is not shown on the out side especially in their clothes. Although I have spoken of love in what I call its divine way and as it should be. I do not say that a girl should be too free with a man." There are so many men in the world without honor, who are full of deception and who would do anything to get the best of a girl." I say there is no harm in kissing be- fore marriage, neither is there; but girls must be sure it is an honorable man with whom she associates. She must be sure it is love on his side as well as on hers. When a man begins telling you that it is impossible for him to live without you, that he will take his life etc. he is not in love with 153 you. He wants to force you and you want to bestow your affection upon a man with a stronger will power than that. When a man can 't live at all on account of your not yield- ing to his wishes the second day or week he met you, he is either a man with a weak will power or else he wants to force things and he will make you sorry of your bargain if you marry him. If you allow a man to show his affection for you in a respectable way and he then asks greater privileges, he is deceiving you for no man who loves you will ask you to do anything that would tend to lo\ver yourself in your own estimation, or in the estimation of any one else. If he loves you he will not ask you to do anything that would cause you to take the least chance whatever. Beware of men with dull, expressionless eyes, and all men who show their affection on too short acquaintance. Girls are so apt to believe what men tell them, and to yield to their persuasions, and many a poor girl has her life ruined through this. Some men will promise everything under the sun to a girl when he does not mean one 154 word of it, and then when he gets you in trouble he will leave you to trouble it out yourself. When a girl is ruined everybody knows it and blames her altogether. A boy can go on just the same and he knows it. He can get out while a girl never can because she is known wherever she goes. Then again, do not get a misunderstand- ing of my meaning and think that it means to kiss every man you happen to like or have any attraction for. Neither should you get fickle and show it to others. Love is a thing that should be held sacred within yourself. Many people will say that love is caused through amativeness, and they call the desire to gratify their animal passions, love. That is not love, nor even an imitation of love. That is selfishness and sometimes tends to brutality. Love is self sacrificing, you will do anything for the one you love that would be to their advantage. Talk about not living without some one you love, you can do ariy- thing, go from them forever if it was better for them that you should do so. The other is not love and should never go by that name. 155 POWER OF THOUGHT. It is wonderf q1 what power the mind has over our body or over the body of anyone else. Somp. say it is impossible for the mind to have any power over the body, but if they think, or ever half think, they would know that it does. For the benefit of those who have had no experience in this line, I will give some of the common occurrences that happen in every day life. That will prove the wonderful power the mind has over the body For instance, one of your dear ones dies. What is th<5 result? We are at once seized with terror and agony beyond description and we cannot eat, we get poor, we dwindle away in health until that state of mind ceases. Then we come to our old selves again, and as our enjoyment increases, so we increase in other ways. What does this? The mind. Then again, a secret kept by one that con- cerns some crime that has been committed will drag us down until we are perfect 156 wrecks. What does this? The power of the mmd. Then sometimes we receive a terrible fright, one so great that we are numbed, we cannot move. Simply because the mind is in that state, so is our body. It has happen- ed that the hair has been turned gray within a few minutes by the power of the mind. So it has been proved that the mind can do any- thing with the body. It can, by being kept in a quiet state, build up the body, or by the opposite it can tear the body down. In this same way, all our disasters hap. pen. Why are we sick? It is because the mind is not allowed to do its work. Why do we die and leave our bodies? Our mind causes it. It has not been running as it should for years, and the final result is, it becomes too weak to keep or support a body. It fails to do its duty^ and see that the body is drawing its life, its machine wears out, the disaster comes, we die. Now, readers, you have proved what the mind can do in a bad state, so try and see what work it can do by keeping it in the right direction. It can degrade you, it can 11 157 purify you, it can cause you to lose power, it can give power, it can Cduse sickness, it can cure you, it can kill you, it can give you life, for whatever there is bad in a wrong direc- tion there is good in the opposite direction. If you can. by not using your forces, bring sickness upon you, you can, by using them, bring health, happiness, and even wealth. If you are suddenly seized with some ill- ness, don't run for a doctor or drug company. You made yourself sick, cure yourself, and do it with your mind. Don't fall upon your knees and pray to some God to cure it; don't cause sickness yourself and then wait for some man whom you believe to be almighty, to go to the trouble of curing you, do it your- self. Pray to the God within yourself for help, he is your almighty. Demand him to perfect a cure, and if he does not do it at first, de- mand it of him again. Say "I will get well," and stay with it, don 't weaken and think that perhaps he cannot do it. Have faith, yes, faith. , That is using your God and if he is to cure you, you must use him. Don't be as the sinking man who was lacking faith. Raise 158 yourself, give yourself power, then when you hear some man say: "I am sick. I am sink- ing," you can say: "Oh, ye of little faith, raise thyself, you are well," and lo and be- hold he will be well. As I have said before, you can com- mand anything that is desired by you, if you only have the faith and by faith I mean, strength of spirit. You have a magnetic force that your spirit can command, and send it even to the ends of the earth, and there take its effect. There is no need of such suf- fering if we would only use the power we possess. If one that is of interest to you, takes sick, cure him, do it with your mind and this is how to do it. Put your hands on that patient's affected parts and command the trouble to leave, send your magnetic force through him, put life in those parts, put your own life there and com- mand it to work. If the blood is slow and does not circulate well through those parts, put your hands there, rub them down and say: "The blood is rushing through these parts and is carrying away this trouble " At the same time be sure that your command is 158 being fulfilled, and you can easily be sure for it will be done. The more you do this the stronger you will become. But of course, do not expect that you can replace a shrunken limb in five minutes. It takes time for nature to do her work and do ' not expect it done any sooner than it could rebuild properly. I can give further instruc- tions to any one who wishes to make a pro- fession or business of this, by their writing to me for them. I will give them free of charge, but this is all that is needed to keep yourself in health if they are carefully fol- lowed. Stop the terrible things that are happen- ing Qvery day with your God, learn the power of man and as I have said before, learn thyself, and there is no need of any de- pending upon others. But there are very few who do this, they would rather learn something else first, and the result is crime and death. Why don't you look and reason for yourself? Can't you see that if your God or mind will cause horrible things such as fright, etc., it will do good? Look around yourself, open your eyes to your own power 160 and use it. Depend upon yourself and not upon others. Animals even cure themselves by nature. You can do anything in that way that you can. When you have a pain you throw your hands to the part paining. Why? Because it is your instinct that prompts you that there is something about your hand that will stop the pain. Try and find out what that something is. It is your magnetism and it can be used by your mind. 161 A YOUNG MAN'S FIRST DUTY. A young man's or boy's first duty is to prepare himself for after life by making him- self pure. It is a mother's duty along with a father to see that their son is taught the truth of his creation from their own lips, and not allow him to run around and get this knowledge from boys who will give it to him in a vulgar manner. If a daughter or son turns out bad, it is sometimes the fault of the parents. They have lied to them, told them uu truths about what it is their right to know, and the result is this, they go and hear it in a wrong way and find that their father and mother have told them a false- hood. The question arises, why did they? They were ashamed of my creation, and so I must be, and from the first they are led to consider their creation a crime rather than a beautiful art of nature. i If your son asks you these questions, tell him. Tell him his duty is to develope these powers of creation so that they are pure and 362 able to bring a perfect offspring into the world. Tell him the good of these things, show him the beauty of this work of nature, leave the other out, he doesn't need that at all. If he never learns the bad that can come, he is not very likely to ever commit himself to these sins. After the age of, or about the time a boy begins to develope into manhood, he begins to bhink of matrimony, and if his ambitions lie in that direction let him prepare himself for that. Remember this, that you have no right to ask an innocent girl to live a life away with you unless you are pure both in mind and in body. You would not want a sister of yours to enter into matrimony with a man who was impure in body or who al- lowed his thoughts to run in an immoral way. It is your duty to see that you are in a con- dition to give birth to a perfect child, for if that child turns out an idiot, it is a fault of yours, something that you have done is the cause. It that child turns out to be deformed from birth, it is some fault of yours, and you have no right to bring such misery upon a mother as that. 163 Then again the mistake is made by mar- rying before you are able to support a wife. You have no right to ask a woman to be your wife just to be a servant. She can make a living anywhere as far as that goes. What right have you to take a wife to lead her into a miserable existence, carting her from one place to another in some old lumber wagon? Would you have a child of yours, a sister of yours, served thus? You have no right to bring offspring into the world without means with which to give them advantages that are necessary for their progression. It is a shame, a sin, to bring a child here 'and let it go without the advantages it should have. There is a great deal that should be con- sidered before entering into anything of that kind. You should always be able to look after the comforts of your wife, and if you do not, it is because you do not love her. You could never say a cross word to one you love and make her life miserable. Do not think that because a woman is married to you that she belongs to you. She is no man's property, although men, a great many of them seem to think so, and will order them 164 around like a beast of burden of some kind. Do not get conceited enough to think you were created first and women should come after you. Everyone has a right to live their own life. Some young men will make fun and pass remarks about women who pass them and will say things disrespectful. You have no right to have a wife, you do not deserve one, even if the woman be a fallen one, you have no right to say disrespectful things about her, and then expect the love of a woman. Remember that go every fallen woman there • are ten fallen men. They are no worse than a fallen man, not one bit. And you do not know the cause of it, perhaps it was caused through some man she loved, and even if it was her fault, she is the daughter of some mother. Help her to get up again instead of pushing her down, do it for the sake of her mother if not for hers. She is a woman, so was your mother. Have manhood enough to help her up again, if it is in your power. When she does rise again, consider her just as good as if her downfall had never occur- red. 165 Some of these downfallen women have gone through what no tongue can describe, they have been deceived, turned from their own father's door, turned from employment of all kinds. What is left? Nothing but to fall lower with no help to rise again. They got down, we kept them there, and it is the duty of every young man to lend a helping hand to these women if they wish it instead of pushing them lower as they do. THE WORD OF WISDOM. What does the word of wisdom imply? It means the right way of living. Then if the word of wisdom means the right way of living, it means wisdom in everything con- cerning the human system. Now this is the word of wisdom in the eyes of thousands: You must not drink any kind of stimu- lating liquors. You must not drink coffee or tea. You must not chew or smoke, or use to- bacco in any way or form. There is the word of wisdom as the Mor- mon Church of Jesus Christ' of Latter Day Saints looks at it, and if you offer them a cup of coffee, they will not accept it, ask them why, "Oh, I keep the word of wisdom." But that kind of a word of wisdom is very easily kept, and I would be ashamed to say that I was keeping the word of wisdom and still know that that was all I was doing towards it. Look at them and see if they are looking better for it. Well, yes, it looks better to 167 see a clean mouth than one with the corners and chin discolored by tobacco. It looks better to see lungs that are pure from tobacco smoke and teeth that a,re not discolored by tobacco. It looks better to see them walking along the street erect than it does to see them staggering along with their brain in a demented condition. But with all of this you are not keeping the word of wisdom, or half keeping it. You look at this man again. He looks tired, he -is getting worn out. He *fills him- self with other drugs that do him harm, and he has as much sickness as anyone else. If he does, he is not keeping the word of wis- dom. Instead of coffee or tea, he fills him- self up with the corpse of some poor innocent animal. There is plenty to eat that corre- sponds with the wants of nature withaut taking the life of some animal. Flesh was not supposed to be eaten by us. It is wicked, a sin, it is barbarous to take the life of some- thing and then eat the flesh. A refined per- son cannot do it. They cannot take anything away that goes beyond their power to return. You have no right to do so just because you 168 have the power. You are brutal to take ad- vantage of something helpless and under your power. To live up to the word of wisdom you must live up to nature in every way, and none of us live in the ways of nature Do not disgrace its meaning by calling these few things the "Word of Wisdom.'' When you live strictly to the word of wisdom you can say: "I am a perfect man. I live to nature in every way, both in food, mind, and all that I can do. I can do the things that Jesus did. " For all these things, everything good, high, or noble m any way is the word of wisdom. You are not very apt to be a man of the word of wisdom. That is what I wish to impress, to get everyone as well as myself, to live as nearly as possible to the rules of nature, or the word of wisdom, and, in order to do it all, we must keep trying. No man can start at once and do it. He can only do a part of it. And to allow other men to say what you are to do in order to live up to the word of wisdom is a wrong doing. Make out your own word of wisdom as far as you are able to live to it, and then 169 carry it farther. Every man cannot keep the same word of wisdom. They can all strive for it; but there will always be one ahead of an- other, therefore, there can be no word of wisdom made for any man to start with; but it should be made by each individual to start with and strive for. Strive to be perfect. There is nothing so beautiful as a pure and perfect man or woman. You can paint every- thing you can see; but you will never attain to anything that will reach the height of beauty that the painting of a human being will attain. You can paint all things, and try to find the thing that takes the prize as to homliness and at last you will grant the prize to the piece that was supposed to be the represen- tation of a human being. A man can rise to the highest, both in nature and in beauty of all kinds. He can go to the lov/est. When he raises in one thing, he raises some in all. When he falls in one, he falls in all, so make it your aim to raise the highest of all. It is your duty, your mission, your right; but it is not your right to fall, because you cannot fall without involving others neither can you 170 raise without involving others. These are the principles of true spiritualism. All things that are a benefit to man are principles of spiritualism. That) is why we cannot commune with the spirit world, we are going against the laws of nature, and nature makes us a strong spirit, a strong soult the other weakens it. Some make the assertion that it is easier to do wrong than to do good. I say the opposite, we will com- pare them. You start on the wrong side, you go down, you become impure, you lose power, you lose respect, you lose ambition, you commit crimes wo;:'se and worse. Your conscience smites you, it causes you to de- spair and you are thrown into intense agony of mind and body, you are an animal instead of a man. you sicken, you die. People are glad for a good riddance. You then lead out a hell in the spirit world, you have lost all your opportunities and must regain them with hard labor. Then we will take the other side. You advance, you become pure, you gain power, you gain respect, you gain ambition, you gain life, you do good to everyone along with 171 yourself, you gain health, wealth and perpet- ual youth. People are sorry when you go. They remember you. You are something and you have a heaven; you ai^e a man Which is the easier? Good is strength, and the easier always. Try it and see. UNIVERSAL LOVE. One of the strongest principles of spirit- ualism is universal love. Love, being one of the God powers and principles, one of the strongest of all powers, is a spiritual prin- ciple. Love is strength, it elevates, it gives and creates nobler thoughts, in fact to have a thought take good effect, it must be sent through good, which would be caused through universal love. Now, by this I do not mean for a man to fall in love with every woman he sees. ' That is not love in any form. That is fickleness, it is more to gratify a selfish desire. Neither do I mean for a woman to fall in love with every man she sees, as I have said, that is not love in any form. It is a shame to cast such insinuations on the strongest power of God by calling that fickle, selfish nothing, love. Love is a power. The other is simply nothing only an imaginary idea that comes and goes like a feather in a whirlwind. By universal love I mean, love or respect 12 173 for all noble thoughts or things, respect for all mankind, love for rights, love for beauty, love for nature, love and respect for -all the human family. ^ A man who cultivates uni- versal love within himself, brings himself to this knowledge, that he cannot hurt or harm any man without doing more harm to himself. Whenever you do a man harm, you bite off your nose to spite your face. You cannot do harm of any kind without degrading your- self. You cannot think of a wrong act with- out getting a knowledge of that act, then your spirit is weakened, it has lost some of its power, it goes on a downward progres- sion, you lose the purity and straightforward look, people do not feel right around you, they lose all respect for you, and in a thous- and ways you harm yourself. Honesty is another of the principles that go under the head of universal love. A dis- honest man shall always receive his reward. To see man, to learn all his habits, paying spe cial attention to the bad ones, then going off and telling your wife and children about them, all the neighbors, and all the people who deal with you in a professional way, 174 discussing them, and giving advice about dealing with such a man, a man with such habits, in order to get all his trade yourself, is not universal love. If you are going to discuss any man's qualities, take his good ones, admire them in him and if you get a chance do this man a good turn. Do this, help him up instead of pushing him deeper in the mire. He is a man. He is some mother's son. He is as dear to some one as your child is to you. In doing him this good turn, you build for your- self a noble character, a noble and powerful spirit, and it will show itself on your face, it is something that no man can take from you. That is what I call a priesthood, a strong, powerful, and noble spirit, with a strong soul to do its work. I have heard men of the Mormon belief now, I do not say al.1 of them, run a man down to the lowest, take the ad- vantage of others at every opportunity, curse and-swear, tell falsehoods, allow evil thoughts to run through their minds, smoke, chew, drink, and say: "I have the priesthood and my wife has not, therefore, she should be under me." Oh! what nerve a man of that 175 kind has, and if that is the priesthood or if a man of that kind has the priesthood, I say- that the priesthood is one of the greatest curses that was ever put within the reach of man. If I were a woman and the only chance for me was to be ruled under such a priest- hood, I would go to the first place I could get a rope and hang myself, if I had a child and that child proved to be a girl, I would end its misery by giving it chloroform. If I were a woman and thought that a God was so unjust as to give me life and then put a man over me I would curse that God, I would take my- self as far from him as it were possible to get, I would refuse any man who thought thus, the privilege of my company, I would simply tell men to find their equal with which to as- sociate. He must go to man, he could not find it among women. I do not consider any of these principles, principles of universal love. They are all degrading, a disadvantage to our spirits and the spirits of the spirit world. We are all equal," men and women. We are none of us more than half. A woman is as large a half 176 as man. Some will go into one of the most degrading, filthy, shameful, sinful vices, po- lygamy, and then say: "I have the priest- hood and women must be under me. I have a right to use women as a machine. ' ' That is what you say when you advocate polyg- amy. Worse than that; you use her to com- mit sin with, to degrade humanity with. 1 think it was time that universal love was advocated. It is time the human race took a change and not be flooded out by sin as it was in the days of Noah, Build your- self an ark of good influence so as to be pro- tected from the waters of sin, as he was. Why did his ark shelter so many animals? Because it was an ark of good, and good in- fluence will give shelter to thousands. Ani- mals especially need our sympathy, and a part of that universal love. We take advantage of their weakness. If a tramp comes to your door, and you turn him away because some other tramp came, you gave him food, and he threw it away or failed to appreciate your kindness — this is not universal love, it is not good will to your creation. He was a man, or at least m was to begin with. He has reason, feeling, and all of these things, he belongs to some one and you do not know what you would do under similar conditions. Look at your own son and say to your- self: "'If you, my son, should ever, through something, get started on the downward path, and you should go to someone's back door, half frozen, threadbare, and almost starved, and should ask for something to eat, what would I wish them to say, yes or no?' ' No matter what their faults may be there will a feeling of sympathy creep through your veins and you will say: "I would wish them to say yes, of course.*' Then remember this, look at this poor, downfallen creature and say: "You are somebody's son. No matter what you are, you belong to some- body." Consider the feelings of others. They are keen to all who must bear them, And now what is universal love? It is peace to thee, good will to men. Practice it. You shall receive your reward. It is one of God's powers. Hold it sacred. 178 MARRIAGE. Marriage, as it is thought of and con- sidered tojday, is an outrage to the spirit world. Through the way that marriage is looked upon by some, the spirit is drowned out, and is stopped from its proper develop- ment. The first thing a girl or boy hears, as soon as he or she is large enough to under- stand is: "Who is your girl?" or 'Who is your fellow?" etc. They learn the first thing the distinction of sex, when they should associate merely as friends and playmates. When a young boy or girl reaches the age of about fifteen, he or she begins to thiak and to ponder upon mar- riage, without the least idea of what the word marriage means, or should mean. When a young man sees a girl pass along the street the first thing that enters his head is mar- riage, "That would make me a good wife." He never thinks whether he is qualified to have a wife yet or not. If a girl sees a young man that seems to be refined, pure, high 179 minded, she must keep out of his company, because she knows the first thing "will be a proposal of marriage, and if she doesn't ac- cept him she has it constantly thrown up to her "Why did you encourage me then?" Young men and women should seek each others company for the good they can derive from it and not always for the object of mat- rimony. And then if you see, through keep- ing company with this young lady, that you are in love with her, then is the time to think of marriage, not before. But be sure that it is love, not fancy or the etfects of animal passion, because either of these can be mis- taken for love in the first place. If you are in love the spirit and the soul are united, and you are made a whole, you will see life as you have never seen it before. Everything will change, even to the stars at night, everything from the highest to the ' lowest form of nature will speak to you in a language that you were never before able to understand. Then before entering into mat rimony think of what there is at stake, think of what the undertaking of of this new life means. 180 Before you are a fit person to enter into this you should be pure, refined, high mind- ed, a man fit to bring forth a perfect offspring. Then you should be a man of means enough, or ways of obtaining means enough to bring up this perfect offspring and give them all the advantages that would be for their good. You should be a man capable of giving this offspring proper instructions so as to make a man or woman of them. A man or woman that would be a blessing to humanity, a bles- sing and a credit to you, their parents. You should be able to make that loved one, your wife, happy. She should be considered be- fore all things, you should be able to pay her proper attention. She deserves it. When she consents to be your wife, she stakes her life, her future happiness, and when you ask this of her, it is the same as acknowledging that you are capable of all these things, that you are worthy of this trust. When you enter into matrimony it should be a sign that you are a man of all these qualifications. You are taking up one of God's greatest works and you should be able to perform it before attempting it. Not until then should you think of marriage. 181 A woman should also be capable of all these things. I have heard men say "I would like to get that girl. She would make a fine housekeeper " For shame, for shame, to such a man, to even call himself a man and want to get a wife simply for a housekeeper, to take a girl from a single and free life into the bondage of slavery, to want to make a machine out of his wife, to want her as a piece of property, to want to own her. Remember this, that when you marry a woman you are fooling with a human life, and if you make her life miserable so as to stop her progression you have the same as killed her. You will receive the bitter re- ward you merit. You will be ashamed to ■ meet her in the spirit world. Marriage, above all things, should be considered carefully. It involves the lives of others. For the sake of humanity, hold it sacred. I once knew a low, filthy man, for such he must have been, judging from his his statement. There was a girl whose face was covered with pimples, the face was a solid eruption, and for years she had been trying to get rid of this but everything failed. 182 This man told her she should get married and this would all disappear and she would get all right. I asked him: "Why, so as to give this horrible disease to her offspring, to bring natural born cripples into the world, to re- plenish one of the highest creations of nature with filth and disease, from the beginning?" Now a man who did not think any more of human life than that did not deserve the name of man at all. Then you will hang a man for murder when born under those conditions, born with an evil nature, a diseased body and every- thing to tempt him. Some marry and bring offspring, a son, we will say, into poverty, bring him when he is an unwelcome child. He starves, life is a misery to him, he sees others around him with means, education, and all. What has he? Nothing, He is tempted, he steals, he has done wrong, and he must escape from the hands of the law. Soon he is cornered, he murders. Then he is caught, taken to trial, and sentenced to be hanged. He sits there imprisoned, no friends, no money, thinking of a wasted life, with the horrible words ringing in his ears, "You are 183 a murderer. " Oh, how terrible, what a sight, a human life ia that condition! Then a mother or a father goes to bid their last farewell to their son, their own flesh and blood. He is to be hanged. He sits and thinks of church and what is said there. He thinks of what he has heard there that there is no redemption for a murderer. No there is nothing for him, either in this life or in the next. Oh, what agony he must suffer! But if any of you have had a son who has passed this trial, take this, that although he has murdered, although he has committed one of the worst crimes possible, although he has stooped to the lowest, he is not lost, he is not dead, he still lives, he is in a hell; but sometime he will be redeemed. This re- demption takes time. There is no one lost, they are all redeemed. He is living under the laws of God, where all are willing to help him rise, he has left the law of the land, he is in the spirit world. Oh, what a beauti- ful thought! Only to think that we are all at some time saved from misery, instead of, be- cause we do wrong, being lost forever. Por- 184 ever is a long time. Then say marriage is a small undertaking. Look around you, see the misery that comes from the one thing, marriage. 185 FEAR AND COURAGE. Fear is a source from what I call the devil. If you have anything to bear, never fear it; but walk into it with a brave mind. Fear comes from weakness, because it causes weakness A man is just what he thinks. As a man thinketh so is he. Your thoughts protect you, they surround you as the light of the sun surrounds the planets. It is not the sun that protects us and the worlds. It is the light, the life, the power th