Glass_JT_2uL^ Book lC ^ Eg \ "^ LIST or PATENTS GRANTED BY THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, ALPUJBETICALLY ARRJJjYGED, £ FROM 1790 TO 1828; [to be continued by supplements:] CONTAINIIfa lYCSi KilJMTi^ 0¥ THE TATEKTEIiS., THEIR PLACES OF RESIDENCE, AND THE DATES OF THEIR PATENTS. WITH a^n ^iD^a^ttical mm of ti&e ISfam^xi of "^^imtttut ALSO, THE MODE OF APPLTIJ^TG FOR ^ PATEJ^'T. ASH A£L THE ACTS PASSEI) BX CONGRESS ON THE SUBJECT OF PATENTSy • :.:: : aw/ CITY OF WASHINGTON^m. '^^- ' PRINTED ANDSOLDBYS. ALF R ED ELLIOT. 1828. I District of Columbia, to wit: ^ tho^,lnJ !^'^;^^^'^«E^fi\t*i^t on the 25thdayof Tuly.intheyearof ourLordone AZS^\^^!^J' . 'iV'^ro =*"^'^e"ty, and of the fndependence of the United States of America the forty-fifth S \LKnED Kllt.t, of the sa,d District hath deposited in this of- Jl > « i , ■ . '^ i'"''''' -^^ "^"^^ whereof he claims as proprietor in the words following. « ri'" ■ f Patents .e^ranted by the United .-Jtates for the encouragement of arts « p"r "^'^^"ces alphabetically arranged from 1790 to 1820; containing the names of the " \\T^ffu^^.f' P'^^^-l'^^ residence, and the dates of the Patents, with an alphabetical " wLv!- ? atente^s: a so all the acts passed by Congress on the subject of Patents.l Washington I). C. Printed and sold by S Alfhbd Klliot. July 20th, 1820." ' enrn.fZ ""V" V°,^^^ ^""^ f Congress of the United States, entitled, « An Act for thei thnZ2f -i 'e*''"'"»-^,'^y securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the au-i thnrrlltufT»"/^''[?''*'^''P'^' during: the times therein mentioned:"— and also to i the act, entitled "\n Act supplementary to an act, entitled, 'An Aci for the encour agement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and pi-op Pi etors ot such copies during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints. r , 1- ^" testimony wher.^of, f have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the nub- [SBALj he seal of my office, the day and year aforesaid. ^ EbMUND I. LEE, Clerk of the Dittrigt of Columbia. \5> V > 3 , , "ST V . AN OF ALL PATENTS AND PATENTEES ON RECORD IN THE PATENT ©FFIGE. Ashes, pot and pearl. Samuel Hopkins .. - - July 31, 179B Ashes, pot and pearl, furnace for. Edward Ryan - April 29, 1793 Ash, pot, improvement in manufacturing. Edward Ryan Nov. 19, 1796 Ash, pot, manufacturing. William Forbisher - > - Nov. 17, 1796 Alkal', from uiailiic salt, exiraciiiig from kelp. JohuNazro .luly 6, 1797 Axes, improvement in sharpening. John Shot well - March 16, 1799 Air Pump, ventilator for ships _ - _ . , for mines, &c. Richard Robotham " - Oct. 10, 1801 Antibilious Pills. Thomas H. Rawson - - * July 34, 1802 Astronomical Quadrant. Matthew C. Groves - - Sept. 3, 1802 Antibilious stomach cordial. Simon Lazarus - - Dec 21,1802 Apples, machine for paring. Moses Coates, Coatsville, Penn. Feb. 14, 1803 Antisceptic gas, improvement in the mode of obtaining. Peter DeLaBigre, and J. B. M Picornell - - - March 24, — Antibilious Pills. Thomas H. Rawson, New London, Conn. April 4, — Alcohol, improvement in the method of distilling. Lemuel J. Hilborn, Freehold, N. York, and Biddis, Philadelphia June 4, — Air, or Bellows Pump, for raising water. Daniel M. Miller March 5, — Auger, improvement. Christopher Hoxie - - July 12, 1804 Ashes, mode of manufacturing. Joseph Bellows, jun. and Eben. White . _ . . _ Dqq 29, — Andirons, improvement in. John Stickney, Baltimore - May 4, ~ Anti-Stream-Boat Wm. Wads worth, Hartford, Connecticut July 17, 1806 Artificial Slate, or Tile. Thomas Woodsend - Aug. 7, — Auger, improvement in. William Hale, Champlain. New York Feb. 7, 1807 Axle, and box of carriages. Cyrenus Beach, New Jersey - June 26, ~ Anglet for taking and laying down angles. B. Dearbon, Boston April 29, 1808 Alarm Bell for fire engines. James P Parke, Philadelphia Dec. 19, — Astronomical Time-keeper. Theodore Newell, Sheffield, Mass. July 7, 1809 Auger. See Screio. Ezra L'Hommidieu. Apples, machine for pairing. Steph. Cruttenden, Guilford, Conn. Aug. 25, « Auger for mining, Perkin Nichols, Boston - - May 18, -, Auger. Stetson and M. Selree, Georgetown, Kon. - ©ec. 11, ^ 13 4 B Apples, machine for coring and quartering. Cyrus Gates, Rut- land county, Virginia - - - - Dec. 15, 1810 Andirons and fire places. John Sweet, Berkshire, Mass. Feb. 26, 1811 Air, draught, Subignies. Samuel Randal], Providence - March 12, ~ Air flue for a chimney. James Macombes, Greenwich, N. Y. Nov. 19, — Air, difference of rarefied and unrarefied. Sam. Morey, Phil. April 8, 181i2 Acids, mode of preparing vegetable. Nath. S. Allison and B. Hug- ler, Philadelphia - - _ _ June 5, — Asclepias, manufacture the. George Smith, New York May 28, 1818 Augers. Martin Howe, New York - - - April 2, 1814 Andirons. Willaby Dexter, Winchester, Connecticut May 17, ~ Alarm Bell. Ben. E Freymuth, Philadelphia - Dec, 22, — Auger. Joseph Brownwell, Otsego, New York - May 16, 1815 Ashes, pot and pearl. Jacob Latting, New York - April 26, 181(» Alternate lift for bricks and mortar. Ben. Dearbon, Boston June 20, 1816 Auger, single twist screw. Ezra L'Hommedieu, Norwich, Conn. July 17, — Anvil and hammer, Charles Josselyn, Pembroke, Mass. Oct. 9, — Alum made from Lignite. Genit Twost, Philadelphia March 3, 1817 Anti-attrition, compound. Edward Motts, Philadelphia Oct. 4, — Archimedian Screw. Jeremiah Black, North Penn. Jan. 17, 1818 Auger to bore rectilinial holes. Cyrus Jackson, Butternuts, N. Y. Feb 14, — Aromatic Steam Bath. J Deverin& J. B. Isabelle, Lexington. Ken. July 6, — Asiatic Lenitive. Ez. Audler, New York - - Oct. 26, — Anti-friction Bush. James Rudder, Norfolk, Virginia - Feb. 6, 1819 Axle, moveable. Geo. N. Reynolds, Charleston, S. C. April 29, 1819 Auger, tube Robert Thomas, Richmond co. N. C. - May 22, — Aue:er, twisted screw. Wm. Holmes, Winchester, N. H. April 4, 1829 Aqueduct pipes made of marble. Thos. B. Robbins, Stockbridge, Mass. - - - - - - March 19, 1821 Anti-dyspeptic Pills. George Smith, New York. - August 7, — Andirons, improvement in. William Pye, New York, - Nov. 16, — Anti-dysenteric medicine. Jnhn n. Voight. Tinnhoaiof, "M York Dec. 4, — Anti-dysentcrlc pills. J. C. M. Brockway, Lyme. Conn. March 13, 1632 Auger, for boring post holes. Christopher Hoxie, Hudson, N. Y. July 26, 1824 Apple cutting machine. Andrew Glendening, Loudon co. Va. Sept. 9, ~ Apples, machine for grating or grinding. Joel Farnham, Tio. N. Y. June 28, 1825 Auger, improvement in the strap. Silas Gore, Shesequin, Penn. July 20, — Augers, mode of turning any number. Hardin Branch, N. York Aug. 7, 1826 Auger, imp't applied to the. Joseph H. Schreiner, Philad'a Aug. 17, -- Anthracite coal ajjplied to generating steam. Daniel Collings and James D Gallup, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania - Oct. 12, — Auger for boring hubs, imp't in the. Sheldon Cadwell, Wind- ham, Connecticut, - - - - Nov. 20, — Andirons, pedestal feet for. Edmund Smylie, New- York, Feb. 1, 182? Do. Do. Feb. 22, ~ Apples, machine for grinding. H. E. Paine, and S. H. Russell, Le- Roy, Geauga county, Ohio, - - March 5, — Andirons, casting the feet of brass. John Griffiths, New-York, March 15, — Alcohol, mode of extracting by steam. Anson and Norman Wolcott, Bloomfield, New-York, - - - March 19, --= B Bark, extract of. John Biddes ahd Thomas Bidwell, Phil. Aug. 10, 179.1. Bedstead. Ludering Conrad Khun, Phil. - - Aug. 10, - Bellows. James Rumsey, Berkly county, Va. - - Aug. 26, — Boats, manufacturing. Peter Gordon, Phil. - - Aug, 10, ~ Boats, propelling. Henry Voight, Phil. - - Aug. 10, — Bark and Wood Sawing. Thomas Harrington, Boston - May 9, 179ii Bricks, making. David Ridgeway, Phil. - - March 7, -- B Dec. 2, - March 21, 1794 May 19, - 19, 25, 19, July May June 1795 Bricks, manufacturing of. Christopher Bolls, New-York - Jan. 26, 1793 Bricks, manufacturing of. Apollos Kinsley, New-York - Feb. 1, — Bells, construction and tone of Robert Leslie, Phil. - Feb. 2, ~ Bricks and Pan-tiles, manufacture of. Sam. Brower, New-York Aug. 7, — Boats, Vessels and Carriages, machine for propelling. Abijah Bab- cock, Ohio _ - - _ - Boats, improvement in propelling. Josiah Shackford, Bellows, construction of. James Drake, New Jersey Bark, grinding of. John Mackiey, Penn. Boats, improvement in propelling. Daniel Keller, Penn. Boats and Vessels, propelling. W^m. Peter Sprangue, Penn BoiiPr for generating steam. See Steam. Brioks, tempering mortar for and making of. A. Kinsley, N. Y. Dec. 20, — Be ans, cultivating. See Corn. Bolting Cloths, improvement in. Robert Dawson, Del. - May 12, 1796 Bolts and round iron, improvement in forging. Clement Rentgen, Nov. 17, — Boards. See Shingles. Boiling. See Cooking. Books and paper. See Riding. Bridges, improvement in. Charles W. Peale - - Jan. 21, 1797 Bridges, improvement in. John Fowler - - Feb. 24, — Boats and Vessels, propelling. Jehosaphat Starr - April 28, ~ Bridges, improvement in. John Stickney - - June 3, — ■ Bellows, pendulous, &c. Benjamin Wyncoop - - June 26, — Brick, tiles, &c. improvement in. John Hawkins - - July 11, -- Butter, preserving. Moses Johnson - _ - June 30, ~ Bridges, improvement in. Timothy Palmer - - Dec. 7, — Boats, &.C. machine for propelling. John Martin - Nov. 21, Bread, improvement in making. William Banks - Dec. 14, Balloon, Federal. Moses M'Farland . - - Oct. 28, Boat for descending rapid streams. Daniel Keller - Nov. 5, Boots anH ehooo, ja^i*ijufa.t^tui iug of. Doaii Iluwaixl - April 10, Bricks and tiles, machine for making. George Hadfield - May 15, Bricks, improvement in making. Richard Mansfield - Oct. 24, Brevnng with Indian corn. Alexander Anderson, Phil. - Jan. 26, Boats to ascend rivers, improvement in. David Grieve - Feb. 20, ~ Boring machine for posts. Richard VVeems, Annapolis, Md. March 16, ~ Bark for dying, extract of. Samuel Downing, Trenton, N. J. June 12, — Beaming machine. ler. Ladd, Charleston, N. H. - July 17, •- ' Boxes for carriages, improvement in. Thos. B Whitlock, Mount Pleasant, N. J. - - - - Feb. 23, 1802 Bark, machine for cutting and grinding. Jacob Worrel, - March 17, — Block making. See Lathe. Bricks, machine for making. Ezekiel - - July 17, — Boiling Cistern, improvement in, Timothy Kirk - - Dec. 20, ~ Boat, insubmersible. Ab. Du Buc Marentille - - Dec. 23, — Boiler for accelerating the evaporation of liquids. J. MufFot Feb. 1, 1803 1798 1799 1800 1801 11, Brandy, mode of making from all kinds of grain or fruit. Chris- topher J. Hutter _ - _ . _ Feb Boats, improvement in building. William Hopkins, Norfolk, co. Virginia ______ May 13, Bellows for a furnace or forge, improvement in working. John Godfrey - - - - - - May 25, Barks, &c. improvement in the mode of extracting for dying. T. Bedwell and Wm. Mitchell _ - - - June 7, Breaking and carding. See Wool. June Boring holes in rocks under water, machine for. John Baptiste Aveilhe .-_... Aug. Boilers, improvement in; also working stills with the same. Wm. Thornton, Washington city, D. C. - - - Oct. Bellows pump, dry. Enoch Alden - - - - ]Vov. 1803 28, ~ 24, - 28, ~ 15, ^ Brick and Tile, machine for making by cutting the mortar. Nath. Miller and Philip W. Miller - - . » ju^e 5 1804 Bedstead, improvement in. Ward Oilman and W. Jackson March 19* ~ Buttons, improvement in manufacturing. George W. Robinson, Providence, Rhode Island - - - - March 19 — Breaking and cleansing flax and hemp, machine for. 0. Roberts, Baltimore -----. April 12, - Bell, sheep. See Coio or Sheep. Black oak bark. See Quercitron. Boring gun barrels, machine for. Nathan Forbes, Providence, Rhode Island - - - - - Dec, 31 ~ Bilious cordial, medicinal. Sam. Chamberlaine - - Dec. 31, — Beaming machine. Allen Hill, Hinsdale, Mass. - May 6, 1805 Bark mill. Thomas W. Pryor, Philadelphia - - May 21 ~ Brick, apparatus for. See Tiles. Boiling, method of, for distilling, &c. Eggleston, Prince- town, Albany, N. Y. - - - - May 27, - Boilers, mode of setting. Eben Jenks, Portland, Maine - June 1, — Bellows boards, machine for plaining and sawing. John Hinman, New Haven, Conn. - - . - _ June 1, — Bolts, mode of casting for ships. Joseph Share, Baltimore Oct 28, — Balance pendulum lock. See Lock. Bridges, improvement in. Theodore Burr - - . Feb. 14, 180 S Brick, machine for making John F. Gould - - March 1, — Boats. See Propelling. Boxes for carriage wheels. James Gridley, Boston - May 26, — Boxes for carriage wheels, Levi Brown, Berkshire, Mass. May 30, ~ Bofing, machine for. Roger Selden - . > July 17, — Boots and shoes, improvement in. John Bedford, Philadelphia July 16, - Brads, machine for cutting. Jonathan Ellis - - - Feb. 10, 1807 Bottoms for boots and shoes, of metal. Sam. Milliken, Lexing- ton, Mass. - -- - - - - - Feb. 10, - Boots and shoes, improvement in making. W. Montgomery, Philadelphia ----- Feb. 11, ~ Butter, mode of making. B. G. and G. Burtis, New York - Feb. 27, ~ Bark, mode of applying for hats, &c. Sylvester G. Whipple, Hal- lowell, Mass. - - - - - April 17, ~ Bridges, mode of construction. Thomas Pope, New York April 18, — Bark, machine for grinding. Corns. Toby, Hudson, N. Y. May 7, — Box, for carriages. See ^xle. Boots and shoes, mode '>f making. Eli B am um, Mass. - Jan. 9, 1808 Boats, mode of j^ropeiiing. Philemon Heaton, Mark B. Boys, and Philemon Heaioxi Boats, etc See Impelling. Boring See Prfissing. Bri^-k, mode ot making. Asa Frost, Cazenovia, N. Y. Sept. 21, ~ Bf! is and shot made by pressure. Thos. Bruff, Washington city Oct. 5, — Boots .ind shoes. Sam. Chamberlain, Boston - - - Nov. 21, ~ Boiler, for distilling double. Amos Gunn, New Haven, Conn. Dec. 19, ~ Bellows. Henry Dotterer, Philadelphia - _ - Feb. 16, 1809 Bene oil. William Few, New York - _ - March 1, ~ Bow string, for hatters. Daniel Nicholls, New Milford, Conn. March 1, ~ Boxes, mode of boring for axle trees. A. Brood, Salisbury, Connecticut - - - - - June 14, — Boiler. See Worm. James Trueman - - _ June 24, — Boiler and heater. Samuel Bolton, Philadelphia - - July 7, — Barbal Alkahest, or Magic Lotion. John Hopkins, Phil. - Aug. 24, ~ Boxes, mould for running. Samuel Smith, Amherst, Mass. Oct. 17, — Brick and tiles, machine for making. John F. Gould, Newbury- port,Mass. - - - - - - Oct. 17, 1709 Barilla, mode of manufactsiring. George Easterly, Richmond, Va. Feb. 5, 1810 B 7 Bridges, construction of. Joseph Joshua Dyster, Phil. - Feb. 23, 1810 B';xcs for carnages Leonard Farwell, Lancaster, Mass. - March 5, ~ Bridges, construction of. John Templeman, Georgetown, D. C March 6, — Boring niachnie. Benjamin Hall, Canaan, New York - March 8, — Borer, mitre point. Benjamin Hail, Canaan, New York March 8, — Bee hives. John Sweet, Bethlehem, Mass. - - April 11, — Boxes for wheel carriages. John Nicholson, Herkimer, N. Y. April 28, — Bornig machine. John Webster, Barrington, Mass. - - May 1, — Bellows, elastic piston. Henry Dotterer, Philadelphia - May 1, — Bilious pills, Lee's Windham. Samuel Lee, New London, Conn. May 24, — Balance scale. Russell H. Wright, Boston - - June 9, — Breaking horses and. cattle. David Cooly, Orange co. N. Y. June 23, — Boat and shipbuilding. Wm. Phoebus, New York - June 27, — Bolts, rolling iron round for ships. Clement Rentgen, West Ches- ter, Pennsylvania ----- June 27, — Boat, flat-bottomed with moveable keel. S. Buel, Burlington, Vermont ------ June 7, ~ Brick, mode of making. Joseph B. Harris, Philadelphia - Aug. 21, ~ Brick and tiles, making. Daniel French, New Fork - Aug. 22, ~ Boiler, improvement in the. Wm. Eaton, Baltimore - Oct. 29, ~ Boiler and steam still. Borden Wilbor and Timothy Soper, Wash- ington, N. Y. - - - - - - Feb. 4, 1811 Bark mill, Luther Gale, Berkshire co. Mass. - - - March 20, ~ Boots, mode of forming cossacks. John Morgan, Philadelphia, April 10, ~ Brick, mode of manufacturing. James Gregg, New Hampshire May 7, ~ Bolts, machine for cutting oflf the ends of. John Rewey, Berk- shire, N. Y. July 8, - Balance bridge. Jonathan Jessup, York Town, Penn. - July 2, — Bellows, forge. Charles M. Murtry, New Marlborough, Mass. July 8, ~ Boot and shoe making. S. Hitchcomb and J. Bement, Homer, New York -__--_ June 30, — Boilers, '"'foul'iJ^- J^nn bizer, New London, Conn. - Oct. 15, — Boot lays, manufactory of, John Vernon, Baltimore Boxes. See Metallic. Lebbeus Larrebee. Boats, &c. constructing. Francis Rotch, New Bedford, Mass. Nov. 29 — Bee-hives, constructing. Timothy Stanley, Farming ton, Conn. Jan. 6 — Bedstead, improved easy draught. Peter Tilton Walcot, Monmouth, New Jersey ----.. jan. 6, 1812 Boot-legs, machine for cramping. N. L. Moore, Smithfield, Massachusetts - - - - _ jpeh. 4 — Bridge, rolling draw. Richard Crosbie, Newark, N. J. - Feb. 17 — Boots and shoes, machine for making. Elijah Thayer, Leicester, Massachusetts . - _ - _ March 14 ~ Brick machine. James M'Donald, New York - - April 1 Boring machine. Nath.Gillett and John Smith, Cazenovia,N.Y. April s' ~ Bridges, construction of. Benjamin Conner, Portsmouth, N. H April 23* ~ Blankets, wool made into. Elkanah Cobb, Georgetown, D. C. April 29^ ~ Boring machine, David Sperry, Colchester, New London, Connecticut ,----__ _ jyjay 12 ~ Buttons, moulds for casting. G. W. Robinson, New Haven, Connecticut ------- _ May 14 Boots and shoes, with pegs, &c. R W. Richards, Norwalk, Conn. May 23, - Bark, mode of grinding, &c. Jos. Richardson and Ben. Stout, June 6, - Boiler, stone, for sulphur. Ab. H. Quincy, Boston, Mass. June 13, - Boats, chain wheels and paddles for. Robert R. Livingston, Cler- mont, New York ----- j^ne 13, - Boots and shoes, elastic hair. Wm. Francis, Boston - June 23, - Boot, mathematical. Wm. J. Crease and J. Morgan, Phil. July 2o' - Book-binding. John T. Sullivan, Philadelphia - - July 27^ - Boats and vessels, constructing. Francis Rotch, Philadelphia, Aug. 3* ~ Bodies of carriages. Henry Dunlap, Georgetown, D. C. - Aug. 27^ - 8 B Boots, &c. iron bound. Ephraim Twomley, Norway, Mass. Book-binding, Robert De Silver, Philadelphia Box boiler. John Morris, N. Haven, Conn. Beusteads. John Redman Cox, Philadelphia Bridies. Robert Smether, Orange Co. Va. Boring rocks. John Sanford, Sharon, Conn. Bread, machine for making. Jehosaphat Starr, Middleton, Connecticut - - - _ _ Bread, machine for making. George Richards, Manlius, N. Y. Boiling See Distilling. John Morris, New Haven, Conn. Bullets and shot by pressure. Thomas BrufF, Washington city Bathing machine. Henry Chevens, New York Aug. 28, Sept. 14, Oct Oct. Dec. Dec. 1812 3, 16, 10, 10, Jan. Feb. 8, 1813 Bleaching cotton by steam. Clinton, N. Y. Alexander Milnerand Dan. S.Deane, June 4, July 13, July 14,. Bark-mill. Caleb Churchman and George Martlin, jr. Upper Chi- chester, Penn. - . - _ . juiy jg Bathing vessel. Dan. Harrington, Centreville, Penn. - Oct. 4*, Boiler, cylindrical. Philo M. Hackley, Hudson, N. Y. - Oct Boiler and steam still. Hartford, Conn. Boat, the rapid. Fred. W. Guissenhainer, New York Bath, warm and cold. Sam. K. Jennings, Lynchburg, Va. Bathing machine. Wm. Merrit, New York Timothy Soper, jr. and Charles Reynolds, Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. 9, 2, 14, 21, 1, 9, 12, 26, 18, 1814 Boats, propelling. Moses Rogers, New York - - Feb. Boring guns and pistols. Daniel Pettibone, Philadelphia Feb. Butter, making bad good. Zina Phinney, Green co. N. Y. March Black lead pencils. Christopher Osgood, Salem, Mass. - March Bark mills. Jared Olds Mariden, New Haven, Conn. - April Brick and tile, pressing. Ben. Porter, Salem, Mass. - May 18J - Balancing wheels, mode of. John Andrews, Litchfield, N. Y. May 27, - Boring machine. Richard Deering ----- May 28, — BufF, or polishing wheel. Aaron Broad, Litchfield, Conn. - Jun© 6, — Bayonet socket. Andrew Wilson, New York - - - June 11, ~ Boilers. Gabriel N. Philips, Goshen, N. Y. -. . - June 28, — Brandy, imitating. Henry Moore, Aurora, N. Y. - - July 2, ~ Block, head. Joseph Briggs, Schoharie, N. Y. - - July 9, ~ Bucket for sap. Jeremiah Purdy, Cherburn, Chenango, N. Y. Oct. 3, — Boiling. Caleb Shepard, Cincinnatus, N. Y. - - Oct. 4, — Boiler. Lemuel M. Richards, Cazenovia, N. Y. - - March 30, 1811: Button moulds. John B. Collins, Meriden, Conn. - - April 12, — Do. of wood. Anson Matthews, Southington, Conn. - April 26, ~ Bank notes, printing on the back. John Kneas, Philadelphia April 28, — Bark mills. Luther Gale, Lenox, Mass. - - - - May 16, ~ Box boot, open back spring. Wm, Atchison, New York - May 23, — Boat, propelling. Gabriel Manny, Montgomery, N. Y. - June 8, — Boat, rocking or lever. Bennet Lees, New York - - June 20, ~ Brads, for cutting. Seth Boyden, Boston, Mass. - - June 27, — Buttons, rounding the edges, &c. Ira Ives, Bristol, Conn. - Aug. 7, — Do. construction of the eye. Do. do. do. - Aug. 7, — Do. setting the eyes of. Do. do. do. - Aug. 7, — Bowing wool for hatters. Edward C. Griffing, Lyme, Conn. Aug. 10, ~ Buttons, wire necked. Heman Mathews, Southington, Conn. Sept. 12, -- Blankets, improvement on machine for making. J. Getzendan- ner, Frederick co Md. ------ Sept. 30, -- Bark, machine for grinding. David Pelton, Lyme, New Haven, Sept. 30, — Bark, machine for shaving. Wm. and John Goodwin, jun. Leba- non county - - -- - -- - Oct. 16, — Boilers, for making salt. Isaac W. Averille, Salino, N. Y. - Nov. 5, — Boilers, for steam. Royal Yeamans, Baltimore - - Jan. 9, -- Do. do. finishing. Royal Yeamans, Baltimore, - Sept. 12, — Boile md furnace united. Philo M. Haekley, New York - Jan. 22, ~ B Buttons, wire-necked, finishing. H. Mathews, Southingtoi, Connecticut Sept. 12, 1815 Biscuit making. Wm. Liddle, New Orleans - - - Sept. 21, -*■ Beef cutter. Ben. Meeker, Brooklyn, N. Y. - - - Oct. 21, - Boots and shoes, cutting. Joshua Hall, Fredericktown, Md. Dec. 15, — Boats, to be worked by quadrupeds. David Porter, Washington, Feb. 8, 1816 Bridges, frame. George Tabb, Martinsburg, Va. - - Feb. 23, — Boots and shoes, furred. Samuel Eells, Conn. _ - - Feb. 24, — Buttons, composition for wire-eyed. S. H. Woodruff and A Ma- thews, Connecticut --....- March 1, — Buttons, turning. Daniel French, Bridgeport, Penn. - April 23, 1816 Bolt, spring. Shad Trumbull, Suffield, Conn. - - - April 23, - Boxes and axle trees, for carts, etc. Wm. Bachelor, N. Y. May 2, — Breweries, machine for washing. Leonard Beatty - - May 17, ~ Blocks, casting the sheaves of. Henry Worall, New York June 12, -r Button moulds, polishing wooden. J. Norton, Southington, Connecticut June 13, - Brick, making. Wm. Michael, Henrico, Va. _ - - June 24, — Bank notes, to prevent forgery of. A. Brewster, Hartford, Conn. July 15, — Boats, propelling by horses, &c. Rodman Bowne, New York July 18, — Beating, bruising, machine for. See Cutting. Adam Britz, Philadelphia July 18, - Bricks, air conducting. Ephraim Treadwell, Essex co. Mass. Sept. 12, — Building boats, &c. with plank. W. Annesley, Albany, N. Y. Sept. 12, — Boots and shoes, elastic. Pierre Azam, Baltimore - - Sept. 26, — Bells, moulding and casting. Ben. Hanks, Albany, N. Y. - Nov. 4, — Boiler. Humphrey Ricketson, New-York - - Dec. 13, — Bellows, wooden. Ben. and John Tyler, Claremont, N. H. Feb. 1, 1817 Boiler for steam engines. Samuel Morey, Orford, N. H. - March 13, ~ Brick-making, &c. machine for. William Mitchell, Rich- mond, Va. - - - - - March 26, ~ Building bridges. Theodore Burr, Burr Haven, Dauphin co. Penn. ->__._ April 3, — Boot cleaning machine. Israel Pinkney, New- York - April 16, — Bench, work. Baruch Way, Ontario co. N. Y. - June 7, ~ Balance, improvement on Dearborn's. S. A. Rogers, Geneva, N. Y. - - - - - - July 31, - Bellows, japanned. R. B. Richardson, Phil. - • - Aug. 22, — Bleaching cotton and linen. John Kendall, Leominster, Mass. Aug. 22, ~ Box for carriages. Wm. Edwards, Baltimore - Sept. 11, — Bit for boring gun barrels. James Greer, Harpersferry, Va. Oct. 3, - Ball stocks for printers. John Babcock, New Haven, Conn. March 18, 1818 Bellows, Smiths'. Alanson Holmes - - - March 23, — Bricks, mode of making. Wm. Mitchell, Spring Hill, near Richmond ------ May 28, - Butter, making. Isaac Shepperd, Meredith, Stafford co. N. H. May 28, — Boots and shoes, nailing the sole to the upper leather, John Bedford, Phil. - - - - - June 2, - Bent wood handle and socket. Simeon Stedman, Hartford, Con. July 25, — Book-binding, improvement in. John Meer, Phil. - Aug. 26, — Blocks, sheaves for. Nathan. H. Lewis, N. Y. - Aug. 26, — Bleaching linen, &c. improvement in. J. G. Kentzel, Hatfield, Penn. - . - - - - Oct. 8, ~ Breaking flax, machine for. David Melville, Providence, R. I. Nov. 18, — Boiler, treble steam. Sam. Morey, Orford, New Hampshire Dec. 19, ~ Boiler, improvement on. John L. Sullivan, Boston - Dec. 29, ~ Bridges, building. Naphtali Bishop, Barre, Vermont - Jan. 11, 1819 Blocks used in stereotype plates. Matthew Smith, New-York Jan. 20, — Brooms, machine for making. S. H. Weed, Poughkeepsie, New York .,-.-. Feb. ?, ~ 10 B Building houses against fire. Joseph Hadley, Morristown, Or- leans county, Va. - - - - - Feb. 3, 1819 Bush. See Antifnction. James Rudder - - Feb. 6, — Boiler, stove. Thomas E. Barker, Green county, N. Y. - Feb. 19, — Boiler fordistilleries,&c. T. Pierce, Hartwick, Otsego co. N. Y. Feb. 27, — Blastmg rocks. Benoni Kinyon, Hillsdale, Columbia co. N. Y. March 15, — Balance, improvement on his. Benjamin Dearborn, Boston March 24, — Boats, propelling. James Lyon, Statesburgh, S. C. - April 3, — Brick making machine, Adam Stewart, Baltimore - April 8, — Brewing, improvement in. Arthur Redmond, Nashville, Ten- nessee -.--__ May 20, — Balls and shot, mode of casting. Daniel Pettibone, Phil. Nov. 10, ~ Boring holes in posts, machine for. James Corbett, West Hano- , ver, Pennsylvania ----- Dec. 21, 1819 Brushes made of broom corn. B. Byberry, Philadelphia, Penn. Dec. 21, — Bridges, improvement in John Bragg, Montreal, Canada Jan 4, 1820 Bread, improvement in making Ephraim Treadwell, Phil Jan 10, — Boats, improvement in the mode of geering for propelling. Daniel French and Fling Bliss, Cincinnati, Ohio - Jan 22, «~ Bridges, improvement in Ithiel Town, Fayetteville, N C Jan 28, — Boiling salt, improvement in Osborn Parsons, Pittsburg, Penn April 4, — Bridges, improvement in wooden acqueduct M Lewis, Che- nango, New York _ - _ - - April 11, ~ Brewing bv steam. Harvey Hackley, New York - April 21, — Boiler, water and steam still Stephen Stillwell, Bainbridge, New York _ _ _ - - June 14, — Boats, mode of passing up rapids, &c Lemuel Thwing, Ded- ham, Massachusetts _---_- Aug 12, ~ Boot and shoemaker's workstand William A and N Kelly, Littleton, Massachusetts _ _ _ » - Oct 13, — Bark, &c machine for breaking Nathan Sear, Hudson, N Y Oct 13, — Bee-hive, improvement in the Edw^ard Blake, Hartford, Me Nov 16, «• Book-binding, improvement in bands for D K Van Vechton, New York Dec 12, - Boats made of metal Thomas J Bond, Baltimore - Dec 21, ~ Boots and shoes, cutting by rule Simeon Hart, Monckton. Vt Mar 3, 1821 Bridle for stopping horses Peter Sathrop, Louisa county, Va Mar 20, ~ Ball speeder for roping cotton Silas Shepard and Cromwell Dean, Taunton, Massachusetts - - - - Mar 23, — Boat, improvement in the N C Dawson and Anthony Backer, Pedler's Mills, Amherst county, Virginia - - April 3, — Bricks, machine for making Seth Belknap, Newburgh, N Y May 17, — Boiler, improvement in water and steam still S Stillwell, Bainbridge, New York ----- June 6, ~ Braiding machine John Thorp, Providence, Rhode Island Aug 10, — Boots and shoes, improvement in the manufacture of D Peck, New York Aug 14, - Boiler, stove bottom. Benjamin Simonds, jr Bedford, Mass Oct 15, — Bedsteads, improvement in. Daniel Powles, Baltimore Oct 31, — Band-boxes, machine for cutting the tops and bottoms of Benja- min Mestayer, New York Nov 13, - Bark mill, improvement in the E & J Trash, Sangerfield,N Y Nov 22, - Boilers for steam engines. Thomas Skidman, New York Nov 30, - Bedsteads, improvement in. Peregrine Williamson, Baltimore Dec 6, — Boilers, improvement in steam Stephen Baker, New York Dec 13, '- Bonnets, improvement in grass Gurdon & Sophia Wells, Wea- thersfield, Connecticut ----- Dec 29, - Boots and shoes, improvement in water proof Aaron Dana, Boston Dec 31, - Buds, Blossoms, &c. (mode of delaying,) Robert Moore, Rowan CO. N. C. - - - - - - March 19, 1822 B 13 Bending timber for sleighs, &c. E. Green and M. Blackslee, Litchfield, Conn. - . . . March 20, 1822 Bank notes, making. George Murray, Phil. - - March 23, — Blubber, machine for cutting up whales. William Ball, New- York ------ April 2,5, -!• Bricks, machine for making. Benjamin Rolfe, During, New Hampshire ----- April 30, — Bricks and tile, machine for making. James C. Stubbs, and James Bonner, Cincinnati, Ohio - . - May 10, •- Blocks and wedges, improvement in making. John Thomas, Washington, D. C. - - - - May 17, -» Bark mill, improvement in the. James Elliott, Phil. - May 24, — Bank notes, mode of making. Jame Ph. Puglia, Phil. - Aug. 13, — Bridle for stopping horses. Peter Laporte, Richmond, Va. Aug. 15, — Bleaching unrotted flax. Wm. Cumberland, New York - Aug. 27, »- Beads leads, improvement in. Peregrine Williamson, Baltic- more ------ Oct. 17, — Bricks, improvement in the machine for moulding. H. Maine, Point Coupee, Lou. . - - - Nov. 23, « Boots and shoes, improvement in making. A. BufFum, Smith- field, R. I. ----- Dec. 28, - Bricks, mode of pressing. S. Briggs, Salem, Massachusetts Jan. 11, 1823. Boats, improvement in the towing, &c. Edward S. Townsend, Palmyra, Ontario country, New York - - Mar. 13, — Boats, machinery for propelling. Junia Chittenden and Amos W. Delano, New York - > _ - May 1, — Boats, mode of propelling. Flavius Waterman, 3d, Washington, D. C. May 9, -- Bee-hive, improvement in the. Simon C. Williams, Virginia May 14, — Bricks, improvement in the making for pressing. Briggs R. Reed, Mass. - _ _ _ - May 29, — Bricks, machine for pressing; called a treadle-ma. Do., do. May 29, — Bed-bugs, mode of destroying. Richard Sealy, New York June 20, *- Bricks, improvement in making fire proof. Timothy Caldwell, Philadelphia _ . _ - - June 21, w» Blasting rocks, improvement in loading the boring for. Ephraim Gilbert, Rochester, New York - - - June 22, -» Bricks, machine for making. J. Menefee, Landy Parish, La. Aug. 7, — Bank-bills, making paper for. Richard Wilcox, New York Sept. 19, — Boiler, improvement in the. A. Glendening, Butler co., Penn. Sept. 25, •*. Boiler, s team-gen erater, or. H. Betts and J. A. M'Lean, Nor- walk, Ct. - - - - Dec. 24, - Boots and shoes, improvement in making. Eben. Martin, Sa- lem, N. J. Jan. 12, 1824-. Booms, logs for constructing. Henry Babb, West Brook, Maine Jan. 13, ~ Bellows, preserving the nozle of. James Dodge, jr., St. Albans, Vermont • - - - - - Jan. 20, -^ Brewing, improvement in. R. L. Lloyd and Adam Parten- heimer, Philadelphia _ - - - Jan. 27, ^ Bricks, burning. Robert Crutchfield, Botetorte co., Virginia Feb. 7, — Bricks, machine for making. Seth Lewis, Louisiana - Feb. 11, *» Bedstead, improvement in the windlass. Leonard Foster, Boston ------ Feb. 16, -» Brush-blocks, improvement in making. Stacy Costill, Philadel- phia ------ Feb. 25, -* Bricks, machine for moulding and making. James Lee, Ogden, New- York ------ Mar. 11, - Bee-hive, improvement in the. Wm. J. Stillwell, Root, N. Y Mar. 18, *- Bookbinders' cutting presses. John J. Wells, Hartford, Cottn. Mar. 28, -p- Bojlcr fo? the steam ojiginc. Ralph BulMey, New y«rk Ma^, ^**. -' 12 B Boiler, impt. in the steam engine. Ralph Bulkley, N. Y. April 8,1824 Blinds, padcaps, &c,, making Seth Boyden, Newark, N. J April 10, - Bedstead, improvement in the windlass. Leonard Foster, Bos- ton __--_- June 25, — Bank notes, to prevent forgeries of. Nathaniel Sylvester, N.Y. July 12, — Balances, construction of. David Rogers, Auburn, New York July 13, — Bedsteads, impt. in windlass. 0. R. Herbert, Mount Pleasant, New Jersey - - - - ' - July 14, — Borders for door plates. Joseph L. Lewis, New York Oct. 8, — Bedsteads, put together by right and left screws. Thomas B. Smith, Troy, New- York - - - - Oct. 11, - Barrels, machine for shaving and listing. Daniel North, of Mid- dlebury and Horace Naramor, Caledonia, New York Nov. 26, — Bobbin-tube, improvement in the. Job Manchester, Warwick, Rhode Island - - - - - Dec. 13, — Bricks made by pressure. D. Flagg, jr., Gardiner, Maine Dec. 13, — Balance beams, casting with notches. A. Dana, Troy, N. Y. Dec. 28, — Boxes, casting for carriages. Calvin Darby, Worcester, Mass Jan. 22, 1825, Bath, medicated vapour. Charles Whitlaw, New York Feb. 16, — Beams and balances, scale. Solomon A Rogers, Philadelphia Feb. 19, — Bedsteads, improvement in. Isaac Cooper, Baltimjore - Feb. 22, — JBedstead, windlass. Charles Adams, Boston - - Feb. 26, — Bells, triangular cast steel. William Hoyt, Brookville, Franklin county, Indiana - • - , - March 3, — Bed and bedstead for the sick. Jeremiah Baily, Philadelphia March 18, — Boring for water, machine for. Levi Disbrow, New Brunswick, New Jersey - _ - _ - March 24, — Boots, machine for lasting. John Eells, jr., Unandilla, N. Y. March 25, ~ Batk, obtaining the tanning principle from. J. Giles, Guilford Vermont . _ _ _ _ April 11, — Bark and dye-woods, ma. for cutting. Henry Hart, jr., and H. White, Stanford, Fairfield county, Connecticut - April 11, -- Buildings, construction of, for school-rooms, etc. Stephen W. Taylor, Lowville, Lewis county, New York, and John W. Martin, Martinsburgh, New York. - - April 16, — Bellows for furnaces, etc. Henry Dotterer, Philadelphia April 14, ~ Boring and mortising machine. Job Wilkinson, Pennfield, N. Y. May 28, ~ Bulk-head; being a watertight. Ruggles Whiting, Louisville, Kentucky, - - - - - June 6, -<- Brick moulding and making, impt. on Lee's machine. James Lee and Jarvis Ring, Ogden, New York - - June 11, — Brick moulding and making, improvement on James Lee's ma- chine. Timothy P. Kneeland, Ogden, New-York - June 21, -r- Bricks, impt. in the method of pressing. J. Moore, Gardiner, Maine ---•_- Aug. 24, -•. Bellows for forges, &c. impt. in. Josiah J. Eddy, Providence, Rhode Island, - - - - - Sept. 9, - - Bonnet presser, impt. in the. Simon Pattee, Foxborough,Mass. Sept. 14, — Brick press, improvement in the. Mark Twitchell, Gray, Me. Sept. 24, — Boiler and kettle, impt. in the. Philo N. Griffith, Orange, N. Y. Sept. 26, - Bake oven, improvement in the. Henry Reip, Baltimore, Md. Sept, 27, — Boats, improvement in machine for propelling. Henry Tiller, Schenectady, New York • . - _ Sept. 28, — Brick presser, improvement in the. Sam. Lane, Hallowell,Me. Sept. 30^ ~ Bricks, improvement in the mode of compressing. T. Norcross and George Pollard, Hallowell, Maine - - Oct. 1, — Brick kiln, improvement in the. John Duff, Washington, D C. Oct. 31, — Bedstead, impt. indouble draw key. J. M'Clintic, Chambers- burg, Pennsylvania ----- Nov. 2, ^-i Biedstead, keyed double draw. Samuel Cooper, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - ... Nov.* ^, -~ B 13 Boats, machine jbr raising. Elisha Turner, Rochester, N. Y. Nov. 18, 1825 Boiler, improvement in the steam. Stephen T. Conn, N. Y. Nov. 29, — Brand, for Hour barrels, &c. Wm. Ross, New Orleans Dec. 2, — Boots and shoes, making water tight. Patrick G. Nagle, Philadelphia ------ Dec. 14, — Boxes and hubbs of wheels. Jeremiah Wilt, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, - - - _ _ Dec. 28, -r Bricks, pressing etc unburnt, Thomas Norcross, Hallow;ell, Maine ---.-_ Dec. 31, -r Bedstead, grooved, dove-tailed. John Mitchell, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ------ Jan. 11, 1826. Bushing sheaves, with soft metal. Theodore and Daniel Curtis, Washington, District of Columbia - - _ Jan. 23, -- Bricks, machine for pressing. John M. Brooking, Wiscasset, Maine -_--_. Jan. 23, -»• Bookbinders' tools, ornamenting. David H. Mason, Phila. Jan. 26, — Brooms and brushes. Adam Schlater, Oxford, Penn. - Feb. 15, — Bisected bedstead. Peter Breasted, Green county, N. Y. Feb. 21, — Brick press, spiral moulding. James Parker, Gardiner, Maine Mar. 28, — Boats, wagons, etc. propelling. Chancey Crafts, Woodbury, Conn. _.._.- Mar. 29. - Bedsteads' fastenings. Edwin H. Badger, Petersburg, Va. April 3, ~ Boots and shoes, nailing. John Trask, Hadfield, Mass. April 5, — Bricks, machine for pressing. Julius Willerd, Baltimore, Md. May 2, — Bricks, machine for moulding. Divid Watson, Fayetville, Me. May 6, •- Brick kilns, covering or platting. S. R. Bakewell, Weilsburg, Ya. ----.. May 10, - Biscuit and sugar bread making. Ephraim Treadwell, N. Y. May 18, — Boots and shoes, machine for making. Elijah Thayer, Leices-. ter, Mass. - - - - - - June 9, t Brick, machine for moulding tile, &c. Ezra Fisk, Fayette, Maine - - - - - - June 9, — Boats, machine for drawing up to repair. Seth C. Jones, Ro- chester, N. Y. - - - - - June 16, — Boats for canals, machine for weighing. Benjamin Bull, N. Y. June 20, — Braiding machine, improvement on his. John Thorp, Provi- dence, R. I. - - - - - July 10, " Bands, iron keyed, improvement in. Edward Cooper, Rich- mond, Va. -- Sept. 14, ^- Bells, improvement in. Henry Tyler, Utica, N. Y. - - Oct. 20, — Bridles, improvement in the manufacture of. Daniel H. Read, New-York Oct. 24, - Bark mill, improvement in the. Cotton Foss, Madison, Ohio Oct. 25, ~ Bilge levers, to support ships. John Thomas, New- York - Nov. 6, ~ Bedsteads, improvement in fastening together posts of. Wm. Bell, Lexington, Ky. Nov. 7, .- Boats and vessels, machine for raising. Alfred Warner, Ro- chester, N. Y. - - - - - - - Nov. 16, -^ Brick press, self-feeding. John Winslow, Portland, Maine Dec. 8, — . Bedsteads, improvement in. Samuel Davis, Catt^kill, N. Y. Dec. 29, — Bedstead joints, and sacking bottom. Daniel Powles, Balti- more --------- Jan. 26, 1827 Boilers, anthracite coal to be used with. John Barker, Balti- more --------- Feb. 7, ~ Brick, machinery for pressing. Alfred B. Crossman, Hunting- ton, New- York - Feb. 9, ~ Brick, machine for grinding clay for. Benjamin H. Hill, Rich- m jnd county, Georgia ------ Feb- 17, — Bogging machine. Squire Collins, Hillsdale, New- York Feb. 22, ~ Bee-hive, improvement in the. Cuthbert Wiggins, Fayette co. Pennsylvania - - - - - - - Feb. 27, — 14 C Blacksnwths, Wowing^and striking for. L. Hoy t, and Ebenezer Pierce, Putteneyj New York - - - March 3, 182'!' Blacksmiths, spring hammer for. James Rainey, Orange co. North Carolina ----- March. 7, — Brick making machine. David Rising, Atchester, Vermont, [See B.] - - . - - - March 21, — Cabouse, construction of a. John Youle, New York, - Aug. 25, 1795 Candles, manufacturing of. Joseph T. Sampson, Boston, - Aug. 6, 1790 Do do. Richard Robotham, New York June 2,1794 Carriages to be propelled by mechanic powers, construction of. John J. Staples, New York - - - April 25, — Cloths, raising a nap on. Sam. Mullikin, Philadelphia - March 11, 1791 Cloths, method of raising and shearing the nap of, by a wheel of knives. Sam. G.Corr, Albany, N. Y. - - - Oct. 20,1792 Cloths, woollen and other shearing. Sam. Kellogg, Vermont Jan. 31, 1795 Color, yellow, forming a. Thomas Bidwell, Pennsylvania April 20, 1796 Conductor, for conveying persons and goods from houses on fire. Samuel Green, New York - - - March 28, 1792 Cordage, manufacturing. Geo. Parkinson, Pennsylvania, - June, 16, 1795 Cordage, manufacturing of. John Pittman, Rhode Island May 25, — Cotton, Spinning. Wm. Pollard, Philadelphia - - Dec. 30, 1791 Cotton, ginning. Eli Whitney, New Haven, Conn. - March 4,1794 Cotton, gin. Hodgen Holmes, Georgia - - - May 12, 1796 Candles, improvement in making. Joseph S Sampson - June 26, 1797 Candles, machine for dipping, Samuel Blydenburg, - - March 22, 1798 Cards, manufacturing. Amos Whitemore - - June 5, 1797 Carriages, improvement in propelling. William Farris - April 29, — Casting. See Iron. Chimnies, improvement in. Richardson Stuart - - Feb. 24, — Clay for tile, a new method to cut. Andrew W. Duty - May 8, 1799 Clock, time keeper, and watches, improvement in. Eli Terry Nov. 17, 1797 Cloth, improvement in a loom for weaving. Amos Whitemore Nov. 17, 1796 Cloths, washing. Nathaniel Briggs - - - March 28, 1797 Cloth, raising a nap on. Walter Burt ,- - June 23, 1797 Cloth, machine for dressing. Isaac Sanford - - March 27, 1799 Cloth, improvement in Washing. Ezra Weld, - - June 26, — Coal stove. See Stove. Coffee-grinding, improvement in. Thomas Bruff - - Jan. 8, 1798 Colors and paint, improvement in mixing. Lawrence All- wine - - - - - - Feb. 24, 1797 Combs, a machine for making. Phineas Pratt - - April 12, 1799 Concentrating the volatile parts of calcarious earth, stones, &c. improvement in. John Fowler - . - Nov. 16, 1796 Cooking and boiling, machine for, called a Conjurer. Thomas Passmore . . - . . Dec. 23, 1796 Corn, beans, &c. a machine for cutting. Eliakim Spooner Jan. 25, 1799 Corn, beans, &c. a machine for planting. Eliakim Spooner Jan. 25, — Cotton, improvement in ginning. Robert Watkins - Dec. 23, 1796 Cotton, improvement in ginning. John Murray - - Dec. 23, — Cotton seeds, extracting oil from. Charles Whiting - - March 2, 1799 Counterfeits, a check to detect. Jacob Perkins - - March 19, — Comb teeth, improvement in cutting and pointing. I. Tryon Feb. 22, 1798 Coach colors, improvement in. Wm. Hottensteen - - April 10, 1800 Cloth, to their original state, to be manufactured. John Bid- dis - - - - - - May 6, — Cooking, machine for. Frederick Butter - - Aug. 22, — Chimnies, improvement in. David Cooly, jr. and Gabriel N. Philips . - - - - Aug. 25, — C 15 Cotton gin. Eben. Whiting, Berkshire, Mass. - - Aug. 22, 1801 Condenser in heating wash, in distilling. A. Anderson, Phil'a Jan. 26, — Chain and cleaver shot, mode of making and discharging. Is- rael Hatch - - - - . - March 24, - Cut nails. See J^ails. Cylinders, wheels within which. See Wheels within Cylinders. Sept. 15, — Currier's shavings. See Paper. Churning, machine for. Isaac Baker, Amherst, Mass. - Feb. 20, 1802 Cotton gin, machine for. 'William Bell and Samuel de Mont- mollin _>-_-- April 7, — Churning, machine for. Joel Pierce > - - April 10, ~ Clover seeds, machine for cleaning. Asher Spicer, Kent, Mass. April 22, — Close stoves, improvement in casting. Henry Abbott, Phil. May 4, - Cutting fur for the use of hatters, machine for. Nicholas Young, __-_-. May 14, — Clover seed, machine for cleaning. Martin Miller - July 19, — Corn husks. See Paper. Cotton. See Saic Mill for cleaning. Cotton gin, improvement to the patented roller. Wm. Bell and John S. de Montmollin _ - - - March 7, 1803 Clover seed, machine for cleaning. John Cottle, Philadelphia March 21, — Cooler or condenser of vapor, improvement. Wm. How, Bucks CO. Penn - - - - - - April 3, 1803 Crooked keels, mode of constructing vessels with. Eliphalet Bube, Allegany co. Penn. - - - April 27, — Channels, machine for deepening. Mat. Barney, Nantucket May 14, ~ Cleaning cotton, a rolling machine for. Gordon F. Saltonstall Churn, rocking. Walter Keeler and James Warring - June 23, — Cloths, machine for shearing. See Shearing. Cabouses, improvement in the construction of iron ones. Wm. Ashbridge _ _ > - - June 28, — Columbia fire places, improvement in. Robert Heteric, Win- chester, Va - _ _ , - June 30, — Cooling liquors, method of. David Lowndes - July 31, ^- Clover, machine for separating from pod. T. Kirk, York Bo- rough ------ July 28, -'■ Cock. See Water Cock. Cough drops. See Vegetable Elixer. Carriages, mode of constructing. J. C. Stroebel, Reading, Pa. Sept. 19, - Cotton gin, improvement in. William Bill, Camden, N. C. Nov. 24, ~ Cylindric ruler, for ruling paper. John Fairbanks, Boston Nov. 30, — Cotton gin. Joseph Eve - - - - Dec. 6, ■«- Cards. See Ticilling Machines Condensors. See Still Heads Clover seed, wheat, &c. improvement in separating from the husk. David Buckman - - _ - Dec. 21, — Colors, for painting, printing, &c. improvement in making. F. Gay, Baltimore ----- Dec. 30, ~ Clover seed, machine for hulling. Jacob Worrell - - Feb. 27, 1804 Cattle. See Watering. Clover seed, machine for shelling. Michael Withers, Lancaster, April 30 — Cutting straw and hay, machine for. M. Coats and E. Evans April 30, — Columbian threshing, break and cleaning fan. Samuel Houston May 3, ~ Churri, machine to be fixed to the top of. Levi Stevens - May 8, — Corn See Shelling. Chip hats, machine to cut chips for. Amos D. Allen - - May 10, -* Cotton, machine for cleaning and moating. J. Simmons and J, James ------ May 17, — Clearing grain from straw, improvement in machines for. William Tunstodt, Richmond, Va. - - - - June 30, -.* Chip hats, machine for cutting chips for. Amos D. Allen, John 16 C Roberts and Asahel A. Kelsey, Berlin, Penn. - - Sept. 5, 1804 Carriage See Wagon Chimnies, method of preventing them from admitting water in rainy weather. John James Thomas - - - Oct. 2, — Candlesticks, improvement in Ben. Dearborn, Boston, - - Oct. 29, ~ Composition. See Fire. Cow or sheep bell, impt. in. Simon Newton - - Dec. 23, — Close fire place. Horatio G. Spafford, Hudson, N. Y. - May 3, 1805 Carriages, iron wheel, for transporting. R. Crane, jun. Woodbu- ry, Connecticut - _ _ _ jyiay 4^ _. Gross cramp for four wheeled carriages. S. Glover, Fairfield, Connecticut - _ _ _ _ jyi^y 4, — Clover-seed, machine for shelling and hulling. Michael Zorger, York, Penn. . - - _ May 10, - Condensing tub, improvement on Anderson's. Henry Witmer, Lancaster, Penn. - - ----- May 17, — Cotton, machine for ginning, carding and spinning, J. M'Bride, Nashville, Tenn. -_---_ X\ig. 8, — Casting types. See Types. Conduits, Clay pipes for. Samuel Bartlett, Hartford, Conn. Oct. 1, — Casting Bolts. See Bolts. Cattle mills. See Mills. Copying machine for charts, landscapes, etc. Cephas Thomson, Feb. 5, ~ Chip. See Loom. Cabouse, improvement in. George Youle, New York - March 21, 1806 Carding machine, to form bats for wool hats. Abner Guild, Dedham, Mass. - - - . _ March 31, ~ Cider and bark mills. J. Quintard, Stanfield, Conn. - April 5, ~ Cutting straw, machine for. John Heavin, Montgomery co. Maryland - - April 17, - Calcarious matters, method of reducing into lime. Charles Varle _-_-_____ May 2, — Cabouse stove, apparatus for cooking, etc. George Youle, New York - - - - - May 21, - Cloth. See Shearing. Churn. Abner Wing, Washington, N. Y. - - - May 26, ~ Cables, apparatus for improving. Nathaniel Cutting, Washing- ton CO. ----- - Aug. 14, ~ Composition for covering and flooring houses. Lewis ^de Ni- roth, Baltimore ----- Feb. 3, 1807 Charcoal, mode of making from peats. C. Fales, Worcester, Mass. -- - Feb. 11, — Carding fur and wool for hats, machine for. Arnold Buffum, Feb. 21, — Cabouse stove, for cooking, improvement in. George Youle, New-York ----- . - April 1, — Carriages, mode of disengaging swingle- tree. Henry Dunlap, Ceorgetown, D. C. - - - . - April 23, -^ Curtains or blinds, mode of hanging. Peter Harvey, Philad'a May 9, — Cotton gin. Obadiah Crawford, > > _ June 22. ~ Churns, improvement in. Reuben Buck, Baltimore - - June 23, — Condensers in distillation. T. O'Conner, New York - - July 10 — Cleaning windows, apparatus for. T, Bruff, Washington City July 24, — Churn, improvement in. Buel Butler, Wasbington, N. Y. Oct. 3, — Copper sheathing nails, mould for casting. Thomas M'llwain Princeton, N. J. ------- Oct. 6, ~ Cheese Press, improvement in. J. Arnold, Pawlings, Duchess county, N. Y. Oct. 26, ~ Churn, improvement in. John Scripture, Alford, Mass. • Dec. 15, — Cordage, mode of manufacturning, etc. R. Fulton and Nathan- iel Cutting, N. Y. March 4, 1808 CJombs, machine for making. Phineas Pratt, Say Brook, Conn. ------ March 5, - April 25, April 25, April 25, May 18, June 3, Juue 17, June 18, June 24, July 7. July 9, July 11, July 12, Aug. 2, C 17 Churn, improYeftient in. Simeon Hays, Poultney, N. Y. March 8, 180S Churn, revolving. Nicholas King, Washington - - March 10, — Churn, imniovement in. S. Stackhouse, Cassanovia - March 11, — Chimnies, improvement in. G. Gridley, Newburyport, Mass. March 13, — Cider and cheese press, improvement in. Eden Benedick, New Marlboro', Mass. _ . . - March 21, — Churns, improvement in. W. W. Townsend, Sandy Hill, N. Y. March 22, — Cross cut saw. T. Cohoon, Washington - - April 11, — Cheese press, improvement in. E. Warner, Waterbury,Conn. April 12, — Churn, improvement in. Daniel Pierpont, New Haven, Conn. April 22, Churn, improvement in. Aaron Reed, Columbia, N. Y. Carriages for field artillery. D. Cobb, Boston Churn, improvement in. N. Howe, Windham, Conn. Churn, improvement in. S. B. Wij.ard, Bloomfield, N. Y. Carriage springs. Enoch Ives and Jerry Hill, New Haven, Connecticut .____-- Chain bridge. Fayette co. Penn. _ - - - - Cider and cheese press. E. Benedick, New Marlboro', Mass. Conduit pipes, mode of making from clay. Robert Ramsey, Hanover, New Hampshire - - . - Churn. Dyer Cleveland, Sheffield, Mass. - - - Currying and finishing leather. S. Parker, Bellerica, Mass. Churn. Dyer Cleveland, Sheffield, Mass. _ - - _ Churn. E. Townsend, Canaan, N. Y. _ > _ - Churn. John Bolton, Philadelphia Chain bridges, improvement in. J. Templeman, Alleghany, Md. Aug. 15, Churn, rocking. Daniel Parmele, Duchess co. N. Y. - Sept. 8, Churn. Samuel Moon, jiin. Downingtown, Penn. - - Oct. 24, Churn and washing machine. John Devotie, Vernon, Oneida co. New-York - - - _ . - Churn. Luther Jones, Canton, Conn. - - - Cheese press. Levi Martin, Granville, N. Y. Casting. See Pipes. Carriages, mode of suspending. J. Henderson, GifFord, Conn. Cheese press. H. Dichermans, Berkshire co. Mass. Cheese Press. Hazin Erwin, Boston _ _ _ Clover-seed, machine for cleaning. Wm. Sampson and C. Cur- tis, New Haven, Conn. - - _ - Jan. 6, 1809 Candles, machine for manufacturing. Wra. Miller, N. Y. Candles, machine for dipping. Sam. Stansbury, N. Y. Combs. Moses Moss. Farmington, Conn. Composition for the bottoms of vessels. Jonathan Pratt, Middle- town, Conn. _ _ _ - - Carriages. Wm. Ross, New York - - - - - Clay conduit. Sam. Bartlet, Hartford, Conn. Churn. Ira Millington, Warren, N. Y. Clover-seed, machine for getting out. S. Condon, New Hart- ford, Conn. _--__._ Cement for covering houses. C. Mornewick, Baltimore Case or kirb for sinking wells. Job Cowperthwaite, sen. Churn. Ezra G. Jones, Otsego, N. Y. Currying and finishing leather. Sam. Parker - - Churns. Hezekiah Dickerman and G. Barrington, Mass. Combs. Nath. Jones, Southington, Hartford co. Conn. Churns. George Votee, Berlin, Conn. - - - Cheese press. Phineas Allen, Burlington, N. Y. Churning. See Washing. Churn. J. M'Cord, Washington, N. Y. - - Cables and ropes, machine to lay and spin. W, Schulte, Bait. Churn. L. Thomson, Sturbridge, Mass. - - - Clock. Ira Ives, Bristol, Conn. _ _ - Chimnies. Lewis Lecesne, Philadelphia - : Dec. 5, Dec. 10, Dec. 13, Dec. 26, Dec. 27, Dec. 28, ir- Jan 6, Jan. 6,. Jan. 6, Jan. 10, le- Jan. 14, Jan. 14, Jan. 15, March 2, March 3, March 13, April April April May May May • May 13, 21, 26, 9, 9, 10. 13, June 13, June 24, June 24, June 24, June 26i June 26, 180;) July 6, — July 6, -^ July 6, --■ July 18, ~ July 27, — Aug. 10, — Aug. 15, ~ Oct. 11, «. Oct. 12, - Oct. 14, „, Nov. 7, -> Nov. 20, ~ Nov. 24, ^ Dec, 1, — Dec. 8, ^ Dec. 29, — June 8, ; 1810 18 C Combs, mode of making from hoofs. R. Gedney, N. Y. Combs. Timothy Stanley, Southington, Conn. Clay, machine for tempering. John Matthews, Baltimore Corn-stalks, mode of distilling from. B. Allison, Philadelphia Cheese press. Ben. Alwell, Burlington, N. Y. - - Cabouse, improvement in the. Geo. Youle, New York Churn. Thomas Nicholson, Washington - - - Churn. Ben. W. Lapish, Durham, N. H. - . - Churn. Nath. Harrington, White's Town, N. Y. Clock, in the striking part of. Lemuel G. Kilborn, Penn. Corn. See Furroiving, etc. Churn. Benjamin Atwell and Israel Nichols, Otsego, N. Y. Cotton, hay, etc., machine for binding. J. Simmons, Philad'a Churn. Enoch Burt, Princeton, New Jersey, Circular saw mill. Geo. Huling, Shaftsbury, Vermont Compass, mariner's. Wm. Russell, New Bedford, Mass. . Churn. John Whitmore, Litchfield, Conn. Chain band with buckets. Stephen Belnap, New York. - Churn. Daniel Osborn, Berkshire, Mass. Carding and spinning wool, by one operation. Alanson Holmes, Pomfret, N. Y. - - - . June 8, — Coopering machine. Oliver Barber, Hartford, Conn. - June 8, — Camphor, mode of refining. Henry Mead, New Haven, Conn. Feb 12, — Counterfeits, mode of pi-eventing. George Murray, Philadel- phia, Penn. -->__--- Feb. 13, -~ Cheese press. E. Raymond, Sherburn, New York. - - Feb. 21, — Cotton press. Richard V. W. Thome & J. Thorne, N. York. Feb. 22 - Churn. Benjamin Fairbanks, Worcester, Mass. - March 5 — Combs, machine for manufacturing ivory. David Williams, 3d, Saybrook, Conn. - » - - - March 28 — Chum. Aaron Smith, Finsborough, Mass. - - - April 11, — Copperplate printing, mode of putting on the ink. Andrew Ma- verick, New York. - - - - - - April 17, — Cheese, vat for pine-apple cheese. Lewis Mills, Norton, Goshen, Conn. ------ April 17, — Chimneys, to prevent smoking in. Oliver Richardson, Medway, Mass. - April 18, - Carbonated silk and paper. Joseph Hartson, Philadelphia. April 20, — Coaches and other carriages. Frederick Bremler, New York- April 24, — Cleaning grain from seed, machine for. Wm. H. Peabody, Wood- bury. Conn. - - - - - - - June 8, — Counterfeits, mode of preventing. Jacob Perkins, Boston. June 16, — Cartouch Boxes, machine for boring blocks for. Valentine BogenrufF, Georgetown, D. C. - - - - July 10, - Churn. E. Bacon, Hancock county, Mass. - - _ July 26, — Cramping Suwarrow boot-legs. EleazerLumby, New York. Aug. 14, — Chaise. See Grecian. Pheneas Dow. - - - - - Carbonic Acid gas, mode of saturating liquids with. Charles D. Simmons and Jean J. Kindell, Charleston, S. C. - Aug. 16, ~ Combs, socket hair. Eli Parsons, Bristol, Conn. - - Aug. 16, — Churn. Simeon Gray, Gennessee, N. Y- - - - Aug. 17, — Carriage, block for sawing. Wiliam Underwood. Herkimer, N. York. - - - Sept. 6, Columbian balance. Wm. Granger, Middlebury, Va. - Sept. 8, - Cancer, composition for curing. Elias Witlan, Albany, N. Y. Oct. 8, — Currying knife. S. Parsons, Parsonsfield, Mass. - - Oct. 25, — Capstan. See Windlass. John Galvid. _ - - Clocks for fluids. Josiah Witherle, Boston. - - - Jan. 16,1811 Combustion and explosion. Augustus Day, Bordentown, N. J. Jan. 19, — Churn. Joseph Beach, Northfield, Mass - - - Jan. 24, - Oottop gin. R. Hancock, sen. and E. W. Carr. Philadelphia. Feb. 6,. - C 19 Ghurn. Lewis Cleveland, Holliston, Mass. - - Feb. 7, 1811 Corn stalks, making spirits from. J. Saunders, Schenectady, New-York ------ Feb. 11, - Columbian oil, making. Thomas Paul, Baltimore - - Feb. 23, ~ Cutting. See Grain. John Comfort. Condensation of vapours. Noel Blanche, NeAV York - March 2, - Clover seed, machine for. Nethemiah Price, Frederick county, Maryland ..-.-- March 2, - Chain paddles for boats. Azael Pierson, Cumberland co. N. J. March 2, — Condenser Lyman Cook, Whitestown, N. Y. - - March 26, — Churn. Henry Mumford, Ulster county, N. Y. - - March 28, - Carriages. Moved by manual labor. L. Cook, Whitestown, New York _ - ^ . - - March 28, - ©ards, machine for straining and grinding. John Boynton, Windham co. Conn. - _ . - March 30, - Cooking stove. Andrew Sherwood, New York - - April 25, — Churn. Daniel Robertson, Franklin, Nev/-York - May 3, - Carriages, in the bodies of. Edward Gibson, New-York - May 10, — Carding machine. Heman Palmerler, Shoreham, Addison co. May 25, — China and glass, composition for. Harvey Bascon, Weston, Massachusetts June 10, - Chair bottoms. Abner Ellis, Dedham, Mass. - - - June 12, - Cotton-spinning machine. J. G. Baxter, Philadelphia - June 22, ^- Chopping meat, etc. H^ziel Smith, Philadelphia - - July 19, ~ Churn, vibrating. Thomas Pratt, Cheshire, N. H. - Sept. 12, - Churn. J. H. Shepard Canaan, Mass. - - - - Oct. 1, — Cutting wheat, etc. W. P. Claiborne, King William's co. Va. Oct. 12, — Clapp's crank engine, improvement on. Joseph Clapp, Green- field, Mass. Nov. 16, - Churn. Adam Sheble, Philadelphia - - - - Nov. 27, ~ Cotton, machine for roving. O. Barret, jun. Scaghticoke, N. Y. Dec. 3, — Cotton. See Flyers. Aziriah Walton. Cotton, etc. machine for spinning. G. Brewster, G. Trumball, and J. Matthews, Bane, Vermont - - - - Jan. 16, 1812 Cotton, etc. machine for cleaning. E. Raymond, Norton, Mass. Jan. 18, ~ Coaches, etc. construction of. Fred. Biemler, New York - Jan. 21, — Case, or stove for kettles, etc. Charles Gaston. Williamsport, Pennsylvania -------- Jan. 31, ~ Chimneys, backs for. Joel Root, Southington, Coan. - Feb. 13, — Clocks, pinions of. Ira Ives, Bristol, Conn. - - _ Feb. 24, ~ Carriages, construction of. Dan. Neal, Milford, Delaware Feb. 26, -r Chimney regulator. D. Shoemaker, Philadelphia - - March 27, — Candles from tallow and wax. James Zwisler, Baltimore April 2, — Churn, horizontal. John Davidson, Cheshire, N. H. - April 3, — Camphire, refining. J. Green, Charleston, Massachusetts April 27, — Chair bottoms. J. Elliot, jun. Philadelphia - - April 26, -- Consumptions, cure for. C. Shaw Long, Philadelphia - April 27, — Cheese press. W. W Townsend, Addison, Vermont - - June 13, — Canker worm, preventing the. Paul Adams, Newbury, Mass. June 19, -^ Cordage, machine for making. A. Hill, Walpole, N. H. June 30, — Candle-holder, economical. P. Ward and B. Allison, Phil. July 20, ~ Cloth, machine for finishing, etc. S. Hart, Hamstead, N. Y. July 27, — Chain carts and railways. John H. Morrison, Boscawen, N. H. Sept, 28, ~ Cooking apparatus. J. Morris, New Haven. Cony. . - - Oct, 3, — Cider. See Wine. Henry Seabolt. Cloth, made by felting. O. Barrett, jun. Troy, N. Y. - Dec. 8, - Cabonse. John Bonis, Baltimore ----- Dec. 31, — Cloth and blanket making. Allen Barnes, Sam. Gray, andJabez Clark, Windham, Conn. - - - - - ^ Feb. 3,1813 Carding cloth. John Jessup, Orange ceunty, New York Feb. 6, ~ 20 April 15, May 4, June 3, June 5, July 23, Aug. 7, Aug. 20, , Aug. 20, Dec. 3, Jan. 5, March 10, March 26, March 28, March 31, April 12, April 22, May 18, May 27, May 28, June 14, July 1, July 1> July 1, July 5, July 5, Carding, spinning, and roving. T. Norton and Geo. Biddis, Milford, Penn. April 15, 181'3 Carriage to be moved by hand. D. Nine, jun. Reading, Penn. Cartouch box. Jonathan Mix, New York Cradle. Samuel Pope, Windsor, Conn. - - - - Cloth from hair. W. Shotwell and A. Kinder, N. Y. Churn, pendulum. Silas Hitchcock, Vernon, N. Y. Cylindric polisher. Eben Stowell, Middlebury, Ver. Comb twinning machine. D. Carrington and Ira Ives, Litchfield, Aug Cylinder, re-acting, etc. T. Powell, New York Churn. Wm. Humphrey, Ohio - - - - Jan. 5, 1814 Card boards, smoothing. D. Stearns, Battleboro', Vermont Comb-cutting machine. J. H. Derby, Leominster Canker drops. D. Holbrook, Onondago, N. Y. - Cotton seed, machine for hulling. J. Lineback, Salem, N. C Corn, machine for planting. John Blocher, Lancaster, Penn Carriage springs. R, and I. C Humphreys, Cant well Carding wool. Lewis French, New Haven, Conn. Cheese press. Joseph Goulding, Worcester, Mass. Cornices for houses. T. K. Beale, Alexandria, D. C. Cup and saucer, Columbian. John Love, Baltimore Candles, mould and dipt. J. Zwisler, New York, Cloth, machine for shearing. B. Swift, Washington,' N. Y. Chimney stove. C. Varle, Fredericktown, Md. Carriages. B. Peck, Philadelphia _ - .- Cock stop. D. Sharman, Warren, N. Y. Clover seed, machine for cleaning. H. Spickard, Faircastle, Virginia -_-_.» Aug. 16, — Clocks, pinions for. H. Bronson and J. Curtis, Waterbury, Connecticut - - - - - - Aug. 22, ~ Clock, wooden. J. Harrison, Boston - _ - Aug. 22, — docks, for pointing wire for. A. Sperry, Waterbury, Conn. Aug. 22, — Clock plates, boring. Joel Curtis, Cairo, N. Y. - - Aug. 28, -^ Clocks, machine for cutting teeth. Joel Curtis and D Bradley, Connecticut - - - - - Aug. 22, — Clocks, machine for cutting teeth. A. Hopkins, Litchfield, Connecticut . . _ _ _ Aug 22, — Chimnies and fire places. Adam Spohn, Gomrio, Pennsylvania Sept. 22, ~ Cloth shearing machine. C. H. Orth and Frederick Strohn, Steubenviile, Ohio ----- Oct. 11, — Comb twinning machine. S. Hills and Moses Emery, jun. Newburyport, Massachusetts _ - _ Oct. 21, — Cultivating the earth. James Hall, Va. - - - - Nov. 19, ~ Carriages, wheel. Hor. Gates, SpafFord, Albany, N. Y. - Nov. 25, -- Chimnies, machine for sweeping. J. BrufF, Washington, D. C. Dec. 16, — Colors, permanent for calicoes. Augustus Bouler - - Dec. 24, — Carriages, hanging and placing steps. J. J. Wells, Hartford, Connecticut ------ Jan, 24, 181. 'S Cleaning wheat. William Davis, Fairfield, Connecticut - Jan. 24, — Clover seed, cleaning. S. Arnold, Bottetort, Virginia » Jan. 25, — Cradle. Peter Cooper, Hampstead, New York - - March 27, — Combs, cutting horn or tortoise shell. Simeon Allen - April 1, ~ Colors, prepared with lime. J. Nicholas, junior, Bradalbin, New York - - - - - - April 12, - Clover seed, gathering. John Smith, Fredericksburg, Virginia April 28, — Churn. Joshua Lane, Homer, New York - - - May 15, — Cotton, machine for drawing, roping, etc. W. Tiffany and P. Allen, Otsego, New York July 17, - Cotton Spinning. L. Bissel, L. C. Hinmans, and S. Wilson, Otsego- New York July 17, - CorsQts. Mary Brush, New York July 21, -r C 21 Charcoal, making for gun powder. F. Parker, Prince George's county, Maryland July 25, 1815 Cataract, removing by points, etc. F. B. Shaw, Philadelphia July 27, — Candle moulds. D. M. Randolph, Richmond, Va. - - Aug. 1, — Cards, making machine and hand. W. Barker, Smithfield, R. I. Aug. 12, — Cards, composition for. John M. Gates, Warren, Mass. Sept. 14, — Carding machine, gleaning savers. J. Hugus, Greenbush, Penn. Sept. 15, -^ Cancers, curing. Jacob Ware, Philadelphia - - Sept. 20, — Cooking machine. John Seger, New York . - - Nov. 14, ~ Cotton gin. Isaiah Jennings, New York " " " J^®^' 2^» " Churn. A. and H. K. Cornell, Cambridge, New York - Jan. 15, 1816 Corn cobs, spirits made from. J. and S. Demund, New Jersey Jan. 17, — Carding woollen cloths. J. A. Christie, Elizabeth Town, N. J. Jan. 24, — Cheese press. J. Bigelow, Mount Pelier, Vermont - Jan. 25, — Cock, block tin stop. John Morris, New Haven, Conn. - March 7, — Carpenter's sliding dovetail joint. G. B. Raymond - March 26, -- Combs, making. Eli Sperry, New Haven, Conn. - March 28, — Churn. John Erving, Boston - - - - April 30, -r Cutting comb teeth. M. J. Littleboy, Philadelphia - - May 28, - Clocks, thirty hours, brass and wooden. E. Terry, Litchfield, Cpnn. ______ June 12, — Chair, Eagle. William J. Wever, New York - - June 14, — CharcoaJ, making. Andrew Kurtz, Philadelphia - - June 28, — Combs, machine for twinning. Samuel Parmele, Saybrook, Connecticut _ _ _ _ - July 15, «- Cutting machine, for beating and bruising. Adam Britz, Phil. July 18, -' Churn. Artimas Bills, Baltimore . . - July 29, — Cancers, cure for. James Andrus, Hillsborough, N. H. - July 30. — Churn. Benjamin Webb, Tolland, Connecticut - - Aug. 22, -» Cider and vinegar made of offals. W. Richardson, Kingston, New York - - - - - - Aug. 26, Coquing, or dowelling instrument. W. Bowhay, Philadelphia Oct. 14, -" Catneter, flexible metallic. Israel Palch and Moses Carter, Salisbury, Massachusetts - - _ - Oct. 26, — Chairs. See Posts for Elijah Farrington, New York. Chair boHoms. John Wall, Philadelphia - - - Oct. 29, — Cotcon gin. Englehart Cruse, Charleston, S. C. - - Nov. 18, — Churn. Abel Bradway, Monson, Mass. - - - Nov. 25, ~ Cotton gin. Isaiah Jennings, New York, - - - Jan. 17, 181 Cards, making, grinding, &c. G. Drake, Windsor, Connecticut Feb. 28, — Couch, accommodation. John Mead, Albany, New York March 14, — Convalescent chair. John Mead, Albany, New York - March 13, — Couiposition for covering houses. A. Rogers, Hudson, N. Y. March 14, — Compressed air, to propel boats by. J. L. Sullivan, Boston March 24, -^ Chimnies, construction of. L. D. Delroismonts, New York April 5, — Copy books, composition for. Richard Wall, Philadelphia April 28, — Cloth, shearing machine. James Collins, Anson, Somerset, Md. June 10, — Combs, machine for cutting T. G. Thomas, Philadelphia June 14, — Chimnies, machine for sweeping. J. Hunt, Baltimore - July 12, — Cloth shearing machine. Eliphalet Remington, Frankfort, New York .._-.- Aug. 13, -» Comb, machine for twinning. D. E. Noyes, Philadelphia Sept. 6, — Carriage life preserver. H. G. De Grandval, Portsmouth, New Hampshire - _ . . Oct. 3, -<» Carriages. Ben. Had, Newburyport, Mass. - - - Oct. 4, -^ Cordage, machine for laying. C. Lenox, Sargent, Suffolk, Massachusetts - - > _ - Oct. 4, — Cordage, machine for making. S. and J. A. Bazin, Canton, Massachusetts _ _ - - • Oct. 17, ~ Candle Moulds. Joshua Witherle, Boston - - - Oct. 24, — Cloth, m^illing, fulling, &c. M, Lee, Otsego, N. Y. - • Not. 6, -- . Nov. n, Dec. 11, Dec. 31, Jan. 17, Jan 17, Jan. 20, Feb. 28, March 16, April 7, I. May- 28, May 28, May 28, July 11, July 25, Aug. 1, Aug. 18, Aug. 21), 22 C Cement, to be used under water. John Grant, Saratoga, N. Y. Nov. 11, 1811 Chimnies, machine for sweeping. E. Paine, Philadelphia Cotton hopper. Gurdon F. Saltonstall, Cumberland, N. C. Cannon, mode of pointing. J. Blach, Northumberland, Penn. Jan. 17, 1818 Cloth shearing machine. Wm. Stillman, R. I. Combs, horn. Macpherson Smith, Poughkeepsie, New York Combs, metallic. W. A. Langworthy, Balstown Springs Cloth shearing machine. D. Dewy, Poultney, Rutland, Va. Churn. Nathan Porter, Hartford, Conn. Cutting machine for soft substances. A. King, Lancaster, Penn. Churn. T. T. Storm, New York Combs, metal hair. Lineus North, Otsego, N. Y. Circular saw. W. F. Hill, New York - - - Casks, making. J. Little, Hillsborough, N. H. Cotton yarn, machine for spinning. P. Arnold, Conn. Combs, manufacturing. D. Pettibone, Philadelphia Chrystallizing tin. G. F. Valentine, Albany Cloth shearing, napping, &c. machine for. John J. Bryent, Andover, New Hampshire - - - - Sept. 2, — Cotton, machine for roping, winding and twisting. David Grieve, Providence, R. I. - - _ _ . Sept, 18, — Columns, machine for ornamenting C. Durand, Springfield, New Jersey _ > , . » Sept. 22, — Carriages, improvement in. J. B. Swan, Albany, N. Y. Sept. 29, — Catch for window shutters, improvement in the. Noble Hurdle, Georgetown, D. C. - - - - - Oct. 1, — Chopping sausage meat, machine for. David Beissel, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - - - - - Oct. 26, — Cotton, maciiine for inspecting. Lewis Viales, New Orleans Oct. 29, — Corn sheller. improvement on Z. Phinney's. Hugh Gallagher, Pittsburg, Penn. - - - - - - - Oct. 29, - Castor oil, clarifying. J. Hallock, Philadelphia - Nov. 5, — Cloth, machine for napping, &c. L. and J. Prescott, Pittsburg Nov. 5, — Coaches, improvement in the springs for. M. H. Beneville, Canterbury _____ Nov. 17, -- Conduit pipes, improvement in. Joshua Clarke and L. Crowell Dec. 18, — Conduit pipes, improvement in. Elisha Putnam, Albany, N. Y. Nov. 18, — Cloth, machine for teazling and napping. A. Foster, Putney, Vermont ______ Nqy, 25^ ._ Cordage, machine for making. William B, Leonard, Fishkill, New York - - - - - - Jan. 9, — Corks, machine for making bottle. James Barron, Hampton, Virginia - - - - - - Jan. 12, — Cooking stove. Palmer Jenkins, Hebron, Washington county, New York - - _ - _ _ Feb. 6, — Churn. Joseph Lloyd, Orange county, New York - March 2, — Cloth shearing machine. S. Parsons, Hoosack, Ranslaer county, New York - - - . - - - March 2, ~ Churn. William L. Frazer, Oxford, Chinango co. N. Y. March 19, — Chronometer, Samuel S. Edmonston, New York - - April 3, 1819 Cordage, machine for making. Robert Graves, Boston - April 10, -- Clearing obstructed channels or docks, machine for. T. Baker, Providence, R. L - - - - - April 12, — Corn shelling machine, improvement in the. Walter Jones, Ashford, Conn. --_-__- May 6. — Composts for soils. Anthony B. Martin, Baltimore - - May 29, — Carbonated mead. James Heaton, New York - - July 28, — Cultivator, American. Fred. Miner, New London, Conn. Aug. 21, -■• Cast steel welded to iron. Daniel Pettibone, Boston - May 21, — Cards, machine for pricking holes in leather. J. Lamb, Leicester county _-»__- Aug. 21, ■— C 23 Coaches, improvement in. S. Draper, Brookfield, Mass. Aug. 26, 1819 Carbonated liquid cream tartar. Sophia Usher, New York Sept. 11, — Cotton seed, food for cattle. Dan. Gillet, junior, Springfield, Massachusetts - Sept. 15, — Comb cutting machine. D. E. Noyes, Philadelphia - Oct. 14, — Comb cutting machine. Nison Foot, Philadelphia - Oct. 28, — Combs, machine for making. Ben. Haskill, Paris, Fr. - Nov. 3, - Cleaning streets, roads, etc. John Tucker, New York - Nov, 10, — Clocks, improvement in. Simon Willard, Boston - - Dec. 13, — Cloth shearing machine. Elihu Hotchkiss and Aaron Jaguas, Windham, Vermont - - - - Dec. 15, — Churn, improvement in the. John Hall, Hillsborough, N. H. Dec. 15, — Candles, moulding sperm. W. W. Swain, New Bedford, Mass. Jan. 14, 1820 Corn sheller, improvement on W. Jones'. Rufus Guthrie, Brimfield, Mass. . - _ _ - Jan. 18, ~ Coating for ships' bottoms. James Russel, New Bedford, Mass. Jan. 29, ~ Cement, water proof. Canvass White, Whitestown, Oneida, New York ----- Feb. 1, — Coffee roaster, improvement in the. Peregrine Williamson, Baltimore - - _ - _ March 20, — Circular saw. Robert Eastman and Josiah Jaquitt, Brunswick, Massachusetts . _ - - _ March 26, — Canals, machine for excavating. Ichabod L. Skinner, Hartford, Connecticut ----- May 3, - Cheese, mode of packing. Alexander Norton, Goshen, Conn. May 6, — Corn cracker. Nathan Read, Belfast, Maine - - May 8, -r Cloth, machine for napping etc. John Byram and S. D. Fuller, Mendham, N. J. - - - - - April 4, — Coal, etc. machine for drawing, Edward E. Danley, Fredonia, Indiana - - - - - - May 12, — Candle wick, machine for making. Shaylor Ives, Chilicothe, Ohio - May 17, - Currying knife. Daniel Tomlinson, Brookville, Conn. - July 16, — Carpeting, ingrained. John and Nicholas Haight, New York Aug. 12, -^ Clocks and watches. James Henry, Maysville, Kentucky Sept. 13, -- Cocks, improvement in. E. Hubball, Baltimore - Oct. 4, — Cotton, machine for spinning. William Bald, jun. Providence, Rhode Island ----- Oct. 4, — Cocks, valve. John Cluley and Benjamin Stancliffe, Phil. Nov. 8, .— Chimneys, machine for sweeping. Samuel S. Edmonston, N. Y. Nov. 8, — Cooperage, machine for doweling. Ralph Hunt, Ontario, N. Y. Dec. 11, — Corn shelling machine. Henry and Elbert J. Rosevelt, N. Y. Jan. 26, 1821 Cordage, machine for laying. Robert Graves, Boston - Feb. 1, - Cement, water proof. Canvass White, Whitestown, New York Feb. 17, — Cotton, loot gear for cleaning. William Gould, M'Intosh co, Georgia ------ Feb. 20, - Do. Roping (double speeder.) Paul Moody, Boston Feb. 19, — Do. Machine for roping or spinning. Do. Do. - Feb. 19, — Do. Spinning frames. Paul Moody, Boston - - Feb. 19, — Cloth, machine for shearing. Z. Carey, Oxford co, Maine Feb, 20, — Clothes, dry scouring. Thomas L. Jenning, New York - March 3, -*■ Chimney and fire-place, Obadiah Dilano, Utica, New York March 3, — Crank, anti-friction for steam engines. Benjamin S. Oliver, Salem, Mass. ----- March 9, — Candles, machine for dipping, John Aborn, Nottingham, N, J. March 20, — Cordage, improvement in the top sled for. Robert Graves, Boston, Mass. ----- March 28, — Corn shelling machine, improvement in the. Noah Lindsey, Catskill, New York - - - . March 28, - Churn, improvement in the. Adam Severt, Saratoga, N. Y. April 9, — 24 G Carding machifte, improvement in the. Joshua Woodward, Franklin township, Ohio - _ > _ May 2, 18211 Cuttmg clothes by rules. Allen Ward, Huntsville, Alabama, June 16, — Cock for drawing liquors, improvement in the. F Delano, Philadelphia ----- June 29, *- Carriages, improvement in travelling. George H Richards, New London, Conn. - - - - Aug. 8, — Churning by dog power. Geo. E. Reeve and Joseph Ketcham, Orange co. New York - - - _ Aug. 10, ~ Cocks for draining liquors, etc. Jonathan Bliss, New York Sept. 24, — Cement for mortar and stucco. David Mead Randolph, Rich'd, Virginia - - - -. - - Sept. 25, — Candles, machinery used in making. Francis Fuller, N. Y. Sept. 29, — Chimneys, improvement in the stacks of. Frederick Grey, Baltimore _---__ Qct. 8, — Cotton, machine for packing. John Cook, Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 12, -». Chains for cables, improvement in. I. Jennings, N. Y. - Oct. 29, •- Clocks, improvement in. Joshua Burritt and W. P. Burdick, Ithaca, New York - - - - Oct. 25, •*- Canals, roads, etc. machine for di -ging. John Humes, Richm'd, Virginia ------ Nov. 10, — Chair, improvement in the rocking sofa. B. Fenny, Readsbor /', Vermont -_---__-- Nov" 22, — Condensers, improvement in the steam. Thomas Skidmore, New York ------- - Dec. 1, -• Candles, machine for making. James Yard, Trenton, N. J. Dec. 4, *- Cotton yarn, improvement in manufacturing. Erastus Wolcott, Newport, New York ------ Dec. 11, --» Corsets, improvement in. Wm. James, Cantelo, New York Dec. 31, ~ Cupola furnace, improvement in the. Henry Worall, N Y. Dec. 31, — Clocks, improvement in the machinery of. Dean, Dec. 31, — Chaff, machine for breaking, etc. John Bolton, Warren, N. Y Jan. 28, 1822 Chairs, improvement in nursing. Andrew Woods, Charlestown, Jefferson CO. Virginia - - - - - - March 13, — Clock cases, improvement in. Joseph Ives, Bristol, Vt. March 21, ~ Cock, improvement in the metallic screw. Jeremiah Carey, Baltimore ------- - April 23, — Clover seed, machine for getting out. William Loomis, Ashford, Connecticut -------- April 27, — Cock, stop. John Morris, New Haven, Conn. - - May 15, — Cordage, machine for pressing the tar out of. Thomas Barnitt, Philadelphia - May 20, - Churn, improvemeht in the. Benjamin Hayden. jr. Trenton, New Jersey -------- June 15, — Churn, improvement in the. Eleazer Brown, and Ansel Keith, Winfield, N. Y. June 19, ♦- Cider, mode of fermenting apple. William Elder, New Brunswick, New Jersey - - - - - - - - Aug. 21, — Cutting box, improvement in the. William Willis, Lynchburg, Virginia - - •- - - - Aug. 24, -- Coffee, machine for hulling. Nathan Read, Belfast, Maine Sept. 10, — Churn, improvement in the. Samuel Clark, Morris county. New Jersey ----- Oct. 4, — Coopers' work, machinery for. Horace Wright, Onondaga, N. Y. Oct. 23, — Cloth, improvement in the machine for shearing. Ezekiah Heald, Norridgwork, Maine - - - - - - Dec 4, — Corn, improvement in the mode of grinding. John Bicknell, Buckfieid, Maine ------- Dec. 11, — Casks, improvement , in the mode of making. U. Emmons, Green county. New York . - - - - Jan. 8, 1823 C 5i> lailover seed, machine for cleaning. Nathan Mills and Isaac Rogers, Bath, New Hampsiiire . _ _ _ Jan. 14, 1823 Cotton yarn, machine for spinning. Elisha Fuller, AttJeborough, Massachusetts ---_--.. Feb. 6, — Carpetinc:, improvement in making ingrain. Wm. A. Prince, Ne\v York ...--. Feb. 12, - Corn, machine for shelling Samuel Spooner, Petersham, Mass. Feb. 27, — Coiton, improvement in the machine for cleaning. W. Hopkins, Plainfield, Conn. - - ... March 6, — Cotton, improvement in the machine for cleaning. George T, Sad]er, Lawrence co. Alabama - - - March 10, — Cradle, improvement on the grain. Isaac Babcock, Rensselaer county, N. Y. - - - - - March 24, — Combs, mode of manufacturing. Ira Ives, Bristol, Conn. April 5, — Corn sheller, improvement in the. William E. Sheffield, N. Y. April 15, — Chair, improvement in the easy. Joseph D. Finney, Keene, New Hampshire - ... - May 8, — Clocks, wooden wheeled, thirty hour. Ely Terry, Plymouth, Connecticut ----- May 26, — Clover seed, machine for cleaning. Thomas D. Burrall, Geneva, New York --____ June 5, — Cotton gins, making saws and grates for. Eleazer Carver, jun'r, Bridgwater, Mass. ----- June 12, — Cotton gins, improvement in. Eleazer Carver, jun. Bridgewater, Massachusetts ----- June 13, — Cotton, improvement in manufacturing. John T. Sharrocks, Winchester, Va. ----- June 20, — Cultivator, improvement in the. Stephen Hubbard and Joseph Greaves, Wilmington, Vt. - - - - June 21, — Cock, improvement in the stop. Gaius Fenn, New York - July 12, — Carriages, construction of. Johh B. Swan, Albany, New York July 24, — Circular saws, improvement in. John Brown, Boston - Aug. 13, — Chairs, machine for boring holes in. David Johnson, Richmond Ohio ------ Sept. 19, - Corn stalks, machine for cutting. A. Glendenning, Butler co. Pennsylvania - - - - - Sept. 25, ■»- Circular saws, improvement in making. Silvanus Bonnel, Chatham New Jersey -------- Sept. 26, -- Crucibles, improvement in making. James Dalliba, Watervliet, New York - - - - - - Sept. 26, - Carding machine, improvement in the. P. C, Curtis, Paris, Oneida county, New York - - . - - Oct. 15, -- Cutting out clothes, mode of. Ethan Campbell, Philadelphia Nov. 6, — Canal locks, improvement in. Jonas P. Fairlamb, Wilmington, Delaware ------ - - Nov. 27, — Cocks for drawing liquids. Eli Dickinson, Amherst Mass. Dec. 17, ~ Cotton scraper, improvement in the. Horatio Stark, Wilkinson county, Miss. Feb. 3, 1824 Cloth shearing machine, improvement in the. Beriah Swift, Washington, N. Y. - - - - Feb. 7, - Cotton, improvement in the process of manufacturing. Elisha Congdon, Norwich, Conn. - - - March 12, — Copper bolts, making. Berg and Ivers, New York, - March 15, ~ Carriages, wheel improvement in. Bernard J. Malfeson, Burlington N. J. - - - - - April 6, — Corn shelling machine, improvement in the. Lemuel Peck, Brookfield, Ct. April 9, - Corn shelling machine, improvement in the. John Moon, Fall's township, Bucks co. Penn. - - - April 20, — ©otton plant, improvement in cultivating the. S. W. Pomeroy, Brighton, Mags, .. - -^ . .^ . - Mav 6. ^-. 26 C Clover seed, machine for cleaning. Isaac H. Haskln, Columbia, New York May 6, 1824 Cement, improvement in fire-proof. H. Heiner, Mifflin township, Pennsylvania ---_--_- May 10, — Crossing or coiapsing lever power. William Scarbrough, Darien, Georgia May 19, - Corn shelling machine, improvement in the. Hiram Hubbard, Palmyra, N. Y. - - - - - June 17, - Carriage springs, improvement in. Lemuel H. Parsons, Stock- bridge, Mass. _____ June 23, — Carding machine, improvement in the. C. Whiting, S. Lowder, and S. Lowder, jr. Dedham, Mass. - - - June 25, — Chimneys, curing smoky. Samuel Chase, Williamsport, Penn. July 26, — Crimping boots. Ebenezer, G. Pomeroy, Lancaster, Ohio July 27, ~ Cotton gin, running gear for the. Brittain Huckaby, Huntsville, Alabama -__-__-_ Aug. 16, ~ Cutting straw, stocks, &c. Noah SafFord, Springfield, Vt. Aug, 25, ~ Cotton roping, machine for making. George Danforth, Norton, Massachusetts _____ Sept. 2, ~ Crank wheel motion. James Wallace, Columbia, S. C. Sept. 25, ~ Curriers- knives, machine for sharpening. James Bachelder, New Hampshire __.---- Nov. 9, ~ Corn shelling machine. Lewis Whitney, New York - Nov. 13, ~ Corn shelling machine. Benjamin Crooker, New York - Dec. 2, — Combs, mode of cutting. Joel Brown, Springfield, Mass. Dec. 8, -^ Cheese press, improvement in the. Joseph Pride, Pottsdam, New York ._-___ Dec. 9, ~ Cellars, vaults, &c. construction of. E. Ludlow, N. Y. - Dec. 14, ~ Cloth shearing machine. Wm. Hovey, Worcester, Mass. Dec. 17, ~ Corn shelling machine. Alanson Little, Columbia, Conn. Dec. 21, — Cutting and rolling crackers. Daniel Pool, Philadelphia ♦ Dec. 24, — Clapboards, machine for sawing. E. Pray, E. Benjamin, and J. S. Stone, Livermore, Maine - - - _ Dee. 98, — Corn sheller, improvement in the. Peirson Reading, Trenton, New Jersey _.-_._ Dec. 27, — , Coffee, machine for hulling and cleaning. Roswell Abbey, N. Y. Jan. 1, 1825 Cordage, machine for manufacturing. Franklin Kellsey, Middle- town, Conn. _____ Feb. 8, — Condensing steam and cooling liquor. Benjamin F. Joslin, N. Y- Feb. 9, ~ Chimneys and fire places. Lewis Kingsbury, Livonia, N. Y. Feb. 9, ~ Clover and other seeds, machine for cleaning. B. Sutton, Romulus, New York -_---_ Feb. 10, ~ Cooking apparatus, portable. David Asher, Philadelphia Feb. 18, ~ Carding machine, wool. E. Hale, jr. S. Hale, and J. Hale, Haverhill, Mass. _ - - _ - Feb 18, - Carding, improvement in wool. N. Rider, Sturbridge, Mass. March 12, — Centre-board, used in vessels. G. Fountain, Staten Island, New York - - _ - - March 15, — Changing the motion of machinery. Ottis Pettee, Newton, Massachusetts --.___ _ March 15, — Cotton, separating the seed from. Joseph C. and Thadeus Leavitt, Suffield, Conn. _ _ - . _ March 24, - Churning, machine for. Abiram Baird, Scoharrie, N. Y. March 15, — Cloth, machine for scouring and fulling. H. Hickox, Rutland, New York - - - - - March 26, — Cloth, manufacturing into yarn. Luther Crane, Ware, Mass. March 26, — Churn, improvement in the. John P. Bortle, Claverack, Columbia county, N. Y. - - - - - April 14, ~ Corn, shelling and grinding. Samuel Fowkes, Catskill, N, Y. May 4, ~ Corn shelling machine. Francis Price, New York - May 4, .- Cotton, packing. Webb Hart, Petersburg, Va. - - May 5, -- C 27 Olocks, astronomical. Henry Miller, East Hanover, Lebanon, Pa. .--.-.. May 5> 1826 Churn, impt. in the. Asa Humphrey, Gray, Maine - - May 9, — Cutter, rivet and bolt. Holly Seely, Unadilla, New-York - May 12, — Clotb, improvement for raisin,.^ the nap of. Job Wilkinson, New-York ---->- May 12, — Clocks, wooden wheeled 30 hours. Eli Terry, Plymouth, Conn. May 18, — Cotton planting, impt. in the mode of, C. Ford, Painvilie, Virginia ..-_--- May 26, — Coaches, impt. in making posts. Richard Ward, Schenectady, New-York - . - - - - - June 2, -t Cloth, machine for templing. Philo C. Curtis, Paris, New- York June 16, — Coffee, machine for roasting. Peregrine Williamson, Baltimore, Maryland ------ ^ June 18, — Coal, impt. in a kiln for charing. Conrad Kownslar, Mill Creek, Virginia ------- June 20, ~ Corn shelling machine, impt. in the. William C. Hawley, N-Y. June 22, — Corn, impt. ni the machine for shelling. John iMoore, Murris- ville, Pa. ------ - June 27, — Cloth, impt. in the machine for napping. S. Marsh, Fairfax, Vt. July 20, — Cider mills, impt. in. T. Showerman, Covington, N-Y. - July 20, — Corn shelling machine, impt. in. Samuel Lane, Hallowell, Maine ------- Sep'r 9, — Clocks, wooden wheeled 30 hours. Eli Terry, Plymouth, Conn. Sep'r 9, — Combs, impt. in a machi';e fur cutting P Piatt, iNew-York - Sep'r 9, — CaiTiage, impt. in the Calash top. G. Holloway, Baltimore, Md. Sep'r 9, •-- Cotton packing, maciiiue for. Lewis Layssard, Halifax, North- Carolina - - - - - - - Sep. 28, — Churn, double dash. Ezekiel Waterhouse, Gardiner, Maine - Sep. 29, — Coffee, mode of extracting strength of roasted. Lewis Marteily, New-York - - - - - - Sep. 30, w- Cotton, impt. in the machine for pressing. J. N. Gordon, Ply- mouth, N. C - - - - - Oct. 8, - Canal boats, machine for raising. S. Doolittle, Rochester, N-Y. Oct. 25, — Corn «;heljing machine, impi. in the. Amun Bailey, Poultney, Vermont - - - - - - - Nov. 1, ->• Chiro velocipede, impt. in. Gideon Barker, Providence, R. L Nov. 1, — Currier's knife, impt. in the. James Batchelder, Lancaster, N. Harnp. ------- Nov. 3, - Cast iron shoes, for horses, impt. in. S. W. Whitman, Madi- son, Ohio ------- Nov. 4, — Cultivator, impt. in the teeth, &c. f. William Beach, Phil'a Nov. 8, — Coach lace, making, William G. Barnet, Newark, N. Jersey Nov. 18, — Cutter, in the punch rivet and screw. L. C. Judson, Water- ville, N-Y. - - - - - • - Nov, 18, - Combs, in cutting Philo Pratt, Meredin, Conn. - - Nov. 22, — Churn, cutting curds, &c. James Buck, Cha ham. Conn. -Dec. 5, — Cutting paper, machine for. John M'Clintick and George Faber, Chambersburg, Penn. - - - - Dec. 18, — Cement, water. Simeon Guilford, Lebanon, Penn, - - Jan. 11, 1826 Carriages, mode of retarding. Ezra Slifer, Boonsborough,Md. Jan, 16, -- Cooking apparatus, impt. in a. John Bonis, 78, Baltimore st. Baltimore ------ Jan, 19, -- Corns, tincture for curing. Elisha Smith, New Brunswick, New-Jersey _-_--_ Jan. 20, — Cooking stove, impt. in the. David Little, Hagerstown, Md. - Feb. 1, -^ Cotton, cleaning Sea Island. Jesse Reed, Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts ------ Feb. 3, — Canals, digging. Jeremiah Brainard, Rome, Oneida county, New-York, . - - ^ - Feb. 10, - 38 C Cotton, machine for cultivating. Francis H. Smith, Richmond, Virginia, ------- Feb. 15, 1826 Clocks, wooden wheel 30 hours: (re-issued.) E. Terry, Ply- mouth, Conn. - - - - - - Mar. 4, — Chests, wrought iron. Jesse Delano, New-York - - Mar. 7, ~ Candies, machinery for dipping. William Day, Gardiner, Me. Mar. 11, — Currying leather, knife for. Freeman Palmer, New-Hamp. - Mar. 17, — Cotton press. Gideon Glenn, Louisburg, North-Carolina - April 12, — Carpeting, loom for weaving. Horace Baker, North Salem, New- York, - _ - _ „_ April 14, — Carronades, &c. elevating screw for Enoch Hidden, N. Y. - April 26, — Cotton press, combined lever. Eml. Venear, Halifax, N. Car. May 10, -- Canals, machine for excavating. Lot Forrester, Ridgefield, Connecticut^ - - - - - - May 10, — Cordage, machine for making. Erastus Bartholomew, Boston May 17, — Chain cables. Do Do May 17, — Circular saw. William Kendall, jr. Maine - - - May 18, — Carts and wagons, mode of loading. Noah Osborn, Fairfield, Connecticut - - - - - - May 23) - Canals, inclined rail-way for removing earth from. William H. Doll, Harrisburg, Penn. - - - - - May 29, — Chimneys, improvement in. A. G. D. Tuthill, Utica, N. Y. - Juhe 8, — Cotton, mode of taking from the doifer. Elijah Thompson, Lowell, Mass. ------ June 9, — Cotton and wool, machine for spinning. William Carmichael, Sandy lake, N. Y. - - - - - - June 10, - Cotton, flax and wool, rolling or twisting. William White- head, jr. Patterson, New-Jersey _ - - - June 14, — Cataract, instrument used for the. Thomas R. Williams, Phil- adelphia - - - - - - - June 14, — Corn sheliirig machine. Jeremiah Dodson, Guilford, N. Carolina June 15, — Clocks, 3Q hours, wooden wheeled. Eli Terry, Plymouth, Conn. (re-issued,) ___--- July 5, ~ Cleave harrow for clearing ground. Lemuel Tam, Sussex coun- ty, Delaware ------ July 11, — Cartridges for blasting rocks. John B. Ives, Lebanon, Penn. - July 17, ~ Composition, applied to wool. Ziba Parkhurst, Grafton, Mass. Aug. 19, ~ Carding machine, improvement in. James H. Arnold, Belmont, Ohio ------- Sep. 25, - Cellars and vaults, mode of constructing. Henry Hallock, New-York ------ Oct. 24, -r Corn, machine for shelling. Elijah Russel. Greensboro' N. C . Oct. 24, ~ Cannon, method of discharging. Henry Whitcomb. Adams, New-York ------ Oct. 25, - Currying knife, constructing and grinding the. Samuel Brooks, New-Vork - - - - - - Nov. 13, -* , Cabbage machine for cutting. F. Berkemeger and J. Dengler, Greenwick, Penn. - - _ - - Nov. 14, -«■ Corn, machine for husking. Howlet Bushnell, Norwich Conn. Nov. 14, - Cot'on gin, mode of propelling the. Peter Knox, Augusta Ga. Dec. 7, — Coal sifter, improvement in the revolving. Thomas Borbidge and Anson Martin, Kingston township, Penn. - - Dec. 30, — Cement, water proof. Simeon Guilford, Washington, D. C. - Jan. 16, 1827 Corn, machine for shelling. Edward Newman, Guilford county, North-Carolina - - - - - - Feb. 7, ~ Chair, impi-ovement in the. Jacob Daley, Baltimore - - Feb. 9, -* Churn, improvement in the rocking. John G. Philip, Kin- derhook ------ Feb. 15, — Cotton, improvement in the mode of packing. William C. Thomas, Richmond county, N. C. - - - Feb 15, -- Copperas, in the method of making. Isaac Tyson, Baltimorej Feb 15, -r C 29 Cotton, machine for pressinir. Philemon White, Chatham coun- ty, N. Car. - Feb. 19, 1827 Cutting garments, mode of. James G. Wilson, N. York - Feb. 28, — Cutting hard substances, machine for. John II. Hail, Harper's Ferry, Virginia ------ Mar. 7, — Chimnt^js, wheel dampers for. James Reiley and John Flana- gan, Wayiesburg, Penn. ----- Mar. 10, — Corn sheller, longitudinal. George E. Waring, Pound ridge, New-York ------ Mar. 16, ~ Churn, improvement in the. Samuel L. Bagley, Hillsdale, New- York ----- -Mar. 21, ~ Cotton loben, prepared for spinning. Gilbert Brewster, Pough- keepsie, Ne\v-York - - - - -Mar. 28, ~ Cider mill, impri>vement in the. Constant H. Wicks, Paris, New-York - - - - - - April 9, - Clay tubes, improvement in making. John R. Rowel and Henry Wise, Fredericktown, Penn. - - - - May 10, — Canals, safety gate for. Jacob Van-Dorn, Clen, Montgomery county, New-York ----- May 14, -- Cock for hydrants, improvement in the valve. Benjamin Stan- cliffe, Philadelphia ----- May 15, ~ Cotton press, improvement in the. Richard Jarnigan, Waynesbo- rough, North-Carolina ----- May 15, -- Cleaning Machme, for wheat, rye, &c. John Tyler, Claremont, New-Hampshire ------ May 18, - Carts for removing earth, improvement in. Jeremiah Price, Lockport, New-York ----- May 18, ~ Churn, improvement in the. Levi Rosenkrans, Urbanna, N. Y. May 19, — Corn, machine for crushing with the cob. S. K. Gauntt, Green- ville, Tennessee - - - - - - May 25, - D Distilling of liquor. Aaron Putnam, Medford, Mass. - - Jan. 29, 1791 Distilling. Nathan Reed, Salem, Mass. - - - Aug. 29, ~ Docks or harbors, machine for cleaning or deepening. P. Za- charie, Baltimore, Md. ----- Nov. 24, ~ Distilling spiritous liquor. Joseph Simpson, Richmond, Va.. Mai*. 4, 1794 Duck sail weaving. James Davenport, New-Jersey - - Feb. 14, — Docks and harbors, a machine for cleaning. Stephen Colver, Dec. 14, 1798 Dough and paste, breaking. Daniel Pettibone - - Nov. 16, 1796 Distilling. See Evaporation. Docks, machine for cleaning out. John Greenleaf - - July 13, 1802 Dry docks, improvement in erecting. John Gardiner^ - - Dec. 3, ~ Distilling spirits, improvement in. Daniel Ilsley - - May 14, 1803 Distillation by steam, in wooden or other stills. E. and Thomas West, Fayetteville co. Ken. - . . - July 8, ~ Double draught fire place. Talmage Ross _ - - Jan. 23, 1804 Double steam bath still. John James Giraud - - April 17, — Double crank. See Fulling Mill. Dough, machine for breaking. Laban Folgfir, Hingham, Mass. Nov. 1, — Distillation. See Boiling. Dye woods, machine for grinding, sawing. John Matthews, Philadelphia Aug. 13 1805 Distilling apparatus. A. Heistand, Yorktown, Penn. - - Nov. 27 ~ Dough, machine for making. Geo. Richards, Stonington, Conn. Feb. 14, 1806 Dressing flax. Elisha Mack - - - - - Mar. 21, — Diving machines. Richard Tripe, Dover, New Hampshire - April 1, — Dye woods. See Ch-inding, &;c. Double forcing pumps. Charles Colver, Champlain, N. Y. - April 1, 1807 30 D Distilling, apparatus for. A. Weaver, Adams co. Penn. - April 23, 1807 Distilling or boiling water. Eli Barnum and Ben. Brooks, New Marlboro' Mass. ------ Mar. 21, 1808 Door hinge. See Friction Roller. Double lever press. Caleb Johnson, New Glasgow, Va. - - June 3, ~ Dye woods, machine for rasping. Jesse Reed, Boston - June 3, — Distilling. E. Barnum and B. Brooks, New Marlboro', Mass. - July 13, ~ Double. See Boiler. Dipping. See Candles. Dimming apparatus. A. Bouchrie, Philadelphia - - Jan. 3, 1809 Dying of silk goods, machine for W. Barret - - June 27, — Dye wood, machine fur cutting. E. Hubbell, Middlebury, Vert. June 27, — Delaware Spinner. J. Alricks, Wilmington, Del. - - Oct. 11, — Distilling apparatus. W. Chamberlain, Vert. - - - Mar. 17, 1810 Dough, machine for breaking. C Barnard, Nantucket, Mass. April 17, -* Distilling by steam. John Morris Bennet, Middletown, Conn. May 1, ~ Distilling apparatus. A. Tobey, Alford, Mass. - - June 21, ~ Drying grain of all kinds. B. Parry, Bucks cq. Penn. - July 7, — Distilling. M. Garden, Staunton, Va. - - - - July 13, — Draining plough. Stephen Hall, Boston - - -July 13, — Dye woods, machine for cutting. I. Richards, 3d, Norfolk, Connecticut - - - - - - Aug. 13, -« Domestic spinn r. E. Heavrick, Albany, N. Y. - - Aug. 17, — Diving dress. Chauncey Hall, Conn. - - - - Dec. 24, ~ Drying fuel ior glass furnaces. James Lee, Philadelphia -Jan. 14, 1811 Distilling essential oils. D Jewf-.t, Pitsfield Mass. - » Jan. 24, — Distilling. Jacob Miller, Lancaster, Penn. - - _ Mar. 2, — Distilleries and kitchens. William Gamble, Washington, D. C. April IS, — Dye woods, machine for rasping. Samuel Stone, Enosburg,Va. May 3, — Distilling. Andrew Dunlap, Boston - - - _ May 3, ~ Distilling. J. James Giraud, Baltimore .. - . June 14, ~ Distilling and refining apparatus. Jacob Sherer and Abrah'm Killan, Lancaster, Penn - - - - - June 17, — Drying house for drying fruit. S. Strong, Wilkestownship, Ohio Sep. 2, ~ Distiliing at one operation. Jonathan Shaw, Palmer, Mass. Distilling. Lewis Lescesne, Belleville, N. J. - Dock, fl«)ating dry. Samuel Rose, N. Y. Distilling. Omri Carrier, Enfield, Conn. - - Distilling. Omri Carrier, Enfield Conn. _ , ^ Jan. 18, 1813 DistiJiing. John Bates, Hartford, Conn. _ - _ Distilling and boiling liquors. J. Morris, New Haven, Conn. - Drawing wire, machine for. John J. Staples, Flushing, N. Y. Dies, circular, improvement on Perkins. Jacob Perkins and Geo. Murray, Philadelphia - _ _ _ Distilling, a cylmder heater for. C. Jenks and Abiel Perse, East Windsor, Conn. - - - - - Die work, instead of etching. A. Brewster, Frankfort, Penn. Distilling, heating the mash for. T. Balden, Hartford, Conn. Distillation, heating water for. A. Anderson, Philadelphia Distilling apparatus. I. Hoffman, Shawangunk, N. Y. Dye woods, for rasping and grinding. Joseph Broad, Springfield Mass. - - Mar. 1, 1814 Distillation. John W. Alder, Pennsborough, Penn. - - April 29, — Distilling. Wm. M. B. Wollias and H. P. Barlow, Oneida co. New-York - - - - - Dye stuffs, cutting. Aaron Broad, Litchfield, Conn Dies for metals. Ben. Mead and Giles Richards, Boston Pistilling from grain, &c. Simon ShurllifF, Oneida co. N. Y. Distilling by steam. David Dewy, Sullivan, N. Y laying silks. T. Harrison and Robert Pierpont, N. Y. Nov. 13, Dec. 4, June 15, Nov. 2, Jan. 18, Jan. 26, Mar. 3, May 10, June 25, July July Aug. Oct. 12, 15, 18, 27, Dec. 31, - May - June 6, 9, - July - July - July - Oct. 2, 5, 5, 18, D 31 Distilling. Naphtali Hart, Easton, Penn. - - - Oct. 29, 1814 Distilling by steam, &c. Enos Brown, Oneida co. N. Y. - Jan. 23, 1815 Distillation, cooling mash for. Thos. VVhitemell, Scotland Neck, N. C. - - - - - - Sep. 2, - Distilling turpentine, tar, &c. Wm, Adam Rapp N. Y. - - D(;c. 4, — Distillation by steam. He/xkiah Kelly, Brooklyn, N. Y. - Feb. 16, 181G Dye woods, saw mill for. John Elder, Hamilton, Mass. -Feb 16, — Dye woods, saw mill for. John Elder, Hamilton Mass. - April 11, — Distilling and iectifying,&c. John Whips, Jefterson co. Ken. April 22, — Danger scape. Wm. Start, Greensborough, Md. - - May 3, — Distilling. Norman Goodsell, Paris, N. Y. - - - June 13, -' Distilling. Wm. Richardson, Kingston, N. Y. - - June 15, — Distilling. E. Talmage, Lan';aster, Ken. - • - July 8, — Distilling. Amos Blood, Boston _ _ - _ JuJy 16, — Double stave and parallel jointer. J. S. Keen, Phil. - - Oct. 1, — Docks projecting. Moses Rogers, N. Y. - - - Jan, 7, — Dye woods, machine for rasping. Beriali Swift, W^ashington, Duchess CO. N. Y. - - - - - Feb 1, 1817 Dry docks, rotary. Joseph Webb, N. Y. - - - May 3. ~ Dying and finishing silk goods. A. Stearns and W. Barret, Cambridge, Mass. . . _ - . Jan. 30, 1818 Drill for potatoes. George Harper, Jenkington, Penn. - Mar. 23, — Dogs, a new power. A. Tienan, N. Y. - ^ - April 2', — Dying and finishing silk. A. Stearns and W. Barret, Boston, Sep. 8, ~ Distilling, improvement in. Pierce Wood^, Frederick co. Md. Sep. 29, — Distilling, improvement in. Charles Merot, Phil. - - Nov. 5, — Dry dock, floating. Albert Brux, Augusta, Ga. - - Nov. 6, -- Doable Speeder. Wm. Hines, Coventry. R. I. - - Feb. 6, -- Dying, tanning, &c. chesnut used in. W. Sheldon, Springfield, Hampton co. Mass. . . . _ - Feb. 26, — Distilling, improvement in. James Caze, N. Y. - - Mar. 18, — Double speeder for roping cotton. Paul Moody, Boston - April 3, -- Distilling, apparatus for. Henry field, Camillus, N. Y. - June 17, -- Domestic spinner. John Brown, Providence, R. I. - - July 22, -- Diving drum. Jasper Johnson, Albany, N. Y. - - July 31, — Distilling, improvement in the apparatus for. Frederick Kalisky, Philadelphia ------ Dec. 14, 1819 Distilling, improvement in. Richard Wilcox, N. Y. - - April 20, 1820 Diving, mode of. William Brookfield, Detroit, Mich. Ter. - July 17, — Draw grinding machine. Thomas Dakin, Harpers-Ferry, Va. July 28, — Drying cloth by steam. Rolan Duncanright, Medway, Mass. Aug. 30, — Double speeder, improvement on No. 1. Jon. Fisk, Med. Mass. Dec. 7, — Do. No. 2. do. do. - Dec. 7, - Do. No. 3. do. do. - Dec. 8, - Do. No. 4. do. do. - Dec. 8, - Do. No. 5. do, do. - Dec, 8, — Double speeder, combination of improvements on the. Jona- than Fisk, Medway, Mass. - _ - _ Dec. 9, ~ Dyewoods, machine lor cutting. Elijah Converse. Dayton, Ohio - - - - - '- - Jan. 10, 1821 Double speeder for roping cotton. Paul Moody, Boston - Jan. 19, — Distilling, improvement in. David Cutter, Butler co. Ohio - Feb. 20, — Dry scouring clothes. Thomas L. Jennings, New-York - Mar. 3, — Distilling spirits, improvement in. Robert Blaikie, N. Y. - April 27, — Duck or canvass sail, manufacturing. Josiah Chapman, Frank- fort, Penn. - - - - - - July 9, - Distilling, improvement in the still for. Ballazar J. Kallenbach, Philadelphia ------ Aug. 6, -- Dry docks, improvement in. Ralph Bulkley, N. Y. - Aug. 28, — Distilling, improvement in the apparatus for. Henry F. Fisher, Ph-iladeiph.ia ..--.- Sep. i% — 32 , D Dry docks, improvement in floating. Edward Covenhoven, Greenburgh, N. J. Oct 30, 1821 Drawers, improvement in making. Henry Brewer, N. Y. - Feb. 28, 1822 Distilling, improvement in. Philip Greiner, Brandywine Town- ship, Penn. - - - - - - April 17, -• Dough, machine for making. Josiah S. Fisher and Sylvester W. Talbot, Norfolk, Mass. - - - - April 25, - Drill, Cotton thinner and plough. Wm. Willis, Edgefield Dis- trict, S. S. - - - - - - May 17, ~ Distilling, improvement in the apparatus for. Uriah Swetland, Kingston, Penn. - - ^ - - - - Nov. 18, — Distilling by steam, improvement in. Elias Gilhausen, Halifax township Penn. - - - - - - Jan. 14, 1823 Double Speeder, improvement m the. Az. Arnold, North Pro- vidence, R. I. - - - - - - Jan. 21, ~ Distilling, improvement in. Malcolm M'Don aid, Fayette, Penn. Feb. 19, ~ Distilling, improvement in. Increase Carpenter and J. Roe, New-York Jan. 29, 1824 Dresses, mode of finishing. James R. Williams, Baltimore - Mar. 3, ~ Diving suit, improvement in the. W. C. Davison and D. Clark, Pittsfield, N. Y. - - - - - - July 26, ~ Distilling, machinery used in. Daniel Jackson, Peru, N. Y. - Dec. 28, ~ Deck lights for ships. George Gray, Lynn, Mass. - - Mar. 26, 1825 Dowelling bit, improvement in the. John Thomas, Washing- ton, D. C. - -. - - - -April 2, - Dry docks, improvement in. Christian Berg, N. Y. - - April 9, — Distilling spirits, improvement in the mode. William Avery, Pomfrey, N. Y. - - - - - - May 13, - Dry docks, improvement in the floating. Wm. R. Loweree, New- York - - - - - - - June 23, - Dock, marine elevating, improvement in apparatus. E. Buck and Henry Crehore, Boston ~ - - - July 11, — Do. Robert Gerry and Abel Bayard, Boston, Mass. • July 11, — Divitial invention. C. S. Rafinesque, Lexington, Ken. - Aug. 23, ~ Delineator, improvement in the. Jonas Weeks, N. Y. - Sep. 9, — Dye woods, machine for cutting. Ephraim Morris, Bloomfield, New-Jersey _ > _ > _ Sep. 27, -- Distilling spirits, improvement in the method. Abm. Whjtson, Staunton, Va. - - - - - - Sep. 28, — Decay of vessels, mode of preventing. Anthony Plantou, Ph'a. Oct. 1, — Distilling, in the apparatus for. John C. Douglas, Troy. N. Y. Nov. 26, — Doors and sashes, mode of preventing from being too tight. Daniel Fraser, N. Y. - - - - - Dec. 12, — Dry docks. Levi H. Clarke and L. M. Wiss, N. Y. - - Dec. 22, - Dock, ship rail way. John Thomas, N. Y. - - - Feb. 24, 1820 Doors, making rack bolts for. J. Brown and George W. Robin- son, Providence, R. L - - - - Mar. 24, — Dry docks. Alonso Place, N. Y. - - - - April 1, — Distilling spirits from cider and grain. Samuel Harwood, 3d, Brain tree, N. Y. - - - - - April 15, — Dress, boys'. Charles Herwick, N. Y. _ _ - May 16, ~ Dock, buoyant Maximin Isnard,N. Y. . _ - June 22, ~ Dock, carrying and lifting trunk. James Barron, Norfolk, Va. Aug. 2, — Dock, floating dry, improvement in the. John Floyd, Kittery, Maine _-.-.-. Aug. 19, — Dying the hair on skins. Joseph Herring, N. Y. - - Nov. 19, ~ Dairy cooler, for miik, cream, &c. David Witmer, Paradise, Pennsylvania - - - - - - Dec. 7, — Distillation, improvement in. Normon and Anson Wolcott, BlooETifield, N. Y. - - - - - - Dec. 8. - 33 Engine, improvement in fire. Jesse Kersey - - - April 13, 1797 Engine, a capstan fire. Sam. Eli Hamlin ... Aug. 30, 1799 Evaporation, improvement in. T. Bedwell and B. Henfrey, Philadelphia Feb. 12, 1801 Evaporation, mode of increasing for the purpose of distilling. B. Henfrey, Lancaster co. Penn. - - - - Mar. 2, — Engraving, improvement in the art of. J. Hutton and G. Fair- man, Albany, N. Y. - - - - - Jan. 8, 1802 Essence of bark for dying, mode of extracting. Sam. Down- ing, Trenton, N. J. - - - - - April 19, — Economical house, and ship steam kitchens. N. Bourean, Alex- andria, D. C, - - - - - - Aug. 30, — Evaporating furnace. John Richardson - : - Sep. 13, — Evaporating furnace, improvement in. J. Richardson, Athens, Pennsylvania ------ April 4, 1803 Extinguishing fires. Seejires. Earth, machine for raising and removing. J. Piatt, Albany, New-York --...- May 4, 1805 Earth, machine for removing, &c. Jacob Welsh, Boston -May 6, ~ Essence of tansy. Israel Newton, Norwich, Va. - - Feb. 28, 1806 Evaporation. Thomas Arnold - - - - Mar. 5, — Egyptian lock. A. Ogier, Stansbury, N. Y. - - - Feb. 11, 1807 Economical furnace, or stove. Joseph Poudrell, N. Y. - April 6, 1808 Elastic chair. Sam. Gragg, Boston - - _ - Aug. 31, ~ Elastic trace and brace. Ben. Giddins, Baltimore - - Dec. 10, ~ Elevator, water. John Henrick, jr. Albany - - - Feb. 1, 1810 Explosion. See Combustion. Expanding folding wheel. H. Steward, Clark co. Indiana - Jan. 24, 1811 Evaporation, making salts by. B. Wildborn, Washington, N.Y. Feb. 4, — Elevator for the use of the sick. J. Elliot, Newbury, Mass. - Feb. 15, ~ Electrophorus. David F. Launy, Philadelphia - - Aug. 23, — Elixir, restorative. H. Frink, Northampton, Mass. - - Jan. 6, 1812 Elevator and hopper boy. Sam. Walgemoore, Washington, Dist. Col. Feb. 22, - Elevating grain, &c. Jeremiah Bailey, Kennet Square, Penn. June 19, — Edge tools, steel for. Eiisha Gordan, Philadelphia - - June 20, — Extracts from barks, obtaining. Wm. Greene Jessender, Wal- pole, N. H. .----. Oct. 20, ~ Elevator for raising fluids, &c. R. Christy, Jefferson co. Va. - Nov. 21, ~ Engine, water. Joel M. Dupery, Woodford, Ken. - - April 13, 1814 Evaporator for salt water. Wm. M. Hawkins, King and Queen's county, Va. -__..- April 23, ~ Etching the end pieces of bank notes. Henry S. Tanner, Phil. July 1, 1815 Evaporate and steam engine. David Heath, Phil. - - July 26, 1816 Electrical apparatus. T. Brown, Albany, N. Y. - - Dec. 20, ~ Elixirof life Julius Rucco, Baltimore - - - Mar. 29, 1817 Excavating plough James Richmond, Hudson, N- Y. - June 28, — Elastic clamp. Thos. Rowel Hoyt, GofFstown, N. H. - - Dec. 6, — Emery making. Wm. Garratt, New-London, Otsego, county, New-York ------- Feb. 27, 1819 Engines for mills on brooks. Jacob Toller, Phil. - - July 13, ~ Earth in making roads, &c. apparatus for removing. I. L. Skin- ner and S. F. Hooker, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. - Mar. 23, 1820 Eliptical log- wheels. Wm. B. Copley, Whitestown, N. Y. - May, 9, 1821 Elastic floor for propelling boats . Oliver Phelps, Lansingburgh, New-York - - . - - - Nov. 17, ~ Hlngraving, making metalic plates for. David H. Mason, Phil. May 17, 1822 Q 4 E Elevators, for raising water. Social Rolph, Albany, N. Y; - Nov. 16, 1822 Engine, improvement in the rotary steam. Dudley L. Farnam, New- York - - - - - - Feb. 39, 1823 Engine, improvement in the steam. Amos Thayer, jr. N. Y. - Mar. 6, -- Evaporating liquids. Abner Vansant, Jefferson county, Mi. - Sep. 29, 1823 Extender. Asa Bisbee, N. Yarmouth, Maine - - - Jan. 27, 1824 Earth, stone, &c, removing. Orange H. Dibble, Niagara coun- ty, N. Y. Feb. 20, -- Engine, improvement in the atmospheric. Eb. and Js. Prentiss, Baltimore - - .... - June 22, 1824 Earth, mode of loading and unloading. John Owings, Bait. - Aug. 27, -- Extending and multiplying power. Wm. Kendall, jr. Water- ville, Maine ...... Jan. 16, 1826 Engine, gas or vapour. Samuel Morey, Oxford, New- Hamp. shire .---... April 1, - Earth, machine for removing. Peirson Reading, Trenton, New- Jersey - - - - - . - June 1, 1826 Do. - Cyrus Barnard, New Lynn township, Penn. July 14, — ^Evaporating liquids. Charles Sholes, Phelps, N. Y. - - July 26, — Elevating liquors to upper rooms. John A. Smith, N. London, Connecticut - - - - - - Aug. 7, ~ Bngine for throwing water. G. Shalk and William TintofF, Lebanon, Penn. - ^ - - - Sep. 23, ~ Fire, to rescue from. See Construction. Fire, to stop the progress of. B. Taylor, N. Y. - - Mar. 23, 1794 Fish, improvemeni ui the manner of catching. J. Ellicot,Penn. Mar. 25, 1795 Flax and hemp, ^.pinning of. See hemp and flax. Flour and meaJ, improvement in manufacturing of. Oliver Evans, Phil. - - - - - - Dec. 18, 1796 Forgeries, to prevent. See Punches. Fire engine. See Engine. Fire place, improvement in. C. W, Peal ... Nov. 16, 1797 Flax and hemp. See Mill. Force obtained by water. S. Morcy, Alford, N. H. - - Nov. 17, ISOO Flax, machine for breaking. John Cannon - - - Jan. 17, 1801 Flax breaking, machine for. John Cannon, Wilmington, Del. Jan. 17, -- Forcing pump. John Evelth, Providence, R. I. - - June 13, — Fish, improved mode of carrying in warm weather. N.Robins, * Burlington, N. J. - - - - - - Mar. 11, 1802 Flat roofed houses and balconies, improvement in. Henry John- son, Baltimore ..---_ May 1, ~ Fire stop, improvement in the. Elisha Putman - - Aug. 24, — Finding salt water and metals. V. Cook, Kentucky. - - Nov. 1, — Fire engine, improvement in. Stephen Stewart - - Dec. 6, ~ Fire place. 8ee Double draught- Fastenings or springs. See Windoiv. Fires, method of extinguishing in houses. Sam. F. Lord, jr. Mar. 10, 1803 Flax seed, machine for cleaning. Paul Gottry - - April 24, 1804 Fan. See Columbian. Fulling mill, improvement in. called the double crank. Levi Osborn - - - - - - . July 12, — Forcing pump to raise water. Aaron Taylor . - - Oct. 4, -- Filtering machine. Dan, M. Mullen and Thos. M'Curdy, Phil. Nov. 16, — Fire, composition to prevent houses from catching. I). Stodder Nov. 16, ~ Fire place. See Close. Flour mill. Samuel Church, Amherst, Mass. - May 4, 1805 Fanning mill. See Smut, Sfc. May 24, Feb 17, 1807 Feb 17, -. April 23, May 20, July 1, Jan 39, 180«f Feb '1, ^. Feb 9, — F 35 Fluids, machine lor raising. D. Tomlinson, jBrooklield, Coaa. May -27, 1805 Flax. See Dressing. Fulling mill and washing machine. John Kennion, Duchess co. New York ...... March 26, 180G Filtering impure water and wine &c. Solomon M'Combs, Joseph Smith, and Ben. D. Galpin, Baltimore Fire place with aflat funnel. Abraham Fisher Fire brick, modo of making. Eben. Jenks, Canaan, Conn. Fire places and stoves, improvement in. A. Pollock, Boston Fire engine, improvement in. Jacob Smith, jun. New York Filtering pot. Michael Freytag, Philadelphia Flou 'andrieal, mode of manufacturing. O.Evans, Philadelphia Fire places, or opi^n s(,jves, improvement in. J. F. Gould, New- buryport, Massuoiiusetts _ _ _ _ Fanning mill for grain, &c. Samuel Dodge, Cleveland, Ohio Forcing pump, with double action, E. Cady, jun. Chatham, N.Y. March 9, — Fire places, improvement in. G Gridley, Newburyport Mass. March 14, — Fanning mill for grain or clover seed, &c. 0. Barrett, jun. San- dy Hill, New York - . _ _ - March 23, - Furnace or stove. See Economical. Friction, mode of lessening in carriages. Robert Kilborn, Great Barrington, Massachusetts - - - - April 12 — Faucets for drawing liquors. Ira Ives, Bristol, Conn. April 14, — Friction roller, door hinge. John Bailey, jun. Plymouth, Mass. May 16, — Floating dry dock. William Rhodes^ New York - - May 16, — Funnels for fluids. Philip Apple, Philadelphia - - July 13, — Fanning and winnowing mill. Ben. Atwell, Burlington, N. Y. Sept 19, -- Forcing pump. See Pneumatic. Fastening window shutters. J. Blanchard, New York - Jan 14, — Flax and hemp, machine for dressing. Richard S. Chappel Pawlet, Rutland county, New York . _ _ _ ja^ js, 180J) Flax and hemp machine Eli F. Hill. Onandago, New York Feb 11, — Fur cutting machine. E. Cutters, Battleboro', Virginia March I, -- Finishing silks. See Silks. Frame for finishing. See Dyeing. Flax dressing machine. J. Barlow, Granville, Massachusetts Aug 23, — Furrowing, machine for. M. and I Nichols, Otsego, N Y. Oct 12, — Flexible platform for giving motion. John Johnston, jun. Charles- ton, South Carolina _____ Nov 22, — Pishing seine. P CrofF, Little York, Pennsylvania - Dec! 6, ~ Felloes, machine for sawing W. F. Sheffield, New York - Dec 20, 1809 Floating mill and silent fisher. E. ord, Charleston, S. C. Dec 20, ~ Funnel with a vent. D. Clarke, West Stockbridge, Mass. April 9, -.810 Flax machine. Oliver Wilde, Canaan, New York - - April 16, — Fur cutting machine, Martin Clark, New York - April 21, ~ Felloes, machine for dressing. S. Church, Amherst, Mass. April 25, — Fanning mill. Sam. Snedeker, Johnstown, New York - April 27, — Fur cutting machine. Eleazer Sprague, Danbury, Conn. May 1, — Fire places. Eben Whiting, Great Barrington, Massachusetts June 18, — Fire places. do do do June 27, — Flax and hemp, machine for breaking. N. P. Robinson, Fleming county, Kentucky _____ Aug 31, — Forcing pump for fire engines. Eli Smith, Palmer, Mass. Nov 6, — Fire places, grated. Aug. Brown. Fredericktown, Maryland Nov 24, ~ Frictionless cylinders. John P. Swain, Roxbury, Massachusetts Jan 24, 1811 Felloes for wheels. J. Goulding Leicester, Massachusetts Feb 28, ~ Fire cavern. Abraham Quincy, Boston - - _ March 20, -» Fire places. Peter Sternberg, Montgomery, New York March 28, -.: 36 F Floating engine Iof supplying ships. J. P. Randolph, N. V. Flax and hemp break. E. Rumsay, Christian county, Ken. Flax and hemp break. J. C. Johnson, Fayette county, Ken. Fire arms. W. Thornton and J. H. Hall, Washington Fur cutting machine. J. Whetherle, Boston Fanning mill. J. W. Jessup, Fredericktmvn, Maryland Flax and hemp, break for. Robert Miller, Lexington, Ken. Jacob A Dana, Cassanovia, N. Y. E Gehbe, North Hampton co. Penn. William Harper, Richmond, Va. A Tanner, Trumbuil county, Ohio Peter Sternberg Montgomery Flax and hemp, break for Fish. See Wear. Files, machine for cutting Flax and hemp, breaking. Flax and hemp, breaking. Fire places, improvement in his county. New York Flyers, for spinning cotton. A- Watton Keene, N. H. Febrifuge. A. Johnson, North Cun^berland, Pennrylvania Flax and hemp for roving, &c. William Griffen, New York Flax and hemp, substitute for. C Whitlow, New York Fanning mill. Thomas S. Barnum, Sharon, Connecticut Files, mchine for cutting. M Burke, Beiknap, Brimtieid, Mass Fiour manufacturing. _ J. R. Madison, New York Furnace for heating ovens. A. H. Quincy, Boston Fish glues. See Icthryocalla. Flax and hemp preparing John Owings, Baltimore Flax and Hemp. See Spinning. Fire engine. See Pump. Forts. Edward Clark, Philadelphia _ . - Files cutting. C. Hesser and A. Paxton, Philadelphia Files cutting. Levi and David Anderson, Philadelphia Fire places, tiuted back. Eli Mix, New Haven, Connecticut Faucet, plugged. William Jones, New York Fair dealer, or the charla lusoriae. Robert Bailey, Washington Fur skins, machine for cutting. Ira Ives, Bristol, Connecticut Foot stove with stone heaters. A H. Q,uincy, Boston Files, machine for cutting, M. Burk, Beiknap, Worcester, Md. Flax dressing machine. J. Hav/es, Hudson, New York Files, rasps, &c. machine for cutting. S. Gilman White, Haver- hill, Pvlassachusetts _ _ _ - _ Fire engines. I. Hathaway, Walton, New York Fire engines. A. Pollock and J. Perkins, Boston Fumiductors. W\ A. Baron, New York - - - Flyer for spinning cotton. M. Newton, Fitehburgh, Mass. Feather cloth. J. and B. Sizcr, New London, Connecticut Fuel, saving of. ZinaPhinney, Cairo, New York Files, machine for cutting. Wm. T. James, Greenwich, N. Y. Fiyer for spinning. Nath. Giles, Fitchbury, Massachusetts Felting, machine for making of. O. Barrett, jun. Troy, N. Y. Fire engine. John Achraan, Washington, D. C. - - Fire place and chimney, &c. Sam. Morey, Philadelphia Fur cutting machine. Ephraim Cutter, Walpole, N H. Fever medicine. Samuel Thompson, Surry, New Hampshire Fire places. David F. Launy, Philadelphia Fire engines. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Massachusetts Furnace for casting brass, &c. portable. J. Share, Baltimore Flax and hemp breaking. Ira Millard, Kent, Connecticut - Flax and hemp machine, Francis Hill, Tennessee Flood gate. Benjamin S. Hort, Georgetown, South Carolina Fireplaces. John C. Brush, Washington Files cutting. C. and D, Piatt, Shavrn> Connecticat - April 25y April 25, May 16, May ^l, May 28, June 18, July July 13, 23, Oct 10, Oct 15, Oct 24, Oct 28, Jan 6, Jan 11, Jan 11, Jan 11, Jan 15, Jan 16, Jan 27, Feb 17, 1812 March 5, -= April 2, April 11, April 20, April 25, May 13, May 15, May 19, June 13, June 14, June 19, July 11, Aug 6, Aug 6, Sept 10, Sep* 28, Oct 21 Oct 31, Nov 19, Nov 19, Dec 8, Dec 30, Jan 18 Feb 4, March 2, March 18, March 23, March 30, May 6, Oct 7, Oct 9, Jan 28, March 7, 1812 181^ 1814 37 i'uruace lor melting ores, &c. T. Gregg, ConncUsville, Penn. March 16, ~ Furnace for molting ores. T. and J. Bariihurst and William Walker, Pinladelphia ----- May 14, -- Files cutting. Silas Hawes, Bennington, Virginia - May 11, — Fire proof ceiling. Benjamin J. Harris, Richmond, Va. May 17, — Flax and hemp dressing. G. H. Rickets and John Jvinney, jun. Mount Pleasant, New Jersey - - - - July 12, — Flax and hemp dressing. do do Oct 24, — Fanning mills. Samuel Fitch, Homer, New York - Oct 29, — Flax and hemp, machine for spinning. J. Francis, Chappins, SSew York ------ Nov 8, -- Flax and hemp, machine for preparing. P. Antrim, Philadelphia Nor 25, — 3, 17, - 2, 1815 a, - 7, " 4, - Aug 18, - Dec 23, •— Feb 10, 1816 March 1, -- March 9, — March 11, ~ March 27, - April 30, r May 23, - Fanning mill. Jotl Soper, Windsor, Connecticut - Dec Fishing vessel and nets. James vViils, jun. Galloway, N. J. Dec Fur cutting machine. -WiJliam Jackson, Burlington, N. J. Feb Fur pulling machine do do Feb Furnaces and fire places. Peter Tomlinson, Derby, Conn. March Floating battery. Geor2;e Stiles, Baltimore - - April Files, machine for cutting. John Hatch, Dedham, Mass. May 16, Fulling mill. Asa Danielson, Otsego, New if ork - May IG, Fire places, construction of. E. Bartholomew and W. Church, Boston ------ Fort stove. Allen Greely, Oxford, Massachusetts Filtering water. Joseph Du Commun, New V^ork Fan for cleaning wheat. William Adams, Virginia Franklin stove. James Wilson, Poughkeepsie, New York Fan for wheat. S. Weaver, Frederick county, Maryland Fire places. E. Rand, Hudson, New York Fur cutting machine. D. Beard, Guilford, North Carolina Flax and hemp, machine for cutting. C. and W. A. Benton, ' Armenia, New York - _ _ - Fanning mill for cleaning wheat. B. D. Beecherj New Haven, Connecticut - - - - - - May 30, — Flax and hemp breaking. T. Pullen, Lexington, Ketitucky June 20, — Franklin stove, improvement in the. J. T. Van Sicker, Pough- keepsie, New York _ _ _ - _ July 3, — . - Flax and hemp prepared. W. Hickingbottom, New York Jujy 12, — Floating wheel. J. Owings, Baltimore - _ _ gept 9, — Floating valve wheel. I. J. Richardson, Geneva, New York Sept 26, — Fur cutting and cloth shearing machine. B. Martial and D. Johnson, Concord, New Hampshire _ _ _ Dec 7, — Floating dry dock. J. Adamso'n, Boston - - Dec 13, — Floating machine, for mud. S Davis, Baltimore - - Jan 22, 1817 Fire places. Levi Shepherd, Massachusetts - - Jan 25, — Folding paddle. Eben. Jeiiks, Colebrook, Connecticut - June 6, — Fire places. William Salisbury, Derby, V^irginia - Aug 16, 1817 Fires, mode of extinguishing. See Chimnies. Flour worm for cooluig Hour J. Smelzer, Adams county, Penn. May 6,1813 Farmer's spinner, for wool. Joiin Brown, Providence, R. I. May 12, — Files, machine for cutting. Cyrus Jackson, Butternuts, N. Y. May 28, — Furnace and boilers for manufacturing salt. Samuel Anthony, Lynchburg, Virginia - _ - _ May 99, — Flax and hemp, machine for breaking. W. Van Duzer, Warwick June 30, — Ferryboats. Thomas Cahoon, Pittsfield, Massachusetts - June 25, — Fire places and stoves. E. Haskell, New London, Connecticut June 25, -- Fire places and stoves. Chauncey Guernsey, Poultney N. Y. July 7, — Fur, extracting hair from. John Hollingshead and Daniel Baker, Trenton, New Jersey _ _ - . Aug 19, — Fetters for horses. Joseph Watson. New Canaan. Conn. Jan !.*>, ^r* .38 F 1810 1822 Fan for cleaning wheat. Edward Brooks, Wilmington, Del. Jan 28, Founder's moulding dies. Eben. Bryant, New London, Conn. March 18, Fire engine. John Richardson, jun. Shrewsbury, Mass. July 24, Fire places, improvement in. Eben Jenks, Colebrook, Conn. Sept 2, Fire places, improvement in Eliphalet Nott, Schennectady, New York __>___ Feb 3, Iloor cloths, paper. Francis Guy, Baltimore - - Feb 23. Fly wheels used as a power. John Ardronau, New York April i5, Fire places close and open. John C= Brush, Washington, D. C. Aug 19, Ferryboats, propelling. Robert Speeden, Easton, Maryland Aug 26, Flood gates for mills. J. Lucas, jun. Charleston, S. C, Nov 6, Fire engine assistant, or life pole. Wm. W. Van Loan, Gatskill, New-York, - - - - - - Feb 2, Fire places, improvement in. Joseph Maggini, Baltimore Feb 4, — Fireplaces, improvement in. Stephen , Spalding, Colchester, Connecticut, - - - - - - April 11, -^ Fire engine, improvement in the. Solomon Lockwood and William Lovland, Little Falls, New- York, - - April 16, — Fire places, mantle and fender for. Elijah Skinner, Sandwich, New-Hampshire, - - . - - April 19, — Fire engines, improvement in. Ebenezer Higgins, Saratoga, New-York, __. April 27, - Fire places and stoves, improvement in. Lemuel Hitchcock, Wethersfield, Vermont, _ _ _ _ May 4, — Flax, machine for breaking and swingling. S. Davidson, Ro- mulus township. New- York, - - - May 17, — Flax and hemp machine. Henry Burden, Albany, N Y. June 15, — Flax and hemp machine. William Cumberland, New- York, July 9, ~ Flax and hemp machine- James Macdonald, New-York, Aug 31, — Forge, hollow fire. Samuel Collins, Springfield, Mass. - Sept 11, -- Flax and hemp dressing machine. Naman Goodseil, Paris, New-York, . _ . . Sept 19, - Floating vessels, machine for. John Denny, Queen Ann coun- ty, Maryland, - - - - Oct 3, ~ Fire arms, improvement in. Albern Holcomb, Litchfield, N. York, - - - - - Oct 31, -:- Flumes for mills, improvement in the. A. Messer, Providence, Rhode-Island, - - - - Nov 19, ~ Flax and hemp, improvement in the machine for breaking. Wm. Cumberland, New- York, . . _ _ Nov 29, — Flax and hemp, machine for dressing. James Macdonaid, New -York, - - - - Jan 18, 1823 Flax and hemp, machine for dressing. Joseph Hines and Wm. Bain, Columbus, Ohio, - - ' - Feb 3, -* Fire proof furnace, improvement in. John Miller, (mason) Northampton county, Pennsylvania, - - March 13, — Flax and hemp, machine for breaking. Naman Goodseil, Clin- ton, Oneida county, New-York, - - March 21, 1823 Fire-fender, improvement in the. Matthew Benson, Ohio, May 19, ~ Forks, making four pronged. Granville Martin, Waterbury, Connecticut, - - - - June 13, — Fire engine and water pump. E. Williams and J. Collins, Fal- ley X roads, Massachusetts, - - - June 20 ~ Fencing, improvement in. Othello Church, Friendship, N. Y. July 3, ~ Forks, improvement in making dung. Christian Lawrence, Chatham, New- York, - - - July 23, - ^Fires in rhimneys, extinguishing. Daniel Berrien, N.Y. Aug 21, -i F ^ 3[) Forges and furnaces, backs for. Lewis Gillet, Copenhagen, New- York, - - - - - - Aug 21, -- Flax, improvement in breaking, dressing, &e. Asa Hook, Maine, - - _ _ _ Sept 9, — Fanning mills, improvement in the. David Neefus, Flat Lands, Island, New-York, - . - . . Sept 32, - Fulling woollen cloth, improvement in. M. W. Northrup and R. R. Dillon, Sussex coiiuty, New-Jersey, - - Dec 4, ~ Flax and hemp, machine for breaking. Frederick Cox, So- merville, Somerset county, New-Jersey, - - Dec 4, — Fids for supporting masts. Beiijamin Rotch, junior, 6 Upper Berkley Place, Brisstol, England, _ . _ Dec 10 — Flax and hemp, machine for dressing. Benjamin Lewis, Ligonia, Maine, ...-.- Jan 28, 1824 Fur blower. Wilharn B. liotch, Bristol, England, - March 9, — Fire engine, horizontal. LulJicr ILIland, Bticiicrstonn, Mass. Man-h 11, — Fishing, improvement in. Daniel Gordon, Lower Chance- ford, Pennsylvania, _ _ _ . March 27, — Forks, making four lined. Martin Stevens, New-Haven, Conn. April 16, — Flax and hemp dressing machine. Piatt \v akake, Angusta, Oneida county, New-York, _ _ _ _ April 16, — Flax and hemp dressing machine. Erastus Keilog, Palmyra, NeAv-York, - - - - - - May 11, — Flax and hemp dressing machine. William C. Davison, Pitts- ford, New- York, - - - - - June 22, — Fanning mill. Lemuel Peck, Brookfieid, Connecticut, - Aug 13, ~ Flyer used in spinning, &c. 0. G. and N. Rogers, VVhitestown, New-York, - - - - - - Aug 28, --' Fly killing machine. Andrew Glendening, Loudon county, Va. Sept 9, — Flax and hemp, machine for breakiiig and swingling. Rey- nolds Gilman, New-York, _ _ _ jy^y 5^ ,, Flax and hemp, machine for dressing. Franklin Kellsey, Mid- dletown, Connecticut, - - - Nov 26, — Flax and hemp, machine for dressing. Thomas S. and A. Bar- num, New-York, - - - - Nov 27, - Flour, mode of preserving. William Wood, junior, St. Clairs- ville, CThio, _ _ - - - - Dec 4, -— Felloes, mode of cutting. B. L. Greenough, Lebanon, N. H. Dec 21, — Family spinner. D Pool and A. Copeiand, Philadelphia, - Dec 24, — Flax breaking machine. Pierson Reading, Trenton, N. J. Jan 3, -^i Floom for water wheels Jabcz B. Fletcher, Richmond, Me. Feb 16, — Family spin i-^r and bobbin winder. John Gill, Plum township, New-York, - - - - - - Feb 19, - Flax, ;aa<;iune loi dressing. Francis Burdick, Kortright, N. Y. Feb 28, -- Flour, mode of preserving. Edwin Hord and B. Browning, Fleming cou^ity, Kentucky, < - - - March 12, ~ Flax, machine for dressing. William Wheeler, Warren, N. Y. March 26, -- Fanning mill, improvement in the. Enoch Walker, Spring- field, Pennsylvania, - - - , - March 28, — Fire places and chimneys. Cyrus Blood, Hagerstown, Md. April 7, — Furnaces for fossil coal. Daniel Stansbury, Belleville, N.J. April 15, 1824 Friction, mode of lessening. Peter Freeman, Morris county. New- Jersey, - - - - June 1, 1825 Fire places, improvement in. William Hoyt, Brookville, Ind. June 3, ~ Fire brick and fire clay, improvement in. Richard H. Smith, Baltimore, Maryland, - - - Sept 27, — Fur, mode of preparing for hatters. Arnold Buffum, Troy, Mass. Sept 28, ~ 40 Cr Furnace for heating hatters' irons, &c. G. V. Raymond, Rich- mond, Virginia, - - _ - Sept 29, '- Forge and furnace water back and tewel. Asa Blood, Conhoc- ton, New- York, .... Sept 29, - Fan and screen, improvement in the. John Peyton, Orange county, Virginia, ..... Nov 7, — Furnaces, constructing. Oliver Woodruflf, New York, - Nov 7, — Furnaces for burning anthracite coal. John L. Sullivan, N. Y. Nov 26, -- Flax and hemp, rotting by steam. Archilles Chirin, Harrison county, Kentucky, - - - - - Dec 28, — Felloes, machine for sawing. P. [James C] Collier, Catskill, New- York, - May 20, 1826 Furnaces and stoves for heating hoops. Garrett Post, Auburn, New-York, - - - - - - May 22, - Flax and hemp dressing, machine for. Joseph Hines and W. Bain, New-York, ..... Aug 11, - Fur, machine for cutting. Jeremiah Hubbard, Jamestown, , North Carolina, _ . . _ . Nov 4, — Fanning mill, improvement in the. O. Pinney and James 01m- stead, Caledonia, New-York, ... Nov 7, — Furnaces, fire places, and stoves, improvement in. Social Rolph, Whales, New-York, - - - - Nov 8, - Furnaces for burning anthracite coal. William Church, Boston, Massachusetts. .... - Nov 20, -- Fire arms, improvement in. Fordyce Ruggles, Hardwick, Massachusett'?, - - - - - Nov 24, — Fire places, forges, and furnaces, improvement in. J. W. Booth and William Lyman, Boston, - - Nov 29, -« G Gin, cotton. See Cotton Gin. Grain and corn, thrashing of. Samuel MuUikin, Philadelphia, March 11, 1791 Gun powder. Henry Keyser, Philadelphia, - - Aug 10, -- Grain thrashing, &c. William Hodgson, Virginia - - March 28, 1794 Thrashing of >^j^^^^ See fFAea?. Cleanmg of 3 Cleaning of seed. See Seeds. Glass, apparatus for cutting. Benjamin Du Val, - - Feb 14, 1799 Grist mills, improvement in. - - - -, - Feb 20, 1806 . Gin for cotton. See Cotton Gin. Grain separated from straw, machine for. Chistopher Hoxie, Hudson, Nevv-York, ..... . Aug 25, 1801 Gin rollers metallic, for cleaning cotton. G. F. Saltonstall, Fayetteville, N C - -• - - - Sept 2, - Grist mill, improvement in. John W. Holley, - - March 27, 180^ Gun lock, improvement in. Edward West, Fayette county, Kentucky, .-.___ July 6, — Grain, machine for thrashing. Joseph Pope, - - July 22, ~ Gauge auger, improvement in. Abel Stowell, - - Feb 14, 1803 Grain and grass, improvement in cutting. R. French and J. T. Hawkins, - - - - - - May 17, - Grindi'ig painters' colour, printers' ink, &c. improvement in. John Cist, - - - - ... Dec 3, — Gall jws, or suspenders, improvement in. S. Smith, New-Loa- don. Conn. - - - - - - Oct 24, 1804 Gun powder, machine for granulating. E. J. Du Pont de Nemours, * - - - - - Nov 25, ~ G ■ 41 imiiu. barrels, machiufi lor boring. See Boring. Grist mill, improvement in. J. Copes, Georgjetown, Del. May 2, 1805 Glazing and polishing linens. W. Smith, N. Y. - - Maj 9, — Gun carriages, improvement in. S. Hawkins, N. Y. - - Feb 19, 190G Grinding, sawing, and rasping dye woods. John Matthews, Philadelphia, ..-_., Feb 6, - Grist mill. Ezekiel Hall, Haverhill, Mass. - - - Feb 92, 1867 Gunners quadrant. C. Hammond, Concord, Middlesex county, Massachusetts, - - • - - - - - May 5, — Galvanism for salivating, &c. William Phoebus, N. Y. - June 9, — Green colour, mode of preparing. B. A De Carrendeffez, New- York, - - - - - - Oct 12, - Gauge for saw mills. Anson Blake, Lincoln, Kentucky, - Nov. 27, — Grinding bark,&c. machine for. 0. Pease and A Donalds, Nor- wich, Conn. _ . . - - March 18, 180S Geometrical interest table. Gershom Cobb, Boston, - Sept 7, — Grinding bark, machine for. Paul Pilsbury, Newbury, Mass. Sept 22, — Gristmills, improvement in. RupesW. Adams, Marlborough, Vermont, -»---- Dec 8, — Geer press See Cheese. Gin. See Hollands. Geometrical interest table. Gershom Cobb, Boston, - April 24, 1809 Geometrical writing plates. Samuel Ellis, - _ - Nov 25, — Grain, machine for cleaning, &c. Joel Morgan, Baltimore, Feb 20, 1815 Grain, method of separating onion seed from. L. Ruggles and D. Tomlinson, Brookfield, _ _ _ . March 16, ~ Gas lamp. David Melville, Newport, R. I. - - - May 1, — Gun barrells, machine for turning, Seth Youngs, Hartford, Conn. - - - - - - Grecian chaise body. Phincas Dow, Boston, Grain and grass, cutting and gatliering. J. Comfort, Buck's county, Penn. - - - _ _ _ Gin, mode of making. Erastus V. Freeman, - _ - Granulating gun powder. Richard Crosbie, Newark, N. J. Grates. Charles Hunt, New-York, _ _ _ Grindmg corn in the cob. William Mayo, Henrico, Va. Gas lamp. David Milville, Newport, R. I. Gimlet twisted screws. J. Broad, Salisbury, Conn. Gun powder Thomas Ewell, Georgetown. D. C. Gauge for a trip hammer. B. Richardson, Western, Mass. German flute. William Schafter, New- York, - - - Gun carriage pivot. Luke M. Laigliton, Portsmouth, N. II. Gun powder granulating. Joseph Wasley, Bern, N. Y. Guns and rifles. Frederick Oswan, Harper's Ferry, Va. Graphic plates for bank notes. JohnMeer, Philadelphia, - Gram, screen for cleaning;. E. Tisdale, Windham, Conn Grain, machine for thrashing and cleaning. A. D. Leroy, N. York, - - -• - - - - Glass furnace, for making. J. Stranger and A. H. Miller, Phi- ladelphia, -------- Glas light from stove coal. Z. Enters and W. Zigler, George- town, D. C. - - - - - - Grain, machine for hulling and grinding, &c. T. Ellicott, Penn. _„-_--. Gas making, carbonated hydrogen. B. Hugler, Philadelphia, Glass making. William Price, Pennsylvania, Gun powder, granulating. Charles Dalinas, Wilmington, Del. Grain cleansmg. Israel Honeywells, Hillsdale, N. Y. Greasing the axletrees of carriages. F. Brimler, N. Y. May 1, — May 15, 1 — Feb 29, 1811 A;.ril 10, — Feb 17, 1812 March 17, — A'iay 15, ~ March 13. 1813 June 25, — Dec 7, — May 17 1814 June 6, _ Nov 29, ~ Feb 21, 1815 Feb 25, — July 1, — July 17, ~ July 29, -- Aug. 16, -. Sept 28, ^- Feb 16, isiii April 23, — March 4, — April 26, ~ April 27, 1616 Aug 22, ~ 42 G Grammatical Key. James Brown, jun. Newark, N. J. - March 3, -* Gurida depurative. John James Girand, Baltimore, - Sept 9, 1817 Gate, rising and faucet. J. Brainard, Oneida co. N. Y. - Oct 4, — Gun barrels, making. A. Waters, Milbury, Mass. - Oct 25, — Gilding on leather, &c. Andrew Allen, New-York, - Dec 26, — Grammatical Mirror. John Brown, jun. Springfield, N. Y. March 17, 1818 Grain, machine for cleaning, &c. A. Fettrow, York, Penn. May 98, — Gun, rifle, &c, to discharge 7 times. Artemas Wheeler, Rox- bury, near Boston, - i _ _ _ June 16, — Gun powder, granulating. Da.uel Rogers, Newburg, N. Y. Aug 6, — Gill nets, catching fish. James Drummond, N. Y. - Aug 27, — Gun barrels. Asa Waters, MilOury. Mass. - - Dec 21, — Gun and rifle barrels, improvement in. Artemas Wheeler, Mass. - Feb 19, 1811) Grain, machine for hulling. Benjamin Maltby and Maltby Fow- ler, New-Haven, Conn _ - - _ Yeb 26, — Gun or rifle, improvement in the. Obadiah Stith, Quanelsville, Brunswick, Virginia, - - - - March 16, — Galley for ships, or lire hearth range. George Youle, N. Y. March 19, — Glass strings for pianos, Richard Bury, Albany, N. Y. - Aug 21, ~ Granulating gun powder. Gardiner Fulton, Philadelphia, - Aug 21, — Gun stocks, machine for turing. Thomas Blanchard, Milbury, Mass. - - - - - - - Sept 6, — Gun powder, improvement in making. Joseph M. Merrow and Robert M. Kee, junior, East Hartford, Connecticut, - April 19, 182^2 Glass lights for ships, &c. Joshua Cakes, Boston, - - May 11, — Ginning cotton, machine for. S. Pennoyer, Cross-river, West Chester, New-York, - - - - - July 24 ~ Gun powder, machine for granulating. William H. Richard- son, Baltimore, „ - _ _ _ Aug 3, — Glass buttons, furnace for. George W. Robinson, ;Attleborough, Massachusetts, - - - - Aug 19, ~ Glass buttons, finishing. Spencer Richards, Attleborough, Massachusetts, - - - - ' - Aug 29, — Grid-irons, improvement in. Daniel Ball, Ballstown Spa, N. Y. Glue, improvement in making. John Henry Mark,. PhiPa, - Oct 3, — Gas. making combustible. William Garnet, Rome, N. York, Dec 27, — Grir i'iig, mac}\ine for. John Bolton, Warren, New-York, Jan 9, 1823 Grass seeds, machine for cleaning. Howland Child, Canton, Maine, - - - - - - Jan 11, — Girth, improvement in the elastic spring. Peter Harry, Harris- onburg, Virginia, - - - - - Feb 1, — ^ Gl-ain cradle, improvement in the. Isaac Babcock, Ransselear- ville, New- York, - - - - - March 24, — Grain, machine for grinding. J. C. Langdon and J. Thf'ash, Troy, New- York, - - - - . - Sept 26, -. Grain, machine for scouring and cleaning, J9hn Litchenber- ger, Philadelphia, - _ _ _ _ Nov 24, — Guns, improvement in. Alexander Bowden, Newark, N. J. Jan 10 1824 Grain, improvement in scouring. Lot Forrester, Ridgeiield, Connecticut, - - - > _ - Feb 13, -" Gun barrels, rolling the scalps of. John Bruce, Springfield, Massachusetts. - - - - _ - Oct 15, — Gas, machine for charging liquids with. Joseph H. Laning, Da- vidson county, Tennessee, - - > _ Dec 22, — Grasses, making brushes and brooms of. Shad. H. Weed, N. Y. Feb 28, 182^* Grain, cast iron mill for grinding. Henry Bailey, Hartford, Connecticut, - ^ ■ ^ - May 14; - H 43 iiieographical garden, discovery of. Geo. W. Cherry, Derby, Connecticut, . - . . May 27, 1825 OuQs, improvement in making percussion. James Tyrer, Pe- tersburg, Virginia, - - - - June 3, — Glass furniture knobs, improvement in making. J. P. Bake- well, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, - - Sept 9, ~ Grate, improvement in the reverberating. Robert Mayo, Rich- mond, Virginia, - - - - Nov 1, — Garments, mode of measuring and cutting. S. Stephenson, Baltimore, _ . . _ March 15, 1826 Gauge sight for s . _ > April 24, — Grain, cleaning. Lemdel Lee and Cornelius Masten, Penn Van, New-York, - - . - - - April 25, — Globes, making the inner body of. Wm. B. Annin, Boston, Massachusetts, _____ May 4, — Garments, scale for draughting. N.B.Starr, Philadelphia, July 10, — Grinding machine, for shelled corncobs, &.c. Jarvis Webster, Philadelphia, _____ July 31, — Glass knobs. H. Whitney and E. Robinson, Cambridge, Mass. Nov 4, — Gin, improvement in the common foot. James B. Barnes, Beaufort, South Carolina, - - - - Nov 6, — Grate and blower for Leheigh coal. S. C. Moott and William Holmes, New-York, - - - - Nov 26, ~ Grater, corn and apple. Camm Moore, Gardiner, N. C. Dec 30, ~ Gas for engines, charing wood for. Samuel T. Jot;es, Phil. Jan 17, 1827 Gun lock, improvement in the. Simon Cromwell, Edgecomb, Maine, .-_.__ Feb 3, — Geering for mills, making. Charles Neer, Waterford, N. Y. March 6, — Grinding and polishing hard and soft substances. Benjamin Green, Hartford, Vermont, - . - - March 27, — H Hydraulics, improvement in. Joshua Hatheway, Vermont Oct 29, 1794 Harbors. See Docks Hemp, &c. breaking and swingling of. Samuel Mullikin, Phil. March 11, 1791 Hemp and flax, &c. spinning of. George Parkinson, Phil. March 17, ~ Hemp and flax breaking. Samuel Mullikin, Philadelphia Jan 15, 1795 Hats making. James Long - _ _ - Aug 5, 1799 Hoops of iron, improvement in straightening. B.Seymour June 26, 1797 Hides and skins, machine for splitting. T.O.Harrison May 19, 1800 Hydraulic machine for raising water. Bar. Langdon, St. Al- ban's, Vermont - - - - - Feb 20, 1801 Hydraulic engine. John Strong - - _ _ March 24, — Hemp and flax, mode of breaking. Hezekiah Betts - May 3, 1802 Hulling rice, machine for. Christopher Hoxie, Hudson, N. Y. Jan 7, 1803 Horizontal wind mill. John Baptiste Avelthe - - March 16, ~ House fan, improved. Edward Marquam - - March 28, — Heating and boiling. See Water. Hinges, machine for making. David Morse - - June 10, -- Hats, improvement in the mode of manufacturing. E. Corning, jun. Hartford, Connecticut _ _ _ June 13, — Hats. See Seals' Fur. Horizontal draft wind mill. Samuel Goodwin - - Oct 31, ~ Hydro Mechanical press. John Beverly - - Dec 26, - Hemp and flax. See Breaking Hone. See MelalUc Grinder Horses ears, mode of improving. Seth Janes - ~ Dec 31, 1804 44 H Hackling. See Toic Hats, machine for making bats or frames for wool. R. tiookirjs, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts - - - Jan 24, 18UG Hoisting machine. Wra. Purden, Baltimore - . _ March 19, — Hemp and flax machine. R. Button, Cassenovia, New York Feb 11, 1807 Hats. See Carding. Heating rooms, mode of. Allan Pollock, Boston - April 24, — Heating water for steam by the rays of the sun. Mat. Long- well, Gettj^sburg, Pennsylvania - - - July 11, — Harrow, improvement in. Seth Vinton, Willington, Conn. Nov. 18, — Hoop and sheet iron. J. H. Pierson, Rockland - Dec. 24, — Hemp machine for breaking and swingling. T. Cohoon, Wash- ington -.._.. April 13, 1808 Hats, cloths, &c. mode of manufacturing from the fleece, with- out bowing. R. Pitkin, East Hartford, Connecticut April 23, ~ Hydrant for drawing water from aquaeducts. D. Burt, She- nectady, New- York - - _ _ . June 22, — Heating liquids. Samuel Bolton, Philadelphia - - Jan 16, 1809 Holland gin, mode of making. A. Bouchrie, Philadelphia Jan 31, ~ Horss boat. Moses Craft, Troy, New-York - - _ Feb. 14, ~ Hand saw. See IJaio Harness. Benjamin Mirick, Rutland county, New- York - April 21, — Hubbs, machine for dividing and boring. J. B. Cleveland, Ber- gen, New-Jersey - - - - - June 7, ~ Hemp and flax spinning machine. N. Foster, Flamsbury, Ken. June 28, ~ Hats, mode of manufacturing. Henry Lainhart, jun. Bait. July 6, — Hot pressing paper. Francis Baily, Philadelphia - - July 31, — Hydraulic ram. Jos. Cerneau and S. J; Hallet, New-York Aug 3, — Horizontal mill. Israel Kelsey, Hartford, Connecticut, Aug 25, — Horse shoes, machine for making. S. Decatur and W. Tat- ham, Washington _ - - _ _ Oct 11, — Hides, improvement in Bent's machine for splitting. W. Brown, Philadelphia - - - - - - Nov 20, — Heat to fluids, mode of application. S. Applegate, T. How- ard, and P. H. Wharton, Philadelphia - - Nov 22, ~ Hemp break. William Mason, Washington county, Ohio - Dec 28, — Hopper blower. T. S. Barnum, Sharon, Connecticut - Jan 18, 1810 Hair, method of extracting from peltry. E. Cutter, Walpole, New Hampshire _ _ _ _ - Feb 12, ™ Hats, planking. John Gregg, Green county, Pennsylvania March 14, — Hoops, Machine for shaving. David Shiver, Petersburg, Penn. March 17, — ■ Horse mill. Ephraim Brown, Boston, Massachusetts - April 10, — Hides, machine for shaving and splitting. N. P. Whiting, Pro- vidence, Rhode Island - - - - April 25, — Hats, mode of manufacturing military. S. Hoskins, Catskill, New York „ _ - . _ April 30, - Hinges, mode of casting. G. A Rogers, Newburyport, Mass. July 3, ~ Harness, mode of making, for saddlery. B. Foster, D.Washburn, N. Rockwell and J. 0. Walker, Castletown, Virginia Aug 1, — Hessian fly, mode of destroying. W. Armistead, Prince William county, Virginia - - - - - Nov 13, — Hats, manufacturing. S. Sibballs, jun. Tyringham, Mass. Dec. 26, — Horses, training and breaking. Townsend Cock, New York March 1, 1811 Hats, planking and setting. Israel Swan, Haverhill, N. H. March 7, ~ Hats, steaming, &c. J. Sizer, New London, Connecticut Nov 6, — Hats of paper. Joseph Ford and John White, Boston - Nov 25, — Hydro pneumatic engine. R. Crosbic, Newark, N. J. - Jan 6, 181'2 Hats. Frederick Messer, Guildhall, Vermont - - Jan 23, — Horse hoofs, &.c. combs made from. E. Morris, Canviss, South- .in2;t'>n. Courier •?r'!Tt - - - - Mav' f>, '- 11 45 Hatters, machiue lot- boiling Ibi-. H. S. HoUiday aii(l E. H. Grifl&n, Lyme, Connecticut - - - June G, 18 Ix; Hides, machine for breaicing, &c. N. Kirk and S. Clark, St. Clairsville, Ohio J'i^y ^8, -- Hides and skins breaking, &c. T. E. Barker and S. S. Ford- ham, Hudson, New York - - - - Oct 1 j, - Hinge, eliptical. M. and R. Reeve, Burlington, New Jersey Oct 31, -- Hulling machine. S. Hought, Philadelphia - - Nov IG, - Hide, mill for softening, &c. W. Edwards, Northampton, Mass. Dec 30, ~ Hair. See Clotka. Hats, mould for forming, &c. J. Werely, Albany, New York Oct 14, lbil3 Hair, machine for spinning. VV. Shotweli and A. Kinder, N.Y. Nov 4, - Hair, machine for carding, ^c. do do Nov 4, -- Hopper, filler for flour. A. Ilershe, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Jan 15, Il5i4 Hats, making felt. J. Carletoa, Salem, New Hampshire . Jan 21, - House warmer, &c. R. Annesiev, Philaueiphia - April i-i. Hinges, cast iron. Cyrus Aiger, Bi.^ston - - ^^^V ^"> Horn, splitting and shearing. John Pulsifer, Newbury, Mass. May 24, - Holdfast for buttons. Ira Ives, New Haven, Connecticut June 18, -- Horse boats, machine for. David Dunham, New York - June 2b, -- Harness buckles, cutting. James Carman, Hudson, N. Y. Oct l'^, Heater and condenser for distilling. Thomas Shuriey, Madi- son county, Virginia - - - - Nov 18, Hedles, metalic, for weaving. W. James and D. BoUes, Ash- ford, Connecticut - - - - April 26, 181. .» Hydrastatic paradox to move, machine. Cad. D. Colden, N.Y. May 19, ~ Hats, manufacturing. Jehieland John Bryan, Saratoga, N. Y. Aug 26, — Heat, space applied to steam engine. E.Burraii, Canaan, Conn., Jan 31, 18U» Hats, making cemented. Nathan Weston, Reading, Mass. May 24, - Hats, blocking. David Beard, Guilforci, North Carolina May 28, — Hatters' plank kettle. Schuyler Fisher, Herkimer co. N. Y. July 15, — Hats, improvement in. William Goodrich, Philadelphia Aug 20, — Horse mill. William CornwelJ, Accomak, Virginia - Dec l4, — Hydraulic machine. Charles Darmand, Georgetown, D. C. Aug 7, 181 1 Hats, water proof stiffening. William Ruckle, Baltimore Nov 28, — Horn, manufacturing for combs. M. P. Smith, Poughkeepsie, New York - - ... Jan 28, 1818 Hulling grain, machine for. Benjamin Maltby and Maltby Fowler, New Haven, Connecticut - - F^^ 23> "" Hulling grain, machine for. James Jones, Willmgton, N. H. Feb 25, — Horse rake. Pierson Reading, Trenton, New Jersey - Aug 1, — Horse wheel to propel boats. R. Bowne and J. Murphey, N.Y. Nov 18, — Hydraulic machine. Joseph James Lyngamore, Maryland Nov 13, — Heat retainer and imparter. J. K. Mitchell, Philadelphia Nov 19, -- Hides, machine for breaking. William M. D Hashbiouch and Jacob Dufenback, Bloomsbury, Pennsylvania - Feb 8, 18.1.0 Hats, making. Silas Mason, Norfolk, Massachusetts - Feb 20, — Hoe, improvement in the. E. Kimball, Fitchbury, Mass. April 3, — Hydraulic machine. Jeremiah Black, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania _ _ _ - April 23, — Hat rounder and gauge. S. Jones, Bridgeport, Fayette county, Pennsylvania . . _ - June -2, -- Horse boats, improvement in the. B. and J. C. Langdon, Troy, New York - _ _ - June 5, - Hot pressing, heating plates for. Moses A. Quigley, Wash- ington county, Maryland - _ . - June 15, - Heights and distances, machine for measuring. Benjamin Wil- mer, Baltimore - - - - - Aug 20, — Hats, water proof stiffening for. J. Heinrie Tilge, Washington Sept 23, —^ Horse wheel. Moses Isaacs, New York - - Nov 17, 1811) Hanging belK Anthony Lynar, New York - - Dec 24, — 46 H Hollowing ir»n for five, &c. See Fire, mode hollowing. Hats, elastic water proof. Arnold BufFum and J. Kelly, Med- ford, Massachusetts . _ _ _ Feb 17, 1850 Hoe, improvement in the common. P. H. Merrill, Hinsdle, N. H. April C, — Horse shoes improvement in. J. B. Brown and J. Farmer, Boston March 11,1822 Hair, mode of taking from the skins of the Nutria. Samuel Brooks, New York - - - _ _ April 4, — Horse hay rake, improvement in the. Moses Pennock, East Marlborough, Pennsylvania - - - - June 26, — Hulling machine for grass seeds, &c. Thatcher Blake, Paris, Maine - - - - - - July 12, ~ Hydrometer, improvement in the. J. C. Tucker and E. Dwelle, Boston - - - - - - Dec 23, — Hulling grain, machine for. John Bolton, Warren, New York Jan 9, 1823 Hats and bonnets, weaving straw for. Lucy Burnap, Merri- mack, New Hampshire - - - - Feb 15, — Hames, improvement in the chaise, Herrick Aiken, Brighton, Massachusetts - _ - _ IVIarch 12, -* Hoes, improvement in. Joseph Watson, New Canaan, Conn. July 26, — HulJing grain, machine for. Nathaniel Barrett, Paris, N. Y. Hats, improvement in the kettle for coloring. Joel Taylor, Danbury, Connecticut - _ _ Harrow teeth, improvement in making. William M'Conaughey, Newgarden, Pennsylvania - _ _ Hydrants, improvement in the construction of. T. Gibson, Phil. Do S. Ewing, do Hats, machine far steaming and hardening. Nirum Wildman, Danbury, Connecticut _ - _ April 2, 1824 Horse and oxen shoes, improvement in making. Peter Stern- berg, Danube, New York Horse wheel, improvement in the inclined. J. Keller and S. Burt, Cincinnati, Onio Horse wheel, improvement in the inclined. John Bradford, Lexington, Keijtucky - - _ Hulling grain, machine for. William J. Hart, Talmage, Ohio HydraiJic machine, double reacting. James O'Connor, Bed- ford, Pennsylvania Hoe-harrow, iHiprovement in the. Aquila Newbern, Bristol, Pennsylvania - - - Hub or gig band, improvement in the carriage. Christian Cornelius, Philadelphia - _ _ Horse scythe. John A. Wadsworth, Newport, Rhode Island Hats dyeing. Israel Taylor, Trenton, New Jersey Hatters' grates for boilers, &c. Hubert V. Raymond, N. Y. Harrow, self-sharpening. H. Hopkins and J. Pratt, Pompey, New York - - - Horse-rake, improvement in the revolving. Moses Pennock Kennett Square, Chester county, Pennsylvania Horse-rake revolving. do Feb 8, 182;i Hoes, improvement in making. Paul Whitin, Northbridge, Massachusetts - - - - Horse power to all kinds of machinery. Benj. Maltby, N. Y. Hat bodies, improvement in the mode of making. Joseph Grant, Providence, Rhode Island - - - Hatters' planking kettle, improvement in. Ezra Joyce, Brook- lyn, New York - ~ Hubs, cast iron, improvement in. Benjamin Lyman, Manches- ter, Connecticut - - - Hydrostatics. &c. improvement in. E. C. Genet, Albany, N.Y. Aug 21, Nov 20, Dec 8, Dec 13, Dec 19, April 2, April 10, April 23, May 14 May 21, May 29, June 1, June 18, July 3, Aug 27, Sept 16, Nov 9, Nov 23, Feb 8, Feb 22, April 11, April 28, June 6, Oct 29, Oct 31, 1 47 Horse >rheei burrow, improvement in the. Ireh Rowley, Pitts- ford, New York - - - - - Nov 1, 1S2.= Hats, mode of coloring and dyeing. Morris Burt, Warwick, N.Y. Nov 8 Hats, mode of planking wool. Laban L. Macomber, Bath, Me. Dec 31, — Heat, evolution and management of. Eliphalet Nott, Sche;iec- * tady, New York . . . - . March 23, 1826 Horse mill. Adl. Warren, Sanger tius. New York - April 15 Hals, machine for finishmg and ironing. James Cooper and Thomas Barnett, Philadelphia _ _ _ ^ay 31 Heat, evolution and management of. E. Nott, Schenectady, New York ----- June 21 Hydraulics, improvement in. Wm.Lanphier, Alexandria, D.C. Sopt 2 Hubs of wheels, boring machine for the. Ebenezer Johnson, Lexington heights, New York - - - Nov 7 Hay, double box for pressing. E, Wacerhouse, Gardiner, Maine Nov 14 Hides, machine for breaking. Hezekiah S. (Jiark, iiandolph . couwty, N.'.h Carolina _ _ . . Dec 22 Hats, apnlication of steam in makmg. William Harkins, Wheeling, Ohio county, Virginia - - Dec 29 Heat, improvement in the evolution and management of. E. Notl, Schenectady, New York - - _ ])ec 29 Hoes, in making. Cnaunct-j Bulkley, Colchester, Connecticut Jan 10, 1821 Heating ovens, rooms, &c. mode of. Michael B. Poitiaux, Richmond, Virginia _ - _ _ jan 17 Hats, improvement in the mode of planking R. Bacon, Boston Jan 31 Harrow teeth, in the apparatus for constructing. William M'Conaughey, Newgarden township, Pennsylvania Feb 16 Horse rake, for hay and grain. Moses and Samuel Pennock, East Marlborough, Pennsylvania . - - Feb 17 Hatters' cards, mode of making. Joseph C. Seely, New York March 15 Horse hay rake, improvement in the. Jeremiah Bailey, Phil. March 30 Hominy, machine for making. Robert Cambell, Martiiisburg, Virginia - _ - - _ April 9 HatboUies, machine for setting up. Joseph Grant, Providence, Rhode Island - - - - - April 10 Hats, water proof stiffening. Stephen Hempstead, jr. Charles county, Maine - - - - May 25 Heat, evolution and management of. Eliphalet Nott, Schenec- tady, New York - - - _ May 30 I • Iron, improvement in casting. William Hancock - Feb 26, 1799 Impellent pump. S. Thayer. Brain tree, Massachusetts - June 9,1801 Iron, method of rolling out for nails. Jesse Reed - July 15, 1802 Insubmersible boat, See Boat. Inclined plane, statical wheel. John William, Deerfield, Mass. March 24, 1804 Iron screws. See Moulds for casting. Iron, mode of manufacturing. James Rutland, Philadelphia Nov 12, 1807 Impelling boats, &c. Benjamin Taylor, New York - April 25, 1808 Illuminator for lighting stair cases. J. H. Ross, Baltimore, Md. June 24, ~ Indigo, a substitute for. Samuel De Riemer, Poughkeepsie, New York ------ May 15, — Iron, machine for moulding and rolling. Joseph White, Phil. March 14, 1810 Ink stands of stone. A. H. Quincy, Boston - - Sept 3,1811 Iron, mode of making bar from scraps. B. King, Washington, District of Columbia - - _ - Nov 15, — Icthy occalla, or fish glues. D Waldron, New York March 4, 1812 Iron ore manufacturing into paints. Nicholson, Bairdstown, Kentucky --_--_ June 23, - Interest table, oirrnlar. Joseph Jelleff, Butternuts, N. Y. Sept 8, - 48 K Ice brealiing machine, J. J. Williams, Georgetown, D. C. March 2,1813 Ink stands. Oliver Barker, Hartford, Connecticut - May 13, 1814 Iron, composition for softening. A Scott, jun. and A. Seldon, Winchester, New Hampshire _ _ _ Nov 8, — Iron back log. " Charles Harris, Boston _ - - May 15, 1815 Interest table, improvement on JelielF's. Gilbert D. Lowe, Hampfield, Pennsylvania _ . _ _ Aug 12, ~ Imprinting on hard substances. John Edwards, New York Aug 22, 1816 Inclined horse wheel. J, B. Robinson, Cincinnati, Ohio - Oct 14, — Iron railing, machine for making holes in. B. King, Washing- ton, District of Columbia - _ . - May 29, 1819 Iron, converting into steel partially. Eben. Jenks, Colebrook, Connecticut - - - - - Jan 28, 1818 Iron plates, &c. manufacturing. E. J. Eilicot, Baltimore - May 28, — Ink standish, construction of. A. Hayward, Easton, Mass. Nov 23, -- Inclined horse wheel. J. Palmer, Cincinnati, Ohio - Dec 29, — Iron and steel, improvement in making. H. G. SpafFord, Al- bany, xNew Yoik - - - - - Oct 30, 1822 Inclined wheel, dead weight application lo the. George Ly- man, St. Charles parish, Louisiana - - March 4, 1823 Isinglass or icthycoila, making. William Hall, Boston March 23, — Do John Hastings, Cambridge, Mass. Aug 14, ~ Inclined wheel, propelling the. N. H. Shaw, Charlotte Hall, Maryland Oct 9, 1824 Inclined plane^ double. Archibald Tanner, Warren, Penn. April 15, 1825 Iron and other metals, machine for slitting. Jesse Reed, Marshfield, Massachusetts . - - - April 21, — iron and other metals, splaying and flaring. Noah Sutton, Bowery, New York _ . _ > April 28, — Inclined plane. Edwaid Clark, New York - - June 27, — Ice, applying to conduit pipes. Henry Cunningham, Johns- town, New York - - - _ - June 29, — Inclined wheel, manner of using the. Elias Holliday, Scho- harie, New York - - - - " - May 5, 182(> Iron, improvement in the mode of rolling. Abraham S. Valen- tine, Bellefonle, Pennsylvania _ _ _ Jan 3, 1827 Irons for planes and jointers. Chs. E. West, Colchester, Conn. Jan 10, — Inlaying gold in tortoise shells. Uriah Bailey, West Newbury; 'Massachusetts - - - ' - - Feb 22, ~ Jaundice bitters. Jesse Wheaton, Dedham, Massachusetts Jan 17, iSoi Junk old See Oakmn. Joining and planing machine. J. S. Mott, Alburgh, St. Albans, Vermont --.__. March 8, 1800 Jointer and guage. J. Wadsworth, Milton, Massachusetts Feb 10, 1810 Jostick, a composition instead of. . Frederick Eckstein, and J. M'llhenny, Philadelphia - - _ - Oct 12, 1814 Jack. William Hoyt, Brookville, Indiana - - June 3, 1825 Jointing and matching boards. D. Gleason and H. Frisbee, Bethenj, New York - - . _ April 8, 1826 Jointing and tongueing boards. Elijah B. Clark, Damascus, Pennsylvania - - - - - Jan 31, 1827 K Keels. See Otookcd Keels. Keels of vessels, improvement in construction. Gilbert Living-- ston, Duchess county, New York - _ - Oct 22, 1803 Kilns for drying grain. VViJliam Pool, Wilmington, Delaware Dec 20, imTr L 4!; kihis toi- til jiiig graiu. J. Abraham, Middlesex, l\t\\ Jersey Dec 20, 1805 Knapsacks, military. J. P. Lherbelte, Washington, D. C. Oct 7, 1808 Kirb. See Cose. Kiln, drying corn and malt. John Hughson, Clinton co. N. Y. July 18, 1811 Keel, swinging. Josiah Beall, Alexandria - - Jan 15, 1815 Kitchen stove. John Spencer, Alb-iny, New York - - Feb 8,1813 Kitchen, moveable. George Youle, New Fork - - July 1, 1814 Knappirig cloth. D. Merrion and H. Kellog, Hudson, N. Y. Oct 28, 1811 Knapping cloth. T. S. Barnum and E. Smith, Litchfield, Conn. April 4, — Knapping cloth. W. Duncan and J. Davidson, Acworth, N, H. May 27, — Knitting stocking and stockingnettc. A. Porter, I. Mead and J. Stedwell, Queerisbury, Ne-v York - . _ July 31, 1815' Kilns for manufacturing earthen ware. J. Hassell, Elizabeth- town, New Jersey - - - - - Oct 21, — Knapping machine. John Taylor, Waltham, Massachusetts Oct 28, -- Keel, swinging false. Philander Hall > _ - April 2, 1816 Kiln for burning lime. T. Power, Hudson, New York - Jan 7,1817 Kiln for burning lime. G. Harper, Jenkertown, Pennsylvania Jan 22, — Kiln for burning lime. J. Swope, Lancaster, Pennsylvania March 14, — Knapping woollen cloth. Bishop N. Parsons, NcwY'irk April 16, — Kneading dough, machine for. S. Dixon, Prince Georges coun- ty, Maryland ----- Feb 28, 1818 Kettles lor toiling sait. J. Eindall, Fayette county, Peni' March 18, ~ Kettles, setting. George Whitfield, Robinson, Massachusetts July 17, — Kiln for drying malt by steam. David St. Leger. Williamson county, Tennessee - . - _ _ j^ug 30, 1822 Kiln for drying grain, R. Andrews, Fleming county, Ken. Nov 7, ~ Knife for splitting leather, improvement in the. H. Aiken, Brighton, Massachusetts - - - - March 12, I82;i Kiln for burning lime, improvement in the. Abel Jeans, Mill- creek hundred, Delaware - - _ - Peb 15^ 1827 Leather tanning. James Davis, Massachusetts - April 14, 179T Liquor. See Distilling. Lamp, a taiiow. J Love - - - - June 11, 1798 Looms, improvement in. David Greive - - June 8, 1797 Lathe, improvement in blocking. E. V/hiting, Worcester, Massachusetts - - - - - April 1, 1802 Light obtained from fuel, new mode. B. Henefrey - April 16, — Lantern, improvement in. J. Stanford, jun. and A.D.Allen May 10, 1804 Lime kiln, improvement in. Thomas Power - - July 12, ~ Leeches, bl'teding and breeding with. John Knnitz, Phil. May 7,1805 J^gck, balance pendulum. S. Godwin and R Gaines, Baltimore and Georgetown _____ j^jj 02, IS06 I^oom for weaving chip. P. Bennet, Rochester, Massachusetts Feb 8, — Lock, balance pendulum. R. Gaines, Georgetown, D. C. March 17, -- Lime. See Calcareoi:s. Lasts for boots and shoes. W, Young, Philadelphia - ?>Iay 20, 1807 Leather, mode of preparing for suspenders. 0. V/ebb, N. Y. Oct 14, ~ Lever for turning wheels, rowing boats, &c. R. Hopkins, IIop- kinton, St. Lawrence county, New York - - Marcii 25, 180K- Life buoy, or seaman's friend. W. Flower, Philadelphia May 14, ~ Lighting the binnacle of ships. W'. Lewis, Boston - June 24, — Leather, machine for shaving and splitting. Martin Tullar, Royalton, Virginia _ . _ - - Ju]y 29, — Lightning rods. Elisha Calender, Boston - - Oct 3, — Looms for weaving. C. Cooper, Lebanon county, Penn. - Nov 4, — l-ye, mode of cleansing and rrelting pot ash. Jonathan Jones, Fabias. New Yrirk _ . _ , . Feb 11. 1S0?> 50 L Lathe, uniform tuniiug. A. Bagget. Middlesex, Mass. June ll), IBUU Lever balance, spang catch. Levi Kendall, New York May 8, — Lathe, mode of securing a button in. George W, Robinson, Providence, Rhode Island - - - - June 27, — Lathe turning. W. Ross, Chester county, Pennsylvania July 10, — Leather machine, for striping. D. Ridgway - - Oct 26, - Loom for weaving girt and cloth. R. Lloyd, Philadelphia Feb 8, 1810 Lamps and liquid to be burned. J. Hawkins, Baltimore - April 21, - Leather, machine for stamping and staining. R Robinson, Newburyport, Massachusetts - _ _ Lantern, a reflecting and magnifying. W. Lewis, Boston Loom. Walter Janes, Ash ford, Connecticut Loom. S. Blydenburgh, West Brookfield, Massachusetts Loom. P. Clinton Curtis, Paris, Oneido, New York Loom, water Thomas Mussey, Philadelphia Lee board. J. Swain, H Swain, Joshua Swain, Cape May, N.J. Lever purchase, for propelling, &c. Shubail Kinball, Rhine beck. New York . - - - „ Lime kiln, perpetual. W. Gorsuch, Baltimore Looms. N. Perry, Boston - - - - Loom crank. E. Cutter, Walpole, New Hampshire Loom. Richard C. Rogers, Maine, Massachusetts Loom. Richard Crosbie, Newark, New Jersey Loom, hand and water. John Thorp, Providence, R. I. Loom, hand and water. Asa Campbell, Kingston, Penn. Loom, water. Silas Shepard, Philadelphia Linen Spinner. S. Baldwin and E. Town, Vermont Liquids, machine for heating. Roswell Valentine, Canaan, N.Y. Loom. Richard C. Rogers, District of Maine Leather, plane for shaving. F. Woodward, New Lisbon, N.Y. Looms. John Phelps nlanlius, New York Looms. C. Cooper and G. Shaake, Lebanon, Pennsylvania Looms. John Hevin, Montgomery, Virginia Leather compressing by a roller. W. Edwards, Northampton, Massachusetts - - . - - - Oct 17, — Lamps. James Mallory, New York - - - - Nov 20, -- Linen spinner. A. Webster, Green county, New York - Dec 31, — Lamp for nurses. WiJliam Hov/e, Boston - - Dec 31, — Loom, domestic and manufactory. W. Jones, Ashford, Conn. March 20, 1813' Locks for banks. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Mass. March 23, — Leather, machine for splitting, &c. Samuel Parker, Bellerica, Massachusetts - _ March 16, - June 1, — Sept 1, -- Sept 12, - Nov 17, - March 4, 181 1 April 10, - April 24, - Aug 17, Sept 25, Sept 27, Nor 29, Jan 6, March 28, March 28, April 27, May 6, June 13, June 23, July 27, Aug 27, Aug 28, Oct 16, 1812 Loom. Loom. Loom. Loom. Locks, Lamp, April 5, S.Briggs, Canaan, Connecticut - - May 27, Alfred Ware, jun. Franklin Massachusetts - June IS, T. Robinson Williams, Newport, Rhode Island July 3, E. Robinson, Augusta, Massachusetts - - June 24, construction of. W. Pye, New York - - Aug S, with double reflector. W. and L. Foster, Boston Aug 20, Loom, revolving. J. Hess, Hempfield, Pennsylvania - Oct 2, Leather, water proof. J. Board, New York - - Nov 4, Loom. Robert Sugden, Boston - - _ - Nov 2, Loom. J. M. Morel, Guiramond, Baltimore - - Jan 7, Loom for warping. C- Whitney, Dedham, Massachusetts Feb 1, Lee's New London billious pills. Samuel H. P. Lee, New Lon- don, Connecticut _ _ - - - Feb 8, Looms. John Heavin, Montgomery, Virginia - Feb 18, Looms. D. Briggs, Canaan, Connecticut - - - Feb 19, Loom, water. B. Brown, Albemarle, Virginia - March 21, Looms. J. Coulter and St. Gano, Berkley, Virginia - April 18, Looms. Jacob Spinkle, Wythe C. H. Virginia - April 27, j,a,mp«. Edward Clarke. Philadelrfhia - _ .- April 27, 1814 L 51 Looms. Thomas Siddall, Bristol, Pennsylvania - July 9, 1814 Loom, family. C. Hathaway, Walton, New York - Oct 11, — Loom. W. Wright, Brooklin, New Hampshire - Oct 12, — Looms. Seth Craig, Philadelphia . - _ Oct 13, — Loom, stocking. J. Bazen,jun. Canton, Massachusetts Oct 28, ~ Looms, temples for. B. Rogers, Beaver Creek, Ohio - Nov 24, — Looms. S Browson, Kent, Connecticut - - Nov 5, ~ Lathe Wheel. B. Hoadly, New Haven, Connecticut - Dec 16, -- Lathe for polishing buttons, &c. L. Meriam,N. Haven,|Conn. Jan 4, 1815. Loom foi* the warp of suspenders. W. Squire, New York Jan 17, — Loom, water or steam. S. BIydenburgh and H. Kealey, Wor- cester, Massachusetts - _ _ - Feb 20, — Looms F. C. Lovell and P. T. Jackson, Boston - Feb 21, — Looms. J. Jellefs, Butternuts, New York - - May 24, — Looms. C. Cooper and G. Shalk, Lebanon, Pennsylvania May 31, — Ladder, conflagration. Bennet Lies, New York - June 20, — Lexodromic pully. J. S. Donlevy, New York - - Sept 21, — Lime, ardent spirits obtained from. James Hall, Virginia Nov 22, — Lotteries. Joseph Vanini, Washington, District of Columbia Dec 4, — Loom, water. P C. Curtis, Paris, New York - - May 28, 1816 Loom. Robert Jackson, Middleborough, Pennsylvania July 23, — Loom, power. S. Shepard and J. Thorp, Taunton, Mas». July 25, — Loom. Samuel Chapman, Otsego, New York - - Aug 24, — Loom, water. Thomas Mussey, New London, Connecticut June 10, 181T Last, right and left. William Young, Baltimore, - June 10, — Loom. Benjamin Cummings, Townsend, Massachusetts - Oct 3, — Letters, projecting. Lewis Child, New York . - Oct 4, — Lint loom. Francis Hall, Charleston, Massachusetts . - Nov 28, ~ Laths, &c. machine for splitting. Daniel Wright, Franklin, New York Jan 15, 1818 Lamps, improvement in. Winslow Lewis, Boston - Jan 23, — Locks and bolts for doors. William Pye, New York - April 28, — Lock, called the union lock. William Pye, New York April 28, — Leather tubes, making. A. L. Pennock and James Sellers, Phil. July 6, — Leather bags for mails, &c. A. L. Pennock and James Sellers, Philadelphia ----- j^jy g^ .. Locks, securing. G. Whitfield Robinson, Attleborough, Mass. July 17, — Lathes for turning gunbarrels. Daniel Dana and A. Onley, Canton, Massachusetts - _ _ _ Aug 84, -- Loom, improvement in the. Edward Warren, New York Aug 27, — Leather, varnishing and japaning. J. Finegan, New Jersey Oct 8, — Lamp, Argand's, improvement on. David Milville, Newport, Rhode Island, - - - - - Nov. 19, - Lever, crane. E. Smith, Paris, Oneida county. New York Dec 31, -- Loom, improvement in the. L Forester, Fairfield, Conn. May 15, 1819 Lathe, of the power loom. John Whitehead, Providence, R. I. Aug 30, — Lamp, candle. Asa Taylor, Philadelphia - - Oct 9, — Locks for canals. Josiah White, Philadelphia - - Oct 19, -- Lamp, pneumatic. Ezekiel F. Smith, Lenox, Massachusetts Nov 8, — Lock, water. John Martin, Wmdham county, Connecticut Jan 15, 1820 Locks, improvement in. Henry and Jacob Day, New York April 4, — Letters, shaded. George Bruce, New York April 4, — Locks for small arms and cannon. Alexander Augustus Colvile, Little River, Maine _ _ - . - April 28, — Leather, machine for splitting. E. Howard and J. Butters, Bos. May 3, ~ Locks, latches, &c. improvement in. Harvey Durkee, assignee of J. Chittenden, Burlington, Vermont - - - Aug 12, — Longitude, mode of finding the. James Henry, Maysville, Ken. Sept 13, — Lathe for stiflfening hats. Henry Raymond, Baltimore - Nov 20, — Leather, machine for finishing. James Burr, Johnstown, Mont- gomery county. New York - - - , Nov 21, — 5j'2 L JLamps for bui'Uing tat, &.C. J osiah Warren, Ohio - t'eh '20, Wli Land clearing machine. Thomas Oxley, Norfolk, Virginia April 18, — Lamps, improvement in. James Dukes, New York - Aug 15, — Locks nnd b'^lts, improvement in. T. Whaley, New York Nov 2, — Loom, improvement in the Edmund Warren, New York Dec 11, •• Life pole for fire engines. WilliamW. Van Loan, Catskill,N.Y. Feb 2, 1822 Lamps, improvement in the tubes for. Deming Jarvis, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts - _ - . Feb 2,- — Looms, domestic. Benjamin Maltby, New York - April 13, — Loom, self-governing. Mdmund Warren, New York - May 1, ~ Lever, angle. James Barron, Norfolk, Virginia - May 14, — Locks and latches, improvement in. Joel F. Thayer, Boston May 18, ~ Leather, improvement in the machine for splitting. Joshua Butters, Boston - - . - _ May 31, — Lever, improvement in the. Richard Sealy, New York July 1, — Locks for canals. George Bender, New York - - Aug 26, — Locks, improvement in the sliding door, Ebenezer Leman, jr. Boston -__.-- Nov 28, - Lamps, improvement'in. C. Cornelius, Philadelphia - Dec 28, — Locks, improvement in door. Nathan Reed, Belfast, Maine March 31, 182.*^ Lamp, portable condensing. Thomas Phillips, New York June 25, — Lottery schemes, construction of. Joseph Vannini, Phil. Oct 18, ~ Lathe, improvement in the turning. C. White and A. Hill, Hadley, Massachusetts - _ . _ March 30, 1824 Lancet, improvement in the spring. Jeremiah Dewey, Chel- sea, ^^ermont - - - - April 2, — Locks, iu.provement in the door. Richard Wilcox, New York April 20, ~ Lancet, retreating spring. Thomas R. Williams, Newport, R. I. July 16, ~ Lithography, improvement iu. David Henderson, Jersey City, New Jersey - - - - - Sept 17, - Lever truss and sling for vessels, S. A. Wells, Boston - Dec 23, ~ Lotteries, improvement in the sign for. Elijah Secor, N. Y. Feb 9, 182.'» Lotteries, improvement in the mode of drawing. J. I. Cohen, jr. Baltimore - - - - - March 3, — Loom for weaving. Roswell Wilcox, Columbus, Ohio March 21, — Leather, machine for shaving, John Houston and Otis Batchel- der, Bedford, Willsborough county. New Hampshire April 11, — Lotteries, constructing and drawing. Moses Davis, Portland, Me. May 9, — Lottery schemes, construction of. John M. Togno, Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania - - - - May 16, ~ Lotteries, projecting, calculating and drawing, W. Seger, Ber- gen, New Jersey - - - - May 25, — Lighting binnacles of ships. Joseph F. Smith, Baltimore, Md. June 1, — Lock, Dillingham's improved. J. Dillingham, Turner, Maine June 2, — Lever, alternate propelling. Robert Smith, Port Gibson, Miss. June 9, ~ Loom. Joseph Scholfield, Stonington, Connecticut - Sept 9, ~ Lottery. Eliphalet Nott, Union College, New York Sept 9, — Lightning rods. John Brown and G. Vv. Robinson, Providence, Rhode Island - - - - - Sept 24, - Leading bar and pole for carriages. Lucius W. Stockton, Uniontown, Pennsylvania . - " " ^^P* 29, -^ Lock, mortise. Turner Whitehouse, Boston, Massachusetts Sept 29, — Lotteries, method of drawing. Joseph Howard, Providence, R. I. Nov 8, ~ do Francis W. Dana, Boston, Mass. Dec 28, ~ Locks, padf'le or culvert grates for. Daniel Rodgers, Little Falls, Herkimer county. New York - - - March 17, 132t"' Lever, combined pendulum and balance. Alrick Berry and C. Berry, Poughkeepsie, New York - - - March 25, — Lathe, combined. A. Warren, Saugertius, New York - April 17, ~ Loom, improvement in the. Roswell Wilcox, Franklin co. Ohio April 21, — IjOfteries, forming schemes. Edward Grattan, Providence, R. L May 16, — M Lathe, for turning broomsticks. John Hunt, Shutesbury, Mass. June R, 1826 Loom, improvement in the. Cor. Bergen, New V^ork - June 14, — Lock, mode of preserving the timber of. Simeon Guilford, Le- banon, Pennsylvania - - - - June 10, — Ladder, fire, improved. Samuel Lehman, Pliiladelphia Aug 9, — Lamp black, improvement in making. Joseph Hastings, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts _ _ _ . y\ug 15^ __ Loom, improvement in the. Samuel Chidester, Windham, N. Y. Sept 2, ~ Loom, improvement in the domestic. Jer. Hubbard, James- town, North Carolina _ _ . _ Nov. 6, ~ Lotteries, method of drawing, Wm. C. Conine, Baltimore Nov 14, — Lotteries, mode of drawing. John C. Rives, Washington, D. C Nov 22, — Lithontriptor, improvement in the Isaiah Lukens, Philadel. Nov 30, — Lamp apparatus, for liquids, &c. Thomas Green, Fessenden, Boston, ----- - Jan 31, 1827 Lime and brick, improvement in burning. Solomon Hill, New Milford, Connecticut - - - - Feb 12, ~ Locks for doors, constructing. John Brown and George W. Robinson, Providence, Rhode Island - - Feb 20, — M Marble and stone, polishing of. See ^tone, &c. Mills, tide, improved method of working. J. Dickerson, Morris county, New Jersey - _ _ - Mill wheels, horizontal hollow. J. Macomb, Princeton, N. J. Mill, improvement on Dr. Barker's. J. Rumsey, Berkley coun- ty, Virginia - - _ - _ Mills, conveying water to operate on. James Rumsey, Berkley county, Virginia - - - - - Machine to work in a current of water or other fluid. John Clark, Virginia - _ - _ Mill stones. See Stones. Mortar, manufacturing of, for flooring houses, &c. Richard Robotham, Vermont - - - - Mill stones, burr, improvement in. Oliver Evans Marble and other stones, improvement in sawing and polishing. Joseph F. Mangin - _ _ - Marble, improvement in cutting and polishing. Joseph F. Mangin - : - _ _ - Mills, rollers for slitting and other mills, (rolling iron.) Ben. Seymour - • - - - - Mills, saw, improvement in. Henry Dnlheuer, Mills, improvement in. J. W. Curtis - _ _ Machine for heaving down vessels, raising weights, &c. Ste- phen Colver - - _ Mill, a flax and hemp. B Tyler - .. - Mill, a double centred, for wind or water. B. Dearbon , Machine for raising -water, &c. Wiliiam Faris Malt mashing, a machine for. William Ellis - ^ - Mill, saw. Thomas Payne Mills, improvement in. llairland Chase Metal amulets. Edward West - - " . " Musical instruments, improvement in. J. J. Hawkins Mill for grinding painters' colors, &c. Caleb Green, East Green- wich, Rhode Island - - _ - . Machine for separating straw from grain. See Slrmo, S^c. Meal, improvement for cooling and conveying up, &.c. Gurdou F. Saltonstall, Fayetteville, North Carolina - Aug 2^1, Mechanical powers for the use of windmills, &c. See Windmills. Moveable .fluspended beam and scales. See Beam and Scales^ ice. July 30, Aug 26 1791 Aug 26, - Aug 26, ~ Dec 31, 1793 April 12, May 28, 1794 1796 July 2, - . Feb 16, 1797 June 26, •- Aug 18, Aug 24, Dec 14, 1798 Fell 26, 1799 April 30, May 17, June 16, - Dec 2, .. Dec 16, — May 19, Oct 24, 180§ July 23, 1801 54 M 1802 Feb 1, 1803 March 5, 1804 Aug 10, - May 4, 1805 Machine for ruling paper. See Ruling Paper. Machine for rolling iron round. See Rolling Iron, ^*c. Music, new plan for printing. Andrew Law - - May 12, Mill wheels, improvement in the construction. James Cowan Dec 14, Marble. 8ee Machine for sawing stone, Sfc. Marie, mode of manufacturing into lime. Jedediah Peasley, Deweysburg, Virginia - - Marble, method of preparing for painting. Archibald Robert- son, New York - - Metallic grinder or hone. Christian Veltenair Mill. See Grist. Metallic hone. John Houstan, Williamsburg, Virginia Moulds for castmg iron screws, method of making. Eben Lester, Herkimer town, New York - - May 10, — Mills and machinery, improvement in. Lewis Velcourt, Ken. June 25, — Mills for cattle, power. La Paype, aine, Baltimore, Maryland Nov 4, — Mud, machine for raising John Eveleth - - Feb 21, 1806 Moulds, method of making, for casting trundle heads of metal. Eben, Lester, Kittle Falls, New York - - Feb 12, 1807 Main springs for carriages. Jonathan Mix, New Haven, Conn. April 18, — Mills, improvement in. Christian Hamaker, Lancaster May 21, — Mortising machine. S. Glover and D. Parnelle, Newton, Conn. June 3, — Moulds. See Copper. - M'Comb's water wheel. See Reacting. Mills, improvement in. Samuel Mans and J. Black, Penn. Feb 17, 1809 Mills, improvement in. Ephraim Rew, Canandaigua, N. Y. Feb 22, — Mad dog, medicine to cure the bite of. Eliza Stoy, executor of William Stoy, Lebanon, Pennsylvania - - June 9, — Mill for grinding painters' colors. J. J. Wells, Hartford, Conn. June 13, — Mowing machine, for rivers, &c. William Schultz, Baltimore June 16, — Morocco leather, machine for polishing. Jacob Perkins, Phil. June 26, — Mud, machine for raising. John Newman, Providence, R. I. June 27, — Magic lotion. See Barbal, Sfc. Mineral waters, mode of imitating. Joseph Hawkins, Bait. . Sept 7, — Metals, mode of melting. Joseph Walworth, New York Oct 17, — Marine time keeper. Isaac Gill, Charleston, South Carolina Jan 15, 1810 Measuring grain, &c. P. H. Schenk, New York - Feb 15, — Mortising machine. H, Parmele, Killingworth, Connecticut Feb 15, -- Mortising machine. Sylvanus Baldwin, Montpelier, Vermont March 17, — Mortar, machine for making. Daniel Hunt, Stamford, Conn. March 22, ~ Mill, screw grist. Joseph L. Miller, Brookfield, New York March 28, — Marble, machine for cutting and chiselling, &c. Anson Clark, West Stockbridge, Massachusetts - - - April 10, — Mills, mode of constructing. J. Frisbie, Pennsylvania - June 30, -- Moulds for casting boxes for carriages. Samuel Smith, 2nd. Amherst, Massachusetts _ _ . _ July 6, — Mills. J. Goulding, Leicester, Massachusetts - - March 1, 1811 Mill stones, machine for dressing. C. Woolverton and Benja- min Ridgeway, jun. Morrisville, Pennsylvania - May 25, — Marble, machine for sawing and polishing. Luther Bissel, Ot- sego, New York - - _ _ _ June 7, — Medicine cases. Allen Harrington, Otsego, New York - July 16, ~ Mill stones. William Miller, Lampeter, Pennsylvania - Aug 15, — Metallic boxes for shieves. L. Larrabee, Nantucket, Mass. Nov 4, ~ Mill, regulated. Joseph Quinby, Wilmington, North Carolina Feb 3, 1812 Musical types. Ure K. Hill, New York - - - Feb 7, ~ Mill, wind and water. Moses Pennock, Kennet Square, Penn. Feb 18, ~ Mill, machine for working. J. Deveneur De Lacy, New York March 28, — Magnesia, preparing. William Dunn, Boston - - April 1, ~ Mitres, machine for cutting. Z. Kelly, Easton, Maryland April 22, ~ Mills moved by weights. J. Grannis, Cheshire, Connecticut May 12. — M 55 Moffat's machine for boiling salt. Zina Phinney, Cairo, N. Y. June 18, 1812 Malting and kiln drying. H. Parsons, Colebrook, N. H. July 9, — Magnetic cylinders. S. Browning, Franconia, N. Hampshire Oct 13, ~ Mill wheel. R. Lathrope, West Springfield, Massachusetts Nov 12, — Mowing machine. P. Gaillard, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Dec 4, — Magnesia, preparing. William Dunn, Boston - - April 8, 1813" Mill stones, for taking the glaze off. J Derby, Connecticut June 10, — Mill, grist. A. Sawyer, Chester, Vermont - - July 20, ~ Mill for grinding and pounding. Alex D. Moore, New Haven Aug 7, ~ Mustard, flour of. S. Hopkins, Rathaway, New Jersey Aug 19, — Mill, gudgeon. M. Withers, Strasburg, Pennsylvania - Aug 24, — Mills. E. Bryant, New London, Connecticut - - Feb 8, 1814 Mowing machine P. Baker, Long Island, New York - Feb 19, — Match lights and boxes. R. Allison and N. S. Allison, Burling- ton, New Jersey _____ March 26, — Mockasins and socks. W. Bolton, Northampton, Mass. - Oct 21, — Mill stones, machine for raising. Thomas Reynolds, WestFal- lowfield, Pennsylvania _ - _ « Nov 8, — Magnetic cylinder. S. Browning, Franconia, New Hampshire Nov 25, — Mill, tide. F. Rittal, Lincoln, Massachusetts - - Jan 28, 1815 Mockasins, hat trimmings for. James Jackson, Burlington, N.J. April 1, — Machinery for regulating power. Joseph Kells, New York April 1, — Mills, water power for working. J. W. Newbury, Luzerne, Pennsylvania _____ June 28, — Mineral fountain, family. G. E. Pendergast, Philadelphia Aug 16, — Mould for making stone pots. Edward Boston, Gloucester, N.J. Oct 14, ~ Mineral waters, manufacturing. B. Marshall, Albany, N. Y. Dec 5, — Mill for grinding grain, &c. Ormsby and T. Cohoon, Washing- ton, District of Columbia - - _ _ Jan 4j 1816 Maintaining power on board of ship. David Pearson, Newbu- ryport, Massachusetts - - - - Jan 24, — Mills, improvement in saw. SamuelBrewster, Middlesex, N.J. March 15, — Mill tub, winnowing, Moses Elliot, Concord, N. Hampshire May 18, ~ Mill, tide. Josiah Cleveland, St. Marys, Maryland - Oct 22, ~ Mill, horse. Webb Hart, DrummondtoWn, Virginia - Jan 22, 1817 Mineral waters, making. James S. Ewing, Philadelphia Feb 10, ~ Mustard, flour of. Samuel Hopkins, Philadelphia - May 31, - Mills, ink and gudgeon for. John Andrews, Dinwiddle coun- ty, Virginia _ _ - . _ A^g n^ ,_ Mortising machine. Nathan Mead and Jonathan Butler, Wal- pole, New Hampshire - - . - - Nov 3, ~ Morocco, machine for dyeing, &c. Moses Hall, Charleston, Massachusetts - - - - - Dec 31, — Metallic portable bedsteads. Joseph Homer, New York Jan 28 1818 Motion, machine for conveying. William Simpson, Wilkes county, Georgia - - - - - Feb 19, ~ Mills, iron and steel. Increase Wilson, New London, Conn. March 6 — Mud machine. Samuel Davis, Baltimore - - March 28, — Musket barrels, machine for turning. Sylvester Nash, Har- pers-ferry _ _ _ _ Magnesia liquid. John Cullen, Philadelphia Music arranged to books. M. Elliot, Boscawen, Hillsboro' New Hampshire _ _ _ _ Mills for coffee, bark, seed, &c. Burrows Smith, Cincinnati, Ohio . . _ _ _ Mill for grinding coffee, &c. Jonathan Sizer, for Z. Water- house, New London, Connecticut Measuring rod, improvement in. Daniel Stansbury, Laurel Hill, New Jersey _ - _ _ Mill stones, casting faces'for. G. Manter, Londonderry, N. H, April 11, May 4, - June 9, -' June 9, - June 12, - Oct 26, Dec 8, ~ 56 M Motion, producing an alternate lateral. N. Moody, Kennebec, Massachusetts - - - - Feb 19, 1811^ Mud machine. See Clearing. Mineral waters, apparatus for making. S. Fahnestock, Lan- caster, Pennsylvania - - _ _ April 23, — Motion, mode of converting. A. W. Foster and J. Hughes, Hempfield, Pennsylvania - - - April 26, — Morocco leather, machine for dyeing, &c. L. Hedge, Windsor, Vermont - - - - - - July 22, -- Mapping machine. James Deneale, Dumfries, Virginia - Aug 3, — Music, improvement in teaching. George Gieb, New York Aug 30, — Musical stringed instruments, producing the swell in. C. Pom- mer, Philadelphia - - - - - Aug 30, — Medicine, improvement in. Lorenzo Dow, Hebron, Conn. Nov 24, 1820 Mills, breasted tide, improvement in. Henry Allen, Fayette county, Tennessee - - - - _ Dec 30, — Mantle pieces, cast iron. Isaac Deavs, Philadelphia - Feb 21, 1821 Mercantile navigable house. Roger Haskell, Geneva, N. Y. July 7, -- Mud machine, improvement in the. John Eveletb, George- town, District of Columbia - - - - Aug 8, — Mill, improvement in Barker's. Charles Goddard, Sabine Hail, Virginia - - - - - Sept 27, ~ Medicated steam bath, machine used in the. Benj. Marshall, New York - - _ > Dec Mowing machine. Jeremiah Baily, Chester county, Penn. Feb 13, 1822 Mockasins and socks, improvement in. William Brower, Rans- selear county, New York - _ - - March 6, — Mills, improvement in grist. John and David Hascall, Likay, New York - - - - - - March 9, - Mills, improvement in v/ind, water and tide. Peter Quidor, jr. New York - - - - - March 21, ~ Mapping instrument. Samuel Dew, Romney P. 0. Virginia April 13, — Mills, improvement in. Robert Burns, Mifflin county, Penn. June 20, -^ Marine rail way, improvement in the. John Rogers, Washing- ton, District of Columbia - - - June 24, — Marble, machine for sawing. Eben W.Judd, Middleburgh, Ver. Aug 14, — Miiyfloating horizontal wheeled. George H. D. Gray, South- ampton, Virginia - - - - Sept 25, — Medicine, mode of preparing. Samuel Thompson, Boston Jan 28, 1623 Mineral waters. Joseph Hawkins, Philadelphia - April 5, — Mill stones, machine for dressing. Leonard Norcross, Maine May 6, — Mail stages, construction of. Daniel D. Fames, New York May 8, — Mechanical power, improvement in. Lorin Buts, Canterbury, Connecticut - - - - July 9, — Mill spindle, improvement in the grist. Wanton Rice, Athens, Bradford county, Pennsylvania - - - Oct 1, — Moccasins, improvement in. Alfred TUlotson, New York Nov 22, ~ Mail-bags, improvement in making. Peter Laporte, Richmond, Virginia - - - - - May 5, 1824 Medicine, improvement in. Gideon .Taques, Wilmington, Del. July 16, ~ Mead, carbonated sarsaparilla. John L. SchiefFelin, New York" July 19, — Mill for hulling and grinding grain, &c. John Wilson, Man- lius. New York - - , - - Aug 27, ~ Mill, vertical cylindrical foot. Samuel Fowks, Catskill, N. Y. Sept 13, — Moccasins, shoes, &c. improvement in making. J. J. Staples and W. H. Cornell, New York - . - Dec 15, ~ Mile marks, improvement in. William M. Summers, N. Y. Jan 13, 1825 Moccasins, improvement in making. Catharine Elliott, N. Y. Jan 26, — Mud machine. J. Watchman and J. Pratt, Baltimore - Feb 18, — Musical glasses, improvement in. Francis H. Smith, North- ampton, Virginia -• . . - ~ April 7, - N 57 Aiovving machine. Kzia Cope and T. Hoopes, jun. Chester county, Pennsylvania _ _ - - May 18, 1825 Marble grinder. Harlow J. Torrey, New York - - Nov 1, — Marble smoother and polisher. do - - Nov 1, — Mills for grinding grain, drugs, &c. Joseph Ives, New York Dec 2, — Mortising machine. Ezra Ripley, Troy, New York - Dec 22, — Mashing machine, for distilleries. Warhani Whitney, Roches- ter, New York - - - - - Jan 19, 1826 Mill, family. David Flagg, jun. Gardiner, Maine - Feb 23, — Marble rubbing and scouring machine. Elijah Ferris, West Chester, New York ----- March 7, •- Mill stone, concave and convex. J. Sawyer and E. Clark, Roy- alstown, Massachusetts - _ - - March 18, — Mill, nnortar tub. James Parker, Gardiner Maine - March 28, — Mortising machine, lever power. Thomas Creen, Manlius,N.Y. April 12, — Mill, improvement on Bicknell's grist. Moody Stockman, Hampton, New Hampshire - - _ - Mills, improvement in grist. F. Harris and J. Wilson, Troy, N.Y. do Isaac Ryon, Bridewater, Mass. Mills, improvement in grist. Jedediah Northrop, Woodbridge, Connecticut - - . - - Mud machine, improvement in the. Samuel Collins, N. York Mill, improvement in the grist. Moses Mendenhall, Greens- borough, North Carolina - Mill, improvement on Bicknell's grist. James Bemis, Worces- ter, Massachusetts - - - - - Mills in the water, gate for. Henly Potes, Christiansburg, Va. Jan 9, 182' Mill, improvement in the grist. Anthony Bencine, County, North Carolina _ , _ _ _ Mortising machine, bearded chisel. Silas Metcalf, Wilming- ton, Vermont - _ - _ _ Mill, improvement in the grist. William Benbow, Guilford, North Carolina > _ - - . Machinery used in navigation. John J. Giraud, Baltimore, Md. Mills, improvement in the grist. Fdw^ard Newman, Guilford county. North Caif>lina . - _ _ Mill, improvement in horizontal wind. Origen Pac^card, Wil- mington, Vermont - - - - - Mills, impr )vement in the mode of shutting the gate in. Ori- gen Packard, Wilmington, Vermont Moths and worms, mode of preventing in skins, &c. Samuel Storm, New York - _ . - Mill, improvement in the grist. Benjamin Overman, Greens- borough, North Carolina - " - . Mill, improvement in the horizontal wind. John Reynolds, America, New York _ _ - _ Mill and crusher, improvement in the grist. John G. Morse, Randolph county. North Carolina - - - March 20, ~ Marine rail ways, improvement in. .John W'ebb, New York May 14, ~ Mills for grinding grain, improvement in. Abraham Delap and Avery Coe, Guilford, North Carolina - - May 31, -- .N • . ..Nails, machine for making. S. Briggs, jun. and Son, Phii. Aug 2, 1791 Nails, manufacturing. T. Perkins, Pennsylvania - Feb 7, 1794 Nails cu*, manufacturing. J. G. Peerson, New York - March 22, — Nails, manufacturing. Jacob Perkins, Boston - - Jan 16, 1795 Nails, improvement in manufacturing. J. Byington, Conn. .Tan 15, 1796 Nails, machine for making. Peter Lachaine, Maryland May 4. - Nautical ventulators. See Vessel, April 18, June 9, June 29, .July 31, Sept 26, Oct 20, Nov 17, Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 17, Jan 19, Jan 31, Feb 6, Feb 12, Feb 12, Feb 17, Feb 28, March 15, 58 N Nails, cut, manufacturing. Peter Cliff - - ]\ov 16, 1796 Nails, heading and cutting machine for. I. Garretson - Nov 16, — Nails, machine for cutting. Amos Whittemore - Nov 19, — Nails, improvement in manufacturing. John Bigelow - Nov 19, — Nails, cut, manufacturing. George Chandlee - - Dec 12, — Nails, cut, improvement in manufacturing, Daniel French Dec 23, — Nails, wrought, improvement in manufacturing. D. French Dec 23, ~ Nails, heading, improvement in. Jared Byington - Dec 23, — Nails, improvement in heading. J. Frost - - Dec 23, — Nails, a machine for cutting and heading. N. Reed - Jan 8, 1796 Nails, improvement in making Lester Fling - - Dec 19, — Nails, improvement in cutting and heading. James Spence Feb 16, 1797 Nails, improvement in heading and cutting. Jesse Kersey Feb 24, — Naiis, improvement in h« » Jia^- and cutting. Jonathan Neviil Aug 12, — Nails, &c. machine for making. Seth Hart - - Jan 4, 1799 Nails, improvement in making. Jacob Herkins - Feb 14, — Nails, for cutting and heading. F. Young - - Aug 23, — Nails, machine for making and heading. M. Garber, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania - - - - Feb 20, 1801 Nails cut from iron hoops, &c. M. Garber, Lancanster coun- ty, Pennsylvania - - - - May 1, — Nails rendered tough. Nathan Kent, New York - - May 1, — Nails milled out of heated rods. Jesse Reed, Boston - June 9, — Nails, machine for heading and cutting. W. Leslie, Claremont, New Hampshire - - - - Nov 5, — Nails, machine for cutting. Edward West, Fayette county, Ky. July 6, 1802 Nails, machine for heading and cutting. E. West, Fayette county, Kentucky - - - - - July 6, — Nails, machine for making. Nathan Forbes - - Aug 2, — Nails, machine for heading. Ben. S. Walcott - - Sept 4, — Neutral salts, improvement in extracting from alkaline. B. Gorton - - - - - Nov 29, - Nails, machine for making. William Caruthers - Dec 13, — Nails, machine for making hot wrought. Oliver Bartlett, Geo. Bartlett and Otis Bar tiett - - - Feb 14, 1803 Nails and brads, machine for making out ef hot rods. Lazarus Ruggles, Milford, Connecticut - - - Oct 10, — Nails. See Rolling Plates of Iron. Nails and brads, improvement in making out of rolled iron. Jos. Elgar, Brookville, Maryland _ _ _ Dec 16, — Navigation, machme for the improvement of. A. Hunn, Dan- ville, Kentucky _ , _ _ Nails, machine for slitting and heading. Michael Garber Nails and spikes, machine for making. B. Allison and R. French Nails, improvement in machine for cutting. Nicholas Boureau Nails, machine for cutting with the grain of the metal. F. W. Geyssenhayner Nails, brads, &c. machine for cutting. Increase Kimball, N. H. Nails, machine for cutting and heading. Jesse Reed, Boston Nails, machine for cutting. Elisha Bigelow, Baltimore Nails and brads, machine for. Jordan Dodge, Rutland, Ver. Nails, machine for wrought. Jonathan Nichols, Rhode Island Nails, machine for cutting and heading. S. Willard, Hudson, New York ___--_ Nails, machine for heading. Samuel Rogers, Plymouth, Mass. Nails, machine for cutting. Jonathan Hicks, Hadley, Mass. Nail machine. Joseph JellefF, Butternuts, New York Nails, machine for heading. Asaph C. Handler and S. Shepard, Taunton, Massachusetts _ . _ _ Navigating rivers and shoal waters. M. Williams, Albany, N. Y. Nail machine. Jesse Reed, Lingston, Massachusetts March 24, 1804 April 17, June 6, ~ Aug 21, — Dec 22, .... May 1, Feb 22, 1806 1807 April 1, July 8, July 11, _. Nov 30, __ Dec 15, — Jan 28, 1808 June 14, ~ Sept 16, Feb 24, 7805^ April 15, -. N 5^J Nail machine. Samuel Wilmot, jun. New Haven, Connecticut April SI, 1809 Nail machine. Luther Bissell, Hartwich, New York - June 27, — Nails, mode of casting composition. J. Walworth, New York Nov 22, -- Nail machine. Briggs Rogers Reed, Danvers, Massachusetts March 8, 1810 Nail machine, &c. Jacob Perkins, Boston - - July 17, -- Nail machine, eccentric roller. John Fairbanks, Boston Aug 14, ~ Nail machine for cutting and heading at one operation. Briggs R. Reed, Salem, Massachusetts _ _ _ Aug 13, -■' Nail machine for cutting and heading at one operation. Jesse Reed, Kingston, Massachusetts _ _ _ gept 16, -- Nail machine for cutting and heading at one operation. William Miller, New York ----- Sept 26, ~ Nail machine for cutting and heading at one operation. I. P. Swain and J. Skinner, Roxbury Massachusetts - Feb 8, 1811 Nail machine, for wrought. A. Eastman, Norway, Mass. April 8, — Nail machine. E. Avery Lester, Herkimer, New York May 8, — Nail machine. Jesse Reed, Kingston, Massachusetts - Aug. 14 — Nail machine. Mark and Richard Reeve, Philadelphia Nov 14, — Nail machine. Robert Turner, Boston - - - Nov 25, — Net or seine. Samuel May, Columbia, Pennsylvania - Jan 11, 1812 Nails, machine for cutting and heading. J.White, Phil. Jan 11, — Nails, machine for cutting and heading. Mark and Richard Reeve, Burlington, New Jersey - - _ Feb 3, •- Nail machine for cutting and heading. John Newalls, Nath. and Daniel Chichering, Dover, Massachusetts - March 9, — Nails, machine for heading and cutting. Mark and Richard Reeve, Burlington, New Jersey - _ - Oct 31, — ' Nails, brass, copper, composition. G. W. Robinson, Attlebo- rough, Massachusetts . - - - March 17, 1813 Nails, machine for cutting and heading. M. and R. Reeve, Philadelphia - - - - - April 16, — Nap on cloth, machine for raising. J. Mather, Barre, Ver. May 27, — Nail machine. William Lutgen, Marietta - - Sept 8, — - Nail machine. Mark and Richard Reeve, Philadelphia - Sept 28, — Nail machine. Richard Moore, Lycoming county, Pcnn. Jan 13, 1814 Nails, machine for heading. S. Rogers, Bridgewater, Mass. Jan 26, — Nail, sprig, brad, machine. R. Turner, Boston - - Feb 21, — Nail cutting machine. E. A. Lester, Herkimer, New York April 2, — Nails, machine for heading. Jacob Davey, Fairhaven, Ver. April 7. -• = Nails, brads, &c. machine for. Stephen Belnap, Washington City - . - - - April 8, -- Nails, cutting and heading. S. Rogers, Bridgewater, Mass. Oct 21, -- Nails, cutting artd heading. Jesse Reed. Hanover, Mass. Oct 22, "- Nails, cutting and heading. Jesse ^deed, Hanover, Mass. Dec 16, — Nail machine. Nathan F>lgar, York, Pennsylvania ' - June 19, 1815 Nail machine. John Elgar, York, Pennsvlvaniii - June 21, -- Nails, machine for cutting and heading. Nathan Elgar, York- town, Pennsylvania - - . _ July 25, — Nail machine. E. Bartholomew and W. Church, Boston Aug 18, — Nails, machine for heading. Henry Sedan, Troy, Nev/ York Sept 6, — Nail machine. Charles Phillips, jun. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Oct 21, -- Nail machine. W. Warring and C. Philips, jun. Jefferson, N. Y. Oct 21, — Nail cutter, cylindrical improvement. Jacob Perkins, Newbury- port, Massachusetts ----- Nov 1, — Nail, brad, cutting machine. E. A. Lester, Baltimore - Dec 27, — Nail machine. Henry Hayes, Philadelphia - - Feb 24, 1316 Nail machine. F. A. Russell, Georgetown, D. C. - March 14, — Nails cutting and heading. Mark Reeve, Philadelphia - June 26, — Nail machine, improvement on. Mark Reeve. Philadelphia June 27, .= Pumps for ships, mines, &c. John Stickney Paper, manufacturing of. Robert R. Livingston Pump, universal. Apollos Kinsley = - » Pills, Haw-ks' John Hawks = ^ Aug 21, Dec 30, ISll 1812 Feb 16, 1813 Oct 27, — May 27, 1814 May 11, June 26, 1816 May 15, Aug 27, 1817 1818 Nov 11, — Nov 30, - Jan 28, 1820 April 20, Dec 16, ~ Oct 15, 1821 Dec 14, — Jan 22, 1822 Feb 5, -. April 4, Dec 5, 1825 April 24, May 20, 1826 May 14, 1827 I Jan 29, 1791 March 10, 1791 Jan 30, 1793 Jan 30, .. Jan 30, — ■ April 17, ~ March 31, 1794 July 29, ~ April 30, 1796 May 27, .. July 10, .- Nov 16, — Nov 16, ^- Nov 19, — Feb 19, 1797 April 13, — May 3, ~ June 26, — Jan 24, 1798 June 7, -= Dec 14, .. June 6, .. June 26, 1790 Nov 29, ... Oct 28, -«. Oct 28, ».. Dec 14.. .»«-•■ 62 P Piano forte, improvement in. John J. Hawkins - Feb 1^, IbOW Painters' colors, mode of grinding. See Mill for do> Potash, mode of manufacturing. Thomas Power - - Sept 19, 1801 Paper made of curriers' shavings. J. Condict, jun. Newark, New Jersey - _ - . _ Dec 28, — Paddles for propelling boats, improvement in. R. Claiborne, Monongalia county, Virginia - _ _ Feb 23, 1802 Potatoes. See Starch made from. Pumps, improvement in. Jacob Perkins - - July 9, — Pressing cotton, machine for. J. Idler, Washington City Sept 24, — Paper manufactured from corn husks. Burgess Allison and John Hawkins, Burlington, New Jersey _ _ _ Dec 30, — Pentegraph and parallel ruler. J. J. Hawkins, Bourdenton, New Jersey - - - - - - May 17, 1803 Pumping, machine for. John Clark, Hudson, New York May 19, — Physiognotrace. Isaac Todd, Augustus Day and Wm. Bache June 15, -- Packing goods, machine for. J. Clark and E. Evans, Hudson, New York . . - . . July 20, - Pipes, leaden and others, secured from frost. David Lownes, Philadelphia - - - - July 21, — Powder mill, improvement in. George Keyser - - July 27, — Pills, family. Daniel Coit, St. Albans - - - Oct 5, — Pump. See Bellows dry. Propelling boats, for io^aad navigation, improvement in. Wm. Bell, Camden, South Carolina - - - Nov '25, — Painting rooms, improvement in. John Seiby, Baltimore Dec 30, — Pumps. See Mr and Bellows. Papermills, improvement in. Thomas Longstreth, Philadelphia May 1, 1804 Pump boxes, improvement in the construction of. J. Stickney, Baltimore - - - - - • May 1, -» Pot and pearl ashes, furnace for making. Edward Crafts, jun. Geneva, New York _ > . - _ ]y[ay 12, - Pumping. See Water. Plough, improvement in. John Deaver - - - July 12, — Plaster mill. Emanuel Kent _ - _ gept 14, — Physiognotrace. Daniel Atherton, Richmond, Virginia - May 4, 1805 Posts of clay for fencing, mode of making. William Cooley, Bolton, Connecticut - - - - May 27, — Planing by machinery. John Bennock, Boston - - June 1, — Polychrestum. See Sulphate, &fc. Picking oakum. See Oakum. Planing machine. Joseph Hawkins, Philadelphia - Feb 19, 1806 Planing machine. See Joining. Propelling boats up rivers by cranks and setting poles. John Haven, Montgomery, Virginia - > - April 17, — Pantiles. William Harwood, Richmond, Virginia - - July 3, •=» Paint. See Yellow. Perpetual oven. James Dencal, Dumfries, Virginia - Dec 4, — Paper trimmer. Parke Shee, Philadelphia - - Feb 7, 1807 Pendulum screw. Lewis Duple, Charleston, South Carolina April 1, — Plough, improvement in. David Peacock, Burlington, N. J. April 1, «■ Propelling boats, &c. by oars. James A. Pearce, Louisville, Kentucky s - - _ » April 1, — Paper, machine for making. Charles Kinsey, Essex, N. J. May 8, - Piano forte, improvement in. Ralph Shaw, Boston - July 2, — Pills, machine for making: Webster Lewis - - July 10, — Pastes, mode of making Italian maccaroni, vermicelli, &c. John B. Sartori, Philadelphia _ . - « jujy 13^ ., Planking hats, machine for. Joseph Pitkin and Timothy Kim- ball, Hartford, Connecticut - - . - Oct 19, — Ploygh, improvement in- Hezekiah Harris^ Bullet. Kentucky Feb 24. 180t P (33 Fump, iiuproveuieul iu. Daniel Watson, Plymouth, Mass. March 4, 1808 Propelling. See Boats. Pump. See Forcing. Propelling boats, machine for. W.Wadsworth, Hartford, Conn. March 15, — Pendulum power for machinery. J. Tallman, Albany, N. Y. March 31, -- Press screw. Thomas Gaboon, Washington - - April 14, — Paper. See Snioothing. Pearl ash, mode of making. Ruben Answorth - - May 10, — Pumps, improvement in. William Rhodes, New York May 26, — Pressing machine. R. Peirpoint Cunningham, Pomfret, Conn. May 21, — Press. See Double Lever. Propelling boats across rivers by the current. Samuel Stilwell, and Daniel S. Wandall, New York - - - June 3, — Pressing and boring machine. Robert Ramsey, New Hampsliire July 9, — Pressing straw or chip hats, machine for. Samuel Piince,N. Y. Aug 31, — Pump bellows for furnaces, &,c. Isaiah Jer.nings, NeAv York Sepi 20, — Pigment black for printing ink, &c. J. Cist, Wilkesbarre, Penn, Oct 28, — Plough, improvement in. Richard B. Chenov>^eth, Baltimore Nov 25, — Plaster of Paris, mill for breaking. William Brown, Baltimore Dec 8, — Pipes or tubes, mode of casting. Williard Badger, Boston Dec 26, — Pneumatic forcing pump. Phiny Upham, Brookfield, Mass. Jan G, 1809 Pumps. Abraham Horn, Easton, Pennsylvania - - Jan 6, — Pounding rice, machine for. A. D. Moore, New Hanover, N.C. Jan 19, — Pot ash. See Lye. Paper, mode of making from alga. S. Green, New London, Conn. Feb 15, — Paring apples, machine for. Williard Badger, Boston - Feb 16, — Pendulum mills. Isaac Cobb, Walpole, New Hampshire March 1, -- Planting machine. John Beecher, Lycoming county, Penn. March IS, — Pounding. See Rice. Pump, mechanical. William Schultz, Baltimore - June 24, -- Press. See Washing. Pnmps Jacob Canfield, Morristown, New Jersey - ,- June 28, — Pendulum lock. Samuel Goodwin, Baltimore - - July 7, — Paper moulds. See Wire Work Pipe or grate heater. See Boiler. Pruning shears. Simon Jocelin, New Haven, Connecticut July 13, — Planting plough. Frederick Woodward, New Lisbon, N. Y. July 18, -- Pump, uniform working. James Josslyn, Hanover, Mass. July 25, -- Planing boards. Christian Ritter, Beaver, Pennsylvania Aug 11, — Press for cheese, &c. Israel Nichols, Otsego, New York Oct 12, — Planing machine. Joseph Coppinger, Beaufort, S. C. - Oct 31, — Preserving animal and vegetable substances. Joseph Coppinger, Beaufort, South Carolina - . _ . ]S[Qy 23^ .. Pen, metallic writing. Peregrine Williamson, Baltimore Nov 22, — Pump, double bored pendulum. A. Fana, Montgomery, Penn. Dec 5, — Pump, balance wheel. Lewis Schrach, Norristown, Penn. Dec 8, — Plating gun barrels, &c. John Fowler, Lancaster, Penn. Jan 4, 1810 Plating horn combs. John P. Spies, Baltimore - - Jan 8, — Protractor, universal. Ennion Williams, Philadelphia - Jan 19, — Printing press. J. P. Sawin and T. B. Wait, Boston - Feb 1, — Pendulum scale. Moses L. Morse, Cambridge, Massachusetts Feb 21, — Propelling machine. Abraham G. D. Tuthill, New York Feb 22, — Pressing machine. R. V. W. and J. Thome, New York March 26, ~ Pump, horizontal. Luther Holland, Belchertown, Mass. March 28, — Perpetual. See Still. Pressing cloths. Joseph Sage, Berlin, Connecticut - April 14, — Pricking leather, machine for. Robert U. Richards and Mills Richards, Norfolk, Connecticut - - - April 24, - Pumping machine. Royal Yeamans, Spiingfield, Mass. May 23, -- Pendulum machine. Joseph Lefever, Providence, R. I. June 13, — Printer's ink, Ben. Chase. New London. Connecticut - June 28. - (J4 P Pump, Chinese chain. Jeremiali Black, Northumberland, Penn. Aug 2, IblU Press, windlass lever. T. Williams, Philadelphia - Aug 31, — Press, double screw. Elisha Winter, New Orleans - - Sept 4, — Printing paper and calico. Leonard Beatty, Wilkesbarre, Penn. Dec 28, — Pump. See Steam. Printing press. John P. Sawin and T. B. Wait, Roxbury, Mass. Jan 28, 1811 Pressing cloths with plates. VolkertVedden, Amsterdam, N.Y. Feb 6, — Pump, double forcing. William Beach, Franklin county, N. Y. Feb 19, — Propelling boats by horses, &c. S. Fuller, Clerk county, Ind. Feb 19, -- Pump, double forcing. T. Ferris, Duchess county, New York Feb 20, — Plat, straw. William Pond, Wrentham, Massachusetts - Feb 28, — Paddles. See Chain. Pump, double forcing. Levi Gray, Otsego, New York - March 7, — Pump. Pliny Upham, Brookfield. Massachusetts - - March 9, — Pendulum steam engine. John Staples, Richmond, Virginia July 18, -- Pegs for shoes. Samuel Hitchcock and John Bement - July 30, — Pump, sea motion. Bennet Lies, New York . _ Aug 19, -- Plough, varying the motion of. John Sandford, Sharon, Conn. Aug 20, — Pump for the use of ships. Andrew Kenshaw and Nathan Har- low, jun. Bangor, Massachusetts - - - Aug 30, — Plough. Nicholas Turbet, Fredericktown, Maryland - Sept 7, — Pump. Luther Holland, Belchuston, Massachusetts - Sept 10, — Pleasant spinners. Daniel Reed, Brookfield, New York Sept 10, — Press for pressing cotton, hay, &c. Moses Jaques and Henry Freeman, Woodbridge, New Jersey - - Oct 2, — Pendulum mill. Solomon Thayer, Braintree, Massachusetts Oct 9, — Press, wooden screw for cotton. Jacob Pierson, Knoxville, Tennessee - - - - - Oct 17, — Posts, machine for boring. Anthony Butler, Vermont - Nov 7, — Portable kitchen. James Trueman, Philadelphia - Dec 3, — Pump. Jonathan Evans, Whitestown, New York - - Jan 6, 1812 Plough. John Klay, Frederick county, Maryland - Jan 11, — Plough. Roswell Tousley, Cayuga New York - - Jan 11, — Press, increasing. Abraham Norton, Litchfield, Connecticut Feb 11, — Pump and fire engine. Isaiah Jennings, Philadelphia - April 1, — Plaster of Paris, breaking. Paul Geiger, Robison, June 29, ~ Plumets of lead. Thomas Weston, Peacham, Vermont June 26, — Pump, cog and pendulum. Benet Lies, New York - Aug 6, — Propelling boats and vessels, &c. Alexander Anderson, Phil. Aug 21, — Propelling boats by sculling. Isaac Siluman, Philadelphia Dec 17, ~ Pendulum mill. William Grand in, Hector, New York - Jan 6, 1813 Pitch forks. Jared Byinton, Hinesborough, Virginia - Jan 12, ~ Preparing colors and paints. Henry Alexander, Baltimore Jan 14, — Plough. John Sietz, Strasburg, Pennsylvania - - Feb 8, — Printing press and mode of distributing the ink. William Elliot, Washington, District of Columbia - _ - Feb 17, — Printing press. Z. Mills, Hartford, Connecticut - Feb 26, — Planing machine. W. Badger, Madison county, Mississippi Territory - - - - - March 2, — Perpetual wool spinner. Burgess Allison, Burlington, N. J. March 3, — Pumps. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Massachusetts March 23, — Press for hay. Richard V. W. Thorn, New York - April 29, — Perspective drawing mechanically. S. De Witt, Albany, N. Y. April 30, ~ Plane irons, manufacturing. Daniel Pettibone, Philadelphia May G, -- Plough, bull. Sylvanus Tousley, Onandago, New York - May 28, -~ Plough. Mathew Patrick, Scipio, New York - - June 2, -> Press. Silas Hitchcock, Vernon, fsew York - ~ June 25, " 65 Priming press. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Massachusetts Printing press. Daniel Pierson, Newburyport, Massachusetts Pumps* Thomas Nicholson and Samuel Gunn, Genoa, N. Y. Plough. Mathcw Murray, Middletown, Maryland Plough. Horace Pease, Enfield, Connecticut Press. Samuel S. Edmonston, New York Paper hanging. Hezekiah Steel, Hudson, New York Pump for elevating grain. J. Ewing and D. Dickey, Oxford, Pennsylvania - - _ - Planing machine. William Kimball and Samuel Willard,jun. Mount Vernon, New Hampshire _ > _ Propelling boats by levers, &c. John T. Schenck, New York Paint, iron made into. B. Wilbor, Whitestown, New York Proof for ardent spirits. Benjamin Miller, New Salem, N. Y. Potatoes, machine for grinding. Jesse King, Florida, N.Y. Plough, bar share John and Joshua Butler, Chester county, Pennsylvania Paper, pelts used in making. John M. Thorndike Pegs, attaching leather with. S. B. Brown, West Chester, N. Y. Pipes, making lead. Alpheus Tod, Oxford, New Hampshire Paints, grinding. Peter Bristead, Green county. New York Ploughs. J. Wood, Scipio, New York _' _ _ Ploughs, Jonathan Swan, Scipio, New York Pounding rice, &c. Asa Nourse, St. Lukes, South Carolina Pins, machine for making. Moses L. Morse, Boston Plough. J. Morgan and J. B. Harris, Scipio, New York Pins and needles, making. William F. Hill, New York Preserving animal and vegetable substances, &c. D. Gooley, New York . . - _ Plough, bull. Roswell Tousley and J. Swan, New York Plough. Henry Shultz, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Packing, machine for. Joseph Lyon, Philadelphia Paint, mode of making brown. T. Miller, jun. Madison county, New York _ _ - _ Press, cider mill. Ozias Pettibone, Hartford, Connecticut Perspective protractor. Bass Otis, Philadelphia Pump, double air and water. James Smallman, Philadelphia Pin lathe for buttons. William Lawrence, Menden, Conn. Pressing machine. Timothy Puffer, Paris, New York Pedometer, sea. Bennet Lies, New York Paper, machine for printing and staining. B. Mesteyer, N. Y. Pump, double air. James Smallman, Philadelphia Pendulum machine. C. L. Allen, Newark, New Jersey Printing books. Samuel Randall, Warren, Rhode Island Pneumatic machine. David Lloyd, Cambria, Pennsylvania Plough, corn dressing. Elisha Bean, Massachusetts Plaiting ruffles. S. W. Talbot, Dedham, Norfolk Paper, heating the pulp for. J. Robison, Montgomery, Penn. Propelling vessels in a calm. Stephen Rudd, New York Pump. Edward B Scammon, Scipio, New York Piano forte. George Charters, New York Press, steam. E. Barker and John and Aaron Hall, Boston Pontoons, construction of. Henry Carbery and Wm. Tathan, Washington Pulverator. Nathan Jones, Boston . _ _ Plough, machine for drawing. Luke Johnson, Leominster, Massachusetts - - - Piston. Peter A.Brown, Philadelphia . - _• Plough, double. John Cromwell, Roysterstown, Maryland Posts for chairs. Elijah Farrington, New York Paper, making. Thomas Cilpin, Philadelphia June 29, July 16, Aug C, Aug 7, Aug 28, Sept 1, Sept 8j Oct 2, Oct 23, Oct 23, Feb 10, Feb 21, March 1, March 1, March 7, April 2, April 18, April 18, July 1, July 5, July r,, Aug 22, Oct 11, Oct 15, Oct 24, Nov 9 Dec 17^ Jan 15, Jan 25, March 1, March 14, March 27, April 12, May 23, June 20, June 28, Aug 29, Oct 13, Jan 4, Jan 7, March 4, May 5, May 22, June 14, June 20, July 8, July 12, July 19, July 23, Aug G, Oct 9, Oct 23, Oct 26, Dec 24, 1813 1814 1815 181(i 66 Pipes, conduit. Elisha Putnam, Albany, New York - Dec 31, 18111 Pump, eliptic valve. James Baker, Charleston, Massachusetts Jan 16, 181T Paints and colors, impressing. Lewis J. B. Wells, Philadelphia Jan 24^ -» Pump. Daniel W. Christman, New York Propeller, sub-marine. John L- Sullivan, Boston Pumps. John M. Dearborn, Boston Pumps. Thomas Nicholson, Washington City Pump, single valve. Isaac Scott, Boston Pump. William P. Tilton, Boston _ _ -, Pump. James Baker, Boston Pump, horizontal circular valve. Eben. Lemon, Boston Plough. David Peacock, New Mills Post Office, New Jersey Plough, angular John Lupton, Virginia Pump. John C. Helm . Propelling vessels. Joseph Cerneau, New York Pumps. Luke M. and Mark Laighton, Portsmouth, N. H. Propelling vessels by animal power. J. P. Durand, New York Pumps. Spencer Thomas, Boston _ _ _ Pumps. William Purcell, New York - - Propelling boats by animal power. Anthony Olney, Canton, Massachusetts Perpetual ovens, improvement on Deneal's. W. T. Hunter, New York - - Plugs and bungs, machine for cutting. A. Donaldson, Salem, Massachusetts - > _ _ Pen, instrument for holding. Henry Smith, Georgetown, D. C. Propelling boats, mode of. J. P. Durand, New York Polishing powder. Holmes Greenwood, Providence, R. L Pump, improvement in. Daniel Updike, New York Propelling boats. Joseph Cerneau, New York Planing boards, &c. machine for. J. Baldwin, Westfield, Mass. Pumps. F. Harrison, Easton, Pennsylvania Propelling boats. Moses Isaacs, Philadelphia Propelling boats. M. Ulman and Moses Isaacs, Philadelphia Paper, machine for preparing rags for. B. Cox, Northampton, Massachusetts - - _ „ Propelling boats. John James Giraud, Baltimore Propellers for ships. John L. Sullivan, Boston Propelling boats, machine for. R. L. Deprest, New York Pluribus unum. H. Clerc and P. Ricprdi, New York Pump or suction machine. John Edwards, Urbana, Ohio Plough. Gideon Davis - _ - . . Plaster, machine for breaking. A. Fettrow, York, Penn. Painting fret, &c. John Mackay, New York - Printing press. Adam RSmage, Philadelphia Propelling boats. Thomas Kearsing, New York Plough. Samuel Ogle, Graceham, Frederick county, Maryland Pump. William Hendrick, New York Pumps, wing valves for. William Francis, Boston Piano fortes, improvement in. J. A. Gittwaldt, New York Propelling boats, improvement in. Henry Farmham, Albany, New York - - - - - Plough, improvement in. Perry Miller, Cambridge, New York Plough shareSjimprovement in rolling out. Joseph Potts, Mont- gomery county, Pennsylvania Propelling boats, improvement in. Propelling boats, improvement in. Propelling boats, improvement in New York Plough, improvement in the. Lemuel Goodrick and John Adams, Hudson, New York „ ., ^ Abraham Taylor, N. Y. J. Gray, Peekskill, N. Y. A. Bartholomew, Albany, Feb 8, March 24, May 3, April 29, May 2, May 6, May 9, May 23, May 29, July 31, Aug 1, Aug 28, Sept I, Oct 3, Oct 10, Nov 1, Dec 11, Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 15, Jan 17, Jan 28, Feb 19, March 6, March 7, March 16, March 17, March 17, March 28, April 10, April 28, May 5, May 25, May 25, May 26, May 28, May 28, May 28, June 6, June 9, June 12, July 11, Aug 27, Sept 5, Oct 26, Nov 7, Nov 18, Nov 18, Dec 1, Dec 3^ ism f 67 Plough, iuiprovement in the. Richard Nichols, Hanisou, N. Y. Dec 19, 1816 Paint, machine for grinding. E. Skinner, Sandwich, N. H. Dec 28, ~ Plough, improvement in the. G. D. Avery, Wood county, Va. Dec 28, — Propelling boats by the screw power. H. W. Wheatley, N. Y. Dec 30, ~ Plough, improvement in the. Stephen M'Cormick, Faquier Court House, Virginia _ _ - . Feb 3, 1819 Propelling boats, &c. Wm. J. Lewis, Virginia - - Feb 3, — Printing press. John J. Wells, Hartford, Connecticut Feb 8, — Pump. James Barron, Norfolk, Virginia - - Feb 20, — Press, progressive lever. Jacob Perkins, Philadelphia - Feb 27, -- Printing press, improvement in the. B. Allison and William Elliot, Washington, District of Columbia - - March 11, ~ Plough, improvement in the. Zadock Harris, Hartford, Wash- tington county. New York - - - - March 17, — Propelling boats. James Lyon, Statcsburgh, South Carolina April 3, — Propelling boats, &c. improvement in. D. Cooke, N.J. April IG, Pencils, composition for making. Joseph Ellis, Dedham, Mass. April 26, Pump, improvement in. J. L. Munson, N. H. Connecticut April 2G, — Pressing straw bonnets, machine for. Preston Whiting, Hop- kington, Middlesex county, Massachusetts - - June 11, — Plough, improvement in the. Abraham and J. Tice, Union Village, New York - « - _ _ Aug 21, — Plough, improvement in the. J. Wood, Poplar Ridge, Cayuga county New York - - - - - Sept 1, — Pronunciation, mode of teaching. Jacob A. Cummings, Boston Nov 3, — Plough. C. Bergen, New York - - - - Nov 11, — Pump. Robert Gray, Milton, Pennsylvania - - Nov 11, ~ Plough. J. Swartwout, Taghkanie, Col. county, New York Nov 13, — Paper, machine for making. John B. Pignatelii, New York Dec 2, — Posts, see a machine for boring. J. Corbett, West Hanover, Pennsylvania - - _ » Dec 21, — Pump, double forcing. W. Baker, Springfield, Otsego county. New York - - . _ Dec 31, -- Plough, improvement in the. Philip Marshall and Jacob B. Smith, Lambertsville, New Jersey - - March 3, 1820 Pump, wind power. Heman Bronson, Litchfield, Connectcut March 8, — Plough, improvement in the. George Gibbs, New York March 8, ~ Privies, improvement in. Marc Marie Duplat, Charleston, S.C. March 16, — Propelling boats, machine for. W. R. Loweree, Queens county. New York _ - - _ March 29, - Pump, improvement in the double forcing. S. Gillet, Hartford, Connecticut _ - - - April 6, — Planetarium, or heliogeastrium. Theodore Newall, Poultney, Vermont - - - - April 12, — Propelling boats. John J. Giraud, Baltimore r ^ - - April 19, -- Pump, suction. Levi Gray, Springfield, New York . - May 9, — Propelling boats by setting poles. Robert Kemiy, Augusta county, Virginia . - - -* - June 7, — Pressing cotton, machine for. John Graham, China Grove, S. C. June 17, -' Ploughs. John W. Jenkins, Hudson, New York - July ' 6, — Propelling boats. Jacob Coon and Benjamin Hyde, Hartford, New York _ _ - - - - July 11, - Power, gaining by cog wheels, &c. Chas. RedhefFer, Phil. July 11, '-- Plough. John S. Wright, Greenwich, New York - July 28, - Plough. R. and E. A. Stevens, Hoboken New Jersey - Sept 20, — Power loom, improvement in the. Wm. Gilmour, Smithfield, Rhode Island _ . - - - Oct 28, - Pans, burning and baking. William Burtis, New York - Nov 7, -- Plough, improvement in the. Charles Wood and Gilbert Brun- dage, Blooming Grove, New York - - - Nov 9, — Propelling vessels, machine for. John James Giraud, Baltimore Nov 29. •- 9 68 P Pegs, makiug woo^eu. Tiiouias Kowell, Hartford, VermoDt Nov 24^, lfe:2D Plough, improvement in the cast iron. John Stevens and John Fay, Rockingham, Vermont - - - Dec 14, — Propelling vessels, machine for. John James Giraud, Baltimore Jan 3, 1821 Ploughing; a shifting share for. John Wood, Castleton, N. Y. Feb 1, — Printing, mode of bronzing. George John Newberry, N. Y. Feb 1, — Propelling vessels by wheels, in calms. B. S. Doxey, U. S. Navy Feb 9, — Press, lever. That ner Blake Turner, Maine - - Feb 21, -' Planting Indian corn, machine for. A. C. Flushing, Queen's county. New York - . - - - March 20, -- Press, spirallever. A.O. Stansbury, New York - March 21, — Printing press, improvement in the. A. 0. Stansbury, N. Y. April 7, — Ploughs, improvement in cast iron. Robert L. and E. A. Ste- vens, Hoboken, New York . _ _ April 23, — Ploughs, hardening part of the edge of the share of. Robert L. and E. A. Stevens, Hoboken, New York - - April 23, — -Printing press, improvement in the. Samuel Rust, New York May 11, — Planes, improvement in carpenter's. R. Wellford and Joseph H. Deas, Philadelphia _ - . _ May 14, - Pulverising wood, &c. Alexander Tolson, Georgetown, D. C. June 2, — Plough, improvement in the cast iron. George G. Ring, Red- hook, N. York . _ _ . - June 23, — Printing and staining silks. Thomas and William Bryan, N. Y. June 29, — Plough, improvement in the cast iron. 0. Seely, Pottstown, Pennsylvania _ . _ _ - Aug 27, — Plough, improvement in the cast iron. Wm. Falconer, N. Y. Plough, improvement in the. Oliver Phelps and G. Moore- house, Lansingburgh, New York - _ _ Nov 17, — Plough, improvement in the cast iron. David Hitchcock, N. Y. Dec 29, — Pick-axe, improvement in the. Luke Baker, Putney, Windham county, Vermont _ > _ > , jan 15, 1822 Plough, improvement in the. David Peacock, Northampton, New York - - - - - - Jan 21, - Plough, improvement in the. Wm. G. Shuart, Orange county. New York - - -. - - - Feb 5, s- Pantaloons and waistcoats, making. Charles Herwick, N. Y. Feb 8, — Plough, cast iron. Josiah Dutcher, Durham, New York - Feb 12, ~ Plough, cast iron. George W. Hawkins and Horace Emery, Windsor, Vermont - - - - - Feb 16, -- Pressing machine. Philip Freeman, Perth Amboy, N. J. Feb 20, — Press frame, standing. Bejarain F. Brown, New York - March 2, — Plough for hoeing, &c. Col. George Gill and.George Gill (B. S.) Chester District, South Carolina - - - March 25, -- Punching holes, machine for. John ^archet, Philadelphia April 2, — Printing press, improvement in the. Peter Smith, New York April 6, — Pails, machine for making. Reuben Hyde, Winchester, Mass. April 19, "■ Ploughs, improvement in John Gibson, Montgomery county. New York - - - - - - May 2, — Paper, machine for making. John Ames, Springfield, Mass. May 14,-- Percussion gun, improvement in the. Joshua Shaw, Philadel. June 19, — Plough share, improvement in the. Baily Carpenter, Somers- town, New Jersey - - - - - July 1, ~ Pipes, leaden, for aquedifcts. Richard Ward, Waterbury, Conn. July 5, ~ Plough, improvement in the. Abijah Lee, West Chester, N. Y. July 22, -- Pessaries, improvement in. Duke Baker, New York - Sept 12, — Plough, improvement in the. Joseph Woolly, Troy, New York Sept 14, — Pianos, detached sounding board for. James Stewart, Boston Nov 14, — Plough, improvement in the. Peter J. Clute, Schenectady, N.Y. Nov 16, — Plankingvessels, improvement in. J. Thomas, Washington, D.C. Dec 2, -- Plough, improvement in the. Jacob Schoomaker and Jacob Dolson, the former of Ulster and the latter Pressing tobacco. Jehu Gallaway, Baltimore - April 2, — Plough, improvement on the self-sharpening. Waldren Beach, Philadelphia _ _ - _ April 9, -«■ Plough, improvement in the cast iron. Thomas Allison, New- ton township, Sussex county. New Jersey - - April 16, " Pumps, improvement in the suction. Daniel Johnson, Boston April 21, — Plough, improvement in the cutter of the cast iron, Jonathan Swan, Cayuga county, New York _ _ - April 24, — Pressing cotton, machine for. Franklin Shaler, Georgetown, Ohio - ----- May 5^, - Plough, improvement in the cast iron. Ross Winans, Vernon, New Jersey _ _ _ - May 11^ — Planking vessels, improvement in. William Scarbrough, Da- rien, Georgia - _ _ - _ May 19, — Propelling, machinery for. William C. Sullivan, Jefferson county, Indiana ----- June 5, — Piano forte, being in a longitudinal bar for. John Dwight, Bos. July 29, ~ Plough, improvement in the cast iron. D. Chase, A. Gregg, and J. Gregg, Palmyra, New York _ _ - Aug 4, ~ Propelling boats, &c. Benjamin F. Joslin, Schenectady, N. Y. Aug 21, — Paper, manufacturing. Isaac Burbank, Worcester, Mass. Sept 8, ~ Plough, improvement in the cast iron. Nathaniel Gillet, jun. Talmage, Ohio - _ - - _ Sept 24, - Plough, improvement in the. A. Spicer, jun. and Jonas Tower, Portage county, Ohio . - _ Sept 25, — Poppy seed, mode of obtaining oil from. Daniel Markham, Lenox, New York - - - - Dec 2, — Pump, impToveme^t in the. James Y. Hunt, Tunbridge, N. Y. Dec 24, -.- 70 , F Plough, improvement in the bar, the wing, &c. Garland Elington, Madison county, Alabama - - Dec 25, 18i!4 Pump, forcing. Samuel Currey, Williamson county, Tenn. Jan 3. 1895 Pan and furnace for evaporating liquids, &c. Augustus Colb, Steubenville, Ohio - - - - - Jan 14, — Preserving animal substances, E. Daggett and T. Kensett, New York . - - - - - - Jan 19, - Pharmaceutic composition. John C. Bay, Mount Pleasant, Ohio Jan 20, — Plough, improvement in the side hill. John Rich, jun. Trov, New York ~ - - - -" Feb 10, ~ Pegs, pointing, splitting, waxing wooden. T. Rowell, Hart- ford, Vermont - - _ _ Peb 11, -- Plough, improvement in the. Phineas Pettis, Portage, Ohio Feb 15, — Plough, improvement in the. George D. Avery, Georgetown, District of Columbia _ _ . Feb 15, -- Pins, machine for making. L. W. Wright, Manchester, Eng. March 12, — Propelling levers for machinery. J. Turner, Marcellus, N.Y. March 13, -- Plough, improvement in. George D. Avery, Georgetown, D.C. March 25, — Paper, polishing. George Bird, Walpole, Massachusetts April 11, — Pendulum power regulated by a fly wheel Wm. M. M'Intosh and Wm. Barnheart, Aurelius, Washington county, Ohio April 13, — Plough, self-sharpening. Cadwallader Evans and Oliver Evans, Philadelphia . _ _ _ April 14, — Pump. Jonathan Babcock, jun. Edmiston, New York - May 6, — Pumps, beer and cider. Richard Sealy, New York - May 6, — Plough. Stephen W. Whitman, Haxpersfield, Ohio - May 7, - Paper, books, &c. cutting. Joseph Woodhouse, Oswego, N. Y. May 30, — Press, water power, for cotton, &c. Josiah Durden, Washing- ton, Alabama - - - - June 23, r- Plough. William F. Richardson, Auburn, New York - June 27, — Pans or keelers. Amos Minor, Camillus, New York - July 20, — Preponderating scale. Ezekiel Skinner, Camillus, New York Aug 23, — Plaster, called the three-fold cement. Ezra Godfrey, N. Y. Sept 9, — Propelling carriages by steam. Edward Clarke, New York Sept 9, — Plane irons. Peregrine Williamson, Baltimore, Maryland Sept 9, — Pans, in the manufacture. Sanford S. Perry, Troy, New York Sept 9, — Power wheel engine. John A. Wadsworth, Portsmouth, R. I. Sept 27, — Plough; Gideon Davis, Georgetown, District of Columbia Oct 1. ~ Pendulum lever. Cyrus Berry, Poughkeepsie, New York " Nov 1, — Pressing oil. Isaac Clowes, Hampton, Virginia ' - Nov 3, — Printing press. Daniel Neall, Philadelphia - - Nov 15, — Press, for cotton. David Wilkinson, New Providence, R. I. Dec 8, — Press for cheese, pumace,&c. Lebbeus Caswell, Harrison, Maine Dec 9, — Press for apples, &c. Bela Churchill, Buckfield, Maine - Dec 9, ~ Piano fortes, metal frames for. Alpheus Babcock, Boston Dec 17, — Propelling carriages. Thoulas Blanchard, Springjfield, Mass. Dec 28, — Plough. Stephen M'Cormick, Faquier county, Virginia - Jan 28, 1826 Pumps. Silvanus Russell, Olean, Cataragus county, New York Feb 4, — Pressing machine. Nathan Whitney, Augusta, Maine - Feb 15, — Pressing machine. Joseph Wilson, Otsego, New York - Feb 17, — Picker tub. Benjamin Holbrook, Providence, Rhode Island Feb 21, — Prmting press, power. Daniel Treadwell, Boston, Mass. March 2, — Pumping vessels, power wheel for. S. Town and R. W. Oli- phant. North Granville, New York - - April 8, — Paper, vibrating cylindrical mould for making. Gardner Bur- bank, Worcester, Massachusetts - _ - April 12, -' Plough, hill side, double nosed cast iron, John Shepherd, De Renyter, Madison county, New York - - April 12, — Pump. Theodore Brooks, Rutland, New York. - - April 18, — Plough, cast iron. Thadeus Fairbanks, St. Johnsburg, Ver. April 19, ~ Plough. William Cook, Luzern, Fayette county, Penn.. April 28^ - Pumping water for propelliDg machinery. Liscomb Knap, Brighton, New York - . . - May 22 Pumping water for domestic purposes. do. May 22 Press for cider, oil, &c. William H. Hoeg, Salem, Ohio May 20 Press for hats. R. Tyler and B. P. Coston, Philadelphia May 23 Press for packing cotton. Charles Williams, Petersburg, Va. June 3 Percussion lock, for the rifle, &c. Joseph Medbery and Sil. Kellogg, Rochester, New York - - June 16 Pressing unburnt brick, machine for. Ephraim Mayo, Hallo- well, Maine - - - - - June 24 Planting and working Indian corn. William Ross, Middle Bax- ter, Pennsylvania _ _ _ _ June 24 Plugs, machine for cutting. Charles Josselyn, New York June 28 Plough, improvement in the. Zeb S. Holdridge and Hy S. Lawson, Berne. New York - - - Aug 9 Printing press, improvement in the. David Phelps, Boston, Massachusetts _ - - - Sept 15 Printing press, improvement in the. Samuel Fairlamb, N. Y. Nov 4 Press for packing cotton. J. Boatwright and James Nathans, Richland, South Carolina - - - - Nov 21 Pipes, mode of making clay. John Bower, East Bethlehem, Pennsylvania _ _ _ . _ Dec 1 Press, for pressing cheese, cider, &c. Lebbeus Caswell, Har- rison, Maine - - _ - Dec 18 Planing boards, machine for. Herman Allen, Randolph county, North Carolina _ _ _ - Dec 22 Planting cotton seed, corn, &c. machine for. John Labdell, Warren county, Mississippi > > - Dec 2G Pressing and packing cotton, machine for. James H. M'Clel- land, Fairfield, South Carolina . . _ Dec 88 Plane, revolving timber. Daniel N. Smith, Warwick, Mass. Dec 28 Pendulum motion, lever engine for. Justin Jacob, Montreal, Canada ----- Dec 29 Press, for pressing hay. D. Flagg and Charles Peck, Gardiner^ Maine - ' - - - - Dec 30 Plough for planting corn, improvement in the. H. Russel, Litchfield, Maine - , _ - - jan 16 Pipes, tubes, gutters, &c. made of clay. Jos. Putnam, Salem, Massachusetts - - _ . Jan 17 Press for tobacco, cotton, &c. B. R. Curtis, Richmond, Va. Jan 29 Pumps, improvement in. J. Robinson and L. Shaw, Bath, Me. Feb 1 Plough, improvement in. Ryland Rodes, Charlotteville, Albe- marle county, Virginia _ _ - _ peb 20 Percussion gun lock, improvement in the. William A. Hart, Fredonia, New York - - - - - Feb 20 Pump for steam boilers, improvement in the. A. Judson, Swe- den, New York - - - . . - Feb 23 Paper, mode of pressing. Ira White and Leonard Gale, New- burgh,. Vermont - - _ _ - Feb 28 Propelling vessels by water pressure. Elisha Fuller, North Pro- vidence, Rhode Island _ _ - _ March 2 Pumping water out of ships by wind. Thomas Brownell, N.Y. March 23 Pressing and lifting machine. Samuel Andrews, Bridgetown, Maine ------ March 28 Plough, improvement in the twin. Noble G. Cryer, Went- worth. North Carolina - - - - March 24 Polishing hard and soft metallic substances, machine for grind- ing. B. Green, Hartford, Vermont - - March 27, Power, mode of obtaining from certain fluids. Mark I. Brunei, London, England ^ , - - . March 30 71 1826 1827 72 R Paper, machine for trimming the edges of. John M'Clintock, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - _ _ March 31 1827 Propelling machinery of all kinds. William Stanton, Centre township, Indiana _ _ _ . _ April 23 — Preserving eggs, butter, and lard. Thomas Edmundson, Pipe creek, Maryland - - . . _ April 26, - paint, mill for grinding. Allen Holcomb, Butternuts, N. Y. May 14, — Piano fortes, improvement in horizontal. Thomas Loud, jun. Philadelphia - - - _ . May 15, -- Plough, improvement in the cast iron. Robert Sweeny, Warren county, Ohio - - - - - May 18, - Quercitron, or black oak bark, improvement in the preparation for exportation or home consumption. Thomas Benger Jan 25, 1804 Quadrant See Gunners. Quadrant. Josiah Arnold, Caledonia, Vermont - - April 14. — Quercitron, or black oak bark. N. Harper, Frankfort, Penn. Oct 30, ~ Quercitron, mode of preparing. Joseph Lyon, Philadelphia July 1, 1811 Quercitron, machine for preparing James Andrews, Phil. July 15, 1816 Quills, machine for winding. Francis Jones, New York May 23, 1821 Quercitron bark, mode of preparing. James Elliott, Phil. Aug 20, 1822 R Rhus, or sumach, manufacture of. See Sumach. Raising water by wind. Samuel Morey, New Hampshire Rice and other grain, machine for scouring. Robert Geant Ruling bt)oks and paper. Mark Isambard Brunei Rice scoured, separating. James Dellet Rice, scouring or skinning, improvement in. Samuel Mullikin Rocks, &c machine for removing. Isaac Lazell Ropes, improvement in making. Michael Wigglesworth Runners and bows for sleighs and sledges. Abijah Wilder Rope yarn and twine, machine for spinning. Stephen Gorham Rice, gunpowder, &c. machine for pounding. B. Botitho Ruling paper, &c. machine for. Richard Robotham Rolling iron round, &c. Henry Abbott, Philadelphia Rolling iron for nails. See Jfails. Rice. See Hulling rice, machine for. Refrigerator for domestic uses. Thomas Moore Ruling machine, improvement in. Daniel Brewer, Phil. Rolling machine. See Cleaning cotton. Rectifying or improving spirits, improvement in the applica- tion of the principle. Burgess Allison, Philadelphia May 17, — . Rocks. See Boring under loater. Ruling paper. See Cylindric ruler. Ruling plates of iron and cutting them into nails. Samuel Ro- gers and Melville Otis _ _ - _ Dec 7, — Rheumatic, liniment. Abel Brown - - - - Oct 17, 1804 Rafts. William Deane, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania - Nov 4, 1805 Rheumatic pill. George Barber, Dexter, Boston - - Doc 18, — Reaping grain, machine for. Samuel Adams - Dec 28, ~ Rowing machine. Eben Bryant, New London, Connecticut Jan 13, 180G Rope yarn. See Spinning. , Raising vessels, machine for. J. T. Morgafl, New'York - Oct 9, - Ruptures. See Truss. Ropes, mode of making to any size. John Sellers and Andrew Bartle, Alexandria - , - - - - May 5, 180T Rigging vessels. Stephen Sayre. Bordentown, New Jersey May 9, - April 11, 179G Oct 17, — ■ . Nov 16, — Dec 23, — Feb 20, 1797 May 18, 1798 June 26, 1799 Dec 14, — Feb 4, 1800 Feb 7, — Oct 10, 1801 May 4, 1802 Jan 27, 1803 April 22, — H Id iiays of the &un. S^ee lleuiiiig. Rolling and slitting mills. Isaac Pierson, New York - Dec 21, 1807 Ruling machine, cylindric. John Fairbanks, Boston - April 21, 1808 Rivets, machine for making. Josiah Jennings, New York April 25, — Rectification of spirits. Osborn Parsons, Hudson, New York June 23, — Rice, machine for cleaning J. Lucas, jun. Charleston, S. C. July 12, -- Rice, machine for hulling and cleaning. J. T. Ricketts, Ca- meron, Vermont _____ Aug 8, — Raising water, machine for. Wm. Barker, Wilkesbarre, Penn. Aug 26, — Ratched wheel Marchus B. Parmelee. Newtown, Conn. Sept 21, -- Refining lamp oil. Eli Fourestier, Philadelphia - - Nov 17, — Rotary steam engines. See Stills. Reacting water wheel, M'Comb's improvement in. Joel Farn- ham, Oswego, New York - - - r Nov 23, — Rolling wheel on an inclined shaft. S. Mirick, Madison county, New York - - - - - Nov 30, -- Rolling and plating iron, machine for. Stephen Couch and Asa Towne, Boston _____ Dec 10, — Reading, mode of teaching. Hugh Chard, Washington county, New York _ _ _ . _ Feb IG, 180J> Rice, machine for pounding. Jacob Reed, Charleston, S. C. June 9, — Roving machine for flax and hemp. G. Brown, Sehalecoke, New York _____ June 16, — Ropes. See Cables. William Schultz, Baltimore Rapid Jack for ascending rapids. Augustus Sacket, N. Y. July 3, — Rice, machine for cleaning. Roswell King, Darien, Georgia Nov 21, — Rocks, machine for drilling. E. Jones and Philip White, Brook- field, massachusetts - - - _ Dec 21 — Raising grain. Jeremiah Bailey, Chester county, Pennsylvania March 5, 1810 Rollers for sheaves of blocks. Mark Leighton, Portsmouth, New Hampshire _____ March 14, -- Rice, machine for beating out. J. Beck and J. Coppinger, Beck's ferry, South Carolina _ _ _ March 19, — Raising Water, machine for. Samuel Cuney, Williamson coun- ty, Tennessee _____ April 24, — Reflector, elastic lamp, Joseph Flag, jun. Boston - May 17, — Reflecting and magnifying lantern. Winslow Lewis, Boston June 8, — Rifle guns. Elisha Strong and C. Kellog, New Hartford, Conn. Aug 31, ~ Reverting wheels. Otis Paine, Foxborough, Massachusetts March 1, 1811 Rice, machine for hulling. Sherman Dewey, Hartford, Ver. March 2, — Rollers, mode of casting iron. Cyrus Alger, Boston - March 30, ~ Ripening and keeping malt liquor Robert Hare, Philadelphia Aug 22, ~ Rolling wire. James Howell, Philadelphia - - Jan 11, 1812 Ruling machine. Asa Spencer, New London, Connecticut Feb 7, — Rowing and propelling boats. William Shaw, Otsego, N.Y, Feb 19, — Rubbing wheat, &c. machine for. J. D. Richards, Middleburg, Virginia . _ _ _ _ peb 27, — Rubbing wheat, &c. machine for. George M. Adam Brown, Northumberland, Virginia _ _ _ March 19, — Rolling machine. Josiah White, Philadelphia - May 15, — Roping and spinning machine. G. Cornell, Renssalear, N. Y. July 22, — Roping and spinning cotton, &c. John Brown, Providence, R.I. Aug 8, — Rail ways. . See Chain carts. Rake for collecting apples. Ezias Hart, Berlin, Connecticut Dec 31, — Refrigerator. J. W. Bronaugh and J. Talbot, Georgetown, District of Columbia - - . - March 16, 181;t Repeating gunnery. Joseph C. Chambers, West Middletown, Pennsylvania _ _ _ _ March 23, — Ropes and tuinc making. J. Heaven, Montgomery Court House, Maryland _ , _ _ _ ^^yg 3^ _, Rheumatic pills. Ezra Deane, Biddeford, Massachusetts Jan 13, 1814 74 R Roller, impressed. John Owings, Baltimore - - Jan 25, 1814 Ruler, spring penn. T. M. Pomroy and L. Hedge, Windsor, Vermont ----_. june 21, ~ Roller toothed for sowing. Abel Densmore, Le Roy, N. Y. July 29, — Reconductor, the. John Sargent, Vernon, New York - April 23, 1816 Roving machine for cotton. William Bryant, Davidson county, Tennessee - - - > . April 29, — Reed, weavers. Jeptha A. Wilkinson, Otsego, New York July 3, — Ruling paper. Lewis Henry, Bellows Fall, Vermont - Aug 24, — Rolling bar iron edgewise. George^ Ellicott, Baltimore Sept 20, — Refining sugar. Mervin Merrill, New York - - Oct 25, — Rocks blown under water. J. M. Syme, Richmond - Dec 12, — Rivers, machine for cleaning the bottoms of. J. Tucker, Bait. Dec 13, — Ruling machine, double. T. Newball, jun. Lynn, Mass. Dec 26, — Ribbons, machine for glossing. Charles Cromwell, N. Y. Jan 27, 1817 Revolving ruler. Lemuel Hedge, Windsor, Vermont - March 3, — Rope yarn, manufacturing. John Petman - - March 14, — Ruling machine. George Strowhuver and Fredenck Sanxay, Cincinnati, Ohio - - - - Sept 1, — Roller for beating. Hugh Maxwell, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Dec 26, ~ Reaping and thrashing machine. John Hersey, Mathews county, Virginia . - - _ _ peb 9, 1818 Rafts, mode of constructing. Daniel Gordon, Chanceford, Penn. Feb 14, — Rudder, mode of hanging ships'. Com. John Shaw, Phil. April 10, — Rollers, lathe for turning. Samuel Rogers, Bridgewater, Mass. June 24, — Rolling sheet iron, machine for. Do. do. June 24, — Rubbers, side. John L. Sullivan, Boston - - Dec 11, — Ropes, machine for. Robert Colbert, Boston - - March 17, 1819 Rice polisher. J. Lucas, jun. Charleston - - Nov 6, ~ Rockers for cradles, chairs, &c. Samuel Simmons, Baltimore Dec 21, — Razor straps, improvement in. Jonas Crumbacker, Union, Fre- derick county, Maryland _ _ , Dec 24, — Readies for cordage and ropes Robert Graves, Boston Dec 31, — Ropes and cordage, making. Eleazor Crain, Springfield, N. Y. Jan 10, 1820 Rail ways and carriages, improvement in. C. Williams, Rich- mond, Virginia _ . _ _ _ jan 18, ~ Rice, machine for cleaning. Richard French, Morrisville, Penn. Oct 13, — Readies, machine for making ropes Robert Graves, Boston Nov 22, — Readies, drawing yarn for. Do. do. Nov 22, — RopeS; machine for making and laying. Do. do. Nov 22, ~ Ropes, machine for equalizing the strain. Do. do. Nov 22, ~ Ramrods, machine for making. Charles G. Barstow, Exeter, New Hampshire - - - - Dec 21, — Razor straps, paste for. Elisha M. Pomeroy, New Haven, Conn. Jan 24, 1821 Rifle, repeating. Isaiah Jennings, New York - - Sept 22, — Razor straps, improvement in. John M. Fors, Baltimore Oct 2, — Rice, machine for cleaning. Lazarus Ruggles, New York Oct 12, ~ Reticules and pocket books, improvement in. William Win- ning, New York - - - - Nov 7, — Reeds, improvement in metallic. Peter F. Huben, Patterson, New Jersey - - - - - Nov 15, ~ Rail ways, improvement in. Charles Williams, Boston Nov 16, ~ Rice, machine for hulling and shelling Elihu Spencer, New Haven . _ - _ _ Dec 5, — Rotary steam engine. J. Lansing, jun. and A. Thayer, jun. Al- bany, New York - - - - Jan 19, 1822 Razor straps, improvement in. Jacob Houck, New Market, Md. Jan 24, ~ Railing, ornamenting the tops of, Paulus Hedl, New York Feb 21, ~ Razor straps, composition for. D, Ritter, New Haven, Conn. March 9, — Rollers, mode of covering. Everet Williams, Stratford, N. H. April 13, — K 75 Itiggiug, altaching the stauding. William H. Allen (killed by the pirates,) United States' navy, Albany, New York July 10, 182ii Revolving lever for boats. Lewis Marchand, Blakely, Alabama July 10 Rigging vessels, called centre reeving. Samuel A. Wells, Bos. July 24 Rigging, called lever truss and sling. do. do. July 24_ Rivers, navigating and ferrying. Edward Clark, Philadelphia June 25, 182.') Rotary motion, from a measured rectilineal one. Archibald Smith, New York . - . . . Aug 30 Ruling machine, for paper, &c. Richard Willcox, N. Y. Sept 4 Rice mills, improvement in steam. John L. Norton, Charles- ton, South Carolina - - - - Dec 16 Rolling machine, for cotton or wool. Jesse Hopkins, Stras- burgh, Pennsylvania _ - _ _ Jan 14, 1824 Rolls, method of receiving from the machine. Gilbert Brewster, Norwich, Connecticut - . - - - March 13 Rotary motion, mode of producing a. William Scarburgh, Darien, Georgia - - - - May 19 Rudders for vessels, construction of. Andrew Watkins, Salem, Massachusetts ----- May 21 Rail roads, improvement in. John Stephens, Hoboken, N. J. June 8 Rapids, &c. rendered navigable. do. do. June 8 Razors, improvement in making. J. Brown, Providence, R. I. June 28 Revolving rake, improvement in. Henry and Ezra Hoopes, Wilmington, Delaware - - - - July 26 Roping and spinning wool and cotton. A. Patterson and Fran- cis Burdick, Delaware county, New York - - Sept 29 Rail roads, construction of. John Stephens, Hoboken, N. J. Oct 23 Roping cotton, slack, &c. Sydney Whiting, Franklin, Mass. Nov 17 Raising water by weights. William Dabney, Richmond, Va. Nov 20 Ruling paper, machine for. George Crosby, Augusta, Me. Jan 21, 182^ Rail ways, improvement in. Edward Gray, Boston - March 15 Rail way, single. Henry Sargent, Boston - - May 6 Rotary machine. Elisha Hale, Pomfret, New York - May 20 Roller, for wagon and carriage springs. John Barton, jun. Providence, Rhode Island - - _ - Sept 9 Rigging, mode of setting up standing. Benj. Booth, Wash. Sept 28 Rectifying liquor. L. C. and Ph. Bodman, Baltimore, Md. Sept 30 Reaping and cutting, machine for. James Ten Eyk, Bridge- water, New Jersey _ - _ - Nov 2 Reacting or lever wheel. Luther Davis, Northampton, Mass. Nov 4 Rice, &c. machine for cleaning. Alexander Shinie, Charles- ton, South Carolina _ - - _ Dec 21 Refrigerators for distilleries. L. C. and Ph. Bodman, Bait. Jan 6, 182b' Rice, machine for hulling and cleaning. John L. Norton, N.Y. March 10 Rollers, heating calender. Joel Brimhall and Thomas Keyes, jun. West Boylston, Massachusetts - - April 1 Repairing, mode of raising vessels for. Benj. Waterhouse, N.Y. April 15 Rail roads, called forest rail roads. H Pinkus and J. R. Wil- liams, London, England - - _ _ April 27 Rail way, with a lift. Ethan Baldwin, Harrisburg, Penn. May 6 Rail ways, for teams to pass on. J. Brown and G. W. Robinson, Providence, Rhode Island _ . _ - June 6 Rail way, endless, improvement in the. Jeremiah Price, N. Y. Sept 15 Rail way, improvement in the submarine. John Thomas, N. Y. Nov 6 Rail way, improvement in the marine . Richaid Ward, N. Y. Dec 28 Ropes, machinery for laying. David Myerle, Philadelphia March 3, 1827 Rice, machine for hulling and cleaning. J. Campbell. Wins- borough, South Carolina - - . ' - May 31 W 76 S stone and marble, polishing of. Samuel Mulliken, Phil. Hslaich 11, i7j)l Spindles, diminishing friction of. Robert K. Livingston, Cler- mont county, New York - - . _ ^ug 4^ .. Steam engine, improvement on Captain Savary's. James Rum- sey, Berkley county, Virginia - , . Aug 26, — Steam, generation of. Do. do. Aug 26, — Steam, application of to propel boats or vessels. Do. do. Aug 26, -* Steam engine applied to navigation. John Fitch, Philadelphia Aug 2^, -* Steaoi eiigine, boiler of. Jaiines Rumsey, Berkley county, Va. Aug 23, -- Steam, boiler for generating. J. Sle>^ens, jun. Bergen county. New Jersey - - - - - Aug 26, - Steam, raising water by. Do. do. Aug 26, — Steam, applying the force of. Do. do. Aug 26, — Steam engine boiler. Nathan Reed, Massachusetts - Aug 26, -•* Steam engine, improvement on Savary's, for raising water. Englehart Cruse, Baltimore, Maryland - - Aug 26, — Steam jack. John Baily, Bostoii - - - Feb 23, 1792 Steel, hardening and tempering. David Hartley, Boston Feb 24, — Stones, mill, handmill for picking of. Jonathan Dorr and So- lomon Hodge, Washington, New Jersey - - Oct 23, — Spit, new method of turning a. S. Morey, Oxford, Grafton county, New Hampshire - - - - Jan 29, 179^ Sumach, or rhus. Richard R. Saltonstall, New London, Conn. Feb 28, — Sugar, moulds for claying. Jonathan Williams, jun. Phil. March 13, — Sumach, or rhus. Richard R. Saltonstall, New London, Conn. May 1, — Stone of cast iron. Robert Heterick, Pennsylvania - June 11, — Sails of ships and boats, applying and regulating the. Joseph S. Sampson, Boston - - - - July 5, — Sail, duck, weaving. James Davenport, New Jersey - Feb 14, 1794 Still, steam, improvement in. Alexander Anderson, Penn. Sept 2, — Salt, making from sea water. James Fennel, Pennsylvania Sept 24, — Still, improvement in. John Kincaid, Pennsylvania - Nov 25, — Saw, round. Zaohariah Cox, Georgia - - March 14, 1795 Still, worm of sheet copper. John Taylor, Virginia - June 30, — Stones, sawing and polishing of. Jonathan Dickerson, N. J. Jan 9, 1796 Seed, clover and other, cleaning. Jonathan Roberts, jun. Penn. Feb 13, — Silk, linen, &c. oiled. See Oiled, S^c. Skins, seals, manufacturing of. James Eaton, Massachusetts Feb 16, -- Sumach, manufacturing. Joseph Hilliard, Connecticut May 12, -* Steam engine and boiler, invention of, Elijah Bachus " May 31, — Stays, &c. improvement in, for removing incurvitures or distor- tions of the spine. Limdin M'Keehaie - - July 1, — Salt, improvement in making. George James - - Nov 16, — Skins, improvement in splitting sheep. James Stanfield Nov 16, — Soap, improvement in making. John Nazro - - Jan 6, 1797 Stoves, improvement in. James M'Callmont - - Feb 20, ~ Stoves, improvement in. Thomas Hirst - - March 11, -- Stoves, improvement in. Caleb Wheaton - - March 29, -•* Shingles and boards, improvement in making. Bill Jervis July 8, — Saddles, improvement in. Thomas Stickney - r - Nov 16, — Stove, a soap stone. William Payne - - - Dec ]0, — Steam engine, application to the sawing, cutting and manufac- turing lumber. Robert M'Kean - - - March 24, 1798 Steam engine, a double. James Smallman, N. J. Roosevelt May 31, ^- Steam (S. M. 1799.) Hee Water. Stoves, improvement in. J. W. Godfrey and William Lane July 14, — Stoves, coal, improvement in. Henry Abbott - - Jan 24, 179B Salt, a machine for manufacturing. John Sears - Jan 24, — Steelyards, improvement in. Benjamin Dearborn - Feb 14, — Stones. See Marble. Steain, application of. Samuel Morey, New Hampshire March 25. - S 77 Sawing boards, mill tor. Aaron Clarke - - J^Iarch 30, 1790 Ships, machine to keep its distance at sea (rcckoniug.) Chester Gould - - - - - May 28, - Screws, machine for cutting. David Wilkinson - Dec 14, -- Seeds. See Cotton. Stoves and grates, improvement on. Oliver Evans - Jan IG, 1800 Stop cock. Peter Walker - - - April 10, - Silk, cotton, worsted, engine for reducing. - - April 10, — Sumach, manufacturing. Comfort Hoyt - - April 7, — Ships and vessels, improvement in the construction of. Jere- miah Brown _ _ - - May 14, - Sheathing vessels, improvement in. Henry Guest, New Bruns- wick, New Jersey . - - - Jan 26, 1801 Stoves, improvement in construction of. W. Henderson, Mid- dleton, Connecticut - - - - Feb 12, -- Starch manufactured from potatoes. John Biddis, Phil. March 22, — Stove, screw and reel, grain drying machme Dav. EUicot, Ann Arundel county, Maryland - - - - May 1, ♦- Spoons, mode of manufdcturiug. " T. Bruff, Washington City Sept 14, f- Seai and beam, moveable and suspended. S. Wallis, Boston Sept 21, — Syphonic steam machine John Pool - - Oct 13, — Snlls, construction of. Michael KrafFi, Philadelphia - Oct 28, — Ship's pump, improvement in. George Clymer, Philadelphia Dec 22, — Saw mill, improvement in turning the log. M. Coates, Wash- ington county, Pennsylvania > _ . April 1, 1802 Saw mill, improvement m. Hezekiah Richardson, jun. and Levi Richardson, MiddJetown, Massachusetts - April 28, — Spirits, mode of improving. Burgess Allison - • - May 12, -r ScisDtiiic steelyards. Lewis Du Pre, South Carolina - May 12, — Salt, machine for manufacturing. B. Ellioot, Lancaster, Penn. May 12, -• Steam boat, improvement m. Edward West, Fayette county, Kentucky - - - - July 6, •?- Still, improvement in. William Paine - - - Aug 24, — Steam engine, improvement in. Samuel Briggs, jun. - Oct 9, -«• Splitting skins, improvement in. Asa W. Chickering - Nov 29, »»• Stills, improvement in. John Staples - - - Dec 15, — Salt, improvement in making. Valentine Peers - - Dec 18, ••' Stone and marble, machine for sawing. W. Palmer - Dec 31, -r Saw mill for cleaning cotton. G. F. Saltonstall, Fayetteville, North Carolina - - - , - - Jan 4, 180.3 Stills, improvement in. John Moffat - - , Feb 1 -•. Spirits from starch, mode of extracting. John Naylor March 7 -- Sea sitting chair. A. Du Buc Marentille - - March 18 -.- Sub-marine passage or hollow inverted arch. J. Staples, Flush- ing, Long Island . - . . . March 18, -.- Sea salt, improvement in the process of manufacturing. George Hunter . _ . . . March 24, -^ Steam, improvement in producing. John Stevens, New York April 11, — . Salt,- expediting the manufacture of. Timothy Alden, jun. May 25, — Steam engine, improvement in. Samuel Morey, Rufus Graves and Giles Richards - - . - - June 15, — Shearing woollen and other cloths, machine. L. Stanley June 25, — Skins, machine for pulling hair off. Nicholas Young - June 2S, — Shingles, machine for splitting and shaving. Daniel French, Middletown, Connecticut - - _ . j^jy 05^ „ Stills, improvement in the construction of. L. Geanty - Aug 4, — Seals' fur, method of preparing for hats. G. Cleveland, Hart- ford, Connecticut . - . - . Sept 9, - Shelling corn, machine for. Paul Pilsbury - - Oct 25, -r Stills. See Boiler. .'>^innin^ wheels, improvement in, Amos Minor - Nov 1G>, -- 7S still heads and condensers, improvement in. E. Richardson, N. P. Dec 1 6, ISOiJ Stills and boilers, improvement in. Leonard Betty - Jan 19, 1804 Stills, improvement in the construction and in the process of distilling spirits. William Wigton, Hudson, New York Jan 30, — Screw mil], for breaking and grinding different hard substances. Oliver Evans, Philadelphia - _ . Feb 14, — Steam engines, improvement in. Oliver Evans, Philadelphia Feb 14, — Setting stills and other large kettles. Israel Wood - Feb 21, — Smut fanning mill, improvement. Thomas Pierce, Fishkill,N.Y. Feb 21, ~ Spinning wheel, improvement in. William B. Dyer - Feb 27, — Shot, improvement in the mode of making. P. Daniel, Phil. March 21, — Still and boiler, improvement. John Taylor - - March 31, — Sheet tin, improvement in mode of working. Calvin Whiting and Eli Parsons - - - - April 14, — Springs for window sashes, improvement in. J. Eaton, Bos. April 14, — Steam bath still. See Double. vStraw and hay. See Cutting. Shelling and cleaning corn, machine for. Levi Stevens, N. Y. May 8, — Salt, machine for making. Ezra Weld - - May 16, — Suspenders, improvement in. John Hooker - - Nov 19, ~ Shingles, niachine for sawing. Isaac Baker, Amherst, Mass. May 8, 180r> Sod oil, for leather, method of making. G. Poyzer, Phil. May 10, — Sluice to convey water to wheels, &c. James Humiston, New Haven, Connecticut - - - - May 10, "- Smut fanning mill. Thomas Pierce, Fishkill, New York May 24, -- Setting boilers. See Boilers. Sulphate of potash, method of separating. A. M'Nitt, Geneva, New York - - - - June 15, -- vSprings for wheel carriages. William Wing and H. Salisbury, Hartford, Connecticut - - - - Aug 29, ~ Shingles, improvement in making. A. A. Kelsey, Hartford, Connecticut - - - - Oct 9, — Splitting skins, machine for. Wra. Lillie, West Chester, N.Y. Nov 9, — Salt, making. John Gilman Taylor - - . Nov 13, — Shearing woollen or other cloths by water. Friend B. Kellog, Marlborough, Massachusetts _ _ - Nov 22, ~- Spring pump for raising water. William Finn, Baltimore Feb 13, 1806 Suspenders. Richard Howell - - - March 5, — Stoves. Samuel Dickey, Oxford, Pennsylvania . - March 7, — Splitting skins, machine for. Stephen Pagne - - March 31, -~ Straw See Cutting. Saw mills. Joseph Quinby, Boston - - - April 25, -^ Steelyards. John Edwards, New York - - - May 19, — Scale beams and balances. John Edwards, New York May 19, — Stove. See Cabouse. Shearing cloth, machine for. Beriah Smith, Washington, N. Y. May 25, -^ Salt, method of extracting from salt water. Stan. Smith, Suf- folk, Massachusetts - - - - June 12, — Salt, method of facilitating the process of extracting from salt water. S. Smith, Suffolk, Massachusetts - - June 13, — Spinning of rope yarn, machine for. N. Cutting, Washington City - . - - . Julj 14, - Swing cradle. Zachariah Mills, Hartford, Connecticut July 17, — Sublimation of sulphur. George Barber Dexter, Boston Oct 9, — • Screens for freeing grain from dirt, &c. W. Tulloch, Orange Court House, Virginia - - - - Oct 28, — Suspenders. Jonas Dawson, Philadelphia - - - Nov 0, — Sleigh. See Transverse. Swivel screw, water tight, for steam engines, &c. Abel W. Hardenbrook, New York - - - - Feb 10, 1807 Salt, mode of moking, Timothy Green. New York •• April 1. -- S 79 shingles and staves, machine for dressing. J. M'llvain, Ches- ter, Pennsylvania ----- April 1, 1807 Stumps, method of raising from the ground. A. Craig, N. H. April 15, — Springs for carriages. See Main. Steelyard. Barnabas Langdon, St. Albans, New York - April 23, — Shearing cloth, machine for. Russell Dorr, Kinderbrook,N.Y. May 8, -- Shingling the roofs of houses, &c. Thomas Young, Phil. May 11, — Spring buckle, mechanical. John Green, New York - May 20, — Stills, improvement in. S. Steward, Walpole, N- H. - June 21, — Shearing cloth, machine for. Enoch Burt, Princeton, N. J. June 23, ~ Saw mills, improvement in. Jacob Spafford, Ipswich, Mass. June 23, — Straw, machine for cutting. J. Cleaveland, Franklin county, Pennsylvania - - - - - July 18, ~ Straw, machine for cutting. Ben. Gonnor, Portsmouth, N Y. July 20, — Stills, improvement in. Edward Richardson, Fredericktown Oct S, — Straps for suspenders. See Leather, 8fc. Stove pipes, mode of making. R. Wheatley and J. Beaumont, Boston ------ Nov 4, — Still, improvement in. William Thornton, Washington City Dec 13, — Sugar, mode of making and refining. Antoine Boucherie, Phil. Jan 8, 1806 Splitting leather and skins, machine for. William Brent, Bost. Feb 24, — Screw press. See Press. Smoothing and polishing paper, machine for. Wm. Coolidge, Boston ------ April 18, — Stripping allum dressed leather for shoe binding. S. Frothing- ham and George Harris, Middletown, Connecticut April 20, — Spinning wheel, improvement in. T. Cruttenden, Poultney, New York ------ April 23, - Shearing machine for cloth. Eben. Stowell, Worcester, Mass. April 26, — Springs, thorough brace for carriages. J Mix, New Haven, Connecticut . - . _ - June 17, — Stoves for heating rooms. Allan Pollock, Boston - June 17, — Sawing stone, wood, &c. Do. do. • - June 20, — Shearing cloth, machine for. S. Stewart, Eben Hovey and James Henderson, Pittstown, New York - - June 21, — Springs for carriages, folding or spiral. J. Armour, jun. Bait. June 27, — Slitting boards, planks, &c. Ezekiel Olds, Brookfield, Mass. June 29, — Splitting skins. Isaac Cobb, Walpole, New Hampshire July 12, — Shaving and splitting. See Leather. Straw cutting machine. Elihu Hotchkiss, Battleboro', Vert. Aug 2, — Spinning wheels. Obadiah Sheely - - - Aug 6, ~ Springs for carriages. Joshua Cone, Reading, Connecticut Aug 26, — Stove, rarefying air. Daniel Pettibone, Roxbury, Connecticut Oct 28, ~ Scrubbing and scouring machine for floors. Simon B. Willard, Bloorafield, Ontario county, New York - - Nov 17, — Stills and rotary steam engines. Sted. Adams, Hartford, Conn. Nov 21, — Still tubs. Isaac Bennet, Newton, Connecticut - - Dec 12, — Shingles, machine for dressing. R. and T. Nicholson, Birds- town, Kentucky ----- Dec 13, — Suspending. See Carriages. Splitting hides, machine for, Seth Boyden, Foxbpro', Mass. Jan 7, 1809 Steam boats and boilers. William Thornton, Washington City Jan 16, ~ Sawing timber in circular form. J. Lindsey, Cassanovia, N. Y. Feb 4, -- Steamboats. Robert Fulton, New York - - Feb 11, — Stoves. James Fales, Newport, Rhode Island - - Feb 22, — Scows and boats. Elihu Sherman, Lansingburg, New York March 2, — Salt, mode of making. Benjamin Wheeler, Boston - March 17, ~ Saw, hand. Isaiah Jennings, New York - - March 17, — Silk stuffs, machine for finishing. Abncr Stearns, West Cam- bridge, Massachusetts _ - - March 22, ~ ^.plitting leather and skins. John Woodcock, Worcester, Mass. May 8, - 80 S straw cutting machine. Roger Haskell, Burlington, N. Y. ftlay 65, IS'Oll? Sea table. William H. Richardson. Baltimore - - June 9, — Shutters for windows. Truman Bartholomew, New York June 17, — Straw cutting machine. Jacob Canfield, Morristown, N. J. June 96, — Shearing cloth. David Dewey, Poultney, New York - June 27, — Spiral float wheel mill. Fitch Ives Lisle, New York * July 5, — Spiral truss. See Trms. Shingles, machine for riving and shaving. Japob Balcomb, Reading, New York - - - - ^^^J 1^» "" Shot, manufacturing. John W. Jope, Philadelphia - July 17, — Screws, machine for cutting wood. A Stowell, Worcester, Massachusetts - - - - - July 18, — Stump lifting machine, David Stone, Claremout, N. H. July 27, — Saw for wood. James Hamilton, Brookfield, Massachusetts July 23, — Screw augur, double podded centre. E. L'Hommedieu, Say- brook, Connecticut - - - - - July 31, — Spirits and wines, mode of ameliorating. W. Thornton, Wash- ington, District of Columbia - - - Sept 1, — Steam engine, improvement in the. Daniel French, N. Y. Oct 12, — Shingles, machine for splitting. Joseph Coppinger, Baltimore Oct 31, — Spoons, machine for manufacturing. Isaiah Bisbee, Bath, Mass. Nov 20, — Stills, cast iron. Joseph Coppinger, Beaufort, North Carolina Nov 21, — Seine. See Fishing. Sawing machine. E. Odds and PbineyUpham, Worcester, Mass. Dec 21, — Steam engines and boilers. John Stevens, Neu' York - Jan 3, 1810 Soal leather, machine for compressing. J. Elliot, Sharon. Conn. Jan 18, — Sawing timber. Elisha Cook, Bethlehem, Massachusetts Jan 20, — Sheaves, method of making. Enoch C. Topham, Essex, Mass. Feb 12, — Stovepipes. John Parkhurst,jun. Cheshire, New Hampshire Feb 13, — . Sawing timber. John Sweet, Bethlehem, Massachusetts Feb 15, — Signals for vessels. Nath. Shaler, New Yfirk - - Feb 21, — Saw mill. Abel Wright, Canaan, New York - March 7, -• Spring bolt and key for windows. R Smith, Norwich, Conn. March 8, — Sawing timber. A. Jones, jun. Bethlehem, Massachusetts March 1 4, — Spinning wheel. Winsor Drury, Brookfield, Massachusetts March 19, — Saw, driving whip. Joseph Coppinger, Frederick, Georgia March 19, — Salt, manufacturing. Benjamin Wheeler, Boston - March 28, — Screw. See Grist mill. Spinning flax. Alpheus Webster, Green county New York March 31, --» Still, perpetual. Robert Gillespie, Seneca county, N Y. April 2, — Stone turner, marble. David Clark, West Stockbridge, Mass. April 9, — Saw mill. Joseph Ennals, New Market, Maryland - April 10, — Spinning wheels, the heads of. Amos Miner, Marcellus, N.Y. April 11, — Sawing wood, machine for. Roger Smith, Norwich, Conn. April 24, ^ Spring tree saddle. David C. Mosely, Boston - April 25, -- Screws, casting metal. John Nicholson, Herkimer, N. Y. April 28, — Sash stuff, machine for trying. E. Basford, Livermore, Mass. April 28, -- Sawing boards, machine for. 0. Judd, jun. London, Mass. May 1, — Saw mill to be worked by hand George Harris, Philadel. May 3, — Shelling corn. John Heavin, Frederick county, Maryland May 8, — Shearing cloth. Eleazar Sprague, Danbury, Connecticut May 9, — Shearing cloth. Herman ftlathews, Delaware - - May 15, -' Suspenders. James Davis, Philadelphia - - May 18, -- Shearing cloth. Beriah Swift, New York - - May 28, — Saddle trees, machine for making. Ruben and E, Fairchild, Fairfield, Connecticut - - - - June i, -- Ship building. See Boat, S^c. Splitting mill. Phineas Dow, Boston - - - , July IS, — Shaving shingles, machine for. Abiel A. Cooley, Bolton, Conn. July 13, — Smoothing linen, machine for. W. P. Smith and Jacob Odell, Durham, New Hampshire - - \ -^ - .TuTt 17, — s ^1 ^having shiugles. Daniel Newel, Saratoga, New York Steam, mode of producing. J. H. Williams, Brunswick, N.J. Steam, propelling boats by. Ralph Letton, Albany, N. Y. Shovels, machine for swaing. Upton Reed, Harford, Md. Smoke conductor. John C. Teall, New York Starch, mode of making. E. Perkins, Shrewsbury, N. J. Steering vessels. John Philips and James Smallman, Phil. Smoked beef, machine for cutting. Seth R, Kneeland Sawing machine. David Parmclie, Fairfield, Connecticut" Skins, machine for splitting and shaving. P. White, Worces- ter, Massachusetts - _ - - Stoves. Augustus Graham, Fredericktown, Maryland Steam still and water boiler. Phares Bernard, VVhitestown, N.Y. Steam for cooking. Hosea E. Potter, Otsego, New York Springs, wooden, for carriages W. Robinson, Wilmington, Delaware - - - _ _ Still, perpetual. John James Giraud, Baltimore Sawing machine, improvement in. Ezekiel Old and Pliny Up- ham, Brookfield, New York _ . > Steam still and boiler. P M. Hackley, Herkimer county, N.Y. Steam pump. Phares Bernard and T. Soper, Whitestown, N.Y. Steam boat, chain float. Michael Morrison, Boston Sleigh. Augustus Day, Bordentown, New Jersey Salts. See Evaporation. Spirits. See Corn stalks. Steam boats. Robert Fulton, New York - - Steam still. Samuel Bacon, Lanesburgh, Massachusetts Saw mill, descending. S. Belknap and S. Merril, Georgetown, District of Columbia - - - _ Steam engine. J. Stubs and N. Parsons, Chillicothe, Ohio Saw mill Miles H. Abbot, Bucks county, Pennsylvania Starch, &c. from vegetable matter. E. Perkins, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - - - - - Shearing cloth. Ezra Willmarth, Rumney, Massachusetts Screws, machine for cutting wooden. R. Hancock, sen. and Edward W. Carr, Philadelphia „ _ _ Stove. William Watson, Weymouth, New Jersey Shearing, cloth. Benjamin Cummings, Palmer, Mass. Slate, application of. W. Sheldon, jun. Springfield, Mass. Shearing, cloth. George C. Kellog, New Hartford, Conn. Sausage meat, machine for cutting. G. NefF, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania - - Stave and shingle machine. W. Bailey, Nelson county. Ken. Saw mills. Oliver Evans, Philadelphia Stove, kitchen. J. Sibley, New Y'ork _ _ . Straw plait, machine for pressing. D. Atherton, Providence, Rhode Island - - - - , - Shearing cloth. Jesse Molleneuse, Hempstead, New Y'ork Shearing machine. Eieazar Hovey, Canaan, New York Steam still. John James Giraud, Baltimore Steam engine for propelling. John Stevens, New York Saw mill. Marshall Lewis, Shenango, New York Suspenders. Henry Burk, Bucks county, Pennsylvania Suspenders, spring double. Benjamin Wolcot, Danbury, Ohio Shaving shingles, machine for. Daniel Parker and John Sand- ford, Sharon, Connecticut _ . . Shears for shearing woollen. William Stillman, Westerly, R. I. Steam kitchen for baking, &c. Samuel Smith, Herkimer, N.Y. Staves, &c. machine for shaving and jointing. Barnabas Lang- don and William Mowry, Washington county, N. Y. Steam stove. Josiah Noyes, Herkimer county. New York July 26, : 1810 July 26, — Aug 29, — Aug 31, ,, Sept 11, — Sept 16, — Sept 18, — Oct 9j —■ Oct 25, m* Nov 1, i^ Nov 6, — Nov 17, — Nov 20, «* Nov 27, _» Dec 22, - Dec 26, __ Jan 11, 1811 Jan 16, ~ Jan 17, ~. Jan 19, — Feb 9, Feb 9, -' Feb 15, _„ Feb 25, — Feb 26, - Feb 26, _» Feb 28, — March 1, __ March 2, — March 2, — March 2, — March 4, ~ March 19, _^- April 10, — April 15, — April 25, ~ April 26, -» April 30, — May 1, ~ May 15, — May 21, — May 24, "«- May 25, " May 29, — . May 30, «. June 11, — June 11, — June 20, •>«• June 21, - 82 S Spinning and winding rope yarn. C. Brig and P. Schermerhorn Steam engine. See Pendulum. Socket and sand shovels, machine for. Jonathan Righter, Downingtown, Pennsylvania - - - - Still and condenser. Richard Seely, Newark, New Jersey Steam carriages. Charles Reynolds, East Windsor, Conn. Stills and boilers. Jacob Decker, Green, Chenango fcounty, New York Spinner. See Pleasaht Stills. Henry Witmer, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Steam boats. James Rogers, Albany, New York Stoves. Thomas Power, New York - - - Salt, making fine from coars: . C. W. Sellers, Alexandria, D.C. Sulphuric acid. Benjamin Bell, Boston Steam engine. Daniel Dodd, New York Steam kitchen. John Bouis, Baltimore - - Steel, converting pig iron into. Enoch Leonard, Canton, Mass. Seine. See JVef. Save all for saw mills. J. Hart and Lester Fling, Cheshire, New Hampshire Steam engines. J. Curtis and Royal Yeamans, Washington Stove, cooking. Jonathan Low, f itchburgh, iMassachusetts Stove N. Lloyd, Philadelphia - - - Steam boat to be sculled. Joseph Hunt, East Chester, N. Y^ Spinning machine. Noel Jones, Madison county. New York Shingles, machine for dressing. J. Heavin, Montgomery, Va. Spinning machine. Stephen Clements, Hartford, Vermont Steam engine, propelled by poles. M. Battle, Herkimer, N. Y. Still, wooden, &c. R. W. Adams, Marlboro', Vermont Salt, manufacturing. x\mbrose Dudley, King William's county, Vermont - - _ - Steam boat, setting. John Evelett, Boston Still head, quilted clothing for. C. Jenk, East Windsor, Conn. Still head. C. Jenks, East Windsor, Connecticut Shearing machine. Stephen Tredwell, Reading, Connecticut Scale board, machine for cutting. J. Carrington, Litchfield, Connecticut Spinning machine. Burgiss Allison, Philadelphia Spinning wheel. James Shaw, Herkimer county, N. Y. Sawing machine. Russel Canfield, Philadelphia Saw mill, cross cut. Samuel Kennedy Gore, Bradford county, Pennsylvania - - - Spinner. See Linen. Steam engine. Daniel Dodd, Elizabethtown, New Jersey Screws, machine for cutting. E. Hazard and J. White, Phil. Smut, machine for casting. D. Tomlinson, Brookfield, Conn. Stove, fire proof stone. Abraham H. Quincy, Boston Saw mills. Webb Hart, Cheshire, Connecticut Shearing cloth, machine for. Walter Kennedy, Frankfort, K'y Stove for heating water, &c. T. Woolson, Amherst, N. H. Shearing and laying the knap of cloth, Lemuel Dickerman, Schagticoke, New York - - - Steam engine, horizontal. Jacob W. Sexton, Burlington, N. J. Spirits, purifying of. Abiel Pease and Samuel Bestor, Enfield, Connecticut - - _ Steam engine. Alexander Anderson, Philadelphia Steam washer. James Trumah, Philadelphia Steam machine to keep a wheel in motion. M. B. Parmelee, Newtown, Connecticut - - - - Shearing cloth. Gersham Bestwick, Bjfookfieldj Connepticut July ibii July 23, July 25, Aug 21, Sept 2, Sept 19, Sept 29, Sept 17, Oct 11, Nov 7, Not 29, Jan 6, Jan 6, Jan 18, Feb 8, Feb 24, Feb 29, March 11, March 14, March 16, March 16, March 27, March 27, March 31, April 25, April 25, April 25, April 27, ' April 27, April 27, April 27, May 1, May 4, May 12, May 15, May 20, May 21, May 26, June 12, July 3, July 18, July 18, July 27, Aug 21, Aug 21, Aug 25, Sept 28, 1812 8 ^ 18J13 Saw mill worked by animal power. B. Owen,Pnnce (jJeforgeHs county, Virginia - - . _ . QcX 1, Shearing cloth. George Booth, Poughkeepsie, New York Oct 13, — Steam boats and steam engines. Dan Large and F. Grice, Phil. Nov 12, — Setting saws. John Somner, Franklin, Pennsylvania Nov 16, -» Sulphur sublimating. Geo. Robertson, Elizabethtown, N. J. Nov IG, — Spinning cotton. Nehemiah Giles, Fitchburgh, Massachusetts Nov 19, — Sugar candy ware. Laurence Astolfi, Philadelphia - Nov 20, -<• Stills. Hiram Whitcomb, Cornwall, Connecticut - Nov 24, — Stoves, open. J. Howe and W. Lankester, Boston - Nov 25, — SnufF cutler or grater. John B. Partarieu, New York - Nov 30, — Ship building. Frederick Tudor, Boston - - Dec 17, -- Shingles. John Loomis, Geneva, New York - - Dec 24, — Screws, machine for heading. Abel Stovvell, Worcester, Mass. Feb 4, 1813 Stove and boiler. Gabriel N. Philips, Goshen, New York Feb 6, — Stove. See Kitchen. Stoves. Alfred James, Hartford, Connecticut - - March 1, — Saw mills. Hiram Whitcomb, Cornwall, Connecticut - March 2, — Sifting meal. Daniel Hedman, Brookhaven, New York March 8, — Screw shanks. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Massachusetts March 23, — Stoves for boiling. Henry Abbett, Philadelphia - March 30, — Stoves. George Worrall, Philadelphia _ . _ March 30, — Steam engines. James D. Russell, Washington, N. C. April 10, — Spinning and roving machine. S. Comstock and Moses Pike, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania _ _ _ . April 15, -- Screws, machine for cutting. Jacob Scott, Ramapo Cove, N.Y. May 4, — Shearing machine, horizontal. T. Blanchard, Sutton, Mass. May 4, — Shell granade and rocket. James Lloyd, Adams county, Penn. May 11, — Shot and bullets, machine for. Peregrine Williamson, Bait. May 12, -^ Salt, machme for boiling, &c. John J. Cabell, Lynchburg, Va. May 28, — Steam engine. S. Briggs and Andrew Steel, Baton Rouge, Lou. May 29, — Shingles, machine for making. Otis Paine, Foxboro', Mass. June 18, -< Spinning cotton. Luther Bissel, Justus Hinman, Luke C. Hin- man and Benoni Gains, Hartwick, New York - - June 19, -- Still. John James Giraud, Baltimore - - - June 26, — Spoons. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Massachusetts - June 29-, — Saw mills. Luther Bissel, Hartwick, New York - - July 3, ■•- Spinning machine, improvement in. N. Foster, Fleming, Ken. July 8, — Stills. Charles F. Foster, York, Pennsylvania - - July 12, — Screws, machine for finishing heads of. Abel Stowfell, Wor- cester, Massachusetts - _ _ - July 15^ _* Shot, tubulated cylinder. James M. Ludlum, New York - Aug 3, 1813 Still, wooden. John James Giraud, Baltimore - - Aug 3, — Spinning wheels. Daniel Ilurlbut, Aurelius, New York Aug 4, — Ships, boats, &c. constructing. B. Connor, Portsmouth, N. H. Aug 26, -■« Stills, setting. A. Gibbs, Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Aug 30, -'■ Shingles, sawing. Willard Earl, Hubbardstown, Mass. Sept 3, — Steam engine. S. H. Long and G. F. Hauto, Gerraantown, Pa. Sept 3, — Skins, splitting. William Bent, Boston - _ - Sept 9, — Shearing cloth, machine for. Silas Hils, Hudson, New York Oct 22, — Stocking loom. Eben Herrick, Stockbridge - - Oct 22, — Stone, machine for sawing, &c. S. B, Willard, Bloomfield, N.Y. Nov 6, »- Stove, spiral. Robert Roy, Warwick, New York - Nov 13, — Steel, made from card teeth, &c. E. Jenks, Colebrook, Conn. Nov 13, -= Still, &c. condensing tub. J. Wheatley, Faquier county, Va. Nov 13, ~ Screws, machine for cutting. John Humes, Richmond, Va. Dec 30, -,» Sleigh shoes, steel plated. Salmon Hunt, Canaan, Connecticut Dec 30, — 84 b Screws, maciiiae i'or making. Abner Bumiiam and Thomas 8. Barnum, Sharon, Connecticut - - - - Steam engines. Francis B. Ogden, Essex county, New Jersey Slates, machine for polishing. John Cojeman, Baltimore Steelyards and scales. Zina Phinney, Greene county, N. Y. Jan 6, 1814 vShearing machine. E. Durrin, Wethersfield, Vermont Salt manufacturing. William J. Lewis Steam boats. Daniel Dodd, Mendham, New Jersey Stove, eleven plate. Charles Postley, New York Screws, cutting, &c'. D. Stearns, Brattleboro', Windham, Vt Sawyer, expeditious. John H. Morrison, Boscowen, N. H. Spinning, family billy and jenny. E. Smith, Paris, N. Y. Steam still, perpetual. J. J. Giraud, Baltimore Spinning wheel. H. Wright and O. Roberts, Bristol, Conn. Shearing cloth. I. Sanford, Providence, Rhode Island Steam tow boat, &c. John L. Sullivan, Boston Salt, manufacturing. Thomas Hord, Caroline county, Va. Stills. Ezra Talmage, Richmond, Virginia - Steam engines, &c. John Dowers, jun. Philadelphia Smoke driver. See House Warmer. Shoes, machine for cutting. Benjamin Miller, Philadelphia Still and condenser. Ben Hall, New Haven, Connecticut Stove, baking, boiling, &c. E.B. Coleman, New Haven, Conn. Stove, family. Joseph Tuly, Frederick county, Virginia Salt, apparatus for making. W. and J. D. Hawkins, Raleigh, North Carolina _ _ _ _ _ Scythes, manufacturing. Luther Dudley, Sutton, Mass. Screws, &c. manufacturing. Aaron Broad, Litchfield, Conn. Salt, making. John J. Cabell, Lynchburg, Virginia Stair for bridge and feiTy. David Dunham, New York Saddletrees. Chauncey Stiles, jun. Philadelphia Spinning machine, portable. Burgiss Allison^ Burlington, N. J. Steam engines. Charles Reynolds, East Windsor, Conn. Sulphurate acid, cement for ceilings. And. Scott, Newburn, North Carolina - - - - Spoons, making. James Ridgeway, Groton, Massachusetts Salt, manufacturing. Peter Sarchet, sen. Cincinnati, Ohio Suspenders. Martin Nelson, Philadelphia Shingles, sawing. Salmon Fuller, Indiana Steam boats. Nicholas J. Roosevelt, New Jersey Scythe, farmer's carriage. Theophilus Eaton Scythe, circular. John and Adam Rhodes, Union township, N.Y. Shearing machine. David Dev/ey, Pouitney, Vermont Steam, or stove still. John Stone, jun- Worthington, Mass. Steam boats, improvement in. Wm. Thornton, Washington City, District of Columbia „ > . , Dec 23, 1814 Saw mills. Elisha Morgan, Clinton county, New York Jan 24, 1815 Stills. Robert Gillespie, Seneca, New York - - Jan 31, — Sleigh shoes, cast iron. Sylvanus Tousley, Manlius, New York Feb 7, — Screw cutters, circular. Joshua Witherie, Boston - Feb 9, — Still boiler and worm. Thomas Weston, Peacham, Vermont Feb 13, — Shelling corn and threshing wheat. Zina Phinney, Cairo, N. Y. Feb 16, ■•- Saw-mills. Henry Quin, Huntington, N. J. - - Feb 21, ~ Spinner, family. John Brown, Providence, R. I. ■- Feb 24, — Stop-cock. John Morris, New Haven, Conn. - - March 1, — Screws, machine for cutting and heading. John Mason - March 30, — Shears for shearing cloth, Wm. Stiilman, Westerley, R. I. April 15, — Stoves, Wm. T. James, Union Village, Washington, N. Y. April 26, — Stoves, Charles Postley, New York - -, -. April 26, -- Dec 31, Dec 31, Dec 31, Jan 6, Jan 21, Feb 1, Feb 2, March 7, March 7, March 18, March .23, March 24, March 26, March 26, April 2, April 8, April 9, April 23, May 9, May 13, May 13, May 17, May 26, May 27, June G, June 10, June 23, June 28, June 28, July 23, I Aug 15, Sept 22, Sept 27, Oct 17, Nov 14, Dec 1, Dec 2, Dec 6, Dec 7, Dec 8, s a5 steam eng irie. Borden Wiibor, Wliitcstown, New York April 28, tJtages, improvement in the body of. J. Smith, Lancaster, Pa. April 29, Stoves. Aaron Lane - . _ - May 11, Spindle for spinning. Asa Jillson, Dorchester, Massachusetts May 27, Spruce beer, brewing. William Bezeau, Philadelphia - June 13, Steam engine. Samuel Morey, Boston - _ - July 14, Scale beams, &c. Allen Pollock, Boston - ~ .July 31, Ship building. D. M. Randolph, Richmond, Virginia - Aug 3, Steam engine. Junia Curtis, Baltimore - - Aug 5, Shoemaker's bench Joel Soper, Windsor, Connecticut Aug 12, Spinning machine. Sylvanus Baldwin, Boston - - Aug 18, Steam engine. Mathew ClufF, Norfolk, Virginia - Sept 1, Steam stove. Erastus Warner . _ _ _ Sept 12, Spinning wool. W. Ayres and J. Cochran, Durham, Vermont Oct 6, Screw wheel for propelling. James Widdefield, Philadelphia Oct 11, Saws, setting the teeth of. John RusselJ, Brooke, Virginia Oct 14, Saddles. John Bryan, Lexington, Kentucky - - Oct 24, Saw mill, elevating. Samuel Brewster, Middlesex, New Jersey Oct 30, Stove, economical. John Graham, New York - - Nov 9, Steelyards. Samuel Hills, Lincoln, Massachusetts - Dec 27, Saw mill, wind. Jesse Springer, Cape May, New Jersey Dec 27, Stove. Comfort Barney, Warren, Rhode Island - - Dec 27, Saw mills. Thomas Cohoon, Washington City - - Jan 5, Stills. Joseph White, Baltimore _ _ - Jan 15, Steam engines. William Shultz, New York - - Jan 26, Syphilis, cure of. Joseph Moser, Philadelphia - - Jan 26, Salt, manufacturing of. Wm. J. Lewis _ - . Feb 1, Sock, Columbian. Joseph Mason, Cunningham, Massachusetts Feb 8, Spool frame. Elihu Robinson, Augusta, Massachusetts March 6, Shoemaker, the. Gideon Drake, Windsor, Connecticut March 14, Steam engines. John Stephens, Hoboken, New Jersey March 14, Sliders for steam engines. Ditto ditto March IG, Shelling corn, machine for. Jacob Fuller, Rockland, Va. March 19, .Salt boiling. Alexander Black, Barnstable, Massachusetts April 4, Spinning wheel. E. B. Sandford, Newton, Connecticut April 11, Steam, propelling boats by. Wm. Tatham, Washington City April 18, Shearing cloth. H. Osborn and Wm. L. Frazer - April 25, Sugar, purifying and refining B. Edme Verjon, Washington City - - . * - - April 26, Stoves, cooking. Christ. Hoxie, Hudson, New York - May 3, Steam engine. Enoch Burt, Elizabethtown, New Jersey May 12, Steam, extracting spirits of turpentine by. H. Kelley, Brook- lyn, New York _ - - - May 17, Spinning wool and cotton. Peter Faddleford, Lyman, N. H. May 18, Sawing shingles. Oliver Merritt, Berkhamsted, Conn. May 22, Spring saddle. Charles Klaxon, Baltimore - - May 22, Shearmg cloth, machine for. John D. Smith, Fredericktown, Maryland - ► . _ _ . May 24, Stove. Eliakim Cory, Milton, North Carolina - May 30, Steam, generating. Joseph Hawkins, New York - - June 14, Stills. Montgomery Stevens, New Y'ork - - June 17, Steam engine. Enoch Burt, ElizabeUitown, New Jersey June 25, Spooling, winding and bobbin machine. C. Flagg and O. Wright, Hudson, New York . - - June 29, Saw, radical. Samuel Fairlamb, Marietta, Ohio - July 5, Suspenders, buckle for. Orange Webb, New York - July 5, Sheaves, machine for moulding bushes for. T. R. Walworth, Paterson, New .Tersfy .... - j,i]y 15, 1816 1816 m s Spinning maciiine Zaccheus Wheeler, Richmond, N. H. July IS, -^ Saw gates. Samuel Herrick, Clermont county, Ohio - July 21, -•' Screw, cutting wood and metal. J. Andrews, Dinwiddie coun- ty, Virginia . - _ _ _ Aug 11, - Steam engine. John Hulton, Somerset, Maine - - Aug 22, — Stocking loom. Aaron Porter, Queensbury, New York Aug 22, -- Spinning cotton and wool, machine for. J. Sprinkle, Wythe, Vt. Aug 23, "« Stoves. Thomas and Isaac Power, Hudson, New York - Aug 31, — Stoves. Henry F. Leibenau, New York - - - Sept 7, — Suspenders. Joseph Burnett, Philadelphia - - Sept 14, -" Spinning and quilling machine. Jacob Richardson, Scipio, N-Y. Oct 16, — Steam engine. Samuel Fairlamb, Marietta, Ohio - Oct 24, — Spinning and reeling machine. Caleb^ Shelledeay and George M. Caslon, Shelbyville, Kentucky - - - Oct 24, - Salt works, plan of erecting. D. Thatcher, Tuckerton, N. J. Oct 24, — Steam engine. James Rumsey, Kentucky - - Nov 15, — Steam, the machinery for. James Rumsey, Kentucky - Nov 15, — Steam engines. Edward Rumsey, Kentucky - - Nov 15, — Stoves, rarefied chimney. G. Rogers, Northampton, Mass. Nov 18, — Scale beams. John Edwards, New York - - Nov 19, — Stoves.' Anthony B. Martm, Hagerstown, Maryland - Nov 26, — Steam engines, rotary. Isaiah Jennings, New York - Jan 17, 181T Saltwater, obtaining. D. and J. Ruffner, Kanawha, Virginia Jan 18, — Straw cutting machine. E. Hotchkiss, Brattleboro', Vermont Jan 18, --^ Scj the factory. Benjamin and John Tyler, Claremont, N H. Feb 1, — Stoves, cooking. A. Swain, Hudson, New York - - Feb 1, -- Steam engine for raising water. William Bailey, Nelson county, Kentucky - . _ _ - Feb 4, -- Steam engine, rotary. Nathan Read, Boston - - Feb 21, -- Steam applied to propel carriages. B. Liangdon, Whitehall, N.Y. Feb 22, -* Spinning wheel. James Wright, Campbell county, Virginia Feb 28, -^ Straw cutting machine. Samuel Whitlock, Vermont - March 3, — Steam engine. John L. Sullivan, Boston - - March 24, — Spinning wheels. Nathan Lewis, Canandaigua, N. Y. March 29, — Stove. Joseph P. Simpson, New York - -, April 5, -■' Saw mill. David and Minor Fountain, Eastern Shore, Md. April 5, — Stoves. Ephraim Treadwell, Boston - - - April 26, — Spinning wheel. Timothy Cruttenden, Covington, New York May 12, — Sash work, machine for striking all kinds of. J. Bliss, Somers, Connecticut - - - - - June 17, — Slitting and sawing machine. J. Jacquith, Sherburn, Mass. June ^'6, — Saw band or belt. Adam Stewart, Baltimore - - July 5, — Sawing veneering, machine for. Do. do. - - July 5, — Scre-v Eiachine. Phineas Dow and Daniel Treadwell, Boston Aug 8, — Straw curtu^g machine. W. Avres and H. Gay, Windsor, Vt. Aug 13, — Steam riigine. John Heavin, Maryiaind - - - Aug 27, — Sugar mill. Jean Baptiste Aveilbe, New York - Aug 28, — Steam as propelling power to mills. S. Briggs, New Orleans May 28, — Steam engine. Israel J. Richardsou, Geneva, New York Oct 13, — Salt, mar>ufacture of. Everard Hall, Princess Ann, Virginia Nov 14, 1817 Steam boilers Royal Yeamans, Baltimore - - Nov 20, — Stoves, retaining the heat of. William Phoebus, New York Nov 28, — Straw cutting machine. Arnold Brayton and Henry C. Green, Cheshire, Massachusetts - - - - Dec 5, — Stove, or jfire-place and oven. John Rice, Hartland, Vermont Dec 6, — Stains, method of taking out. Aaron Hall, Boston - Dec 31, — Saw mill, improvement on the. Daniel Collins, Genesee county, New York - - - - - Jan 6, 1818 Straw cutting machine, ^Ipheu-s Bigelow. Wev/ Castle, Del. June 22 Saddles, improvement in. Peter Dixon, Philadelphia - July 16 Spiral wheels for mills. Z. Hiatt, Wayne county, Indiana Aug 20 Sausage meat, machine for cutting. George B. Craft, Redstone, Favefte countv. Ponnsvlvanifi - . _ Qf.i c\ Nov 8, -c Dec 13, — Dec 14, — Dec 15, — Dec 21, -. Jan 22, 1820 5 Feb 17, .- Feb 23, — Feb 23, — March 6, — April 6, — April 19, May 3, July 15, July 20, : Aug 23, . Aug 30, Sept 20, Oct 3, - Oct 31, *- Nov 8, ■_- Nov 16, _ Dec 30, " Ship's buttons, composition for. W. Russell, jun. New Bedford, Massachusetts . - _ - _ Shoeing sledges, &c. William Barton, New York Screw, Archimedean. James Cooper, Augusta, Virginia Square, carpenter's. Silas Hawes, Bennington, Vermont Straw cutting machine. Lemuel Green, Green county, Geor. Steam engine, improvement in. Charles Lee, Ross county, Ohio Spruce beer, improvement in, John William, Cambridge, Mass Saddles, elastic seat. Peter H. Martin, Nashville, Tennessee Stove, cooking. Israel Keyes, Putney, Vermont Ship building. Abel Brewster, Hartford, Connecticut Sugar, improvement in making. Henry Fry, Harrisburg, N.Y. Stoves, stills, and boilers, improvement in. John James Gi- raud, Baltimore - - - - - Stove for cooking. Nathan Winslow, Portland, Maine Straw bonnets, pressing. Eleazar Smith, Walpoie, Mass. Spinning wheel, linen. Benjamin Simmons, Paris, New York Smut machine. James Gillespie, Middietown, Connecticut Stove, open circular Richard Berrian and Francis Class, N.Y. Shovel plough. John Balthorpe. Loudoun county, Virginia Sewer, mouth and stench trap. A. Ramsey, Philadelphia Smut machine. Daniel Pease, jun. Wingfield, New York Swinging frame for shoeing horses. Joseph Kirk, Weston, Vt. Saddles, improvement in. Elihu Walker, Aurora, New York Sleighs, machinery for. Jacob Fisher, Kennebeck, Maine Steam, improvement in the application of. Aaron Niles Sabin, Frankfort, Kentucky - - * ,. - Dec 30, — Spinning cotton and wool, machine for. John Brown, Pro- vidence, Rhode Island - - - - Jan 23, 1821 Steam engine, improvement in the vibratory. P. Davis, York, Pennsylvania - - - - - Feb 17, — Shoes and boots, cutting by rule. Simeon Hart, Monkton, Vt. March 3, -- Steam engines, improvement in the. Minus Ward, Columbia, South Carolina - - - - - March 23, - Sifting lime, &c. machine for. E. Blanc and B. H. B. Latrobe, New Orleans Saddles, improvement in. Peter Dixon, Philadelphia Smutting or hulling machine. Stephen Cooke, Marcellus, N. Y. Steam wheel, improvement in the. Amos Thayor, jun. Albany, New York - Sweeping chimneys. John W. Moore, Washington, D. C. Smut machine, improvement in the. F. Woodward, Butter- nuts, New York _ _ - _ Sail cloth, improvement in manufacturing. James Richards, Paterson, New Jersey - . - - Spinner, vertical. John Brown, Providence, Rhode Island Saw mill, improvement in. John BrufF, Somerset county, Md. Saddles, improvement in. John G. Morris, New York Spinning wool, &c. improvement in the machine for. William Bushnell and J. Altoffer, Harrisburg, Virginia Sector, improvement in the plane sliding. G. H. Thompson, Boston - - - Stoves, improvement in. John Tasker, Philadelphia Seeds, improvement in cleaning. David S. Buck, Hurley, N.Y. Steam boat, canal. Rober Huginin, Albany, New York Steel, mode of making cast. Samuel Collins, Troy, N. Y. Shelling corn, machine for. Chauncey Bulkley, Manchester,Vt. Steam boiler.cast Iron, John R^ Averill. Manchester. N, Y. April April • Aug 14, 25, 7, Aug Aug 8, 8, Aug 10, Aug Aug Aug Aug 10, 11, 16, 28, Aug 30, Dec 4, Feb 3, Feb 10, March 1, April 10, May 25, Mav 27. Bl^ l>ec 7, Jan 17, 1821 1822 April 27, Setting saw teetii, uuproveuient m. Webb Hart, Camden, b.O. Scythes, improvement in. Ephraim Kimball, jun. Fitchbury, Massachusetts - - - . - Steam engine, rotary. John Lansing, jun. and A. Thayer, Al- bany, New York - - - : - Jan 19, Straw cutting machine. Jonathan S. Eastman, Baltimore Jan 29, Shoes, socks, &c mode of making. S Norris and J. C. Wood, Philadelphia - - - - - Jan 30, Scythes, mode of finishing. Charles M'Namara, Northbridge, Massachusetts _ _ _ - - jan 30, Spring sofa, bed, couch, settee, &c. S. Blair, New Haven, Conn. Feb 2, Steam engine, improvement in the. Thomas Hatton, Phil. Feb 28, Stove, cooking. Philologus Holley, Red Hook, New York March 1, Saddle-trees, machine for making. Reuben Fairchild and Eben Fairchild, Fairfield, Connecticut - - - March 6, Stove, improvement in the cooking. John J. Pierce, Green- field, Massachusetts - > - - March 11, Spinning woollen yarn, improvement in. John Sharp, Whites- town, New York _ - > - . March 13, Spring shuttle spindle, improvement in the, Samuel Cranston, Cumberland, Rhnde Island - - , - March 20, Stove pipe, improvement in making. Wm. W. Weaver, Phil. April 16, Scraper, or team shovel. Elisha Case, Canton, Connecticut April 23, Saw mill, improvement in the. Thomas White, Chester dis- trict, South Carolina - - Smut machine, &c. improvement in the. Jedediah Tallman, Oneida county, New York - _ . _ Stove, improvement in the. James Barron, Norfolk, Virginia Stove, improvement in the. B Seymour and A. C. Bettis, Utica, New York Splitting skins and pelts. William Bent, Philadelphia Stove for burning Leheigh coal. Robert M'Minn, Philadelphia Spindle (trestle) for cotton. Charles Lewis and George Taylor, Poughkeepsie, New York - _■ _ - Steam expander. David M'Aliister, Brookfield, Vermont Saddle-trees, improvement in. Anthony Null, Philadelphia Sugar, machine for breaking. James Mitchell, Philadelphia Sleigh shoes, improvement in. Seneca Pettee, Salisbury, Conn. Seat, elastic spring carriage. Jona. Nichols, Providence, R. I. Stills, improvement in. Baltazar J Kallenback, Philadelphia Stoves for burning Leheigh coal, &,c. Philip S. Mingle, Phil. Saws, instrument for setting. Joseph Beach, Middletown, Conn. Steel, improvement in the art of making cast and wrought. Ho- ratio G. Spafford, Albany, New York S-toves, improvement in the foot. Julia Plantou, Philadelphia Sawsetter, improvement in the. David C. Jordan, New York Salt, improvement in the mode of making. Cadu-^allader D. C olden. New York - - - - Sawset, improvement in the, Rufus Grandy, New York Shingles, machine for making. Willard Earl, Boston Stills, worms for. Chester Cook, Paris, New York - Jan 11, 1823 Stone, machine for san-ing and smoothing. Nat. Holmes, Barn- stable, MassacJiusetts - . _ _ jan 24, Scythes, mode of finishing. Charles M'Namara, Northbridge, Massachusetts - - - - - Jan 31, Saddle-tree, improvement in the. Peter Harry, Harrisonburgh, Virginia _'_,-»„ Feb 1, Scraping and cleaning chimneys. Mathew Benson, Ohio May 15, May 8, May 14, May 25, June 17, June 24, June 26, July 15, Aug 29, Sept 11, Oct 1, Oct 2, Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 28, Oct 30, Nov 4, Dec 2, Dec 14, Dec 21, Dec 28, Jan 11, 182P. 90 b Saddle-tree, improvement in the. Christopher Kurtz, Penxi- May 2fi, — Sick, &c machine for raising into various positions the. Jos. C. Jenckes, Providence, Rhode Island - - - May 39, - Seat for wagons, chairs, &c. Sherman Blair, New Haven, Conn. June 20, — Steam engine, improvement in the rotary. James Thompson, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania - . . July iq^ „ Spring cushions, beds, &e. Sherman Blair, New Haven, Conn. Aug I, -> Spring saddle-tree. Joseph and William Dinwiddle, Camp- bell county, Virginia - _ _ _ ^ug 8, — Steam engine, converting a rectilineal into a rotary motion. John Y. Savage, Raleigh, North Carolina - - Aug 9, -- • Steam carriage, construction of the. Lewis Bigelow, Mass. Aug 29, ~ Stove for burning stone coal. George J. Fougeray, Phil. Sept 11, — Stove, improvement in the common. Louis Goujon, Phil. Sept 22, — Spiral wheol, improvement in the. Abner Vansant, Jefferson county, Missouri - _ - . gept 29, — Spinning cotton, improvement in. William Bryant, Mill Creek, Tennessee -___._ gept 30, — Steel, mode of converting iron into. Eleazar L. Losey, New Brunswick, New Jersey - - - - Nov 20, «- Shears, with curved edges. Samuel Fry, New York - Nov 27, — Straw cutting machine, improvement in. John Osborn, Bland- ford, Massachusetts - « - - Pec 6, ▼- Stove for cooking, ii^iprovement in the. John Conant, Bran- don, Vermont - - _ - _ Dec 13^ — Shingles, machine for manufacturing. Manasseh Andrews, Livermore, Massachusetts - - - Dec 29, — Stove, improvement in the. J. Talcott and J. M'Culloch, Smyr- na, New Jersey - - - - Jan 26, 1S24 Spinning, improvement in wool. Gilbert Brewster, Norwich, Connecticut - - - - • Feb 27, — Spinning wheel, improvement in the. Charles P. Schaffle, Lew- isburg, Pennsylvania - - - - ' Feb 23, ~ Salt, improvement in making fine and coarse. Joseph P. Ros- siter, Salina, New York - - - - March 2, — Stoves, iinprovement in cooking. James Wilson, N. Y. March 13, — Spindle for the throstle. Gilbert Brewster, Norwich, Conn. March 13, »- Spinning wool, improvement in. Ditto ditto - March 13, ~ Spring saddle, improvement in. Nathan W. Conklin, Jamaica, New York - - - - _ March 27, - Spinning wheel. Grey Brooks, Athol, New York - April 2, — Steam generator. Joseph Dixon, jun. Philadelphia - April 13, -•• Stoves, improvement in oast iron. William T. James, N. Y- April 23, ~ Scaffolds, machine for raising and supporting. Henry M. Ni- cliols, Burlington, Vermont _ _ - April 24, ~ Saw-mill saw, machine for filing. Solomon Morse, Sempro- nius, New York - - - - - April 24, - Steam engine, improvement in the rotary. Royal N. Powers, Cincinnati, Ohio - - - - - April 29, — Steam engine, improvement in the. Ralph Bulkley, N. Y. April 30, — Steam of high temperature, generating. John Babcock, Ports- mouth, Rhode Island _ - _ - May 1, - Shingles, machine for making. James Sawyer, Templeton, Mass. May 4, — Safety-ark. William Hollins, Baltimore - - May 4, — Steam engine, improvement in the. Henr} Lainheart, jun. New Orleans - _ - - May 6, - Straw, machine for cutting. Rolxirt J. Steele, Richmond coun- fv. North Carolina - „ _ „ May 24, rj s 91 Spmuiiig macbmery, coltoii. William Ilaworth, Providence township, Pennsylvania _ . _ _ Spinning, in the carriage of the mule for. W. Haworlh, Pro- vidence township, Pennsylvania _ _ _ Steam, mode of generating. David B. Lee, Philadelphia Straw cutting machine. Major M'Donald, Topsham, Mass, Side saddle, improvement in the double. Hugh M. Rose, Lex- ington, Kentucky _ _ _ - . Sliding joint for settees, &c. Isaac Jennings, New York Spinner, horizontal. C. Merrill, B. Batchellor and S. King, jun. Lowville, Lewis county, New York Steam engine, rotary. Anthony Cooley, Le Roy, New York Smut machine, &c. Phineas Pettis, Tallmadge, Ohio Spinning and roping machine. Z. Knox and Willis Hoskins, Lowville, Lewis county. New York Spinning, domestic machine for. Elias Wood, Lowville, N. Y. Sausage stuffing machine. Andrew Glendening, Loudoun county, Virginia - , _ - - Saw plates, manner of making. James Cloud, Chester, Penn. Steam engines producing steam for. Joseph Buchanan, Lex- ington, Kentucky - - - - Steam, mode of generating and applying. Stephen T. Conn, Washington county, Virginia - _ - Selvage, double stitched. J. A. Wadsworth and E. Wadsworth, Portsmouth, Rhode Island - > _ - Spinner, wool and cotton. Francis Price, New York Spinning wool, machine for. Laffered Totten, Schoharie, N. Y. Steam engine, improvement in the rotary. John Gilbert, Le Roy, New York _ - _ « , Steam, drying floors for kilns, &c. George G. Moore, N. Y. Steam and gas engine, improvement in the Maximin Iznard, New York Steam, mode of generating. B. F. Joslin, Schenectady, N. Y. Salt, mode of manufacturing. Peter Cooper, New York Shelling, riddling and fanning. R. Humphrey, Harpersfield, N.Y. Spinning machine, improvement in the. H. Hunt and C. Bra- dish, Lowville, New York _ _ » _ Stave dresser and cross cutting jointer. John R. Averille, Man- chester, New York - - - - Salt, improvement in the manufacture of. Daniel Garrard, Clay county, Kentucky _ _ _ _ Spinning wool, improvement in. John Griggs, jun. Ashford, Connecticut _ - - _ _ Spinning, improvement In. Sidney Whiting, Wrentham, Mass. Spiral spring latch, improvement in. Abraham Blauvelt, New Brunswick, New Jersey _ _ _ _ Shovels and spades, improvement in. James Wood, Phil. Shot, screening. John W. Honey, Herculaneum, Missouri Stove pipe, manufacturing. John Colby, Salsbury, Mass. Shovel for removing earth, &c. Ths. Pierce, Hartwick, N. Y. Steam engine, improvement in the. Isaiah Jennings, N. Y. Springs, making transverse. N. A. Stoddard, Pawlett, Vt. Spinning wool, improvement in the machine for. S. Slater, Middletown, Connecticut _ _ _ _ Slitting machine. Jesse Reed, Marsh field, Plymouth, Mass. School rooms, buildings for. S. W. Taylor, and J. W. Martin, Lowville, New York - - ' - Spinning machine. Richard Woolsey, Kortright, New York Stoves. Thomas Wentworth, Oswego, New York Spinner, improvement on Brown's vertical. J. R. Wheeler gind J, B. Wheeler, Kingsburyj New York 12 June '2, IBS'! June 2, — June 9, — June 10. -- June 10, — June 25, — July 3, — July 29, - Aug 12, - Aug 16, ~ Sept 3, -- Sept Sept 9, 8, Sept 13, Sept 27, Oct 5, Oct 5, Nov 13, Nov 17, Dec 4, Dec 11, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 24, Dec 24, Dec 29, Dec 28, Dec 30, Dec 31, Feb 9, Feb 10, Feb 10, Feb 16, March 3, March 15, April 2, April 4, April 21, April 16, May 13, May 18, May 26 1825 92 S stove or grate for Leheigh and other coals. John Lovatt, Phil. June 16, 1825 Spirits, rectifying by steam. Jonathan Shaw, Southport, N. Y. June 21, — Salt, manufacturing by steam. Benjamin Barlow, Geddes, N.Y. June 25, — Spinning wool and cotton A. S. Wiltse and J. Faruham, the former of Carolina, the latter of Tioga, New York - June 28, — Salt, making. William Barker, Smtthlield, Rhode Island July 20, — Steam boat guard or fender. E. C. Genet, New York - Sept 9, — Salt, making. Calvin Guiteau, Geddes, New York - Sept 9, — Saw, compound rotary. Adam Stewart, Boston, Mass. Sept 29, — Steam engine. William Avery and H. Scoville, Pompey, N. Y. Sept 30, ~ Saddles. Thomas G. Prettyman Alexandria, D. C. - Sept 30, — Saddles. Lacy White, New York - - - Sept 30, — Sawmills. Ebenezer Whitmg, Ithaca, New York - - Nov 1, — Steam power, mode of applying direct. Robert Dennis, Rah- way, New Jersey - - - _ > Nov 3, — Springs for carriages. Hazard Knowles, Colchester, Conn. Nov 4, — Straw, machine for cutting. Benjamin A. Hall and Chauncey Hall, Middletown, Connecticut ■ " - Nov 7, — Steam engine, rotary. J. R. Averill and F. Hoard, Rochester, New York - - - - - - Nov 12, -- Shingles, machine for sawing. Jonathan Culver, Norfolk, N.Y. Nov 15, — Steam engine, elementary. Timothy Beach, Deer creek, Ohio Nov 16, — Safety valve, the alarm or. William S. Giliett, Lower Three Runs, South Carolina - - - - Nov 16, -^ Steam enginery. John A. Wadsworth, Portsmouth, R. I. Nov 23, — . Saw mill; Isaac Ryon, Bridgewater, Massachusetts . Nov 24, -- Steam, by the use of anthracite in generating. Mahlon Betts, Wilmington, Delaware - - - - Nov 26, — Shelling machine. Christopher Hos:ie, Hudson, New Y^ork Dec 8, — Screws, making wooden square. James Lynch, Pulaski, Tenn. Dec 12, — Shingle mill. Ephraim Parker, Fitzwilliara, New Hampshire Dec 17, — Steam, improvement in the application of Michael Mussel- man, Phelps, New York - - - - Dec 29, — Spinner, horizontal. J. S. and B. J Billings, Moreau, N. Y. Jan 16, 1826 Sawing boards, machine for. Wm. Kendall, jun. Waterville, Me. Jan 16, — Sawing shingles, machine for. Willard Foster, O.swego, N. Y. Jan 25, — Saw mill Israel Johnson, jun. Villenovia, New York - Feb 8, -- Steam pump. George W. Long, Old Point Comfort, Virginia Feb 16, -' Steam still. James G. Foley, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Feb 23, — Spinning wool and cotton. J. R. and J.B.Wheeler, Galway,N.Y. March 3, — Steam engine for boats. George Denning, Niagara, New York March 10, — Stumps and stones, raising. Abiezer H. Whitney, Bowdoin- ham, Maine - - - - - March 15, ~ Spinning machine. George W. Robinson, Providence, R. I. March 16, ~ Steering wheel for vessels. J. M. Brown, Boston, Mass. March 24, •- Slitting timber machine. William Barker, Kingston, Pa. March 25, -- Steam, wind and water combined with. Isaac Garretson, Bellefontaine, Ohio - - - - - March 25, - Slitting and roiling iron mills. Timothy Allen, Plymouth, Mass. April 5, — . Sawingshingles, machinery for. Oliver Goddard,Bridgeton, Me. April 6, -- Saw for making fret work for the backs of chairs. Ed. and Ck. Booth, Southbury, Connecticut _ > _ April 22, - Splicing cotton and woollen rolls. Gardner Barton, jun. Shafts- bury, Vermont - - - - - April 22, - Steering vessels, machinery for. S. G. Clarke and G. Stimp- son, Charleston. '^/lassachusetts - - - April 26, -- Steam boats for shallow water. Benjamin Phillips, N. Y. April 28, - Spinner, horizontal. B. Hunt and S. Wheelock, Knox, N. Y. May 2, - Spinning jenny. James Mathews, Schenectady, New York May 2, *- Sponges for artiJlery. John Gethen, Philadelphii^, Penn. May 16, - 8 9a Spioniug machine, family. J. Watt, F. A. Priest and G. Free- born, Jefferson county, Ohio . - - Steam packed rotary steam engine. S. Fairlanb and D. Bruce, jun. New York - - - - - Springs to the seat of a wagon. Walter Janes, Ashford, Wind- ham county, Connecticut - _ - > Spinning wool, tow and cotton, machine for. J. Corrill and W. P. Rogers, Harpersfield, Ohio . - _ Shaving and smoothing wood, machine for. Abraham Brown son, Lockport, New York Spinning flax and hemp, machine for. Wm. Hunt and Wm. Hoskins, Ma/tinsburgh, New York - - Sawing wood, slitting boards, &c. Barnabus Ruggles, Poult- ney, New York . _ _ . - Steam generator, Franklin duplex. John M'Curdy, Plymouth, England ._ - - '- Steering wheel for vessels. E. S. Coitln, Boston, Mass. Steering vessels, apparatus for. i?. Kinsbury and E. Rowse, Bath, Maine - - Salt, mode of manufacturing. Stephen T. Conn, Georgetown, District of Columbia - - - - Steam generator. Stephen T. Conn, Georgetown, DC. Steam saw mill. Reuben Nichols, Nev/ Orleans Spinning wool and cotton. Joseph Hathaway, Poultney, N. Y. Steam, application to furnaces. Cotton Foss, Madison town- ship, Ohio - - - Steam, plan for working twice over. Joseph H. Laning, Nash- ville, Tennessee . _ _ _ _ Sawing circular timber. Benj. Overman, Greenboro', N. C, Seine twine, &c mode of laying. Jos Clarkson, Baltimore, Md. Spools or trussels, bobbins, improvement in. T. Yan Riper, Paterson, New Jersey - - - Steam enginery, improvement in. Joseph Eve, London, England Steam washer, for cleansing clothes. William Burton, jun. Ans- ville. New York . _ Suspenders, improvement in. Benjamin Wilse, Utica, N. Y. Saw setting, improvement in the mode. Joseph K, Schreiner, Philadelphia - Spinrting and roping cotton and wool. John R. and Joseph B. Wheeler, Gal way, New York _ _ . Stock, jubilee. W. J. Cantelo and R. M. Kerrison, New York Singeing or dressing cloth. A Robeson, New Bedford, Mass. Screw boot tree. George Nichol, Madison C H., Virginia Stone ware, improvement in barning. Sanford S. Perry, Troy, New York - - - - - - Saw mill, improvement in the horse. Solomon R. Johnson, Is.Y. Steam engine, inipr<:vement in the. Eiisha Bigeiow, Baltimore Steam engine, impro.ement in the rotary. Elijah H. Reid, Lancaster, Ktntucky _ _ _ . Steam generator. Dan. Phelps. Bath, Steuben county, N. Y. Spinning, machine for. Joseph W^oodhulJ, Chesiei , N. Y. Steam engine, double atmospheric. William Willis, Charles- ton, South Carolina . . _ - Spinning wool, &c. machine for. LaffordTotten, Schoharie, N.Y. Saddle tree, improvement in making. George Wilkes, Fredo- nia, Indiana - _ _ _ _ Screw used m propelling machinery. W. H. Godfrey, Ro- chester, New York _ _ Steam saw mill, locomotive. W. G. Berry and J. T. Osborn, Cincinnati - _ - _ > Spoons and forks, in the manufacture of. Wm, Gale. N. Y. May 20, 182 G May 25, - June G, " June 15, - June 21, - June 22, - June 29, - July 1, July 10, - July 10, - July 12, July 20, July 21, ■— July 24, -- Aug 2, Aug 12, .. Aug If), Aug 16, mm Aug 16, Aug IG, ~ Aug 16, Aug ly. - Aug 19, - Aug 28, _- Aug 30, Sept 8, Sept 8, - Sept. 12, Oci25, - Nov 6, — Nov 10, »._ Nov 14, — Nov 14, — Nov 14, »„ Nov 22, — Nov 22, ~ Nov 27, ~ Nov 2G, __ Dec 7. — 94 V Spinning wool and cotton, machine for. Seth Boyden, Fox- borough, Massachusetts - - - - Dec 7, 1826 Saw, circular reacting. William Avery, Cazenovia, New York Dec 8, — Sawing veneers, mill for. John P. Allen, Manchester, Mass. Dec 8, — Steam, mode of preventing accident from. John J. Giraud, Bait. Dec 12, — Slate dresser, improvement in the. J M. Porter and P. H. Mattes, Easton, Pennsylvania _ _ > Dec 22, — Stills, improvement in the construction of. Edmund Capen, Bos. Jan 17, 1827 Steam, improvement in the mode of generating. Levi Silli- man, Albany, New York - - - - Jan 19, — Stirrup, improvement in the. Daniel Powles, Baltimore Jan 26, — Straw cutting machine, in the. Thomas Benbow, Guilford county, North Carolina . - - - Feb 6, — Salt, improvement in the mode of making. Benajah Byington, Salina, New York - _ . _ Feb 21, - Ships and vessels, mode of constructing. Thomas W. Bake- well, Cincinnati, Ohio - - - - Feb 21, -- Suspenders, in the manufacture of. Abm. L. Van Home, Phil. Feb 22, — Sofas, or portable bedsteads. Chester Johnson, Albany, N. Y. Feb 24, — Shovels, improvement in making. Oliver Ames, Easton, Bristol county, Massachusetts _ _ _ _ March 5, -- Stone, mode of makmg artificial. Louis Matthey, Brooklyn, New York - - - - March 7, -- Straw cutting machine, &c. Calvin Chamberlin, America, N.Y. March 15, -- Stoves, improvement in the domestic cooking. David Wester- field, New York - . _ > - March 24, - Stoves, improvement in the domestic cooking. Joseph R.Page, Philadelphia - - - - - March 24, - Shingles, improvement in manufacturing. Paul Hawes, Lock- port, New York - - • - - - March 30, — Spinning macn hie, improvement in the. Nathaniel Remin ton, Geneva, New York - - - - - April 21, — Steam engine, improvement in the. George Fleming, Gooch- land C. H. Virginia - - - - April 24, - Scraper or steam shovel, improvement in the. G. Davis and J. Price, Lockport, New York - - - May 12, — Steam engine, improvement in. E. A. Lester, Boston, Mass. May 14, — Stocks, improvement in. Joseph Towson, Bal:imore - May 14, — Steam power, empjx)yrnent of heated air to. Minus Ward, Bait. May 15, *-- Stoves, improvement being in funnel." Hiram Whiles, Ixandolph, Massachusetts ' - - • _ ' , _ - May 18. — T Thrashing of grain and corn. Samuel Mullikin, Philadelphia March 11, 1791 Thrash ng of wheat, &c. Wm. Thomson, Richmond, Va. Aug 2, ~ Threa*^, spin^^irig and twisting. Obad. Herbert, Mo' nt Pleasant county, Nev'.'. Jersey - - - - - Jan 28, 1792 Tobacco manufacturing. C. Batterraan and J. Caldwell, Al- bany, New York Jan 26, 1793 Tallow lamp. See Lamp. Thrashing of grain. William Hodgson, Virginia - April 28, 1794 Thrashing machine. James Wardrop, Ampthill, Virginia Nov 5, — Teeth, in^rovement in extracting. Thomas BrufF - July 1, 1797 Tobacco, improvement in cutting. Apollos Kinsley - Aug 12, ~ Thrashing grain, improvement in. Richard R. Elliot - Nov 16, ~ Tide, regulation of the other spiral wheel. John Martin April 27, 179$ Thrashing wheat, &c. machine for. Thomas C. Martin June 2, — Tobacco, machine for cutting. Peter Lorillard - June 28, 1800 Telegraph. Jonathan Grout, jun. Belcherstown, Mass. Oct 24, — Tourxieqnet axle. Joseph Strong ... Jan 29. 180.1 T - April 14, — Tin plates. David Noble, Philadelphia - - May 9, — Types, moulds for casting. A. Binney, Philadelphia - May 17, — Table for the use of ships. G. Patrick, W^ilkesbarre, Penn. Nov 8, — Tin plates. Aaron Burk, New York - - _ Feb 11, 1815 Tables. Sullivan Snow, Saco, District of Maine - March 2, — Timber, preserving under water. George Lovett, New York April 1, — Thrashing machine. Thomas Warner, Genesee, New York May 11, — 'I'enons, machine for cutting, J. Reynolds, Dutchess county, N.Y. June 24. — T Trip hammer. Urber Palmer, Spencer, New York Tops, fall. John Eberts, Philadelphia Toothacli, machine for steaming D. Merritt and S. D. Rogers, New York _ > - - Trees, preventing the canker worm in. Jonas Kendall, Leo- minster, Massachusetts _ . _ - Tenters or temples for weavers. D. A. Smith, Townsend, Mass. Types, casting moveable. G. Webster, New York Tanning. William Edwards, Northampton, Massachusetts Thrashing machine. E. Hotchkiss, Brattleboro', Vermont Tortoise shell, stamping on. J. H. Derby, Worcester, Mass. Tub winnowing mill. Moses Elliot, Concord, New Hampshire facks, machine for making. Jesse Reed, Hanover, Mass. Thimbles, rims for. Stephen Chandler, New York Tanning. Bradford A. Potter, Manlius, New York - - Types, ornamenting, &c. with. F. Bailey, Philadelphia Tinder box. Isra Ives, Farrington, Connecticut Tow boats. John S. Sullivan, Boston _ _ - Type moulds. George B.Lothian, New York Thrashing machine. Nathan Reed, Boston Teazling cloth, machine for. J. Olney, Westmoreland, Oneida county. New York - - - - - Thrashing machine. T. Cohoon and W. Elliot, Washington Teazhng cloth. Josiah Beckwith, Syme, Connecticut Trusses for ruptures. Amos G. Hall, Utica, New York Trusses for ruptures. Abel Blanchard, Pembroke, N, H. Thrashing machine. Silas Smith, Albany, New York Tacks and brads, machine for. Samuel Rogers and T. Blan- chard, Boston - - - Teeth, setting artificial. Wilkinson R. Eagleson, Baltimore Toothache, remedy for the. Joseph Utley, Hartford, Conn. Thrashmg machine. Nathan Read, Belfast, District of Maine Thrashing machine. Nathan Read, Belfast, District of Maine Thrashing machine. T. Beatty and M. Shanks, Martinsburg, Va. Tanning and currying leather. J. Prescot, Augusta, Maine Tubes, machine for drawing metallic. C. Eastman, Hillsboro', New Hampshire _ - _ Temples, weavers'. John Waterman, Rhode Island Tachygraphy, or the flying pen. L. A. M. Sprangh, N. Y. Thrashing macliine, improvement in the. Chester Bullard, Norfolk, Massachusetts _ _ _ - Tanning, improvement in. James Batcheldor, Grafton, N. H. Thrashing machine. Thomas Mayfield, Baltimore Twine, machine for tarring and spooling. Israel Decker, Bos. Thrashing machine. Daniel Young, Piermont, New Hampshire Tin ware, machine for making. S. Peck, Hartford, Conn. Tobacco press, improvement in the. E Brown, Richmond, Va. Tanning, hemlock, &c. used in. John Lansing, jun. Albany, N.Y. April 30, Trusses for ruptures. Benjamin Strahan, Philadelphia Turning gun stocks, &.c. machine for. T. BJanchard, Millbury, Massachusetts _ _ _ - _ Thrashing machine. William H. Ransone, Mathevi"s county, Virginia _ _ _ _ Tire for wagons, &c. mode of hollowing. Thomas Rowaud, Gloucester county, New Jersey Towing boats on canals, machine for. Peter Cooper, N. Y Tobacco press, improvement in the. S. Eraser, Nottingham, Maryland . , . . _ March 23, Towing boats and vessels. Samuel Howard, Savannah, Geo. May 24, Thrashing machine. Ezra Goodel, Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. June 6, Thrashing machine. A. Woolwortb, Waterhurv, romiecticut June 15, •July 31, Sept 8, leiG Dec 27, - . Jan 4, 1816 . Feb 23, -. Feb 26, — April 2, April 8, April 30, May 18, Aug 1, Sept 20, Sept 26, Oct 9, ~ Oct 35, ~ Dec 4, — Dec 18, .- Feb 22, 1817 March 21), __ April 12, May 16, July 17, May 17, Aug 28, ~ Oct 3, _ Oct 4, — Nov 5, ~ Dec 23, — Feb 18, 1818 . Feb 25, ~ March 6, — April 16, May 28, June 29, -. Dec 16, ._ Dec 22, .. Dec 23, — April 31, April 17, April 23, April 30, . April 30, June 23, 1819 Sept 6, - Sept 8, ~ Dec 24, _ Jan 24, 1820 98 T Teeth, composition for cleaning. Levi S. Parmly, New York Thrashing mashine. Asa Shattuck, Pepperhill, Massachusetts Tobacco reel, improvement in the. S. and E. Hardy, Kenne beck, Maine - - - - - Tiring carriage wheels. Russel Hunt, 2d, Litchfield, Conn. Thrashing machine. James Gregg, Londonderry, N. H. Tilt hammer, improvement in the. Jacob Eversol, Botetourt county, Virginia - - Threads, mode of packing. Reuben Langdon, Hartford, Conn. Trucks, mode of cutting. Robert Rose, Washington, D. C. Teazling and knapping cloth. Aaron Foster, Whitestown, N. Y Thrashing machine, improvement in. Benj. Cummins, Brooklyn Thrashing and rice cleaning machine. Michael Morrison, Wa terbury, New Hampshire - _ . Thrashing and winnowing machine, improvement in the. Seth Ballon, Livermore, Maine _ _ _ _ Trunnels for ships, improvement in. Thomas Rowell, Vt. Transferring impressions. A- C. Baker and M'Fund Biddle, Albany, New York _ . - Telegraph, domestic. Daniel Piersop, Boston - Truss, improvement on Hull's. Bela Tarr, Norwich, N. Y. Teeth, improvement in artificial. Charles M. Graham, N. Y. Thrashing and winnowing machine. Alvin Savage, Wheat- land, New York _ - - _ _ Thrashing machine. B, Tyler, J. Tyler and J. B. Andrews, Windsor, Vermont Thrashing machine. Reynolds Gillman, New York Tayloring, improvement in. Isaiah J. Hendryx, Bennington, Vermont -»-__- Thrashing, &c. machine for. Major M'Donald, Topsham, Me. Thrashing, &c. machine for. Thacher Blake, Paris Maine Turpentine, distilling. Frederick S. Cozzens, New York Thrashing machine. Joseph Pope, Hallowell, Maine Truss shears, for cutting iron. Enos Baldwin, New York Thrashing machine, improvement in the. Timothy Howe, Turner, Maine - - - " , " Tools, art of making edge. Horatio S. Gates, Troy, N. Y. Thrashing machine. Gideon Reynolds, New York Tanning, improvement in. Leonard Jacobs, Missouri Thrashing, improvement in. John Carll, New York Truss, improvement on the. Amos G. Hull, New York Thrashing grain, &c. machine for. Naman Goodsell, Clinton, Oneida county, New York - - - ' - Tannin, mode of extracting. William Knapp, Milford, N. Y. Thrashing machine, P. Reading, Trenton, New Jersey Tubs, pails, keelers, &c. mode of making. Amos Mider, Ca- millus. New York - - - - - Thrashing machine. J. R Miller, Dryden, New York Tinned sheet lead, manufacture of. Thomas Ewbank, N. Y. Telegraph, improvement in the. James M. Elford, Charles- ton, South Carolina Tilt hammer, improvement in the spring. William Bowlin, Harrisburg, Virginia - - . _ Talley, mode of keeping. William A. Turner, Plymouth, N. C. Thrashing machine, improvement in. Wm. Kirk, Baltimore Temples for cloth-looms. John Bazin, jun. Canton, IVlass. Thrashing machine, improvement in the. Charles Smith, N. Y. Thrashing grain, &c. Archibald Douglass, New York Tannin, mode of procuring by the pyroligneous acid. D. Roe, C. F. Kellogg and J. W. Gazlay, Cincinnati, Ohio Tannin, improvement in- Joshua Galbraith, Trenton, N. J. June 17, 182U June 23, — Dec 30, „_ March 20, 1821 March 30, 4- ~ May 3, June 20, - Aug 6, . Aug 24, ■— I Sept 1, — Sept 15, 1 - Dec 12, __ Dec 13, - Feb 7, -• March 2, — March 9, ~ March 9, ~ March 28, - April 23, April 29, ~ May 29, July 10, July 12, July 27, July 30, July 31, '-- Dec 3, -: — Dec 19, — Jan 21, 1823 Feb 10, — Feb 12, — Feb 27, -.. March 21, ^, April 5, April 15, - April 25, April 30, May 30, - June 18, " July 1, July 12, July 22, Aug 8, Sept (5, Sept 18, •-f Oct 3, .-> Oct 15, .. 99 Tiirasthiug and grinding machine, improvement in tlie. VVm. S. Lewis, Pittsylvania, Virginia . - _ Tannin by the pyroligneous acid Horace H. Hayden, Bait. Thrashing machine, improvement in the. Benjamin Lovejoy, Augusta, New York _ _ . . Thrashing machine, improvement in the. Andrew Noble, Al- fred, Maine - - _ _ - Throstle cotton spinner, improvement in the. Benjamin Brun- dred, Mamaroneck, New York - _ . Truss, improvement in the revolving spiral spring. Joseph Farr, Manlius. New York - _ - - Teeth, preventive of caries or decay in. Horace H. Hayden, Baltimore - - _ - . Thrashing and winnowing machine. Edward Warren, Au- gusta, Maine . - _ . Tide-gauge. James D. Woodside, Washington, D. C. Trigonometer, improvement in the. William Bolles, Griswold, Connecticut . _ _ - - Thrashing machine, &c. Gideon Reynolds, New York Trusses for ruptures. Amos G. Hull, New York Tanning, improvement in. Joseph Wampler and G. Matthews, Steubenville, Ohio - _ . - - Trunks, making leather. Robert C. Martin, Philadelphia Trusses for hanging the yards of ships. Preserved Fish, N. Y Thrashing machine, &c. Ger. Boswick and H. Spencer, Ma- ryland, New York > - _ . . Transporting weights, &c. James Cornell, Brookfield, N. Y. Thrashing machine. James Hyde, South Pembroke, N. Y. Tannin, extracting. William Lowber, Philadelphia Tanning, improvement in. H. Bretney, Lebanon, Ohio Truss, conical spring. Jesse R. Hovey, Sangerfield, N. Y. Teeth, sawing ivory comb. Philo Pratt, New York Tanning, improvement on Deraond's mode. Joseph Giles, Guil- ford, Vermont . - _ _ - Thrashing and flax breaking machine. A. and N. Remington, Genoa, New York - - - - Thrashing and shelling machine. Pierson Reading, Trenton, N.J. Thrashing machine. Richard Holden, Philadelphia Truss, B. Farr's improvement on Hull's patent. Eli M. Gibbs, Norwich, New York - - - - Thread of wood, machine for making. William Bell, Fayette county, Kentucky _ - - . - Thrashing machine, improvement on S. Ballou's. J. C. Boyd, Rush township, and A. Kitchen, Danville, Pennsylvania Thrashing machine. Wm. Hoyt, Brookville, Franklin county, Indiana -___-_ Trashing grain. William Small, Augusta, Maine Tire and hoop bending. Joseph Meredith, Lebanon, Penn. Teeth, apparatus for keeping free from saliva. Charles New- ton, New York - _ _ _ - Tire, machine for bending. Charles Cooper and Abraham Tus- tin, Lebanon, Pennsylvania . . - Thrashing machine. Joseph Briggs, Schoharie, New York Thrashing machine. R. Howard and J B. Flagg, Kennebeck,Me. Truss. Christian Stockman, Albany, New York Tanning. Samuel Williams and Amos Williams, Orange county, New Jersey _ - _ , Trusses, for ruptures. John Blagg, Portland, Maine Thrashing machine. William Small, Augusta, Maine Thrashing machine. J. A. Heermance, Redhook, New York Temples, used for weavins. O. M. Stillman, Brookfield. N. Y. 13 1823 July 17, July 20, Aug 19, Aug 27, Aug 28. Sept 24, Dec 24, Dec 24, Feb 8, March 15, March 24, March 31, April 20, April 11, May 19, May 20, May 20, May 28, June 1, June 7, Sept 9, Sept 9, Sept 9, Sept 27, Sept 23, Oct 5, Nov r>, Nov 7, Nov 12, Dec 15, Jan 10, j£in 16, Jan 30, 1624 Oct 20, Nov 26, Dec 31, Jan 12, Jan 17, — Feb 7, " Feb 11, ~ Marcli C, ~ April 14, - 1825 1826 100 V Thrashing grain and hulling- clover, machine for. Jos. Pottai', Reading, Berks county, Pennsylvania - - Feb 18, IHiiiJ Thrashing grain and breaking flax and hemp, machine. D. Hurlburt, N. Etheredge and J. M'Combs, Herkimer county, New York - - - - - - Feb 21, - Tanning, improvement on. Leonard Jacobs, Richmond, Va, March 1, — Truss, spiral double cone. BelaFarr. Norwich, Chenango, N.Y. March 21, — Tailoring, improvement in the art of. Greenbury Ross, Car- lisle, Kentucky _ _ _ _ . April 5, — Toothed cultivator and harrow. Waldren Beach, Philadelphia April 13, -^ Tan vats, pump used in. Aaron Higgins, Florence, Ohio April 24, — Thrashing machine. John Shaw, Kennebec county, Maine May 10, — Thrashing machine. Seth Ballou, Livermore, Maine - May 25, — Thrashing machine. Peirson Reading, Trenton New Jersey June 3, — Tire for wagons, &c. machine for bending. Walter James, Ash- ford, Windham county, Connecticut - - June 19, -- Trip hammer, method of moving. Elisha Crowell, Gardiner, Maine - - . . . - Aug 4, — Thrashing machine. Arch. Douglass, Marcellus, New York Sept 8, — Thrashing and winnowing grain, machine for. Sylvanus C. Hersey, Rochester, New York - - - Nov 8, -" Trip hammer, improvement in the. Philip Pitts Read, Mercer, Maine - - - - - - Dec 7, --< Thrashing machine. James Hyde, Pembroke, New York Dec 9, — Tobacco, kiln for drying. Edmund Pendleton, Louisa county, Virginia - - - _ - - Dec 18, ~ Teeth, mode of engrafting. Elijah A. Bigelow, Brandon, Vt. March 8, 1827 Temple for weavers, spring. A. Jeiiks and J. Cleweil, Holmes- burg, near Phiiadephia _ _ - - March 19, ~ Tobacco, improvement in the manufacture of. J. Allen, jun. and Charles Geoghegan, Richmond, Virginia - April 3, — Tubs, buckets, &c. machine for cutting out. Jer. Baily, Phil. April 7, — Tenoning spokes for wheels, machine for. David Sperry, Col- chester, Connecticut _ _ - - April 18, — Turning lathe, improvement in the. Wm. Patrick, Leverett, Massachusetts - . - - - April 24, - Thrashing machine. M. Pennock, Kennet Square, Chester county, Pennsylvania - . - - May 2G, ~ u Umbrella, improvement in the. William Gamble, Washington, District of Columbia - - - - July 3, 1824 Umbrella and parasol, improvement in the. William Sleeper, Philadelphia - . - - - Nov 22, 182& Vessels, improvement in maritime affairs. B. Wynkoop, Pliil. Sept 13, 1794 Ventilators, nautical. Benjamin Wynkoop, Philadelphia June 29, 1795 Vessels, propelling. See Boats. Vessels, improvement in constructing and rigging. J.Garretson May 29, 1797 Vessels' bottoms. See Wood preserving. Vessels, a machine for propelling. Charles Stoudinger - June 2,1798 Vessels, heaving down, raising weights, &c. See Machine for. Veneering plough, for cabinet work. William Stillman March 16, 1801 Vapour bath, portable. C. W. Peale, Philadelphia - July 16, - Ventilator for ships, &c. See Mr pumps. Vapour. See Cooler and condencer. Vegetable elixir or cough drops. S. Cooley, Boltom Comi. Nov 10. ISWX Vessels. See Raisins^. W 101 Vermiiuge, mode ol'prepadns?. Joseph Lehman, Piiiiadeiphia Aug 11, 1807 Vitriolic test, for making bank bills. A. Brewster, Hartford, Connecticut _ _ _ - - July ]], 1808 Vegetable pulmonic, detergent. G. Rogers, Northampton, Mass. Dec 31, -- Varnish for leather. John David, Philadelphia - - May 5, 1809 Vaporem. See Steam engine. Vibrating nail plates, whilst cutting. J. Bernard, Troy, N. Y. April 16, 1811 Verdigris, manufacturing. Stephen Dempsey, New York Feb 4, 1813 Varnish of gum elastic. Jacob H. Hummel, Philadelphia April 29, — Veneer's machine for shaving. Silvannus Bonnel, New Jersey Feb 28 1814 Valetudinarian cot chair. John Mead, Albany, New York March 13, — Vessel, ball proof. Thomas Gregg, Connellsville, Penn. March 19, — Vaccinator, Spring. William Haslett, Baltimore - April 17, 1817 Vetrinary ventilated bath. James Carver, Philadelphia - Aug 8, — Verdigris, making. George F. Hagner, Philadelphia - Oct l.'i, — Violin, bass, &c. improvement in the. Nicholas A. Lete, N.Y. June 11, 1818 Velocipede, improvement in the. VV. K. Clarkson, jun. N. Y. June 26, 1819 Violins &c. construction of. John Edwards, New York Feb 17, 1820 Venereal disease, preventing the John Prenti.>, New London March 27, 1S22 Vaccination, improvement in. James Smith, Baltimore - July 10, — Ventilating vessels. Charles VV. Skinner, Norfolk, Virginia Aug 23, — Vessels, mode of setting up shrouds of. Robert Rogers, Dover, New Hampshire _____ Peb 6, 1323 Vessels, mode of planking. William Scarburgh, Darien, Geor. May 19, 1824 Veneers, saws for cutting. R. B Richardson, Philadelphia Oct 6, — Vice, perpetual lever Calvin Wing, Gardiner, Maine March 2, 1826 * Varnish for leather, hewn stone, &c. Marcus Curtis, Troy, N.Y. April 22, — 'Varnish for furniture, leather, hewn stone, &c. Marcus Cur- tis, Troy, New York _ _ - _ April 22, - w Wire, weaving of. T. Kirk and R. Leslie, Yorktown and Phil. Wind mill, improvement in. Joseph Pope, Boston Wheat, &c. machine for cleaning B Tyler, New Hampshire Wheat, &c. machine for thrashing. William Booker Wheel, tide watex\ Silas Betts Wood and vegetables, &c. a combination of estringent. F. Hitch Window sashes, improvement in making. Stephen Parsons Wheel, spiral, for working in the tide water. Elias Ring Washing. See Cloths. Watches. See Clocks. Wind mills, improvement on. Charles Holden W^ater, a screw engine for throwing. Elijah Ormsbee Water, causing it to ascend from founts. John Manning Water, machine for raising Marc Isambard Brunei Water wheel flume for the improvement of large rapid streams. W^alter Brewster - _ _ . _ Water, pipe and pump for conveying. Mark Reeve Wood, a method to preserve the bottoms of. K. Peale Wharves, vessels, and other wood from worms. R. Peale Wind mill, a method of regulating Thomas Thomson Water, a machine for raising. Joseph Hemptley Writing with two penns, a machine for. i\I. I. Brunei Wheel, improvement in the horizontal. Ezekiel Reed AVater, obtaining force from by the help of steam. S. Morey Water engine, improvement on his. Samuel Morey Weight, raising. See Machine for. Water, engine for throwing. Patrick Lyon Water force by steam. See Force obtained by water. Water, machine for raising. W. Palmer, New York May 9, 1792 Jan 26, 1793 April 15, 1796 March 11, 1797 March 18, — April 17, ,— Nov t20, >••• Dec 10, — March 15, 1798 March 21, — April 10, — April 27, — June 7, __ Dec 14, _- Dec 14, — Dec 14, — Jan 3, 1799 Jan 10, — Jan 17, — Feb 14, .-. April 24, — April 24, '- Feb 12, 1800 Ang 2'5, — 102 W Windows, how hung without weights. W. Young, Windham, (Jon. Nov 20, 18U4> Wheels ^vithin cylinders, mode of giving motion, &c. J. Sharpies Sept 15, 1801 Wind mills, mechanical powers for the use of which. J. Sharpies Sept 15, — Wind mill, improvement in. John A. Morton Wind mill, improvement in. R. Hathaway, Plymouth, Mass. Wheat, machine for cleaning. Stephen Stilweil Window sashes, improvement in raising and supporting. Leon- ard Kennedy _ _ _ . > Water, machine for raising. John Baptiste Aveilhe Welding cast steel to iron, improvement in the manner of. Daniel Pettibone, E. Chapman and J. Nichols Water, machine for raising. Benj. Cooley, Wheatley, Mass. Wheel to turn under water. Silas Bent - - Wind mill. See Horizontal. Wreck raft. A. De Buc Marentille _ - - Water, improvement in heating and boiling. B. Piatt Wool, machine for breaking and carding. B. Standring Window sashes, mode of applying springs. S. J. Camp, Nor- walk, Connecticut _ _ - - - Wooden stills. See Distillation. Water cock, improvement in. George Youle, New York Wheel press. Hezekiah Betts, Norwalk, Connecticut Wind mill. See Horizontal. Wind mills, improvement in. A. E. Paine, Harpersfield, N. Y Window sashes, improvement in fastening and supporting. Jacob Osborn _ _ - - - Wind mill, improvement in. William Bell, Camden, S. C. Window springs. James Curtis, jun. - - - Wheels, improvement in for various purposes, John Staples, jun. ^Varrcn, Virginia _ _ _ _ AVindow sashes, improvement in hanging. W. W. Hopkins Washing machine, improvement in. Daniel S. Dean Window fastenings or springs. D. Miller, E. Haddam, Conn. March 8, — Watering cattle, machine for. Moses Smith - - March 16, •~' Wry fly, improvement applied to mills. Benjamin Tyler, Clare- mont. New Hampshire _ - - . March 19, — Window sashes. See Springs. Water, improvement in the raising of. Benjamin Folger July T, — Water, machine for raising from mills. W. Harrington, Paris, Kentucky - - - - - Aug 28, -- Windlass for ships or vessels, improved. li. Betts, Norwalk, Connecticut _ - _ - Aug 29, — Wind mill, improvement in. Richard Weems, Annapolis Sept 20, — Wagons or carriage to be worked by hand. John Bolton, jun. Sept 29," — Wind mill, improvement in. W. Staunton, jun. Plymouth, N. H. Dec 26, -- Window spring, improvement in. Isaac Scott, New Haven Dec 26, -- Water, machine for raising. F. Lippart, P. O. Keetztown, Pa. May 3, 1805 AVashing and scouring machine. A. Higham, Hudson, N. Y. May 4, — Water, machine for raising. Seraphim Bellij, Baltimore Nov 7, — Wasluiig machine. William J Fulsom and J. Hayden, Kenne- beck. District of Maine - - - Dec 17, - Water. See Spring pimip for raising. Welding cast steel to iron, mode of. D. Pettibone, Roxbury, Connecticut - - - - March 22, 1606 Washing machine. See Fulling mill Water wheels for mills. E. Hubbel, Middleburg, Vermont May 1, -- Wind mill. John Cooper, Philadelphia - - - May 23, - Washing machine. Reuben Buck _ - - May 29, — Water proof, method of rendering cloth. James P. Weight- man, Boston - - - - Oct 21, -- Winding cotton, machine for. D. Brown, jun. Warren, R. I. Feb 5, 1807 Dec 16, Jan 20, July 9, 1802 Sept 7, Oct 14, — Dec 22, Feb 1, March 7, 1803 March 18, April 27, June 28, - July 1, - Aug 25, Sept 13, - Nov 19, - Nov 24, Nov 25, Dec 10, 1 ■*" Feb 17, Feb 24, Feb 29, 1804 w lOcJ Washing machine. Richard K. Elliot, Watertown, Mass. Washing machine. Simon Willard, jun. Hudson, iSew York Washing, scouring, and churning macliine. Thomas Beatty Washing machine. Josiah Cleveland, Franklin county, Penn. Washing machine. Eben Jones, Berkshire county, Mass. Washing machine. M. Lee and T Barber, Oneida county, N.Y, Water wheel, improvement in the. Simon VViliard, jun. Hud- son, New York _ _ _ - - Washing machine. William Wadsworth, Hartford, Conn. Wheel to run under water. John Johnson, ladiaua Ter. Whalebone, mode of twisting for whips. Joseph Keeve, New- burg, New York _ - - - - Washing machine. Leonard Kennedy, Hartford, Conn. Wasning machine, Elum King, Johnstown, New York Whip saw, application of. S. Barber and N . U . Tomkins, N.Y. Washing machine. Martin Lee, New Vork Wasning machine, churning, getting out clover seed, &.c. Robt. Patton, Columbia, Pennsylvania Washing maohine, perpendicular. E Jones, Alfred, Mass. Washing machine. Asahel E. Paine, Delhi, New York Washing machine. Enos Trescott, New Marlboro', Mass. Washing machine. Sheron Henry, Bloomfield, New York W^ashing machine. Thomas Osgood, Charleston, New York Eben. Lifter, Killingworth, Connecticut Dudley Loomis and ha W'ind mill. Uzziel Geer, Nor^Vich, Connecticut Wheels, machine for making. Jacob Coon, Granville, N. Y. Water, machine for elevating. Wm, Smith, Gloucester, N.J. Washing machine. S. VV. Dana, Rutland, Vermont Wheel carriages. Stephen Winchester, Newton. Connecticut Washing and churning machine. Ditto ditto Washing and churning machine. G. Bishop, Cazenovia, N. Y. Winnowing machine. Randal Wallis, Baltimore Window sashes, machine for making. J. Farnham, Oswego, N Y. Washing machine. Septimus Tucker, Dublin, Pennsylvania Window shutters. See Fastetiing. Washing machine. Eli F. Hill, Onandago, New York Wheel, overshot strap or chain. Richard Berrian, New York Washing machine. A. Blodgel, Amherst, Massachusetts Washing machine. Joseph Yarwood, New Brunswick Levi Anderson, Bristol, Pennsylvania William Buckman, Ann Arundel, Md. Garry Bishop, Madison county, N. Y. Lemuel Bacheh r, Vernon, New York David Worthington, Hartford, Connecticut Feb 28, 180: April 2.5, - April 25, -- June 6, — July 24, - Oct 1, -- Washing machine. Washing machine. Washing machine. Washing machine. Washing machine. Washing machine. Window sashes. Dec 1, March 15, March 21, April 25, April 26, May 14, June 1, June 4, June 13, June 20, July 1, July 11, July 11, July 11, July 11, July 11, July 18, Aug 6, Aug 12, Aug 30, Aug 30, Aug 30, Sept 7, Nov 9, Jan 7, Jan 12, Feb 11, Feb 13, Feb 16, March 11, March 23, March 23, April 17, April 24, April 27, May 1, May 5, May 15, May 21, 1808 1809 Water wheel. William Stubs, Chilicothe Weaving straw with silk, &c. Mary Keis, Killingly, Conn. W'ashing machine. Orin Chatfield. Burlington, New York Washing machine. Nicholas Van Zandt, Washington Washing and churning machine. G. Osgood, Mad son county, New York -.-._- June 7, Washing machine. Martin Lee, Burlington, New York - June 8, Washing machine. Isaiah Jennings, New York - June 13, Wool carding machine. Daniel Smith, Philadelphia - June 14, Water tables, for doors, &.c. Nathaniel Briggs, Windham, Vt. June 17, Water back and tewel for smiths. O. Ames, Plymouth, Mass. June 24, W^ashing machine. Thomas Pierce, Fishkill, New Y'ork June 24, Worm boiler. James Truman, Philadelphia - - June 24, Washing machine and press. Amos Hosford and Ezekiel Kel- sey, Berlin, Connecticut - - . - June 27, Washing machine. Timothy Freeman, Madison county, N. Y. June 28, \m w Wheat rubber. James Deneale, Dumfries, Virginia - July 1, 180'J Wire work, machine for weaving. P. Bernard, Whitestone, N.Y. Wood screws. See Screivs. Washing machine. Shubael Kimball, Rhinebeck, New York Wheel to operate by wind or water. W. L. Bakeweil, New Haven, Connecticut - _ _ _ Wheel, mode of casting for clocks. Lemuel J. Kilburn, Penn. Washing machine. Rozei Philips, Otsego, New York Washing machine Robert Robinson, Leesburg, Virginia Water wheel, horizontal. David Parmalee, Reading, Conn. Wells, mode of sinking. Peleg Easton, Nantucket, Mass. Feb 1, 1810 Washing machme. Sylvester Noble, Hosick, New York Weaving machine. Walter Janes, Ashford, Connecticut Windows. See Spring bolt. Whip saw. See Saw. Water wheels for mills. J. Minor, Saratoga, New York Wheel Wright's labor saving machine. M. Battle, New York Washing and churning machine. J. Roberts, German town, Pa. Wind mills. Russel H. Wright, Boston Wire winding and spinning. Henry Burke, Philadelphia Washing machine. Isaac i>oof borrow. New York Winding machine for weavers. Levi Ruggles, Boston Winding machine for weavers. Walter Janes, Ashford, Conn. Writing, teaching the art of S. Warren, Randall, R. I. Washing machine William Jackson, Painsville, Ohio Water wheel. Pindar Antrim and Samuel Bolton, Philadelphia Windlass and capstf n. John Calvin, Philadelphia Water, machine for raising, &c Jos. Clap, Montague, Mass. Water wheel. Aaron Reuck, Chiiicothe, Ohio Washing machine. Daniel Robinson, Franklin, New York Window springs. George Cannon, Nantucket, Massachusetts Water boiler and steam still. P Bernard, Whitestown, N.Y. Wood, preserving in salt water. Robert Lloyd Nicholas, Eas- ton, Talbot county, Maryland _ _ . Wheat. See Starch, Sfc, Wheel, tide mill. D. Wheeler, Bristol, Massachusetts Warming rooms. B. Russel, Hartford, Connecticut Wind wheel, horizontal bellows. D. Van Vorhees, Long Island, New lork ---._- March 21, Water wheel, spiral. B. Schoolfield and W Stanton, Lynch- burg, Virginia - _ _ _ - April 26, Water wheel, raising or lowering. M. Andrews, Kennebeck, Massachusetts - - _ _ . May 4, Weighing machine. Thomas Arnat, Philadelphia - » May 10, Writiiig instrument. Ezra L. Miller, Charleston, S. C. May 11, Window sashes. John Ballthorp - - - May 22, Washing machine. D Duncan, Upperville, Loudoun county, Va. May 23, Water wheel, horizontal. John Osburn, jun. Litchfield, Conn. May 29, Water blast. Joseph Ruggles, New Milton, Connecticut June 6, Water wheels, machine for two. Luke C. Hinman, Luther Bis- sel and Moses Barns, Otsego, New York - - June 7, Wheel head, accelerating. A. Putnam, Philadelphia - July 20, Wooden springs for carriages. L. Somner, Downingtown, Pa. July 22, Wear for catching fisli. Hawley Emerson, Hancoci: - Aug 14, Wool picker. Michael Morrison, Boston - - Aug 15, Weaving. N. and P. Miller, Franklin, Massachusetts - Aug 20, Weaving. Joseph Atkinson, Amherst, Massachusetts - Sept 5, Wool, machine for drawing and spinning. William Humphreys, Humphreysville, Connecticut - _ _ Oct 4, White lead, washing. Samuel Witherille, jun. Philadelphia Oct 29, White lead setting the beds, &c. Ditto ditto - Oct 29, July 1, '. July 7, Aug 12, Aug 18, . Oct 13, Oct 14, Nov 3, Nov 20, Feb 1, Feb 1, Feb 16, April 9, April 4, April 25, April 25, June 18 June 26, Aug 16, Aug 20, Oct 1, Oct 8, Nov 1, Nov 6, Nov 21, Dec 5, Dec 15, Dec 27, Jan 16, Feb 23, March 2, March 4, ^v 105 White leaU, screening in water. Snmuel WitheriJle, jun. Phil White lead separating the oxidated from the metallic. Samuel Witherille, jun. Philadelphia - . - Water wheel. Elisha Mack, Sheffield, Massachusetts Water gate, balance- William Maher, Rome, New York Welding scrap iron, &c. B. King, Washington City Wire. See Rolling. Writing, mode of teaching. S. Randall, Warren, R. I. Weaving, the art of. J. Rood, Canterbury, Connecticut Whirl and regulator for flax. C Crafts, Woodbury, Conn. Washing machine W. Stanton, Lynchburg, Campbell county, Virginia ---__- Warming rooms. Daniel Pettiboiie, Philadelphia Water, hydraulic for raising. W. Schultz, Philadelphia Washing and churning machine. Z. Phiney, Cairo, N. Y. Water gate, shutting the. Amos Bolton, Fauquier, county, Va. Washing machine. Joseph Palmer, Brookfield, New York Wharves, constructing. John Butler, Baltimore Wire, machine for making. Wm. Wadsworth, Hartford, Conn. Wool carding machine G. Both, Poughkeepsie, New York Wire, machine for drawing. Jacob T. and Thos. Walden, N. Y. Wine, converting cider into. Henry Seabolt, Scipio, N. Y. Water mills. Samuel Browder, New York Wheel heads. William H Peabody, Woodbury, Connecticut Washing machine. Erastus Denison, New Lisbon, New York Water, raising from wells. George Patterson, Philadelphia Wool spinner. See Perpetual. Wool for worsted, preparing. Joseph Bamford, Philadelphia Wheel head. Eli Church, Horner, New York Winnowing machine. John James, 3d, Plymouth, Mass. Washing machine. John F. Whipple, Easton, New York Wheels, machine for making. Mclzor Hunt and Cotton White, Hartford, Mass. _ - - - - Washing machine. Josiah Hotchkiss, Woodbury, Conn. Washing machine. Silas Hitchcock, Vernon, New York Water mill. Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Mass Weavers' lathe. John Drummond, New York Weavers' beams. Gollah Williams, North Providence, R. L Wine from cider. Ezra B. Corkings, Bristol, New Y'ork Window sashes, bolt for. Nathaniel Briggs, New York White lead making. Alexander James Hamilton, New York Wooden springs Luke H. Thrall, Troy, New York Weights, applied to machinery. Peter Obert, New York Weaving millinett, &c. Stephen Steward, Cheshire, N. H. Wheel head David Loring, Canandaigua, New York Water mills. John Owings, Baltimore > _ « Washing machine. John Gray, Eaton, New York Water, machine for raising. Jacob Hartman, Lampeter, Penn. Wheel for spinning, &c Emery Russel, Long Meadow, Mass. Wheel heads. Emery Russel, Long Meadow, Mass. White lead. Elisha D. Butts, Baltimore Water wheel, improvement on Farnham's. David Cooper, Je- richo, New York - . - - - Washing machine. Eliphalet Jaques, Newburyport, Mass. Wood sawing. Benjamin Hoadley, Waterbury.Con. Weeding machine. Charles Hill, Essex county, Virginia White lead, manufacturing. J. Welsh and T. Evans, Phila. Winding spool, &c. Augustus C. Sherewood Wadding'colton. James Beaumont, Canton, Mass. Wheel head, linen. B. Smith and Chas. Stewart, Truxton, N. li Water wheel, horizontal. W. Cornwall. Orancock. Virginia Nov 1, 1 Nov 1, Nov 2, Nov 12, Nov 15, Jan 11, Jan 23, Feb 10, May 12, May 12, May 26, June 19, June 19, Aug 21, Sept 9, . Oct G, Oct 13, . Oct 31, Nov 11, Nov 27, Dec 14, Dec 30, Feb 6, March 18, March 18, May 4, June 10, June 15, June 18, June 25, June 26, July 24, Aug 24, Oct 9, Oct 13, Nov 8, Nov 10, Nov 18, Nov 31, Nov 31, Jan 25, Feb 4, March 31, April 18, April 18, May 5, May 12, May 24, June 14, July 7, Aug 15, Oct 18, Dec 3, {. Dec 8, Dec 1 5. 1811 181i^ 1813 1814 Aug 3, — Aug 12, — Sept 25, — Nov. 6, ~- Feb 1, 1816 March 5, .. March 9, •~ May 6, — May 28, — June 7, — 106 W Wooden springs for carriages. Levin Brickhead - Dec 30, 1814 Weaving, spooling, and winding. Ebeu StoAvell, Middlebury, Ver. Feb 28, 1815 Warping machine. Thomas Siddel, Germantown, Penn. March 27, — Water wheel. George Peck, Whitestown, New York April 26, — Washing machine Joshua Lane, Homer, New York - May 15, — Water used on wheels successively. A. Danielson, Otsego N. Y. May 16, — Whiskey making. Silas Smith, Grnnesee, New York - May 23, — Water wheel, horizontal. James Wood, Mount Pleasant, N. Y. June 19, — Wind and water wheel. Jonathan Reynolds Dutchess co. N. Y. June 24, -* Water whee], applying. Asa Jellson, Roxbury, Mass. - July 17, — Wheel, vertical horse. John A Morton, Baltimore - July 21, —, Wool, machine forspinriingand roping. Samuel Learned, Wa- tertown, Massachusetts - - _ _ Wheels, carriage. B. L. Greenough, Lebannon, N. H. Water wheel, horizontal R. A. Donaldson and J. L. Wheel- er, Newark, New Jersey - - - - Weights, iron. Alven Babcock, Boston Washing machine. Christ. Seebold, New Berlin, Penn. Water wheel, overshot. John Green, Virginia Winding yarn. Paul Moody, Boston Wheel head. David Lee, Guilford, Conn. - - - Water wheel. Silas Dalie, Cumberland, Mass. Weaving. Ira Draper, Weston, Mass. - - - Weights, propelling boats by. Moses Martin, Woodbridge, New- Jersey - - - - - July 8, - Willard's time-piece, improvement in. L. Curtis, Concord, Mas- sachusetts - - - -^ - July 12, — Windmill, improvement in. James Barron, Elizabeth City, Va. July 18, ~ Winder, socket and bobbin. John Thorp and S. Shepard, Taunton, Mass. - - - - - - - Oct 14, -^ Water marks in paper. J. Perkins and T. Gilpin, Philadelphia Dec 18, ~ Water wheel. Wm. Purnell, Giles co. Tennessee - - Jan 10, 1817 Weights, machine for raising. Henry Nold, Bucks co. Penn. Jan 22, — Water, rendering pure. S. Griffith, Stephenson, Rensalaer county, N. Y. - - - - - - Feb 1, - Water power, applied to machinery. Meredith Malloroy, Ben- ton, Ontario, New York _ _ _ _ March 3, — Water wheel, tide and current. Samuel Morey, Oxford, N. H. March 13, — Water wheel, tide and current. Benjamin Thomas, Washing- ton, District of Columbia _ _ _ _ March 20, — Window blinds. George Munger, Cambridge, Maryland March 26, — Water wheel. Theodore Burr, Burr Haven, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania - - - - - Water wheel. Ira Griswold, Granby, Connecticut Water wheel, perpetual James Widdifield, Philadelphia Window and door frames. Randolph Ross, Baltimore Water, mode of letting on a wheel. J. Smith, Queen's county. New York - _ - _ - Water wheel. Amos Thayer, Albany, New York Weaving, preparing yarn for. H. P. Franklin and W. B. Win- sor. Providence, Rhode Island - - Wells, sinking. Eben. Hilyard, Philadelphia Water, raising and forcing. L. T. B. and S. E. Morse, Charles- town, Massachusetts _ - _ _ White lead, making of. George F. Hagner, Philadelphia Wheel, horizontal inclined. M- Isaacs and John Wilbanks, Phil. Water wheels. Charles Agustine Busby, New York Water burner, American. Samuel Morey, Oxford, N. H. Wood, seasoning. James Ronaldson, Philadelphia - Feb 2, 1818 "Winnowing machine. Ed. and John Brooks, Wilmington, Del. April 3, April 16, April 21, April 30, July 1, July 7, Aug 8, Sept 10, Oct 3, Oct 13, Oct 14, Oct 25, Dec 11, Feb 2, Feb 2, -w icr? Water pioof stitlening lor hats. A. and G. V. Raymoud, Bait. Feb 7, 1818 Water wheel, spiral screw. Alex. D. M'Kamy, ^Vest Tenneasee Feb 10. -- Wheel trailing. John Read Lime, Connecticut - March H, -- White lead. Edward Clarke, Philadelphia - - Marcii 28, — Weaving. Stephen Armstrong, Poughkeepsie, New York April 7, — Weaving machine. David Grieve, Providence, Rhode Island April 11, — Water wheel. John Evans, Davies county, Indiana - April 21, — Waste steam. John H. Morton, Thomas Bodley and Robert Huston, Lexington, Kentucky - - - April 28, -- Wooden springs for carriages. James Greenwood, New Castle, Delaware - - - - - - April 28, — Water, new mode of applying as a power. A. Thayer,' Albany, New York - - - - - - May 1, -* Water wheel. Amos Thayer, Albany, New York - - May 1, — Water wheel. John Edwards, Urbana, Ohio - - May 25, — Water tew iron. Gideon Davis, Sandy Spring, Montgomery county, Maryland _ _ - _ - May 26, -' White lead. Joseph Richards, Philadelphia - - May 28, — Wind wheel. Moses Isaacs, Camden, N.J. near Philadelphia May 28, — Wh' el for propelling boats. John Sayward Trott, Boston Juno 2, -- Writing. See Tachygraplnj. Weights, machine for raising. S. Gray, Madrid, New York July 15, — Water wheel, called the boat wheel. H. Brown, Lebanon, Ohio July 24, -- Wooden springs. James Clark, Kent county, Delaware July 31, -- • Washing machine. James Barnet, Providence, Rhode Island Sept 15, — Winnowing machine, improvemeht in the. Thomas Beatty, Washington - _ _ _ - Oct 5', — Window springs, improvement in. Gideon Drake, Hartford, Conn. Oct 26, — Water wheel, improvement in the. Arthur Henrie, Miami, Ohio Oct 28, — Water tew iron. W. Barker, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania Nov 10, — Winnowing machine, improvement in the. J. Bromwell, Bait. Nov 26, — Water burner, improvement on Morey's. J L. Sullivan, Bost. Dec 11, ~ Wheel, improvement on the double stem. J. L. Sullivan, Bost. Dec 10, -> Water burner, improvement on his. J. L Sullivan, Boston Dec 19, — Water wheel, improvement on. Asa Waters, Millbury, Mass. Dec 22, — Wooden jack screw. Z. Bunker, Guilford county, N. C. Feb 3, 1819 Wheat, machine for cleaning garlic, &c. from. Thomas Wilson, Baltimore county, Maryland - - - Feb 8, — Wheel, chain water. Henry Beidleman, Washington county, Ya. Feb 8, ~ Winnowing machine. Horatio Watkins, Washington county, Maryland .__--- March 18, -- Wheel, shovel and scraper. Nathan Whiting, Chester, Vt. March 19, — Water wheel, improvement in the. T. Eames, Newbury, Yt. April 29, -- Washing machine. Beardley Hendryne, Springfield, N. Y. May 6, —■ Window springs. Hezekiah Salisb.^.ry, jun. Brattleboro', Vt. May 24, — Water, mode of raising. John Ambler, New Berlin, Chenango May 26, — Wheel, horizontal. George Deming, Burlington, Yt. - July 22, — Winnowing machine for wheat, &c. E. Tisdalc, Herkimer county, New York _ - _ . . July 31, — Wheel barrow. Jeremiah Bainard, Rome, New York - Aug 26, -,- Weaving, improvement in. J. H. Pierson and James S. Sim^ mons, Rockland county. New York , - _ Dec 31, -.^ Wheat, machine for washing and drying. Samuel Martin and Z. Chapin, Ontario county, New York - - Jan 18, 15^ Water wings, for propelling boats, &c. J. J. Dyster, Bait. Watch chains, machine for making. Samuel Keplinger, Bait. Water and coal, machine for drawing. Edmund C D;iuley, Frer donia, Indiana - - - - White wash brush. Elijah S. Curtis, Charleston, Mass. Watch chains, machine for making. John Hatch. Baltimoi-e ^Vater wlfeeK Elishn Hall, BaKimorc U Jan 18, Feb 9, May 4, May 12, JuTie 2, Jliuc C>, Ju(y 5, Wheel, spiral helm. Robert P. Cunningham, Pomfret, Conn. Aug 3,18,20 Washing machine. Benjamin Cox, Hadiey, Massachusetts Aug 15, — Wire screens for cleaning rice. N. and D. Sellers, Philadel. Aug 16, — Weighing machines. Eli Wadsworth, Hartford, Connecticut Sept 7, -- Wheel, tide. N. Gates and Alexander Maxwell, New York Sept 13, -- Water wheel. James Price, New York - - Oct 2, — Water wheel. David Beauchamp, Elizabeth town, Virginia . Oct 10, — Wind mills, improvement in. P Ettienne, New York - Oct 14, -- Winnowing machine. Josiah Brown, New L,ondon, Conn. Nov 29, — Weaving, improvement in the harness for. M. Chandler and E. Brown, Cazenftvia, New York - - - Jan 26, 1821 Water wheel, horizontal pedal. John James Giraud, Bait. Feb 5, — Wind and water wheel, improvement in the. William Gallup, Norwalk, Ohio - - - - - March 29, — Warping and weaving cotton goods. James Morgan, Bait. April 6, — Winnowing machine. Daniel Donohoe, New York - April 16, — Wheel, head linen spinning. J. S. Stuart, Springfield, N. Y April 19, — Water wheel, oblique. Ralph Bulkley, New York - Aug 7, — Whale's bhjbber, machine for mincing. Benj. Taber, Fairha- ven, Massachusetts - - - - Aug 11, — Water, machine for raising, by weight. J. Aitoffer and Wm. Bushnell, Harrisburg, Virginia - - - Aug 30, — Water wheel right ay.d left Ralph Bulkley, New York Oct 8, — Washing machine, improvement in the. James Barron, Virginia Dec 7, — Water, machine for raising. N.N.Dettrehan, Charles Parish, La. Dec 13, — Waterwlicel, improvement in the horizontal. H. Howard, . • Woostcr, Ohio _ . _ _ _ Dec 26, — Washing machine, improvement in the. Pascal Cady, Brook- lyji, Connecticut _ - _ - _ jan 17, 1822; Wire, improvement in drawing card. Russel Prouty, Spencer, Massachusetts - - - - - Jan 19, — Window shutters and blinds, fastening. Bernice West and Phi- lander Soper, Rome, New York _ _ - Jan 31, — Wheel, polygonal, chain, paddle, &c. Tim. Elmer and Azel Pierson, Bridgetown, New Jersey _ _ _ Jan 31, — Waistcoats, pantaloons, &c. making. Charles Herwick, N. Y. Feb 8, — Window curtains, improvement in. Henry Andrew, N. Y. March 6, — Winnowing machine. Harry Beadle, Waliingford, Conn. March 30, — V/ashing machine and for grinding. James Justin, Pittsburg, Pa. April 19, — Water wheel, improvement in the tide. Robert Seal, Delhi, N .Y. May 31, — Washing machine, improvement in the. Francis Goucher, Phil, June 15, — • Wind mills, improvement in. William Phoebus, New York June 24, — Wheels for carriages. John Whitaker, Dingman's Ferry, Penn. June 24, — Wool picker, itnprovement in tlie. Beria Brown, Exeter, R. I. Sept 2, — Window sashes, self-balancing. Francis Follot, Petersburg, Va. Oct 15, — Vvashing machine, improvement in the. David Watson, Fay- ette, Maine - -- - - - Oct 15, -- Water, elevators for raising. Social Rolph, Albany, N. Y, Nov 16, — Water wheel, improvement in the inclined horse and water. Lee Wheeler and Timothy Powell, Coxackie, New York Dec 6, — Wind mills, improvement in the machinery of. John Gue, Wa- terf/^rd, Nev/ York - - - - - Dec 31, — Water wheel, improvement in the vertical. John Maze, Green- brier county, Va. - > _ - - Jan 10, 1823 Wind mill, improvement in the. Jesse Mollineux, North Hamp- stead, New York _ - - _ _ Jan 24, -•< Water wheel, improvement in the. Adolphus Allen, Troy, Penn. Feb 8, — Water, improvement in raising. Littlebury H. Mosby, Pow- hatan county, Virginia - - - - Feb 15, — • Wheat, machine for cleaning smut from. Daniel Pease, jun. Windf'ield, New York - „ - - Feb 27. .^^ VV 109 Wheel, to prevent ropes, &c. from slipping. James Cooper, Augusta county, Virginia . . _ - June 17, 1823 Window sash, machinery for making. Amos Miner, Elridge,N.Y. July 9, — Washingmachine, improvement in the. Isaac Leavitt,Turner,Me. Aug 12, — Washing machine, improvement in the. A. Glendening, Butler county, Pennsylvania - _ . _ gept 25, — Warming beds, mode of. Peter Lannay, Baltimore - Nov 11, — Wheel made to supersede the crank. James Stedwell, 3d, Car- mel, Putnam county, New York - - - Nov 25, — Water wht-el, made of iron. P. J. Schuyler, E Hitchcock and D, Hitchcock, Stillwater, New York - - Dec 20, — Ware, improvement in making all kinds of. Robt. U. Richards, Winchester, Connecticut _ - _ - peb 19, 1824 Water wheel, revolving paddles for. Syl. Guernsey, Fenner,N.Y. April 12, — Wheel, elbow. Ralph BtiJkley, New York - - Apiil 24, — Wheel head, improvement m the accelerating. Diana H. Tuttle, Williamson, New York _ - _ ]\-gy 17^ „ Washing and scouring machine. W. Cahoon, Windfield, N. Y. June 15, — Washing machine, revolving. Eben. Dewey, Butternuts, N. Y. June 24, — Weaving, cam motion in C. Whiting, J. Goulding, W. Janes, Dedham, Massachusetts - - - June 25, — Watering cattle. Adolphus Allen, Troy, Pennsylvania - July 10, -- Washing machine. Andrew Glendening, Loudoun county. Va. Sept 9, — Wheel barrows for brick. Nat Tufts, 2d, Charlestown, Mass. Sept 13, — Window shutters, fastenings for. Nathaniel Briggs, N. Y. Oct 21, — Weights, machine for raising. Almoran Holmes, Boston, Mass. Oct 21, — Water wheel, mode of letting on water. Samuel Sperry, Nash- ville, Tennessee - - _ - Nov 9, — Washing machine. John West, Middletown, Connecticut • Dec 14, — Water, or tide wheels, improvement in. T. B. V. Gaasbeck and D. Sands, Poughkeepsie, New York - - Dec 24, — Wire, harness for weaving. Elisha Allis, Cazenovia, N. Y. Dec 30, — Washing machine, lever. R. Wheeler, Vergennes, Vermont Feb 26, 1895 Wheel, for carriages. William Cooper, Columbia, S. C. March 3, — Water, mode of raising. Darius Corastock, Lockport, N. Y. March 15, — Water wheel, horizontal. Eben. Thompson, Manchester, N.Y. March 24, — Water wheel, horizontal. O. Latham, L. Bennet and J. Green, Oneida county. New York . > _ . jyiay gg, — Wool and cotton, machine for roping and spinning Francis Burdick, Kortright, New York _ - . jyjay 30, — Water, mode of raising. Scott Fickett, New York - June 11, -- Wooden ware, machine for making. L.Z. Parke, Windham, N.Y. June 14, — Window and bed curtains, mode of manufacturing. Samuel Abbot and Jos' ph Prentis, Chester, Massachusetts - Aug 23, — Window shades, &e. machine for making. Rufus Conant, Lynn, New Hampshire - - - . _ ggp^. 9^ __ Warming rooms, mode of. William Baker, Springfield, N. Y. Sept 9, — Water wheel, horizontal. Abraham Lippitr. Windsor, Ohio Nov 2, — Water from wells, drawing. Elijah Wiliard, Egremol, Mass. Nov 2, — Washing machine. Moses J. Clark, Auburn, New York Nov 8, — Water and sawing timber, machine for raising. John Winter, Brutus township, New York _ . . j^^y 15^ __ Weavers' harness,' making metal eyes for. J. Conger anci L. Woodbury, Locke, New York • - - - Nov 15, — Washing machine. Shelbern Bostwick, Thompson, Ohio Dec 8, — Washing machine. Oliver Deane, VValpole, Massachusetts Jan 11, 1826 Washing machine. Willard Foster, Oswego, New York - Jan 25 — Water from wells, drawing. Jeremiah Dexter, Salisbury, Conn. Jan 27 — Washing by steam. Junius Smith, London, England - Jan 28, — Ways for drawing up vessels. Amasa Miller, New London, Coiin. Feb 8 -- Weaving wire, power loom for. John S. Gustin, New York Feb 23. -. no V Washing machine. Kdward Thurston, Burlingtou, Vermont JytarcU «, 185^6 Window shutters and doors, fire proof. J. Brown and George W. Robinson, Providence, Rhode Island - - March 16, — Wheels, machinery to supersede. J. Cooper, Staunton, Va. March '22, •*• Washing machine. Richard V. Mudge, Deerham, New York April 12, — Weaving wire harness. Ezra Brown, Cazenovia, New York April 12, — Washing machine, rocking. J. G. Philip, Kinderhook, N. Y. April 12, — Water wheel, conical. Roswell Wilcox, Franklin county, N. Y. April 19, — Water wheels, relieving from back water. Jare Benedict, Fa- bius, New York ----- May 10, --- Water wheels and flumes, constructing. Asa Messer, Provi- dence, Rhode Island _ _ _ _ jyjay 18, — Wind mills, in the construction of. W. Coburn, Gardiner, Me. June 1, — Well bucket, mode of emptying the. Elijah Willard, Egre- mont, Massachusetts _ _ _ _ June 15, *- Water wheels, mode of applying water to D. M. Kenzie, M. L. Baker, S. Dear, J. M'Naughton, Caledonia, New York June 19, -- Washing machine, improvement in the. S. Church and Hiram Clark, Utica. New York - - _ > July 6, - Water wheels, mode of letting the water on. Thomas Keys, Henry county, Georgia - - - - July 18, — Wind mills, improvement in. Moses Padly, Ontario, N. Y. Aug 31, — Wheels, improvement in for boats. John J. Giraud, Bait. Sept 15, — Water from wells, mode of drawing. Elijah Willard, Egre- mont, Massachusetts - - . - - Oct. 23, *- Water wheel for propelling boats. Benjamin Raymond, jun. Beverly, Massachusetts - _ _ _ Nov 19, — Washing machine, improvement in the. Burroughs Beach, N. Miiford, Connectifut - - - - Nov 24, - Washing machine. David G. Dunham, New Brunswick, N. J. Dec 7, — Wheel for propelling boats, paddle. Wm. F. Kearsing, N. Y. Dec 8, ■'- Wool and other fibrous substances, manufacturing. J. Gould- ing Dedham, Massachusetts _ _ _ Dec 15, -j- Water and other fluids, heating and boiling. George J. Payne, Lockport, New Fork . - . _ Dec 27, -" Wheels for carriages, making the hubs of. Garretson Lyon, N.Y Dec 23, — W^ater for cattle, machine for drawing. I. Willbur, Madison, N.Y. Dec 28, - Wind mill, improvement in the. T. P. Jones, New Castle Del. Feb 6, 1827 Wheelwrights' assistant. John Sitton, Pendleton, S. C. - Feb 15, — Washing machine, improvement in the- Chester Stone, Middle- bury, Connecticut ----- Peb 17, •»- W^atch seals, improvement in making. S. Davis, H- and P. Bab- bit, and B. P. Grinnell, Providence, Rhode Island - March 3, — Waaler wheel for saw mills. Thomas Shute, Tennessee March 6, -^ Wheelwrights' assistant. Cyrus W. Beach, Schoharie, N. Y. March 16, — Watch keys, improvement in making. Joseph S. Davis, Provi- dence, Rhode Island _ _ - - April 3, ^- Wood, machine for the use of those who work in. Jeremiah Bailj, Philadelphia - - - _ April 7, •«- Water wheel for steam boats. R. L. Stevens, Hoboken, N. J. April 10, — Wool, &c. improvement in the manufacture of. John Gould- ing, Dedham, Massachusetts - - - ' April 27, '-- Water wheel, mode of letting the water («i. Robert and Thos. T. M'Culloch, Albemarle county, Virginia - - May 26, '- Veilow paint, mode of preparing. B. A. CarrendefFez, N. Y. Sept 2, ISO^ Yarn beam for looms. Simeon Pette, Foxboro', Mass. June 15, 181>^ Yarn, machine for siring and dressing. Paul Moody, Watham, Massachusetts - - ~ L -^ Jan I7, V$i^ SUPPLEMENT TO THE LIST OF PATENTS CONTINUED. FROM JUNE, 1827, TO APRIL, 1828. A. Anthuacite coal, culinary vessels for, Jacob F. Walter, Phil'a June 8, 1837v Artificial stone, mode of making-. R. McKay, D. McKenzie, and Jos. Woodhull, New-York - '- . - - Jan. 16, 1828. Apple grater, improvement in the. Tri Emmrns, New-York Feb. 13, Archimedean screw, in tlie. Perry Harris, Preble c'y, Ohio, March 25, Axle, in the common carriage. D. "W.Phillips and W. Maker, Govington, New-York --..., April 23, Atmosphere propelling engine. Edward Allen Talbot, Dublin, Ireland - - - - - - r June 21, B. Bricks, machine for pressing. James McDonald, New-York April 24, 1827; Boilers, impt in the steam engine. John Poole, Sheffield, England* • May 14, Boiler.s, Do. Ebenezer A. Lester, Boston, May 14, Bedstead, impt. in the portable. Jacob Daley, Baltimore May 14, Bridges, impt in building wooden ^ Garner Wilkinson, White Creek, New Y'ork - - - - - . - May 15, Bridges, in making the ribs or arches of. John P. Bakewell, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania May 15, Brick, machine for pressing. John Howe, Alma, Maine May 18, Blower, impt. in the coal grate. R. Fuller and Thomas Thomas, New-York - May 22, Boilers for steam engines, impt. in. Isaac Doolittle, Bennington, Vermont - ... - , _ . . June 1, Bellows, impt. in Jesse Dixon, Pittsboro' Chatham county, N. C. June 11, Boring earth, machine for. John R. Frailing, Canajoharie, New York -.- June 13, Boats, impt in the means of transporting from one canal to an- other. Robert P. Bell, of New York - - - July 13, Buildings, impt. in the mode of moving. Simeon Brown, of N. Y. July 31, Bed sackings, impt. in the mode of tightening. John K. Simp- son, Boston, Massachusetts . - . - Aug. 10, Boats, impt. in the combination of. Thomas Thorpe, City of Washington - . . , - Aug. 31, Brick and tile, macliine for moulding. E. Fisk and B. Hinkley, Fayette, Maine - - -. - - - Sep. 8, Balance, impt. on Dearborn's patent. Samuel Blaisdel, Lancaster, Ohio - - • - Oct. 10, Bucket, impt in the vertical. Stacy Costill, Philadelphia Oct. 17, Bobbin tube, for spinning-, impt in the. Benjamin Hutchinson, Philadelphia ..... Oct. 18, Barrels, hogsheads, &c. machine for making. William and Mar- cus Adams, Ogden, New-York - - - Jan'y 24 1828. Brick, impt. in the machine for making. David Rising, Colches- ter, New York - - - - - - Jan'y 29, Bending sheet iron, for boilers, &c. Calvin Post, Spring Post, New-York - - March 11, Boring rocks, in the machine for. Isaac Overall, Liberty, Smith County, Tennessee - - . - - March 14, Brick, in the mode of moulding, &c. David Flag, junior, Gardi- ner, Maine - March 19, Bark, in the machine for grinding. Aaron Bull, Caroline, N. Y, March 27, Bellows or blowing machine, in. Elijah Biady, Mount Pleasant, New- York -- April 3, c. Carriages, impt. in riding wheel. Wm. and Josiah Jessop, Guil- ford county, North Ca ■ ;'i:-'a .... June 1, 1827. Cheeses, applying nets to pine apple. L. M.Norton, Litchfield, Connecticut - - - - - - June 4, 113 c. Churning butter and pumping", machine for. Nathan Whitney, Augusta, Maine . - - . . June 7,1827", Cider, ma. for grinding apples for, or for mixing mortar. Tho- mas Streeter and James S. Wilbert, Chili, NewYork June 12, Cork cutter, impt. in the. Luther Hills> Boston - June, 18 Crimping boots, impt. in the mode of. Samuel Morehouse, East- port, Maine --.... June 19, Cements for roofs or walls of buildings from impt. Charles Clin ton, of New- York - - ... _ July 13, Canals, mode of conveying earth or other substances,- the bottom of. Oliver Phelps, Lansing, Tompkins c'y, Xew-York July 16, ■ Crane, impt in the portable. Kzekiel Mann and Geo. Hill, Roches- ter, Monroe county, New- York - - - July 21, Cordage, impt. in the mode of making. Robert Graves, Brooklyn, New York - ' - - . . July 25„ Canal boats, impt in the mode of passing. Robert Graves, Brooklyn, New York - - - - July 26, Cutting wheat, &c. "rapt, in the machine for Laban Durham and John S. Pleasants, of Halii'ax county, A^irginia - July 28, Coach alarm, impt in the. Walter Hunt, New York - July 30, Chmmey smoke and safety valve, impt. in the. Jos* H- Schreiner, Philadelphia - - . - - - - - July 31, Card teeth, improvement in the machine for cutting Joshua Lamb, Leicester, Massachusetts - - - Aug. 1, Cotton Cleaner, impt. in the. Jesse Reed, Marslifield, Plymouth county, Massachusetts . . - - . Aug. 10, Cones, improvement in gearing. Truman F. Mayhew, Boston, Massachusetts - - - - . - Aug. 22, Cement, improvement in making aqueducts by means of. John N. Benham, Bridgevvater, Oneida county, New-York Aug. 29, Carding machine, impt. in the. John Tillow, Newton, Fairfield c'y, Connecticut ... - - Sept. 8, Churn, impt, in tlie. Daniel Sheldon, Pulteney, New-York Sept 13, Cradle, hydrostatic steam. Charles Miner, Lyme, Connecticut Oct 12, Corks, machine for cutting George Rawling-j, Philadelphia Oct 30, Calico printing, making- rollers for by etching. D. H. Mason and M. W. Baldwin, Pniladelphia - - - Oct. 30, Clocks, impt. in the construction of. Harrison G. Dyar, N Y. Nov, 6, Comb'j;in making ornamental hair. Uriah Bailey, West Newber- ry, Massachusetts - . - _ . _ Nov. 15, Cradle, impt. in the hydrostatic steam. Charles Miner, Lyme, Connecticut - - , . . Nov.l6, Combs, impt. ia the backs of tortoise shell. Nathaniel Bishop, Danbury, Connecticut _ > . . . Nov. 11, Chain, improvement in the frame. David Leslicj New-York Nov. 19, Carriages, improvement in four wheel. Theodore Brooks and Daniel W Eames, Rutland, New-York - Dec. 6, Churn, or flnid agitator. Samuel H. Baker, Wells Township, Pennsylvania ...... Jan. 10, 1828,^ Cloth, vibrating machine for napping. Samuel Duncan, North- ampton, New-York - , - -. • - - Jan. 21, Cotton, machine for packing, Wm J. Coke, Cabin Point, Sussex, county, New-York - - - - - Feb. 4, Canal steam boat, John F. Wight, Erie, Pennsylvania - Feb. 14, Cooking apparatus. Sec. Ezekiel E. Bennet, Kingsbury, N. York Feb 15, Cooking stove, in the. Daniel G. Garnsey, Pomfret, New-York March 3, Carriage bodies, in. Jesse Reeder, Lebanon, Ohio - March 4, Cast iron shoes, mode of making. Icabod Arnold, Oswegatehie, New-York - - - - - - March 12, Carriages, impt, in. Thomass Knox, Sniggersville, Virginia March 15, Corn shelung machine. John Brown, Pi-ovidence, R. Island March 18, Coopers" work, machine for making. Hiram Waters, Water- town, New-York - - -- - . - - April 3, D. Dividing engine, for scales, guages, &c. Lemuel Hedge, Wind- S01-, Vermont - ""- ... . June 20, ISSr. JDistilling, the art of. John M. Aikin, Philadelphia Aug-. SOy D. 113 Distilling-, impt. in. Wm. J. Cocke, Surrey county, Virginia - Oct. 30, 182r. Do. .fames Lusk, Butter county, Ohio - Dec. 22, Do. Wm J. Cocke, Cabin point, Sussex c*y, Virg-inia, Feb. 4, 1828. Distilling- by steam. Benjamin Barr, Stiasburg- Township^ Penn. April 5, E. Eng"ines, impt. in manufacturing" steam and rotarv wheel. Fran- cis Harris, Albany. "New York - - ' - - - July 10, 182r. Engine, improvement in the steam. Warren P Wing, Green- wich village, Hanisphire county, Massac liu setts - Aug. 17, Excavator, impt in the floating. Harvey W.Campbell, Lock- port, New -York ..... Jan. 22, 1828, Excavator, or self loading cart. Waldren Beach, Philadelphia Feb. 5, F. Foot stoves, impt. in cast iron. Geo. W Robinson, New-York June 2,1827'. Fur, impt. in the machine for separating. Jno. McDonald, X. Y. Stp. 11, Fur cutters, cant twist blades for. Chs. C. K. Beach, Portland, Maine Nov. 10, Flax, ma. for breaking Henry Sclioonhaven, Pulteney, N". Y. Dec. 11, Fur, impt. in the ma. for cutting Michael Petre, Womelsdorf, Berkd county, Pennsylvania, .... Dec. 20, Flax and hemp dressing ma. Jno. C. W'enzel, Louisville, Kent'y Jan. 17,1828. Flax and hemp dressir.g ma and for hulling grain and rice. Evans Christian, Town of Philadelphia, New-York - Feb, 8, Flax, impt. in the ma. for swingling. Samuel Achey, Heidle- berg Township, Pennsylvania - - - - Feb. 18, Fire engine, impt. in the. Ezekiel Daboll, Canaan, Connect't Aj)ril 12, G. Gun locks, impt. in percussion. Marvel C. Davis, of Mayville, Chatauge county. New York ... July 10, 1827. Gas lights, impt in the manufacture from cotton seed. Denison Olmstead, N. H. Connecticut ... Jidy 21, Glass knobs, mode of pressing. John Robinson, Pittsburg, Penn. Oct. 6, Glass, mode of pressing with a core. P. C Dummer, Jersey City, New Jersey - - - - - ' - Oct. 16, Glass formed by a combination of moulds. G. Dummer, P. C. Dummer. and Jas. Maxwell, Jersey City, New Jersey Oct. 16, Gates for locks, impt. in. Daniel Ivogers, Little Falls-town, Her- kimmer county, New-Y'ork .... Jan. 4, 1828, Gasses from anthracite coal, mode of generating. M. W^ard and Richard W Hall, Baltimore - - - Jan. 19, Grailing ma. impt. in the. Philo Pratt, Meriden, Connecticut Feb. 12, Gold and silver, separating earth from. Wm. H. Folger, Spon- tenburg Dist. South Carolina - - - - Feb. If lo. H. Hewing and hamTnering stone, impt. in the machine for. Charles B Read, of West Bridgewater, Plymouth county, Mass'ts June 27, 1827. Horse harness or horse yoke, impt in the Adolphus Allen, of Troy, New.York - - .... June 29, Horse hoe, impt in the cast iron. Wm. Charmichael, Sand lake,!' Renssalaer county, New York .... July 28, Harrow and plough hoe, impt. in the. Isham Cheatham, Provi- dence Inn, Chesterfield county, Virginia - - July 31, Hydraulic elevator, impt. in the David Corey, Y^ork, Pennsyl'a Aug. 31, Hoe, impt. in the prong'. Jos. Wilson, Marlborough, N. H. Sept. 20, Hydraulics, impt. in, Jacob lioup, Kenawa county Virginia, Oct. 6, Hats, water proof stiffening for Stephen (-lemstcad, junior, St.Chiirles county, Missouri [re-issued Oct 26 1827,] May 25, 1827. Heat; application of the spare to making salt- &c. Alexander Brown, Saiina New York - . - - . Oct. 30, Hubs, cast iron or other metal Benja'n Lyman, Manchester, Conn. Nov. 6, Hydro-static and hydraulic elevator. Jas. McCreary, Noblestown, Pennsylvania •- Jan. 5, 1828' 114 H. Hubs for carriage wheels, impt. in. Hercules Thomas, Midway, Massachusetts -- - Jan. 8,1828. Horse mills, in the lever for working. John Galbraith, Maury county. Tennessee - - - . . March 6, Heat, in the revolutioi! and management of. Elipt. Nott, Sche- nectady, New-York .... March 26, Hydraulic engine, in the revolving. Ashel Hubbard, Windsoi*, Vermont .-._.. April 22, I. . Inclined and vertical tread wheel. Cornelia Watson, Addison Township, Ohio, - - . . . Dec.22, 1827. Ivory, machine for junking. L. Pratt and P. Bush, Meriden, Conn, Peb. 9, 1828. Ivory plates for combs, ma. for slitting. Philo Pratt, Meridin, Conn. Feb. 12, K. Kent bugle, impt. in the. Richard Willis, West Point, N. York Nov. 10, 1827. L. Loom, impt. in the power of delivering the yarn. Wm.B. Leo- nard, Fishkill, New- York - - - - May 23, 1827. Do. taking up the cloth Do. Do. May 23, Loom impt. in the, for weaving figured goods. Horace Baker, North Salem, West Chesternounty, New-York - Aug. 30, Leather, impt. in the mode of tanning. Osmond Cogswell, Cin- cinnati, Ohio - - . _ _ Sept 18, Lever pc>wer gained. E. G. Fitch, Blakely, Alabama - Oct. 5, Laths, machine for making plastering. Thomas Wright and Abram P. Howell, Cincinnati, Ohio . - - Oct. 9, Lock, 'ever percussion gun- John Ambler, jr. S. New Beriin, New York - - - - - - . Oct. 16, Lathe, impt in the turning. Jefferson Moore, Leveritt, Mass. Jan. 12,1828. Lotteries, impt in the mode of drawing. Wm. E. Spalding, Brooklyn, Connecticut - - - - Feb. 15, Loom, for satinetts^ in power. H. Mitchell and N. Butterworth, Troy, iVlassachusetts . _ - . March, 22, Leather, knifes for cutting sole. Luke Marble, Henerietta, N. Y. March 28, Lock for the wheels of carriages. GeorgeiDiven, Franklin county, Pennsylvania - - - - April 14, M. Mill for grinding grain, impt. in the. Robert S. Thomas, Rockin- ham. North Carolina - June 4, 1827. Mill, impt in the grist. Sam'l Sawing and James Monteilh, Statesville, North Carolina June 11, Mill, impt in the grist. Wm. W. Forward, Harford c'y, M'd June 15, Mill, impt, in the sugar loaf. Sidney and Fortius Moore, Tir- zah. North Carolina - ... . June 15, Mill, impt. in the grist. Wm. A. Turner, Plymouth, Washington county. North Carolina - - - - - June 27, Morocco, ma for dicing, polishing and rolling. Sam'l Couillard jr. Boston, Massachusetts - - - - June 27, Mortissing ma impt. in the. Simon Leroy, Mexico, Union Square, Otswego county. New -York - . . July 10, Mill, impt. in the grist. Washington Adams, Guilford county. North Carolina - - - - - - July 18, Do. Avery and John Coe, of Guilford county, N. C. July 21, Mill stone, impt. in the bush for a. Nathan, Taylor, Urbana, Steu- ben c'y New York July 23, Mill, impt in the tide. Robert Spedden, Talbot county, M'd Aug. 1, Manufacturing, impt. in the mode of. Jno. Goulding, of Dedham, Massachusetts - - . . . Aug • 24, Mill, impt. in the cast iron, for grinding bai'k. William Torrey, Westbrook, Maine - . - > . Sep. 13. Mill impt. in the tanning. Enoch Walker, Springfield, 4 corners, Pennsylvania ...... Sep 20, Mortissing and tenoning ma. John McClintic, Chambersburg, ' Pennsylvania - - - . . - Oct. 8, Moccasin, impt. in the water proof. John Syms, New-York Nov. 10, M. 115 Marble, impt. in imitating" all kinds of. Benjamin Trembly, N, Y. Nov. 13, 1827. Mill, impt. in the grist Jas. Robison, Buckskin Township, Ohio Dec. 11, Mortising' ma, impt in the chisel of. A. Greeuleaf and 11. Aniidon, Mexico, New-York - - - Dec. 28, Mortising ma. impt in the. J. .1. Kellog-g-, Richmond, New-York Jan. 24, 1828. Mill, impt. in the g-rist. \Vm. L. Ta\ lor, Mc.Vlinn c'y, l ennessee .Jan. 28, Medicine, impt. in. Truman Powell, Burlington, Vermont Feb. 2, Marble, impt. in the machine for cutting- and polishing'. Archi- bald McAllister, Salem, New-York ... Feb. 18, Mill, impt. in the grist. Samuel Holland, Hanover, Ohio March 1, Do, Admiral Warren, Saugerties, N. Y. March 12, Medicine, impt in. Fitzgerald jjird, Hancock, Georgia - April 19, o. Oven, for baking over a furnace. Eli Moody, Northfield, Mass. April 5, 1828. P. Press for cotton or hay, impt. in the. T. D. Vv'ilson, of Cory don, Indiana ...... June 6, 1827, Plough, impt in the. Wm. Beach, of Philadelphia - June 27, Printing press, impt. in the hand. Samuel Couillard jr. Boston, Massachusetts ..... July, 14, Piston, rotative, impt. in the. John M. Cooper, Guildhall, Essex county, Vermont ..-,.. July 16, Plough, impt. in the. Geo. DofTer, Fredcricktown, Maryland Aug. 20, Plane stock, impt. in the. Hazard Knowles, Colchester, New- London county, Connecticut , . . ^^^S' 24, Percussion gun locks, impt. in, James^B. Lowry, Mayville, Chautague county, New-York . _ _ Sep. 11, Printing press, impt. in the. Samuel Couillard, Boston, JNIass. Oct. 5, Planing machine, impt. in the. Josiah Ri eh m. Savage factory M'd Nov. 1, Percussion gun lock, impt in the. Joseph Shuttuck, Jefferson c'y, Ohio Nov 10, Punching copper, machine for. Wm. Ballard, Boston • Dec. 6, Peggin jack, impt. in the windlass. Samuel Nourse, of Danvers, Massachusetts Dec. 8, Plough, impt. in the bar-shear. Eli Pugh, Chatham c'y, N.C. Dec. 24, Plough, called the cotton planter. Bird Murphy, Union Dist. S. C. Dec 31, Plough, impt in the. Wm. Wiard, Avon, New- York Jan. 26, 1828. Presses for hay, &c. impt. in. Moses B. Bliss, Pitts:own, Maine Jan. 26, Paint impt. in making oil Alexander Thompson, Betheny, N Y Feb, 2, Pills, impt. in the Rheumatic. Ezra Deane, Biddeford, Maine Feb. 2, Pressing horn with steel plates. Uriah Bailey, of West Newbury, Massachusetts Feb. 2, Printing press, impt in the. J. C. Holbrook and E. H. Thomas, Brattleboro', Vermont Feb. 7, Do. Do. Do Paper, in material for making. Wm. Magaw, Meadville, Craw- ford county, Pennsylvania March 8, Ploughs, in the construction of. Richard Loveridge, Knox county, Oliio March 8, Pump, basin, or reservoir. Geo. M. Selden, Troy, New-York March 10, Ploughs, impt. in. Chs. Howard, Kingham, Massachusetts March 10, Propelling boats, &c. impt in the mode of. Timothy Davis, Law- rence, Indiana March 15, 1828. Piano fortes, impt. in. C. F. L. Albrecht, Philadelphia March 18, Pump logs, machine for boring. SamM Draper, Camilus, N. Y. March 31, Paper making, from the Ulva Marina. Elisha H. Collier, Lon- don, England April 16, Press frame, impt. in the standing. Robt. Hoe, New-York April 22, R. Rail-way carriages, impt. in the construction of. Richard P. Morgan, Stockbridge, Massachusetts July 27, 1827. Rack, flexible, for operating on ships' carriages. J. Wood and P. A, Sabbaton, New- York Oct. 6, 116 R. Rice, coffee, machine for cleaning" and polishing", Elijah Wilder, Jersey City, New-Jersey Nov. 19, 1827. Rake, impt in the common hay. Ambrose Foster, Auburn, N. Y Dec. 6, liail-wav, transporting carriages on. Moncure Robinson, Henrico county, Virginia __.-.- April 9, 1828. Saw mill, imnt. in the. Anthony Rencine, Milton. Caswell county, North Carolina June 4, 1827'. Spinning" cotton and wool. ma. Wm. Church, Rirmingham, Engl'd .Tune 11, Still, impt in. Malcolm McGregor, New-York June 15, Steam, impt in the. John Maynard, Ovid, New- York - - June 15, Sclialgiola, impt. in making. Salvadore ^Pinistri, New-York June 18, Suspenders, impt in the. Edwin Chesterman, New York June 19, Sawing sliingles, machine for Nathan bwift, of Lebanon, Conn. June 27, Spinning wool, machine for. Benjamin Laphan, of Queensbury, Waj-ren county, New-York June 29, Seive wheels, impt. in preventing friction on spindles. J. G. Shouize, Pickaway Township, Ohio July 6, Screw auger, impt, in the. Judson Smith, Derby, New-Haven county, Connecticut July 13, Spindle, impt in the. B^nj'n Brundred, of Oldham, Bergen county, New-Jersey July 14, Spirits impt. in fermenting and distilling. Ira Belnap, Millers- burg. Dauphi- county Pennsylvania July 20, Staves, impt. in the mode of making coopers'. Amory Akmoden, Bioomiield Ontario county, New-York July 27, Spinning machine, impt. in the Wm. W. Jones, Thornville, Per- ry county, Ohio July 27 1 Straw cutting machine, impt. in the. Saban Durham and I. S. Pleasants, Halifax, Virginia July 27, Stone, impt in dressing, drilling-, cutting, &c. Hermon Bourne, of Saiem, Essex county, Massachusetts Aug, 3, Sack shoulderer, impt called the. Lewis Rice, of Clarksboro', Gloucester county, New-Jersey -^ug. 3, Stumps, impt. in the machine for removing. Abijah Pratt, of Jackson, Washington county, New-York Aug". 17, Spirits, impt. in the method of determining the proof of. Wil- liam Cornell, Brooklyn, New-York Aug. 20, Sofa &. bedsteads, impt in the Jno R. Penniman, Boston, Mass. Aug. 22, Scouring, impt in the mode of. Jno. Goulding, Dedham, Mass. Aug", 24, Shuttle, impt in the mode of throwing in weaving. Do. Aug. 25, Saw, impt. in the. (two edged saw) Moses Cass and Aaron B'dl, Caroline. Tompkins county, New York Aug 31, Syringe, pitch, impt, in the. Daniel Flint, Nobleboro', Lincoln county, New- York -Aug. 31, Shingles, impt on P. Hawe's machine. Geo. A. Hoard, of Ant- werp, New York Sep. 20, Shingle^, impt. In the machine for cutting. George W. Dana, Louisville, New-York Sep. 20, Scurvy, vegetable composition for curing. James U. ArmouP, Fredevicktown, Maryland Sep. 28, Saw mi;l, impt. inthe. Anson B Graham, Lee, Massachusetts Sep. 28, Saw teeth, apparatus for setting. John Boggs, Philadelphia ' Oct. 4, Sleigh shoe, &c. impt in the cast iron. Edward Trask, Sanger- field. New- York Oct. 6, Shing-Jes, impt. in the machine for making, Oliver Wheeler, Rochester, New-York Nov. 10, Saw mill, impt. h\ the reciprocal. Wm. Kendall, Jun Waterville, Elaine, Oct. 23, Steam, application of the escape. David Embree, New Richmond, Ohio, Dec. 3, Spring and stilTner, impt. in the rest. James G. Shute, Boston Dec. 5, Saw nu!!, impt in the Benjamin Overman, Greensboro', N. C, Dec. 11, Submarine propeller, impt.' in the. Elijah Bryan, New-York Dec. 22, Spectacles impt. in the common. S. Newton, Washington, D. C. Dec. 22, Spinning cotton bagging from cotton. John E. Dewees, Mason county, Kentucky Dec'r 28, Sheaves for ships' blocks, cast iron. Francis Seymour, Plymouth, Massachusetts DeeV 29 Sv 117 Saw mill; in the reciprocating-. Wm. Kendall, Watterville, Maine Dec. 31, 1827. Steam g-enerator, impt. in tlie tubular. Field II. Tlirockmorton, New- York Jan'y 17, 1828. Spring- saddle, impt in the. Thomas Harvey, Middleton, Del'are Jan'y 24, Screw, water wheel, impt. in the. Ebenezer Beard, Charles- town, Massachusetts Jan'y 25, Stove, impt in the cooking-. Robert C. Rouse, Athens, N. York Jan'y 26, Steam engine, impt. in the. Simeon Broadmeadow, of New York Jan'y 29, 1828. Steam engine, .spring- teeth rack frame for the. William Willis, Charleston, South Carolina Feb'y 1, Steam engine, impt in. John J. Giraud, Baltimor.e Feb'y 5, Straw cuttiFig- machine. Warren Cummins, Livingston county. New. York Feb'y 11, Steam engine, impt. in the hig-h pressure, Isaiah Jenning-s, N. Y. Feb. 11, Specific steam engine, impt. in the. A. S, Kirk, Smithlield Township, Ohio Feb'y 13, Stone, machine for hammering- and cutting. Joseph Richards, Braintree, Norfolk county, Massachusetts Feb'y 20, Steam boilers for stone coal. James G. Wilson, New-York Feb'y 22, Spinning- wool and flax, machine for. Theodore Thomas Abbot, Greenland, New Hampshire Feb'y 26, Scythes and shovels, Stc. in making- cast steel. E. H. Bulkeley, Colchester, Connecticut Feb'y 28, Sugar, impt. in the mode of clarifying-, Wm. J. Mcintosh, Geo. March 7, Steam; in g-eneratinggas or. E. A. Lester, Boston March 10, Steam, inthe application of. Jos. Skinner, Mantua, Ohio March 14, Sawing- shingles, machiiie for. Cheney Read, Western, Mass. April 2, T. Tire, impt. in the machine for bending. Walter Janes, Ashford, Windham county, Connecticut July 14, 1827. Thrashing and winnowing, and flax breaking machine. Edmund Warren, New-York Aug't 11, Thrashing, impt. in the machine for. Peter Barker, Worthing- ton, Franklin county, Ohio Aug't 20, Thrashing machine, impt. in the. E. B. Pike, Litchfield, Maine Oct'r 5, Trip hammer propelled by the foot. E. Pierce and Jos. Hatha- way, Pulteney, New-York Oct'r 19, Types, impt. in the mode of casting. S. Sturdevant & Edwin Star, Boston Oct'r 23, Turning rake and hoe handles, machine for. William Shepard- son and Jos. C. Sperry, Hamilton, Nevv-\'"ork Dec'r 3, Turning rake handles, machine for. Anson Sperry, Rotten- dam, New-York Dec'r 26, Turning, impt in the mode. Jonathan Sparrow, Portl'd, Maine Dec'r 26, Thrashing grain and grass seed, machine for. David W. Webster, of Amesburg, Massachusetts Feb'y 9, 1828. Thrashing ma. impt. in the. Elias B. Hort, Charleston, South- Carolina Feb'y 18, Thrashing rice and small grain, machine for, Edmund Warren, New-York Feb'y 22, Thrashing machine, in the. Michael First, of Union Town, Md. March 3, Tobacco, in the mode of curing. Martin and Thomas Baker, Louisa county, Virginia Tongs, in cast iron. Enos H. Buel, Marlborough, Conn. Thrashing machine-, in the. WilUam Loomis, Springfield, New-York Tar Jack, called the, Hezekiah Salisbury, Springfield, Mass. Trip hammer in the. Levi Rosenkrans, Big Fiat, New-Y'ork Teeth, in terro metalhc. Anthony Plantou, Fhiladephia V. Vitualler, impt. in the Economical. Benjamin C. Burdett, City of New-York Aug't 4,1827. Vessels, impt. in the mode of heaving down. John Crownin- shield, Salem, Massachusetts Oct'r 19, March 4, March 6, March 6, M arch 8, March 17, April 5, 118 W. W. Water wheel, inclined revolving. Thomas D. Wilson, Corydon, Indiana June T', lS27i Water wheels, mode of lettingthe water on. Jacob Ammon, Rocking-ham county, Virg-inia June 8, Washing- machine, impt. in the. David Beard, of Buffaloe, N. Y, June 27, Wool, impt. in the mode of manufacturing-. John Goulding-, Dedhain, 'i^orfolk c'y, Massachusetts July 10, Wool and cotton, impt. in the machine for roping- and spinning by hand Henry Wilson, Pomfret, Chataugue c'y. New-York July 13, Water wheel, impt. in the up ar.d down. Henry Miller, Allen- ton, Northampton, Pennsylvania July 28, Wooden ware, impt. in the manufactory of hollow. Elisha Briggs, Perry, Gennessee county. New York July, 30, Water, impt. in the method of cooling. Wm. Thornton, City of Washington, District of Columbia July 31, Water wheel impt. in the. James Deniston, Sanier Township, Preble county, Ohio Aug't 22, Wool, impt. in the extracting of grease from. John Goulding, Dedham, Massachusetts Aug't 24 Wasliingmachincj impt. in the. Moses Cass, Caroline, Tomp- kins county, New-York Aug't 29, Water wheel, impt. in the screw-spiral E. Skinner, Sandwich, New Hampshire Sep't 11, Wheel, impt. in the propelling water paddle. John J. Giraud, Bidtimore Sep't 18, Washing machine. Franklin Keilsey, of Middletown, Conn. Sep't 25, Weight, propelling machinery by. Cain Broyles, Tellico, Tenn. Oct'r 19, Water wheel, mode of letting water on. Michael Hildebrand, iVlcMinn county, Tennessee Nov'rlO, Water, mode of retaining and discharging. Bradford Seymour, Westmoreland, New-York Nov'rlO, Water proof, making leather. David Kizer, Nev/-York Nov'r 19, Washing cloths and shelling corn, machine for. Benjamin Rice, Denmark, New York Nov'r 23, Warming and heating rooms, impt in. A. McAllister and J. Iggett, Salem, New-York Dec'r 15, Water proof leather and cloth, making. J. L. Comstock, Hart- ford, Connecticut Jan'y 21, 1S28. Water wheel, impt. in the. Joseph Torny, Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio Feb 'y 20, Windows' shutters, impt. in the fastenings for. Truman Bartho- lomew, New- York Feb'y 19, Wicks for candles, cotton yarn for. George Dickinson, N. Y, Feb'y 21, Water wheel, impt. in the spiral. James Kelly, Jackson c'y, Ohio Feb'y 21, Water, in the mode of purifying and filtering. Christopher Hall, Norfolk, Virginia Feb'y 22, Window sashes, cast iron. Isaac McNary, Stafford, Conn. Feb'y 23, Water, impt. in the pressure of. George M. Gibbs, Pr William Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina March 10, Wash stand, in the construction of. John Williams, Baltimore March 15, Washing, churning, working butter, ma. for, R. R. Palmer, Caroline Township, Tompkins county, New-York March 21, Washing machine; in the. Aaron Bull, Caroline, New-York March 28, Water; in the mode of raising. Jos, S. Fox, Cattaragus c'y, N. Y. April Ji, Y. Yards of vessels, mode of slinging the. Isaac Carver, junior. Prospect, Maine *" Dec'r 11, 182r. Yards of vessels, in the mode c f suspending the. Samuel Adams, Wells, Boston Jan'y 23, 1828. />x. AK.rilAHV ! K'M !.- i THK NAMES OF PALEN TEES, JFITff THE D>.rrES OF TIIEfR PATEXTS. Anderson, Alex. Sep:. 2, 1794. Jan. 25, 1801. Jan. 26, 1801. Aug^. 21» 1801. Jan/J5, ISOl. Jan.2Csl80l. Aug- 21, 1812. Aug-. 21, 1812. Oct. '27, 1813. Allivine, Lawrence. Feb. 24, 1797- Austin, Cyms. Dec. U, 1798. Abbott, Henry Jun. 24, 1799. May 4, 1802. March oO, 1813. Allison, Burg'lss. May 12, 13&'2. May 1803. Ju']y 6,1809. April 27, 1809. March 3, 1813. June 28, 1814. Apr. 10, 1818 Ditto and John Hawkins — Dec. oOy 1302. Ditto and I?. French, June 8, 1804- Ditto and W. Elliot, March 11, 1819. Aveilhe, J. J. Baptlste— Mar. 16, 1803 Aug-. 15,, 1802. Aug'. ^8, 1817. Alden, Timothy, jun. May 25, 1803 Ashbridge, William. June 28, ib. Alden, Enoch. ?sov. 15 ib. Allen, A. D. May 10. May 10, 1804 Ditto. J. Roberts, and E. Kelsey. A. ib. 1805 ih. ih. 1806 1807 1808 ib. ib. ib. ib. Sept. 2 Arthur, Daniel. May 4, Abraham, James. Dec. 20 Adams, Samuel. Dec. 28 Arnold, Thomas. IMarch 5, Arnold, Oct. 26, Ainsworth, Ruben. May 14, Armour, jun. James. June 27 Apple, Philip. July l3 Atwell, Benjamin. Sept. 19 Adams, Stedman Nov. 21 Adams, R. Dec. 8, 1808. INIarch 27, 1812 Anderson, Levi. March 23 1809 Allen, Phineas. Mav 13 ib. Ames, O. June 24J 1809. April 25, 1810. Atwell, Ben. July 18 ib. Ditto ar.d L Nichols. Oct. 14 ib. Abricks, .Vacob. Oct. 11 ib. Appleg-ate, Sam. Thomas Howard, and B. H. Wharton. Nov. 22 ih. Arnold, Josiah. April 14 1810 Antrim, P. and S. Bolton. Nov. 1 ib. ib.. ih. ib. Armi stead, Vrriliam. Nov. 13 ,1x1 »/ Arnold, Daniel C Dec. 15 ib- ■*, bbot, MUes H. Feb. 2^"> , 1 81 1^' Alger, C. March 30, ISil. May 18, 18^1 Athcrton, Dai. id. Ap.i] 26 Andrews, Mark. May 4 Armat, Tliomas. May 10 Atkinson, Joseph. Sept. .5 Averv, Alex. H. Sept oO Ande'rson, L. and D. Apr'! 20, I81i'. Allison, Nath. and Ben. ilugles. June 5 ib. ,Adam, Paul. June 19 ih. Astoln, Lawrence. No^^ . -(Inderson, Henry. Oct. 27 :b. i'lllison, R. andN. S. MavcT> 26, 1814 AJdcr, Joshua W. April 19 ib. A 3ineslev, Robert. April i?7 ' ib. Andrews,.!. May 27, 1 31-1 Aug-. 11, 1817. Aurr- 11, 1817. A^'erille, Isaac W. Nf>v. .:> jj,. An trim, Pinder. Nov. 2.S ib. Arirold, Samuel. .Ja.}. 'J5 1815 Allen, Simeon. April 1 ib. Atchison, Y/illiam. lsl?.y 23 in. Ayres, W. and J. Cochran. Oct. 6 ib. Allen, Charles Louis. Oct, 13. ib. Adams, V.'iliiam. M^ch 1 -iSlo Andrew's, James. July 15 ib. Andrus, James. July 30 ib. A.nnesley, V/illiam. Sept. 12 ib. A,?am, Pien-e. Sept. 24 ib, Ada3riSon, John. Dec. 13 ib., William, anxl Herman Grav. Aug-. 13 - 'isrr Allen, Andrew. Dec. 26 ib. Armstrong', Steplien. April 7 18X3 Ada.:!! 1, John. April 16 ■ ib. Arnold, Pele}'. Aug-. 1 ib. Audler, Ez«kiel. Oct. 21 ib. Adams, Daniel. Feb. 3 ih. Ambler, James. TJay 29 ih. B. Bailev, Francis.' Jan. 29, l79l. July Biddis, .T. h. 3l,'l309. Oct. 9, 1806. 10,1791. Bed well Tlioma-. Brigs, Samuel. August 2, 1791 Aug. Bailey, Joiin. Feb. 23, 1792. .March Brouwer, Sam 5, 1310. J me 19, 18:2. 27, I8l2. 4 Batterman, C'nrist. Ja.:.. 17, 1?9 '•. Aug. 17, 1793. Nov II. * B Babcock, Ebijah. Dec. 2, 1793. Bkldis, John. March 31, ir94. INlay 6, 1800. March 22, 1S02. Bvjiig'ton, Jared. Jan. lo, 1796. Dec. ^53, 1796. Jan. 12, 181 8. Bedwei!, Thomas. April 20, 1796. Back. 15, Elijah. May 31, 1796. Brunei, Marc IsambarJ. Tsl'ov. 16, 1796, April 27, 1793. .January 17, J799. Bourke, Theobald. Nov. 16, 1796. Bifjelow, John. Nov. 19, 1796. Becker, William. March 11, 1797. Betts, Silas- Marcii 18, 1797. Brig:gi, Nathaniel. March 28, 1797. June 17, 1809. Octo;)er l3, 18l3. Burt, Walter June 23, 1797. Bruff, July 1, 1797. Jan. 8, 1798. Sept. 14, 1801. July 24, l8t)7. Oct. 5, 1808. June 4, 1813. Blydenbvrg-, Samuel. March 22, 1798. Sept. 12, 1810. Brewster, Walter. Jane 7, 1798. Bank3, William. Dec. 14, 1798. Bolitho, Ben. Feb. 7 1800 B'rown, Jer. May 14 ib. Butler, Frederick. Aug". 22 i5. Brookfield, Aaron. Oct. 24 id. Bedwei], Thomas, and Ben. Ilenfrey. Feb. 12 1801 Baker, I. May 8, 1805. Feb. 20, 1802 Brings. Samuel, jun. Oct, 24 ib. Belf, Wra. and J. S. Be M»ntmolUn. A»ril 7, 1802. Ditto. Mar. 7, 1805. Belts, Hezetiuh. May 3, 1S02. Ditto. Sept. 13, 1803. Ang. 29, 1804. Beureaa, Nicholas. August SO, 1802. Aug-. 21, 1804. Bartlett, Eiisha Olive Otis and George. Fcbruaiy 17, 1803 Bent, .Siiss. March 7 ib. Brewer, Daniel. April 22 ib. Beebc, Elipha.let. April 27 ib. Bai-ney, Matiievv. Mav 4 ib. Biddls, John, T. Bedwell, and W. Mitchell. June 7 ib. Brown, Sam. and E. and T. Yr est. July 8 id. BeU,WiI;iaui. Nov. 24, 1803. Nov. 25. Nor. V5, - Buckman, David. D-:c. 21 ih. Bcverie'y, JoJ.n. Dec. 26 ib, Beatley, I^tonard. Jan. l9 1804 Benger, Shomas. 3^i..\.^5 ih. Barner':, Thf«iias. Feb. 21 ih. B-oItOiij Joliii, juR. Sept. 29 ib. Ere .vn, Abel. October 17 ib. Bellows, Jos. jun aiid E. White. Dec. 29 " ib, Bennocfc, John. June 1, 1805 B&i-tlet. Sam. Oct. 1, iS05. Jay 13, irfv.'B. Jan. 15, 18ij9. BelJr, Beraphiu). Nov. 7 ib. nel, l^^.:-i>. Feb. 8, IBOS Br3-ant, E- Jan. l3, 1806. Marck iiB, 1818. March 28, 1820. Burr, Theodore. Feb. 14 1806 Buck, R. May 29, 1806. June ^^ 23, 1307 Brown, Levi. May 30 ib. Bedford, John. July 1(5 ib. Brown, David, iun. Feb. 5 1807 Beath, John. Feb. 7 ib Button, Richard. Feb. 11 ib. Buffum, Arnold. Feb. 21 ib. Burtis, Barent and Gersham. Feb. 1.7 ib. Bi-elow, E. April 1, 1807. Jan. 29, 1817. Beattv, T. April 25, 180*7. Oct. 5, 1818. Bevit, Enoch.' June 23 ib. Beach, C. June 26, 1807. Nov. 20, 1809. Butland, James. Nov. 12 ib. Blake, Anson. Nov. 27 ib. Bernard, Benjamin B. Nov. 30 ib. Boucheric, Antoine. Jan. 8, 180S Jan. 30, 1809. Jan": 31, 1809 Barnnm, Eli. Jan. 9 ib. Bent, W^m. Feb. 2i, 1808. Sept. 9, 1813. Bamum, Kdi, andB Brooks, March 21, 1808. July 13, 1808. Barnet, Oliver, jun. March 23 ib. Bailey, John, jun. May 14 ib. Barber, t am. and N. U. Thompkins. June 1 ib. Burt, David. June 22 ib, Brewster, A. July 11, 1808. July 13, 1813. Bolton, John. Aug. 2 ib- Barker, Wrn. Aui,-. ~-6, 1808. Aug. 12,1815. 10, 1818. Bishop. G. Sept. 7, 1808. April 17, 1809. Burtis, William Oct. 3 ib. Browii,Wm. Dec. 8, 1808. Nov. 20 ib. Bennett, Isaac. Dec. v2 ib. Badger, W. Dec. 26, 1808. Feb. 16, 1809. Blanchard. James. Jan. 14, 1809 Bolton, Sunruel. Jan. 16. July 7, ib. Berritf-^; Richard. Feb. 13 ib. Blodget, Az'.al, Feb. 16 ib. Burnett, John March 3 ib. Beecher, J<;bn. March 18 ib. Buckmar, William. March 23 ib. Bachelor, Lemviel. April .24 ib. Broad, a'. June l4, 3809. Jr.ne6, 1814. Brovv'n, Geo',.e;e. Jji-e 16 ISOg Barthoiou'ew, Truman. Ju'iel7, ^ib. Bissel, Luther. June 2)% 1809. June 7, IBM. 3, ]8i3. Barrett, William. .'Jiine 2,'- ^^ib. Bernard, t\ Juiy 7, 1809. Nov. _^^^| 17, I8l0 ; Ji.n.'l6,4.:iii. H III. Balcomb, Jacob. Jiilv 13 1806 Bakewell, W. L, Aug. 18 ib. Barlow, Jonatlian. Aug-. '23 ib. Bisbee, Isaiah. Nov. '2U ib. Belknap, S. Dec. 28, 1809. April 8, 18.4. Barber, Oliver. Jan. 8, 1810 Barnuui, T. S. Jan. 18, 1810. Jan. 15, 1812. Baldwin, Svlvanus. March 17 ib. Beck, J.&, J. Copping-er. Mar. 19 ib Beach, Joseph. March 30, 1810. Jan. 24, 181 1. Battle, M. April 2, 1810. March 27, 1812. Ditto. Brown, Ephraim. April 10 ib. Brainard, J. April lo, 1810. Oct. 4, J817. Bernard, Cromwell. April 17 ib. Bremler, F. April 24, 18 iO. Jan. 21, 181'i. Aug-. 22, 1316. Basford, E. & E. Johnson. Apr. 28, ib. Basford, Ebenezer. April 28 ib. Bennett, Morris, jun. May 1 ib. Burke, H. June 18, IS 10, May 25, 181 1 Buel, Sa.nuel. July 7 ib. Bogenrciiie, Valentine. Jivly 10 ib. Kacon, Ephraan. July 26 ib. Black, Jeremiah. Aug-. 2 ib. Bernard, P. and T.Soper. Jan. 16 1811 Burley, Natlr. Jan. 24 ib. liinnv, Archibald. Jan. 29, IBU. Feb. 4, 1811. May 17, 1814. ib. Bacon, Samuel. Feb. 9 ib. Belknap, Stephen and Sam. Merrill. Feb. 15 ib. Beach, William. Feb. 19 ib. Blanch, Noel. March 2 ib. Bovnton, John. March 30 ib. Baicy, W. April 10, 1811. Feb. 4, 1817. Baroer,' Joseph. April 10 ib. Bernard, Joseph. Api'il lO ib. Balthrope, John. May 22 ib. Bascom, lit^rvey. June 10 ib. Baxter, John George. June 22 ib. Bergii, C and S. Schermerhorn, jun July 2 ib. Butler, Aii^thony. Nov 7 ib. Bell, Benjamin. Nov. 7 ib. Barrett, O. jun. Dec. 3. Dec. 8 ib. Bonis, J Jan. 6, 18 12. Dec. 30 1812 Barker, ph. Jan. 10 ib. Beale, Josiah. Jan. 15 ib. Belknao; M. B. Jan. 15, I8I2. June 13, 18 12. Brewster, Gilbert, Guy Trumbull, and James Mather, .laniiary 16 ib. Brown, Geo. M. Adams, 'siar. 19 ib. Baldwin, wSylvimus, and E. Town. May 6 ' jb. Bailc}', llobert. Mar 15 ib. Bolton, .\mos. June 19 ib. Brown, John. Aug. S, 1312. I\Iav 12, 1S13. Feb. 24, 1815. June 12, 1818. July 22, 1819. Butler, Jiiaies. Sept. 9 1812 liarron, vVilliam A. Sept. 10 ib. 13ostick, Gersliam. Sept. 28 id. Booth, Georgtt. Oct. 13. Do. ih. Browning, Saauiel. Oct. 13 ib. Barber, T A. and Silas S. Ford- ham, Oct./] 5 ib. Bates, John. Jan. 2G 1813 iiains, Allt^i!, Sain. Gray and Japez Clark. Feb. 3 /i. Badg-er, Williazn. March 2 ib. Bronough, J. \V. and J. Talb«t. March 16 ib. Bamford, Joseph. March IS ib. Blanchard, Thomas May 4. 1313. Sei)t. 6, 1819. Sept. 6, 1820. BrJg"gs Sheoai'd. .May 27 ib. Brigga S. and A. Gteci. May 2§ ib. Bissel, L., J. Hinman and Benoni Gaii\s. June 19 ib. Broad, J. June 25, I3I3. Nov. 4, I8I3. March 1, 1814. Beldon, Thomas. Aug". 18 ib. Burnham, A. and T. S. Barnuna. Dec. 31 ib. Brush, J. C. Jan. 23, 1814. Au^. 19, 1819. Bryant, Eben. Feb 8, 18!4. Mar, 18, 1318. March i8, 1820, Baker, Peter. Feb. 19 ib. Brjggs, Daniel. Feb. 19, ib. Butier, Joiin and James. Mar. 1 ib. Brown, Brig'htberry. March 21 id- Brown, Sidney B. April 2 ib' Bl cker, John. April 12 ib. Breasted, Peter. April 18 ib. Burn-iUi st, Tiioniaa, an 1 J. and W. W'aiker. JMay 4 i^. Barber, Oliver. May 13 ib. Beale, Thomas, jMay 2$ ib. Brig'g.s Joseph. Juiy 9 ib. Bronsan, H., and J. Curtis^. Aug-. 22, ib. Bcilter, Wuiiani. Oct.. 21 ib, ILizin, J« hn, jun. Oct. 23 ■ ib. Bronsan, Sahnon. Nov. 25 ib. BrO'.vning-, --^amuel. Nov. 25 ib. Beaumont, James. Dec. 3 ib. J'>nrfr, John. Dec. 16 ib. Bonki, Aug-iistti.s. Dec. 24 ib. ir.rkhead, Levin. Dec. 30 io. Brown, Enos. Jan 23 1815 Burk, Aaron. Feb. 11 ib, Blydenburg-, Samuel, and H. Healy. Feb. 20 ib. Bake\yell, Thomas. March 3 ib. Barnum. T. S. and Elea. Smith. April 4 ib. r.iov/nwell. Josepli. rilaylS ib. Be/.eau, V'iiliam. June. 13 ib. Boyden, Setli, jun. J\me 27 id. IV. C a nn Stephen Hinmau. JvAy IT Bar- ' JtolomeV, E. "and Daniel H. M iil_er. Aug-. IG/ISI5. Dllti/. Bald vv'hi, Srjranus. Aut^. IS- Brya) s, Jo])ie! and Joh\)^ X\ig. 25 Bqrto. Ui Edvvard. O<;toherl-i Bryan, ^ John. :; J: : Brews ter,Joh.-u Cc:. :";:) Babcoc'JCj Alvan. rCr^v. 6 Barney';, Joh;i. ■:: - . '2/ Big-eiow^ ,;ng- : .. cj ,. Burrall, Edw: : ^^^, :?5 Bonnel, Sylva:. ^^ ,'t'\ Bean, K]!3lia. Mi.rdi. Brewster, Samxiei, >, : : ilack, Alcsandc?. A ; il 4 J 815 18io Bryant, Wiiu:i Beard, Oavid Sa^chelor, Wau...^ Burt- EDOch. M V 2S Via-ii Benton, Caleb and W. A. ?.f;;7 «: Beecher, Beiijariiln D. M'.r- 3 J Barker, Enhriiirn. Jid^- i'> " j5. .Bl'ocd, Av;\i Barron, J. i 2 ^ 1819. Browne, R Irltz, Adam T;a.- 18, 18!6. Feb. 20, 1819. Unan. July 13 JuIvlS Bills, Artenias. Ju;y 29 Ba-rnett, Josej)]!. Brox^'H, i'c^er A. Eowhay, v'Uua..^ Balcli and Cartxi;% Abe). Bro'.vn, f i. '."g-e V\'. V -^ B r o w n , ' i ' h o m . IS . IJ e ^ c 3 Baker, James/ J?.n. io. Brown, James. M'rvrcs! 3 Burr, Tiieodare. April 3. April 3 bepieinacv i Ociober y Oc'ober 14 ().ic'K>r Jo Novr-v/'i . 2: 2^. i/j. ih. lb. ih. ib. ib. ih. Blancliard, Abel. 3Iay 17 IS17 Beckwitii, Jusiah. May 15 th. E'zss, Jeroma. June 17 ' ib. Brig-g-s, Samuel and ii^saac. Ma}- 28 ib. Ba;i'n, r. and James .A- Oct. 20 . ib. Buahy, Charles' Aug-iTt fa. Oct. 25 ib. Bn-vVton, A. & II. C. GiAcer., Dec. 5, ib. Black, J. Jan. 17 iS18. April 23 1819 Brookes, Edw. Jan. 2i> Bi,g>elow, Alpheus. Feb. 13 Beatt}', V. and M. Shanks. Feb. Baldwin, James. March 7 Babcock, John. March 18, Bradley, I'almoii. April £1 Bedford; John. June 2 lireithler, J. G. June 13 Brown, Hirft/Ti. July2-i> Bryant, J.J. i Sept. 2 Bui'iiet, Jain^Sy Sept. 15 "Be-LTsel, Bavid. "October ?6 '-._;■:, y/b.,rt. ?rcv. 6 ''■' ;:."i/-. -y " '. "-^^ ' ;"v. Kov. 17 iiO\v::e, it. and J. Murphy. Kov. Brovro-.veiij, Jacob-. Kov. 26 BarthohunevA'-, Ai Dec. 1 BishOi% Naphtah. Jan. il :nas. Feb. 3 Bp . Bc.v.;^-.. , Henry. Feb. 3, Barker, i -: ;->. E." Feb. 19, Brower, Joan. Feb, 19 Bartholo:;ncw, Jacob. Feb. 27 Baker, 1'. T. April 12, Brovn, Sdixrand. April ':!>^^ Batby,-Antnine. May '26 Baldwin, Thouias. June 22 Ba77, Eicharil.^ Aug-. 21, Bergen, Curnelius. Nov. II, Biag-g", ./ohn. January 4 BnfV'.im, Arnold, and Jer. Kelly. x'/'i.i, \", ib, Ji. 0'-;son, Ucman* 'March 8 ib. liruce, Geori^e. April 4 ib. By rain. Jo'm, Imd Syl. D. Fuller April 4 ib. 1818 ib. 5 ib. ib,- ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. S ib. ib. ^ib. 1819 ih. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib, ib. ib. ib- ib. 1820 (';i:dwei]. *;air>e!i!: Jan. .cw, i/--;,i. (.'oils, Christopher. Jan. 26, ir93. Carnss, Jo'nn, jnn. /■ yvrU 11, 1793. CiariieJ Johii.' A;;;:,. i3, ir93. May 19, 18J3. Tox, Zacharia. iMarch M, ITQl. C'^i; Te/er. Nov. 16, 1756. Ch;in^!]..'r, George. Dec. 13, i7Q6. ^/u'tis, Jonathan W. A'jt^. 24, 17„7. Ciark, Aaron. ^Marci) 3w, i7'98. CooJey, S. .hme 6, 179!?. Kov C, 1833. Colyer, Steven. Dec. J 4, i^vi). Ciiafie, lieviland. Dec. i.6, I.', .'9. Constant, tiilas. Feb. -h l'')0 (:Oi Coates C^ru'l Jan. ir, :. Bee. 22 ]\:r\. j)ec. 28 ^•vd. r CO. 23 , . ;c.::n, April 1, 1802. Feb. 3 J :3 .;;;>;:, Asa W. Nov. 2§ ')rs7 Wiiliarn. Dec. 13 , James. I^ec- 14 ;A'::'.nnin. Feb. 1 J.iLn. March n '\ 1801 ib. ib. IS02 Co Corninc:, Ezrg, jun. (./irk, J'Mi'' , Cieveiaud, '.-•/-..■ Coit, i::a;.ici. C--. Cook, A'a-antinc. ib. ib. ib. 1803 ib. ib. ib. June 13 Jidy 1 i'Aans, July 20 ib. Sept. 9 ib. 5 ib. ♦Tov. 1 ib, )3. Oct. 25, 1 BOS. c Curtii, James, ju!i. Dtc. 10 1803 Coates, Moses, and Evan E\'an&. April 30 1804 Crafts, Kchvard, j\in. .May 12 ib. Chambovlaine, Saniael. Dec. 31 ib. Gopes, Josepli. May 2 1805 Ci'iinc, Ilobert, jun. May 4 ib. Churcli, Samuel, iMay. 4 ib. Coolcy, William. May 'Z7 ib. Coopf^r, John. May '22 18w6 Cutting-, Nath. July i-k Ang\I4 ib. Carendeffez, The Baron Alixis. Sept. '3, 1806. Oct. 12, I8or. Colvin, Charles. April 1, I30r Craig". Alex. April 15 ib. Cleaveland, Josiah. June 6, 1807. July IS, ISOr. Oct. 22, 1816. Crawlord, O'Divaiah. J arte '22 ib. Connor, ^en- July 20, 1307. Aug. 26, IS>:3. Cutler, Bael.- Oct. 3 ib. Cady, Eleazer, jun. March 9, 1803 Cohoon, T. April 11, I30S.. April IJ, [808. Aoril 14, 1308. Jan 5, I8II. Jan. 25, 1813. Coolidge, William. April IS ib. Cruttenden, Timothy. April 23 ib. Cob, David. April 2i ' ib. Cunning'haai, Robert P. May 18 ib. Cleveland, Dyer. July 7 ib Cobb, J. AFuiy n, I80S. March I, 1809. ^ Coon, Jacob. Aug-. 6 ib. Cone, Josiah. Aug-. 26 ib. Chandler, A. and Samuel Shepard. Sept. 16 ib. Cobb, G. Sept. 7, 1808. April 24, 1309. Calender, Elisha Oct. 3 ib. Cooper, Charles. Nov. 4 ib Chamberlain, Samuel. Nov. 21 ib. Cheneweth, Itiohard 13. Nov. 25 ib. Couch, S. and A Towne. Dec. 10, ib. Chappel, Kichard S. Jan. 18, 1809 Crafts, Moses. Feb. 14 ib. Chard, Hugh. Feb. 16 ;/a Cutter, Ephraim. March 1 ib. Coudon, S. March 3, March 3, ib. Cowperthwaite, Job. March 23 ib. Chatfield, Grin. May 15 ib. Cleveland, James B. June 7 ib. Canfield, J. June 26, June 28 ib. Chamberlain, William. ' June 28 ib. March 17, 1810. Corneau, Joseph and S. S. Hallet. Corneau, Joseph. Aug-. 17. Aug. 23,1817. March 6.1818. Cruttenden, Stephen. Aug-. 25 ib. Copmg-er, Joseph. Oct. 31. Do. ib. Nov. 2i, .\ov. 23. March 19, I8I0. Cady, Asa. Dec. 27 ib. Cook, Elisha. Jan. 20 1810 Comfort, Joseph. Jan. 25 1811 Comfort, J. Jan. 26, 1810. Feb. 26, loll. Cutter, Ephraim. Feb. li;, Sept. 27, 1611. Feb. 4. 181^. Clark, David. April 2. Do. ib. Clark, Anson. April 10 ib. Clark, Murti:i. April 21 ib. Carrey, Samuel. April 24 ib. Cooler, D. June 18, i 810. Oct. 24, I8I4 Cooper, Charles, 1). June. 27 ib. Chase, Berry. June 25 ib. Coolcy, Abieli A. July 18 ib. Curtis, P. C. Nov. 17, 1811. May 18, 1816 Clap, Joseph. Nov. 2i. Nov. 16 ib. Cannon, George. Dec 27 ib. Chandler Joseph. Feb. 4 1811 Cleveland, Lewis. Feb. 7 ib. Gumming's, B. Mar. 2,1 812. Oct. 3, 18^7 Cock, Towusend. March I ib. Cook, Lyman. March 26. March 28 ib Ciaiborue; W. Presley. Nov. 8 ib. Crosb'e, Richard. Jan. 6. Feb. 17 I8I8 Curtis, Jiinia, and Royal Yeamans, Feb. 8 ib. Crafts, Chauncy. Feb. 10 ib. Clements, Stephen. March 16 • ib. Ghickering-, N. and D. March 9 ib, Carrie, Samuel. March 28 ib, Campbell, Asa. Mavch 28 ib. Clark, Hd. April 2, 1812. April 27, ISIl. March 28, 1818 Cannon, Ben. April 23 ib. Carrin^^ton, J, April 27 ib . Cobb, Elkanah. April 29 ib. Confield, Kussel. Jday 1 ib. Conris, Edward Morris. May 6 ib* Cunni;ig-hani, J. and Sam. Edmon- ston. June 22 ib. Clark, S. and N. Kirk, 'vdy 18 ib. Cornell, Gideon, July 22 ib. Cooper, C and G. Shaake, Aug-. 22 ib. Cox, John Redman. Oct. 16, ib. Christy, Hobert. Nov. 21, ib. Cavriei*, Amri. Nov. 2 I8I3 Church, Eli. March 18 ib. Chambers, .Joseph C. March 23 ib. Cram, David. April 15 ib. Comstock, S. and M. Pike. April 15 ib. Cabell, J. I. May 28, 1813. June 10, 1814. Ch evens, Henry. July 13 ib Glvarchman, Caleb and Geo. Mar- tin, jun July 16 ib. Can-ington, D and 1. Ives. Aug-. 20 ib. Corkings, Ezra B. Oct. 8 ib. Coleman, John. Dec. 31 ib. Carleton, Jededlah. Jan. 21 1814 Coulter, J. and S. Gano. April 18 ib. Cooper, David. May 12 ib> ri. D Coleman, E. B. May 13 I8I4 Curtis, Joel. August 22 ' ib. Curtis, J. and D. Bradley, Aug. 22 ib. Carman, James. Oct. 12 ib. Craig", Seth. October 18 ib. Chappins, John Francis. Nov. 8 ib. Cornwall, William* Dec, 15 ib. Coilin, John 3. Api-il 12 1815 Calden, Cad. D. May 19. June 2 ib. Cooper, C. and G. Siialk. May 31 ib. Curds, Junica. Aug-ust 8 ib. Clufi', iMathew. September 1 ib. Cornell, A. and Hiram K. Cornell. Jan. 15 1816 Cory, Eleakim. M^v30 ib. Charters, George. July 8 ib. CuTtis, Lemuel. July 12 ib. Carberry H. & W. Fathan. July 19 ib. Chapman, Samuel. Aug". 30 ib. Chandler, Stephen. Sept. 20 ib. Crornweil, John. Oct. 23 ib. Cruse, Englchart- Nov. 18 ib. Dickerson, J. July 30 ir91. Feb. 9, 1-96. Dove, Samuel G, Oct. 20 1792 Dorr, Jonathan. Oct. 23 ib. Davenport, James. F«b, 14 1794 Drake, James. May 9 ib. Davis, J. April 14, 17^6. May IB, I8I0. Dawson, Robert. May 12 1796 Dcllet, James, Dec. 23 1796 Da Val, B. May 3, 1797. Feb. 14, 1799. Oct. 29, 1804. April 26, 1808. Dulhuier, Henry. Aug. 18 1797 Dixey, John. Jan. 24 1798 Dearborne, B. Fjb. 14, 1799. April 30, 1799. Apr. 26, ] 808. June 20, 1816. March 24, 1819. Duty, Andrew W. May 8 1799 Deneaie, J. J. July 10, ISOO. Nor. ^ 20, 1804. Dec. 4, 1806. July 1, 1809. Downing, S. June 12, 1801. April 19,1802. June 12, 1802. DuPre, L. May 12, :802. Feb. 3, 1807 3)u Buc Maren'tille, Abram. Dec. 23, 1802. March 18 1803 De la Bigaree, Peter I. B. M. Pe- cornele. ,^ J arch 24 ib. Day, Agustus, Wm. Bache and I. Todd June 15 ib. Dyer, W. B. Feb. 27 1804 Dean, Daniel S. Feb. 29 ib. Daniel, Phineas. March 31 ib, Deaver, John. July 12 ib. Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. Nov. 23 - ib. Deane, William. Nov. 4 1805 Dexter, G. B. Dec. 18, 1805. Oct. 9 1805 Dickey, Samuel March 7 ib. Corn well, William. Dee. 14 1816 Cromwell, Charles. Jan. -iT I8I7 Christman, Daniel- Feb. 8 ib. CoiiooUj and Elliot. April 12 ib. Cruttenden, Timothy. May 12 ib. Collins, James. June 10 ib. Child, Lewis. Oct. 4 . ib. Collins, Daniel. Jan. 6 I8I8 Cox, Benjamin. March 28 ib. Culien, John. May 4 ib. Ciere, H, and P. Ricardi. JMay 25 ib. Church, William. July 11 ib. Clark, James. July 31. Nov. 30 ib. Cudlip, J. and G. Price. Nov. 18 ib. Colbert, Robert. March 17 I8I9 Caze, James. March IS ib. Cook, David. April 16 ib. Clarkson, William K. June 26 ib. Craft, George B. Oct. 9 ib. Cummings, Jacob A. Nov. 3 ib, Grain, Eleazer. Jan. 10 1820 D. Dawson, James. Nov. 6 1806 De Miroth, Lewis. Feb. S 1807 Dimlap, Henry. April 23, 1807. August 27, 1812. Dorr, Kussel. May 8 ib. Dodge, Jordon. July 8 »b. Ijodgt, Samuel. Feb. 9 1808 Dana, S. W. Aug. 30 ib. Devotie, John. Dec. 5 ib. Dickerman, Hez. Dec. 27, 1808. May 9, 1809. Dotterer, Henry. Feb. 16, 1809. May 1, 1810. De Reinier, Samuel. May 15 1809 Dewey, D. June 27, 1809. July 5 18 13. Dec. 7, 1813. Mar 16, 2818. De. Spvvignac, P. A. July 13 iH. Decatur, S. and W. Tatham. Oct II ib. Dyster, Joseph Joshua. Feb. 23 1310. Feb. 9, 1820. Drurr, Winsor. Afarck 19 I8I0 Downer, Klisha. April II ib- David, Jchn. May 5, ib. Dov/, P July 12, 1810. Aug. 15, ib. Day, Augustus. Jan, 19 I81I Dewey, Shermon. March 2 ib. i')unlap, Andrew. May 3 ib. Dungan, David. May 23 ib. Dana, Jacob A. July 23 ib. Decker, Jacob. Sept. 2 jb. Dod, Di.n. Nov. ^9, 18II. May 12, 1812. Feb. 2, 1&I3. ib. De Lacy, John 1>. JMarch 28 I8J2 Dudley, Ambrose. ;.lavch 31 ib. Dunn, W. April 1, 1812. April 8 1SI3. Davidson, John. April 3 ib. Dickerson, Lemuel. July IS ib. De Silver, Robert. Sept 14 ib. Vll. Dcnison, Erastus. Dec 30 Dempse}^, Stephen. Feb 4 l)e Witt, Simon. April 3(» Dniniwond, John. July 14 Durring", Edmond. Jan. ?l Deane, Ezra January 13 Derby, Joseph H. March 26 Dowers, John, jun. April 23 Davey, Jacob. April 7 Duprev, Joel M. April 13 De Butts, Klisha. May 5 Dexter, Willaby. May 17 Dudley, Enther. May 27 Deeruig-, fiichard. Alav 28 Dunham, D. June 28, ISIJ. Davis, William. J.anuary 24 Dunoan, William arid J. Davidson. May 29 Densmore, A. July 29 Ditto. Doulery, John L. Sept. 21 Donaldson, Richard A. and J. L. Wheeler. Sept. 25 Demund, Joseph and S. Demand. Jan. 17 Du Commun, Joseph "Feb. 10 Drake, G. Mar. 14 1816. Feb. 28 I8ir. Oct. 26 1818. 1813 iH. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ik. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. i6. 1815 id. ib. ib. ib. ISIg ib. Dalmas, Charles. April 2i I8I« Derbv, Joseph H. April 30 ib. Dalie", Silas. May 28 ib. Draper, Isra. June 7 ib. Davis, S. Jan- 22 1817 Mar. 28 1813 Detroismonts, Louis I) April 5 I8I7 Dearborn, JoWi M, May 3 ib. DariTiand, Charles. Aug*. 7. ib. Dow, P. and 1). Treadwell. Aue*. 8 ib. Durand, J. V. Oct. 3 I8I7. Jan. 17 1818. Donahlson, Alexander. Jan. 15 Durand Cyrus. March 17 Deprest, Kenner, Et. Mav 9 Davis, G. May 26, 1818. May 26 Dwight, J. UTul Sullivan. July 17 Deverin, J. and Baptiste Isabelle. Jidv 6 ISIS ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. Dana, Dow, and A. Olney. Aug*. 24 ib. Drummond, Jomes. Aug- 27 ib. Dayton, Gile.% jun. March 18 ISI^ Decker, Israel. April 3 ib. Dexon, Peter. July 16 ib. Dcming", Gcorg'e. July 22 ib. Draper, Sirneon. Aug". 26 ib. Duplat, Marc Marie. March 16 I82i> Day, Henry and Jacob. April 4 ib. E. Evans, Olirer. Dee. 18, 1790. May 28, 1796. Jan. 16, 1800. Feb. 14,1804. Jan. 22, laOS. Aprd 15. I8II. Ellicot, Joseph. March 25, 1795. Eaton, James Feb. 16, 1796 Elliot, Richard. Nov. 16, 1797 Ellis, Wm. Jane 26, 1799 Ellicott, David. May I, 1801. Eveleth, John. June 13, I80I. Feb. 27, 1806. April 2S, I8I2. Ellicott, i^cn. Mav 12, 1802. Eve, J. Dec. 6, 1803. May 28, 1818. Earl, Pliny. Dec. 6 1803 Elg-ar, Joseph. Dec. 16 ib Eaton, Jos. April 14 1804 Evans and Coates. See Coates. Eg.G^leston, Ben. jun. May 27 /Edward, John. Mav 19 Ellis, Jon. Feb. 10 ' Elliot, Richard R. Feb. 28 Erwin, !l&zen Dec. ^^8 Elg-ar, Jus. sen. and John Elg-ar. September I, 1806 Ellis, Sar.i. November 25 ib. Elliot, Jon. Jan. 8, ISIO. Feb. 15, 1811. Easton. Peleg-. Feb. I Easterly, George. February 5 Ennalls, Joiieph. April 10 Eaton, WilTam. Oct. 29 Eastman, Abicather. April 8 Ellis, Abner. June 6 Evans, Jonathan. Jan. 6 ElUot, J allies, jun.. >£ay_^26 1805 1806 1807 ib., J808 Edwards, Wm. Oct. 19, I8I2. Dec. 30, 1813. April 5,. ISIS. Sept. II, 1817. F.Uiot, Wm. February 15 I8l3 Edmoiiston, Sam. S. Sept. 1, I8I3. April 3, 1819. Earl, Wiliard, Septembers ib. Ewing", John, and David Dickey. October 2 ib, Ewell, Thomas. Dec. 7 ib. Eckstein, F , and J. M'llhenney. October 12 I8I4 Eaton, Theophllus. December 7 ib. Elgar, N. June 19, 1815. July 25 1815 Elgar, John. June 2 1 ib. Ebert, John. Se;>tember 8 ib. Enters, Lewis, and Wm. Zig-Ier. September 23 ib. Ellicot, Thos. February 17 1816 February 24 ib. ^priln ib. A;»ril 50 MaylS, ISlli. June 1810 ib. ib. ib. isn ib. 1812 ib. Eels, Samuel. Eldei-, Johv. Ewing, John. Elliot. AIo.scs 1818. Edwards, Josm. August 22, IS16. Nov. 19, IBlo. May 25, 1813. February 17, 1820. Eilicott, Georg-e. September 23 E\vinp:s, James. Feb. 10 EaglesonsW'ilk. R. October 4 Elliot, Rufu.s. Fehi'uary 14 EofT, John. Mai ch 15 Eastman, Cyruc'. April 16 Evans, Jokn, April 21 ifa. ih. isir ib. Ibis io. ib. ib. vin. FG Everard, Francis A. April 'U Eilicott, Evaa J . April 2* Ellis, Josepli. xiprii 26 1S18 Eames, Thomas. April 29 1*18 ib. Eastman, Robert, and Jos, Jaqultt. ib. March 16 1820 Fitch, John. Aug"ust 26, I79I Folder, B. Jan 2,1799. ^1}M7, 1804 Farrin.prton, T. May 9, 1792 F«ane': Ja.nes. Septeiaber 21, 1794 Fowler, John. Nov. 16, 1796 Jan. 4,1810. Feb. 24, 1797. Frobisher, Wm. Xov. ,17, 1796. French,!). Dec. 23, 1796. July 25, 1803. Oct. 9, 1805. Oct. 12, Is()9. ■ Aug-. 2': V^). Api'ii -^l. 1817. Frost, Jas'Mi. "Ztc. 3", r?6 Faris, Win. April 29, 17^.7. May 17, 1799. Fling-, Lester. December 19. 1797. Fairman, G. and J. Ilatto]!. Jau, «, 1802^ Fobes, X. Au^ 2, 1802. Dec 31, 3804. French, Rich., and J. J. Hawkins. Alay 17 1803 Frost, AbrahaiTi. ^iLi-ch 19 180.4 Folg-er, Laban. Noveniber 1 ib. Fairbanks, John. Nov. 30, 1803. April 21, 180S. Aug-. 14, 1810. Forg-er, Michael. IMay 10 1805 Folson, Win. J. nnd John IlayJen. Dec. 17 ' ib. Finn, Wiili- ■". February 13 1806 Fales, Char!.-;:. Febrn.^ryU 1807 Fisher, Abraham. Febraaiy 19, ib. Fox, Joel, jun. FeT^ruary 25 ib. Freytag-, Michseh July 1 - ib. Fro thing-bam, .San"i , and G. Harris. April i>0 1808 Flower, 'Wliljam. May 14 ib. .' Fir.ley, James. June 17 ib. Frost, Esa. Sej^tember 21 ib. Fourestier, Eli. November 17 ib. . Farnham, Joseph. Kovember 23 ib, Fulton, R. and N. Cuttiw^'. Mar. 4 ib. Farnham, joel. January 7 1809 Fulton, Robert- Feb. "ll, 1309. February 9, 1811. Fales, James. February 22 ib. Few, William. March 1 ib. Fester, Nathaniel. June 28, 1809. July 8, 1813. Freeman, Timotliy- June 30 ib, Farra, Atkinson. ' Dec. i ib. F. Ford, Ebenezer. Dec. 21 1809 Farwell, Leonard. March 5 1810 Fairbank, Benjamin. .^Tarcli 5 ib. Flas-g, Josiah and Jos. Flag-g-, jun. ^'lay 17 ib. Fairchild, Reuben, and Ebenezer, June I . ib. Frisbie, Jeremy. June 30 ib. .Foster, Ben. Daniel, Washburne, Noi'j 0." Ilockwellj and J. O. Walker,^ Aug-. l6 ib. Fuller, Sal. Feb. 19, 1811. Nov. 14, 1814. Ferris, Thomas. Aug. 20, 1811 ib. Freman, Erastus, Y. April 10, ib- Ford, J. and J. Vv'hite, Nov. 25, ib. Fink, Henrr Jan. 6, 1812 Francis, Wii-iam June 23, ib., Yi. &. Get. 20, ib. Fisher, Charies F. July 12 1813 Foster, Wm. jun. and Leonard. Aug. 20 ib. French, Lewis. >»Jay IS 1814 Fitch, Samuel ^'ct.'29 ib. Frvmnuth, Benjam^in E. Dec. 22 ib. Fifller, Jacob. l\?arch 19 I8I6 Flag-g-, Calvin June 29 ib. Eisner Schuyler. July 15 ib. Fairlamb, Samuel. Oct. 24, ib. Farrington, Elijah. Oct. 26. ib. Fountain, D. and M. April 5, 1817 Francis, Wm. July 11, ib. Franklin, Henry P. and William , B. Winsor, Aug-. 8, ib. Fettrov/, Andrew, Jlay 28, -ib. Farnham., Henry. Sept. 5, ib. Finigan, James. Oct. 8, ib. Foster, Aaron. Nov. 25 ib. Eraser, W. L. March 19, ^ 18l9 Fahnestock, Samuel. April 23, ib. Foster, A. W. and J. H-ugus, April 26 ib. Forrester, Lot. May 15 ib. Field, Henry. June 17 ib. Fulton, Gardiner. Aug 21 ib. Foot, Nison. October 28 ib. French, D. and P. Bliss. Jan. 22 1820 Eraser, Simon. March 23 ib' Fry, Henry. April 6 ib. Gordon, Peter. Aug-ast 10, 1751 Gmen, Samuel. March 28, 1792 Grant, liobei-t. October 1796 Gatretson, I'?f»ac. Nov. 16, 1796. May 29, 1797. Greive, -avid. June 8 1797. Feb. 13, ISOI. April 14. Sept. 18, 1818. G. Godfrev, John and W\ Lane. July 14 1798 Gould, Chester. May 27, 1799 Gebhard, John G. Feb. 4 1800 Gorham, Stephen. Feb. 4 ib. Grout, Jonatnan, jun. Oct. 24 ib. Guest, H. Jan, 16, 1801 Jan. 26 llOl IX. fiarlx-r, Mioh.i^!. Feb, !{.< A[.ril 17, 18('4 firecn, Taleb. .lu'v 23 Greenlcaf, Jolm. .July 13 (ii-oves, Matluw C. Sept. j (lorton, Benjamin. Nov. 59 Cai-diner, John. Dec. J Godfrey, John W. May 25 Geanty', Lewis. Aug^. 4 Goodwin, Sam. October 3!, 1803 July 7, lf*U'>. Gilman, Ward, and Wm. Jackson Marcli 19 Giraiid, John J. Dec. 22, 1810. June 14, 181 1. Aug". 3, 1SI3. MaVch 24, 1814, ,IH4 <;;i)son. K'.lva-.i May •') rs'ich, Willi* n. .\'iy. i ih 180'2 ib. ib. lb. 1803 ib. 1804 April 13, May 15, June 26, Feb. 23, Sept. 9- 1.S04. IBil. 1313 1814. 1817. April 10, 1S18. April 19, 1820. Goltry, Pa fl. Aprii 24 ii*. Geysseiiheyner, F. W. Dec. 22 ib. Guy, Francis. Dec 301803. Feb. 22 18iy Glovep, Simeon. May 4 1-805 <3o.o Iwin, Saui. ai\d Rich. Ga'mes. January 22 180G Gookins, Richard. January 24 ib. Go\dd, John F. March 1, 1806. March S, iSOft. Feb. I, 1808. Gaine.s, Rich. March 17 ib. Guild, Abner. Mardi 31 ib. Gridlcy, .lauies. May 23 ib. Green, Tiniothy. April 1 18U7 Creen, John. May 20 ib. Glover, Simeon, and I). Parmelie. June 8 ib. Gridley, Giles. Mar. 13; Mar. 14 18W8 Geer, Uzziel. July 18 ib. Grag-}j, Samuel. August 31 ib. Gunn, Enos. December 19 ib. Gedney, Robert, June ^6 1809 Groff, Philip December l6 ib. Gill, Isaac. January 15 1310 Greg's^, John. March 14 ib. Gillespie, Robert. April 2 ib. Garber, Michael, jun. July 13 ib. Gray, Simeon. August 17 ib. Grang-er, William. September 6 ib. Graham, A. Nov. 6. Nov. 51 ib, Galvin, John November 6 ib. Greswold, C. and M. A. Potter. November 20 ib. Gates, Cyrus. December i5 ib. Goulding, Joseph. Feb. 28, 1811. March 1, 1811. March 19,1812. August 27, 1814 Gray, Levi. March 7 ib. Gale, Luther. March 2Q, 1811, May 16, 1815. Gamble, William. April 1» I«1I Gregg, James, ?>Iay 7 ib. B to. \\: il:. ib. il'. 1811 ib. C.v'libe, P'.iir^es*. Uriobei- i'^ i. • (ii.'^Vn, William. .'Kunary H iSj > (iasloii, Charles. January :J1 i!'. Gillet, N'. and J. Smith, AjjH' Gere, Sanuicl K. May 4 (ieigei-, Favd. May i2 (iraiini«, .John. April 12 (Jordo.'i, Klisha. .lur.e 25 Giles, Nehemiah. j^v>v. \0; Nov 19 r ■ Gillard, Peter. December 4 ib. Grandin, Vi^illiaiu. .laniiavy ^ iSiJ (■tuemsey, Chauncod\vi«, Wm. and Jonathan, j'.ia. October l6 k Gillespie, liobcrt. Jauua'-y.~] 1 !.. 5 Grithng, Edward C. .\ug!:st 10 ill Gre#nough, Bracket L Sept 12 il). Gates, John M- (S'epteuiber l4 ib. Graham, Jolui. Noveinber 9 ib. Greely, Allen. December 2.^ ib. Green, Allen, sen. .March 5 18i.3 Goodsell, Naman. Jur.e 13 lo. Goodrich and iiepbuin .\ug'. 20 ii.<. Gilpin, Thomas Dtceuiuer 2-.i Griffith, Sam. February I Griswold, Ira. April Iti Grandval, Vi G De. Octobtir 3 Green, James. October 3 Geib, John. October 3 Grant, John. Noveuiljcr il Greenwood, Holmes. JauMary 2S 13;; Grieve, Da%ld- April ii ISIii. StpL. - 18 1818. Gordon, Daniel. Febmary ]4 ib. Greenwood, James. Ajord 28 ib. Gregg, James and Joseph. May 28 iu. Greenholt, John. June 9 ib. Gray, Salmon. July 15 " ib. Guttwaldt, Joseph Aloi??. ^i\^.'27 ib. Gallagher, Hugii. October 29 ib. Gray, Jeremiali. N;)veinber 13 ii;. Goodrich, Lerauei, and J. Adams. December 3 Gari'att, William. Februa:-y 27 Graves, Robert. April 10 Geib, Georj^e. Aug-ust 30 Gillet, Daniel, jun Se»*Lember 15 ib. Gray, Robert. Xoven.ber 1 1 ib. Guthrie, Rufus. .lanuary 18 1820 Griffiths, Elijah. Mju-ch 6 .ib. Gibbs, George. March 6 ib. Giliett, Sena- April 3 ih. \0 18i7 io. ib. ib. ib. Jb i J. ib. ib. jb. H Hcpkins, Samuel July 31 1790 Aug-.- 19, 1813. May311S17 Ilorbert, Cbadiah. Janusiry 28 1792 Hartley, Bavid. February 24 ib. Hodge', Solr-mon. October 23 ib. Hcdg-son, Ralph. February 1 1793 Heterick, Ilobert. June H, 1793. June 30. 1803, Hodg-son, William April 28 J 794 fiatli.awar, John. Oct. 24, 1794. May 2?, 1805. Hilliird, Jt)seph. May 12 1796 Hohines, Hodg-en. May 12 ib. Hirst, Thomas. March ll 1797 \ Hail, Fitch. April 17 ib Kav.-kins. »<;Ln. July H ib Hamlin, SaMiuel Ely. Aug. 30 1799 Hokkn, Charles. March 15 1798 Hunt, Jonathan.- June 7 ib. Huntley, Joseph. January 10 1799 Hart, Setii. January 4 ib. Hancock, William. February 86 ib. •Hav/kes, John. Deeembev 16 ib. Hawkiiis, John .1- Feb, If, 1799. Ot.t. 24, 'ir'jS. May 17, 1803. Hanis, TV;iiu->m. Marsh 15 1800 Kcyt, C'^info-t, jur: Apr^lT ib. ^ H'Atenstein, Win. April 10 ib. "Ho^vl.) r:,BeRn. April 10 ib. HadHoid, <:»e.!rg-e. May 15 ib. Karr-son, T}>omas O. May 19 ib. H<:]>'!erson/Win. February !f2 I80I IleniVcv H. I'lar. 2, I80I. April 16, I8U2. Hatch, Israel. March 24 ib. Hoxie, (ihiist. August 20, I80I. Jan. 7, I80S. J'.;]y 12, I804. May 3, 1814. Hatliaway, Ruias. Jan. 2S 1802 HoUt, John W. March 97 ib. Hutter, Ghrlstian J. February 11 1803 Hunter, €>corge. March 24 ib. How, WJlUam. April 6 ib. Hopkins, Wm. MayI3,IS03, Feb. 24,1804. Hunn, Anthony. March 24 1804 Houston, Samuel. May 3 ib. Hfirington, Wm. August 28 ib. Hooker, John. Kovember 19 ib. Houf-ton, John. May 4 1805 H'];, A]]en. May 6 ib. K«ri(.;ston, Williftui, jun. May 10 ib, F- iTjan, Johr,. June 1 ib. H ,xr;ind, Aiiraham. Nov. 27 ib. - Ha^'.'v-iiis, Joseph. February 19, 1806 ,^f-yi 7, 1809. April 21, 1814. .;: . I 1816. Hiiv k lit Sam. February 19 ib. Howe], lllchard. March 5 ib. Heavin, =]o];n. April 17, i806. May 8, I8I0. Mar. 16, I8I2. Oct- 16, 18i'2. Aug'. 3, 1813. Feb. 8,1814. AtiC. 27, 1817. Hubbel, E. May 1 1806. June 27 1809 Harwooci, Wm. July 3 1806 Hale, Wiiham, February 7 1807 Hardenbrook, Abel 'W. Feb. 10 ib. Hobert, Abraham. Feb. 17 ib. Hale, Ezekiel. February 22 ib. Hammond, Charles. May 6 ib. Harvey, Peter. May 9 ib. Hamaker, Christian May 21 ib. Harru-s, Hszekiah. February 24 1808 Hicks, Jon Ja.nuary 28 ib. Heaion, Phil. Mark B. Boyers, and Philemon Hea*or, JMn. Mar. 4 ib. Hayes, Simon, March 8 ib. Hopkins, Roswell March 25 ib, Harris, George, See Sam. Frothin^ham. How, Nehemiah. April 25 ib. Henry, Theron. July 1 1 ib. Hotchkiss, Elihu. August 2 ib. Heiiderbon, Joseph. Dec 26 ib. Home, Abraham, January 6 1809 Hill, Eh F. Feb. 11. Feb. II ib. Hock, Lawrence. February 15 ib. Haskeil, IJoger. F'ebruary 25 ib. Hagget, Amos. June 9 ^ ib. Hosford, A. andE.Kelsey. June 27 ib. Kamilton, Jumes. July 31 ib. Hommedieu, Ezra L. July 31 ib* Hopkins, id\m. August 24 ib. Harrington, Nath. Oct. 14 ib. Huling, Georg-e. November 25 ib. HcOni^a., Alan. Jan. 8 iSIO. March 23, }W6. Hevrick, John, jun. February 1 ib. Mall, Ecu. March 8, 1810. May 13, 1813. Hunt, Daniel. March 22 ib, Holland, Luther. Marcii 28 ib. Hartshorne, Jescph. April 20 ib. lioskin, Shubael. April 30 ib. Harris, Geo7-ge, May 3 ib. Hines, Joseph. June 16 ib. Hall, Stephen. July 13 ib. Harrick, Eben. August 17 ib. Harris, Joseph. August 21 ib. Harper, Nathan. October 30 ib. Henderson, Allen. November 24 ib. Hall, Chauncy, December 24 ib. Hacklcy, Philo M. Jan, IF, 1811 Oct. 9, ;8L3, Jan. 2.3, I8I5. Kaiicock, liobert, jun. and E. Carr. February 6; March 1 I8II Hov^y,Elcazer. May 1 1 ib. Hinman, Luke and Luther Blssel, and Moses (;;arneS|. June 7 ib. Harrington, Allen. July 16 ib. Hughson, Johv5. July 18 ib. Hollingsworth, Wm July Sf ib. Hanshav/, And. and Nath. Hariow._ ' August 50 ib. HoLlin, L.ither. September 10 ib. Hum[)hreys, Wm. October 4 lb. Harper, V/. Oct. 4. April 29, 1819. I X2 Howell, Janiea. January II I8I2 Mart, J 0.5 and Lester Flin. Jan. Id ib. Hill, W. K. February 7 ib. Hort, B. S. Feb. 21, 1812. Oct, 9, ISI3 Hunt, oohit. March ]1 ib. Hunt, Charle*. March 17 ib. Hesser, C. and A. Paxon. Aj: .1 1 1 ib. Ha^card, E. and J. Wliite. M.y 15 ib. Hart, Webb. May 26, 18 12. Jan. 22, ISI7. Holliday, H. S. and E. G. Griffin. June IG ib. Haws, John. June 19 ib. Hill, Abel. June ^0 ib. Hart, Seth. July 2/ ib. Hathaway, Irfaac. AugaiBt 6 ib. Hf>upt, ocbastin. November 16 ib. Howe, Jos. and Wm. Lankester. November 25 ib. Houpt, John, jiai, December I4 ib. Hart, O '.las. Dicember 31 ib. Howe, William, December 31 ib. Human, Daniel. March 3 1813 Hummell, David F. April 29 ib. Hunt, Melzer, and Cotton White. June 15 ib. Hotchkiss, Josiali. June 18 ib. Hitchcock, Silas. June 25; Aug". 7ib. Kaskeil, Ez;a. June 25 ib. Hurlbut, 3}a;i. August 4 ib. HoUing-shead, Jolin, and S. Baker. 19 ib. Haig-bt, iialstead F.. and J. Aug". 30ib. Hess, John. October 2 ib. Harrington, Daniel- October 4 ib. Hall, F. Oct. 7, 1313. Nov. 28, 1817 Hill, Silas. October 22 ib. Hamilton, Alex. J aries. Nov. 8 ib- Humes, John. December 30 ib. Hunt, Sam. December aO ib- Hofimau, Isaac. December 31 ib- Herslic, Abraham. January 15 18 14 Uolbrook, !)avid. March 28 ib. iJaitnian, JtLC( b, March 31 ib Howe, Martin. April 2 • ib. Hord, Thomas. April 3 ib. Huuiphreys, R. and I. C. .\priI22 ib. Hawkins, \Vm. M. April 23 ib. Hawes, Silas. May 11 ib. Harris, Hjnjamln J. May 17 ib. If aw kins, \y. and John D. May 26 ib. iJcAdk-y, Ben. .lune 14; Dec.15 ib. Hill, C.iarles. July 7 ib. u'arrison, James. Aug. 22 ib. iiopkin.s^ Asa. August 22 ib. Hathaway, Charles. October 11 ib. Kill,- Wm F. Oct. 15, 1814. July XL, !813. Harrison, Thos. and R. Picrpont- October 18 18U Hlils, rfaiuucl. and M. Emery, jun. October 21 ib. ILaCj Xaphtah. Oct-jber 21 ib. Hah, Jar.^cs. Nov. 19, I8I4. Nov. 2', 81j. Hatsh, John. i*Iay 1 1815 Harris, Charles. May 15 ib. Hughes, Jacob. September 15 ib. Hassell, James. October 21 ib. Hall, Joshua. Dcccmoer 27 ib. Henrv, Haves. Februavy 24 1316 Hall, Fhiiander. April 2 ib. "Hone wells, Israel. April 27 ib. Higginbettom, Wm. July 12 ib. Heath, Davil. July 26 ib. Hilton, John. August 22 ib Henry, Lewis. August 24 ib. Hanks, lienjamin. November 4 ib. Harper, George. Jan. 22, 1817. March 2J, ISIS. Hodge, Lemuel. March 3 18 17- June 22, ISV/. Haskell, John. jMarch 20 ib. Haslett, Wm. April 17 ib. Hull, Amos G. July 17 ib. Herrlck, Samuel. July 2i ib. Hehne, Jf:hn C. August 1 ib, Hiiyard, Eben. September TO ib. Hale, ^lenjamia. OcU 4, 1817. Jan. 17, 1813. Hagner, George F. Oct. 13 ib. Hall, Everard. November 14 ib. Hoyt, Th(>a':as R. December 6 ib. Hall, Moses. iJeceuiber 31 ib. Hall, Aaror. and John. Dec. 31 ib. Hunter, Wiiiiam T. Januarys, 1818 Homer, Joseph. January 28 ib. Hersey, Jcnn Febi uary 9 ib. Jlarrison, Francis. Murch 16 - ib. liendrick-s,, B. 8c H. Price. Apr. 13 ib. Hev.drick, Wm. June 12 - ib- Hurdle, Noble. October I ib. Heiiry Arthur. Occoi;er 28 ib. llaiiock, John. November 5 ib. Hayward, Arisel: Novei.iber 23 ib, Headiey, Joseph. February 3 I3I9 Hines, William. February 6 ib. Hasbrouck, Wm. M. D. and Jacob DiiTenback. i^ebruary S ib. Harris, Zadock. March 17 ib. Hendryx, Beardsley, May 6 ib. He aton, James July 28 ib. liiatt, Z.icbariah. Augi;sr. ^0 ib. Haskell, Ben. November 3 ib. Holmes, Wni. April 4 1820 Hackley, Haivey.' April 21 ib. Idlctr, Jacob. Sept. 24, 1802. July 1^09. 30 18 i 9. ■ IBl-^. Hsley, Daniel. May 14 1803 ISI5. :-e^. Ira. ApvU 14^, 1808. June 24, l- r, v.. Vcb. 2-1, 1813. May 19, June 18, 1814. Aug-. 7, Oct. 25, I3I6. a;,:.' J. Hill. Jun- 3 1803 ■X i 1. Ives, Fitcli, July 5 1808 Isaacs, INI. and J. Willbank. Oct. U I8I7 Isaacs, RJ. March 17, 1818. Mav IS, I8I8. Nov. 17, I8I9. Johnson, Moses. June 30 1797 Jervis, Bill. Julv 8 ib. James, George. November 16 1796 Jocelin, Snneon. May 8, 1800. Julj 33, 1809. Johnson, Henry. May 10 1802 Janes, Seth. December 31 1804 Jenks,Eben. Jane 11805. Apr. 17 1807 Jones, E. July 24 18G7. June 20 1808 Jennings, I. Nov 20 1807. April 25 1808. Sept. 2P 1808. April 17 1809. June J3, 1809. Mar. SO 1810 Joimson, John. March 21, 1808 June 3 ib. June 13 ib. December 10 ib. Feb. 11 1809 April 21 ib. Johnson, Caleb. Jelleff, Joseph. Jones, Luther. Jones, Jonathan. Jones, Ezra G. Jones, N. May 9 1809. July 23 I8I6 J ope, John W. July 17 ib. Josslyn, James. July 25 ib. Johnson, John, jun. Nov. 22r ib". Jones, E. and Y .White. Dec. 21 ib. Janes, Vv alter. Feb. 16 I8I0 Aug. 20 1810 Sept. I, I8I0. March 20 1813 May 6 1819. Jones, Adoridxi, jun. March 14 18T0 Judd, Oiiver, jun. May I ib. Jacknian, Wm. October 8 ib. Jewitt, David. January 24 1811 Johnson, John C. May 1.6 ib. Jessup, Thomas W. June 18 ib, Jessupj Jonathan. July I ib. Jacques, Moses, and H. Freeman. Julj: 2 ib.. Johnson, Asa. January 11 Jones, Noel. March 14 Jennings, I. April 1 1812. Nov. 28 1815. Jan. 17 1817. Jencks, Chas. April 25 Jones, Wm. May 13 Jelleff, Jos Sept. 8 I8I2. May 241815. James, W. T. Nov. I9I8I2. April 26 1815. Judson, Tim and J. Hotchkiss. November 24 Jessup, John. February 5 James, John, 3d. May 4 Jackson, Cyrus. May 28 Jencks, C. and A. Pease. July 12 Janes, Alfred. March I Jencks, E. Nov. l3, 18l3. June 6, 1817. Jan. 28, 1818 Sept. 2 I8I8. Jennings, Samuel K. January 21 Jaques, Eliphalet. May 24 Jackson, Wm. Feb. 2 Jackson, James. April 1 Janes. W. and D. Bolles. April 26 Jillson, Asa. ]\Iay 27 Judkins, Wm. June 26 Jackson, Robert. July 23 John^'on, Luke. August 6 Josselyn, Charles. October 9 Jordan, John. April 30 Jenkins, Gridley. May 16 Jaquith, Josiah. June 26 Jones, James. February 25 James, Joseph. October 18 Jenkins, Palmer. February 6 Jones, Samuel Jur.e 2 Johnson^ Jasper. July 31 I8P^ ib. ib. ib. ib. 1813 ib. ib. ib. 1813 ISM ib. I8I5 ib. ib. ib. 1816 ib. ib. ib, 1817 ib. ib. 1818 ib. 1819 ib. ib. Kuhn, Ludwig C August IG I79I Kevzer, Henry. August 10 ib. Kirk, Timothy. May 9 1792. Dec. 20 1802. July 28, 1803. Kinslev, A. Feb. 1 1793. Dec. 20 1794'. Nov. 16, 1796. Aug. 12 1797. Oct 29, 1799. Kincaid, JoJm. November 25 Kellog, Sunmel. Jan 31 Keirer, Daniel. Ma> 25 1795. Nov 5, 1799. Kersey, Jesse. Feb. 24 . Ivelley., 2d. Feb 12 Kilborn, Jor.atnan. August 23 Kent, NaiijiUK Mav 1 Krafft, Michisel. Let, 28 Kenneds, i t(^nard. Sept. 7 iS02. April '2t; 18G8 Kiiborn, L. J. June 4 IS'o. Get. :|2 ; Oct. ]:) T8(:^». Keeler, M aivci L^:.d Ja.s. Wurincr. K. 1794 1795 1797 1800 ib. 1801 ib. Key.'^er, George. Jul}" 27 Keisey, Ezekiel. See Ml-en. Kent, F.nanuel. Sept. 14 Kunitz, John. May 6 Kimball, Increase- May 1 Kelsey, Azael A. October 9 Killogg, Friend B. Nov. 22 Kent lion, John. March 26 Kensey Charles. M^y 8 King, bochoias. March 10 Kilborue, Kcbert. April 12 King, Elim. May 14 Kies, Mary. TVlay 5 Kii (U-.ll, lVvI. Mav 8 Kin^.bai], {^ihubalL. Aug. 12 Kelsey, Israel. Aug. 25 King. Uoswell. Nov. 21' Kiseeland, Scvh K. Oct. 9 Kellog, George C. JNIarch 4 Jvir:g, V ir;CC)!t and Jt-r. May 30 Rii'l>-, Ik-i.. :>'ov 15 iSil. May 29 ib. 1804 1805 ib. ib. ib. 1806 1807 1808 ib. ib. 18C9 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 1811' ib. - XllU Klay, John. Jiimia;} 11 Kelley, Zaccheu.s. April 22 Kennedy, Walter. June 12 Kirk, Nathaiu ^ee iSam. Clark. Kimball, \V. and S. W uiurd, jun. October 23 King-, Jesse. March I Kello, Joseph. April I Kncass, John. April 28 Kendal, Jonas. Jan. 4 1806. Aug". 22, 1817. Jan. 28, J820. Kelley, H. Feb. 16 ; May 13 Kugler, Ben. April 23 1812 ib. ib. 1813 1814 1815 ib. I8I6 ib. 1796 1797 1798 ib. 1799 1800 ib. Livingston, R. R. Aug-. 4, 1791. October 28, 1799. Leslie, Robert. .May 9 1792. Jan. 30 1793. Feb. 2'l793. Lee, Samuel, Jim. .A,pril 30 Leach, Caleb. April l3 Laze 11, Liaac May 1 8 Love-, John. June 11 Lee, Sam. H P. June 26 1799. Feb. 8 1814. Long-, James. Aug-ust 5 Ladd, Nathaniel. Feb. 12 Lyon, Patrick, Feb. 12 Lorillard, P. June 28 1800. April 25 1810. Lossing, Peter. August 4 ib. Langdon, Bar. Feb. 20 1801. May iO 1805. April 23 i807. Feb.22I8I7 Ladd, Jevemia'i. July 17 I80i Leslie, \Vm. Xovem'ber 5 ib. Law, Andrew. iSi ay 12 1802 Lazarus, Simon. Dec Si ib Launv, David F. March 21, 1803. Aug. 23, ] 811. March 18 1813. Lownes, David. July 21 1S03 Livingston, Gilbert. Oct. 22 ib. Lord, Sam. P. jun. March 10 1804 Langfetroth, Thos. May 1 ib. Lester, Eben. May 10 1805. Feb. 12 1806. July 11 1808. May 18 1811. ^ Lillie, William. Oct. 9 1805 Lip part, Fred. May 3 ib. LoonVis, S. &. C. McLean. Sept. 25 ib. La Paype. Kov. 4 ib. Lewis, Webster. JuIvlO 1807 Long-well, Mathew. July II ib. Lehman, Joseph. August II ib. Lee, Mar. and T. Barber. Oct. 1, ib. Lee, Martin, June 4 1808. June 8 1809. Kov. 6 1817. Loomis, Dud. aiid I. Millington. July 12 1808 I-ewis, W. June 24 1808. June 8 ISlb. Jan. 23 1818. Lucas, J. jun. July 12 1808. l.heibettc, John P.' Oct, 7 ib. Kla!«sen, Charles. May 22 Kurtz, And. June 28 Keen, Joseph S. October 1 Kelio, J. and C Joseph. June 10 Kendall, Jeremiah. March 18 King, Abram. April 28 Koarsing, Thomas. June 6 Kendricks, John. June 10 Kicntzle, John G Oct. 8 Kenyon, Bennni. March 15 Kimball, Epbraim. April 8 Keys, Israel. Feb. 23 I8I6 ib. ib. 1817 ib. ib. 1818 ib. ib. 1819 ib. IS 20 L ib. ib. 1810 lb. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 1811 ib. Lamson, W. and C. Curtis. Jan. 6 1809 Linsey, James. Feb. 4 ib. Lecesne, Lewis. June 26, 1809. Dec. 4 1811. June 23 1812. Lainhart, Henry, jun. July 6 Lapish, Ben. U. Aug". 15 Lloyd, Robert. Feb. 8 Laighton, Mark. March 14 Lee, Samuel. May 24 Lefever, Josey h. June 13 Loofborrow, l.sauc. June 26 Lund}', Elcazer. August 14 Letton, Ralph. August 29 Lee, James. January 14 Lewis, Marshall. May 24, 1811. April 12 1820. Langdon, Bar. and Wm. Mowrey. June 20 Lvon, Joseph. July 1 1811. Jan. ■5 I8I5. Lies, B. Aug. 19, 18 U. Aug. 6, lb 12. June '20 1815. Landes, Abram. Aug. 28 Larrabee, J .ebbeus. Nov. 4 Leonard and Enoch. Jan. 6 Low, Jonathan. Feb. 24 Lloyd, Nichodemus. Feb. 29 Luther, C. and J. Smith. May 5 Long, Charity S. ZvJay 27 Livir.gsion, fiobert R. June 13 Lathrop, Rui'us. Nov. 12 Large, D. and F. Grice. Nov. 12 Lankester, Wm. Dec. 24 Loomis, John. Dec. 24 Latour, Louis M. Feb. 1 6 Llovd, James. May II Aug. 3 Geo. F. H Hauto. Ludlum, James. Long, S. I. and September 3 Lutgin, Henry. Loring, Daniel. Lewis, Wm. J. 1, 1816. Lineback, .Tohn. Lester, Eben. Avery. April 2 Love, John. June 14 Laightcn, Lake M. Nov. 29 Sept. 8 Dec 31 Feb. 1 1814. Feb. March 31 ib. ib. I8I2 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib- ib. it. ib. ib. 1813 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib-. ib. ib. XIV. M Lowell, F. C. and P. 1'. Jackson. Feb. 23 1815 Lovett, Georg-e. Apnl 1 ib. Lawrence, Wni. April 12 ib. Lane, Aaron. Mav 14 1815. Sept. 15 1^518. Sept 18 1818. ib. Lane, Joshua. May 15 ib. Learned, Sam. August 3 ib. Lovre, Gilbert D, Aug. 12 ib. Liddle, Wrn. Sept. 21 ib. Lloyd, David Jan. 7 18l6 Latting-, Jacob. April 26 ib. Lee, David. May ib. Littleboy, J^Iaulby J. May 28 ib. L'HommedJeu, Ezra. July 17 ib. Leibenan, Henry F. Sept. T ib. Lannay, Peter. Dec. 4 ib. Lothian, George B Dec. 18 ib. Lewis^ Nathan. March 29 I8T7 Leman, Eben. ^en May 23 ib. Lupton, John. July 31 ib. Laighton, L. M. & Mark. Sept'i 1817 Lang-wortby, Wra. x\. Feb. 28 1818 Lotz, John H. rJarcb 18 ib. Lete, Nicholas A. June II ib. Leaniing, Sam. M^ July § ib. Lamb, James. July 17 ib. Little, Joseph. July 25 ib. Lewis, Nath. M, Aug-. 26 ib. Leonard, Wm. B. Jan. 9 I8I9. Lewis, Wm. J. Feb. 3 ib. Lloyd, Joseph. March 2 ib. Lyon, James. April 3 ib. Lansing, John, jun. April 30 ib. Lang-don, B. and J. C. June 5 ib. Lamb, Joshua. August 21 ib, Lucas, Jonathan, jun. Nov. 6 ib. Lynar, Anthony. Dec. 24 ib. Lick, Charles. " Jan. 22 1S20 Lamb, John. March 18 ib. Lowevce, Wm. R. March 29 ib. March 11, 1791. , .Feb. 20, 1797. July 2 1796. 23 ib. Feb. 20 ^ 179/ April Mullikinj Sam. Jan, 15, I79i Feb. IJ, 1307, Macomb, James. August 26 1791 Morris, Geo. July 10 1792 Morey, S. Jan. 29 1793. Mar. 95 17^)5. Aprd 1 1 1796. March 27 1799. April 24 1799. Nov. 17 1800. Aprils 1812. JnneI8I8i3. July 14 1815, Mar. 13 1817. Dec. 11 I3t7. .Ian. 19 1819, Jan. 20 IS19. Markley, John. July 16 1794 M'Lean, James S. May 27 1796 M'Kechnie, Lundin. July 1 ib. Mangin, Joseph F. February 16 1797. Murray, John. Dec. M*Caliniont, James, Martin, John. Nov. 21 1797. 27, 1793. .Tan. 5 1820. M'Kean, Stobert. March 24 17^8 Manning, John. April 10 ib. Martin, Thomas C. June 2 ib. M'Faihind, Moses. October 29 1799 ?*lansfield, liich. October 24 1800 Morton, Jolm A. Dec 16 1801. .July 21 i8I5. Miller, Kzeldel. July 19 1802 Miller, Martin. July 19 ib, Morre, TJios. January 27- 1803 Mojffat, Join. February 1 ib. Marquam, Mdw. March 23 ib. Morse, David. June 10 ib. Morey, Samual, R. Graves, and G. Kicliarcls. June 15 ib, Miiiof, Amos. November 16 ib. Miller, Xath. and P. W. June 5 1804 Milier, Daii^ M. Mar, 5; Mar. 8 ib. M'Mullii], Dati, and T. M^Corby. :'^I"BriJ;% John. .V!;jrust S IR05 M. Mathews, John. August 13 1805 July 6 1809. M'Nitt, Alex, -Tune 15 ib. Mack, Elisha. Mar. 21 1806. Nov. 12 I8II. IMorison, M. Feb. 14 1806. Jan. 17 1811. Aug. 15 1811. Mott, Joseph S. March 8 . 1805 TvI'Lean, Charles. See S. Loomis. M'Combs, ^ olo. J. Smith, and B. D. Galpin. 5'Iay 24 ib. Mills, Zachariah. July 17 ib. Morgan, John T. October 9 ib. Montgomery, Wm. Feb. 10 1807 M'llvain, Jer. .April t ib. Mix, Jonathan. April 18 1807. Jan. 17 1808 June 3 1813. M'llwham, Thos. October 6 ib. Moon, Samuel, jun. October 24 1808 Mirick, Stephen. November 30 ib. ]^;fart'.n, Levi. December 19 ib. Miller, Wm. January 6 1809 Moss, Moses, January 10 ib. Moor. .\lex. D. Jan. 19 1809. Aug. 7 1813 Mans, S. and J. Black. Feb. 18 ib. Millinglon, Ira. March 2 ib. Mornev/eck, Chas. March 13 ib. Mirick, Ben. April 2 J ib. M'Cord, John. June 13 ib. ?,Ia6on, Yv^'m. December 28 . ib. Mead, Henry. February 12 1810 Murray, George. Feb. 13 ib. Moi-g-un, Joel. Feb. 20 ib. Moore, Moses L. February 21 ib. Melville, D. Mar. 14 1810. Mar. 18 1813. Nov. 18 1318. Tvlinor, Jonathan. Aprd 20 ib. Maverick, AiKlrev/. April 17 ib. Mosely, l-a^id C April 25 ib. N XV. Mathews, Herman. IN Fay 15 ISlO MUJer, E. and. I. Andrews. Aug-. 15 ib. Miller, Wm. Sept. 26 18l0. Aug-. 15 ISll. Mllier, Jacob. March 2 1811 Mussey, Thomas. March 4 1811. June 10 1817, March6I«20. Mumford, Harvey. March 28 ib. Morgan, John. April 10 ib. Miller, Ezra K May 11 ib. M-Murtry, Chas. July 8 ib. Miller, Math, and P. W. Aug. 20 ib. Maker, Wm. November 12 ib. Macombcr, James. November 19 ib. May, Sam. January U 1812 Messer, Francis. January 23 ib Moore, Natli. L. February 4 ib. M'Donald, James. April 1 ib. Mix, Eli. April 25 ib- J/ayo, William. .^fayl5 ib. ^'J/abin, Itichard. August 8 ib. .1/orriI, Stephen. August 28 ib. .VorrisoM, John H. Aug. 28 1812. March 18 1814. J/orrls, John. Oct. 3 ; March 3 ib. . J/arch 1 1815. Jliarch 7 1816. .1/alony, James. Nov. 20 ib. Jfills, Zachariah. February 16 1813 Millard, Ira. May 6 ib. Mathes, James. May 27 ib. ^3ilne, Alex. July 14 ib. Murray, ISTathew. August 7 ib. -Moore, Richard. Jan. l3 1814 Merrit, Willis. P'ebruary 1 ib. Miller, Ben. Feb. 21 ; May 9 ib. M'Thorndike, John. March 7 ib. Moore, Henry. July 2 ib. Mead, B. and G. Kichards. July 2 ib. Morgan, Jede. and J. B. Harris. October 11 ib. *lfervin Dan. jun. and H. Kellog. JMferriara, Lawrence. Jan. 4 1815 .Tforgan, Elisha. January 24 ib. .^/iller, Thos. jun. January 25 ib. J/ason, John. JJfarch 30 ib. J/athews, Anson. April 26 ib. ."{/anny, Gabriel. June 8 ib. Jfastayer, Ken, June 28 ib. J/eer,'j. July 1 1815. Aug. 26 I8I8 J/athew, Hcmard. September 12 ib. MeckcTt Benjamin. October 2l" 1815 ^'Warshall, Hen. December 5 ib. •'/erritt, Lem. and S. C. Rogers. December 27 ib. *^/bser, Joseph. January 26 1816 vT/ason, Joseph. February 8 ib. ►libod}-, l»a\il. .1/arch 9 1816. Jan. 17 1818. A]iril 3 1819. JJfarch 13 ; Mar. 14 1817. May 6 1819. Itlcad, Johr:. March 13' ib. Meiwit, Oliver. May 22 ib. Mitchell, Vv'illiam. June 24 1815. March 26 1817. May 28 1818. Martin, .looses. July 8 ib. Merril, Mervm. October 25 ib. JJ/artial, Ben December 7 ib. •Martin, Anthony B. Dec. 26 ib. ..Ifallory, Jfered'ith. ^'Jfarch 3 1817 Mim^er, Gieo. March 20 1317. June -'3 1818. ib. M'Cluer, Heman. Anvil 18 ib. Morse, S. F. B. and s'. E, Oct. 3 ib. Mott, Edward. October 4 ib. Mead, N. and J. Cutler. Nov. 3 ib. Maxwell, Hugh. December 26 ib. IM'Karay, Alex. I). Feb. 10 1818 Maltby, Ben. and Maltbv Fowler. Feb. 23 1818. Feb. 26 I8I9. Mount, R. and J. April 11 ib, Morton, John IJ. T. T^ocUey, and R. Huston. April 28 ib. Mackay, .lolin. .May 28 ib. Mixer, Nathan. May 28 ib. Miller, Ferry. October 26 ib Me rot, Charles November 5 ib! Mitchell, John K. Xov.I9 ib. Manter, Grafter. Dec. 8 ib. M'Cormick, Stephen. Feb. S I8I9 Moody, Nathan. Feb. 19 ib. Mason, Silas, Feb. 20 ib. Mudge, I. and M, Hatch. April 10 ib. Munson, Job L. April 26 ib. Martin, Anthony B, June 2 ib. Miner, Fred. August 21 ib. Martin, S. and Z. Chapin. Jan. 18 1820 Martin, Peter H. February 23 ib. j Marshall, Philip, and J. B. Smith. March 3 ib. :Rferrill, Pardon H. April 6- ib. N. Nazro, John. Jan 6, 1797. Jan. 6, 1797 Newbold, Charles. June 26 ib. Nev/ell, Jonathan. Aug. 12 ib. Navloi', John. Mai'ch7, 1803. Mar. 31, 1804, Newton, Simon. Dee. 2 1804 Newton, Israel. Feb. 28 1806 Nichols, Jonathan July 11 1807 NicholKon, R. and T. Dec. IS 1808 NicliOis, Daniel. March 1 1809 Vev/ man, John. J'wnei27 ib. iVewell, T. July 7, 1809. Apr. 12, 1820. Nicholson, Thos. Aug. 10 1809 April 29 1817. Nichols, Israel. Oct. 12 ib. Nichols, M. and Israel. Oct. 12 ib. Noble, Sylvester. Feb. 1 1810 Norton, Lewis Mills. April ^^ ib. Nicholson, John. April 28 """ ib. Nichols, PerJ'.ins. May 18 ' ib. ' Newell, Daniel. July "26 ^^^,. ib. XVI. O V Nichols, Robert Uoyd. Feb, 'i3 ISU >ieff", Georg-e. March 19 ib. Noyes, Josiah. June 21 ib. Norton. Abraham. Feb. 11 1812 Neall, Daniel. Feb, 26 ib. Norton, T, and J. Biddis. Apr. 15 ib. Nicholson, Itobcrt. June 23 ib. Newton, Martin. Sept. 2S ib. Nine, Daniel, jun. May 4 1S13 Noble, John June 10 ib. Ificholson, Thos. and Sam. Gunn. Aug-ust 6 ib. Noble, David. May 9 1814 Nourse, Asa. July 5 ib. Nelson, Martin. Oct. ^7 ib. Nash, Aaron. Pec. 17 ib. "NTichols, Jonathan, jun. Apr 12. 1815 Newbury, Joshua W. June 28 ib. Norton, Juhn. June 13 I8l6 Ivewhall, Timothy. Sept. 7 1816 Dec. 27 ib. Noble, R Dec. 17. I8l6. May 17, ' 1819 Northrop, Isaac. Jan. 7 1817 Nold, Henrv. Jan. 22 ib Noys, D. E.' Sept. 6, 1817. Oct. 14 1819 Nixon, Samuel. Feb. 23 1818 Nash/ Sylvester. April ll ib. Noth, Linus. May 28 ib. Nott, Ejiphalet. Feb. 3 I8l9 O. Ormabee, Elijah. March 2l 1798 O.sborne, Jacob. Nov. 24 1803 Otis, Millville. See liag-erSf Samuel. Osborn, Levi. July 12 1804 O'Conner, Tliomas. July 9. 1807 Olds, Ezekiel. June 30 1803 Osgood, Thomas. July 11, ib. Osg-ood, Gardiner June 7, 1809 Olds, Ezekiah and Pleny Upham Dec. 21, ib. Osborn, Ezra. Jan. 8 1810 Osborn, David. Jan. 8 ibi Olds, Ezekiel and Phlny Upham, Dec. 26 ib. Osburn, John, jun. May 29 1811 Owins, John. March 5, 1312 Jan. 25, 1814. Sept. 9 1816 Owen, Ethen. Oct 1 1812 Obert, Peter Dec. 18 1813 Ogden, Francis B. Dec. 31 ib. Osgood, Christopher. March 26 1814 Olds, Jared. April 14 ib. Orth, C. H. and F. Strohn, Oct U ib. Orwan, Frederick. Feb- 25, 1815 Otisj Bass. March 14 ib. Ormsbv, J. and Thomas Cohoon, Jan.' 4 1816 Osborne, Horace, and William L. ^ raser. April 25 Olney, Ja-Tses. March 29 Olney, Anthony. Dec. ll Otis, Melvin, Dec. 31 Ogle, Samuel. June 9. Oakly, G. P. Nov. 25 Ordiouau, John. April 26 t*utnam, Aaron. Jan. 29 1791 Parkinson, Geo. March 17. 1791. June 16, 1794 Pollard, William. Dec. 30 ib. Pope, Joseph. Jan. 2^ 1793. July 22 1802 Perkins, Thomas. Feb 7 1794 Perkins, J. Jan. 16, 1795. Feb. 14 1799. March 19 1799. July 9 1802. June 26 1809. June 16 1810. . July 17 I8I4 March 23 I8I3. June 26 I8I3. June 29 1813. Nov. I I8I5 Feb. 27 I8I9. Pitman, J()hn. May 25 1795. Dec. 241799. March 14 1817. ^eri^ins, FJish. February 19 1796 'Passmore, Thos. Dec. 23 ib. Peale, Chas. W. Jan. 21 ; Nov. 16 1797 July 16 180L ^Pettibone, D. Nov. 16 1797. Mar. 21 18C6. Oct. 28 1808. May 12 iSI2 Mav5l8l3. Feb. 12 1814. -Aug-. U 1818. Aug. 21 1819. Nov. 19 1819. P. Pai-sons, Stephen. Nov. 20 October 25 1810. Palmer, Timothy. Dec. 17 Payne, Wm. Dec. 10 Peale, Raphael. Dec 14 Pratt, Phineas. April 12 Payne, Thos. Dec. 2 Percy, John. March 3 Philips, G. N. Aug. 25 Falmer, Wm. Aug-. 25 Power,-Thos. Sept. 19 Poole, John. Oct. 13 Peirce, Joel. April 10 Paine, W. Aug. 24 Putman, Elisha. Aug. 24 1802, Dec. 311816. Nov. 18 1818. Peers, Yalintine. Dec. 18 Pettibone, D. E. Chapman, and Nichols, Dec^. 22, Peasly, Jedediah. Feb.l Piatt* Benjamin. April 27 Pills, B. Paul. Oct. 25 Paine, Asahel E. Nov- 19 ib, 1817 ib. ib. 1818 ib. 1819 i79r ib. ib. 1798 1799 1800 ib. 1801 ib. ib. 1802 ib. ib. J. ib. 3803 ib. ib. ib. xiH- \lav 24 ISU.S. .June 24 I'BOQ. Feb. Povvor, 'rh()5. Juh 12 1804. Jan. Piatt, .Joseph. Mav 4 1S05 Pov^er, CJt'O. :\hiy I'J it). Pryor, 'l'liomr.s W. ^r:ly ?l il». Poole, Wn;- ile.cember 2(^ ib. Piinlon, Wm. March U> 3805 Payne, Stejilien. NJai-ch 31 ib. Peai*se, .'a!"r'cs A. ApvW 7 1807 Peacocl^, David. April 1 ib. Pope, Thos. ApHl IS ib. Pollock, A. April ?3 1807. June 17 180S. Jtily -n 1815 Phabus, Wm. June 9 1807. June 27 1810. Nov. 28 TSf7. Pitkins, J. and T. Kimba'l. Oct. 19 lb. Pierson, Jeremiah H. Dec. 24 Jb. Pierson, f.sauc. Dec. 24 ib. Pratt, Pbincas. Mar. .5 1808 Pondrell, t'f)scr)h. April 6 ib. Pierpont, Daniel, April 2'2 ib. Pitkin. IJoswclI. April 23 ib- Patten, llnbert June 13 ib. PaT-sons, Ojihorne. June 23 1808, April4 18?0. Paine, Asabei K. Julv 1 ib, Parker, "-^m .h Iv 9"l8n3. April f6m)9. April 5 1813, l^ruice, .Sau^. Aap^ust 31 ib. Parmele, Dan. Sept. 8 ib. Parmele, Mar. n. Sept. 21 1S0$. August 2> 1SF2. Fillsbury, \hv\]. Sept 22 ib. Parke, .Janie^ P. December 19 ib. Parmantier, Nich. S Jan. 3(1 1809 Pratt, Jan. 14 ib. Patten, Rolicrt. Feb, 17 ib. Perry, N, Oct. 13 1809. Sept. 25 I8II. Philips, TJo/.;l. Ortf>ber 14 ib. Parmele, Day. Nov. 20 ; Oct. 25 ib. Farkburst. Jo' n, jun- Feb. 13 ISlO Parmele, ireni'v. February 15 ib. Peabody, Wni. If, June 8 ib. Parry, Ron. July 7 ib. Parsons, Fwi. Aug-ust 16 ib. Perkins, R. Sent. 16 1810. Feb. 26 181 T. Philips, Jolpi, nnl .Jas. Smallman, Septem'^er S3 ib. Potter. Hoz^ah F. Xov. 20 ib. Paul,Tho)Tias. Feb. 23 l8U Pond, Will U;.m. Feb. 23 ' ib. Paine, Otis. M ivch 1 18II. June J8 1813. Price, Nf lienVah. March 2 ib. Pierson, A/.e-xh March 2 ib. Palmeriee. TU-foaiv May 25 ib. Parker, D. & .!. Sandford"'. May 30 ib. Putnam, A rc?K-:i'!S. Ju'v 20 ib- Fratt.'riios. .«ept J2 ' ib. Power, Th«9. Sept. 27 1811. Jan. 7 1817. Pierson, Jacob. Oct. 17 IRll l'<;nnock, Mosc.",. Feb. 18 3 812 Phinnov. Zina. Jnn( 19; Oct. 3,1 ib. Jan. 16 181 K Mar. 4 ; Feb. 61616. Parsons, Hczelciali. July 9 ih. T'c'ise, A. and S. Bcster." July 27 ib. P :llock» \.and J. Perkins .\u^. 6 ib. Pa'mcr, Jo«epji. 21 To. P])elps, .lol'.n. Avig'ust Q.7 ib. Partarri^'U. .lohn B. Nov. 30 ib. Peabodv, Wm. H. Dec. 14 ib. Philips." (Gabriel ?>:. Feb. 6 -I81'3. June 28 !8[4. T'alrick, .Matiier. June 2 ib. Pope, Sanujcb June 15 ib. Pettee, S'Uion. .hirie 15 ib. Perkin.s, Jacob, and Geo. Murray. June 25 il>. Pierson, Daniel. Julv l6 V!) Pve, W. AuTarch 7 l^H Porter, Benjamin May 18 ii:>."" Pulsifef, John. May 'H ib. '^ Peck, Beniamin; July 5 ih. Petton, Diivid. Sept. "30 ib. Patrick, Geori^e. N'ov. 8 ih. Pf ttibone, Oz;as. March 1 18 i 5 Peck. Georu-e. April 26 ib. Pufler, Timothy I\|ay 23 ib. Pomro}', Thomas M Jone 21 ib. ' Parker, Fielding-. Juiy 25 ,ib. Palmer, Urban. July 31 ib. Porter, Aaron, James .>fead and James Steadwcil. July 31 ib. Penderg-ast, Garret E. Aug 18 ib.' Phili-ps, Charles, fun. Oct 21 ih. ' Pearson Djvjd. Jan. V4 1^'vl Porter, David. Feb. 8 .ib. " Price, W. Mnr 4, 1816. Apr. 30 ib. Paddleford, Peter. Mav 13 ib. Pullen, Thomtis, JxvAti 20 ilu Parmele, Samiiel. Jvily 15 ib. Forter, and Mead. Aug-. 22 ib. Power, T. and Isaac. Aug-. 31 Ib.'^ Potter, Bradford \. Sept. 25 ib. Perkins, J. and T. Gilpin, Dec. i 8 ib. Parnell, William, .^in. 10 1817 Pinkney, Israel. April 16 \ly Parsons, Bishop N. April 16 ib. Peacock, David, May '.'9 i!). Purdy, Jeremiah. Oct. 4 il.. Purdell, Wi'liam Nor. \ \b^' Paine F])bra!m. Dtc. 11 ib. Pre scot. Jora'-han. \-'a-rch 6 L'^l-S Porter, Nr.'. ban. Apri' 7 ^.^ XVJill, Q R Pen nock, Abram. and .Tas. Sellers. April 2S, 1818. July 6 1818 Frescot, Levi and J. Nov. 5 ib. Feaslc}-, Aaron M. Nov. U ib. Fotts, Joseph. Nov. 7 ib. Fkimcy, JoIi:« Dec. 29 ib. Parsons, Setk. March 2 Peck, Scth. April 23 Pommer, Charles Aug. Pignatelli, John B. Dec. Pool, Daniel. March 22 Quintard, Isaac. April 5 1806 Quinby, Joseph. Api-il 25 ib. Feb. 3, 1812. Quincy, .\braham. March 20 Itll Quincy, Abram. II. Sept. 3, 18U. Q. 30 2 1819 ib. ib. ib. 1320 February 17, I8I2. May 21, 1812. June 13, 1812. Quin, Henry. Feb. 21 1815 Quigley, Moses A. June 15 1819 Runisey, James. Aug. 26 1791 lleiul, N. Aug-. 26, 1791. Jan. 8, 1793. Ftb. 21, 1817. Feb. 22, 1817. Dec. ^3, 1817. Feb, 18, Ridgway, David. March 7 1792. October 26 I8o9. Ryan, E. April 29, r 93. Nov. 16 1796 Roboth* ID, Rich. April 13, 1794. June 1794. Aug^. ]4, 1799. Oct. 10, I80i Roberts, Jonathan, jun. Feb. 13 1796 Rigg, ElJsha. July 29 ib. Keutg-en, Clerneni. Nov. l*? 2796. June 27 1810. Ring-, Elias. Dee. 10 1797 feeeve, M. Dec. 14, 1798. June 26, 1816 Reed, Ezekiel. Feb. 14 179§ Reed,. Jesse. Jure 9, I8f)l. Julv 15, 1802. Feb. 22, 1807. April 15, 1809. Sept. 16, 18l0. Aug. 14 28 ! I. Get. 22, 1814. Dec. 16, 1814 Aug-. 1, 1816 Robins, Nathaniel. March 21 1802 Richardson, Hez. jvm. and Levi. April 23 ib. RIchui json, John. Scjit. 33, 1802 April 4, 1 803. Rawson, Tiros. H. July 24, 1802 April 4, 1803. RAVTse, Simeon. Jan. 1 1803 Rug-g^es, Lazarus. Oct. 18 ib. Rog-ers. S. and M. Otis. Dec. 7 ib. Richardson, Edward. Dec. 16 ib. Ross, Talmage Jan. 19 3804 Robertson, Archibald. March 5 ib. Rubiiisoii, G W. .March 24 1804. June v7, 1309. May 14, I8I2. March 17, 1813. July 17, 1818. Robert, Joiin, Amos l)> Allen, and Ezekiel Kelsey. Sept. 5 ib. Robei-ts, Ovven. April 12 1805 Richards, G. Feb. 14 1806. Feb. « 1813. Rwgers, Levi. Feb. 4 IS07 Riciiuru:i, lidward Oct. 3 ' ib. Kog-ers, S. Dee. 15, 1807. Jan. 26 1814, Oct. n, I8I4. Jan. 24, I8I8 Reed, Aaron. April 25 1»08 Reeve, Joseph. April 25 ib. Rider, Daniel. April 26 ib. Rhodes, William. May 16 ib. Reed, Jesse L June 3 ib. Ran)sev, Robert. June 24, 1808 July'9 1808 K OSS, Henry, jun. June 28 ib. Rickets, John T. Aug'. 8 ib. Rogers, Geo. Dec. 31, 1808. Dec. IS, 1816. Ross, VV. Jan. 14 1809. July 10 1809 Revv, Ephraim. Feb. 22 ib. Robinson, John. Feb. 25 Reed, Jacob June 9 ib. ib. ib. lb. ib. ib 1810 Richardson, William H. Jwnc 9 Ritter, Christian. Aug. 11 Robetson, Robert. Nov. 3 Russel, WiHiam. Dec. 1 Raymond, Eben. Feb 2l Reid, B. R. March 8, 1810. Aug. 18, 1810. Ruggles, L. and Dan. Tomlinson. March 17 ib. Robinson, Robert. March 19 ib. Richardson, Oliver. April 18 ib. Richards, R. W. and Mills. Apr. 24 ib. Roberts, Jesse. April 25 ib. Rogers, €Jeorge A, July 3 ib. Richards, Jedediah 3rd. Aug. 13 ib. Raggles, Levi. Aug. 16 Robinson, Nat. P. Aug. 31 Reid, Upton. Aug. 31 Randall, Sam. Oct. 1, 1810. Jan. 11 1812. March 12 18 II. Robinson, William. Nov. 27 Reuck, Aaron. Dec. 5 Robijison, D. Dec. 13, I8I0. May 3, 1^ n. Russftii, i^jarzillai March 4 Randolph, John F. April 24 R(/wey, John. May 7 Kid3, G. N. Apr- 29 ; Apr m ib- liedniond, Arthur. May 20 jb. Ransun, ^V'm. H. Sept 8 ib. Rwssc-I, \Siu. jun. Nov. 8 h. Raao::;!^ James. Jan. 29 J8;.;0 Samp.son, Joseph S. Aug. 6 1799. July 5, 17 J.J. Jur.e 26, 1797. Stone, Joim. March lO, 1791. Dec. 4, 1814. Stevens, iii^w, jun. Aug. 26 1791 Saitonstalh KichardH. Feb. 28 1793 May 1, 1793. Simpson, Jos -ph. March 4 1704 Staples, .lohn J. jun. April 25 ib. Feb. 17, 180 i. Spraguc, William P. June 19 1795 Stanheld, James. Nov. 16 1796 Spence, Jar.v. ». Feb. 16 1797 Stuart, Richardson. Feb. 24 ib. btarr, Je'.io-ih April 28 ib. Jan. 6, I8i>. Stickney, Joh-i. June 3, 1797. May 1, V'C^.^ \f -,- 4, 1305. Sey:T)our, Tierjanun. Ju'iC 25 TTD? Stickney, Thomas. Nov. 16 ih. Santbrd", isau'v March 27 17y§ Sjn;, Jam?3 and N. J. Rosevelli, ^fay .ji, 171)8 StouJinger-, CharLrs. June 2 >Th8 Sears, .loa-!. Jan. 24 17"-^ Spo;^!ver, Eilalcim, Jan. 25 Jb. ShoL*.vc-i], John. -March 16 \^. SliRckford, Josiah. March 21 ib- Stickiand, John. Nov 29 n, Sijotu-!il, Win. Feb 7 ISJ-j. June 2i 18(};>. ^ Sione, 8i!as. May S 13^9 Simui, ;iobf;rt. May 19 ib. Stron;-, Joseph. Jan. 29 1801 Miy . 14,';803. June 11, 1811. Anr"l. -J, UI5. Jan !5, 1818. 'XX. S^ StillmaM, Wjn. Ma cli IT) 1801 baltonstail, (jiurdea F. Aug'ust 2i, 1801. Sept. '2, iSOi. Jan. 4, 16\)3. Dec. SI, I&IY.. Strong-, J oliji. Mai-lien. March If ib. St'.>\v. >'■, \\. April 2(1 ISvJS Feb. 2 ,.l,il5. Aug. 20, 18i3. Stihwe'., Sam. and D. T. Winddi. June 5 1803 Stewart, Simon R]tai;er Mow, a,nd James ileiiderson June 2i ib. Seeiy, Ohadiah Aug-. 6 ib. SlujibL.ur-\ SiUiiuel. tiv-ii. u 1809 Sherman, Fdilni. March 2 1809 Stearns, Abncr. March 22 ib. vStubbs, VVilhanx: May 1 ik Story, Ehzabetli. Ex. of William Story. June 9 ib^ Shult/' William. Junfe 14' 1809 June 16, IhOO- June 24, 1809. rvlay 26, 1812. Jan. 26, 1816. Siwith, Daniel. June 14 ib, Sacket, Augustus. July 3 ib^ Stanly, 'I'imothv July 6 1809. Jan. 6, 1812. Stowe, David. July 27 ib. Smith, John. October 14 1809 . March 28 1815. Sinitn, S^uvcuei 2nd. Oct. 17 1809 July 6, 1810. Simons, David F. and Candy Ra- " g'uet, Nov. 7 ib" Syme, .1. Merywether. Nov. 29 ib. 'iSOy. Dec. 12 1-816 Sehi'ack, Lewis. Dec. 8 ib. Sheffield, Vvmi E. Dec. 21, _ ib. Sweef, John. Feb. 1$; April 11 1-81. ). Feb. 26, iHil. Sclienck, Peter 11. Feb. 15 I8I0 Spies, John P. Jan. 8 ib. Sa-A'in, ,]r,hr. p. undThos B. Wait, Fen. i I bill .Ian. 28, 18II. Shaler, Nafhaniel. ' Feb. 21 ib. Smith, Ko-.^'ur. March 8 ; April 24, " ib. Sli'ver, David. Afarch 17 ib. Smith, Aaron. April 11 ib. S ag-e , J o s e p h . A p ri'l 14 ib : Snede«-ker, Samuel. April 27 ib. Sprag-ue, I-Lleazei*. May 9 ib. Sawin, John P. and Jacob Skiniiei', A Say 17 18 iO. Feb. 8, 18 II. Smith, \\'m P. and Jacob Odel. July 17 ib. Silt r, Ed\'-ard. August 14 ib. Si)n(,'ns, Cnaries D. and Jean J. Riondei, Aug. 15 ib. Strong, idishc. and Cotton Killog. Ailg. 31 ib. Smith, FJi Nov. 6 ib. Stetson, Oliver, and Wm Sebree. Dec. ][ ib. Savviii. .[(^lin P. Jan. 24 _18ir' S;e\\a!(', M_ '-.rv. Jan. 24 ib. Sanders, J,>iu) Ffib. 7 ib. Sin.bbs, James aiid N. Parsons. Ft') 23 ib. Sheld'-v.. W.jnn. March 2 ib. Swan. lh;-,u:l '' :\Ia-ch 7 ii)- St.rrn')crL,ii. t'ci'-v. March 20 ib. Sv. -Mu, .!,ir>)cks, liwury and Joshua. April Ij ~ib. Sherwoi:(i. .■\iMlrc\v. April 25 ib. S:lb^^ .:crem'-;i. ■* pi'"1 25 ib. Sr't'-''-'n ' ' lU.i. aiic Wm- Stanton. iB. XKl' Stwie, Ranuiel. May 3 I8II Smith, Samue). June 11 ib. Slieurcr, Jacob and A. Killon, June ir ib. Smith, Hezukiah. July 19 ib. Sommer, Leoiiuid. July '22 ib. yealey, Itichard. July 25 ib. Sanfo3-d, John. Auy-. 20 1811 Dec. 12, 1812. Strong', Stephen. Sept. 2 ib. Shej)ard, Joseph H. Ocl 1 ib. Sillers, Charles W. Oct. II ib. Sizer, J Oct. 15 : Nov 6 1811. June 12, 1818. Sternberg Peter. Oct. 28 ; Nov. 19, ib. Shaw Jonathan Nov. 13 ib. Shebk, A-dam. Nov. 27 ib. Spencer, Asa. Feb. ll 1812 Shaw, William. Feb. 19; June 5 ib. Shoemaker, Daniel. Mar. ^7 ib. Shepard, Silas. xVpril 27 ib- Shaw, James. April 27 ib- Stanton, Wm ?^lay 12 -ib. Sexton, Jacob W. July 18 ib. Scab ok, Henry. Nov. 11 ib. Sommer, John. Nov. 16 ib* Skiff, Samuel. Dec. 5 ib. Snietlicr, llobert. Dec. i-0 ib. SiUhnan, Isaac. Dec. 17 ib. Spencer, John. Feb. 8 1813 Seilz, Johiv. i-'eb, 8 jb. Share, Joseph. March 30 ib. Stoat, Jacob. May 4 ib. Smelzer, John. May 6 ib. Staples, John J. May lO ib. Smith, (.eurg-c. May 28, ib. Sawyer, Abraiiam. July 20 ib. Shot well, Wm and Arthur Kinder, July 23 ; Nov. 4 ib. Steeii, Hezekiaji. Sept 3 ib. bchench, J. \ . Oct. 22 -- ib. S. Spring-er, Jesse. Dec. 27 ib Seeboid, Christopher, jun. Feb. 1 1816 Smith, Daniel A. Feb 23 ib. Speny, Ely. March 28 ib. Sandibrd, F/iias B. April 11 jb. Sergeant, John, jun. April 24 ib. Start, Vv'm. May 3 ib. Smith, John D. 'May 24 ib. Slc^ ens, Montg'omery. June 17 ib. Scamnson, E. 15. June 20 - ib. Sh.epard, and Thorp, July 25 ib. Sprinkle, Jacob. Aug. 23 ib- 8h}Hideun, and M'Caston. Oct. 24 ib. Swain, Albertus Feb. 1 ^ 1817 Swopc, Jacob. March 14 ib. Starr, Eli. Marcii 20 ib. Sim])son, Joseph. April 5 ~ ib. Scott, Isaac. Aiay 2 ib. Smith, Jarvi.s. July I ib» Stewajt, Adam. Julv 5, 1817. Apr. 8 1819. Seaman, Cornelius. Aug. 15 ib. Salisbury, A'v'iliiam, Aug. 16 ibi Strowliaven, G. and Fred. Sanxay. Sept. I " ib. Shepard, Caleb. Oct. 4 ib. Seargent, Charles L. Oct. 4 ib- Smith, lU-niy. .fan. 15 I^IB Smith, .Mn^herson. .fan. 28 ib. Steams, A. and W. Barrett. Jan. 30; Sept. 8 ib. Simpson, William. Feb. 19 ib. Sherewo(Kl, Stephen. April II ib» Shepherd, Isaac May 28 ib. Storm, T!jt)s. T. May 28 ib Siuilli, Biirrov.s. June 9 ib- Sprnngh, l^ .uis A. M- June 29 il)^ Stedman, S.moii. July 25 id. Swan, John 15. Sept.'29 ib^ Stansbury, Daniel. Oct. 26 ib. rmith, Aiathew. Jan 20 I^IS feheldon, ^Viliiam. Feb. 25 ' ib- XXll. T U Stith, Obadiah. March 16 Salisbury, Hezekiah. Mav 24 Strattan Benjamin. June'23 Speddea, Robert. Aug-. 26 Smith Ezekiel F. Nov. 8 IS 19 Swartvvout, James, Nov. 13 13] 9 ib. Swain, William W. Jan. 14 1820 ib. Smith, Abiel. March 22 ib. jb. Skinner, I. and Samuel F. Hooker, ib. March 23 ib. Taylor, Ben. March 23 1794. April 25 IH08. Taylor, J. June 30 1795. Oct. 28 I8I5 Tyler, Ben, April 15 1796. Feb. 26 1799. March 19 1 804. Feb. 20 1820. Thomson, Wm. August 2 1791 Terry, Eli. Nov. 17 1797. June 12 1816. Thompson, Thos, Jan. 3 1799 Tryon, Isaac. Feb.-2^. 1795 Thayer, Amos. June 9 1801. July 7 1817. May 1 1818. Templeton, James. Aug-. 17 1802 Todd, Isaac. See Augystus Day. Turner, J edediah T. Oct. 19 1803 Thornton, Wm. Oct. 28 1803. Dec. 13 1807. Jan. 16 ; Sept. 7 1809. Dec. 23 1814. Tuns^all, Wm. June 30 1304 Thomas, Jolin James. Oct. 2 ib. Taylor, Aaron. October 4 i'b> Tomlinson, Daniel. May 27 1805 May 20 1812 Taylor, John G. November 13 ib. Tatterson, James. Nov. 27 ib. Thompson, Cephas. Feb. 5 1806 Tripe, Richard. April 1 ib. Tullock, Vsm. October 28 ib. Tobey, Cornelius. May 7 1807 Townsen I Wm. W. March 22 1808. June 18 18 1 2. TaUman, J edediah. March 31 ib. Trescot, Enos. July II ib. Townsend, Erastus. July 12 ib. Tuller, Martin. July 29 ib. Templeman, John. Aug-. 161807. March 16 1809. Tucker, Septimus. January 12 1809 Trumar., James. June 24 1809. Dec. 3 1811. Aug-. 21 1 812. Thom/is, Luther. June 24 ib. Toppan, Knoch C. Feb. 12 ib. Thorne, Klchard V. W. and John. March 6 1809. March 26 1810. . r April 29 18! 3. T'Jtlii!!, Abram. Gulielmus Domin}'. March z2 ib. Tobey, \uyustus. June 21 1810 Teale, .Joim C. Sept. 11 ib. Tibballs; Sain. jun. Dec. 26 ib. Thornton, W-m. and John S.Hall. May 21 1811 Turbut, Nicholas. September 7 ib. Thayer, Solomon. Oct 9 ib. Tanner, Archibald. Oct. 24 ib. Turner, Kobeit. Nov. 25 1811. February 21 1814. Tousley, Roswell- Jan. 11 1812 Thayer, Elijah. March 14 ib. Thorp, John. March 28 ib, Treadvvell, Stephen. April 27 ib. Twombiy, Rphraim. Aug-. 28 ib. Tuder, Frederick. Dec, 17 ib. Thompson, Sam. March 2 1813 Thorne, R. V. W. April 29 ib. Tousley, Svlvanus. May 28 1813. Feb. 7 1815. Thrall, Luke K. November 10 ib. Talmag-e, Ezra. April 9 3 814 Julv'81816. Sept. 12 1816. April 26 '1817. Aug. 27 *l8l8. Jan. 10 1820. Todd, Alpheus, April 18 ] ib, Tu]y, Joseph. May 17 ib, Tousley, li. and J. Swan. Nov. 9 ib. Tomlinson, Peter. March 7 ib Tanner, H. S. July 1 ib, Tisdale, Ej)hraim. July 17 1815. July 31 1818. TifFany, Wm and P. Allen. July 17 ib Tabb,'Georg'e. Feb. 23 I8I6 Tatham, Wm. April 18 ib. Trumbull, Shadrach. April 23 jb. Talbot, Sylvester W. May 4 ib. 'I'horp and Shepard. Oct. 14 ib. Thacher, David. Oct. 24 ib. Tr.cker, James. Dec. 13 ib. Tyler, B. and J. Feb. 1 1817 Trooiit, Gerret March 3 ib. Thomas, Ben. March 20 ib. Tilton, Thos. P. M iiy 6 ib. Thomas, G.T. June 10 ib. Thomas, Spencer. Oct. 10 ib. Tieman, Anthony. April 27 1818 Trott, Joh)iS June 2 ib. Taylor, Abram. Nov. 18 ib. TJiomas, Robeit. May 29 1819 Tice, A. and L Aug. 21 ib. Tilge, Jo)ui Henry. S.ept. 23 ib. 'Haylor, Asa. Oct, 9 ib. Tucker, John. Nov. 10 ib. Town, Ithiel. January 28 1829 Upham, Plinr. January 6 IB09. March 21 18 IL Underwood, Wm. Sept. 6 I8I0 "^tle}', .loscT^h. .November 5 I8U U, Updike, Daniel. Feb. 19 18I« Ulman, M. and M. Isaacs. March 17 ib. Usiier, Sophia. September H ib. V w :w«iii. V'oig-ht, Henry. Aug-. Ig 1791 \eltenair, Christ Aug. 10 1804 Varle, Chartes. May 2 1804 Valcourt, Lewis. June 25 1805 ^ iijton, Seth. ^'ovembe^ IS 1807 Votee, George. May lO 18U9 Vausant, Nicholas. May 21 ib. Van Voorhis, Dan. March 21 1811 Vernon, John. October 21 ib. V an Houton, Rulel C. March 28 1812 >'anol, Jas. and John Eagle. April 8 1112 A'alentine, Hosvell. June 13 ib. Van Duzer, Wm. June 30 ib. Vanini, Joseph. Dec. 4 ib. Vorjon, I^ernard E. April 2* 181§ Verger, P. C August 19 ib. Van Sicler. John F. July 3 ib. Valentine, George T. Aug. 26 ib. Veales, Louis. October 29 ill. W. WiUiams, J. jun. March 13 1793 Whitney, Eli. March 14 1794 Wynkoop, B. Sept 131794. June 19 1795. June 26 1797. Wardrop, James Novembers 1794 \Vhittemore, Amos. Nov. 17 1796 June 5 1 797. Watkins, Robert. Dec. 23 1799 Wheaton, Caleb March 29 1797 Wilkinson, David. Dec. 14 1798 Whiting, Charles. March 2 1799 AViggles worth, Michael June 26 ib. Wild, Ezra. June 26 1799. Sept. 17 1800. May 16 1804. Wilder, Abijah." Dec. 14 ib. AValker, Peter. April 10 1.800 West, Kdwacd. Blay 19 180). July 6 1302. Wheaton, Jesse. Jan. 17 1801 Whiting, E. Jan. 22 1301. April 11802. June 18 1810. Weems, Richard. March 16 1301. Sept. 20 1804. Wallis, Sam. Sept. 21 ib. WiUard, Simon. February- 8 1802 Whitlock, Thos. }). Febrtmry «3 ib. Warrell, Jacob. March 17 ib. Wallcot, Ben. S. Sept. 4 ib. AVigton, W^m. January 30 1803 Wood, Israel. February 21 ib. Williams, John. 31arch 23 ib. Whiting, Colvin, and Eli Parsons. April 14 1804 Withers, Michael. April 20 1804. August 24 1813. White, Eben and J. Bellows, jun. December 31 ib. White, Jos. iVoT. 27 1804. Mar. 14 1810. .Tan. 11 ; May 15 1812. October 19 1819. Welsh, Jacob. May 6 1805 W itmer. H. May 17 1805. Sept. I9 1811. Wing, Wrn. August 28 ib. Wing, AV & H. Salisbury. Aug. 29 ib. Wing, Abner. May 26 1806 Wadsworth, Wm. July 17 1806. Marcli 5 ; March 15 1808. Wo );ndj Thos. August 7 ib. W eightiTian, James P. Oct. 21 ib. Wippie, Sylvester G. April 17 1807 Willard, Simon, jun. Apr. 25 1807. Nov. 30 ; Dec. 1 1807. W^eaver, Abram. April 23 ib. Webb, Orange. October 14 ib. Wheatley, It. and James Beumont. November 14 ib. Watson, Daniel. March 4 ItOS Warner, Ephraim. April 19 ib. Willard, Simon B. May 18 ; Nov. 17 18'J8. Nov. 3 1813 West, John. October 27 ib. Wallis, Randall November 9 ib. Williams, Michael. Feb. 24 UQ9 Wheeler, Ben. April 17 1808. March 28 1810. Wilmot, Sam. jun. April 21 ib« W^oodcock, John. May 8 ib. Worthin.gton, David. April 27 ib. Wells, John J. June 13 ib. Woodward, Fred. July 18 1809. July 27 ISJL Walworth, Jos. Oct. 17; Nov. 22 lb. Williamson, Pere.grine. Nov. 22, 1809. May 12 1813. Mar. «0 1830. Wetmore, John. December 8 ib. Williamson, Ejinion. Jan. 19 1810 Wadsworth, John. Feb. lO ib. Wright, Abel. March 7 ib. Williams, David, 3d. March 28 ib. Webster, Alpheus. Mar.Sl 1810. December '21 1812. Wilde, Oliver. April 16 ib. Wright, R H. April 25 ; June 9 ib. Whi'ting, Nathaniel P. April 25 ib. Webster, John. May I ib. Williams, John H. July 26 jb. Williams, Thiiddens. August 31 ib. Winter, Elisha. Sept. 4 ib. Willard, Elias. October 8 ib. White, Wm. November I ib. W'itherle, Joshua. Jan, 6 ; May 28 1811. Feb. 9; March T I8I5. February *24 1817. Willbor, B* a^id T. Soper. Feb 4 180 Walker, James AV. February 9 ib. W^illbor, Borden. Feb. 4 1811, Feb. 10 18!4, April 26 1815. Willmarth, Ezra. Feb. 28 ib. Wheeler, Dexter- March 2 ib. Watson, ^>'nl March -2 ib. :5^Xiv. Y Z Wplv^ertoii, C. and "B. Ridg-eway, fun. May 24 ISI2 Walcox, Ben. May 29 ib. Witherall, Sam. October 29 ib. Walton, A/arlali. .Tanuary 6 1812 Walton, Peter T January 5 ib. Whitlow, C!ias. .laiiuary 11 ib. Walg-amo'.'e, Sam. February 23 ib. Waldrou, r)ani( I. March 4 ib. Wernwag-, Lewis. March 28 ib. Weston,' r. June 26 1812. Feb. 13 1815. Woolson, Tho 14 1802. June 23 Y. 20 W'r. Young. N, IS03 Youle. ( Mig. V5 1803. Mar. 21 IBOj. :\iay 21 1805. July 27 1809. hdySlSli Mar. 19 I3I9. Young, Thomas. May 11 1807 Yarwood, Josenb. 3Jarch U 1809 Youngs, Seth. ' May I 1810 Yeomans, linger. M iv iS ib. Yeaman ll. Jan. 9 1S15. Nov. 20 1819. Young, Daniel. April 17 1819 Zacharie, 1^ 4 i7i:(5. N.;v. 24179L vv 10 1805. Z. May Zorger, ?>IiclKiel. April 3 181-3 XTuisler, .''$vnes. Jn^y ! 1814 6.:. AfOI)!'. or Al'l'LVlNf. FOK A PATENT. Evorv inventor bofbrc ho presents his petition t«» tlie Secretary of S'ate, sig-- iiifying- liis desire of obt;iinin,u,' a i)atent, shall ptvv iniu the treasury of 'the i'.wh- ed'States thirty dollars, for whicii he shall be fiiriiislicd with (hiiihcaie receipts, one of wliich "he sliall deliver to the Secretary of vState, when he presents his petition ; ar.d the money thus paid shall he in full for the sundry services to be performed in the omce of che Secretary of State, consequent to such petition. This petition mist he addressed to the Secretary of State, and may he iii the following", or in a similar style : TO THE HON. —SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES : The Petition of A. B. of , in tlie county of , and State of res])ectful]y represents : That your petitioner ins invented a new and useful improvement [" or art, Triachme, manufacture or composition of matter, or any new and i;s; rul i.iipi-ove- ment in any art, machine, man«ifacture, or composition of mattt^r] in not known or used befoi'e hjs app-ication," tlie advanlat^cs of which he js de-. sirous of securing- to himself and iiis leijal rcprescntaUves, lie therv'ifore prays that letters Patent of the United States may be issued; granting- unto your pe- titioner, his heirs, administrators or assio ns, the full and exclusive rig'ht of juak- ing-, constructing', using- and vendir.g- to others to be used, his said in.prove- ment, (art, invention, macliine, manuf;icture or composition of matter, 8cc.) ag-recably to the act of Conp;ress in s;ich case made and provided ; }'our })eti- tioncr having paid thirty dollars into the treasury of the United Stcites, and complied with oilier provisions of the said acts. A. iJ The specification or description of the machine, art, discovery, or invention, must be g-iven in clear and specific terms, desig-nating- ii from all other inven- tions, and describing" the whole in such a manner, as to comprehend not only the foi'm and construction, (if a machine) but also the mode of usina-the same ; and if it be only an improvement on a certain machii\c already invented by the applicant or any other, it ought to be so mentioned or described; and as this specification, description or schedule, enters into, and forms partof i,he patent, it must be without any references to a model or draw#ig-, and must be siinied by the applicant or applicants, before two witnesses. It is material tjiat this be in g-ood 1ang"aag-e, and correctly written, as it is transcribed into the patent, and the original papers v.'iil be deposited in an office, that will hand the;n down to posterity ; by which the honour of the country is concenied in this attention. The movlest inventor Avill no doubt, exclude those panegyrics on the excellence of his invention or discovery, wjiich abound sometimes in the productions of the inferior genius, but which ought not to enter into the patent. The following, or a similar oath or affirmation, taken [before a jvidge of any oltiie courts, or a justice of tiie peace, or any person qualified to administer an oalh] by the applicant or applicants, must be subjoined to the spcvi/ication, if citizens of the United States. CcHintyof '■ 7 State of 5 *''■ V On this of , 18 , before the subscriber, *a Justice of the Peace, in and for the said count}', personally appeared the aforenamed A. B. and made solemn oath [or affirmation] according to law, that he verily believes himself to be the true and orig-inal inventor or discoverer of tijc art, [n;achine, iiuention, or improvement, composition of matter, &c] above specified and described, for (n^ention here the object or intention) and that he is a citizen of the United States. , Just. Peace [f not a citizen ( or citizens) tlie following addition must be made to the declaration, " that he verily believes himself to be the true and original inventor *' or discoverer of the art, &c. JlncHhat the same hath not, to the best of his o/^ " hfr knowled^ey o)' belief, been known or used) either in this or anvforeig-n cotiittr-k q " I 66 -• ." Al-so, that Ive ( or she ) lialh resided in tiie United States for two "■' years and upwards." -.^ It is not necessary that tl)e time of residence should immediatei'y precede the application. If any inventor or discoverer should die intestate before an apj)lication be made for a patent, his leg-al representatives may apply for the patent, in trust for the heirs at law ; otherwise in trust for the devisees. The specification must be accompanied by a good drawing, in persriective, of the whole machine or apparatus, " v/liere the nature of the case admits of drawing's, or with specimens of the ingredients, andof tjie composition of mat- ter, sufficient in quantity for the purpose of experiment, vvixere the invention is of a composition of matter." "and sucli inventor sliall, moreover, deliver a model of his machine, provided the Secretary shall deem such model to be necessary." It is requisite, in giving- a dravsiitg- of the machine, to give also sectioiial dra^vings of the interior, when the machine is complex; and every drawing- should be accompanied with explanatory references. If the machine be complex, a model will likewise be necessary, not only to explain and render it comprehensible ,to a common ca])acity, but also to prevent inmngements of rig-hts ; for many will plead igiiorancc of drawings, vvho cannot avoid conviction by wheels and pinions. The drawings ought r.ot to exceed a chart, book or books, in order to j^rint, reprint, publish or vend the same, sliall have the sole right and liberty of printing, re- printing, piibiishing and vending such map, chart, book or books, for the term of fourteeri years from the recording the title thereof in tlie clerk's olRce, as is hereafter directed : And that the author ajid authors yf any ma]), chart, book or books already made and composed, and not printed or published, or that shall here§,f^er be made and composed, being a citizen or citizens of these Unit- ed States, or resident therein, and his or their executors, administrators or as- sig-ns, sha'l have the sole riglit and liberty of printing, repvliuing-, publishing and vending such map, cl^art, book or books, for the like term of fourteen }'cars from the time of recording tile. title thereof in the clerk's office as afore- saici. And if, at the expiration of ?; ;i'; rrm, th.e author or authors, or any of thein, be living-, and a citizen or cil.';^,n3 of these United States, or resident therein, the same exclusive right sliall be conti]uied to him or them, his or their executors, admin.istrators or assigns, for tiie further term of fourteen ^'^ears : Provided, he or they shall cause the title thereof to be a second time recorded and pubiished in the same manner as is herein after directed, and tl:at wjtlyin six montlis before the expiration of the first term of fourteen years aforesaid. Sk^ t. 2. Ar.d be it fartlier enacted. That if any other person or persojis, from anl after the recording the- title of any nsap, chart, bock or books, and pub- lishing- tjie same as aforesaid, and within the times limited and granted by this act, sliall priiit, reprint, pubiisii or iiuport, or cause to be ])rinted, reprinted, published, or imported from any for.i,,;i kingdom or state, aiiy cojw or copies of such map, chart, book or books, v.:,uu>ut the consent of the' autihor or pro- prietor thereof, first had a:id obtaintd in writing;, signed in the presence of two or 17/ ore creditable witnesses: or ]:now'ai>; the same to be -•';,,-,■:•,■ \ y^nrinted. r: iiTipc^i-ted, shall pubiis's, seh or ox-xs;, u> sr.Ir^^ or ^-av;-;' ' . :■,' d, sold, 0/ or exposecL to sfic, ar.v copy ot l- ici-. 'lutp, ru:u-i, Ijooii. or houK.s, ni'liout such coiiaeiit tirst had ami ohtuiacd in writipg* as aforesaid, tiien such offender or offenders shall forfeit all and every copy and copies of such map, chart, book or books, and all and every sheet and sheets, bciiig- jKU-t of the same, or eitlier of them, to tlie author or proprietor of sucii map, chart, book or books, who shall forthwith destroy the same : And cxi^ry such offender or offenders shall also forfeit and pay the sum of fifty cents for every sheet which shall be found in his or their possession, either printed or printing-, published, imported or exposed to sale, contrary to the true intent and meaning- of this\ict, the one moiety thereof to the author or proprietor of such maji, chart, book or books, who shall sue for the same, and thecther moiety thereof, to and for the use of the I nitcd States, to be recovered by action of debt in any court of record in the United States, wherein tlie same is cog-nizable. Pruvkted atwayfi. That such action be commenced witiiin one year after the cause of action shall arise, and not afterwards. SiuT. 3. And be it further enacted. That no person shall be entitled to the beneiit of thi&^act, in cases where any map, chart, book or books, hath or have been already printed or publislitd, unless he shall first deposit, and in all other cases, unless he shall before publication deposit a printed copy of the title of such map, chart, book or books, in tiie clerks office of the district court where the author or proprietor shall reside : And the clerk of such court is hereby directcd.and required to record the same forewith, in a book to be kept by liim for that purpose, in the words folio wing, (g-iving- a copy thereof to the said author or proprietor, under the seal of the court, if he shall require the same.) " District of to wit: Be it remembered^ That on the day of in the year of the independence of the United States of America, A. B. of the said district, hath deposited in tliis office the title of a map, chart, book or books, (as the case may be) the rig'ht whereof he claims as avithoror proprietor, (as the case may be) in the words following, to \vit ; [here insert the title] in conformity to the act of the Congress of the United i5tates, intituled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, l)y securing tlie copies of maps, ch-arts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such co- pies, during the times thei^ein mentioned." C- D. clerk of the district of ." For which the said clerk shall be entitled to receive sixty centj frc-m the said author or proprietor, and sixty cents for every copy under seal actually given to such author or proprietor as aforesaid. And sucii author or proprietor sliall, v.dthin two mortths from the date thereof, cause a copy of the said record to be published in one or more of the newspapers printed in the United States, for the space of four weeks. Sect. 4, Jlnd be ii fxirtlier enacted. That the author or propi'ietor of any such map, chart, book or books, shall, v/ithin six months after the ])ublishing thereof, deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Scci'etary of State a copy of the same, to be preserved in his office. Skct. 5. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be construed to extend to prohibit the iniportation or vending, reprinting or publishing w^ith- in the United States, of any map, chart, book or books, written, printed, or pub- lished by any person not a citizen of tiie United States, in foreign parts or places without the jurisdiction of the United States. iiiiCT. 6. And be it further enacted, I'hat any person, or persons wlio shall print or publish any manuscript, v/ithout the consent and approbation of the author or proprietor thereof, first had and obtained as aforesaidj (if sttch author or proprietor be a citizeji of, or resident in these United States,) shall be liable to sm'fer and pay to the said autiior or proprietor ail damages occasioned by eucii injury, to be recovered by a special action on the case founded upon this act, in any court having cognizance thereof. Sect. 7. And be it further enacted. That any person or persons shall be sued or prosecuted for any matter, act, or thing dene under or by virtue of this act, he or they may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. FilEIDEHlCK AUGtSTUS MUHLKNTiliRG, Speaker of the Ho/;.'": of Jicpresentatives. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the Uiuted States, Approved — Mav 31, 1790. - arid President of the Senate. t;EO. WASIIIXGTOy; Prts^Uhnt cf ihe United States, An ACT to ^irojiiote the Progress ofliseful JMs ; and to rcf.eul the Act heretofore made for that JnirfioHe. Sect. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and Iloiise fjj- Representatives of the United States oj America, in Covgre&s assembled. That when mn' person or pel sons being a citizen or citizens of the United States, shall ailed/e that he or they have in- vented an}^ new and useful art, machine, munafacture, or composition oi matter, or any new and useful improvement on any -ttrt, machine, ma,iufactiire or com- position of matter, not known or used before tiie apphcation, and shall presei^t a- petition to the Secretary of State, sig-nifyin^' a desire of obtaining- a.i exclusive propert}^ in tJie same, and- praying that a patent rnay be granted therefor, it shall and may be lawful for the said Secretary "of State, to cause letters patent to be made ou tin the name of the United States, beainng test by the ['resident of the United States, reciting the allegations and suggestions of the said pe- tition, and giving a short description of the said ijiven^lou or discovery, and thereupon granting to such pethioner or petitioners, his, her or tiieir heu-s, administrators or assigns, for a term not exceeding fourteen years, the Full and exclusive right and liberty of making, constructing, using and vending to others to be used, the said invention or discovery, which letters patent shall be delivered to the Attorney General of the United States, to be examined ; who, within fifteen days after such delivery, if he finds the same conformable to this act, shall certify accordingly at the foot thereof, and return tlie same to the Se- cretary of State, who shall present the letters Patent thus certified, to be signed, au:] ^-iiall cause the seal of tlie United States to be thereto affixed ; and the same shall be good and availa.ble to the grantee or grantees, bj- foice of tiiis act, and shall he recorded in a book, to be kept for tliat purpo'se, in the office of the Secretary of State, and delivered to the patentee, or his orden Sect. 1. Provided ahvaj/s, and be it further enacted., Tliat uny person, who shall have discovered an i.apro e:nentin the principle of any muchine, or m the pro- cess of any composition of matter, which shall have been patented, and shall have obtained a patent for such improvement, he shall not be at hberty to make, use or vend the origiaal discovery, nor shall the first inventor be at liberty to use the improvement : and it is hereby enacted and declared, that simply chang- ing the form or j)roportions of any machine, or composition of matter, in any degree, shall not be deemed a discovery. Sect. .S. And be it fnrtlier enactsd^'Vh'At every inventor, before he can re- ceive a patent, siiull swear or afiirin, that he does verily believe, that he is the ipti tion, and of the manner of using, or process of compounding the same, in such full, clear and exact terms, as to distinguidi the same from all other thing's be- fore known, and to enable any person skilled in the art or science, of which it is a branch, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make, compound, and use the same. And in the case of any machine, he shall fully explain tiie prin- ciple, and the several modes, in which he has contemplated the application of that principle or character, by wnich it may be distinguished from other inven- tions ; and he shall accompany the whole with drawings and written references where the nature of the case admits of drawings, or with specimens of the in- ( gredlents, and ot the composition of matter, sufficient in quantity for the pur- pose of expe'-iment, wliere the invention is of a composition of matter; which^discriptions signed by himself, and attested by two witnesses, shall be filed in the office ^n'-he Secretary of State, and certified copies thereof shall be com- petent evidence, in all courts, where any matter or thing, touching such patent- right, shall come in question. And such inventor shall moreover, deliver a model of ills machine, provided the Secretary shall deem such model to be ne- cessary. , Sect. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any invejitor, his executor or administrator, to assign the title and interest in the said in- vention, at any time, and the assig'uee having recor' ed the said assignment, ia the office of the Secretary of State, shall thereafter stand in the place of the ori- ginal inventor, both as to right and respimsibiiity, and so the assignees or assigns, to any degree. Si;troduce tlie described effect, which concealment or addition shall full} appear to have been made, for the purpose of deceivnig- the puolic, or that tiie thhig, thus secured by patent was not originally iliscoveredby ti)e patentee, but had been in use, or had i;eeil described In some public work, anterior to the supposed tliscovery of the ;iaten- tee, or tliathe had surreptitiously obtained a patent for the discovery of a-»other person: in either of which cases, judg/uent shall be rendered for the defeiidaut, witli costs, ajjd the patent shall be declared void. Skit. 7. And be it further enacied. That where any state before its adoption of the present form ofg'overnmcnt, shall have granted an exclusive right to any invention, the party claiming that right, shall not be capable of obtaining an ex- clusive right under tills act, but on relinquisiiing- his right under such particu- lar state, and of such relinquishment, his obtaiiiing an exclusive right under this act shall be sufficient evidence. Skct. 8. A'ld be it further enacted, That the persons, whose applications for patents, were, at the time passing of this act, depending before the Secretary of State, :?'ecretary at War, and Attorney General, accordiifg to the act, passed the second session of the first Congress, intitled, " An act to promote the pro- gress of useful arts," on complying with the conditions of this act, and paying" tlie fees herein reoviired, may pursue their respective claims to a patent under the same. Sect. 9. And be it further enacted. That in case of interfering applications the same shall be submitted to the arbitration t)f three persons, one of whom shall be chosen by each of the applicants, and the third person shail be appointed by the Secretary of State, ; and the desision or award of such arbitrators, deli- vered to the Secretary of State, in writing- and subscribed by them, Or any two of them shall be final, as far as respects the granting of the patent: And if either of the applicants shall refuse or fail to choose an arbitrator, the patent shall issue to the opposite party. And where there shall be more than two interfer- ing applications, and the parties applying shall not all unite i.i appointing three ai'bitrators, it siiall be in the power of the Secretary of State to a])point three arbitrators for the purpose. Sect. 10- And be it further enacled, That upoii oath or affirmation being made, before the judge of tiie district court, where the patentee, his executors, admin- istrators or his assigns reside, that any patent which shall be issued in pursuance of this act, was obtained surreptitiously, or upon false suggestion, and motion made to the said court, wiLliin three years after issiung the said paterit, but not afterwards, it shall and ma/ be lawful for the judge of the said district court, if the nifitter alledged shall appear to him to be sufficient, to grant a ride, that the jiatentee, or his executor, administrator or as!>ign, shew cause why process should not issue against him to repeal such patent. And if sufficient cause sliall not be shown to the contrary, the rule shall be made absolute, and tliereupon the said judge shall order process to be issued against such patentee, or his ex- ecutors, administrators or assigns, witli costs of suit. And in case, no sufficient cause shall be shown to the contrary, or if it shall appear, that the patentee was not the true inventor or discoverer, judgment shall h& rendered by such court for repeal of such patent; and if the pai-ty, at whose complaint the process is= sued, shall have judgment given against him, he shall pay all such costs, as the defendant shall be put to, in defending the suit, to be taxed by the court, un.el recovered in due course of law. Sect. 11. And be it fuvther auicted, Tliat every inventor, before he presents his petition to the secretary of State, signifying his desire of obtaining" a patent, shall pay into the Treasury thirty dollars, for which he shall take duplicate receipts ; one of which receipts he shall deliver to the Secretary of State, when he presents his petition . and the monej', thus paid, shall be in full for the sun- dry services, to be performed in the office of the Secretary of State, consequent on such petition, and shall jjass to the account of clerk-hire in that oftice. Pro- •vided ?iev3rtheless, That for every copy which may be required attlic said office, of any paper respecting any patent, that has been granted, the person obtain- ing sucii copy, shall pay at the rate of twenty cents, for every copy-sheet of one hundred words, and for every copy of a drawing, the p'arty obtaining the same, shall pay two dollars : of which payments, an account shall be rendered, an- imally to the treasury of the United States, and they shall also pass to tlie ac- count of clerk-hire in the office of the Secretary of State. Sect. 12. A7id be it further enacted, That the act passed tlie tenth day of April, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, intitled, " An act to pro- mote the progress of useful arts," be, and the same is hereby repealed. Pro- vided ahvays^ That nothing, contained in this act, shall be construed to invalidate any patent, that maj/ have been granted under the avithority of saidact; and all patentees under said act, their executors, administrators or assigns, shall be con- sidered within the purview of this act, in respect of the violation of their rights, Frovidedj such violations sliall be committed, after the passing of this act. JONATHAN TllUMBULL, Speaker oj the House of Representatives. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States, and President of the Senate. Approved, February 21, 1793 : .... ,..o GEOiiGE V/ASHINGTON, Pres/r/e72i fl/iA inven- tion, art or discovery, which it shall afterwards appear had DQen known or "used previous to such apiViication for a Patent, shall be utterly void " Sect. 2. And he it furihcr enacted. That where any person hath made, or shall have made, anv new invention, discovery or improvement, on account o wlucti ri Patent might, (>v virtue of this or the abovementioned act, be granted to sucn Derson, and sbaU die before any Paten*: shall be granted theretor, the rigiU^ct applying- for and obtaining such Patent, shall devolve on the legal represema- tives, of such t^erson in trust for the heirs at law of the deceased, in case he shall have died intestate ; but if otherwise, then in trust for nis devisees, in as lull ana ample manner, and under, the same conditions, limitations and restrictions, as the same was held or might have been claimed or enjoyed by such person, m n-s or liei- life timp : ami when application for u Patent shull l.e made by such legal fcprescniativcs, the oath or uthrniation provided in the third section of the be tbrcmentioned act, shall be so varied as to be applicable to them. Skct. 3. Jnd bg, engraving, and etching, historical and other prints Skct. 1. Be it enacted btj the Senate and Hovse rf Representatives of the United. States of America in Congress assembled, That every person who shall, from and after the first-day of January iiext, claim to be the author or proprietor of any maps, ciuirts, book or books, and shall thereafter seek to obtain a ccny-right of the same, agreeable to the ndes prescribed bylaw;, before be sliall be entitled to the benefit of the act, entitled " An Act for the encouragement of lejirning, bv securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprie- tors of such copies during- the time therein mentioned," he shall, in addition to the requisites enjoined in the third ar.d fourth sections of said act, if a book or books, give information, by causing ti^.e copy of the recoi'd whicli, by said act, he is required to publish m one or more of the newspapers, to be inserted at full length in the title page, or in the page immediately following the title, of every such book or books ; ajid if a majj or chart, shall cause the following words to be impressed on the face thereof, viz. — " Entered according to Act of Congress, the day of — 18 [here insert the date when the same was deposited in the office] by A. P.. of tlie state of [here insert the author's or proprietor's name, and the state in v/liich he resides.] Skct. 2. And be it fu)i her enacted. That from and after the first day of January next, every person, being' a citizen of the United States, or resident within the same, who siiall invent and design, engrave, etch or work, or, from liis own works and inventions, shall cause to be desig-ned and engraved, etched or work- ed, any historical or other print or prli-sts, shall have the sole right and liberty of pr5nting,reprinting, publisliing and vending, such print or prints, fjr tlie term of fourteen years, from tlie recording the title thereof in the clerk's cfHce, as prescribed by law for maps, charts, book or books: Provided, he shalbperform all the requisites in reiiaion to such print or prints, as are directed in relation to maps, charts, 1)Ook or books in the tlTird and ffSitrth sections of the actio wliich tins is a supplemr-nt, and shall, moreo^"er, cause tlie same eiitry to be trulveno graved on sucli p:jUe,with the name of the proprietor, and printed o;i every such print or prints, as hereinbefore required to be made on maps or cliarts. .Skc'i-. .1 Aid be it t^narted, Tha* if any nriiiti-.^ller, or other p^r.soi what = 72 soever, from and after the said first day of Janiiarj' next, •williln the time liuiited by this act, shall erif4,rave, etch or work, as aforesaid, or in any other manner copy or sell, or cause to be eng-raved, etched, copied, or sold, in the whole or in part, by varying-, adding- to, or diminishing from, the main design, or shall print reprint, or import for sale, or cause to be printed, reprinted, or imported for sale, any such print or prints, or any parts thereof, without the consent of the proprietor or proprietors thereof, first had and obtained, in writing-, sig-ned by him or them respectively, in the presence of two or more creditable witnesses; or, knowing the same to be so printed or reprinted, without the consent of the proprietor or proprietors, shall publisii, sell or expose to sale, or otherwise, or in any other manner, dispose of any such print or prints, without such consent first had and obtained, as aforesaid, then such offender or offenders shall forfeit the plate or plates on which such print or prints are or shall be copied, and all and every sheet or sheets (beir.g part of, or whereon, such pri'^t or prints are or shall be copied or printed) to the proprietor or proprietors of such original print or prints, who shall forthwith destroy the same : and further, that every such offender or offenders shall forfeit oiie dollar for every print Avhich shall be foimd in his, her, or their custody, either printed, published, or exposed to sale, or otherwise disposed of, contrary to the true intent and meaning ot this act; the one moiety thereof to any person who sliall sue for the satue, and the other moiety thereof to and for the use of the United States, to be recovered in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof Skct. 4. And be it further eiiucted. That if any person or persons, from and after the passing of this act, shall print or publish ahy map, chart, book or books, print or prints, who Jiave not legally acquired tlie copy-right of such map, chart, book or books, print oi prints, and shall, contrary to the true intent and mean- ing- of this act, insert therein, or impress thereon, that tlie same has been enter- ed according- to act of Congress, or words purporting the same, or purporting- that the copy-right thereof has been acquired; every person