ROSTEE HOfficers Md Members^ SOCIETY OF THE mf iai|af|i^Qafgtoali |li{es l,N IHE STATE OF MARYLAND, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Job Prin ROSTER -Officers snd Members^ SOCIETY OF THE A[[MYANDf(AVY|CO^FEDERjlTESTjlTES IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. BALTIMORE : Press of The Sun Job Printing Office 18S3. :NDN>Vy CONFEDERATE STATES, IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND. CHAPTER T. To collect and preserve the material for a trutliful his- tory of the late Wai* between the Confederate States and the United States of America ; to honor the memory of onr comrades who have fallen ; to cherish the ties of friendship among those who snrvive, and to f nihil the duties of sacred charity towards those wlio may stand in need of them — we whose names are appended do hereby associate ourselves together for tlie purpose named, and do adopt for our government the following constitution : Sfxtfox 1. The name of our Society shall be ''The Society of the Army and Navy of the (Confederate States, in the State of Maryland." Sec. 2. All persons shall be eligible to meml)ership who honorably served in the Army or Navy of the Confederate States until the close of the war, or were honorably dis- charged therefrom. Sec. :>. All luale descendants of those wlio honorably served in the Army and Navy of the Confederate States nntil the close of the war, or were honorably discharged therefrom, upon arriving at the age of fifteen years, upon satisfactory proof, shall be entitled to membership, but Avithout a vote until arriving to the age of eighteen years. Sec. 4. Members of kindred societies in other States may be elected honorary members by a vote of this Society. Se(". o. The election of lionorary members shall be vica voce upon the nomination of the (General Committee, and shall confer no privilege l)eyond that of attending meet- ings and reunions of the Society, without a vote. Sec. 6. Active members who have ceased to contribute to the support of the Society, while in arrears, shall be con- sidered and denominated Passive members, and be debarred the privilege of participating in the meetings of the Society. Sec. 7. A])plications for membership sliall be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary, and shall be made in accordance with a i^rinted form to be prescribed for the })iiri)Ose by the General Committee, and shall set forth briefly the military or naval record of the applicant, accompanied by satisfactory proofs of honorable service. Sec. 'S. The record furnished by eacli member elected at the timf of his ai)plication shall be copied into a book to be kei'C for the purpose ; and in order that said records may be uniform and complete, original members of the Society shall furnish to the Kecording Secretary similar statements, prepared according to the same form. Sec. 9. Applications when received shall be referred to the General Committee, by whom they shall be considered and voted upon, each applicant being balloted for sepa- rately, and one-third of those present being sufficient to defeat any application. Sec. 10. All per.sons wlio are in entire sympatliy witli our cause are eligible to auxiliary inenibersliip upon the payment of five dollars initiation fee and two dollars per annum, without a vote. Skc. 11. Tlie officers of the Society sliail be a President, twelve Vice-Presidents, one Ixecording Secretary, one Assist- ant, one Corresponding- Se(!retary, a 'i'reasurer, four Chap- lains, and an Executive Committee of seven, all of whom shall be elected aimually on tlie Hith of January, and Avho shall constitute together the (Jeneral Committee. Sec. 12. The Executive Committee shall make arrange- ments for tlie general meetings mid annual reunions, also for the proper observance of Memorial Days, and foi* the expeiulitui'e of the funds of the Society for tlie payment of current expenses and charitabh' l)ui-])oses, and all other business of the Society. The committee shall meet on the call of the l*resident, who shall be ex-officio chairman. Three members shall constitute a (luoi-iiin. Sec. l:]. The (Jeneral Committee, of wliicli the l^resident shall be ex-officio chairman, shall meet on the call of the President for the purpose of disposing of applications for membership. Seven members a quorum. Sec. 14. The annual meeting shall be held on the IDtli of January (Gen. llobert E. Lee's birth-day), (U- the day follow- ing\ should that day fall on Sunday, at such time and place as the Executive Committee shall designate. Sec. bj. General meetings may be held at other times on the call of the Executive Committee. Sec. 1G. The amount of dues shall be one dollar per annum, in advance. Sec. 17. The Executive Committee shall adopt all neces- sary by-laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution and the general objects of this Society. Sec. 18. This Constitution shall not be altered in whole 8 or in i)art except by a vote of two-tliirds of those present, and voting at a general meeting; thirty days previous notice required. Sec. 19. Societies of Confederate Soldiers or Sailors in Maryland may become members of this Society and enti- tled to representation therein. Sec". 20. The A^ice-Presidents in the absence of the Presi- dent shall preside in the order of the vote by which they were elected. The Recording Secretary shall have charge of all records and documents. The Executive Committee, the General Committee and Treasurer shall make reports at the annual meeting. Sec 21. The Badge of the Society shall be as heretofore adopted — the Battle-Flag of the Confederate States, three- (juarters of an inch s(]uar<\ in red and blue enamel, the field red, the cross blue, and the stars and border of cross and flag of silver. In the upper quarter 1801 : in the lower quarter 18():"j. This square attached to the three upper arms of the Alary land Cross, which shall be of blue enamel, bor- dered with silver, and on it the letters A. and N. C. S., Md. ; the whole suspended by a heavy silk i-ibbon, three-quarters of an inch wide, divided perpendicularly into equal red and white stripes, one-half being red and the other half wliite, the wliole fastened with a silver clasi) or buckle, one inch Avide one way and one-quarter wide the other. The Seal shall consist as now used, of the Saltier Cross^ from the battle-flag, with thirteen stars. In the top quar- ter the figures 1861 ; in the bottom quarter the figures 1865; in the left liand quarter the word ^^ Deo ; '' in the right hand (piarte]' the word " A^indice ; " the whole surrounded with a circle, in which shall be the official name of the Society, and the date 1871. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS , OF THE BENEFICIAL SOCIETY Of tlie Society of the Arniy and Kary of tlie Confederate States, in the State of Maryland. CHAPTER II. oonsrsTiT"cn?ioi^T. 1. Tlie name of this Society shall be ^' The Beneficial Society of the Society of the Army and Navy of the Con- federate States, in the State of Maryland." 2. The object shall be to establish a fund for the relief of sick and distressed members, and to pay such death bene- fits as are hereafter mentioned. 3. None but members of the Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States, in the State of ^Maryland, shall be eligible to membership. 4. The officers, who shall be elected annually, shall be a President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Committee of tliree, Visiting Committee of twelve, two Surgeons and Sergeant-at-Arms. '■). The initiation fee shall be one dollar, and the monthly dues shall be twenty-five cents. 6. Beneficiaries shall be divided into two classes : First, those who contribute twenty-five cents per month shall be 10 entitled, in case of sickness or distress, to receive sucli aid from tlie Treasury as sliall be recommended by tlie Visit- ing Committee, and ordered by the Finance Committee. Second, tliose of the second class shall pay into the treasury the sum of one dollar and ten cents upon the death of each member of said class ; the sum of ten cents shall go to the Recording Secretary, and the one dollar so collected shall be paid to such person as shall be named in the certificate of membership of this class. Xo person shall be entitled to receive any sum beyond the amount actually collected. Failure to pay assessments within thirty days after notifi- cation shall forfeit membership in his class. 7. For the destitute of the Society of the Army and Xavy of the Confederate States, in the State of Maryland, con- tributions shall be solicited. The funds so collected shall be known as the Fund for the Destitute of the Society of the Confederate States, in the State of Maryland, and shall be under the management of the Beneficial Society, and disbursed by its Visiting Committee under the regular rules of the Society. 8. Any member may be dropped from tlie Society by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting, after due notice and opportunity to be heard are given him. 9. No member of the first class shall be entitled to receive benefits who is in arrears three months and until one month after all arrears are paid. 10. No person shall be admitted to membership who is disabled or sick at the time of application so as to be unable to support himself. 11. All members shall notify the Secretary of any change of residence. 11 CHAPTER III. 1. The aiiiiiial meeting for tlie election of oificers shall be held on the second Monday in March, and a regular monthly meeting shall be held on the second Monday in each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Nominations for officers shall be made at the monthly meeting next preceding the annual meeting, subject to additional nominations in the annual meeting. 2. The President shall preside at all meetings, and in his absence the A^ice-Presidents in the order in which they are recorded. The Recording Secretary shall keep a roll of members, and shall also keep books showing the accounts of all members and items of expenses ; he shall attend to all collections of initiations and monthly dues. Upon being notified of the death of any member of the second class, he shall collect the assessment from each member of such class. The calls for assessments shall be signed l)y the Treasurer and receipt given by the Secretary at time of (Collection. He shall receive for his compensation such sum as shall be determined by the Finance Committee. :>. The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to the cor- respondence and assist the Recording Secretary. 4. The Treasurer shall receive all the collections from the Recording Secretary and receipt to him therefor. He shall deposit all moneys received by him in the name of the Society in sucli bank as shall be designated by the Finance Committee. o. The Finance Committee shall see that the funds are deposited as required, and shall have general charge of the finances. 6. The Visiting Committee shall arrange for visiting the sick a] id looking after the destitute. TTiey shall have power 12 to make details from the members of tlie Society to take care of tlie sick and attend tlie funerals. Any member detailed for the above purpose and failing* to attend shall pay a fine of fifty cents, to be collected by the Recording Secretary. 7. Ten members of the Society shall constitute a ciuorum. Four members of the Visiting Committee sliall constitute a quorum. 8. Order of Business. — First, roll call; second, reading- proceedings of previous meeting; third, report of Treas- urer, showing receipts and disbursements since last meet- ing and aggregate funds in the treasury; fourth, report from Secretary, showing the collections since last meeting, from whom received, also showing dues in arrears; fifth, written report of the Visiting Committee, showing work performed during the month ; sixth, collection of dues ; seventh, unfinished business; eighth, new business ; ninth, election of officers. 9. The Visiting Committee, after notification and exami- nation, shall determine what amount of benefits shall be paid weekly or otherwise to any sick or distressed member of the first class; they shall certify the amount to the Finance Committee, who shall, if the finances permit, endorse the same to the Treasurer for payment, the same rule to apply to the destitute fund. 10. Death benefits shall be paid on tlie certificate of the Visiting Committee of the death of any member of the second class. The Finance Committee shall order to be paid such sum as has been actually collected for such benefits. A receipt shall be given by the party to whom the money is paid, which shall be filed with the Secretary. 11. All moneys shall be paid by check of the Treasurer, countersigned by the acting President. ROSTER OF MEMBERS. •^i^a^i'^Sr y 1 r 'V 14 NAME. RANK. Ackler, Wm. F Private Addison Joliii W Sergeant Allen, Wm Lieutenant-Colonel Allison Kichard T Major Allston, Joseph Blytlie Captain Alvey Jolm F Major.^ Anderson, Jolin H Private Anderson, R. T Private Annan, Roberdean Private Baily,Sydnor Sergeant -Major Ball, Rev. B. F Sergeant-Major Baker, Henry AY.' Private Baldwin, John H Lieutenant Barnette, D. P Lieutenant Barnes, Jacob S Private Barry, Pliilip Private Barton, Boiling W Lieutenant Barton, Randolph Captain and A. A. (General Baxter, T. W Lieutenant Baylor, R. B Private Bayne, Wm. H Sergeant ; Beall, E. Sinclair Sergeant-Major Beall, Henry 1) Private Bell, Doulass l^rivate Bell, Dr. Alex. C Surgeon Bencke, C. L Private Bennett, .lohnW Lieutenant Bennett, Edward W., Jr Private Bennett, L. O Private Berry, Alex. C Private Billopp, Charles Private Billopp, T. F Captain Blake, Francis T Private 15 fiRANCH Of SERVICE. ADDRESS, Co. D, 1st Maryland lufaiitiy. Middle Police Station. Co. F, 2d A^irginia Infantry... (JO Warren street. Ordnance, 2d Corps, A. X. Va. Owen's Mills, Balto. Co., Md. Paymaster, C. S. Marine Corps.Clerk's (Office, Superior Conrt. 27tli S. C. Infantry, Co. F 32 St. Panl street. Ecliols Brigade 1st Richmond Howitzers 38:> West Baltimore street. 2d Maryland Infantry Davidson, A. A. Co., Md. 2d Virginia Infantry Cor. Baltimore and Sharji sts. 40tli Virginia Infantry 4") Sonth Sharp street. 13th Battalion, Va. Artillery. 71 West Fayette street. 1st Maryland Cavalry 99 Chew street. Co. A, 1st Virgina Battalion... 13 Rialto Bnilding. Co. A, 2(Uh Virginia Infantry. Catonsvi lie, Maryland. 7th Virginia Cavalry 1 Ann street. Co. A, 2d Maryland Infantry... 115 West Monnment street. 1 st Foreign Bat talion 227 Alaryland avenne. Stonewall Brigade 29 Xc^rth Calvert street. 1 5th Texas Infantry 12 Commerce street. Co. G, 6th A^irginia Infantry.. 2 Commerce street. Brook's Battery Artillery Sharp and German streets. Otey Battery Far. t^- Merchants' X^at. Bank, Co. B, 12th Virginia Cavalry. Snn Office. Co. G, 6th Virginia Infantry. 220 West Biddle street. Stenart's Horse Artillery 234 Madison aveime. 2d Battery, Md. Artillery Waverly, Maryland. Confederate States X'avy Sykesville, Maryland. Co. E, 1st Md. Infantry 102 Sonth Washington street. Brethed's Battery 2 Sonth street. Co. H, 1st Virginia Infantry... Western Police Station. Co. C, 1st Battalion, Md. Cav.City Hall, (^o. A, 29th Georgia Infantry. Glendale P. (j. (^o., Aid. Co. E, 1st Aid. Infantry A^alley street, near Biddle. Name. rank. Block, M.J Private Blundon, Robei't M Corxioral Bond, Frank A Major and A. A . General Bond, Benj. F .....Private Booth, G. W Captain and A . A. General . . . , Bratton, James G Musician Brent, Geo. T Private Briscoe, John H Private Brooke, George ^\ Sergeant , Brown, J. Willcox jSIajor Brown, John R., Jr Private Brown, W. Jndson ...Lieutenant , BurgAryn, Wm. H. S (^aptain and A. A. General. Burton, R C Private Byrd, Dr. Harvey L Surgeon Cann, C. ^l Quartermaster Gary, A lex . ( t Sergeant Garey, John B Private Carey, T . W Sergeant Carr, Thomas Sergeant Carter, H. M Sergeant Carter, John P T^ieu tenant Chambers, John E , Sergeant Chambers, Robert M Private Chancellor, Dr. (\ ^y Major C'hap)man, Jolin W Private Chisolm, Dr. J. J Surgeon Claiborne, C. H Lieutenant Clark, Duncan C Private Clark, Frank P Captain Clark, Matthew Lieutenant Clark, Michael R Private Clarke, J. Lyle Lieutenant-Colonel 17 BRANCH OF SEKVICE. ADDRESS. Border Guards, Missouri 118 South Eden street. Corps CadetSjYa. M. Institute . 48 South Calvert street. Gen. Liventhrope's Staff Jessup's Cut, A. A. Co., Md. Co. A, 2d Md. Infantry Camden Station. Maryland Line 80 Harlem avenue. 1st Virginia Infantry 792 West Baltimore street. Co. B, 1st Maryland Cavalry... Pi scataway, P. G. Co., Md. 1st Battery, Md. Artillery 113 IS'ortli Charles street. Co. E, 1st Maryland Cavalry... Oak Grove, P. G. Co., Md. Ordnance Dept. Richmond.... 19 German street. Co. A, 1st Maryland Cavalry... Ellicott City, Maryland. Poagues' Ai'tillery Battalion.. 84 South street. Clingman's Brigade Otey Battery 51 South street. Confederates States Army 225 North Gilmore street. Gen. Peyer's Brigade 43d Virginia Cavalry Lombard and Frederick sts. Co. A, 1st Maryland Cavalry. 1 North Charles street. 2d Maryland Cavalry Southern Police Station. 1st Maryland Infantry 30 Ensor street. 44th Virginia Infantry 102 Park avenue. 30tli Virginia Infantry 73 East Baltimore street. Baltimore Light Artillery . . . 307 Mulberry street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry . Lynchburg, Virginia. Gen. Pickett's Division 35 West Eager street. 2d Virginia Infantry 351 West Baltimore street. Confederate States Army 55 Franklin street. 1st South Carolina Infantry... Gilmor's Battalion 109 Oak street. Staff Duty 29 St. Paul street. Co. G, 13tli Virginia Infantry . 44 North Front street. Purcell's Battery 14 Park street. 30tli Virginia Battalion 59 West Lombard street. 18 NAME. KANK. Clarke, Dr. Powhatan, Lieut.-Col. and Clilef of Orel. Clendinen, Thomas R Private Close, James Private Clowe, John H Sergeant Codd, Wm. H Chief Engineer Cole, Dr. Wm. H. Snrgeon Coleman, John Privat^e Collins, John W Private Colston, Fred M ; Captain Conradt, C. J Private Cooke, Adolphns Lieutenant , Crane, Charles T Sergeant Crane Henry R Private Cunningham, R. H Private Dall, H. McPhersoQ Private Dallam, H. Clay Private Dandridge, P. P Lieutenant Davis, Z. O Private Davison, Thos. H Sergeant De Gournay, P. F Lieutenant-Colonel Deppish, E. C Lieutenant Ditty, C. Irving Captain Dolan, Patrick H Sergeant Dorsey, Ezekiel S Sergeant Douglas, H. Kyd Major Downing, Samuel Captain Du Barry, W.D Private Dudley, Thomas U., Jr Major Duvall, Tobias Private Edell, Hemy J Private Eisenburg, George Private Elder, G. Howard Private Emory, Daniel Grant Private 19 BRANCH OF SERVK E. ADDRESS. Lt. Gen. Buckner's Comnicand. 7:> C'onrtland street. Corps Cadets,Va.M. Institute. 8 2 West Fayette street. Co. B, 21st A'irginia Infantry. 77 Xortli Liberty street. Co. C, 2d Batt'n, N.C. Infantry . Western Police Station. Confederate States Xavy :3a2 North BroadAvay. Confederate States Army IS East Fayette street. 2d Maryland Artillery Ill South Washington street. 1st Maryland Infantry :n3 East Biddle street. Ordnance Dept., A. X. \r. . . . 1-34 West Baltimore street. 1st Maryland Infantry 140 North Strieker street. Co. B, 1st :Maryland Infantry. Brooklandville, Bait. Co., Md. 2d Richmond Howitzers 1 Commerce street. 2d Richmond Howitzers 2 Commerce street. Co. F, 1st Virginia Cavalry . .164 Division street. Co. B, 2 1st Virginia Infantry. 109 North Charles street. Gen. Elzey's Command 59 J St. Paul street. 9th Virginia Cavalry Barnum's Hotel. Co. D, 4th Virginia Infantry. 538 Lexington street. White's Battalion Cavalry. . .104 West Lombard street. Gen. Gardner's Command. . . . 75 Preston street. Co. A, 1st Maryland Infantry. 3-37 East Eager street. Co. F, 1st Maryland Cavalry.. Custom House. Co. C, 1 st Maryland Cavalry. . 228 East Lombard street. 2d Maryland Infantry 36 West Lombard street. Gen. T. J. Jackson's Staff Hagerstown, Maryland. Co. L, 55th Virginia Infantry. 58 Light street. 27th South Carolina Infantry . Baltimore and Calvert streets. Bureau Duty; Richmond Louisville, Kentucky. Co. C, 2d ^laryland Infantry. IMitchellville, P. G. Co., Md. 2d ]\Iaryland Battery 383 North Ann street. Co. F, 1st Maryland Infantry. 230 South Bond street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry. . Pikesville, Baltimore Co., Md. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry. 8 Postoffice avenue. 20 NAME. RANK. Englehardt, Edw. E Private Eno, diaries E Private Faliey, Alex. A Private Feast, Loudon Private Fenton, D. A Sergeant Fenton, J. J Sergeant Fislier, Cliarles W Private Fitzgerald, W. H.. Private Fitzgerald, W. B Private Foley, David R Private Foley, Ricliard Fleming Captain Forbes, J. H Capt and A. Quartermaster. . . Forrest, Douglas F Assistant Quartermaster Foster, Jolm H Private Franklin, B. E, Private Franklin, Joseph Private Gaither, George R Captain Gamble, Dr. Carey B Post Surgeoij Gardner, W. F Chaplain Garnett, James M Captain and Ordnance Officer. Garrigeus, H. H Private Cassette, C. W Major Giles, Wm. Fell, Jr Private Gill, John Signal Sergeant Gill, Wm. H Private Gilmor, Harry Lieutenant-Colonel Goldsborough, ]N^. Lee Private Goolrick, Dr. P Assistant Surgeon Grace, ^Ym. Private Graves, Henry M Engineer Graves, Wm. B Sergeant Green, Wharton J Lieutenant-Colonel Greenwell, Joseph A Private 21 BRANCH OF SERVICE. ADDRESS. Co. F, 1st Maryland Infantry. 94 Hillen street. Co. D, 1st Maryland Infantry. 209 Conway street. Courier for Gen. E. E. Lee . . . Woodstock, Md. Major Gilmor's Battalion. . . .40 McHenry street. Co. G, 2d Maryland Infantry. 95 Hollins street. Soutli Carolina Artillery Criminal Court. Kevin's Battery Co. H, 12tli Virginia Infantry. 157 West Baltimore street. 1st Virginia Cavalry C'ity Hall. Co. C, 1st Batt'n, Md. Cavalry. 310 Light street. Confederate States Navy 11 Blount street. Andrews' BattalioA Artillery. Annapolis, Maryland. Confederate States Navy Ellicott City, Maryland. Mosby's Command 109 Nortli Strieker street. Co. H, od Virginia Infantry. .184 Montgomery street. 1st Maryland Battery 297 Light street. 1st Virginia Cavalry Cor. Calvert and Fayette sts. Confederate States Army .... Cor. Cathedral and Eager sts. Gen. Pickett's Division Grimes' Division University of Virginia. Co. A, 14th Temi. Inf antry. . . 493 West Baltimore street. Staff of General Duke 10 .McCulloh street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry. .Carrollton Hotel. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee's Division . 223 Xorth Charles street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry.. 336 West Pratt street. Gilmor's Battalion Cavalry. . . 22 Second Street. 1st Maryland Infantry 42 West Pratt street. Pegram's Brigade 48 Mount Vernon Place. Co. C, 2d Maryland Infantry.. Easton, Md. Richmond Defences Piedmont Guano Company. Utterbach's Battery 796 Madison avenue. 2d North Carolina Battalion.. 2d Maryland Battery 588 West Baltimore street. 2^ NAME. RANK. Grimes, Dr. John H Private Griswold, Elias Major Grogan, Charles E Lieutenant Gwathmey, Robert AV Private Haas, Isaac G Private Hall, Thomas AV., Jr Major and Inspector General Hall, Wilburn B Lieutenant Hanley, Thomas J Private Harper, Wm. H Private Harrison, Thomas D Private Hayden, Pev. Horace E Private Hayden. John F Private Haynes, James A Captain Haynes, Thomas R Sergeant Haynes, Wm. H Lieutenant Heimiller, Herman Private Heimiller, William Private Herbert, James R Lieutenant-Colonel Heiskell, J. Monroe Captain Hill, X. 8 Major Hipkins, Richard Private Hoblitzell, Fetter S Private Hoerster Frederick Private Hoffman, John Private Hoffman, R. Curzon Cai^tain Hollyday, George T Private Hollyday, Henry Private Hollyday, Lamar Private Holmes, J. C Sergeant Holtzman, W. F Private Hough, G Private Hough, Samuel J Private Howard, I). Ridgely Private 23 BRANCH OF SEKVICK. ADDRESS. 1st Virginia Cavalry Maryland ave. and 8eco]id st. Provost Marshal, Riclimond. . Mosby\s Command Second and Frederick streets. Otey Batei-y 109 North Charles street. Chew's Battery jO West Fayette street. Dept. Ala., Miss., and F. La. .48 St. Paul street. Confederate States Navy 'I'Mx A\>st Hoffman street. Co. G, 1st Maryland Infantry. :>1 North Paca street. 1st Maryland Battery Upper Marlboro', Maryland. 2d Maryland Infantry ^)2 Conrtland street. Co. A, 1st Maryland Cavalry. . Wilkesbarre, I*a. Baltimore Light Artillery. . . .o6:> AVest Lanvale street. Co. K, 55tli Virginia Infantry . Brooklyn, New York. Co. K, 55th Virginia Infantry . Brooklyn, New York. Co. K, 55th Virginia Infantry. lUl North Fulton street. Co. C, 1st Md. Batt'n Cavalry . Southern Police Station. Co. A, 2d ^Faryland Cavalry. .230 North Central avenue. 2d ^Maryland Infantry 7 Soutli IVlonnt street. 13tli Virginia Infantry 50 Xortli Front street. Co. H,Stli Louisiana Infantry. Elysville^ Howard Co., Md. Gen. Elzey's Command 152 Scott street. Chesapeake Artillery Chester, near Keyser. Co. A, 27th S. C. Infantry. ... 24 Cathedral street. Gen. Price's Missouri Army. .212 Moslier street. Co. B, 40tli Virginia Infantry. . 35 McHenry street. Co. E, 2d Maryland Infantry.. 144 Sonth C^astle street. Confederate States Army Calvert and Read streets. Co. B, 1st Maryland Infantrj^.GGO Light street. 1st Maryland Infantry Towson, IMaryland. Confederate States Navy 67 East Pjaltimore street. Confederate States Army Ill I^ombard street. Confederate StatesStr. Florida.78 Charles-street avenue. Nitre and Mining Bm*eau. . . . 27 German street. Co. C, 2d Maryland infantry . .Hall's Station, P. G. Co., Md. Co. A, 2d Virginia Infantry. . . 154 Mulberry street. Signal Corps and S. S. Bureau. 18 (> North Charles street. Otey Battery 12 Commerce street. 10th Alabama Infantry Kansas. Confederate States Army Carey and Lexington streets. 1st Maryland Battery 10(] South Charles street. 1st ^Maryland Battery North avenue, near John st. Co. E, 3d Texas Cavalry 1(^2 South Eutaw street. Ordnance Dept., A. N. Va .... 29 North Charles street. 10th Virginia Infantry 220 Linden avenue. Co. A, 1st Maryland Inf antry . IJght and Pratt streets. 30 NAME. HANK. Pease, Charles C Private Peerce, Jolin F Private Pendleton, David E Private Peterkin, George W Lieutenant Peters, Winfield Lieutenant Pettit, Allen O Private Poe, Neilson, Jr Engineer Poor, Richard L Major i^ope, William H Sergeant Potter, Hugh Private Powell, R. M Colonel Price, Orlando K Private Prince, Lawrence L Private Probest, George E Sergeant Pullen John 1^' Sergeant Pumplirey, Lemuel Sergeant Raddatz, Charles F Lieutenant Ramsay, H. Ashtoii Lieuteuant-Colonel Ramsey, W. S Lieutenant Rea, George A I'rivate Reardon, L. M Private Redwood, Allen C Private Relly, J(^hn Private Reilley, John H. F Private Rhett, Thomas Smith Colonel Ridgely, John Color Sergeant Richardson, R. T Private Richardson, S. H Lieutenant Ritter, William L Captain Roberts, E Private Roberts, Joseph K Lieutenant Robertson, D., Jr Lieutenant Robinson, George S Private 31 BKANCH OF SERVICE. ADDRESS. 1st Maryland Artillery 116 l^ierce street. Co. E. 1st Maryland Infantry. Co. A, 7tli Virginia Cavalry. .16."] Park avenue. Staff of Gen. Pendleton Richmond Defence Forces. . .40 West Lombard street. 2d Maryland Cavalry 122 Bond street. Confederate States Army 124 West Lanvale street. Corps Engineers, A. N. Ya. . .16 McCulloli street. Co. A, 1st Maryland Infantry. 389 Lexington street. 13tli Virginia Infantry 3 Lemon Court. Gen. Hood's Texas Brigade. . . 54 Exchange Place. Co. E, 3d Virginia Infantry. . . 20 Xortli Strieker street. Inglis Light Battery St. Louis, Missouri. 2d Maryland Infantry 91 South Charles street. Co. G, 5th Virginia Cavalry . . 75 West Fayette street. 6th A^irginia Infantry 405 North Calvert street. Ordnance Dept. E. K. Kirhy. .Baltimore City College. Confederate States Army 18 7 1 St. Paul street. 61st North Carolina Infantry. 139 Xorth Carey street. Co. H, 1st Virginia Infantry .. Tax Office. Mosby's Command 297 Park avenue. Co. C, 55th Virginia Infantry. . New York. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry.. 132 North Bond street. Co. B, 1st Maryland Cavalry.. 120 Jefferson street. Com'ng Richmond Defences. . 1 South Calvert street. 1st Maryland Cavalry 86 West Monument street. 1st Maryland Artillery 87 South Charles street. Co. B, 53d Virginia Infantry . . 191 Fulton street. Ritter's Light Artillery 170 North Carrollton avenue. Easton, Maryland. Co. G, 1st Maryland Cavalry. Upper Marlboro', Maryland. Co. G, 6th Virginia Infantry . . 44 South Calhoun Street. Baltimore Light Artillery.. . .23 North Eden street. NAME. . RANK. Hyland, Samuel P., Jr Private Sadler, D. M Private Savage, George Private Scliaf er, George AV Private Scharf , J. Thomas Midshipman Scott, John AY Sergeant Selden, Robert D Lieutenant Shanley, Thomas K Private Shepherd, Henry E Captain Simon, August Private Skaggs, E. S Private Shriver, Mark O Private Skinner, F. G Colonel Slater, John H Private Slingluff, Fielder C Lieutenant Smith, A. J Captain Smith, John Donnell Captain Smith, R. Carter Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, Seabury D Private Smith, Victor Lieutenant Smith, AValter G Private Snowden, John C Private Snowden, Dr. D. Milton Assistant Surgeon . . Soiecki, Isidore S Private Solana, P. G Sergeant-Ma jo r Sollers, Somervel Private Spedden, John R Private Spencer, E. N Private Spencer, Jervis, Jr Private Stanley, C. H Private Staylor, George W Private Stevenson, D. H Private Steuart, George H Brigadier-General . 33 BRANCH OF SERVICE. ADDRESS. Co. K, 34tli Virginia Infantry . 50 West Falls avenue. Co. C, 11 til Texas Cavalry. ... 3 Courtland street. Otey Battery City Hall. Gilmor's Battalion Northeastern Police Station. Confederate States Navy 302 Nortli Strieker street. I'o. B, 21st Virginia Infantry. E^aston, Maryland. P. A., C. S 48 South street. Co. A, 2d Maryland Infantry. 59 Conway street. 43d Nortli Carolina Infantry. . Charleston, South Carolina. 1st Maryland Infantry (^3 North Howard street. Co. K. 14th A'irginia Cavalry. Co. K, 1st Maryland Cavalry. 90 West Falls avenue. 1st Virginia Infantry Co. A, 46th Virginia Infantry . 777 Madison avenue. 1st Maryland Cavalry 33 Lexington street. 31st Virginia Infantry 383 West Baltimore street. Battery A. Huger's Battalion. 75 Park avenue. Conmiand'g Prison, Danville . Criminal Court Office. Co. H, 1 7th Virginia Infantry . Gay street, near Second. Engineer Corps 87 Hanover street. Steuart's Horse Artillery 140 West Baltimore street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry. .316 Lafayette avenue. 2d Maryland Infantry Laurel, Pr. George Co., Md. Gilmor's Battalion 40 Lexington street. 5th Florida Infantry 363 Hollins street. Co. A. 2d ^Maryland Infantry . Prince Frederick, Md. 2d Maryland Cavalry 51 Nortli Gay street. Co. B. 21st Virginia Infantry. 69 Lexington street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry. . Towson, Maryland. Co. B, 1st Maryland Cavalry.. 29 Lexington street. Baltimore Light Artillery.. . .155 Ensor street. Co. D, 1st Maryland Cavalry. 329 West Baltimore street. Commanding Brig'e A. N. Va . Carrollton Hotel. 34 NAME. RANK. Stewart, C. J., Jr Private Stewart, W. E Major Steuart, William F Surgeon Stiiie, Joseph A Sergeant Stinson, Robert J Private Stocksdale, F. G Private Stonebraker, Joseph K Private Street, John H Private Stubbs, Daniel \V Lieutenant Sulivane, Clement Lieutenant-Colonel Sydnor, A.J Captain Symington, Thomas A Capt. and A. C. G Symington, W. Steuart Major Syntis, Sylvester Private Taylor, David B Private Thomas, D. L., Jr Private Thomas, Edwin Private Thomas, Raleigh C Private Thompson, C. G Captain Thompson, W. S Engineer Tolson, Albert Private Torsch, John W Captain Trapier, Theo. D Private Travers, John M Private Trimble, Isaac R Major-General Trippe, Andrew C Lieutenant Thurston, James Liutenant Trust, George Private Tunis, Theophilus Private Turpin, Thomas L Private Upshur, Levin Sergeant Waddell, James J Lieutenant-Commanding Waller, Thaddeus Corporal 35 BRANCH OF SERVirE. ADDRESS. Gilmor\s Battalion 3 Soutli Liberty street. lotli Arkansas Infantry Easton, Maryland. Confederate States Army Catonsville, Maryland. 2d Maryland Cavalry 50 Soutli Castle street. Baltimore Light Artillery.. . .35 Clinton avenue. Co. C, 2d Maryland Cavalry. .522 Mulberry street. Co. C, 1st Maryland Cavalry . .264 McCulloli street. Co. A, 1st Maryland Infantry. 132 Hi lien street. Co. G, 18tli Tenn. Infantry. . .251 Hanover street. Staff of Gen. G. W. C. Lee. . . . Cambridge, Maryland. Co. B, 40 til Virginia Infantry. Old Bay Line. Bearing's Brigade '. . . Holliday st. & Exchange PI. Staff of Gen. Geo. E. Pickett. Holliday st.