f ill \'^ \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I 0014 114331 1 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered > N. Y. Stale Camp at Peckskill. Manito Mountain in the Ih- ■ - Hear Hill on "■- 1." ,n LlBKAay of CONGRESS Two Cooies Received m 16 1UU9 . CcpxiBUt Entry ]^IS, If Of ( CLASS A >'.Xc, ,Nu zy £.i zy ' COPY 8. / In the Hudson Ilieliliinfts, lookinK North. Anthony's Nose on the riKht. lona Ii>l t Toim. N.V Enterinp the Hudson lti(;tilan(N. 1 'undcrbfrg Mt. on left. Manitn Mt. on right. lona I