-r^rv"i:i''>y X. t- u- THE STOEY OF THE GUAED. THE STORY OF THE GUAED : A CHRONICLE OF THE WAR. Bt JESSIE BENTON FREMONT- sir good swords rust, their steeds are dust, itheir souls are with the saints, we trust.' BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS. 1863. \ Entered according to Act of Congress, in to^year -I^k^y TicKNoa AND Fields, \ y'^7\,iif^ in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. RIVERSIDB, CAMBRIDQE: STKRIOTTPCD AND PRUMED UY U. 0. UOUaQTOX. "That the honorable enterprises, noble adventures, and deeds of arms, performed in the wars between England and France may be properly related, and held in perpetual remem- brance—to the end that brave men taking example from them may be encouraged in their well-doing, I sit down to record a history deserving great praise ; but, before I begin, I request of the Saviour of the world, who from nothing created all things, that He will have the goodness to inspire me with sense and sound understanding, to persevere in such man- ner, that all those who shall read may derive pleasure and instruction from my work, and that I may fall into their good graces. " It is said, and with truth, that all towns are built with many different stones, and that all large rivers are formed from many springs ; so are sciences compiled by many learned per- sons, and what one is ignorant of is known to another ; not but that everything is known sooner or later." .... — ^/> John Frois- sarfs Preface to his Chronicles of England^ France^ ^c. When this book was written, nearly a year ago now, it was my wish and hope to be able through it to get some immediate assist- ance for the families upon whom the winter was coming without their usual support. It was to have been issued as a Christmas Story, at the kindly season when " good-will towards all" would be propitious to my attempt. But various causes delayed it. Among others the want of a publisher who was willing to incur the risk of publishing what might be taken as a disapproval of an official act. Mr. Ticknor and Mr. Fields hearing of it, volunteered for the service, but it was already too late for a Christmas-book and so it was put off to a more favorable season. When a new com- mand was given to the General we hoped for renewed service for the Guard, and this stayed my hand again. Again disappointed for them, I have no restraining motive, but launch it now, taking shame to myself for deferring for any cause a right act. For in this, as well as in great matters, I do not believe that there is any specially appointed " more convenient season." 19th October, 1862. J. B. F. PREFACE. "THE REASON WHY." [From a Letter to Mr. Fields.^ Because I know what it is I mean to do, I am afraid I fell into the error of talking to you this morning as though you, too, knew ail about it. Mr. Ticknor and yourself talked " book," when I am incapable of writing a book ; sunshine puts out little fires, and Pve known too much of those who lived, as well as wrote books, to pale my ineffectual fires by comparison. But I can tell what I know. I believe that those truly soldierly young men, worthy of a place in chronicles of knightly deeds, were misrepresented, slighted, and finally insulted out of the service, because of the name VIU PREFACE. they bore. This has not altered the feeling with which they took that name, and we feel to them as toward the foremost in sharing a hard siege. It seems to me as much an obli- gation of feeling and honor to do them jus- tice, and heal the hurts to their just pride, as it would be to visit them in the hospital, had they been wounded bodily in the discharge of their duty near the General In the field. They were all young, many with younger members of their families looking to them for protection and assistance ; some few were mar- ried j some were sons of widows; — and it was an additional sorrow to find that those killed at Springfield comprised the greater number of married men and some of the most needed sons. I cannot let those mothers and wives feel our name only the synonyme of sorrow and loss to them. In the first nights after hearing of Springfield (the days were too busy for dwelling on thoughts) this thought troubled me. The idea of making the noble conduct of the Guard the means of providing for their PREFACE. IX families then came to me like an inspiration. It leaves no sense of obligation, and their pro- tection from such of the ills of life as money- affects will be due to the same true hearts and strong hands that defended the country at Springfield. Mr. Raymond was at the piano while I was thinking this over, and chanced upon one of his German student songs, which so fitted to and embodied the Charge, that we adopted it at once as the Song of the Guard ; and then and there, in the midnight hours, we made each our contribution to this Story of the Guard. I had the General's letters, telling me very fully of the Charge and many incidents connected with it. Major Corwine, who was Judge Advocate on the staff, had the deepest interest in the " Kentucky Company," which he had mainly recruited himself; and the Song is from the memories of Capts. Howard and Raymond, who made the English translation, and arranged it for the piano. The Song is, I think, perfectly charming: — opening with measured, muffled, tramping minor chords, it breaks into the open key to be gathered at the X PREFACE. close of each verse into one quivering minor chord on the word " Dying." Here where the war is unseen, and com- paratively unfelt, it is hard to make real the feeling with which Union people hold to each other in a rebel State actually at war. In St. Louis, the rebel city of a rebel State, where until September the uniform of a Federal officer made him at once a target, those who shared the chances of that earlier day of in- security were as one household. Disturbances in the city were of almost nightly occurrence. The house used as Headquarters was strongly built and fire-proof, and part of the basement was a regular armory, from which ammu- nition was issued more than once " in the small hours " to the Guard, for some dan- gerous duty in the city and its suburbs. We literally, and the city figuratively, slept over a magazine. Those were wearing days and anx- ious nights, but the city learned to rest in peace, trusting to the watchfulness of the Provost Mar- shal General McKinstry, and to Colonel McNeill. Few knew of the constant activity and perpetual PREFACE. xi vigilance of Zagonyi and the Guard. Many of these young men were citizens of St. Louis, and knew the sources of danger. As the work of the department became centralized, and telegraphic and other government records were to be taken care of at Headquarters, the Guard was put on duty inside of the house, where many hun- dred persons were daily passing to and from the ,^^ various offices. It is smooth sailing in St. Louis now ; but the first company of the Guards are among those ^"^ who remember a different order of things. ij Q-< This is to you a digression ; but I mean it to .:, ^ explain why we had for the Guard a more pep^,^^ ^ sonal feeling than could grow up in ordinary war\^*j or in the formal life of barracks. "'^^^ I will put together such material as I have, and leave it to you to make it successful. You will see it is impossible to make a regular " book " of it, — it is really nothing more than the fireside story of the Guard ; interesting from the facts, — interesting because in ten thousand homes some vacant place will lend a Xll PREFACE. Stronger interest to the tale. I hope something, too, from the kindly interest of old friends of my father's. These young men gave their lives to save the State he loved so well and served so long. Some rest there, as he does, until the last trum- pet-call. For any personal object I should never use my name vv^hich has been to me a double charge to keep, but I think my father also would more than approve, when it is to do justice and to aid the widow and the orphan. Such as it is, my offering goes to make a fund for them, and I turn over the manuscript to you, relying on your experience and good sympathy to manage the rest. My part is to give you the story of the Guard, and yours is to make it profitable to them. If Mr. Ticknor and your- self will be bankers, the Rev. Mr. Eliot, in St. Louis, and Major Corwine, in Cincinnati, will see a just use made of the fund. The New- hall family would look up any Philadelphians of the Guard, — for there may be some needs from tedious wounds, and a wounded sol- PREFACE. xiii dier is as worthy of care as even children and women. But with this I have nothing to do. My part is to collect and arrange some facts and incidents, and give them with all my best wishes for success to the tribunal I was educated to believe in — a faith confirmed by my own experience. JESSIE BENTON FREMONT. New York, 5th December, 1861. THE STOKY OF THE GUARD. There was a time — not long ago if measured by months — when so quiet and remote was the life we led that I found out then who read the whole of maga- zines, and new books, and even newspa- pers ; and through this bond of a past experience have learned to realize that somewhere facts are taken in and cher- ished, make roots, and bear fruit. Our brain-rations came twice a month, and, al- though a month old when they did reach us, had about them a freshness and zest which had never been obtained in long city expe- 16 THE STOEY OF THE GUAED. rience. How faithfully everything gets read, and how living and real the creations of fancy get to he in this healthy slowness of absorption. This is talking mysteries to the regular citizen who has never known a long interval — a good wearing interval — • of a year or two years of genuine country life, which (when it's over) it's worth hav- ing gone through for the new perceptions acquired. A mental Grsefenberg process to one accustomed to turn only to the few preferred pages of some favorite author, and throw by the rest of the magazine. Where but in countriest country does one hear, " I won't cut the leaves yet — I've not finished the last number " ] Where else does the dreadful certainty obtain that there is time and to spare for hoth num- hers ! But when the solitude and fasting from print begin to tell, and give the nat- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. IJ 9 ural flavor to simples, then comes a real enjoyment of reading such as book-stores a discretion cannot yield. You are in some green solitude where there is no collection of books within many miles, — in a new State perhaps, — and you see it is going to rain again, or snow, and you have read up everything. "You" means a woman, of course ; a man would be glad of a long rain, or a snow and a thaw, that would give him some quiet days for going over papers in-doors ; but you have no pa- pers, and all your days are quiet, and if it rains, you " can't get out." You have no letters to answer, if you've been "in the country " a year ; — the term of mourn- ing is over for you, long ago, and the long letters of the first months have subsided into rare, — " I have been trying to find time to 18 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. write you a long letter, but we've been so busy with this, that, and the other, and are you never coming back ] " and such like polite vaguenesses, so that you feel you are, to all intents and pur- poses, ghosts on a foreign shore. It is mail-day, (you have become blunt- ed to the fact that there are interme- diate days which are not mail-days,) and you watch, and even listen for the horse's feet. For your genuine country mail comes only within an easy ride of your house, and you connect by coachman and horse with mail-coach. There he comes ! You don't see the parcel. It's a small mail, then, and carried in the pocket. You rather hang back from knowing your fate, but it comes to you, if you won't meet it, and says, remorselessly, — "Stage couldn't cross Dry Creek." That's THE STORY OF THE GUARD. IQ the way of Dry Creeks — not to turn a mill-wheel in pleasant weather, and sud- denly to grow into a roaring torrent in the course of a night. You ask in sarcas- tic tones, that would make Naiads wretch- ed, if they were acquaintances, " When will Dry Creek he fordahle 1 " and get for answer, " Well, if it rains, (and 'pears like rain, — if it don't rain by night, it's most sure to rain hefore daylight,) why then you'll allow they won't git over before next week — four or five days, anyhow." You know the man to be fearfully expe- rienced in weather-signs, and yield to the impassable gulf of a Dry Creek modified by the rainy season. Of course it rains; and the horrid pa- pers that bar you out from companion- ship are taken up, and silence sets in. So you devote yourself to toning-down to 20 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. indoor-pitch two boys whose riotous health rather endangers the needed quiet; and when at last they're off to bed, with a compliment for their good behavior, (car- rying off your honors !) you feel your mind is fagged and longing for the rest of fresh ideas. Being a woman, you want to read, in place of going wholesomely to sleep at early candle-light. Then it is that the lesser stars find their chance to shine. You pile on more wood, draw the lights nearer, and gathering all the last mail, go through it again. Rare, and always to be treasured, are the exceptional times when in this deep, secure solitude and stillness some book that was indeed a book rose on the night, and took its place among the things that are joys forever. On such a night as this, I read the "Idylls of the King." Not a human sound to break the stillness — THE STORY OF THE GUAPwD. ^1 the hum from the great fire of logs, the scraping of the oak boughs agahist the roof — the straining, rushing sound of the wind among the pines, and that unde- finable mourning wail made by coming storms among mountains — to this accom- paniment I read of rude Geraint, and too-patient Enid, with her brave song — of Elaine and her sweetest story of true girlish love, and the half disgust that might well come over Lancelot as he realized " what might have been " — of the impossible Arthur, humanized by his wo- ful wrongs, and brought within our sym- pathies by his grand courtesy and for- bearance — then re-reading of that closing scene where the good knight, having fought his last fight, and lying so deeply smitten through the helm, had yet one drop more of bitter held to his lips. Sir 22 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Bedlvere had the grace to repent and feel ashamed, hut first he gave his king and friend one more turn of the screw — it belongs with Peter's weeping. The wind drawing through the narrow valley be- tween the high mountain ranges made a weird but noble harmony with the wail that rose from the funeral barge. But all this digression is only to show that out of those years of seclusion I brought away new perceptions, and now that I am back among books, having, as Bridget Elia says of prints, " nothing to do but to walk into Colnaghi's " and get my fill, I often remember that past time ; and, because I know many more read in that way than in the unsatisfactory surface man- ner one must in cities, I will venture to hope for this little story a thorough reading, with a kindly appreciation of the many THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Og feelings that make its telling not intrusive, I trust. The wire-net tables at the florists, with their showy exhibition of stemless flow- ers, bear the same relation to the garden- beds, where their mates are yet blooming and growing, as the ordinary city reader does to those who have leisure to feel, and to whom I commend this Christmas-tale of a great deed — told in two lines in the papers — but bringing heavy sorrow for life to some, and, to all who truly love and honor our flag, unending pride in the Body Guard. And if any one should say. What, that old story ! I beg to answer that what De Musset says of Love is equally true of Truth : " It is never old and never new, because it is eternal." There is an English picture, familiar £4« THE STORY OF THE GUARD. to US through its Hthographed form, called " The Telegraph." It is the interior of a quiet English home, where mother and children are at their steady, calm, home occupations. Through the open window, over fair miles of field and wood, is seen a distant train. It concerns them not. It is rushing to a busy life that is not theirs. Their life is told by the room — in their simple occupations — in the portrait on the wall — they are to labor and to wait ; he serves. The little maid shows in the boy from the Station with a telegraphic despatch, and instantly, in the twinkling of an eye, there is a great change. Struck by light- ning as effectually as though her black garments were the charred remains from that stroke, the mother is widowed, the THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 25 children orphaned, by the slip of paper in her relaxed, fainting hand. When in the telegraphic news-column we read, " Major Zagonyi, with one hundred and fifty of the Body Guard, attacked and drove from Springfield over two thousand rebels, with a loss of only fifteen men," some women knew that that " fifteen " carried a death-stroke to as many hearts. Prayers that this cup might pass from her went up with fear and trembling from many a wife and mother. Some days must pass before the fearful doubt settles into a worse fact. Give your tenderest pity to the mother who learned in the same day that at Little Gauley and at Springfield two boys, her sons, — and she was a widow, — lay dead. II. WHY THE GUARD WAS FOR:\rED. In addition to the usual reasons for cavalry, the prairie nature of the country to be operated over, and the habits of its settlers, made a special need for efficient cavalry in the army of the Mississippi. In this abundant grain region, where the most negligent farming is amply remedied by the natural prairie growth of forage, rid- ing-horses are as much a matter of course as work-horses only would be on a North- ern farm. The rifle hangs over every fireplace ; between game and Indians, it has little rest. Given a gun and a horse, the inevitable result on the frontiers is a hunter ; if a war comes, the cavalry soldier THE STORY OF THE GUARD. g^ is ready. Opposing infantry would be laughed to scorn by these men, to whom horsemanship, the country to be gone over, and a brave enemy, are equally famiHar. In Missouri, this war material acquired something of a military organization from the protracted struggles with Kansas, and was fostered and protected by government money and ammunition, and the powerful aid of government favor. For four years preceding the war, government patronage and political honors w^re the portion of the faithful to the Southern side ; and the same agency made it unprofitable and un- popular and, in the city of St. Louis, unfashionable, to be with the North and for Freedom, It was necessary to form our brave and willing but comparatively untrained men into cavalry, which could not only com- 28 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. pete with the frontiersmen and their tough horses in the things they knew, but, hav- ing other knowledge added, be their su- periors in any encounter. A shameful number of regular officers had deserted; those who remained were nearly all on duty east of the Mississippi Valley ; and the difficulty of officering and rendering efficient the masses of untrained troops was a serious embarrassment. Fortunately our adopted citizens recog- nized that Freedom was of no nationality; and the swords that had been used in its behalf in Germany and Hungary were taken down and offered to aid in saving its very hearth-stone, as the United States had seemed to them. Among those of whose tried skill and courage many incidents had been told to us, there was one whose particular quali- THE STORY OF THE GUAED. OQ ties and experience pointed him out as best qualified to form and elevate to the high- est standard a body of young men who were to be chosen with the purpose of forming a school for cavalry officers, from which, as regiments were raised, instructed officers could be taken : and which could be at the same time the nucleus for a regiment itself. The long residence of many Hunga- rian officers in our midst has brought home to us many incidents of their brave struggle; and one, among others, related of Zagonyi showed him to have not only the coolness and experience that was needed, but that rarer quality, the capacity for generous and unselfish devotion. He proved this in twice saving the life of General Bem at the utmost danger to his own, — the last time ending in Bem's escape and his own wounding and long imprisonment. so THE STORY OF THE GUARD. When I asked Zagonyi the particulars of the day at Hermanstadt, his surprise was great to find we knew of it at all ; only with much persistence could I get even confirmation from him. His additions to the story were remembrances of others, — of an aid to General Liiders (Russian), who stopped a soldier from firing upon him as he lay wounded and pinned down by his dead horse, and how he had had him carried off and cared for as his con- dition required ; of the old bugler who would stay by him defending him until he forced him to go on and save the Gen- eral, (Bern) — and so on. These experi- ences, grafted on a thorough military education, made Zagonyi the fittest one to carry out the cavalry plan ; and I will give his own account of the forming of the Guard, in his own quaint Hunga- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 31 rian English, which gives it more em- phasis and character, and makes a brief, soldierly effect which is not natural to pens feminine. I once heard a good criticism made unconsciously by that natural knight and gentleman, our friend Kit Carson.* In preparing a sketch of his life, a writer used the expression, "there he snared the wily beaver." Carson came to me about it. He did not like to hurt the writer's pride; but said he, " there's men that will read that, and they'll know every word of that had to come from me or them, and it's not true that I snared beaver. Beaver must be caught with trajps^ So I got it unsnared, and comforted him ; and, profit- ing by Carson's criticism, I let the actors * Colonel Carson, now on active duty in New Mexico. 32 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. speak for themselves. I should explain that all that I give from Major Zagonyi was taken down, at one sitting, roughly, as memoranda, not as a smooth, connected account, — for which there was not time. III. (ZAGONYI SPEAKING.) "At the outbreak of the rebellion I had the idea to recruit cavalry, but the order appeared that only one regiment will be accepted from all the loyal States ; this at once cooled down all the zeal what I had, being unable to understand how, with- out cavalry, will carry on the war, — know- ing by experience that in no country, and less in America, (so big it is,) can any general accomplish this with success. Cavalry is necessary for the security of an army ; without that, no reconnoitring can be made on the enemy's ground, — incursions so in small as large scale to annoy them day and night, disturbing 34} THE STORY OF THE GUARD. them so that they shall never have a night's repose, beside covering our own movements so completely that the enemy shall not be able to form any exact idea from what point, and by what strength, and with what disposition, and when, he shall be attacked. "Artillery is to fight the battle. Cav- alry is to find where to fight it, and how to finish it. "Was the intention now to form a body of picked men, each to be as officer. As was raised regiments, could be taken from this corps well-trained officers. " Commenced on the tenth August. On twelfth, was sworn in first company, and was excluded over two hundred men. Besides, from seven States came applica- tion by letters. These, and inside press- ure in St. Louis, compelled the General THE STORY OF THE GUARD. S5 to order a second company. After came the offer of the Kentucky company, which, Kentucky being in such a " (mo- tion of the hand Hke a boat rocking) " the General could not refuse. Hav- ing three companies, through the cav- alry regulation, we had to raise a fourth to make the battalion. More so, because letters was lying over from lawyers, doc- tors, young men of good famihes with recommendation from governors, judges, mayors of cities, &c. Besides some from Visconsin, where I was asked that, if the General sends me with his name that he wants it, and as an officer that we know, you can have five thousand men. " And it turned out that the fourth com- pany beat the others, so fine it was. The fourth company was a beautiful company; was not needed to force it to be filled up. 36 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. But only hundred days' campaign cut them short that they was not to see actual service. AppHcation was made of offi- cers to get position in the Guard ; every one was refused, being the rule that every officer was to be raised from the ranks." (The Kentucky company elected their officers. The others Major Zagonyi se- lected. They were regularly mustered in for three years or the war, by an expe- rienced mustering officer of the regular army, — Captain, now Colonel Tracy.) "For one month I [Zagonyi] com- manded the four companies, drilled them, with hardly any officers or non-commis- sioned officers, as captain ; later, on the nineteenth September, being promoted to be a major — the regulation gives a lieu- tenant-colonel to four companies. Was THE STORY OF THE GUARD. S^ only one captain in the four companies, Captain Foley, by election ; the rest of the officers was as lieutenant, and was every one fit to be captains and even major, one, and he never served before. They was put through hard drilling, riding in the school, besides going out every day on the outskirt of the city and made through all the manoeuvres that in the field can be used, and it did cost many a bruised fiice and body and a couple of ribs. So that they had hardly any time for rest or amusement. Besides, in the midnight received orders many a time to march out in fifteen twenty minutes, to be on the ground where intended disturbances was expected, to be ready for every emergency — and generally was fifty men ordered, and before the fifty left the camp every man who had horse and saddle was in the rank, — nobody 38 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. would remain behind. I selected every horse ; not a single horse came in the Guard which did not go through my m- spection. " The evening before we left St. Louis we did not have sabres enough, nor did the rest of the cavalry regiments. I found out, (Capt. Callender was perfectly rough and used me badly; I had to tell him, Excuse me, Captain, but I never took an insulting word, and you must answer me decently,) in short, I find out from a trusted man that sabres was at the arsenal before Capt. Callender knew it, and the order was written and gone to the arsenal before he knew they are there. " Sabres, Beale's revolvers, and Colt's car- bine with stock attachment, which we dis- attached in the attack, using revolver only. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. $9 Besides, the night before leaving camp by Jefferson City, the General gave each offi- cer a pair of revolvers. Was well armed and well mounted." IV. THEIR DEPARTURE. Unprepared as other things were, the right season had come ; and many points were right which marked this as the time for an advance of the army, first against the rebel force under General Price, and — after freeing the State from that and es- tablishing peace in the rear — then to com- mence the downward move to New Or- leans. This ultimate object was compre- hended by the whole army, to whom, as Western men, the Mississippi was the natural tide to fortune, for want of whose conmierce their States were perish- ing. It was with the quick cooperation of interest as well as patriotism that they THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 41 entered into the idea of making every sacrifice for success. Very willingly, there- fore, they took the field, only partially equipped in clothing, and very partially in provisions. One single track railway, and a river with more snags and sand- bars than water, at that season, were the only means of getting the large army and its supplies up to Lexington, which was the point moved against, about two hun- dred and fifty miles above St. Louis. The river was unusually low, and the weather remained sunny and open. A small gun- boat, improvised from a ferry-boat,* and carrying five nine-inch Dahlgren guns, was relied on for river-service, and much was hoped from her aid at Lexington. But no * Since famous under Captain Porter as The Essex. She was then The New Era, and commanded by Captain Rodgers, who had superintended her fitting out. 42 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. ingenuity could get her to draw less than five and a half feet, and on some of the bars there was not four feet water. When the retreat of Price turned the movement more immediately southward, it seemed as if difficulties would vanish. Corn was getting ripe and hard in the fields, cat- tle could be secured by scouts and driven on the hoof, fresh corn-meal could be had wherever there were mills, and a day's halt could always be made to grind enough; or, if that delay would lose valuable time, they could, for the object, live on meat alone. All along their route the forage would be in the right state in the fields, so that the delays and expense of great transportation trains were to be avoided, and yet neither men nor animals suffer. With Memphis and New Orleans in the near future, hardships were felt to be temporary. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 43 Time enough for feasting or fastidiousness when the victory was won. It was a stirring, eager, hopeful time, that just before their leaving St. Louis. The offices and halls at headquarters were humming with life, and the clank and ring of sabre and spur were sounding-notes of coming battle all the day long, and far into the nights. More harmonious and efficient cooper- ation could not be than that received by the General from his staff": — there were also some loyal citizens whose brief visits always resulted in advantage to the army. Work- ing so late into the nights, it got to be one of our habits to have tea Russian- fashion, — so that without keeping the ser- vants from their rest, we could still have it to refresh us and keep us roused. It will always stay with me as one of the 44f THE STORY OF THE GUARD. most pleasant memories of that most wear- ing and most welcome work of my life, how they came to that cool upper-hall, and in a hurried interval drank tea, and gave condensed summaries of the work or news; — sometimes several would gather at the same time, and little animated discussions would go on, the latter part of the time chiefly as to what could be done without. It was so good to see the kind smile of amusement with which the veterans in ex- posure listened to such arguments. Such sufferings outlined in a few words, as would sometimes come from them ! It made a respectful blush cover the young faces that had been planning what they thought sacri- fices. " Is no need of tents," says General Asboth. "In Hungary we make a winter campaign and we sleep without tents, our feet to the fire, — sometimes our ears did THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 45 freeze," (the General's ears and his feet are a long way apart). But the least concern on all minds was the open enemy in the field. On the 26th September, they left St. Louis, — the General and a few officers going by rail, and the Guard with their horses by the somewhat slower route of the river. Really, necessary stores and trans- portation were wanting ; and it must be borne in mind, that, but for these impedi- ments General Price would have been cer- tainly overtaken, his army most probably defeated, and quiet for the winter secured to Missouri. The New Year would have found our flag at Memphis, and, it was reasonably hoped, the usual spring trade would descend the river to New Orleans. To accustom the troops to feel their 46 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. strength was part of their training, and occasions for skirmishing were always ac- cepted. The oldest troops in this Missis- sippi army were hardly of the date at which Bonaparte was willing to use his, — six weeks ; but the longest drill could not have made them more patient of hardship, more self-denying, or more cheerful under fatigue and privation. " New Orleans, and home again by summer," was their main- spring. Sigel earned the name of the " Flying Dutchman," so jealously did he keep his division in the adv^ance, — Gen- eral Asboth nearest him, — General Fre- mont, with the Guard, overtaking Sigel and keeping up with him. In this good heart they started. The following letters belong here. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 4^ "Jefferson City, September 28, 1861. " Madame, — "I am now on tvaiting duty in the hall, and Jack is busily engaged in writing despatches in the General's room, which contains also three beds, three tables, two wash-stands, the General himself. Colonel Eaton, one or two of the amateur aids, and a wood-fire. In short, it is ' Hd. Qrs., W. D.' condensed into a space of twelve feet square. Under these circum- stances, and knowing that no one else who would think of such a thing will have the time to carry the plan into execution, Adlatus R. seizes a stray piece of paper to jot down a few of the incidents of our journey and our reception. " We had a very quiet, slow, pleasant passage, with no other interruption than stopping at all the bridges, &c. . . . 48 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. " On reaching the depot here, we were met by Gen. Price and a red lantern, — which constituted the extent of our recep- tion. You ought to hear Major Zagonyi hold forth on that affair. Gen. P., in citizen's clothes, bearing his lantern, led the way over mud-puddles and pitfalls, with Gen. F. and Gen. A. The unhappy staff straggled on behind. At length we arrived at the Virginia Hotel, and found that no preparations had been made for our comfort. Major White and your hum- ble servant, the ' Adl.,' were employed till nearly twelve o'clock, in quartering the staff. If we had not studied the science of ' Quarterstaff,' I don't think we should ever have got through. Major Z., Jack and I slept in the General's office after he went to bed. " Gen. Price — who is one of the most THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 40 good-natured men it has been my lot to meet — took Zagonyi and men to a hotel, and mildly asked, ' Can you accommodate my good friends here '? ' ' wich they sed they couldn't Mum.' Whereupon the gal- lant little major stepped up and said, ' You must give my boys to sleep, else I put you in the street,' which ended in their taking seventy-two men ! " ' Every man has his Price,' you know; would that every soldier had his ' Za- gonyi ! ' " The mail is closing, and these little bits of intelligence are good for nothing, unless I send them soon. " Hoping that some weary moment, be- guiled by the little history of our ludi- crous reception, may excuse the liberty I have taken, "I remain, &c., &c., R." 50 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. "Jefferson City, " 29tli Sept. — 8 in morning. " Yesterday occupied in work of re- quisitions, moving ahead troops, and pla- cing them. We feel severely the want of equipments and arms, especially for cav- alry. We have, almost literally speaking, no appropriately-armed cavalry in the field. But I am hoping daily now to hear of the arrival of sabres. . . I am about going into camp this forenoon, and it threatens rain. " Tell Dr. Van Bur en that I have writ- ten for the surgeon he recommended to me, and ask him to aid to have him come.* " See the Sanitary Committee, and tell them that the whole Surgical Department * Dr. Suckley. The General had the benefit of Dr. Suckley's services in Virginia last summer. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 51 here is in a very bad condition, — it gives me great anxiety. Therefore, as soon as they can spare Dr. Mills for a short time, I would be very glad to have him, that I may get the condition of the army in this respect better, before they get into the field. In the event of an action, we should be in a very bad condition." "J. C. F." V. AT JEFFERSON CITY. Seeing lie should be detained some days in that place, the General tele- graphed us to come up. The ride up was full of painful contrasts to my old memories and more especially my last journey through the State. I had so often gone to the frontier with Mr. Fre- mont, when he was starting on his over- land journeys, or to meet him on his re- turn, that my own associations with the State were of the hospitality and kind sympathy so often and so warmly given to me by its people. They would have done as much for any of my father's daughters; but to me new kindnesses were added because of THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 53 Mr. Fremont's sharing that life so full of traditions and perils. The Indian country, with its vague mountain boundary, is to frontiersmen what the sea and its dangers are to coast people — bringing like sympa- thies. After seeing Mr. Fremont off in the fall of '58, I found the river so low that I left the boat which had brought me from Independence, and got off at Washington to go down by land. Although but about eighty miles above St. Louis, the river falls so low in the autumn, that it was very probable (as proved the fact) that the steamboat would require several days to make the distance. I was quite alone. My good Marie, tired by the rapid journey from Washington, which we were so soon to retrace, had been left in St. Louis to recruit, and so 54i THE STORY OF THE GUARD. I was landed from a little boat, without explanation or introduction, all by myself, among a whole crowd on the bank, \A'ho had gathered — it was Sunday afternoon — to watch the boat stop, and wonder at the passenger leaving it. There was no mark on my trunk, and it was rather embarrassing. The clerk of the boat had told me there were only Germans there, and no communication with the railway, which was then finished only to a point about twenty-seven miles lower down. But I was restless, and anywhere in Mis- souri I felt at home. I spoke to a fatherly-looking man, to whom I explained that the river was low, and I was anxious to get to St. Louis immediately, and asked to be shown the way to the hotel. In a very grave and silent way he turned up the bank, THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 55 signing me to follow, which I did, a little troubled, but much more amused by the whole crowd following in solemn silence. If it had been an American town, all the necessary, and some unne- cessary, questions would have been asked and answered in the first fiYe minutes. But we made our way up the hill and into the clean, ugly, comfortable town, and I was shown into the "best room" of a large house, whose mistress and daugh- ters came forward and made me as quietly welcome as though they knew me. Their faces, the furniture, the vio- lins and guitar, and high pile of music- books; the pretty bright light hair of the women, too-tightly-plaited, all were Ger- many itself. I pleased myself by accept- ing this unquestioning hospitality as it was given, and still did not give my name, 56 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. — only asking a room, as I found I could not get any conveyance until the next day. Even then, they could only offer to see about one, having nothing themselves. It was all so odd, so primitive, so truly good and hospitable, that I was at once and most pleasantly relieved of all embarrassment. The daughters went up to prepare a room, and the mother soon showed me to it. I had taken off my hat and gloves, and was smoothing my hair, when the mother — who had remained in the room — caught up my glove, and burst- ing into tears, cried out a sobbing speech to me : — " Ah, dear God ! You are a lady from my country ; — you are from Hesse Cassel. The ladies in my country wear these gloves when they go hunting with the king. They have stopped in their carriages at my door, and I have THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 5^ carried them to drink. It is twenty-four years since I come away from my coun- try ; but I love it best — ah ! " — and then she let the tears downfall, for the lost home. Straight from Hesse Cassel to Mis- souri ! — in 1829, too, when it was so new. She had never left her new home. Sometimes her husband went to St. Louis. Otto wanted to go there, and he was twenty-three now ; he ought to go to see it, &c., &c. It was hard to make her realize I was American. " But you have color in your face ! " — biennial ague was her experience, and she could not conceive of exemption from it. But when I told her who I was, I think she was as pleased as if I had been a lady hunting with the kinof. It loosened the tono^ues of all the family. My father was personally known 58 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. to some, and they all held him as their own property. As they explained to me, " He is our Senator, and a friend to the Germans." One son-in-law was gone on a tradinor- excursion towards New Mexico. His young wife attached herself to my side, and there was an unspoken bond between us. It happened to be the an- niversary of the old people's wedding. They were so glad I was there that day. Such an elaborate, bountiful repast ! After the early supper, they all gath- ered in the large room, which was posi- tively elegant from its glistening cleanli- ness, and the window-seats filled with plants, and the large table in the cen- tre, covered with music and instruments. With the same delightful simplicity and absence of consciousness which had marked everything else among them, each took THE STORY OF THE GUxVRD. 5Q his instrument and place by the table, — sons and sons-in-law, — the father and several of the younger women taking their music, and then followed piece after piece of such music as only Germans can play rightly, — occasionally all joining in a lovely song. Wonderfully large tumblers of beer stood by each musician, but there was but little break to what was, evidently, their habitual evening's occupation — not even when one substantial citizen after another came in to make his respects to my father through me, and to wish a good voyage to Mr. Fremont. Very early the next morning I start- ed to make the intervening twenty-seven miles, in the best conveyance the sud- den demand could afford — a country-cart without springs, and a plough-horse. And 60 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. SO, in the gray dawn, I left these kind people, loaded with presents from their best vintages for my father, and followed by their kindest good ^\'ishes for myself. Otto, farmer, tenor, and guitarist, had at length his chance. He drove me to the depot, and then saw me to St. Louis, where my dear friend and cousin — whose charminor home was then as now mine also, when there — made him welcome to hospital- ity as genuine as his own. although so different in its fashion. I had been long revolving many mem- ories when we reached the dining-station of Hermann — also a German town, and very near this town of Washington. Xow, as then, the Germans were friends ; but along the whole route guards were stationed. We moved slowly, at best, as we had a heavy THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 61 train, nearly a regiment, and some artil- lery; and at every bridge the train stop- ped and parleyed with the force on guard ; then, feeling the way cautiously, we moved forward again. The new timbers in some of the bridges, with the charred remains on the shore, ex- plained some of this caution ; — but every- where the stamp of insecurity was on the country. No more careless travel among a friendly people. My good old frontier friends, I fear, are mostly gone secessionward. It was so good to reach home-faces at the close of the day. The General was at the depot to meet us, as were quite a number of officers, whose wives had taken this last chance of seeing them. We had room for some in the large ambulance waiting for us, and 62 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. drove out to the camp, while our fellow- passengers — the regiment — took the drier and more direct road over the hills, their flao;- seemino^ to wave us an assurance of welcome and protection. Soon we were in a loyal atmosphere, where a Sihley tent, with a board floor, and a glowing camp-fire in front, made again the old pleasant effect of frontier hospitality. Our stay was over in a few days. Early on Monday we saw the tents struck and the whole force move off; as my youngest boy said, " packed up for the battle-field," and then took our way back to St. Louis. But the day before having been very hot, the General fixed the hour before sun- down for the Evening-Service, and then was the real leave-taking of the troops, who were with the rising* of the sun to THE STORY OF TPIE GUARD. QS turn their faces away from their river and inarch inland. Nearest the Staff stood the Guard drawn up in open square. They justified all Zagonyi has said of them. All of nearly the same age and height, with great similarity of habits and of education, and all guided by the same enthusiasm in a noble cause, they looked what they w^re : the true, knightly embodiment of war. Their compact un- , adorned uniform of dark blue gave depth of tone to the picture, as they stood relieved against the setting sun and the nearer groundwork of autumnal foliage. At the close of the services, their band played the dear old hymn of " Old Hun- dred," and these manly young voices sang its grand and simple prayer, and then all heads bared to the benediction. After a moment's pause, at the regular military 64 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. drum-beat they fell back to their soldier- life and walk, and went on their way, and I saw them all no more. As the liffht died from the skv the camp-fires brightened on the far hill-sides; from all the camps we could hear late into the night hymn-tunes ; — and so, with reverent hearts and heightened pur- pose, they made their farewell to their homes. When the Emperor — then still Pres- ident — gave back the Imperial Eagles to the French army, the banners were all blessed at an altar erected on the Champ de Mars. Over sixty thousand troops were on the ground, and the surrounding crowd was in hundreds of thousands. That used to stay on my memory as the grandest of religious war ceremonies : that great host bowing reverently as the sacred symbol THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Q5 was elevated over the emblem of the old glories of France. But far more touch- ing and impressive is it now to remember this home-scene with all its terrible inner history of a Cain-and-Abel strife, and rec- ognize that our army not only felt it could ask the blessing of God, but that it did so ; — and it will be given. What is sown in tears and weakness now shall yet be raised in power. " When I thouglit that a war would arise in defence of the right, That an iron tyranny now sbould bend or cease, The glory of manhood stand on his ancient height, Nor the nation's one sole God be the milhonnaire ; -^ And as months ran on and rumor of battle grew, It is time, it is time, O passionate heart, said I, (For I cleaved to a cause that I felt to be pure and true,) 5 66 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. And I stood on a giant deck and mixed my breath With a loyal people shouting a battle-cry, Till I saw the dreary phantom arise and fly Far into the North, and battle, and seas of death. Let it go or stay, so I wake to the higher aims Of a land that has lost for a little her lust of gold, And love of a peace that was full of wrongs and shames : Horrible, hateful, monstrous, not to be told ; And hail once more to the banner of battle unrolled. wind, We have proved we have hearts in a cause, we are noble still, And myself have awaked, as it seems, to the better mind ; It is better to fight for the good than to rail at the ill; I have felt with my native land, I am one with my kind, I embrace the purpose of God, and the doom assigned." VI. EN KOUTE. I HAVE chosen to give some letters in my possession rather than a connected narrative of the march. These letters contain many- items of interest, and form the best con- necting link with Springfield. Some of them are from two young officers whom I had long known in their families at New York, part addressed to me, and part to private friends, who kindly placed them at my disposal. "Jefferson City, Oct. 4, 1862. " . . . . Night before last, Major Frank White and Jack were called from their beds to ' saddle and away ' with im- 68 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. portant orders. No sooner were they gone, and I fairly settled again, sleepily glad that it wasn't I, than the alarm was beat, or rather sounded in camp. Now those persevering buglers practise the alarm all day long in the woods about camp; and I am compelled to say that its repe- tition at midnight startled nobody, except the Guard, who were in the saddle al- most instantly. As for the Staff, they slumbered in sweet security, until the gal- lant Zagonyi went round to every tent, putting in his head and saying, ' Gentle- men, it is the alarm ! You will please to get up in one minute ! ' " At this we jumped up. What was my consternation to find that the boys had ' taken their pick ' of boots and spurs when they went, leaving me with one odd boot. But there was no time to lose; so THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 69 I rushed out into the parade-ground, with a slipper on the other foot. The General stood, silent and courteous, before his tent, and received our reports. I kept my best foot foremost, and escaped notice in the dark. Some slight disturbance had occa- sioned the alarm; but the General wished to try the Staff and Guard. and did not get up at all. I think they had the best of it, unless the Gen- eral may have noticed their absence, in which case they may be sure they are ' down a peg,' and won't recover it very soon. Well, we all went to bed, and reveille awoke us at four. " Last night. Jack and I were called to write despatches and then carry them. The orders were no less than march at daylight ! to many of the troops. The General has a penchant, which I regard •^O THE STORY OF THE GUARD. with unaflfected hostility, for writing or- ders at 1 A. M., and sending them as soon as the ink is dry. It is true, he is safe from rebel spies by this means; but consider the unpleasant position in which it places a merely ornamental young gen- tleman, who, being deceived by the Public Press, thought that Fremont's aids had nothing to do but look their prettiest and draw their pay. I am sorry to say that neither of these interesting occupations lies open to us. Instead thereof, the most abominable night -rides, over roads that yawn with chasms and are red with bot- tomless mud, past sentinels who invari- ably cock the gun, aim at your head, and put finger to the trigger when they challenge you, in vain search after mythic camps. Alas ! couldn't the General have arranged the Art of War so as to omit THE STORY OF THE GUARD. ^l rainy nights and keep a fellow comfort- able ! " At all events, it was very comfortable to get back to bed, towards morning. Before we could fall asleep, however, the rattle of the ' long roll ' on the hills around showed that the orders were be- ginning to work. The Staff was thor- oughly aroused. Several came to our tent, to know if we could explain the rumpus. Alarm beating, men under arms, cooks lighting their fires, and all the signs of the dickens to pay. We pretended great ignorance, — said it was only a cZrwwz-alarm, and had nothing to do with our camp, which answers to the bugle. It was amusing to see the very ones who lay abed the night before, now so lively about nothing at all. " This morning by seven, the white 7^ THE STORY OF THE GUARD. tents which so thickly studded the hills were gone, and nothing to be seen but men marching, or sitting around their fires, drinking their morning coffee. '• The General has ordered strong cof- fee to the troops every morning at day- light. It not only keeps off ague, but warms them up, and puts them in good humor." " Camp Asboth, near Tipton, " Oct. 9, 3 p. M. " . . We are encamped about a mile beyond the town, the neighborhood of which shows more the gathering of an army by a great deal than you saw at Jefferson City. Where we camped last night, at California, the country round is all secession ; but a- few miles this side we fell into an enthusiastic loyal population, THE STORY OF THE GUARD. JS who came out along the road to express their pleasure at our coming. About this town there is more secession again, but the rebel part have mostly left. Price is still retreating. . . . " I am endeavoring hard to get the army a little better equipped. I had hoped to get the arms, a portion of which are being altered at Cincinnati, and some more sabres. In many things Captain McKeever and Captain Callender have worked very effi- ciently to aid me, and we shall be much better equipped than I had hoped. The army is in the best kind of spirits, and before we get through I will show you a little California* practice, that is, if we are not interrupted. I think we can do something good. * In allusion to the fine marching of the California Battalion in 1845-46. 74i THE STORY OF THE GUARD. "... I want very much to see Cap- tain Foote if he is in St. Louis. If not, I will write him by . " .... I send you Whittier's lines. What a fine illustration might be made of them. The rice-field with its acces- sories, the slaves at work, and the raised and listening heads as they first catch the sounds from far off. Be of good heart, — we are fulfilling the task allotted to us, and we will try to do it bravely " Our force about the State begins to work well. When the alarm came to me yesterday about Hermann, I was able to as- semble men around it so quickly that there must have been three thousand three hun- dred there this morning, and this evening seven hundred more of cavalry in rear of rebels, and Wyman. with thirteen hundred more available. So there would have been THE STORY OF THE GUARD. ^5 no clamor about reenforcements. After a few weeks in the field, this will be one of the finest armies in the world. • ••••• "J. C. F." " Camp Asboth, lOth. "... I received this morning 's despatch informing- me that the Secretary at War and General Thomas will be in St. Louis to-day. I am going on with formation of the plan I had indicated to you in my letter of yesterday. What the full plan is, I will let you know by sure hand, and will also inform , so that you and he may work together in aid of it. All this, provided I am not inter- fered with. General Price is on the Osage, pretty high up, retreating towards 76 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. the south. His object is to effect junction with McCullough. That is, he says so. But in my judgment he intends retreating into Arkansas. McCullough, I am sure, is not in Missouri. We are having a severe rain-storm. a J. C. F." " Camp Asboth, " 1 h. 40 m., 10th Oct. I have written you lots of scraps to- day. It is raining and storming hard, but the rain does not delay us much, for the railroad serves nearly as well as in fine weather, and 1 am getting a chance to get from below what little transportation means we have on hand. This makes our great difficulty. I want the Secretary at War to put THE STORY OF THE GUARD. ^ an end to that kind of action which is impeding" me hy producing want of con- fidence. I think is not friendly to me, and therefore I have a right to demand that he he at once re- moved from my department. I think he has heen purposely sent with the object, that being unfriendly he would embarrass me. I ought not to have impediments — circumstances always bring enough neces- sarily. ..... «J. C. F." " Camp Asboth, near Tipton, " Oct. 10, 1861. " It being a rainy day, a leisure day, and not my day to swear, I am in a fit mood to remember your kind request, and report to you concerning the various little incidents and accidents of the march 78 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. and bivouac, which give on the whole a truer picture of us than documents and despatches by the score. Behold me, therefore, seated on my bed (!) lifting my heels at intervals from the wet ground, muffled in a great overcoat, and writing on my knees. "Let me plunge at once m medias res. The first day's ride was delightful, even to the heavy men. They were all re- joiced, at the end of nine miles, when we stopped for the night, to find how well they bore ' the hardships of a sol- dier's life.' Our first camp was pitched in a swamp, for the same reason why John went to a certain place — ' because there was much water there.' Captain Haskell, who selected the ground, said water was a great thing. It is the unan- imous opinion of the ' Adlati ' that water THE STORY OF THE GUARD. '^Q is a very large thing indeed ; and not a pleasant bedfellow. The fever-and-ague has made its appearance in camp already; and those preserved strawberries, put up by the ' United Society of Shakers ' be- gin to bear an ominous significance. "The next morning, who should appear, careering about the field, but Wamba,* mounted on a fiery horse whose paces he was exhibiting. It is my private im- pression that Wamba is made of wood — head and all ; and having been wound up to go as an infantry corporal, his machinery cannot be altered until he is made an infantry spiritual and angelic. On the present occasion he assumed, in * Wamba was an old regular, on duty as the Gen- eral's orderly. His blue uniform, with lighter blue chevrons and stiff leather stock, suggested woad-dyeing and serf collar, and got him his sobriquet. 80 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. spite of the interpolated horse, the com- plete ' position of a soldier : head erect, eyes front, hand grasping the seam of the pantaloons, palm forward, heels mori? or less apart, feet at a strong divergent angle,' &c. The noble steed himself caught the spirit cf the occasion, fancied himself in the ranks, and considered Wamba an Enfield, which it was his business alternately to ' ground ' and ' shoulder ' with all possible speed. To complete the picture, General Asboth and ' The General ' stood in front of their tents witnessing the display. At its close. Gen. A. said benevolently, ' Ah, my dear, I see you are not Cavalerist ! ' and General Fremont laughed more heartily than I have ever seen him before: — at which Wamba was overcome with delight, and interjected a salute between two bounds of his horse. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 81 Such was Camp Lovejoy. We have played upon the Colonel's generosity and innocence, until we convinced him that it was ^ the correct thing ' for him to send round wine in honor of the naming of our second camp after him — whence the claret already mentioned. " Alas ! what am I writing ! Who knows but I shall be 'jugged' for 'conduct unbecoming,' &c. &c. The colonels and majors and captains are all my superior officers ; and hereafter I shall not even have the poor consolation of seeing how they ride, for last night came the terri- ble order that the Staff shall ride two and two, according to rank. This puts a half-dozen of captains between Jack and me, and sets me back among the unknown. Wretched me ! . . . . " The insane passion for riding six 6 82 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. abreast in narrow or muddy roads, which seems to seize all the junior members of the Staff, has led to this new arrange- ment, which Jack and I, I believe, were the first to susforest, althouo^h it results in separating us. Hereafter, each man is doomed to one neighbor, and no variety in conversation. The list is made out in the order ; and after enumerating the larger animals, two and two. as Noah did, closes with ' Lt. R., ^c' Now wasn't it cruel to make me ride with, '&c.' 1 Who the fellow is, I don't know, but I have a horrid intuition that it is the man with a mule!* Would you believe it] Colonel Eaton brought this document of doom to our tent, last night, and I was de- tailed to go from tent to tent, and read * A surgeon's assistant, who had not been able to ob- ain a horse, in the hurry of departure. THE STORY OF THE GUAED. 83 it to the Staff! ' O torture most re- fined !'.... "There is a report here that the enemy is trying to get away, but cannot cross the Osage River. This is jolly, if true, and indicates a speedy chance of battle. The worst of it is, we are not in the advance, and don't seem likely to be. "The General looks well, and I think enjoys himself much better than in Ori- ental St. Louis. By the way, I hear that mule is to be ordered out of the Staff, because it savors of ' Oriental Pomp.' The Queen of Sheba and the Khan of Tartary, together with Shahs, Pashas, Effendi and Howadji innumerable, rode or ride on mules. Mules being, therefore. Oriental, let their tribe be con- fined to the ' Eastern Department ! ' "But 'Adl.' H. desires room for a line 84 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. of postscript. He has gone to town in rain and rage ; for he found, on calling for his gray, that the stupid groom had fed another gray horse by mistake, and his had had nothing. Jack had finished his anathemas for the day ; but I went out to help him, and we issued extra rations in honor of the occasion." "Camp Asboth, lltb Oct. 1861. "Captain Foote, and have arrived. goes down to-night and will see you in the morning. " I don't think my despatch to General Cameron, requesting McKinstry to be left with me, reached him. Whether de- tained by , or some one about him, he can find out. General Thomas, con- trary to usage and regulation, ordered THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 85 McKinstry and others from my depart- ment, without doing it through me — entirely overlooking and slighting me. It is a discourtesy and military offence. General Cameron ought to come here and see the army Officers were also detached by the Secretary of the Navy from gun-boats, and not done through me " I have placed Captain Foote in charge of all the boats belonging to the flotilla. My plan is New Orleans straight ; — Foote to join on the river below. I think it can be done gloriously, espe- cially if secret can be kept. ... It would precipitate the war forward and end it soon and victoriously. " Talk freely with , Captain Foote, and . All are true. , . "J. C. F." 86 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. " Camp Asboth, « Oct. 12, 9^ o'clock. " . . . . There is nothing to be said in addition to what I wrote yesterday, be- cause everything in my mind is at a stand- still, until I know what result the visit of the Secretary leaves. You don't seem to feel very decided as to what course the Secretary may take, but in any event don't be in the least discouraged. If we go on from here, we shall do well. If interfered with, w shall do well in another way, but I shall act with equal decision in either case. So don't feel in the least dispirited ; but bear in mind all the time that General Thomas is my enemy. He is one of those who op- posed my appointment, and I am told indulged in some of the abusive and false language, which a certain class THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 87 about Washington had habitually permit- ted to themselves in reference to me. As I told you he has conducted him- self discourteously to me in his com- munications in reference to the army. . , "J. C. F." "Tuesday Morning, 15th Oct. " Camp Zagonyi. ". . . . You need not be alarmed at my movements southward. They will be well considered, and you must just give me what aid you can " I am about nine miles out on the road to Osage River, and push right forward to-day. Our force is in splendid condi- tion. I intend to unite together all my scattered forces, and make my army such that it can go anywhere — that is, if we are not interrupted, and of that I suppose 88 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. we shall learn within a week. Consult fully and freely with Mr. . Keep your health good, and don't get agitated. . . . You say well that we are con- tending for honor and honorably ; our op- ponents for base ends and basely. I want this little note to go to you freighted only with pleasant thoughts, a harbinger of success, and meetings soon to come. One of our little white butterflies came flying around in front of my horse as I rode along with the Secretary at War to the review at Syracuse. — This reminds me that I have not yet read the letters from the Mariposas ; I will to-night. . . Thank you for the sabres and guns ; send any such things forward as best you can.* • . • • • "J. C. F." ♦Perhaps I should explain, that the frequent reference THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 89 of official work to my care came not merely from Mr. Fremont's long habit of referring all manner of work and duties to me as acting principal in bis absence, but because nearly all the General's reliable officers were with him. Of those remaining, his quartermaster be- came ill of fever, and was in a critically dangerous state from the time of the army's leaving. The adjutant, Captain McKeever, who was very active and thorough In his attention to his duties, had his right arm disabled by a relapse of injuries received at Bull Run, causing several times so much fever and suffering as to leave actually no other head than myself; for Colonel Fiala also became ill, and even when he was well, General Curtis would not reply to any communication from him. Knowing I was always at the house, and that anything requiring attention would be sure to receive it, night or day, the General wrote to me for what was needed ; and many a despatch was sent, and combination made at the bedside of invalids too worn to sit up. Of course the regular official orders came also, but in this I have only quoted from private and personal papers. VII. THE BUILDING OF THE BRIDGE. " Warsaw, Wednesday Morning. ". . . We are all well, and the army in good spirits, notwithstanding the rain. Nothing can stand before this lit- tle army ; and if not interfered with, it will do some good work. But the constant expectation of being turned off from our plans by the Department, annoys, and takes away much of the interest. I judge that the enemy is much demoralized, and much of his force will leave him, if we get nigh enough to have any effect "J. C. F." THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Ql " Camp on the Banks of the Osage, " October 18, Noon. " I crossed the river this morning, and have just returned to this side, where is my own camp. All of Sigel's that is here is already across. We have just commenced a bridge, which, by to-morrow night, will be ready for the passage of the divisions as they come up. Meantime, Si- gel's and Asboth's will be over, and we shall be scouring the country in the di- rection of the enemy. Our difficulty con- sists absolutely and only in the want of transportation. On account of this the other divisions are collies to the line of the railroad. Ask Captain McKeever to do all that is humanly possible to get wag- ons, mules, harness, and drivers sent for- ward to Tipton. Meantime, I will seize everything of the kind there is in the 9S THE STORY OF THE GUARD. country. The spirit of the men is some- thing extraordinary ; they will at once overcome anything they come in contact with. But we must get our army togeth- er. It won't do to risk too much. " I understand, from other sources, that a contract made by Captain Haines, for the supply of cattle to this army, has been annulled. We are thus thrown on our own resources ; but this does not at all annoy me. If it is intended to cripple me, it can't be done. When I am left to my own resources I have no fears. The transportation business troubles me the most, because it keeps back the other parts of the anny, and produces delay. can tell you if this is done purposely. . . "J. C. Fremont." THE STORY OF THE GUARD. QS " Banks of the Osage, " October 19, 8 a. m. " Held back by want of transportation, I have not been able to get the army- nigh enough to the enemy to strike a blow, and so I lose a victory. I crossed the river yesterday afternoon, with part of the Guard, and sent them forward with some of Waring's cavalry. They may do a little something to put a white mark on the day. Hunter's, Pope's, and McKin- stry's divisions are still alongside the rail- road, transportation bound. But we are not losing time. Bridge-building, and scouring the country, gathering in teams and provisions, &c., all advance the work ; and the moment I can move I will do it with effect. " Can you tell me anything about War- ren's cavalry] I do not send many or- 94< THE STORY OF THE GUARD. ders to St. Louis, because I do not feel that they have force. The course of the administration encouraged all manner of disobedience and neglect on the part of the officers there ; and paymasters, quar- termasters, and all, feel that my orders may be disregarded with impunity. . . . " " Camp near Warsaw, " October 17, 1861. " As you will have seen, we have made quite a respectable distance in the pursuit, and have been rewarded here by rumors that Price is only thirty to fifty miles ahead, and waiting to give us battle ; — but rumor is so unreliable. " Three days have brought us from Tip- ton, about forty miles, which may be con- sidered a pretty good start for a green army. We arrived last night, though not quite THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 05 in the town, encamping about a mile north of it. While awaiting the baggage-trains, the General, calling for some ' young offi- cers to go with him,' and a company of the Guard, galloped like fun through mud and water, and abysmal roads, to the high bluffs of the Osage River, passing through the town on the way. Before getting to the village, we met General Sigel, with his adjutant. He had been here all day, slowly putting his brigade across on one small ferry-boat. He rode with us through Warsaw, and we, ' from her heights, sur- veyed ' the river which Price had to run around to avoid thrashing, and which we are about to cross in order to thrash him after all. " Having seen the possibilities of crossing, we rode back to camp, — the soldiers of Sigel's command filling the air with cheers 96 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. and welcominof- shouts for our chief. We had a pleasant enough night, and this morning the tents were struck, and we all moved over to the heights above the river. " While camp was being pitched, we rode with the General to the ferry, where he remained some time consulting Cap- tain Pike, the engineer who is to put the bridge through. ' Now, Captain,' asked the General, ' how many hours do you propose to use in bridging this river]' ' It depends upon how many men I may have, sir. If I have enough, you shall cross by two o'clock to-morrow.' I am afraid the entire lack of tools and lumber will put the Captain out in his calcula- tions, but we shall see. Pike will do his best. The General certainly puts men to their trumps. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Cfjf " Camp near Warsaw, " October 19, 1861. " We have now got well to work upon the bridge. R. has been doing good service in the lumber department; the north side material being improvised from the debris of log-houses and barns, sacrificed for the occasion, the south side cut and hauled from the vir- gin forest. I had been variously em- ployed all the morning, writing and riding for the General ; in the afternoon, he took part of the Body-Guard and went out on a little reconnoissance across the river. As he rode off he sent me down to help Captain Pike. ' See that he has all he wants ; let there be no hitch ; — see that everything moves,' " So down I went, and having a rov- ing commission, became a sort of ' Jack- 98 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. at-all-trades,' putting in wherever it seemed necessary, impressing teams and drivers, getting tools, ropes, and necessary ar- ticles, directing the pioneers in the woods where and what to cut, hauling the tim- ber from the woods, &c., &c. Pike with his efficient assistants, Shepley and Kern, were down on the bank, directing the busy workmen, and shaping the rough hewn trestles, measuring and cutting stringer and brace, fixing rope and chain and bolt, and putting through the more important preparatory work. Lieutenant Waring was in the woods, which rang with the axes of his pioneers, and the shouts of his teamsters, detachments from the ' fancy Body-Guard,' serving extempore in both capacities. And Colonel Shanks, M. C. and A. D. C, — the indomitable, indefatiga- ble, and tremendous, — was everywhere, driv- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 99 ing, cutting, working in a manner wonderful to behold. Now in the forest, showing the workmen how to put the ox-chain on a log and 'snake' it through the brush; now knee-deep in the river, swearing at reluc- tant 'Dutchmen'; now driving an ox- team along the dusty road; — always effi- ciently at work, helping all, interfering with none. This, on the southern bank. The other side saw Raymond inexorably pulling down houses, barns, sheds, stables, — anything that could furnish the proper length and size of timber for this all-de- vouring bridge ; impressed teams hauling the materials to the bank ; refractory mules kicking and plunging in the water while taking the various necessaries to the central island ; quiet groups of steady- handed Germans getting the logs and planks ready to be put together in shape ; 100 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. in short it was as thorough a specimen of hearty, earnest, well-put work as one could wish to see. " Meantime, I was wandering about, a kind of odd wheel, but managing to ' turn up ' in the right place with such fre- quency as to keep me from being too lazy. Among other things, tools and spikes were needed. What easier than to gallop over to the town, get them and send them back in some unlucky wagon which should chance to be near 1 Well, I have seen easier things. Armed with the Provost Marshal's pass, I had to go into every store, question and cross-examine the secesh owner who * didn't care to sell,' and ' didn't know what he'd got ; ' root and ransack in every corner, trip and stumble through every cellar, over barrels and kegs innumerable; and finally, THE STORY OF THE GUARD. IQl for my pains, had scraped together a few aug-ers, one or two sledges, half a dozen chisels, and — no more ! Then spikes were needed. Surely spikes are common enough in a frontier town. Vain hope ! They must be created. Clothed with ple- nary powers by the General, I was to take any forge and set to work any smith, — for The Bridge was all-important. " I went to one large forge with four fires, where about fifty horses were wait- ing and being shod, and to the infinite disgust of the various regiments whose horses were there, to the surprise of all the smiths, and with some explanation to their independent Western minds, that the General's order must pass over all others, I ' seized ' the fires, and set the men all at hammering out my spikes. The iron I had to find like the tools, in warehouse, 102 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. cellar, barn, or store, or wherever it was to be found. " Thus, between forest, river, and town, I had to be lively. After supper I went down again, and saw them working by moonlight and firelight. That was a pic- ture ! A gleaming fire at the foot of the dark, high, wooded bluff! The low, sandy island, far off and indistinet in the moon- light; the rushing river between, and this wild, solitary scene, made more weird and even more solitary by the busy groups of excited, earnest men. The shouting of voices, the clangor of blows, the creaking of ropes, and rattling of chains, mingled with the noise of the river, and occasion- ally when the grotesque, wide-spreading form of one of the huge trestles had been successfully lowered into the swift black- ness of the water, the long, loud shout of THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 108 triumph drowned all else. But you will weary of all this detail, and I must get sleep for to-morrow's work. "H." "Banks of the Osage, " Oct. 19, 1861, late in the afternoon. " Thank you for your pleasant letters of encouragement, especially for that one which points to the future crowTiing re- sult, if God wills it so. And as events seem to have pointed out the way, I w^ill keep my eyes steadily fixed in that direc- tion until the flag which floats ahove our army glows in the " insufferable light." " I put this letter of yours with Mr. 's, which reflects the color of my mind. They will keep my mind alive and vigilant and true to the great end which I shall now always see before me. 104 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. " I was made happy by finding Mr. and Mr. as I rode into camp to-day. They were like home faces and trusty friends, full of pleasure to see, after the close contest with enemies which I have been waging. I have arranged with them to hurry up my supplies and trans- portation the best they can, and I am sure they will do all that under the circum- stances is humanly possible, and with their aid I shall be able to do what I wish. I have from Captain Foote himself, and from them, better hopes for his cooperation than you were able to give in your letter of Tuesday evening. Don't fear ; if this thing is destined to be done, all will go right with us here. I shall keep my com- munications open, and will be able to give you intelligence of my movements, and at the same time, to hear from you, and keep THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 105 informed of the enemy's movements on the Mississippi. I wrote to-day to General Smith. The guns destined for Price will never reach him, if I get my transportation in time. General Prentiss I shall be glad to see. I will send him directions when I get a little farther along. Day by day I will send you some little slip of what I want done. I begin to feel stronger. It pleases me to see how kindly disposed the people are to me, and how much trust they place in me, I did not know, until I received your letters to-day, what was the cause of the reinforcements being sent to Ironton. Tell Captain McKeever that his promptitude gives me pleasure. His dispositions were excellent, and the effect may reach farther than shows at first; still, as soon as the regiments can be spared and equipped with transportation, 106 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. I want them hurried up in this direction, for the reason that, in certain contingen- cies, we should be beyond reach of rein- forcements, and obhged to rely on our- selves alone. " Zagonyi got no action, but brought back some useful spoils, — horses, wagons, cattle, provisions, &c J' J. C. F." (zagonyi speaking.) " On the 18th of October about fifty men, personally with the General, crossed the Osaffe to have a little observation of the enemy on the other side. The General found out, through talking with citizens, that a body of men were starting to the rebel army, about twenty-two miles from Warsaw, on the Osceola road, south. He at once ordered me to proceed in the night THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 107 to find out if they are there. We arrived at eleven o'clock in the night, but was too late ; they left three days before, but found horses, mules, cattle, and about one hun- dred and twenty bushels of wheat, which we captured and handed over for General Sigel's brigade use. We left camp about four or five in the evening, arrived back next day about eleven — forty-five miles — without a bite of bread or meat, but a little mush made by ourselves at one in the night out of the captured corn flour ; we found some salt and a little molasses, — not I, but the others, did like and eat it. The horses had everything. But we did not have a blanket with us. It was so that we went out only to see the country, but finding on our way about these rebels so near, we went after them without turning back to make any preparation. The General 108 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. sent for a company of Fremont Hussars to accompany us ; he did not leave us until they came up." " Banks of Osage, " Oct. 20, 1861—8 A. M. " Mr. and Mr. are harnessinof up for their return. I have had much pleasure in their visits and the favorable impressions they have in regard to our present struggle. But the aspect I sup- pose will change from day to day, depend- ent upon what we may do in the field, and this depends upon our supplies. The army in Kentucky, and this one in the field should, luithout loss of an lioui\ be strongly and efficiently reinforced. In this way the war can be terminated this winter ; and it is treason to the country to put in peril the great stake at issue for the pur- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 109 pose of gratifying private vengeance against an individual. Forward movements now, and no more trifling with the war and with the blood and treasure of the country. The mercantile interest of the nation demands peace, and it may be had by spring. " Say to Colonel Koerner that I have not a moment to write this morning. I will write to him. Meantime, thank him very warmly for his exertions in Illinois, and for their prompt result; — two regiments make a great acquisition just now. Ask him to continue for the present to work upon this project, and I will give him my ideas later. Thank him, too, for his despatch to the President respecting the pay of the officers. What reason can there be for not paying them except to discredit me ^ The Pres- ident said he would confirm my appoint- ments, and they were made accordingly; 110 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. what then is the meaning of the order not to pay them ? is here. I will write you his intelligence if I have time. " What I have just learned from satisfies me that we can easily carry out what I have told you above, and depend on it if I am not interrupted, the victory is ours, thoroughly and entirely. Send me transportation, and I will go ahead " like a house on fire." .... " Send me forward all the regiments pos- sible. Arm them with the Austrian mus- ket as altered by Greenwood. We are receiving them at the arsenal at the rate of five hundred a day. In my judgment the enemy is greatly disconcerted by the taking of Paducah, and our movements here and the lower country. New Madrid and Memphis are open to us. Send the transportation, and send the regiments. . . . "J. C. F." THE STORY OF THE GUARD. HI " Warsaw, "Oct. 22, 1861. " . . Our army is sadly in want of trans- portation. The Department has been so crippled that the necessary wagons and teams could not be furnished ; and now we are on the verge of starvation — i. e., living on beef and salt — while plenty of commissary stores are at Tipton, fifty-five miles from here. In order to get more wagons, the baggage of the army is to be reduced to the ultimate minimum. The General sets the example, sending back his mess-chest and trunk. We shall fol- low his example, and leave behind our camp beds, and all superfluous baggage. It's precious little I have to spare ; but I think I can bid a short farewell to clean linen, and reduce my table-equipage to the beef- pan and the salt-box. My dress-uniform 112 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. must go, if I have to carry it under my arm; for we are bound to have a trium- phal entry and a Thanksgiving-Dinner at Memphis, to be followed up by a Christmas at New Orleans. Government must also furnish transportation for my meerschaum. It is coloring successfully. I shall make my first charge with it between my teeth — breathing fire and smoke. The whole army has been rejoiced by the discovery at this place of a large quantity of salt and tobacco — especially the latter. One plug has been issued to each man, to supply the lack of things to eat ; and the gallant host sends up but one voice : " Give us the luxuries of life, and we'll do without its necessaries." And the lux- ury we most desire can be had without money, but not without Price. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 113 "Warsaw, Mo., " Oct. 22, 1861. " Ros and I have been for the last three days very busy helping Captain Pike with his bridofe. Ros beino- detailed to the duty one day ahead of me, had charge of the department of supplying lumber for the north side of the bridge, and he put it through well. The General sent me to keep a general look-out, and see that there was no hitch, that everything went smoothly. " Major Frank White is just in, having made a detour from Georgetown, and with his one hundred and eighty men surprised and driven out the five hundred troops who were holding Lexington for the rebels, re- leased the prisoners, sent them down the river, remained in possession twenty-four hours and more, and escaping by night 114 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. through the cordon which had surrounded him, marched down to us in a little over three days. He made a forced march of sixty miles from Georgetown to Lexington between sunset and sunrise, and thus sur- prised the rebels. We are proud of our messmate and with good reason, nest ce pas ? He captured Jackson's Secession State flag, which he has given to me. To-morrow he is off and away to the van. " H." VIII. OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY. " Headquarters Western Department, » October 23. " Camp on road three miles beyond Osage River. " I MADE but a short camp yesterday evening, having been delayed by the number- less detentions which necessarily surround myself. So many inexperienced officers, coming to me for the merest trifles, frit- ters away nmch of my time. Our bridge will not be finished until noon to-day, and Asboth's division will consequently be de- layed in its advance; but it will probably get across to-day, and meanwhile Sigel is going ahead. Tell Captain Foote to push on his preparations; it will not be long before I send his orders to him " To-day is bright and pleasant. When 116 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. the army leaves this it will march vigor- ously. We have already forced the enemy clear of nearly all the State, and our move- ment will effectually free the State of him for the winter. It had heen his intention to overrun all North Missouri to the Mis- sissippi and go into Iowa. When I left St. Louis a large detachment of his force had already crossed the Missouri [vide Sturgis's and Prentiss's despatches.) My movement towards Georgetow^n drew him immediately hack to the south side of the river, and the forward movement of my forces put him into a retreat which he is still prosecuting. War consists not only in battles, but in well-considered move- ments w^hich bring the same results. We have made many movements of this kind for which no credit has ever been given. "J. C. F." THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Hy " Camp White, near Lindley's Creek, » October 24. " I have just had the triumphant satisfac- tion to read your note, enclosing" the de- spatch from Col. Carlin. God and events are favoring us in the great work. All alono^ our line the " insufferahle lio^ht " be- gins to shine. I am so sorry for him ; * * Col. Baker, on his way from Oregon to the Senate, made in San Francisco a farewell address. It Avas in October, and he was urging the people to united action in the coming Presidential election. Suddenly stopping himself, he asked why he wasted time in urging to efforts for a victory already won ; — that the true subject to consider was the use to make of that victory ; — he gave them a rapid resume of the results of the Southern policy — its remorseless, unscrupulous manner of persecuting, even to death, men who were its powerful and success- ful opposers. Latest was his " murdered friend Broder- ick " (as Mr. Broderick himself said, " Killed because I opposed the extension of slavery and a corrupt adminis- tration "). And then came one of those perfectly beauti- tlful and artistic passages which gave Colonel Baker his 118 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. — tlie way, after long" waiting, was just opening. Make my warmest acknowledg- ments to Captain McKeever, and tell him to send them to Colonel Cariin and his com- mand. I will write from next camp. Washington now ought to be silent. We were just starting. I sent the despatch to the sharpshooters (Major Holman), and their answering shout just now comes to me. I send it also to Zagonyi (getting ready to start on the road below me). Major White made a bold and handsome dash into Lexington. I will send his re- port from next camp. We are six miles north of Quincy ; Sigel ahead, Asboth deserved fame as an orator — closing with a picture ot Liberty hunted, imprisoned, bound to the stake, her very ashes scattered to the winds. " I looked again, and I be- held her, throned on high, her garments white and shin- ing, and in her strong right hand the sword of Freedom, red with ^insufferable lir/ht.'" THE STORY OF THE GUARD. HQ next behind. I have a good letter from General McKinstry. He is pressing for- ward ; his advance will be in Warsaw to- day. Every way we are doing well. . . «J. C. F." "In the Field, near Humansville, " October 25, 1861. "... I came on this morning with a few of the Guard, Holman's sharp- shooters, and the Benton Cadets ; and, for the time, my headquarters constitute the extreme advance of the army. Gen. Si- gel's cavalry advance has just passed, and his division will be encamped to-night four miles ahead of me. Gen. Asboth's division is on the march, and will encamp to-night seven miles in my rear, on an open prai- rie country, around which a wooded creek sweeps. This would afford room for an 1£0 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. army of forty thousand to encamp, and here perhaps the divisions which are be- hind, — Hunter's, Pope's, and McKinstry's, — will concentrate. General McKinstry is doing his best to get forward, and so, I suppose, are all now. " I was encamped on a farm-ground, only seven miles in the rear, last night, at a very pretty place. From there I sent for- ward Zagonyi with nearly all the Guards, together with Major White's command, all under the command of Zagonyi. They left at night on an expedition, of which I will send you results when I hear. " Generally, I think we are doing well. Our forward march here has been con- ducted with all the rapidity possible, and we have scoured the country broadly as we advanced ; and, in my judgment, our whole movement can be characterized as THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 121 very successful. Joined to the success at Ironton, — Missouri, it seems to me, stands out in vigorous relief. " We are anxious to know how affairs progress around the Potomac. The slip you sent me announcing the death of Col- onel Baker, had not the result of the en- gagement at Poolesville '• To-morrow we expect a mail through from St. Louis " In reply to Koerner's telegram to the President, ahout the pay of officers ap- pointed by me, I notice that the Assistant Secretary of War calls these appoint- ments ' these irregularities^ and says they will be corrected at the earliest moment. They were not irregularities, as we know. They were authorized by the President, and, therefore, strictly regular. But he may rest assured that the time for cor- 122 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. rectlon will certainly come. But I don't think much of them now, and they have lost the power to sting " Charley is well ; he is all right now.* He messes with me, and sleeps in my am- bulance (the chariot and four), and, with a buffalo robe and two blankets, has the most comfortable kind of quarters. "J. C. F." * He had been kicked by a horse. Charley was my oldest boy, — only ten years old ; but he quoted " Casa- bianca" as a precedent, and carried his point of going with his father. Major Zagonyi had been good enough to let him drill with the Guard, and although, of course, only an " honorary member," he wore the uniform and did some of the duties of a sergeant. When the Secre- tary of War reviewed the troops at Syracuse, Charley went through the review with great credit to his training. It was no small test to go successfully through a real re- view as part of several thousand cavalry. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 123 " In the Field near Humansville, " October 25, — 7^ p. m. " I shall have news of a httle action to give you by next express. I sent for- ward Zag-onyi to strike a blow yesterday evening. I just receiv^ed a despatch from him, informing me that the enemy has been reenforced at the particular point very considerably ; still, he goes on, and asks for reenforcements to be sent. He was but eight miles from the enemy when he wrote to me, at half-past eleven this morning ; it is now eight (evening). He went right on, and, I am afraid, will be rash. I sent immediately forward eight hundred cavalry and a section of artillery. By next express I will inform you. "J. C. F." 1S4 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. (ZAGONYI SPEAKING.) " Just as we arrived in the camp, Yost's Station, October S4, I heard from some scouts that there were three or four hun- dred rebels in Springfield. I at once reported myself at the General's tent, and asked for permission to go for- ward. The General did not want to grant it directly ; he promised me that after an- other day's march will let me. He con- sidered it too far to go from that place. I retired, but in half an hour reported my- self again, begging for permission, trying to make the General believe that if he don't let me go they will run away from our approach ; remarking, with respect, that if he don't let me go, next morning he won't find me in the camp — that I will run away in the night. At last he gave his permission, if I take some addi- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 125 tlonal help. I told that plenty, enough, my own command ; but obeyed the orders, that it shall not be countermanded. We started at about nine o'clock in the evening. Before starting, I intended to leave one officer in command with the remaining of my com- mand. It was a difficult work to select one. Trusting in one's quiet nature, Lieut. Ken- nedy, I gave him the orders to remain behind in command. With tears in his eyes begged me not to leave him be- hind ; he would consider that I did not put trust in him to go into the battle if I did not let him go along. But in the same time obeyed the orders. Half an hour later reported myself to the General before starting, and asked his permission not to leave my officer behind — none of them is willing to remain. The General gave his hearty consent, and congratulated 126 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. my officers and men that they are so will- ing to see the enemy. '• It was done quietly, so that the enemy should not hear of it ; hut the men were very much rejoiced that the long prom- ised time came. " It was a cold night ; they shivered, poor fellows, and it was a little bit of rain on us durinof the nio^ht — there was not an overcoat in the Guard ; but we made twenty-five miles from nine till five, A. M. From five till half-past six we took a little rest, havino- a little cold meat in our haversack. For seven daj^s we had had nothing but meat, without salt ; but still knowing we could do no better, there was no complaint. IMy scout found me a secession house, where we had plenty of sheaf-oats and hay." (I sug- gested they also could have had something THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 1^7 to eat — " Was no tinie in a small family to bake bread " — what there was they did get, but it was of no value.) " Started from there, and arrived at half- past eleven — eight miles from Spring- field — seventeen miles. Here we found out tliat the enemy is eighteen or nine- teen hundred strong. From this place I wrote despatch to General Fremont and General Sio^el." (Among other " asides," I preserved the following, as exemplifying his inability to see what constituted " rashness.") " They call it a ' rash act.' How is it possible to say it so "? From half-past eleven till half-past four we knew we were to meet nineteen hundred men (but in reality twen- ty-two hundred), was time enough to recon- sider and cool down every rashness. Blood cools in five hours. It is so. Very nat- urally it could not be ' rashness.' " 128 the story of the guard, (copy from original in pencil.) "12 o'clock, A. M., 8 miles from Springfield, October 25, 186L " General : — ^' The information on which I can rely is, that Vednesday evening fifteen hundred men came in Springfield, — and that at present there is not less than eighteen or nineteen hundred men. — I march forward and will try what I can do — in the same time I would he thankful if some reinforce- ment could come after me. Should I be successful I need them to hold the place, should I be defeated to have some troops to fall back with my w^orn-out command. " I will report shortly again. " With high respect, " Ciis. Zagonyi, " Major Comm. Body Guard. " To Maj.-Gen. J. C. Fremont, "Comm. West, DepC the stoky of the guakd. 12q (copy.) "Headquarters Western Department, " October 25, — 7| p. m. " Your despatch is received. I send to you Colonel Carr with strong force of cav- alry and some artillery. I will send more if you need it. Let me know immedi- ately. (Signed) " J. C. Fremont, " Maj.'Gen. Com, " To Maj. Zagonyi, " Commanding Expedition to Springfield,"" (copy.) " Headquarters of the 3d Div. D. of the W. " Camp 10 miles from Bolivar, Oct. 25, 1861. " To Major Zagonyi, near Springfield : — " If there are eighteen hundred or nine- teen hundred men at Springfield with the intention to resist you, I advise you not 130 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. to make an attack against the town, but to watch the enemy and attack him when he leaves the town, which he will do, as soon as we approach Springfield. " I do not believe that the company or two of cavalry now under my command will be of great use to you, as they are not well prepared and have no sabres, but I will advance them nevertheless as soon as possible, to join you and to give you assistance in case you should be repulsed. " The most necessary thing and your ob- ject should be, to send good and reliable information to us and to attack the enemy only in case you find him in a condition or in a position where you can with great probability defeat him instead of being defeated. " Two hundred men like yours can do wonders ; but to attack a town with cav- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 131 airy only, when the enemy is prepared to receive them, is always a very critical thing. " I send to General Fremont and will wait for his orders. " Yours Respectfully, (Signed) " F. Sigel, " Act. Major-Gen'l com'd'g 3d Div. " N B. — The troops under my command cannot be in the neighborhood of Spring- field before two days, except the cavalry, which can move quicker. Send me news as quickly as possible." (copy.) " By Telegraph from Rolla, " 29th, 1861. " To Captain McKeever : — " Ambulances just arrived from Spring- IS2 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. field. Left Thursday night. Colonel Taylor with all his force left Springfield Friday, 18th inst. Colonel Frazier with one thou- sand men came into Springfield Friday the 2oth. He is after three hundred sacks of salt taken from McClurg. Is pushing everything and ready to leave any moment. Reports Price at (telegraph hlunder over name) Newton County ; reports all rebels leaving for Arkansas ; also reports Generals Fremont and Sigel at Bolivar. " This despatch gives the rebel force un- der Colonel Taylor and Colonel Frazier. "G. W. Dodge, " Col. Comm'd'g Post at Rolla." IX. springfield. (Zagonyi.) " After a brief stay we marched very slowly to give time to my scout to bring me the best information from Springfield, which he did about one o'clock that the rebels hardly will face me, but will run. To meet them sure I left the Bolivar road, crossed over to the Osceola road, and from there to the Mount Vernon. In case they should retreat, to be before them. (Major White's command with me all this time. I left the big road at two and one- half hours. He should have been at most at twelve hours with me.*) * Some misunderstanding of orders separated the 134< THE STORY OF THE GUARD. "About four o'clock I arrived on the high- est point on the Ozark mountains. Not see- ing any sign of the enemy, I halted my com- mand, made them known that the enemy instead of four hundred is nineteen hundred. But I promised them victory if they will be what I thought and expected them to be. If any of them too much fatigued from the fifty-six miles, or sick, or unwell, to step forward ; but nobody was worn out. (Instead of worn out, it is true that every eye was a fist big.) I made them known that this day I want to fight the first and the last hard battle, so that if they meet us again they shall know with who they have to do and remember the Body-Guard. And ordered quick march. commands before the Charge, — although, unknown to the Guard, the Prairie Scouts did brave and efficient fighting on a distant part of the field. THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 135 " Besides, I tell them whatever we meet, to keep together and look after me ; would I fall, not to give up, but to avenge mine death. To leave every ceremonious cuts away in the battle-field and use only right cut and thrust. Being young, I thought they might be confused in the different cuts, and the Hungarian hussars say, " Never defend yourselves, — better make your en- emy defend himself and you go in." I just mention them that you know very well that I promised you that I will lead you shortly to show that we are not a fancy and only guard-doing-duty soldiers, but fighting men." " My despatch meant what I will do. In the hour I get the news my mind was set- tled. I say. Thank God, if I am to fight, 136 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. it is not four hundred ! but nineteen hun- dred ! " I halt my men again and say, Soldiers ! When I was to recruit you, I told you you was not parade soldiers, but for war. The enemy is more than we. The enemy is two thousand and we are but one hundred and fifty. It is possible no man will come back. No man will go that thinks the enemy too many. He can ride back. (I see by the glimpsing of their eye they was mad to be chanced a coward.) " The Guard that follow me will take for battle-cry, ' Fremont and the Union and CHARGE ! ' ' O the wild charge they made ! ' " Running do\vn the lane between the cross-fire, the first company followed close (Newhall's), but the rest stopped for a couple seconds. I had not wondered if THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 13^ none had come, — young soldiers and such a tremendous fire, bullets coming like a rain. " As I arrived down on the creek I said aloud, ' If I could send somebody back I would give my life for it. We are lost here if they don't follow.' My Adjutant, Majthenyi, hearing, feared that he will be sent back, jumped down from his horse and busy himself opening the fence." " I expected to find the enemy on the other end of Springfield, but, unexpect- edly coming out of the woods to an open place, I was fired on in front of mine command. Halted for a minute, seeing that, or a bold forward march under a cross-fire, or a doubtful retreat with losing most of my men, I took the first, and commanded ' March ! * 138 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Under a heavy cross-fire, (in trot) down the little hill in the lane, — two hun- dred yards, — to a creek, where I or- dered the fence to be opened — marched in my command, — ordered them to form, and with the war-cry of ' Fremont and the Union,' we made the attack. The First Company (Newhall's), forty-seven strono", aofainst five or six hundred in- fantry, and the rest against the cavalry, was made so successfully, that, in three minutes, the cavalry run in every direc- tion, and the infantry retreated in the thick wood, and their cavalry in every direction. The infantry we were not able to follow in the woods, so that w^e turned against the running cavalry. With those we had in different places, and in differing numbers, attacked and dispersed, — not only in one place, but THE STORY OF THE GUARD. l^Q our men was so much emboldened, that twenty or thirty attacked twenty, thirty times their numbers, and these single- handed attacks, fighting here and there on their own hook, did us more harm than their grand first attack. By them we lost our prisoners. Single-handed they fought bravely, specially one, — a heutenant, — who, in a narrow lane, wanted to cut himself through about sixty of us, running in that direction. But he was not able to go very far. Firing two or three times, he ran against me, and put his revolver on my side, but, through the movement of the horse, the shot passed behind me. He was a perfect target — first cut down, and after shot. He was a brave man; for that reason I felt some pity to kill him. " Young men was the guard — but re- 140 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. markable and extraordinary it was they gone so nice through. " In this way tlie town was cleared. We went to their encampment, but the ground was deserted, and we returned to the Court-house, raised the company- flag on the Court-house, hberated prison- ers, and collected my forces together, — which numbered not more, including my- self, than seventy men on horseback. The rest, — without horses, or wounded, and about thirty who had dispersed in pursuit of the enemy, — I could not gather up ; and it was midnight before they reached me, — and some of them next day. " I . never was sick in my life, Ma- dame, till what time I find myself leav- ing Springfield, in the dark, with only sixty-nine men and officers, — I was THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 14,1 the seventy. I was perfectly sick and disheartened, so I could hardly sit in the saddle, to think of so dear a vic- tory. "But it ended so that fifteen is dead, — two died after — ten prisoners, who was released, and of the wounded, not one will lose a finger. In all seventeen lost." " One hundred and fifty started on the lane dovyn. Thirty-nine or forty was dis- abled and thrown down — mostly horses hurt — and in the real attack was not more than one hundred and ten, — the highest number." " Half the battle is won, if you go into the fight with spirit and noise, and, mostly, 142 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. the enemy is disheartened by it. Very natural, going against them in fast trot, and with loud noise, they was not able to keep in order. They was not perfect soldiers, and their horses took fright, (I knew they would). Our horses was worn out, and, as general thing, our making noise did not frighten them, and our horses was more trained than theirs. "After this we had to retire, — leave the town in the hands of those who was with- out any horses. I was perfectly sure that the enemy never will return, but, as a soldier, I could not risk any possibility of their return. " My men and horses was so much worn out, they had not been able to take care of themselves, and less of a town. They were worn out, — hardly could speak, — hardly could sit in the saddle, from THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 143 tiredness ; arms worn from keeping- the horses from excitement back, and the other hand from the use of the sword was worn out that hardly could hold up. Faces blackened from powder and dust ; hungered out from five o'clock in the morning till this time, — six in the even- ing, — not knowing when we will have any more of anything, made them per- fectly useless." " As we dashed through the streets, the women came out from their houses to the gates of their gardens; waved their hand- kerchiefs, and brought out flags, and did not frighten them at all, — ^the shooting and fighting. Captain Foley exchanged words with them, — inquired if there were any rebels ] Answered and told where, 144^ THE STORY OF THE GUARD. perfectly coolly, — was not afraid at all. Next (lay they took the greatest pains to attend the sick and the wounded, — hring- ing them every delicacy, and attending to their comfort. As we left Springfield, was already dark, that we could not see ten steps ahead. " The bugler (Frenchman) I ordered him two three time to put his sword away and take the bugle in his hand, that I shall be able to use him. Hardly I took my eyes down, next minute I seen him, sword in the hand, all bloody ; and this he done two or three times. Finally, the mouth of the bugle being shot away, the bugler had excuse for gratifying himself in use of the sword. " One had a beautiful wound through the nose. My boy, I told him, I would give anything for that wound. After twenty- THE STORY OF THE GUARD. 145 four hours it was beautiful — just the mark enough to show a bullet has passed through ; but, poor fellow, he cannot even show it. It healed up so as to leave no mark at all. He had also five on his leg and shoulder, and the fifth wound he only found, after six days ; he could not move easy, for that reason, he was late to find there was two wounds in the legs. In the attack, every one is worth to be mentioned. I make up my mind to name no names, when all was deserving mention. " Lieut. Kennedy [the " quiet-natured " officer] was wounded twice, — in the arm and in the side. The surgeons said he would lose it ; but he has not. " More than sixty horses were ' bul- letted ; ' seventeen carrying bullets were brought back to St. Louis." 10 I4f6 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. Every one who followed the infantry into the wood was killed ; hut from an- other wooded place, several of the wound- ed were recovered. Corporal Dean, who was wounded severely in going- down the lane, was thrown where he could see his riderless horse charge with the Guard. Presently the horse returned, snuffing the air, and neighing. He called it hy name, when it came running to him ; but, com- ing on the other side of the fence, after many ineffectual attempts to get to its master, it again made off to the rest. I think Wisa was the one whose life may be said to have been saved by the little terrier. This dog had joined the Guard on one of their excursions in the outskirts of St. Louis, coming back to camp with them, and keeping with them, not only there and all the time on THE STORY OF THE GUARD. l^y the march, but charging with the Guard, and keeping up in the heat of the fray. As the day closed, he found himself by this wounded man, and, nestling to him, remained by him all night — sallying out of the wood at dawn, and, by his barking and actions, inducing a man whom he met to follow him to where Wisa lay, stiff and exhausted, with pain, and cold, and hunger. " Corporal " was the name of this little fellow, and, as the Knight's dog lies at his feet on the old tombs, a terrier coiichant should bring up this story and be its " Finis." " Headquarters in the Field, " Western Department, " Oct. 26, 18G1. " I am really delighted this morning with Zagonyi's brilliant action, and half at least 148 THE STORY OF THE GUARD. of my delight is in the pleasure it will give to you. I send Captain Howard with the despatches to Captain MeKeever, that he may forward them officially to Washington. " As I have already informed you, hav- inof learned on the 24