^ vuf 0f Citk to JTour ©ontigttotts Exacts ot Hanlr, situate in the Twenty-seventh Ward of the City of Philadelphia, containing together 105 acres and 84 perches, more or less, Belonging to '' The Improved Mutual Land Association of the Twenty-seventh Ward, Philadelphia." Printed for Chas. Bbnj. and Alfred J. Wilkinson iia South Fourth St., Philadelphia ,5 Entered according to Act of Congresi Chas. Benj. and Alfred J. In the Office of the Librarian of Conj 7,hy on. Bvtcf of Citlc TO RU t1)0fir four rCVtaiU adjoiniiig tracts or pieces of luiid, with the huihliiiii's and iuiprovenieiits tliereon erected, situ- ate in the Twenty-seventh Ward of the city of Phihidcljihia (formerly in the township of Kino-sessinii'), bounded and described as follows : Oiif of Uit'hi beginning- at a stone in the middle of the Tinicum Island Hoad, at a eorm-r o\' the tract or piece of land next l)ut one hereinafter des('ril»ed, thence by the same north sixty-seven degrees and a hall* west, thirty-three perches; north sixty-nine degrees and a half west, fifty-seven perches and three-tenths, errone- ously mentioned in former assurances fifteen perches and three-tenths of a perch ; south twenty degrees and a half west, three-tenths of a i)erch to tlie middle of a drain, and along the middle of said drain north eighty-seven degrees west, eighteen perches and three-tenths of a perch to the middle of anothei- drain in a line of the tract or jiiei-e oi hind next hereinafter described; thence along the middle of tlie said drain and in said line, south one degree and a half west, thirty-four perches and five-tenths of a perch ; and south six degrees and a half west, still along tlu' mi(hlle of said drain, partly in another line of said land, and })artly in aline of land formerly of Adam (luier, fourteen perches; thence still along the middle of the said drain in another line of the said last-mentioned land south nine degrees west, nine perches and seven-tenths of a perch ; thence by the same land south two degrees aiul a half east, fifty perches, north fifty-eight degrees and three-fourths of a degree east, twenty-til rt'c perches and two-tenths, north sevciitv-three degrees and one-fourth east, eight })erehes and five tentlis of a perch, south eighty-eight degrees and one-foiii-th east, twentj^-one }>erehes and eighty-five one Imnih-edtlis, south seventy-two degrees and a quarter east, thirteen pcrelies and five tenths, and south twenty-eight degrees and a ([uarter east, four perches and two-tenths to the middle of the afore- said road, and thence along the middle of the same north twenty-six degrees and a quarter east, seventy-one perches and two-tenths to the place of heginning. Containing forty-seven aci'es and four perches of land, more or less, including one-half of the road. One other of them beginning at a stake on the west side of a branch of Carker's Hook Creek, and from thence extending south forty-seven degrees west, by the tract or piece of htnd last hereinafter described, twenty-seven perches to a white-oak ; thence south fifteen degrees west, by the said land ninety perches to land for- merly of Zachary Cox ; thence by the same south fifty-seven degrees east, twenty-eight perches and one-fourth of a perch to another branch of the said creek ; thence along the said branch by the several courses thereof in the line of the here inabove and next hereinafter described tracts or pieces of land and land formerly of Levis Passmore to tlie place of beginning. Containing twenty-one acres of land, he the same more or less. One other of them beginning at a cornei- of the tract or piece of land first hei'einahove described in the middle of the Tinicum Island Road; thence along the middle of the said I'oad north fifty-three degrees and a liali' east, seventeen perches; thence by land formerly of Levis Passmore, north fifty-five degrees ten minutes Mcst, one hundred and twenty-nine perches to the middle of Mingo Creek, opposite to the mouth of a certain (btch ; thence up said (btcli the several coui'ses thereof fifty-three perches, thence by the siiid first hereinal)Ove described tract or ]»iece of land south eight^'-five (h'grecs and a h:df east, nineteen perches and six-tenths, south sixty-seven degrees and three ([uarters east, fifty-six })erches and five-tenths to a post, and south sixty-Hve degrees and a half east, thirty-two ]iei"ches :iii(l ciii'lit-ti'iitlis to llic place ol hf^-iimiiiL:;. Coiitaiiiiiiii' twenty acres and twenty perclies ot" land, more or less. And Ihc (i//iir of till III Ucii-inninii' at a stone in the line of land lornici'iy of -losejili linntini;', hcini;- the tract second heix'in desi-rihed; thence in tlie sanu' line north four degrees east, ninety-two perclies and sixty-five hunch'edths to a wliite-oak ; thenci' in aiiotht'i' line of said Umd nortli thii'ly-nine degrees and three-(inarters east, twiMity-eiglit perches and ti\'e-tenlhs to the middle of a lai'ge di-ain ; thence along the middle of the same north forty degrees and a (juarter west, ten pei-ehes and seventy-five hun(h'e(l(lis to the middle of another (h'ain and line of land now or late of doshua Malony ; thence along the middle of said drain, and in the same line south forty- seven degrees and a quarter west, thirteen ]>ei"clies south, forty-live degrees and three-(juartors west, tifty-one [)erclies and seven-tenths; thence leaving the said drain, hut running in a line of said land now or late of Joshua Malony, south thirty degrees and three-([uai'ters east, eight perches and four-tenths; thence partly in another line of the same land, and partly in the line of iaiul now or late of John II. Bunt- ing, south two degrees and a ([uarter east, tifty-eight perches and twenty-tive hundredths to a stone, a corner of land now or late of James M. Serrill ; thence in a line of the same south sixty-one degrees and a half east, twenty-iive perclies and six-tenths to the place of heginning. Containing seven- teen acres and sixty perches of land, more or less. Title to Forty-seven Acres, Four Perches. ValentiiNE Cox, and Maroaket, his wife, or the one of them, hy force and virtue of some good conveyance or conveyances, assurance or assurances in the law duly had and executed, hecame in their lifetime lawfully seized in their or one of their demesne as of fee of and in a certain island of fast land and meadow ground situate in Xingsess aforesaid, commonly called or known hy the name of Boon's Islaiul, or of and in some part thereof, and being so thereof seized, died intestate. 17:'.ii April 17 Kxaniiucil Kecord . iUrrtl. Pktkr Cox (yoiingeet son of Valentine Cox), to Joseph Whahton in foe for all and every tlu' i>art and parts, puritart and pui'})arts, estate, riglit, title, interest, property, share, elaini and demand whatsoever of him the said Peter Cox, of, in and to, infer alia, said Boon's Island. Arknowledged Api-il lit, 173G. Reeorded Decendjer 2, 1772, in Deed Book I, No. 12, page 72, etc. 1730 July 28 Examiued Record. IBCCtl. Joseph Wharton and wife to Andrew Cox (eldest son of said Valentine Cox), in fee for said part and interest of Peter Cox in and to, inter , 17H6, in Deed Book I), No. 17. [•a-;-c :!(;<», cic. I'-'^fi JDCrtl. Thomas M( I)(i\vi;i,i, and wife, t(j- M attiikw Huston in icv tor same i)reiiiises. Kxamiiiod Record. Aekiiowledged dune 80, 178H. Jieeorded Deceinlier 28, 1786, in Deed Book 1), Xo. 17, piige 350, etc. i'^'' 50CCtl. Matthew Huston and Hannah, his wife, to Fel.ruary28 . ■ . i -i i ^i • Mary weed, in tee, same premises deseriherl therein as two Examined . . i • j2 i i i • Record. tracts, oue of them containing thirty-nve and one-halt acres, and the other tifty-tlirce acres. Acknowledged March 25, 1797. Recorded March 7, 1709, in Deed Book D, No. 77, page 21, etc. i,so4 33crtl. Mary Weed to John Hunt, in fee for said leimuiryiM pj^.^.^^. , ,f laiul, containing fifty-three acres, and for a piece of Examined , , , • • i i i i ^' t • i Record h>nd coiitai iiiiig sevcu ucrcs a hundred and torty-six })erches (l)eing }»art of said thirty-five and one-half acres). Acknowledged same day. Be- cordcd Afay 25, 180(1, in Deed Book' E. F., No. 23, page 448, etc. 6 '^V DfftJ. .I'liiN llrxT :iiierches, nu)re or less. Recorded June 17, 17)S<>, in Deed Hook D. No. 2, page 129, etc. if-os JiBcrtl. 'TdiiN Drxi. Ai' and wife to doHN Gakihneh, in February 2:^ tec tor, ////(/• - a widow named Christiana, and issue twelve children, namely : William, Thomas, Mar- o-aret (wife of David Myorle), Mary Ann (wife of Samuel Stevenson), (Tlcori>-e, Christiana, Frcderi(;k, David, Louisa, rJames, Elenora (tlie last six of whom were luinors, and of whom l)a\id \\^)elpper was guardian), and Francis Bradle\- (who had been altsent about fourteen years, and had not hi'en heard of for six years), that said intestate died seized in his demesne of and in, inter (iVki, a messuage and stable and tract or par(;el of land, situate in Kingsessing Township afore- said (composed of the l)efore-mentioned two tracts), contain- ing forty-seven acrt's four perches, and praying the Court to award an inrpiest to make partition of said premises, with the appurtenances to and among the representatives of said intestate, in such manner, and in such [)i'opo]-tions as by the laws of this Commonweath are directed, if such partition could be madc! without prejudice to or spoiling the same; hut if such partition could not l)e so made, then to value aiul ap[n'aise the same, and make I'eturn of their proceed- ingsaccordingly. Whereupon the Court granted the prayer of the petitioner and awarded said inquest. March I'.i Exainiiu'd Record. Hntl at an (DrplianS' VjTOUVt, held as aforesaid, (Ji-;ojt(iK ivKKS, Ks([., High Sheriff and inquest nnide return that said premises could not l)e parted and dix'ided without s[)oiling the same, and that the\' had valued and apjiraised said piece of land containing fortj'-seven acres four perches, at the sum of $5,828.12. Wlu'reuitoii the Court contirnu'd said report, and granted a rule upon the heirs and rej>re- sentatives of said intestate to accept or refuse, etc. ^''•j'^_ :Hnti at an iHrpliaiui' iTouvt, Im'1 ntnivsiid.iiio tlic snid TiMiM \s Hi; \l»l,l:^, \\\r xm. cIccIimI to lake llic said I'xiiniiiicd _ •■•II itiHi.nl. ti'act or [licci' of hind :il t lie \ al iialinii alon-said, \\licrcii|H»ii the ('t)iii-t aii]iri)\ (■(! and allowed said clcrtion, and it was t'lutlier t'oiisidcrcd ami adjudged that said Tiionias IW-adlcy should and iniiiht upon paxini:' or sccurinL:" to hf i>aiy sjiid traet or piece ot land to him, his heirs and assiradley, deeeasod, uaniely : William IJradley, Thomas IJradley, Daxid Myerle, in riuhl of Mar- garet, his wife, Samuel Stevenson, in right ol his wife, Mary Ann; (Teorge Bradley, Frederick Bradley, Cliristiaua llradley, Louisa Bradley, David l')i-adley, James Bradley, Klouora Bradley (the last six of whom hy their guardian David WoeIi)i)er). Francis Bradley, the other child of said decedent, did not a}»[»ear. ^Otf. 'rii'' -:'i"' Thomas thus became seized iu his demesne as of fi'c of and in the said traet of laud of forty- seven acres four perches, subject to the ]»ayiueiit of the sum of $lll4:i.7 I'ad le V ( si nee (leceast'd j. 1*^^'' Ht an (O^rpl)anSi' (!TOUrt, lu-ld at Philadelpliia, for tlie \ugust 21 " Citv and Countv of J'liiladelohia, the petition of William Kxiimiiu'd - • , Record. HuxTEK, iiiriuiit of liis wife Catharine, one of the daughters of the said 'I'lioiiias Bradle\-, deceased, John Bell, guanHan ofxiugustus, Louisa, Thomas, Francis, John and Christiana Bradlev. and William G. Lesher, guardian of Eliza1)eth and Julianna BradU'V, the minor children of the said Thomas Bradley, deceased, was presented, setting forth that said Thomas Bradley died intestate, seized of, inter alia, said tract of land containing forty-seven acres four perches, and [)ray- iiii;- the Ctiiirt to award an iiupu'st to make partition of said premises to and among the legal re[)resentatives of said decedent, if such [)artition could he made without [trejudice to oi- spoiling the same, hut if such ]iartition could not he so made, then to value and appraise the same and make report of their proceedings. Whereupon the Court granted tlie praver of the petitioners and awarded an inquest accordingly. i.sa^ ^ntl at an (Jf>Vp1)an!5' i!TOUrt, held as nforesaid,tiiesaid September 11 j,^^|u^.^( maJe rcturu that said premises eould not be [>arted ^lecord.'* and divided without [)reiudice to or spoiling the same, and that tliev had valued and appraised said tract at the sum of $8,500, which said report was confii'med l)y the Court. And on the same day, the heii's and legal representa- tives of said decedent appeared in open Court and severally refused to take said estate or any jiart thereof at said valu- ation, and prayed the Court to award an order directing the same to i)e sold. Whereupon the ('ourt ordered the Admin- istrator of said estate to make sale accordingly. 11 (irtoiwir. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Vpi)aiUi' iTOUn, iicl.l;is:il..ivsai(l,llM.sMi.l Kxamiiipd ^^^I'-I'l-^'^l lllNTKH, A < 1 llli I lisf Tilt oi", el <•. , 1 IKK |c rcllini tllllt ill Record. inirstiancc of said ortliT lir had (Ui 'IMiiirsdaw the ci^litli dav ol'Octohcr, A. I). 18:};"), nl tin- Mcivliaiils" lv\(•llall^•(^ in tlic ^'itvi'f l'liilad('l|iliia, l»y |iiil)lic xciidiic or < miNtx, al'tiT diw :>iid tiiiii'lv notice, sold ihc >:iid ||-;ict (.f land, rontainini;- fortv-scxcn aci-cs lour ii('It1ic>. to William Mooiv lor tin' sum ut $7,520. W'liicli said sale was coulirmcil hv snid ( 'oui't and ordered to l»e and remain lirm and stalile lorexcr. Security in the sum of Si^d^OOO l)y A(huiuistrator with \V. G. Lecher and .loliii Uell. who were approved Ijytiie Court, duly entered. 1S3.-S 29rrtl. William Hunter, administrator of the estate ot .ruDuary ^ ^„ . ^ riionias l)i-adlev, decease(|. to William M oo re, in fee tor said Examnicn . ' . . Kpiord. trat^'t of land, containiiii'' rort\-se\-en acres and lour r)erches. Aeknowdeilged dan nary 4, I80H. Heeorded danuary 14. 1S3H, in Deed B(K)k A. M., No. H9, Y"dge 568, ete. is:!!-. JOfftl endorsed on last-nientioiied deed, William Moore to Wdliaiii liuiiter, in tee tor same tract. Examined Record. A ckiiow ledi;-e(l same day. IJe- eorded danuary 14, 183G, in Deed Book A. M., No. 69, page 570. "Xotf. The said William Hunter, administrator, (diarges hinisell" in his account with the ])roceeds of this sale, and also states therein, that said premises had been eonveved to him : the said re[tort and account was eontirnied 12 bv said Court \\itliiiiit i-t'trrciicc^ to an auditor. All tlic [)artios interested tluTein lia\iiii;' Kv writiiii;' consented to said eoidinuatioii. ifc-o Letters of adniinisti'atioii on the estate of Francis ?epem ci . lii-adlcy deceased, were y'rante*! to Thomas Hradlev. 1S84 April IS Exaniiiifd Record. ^t an #Vp1)ane' (TOUrt, luld at Philadelphia, for the city and county of Pliiladelphia, a citation was awarded an'ainst Catharine Bradlev, administratrix of Thomas Brad- ley (the elder), deceased, and David Woeliiper, nuardian of Franeis Bradley, col^lnandin^• them to appear and show cause, if any they had, why distribution should not be made of the estate of the said Francis JJradley, who had not been heard of for sixteen years, and who was supposed to be dead. 1834 .lune 20 Exaniiiifd Record. Untl at an C^rplianS' V!TOUVt, luld as aforesaid, the answer of the said Christiana r>ra ihr I'liil lirr Slim i if S7,s |..',7, uiid thai lit' was ciiiitlcil it> ihc Sinn of s;J:i;5.7s tV'im ilic pifiuiscs taken liy 'riidnias llradlcv in tlic |iarlilital«' <»!' said dccfd(^iil, and pravs llic ("oiiri in |iiil llic inallcrin such a sitiialioii as thai ihi- larls miuhl he asccrlaiiic(| and a dc'criH' (if ihf ('diirl maih' thfi-fin, s.t thai thr r,'-jMiiidciil iniu'lit lie jiislitii'd, cic. The answer a\ id \\'( .cIj.iht st-ls Idi'lh thai he wa.s not thfii, nor hadhe cNc-r hi-en, the ii'uardiaii ot' said Kraiicis, and [iravs Hu' Court to dismiss that part of the citation, witli costs, etc.). Answer ol William and Thomas i>radl(\ tiled. Ht an (Dvpl)aUS' VSTOUVt, hchl as aforesaid, in the matter of the citation to Christiana UradU'V, administratrix. Record. (^t*^'--, reijuirino- her to show cause w h\- distrihutioii should not l»e made of the estate of Francis I>raradley were ih'ad or ali\e, and if di'ad at what time he died. Foi- which purpose an action on the case sliould i)e entei'ed in said Court, as of Decemher Term (lradley till' sum of SiIO it'the said Francis was dead, and had not died hefore the sixth day of dune, A. D. l.S2it, that dati' heino- the time when the aforesaid Thomas Bradley (heel. And the said (Miristiaiia should pleail to issiu' that the said Framis Uradley was not dead, and that if he was that he ilid not die aftei-the 14 s:ii(l sixth (lav of Au_iJ:ut, 1829. So that the said issue iniu'ht \k- irifd hva jiirv ot'the county. Audit was further ordered, that the circiinistanci's ot'the nu)Ui'\- paid and received, aiul the assumption hiid in the deehiration shouhl he confessed, so tliat the trial of the said issue should he tried on the merits, the law to he decided hy the Court. And further, that the money laid in tin- declaration as the foundation of the action was to he considered as mere matter of form, and not to be denuindahle thereafter. And hy agreement of the parties the petition, citation, answer and replication, tiled in said Orphans' Court should he read in evidence on the trial of said issue, the taxed cost of said suit to he i)aid by the estate of said Thomas Bradley. In the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia. Appearance Docket. December Term, 1834. ClU'W WiLLLAM Bradley I ^'t'ig''^'*^ i^^"^N ^1^^'^ K^' 1^^'ive of I Court, dan. 17, 188;"). Narr. 'VS y Ided witli agreement lor action and certificate fi'om the (^r- Cu RisTiANA Bradley. , • /i <- ])haiis ( oiu't. Afterwards, to wit. May 7, 18o5, a Jui-y being called come, to wit (vide minute.' book No. 6, p. 40, etc.), who being duly imjtaneled, sworn and afHrmed according to law, do resjjectively say, that they find for the dtdendant with six cents danuiges. Charge ol the Court tib'iL January 19, 1830. 15111 of exceptioiLs Hied, and coi/i'iii die, a \\rit of error Ijrought into the otHce. January 27, 1830. Record sent to Supri-me Court. In Tin: Sii-ukmi.; Cm i;t i ni; thk Kasikhn |)isTKi lor llic ( 'itv and ( '(unity of I'liila- (Icljiliia, iji/ 1 i!lli .iaiiiiarx , A. 1). \mi \'i\'{'v\)\ tili'd .laiiiiary (>, l.Soti, and now, Ki'brnary o, 1836, record tlK'd. Fcliniary lii, 1831*, /nr r/r/v'^o//, judii'int'iit affirmed. l.S-,0 Miirch 11) JDcrt). Daviii Mvi:ki>k and .MaH(;ai{HT, liis wile, to SiKi'iiKN (JiKAKi), in tee tor all the niossiuig'es, tenements, lots, lands, lieceditainents and real estate whatsoever and \vlieres()e\er sitnati', to wliieh the said David Myerle and Mai'ii'aret, his wife, in her riuht. and each ot" iheni may he entitled, by reason of the decease of the said Thomas Bradley (the father of said Margaret), and of a partition and di\isi(in lately made of his estate, to hohl tin- same in trust for the sole and separate use of the said Marpuet dnrinu- her life, and after lier death for such persons and estates as she h\ her last will and ti'slanieiit should direct,with lidl |Miwei' of revocation and sale. Aeknowledu-ed >[arcli "iO. 183(1, Recorded January li-'. 1837. in Deed Book S. II. K.. Xo. l-J. jiau-e 18, etc. 16 The said Stephen Giranl having- taken upon himself the 1S32 execution of said trust, afterwards departed this life when David \Voelp[)er was hy the Court of Common Pleas istu apj'ointed trustee in his place and stead. And the said -^^""^' David Woelpper also died, and after his death David Brad- 184.=. l^'.v was appointed trustt'c hy tin- (,\)urt. And the said David Jiradlev was afterwards dischai-ged trom the said trusteeship and William Shriver duly ajtpointetl in his place. October 11 ^^■^ 212^iH of (teorue Bradley, wherein after sundry April 18 1 . , , , ' "^ . ^ devises and hequests, he o-ave and devised the residue of his Examined _ _ ^ . Record. estate (in ^^■hich was included his interest in said dower fund) to his mother durinii; life, and after her death to his hrothers and sisters of the whole hlood, the share of his sis- ter, Maro;aret, to he held for her so as to he heyond the eoii- trol, dehts or engagements of her hushand. And the said testator a[>polntcd his mother, Christiana Bradley, and David AVoelper, executors and trustees of his said will. Proven A pril 25, 1833. Pvecorded in Book of Wills, No. 10, Page 597, etc. The said Christeny Bradley and David W^oelpper after- \vards departed this life. Letters of administration de bonis c, .^^''? , """ ''"'» ((''•\\ih ^.l:\|.|,l:^ iiiid wilr to Uciiiaiuiii L. Kxaiiiin.-i ''*''"'"y' '" If' •'"■ :'!' 'I"' cslatc, real and |.crsuiial. wliat- Kcoiii. s()c\L'r ami w licrrsdcxcr. of lilm, llic >aiil l»a\i(l llradlrx, in ti-iist, to sell tlu' same ami iipply the proceeds to tin' pay- nieiit of his dHMlitops. AeklloW led^-ed I )(■(•(■) n I »e I' l'S, 1S4-"I. Kecoriled Janiiaiy ;;, IM-I, in \)<-ri\ I'.oMJs, U. L. L., Xo. !•_', |i. :)i»l, .te. "■'•' _ Drft). r>i;.\.iA.Mix L. Ukhiiy, tnistoo of the lirst part, I>a\id Tn'adU'N and wifi-, of the seeoiid part , to ( 'hristcnv Kxainiiiid ■ i . ' ■ . . . ' Ueconi. l>radley. of the third part, her heirs, executors, adnilnis- ti'iitors and assii;-ns for oneele\enth part of, /'///'/■'///'/, said Sinn of .1?l,il4-2.70. Acknowledged same day. \\.v- (.'ori,i:v to CiiinsTKNV IJuAhi.KV, her December 20 i,(.i,.j^^ e.\(.-iMitors, aduiiiiistrators and assiii'tis, tor one undi- Exumine,! ^,j,i^.,| ^.j^.^eutli part of, in/cr u/hi, said sum of Si .!t42.7(). With jiowcr to reiU'cni the saint' at any time within four years trom the (lute thereof, u[)om the payment of !?1,()0() with interest. Aeknowledu'ed same day. lie- corded February Jl, 1.S41I, in \)vvi\ l5ook A. W. .M., X'o. S7, pai^'e 4tMi, etc. Record. 18 AuSstL'9 JiiLUll cfCllRlSTENY or Cll HISTI ANA BkAI»IJ:V, whoivill, Kxamined 'i^'t*^'' inakihi;' soiiu' uiii iiiportiiiit bequests, slic did give, devise and l)C'(|U(,'atli all tlic rest, rcsidiR' and rcniaiuder of her estate unto Iter eii^-ht eliildrfii : Mar^'aret Myerle, Marv Ann Ste\euson, CliristianaSeiiriver, I^ouisc; Bi-adley, Elenora Bradley, Frederick Bi-adley, David Bradley and James lii'adley, share and share alike. Tlu' share of tin- said Janies B>radley to he held in trust l)y the executors f »r his use dur- iiiii,- life, with reiiiainder to his children, and in default of children, to his brothers and sisters. Frederick Bradley, l)a\id Bradley, Samuel Stevenson and William Schriver, aiul the survivors and survivor of them were ap[»ointed exec- utors. Broveii ,luly2, 1.S50. Keeorded in Book of Wills No. 25, page 79, etc. Letters testamentary were granted to l)a\'id Bradle\-, William Shriver, July 8, 1850, uiul Samuel Stevenson, Juno 25, 1852. 1S51 May 5 KxiiiaiiK'd Record. iiJcICfl^C. William Shriver, trustee of Margaret Myerle, Margaret Myerle, Samuel Stevenson, in right of his wife, Mary Aun Stevenson, William Sliriver, acting exec- utor of the last will and testament of Cliristeny Bradley, deceased ; William Shriver, in riglit of his wife, Christiaiui Shriver; LouisaBradley, James Bradley, and Joseph I'arrish Ward, and Klenora (late Bradley), his wife, to William Hunter, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, of and from all the estate and estates, shares, purparts and divi- dends, liens, dower thinls, right, title, interest, pro|)erty, claim and denuuid Nvhatsoever of them, and of each of them, according to their rights in law or cijuity of, into or out ot the said forty-seven acres four perehes of land. (This release is signed and acknowledged by William Shriver, trustee of Margaret .MyerU'. Margaret Myerle, Samuel Stevenson^ Maiv Aim Stf\ ciison, William Shrixfr, artin^- cxrciitor of ( 'lii-islciiv l*>ia(ll(\, William S|iri\fr. ( 'lii'i>!iaiia Slii-i\ci', Lmii^a I'xadli'V, .lames I '.radl.v ami I'llniMra I',. Wanl.) Arkiiowlrd-v.l Mav ."), is.')!, and Mav 17, is.')!. Kcronlcl ( )ct(.ln'i- -J:;, is.'.ii, ill hcc.l r...Mk'i'. II.. i;:,i.a-v:.-ji, .■!.•. Title to Twenty-one Acres. 16S7 DrCtl ^JOll. WlhnU DuMiV, ['kTI.I; I ). M, I:V. W II, LI A M Doi.HV and .IdiiN .Massi:\, Io.Ia.mks ILini', in Ire lor a certain Exftuiiiiol , ... ,■ I ' • • , I , Record. tiiriii OT plantation m the town ol iN.iti<2;sess, in the eoiinty of !*irilailel|iliia. in llie i'losiiiee of I 'eiiiis\ |\ ania, eoiitaininii," til'ty acres more or Ics.s. Also a j)ieee ot' land eontainiiiii- thirty acres, and ti piece of meadow land eontaiiiiiii;" elc\en acres. Acknowledged .')tli or4tIi month. Recorded :5- ' ^'" ■'•' otht'r thini;-s, as follows: '• f/mi : 1 uivi' and l.e.(iieatli unto ^T,'!"',T^ my son, .lames Iltiiit. the land and plantation (in Kin-ses- siiiii) whereon 1 now dwell, and the land at We>terii Ilottk, eontainini;- hv estimation three Iiundre(l acres ol fast land. meaih)W and swaiiiji — tou'cther with all ye houses and hnihl- inus tliereimto hi-lonii-inu-, and all other lands, etc, marshes in till' said tow iiship, that ook ot Wills 1)., i>age HO, ete. ^'5" JBCCtl. John Hunt, eldest son of John Unnl, who \\'as the eldest sou of James Hunt, the devisee uanuMl in the Examined ... Rc-cord. above-recited will, to Josiali Bunting, reciting the deatli of the said James limit, the cdder, dames Hunt, the son, and eloliu Hunt, the eldei' : and that a common recovery was intended tt» he suffered in the Coui't of ('(jmmou Pleas, of aniece of drained marsh or meadou' ground in Kingsess, in the county of I'hiladelphia, containing eigliteen acres, in wiiich said common recovery the said Josiali Bunting was to he demandant, and the said John Hunt, tenant ; and the common \'ouchee to be vouched. And therein the said John Hunt, for himself, his heirs in considei-ation of live sliillings and other good considera- tions did covenant, gi'ant and agree with the said Josiah Bunting, his heirs and assigns, tliat as soon as the said com- mon recovei'v should be suffered and ])erfectcd, he, the said Jiisidh BuiilnKi, should stand and be st'izi'd of the said eigh- teen acres of meadow ground witli the aftjinrtenances, to the use and behoof of bim, the said .losiali Bunting, liis heirs and assigns forever; and tlu' said common recovery should be and emii'c, and should be adjudged, construed, deemed and taken to bt' and enure to the oidy ])roper use, benefit and behoof of the said Josiah l>unting, his heirs and assigns forever. Acknowledged March 10, 1791. Itecorded April 20, 1792, in Deed Book JSTo. 85, page 92, etc. I''.\jiiniiu'il Uiconl. 21 In ink (\»ri(i' oi- Cmmmhn ri,i:\s. im; rm; {'\\\ ami ('m ^•■|^ 111' Till I, \i.i;i,nii \. Nhiivli 'rn-iii. IT'.tl. .Ii'SI All llrNTi.NC, I )clii;ili(l;ilil | r., ComiiKMi ^'(>u<•lu•(•. A c'onnuon recdxcry lor llic said c'lLi.-litccii aiTo of lainl A\as (Inly liad and sntrcrtMl in (lie ^nid ('(.uri, and mhiIm' rlovcntli davot Marcli, A. I ). ITi'K a writ otsrizin awarded. returnaliU' withont di'Ia\-, and afterwards, in the same teriii, . lames Asli, Ms(j., Slieritr, relnrne(l that hy \iiiiie of said writ lie had eansed ('nil sei/.in of the tfiKMiieiit- at'nrfsaid, with the apimrteiianees id he dehn-el'eil lo ihe >:\\i\ dosiah Buiitini;, as h\- the said writ he was eommainled. LHO:; .1 M... 7 Kxainiiu'il Keoord. S^r^iU III' the said desiAii UiNi'iMi wherein, anniiiii; (^ther thin^-s. lie dexised as follows: — " f/im : It is my will and mind and 1 do Jierehy impower my exeentors or the tlu' snr\i\'ors of them to sell all my lot of meadow «i'r<>nnd, eoiisisliiin; nuirsh and nplaiid in !\inLCsessinii\ heinu" the lot willed to my dear wife Sarah l»y hei- father, hut appearin;^ to be incumbered hy an intalc by her eonsent .r(^hn Hunt, heir at law, broak the intale and made a dn'il to inc in fee simple. It contains about twenty-one a^'res i)e the same more or less, I do order my executors to sell the same for the best price ofered, and to inaki- as i^-ood a di'vd or tital for the same as I could have done, the money arising from said sale to l)e divided as hereafter directe(|."" And of his said will the testator appointed .lo-iah Ibmt- iny: and dohn II. Uuntinii-, executors. I'roved Oetober l-Mh. ISI:^. J{ecorded at Media, hela- ware County, in Will IJook I)., paoe 244, el<-. 9.0 1813 December 31 Examim'rl JBrrtl. JosiAH BuNTiNft and John H. Bunting, exec- utors of tlu' last will Mild tcstaiiiont of Josiah Bmiting", Reconi. doccascd, to dosepji Biiiitiii*;- ill tec, tor twcMitv-oiiG acres of land, liL'iiiu" tlie jU'eiiiises now in (|iicstioii. Acknowledg-ed same day. Re- corded March 2, 1814, in Died Book I. C, No. 28 pai>'c 4yo, etc. 1.S40 Jamiarv 29 i3CCl3. JosEPJi BiiNTixNt; and wife to Willia.m Hun- THK,in fee, tor same piece of land containiiii;' twenty-one acres. Acknowled inic'ls III' l:iml ini Kci'orii. I'xxins lsl;iii(|, ill Kiiiu-scsssiii^', one nf llii'iii (•( nitniiiiiiL;' iiiiicl \ -six ;itMTs. ilircf |K>rcIi('s, mikI tlif 'iiIkt lortx live ;iim1 oiic-tdurlli ;u'i-('s. Sold as tlic estate <>{' William IJoon ainl wife uiider a iii()rln"a'4'e aiii and wito to CutliariiK' W^ister. Ai'kliow |ei|n-,.d ill ojieli ( 'olirl o| ( 'olllllioll I 'leas, No\ eliilier .">t ll. I 7^7. Keeorded d lllie i:)tll, ISltl.iii Dee. I |',o,d< A. W. M., No. Hi. pa-e 72, (--tC. '^-'^^ ?i2Hin of said doiiN Hint, wherein amoiiLr otlifr 2 Mo. 19 / 1 • 1 i • . ^ tliiiiiTs, he willed as follows : " ffiin : 1 ^'ive and devise to Examined ^ .... Record. iiivsoii. (iil.hoiis Hunt, and to his heirs and assii>;ns t'orevoPj the house he now lives in, with ahoiit six aeres ot" land, wliieh I iiureliased of Or. Ileiirv I'asehail, situate in Darby 'rownship aforesaiil. with llie iiiijirovi'inents and a|i|iurto- nauces, and also all that my messuage oi- tenement and tract of meadow and upland now oeenpied hy him, situate in Kini^;- sessiiiiv, in the County <»f IMiiladelphia, hounded 1)\' the middle of Minii'o's Creek and the dilehes, and the middle ot' Tinieum road, and hy lands of dost'idi Uuntinn' and Thonuis Bradley, and hy other lands ealletl " r)Oon"s Orchard "' (beinij: what remains of lands which 1 piircdiasod of Joseph Cowperthwait, Sherifi", and of ^[al•y Weed, after liavini;- sold thirty-tive acres to Thomas IJradley at tlie re(|uest of mv said son, (4ihbons, and for his use). To_<::ether with all the impro\enienls ami apimrlenanees thereunto ludouii-inu-. To hold the same subject to the jiaymeiit of §100 per annum, to be ]>aid to my dear wife* during- her natural life, ami to the delivery of her lirewood as before mentioned." l'ro\ell Se|iteliilter i i!, 1S:5(!. KeccU'iled at Meilia. in l>ook of Wills (". pa.u-e :]7li, etc * Since clecctt.-;cd. 24 1741 March TDrrtl. .loscpli Bdon to .lolm Jiistis, in fee for a cer- KxftmiiKMi ^'''" oiu'-half of lln\'i_' tracts of land, undivided, situate, Kccor.1. Ivinii', and hcini;- in tlic lownsliiji of I\iiii>:sessing and county of J'liila(lcl])liia. JvL'citi'd in a deed from Lawrence Justis ft (il. t(j John Justis, dated l)cocnd)cr 14, 1782, and recorded in Deed liook D., x\o. 11, pai^e 480. Febninry '. ExaiiiiiitM Record. S2iuU of lolin -Fnstice, wherein and wherehv lie, infer iiUn. willed as follows: "And as concerninu- tlie idantation, niessua<;'e, and tract of land situate in the townshijt of Kinjj;- sess, l*hiladelphia countA', and [)ro\-ince aforesaid, lvin,u' in tliree several pi(H'es, and eontainin<;- in the whole one liiin- dred and fifty acres, or thereahouts, parts of \\liich I now hold in rii^-ht of my former wife Christian, which said jtart shall go, aftei- my decease, in manner following, that is to say: All the undix'ided share or part which I hold in right of my said former wife, C-hristian, to and anH)ngst all mv children I)}- her, to wit : P^leanoi-, Margaret, Sarah, and the representatives of my two daughters, Mai'y and Christian, hotli deceased, in e\'en and ecpial shares, to them, their heirs and assigns respectively forever, sucii I'epresentatives taking only such share as would have come to their mothei-s had they heen living; and I gi\-e and de\-ise all that other undivided })art of the said messuage, |)lantation and tract ol land which I. hold hy dee(l or deeds })urc]iascd of dose])]i Boon, deceased, with its impi'o\ements and a|)purtenances, to my youngi'st childi'cn of my ])resent wife, namely, .lohn, Lawrence, I^ydia, Amy, and Charles, in live e(p,ud [)arts and shares, to hold to tliem, my said five children, their heirs and assigns respectively fore\'er: hut if my said youngest children should die in their minority, without issue (hut not otherwise), then the part or share; of such child or children sodyiii!^' I u'i\'»' iiii'l <' t«> iiinl ;iiin'ii|^-.| ilic >iii\ i\ ors u|' tliciii, iii\ s;ii(l \(HiiiL;cst cliiM rcii . >li;iii' :iim1 >li:irr alike, and tlirir lii'irs and assigns loiTvrr, the said iiifssiiairr, plaii- tatioii, and ti'act ot" land hd'ttrt' dcscrilx'tl, part llicriMti" now in llic tcnnri' and Mccn|taiiiin ol' ( iciti'u'i- Moi'lun."" i'rii\cd Scpti'ndx'r •"IH. I77>>, and 1 1 anM'iilic(| ill Will lliMik l:.. jia-v 111!, at riiila- dcl|ihia. . Bid-, i/( /iiii/'fi'iiK fiii-i, mill, issiH'd Mill mI' tlic ( '..iiri (it'( 'oni- Si-pii'mhiM- 1 1 moil ricas lor tlu' citv and count \ of I 'liiladi'l|iliia, wlicrrin Kxamiiioi \\ \<, i^. cited that l^ii'anor ("nlin, Mar^'arrt Wilson, dolm IJoliinsoii, dacolt lvol)inson, William iioliinsoii. ('liristiaiia Morton, and Sarah dnslicc. Jafoh Aiild and hvdia. hi- wife, dolin d iisticc. I, awrencr diistirc, Samuel ('linrrh and .\iii\- iiis wilr. and ("harlcs Jn>ticc', t()i>vtlu'i- and iindiNidfd, hrld certain niessuai;-es and tracts of land situate in liooiTs Island, township of l\inn-sessint;-. and State of Pennsylvania, a> therein discrihed, and w herein the Sheriti of said county was commanded that takim:- with him twelx'e i^-ood and lawful men of his hailiwick, he should visit said pi-emises and make partition of the same to and amonu- the said parties, tin- wlnde into live epial parts to he divided, ami that he should allot and assiii'ii three of said i)arts to tlie said l^leanor ("uliii. Marii-aret Wilson. John liohiiwoii. dac(,l) Ivohinson. William llohinson, Christiana Morton and Sarah dustice. and the remainini!; two of said jiarts to the said daeoh Auld and livdia. his wife, in riu'lit of said wife John Justiee, Lawrence d ustice. Samuel ("hnrdi and Amy, liis wife, in riulit of said wife, and Charles diistiee. ,;;,, IJelui-n of partition wherein dann-s Claypooh', lli.iih '"^'"■'"' Sheriti", eertitied that takinu" with him twelve i,^ood and law- '^K""rT' ful men of his hailiwick, he went n|)on the said lands, and •26 tliorc ill tlic jirt'sencc of tlu^ pMi'ties interested he liad l>itrtc(l and divided the said iands inlo five e([nal j):irts, and allottcil and assiii-ned, inU r nlhi ^ a eertaln nu's>naii'e oi' teiie- nu'iit, and pii'ee or ]iarcel ot' land tliereiintci hcloiiii-iiii;', sitnatc in Kin^scssin^- al'oresaid, marked and nunihered in tlie plan tlieminto annexev lands beloiin-iiiii: to tlie cstatc of Andrew Cox, Ir., X. ook,No. 1, page 332. 1780 Urcrc lie partilionc facicmla issued out ol" tlie Court of December;. (%„,,, noil I'leas, ill and for tlie City and County of Phihidel- K.vamincd i||. wlirrciii it is recitt'd that Jacob Anld and Lvdia, his wife, in right of said Lydia, dohii d ustice, Lawrence Jus- tice, Samuel Cliurch and Ani}-, his wife, in right of s»,id Amy, and Charles Justice, together and undi\ide(l, held, 'nit;i Manli :? Kx.imiiiiit Lxl'tUVn Ot '^JaVlilion wlinvin W'n.i.iwi Wn.i,. Hi-li sill ritr «Ti lllitMl I li;ii l.-ikiiiLi' w il li liiiii t w else ^-ixid :iiii| l;iu I'lil iiu'ii (»r 1 lis 1 tail i wick, lie w fiit ii|h>ii I Ik- said lam Is aixi tfiir- iiii'iits aiul tiu'iT ill llif iircsciK'c of the |iartics iiilcrcslcil. partrd and ili\ idrd i lie saiiii' in In lix r ciinal parts ami allnMid and assi^in'(|, ////(/■ iiliii, tin' said iin'ssuai;"r and lfa<'t ol' land containiiii; rii;"lit and uiic loni'tli aci'fs and sixtci'ii jnTrlic- to dolin .lustiiT, liis lirirs and assii;-iis ti>rf\i'r. 17S^. Mairji 'r.Tiii. diidLrni.iil iliai |>artiti<>ii ri'iiiain linn ami >talilr rorcxcr. 17*:? July 9 Exaniineil K.T..nl. iJltJiliU iir.liMiN JrsTirK wlicrcin and w lii'i-rl>y lie (niter (iliti) willed as follows: '• /f< m : 1 u;ivi', devise and l)e<|iieatli unto mv said mother. Amy •! iistice, one inessuaii'e and lot of iaml. situate on tlie 'rinifiim Koad. leading;' tliroiinh I^omiTs Island, in Kiiiii'si'ssiui:; aforesaid, eontaininii: about eiixlit aeres, heiiii;- of my division of my latlier"s .lolin Justice estate and likewise one lot of marsli imadow, situate on IJoom's Island aforesaid, coiitaininii; altoul seven acres, oue- lialfwliicli r late |turcliase(l of brother I.awreiice, lioth «•!' whicji I, its ami iiiessua my said niothei' Am\-, for and duriiiu- her natural life and after my said mothi-r's decease, I ^-ive, di'vise and l>e(|ueatli the above two lots and messuaii'es to be ei|iiallv divideil between mv two brothers, Lawrence and Charles, to them and their heii's forex'er." Pro\ed August -2. MX'-\ and tran- scribeil in Will I'mnk S., )tai;-e .')74. The said Lwvi'.KNCK .M'STlcK afterward- departe.l tlii.> lite intestate. Levy. I'^xamiiUMl Koford. 28 ('(•.M.MnN f*LK.\S. A IM'KAKAXCK DdCK HT. Dccembei" Tooirs island, in Kiiigscssing, and County of riiiladt'lphia, containingeight acres, more; or less, wiiieh said premises tin; Sheriff, hv a \vv\t of B)-rrr (/c parf/'/ionc facioKfd/xH^nod out of the Court of Common I'K-as for said county, was eommande(l 1)\- an iii(|uest to make partition of and among the several heirs therein nanu'd, il'the saiiU! could he made without jire- jiidice to or spoiling the whole: hut if the same could not be made as aforesaid, then to valueand apjiraise the same, to wliich writ the said Sheriff, with said inquest, returned tliat llif sail! lands .•oiiM im«i lie [.arlcd ami ili\i.|ci|. aiiW iIicn IkhI valticil and a|>|iraisc(l llir.-ann'al llic>niii uf S I ,-'5rincnl \\a> mi llir '.Mli dav of \Iai'<-li llicn I a si |iasscd. r.ad and a|i|p|'(>\-.M| liy I lif said ( '(inrt ul' ( 'nMiniDh I 'leas, and 1 lie said ( 'liarlcs .1 n>ti.-f liaxint:- a|i|)carcd in < 'iMirt Itv his attoi'nt'V, and clcclcd lo lake llic sann' at llir valua- tion, the Coiu't ordered and adjnd<;cd tin' said |n'fniisfs tn till' said CliarK's .iiislicc at said valualioii. he |.a\iiiii'. ald .1 1 .liii .1 ii>tirc, daiic .1 ii-l ir.', Lvdia Justict-' and liawmicc .1 iislicc their rc>|iccti\ c |in.|M.f tioiis, lu'lnu- one moiety or liall" |iait theceol'; and that tlic SluM'ilf ot said eoiinty slmiild make a iln'd to the said ( 'liarles diistiee lor said premises, siiiijeet as aforesaid. A(do..k \'\ pa^v -uni JlLOtf. No reeon-ni/.anee or hond ap[)ear to lia\'e heeli j^'iveli h\ the said Charles .1 listiee, to secure the sjian-s ot' llie lieirs of Lawrence Justice, deceased, in the said saliiation nionev, noi" can any ri'iease ot" the same he loiind ot record, hilt it' aiiN' such recoi;;ni/,ance or l»ond were iii\en. the lieii thereof would he disciiar^-e.l hy (he Orphans" Tourt saK- to Le\is I'assmore. lu-reinaftei' ahstracted. isi:, Manli 1(1 iOfftl. CiiAKi.Ks disTicK and lvi;i!i;i'iA, his wit"e. to < 1 1 1'.i'.iiNs Iir.\r, in Ice for the said l(»t or piece ol i;roiiiid. l"-.\aiiiiiR'il . - Ri-cuni <'ontaininii" eii;'ht acres, more or le Ackiiowledii'eil danuary ;ll . 181'), recorded Xovendier -. I.SIO, ill Deed Book M. U., No. 11, page 155. 1842 5 Mo. 9 :}0 Dcrtl. Oil tliL' back dl" the al)()ve deed, said lot of U-i'oiiiid is (K'S('ril)ed aecordiii^- to a sui'vey made thereof in d line, iSlC, as rolh)\v : lJei>•innin_^• at astonein the middleofthe Ishnid 111- 'Pinienin Road, it being- a eorner of Thomas Brad- k'v's hind : theiiee up the mi(hlle of said road, north tilty-one andthree-(iiiarters deii-rees east, thirty-three and seven-tenths jierehes, to a stake in the mi(hlle of said road, it beinu- a corner of(Jibboiis lliint"s land: tlieiiceby thi' said ITuiit's land north sixty-two and three-fourth degrees west, forty-six and tive- tenths perches,to a black oak ; thence south tweuty-seven and a-half degrees west, thirty-three and seven-tenths perches, to a stake, being- a corner of Thomas Bradley's land ; thence by his land south sixty-seven and three-fourths degrees east, thirty-two and eight-tenths perches, to the [)lace of begin- ning; containing seven acres, one hundred and forty-four sipiai'e [)erclies. 2MilI of Gibbons FIunt, wherein among other things, . lie willed as follows : " llvnt. : I will and order my olanta- Examined . . ^. . ■ ' Record. tiou in Ivingsessiug and C-ounty of I'hiladelphia, containing seventy-five acres, more or less, the same being bounded as stated by my dear father's will and beipieathed to me and my heirs forever. I say the same should be sold at a con- venient time so as to bring the best price, which time 1 leave to the judgment oi" my executors hereinaftei' mentioned, and one-third* of the money f)r wdiich said [)Iantation shall sell for, to be secured in said plantation, the interest of which J lea\'e ami be(pieath to in\- beloved wile during her natural life, and to be [»aid half yt-arly to her, the remaining, or other two-thirds, [ give and biMpicath to my three sons, Benjamin, Charles and riohn, the youngest, to be equally divided share and shari' alike, the debt f )r which 1 ha\e entered into bond f)i'myson, r>enjamin, or money othei'wise ))aid for him is to be paid out of the share oi- pai't coming to him I'rom any part of my estate." Tin' said testator apjiointed his wife, Mary S. Hunt, Hc'iijamiii 1 1 nut, ( Miiirlcs llnni nnd .ImIhi II. A ndrt'ws cxfc- utors of lii> >ai(l will. I'loNcn M;ii(li .;, Is 17. Uf- • •(»l(lf(! :il .Mc(li;i, ill I 'xxik III" Wills I)., pauv 1:;;;, .tr. * This one lliird was sccur.Ml liy un.rlfjMKi' (if ,s«ltl preiiiist-.s, j{ivfii !»>• I.cviH I'uss iiioiv, iPiinlms.r. t(i llir f.\iTiit.>i> ul' .sniil UiMion.s lliiiil (recorded In Morlniinf Hixik .\. \V M , No. Jl, paw ri7), wliicli morluMu'r linssimf hwii .siitl.sllod. c. I! \V. ls-17 .Ht an (nvpl)anfi' ifOUVt, li.l,| al ('l,r.|..r. in ami li»i' tile ('(Minlv cT I »cla\\aif. in llic Slate m|' I '(•iiii>\ I\ ania, Hi'<'ord ^''*^' |»*'tifi'"i "I M;iry S. Iliml, llcniainin llnnl. ('Iiaili's Hunt ami .lnhn j|. A inlrcws, cxrcntors of ilic la>t will and tt'stanu'iit ol' ( iildidiis 1 1 nut, lue Bell Tavern, in Kiuii'sessiiii;-, first eiiterinn* security in the sum of $18,000, which security was dul\ entered. ^■^" Hnti at an (Dvpt)anQ' vTourt, h.ilantati()ii oi' ujtland and meadow, situate in the towns]ii|) of Kin^'sessiiiL;- and County of Philadelphia, hounded and descrihed as follows : Ue^'inning at a coriu'r of AVilliain lluntt'r's land in the iniddK' of the Tinicmii or La/.ai'etto IJoad, so called, iheiice along tlie inichlle of said road north tifty-three and a-half degrees east, sixty-six and tliree-teiiths i>erches to a corner in said road of land of Levis j'assniore and Xaoini, his w ife ; thence hy said land north thirty-si.\ and thr(-'e-(|iKU'ter degrees west, tour and si.\- tenths [tercln's to a stone ; south seventy-five degrees west, eight perches and seventy-Hve one-hundredfhs ol a i)ei-eh to a stone; north nineteen and tliree-(|uarter degrees Wi'st, si.xtv- three and three-tenths perches to a Spanish oak on the north side of the Philadelphia, Wilniiiigton and Paltiinore Rail- I'oad : and thence north thirty-six and one-([iiarter degrees east, three and five-tenths perciies to the middle of Mingo's ( -reek : thence up said creek the several courses thereof hy lands of Jolm ]Tuiit and Ahraham (J. Hunt respectively, one hnndred and se\enty perches moi-e or less to the mouth of a c«'rtain ditch; tlience u[> the middle of said ditch the sevi'ral courses thereof, fifty-three perches; thence hy Will- iam Hunter's land south eighty-fi\'e and a-half degrees east, niiietiH'ii and six-tenths perches ; south sixty-seven and three- (piarters degr(!es east, fifty-six and Hve-tenths perches to a ]»ost ; and south sixty-fi\'e and a-half degrees east, thirty-two and eight-tentiis perches to the place of i)eginning ; con- taining seventy-eight acres, ninety-eight [)ert-hes, more or less. (Being the ])remises directed to he sold hy the will of ( lihhons I hint.) Acknowledged Decemher 23d, 1(S47. Kecorded same day, in Deed Pook A. W. M., No. ,')(;, page 80, etc. ixJmi'.i.r ■-':; f^Cf^ l-KVis I V\ss .\i( .|{ K jiiul wil'c I.. \\'iHi:nii llmii.r KxivmiiuMi '" '•''■ '"'■ •' !':'i> "I' ill" l:is(-iiiciiti,,iu.,l lia.l ,,f lainl, .•uii- Koroai. taiiiiiiM- tuc-iitv anvs, twciitv |iciTlirs, Lcinw- il,,- |,r.'inis('s iH>\\ ill (|iicsii(Hi. Aclsvj Qrrtl. Wii.i.iA.M III .\Ti:i; and w ifc iu.l..jiii ('. Ihiiilci', ill '"'"''''''•'^* fee for the said iIuhh' tracts of land, one of ilinn .•Miilaininiz' ^Rt'corT ^"^>'"tj-f<<-'Vt'n acres lour pi'rdies, another of iheiii twenly-oiie acres, and the other of them twenty acres and twenty iierdies, particularly >;5,oOO. Acknowledged the same ilay. Recorded July 8, 185:i, in Deed Book 'r. 11., Xo. dd, page 54, vtv. , '"•'•■ „ Ht an (Dvpl)aiUj' ^fOUVt, hdd in and foi- the citv JiiiiUiUy 21 ... . ■ and c()unt\' of riiiladelphia, u|)on the reiioii of Georii-e 11. Record. P^arlc, Es(|., wlio had heen appointed hy tlie Court to audit the tinal account of William Hunter, administrator ot' the estate of 'riiouuis IJradley the youugei-, deceased, the share of the said diMH'dent in the said dower charge of Sl.il4J.7(), was in the (list i'il»uti\-e halance of his estate awardcil to ihe to the following [lersoiis, viz. : One-eighth thereof to William Hunter, guardian oll ot release as the act of his trustee, Michael Erriekson, in all I'cspects, and did further confirm and release tlie said tract of land unto the said John (\ Hunter, his heirs and assigns. Acknowledired same dav. ^ri'tl. .InllN ('. lllNTKI! :,ll(| wif.to ll.lilv I. fr...h.cc..iun.l ^^'^^ '"' ''•'■ '"'■ •'"• ■^=''"' ''"■•''■ 'l':"-|> of land, Mll.j.Ml to 111.- Kxa.niiRHi. saiil two II lort na((| same daw ];«■- rordfd damiai-v 8, lS.')i)(» with inlcrest. Acknowk'diivd same day. Ke- cofdc'd April :{. is'jt;, in iK'L'd Bonk k. I). W.. Xc. 72, paiiv 458. ]S OtC. The said two mortiiages (it'corded in Mort- gage Books A. W. M., No. 22. j-age 378 and (i. W. (',. No. 87, page 176) were satisfied of ivcoi-d PYdtrnarv H, l.S(jl an •')[). 30 Title to Seventeen Acres and Sixty Perches. Lawrc'iici' Lawrciisoii, Andreas Iiikliorm', Andreas Recitediuii lirowne and Andreas Anderson, were seized of a tract of Deed from , , . . , • i i i i • i • i i • Cox to Guyer. ''Hxl Containing tive hundred and sixty acres lying and being at a place called Carker's Hook. jgj.j ISfCtJ i3oU. Lawkence Lawrenson to Otto Ernest March 14 CocK, ill fee f'or all liis right and interest in and to the said Recited in tract of land containing tive hundred and sixtv acres, being same Deed. o ^ t i- ' ^ one-tourtli i)art thereof. 1682 May VA Recited in same Deed. JBCCtl i^ClU. Andreas Inkhorne to Otto Ernest Cock, in fee for all his right, title and share of the said tract of land, containing live hundred and sixty acres. Whereupon by virtue of the two above abstracted deeds poll the said Otto Ernest Cock became seized in fee of and Recited in . • i i ^ , ■ ^ ^ i i . . , same Deed. Ill thrce-eightlis parts ot the said tract of land coiitaininghve liundred and sixty acres. 1719 October 12 Examined Record. lOCCti iJoH. Ctto ErnestCuck to his soii,Zacharias Cock, in fee for a certain tract of land, with diveis lots of land lying on the east side of Cobb's Creek, and adjoining to the said creek, situate at Carker'.s Hook, in the township of Kingsessing. Proved by subscribing witness May 31, 1759. Recorded September 15, 1759, in Deed Book H.,No. 11, ])age 114. RccitciHn 'I'll,. ,;,i,| tlin.('-ci«;lilli> c.r llir ,-:ii<| tl-;icf(»f hldd, (OW- Slime Di'cd ' . • • i i i • . timiiii^- ii\r liiiiKlrril and sixty :htc>, is iiicliiilfd in llic ii'rant in the alioxc alist ractcd deed. Tlic saiil Zacliarias ( \)ck al'torwards dfpaitfd tlii> life, having- lirst made and iMihlislu-d his last will and tc-tanifiit uinlrr tlic nanu' !>!' ZatJiarias ('ox. i7:!'.M0 Jiilill of Zacliai'ias ('(.x, wlicrrin and wliiTfliy hr, ///.Vr niKi, (k'Visi'd all Ills uiiland, suaniiis and incadnws to Ins two ~:niif nowi. sous, Art liur and dolin ("ox, in tec. i;..itedin The said Arthur ("o.x dc|tartcd tiiis lilc duriiiLi the* litV- .nnoDeed. ^-j^j^, ^^^- ||j^ tiitlicr, iiitcstalc. IcavinLf to siirvi\c liini two childi'eu, Williaui Cox, who dii-d in his minority and with- out issuo, and Zncharias ('ox. The said .loliu Co.v also departed this lite duriiii;- the litrtinic of his father, iininarriccl and without issue'. l;. ( iiid in valine Heed. The said Zaeharias Cox, heiiii;- so sei/.e(| in fee of and ill till" said three-oio-hths of the said tra<-t of land, and Peter Elliott heiui*- S(Mzed iu fee of and in the reinaiuiu.ii- tive- eiirliths of the same, caused the said tract of laud, swaiii|' and meadow, to be surveyeassage throngh and across their said land, from a certain landing-jdacc on How Creek, nj) to their respective dwellino-s, and from thence to Kiny-sess laid-ont road, which road was to he and remain for the free liberty, privilege, l)enefit and advantage of both the said parties, Zacharias Cox and IVter Elliott, and their heirs, execn- ters, administrators, workmen, servants and assigns of them, and both of them respectively forever. 176S JBePtJ. Zacharias Cox and Elizabeth, his wife, to December 17 . ^ A(hun (Tnver, in tee, for all that niece or parcel of niiland Kxamined " _ ^ i ^ Record and meadow gi-onnd sitnate, lying and being in the township of Kingsess, in the connty of l^liiladelphia aforesaid, begin- ning at a large white oak, l)eing a corner of a meadow in the possession of J<)siah Hnnting: thence by tlie same north forty-three degrees east, twenty-seven and a half }>erches to Mingo Creek: thence along the same northwestward fonr perclies to Peter Elliott's meadow; thence by the same south sixty degrees west, sixty-thi-ee perches to the middle of the road before mentioned, laid out for tlie conveniency of the said Zacharias Cox and Peter Elliot; thence along the middle of the said road the six courses and distances following, to wit: south tliirty degrees east, seventeen and four-tenths pei-ches ; then south seventy-nine and three-tenths perches; then s(julli thirty-two degrees west, twenty-eight perches; then south thirty-six degrees west, thirty-eight perches to a white oak; then south seven and a half perches to a white oak; thence south forty-eight and a half degrees east, forty and two-tenths jjcrches to a stake in an old bank called P)reeliook Pank ; thence along the same south eighty and one-half degrees east, seventy-two and eight-tenths perches, thence north eighty-five and one-halt degrees east, six perches to Breehook Dam; thence along the f 39 sniiill ;ii>itoiir;iii(((»f Miiino Creek', tlio six coiirsos iiml
  • l;iiM(-> followiiio-, to wit : Xortli tliirly-(\vo (leuTees \ve-;f, six ]»erclu'S to ;i stake, then north thirteen de^i'ees east, six jierejies trth se\-en Tees east, ninety-t'oiir i)erches to the place of ltei;-innin^- ; eontainiiiL!: forty-two and one-half acres and thirty-nine perches, be tlie same uujre or less. (Beinsx pin't of suid five huiub-ed and sixty acres, and also |>art of tlie said land and meadow allotted to said Zacharias Cox in said partition and division with suid Peter Klliott.) Too-other with the use and privilegv of the road then iised l)y the said Zacharias Cox and Peter Klliott, from the land thereby ^-ranted to Kiui^sess laid-out road, to be enjoyed from time to time forever tbere- aftei", as occasion luight or should recpiire by the said Adam Guyer, his lieirs, executors, administrators, servants, work- men and assigns, in as fidl, free and am[)le manner as he, the said Zacharias Cox might, could or ought to have, use and enjoy the same. Subject to «niit-rent, Acknowledged January 21,1769. Uecorded October 24, 1771, in Deed Book I, Xo. 8, page o33. 40 ^ ^'f ,^ SStlill of Adam (JriKR, wlici-cin iiinl wlierebv he, i)}fer October 2,S ^ > 17 „,^i.,o^ ''"''"' wilk'il as tollows : '' f/, di .- I also o;ive, devise and Rf'eord. be(|Ueatli unto my said son Ada'ni (4uier, his heirs and assi^-ns * * " All that nn- tract of land called Boon's Island, situate Kingsessinu- Township, in the County of riiiladfl- ])liia, which I purchased of Zadiariah ("oxaiul .John and Lawrence dustice, also all those my lots of mai'sh meatlow rp1)an!S' (JTO art, held in and f..r the City and County of Philadelphia. The Petition of Mary (Juier, Rccorfr' iidnninstratrix, and dames Serrill, administrator of the estate of Adam Cuier, deceased, was presented setting forth, that the said Adam Cuiei' died intestate, seized of certain real estate described in a certain statement thereto, annexed nuirked " A," viz : Infer nlioper, west-north- west by land (»f James Sen-ill. dohn IP Ihintingand William l)a\-is, north by land of Al>raham iil«i tM iii.ikr .-air of tlic f make sale ol'tlic >ai >iiri'tics in t he >iiiii nf SlsjUMi. \'ldr r.. !'.. Ural l':>tatr. K . A.. No. 1. pa-v n. I ^n:; M;inh 1 Ht an ([^Vp1)an?5' iTOUVt, li-ld a> atorosald, llu* til** saio. and sold the said tract, Xo. 1, to dailies M. Scrrill for the sum o|' ;?11,-")S(I.07, to l)c paid on tlic twciity-tiftli day of March, A. P. 1S:!:5. and prayed the Court to contirm said saU-. Wliereii|>on the Court contiriiu'd said sale, a^•|•eeahly to said petition. 13^3 DCft). M \i;v (;iii:k an!''''i'' messuau'e or tenement, and all that pii'ce or i»areel of land thereunto beloniriiiii', situate, lyiiiir and l»ein>r in the town- ship of Kiiiixsessiiii:: aforesaid, hoiimh'd and limited as lol- lows, that is to sav: r>ei:'innini; at a corner of William Cool)er"s land, in the middle of the 'rinicum Island Road, thence alontj the middle of the said road, north tweiity-toiir a lid one-half dei^-rees east, eiu^hty-three and tivi'-tenths perches; and north twenty-seven deu;reeseast,tiftv-tivea!id seven-tenths ].erclies: tiienee hy Thomas liradley"s land, north sixty-six and tliree-foiirths deu'rees west. e|c\-eii ami thirly-tive Imndreths Itereiu's: north seventy-one and one-half deu-rces west, tour and three-tenths perehe.s ; north eighty-one and one-lwilt degrce.s 42 west, four [lerchos ; north eighty-six and three-fourths degrees west, nineteen and six-tentlis perches ; south seventy-four degrees west, seven and three-fourtlis perches ; south iitty- nine and one-half degrees west, passing tlirough a hirge white oak, thirty-threc! and one-fourth perches to a post : north two degrees west, fifty and three-tenths perch(\s, and north eleven degrees east, five perclies into Mingo Creek, corner of Jose[ih Bunting's hind ; thence by the same, north sixty-three degrees west, twentj'-nine and fifteen-hundreths perches ; north four degrees east, ninety- three perches to a white oak, and north thirty-nine and three-fourtlis degrees east, twenty-eight and one-half perclies to the middle of a drain or creek in Abraham G. Hunt's line ; thence along the middle of said drain an(l in said line, north forty and one-fourths degrees west, ten and three-tenths perches to the middle of another drain and line of William Davis" land : thence along the middle of said drain and in the said line, south forty-seven ami one-fourth degrees west, thirteen perches, and south forty-Hve and three-fourths degrees west, fifty-one and seven-tenths perches ; thence leav- ing the drain, V»ut continuing by the said William Davis' land, south thirty and three-fourths degree east, eighty and four- tenths perches ; thence partly in another line of the same, and partly in a line of John II. Bunting's land; south two and one-fourth degrees east, eighty perches to a stone ; thence ytartly in another line of the said John H. Bunting's land, and partly in a line of James Serrilbs land, south thirty-one and one-fourth degrees west, twenty-seven and a-half perches to a stone ; thence by the said James Serrill's land, south thirty-four and one-fourth degrees west, thirty-eight and fifteen-hundreths perches ; and south six degrees west, eight perches to a white oak ; thence partly in another line of the said James Serrill's land, and [tartly in a line of William Cooper's land, south fjrty-ninc and thirty-fourth degrees east, forty and two-tenths perches ; thence by the said William Cooper's land, south seventy-nine and one-fourth degrees east, thirty perches ; south thirteen and three-fourth degrees east, eighteen perches ; south eighteen and one-fourth degrees 48 east, twontv-t'iglit pcnlif- ; and soiilli tliirl \ --^rNT'ii and ono- lialt' (1('l;tcos cast, tort \ -twn ami tlir<'('-|(.iiitli> |htc1ics, to tlio place (tt'lic^'iiminL:,' ; (••nitaiitiiiu' iiiiict v-(i!j,-|it ami t lii-fi'-t'(Mii-| lis acres ami lliirty-si\ jierelies. AekiioulcduiMJ saiiH' day. \l> corded A|tfil l.'», is;;;;, in Di-ed i',.M,k A. M., Xo. ;^r>, l>aue 7-. March J". r\;miinert Kroord. 33ff"D. .Ia.mks M. Si:hhii-i, lo Ai'-haiiam O. Hint, in fee for all that piece or parcel of land, situate, \\\nii: and heiiiu' ill till' Townsliip of I\ini;-sessinLi\ in the ('oniity n| Phihuh'lphia, hoiinde in another line of the same land, north thirty-nine and tliree-(piarters (U'ii-rees east, twenty-eiuht and tive-tenths perches, to the midille of a lari!:e drain : thence along the middle of the same in a line of the said Abraliam G. ITunfs land, north four and one-(puirter degrees west, ten ami seventy-tlve one hundredths jierches, to \]\v middle of another drain and line of William Davis" lami : thence along the middle of the drain and in the same line, south forty-seven and one-artly in a line ot' John II. Hunting's land, south two and oue-ipuirter deo-rees east, titty-eight and twenty-five hundredths perches, to a stone, a corner of the said James M. Serrill's land ; thence in a line of the .same, south sixty-one and one-half 44 dei2:rees east, twontv-five and six-tenths perches, to the jtlace ot heo-inninii". Containinjj: seventeen acres and sixty perches. Acknow KmIo'imI same (hiy. Re- corded April 8. 1S3.3, in Deed Book A. M., No. ;^:',, page 596. Mard!;;! ISCCl). ABRAHAM G. HuNT and Massey, his wife, Kxamined ^" I^-^^iEi^ S. Wh ITE, i n fee for, //*/^r c/^V/, Said tract of Uuid, Record. containing- seventeen acres sixty perches. Acknowledged same day. He- conk'd May 14, 1858, in Deed Book T. H., No. S6, page 212, 1859 JlrCtl. Daniel S. White t(» John L. Passmore, in March 25 . „ . . - • i i • • tee tor, /ii/cr (ifi'i, said tract ot land containing seventeen Examined . Record. acres sixty perclies. Acknowledged March :^)0, 1859, i^eeorded March 80, 1859, in Deed Book A. D. B., No. 58, page 855. 'S''*' ?3CPtl. .loiix L. I'ass.mohe and Marv k., his wife, to March "i William Ivcgli, in fee \\>v the said tract of land, containiii<4' Cons, fl,\{)i) '^ _ u. s. s. i2..vj. seventeen acres sixty perches. Acknowledged same day. He- corded April 18, 18ti6, in \)cri\ IJook L. R. B., No. 1H4, page 880. MaSii f-BoVtgagr. Wh.i.mm Ui:.;i,i to Wn.i.iwi |{. CiiA.M- i-io,iiic.-.i '''■-'^•'^' '" '*'•■ '"I' -;iiil liact of laiiil, (•(iiiIaiiiiiiLi- >c\ciil tlicl'rot'. To secure the sum of si. ■'•(HI. with interest. Aekn()\vledi;ed sauie da\ . lie- eoiNJed Ma: eh 1."), 1877. in Mortii-age I'xiok I ». 11. !.., Xo. 11:1 |.aue :;()4. Common I*i,e.\s, Xo. 1, Se[)tembei' Term, 1879. f^ A. L. Smith. AViLLlAM B. CHAMBERS ^ I ; W'lij.iA.M f\i:(;i,i. B ) Sri I'll, .v/0- Mortx- «lated .March 14. 1877. Keeorded .March 1;"), 1877, in .\i. 15k., D. II. L., No. 1:J, page 80.4 E.xit Sept. 30, 1879. Hetble. 1 Mon. Oet. 1879, '-'made known." \m) ^^''^- -lil87'.'. .ludgt. fur want of an appeai'ance, Eu die Aprii-js (himaues assessed at $1,80!'.:!'). Pints' Atty. Oct. -22, 1879. /v ( .i,.^,„|„.,., to, ^K,,).- 1- siUisnea >\i\\. lor costs. 46 1879 November 8 Produced and Examined. JDCCtl JJoU. William II. Wright, Esq., ShcM-itf of the County of Philadelpliiu, to William B, ChiJiiibers, in fee for said tract of land containing- seventeen acres and sixty perches, together with the said right of way over the adjoin- ing land of the said William Regli, hereinbefore particularl}- described. The same having been seized, takLMi in execution and sold by said iShentf'on 8d November, 1879, as the propert>' of AVilliam Regli. Acknowledged in open Court of Common Pleas, No. 1, same day, and entered among the records thereof in Sheriff's Deed Book No. 88, page 593, etc. 1880 June J Produced and Examined. 3SCCD. William B. Chambers and Margaret A., his wife to GEoRciE Laycock, in fee, for said tract of land, containing seventeen acres and sixty perches of land. Together with said right of way. Acknowledged same day. Re- corded sanie day in Deed Book L. W., No. 96, page 477, etc. 1887 i'!l)artrr of iPnrorpOVation granted and Letters January 12 p>^t^>i-,t issucd tVom " Tlic Commonwealth of Pennsylvania '" ^'anr*^ to " The Improved Mutual Land Association of the Twenty- Examined. Seventh Ward of Philadeljthia," under Act of Assembly, apitruved April 119, 1874. Recorded January 12, 1887 in Recorder's Office, at Phila- delphia in Chartei' Book No. 12, page 26. .Imiuarv 1: 73rrtl. (ii-ditt.i: L.wcimk and K'\iiii:i, li, his wilt- to January IJ ' „ ,, ,^,„, " Thr liiiiii-ovtMl Mutual Laml Assoriatioii of tin- Twi-iit v- I rouucea ami ' lixrtiuiued. scvciitli Ward, I'lii Ijidol | )liia ,'" in Tec, t'oi- ilic lour ailioiiiinii- trat-tsdi- |»ii'ri's (tl'land dfscrihcd at the licaii of llii> l»ricl'. Kxct'iitinii' and itsctn iiiii', li(>\\r\tr. so niii<'li of the saiil jifcmist's as arc <>ccn])i(.'d liv llic ('licsicr iJiaiii'li of the lMiila(lfI|i|iia and KradinL;" Uaili'oad. lonmTlv tlic I'liila- dc'lpliid, W'ilininy-ton and iJaltiniui'c l\ailroaii'ct,novi'rtlu'U'ss,t()tlic rililil and |iii\ ilciie of " Tiio Khn\\(to(l Mutual Land and lni|iro\cnM'nt ("oni- pany," their suci-essors and assiti:;iis, owners, tenants and ocH'UiMers of tlie adjoiniui;- tract of hind to the eastward of tile tlierein-^-ranted itreniisi's, to tlie free use, rii>;iit, liix-rty and pri\'ilog'e of F]iy:litv-seveutii street, extending" from Tini- euiii Island Road northwestwardly tlironu'h the said tlierein granted j.)reniises, to tiie line of the I'hiladelphia, Wilming- ton an(,l Baltinu)re Kaili'oad, in c-oiunion with the said "The Inqn'oved Mutual Land Association of tin- Twenty-seventh Ward, Philadeli)hia,"' their successors and assigns, owners, tenants and oceujiic rs of the said therein-granted j>remises; and also to the right to lay jiipe-lines tor the transportation of [letroleum, and to i-onstruet and maintain a telegrajih line, an*] o[>erate the sairie, across, on and o\er the fourth and last-described of the said therein-granted premises, as set forth and specified in -and by certain articles of agree- ment made and executed by and between the said George Laycock and -lohn B. Barbour, dated the thirtieth day of dune, A. 1). \SS-2, and recorded at Philadelphia, in heed Book d. O"!)., Xo. 44, page 36b, etc And also to the [)ayment of two certain mortgage debts, one of them of §12,000, secured by indenture of mortgage, given and executed by the said iieorge Laycock to tin' Fidelity insurance. Trust and Safe deposit Company, trustees, dati'd the twenty-second ilay of May, A. D. 1SSl>, and recorded in Mortgage P>ook .1. < >"l ),. Xo. oit, page ;!ii, and the other of them being the amount due, vi/.. : .SI. 000 upon a certain mortgage debt of $3,000, secured by a ci-r- tain indenture of mortgage, given and executed by the said 48 Geori^v Lavcock to the said The Fidclitv Tiisuraiu'O, Trust and Safe Deposit Compaiiv, trustees, dated the eighth day of Fehi-uary, A. D. ]88(i, and reconUMl in Morto-age Book G. G. P., No. 88, p. 331, together with the interest there- after to grow due upon each of said sums respectively. Acknowledged January 21, 1887. Recorded February 4, 1887. in Deed Book G. G. P., No. 214, page 221, etc Extracted from the records and papers produced, hy CHAS. BENJ. WILKINSON. January, 1887. $VrtiT()cti. On exainiiuitioii of the judu-mont iink'X of tlic Coiu't ot Couunou Pleas for the County of Pliila(lel[tli'm, from March 8th, A. D. one thousand eii>-lit huiKh-ed and eighty-two (1882), to the ninth day of ^[arch, one thousand eio;lithuu(h-ed and eighty-seven (1887), I find no unsatisfied judgments entered therein within that period against (^euhge Laycock. Certified by !S. B. HOPPER, [seal.] Pro P(h'/. United States, ) Eastern District of PENNSiLVAXiA. J I, Charles S. Lincoln, Clerk of the District Court of the UnitedStates, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, cer- tify that there are no unsatisfied judgments renuiining on record in my office, obtained within the last five years, against Georue Laycock. Philadelphia, this tenth day of March, A. D. 1887. JOHN B. BEAVER, [«,t;.^L.] P'-*^ ^l^^>'l<^ District Court. 50 United States. i „ '. set. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, j I, Sanuit4 Bell, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that there are no unsatisfied judgments remaining on record in my oflice, ol)tained within the last five years, against Georue Laycock. Philadelphia, this tenth day of March, A. D. 1887. JOHN B. BEAVER, [seal.] Pro Clerk, Circuit Court. No. 13,153. The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia hereb}^ certify that the lists of judgments in the United States Circuit Courts at Pittsburg, Erie and Williamsport, and the United States District Court at Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, certified to them by the clerks of said Courts, do not show any judgments against George Laycock, from March 14, 1882, to March 14, 1887, inclusive. Witness the seal of the said corporation, the sixteenth dav of March, A. D. 1887. JOHN B. HENKELS, [seal.] -For Sevretary. N. B. — Judgments in the District Courts at Erie and Williamsport are docketed in the Clerk's Office at Pitts- bur o-. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the City and County of Philadelj)kia. I certify that T have examined the records of the afore- said Court for five years past, and do not find any unsatisfied judgments against George Laycock. 3, 22, 1887. WILLIAM L. FORM AN, [seal.] Pro Clerk. 51 A 1,1, I'linsE Foils ('i;ki'.\i.\ coiiti^-uous ti'iicts or jiii-cos of land with llic hiiildiiio-s aii. WH.KIXSOX. On examining the locality indices of the Court of Common Pleas, I find nothing against the ahove-descrihed premises since March 1(^, 1882. S. B. VAN DITSEN, [seal.] Pro P)-ofho/)()/>jri/. March 16, 1887. On searching the Indices of Claims in the City Solic- itor's Office, I find nothing against the premises as above described. F. F. SORBFK, AssL So/icifor. March 19, 1887. On examining the Register of TJni»ai(l Taxes for the city of Philadelphia, for the years 1882 to 188«i, inclusive, I find nothing against the above-described premises. W. M. XEIS8KH. [seal.] C/dcf Search. Cfcrk. Philadelphia, .March 11, 1887. 54 All Tno:i[-: Three Certain adjoining tnicts or pieces of land, with tlie messuages, Imildings and improvements tliereon erected, situate in the Twenty-seventh Ward of tlie City of Philadelidiia, l)ounded and described as follows: One of tiieni, all that messuage and stahh' and tract of land beginning at a stone m the middle of the Tinicnm Island Road, at a corner of the land now or late of Gibbons Hunt, tlience by the same north sixty -seven degrees and a-half west, thirty-three perches; north sixty-nine degrees and a- half west, fifteen perches and three-tenths of a perch ; south twenty degrees and a-halF west, thrce-ti-'nths of a pei'ch to tlu' middle of a drain, and along the middle of the said (h-ain north eighty-se;en degrees west, eighteen perches and three-tenths of a perch to the nnddle of another drain, in a line of land now or late of John Bunting; thence along the middle of the said drain, and in said line south one degree and a-half west, thirty-four perches and five-tenths of a percli, and soutli six degrees and a-half west, still along the middle of said drain, partly in another line of said land, and partly in a line of Adam (Tuier's land fourteen perches; thence still along the middle of the said drain, in another line of said Adam Gnier'sland south nine degrees west, nine perches and seven-tenths ; thence Ity the same land south two degrees and a-half east, fifty perches; north fifty-eight degrees and three-fourths of a degree east, twenty-three perches and two-tenths ; north seventy-three degrees and one-fourth east, eight ])erches and five-tenths of a perch; south eighty-eight deu'rees and one-fourth east, twenty-one perches and eighty -five one-hnndredths ; south seventy-two degrees and a-(piarter cast, thirteen perches and five-tenths, and south twenty-eight degrees and a ((uarter east, four perches and two-tenths, to the middle of the aforesaid road; and thence along the middle of the same, north twenty-six degrees and a (|uai"ter east, seventy-one perches and two- tentlis to the jilace of l)eginning; containing forty-seven acres and i'ouv perches, including one-half of the road. One other of them, beginning at a stake on tlie west side of a branch of Carker's Ilook Creek, and fi'om thence 55 oxtondiiig south forty-seven desjrees west, by the ImihI how or late of ZacliaiT Cox, twciity-sevcii |»ei-rlies to a wliitc oiik, tlieiiee soiitli rifteeii de^'recs west, hy tlit- said ('ox's land, and land now or late of Peter FJliott, innt'ty pert-ln's to tlie said C'oxs tnt,'a perches to the middle f)f Mingo Creek, opposite to the mouth of a certain ditcli : thence uj^ said ditch tlie several conrses thereof, fifty-three perches : thence by the land now or late of the said William Hunter, south eiglity-tive degrees and a-half east, nineteen perches and six-tenths, south sixty-seven degrees and threc-rpiarters east, fifty-six perches and five-tenths to a post, and south sixty-five degrees and a-half east, thirty-two perches and eight-tenths to the place of beginning : containing twenty acres and twenty perches. Please certify all unsatisfied mortgages of the premises within described, or any part tliereof, given or executed by William Moore, from October 1, 1835, to April 1, 1836. Josiali Bunting, from March 1, 1701, to October 16, 1813. Josiah Bunting ] Executors, from May 1, 1808, to John H. Bunthig / March 30, 1814. Joseph Bunting, from December 1, 1813, to January 30, 1840. Levis Passmore, from August 1, 1847, to Deceml>er 30, 1847. 56 William Hunter, from October 1, 1835, to July 30, 1853. John C. Hunter, from ()(;to1)er 1, 1852, to January 30, 1856. Henry .1. Fox, from Deceml)er 1, 1855, to April 30, 185<;. William Regli, since April 1, 1856. A. L. SMITH. Please certify all conveyances ot' tlie ]»remises within described, or any part thereof, by William Regli, since April 1, 1856. No. 4,296 The Real Estate Title Insurance Company of Philadel- phia, hereby certifies that there is no unsatisfied mortgage on record of the aljovc described premises, Or any part thereof, given l)y either of the ten (10) persons above named and recorded within the periods above specified, except three (3), as per schedule below. Witness the seal of the said Company, the twenty-first dav of April, 1880. LEWIS S. RENSHAW, [seal.] Clerk. (No. 1.) May 2, 70. Wm. Regli to Louisa M. Erwig, $2,000. Rec'd June 18, 70, J. A. H. 43, p. 198. (No. 2.) Mch 21, '66. Same to Matthias Po.wers, $2,500. Rec'd Mch 29, '66, L. R. B. 64, p. 150. (No. 3.) Mch 17, '51. Wm. Hunter to Rich'd Willing d.al., Trustees, $2,100. Rec'd Mch 17, '51, G. W. C. 37, p. 176. Nos. 1 and 2 satisfied April 28, 1880, and No. 3 satisfied April 29, 1880. L. S. RENSHAW, Clerk. Search liiij; al?o heoii tii:i(|( trom 1 Tilt to dato, in tlie conipanv's locality indexes of the iinsatislicd mort^aijos wliicli lia\f Itfcii Idi'att'd, and i llicr iiioi't^-aii-cs afrrdiiiL; tlif premises as (leseril>ed. lia\e l)een ruiiiid tlierein. Li:wis s iM-;\sii AW, ( 'In-h. No otlHTs to A[)ril 24, 'so inclusive. L i:\VlS S. KKXSILWV. ( 'hrl. No. 3,338. The Real Estate Title lnsniain:'e Company of Phila- delphia, hereby ccrtifv that tlieie have been no Shei-itts" sales of" the abovt' deserihed pi-emises since December 1, 1843, excei)t one (1), as tollows : — :ote.-Writ re- '^^',,, ,^, .,; (. ,> o \' ]/ J 77 402, sale dniv 7. 'V.K irned "Prop- ■ irty unsold for iiraat of hny- ^Vitness the seal of the said eorjiofation the t\\ cnty-tirst '^' c B w 'l"v of April, A. T). 1880. ■ ■ ' LKWIS S. RENSIIAW, [seal.] . Ch-vl<. No other to May 26. "82. inch dOIlX B. UENKELS, ( 'levk. No other to February !!», 86, inel. .1. !'.. IlKNKELS, ( 'lrrl<. There are no deeds of the above-described [>reniises, or anv part thereof made by Marshals of the Tnited States for the Eastern District of IV-nnsylvania, and rei'orde(l between December 1, 1843. and April 21. 1S8(), in the Clerk's otHce of the United States District Court at riiiladelphia. LKWIS S. UKXS11A\V. ( 'Urk. 58 Xone to May 2.5, '82, incl. JOHN B. HEXKELS, rierh. None to Feli'y. 1!», "HH, incl. J. B. HENKELS, ClcH-. Xo. 1,898. The Real Estate Title Insurance Company of Phila- delphia, hereby certifies that there is no conveyance of the above (lescril)e(I premises, or any [tart thereof, made by the one (T) person above named, and recorded in Philadelphia, within the ])eriod altove specified except one (1) as per schedule below. Witness the seal of the said company, the twenty-lirst dav of April, A. D., 1880. LEWIS S. REXSHAW, [seal.] <''^^rl-. No. 1 is for a strip of land strip of land -'i ft. 9 in., aiousf (Xo. 1.) Oct. 16, "tii. Win. Regli, '•///.''.. to Philad. W. (S: the east side of _,_,_. ^-, ,-. .-. , ,-> i i,i-> t r^ tt i^- oo — p.w.&B.R.R B. R. R. Co. Rec. Oct. 22, b2, A. C. II., bo, p. 2S/. No. 2is for land /^o. 2.) Xotc. — Possild v the oiie (1) followinu- may affect adj. premises in ^ . ^ question, to the the preiTHses. T'^^-T'. !>• H. L., 139, p. 95. thereof and ' '- does not i n- clvide any part of premises in ^^.ryy,.\, 1^.,, ..Iso been ma.lc from Mav 8, 1879, to date fjuestioii. • _ c. B, w. in the company's locality indexes of conveyances, which ha\e been located, and no conveyances affectinii' the prem- ises as described have been found therein. LEWIS S. REXSHAW, Chrh. Xo others to April 24, '80, inclusive. LEWIS S. REXSHAW, (lerk. 59 All tliat cortain ti-act of laiwl -ituatc m (lato flic Townshi]) of Kiiin'si'ssiiii>-), now tlic 'rwciit \ -scxciit li W'arcl of tlu' Citv ot" PhiladolpirKi, ImhhkIimI imd (IrMTilicij :is follows: Hoginniiii>' at a stone in tlif line ol" .los(|ili l^untinu;"s land, tlicnci' in the sjinu' liMc iioitli lour dcii'rccs i-ast, ninetv-two perclics and sixtv-ti\r Imiidrciltlis to a white oak ; tlience in anotluT line ol' said land north thirty-nine degrees and tliree-i|narters east, twenty-eight |terches and tivo tenths to the nuddle of" a large drain : tlu-nee along the nnddle of the same in the line of the ahove di'sei'ihed tract, noi'th fortv degrees and a i|iiai'ter west, ten iiei'ches and seventv-five hundrt'dths to llu' niiildle of anothei' drain and line of Joshua Molony's land ; tlience along the middle f»f said drain, and in the same line south forty-seven degrees and a quarter west, thirteen iierehes, south torty-rtve degrees and three-quarters west, Kfty-one perelies and seven-tenths: thence lea\ing the said drain hut lainning in a line of said >[oloiiy"s land, soutli thirtv degrees and three-(iuarters east, eiifht perches and four-tenths: thenee [jartly in an(»ther Hue of tiie same laml. and partly in the line of doj)n 11. P)unting, south two degrees and a (piarter east, fifty-eiglil [)erches and twenty-five hundredths to a stone corner of dames M. Ser- ri^Ts land; tlience in a line of the same, south sixty-one degrees and a-half east, twenty-iive perches and six-tenths to the place of lieginning ; Containing seventeen acres and sixty perches. Please certify all unsatisfied mortgages of the itremises ahove descrihed. or any part thereof given or executed hy James M. Serrill, from Fehruary 1, 1838, to April 80, 1883. Ahraham (t. Hunt, from Nhir.h 1. 1S88, to >[ay 80, 1858. Daniel S. White, fn.m .\hir<'h 1, 1858, to Ajn-il 1, 1859. John L. Passmore, from March 1. 1859, to April 30, 1866. 60 AVilliani Regli, from March 1, 1866, to Xoveraber 4, 1879. William B. Chambers, since November 1, 1879. A. L. SMITH. Please certify all conveyances of the premises above described, or any part thereof, made by William Regli, from March 1, 1866, to March 30, 1877. No. 4,961. The Real Estate Title Insurance Company of Phila- delphia, hereby certifies that there is no nnsatistied mortgao;e on record of the above described premises, or an^^ part thereof, given b}' either of the six (6) persons above named and recorded within the periods above specified, except one (1) as per schedule below. W^itness the seal of the said company, the third day of dune, A. D., 1880. LEWIS S. RENSHAW, [seal.] Clerk Chain of Title. March 14, '77, William Regli to William B. Chambers, |;i,.500. Rec'd March 15, '77, I). H. L. 113, p. 304. Note. — Possibly the two (2) following may afl'ect the premises. The mtge A. C. j^ ^£ y ^o^ ^ ^ j^ ,34 y^.^ H. 64, 112, does 'I ' "^ not affect prem- ises in question- C. B. W. The above mortgage, A. M. 15, p. 69, does not affect the premises. LEWIS S. RENSHAW, [seal.] Clerk. Sfiircli has also Urt'ii iiiadc iVom 174lMo dale, in the c'()Ui[>aii\'s h)cality iiuK-xi's of the uiisatisliud niorli^'aii'i-s w hifh lia\'e hei'ii h)ratt'(l and no olhcr niorti^'a^'cs afi'i-ctniL;" tht' [ircinisi's as (k'scrllx'd, ha\c hem t'onnd ihciTin. LKWIS S. KKNSllAW, ( 'In-k. No Others to June (J, 1880. JOHN 15. IIKNKKI.S, ritik. No. 8,715. The Real Estate Title Insurance Company of Phihidel- phia, hereby certify that there have been no Sheritt's sales of the above described premises since December 1, 1843, except one (1) as follows : William Reo-li. C. P., L. F., S., '79, 213, sale November Chan, of Title. j^ . 88. p. 593. JOHN B. HENKELS, Clerk. Witness the seal of the said Corporation, the third day of June, A.D. 1880. LEWIS S. REN SHAW, [seal.] Ckrk. No other to Mav -26, 1882, inclusive, except one, viz: Writ returned Property not , .-t, i i.>i ^. i ii - hold for want of William KcgH, C. p. 2, \ . L., J., m, 402. >ale..luly <, myers." ..^-y JOHN B. HENKELS, CUrk. C B. W. No other to February 19, 1886, inclusive. J. B. HENKELS, ritrk. 62 Tliei'e are no deeds of the above-described premises or any part thereof made by Marshals of the United State for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and recorded between December 1st, 1848, and June 2, 1880, in the Clerk's Office of the United States District Court at Philadelphia. LEWIS S. RENSHAAV, Clerk. jN^oneto May 25, 1882, inclusive. JOHX B. HENKELS, Clerk. Xone to February 19, 1886, inclusive. J. B. HENKELS, Clerk. No. 1,609. The Heal Estate Title Insurance Company of Phila- delphia, hereby certifies that there is no conveyance of the above described premises or any i)art thereof, made by the one (1) person above narued, and recorded in Pliiladelphia within the period above specified. Witness the seal of the said company, the third day of June, A. D., 1880. LEWIS S. KENSHAW, [seal.] Clerk. Search has also been made from May 8, 1879, to (bite, in the company's locality indexe.-^ of conveyances, which have been located, and no conveyances affecting the premises as described have been found tlierein. LEWLS S. KENSHAW, Clerk. 63 All tliosi' 1(1111' cciliiiii, coiiliiiiKuis or ailji liiiiiiii' tracts or pit'ces of land witli the iiii'ssiiagi-s, Uuildiii^s ami iiii|)r()\f nients tlicriMtn frcdrd, situate in tlic Tucn v-scvcntli Ward of the City of riiiladel|iliia, hounded and deserii»ed as fol- lows: One of them, heu-inuiuii- at a stone in the middle of the Tinieuiu Island lload, at a eoruer of land loi'inerly of (Jihhons Hunt, heinu- the tract third herein di'scrihed : thenci' by the same, north sixty-seven deii;rees und a half west, thirty-three perches, north sixty-nine deg'rees and a-half west, fifty-seven perches and three-tenths, erro- neously nieutioiied in former assurances, tifteen perches and three-tenths of a [)ercli, south twenty degrees and a half west, three-teutlis of a perch, to the middle of a drain, and along the middli' of the said drain, north eighty-seven degrees west, eighteen pei'elies and three-tenths of a pei'ch to the middle of another drain, in a line of land formerly of John Bunting, being the tract next herein described • thence along the middle of the said drain and in said line, south one degree and a-half west, thirty-foui* perches and tive- teuths of a [lerch, and south six degrees and a half west, still along the middle of said drain, partly in another line of said land and partly in a line of Adam Guier's land, four- teen perches: thence still along tlie middle of said drain in another line of the said Adam (luier's land, st)Utli nine degrees west, nine jierclies andseven-teiiths : thence by the same land, south two degrees and a half east, fifty [•erches. north fifty-eight degrees and three-fourths ol a degree east, twenty-three jterches and two-tenths, north seventy -three degrees and one-fourth east, eight perches and five-tenths of a pei'i'li. souHi t'ighty-eight degrees and one-fourth east, twenty-one percli(;s and eighty-five one-hundredths, south seventy-two degrees and a (piarter east, thirteen perches and ti\e-tentlis, and south twenty-eight degrees and a (piarter east, four jn'rches and two-tenths, to the middle of the aforesaid road, and thence along the middle of the same, north twenty-six degrees and a quarter east, seventy-one perches and two-tenths, to the i)lace of beginning; contain- intj- fortv-seveJi acres and four perches, including one-half of 64 the road. One otlier of tliem, bounded and described as follows : T3etrinnin<>' at a stake on the west side of a branch of Oarker's Hook Creek, and from thence extending soutli forty-seven degrees west, by the land now or late of Zachai\v Cox. twenty-seven perches, to a white oak ; thence South fifteen degrees west, by the said Cox's land and land now or late of Peter Elliott, ninety perches, to the said Cox's meadow ; thence by the same, south iifty-nine degrees east, twenty-eight perches and one-fourth of a perch, to another branch of the said creek ; thence along the said branch, by the several courses thereof, to the place of beginning; containing twenty-one acres of land, be the same more or less. One other of them, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a corner of land for- merly of William Hunter, being the tract first herein described in the middle of the Tiuicum or Lazaretto road, so-called ; thence along the middle of the said road, north lifty-three degrees and a-half east, seventeen perches ; thence by land now or late of Levis Passmore, north fifty-tive degrees and ten minutes west, one hundred and twenty- nine perches, to the middle of Mingo Creek, opposite to the mouth of a certain ditch; thence up said ditch, the several courses thereof, tifty-three perches ; thence by the land formerly of the said William Hunter, south eighty- five degrees and a-half east, nineteen perches and six- tenths, south sixty-feeven degrees and three-quarters east, lifty-six perches and five-tenths, to a post, and south sixty- tive degrees and a-half east, thirty-two perches and eight- tenths, to the place of beginning ; containing twenty acres and twenty perches. And the other of them, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a stone in tlie line of land formerly of Joseph Bunting, beiny the tract second herein described, thence in the same line north four degrees east, ninety - two perches and sixty-five-hundredths to a white oak; thence in another line of said land, north thirty-nine degrees and three quarters east, twenty-eight perches and tive-tenths to the middle of a large drain ; thence along the middle of the same 65 ill till' liiii' (»l the al)Ove-desi'i'il)('(l trad, iiortli fui-ty dci^rrcs and a (quarter west, ten perclu'S and s(nridy-li\c liuiidri'dllis to the middle ot'aiiothor drain and line of Joshua Molony's land ; tlieiiee alotii;' the middle of said drain and in the saiiu! line, soutii forty-seven degrees and a ((narter west, thirteen perehes, south forty-tive degrees and three-quarters west, (ifty-one [teri-hes and seven-tenths; thence lca\ing the said drain, hut running in a line, of said Molony's land, south thirty degrees and thri'e-([uarters east, eight [lerches and four-tenths; theiu'e partly in another Hue of the said land and partly in the line of John H. Bunting's, south two. degrees and a (piarter east, fifty-eight perches and twenty- five hundredths to a stone, a corner of James M. t'^errill's land ; tluMice in a line of the same, south sixty-one degrees and a-half east, twenty-tive perches and six-tenths to the place of beginning: containing seventeen acres and sixty perches of land. Please certify all unsatisfied mortgages of the premises above described or any part thereof, given or executed by William Regli from April 20, 1880 to May 1, 1880. George Laycock, since April 1, 1880. C. B. WILKINvSOX. Xo. 17,376. The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia, hereby eertifies that there is no unsatisfied mortgage on record, of the al)ove described premises, or any ])art thereof, given by either of the two (2) persons above named, and recorded within the periods above specified, except one (1) as per sehedule below. Witness the seal of the said company the twenty-fourth' day of May, A. I). 1882. JOllX P.. IIKXKEI.S, 66 Satisfied, May April 24tli, '80, Geoi-ge La^-eock to William Regli, cs.KMng, ^7,000. RecVl April 29, 1880, (L. W., 811, p. 247). Clerk. iSTo Other to May 31, 1882, incl, except one, viz : May 22, '82, (nteorge Laycock to Fidelity Ins., T. and S. 1). Co., 112,000. Yi.r. to Imp. Mutual Ijaud Asso. 27th Ward. Ree. Feb. 4, \S7. Note the one (1) followin": may affect, J. 0"D. 44, p. 066. Search has also been made from May 3, 1879, to Mch 7, '87, in the company's locality indexes of conveyances which have been located and no other conveyances affecting the premises as described have been found therein, except two (2) as below : June 5, '80. Wm. P. Chambers r( nx. to (leo. Layeock. Ree. June 5, '80, L. W. 96, p. 477. Apl 24, '80. Wm. Regli el ax. to Geo. Layeock. Ree. Ai.l 28, '80, L. W. 83, p. 555. Witness the seal of the said company this ninth day ot March, Anno Domini 1887. JOHN B. HENKELS, [seal,] Clk. 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