/ ^^/>- ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 314 503 7 Scraps of Dauphin County History E. W. Si Parthemore 1896 O* O^ *3^ *3^ O^ fur* t5^ *^^ ^3^ (,3*' •^^ *^^ O* t^* ^^ 9£r^ 9^^ ^^r^ Harrisburg, Pa. ; Harrisburg Publishing Co. .3l2^T? Kloppen KIrclie (N. and Q,. L,II First Series.) Inquiry was made a dozen years ago as above. The same is Klopp's Church iu Bethel township, Lebanon county, Pa., and is almost on the line of Berks county. The first church was erected about the year 1748 or prior thereto. Some ten years ago the Reformed Church people discontinued worshiping in the old church, and erected a new church opposite and a rod from the church of the Lutheran. The graveyard contains many tombstones, which we propose arranging for these col- umns in the near future. Here are buried many of the early German emigrants, who settled in Bethel towship, Lebanon and Berks counties, and whose descend- ants continue to reside in that section. nianionil A^'eddlug Antilvi-rsary. Last week the daily papers contained the announcement of the celebration of the sixtieth marriage anniversary of a couple at Lancaster, Va. This reminded me that Dauphin county, which is par excellent in everything, was not to be out- done in longevity. To-day there is living a couple who were born and married in Dauphin county and this very month of May celebrate their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. I refer to John Fleisher, of Napierville, 111. He was b. October 26, 1806, in South Hanover township. Dau- phin county. Pa.; m. May, 1831, Fanny Shaffner. They are in good health for per-sons who have passed the 90th mile- stone in this earthly pilgramage and about to enjoy their diamond wedding anniver- sary. The ICeed Family of Reed TovrusUlp, Dauphin Comity. One of the earliest families to set- tle in Powell's Valley, following An- thony Powell, the first settler, who gave the name to the creek and valley in the upepr end of Dauphin county, was James Reed. Among bis issue was one son. .Tames. Capt. James Reed resided all his life in what is now Reed township. He was a brave soldier in the War of the Revolution, and as captain iu the cam- paign in New .Tersey did heroic service. He died in the year 1780 ami was buried in the graveyard of the Presbyterian Church back of Dauphiu. He married Miss Esther Ayers, b. 1756; d. 1830; dau. of William Ayres and Mary Kein, and had issue: i. John, b. June 26, 1783; m. May 12, 1807, Sarah Ferree. ii. Deborah, b. Ootober 9, 1785; d. aged 13 years, 5 months and 27 days by drown- ing. iii. EMzabeth, b. September 11, 1787, in Montgomery county. Pa.; m. her cousin, Hiram McNeill, son of Anthony McNeill (b. 1723; d. February 27, 1791; and Elizabeth Ayres). He was born Oc- tober 6, 1765; d. lUarch 23, 1837. Was as- sociate judge of Montgomery county, Pa., and died there. Had issue. iv. William, b. July 9, 1789; d. Novem- ber 6. 18G4. T. Mary, b. September 8, 1791; m. Thomas McConnell. I. William Reed (James,James). He was born on the old homestead below Halifax, Pa. Was a man of prominence and elect- ed county commissioner in 1847, but died before his term expired, and Reed town- ship was named in honor of him. He married, first, Elizabeth Steel, of Perry countv. Pa. She was born December 25, 1787. They had issue: i. James, b. March 21, 1822; m. Julia Steese. ii. Hetty, b. March 6, 1825; d. s. p. iii. Margaret, b. March 27, 1827; m. Dr. J. Ourtman. William Reed married secondly Claris- sa (Hatfield) Kline, b. January 11, 1800. Thev had issue: iv. William, b. September 7, 1831; m. Elizabeth Baskins and had issue. V. Cyrus, b. September 1, 1833; d. June 4, 1855, at Salina, Mo. vi. Elizabeth, b. February 22, 1835; m. Thomas J. Sawver. Reside at Halifax, Pa. vii. John, b. May 30, 1838; d. February 23, 1&13. liong'8 Church, Poivell's Valley, Dan phln County, Pa. On a beautiful day of this month the writer landed in the ancient town of Halifax, which is located, where during the frontier times of our ju'ovlu'.-ial days, stood Fort Halifax, anil after a walk of more than a half hour, along the public road leading to Matamoras, we found our objective point — Long's Church. This church is one of the few not recorded in the histories of Dauphin county. A cen- tury ago and less, there settled here on a farm, by purchase, Henry Long, from the vicinity of .Jonestown, Lebanon (then DanphinI county. Here he continued to reside and fallowed farming and practiced 3 his profession of medicine in this rude and unskilled way — his pharmacy consisting of the roots and herbs from the fields and mountains. The location is the most charmine in Powell's Valley. The church and grave- yard is located on a gentle elevation, where you have two miles distant to the southeast the Peters Mountain, while to the northwest is the silent, silvery waters of the Susquehanna, winding its currents around Berry's Mountain, and to the west the rolling lands of Perry county, which end abruptly on the edges of the river in- terspersed with notches and ravines. One of them, "Girty's Notch," known as such since the days of the Revolution, and named after Simon Girty, known in his- tory as "Girty, the White Savage," is in view. Girt.v's father, of the same name, was as early as 1740 licensed as a trader on the frontiers of the provinces located on Shearman Creek in the vicinity, where Duncannon is now located. Some time afterward they were dispossessed by the sheriff. The boys, one of which was Simon, afterwards was adopted by the Seneca Indians, and he became a valu- able adjunct for the red savages. To the northeast you have a charming view of Powell's ValIey,now in full bloom on every fruit and shrub tree, with sturdy yoemen dotted here and there planting the corn. Long's Church was erected about seven- ty-five years ago and is a two-story log weather-boarded structure, with but one floor and surorunded on three sides with a very wide gallery. The appearance of the building now shows great neglect, on the part of some one, surely not by the Lutheran denomination, by whom it was erected. The small gravr\vard, as origi- nally laid out, has outgrown its capacity, and by the taking in of additional ground it is called a cemetery, and the good condi- tion the ground is kept in puts to shame the dilapidated appearance of the church. Here are buried some of the early set- tlers of Powell's Valley, who left the Scotch-Irish and German settlements across Peters' Mountain prior to this cen- tury. Following are the transcripts from the tombstones. Bressler, Phillip, b. January 20, 1800; d. .Tanuary 3. ISC.O. Bressler, Mary Ann, b. September 20, laSS; d. May 24, 1852. Bressler, Nicholas, b. February 3, 1759; d. May 12. 182(1. Barnheisel, Michael, b. October 2, 17mi; d. .Tuly 3, lS.'i2. Barnheisel, f!atharine, w. of M.. b. January 28, 1777; d. December 21, 1852. Banks. Leah, w. of Michael, b. October 13, 1817; d. October 27, 1882. Baker, Jacob, b. August 28, 1805; d. March 30, 1857. Baker, Mary, w. of J., b. October 25, 1808; d. November 5, 1864. Baker, Nancy, b. May 4, 1813; d. March 22, 1850. Bowman, Micheal, b. December 16, 1824; d. May 29, 1890. Bowman, Rebecca, w. of M., b. Septem- ber 28, 1826; d. March 5, 1893. Bowman, Angelina, w. of John, b. Feb- ruary 20, 1829; d. February 14, 1850. Buchannon, .Joseph, b. July 27, 1813; d. September 27, 1889. Buchannon, Mary M., w. of J., b. March 22, 1810; d. Norember 24, 1881. Chubb, Daniel, b. October 22, 1823; d. January 10. 1884. Chubb, John, b. October 6, 1793; d. March 17, 1871. Chubb, Esther A., w. of .T., b. Novem- ber 10, 1802; d. September 3. 1889. Dinsey, Mary, w. of Hugh, b. March 28, 1792; d. March 17. 18C5. Derr, Richard W., b. May 18, 1827; en- listed in U. S. service, Co. H. Reg. Penna. Vols., and d. in Philadelphia Hospital December 1, 1864. Dittv, Simon, b. September 11, 1808; d. November 26, 1867. Eisenhower, Benjamin, b. Julv 21, 1807; d. October 3, 1875. Eisenhower, Mary M., w. of B.. b. De- cember 30, 1810: d. April 29. 18.S8. Eisenhower, B. F.. b. February 15, 1843; d. August 3, 1874. Eisenhower, Mary, w. of B. F., b. Au- gust 15, 1844; d. September 19. 1875. Ensinger, Jacob; b. September 1, 1826; d. September 1, 1884. Etter, George, b. October 27. 1783; d. June 2. 1833. Etter. Susannah, w. of G.. b. October 28. 1783; d. December 23, 18.S9. Etter, Catharine, dau. of Wentle Faek- ler, b. August 21, 1787; d. Mav 2, 1826. Etter. Abraham, b. February 4. 1818; d. January 13. 1884. Etter, John, b. May 2, 1814; d. April 15, 1876. Ehrman. Michael, b. , 1774; d. May 30, 1833. Ettien. Henry, b. January 14, 1820; d. September 20. 1SS7. Ettien, Christian, b. IS.W; enlisted in Co. D, 107th Reg. Penna. Vol.; d. August 28. 1887. Fnckler. Samuel, b. July 2, 1778; d. October 2. 1847. Fackler, , w. of S., b. July 7, 1787; d. August 28, 1874. Fackler, Samuel, b. December 25, 1819; d. March 20. 1887. Fackler. Elizabeth, w. of S.. b. October 15, 1819; d. September 15, 1880. d. Dece'nfber'>'''l84'>^- ^'°'''"'^^ ^^' '"^^ = Ap'J-Ifls!^'- ^'''^"^^'^ 25. 1835; d. ie^§"fhplf, Jacob b. September 14, 1S12: d. November 18, 1865. to&^iii^'s-'oij^oSL'iir'Sii?- °^- Oc'^rer'2i:'i'|-l? ^- '^^ ^P"' ^- l^^^: d. 27?^1826^''°''^' ''■ ^^""^ ^^' = ''■ "^P"' 18Cf|t|gMary, w. of H., b. 1777; d. May M&% ISSo'"' ^' "^"""^^ ^' ^^^^^= ''• vefc^-ll,""lil''- ^^^" ''• ^'^^= -^^ ^'°- A,?g\';if27':i''8''£- '• ''•"^'' 26' "99: d. Glaze, Mary, w. of G., b. July 21, 1799- a. .January 6, 1873. l-P\f^o ^^^"''' ^- ^P"' 12. 1806; d. April ifef jl^^i^r^^"l^srf' '■■ ^- *^«^ 2- Ap';-ilT'i857'"™"' '■ '^^^ "• "98; d. '>'^*"'i'"«n'S'''^' ij'"''^- ^- "Jr. J- l^- February Jo. 1806; d. November 18, 1869 i7^rs:'^ptS?!^'i^6"^»"-^2i, Ju^e'l*?!, ISsf '""' "^^ ''''•^' «• ^«^«' '^• m!^v''4"i8S9^^**''"' ^- "^""^ --■ ^^^^= ^■ .Tobnson, Anna w. of Dr. Jacob V., b. la^r™ ' ' '^- December 1, Knanff, Rosanna, w. of H.. dau. of ^"j^^'^^Steever, b. May 17, 1792; ,1. June Knniiff, Jacob, b. January 14, 1814- d September 29. 1890 io?o"''",'"'a''!"?""-,T- "f ^- ^- January 15, 1818: rl. October 11. 1869 Febr"^fvor"j^^']- ''• ^'^^'^'^ 28, 1813; d. Oo^T.fi I^IS.'' '• '^'*°'^^ 9, 1815; d. lr^\"2oo"'\?''\!^''"" '^- '^- "f' 1^" li- March 16, 1822; d. November 6, 1,895 Long, Dr. Henry, b. February 6, 1764: d. January IS, 1842. LonK, Mary w. of Michael Sweigard, b. February 22, 1787; d. Mav 26. 1,844 Long, Eleanor, w. of Matiiias Warner, b. August 15, 1801; d. June 29. 1875 I'Odge. Christian, b. May 7. 1785; d. January 6, 1,836. , H"*,''iA^''"',^'V.''* ^" ^- °f S" ^- Novem- ber (.. 1809; d. November 24 1,886 . r-Phj; Jn™!'. b. November 11, 1807; d. April 24, 1883. 6 Lehr, Elizabeth, b. February 17, 1820; d. July 31, isya. r. ^ r^ . u oi Meredith, Charles C, b. October 21, ISIS; d. Jauuary U, ISTli. , ,„,_ Meredith, Auiia U., b. January 4, 1S17; d. September 27, 1876. Moyer, Benjamin F., b. December b, 1811; d. April 10, 1892. . Marsh Abner, b. March 25, 181o; d. February 4, 1886. ,^,01 Marsh, Catharine, w. of A., b. July 81, 1818; d. September 19, 1864. Marsh, Samuel, b. December 9, 1839; d. November 28, 1867. Mehargue, John E., b. March 14, li93; d. June 20, ISGl. Mehargue, Margaret, w. of J., b. Au- gust 27, 1793; d. November 8, 1865. Mehargue, David B., b. July 2, 1830; d. August 12, 1891. „ ,,,. Mehargue, Susannah, b. May 12, 1824; d. November 15, 1894. McCallister, Mary Ann, b. February 25, 1840; d. October 22, 1855. Mellon, John, b. June 14, 1807; d. Feb- ruary 19, 1877. ^ , -r ^ Mellon, Elizabeth, w. of J., b. June 5, 1812; d. January 15, 1866. Miller, Daniel, b. October 25, 1(92; d. February 10, 1859. Miller, Mary, w. of D., b. December 8, 1791; d. January 17, 1860. Miller, Samuel, b. August 31, 1824; d. May 12, 1858. Machett, Sophia, dau. of Henry Getz, b. 1815; d. 1839. Nace, John, b. 1770; d. March 6, 1833. Nace, Elizabeth, w. of J., b. March 23, 1790; d. February 13, 1852. Nace, John, b. February 10, 1818; d. January 19, 1843. ^^_ ^ Nace, Martha, b. December 7, 1811; d. January 27, 1839. Peterman, Susannah, w. of J., b. May 24, 1757; d. October 24, 1842. Peters, David, b. December 27, 1842; d. October 5, 1884. Reinbarger, Mary, w. of H., b. April 6, 1805; d. June 16, 1858. Rvan, Andrew, b. May 31, 1787; d. Au- guest 24, 1850. Ryan, Elizabeth, w. of A., b. April 27, 1799; d. September 1, 1850. Ryan. Andrew, b. May 21, 1824; d. March 7, 1852. ^ _^, ^ Ryan. Samuel, b. April 4, 1(94; d. January 28, 1868. _ ^„„„ ^ Ryan, Sarah, b. March 15, 1782; d. October 19, 1866. Ressler, Mary, w. of G., b. January 25, 1829; d. November 27, 1858. Ranch, Anna Maria, (Deibler), w. of H., b. November 17, 1809; d. February ■t{y -t QOA 'Shultz] John, b. January 8, 1788; d. December 19, 1864. Shultz, Mary, w. of J., b. March 7, 1789; d. July 17, 1852. Shultz, Samuel, b. September 25, 1806; d. February 24, 1853. Shive, Sarah, w. of J., b. September 26, 1801; d. May 30, 1855. Shive, Daniel A., b. June 10, 1824; d. August 29, 1893. Shive, John, b. November 8, 1800; d. May 18, 1855. Sweigard, Michael, b. November 4, 1790; d. December 25, 1851. Sweigard, Catharine, dau. of M., b. January 18, 1818; d. November 30, 1863. Sweigard, Mary, dau. of M., b. May 28, 1819; d. May , 1848. Sweigard, Mary Ann. b. December 1, 1826; d. November 14, 1828. Still, Jacob, b. March 25, 1808; d. May 9, 1891. Still, Elizabeth, w. of J., b. October 12. 1812; d. August 13, 1864. Sellers, Henry, b. November 24, 1822; d. October 13, 1890. Sellers, Ruth, w. of H., b. May 8, 1829; d. August 18, 1855. Shaddow, George, b. January 13, 1812; d. January 13, 1876. Sweigard, Adam, b. July 18, 1815; d. April 7, 1848. Sweigard, Aaron S., b. May 26, 1833; d. January 17, 1866. Sweigard, G. W., Co. I, 46th Pa. Inf. Taylor, James, b. February 26, 1807; d. July 18, 1889. Tyson, Catharine, b. 1772; d. October 2, 1855. Tyson, Jacob, b. June 23, 1803; d. De- cember 7, 1868. Tyson, Elizabeth, w. of J., b. May 3, 1804; d. May 29, 1861. Tyson Catharine, w. of J., b. July 3, 1840; d. May 4, 1867. Tyson. Susan, b. September 5, 1826, d. August 3, 1852. Tyson, Henry, b. December 23, 1809; d. February 26, 1872. Tyson, Mary, w. of H., b. December 25, 1815; d. February 8, 1884. Wambaugh, Jacob, b. September 8, 1805; d. March 20, 1844. Wambaugh, I.,ydia. w. of J., b. March 12, 1807; d. January 23, 1872. Weidenmeyer, William, b. November 3, 1821; d. February 2, 1802. Werth, John Ludwic, (Wirt), b. July 21. 1794; d. July 13, 1845. Werth, Anna Mary, w. of J. I.,.,b. Oc- tober 27, 1800; d. February 11, 1846. Warner, Jacob W., b. March 18, 1835; d. May 6, 1865. Wagner, George Michael, b. Septem- ber 29, 1756; d. October 8, 1831. Zearing, Mary, w. of J., b. January 17, 1785; d. April 16, 1861. Zearing, Jacob, b. November 6, 1790; d. October 16, 1861. 8 Zearing, Susannah, w. of J., dau. o( Jacob Peterman, b. March 30, 1788; d. May 1, 1836. Ziegler, Joseph, b. February 9, 1812; d. March 8, 1865. Zeigler, Catharine, w. of J., b. Feb- ruary 6, 1814; d. April 13, 1872. Zimmerman, Martin, b. October 11, 1796; d. March 3. 1861. Zimmerman, Ellen, w. of M., b. ApriJ 5, 1799; d. October 16, 1876. Revolutionary Soldiers. Recently, while in Fairview township, York county, in the section as "The Marsh," we stopped at Mt. Olivet U. B. Church. Adjoining the same is the burial place of the people of New Cumberland and New Market. It being that season of the year when all nature seems to Tie with itself to put forth its spring dress, the trees its ornament of leaves and blossoms, we spent a short time in the sacred enclosure, where loving hands combine to testify to the memory of the departed ones. After noting the family surnames of the residents of long ago in that section at the mouth of the Yellow Breeches creek, we were attract- ed to three stones which mark the graves of several persons, who mankind in this land, love to do honor to their memory be- cause they did valiant service for their country in the earliest days of its birth. They do not sleep like their many com- rades of the War of the Revolution, in unknown resting places, for their graves, marked by sandstones, are also doubly remembered. Some G. A. R. Post has placed markers upon them to tell the passer-by that our forefathers have hon- ored them while living and their de- scendants down to this generation remem- ber them for their heroic service in the struggle for independence. No doubt as this month passes out into history some boy in blue will decorate again these graves with flowers that bloom in May. The first whose inscription we copy is a descendant from a German ancestor and the other of the Scotch-Irish: HENRY H. HAWN born June 15, 1755; died March 8, 1846. "A Soldier in the Revolution." ALLEN ROSS born October 2, 1766; died April 7, 1840. "A Soldier in the Revolution." The third is a soldier of the second war with Great Britain: 9 JAMES H. McDANIEL born April 9, 1790; died April 23. 1874. "A Soldier in the W.-ir of 1812." He was a descendant of the McDaniel's (McDonars), of Derry Church. The FIsIer Family. John Ulrich Fisler, born in the year 1757 in Schwatz, Wurtemburg, Ger- many, came to America when quite a youth, and was sold as a redemptioner. He resided in Dauphin county, where he died June 23, 1814, and lies buried in the Lutheran graveyard at Churchville. He married a Miss Burke and they had issue: i. John, m. a Miss Raymond and re- sided and died in Manor township, Lan- caster county. Pa. ii. Jacob, b. October 15, 1787, in Lan- caster county. Pa.; resided and died in Susquehanna towship, Dauphin county. Pa.; m. Barbara Stouffer, b. October, 1795, and thev had issue: 1. Elias. 2. J. Amos. 3. Julia. 4. Luther. iii. George, b. August 19, 1798, in Cone- stoga township, Lancaster county. Pa.; resided many years in Dauphin county and at various times was proprietor of a hotel know as "The Half-Way House."' In the latter years of his life he resided in Highspire, where he died May 9, 18G9. He m. February 17. 1820. by Rev. George Lochman, D. D., Elizabeth Bretz, b. Oc- tober 1, 1799: d. December 22, 1882, dau. of John Bretz (b. December 15, 1771; d. March 20, 1845.) and Catharine Fox, (b. December 21, 1773; d. May 1802,). They had issue: 1. John, b. November 1, 1821; d. April 0, 1844. 2. Washington, b. March 25, 1824; m. Lydia Peck. 3. Mary-Ann, b. July 2, 1826; m. John Lehman. 4. Catharine, b. December 19, 1827; m. June 19, 1849, Adam Earnest. 5. Sarah, b. October 5, 1829; d. August 8, 1833. 6. Elizabeth, b. October 7, 1831; d. September 16, 1833. 7. David, b. December 30, 1832; m. Rebecca Grove. 8. Sophia, b. April 22, 1834; m. An- drew Millard. 9. Ulrich, b. October 17, 1835; d. No- vember 21, 1835. 10. Susan, b. February 24. 1837; m. first. Jolin Reitzell; m. secondly, Adam Cover. 10 11. Mariah, b. October 25, 1838; d. August 6, 1839. iv. Rudolph, m. Catharine Ebersole; d. at Middletowu and left issue. T. Susan, b. April 5, 1801; d. January 6, 1886; m. tirst, Jacob Renner and had issue: 1. Moses. 2. Elizabeth; m. Martin. She m. secondly, John Stouffer, b. September 12, 1783; d. October 10, 1865. vi. Margaret. vii. (dan.); m. Bitner. viii. (dau.); m. ■ Steese. ix. (dau.); m. first. Musser; m. secondly, Whissler. A York County Private Grave Yard, On one of the York county hills, known as Oak Grove Schoolhouso, south of Har- risburg, and within sight of the same, is located Hursh's graveyard, which con- tains tombstones with the following in- scriptions: Barber, Barbara, w .of George C, b. 1707; d. Novpmber 11, 1833. Barber, George C., b. 1793; d. Septem- ber 9, 1870. Barber, Mary, w. of George C. dau. of Allen Ross, sr., b. January 30, 1804; d. July 15, 1866. Cochenower. Elizabeth, w. of J., b.July 24, 1784; d. January 14, 1857. Garver, Christian, b. January 2, 1775; d. July 22, 1849. Garver, Nancy, w. of C, b. December 7, 1789; d. August 22, 1847. Hursh, Joseph, b. January 1, 1795; d. September 10, 1849. Hursh, Mary, b. October 17, 1809; d. April 9. 1853. Hursh, Christian, b. July 4, 1797; d. October 24, 1860. Hursh, Hannah, b. August 24, 1770; d. January 2, 1857. Hursh, Abram, b. Julv 15, 1764; d. Oc- tober 30, 1841. Hursh, Abram, b. October 16, 1799; d. September 9. 1817. Hursh, Henrv, b. April 14, 1760; d. January 9. 1835. Hursh. Susan, b. August 26, 1702; d. May 30, 1836. Hursh, John, b. March 5, 1793; d. Jan- uary 2. 1876. Hursh, Barbara, w. of J. (Brookhart), b. March 3. 1797: d. December 24, 1873. Hursh, Marv B., w. of Samuel Bitner, b. January 21, 1822; d. September 21, 1878. Hursh, Susan, w. of Samuel Thorley, b. September 4, 1818: d. August 2. 1856. Hursh (Horst), Esther, w. of Jacob, b. 1764; d. February 26, 1840. 11 Hursh, Henry, b. April 6, ISOO; d. De- cember 29, 1842. Hursh, Elizabeth, w. of H., b. January 2, 1809; d. August 15, 1822. Napp, Susannah, w. of Christian, dau. of Conrad and Barbara Spitzler, b. May 14, 1730; d. September 11, 1808. Spitzer, Elizabeth, b. December 10, 1790; d. March 6, 1835. Spitzer, Conrad, b. June 9, 1755; d. May 1, 1811. Spitzer, Barbara, b. October 24, 1758; d. August 1, 1832. Thorley, Samuel, b. September 17, 1819; d. May 29, 1882. Flshbnrn's Aleeting House In Derr^. In Derry township, a few miles east of Hummelstown, was erected in the year 1846 a one-story limestone church or meeting house, by the United Brethren in Christ, and remodeled in the year 188(5. Long before the year in which the house was erected the followers of Otterbein worshiped in the surrounding country among its members, holding their meet- ings statedly in the houses in winter and barns in summer, excepting when the large gatherings were had, they went to the woods and held their "two-day" meet- ings, or if longer than that, it was known as camp meeting. Adjoining the church is a well kept graveyard, where sleep in death those who succeeded many of the Scotch-Irish to the farms in old Derry township and who received their early re- ligious training at the Sand Hill and Hummelstown Lutheran churches. Duey, Harriet-Ann, dau. of Samuel, b. June 27, 1839; d. September 23. 1867. Duey, Henry, d. July 23, 1856, aged 2 years. Duey, Mary-Ann, d. January 29, 1855, aged 3 years. Rhersole, John, b. May 12, 1812; d. July 2. 1S72. Ebersole, Anna-Maria, w. of J., b. Oc- tober 14, 1812; d. February 28, 1872. Fishburn, Philip, b. November 15. 1754; d. September 7, 1851. (Was a son of Philip, the progenitor or emigrant; bap- tized sixth Sunday after Trinity. Fishburn, Anna-Maria, w. of P., b. June 9, 1771: d. September 29. lS.'i4 Fishburn. David, b. October 8. 1790; d. September 22. 1.S51. Fishburn, Barbara, b. December 17, 1816; d. April 20, 1886. Fishburn, Lewis, b. September 21, 18.39: d. December 17. 1880. Fishburn. Anna-Maria, w. of Peter, b. October 0, 1821 ; d. February 14, 1875. Fishburn. John, b. December 14, 1800; d. May 29. 1846. Fishburn. Maria, w. ol J., dau. of Jo- hannes and Barbara Reichert. b. March 12 3, 1805, in Lebanon county; d. May 13, 1833 Fishburn, Daniel, b. July 23, 1809; d. December 8, 1851. „_ ^„^„ Fishburn, Mary, b. February 27, 1812; d. May 27, 1876. Fishburn. Benjamin, b. January 26, 1802: (1. August 5, 1877. Fishliurn, Sophia, w. of B. (Snarely), b. Julv 2,8. 1805; d. February 11, 1873. Fishburn. Louisa, w. of of A. B. Metz- ger, h. April 23, 1850; d. November 10, 1875. Gould, John, b. 1808; d. September 6, 1884. Hershev, John, b. December 3, 1814; d. December 15, 1882. Hershev. Barbara, w. of J., b. Febru- arv 12, 1816: d. July 23, 1855. Jones. Elizabeth, b. January 10, 1801; d. January 11. 1880. Keller. Johannes, b. August lb, liS»; d. December 15. 1856. ^„ ,_^„ , Keller, Elizabeth, b. April 29, 1790; d. January 31. 1851. ,.,,„„„„„, Miller, Jonathan, b. July 23, li83; d. October 12, 1864. ^ , Jliller. Anna Maria, w. of J., b. October 7. 1791: d. August 16, 1857. Schetz, Susanna, b. July 20, 1784; d. May 25. 18.54. Snavely, Joseph, b. December 26, 1796; Strnh. William, b. September 23, 1810; d. November 5, 1882. 0,0.^.:. Stroh. John. b. December 8, 1846; d. April 21. 1886. , . .u u Slesser Catharine, w. of Anthony, b. June 25, 1809: d. July 6, 1884. Weaver. Barbara, b. January 7, 1|9U, d. January 17, 1881. Tavern L.lceiices Fifty Years Ago. Some years ago we came across a bun- dle of documents wrapped in an old paper from which we cut the following notice for a tavern license at the White House: NOTICE.— To the Honorable John J. Fearson, President, and his Associates. Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the County of Dauphm. the petition of Mahala Rittersbaugh, re- spectfully showeth: That your Petitioner occupies" a commodious house, situated on the River Bank in the township of Lower Swatara, which is well calculated for a public house of entertainment, and from its neighborhood and situation, is suitable as well as necessary for the ac- commodation of the public, and the en- tertainment of strangers and travellers. That she is well provided with stabling for horses and all conveniences necessary for the entertainment of strangers and 13 travellers. The said bouse has been oc- cuijied as a Licensed Inn for many yeai's last past. She therefore resijectfuUy prays the Court to grant her a License to keep an Inn or Pulilic House of enter- tainment there and your petitioner will pray, &c., MAHALA UITTERSPACH. We the undersigned citizens of the township of Lower Swatara aforesaid, being personally acquainted with Jlahala Ritterspaugh,the above named petitioner, and also having a knowledge of the house for which the license is prayed, do hereby certify that such house is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers or travellers, that she is a per- son of good repute for honesty and tem- perance, and that she is well provided with house-room and conveniences for the lodging and accomodation of stran- gers and travelers. We, therefore, beg leave to recommend her for a license agreeably to her Petition. Henry Stouer, E. J. Putt, Matthias Parthemore, John Weaver, Michael N. Stoner, Jacob Roop, jr., Robert Wilson. Geo. Zimmerman, Jacob Erisman, Daniel Long, George (Jarman, Esq., John Mar- tin, John Parthemore, Christian Roop. It is dated February 2S, 1851, now forty-hve years ago, not so long that the memory of man would run to the con- trary, but all of these are dead save one. 'Ihe applcant, Mrs. Mahala Ritterspach, was the widow of Ritterspach. On the reverse side of this notice is a part of the county auditor's account for 1850, where we notice the following names: Henry Critzman, M. McKinnev, Esq., Elizabeth Brideiihart, Scheffer IV: Beck, Josiah S. Royal, John .T. Clyde, William Calder, jr., and Charles A. Muench. All passed to the beyond save the venerable John Joseph Clyde, who is with us yet and a citizen of the city. Following this we deem it of sufficient interest to tell who those petitioners were for the licens- ing of a public house on the banks of the Susquehanna (not Potomac), the White House below Highspire (B. C), and not D.I C. Henry Stoner — The old storekeeper and postmaster at Ilighsiiire. Edward J. Putt. M. D.— W.as long the physician at Highsi)irc and vicinity. Mathias Partliemore — A carpenter.who erected many of the houses in the vil- lage and barns on the farms in Lower Swatara township. Michael .T. Stoner — Resided and owned the Stoner farm at White House and raised the good watermelons for a large community; was a cousin of Henry. .Tncob Roop, .Tr. — The village black- smith at the upiier eiiil of town, and a son of the old TTuited Rrethren minister. Robert Wilson — An Irishman who set- 14 tied in the town in 1822, and the fol- lowing year erected the distillery long known as Wilson's Distillery. George Zimmerman — Was a native of the vicinity, and residetj in the town prior to removing to Springfield. O., where he is residing, and the only survivor of the list. Jacob Ehrisman — Came to Highspire from Lancaster at an early day, and be- came the son-in-law of .Tohn Sehner, who kept tavern and manufactured edge tools. Mr. E. kept hotel in the village many years. Daniel Long — A blacksmith for many years in the center of the town, and who would never work on holidays, but spend the time in fishing and hunting. Oeorge German, Esq. — Not a native of the town, but while a resident w'as a jus- tice of the peace and postmaster; left the town many years ago, and since died. Christian Roop — A farmer adjoining the town and a brother of .Tacob. the blacksmith, and son of the United Brethren minister. John Weaver — Long a resident of the town, where he died. During part of his life followed trucking, the first one in this part of the country to pursue this vocation. .Tohn Parthemore — A farmer, and in his old days resided at Middletown, where he died; was a brother of JIathias. Flelsber Family. Jacob Fleisher came from Germany to America, landing in Philadelphia August 11, 1732, at the age of 23 years, accom- panied with his wife Gretha, age 20 years. They evidently married just prior to emi- grating. They settled at or near Wo- melsdorf, Berks county. Pa., where he re- sided all his life. He was a soldier in the Revolution, enlisting as a private in Capt. Gobin's company, commanded by Lieut. Col. Joseph Hiester. They had at least one son, viz: 1. John Fleisher (Jacob) was born Feb- ruary 12, 175.5, at Womelsdorf, Berks county. Pa., where he resided and follow- ed farming until the year 170.5, when he purchased, JLarch 19. 1795, 265 acres of land from Tobias Springer and wife Xancy, where Hornerstown is located in South Hanover township. Dauphin coun- ty. Pa. Here he continued to reside until the year 1S12, April 1st. when he sold his land to J. T. and John Horner, the found- ers of the village, and removed to Lvkens "Valley, where he died July 9, 1S19! at 2 o'clock P. M. He m. November S, 1777, Elizabeth Shntz, b. March 17. 17.50. in Reading. Pa. She d. June 7, 184G. They had issue: 15 e 014 314 503 7 i. Elizabeth, b. September 24, 1778, and soon thereafter baptized; m. Mr.Star- lin?. ii. .Tohn, b. June 11, 1780; d. May 8, 1865; m. Anna Shafifner. iii. Daughters (twins), b. January 17, 1782; d. s. p. iv. Daniel, b. May 18, 1784, removed to York State, where he died. V. Samuel, b. February 10. 1786. vi. Sarah, b. January 4, 1788; m. Mar- tin ShaEfner, jr.; she died in Lykens Val- ley. vii. Jacob, b. April 2, 1790; resided and died at Clark's Ferry. viii. Mary. b. February 28, 1793; d. November 13. 1795, at Millersburg, Pa.; m. Eberly. ix. George, b. July 4. 1795. Mrs.Wash- ington Moody is a granddaughter. X. Eve, b. July 6, 1801 ; m. a Mr. Price. II. John Fleisher (.Tohn. Jacob). b.June 11, 1780, in Berks county. Pa.; came to Dauphin county with his father's family, where he continued to reside many years. He removed from the Lykens Valley to near Saegerstown, Crawford count.v, where he died. Was a communicant and one of the first members of the Evangeli- cal Association in western Pennsylvania. He m. first Nancy Shaffner, b. October 7, 1789; d. August 12, 1S30; and buried in the Methodist Graveyard at Millers- burg, Pa. They had issue: i. John. b. October 26. 1806; removed to Napierville, 111, where he resides; m. Fanny Shaffner. ii. Jacob, b. March 17, 1810; removed to Iowa, where he died; m. first, Cathar- ine Henuinger and had issue; she died and he m. twice afterward. iii. Henry, b. September 8. 1812; re- sided at Highspire and engaged in mer- chandising; afterward settled at Alliance. Ohio, where he died December 29, 1894; he m. first. Rebecca Zimmerman; second- ly. Mrs. Mary (Nissley) Hoffman. iv. David, b. August 25. 1814; d. Jan- uary 19. 1.S51 ; settled in Crawford coun- ty, Pa.; ni. Eliza Goss. V. Anna. b. September 6. 1816; d. Sep- tember 28. 1894; m. Philip Lebo, of Pow- ell's Valley. Dauphin count.v. Pa., where they resided all their lifetime, leaving is- sue. vi. Fannie, b. October 22. 1818; d. Jan- uary 13. 1840; m. Frederick Parthemore; no issue. vii. Simon, b. March 31, 1821; resides in Annville. Pa.; m. February 9, 1893, Rliz.Tbeth P.nrthomrirc; h. August 26, ISl.T; d. June 19, 1890, and had issue: viii. Martin, b. May 2(!. 1825; resides at Shelby, Oceana county, Mich.; m. twice and has issue. 1« LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 314 503 7 'i