DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Partial List of Successful and Popular Plays. Large Catalogue Free. Price 15c each, Postpaid, Unless Different Price Is Given DRAMAS, COMEDIES, ENTERTAINMENTS, Etc. M. F. Aaron Boggs, Freshman, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs (25c) 3 8 Abbu San of Old Japan, 2 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 15 After the Game, 2 acts, 1 4 hrs. (25c) 1 9 All a Mistake, 3' acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 4 4 All for the Cause, 1 act, 1 '4 hrs (25c) 10 All on Account of Polly, 3 acts, 2% hrs (25c) 6 10 And Home Came Ted, 3 acts, 2Y 4 hrs (35c) 6 6 'Arizona Cowboy, 4 acts, 2 4- hrs (25c) 7 5 As a Woman Thinketh, 3 acts, 2]/ 2 hrs (25c) 9 7 At the End of the Rainbow, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs (25c) 6 14 Boy Scout Hero, 2 acts, \% hrs. (25c) 17 Boy Scouts' Good Turn, 3 acts, 134 hrs I (25c) 16 2 Brookdale Farm, 4 acts, 2 4 hrs (25c) 7 3 Brother Josiah, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 7 4 Busy Liar, 3 acts, 2J4 h. (25c) 7 4 Call of the Colors, 2 acts, \ l A hrs (25c) 4 10 Call of Wohelo, 3 acts, \% hrs (25c) 10 Camouflage of Shirley, 3 acts, 2^4 hrs (35c) 8 10 Civil Service, 3 acts, 2*4 hrs. (25c) ' 6 5 College Town, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs (25c) 9 8 Danger Signal, 2 acts, 2 hrs.. 7 4 Daughter of the Desert, 4 acts, 2^4 hrs (25c) 6 4 Deacon Dubbs, 3 acts, 2% hrs. (25c) 5 5 Deacon Entangled, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 6 4 Down in Dixie, 4 acts, '2 l/ z hrs (25c) 8 4 Dream That Came True, 3 acts, 24 hrs (25c) 6 13 Editor-in-Chief, 1 hr....(25c) 10 Enchanted Wood, 1-H h.(35c).Optnl. Everyyouth, 3 acts, 1 J /2 h. (25c) 7 6 Face at the Window, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 4 4 Fifty-Fifty, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (35c) 6 8 Fun on the Podunk Limited, 1% hrs (25c) 9 14 M. F. Her Honor, the Mayor, 3 acts, ' 2 hrs. (25c) 3 5 High School Freshman, 3 acts, 2 hrs ....(25c) 12 Indian Days, 1 hr (50c) 5 2 In Plum Valley, 4 acts, 2 4 hrs (25c) 6 4 Jayville Junction, 1V 2 hrs.(25c) 14 17 Kicked Out of College, 3 acts, 214 hrs (25c) 10 9 Kingdom of Heart's Content, 3 acts, 2% hrs (25c) 6 12 Lady of the Library, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 5 10 Laughing Cure, 2 acts, 1)4 hrs. (25c) 4 5 Lighthouse Nan, 3 acts, 2 J4 hrs (25c) 5 4 Little Buckshot, 3 acts, 2% hrs. (25c) 7 4 Little Clodhopper, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 3 4 Mirandy's Minstrels (25c) Optnl. Mrs. Tubbs Does Her Bit, 3 acts, 214 hrs (25c) 7 7 Mrs. Tubbs of Shantytown, 3 acts, 2^4 hrs (25c) 4 7 Old Fashioned Mother, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs. (25c) 6 6 Old Maid's Club, \ l / 2 hrs. (25c) 2 16 Old Oaken Bucket, 4 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 8 6 Old School at Hick'ry Holler, 1 J4 hrs (25c) 12 9 On the Little Big Horn, 4 acts, 2V 2 hrs. (25c) 10 4 Poor Married Man, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 4 4 Prairie Rose, 4 acts, 2y 2 h.(25c) 7 4 Rummage Sale, 50 min 4 10 Rustic Romeo, 2 acts, 2 4 hrs (25c) 10 12 Safety First, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs (25c) 5 5 Savageland, 2 acts, 2^ hrs. (50c) 5 5 School Ma'am, 4 acts, 1)4 hrs. 6 5 Sewing for the Heathen, 40 min. 9 Southern Cinderella, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 7 Spark of Life, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 4 4 Spell of the Image, 3 acts, 2 J / 2 hrs (25c) 10 10 Star Bright, 3 acts, 2y 2 h. (25c) 6 5 Teacher, Kin I Go Home? 2 scenes, 35 min 7 3 Those Dreadful Twins, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 6 4 Thread of Destiny, 3 acts, 2^ hrs (25c) 9 16 Tonv, the Convict, 5 acts, 2l4 hrs (25c) 7 4 T.S.DENISON&COMPANY,Publishers,154W.RandolphSt., Chicago WHO'S THE BOSS? A COMEDY IN ONE ACT BY RAGNA B. ESKIL AUTHOR OF 'Aunt Harriet's Night Out," Betty s and Bobby's Christmas, " America in the Making" and "Lottie Sees It Through." CHICAGO T. S. DENISON & COMPANY Publishers °9 ,