Never ask a man to advertiz the day his mother-in-law arrh'es ; he dusnotfee/weiifhen.^—J > AUvDKAN. ROCHESTER ART SCHOOL, 41, 42 and 43 Elwood Building, Cor. MAIN and STATE STS., - ROCHESTER, N. Y. JOHNSON M. MUNDY, Director. Tne object of this school is to impart instruction in the rudiments and elements of Drawing and Modeling. All lessons are given from Casts, Models and natural Objects, involving the elements of Proportion, Perspective, Li^ht and Shadow and Compos tion. Sketching frjiri Nature, Head and Figure Drawing, and the modeling in clay of Reliefs, Busts and Statues and their repriduction in plaster and marble receive special attention. Classes are *o divided as to ensure each scholar my personal suoervision. A Choice Selection or Standard Casts from the Antique Rooms well lighted, ventilated and heated, and easily accessible by elevator. Open Daily, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. REFERENCES:— M. B. Anderson, Pres. Roche ter University. Hon. Lewis H. Mqrg\n. Rev. S. M. Campbell, D D. Prof. Lewis Swift. Col. H. S. GkHJeni eaf. Gilman H. Perkins. M.F.Reynolds. D.M.Dewey. NORMAN BENTLEY, ? FINE AND STAPLE GROCERIES, 119 Monroe Avenue, ROCHESTER, N . Y. ARTHUR G. YATES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEHIGH VALLEY COAL CO.'S 5dL». "«-• \ coal \ 4-* 8S»k General Office, Elwood Building, Cor. State and Main Streets, Yards, Hill Street, and Cor. Allen and Piatt Sts., ROCHESTER, N. Y. DR. A. A, MORGAN, DENTIST, 173 and 175 POWERS' BUILDING, ROCHESTER, N. Y. One Door to the right, at the landing of the North Elevator. MATILDA. MATILDA PATIENCE ABIGAIL By SHERMAN D. RICHARDSON. S^s£{ OF I. Matilda Patience Abigail Jerusha Dority Jane Resided in Moostockmagun- Ticgoginstock in Maine. i\<> ENGRAVED WORK OF all kinds a specialty— Wedding and Party Invitations, Visiting Cards, etc Call and see sample book of above work. Also Monograms il uminated and plain. Printing of all kinds done on short notice by WILLIAMSON & HIGBIE, Booksellers and Stationers and Law Blank Publishers, POWERS' BLOCK, RnrHF^Tm? XT V ENTRANCE TO * LEVATOR. IW^nr-O 1 LJ\, IV. X. He that duz not advertise puts his electric lite under a bushel. Y bet. — Paul Dean. I. F. CARTER, cfb^ DEALER IN— tationrrs, R< chester, N. Y. Welth is often the -weed that chokes genus. Choke us. — Paul Dean. Burke, Fitz Simons, Hone & Co., DRY GOODS, WOOLENS AND FANCY GOODS, Wholesale, i to 13 North St. Paul St., Pnrucc-rirD M V Retail, 53, 55 aui 57 East Main St.. KOCHESTER, IN. Y. MRS. J. VERVALIN, ladies' and gents' DINING ROOMS & OYSTER PARLORS, No. 144 State Street. Wavkrly Housb Block. Meals or Lunches for the traveling public cooked to order on short notice. The Best Hooir— made Pi s constantly on hand. ROBERT HANSON, Successor to Thos. Buttun HAIR DRESSER, 13 Exchange St., Under Mechanics Savings Bank, Rochester, N. Y. Camp's Patent Haii Brushes inconstant use. A. W. MUDGE, UNDERTAKER, 121 WEST MAIN STREET, - ROCHESTER, N. Y. OPEN ALL NIGHT. HENRY LIKLY & CO., MANUFACTURERS of TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF TRAVELING GOODS, 78 STATE STREET, - ROCHESTER, N. Y. CORRECT PROFILE OF EBENEZER. (By West ) III. Not far from her, say half a mile, Lived Ebenezer Snooks, A bachelor of fifty-seven, Afraid of girls and spooks. ELLSWORTH & SANFORD, DENTISTS, ROOMS OVER 43 STATE STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Artificial Teeth made at the lo vest prices. All work warranted and the best of material used. C. H. ELLSWORTH. F. H. SANFORD. Women , the eckho of creation^ always having the last word. This is a toast. — Paul Dean. -:- C A F E ,-:- ED. REMINGTON, Manager, 23, 27, 29 and 30 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. ORDERS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. AMERICAN HOUSE, NEWLY FURNISHED. RATES, 70 Cts. Per Day, MEALS, 15 Cts. BOARD, $3.50 PER WEEK. Good Accommodations for thk Traveling Public. F. J. HAWES, Proprietor, 72 Front Street, Rochester, N. Y. RALPH BUTLER, MANAGER, Travelers' Life and Accidental Insurance Co., Only Accidental Company in U. S. with a cash surplus. 39 POWERS' BLOCK, - ROCHESTER, N. Y. BLACK HILLS BITTERS NEVER FAIL TO CURE AND RELIEVE RHEUMATISM, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervousness, Neuralgia and Indigestion. Price, only $1.00. Sold by all Druggists. ROCHESTER SILK AND DRESS GOODS HOUSE, 8 MAIN STREET BRIDGE, Rochester, N. Y. SNOOKb' GUARDIAN ANGEL. (Rosa Bonheur.) IV. Ebb ofttimes gazed at Abigail, And Jane oft looked at Snooks ; But when Jane thought to hook Ebb on, Then he was oft' the hooks. J. MORTON & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, AND FINE READY-MADE CLOTHIERS, NO. 21 EAST MAIN STREET, Formerly No. n. - - ROCHESTER, N. Y. Kiss not thoUy O Youth, throu a veil, as kisses unlike hunny should not be strained. — Paul Dean. HENRY SHELTER, — MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN — Picture Frames, Looking Glasses Etc., window cornices of all kinds made to order, Frames of all kinds Re-gii.ded, OVER 57 STATE STREET, - ROCHESTER, N. Y. C. B. Wood worth & Sons, MANUFACTURING PERFUMERS, ROCHESTER, N. Y. JACKSON & BURLEIGH, BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , And Fancy Goods Importers, Church Books a Specialty, 2, 4 and 6 REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Subscripti >ns received for all American and Foreign Periodicals at lowest rates. R. McFARLANE & CO., manufacturers of PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, ETC., 136 MILL STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y. R. McFarlane. A. Ripsom. C. J. Duffy. PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMES At RUNDLE'S, - 57 West Main Street, Call and examine the elegant stock of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS JUST RECEIVED, (THE TRADE SUPPLIED.) THE YOUTH THAT INFORMED HER. V. One winter's night as Patience slept, Some boys came to her door, Informing her that Snooks was ill, Yea, dying o'er the moor, VI. And wished that he could her behold, 'T would ease his mortal woes, To see the tear of pity hang Upon her pitted nose. FRANK X. MASSETH, LIVERY, HACK & EXCHANGE STABLES 15 NORTH FITZHUGH STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Horses and Carriages, both Single and Double, and Phaetons of the most Fa