F 319 .Jl S7 ropy 1 SOUVENIR />ND TOWWSTC P ^GUIDE of * yP Price 25c. GATEWAY To OUR COPvRlGHT I9IO, f'lMt. PUBLISHING CO. GIBSON'S KODAK STORE Kocfak and Camera Sufp'ies 24 West Forsyth St Jacksonville, Fla. s u t|f*jf Loaned Free. *| Films developed iOc a roll by same ex- perts responsible for our Jacksonville and Florida Views. You will get the same high class work. Gommsrica! Photo a Specially SEE ARTICLE ON THE Beautiful St. Johns River ... * CGU2?6539 Executive Department (0t£ at Jatk^mtfrtlte, tylaxxbu WM s JORDAM. Mayor. October 5th. t 1910. A hearty welcome and the best consideration of our merchants and manufacturers is extended to all who may visit our City. MAY TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Announcement 3 Amusements 4 Automobile Rates 4 Auto and Taxi-Cab License 4 Baggage Rates 4 Bands 4 Banke 4 Beautiful St. Johns River, The 6 Board of Education 6 Board of Health 6 Board of Trade 6 Board of Trade Bldg 36 Cab and Carriage Rates 8 Cemetries 8 Churches 8 to 14 City Gov't 14 Clearing House 16 Climate 16 Clubs 16 Drives 18 Distances. From Jacksonville to East Coast Resorts and Leading Cities of the U. S. 18-24 Educational Advantages 24 Express Offices 28 Federal Officers 28 Financial 28 Fire Departments 28 FIRMS AND BUSINESS HOUSES 28 to 31 Florida 32 Foreign Consulates 32 Halls 32 Health : 32 HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES 34 Hospitals 34 Labor Unions 36 Libraries 36 Lost Articles on Cars 38 Mail (Information) 41 Newspapers 38 Office Bldgs 43 Points of Interest 41 Parks 38 Police Department (City Gov't) 14 Postoffice (Information) 41 to 43 Population . 43 Public Buildings 43 Public Buildings 43 Public Schools 44 Railroad (Information) 44 Rapid Transit (Street Cars) 44 Side Trips 44 to 45 Secret Societies 45 to 46 Street Cars (Rapid Transit) 44 Taxi-Cabs Rates 46 Telephone 46 Telegraph 46 Theatres 46 to 47 Weather Bureau : 47 Wharves (Principal) 47 Wireless Offices 47 Y. M. C. A 47 ANNOUNCEMENT. HE Tourist's guide of Jackson- sonville, Florida, is compiled, not only for the touiist or visitor but for oui residents, and could be correctly called a "miniature" city directory. The contents of this booklet are arranged alphabetically, mak- ing it convenient to look up any subject. All features which have created such a demand for publications of similar nature in the past, have been improved upon, which the publish- ers feel sure will add still further to its use- fulness and popularity. To the many patrons (See Classified List of Reliable Business Houses) who have made possible the publication of a better book, the publishers take this opportunity in extending their sincere thanks and appreciation. SIME PUBLISHING CO. THEY TELL 8HE.,. 1 My Moving Pictures are of Surpassing Quality ^-^ ARE YOU A PATRON OF THE ^-fc, ? GRAND ? IF NOT, WHY NOT MONTGOMERY The Moving Picture Man AMUSEMENTS. Seven theatres, Moving Picture Shows, Ostrich Farm, South Atlantic League Base Ball, Moncrief Park Race Course, Dixie Land Amusement Park and other places afford am- ple means of amusement for the people. (See table of contents for locations.) AUTOMOBILE RATES. Automobiles, $3.00 per hour. (See Taxi-Cab rate.) Sight-seeing cars pass all points of interest throughout the city — fare $1.00. Automobile and Taxicab License. Each automibile or taxicab used for private purposes, seating two people, must pay $2.00 annual license — one dollar for each additional person — private cars seating more than four persons, $5.00. Automobiles or taxicabs used for transporta- tion of passengers for hire from $15.00 to $50.00 (according to size.) Sight-seeing (automobile) cars from $125.00 to $250.00. (according to size.) BAGGAGE RATE. Trunks transferred or hauled two miles, 25 cents each. Over two miles 50 cents. For one person within two miles, day rate 25 cents, after midnight to 5:00 a.m. 50 cents. Child under six, accompanied by adult, free. Hand baggage not exceeding 50 pounds carried free, over 50 pounds 15 cents per paicel. BARBERS. See Classified List. BANDS. First Regiment Band — Duval County Arm- ory. Grunthal's Band— 201 W. Bay. BANKS. Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville— 121 W. Forsyth. BARNETT NATIONAL BANK OF JACKSONVILLE— Forsyth and Laura. Citizens Bank of Jacksonville, The — 8 Bridge. Florida National Bank of Jacksonville- Laura and Forsyth. Florida Trust Co., Seminole Hotel. Fourth National Bank, The — Bay and Main Guaranty Trust & Savings Bank, The — Ocean and Bay. HJldMl gjg V 11 rp nirs UIl u COMPLETE LINE OF HARTFORD'S "THE REGULAR TIRE" ALWAYS IN STOCK RETREADING A SPECIALTY "Free Air" System in Connection (I 12 EAST ADAMS STREET PHONE 4220 -. Peoples Bank & Trust Co.— Main and Adams. State Bank of Florida, The — Bay and Main. Woodman Banking Co. — 512 W. Adams. BEAUTIFUL ST. JOHNS RIVER, THE The beauties of the picturesque St. Johns River have been extolled by poets, writers and artists since the days of Ponce de Leon and yet the half has not been told. The poets have in their dreamy imaginative way sung its praises, the writers have exhausted their descriptive powers in vain endeavor to despict to their readers the glories of this 1: :r.utiful stream, and the artists have added by menas of all the colors at their command pictures, which to the uninitiated seems like scenes in some fairy land, but with all these no description can do full justice to the wealth and variety of tropical scenery found on this river. The publishers suggest that before making this trip you should call on A. F. Gibson, twenty-two and twenty- four West Forsyth street, and secure a Kodak which will be loaned at almost unnoticeable figures and the films may be developed and pic- tures printed immediately upon your return — "Let the Fodak tell the story." (See Clyde St. Johns R:- - Line.) LwiRD OF EDUCATION. James Q. Palmer, Supt. of Instruction, 415 Masonic Temple. BOARD OF HEALTH. Office 515 Dyal-Upchurch Building. BOARD OF TRADE THE POWER HOUSE OF JACKSONVILLE. Owns its own building and property on the corner of Main and Adams streets, valued at $155,000.00, with handsome library auditorium, committee rooms, library of directories of prin- cipal cities of the country, telephones, etc. Has one thousand members. Has thirty— two live committees on all mat- ters of civic and commercial development. Sends delegations to national conventions in interest of public good. Conducts a continual publicity campaign for the upbuilding of Jacksonville, Duval County and Florida. Officers— F. P. Conroy, President; W. M. Toomer, First Vice-President; Geo. L. Drew, Second Vice-Piesident; H. H. Richardson, Secretary and Treasurer; Robt. E. Law, Asst. Secretary. Tailoring and Pressing Company 229-222-224-226-228 W. FORSYTH STREET TELEPHONE 2964 UNDER THE ARAGON The most complete valet system in the South V SERVICE V THE BEST AND QUICKEST TIME PRESSING 30 MINUTES French Dry Gleaning 3 Hours Steam Gleaning 5 hours ALL-NIGHT SERVICE During Dec, Jan., Feb. and March TEL. 2964 TEL. 2964 -»-ji ^^—3 Governois — W. H. Baker. J. H. McLaurin, H. B. Race, M. D. Johnson, C. P. Lovell, Cecil Willcox. BILLIARDS AND POOL See Classified List. CAB AND CARRIAGE RATES. To be charged for conveyance of Passengers and parcel baggage within the corpoiate limits of the City of Jacksonville. The ordinance fixing these rates construes the word "Hack" to include any vehicle used for the conveyance of persons for hire. One adult person between the hours of 5:00 a. m. and midnight, for a distance not exceed- ing two miles, 25 cents.; beyond two miles, 50 cents. Between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a. m. one dult, for a distance not exceeding two miles, 50 cents nor more than 75 cents be- yond two miles, provided conveyance is con- tinuous from one point to another. No charge for a child five years or under, when accompanied by an adult. Children over five years and under twelve years, when ac- companied by a person paying full fare, shall be charged half the rate for adult passengers. When hired by the hour, the charge not to exceed $1.00 per hour between the hours 5:00 a. m. and midnight, and not exceeding $1.50 between midnight and 5:00 a.m. Each passenger is allowed to carry free, one package not exceeding fifty pounds in weight, but for each additional package 15 cents may be charged. CEMETERIES. B'Nai Israel Cemetery— Rock R'd, North. City Cemetery — Union and Washington. Evergreen Cemetery — Rock R'd, 1 mile N. of city limits. Office, 18 W. Bay. Memorial Cemetery — Four Miles N. W. of city limits. Office Doty Bldg. Mt. Olive Cemetery— N. Main. St. Mary's Cemetery — N. of city on Rock Road. Woodlawn Cemetery — Rock R'd, N. of city. CHURCHES— See illustrations. ADVENTIST. Second Advent Christian Church — Clay and Duval. 8 The Flower Shop 20 LAURA STREET The "QUALITY" Flower Store Any Kind of Roquet or Design made on short notice Phone 3296 SurmJJlJaito Cuv^d ijJLl tyb^ ri&ur tie W*c.W WORK GRADUATE GUARANTEED OPTICIANS PHONE 4726 No. 50 West Forsyth Street 37 LOST ARTICLES ON CARS. Any article left by passengers upon the cars will be turned in at the barn of the respective line, where it will be held until the following morning when it will be sent to the company's offices at Riverside Avenue and McCoy. (Tele- phone 4228.) MAILS. Consult article under Postoffice heading. MILLINERS. See Classified List. NEWSPAPERS. The press is well represented in Jackson- ville, having nearly twenty newspapers which are published daily, weekly and monthly. The principal ones among those are the Fla. Times- Union and The Metropolis. The Metropolis — "Florida's Greatest Eeven- ing Paper." The paper of the Strongest in- fluence in Jacksonville and contiguous terri- tory — One of the best and most complete sporting editions in the South. Circulation 13,765. Subscription $5.00 a vear. Carter & Russell Pub. Co. OFFICE BUILDINGS. See Public Buildings. PARKS. Dignan Park — Main St. nr. Power Plant and Water Works. A delightful walk from busi- ness section, or it may be reach* 1 by taking Main St. car. Dixieland Park — South Jacksonville. Take ferry, foot of Main St. Hemming Park — Opposite Windsor Hotel More attractive flowers have never been seen under semi-tropical sky. The park is owned and controlled by the city oi Jacksonville and is bounded by Hogan, Duval, Laura and Mon- roe Sts. (In the heart of the city). Phoenix Park — At the end of the Main St. car lines, and near the beautiful St. Johns River. Take Pohenix Park car on Main or Sight-seeing car which traverses boulevards and highways, unsurpassed in any city in the country. Riverside Park — Take Riverside car. Springfield Park — Including the City Watei Works grounds. Take Main St. car. PHOTOGRAPHERS. See Classified List. 38 IF YOU WANT COMPETENT, YES, EXPERT SERVICE THEN HAVE MISS B. E. SMITH DO YOUR WORK PERFECT IMITATION OF TYPE - WRITTEN LETTERS HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS A PERSONAL LETTER Office Phone 1039. Residence Phone 1988 44 BUGKMAN BUILDING 39 The Waverly otel European Plan PRIVATE BATHS The most centrally located hotel in the city ; in the heart of the retail district, near all first-class places of amusement. TELEPHONE 2140 MRS. LUCK WILSON, Proprietzess ALSO CONNECTED WITH THE- Atlantic Hotel Overlooking famous Bay Front in 28 Bay Street St. Augustine "Tip oldest cily" 40 POINTS OF INTEREST. Beaches — See Ocean Beaches. Boulevard Drive — Encircling the city — fine Confederate Monument — Hemming Park, auto drive. Dixieland Park — South Jacksonville. Take ferry. Fairfield Residence Section — A very attrac- tive suburb — Fairfield car. Florida Avenue — Oldest street in Jackson- ville. Take auto or Fla. Ave. car. Hemming Park — (See parks). Maypoit — The famous rock jetties on St. Johns bar — noted for deep sea fishing — a de- lightful trip via the Atlantic Boulevard drive in auto or F. E. C. Ry. (See time table). Ostrich Farm and Zoo — The largest os- trich farm in the U. S., east of Cal., Op-to-date amusement is always on the program. (Con suit daily papers for advertisements). Phoenix Park — (See parks). Springfield Park — (See parks). South Jacksonville — Athletic "ielda and South Atlantic League Baseball grounds. POLICE DEPARTMENT. See city government. POSTOFFICE. U. S. Postofftc — Forsyth, Adams and Ho- gan. (Gov't Bldg.) D. T. Gerow, P. M.; A. E. Sawyer, Asst. P. M. CARRIER DELIVERY. Business Section — Carriers leave P. O. at 8:00 a.m., 12:00 m. and 3:00 p.m. Suburban and residence district, carriers make two de- liveries, leaving P. O. at 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p. m. CITY STATIONS. Station A.— 940 W. Bay; Station B.— Fla. Ave. and Church; Station C. — Davis and Kings Road; Station D. — Adams and Madison; Sta- tion E. — Riverside and Dora. OFFICE HOURS. Daily Sunday 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. 10 A. M. to 11 A. M. Registry Window — (In small lobby.) General Delivery — (Windows 4 and 5.) 7:15 A. M. to 9 P. M. 10 A. M. to 11 A. M. 6 P. M. to 7 P. M. Supt. of Mails and Forwarding — Window No. 7. 7:15 A. M. to 6:15 P. M. 10 A. M. to 11 A.M. 41 Supt. of Delivery and Inquiry — Windoy No. 9. 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. 10 A. M. to 11 A. M. Carriers' Window— Nos. 10, 11, and 12. 7:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. 10 A. M to 11 A. M. Money Orders Issued — Window No 13. 8:15 A.M. to 6 P.M. Not Open Money Orders Paid — Window No. 14. 8:15 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Not Open Stamp Window — No. 15 and 16. 7:15 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. 10 A.M. to 11 A. M. On holidays all departments of this office are open until noon. Domestic Postage Rates — (Apply to mail matter for Canada, Canal Zone, Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Mexico, Phillippines, Porto Rico, Re- public of Panama, Tutulia and the U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghi. The Domestic Rate for letters, but not for other articles, applies also to Germany, Great Britain and Ii eland, and Newfoundland.) First Class— Letters and sealed matter: 2 cents for each onuce or fraction. Postal cards and post cars 1 cent each. Second-Class — Newspapers and periodicals. 1 cent for each four ounces or fraction. Third-Class — Miscellaneous printed matter. 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction. Fourth-Class — All matter not included in first three classes. 1 cent for each ounce or fraction. Special-Delivery — A special-delivery stamp (or 10 cts. in ordinary stamps when the letter orw parcel is marked "special delivery") in addition to postage, secures immediate delivery within the carrier-delivery limit of city free delivery and within one mile of any other United States postoffice. Foreign Postage rates — Letters and sealed matter: 5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cts. for each additional ounce or f action. Postal cards: single 2 cts each; double 4 cts. each. Commercial papers: 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction, but not less than 5 cents for each packet. Printed matter: 1 cent each for two oum es or fraction. Samples of merchandise: 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction, but not less than 2 cts. on each packet. Parcels-post rates: 12 cts. per pound. For further particulars consult your postmaster. 42 Domestic postage rates apply to mail matter for Canada, Canal Zone, Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Mexico, Philippines, Porto Rico, Republic of Panama, Tutuila and the U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai. The Domestic Rate for letters, but not for other articles. Applies also to Germany, Great Britain and Ireland and New- foundland. POPULATION. The fire of May 3, 1901 destroyed 2,600 building and made 30,000 people homeless, but having confidence in the future of "New Jack- sonville," plans were immediately made to rebuild the city. The result follows: We have 80,000 for 1910. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Adams Block— 521 W. Bay. Atlantic Natl. Bank Bldg. — Forsyth and Hogan. Atlantic Block — Bay and Main. Baird Bldg. — Bay and Ocean. Bisbee Bldg. — 7 Laura St. Bisbee Block — Forsyth, bt. Lama and Main, Blum Bldg.— 117 W. Forsyth. Board of Trade Bldg. — Adams and Main. Buckman Bldg. — Hogan and Forsyth. City Bldg. — Adams and Ocean. Consolidated Building— 116-20 E. Bay. Custom House — Hogan and Forsyth. Duval Bldg.— 35 E. Bay. Duval County Armory — 115 Market. Duval County Court House — ...'.ams, Mar- ket and Forsyth. Dyal-Upchurch Bldg. — Bay and Main. Emery Block — 46 West Bay. Government Bldg — Hogan and Forsyth. Grunthal Block — Hogan and Bay. Guaranty Trust Bldg. — Bay and Ocean. Herkimer Bldg. — Bay and Newnan. Holmes Block— 111 E. Bay. Labor Hall—? Livingston Bldg. — 20 Main. Masonic Temple — Main and Monroe. Metropolis Bldg.— 9-11 E. Forsyth. Mutual Life Bldg.— 23 Main. Park Bldg.— 232 W. Bay. Postofhce — Forsyth and Hogan. Uedemann Block — 108 W. Forsyth. U. S. Government Bldg. — Forsyth and Ho- gan. Halls and apartments, see index. 43 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Duval High School — Ashley and Ocean. Central Grammar School — 335 E. Church. Highway School — Lincoln and Highway. La villa Kindergarten — 801 W. Adams. LaVilla Grammar — Stuart and Church. Riverside Grammar — Charles and Gilmore. Springfield Grammar — Hubbard and Fourth East Jacksonville Grammar — Ashley and Fla. Ave. Cambelton Primary — Evergreen and Argyle RAILROADS. The Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line, Southern Ry., Ga. Southern & Fla. and Fla. East Coast Line afford splendid service from all points North, South, East and West. About 80 passenger trains arrive and leave the Union Depot daily. (Consult time table.) RAILROAD TERMINALS. Union Depot — Myrtle avenue and Bay st. Jacksonville Terminal (fright) — West Bay street. RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. Atlantic Coast Line — 138 West Bay. Central of Georgia — 224 West Bay. Florida East Coast — 226 West Bay. Georgia Southern & Florida — 16 Hogan. Illinois Central — Seminole Hotel. Mobile and Ohio— 212 West Bay. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis — 124 West Bay. Loisville and Nashville — 118 West Bay. Seaboard Air Line — 202 West Bay. Southern Railway and Q. & C— 108 West Bay. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. As this guide is published annually, we find it impossible to publish time-tables that can be relied upon — but suggest that you consult daily papers. RAPID TRANSIT. The Jacksonville street cars compass all points of interest, fare 5 cents. REAL ESTATE. See Classified List. SIDE TRIPS. South Jacksonville. Fare from Jackson- ville, round trip, 10 cents. South Jacksonville is opposite Jacksonville on the south side of 44 the St. Johns river, at which point the Florida East Coast Railway branches off to the north- east, forming the Mayport division, which serves the north coast seashore resorts. South Jacksonville is naturally increasing in impor- tance each year. In addition to the Florida East Coast Railway trains which cross the bridge, South Jacksonville is connected to Jacksonville by a ferry service with its ter- minal right in the center of the business sec- tion. Mayport, on the Maypoit Division, F. E. C. Ry. 26 miles from Jacksonville. Fare, one way, 65 cents, Round trip, 30 days, 90 cents. Mayport is at the mouth of the St. Johns river. To a limited extent Mayport is a summer resort. Quite a number of Jacksonville peo- ple have cottages here which they occupy dur- ing the warm weather to have the benefit of the cool sea breezes, the surf bathing, and the fishing which off the jetties is very good. It is the headquarters for the house-obat colony who put in a good portion of the heated term here, enjoying the freedom from stienuous city life. Atlantic Beach, on the Mayport Division, F. E. C. Ry, 26 miles from Jacksonville, round trip fare, with 30 days' limit, 70 cents. Atlantic Beach is directly on the famous Floiida Beach, made so by the automobile races that take place each winter opposite Ormond and Daytona, about one hundred miles further south. Pablo Beach, on the Mayport Division, F. E. C. Ry, 18 miles from Jacksonville. Fare, one way, 40 cents, round trip, 30 days, 60 cts. Pablo Beach is the popular resort for Jack- sonville and other nearby towns. The beach is hard, white sand 300 to 800 feet wide and safe. Frequent excursions to the Atlantic ocean is the principal pleasure of people living near the seaboard, and Pablo Beach is the objective point for the thousands in the north- ern part of Florida. Pabo Beach has a city government, elctric light and water plants, stores, hotels, and is the year-round home of 1,500 to 2,000 people. SECRET SOCIETIES. B. P. O. Elks — Laura and Adams. I. O. O. F. Duval Lodge — Meets Mondays 8:00 p.m.; 3rd floor L'Engle Bldg., 9 Main St. 45 Fla. Encampment No. 1 — Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. Fla. .bodge No. 1— Meets Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m. Grand Lodge — Meets 3rd Tuesday of April. Independent Order of Foresters — 3rd floor L'Engle Bldg., 9 Main St. Meets every Tues- day. STEAMSHIP TICKET OFFICES. American and West Indian — 311 Masonic Temple. Beach and Miller (River) — Foot of Laura. Cook Line — Logans Wharf. Clyde Line — Clyde St. Tohns River Line v 122 W. Bay. Independent Line (River) — Foot of New-nan. Merchant and Miners Trans. Co. — Hotel Seminole. Peninsular and Occidental — Park Bldg., 232 STEAMSHIP TIME TABLES. Clyde Steamship Company: Schedule of sailing between Jacksonville and New York: Steamers of this line are ap- pointed to sail from Jacksonville Mondays, Wednesdays, Trursdays and Saturdays at 2:00 P. M., arriving in New York the morning of the third day. Clyde Steamship Company, Brunswick to New Y r ork: Steamers are scheduled to sail from Brunswick each Tuesday and Saturday early in the marning. Passengers arriving in Brunswick in the afternoon of sailing will be permited to spend the night before sailing on the ship. Clyde St. Johns River Line, between Jack- sonville and Sanford: Commencing November 15th steamers will be scheduled to leave Jack- sonville daily, except Saturday, at 3:00 P.M., arriving at Sanford 9:00 o'clock of the follow- ing morning. Merchants & Miners Transportation Co. has thre steamers sailing to Baltimore each week. (See daily papers for latest timetables.) STREET CARS. See rapid transit. TAXI-CAB RATES. Taxi-Cabs, per hour $3.00 for first hour; $2.00 for each additional hour: waiting time, $1.00 per hour. (See automobiles). 46 TH E G RAN D THEATRES. Bijou Theatre (Vaudeville and Musical Comedy) — Main and Beaver. Giand (World's Greatest Moving Picture Plays) — Forsyth, nr. Main. See Classified List. Dixie — Dixieland Park, South Jacksonville. Duval (Road Shows) — Main and Monroe. Lyric (Moving pictures) — Main, nr. Adams. Orpheum (Stock Co.) — Main and Duval. Pastime (High Class Motion Pictures) — W. Bay, nr. Hogan. Majestic (Vaudeville and Pictures) — Laura and W. Bay. WHARVES— (Principal) Beachand Miller Wharf— Foot of Catherine. Clyde (St. Johns River) — Foot of Catherine. Clyde Wharf — Foot of Hogan. Merchants and Miners Wharf — WIRELESS OFFICES. Aragon and Duval Hotels, also W. Way- Y. M. C. A. Magnificent $250,000 building, located Laura and Duval, nr. Heming P ark. Notice— Have you seen Gibson, "The Kokak Man?" (See classified list.) 47 Superfluous Hairs, Moles and Warts Removed Painlessly By Electricity. Guaranteed YOUR COMBINGS !Made into puffs, swit< formations, : beautiful switches, trans- etc. First- class work at moderate cost. :::::::: For the Woman of Discriminating Taste SKINNER'S HAIR GOODS The Paris Craze (Like II- lustration) IM ■■ I I i rm- A profu- sion of short, thick curls, worn high or low; very fetching WE GUARANTEE OUR HAIR GOODS To be of the finest quality and natural color, and therefore give wearing satisfaction. Distinguished by Smart Style, Superior Quality, Artistic Finish. Electric Scalp and Facial Treatment Manicuring Shampooing OUR REAL HAIR NETS--The Best quality, strongest and largest you ever used. 2 for 25c, A trial will convince you. Out-of-town patrons can send samples of hair to be matched perfectly. Mail orders receive careful attention. Satisfaction guaranteed Skinner's Hair Dressing Parlors Rooms 206-8 Duval Building 48 Jacksonville CAPITAL Development $500,000.00 Company LARGEST HANDLERS OF HIGH-CLASS REAL ESTATE IN THE SOUTH. City Business Lots Suburban Residence Lots Villa Sites and Gardens Truck Farming Lands Improved Florida Farms II You Aro Looking for Land — Gall On U» Jacksonville Development Company OFFICES S, E. COR. LAURA AND FORSYTH STS., JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. TELEPHONE 1386 CLASSIFIED LIST OF RELIABLE JACKSONVILLE BUSINESS HOUSES KTO TIKES 4\D REPAIRS D/UIOAIN BOMB, ,„,, auk en. Pago n JOSEPH H. WALSH. Pnge E. IIAItlll 11 0IOAI1H vmi mill' AFTO SEIWIOB. „„™ /MH'H iiaimii;ii HIIIII', Pqko n M..M ..mi . - HANKINS AUTO 8ERVI0D, PORO 2C. OUY'B ",'"""' s.™. D "" OltOUKHIlV vmi I'UIIK HANK. HIlAIMIINIJ IUH SI , RNIU1IT K W1I1TK '''I, I'll "- "'"»'" N ""■ " AN " MAIN |( ";;^:;:; CUT IMUVIIM iimS::" 1 :;!;::::;"i::!:;;iS ■#*, SIX MILES OF JACKSONVILLE. "THE GREAT^TEWAYJTO_ OUR WINTER PLAY GROUNDS' l_/k>V I L L/C"" *^ Map of Greater Jacksonville's Business Center i S Z 5 FIVE-ACRE POULTRY FARMS. Only $150 Each — $5 Cash, $5 a Mont Big money can be. made in raising pou try in Florida and w e have the ideal loc tion for Poultry Farms. Just fourtec miles west of Jacksonville, on arid b tween the Seaboard Air Line and the A lantic Coast Line, and traversed by tb main county road, now being brick pave( we have one hundred tracts of five acre each. They are in a well settled commi nity and are close enough to the city t insure a good market for all products. The soil is well adapted to growing al kind of. fruits and farm crops. Gree: forage, so essential for successful poultr raising, can be grown in abundance o] these lands. The cost of raising poultr; in Florida is less than in any other sectioi of the country. The demand for chicken and eggs is many hundred times greate than the supply. Prices are always high We will sell you a five-acre tract o these lands for only. $150 — only $30 ai acre for first class land on the outskirts of Florida's greatest city. Our terms an only $5 cash for each five acre tract and only $5 a month. This is only $1 an acre a month for this choice land. We charge no interest on deferred payments and we pay all taxes until deed is delivered. Call at our office for illustrated descrip- tive literature and we will arrange for you to visit these five acre tracts. JACKSONVILLE DEVELOPMENT CO., S. E. Cor. Laura and Forsyth Sts., Jacksonville, Fla. Call us up — 'Phone 1386, 1HE PLAGE FOR GENTLEMEN POOL BILLIARDS BOWLING ALLEYS ,6 120-122-124 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville, Fla. RESTAURANT SODA FOUNTAIN BARBER SHOP GIGARS and TOBAGGO Strictly a Temperance House THE PLA/ . A CAFE 22 W. FORSYTH STREET J. S. CATECjHIS, Prop. ALWAYS OPEN T.l.,.l,..„. 3453-J THE LATEST ADDITIONS to tne GREAT CAFES of the SUNNY ' SOUTH The Celebrated Cedar Spring Water Used Exclus ively SUPPER ' AFTER THEATRE New and Modern Eve"ry Particular Noted for Its Cu, 9 ine Once a Patron Always a Patron You and Your Friends will be Delighted With 'he Surroundings and the Service and Excellent Cuisine at: : : : : : the: plaza cafe: TH LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 499 161 8 Of Jacksonville Located on the northwest corner of Forsyth and Laura Streets the heart of the City is the oldest bank in Jacksonville and the largest bank in Florida. When in need of BANKING facilities we would be pleased to have you call on us. You will receive courteous attention and superior service. BARNETT NATIONAL BANK N. W, Corner Forsyth & Laura, Jacksonville, Florida.