E 475 .81 .U521 Copy 2 BATTLE OF GHICKAMAUGA, CA., SEPTEMBER 19-20, 18C3. I ^4 ^i, ORGAN IJl^^Ng, 188y ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND (Commanded by Major G-eneral W. S. Rosecrans) RETURN OF CASUALTIES. II ORGANIZATION ARMY OF TENNESSEE, (Commanded by G-eneral Braxton Bragg.) COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BRIGADIER GENERAL RICHARD C;. DRUM, *> ADJUTANT GENERAL U. S. ARMY, LSecond EdITjOX.] W A.SHI N GTO.N ] 8 b t' . ? n/ y r y BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA, GA., SEPTEMBER 19-20, 1863. I ORGANIZATION ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND (Commanded by Major-General "W, S. Rosecrans) RETURN OF CASUALTIES. II ORGANIZATION ARMY OF TENNESSEE (Commanded by General Braxton Bragg.) COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP BRIGADIER GENERAL RICHARD C. DRUM, ADJUTANT GENERAL V. S. ARMY. [Second Edition.] WASHINGTON: 1889. ORGAXIZATIOX OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. SKCOND DIVISION. Major-General James S. Negley Firftt Brigade. Brig. Geu. John Beatty. 104th III., Lieut. Col. Douglas Haprman. 42d Ind., Lt. Col. Wm. T. B. Mclntire. 88th Ind., Col. George Humpiirey. 15th Ky., Col. Marion C. Taylor. Second Brigade. Colonel Timothy R. Stanley. Coionel William L. Stoughton. IDth 111., Lt. Col. Alexander W. Raffen. llth Mich., Col. William L. Stoughton. Lt. Col. Melvin Mudge. 18th Ohio, Lt. Col. Chas. H. Grosvenor. Third Brigade. Colonel William 8irwell. 37th Indiana, Lieut. Col. William D. Ward. 21st Ohio, Lieut. Col Dwella M. Stoughton, Maj. Arnold McMahan, Capt. Charles H. Vantine. 74th Ohio, Captain Joseph Fisher. 78th Pennsylvania, Lieut. Col. Archibald Blakattery G, (od Brigade,) Captain Alexander Marshall. 1st Ohio Light, Battery M, (2d Brigade.) Captain Frederick Schultz. THIKD DIVISION. Brigadier-General John M. Brannan. Firat Brigade. Colonel John M. Connell. 82d Ind., Col. Morton C. Hunter. I7th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Durhin Ward. 31st Ohio, Lt. Col. Fredeiick W. Lister. 38th Ohio.* Col. Edward H. Phelps. Second Brigade. Colonel John T. Croxton. Colonel William H. HayS. 10th Ind., Col. William B. Carroll, Lieut. Col. Marsh B. Taylor. 74th Ind., Col. Charles W. Chapman, Lt. Col. Myron Baker. 4th Ky., Lt. Col. P. Burgess Hunt, Maj. Robert M. Kelly. 10th Ky., Col. William H. Hays, Major Gabriel C. Wharton. 14th Ohio, Lt. Col. Henry D. Kingsbury. Third Brigade. Colonel Ferdinand Van Derveer. 87th Indiana, Colonel Newell Gleason. 2d Minnesota, Colonel James George. 9th Ohio, Colonel Gustavo Kammerling. 3.5th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Henry V. N. Boynton. Artillery. 1st Michigan Light, Battery D, (1st Brigade,) Captain Josiah W. Church. 1st Ohio Light, Battery C. i2d Brigade,) Lieut. Marco B. Gary. 4th United .States, Battery I, (3d Brigade,) Lieut. Frank G. Smith. Not engaged : train-guard. ORGANIZATION" OF THE ARMV OF THE CUMBERLAND. rOURTH DIVISION. Major-General Joseph J. Reynolds. First Brigade* Colonel John T. Wilder. H2d 111.. Col. Smith D. Atkins. OBihlll., Col. John J. Funkhouser, Lt. Col. Edward Kitchell. 123d 111., Col. Jiunos Monroe. 17th Ind., Major William T. Jones. 72d Ind., Col. Abram 0. Miller. Seco)id Jhif/ade. Colonel Edward A.ICinK. Colonel Milton S. Kobinsoii. C8th Ind., Capt. Harvej' J. Espy. 75th Ind., Col. Milton S. Robinson. Lt. Col. William O'Brien. 101st Ind., Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan. lOSth Ohio, Major George T. Perkins. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. John B. Turchin. 18th Kentucky. Lieut. Col. Hnbbard K. Milward, Capt. John B. Heltemes. 11th Ohio, Col. Philander P. Lane. 3Gth Ohio, Colonel William G. Jones, Lieut. Col. Hiram F. Duval. 92d Ohio, Colonel Benjamin D. Fearincj, Lieut Col. Douglas Putnam, jr. Ariille7-y. Indiana Light, ISlh Battery, (1st Brigade,) Captain Eli Lilly. Indiana Light, 19th Battery, (2d Brigade,) Capt. Samuel J. Harris, Lieut. Robert G. Lackey. Indiana Light, 21st Battery, (3d Brigade,) Captain William W. Andrew. ^■' Detached from its division and serving as mounted infantry. 6 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. TWENTIETH ARMY CORPS. Major-Oenerai, Alexander McD. McCook. (jenehal headquarters. Provost- Guard — 81st Indiana Infantry, Company H, Captain William J. Richards. K^cori — 2d Kentucky Cavalry, Companj' I, Lieutenant George W. L. Batman. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis. First Brigade.* Second Brigade. Colonel P. Sidney Post. Brig. Gen. William P. Carlin. 5'Jth 111., Lieut. Col. Joshua C. Winters. 2lst 111., Col. John W. S. Alexander, 74th 111., Col. Jason Marsh. Capt. Chester K. Knight. 75th 111., Col. John E. Bennett. 38th 111., Lieut. Col. Daniel H. Gilmer, 22(1 Ind., Col. Michael Gooding. Capt. Willis G. Whitehurst. Wis. Light Artillery, 5th Battery, Capt. 81st Ind., Capt. Nevil B. Boone, Maj. George Q. Gardner. James E. Calloway. 101st Ohio, Lieui. Col. John Messer, Maj. Bedan B. McDanald, Capt. Leon- ard D. Smith. Minn. Light Artillery, 2d Battery, t Lieut. Albert Woodbury, Lieut. Richard L. Dawley. Third Brigade. Colonel Hans C. Heg. Colonel John A. Martin. 25th Illinois, Major Samuel D. Wall, Captain Wesford Taggart. 35th Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel W'illiara P. Chandler. 8th Kansas, Colonel John A. Martin, Lieutenant Colonel James L. Abernathy. 15th Wisconsin, Lieutenant-Colonel Ole C. Johnson. Wisconsin Light Artillery, 8th Battery, Lieutenant John D. McLean. * Not engaged ; guarding supply train. t Capt. William A. Hotchkiss, chief of division artillery. ORGANIZATION OF TIIK ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. SEUOXI) DIVISION'. Briffiidier-GcMieial Itioliiinl W. .lolinson. III., 1 11(1 liid First Brigade. Brigadier-General .\ugu.st Willich. 89th 111., Lieut. Col. Duncan J. Hall. Maj. T'Jtli William D. William.s. ' 'J'.Hli 32d Ind., Lieut. Col. Fratik Krdehneyer. BOtii 89th Ind.,* Col. Thomas J. Harrison. 77th Pa. 15th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Frank Askew. 49th Ohio, Maj. Samuel F. (iray, Captain Oh Luther M. Strong. 1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery A, Cap- tain Wilbur F. Goodspecd. Second Brigade. Colonel .lo.seph H. Dodge. Col. Allen Biicl. V* THIKI) DIVISION. BrigaJici-Gciieral Horatio P. Van Clevo. First Brigade. Second Jhif/ade. Brig. Gen. Samuel Beatty. Colonel George 1''. Dick. 7!Hh Ind., Col. Fredorick Knefler. 44lli Ind., l/ieiit. Col. Simeon C. Aldricli. '.'th Ky., Col. George H. Cram. 8(;ih Ind., Maj. Jacob C. Dick. 17th Ky., Col. Alexander M. Stout. VMh Ohio, [>ieiit. Col. Elhannon M. Mast, r.Hli Ohio, Lieut. Col. Henry G. Strattoii. Capt. Horatio G. Cosgrove. r>'.tth Ohio. Lt. Col. Granville A. Frambe.s. Third Brigade. Colonel Sidney M. Barnes. 85th Indiana, Major John P. Dufficy. 8th Kentucky. Lieut. Col. James D. Mayhew, Major John S. Clark. 21st Kentucky,'* Colonel S. Woodson Price. 51st Ohio, Colonel Richard \V. xMcClaiu, Lieut. Col. Charles H. Wood. y9th Ohio, Colonel Peter T. Swaine. Artilleri/. Indiana Light, 7th Battery, Captain George R. Swallow. Pennsylvania Light, 2Cth Battery, Capt. Alansoii J. Stevens, Lt. Samuel M. McDowell. Wisconsin Light, od Battery, Lieut. Cortland ijivingston. * Stationed at Whitesides. and not engaged. 10 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. RESERVE CORPS. Majuk-Genekal Goudon Gkasgek. first division. Brigadier-General .lames B. Steedman. Second Brigade. Colonel John G. Mitchell. 78th 111., Lieut. Col. Carter Van Vleck, Lieut. George Green. 98th Ohio, Captain Moses J. Urquharl, Capt. Armstrong J. Thomas. 113th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Darius B. Warner. 121st Ohio, Lt. Col. Henry B. Banning. 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery M, i^ieut. Thomas Burton. First Brigade. Brigadier-General Walter C. Whitaker. 9Gth 111., Col. Thomas E. Champion. Uoth 111., Col. Jesse H. Moore. 84th Ind., Col. Nelson Trusler. •22d Mich.,* Col. Heber i^e Favour, Lt. Col. Wm. Sanborn, Caj)t. Alonzo M. Keeler. 40th Ohio, Lieut. Col. William Jones. 89th Ohio,* Col. Caleb H. Carlton, Capt. Isaac C. Nelson-. Ohio Light Artillery. 18th Battery, Capt. Charles C. Aleshire. SECOND DIVISIOX. Second Brigade. Colonel Daniel McCook. 85th Illinois, Colonel Caleb J. Dilvvorth. 86th Illinois, Lieut. Col. David VV. Magee. 12ijth Illinois, Col. Oscar F. Harmon. 52d Ohio, Major James T. Holmes. 69|h Ohio, Lieut. Col. .foseph H. Brigham. 2d Illinois Light Artillery, Battery I, Capt. Charles M. Barnett. CAVALRY CORPS. Brigadier-Genehai, Robert B. Mitchell. first division. Colonel Edward M. McCook. F^rst Brigade Colonel Archibald P. Campbell. 2d Mich., Maj. Leonidas S. Scranton. 9th Pa., Lieut. Col. Roswell M. Russell. 1st Tenn., Lt. Col. James P. Brownlow. Second Brigade. • (.'olonel Daniel M. Ray. 2d Ind., Maj. Joseph B. Presdee. 4th Ind., Lieut. Col. John T. Deweese. 2d Teun., Lieut. Col. William R. Cook. 1st Wis., Col. Oscar H. La Grange. 1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery D, (sec- tion,) Lieut. Nathaniel M. Newell. Tliird Brigade. Colonel Louis D. Watkins. 4th Kentucky, Colonel VVicklifFe Cooper, oth Kentucky, Lieut. Col. William T. lloblitzell. 6tl) Kentucky. Major Louis A. Gratz. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier-General George Crook. First Brigade. Colonel Robert II. G. Minty. ;id Ind., (battalion) Lt. Col. Robt. Klein 4th Mich., Maj. Horace Gray. 7th Pa., Lieut. Col. James J. Seibert Second Brigade. Colonel Kli LonK. 2d Ky., Col. Thomas P. Nichola.s. 1st Oiiio, ]A. Col. Valentine Cupp, Major Thomas J. I'atten. 4th United States, Capt. Jas. B. Mclntyre. 3d Ohio, Lieut. Col. Charles B. Seidel. 4th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Oliver P. Rcbie. ArtilUri/. Chicago (Illinois) Board of Trade Battery, Cajilain James H. Stckes. * Temporarily attached. RETURN OF CASUALTIES IN THE ARM/ OF THE CUMBERLAND, COMMANDED BY MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM S. ROSECRANS. AT THE BATTLE OF CHICK- AMAUGA. GA., SEPTEMBER 19 AND 2U, 18G3.* Killed. Wo unded. Captured or missing. Command. in o O a S o O c 2 < o a. c3 o B 6 0) bb (l. Captured or missing. Command. (-. 0) u O c £ to OS ;~ u m o c a CO 'a bo < Third Brigade. Colonel Luther P. Bradley.* Colonel Nathan H. Walworth. 2'^d Illinois 23 1 12 16 5 4 4 3 71 75 119 89 4 2 2 29 10 4 16 130 27th Illinois 1 3 2 91 49f] Illinois 143 128 4 Total Third Brigade 6 52 16 358 5 59 496 Total Third Division 16 49 135 54 884 13 243 1,345 Total Twentieth Army Corps 374 163 2,535 64 1,151 4,336 * Wounded September 19th. CASUALTIES IN THE ARMY OF THE CUMBEKI.ANI). 19 Casualties — ( Co 1 1 li iiu ed . ) Killed. a) 5E O hiim1('(1. B -a CO 3 Captured or missing, c ■ S IS a> "S SE ^ O H Conmiiind. 2 O s g -a M 6 « bo 9 So bti < TWENTY-FIRST ARMY CORPS. Ma.i. Gen. Thomas L. Ciiittendkx. Kscort o FIUST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood. Staff 1 6 5 6 6 ] First Brigade. Colonel George P. Buell. lOOth Illinois 23 14 23 11 111 114 134 61 2 3 2 2 22 31 43 24 164 58th Indiana '2 4 2 8 1 1 2 169 2Hth Ohio 212 loth Michigan 106 total First Brigade 71 12 7 12 10 23 8 2 6 3 19 "l' 420 70 48 65 81 264 9 7 9 120 22 13 18 5 651 Third Brigade. ■■■ Colonel Charles G. llarker. 3d Kentucky H4th Ohio 113 71 65th Ohio 103 !"'5ti\ Ohio 105 4 Total Third Brigade 47 1 1 58 7 392 Artilleiy. Indiana Lip-ht, 8t.h Batteryf 17 Ohio Light, ('Ah Battervt 9 Total Artillery 2 1 16 7 26 12 Total First Division 120 44 700 9 185 1,070 * The Second Brigade vvas stationed at t Attached to First Brigade. Chattanooga, and not engaged, i Attached to Third Brigade. 20 CASUALTIES IX THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. Caswa/^res— (Continued.) Command. SKCOXI) lUVISIOX. Maj. Gen. John yi. Palmer. Staff First Brigade. Brijr. Gen. Charles Cruft. 31st Indiana 1st Kentucky (battalion ). 2d Kentucky , 9Ulh Ohio Total First Brigade Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. William B. Hazen. 9th Indiana 6th Kentuck}' 41st Ohio '. 124th Ohio Total Second Brigade.... Third Brigade. Colonel William Grose. Staff 84th Illinois.... 36th Indiana.... 23d Kentucky 6th Ohir. 24th Ohio Killed. Total Third Brigade.. ArtiUeri/. Caijtain William E. Standart. 1st Ohio Light, Battery B* ' Lst Ohio Light, Battery Ff [ 1 4th United States, Battery HJ 4th United States, Battery ilj Total Artillery Total Second Division. 12 W 20 41 Wounded. 10 26 122 KJ Captured or missing. 64 59 25 59 60 203 83 95 87 353 3 81 89 49 94 373 967 6 H 52 21 10 9 34 74 9 17 6 16 16 64 197 60 < 83 31 92 84 290 126 118 115 141 500 3 105 129 69 132 79 517 13 12 22 ~S 55 1,368 * Attached to First I'-rigade. t Attached to .Second Brigade. X Attached to Third Brigade. CASUAI/I'IKS IN TIIK AI{MY OF THE CUMlSKltLAXI). 21 Casualties — (Continued.) Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. d a o w C(iinm;in(i. 4) O o c S 'a (V 1 c s O Enlisted men. fl3 u fcC < TIUllI) DivrsioN. Brig. Gen. Hoiatio P. Van Cleve. Staff 1 I 9 12 15 23 1 First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Samuel Beutt}-. 70th Indiana , Olh Kentucky 1 2 5 7 2 2 42 41 103 58 55 60 17th Kentucky 1 12r, 19th Ohio 90 1 1 Total First Brigade 15 2 1 3 5 10 9 3 4 1 17 3 2 1 2 8 244 52 28 43 40 163 20 45 34 28 127 8 13 13 2 ""2 59 10 21 22 k8 831 Second Brigade. Colonel George F. Dick. 44th Indiana 74 XGth Indiana 53 13th Ohio 2 2 74 59th Ohio 78 Total Second Bri"'ade 5 11 5 4 8 3 2 2 1 4 7 1 81 35 27 51 24 279 Third Brigade. Colonel Sidney M. Barnes. 65 8th Kentucky 79 ")lst Ohio 98 liOth Ohio •57 Total Third Brif'ade 20 137 299 Artilleri/. ',) Pennsylyania Light, '2(ith Battery 1 1 2 1 1 11 17 26 Total Artillery 1 7 3 1 34 1 12 52 49 36 568 13 289 962 Total T^venty-first Army Corps.. 31 291 144 2, 238 28 671 3,403 22 CASUALTIES IX TUE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND, Casualties — (Continued. ) Killed. Woinulod. Captured or missing. 1 Command c a a a a) a a; o c CO 53 O CO m •-, CI o sa o 13 CO 'S c4 bX! < 1 RESERVE CORPS. '. Maj. Gex. Gokdox Graxger. Stiff 1 1 FIHST DIVISION. Bris- Gen. James B. Steedman. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Walter C. Wliitaker. Stiff 1 ] 9fith Illinois '. :i9 9 125 2 50 225 ll-'ith Illinois 2 3 20 20 9 6 142 91 1 9 18 183 84th Indiana 133 •'•'d Micliio'an* 32 17 17 3 8 2 2 40 93 94 61 8 614 14 13 30 247 11 158 389 40th Ohio 2 2 132 89th Ohio* 253 Ohio Li""ht Artillery, ISth Battery 10 9 Total F'irst Brigade 145 488 1,326 .Second Brigade. Colonel John G. Mitchell. 78th Illinois 1 -2 1 2 16 7 20 ( 2 8 3 8 7 69 38 90 76 9 4 1 58 12 12 7 1 15C. '.)8th Ohio 63 118th Ohio 131 I21st Ohio 99 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery M.. 12 Total Second Brigade 6 15 52 26 282 5 90 461 Total First Division 197 66 896 35 578 1,787 SKCONI) DIVISION. Second Brigade. Colonel Daniel McCook. >S.5th Illinois 86th Illinois l'25th Illinois .V2d Ohio »i9th Ohio . 2d Illinois Light Artillery, Battery I. . 66 14 Total Second Brigadef 2 18 34 16 Total Reserve Corps 199 910 35 596 1,822 Temporarily attached, t Nominal li.sts showing losses in detail are not on file. CASUALTIES IN THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. Casualties — (Continued.) Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command, . S c a> a c Oi B 2 03 o m o Enlisted o O Enlisted CO a m o •73 a; m eS to V bO to CAVALRY CORPS. Brig. Gex. KoiiKirr B. Mitciiki.i.. FIRST DIVISION. Colonel Kdward M. McCook. First Brigade. Colonel Archibald P. Campbell. ■ 2d Michigan 1 1 6 1 2 11 9th Pennsylvania 3 3 1st Tennessee •. 1 1 fi 1 Total First Brigade 1 1 G 15 Second Brigade. Colonel Daniel ^L Ray. ■'d Indiana 1 4 2 2 2 •5 7 9 1 3 4 6 Total Second Brigade 2 10 11 23 Third Brigade. Colonel Louis D. Watkins. 1 4 2 2 90 18 120 95 20 2 1 6" 131 Total Third Brigade 2 1 7 8 228 246 Total First Division 1 5 1 23 9 245 284 24 CASUALTIES IX THE ARMY OF I'HE CUMBERLAND. Casualties — (Continued. ) Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Cumnumd. S2 a> o O c s to "c a; « m o Enlisted men. CO i Enlisted men. "5 (D t£ < SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. George Crook. First^Brigade. Colonel Robert H. G. Minty. 3 11 13 5 3 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 19 7th Pennsylvania 1 19 4th United States 7 1 Total First Brigade 6 11 1 2 o 1 32 45 13 7 9 2 8 2 7 8 19 48 Second Brigade. Colonel Eli Long. 2d Kentucky 63 1st Ohio I 0-^ 3d Ohio 17 4th Ohio 1 34 Total Second Brigade 2 3 17 5 74 2 36 136 2 Total Second Division 23 6 106 44 184 Total Cavalry Corps 4 28 7 129 11 289 468 RECAPITULATION. General Headquarters. 14th Army Corps 20lh Army Corps 2l8t Army Corps Reserve Corps Cavalry Corps , Total Army of the Cumberland.... 140 624 374 291 199 28 1,516 228 163 144 66 7 608 2 4 3,327 112 1,813 2,535 64 1,151 2, 238 28 671 910 35 596 129 11 289 9, 141 250 1,524 6 6,144 4, 336 3,403 1,822 468 16,179 ORGANIZATIOlN OF THE AKMY OF TEiNNESSEE, GENERAL BRAXTON 13UA(j( C. S. ARM/, COMMANDING, AT THE BATTLE OF CHIOKAMaUGA;^- ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Genkuai. Hkaxtox liiiAfu;. Escort. Captain Guy Druux. Dreux's Company Louisiima Cavair}', Liputtiiant O. I)e Bitis. HoUoway's Company Alabama Cavali-y, Cajitaiii K. M. Hulluvvay. Right Wing. LiKUTENANT- Gexi:i;ai, Leomdas Poi.k. Escort — Greenleaf's Company Louisiana Cavalry, Caiitain Leeds Greenleaf. CIIEATIIAMS DlVIS'OX.f Major-Gencral Henjamin Franklin Cheatham. Escort — Company G, 2d Georgia Cavalry, Captain Thos. AL Merritt. Maiiey^ s Brigade. Brigadier-General Georse Maney. Ist and 27th Tenn., Col. Hume E. Feild. 4tli lenn., (Prov. Army,) Col. James A. McMurry, Lt. CoL Robert N. Lewit;, Major Oliver A. Bradshaw, and Capi. .losepli Bostick. tith and OlliTenn., Col. George C. Porter. 24th Tenn. ]lattalion S. !>., Major Frank Maney. Wright's Brigade. Brigadier-(Jeneral Marcus J. Wright. 8th Tennessee, C!ol. John II. Anderson. 16th Tennessee. Col. D. M. Donneil. 2!>th Tennessee, Col. vSidney S. Stanton. ;J8th Tenn. and Major Thos. B. Murray's (Tenn. ) Batt'n, Colonel John C. Carter. ■■>lst and52d'J'enn., Lt. Col. John G. Hall. Jackson's Brigade. Brigadier-General lolin K. Jaclison. 1st Georgia, (Confed..) 2d Battalion, .M;ij. James Clarke Gordon. 5th Geoigia, Colonel Chas P. Daniel. 2d Ga. Battalion S. S., Major Riehard IL White ey. 5th Mississippi, Lt. Col. W. L. Sykes and Major John B. Herring. 8th Mississippi, Col. John C. Wilkinson. Small's Brigade Brigadier-General Preston Smith. c'olonel Alfred Jefferson Vaughan, jr. 11th Tennessee, Colonel Geo. W. Gordon. 12th and 47th Tenn., Col.Wm. M.Watkins. loth and 154th Tenn., Col. Alfred Jefferson Yaughan, jr. , and Lt. Col. R. \V. Pitman. 29th Tennessee, Colonel Horace Rice. Dawson's Batt'nJ Sharpshooters, Major J. W. Dawson, Major William Green, and Major James Purl. StrahVs Brigade. Brigadier-General Otho F. Strahl. 4th and 5th Tennessee, Colonel Jonathan J. Lamb. 19th Tennessee, Colonel Francis M. Wiilker. 24th Tennessee, Colonel John A. Wilson. 31st Tennessee, Colonel Fgbert K. Tansil. 33d Tennessee, Colonel Warner P. Jones. Artilltrp. Major Melunehton Smith. Came ' (Tennessee) Battery, Captain W'w. W. Carnes. Scogin's (Georgia,) Battery, Captain John Scogin. Scott's (Tenn.) Battery, Lieuts. John II. Marsh and A. T. Watson, Caj.t. Wm. L. Scott. Smith's (Mississippi) Battery, Lieutenant William B. Turner. Stanford's (Missi sippi) Battery, Captain Thos. J. Stanford. * Compiled from the reports when not otherwise indicated, t Of Polk's corps X Composed of 'two companies from the 11th Tennessee, two from the 12tli Tennessee, (consolidated, J and one from the 154th Senior Tennessee. ind 47tli 26 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Pone's Briqade. Brigadier-General Lucius E. Polk. Ist Arkansas, Col. John \V. Colquitt. 3d and 5th Confederate, Col. J. A. Smith. '2(\ Tennessee, Col. Wiu. D. Robison. o5ih Tennessee, Col. Benj. J. Hill. 48th Tennessee, Col. George H. Nixon. HILL' CORPS. Lieitexant-Gexeuai, Daniel H. Hitx. cleburke's division. Major-General Patrick R. Cleburne. Escort — Sanders' Company Tennessee Cavalry, Captain C. F. Sanders. WoucCs Brigade. Brigadier-General S. A. M. Wood. 16th Alabama, Major John H. MoGaughy and Captain Frederick A. Aslifi rd. o3d Alabama, Colonel Samuel Adams. 45th Alabama. Color.el E. B. Ureedlove. 18th Alabama Batfn, Maj. John H. Gib- son and Colonel Samuel Adams.* 32d and 45th Miss., Col. M. P. Lowrey. 15th Miss. Batt'n S. S., Maj. A. T. Haw- kins and Capt. Daniel Coleman. Deshler^s Briqade. Brigadii r-General James Deshler. Colonel Roger Q. Mills. 19th and 24th Arkansas, Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Hutchinson. 6th, loth, and 15th Texas Inlt., Col. Roger Q. Mills and Lt. Col. T. Scott Anderson. 17th, 18th, 24th, and 25th Texas Cavalry,t Col. F. C. Wilkes, Lieut. Col. John T. Coit, and Major VVm. A. Taylor. Artilleri/. Major T. R. Hotcnkiss. » Captain Henry C. Semple. Calvert's (Ark.) Battery, Lieutenant Thomas J. Key. Douglas' (Texas) Battery, Captain James P. Douglas. Semple's (Ala.) Battery, Captain Henry C. Semple and Lieut. R. W. Gcldthwaite. bkeckinridoe's division. Major-General John C. Breckinridge. Escort— Fo\i]e&' Company Mississippi Cavalry, Captain H. L. Foules. Helm^s Brigade- Bripadier-General Btnjamin II. Ilelm. Colonel Joseph H. Lewi.s. list Alabama, Colonel Martin L. Stansel. 2d Kentucky, Colonel James W. Hewitt and Lient. Ccl. James W. Moss. 4th Kentucky, Col. Joseph P. Nuckols and Major Thos. W. Thompson, tjth Kentucky, Col. .(oseph H. Lewis and Lieut. Col. Martin H. Cofer. '••th Kentucky, Col. John W. Caldwell and Lieut. Col. John C. Wicklitle. Adains^ Brigade. Brigadier-General Daniel W. Adams. Colonel Randall Lee Gibson. 32d Alabama, Major John C. Kimbell. 13th and 2()th La., Col. Randall Lee Gib- son, Col. Leon von Zinken and Capt. E. M. Dubroca. IGth and 25th La., Col. Daniel Gober. liJth La., Lieut. Col. Richard W. Turner, Maj. Loudon Butler, and Capt. H. A. Kennedy. 14th Louisiana Batt"n, Maj. J. E. Austin. SiovalVs Brigade. Brigadier-General Marcellus A. Stovall. 1st and 3d Florida, Colonel Wm. S. Dilworth. 4th Florida, Colonel \V. L. L. Bowen. 47th (leorgia, Captain Wm. S. Phillips and Captain Joseph S. Cone. OOtli North Carolina, Lt. Col. James M. Ray and Captain James Thos. Weaver. Artillery, Major Rice E. Graves. ' Cobb's (Ky.) Battery, Captain Robert Cobb. Mebane's (Tenn.) Battery, Captain John W. Mebane. Slocomb's (La.) Battery, Captain C. H. Slocomb. * 33d Alabama. t Dismounted. ORGANIZATION OF TlIK ARMY OF TENNESSEE, 27 RESERVE CORPS. Ma.ior-Generai, W. II. T. Walker. walker's division. Bi-igadier-Genenil States Rights Gist. Gist's Brigade. Brigadier-General States Riglits Gist. Colonel Peyton H. Colquitt. Lieutenant-Colonel Leroy Napier. 46th Georgia, Col. Peyton H. Colquitt and Major A. M. Speer. 8th Ga. Batt'n, Lt. Col. Leroy Napier and Major Z. L. Watters. 16th S. C.> Col. James McCullough. 24th S. C, Colonel Clement H. Stevens and Lt. Col. Ellison Capers. Ector^s Brigade. Brig. Gen. JIatthew Duncan Ector. Stone's Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters, Mnjor T. 0. Stone. Pound's Mi.ssissippi Batt'n Sharpshooters, Captain ^L Pound. 29th N. C, Col. Wm, B. Creasman. 9th Te.xas, Col. Wm. H. Young. 10th Te.Kas Cav.,t Lt. Col. C. R. Earp. 14th Te.xas Cav.,t Col. J. L. Camp. 32d Te.xas Cav.,t Col. Julius A. Andrews. Wilson's Brigade. Colonel Claudius C. Wilson. 2nth Georgia, Lieut. Col. A. J. Williams. 29th Georgia, Lieutenant George R. McRae. 30th Georgia, Lieut. Col. James S. Boynton. 1st Georgia Battalion S. S., Major Arthur Shaaff. 4th Louisiana Battalion, Lieut. Col. John McEnery. Artillery. Ferguson's (S. C.) Battery,* Lieut. R. T. Beauregard. Howell's (Ga.) Battery, (formerly Martin's.) Captain Evan P. Howell. liddell's divisiox. Brisadier-General St. John R. Liddell. LiddelVs Brigade. Colonel Daniel C. Govan. 2d and 15th Arkansas, Lieut. Col. Reuben F. Harvey and Captain A. T. Meek. 5th and 13th Arkansas, Col. L. Featherston and Lieut. Col. John E. Murray. 6th and 7th Arkansas, Col. D. A. Gillespie and Lieut. Col. Peter Snyder. 8th Arkansas, Lt. Col. (leorge F. Baucum and Major A. Watkins. 1st Louisiana, (Regulars,) Lt. Col. George F. Baucum.t and Major A. Watkins.J Walthair stBrigade. Brigadier-General Edward Gary AValthall. 24th Miss., Lieut. Col. R. P. McKelvaine, Maj. W. C. Staples, and Captains B. F. Toomer and J. D. Smith. 27th Mississippi, Col. James A. Campbell. 29th Mississippi, Col. Wm. F. Brantly. oOth Mississippi, Col. Junius L Scales, Lt. Col. Hugh A. Reynolds, and Maj. James M. Johnson. 34th Mississippi, Major Wm. G. Pegram, Captain H. J. Bowen, Lieut. Col. Hugh A. Reynolds. § Artillerr/. Captain Charles Swett. Fowler's (Alabama) Battery, Captain Wm. H. Fowler. Warren Light Artillery, (Miss. Battery,) Lieutenant H. Shannon. * Not engaged ; at Rome, t Serving as infantry. J 8th Arkansas. I 30th Mississippi. 28 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Left Wing. LiKUTKN ant-General James Longstreet. iiindman's invisiON.* Major-General Thomas Carmichael Hindman. Brigadier- General James Pattou Anderson. Escort — Lenoir's Company Alabama Cavalry, Captain T. M. Lenoir. Andersoii's Brigade. Deas' Brigade. Brig. Gen. James Patton Anderson. Brigadier-General Zacli. C. Deas. Colonel J. H. Sharp. 7th Miss., Col. W. H. Bishop. 19th Ala., Col. Samuel K. McSpadden. 9th Miss., Major T. H. Lynam. 22d Ala., Lieut. Col. John Weedon and 10th Miss., Lieut. Col. James Barr. Capt. Harry T. Toulrain. 41st Miss., Col. W. ¥. Tucker. 25th Ala., Col. George D. Johnston. 44th Miss., Col. J. H. Sharp and Lieut. 39th Ala., Col. Whitfield Clark. Col. R. G. Kelsey. 50th Ala., Col. J. G. Coltart. 9th Miss. Batt. S. S., Maj.W. C. Richards. 17th Ala. Batt. S. S., Capt. Jas. F. Nabers. Garrity's (Ala.) Battery, Capt. Jas. Garrity. Dent's (Ala.) Battery, (formerly Robert- son's,) Capt. S. H. Dent, ManigauW s Brigade. Brigadier-General A. M. Manigault. 24th Alabama, Colonel N. N. Davis. 28th Alabama, Colonel John C. Reid. 34th Alabama, Major John N. Slaughter. 10th and 19th South Carolina, Colonel James F. Pressley. Waters' (Ala.) Battery, Lieutenant Charles W. Watkins. *0f Polk's corps. ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF TP^XXKSSEE. 29 BUCKNER'S CORPS. Major-Gkmouai. Simon Boi.ivak Bucknek. JE'scor^— Clark's Company Tennessee Cavalry, Captain J. \V. Clark. Stewart's division. Major-General Alexander P. Stewart. Johnson''s Brigade.^ Brigadier-General Busluod R.Johnson. Colonel John S. Fulton. 17th Tenn., Lieut. Col. Watt W. Floyd. 23d Tenn., Col. R. H. Kecble. 25th Tenn., Lieut. Col. K. B. Snowden. 44th Tenn., Lt. Col. John L. McEwen,jr., and Major G. M. Crawford. Brown^s Brigade, Brigadier-rieneral John C. Brown. Colonel Edmund C. Cook. 18th Tenn., Col. .lo.seph B. Palmer, Lieut. Col. Wm. R. Butler, and Captain Gid- eon H. Lowe. 26th Tenn., Colonel John M. Lillard and iMajor Richard M. Saffell. 32d Tenn., Colonel Edmund C. Cook and Captain Calaway G. Tucker. 45th Tenn., Colonel Anderson Searcy. 23d Tennessee Batt'n, Major Tazewell W. Newman and Captain W. P. Simpson. Claijion's Brigade. Brigadier-General Henry D. Clayton. 18th Alabama, Colonel J. T. Holtzclaw, Lieutenant-Colonel R. F. Inge, and Major P. F. Hunley. 36th Alabama, Colonel Lewis T. Wood- ruff. 38th Alabama, Lieutenant-Colonel A. R. Lankford. Bate's Brigade. Brigadier-General Wm. Brimage Bate. 58th Alabama, Colonel Bushrod Jones. 37th Georgia, Col. A. F. Rudler and Lieut. Col. Joseph T. Smith. 4th Georgia Batt'n Sharpshooters, Major T. D. Caswell, Captain M. B. Turner, and Lieutenant Joel Towers. 15th and 37th Tennessee, Col. R. C. Tyler, Lt. Col. R. Dudley Frayser, and Capt. R. M. Tankesley. 20th Tennessee, Colonel Thomas B. Smith and Major W. M. Shy. Ariilhrv. Major J. Wesley Eldridge. 1st Arkansas Battery, Captain John T. Humphreys. T. H. Dawson's (Georgia) Battery, Lieutenant R. W. Anderson. Eufaula Artillery, (Alabama Battery,) Captain McDonald Oliver. Company E, 9th Georgia Artillery Battalion, (Billington W. York's Battery,) Lieut. Wm. S. Everett. * Part of Johnson's provisional division. 30 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Preston's division. Brigadier-General William Preston. Grade's Brigade. Brigadier-General Archibald Gracie, jr. 43d Ala., Colonel Young M. Moody. 1st Ala. BattSt Lt. Col. John H. Holt and Capt. George W. Hugiiley. 2d Ala. Ba t.,tLt. Col. Boiling Hall, jr., and Capt. W. D. Walden. 3d Ala. Batt.t Maj. .Ino. W. A. Sanford. 4th Ala. Batt.J .Maj. .John D. McLennan. 63d Tenn.. Lt. Col. Abraham Fulkerson and Major John A. Aiken. Trigg's Brigade. Colonel Robert C. Trigg. 1st Florida Cavalry,* Colonel G. Troup Maxwell. Gth Florida, Col. J. J. Finley. 7th Florida, Col. Robert Bullock. 54th Virginia, Lieut. Col. John J. Wade. Third Brigade. Colonel John H. Kelly. 6-5th Georgia, Col. R. H. Moore. 5th Kentucky, Col. H. nawkins. 58th N. C.Col. John B. Palmer. 63d Virginia, Maj. James M. French. Artillery Battalion. Major A. Loyden. Jeffress' (Va. ) Battery, Capt. Wm. C. Jef- fress. Peeples' (Ga.) Battery, Captain Tyler M. Peeples. Wolihin's (Ga.) Battery, Capt. Andrew M. Wolihin. RESERVE CORPS .4RTILLERY. Major Samuel C. Williams. Baxters (Tenn.) Battery, Captain Edmund D. Baxter. Darden's (.Miss.) Battery, Captain Putnam Darden. Kolb's (Ala. 1 Battery, Captain R. F. Kolb. McCants' (Fla.) Battery, Captain Robert P. McCants. Johnson's division. § Brigadier-General Rushrod R. Johnson. Gregg'' s Brigade. Brigadier-General John Gregg. Colonel Cyrus A. Sugg. 3d Tenn., Col. Calvin H. Walker. 10th Tenn., Col. William Grace. 30th Tenn., Lieut. Col. James J. Turner and Captain Charles S. Douglass. 41st Tenn., Lt. Col. James D. Tillman. 50th Tenn., Col. Cyrus A. Sugg, Lt. Col. Thos. W. Beaumont, Maj. Christopher W. Robertson, Col. Calvin H. Walker. (f 1st Tenn. Batt'n, Majs. Stephen H. Colms and Christopher \V. Robertson.** 7th Texas. Col. H. B. Granbury and .Mnj. K. M. Vanzandt. Bledsoe's (Mo.) lottery, Lt. R. L. Wood. * Dismounted. t Hillard's legion. + Artillery battalion, Hiliiard's Legion, serving as infantry. ^ A provisional organization, embracing Johnson's and part of the time Robertson's brigades, as well as Gregg's and McNair's. September I'Jth attached to Longstreet's corps, und-r Major-General Hood. ^3d 'J'ennessee. **50th Tennessee. McNair's Brigade. Brigadier-General Evander McXair. Colonel David Coleman. 1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles,* Col. Rob- ert W. Harper. 2d Arkansas Mounted Rifles,'^ Colonel James A. Williamson. 25th Arkansas, Lieut. Col. Eli Hufstedler. 4th and 3 1st Ark., and 4th Ark. Battalion, (consolidated,) .Maj. J. A. Ross. 39th North Carolina, Colonel David Cole- man. Culpeper's (S. C.) Battery, Captain James F. Culpejicr. ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. 31 LONGSTREET'S CORPS.* Major-General John B. Hood. m' laws' division. Brigadier-General Josoph Brevard Kershaw. Major-General Lafayette iMcLaws. KersJiaw^s Brigade. Brigadier-General Joseph Brevard Kershaw. 2d S. C, Lieut. Col. Franklin Gaillard. 3d S. C, Col. James D. Nance. 7th S. C, Lt. Col. Elbert Bland, Major John S. Hard, and Capt. E. J. Goggans. 8th S. C;, Col. John W. Henagan. 15th S. C, Col. Joseph F. Gist. 3d S. C. Batt., Capt. Joshua M. Townsend Ilumphreys^ Brigade Brigadier-General Benj. G. Humphreys. 13th Miss., Lieut. Col. Kennon McElroy. Lieut. Col. John C. Fiser. Capt. W. F. Hubbard. Lieut. Col. D. N. Moody. 17th Miss 18th Miss 21st Miss Wofford's Briqade.\ Brigadier-General \Vm. T. Wofford. 16th Georgia. 18tli Georgia. 24th Georgia. 3d Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters. Cobb's (Georgia) Legion. Phillips (Georgia) Legion. Bryan'' s Brigade.'\ Brigadier-General Goode Bryan. lOfh Georgia. 50th Georgia. 51st Georgia" 53d Georgia. HOOD S DIVISION. Major-General John B. Hood. Brigadier-General Evander Mclver Law. Jenkins' Brigade. t Brigadier-General Micah Jenkins. 1st South Carolina. 2d South Carolina Rifles. 5th South Carolina. 6th South Carolina. Hampton Legion. Palmetto Sharpshooters. Rober-tson's Brigade.^ Brigadier-General Jerome B.Robertson. Colonel Van H. Manning. 3d Arkansas, Col. Van H. Manning. 1st Texas, Capt. R. J. Harding. 4th Texas, Col. John P. Bane and Capt. R. H. Bassett. 5th Texas, Maj. J. C. Rogers and Captains J. S. Cleveland and T. T. Clay. Law's Brigade. Brigadier-General Evander Mclver Law. Colonel James L. Sheffield. 4th Alabama, Col. Pinckney D. Bowles. 15th Alabama, Col. W. C. Gates. 44th Alabama, Col. Wm. F. Perry. 47th Alabama, Maj. James M. Campbell. 48th Ala., Lieut. Col. Wm. M. Hard wick. Anderson' s Brigade.X Brigadier-General George T. Anderson. 7th Georgia. 8th Georgia. 9th Georgia. 11th Georgia. 59th Georgia. Eenning's Brigade. Brigadier-General Henry L. Benning. 2d Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Shepherd and Major W. W. Charlton. 15th Georgia, Colonel Dudley M. DuBose and Major P. J. Shannon. 17th Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles W. Matthews. 20th Georgia, Colonel J. D. Waddell. CORPS artillery. t Colonel E. Porter Alexander. Fickling's (South Carolina) Batteiy. Parker's (Virginia) Battery. Jordan's (Virginia) Battery. Taylor's (Virginia) Battery. Moody's (Louisiana) Battery. Woolfolk's (Virginia) Battery. * Army of Northern Virginia. Organization taken from return of that army for August 31, 1863. Pickett's division was left in Virginia. t Longstreet's report indicates that these brigades did not arrive in time to take part in the battle. t Did not arrive in time to take part in the battle. Jenkins' brigade assigned' to the division September 11, 18G3. I Served part of the time in Johnson's provisional division. 32 ORGANIZATION OF THE AKMY OF TENNESSEE. RESERVE ARTILLERY. Major Felix H. Robertson. Barret's (Missouri) Battery, Captain Overton W, Barret. Le Gardeur's (Louisiana) Battery,* Captain G. Le Gardeur, jr. Havis' (Georjria) Battery, Captain M. W. Havis. Lumsden's (Alabama) Battery, Captain Charles L. Lumsden. Massenburg's (Georgia) Battery, Captain T. L. Massenburg. Cavalry, t Major-Gkneral Jo.sEi'ii Wheeler. Wharton's division. Brigadier-General John A. Wharton. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel C. C. Crews. Colonel Thomas Harrison. Malone's (Alabama) Regiment, Colonel 3d Confederate, Colonel W. N. Estes. J. C. Malone, jr. 3d Kentucky, Lieut. Col. J. W. GrifiSth. 2d Georgia, Lieut. Col. F. M. Ison. 4th Tennessee, Col. Paul F. Anderson. 3d Georgia, Colonel R. Thompson. 8th Texas, Lieut. Col. Gustave Cook. 4th Georgia, Colonel Isaac W. Avery. 11th Texas, Colonel G. R. Reeves. White's (Tenn.) Battery, Captain B. F. White, jr. martin's division. Brigadier-General William T. Martin. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel John T. Morgan. Colonel A. A. Russell. 1st Alabama, Lieut. Col. D. T. Blakey. 4th Alabama, J (Russell's Regiment,) Lt. 3d Alabama, Lt. Col. T. H. Mauldin. Col. J. M. Hambrick. 51st Alabama, Lt. Col. M. L. Kirkpatrick. 1st Confederate, Capt. C. H. Conner. 8th Confed., Lt. Col. John S. Prather. J. H. Wiggins' (Ark.j Battery, Lieut. J. P. Bryant. roddey's inUGADE. Brigadier-General Philip Dale Roddey. 4th Alabama,t (formerly Roddey's Regt.,) Col. W^m. A. Johnson. 5th Alabama, Colonel Josiah Patterson. 53d Alabama, Colonel M. W. Ilannon. Forrest's (Alabama) Regiment, Colonel Jeffrey E. Forrest. Ferrell's (Georgia] Battery, Captain 0. B. FerrelL * Not mentioned in the reports, but in Reserve Artillery August 31st, and Captain Le Gardeur, &c., relieved from duty in Army of Tennessee November 1, 1863. t From return of August 31, 18i)3, and repoits. jTwo regiments of the same designation. ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. 33 FORREST'S CORPS. BRIGADIEK-GENKltAI. NaTUAN BkUFORD FoRREST. Escort — Jackson's Company Tennessee Cavalry, Captain J. C. Jackson. Armstrong's division.* Brigadier- General B>ank C. Armstrong. Armstrong'' s Brigade. Colonel James T. Wheeler. 3d Arkansas, Colonel A. W. Hobson. 2d Kentucky, Lieut. Col. Thomas G. Woodward. 6th Tennessee, Lt. Col. James H. Lewis, 18th Tennessee Battalion, Major Charles McDonald. ForresVs Brigade. Colonel George G. Dibrell. 4th Tenn., Col. Wm. S. McLemore. 8th Tenn., Capt. Hamilton McGinnis. t)th Tenn., Col. Jacob B. BifBe. lOtli Tenn., Col. Nicholas Nickleby Cox. 11th Tenn., Col. Daniel Wilson Holman. Shaw's Battalion, 0. P. Hamilton's Bat- talion, and R. D. Allison's Squadron, (consolidated,) Major Joseph Shaw. Huggins' (Tenn.) Battery, (formerly Free- man's,) Captain A. L. Huggins. Morton's (Tenn.) Battery, Capt. John W. Morton, jr. pegram's division.! Brigadier-General John Pegram. Davidson'' s Brigade. Brigadier-General H. B. Davidson. 1st Georgia, Colonel J. J. Morrison. 6th Georgia, Colonel John R. Hart. 6th North Carolina, Col. George N. Folk. Rucker's 1st Tenn. Legion, Colonel E. W. Rucker, (12th Tenn. Balt'n, Maj. G. W. Day, and 16th Tenn. Batt'n, Capt. J no. Q. Arnold.)t Huwald's (Tenn.) Battery, Capt. Gustave A. Huwald. Scotfs Brigade. Colonel John S. Scott. 10th Confederate, Colonel C. T. Goode. Detachment of John H. Morgan's com- mand, Lieut. Col. R. M. Martin. 1st Louisiana, Lieut. Col. Jas. 0. Nixon. 2d Tennessee, Colonel H. M. Ashby. 5th Tenne see. Col. Geo. W. McKenzie. N. T. N. Robinson's (Louisiana) Battery, (1 section,) Lieut. Winslow Robinson. * From return for August 31, 1863, and reports. t Taken from Pegram's and Scott's reports and assignments, but the composition of the division is uncertain. X Captain Co. B, 12th Battalion. / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lll'llj ll'r'lll''HIMI'llllH!il'llll''ll"|ii 013 702 451 2 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 702 451 2 ♦